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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

My Lord, — General Post Office, Wellington, Ist July, 1907. I have the honour to submit to Your Excellency the Report of the Post and Telegraph Department for the year 1906, with the usual statement of revenue and expenditure to the 31st March last. I have the honour to be Your Lordship's most obedient servant, J. G. Ward. Postmaster-General and Minister of Telegraphs. His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand.

Review. The year has been one of uninterrupted prosperity. The revenue of the Department and the excess of revenue over expenditure were the highest yet attained. For the first time, the revenue of the telegraph branch has exceeded the expenditure, and this by the substantial sum of £16,161. This is mainly due to the rapid expansion of the te'ephone exchange revenue and tie reduction of te'egraph rates. The results of the large reductions in postage and telegram rates which were made as from the Ist November last have been most gratifying to the public and the Department. The reduction in parcel rates, which was made on the Ist January last may be particularly referred to as having resulted in a great increase of the parcel-post business, which will probably reach 100 per cent, within the next few months. The expansion of the business has necessitated large additions to the staff, and it is a matter for serious consideration whether additional avenues for promotion should not be made by improving the position of many of the postal and telegraph officers.

i—F. 1.

Ft— l.

Revenue and Expenditure. The revenue and expenditure of the Department for the year 1906-7 are shown in the following table : —

The total revenue exceeded that of 1905-6 by £61,371, and the expenditure by £40,394. If to the balance of revenue over expenditure there be added the value of free official postal correspondence (£64,872 Is. 4d.) and official telegrams (£17,486 19s. Bd.) dealt with during the first nine months of the financial year, the net balance on the year's transactions will be found to be £209,487 16s. B£d. The money-order business still shows a relatively small rate of increase. The issues numbered 439,020 for £1,686,231 Is. lid., and 332,560 for £1,434,038 6s. sd. were paid. The increase in the number of orders issued as compared with last year was 21,579, of which 14,256, or 66 per cent., was due to orders issued for payment within the colony, while 7,323, or 34 per cent., was on account of orders issued for payment beyond the colony. Of the increase in the number of orders issued for payment beyond the colony, those drawn on the United Kingdom increased by 3,391, New South Wales by 3,193, Tasmania by 502, and Victoria by 498, as compared with those issued for the preceding year. New Zoaland postal-note business continues to increase. During the past year 981,642 postal notes for £314,053 6s. were sold, being an increase of 12-15 per cent, in number and 13-67 in amount as compared with the preceding year. The number of British postal orders sold increased from 27,369 for £13,581 18s. to 31,698 valued at £16,229 15s. 6d., and 9,461 orders for £6,426 4s. were paid as against 7,364 for £5,052 7s. 6d. paid during the previous year. The number of parcels insured during the year was 1,508, valued at £20,969 17s. 5d., upon which premiums amounting to £49 3s. 2d. were received. The increase in the amount standing to the credit of savings-bank depositors has been considerate. The deposits (£7,907,154 12s. 5d.) exceeded the withdrawals (£6,907,103 17s. 7d.) by £1,000,050 14s. lOd. To this there has been added £291,191 19s. Id. as interest, making a total increase of £1,291,242 14s. 10d., and bringing the whole amount of savings up to £9,953,265 lis., an amount which equals £10 19s. Id. per head of the population. The number of old-age pension payments was 152,502, as compared with 141,018 in the previous year, an increase of 11,484, or 8-14 per cent. The total amount of the payments was £314,204 15s. 9d., as against £254,360 16s. 6d. paid out in the preceding year, an increase of £59,843 19s. 3d. The total number of telegrams forwarded was 6,396,332, an increase of 756,113, or 13-41 per cent., as compared with the business of the previous year. Of the increase it is estimated that 12-41 per cent, was due to ordinary expansion of business, while the International Exhibition held at Christchurch was probably responsible for the remaining 1 per cent. The amount expended on telegraph extension was £114,068, but there are liabilities amounting to £75,110 on account of works for which the authority of Parliament too late for the necessary expenditure to be brought .within the financial year. On. the 31st March, 1907, there were 8,953 miles of telegraph-line and 27 031 miles of wire. The length of submarine cables within the colony was 289 knots. The number of telephone-exchange subscribers still continues to increase in a very rapid manner, having risen from 15,333 to 17,403, while the subscriptions amounted to £100,814J)s 3d., or £21,272 more than the previous year.


Item. Postal. Telegraph. Total. I Receipts. Stamps for postage Money-order and postal-note commission Money-order commission received from foreign offices Private box and bug fees Miscellaneous receipts Paid telegrams Telephone exchanges £ s. d. 397,458 17 3J 25,465 17 2J 620 8 2 9,289 13 9 5,894 3 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. 397,458 17 3* 25,465 17 2£ 620 8 2 9,289 13 9 10,299 18 11 202,301 0 5J 100,814 0 3 4,405 15 3 202,301 0 5 i 100,814 0 3 Totals 438,729 0 1 307,520 15 11J 746,249 16 0$ Expenditure. Salaries (classified officers) Salaries (country Postmasters and telephonists, and contributions to Railway officers) Conveyance of mails by sea Conveyance of inland mails .. Conveyance of mails by railway Money-order commission credited to foreign offices Maintenance of telegraph-lines Miscellaneous £ s. d. 119,030 0 0 19,652 0 0 60,610 19 9 53,981 9 10 33,665 2 9 1,852 1 4 £ a. d. 210,190 0 0 24,836 0 0 £ s. d. 329,220 0 0 44,488 0 0 60,610 19 9 53,981 9 10 33,665 2 9 1,852 1 4 24,521 2 4 70,782 4 9 38,969 14 7 24,52i 2 4 31,812 10 2 Balance of revenue over expenditure 327,761 8 3 110,967 11 10 291,359 12 6 16,161 3 5J 619,121 0 9 127,128 15 3J Totals 438,729 0 1 307,520 15 11J 746,249 16 0J


Statement showing Revenue and Expenditure of the Post and Telegraph Department for the Ten Years ended 31st March, 1907, and for the Years 1881-82 and 1891-92.

Title of Electric Telegraph Commissioner altered to "Minister op Telegraphs." Under section 14 of " The Statute Law Amendment Act, 1906," the title of the Electric Telegraph Commissioner was altered to that of " Minister of Telegraphs." Absence op Postmaster-General in London. During the visit of the Prime Minister to London to represent the colony at the Imperial Conference, his portfolios of Postmaster-General and Minister of Telegraphs were held by the Attorney-General, the Hon. Dr. J. G. Findlay. Staff. Severe loss has been visited upon the Department during the past year in the deaths of Mr. Thomas Rose, Assistant Secretary, and Mr. William Gray, 1.5.0., Secretary, on the 6th October, 1906, and the 22nd March, 1907, respectively. Mr. Gray joined the service on the Ist February, 1864. He had been Secretary of the Post Office since the Ist May, 1874, and Secretary of the combined Post and Telegraph Department since the Ist January, 1881. Mr. Rose entered the service on the 29th November, 1873, filling the responsible position of Inspector. He was appointed Assistant Secretary in addition from the Ist January, 1894. To fill the consequent vacancies Mr. Donald Robertson, Chief Clerk of the Post and Telegraph Department, was promoted to be Assistant Secretary and Inspector from the 7th October, 1906, and was subsequently appointed Secretary as from the 23rd March, 1907. The Assistant Secretaryship has been filled by the promotion of Mr. W. R. Morris. Mr. J. W. Wilkin, Chief Postmaster, Dunedin, and the officer of longest service in the Department, died on the 19th November, 1906, after a protracted illness. The late Mr. Wilkin had to his credit over forty-four years' unbroken service, having joined the Post Office on the Ist April, 1862. On the 31st March, 1907, Mr. George Gray, who had filled the position of Controller of Money-orders and Savings-Banks and Accountant since the Ist July, 1891, retired ou pension after over thirty-nine years' service. Mr. W. R. Morris, Assistant Controller and Accountant, was promoted to be Controller and Accountant in succession to Mr. Gray. Mr. Duncan Cumming was promoted from the Chief Postmastership of Auckland to be Inspector of Post-offices on the Ist January, 1907, and has since been promoted to be Controller of Moneyorders and Savings-Banks and Accountant. The Superintendent of Electric Lines, Mr. J. K. Logan, left for Australia on the 3rd November, 1.906, en route to England to inquire into the telegraph and telephone systems of the principal parts of the world. Mr. Logan visited Great Britain, Europe, and America, and returned to the colony on the 26th June. During Mr. Logan's absence Mr. W. G. Meddings, Inspector of Telegraphs, Auckland, acted as Superintendent of Electric Lines. The total number of officers on the staff on the 31st March was as under :— 31st March, 1907. Postmaster-General ... .. ... ... ... ... 1 Classified staff:— First Division ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Clerical Division .... ... ... ... ... ... 2,025 Non-clerical Division ... ... ... ... ... ... 538 Telegraph message-boys... ... ... ... ... ... 581 Total, classified staff ... ... ... ... ... 3,147


Year. Revenue. Expenditure. Balance of Revenue over Expenditure. £ 234,529 s. d. 8 0 £ a. 233,291 10 d. 4 £ s. 1,237 17 d. 8 1881-82 1891-92 320,058 1 3 268,343 1 1 51,715 0 2 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-1902 1902-1903 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905-1906 1906-1907 408,383 15 3 445.770 7 1 488,245 16 4 503,835 19 54488,573 1 111 525,098 17 3£ \ 580.771 4 5* 633,305 12 1\ ! 684,878 11 2 746,249 16 0£ 364,403 3 1 390,197 8 6 390,448 1 7 418,271 16 11 465,756 9 5 487,814 10 0 526,746 14 5 559,921 1 5 578,726 11 7 619,121 0 9 43,980 12 55,572 18 97,797 14 85,564 2 22,816 12 37,284 7 54,024 10 73,384 11 106,151 19 127,128 15 2 7 9 6* 6* 3* 0^ 2* 7 3* Total for ten years £703,706 4 0


Employees not on permanent staff: — 31st March, 1907. Country Postmasters and Postmistresses ... ... ... ... 1,870 Night-watchman ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Mail-cart drivers ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Postmasters and telegraphists or telephonists who are Railway officers 167 Total... .. ;.. ... ... ... ... 5,192 Comparative Return of Officers of the Post wnd Telegraph Department for the Years ended 31s£ March, 1906, and 31st March, 1907. Mar. 31, Mar. 31, Mar. SI, Mar. 31, 18C6. 1907. 101-β. 19 7. Postmaster-General .. .. .. 1 1 Brought forward .. .. 140 152 Secretary .. .. .. .... 1 1 Sub-Inspector of Telesranhs .. .. .. 1 Superintendent of Electric Lines .. 1 1 Assistant Inspectors of Post-offices .. 4 4 Assistant Secretary and Inspector .. 1 .. Chief Postmasters .. .. 17 17 Inspector of Poßt-offices .. .. .. 1 Postmasters and Officers in Charge on Controller of Money-orders and Savings- permanent staff .. .. ..118 136 banks and Accountant .. .. 1 1 Clerks (including Telephone Exchange j Chief Clerk .. .. .. .. 1 1 Ciidettes and Cadets in post-oltices) v g l g j _ lg Assistant Controller of Money-orders and Operators (including Cadets in telegraph- J ' ' Savings-banks and Accountant .. 1 1 offices) ' Clerks in General Post Office— Post Office Sorters .. .. 19 86 Secretary's Office .. .. 19 23 Letter-carriers .. .. .. 303 336 Inspector's and Dead Letter Branch .. 8 9 Messengers (Post Office) .. 75 78 Controller of Money-orders and Savings- Linemen .. .. .. 74 81 banks and Accountant's Branch 82 90 S rters (Telegraph Office) .. .. .. 7 Storekeeper, Assistant, and Clerks .. 10 18 Telegraph Message-boys .. .. 555 581 Electrician .. .. .. .. 1 1 Night-watchman .. .. .. 2 1 Assistant Electricians .. .. .. 3 2 Mail-cart Drivers .. .. .. 4 7 Mechanicians and Cadets .. .. 5 11 Postmasters and Telegraphists or TeleTelegraph Inspectors .. .. .. 5 5 phonists who are Railway officers .. 171 167 Assistant Inspector of Telegraphs .. .. 1 Country Postmasters, Postmistresses, and Telephonists .. .. .. 1,829 1,870 Carried forward .. .. 140 152 Totals .. .. .. 4,929 5,192 The conduct of the staff has been satisfactory, the heavy strain consequent on the exceptional increase of both postal and telegraph business having been met in a praisewoithy manner. The continued rapid expansion of telegraph business has necessitated the continuance of the school for learners at Oamaru practically throughout the year. A school was, in addition, opened at Onehunga at the beginning of this year. As the lads have qualified in telegraph-operating and passed a technical examination they have been drafted for duty at offices. A technical examination which all telegraph cadets are by the Classification Regulations required to pass was held on the 29th August, 1906, and again on the 27th March, 1907. The percentage of successful candidates on each occasion was satisfactory. In terms of " The Post Office Act Amendment Act, 1906," officers of the Sixth Class who have served more than seventeen years receive two additional annual increments of £10 each without being transferred from the class. Under the same Act the maximum salary of the class is thus increased from £200 to £220 per annum. The Act also provides for increasing the maximum salary of linemen and letter-carriers of the first grade from £150 to £160, and that of Post Office messengers from £140 to £160. The schedule relating to counter-clerks (telegraph), assistant counter-clerks (telegraph), assistant exchange clerks, junior exchange clerks, assistant despatch-clerks, and distributors has also been abolished, and one substituted providing for a salary in respect of each position, rising from £50 to £150 a year by annual increments of £10 each. Authority is given under the Act to make regulations (a) prescribing a test of efficiency for officers in the Sixth Class before they may receive increments beyond £150 and £180 respectively; (b) prescribing that no male officer twenty-two years of age shall draw a salary less than £100 per annum ; and (c) prescribing a greater minimum and a lesser maximum salary for officers in certain classes of the Non-clerical Division. Regulations under the Act have been prepared. - Health of Staff. The following table gives the average absence of officers on sick-leave : —

Appeal Board. The Board, which met in April last year, dealt with four appeals. In each case the finding was against the appellant, which is an indication of the satisfactory manner in which the classification of officers has been administered. The term of office of the elective members having expired, an election


Numbers comprised Average Absence per (Principal Offices). ! Sick Officer. Average Sick-absence per each Officer employed. Men ... Women Days. 1,618 12-57 252 2115 Days. 5-83 15-78


of representatives took place in February this year. Mr. Harold Lincoln S'yfield was nominated for the Telegraph branch, and; being unopposed, was elected to represent that branch. Two nominations having been received for the Postal branch, a poll was taken, and Mr. Arthur Frederick Wimsett was elected. Inspectors of Telegraphs as Justices of the Peace. The Inspectors of Telegraphs at Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson, and Wellington were appointed Justices of the Peace for the purpose alone of witnessing declarations of secrecy under " The Electric Lines Act, 1884." Universal Penny Postage. The following motion was introduced by the Prime Minister of New Zealand at the Imperial Conference, London, on the 9th May last: " That, in view of the enormous social and political advantages and the very material commercial advantages to accrue from a system of international penny postage, and of the further fact that any depression in postal revenue resulting from'the'adoption of such a system has now been proved to be only temporary in duration and inconsiderable in amount, this Conference recommends to His Majesty's Government the advisability, if and when suitable opportunity occurs, of approaching the Government of those States, members of the Universal Postal ..Union, which have hitherto declined to agree either to an interchange of letters at a one-penny rate for the minimum rate, or to the receipt of letters from abroad at the same rate, with a view to a more general and, if possible, a universal adoption of that rate." The resolution was agreed to. The letter rate of postage from New Zealand to the United States of America was reduced from 2Jd. to Id. per J oz. on the Ist of November, 1906. Post-office Inspection. During the year the four Assistant Inspectors of Post-offices visited and inspected 1,731 offices, and travelled 36,297 miles. In addition to this they also acted as relievingjChief Postmasters in several districts. Inland Letter Postage Rate. From the Ist November, 1906, the rate of postage for letters conveyed within New Zealand, which had previously been Id. for each \ oz. or fraction thereof, was reduced to Id. for each 4 oz. or fraction thereof. An estimate of the letters dealt with under the new rate for the quarter ended the 31st March, 1907, shows that during that period the total number of letters posted increased by 416,315 over those dealt with during the same period of 1906. The saving to the public for the quarter is estimated at £6,359, or at the rate of £25,436 a year, while the loss of revenue is put down at £1,088. These results are much more favourable than was expected. Official Correspondence. One of the most important events of the year has been the abolition of franking of official letters and telegrams generally as from the Ist January, 1907. The free transmission of correspondence by post had subsisted for about sixty-six years, while the system of franked telegrams had been in force almost from the commencement of telegraph operations in the colony. Apart from the fact that the Post Office was performing work for other Departments without remuneration, it was felt that the system of franking had grown to extravagant dimensions. While it was probably the case that the number of letters sent by post by Government officers was not excessive, it was found that many of the pubic were evading the postage rates by addressing letters on their private affairs to Government Departments as on public service. In the Telegraph branch it had been well known for many years that the free transmission of telegrams by Government Departments was conducive neither to brevity nor to a restriction of the number of messages. Moreover, the wires were very frequently occupied by official messages which contained matter that might without inconvenience have been dealt with by post. Under the new system letters and telegrams are paid for by affixing stamps which are overprinted " Official," special arrangements being made for prepaying quantities of correspondence, which are accepted without stamps, and marked " Official, Paid "by the Post Office. The result of the change has been that for the quarter ended the 31st March, 1907, it is estimated that the postage on official letters was £5,706, or, say, a total for the year of £22,824, as against £56,898 for the year ended the 31st December, 1906. The value of official telegrams was £2,217, or, say, allowing for increased work during the session of Parliament, at the rate of £10,000 a year, as against £24,168 for the previous year: —a difference of about £14,000. The great decrease in the value of letter-postage is principally accounted for by the fact that official letters are frequently bulky, and gain the full advantage of the reduced letter rates of postage. That the value of telegrams would be largely reduced was foreseen, the definite charge against Departments being likely not only to restrict the number of messages, but to reduce their length to a minimum, . Inland Telegraph Rates. On the Ist November, 1906, the rate for ordinary inland telegrams, which formerly was 6d. for the first twelve words or less, including address and signature, and Id. for every additional word, was reduced to per word, with a minimum charge of 6d. The urgent rates were likewise reduced to be double the new charge for ordinary messages.



The total number of ordinary telegrams and urgent telegrams forwarded from the Ist November, 1905, to the 31st March, 1906, inclusive, was 1,931,514, producing a net revenue of £67,958. The total number of messages—ordinary and urgents only—forwarded for the period Ist November, 1906, to 31st March, 1907, was 2,260,417. They produced a net revenue of £72,857. Taking the average value at the old rates of each ordinary telegram as 812 d. and each urgent telegram as 14 - 52 d., as quoted in the annual report for 1905-6, the above number of messages for the five months would have produced a revenue of £79,602. The gain to the public is therefore approximately £6,745, or £16,188 for the year. It was estimated that the immediate gain to the public would be £14,000. The estimated loss of about £3,000 of revenue for five months gave place to a gain of £4,899. Special-messenger Service. Cases having occurred in which requests had been made for packages of excessive weight to be carried by the special-messenger service, it was found necessary to limit to ten the number of articles for delivery by one messenger, their aggregate weight not to exceed 15 lb. unless a special conveyance is paid for. When several letters or packets are tendered by one sender for delivery at different addresses by the same messenger, or to different persons at the same address, a charge is made at the rate of Is. for the first hour and 6d. for each succeeding half-hour or fraction thereof, in addition to which a fixed fee of Id. must be paid for each article above one. Each packet over 1 lb. in weight is subject to an additional delivery fee of 3d. A charge of 3d. is also levied for each quarter of an hour in cases where a messenger waiting for a reply or for further service is detained for more than ten minutes, Payment of fees may, at the option of telephone-exchange subscribers, be made either at the time of the service being performed, or included_m_the_account rendered for rental of an exchange connection. " The Post Office Act Amendment Act, 1906." The above Act amends " The Post Office Act, 1900," and " The Post and Telegraph Department Act, 1894." Sections 1-10 came into operation on the Ist January, 1907, while sections 11 and 12 took effect from the Ist April, 1907. The provisions of the Act are as follows : — The Colonial Treasurer may from time to time determine the rate of interest to be paid' to depositors in the Post-Office Sayings-Bank. The maximum rate payable shall not, however, be more than 5 per centum on deposits not exceeding £300, and 4 per centum on so much of a deposit as exceeds £300 and does not exceed £600. £600 is the maximum interest-bearing amount in ordinary accounts. Section 3 relates to the operation of the Post Office Account, and contains a proviso that the total amount of payments under this section by Postmasters shall not at any time exceed the balance of moneys in the hands of the Postmaster-General imprested to him for the purposes of making such payments, together with the amount of postal or other revenue in the Post Office Account. Such postal or other revenue shall not be held in any way to include the Post-Office Savings-Bank deposits. Under section 4 additional regulations as to the Post-Office Savings-Bank may be made— (a.) For the nomination by an adult depositor of any person or persons to whom, in the event of his decease, money standing to his credit shall be paid ; (b.) For payment or transfer of deposits belonging to persons appearing to be minors or of unsound mind, or forming part of the estate of any person appearing to he deceased ; and (c.) For evidence being given relative to the amounts deposited or withdrawn by persons to whom pensions have been granted under " The Old-age Pensions Act, 1898," or by claimants for pensions under that Act. Reciprocal arrangements with foreign savings-banks may be entered into by the PostmasterGeneral. The entry in a depositor's book of a sum less than £1 is accepted as conclusive evidence of title, and a formal acknowledgment is not necessary. Postal packets addressed to or sent by institutes for the blind or public libraries, containing matter prepared in raised characters for the use of the blind, are not subject to postage. The Postmaster-General may from time to time cause post-office pillar boxes to be erected and maintained in any road or street, reserve, or public place. Sections 9 and 10 of the Act more clearly define the powers of the Postmaster-General under the principal Act in regard to prohibitions. The Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, prohibit the registration, forwarding, or delivery of postal packets, and the issue or payment of money-orders, to any person in New Zealand or elsewhere whom he has at any time reasonable ground to suppose is engaged— (a.) In receiving any money or valuable thing as the consideration for an assurance or agreement, expressed or implied, to pay or give any money or valuable thing on any event or contingency relating to any horse-race or other race, fight, game, sport, or exercise, or as the consideration for securing the paying or giving by some other person of any money or valuable thing on any such event or contingency; or (b.) In promoting or carrying out any scheme connected with any such assurance or agreement, or any lottery, scheme of chance, or unlawful game ; or (c.) In receiving money under pretence of foretelling future events; or (d.) In any fraudulent, obscene, immoral, or unlawful business or undertaking ; or (c.) In advertising in direct or indirect terms the treatment of diseases of the sexual organs.



Under section 10 the Postmaster-General has power to order the destruction of the contents of any postal packet (other than a letter or a letter-card) addressed to any person (either by his own or any fictitious name or assumed name), or to any address without a name, posted in New Zealand or elsewhere, which he has reason to suspect contains or is supposed to contain any printed or written matter of any kind, or any enclosure of any kind — (a.) Which is of a libellous, blasphemous, indecent, or immoral nature, or likely to have an indecent or immoral effect; or (o.) In advertisement of any lottery or scheme of chance. The first interdiction under section 9 of " The Post Office Act Amendment Act, 1906," wa» made by warrant dated the Bth March, 1907. Several warrants have since been issued. New Zealand International Exhibition, Christchurch, 1906-7. As from the 22nd October, 1906, a post-office, money-order office, postal-note office, and savingsbank were opened at the Exhibition, and a telegraph receiving-office and bureau were also opened on the following day. A half-hourly service by telegraph messenger between the Christchurch Telegraphoffice and the Exhibition was arranged, as was also a special-delivery service in the Exhibition. Four posting-boxes were erected in the building, exclusive of a box at the post-office. The Department also displayed a suitable exhibit. The office was closed on the 20th April, 1907. Postage-stamps at id., Id., 3d., and 6d. were issued in commemoration of the Exhibition. Each stamp bore the words " Commemorative Series of 1906." The illustration on the £d. stamp represented the arrival of the Maoris in the canoe " Arawa " from Hawaiki; the Id. stamp illustrated several branches of Maori art; the 3d. stamp showed the landing of Captain Cook at Poverty Bay; and the 6d. stamp represented the hoisting of the British flag at Kororareka, Bay of Islands. The stamps, which were valid for all purposes, were sold at the Exhibition post-office only. The articles posted in Christchurch during the Exhibition period (Ist November, 1906, to 15th April, 1907) were 5,266,128 letters; 15,568 registered articles; 74,312 official letters; 77,728 letter-cards ; 520,576 post-cards; 2,495,068 books, pattern packets, and circulars; and 1,702,456 newspapers. Compared with the same period for 1905-6, there was an increase of 2,147,068 letters; 8,540 registered articles ; 420,336 post-cards; 1,101,980 books, &c.; and 610,008 newspapers. There was a reduction of 92,904 in official letters, and 5,936 in letter-cards. The articles delivered in Christchurch from the Ist November, 1906, to the 15th April, 1907, numbered 4,342,800 letters; 54,208 registered articles; 78,848 official letters; 80,780 letter-cards; 313,544 post-cards; 1,165,400 books, pattern packets, and circulars; and 1,062,152 newspapers—an increase over the same period in 1905-6 of 1,265,964 letters, 25,912 registered articles, 5,084 letter-cards, 80,584 post-cards, and 976,780 newspapers. Official letters decreased by 38,864, and books, &c, by 167,624. The falling-off in the number of official letters is accounted for by the abolition of franking from the Ist January, 1907. The transactions at the Christchurch Money-order and Savings-bank office during the Exhibition period were 36,346 deposits, 32,304 withdrawals, 9,194 money-orders issued, 16,102 money-orders paid, and 50,799 postal-notes paid, the increase over the same period in 1905-6 being 7,842 deposits, 6,494 withdrawals, 1,148 money-orders issued, 2,313 money-orders paid, and 5,912 postal-notes paid. At the Exhibition Office there were 799 savings-bank deposits, 600 money-orders issued, 93 moneyorders paid, and 150 postal notes paid. The articles posted were 187,200 letters, 1,236 registered articles, 5,320 letter-cards, 340,000 post-cards, 750 parcels, 12,000 packets, and 11,409 newspapers. The articles received for delivery in the Exhibition were 296,480 letters, 300 registered articles, 6,450 letter-cards, 8,700 post-cards, 610 parcels, 7,690 packets, and 15,000 newspapers. Telegrams received at the Exhibition for delivery totalled 9,800, valued at £240 10s. 6d. ; while 14,514 messages were despatched from the Exhibition, valued at £568 Bs. 2Jd. The value of the postage-stamps sold in the Christchurch and Exhibition post-offices during the Exhibition was £39,376 15s. 7d., an increase of £6,043 Is. lOd. over those sold in November-April, 1905-6. These amounts do not include stamps purchased from the Stamp Department by licensed vendors. During the period Ist November, 1906, to 12th April, 1907, the Christchurch Telegraph Office forwarded 205,672 telegrams, received 229,241, and transmitted 271,981, an increase of 171,744 over the number dealt with in the same months of 1905-6. In order to overtake the heavy pressure of postal business at Christchurch during the Exhibition season, and to expedite the delivery of correspondence, arrangements were made for sorting the northern mails at the Chief Post-office there on Sundays. Offences. A lad at Wellington was convicted and admitted to probation for one year on a charge of forging the names of his trustee and a witness to an order for on his account in the Post-office Sayings-Bank. A person was fined £1 and ordered to pay £3 19s. costs for fraudulently using defaced postage-due stamps in prepayment of postage, in contravention of clause 86 of " The Post Office Act, 1900." At the Supreme Court, Wellington, a young man pleaded guilty to a charge of committing a breach of the Post Office Act by untruthfully stating that he had enclosed a sum of money in a letter. He was granted six months' probation, conditionally on his paying an amount towards the cost of the prosecution.



A mail-carrier was convicted and fined £5, or in default one month's imprisonment, for having stolen a letter containing a cheque. A person was fined the maximum penalty of £10 and costs £1 Bs. for placing in the post for transmission a post-card bearing a grossly offensive communication. A person not connected with the Department was sentenced to three months' probation, and ordered to pay £20 towards the costs of the prosecution, for having " opened a letter contrary to his duty." He obtained possession of a letter after it was posted, opened it and copied the contents, and then reposted the letter. - A telegraph messenger was prosecuted and sentenced to six months' imprisonment for having abstracted a number of bank notes from a registered letter. There have been several prosecutions of and convictions against persons, in most cases lads, for wilfully breaking insulators on telegraph-poles. For unlawfully affixing a cancelled postage-stamp to a letter a person was fined £1, with costs £2 16s. New Postage-stamps, etc. The 6d. postage-stamp has, from February last, been printed in sheets of 240 stamps instead of 120. , Two steel plates, to print 240 stamps each, were obtained for the purpose from London, -where the new die, engraved to the size of that for the Id. stamp, was prepared. Stamps of the following denominations used for postage were overprinted "Cfficial" and used for the prepayment of Government correspondence, as from the Ist January, 1907 : £d., Id., 2d., 3d., 6d., Is., 25., and ss. Post-cards. Illustrated and other post-cards, bearing written communications on the left half of the address side, addressed to any place, are not now taxed by the Department when prepaid at the penny rate, although delivery of such post-cards untaxed to foreign countries is not guaranteed until the Ist October next, except in the case of certain countries. Post-cards similarly bearing writing on the front received from any place are also delivered without surcharge, unless marked as unpaid in the country of origin. Prepayment of Postage in Cash. The minimum number of inland letters and inland circulars posted in quantities permitted to be prepaid in cash instead of stamps was reduced from 1,000 to 240. Gratuities for Carriage of Sea Mails. Following on the increase in the weight of letters for delivery within New Zealand at the penny rate, which took effect on the Ist November, 1906, it was decided as from that date that the gratuities payable for the conveyance of mails by sea should be as follows: On letters for delivery beyond New Zealand, 2s. per pound ; printed matter for delivery beyond New Zealand, £1 10s. per ton ; on bags or packages containing mail-matter for delivery within New Zealand, Is. 4d. for each bag or package for each shipment. The gratuities payable for parcel mails remain unchanged. Letter and Telegram Franking-machine. In 1904 the Automatic Stamping Company (Limited), of Christchurch, brought under the notice of the Department a franking-machine; and the Postmaster-General made an agreement with the company permitting it to manufacture fifty machines and to use them from the Ist January, 1905, to the 31st December, 1910. Permission was granted the company in January last to place fifty additional machines in private offices at Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, and Wellington, respectively. The machines are sold or let to reputable business firms, approved by the Postmaster-General, for the purpose of prepaying postal articles and inland telegrams. No reselling or subletting is allowed, except with the approval of the Postmaster-General. The dies of the machines impress the five values of £d., Id., 3d., 6d., and Is. The first machines were made on the coin-in-the-slot principle. The insertion of a sovereign in the slot admitted of stamp impressions up to the value of £1, when the machine became automatically locked. The insertion of another sovereign allowed the machine to operate again. The use of the coin has since been dispensed with, and a recording indicator substituted. To obtain an impression, a handle is turned similar to that on a cash-register. The machine starting from zero registers the amount of each impression, displaying the amount expended on a dial. When £1 has been used, the amount is automatically recorded, and the machine goes on. The user can check his expenditure from the outside until he has expended £20, when the register, so far as he is concerned, goes back to zero. The dial is read in the same manner as that of a gas-meter. Special ink is used for the impressions, and by the application of a simple test forgery may be easily detected. Each series of dies has a distinguishing mark to show by which machine the articles have been stamped. The check made by the Department provides against fraud. Each die gives a circular impression around the lettering " New Zealand. Postage Paid," the value being shown within an inner circle. There are at present several of the machines in use at Christchurch, and the patentees state that they can place the machines as quickly at they can turn them out. All the machines are working satisfactorily. Postal Notes. The regulations relating to postal notes were altered. On application, accompanied by a fee of 6d., a person to whom a postal note is issued may within two years of the date of issue be informed of the particulars of payment of such postal note. The duplicate of a lost or destroyed postal note may now be issued after the expiration of six months from the date of issue of the original postal note, provided that the number of the postal note is known



and the person claiming the amount can satisfactorily prove that he is entitled to the same ; provided also that when there is undoubted evidence of the destruction of a postal note and the number is known, a duplicate may be issued forthwith. The person to whom a duplicate postal note is issued is required to give a guarantee in writing to refund the amount should the original postal note at any time be paid, and no payment of a duplicate postal note is made until the guarantee is given. I Old-age Pensions. The special system set up by the Post Office necessary for the payment of old-age pensions is still working smoothly, and is capable of meeting all possible requirements, hut the sum of £1,010 per annum contributed by the Old-age Pensions Department is wholly inadequate to meet the expenditure on account of salaries, &c, incurred by this Department in the proper performance of the work. In other words, the payment of old-age pensions is costing the Post Office some £3,800 per annum, towards which it receives from the Old-age Pensions Department an annual contribution of £1,010. This means that a sum approximating £1,500 is annually charged to the votes of the Post and Telegraph Department that should properly be charged against the expenses of the Old-age Pensions Department. The payments made during the last financial year numbered 152,502, as against 141,018 in the preceding year, an increase of 11,484, or 8-14 per cent. The following is a comparative return showing the number and amount of old-age pension payments made during the financial years 1905-6 and 1906-7 : —

Return showing the Number and Amount of Old-age Pension Payments made each Month for the Two Years ended 31st March, 1907.

Return for same Period of Number of Payments and Amounts in each Postal District.

ii—F. 1.


1905-6. 1906-7. Month. Number of Payments. Number , - L ■ of Payments. Amount - Amount. April May June July August September October ... November December January ... February... March ... 11,437 11,721 11,654 11,599 11,571 11,501 11,749 11,767 11,885 11,859 12,063 12,212 £ a. d. 16,141 13 7 16,528 13 7 16,428 3 0 16,354 6 7 16,323 18 1 23,915 5 6 24,457 14 3 24,498 15 5 24,715 12 7 24,651 14 5 25,030 14 11 25,314 4 7 £ s. d. 12,191 25,285 12 8 12,459 25,802 12 11 12,451 25,765 4 6 12,581 25,962 17 3 12,645 26,098 2 7 12,652 26,067 16 6 12,806 26,334 15 0 12,829 26,371 5 1 12,959 26,637 0 2 12,873 26,437 13 2 13,060 26,782 14 3 12,996 26,659 1 8 12,191 12,459 12,451 12,581 12,645 12,652 12,806 12,829 12,959 12,873 13,060 12,996 Totals ... 141,018 £254,360 16 6 152,502 £314,204 15 9

1905-6. 1906-7. Postal District. Number of Payments. Amount. r I Number I of Payments. Amount. Auckland... Blenheim... Christchurch Dunedin ... Gisborne ... Greymouth Hokitika ... Invercargill Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru ... Thames ... Timaru ... Wanganui Wellington Westport... 28,016 1,695 22,369 21,791 1,249 6,016 5,972 9,454 5,213 3,337 2,866 2,591 5,521 ■ 4,518 4,182 12,916 3,312 I £ 8. 50,265 11 3,055 3 40,155 0 39,247 4 2,246 18 11,206 19 11,065 1 17,102 15 9,213 0 5,755 0 4,987 11 4,682 6 10,126 7 8,060 13 7,641 11 23,383 0 6,166 10 d. 5 0 9 2 5 8 7 6 6 6 0 7 6 7 9 6 1 31,409 1,763 24,767 23,563 1,278 6,129 6,108 9,756 5,337 3,316 2,987 2,980 5,665 5,203 4,427 14,298 3,516 £ s. d. 64,401 3 10 3,549 2 10 51,109 18 10 48,133 16 7 2,460 13 9 13,059 12 3 12,988 3 4 20,286 16 1 10,673 18 3 6,716 0 5 5,933 12 1 6,176 15 6 11,983 5 1 10,594 0 0 9,278 3 10 29,375 12 7 7,484 0 6 Totals 141,018 | £254,360 16 6 152,502 £314,204 15 9


Departmental Rules. The Rules and Regulations for Non-permanent Postmasters were reissued during the year. The Money-order Regulations were also revised and reprinted. Money-order Telegram : Rate for Remitter's Private Message. From the Ist November, 1906, the rate for a private communication to the payee added by the remitter of a money-order telegram to the official telegram of advice was altered to Jd. per word for ordinary, and Id. per word for urgent, communications, with no minimum charge. Buildings. The great expansion of business at Auckland has necessitated the renting of a building to accommodate the parcel-post branch. This is, however, only a temporary expedient. At Christchurch arrangements are being made to resume portion of a Government building next to the post-office, on account of the congestion of the parcel-post branch. Competitive designs are about to be invited for the extension of the General Post Office building at Wellington. In the meantime a fresh lease has been secured of the old bank building in Lambton Quay, and the top floor of Nathan's new building has been leased. To the latter will be transferred the telegraph section of the Accountant's Branch. During the year brick buildings were erected at Bull's, Hutt, Johnsonville, Nelson, New Plymouth, Otautau, Tauranga, and Winton, and wooden buildings at Collingwood, Millerton, Rongotea, Tokomaru Bay, Tuparoa, and Whakatane. At Roslyn a property was purchased for the purposes of a postoffice building. A site for a building was bought at Kimbolton, and at Manakau land and a building were purchased. Buildings in brick are in course of erection at Cambridge, Greymouth, and Taihape. A wooden building has been erected at Makuri by the Public Works Department. Contracts have been let for residences at Arrowtown and Te Awamutu. Public chiming clocks were erected in post-office buildings at Bull's, Carterton, Gore, Hutt, Nelson, and Palmerston North, and one was ordered for Greymouth ; in each case the local authorities concerned contributed towards the cost. A subsidy was given by Government towards the cost of a clock for the Greytown office. The following general repairs, additions, &c, were carried out during the year : Albury, additions at railway-station for postal purposes ; Arrowtown, additions ; Auckland, telegraph operating and telephone instrument rooms enlarged ; Carterton, drainage ; Christchurch, completion of the enlargement of building, and extensive alterations ; Dunedin, renovations to telegraph-office ; Dunedin North, improvements, &c. ; Dannevirke, old Courthouse altered to suit requirements of post and telegraph office ; Edendale, additions at railway-station for postal purposes ; Feilding, alterations and drainage ; Gisborne telephone exchange provided; Gore, additions ; Inglewood, drainage, &c. ; Invercargill, workshop and bicycle-shed erected; Mangonui, alterations and painting ; Martinborough, additions ; Masterton, alterations to telephone exchange ; Morrinsville, additions at railway-station for postal purposes ; New Brighton, improvements and alterations ; Opotiki, renovations, &c. ; Orepuki, additions at railway-station for postal purposes; Pahiatua, alterations and additions ; Petone, renovations, &c. ; Rangiora, additions ; Rotorua, additions to office and residence ; Taupo, fencing, repairs, &c. ; Timaru, fire-appliances provided; Waimate, renovations, &c. ; Waipukurau, additions, alterations, and painting; Wakapuaka, additional land taken for water-supply purposes, and fenced; Wakefield, additions at railway-station for postal purposes ; Wellington, additional private letterboxes provided, and telephone exchange extended; Westport, renovations, and strongroom erected. Redirected Telegrams. A telegram redirected to a corrected address is now liable to an additional charge of 6d. only, if delivery can be effected from the original receiving-office. If, however, the message requires to be re-telegraphed, a charge equal to the amount originally paid is levied, plus or minus the charge at Jd. a word for any words by which the number of words in the original address is increased or diminished. Regulations under " The Electric Lines Act, 1884." The regulations under " The Electric Lines Act, 1884," have been altered to include provision for the payment of a fee for a receipt for a telegram, whether international, intercolonial, or inland, either at Id. each or by the purchase of books of 100 forms, with receipt foils attached, at a cost of 2s. each; for modified fees for a message after hours relating to sickness, death, or other urgent matter ; for the non-transmission of a " country newspaper " telegram on the day of publication ; for the equalising of the individual rate and the Press Association rate for press telegrams when an office is reopened by special request; and for the option of the Electric Telegraph Commissioner to permit any premises of any fire brigade, or any hospital or benevolent or charitable institution, to be connected with a telephone exchange free of cost or charges. Weather Reports. It was arranged for telegraphic reports of weather forecasts to be regularly sent to certain coastal offices for exhibition for the information of the fishing community. Press Telegram Regulations. The regulations relating to Press Telegrams were amended in the direction of restricting to parliamentary or political news only the additional five hundred words a day which evening newspapers may receive at the rate of 6d, for each hundred words or fraction thereof during session of Parliament,



Telephone Exchange : Charges for Continuous Attendance. The charges for continuous attendance at telephone exchanges having over 150 paying subscribers have been altered to permit of alternative rates being charged —viz., £7 per annum for business establishments and £5 for private residences, or £6 a year for each business and private connection, if agreed to by the subscribers. The Hastings Exchange was the first to come under the new regulation. Private Lines. Important changes were made in the regulations concerning private telephone-lines. In these changes it is, inter alia, provided that private wires between places of business or other premises within towns where there are telephone-poles available may be erected on the Department's telephone-poles at the cost of the applicant, and maintained by the Department at certain rates. The Department may construct private telephone-lines on behalf of the owners, but will not license any person to construct his own telephone-line. The construction of a line erected by its owner and at his risk is subject to the consent of the local body ; but such consent does not abrogate the claims of the Department to the right of road. A private line may be connected with a telephone-office at which there is no telephone exchange on specified conditions. When a private line is connected with a telephone-office in charge of a permanent officer of the Department a fee is charged for each subscriber on the private line, the service to be given being attend* ance for switching the private line to the bureau line, and the transmitting and receiving of telegrams on the private line. The usual bureau fees and the cost of the transmission of telegrams over the public line are also chargeable. Non-permanent Telephonists may fix a fee to be charged for their services. Where a telephone exchange has been established in a country town private lines may be connected with the same.

POST OFFICE. Articles posted and delivered. The number of articles posted in the colony and received from places outside the colony during the year 1906, as compared with the number in 1905, was as under: — Letters— 1906. 1905. Increase. Posted in the colony .. .. .. 71,875,390 64,750,510 Received from places outside the colony .. 5,526,807 4,914,431 77,402,107 69,664,941 7,737,256 Letter-cards— Posted in the colony .. .. .. 1,682,369 1,451,320 231,049 Post-cards— Posted in the oolony .. .. .. 5,109,754 2,942,953 Received from places outside the oolony .. 683,054 708,074 5,792,808 3,651,027 2,141,781 Books and pattern-packets— Posted in the colony .. .. .. 21,112,390 21,347,921 Received from places outside the colony .. 2,781,819 2,359,980 23,894,209 23,707,901 186,308 Newspapers— Posted in the colony .. .. .. 17,051,359 17,288,829 Received from places outside the colony .. 6,665,072 6,337,533 23,716,431 23,626,362 90,069 Posted in the colony .. .. .. 352,209 313,617 Received from places outside the colony .. 95,962 78,400 448,171 392,017 56,154 The letters increased ILII, letter-cards 15*92, post-cards 58"66, newspapers 0 - 38, other printed matter and patteru-packets 0 - 78, and parcels 14-32 per cent. In 1905 letters increased 6 - 98, letter-cards 5-03, post-cards 58-02, newspapers 9*89, other printed matter and pattern-packets 179, and parcels 9-65 per cent. The average number of-letters posted per head of population was estimated to be 80-25, or 82-13 including letter-cards. The averages in 1905 were 74-43, or 76 - 09 including letter-cards. The Post Office receipts for the year amounted to £438,729 os. Id., an increase of 6-75 per cent. The expenditure was £327,761 Bs. 3d., an increase of 8-48 per cent. The balance of postal revenue over expenditure was £110,967 lis. 10d. The estimated value of free correspondence of other Government Departments was £64,872 Is. 4d. The gross earnings of the Post Office for the year were therefore £503,601 Is. 5d., and the credit balance £175,839 13s. 2d.



Work performed for other Departments. Among the many branches of Government work performed during the calendar year 1906 by the Department may be mentioned the following : — Customs duties were collected on parcels and other articles coming through the post from places beyond the colony amounting to £49,885 ss. Bd., and on account of ordinary Customs work £2,331 18s. 7d. Advances to Settlers receipts amounted to £897,953 19s. 5d., and payments to £895,202 4s. 7d. Fishing licenses were issued by Postmasters to the value of £1,539 16s. 6d., and game licenses to the value of £2,076. For the Government Insurance Department premiums were collected from the public amounting to £29,726 2s. lOd. Publications sent out by the Government Printer and paid for through the Post i flice brought in £744 2s. lOd. The sum of £27,808 18s. 2d. was paid to Imperial pensioners by Postmasters. Income-tax amounting to £160,506 13s. 7d., and land-tax £318,705 lis., were collected by Postmasters. The sum of £7,058 12s. 4d., fees due to the Machinery Department, was received. Under the Mining Act the receipts were £372 10s. New Zealand Consols for £1,725 were sold on behalf of the Treasury. £6,067 os. sd. was the amount paid for Official Assignees as dividends in bankrupt estates. The amount paid to old-age pensioners through the Post Office was £309,322 os. 7d. On behalf of the Public Trustee £602,658 16s. 4d. was received, and £609,802 9s. 4d. paid. Railway revenue amounting to £8,318 9s. was collected by Postmasters. Fees for the registration of births, deaths, and marriages received by Postmaster-Registrars were £2,409 3s. Receipts from the Hanmer Springs Sanatorium amounted to £1,847 9s. Id. Sheep rates amounting to £21,141 17s. 2d., and £57 15s. Bd. sundry amounts, were collected for the Stock Department. Valuation Department fees paid to Postmasters reached £4,784 2s. lOd. Claims on the General Government for £841,811 7s. Bd. were paid on behalf of the Treasury. Discount-stamps numbering 3,164,256, for £3,296 25., were sold, and 3,079,920, for £3,208 55., redeemed, during the year. The amount invested by the general public in Government 4-per-cent. debentures through the medium of the Post Office was £77,095 10s. Gross Receipts and Payments. The gross amount received by the Department during 1906 was £21,028,305 7s. 9Jd., of which £17,654,802 9s. OJd. was departmental, and £3,373,502 18s. 9d. on account of other Departments. The gross amount paid out was £21,025,969 195., made up of £17,666,816 17s. Bd. departmental, and on behalf of other Departments —to individuals £2,643,431 3s. lid., and to accounts £715,721 17s. sd. The total gross receipts and payments were therefore £42,054,275 6s. 9Jd. Letter-carriers' Deliveries. ' Deliveries by letter-carrier were established at: —Auckland: Dargaville (including Mangawhare), FYankton Junction. Christchurch : Heathcote Valley. Wellington : Eketahuna. Letter-carriers' deliveries were extended as follows :—Christchurch (C.P.0.) : Riccarton, to include area bounded by Curlett Lane, South Road to South Line Sockburn, Racecourse Road, and Yaldhurst Road to Racecourse Road. Lower Riccarton, afternoon delivery to include area bounded by West Belt, Railway Terrace, Picton Avenue, and Alliance Streets. Sydenham delivery to include Studholme Street. Dunedin (C.P.0.) : Mosgiel delivery along Bush, Shand's, and Gladstone Roads. Port Chalmers afternoon delivery from partial to full delivery. In Roslyn Borough, along Wakari Road to French's; in Pine Hill, from the School to the Bishop's house, Leith Valley. Invercargill (C.P.0.) : To include Glrasmere, Collingwood, and Prestonville; south delivery to Oteramika Road. Thames : Tauranga, to include both sides of Elizabeth Street. Wanganui (C.P.0.) : Aramoho delivery extended from Brunswick Road to the Old Men's Home. In Sedgebrook district, to Gordon Park. Eltham, along Mountain Road South as far as Eltham Dairy Factory. Wellington (C.P.0.) : Wadestown delivery to include Woodward Street and Wilton's Road to boundary of Wilton Estate. Hutt, second delivery along Waiwetu Road to Bellevue Road, thence along Bellevue Road, Bellevue Crescent, Cornwall Street, King's Road, Thames Street, Bristol Street, Orr's Avenue, and Parker's Lane. John»onville, along Porirua Road, Burgess Road, Woodland Road, Paparangi Road, and on hill in front of Post-office. Levin, to include Mako Mako, Bartholomew, and Kawhiu Roads. Palmerston North morning delivery along Main, Church, Ferguson, and College Streets to Maxwell's Line. Second daily delivery in the south-east to Te Ngutu Lagoon (Scandia Street), in the north-east to corner of Terrace Street and Boundary Road, in the .north-west to corner of Featherston Street and Kairanga Road, and in the south-west to corner of Ferguson and West Streets. Letter-carriers' deliveries were increased in frequency at —Auckland : Hamilton, twice to thrice daily (in principal streets only). Christchurch (C.P.0.) : Twice to thrice daily in area bounded by Moorhouse Avenue, Fitzgerald Avenue, Bealey Avenue, Park Terrace, Antigua Street, and Lincoln



Road. Daily to twice daily in business and principal residential portions of Dunedin (C.P.0.): Daily to twice daily in the North-east Valley Borough. Thames : Waihi, daily to twice daily within the circuit described by Evans, George, and Clark Streets, Walmsley Road, Dobson, Nelson, and Darby Streets, Junction Road, Martha Street, Moresby Avenue, Kensington Road, Victoria and Consols Streets to Silverton Road. Letter-carriers' deliveries were curtailed as follows : Wanganui : Eltham, twice to once daily along Castle Street. Wellington : Stokes Valley, daily to twice weekly. Letter-carriers' deliveries were otherwise altered at—Thames : Tauranga, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, full delivery made after arrival of steamer from Auckland. 8.30 a.m. delivery in main streets only on those days. Newspapers registered. Twenty-four newspapers were registered for transmission by post, and nineteen ceased publication. Receiving-boxes. Forty-nine receiving-boxes were established at: Auckland —City and suburbs, 4 ; Frankton Junction, 1 ; Hamilton, 1 ; Kirikiriroa, 1 ; Mangawhare, 1. Christchurch —City and suburbs, 9 ; Lyttelton, 1. Dunedin—City and suburbs, 5. Gisborne —Te Karaka, 1. Invercargill—Gore, 1. Napier— Town and suburbs, 1: Dannevirke, 1; Hastings, 1. Nelson —Motueka, 1. Oamaru —Hampden, 1. Thames—Waihi, 1. Timaru—Town and suburbs, 3. Wanganui—Town and suburbs, 5 ; Eltham, 1. Wellington—City and suburbs, 3 ; Carterton, 1 ; Feilding, 1 ; Hutt, 1 ; Palmerston North, 3. Six receiving-boxes were closed at : Auckland—Kirikiriroa, 1 ; Rotorua, 1. Christchurch— City and suburbs, 1. Dunedin —City and suburbs, 1. Invercargill—Gordon, 1. Wellington—Hutt, 1. Designation of Offices. The designations of offices were changed as follows : Auckland—Fencourt to Bruntwood, Grahamsfern to Hoanga. Dunedin —Katea to Hunt's Road. Greymouth—Otira Railway to Otira, Runanga to State Collieries. Hokitika —Waitaha Ferry to Waitaha. Invercargill—Waikawa Valley to Waikawa Junction. Napier —Pokokomuka to Ngapaeruru. Nelson—Motupiko Railway to Kohatu, Upper Motupiko to Korere. New Plymouth —Douglas Road to Douglas. Thames — Waiotahi to Kutarere. Wanganui —Lower Moawhango to Taoroa. Post-offices established, etc. Sixty-six post-offices were established (of these six were reopened offices), and nineteen closed. Opened. Arahura, Hokitika. Korito, New Plymouth. Puketotara, Auckland. Aria, Auckland. Korokoro, Wellington. Putorino, Napier. Awawaro, Wellington. Lower Moawhango, Wanganui. Rangitihi, Auckland. Benio, Invercargill. Makatote, Auckland. Rapahoe, Greymouth. Borton's, Oamaru. Makctawa, Now Plymouth. Ridgelands (reopened, 8/1/06), Wei Broken River, Christchurch Mangaiti, Thames. lington. Brydono, Invercargill. Mangaotaki, Auckland. Rotoorangi, Auckland, Clarendon, Dunedin. Manunui, Auckland. Runanga, Greymouth. Day's Bay, Wellington. Matai, Invercargill. South Wyndham (7/5/06), Invercaigill. Exhibition, Christchurch. Matapuna, Auckland. Tahekeroa (reopened), Auckland. Heathdale, Greymoutb. Mokai, Auckland. Tahunga, Gisborne. Honikiwi, Auckland. Moturimu, Wellington. Tangitiki, Auckland. Hurworth, New Plymouth. Moumahakinui, Wanganui. Tarurutangi, New Plymouth. Kaikoura Suburban, Christchurch Mount Hercules, Hokitika. Tokatea (reopened), Auckland. Kaimatarau, Wellington. Muka, Auckland. Turangaomoana, Auckland. Kaitieke, Auckland. Ngatoro, New Plymouth. Waikouro,- Invercargill. Kakahi, Auckland. Opouiti, Napier. Waimarama, Napier. Karapiro, Auckland. Opouriao, Thames. Waimumu, Invercargill. Katea, Dunedin. Owbata, Auckland. Waiowaka (reopened), Wellington. Kauana, Invercargill. Paerata, Auckland. Waitekaro, Gisborne. Khandallah (reopened), Wellington, Pukerimu (reopened), Auckland. Waiwawa. Auckland. Kiokio, Auckland. Puketi, Dunedin. Whakarewarewa, Auckland. Kiwi, Nelson. Closed. Alpine Hill, Westport. Oio, Auckland. Springfield Railway-works, ChristAthenree, Thames. Pariroa, Wanganui. church. Bell Hill, Greymouth. Porter's Pass, Christchurch. Tengawai, Timaru. Craigieburn, Chiistcburch. Rangiheko, Auckland. Tokatea, Auckland McDonald Downs, Christchurch. Scarrott's, Auckland. Wairepo, Wanganui. Mahi, Wanganui. Scott's Ferry, Wanganui. Waitangi, Auckland. \ T gapaerurn, Napier. South Wyndham, (29/6/06), Invercargill. The number of post-offices open at the end of the year was 1,984. Parcel-post. As from the Ist January, 1907, the rate of postage for inland parcels was reduced from 6d. for the first pound and 3d. for each additional pound, to 4d. for the first pound and 2d. for each additional pound.



As a result of this reduction, it is estimated that the number of inland parcels has increased in the three months to the 31st March by at least 84 per cent. The public, moreover, has by the change been induced to send by parcel-j/ost articles which were previously forwarded as packets. The following table shows tht number and weight of parcels posted during the years 1890, 1900, 1905, and 1906 :—

The following table shows the number and weight of parcels exchanged with the United Kingdom and the undermentioned places during the years 1905 and 1906: —

The declared value of parcels received from places outside the colony in 1906 was £219,108. The Customs duty collected amounted to £49,885 ss. Bd. The declared value of parcels despatched to places beyond the colony was £21,540, as against £20,610 in 1905. i j Demurrage is now charged at the rate of 1 per centum per diem on the declared value of a parcel containing jewellery or any article of gold or silver, or any precious stone, received from a place beyond New Zealand, after it has remained in the post-office fourteen days, excluding Sundays and holidays. A parcel (other than one containing jewellery, or any article of gold or silver, or any precious stone) received from a place beyond New Zealand, addressed to a post-office " to be called for," or for other reason required to lie at a post-office after it has remained in the office seven clear days (excluding Sundays and holidays) is charged demurrage at the rate of Id. per diem. No demurrage is, however, charged on a parcel addressed to a place at which there is no house-to-house delivery, or for a person on board ship.


Postal Districts. 1890. Number. Weight. 1900. 1905. Weight. Number. I Weight. 1906. Number. I Weight Number. Auckland Thames New Plymouth .. Gisborne Napier Wanganui Wellington Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Christchurch Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill .. i 21,882 .. : 1,491 1,007 938 .. I 6,265 4,035 .. ! 25,893 1,846 4,723 .. I 1,077 .. ! 2,509 .. : 1,413 .. I 19,383 .. : 2,013 859 .. 22,500 3,458 Lb. oz. 57,912 10 3,661 8 2,674 3 2,570 6 ' 17,075 14 9,563 8 74,544 2 4,357 11 13,370 7 2,332 4 6,243 13 3,924 5 58,708 4 4,774 8 2,123 3 65,329 13 | 7,477 5 40,287 2,989 3,038 2,022 8,848 ! 8,846 I 44,322 1,961 5,261 1,868 2,583 2,527 30,897 1,743 i' 1,149 I 34,411 6,661 Lb. oz. 122,449 9 9,094 4 9,615 9 5,771 15 28,142 15 28,206 10 160,737 4 5,976 4 16,916 4 4,645 15 7,711 4 9,173 5 118,206 3 5,294 1 4,162 7 125,419 10 20,617 0 Lb. oz. 68,037 224,620 14 4,263 : 12,467 13 5,299 ! 16,373 15 2,120 8,871 8 12,589 : 39,659 10 14,900 46,542 14 85,782 295,495 15$ 2,618 8,762 7 7,209 | 22,828 7 2,855 7,072 13 2,712 I 8,854 1 3,421 11,904 11 41,968 132,861 13 2,848 I 8,540 14 2,017 ; 6,163 13 47,362 182,306 2 7,617 21,573 10 76,913 4,422 5,569 3,075 14,384 16,122 98,480 2,795 7,380 2,852 4,151 3,530 49,511 3,341 1,851 49,751 8,082 Lb. oz. 260,576 14 12,263 11 16,803 0 10,100 7 44,267 1 52,085 9 316,010 8 9,775 10 22,278 2 7,782 10 10,692 0 12,206 10 178,269 13 9,291 11 6,130 11 186,478 12 24,575 9 Totals .. .. 121,292 336,643 12 ;i99,413 682,140 7 313,617 1,074,901 4J 352,209 1,209,588 10

Received. Despal iched. Country. 1905. 1906. Number. Weight. Number. Weight. 1905. Number. [ Weight. 1906. Number. Weight. United Kingdom and foreign countries (via London) United States of America .. Canada Victoria New South Wales South Australia Queensland Tasmania.. Western Australia Samoa Fiji Ceylon .. Uruguay Cape Colony Natal India 50,777 Lb. oz. 234,131 0 65,806 Lb. oz. 344,608 0 8,778 Lb. oz. 22,722 0 9,574 Lb. bz. 25,407 10 6,083 413 7,058 10,734 443 641 358 313 20 93 340 17,393 0 930 4 19,578 4 30,804 0 1,163 10 1,502 4 881 11 779 0 53 13 225 6 1,299 14f 6,757 491 7,739 11,506 494 706 442 357 12 87 283 18,088 9 719 0 22,190 3 32,908 0 1,274 7 1,812 4 1,142 4 809 4 36 10 223 14 831 10 1,515 293 3,067 4,330 435 894 630 526 239 297 100 29 233 278 225 3,318 6 672 11 6,483 1 8,385 9 853 11 1,812 11 1,193 14 1,110 4 697 1 747 9 251 2$ 97 0 432 3 530 13 481 12 1,384 255 3,200 4,925 521 742 748 587 205 359 123 64 150 306 236 2,942 7 461 5 6,272 6 8,607 0 991 2 1,262 7 1,433 10 1,087 9 663 10 1,012 4 293 9 185 7 283 15 563 13 631 0 357 85 685 649 4 139 0 2,291 3f 416 85 781 669 9 187 6 3,141 8 Totals ,78,400 :311,821 10$! 95,962 428,642 8 21,869 49,789 11$ 23,379 52,099 2



Registered Letters. The number of registered articles dealt with in 1906, compared wit.i the numbers in 1890, 1900, and 1905, is shown below:—

Official Correspondence. The estimated volume and value of official and other free correspondence posted during 1906 is given in the statement below : —

Dead Letters. The following comparative table shows the number of unclaimed letters, letter-cards, and post-cards dealt with in the Dead-letter Office and by Chief Postmasters during the undermentioned years:—

1890. 1900. 1905. 1900. Postal Districts. beyond *™» n Colony. Col °»yTotals. "= Is be t y h°e na Colony. , Colon yTotals. Places * e « is - 'Place's Ee S i8 " be'yoTd te^ d e l » Totals beyoTd *»*>« Totals. Colony. Colon y-| I Colony Col0ny - Auckland Thames New Plymouth .. Gisborne Napier Wanganui Wellington Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Christchurch Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill 7,119 ! 34,3981 130 4,78l' 341 3,372; 118 j 2,120 999 j 10,911 211 6,060| 6,129 30,369 : 92 3,193! 322 3,430! 112 3,254 102' 8,879! 95 2.579 1 3,659 20,404) 312 3,551 278 2,505 4,615 19,696' 1,740 9,819 41,517 4,911 3,713 2,238' 11,910; 6,27l! 36,498' 3,285 3,752 3,366 8,981 2,674 24,063; 3,863! 2,783: 24,311 11,559 18,108! 2671 1,310! 421 1,659! 2,151 9,518 116! 644 354; 680 94| 5,404 1,196 120 6,954 3,352 101,533 19,912 16,903 7,193 26,685 24,980! 85,915! 6,371| 14,726; 6,974 11,606 4,344l 49,049 9,973 8,880. 44,003! i 24,989 119,641 20,179 18,213 7,614 28,344 27,131 95,428 I 6,487 : 15,370 7,328 12,286 4,438 54,453 11,169 9,000 ! 50,957 28,341 22,103! 294! 2,995' 476 1,813 2,620 20,935 171; 1,837: 936 719 550 10,293 1,410 147 8,160 6,495 !l58,466 20,346 19,202 7,874 26,297 35,239 !l57,517 9,854 ! 19,514 7,481 11,412 10,535 73,304 10,548 6,967 59,473 : 32,252 180,569| 20,640 ; 22,197 8,350 28,110 37,859 178,452 10,025 21,351 8,417; 12,131' 11,085 83,597 ! 11,958 7,114 ! 67,633 ! 38,747 26,929 324 2,839 626 3,378 3,035 22,731 786 1,895 589 633 555 12,919 1,226 147 10,648 6,588 178,876 23,128 22,317 9,736 50,883 39,931 171,662 12,395 21,817 9,283 13,181 13,312 96,843 15,265 8,094 58,654 32,593 205,805 23,452 25,156 10,362 54,261 42,966 194,393 13,181 23,712 9,872 13,814 13,867 109,762 16,491 8,241 69,302 39,181 Totals 26,374 169,321 195,695 52,343 464,036! 516,379; 81,954 666,281 748,235 95,848 777,970 ,873,811

• District. Letters. Packets. Registered Articles. Newspapers. Auckland Thames New Plymouth .. Gisborne Napier Wanganui Wellington Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Christchurch Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill 1,008,371 93,587 144,924 76,921 321,724 325,000 2,045,537 67,054 152,100 37,674 47,151 50,219 519,792 127,829 54,964 544,024 353,743 14,096 2,791 14,850 2,991 20,022 9,164 502,137 2,184 7,416 2,608 2,285 1,182 56,152 6,100 2,000 91,859 20,800 49,477 3,458 6,471 3,004 5,572 8,688 46,506 3,888 8,043 2,460 5,040 8,121 35,326 4,290 1,909 16,945 9,880 74,116 46,201 02,835 20,496 142,631 124,347 545,893 31,300 53,268 22,048 56,638 49,530 131,660 28,080 28,928 239,959 73,961 Totals 5,970,614 758,637 219,078 1,731,891 The estimated postage value of ifficial corresponi lence was £86,' 196 Is. 9d.

Manner of Disposal. 1884. | 1885. 1890. 1896. 1898. '• 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1908. 1904. 1905. 1906. ipened and returned to the writers teturned unopened to other countries leissued )estroyed Returned unopened by Chief Postmasters 68,942 66,592| 60,540 63,112 68,872 74,132; 76,692; 1100,036107,476 107,271 119,642 125,106137,210 ! 9,134 8,115 7,779 7,546 1411 148 2,660; 4,069 21,931 26,414 ' 93,051101,289 I 8,899 9,706; j 9,707 12,251| 14,401 •5,112+18,878 5,705 6,249 44,523 54,285 18,176 26,048 26,943 {32,062 107 3,986 17,593 : 185 2,872 19,187 219 3,368 33,273 178, 4,5361 22.915 1 265 4,900 40,282 203 9,579 93,920 234 12,167 85,670 265 358 18,060 27,575 97,267117,666 Totals ; 99,762 96,951 131,846 167,627195,784 114,631 111,467 229,149! |243,761 267,641314,871 * Including 4,911 troopers' letti .nutation postage-stamps which w ars. 7+ Including 13,18 'ere detained as being poi 0 troope] ited cont •s' letters. J Ii rary to the regulati icluding 6,161 posl ions, i-cards, a] id 1,000 post-cards bearing


The proportion of dead or unclaimed letters, letter-cards, and post-cards to the total number dealt with in the colony was 037 per cent., as against o'3B per cent, in 1905. 40,012 book-packets and circulars were returned to foreign countries ; 26,067 were returned to senders through the Dead-letter Office ; 154,578 were returned by Chief Postmasters : a total of 220,657 book-packets and circulars, as compared with 180,446 in 1905. 1,363 letters were wrongly addressed ; 20 letters were discovered to have been posted with previously used stamps ; 3,748 unclaimed registered letters were dealt with. 3,328 newspapers and 2,017 books and other articles without addresses were received, many of which were subsequently applied for and delivered. 11,936 newspapers were returned to the publishers. 1,064 letters and 211 letter-cards were posted without addresses. 91 letters with libellous addresses were intercepted. The undermentioned articles of value were found in letters opened in the Dead-letter Office, and returned to senders where practicable : — £ s . d. 598 post-office orders .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,274 18 11 48 bank drafts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,529 12 7 467 cheques .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,244 4 0 46 dividend warrants .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 6 11 5 promissory notes .. .. .. .. .. .. 186 14 7 Postal notes .. .. .. .. .. .. 267 12 6 Stamps .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 15 8£ Bank-notes* .. .. .. .. .. .. 398 4 2~ Goldf 40 15 10 Silver and copper .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 2 9J Representing a total of .. .. .. .. £11,050 8 0 In addition, 2 gold watches, 15 silver watches, 12 metal watches, 7 Waterbury watches, 2 roulette watches, 32 gold-mounted greenstone brooches, 1 5 gold-mounted tusk brooches, 7 gold brooches, 2 silver brooches, 4 brooches of other material, 17 greenstone hearts, 9 gold-mounted greenstone pendants, 3 silver-mounted greenstone pendants, 2 greenstone pendants, 1 gold - mounted greenstone bean, 1 greenstone cross, 1 piece of polished greenstone, 1 pair of gold-mounted greenstone ear-rings, 3 greenstone tikis, 2 gold bangles, 1 gold-mounted greenstone bangle, 1 silver bangle, 1 metal bangle, 2 gold watch-chains, 6 silver watch-chains, 1 gold-mounted greenstone watch-chain, 1 gold-mounted silk watch-guard, 2 watch-guards made of hair, 3 metal watch-chains, 3 gold neck-chains, 2 gold spectacleframes, 1 gold whistle, 2 smallTpieces of fgold, 30 gold rings, 1 silver ring, 24 metal rings, 1 silver mug, 3 f lockets, 1 silver ornament, 2 silver medals, 1 silver whistle with pearl handle, 1 silver match-box, 1| silver hat-pin, 1 silver button-hook, 1 pair of silver-mounted greenstone carver-rests, 1 silvermounted spectacle-case, 1 silver paper-knife with greenstone handle, 2 silver butter-knives with greenstone handles, 10 gold lace-pins, 1 gold cross pin with thirteen opals, 7 tie-pins, 2 pearl necklaces, 2 shell necklaces, 1 pair of gold sleeve-links, 1 set*of,: rolled-gold studs and links, 1 pair of silver links, 2 gold studs, 2 sets of silver studs, 1 bronze medal, 2 pairs of tusks, 1 electric belt, 3 sets "of artificial teeth, 14 sheets and ,'3 packets of used stamps, 20 pawn-tickets, 10 share-certificates, 1 trotting certificate, 1 dairy-registration certificate, 1 kauri-gum license, 1 sharebroker's license, 1 miner's right, 1 first-class single railway pass (Wellington to Auckland), 1 second-class railway ticket (Newmarket to Papakura), 1 railway privilege ticket, 1 saloon ticket (Wellington to Lyttelton), 1 steerage ticket (Sydney to Wellington), were dealt with. The number of inland, intercolonial, and international articles received and disposed of during the years 1905 and 1906 was as under: —


1905. 1906. Letters. Letter-! cards. ! Paokets - News- T ,pt.t. B ra Letter- Post- p t . Newspapers, cards. j cards. papers Inland. Beturned, delivered, &c, through Deadletter Office Beturned by Chief Postmasters direot .. Destroyed in accordance with law 106,160 2,684 417i 24,439 1,590 115,347; 3,035 1,040 24,407 1,675 92,128 11,402 791 5,139 ! 110,342 1,605 2,107 32j 849 111,491' 16,737! i|ioo 6,175 }4,579 154,578 7,680 10,261 96,478 Australian. Originally addressed to other States :— Returned to writers Destroyed in accordance with law .. Returned to other States as unclaimed 5,224 810 11,901 "40 232, 764 430 69 669 7,784 6,22l! 948 1 14,034; "45 406 711 1,876 455 199 8,487 771 International. Originally addressed to other countries :— Returned to writers Destroyed in accordance with law ... Returned to other countries as unclaimed 10,362 1,475 13,106 "80 292 1,416 1,427 129 1,267 35,701 10,453 ! 1,499 13,862| "85 1,066 1,871 2,290 1,205, 380j 31,575' l',U3 Totals 252,568 3,595 11,478' 182,751 34,43! I290,592| 4,265; 20,014 228,916 110,95 * Includingv.United States Tr< : Including 1,0 ?ury not post-car; ;es for t ds detail 125. f I 1 aed, beariDg imit; icludin; ition po a a Swisi istage-sta s twent; imps. -franc piece,


Missing Letters. 1,909 inquiries for letters and 1,381 for other articles alleged to have been posted and not delivered were made during 1906. In 960 of the inquiries for letters and 825 for other articles —over onehalf the total number—the investigations by the Department resulted in the missing articles being traced or accounted for. These may be summarised as follows : — Number of Traced Gases. Letter?. Other Articles. Pound to have been 83 63 ... Missent. misdelivered, or otherwise delayed through fault of Post Office. 51 28 ... Delayed in delivery through fault of addressees. 44 28 ... Not posted. 33 43 ... Posted later than stated; forwarded by slower routes than letters of advice, &c. 101 100 ... Defectively or wrongly addressed. 107 53 ... Mislaid or lost after delivery. 51 46 ... Returned through Dead-letter Office as unclaimed, &c. 490 464 ... Delivered. Reason for inquiry not given, but probably in most cases omission by addressees to acknowledge receipt. 960 825 Money-orders. Twenty-six money-order offices were opened during the year—namely, Awarua Plains, Broken River, Cust, Exhibition (Christchurch), Fitzroy, Heathdale, Hoanga, Kohatu, Makirikiri, Mangaia, Ohakune, Oio, Patutahi, Petane (H. 8.), Port Fitzroy, Rangitata, Raupo, Runanga, Stoke, Taneatua, Taoroa, Taupiri, Tokomaru, Waikumete, Waiouru, and Whatatutu. Four offices were closed—namely, Miranda, Motupiko Railway, Oio, and Tiniroto. The number of offices open at the end of the year was 559, against 537 twelve months previously. 439,020 money-orders were issued for £1,686,231 Is. lid., as compared with 417,441 for £1,541,711 19s. lOd. in 1905, an increase of 21,579 in number and £144,519 2s. Id. in amount, 332,560 money-orders, amounting to £1,434,038 6s. 5d., were paid, as against 318,127 for £1,310,810 Is. 2d. during 1905, an increase of 14,433 orders and £123,228 ss. 3d. in amount. There were 68,194 telegraph money-orders issued for £261,488 3s. lid., as compared with 63,682 orders for £228,423 ss. 10d. in 1905, an increase of 4,512 in number and £33,064 18s. Id. in amount. 137,370 orders for £373,960 Bs. 7d. were issued on places beyond New Zealand, as against 130,047 orders for £352,326 6s. 6d. during 1905. 30,776 orders for £125,651 13s. were issued in places beyond New Zealand for payment in the colony, as compared with 30,007 orders for £120,087 2s. 3d. during the previous year. The commission received for money-orders amounted to £18,278 10s. 3d., as against £17,073 9s. 6d. received during 1905. A money-order exchange was established between New Zealand and Austria as from Ist January, 1907. Exchanges are in course of negotiation with France and Tahiti. Savings-bank. There were twenty-five offices opened during the year for the transaction of savings-bank business —namely, Broken River, Cust, Exhibition (Christchurch), Fitzroy, Heathdale, Hoanga, Kohatu, Makirikiri, Ohakune, Oio, Patutahi, Petane (H. 8.), Port Fitzroy, Putaruru, Rangitata, Raupo, Runanga, Stoke, Taneatua, Taoroa, Taupiri, Tokomaru, Waikumete, Waiouru, and Whatatutu. Five offices were closed —namely, Miranda, Motupiko Railway, Oio, Springfield Railway, and Tiniroto. There were 540 offices open at the end of 1906, as against 520 at the end of the previous year. 70,206 accounts were opened and 47,526 closed, the net gain on the year's working being 22,680 accounts. The number of depositors on the 31st December was 298,746, and the proportion of accounts per head of population was lin 3 - 04, as compared with lin 3-20 at the end of the previous year. The deposits numbered 593,764, representing £7,907,154 12s. 5d., an average of £13 6s. 4d. per transaction. The withdrawals numbered 386,536 for £6,907,103 17s. 7d., an average of £17 17s. sd. for each withdrawal. The net amount added by the depositors to their savings during the year was therefore £1,000,050 14s. 10d., plus £291,191 19s. Id. interest earned and credited, making a total of £1,291,242 13s. lid. The total amount at credit of depositors increased from £8,662,022 17s. Id. at the close of the previous year to £9,953,265 lis. on the 31st December last, representing a sum equal to £10 19s. Id. per head of the entire population and £33 6s. 4d. to each depositor. Last year the figures were £9 16s. 4d. and £31 7s. 6d. respectively. The interest credited to depositors since the Post-Office Savings-banks were established in 1867 now amounts to £3,457,420 19s. 7d. The cost of working the Savings-Bank amounted to 4'l6d. per transaction, or £17,000 for the year. The cost of management per cent, on the total amount at credit of depositors was o'l7 per cent., or 3s. sd. per £100

liite-F. 1,



The excess of deposits over withdrawals during the year constituted a record, amounting to £1,000,050 14s. 10d., a sum most nearly approached in the year 1905, when the figures were £641,559 Bs. Bd. Postal Notes. The following were created postal-note offices during the year 1906-7 : Aratiatia, Broken River, Brunswick, Cross Creek, Exhibition (Christchurch), Fitzroy, Flaxboiirne, Frankton Junction, Georgetown, Hawarden, Heathdale, Hoanga, Kaiaua, Kanieri, Limehills, Mangaia, Mangapehi, Matiere, Meremere, Mokai, Motu, Oio, Ohakune, Okau, Opua, Patutahi, Petane (H. 8.), Rewa, Runanga, Stoke, Taoroa, Tokomaru, Waharoa, Waiho Gorge, Waikumete, Wendonside, Whatawhata —a total of 37. Three offices were closed —namely, Golden Cross, Miranda, and Oio. The number of offices at which postal notes were sold at the end of the year was 688, as compared with 654 on the 31st March, 1906. 981,642 notes, of the value of £314,053 65., were sold, as against 875,324 for £276,279 7s. 6d. sold during the previous year, an increase of 12-15 per cent, in number and 13-67 per cent, in value. The postal notes paid numbered 975,898, of the value of £312,411 9s. 6d., as compared with 869,392, of the value of £274,678 16s. 6d., paid during 1905-6. The postal-note commission amounted to £6,729 15s. lljd., as against £5,979 4s. l|d. British Postal Orders. The Imperial postal-order scheme has during the past year been extended to include British East Africa, Federated Malay States, Fiji, Southern Rhodesia, and Uganda Protectorate. 31,698 orders have been sold, valued at £16,229 15s. 6d., and 9,461, for £6,426 45., paid. An extended table of the transactions is printed elsewhere. The 20s. order is the most popular, sales having reached 28 per cent, of the total. Following in order of popularity are the 10s., 55., Is., 2s. 6d., with a percentage of 12, 9, 6, and 6 respectively. Inland Mails. The general reletting of contracts for 1907-1909 took place at the end of 1906. The accepted tenders for the services under the new contracts totalled £55,522. The cost of the services on the 31st December, 1906, was £50,560. < f the increase of £4,962, about one-fourth is on account of improved services and new services. The railway service having been extended from Springfield to Broken River on the 29th ( ctober, 1906, the coach service was rearranged to provide for a through journey in one day being made thrice weekly between Christchurch and Greymouth or Hokitika. The following were among the changes made during the reletting of mail-services :— A twice-weekly service by buggy was established between Rotorua, Te Teko, Whakatane, and Opotiki. The coach service between Stratford and Whangamomona was increased from twice to thrice weekly. Material improvement was made in the rural delivery services in the bush settlements beyond Mataroa in the Wanganui district. The launch service between Havelock and post-offices in Pelorus Sound was extended to include Picton. The mails between Okarito and settlements southward are conveyed by way of the inland road in place of the sea-beach as formerly. A thrice-weekly service by coach between Cheviot and Kaikoura was established. The coach service between Little River and Akaroa was increased from thrice weekly to daily. This rendered unnecessary the steamer service on alternate days between Lyttelton and Pigeon Bay, and the connecting land service between Pigeon Bay and Akaroa, which were therefore abolished. Communication between Fairlie and the Hermitage was greatly improved. The service last year was performed by coach twice weekly in summer and once weekly in winter, and occupied two days. It is now carried out thrice weekly in summer and twice weekly in winter by motor-car (and coach where necessary) in one day, the time being ten hours. As the amount of traffic did not warrant the continuance of the coach service between Omarama and Pembroke, it was discontinued. Following on the extension of the railway to Alexandra South, the coach service between that place and Omakau was abolished. Under the terms and conditions of inland-mail contracts, the mail-contractor is bound to insure himself and His Majesty the King against liability under " The Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act, 1900," and himself against liability under the Employers' Liability Acts and as far as practicable the common law, in respect to a mail-carrying employee. With the object of simplifying the work entailed by such insurance, the Post Office has arranged with the Government Insurance Department to issue a globo policy under which contractors may be covered for an annual premium at the rate of £1 per £100 of mail-subsidy. Many contractors have elected to be insured under the globo cover. By the wreck of the s.s. " Kapanui " in the Auckland Harbour a bag of mail and a private mailbag were lost. Two bags of mail were lost by the wreck of the s.s. " Kia Ora," on the voyage from Waitara to Kawhia, of the 13th June this year. Mail-services in the Thames district were interrupted by floods and wash-outs in January of this year. The Tauranga-Waihi coach met with an accident while crossing the Aongatete River in flood.



and seven bags were washed away, but were afterwards recovered. On one occasion the Tauranga coach was unable to get through to Rotorua. A bridge was afloat near Paengaroa, and the Matata Bridge was washed away. Extensive floods occurred in parts of the Waikato district in the same month. Railway communication was interrupted between Thames and Frankton and Auckland and Huntly. Mail-services in the Gisborne district were interrupted by floods in July, 1906. The train was unable to get beyond four miles from Gisborne. A large extent of flat country was inundated, and boats were employed in rescuing people. Thomas Jolley, a mailman, who left Tatu for Whangamomona on the Bth July, 1906, has not since been heard of. It is surmised he lost his life in attempting to cross the Tangarakau River, which was then in flood. The indications were that he abandoned his horse at the river with the intention of walking the remainder of the distance, and was swept off a defective bridge. The mail was lost. The coach performing the mail-service between Urenui and Awakino was overtaken by a wave whilst travelling on the beach between Mokau and Awakino. Three bags of mail were washed away, but were afterwards recovered. The coach from Tokaanu due to arrive at Waiouru on the 14th January, 1907, did not reach the latter place until the night of the 16th, heavy land-slips and flooded streams, especially the Puketarata Stream, being responsible for the delay. The horses attached to the Alfredton mail-coach bolted. A passenger sustained slight injuries. The mails were not damaged. Cn the 28th May, 1906, two mail-bags, placed on the train at Shannon and Longburn respectively, were found to be missing on arrival of the train at Palmerston North. Search was made without result, until the bags, without their contents, were found on the 7th December in a garden at Palmerston North. On the sth November, 1906, the Nelson-Blenheim mail coach met with an accident at Collins River, whereby two horses were drowned and one of the mails was lost. A fatal accident occurred in the mail-service between Wairau Valley and Top Valley on the 21st November, 1906. When returning from Top Valley the coach capsized, the driver and two passengers losing their lives. Two horses were also drowned, and the vehicle very severely damaged. Two bags of mail were washed away, but subsequently recovered after a lengthy search by the police. Owing to the horses attached to the Waiau-Kaikoura coach becoming unmanageable the driver was seriously injured. Two passengers were thrown from the coach, but escaped unhurt. Owing to a horse attached to the Macetown mail-coach becoming restless the vehicle capsized over an embankment on the 18th January, 1907. The horse was killed, and the vehicle smashed. No one was hurt, and the mail escaped injury. The number of contracts for inland mails in operation in 1906 was 660. There were in addition 540 services not under bond. The length of inland postal routes by road (counted one way only) was 11,601 miles, and the total number of miles travelled 3,031,034, at an average cost of 3'65d. per mile. In 1905 the respective mileages were 11,513 miles and 2,960,501, at an average cost of 363 d. per mile. Ordinary railway-trains with mails travelled 3,761,191'mi1e5. The estimated sum payable to the Railway Department for the conveyance of mails by ordinary trains was £44,000. Ocean Mail-services. San Francisco Service. The total amount paid at poundage rates to the contractors for the contract year ended November, 1906, was £18,026 13s. 4d. The maximum payable amount for any year under the contract was £20,000. The contract, which expired on the 10th November last, has not been renewed. The steamers performing the service had throughout the year been late in reaching San Francisco. Owing to the condition of the vessels, the contractors were obliged to have extensive repairs effected, which necessitated the detention of the " Sonoma," and the dropping of the round voyage from Auckland due to commence on the 9th November. The " Ventura " and " Sierra " also underwent repairs on arrival at Sydney in November and December respectively. Prior to the departure of the " Sonoma " from Sydney, towards the end of November, her despatch was further delayed in consequence of a strike by the firemen of the vessel. The company having notified its intention to abandon the trip of the " Ventura " from Auckland commencing the 22nd February, the Department requested that a substitute vessel be provided, and, this not being agreed to, the company was informed on the 4th March that, owing to the continued derangement of the service, no correspondence for the United Kingdom would in the meantime be sent by the San Francisco steamers. The last regular outward mail via San Francisco was despatched from Auckland on the 7th February, and reached London on the 24th March, ten days behind schedule time. Correspondence on the subject of the irregular departtures and arrivals of the steamers will be found in parliamentary paper F.-6. Up to and including the despatch of the steamer " Sonoma " from Auckland on the 7th February, poundage rates payable under the contract were paid to the company. Commencing with the next despatch—namely, that of the steamer " Ventura " from Auckland on the 24th March, the conveyance of mails to San Francisco was paid for at per pound weight at-Postal Union rates as follows : — For the United Kingdom and Europe — Letters .. ■.. .. .. .. .. .. 28'81d. Books and newspapers .. .. .. .. .. .. 2-16 d. For America, the United States, Canada, &c. — Letters .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43-19 d. Books and newspapers .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 - 32 d.


F.—l .

The dispute between the Commonwealth and the contractors relative to the rate of poundage to be paid as from the Ist December, 1900, for the conveyance of Australian postal matter has been satisfactorily settled by the Federal Government paying to the Oceanic Company a sum stated at between £6,000 and £7,000. Following on the cessation of the San Francisco mail-service the interprovincial service for the carriage coastwise of the San Francisco mails was discontinued. Vancouver Service. The contract between the Federal Government and the Union Steamship Company lias been extended for two years from July of this year on the existing terms, except that during the busy season the steamer " Miowora " will be replaced by a vessel which will reduce the time by twenty-four hours The new terms make it optional to terminate the contract at the end of the first year by giving four months' notice. It is understood that Brisbane is still to be a port of call. The present mail-time is twenty-two and a half days, and an improvement to twenty-one and a half days is to be effected by permanently replacing the " Miowera "in March next by the " Manuka," or a steamer as good. The right of the Commonwealth Government to terminate the contract on giving four months' notice as from July, 1908, is believed to imply that the service will have to be put on a permanent basis. A port of call at New Zealand is not mentioned in the present extension of the service, but negotiations to that effect will be resumed when the question of a further renewal comes up. It is understood that the present contractors may be prepared to enter into a three-years contract, to include a New Zealand port as a calling-place, and to provide a new fast steamer for the service in each of the three years. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has also, it is understood, been considering the question of competing for the service to include New Zealand, to be performed by its fast 14,000-ton steamers of the " Empress " line now employed in the trade between Canada, Japan, and China. It should be of great advantage to secure a direct service from New Zealand to Gieat Britain by way of Canada if such can be obtained. The subject is now being considered by the British Government. Suez Service. In consequence of the unsatisfactory condition of the San Francisco service, arrangements were made as from the 7th Dcember, 1906, with the Union Steamship Company and the Huddart-Parker Company for a steamer to leave Wellington for Sydney every third Friday in order to make close connection with the European mail via Suez leaving Sydney the following Tuesday. As from the Bth February last the service was increased in frequency from three-weekly to fortnightly. Negotiations are now in progress for a weekly service. The transit-time scheduled between Wellington and London is, from October to March, thirty-eight days, and forty days during the rest of the year. These times are frequently bettered. New Zealand mails on arrival at Sydney are conveyed by express train to Melbourne, at which port they connect with the vessels of the Orient line. So far, payments which have been made for the carriage of mails by the Federal steamers have been at the Postal Union rates of 3s. T7d. per pound of letters, and 3'76d. per pound of other articles. Receipts and Payments on Account of the San Francisco, Peninsular and Oriental, and Orient Mail-services for the Year 1906San Francisco Service. Dr. £ a. A. £ s. d. S s. d. Payments by weight— On mails from New Zealand (fourteen voyages) ... 17,500 8 10 On mails from Fiji ... ... ... ... 38 18 2 17,539 7 0 Interprovincial service, mail agents, &c. ... ... ... 4,319 12 5 rp • , ! San Francisco to New York ... ... 4,300 7 5 iranslt cnarges {New York to Queenstown ... ... 1,822 10 9 27,981 17 7 Cr. Postages collected in the colony ... ... ... ... 14,388 16 2 Contributions from Fiji... ... ... ... ... 38 18 2 14,427 14 i Net cost to the colony ... ... ... ... £13,554 3 3 1,335,831 letters and post-cards, 633,199 books, and 1,248.415 newspapers were receired from, and 1,450,606 letters and post-cards, 184,923 books, and 222,965 newspapers were despatch vl to, the United Kingdom via San Francisco. The average time within which mails were delivered by the San Francisco service was : From Auckland to London, 3L79 days, as against 3039 in 1905 ; and from London to Auckland, 33.47 days, as compared with 3L06 days in the previous year. The shortest delivery was made in 29 days.



Peninsular and Oriental and Orient Lines (Federal Mail-service). I>K. £ s. (I. £ a. [d. Payment to P. andjO. and Orient lines* .. .. 2,157 13 7 Transit charges across Australia . . .. . . ]98 8 9 Transit charges across Europe .. .. .. 701 16 7 Gratuities (to and from Australia) .. .. .. 2,977 7 0 6,035 b II Oβ. Postages collected in the colony . . .. . . 3,906 6 5 Postages, &c, from London and foreign offices .. 1,960 3 5 . — 5,866 9 10 Net cost to the colony .. .. .. £168 16 1 1 Payment at Postal Union rates on actual weight of correspondence conveyed The number of letters and post-cards, books, and newspapers conveyed from and to the United Kingdom by the Peninsular and Oriental and Orient packets was: Received— 1,636.771 letters and post-cards. 562,471 books, and 2,309.245 newspapers; despatched —431,700 letters and post-cuds. 60.847 books, and 69.134 newspapers. The maximum, minimum, and average number of days within which the mails were delivered at and from London and Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, and Bluff during 1906 by the San Francisco service and by the Peninsular and Oriental and Orient lines was : — San Francisco Service. I. ;md O. Line. Orient Line. Max. Mm. Average. Max. Mm. Average. Max. Mm. Average. London to Auckland .. 11 30 33-47 .. 38 35 36-92 .. 4(1 37 37-54 Auckland to London .. 36 29 31-79 .. 41 35 89-16 .. 43 38 41-31 London to Wellington .. 42 31 34-93 .. 40 36 38-31 .. 41 38 39-15 Wellington to London .. 38 30 33-29 .. 43 35 41-11 .. 45 38 43-23 London to Dunedin.. .. 43 32 35-93 .. 44 37 38-92 .. 43 38* 39-00 Dunedin to London.. .. 39 31 34-36 .. 42 38 40-02 .. 44 40 42-04 London to Bluff .. .. 44 33 86-68 .. 43 37 38-42 .. 42 38 38-50 Bluff to London .. .. 40 32 86-11 .. 41 38 39-52 .. 43 4& 41-54 The several subsidised sea mail-services, the subsidy-payments for the year 1906, the dates when established, and the date on which each terminates are shown below :—


Service. Duration of Service. Annual Subsidy or Payment. When established. !when terminated or terminable. Number of Voyages per Annum. Mileage for Complete Voyage. Cost per Mile, i ! Auckland and San Francisco Auckland and Fiji Auckland and South Pacific islands Auckland and Devonport Auckland and Great Barrier Dargaville and Tangiteroria Helensville and Matakohe Helensville and Dargaville Horeke, Kohukohu, Rawenc, Koutu, Rangi Point, and Oponom Russell and Opua Russell ai d Waitangi Whangaroa (all boating in harbour) Wellington, Ketu Bay, Homewood, Maori Bay (and other otiices), and Havelock Wellington and Motueka Havelock and Bulwer Nelson, Totaranui, Takaka, and Collingwood Nelson and Croixelles Westport and Karamea Westport and Little Wanganui .. Hokitika, Okarito, Bruce Bay, Paringa, Haast, Okura, and Jackson's Bay Lyttelton and Chatham Islands (including Pitt Island) Lyttelton and Pigeon Bay Bluff and Half-moon Bay Bluff and Ruapuke Island i £ g. d. 17,500 8 10 1,690 0 0 1,200 0 0 60 0 0 250 0 0 I 100 0 0 150 0 0 450 0 0 ! 147 0 0 Mar., 1870 June, 1880 June, 1885 Aug., 1863 Oct., 1891 Nov., 1893 Jan., 1881 Jan., 1881 Jan., 1889 Nov., 1906 Dec, 1906 j Dec, 1906 Dec, 1906 Dec, 1906 Dec, 1906 Dec, 1906 14 13 12 939 52 52 52 104 52 5,925 2,334 6,992 6 120 46 118 170 48 s. d. 4 2-63 1 1-37 0 3-43 0 2-56 0 9-62 0 10-08 0 5-87 0 5-42 1 2-13 I 102 0 0 10 0 0 44 0 0 [ 710 0 0 137 10 0 100 0 0 Jan., 1889 Jan., 1904 | I Dec, 1891 | Nov., 1902 Jan., 1904 ! Dec, 1906 June, 1906 Dec, 1906 Dec, 1906 156 52 (as required) 26 16 14 0 9-81 0 3-30 Dec, 1906 Dec, 1906 Dec, 1906 43 26 104 183 ) • 210 j 64 130 1 6"S6 1 7-83 0 1-78 60 0 0 I 400 0 0 600 0 0 Jan., 1904 ( June, 1886 t Jan., 1895 Jan., 1886 Dec, 1906 ! Dec, 1906 Dec, 1906 Dec, 1906 52 36 12 6 44 102 i 82 I 384 0 6-29 1 8-02 5 2-50 300 0 0 Mar., 1906 6 1,050 0 11-43 225 0 0 245 0 0 45 0 0 I 175 0 0 ] t 275 0 0(a) j 3,356 6 0 July, 1886 Sept., 1903 J April, 1893 Nov., 1886 Dec, 1906 Dec, 1906 Dec, 1906 156 52 26 14 48 26 0 8-57 1 11-56 1 3-95 1 6-89 Bluff and Cromarty May, 1906 10 208 Interprovincial service in connection with San Francisco line Nov., 1906 28 (») Subsidy increased by £100 on re! iy arrangement at £15 pel' trip. letting of servici on 1st Novenibel •, 1906. From Jul to Heptemb ir service wi s perfo nieil


TELEGRAPHS The total value of the telegraph and telephone business for the year ended the 31st March last, including miscellaneous telegraph receipts and Government telegrams, was £325,007 15s. 7|d., as compared with £298,079 17s. lid. for the previous year, an increase of £26,927 17s. Bd., or 9-03 per cent. The following is a comparison of the traffic in paid telegrams during the last ten years : — Number. Net Value. 1897-98 ... 2,469,415 ... ... ... £96,537 1898-99 ... 2,717,548 Increase. 10-05 per cent. ... 101,104 Increase, 4-73 per cent. 1899-00 ... 3,159,093 „ 16-25 114,383 „ 1813 1900-1 ... 3,534,444 „ 11-88 „ ... 126,382 „ 1049 1901-2 ... 3,850,391 „ 894 „ ... 141,581 „ 1203 1902-3 ... 4,271,218 „ 10-93 153,338 „ 830 1903-4 ... 4, 671,904 „ 9-38 162,498 „ 5-97 1904-5 ... 4,900,495 „ 489 167,581 „ 3-12 1905-6 ... 5,351,084 „ 919 180,474 „ 769 1906-7 ... 6,160,080 „ 15 12 ~ ... 202,301 „ 12-09 Table showing the number of telegrams forwarded, and the revenue derived therefrom, during the four quarters of the financial years 1905-6 and 1906-7 respectively : —

The telegraph receipts for the financial year, including telephone-exchange subscriptions, privatewire rents, &c, amounted to £307,520 15s. ll£d., compared with £273,911 7s. 7d. in 1905-6 — an increase of £33,609 Bs. 4Jd., or 12-27 per cent. The expenditure was £291,359 12s. 6d., as against £276,580 I2s. sd. for the previous year — an increase of £14,779 os. Id., or 5-35 per cent. There were 8,953 miles of line and 27,031 miles of wire at the close of the year —an increase of 598 and 1,915 miles respectively. The net expenditure out of Public Works Fund for telegraph-extension was £114,067 19s. 9d., as compared with £77,186 7s. 2d. in 1905-6. The number of private wires and subsidised lines was 351, compared with 335 in 1905-6. The amount received for rent, maintenance, &c, was £2,123 3s. Bd., as against £2,182 9s. 6d. in 1905-6. The total number of telegraph and telephone offices open at the close of the year was 1,446. Of these 270 were telegraph-offices and 1,176 were telephone-offices. The number of telegrams of all codes forwarded during the last financial year was 6,396,332 —an increase of 756,113, or 13-41 per cent., over 1905-6. The proportion of paid telegrams per head of population was 6-84, and 6-15 the previous year. The number of ordinary telegrams forwarded was 4,548,532, of the value of £148,659 ss. 3Jd., compared with 3,995,998, of the value of £135,203 12s. 9£d., in 1905-6—an increase of 552,534 and £13,455 12s. 6d. The urgent telegrams numbered 235,731, of the value of £14,339 18s. 4d. —an increase of 24,160 in number and £1,532 9s. sd. in amount. The average value of each ordinary telegram was 7 - 84 d., and of each urgent telegram Is. 2-6 d. 389,917 Press telegrams, of the value of £18,089 Is. 4d., were forwarded in 1906-7, as compared with 379,185, valued at £16,094 15s. 9|d., forwarded in 1905-6 — an increase of 10,732, or 2-83 per cent., in number, and an increase of 12-39 per cent, in value. The value of each Press telegram averaged 11-13 d., as against 10-19 d. in 1905-6. The bureau messages numbered 985,900, of the value of £21,212 15s. 6d., as compared with 764,330, of the value of £16,368 10s. 3d.—an increase of 221,570 in number and £4,844 ss. 3d. in amount. The average value of each bureau message was 5-16 d., as against 5-14 d. in 1905-6. Telegraph Messengers' Deliveries. Telegraph-messengers' deliveries (by departmental messenger) were established as follows : Auckland —Kaeo, Kohukohu ; Blenheim—Seddon ; Christchurch —Cust; Dunedin —Clinton, Waikaia ; Grisbome —Te Karaka ; Greymouth —Otira ; Invercargill—Edendale, Waimahaka ; Napier—Havelock North, Norsewood, Porangahau ; Timaru—Studholme Junction ; Wellington—Pongaroa.


Number of Telegrams Revenue forwarded. Quarter. Increase Year ended Year ended per Cent. 31st March, 31st March, „, Y ?J r ende ,<L, „ Year endeu 1906. 1907. 31sl ' Wi,rc,l > 1906. 31st March, 1907. J fp -w ! K c CO <D Is June quarter September quarter December quarter March quarter ... ... 1,255,080 il,388,546 j 10-63 42,296 7 0 47,078 0 2$ ... 1,226,811 1,338,072 9-07 41,658 16 6 44,976 12 1$ ... 1,414,598 1,616,765 14-29 47,762 5 10 51,908 18 lHi ... 1,454,595 1,816,697 24-89 48,756 18 5 58,337 9 2~ 5,351,084 6,160,080 15-12 180,474 7 9 i202,301 0 5| I |_ ! 11-31 7-96 i 8-68 19-65 12-09


TELEGRAPH-OFFICES OPENED AND CLOSED DURING FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1907. Opened. Akatarawa Kaiaua Ngutuwera Tahora Alford Forest Kaimanuka North Loburn Tangaihi Aokautere Kaimaumau Ohui - Taniwha Aongateti- Kapuni Omihi Tapapa Aparima Karangarua Omoana Taumatatahi Arahura Kauana Onekeneke 'rauwhare Aratiatia ICohinui Oparau Te Maika Awawaro Kononi Opouriao Te Puna Barrytown Korora Otairi Te Rauamoa Broken River Kuaha Otapiri Gorge Three-mile Bruce Bay Kutarere Overdale Tiriraukawu Brunswick fCyle Owhata Totaranui Burwood Lismore Pakiri Turangaomoana Carew Loburn Pokokomuka (now Ngapae- Upper- Blackwater Churchill Lower Moawhango (now ruru, 15/12/06) Upper Matakitaki Claremont Taoroa) Ponga VVaiauakarua Doric Mahitahi Pougakawa Waiharara Dunedin Railway Bureau Mahoe Poroporo Waiho Gorge Elgin Makairo Pukokawa Waikawa Valley Exhibition (Christchurch) Makauri Pukeokahu Waimauki; Ferry Road Makomako Puni Waimiro Glen Murray Manawaru Rapahoe Wainihinilii Gordon Mangaiti Rawhitiroa Waiotahi Greenstreet Mangainingi Richmond Brook Waiouru Suburban Hakatere Mangarakau Riverliead VVaioweka Hastwell's Mangatete Riverside Waitahora. Hauturu Alanunui Ruapuna YVaitoa Hayward's Point Matakitaki Runanga Wakaipa Hoanga Matangi Ryan's (now Pekanga) Wakanui Ho Ho Matapuna Seadown Wandle Downs Hokonui Matemateonga Seafield Weheka Horoeka Mokomoko Seaview Wendon Houipapa Motukaraka Shaftesbury West Eyreton Humphrey's Muka Staveley Westmere Hunter Newbury Sumruerlea Woodgrove Hunua New Lynn Surrey Hills (reopened. Wylie's Crossing Hupara Ngamatapouri 9/10/00) Huriinoana Ngunguru Closed. Braemore Rangihekc Te Moehau Waikawa Junction Ngapaeruru (30/11/06) Scarrott's Upper Kuaotunu Waitangi Oio Surrey Hills (21/5/06) Waerengaokuri Summary. Number of offices open on the 31st March, 1906, 1,312 ; opened during year, 146 ; closed during year, 11 ; increase, 135. Number of offices open on the 31st March, 1907, 1,447. The following figures show the growth of the traffic in bureau messages as compared with ordinary telegrams : — Average Value. Yea>- Year 1906-7. 1905-6. The total number of ordinary i 552,534, or i /£13,455 12s. 6d., > 7 Q ., , ~ telegrams increased by } 13-83% | alld relatlve re I or 9-95% , 7 ' B4d - 812 d' The total number of bureau com-) 221,570, or! ' " £4,844 ss: 3d.. ic;i ß i munications increased by i 28-99% ' [ or 29-59% , £, ' lb,t - s' l4d - The number of official telegrams forwarded was 236,252, valued at £17,486 19s. Bd., as compared with 289,135, valued at £24,168 10s. 4d— a decrease of 52,883 in number and £6,681 10s. Bd. in amount. Since the abolition of franking privileges on the Ist January of this year, official telegrams have been prepaid by the use of a special issue of " official " stamps. The number and value of these messages have therefore been included with those of private messages as from that date. 68,194 money-orders for £261,488 3s. lid. were transmitted by telegraph, as against 63,682 for £228,423 ss. lOd. in 1905-6, an increase of 4,512 telegrams. The number of paid forwarded telegrams to every hundred letters posted in New Zealand for delivery within the colony was 8*57, as against 8 - 26 in 1905-6. Ocean Cable Services. There has been an increase of 20-10 per cent, in the number of messages, and an increase of 16-75 per cent, in the value of the colony's ordinary outward international cable traffic for the year; while the ordinary traffic to Australia shows increases of 15-16 per cent, in the number of messages and 19-65 in the value. The proportion of cable messages to and from New Zealand transmitted by the Pacific cable exceeds 78 per cent: of the total traffic.



The working of the Pacific cable has been satisfactory. Delays due to weather-conditions occurred occasionally on the Canadian land lines, but as a rule they were trifling. Mr. C. H. Reynolds, CLE., General Manager to the Pacific Cable Board, visited the colony during the year. On the 10th August, 1906, he left Wellington for Doubtless Bay in company with the Superintendent of Electric Lines. A contract was let for the construction of a wharf at Auckland for the Pacific cable steamer. New Zealand's proportion of the deficit of £72,556 Is. 9d. on the fourth year's working of the Pacific cable, 1905-6, amounted to £8,061 15s. 9d. New Zealand's proportion of the loss on the working of the cable for the year ended the 31st March. 1907, is estimated at £6,300. The receipts and working-expenses of the Pacific cable for the year ended the 31st March, 1907, are estimated as under: — £ £ Traffic revenue .. .. .. 102,250 I Annuity and renewals .. . . 110,545 Estimated deficit .. .. 69,132 Working-expenses .. .. .. 60,837 £171,382 £171,382 During the past four years the business of the Pacific cable has steadily increased. ()f the ordinary paid business the Pacific obtained, in 1903, 82 per cent. ; in 1904, 86 per cent.; in 1905, 87 per cent. ; and in 1906, 89 per cent."; the Eastern Company's share being 18, 14, 13, and 11 per cent, during the same years. The New Zealand figures for the past four years' ordinary telegrams are : — Pacific. E.E.A. <X- (J. Year. Messages. Year. Messages. 1903 72,595 1903 16,351 1904 74,804 1904 12,395 1905 78,765 1905 12,013 1906 94,199 1906 11,522 There has been a decrease in the number of press messages, the figures for which are as follows, but the value has been maintained :— Pacific. E.E.A. & V. Year. Messages. Year. Messages. 1903 325 1903 1,270 1904 486 1904 1,065 1905 722 1905 1,504 1906 668 1906 1,147 Recent checks show that the average best time in which messages are handled on the Pacific route are : — H. m. From London .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 15 America .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 12 „ Sydney .. .. .. .. .. .. ..0 8 „ Melbourne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 15 The figures show that not only has New Zealand given the Pacific cable support beyond the most favourable estimate of international business, but it has also given that route 89 per cent, of the ordinary business to Australia. Cable Business. The number and value of cable messages forwarded from New Zealand during 1906 are shown in the following statement: —

Via Pacific.


Ordinary. Press. Destination. Number of ,. , Messages. X alue £ s. d. ... 25,280 38,872 6 3 ... i 68,919 13,643 13 8 Number of Afessa.frps Messages. Value. I I Number of ... Messages, j N ;llue - £ s. d, 36 59 2 1i 632 372 K) II international Australia ... ... 25,280 68,919 £ s. a. 38,872 6 3 13,643 13 8 Total for 1906 94,199 52,515 19 11 668 431 13 10 Total for 1905 78,765 44,274 1 7 44,274 1 7 722 398 19 1(1


Via Extension.

The colony's outward international and Australian cable business, not including Press, for the years 1905|and 1906 was as follows • — International. Number of Value. Messages. £ s d. 1906 .. .. .. 28,711 44,196 3 5 1905 .. .. .. 23,905 37,855 10 5 Increase 4,806 » 20-10 per cent. 6,340 13 0 = 16-75 per cent. Australia. Number of Value. Me;sawes. £ s. <I. 1906 .. .. .. 77,010 15,454 5 11 1905 .. .. .. 66,873 12,916 4 11 Increase 10,137 = 15-16 per cent. 2,538 10= 19-65 per cent. There was a total increase of 14,943 messages, and an increase of £8,878 14s. in value. The number of cable messages received in New Zealand during 1906, exclusive of Press, was as follows :— Pacific. International. Australia. 1906 .. .. .. 17,071 50,145 1905 .. .. .. 12,760 12,681 Increase 4,311 Increase 7,464 Extension. International. Australia. 1906 .. .. .. 8,870 19,482 1905 .. .. .. 8,893 17,383 Decrease 23 Increase 2,099 The forwarded and received cable Press business for the ten years ended the 31st December, 1906, was : —

iv—F. 1,


Destination. Ordii Number of Messages. Ordinary. nary. Value. Pr j Number oi Messages. Press. ress. Value. international Australia... Total for 1906 3,431 8,091 11,522 £ 3. . 5,323 17 1,810 12 7,134 9 a. 2 3 5 _i — 153 994 1,147 £ s. d. 268 3 3 590 10 8 858 13 11 7,134 o 5 1,147 858 13 11 Total for 1905 12,013 6,497 13 9 1,504 891 9 5

Forwarded. Received. Year. Numb Messages. Number of ber of Words. Value. Nun Messages. nber of Words. Value. 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1,294 1,154 1,570 1,034 1,420 1,830 1,595 1,551 2,226 1,815 128,839 133,342 182,066 139,295 148,400 202,968 159,732 161,094 181,196 186,128 £ a. d. i 945 4 8 j 907 7 0 1,800 10 4 i 1,457 4 5 i 2,718 12 0 1,772 8 4 1,235 11 1 . 1,147 8 8 1,290 9 3 1,290 7 9 3,665 3,599 3,822 4,014 3,989 4,443 5,636 4,488 4,548 4,061 323,617 282,882 298,218 333,300 351,291 396,438 425,824 392,888 398,878 394,337 £ a. d. 1,752 7 5 1,599 7 0 1,690 12 4 1,878 9 1 1,967 19 3 2,200 10 6 2,333 10 2 2,169 1 3 2,254 18 8 2,163 17 0


TELEPHONE EXCHANGES. Five new exchanges were opened and one closed during the year, and the number of subscribers increase"d"by"2#7o." ~ ' q The total number of exchanges now is 105, made up of. 28 central and 76 sub-exchanges. The total number of connections is 17,403, compared with 15,333 in 1906. They may be classified as follows :-Paying,-3t>,ol4;—free,3o7 -;■- bureaux, 1,086. New connections numbered 2,838, and those given up 768. The increase in connections is equal to 13-50 per cent. On the 31st March, 1907, there were 947 miles of telephone-line and 15,076 miles of wire. The following is a comparative return of telephone-exchange connections for the years 1906-7 and 1905-6 :— „ , Number of Subscribers or Connections: -txcnange. Maroh 19Q7 Maroh 31 1906 Ashburton ... ... ... ... 161 ... 138 Auckland ... .... ... ... 2,224 ... 2,036. Cambridge ... ... ... ... 50 ... 42 Devonport ... ... ... ... 42 ... 37 Onehunga ... ... ... ... 28 .-:. 23 Blenheim ... ... ... ... 198 ... 157 Picton ... ... ... 50 ... 41 Christchurch ... ... ... ... 2,162 ... 1,887 Akaroa ... ... ... ... 35 ... 40 Cust ... ... ... ... 8 Doyleston ... ... ... ... 7 ... 7 Duvauchelie ... ... ... 7 ... 7 Leeston ... ... ... ... 12 ... 11 Lincoln ... ... ... ... 5 ... 6 Little River... ... ... ... 9 ... 8 Lyttelton ... ... ... ... • 18 ... 13 Rangiora ... ... ... ... 18 ... 15 Southbridge... ... ... .. 5 ... 5 Sumner ... ... ... ... 23 Dannevirke ... ... ... ... 145 ... 127 Makotuku ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Dunedin ... ... ... ... 1,995 ... 1,848 Balclutha ... ... ... ... 34 ... 33 Clinton ... ... ... ... 6 ... 11 Kaitangata ... ... ... ... 14 ... 13 Milton ... ... ... ... 27 ... 24 Mosgiel ... ... ... ... 24 ... 22 Palmerston... ... ... ... 20 ... 21 Port Chalmers. .... ... 26 ... 24 Waikouaiti ... ... ... ... 9 ... 8 Feilding ... ... ... ... 191 ... 166 Kimbolton ... ... ... ... 12 ... 11 Rongotea ... ... ... ... 20 ... 8 Sanson ... ... ... ... 1 .. 1 Gisborne ...- ... ... ... 466 ... 395 Greymouth ... ... ... ... 240 ... 220 Reef ton ... ... ... \. 56 ... 55 Hamilton ... ... ... ... 119 ... 88 Hawera ... ... ... ... 162 ... 158 Eltham ... ... ... ... 39 ... 28 Kaponga ... ... ... ... 7 ... 6 Manaia ... ... ... ... 12 ... 14 Otakeho ... ... ... ... 8 ... 1 Patea ... ... ... ... -37 ... 33 Hokitika ... ... ... ... 124 ... 129 Kumara ... ... ... ... 18 ... 10 Ross ... ... ... ... 15 6 Invercargill ... ... ... ... 457 ... 413 Balfour ... ... ... ... 6 . 6 Bluff ... ... ... ... 51 ... 42 Edendale ... ... ... ... 9 .... 5 Gore ... ... ... ... 124 ... 104 Lumsden ... ... ... ... 18 ... 16 Mataura ... ... ... ... 12 ... 11 Otautau ... ... 29 ... 23 Riversdale ;.. ... ... ... 19 ... 18 Riverton ... ... ... ... 17 ... 18 Winton ... ... ... ... 35 ... 25 Woodlands ... ... ... ... 5 .., 5 _ Wyndham;" ~. ~ .., 12 ~, 12




w-.u,..,-. Numbar of Subscribers or Connections . juxenange. Maroh 19Q7 Maroh lgQ6 Lawrence ... ...... ... ... 35 ... 30 Masterton ... ... ... ... 302 ... 243 Carterton ... ... ... ... 54 ... 44 Eketahuna ... ... ... ... 69 ... 43 Featherston ... ... ... 37 ... 28 Greytown Nortli ... ... ... 32 ... 14 Martinborough ... ... ... 54 ... 48 Napier ... ... ... ... 497 ... 445 Hastings ... ... ... ... 333 ... 245 Waipawa ... ... ... ... 47 ... 36 Waipukurau ... ... ... 36 Wairoa ... ... ... ... 78 Weber ... ... ... ... 3 1 Nelson ... ... ... ... 307 ... 283 New Plymouth ... ... ... 347 ... 324 Inglewood ... ... ... ... 30 ... 28 Opunake ... ... ... ... 25 Waitara ... ... ... ... 13 ... 14 Oamaru ... ... ... ... 238 ... 235 Ngapara ... ... ... ... 5 ... 3 Pahiatua ... ... ... ... 98 ... 83 Woodville ... ... ... ... 34 28 Palmerston North ... ... ... 451 ... 396 Poxton ... ... ... ... 50 ... 37 Longburn ... ... ... ... 5 ... 5 Botorua ... ... ... ... 109 ... 103 Stratford ... ... ... ... 121 ... 119 Thames ... ... ... ... 100 ... 98 Paeroa ... ... ... ... 43 ... 36 Waihi ... ... ... ... 67 ... 56 Timaru ... ... ... ... 344 ... 294 Fairlie ... ... ... ... 12 ... 12 Geraldine ... ... ... ... 63 ... 40 St. Andrew's ... ... ... 7 ... 8 Studholme Junction ... ... ... 4 ... 5 Temuka ... ... ... ... 24 ... 18 Waimate ... ... ... ... 51 ... 48 Wanganui ... ... ... ... 529 ... 480 Bull's ... ... ... ... 15 ... 16 Huntervilla ... ... ... ... 15 ... 11 Marton ... ... ... ... 76 ... 73 Okaiawa ... ... ... ... 6 ... 1 Waverley ... ... ... ... 13 ... 10 Wellington ... ... ... ... 2,706 ... 2,462 Westport ... ... ... ... 140 ... 124 Whangarei ... ... ... ... 95 '... 74 Totals ... ... ... 17,403 ... 15,333 Wireless Telegraphy. In the public-works estimates for 1906-7, Parliament voted £2,000 for wireless telegraphy. Negotiations which had been proceeding with the Commonwealth towards establishing wirelesstelegraph communication between Australia and New Zealand and some of the outlying islands did not result in any decision to prosecute this work. The representative of the Marconi Company was in the colony for a time, and consideration was given to proposals for wireless-telegraph installations, to open communication by that method with outlying islands and with ships, but nothing definite was arrived at. The Marconi Company had a small installation in operation at the Christchurch Exhibition to illustrate the capabilities of its system. Although there are great advantages in the use of wireless telegraphy in its present stage of development, to ships, lighthouses, and such-like stations in various parts of the world, it is expected that considerable improvement in methods will be effected in the near future. The National Signalling Company has claimed to have communicated between Britain and America with one kilowatt of power, and Mr. Valdemar Poulsen's experiments with continuous undamped waves from an arc in hydrogen have been attended with very satisfactory results from moderate power. Improvements in the sensitiveness of the receiving-apparatus are also foreshadowed. These combined may make it possible to attain, at a greatly reduced cost for plant, distances equivalent to those reached by the present methods. / It will probably be found the best policy to withhold any considerable outlay in connection with wireless, telegraphy until something more definite is known as to what is likely to result from scientific research now proceeding.


TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE. New Zealand Carle Services. - - - Submarine cables were successfully laid across Croixelles Harbour and across Tory Channel at the extremity of Oyster Bay and Arapawa Island respectively. The Government steamer " Tutanekai " was used for the work. The four cables across Cook Strait and the Wanganui-Wakapuaka cable have been tested from time to time, and found to be electrically sound. In May, 1906, a fault occurred in No. 4 Lyell Bay cable, three miles from the Lyell Bay end. Repair was effected on the 3rd June. A few r days later a break occurred in the same cable, about 20 knots from the Lyell Bay end. Repairs were effected by the 26th June. In the middle of January, 1907, the No. 1 -Oterangi Bay cable suddenly broke 13 miles from Oterangi Bay. The repair was completed and the cable restored to good condition by the 24th January. About 3J knots of cable have been laid across Croixelles Harbour, and about 1 mile of cable in Tory Channel. These are to be used in lines in course of erection to outlying districts. Cables across Whangarei H eit^s an d * ne Northern Wairoa also broke down during the year, and repairs wete effected without delay. The cables in other parts of the colony are in good working-order. Superimposed Circuits. This class of circuit has now been in use on many of the Department's lines for some years, and has given entire satisfaction. The system is being brought into operation wherever suitable conditions exist and the requirements of the service call for and warrant it. Telephone, trunk wires haye been run between Dunedin and Invercargill, Auckland and Hamilton, and Wellington and Mastertou, and are in course of erection between Dunedin and Oamaru, Timaru and Waimate, Greymouth and Westport via Reefton, Marton and Taihape, and several other places. On all these lines a telegraph circuit either has been or will be superimposed on the telephone circuit, and in one or two cases, where the,conditions favour it, two telegraph circuits and one metallic telephone circuit will be obtained from two wires. There is a great public demand for speaking-facilities from one centre to another and from outlying districts to their chief town or city, notwithstanding that there is already generally in existence telegraphic communication. Usually it is necessary to run two wires to render the telephone service free from disturbing noises. The carrying-capacity of a pair of wires for telephone purposes is comparatively limited, being only about fifty communications a day, and it cannot be increased by any appliances, as in the case of telegraph circuits, to which single-current, duplex, or quadruplex apparatus can be attached. This makes the satisfaction of the public demands for telephonic facilities difficult to meet without large outlay. The comparatively small earning-capacity of telephone trunk circuits has been referred to in former reports. ' Electric-tramway and Electric-light Undertakings. Several Orders in Council for tramwaj'-extension have been dealt with during the year on behalf of the Board of Control, and supervision maintained over the several tramway undertakings in the colony. A few applications for licenses for the electric lighting of boroughs have been received, and are under consideration for the framing of regulations for the control of the respective systems. Auckland District. Construction. The following new lines and wires have been constructed during the year :— Poles. Wire. M. eh. M. eh. Waiharara, branch off Cape Maria van Diemen line .. .. 1 40 1 40 Ponga and Hunua, extension from Ararimu line .. ..70 70 Waioweka and Ohui, branch off Opotiki-Ohiwa line .. ..80 80 Pukekawa and Glen Murray, branch off Tuakau-Onewhero line 19 0 19 0 Hoanga, branch off Dargaville-Tangiteroria line .. ..10 10 Waiotahi and Kutarere, branch off Opotiki-Ohiwa line ..8 0 8 0 Leigh-Pakiri .. .. .. .. .. ..7 0 7 0 Auckland to Thames No. 4. diverted to via Hamilton .. .. 101 0 Tirau to Tapapa .. .. .. ".. 5 40 6 0 Te Aroha to Turangaomoana .. .. .. 20 0 20 0 Te Aroha to Mangaiti .. .. .. .... .. 0 60 4 0 Taumarunui to Matapuna and Manunui (metallic circuit) .. .. 8 0 Bnmtwood to Matangi and Tauwhare .. .. ..80 80 Owhata, branch off Herekino-Whangape wire .. .. 1 20 1 20 Otorohanga-Te Kuiti, extension of telephone-wire .. .. .. 11 60 Miranda to Kaiaua ~ ... .'. ..... ..5 0 5 0 Riverhead, branch off Auokland-Hpbsonville wire .. .. 3 0 8 0 Waimauku, branch off Auckland-Hobsonville wire .. .. .. 5 0 Puni, extension from Pukekohe-Mauku line.. .. ..20 20



Poles. Wire. M. eh. M. eh. Kiripaka to Ngunguru .. .. .. .. ..50 50 Te Puna, lead off Tauranga-Katikati wire .. .. 0 10 0 10 Aongatete, lead off Tauranga-Katikati wire.. ... .. .. 0 10 New Lynn, extension of Auckland-Avondale wire .. .. .. 1 40 • - Otahuhu (second trunk wire) .. .. .. .. .. 8 60 Devonport (two additional trunk wires) .. .. .. .. 22 40 Kawhia to Te Maika .. .. .. .. .. 35 0 35 0 Tangaihi, branch off Pouto line .. .. .. 4 0 4 0 Taniwha, branch off Mercer-Rangiriri wire .. .. ..60 60 Churchill, branch off Mercer-Rangiriri wire .. .. 3 20 3 60 Paeroa-Waihi (metallic circuit) .. .. .. .. .. 28 0 Pongakawa, branch off Te Puke-Maketu wire .. ... 0 10 7 0 Mangatete, branch off Mangonui-Whangape line .. .. 0 40 0 40 Hupara, from Kawakawa .. .. .. ..30 80 Motukaraka, branch off Rawene-Kohukohu line .. ..20 20 Kaimaumau, branch off Cape Maria van Diemen line .. 3 40 3 40 Opouriao, branch off Whakatane-Taneatua line .. .. 3 20 3 20 Auckland-Hamilton (metallic circuit) .. .. .. .. 166 0 Taumarunui-Raurimu .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 162 60 561 40 For Railway Department— Whangarei to Hukerenui .. .. .. .. .. .. 20J 40 162 60 582 0 Poles. Wire. Less wires dismantled— M. eh. M. eh. Mercer-Miranda old No. 4 .. .. 20 0 Helensville-Warkworth old Nos. ■ 1 and 2 .. .. .. 27 0 64 0 Mercer - Pokeno Railway tele-phone-wire .. .... 3 40 27 0 87 40 Net increase . . .. .. .. 135 60 494 40 The net increase is 135 miles 60 chains of line and 494 miles 40 chains of wire. The total length of line in this district is 2,262 miles 50 chains, and of wire 6,204 miles 17 chains, exclusive of that maintained by the Railway Department for its own use. Maintenance. The Dargaville-Kaihu wire, which was of No. 14 copper, was replaced by No. 8 iron wire. This has overcome the trouble of frequent breakages on this circuit. The main line from Thames to Paeroa was rebuilt, heavier poles being used. This line is now in good order. No. 4 wire was diverted from via Miranda to via Hamilton and Paeroa, involving tne erection of 101 miles of wire. The old No. 4 wire was Mercer and Miranda, a distance of 20 miles The two ra old"Morse wires (Nos. 1 and 2) between Helensville and Warkworth and the line of poles between Kaukapakapa and Warkworth were taken down. Twenty-seven miles of poles'and 64 miles of wire in all were dismantled. The Auckland-Helensville' Morse wires were crossed, to neutralise induction from Morse and tramway to single telephone circuits beyond the metallic cable. The Te Kopuru-Pouto line was overhauled, 8 miles of wire being renewed and some heavier poles erected. The Kaipara Heads line was rebuilt, and new telephones substituted for those of the old pattern. The Marsden Point - Whangarei Heads cable parted and was repaired. The Morse cable at Te Kopuru, having also become unworkable, a new piece of cable was spliced into it. The Mercer-Pokeno Railway wire (3J miles) was dismantled. In January very heavy floods occurred, and lines in many parts were nearly submerged. The only damage sustained was one pole washed out on the north section. Offices. Forty-eight new offices were opened during the year. Five offices were closed—viz., Rangiheke, Waitangi, Scarrott's, Oio, and Upper Kuaotunu. One office was converted from Morse to telephone. Helensville office was rewired and refitted with a new test-board. The new office at Tauranga was occupied on the 29th June. The total number of telegraph and telephone offices open is 338, of which 48 are Morse and 290 telephone offices.


F— 1.

Exchanges. The connections in the Auckland exchange totalled 2,224 on the 31st March, as against 2,036 at the end of the previous year, an increase of 188. Of these connections 2,131 are paying, 25 are fret, and 68 are bureau-connections. There are also 520 extension telephones in use, an increase of 73 during the year. The switchboard now provides accommodation for 2,399 connections. The connections to the exchange involve the use of 117 miles 37 chains of poles and 2,195 miles 70 chains, of wire. Of aerial wire, 528 miles 6 chains have been replaced by double wire in leaden metallic circuit cables during the year. The aerial wire replaced by metallic circuit cables will be dismantled. The nine other exchanges in the district have had material increases in the number of connections, which now total 653, an increase of 96. Devonport was fitted with a 100-number annunciator, and all wires made metallic circuits. Hamilton and Rotorua had extra 50-number annunciators fitted, bringing the capacity of the exchanges up to 150 each. The total number of connections to all exchanges in this district is 2,877, of which 2,720 are paying, 36 are free, and 121 are bureau-connections. These are connected by 157 miles 30 chains of poles and 2,464 miles 49J chains of wire, exclusive of 86 miles 75 chains of dead wire. The total number of extension telephones is 537, making the total number of telephones in use 3,414. A superimposed telephone circuit was arranged between Thames and Waihi, with Paeroa intermediate, using the No. 7 and the Paeroa-Thames direct wire, and the duplex and No. 3to Waihi. The condenser metallic circuit system is being used, and is working well. Wellington District. Construction. The following new lines and wires have been erected during the year : — Poles. Wire. M. eh. M. eh. Hutt pathc logical laborat jry (metallic circuit) .. . . .. 22 0 Lead off Gisbcrne-Ormcnd wiie to Makauri .. .. .. 0 1 Mataioa to Tiriraukawa, new line.. .. .. ..7 0 7 0 Palmerston North to Aokautere, new line .. . . 1 32 3 72 Eltham to Omoana, new line .. .. .. 19 0 19 0 Ohutu to Taoroa, new line .. .. .. ..70 70 Taoroa to Pukeokahu, new line .. .. .. ..72 72 Palmerston North to Newbuiy, new hue .. . . .. .. 4 40 Opunake to Te Kin, new line .. .. .. 6 60 6 60 Westmere to Brunswick, new line.. .. .. ..3 0 3 0 Kaponga to Mahoo, new line .. .. .. ..50 50 Kaponga to Kapuni, new line .. .. .. ..40 40 Kapuni to Manaia, new line .. .. .. 5 40 5 40 Mangptoro to Waitahora, new line .. .. 4 60 4 60 Mangahao to Makcmakc, new line .. .. 4 20 4 20 Mohaka to Wairoa, telephone-wire .. .. .. .. 22 0 Westmere, leaa off main line .. .. .. .. .. 0 l| Mangamahoe to Hastwell's, new line .. .. 1 40 3 0 Taupo to Onekeneke, new line ..' .. .. 0 40 2 40 Mangatainoka to Makairo, new line .. .. 9 26 9 26 Mangatoro to Pokokomuka, new line .. .. 3 30 3 30 Kimbolton to Awawaro, new line .. .. 3 60 3 60 Kohuratahi to Tahora, new line . . .. .. 5 25 5 25 Waiouru Suburban, lead off main line .. .. .. .. 0 1 Matemateonga .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 2 Upper Hutt to Akatarawa, new line .. .. 9 40 9 40 Waitotara to Taumatatahi, new line .. .. 29 40 33 40 Waione to Horoeka, new line .. .. .. ..70 70 Waione to Pongaroa, new line .. .. .. ..90 90 CarswolPs to Whareama .. .. .. .. ..30 30 Masteiton to Pahiatua (section of Masterton to Palmeiston Ncith, new wire) .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 0 Trunk telephone wires— Wanganui to Marton (metallic circuit trunk wires) .. .. .. 46 0 Gisborne to Tolaga Bay, trunk wire .. .. ..... 33 40 Masterton to Greytown Noith, trunk wire .. -•»... •• • •■ 30 0 . Hastings to Maraekakaho, trunk wire .. .. .. .. 14 0 Napier to Hastings (metallic circuit wires) .. .. .. .. 25 0 Hastings to Pakipaki (completing metallic circuit) .. .. .. 4 0 Masterton to Ek itahuna, new trunk wire .. .. .. .. 25 0 Eltham to Stratford, new metallic circuit wire .. .. .. 6 0 Alfredtcn to Eketahuna (metallic circuit) .. .. .. .. 24 0 Masterton to Wellington, metallic circuit wires .. .. .. 126 0 Masterton to Pahiatua, new trunk wire .. .. .. .. 43 0 Normanby t > Okaiawa and Matapu, metallic circuit wire .. .. 7 0 156 35 641 40|


F.^-l. ;

The lengths of lines and wires now maintained in this district are 2,372 miles 76£ chains and 8,565 miles 28| chains respectively. Net increase, 156 miles 35 chains of line and 641 miles 40| chains of wire. Six private wires, aggregating 1 mile 78 chains, were erected. There are 26 authorised but uncompleted construetion-woiks, some of which are neaiing completion, and others will be proceeded with as soon as practicable. Works include extensions to new districts, and erection of wires on existing lines to give increased accommodation, and to improve existing services. Maintenance. The lines throughout the district are in good order, the overhaul of a number of the main lines and branches has been completed, and the overhaul of the sections between Tarawcra-Taupo, PahiatuaWoodville, Featherston - Greytown North, New Plymouth-Mahoenui, and Tokomaru Bay - Point Awanui are now in progress. The following sections were oveihauled and strengthened, many extra cr largeT poles being provided where necessary : — Mileage. M. eh. Napier-Taradale .. .. .. .. .. .. ..50 Napier -Pert Ah uriri .. .. .. .. .. ..2 0 Gisborne - Tolaga Bay . . .. .. .. .. .. 33 40 Patea-Manutahi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 Masterton - Greytown North .. .. .. .. ..150 Wairoa-Mohaka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 0 Masterton-Pahiatua ~ .. .. .. .. .. 43 0 Kumeroa line .. .. .. .. .. .. ..60 Wairoa-Wairoa Pilot-station .. .. .. .. ..3 0 Te Karaka - Whatatutu .. . . .. .. .. ..60 New Plymouth - Sentry Hill .. .. .. .. ..50 Hutt-Featherston .. .. .. .. ... 30 0 Wellington-Hutt .. .. .. .. .. .. ..90 Napier-Tarawera . . .. . . .. .. .. . . 52 0 241 40 The weather conditions on several occasions have been very severe. In April an exceptionally heavy gale did considerable damage to the lines in the southern portion of the district. Again, in the early part of July a gale of hurricane force did much damage at Masterton, Pahiatua, and Waipukurau; several faults being caused by trees being blown over the lines. On the 14th and 15th July, 1906, the line on the elevated positions between Napier and Taupo was seriously damaged through a heavy fall of snow, about twelve poles being broken or pulled over and many arms and several miles of copper wire broken with the weight of snow. This line has been specially strengthened in the snow regions. New jack-knife test-boards have been fitted at Hutt, Eketahuna, Eltham Railway, Pahiatua, Weraroa, Petone, and Shannon. The Napier-Wairoa circuit and the Napier-Hastings switch circuit have been duplexed, and Morse has been superimposed on the Gisborne-Te Karaka and Palmerston North-Longburn metallic circuits. The instruments at Gisborne, Dannevirke, and Pahiatua have been transferred to the new instru-ment-rooms at those offices. Soundproof cabinets have been installed in the following offices : Mangatoro, Ormondville, Raetihi, and Weber. Telephone Exchanges. Four new exchanges were opened as follows : — Alfredton with 5 subscribers, Opunake with 18 subscribers, Waipukurau with 28 subscribers, and Wairoa with 40 subscribers. The Makotuku exchange was closed. Fifty-five telephones were destroyed by fire —viz., at Foxton 1, Hastings 5, Napier 1, Rongotea 1, Waitara 2, and Wellington 45. Alterations to the lines at Waitara, and further alterations at New Plymouth, were necessitated owing to the electric-light installations by the Borough Councils concerned. At the Wellington exchange the conversion of subscribers' wires from the earth system to metallic circuits is steadily advancing. Six hundied and eighty-four subscribers' connections have been improved in this direction during the year, biinging the total number of converted circuits up to 1,369. Lead-covered cables of various sizes have been suspended during the year, representing 1,389 miles of double wire. This, together with 752 miles erected last year, represents 2,141 miles of double wire now overhead, of which 173 miles are for future use. Pending the adoption of the underground system throughout the business portion of the city, and owing to the congested conditions of overhead routes, progress during the later months has been somewhat slower than formerly. Considerable alterations to the telephone-lines have been necessary to meet the requirements of the metallic circuits within the city and suburbs,



The increase in the number of subscribers continues, the number now reaching 2,706, an increase of 244, as compared with 202 last year. Of these 2,592 are paying, 58 are free, and 56 are bureau-con-nections. 1 There are also 650 extension telephones, making a grand total of 3,356 telephones in use. Two n sections of multiple switchboard, which will increase the capacity of the exchange by accommodation for 400 subscribers, have been placed in position. The present switchboard-equipment provides for 3,100 subscribers. Two subsections of the last section of the switchboard have been altered to provide increased accommodation for, and a better method of, working the long-distance trunk circuits, both earth-working and metallic. There are under order two sections of branching multiple switchboard for this exchange, which will provide for a further 600 subscribers. To accommodate these some alterations will be necessary to the building. There are now 42 exchanges in the district, an increase of 3 for the year. These are working satisfactorily. The subscribers connected therewith aggregate 7,176, an increase of 993 for the year, as compared with 780 last year. Of these connections 6,657 are paid for, 132 are free, and 387 are bureauconnections. They are connected by 6,079 miles 78 chains of wire. Extension telephones at the various exchanges number 1,058, making a grand total of 8,234 telephones, as against 7,062 last year. The number of subscribers continues to increase rapidly. Provision has been made at the larger exchanges to meet this growth. At several of the smaller exchanges the time is approaching when extension will require to be made for them also. The multiple switchboards for Gisborne, Napier, New Plymouth, Palmerston North, and Wanganui are now arriving, and it is expected will soon be in operation. At New Plymouth and Palmerston North the switchboards are being erected in rooms in the new-post-office buildings. At Wanganui the switchboard is being installed in the old room, which has been enlarged by absorbing other rooms. At Napier it was found necessary to erect a new building to accommodate the new switchboard. This building is detached a short distance from the post and telegraph office, and opportunity was taken when erecting the premises to provide space for batteries, a store-room for materials, a workshop, and increased accommodation for the linemen. At Gisborne it has been necessary to make considerable alterations to the new buildings to meet the requirements of the new switchboard. A marked improvement has been made in the conditions that previously obtained. The establishment of exchanges at Ashhurst, Levin, and Taihape has been approved, and arrangements are being made to construct them at an early date. The exchanges at Hastings and Pahiatua have been transferred into new rooms.y 4lt is intended to remove the Masterton exchange from the present room to more commodious premises upstairs. Offices. New offices have been erected at Bull's, Hutt, Johnsonville, Ohakune, Rongotea, Tokomaru Bay, Tuparoa, Waipiro Bay, and Waitotara, and the transfer of the instruments has been effected. The offices at Mataroa, Te Karaka, and Utiku have been transferred to the Railway Department's premises. The offices at Longburn, Te Karaka, and Weraroa have been converted from telephone to Morse stations. Thirty-four offices were opened during the year. Four offices —viz., Braemore, Ngapaeruru, Te Moehau, and Waerengaokuri—were closed. There are 397 offices in the district, 67 being Morse and 330 telephone offices. Metallic Circuits. To provide metallic circuits additional wires have been erected and looped with existing earthworking telephone-lines between the following places : Masterton and Eketahuna (two circuits); Eketahuna and Alfredton; Eketahuna and Pahiatua; Stratford, Ngaire, and Eltham; Normanby, Okaiawa, and Matapu ; Hastings and Maraekakaho ; and Wairoa and Mohaka. To meet growing requirements further metallic circuits have been established between Napier and Hastings, Wanganui and Marton, Masterton and Greytown North, and Wellington and Masterton. Morse circuits have been superimposed on the metallic circuit sections between Gisborne and Te Karaka, Gisborne and Tolaga Bay, Palmerston North and Longburn, Mohaka and Wairoa, and Napier and Hastings. Nelson District. Construction. The following new lines and wires have been erected during the year : — Poles. Wire. M. eh. M. eh. Hokitika-Humphrey's .. .. .. .. .. 10 6 10 6 Spring Grove-Wai-iti .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 57 Bruce Bay line .. .. .. .. .. 50 5 50 5 Bruce Bay- Maintain ... .. .. .. .. 8 30 8 30 Takaka - Upper Takaka .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 17 Greymouth-Barrytown .. .. .. .. .. 15 30 18 30 Tapawera- Stanley Brook .. .. .. 5 25 5 25 Murchison-Matakitaki .. .. .. .. .. 18 20 18 20




;, Poles. Wire. M. eh. M. eh. Humphrey's-Ho Ho .. .. .. .. 2 15 2 15 Seddon - Richmond Brook .. .. .. ..37 5 74 Motupipi-Totaranui .. .. .. .. ..80 80 Reefton - Upper Blackwater .. .. .. 4 10 18 23 Wainihinihi office .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 3 Sherry River extension .. .. .. .. ..14 14 Runanga office .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 5 Stillwater-Jackson's .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 60 Pakawau-Mangarakau .. .. .. .. 12 9 12 9 For Public Works Department — Tadmor-Manu .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 6 10 6 148 7 218 69 , Less railway wire ceased to be maintained by Department— Waimangaroa - Conn's Creek .. .. 1 20 1 20 1 ; ! '• 146 67 217 49 : Net increase for the year, 146 miles 67 chains of line and 217 miles 49 chains of wire. There are 1,166 miles 53 chains of line and 3,158 miles 18 chains of wire maintained in this district. There are nine authorised but uncompleted works, some of which are nearing completion, and others will be proceeded with as soon as practicable. These works include extensions to new districts, and the erection of wires on existing lines to give increased accommodation, and to improve existing services. Three and one-third knots of submarine cable have been laid in the Croixelles Harbour for use with the extension in hand from Nelson to the French Pass ; and a mile of submarine cable has been laid in Tory Channel to form part of a telephone-line about to be erected from Picton to Tory Channel entrance, taking in en route various settlements along the Sounds. Maintenance. The main lines throughout the district have been overhauled, and certain sections strengthened during the year. They are in good order. During April a very heavy gale was experienced on the West Coast, wrecking the Taipc—Otira section completely, and doing other damage in the district. A set of duplex instruments has been installed at Reefton. A copper wire was run from Stillwater to Jackson's to facilitate communication between Wakapuaka and Christchurch, at the same time giving telephone-facilities between Greymouth, Kumara, Taipo, and Otira. A Morse circuit was superimposed on the metallic circuit between Westport and Denniston. Offices. Twenty new offices have been opened during the year, making a total of 189, of which 26 are Morse and 163 telephone offices. New offices have been erected at Nelson and Collingwood, and the transfer of apparatus has been effected. Additions and alterations were made to the Tophouse office. The offices at Flat Creek, Motueka Wharf, Upper Takaka, Sherry River, Motupiko, Stillwater, Rockville, and Millerton have been removed to other premises. Other offices have been overhauled and refitted. Denniston has been converted from telephone to Morse. The new post and telegraph office at Greymouth is expected to be finished shortly. Exchanges. The number of subscribers to the exchanges continues to increase, and now totals 1,148, of which 970 are paying, 40 are free, and 138 are bureau-connections. There are also 52 extension telephones, making a total of 1,200 telephones in use in the district. The Nelson exchange has 13 miles 53 chains of line and 172 miles 5 chains of wire. The new branching multiple switchboard is now in course of erection ami will be soon completed, when the telephone exchange will be transferred from the old building to the new post-office premises. The switchboard will accommodate 900 subscribers The Greymouth exchange has 26 miles 36 chains of line and 169 miles 44 chains of wire. This exchange will shortly be removed to the new building There are 9 exchanges in this district connected hy 79 miles 44 chains of line and 578 miles 18 chains of wire. The metallic circuits used for telephonic communication and the Morse superimposed on the several telephone circuits are giving entire satisfaction. The relief from induction is of marked advantage to the despatch of business.

v—F. 1.


Christchurch District. Construction. The following new lines and wires were erected during the year : — Poles. Wire. M. eh. M eh. Glen-iti to Claremont .. .. .. .. 4 40 4 40 Ashburton-Rakaia .. .. .. .. .. 41 10 41 50 Ashburton-Greenstreet .. .. .. .. ..50 7 40 Hinds-Lismore .. .. .. .. .. ..'9O 90 Ealing-Ruapuna .. .. .. .. .. 14 0 14 0 Springston-Wakaipa .. .. .. .. ..20 40 Cust - West Eyreton .. .. .. .. ..30 30 Hawarden-Woodgrove .. .. .. .. ..40 40 Springburn-Staveley .. .. .. .. .. 6 20 6 20 Christchurch-Burwood .. .. .. .. 1 20 5 0 Ashley Bank-North Loburn .. .. .. .. 10 40 10 40 Ashburton-Elgin .. .. .. .. ..20 50 Makikihi-Otaio .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 60 Riverside-Hakatere .. .. .. .. 2 40 2 40 Rangiora-Cust .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 40 Timaru-Temuka (trunk metallic circuit) .. .. .. .. 24 0 Parnassus - Parnassus Ford .. .. .. 0 20 1 20 Lincoln-Springston .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 40 Loop into Wandle Downs .. .. .. .. ... 06 „ Seadown .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 4 Omihi .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 4 „ Ferry Road .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 4 Tormore-Domett (for Public Works Department) .. .. .. 5 0 Makikihi-Hunter .. .. .. .. ..60 60 111 30 170 8 Net increase for the year, 111 miles 30 chains of line and 170 miles 8 chains of wire. The total length of line in this district is 1,090 miles 10 chains, and of wire 3,889 miles 28 chains. Maintenance. Lines throughout the district are in good order. South of Timaru the main line is receiving attention, and being thoroughly strengthened to carry extra wires necessary for increased traffic. Large arms are being substituted for short ones, and doub'e iron rails used to replace doubtful wooden poles. Other sections have called for no attention beyond what could be given by linemen in charge of the several sections. Offices. Twenty-nine new offices were opened during the year. There are 207 offices in the district, of which 61 are Morse and 146 are telephone stations. The additions to the Christchurch Post-office building are now completed, and the business is being carried on in greatly improved quarters. Instrument-tables were cleaned and refitted, and a new test-board and " local " fuse-board provided. Extensive alterations to electric-light leads and fittings were made. The main lighting switchboard was removed, which entailed considerable work, as all the circuits in the building are controlled from this point. Two additional motors were fitted up, one 3-horse power, for driving the blower of pneumatic tubes which convey messages to and from the public counter to the instrument-room, and J-horse-power motor for an additional post-marking machine. There are now 5 motors in use in the Christchurch office Exchanges. A new exchange was opened at Cust with 5 subscribers, and one at Sumner with 15 subscribers. At the latter exchange the connections arc metallic circuit. In expectation of growth a 50-number annunciator has been installed. A second 50-number annunciator has been installed at Geraldine, and also at Waimate. Temuka has been supplied with a 50-number annunciator, replacing the smaller one previously in use. At Timaru an additional 50-number annunciator has been fitted, and is now almost full. There are 3 principal exchanges and 16 sub-exchanges in the Christchurch district. The work of converting the Christchurch exchange connections from earth-return to metallic circuit is progressing. Some 24 miles of cable of various sizes have been suspended during the year, representing 1,422 miles of double wire, of which 708 miles are in use. Of double wires, 1,500 are connected to cable-boxes, and 494 of these are in use by subscribers, and are chiefly long suburban connections. New lines of poles have been erected where necessary, and old lines reinforced to carry extra load. A considerable number of poles will be released as the work of installing the metallic circuits progresses. Alterations to lines rendered necessary by the introduction of electric tramways have practically been completed. Exchange power and air-drying installation have been placed in the basement of the building at Christchurch. There are 2,162 subscribers connected to the Christchurch exchange, 2,070 of which are paying, 41 are free, and 51 are bureau-connections ; an increase of 275.


F— 1.

The total umber of connections in the district is 2,975, as compared with 2,562 for last year —an increase of 413 —of which 2,778 are paying subscribers, 56 are free, and 141 are bureau-connections. The total number of extension telephones is 610, making the total number of telephones in use, 3,585. The total length of poles and wires in the district is 184 miles 11 chains and 3,027 miles 17 chains respectively. Dunedin District. Construction. The following new lines and wires have been erected during the year : — Poles. Wire. M. eh. M. eh. Riversdale-Wendon .. .. .. .. 4 40 7 40 Otautau-Aparima .. .. .. .. ..70 80 Dunedin-Invercargill (metallic circuit trunk wires) .. .. .. 270 0 Cathn's River - Houipapa .. .. .. 0 40 0 40 Waikawa Junction - Waikawa Valley .. .. ..30 30 Mataura-Gore .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 40 Mosgiel - Wylie's Crossing .. .. .. .. .. 3 0 Clyde-Cromwell .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 0 Dunedin - Dunedin Railway .. .. .. .. .. 0 40 Port Chalmers - Hayward's Point.. .. .. 0 60 3 40 Centre Bush - Otapiri Gorge .. .. .. 6 40 6 40 Brown's to Hokonui .. .. .. .. ..20 20 Middlemarch to Sutton .. .. .. .. ..50 50 Greenhills to Mokomoko.. .. .. .. ..50 50 Pukerau-Waikoikoi .. .. .. .. ..80 80 Kauana office .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 20 0 20 For Public Works Department — Alexandra-Clyde .. .. .. .. ..60 60 For Railway Department —• Oamaru to Oamaru Railway .. .. .. .. .. 10 Invercargill to Bluff .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 0 48 40 392 20 There were 2,061 miles 60 chains of poles and 5,214 miles 40jChains of wire at the close of the year ; a net increase of 48 miles 40 chains of line and 392 miles 20 chains of wire. There is a number of authorised works either in progress or to be carried out. Those in course of erection are being prosecuted with all despatch, and the others will be begun as soon as possible. Maintenance. No interruptions of any consequence have occurred to the lines during the year. Faults have been infrequent. A considerable proportion of the lines of the district has received an overhaul, and the lines generally are in a satisfactory condition. Offices. Thirteen new offices were opened and two closed. The number of offices in the district at the end year was 312, comprising 71 Morse and 241 telephone offices. The Palmerston office was refitted. Exchanges. The total number of exchanges in this district is 25. This branch of the service continues to show a substantial increase of subscribers at all exchanges. The total number of subscribers in the district has increased during the year from 2,970 to 3,227. Of these, 2,883 are paying, 43 are free, and 299 are bureau-connections. The number of extension telephones in use is 647, making the total number of telephones connected with telephone exchanges in the district, 3,874. The subscribers' lines connected with these exchanges comprise 159 miles 53 chains of poles and 2,839 miles 26 chains of wire, a net increase of 6 miles 33 chains of poles and 423 miles 26 chains of wire for the year. Steady progress has been maintained with the substitution of the metallic circuit for the earth-cir-cuit system at the Dunedin exchange. The circuits of 1,095 subscribers have been changed, and it is anticipated that the transformation of the whole system from earth to metallic circuit working will be effected during the present year. The several superimposed circuits in the district continue to give every satisfaction. The metallic circuit from Dunedin to Invercargill, which was completed during the year, has been largely availed of. Gore has been also using this circuit to a considerable extent, and there are indications of congestion of traffic at times, so that it is not improbable that further telephonic facilities will require to be provided to relieve the circuit of the Gore work. A telegraph duplex circuit was superimposed on this circuit, thus increasing the telegraph accommodation, while in no way m irring oral communication. A pair of wires is being run between Dunedin and Oamaru to provide telephonic communication between those places. It is expected that these also will be largely availed of when completed. A Morse will be superimposed thereon to give increased telegraphic facilities.




Table No. 1. POST-OFFICE MONEY-ORDERS ISSUED AND PAID. Table showing the Number and Amount of Money-orders issued and of Money-orders payable in New Zealand since the Year 1863.

Drawn on the Colony.

I—F. 1.

Issued in the Colony. Where payable. Commission received. In the Colony. United Kingdom and ; Australia and other British Foreign Offices. Possessions. Total. Year. ■I I No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. 1863 £ »• d. 1,057 9 o £ s - d -| 9,613 11 11 ! 4,74° £ 8. d. 21,944 2 1 ! 4,645 £ »• d. 24.145 7 5 11,586 £ s. d. 55,703 1 5 2,201 1873 3,562 3 2 34,288 142,642 4 10 ",913 48,547 11 4 6,150 28,068 5 5 52,351 219,258 1 7 1883 9,022 10 6 132,232 402,558 12 11 26,211 91,634 4 7 ' 14,"3 46,939 17 n 172,556 541,132 15 5 1893 [10,248 14 5 146,133 576,358 17 2j '29,616 86,544 19 " 35,208 88,025 8 9 210,957 750,929 5 10 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 110,600 19 7 «>433 13 8 6 7 13,835 15 4 14,747 9 6 15,533 4 6 16,512 12 9 17,518 11 o 14,915 18 2 155,534 162,600 181,505 193,867 206,265 221,354 239,565 255,344 258,110 608,042 2 II 635,062 17 II 717,217 ig I 762,592 IO 3 798,725 15 8 864,513 4 9 951,860 7 4 1,002,056 12 1 1,014,723 16 o 28,513 28,882 29,238 3i,770 35,377 38,528 40,925 45,701 53,9io 79,348 10 2 78,465 o 4 82,498 15 6 93,649 1 3 107,140 7 5 122,064 3 t 122,934 IO 4 "5,549 5 11 138,755 2 8 38,631 52,015 58,823 68,002 76,728 84,782 89,344 104,922 55,187 89,392 11 10 99,076 16 8 102,443 1 o "4,589 3 5 123,375 4 6 132,230 17 9 140,057 18 9 158,902 3 10 123,580 3 7 222,678 243,497 269,566 293,659 318,370 344,664 369,834 405,967 367,207 776,783 4 11 812,604 14 H 902,159 15 7 970,830 14 II 1,029,241 7 7 1,118,808 5 7 1,214,852 16 5 1,286,508 1 10 1,277,059 2 3 1903 15,881 18 5 273,535 1,108,067 5 8 63,309 157,789 16 o 59,468 150,367 10 8 396,312 1,416,224 12 4 1904 1905 1906 16,385 9 o 17,073 9 6 18,278 10 3 281,655 287,394 301,650 1,148,226 3 01 1,189,385 13 4 1,312,270 13 41 60,490 57,414 60,120 165,245 o 8 177,609 18 8 186,902 16 6 65,638 72,633 77,250 163,416 4 9 174,716 7 10 187,057 12 1 407,783 417,441 439,020 1,476,887 8 5 1,541,711 19 10 1,686,231 1 11

Where issued. Total. United Ki ingdom and Foreign Offices. Australia and other British Possessions. Year. In the Colony. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. [863 2,067 £ s - d. .9,169 4 6 415 £ ■• d. 1,824 o 8 558 £ s. d. 3,077 13 7 3,040 £ s, d. 14,070 18 9 '873 34,288 142,642 4 10 1,482 6,625 14 5 1,668 7,689 6 8 37,438 156,957 5 11 1883 132,232 402,558 12 11 3,725 15,553 3 11 5,697 23,299 12 11 141,654 441,411 9 9 1893 146,133 576,358 17 2 8,746 32,616 17 2 10,679 40,929 2 5 165,558 649,904 16 9 [894 :895 :896 :8 97 [898 :8g9 [900 :goi 1902 155,534 162,600 181,505 193,867 206,265 221,354 239,565 255,344 258,110 608,042 2 11 635,062 17 11 717,217 19 1 762,592 10 3 798,725 15 8 864,513 4 9 951,860 7 4 1,002,056 12 1 1,014,723 16 o 9,293 9,938 10,254 10,085 10,671 10,624 10,342 11,082 ",732 33,786 17 6 35,155 7 9 35,553 7 1 35,238 10 3 36,106 9 10 37,290 8 7 36,014 6 3 40,021 14 4 4i,37o 13 3 10,690 11,520 11,507 ",407 12,753 13,399 15,271 16,688 16,527 38,571 3 1 39,862 18 10 40,836 4 7 40,105 1 11 44,558 10 10 48,533 15 11 59,304 9 6 63,800 4 10 62,159 10 8 175,517 184,058 203,266 215,359 229,689 245,377 265,178 283,114 286,369 680, 400 3 6 710,081 4 6 793,607 10 9 837,936 2 5 879,390 16 4 950,337 9 3 1,047,179 3 1 1,105,878 II 3 1,118,253 ! 9 11 903' 273,535 1,108,067 5 8 13,035 49,181 1 3 17,777 68,340 8 8 304,347 1,225,588 15 7 904 905 906 281,655 287,394 301,650 1,148,226 3 o 1,189,385 13 4 1,312,270 13 4 11,567 10,338 10,314 45,793 1 1 47,649 9 o 50,559 18 10 19,277 19,669 20,462 71,824 7 5 72,437 13 3 75,091 14 2 312,499 3i7>40i 332,426 1,265,843 11 6 1,309,472 15 7 1,437,922 6 4



Table No. 2. Table showing the Money-orders issued in New Zealand on Offices beyond the Colony, and Money-orders issued at Offices beyond the Colony on New Zealand, during the Years 1905 and 1906. Issued in New Zealand.

Drawn on New Zealand.

Where payable. I9°SNumber. Amount. Number. ! oot». Amount. United Kingdom and Foreign Offices through United Kingdom United States of America Canada Cape Colony Ceylon Fiji Germany Hong Kong India Natal New South Wales Orange River Colony* Queensland .. .. - .. Samoa South Australia Straits Settlements Tasmania Tonga Transvaal Victoria Western Australia £ s. d. 44,777 153,867 3 9 48,168 £ s. d. 163,390 n 4 48,168 11,774 21,679 6 2 589 i,935 o 1 187 552 16 1 129 422 11 11 141 584 17 3 855 2,035 7 2 337 1,116 3 2 652 1,856 1 7 69 304 13 10 34,544 78,474 5 3 9 30 17 o 3,184 9,350 13 4 8 28 1 7 1,582 4,17' 11 10 44 114 o 2 4,480 11,125 16 11 10,933 597 229 147 149 1,000 333 743 77 37,737 8 3,073 !9. i,772 36 4,982 io,933 597 229 147 149 1,000 333 743 77 37,737 8 20,875 12 6 2,344 5 5 793 10 3 474 14 5 556 8 3 2,595 15 4 1,077 9 11 2,436 10 1 373 4 5 85,365 12 5 15 2 o 9,098 9 10 55 11 4 5,225 18 10 183 13 1 12,496 3 4 17 1 3 659 9 8 61,583 2 ir 4,342 2 o 3,073 !9. i,772 36 4,982 9 162 25,756 1,440 140 684 1 5 25,258 59,874 O 2 1,288 4,108 17 IO 9 162 25,756 1,440 Totals 130,047 352,326 6 6 137,370 373,960 8 - 7 * Direct money-order exchange from 1st July, 1905.

Where issued. '90S1906. Number. Amount. Number. "l" Amount. United Kingdom and Foreign Offices through United Kingdom United States of America Canada Cape Colony Ceylon Fiji GermanyHong Kong India Natal New South Wales Orange River Colony* Queensland Samoa South Australia Straits Settlements Tasmania Tonga Transvaal Victoria Western Australia 8,068 £ s. d. 35,947 6 4 7,724 / S. d. 36,811 8 o 1,659 384 396 44 614 138 60 249 286 6,465 7 i,35o 473 735 35 2,285 6,633 19 3 2,009 411 1,875 18 2 125 6 1 1,982 11 4 926 8 5 259 12 10 990 14 11 1,406 18 5 20,331 16 8 20 13 o 5,232 8 4 4,141 15 o 2,819 1 11 188 11 7 10,695 1 11 3,489 « 5 13,850 18 8 7,159 6 1 1,964 449 372 28 723 '34 70 267 171 7,3H 4 1 i,344 492 780 32 1,760 '50 566 5,o68 i,330 8,608 16 o 2,66l II 4 1,866 11 8 57 19 o 2,130 o 2 733 14 2 320 4 8 1,272 1 3 675 4 2 23,458 6 8 243 19 6 4,654 9 5 4,406 o 8 2,697 11 11 83 15 9 7,475 7 5 867 13 9 3,330 6 2 16,237 12 5 7,058 18 11 694 4,618 i,447 Totals 120,087 2 3 30,007 30,776 125,651 13 O * Direct money-order exehani (eirom 1st July, 1905


Table No. 3. Table showing the Number and Value of Postal Notes sold from the 1st January, 1886— the date upon which they were first issued— to the 31st March, 1907.


' I Total. Number of Postal Notes sold. Year. At Is. ; At Is. 6d. At Is. 6d. At 2s. At 2s. ! At 2s. 6d. | At 3s. j At 2s. 6d. ! At 3s. At as. At 5s. , At 7s. fid. , At 7s. 6d. At 10s. At 12s. 6d. At 15s. At 17s. fid. At £1. At £5." Number. Value. I L i I I [ i ; ; I I i I Quarter ended Mar. 31,1886 3,019 2,046 1,012 2,039 969 695 992 ; 425 2,866 I 16,442 £ s. d. 6,909 15 6 2,379 1886-87 16,605 12,283 6,647 j 11,566 5,729 13,103 4,090 5,278 5,187 6,940 2,375 ' 14.961 2,952 I 17,578 92,546 37,659 7 0 1887-88 22,467 17,167 9,162 15,553 ; 7,671 17.487 122,255 47,729 5 0 1888-89 ! 27,428 | 21,900 | 11,912 i 19,741 9,477 21,149 6,618 7,809 7,969 9,058 9,904 11,016 8,243 9,386 10,172 11,611 12,330 13,800 j 3,633 | 19,778 4.158 22,596 4,366 23,503 4.953 ! 25,839 5,369 28,969 6,156 33,935 149,879 56,841 18 0 1889-90 32,754 j 25,387 14,478 23,550 10,894 24.011 175,023 65,484 2 0 1890-91 35,915 j 28,559 16,092 ! 25,204 12,229 25,906 189,915 69,721 18 6 1891-92 42,416 33,722 19,383 ; i 29,550 14,019 30,132 220,683 79,325 16 6 1892-93 48,612 | 38,849 56.761 ; 44,706 62,306 49,846 68,454 56,185 74,534 62,056 81,958 69,981 86,529 72,710 93.762 77,431 85,478 68,068 22.038 25,461 28,975 32,801 35,322 38,617 41,991 44.384 13,834 52,691 14,702 33.012 37,771 43,829 I 49,204 54,219 60,843 64,386 70,416 80,630 16,072 18,096 20,423 22,802 24,871 26,968 28,448 30,680 24,497 32,747 247,902 87,856 18 <f 1893-94.. 37,687 285,389 101,002 7 6 1894-95 43,167 11,864 I 15,567 j 6,790 j 36,601 319,368 112,307 10 0 1895-96 47,787 13,601 17,191 7,020 33,390 1,192 349,627 123,368 6 6 1896-97 51,963 14,365 18,102 7,406 j 32,868 1,090 376,796 129,011 18 0 1897-98 55,748 15,463 19,477 7,904 32,179 728 409,866 134,378 9 6 1898-99 59,631 16,202 19,990 8,193 32,696 673 431,449 139,957 4 0 1899-1900 63,787 16,957 21,393 8,539 33,491 607 461,447 147,686 8 6 1900-1901 .. ..J 71,001 13,304 | 23,875 6,799 35,067 560 490,506 154,435 16 6 1901-1902 49,529 30,255 62,285 70,683 ' 65,467 109,663 92,708 1 32,128 i 43,042 556 556,316 173,317 5 0 1902-1903 54,268 33,409 70,122 76,613 75,700 119,593 102,641 34,508 | 38,030 42,317 ■ 48,852 I 58,629 | 69,206 558 616,264 191,904 13 0 1903-1904 .. .. j ! 61,379 . 37,514 85,909 86,626 89,276 134,270 114,755 656 707,044 220,069 11 0 1904-1905 .. .. j 1905-1906 65,484 40,263 74,389 ; 45,358 82,417 54,375 1 86,711 96,228 99,739 98,503 108,493 114,411 106,311 120,321 128,384 154,281 167,430 187.083 130,430 143,216 46,228 51.559 j | 76,508 : 91,193 688 788 785,347 875,324 250,123 7 6 276,279 7 6 1906-1907 159,045 954 981,642 314,053 6 0 [ * First issued on 17th June, 1895. f



Table No. 4. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1906.

Money-orders. Saving! '-banks. Olhce. Issued. Paid. CR . S a u u a c ZSS. Deposits. - 8 . 3 % Withdrawals. No. t Commission. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. So ■ £ u No. Amount. .UCKLAND . . l23,704 Ahuroa .. 64 Aitutaki .. 57 Aoroa ■ .. 270 Aratapu .. 813 Avondale .. 205 Awhitu . ■ 101 Bombay .. 206 Cabbage Bay .. 262 Cambridge .. 1,508 Clevedon .. 301 Coromandel .. 934 Dargaville .. 2,042 Devonport .. 578 Drury .. 299 Ellerslie .. 137 Fanning Island 28 Grey Lynn-Arch 221 Hill Gumtown .. 167 Hamilton .. 2,673 Helensville .. 616 Henderson .. ! 83 Hikurangi .. 619 Hoanga .. 79 Hovvick .. 95 Hukerenui .. 292 Huntly .. i,334 Kaeo .. .. 228 Kaihu .. 672 Kaikohe .. 422 Kaipara Flats .. 780 Kaitaia .. 592 Kaiwaka .. 39 Kamo .. 299 Kaukapakapa .. 198 Kawakawa .. 574 Kawhia .. 469 Kihikihi .. I 237 Kinohaku .. 64 Kiripaka .. 162 Kohukohu .. 498 Kuaotunn .. 294 Leigh .. 60 Mamaku .. 967 Mangaia Mangapai .. 209 Mangawai .. 318 Mangawhare .. 140 Mangonui .. 897 Matakana .. 429 Matakohe .. 191 Matamata .. 467 Maungaturoto .. 217 Mercer .. j 365 Mititai .. : 140 Morrinsville .. i 501 Mount Eden .. j 136! Mount Roskill.. 74 Newmarket .. 866 Newton .. 1,988 Ngaruawahia .. 840 Niue .. .. 29 Northcote .. 1 oS Ohaeawai .. 295 Ohaupo .. ' 268 Ohura .. 191 Oio .. .. 272 Okaihau .. 126 Onehunga .. 1,012 Onewhero .. 239 Opononi .. 142 Otahuhu .. 373 Otorohanga .. 416 Pahi .. .. no! Papakura .. 377 Paparoa .. 169 Papatoetoe .. 66 Parnell .. 502 Parua Bay .. 271 Penrhyn Island ' 10 £ 5. d. £ s. d. 1,264 n 0104,765 14 6 1 15 o 199 o IO 3 3 6 486 10 9 8 3 o 665 3 2 49 11 o 3,299 -1 2 6 10 6 449 9 1 2 16 6 222 16 10 750 702 8 1 766 742 11 o 51 16 0 5,975 i" 2 ro 15 o 855 17 5 29 2 6 2,776 t8 10 242 iS 6 13,177 8 8 21 13 o 1,638 11 10 9 [9 O 1 ,O02 I 2 4 19 6 395 1 2 i 6 6 80 14 5 780 399 5 6 53,637: 5 92 5i 203 293 36 73 3° 932 80 859 534 960 115 214 £ s. d. 211,062 8 2 11 3 o 346 12 9 367 11 3 724 13 3 1,271 18 1 139 18 9 232 2 1 129 o 9 4,208 12 7 453 4 5 3,039 s 4 3,047 12 7 3,952 14 o 646 18 o 796 10 II 4,865 1 16 75 29 5 9 8 198 26 40 224 81 36,128 7 132 644 260 19 162 57 1,364. 186 287! i,633; 670 155 278 £ *• d. 1765,206 6 2 32 17 o 365 16 o 7,335 12 o 1,487 9 10 3°4 5 o 1,767 16 o 514 19 o 20,837 16 7 1,299 3 o 3,514 7 2 23,987 10 8 5,041 13 n 1,539 8 o 1,018 12 o 4,954 1 6 20 5 1 1 69 7 30 109 20 3 10 42,130 7 45 173 53 7 6g 40 581 55 297 620 204 45 62 £ s. d. 811,336 14 g 29 6 6 321 15 6 2,618 1 11 466 18 5 132 12 o 817 7 6 385 19 2 14,159 18 1 580 4 8 2,602 19 5 13,705 6 io 2,079 2 o 630 ig 6 528 10 o 24 22 300 996 19 II 27 289 1,219 5 7 6 42 251 15 7 6 16 6 573 1, 3 96 9 6 9,285 13 10 26 3 o 2,442 11 3 2 12 6 234 12 O 21 6 6 2.338 5 1 2 10 0 205 8 2 3 j o 303 16 8 770 804 1 2 2 46 12 o 3,791 18 10 7 12 o 762 18 7 23 o o 2,396 15 3 72 5 6 3,375 14 2 24 17 9 2,946 19 1 30 7 o 2,366 8 4 116 92 3 3 9 17 o 977 10 4 6 9 6 613 o it 19 o 6 1,735 16 n 12 14 6 1,440 9 7 846 732 2 6 2 0 0 217 12 2 5 17 o 574 9 8 14 2 o 1,534 7 o 920 1,003 7 o 111 6 140 4 3 27 14 6 2,754 14 5 30 1,723 224 65 120 2 93 23 313 66 84 75 20 107 '5 133 43 206 156; 104J in 47 ! 27 69 34 1 o 8 7,785 2 o i,i37 8 3 279 18 10 5)6 8 5 280 425 14 8 72 if, 9 1,174 18 7 328 13 6 467 17 9 395 7 5 62 15 8 985 16 7 131 15 6 539 6 4 252 17 0 857 4 10 678 19 6 479 13 o 22 1 6 285 15 4 594 '5 1 299 11 10 112 1 8 544 o 7 9 331 73! 15 52I 15 io; 27 118 12 30 52 49; 37 5 27 II 97 2,575 536 84 455 83[ 86! 100: 905 107 197 382 270 261 54 260 155 377 149 149 6 67 259 90 23 236 2,002 4 o 34,506 1 9 4,184 12 o i.35i 17 o 4,131 16 9 323 1 o 220 16 o 570 13 8 g,607 8 1 753 9 0 2,101 7 1 4,639 7 o 3,322 16 5 41168 o o 868 7 o 2,319 13 1 1,968 14 o 3,850 12 o i,539 17 7 i,579 6 5 315 10 o 376 3 o 2,161 13 1 853 7 7 572 6 o 1,509 9 o 16 409 2 o 27,425 18 o 1,896 5 8 247 5 1 2,261 17 5 646 7 10 107 8 6 257 o 6 5,397 11 3 729 13 9 1,289 1 5 1,824 19 3 486 1 o 1,876 17 4 724 5 o 2,261 18 7 450 8 2 2,907 8 9 1,997 17 6 1,023 18 1 no 10 o 644 1 5 i,359 3 10 241 19 4 91 19 o 709 o 8 3 152 22 1 24 2 1,244 171 16 162 3 2 37 3 15 12 13 43 14 35i 36 98 97 29 88 17 145 65 127 119 96 9 40 32 28 7 2 10 12 13 3 1 2 34 5 s 6 12 5 4 49 100 42 9 61 19 8 5 19 o 568 19 1 19 60 1 ,156 11 3 6 17 6 505 15 7 63 3 o 4,123 I0 8 31 4 o 1,705 4 8 5 9 o 553 19 11 14 14 o 2,446 11 9 8 13 6 778 1 4 10 14 o 1,032 14 9 440 419 11 2 16 13 6 1,554 i° 3 4 18 o 328 9 3 290 169 1 8 32 3 o 2,382 15 8 77 7 6 5,032 10 8 28 16 o 2,523 18 8 1 12 6 190 12 6 3 17 o 247 5 4 16 10 o 1,312 11 3 8 17 o< 946 o 6 5 10 o 1,133 12 10 10 ig 6 1,280 9 10 450 461 11 4 40 3 6 2,754 4 11 940 912 11 8 5 14 o 631 3 8 14 11 6 1,227 i° 6 11 18 6 1,704 o 6 3 12 o 349 4 7 19 3 o 1,408 o 4 500 450 2 7 2 2 0 173 13 1 19 15 6 1,263 n 2 9 19 6 814 11 4 o 13 6 48 16 o 33 38, 60; i&3 ! 54; 34! 113 108 82! 20 168 231 147' 637 2 ,042 479 10 160 55 7i 66 29 27 1,316 20 53 466 167 41 213 7i 32 996 37 6 150 3 2 446 10 4 298 19 7 904 12 o 332 14 I' 106 0 5 626 8 6 321 o 2 330 16 5 90 18 5 836 7 5 963 13 6 670 o 7 ; 2,237 8 6 6,799 1 2 1,880 17 o 30 2 4 557 2 1 299 g 2 250 6 8 477 9 2, 116 2 3: 175 6 6 5,041 17 10 55 2 4l 234 9 6; 1,685 4 5 1,072 15 5 140 15 9 757 10 5 267 11 11 142 18 3I 3,492 6 10: l6l 16 7; 3 9 5 8 27 3l| 23 13 29 25 14 5 37 i iol 5i 91 245; 53| 26 18 26 : "84 178 165 280 101 136 174 140 142 38 275 47 56 898 i 2,985 473 202 143 220 31 205 83 611 67 75 714 152 65 151 201 90 1,231 in 1,414 9 o 2,390 15 8 I,604 o o 3,929 3 o 1,783 n 9 2,009 8 o 1,313 10 4 2,015 n o 1,421 6 5 597 15 0 2,978 12 6 413 7 o 552 14 ,o 4,232 12 10 18,111 2 1 4,053 3 8 438 8 o 1,655 13 7 1,488 14 7 693 16 7 1,880 5 o, 2,I2g o o 8,737 12 2 1,132 19 9; g82 10 n 3,504 1 11, 1,830 o 0| 373 4 o, 2,171 10 o! 2,g28 6 o 516 14 21 6,280 6 3 1,018 16 ol 3 3 2 7 4 6 13 2 5 1 18 1 1 26 50 23 2 5 8 5 1 49 29 25 139 46 5i 90 5i 47 20 105 18 4 141 438 196 31 47 60 25 27! 44! 231 52 18 160 69| 21 94 63 17' i73 29! 1,236 2 6 1,048 17 3 193 3 4 2,907 3 1 920 18 1 853 12 6 i,443 4 8 1,015 9 10 277 11 o 397 4 9 2,609 19 4 151 17 8 16 7 o 1,033 11 6 5,683 18 8 2,630 7 3 137" 1 8 993 8 1 1,300 2 S 648 6 10 339 12 6 862 9 1 3,596 14 o 660 1 8 191 8 6 1,647 14 R 1,244 13 9 162 6 o 765 19 9 1,258 14 7 92 15 o 1,109 19 4 483 18 10 19 31 8 88 2 .14 14 59 31 9 19 23 10 30 3 I 16 9 2 7 4 107 19 32 3



Table No. 4 — continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1906— continued.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. Office. No. issued. Paid. Commission. Amount. No. Amount. .. a -a* s 3 w ■ v o a Z H £. ; < o No. Deposits. vj j ! g-S Amount. <j <j No. ! < 'ithdrawals. Amount. I I '' Auckland— contd. Pirongia Pokeno Ponsonby Poroti Port Albert Port Fitzroy .. Puhoi Pukekohe Putaruru Raglan Rangiriri Rarotonga Raupo Raurimu Rawene Rehia Rotorua Russell Saies Strand Arcade Taheke Tairua Takapuna Tangowahine .. Taumarunui Taupiri Taupo Te Awamutu .. Te Kopuru Te Kuiti Te Mata TeRauamoa .. Te Uku Tirau . Tokatoka Towai Tuakau Upper Symonds Street Wade Waerenga Waihopo Waihou Waikumete Waimamaku .. Waipu Waiuku Waiwera Waotu Warkworth Wellsford Whakapara Whakapirau .. Whangarei Whangaroa Wharekawa Whitford Whitianga Blenheim Havelock Kekerangu Mahakipawa .. Picton Renwicktown .. Seddon Spring Creek .. Christchurch .. Addington Akaroa Amberley Ashburtou Bealey Belfast Broken River .. Chertsey Cheviot Coalgate Culverden Cust Oarfield Dunsandel 217 97 770 194 224 44 69 674 338 314 "3 343 9i 2,356 317 164 3,109 306 / s. d. 5 18 o 330 31 9 6 18 15 o 10 6 6 2 17 o 2 3 6 25 18 o 13 15 6 9 11 6 386 20 8 6 3 7 0 96 15 6 9 7° 5 4 6 102 16 o 12 4 6 2 g 6 83 o o 340 33 ig 6 226 840 75 14 ° 4 18 6 8 g 6 2126 53 12 6 20 12 6 306 2 12 6 o 14 6 726 12 15 o g 12 6 12 18 6 32 16 o £ s - d. 806 16 4 300 1 9 2,121 0 II io8 36 i,595 28 56 4 111 3°7 ! 135! 123 54 670 12 259! 142' 11 : 1,671! 253: 40! 53| 34! 41 92I 23' 309 45! 103! 3521 2191 199! '7 / s. d. 48g 12 10 184 2 7 5,877' 9 8 125 17 6 252 15 3 35 9 11 116 10 6 1,322 12 2 367 6 4 708 9 9 227 6 6 3,305 8 0 55 1 10 1,614 r0 5 669 1 11 34 17 4 8,326 9 2 1,064 r 6 4 251 19 7 179 19 2 118 13 o 255 11 6 321 10 4 210 ig o 2,208 15 7 201 12 o 530 16 1 i,45i 5 4 2,266 5 9 2,048 8 8 no 16 4 28 7 122 169! 75 1,262 in £ 3 - d. i,553 3 4 698 12 o ! 4,916 12 gi i,4g7 18 o. 2,607 4 n 281 10 o i,g68 4 o 9,456 17 7 951 6 5 1,348 12 4 594 15 2. 9 2 15 11 5 5 13 4 io, 1 j £ a. A. 67; gg 4 10 3 35! 374 16 3 150 1,155 6 4 37! 517 18 ii 42J 783 18 7 36; 1,707 ig -j 231! 4 ,8g5 8 6 14; 334 11 ; 78 I,2IO 6 9 28 316 18 2 42 2,078 107 5151 68 259! 1,985 128 979 15 o 726 9 5 157 18 3 202 6 2 2,234 16 o 1,691 7 5 1,094 4 5 359 4 8 1,978 13 8 415 2 01 10,637 1 4 1,098 9 0 516 9 3 io,8go 18 0 1,018 5 1 165 7 1 6,800 5 3 379 5 3 2,270 o 6 185 9 7 937 3 7 9,994 13 6 565 14 11 987 1 8 2,052 o 7 3,9" 7 3 2,838 o 7 298 8 7 365 8 1 92 13 10 685 o 11 1,325 7 1 827 13 6; 1,348 16 II 1,963 12 4 19 24 5 12 75 16 3i 16 15 349 19 15 248 25 9 60 7 3 1 17 26 224 20 80 604 61 149 66 44 ': 1,787 140 93 1,612 160 73 694 j 51 250! 66; 245 15 o 18,232 13 10 1,291 14 IO! 401 12 o! 17,115 16 7! 2,819 10 ° 1,825 6 O; 5,387 12 II 282 4 o 4,125 12 O 238 12 5 884 16 o 9,293 18 3 396 13 o 1,8ig 14 o 8,567 17 o 6,82g 17 o 3,671 9 10 313 7 o 58 14 o 376 3 o 2,571 19 5 1,094 I2 O 157 5 o 2,661 7 g 3,43o 13 5 2 49 13 1 95 12 3 1 8 4 26 6 8 21 21 5 5 6 3 10 3 9 220 o 5 294 2,784 18 5 94 1,013 12 6 9 59 2 o 832 10,339 4 3 92 1,985 12 3 44 519 1 4 3 43 19 o 12 87 11 6 5° 718 13 10 20' 88 1 7 47! 434 17 1 244 3,321 1 8 40: 1,610 14 o 59 1,070 o 9 196; 4,894 8 6 158! 2,194 19 6 109 1,418 15 7 28! 469 1 8 3 66 2 o 23 330 8 10 82! 2,195 13 4 34J 213 18 5 10 229 4 8 75 1,578 14 3 19 95 9 10 275 577 ggi 704 107 101 26 in 16 17 62 64 49 ': 4 1 213 566 67 135 554 585 281 217 266 207 419 86g 19 38 30 33 153 417 in 14 4 153 14 10 178 17 10 138 o 4 599 16 3 1,279 16 5 4 26 15 7 3i 61 35 6 27 154; 131 39 185 801 158 84 924 274 5! 214 1,143! 860; no 59i 720; 121 3" 155 2,963 141 79 40 1,in 3,685 778 75 108 1,411 in 398 229 19,422 2g 4 5io 469 3,703 67 166 4 131 865 135 190 2 148 •13 10 6 o 386 48 3 6 7 14 o 030 5 7 6 63 15 6 28 4 6 3 9 6 1 18 6 26 17 o 5 8 o 966 656 107 10 6 4 5 6 13 7 6 1 2 o 35 5 0 143 10 o 25 15 o 300 3 8 o 44 10 6 4 5o 14 o 6 9 8 9 958 6 6 11 1 o 603 15 3 262 3 II 3,582 13 4 1,101 15 r 6 12 6' 523 16 Si 4,740 6 11 2,762 2 4 319 8 3 209 n 5 2,37° 4 I 406 3 2 974 14 3 506 o o ",069 5 3 407 14 2 631 o 5] 77 n o 3,839 10 6 13,403 12 7 2,806 9 11 264 8 5 312 2 6 4,896 18 7 359 18 4 1,229 10 7 743 19 11 74,562 16 1 782 n 9 1,698 4 4 1,994 19 6; 12,729 12 o : 235 11 5 : . 457 7 3 6 19 o 328 6 4 4,062 12 3 443 14 11 646 15 7 1 16 o 438 14 3 291 14 3' 100 32 272 58 3 24 i5' 209 29; n 239! 19! 52 23 1,222 70 2 39 164 i,950 213 8 13 622 426 1 7 217 16 8 5,629 10 7 267 17 1 goo 72 4 7 976 o 3 772 o 4 145 18 8 44 1 8 864 2 4 103 15 9 228 4 n 194 15 11 5,55o 15 o 304 10 3 5 3 0 186 4 3 710 o 6 io,454 3 o 883 14 g 18 9 6 37 9 o 2,937 8 3 240 6 o 409 9 9 271 15 4 161,092 14 2 833 10 4 984 o 4 748 3 2 6,222 15 9 30 17 11 328 6 8 ! - 17 3 37 13 11 49 j 76 14 7 55 20 10 10 296 3 8 3 35 684 61 6 6 91 34! 2o6| 73 132! 461 539! 108! 17! 45o 107 117: 120, 2,773 63 no 20 377! 5,308 476! 34 29 1,011 260 413 184 74,432 443 794 462 4,202 44 224 2 93! 521 77, 192 3 63 180 !,544 17 o 580 6 o! 2,852 ig o 732 8 7 727 15 0 7,68g 9 6| 7,558 18 10 605 9 o! 129 2 o 4,064 19 0 1,634 19 0 608 6 o 601 2 o 33,"3 17 4 793 18 o 1,885 9 o 145 o 8 3,180 18 o go,866 12 5 4,igi 0 6 4og o o 145 2 6 12,og6 6 9 1,832 t 2 3,696 1 9 1,108 n 4 1,156,512 17 36, 2,390 14 10 13,824 13 2 6,525 14 11 50,167 18 1 373 15 o 1,367 8 o 30 o o 1,438 10 6' 7,625 17 n 756 19 6 2,871 11 3 8 15 o 809 11 o 2,671 7 2 4 I 6 2 8 22 6 3 13 1 3 2 91 2 I I 12 568 21 4 1 6 2 8 22 6 3 13 1 3 2 91 2 I I 12 563 21 4 45 5 4 1 ',227! 8 2 7 15 243 5 4 10 6 3 2 21! 176 6 1 11 186 12 9 47 614 18 6 39 565 16 g 1 16 o o 29 204 7 8 120 3,018 10 1 185 3,458 10 6 22 479 12 5 M 93 14 10 105 2,562 o 1 io 215 15 1 40 762 4 8 26! 520 4 1 i,i93; 25,748 1 4 381 615 10 2 2! 25 5 o 81 ig g 1 152 1,803 8 3 4,219 go,926 16 7 184 2,772 2 4 6 31 6 7 9, 55 n 4 459! 8,138 7 3 38 412 15 10 79 1,140 7 n 20 144 8 5 63,6g7!i, 106,467 2 10 88' 1,034 15 7 2 75 7,74° 11 2 i2g 2,925 1 2 1,865 33,o6i 17 5 9. 59 10 o 44! 317 8 2 64 555 10 6 148 3,910 8 2 18 267 10 o 51 696 10 6 18! 122 15 4 45 1 786 14 4 49 92! 73 ,32,030 214 211 220 1,561 127 19 76 26 7,902 50 88 i 68 4 45 5 4 1 6,227 8 27 15 243 19 4 o 1720 135 2 O 2 10 6 6 13 6 020 3 19 o 29 12 o 4 17 o 826 7 79 ! 549 6 35 1 13 75 10 5 28! 132 12 109 120 10 io! 698 8 5 i°3 17 6 370 5 4 400; 227 7 7 98 8 2 1 23 2 7 14 4 10 6 010 4 15 o 360 1 5S ! 40' 3 2



Table No. 4— continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1906 — continued.

Money-orders. Savings i-banks. Office. Issued. Paid. <° Deposits. [A li < ° r ithdrawa)s. I No. Commission. | Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. !hristchurch— ctd Duvauchelle .. 153! East Oxford .. 220} Ellesmere .. 36! Exhibition, Chch. 277J Glentunnel .. 177I Greendale .. 71 Halswell .. 67 Hanmer Springs 612 Hinds .. 95 Hornby .. 135 Hororata .. 88 Islington .. 161 Kaiapoi .. 642 Kaikoura .. 977 Kirwee .. in Leeston .. 400 Lichfield Street 3,129 Lincoln .. I 137 Linwood .. 461 Little Akaloa .. ! 59 Little River .. 383 Lyttelton .. 2,373 Mayfield .. 78 Methven .. 455 Mount Somers.. 168 New Brighton .. 96 Ohoka .. ! 70 Oxford .. 370 Papanui .. 281 Pigeon Bay .. 80 Prebbleton .. 37 Rakaia .. 683 Rangiora .. j 1,100 Rolleston .. ; 49 St. Albans .. I 269 Scargill .. I 834 Sefton .. I 109 Sheffield .. ! 263 Southbridge .. 268 Springfield .. 1,537 Springfield Railway Works Springston Rail- j 83 way Sumner .. 126 Sydenham .. 894 Templeton ... g5 Tinwald .. 74 Upper Riccarton ! 115 Waiau .. ! 521 Waikari .. 302 Waipara .. 85 Whitecliffs .. 152 Woodend .. I2g Woolston .. 212 )unedin .. 17,312 Alexandra South 1,844 Allanton .. 144 Balclutha .. 1,310 Caversham .. 515 Clinton .. 63g Clyde .. 636 Cromwell .. 991 Dunback .. 199 Dunedin North 1,643 Gimmerburn .. 125 Green Island .. 198 Hawea Flat .. I 106 Heriot .. 239 Hyde .. 340 Kaitangata .. 1,588 Kelso .. 323 Kokonga .. 149 Lawrence .. 1,284 Lovell's Flat .. 78 Macrae's Flat . '. 361 Matakanui .. 177 Middlemarch .. 705 Miller's Flat .. 422 Milton .. 971 Mornington ..I 221 / s. d. £ s. d. 5 17 9 543 13 9 6 19 0 917 5 o 1 16 o 135 12 5 11 80 938 6 4 6 II 6 697 15 6 280 136 14 9 300 217 11 3 19 3 o 2,258 19 9 2 19 O 296 18 I 4 15 o 397 10 8 360 320 19 8 616 448 1 9 25 4 6 2,386 12 6 29 13 6 5,235 8 2 4 17 o 353 2 3 13 12 0 1,398 13 1 125 19 6 9,495 5 n 4 18 6! 396 15 7 17 11 0' 980 1 8 2 13 6i 245 11 10 13 9 6 1,526 2 9 109 5 o 1 8,200 15 5 2 l8 Oj I98 7 O 17 8 6: 1,713 13 1 5 17 6; 428 6 10 4 4 o ; 242 5 8 2 15 o 294 18 10 10 15 o, 1,215 10 7 976; 736 9 1 2 13 o 219 2 1 1 14 oj 131 7 10 23 7 61 2,6gg 10 3 41 1 o! 3,773 9 5 I 15 6; 2l8 l6 IO 9 15 0 482 10 2 26 14 o 2,953 !6 9 3 13 6 354 13 10 8 12 o 924 7 11 10 13 6 860 11 6 59 17 6 6,949 o 9 41 102 2 32 49 5 17 117 18 50 25 15 435 223 37 138 65 84 461 14 106 1,329 21 69 50 115 33 128 156 36 43 216 706 24 204 25 124 86 87 135 / s. d. 245 2 n 639 1 3 640 210 8 2 167 3 4 34 18 10 58 16 8 592 9 7 119 16 3 145 8 2 82 7 3 38 18 o 1,722 11 2 946 15 o 179 6 7 506 5 6 185 7 10 4°3 3 10 1,438 g 10 76 12 o 517 12 i 5,935 15 2 107 io 1 314 12 1 163 1 5 417 5 10 156 8 2 715 16 n 767 13 g 177 16 11 224 13 2 1,019 3 2 3,042 8 5 72 9 3 864 11 8 150 8 5 648 10 10 443 6 6 389 3 8 569 o 7 14 22 I 24 6 9 11 41 9 20 4 32 116 74 7 70 206 15 120 7 53 •299 12 48 15 60 2 47 41 7; 5 55 210 2 62 27 17 17 41 52 15 125 196 48 238 104 36 108 308 63 253 79 186 1,254 572 98 647 2,706 131 1,203 45 307 2,976 108 302 96 500 43 263 399 67 30 330 1,978 44 616 152 125 1 go 315 392 76 £ s. d. 1.241 14 o 1,858 II o 456 10 o 2,375 8 o 1,405 11 9 294 5 9 257 9 6 3,283 14 8; 384 14 0| 1,665 1 11 752 11 6 1,028 1 o 1 14,748 2 o 8,647 11 2! i,574 15 8 10,844 10 8 15,690 12 o 918 15 4 4,253 3 10 597 S 6 5,44i 1 IO 26,388 16 5 905 19 5 3,810 19 6 957 18 8 1,280 11 5 386 14 8 3,670 10 11 2,3g5 5 7 772 2 o 859 7 o 5,3i4 9 5 31,293 o 6 492 6 9 4,030 4 g : 1,965 11 2, 1,236 3 4 2,142 8 10; 3.242 12 7 4.977 7 10 1,502 9 o 4 5 1 2 5 10 2 6 2 73 35 3 18 1 5 27 1 15 111 3 10 2 3 19 9 14 99 2 3 4 6 3 18 4 38 54 17 3 30 13 18 106: 19 391 29 36 57i 211 36 168 16 39 175 11 132 1,010 15 101 28 87 34 79 98 16 20 139 844 18 148 26 43 46 123 5i £ s. d. 751 2 10 1,525 8 6 528 o o 450 287 16 I 194. 7 7 44 12 2 ' i,i45 19 4 226 6 10 1,030 11 5 520 4 o 274 10 10 11,518 3 8 7,202 10 3 888 9 3 5,184 2 o 127 17 7 374 12 10 1,236 13 5 195 o o 2,368 14 9 15,414 8 7 126 o 5 1,796 4 10 580 11 5 602 15 5 553 10 4 1,186 8 3 1,190 18 4 276 5 3 96 18 0 2,067 19 7 20,316 1 4 263 19 3 1,172 5 4 383 4 10 1,048 4 9 604 6 4 2,436 6 5 578 1 2 3 13 6 321 11 o 37 147 12 2 8 71 768 11 o 3 27 237 15 1 4 16 o 307 2 5 37 o 6 2,587 ig 1 370 294 17 1 286 211 16 6 4 7° 330 9 5 13 10 3 4,446 9 3 n o 6 g8i 16 1 2 13 6 231 15 6 440 334 o 2 580 514 17 5 726 564 2 7 777 17 o 63,662 16 4 59 15 o 6,530 9 1 446 400 14 7 44 2 6 4,828 9 11 20 7 o 1,426 5 2 20 g o 2,ng 14 7 19 9 9 2,237 1 5 33 I o 3,309 10 o 6 10 o 873 16 2 68 11 6, 4,245 13 7 366 384 11 11 6 19 6; 534 7 6 300! 271 14 g 8 8 6 616 9 7 8 16 61 1,040 o 7 52 19 o 4,705 13 g 10 5 6 950 5- 5 490 611 4 7 40 2 6 5,196 5 4 286 200 4 8 11 o o 1,189 13 3 4 ! 5 6 567 2 2 21 18 6 2,538 o 10 15 o O; 1,406 g 9 33 o 0' 3,304 13 o 10 II 6 579 7 8 123 743 34 49 121 669 14 1 2,919 6 o 137 7 5 188 9 7 656 5 3 685 7 o 503 18 9 64 7 5 57 7 1 229 16 1 683 16 9 140,139 7 11 i,743 7 1 56 1 6 2,503 19 9 1,893 8 8 542 7 4 755 13 9 1,625 3 3 "7 3 5 2,145 7 1 18 3 4 810 17 7 76 9 o 252 8 2 170 19 5 i,37i 2 o 211 2 7 58 4 8 3,386 1 1 167 2 5: 201 19 5 91 7 6 545 17 10 192 6 6 [ 2,586 15 10! ' 879 12 2 1 27 276 15 13 25 28 35 7 9 15 63 4,837! "3 10 130 150 45 28 83 13 397 4 34 5 18 8 120 14 n 107 7 7 37i 3,275 121 135 172 310 295 79 go 81 580 52,840 1,107 137 893 1,801 292 234 606 70 5,934i 38 300 28 129 59 1,021 go 61 756 79 50 3,35i 11 3 15,893 18 3 1,105 13 o 1,017 8 4 i,i74 5 2 3,889 3 7 5,325 3 9 617 4 6! 760 o o : 1,825 13 2 1,979 is 4 : 773,8i3 7 8; 11,034 17 7 880 17 11 15,679 13 o 8,717 6 3 3,152 11 10 4,150 o o 7,494 3 o 602 3 1 34,331 5 3! 292 6 9 1,697 9 9 231 18 o 1,221 1 o 692 7 o 11,540 o 7 1,504 10 4 330 7 10 14,188 14 5 509 19 o 584 o 6 11 . 28 115 304 28 1,728 1 9 2,162 18 3 4" 3 3 887 18 10 231 19 2 i,430 7 2 2,695 17 6 133 12 o 369 1 9 926 11 5 ',342 ' s 7 810,577 !3 n 5,657 4 3 630 11 8 9,375 2 4 2,628 g 5 2,120 14 3 1,504 10 4 3,401 13 3 G475 2 o 12,990 14 3 95 13 5 1,176 5 i 37 9 2 1,181 12 4 104 6 10 8,247 17 9 568 5 2 442 19 o 8,925 14 I 445 17 6 171 6 5 1 12 45 39 108 82 14 27 54 148 45,841 379 36 347 274 92 78 218 32J 952 14 74 6 90 95 37 15 51 179 33,6i7 423 14 723 540 152 209 310 24 572 7 232 ! l8 7° 38 3501 49! 17 6991 24; 43 IS 136 48 792 250' 1 6 15 6 23 4,846 49 6 57 31 18 9 30 5 153 1 10 2 10! 39 11 298 24 27 356 30 9 J ! 74 3 2 51 6! 2 "36 33 no 82 222 205 964 775 3,442 1 1 2,323 o 8 15,563 2 5, 3,828 6 6j 10 7 70 8 78 100 498 S4 1,609 12 6 2,225 15 2 9,155 16 o 440 19 11



Table 4 — continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1906 — continued.

Money-orders. Savings s-banks. Office. Issued Paid. Amount. No. i Amount. * _: Deposits. % § u UqB - — Zr, u u a. <; o No. Amount. BB si V ithdrawals. No. Commission. No. Amount. Dunedin— cmitd. Mosgiel Naseby North-east Valley Ophir Outram Owaka Palmerston Patearoa Pembroke Port Chalmers Portobello Puerua Ranfurly Roslyn Rough Ridge .. Roxburgh St. Bathan's ,. Seacliff South Dunedin Stirling Tapanui Waihola Waikaia Waikoikoi Waikouaiti Waipiata Waipori Waitahuna Waitati Wedderburn .. Gisborne Patutahi Port Awanui .. Te Karaka Tiniroto Tokomaru Bay Tolaga Bay Tuparoa Waipiro Bay .. Whatatutu Greymouth Ahaura Blackball Brunnerton Heathdale Moana Nelson Creek .. Ngahere Otira Railway .. Reefton Runanga Stillwater Totara Flat Hokitika Goldsborough .. Kumara Okarito Rimu Ross Stafford Invercargill Arrowtown Awarua Plains Balfour Bluff Clifden Colac Bay Dipton ,. Edendale Fairfax Fortrose Gore Half-moon Bay Kingston Lumsden Mataura Nightcaps ■ .. Orepuki Otautau Pukerau Queenstown 660 1,044 192 75i 3051 9821 805! 247 165! 1,414 74 126 446 334 356 864 308 259 648 247 908 128 940 66 556, 273 75 299 217 M7 5,834; 49! 119 2931 2 i 335 480! 238 542 131 4,68o| 413! 442; 397 14 124 186 1 g 4 339 2,648 176 49 127 '■737 59 681 127' 88 47i| 216 6,683 507! 8 248, 761 69 I26j 235 465 1 8 4i 289 2,863 2421 121 378 1,021 567 928 635 167 804! £ s. d. 25 3 oi 28 19 o, 6 12 o 21 18 9 8 11 o 26 3 o 25 19 0 6 12 o 7 19 o 56 18 6! 2 16 o; 3 5 o: n 10 o 14 7 6 1006 28 1 6 8 16 6 896 22 17 6 7 10 o, 26 15 0 3 18 o 30 17 6 1 14 o 16 17 6 6 17 6 280 9 II 6 8 17 6 4 1 6 246 2 o 1 16 0 470 12 1 6 0 1 6 14 13 oj 20 16 o| 916' 18 2 O 606 194 3 o 1270 16 17 o 12 IO o! OgOJ 4 13 6 696: 7 15 oj 13 2 o ! 104 1 6j 8 3 o 1 11 6 4 12 o 65 6 6 1 18 o 21 18 o 4 19 o 2 ig 6 14 8 6 7 18 0 279 16 6 15 7 o 066 8 11 o2g 2 o 280. 3 11 6 : 8 12 o 13 10 o 2 ig 6 8 12 6 96 5 6 676 3 8 6 13 13 6 31 6 6 18 o o 29 g o 23 9 o 4 15 6 25 10 6 / s. d. 2,161 3 2 4,782 14 2 420 18 o 3.084 6 o 891 5 n 3,083 6 1 3.397 9 4 742 14 1 797 o 2 4.398 19 7 273 1 o 311 10 6 i,339 5 o 912 4 5 1,205 16 6 3,299 13 11 1.085 8 3 874 16 8 i,4g6 10 1 635 7 o 2.911 10 5 364 19 4 3,197 18 1 147 7 9 i,75i 19 1 867 2 4 206 13 1 1,266 5 5 762 3 6 634 12 5 2.3,452 14 8 195 4 4 52S 15 1 1,132 6 g 1 15 6 1,724 3 10 1,931 12 6 990 5 11 1,929 10 4 729 9 3 19,522 5 8 1,313 6 0 1,649 7 o 1,123 16 11 53 14 3 440 1 1 793 10 10 759 1 9 1,676 1 6 9.912 7 4 592 3 10 177 17 10 556 15 8 6,114 4 8 190 7 o 1,97 1 12 9 603 7 8 255 14 I i,554 19 11 793 10 9 24,981 5 3 1,801 10 4 26 7 10 760 12 5 2,580 9 7 238 17 11 276 7 4 734 19 2 2,262 11 11 254 12 3 935 IO 2 8,797 18 9 608. 17 1 320 14 6 1,352 10 n 3,112 19 11 1,816 15 10 3,019 6 6 2,171 3 4 398 5 8 2,548 1 5 6 4 8 ! 395 225 150 146 214 467 23 4i 868! 31 77 41 281 43 206 115 270 679 119 ig6 64 122 13 2g2 59 45 135 77 33 2,626 10 61 5i 54 87 36 64 11 / s. d. 2,502 14 1 1,584 17 8j 929 12 9I 641 19 o 653 ig 10 1,226 8 6 i,954 11 6 102 17 7 248 12 2. 3,731 16 2 150 II 10 232 17 I in 16 6 1,3" 7 7 129 3 1 943 1 10 554 7 10 1,233 9 2, 2,473 17 2 308 6 3 ! 6go 16 10 271 10 3 726 3 8 72 15 2 i,og2 11 2 181 9 1 237 i9 1 590 11 o 47i 6 7 106 8 7 12,274 1 o 30 7 4 282 17 7 284 ig 6: 206 19 9 311 3 4 90 4 4 293 19 4 69 14 1 12,452 17 10 562 19 o ig7 ig o 714 7 8 101 31 46 27 32 46 86 14 204; 28 5 '7 124 9 62 9 12 164 18 59 17 52 44 19 23 16 4 1,632 14 56 61 50 29 42 15 709 9 34 38 1 12 5 16 30 346 28 1,038 319 483 236 205 389 780 108 2,193 155 69 90 1,532 63 361 107 187 2,125 105 478 "5 341 346 60 133 141 37 10,764 33 209 202 225 113 218 61 6,068 128 194 422 6 113 68 88 £ «. d. 12,175 10 o 4,291 18 3 i,937 6 o 3,323 16 o 3,401 15 o 5,964 2 4 10,704 3 3 669 o 6 19,542 15 8 1,495 2 1 562 2 0 1,053 17 I0 5,420 10 1 373 1 o 7,338 o 5 1,123 !8 6 2,420 2 5 9,737 3 7 841 [6 o 8,295 19 3 1,417 4 4 5,231 4 4 4,445 9 5 782 o 1 2,968 I o 951 14 2 III 2 O 155,745 16 3 176 13 o 1,950 11 6 3,090 19 11 3,io7 5 1 1,200 o 0 4.083 15 5 628 4 o 84,779 2 5 760 7 7 2,444 12 8 4.084 11 11 619 o 1,006 ig o 937 5 o 1,117 14 7 1,268 g 1 28,500 4 7 739 9 8 422 18 o 831 n o 16,617 17 6 387 16 4 7,448 15 6 g5 16 8 1,862 1 5 4,213 12 5 804 15 o 185,g62 6 g 4,726 5 6 45 25 4 i6 8 17 3° 3 86 i i 36 6 17 9 8 37 8 21 3 16 20 4 13 8 2 968 14 27 27 6 20 5 643 6 5 14 1 1 £ s. d. 243, 6,529 4 3 120 2,399 19 o 40 135 1 4 62 1,454 10 3 56 1,517 2 o 175 3,375 o. 3 214 5,040 10 11 20; 277 5 7 615! 9,639 11 o 33 294 16 3 17 I3 1 12 9 22 284 10 o 200 2,307 2 11 21 235 4 2 185 3,49i 17 1 52 361 4 10 53 976 1 6 369 4,291 o 4 48 365 1 3 89 3,926 8 8 31 509 14 6 101 2,151 o o 91 2,206 3 4 15 388 10 4 67J 1,892 18 9 52 560 7 8 13 69 14 1 8,o75ii26,o63 16 '4 3| 39 5 3 76; 420 15 1 134' 1,159 17 7 140 1,141 3 2 80 621 7 1 101 1,205 '3 8 32, 244 19 1 4,068 93,642 3 o 55 584 15 1 75' 1,507 16 4 101 1,607 8 9 1 200 4 423 1 9 38 544 16 11 20 208 4 8 28, 483 8 9 745 ! 17,612 11 3 27 317 1 4 12 73 o 3 22 66 18 - 1 792 17,961 14 9 12 209 14 4 201 4,539 n 7 5 37 10 o 74 1,015 11 11. 84 2,027 n 3 33 513 15 1 8,750186,374 10 o 115 2,030 15 7 3,103 83 52 185 33i % 41 958 r 4 n 42 i,332 10 407 29 26 108 158 1 4 122 13 11 97 4 2 132 17 o 3,774 14 4 70 12 11 63 o 0 234 18 3 5,400 18 6 30 19 10. G777 5 4 319 17 8j 106 17 4, 600 18 4 223 4 6 26,061 o 3 609 9 3 ! 5 3 167 3 51 6 132 2,260 125 62 80 1,066 16 448 29 170 332 57 n,538 248 1 6 2 6 141 2 1 184 28 30 6,757 124 I9| 48! 12 1,494! 40 4 16 7 1,400 18 35 488 162 10 10 i,933 19 11 23 o 6i 145 4 i| 102 2 o 470 2 9! 93 5 o; 363 5 8! 5,437 7 o 357 3 ii; 24 17 6 857 12 1 878 12 5 525 12 9 623 5 3 1,181 5 7! 135 2 5 1,814 13 9 21 94 156 870 1,791 19 1 8,234 8 1 10 33 55, 1,249 19 1 310 5,027 1 7. 5 49 22 63 15 no 1,397: 63! 8 ! 197 268 20 15 39 3 20 377 8 2 49 79 30 62 76 10 56 no 94J 172 35! 80 2,464: 57 87 248: 611; 155 414 406 100 470 423 3 o 994 2 4 2,287 10 8 378 12 o 936 13 2 44,995 16 7, 678 3 oi 576 9 6 2,688 13 ioj 9,274 o 5 i,357 4 4! 3,926 17 o 5,789 1 11 992 7 11 7,580 9 5 3 7 81 1 1 21 72 5 1 38; 533 12 4 55 1,242 7 1 II 290 12 5 23 284 9 6 981 25,285 17 9 32 249 7 7 10 331 4 9 96 1,283 4 2 213 4,359 1 2 39 350 65 149 1,863 16 7 136 2,501 5 io 24| 796 4 1 I75 1 4,216 7 4 125 2 2 17 43 8 28 104 129 307 41 415 24 3 261



Table No. 4 — continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1906 — continued.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. Office. Issued. No. ! Commission. Paid. tf s « <u 0 c — . < o No. Deposits. eposits. Amount. " . Withdrawals. — ° ffi ' <; u No. \ Amount, Amount. No. Amount. Invercargill — ctd Riversdale Riverton Thornbury Waikaka Waipahi Wairio .. j Winton Woodlands Wyndham Napier Blackburn Clive Dannevirke Frasertown Greenmeadows Hastings .. I Hatuma Havelock North Herbertville .. Kaikora North Kumeroa Makaretu Makotuku Mohaka Norsewooct Ongaonga Opoutama Ormondville .. Petane Porangahau Port Ahuriri .. Takapau Taradale Te Aute Tikokino Waione Waipawa Waipukurau .. Wairoa Weber Wimbledon Nelson. . Belgrove Brightwater Collingwood .. Kohatu Motueka Ngatimote Puponga Richmond Riwaka Stoke Tadmor Takaka The Port Thorpe Upper Moutere Wakefield New Plymouth. . Fitzroy Inglewood Midhirst Opunake Pungarehu Rahotu Stratford Tariki Toko Urenui Waitarn Oamaru Duntroon Hampden Herbert Kakanui Kurow Maheno Ngapara Pukeuri Junction Shag Point 435 892; 79; 389 ; 188. / s. d. £ s. d. 14 8 6 1,588 12 2 30 6 6 2,971 16 11 2 12 6 227 15 1 11 12 6 1,178 5 2 6 11 6! 768 12 2 2 o ol 200 13 5 29 10 6( 2,550 15 10 5 19 6 533 8 10 25 18 6 2,760 12 7 273 13 o! 25,685 3 5 146 176 10 4 360 249 15 2 128 18 o 16,022 10 8 8 13 6: 761 16 6 660! 415 3 10 157 19 6! 13,654 10 6 386 293 5 1 9 15 6 573 o 4 3 10 6 303 11 10 13 II O: 1,310 19 10 4 19 6| 464 9 0 396 278 16 9 15 5 6 1,471 7 o 5 14 6 567 13 2j 20 o o 2,016 I 41 11 60 1,263 8 8 646 593 I I 6; 23 6 6 2,633 3 7 050 31 8 o 16 19 6; 1,732 7 1 41 11 6! 3,965 11 1 19 19 o 1,906 17 10 8 12 6 710 18 5 5 13 o 512 13 1 13 5 o 1,937 5 o ; 340 553 10 o 47 9 o 7,675 o 7 43 6 6 5,358 10 10 44 6 6 3,971 2 t 960 843 11 7 5 3 0 529 5 o 212 1 o 19,072 13 8 330, 282 16 8 8 13 oj 710 9 2 31 8 6, 3,638 8 1.1 6 15 0' 720 18 2 36 10 o 3,858 6 o 656 470 19 9 10 4 o 1,129 o o 13 3 o 1,319 13 7! 13 O 6; 1,225 16 9 146 98 16 I 912 o 1,008 11 3 31 11 o 3,323 3 4: 16 12 o 1,227 12 3 3 18 6 309 6 3 796 530 2 7! 12 19 o 1,178 18 4 177 4 6 16,967 16 3! 080 24 2 6 46 16 6 4,520 2 3 13 2 o 1,271 19 11 27 10 o 2,669 19 9! 16 12 6 1,308 14 2 12 11 o 1,294 14 0 91 19 6 12,223 n 10 466 377 o 5 12 o o 1,175 9 3: 6 17 6 660 16 3 31 8 6 2,764 13 5 ; 155 1 6 3LI95 12 2 11 5 6 3,032 15 3: 15 7 6 1,581 3.10 7 19 6! 1,000 4 o' 2 18 o 312 4 1 15 16 o 2,687 13 9 ! 630 499 19 8 7 10 9 1,044 '7 11 206 190 18 6 3 n 6 307 16 81 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 102 290 20 39 75 13 260 309 150 6,483 7 40 2,048 57 54 2,167 6 128 29 89 17 12 / s. d.j 419 3 1 1,025 13 2! 117 5 5! 184 12 10 206 12 7 44 17 lOj 1,098 5 oj 343 5 8; 743 o 8j 34,394 14 10! 45 11 6 144 10 2 7,965 1 5! 328 1 9 252 8 2 8,357 14 10 25 10 6 440 6 1 222 7 10! 417 8 1 125 o 7 72 8 8! 324 9 6; 458 18 4 732 8 3 225 17 5; 101 18 9! 788 15 1 26 18 o! 240 18 4 2,671 o 7 495 17 8! 282 1 3 557 14 11 212 18 5 34 o 9' 2,776 9 n 1,484 1 7J 1,677 10 1 270 6 2 209 18 10 24,681 16 1 95 14 4 251 18 8j 655 19 11 327 3 4 1.438 7 7 136 16 10 52 16 2 964 8 3 319 18 4 37 1 2 119 11 3 1,665 16 8 709 10 6 171 12 o 66 13 3 957 o 1 28,845 6 5 1 10 o 1,687 2 q 283 8 b 1,013 7 2 537 4 4 298 8 3 4,517 8 2 183 5 6 263 19 11 372 17 1 1,639 12 8 13,315 13 9 339 18 10 834 2 10 385 18 2 299 19 9 772 1 7 231 14 9 240 19 9 gg 16 6 558 10 6 17 56j n! 22 5' 1 97 5i6 57 191 41 3i 494, 120, 337' 14,271 £ s- d. 742 14 2 7,113 18 11 947 10 0 i,449 13 3 748 11 o 743 2 o, 7,394 7 3 982 14 10 4,947 3 io 1 185,173 6 8 11 30 4 13 5 1 41 235; 29 59 iS £ »■ d. 636 1 5 , 5,048 7 8 625 12 7 854 10 2 607 7 11 43 16 6 2,487 10 6 344 15 10 2,373 6 7 202,215 3 9 57: 7 68| 1741 839! 6,225' 36 95: 3,672 192 162 3,850 118 227 95 389| 126; 102 481 igoj 616J 348 167 684! 8 I 112 17 72; 1,545! 3l| 4| 19 1,724 3: 197 22 119 10,514 8 534 26 15! 745; 45 13! 39! 11 130 3,458 122 182: 5,o57! 27 265, 98 277 51 7i 255 96 291 243I 679 10 o 41,050 11 10 817 o 8 533 13 o 68,378 15 oj 214 5 ol 2,683 16 2 943 1 o 3,599 10 8| 450 11 o 922 6 o 2,866 18 5 532 4 8 2,931 1 1 1,762 2 9: 5 258 14 2 231 2 12 f> 15 3 3 14 6 20! ■i 3 | 48, 1,676! 52j 47! 2,433! 11 99 z 9 104, 22 18 98 76 I 4 I IOO 251 8 I 26,868 6 11 984 17 10 202 7 1 42,458 4 2 141 19 5 1,158 2 6 158 16.11 2,594 10 5 735 2 2 456 2 7 1,667 19 10 321 5 5 2,506 611 1,503 11 2 I 1 I 77 58 i54 43 27 158 6 I 30 '9 43 23 47l 250: 3,167 17 6 19; 99 2,212 n 10 472 1,033 524 224 136 418 129 1,466 1,168 1,016 252 171 5,129 98 227! 842! 171 i,o53| 1541 268! 364 396 30 295! 929 428 125 239 39i 4,656 15 i,458 385 823 524 35o 2,697 143 393 224 865 4,596 443 503 240 89 553 179 240 /I 124: 1 I I II 55 575! no; 95 170 52 Q 33 i°3 37 23 14 38 207 1,071 166 230 i°7 205 1,757 10 o 6,089 !8 II 3,385 8 6 1,082 n o i,335 16 7, 1,768 4 7 12 13 19 9 4 4 70, 110 80 83 4° 66 859 15 3 1,097 16 1 1,949 12 9 596 13 5 56l 4 3 864 4 6 I' I I I \ 1 9 804 390 428 53 27 5,865 29! 74 145 112 355 45 16 241 67 11 28 149 121 126 26! 955 754 742 125 M,348 1 3 9,869 8 11 8,855 13 7 1,019 15 o 73 32 62 6 427 322 438 34! 10,268 4 11 6,101 4 o 6,496 3 4 547 7 11 896 13 16 7,975 118 147,710 17 6 1,413 7 11 1,961 1 o 6,791 14 11 1,141 10 IO 8,500 13 9 1,013 3 7 1,184 15 9 5,748 7 1 4,015 12 oj 105 15 ° 3,033 13 1 9,667 13 10' 4,533 19 2 838 15 o 621 10 3J 5,265 12 11 100,063 7 i°i 12 O O: 18,056 15 9. 2,175 14 8 6,304 6 3 2,891 13 5 1,042 7 8 ! 29,070 4 6 944 3 2 1,894 19 8 837 12 1 8,646 14 10 120,308 6 o I.391 4 II 3,065 7 I 1,993 8 4 x 53 10 3 2,810 8 8 945 14 o 1,184 14 8 282 16 5 599 15 5 848 3 4 7 6,5i3j 43 5i 169, ■Si 317 43 21 126: (148,737 11 5 1,540 12 6 750 6 11 4,193 3 8 227 o o 8,368 4 o 605 o 7 329 12 1 3,123 15 2 I 3,5" 15 2 1800 277 1 6 7,563 9 6 609 3 10 514 18 11 513 16 6 3,666 12 7 105,254 13 1 10 10 o 11,777 18 9 1,679 9 o 3,55i 16 5 671 13 n 752 9 9 17,273 18 5 406 211 1,162 8 1 700 10 5 5,475 o 2 106,221 1 6 346 15 o 1,177 10 o 1,223 8 2 48 17 n 799 6 5 377 15 1 407 1 10 43 3 o 231 10 5 I 2 16 65 11 21 36 21 9 43 72 35 7! 12! 195 397 i°3 598 69 107 337 207 27 193 55o 387 114 108 36 7 ■4 4 124! 1 l| I; I i' i I 221 219 3i 17 200 5,908 1 438 66| 2l6| 9o! 79 1,028! 57 59 76 342 2,786 72 235 69 48 160 55 39 28 54 ; 791 178 19 64 28 16 293 14 39 28 412 6,468 5 1,618 156 427 188 124 2,39H 98I 166 101 894 7,199 133 191 188 12 2 34 7 1 4 16 go 1 "*8i 13 22 5 8 148 6 24 292 60 27 39 136 5,365 2 586 99 147 48 53 1,091 55 77 33 284 4,827 39 66 (6 7 52 20 38 5 41 120 860 33 36 17 2 55 13 19 8 21 8 461 742; 6 16! 6 2 217 100 163 32 89 13' 6 6 140 17 4'



Table No. 4— continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1906 — continued.

2— F. 1.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. Office. No, Commission. Issued. Amount. Paid. S = % v o a < c De No. Deposits. eposits, Amount. 09 - II < Withdrawals. No. Amount. No. ! Amount. Thames Karangahake .. Katikati Komata Maketu Miranda Omahu Opotiki Paeroa Taneatua Tauranga Te Aroha Te Puke Turua Waihi Waikino Waiorongomai Waitekauri Whakatane Timaru Albury Fairlie Geraldine Glenavy Makikihi ' .. Morven Orari Pleasant Point.. Rangitata St. Andrew's .. Studholme Junct. Temuka Waimate Winchester Wanganui A! ton Aramoho Awatuna East .. Bull's Castlecliff Eltham Fordell Hawera Hunterville Hurleyville Kaponga Koeke Makirikiri Manaia Mangamahu .. Mangaonoho .. Mangaweka Manutahi Marton Mataroa Moawhango Normanby Ohakune Ohingaiti Okaiawa Otakeho Patea Pihama Raetihi St. John's Taihape Taoroa Turakina .. I Turangarere .. Utiku Waiouru Waitotara Waverley .. I Wellington .. j Adelaide Road Alfredton Apiti • .. Ashhurst Awahuri Ballance Brooklyn 3,270 i,833 337 562 115 29 140 1,052 1,603 38 982 1,482 628 84 4,405 j 1,421 20 163 529 5,782 312 579 1,007 187 156 208 232 401 20 260 107 1 1,433 2,684 100 6,784 161 390 90 612 157 : 1,578 219 2,401 1,193 123 611 95 34 659 219 165 1,131 76 1,676 557 321 227 716 318 126 121 1,089 157 1,288 227 3,132 14 288 758 93i 166 273 1,055 30,103 265 207 508 413 142 27 127 £ 8- d. 142 7 o 62 17 o 10 18 6 23 16 o 3 3 0 100 4 16 6 34 7 6 5100 126 3160 48 7 6 2140 296 156 4 6 50 2 o 0 15 o 580 17 8 o 221 1 6 7 11 o 18 13 6 33 6 6 5 1 o 5 18 6 5 10 6 5 12 6 12 10 6 on 6 806 2 15 o 44 7 6 83 16 6 3 3 0 289 2 6 506 13 4 6 300 23 7 o 486 55 6 6 9 9 6 92 9 o 46 12 6 3 13 6 22 12 o 2 15 6 1 8 6 24 8 o 6 12 o 523 28 17 o 1 17 o 62 I o 16 15 6 11 15 o 7 12 o 27 7 6 11 13 o 5 12 o 4 12 6 37 10 6 5 7 0 38 7 6 926 95 3 6 076 9 5 0 32 10 6 29 2 6 10 1 oj 10 7 o 37 6 o 2,231 18 6 9 12 6 8 1 6 16 11 o 12 11 6 530 o 14 6 3 11 o / s. d. 12,298 l8 2 6,097 I I 1,096 ig 5 2,340 7 7 343 1 7 77 8 1 602 17 5 4,102 4 11 5,162 1 o no 14 4 3,196 10 8 4,639 5 10 2,259 13 1 189 15 2 14,302 1 5 4,366 4 10 88 18 2 498 15 1 1,881 16 1 40,812 18 6 2,915 9 3 2,662 8 8 4,504 9 6 939 19 8 716 17 8 1,092 14 8 642 5 3 1,395 9 7 39 5 3 1,003 1 3 424 6 6 4,660 1 2 19,559 17 3 218 5 10 29,382 19 o 503 10 8 1,140 11 9 257 o 6 2,422 12 2 321 13 3 6,918 16 3 787 13 4 9,127 6 3 6,759 2 3 332 18 4 2,007 16 7 418 8 10 133 12 o 2,533 " 5 950 1 3 544 14 " 4,558 4 9 258 4 4 7,179 7 6 1,697 4 9 i,439 3 7 631 3 2 2,585 18 7 1,309 8 1 496 15 5 39i 16 3 3,691 7 6 537 15 6 5,522 ig 10 743 11 6 16,006 5 n 24 17 10 75i 19 4 2,702 7 o 3,"3 8 5 758 15 5 1,130 14 6 3,686 8 2 128,971 6. 7 586 17' 4 808 o 6 2,155 3 6 1,248 15 8 588 15 o in 14 2 140 1 I 2,748 270 85 27 41 M 12 33i 779 7 707 646 167 36 ii x 57 188 9 37 161 3,652 50 168 364 no 52 32 36 103 3 82 57 508 813 36 7-379 8 £ s. d. 10,021 8 6 1,336 14 6 384 1 7 123 5 6 112 15 6 85 9 9 32 12 o 1,903 19 o 2,791 16 o 36 n 1 3> r 42 1 1 2,895 1 8 981 15 9 205 o 11 4,603 15 o 788 5 3 59 10 8 103 5 7 743 17 8 15,164 19 2 243 10 8 787 5 8 1,823 o 8 596 14 8 293 18 2 127 12 9 230 3 11 536 6 10 1.3 4 o 335 2 7 161 o 5 2,011 16 3 4,36i 7 5 170 6 8 32,547 5 9 26 4 o 561 10 7 20 7 4 1,218 3 5 83 o 8 2,727 19 2 272 8 10 6,725 16 7 1,630 18 1 42 18 6 550 1 8 43 10 2 36 18 o 1,131 17 7 142 17 5 109 10 2 1,358 2 8 77 2 7 4,654 15 10 260 2 5 185 16 1 506 3 6 332 2 5 467 9 1 154 8 8 98 1 4 1,440 1 9 164 16 o 1,405 16 10 73 10 6 2,783 3 5 6i8 107 27 60 10 6 o 116 M7 6 116 115 ! 35 6 521 97 4 II 40 1,324 24 63 148 14 17 4,632 1,048 256 500 53 5 43 519 1,129 13 857 831 285 22 4,034 899 12 64 130 11,512 98 416 1,084 70 76 70 78 149 10 150 40 1,124 1,909 165 12,952 129 336 £ s- d. 78,237 8 4 10,496 o 6 1,666 16 11 3,261 2 5 379 10 5 37 17 o 346 17 11 12,009 1 8 9,378 12 8 34 13 o 15,166 1 10 7,988 4 2 3,344 9 9 267 8 0 36,546 3 o 5,452 8 9 35 9 o 408 1 o i,546 1 3 185,575 18 5 1,244 14 2 4,450 10 9 15,707 5 1 818 11 4 769 11 3 1,279 5 2 1,001 14 6 2,445 19 4 67 15 2 2,106 1 o 575 18 o 17,380 2 n 26,365 O IO 1,497 12 o 197,881 6 3 1,183 3 11 2,402 5 1 852 57 6 20 4 2 I 56 47 1 66 49 11 2 233 27 4 5 35 1,151 3 12 52 6 8 11 5 8 4,190 496 no 126 4° 4 3i 268 484 3 642 407 107 5 1,678 259 14 47 94 8,374 21 118 £ * d. 89,697 18 10 6,570 17 9 1,204 o 6 1,749 17 9 292 2 0 39 4 1 183 11 o 10,328 15 10 6,231 11 3 55 19 o 10,976 9 2 6,484 5 6 1,851 6 5 92 19 3 26,473 10 4 2,857 6 7 132 11 1 559 16 3 1.322 6 7 181,570 14 8 521 16 2 2,372 7 9 9.323 15 7 382 3 7 392 15 2 1,097 o 4 462 6 3 418 7 7 15 o o 598 13 2 256 14 11 8,735 14 o 23,773 5 10 378 19 5 214,508 6 10 1,165 10 2 620 7 6 14 8 4° 4 33 4 172 289 I 19 1,664 16 47 3 2 61 401 33 28 36 47 4° 1 37 23 392 999 5° io,995 30 58 129 1,897 4 7 140 9 385 28 671 47 1,830 380 71 12 409 72 i,497 131 2,548 740 55 47i 26 22 643 4,811 12 o 378 7 o 21,591 17 10 1,604 16 0 41,658 19 10 9,465 5 6 190 17 o 5,698 18 8 293 6 o 200 14 o 9,866 18 10 21 3 112 214 19 675 22 1,089 346 10 171 3,083 17 9 161 o 2 15,188 17 o 253 5 4 25,253 2 8 7,754 19 3 291 19 7 3,683 10 6 76 10 8 22 0 o 6,427 2 9 221 5 104 7 6 199 43 24 349 16 1,262 69 34 126 72 85 38 27 349 21 235 28 622 22 338J 115 7 67 5 3 104 4 152 60 1 31 1 4 6 52 233 14 84 9 193 49 27 28 180 16 17 21 93 13 185 5 33i 2 11 i88| 86! 54 24' 109 8,712 65 29 31 37 11 6 21 "68 539 72 i,455 223 93 190 513 133 166 100 811 47 621 53 1,428 754 14 3 4,974 19 7 885 12 9 16,295 J 6 n 2,266 o 7 1,756 18 4 1,610 10 5 5,978 14 7 i,737 19 8 1,650 5 8 896 3 11 13,809 17 9 579 o n 9,469 2 5 389 16 o 18,513 IO IO 105 5 o 709 18 8 7,590 10 1 4,571 3 7 1,856 17 1 1,907 9 o 9,544 16 IO 1,055,446 8 8 3,154 o o 2,397 10 8 2,793 o 5 2,915 15 6 571 4 o 200 9 o 874 16 1 1 44 5 90 7 7 9 30 4 4 4 46 3 44 1 31 221 35 614 54 32 77 76 74 60 64 33° 22 198 7 823 1 48 103 145 9 124 247 73,985 70 61 362 4 5 3,495 18 10 263 0 3 12,082 7 7 429 10 6 361 1 o 973 4 6 886 o 9 1,005 9 6 1,204 4 6 530 13 4 7,215 1 2 347 18 8 4,831 15 8 47 7 5 11,221 12 10 700 537 8 7 1,165 8 7 2,145 6 7 77 10 10 1,112 4 2 4,555 18 3 1,139,913 1 10 290 3 8 1,065 " 4 1,924 1 o 1,861 12 2 533 8 8 230 1 5 123 18 0 141 47 57 116 5 85 236 51,152 21 36 57 235 54 22 48 196 14 11 277 1 2 548 16 11 40 17 o 430 8 5 1,068 13 2 220,596 14 6 . 101 1 10 210 15 I 297 16 3 1,050 3 6 173 16 11 "3 6 7 194 4 9 7 79 677 353 156 ! 153 757 74,o62 983 195 278 34° in 26 176 6 21 37 2 18 27 8,581 10 11 3 18 3 92 144 65 4 23


Table No. 4 — continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1906 — continued.


Money-orders. Saving: i-banks. Office. Issued. Paid. <y o c Zo u i < o I No. Deposits. S-a a u So Withdrawals. No. Amount. No. Commission. Amount. No. j Amount. Amount. Wellington— ctd. Bunnythorpe .. Carterton Castlepoint Chatham Islands Cheltenham Colyton .. ! Courtenay Place Cross Creek Eketahuna Featherston Feilding Foxton Gladstone Greytown North Halcombe Hinakura Hukanui Hutt Johnsonville Kaitoke Kaiwarawara .. Karori Kilbirnie Kimbolton Koputarua Levin Longburn Makuri Manakau Mangatainoka Martinborough Masterton Mauriceville .. West Molesworth St. Muritai Ngahauranga .. Nireaha Otaki Pahautanui Pahiatua Palmerston North Paraparaumu .. Petone Pirinoa Pohangina Pongaroa Porirua Rakaunui Rangiwahia Rongotea Sanson Shannon Taueru Te Aro Te Horo Te Nui Tinakori Road.. Tokomaru Upper Hutt .. Waikanae Waituna West Wellington South Weraroa Whakataki Woodville Westport Addison's Burnett's Face.. Capleston Charleston Denniston Fern Flat Granity Inangahua June. Karamea Longford Lyell Millerton Murchison Seddonville Up. Matakitaki Waimangaroa .. 150 1,442 49 222 74 98 822 £ s- d. 5 3 6 47 15 o 1 11 o 8 15 6 2 10 6 446 32 13 6 £ *• d. 501 19 o 5,629 6 7 190 o 2 906 18 4 241 17 6 294 6 6 2,385 5 0 74 705 2 73 13 20 64 £ *• d. 401 19 8 3,183 14 n io 19 6 722 2 4 86 15 5 125 19 6 199 11 6 17 190 4 10 18 7 120 9 123 94 401 202 5 84 35 5 14 1 224 38 6 20 19 22 43 28 126 57 13 29 16 168] 1.574! i 132! 59 2,242 54 1,132 793 3,iio| 1,292! 41 997 190 19 77 1,817 343 77 255 196 140 286 221 981 411 66 178 170 606 5,479 93 136 3,261 55 216 101 758 67 1,699 8,569 148 4,664 12 76 134 170 21 £ s - d. i,7n 9 5 18,013 17 1 44 4 6 503 14 o 1,627 12 3 711 80 7,266 6 4 407 4 0 13,455 5 8 5,865 3 7 37,826 9 2 10,651 16 9 418 6 9 9,298 6 5 i,734 6 11 122 o o 740 13 10 18,675 o 6 2,550 17 9 669 1 5 796 4 7 799 o 6 647 3 6 3,228 17 o i,479 6 8 12,044 4 8 2,261 16 2 54° 9 o 1,768 19 o 1,362 17 10 6,654 5 8 61,127 5 5 953 5 11 1,924 1 8 15,142 8 4 392 6 o 1,098 17 7 1,301 1 o 7,328 4 1 640 3 1 23,099 19 11 114,894 8 4 i,397 4 8 31,625 1 7 116 o 0 568 6 6 I,g58 ig o, 1,020 ig 6 172 3 o! 1,290 3 3! 3,083 19 5] i,433 10 2 3,6i9 17 5 161 11 o 66,775 14 9 1,034 I 5 2,160 8 5 1,501 7 O, 345 2 O: 4,842 5 2: 2,003 17 o 709 19 ioj 44,749 17 7 2,122 5 4 280 o 0; 17,281 8 9 50,356 1 11 700 4,917 4 I 193 17 O! i,477 13 6 8,615 15 1 352 10 9 2,577 10 11 462 15 o 874 16 1 113 o o 1,047 3 9 6,725 10 I 1,848 8 1, 2,623 19 3 99 18 o 65I 5 IO| ii 79 82 681 £ s. d. 1,210 7 3 16,631 5 7 34 o ° 768 10 4 496 6 5 812 18 o 8 6 n 2 54 27 128 1,258 841 ! 3,032 ! 1,505 37 940 369 86 172 1,035 200 173 66 99 136 569 157 i,305 283 268 248 302 991 4,852 178 147 2,068 74 200 160 1,066 85 2,267 6,529 163 2,3 J 7 94 146 45° 230 237 365 472 199 762 94 5,649 112 199 154 81 413 409 184 2,281 530 83 1,748 3,272 24 811 60 268 • 1,082 39 18 o 30 15 6 106 8 6 52 5 6 190 30 5 o 13 6 6 3 o 6j 4 10 6; 43 2 o 6 16 o 590 i 17 6 3 10 6 4 4 6 17 15 o 5 5 0 43 o o 11 15 6 606 8 10 o 7 12 o 38 3 6 187 13 6 586 7 19 6 82 18 6 3 1 o 840 5 14 6 36 9 6 296 75 o o 249 13 6 5 18 6 90 9 6 326 4 9 6 11 11 6 8 14 o 5 10 o 9 5 0 18 2 o 696 24 19 o 2 17 6 223 8 6 406 7 17 6 580 280 16 9 o 13 o o 576 96 8 o 16 2 3 300 54 15 o 130 7 o 0 16 o 40 15 6 220 966 47 3 o 1 12 o 19 1 6 4 11 6 13 3 6 440 15 o o 31 15 o 22 2 6 13 4 6 296 10 7 o 4,405 17 3 2,666 2 10 11,849 16 4 5,074 4 6 132 7 8 2,942 10 4 1,065 12 o 304 19 10 585 3 2 3,247 17 1 520 9 7 522 10 11 127 1 5 297 1 4 325 5 2 1,852 5 3 517 4 2 4.439 14 9 854 8 4 974 1 9 716 12 2 893 19 6 3,734 2 7 20,158 11 5 550 17 5 535 16 7 5,523 3 8 195 5 7 628 14 6 582 3 9 3,642 18 o 179 14 10 9,921 9 5 23,826 12 2 503 3 9 6,758 14 7 249 6 o 544 8 2 1,642 2 5 896 19 o 654 19 2 1,310 O 10 1,496 II 2 603 17 IO 2,045 3 0 236 14 5 15,520 11 2 387 3 1 804 11 2 327 7 1 188 14 5 1,396 9 9 1,275 13 3 458 16 5 6,660 1 9 1,695 18 10 318 8 4 6,347 12 11 12,796 19 5 80 12 8 2,763 10 1 261 10 o 852 II 6 5,263 10 10 151 9 2 1,'577 14 10 553 1 6 1,370 18 7 516 1 7 1,629 14 8 2.440 17 10 2,683 7 7 1,299 o 7 263 11 3 1,240 1 1 338 359 1,924 605 21 498 119 4 25 542 192 17 50 69 134 154 23 513 72 59 67 105 253 2,583 39 7 136 15 15 34 569 14 1,120 5,705 44 986 13 58 73 no 11 66 92 62 206 1,790 12 o 1,525 o 4, 7,333 15 6; 2,322 11 10! 95 o o 2,004 13 9 ; 482 o 8. 15 9 6i 123 8 2 2,098 17 7 662 18 10 75 4 10 125 7 5 234 16 5 660 4 1 989 3 4 82 14 3 1,833 13 6 477 17 1 293 3 8 392 9 IOJ 433 17 4 1 1,190 14 7 10,868 9 2 178 7 9 9 17 10 664 11 10 51 1 6 no 1 8 162 12 o 1,875 15 8 44 9 9 4,286 9 7 21,128 19 3 150 I 4 3,476 2 9 61 9 7 333 5 11 35o 6 4 573 7 7 67 14 11 309 8 9 327 4 1 163 19 3 1,003 8 7 50 17 1 2,935 13 o 46 o 1 195 10 9 43 13 3 23 15 6 722 4 8 707 9 1 213 8 11 4,716 1 9 485 11 5 61 9 o 3,260 13 9 10,629 5 6 600 160 14 3 82 19 o 322 13 7 495 6 2 95 18 7 292 4 7 137 4 o 419 7 9 65 2 3 73° 19 11 298 5 3 399 8 0 353 5 8 3 16 6 102 1 9 104 695 9 18 246 8 15 11 84 10 234 1,189 15 435 7 7 28 23 4 41 54! 23 60 2] 1,117! 25 32 4> 19! 61 33: 14 693 50 6 124 417 1 52 38 213 71 2 4i| i6| 2 71 ioj 1 5 6 6 3 47 22 I 3 IO 46! 289 2! 4 36 3 2 52 120 558 3 170 391 261 i,5I4 512 23 400 ! 127 21 589 98 13 27 50 29 7i 24 478 160 27 58 97 281 j 2,578 !' 53 67 342 10 44 35 351 45 754 4,443 74 1,728 8,493 2 3 5,"3 o 3 28,157 8 8 6,587 8 8 198 10 5 7,349 14 5 1,372 o 6 616 10 5 10,337 12 8 883 2 4 482 o o 118 16 o 325 9 7 230 9 11 2,471 3 3 210 13 2 6,555 5 3 1,653 11 2 366 3 2 543 11 1 1,483 17 2 4,420 4 2 43,364 1 3 1,628 2 7 1,372 11 4 2,405 5 5 76 o o 400 o 4 1,038 1 4 3,673 15 o 345 4 6 17,851 5 to 79,958 6 4 674 8 10 21.316 10 9 112 o o 4°7 4 7 1,016 10 2 39i 3 o 316 o 9 844 19 n 2,392 1 9 866 18 o 2,930 14 5 183, 2 2 6,129 13 6 702 8 4 919 18 9 174 8 8 199 19 3 2,204 14 7 790 1 10 404 11 7 16.317 11 11 1,403 12 8 160 10 5 12,654 12 2 59,156 4 1 25 o o 1,156 5 8 769 3 5 569 9 11 4,639 6 7 113 o o 2,061 8 4 171 14 10 499 17 11 286 8 o 467 11 9 1,865 16 7 889 11 7 713-12 9 18 o o 181 3 2 177 320 159 456 3° 15,258 106 4 4 2! 8 30 10 22 3 136 6 3^ 45 40 15 45 137 57 236 18 843 40 64 34 20 10 686 19 42 12 8 189 101 190 535 44 483 225 79 8,045 5i4 47 1,218 3,222 1 649 22 128 1,125 3° 316 55 59 12 68 874 183 278 35 92 2 5 6 16 10 43 1,208 136 9 921 2,33° 2 28 18 53 132 11 62 21 62 14 101 84 68 59 1 35 4 ■95 11 3 62 504 143 93 25 1,512 131 24 528 2,691 1 81 104 4 14 131 13: 32 I IO 2! 12 21 5! 14 35 15 55 207 8 112 9 33 18 59 556 129 406 122 440 860 669 333 73 304 11 1 5 3 7 44 8 114; 26. 4° 6 17 31 128 53 57 I 28 II 3


Table No. 4 — continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1906 — continued. SUMMARY.

Table No. 5. Statement showing the Number of British Postal Orders of each Denomination sold and paid in New Zealand during the Financial Years 1905-6 and 1906-7.


Money-orders. Savings--banks. Office. Sill < a No. l)e, L'pOSitS. Amount. 2 ■ Withdrawals. a -a 3 V ; 8J i i 4J" No, I Amount. Issuet Paid. Deposits. . No. Commission. Amount. No. Amount. Postal District OF — Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hokitika Invercargill Napier Nelson New Plymouth .. Oamaru Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport 86,i;oj 6.795 1 46,5181 46,356! 8,023: 9,789| 3,379 21,022 24,7921 n,i39 12,533 7,038 i8,6g3 13,468 3°,!3 8 83,719 9,468 £ s. d. 13,904 3 9 ! 247 17 9 ji ,968 16 0 if735 i5 6 333 1 o I 386 14 o 119 7 6 754 2 o i 959 12 6 424 10 o 440 16 6 227 13 9 668 12 6 457 19 6 1,101 5 3 4,180 i 9 368 1 o £ *• d. 333,688 g 5, 24,017 o 10 i7i,733 7 "I 161,034 16 ioj 32,6l5 18 2; 38,570 9 8i 11,483 16 10; 71,780 10 3 98,462 19 7; 40,105 12 9 45,259 o o 41,853 5 10 63,654 13 11 81,587 10 o 123,760 6 1 310,878 10 8 35,744 13 2 !,8o,958 1 3,020 41,890 j45,450 3,ooo ! 4,575 1,942 n,855 14,428 7,676 8,360 3,632 7,422 6,066 15,144 74,o6i 3,081 £ s. d. 336,294 o 8 7 203,303 8 o 188,010 8 3 13,844 6 3 18,582 5 5 8,460 1 6 45,982 9 2 66,363 8 3 32,652 4 5 39,643 10 3 17,078 16 5 30,351 7 o 26,856 9 10 64,395 12 7 312,372 IO I 14,594 12 9 10159 1,005 11264 7,671 11,899 1,236 306 2,808 3,820 !i,369 |i.59i 1,060 ;2,0 4 2 2,173 14,431 : 16428 1 944 78,126 7,715 105,021 80,887 11,825 9,746 2,118 20,199 29,706 11,897 12,636 8,324 15,332 16,951 28,725 147,407 7,149 £ s. d. 11,200,273 14 3 "4,344 16 5 1,460,428 14 9 1.034.384 6 11 169,983 5 2 126,900 4 6 31,430 14 10 308,663 19 9 366,218 19 9 203,548 3 7 i7i,939 19 10 132,735 5 9 186,602 7 7 261,285 19 n 405,083 12 9 1.650.385 17 4 82,944 9 4 I 6,458 648 1 7,183 5,905 1,067 829 239 1,877 2,581 987 1,259 801 1,478 1,456 2,896 11,190 672 ; 55,619 I 5,014 172,129 52,901 8,641 5,196 1,201 11,956 17,227 8,001 7,840 5,131 9,005 10,600 17,267 95,280 3,528 £ »• d. 11,037,361 5 1 103,621 16 3 11,256,827 8 i 940,002 19 o 130,896 17 3 117,073 6 2 26,305 8 11 251,363 17 6 315,779 6 5 184,550 4 4 148,716 10 11 110,876 9 4 167,104 9 2 230,299 14 5 333,348 18 1 i,479,39i 12 1 73,583 14 7 Grand totals .. 18,278 10 3 1,686,231 I II 7,907,154 12 5 47,526 386536;' 16,907,103 17 7 439020 33256o 1,434.038 6 5 70206 593,764

Sold bid Denomination. 1905-6. 1906-7. 1905-6. 1906-7. s. d. 0 6 1 0 1 6 2 0 2 6 3 0 3 6 4 0 4 6 5 0 5 6 6 0 6 6 7 0 7 6 8 0 8 6 9 0 9 6 10 0 10 6 11 0 11 6 12 0 12 6 13 0 13 6 14 0 14 6 15 0 15 6 16 0 16 6 17 0 17 6 18 0 18 6 19 0 19 6 20 0 21 0 542 1,698 891 1,076 1,593 935 558 713 349 2,637 311 597 259 552 419 318 240 219 119 3, -220 267 201 91 308 191 166 123 111 57 487 64 121 53 79 94 101 103 318 604 1,926 926 1,193 1,785 1,042 733 743 386 2,905 292 640 259 555 522 363 262 245 187 3,869 332 226 90 317 241 177 100 148 51 572 54 124 64 116 116 155 121 440 2 8,815 28 206 102 230 333 134 48 72 29 700 26 68 19 32 64 29 12 18 10 954 47 9 14 36 17 15 7 11 6 82 2 8 5 7 12 5 6 10 2 3,704 245 53 292 119 270 369 186 154 101 40 876 29 84 29 40 66 45 26 22 21 1,227 55 17 16 47 31 14 13 20 12 160 * 14 11 13 6 23 5 17 5 4,713 216 7,188 Number 27.369 27,369 31,698 7,364 9,461 Value •a ,aoy £13.581 18s. £6,426 4s. £16,229 15s. 6d. £5,052 7s. 6d.



Table No. 6.—POST-OFFICE SAVINGS-BANKS.—GENERAL STATEMENT. Table showing the Business of the Post-Office Savings-banks in New Zealand, Year by Year, from the Date they were established, in February, 1867, to the 31st December, 1906.

Postal Districts. Number of PostOfficc Savingsbanks Open at the Close of the Year. Number of Deposits received duringthe Year. Total Amount of Deposits received during the Year. Average Amount of each Deposit received during the Year. Number of Withdrawals during the Year. Total Amount of Withdrawals during the Year, Average Amount of each Withdrawal during the Year. Excess of Deposits over Withdrawals during the Year. Excess of Withdrawals over Deposits during the Year. Cost of Management during the Year. Average Cost of each Transaction, Deposit or Withdrawal. Interest for the Year. Numher of Accounts Opened during the Year. Number of Accounts Closed during the Year. Number of Accounts remaining Open at Close of the Year. Total Amount standing to the Credit of all Open Accounts, inclusive of Interest to the Close of the Year. Average Amount standing to the Credit ol each Open Account at Close of the Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s- d. Auckland 130 i 78,126 1,200,273 14 3! 15 7 3 55,6i9 1,037,361 5 1 18 13 o 162,912 9 2 43,828 9 3 io,i59J ■ 6,458| 42,180 1,514,090 12 4 35 17 11 Blenheim • 8 j 7,715 114,344 16 5] 14 16 5 5,oi4| 1,460,428 14 9 13 18 1 72,129! 103,621 16 3 20 13 4: 10,723 O 2 4,698 3 11 i,oo5j 648 5,015 154,347 2 o! 30 15 7 Christchurch .. 67 105,021 1,256,827 8 1 17 8 6; 203,601 6 8 51,705 14 11 11,264 7»'»3 54,oi5 : 1,791,202 10 7 33 3 3 Dunedin 52 8o,887J 1,034,384 6 11 12 15 9! 52,901 940,002 19 o 17 15 5^ 94,38l 7 11; 44,709 19 3 7,671 5,905 39,336j 1,477,959 1 1 37 11 5 Gisborne 8 j 11,825 169,983 5 2! 14 7 6 8,641 126,900 4 6! 13 o 5 5,196 130,896 17 3 15 3 o 39,086 7 11 4,364 4 10 1,899 1 067 5,564: 161,027 4 6 28 18 10 Greymouth 13 j 9,746j 117,073 6 2 22 10 8! 9,826 18 4 6,378 3 8 1,236! 829 5,30o 209,168 12 8 39 9 4 Hokitika 7 J 2,118 31,430 14 10 14 16 10' 1,201 26,305 8 11 21 18 1 3,125 5 11 2,381 2 3 306, 239 i,753 77,150 9 10 44 o 3 Invercargill 28 i 20,199 308,663 19 9 15 5 7 11,956 251,363 17 6 21 o 6! 57,300 2 3! 13,273 19 7 2,808 i,877 12,115! 451,093 15 4 37 4 8 Napier 28- 1 29,706! 366,218 19 9 12 6 7 17,227! 315,779 6 5 18 6 7! 50,439 13 4 13,336 16 8 3,820 2,581 14,304; 456,857 18 5 31 18 9 Nelson 17 11,897 203,548 3 7 17 2 2 8,ooi 184,550 4 4 23 1 4j i8,997 19 3 9,030 8 n 1,369 987 8,239 297,680 12 2 36 2 7 New Plymouth Oamaru 12 { 12,636 10 8,324 18 j 15,332 171,939 19 10 13 12 2 7,840 132,735 5 9 15 18 11 5,131! 148,716 10 11 110,876 9 4 18 19 5 21 12 2 23,223 8 11 21,858 16 5 6,652 3 ioj 1,591 5,563 16 8! 1,060: 1,259 801 j 7,3i9 4,343 226,397 2 2I 187,585 13 o 30 18 8 43 3 10 Thames 186,602 7 7 12 3 5 9,oo5J 167,104 9 2 18 11 2 19,497 18 5 7,642 7 8| 2,042 i,478; 9,253 j 257,121 17 2 27 15 9 Timaru 15 j 16,951 37 I 28,725 74 147,407 261,285 19 11 15 8 3 10,600! 230, 2gg 14 5 21 14 6; 30,986 5 6 10,285 11 5' 2,173! i,456 9,021 345,830 9 2 38 6 9 Wanganui 405,083 12 91 14 2 1 17,267 1 333,348 18 1 19 6 ij 71,734 14 8 12,927 3 7| 4,43i 50,526 15 4 16,428 3,886 17 4 944 1 2,896 15,430 460,078 9 9 29 16 4 Wellington 1,650,385 17 4 11 3 11 95,280 i,479,39i 12 1 15 10 6 170,994 5 3 11,190! i 61,920 i,755,58o 19 8 28 7 1 Westport 17 1 7,149! 82,944 9 4i 11 12 1 3,528 73,583 14 7 20 17 1 9,360 14 9 672 3,639 130,093 1 2 35 15 o 'otals for Colony in 1906.. 541 593,764 7,907,154 12 5 13 6 4j 386,536 6,907,103 17 7 17 17 5 1,000,050 14 IO 17,000 o 416 291,191 19 1 70,206! 47 1 526| 298,746 9,953,265 II o 33 6



Table No. 6.— POST-OFFICE SAVINGS-BANKS.— GENERAL STATEMENT— continued. Table showing the Business of the Post-Office Savings-banks in New Zealand, Year by Year, from the Date they were established, in February, 1867, to the 31st December, 1906 — continued.

Number of PostOffice Savingsbanks Open at the Close of the Year. I Number of Deposits received duringthe Year. Total Amount of Deposits received during the Year. Average Amount of each Deposit received during the Year. Number of Withdrawals during the Year. Total Amount of Withdrawals during the Year. Average j Amount of each Withdrawal during the Year. Excess of Deposits over Withdrawals during the Year. Excess of Withdrawals over Deposits during the Year. Cost of Management during the Year. Average Cost of each Transaction, Deposit or Withdrawal. Interest for the Year. Number of Accounts Opened during the Year. Number of Accounts Closed during the Year. Number of Accounts remaining Open at Close of the Year. Total Amount standing to the Credit of all Open Accounts, inclusive of Interest to the Close of the Year. Average Amount standing to the Credit of each Open Account at Close of the Year. Totals for Colony in 1906 .. 1905 .. 1904 .. 1903 •• 1902 .. 1901 .. 1900 .. 1899 .. 1898 .. 1897.. 1896 .. 1895 .. 1894 .. 1803 • • 1892 .. 1891 .. 1890 .. 1889 .. 1888 .. 1887 .. 1886 .. 1885 .. 1884 .. 1883 .. 1882 .. 1881 .. 1880 .. 1879 .. 1878 .. 1877 .. 1876 .. 1875.. 1874 .. 1873 .. 1872 .. 1871 .. 1870 .. 1869 .. 1868 .. Totals for Colony from ist Feb. to 31st Dec, 1867 541 520 510 493 481 466 445 427 409 388 371 357 348 327 318 311 296 294 290 283 271 256 243 222 593,764 509,112 469,799 444,5io 4",2i5 380,808 347,056 313,783 281,749 267,615 242,283 217,393 204,545 202,276 186,945 176,971 162, g38 153, g20 145,355 136,197 137,989 131,373 129,279 127,609 129,952 125,855 81,660 71,865 69,908 60,953 57,295 56,129 52,627 39,223 31,681 24,642 20,489 17,133 13,014 6,977 £ s. d. 7,907,154 12 5 6,625,744 ° i° 5,836,540 o o 5,661,592 15 2 5,069,619 6 2 4,611,456 6 1 4,170,428 15 3 3,644,980 9 10 3,279,611 7 5 3,187,219 2 4 2,881,152 16 3 2,794,506 16 o 2,252,862 6 11 2,386,089 10 7 1,878,270 6 4 1,842,987 15 2 1,658,543 3 5 1,515,281 11 3 1,544,747 7 " 1,312,151 1 5 1,248,405 6 11 1,341,001 3 2 1,227,909 11 4 1,178,474 4 1 1,325,852 2 11 1,189,012 2 7 864,441 18 10 812,399 n 11 762,084 12 o 681,294 13 2 664,134 12 6 657,653 4 o 699,249 14 3 580,542 5 5 430,877 o o 312,338 18 4 264,328 5 7 240, 898 5 9 194,535 11 6 96,372 7 10 £ s - d - 13 6 4 13 o 3 12 8 6 12 14 9 1267 12 2 2 12 o 4 11 12 4 11 12 10 11 18 2 11 17 10 12 17 1 II o 3 II 15 II IO O II 10 8 3 10 3 6 9 16 10 10 12 6 9 12 8 9 o 11 IO 4 I 9 9 11 948 IO 4 O 9 8 11 10 11 9 11 6 1 10 18 o 11 3 6 11 11 9 11 14 4 13 5 8 14 16 2 13 12 o 12 13 6 12 18 O 14 I 2 14 18 II 13 16 3! 386,536 346,022 323,609 30I,076 273,454 247,854 227,079 206, 94O 196,764 179,555 167,248 159,904 152,136 136,739 120,628 111,603 106,868 99,185 96,204 89,962 89,182 84,832 80,800 78,405 69,308 60, 137 57,446 54,698 42,746 39,363 39,486 36,977 29,778 21,268 17,254 14,773 ii,934 9,292 6,365 i,9i9 £ *. d. 6,907,103 17 7 5,984,184 12 2 5.664.770 3 9 5,343,828 5 o 4.708.771 11 2 4,230,193 6 2 3,827,416 7 3 3,417,298 19 8 3,194,893 16 7 2,891,169 5 8 2,591,558 19 4 2,369,333 6 7 2,268,624 8 4 2,122,521 16 8 1,821,348 18 1 1,693,515 9 3 1,500,437 9 5 1,457,o8i 5 o 1,387,471 1 10 1,182,409 7 6 1,336,287 6 4 1,264,305 8 3 1,195,931 o 11 1,295,719 18 3 1,142,599 o 1 902,195 1 8 780,504 13 4 876,180 19 3 742,053 14 3 667,023 7 5 696,281 7 4 729,759 17 9 620,155 8 9 425,908 3 5 313,176 7 n 261,347 16 3 209,509 13 2 180,518 4 1 107,094 17 3 26,415 18 9 £ s- d. 17 17 5 17 5 11 17 10 1 17 15 o 17 4 5 17 1 4 16 17 1 16 10 3 16 4 9 16 2 o 15 9 10 14 16 4 14 18 3 15 10 5 15 2 O 15 3 5 14 o 9 14 13 9 14 8 5 13 2 10 14 19 8 14 18 o 14 16 o 16 10 6 16 9 8 15 o 1 13 11 8 16 o 4 17 7 2, 16 18 10! 17 12 8 19 14 8: 20 16 51 20 o 5; 18 3 oi 17 13 9 17 11 1 19 8 7 16 16 6 £ s. d. 1,000,050 14 IO 641,559 3 8 171,769 16 3' 317,764 10 2 360,847 15 o 381,262 19 11 343,012 8 o 227,681 10 2 84,717 IO IO 296,049 16 8 289, 5g3 16 11 425,173 9 5 263,567 13 11 56,921 8 3 149,472 5 n 158,105 14 o 58,200 6 3 157,276 6 1 129,741 13 11 £ s. d. •• .. 15,762 1 5 87,881 19 5 £ 17,000 16,500 16,000 15,000 14,000 11,500 10,500 9,500 8,500 8,000 7,000 7,000 6,500 6,500 5,500 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,500 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,250 1,800 1,556 1,351 1,2641 1,186 789 822 s. d. o 4'i6 o 4-63 o 484 o 483 o 490 o 439 o 439 o 438 o 426 o 429 o 410 o 4'45 o 437 o 460 o 429 o 416 o 4-45 o 379 o 397 o 424 o 423 o 4'44 o 4'57 o 466 o 4-82 o 4-52 o 6 04 o 569 o 533 o 598 o 620 o 644 o 655 o 714 o 763 o 823 o 936 o 1077 0 977 1 1018 £ s. d. 291, igi 19 1 259,081 7 6 200,930 6 1 187,130 2 8 172,926 1 7 159,198 4 o 146,169 2 5 134.97 19 3 128,128 16 6 137,240 8 o 126,497 16 3 129,489 19 6 114,643 4 11 114,760 1 1 111,301 13 1 104.098 17 o 92,319 o 6 84,809 17 1 78,080 6 o 67,363 15 3 65,825 9 6 62,228 3 11 57,38i 13 7 56,046 17 3 54,909 13 11 42,204 19 o 32,822 12 4 31,715 18 2 31,664 12 9 29,193 14 6 28,762 4 7 28,565 3 5 26,935 6 8 20,106 16 10 I4,7n o 5 11,291 IO IO 9,242 3 11 7,412 8 0 4,880 7 3 1,241 5 o 70,206 60,015 57,769 57,047 53,587 50,046 46,086 41,362 37,265 36,394 32,982 30,261 28,669 29,755 26,232 25,131 23,7!9 21,778 2i,3°7 20,368 21,671 20,661 20,228 20,386 21,014 25,059 16,137 i5,40ij i3,oo5j 11,235! n,255 11,273 10,346 7,382 6,205 4,615 4,304 3,839 3,282 2,520 47,526 43,"3 42,280 40,837 38,558 35,018 31,724 28,284 26,628 24,821 22,907 22,001 21,930 19,599 18,171 17,872 17,256 15,521 i6,543 15,515 i6,757 16,421 i6,447 15,967 14,505 12,718 12,217 12,786 9,634 8,59i 9,472 8,681 5,736 3,816 3,i88 2,383 2,277 1,801 1,186. 364! 298,746 276,066 259,164 243,675 227,465 212,436 197,408 183,046 169,968 159,331 147,758 137,683 129,423 122,684 112,528 104,467 97,2o8 9o,745 84,488 79,724 74,871 69,957 65,717 61,936 57,517 51,008 38,667 34,747 32,132 28,761 26,117 24,334 21,742 17,132 13,566 io,549 8,317 6,290 4,252 2,156 £ s - d9,953,265 n O 8,662,022 17 I 7,761,382 on 7,388,681 18 7 6,883,787 5 9 6,350,013 9 2 5,809,552 5 3 5,320,370 14 10 4,957,771 5 5 4,744,924 18 1 4,311,634 13 5 3,895,543 o 3 3,34°, 8 7g n 4 7 10 2,863,670 12 10 2,695,447 11 6 2,441,876 8 7 2,191,451 14 1 2,048,441 10 9 1,813,084 18 8 i,6i5,979 9 6 1,638,035 19 5 1,499,112 o 7 i,409,75i 16 7 1,470,950 13 6 1,232,787 16 9 903,765 16 10 787,005 19 o •819,071 8 2 767>375 17 8 723,910 17 5 727,295 7 8 770,836 18 o 664,807 5 10 490, 066 7 o 357,654 14 6 295,372 1 7 231,311 5 3 163,518 15 7 71,197 14 1 £ s - d - 33 6 4 3i 7 & 29 18 11 30 6 5 30 5 3 29 17 10 29 8 7 29 1 4 29 3 5 29 15 7 29 3 7 28 5 10 25 16 3 26 8 6 25 9 o 25 16 o 25 2 4 24 2 11 24 4 IO 22 14 IO 21 II 8 23 8 4 22 16 3 22 15 2 25 11 5 24 3 4 23 7 6 22 12 II 76,695 14 "i 31,978 10 5! 117,245 14 2 207 190 178 165 i47 138 124 119 103 97 92 81 ! 183,253 2 ioj 1 286,817 O IIj 1 83,937 5 6j • 63,781 7 4 20,030 17 9 j 14,271 5 9 ■• ! 79,094 5 6 i 154,634 2 o ; 117,700 12 1 50,991 2 1 54,818 12 5 60,380 1 8 87,440 14 3 69,956 9 1 .. 32,146 14 IO 72,106 13 9 - 25 9 9 26 13 7 27 14 4 29 17 9 35 9 o 38 16 1 36 2 5 33 18 1 35 10 3 36 15 5 38 9 1 33 o 5 " 70 59 55 46 13 15 3 • •


Table No. 7. Balance-sheet of the New Zealand Post Office Account for the Year ended 31st December, 1906.


Balances on 1st January, 1906. Transi :tiouB. Balances on 3ls1 December, 1906. Or. Dr. Or. Dr. Or. Dr. Money-order Accounts :— Money-orders (general) United Kingdom, &c. United States of America Australia Canada Cape of Good Hope Ceylon Fiji Germany Hong Kong.. India Natal Orange River Colony Samoa Straits Settlements Transvaal Tonga Commission Savings-Bank Accounts :— Deposits and withdrawals Transfers Postal Accounts :— Stamps Postal Guides Postal notes Private box and bag rents Money-order commission British postal orders —H.O. a/c C.P.M'sa/c , London a/c B.P.O. commission .. Postal revenue Telegraph Accounts: — New South Wales Telegraphs New Zealand & Australian Cable Pacific Cable Board Telephone-exchange receipts .. Special messenger receipts Maintenance of private wires.. Registration of code addresses Cable deposits Telegraph revenue General Accounts: — Post Office Account Postmasters and Telegraphists Investments .. .. 1 Accrued interest on investments Miscellaneous receipts (general) Foreign postage Miscellaneous expenses Discount-stamps For other Departments:— Advances to Settlers Arms Act licenses Auctioneers' lioenses Alcoholic Liauors Sales Control Act, 1895 Olerke cf Court County Clerks Customs dues (H.M.C.) CuRtoms duty (parcels) Education Department Electoral Department Factories Act Finhing licenses Game licenses Geraldine County Council Goldfields revenue Government Audit Department Government debentures Government Insurance Government Printer.. Homing-pigeons Protection Act Imperial pensions Income-tax.. Land-tax Licensing Act Machinery Mining Act Miners' Guides New Zealand Consols Official Assignee Old-age pensions Old-age pensions (miscellaneous) Public Trust Railways Registration of births, &c. Rents .. Sanatorium, Hanmer Springs Sheep rates Stock Department Treasury imprests refunded .. Valuation revenue Miscellaneous revenue Probation officers Suspense Acoount Profit and loss .. .. £ s. d. 30,429 17 11 5,967 2 2J 1,671 15 11 97 10 2 969 19 11 596 19 10 10 5 o 8,662,022 17 I 5,126 6 8 164,397 J 9 °£ 1272 84,211 6 7 88,818 o 10 49,449 2 7 1 10 4 139 12 9 117 10 10 2,694 6 4 115 18 i£ 4,005 15 6J i 1,458 14 74 12,632 2 9 15,427 ° 4 1,813 5 o £ s. d. 222 19 O 209 18 g 348 10 4 315 ° 'I 15 8 7 312 r6 3 2,572 14 6 24 4 2 735 1 a 588 3 10 ., 1,032 0 8J 539,768 13 9 415,858 16 1 8,442,496 8 o 82.733 17 ° £ s. d. 1,813,549 19 3 ! 174.633 12 2 20,951 o ii 182,302 o 3 2,573 13 6 1,969 14 10 536 9 4 1,664 ]I 4 3,168 16 2 1,088 5 6 2,450 19 9 940 o 10 15 3 6 3,92i 3 8 209 13 11 3,635 3 2 311 15 4 1,749 16 1 8,198,346 11 6 638,314 13 6 629,804 12 6 577 6 2 326,410 12 6 9,077 6 9 18,588 12 9 801 10 10 16,965 4 2 16,100 13 7 194 2 2 407,314 6 2j 5,472 14 2 3,079 9 3 49,907 2 8 100,888 17 4 300 6 1 2,141 3 10 768 16 9 3,237 13 3*1 358,069 11 oj 5,475,016 19 o 13,440,240 15 10 881,200 o o 82,733 17 o 1 8,403 13 9I 4,707 19 5 841,811 7 8 3,342 10 o £ s. d. 1,808,704 3 5 151,857 15 7 I 20,435 11 4 ; I79.74 1 5 7 2,904 19 5 1,898 o 8 563 10 7 2,140 13 1 1,640 8 8 943 11 3 2,731 9 5 681 16 5 245 3 10 4,428 7 o 185 12 6 3,368 3 9 872 o 7 1,828 5 8 6,907,103 17 7 638,346 15 4 595,517 12 3i 582 9 6 315,035 15 8 J 9,077 6 9 ; 18,588 12 9 16,963 4 2 ; 16,260 18 10 i 16,102 3 11 194 2 2 397,448 8 3 5,303 16 7 I 3,083 19 o 50,792 5 3 100,888 17 4 300 6 1 2,141 3 10 768 16 9 3,236 9 9 360,776 17 6 5,493,171 14 3 13,513,212 5 II 2,137,696 5 o 94,399 12 4 8,063 5 2 j 3,i9i 4 9 826,305 13 4 3,267 15 o £ S. d. 35,275 13 9 28,742 18 9J 292 10 7 4,232 10 7 70 8 11 2,498 7 5 129 5 8 316 10 2 i9.953,265 11 o 5,094 4 10 198,684 19 3 7 3 10 95,586 3 5 72,654 7 6 50,153 7 11 8,833 11 3 308 10 4 113 1 1 1,809 3 9 117 1 8 1,298 9 1 i,799 3 3 14,148 17 5 30,932 14 8 1,888 o 0 £ e. d. - 541 4 8 276 16 2 791 2 8 54 11 10 219 15 4 3,079 17 10 029 468 1 9 560 5 3 666 13 5 557,923 9 o 488,830 6 2 9,698,992 13 o 94,399 12 4 2,895 13 I 1500 897,953 19 5 215 o o 17 10 o 7 5 8 895,202 4 7 224 o o 17 10 o 758 5,647 7 11 6 0 o \ I 10 O 90 5 1 355 7 " 2,331 18 7 49,885 5 8 690 3 6 o ' 79 o 3 1,539 16 6 2, O76 O O 551 6 2 ' 122 10 o 33 6 8 77,095 10 o 29,726 2 10 744 2 10 060 21,000 o o ■ 160,506 13 7 \ 318,705 11 o 20 o 0 7,058 12 4 372 10 o 85 15 I 355 7 11 2,208 18 4 48,485 10 9 690 870 78 o 3 1,530 10 6 2,076 o o 551 6 2 117 11 11 33 6 8 I 73,095 10 0 29,171 11 11 781 13 11 060 27,808 18 2 159,328 4 9 I 321,531 18 6 20 o o 6,916 7 4 294 o o 600 180 8 2 3,948 15 1 303 8 5 5,348 10 o t ,, 520 O 1 O •■ 147 17 o 10 0 157 3 o 5 4 6 300 700 o o 2,779 10 8 191 7 5 10 2 7 ; 300 4,700 o o ; 3,334 1 7 153 16 4 • • 8,142 12 o 132 6 8 4,240 6 7 1,333 13 10 1,310 15 6 : 1,413 19 1 • ■ 564 15 o 398 10 o 1 5 6 •■ 707 o 0 477 o o 1 156; 42 18 10 24,510 7 8 32,323 15 4 875 8 8 240 II 6 3° 5 o 234 15 ° 61 6 o 1,725 o o 6,067 o 5 311,500 o o 2 3 7 602,658 16 4 I 8,318 9 o 2,409 3 o 278 o 4 1,847 9 1 21,141 17 2 57 15 8 218 7 7 4,784 2 10 180 10 7 500 5 15 io£ : 399,357 I 7 1,725 o o 2,798 16 1 : 309,322 o 7 2 3 7 609,802 9 4 8,359 2 7 2,399 2 3 282 1 o 1,815 12 9 21,152 4 2 57 5 8 218 7 7 4,805 18 11 165 9 1 500 527 414,697 13 5 3,3" 3 2 J 26,688 7 I ; 25,180 2 4 834 15 1 250 12 3 26 4 4 266 11 4 50 19 o o 10 o __ 23 18 1 2 15 9 2 2 0 17 17 3 082 272,347 17 10 I I 54 257,007 6 o Totals 9,487,234 19 °i 9,487,234 19 oj 36,670,544 17 9J 36,670,544 17 94 10,846,804 12 2 10,846,804 12 2 General Post Office, Wellington, 1st Mi ,rcb, 1907.


Table No. 8. Securities, &c., standing in the Name of the Postmaster-General on Account of the PostOffice Savings-Bank Fund on 31st December, 1906.


Description of Securities, &c. Nominal Value. Nominal Value. Value at Cost Price. Accrued Interest on Si 8t December 1906. £ s. d. "The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot 1899" 125,000 0 0 Debentures, 3J per cent. "The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1901" 17,600 0 0 Debentures, 4 per cent. "The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1901" 15,000 0 0 Debentures, 3J per oent. "The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot 1902" 125,000 0 0 Debentures, 3J per cent. "The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1902" 2,000 0 0 Debentures, 4 per cent. "The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1903" 167,900 0 0 Debentures, 4 per cent. "The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot 1903" 7,825 0 0 Debentures, 4 per cent. " The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot 1906 " 500,000 0 0 Debentures, 3j per cent. " The Consolidated Loan Aot 1867 " Debentures, 4 per oent. .. 13,000 0 0 " The Consolidated Stock Act 1884 " Debentures, 3§ per cent... 407,500 0 0 "The Consolidated Stock Act 1884" Debentures, 3J per cent... 100,000 0 0 " The Consolidated Stock Act 1884 " Debentures, 3 per cent. .. 65,000 0 0 " The Consolidated Stock Act 1884 " Debentures, 3J per oent... 194,200 0 0 " The Dairy Industry Act 1898 " Debentures, 3J per oent. .. 1,781 0 0 " The Defence and other Purposes Loan Act 1870" Debentures, 8,100 0 0 4J per cent. " The Defence and other Purposes Loan Act 1870 " Debentures, 75,000 0 0 4 per cent. Dunedin Garrison Hall Debentures, 5 per cent. .. .. 5,000 0 0 " The General Purposes Loan Act 1873 " Debentures, 4 per oent. 5,200 0 0 " The Government Advances to Settlers Act 1894 " Debentures, 300,000 0 0 3J per cent. "The Government Advanoes to Settlers Extension Act 1901 " 80,000 0 0 Debentures, 3J per cent. "The Government Loans to Local Bodies Act 1886" Deben- 231,500 0 0 tures, 3J per cent. Greymouth Harbour Board Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. 150,000 0 0 " The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act 1903 " Deben- 45,000 0 0 tures, 3J per cent. " The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act 1905 " Deben- 55,000 0 0 tures, 3J per cent. Hamilton Borough Debentures, 4J per cent. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Hokitika Harbour Board Debentures, 5 per cent. .. .. 10,000 0 0 " The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act 1870 " Deben- 20,900 0 0 tures, 4£ per cent. " The Immigration and Public Works Loan Aot 1870 " Deben- 175,300 0 0 tures, 4 per cent. " The Immigration and Publio Works Loan Aot 1870 " Deben- 400,000 0 0 tures, 4 per oent. (Imperial guaranteed) Inscribed Stock, 3J per cent. .. .. .. .. 618,000 0 0 Inscribed Stock, 3 per cent. .. .. .. .. 2,260,495 11 1 "The Land for Settlements Act 1892" and its Amendments! 741,066 0 0 Debentures, 3J per cent. " The Land for Settlements Acts 1894 and 1897 " Debentures, 62,000 0 0 3J per cent. "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900" Deben-': 25,000 0 0 tures, 4 per cent. "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900" Deben-! 150 0 0 tures, 4 per cent. "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900" Deben- 1,000 0 0 tures, 4 per cent. "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900" Deben- 23,000 0 0 tures, 3J per cent. " The Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act 279,000 0 0 1894 " Debentures, 4 per cent. " The Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Aot 60,000 0 0 1894 " Debentures, 3$ per cent. "The Local Bodies'Loans Act 1901 " Debentures, 4 per cent. 55,000 0 0 " The Local Bodies'Loans Act 1901 " Debentures, 3J per cent. | 936,000 0 0 " The Maori Land Settlement Act 1905" Debentures, 4 per cent.j 500 0 0 " The New Zealand Consols Act 1894 " Debentures, 3J per cent. ! 27,290 0 0 Oamaru Borough Consolidated Loan 1893 Debentures, 5 per cent. ! 13,800 0 0 Oamaru Harbour Bonds, 5J per cent. .. .. .. | 31,000 0 0 Patea Harbour Board Debentures, 4J per cent. .. .. 26,870 0 0 " The Public Revenues Act 1893 " (Treasury bills), 3J per cent. ' 599,200 0 0 " The Scenery Preservation Act 1903 " Debentures, 34 per cent. : 20,000 0 0 " Toe State Coal-mines Act 1901 " Debentures, 3J per cent. ..I 140,000 0 0 Thames Harbour Board Debentures, 4 per cent .. .. [ 10,000 0 0 " The State Fire Insurance Act 1903 " Debentures, 4 per cent. 500 0 0 " The State Fire Insurance Act 1903 ". Debentures, 3J per cent, j 1,500 0 0 Westport Harbour Board Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. 489,500 0 0 Accrued interest on Post Office Aocount £ s. d. 125,000 0 0 £ s. d. 73.1 8 3 17,600 0 0 352 0 0 15,000 0 0 262 10 0 125,000 0 0 359 11 9 2,000 0 0 6 11 6 167,900 0 0 2,796 15 10 7,825 0 0 156 10 0 500,000 0 0 2,756 16 10 12,480 0 0 407,500 0 0 100,000 0 0 65,000 0 0 194,200 0 0 1,781 0 0 8,100 0 0 109 13 11 4,728 2 0 1,160 5 5 646 8 9 2,830 10 7 25 19 2 72,000 0 0 632 17 6 5,000 0 0 4,342 0 0 300,000 0 0 108 4 4 43 17 7 863 0 3 80,000 0 0 230 2 8 231,500 0 0 2,686 0 1 150,000 0 0 45,000 0 0 2,956 19 9 258 18 0 55,000 0 0 316 8 9 3,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 20,527 10 0 56 4 4 4,118 9 10« 198 8 2 168,372 0 0 1,479 4 10 400,000 0 0 1,315 1 4 618,000 0 0 2,244,582 18 0 741,066 0 0 10,472 19 7 18,052 19 8 4,334 14 6 62,000 0 0 541 0 3 25,000 0 0 164 7 8 150 0 0 2 9 11 1,000 0 0 13 9 7 23,000 0 0 367 5 2 279,000 0 0 2,812 18 7 60,000 0 0 529 6 3 55,000 0 0 936,000 0 0 500 0 0 27,196 5 0 13,800 0 0 31,000 0 0 26,870 0 0 599,200 0 0 20,000 0 0 140,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 500 0 0 1,500 0 0 489,500 0 0 729 6 3 10,348 13 10 1 12 10 383 8 11 345 0 0 714 14 1 480 6 11 115 1 4 1,221 12 10 99 14 6 3 5 9 8 12 7 9,790 0 0 679 14 5 Totals .. .. .. .. 9,726,677 11 1 9,726,677 11 1 9,698,992 13 0 • 94,399 12 4 * Interest over ei ;ht years in arrear; >rinci ,al fell due 11th November, 1896.



Table No. 9. Post-Office Sayings-Bank. Balance-sheet for the Year ended 31st December, 1906. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ a. dBalance to credit of depositors, Ist Withdrawals during 1906 .. .. 6,907,103 17 7 January, 1906 .. .. .. 8,662,022 17 1 Balance to credit of depositors, 31st Deposits during 1906 .. .. 7,907,154 12 5 December, 1906 .. .. .. 9,953,265 11 0 Interest credited to depositors, 1906 .. 291,19119 1 £16,860,369 8 7 £16,860,369 8 7 Liabilities and Assets. Dr. £ a. A. Cr. £ a. d. Balance to credit of depositors, 31st Securities (vide Table No. 8).. .. 9,698,992 13 0 December, 1906 .. .. .. 9,953,265 11 0 Accumulated profits .. .. 257,007 6 0 Balance of assets over liabilities .. 257,007 6 0 S.B. cash in Post Office Account .. 254,272 18 0 £10,210.272 17 0 £10,210,272 17 0 Profit and Loss. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Interest credited to depositors during 1906 291,19119 1 Balance forward, Ist January, 1906 .. 272,347 17 10 Interest paid on debentures purchased by Interest received during £ s. d. Department, ex div. .. .. 771 17 4 1906 .. ..304,857 15 3 Paid Public Account, for expenses of Accrued interest on 31st management during 1906 .. .. 17,000 0 0 December, 1906 .. 94,399 12 4 Savings-bank profits carried to postal revenue .. .. .. .. 23,000 0 0 . £399,257 7 7 Balance to next account .. .. 257,007 6 0 Less accrued intereet on 31st Deoember, 1905 .. 82,733 17 0 316,523 10 7 Savings-bank fines .. .. .. 99 14 0 £588,971 2 5 £588,971 2 5

Table No. 10. Table showing the Total Number of Post-Office Savings-Bank Accounts open on the 31st December, 1906, classified according to the Balances at Credit, compared with the Number open at the end of 1905.

Postal District. Not exceeding £20. Exceeding £20 and up to £50. Exceeding .£50 and up to £100. Exceeding Exceeding £100 and ; £200 and up to £200.: up to £300. Exceeding Exceeding £300 and £400 and up to £400. up to £500.; j © in X QJO H.S Total Number of Accounts open. Auckland Blenheim Christohurch Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hokitika Inveroargill Napier Nelson New Plymouth.. Oainaru Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport 30,082 3,752 39,255 27,026 4,097 3,614 1,094 8,151 9,809 5,784 5,314 2,750 7,015 6,231 11,291 44,765 2,575 212,605 4,374 478 5,638 4,667 636 604 225 1,447 1,791 919 788 587 904 1,056 1,767 7,024 409 3,006 305 3,718 3,084 385 417 152 1,098 1,306 628 514 371 552 692 1,029 4,216 275 2,699 263 3,102 2,502 246 383 171 833 722 511 413 380 451 574 754 3,526 222 1,173 113 1,200 1,154 106 134 74 346 410 214 158 156 191 243 308 1,519 86 374 59 532 I 458 47 75 24 137 147 90 71 48 70 91 150 433 35 I 234 31 302 240 22 41 8 54 74 47 30 31 37 73 67 201 14 238 14 268 205 25 32 5 49 45 46 31 20 33 61 64 236 23 42,180 5,015 54,015 39,336 5,564 5,300 1,753 12,115 14,304 8,239 7,319 4,343 9,253 9,021 15,430 61,920 3,639 Totals, 1906 33,314 21,748 17,752 7,585 2,841 ■ 1,506 1,395 298,746 Totals, 1905 1,060 j j 276,066 198,481 30,104 19,611 16,835 6,411 2,370 1,194



Table No. 11. Inland Mail-services established, extended, etc.

3—F. 1.

District. Name of Service. Frequency. Remarks. uckland Auokland landing servioe As required Established. (Renewal, 1st January, 1906, to 31st December, 1906.) Established. Pahi Post-office-steamer .. Whangaparaoa Post-offioe-steamer .. Kohukohu-Rawene Manunui Post-office - Railway-station Matamata-Turangaomoana Putaruru-Mokai Raurimu-Makatote Cambridge-Karapiro Kiokio Railway-station-Kiokio Ngaruawahia-Te Kowhai .. Daily' .. Thrice weekly .. Daily, and thrice weekly Twioe weekly (Renewal.) Cambridge-Rotoorangi Driving Creek-Tokatea Kaiaua-Maramarua-Maungatawhiri-Miranda Kaihu-Mangatu-Tutamoe-Taheke .. Kakepuku-Ormsby's Farm Weekly „ (Renewal, 1st November, 1906, to 31st December, 1906.) (Renewal.) Onewhero-Wairamarama .. t Otorohanga-Honikiwi Piopio-Aria Piopio-Mangaotaki Raurimu-Kaitieke Russell-Rawhiti .. Whangape-Owhata Coromandel-Kennedy's Bay Rotorua Railway - station - Rotorua Post-offioe Oio-Raurimu (Renewal.) Fortnightly Kxtended: to Whakarewarewa (new office). Frequency increased : thrice weekly to daily. Frequency increased: twice to thrice weekly. Frequency inoreased: once to twice weekly, Frequency inoreased: onoe to twioe weekly. Altered : by exolusion of Rangiheke (office closed). Altered : by inclusion of Paerata after Drury. Altered : by exclusion of Pukerimu. Altered : by inclusion of Pukerimu (reopened) after Cambridge West. Altered: by inclusion of Muka (new office) after Dargaville. Altered: by inclusion of Kiokio Rail-way-station after Te Awamutu. Altered: by exclusion of Mangawhare after Aoroa. Altered : by inclusion of Tangitiki (new office) before Tangaihi. Altered: by inclusion of Rangitihi (new office) before Kaitaia. Altered: by inclusion of Puketotara (new office) after Pirongia. Altered : by inclusion of Waiwawa (new office) after Kaipara Flats. Abolished. Cambridge-Maungatautari Hukerenui-Paiaka Makarau Post-offioe - Railway-station Ahipara-Herekino Auckland, &o. -Frankton Junction (railway service) Cambridge - Cambridge West-lCaipaki Dargaville, &o.-Kaihu (railway servioe) Frankton Junotion, &c.-Taumarunui Helensville, &c-Dargaville Mangonui, &o.-Ahipara Pirongia-Kawhia Warkworth, &o. - Port Albert Blenheim Christchurch .. Mangawhare Post-office-steamer .. Oio-Raurimu Russell-Waitangi Soarrott's Post-office-steamer Te Kao landing servioe Seddon - Blind River - Grassmere - Flaxbourne Havelock-Te Puru and offices in Sounds Marshland: Delivery of letters by subsidised carrier Broken River-Bealey-Otira Railway (thrice weekly), Aicken's-Jaokson's-Taipo-Wainihinihi-Kumara (twice weekly) Springfield, &c-Kumara .. Lyttelton-Chatham Islands Bennett's Post-office-Railway-station Weekly Daily Established. Abolished. (Replaced by Picton and Havelock servioe.) Established. (Renewal.) Thrioe and twice weekly (See Abolished.) Ditto Two-monthly (Renewal.) Green park Post-office-Rail way-station Ataahua-Kaituna Railway-station .. Frequenoy increased : daily to twice daily. Frequency inoreased: thrice weekly to daily. Frequency increased : four times weekly to daily. Frequency decreased: by discontinuance of Sunday run from Springfield. Thrioe weekly to twice weekly (one way only). Springfield, &o.-Kumara ..



Table No. 11 — continued. Inland Mail-services established, extended, etc. — continued.

District. Name of Service. Frequency. Remarks. 'hristchuroh— continued. Ethelton-Domett-Cheviot to Tormore -Domett-Cheviot Springfield, &c.-Kumara to Broken , ... River-Kumara Waiau-Kaikoura .. .. i. j- .; Curtailed : owing to railway extension. Curtailed : owing to railway extension. (See Established and Abolished.) Altered: by inclusion of Kaikoura Suburban. Abolished. Barry's Bay - Hill Top .. .. ... Cust Post-office-Railway-station ..' Greenpark-Linooln .. .. Spots wood-Cheviot .. ..' .. Owing to extension of railway facilities. Now embraced in CheviotKaikoura service. (See Established.) Now embraced in CheviotKaikoura service. Springfield, &c. - Kumara Waiau - Hawkeswood - Conway Flat lunedin , Milton-Waronui (Fortification), (no j Daily .. post-office) Heriot - Moa Flat Estate (no post- ; Thrice weekly office, rural delivery) Katea-Hunt's Road Railway-siding i Bendigo-Tarras .. .. .. Twice weekly Konoui-Rongahere .. .. ; Pembroke-Cardrona .. .. Weekly Waitahuua-Waitahuna West Dunedin, &c.-Clinton (railway service) Established. Hunt's Road Post-office - Railwaysiding Ophir-Matakanui-Drybread (See Abolished.) „ (Winter service renewed.) Extended to Puketi (new office). Altered: by inclusion of Clarendon after Waihola. Altered: Katea changed to Hunt's Road, and new office, called "Katea," opened at Katea School. Altered : by substitution of Omakau for Ophir as terminal office, on account of railway extension. Temporarily discontinued, 30th Oct., 1906, in terms of agreement. Abolished : owing to railway extension. Abolished. (See Established.) Established. Pembroke-Cardrona Gisborne Chatto Creek - Alexandra South Taupeka Mouth - Rongahere Patutahi - Tahunga .. .. Weekly Waitakaro - Waipiro Bay .. Hauiti-Arakaha Ngatapa (no post office)-Wharekopae Gisborne, &c. - Wairoa via Morere Gisborne, &c. - Wairoa via Morere Extended : to commence from Tolaga Bay (Tolaga Bay-Hauiti-Arakaba). Extended : owing to removal of site of Wharekopae Post-office. Frequency increased : weekly to twioe weekly, during tourist season, 11th January, 1906, to 30th April, 1906. Frequency increased: weekly to twice weekly during tourist season, 1st December, 1906, to 30th April, 1907. Altered : by inclusion of Opouiti (new office) after Tiniroto. Abolished : owing to transfer of postoffice to railway-station. Extended. Gisborne, &o. - Wairoa .. .. Te Karaka Post-office-Railway-station Greymouth Greymouth - State Collieries (late Runanga) -Runanga (new office) Greymouth-Runanga .. .. ... Frequency inoreased : daily to twice daily. Frequenoy increased: twice to thrioe weekly. Altered : by inclusion of Rapahoe after Ten-mile Creek. Abolished. Altered : by inclusion of Arahura after Hokitika. Altered: by inclusion of Mount Hercules (new office) after Hende's Ferry, Abolished. Established. Main Road, Ikamatua-Blackwater-Upper Blackwater Greymouth, Ac.-Barrytown Nelson Creek-Bell Hill .. .. ... Hokitika-Fox's Hokitika Ross, &o.-Okanto . Invercargill Okarito-Waikukupa-Gillespie's Beach Otautau Post-office - Railway-station As required Mataura-Waimumu .. .. Thrice weekly Pukerau-Benio .. .. .. Twice weekly Te Anau - Glade House .. .. .; As required Thrice weekly .. Twice weekly (Renewal, 1st Nov., 1906, to 30th April, 1907.) Waihoaka Railway-station-Post-office Garston - Upper Nevis - Nevis .. Weekly (Oct.-lV Bluff-Ruapuke Island .. .. Fortnightly Glade House-Sandfly (Milford Sound) Weekly (Oct.-May) Fortnightly ay Invereargill-Cromarty .. ... Monthly Invercargill or Bluff-Cromarty Monthly (Renewal.) (Renewal, 1st Nov., 1906, to 30th April, 1907.) (Renewal.) (Renewal, 1st Nov. 1906, to 31st Oct., 1907.) Frequency increased : twice to thrioe weekly. Frequency increased : weekly to twice weekly. Ditto, Waikawa Valley-Main Road .. ... Lumsden - Mossburn - The Key - Te ... Anau Manapouri - Hillside Creek.. Mossburn-Matuku 1 „ (1st Nov. 1906.)



Table No. 11 — continued. Inland Mail-services established, extended, etc. — continued.

District. Nanie of Service. Frequency. Remarks. Invercargill— ctd ■ Napier j Mossburn-Matuku Centre Bush Railway-siding-Otapiri Gorge j Te Anau - Glade House Takapau - South Makaretu (rural delivery) Hastings-Maraekakaho Hastings-Waimarama Frequenoy decreased : twice to onoe weekly. (1st May, 1906.) Altered : by inclusion of Matai (new office). Temporarily discontinued. Frequency decreased : thrice to twice weekly. Altered : by inclusion of Fernhill. Altered: post-office opened at Waimarama, and service changed from private-bag delivery to closed-mail service. Altered : by exclusion of Puketapu. Altered : by inclusion of Putorino after Port Ahuriri. Altered: now Mangatoro-Ngapaeruru-Mangahei; Ngapaeruru closed, and Pokokomuka changed to Ngapaeruru. Altered to Argyll East—mail coach on Waipawa Road. ■ Established. Napier-Moawhango Napier, &c. - Wairoa Ngapaeruru-Pokokomuka-Mangahei Waipawa - Argyll East Nelson Tadmor Post-office - Railway-station Tadmor Railway-station-Sherry River Tadmor Railway-station - Kiwi Motupiko-Kohatu Thrice weekly .. Twice weekly " Totaranu i-A wa-i ti Frequency increased : twice to thrice weekly. Frequenoy decreased : twice weekly to weekly. . Abolished : owing to railway extension. Established. Motupiko, &c. - Sherry River New Plymouth Inglewood-Maketawa (railway service) Inglewood-Ngatoro Twice weekly Twice weekly (1st May to31st Aug.), daily (1st Sept. to 30 th April) Twice weekly New Plymouth - Hurworth New Plymouth - Kent Road - Korito New Plymouth - Tarurutangi New Plymouth - Fitzroy (See Abolished.) Frequency inoreased: daily to twice daily, by an additional mail from Fitzroy. Abolished. (See Established.) New Plymouth - Kent Road Stratford-Cardiff-Mahoe Borton's Post-offioe - Railway-siding Omarama - Lake Pukaki Twice daily Weekly Established. Oamaru Thames Omarama-Pembroke Omarama - Lake Pukaki Omarama-Pembroke Taneatua-Ruatoki Opotiki-Waiotahi Taneatua-Ruatoki Thames, &o. - Te Aroha (railway service) Waihi, &c. - Tauranga (Resumed, 1st Nov., 1906, in terms of contract.) Ditto. Temporarily discontinued (1st May to 31st October); periodical, in terms of contract. Ditto. Frequency increased : weekly to twice weekly. Altered: by change of designation, Waiotahi to Kutarere. Altered : by inclusion of Opouriao (new office). Altered : by inclusion of Mangaiti after Paeroa. Altered : by exolusion of Athenree (post-office closed). Altered: to Taneatua-Waingarara. Abolished : now performed by departmental messenger. Abolished : Kaiaua and Miranda offioes transferred to Auckland District and served via Maramarua. (See Established, Auckland District.) Established. Whakatane-Waingarara Karangabake Post - offioe - Railwaystation Thames - Kaiaua-Miranda 'imaru Washdyke Post-office-Railway-station j Fairlie, &o.-Lake Pukaki-Hermitage Four times daily Twice weekly Lake Pukaki-Hermitage Sutherland's - Tycho Flat (rural delivery) Timaru-Gleniti .. .. .. i Weekly (Service resumed in full, in terms of contract.) (Winter service performed by Tourist and Health Resorts Department, re-established.) Extended : to include schoolhouso, Tycho Flat. Frequency increased: once to twice daily. Frequency decreased : discontinued to Hermitage, and reduced (twice to once weekly) beyond Burke's Pass to Lake Pukaki (for winter, 1st May to 31st October). Abolished. (Winter service by Tourist and Health Resorts Department.) - Fairlie - Kimbell - Burke's Pass - Lake Tekapo - Lake Pukaki - Hermitage Lake Pukaki - Hermitage



Table No. 11 — continued. Inland Mail-services established, extended, etc. — continued.

District. Name of Service. Frequency. Remarks. anganui Mataroa - Turangarere (railway service) Moumahaki-Moumahakinui Moumahakinui Post-offioe - Moumahaki Railway-station Taihape-Mataroa (railway servioe) .. Wanganui-Mosstown (no post offioe)Tayforth (no post-office)-Upper St. John's (no post-office), (rural delivery) Turakina - Turakina Valley - Mangara Creek Mangaweka-Manui Daily Established. (See Curtailed.) (See Curtailed.) Pipiriki-Taumarunui Daily and thrioe weekly Tbrice weekly .. (Renewal, 1st Jan., 1906, to 31st Dec, 1906) (Renewal, 1st Jan., 1906, to 31st Dec, 1906) (Renewal, 24th April, 1906, to 28th April, 1907.) (Renewal, 1st Jan., 1906, to 81st Dec, 1908.) (Renewal.) Tokaanu - Waiouru, &c. - Pipiriki .. Thrice and twice weekly Twice weekly Okoia - No. 3 Line - Long Acre Valley (rural delivery) Mangaweka - Tekapua Road, to one mile beyond Mr. Cruickshank's residence (rural delivery) Pipiriki-Raetibi-Ohakune Marton-Crofton Weekly Waiouru-Turangarere-Taihape Ohutu - Lower Moawhango (thrice weekly)-Pukeokahu (twice weekly) Waiouru-Turangarere-Taihape Ohutu-Pukeokahu Waiouru-Turangarere-Taihape Taihape-Mataroa-Ruanui (During winter months.) Frequency increased: Thrice weekly to daily. Ditto. (See Curtailed.) Frequency increased : Twice to thrice and twice weekly. (See Altered.) Frequency inoreased : Twice to thrice weekly. (8th Feb. to 31st May, 1906). Frequenoy increased : Weekly to twice weekly. Ditto. (1st May to 31st Oot.) Curtailed to Mataroa - Ruanui, owing to railway extension. (See Established.) Curtailed to Waiouru-Turangarere-Turangarere railhead (no postoffice), owing to railway extension. (See Established.) Altered by exclusion of Wairepo (offioe olosed). Altered by inclusion of Lower Moawhanga (new office). (See Frequency increased.) Suspended owing to temporary closing of Kohi post-offioe. Abolished. Waiouru-Turangarere-Taihape Mangaonoho-Tiriraukawa Ohutu-Pukeokahu Waverley-Kohi Kaimanuka-Orangimea Mangaweka-Manui Pariroa Post-office - Railway-station Pipiriki-Raetihi-Ohakune .. (Extra weekly service during winter.) ellington Pipiriki-Taumarunui Waitotara-Moumahaki Wellington : Conveyance of mails by tramway within the Wellington Ward, &o. Wellington South-Berhampore-Island Bay (conveyance of messenger by trams to clear receivers) Colyton, &c.-Midland Road Khandallah Post-office - Railway-sta-tion Rongotea-Kaimatarau Rangiwahia-Whitebridge As required (See Established.) Established. (Renewal.) (See Abolished.) Daily , (Renewal.) Glen Oroua - Taikorea .. Gladstone-Longbush (no post-office), rural delivery Kimbolton-Awawaro Flat Point — Homewood and twioe weekly Four times weekly Tnrice weekly .. (Renewal, 1st Jan.,1906, to 31st Dec, 1906.) (Renewal.) Twice weekly (Rene wal, 1st Jan., 1905, to 31st Dec, 1906.) Linton-Moturimu Colyton-Te Awa (rural delivery) Chatham Islands (Waitangi) -Moreroa (no post-office)-Whangaroa (no post-office)-Maunganui (no post-office) - Waitangi West (no post-office) Chatham Islands (Waitangi) - Wharekauri (no post-office) - MatarakauKaingaroa (no post-offioe)-Whakuru (no post-office) Weekly Eleven trips per annum, as required Ditto



Table No. 11 — continued. Inland Mail-services established, extended, etc. — continued.

District. Name of Service. Frequency. Remarks. ellington— ctd. Chatham Islands (Waitangi)-Orenga (no post-offioe)-Manukau (no postoffice) Chatham Islands (Waitangi) - Te Ngaio (no post-office) Featherston - Kaiwaiwai - Martinborough Upper Hutt - Akatarawa (delivery of correspondence) Maku-Pukehinau | Eleven trips per ! Established. annum, as required. Ditto .. .. j Frequency increased : twice to thrice daily. Frequency increased: twice to thrioe weekly. Frequency increased : weekly to twice weekly. Ditto. Altered: by inclusion of Whatanihi after Mahau. Abolished. (See Established.) Waiowaka-Waikereru Wellington, &c. - Havelock Taikorea- Oroua Bridge Wellington-Island Bay-Berhampore Denniston-Breakhead (no post-office) Millerton-Breakhead (no post-office) Twice daily .. Established. Daily 'estport




Table No. 12. —SAN FRANCISCO MAIL-SERVICE. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the undermentioned Places by the San Francisco Mail-service.

FROM LONDON VIA SAN FRANCISCO. Auckland. Wellington. Dunedin. Sydney. Melbourne. No. Date of Date of of Despatch from Arrival in Days. London. Melbourne. 1906. 1906. 35 1 January 13 February 19 36 February 3 March 13 35 February 24 April 2 35 March 17 April 23 45 *April 7 May 23 41 May 19 June 30 38 June 9 July 19 35 J une 3° August 41 July 21 September 1 38 August 11 September 19 37 September 1 October 8 39 , September 22 November 1 42 ; October 13 November 26 39 I November 3 December 13 I ■ Date of Despatch from London. —; 1906. January 13 February 3 February 24 March 17 •April 7 May 19 June 9 June 30 July 2 1 August 11 September 1 September 2 2 October 13 November 3 Date of Arrival in Auckland 1906. February 12 March 6 March 27 April 16 May 18 June 23 j u!y 1 2 July 30 August 26 September 13 October 1 October 29 November 18 December 7 No. of Days. 3° 31 3' 3° 4' 35 33 3° 36 33 3° 37 36 34 Date of Despatch from London. : 1 1906. January 13 February 3 February 24 March 17 *April 7 May £ 9 June 9 June 30 July 21 August 1 1 September 1 September 22 October 13 November 3 Date of Arrival in Wellington. 1906. Februarv 14 March 7 March 29 April 17 May 19 June 25 July 14 July 3" August 27 September 14 October 3 October 30 November 20 December 8 No. of Days. 32 32 33 3' 42 37 35 3i 37 34 32 38 38 35 Date of Despatch from London. . 1906. January 13 February 3 F ebruary 24 March 17 *Aptil 7 May 19 J une 9 June 30 July 21 August 1 1 September 1 September 22 October 13 November 3 Date of Arrival in Dunedin. ! 1906. February 15 March " 8 March 30 April 18 May 20 June 26 July 15 August 1 August 28 September 15 October 4 October 3 1 November 2 1 December 9 No. Date of of Despatch from Days. London. 1906. 33 January 13 33 February 3 34 F'ebruary 24 32 March 17 43 *April 7 38 May 19 36 June 9 32 June 30 38 j July 21 35 August 11 33 ; September 1 39 ' September 22 39 : October 13 36 November 3 Date of Arrival in Sydney. 1906. February 17 March i 1 March 3 1 April 2 1 May 2 2 June 29 July 17 August 4 August 3 1 September 18 October 8 October 3 1 November 24 December 12 No. of Davs. 37 38 37 37 46 42 40 37 42 39 37 40 44 40 December 15 1907. January 19 35 December 15 1907. January 21 37 December 15 1907. January 22 1907. January 24 1907. 40 December 15 January 25 38 I December 15 4' Maximum Minimum Average 4it 33'47 42+ 3' 34'93 43t j 32 3593 i 4St 35 1 38HO I 46t 37 1 39'8° * This mail was delayed and diverted via Vancouver in consequence of the San Francisco earthquake of the 18th April, 1906. + The high maxima are due to the diversion of mail of 7th April, 1906.

M Melbourne. Sydney. Dunedin. ELLINGTON. Auckland. Date of Despatch from I Melbourne. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Sydney. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Dunedin. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Wellington. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of - Date of Despatch from Arrival in Auckland. London. No. ; ° f I Days. . 1906. February 18 March 13 April ' 1 April 26 May 14 June 2 August 11 August 25 September 16 October 14 November 3 November 21 1906. 1906. January 19 ! February 1 February 10 ! March 1 March 2 j April March 25 ! April 2 April 13! May 1 May 4 J une July 11 August 1 July 27 August 2 August 17 September 1 September 12 October 1 September 29 ; November October 19 November 2 18 30 '3 3' ' 3° 26 32 '4 31 2 29 11 31 25 29 16 30 '4 32 3 35 2« 33 1906. January February February March April April July July August September September October '3 24 '7 28 21 1 1 6 22 '3 1906. February 18 March 13 April 1 April 26 May 14 June 2 August 1 1 August 25 September 16 October 14 November 3 November 2 1 1907. January 6 January 27 36 38 36 40 37 35 36 35 36 38 42 39 43 43 1906, January 15 February 5 February 26 March 19 April 9 April 30 July '7 July 23 August 13 September 7 September 24 October 15 1906. February 18 March 13 April '1 April 26 May 14 June 2 August [ 1 August 25 September 16 October 14 November 3 November 2 1 34 3& 34 38 35 33 35 33 34 37 40 37 1906. January 17 February 7 February 28 March 2 1 April 11 May 2 July 9 July 25 August 15 September 8 September 26 October 17 1906. February 18 March 13 April 1 April 26 May 14 June 2 August 11 August 25 September 16 October 14 November 3 November 2 1 32 34 32 36 33 31 33 3' 32 36 38 35 1906. January 18 February 8 March 1 March 22 April 12 May 3 J uly 1 o July 26 August 16 September 10 September 27 October 18 3' 33 31 35 32 3° 32 3° 31 34 37 34 1906. February 18 March 13 April 1 April 26 May 14 June 2 August 11 August 25 September 16 October 14 November 3 November 2 1 3° 3° 32 3' 29 31 29 3° 32 35 33 November December 24 '5 November 26 December 17 1907. January 6 January 27 41 4' November 28 December 19 1907. January 6 January 27 39 39 November 29 December 20 1907. January 6 January 27 38 38 1907. December 1 January December 22 January 2 -: I 1907. January January 27 36 27 36 36 3b Maximum Minimum Average 43 - ' 35 38-14 41 33 39 3' 38 30 33' 29 i 36 i_3> 79


Table No. 13. —PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL MAIL-SERVICE. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the undermentioned Places by the Packets of the Peninsular and Oriental Line.


FROM LONDON BY T :E P. AND O. PACKETS. ELBOURNE. Sydney. Bluff. Christchurch. Wellington. Auckland. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Melbourne. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Sydney. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival at Blur). No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Christchurch. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Wellington. No. of , I Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Auckland. No. of Days. No. of Days. , j — I ! 1 . j 1906. 1906. Feb. 11 Feb. 25 March 1 1 March 25 April 8 April 22 May 6 May 20 J une 3 June 18 July 1 July 15 July 3° August 12 August 26 Sept. 9 Sept. 23 October 8 October 21 Nov. 4 Nov. 18 Dec. 3 Dec. 16 1906. 1906. Feb. 12 Feb. 26 March 12 March 2 7 April 9 April 23 May 7 May 21 June 5 June 19 July 2 July 16 July 30 August 13 August 27 Sept. 10 Sept. 24 October 9 October 2 2 Nov. 6 Nov. 20 Dec. 4 Dec. 17 31 3' 31 32 3" 3' 3' 3 l 32 32 31 31 3' 3i 31 3' 3i 32 3' 32 32 32 3' 1906. 1906. Feb. 20 March 6 March 19 April 2 April 13 May 1 May 14 May 28 June 11 June 26 July 14 July 23 August 6 August 20 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 October 1 October 15 October 29 Nov. 12 Nov. 26 Dec. 10 Dec. 24 } 39 39 38 38 37 39 38 38 38 39 43 38 38 38 39 39 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 1906. Feb. 2 1 March . 7 March 20 April 3 April 16 May 2 May 15 May 29 June 12 June 27 July 13 July 24 August 7 August 21 Sept. 3 Sept. 18 October 2 October 16 October 30 Nov. 13 Nov. 26 Dec. 11 Dec. 25 40 40 39 39 38 40 39 39 39 40 42 39 39 39 40 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 1906. 1906. Feb. 20 March 3 March 20 April 2 April 14 May 1 May 15 May 28 June 12 June 25 July 11 July 23 August 7 August 18 Sept. 4 Sept. 17 October 2 October 16 October 29 Nov. 13 Nov. 26 Dec. 1 1 Dec. 24 1906. 1906. Feb. 18 March 2 March 19 April 1 April 13 April 29 May 13 May 27 June 1 1 June 24 July 8 July 22 August s August 17 Sept. 3 j Sept. • Sept. 28 j October 15 October 28 Nov. 12 Nov. 25 Dec. 1 o Dec. 2 2 37 ! 35 37 35 37 37 37 38 37 37 37 37 35 ,1 37 35 38 37 38 37 38 36 Jan. 12 Jan. 26 Feb. 9 Feb. 23 March 9 March 23 April 6 April 20 May 4 May 18 June 1 June 15 June 29 July 13 July 27 August 10 August 24 Sept. 7 Sept. 21 October 5 October 19 Nov. 2 Nov. 16 3" 3° 3° 3° 3° 30 3° 3° 3° 3' 3° 3° 3' 3° 30 30 30 3« 30 30 30 30 Jan. 12 Jan. 26 Feb. 9 Feb. 23 March 9 March 23 April 6 April 20 May 4 May 18 June 1 June 15 June 29 July 13 July 27 August 10 August 24 Sept. 7 Sept. 2 1 October 3 October 19 Nov. 2 Nov. 16 Jan. 12 Jan. 26 Feb. 9 Feb. 23 March 9 March 23 April 6 April ■ 20 May 4 May 18 June 1 June 15 June 29 July 13 July 27 August 10 August 24 Sept. 7 Sept. 2 1 October 5 October 19 Nov. 2 Nov. 16 Jan. 12 Jan. 26 Feb. 9 Feb. 23 March 9 March 23 April 6 April 20 May 4 May 18 June 1 June 15 June 29 July 13 July 27 August 10 August 24 Sept. 7 Sept. 2 1 October 5 October 19 Nov. 2 Nov. 16 Jan. 12 Jan. 26 Feb. 9 Feb. 23 March 9 March 23 April 6 April 20 May 4 May 18 June 1 June 15 June 29 July 13 July 27 August 10 August 24 Sept. 7 Sept. 21 October 3 October 19 Nov. 2 Nov. 16 39 36 39 38 36 39 39 38 39 38 40 38 39 36 39 38 39 39 38 39 38 39 38 Jan. 12 Jan. 26 Feb. 9 Feb.. 23 March 9 March 23 April 6 April 20 May 4 May 18 June 1 June 15 June 29 July 13 July 27 August 10 August 24 Sept. 7 Sept. 2 1 October 3 October 19 Nov. 2 Nov. 16 Nov. 30 Dec. 30 3° Nov. 30 Dec 3 1 3' Nov. 30 1907. Jan. 8 39 Nov. 30 1907. Jan. 9 40 Nov. 30 1907. Jan. 7 \ 38 Nov. 30 1907. Jan. 6 37 Dec. 14 Dec. 28 1907. Jan- '3 Jan. 28 30 31 Dec. 14 Dec. 28 1907. Jan. 14 Jan. 29 3' 32 Dec. 14 Dec. 28 Jan. 21 Feb. 4 38 38 Dec. 14 Dec. 28 j i Jan. 22 ! Feb. 3 39 I Dec. 14 ! Dec. 28 Jan. 22 Feb. 4 ! 39 138 Dec. 14 Dec. 28 Jan. 21 Feb. 3 38 37 I I Maximum Minimum Average 31 30 30-I9 32 31 43 37 3842 42 38 39'27 40 36 |38-3i 38 35 36-92 .



Table No. 13. —PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL MAIL-SERVICE-continued. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the undermentioned Places by the Packets of the Peninsular and Oriental Line— continued.

TO LONDON VIA BRINDISI (P. AND O. PACKETS). Auckland. Wellington, Bluff. Bluff. Sydney. 1 [elbourne. L 1 1 Date of Despatch from Auckland. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Wellington. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Blurl. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Sydney. Date of Arrival in London. 1906. February 9 No. Date of of Despatch from Days. Melbourne. 1906. 31 i January 10 Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. I !_ 1906. January 5 1906. February 9 35 1905. December 30 1906. January 13 January 27 February 12 February 24 March 10 March 24 April 7 April 21 May 5 May 19 June 2 June 16 June 30 July 14 July 28 August 11 August 25 i Sept. 8 I Sept. 22 October 6 October 20 November 9 November 17 1906. February 9 41 1906. January 1 1906. February 9 39 1906. January 9 1906. February 9 3° January 15 January 29 February 13 February 26 March 12 March 27 April 9 April 23 May 7 May 21 June 4 June 18 July 2 July 16 July 30 August 13 August 27 Sept. 13 Sept. 24 October 8 October 22 November 7 November 19 February 23 March 10 March 23 April 7 April 20 May 4 May 19 June 1 June 16 June 30 July 14 July 29 August 12 August 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 23 October 5 October 20 November 2 November 16 November 30 December 15 December 28 1907. January 11 January 26 39 40 38 40 39 i 38 40 39 40 40 40 41 4i 40 40 41 39 37 39 39 39 38 39 February 23 March 10 March 23 April 7 April 20 May 4 May 19 June 1 June 16 June 30 July 14 July 29 August 12 August 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 23 1 October 5 j October 20 November 2 November 16 i November 30 December 15 December 28 1907. January 11 January 26 41 42 39 42 4i 4 T 42 41 42 42 42 43 - 43 42 42 43 41 42 4i 41 41 36 41 January 15 January 29 February 12 February 26 March 12 March 26 April 9 April 23 May 7 May 21 June 4 June 19 July 2 July 16 July 30 August 13 August 28 Sept. 10 Sept. 24 October October 22 November 5 November 19 February 23 March 10 March 23 April 7 April 20 May 4 May 19 June 1 June 16 June 30 July 14 July 29 August 12 August 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 23 October 5 October 20 November 2 November 16 November 30 December 15 December 28 1907. January n January 26 39 40 39 40 39 39 40 39 40 40 40 40 41 40 40 41 38 40 39 39 39 40 39 39 39 January 23 February 6 February 20 March 6 March 20 April 3 April 17 May 1 May 15 May 29 June 12 June 26 July 10 July 24 August 7 August 21 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 October 2 October 16 October 30 November 13 November 27 February 23 March 10 March 23 April 7 April 20 May 4 May 19 June 1 June 16 June 30 July 14 July 29 August 12 August 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 23 October 5 October 20 November 2 November 16 November 30 December 15 December 28 1907. January 11 January 26 February 8 31 January 24 32 February 7 31 1 February 21 32 j March 7 31 March 21 31 April 4 32 April 18 31 May 2 32 May 16 32 May 30 32 June 13 33 June 27 33 July 11 32 i July 25 32 j August 8 33 1 August 22 31 ] Sept. 5 32 j Sept. 19 31 j October 3 31 j October 17 31 i October 31 32 : November 14 31 i November 28 31 ! December 12 33 December 26 1907. 31 January 9 February 23 March 10 March 23 April 7 April 20 May 4 May 19 June 1 June 16 June 30 July 14 July 29 August 12 August 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 23 October 5 October 20 November 2 November 16 November 30 December 15 December 28 1907. January n January 26 3° 31 3° 31 3° 3° 3i 3° 31 31 31 32 32 3i 3i 32 3° 31 3° 30 3° 3i 3° December 5 December 17 37 40 December 7 December 15 35 42 December 3 1 December 18 j December 11 December 24 1907. January 8 3° 3i December 31 February 8 39 December 29 February 8 4 1 December 31 February 8 39 February 8 3° Maximum Minimum Average .. 41 35 3915 43 35 41-11 i 4 1 38 39-52 33 3 1 3167 32 3°


Table No. 14. —ORIENT MAIL-SERVICE. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the undermentioned Places by the Packets of the Orient Line.

4—F. 1.


FROM LONDON BY THE ORIENT LINE. Melbourne, Sydney. Bluff. Christchurch. Wellington. Auckland, Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Melbourne. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Sydney. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival at Bluff. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival at Christchurch. No. of Davs. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival at Wellington. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival at Auckland. No. of Days. 1 1906. 1906. Feb. 6 Feb. 20 March 6 March 20 April 3 April 17 May 1 May 13 May 29 J une 12 June 26 July 10 July 24 August 7 August 21 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 October 2 October 15 October 30 Nov. 13 Nov. 27 Dec. 12 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 3' ! 32 32 32 33 1906. 1906. Feb. 7 Feb. 2 1 March 7 March 2 1 April 4 April 18 May 2 May 16 May 30 June 13 June 27 July 11 July 25 August 8 August 23 Sept. s Sept. 19 October 3 October 16 October 3 1 Nov. 14 Nov. 28 Dec. 13 I 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 33 33 33 32 33 33 33 34 1906. 1906. Feb. 13 Feb. 26 March 13 March 26 April 9 April 24 May 7 May 25 June 5 June 18 July 2 July 16 July 30 August 14 August 27 Sept. 11 Sept. 24 October 8 October 23 Nov. 3 Nov. 20 Dec. 3 Dec. 17 39 38 39 38 38 39 38 42 39 38 38 38 38 39 38 39 38 38 39 38 39 ! 38 1906. 1906. Feb. 14 Feb. 27 March 13 March 27 April 1 o April 25 May 8 May 25 June 5 June 19 July 3 July 17 July 31 August 15 August 28 Sept. 12 Sept. 25 October 9 October 23 Nov. 6 Nov. 2 1 Dec. 4 Dec. 18 1907. 40 39 39 39 39 40 39 42 39 39 39 39 39 40 39 40 39 39 39 39 40 39 39 1906. 1906. Feb. 13 Feb. 26 March 13 March 29 April 10 April 24 May 8 May 23 June 6 June 20 July 2 July 17 Juy 31 August 14 August 30 Sept. 10 Sept. 25 October 9 ! October 23 I Nov. 6 I Nov. 20 Dec. s Dec. 19 1907. 39 38 39 4' 39 39 39 40 40 40 38 39 39 39 41 38 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 1906. 1906. Feb. 12 Feb. 25 March 11 March 25 April 8 April 23 May 6 May 21 J une 4 June 18 July 1 July 15 July 29 August 13 August 29 Sept. 9 Sept. 24 October 8 October 21 Nov. 4 Nov. 19 Dec. 3 Dec. 17 Jan. S I an. 19 Feb. 2 Feb. 16 March 2 March 16 March' 30 April 13 April 27 May 11 May 25 June 8 June 22 July 6 July 20 August 3 August 17 August 31 Sept. 14 Sept. 28 October 12 October 26 Nov. 9 Jan- 5 Jan. 19 Feb. 2 Feb. 16 March 2 March 16 March 30 April 13 April 27 May 1 1 May 2 5 June 8 June 22 July 6 July 20 August 3 August 17 August 31 Sept. 14 Sept. 28 October 12 October 26 Nov. 9 Jan. 5 Jan. 19 j Feb. 2 Feb. 16 March 2 I March 16 March 30 April 13 April 27 May 1 1 May 25 June 8 June 22 July 6 July 20 August 3 August 17 August 31 Sept. 14 Sept. 28 October 12 October 26 Nov. 9 Jan. s Jan. 19 Feb. 2 Feb. 16 March 2 March 16 March 30 April 13 April 27 May 1 1 May 23 June 8 June 22 July 6 July 20 August 3 August 17 August 31 Sept. 14 Sept. 28 October 12 October 26 Nov. 9 Jan. s Jan. 19 Feb. 2 Feb. 16 March 2 March 16 March 30 April 13 April 2 7 May 1 1 May 25 J une 8 June 22 July 6 July 20 August 3 August 17 August 31 Sept. 14 Sept. 28 October 12 October 26 Nov. 9 Jan. s Jan. 19 Feb. 2 Feb. 16 March 2 March 16 March 30 April 13 April 27 May 1 1 May 25 J une 8 June 22 July 6 July 20 August 3 August 17 August 31 Sept. 14 Sept. 28 October 12 October 26 Nov. 9 38 37 37 37 37 38 37 38 38 38 37 37 37 38 40 37 38 38 37 37 38 38 38 Nov. 23 I Dec. 2; I 32 Nov. 23 Dec. 26 i 33 I Nov. 23 Dec. 3 1 ; 38 Nov. 23 Jan. 1 39 Nov. 23 Jan. 1 39 Nov. 23 Dec 30 37 Dec. 7 Dec. 2 1 1907. Dec. 7 Dec. ■ 2 1 1907. Jan. 9 Jan. 23 Dec. 7 Dec. 2 1 1907. 38 39 Dec. 7 I Dec. 21 | Jan. 15 Jan. 29 Dec. 7 Dec. 2 1 Jan. 14 Jan. 28 38 Dec. 7 Dec. 2 1 1907. Jan. 8 I Jan. 22 32 32 33 33 I Jan. 14 Jan. 29 39 39 Jan. 13 Jan. 27 37 37 Maximum Minimum Average ... 33 3" .52 00 1 34 32 I 33'04 42 38 38-50 42 39 39'3' 41 38 39' '5 40 37 37"5' - !



Table No. 14.—ORIENT MAIL-SERVICE-continued. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the undermentioned Places by the Packets of the Orient Line— continued.

TO LONDON Vll NAPLES (ORIENT PACKETS). Auckland. Wellington. BLurF. Sydney. Melbourne. Date of Despatch from Auckland. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Wellington. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Bluff. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Sydney. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Melbourne. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. igo6. January 9 January 23 February 5 February 19 March 6 March 19 April 2 April 16 April 30 May 18 May 28 June 11 June 25 July 9 July 23 August 6 August 20 Sept. 3 Sept. 17 October 1 October 15 October 29 November 12 1906. February 18 March 6 March 19 April 1 April 15 April 29 May 14 May 27 June 10 June 25 July 8 July 23 August 7 August 20 Sept. 3 Sept. 16 October 1 October 15 October 28 November 12 November 25 December 9 December 24 1907. January 6 January 20 40 42 42 41 40 41 42 41 41 38 41 4 2 43 42 41 42 42 41 42 41 41 42 1906. January 6 January 20 February 3 February 17 March 3 March 17 March 31 April 14 April 28 May 12 May 26 June 9 June 23 July 7 July 21 August 4 August 18 Sept. 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 29 October 13 October 27 November 13 1906. February 18 March 6 March 19 April 1 April 15 April 29 May 14 May 27 June 10 June 25 July 8 July 23 August 7 August 20 Sept. 3 Sept. 16 October 1 October 15 October 28 November 12 November 25 December 9 December 24 1907. January 6 January 20 43 45 44 43 43 44 43 43 44 43 44 45 44 44 43 44 44 43 44 43 43 41 1906. January 8 January 22 February 5 February 19 March 5 March 19 April 2 April 16 April 30 May 14 May 28 June 11 June 25 July 9 July 23 August 6 August 20 Sept. 3 Sept. 17 October 1 October 16 October 29 November 12 1906. February 18 March 6 March 19 April 1 April 15 April 29 May 14 May 27 June 10 June 25 July 8 July 23 August 7 August 20 Sept. 3 Sept. 16 October 1 October 15 October 28 November 12 November 25 December 9 December 24 1907. January 6 January 20 41 43 42 41 41 41 42 41 41 42 41. 42 43 42 42 41 42 42 41 42 40 4i 42 1906. January 16 January 30 February 13 February 27 March 13 March 27 April 10 April 24 May 8 May 22 June 6 June 19 July 3 July 17 July 31 August 14 August 28 Sept. 1 1 Sept. 25 October 9 October 23 November 6 November 20 1906. February 18 March 6 March 19 April 1 April 15 April 29 May 14 May 27 June 10 June 25 July 8 July 23 August 7 August 20 Sept. 3 Sept. 16 October 1 October 15 October 28 November 12 November 25 December 9 December 24 1907. January 6 January 20 33 35 34 33 33 33 34 33 33 34 32 34 35 34 34 33 34 34 33 34 33 33 34 33 33 34 1906. January 17 January 31 February 14 February 28 March 14 March 28 April 11 April 25 May 9 May 23 June 6 June 20 July 4 July 18 August 1 j August 15 August 29 Sept. 12 Sept. 26 October 10 I October 24 j November 7 November 21 December 5 December 19 1907January 2 1906. February 18 March 6 March 19 April 1 April 15 April 29 May 14 May 27 June 10 June 25 July 8 July 23 August 7 August 20 Sept. 3 Sept. 16 October 1 October 15 October 28 November 12 November 25 December 9 December 24 32 34 33 32 32 32 33 32 32-. 33 32 33 34 33 33 32 33 33 32 33 32 32 33 November 26 December 10 41 41 November 24 December 8 43 43 November 26 December 10 41 41 December 4 December 18 1907. January 1 1907. January 6 January 20 32 32 December 24 February 4 42 December 28 February 4 38 December 24 February 4 42 February 4 February 4 33 Maximum Minimum Average 43 38 41-31 45 38 4323 43 40 4154 35 32 33'54 34 32-58



Table No. 15 Table showing the Estimated Number of Letters, Letter-cards, Post-cards, Book-packets, Newspapers, and Parcels dealt with in the several Postal Districts of New Zealand during the Year ended 31st December, 1906.

Postal Districts. Lettercards. Posted in the Colony. Post-cards. Books, &c. Newspapers. Parcels. 1 Re Letters. Received from Places outside the Colony. eceived from Places outside the Colony. j car j s * Books, &c. Newspapers. Parcels. Letters. card"" Post-cards. Books, &c. Total Correspondence dealt with. Newspapers. Parcels. Letters. Auckland Thames New Plymouth Gisborne Napier Wanganui Wellington Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth .. Hokitika Christchurch Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill .. 12,250,232 1,292,421 1,891,224 904,397 3.7". 141 4,496,398 15.942,351 934,986 1,597,102 475,267 910,828 415,432 9,936,592 2,013,284 1,108,523 9,293,284 4,701,928 248,053 37,297 50,492 14,014 80,106 144,898 354.341 20,046 51.324 5,798 16,601 6,032 273.429 63,232 32,682 187,993 96,031 895,H5 3.696,407 121,420 225,186 118,300 391,059 59,878 : 185,370 220,662 831,491 323,180 1,188,175 964,600 4,977,599 45,019 261,105 118,300 360,679 32,097 58,864 51,324 129,940 24,791 52,634 741,871 3,088,033 124,085 384,95! 42,263 173,601 734. 8 77 3,906,598 491,972 1,200,698 3,053,229 229,229 459,212 365,063 781,324 751,799 3,140,151 218,387 282,503 120,393 348,928 111,085 2,957.207 456,760 149,500 2,459,035 i.i67,554 76,913 941.957 119,675 4,422 99,385 16,231 5.569 145,433 I5.8l6 3.075 69,540 7,995 14,384 285,383 , 29,494 16,122 345,765 ! 43,198 98,480 1,225,878 128,968 2,795 71,893 6,016 7,380 122,816 15,816 2,852 36,542 4,278 4,151 70,040 6,858 3.530 ! 3i,944 3.302 49,511 ; 764,033 99,178 3.341 j 154,815 16, 57 8 1,851 j 85,243 5,642 49,751 ' 714,564 98,242 8,082 I 361,576 65,767 487,179 29,645 5i,494 24,404 109,495 156,472 655,900 34,386 47,491 7.743 17,107 6,927 407.053 50,691 22,863 514,850 158,119 li,193. 495 89,594 179,501 142,678 305,410 293.839 1,227,464 85,333 110,429 47,025 136,385 43,389 1,155.969 178,524 58,439 961,223 456,375 20,958 13,192,189 1,204 1,391,806 1,516 2,036,657 837 973,937 3.9i8 3,996,524 4,39i 4,842,163 26,833 17,168,229 761 1,006,879 2,010 1,719,918 776 511,809 1,130 980,868 96i 447.376 13,493 10,700,625 910 2,168,099 504 1,193,766 13,559 10,007,848 2,201 5,063,504 95,962 77,402,197 248,053 37.297 50,492 14,014 80,106 144,898 354.341 20,046 5L324 5.798 16,601 6,032 273,429 63,232 32,682 187,993 96,031 1,014,790 137,651 134,116 67,873 250,156 366,378 1,093,568 51,035 I34,n6 36,375 58,182 28,093 841,049 140,663 47.905 833,119 i 557.739 4.183,586 254,831 442,553 209,774 940,986 1.344,647 5.633.499 295,491 408,170 66,607 H7.047 59,56i 3,495,086 435,642 196,464 4,421,448 1,358,817 I . ! 4,246,724 97,871 318,823 5,626 638,713 7,085 507.741 3.912 1,086,734 18,302 1.045,638 20,513 4,367.615 125,313 303,720 3)55 6 392,932 9,390 167,418 3,628 485,313 5,281 154.474 4.491 4.113. 176 63,004 635,284 4,251 207,939 2,355 3,420,258 63,310 1,623,929 10,283 23.716,431 448,171 23,626,362 392,017 Totals .. 71 > 8 75,39o 1,682,369 5,109,754 21,112,390 17,051.359 17,288,829 352,209 5,526,807 1683,0541 2,781 ,819 2,359,98o 6,665,072 1,682,369 5,792,808 23,894,209 448,171 Previous year 64,750,510 (21,347.921 313.617 4.914. 43i '708,074 6,337,533 78,400 69,664,941 3,651,027 392,017 1,451,320 2,942,953 i,45i,320 23,707.901



Table No. 16. Table showing the Number of Letters, Letter-cards, Post-cards, Packets, Newspapers, and Parcels posted in New Zealand, and the Number received from beyond the Colony, during the Year ended 31st December, 1906.

Articles subject to Postage. Articles exempt from Postage. Parcels. ■ .■. Service. Packets, including Printed Matter (except Newspapers), Commercial Papers, and Samples of Merchandise. Letters. Post-cards. Packets. Postage. Lettercards. Newspapers. Letters. SSSt ! Number. papers. Weight. Declared Value. Ordinary. | %#£ Single. Reply paid. Ordinary. Registered. Posted. ! I I I ft. £ b. a. I £ 13,919 4 3i s. d. Inland 61,082,075408,521 1,682,369 ! !4,233, 238 2,184 jl9,595,521 340,366 .. 232,410 533,966 .. 525,822 5,107,570 2,184 20,353,753 36,683 4,572 5,640 46,895 13,374,119 '5,925,309 1748,142 23,996 [ 3,870 216,845 !1,726,298 328,830 1,157,490 Australian .. International 1,695,275: 47,576 2,174,851 55,900 64,952,201511.997 " 913,440; i 1,031,909 21,309 6,625 5,970,614 758,637 803 24 1,430 5,569 10,723 12,656 19,654 32,445 663 10 7 1 } 21,540 963 3 3 j 0 0 Totals .. ! 11,682,369 15,319,468 219,078 1,731,891 352,209 11,209,589 20,545 18 1 21,540 0 Beceived. Australian International 2,135,363J 28,192 3,276,253| 51,620 421,161 261,893 •• " 579,810 4,203 1,986,579 2,187,751 8,677 4,676,760 2,767,561 12,880 ! 6,663,339' 23,995 9,856 746 632 668 860 1,582 151 I 21,244 60,136: 74,718 368,506 1,861 4 8 7,540 1 0 ■ 219,108 0 Totals .. 5,411,616, 79,812 33,851 1,528 1,733 683,054 •• 1,378 95,962 428,642' 9,401 5 8 219,108 0



Table No. 17. Comparative Table showing the Progress of the Telegraph Department during the Financial Years ended 30th June, 1866, to 30th June, 1879; 31st March, 1880, to 31st March, 1882; and Calendar Years ended 31st December, 1882, to 31st December, 1893.

. ! 8 y Number of Telegrams foi i£ during the Year. xi Private Govern- £ and Press. ment. 1 Number of Telegrams forwarded during the Year. >rwarded Total. — Telegraph Revenue from all | Sources. 1 " Cost of Total Value r , , Maintenance Value of of „ V°, st o£ of Government Business done maintenance Uua, Messages. during o,. fi _. excluding the Year. stations. Australian Cable Subsidy. Year ended Number of Miles of Line. Number of Miles of Wire. o • _ Total Expenditure. Cost of Maintenance of Lines per Mile. Tariff in Operation. 30th June, 1866 1867 699 1,390 757 1,498 13 21 24,761 55,621 2,746 27,407 £ s. d. 5.561 19 2 £ s. d. 483 3 2 £ s. d. 6,045 2 4 £ * d. 3,934 3 4 £ s. d. 2,443 2 11 6,377 6 3 £ s. d. 3 9 10 [-Mileage tariff. 15.331 70,952 9,070 10 1 3,77o 4 8 12,840 14 9 8,017 M 7 2,541 4 11 10,558 19 6 3 7 1 1868 i,no 2,223 1,329 2,495 31 I 72,241 26,244 98,485 ".652 3 7 6,672 o 3 18,324 3 10 9,489 17 10 5.406 7 3 14,896 5 1 4 17 4 1869 45 106,070 50,097 156,167 18,520 10 4 13,430 11 9 31,951 2 1 14,266 12 7 8,547 4 9 22,813 17 4 6 8 6 1870 1871 1872 1,661 2,897 !,976 3.247 2,185 j 3,823 56 72 81 j 122,545 253.582 344.524 62,878 59,292 67,243 185,423 312,874 411,767 17,218 1 4 22,419 8 8 28,121 10 o 12,252 6 o 9,876 17 6 ",043 3 9 29,470 7 4 32,296 6 2 39,i64 13 9 16,417 7 4 21,254 4 3 23,593 9 9 14,120 4 10 ",344 3 8 8,858 19 7 30,537 12 2 32,598 7 11 32,452 9 4 8 9 n 5 19 6 423 1 Mileage tariff in operation up to ist Sept., 1869; uniform 2S. 6d. tariff from 1st Sept., i860, to 31st March, 1870; and is. tariff from rst April, 18J0. 1 1873 2,356 4,574 93 ; 485.507 83,453 568,960 39,680 18 9 11,105 2 o ] 50,786 o 9 27,040 18 10 9,479 5 4 36,520 4 2 4 1 11 1874 2,530 5,782 105 645.067 1107,832 752,899 46,508 18 10 12,618 11 6 59,127 10 4 38,801 19 4 15,021 17 11 53,823 17 3 6 3 11 1875 2,986 6,626 127 786,237 130,891 917.128 55,301 12 3' 13,679 10 9 68,981 3 o 45,814 11 4 14,240 19 7 60,055 10 11 4 16 4 From ist November, 1873, address and signature given in free. 1876 3,154 7.247 142 890,382 i160, 704 1,051,086 62,715 10 4 16,154 6 o 78,869 16 4 61,696 14 5 21,074 8 8 82,771 3 1 5 18 10 1877 3,259 7,423 155 952,283 172,159 1,124,442 65,644 15 3 17,024 8 9 I 82,669 4 o 63,353 10 10 17,931 8 o 81,284 J 8 10 5 12 11 1878 3,434 8,035 182 1,065,481 I94. 8 43 1,260, 324 73,284 1 10 19,148 12 4 92,432 14 2 69,340 1 8 18,259 4 9 87.599 6 5 5 10 o 1879 3,512 I 8,117 195 1,201,982 246,961 1,448,943 85,402 o 2 26,949 2 2 112,351 2 4 79,502 o 5 17,299 7 10 96,801 8 3 509 31st March, 1880 3,638 9,333 214 824,734 183,675 1,008,409 58,120 3 3 19.707 6 3 77,827 9 6 68,651 10 10 14,758 4 5 83.4 0 9 15 3 4 3 4 1881 3,758 9,587 227 1,058,342 246,370 1,304,712 73,002 2 o 27,021 3 8 100,023 5 8 78,224 1 8| 23,154 8 3 101,378 9 11 667 1882 3,824 i 9,653 234 i 11,215,849 222,923 1,438,772 78,828 19 8 22,737 16 4 : 101,566 16 o 69,165 5 o 18,292 13 4 87.457 18 4 4 17 4



Table No. 17— continued. Comparative Table showing the Progress of the Telegraph Department during the Financial Years ended 30th June, 1866, to 30th June, 1879; 31st March, 1880, to 31st March, 1882; and Calendar Years ended 31st December, 1882, to 31st December, 1893— continued.

For the Financial Years ended 31st March, 1895, to 31st March, 1907.

Note.—Tariff, 1890 : is. for ten words, and free address and signature up to ten words ; delayed telegrams, 6d. 1892 : For twelve words, and free address and signature, ordinary telegrams, is.; delayed, 6d. Later in 1892 the number of words in text and signature made eighteen. 1896 : First twelve words, 6d.; each additional word, id.; address and signature paid for. 1906 : For each additional word after first twelve, Jd.

c Number of Telegrams fo during the Year. Private ; Governand Press. ment. ' Number of Telegrams forwarded during the Year. nrwarded Total. Total Value Telegraph Value of of Revenue from ail i Government ' Business done Sources. Messages. during the Year. Cost of Cost of Maintenance Maintenance U c+r,n™ excluding Stations. Australian Cable Subsidy. Cost of Maintenance of Lines per Mile. ! Tarift in Operation. Year ended Number of Miles of Line. Number of Miles of Wire. = S z Total Expenditure. 31st Dec, 1882 1883 1884 1835 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 3.974 4.O74 4,264 4,463 4,54 6 4,646 4,790 4,874 5,148 5,349 5,479 5,513 9,848 10,037 10,474 10,931 11,178 ",375 11,617 11,827 12,812 13,235 13,459 13,515 264 302 33° 375 412 437 473 489 520 573 615 640 1,361,817 , 208,372 i,379,4 8 3 219,917 1,433.458 220,847 1,533,406 240,867 1.583,717 • 252,549 1,589,771 245,623 1,548,233 217,630 1,589,157 ! 213,830 1,734,381 226,780 1,746,115 222,149 1,686,064 218,079 1,825,646 J 244,045 1,570,189 90,633 11 2 1,599,400 ! 93,822 3 3 1,654,305 95,634 5 5 I >774. 2 73 101,652 8 o 1,836,266 106,638 12 2 1,835,394 106,548 4 o 1,765,863 106,311 11 6 1,802,987 '106,462 18 4 1,961,161 110,696 17 8 1,968,264 117,633 15 9 1,904,143 103,813 8 6J 2,069,691 112,465 15 9 £ s- d20,608 11 11 21,555 19 2 20,855 19 7 24,860 9 o 27,281 4 9 30,205 11 10 23,164 13 11 24,218 9 3 26,070 12 7 24.840 5 7 24,342 7 o 28,317 7 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 111,242 3 1 73,554 9 122,451 6 3 115,378 2 5 J 73,054 4 619,210 6 6 116,490 5 o ' 70,036 6 220,041 15 10 126,512 17 o 77,082 4 420,900 6 2 I33,9 r 9 l6 n 77,473 10 721,402 18 2 I 3°,753 J 5 Jo 76,580 10 021,321 2 9 129,476 5 5 72,201 13 523,262 1 o 130,681 7 7 . 75,426 9 726,007 1 5 136,767 10 3 76,845 1 1027,546 2'o 142,474 1 4 1 85,658 4 1128,986 10 10 128,155 15 6J1 87,472 13 329,580 10 11 140,783 3 7 92,109 17 029,141 6 o ftS.S o'iS I ' F T -November. 90,078 2 o 4 18 4 j I ?73> address and 97,982 10 6 4 15 9 ! signature given in 95 463 14 55 o ? 1 dela^ d telegrams 101 433 11 o 5 8 7 I posted to addressees 104,3" 310 513 o ! ir tLt :; 114,644 I5 9 5 12 7 l^| lr receipt at linos' 42 5 e 8 °^ n ces of destina " 121,251 3 05 5 9 :.J non -

Year ended 1 Number of Miles or Line. Number j O . Miles of I ,.0. Wire. .2° E z Number d of Telegrams forwarded luring the Year. : Govern- T , ment. Revenue j (including Miscellaneous Receipts). Telegraph. Telephone. Value of Government Messages. Total Value of Business done during the Year. Total Expenditure (excluding ( able Subsidy). Private and Press. Remarks. 1st March, 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 „ 1900 „ igO2 1904 „ I9O6 1907 6,245$ .. 6, 2 8 4 f 6,484 .. 6,736 6,910 •• 7.249! .. 7,469 •• 7,7481 •• 7,779| ; •• ; 7.9431 ! •• 8,355 •• 8,953 14,881$ i6,47o| 18,024 18,746 19,228 2O,682| 21,705 22,672! 22, 92O j 23,7O4 25,Il6 27,O3I 7°5 743 780 824 878 915 991 1,038 1,103 1,200 1,312 1,446 I,802,l82 1,899,632 2,285,001 2,469,415 2,717,548 3,159,093 3,534,444 3,850,391 4,271,218 4,671,904 4,900,495 5,351,084 6,160,080 £ s., d. £ s. d. 231,618 2,033,800 j 88,459 10 11 21,552 12 10 224,579 2,124,211 97,178 14 0$ 25,933 12 9 235,168 i 2,520,169 100,385 16 1 . 29,248 19 5 226,818 2,696,233 j 99,798 8 ioj; 36,422 6 8 243,190 ■ 2,960,738 105,576 6 o 39,718 7 7 310,538 ! 3,469,631 1119,641 11 6J1 43,303 2 10 363,684 3,898,128 [137,861 1 2$| 49,117 o 8 317,590 ! 4,167,981 [151,933 19 11 55,542 4 9 288,086 4,559,304 160,343 7 7 62,151 8 11 293,293 4,965,197 |i66,535 18 8$ 71,028 6 3 259,250 5,159,745 ;i7i,ooi 1 3 "J 79,o6i 7 4 289,135 5,640,219 [184,369 6 2 89,542 1 5 236,252 , 6,396,332 1206,706 15 o 3 \£ s. d. £ s. d. 26,050 7 5 136,062 11 2 25,843 11 11 148,955 18 8$ 23,118 2 6 ; 152,752 18 o 24,504 9 8 160,725 5 2J 25,500 5 10 170,794 19 5 29.43 1 19 ° !92,37 6 !3 4i 35,327 6 2 222,305 8 0$ 27,507 17 6 234,984 2 2 26,440 2 10 248,934 19 4 24,377 1 7 1 261,941 6 6$ 20,597 1J Io 270,660 13 ij 24,168 10 4 298,079 17 11 17,486 19 8 325,007 15 7 J £■■*■'■&. £ s. d. I 35,79 I o 7 Cable subsidy, 6,492 11 8 143,665 14 o „ 4,774 5 5 153,484 6 8 „ 3,972 8 1 165,198 13 5 , 1,849 2 9 173,152 16 6 „ M27 19 11 181,634 11 3 » 1.608 7 1 194,014 12 11 „ 1,000 8 6 212,180 16 o „ 234 15 o 228,185 10 7 „ 181 10 o 245,805 97 „ 10,057 « 7 258,977 10 9 276,580 12 5 291,359 12 6



Table No. 18. Table showing the Number of Letters, Letter-cards, Post-cards, Books, Newspapers, and Parcels delivered by the Letter-carriers from the Post-offices within the several Postal Districts during the Year 1906.

Table No. 19. Table showing the Cash Revenue derived from Private and Press Telegrams, the Value of Government Telegrams, and the Number of Telegrams transmitted in the several Postal Districts of New Zealand for the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1907.

Auckland Thames New Plymouth Gisborne Napier Wanganui Wellington Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Christchurch Timaru.. Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill Postal Districts. Letters. 5,122,284 678,896 745.169 406,932 1,183,638 1,106,185 6,329,770 252,069 439,658 169,926 444,616 121,389 4,047,616 787,600 420,968 3,843,349 1,524,692 Letter-cards. P ost-cards. 120,049 ' 431,250 15,911 82,279 17,464 70.482 9,537 19,492 27,740 84,612 25,925 : 101,204 148,349 : 986,695 5,908 27,471 10,304 56,366 3,983 17,845 10,420 58.275 2,845 16,884 94,863 287,315 18,459 ' 78,097 9,866 59,395 90,075 ! 760,984 35,734 ; I6O,8I2 Books. &c. i Newspapers. 960,773 894,220 208,339 161,291 T 43>33° 261,102 31,899 58,032 333.736 : 227,764 652,468 390,752 3,290,720 1,398,132 43,169 58,7!7 176,281 174,171 45,526 46,623 78,330 . 106,670 72,289 36,264 1,314,645 I 739,758 163,799 113.566 82,948 55,071 1,886,985 ; 1,076,698 695,462 I 218,444 Parcels. 22,377 3,392 3.54 1 2,408 2,397 5,584 20,391 3,027 6,155 2,760 6,921 1,588 27,617 2,081 976 6,815 4.323 Totals 27.624,757 647.432 3,299,458 io,180,699 6,017,275 122,353 Previous year .. 23,286,979 8,495,958 5,566,552 II8.475 521,400 2,072,004

Postal Districts. Revenue derived from Private and Press Telegrams. Value of Government Telegrams. Total Number of Value of Private Telegrams of all and Press Codes. Telegrams. Number of Government Telegrams. Total Number of Telegrams of all Codes. Auckland 31enheim "hristchurch Dunedin Gisborne jreymouth rlokitika Invercargill Napier .. kelson .. Plymouth .. Damaru rhames.. rimaru .. Wanganui Wellington A'estport £ s - d - 34,450 5 74j 4,193 12 3 I 23,937 12 54j 19,219 15 2 5,478 13 io$ : 4,644 11 10 1,892 5 9 10,092 19 4 13,502 8 4 4,966 9 10 6,103 17 7 3,057 4 34 6,061 1 0$ 5,721 16 4 13,224 17 1 42,520 17 3 3,232 12 5 £ a. A. : 2,601 o o 39i 7 o 2,121 13 55 979 10 2$ 319 14 74 394 17 44 146 10 o 668 14 4 631 5 0$ 755 7 io$ 549 13 o 242 18 10 254 16 4 J 182 7 1 616 1 6$ 6,207 10 7 423 12 4 £ s. d. 37,o5i 5 74 4,584 19 3 26,059 5 11 20,199 5 4i 5,798 8 6 5,039 9 2$ 2,038 15 9 10,761 13 8 14,133 13 44 5,721 17 8$ 6,653 10 7 3,300 3 1$ 6,315 17 5 5,904 3 5 13,840 18 7$ 48,728 7 10 3,656 4 9 1,036,142 112,926 708,864 577,368 165,383 125,050 54,089 316,890 426,619 245,028 181,903 8 4,723 170,425 174,683 408,748 1,285,520 85,719 39,4i6 6,812 23,536 15,205 5,033 5,455 1,666 9,066 7-432 12,563 9,586 2,004 3,438 2,845 8,011 77,551 6,633 1,075,558 119,738 732,400 592,573 170,416 130,505 55,755 325,956 434,051 257,591 191,489 86,727 173,863 177,528 416,759 i,3 6 3,o7 1 92,352 Totals, 1906-7 202,301 o 5$ 17,486 19 8 219,788 o 1$ |6,160,080 236,252 6,396,332 Totals, 1905-6 289,135 5,640,219 180,474 7 9 24,168 10 4 204,642 18 I 5,351,084



Table No. 20. Table showing the Paid Telegrams of all Codes forwarded during the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1907, and the Revenue received therefrom.

Table No. 21. Table showing the Number and Value of Telegraph Money-orders issued within the several Postal Districts during the Year ended 31st December, 1906.

June Quarter, 1906. September Quarter, 1906. ! December Quarter, 1906. March luarter, 1907. 'otals. Class of Telegrams. Revenue. Number. Revenue. .. . Number, i Revenue. Number. Number. Revenue. Number. Revenue. Irdinary .. Irgent 'ress iureau 1,026,098 53,589 91,130 217,729 £ s - d. 49,199 o 5 3,45i 2 9 4,425 19 10 4,623 8 9 968,195 44,790 93,398 231,689 £ b- d.| 46,692 18 IO ;1,196,082 2,945 2 II I 63,425 4,688 16 o 97,938 4,934 17 3 j 259,320 £ s- d. 52,164 5 7$ 3,621 10 7 5,i7i o 7$ 5,616 15 o i,358,i57 73,927 107,451 277,162 / B. d. 57,653 18 IO 4,322 2 I 5,522 O 3$ 6,037 14 6 4,548,532 235,731 389,917 985,900 £ s. d. 205,710 3 8$ 14,339 18 4 19,807 16 9 21,212 15 6 261,070 14 3$ Iross totals .ess other \ lines and \ credits J 1,388,546 61,699 II 9 14,621 II 6$ 1,338,072 59,261 15 o 1,616,765 14,285 2 10$ 66,573 11 i° 14,664 12 10$ 1,816,697 73,535 15 8$ 15,198 6 6$ 6,160,080 58,769 13 10 fet totals, 1906-7 let totals, 1905-6 11,388,546 47,078 o 2$ 1,338,072 44,97612 i$,i,6i6,765 51,908 18 11$ 1,816,697: 58,337 9 2 6,160,080 202,301 o 5$ 1,255,080 42,296 7 o 1,226,811 141,65816 6 1,414,598 47,762 5 IO 1.454,595 48,75618 5 5,351,084 180,474 7 9

Districts. Number. Telegraph Commission. Value of Orders. Auckland .. Blenheim .. Christchurch Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hokitika .. Invercargil! Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Thames Timaru Wanganui .. Wellington.. Westport .. 12,049 1.417 5,122 4.529 2,886 2,404 711 2,638 5.493 1.57° 2,389 719 3,086 1,232 6,652 13,601 1,696 £ «• d. 602 9 o 70 17 o 256 2 o 226 9 o 144 6 o 20 4 o 35 11 o 131 18 o 274 13 o 78 10 o 119 9 o 35 19 o 154 6 o 61 12 o £ •■ d. 51,469 18 5 4,826 9 8 19,551 5 8 16,826 16 1 12,608 o 2 10,176 1 4 2,663 9 9 9,073 11 1 19,591 19 9 5,832 19 7 7,022 17 3 2,156 5 9 9.948 17 3 3.573 2 2 23,925 16 5 55,084 1 4 7,156 12 3 332 12 o 680 1 o 84 16 o Totals, 1906 68,194 3,409 14 o 261,488 3 II Totals, 1905 63,682 3,184 2 O 228,423 5 10



5—F, 1

Table No. 22. Table showing the Capital Cost, Working-expenses, and Revenue of the Telephone Exchanges, Year by Year, from the Date of their Establishment.

Year. Capita Instrumenl - S Dabou n.2 Superint CD *= 3 n Average p5 o | Cost of each Con- ■ nectiou. a.1 Cost for ts, Wire, Poles, ir, Freight, jendence, &c. Revenue. Salaries and Allowances of ClerkB, <fec. Materials and Linemen. Working-expenses. Rent. Fuel, * Wear-and- Light, Paper, sear, &c. Printing, Binding, &c. Balance of Revenue over Workingexpenses. Annual Kate per Cent. yielded on Capital Cost. Total for all Connections. Total. Total for the year ended 31st March, — 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 .. 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 ! „ £ s. d. 116 ! 21 16 6 379 I 21 16 6 715 j 21 16 6 .. 1,075 21 18 6 .. 1,710 20 8 6 .. 2,038 j 19 19 5 .. ! 2,153 I 22 19 0 .. 2,249 1 23 18 10 .. 2,402 24 4 1 .. 2,587 24 17 1 .. 3,080 24 16 11 .. 3,690 ! 24 16 11 .. 4,244 24 12 1 .. 4,616 -25 6 3 .. 5,143 24 6 6 .. 5,747 | 23 7 4 .. 5,787 | 24 11 6 .. 6,203 ' 24 5 3 .. 7,150 22 14 1 .. 8,210 i 21 9 7 .. 9,260 20 18 0 .. 10,633 20 2 6 .. 112,105 19 19 8 .. 14,423 21 19 7 .. 15,333 23 13 9 .. 17,403 24 2 2 £ s. d. 2,531 14 0 8,271 13 6 15,604 17 6 23,461 17 6 37,319 12 1 40.686 3 1 49,407 5 0 53,849 11 6 58,229 3 0 64,294 4 4 76,579 1 8 91.687 11 1 104,425 3 0 116,845 10 4 125,108 4 1 134,299 11 4 142,218 11 8 150,490 18 9 162,333 1 2 176,349 1 8 193,511 6 2 213,966 10 8 241,903 2 6 '295,029 7 2 1363,192 6 9 1420.088 12 1 £ a. d. 613 5 2 5,014 9 2 7,746 16 7 10,008 3 6 12,294 1 2 15,477 16 2 16,881 8 6 17,613 4 0 18,581 11 7 19,961 4 2 18,571 7 8 19,155 11 5 21,771 4 4 21,552 12 10 25,933 12 9 29,248 19 5 36,422 6 8 39,718 7 7 43,303 2 10 49,117 0 8 55,542 4 9 62,151 8 11 71,028 6 3 79,061 7 4 89,542 1 5 100,814 1 3 £ 8, d. £ a. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. 285 0 0 275 0 0 | 253 0 0 150 0 0 595 0 0 595 0 0 827 0 0 300 0 0 695 0 0 770 0 0 1,560 0 0 350 0 0 1,770 0 0 ! 1,590 0 0 2,346 0 0 475 0 0 2,849 1 3 1,704 0 0 ', 3,731 19 2 : 700 0 0 2,873 0 0 ; 1,580 10 0 4,068 12 2 320 0 0 3,119 10 0 ! 2,252 0 0 , 4,940 14 6 330 0 0 3,315 10 0 ! 2,249 7 0 | 5,344 9 2 835 0 0 3,790 0 0 2,206 10 0 ! 5,823 0 1 375 0 0 4,192 0 0 2,249 18 5 ! 6,429 8 5 394 3 9 4,630 0 0 ! 2,345 2 9 I 7,658 7 11 393 1 6 7,405 0 0 ! 2,695 19 10 9,168 15 1 464 6 2| 7,720 0 0 3,313 1 1 10,442 10 4 741 18 9| 9,285 0 0 4,253 11 4 11,684 11 0 817 19 5 9,686 0 10 j 5,303 11 9 12,510 16 5 1,952 8 3 12,306 9 7 7,398 0 10 13,429 19 1 .1,856 13 2 14,181 18 0 11,834 2 11 7,110 18 7 1,881 11 11 15,030 7 1 16,190 4 0 7,524 10 11 1,861 2 3 15,710 13 2 20,847 13 6 8,116 13 0 !1,892 10 8 16,304 6 3 18,225 18 9 8,817 9 0 2,000 15 10 18,448 3 5 20,570 0 9 I 9,675 11 9 i2,078 12 10 20,885 13 3 22,078 4 11 !l0,698 6 6 2,614 15 0 23,359 8 3 22,507 9 10 12,095 3 1 2,986 3 8 25,121 16 1 26,781 19 6 14,751 9 4 4,447 18 4 26,506 16 5 22,576 6 8 18,159 12 4 5,270 0 9 32,913 16 8 26,145 3 4 21.004 8 7 6,162 18 1 £ s. d. 963 0 0 ! 2,317 0 0 ! 3,375 0 0 6,181 0 0 8,985 0 5 ' 8,842 2 2 i 10,642 4 6 j 11,244 6 2 12,194 10 1 13,265 10 7 15,026 12 2 19,734 1 1 22,217 10 2 26,041 1 9 29,452 17 3 34,991 2 8 35,008 11 5 40,606 4 3 ; 46,567 10 4 45,348 9 10 50,772 8 9 56,276 19 8 60,948 4 10 71,103 3 3 72,512 16 2 86.226 6 8 £ a. d. 207 16 0 4,492 8 8 3,653 7 4 3,827 3 6 5,011 19 7| 6,635 14 0 6,239 4 1 6,368 17 10; 6,387 1 6 6,695 13 7 3,544 15 6 - 578 9 8j -446 5 10 -3,420 1 9 -3,519 4 6 -5,742 3 3 1,413 15 3 -887 16 8 -3,264 7 6 3.768 10 10 4.769 16 0 5,874 9 3 10,080 1 5 7,958 4 1 17,029 5 3 14,587 14 7 8-17 54-31 2341 16-31 13-42 1630 12-63 11-82 1100 10-43 4-63 Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. 0-99 Loss. Loss. 214 2-46 2-75 417 2-69 4-69 3-47 i * This column includes 6 per cent, for wear-and-tear. and 5 per cent, for debenture capital, except in 1897-98 and following years, in which only 5 per cent, for debenture capital is included.



Table No. 23. Table showing the Class and Number of Instruments and Batteries in use at Telegraph Offices for the Year ended 31st March, 1907.

Table No. 24. Table showing the Cost of Maintenance of Telegraph Lines for the Year ended 31st March, 1907.

Number of Morse Instruments in Use (Full Sets). Number of Duplexes v,„,„v,„,. (Differential). numoei x um ber Number Sminde'r Quadruple* Automatic Single Double Sets. Sets. Current. Current. District. Intermittent Constant Current. Current. Auckland Wellington Nelson .. Christchurch Dunedin 51 63 38 25 102 42 150 9 86 75 11 17 9 7 2 3 7 4 4 1 1 10 14 18 1 8 6 1 2 2 1 Totals 279 362 362 46 19 I 11 t 47 6 Number of Telephones not connected with Exclmnge. Number of Cells. District. Number of Quadruplex Translator Sets. Leclanche. Gordon. Daniell. I Bichromate. Storage. z Auckland Wellington Nelson Christchurch Dunedin Totals ..I 3 7 3 2 1 16 297 57 115 58 139 5,547 8,898 3,320 1,732 4,819 40 705 370 .. 6 i 1,378 80 36 600 30 861 652 2 670 42 4 666 24,316 '745 3,879 804 48 I j I l_

TravellingNo of expenses of District. viiiol Inspectors Miles. and Linemen. Extra Labour. Value Salaries Cost of of of Material Material Inspectors purchased, j issued lrom and Stores. Linemen. Total Cost ; Average of Cost Maintenance, per Mile £ s. c Auckland .. 2,262 992 17 Wellington ... 2,373 1,477 9 Nelson .. i 1,167 661 5 1 Canterbury .. 1,090 530 13 Otago .. .. 2,062 873 3 £ s. d. 992 17 3j 1,477 9 1 661 5 11 530 13 0 873 3 5 £ s. d. 1,620 6 8 2,818 17 4 1,009 0 5 760 4 6 1,255 0 9 £ s. d. 414 0 8 1,212 17 6 350 1 4 215 10 3 491 15 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 407 8 6 2,522 0 0 3,194 2 7 3,593 0 0 664 19 5 1,738 0 0 605 11 2 2,132 0 0 663 3 3 1,589 0 0 £ s. d. 5,956 13 1 12,296 6 6 4,423 7 1 4,243 18 11 4,872 2 11 £ s. d. 2 12 8 5 3 8 3 15 10 3 17 10 2 7 3 8,954 4,535 8 Cables .. .. 289 399 19 1 lrnnr.s 8,954 289 knots 4,535 8 8 399 19 10 7,463 9 8 1,636 4 7 2,684 5 3 201 18 0 5,535 4 1111,574 0 0 1,106 5 8 212 10 0 31,792 8 6 3,556 18 1 3 11 0 12 6 2 Knots : Stores .. .. .. 121 10 121 10 4 908 14 1 1,470 3 0 338- 0 0 2,838 7 5 Totals .. .. 5,056 18 1 5,056 18 10 [10,008 8 4 4,356 6 3 6,641 10 712,124 10 0 38,187 14 0



Table No. 25. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1907.

Expenditure. Material from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Line. I Telephone exchanges,— Ashburton Auckland .. .. .... Blenheim Christchurch Dannevirke ... Dunedin Feilding Gisborne Greymouth ... Hamilton Hawera Hokitika Invercargill ... Lawrence Levin Masterton Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Pahiatua Palmerston North Rotorua Stratford Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington ... Westport Whangarei ... £ s. d. 30 8 11 5,808 14 9 65 11 7 5,619 5 7 119 14 9 5,643 1 2 132 4 6 252 13 6 33 9 11 98 6 2 69 11 9 24 10 9 451 7 0 82 5 9 1 0 0 284 18 10 657 2 4 26 15 5 17 15 3 121 14 8 43 7 5 211 9 4 31 7 3 2 15 8 142 3 2 266 18 2 228 17 5 5,628 8 11 9 0 9 104 0 9 £ s. d. Ill 15 7 2,438 1 8 400 11 7 4,507 17 2 226 4 6 3,229 6 3 280 2 11 1,186 6 6 218 18 6 213 17 11 21 7 4 47 11 10 673 3 6 71 19 2 977 8 0 1,877 10 11 174 1 0 379 1 7 34 19 3 101 15 9 909 15 3 133 8 0 1.14 17 9 369 13 5 872 7 11 949 19 11 9,950 6 2 100 14 10 113 19 9 £ s. d. 142 4 6 8,246 16 5 466 3 2 10,127 2 9 345 19 3 8,872 7 5 412 7 5 1,439 0 0 252 8 5 312 4 1 90 19 1 72 2 7 1,124 10 6 154 4 11 1 0 0 1,262 6 10 2,534 13 3 200 16 5 396 16 10 156 13 11 145 3 2 1,121 4 7 164 15 3 117 13 5 511 16 7 1,139 6 1 1,178 17 4 15,578 15 1 109 15 7 218 0 6 Total exchanges 26,209 1 5 30,687 3 11 56,896 5 4 Kaimaumau (Cape Maria van Diemen) Waiharara Kohukohu-Motukaraka ... Mangatete (Mangonui-Whangape) Hagger's Point... Hoanga (Dargaville-Tangiteroria) Ararua Owhata (Herekino-Whangape) ... Grahamsfern ... Pakaraka-Nupara Euakaka (Waipu- Parua Bay) Kiripaka-Ngunguru Hukerenui-Pviponui Leigh-Pakiri ... Tangaihi (Pouto line) Paparoa-Mararetu Mangawai-Kuaha Waimauku (Auckland-Hobsonville) Riverhead (Auckland-Hobsonville) Muka .. New Lynn (Auckland-Avondale) ... Pukekawa-Glen Murray Puni (Pukekohe-Mauku) Auckland-Hamilton (metallic circuit) Waerenga-Taniwha Rangiriri, Churchill Maungatawhiri... Ngaruawahia-Te Kowhai Eureka Ponga-Hunua ... i 29 10 0 24 0 1 16 17 10 15 6 9 30 8 10 0 2 0 23 19 6 5 2 8 156 16 2 52 12 4 65 2 1 33 8 I 0 2 6 3 5 0 16 5 11 43 1 4 3 12 3 139 9 5 12 2 9 360 8 10 28 13 10 24 13 7 19 3 3 12 9 2 1 5 8 90 10 2 12 5 9 9 11 6 6 2 15 13 3 0 12 2 26 14 2 0 18 0 26 6 8 76 13 3 21 4 0 52 13 3 67 2 5 24 17 5 5 4 1 18 4 8 73 17 0 5 7 2 11 1 0 0 16 3 42 2 7 2,008 8 7 21 5 8 42 15 11 9 3 10 28 19 6 19 11 11 3 2 8 29 10 0 25 2 6 26 7 9 21 12 11 15 13 3 31 1 0 26 14 2 0 2 0 0 18 0 50 6 2 5 2 8 233 9 5 73 16 4 117 15 4 100 10 6 24 19 11 8 9 1 34 L0 7 116 18 4 5 7 2 14 13 3 140 5 8 54 5 4 2,368 17 5 49 19 6 67 9 6 28 7 1 41 8 8 20 17 7 93 12 10

■F.— l


Table No. 25—continued. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1907— continued.

Line. Expenditure. Material from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Frankton Junction -Kirikiriroa ... Matangi-Tauwhare Waihou-Waitoa ... ... ... Tirau-Tapapa ... ... ... ... ! Waingaro-Waimai Manawaru-Aratiatia-Gordon Thames-Paeroa-Waihi (metallic circuit: ... Miranda-Kaiaua Puriri-Hikuwai-Puketui TeJAroha- Mangaiti ... ■ Te Puna Pongakawa (Te Puke - Maketu) ... Opuriao (Whakatane-Taneatua) ... Oparau - Te Maika - Te Rauamoa. Oparau-Kawhia Hangatiki-Waitomo ... ... ... ' Ohura Mairoa Mangapapa Valley Aria (Te Kuiti - Paemako) Oparuie-Paem ako Otorohanga- Te Kuiti ... Mangapehi - Te Kuiti Aongatete Waiotapu-G alatea Tatu ... Otorohanga-Raurimu Matapuna-Mananui Taumarunui-Matapuna ... ... ... Taumarunui-Raurimu Taupo-Onekeneke Muripara TeTeko Poroporo Ohui-Waioweka (Opotiki-Ohiwa)... Kutarere- W aiotahi Gisborne - Te Karaka (metallic circuit) ... j Patutahi- Gisborne ... ... ... Tokomaru Bay -Port Awantii ... ... Tokomaru Bay - Hikuwai (iisborno Tolaga Bay ... Napier-Hastings (metallic circuit) ... Napier-Pohui ... ... ... ... ! Napier-Wairoa (metallic circuit) ... Hastings-Pakipaki (metallic- circuit) ... | Hastings-Maraekakoho ... Fernhill-Pakowhai Wairoa-Mohaka (metallic circuit) Opunake - Te Kiri Douglas Road-Huiroa ... New Plymouth - Mahoenui Punivvhakau-Makahu Waiouru Tai i) ape--Rae till i Mokoia-Whakainara-Mereniere ... Kaponga-Kapuni ... ... ,.. Kaponga-Mahoe Bltham-Stratford (metallic circuit) Eltham-Omoana Kohuratahi-Tahora ... ... Ohutu - Lower Moawhango ... ... Mataroa-Tiriraukawa ... ... ... Lower Moawhanga-Pukeokahu ... ... £ 8. d. ' 50 10 11 17 11 2 90 13 9 10 8 7 305 15 8 52 8 3 42 12 0 1 12 9 12 5 3 ■ il 2 11 30 10 3 732 4 I 19 2 2 10 7 20 6 11 100 19 7 32 15 1 14 1 10 44 5 9 40 7 11 8 15 0 12 4 6 16 3 2 111 1 11 5 10 11 69 18 2 82 11 0 58 2 5 113 17 8 4 3 5 2 7 10 2 18 6 0 19 0 149 6 6 32 2 4 3 12 0 19 15 2 8 4 9 20 4 0 16 11 9 78 16 0 54 0 1 35 0 3 59 12 11 45 4 8 ... 17 18 L 5 7 0' 36 8 0 76 1 1 8 13 10 369 9 3 94 3 10 80 15 11 147 7 6 104 10 11 £ s. d. 7 11 2 3 1 8 14 3 8 1 6 3 124 14 10 108 15 6 71 16 4 26 12 4 7 16 11 26 16 7 11 9 7 0 3 6 19 16 0 22 3 6 17 6 7 22 1 8 230 19 6 49 6 5 5 6 3 56 18 11 25 5 3 980 11 8 8 10 10 13 7 5 110 12 3 9 19 11 0 18 0 5 5 6 5 19 5 15 4 52 0 2 145 13 5 59 9 0 6 11 10 254 14 6 388 3 2 12 1 5 33 13 0 17 3 11 8 15 4 532 2 10 5 5 11 187 11 2 119 5 20 6 6 5 14 2 88 1 9 23 3 0 0 16 11 19 18 9 £ s. d. 7 11 2 50 10 11 20 12 10 104 17 5 10 8 7 307 1 11 177 3 1 151 7 6 72 19 1 38 17 7 7 16 11 37 19 6 41 19 10 732 4 1 0 3 6 21 5 2 2 10 7 42 10 5 17 6 7 123 1 3 263 14 7 63 8 8 44 5 9 5 6 3 97 6 10 25 5 3 989 6 8 20 15 4 29 10 7 221 14 2 15 10 10 69 18 2 83 9 0 5 5 6 58 2 5 118 19 5 9 18 9 54 8 0 148 11 11 60 8 0 155 18 4 286 16 10 3 12 0 407 18 4 20 6 2 53 17 0 16 11 9 95 19 11 62 15 5 35 0 3 591 15 9 45 4 8 5 5 11 205 9 3 5 7 0 36 8 0 78 0 6 29 0 4 375 3 5 182 5 7 103 18 11 148 4 5 124 9 8



Table No. 25— continued. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1907 — continued.

Line. Expenditure. Material from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Westmere Brunswick St. John's - Aramoho Omoana-Matemateonga ... Waitotara-Taumatatahi... Wanganui-Marton (metallic circuit) Manaia-Kapuni Normanby-Matapu-Okaiawa Rangiwahia-Ruahine Kimbolton-Awawaro Apiti-Umutoi-Utuwai ... Wangaehu-Turakina Waituna West-Rewa ... Pohangina-Komako Rongotea-Kaimatarau ... Palmerston North - Bunnythorpe ... Rongotea-Carnarvon Bunny thorpe-Marton Palmerston North - Marton Palmerston North - Newbury Palmerston North-Longburn (metallic circuit) Palmerston North - Aokautere Wellington - Palmerston North ... Glen Oroua-Taikorea ... Palmerston North - Masterton Mangatoro-Pokokomuka Mangamahoe-Hastwell's Ihauraua Valley Makomako-Mangahao ... Mangatainoka-Makairo ... Mangatainoka-Kohinui ... Carswell's-Whareama ... Masterton-Eketahuna ... Masterton-Pahiatua Masterton-Greytown (trunk) Bketahuna-Alfredton Wellington-Masterton W aione-Horoeka Mangatoro-Waitahora ... Makuri-Coonoor Pongaroa-Korora-Waione Tiraumea-Hounui Waterfalls - Waihaki Valley Greytown North - Morrison's Bush Wallaceville-Pathological Laboratory Upper Hutt - Akatarawa Hutt-Trentham (metallic circuit) .. Pakawau-Mangarakau ... Motupipi-Totaranui French Pass Colliugwood Extension ... Sherry River Extension ... Tapuwera- Stanley Brook Wakefield-Belgrove-Kohatu Tadmor (main line) Takaka - Upper Takaka ... Wai-iti £ s. d. 42 6 4 10 3 608 12 3 62 18 11 76 15 9 1 18 4 0 6 2 69 14 3 0 6 3 2 14 1 2 16 2 0 0 3 9 6 4 6 0 0 4 0 2 16 110 12 15 6 0 15 6 6 8 6 106 13 10 55 3 7 27 0 2 0 11 5 24 12 5 125 11 8 29 13 9 3 13 6 85 16 8 101 16 3 335 6 0 47 18 0 496 19 1 44 13 1 82 9 10 2 7 6 52 14 0 1 13 6 2 14 6 12 5 8 i £ s. d. 5 0 10 1 5 1 12 3 4 13 4 121 1 7 5 10 9 9 1 6 13 2 0 16 16 10 ... 136 3 10 30 1 3 24 2 3 119 10 7 118 15 11 4 13 4 3 12 8 "6 18 0 267 7 9 j 7 15 10 i 4 4 0 ... 57 8 6 1 43 12 4 12 16 8 70 8 10 102 8 2 5 19 3 2,488 8 7 27 13 10 2 15 6 34 2 4 9 13 2 11 18 5 14 8 5 91 2 4 117 8 7 54 5 3 143 5 2 1,378 12 4 4" 5 6 I 94 4 10 16 3 7 48 16 0 25 1 6 11 13 2 4" 8 6 4 18 2 574 18 0 £ s. d. 5 0 10 43 11 5 12 3 5 13 7 729 13 10 68 9 8 85 17 3 15 0 4 0 6 2 86 11 1 0 6 3 2 14 1 2 16 136 3 10 32 1 3 27 11 9 4 6 0 119 14 7 118 15 11 6 14 10 4 13 8 12 15 6 0 15 6 7 6 6 374 1 7 62 19 5 31 4 2 0 11 5 82 0 11 169 4 0 29 13 9 16 10 2 156 5 6 204 4 5 341 5 3 47 18 0 2,985 7 8 72 6 11 85 5 4 2 7 6 86 16 4 11 6 8 14 12 11 26 14 1 91 2 4 243 10 10 32 16 3 337 14 1 265 8 2 1,386 4 4 116 2 4 19 8 8 141 1 11 16 3 7 20 1 3 50 4 0 25 1 6 62 8 0 6 9 0 4 8 3 4 8 6 6 18 2 590 19 4 126 2 3 32 16 3 283 8 10 122 3 0 7 12 0 116 2 4 15 3 2 46 17 1 20 1 3 1 8 0 Korere Upper Motupiko Waimea West ... ... •... Mahakipawa-Picton Picton - Te Awaite Nydia Bay 50 14 10 6 9 0 4 8 3 "2 0 0 16 1 4



Table No. 25 — continued. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1907 — continued.

Line. Expenditure. Material from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. — Blind River Spring Grove Extension ... Tory Channel ... ... ... ... I Wandle Downs (Blenheim-Christchurch) ... Seddon - Richmond Brook - Molesworth ... Murchison - Glenroy - Horse Terrace ... Parnassus-Parnassus Ferry ... ... [ Hawarden-Woodgrove ... ... ... Kanieri-Lake ... ... ... ... Okura ... ... ••• ... > Stillwater-Jackson's RuDanga ... ... ••■ Reefton-Blackwater Rapahoe Wainihinihi Greymouth-Westport Greymouth-Barrytown ... Greymouth-Rotomana ... Humphrey's Gully - Ho Ho Bruce Bay Mahitahi Extension .. ... ... j Wilson's ... ... .-■ ... Hinds-Lismore Riccarton Ashburton - Green Street Ashburton-Elgin Ashburton-Dorie ... Broken River ... Burwood Extension Ashley Bank - Loburn ... Redcliffs Davis Road (Lincoln-Springston)... Cust - Mount Thomas Cust - West Eyreton Omihi Springston-Wakaipa Rangiora-Cust ... ... ... ... Rakaia-Dorie ... Rakaia-Highbank Woodgrove Springburn-Staveley Wakanui Alford Forest ... Albert Town-Makarora... Te Kapo - Pukaki Kelcher's (Waimate-Waihaorangi) Glenavy-Ikawai Levels Glen-iti - Claremont Makikihi-Hunter Makikihi-Otaio Makikihi Trunk Riverside-Hakatere Riverside-Fishing-station Ealing-Carew-Ruapuna... Geraldine - Kakahu Bush Timaru-Hazleburn Timaru-Fairlie (metallic circuit) ... Seadown Timaru-Temuka (second trunk) .... Timaru - Waimate - St. Andrew's (metallic circuit) Kononi ... ••• ••• ••• ' £ s. d. 7 5 5 55 16 3 7 5 8 1 3 0 56 6 7 12 13 11 9 0 0 40 13 1 29 7 6 133 2 2 139 12 9 3 5 1 322 16 10 135 18 6 1,201 6 8 12 1 3 105 1 10 69 19 5 76 10 11 260 3 0 8 12 10 175 2 9 9 13 8 26 9 9 60 16 5 1 8 8 122 5 0 3 7 7 11 6 5 8 6 0 99 16 5 48 4 0 18 6 4 9 12 3 118 11 1 5 18 5 56 9 8 89 14 1 53 7 6 22 7 7 30 7 4 15 7 6 201 19 11 2 17 10 73 15 4 137 19 6 112 2 7 4 3 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7 5 5 55 16 3 7 5 8 1 3 0 372 11 0 74 0 5 22 5 8 40 13 1 80 10 2 317 1 9 466 7 9 7 9 10 215 5 4 4 8 9 8 0 9 1,276 2 9 427 13 1 1 14 9 197 5 5 1,374 12 6 12 1 3 5 4 8 208 4 11 1 1 4 154 12 1 94 7 1 463 18 0 3 19 10 32 16 4 209 18 5 30 19 8 41 10 5 52 16 6 71 9 9 4 7 2 13 3 1 19 3 239 16 4 3 7 7 14 12 6 15 18 4 9 14 8 120 1 0 176 7 9 144 15 4 9 12 3 118 11 1 5 18 5 133 9 2 110 11 9 79 7 2 22 7 7 42 8 2 15 7 6 346 10 3 37 4 4 2 17 10 73 15 4 5 10 8 198 15 1 316 4 5 61 6 6 13 5 8 51 2 8 317 1 9 333 5 7 7 9 10 75 12 7 4 8 9 4 15 8 1,276 2 9 104 16 3 1 14 9 61 6 11 173 5 10 j 5 4 8 103 3 1 1 1 4 84 12 8 17 16 2 203 15 0 8 19 10 24 3 6 34 15 8 21 6 0 15 0 8 52 16 6 10 13 4 4 7 2 1 19 3 117 11 4 14 12 6 4 11 11 18 8 20 4 7 128 3 9 126 9 0 76 19 6 20 17 8 25 19 8 12 0 10 I 144 10 4 37 4 4 5 10 8 60 15 7 284 19 11 4 5 2 397 2 6 8 8 6



Table No. 25 — continued. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1907— continued.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o7.

Line. Expenditure. Material from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. I £ S. d. Lawrence-Clyde-Cromwell ... ... 157 3 0 Ngapara Blue Spur Extension ... ... ... 136 8 5 Waianakarua ... Maheno-Hampden ... ... .. 90 8 4 Elderslie-Ngapara Mosgiel - Wylie's Crossing ... ... 10 4 6 Middlemarch-Sutton ... ... ... 46 5 5 Port Chalmers-Hay ward's Point... ... 31 1 7 Dunedin Railway-station Dunedin-Invercargill (metallic circuit) ... 823 3 2 Glade House - Milford Sound ... ... 351 6 3 Mossburn - Te Anau ... ... ... 370 4 5 Centre Bush - Dipton ... ... ... 16 2 0 Riversdale-Wendon ... ... ... 89 3 7 South Hillend Extension ... ... 22 17 2 Centre Bush - Otopiri ... ... ... 32 2 10 Gore - Mataura Loop ... ... ... 45 9 6 Gore-Riversdale (metallic circuit) Mataura Island (additions) .... ... I 8 9 9 Fortrose-Otara... ... ... ... 38 14 5 Kauana (Barkley Village-Limehills) ... 2 12 0 Winton ... ... ... ... 1 19 1 Brown's-Hokonui ... ... ... 22 15 3 Otautau-Aparima ... ... ... Ill 7 4 Greenhills-Mokomoko ... ... .... 39 3 0 Houipapa ... ... .. ... I 11 6 9 Owaka-Tautuku ... ... 70 7 0 Catlins-Tautuku ... ... ... Pukerau-Waikoikoi ... ... .. 52 3 10 Waimahaka- Waikawa ... ... ... 218 19 9 Wyndham-Mokoreta Waikawa - Waikawa Valley ... ... 68 15 2 £ s. d. 66 11 4 22 7 2 28 15 3 3 18 4 ! 2 3 11 0 14 2 17 10 11 28 15 10 8 9 8 2,943 10 9 1 15 2 59 6 10 1 15 6 19 2 7 19 16 7 186 7 4 | 1 19 3 j £ s. d. 223 14 4 22 7 2 165 3 8 3 18 4 92 12 3 0 14 2 27 15 5 75 1 3 31 1 7 3 9 3 3,766 13 11 351 6 3 371 19 7 75 8 10 90 19 1 41 19 9 51 19 5 231 16 10 1 19 3 8 9 9 38 14 5 7 5 4 1 19 1 35 13 9 145 0 2 64 8 8 16 11 7 96 17 6 121 16 5 85 2 0 233 16 4 71 14 9 68 15 2 i 13 4 12 18 6 33 12 10 25 5 8 5 4 10 26 10 6 121 16 5 32 18 2 14 16 7 71 14 9 ... 41,452 18 5 Purchase of material ... ... ... 72,615 1 4 Total expenditure 1906-7 ... ... 114,067 19 9 51,740 7 6 93,193 5 11 Total expenditure to 3.1st March, 1906 ... jl,210,176 11 9 Total cost of lines . __ Total expenditure out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1907 ...£1,324,244 11 6 £93,193 5 11

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POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR 1906., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, F-01

Word Count

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR 1906. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, F-01

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR 1906. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, F-01

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