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1907. NEW ZEAL AN J).

EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-1a, 1906.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Inspector-General of Schools to the Hon. Hie Minister of Education. Sin,— Education Department, Wellington, 15th June, 1907. I have the honour to report upon the annual examinations for teachers' certificates for Junior National Scholarships, for Junior Free Places in secondary schools, district high schools, and technical schools, for Senior Free Places in secondary schools and district high schools, ami for admission to or promotion in the Civil Service. The examinations were held between the 11th and the 21st days of December, 1906, and between the sth and the 18th days of January, 1907, at the thirteen towns, which are the seats of Education Boards, and also at Alexandra, Arata'pu, Arrowtown, Ashburton, Balclutha, Dnnnevirke, Gisborne, Gore, Hamilton, Hawera, Lawrence, Levin', Masterton, Naseby, Oamaru, Opotiki, Pahiatua, Palraerston North, Paparoa, liangiora, Reef ton,' liivorton, Stratford, Tapanui, Tauranga, Thames, Wairoa, Westport, Whangarei. The total number of candidates that entered was 4,8] 5, of whom 437 were absent from examination. The numbers that actually sat for the several examinations were as follows: For the Junior National Scholarship and Junior Free Place Examination, 1,458: for the Civil Service Junior Examination, 2,123: for the Civil Service Senior Examination, 183: for certificate examinations, 1,051. The number, 183, given for the Senior Examination includes 13 who are also included in iln- number, 2,123, given for the Junior Examination. The Junior National Scholarship Examination was used by all of the Education Boards except four for awarding their junior scholarships, and by Victoria College for awarding the Junior Queen's Scholarships. The Civil Service Junior Examination was used as the examination for senior free places in secondary schools and district high schools, and also as the first examination of pupil-teachers. It has also been adopted by near!;, all the Education Boards as the test for their senior scholarships! The following table shows in a. succinct form the number of candidates for the last two years: — 1905-6. 1906-7. Junior National Scholarship and Junior Free Place ... ... 790 1,458 Civil Service Junior, Senior Free Place, First Pupil-teachers ... 1,305 2,123 Teachers D and C ... ... ... ... 749 1051 Civil Service Senior ... ... ... ... 141 lg3 2,985 4,815 From a comparison of the figures in the above table, it will be seen that the recent examinations have witnessed a remarkable increase in the number of candidates under the various headings. This increase in the candidature, so far as ihe December examinations are concerned, is evidently due to the greater opportunities now afforded for free secondary education; in the teachers'

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examinations it is accounted for chiefly by the encouragement given to teachers to improve their status, more especially in connection with the increased facilities extended to those who desire to take a forward step towards a Class C qualification. The expenses of the examination amounted to £3,838 lis. 6d., and the fees paid by candidates to £2,127 4s. Printing and clerical work are not included in the account of expenses. The results of the Junior National Scholarship Examination were made known on the 23rd January, those of the Civil Service Junior Examination on the 29th January, those of the Civil Service. Senior Examination on the 22nd February, those of the examination for the Education Board's Senior Scholarships and for Senior Free Places on the 29th January, and those of the teachers' examinations on the 23rd February. The total number of candidates that sat for the Junior National Scholarship and Junior Free Place Examinations was 1,458. Of this number, 1,102 were candidates for scholarships, and 356 for free places only. On the result of the examinations, 593 attained a scholarship qualification, tmd (including this number) 722 qualified for free places in secondary schools. The highest percentages of marks gained in the various examination-papers were as follows: English, 89; arithmetic, 99; geography, 98; general paper, 90; drawing, 100. The highest percentage gained by any one candidate on the whole examination was 88. Of the 2,123 candidates for the Civil Service Junior Examination, 1,114 were seeking employment, in the Public Service, and 759 passed the examination, 566 of them with credit. Of the successful candidates, those that passed with credit, and such of the remainder as were not over sixteen years of age on the Ist December, 1906, have satisfied the requirements of clause 7 of the Regulations for the holding of Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools and District High 'Schools. There were 615 candidates for Senior Free Places only. The total number that qualified for Senior Free Places was 1,177. Of the 183 Civil Service Senior candidates, 86 came up to complete examinations in which they had been partially successful. In all 54 passed the whole examination —1 of them with distinction —and there were 84 whose work was accepted by the Department. The numbers of candidates that entered for different stages of the Teachers' Certificate Examinations, with their status at the time of entry, are shown in the subjoined table: —

Of the whole number of 1,039 candidates, 286 have passed—92 for Class C, 194 for Class D. 263 have obtained partial pass—94 for Class C and 169 for Class D. There are 159 whose work in separate subjects of the Class C examination has been accepted by the Department, and 256 candidates, besides 137 absentees, have failed to improve their status. Appended to this report are lists of the examiners of the successful and partially successful candidates, and also criticisms and suggestions made by the examiners. The examination-papers have been printed separately. I have, &c, W. J. Anderson, Assistant Inspector-General of Schools.

Examinations previously passed i a a *> t* '4 e 'S « lit * a i o 0 BD EQ d 5 M O s1h?S i'P I s " 4/sgg.r 0 £° £«t J--P ' O O.H 0 43CQ ; _&_ 5_ L OS ■*» o Nil Matriculation ... Partial pass for Class E Class E Partial pass for Class D ... Class D Higher examinations 4 19 2 8 77 209 121 193 149 18 19 1 29 ... 4 '.!! !!! 1 i 5 179 ... 230 168 21 28 261 209 122 Totals 440 440 380 380 35 179 1,039




Alpers, Oscar T. J., M.A. Bakewell, Frederick H., M.A., Inspector of Schools Barnett, J. Maughan Bell, Alexander, M.A., Inspector of Schools Bossence, Cha-rles R., Inspector of Schools Bourne, Charles F., M.A. Chilton, Charles, M.A., D.Sc, Professor in Canterbury College Cockburn, F. C. J. Corfe, Charles C, M.A. Don, John R.. M.A., D.Sc. Egerton, C. W., M.A., Professor in Auckland University College Elliott, George H. Evans, Rev. W. A. Farr, C. Coleridge, D.Sc. Fleming, Thomas R., M.A., LL.B., Inspector of Schools George, George, Director of Technical School, Auckland Gill, Thomas H., M.A., LL.B., Inspector of Schools Gow, James G., M.A., Inspector of Schools Herdman - Smith, R., Director Art School, Christchuich Hight, James, M.A., Litt.D. Kirk, Harry 8., M.A., Professor in Victoria College Laing, Robert M., M.A., B.Sc. La Trobe, W. S., M.A., Director Technical School, Wellington Lawrell, Miss Maud E., M.A.

Levi, Phineas, M.A. Lorimer, Miss Margaret, M.A, Lowrie, William, Director Lincoln Agricultural College Marchant, Miss Maria E. A., M.A. Marshall, Patrick, M.A., D.Sc, Professor in Otago University Meek, Alfred R., M.A., LL.B. Mulgan, Edward X., M.A. Norris, Edwin T., M.A. Petrie, Donald, M.A., Inspector of Schools Pope, James H. (formerly Inspector of Schools) Richardson, Charles R. D., 8.A., Inspector of Schools Richardson, Josephus H., F.F.A , F.I.A.V. Rowe, Thomas W., M.A., LL.B. Segar, H. W., M.A., Professor in Auckland University College Spragg, Silas, Chief of Hansard Staff Strechan, D.A., M.A., Inspector of Schools Tennant, John S., M.A., B.Sc, Inspector of Schools Thomson, George M., F.L.S., F.C.S. Thornton, Sidney, W., A.S.A.A., F.C.I.S„ F.N.Z.A.A. Varney, A., Technical School, Wanganui Wallace, Harry, Technical School, Auckland White, D. R., M.A., Training-college, Dunedin Wood, Laurence 8., M.A. (formerly Inspe6tor of Schools) yon Zedlitz, G. W., M.A., Professor in Victoria College.


CRITICISMS AND SUGGESTIONS MADE BY THE EXAMINERS IN CIVIL SERVICE, D AND C CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1907. English. ■• There was extreme carelessness in the setting out." " There was too much introduction of irrelevant matter." " The literary period was not well done." " Analysis was the only subject well done." " There was astonishing ignorance of a large number of ordinary words." " The composition was good, but decidedly dull." " The comprehension of literary English was the least satisfactorily answered." " Very few candidates exhibited ability to translate English with precision into simpler language." " The majority of candidates do not yet know how to handle the paragraph. Some make the whole essay one paragraph, while quite a number made each sentence a paragraph." " A few candidates made the examiner's work heavier by excessively sloped or unduly large writing, or by unnecessary flourishes at the beginning of words." " One of the most striking faults noticeable in the great majority was extreme verbosity; this led to hurried writing which, in some cases, was almost—or quite—illegible." " As regards the correction of common errors of spoken and written language, there was a very marked tendency to find fault with what was already correct."



" A few candidates were altogether unequal to the requirements of the examination. There were also a few whose carelessness in every respect indicated that they sat with no serious intentions, or else with no earnest desire to qualify.'' Abithmetic. "A number of papers were disfigured by a careless and untidy method of scribbling on the left-hand page." " Some candidates used rides and devices little understood to solve problems." Mathematics, " One word of warning I may be permitted to utter against the abuse of a method of geometrical construction now universally adopted. Hypothetical constructions play a most important part in the modern treatment of elementary geometry, and their value is acknowledged by all. But the chief relief from mental effort which this application readily affords, coupled with the licentious freedom with which they are sometimes employed, is apt to induce slipshod habits of thought exceedingly detrimental to the faculty of clear deduction and reasoning. Quite a substantial number of the candidates who, in answer to question 5, essayed to reproduce the proof of Euclid I 6 given in Godfrey and Siddons's text-book, started off with the fatal assumption that a perpendicular bisector might be dropped from the vertex on the base of the triangle." " Many of the candidates did not seem to have had the necessary drawing-instrument* available." History. " The chief general fault was the introduction of irrelevant matter, and writing round about a subject." "Some of the chief faults and defects that appear in the present examination are: scanty knowledge, especially within the speial period ; inability to manipulate the small stock of knowledge possessed; introduction of irrelevant material; vagueness; inaccurate use of terms ; violation of the commonidioms of English, and inability to use the commonest stops; neglect of the examiner's instructions; and failure to appreciate the meaning of the question asked." " I am quite clear that the majority of those who failed were quite unfit to be presented for any examination in history. Hygiene and Physiology. " The writing was in many cases difficult to read." " It cannot be too strongly insisted upon that for examination purposes all writing should bo clear and easily readable, each word being well separated from its neighbours, and each line kept distinct from those above and below it, and that all flourishes or affected fanciful styles of writing should be strenuously discouraged." " In many cases far too much was written, the candidates evidently thinking that lack of knowledge could be compensated for by an abundance of words " " Diagrams should be simple, clear sketches on the same page as the description applying to them. They ought to be drawn in pencil, not in ink, and distinctive colours used to indicate the various parts." Precis Writing and Correspondence. " Candidates seemed to think that a precis is a more or less condensed reproduction of all the letters. Some even prepared a second docket slightly different from the first, and relied upon the numerals '2 ' or '3 ' to differentiate between precis and docket. Others were unable to distinguish between precis and docket. Others were unable to distinguish between a precis ' giving the substance of the correspondence in narrative form,' and a minute 'briefly setting forth the subject and result of the correspondence.' " Shorthand, " Quite a large number of candidates did not attempt to transcribe more than one-half of their notes, and much that they wrote was so inaccurate that it either conveyed a wrong meaning, at was a mere jumble of unconnected words and phrases. Clearness and accuracy are all-important, and must precede the attempt to acquire speed—even a speed of eighty words a minute. The initial stages require great care, and this must be continued until the signs can be written correctly with almost no conscious mental effort —in other words, until the habit of forming accurate signs is fixed. Practice and perseverance will do the rest," Needlework. " Question No. 4, which required candidates to draw patterns of two under-garments, proved that the majority were not familiar with any system of drafting on sectional paper, and often produced instead of patterns, sketches of garments, or patterns out of all proportion." "... the English was singularly weak, and the spelling of ordinary words, such as 'yoke,' 'collar,' and 'practise,' very inaccurate." Drawing. "Candidates who find that the time allowed for the examination is coming to a close should leave their work in the rough, and not attempt to rub it out preparatory to finishing in clear outline."


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" Manx drawings were spoilt by being on too small a scale (being rather free-hand drawings than free-arm), and a few by being too large, principally in the ornament." "The main constructions had not evidently been drawn at all, showing a total ignorance as to how a free-arm drawing should be set out. Elementary Physical Measurements. " Generally speaking, the papers showed that the bulk of the students had done very little, if any, practical work themselves." " Not a single student gave either a correct definition of the ' Law of Archimedes,' or an accurate method of proving it experimentally." " Scarcely any of the students had either made a simple barometer or knew its use." Latin and Creek. " This year, as last, 1 have to remark that many of the papers were not merely badly written —which may be the misfortune rather I ban the crime of the writer- —but slovenly. In many the punctuation was more or less defective; in one or two no distinction was made between different stops, a dash or an almost invisible dot serving for all alike. Flagran! misspellings occurred in many. Of course, much allowance must be made for haste; but when mistakes of this sort arcgross, and seem to imply indifference and habitual carelessness, some penalty should, I think, be imposed—at all events, that is my custom." "Itis a common but foolish practice to give two guesses. In case of ignorance, one guess, if it happens to be right, will escape detection and serve the purpose; but he who, in his desire to get two chances instead of one, puts down two, gives himself away." "In translation from Latin, errors as to. tense were very common. Again and again forms which even a beginner must have recognised as perfects (or aorists), if he had thought for a moment, were translated as presents, and that too when the effect was not to make translation easier but to make nonsense. It seems strange that those who did this have not noticed that, whilst (he difference of idiom often requires a past tense in English for a Latin (historic) present, the converse is never true."



I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order of Merit).

No. and Candidate. 1. Parker, H. F. .. 2. Barriball, A. J. W. 3. Wyllie. E. M. .. 4. Bell, B. M. 5. Ryburn, E. M. . . 6. VVatkin, E. A. .. 7. Stevens, W. G. .. 8. Free, C. W. 9. Roberts, S. 10. Mayo, G. M. 11. Atkinson, R. V. Milne, J. 13. Beard, T. E. 14. Stubbs, E. S. .. 15. Harle, I). A. Murraigh, K. B. 17. Whyte, M. KB. 18. Barriball, L. L. .. 19. Chamberlain, C. V. 20. Carter, Benjamin 21. Lang, M. C. 22. Armstrong, P. F. Inglis, L. M. Storkey, P. V. 25. Penniket, C. 26. Meikle, H. 27. Bell. E. M. W. .. Education District. Hawke's Bay Auckland Taranaki Auckland .. I Wanganui .. j Auckland .. i Auckland Marlborough Auckland Auckland Auckland .. ] Wanganui Wellington Auckland Taranaki Auckland Hawke's Bay Auckland Hawke's Bay Auckland Auckland Wellington Otago Hawke's Bay Auckland Auckland .. ' Wanganui a .. ' 703 .. j 684 .. 679 .. | 674 . . 665 .. 661 .. 648 .. 642 .. 641 . . 638 .. 637 .. 637 .. 632 .. 630 .. 628 .. 628 .. 627 . . 620 .. 625 .. 622 .. 621 .. 619 .. I 619 .. 619 .. 618 .. ' 610 .. ,614

No. and Candidate. Education District. I eg a I 28. Norris, H. C. M. 29. Darrow, L. R. .. 30. Neale, E. P. Whitwell, B. .. 32. Gill, W. M. 33. Whitaker, C. G. 34. Fraser, H. R. .. 35. Hall, L. W. B. .. 36. Corkill, T. F. .. McClurg, D. W. 38. Johns, J. A. 39. Hobday, E. P. .. 40. Raine, Harry 41. Roberts, William 42. Cogar, C. L. Goy, M. M. 44. Mills, J. E. 45. Anthony, I. M. .. .McNiven, C. A. .. 47. Caiman, Gordon 48. Campbell, F. A. 49. Ker, H. R. Lovatt, US. 51. Enting, E. L. .. 52. Langlev, LB... 53. Gair, C. J. M. .. Taranaki Auckland Otago Nelson Wellington Auckland Southland Hawke's Bay Wellington North Canterbury.. Otago Wellington Wanganui Auckland Hawke's Bay South Canterbury.. Wellington Wanganui Wanganui Wanganui Taranaki Otago Auckland | Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Otago 611 610 609 609 603 602 601 599 598 598 595 593 591 590 589 589 588 587 587 586 583 581 581 580 579 578

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I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order of Merit) — continued.

No. and Candidate. No. and Candidate. Education District. 5 S 54. Holland, D. D. .. Jones; W. V. .. Warring, T. A. .. Wilson, Muriel .. 58. Jones, R. M. Wilson, L. F. (SO. Wilkins, K. E. .. 61. Ray, R. F. 62. Andrew, H. J. 63. HaU, R. J. W. Naylor, R. M. .. Tidmarsh, William 66. Bcgg, 0. J. Johnson, N. S. .: Kayes, J, L. H. Webber, Jessie .. 70. Forsyth, D. 0. I. Rowntrec, E. H. W. Wallace, Bertram 73. Clemow, A. L. .. .M arson, I. J. 75. Watters, A. J. 76. Evans, H. J. 77. Cliffe, H. F W. Jennings, A. M. A. 79. Day, E. C. Heather, W. M. 81. Dalziel, R. T. .. Worsley, W. R. 83. Brown, A. J. Lennard, C. G. 85. McLelland, C. H. Thorp, James .. 87. Turnbull, H. L. 88. Baxter, J. N. Collins, W. D. S. 90. Fromm, G. A. B. Jackson, Gainor Wagstaff, N. N. H. Walker, C. R. Wallis, N. A. W. 95. Cheek, D. M. .. Maisey, E. I. 97. Ahicr, W. R. Battersby, Bessie Cook, G. P. Delivers, S. R. Fyson, A. K. .Waddington, G. E. 103. Guise. E. W. . . Hawkins, B. G. 105. Harkness, D. E. Robinson, D. E. Roche, A. D. 108. Chapman, E. P. Grigg, J. H. McMillan, D. G. 111. Hay, H. M. Knight, G. J. D. 113. Newnham, A. W. E. Palmer, C. A. P. 115. Mclnnes, M. G. McPhee, J. C. Rich, E. J. Sherlock, F. 119. Williamson, J. H. 120. Crawshaw, L. J. Kidd, LB. McCartney, R. F. Macindoe, C. T. Pilling, E. G. 125. Dunn, A. Murray, G. B. Warburton, H. G. 128. Mangin, 0. A. 129. Ricketts, R. A. Vickerman, N. L. 131. Nuttall, E. J. .. 132. Hansen, S. E. White, A. M. 134. McNabb, E. M. Martin, R. F. 136. Anthony, A. K. i m Borer, 0. R. Elder, E. F. (5f ' Jenkinson, I. J. C. 140. Marshall, A. L. .. ■•! .. i ■ - i Auckland Auckland South Canterbury.. Auckland North Canterbury.. Auckland Auckland North Canterbury.. Wanganui Southland Southland Auckland Otago Wellington Auckland , Auckland Southland Wellington Auckland Taranaki Auckland Westland Auckland Auckland Auckland Wanganui Auckland Southland Auckland Auckland Wanganui Wellington Wanganui Auckland Auckland Auckland Hawke's Bay Auckland North Canterbury .. Nelson Southland Marlborough Wellington Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Hawke's Bay Wellington Wellington Hawke's BayNelson Wellington Otago Auckland Auckland Wellington Otago Auckland Wellington Wanganui Otago Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Taranaki Otago South Canterb uy .. Auckland Hawke's Bay Southland Otago Otago Auckland North Canterbury .. Hawke's Bay Nelson Auckland Southland Auckland Auckland Nelson Auckland Wanganui Wellington . Southland Wellington Wellington 577 577 577 577 576 576 574 573 571 570 570 ; 570 569 569 I 569 569 568 568 568 567 567 566 565 564 564 562 562 561 561 559 559 558 558 557 555 555 554 554 554 554 554 553 553 551 55] 551 551 551 551 550 550 548 548 548 547 547 547 546 546 545 545 544 544 544 544 543 542 542 542 542 542 540 540 540 539 538 538 537 536 536 535 535 534 534 534 534 533

No. and Candidate. Education District. | SI M 141. Alderton, T. 1). H. Matthews, N. .. Milnes, E. M. . . Voss, Minnie 0. 145. Bremner, A. B. Clark, W. H. 147. Learning. W. F. Ward, S. B. 149. Hogwood, E. D. M. Molesworth, M. G. 151. Cavell, A. H. C. Coomer, R. E. Cooper, M. L. Lynch, M. R. .. Marshall, L. H. 156. Berry, A. E. Clark, H. G. Hiskens, C. V. II. Poulgrain, C. H. Taylor, A. G. E. 161. Ihle, A. H. Kelly, G. A. Ruddle, L. W. 164. Anderson, J. G.. . Edwards, R. A. 166. Andrew, E. F. Ashworth, H, O. Bailey, A. L. 169. Allen, N. C. B. .. Playne, C. J. Wilson, F. E. M. 172. Brunton, M. Jones, E. R. Robbins, D. L. Shorney, K. E. .. 176. Betts, M. W. Fairhurst, M. O. Lowe, J. H. Phillips, E. J. Sproat, H. G. 181. Cathie, A. D. . . Nutsford, V. L. Taylor, M. Young, A. V. 185. Fowler, A. M. .. McSweeney, M. .. 187. Blanchett, R. .. Booth, A. M. Lamb, H. W. Macken, E. 191. Dabinett, S. Falder, G. V. W. Griffin, C. H. 194. Courtney, E. L. Prebble, F. L. .. 196. Anderson, P. S. Tait, G. C. 198. Armstrong. G. C. W. Carr, N. M. Fenton, E. I. Lush, R. A. Malcolm, R. M. I. Torrens, S. J. 204. Chatwin, F. M. .. Hall, H. M. Hanna, J. S. Pilkington, L. J. Thorp, E. M. .. 209. Blundell, F. C. Heath, J. F. R. 211. Fitzgerald, T. .. Lange, E. E. Smith, L. 214. Guiney, A. H. Knapp, D. M. .. 216. Clayton, I. E. .. Cuthbert, J. R. Turner, G. M. D. 219. Dormant, M. A. Forrest, H. A. Lindup, F. W. 222. Carlson, H. G. Edgar, J. N. Stoneham, G. M. 225. Barr, F. L. Best, C. C. Wiseman, J. A. Auckland Marlborough Auckland Wanganui South Canterbury.. Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Nelson Southland Auckland Hawke's Bay Auckland Otago Auckland Auckland Southland Auckland Nelson Wanganui Otago North Canterbury. . Southland Auckland Wanganui Wanganui Hawke's Bay Wellington Wellington Auckland Otago Auckland North Canterbury.. Wellington Nelson Hawke's Bay Wellington Hawke's Bay Southland Wellington Auckland Auckland Wanganui Taranaki South Canterbury.. Taranaki Auckland Auckland Auckland Wanganui Wellington Nelson Auckland Hawke's Bay Otago Wanganui Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Otago Auckland Wanganui Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Auckland Auckland Wellington Otago North Canterbury.. Wellington North Canterbury.. Nelson Auckland South Canterbury.. North Canterbury.. Auckland Auckland Wellington Hawke's Bay Otago Otago Wanganui Auckland Hawke's Bay 532 532 532 532 531 531 530 530 529 529 528 528 528 528 528 527 527 527 527 527 526 526 526 525 525 524 524 524 522 522 522 521 521 521 521 520 520 520 520 520 519 519 519 519 518 518 517 517 517 517 516 516 516 515 515 514 514 513 513 513 513 513 513 512 512 512 512 512 511 511 509 509 509 508 508 507 507 507 506 506 506 505 505 505 504 504 504



I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order of Merit) — continued.

No. and Candidate. Education District. 3 228. Knight, F. I. Walter, J. B. 230. Boyd, J. H. Raine, R. Shrimpton, J. W. S. Sutherland, T. .. 234. Braddock, E. M. McBride, A. M. Milne, A. C. H. Parr, E. A. 238. Cain, OF. Graham, E. Z. Jackson, D. M. Tracy, J. G. 242. Ballantyne, M. .. Hair, J. L. Scott, E. R. Smith, J. 246. Manson, M. E. K. Masters, F. H. Patterson, E. A. Small, H. 250. Hart, F. M. King, O. L. Wiles, W. C. 253. Beasley, F. L. Angus, P. R. Hampton, W. H. E. Woods, S. G. .. 257. Schroeder, H. .. 258. Allan, M. L. Grierson, W. A. 260. Bathgate, C. M. Bishop, J. J. Ellis, F. A. Foster, L. B. Heino, W. Lorenzen, W. E. 266. Carstens, W. G. Conway, E. Le Brun, M. I. Moore, J. H. Thompson, C. R. 271. Clemow, P. C. Dunn, F. G. Little, N. F. Sharland, K. .. 275. Bongard, B. Comrie, L. J. Poison, H. C. 278. Batten, C. W. Johnson, T. C. W. Palmer, D. H. Thomson, A. A. 282. Davenport, N. .. 283. Binsted, J. Iverach, J. A. D. O'Connor, W. .. 286. Dailey, G. C. Harper, D. R. Isles, D. W. Petrie, A. J. 290. Kent-Johnston, F. W. Larcombe, A. F. McCoskrie, C. 0. Webster, A. H. .. 294. Baxter, B. I. 295. Gilkes, S. R. Grant, J. A. Hugo, M. C. E. Lloyd, C. A. Quickfall, W. H. Robertson, M. .. Rowley, F B. Thomas, A. E. G. 303. Ross, A. M. Thomas, W. J. 305. Adlam, R. C. McGregor, G. von Sturmer, F. W. N. 308. Burrow, D. V. Trott, J. S. 310. Bain, A. S. Buchanan, R. O. Hutton, J. Jelley, A. E, Wellington Wellington Auckland Wellington Otago Southland Marlborough Southland Wanganui South Canterbury.. South Canterbury.. Auckland Auckland North Canterbury. . Auckland Auckland Wellington Hawke's Bay Southland Taranaki North Canterbury.. Auckland South Canterbury.. Nelson Auckland Auckland Grey Wellington Auckland Southland Nelson Auckland Wanganui Auckland Auckland Wellington Wellington Wellington Taranaki Nelson Otago Auckland Auckland Taranaki South Canterbury .. Taranaki Auckland Auckland Auckland Wellington Wellington Auckland Auckland Otago Auckland Auckland South Canterbury . . South Canterbury . . South Canterbury . . Wellington Marlborough Southland Wellington Wanganui Auckland Auckland Auckland Wellington Wanganui Wellington Westland Taranaki Auckland Hawke's Bay Auckland Southland Wellington Taranaki Auckland Auckland Auckland Nelson Wanganui Otago Auckland Otago 502 502 501 501 501 501 500 500 500 ! 500 | 499 499 499 499 498 498 498 498 497 497 497 497 496 496 496 496 495 495 495 494 493 493 492 492 492 492 492 492 491 491 491 491 491 490 490 490 490 489 489 489. 488 488 488 488 486 485 485 485 484 484 484 484 483 483 483 483 482 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 480 480 479 479 479 478 478 477 477 477 477 I

No. and Candidate. : Education District. DO a Keatley, W. H. Macdonald, J. G. 316. Raine, A. E. Mullan, C. W. 318. Pay, W. H. 319. Bayliss, J. R. Grandison, W. .. Muir, W. A. Stobo, A. H. Stout, E. M. 324. Hughes, W. H. Turner, Z. L. 326. Anderson, N. Jones, T. A. Patehett, G. E. V. Smale, F. R. Storey, R. H. G. 331. Forsyth, J. A. .. Tweedie, G. L. .. 333. Coad, CO. Thompson, D. E. 335. Botting, G. H. Golding, H. L. Hornby, W. Munro, J. D. R. Williams, M. A. 340. Boag, L. M. Croll, E. P. 342. Schierning, H. .. Taylor, H. H. Wellington, E. .. 345. Braik, L. G. Forbes, N. Kay, N. M. .Manning, P. S. Maxwell, F L. .. Rollo, F. M. Ross, N. Sutherland, 0. R. Vincent, A. L. 354. Carmichael, A. J. Dixon, J. B. Hooper, J. P. Sexton, W. J. Williams, OF. 359. Belchamber, L. H. Crawshaw, C. Gray, D. E. Jenson, W. A. Smith, R. W. 364. Cook, A. R. Laing, K. H. Tarlton, E. M. 367. Massey, J. H. Milburn, O. W. Nicholson, E. O. Taylor, E. H. 371. Broughton, D. S. Carolan, F. R. D. Horrell, K. A. M. Howie, J. L. Verity, A. W. G. 376. Baxter, G. J. Falla, W. F. Mail, L. C. 379. Butler, CO. Cartwright, W. H. Clapham, H. N. King, W. B. Miller, P. M. 384. Easton, CM. Treadwell, M. H. 386. Mclntyre, F. D. Smith, J. H. 388. Burnett, L. W. .. Coull, B. Dougan, E. E. 391. Durey, L. S. Farley, M. G. Wilson, A. 394. Ansell, D. D. E. Clayton, A. C Duder, R. H. .. Jeans, I. J. H. Kimber, L. E. A. Spicer, N. B. ,. Auckland Wellington Wanganui Wellington Southland Auckland Auckland Wellington Southland Southland Westland Nelson Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Marlborough Auckland South Canterbury .. Hawke's Bay Southland Wellington North Canterbury.. Otago Southland Otago Wanganui Wanganui Auckland Wellington Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Auckland Wanganui Marlborough Otago Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Wellington Auckland Southland Wellington Wellington Auckland •Westland Auckland Taranaki Wellington Wellington Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Auckland Southland Southland Hawke's Bay Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland North Canterbury.. Wellington South Canterbury.. Wellington Nelson Taranaki Auckland South Canterbury.. Wellington Hawke's Bay Wellington Wellington Wanganui Hawke's Bay Otago Hawke's Bay Wanganui Nelson North Canterbury. . Auckland Hawke's Bay Auckland Auckland Auckland Otago Auckland Southland 477 477 476 476 475 474 474 474 474 474 473 473 472 472 472 472 472 471 471 470 470 469 469 469 469 469 468 468 467 467 467 466 466 466 466 466 466 466 466 466 465 465 465 465 465 464 464 464 464 464 463 463 463 462 462 462 462 461 461 461 461 461 460 460 460 459 459 459 459 459 458 458 457 457 456 456 456 455 455 455 454 454 454 454 454 454



I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order of Merit) — continued.

No. and Candidate. Education District. 3 I I 400. Astley, E. H. .. McEwan, M. G. Serpell, W. B. 403. Dromgool, P. E. Parsons, R. R. Taylor, I. 406. Bourke, E. M. .. O'Connor, E. Tilsley, R. 409. Hopkirk, W. S. 410. Aickin, T. W. .. Bennett, G. J. C Edenborough, A. A. Harrison, A. C .. Herrick, L. S. .. Hickey, M. J. Shackelford, H. W. 417. Bamfield, O. W. Barclay, M. F. Hammond, H. M. Nutt, N. C Player, A. S. 422. Collins, L. E. .. Phillips, S. G. C Twining, H. A. .. 425. Logan, R. Thorn, M. H. 427. Clark, R. Coutts, A. J. Fisher, J. W. Page, L. D. 431. Macdonald, M. .. 432. Forrest, H. A. Mason, B. Rhodes, B. A. 435. Armstrong, E. C. L. Comrie, W. L. Hunter, J. Isaachsen, A. O. Stephen, E. A. 440. Brown, K. Cornwell, R. J. Warnes, M. E. 443. Calder, K. M. Finlay, J. Holgate, E. J. Johnson, M. R. Mackay, C A. McQueen, J. A. Samuel, D. 450. Black, A. A. O'Connor, G. W. Poison, E. T. Samuel, D. M. Wright, N. L. .. 455. Hughes, E. E. D. Longhurst, W. T. A. Smeeton, W. 458. Duggan, E. M. Harper, M. L. Mills, W. A. Quilliam, C W. 462. Devlin, F. O. Parker, E. M. Partridge, T. H. C Robertson, E. M. Watt, W. S. 467. Beange, A. Bedlington, V. .. Isbister, C G. Gow, R. R. Laing, M. S. Sinclair, A. 473. Cockroft, J. W. Harris, R. J. Willocks, M. M. 476. Baston, E. Flatt, A. H. Lockhart, E. M. McDougall, E. L. 480. Edgar, V. E. M. Fisher, L. M. G. Gillman, F. A. Melville, P. 484 Bull, I. I. Sexton, L. I. I .. I Auckland .. , Auckland South Canterbury.. Auckland Hawke's Bay .. I Southland Wellington .. j South Canterbury.. .. j Auckland Wellington .. I .. j Auckland .. i .. j Auckland .. J Auckland Auckland Wellington Southland Auckland Otago Auckland Auckland .. j Wellington Auckland . . \ Auckland . . [ South Canterbury.. j Auckland Otago .. Nelson .. North Canterbury.. I Auckland .. j Southland Auckland South Canterbury.. Auckland Auckland Wellington .. j Auckland Wellington Nelson .. ." Auckland Nelson Auckland North Canterbury.. .. j Grey .. i Otago Otago .. Otago .. .. i Wellington .. ! Auckland Southland .. I Otago .. North Canterbury.. .. | Auckland Wellington Auckland Wellington Marlborough Wellington Auckland Marlborough Southland Wellington Taranaki .. ' Auckland Auckland Taranaki .. ] Nelson .. .. j Wellington .. | Auckland Auckland Auckland .. | Auckland .. | Hawke's Bay .. : Otago Southland Wellington Otago Auckland Auckland ' Otago Otago .. | Otago .. ! Southland Auckland Auckland .. , Hawke's Bay ., I Auckland .. 1 453 453 453 452 452 452 450 450 450 449 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 447 447 447 447 447 446 446 446 445 445 444 444 444 444 443 442 442 442 441 441 441 441 441 440 440 440 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 438 438 438 438 438 437 437 437 436 436 436 436 435 435 435 435 435 434 434 434 434 434 434 433 433 433 432 432 432 432 431 431 431 431 430 430

No. and Candidate. Education District. n X 486. Evans, M. C .. Pannill, I. E. Surgenor, R. J. 489. Castle, S. J. Dewhirst, I. Harper, E. M. .. Marshall, S. C. Signal, D. M. .. 494. Lockie, W. Meadowcroft, L. L. O'Shea, J. E. Wallace, E. K. 498. Bishop, T. A. .. Insoll, S. B. Kingsland, J. R. Moore, D. 502. Henderson, P. B. Lawrie, M. P. .. Richardson, G. E. R. Waite, J. S. Woodward, E. J. 507. Barton, G. A. A. Borrie, M. A. Brown, F. W. Philips, K. M. .. 5U. Ashton, L. S. Martin, C A. 513. Hastie, M. G. .. Morse, P. E. Nelson, W. C. Roberts, H. N. .. Wright, D. B. 0. 518. McDowall, A. . . 519. Griffiths, H. L. .. Kemnitz, E. J. .. McKay, J. C .. Rule, A. K. Shove, I. G. Tennent, C K. . . Wilkinson, H. A. Wood, R. E. K. 527. Banks, A. E. Brown, T. Green, A. E. McLean, C. J. Stewart, O. E. 532. Alderman, A. Denbee, T. W. .. Torr, E. Wilkins, H. H. 536. Anderson, L. R. Armstrong, A. M. L Warren, L. A. 539. Dodson, R. H. Lynch, C I. T. A. 541. Clayden, T. M. .. Cronin, T. M. .. Heron, D. H. H. Hogg, L. S. McCarthy, A. M. Marshall, C A. Newcomb, A. C. 548. Falconer, W. C Gold, I. K. McNaughton, M. R. Robinson, D. W. Russell, R. M. 553. Clarkson, R. G. Dale, F. Huffadine, M. M. Shoemark, H. W. G. 557. Butler, D. A. C Davidson, K. N. Shaw, S. E. Vial, G. E. Wraight, H. M. 562. Bingham, I. M. 563 Dowling, R. E. C. Preston, F. J. .. Robinson, S. J. 566. Funnell. A. L. .. 567. Kelly, A. J. Salmond, G. C .. White, A. H. 570. Hinton, J. W. Paton, M. E. ., •• I • • ! ;; I Otago Auckland Westland Wellington Taranaki Auckland South Canterbury.. Wellington Hawke's Bay Wellington Auckland Auckland Auckland Auckland Hawke's Bay Nelson Auckland Auckland Wellington Otago Southland Wanganui South Cantorburj-.. Taranaki Auckland Auckland Wellington Auckland North Canterbury.. Hawke's Bay Auckland Auckland Wellington Wellington Otago Auckland Wanganui Auckland Grey Auckland Otago North Canterbury.. Hawke's Bay Wellington Auckland Auckland Hawke's Bay Wellington Hawke's Bay Auckland Hawke's Bay Auckland Taranaki Marlborough Auckland Nelson Auckland Auckland Auckland Wellington Auckland Auckland Hawke's Bay Wellington Auckland Hawke's Bay Wellington Wanganui Otago Southland Taranaki Auckland Auckland Marlborough Southland Otago Hawke's Bay Taranaki Auckland North Canterbury.. Auckland Taranaki ;. Southland Grey Southland Hawke's Bay 429 429 429 428 428 428 428 428 426 426 426 426 425 425 425 425 424 424 424 424 424 423 423 42!1 423 422 422 421 421 I 421 : 421 421 : 420 j 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 418 418 418 418 418 I- 417 j 417 417 417 416 416 416 416 415 414 411 414 414 414 414 414 413 413 413 413 413 412 I 412 412 412 j 411 | 411 411 411 411 410 409 409 409 408 407 407 407 406 406



I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order of Merit) — continued.

11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements for Junior Free Places, either at the Junior National Scholarship Examination or at the Special Examination for Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order).

Candidate. Education District. Adlam, Ronald C. .. .. Taranaki. Ahier, William R. .. .. Auckland. Aickin, Thomas W. .. .. Auckland. Alderman, Arthur .. .. Hawke's Bay. Alderton, Trevor D. H. .. .. Auckland. Allan, Harry H. .. .. .. Auckland. Allan, Myra L. .. .. .. Nelson. Allen, Natalie C. B. .. .. Wellington. Anderson, James G. .. .. Southland. Anderson, Lily R. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Anderson, Nora .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Anderson, Peter S. .. .. Otago. Andrew, Elsie F. .. .. Wanganui. Androw, Hazel J. .. .. Wanganui. Andrews, Edna R. .. .. Nelson. Angus, Percy R. .. .. Grey. Ansell, Dahnah D. E. .. .. Auckland. Anthony, Agnes K. .. .. Wanganui. Anthony, Ida M. .. .. Wanganui. Armstrong, Arthur M. L. .. .. Auckland. Armstrong, Edith C. L. . . .. Auckland. Armstrong, Geoffrey C. W. .. Auckland. Armstrong, Purvis F. .. .. Wellington. Arneil, Vera .. .. .. Auckland. Ashworth, Hector O. .. .. Wanganui. Ashton, Leslie S. .. .. Auckland. Astley, Eric H. .. .. .. Auckland. Atkinson, Reginald .. .. Auckland. Bailey, Albert L. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Bailey, Leonie K. .. .. Wanganui. Bain, Agnes S. .. .. .. Wanganui. Baker, Frank H. .. .. Auckland. Ballantyne, Montgomerie .. .. Auckland. Bamfield, Owen W. .. .. Otago. Banks, A. E. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Barclay, Mary F. .. .. Auckland. Barnett, Arthur J. .. .. North Canterbury. Barr, Frank L. .. .. .. Wanganui. Barriball, Ada J. W. .. .. Auckland. Barriball, Letitia L. .. .. Auckland. Barton, Gerald A. A. .. .. Wanganui. Bassett, Freda A. G. .. .. Auckland. Baston, Eva .. .. .. Auckland. Bathgate, Charles M. .. .. Wanganui. Batten, Claude W. .. .. Wellington. Battersby, Bessie .. .. Wanganui. Baxter, Beatrice I. .. .. Auckland. Baxter, Gordon J. .. .. Wellington. Baxter, James N. .. ..' Auckland. Bayliss, John R. .. .. Auckland. Beange, Alexander .. .. Auckland. Beard, Thomas E. .. .. Wellington. Beasley, Frederick L. .. .. Auckland. Bedlington, Viva.. .. .. Auckland. Beer, Annie I. .. .. .. Southland. Begg, Oliver J. .. .. .. Otago. Bjlchamber, Leslie H. .. .. Auckland. Bell, Beatrice M. .. .. Auckland. Bell, Ethel M. W. .. .. Wanganui. Bennett, Gordon J. C. .. .. Auckland. Bennett, John B. .. .. Wanganui. Bergerson, Harold K. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Berry, Alfred E. .. .. Auckland. Best, Charles C. .. .. .. Auckland. Betts, Mary W. .. .. .. Nelson. Billington, Arthur J. .. .. Auckland. Bingham, Ivy M. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Binsted, James .. .. .. Auckland. Bishop, John J. .. .. .. 'Auckland. Bishop, Thomas A. .. .. "Auckland.

Candidate. Education District. Black, Adam A. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Black, Sidney J. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Blanchett, Roy .. .. .. Taranaki. Blight, Ursella .. .. .. Auckland. Blundell, Francis C. .. .. Auckland. Boag, Lily M. .. .. .. Auckland. Bongard, Blanche .. .. Auckland. Booth, Alice M. .. .. .. Auckland. Borer, Oscar R. .. .. .. Wellington. Borrie, Margaret A. .. .. South Canterbury. Botting, Grace H. .. .. Otago. Bourke, Eleanor M. .. .. Wellington. Boyd, James H. .. .. Auckland. Braddock, Ella M. .. .. Marlborough. Braik, Lancelot G. .. .. Wanganui. Bremner, Archibald B. .. .. South Canterbury. Briggs, Alice J. .. .. .. Auckland. Broughton, Dudley S. .. .. Auckland. Brown, Alfred J. .. .. Auckland. Brown, Claud T. .. .. North Canterbury. Brown, Frank William .. .. Taranaki. Brown, Katie .. .. .. Auckland. Brown, Theodore .. .. Hawke's Bay. Browne, Flossie K. .. .. Auckland. Brunton, Mona .. .. .. Otago. Buchanan, Robert O. .. .. Otago. Bull, Ivy I. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Bunting, Jeremiah A. .. .. North Canterbury. Burnett, Lionel W. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Burrough, Egbert D. .. .. Wellington. Burrow, Dorothy V. .. .. Auckland. Butler, Charles 0. .. .. Auckland. Butler, David A. C. .. .. Auckland. Cain, Olive F. .. .. .. South Canterbury. Cairns, Margaret .. .. Otago. Calder, Kenneth M. .. .. Otago. Callaghan, Alice C. G. .. .. North Canterbury. Caiman, GordonJ.. .. .. Wanganui. Cameron, Frank F. .. .. Otago. Cameron, Janet L. .. .. Nelson. Campbell, Finlay A. .. .. Taranaki. Caradus, Charles .. .. Auckland. Carlson, Henry G. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Carmichael, Allan J. .. .. Southland. Carolan, Frederick R. D. .. .. Auckland. Carpenter, David R. .. .. Auckland. Carr, Norman M. .. .. Auckland. Carstens, William G. .. .. Taranaki. Carter, Benjamin .. .. Auckland. Carter, David R. .. .. South Canterbury. Cartwright, Walter H. .. .. South Canterbury. Castle, Sydney J. .. .. Wellington. Cathie, Annie D. .. .. Wellington. Cavell, Arthur H. C. .. .. Southland. Cederholm, Sylvia .. .. Wellington. Chamberlain, Clarence V. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Chapman, Evelyn P.. .. .. Auckland. Chatwin, Fanny M. .. .. Wanganui. Cheek, Dorothy M. .. .. Marlborough. Clapham, Herbert N. .. .. Wellington. Clark, Henry G. .. .. .. Auckland. Clark, Rita .. .. .. North Canterbury. Clark, William H. .. .. Auckland. l Clarke, Winifred M. .. .. Auckland. Clarkson, Richard G. .. .. Wanganui. Clayden, Theodora M. '.. .. Nelson. Clayton, Alexander C. .. .. Auckland. Clayton, Ivy E. .. .. .. Auckland. Clemow, Annie L. .. .. Taranaki. Clemow, Philip C, ~ .. Taranaki,

2—E. lα.

No. and Candidate. Education District. 00 S 3 a Poulter, G. J. S. Wells, A. F. 574. Cuddie, J. R. Hird, A. C Kemshed, D. S. M. 577. Cornwall, C Isemonger, E. M. Jones, R. V. |Langbein, F. M. Nelson, E. A. Reid, J. M. E. .. Grey Nelson Wellington Hawke's Bay Otago Nelson Auckland South Canterbury.. Nelson North Canterbury.. Otago 406 406 405 405 405 404 404 404 404 404 404

No. and Candidate. Education District. 1 m M I J Shaw, F. 584. Cederholm, S. .. Couper, C. E. 586. Caradus, C. Coleman, A. C Creeks, V. E. 589. Bergersen, H. K. Wilson, G. S. 591. Edwards, E. N. Hewton, G. J. N. 0. Jones, L. South Canterbury.. Wellington Hawke's Bay Auckland Taranaki Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Auckland Hawke's Bay Otago Southland 404 403 403 402 402 402 401 401 400 400 400



11. Candidates that have satisfikd the Examination Requirements por Junior Free Places, EITHER AT THE JUNIOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION OR AT THE SPECIAL EXAMINATION for Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order)— continued.

Candidate. Education District. Cliffe, Henry F. W. .. • • Auckland. Coad, Charles 0. . • ■ • Wellington. Cockroft, John W. .. • • Southland. Cogar, Charles L. .. • • Hawke's Bay. Coleman, Annie C. .. . • Taranaki. Collins, Leigh E. .. ■ • Auckland. Collins, William D. S. .. .. Auckland. Comrie, LesUe J. ... • • Auckland. Comrie, William L. .. .. Wellington. Connal, Robert H. G. .. .. North Canterbury. Conway, Edith .. . • • • Nelson. Cook, Albert R. .. .. • • Hawke's Bay. Cook, George P. .. .. • • Auckland. Coomer, Rhoda E. • • ■ ■ Auckland. Cooper, Margaret L. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Corbett, Thomas H. L. .. .. North Canterbury. Corkill, Thomas F. .. .. Wellington. Cornish, Bessie .. . • • ■ Wellington. Cornwall, Catherine .. .. Nelson. Cornwall, Reuben J. .. .. North Canterbury. Couch, George B. .. . • Marlborough. Coull, Barbara .. . ■ • ■ Wanganui. Couper, Claude E. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Courtney, Eugene L. .. .. Auckland. Coutts, Alfred J. • • . • Auckland. Coutts, Barbara .. • • . • Wanganui. Craig, Mary I. .. ■ • • • Hawke's Bay. Crawshaw, Cedric .. . . Taranaki. Crawshaw, Linda J. . . .. South Canterbury. Creeks, Vera E. .. • • ■ ■ Hawke's Bay. Croll, Eric P. .. ■ • • • Wellington. Cronin, Thomas M. .. .. Auckland. Oram, Annie A. .. ■ ■ . • Auckland. Cuddie, James R. .. .. Wellington. Cuthbert, John R. .. .. South Canterbury. Dabinett, Stella .. . . • • Wanganui. Dailey, George C. . . .. South Canterbury. Dale, Frances .. ... .. Otago. Dall, John S. . . • • ■ • Otago. Dalziel, Robert T. .. . . Southland. Darrow, Leslie R. .. . . Auckland. Davenport, Norman .. .. Auckland. Davidson, Karl N. . . .. Auckland. ' Day, Erie C .. ■ • • • Wanganui. Denbee, Thomas W. • • .. Wellington. Denvers, Silvey R. .. . . Auckland. Derrick, Brunette A. . . .. Nelson. Devlin, Frederick 0. • . .. Auckland. Dewar, Victor S. .. .. Auckland. Dewhirst, Irene .. .. .. Taranaki. Dick, John E. .. . • . • Otago. Dixon, James B. .. . • Wellington. Dodson, Reginald H. .. .. Marlborough. Dormant, Mildred A. .. .. Auckland. Dougan, Evelyn E. .. .. Nelson. Dowling, Richard E. C. .. .. Taranaki. Dromgool, Patrick E. .. .. Auckland. Duder, Richard H. .. .. Auckland. Duggan, Eileen May .. .. Marlborough. Dunn, Annie .. .. .. Otago. Dunn, Frederick G. .. .. South Canterbury. Durey, Lawrence S. .. . . North Canterbury. Easton, Catherine M. . . .. Wellington. Edenborough, Arthur A. . . .. Auckland. Edgar, James N. .. . . Otago. Edgar, Vincent E. M. .. . . Otago. Edminston, Arthur C. .. .. Auckland. Edwards, Emmie N. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Edwards, Roy A. .. .. Auckland. Elder, Eunice F. .. . . Southland. Ellis, Frederick A. .. .. Auckland. Emmins, Florence E. A. .. .. Auckland. Enting, Edmund L. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Ericksen, Erik .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Evans, Harry J. .. .. .. Auckland. Evans, Mignonette C. .. .. Otago. Fairhirst, Maurice 0. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Fake, Ellen 0. .. .. .. Wellington. Falconer, William C. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Falder, George V. W. .. .. Wellington. Falla, William F. .. .. Nelson. Farley, Mary G. .. .. .. Auckland Fenton, Edward I. .. .. Auckland. Finlay, John .. .. .. Otago. Fisher, John W. .. .. .. Southland. Fisher, Lilias M. G. .. .. Southland. Fitzgerald, Thomas .. .. Otago. Flatt, Alexander H. .. .. Auckland. Forbes, Neil .. .. .. Marlborough. Ford, Leslie M. .. .. .. Nelson. Forrest, Hilda A. .. .. Auckland. Forrest, Hugh A. .. .. Auckland

Candidate. Education District. Forsyth, James A. .. .. I Hawke's Bay Forsyth, Dorothy C. I. .. .. Southland. Foster, Leslie B. .. .. .. Wellington. Fowler, Arthur M. .. .. ! Taranaki. Fraser, Hugh R. .. .. .. Southland. Free, Cuthbert W. .. .. Marlborough. Fromm, George A. B. .. ... Hawke's Bay. Funnell, Ada L. .. .. .. Auckland. Fyson, Albert K. , Hawke's Bay. Gair, Charles J. M. .. . . I Otago. Gilkes, Sophia R. .. .. I Wellington. Gill, Williamina M. .. .. Wellington. Gillman, Frank A. .. .. ; Auckland. Gold, Irene K. .. .. .. ! Wellington. Go!ding, Harold L. .. .. Southland. Gooder, Francis E. . . . . Wellington. Gopperth, Lawrence . . .. Taranaki. Goy, Margaret M. .. .. South Canterbury. Gow, Reginald R. .. .. Auckland. Graham, Emma Z. .. .. Auckland. Graham, Harold .. . . .. Auckland. Grandison, William .. .. Auckland. Grant, John A. .. .. .. Wanganui. Gray, Doris E. .. .. .. Wellington. Green, Alexandrina E. .. .. Wellington. Grierson, Walter A. .. .. Auckland. Griffin, Charles H. .. .. Nelson. Griffiths, Herbert L. .. .. Wellington. Grigg, Hilda M. .. .. .. Auckland. Grigg, John H. .. .. .. Auckland. Guiney, Alan H. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Guise, Ernest W. .. .. Wellington. Hair, John L. .. .. .. Auckland. Hall, Helen M. .. .. .. Taranaki. Hall, Lionel W. B. .. .. Hawke's Bay. ! Hall, Rupert J. W. .. .. Southland. Hall, Stanley .. .. .. Auckland. Halligan, Jack .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Hammond, Hubert M. .. .. Auckland. Hamon, Harry G. .. .. Auckland. Hampton, Wilfred H. W. .. . . Wellington. Hanna, James S. .. .. Wanganui. Hansen, Sarah E. .. .. Auckland. Harkness, Donald E. .. .. Nelson. Harle, Douglas A. .. .. Taranaki. Harper, Doris R. .. .. Wellington. Harper, Ellen M. .. .. Auckland. Harper, Mary L. .. . . Southland. Harper, Norah .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Harris, Roger J. .. .. Wellington. Harrison, Arthur C. .. .. Auckland. | Hart, Frances M. .. .. South Canterbury. Hastie, Margaret G. .. .. Auckland. Hawkins, Benjamin G. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Hawkins, Winifred I. .. .. Auckland. Hay, Herbert M. .. .. Otago. Heath, Joseph F. R. .. .. Wellington. Heather, Winifred M. .. .. Auckland. Heine, Werner .. .. .. Wellington. Henderson, Percy B. .. .. Auckland. Heron, David H. H. .. .. Auckland. Herrick, Lorrie S. . . .. Wellington. Hewton, George J. N. 0. . . .. Otago. Hickey, Matthew J. .. .. Southland. Higham, George C. .. .. Auckland. Hinton, John W. .. .. Southland. Hird, Alice C. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Hiskens, Caroline V. R. .. .. Southland. Hobday, Elsie P. .. .. Wellington. Hogwood, Eleanor D. M. !. .. Auckland. Hogg, Lewis S. .. .. .. Auckland. Holgate, Elsie J. .. .. Otago. Holland, D. D. .. .. .. Auckland. Hooper, John P. .. .. Wellington. Hopkirk, William S. .. .. Wellington. Hornby, William .. .. Otago. Horrell, Katherine A. M. .. .. North Canterbury. Howie, James L. .. .. Wellington. Howse, Francis G. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Huffadine, Margaret M. .. .. Southland. Hughes, Elsie E. D. .. .. Marlborough. Hughes, William H. .. .. Westland. Hugo, Maximilian C. E. .. .. Wellington. Hunter, John .. .. .. Nelson. Hutton, John .. .. .. Auckland. Ihle, Algar H. .. .. .. Wanganui. Inglis, Lindsay M. .. .. Otago. Insoll, Seaton B. .. .. Auckland Irvin, Christopher M. L. V. .. Auckland. Irvin, William J. .. .. Auckland, Isaachsen, Adolf O. .. .. Auckland. Isbister, Cyril G. .. .. Auckland,



II Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements for Junior Free Places, EITHER AT THE JUNIOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION OR AT THE SPECIAL EXAMINATION for Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order) — continued.

Candidate. Education District. Isemonger, Eleanor M. .. .. Auckland. Isles, D'Arcy W. .. • • Marlborough. Iverach, John A. D. .. .. South Canterbury. Jackson, Dorothy M. .. ■. Auckland. Jackson, Gainor .. .. • • Auckland. Jeans, Isabella J. H. .. ■. Otago. Jelley, Albert E. .. - • Otago. Jenkinson, Ivy J. C. .. • • Wellington. Jennings, Annie M. A. .. .. Auckland. Jenson, William A. .. .. Wellington. Johns, James A. .. .. ■ • Otago. Johnson, Mabel R. .. • • Wellington. Johnson, Noel S. .. • • Wellington. Johnson, Trevor C. W. .. . - Auckland. Jones, Eunice R. . • • • Auckland. Jones, Lina .. • • • • Southland. Jones, Rewi M. .. .. ■ • North Canterbury. Jones, Ruth V. .. . • • • South Canterbury. Jones, Thomas A. .. • • Hawke's Bay. Jones, Walter V. ■ • • ■ Auckland. Jordan, Percy A. . ■ • ■ Nelson. Kalman, Jack .. • • • • Auckland. Kay, Nellie M. .. . ■ • • Otago. Kayes, James L. H. .. .. Auckland. Keatley, William H. .. • • Auckland. Kelly, Alfred J. .. • • • ■ Taranaki. KeUy, George A. • • • ■ Otago. Kemnitz, Ernest J. .. • ■ Otago. Kemshed, Donald S. M. .. .. Otago. Kent-Johnson. Frederick W. .. Wellington. Ker, Henry R. .. . • • • Otago. Key, Alice M. M. .. ■ • Wellington. Kidd, Ivy B. .. • • • • Auckland. Kimber, Leonard E. A. .. .. Auckland. King, Olive L. .. • • • • Nelson. King, Thomas L. R. .. • • Otago. King, Wilford B. .. • • Hawke's Bay. Kingsland, James R. .. • ■ Hawke's Bay. Knapp, Dorothy M. .. • • Nelson. Knight, Frances I. .. • ■ Wellington. Knight, George J. D. .. .. Auckland. Laing, James C. .. .. • ■ Auckland. Laing, Kenneth H. .. • ■ Auckland. Laing, Margaret S. . ■ ■ • Hawke's Bay. Lamb, Horace W. .. • • Auckland. Lambeth, Tom A. .. • • Southland. Lang, Mary C. .. • • • • Auckland. Langbein, Freda M. .. • • Nelson. Lange, Ernest E. . • ■ • North Canterbury. Lange, Leonard W. . • • • Wellington. Langley, Ivy B. . . • ■ • • Hawke's Bay. Larcombe, Albert F. .. • • Wanganui. Lawrie, Margaret P. . . • ■ Auckland. Le Brim, Mona I. . • • ■ Otago. Learning, William F. .. • • Auckland. Lennard, Cyril G. .. • • Wanganui. Levien, Esther .. .. • • Wanganui. Lindsay, Charles G. . . • • Auckland. Lindup, Frederick W. .. ■ • Wellington. Little, Norman F. .. • • Taranaki. Lloyd, Cecile A. .. .. • • Westland. Lockhart, Ella M. .. • • Otago. Lockie, William .. .. • • Hawke's Bay. Logan, Robert .. . • • • Otago. Longhurst, William T. A. . . Wellington. Lorenzen, Wilfrid E. .. .. Wellington. Lovatt, Charles S. .. • • Auckland. Lowe, James H. .. • • Wellington. Lush, Douglas . . .. ■ • Auckland. Lush, Ralph A. .. .. • • Auckland. Lynch, Cecil I. T. A. .. . • Auckland. Lynch, Martin R. .. ■ • Auckland. McArthur, Sarah A. W. .. .. North Canterbury. Mcßride, Archibald M. .. • • Southland. McCarthy, Annie M. .. • • Wellington. McCartney, Robert F. . . • • Hawke's Bay. McClelland, Charles H. .. . • Wellington. McClurg, Douglas W. . . . • North Canterbury. McCoskrie, Clarence O. .. . • Auckland. Macdonald, James G. .. • • Wellington. Macdonald, Mary South.Canterbury. McDonnell, Edward G. . . • • Auckland. McDougall, Elsie L. .. ■ • Otago. McDowall, Agnes .. . • Wellington. McEwan, Mary G. .. • • Auckland. McFadyen, Elizabeth .. . • Auckland. McGregor, Georgina .. • • Auckland. Macindoe, Catherine T. .. .. Southland. Mclnnes, Morrel G. .. • • Otago. Mclntyre, Francis D. .. .. Hawke's Bay.

Candidate. Education District. Mackay, Cyril A. .. .. Auckland. McKay, James C. .. • • Auckland. Mac Ken, Ella .. .. • • Auckland. McKenzie, Jessie E. .. .. Wanganui. Mackenzie, Margaret G. .. .. Nelson. McKinstry, George L. .. .. Auckland. McKone, Michael F. . . . • Otago. McLean, Catherine J. .. .. Auckland. McLellan, Kenneth .. . • Wellington. McMillan, Donald G. .. .. Wellington. McMillan, Hugh N. .. • • Auckland. McMillan, Robert H. .. .. Otago. McNabb, Ethel M. .. • • Nelson. McNaughton, Mary R. .. .. Auckland. McNiven, Cecil A. .. . - Wanganui. McPhee, John C. .. • • Hawke's Bay. McQueen, John A. .. .. Southland. McSweeney, Morgan .. .. South Canterbury. Mail, Laurence C. .. . • Taranaki. Maisey, Evaline I. .. .. Wellington. Malcolm, Robina M. I. .. .. Otago. Manning, Percival S. .. .. Auckland. Manson, Margaret E. K. .. .. Southland. Marr, Edmund T. .. . - Hawke's Ray. Marshall, Alice L. .. .. Wellington. Marshall, Christina A. .. .. Auckland. Marshall, Leonard H. .. .. Otago. Marshall, Sarah C. .. .. South Canterbury. Marson, Ida J. .. • • • • Auckland. Martin, Cyril A. .. .. .. Wellington. Martin, Robert F. .. .. Auckland. Mason, Bertha .. .. • - Auckland. Mason, Ronald G. .. • • Auckland. Massey, John H. . • • ■ Southland. Masters, Frederick H. .. .. Taranaki. Matthews, Nelson .. .. Marlborough. Maugin, Orton A. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Maxwell, Frederick L. .. .. Auckland. Mayo, Gertrude M. .. .. Auckland. Mays, Roy P. H. .. • • Auckland. Meadowcroft, Leonard L, .. .. Wellington. Meikle, Hylton .. .. • • Auckland. Melville, Pearl .. .. . • Auckland. Menzies, Clement E. .. .. Auckland. Milburn, Olive W. .. . • Hawke's Bay. Miller, George A. .. .. Southland. Miller, Priscilla M. .. . • Wellington. Mills, John E. .. .. • • Wellington. Mills, William A. .. .. Wellington. Milne, Alexander C. H. .. .. Wanganui. Milne, James .. .. • • Wanganui. Milnes, Esther M. .. • • Auckland. Molesworth, Muriel G. .. .. Nelson. Moor, Carolus T. .. • • North Canterbury. Moore, Doris .. .. • • Nelson. Moore, John H. .. .. . ■ Auckland. Moore, Mary B. . ... .. Auckland. Morse, Percy E. .. .. ■ • North Canterbury. Muir, William A. .. . • Wellington. Mullan, Charles W. .. .. ■ Wellington. Munro, John E. R. .. .. Wanganui. Murraigh, Kathleen B. .. .. Auckland. Murray, Frederick E. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Murray, Gilbert B. .. .. Auckland. Naylor, Rachel M. .. .. Southland. Neale, Edward P. .. . • Otago. Nelson, Evelyn A. .. .. North Canterbury, Nelson, Walter C. .. - • Hawke's Bay. Newcomb, Arnold C. .. .. Auckland. Newnham, Arthur W. E. .. .. Wellington. ! Nicholas, Muriel . . .. .. Auckland. Nicholson, Ernest 0. .. .. Auckland. | Norris, Hensliegh CM... .. Taranaki. Nutt, Nena C. .. .. • • Wellington. Nuttall, Elsie J. .. .. • • Southland. '■ Nutsford, Vera L. .. • • Auckland. O'Connor, Eugene .. .. South Canterbury. 1 O'Connor, Graham W. .. . • Auckland. O'Connor, William .. .. South Canterbury. O'Shea, James E. .. . • Auckland. Orr, John S. H. . . .. • • Otago. Owen, Edward C. .. • • Auckland. Oxenham, Stanley .. .. Hawke's Bay. Page, Lilian D. .. .. • • Auckland. Palmer, Charles A. P. .. .. Wanganui. Palmer, David H. .. .. Auckland. Palmer, James C. .. • • Auckland. Pannill, Iris E. .. .. • • Auckland. Paris, William J. .. .. Auckland. Parker, Esther M. .. ■• 1 Auckland.



11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements for Junior Free Places, either at the Junior National Scholarship Examination or at the Special Examination for Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order) — continued.

Candidate. Education District. Parker, Humphrey F. . . . . Hawke's Bay. Parr, Esther A. .. .. . . South Canterbury. Parsons, Reginald R. . . • ■ Hawke's Bay. Partridge, Thomas H. C. . . .. Taranaki. Patchett, Gladys E. V. . . . . Marlborough. Paton, Maude E. . . . . Hawke's Bay. Patterson, Ethel A. .. .. North Canterbury. Pay, William H. .. .. Southland. Penney, Russell C. .. .. North Canterbury. Penniket, Clara .. . . .. Auckland. Petrie, Arnold J. .. . ■ Southland. Philips, Kate M. .. .. Auckland. Phillips, Edwin J. . . . . Hawke's Bay. Phillips, Sydney G. C. .. .. South Canterbury. Pilkington, Lemoine J. . . Wellington. Pilling, Ewen G. . • • • Otago. Player, Allen S. .. .. . . Auckland. Playne, Clarence J. .. . . Wellington. Poison, Elsie .. .. . . Wellington. Poison, Harold C. .. .. Wellington. Porter, John .. .. .. Auckland. Poulgrain, Cecil H. .. .. Auckland. Poulter, George J. S. .. .. Grey. Prebble, Fred L. .. . . . . Hawke's Bay. Preston, Frederick J. .. .. Auckland. Price, Eric G. .. .. • • Southland. Pringle, Edward .. .. .. Otago. Prussing, May A. S. ... .. Nelson. Quickfall, William H. .. . . Taranaki. Quilliam, Cecil W. . . • • Taranaki. Raine, Armorel E. .. . . Wanganui. Raine, Harry .. .. . . Wanganui. Raine, Robert .. .. . . Wellington. Ray, Ruby F. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Reid, Jessie M. E. .. .. Otago. Rhodes, Bertie A. .. .. Wellington. Rich, Eric J. .. . . . . Hawke's Bay. Richardson, Edith A. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Richardson, George E. R. .. Wellington. Ricketts, Roy A. .. .. Nelson. Robbins, Doris L. .. .. North Canterbury. Roberts, Hazel N. .. .. Auckland. Roberts, Stephen .. . . Auckland. Roberts, William . . . . Auckland. Robertshaw, Allan Keith . . .. Taranaki. Robertson, Edith J. B. .. .. Otago. Robertson, Edith M. .. .. Nelson. Robertson, M. .. .. .. Auckland. Robinson, Dorothy E. .. . . Wellington. Robinson, Dorothy W. .. . . Hawke's Bay. Robinson, Richard I. .. .. North Canterbury. Robinson, Stella J. . . . . North Canterbury. Robinson, Roy H. . . .. Wanganui. Roche, Augustine D. .. . . Otago. Rollo, Frances M. .. .. Auckland. Rose, Ernest L. .. .. . . Wellington. Ross, Alice M. .. .. .. Southland. Ross, Nellie .. .. .. Auckland. Rowell, Leonard J. . . .. North Canterbury. Rowley, Francis B. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Rowntree, Ernest H. W. . . .. Wellington. Ruddle, Leslie W. .. . . North Canterbury. Rule, Andrew K. . . .. Wanganui. Russell, Roy M. .. .. .. j Wellington. Ryburn, Eric M. .. .. Wanganui. Salmon, Edith J. .. .. Auckland. Salmond, George C. .. .. Southland. Samuel, Dorothy M. .. .. Auckland. Samuel, Dundas .. .. .. ; Otago. Shierning, Harry.. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Schroeder, Herbert .. .. Southland. Scott, Ernest R. .. .. .. ! Wellington. Serpell, William B. .. .. South Canterbury. Sexton, Louise I. .. .. Auckland. Sexton, William J. .. .. Auckland. Shackleford, Harold W. .. .. Auckland. Sharland, Kathleen .. .. Auckland. Shaw, Francis .. .. .. South Canterbury. Shaw, Sydney E. .. .. Marlborough. Sherlock, Fanny .. .. .. Taranaki. Shoemark, Howard W. G. .. Taranaki. Shorney, Kenneth E. .. .. Wellington. Shove, Isabella G. .. .. Auckland. Shrimpton, John W. S. .. .. Otago. Signal, Doris M. .. . .. Wellington. Sinclair, Alexander .. .. Otago. Smale, Frederick R. .. .. Auckland. Small, Harold .. .. .. Auckland. Smeeton, Warwick .. .. Auckland. Smith, Jane .. .. .. Hawke's Bay.

Candidate. Education District. Smith, Jessie H. .. .. .. Otago. Smith, Leonard .. .. .. Wellington. Smith, Robert W. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Smith, Vera A. E. . . .. Nelson. Spicer, Nellie B. .. .. .. Southland. Spinks, William 0. .. .. Auckland. Sproat, Hugh Gordon .. .. Southland. Stainton, William G. .. .. Auckland. Stanton, John A. .. .. Auckland. Stephen, Edward A. .. .. Nelson. Stevens, William C. H. .. .. Auckland. Stevens, William G. .. .. Auckland. Stevenson, Elizabeth A. L. .. > Southland. Stewart, Olive E. .. .. Auckland. Stobo, Andrew H. .. .. Southland. Stoneham, Gladys M. .. .. Otago. Storey, Robert H. G. .. .. South Canterbury. Storkey, Percy V. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Stout, Elsie M. .. .. .. Southland. Stubbs, Eric S. .. .. .. Auckland. Styles, John V. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Sullivan, John T. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Surgerior, Robert J. .. .. Westland. Sutherland, Olive R. .. .. Wellington. Sutherland, Thomas .. .. I Southland. Tait, George C. .. .. .. Wanganui. Tarlton, Eustace M. .. .. j Southland. Taylor, Arthur G. E. .. .. Nelson. Taylor, Eric H. .. .. .. j Auckland. Taylor, Frederick H. .. .. i Auckland. Taylor, Harold H. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Taylor, Irene .. .. .. Southland. Taylor, Mona .. .. .. Auckland. Tennent, Christina K. .. .. I Grey. Thomas, Annie E. G. .. .. I Auckland. Thomas, Wilfred J. .. .. Wellington. Thomsen, Annie E. .. . . Wellington. Thompson, Catherine R. .. .. Auckland. Thompson, Charles .. .. Southland. Thompson, Doris E. .. .. North Canterbury Thomson, Arthur A. .. .. Otago. Thorn, Carita A. G. .. .. Nelson. Thorn, Martin H. .. .. Nelson. Thorp, James .. .. .. Wanganui. Thorp, Elsie M. .. .. .. Auckland. Tidmarsh, William .. .. Auckland. Tilsley, Robert .. .. .. Auckland. Tizard, Helen A. .. .. Auckland. Torr, Eva .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Torrens, Sylvia J. .. .. Auckland. Tracy, James G. .. .. North Canterbury Treadwell, Muriel H. .. .. Wanganui. ; Trott, Jessie S. .. .. .. Nelson. Turnbull, Henry L. .. .. Auckland. Turner, Gertrude M. D. .. .. North Canterbury. Turner, Zilla L. .. .. .. Nelson. Tweedie, Gordon L. .. .. Southland. Twining, Harvey A. .. .. Auckland. Verity, Arthur W. G. .. .. South Canterbury. Verran, John L. .. .. .. Auckland. Vial, George E. .. .. .. Southland. Vickerman, Neville L. .. .. Auckland. Vickers, Eva E. .. .. Auckland. Vincent, Arthur L. .. .. Auckland. Yon Stunner, Frederick W. N. .. Auckland. Voss, Minnie O. .. .. .. Wanganui. Waddington, Grace E. .. .. Wellington. Wagstaff, Nancy N. H. .. .. North Canterbury. Waite, James S. .. .. .. Otago. Walker, Clara R. .. .. Nelson. Walker, Dallas B. .. .. Auckland. Wallace, Bertram .. . . Auckland. Wallace, Ellen K. . . . . Auckland. Wallis, Norman A. W. .. .. Southland. Walter, John B. .. .. .. Wellington. War burton, Herbert G. .. .. North Canterbury. Ward, Sylvia Beryl .. .. Auckland. Warnes, Marjorie E. .. .. Grey. Warren, Lewis A. .. .. Taranaki. Warring, Thursa A. .. .. South Canterbury. Watkin, Eric A. .. .. .. Auckland. Watson, William .. .. Southland. Watt, Arthur W. .. .. Auckland. Watt, William S. .. .. Wellington. Watters, Allan J. .. .. Westland. Webber, Jessie .. .. .. Auckland. ! Webster, Alice H. .. .. Auckland. Weir, Michael J. W. .. .. Otago. ! Wellington, Ethel .. .. Auckland. i Wells, Arthur F. .. .. Nelson.



11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements for Junior Free Places, either at the Junior National Scholarship Examination or at the Special Examination por Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order) — continued.

Candidate. Education District. West, John H. .. .. . . Auckland. Wheeler, Olive M. .. . . Auckland. Whitaker, Cecil G. .. .. | Auckland. White, Alexander M. .. .. ' Auckland. White, Alice H. .. .. .. Grey. White, Ella D. .. .. .. Wellington. White, George A. .. .. Auckland. Whitwell, Beaumont . . .. Nelson. Whyte, Marion KB. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Wiles, William C. .. .. Auckland. Wilkins, Harry H. .. .. Auckland. Wilkins, Kate E. .. .. Auckland. Wilkinson, Harold A. .. .. Auckland. Williams, Charles F. .. .. Westland. Williams, Margaret A. .. .. Wanganui. Williamson, John H. .. .. Otago. Wilson, Alexander .. . . Hawke's Bay. Willoeks, Mary M. .. .. Otago. Wilson, Flora E. M. .. .. Auckland.

Candidate. Education District. Wilson, Geoffrey S. .. .. Auckland. Wilson, Leslie F. .. .. Auckland. Wilson, Muriel .. .. .. Auckland. Wilson, William W. .. .. Otago. Wiseman, John A. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Wood, Rawiri E. K. .. .. Otago. Woodham, Ruby E. . . .. Auckland. Woods, Selwyn G. .. .. Auckland. Woodward, Emma J. .. .. Southland. Worsley, William R. .. .. Auckland. Wraight, Hilda M. .. .. Otago. Wright, Colin M. .. .. Auckland. Wright, Boris B. O. .. .. Auckland. Wright, Nevill L. .. .. Wellington. Wyllie, Eric M. .. .. .. Taranaki. Young, Albert V. .. .. Wanganui. Young, Annie .. .. .. Wanganui. Young, Charles L. .. .. Wanganui. Young, James Rarity .. .. Wanganui.

CIVIL SERVICE JUNIOR EXAMINATION, 1906. Names op thk Candidates that passed the Examination (arranged in Order of Merit).

I. Passed the Examination with Credit. Candidate. Examination Centre. 1. Wilson, Henrietta Vida .. Napier. 2. Hansen, Albert James .. Auckland. 3. Whyte, David .. .. Napier. 4. Mackay, Donald Eric . . Hokitika. 5. Hall, Ethel Margaret Baird .. Napier. 0. McDonald, Claude .. .. Christchurch. 7. Cowie, Alfred Cranstone .. Wanganui. 8. Cameron, Gladys Christian Mary Dunedin. 9. Hill, Walter Stanley .. .. Auckland. 10. Horrell, Constance Rayner .. Rangiora. 11. Mead, William Perrett .. Whangarei. 12. Bogle, George Stafford .. Napier. 13. Caradus, John .. .. Auckland. Tracy, William Francis .. Christchurch. 15. Watters, Alexandra .. .. Hokitika. 16. Castle, Arthur Penfold .. Wellington. Fraser, Kin near George .. Invercargill. 18. Besant, Alice . . .. Wellington. 19. Hopkirk, Susanna Margaret . . Dannevirke. 20. Bowler, Frederick Columbus .. Stratford. 21. Rigg, Theodore .. .. Wellington. Robertson, George Harold .. Christchurch. 23. Thwaites, Leonard James William Rangiora. 24. Cullen, Patrick Alphonsus .. Wellington. 25. Whyte, Helen Inglis Pettigrew Napier. 26. Addinell, Marian . . .. Christchurch. Dawson, John Tewsley .. Dunedin. 28. Flux, Gwendolyn Mary .. Wellington. 29. Graham, Mabel Mary .. Rangiora. 30. Edgar, Harold .. .. Christchurch. 31. Kelly, Francis Edward .. Wellington. 32. Smith, Thomas Dalrymple .. Napier. Teychenne, Annie Winifred .. Napier. 34. Paulsen, Norman Matthias .. Dannevirke. 35. Menzies, Ellen Jean Bell . . Christchurch. 36. Simmons, Claude Richard .. Auckland. 37. Watson, James Browning .. Christchurch. 38. Cooke, Florence Winifred .. Napier. 39. Thornton, Onslow Garth .. Napier. 40. McLean, Thomas .. .. Wellington. 41. Duggen, John . . .. Wellington. 42. Anderson, Eric John Edward .. Rangiora. Smith, Arthur Clifford .. Wellington. 44. Kavanagh, James Paul .. Wellington. 45. La wry, Gladys Mary.. .. Wellington. 46. Condliffe, John Bell . . .. Christchurch. 47. Casey, Ellen Christine .. Napier. 48. Hind, Florence Mary .. Wellington. 49. Grigg, Stella .. .. Auckland. Hogwood, Edward James Leslie Auckland. 51. King, Thomas Joseph .. Dunedin. 52. Bawden, James Percival .. Thames. Turner, Nellie .. .. Christchurch. 54. Carroll, John Charles .. Auckland. 55. Lynch, Ronald Heriot Irvine .. ! Auckland.

Candidate. Examination Centre. 56. Woodward, Kenneth Isaac .. j Auckland. 57. King, Jessie Camilla . . .. Oamaru. McCartney, Leslie .. .. Invercargill. 59. Pringle, Gertrude Hester .. Wellington. 60. Duff, Helen Elizabeth .. j Dunedin. 61. Parr, Stephen .. . . Timaru. 62. Loader, Edwin James Gilbert .. Christchurch. 63. Park, Jean Gladys .. .. Hokitika. 64. McSweeney, Honora .. . . Timaru. 65. Strack, George Sainsbury .. Hawera. 66. Heaphy, Eileen Rose .. Greymouth. 67. Scholfield, Ethel Catherine .. Auckland. 68. Burton, Eva .. .. Napier. Macdonald, Charles .. .. Napier. 70. Hastings, Angela .. . . Dunedin. 71. Meyer, Frances Irene .. Nelson. 72. O'Reilly, Francis John .. Wellington. Wright, Lily Primrose .. Christchurch. 74. Rochfort, Walter .. .. Christchurch. 75. Heney, Walter .. .. Auckland. Hill, Mabel Helen .. .. Nelson. 77. Phillips, Louis .. .. Auckland. 78. Findlay, Walter .. .. Dunedin. 79. Tosswill, Ethne Earle .. Christchurch. 80. McCorkindale, Elizabeth Lillias '. Dunedin. -81. Howard, Alex Percy .. Marten. Macrae, lan Chisholm .. Invercargill. Needham, Mary .. .. Napier. 84. Mitchell, Rose Ann .. .. Hokitika. 85. Treurn, Amy Evelyn.. .. Dunedin. 86. Ryan, William Charles .. Wellington. 87- Rowe, Alfred Cochrane .. Invercargill. Sajmon, Cedric Whitby .. Invercargill. 89. Turner, Lillian .. .. Rangiora. 90. Gedney, Mary Jane .. .. Invercargill. Ryan, Ruby Louisa .. .. Dunedin. 92. Lindauer, Victor Wilhelm . . Napier. 93. Kaye, Robert Leslie . ... Auckland. 94. Lundon, David Justin .. ' Wellington. 95. Robertson, John Hector .. Dunedin. 96. Pilcher, Doris May .. .. Auckland. 97. Reid, Albert Sidney .. .. Invercargill. 98. Sullivan, Edward .. .. Timaru. 99. Rochford, James .. . . Wellington. 100. Winzenberg, Stella Ida . . Masterton. 101. Hueston, Dorothy Lilian . . Wellington. 102. Simon, Frank .. .. Invercargill. 103. Printzen, Doris Karla . . Wellington. Ward, Alfreda .. .. Dunedin. Welsh, William Henry .. Invercargill. 106. Syverston, Berthel .. .. Masterton. 107. Barry, Edward John.. .. Oamaru. Hendry, Colin Alexander .. Masterton. 109. Agnew, George James .. Timaru. McKenzie, Mary Boyno . . Masterton. 111. Anthony, Annie Muriel .. Wanganui. 112. Smith, Constance Isabel .. Christchuro'i



Civil Service Junior Examination— continueit.

Candidate. Examination Centre. 113. Gow, Stanley Gordon .. Christchurch. Oliver, Mabel Louisa.. .. Auckland. Ryan, Joseph Bernard .. Wellington. 116. Bartlett, Constance .. .. Nelson. Shepherd, Ethel Jessie Sutherland Tapanui. 118. Caro, Vera Gladys .. . . Auckland. Milne, Arthur Waddington . . Oamaru. Ross, Kenneth .. .. Napier. 121. Jenkinson, Edgar Eaton .. Wellington. Smith, Harry Louis Percy .. Palmerston North. 123. Johnston, William Bruce .. Dunedin. 124. Duske, Frederick William . . Hokitika. 125. Cameron, Rae Cumberland .. ! Wellington. Keddell, Reginald Aubrey .. i Oamaru. Yeats, Douglas Duncan Mearns ; Wellington. 128. Menteath, Valeric Harriet Stuart Palmerston North. 129. Myers, Daniel Frank .. j Christchurch. Norrie, John Henry Bambridge Christchurch. 131. Mackie, lon Bertram .. Dunedin. 132. Hall, Abraham .. Thames. Miller, David Pryde .. .. Dunedin. 134. Metherell, Henrietta Lydia .. Christchurch. O'Sullivan, Helena Grace .. Wellington. 136. Booth, Charles Irwin .. I Dunedin. Reynolds, John Bernard .. Auckland. Rochfort, Frank .. .. Christchurch. 139. Pryde, Annie .. .. Invercargill. 140. Dempsey, Mabel .. .. Greymouth. 141. Gaudin, Grace Beatrice .. Wellington. Patrick, Robert Thomas George Timaru. Squire, Maud Helen .. .. Christchurch. 144. Batkin, Mildred .. Auckland. Dow, Lawrence Alexander .. | Dunedin. Nixon, Balfour .. .. j Auckland. 147. Reynolds, Emma Ivy .. Auckland. Williams, Margaret Mary .. I Hokitika. 149. Martin, Mary Kathleen .. Greymouth. Strack, Conrad Harry Excelsior Hawera. 151. Eves, John Downes .. .. Wellington. 152. Haggett, Doris Evelyn .. Wellington. 153. Chilcott, Charles Wynne .. Auckland. Pagan, Thomas .. .. Dunedin. 155. Bull, Ida Lottie .. . . Wellington. 156. Johnston, John George .. Dunedin. 157. Finlayson, Annabella Margaret Whangarei. Rowan, William Dunlop .. Dunedin. 159. Brown, Lillian Annie .. Christchurch. Norton, Alice Ada .. .. Wellington. 161. Bridgman, Joseph Thomas .. Christchurch. 162. Cullen, Alfred James.. .. Wellington. Grace, Alfred Fearon .. Nelson. McMullin, Honry James .. Lawrence. 165. Campbell, Jessie .. .. Masterton. I (Hi. Robeck, Dorothea Caroline .. Hokitika. 167. Spain, Fabian Eric .. .. Dunedin. 168. Baylis, Olive Ethel .. .. Invercargill. 169. Albertson, George William .. Dunedin. Hutton, Alexander Louis .. Auckland. 171. Armstrong, Lurline Frances .. Wellington. Murray, Mary Edith Elizabeth Masterton. Stubbs, Horace .. .. Wellington. 174. Boeufve, Alio Henry Eustace Auckland. . Charles Eugene Cartwright, Jessie Millicent . . Auckland. 176. Eckley, Jessie .. .. Auckland. Morrison, John .. .. Blenheim. Robinson, Robert Pursey.. .. Rangiora. 179. Campbell, Ida Cerise .. Napier. Parkinson, Arnold Edward Wellington. Henry Scaly, Alfred Desmond .. Auckland. Stitt, Isabelle Allsworth .. New Plymouth. 183. Scantlebury, Austin Edward Reefton. Lester 184. McGrath, Mary . . .. Napier. 185. Williamson, Grace Annie . . Wellington. 186. Dobbie, Ira Valor Allan .. Napier. 187. Archey, Gilbert Edward .. Christchurch. Bristow, Thomas Union .. Napier. 189. Mills, Elsie Evelyn . . .. Christchurch. Wylie, Ellen Winifred .. Auckland. 191. Best, Isabel Winifred .. Christchurch. Bedford, George Henry .. Auckland. 193. Amyes, Mary Olive Gwendoline Christchurch. 194. Hall, Edith Jane .. .. Dunedin. I (I"). Forsyth, John Cossar .. Auckland. Ross, Annie .. .. Gore. 197. Forsyth, Norman Leslie .. Invercargill. 198. Thomson, Alister McLean .. Wellington. 199. Ferguson, Charles Bathgate .. Hamilton. Norris, Nellie Henrietta .. Wellington.

Candidate. Examination Centre. 201. Richards, Thomas .■. . . Nelson. 202. McPherson, Jeanie Chalmers . . Dannevirkc. Thomson, Florence McLean . . Wellington. 204. Jackson, Lucy Aidney . . Masterton. Waite, Alfred Edward . . Dunedin. 206. Chapman, Agnes Ann .. Palmerston North. 207. Bryan, Clifford John Francis . . Westport. 208. Cassrels, Salome Olga . . Auckland. Edwards, Vera Carlton . . Masterton. Stratton, Alfred Thomas . . j Dunedin. 211. Smith, Mabel Ellen .. .. Dannevirke. 212. Grant, Thomas Smaill .. Dannevirke. 213. Lindsay, Colin McKenzie . . Invercargill. 214. Ryan, Bernard James . . Wellington. Scotland, Henry Humphrey . . ' Auckland. 216. Gerrand, Percy Augustus . . Auckland. 217. Edwards, Keith Napier .. Napier. 218. Norwood, Madeleine .. .. Napier. 219. Passmore, John .. . . Dunedin. 220. Bruce, Robert Marshall .. Dunedin. Marshall, Caroline Stuck .. Dunedin. 222. Auton, Thomas .. .. Christchurch. Gilbert, Edith Elizabeth .. ] Dunedin. 224. Jull, Doris Emily .. .. Napier. 225. Turner, Edward Arthur .. Ashburton. 226. Sams, Herbert William Harne Timaru. 227. Judd, Leslie Ernest .. .. Rangiora. McCartney, Elizabeth Jane Morn Napier. 229. Jamieson, Thomas Henry .. Oamaru. 230. O'Connor, Francis Joseph .. Wellington. Otterson, Arthur Alfred .. Wellington. 232. Burt, Oswald Stanley .. I Christchurch. 233. Bull, Noel Henry .. .. Napier. Cockroft, Eric Arthur Percy . . Invercargill. 235. Pearce, Arthur Hambley .. ' Whangarei. Saxon, John Buffer Hicks yon ', Nelson. Tunzlemann 237. Kerslake, Ida Maud .. .. Palmerston North. Lloyd, Ada Celia .. .. Christchurch. 239. Lavery, Robert William .. Wellington. Parry, John Asher .. .. Auckland. 241. Atkin, Eliza Eileen Musgrave . . Tapanui. 242. Burden, Mary Witherden .. Napier. McNamara, Patrick Joseph . . Nelson. 244. Dobson, Myra .. . . Christchurch. Traill, William .. .. Invercargill. 246. Brakenrig, Sydney Wilson .. Auckland. Fordham, Cedric Victor . . Wellington. 248. Salmon, Harold John .. Dunedin. Winning, Annie Thomson .. Gore. 250. Mac Donald, Marslee Vaughan . . Napier. Thompson, Flora Agnes .. Stratford. 252. Grant, Colin Campbell . . i Masterton. Harris, Jane Bridget .. Tapanui. 254. Bradley, George Ernest .. Rangiora. Butcher, Charles Edward .. Dunedin. Tresidder, Allan Leslie .. Auckland. Wilson, Ernest Gordon .. ; Gore. 258. Miller, Robert John .. .. Wellington. 259. Tully, Walter Wallace .. Nelson. 260. Colquhoun, Elizabeth Annabella Wellington. Wogan, Rupert Samuel .. Westport. 262. Treacy, Kathleen .. .. Invercargill. Whyte, Frank Mitchell .. Dunedin. 264. Wildman, John Proctor .. Auckland. 265. Macldntosh, Charlotte Elizabeth . Christchurch. Wells, John .. . . Hawera. 267. Lord, George Henry .. .. Thames. 268. McLeary, John James . . Wellington. 269. Clarkson, Margaret Bowes .. Christchuii h. 270. Carmody, James .. .. Wellington. 271. Cuthbert, John .. .. Stratford. Miller, Muriel Audrey .. Ashburton. 273. Hunt, William Irwin .. Auckland. Mahony, Katherine .. Napier. Syverston, Jarl Adolph .. Masterton. 276. Bollinger, Mary .. .. New Plymouth. 277. Tattle, Walter Leonard .. Wellington. 278. Broadgate, Frederick Lawrence Hamilton. King Bruce, Harry John .. .. Rangiora. Mowbray, Harry Logan Campbell Auckland. 281. Perry, Alfred Melville .. Palmerston North. 282. Cameron, Frederick .. .. Oamaru. Gooch, Arthur Henry .. i Nelson. 284. Danieil, Hubert Harry .. Wellington. Marshall, James Alexander Gisborne. Patton Sinclair, Vera Christina .. < Lawrence. 287. Slater, William Turner .. | Dunedin. 288. Harrison, Octavius Louis Thomas j Wellington.



Civil Service Junior Examination— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. 289. Barkman, Neil Bruce .. Wanganui. 290. Perry, Albert Edward . . Wellington. Rae, William Stewart .. Dunedin. Wood, Horace William .. Wellington. 293. Casserley, Thomas .. .. Rangiora. Hayward, Myrtle Alice Elizabeth Invercargill. 295. Kelly, Evelyn Lenore .. i Palmerston North. 296. Carrick, Mary Elizabeth .. Greymouth. 297. Thompson, Clarence Dornford Nelson. Turner, Lucy May .. . . Invercargill. 299. Irwin, Mary Ann .. . . Invercargill 300. Meighan, John .. . . Gore. 301. Buckler, Edward Horton .. Auckland. Scott, Herbert William .. Wellington. 303. McGill, Cassandra .. .. Auckland. 304. Harker, Harry Lionel .. Napier. 305. Booth, Bertram .. .. Wellington. Steinmetz, John Marcus .. Christchurch. 307. Ryan, Patrick James .. Wellington. 308. Hutton, David . . .. Wellington. 309. Green, Edith Willoughby .. Dunedin. McKenzie, Ivy Verena .. Masterton. Raikes, Alice Olive .. .. Nelson. 312. Ginger, Barton Albert .. Masterton. 313. Fossette, Walter Ernest .. Wellington. Smith, Charles Alfred .. Dunedin. 315. Brown, Isabel .. . . Dannevirke. 316. Bremner, Roland Scott .. Timaru. Henderson, Hilary Damien .. Wellington. 318. Walsh, James Joseph .. I Christchurch. 319. Bradley, Jeremiah .. .. Levin. 320. Smith, George Talbot O'Hara .. Nelson. 321. Webb, Harry Diedrich .. Christchurch. 322. Walker, Margaret Lilian .. Nelson. 323. Bell, Raynor Colin .. .. Nelson. 324. Young, Henry Harben Austen Wellington. 325. Atkinson, Agnes Anne . . Wellington. Webber, Cecil Warren . . Invercargill. 327. Hudson, Charles . . .. Oamaru. Knox, Margaret Dryden .. Wellington. Wix, Alice Mary ' .. .. Dunedin. 330. Burke, Edmund Joseph, jun. Wellington. Dames, Susan Reynolds .. New Plymouth. 332. Campbell, Mary Jane .. Napier. Lee, Alice Forgan .. . . Dannevirke. 334. Gowdy, Vyvienne .. .. Gore. 335. Butler, Maurice .. .. Wellington. 336. Dempsey, Mary Josephine . . Westport. Hawkos, George Augustus . . Whangarei. McCarthy, Allan Hugh .. Napier. Mathers, Reginald John .. Marton. Mitchell, James Garfield .. Dunedin. 341. Chatwin, Cicely Mary .. Wellington. Commons, William Aitken .. Auckland. • 343. Gray, Wynne Peyton .. Auckland. 344. Scales, Robert Dudley . . Palmerston North. 345. Laing, Rhoda Edith .. .. Christchurch. Taylor, John Redmond . . Auckland. Thompson, Bertha Houston . . Napier. Watson, Elsie Florence Annie.. I Ashburton. 349. Stanton, Alice Edith .. Auckland. 350. McDonald, Elizabeth Margaret Tapanui. Willetts, Ellen .. . ■ Hokitika. 352. Stallworthy, Rebecca Ruby .. Auckland. 353. Ludbrooke, Frank George .. Christchurch. Turnbull, George Devereux .. Auckland. 355. Dunne, Albert Thomas .. Auckland. 356. Jull, Gladys May .. .. Christchurch. Mcßean, Ernest Stuart . . Palmerston North. Wallace, Donald Reid .. Gore. Waring, Harry .. • • Auckland. 360. Edmonds, Florrio Martha .. Wellington. Sissons, Thomas Hall .. Whangarei. 362. Cochrane, Edwin Grandison .. Invercargill. Goulstone, Ella Frances .. Auckland. 364. Ewen, Harold Ernest . . Whangarei. Wallace, Elizabeth Janet . . Gore. 366. Burke, Edmund Joseph, sen. .. Wellington. 367. McGrael, Michael Stephen .. Auckland. 368. Douglas, Harold King .. Tauranga. 369. Clark, Mary Ethel .. .. Dunedin. Lavery, Brendan Michael . . Auckland. McArthur, Jessie Euphemia . . j Auckland. 72. Barton, Frederick Hadlow .. j Auckland. Paterson, Archibald Aird .. Dunedin. 374. Gascoigne, Laurel Louise .. Palmerston North. Nicholson, William Alexander. . Stratford. 376. Hossack, Eleanor .. .. Oamaru. 377. Duggan, Catherine .. .. Christchurch. Menzies, James Lawrence .. Wanganui.

Candidate. Examination Centre. 379. Wilkes, Thomas Martin . . Auckland. 380. Mclsaac, Catherine Mary .. New Plymouth. 381. Calder, John Kinloch .. Dunedin. 382. Daldy, Rhoda Catherine .. Thames. Rabbidge, Edith May .. Invercargill. 384. Gazley, William .. .. Masterton. 385. Boyle, Elsie Bessie .. .. Auckland. Brownlie, Robert Herbert .. Gore. Paton, James Knight .. Dannevirke. 388. Boswell, Stella Elizabeth .. Auckland. 389. Carroll, Emily Jane . . Reefton. O'Leary, Mark .. . . Wellington. Rogers, Ida Laura Brockway .. Wellington. 392. Copland, Arthur Thomson . . Timaru. Findlay, Elspeth Ada .. Nelson. Smith, Charles .. .. Oamaru. 395. Berryman, Adeline Lorna .. Auckland. Grey, Alan Stuart .. .. Auckland. 397. Trewern, Francis Denham .. Christchurch. Tweedie, Helen Mary Caroline Invercargill. 399. Gill, Arthur Milne .. .. Wellington. McDonald, Hugh George Brown Tapanui. Tough, Mary Gertrude .. Dunedin. 402. Boyd, Edward Hallifield . . Timaru. 403. Wharfe, Annie Eileen .. Auckland. 404. Blank, Myrtle .. . . Christchurch. O'Donnell, Aileen . . . . Oamaru. Stewart, Fairley Clark .. Napier. 407. Munro, Kenneth .. .. Nelson. 408. Harrison, Maurice Oswald .. Palmerston North. Huntingdon, Stanley Hustler .. Wellington. Johnson, Eunice .. .. Hawera. Ruck, Frederick Arthur .. Christchurch. 412. Peart, Catherine Louisa .. Palmerston North. Woodhouse, Irene .. .. Dunedin. 414. Fendall, Francis Alan .. Auckland. Hutchinson, Jenny .. .. Auckland. O'Donoghue, David .. .. Napier. 417. Burns, Annie Gilroy .. .. Auckland. Campbell, Alice .. .. Masterton. Inder, George Francis .. Gore. May, Leslie .. .. .. Thames. 421. Dolan, Thomas Henry .. Christchurch. Riddick, Charles Harry .. Wellington. Ryan, Horace Laurence .. Dunedin. Sadd, Gerald Lowther .. Nelson. 425. Dwyer, John Patrick .. Wellington. 426. McKay, Elsie Gladys .. Napier. 427. Maider, Sophia Jane Jessie Mary Invercargill, 428. Norman, Edward Robert . . Westport. Pearce, Myrtle .. ... Christchurch. 430. Dallard, Berkeley Lionel .. Rangiora. Matthews, Eric Rupert .. Invercargill Savage, Willie Howard .. Nelson. Watkins, Arthur Stanley .. Christchurch. 434. Thorne, Bessie Edna Bell . . Auckland. 435. Burnett, Eric Arnold .. Nelson. Hird, David Elms .. .. Napier. 437. Finningan, Maurice Patrick .. Nelson. 438. McConaughy, May Agnes .. Auckland. 439. Corcoran, Patrick .. .. Oamaru. Oswin, Angy Louisa . . .. Dunedin. 441. Egan, John Thomas .. .. Wellington. Elliott, Evelyn Margaret .. Masterton. Strack, Uriti May .. .. Hawera. 444. Robinson, Cedric Keith .. j Wellington. Watt, Ella .. .. .. j Wellington. 446. Gibson, Grace Sanderson .. Lawrence. 447. Devlin, Joseph Calistus . . Wellington. Vickers, Mabel .. .. New Plymouth. 449. Badger, Myrtle Julia.. .. Auckland. 450. Collis, Douglas Leopold .. New Plymouth. Dore, William .. . . Wellington. Hadecke, Rhoda Gwendoline Rangiora. Jeanie 453. Cuttance, Warren Joseph .. Hokitika. Grant, Noel Gordon .. .. Napier. Winchcomb, Percy Reginald . . Wellington. 456. Bell, Garnet Garvin .. . . Christchurch. Burgess, Roy Frederick . . Napier. Westwood, Millicent May .. Auckland. 459. O'Donnell, Mary Kathleen .. Greymouth. Reynolds, Arthur William .. Hokitika. 461. Couch, Theodore Stanley . . Blenheim. Dunning, Allan Roy . . Auckland. Ward, Constance Marie .. Dunedin. 464. Mackenzie, Ronald Francis .. Auckland. 465. Pearce, Elsie Mary .. .. Christchurch. Stewart, James Bremner .. Dunedin. Willis, Francis Petrie De Laval Hamilton.



Civil Service Junior Examination— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. 468. Knox, Eliza .. .. Ashburton. 469. McNutt, Amelia Mary .. Napier. 470. Duggan, Patrick Birinus Vincent i Oamaru. Tate, Arthur Robert Ward . . Wanganui. 472. Ball, George .. .. Auckland. Menzies, Alexander .. .. Auckland. Wallis, Ethel May .. .. Wellington. 475. Ellis, Flora .. .. .. Lawrence. McClelland, Edmund.. .. Christchurch. Potts, Roland Denniston New- Reefton. man Joseph 478. Powell, Mabel Sarah .. Levin. 479. Shanly, Lucy Agnes .. .. Wanganui. Walton, Ernest Leslie .. Thames. 481. Best, Frank Kauru .. .. Auckland. 482. Pearce, Henry William Sprint Auckland. 483. Stewart, James Douglas .. Rangiora. 484. McNair, Matilda Mary .. Masterton. 485. Smith, Frances Harriet .. Ashburton. 486. Bennett, Annie Edith Mary .. Gore. Crawford, Ernest Ashley .. Whangarei. Sage, Constance Marian .. Christchurch. 489. Louch, Howard Fitzgibbon .. Auckland. O'Brien, Rosie Anne .. Invercargill. Wilson, Jessie .. .. Dannevirke. 492. Gibbs, George Nathaniel Vosper Christchurch. 493. Bradfield, Jessie .. .. Dunedin. Gordon, Charles Stanley . . Masterton. 495. Beehan, William Adalbert Eb- Auckland. zery -. Rosie, Alexander Mclvor .. Oamaru. 497. Fahy, Ray Armitage.. .. Wellington. 498. McKenna, Francis Stuart .. Wellington. Parkes, Margaret Dorothy Bon- Auckland. ington Voss, Holger .. .. Palmerston North. 501. Kinsmen, Percy Henry .. Dunedin. 502. Johnston, Hubert Kenneth .. Nelson. Morgan, Gladys Rowena . . Christchurch. Trask, Vincent Herbert . . Nelson. 505. Lange, Olive Beatrice .. Gisborne. 506. Raikes, Margaret Emily .. Wanganui. 507. Voss, Marx Wilhelm .. .. Palmerston North. 508. Johns, William Henwood .. Auckland. 509. Watson, John .. .. Invercargill. 510. Irwin, Minnie .. .. Hokitika. Morton, Agnes .. .. Invercargill. 512. Mitchell, Gilbert Gregory .. Auckland. White, William Henry . . Auckland. 514. McCullough, Dorothy Louise .. Christchurch. 515. Caverhill, Kathleen Isabel .. Wellington. Luxford, John Hector .. Wanganui. 517. Sinclair, Bertha Marion .. Hokitika. 518. Newton, George D. J. .. Wellington. 519. Nimmo, Mary .. .. Christchurch. 520. Espie, Reba Rebecca Golden Balclutha. Muir Galbraith, Lindsay Chalmers .. Greymouth. Longhurst, Gertrude Ethel Flor- Wellington. ence Pickett, Stanley John Ponsonby Lawrence. 524. Anderson, Alexander Knox .. Dunedin. Campbell, James Shaw .. Dunedin. 526. Hatch, Emma .. .. Hokitika. 527. Curry, Walton Armstrong .. Auckland. Heath, Delia Camilla .. Wellington. Willcox, Dorothy Maud .. Christchurch. 530. Wilson, Basil Harry Anstey .. Auckland. 531. Hilliard, Josephine . . .. Blenheim. 532. McClune, Joseph Stanley .. Auckland. 533. Elisor, Edna Jean .. .. Christchurch. Ring, William Augustus .. Greymouth. 535. Bayliss, Margaretta .. .. Auckland. White, Edith Elizabeth .. Ashburton. 537. Coker, Rex Desmond .. New Plymouth. Moynihan, Humphrey Edward Dunedin. Dillon 539. Burrell, Bertha Elizabeth Braith- Auckland. waite 540. Jackson, Alice Mary .. Aratapu. 541. Boyle, Robert Reynolds .. Napier. Drake, Charles John .. .. Timaru. 543. Brewer, Elsie Harriet Tudor .. Dannevirke. Fraser, Helen Mary .. . . Christchurch. Will, William Melville .. Dunedin. 546. Fletcher, Hugh Campbell .. Auckland. 547. Gillies, Alexander .. .. Dunedin. Mills, Alice .. .. .. Hawera. Speedy, Margaret .. .. Wellington. 550. Cunningham, Herbert Adam .. Dunedin.

Candidate. Examination Centre. 551. Wright, Mary Winifred .. j Gore. 552. Brown, John McConchie .. Wellington. Tunbridge, Percival Arthur . . New Plymouth 554. Thorp, Irene Mary Henrietta .. Auckland. 555. Compton, Gladys .. .. Christchurch Stichbury, Vincent John .. Auckland. 557. Peat, Jack Trevor .. .. Aratapu. 558. O'Brien, Ellen Mary .. .. Palmerston North Reid, Henry Bell .. .. Oamaru. Smith, Ethel Boyne Lawrence.. j Balclutha. 561. Cornwall, Ivy Leonora Louise .. i Reef ton. Cumming, John Frederick .. Wellington. Patrick, Hugh McAllister .. Auckland. Steel, Reader Wilfred .. Ashburton. 565. Simpson, Annie .. .. Timaru. Steadmen, Noel .. .. Auckland. 11. Passed the Examination. 567. Webb, Hannah Morgan .. Invercargill. 568. Owen, Dorothy Jane.. .. Christchurch. 569. Guy, James Philip .. .. Invercargill. 570. Portas, George Patrick .. Napier. 571. Blackburn, Percy .. .. Napier. 572. Austin, Leslie Gordon .. Christchurch. 573. Blythe, Sidney George Winder Nelson. 574. Dwan, Madeleine .. .. Napier. 575. Booth, Dorothy .. .. Wellington. 576. Chapman, Irene Muriel .. Auckland. 577. Madden, Dora Christina .. Auckland. 578. Emms, Hilda .. .. Nelson. 579. Marshall, Kuini Mci .. .. Christchurch. 580. Seddon, Samuel Thomas .. Auckland. Walker, Joseph .. .. Timaru. 582. Morrison, Thomas Hugh .. Dannevirke. 583. Mirfin, Melville .. .. Nelson. 584. Felton, Eva Madeline .. Reefton. 585. Harty, Ulrich Kew .. .. Auckland. 586. Campion, Roy James .. Wellington. 587. Maher, Michael .. .. Wellington. Malloy, Carita Mary .. .. Reefton. Palmer, Austin Trevor .. Nelson. 590. Cubitt, Percy Neville .. Whangarei. 591. McKeefry, John Henry Aloysius Christchurch. 592. Montgomery, Gladys.. .. Auckland. 593. Schlaepfer, John .. .. Auckland. 594. Donovan, Elsie .. .. Invercargill. Loughlin, Gertrude .. .. Christchurch. 596. Murphy, Norah Muriel .. Wellington. Schulenburg, James Thomson.. Dunedin. 598. Wilson, Robert Alexander .. Auckland. 599. Robertson, Stuart Cable .. Dunedin. 600. McKay, John Henry.. .. Dunedin. 601. Ford, Spencer .. .. Invercargill. 602. Beeson, Gordon Ivan . . Hamilton. 603. Harrison, Stanley Bourdot .. Christchurch. Schwass, Christoph Henry .. Marton. 605. Cable, Alexander .. .. Wellington. Hill, Gladys . . .. Napier. McDougall, Agnes Violet .. Invercargill. Stretton, Ernest Claude .. Auckland. 609. Vivian, Herbert .. . . Lawrence. 610. Uren, Rupert Norman .. Lawrence. 611. Carson, William Norman .. Auckland 612. Foughy, Mary .. . . Auckland. McLeod, Owen Silas .. .. Aratapu. 614. O'Maley, Martin .. .. Invercargill. 615. Leslie, Albert George . . Lawrence. 616. Goldsworthy, Amy Elvina . . Auckland. Orr, Leonard Walpole .. Dunedin. 618. Small, Hilda Elizabeth Annie .. Nelson. 619. Purdie, Charles Laidlaw .. Levin. 620. Gulliver, Thomas Ralph .. Auckland. 621. Dutton, Dorothy Violet .. Wellington. Thomas, Harold Wilton .. Stratford. 623. Brown, Thomas Duncan .. Christchurch. 624. McMullan, Esther .. .. Dunedin. 625. Glasson, Herbert John Henry .. Christchurch. Paton, Grace .. .. Dunedin. 627. Howie, Richard Arthur .. Wanganui. 628. Cook, William Wallace .. Palmerston North. Macmorran, James .. .. Wellington. 630. O'Connor, Catherine .. .. Christchurch. 631. Evans, Herbert Hamilton .. Nelson. Lloyd, Patrick Joseph .. Wellington. Whitehead, Arthur Tyrrell .. Dunedin. 634. Campbell, Catherine Annie .. Timaru. Waiters, Arthur William .. Greymouth. 636. McComisky, Francis Joseph .. Wanganui. 637. Tamihana, Te Kata Ahikawera Auckland. 638. Gray, John .. .. .. Lawrence.



Civil Service Junior Examination— continued:

Candidate. Examination Centre. 639. Mcintosh-Murray, William .. Christchurch. 610. Clark, Ethel May .. .. Whangarei. 641. Cupples, Samuel .. .. Invercargill. 642. Brooke, William James .. Dunedin. Burbush, Nellie Maria .. Palmerston North. 644. Peart, Elvira Stephenson .. Nelson. Wylie, Clifton Turner .. Dunedin. 640. Gillett, May .. .. Blenheim. 647. Toner, Henry .. .. Lawrence. 648. Stone, Christine Laura .. Hamilton. 649. A burn, Lizzie .. .. Dunedin. Wood, Amy Elizabeth .. Auckland. 651. Hunter, Susannah .. .. Lawrence. 652. Chatlin, Cecil Stanley .. Levin. Moore, James Phillip .. Invercargill. 654. Symes, Thomas Hugh Dudley.. Nelson. 655. Bell, Reginald .. .. Wellington. Fendall, Gordon Francis .. Dannevirke. 657. Ross, Hazel Edith .. .. Auckland. 658. Bennett, John Henry .. Christchurch. , O'Rorke, Mary Ellen .. New Plymouth. IiOO. McMaster, James .. .. Masterton. 661. Tansley, Pauline Myra .. Dannevirke. (562. Shugar, Mildred Caroline .. Dannevirke. 663. Burn, Phillip John Challoner .. Marton. Hawke, Herbert .. .. Napier. 665. Smith, Stephen John .. Dunedin. 666. Heenan, Garth Eric Vaughan .. Wellington. Latham, Harold Bowden .. Wellington. Paul, Earnest Victor .. Palmerston North. Wilsher, Herbert Hugh .. Palmerston North. 670. Barber, Ada Isabella Jeannie .. Gore. Barnett, Robert Charles .. Lawrence. 672. Smith, Clarence Leonard Charles Palmerston North. Smyth, John .. .. Lawrence. 674. Radcliffe, Harold John . . Timaru. 676. Frew, Mary Marshall .. Invercargill. Inder, Winifred Beulah .. Dunedin. 677. Haines, Ina.. .. .. Nelson. 678. Dinnie, Donald Roy .. .. Wellington. Hanna, Thomas Patterson .. Palmerston North. 680. Hurley, Gertrude Mary .. Levin. Quinlan, Patrick . . .. Wellington. 682. Geaney, Nicholas Augustine Wellington. Gladstone 683. Roche, James Michael .. Greymouth. Wilcox, Kate Stewart .. Auckland. 685. O'Dowd, John Patrick . . Timaru. Walker, John Henry Innes . . Auckland. 687. Carpenter, Albert Sydney .. Thames. Hitt, James .. .. Dunedin. 689. Bisley, Edward Austin Herbert Nelson. Goodwin, John Archibald .. Nelson. 611. Rasmussen, Arnold .. .. Wanganui. 692. Foster, Mabel Kate .. .. Auckland. Funke, Ruth Esther Frances .. Auckland. 694. Coldicutt, Ernest Worrall . . Auckland. 6 >">. Fletcher, Melba Brasher .. t Christchurch. 696. Fisher, Margaret Grace Dalkeith ' Invercargill. Wylie, Ada Elizabeth .. Auckland. 698. Harston, Ernest Sirdefield .. Napier.

Candidate Examination Centre, Hayes, Mary Charlotte .. Ashburton. Hercus, Basil Claxton .. Dunedin, Rope, Charles Manfred .. Aratapu. | 702. Langford, Catherine Agne« .. Invercargill. I 703. Asher, John Alexander . . Napier. j 704. Sumner, Wallace Charles Ivan. . Auckland. 705. Dale, Clara . . .. .. Balclutha. I 706. Beer, Ethel Constance .. Invercargill. Robbie, Archibald Frederick .. Palmerston North. I 708. Hailes, Florence Leonard .. Nelson. | 709. Black, John Francis Trevor .. Thames. Hayes, Alfred Patrick .. Auckland. Kiclv, Catherine .. .. Dunedin. j 712. Wright, Violet .. .. Hokitika. j 713. Wilkie, Margaret Fraser .. Dunedin. I 714. Engebretsen, Arthur John .. Dannevirke. I 715. Webb, Walter .. .. Auckland. 716. Armstrong, Doris Gertrude .. Masterton. 717. Jarman, Thomas David . . Christchurch. 718. Barton, James .. .. Lawrence. Paul, James Coutts .. .. Auckland. 720. Richards. Lucy .. .. Greymouth. 721. Bennington, Francis Taylor .. Greymouth. 722. Brewer, Gertrude Faith .. Blenheim. McCombie, Charles Alexander.. Thames. Mackie, Jane .. ~ New Plymourn. I 72">. Fulton, Frederick Robert . . Marton. Seator, Thomas Lockerbie .. Invercargill. 727. Coughlan, William James Lawtrm Dunedin. Strachan. Elizabeth .. (Sore. 729. Brophy, Thomas Michael .. Ashburton. 730. Grayburn, Elizabeth Rudd .. Timaru. 731. Payne, Alice .. .. Blenheim. Strong, Marion Elizabeth .. Christchurch. 733. Hall, Norman .. .. Invercargill. 734. Hewlett, Ellen Rousselle .. Nelson. 735. DeLargey, Francis Thomas .. Invercargill. Morris, Daniel Stewart .. Wellington. 737. Matthews, Samuel Alfred Emselle Lawrence. 738. Carrad, Charles Samuel .. Christchurch. Palamontain, William John .. Masterton. 740. Drummond, Willoughby d'Eresby Masterton. 741. Frude, Violet Mary Elizabeth Napier. 742. Jackson, George Winchester .. Christchurch. Yardley, Agnes Mabel .. Invercargill. 744. Cameron, Harry James .. Whangarei. 745. Percy, Kathleen Ellen .. Wellington. 746. Rhodes. Ernest William .. Auckland. 747. Bennett, Norman George .. Wellington. 748. Hastings, Lily .. .. Christchurch. McKenna, Laurence Augustine Wellington. 750. FitzGibbon. Nora .. .. Invercargill. 751. Ellis, William Roy .. .. Thames.' 752. Mclver, Harry Pereival .. Ashburton. Ritchie, Christine Marion .. Invercargill. 754. Burnsido, John Henry Gordon Auckland. 755. Douglas, Erne .. .. Auckland 7-"i(i. Hall. Harry Frederick .. Auckland. Tansey, Laura Alexa .. Dannevirke. 758. Larson, Jens Peter .. ... Masterton. 759. Barker, Maud Inez . . .. Auckland.


Names of the Candidates that passed the Examination (akkanobd in Alphabetical Okdeb),

Candidate. Examination Cen; re. Abernethy, Rex Clifford .. .. Christchurch. Aburn, Lizzie .. .. .. Dunedin. Adams, Cedric Gilbert .. .. Auckland. Adamson, Frank Forrester .. Invercargill. Addinell, Marian .. .. Christchurch. Agnow, George James .. .. Timaru. Agnew, William .. .. .. Invercargill. Airey. Frederick Arthur . . .. Auckland. Albertson, George William .. Dunedin. All m, Gordon Hope .. .. Dunedin. Allison, Percy Errol .. .. Christchurch. Alloo, Arthur William .. .. Dunedin. Ambury, Percy Clarence .. New Plymouth. Amyes, Mary Olive Gwendoline .. j Christchurch. Anderson, Alexander Knox .. I Dunedin. Anderson. Athol Nellis .. .. I Auckland.

Candidate. Examination Centre. ; Anderson, Erie John Edward .. Rangiora. ; Anderson. Isabella Cameron .. Auckland. j Andrews, Austin Ashley .. .. Wanganui. I Angus, Archibald Douglas.. .. Dunedin. Annand, Bertram .. .. Timaru. Anthony, Annie Muriel .. . . Wanganui. Archoy, Gilbert Edward . . .. Christchurch. I Ardagh, Cyril Edgar .. .. Oamaru. Armstrong, Doris Oortrnde .. Masterton. Armstrong, Lurlino Frances .. Wellington. Arnold, Cuthbert Frederick .. Christchurch. Arthur. .May .. .. .. Palmerston North. Asher, John Alexander .. .. Napier. Astley, Gladys Cicely Annie .. Auckland. Atkin, Eliza Eileen Musgrave .. Tapanui. Atkinson, Agnes Anne .. .. Wellington.

a—c. ia.


Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Austin, Lancelot Richard . . .. I Dunedin. Austin, Leslie Gordon .. - • j Christchurch. Auton, Thomas . • • • Christchurch. | . Avery, Grace Dorothy .. .. Blenheim. Badger, Myrtle Julia . . .. j Auckland. Baigent. Edgar Oliver .. .. Nelson. Ball, George .. .. • • Auckland. Barber. Ada Isabella Jeannie .. j Gore. Barker, Maud Inez .. .. Auckland. Barkle, Roy Clifford .. • • Christchurch. Barkman, Neil Bruce .. - • Wanganui. Barnett, Robert Charles .. .. Lawrence. Ban-, Avice Gordon • • • • Blenheim. Barry, Edward John . • • ■ Oamaru. Bartlett;- Constance . • ■ • Nelson. Barton, Alan Arnold . . . ■ Wanganui. Barton, Frederick Hadlow .. Auckland. Barton, James .. • • ■ • Lawrence. Barton, Mary Victoria .. • • Hamilton. Bartrum, Oswald Benjamin .. Christchurch. Bass, Elsa Gladys .. • • Ashburton. Bassett, Cyril Royston Guyton . . Auckland. Batkin, Mildred .. ■ • • • Auckland. Bawden, James Percival .. .. Thames. Baxter, Robert Hector .. .. Timaru. Baylisa, Olive Ethel .. . ■ Invercargill. Bayliss, Margaretta .. .. Auckland. Beaumont. George .. ■ • ; Dunedin. Beehan. William Adalbert Ebzery . . Auckland. Beer, Ethel Constance .. . ■ Invercargill. Beeson, Gordon Ivan .. ■ • Hamilton. Begg, Andrew Muir .. . ■ Dunedin. Bell, Garnet Garvin .. • • Christchurch. Bell, Raynor Colin . • • ■ ! Nelson. Bell. Reginald .. .. Wellington. Bennett, Annie Edith Mary .. Gore. Bennett, John Henry .. .. j Christchurch. Bennett, Norman George .. Wellington. Bennington, Francis Taylor .. | Greymouth. Berryman, Adeline Lorna .. j Auckland. Besant, Alice .. . . • ■ ! Wellington. Best, Frank Kauri . . • • Auckland. Best, Isabel Winifred . . .. Christchurch. Bilkey, Edmund Edward .. .. I Auckland. Binsted, Elsie .. .. .. Auckland. Bird, William Thomas .. .. Blenheim. Bishop, Walter John .. .. i Auckland. Bisley, Edward Austin Herbert . . j Nelson. Black, John Francis Trevor .. : Thames. Blackburn, Percy .. .. Napier. BUckett, Florence Mary . . Hamilton. Blimpied, Eric .. • ■ • • Auckland. Blampied, Martin .. • ■ Auckland. Blank, Myrtle .. . • • ■ Christchurch. Blue, Jessie .. ■ • Timaru. Blundell, Ernest Holmes .. .. Dunedin. Blyth, Freda Agnes .. .. Oamaru. Blythe, Sidney George Winder .. Nelson. Boeufve, Alio Henry Eustace Charles I Auckland. Eugene Bo ?le. George Stafford .. .. Napier. Bollinger, Mary .. .. .. New Plymouth. Bongard, Annie Selwyn .. .. Auckland. Boo:'i, Bertram .. .. .. Wellington. Booth, Charles Irwin .. .. Dunedin. Booth, Dorothy .. .. .. Wellington. Bossence, Aubrey Chatterton . . Dunedin. Boswell, Stella Elizabeth .. . . Auckland. Botting, Robert William Stanley . . ; Dunedin. Bowler, Frederick Columbus . . ] Stratford. Boyd, Edward Hallifield . . .. Timaru. Boyes, Esmond Earnest Cave . . j Nelson. Boyle, Elsie Bessie .. .'. Auckland. Boyle, Robert Reynolds .. . . Napier. Bradfield, Arthur George Sinclair . . Palmerston North. Bradfield, Jessie .. .. .. j Dunedin. Bradley, George Ernest .. .. Rangiora. Bradley, Jeremiah .. . . ' Levin. Brakenrig, Sydney Wilson . . j Auckland. Bremner, James Fraser .. Dunedin. Bremner, Roland Scott .. . . Timaru. Bremner, Victor Herbert Thomas . . Dunedin. Brewer, Elsie Harriet Tudor . . Dannevirke. Brewer, Gertrude Faith .. . . Blenheim. Bridgman, Joseph Thomas . Christchurch. Briggs, Charles Raymond .. Auckland. Brims, Elizabeth Swanson .. Dunedin. Bristow, Thomas Union . . .. Napier. Broadgate, Frederick Lawrence King Hamilton. Broadhurst, Christine Stella . . | Christchurch.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Brockett, Arthur Ernest .. .. Wellington. Brooke, William James .. .. Dunedin. Brophy, Thomas Michael .. .. Ashburton. Brown, Arthur James .. .. Dunedin. Brown, Edward .. .. • • Dunedin. Brown, Isabel .. .. . ■ Dannevirko. Brown, John McConchie .. . . Wellington. Brown, Lillian Annie .. .. Christchurch. Brown, Maxwell Stewart, Miss .. Wellington. Brown, Ruby .. .. .. Dunedin. Brown, Thomas Duncan .. .. Christchurch. Brown, William Binet .. .. Wellington. Brown, William Ralph .. .. Wanganui. Brownlie; Robert Herbert .. Gore. Bruce, Harry John .. .. Ranigora. Bruce, Robert Marshall .. .. Dunedin. Bryan, Alfred George Thomas .. Nelson. Bryan, Clifford John Francis .. Westport. Buckler, Edward Horton .. .. Auckland. Bull, Ida Lottie .. .. .. Wellington. Bull, Noel Henty .. .. Napier. Burbush, Nellie Maria .. .. Palmerston North. Burden, Mary Witherden .. .. Napier. Burgess, Roy Frederick .. .. Napier. Burke, Edmund Joseph, jun. .. Wellington. Burke, Edmund Joseph, son. .. Wellington. Burn, Philip John Challoner .. Marton. Burnett, Eric Arnold .. .. Nelson. ! Burns, Annie Gilroy .. .. Auckland. Burnside, John Henry Gordon .. Auckland. Burrell, Bertha Elizabeth Braithwaite Auckland Burt, Oswald Stanley .. .. Christchurch. Burton, Eva .. .. .. Napier. Butcher, Charles Edward .. .. Dunedin. Butler, Maurice .. .. .. Wellington. Byfield, Martha Amelia .. .. Dunedin. Cable, Alexander.. .. .. Wellington. Calder, James Leodamas .. .. Dunedin. Calder, John Kinlock .. .. Dunedin. Callaghan, Francis Raymond .. Christchurch. Cameron, Eric Gordon .. .. Timaru. Cameron, Frederick .. .. Oamaru. Cameron, Gladys Christian Mary .. Dunedin. Cameron, Harry James .. .. Whangarei. Cameron, Rae Cumberland .. Wellington. Campbell, Alice .. .. .. Masterton. Campbell, Catherine Annie .. Timaru. Campbell, Francis .. .. Blenheim. Campbell, Ida Cerise .. .. Napier. Campbell, James Shaw .. .. Dunedin. Campbell, Jessie .. .. .. Masterton. Campbell, John Richard Somerville Auckland, Campbell, Mary Jane .. .. Napier. Campion, Roy .. .. .. Wellington. Caradus, John .. .. .. Auckland. Carey, Vera Blanche .. .. Dunedin. Carmody, James .. .. Wellington. Caro, Vera Gladys .. .. Auckland. Carpenter, Albert Sydney .. .. Thames. Carrad, Charles Samuel .. .. Christchurch. Carrick, Mary Elizabeth .. .. Greymouth. Carroll, Emily Jane .. .. Recfton. Carroll, John Charles .. .. Auckland. Carson, William Norman .. .. Auckland Carter, Evelyn Mary .. .. Whangarei. Cartwright, Jessie Millicent . . Auckland. Casey, Ellen Christine .. .. Napier. Casey, Winifride Agnes .. .. Napier. Casserley, Thomas .. .. Rangiora. Cassrels, Salome Olga .. .. Auckland. Castle, Arthur Penfold .. .. Wellington. Caverhill, Kathleen Isabel .. Wellington. Chaplin, Cecil Stanley .. .. Levin. Chapman, Agnes Ann .. .. Palmerston North. Chapman, Irene Muriel .. .. Auckland. Chapman, Louisa Jane .. .. Palmerston North. Chatwin, Cicely Mary .. .. Wellington. Chilcott, Charles Wynne .. .. Auckland. Chrystal, Andrew .. .. Invercargill. Clark, Ethel May .. .. Whangarei. Clark, Mary Ethel .. .. Dunedin. Clarkson, Margaret Bowes .. Auckland. Clayton, Charles Edward . . .. Auckland. Cleary, Ethel May .. .. Wanganui. Cochrane, Edwin Grandison .. Invercargill. Cockroft, Eric Arthur Percy .. Invercargill. Cody, George .. .. .. Invercargill Coker, Rex Desmond .. .. New Plymouth. Coldham, George Stewart .. Auckland. Coldicutt, Ernest Worrall .. Auckland.




Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Cole, James Mac Murray .. .. Auckland. Oolhoun, Mary Agnos .. . . Auckland. Oollis, Douglas Leopold .. .. New Plymouth. Colquhoun, Elizabeth Annabella .. Wellington. Coltman, William Hall Denly .. Timaru. Commons, William Aitken . . Auckland. Compton, Gladys .. .. Christchurch. Condliffe, John Bell .. .. Christchurch. Congreve, Olive Agnes .. .. Invercargill. Connell, Richard Patrick .. . . Timaru. Connor, James .. .. .. Dunedin. Conyngham, Ruby Miriam .. Whangarei. Cook, William Wallace .. .. Palmerston North. Cooke, Florence Winifred .. .. Napier. Cooke, Gertrude Myrtle .. .. Nelson. Cooke, Philip Brunshill . . .. Wanganui. Coombe, Frederick Charles .. Auckland. Coombe, Gilbert Walpole . . .. Nelson. Coombe, Gwendoline Wedmore .. Dunedin. Copland, Arthur Thomson .. Timaru. Corbet, Margaret Hamilton . . Invercargill. Corcoran, Patrick .. . . Oamaru. Cornwall, Edith Mary .. . . Christchurch. Cornwall, Ivy Leonora Louise .. Reefton. Cottingham, Ruby May .. .. Auckland. Couch, Theodore Stanley .. Blenheim. Coughlan, William James Lawton .. Dunedin. Courtenay, Thomas Michael .. Auckland. Cox, Thomas Patrick .. .. Dunedin. Cowie, Alfred Cranstone . . .. Wanganui. Craig, Annie Douglas .. .. Invercargill. Crane, Annie Emily .. .. Whangarei. Crawford, Ernest Ashley . . .. Whangarei. Crawford, Ivy Muriel . . .. Timaru. Crawshaw, Richard George . . Auckland. Crook, Harold Llewellyn .. Auckland. Cubitt, Percy Neville .. . . Whangarei. Cullen, Alfred James .. .. Wellington. Cullen, Patrick Alphonsus.. . . Wellington. Cumberworth, Dorothy May . . Stratford. Gumming, John Frederick . . Wellington. Cunningham, Herbert Adam . . Dunedin. Cupples, Samuel .. .. .. Invercargill. Curry, Walton Armstrong . . Auckland. Cuthbert, John .. .. .. Stratford. C ithbert, Ronald Alexander .. Timaru. C ittance, Warren Joseph . . . . Hokitika. D lines, Susan Reynolds .. . . New Plymouth. Dildy, Rhoda Catherine .. .. Thames. D tie, Clara .. . • • ■ Balclutha. Dallard, Berkeley Lionel . . .. Rangiora. Dmiell, Hubert Harry .. .. Wellington. Dj,plyn, Isabella Edith . . .. Invercargill. Davies, Dorothy .. .. Oamaru. Diwson, Geoffrey Forrester .. Dunedin. Dawson, John Tewsley . . .. Dunedin. Day, Dorothy Rosa .. .. Auckland. Day, Norman Darcy .. .. Wanganui. Dement, Ida Verne. .. .. Nelson. D3mpsey, Mabel . . .. Greymouth. Dmipsey, Mary Josephine .. Westport. Devlin, Joseph Calistus .. .. Wellington. Dswar, Jauet Bethia .. .. Dunedin. Dickel, William Julius .. . . Dunedin. Dickson, Janet .. .. .. Timaru. Diehl, Andrew Goldie .. .. Christchurch. Dingan, Lucilla Berniece .. . . Wanganui. Dinnic. Donald Roy .. .. Wellington. Dobbie, Ira Valor Allan . . . . Napier. Dobbs, John Henry Lawrie .. Auckland. Dobson, Myra .. .. .. Christchurch. Dolan, Thomas Henry .. .. Christchurch. Donne, Stanley Ernest .. .. Dunedin. Donovan, Elsie .. .. .. Invercargill. Dore, William .. .. .. Wellington. Douglas, Effie .. .. .. Auckland. Douglas, Harold King . . .. Tauranga. Dow, Lawrence Alexander .. Dunedin. Dowling, Mary Francisca Com|> re .. New Plymouth. Down, William Havilah .. .. Christchurch. Drake, Charles John .. .. Timaru. Drummond, Willoughby d'Eresby .. Masterton. Duff, Helen Elizabeth .. .. Dunedin. Duggan, Catherine .. .. Christchurch. Daggan, Eveline Elizabeth . . Blenheim. Duggan, John .. .. . . Wellington. Duggan, John Lee .. Oamaru. Duggan, Patrick Birinus Vincent .. Oamaru. Duke, Sydney George .. .. Dunedin. Dundon, William Thomas .. Blenheim.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Dunn, Minnie Allan .. .. Timaru. Dunne. Albert Thomas .. .. Auckland. Dunning, Allan Roy .. .. Auckland. Duske, Frederick William .. Hokitika. Dutton, Dorothy Violet .. .. Wellington. Dwan, Madeleine .. .. Napier. Dwyer, John Patrick .. .. Wellington. Eckley, Jessie .. .. .. Auckland. Edgar, Harold .. .. .. Christchurch. Edge, Doris Jane .. .. Timaru. Edie, Herbert Kerr .. .. Dunedin. Edmonds, Florrie Martha .. Wellington. Edmonds, William George .. Auckland. Edwards, Vera Carlton .. .. Masterton. Edwards, Keith Napier .. .. Napier. Egan, John Thomas .. .. Wellington. Elder, Arthur Randall .. .. Oamaru. Elliott, Evelyn Margaret .. .. Masterton. Ellis, Flora .. .. .. Lawrence. Ellis, William Roy .. .. Thames. Emms, Hilda .. .. .. Nelson. Engebretsen, Arthur John .. Dannevirke. Ensor, Edna Jean .. .. Christchurch. Esam, Stanley Owen .. .. Auckland. Espie, Reba Rebecca Golden Muir .. Balclutha. Evans, Herbert Hamilton .. Nelson. Eves, John Downes .. .. Wellington. Evetts, Carvell Eli .. .. New Plymouth. Ewen, Harold Ernest .. .. Whangarei. Exell, Harry Lawrence .. .. Napier. Eyles, Robert Edward .. .. Nelson. Fahy, Ray Armitage .. .. Wellington. Faire, Arthur Silvesta .. .. Palmerston North. Fawcett, Thomas .. .. Blenheim. Felton, Eva Madeline .. .. Reefton. Fendall, Francis Alan .. .. Auckland. Fendall, Gordon Francis .. .. Dannevirke. Ferguson, Charles Bathgate .. Hamilton. Fincham, Clara Lilian .. .. Stratford. Findlay, Elspeth Ada .. .. Nelson. Findlay, James Gilbert .. .. Invercargill. Findlay, Walter .. .. .. Dunedin. Finlayson, Annabella Margaret .. Whangarei. Finlayson, Roderick Murray .. Wanganui. Finnigan, Maurice Patrick .. Nelson. Fisher, Margaret Grace Dalkeith .. Invercargill. FitzGibbon, Nora .. .. Invercargill. Fletcher, Hugh Campbell .. .. Auckland. Fletcher, Melba Brasher .. .. Christchurch. Flux, Gwendolyn Mary .. .. Wellington. Ford, Allan Andrew .. .. Dunedin. Ford, Ernest Laurence .. .. Wellington. Ford, Spencer .. .. .. Invercargill. Fordham, Cedric Victor .. .. Wellington. Forsyth, John Cossar .. .. Auckland. Forsyth, Norman Leslie .. .. Invercargill. Fossette, Walter Ernest .. .. Wellington. Foster, Frances Holen Hyder .. Christchurch. i Foster, Lawrence Dallington .. Wellington. Foster, Mabel Kate .. .. Auckland. Foughy, Mary .. .. ' .. Auckland. Fowler, Ciril Douglas Gilroy .. Palmerston North Fraer, Arthur Hedley .. .. Dunedin. Francis, Elsie Lorraine Gunn .. Christchurch. Fraser, Helen Mary .. . . Christchurch. Fraser, Kinnen George .. .. ! Invercargill. Frew, Mary Marshall .. .. Invercargill. Frude, Violet Mary Elizabeth .. Napier. Fulton, Frederick Robert .. .. Marten. Funke, Ruth Esther Francis .. Auckland. Fyfe, Laura Henderson .. .. Oamaru. Galbraith, Lindsay Chalmers ~. Greymouth. Galvin, Fergus Rendrick .. .. ! Wellington. Gamble, Victor John .. ~. Christchurch. Gardner, Duncan Eric .. .. Palmerston North. Gascoigne, Laurel Louise .. .. Palmerston North. Gaudin, Grace Beatrice .. .. Wellington. Gazley, William .. .. .. Masterton. Geaney, Nicholas Augustine Gladstone Wellington. Gedney, Mary Jane .. .. j Invercargill. Gerrand, Percy Augustus .. .. Auckland, Gibbs, George Nathaniel Vosper .. Christchurch. Gibson, Grace Sanderson .. .. Lawrence. Gilbert, Edith Elizabeth .. .. Dunedin. i Gill, Arthur Milne .. .. Wellington. i Gillett, May .. .. .. Blenheim. i Gillies, Alexander .. . . Dunedin. j Gilling, Clarence Dudley .. .. Christchurch. ! Gilling, William Osric Robert .. Christchurch. ! Ginger, Barton Albert .. .. Masterton.



Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Glasson, Herbert John Henry .. Christchurch. Gleeson, Alice Rebecca .. .. New Plymouth. Goldsbury, Eulalie .. .. Wanganui. Goldsworthy, Amy Elvina .. Auckland. Gooch, Arthur Henry .. • • Nelson. Goodwin, John Archibald .. Nelson. Gordon, Charles Stanley .. • • Masterton. Goulstone, Ella Frances .. . ■ Auckland. Gow, Lily Anne .. .. ■ • Timaru. Gow, Stanley Gordon .. • • Christchurch. Gowdv, Vyvienne .. • • Gore. Graced Alfred Fearon .. .. Nelson. Grace, Lillie Ursula .. ■ • Blenheim. Graham, Elizabeth Jeanie.. .. Wanganui. Graham, Mabel Mary .. • • Rangiora. Grant, Christina .. . • • ■ Palmerston North. Grant, Colin Campbell .. .. Masterton. Grant, Edward .. .. ■ ■ Dunedin. Grant, Noel Gordon .. • • Napier. Grant, Thomas Smaill .. . • Dannevirke. Gray, John .. • • • ■ Lawrence. Gray, Wynne Peyton .. ■ • Auckland. Grayburn, Elizabeth Rudd .. Timaru. Greatbatch, Edwin Percy .. Wellington. Green, Edith Willoughby . • Dunedin. Grey, Alan Stuart .. • • Auckland. Grieve, William .. .. ■ • Invercargill. Griffin, John Leslie .. • • Nelson. Griffiths, William Michael Joseph .. Blenheim. Grigg, Matthew Henderson .. Auckland. Grigg, Stella .. .. • • Auckland. Gulliver, Thomas Ralph .. .. Auckland. Guy, James Philip .. • • Invercargill. Guy, Sarah Helen .. ■ • Invercargill. Hadecke, Rhoda Gwendoline Jeanie Rangiora. Haggett, Doris Evelyn .. .. Wellington. Haigh, Frank Gordon .. .. Dunedin. Hades, Florence Leonard .. .. Nelson. Haines, Ina ' .. .. ■ • Nelson. Haldane, KatlUeen Florence .. Nelson. Halo, Charles Norman .. .. Auckland. Hall. Abraham .. . • • • Thames. Hall, Edith Jane.. .. •• Dunedin. Hall, Ethel Margaret Baird .. Napier. Hall, Harry Frederick .. .. Auckland. Hall, Norman .. .. • • Invercargill. Hall. Vincent John Baird .. Napier. Hamerton, Isabella Dorothy .. Wanganui. Hanlon, Mary Ellingthorp.. .. Whangarei. Hanna, Thomas Patterson .. Palmerston North. Hannay, Amelia Willan .. .. Napier. Hansen, Albert James .. .. Auckland. Hardcastle, Alan Arthur .. .. Timaru. Harden. George Samuel Thorpe .. Auckland. Hare, Edith Lucy .. .. Palmerston North. Harker, Harry Lionel .. .. Napier. Harris, Jane Bridget .. .. Tapanui. Harris, Myrtle Dorothy .. .. Christchurch. Harrison, Maurice Oswald .. Palmerston North. Harrison, Octavius Louis Thomas .. Wellington. Harrison, Stanley Bourdot . . Christchurch. Harston, Ernest Sirdefield .. Napier. Harty, Ulrich Kew .. •. Auckland. Harvey, Frederick Dunford .. Christchurch. Hastings, Angela.. .. •■ Dunedin. Hastings, Lily .. .. • • Christchurch. Hatch, Emma .. .. .. Hokitika. Hathawav, Alfred Deny .. .. Timaru. Hawke, Herbert .. .. . • Napier. Hawke, Robert Wesney .. .. Invercargill. Hawkes, George Agustus .. .. Whangarei. Hay, Alice Margaret .. .. Dunedin. Hayes, Alfred Patrick •.. .. Auckland. Hayes, Mary Charlotte .. .. I Ashburton. Hayward, Myrtle Alice Elizabeth .. ; Invercargill. Heaphy, Eileen Rose .. .. Greymouth. Heath, Delia Camilla .. .. Wellington. Heenan, Garth Eric Vaughan . . Wellington. Henderson, Douglas Dalrymple .. Wanganui. Henderson, Hilary Damien .. Wellington. Henderson, Hubert .. .. Palmerston North. Hendry, Colin Alexander .. .. Masterton. Heney. Walter .. .. .. Auckland. Henley, Herbert Chaplin . . . . Auckland. Herons, Basil Claxton .. Dunedin. Heward, Gladys Hilda .. .. Whangarei. Hewat, John Paterson . . . . Invercargill. Hewlett, Ellen Rousselle . . .. Nelson. Hirksou. Harold Jordan . . .. Wellington. Hill, Gladys . • • • ■ • I Napier.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Hill, Mabel Helen .. • • Nelson. Hill, Walter Stanley .. .. Auckland. Hilliard, Josephine .. .. Blenheim. Hind, Florence Mary .. .. Wellington. Hird, David Elms .. .. Napier. Hislop, Joyce Champion .. Dunedin. Hitt, James .. . • • • Dunedin. Hogg, John Brydon .. .. Gisborne. Hogwood, Edward James Leslie .. Auckland. Holdaway, Kenneth Mair .. .. Wellington. Holford, George Henry .. .. Auckland. Holmes, Gladys Marguerite .. Dunedin. Hopkirk, Susanna Margaret .. Dannevirke. Horrell, Constance Rayner .. Rangiora. Hossack, Eleanor .. .. Oamaru. Hotson, Claud .. .. • ■ Auckland. Houston, John .. .. • ■ Dunedin. Howard, Alexander Percy .. Marton. Howie, Richard Arthur .. .. Wanganui. Hudson, Charle-s .. .. • • Oamaru. Hudson, George Atkinson .. Stratford. Hueston, Dorothy Lilian .. .. Wellington. Huffam, Dorothea Agnes Jane .. Nelson. Hunt, William Irwin .. .. Auckland. Hunt, Winifred Mary .. .. Timaru. Hunter, Elizabeth .. . . Invercargill. Hunter, Maurice Reginald.. .. Christchurch. 1 Hunter, Susannah .. .. Lawrence. ! Huntingdon, Stanley Hustler .. Wellington. ! Hurley, Gertrude Mary .. . ■ Levin. j Hutchinson, Jenny .. • ■ Auckland. Hutton, Alexander Louis .. .. Auckland. Hutton, David .. .. • ■ Wellington. lies, Harold .. . • • • Christchurch. Inder, Eric Wyles .. •• Palmerston North. ! Inder, George Francis .. . . Gore. j Inder, Winifred Beulah .. . . Dunedin. : Innes, Albert James Langland . . Auckland. | Irwin, Mary Ann .. • • Invercargill. Irwin, Minnie .. .. • • Hokitika. Isdale, George Brownlee .. .. Oamaru. Iverach, Isabella Margaret .. Timaru. Jackson, Alice Mary .. • • Aratapu. Jackson, Arthur Thomas .. .. Auckland. Jackson, George Winchester .. Christchurch. Jackson, Lucy Aidney .. .. Masterton. Jacobsen, Clifford Nelson Mario .. Auckland. Jamieson, Thomas Henry .. .. Oamaru. Jarman, Thomas David .. .. Christchurch. Jenkinson, Edgar Eaton . . .. Wellington. Jermyn, James Alexander .. Blenheim. Johns, William Henwood .. .. Auckland. Johnson, Eunice .. .. .. Hawera. Johnson, Oalf Percival .. .. Whangarei. j Johnston, Harold Arthur .. .. Wellington. Johnston, Hubert Kenneth . . Nelson. Johnston, John George .. .. Dunedin. ! Johnston, William Bruce .. .. Dunedin. : Jones, Ernest Glynn .. .. Auckland. ! Jones, Major Edward Rauru .. Ashburton. Jones, Wiiliam Meirion .. . . Auckland. I Jory, Philip John . . .. Nelson. ! Joyce, Neville Stanley .. .. Invercargill. ! Judd, Leslie Ernest .. .. Rangiora. Jull, Doris Emily .. .. Napier. Jull, Gladys May.. .. .. Christchurch. I Kavanagh, James Paul .. .. Wellington. Kaye, Robert Leslie .. .. Auckland. Keddell, Reginald Aubrey .. 1 Oamaru. Kelly, Evelyn Lenore .. .. Palmerston North. Kelly, Francis Edward .. .. Wellington. Kelly, Roy Douglas .. . . Whangarei. Kerslake, Ida Maud .. . . Palmerston North. j Kerrisk, Ellen .. .. • • Hawera. ' Kibblewhite, Forrest Gordon .. Palmerston North. i Kiely, Catherine .. .. Dunedin. Kilgour, Jean Gunn Henderson .. Dunedin. Killen, George Edward .. .. Whangarei. ! King, Geoffrey John .. .. Nelson. ! King, Jessie Camilla .. .. Oamaru. i King, Thomas Joseph .. .. Dunedin. : Kingsbeer, Wallace Victor.. .. Palmerston North. Kingsland, Arnold James .. .. Invercargill. Kinsman, Percy Henry .. .. Dunedin. Kirbv. Alban Michael' .. .. Dunedin. Kirhy, Ernest William . . .. Stratford. Knight, Leslie Albert Vere .. Christchurch. Knox, Eliza .. .. .. Ashburton. Knox, Margaret Dryden .. .. Wellington. ! Knox, Reginald Victor Albert .. Auckland.



Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Laing, Rhoda Edith .. .. Christchurch. Lainbie, George Sidey .. .. Christchurch. Lange, Olive Beatrice .. .. Gisborno. Langford, Catherine Agnes .. Invercargill. Langridge, Francis Bertram .. Wanganui. , La Pine, Frederick Osborne .. Dunedin. De Largey, Francis Thomas .. Invercargill. Larsen, Jens Peter. :;;.•; j;.i 1.. .. Masterton. Latham, Harold Bowden .. .. Wellington. Lavery, Brendan Michael .. .. Auckland. Lavery, Robert William .. .. Wellington. Law, Allan Edward .. .. Dannevirke. Lawry, Gladys Mary .. .. Wellington. Lawry, Nora Ellen .. .. Hamilton. Lawry, Raymond Alexander Reid .. Christchurch. Learmouth, Ivy Annie .. .. Invercargill. Leary, Leonard Poulter .. .. Palmerston North. Le Cren, Hubert Ernest .. .. Auckland. Leo, Alice Forgan .. .. Dannevirke. Leslie, Albert George .. .. Lawrence. Lindauer, Victor Wilhelm .. Napier. Lindsay, Colin McKenzie .. .. Invercargill. Lindsay, Kenneth James .. .. Dunedin. Littlojohn, Elsie Smith .. .. Dunedin. Lloyd, Ada Celia.. .. .. Christchurch. Lloyd, Patrick Joseph. .. .. Wellington. Loader, Edwin James Gilbert .. Christchurch. Lockwood, Helena .. .. Christchurch. Logan, Preston .. .. .. Dunodin. Longhurßt, Gertrude Ethel Florence.. Wellington. Lord, George Henry .. .. Thames. Louch, Howard Fitzgibbon .. Auckland. Loughlin, Gertrude .. .. Christchurch. Louisson, Leslie William .. .. Nelson. Lucas, Annie Louise .. .. Christchurch. Ludbrook, Frank George .. .. Christchurch. Lundon, David Justin .. .. Wellington. Luxiord, John Hector .. .. Wanganui. Lynch, Mary .. .. . . Palmerston North. Lynch, Ronald Heriot Irwine .. Auckland. MeArthur, Jessie Euphemia . . Auckland. Me Bean, Ernest Stuart .. .. Palmerston North. Mcßeath, Gordon .. .. Dunedin. Macbeth, Arabella .. .. Whangarei. MoCarthy, Allan Hugh .. .. Napier. McCartney, Elizabeth Jane Morn .. Napier. McCartney, Leslie .. .. Invercargill. McClelland, Edmund .. .. Christchurch. McClune, Joseph Stanley .. .. Auckland. McColl, Rita Mary .. .. Wellington. McCombie, Charles Alexander .. Thames. McComisky, Francis Joseph .. Wanganui. McConaughy, May Agnes .. .. Auckland. McConnell, Gladys May .. .. Christchurch. MeCorkindale, Elizabeth Lillias . . Dunedin. MacCormick, Kenneth .. .. Auckland. McCullough, Dorothy Louise - .. Christchurch. Macdonald, Charles .. .. Napier. McDonald, Claude .. .. Christchurch. McDonald, Elizabeth Margaret .. Tapanui. McDonald, Hugh George Brown .. Tapanui. Mac Donald, Marslee Vaughan .. Napier. Macdonald, Ralph Norman .. Dunedin. McDonald, Stuart Gordon.. .. Oamaru. McDougall, Agnes Violet .. .. Invercargill. Macdougall. Walter Phillips .. Dunodin. McElwain, Myrtle .. .. Auckland. McEvedy, Peter George .. .. Christchurch. McGill, Cassandra .. .. Auckland. McGonaglo, Caroline Minnie .. Palmerston North. ilcGrael, Michael Stephen.. .. Auckland. McGrath, Mary .. .. .. Napier. McHardie, Cyril James .. .. Marton. Macindoe, George .. .. Invercargill. Mcintosh-Murray, William .. Christchurch. Maclntyre, Ewen . . .. Oamaru. Mclntyre, Sophie .. .. Dunedin. Mclsaac, Catherine Mary .. .. New Plymouth. Mclvor, Harry Percival .. .. Ashburton. McKay, Donald .. .. .. Timaru. Mackay, Donald Eric .. .. Hokitika. McKay, Elsie Gladys .. .. Napier. McKay, John Henry .. .. Dunedin. Mackay, John Robert •.. .. Invercargill. McKeefry, Jolin Henry Aloysius .. Christchurch. McKenua, Francis Stuart .. .. Wellington. McKenna, Laurence Augustine .. Wellington. McKenzie, Ivy Verena .. .. Masterton. McKenzie, Mary Boyno .. ~ Masterton. Mackenzie, Nellie .. .. Invercargill.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Mackenzie, Ronald Francis . . Auckland. McKibbin, Victor James . . .. Timaru. Mackie, lon Bertram .. .. Dunedin. Mackie, Jane .. .. .. New Plymouth. McKinnon, Margaret Jane Weir .. Whangarei. Mackintosh, Charlotte Elizabeth . . Christchurch. McLaren, Eric James Roland . . Whangarei. McLay, Alice Eva .. .. | Dunedin. Macloan, Gilbert .. .. ~ Dunedin. McLean, Jessie .. .. . . Rangiora. McLean, Thomas .. .. Wellington. McLeary, John James .. . . Wellington. Macleod, John Donald .. . . Whangarei. McLeod, Owen Silas .. .. Aratapu. McMaster, James .. . . Masterton. Macmillan, Keith Primrose .. Palmerston North Macmorran, James .. . . Wellington. McMullan, Esther .. .. j Dunedin. McMullon, Georgina .. . . ! Dunedin. MoMullin, Henry James .. Lawrence. McNair, Matilda Mary .. .. i Masterton. McNally, May Rosalyn .. .. Christchurch. McNamara, Patrick Joseph .. j Nelson. MoNutt, Amelia Mary .. . . j Napier. McPherson, Jeanie Chalmers .. Dannevirke. Mcßae, Gordon Egmont . . . . Nelson. Macrae, lan Chisholm .. . . Invercargill. McSweeney, Honora .. . . Timaru. Madden, Dora Christina . . Auckland. Maker, Michael .. .. # .. Wellington. Mahony, Katherine .. .. Napier. Maider, Sophia Jane Jessie Mary .. Invercargill. Main, Alexander .. . . Whangarei. Malloy, Carita Mary .. . . Reefton. Marshall, Angus McPhee .. .. Oamaru. Marshall, Caroline Stuck .. . . Dunedin. Marshall, James Alexander Patton Gisborne. Marshall, Kuini Mci .. . . Christchurch. Marshall, Walter Leslie .. . . Whangarei. Martin, Mary Kathleen .. . . I Greymouth. Mason, Alice .. .. Rangiora. Mathers, Reginald John .. . . Marton. Matthews, Charles Ellis .. . . Blenheim. Matthews, Eric Rupert .. . . Invercargill. Matthews, Samuel Alfred Emselle .. Lawrence. Mawson, Joseph Bibby .. . . | Dunedin. Maxwell, Robert Wyndham Dovitt.. Christchurch. May, Leslie .. .. .. Thames. Mazengrav, Alfred John . . • .. Dunedin. Mead, William Perrett .. .. i Whangarei. Meighan, John .. .. .. I Gore. Mellish, William George Lilly .. j Palmerston North. Mentcath, Valeric Harriet Stuart . . Palmerston North. Menzics, Alexander .. . Auckland. Menzies, Ellen Jean Bell . . . . I Christchurch. Menzies, James Lawrence . . i Wanganui. Metherell, Henrietta Lydia .. , Christchurch. Meyer, Frances Irene .. .. ! Nelson. Middlemas, Noel Allan . . .. Auckland. Miles, Frederick Fisher .. .. Invercargill. Millar, Stanley Clark .. . . Invercargill. Miller, David Pryde . . . . Dunedin. Miller, Muriel Audrey . . .. Ashburton. Miller, Robert John .. . . Wellington. Mills, Alice .. .. .. Hawera. Mills, Elsie Evelyn .. Christchurch. Mills, Mary McMillan .. .. Timaru. Milne, Arthur Waddington . . Oamaru. Milne, Donald Stuart . . Dunedin. Mirfin, Melville .. .. . . Nelson. Mitchell, Gilbert Gregory . . . . Auckland. Mitchell, James Garfield . . Dunedin. Mitchell, Rose Ann . . .. Hokitika. Mitchell, Thomas .. . . Timaru. Montgomery, Gladys .. .. Auckland. Moore, Adela Mary Hazel .. Auckland. Moore, Ellen .. .. . . Greymouth. Moore, James Philip . . Invercargill. Moore, Maurice Oswald .. . . Christchurch. More, Christina Agnes . . .. Christchurch. Morgan, Gladys Rowena . . . . Christcllurch. Morris, Daniel Stewart .. . . Wellington. Morrison, John .. . . .. Blenheim. Morrison, Thomas Hugh .. Dannevirke. .Morton, Agnes . . .. .. Invercargill. Mowbray, Harry Logan Campbell . . Auckland. Moxham, Ruth May . . .. Wellington. Moyniham, Humphrey Edward Dillon Dunedin. Munro, Kenneth . . .. Nelson. Murchie, Donald McGregor .. Wanganui.



Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools—cowitmied.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Murphy, Ellen .. . . .. Hamilton. Murphy, Norah Muriel .. . . Wellington. Murray, Mary Edith Elizabeth . . Masterton. Mushet, Mildred Elsie .. .. Auckland. Myers, Daniel Frank .. .. Christchurch. Needham, Mary .. .. .. Napier. Nelson, John Smith .. .. Balolutha. Newnham, Gwendolen Pearl . . Wellington. Newport, Elizabeth .. .. Christchurch. Newton, George D. J. .. . . Wellington. Nicholson, William Alexander . . Stratford. Nilson, James Graham .. .. Auckland. Nimmo, Mary .. .. ■. Christchurch. Nixon, Balfour .. .. .. Auckland. Norman, Edward Robert .. . . Westport. Norrie, John Henry Bambridgi . . Christchurch. Norris, Irvine .. . . . . Nelson. Norris, Nellie Henrietta .. . . Wellington. Norton, Alice Ada .. .. Wellington. Norwood, Madeleine .. .. Napier. O'Brien, Ellen Mary .. . . Palmrrstor North. O'Brien, Rosie Anne .. .. Invercargill. O'Connor, Catherine . . .. Christchurch. O'Connor, Francis Joseph .. Wellington. O'Donnell, Aileen .. . . Oamaru. O'Donnell, Mary Kathleen .. Greymouth. O'Donoghue, David .. .. Napier. O'Dowd, John Patrick .. .. Timaru. O'Leary, Alark .. .. .. Wellington. Oliver, Mabel Louisa .. .. zAuckland. Oliver, Oscar Dudley .. .. Timaru. O'Maley, Martin .. .. .. Invercargill. Ongley, Dorothea Hyacinth .. Oamaru. O'Reilly, Francis John .. .. Wellington. O'Rorke, Mary Ellen .. .. New Plymouth.*" Orr, Leonard Walpole .. .. Dunedin. o'Sullivan, Helena Grace .. .. Wellington. O'Sullivan, Moya Kathleen .. Wellington. Oswin, Angy Louisa .. .. Dunedin. Otterston, Arthur Alfred .. .. Wellington. Owen, Dorothy Jane .. .. Christchurch. Pagan, Thomas .. .. .. Dunedin. Palamontain, William John .. Masterton. Pallant, Donald Kelway .. .. Palmerston North Palmer, Austin Trevor .. .. Nelson. Palmer, Robert James Garland .. ! Auckland. Palmer, William Rodney Pitt .. { Wanganui. Paltridge, Elizabeth .. .. Thames. Park, Jean Gladys .. ■ .. Hokitika. Parkes, Margaret Dorothy Bonington Auckland. Parkinson, Arnold Edward Henry .. Wellington. Parr, Stephen .. . . .. Timaru. Parry, John Asher .. .. Auckland. Partridge, Ernest .. Dunedin. Passmore, John . . .. .. Dunedin. Paterson, Archibald Aird .. .. Dunedin. Paterson, William Louis . ... Christchurch. Paton, Grace .. . . . . Dunedin. Paton, James Knight . . .. Dannevirke. Paton, Kenneth Edward Stafford .. : Oamaru. Patrick, Hugh McAlister . . . . I Auckland. Patrick, Robert Thomas George . . ! Timaru. Paul, Earnest Victor .. .. I Palmerston North. Paul, James Coutts . . .. Auckland. Paulin, Vera Sophia .. .. Dunedin. Paulsen, Norman Mathias.. .. Dannevirke. Payne, Alice .. . . .. Blenheim. Pearce, Arthur Hambley . . .. I Whangarei. Pearce, Elsie Mary .. .. Christchurch. Pearce, Frank Kenneth . ... Wanganui. Pearce, Henry William Sprint .. Auckland. Pearce, Myrtle .. . . .. j Christchurch. Peart, Catherine Louisa . . .. Palmerston North Peart, Cuthbert Blenkiron .. j Nelson. Peart, Elvira Stephenson . . .. Nelson. Peat, Jack Trevor .. .. j Aratapu. Peed, William Arthur .. .. Palmerston North Pelvin, Bruce . . .. .. j Timaru. Pemberton, Leila Emily Inez .. | Wanganui. Penman, Margaret Ethel . . . . j Auckland. Percy, Kathleen Ellen . . . . j Wellington. Perry, Albert Edward . . . . Wellington. Perry, Alfred Melville .. .. Palmerston North. Phillips, Charles Ernest .. .. Dannevirke. Phillips, Ethel .. .. .. Auckland. Phillips, Louis .. .. .. Auckland. Phipps, Doris Douglas .. .. Auckland. Pickett, Stanley John Ponsonby .. > Lawrence. Pilcher, Doris May .. . . [ Auckland. Pilling, Jessie Catherine . . .. | Dunedin.

Candidate. Examination Centre Pinfold, Francis Dewsbury .. Auckland. Pointon, Monica Christina .. Christchurch. Ponder, Irene Mildred . . .. Christchurch. Poole, Philip Alfred .. .. Invercargill. Poppelwell, George Xavior Bell .. Napier. Portas, George Patrick .. .. Napier. Potter, John Forsyth .. .. Auckland. Potts, Roland Denniston Joseph New- Reefton. man Powell, Mabel Sarah .. .. Levin. Pram, George Gordon .. .. Dunedin. Priest, Roy Simpson .. .. Timaru. Pringle, Gertrude Hester .. .. Wellington. Printzen, Doris Karla .. .. Wellington. Pryde, Annie .. .. .. Invercargill Pulley, Letitia Fanny .. .. Rangiora. Purdie, Charles Laidlow .. . . Levin. Quinlan, Patrick ... * .. ".. Wellington. Rabbidge, Edith May .. .. Invercargill. Rabone, Thomas Cedric Victor .. Blenheim. Radcliffe, Harold John .. .. Timaru. Rao, William Stewart .. .. Dunedin. Raikes, Alice Olive .. .. Nelson. Raikes, Margaret Emily .. .. Wanganui. Rasmusen, Arnold .. .. Wanganui. Redpath, George .. . . Gisborne. Reed, Rupert Wanostrocht .. Palmerston North. Reid, Albert Sidney .. .. Invercargill. Reid, Charles Edward .. .. Invercargill. Reid, Henry Bell .. .. Oamaru. Restell, Kathleen Nancy .. .. Christchurch. Roynell, Lillian Gladys .. .. Wellington. Reynolds, Arthur William .. ; Hokitika. Reynolds, Emma Ivy .. .. Auckland. Reynolds, John Bernard .. .. Auckland. Rhodes, Ernest William .. .. Auckland. Richards, Lucy .. .. .. Greymouth. Richards, Thomas .. .. Nelson. Richardson, Herbert George .. Auckland. Ricketts, Lena Stella Vivian .. Nelson. Riddick, Charles Harry .. .. Wellington. Rigg, Theodore .. .. .. Wellington. Ring, William Augustus .. .. Greymouth. Ritchie, Christina Marion .. .. Invercargill. Robb, Malcolm .. .. .. Auckland. Robbie, Archibald Frederick .. Palmerston North. Robeck, Dorothea Caroline . . Hokitika. Robertson, George Harold .. Christchurch. Robertson, John Hector .. .. Dunedin. Robertson, Stuart Cable .. .. Dunedin. I Robinson, Alfred Herbert .. .. Wellington. '. Robinson, Cedric Keith .. .. Wellington. Robinson, Robert Pursey .. .. Rangiora. • Roche, James Michael .. .. Greymouth. Rochford, James .. .. Wellington. Rochfort, Frank .. .. .. Christchurch. Roehfort, Walter .. .. Christchurch. Rogers, Ida Laura Brockway .. Wellington. Rogers, Rosanna.. .. .. Greymouth. Rooney, Thomas William .. .. Christchurch. Rope, Charles Manfred .. .. Aratapu. Rosie, Alexander Mclvor .. .. Oamaru. Ross, Annie .. .. .. Gore. Ross, Hazel Edith .. .. Auckland. i Ross, Kenneth .." .. .. Napier. | Rotherham, Hazel .. .. Auckland. I Rout, Blanche Catharine .. .. Christchurch. . Rowan, William Dunlop .. .. Dunedin. i Rowe, Alfred Cochrane .. .. Invercargill. ; Ruck, Frederick Arthur .. .. Christchurch. Russell, John Whitworth .. . . Wanganui. Rutherford, Donald Alexander John Dunedin. Ryan, Bernard James .. . . Wellington. '■ Ryan, Horace Laurence .. .. Dunedin. Ryan, Joseph Bernard .. .. Wellington. ; R yan, Patrick James .. .. Wellington. : Ryan, Ruby Louisa .. . . Dunedin. . Ryan, William Charles .. .. Wellington. Sadd, Gerald Lowther .. .. Nelson. Sage, Constance Maria .. . . Christchurch. Salmon, Cedric Whitby .. .. Invercargill. Salmon, Harold John .. .. Dunedin. Sams, Herbert William Hame .. Timaru. Sarten, Lawrence Frederick .. Wanganui. Savage, Willie Howard .. .. Nelson. Saxon, John Hicks yon Tunzlemann Nelson. Scales, Robert Dudley .. .. Palmerston North. Scannell, Daniel .. .. .. Blenheim. Scantlebury, Austin Edward Lester Reefton. Sceats, Ethel Florence Alice .. Auckland.



Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Schlaepfer, John .. .. . .■ I Auckland. Scholfield, Ethel Catherine .. Auckland. Schulenburg, James Thomson .. Dunedin. Schwass, Christoph Henry.. .. Marton. Scotland, Henry Humphrey .. Auckland. Scott, Grace Madeline .. .. j Napier. Scott, Herbert William .. .. j Wellington. Scott, Jane .. .. .. Christchurch. Scott, Lindsay Mackie .. .. Oamaru. Scott, Robert Francis Cog'hill .. Auckland. Scaly, Alfred Desmond .. .. Auckland. Searlo, Herbert Victor .. .. Oamaru. Seator, Thomas Lockerbie .. Invercargill. Seddon, Samuel Thomas .. .. Auckland. Seyb, Louisa .. .. .. Timaru. Shakes, Harry George .. Wellington. Shanly, Lucy Agnes .. .. Wanganui. Shaw, Gladys Margaret .. .. Dunedin. Shepherd, Ethel Jessie Sutherland .. Tapanui. Shepherd, Frederick Henry Manson Thames. Shugar, Mildred Caroline .. .. Dannevirke. Simmers, William Wallace .. Timaru. Simmons, Claude Richard . . Auckland. Simon, Frank . . .. .. Invercargill. Simpson, Annie .. .. .. Timaru. Simpson, John .. .. .. Auckland. Sinclair, Bertha Allan .. .. Oamaru. Sinclair, Bertha Marion .. .. Hokitika. Sinclair, David .. .. .. Timaru. Sinclair, Emilie Isabella .. .. Christchurch. Sinclair, Vera Christina .. .. Lawrence. Sissons, Thomas Hall .. .. Whangarei. Slater, William Turner .. .. Dunedin. Sloss, Janet Williamson .. . . Christchurch. Small, Charlos Arthur .. . . Wellington. Small, Hilda Elizabeth Annie .. Nelson. Smith, Arthur Clifford .. .. Wellington. Smith, Cecil McLean .. .. Dunedin. Smith, Charles .. .. .. Oamaru. Smith, Charles Alfred .. .. Dunedin. Smith, Clarence Leonard Charles . . Palmerston North. Smith, Constance Isabel .. Christchurch. Smith, Edna Bavin .. .. Nelson. Smith, Ethel Boyne Lawrence .. Balclutha. Smith, Frances Harriet .. .. j Ashburton. Smith, George Talbot O'Hara .. Nelson. Smith, Harry Louis Percy .. Palmerston North. Smith, James Mowat .. .. Dunedin. Smith, Laura Annie .. .. Timaru. Smith, Mabel Ellen .. Dannevirke. Smith, May Alice .. .. Ashburton. Smith, Stephen John .. .. Dunedin. Smith, Thomas Dalrymple . . Napier. Smyth, John .. .. Lawrence. Sneesby, Myrtle Gladys .. .. Christchurch. Spain, Fabian Eric .. .. Dunedin. Speedy, Margaret .. .. Wellington. Speight, Robert James .. .. Auckland. Spratt, Mary .. .. . . Invercargill. Spurdle, Percy Alexander .. .. Wanganui. Squire, Maud Helen .. Christchurch. Stack, John Dominic .. . . Auckland. Stallworthy, Rebecca Ruby .. Auckland. Stanton, Alice Edith .. . . Auckland. Stanton, Byron Lionel .. .. Christchurch. Steadman, Noel .. .. .. Auckland. Steel. Reader Wilfred .. .. Ashburton. Steinmetz, John Marcus .. . . j Christchurch. Stephenson, Marianne Agnes . . Auckland. Stevensen, John Francis Barr .. Wellington. Stewart, Fairley Clark .. . . Napier. Stewart, James Bremner . . . . Dunedin. Stewart, James Douglas . . Rangiora. Stichbury, Vincent John .. .. Auckland. Stitt, Isabelle Allsworth .. New Plymouth. Stone, Christine Laura • .. . . Hamilton. Strachan, Elizabeth .. Gore. Strack, Conrad Harry Excelsior .. Hawera. Strack, George Sainsbury .. .. Hawera. Strack, Uriti May .. .. Hawera. Stratton, Alfred Thomas .. .. Dunedin. Stretton, Ernest Claude .. .. Auckland. Strong, Marion Elizabeth .. .. Christchurch. Stubbs, Horace .. .. .. Wellington. Suckling, Horace Edwin .. . . Christchurch. Sullivan, Edward .. . . Timaru. Sullivan, Joseph Richard . . .. New Plymouth. Sullivan, Samuel Henry .. .. Christchurch. Sumner, Wallace Charles Tvan .. . Auckland.

Candidate. Examination Centre Sutherland, Robert Alexander Wallace Oamaru. Sutherland, Vida Clark . . .. Timaru. Swinard, Bertha May .. .. Oamaru. Symes, Thomas Hugh Dudley .. Nelson. Syverston, Berthel .. .. Masterton. Syverston, Jarl Adolph .. .. Mastorton. Tait, Robina .. .. .. Hawera. Tamihana, Te Kata Ahikawera .. Auckland. Tansey, Laura Alexa .. .. Dannevirke. Tansley, Pauline Myra .. .. Dannevirke. Tate, Arthur Robert Ward .. Wanganui. Tattle, Walter Leonard . . .. Wellington. Taylor, Douglas .. .. .. Wanganui. Taylor, John Redmond .. .. Auckland. Teesdale, William Dawson . . Whangarei. Telfer, Violet Mildred .. .. Whangarei. Templer, Francis Darvall .. .. Christchurch. Tennent, Kenneth Boor .. .. Timaru. Terry, Mary Catherine .. .. Blenheim. Teychenne, Annie Winnifred .. Napier. Thomas, Harold Wilton .. .. Stratford. Thomas, Norman Russell Withiel .. Auckland. Thompson, Bertha Houston ... Napier. Thompson, Clarence Doruford .. Nelson. Thompson, Flora Agnes .. .. Stratford. Thompson, James .. .. Dunedin. Thompson, Linda Olive .. .. Napier. Thompson, William Phillips .. Napier. Thomson, Alister McLean .. Wellington. Thomson, Florence McLean .. Wellington. Thorne, Bessie Edna Bell .. .. Auckland. Thornton, Onslow Garth .. Napier. Thorp, Irene Mary Henrietta .. Auckland. Thwaites, Leonard James William . . Rangiora. Toner, Henry . . . . Lawrence. Tosswill, Ethne Eatle .. . . Christchurch. Tough, Mary Gertrude .. Dunedin. Tracy, William Francis .. Christchurch. Traill, William .. .. .. Invercargill. Tiask, Vincent Herbert .. .. Nelson. Treacy, Kathleen .. .. Invercargill. Tresidder, Allan Leslie .. .. Auckland. Treurn, Amy Evelyn .. .. Dunedin. Trewern, Francis Denham .. Christchurch. Trezise, Sydney Arthur .. .. Wellington. Tully, Walter Wallace .. .. Nelson. Tunbridge, Percival Arthur .. New Plymouth. Turley, Lilian Margaret . . .. Napier. Turnbull, George Devereux .. Auckland. Turner, Edward Arthur .. .. Ashburton. Turner, Lillian .. .. . . Rangiora. Turner, Lucy May ■ • .. Invercargill, Turner. Nellie .. .. .. Christchurch. Tweedio, Helen Mary Caroline .. Invercargill. Uren, Rupert Norman .. .. Lawrence. Vallance, Newton David .. .. Invercargill. Verity, Frances Johanna .. .. Timaru. Vial, Robert Forster .. .. Wellington. Vickers, Mabel .. .. .. New Plymouth. Vickery, Elsie Elizabeth Alice .. Invercargill. Vivian, Herbert .. . . . . Lawrence. Voss, Holger .. .. .. Palmerston North. Voss, Marx Wilholm .. .. Palmerston North. Waite. Alfred Edward .. .. Dunedin. Walker, Joseph . . .. .. Timaru. Walker. John Henry Innes .. Auckland. Walker. Margaret Lilian . ... Nelson. Walker, Theo .. .. .. Dunedin. Walker, Thomas Edgar .. . . Auckland. Wallace, Donald Rcid .. .. (Sore. Wallace, Elizabeth Janet .. .. time. Wallis, Ethel May .. .. Wellington. Wallis, Wilfred Stanley .. .. Christchurch. Walsh, James Joseph .. .. Christchurch. Walter, John Thomas .. . . Oamaru. Walton, Ernest Leslie .. .. Thames. Walton, Harold Beanland .. Dunedin. Walton, William Llewellyn .. Dunedin. Ward, Alfreda .. .. .. Dunedin. Ward, Constance Marie .. .. Dunedin. Ward, Emily Ellinor .. .. Hawera. Waring, Harry .. .. .. Auckland. Watkins, Arthur Stanley .. .. Chrißtchurch. Watson, Elsie Florence Annie .. Ashburton. Watson, James Browning .. Christchurch. Watson, John .. .. .. Invercargill. Watson, Kenneth Robert .. .. Nelson. Watt. Ella .. .. .. Wellington. Watt, Malcolm McPherson .. Dunedin,


Senior Fhee Places in Secondary Schools — continued..

Candidate. Examination Centre. , Wattors, Alexander .. .. Hokitika. Wattors, Arthur William" . . Greymouth. Wauchop. Margaret Swanston .. Christchurch. Waugh, William Noresman . . Auckland. Waymouth, Henry Newell .. InvercargiU. Webb, Hannah Morgan .. .. Invercargill. Webb, Harry Diedrich .. .. Christchurch. Webb, Walter .. .. Auckland. Webber, Cecil Warren .. . . Invercargill. Webber, Elsie Elizabeth . . .. Auckland. Webber, Margaret Ferguson .. Oamaru. Wells, John .. .. .. Hawera. Welsh, William Henry .. .. Invercargill. West, Edward Staniland .. . . Auckland. Westerman, Victor Leonard .. Christchurch. Westwood, Millicent May .. . . Auckland. Wharfc, Annie Eileen . . .. Auckland. White, Dorothy Helen .'. .. Christchurch. White, Edith Elizabeth .. . . Ashburton. White, William Henry .. . . Auckland. Whitehead, Arthur Tyrrell .. Dunedin. Whitehead, Yctti Muriel .. .. Dunedin. Whyte, David .. .. Napier. Whyte, Frank Mitchell . . . . Dunedin. Whyte, Helen Inglis Pettigrew . . Napier. Widdowson, Florence .. .. Dunedin. Wilcox, Kate Stewart .. . . Auckland. Wild, Philip .. .. . . Invercargill. Wild man, John Proctor .. Auckland. Wilkes, Thomas Martin .. .. Auckland. Wilkie, Margaret Fraser .. . . Dunedin. Wilkinson, Annie Elizabeth .. Christchurch. Wilkinson, Frank Howitt . . .. Dunedin. Will, William Melville .. Dunedin. Willcox, Dorothy Maud .. .. Christchurch. Willctts, Ellen '.. . . Hokitika. Williams, Arthur Llewellyn . . Auckland. Williams, Margaret Mary .. . . Hokitika.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Williams, William Paul .. Wanganui. Williamson, Grace Annie .. .. Wellington. Willis, Francis Petrie Dc Lava! . . Hamilton. Wilsher, Herbert Hugh .. .. Palmerston North. Wilson, Basil Harry Anstey . . Auckland. Wilson, David George .. .. Christchurch. Wilson, Ernest Gordon .. .. Gore. Wilson, Henrietta Vida .. .. Napier. Wilson, Jessie .. .. .. Dannevirke. Wilson, Mary Elizabeth .. . . Hokitika. Wilson, Robert Alexander . . Auckland. Winchcomb, Percy Reginald . . Wellington. Winning, Annie Thomson .. . . Gore. Winzenberg, Stella Ida .. .. Masterton. Wix. Alice Mary .. .. Dunedin. Wogan, Rupert Samuel .. .. West port. Wood, Amy Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Wood, Give Jackson .. ~ Christchurch. Wood, Horace William .. .. Wellington. Wood, Robert .. .. . . Stratford. Woodhouse, Bertha Jane .. Dunedin. Woodhouse, Irene .. .. Dunedin. Woods, Alice .. .. .. Aratapu. Woodward, Kenneth Isaac .. Auckland. Woodward, William John .. . . Auckland. Worrall, William.. .. . . Christchurch. Wright, Harry Marshall .. . . Christchurch. Wright, Lily Primrose .. .. Christchurch. Wright, Mary Winifred .. .. Gore. Wright, Violet .. .. Hokitika. Wyatt, Marcus Edward .. .. Invercargill. Wylie, Ada Elizabeth .. .. j Auckland. Wylie, Clifton Turner .. . . '■ Dunedin. Wylie, Ellen Winifred .. ... Auckland. Yardley, Agnes Mabel .. . . Invercargill. Yarrall, Harry Gratwick .. . . Blenheim. Yeats, Douglas Duncan Mearns . . Wellington. Young, Henry Harben Austen .. ; Wellington.


Passed Civil Service Senior Examination with Distinction. Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. Wauchop, William Simon .. .. Christchurch. Passed Civil Service Senior Examination. Anderson, Eric Johu Edward .. .. Christchurch. Beck, John .. .. •■ -• Wellington. B saut, Alice .. .. •■ ■• Wellington. Bogle, George S'afford .. .. Napier. Bowler, Frederick Columbus .. .. New Plymouth. Br nt, Herbert Cyril .. .. .. Dunedin. Brc die, Arcnibald Douglas .. .. War ganui. Brooke, Charles Stevens .. .. C rrLtchurch. Churches, Thomas Ambrose .. .. Wellington. Cb-pham, Frederick Hampden .. .. New Plymouth. Cliiuston, John Peter Porteous .. .. Wellington. Craig, William J«mes .. .. .. Auckland. Donnard, Ebenezer Thomas Owen .. Wei ington. Dvett, Henry Lewis Percy .. .. Wellington. Edgar, Harold .. .. •. Christchurch. Fairbairn. John Cook .. .. .. Wellington. Fawcett, Robert E iwin .. .. Auck'aud. Fletcher, Joseph Hirdy .. .. N.lson. Forne, Edward S-anley .. .. Wellington. Fraser, George Vicior Ross .. .. Auckland. Gnu Hie, Florence Barbara .. .. Christchurch. Higginson, John Sunutl .. .. Auckland. Hi I, R-g'nald Bernard .. .. Wellington. Hog en, Geo-ge MoLachlan .. .. Wellingtrn. Ingram, Willi;.m Neilson .. .. Auckland. Jones, Perby David .. .. •• • Cnristchurch. Jordan, Charles Edward .. .. Nelson. Jordan, P icival Chiton .. .. Wellington. Joyce, Henry Augustus .. .. Wanganui. Keller, Peter .. .. .. Thames. Lawrey, Albert Charles .. .. New Plymouth. Levris, Waller Henry Styring .. .. Welli: gton. McGregor, Ernest ' .. .. .. Gisborne.

Name of Candidate. Examination Centre McTaggart. Alexander .. .. .. Wellington. Mansfield Frederick Norris .. .. Wellington. Paterson, Charles .. .. .. Dunedin. Purdie, William Oattermole .. .. Wellington. Ramsay, Harold Vivian .. .. Wellington. Richdale, Henry Thomas .. .. Dunedin. Roberts, Alfred Johu Aldhouse .. .. Wellington. R"ss, Alan Leslie Barnard .. .. Christchurch. Sinel, R y .. .. .. .. Napier. Smith, George Grant .. .. .. Wellington. Thompson, Harold Tanton .. .. Hokiiika. Tnompson, Henry Theodore .. .. Wellington. Toms, Ernest .. .. .. .. Wellington. Vincent, Thomas Gaius .. .. Wanganui. Watters, Alexander .. ' .. .. Hokitika. Whitehead, Charles Leaver .. .. Christchuroh. Wilkie, Frederick Kraeft .. .. Invercargill. Wilkie, Walt-r James .. .. .. Wellington. Williamson, Grace Annie .. .. Wellington. Wilson, John Francis .. .. .. Auckland. Passed in Five Subjects. Bowen, Harriet Emma .. .. .. Palmerston N. Brosnan, James Deen .. .. .. Wellington. Crupman, John H-nry .. .. .. Westport. CbriBtophirs, Herbert Henry .. .. Invircargill. Craig, Archibald Wilson .. .. Mastenon. Folley, Alfred Dodridge .. .. Hokitika. Fraser, Kinnear Geoige .. .. Invercargill. Gapptr, Gordi n Say well .. .. Willin^ton. Gray, William Moody .. .. .. Wellington. Hankin, Thomas Henry .. .. Auckland. Krebs, Walter Max .. .. .. W llington. Marbrook. Harry Latchford .. .. Wellington. Nut, James Garles McGill .. .. Wellington. P,iyne, Harry Thomas .. .. .. Wellington. Pearce, Philip Get rge .. .. .. Auckland. Smith, George Corser .. .. .. Wellington. Taylor, Charles Edward .. .. Palmerston N. Thompson, Hugh Montgomery .. .. Nelson.




Civil Service Senior Examination— continued

Passed in Poor Subjects. Candidate. Examination Centre. Andrew, Charles Thomas .. Wellington. Dayman, Frank Scott ... .. .. Wanganui. Fitton, Walter Raymond .. Christchuroh. Gray, Robert James .. .. .. Christchurch. Jordan, Albert Randolph .. Nelson. Lane, James Paton .. .. .. Auckland. McCurdy, Donald Arohibald .. Wellington. McKinnon, John Alexander .. .. Napier. Madden, Richard Francis .. .. Wellington. Newnham, William Langston .. .. Christchurch. Phillips, Frederick Oliver Reuben .. Christchuroh. Puttiok, Edward .. .. .. Auckland. Tily, Harry Smith .. .. .. Dunedin. Williams, Henry .. .. .. Wellington. Passed in Three Subjects. Ball, Thomas Murdy .. .. .. Auckland. Barnes, Leonard Charles .. .. Christchuroh. Beasley, Herbert William .. .. Wellington. Blake, Valentine .. .. Wellington. Broadmore, Harry William .. .. Blenheim. Burnley, Frank Rupert .. Napier. Chapman, Jessie Moore .. .. Palmerston N. Cooper, Tom Lester .. .. .. Wanganui. Darby, Owen Ambrose .. .. .. Wellington. Falconer, William Mowat .. Greymouth. Hamilton, Hubert Arthur .. Wellington. Hutson, Ivy Irene .. .. .. Napier. Jackson, Gordon Francis Welby .. Wellington. Lovell, Mark Wesley .. .. Wellington. MoDermott, James .. .. .. Auckland. McDonald, Robert .. .. Wellington. Marks, John Reuben .. .. Auckland. Myers, Edwin Ranson .. .. Wellington.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Newth, Richard Douglas .. .. Wellington. Nichols, William Clarenoe .. .. Wellington. Orr, John Alexander .. .. .. Wellington. i Papps, Arthur James .. .. .. Nelson. j Pound, Thomas .. .. Auckland. Ramsay, Rollo Alexander .. Auckland. ! Shannon, Herbert George .. Westport. i Shaw, William Edwin .. .. Wellington I Steffensen, Albert George .. .. Wanganui. Passed in Two Subjects. Barnett, James .. .. .. Dunedin. Brebner, Thomas Oakley William .. Christchurch. Dowling, John William.. .. .. Wellington. Egley, Bertram .. .. .. Wellington. Ellifie, George Henry .. .. .. Wellington. Jones, Alfred Morris ~ .. .. Wellington. King, Thomas Farquhar Houston .. Wellington. McArthur, Alexander Cleveland .. .. Wellington. MoKay, Edwin Colin Murdoch .. Dunedin. Mackay, Thomas Gilbert Campbell .. New Plymouth. McLean, Robert Malcolm .. .. Wellington. Marshall, Cecil James Cunningham .. Wellington. Morey, Percy Harold .. .. .. Christchurch. Powell, Harry Lewis .. .. .. New Plymouth, Randrnp, Holger Bro .. .. .. Wellington. Ronaldson, Guy .. .. .. Wellington. Ryan, Joseph Bernard .. .. .. Christchuroh. Ryan, Nicholas Joseph .. .. .. Invercargill. Skelley, Mary Emma Catherine .. .. Wellington. Smith, Betsy Harley .. .. .. Dunedin. Tanner, Thomas Henry Musgrove .. Auckland. Thompson, Harold Joseph .. Wellington. Yenning, Francis Thomas .. .. Auckland. Vollemaere, Henry Albert .. .. Auckland. Wallace, William .. .. .. Napier.


I.—Passed for Class B. Name ot Candidate. Examination Centre. Keith, Isabella Maude .-. .. Christohuroh. Ronaldson, Margaret .. .. Timaru. Passed fob Class C Arnold-Williams, Florence Washington Christohuroh. Außtin, William Semmens .. .. Greymouth. Bannerman, Herbert Douglas .. Dunedin. Bartlett, Alice Grace .. .. New Plymouth. Bastings, William Edgar .. .. Dunedin. Bates, Frederic Arthur .. .. Nelson. Blue, Francis Ritchie .. Invercargill. Boden, William James .. .. Auckland. Bowen, Rosanna .. .. .. Auckland. Braithwaite, James Henry .. .. Auckland. Brown, Francis Hamilton .. .. Auckland. Campbell, Robert .. .. .. Auckland. Carnachan, Robert .. .. .. Auckland. Chappell, William .. .. .. Auckland. Clarke, Robert Bruoe .. .. Timaru. Ooad, Emma Maria .. .. Auckland. Cooney, Hugh Owen .. .. Auckland. Crickett, Ada Mary.. .. .. Auokland. Donald, James .. .. .. Invercargill. Doull, John Stuart .. .. .. Christchuroh. Durham, Harry James .. .. Auckland. Fenwick, Herbert .. .. .. Auckland. Forrester, Francis Edward Leonard .. Wanganui. Foweraker, Charles Ethelbert .. Timaru. Galland, James .. .. .. Palmerston North. Gould, William Horace .. .. Wellington. Gow, Beatrice .. .. .. Dunedin. Gray, Daniel .. .. .. Auckland. Gunn, Eva Hearne.. .. .. Dunedin. Hardy, James William .. .. Christchuroh. Harvey, John Hooper .. .. Auckland. Heath, Andrew Walter .. .. Auckland. Henderson, Alexander .. .. Timaru. Hewlett, Henry Charles .. .. InvercarKill. Higginson, Frank .. .. .. Auckland. Hodgson, Ruth Jane .. .. Christchuroh. Hoggins, Mary Florence .. .. Christchuroh. Hutton, Robert Guthrie .. .. Auckland. Ingram, William Neilson .. .. Auckland. Innes, Joseph Langlands .. .. Auckland.

4—E. la.

Name ot Candidate. Examination Centra. Jenks, Francis Llewellyn .. .. Palmerston North. Joll, William Albert .. .. Auokland. Kalaugher, James Patrick .. .. Timaru. Kelpe, Caroline .. .. .. Westport, Kenyon, Helen McGregor .. .. Dunedin. Ktdson, George Rudal .. .. Nelson. Kirkpatrick, William Dod .. .. Christchuroh. Lassen, Mary .. .. .. Palmerston North. Law, Norman Hey worth Sangar .. Auckland. Lynskey, Michael .. .. .. Timaru. MoCallum, Louisa Maud .. .. Dunedin. McGettrick, Anne Gertrude .. .. Christchuroh. McKenzie, Norman Roderick .. Auckland. McKillop, David Sutherland.. .. Invercargill. Maclaurin, Kenneth Campbell .. Auokland. Mahoney, Cornelius .. .. Dunedin. Martin, Frederick William .. .. Napier. Maxwell, Marion .. .. .. Auckland. Menzies, Albert Gordon .. .. Auckland. Meston, Jane Margaret .. .. Dunedin. Middleton, Christina Currie .. .. Dunedin. Mitohell, Jessie MoFarlane .. .. Dunedin. Moore, John Alexander .. .. Dunedin. Morton, Lucy Sandford .. .. Dunedin. Murphy, Francis .. .. .. Auckland. Opie, Francis Dudley .. .. Palmerston North. Ormandy, Florence Eveline .. .. Christchuroh. Papps, Mary Martha .. .. Nelson. Park, George John .. .. .. Timaru. Paterson, Robert Harry .. .. Auckland. Payne, Henry Marriott .. .. Wanganui. Perkins, Edward .. .. .. Auokland. Poole, Samuel Joseph .. .. Timaru. Potter, Ethel May -.. .. .. Auckland. Purchase, John Ernest .. .. Christchuroh. Roberts, John Frederick .. .. Auokland. Robertson, Daisy Rose .. .. Dunedin. Rogers, Cornelius John .. .. Auckland. Salmond, Mary .. .. .. Dunedin. Shepherd, Arthur James .. .. Auckland. Slocombe, Nellie .. .. .. Christchuroh j Smeaton, Charles George .. .. Dunedin. ; Smith, Frederick .. .. .. Timaru. , Smith, Janet McGregor .. .. Dunedin. , Stanley, Alice .. .. .. Christchurch. : Stephenson, Edward William ~ Auckland.



Teachers' Examination— continued.

Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. Thomas, Minnie Adeline .. ~. Dunedin. Ure, Rose .. - ■ ".. .. .. Dunedin. Walker, Spenceley .. .. .. Auckland. White, Dora .. .. .. Dunedin. Willocks, Ada Maria Robson .. Dunedin. Wilson, Jessie Banks .. .. Dunedin. Wood, Elizabeth Aner .. .', Christchuroh. Passed for Class D. Allan, Flora Mac Donald .. ... Dunedin. Allard, Charles Wright .. .. Christchurch. Allen, Ada May .. .. .. Christchurch. Allen, Grace Madeline .. .. Blenheim. Ambridge, Edith Ethel .. .. Gisborne. Ariell, Janet Isabelle .. .. Auckland. Atkinson. Thomas Samuel .. .. Christchurch. Bagley, Leith Valentine .. .. Dunedin. Bailey, Mary Mabel.. ... '■ .. Palmer-ton North. Bailey, Olive Emily .. .. Christchurch. Bailey, Wenonah .. ..-■-.' .. Palmerston North. Baird, Agnes Ramsey .. .. Nelson. Baird, Mary Louisa .. .. Timaru. Barrell, Arthur Frederick .. .. Christohuroh. Becroft, Florence Ivy Irlam .. .. Christchurch. Bell, Alexander .. .. .. Auckland. Bell, Mary Jane .. .. .. Hokitika. Bell, Ruth Anne .. .. .. Wellington. Bennett, William Dacre .. Wellington. Bird, Myra ... .. .. .. Wellington. Blaokie, Helen Wingate .. .. Dunedin. Blair, Gertrude Lois .. .. Dunedin. Braithwaite, Frederick Christopher .. Auckland. Brewer, Ella Marion .. .. Napier. Brown, Jessie Swanerton .. Gisborne. Brown, Martin George .. Auckland. Bryan, Eizabeth Edith .. .. Christchuroh. Bunz, Ruby Frances ... .. Christohuroh. Burnside, Margaret .. .. Dunedin. Campbell, Christina .. .. Dunedin. Carter, Henrietta Mary .. .. Whangarei. Charles, Mary Jane.. .. Christchurch. Clapham, James Wilfred .. .. Palmerston North. Clark, Ada.. .. .. .. Auckland. Co>e, Adelaide Alies:Murray.. .. Auckland. Collins, Edith Charlotte .. .. Auckland. Conway, Mabel Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Cooper, Lucy .. .. .... Auckland. Cooper, Muriel -'"".. .. .. Auckland. Copland, Catherine.. .. ~,. Dunedin. Cowles, Milred Jane .. .. Nelson. Craik, Mabel Rose Kathleen ... Dunedin. Cray, Agnes Eliza, Deumba .. .. Dunedin. Cullen, Gladys .. .... Christchurch. Cussen, Mary Estelle .. .. Gisborne. Danby, Gertrude Amy .. .. Thames. Daplyn,.Rosina May .. .. Invercargill. Dare, Constance Helen .. .. Timaru. Davies, Constance Ellen .. .. Nelson. Dement, Ethel Maud .. .. .. Wellington. Doms, Clara Florence .. .. Greymouth. Doyle, Teresa .. .. .. Westport. Dyson, Priscilla ... .. Christchuroh. Earle, Jessie .. .. .. Auckland. East, Alfred Francis Drake .. .. Wellington. Ford, Margaret Orr Traill .. .. Dunedin. Ford, Norah Bayly Isabella .. .. New Plymouth. Fordyce, Johanna Catherine.. .. Auckland. Foster, Ivy Annie .. .. ... Christchuroh. Foster, Sylvia Marian .. .. Christohutoh. Fpx : , Norman Sheldon .. .. Palmerston North. Franklin, C ara Vivian .. Palmerston North. French, Henrietta Agnes .. .. Dunedin. Fuller, Mary Maud.. .. .. Auckland. Gage, Bessie ~ .. ... Wanganui. George, Charlotte'".. .. .. Thames. Gibbs, Nellie .. .. .. ChrLtchurch. Gordon, Elizabeth .. .. .. Invercargill. Gordon, Mary Horatia Evelyn .. Dunedin. Goudie, Elizabeth Mary .. .. Hokitika. Gough, James Thomas .. .. Auckland. Graham, Katharine Alexandra Charlotte de Grammont .. .. Dunedin. Griffin, Annie Wand .. .. Christohuroh. Griffiths, Elizabeth.. .. .. GreymouthGriffiths, Wilhelmina .. .. Blenheim. Halliburton, Mattie Paterson .. Christchuroh. Hamilton, Gordon Kerr .. .. Auckland. Hammond, Dinah Lavinia .. ... Dunedin. Hardy, Margaret Mary .. .. Auckland.. Harkntss Jessie .. .. " .. Invercargill. Harper, Mary Maude ~ ~ Auckland.

Name of Candidate. ' Examination Centre Harrington, Ethel .. .. .. Invercargill. Haslam, Emma Jessie .. .. Wellington. Hay, Jessie F,ith .. .. * ..' Christchurch. I Hewlett, Edith Maude .. .. Auckland. ! Hickev, Mary Margaret .. Christohuroh, Hill, Winifred Mary .. .. Auckland. lorns, Ivy Phoebe .. .. .. Masterton. .-'.;. Jackson, Mary Joan .. .. Timaru. Johnson, John .. .. .. Wellington. Johnson, Minnie Maria .. ... Auckland. Johnston, Annie Charlotte Auckland. Kane, Jane .. .. .. Auckland. Kaye, William Thomas Oliver .. Dunedin. Kennedy, Mary Jane .. .. Invercargill, ..,„:, Kent, Florence Evelyn .. .. Christchurch. ~ ; Ker, Marion Maggie Allen .. .. Dunedin. Kibblewhite, Hate Elizabeth .. Dunedin. Killen, John Gilliland ■".".-' ..Auckland. Killgour, Laura Agnes .. .. Thames. Kirby, Irene Webster .. ... Wellington. Knapp, Cora .. .. .. Nelson. Kyle, Eleanor .. .. .. Dunedin. • de Lambert, Gertrude Ethel .. Dunedin. Lammas, Isobel .. .. ~ Nelson. Leary, Bridget .. .. .. Timaru. .'•'• r Le Gallais, Leddra .. .. .. Auckland. * Leighton, Hannah Mary .. .. Nelson. «, Lewis, Percy Goldsmith .. .: Palmerston Norths Luxton, Lucy Burge .. .. Christchuroh. Lyders, Marie Johanne .. .. Dunedin. McChesney, Hugh .. .. .. Invercargill. ': McCowan, Margaret .. .. Auckland. .: MacGregor, Alexander .. Wanganui. J Mcintosh, Margaret Eliza .. .. Dunedin. MoKeown, Blaikley Alexander .. Christchurch. McKeown, Emily Maria .. .. Timaru. Mackisaok, Eleanor Willson .. Dunedin. McLeod, Helen .. .. ~ Invercargill. McPadden, Winifred .. .. Westport. Macßae, Murdoch .. .. .. Auckland. Mark, Louis James.. .. .. Auckland. Marriott, Gladys Eva .. .. Christchuroh. Marshall, Gladys Mary .. .. Christchurch. Martin, William .. .. .. Dunedin. Marwick, Jane .. .. '- .. Dunedin. Masefield, John .. .. Auckland. Matthews, George Howard .. .. Auckland. . ."...,, Mayo, Ernest .. .. .. Gisborne. " Middleton, May Isobel .. .. Dunedin. Miller, Jessie Ross .. .. .. Dunedin. Miller, Violet Margaret '.: '■- .. Auckland. Morley, Sylvia Wimfred .. .. Auckland. Mothes, Frederick William .. Wellington. 9 k Murray, Irene Jane .. . r - Dunedin. sS Neale, Clara Isabel .. .. Dunedin. .j O'Brien, Grace Ellen .. ~ Nelson. " O'Brien, Maud Montagu .. .. Nelson. .: Overton, George Ernest .. .. Dunedin. ~ Pattle, Kate Alice .. .. .. Wellington. 3. Pattle, Olive Emma .. .. Wellington. Porter, Linda .. .. .. Auckland. Prendeville, Phoebe Margaret .. Wellington. ■ :. 2 Rapley, Ivy Mary Ann .. .. Christchuroh. - Rasmussen, Mary Catherine .. Westport. .: i J Rasmussen, Teresa .. .. Westport. Rennie, Jessie Glencairn .. .. Dunedin. Ridling, Randolph Gordon .. .. Auckland. / Robertson, Harriet Miller .. .. Dunedin. Rogercon, Edith Jane .. .. Auckland. Ross, Margaret Ellen .. .. Napier. Rundle, Frederick Thomas .. .. Christohuroh. Ryan, B-atrice Sarah .. .. Wellington. ." Ryder, Aby Raymond .. .. Christchurch. Saxon, Harriet Louisa .. .. Timaru. i Schmidt, Helen Gertrud .. .. Curistchuroh Scaly, May .. .. .. Timaru. Shanahan, Margaret Agnes .. .. Auckland. Sheen, Lois Helena .. .. Gisborne. Shiers, Mary .. .. .. Timaru. * Shirtliff, Kate Vanbouse .. .. Christchuroh. " Shone, Eva Emily .. .. .. Nelson. Skinner, Marion Young .. .. Dunedin. Skinner, Peroy Filmer .. .. Auckland. Speight, Mary Violet .. .. Auckland. Stanton, Harold Edward .. .. Nelson. Stewart, Henriette Divenia Thompson Invercargill. II Stubbs, Margaret Mary .. .. Auckland. Sullivan, Margaret .. .. Wellington. ." Sutherland, Elizabeth Jane .. Timaru. "H Tait, Allan George .. .. .. Timaru. Tegner, Louis Ferdinand .. .. Wellington. Thompson, Lydia Constance.. .. Wellington



Teachers' Examination — continued.

' "Name of Candidate Examination Centre. Thomson, Isabel McLean .. .. ' Wellington. Thornton, Edith Mirinm .. .. Chri-tchurch. Todd, Beatrice Ellen Octavia .. Dunrdin. Totman, Leonard White .. .. Auckland. Trouland, Honora Bella .. .. Grevmouth. Turbott, Thomas .. .. .. Auckland. Vallance, Nellie Marion .. .. Christchurch. Valentine, Winifred Annie .. .. Dunedin. Walker, Louis John .. .. Wanganui. Walslie, Elizabeth Margaret Gertrude Westport. Warren, Nellie .. . .. Greymouth. Watt", Amy Edith .. .. .. Napier. Whitmore, Ella Jane .. .. Auckland. Wilkinson, Henry Foster .. .'. Christchurch. Wil iam°, Agnes Mary Trengrove .. Blenheim. Williams, Hentv May .. .. Palmerston North. Williamson, Keith Hawthorne Cape .. Christchuroh. Wilson, Mary Jane Kennedy .. Auckland. Woodham, Ail 6 .. .. .. Wanganui. Worrall, Edith Isabel .. .. Auckland. Worsnnp, Emily Constance .. .. Auckland. Yortt, Caroline Elizabeth .. .. Palmerston North. Young, Helen Agnes - .. ■■•-.'. Wanganui. ll.—Obtained " Partial Pass " for Class B. Patterson, Florence Isabella.. .. Auckland. Obtained " Partial Pass " for Class C Alexander, William.. - .. .. Dunedin. Allard, Charles Wright .. .. Christchurch. Allen, Ada Miv .'. .. .. Christchurch. Allen, George Frederick .. .. Christohurch. Andrew, Henry Paul .. .. Auckland. Anthony, Harriet Blackwood .. Christchuroh. Battersby, Eleanor Beatrice.. .. Auckland. Bell, Cecil Frederick John .. .. Dunedin. Bell, Lucy.. .. .. .. Thames. Binsted, Henry .. .. .. Auokland. Blackie, Helen Wingate .. .. Dunedin. Borthwick, James Bibb .. .. Christchuroh. Bowden, Alfred Norman .. .. Auckland. Bringans, Robert .. .. .. Timaru. Campbell, Christina .. ... Dunedin. Campbell, Donald Roderick Frank .. Auckland. Campbell, Eliza Amy .. .. Napier. Cartwright, James .. .. Palmerston North. Clemance, Winifred Mary .. .. New Plymouth. Coad, Nellie Euphemia .. .. Wellington. Collins, Rhoda May .. .. Dunedin. Collins, Edith Charlotte .. .. Auckland. Cooke, Montague Percy .. .. Timaru. Cox, James Thomas Gostiok.. .. Auckland. Daly, John Thomas .. .. Christohuroh. Davies, Constance Ellen .. .. Nelson. Firtb, Clara Jane .. .-. .. Christohuroh. Forsyth, Donald Eric .. .. Nelson. Foss, Reginald John .. .. Christchurch. Foster, Margaret Greig .. .. Christohuroh. Gelling, William Mansfield .. .. Auckland. Gilmour, Richard Smyth .. Wellington. Goldsman, George John .. .. Timaru. Gough, James Thomas .. .. Auckland. Graham, Charles Henry Edger .. Christchuroh. Greig, Ivy Constance .. .. Dunedin. Griffin, Annie Maud .. .. Christchurch. Griffin, Isabella Rachel .. .. Christchuroh. Hall, William Arthur .. .. Nelson. Halliburton, Mattie Paterson .. Christchuroh. Hamilton, Gordon Kerr .. .. Auckland. Harrison, Thomas .. .. .. Dunedin. Hartstonge, Annie Franoes .. .. Dunedin. Hook, Alfred Charles .. .. Auckland. Hunt, Florence Maud .. .. Timaru. Ironside, John .. .. .. Dunedin. Jennings, Margaret Aileen .. .. Dunedin. Kennedy, Alexander Smillie.. .. Dunedin. Kennedy, John Samuel .. .. Christchuroh. Ker, Marion Maggie Allen .. .. Dunedin. Kibblewhite, Kate Elizabeth .. Dunedin. Kyle, Eleanor .. .. .. Dunedin. Laing, Arthur Ernest .. .. Auckland. de Lambert, Gertrude Ethel.. .. Dunedin. Lear, Constance Murial .. .. Dunedin. Leary, Bridget .. .. .. Timaru. Long, Mary Ann .. .. .. Dunedin. Lyders, Marie Johanne .. .. Dunedin. McCullough, Robert William .. Christchuroh. McGowan, Mary .. .. .. Wellington. Mclnness, Donald .. .. .. Auokland. Maokay, Thomas Etheridge Alexander Whangarei.

Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. McNaughtnn, David William .. Auckland. Marshall. Hugh .. .. .'. Dunedin. Martin, Mary Jane .. .. .. Christchuroh. Marwick, Jane .. .. .. Dunpdin. Masefield, John .. .-. .. Auckland. Matthews, George Howard .. .. Auokland. Middleton, May Isabel .. .. Dunedin. Morrison, Isabella .. .. .. Christchuroh. Murdoch, Albert .. .. .. Whangarei. Nairn, James .. .. .. Palmerston North Nelson, James .. .. .. Dunedin. Nicol, Vera .. .. .. Dunedin. Paul. Eliza Ferguson Mary Hume .. Dnneriin. Penlington, Henry Frank .. .. Christchuroh. Schmidt, Helene Gertrud .. .. Christchurch. Sboombe, Mary Annie .. .. Christchurch. Slowey, Teresa Mary Patricia .. Westport. Smart, Alice R j becca .. .. Timaru. Smith, George Hugh .. .. Christchuroh. Sparrow, Agatha .. .. .. Christohuroh. Stevenson, Jeanie .. .. .. Timaru. Stewart, David .. .. .. Invercargill. Taylor, Fanny Jewell .. .. Thames. Teesdale, Jacob Tallentire .. .. Whangarei. Turbott, Thomas .. .. ,-. Auck and. Vulgar, James .. .. ... Auckland. Ward, Emily Rosena .. .. Dunedin. Weir, Christina .. .. ~ Dunedin. Williamson, Keith Hawthorne Cape .. Christchuroh. Winfield, Thomas Baddar .. .. NewPhmouth. Wooller, James Harold .. .. Auckland. WyHie, Samuel .. .. .. New Plymouth. Obtained "Partial Pass" for Class D. Adams, Thomas Charles .. .. Wanganui. Adamson, David .. .. .. Christchuroh. Anderson, Isabella Cameron.. .. Auckland. Anderson, Peter Johan .. .. Dunedin. Andrews, Agnes Cora .. .. Christchuroh. Atkinson, Mary Elizabeth .. .. Wellington. Avery, A-thur Gilbert .. .. Blenheim. Bsdger, Hilda Mary ... .. Auckland. Beechev, Frederick James .. .. Masterton. Bent, Ethel Winifred .. .. New Plymouth. Berntsen, Mary Eliza .. .. New Plymouth. Bettjemann, Adelina .. .. Westport. Bevan-Browu, Charles Maurice .. Christchuroh. Bishop, Stanley Joseph .. .. Auckland. Brennand, Basil .. .. .. Palmerston North. Brockett, Arthur Ernest .. .. Wellington. Brooks, Jessie Jeficoate .. .. Auckland. Browning, Joseph .. .. .. Wanganui. Burge, Agnes Hilda.. .. .. Wellington. Cadoick, Alfred Edward .. .. Wellington. Carrick, Honora Mary ~ .. Westport. Carthew, Eveline Maud .. .. New Plymouth. Cartwright, Elizabeth Jane Bingham New Plymouth. Chapman, Florenoe Maud .. .. Masterton. Clapham, Florence Emily .. .. Wanganui. Clark, Margaret .. .. .. Auokland. Coombe, Jessie Williamina .. .. Greymouth. Cormack, Isabella .. .. .. Dunedin. Cornish, Henry Havelook .. .. Dunedin. Crawford, Amy Freer .. .. New Plymouth. Crellin, Muriel Lillian .. .. Auckland. Criokett, Atholl Glassford .. .. Auokland. Currie, Charlotte Clara .. .. New Plymouth. Cushen, John Alfred .. .. Inverosrgill. Davie, Victoria Robina .. .. Dunedin. Davis, Kathleen Eleanor Street .. Napier. Davis, Lucy Ann .. .. .. Napier. Davy, William Henry .. .. Auckland. Dougherty, Alios .. .. .. Wellington. Dromgool, Cecilia Rose .. .. Christchurch. Earle, Mabel Jane .. .. .. Auckland. Early, Edith .. .. .. Christchuroh. Fawcett, Anna Jane .. .. Thames. Ferrier, Ethel Beatrioe ... .. Timaru. Frayne, Lenora Jane .. .. Invercargill, Frazer, Helen Franoes .. .. Dunedin. Gant, Albert Henry .... Auckland. Garnham, Grace .. .. .. Blenheim. Gihbie, Erhel Margaret .. .. Wellington. Gibson, Ellen .. .. .. Christchuroh. Gillman, Winifred Mary .. ... Auokland. Greensmith Edwin.. ~: ; .. Auckland. Greig, Arthur Gray.. .. .. Nelson. Ham, Edith Violet.. .. .. Wellington. Hanron, Mabel Aileen .. .. Nelson. Harrison, Charlotte Grant .. .. Dunedin. Hart, Lilian Annie .. .. .. New Plymouth.



Teachers' Examination— continued.

Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. Tawhiri, Riwai Hiwinui .. .. Gisbome. Taylor, Cuthbert Hargreaves .. Wellington. Thompson, Agnes .. .. .. Dunedin. Thompson, Winifred Vivian .. W llington. Thornton, Marion Gilohrist .. .. Wellington. Thwaites, Alice Gertrude .. .. Christohuroh. Todd, Eliza Thorn .. .. .. Timaru. Tomlinson, Harold Bruoe .. .. Dunedin. Warwick, Robert Samuel .. Wellington. Webster, Harold Edward .. .. Auckland. Wiesner, Hermine Louise .. .. Nelson. Wight, George Findon .. .. Auckland. Wdks, Doris Emily.. .. .. Auckland. William 3, Sophia Bartley .. .. Nelson. Wilson, Louisa Nellie .. .. Napier. Winter, Georee .. .. .. Nelson. Woodhouse, Henrietta .. .. Dunedin. Woollett, Ethil Jane .. .. Nelson. Wylie, Thomas Wilson .. .. Dunedin. Yesberg, Sarah .. .. .. Timaru. 111. —Passed in Six Subjects of the Examination wsb Class C. Blaokmore, Nora .. .. .. Timaru. Sargison, James Henry .. .. Dunedin. Passed in Five Subjects. Harrison, Rupert Philemon Charles .. Auckland. Nesbit, James William .. .. Dunedin. Wilson, Ruth .. .. .. Christchuroh. Passed in Fouk Subjects. Bell, Alexander .. .. .. Auckland. Bennett, John William .. .. Auckland. Blain, Thomas .. .. .. Christchuroh. Brown, William Alfred ~ .. Christchuroh. Biinz, Ruby Frances .. .. Christchurch. Campbell, Femly Charlwood .. Palmerston North. Campbell, Mary Innes .. .. Auckland. Clark, Ada .. .. .. .. Auckland. Cookrof t, George Walter .. ..— Invercargill. Colhoun, John Smith .. .. Auckland. Crispe, Colin Raymond Russell .. Auckland. Donnan, Mary Robison .. .. Invercargill. Easdale, Mildred Janet Newton .. Nelson. Fraser, Etbel May .. .. .. Auckland. Gabites, Frederick George .. .. Palmerston North. Garry, Francis Albert .. .. Wellington. Gibbons, Naomi Irene .. .. Auckland. Graham, William George .. .. Auckland. Hampton, Elizabeth Alice .. .. Christohuroh. Hill, Hollis James .. .. .. Nelson. lorns, Olive Evelyn .. .. Masterton. Isherwood, Grace Isabella .. .. Christohuroh. Jacobs, Annette Marjorie .. .. Chri«tchuroh. Leslie, David Ernest .. .. Blenheim. Lindsay, Catherine.. .. .. Timaru. McKay, Farquhar John ~ .. Whangarei. Mackenzie, Janet Craig McKutoheon.. Nelson. Marshall, Gladys Mary .. .. Christchuroh. Maxwell, Alfred Charles .. .. Christohuroh. Osborn, Frank Edwin .. .. Christchuroh. Poole, William Elgar .. .. Nelson. Rawlinson, Charles Cattanaoh .. Dunedin. Reynolds, Arthur Edward .. .. Auckland. Robinson, Ernest Tudor .. .. Auckland. Robson, John Templeton .. .. Wanganui. Rogers, Bertba Freeman .. .. Christchuroh. Ross, Margaret Ellen .. .. Napier. Rowe, Adrian Manfred .. .. Auckland. Schmidt, William Henry .. .. Auckland. Scott, Margaret Roberta .. .. Auckland. Scott, Mary .. .. .. Dunedin. Seddon, Dorothy Margaret .. .. Auckland. Skinner, Peroy Filmer .. .. Auckland. Soar, James .. .. .. Invercargill. Thompson, Robert John .. .. Christchuroh. Thome, Jessie Laura .. .. Auckland. Thornton, Edith Miriam .. .. Christchuroh. Vallance, Nellie Marion .. .. Christchuroh. Walker, Theodore Henry .. .. Auckland. Warner, Frederick Stephen Holloway Christchuroh. White, Alfred Thomas .. .. Nelson. Wickes, Arthur John .. .. Timaru. Wilson, Frank Reginald .. .. Auckland. Wilson, James Franois .. .. Westport. Yortt, Caroline Elizabeth .. .. Palmerston North.

Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. Hastings, Margaret Esther .. .. Dunedin. Hewetson, Kathleen Mary .. .. Nelson. Higham, Mary Ann .. .. Auokland. Hilliard, Evelyn Edith .. .. Christchuroh. Holland, Francis George Leopold .. Wellington. Howell, Winifred Nancy Hinds .. Timaru. Hughey, Annie .. .. .. Christchuroh. Hunter, Robert Russell .. .. Dunedin. Hutcheson, Margaret .. .. New Plymouth. Ince, Eleanor Winifred .. .. Auckland. Ingpen, Phoebe Elizabeth .. .. New Plymouth. Jennings, Margaret Aileen .. .. Dunedin. Johnston, Janet .. .. .. Nelson. Jones, Violet May .. .. .. Timaru. Kane, Thomas .. .. .. Westport. Kay, Florence Esther .. .. Masterton. Keane, Jeremiah .. .. .. Timaru. King, Minnie Helen .. .. Wellington. Ladley, Olive May .. .. ... Nelson. Langdon, Arthur .. .. .. Auckland. Lawless, Cyril Norman .. .. Dunedin. Lawton, Herbert Wesley .. .. Wellington. Lenihan, James .. .. .. Invercargill. Lucas, Ella Gertrude .. .. Blenheim. Lyall, William Carnegie .. .. Timaru. Macalister, Ria .. .. .. Blenheim. McCulloch, Margaret Mary .. .. Wanganui McFarlane, Olive Victoria .. .. Wellington. Macfarlane, Samuel George .. .. Christchuroh. McGrath, Francis .. .. .. Auokland. McHutcheson, Elsie Wallis .. .. Timaru. MacKellar, Lena Mary .. .. Wellington. McLean, Islay .. .. .. Dunedin. McLellan, Ellen .. .. .. Dunedin. Mcßae, James .. .. .. Napier. Macßae, Rebecca Finlayson .. Napier. Maindonald, Henrietta Luorece .. Christohuroh. Manson, Jessie .. .. .. Dunedin. Maze, Eliza Ann .. .. .. Christchuroh. Melville, Isabelle .. .. .. Auckland. Messenger, Ernestine Rhoda Gay .. Masterton. Miles, Iris Hannah Longhurst .. Christchurch. Milne, Annie Jane .. .. .. Dunedin. Mitchell, Maggie .. .. .. Napier. Moir, Margaiet Walker .. .. Christchuroh. Molloy, JohD Joseph .. .. Auckland. de Montalk, Emily Littre .. .. Auckland. Morcom, Annie Elizabeth .. .. Blenheim. Moriarty, Menuie .. .. .. Greymouth. Morris, Thirza Sarah .. .. Dunedin. Murdoch, Sarah .. .. .. Invercargill. Newlands, Maggie .. .. .. Dunedin. Newton, Elsie Pnoebe .. .. Thames. O'Brien, Florence .. .. .. New Plymouth, O'Callaghan, Mary Kate .. .. Christohuroh. Olson, Walter Henry .. .. Wellington. Osborne, Fanny Maria .. .. Invercargill. O'Shea, Mary .. .. .. Christchuioh. Pettit, Jessie Henrietta .. .. Nelson. Pryde, Alice .. .. .. Dunedin. Puflett, Annie Livingstone .. .. Napier. Ramson, May .. .. .. Auokland. Revell, Harold Thomas .. .. Christchurch. Riddell, Edith Rose .. .. Auokland. Robertson, Hilda Bessie .. .. Christchuroh. Robertson, Thomas Gilbert .. .. Dunedin. Robinson, Arthur Henry .. .. Dunedin. Robson, Bertha .. .. .. Christohuroh. Robson, Mary Cooke .. .. Wanganui. Rodgers, John .. .. .. Wellington. Rogers, Lily Alice Constance .. Christchuroh. Rogers, Mary Hazel .. .. Christchurch. Rush, Agnes .. .. .. Dunedin. Sargent, Jane Davidson .. .. Wellington. Baundercook, Selina Jane .. .. Christchuroh. Scott, Helen Isabel Stuart .. .. Timaru. Scott, Mary .. .. .. Dunedin. Seater, Hilda Margaret .. Palmerston North. Shepherd, Ellen Mary Josephine .. Dunedin. Shepherd, Frederick Henry Manson .. Thames. Shenard, William .. .. .. Christchuroh. Sinclair, Constance .. .. Dunedin. Smith, Ethelwyn Morley .. .. Christohuroh. Smith, William (v).. .. .. Auokland. Snell, John Henry Milton .. .. Auckland. Stetl, Ann.. .. .. .. Invercargill. Stephens, Thomas John Osborne .. Christchuroh. Strack, Conrad Harry Excelsior .. Wanganui. Strack, Constance Taiaroa .. .. Wanganui. Sullivan, Andrew James .. .. Auckland. Synnott, Mabel Alioe .. .. Palmerston North. Tasker, Kate Louise .. .. Wellington.



Teachers' Examination— continued.

Passed in Three Subjects. Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. Adkins, John .. .. .. Auckland. Allen, Grace Madeline .. .. Blenheim. Armstrong, Mary Conboy .. .. Masterton. Bain, Andrew .. .. Invercargill. Bairstow, Jane .. .. .. Ma3terton. Bennett, William Dacre .. .. Wellington. Benson, Herbert Norman .. .. Napier. Blow, Harold Isbister .. .. Auckland. Boyoe, Charles George Morton .. Nelson. Brennan, Josephine Maire .. .. Wellington. Brooks, Jessie Jeffaoate .. .. Auckland. Cussen, Mary Estelle .. .. Gisborne. Cutler, Thomas Edward .. .. Christchuroh. Dalziel, Catherine Annie .. .. Christchurch. Dean, James .. .. .. Auckland. Elder, Violet .. .. .. Dunedin. Ellisson, Lionel Edwin .. .. Dunedin. Esliok, Violet Irene .. .. Auokland. Ferguson, Samuel Hay .. .. Christchuroh. Gates, Thomas Adkisson (ii).. .. Christohuroh. Gilmour, William Orr .. .. Christchuroh. Gordon, Mary Horatia Evelyn .. Dunedin. Graham, James .. .. .. Auckland. Griffin, Ethel Charlotte .. .. Ne son. Hall, Laura Louise .. .. Auckland. Hammond, Dinah Lavinia .. .. Dunedin. Irwin, Major George .. .. Dunedin. Jaokson, Joseph .. .. .. Christohuroh. Johnson, Minnie Maria .. .. Auckland. Judkins, Alfred John Thomas .. Auckland. Livingstone, Hugh Alexander .. New Plymouth. McClune, Hugh Frederick .. .. Auokland. Mc El wain, Ruby Marie ,'. .. Auokland. McEwen, Malcolm Roger .. .. Wanganui. MacGregor, Alexander .. .. Wanganui. McKenzie, George Simon .. .. Timaru. Maindonaid, Henrietta Luoreoe .. Christchuroh. Miller, Violet Margaret .. .. Auokland. O'Brien, Maud Montague .. .. Nelson. Paterson, Jessie .. .. .. Dunedin. Potter, Nellie Ada Minnie .. .. Auckland. Priestley, Maurice .. .. .. Auokland. Rogers, Lily Alice Constanoe .. Christohuroh. Skelley, Mary Emma Catherine .. Wellington. Thompson. Lydia Constance .. Wellington. Walters, Edward Hatherley.. .. Wellington. Warn, John Martin .. Auckland. Webster, Arthur .. .. .. Auokland. Webster, Harold Edward .. .. Auckland. Wheeler, Elizabeth Alice .. .. Auckland. Wilks, Doris Emily .. .. Auokland. Williamson, Alexander Hogg .. Wellington. Passed in Two Subjects. Ansley, Arthur Frederiok Thomas .. Auckland. Aston, Aubrey Edward .. Wellington. Badger, Hilda Mary .. .. Auokland. Borrie, John Arthur .. .. Dunedin. Cardwell, Jane .. .. .. Christohuroh. Cussen, Kathleen .. .. .. Gisborne. Dyer, Henrietta Eva .. .. Christchuroh. Fleming, James .. .. .. Christchurch. Gilchrist, William .. .. .. Inveroargill. Hewitt, Lily Maude .. .. Christohuroh. Irwin, Samuel John .. .. Christchuroh. Le Gallais, Leddra .. .. .. Auckland. McAllister, Christina Sinclair .. Invercargill. McCallum, Adina .. .. .. Auckland. McKeown, Blaikley Alexander .. Christohuroh. MoLeod, Helen .. .. .. Invercargill. Martin, Cora .. .. ~ Nelson. Murray, Ethel May .. .. Dunedin. Murray, Irene Jane.. .. .. Dunedin. Oram, Harry .. .. .. Christohuroh. Reese, Marion (ii) .. .. .. Christchuroh. Rockell, Dulcia Martina .. Palmerston North. Soott, Jane Clarke .. .. .. Dunedin. Scaly, May .. .. .. Timaru. Shone, Eva Emily .. .. .. Nelson. Smart, John Thomas .. .. Timaru. Stewart, Robert .. .. .. Timaru. Tomlinson, Harold Bruoe .. .. Dunedin. Totman, Leonard White .. .. Auckland. Walker, Joseph William Atha .. Christohuroh. Werry, Alfred Ernest .. .. Wanganui. White, Mary Eliza .. .. .. Timaru.

Passed in One Subjbot. Name of Candidate. Examination Cenwi. ] Bullen, Frederiok Riohard Sherrar .. Auokland. Collis, William Franois .. .. Auokland. I Crawford, Hugh Wantworth.. .. Whangarei. Homer, Hugh Henry .. .. Nelson. Irwin, Robert .. .. .. Timaru. Jaffrey, Henry Cecil .. .. Auokland. King, Edmund Arthur .. ' .. Wellington. MoCullough, Simuel .. .. Christohuroh. Mac Rae, Murdoch .. .. .. Auokland. Masson, William .. .. .. Auokland. M >on, Mark Henry.. .. .. Auokland. Morgan, Richard William .. .. Christohuroh. Reid, Robert Theodore .. .. Auckland. Smith, William Henry .. Auokland. Webber, John Oswald .. .. New Plymouth. IV.—Special Mention. Allen, George Frederiok, Christchuroh, general agrioulture. Class C. Baird, Agnes Ramsey, Nelson, French, Class D. Barron, Isabella Fanny, Invercargill, writing, CUss D. Bartlett, Alice Grace, New Plymouth, psychology and ethios, Class C. Bastings, William Edgar, Dunedin, geology, Class 0. Bent, Ethel Winifred, New Plymouth, freehand drawing. Class D. Berryman, Mabel, Auckland, writing, Class D. ; Blain, Thomas, Christohuroh, arithmetic and algebra, Class C. j Boswell, Charles Wallace, Auckland, history, Class D. I Brockett, Arthur Ernest, Wellington, magnetism and electricity. Class D. | Brown, Francis Hamilton, Auokland, general agrioulture, | Class C. ; Browning, Joseph, Wanganui, model-drawing. Class D. I Campbell, Donald Roderick Frank, Auckland, general agriculture, agricultural botany, Class C. Carnachan, Robert, Auokland, English language and litera ture, Class C. Clark, Dinah, Auckland, brush-drawing, Class D. Collins, Rhoda May, freehand drawing, Class 0. Cornish, Henry Havelock, Dunedin, geography, Class D. Crickett, Ada Mary, Auckland, English language and literature, Class C. Cullen, Gladys, Christohuroh, brush-drawing, Class D. Danby, Gertrude Amy, Thames, blaokboard drawing, Class D. [ Davis, Beatrice Maude, Napier, writing, Class D. Dixon, Dorothy Strong, Greymouth, methods of teaching, Class D. Doms, Clara Fiorenoe, Greymouth, freehand drawing, Class D. Durham, Harry James, Auokland, agricultural ohemistry, Class C. ■-• ■•'■ Early, Edith, Christchurch, geography, Class D. Easdale, Mildred Janet Newton, Nelson, English language and literature, Class 0. Foss, Reginald John, Christchurch, arithmetic and algebra, Class C. Gant, Albert Henry, Auokland, arithmetic, Class D. Gilohrist, William, Invercargill, English language and literature, Class 0. Graham, Katherine Alexandra Charlotte de Grammont, Dunedin, methods of teaching, needlework, Class D. | Griffin, Annie Maud, Christchuroh, needlework and algebra, geometry and trigonometry, Class C. Hall, William Arthur, Nelson, arithmetic and algebra, Class C. Hanron, Mabel Aileen, Nelson, freehand drawing, Class D. Hay, Jessie Frith, Christchuroh, blackboard drawing, Class D. Higham, Mary Ann, Auokland, English, Class D. Hill, Winifred Mary, Auokland, brush-drawing, Class D. Hughey, Annie, Christohuroh, writing, Class D. Hunt, Florence Maud, Timaru, freehand drawing, Class D. Irwin, Major George, Dunedin, Latin, Class C. Jacobs, Annette Marjorie, Christohuroh, English language and literature, Class C. Kalaugher, James Patrick, Timaru, physiography, general agriculture, Class C. Kaye, William Thomas Olliver, Dunedin, elementary human physiology, agrioulture, Class D. Keane, Jeremiah, Timaru, elementary mathematios, Class D. Kennedy, John Samuel, Christohuroh, English language and literature, Class C. Kent, Florence Evelyn, Christohuroh, English, geography, elementary human physiology, Class D.



Teachees' • Examination— continued

Kenyon, Helen McGregor, Dunedin, theory of education, Class C. ■' Lawless, Cyril Norman, Dunedin, agriculture, Class D. Livingstone, Hugh Alexander, New Plymouth, English language and literature, Class C. Longley, Arthur William Sharland, Napier, freehand drawing, model-drawing, Class D. Lowe, Jessie Louisa, Auckland, writing, Class D. Lucas, Ella Gertrude, Blenheim, history, Class D. McCowan, Margaret, Auckland, brush-drawing, Class D. McGrath, Francis, Auckland, history, Class D. McKay, Annie, Invercargill, English language and literature, Class C. McKenzie, Norman Roderick, Auckland, agricultural botany, Class C. McLean, Jessie Mary, Auckland, model-drawing, Class D. Moßae, James, Napier, writing, Class D. Macßae, Murdooh, Auckland, model-drawing. Class D. Marshall, Gladys Mary, Christchurch, methods of teaching, vocal mu«ic, Class C. Martin, William, Dunedin, blackboard drawing, freehand drawing. Class D. Maxwell, Alfred Charles,Christohuroh,agricultural chemistry, Class C, Meston, Jane Margaret, Dunedin, logio, Class C. Middleton, Christina Currie, Dunedin, theory of education, Class C. Miles, Iris Hannah Longhurst, Christchurch, writing, Class D. Mitchell, Jessie McFarlane, Dunedin, theory of education, Class C. Molloy, John Joseph, Auckland, brush-drawing, chemistry, Class D. Moore, John Alexander, Dunedin, mechanics, arithmetic and algebra, geometry and trigonometry, Class C. Morcom, Annie Elizabeth, Blenheim, history, Class D. Moriarty, Mennie, Greymouth, agrioulture, Class D. Nesbit, James William, Dunedin, freehand drawing, Class D. Newlands, Maggie, Dunedin, English, elementary mathematics, Class D. Niool, Vera, Dunedin, methods of teaohing, blackboard drawing, Class D. O'Brien, Grace Ellen, Nelson, vocal musio, Class D. Osborne, Fanny Maria, Invercargill, arithmetic, geography, elementary mathematics, Class D. Park, George John, Timaru, general agrioulture, agricultural chemistry, Class C.

Revell, Harold Thomas, Christbhurch, methods of teaohing, Class D. " - ■ Ridling, Randolph Gordon, Auckland, vocal music, Class D. t Robertson, Harriet Miller, Dunedin, geometrical drawing,' Class D. Rodgers, John, Wellington, arithmetic, Class D. Ronaldson, Margaret, Timaru, methods of teaohing, freehand drawing, Class D. Rush, Agnes, Dunedin, Latin, elementary mathematics, writing, Class D. Salmond, Mary, Dunedin, theory of education, logio, Class C, Seddon, Dorothy Margaret, Auckland, model - drawing. Class D. Sheen, Lois Helena, Gisborne, writing, Class D. Shepherd, Arthur James, Auckland, English language and literature, Class C. Sherrard, William, Christchurch, agrioulture, English, Class D. Skinner, Percy Filmer, Auckland, arithmetic and algebra, geometry and trigonometry, Class C. Smart, John Thomas, Timaru, general agriculture, Class C. Smith, Janet MacGregor, Dunedin, Latin, Class C. Stewart, David, Invercargill, agricultural ohemistry. Class C. Taylor, Fanny Jewell, Thames, elementary human physiology, Class D. Thompson, Agnes, Dunedin, English, Class D. Thompson, Robert John, Christchurch, general history, Class C. Thornton, Edith Miriam, Christchuroh, blackboard drawing, Class D. Tomlinson, Harold Bruce, Dunedin, methods of teaohing. Class D. _; Webster, Harold Edward, Auckland, model-drawing, Class D. Westrup, Agnes Catherine Iva, Wellington, perspective drawing, Class D. . . . Wiepner, Hermine Louise, Nelson, vocal music, Class D. Wight, George Findon, Auckland, elementary human physiology, Class D. Wilkinson, Henry Foster, Christohuroh, blackboard drawing, Class D. Williamson, Alexander Hogg, Wellington, arithmetio and algebra, Class C. Wilson, Jessie Banks, Dunedin, theory of education, Class C Winter, George, Nelson, Maori, Class D. Wright, Kate Roberta, Timaru, freehand drawing, Class D. Yesberg, Sarah, Timaru, freehand drawing, Class D.

Approximate Cost of Paper— Preparation, not given ; printing (8,750 copies). £39 i»

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.--1907 Price 9d.]

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-1a, 1906.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, E-01a

Word Count

EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-1a, 1906.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, E-01a

EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-1a, 1906.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, E-01a

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