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I—C. 6.

C. - 6



Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 10 of " The Scenery Preservation Act, 1903."

Department of Lands, Wellington, 29th May, 1907. Sir, — I have the honour to submit herewith report on scenery preservation for the twelve months ended the 31st March, 1907. I have, &c, William C. Kensington, Under-Secretary for Lands. The Hon. Robert McNab, Minister of Lands. REPORT. The question of scenery preservation in a new and picturesque country like New Zealand is one that requires to be carefully studied and sympathetically treated. It can be regarded from so many diverse points of view that to reconcile the opinions of all persons who are interested in the matter is a difficult task, and consequently it is all the more desirable that a brief statement of what has been done up to the present, what it is hoped may be accomplished in the future, and the lines upon which action is being taken should be clearly set forth in this report. From its foundation, the Department of Lands has been intrusted with the task of exploring, surveying, and subdividing for settlement and other purposes the Crown lands of the colony. In doing so, it has always been its aim to conserve as far as practicable suitable areas of forest lands, both as State forests, public recreation reserves, domains, thermal-springs reserves, for the preservation of water-supplies, for climatic and similar reasons, and the protection of the sources of rivers and streams, &c. Under the numerous Land Acts that have been passed by the various Legislative Assemblies from time to time, power was given to permanently reserve lands for these purposes, but it was not until " The Land Act, 1892," came into force that " scenery preservation " was added to those objects. Since that date, the protection and preservation of the beautiful natural scenery with which New Zealand is so richly endowed has been kept steadily in view, and when any portion of Crown lands has been opened for settlement, areas of specially attractive forest, or land surrounding waterfalls, caves, or thermal springs, have been excluded from sale and set apart for all time by permanent reservation in the Gazette. As a certain proportion of the land upon which scenic beauties exist was privately owned or still under the ownership of the aboriginal inhabitants of New Zealand, it was further decided by the Government that all classes of land should be equally dealt with as aforesaid, and accordingly the Hon. Sir Joseph Ward, Minister in Charge of the Tourist Department, in 1903 brought down the Scenery Preservation Act, and by his efforts it was placed on the statute-book. This Act provided for a Royal Commission to visit and report upon all areas possessing scenic or historic interest, or on which there are thermal springs, and submit recommendations for the acquisition and reservation of all suitable lands, whether Crown, freehold, or native. For two years the Commission performed these duties with advantage to New Zealand, but in 1906 it was found that



some simpler machinery was necessary to more effectively carry out the purposes of the Act, and accordingly an amending Act was passed by Parliament terminating the Commission and substituting a small permanent Board of Government officials consisting of the Surveyor-General, the head of the Tourist Department, and the Commissioner of Crown Lands for each land district, to investigate and report from time to time on all areas worthy of inspection. This body, known as " The Scenery Preservation Board," acts as an advisory Board to the Government, and reports on all cases of suggested reservations. Its recommendations are carefully considered and submitted for final decision to the Government, with such supplementary remarks and recommendations as are needed in each case. By the Act of 1903, a special vote towards the expenses of purchasing and dealing with lands required for scenic purposes appears in the annual appropriations, and a statement of accounts showing how the money has been expended accompanies the annual report on scenery preservation laid on the table of both Houses every year, Schedule A of which contains the scenic reservations for the year just ended. It will thus be seen that very complete arrangements have been made for adequately dealing with this most important matter, and Schedule B of this report contains a list of all lands that have to the present time been reserved for scenic purposes either under the Land Act, the Scenery Preservation Act, or any other enactment of the General Assembly, whilst Schedules C and D show the recommendations of the late Commission and present Board, and the action taken in each case. But when considering this subject, as stated in the earlier portions of this report, the various points from which scenery preservation is viewed must be taken into account and due weight attached to arguments brought forward in support thereof. The sawmiller is naturally anxious that every convenient area of forest trees should be converted into sawn timber. The farmer regards the land upon which forest timber is growing as being well adapted, when cleared and cultivated, for the support of his family and the extension of settlement with which New Zealand's prosperity is so bound up, and he is supported by the local bodies within whose district the land is situated, as they naturally prefer to have as much rateable property as possible within the boundaries of the county or district, whose roads, bridges, &c, they have to maintain. The tourist and visitor from other parts of the colony urges that all beautiful pieces of scenery should be preserved from an aesthetic point of view, and deplores the vandalism that sacrifices sentiment to settlement. And the Government in weighing the diversified opinions from so many different members of the community has to exercise a judicious care not to run into extremes in any direction. However, the general principles underlying the matter are considered to be as follows: Most of the attractive regions of New Zealand are adjacent to the main routes of travel, and it is to the proper preservation of the varied scenery therein that the greatest attention has to be paid. When this has been accomplished, areas more remote from the centres of population can be safeguarded and developed. Crown lands unsuitable for close settlement but well adapted for scenic conservation can be, and are, reserved at the very first opportunity as no cost is involved, but when it becomes necessary to purchase lands from Native or European owners, the available funds as appropriated by Parliament are devoted primarily to the acquisition of lands nearest to the main routes of railways and traffic. It must be clearly understood that it has never been the practice of the Department to unduly withhold from settlement areas of rich soil and well adapted for pastoral or agricultural pursuits merely because they are also suited for scenic reservation. The needs of settlement are imperative, and it is only when they have been amply met and provided for that comparatively small portions of land specially attractive in scenic appearance, and usually somewhat poor in quality or rugged in character, are set aside as an endeavour to preserve the native fauna and flora in that locality. This probably accounts for the extremely slight opposition that has ever been made to the reserves in question, and it is generally recognised that a wise selection has been made in the size and boundaries of the areas set apart. Where small areas of forest situated close to large centres of population are recommended for reservation, the principle has been laid down that the local residents should show their bona fides in desiring to preserve the land by contributing a certain proportion of the total sum involved either by private subscription or by means of a subsidy from a local authority or by the proceeds of public meetings or entertainments. The Government supply the balance of money required, and it is believed the residents will take additional pride in the reserve by remembering their individual efforts and help in securing the land which has now become the inalienable property of the inhabitants of New Zealand and a continued source of pleasure to themselves. But to enter into details. Since the Act of 1903 was put into operation, the following amounts have been paid by way of compensation for land acquired: — £ s. d. 1904-5 216 4 10 1905-6 3,336 i 3 1906-7 ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,855 19 10 £11,408 5 11 whilst the expenses of the late Commission and miscellaneous valuations surveys, travelling and legal expenses, &c, amounted to £1,873 17s. 3d. in 1904-5; to £1,748 17s. lid. in 1905-6; but since the complete control of the work has been handed over to the Department of Lands and' new Scenery Preservation Board the expenses are only £1,290 16s. lid. for the past year. This is accounted for by the fact that the many reports and inspections reauired have in nearly all instances been made by the officers of the Department in the course of their ordinary duties, thus entailing no extra expense, whilst the bulk of the surveys can also be effected by the staff surveyors engaged on other work in the neighbourhood,



Reserves made under the Scenery Preservation Act have been proclaimed as under r< — , T , Area. Number. R p 1904-5 ... ... ... ... ... 6 914 2 3 1905-6 ... ... ... ... ... 55 13,640 3 20 1906-7 ... ... ... ... ... 27 11,233 0 35 88 25,801 238 but as scenic reservations have also been made under the Land Act, &c, the total area comprises: — a. ». p. Under Scenery Preservation Acts ... ... ... 25,801 2 38 Under Land and other Acts ... ... ... ... 76,721 0 34 As national parks ... ... ... ... ... 2,771,202 000 2,873,724 3 32 As is therefore seen, much has been done, although much still remains to be accomplished. The vast and magnificent national parks of Mount Egmont, Mount Cook, Tongariro, and Kuapehu, and the West Coast Sounds, embrace country that can never be suitable for close settlement, but is of world-wide fame as the home of scenery, and in the 102,000 acres of other reserves (some 353 in number) are to be found beautiful and scattered bits of scenery that enable dwellers in every part of the colony to realise what the land of the Maoris looked like before its colonisation by Europeans. For example, the famous stalactite caves of Waitomo and Ruakuri; the great Wairua Waterfall near Whangarei; the Tongoio, Okere, Huka, Sutherland, and lesser falls; the numerous clumps of beautiful forest on the Parahaki, Taupiri, Pukorokoro-Hapuakohe, and other hills; the historic pas of the aboriginal inhabitants; the hot springs of Hahei, Nuhaka, Rotorua, and Te Aroha; the wooded gorges and bush-clad slopes of innumerable ranges and mountains; the banks of the Waikato, Ruakituri, Motu, Rangitikei, Wanganui, Waiau, and other rivers; the shores of Lake Taupo, Mahinapua, Waikaremoana, Wakatipu, Wanaka, Rotorua, &o.; the pretty islands of Little Barrier and Resolution; patches of forest in close proximity to the cities and towns; picturesque points and promontories on many harbours all over the colony, serve to prove in some measure that the scenic attractions of New Zealand have not been allowed to be destroyed (except in some slight degree, almost inevitable in the onward rush of trade and population), but will be preserved intact for all time "as the patrimony of the people. The report of the Scenery Preservation Board (Appendix No. 1) specifies the principal localities of the colony now requiring attention, and in Appendix No. 2 will be found the Board's report on the North Island Main Trunk Railway route, along which a special inspection was made, owing to the urgency of selecting and setting aside the areas of land most essential for scenery preservation before the line is opened for traffic and population springs up in its wake. It may be mentioned that the Board was only constituted by " The Scenery Preservation Amendment Act, 1906," which came into force at the end of October, and consequently was unable to do more than deal with the most important cases needing attention. In conclusion, the earnest co-operation of all lovers of scenery, whether as private individuals or as members of district societies having for their objects the preservation and beautifying of nature in the vicinity of towns, or as representatives of the people in local or national boards and councils, is cordially invited and will be gladly availed of in connection with the work still to be undertaken, and as tending to assist, whether in small or larger degree, the one aim Government and people have alike —namely, the preservation of the picturesque scenery of New Zealand for the benefit and delight of its inhabitants, and of the ever-increasing army of tourists and visitors. The following details are appended: — Schedule A: Reserves made under the Scenery Preservation Acts during 1906-7. Schedule B: Reserves made for Scenic Purposes under all Acts up to 31st March, 1907. Schedule C: Recommendations of the Late Scenery Preservation Commissioners, and Action taken. : Schedule D: Recommendations of the Present Scenery Preservation Board, and Action taken. Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1907. Appendix No. 1 : Report of the Scenery Preservation Board for the Year ended 31st March, 1907. Appendix No. 2: Report of the Scenery Preservation Board on the Scenery along North Island Main Trunk Railway Route. Plans. Plans Nos. 1 to 6, showing areas of forest along the route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway, and the proposed reservations therein. General map of the North Island, showing localities of scenic reserves already gazetted. General map of the South Island, with similar information.



Schedule A.—Reserves made in 1906-7 under the Scenery Preservation Acts, 1903 and 1906, and "The Public Works Act, 1905."

Recommendation No. Local Name. District. Area. Pr^c'aimed in New Zealand Gazette. Auckland District. 68 Parahaki Hills Pukorokoro Eange ... I Rotorua Railway! Line Puriri and Kauri Trees Kaihu Valley I Section 6, Block XII, Russell Survey District ! Section 483, Taupiri Parish ! Section 1, Block V, and Sections 1, 2, 3, Block VIII, Patetere N.E. (Selwyn Settlement) Section 1, Block IX, Thames ... Section 3, Block III, Kaihu ... A. E. P. 200 0 0 22 June, 1906. 77 114 400 0 0 1,424 1 5 5 July, „ 27 Sept., , *5 *4 16 3 0 305 0 0 14 Mar., 1907. 21 „ 2,346 0 5 Taranaki District. 7 June, 1906. 140 Ratapihipihi Bush ... Onaero River Crossing Puketi Fa, New Plymouth Tataraimaka Pa Native Reserve 5, Paritutu Survey District Sections 101, 102, Block VII, Waitara Survey District Reserve Y, Town Belt, Block V, Paritutu Survey District Subdivision 1 of Section 4, Block II, Cape Survey District 50 0 0 130 13 1 16 30 Aug., „ 126 9 3 20 1 Nov., „ 131 1 3 20 6 Dec, „ 75 0 16 Kahutara Bush ; Wilton's Bush, Wadestown Brunswick Bush ... Silverstream Bush ... Makohine Gorge ... Wellington District. Section 36, Block XI, Wairarapa Survey District Subdivisions 1-5, Lot IX, Otari Native Reserve Part Sections 134, 135, 188, 229, Block II, Westmere Survey District Part Sections 269, 270, Block IV, Belmont Survey District Pawerawera Nos. 1, 2 Blocks, Block XVI, Tiriraukawa Survey District 12 April, 1906. 63 8 3 32 9 135 3 0 23 Aug., . 20 35 2 3 30 „ 14 104 3 27 10 Jan., 1907. J2 54 3 12 14 Feb., „ 339 3 34 154 i Lake Kanieri Outlet Westland District. Section 1777, Block VII, Kanieri 20 0 0 30 Aug., 1906. 20 0 0 344 Kennedy's Bush, Christchurch Morice Settlement ... Canterbury District. Part Sections 485, 522, 818,886, 6390, 30503, 33742, Block III, Halswell Sections 7, 10, Block IX, Pigeon Bay 52 2 39 27 Sept., 1906. 274 124 0 20 21 Mar., 1907. 176 3 19 185 Tautuku River Forest Papatowai Bush Mount Cargill, edin Otago District. Sections 8, 19-21, and part Section 18, Block X, Tautuku Survey District Sections 132-152,154-156, Town of Papatowai Part Sections 24-30, 32-34, 92, Block VII; part Sections 60, 61, 62, Block VIII; Sections 8 and 23, Block XII; North Harbour and Blueskin 782 1 32 5 July, 1906. ! 183 I 156 3 0 20 Dec, „ .58, 294 1 [■ 350 0 13 U I 17 Jan., 1907. * Scener Preservation Board number.



Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Near Makohine Viaduct. [Lands Dept., photo.

Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Rangitikei River, near Mangaweka. [Lands Dept., photo.

C— 6.

Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Hautapu River, AT Taihape. [Tourist Dept., photo.

Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway : Reserve at Hawaenga Village. [Lands Dept., photo.


Along the Route op the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Turangarere Waterfall. [Lands Dept., photo.

Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Approaching Ohakune. [Tibbutt Bros., photo.



Schedule A.—Reserves made in 1906-7 under the Scenery Preservation Acts, 1903 and 1906, and "The Public Works Act, 1905"— continued.

* Scenery Preservation Board number. Summary of Reserves made. Land Distriot. No. A Are *' p Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 5 2,346 0 5 Taranaki 4 75 0 16 Wellington ... ... ... ... ... 5 339 3 34 Westland ... ... ... ... ... 1 20 0 0 Canterbury ... ... ... ... ... 2 176 3 19 Otago .. ... ... ... ... 8 7,994 3 1 Southland ... ... ... ... 2 283 2 0 Totals, 1906-7 ... ... ... 27 11,236 035 Eeserved up to 31st March, 1906 ... ... 61 14,565 2 3 Grand totals ... ... ... 88 25,801 2 38 Schedule B. List of National Pabks. Egmont (reserved by " The Egmont National Park Act, 1900") ... ... ... 79,922 Tongariro (reserved by "The Tongariro National Park Act, 1894") ... ... 62,280 Hooker Glacier (reserved in Neiv Zealand Gazette of 26th June, 1890, page 741) ... 38,000 Tasman Park (Mount Cook) (New Zealand Gazette of 28th July, 1887, on page 1008) 97,800 Arthur's Pass (New Zealand Gazette of 24th October, 1901, on page 2034) ... ... 150,000 Otira Gorge (Neiu Zealand Gazette of 24th October, 1901, on page 2034) ... ... 17,000 Sounds (New Zealand Gazette of 23rd February, 1905, on page 544) ... ... 2,326,200 Total 2,771,202

Recomlenriation No. Local Name. District. Area. Proclaimed in New Zealand Gazette. I Otago District —continued. 58, 294 '' Mount Cargill, Dun- Section 48, Block VIII, North edin Harbour and Blueskin .58, 294 Ditto ... ...(Section 31, Block VII, North Harbour and Blueskin .55, 381 Signal Hill, Dunedin Part Sections 27, &c, Block IX, North Harbour and Blueskin 227 I Tβ Anau Lake Shore i Eglinton and Te Anau Survey Districts *18 l Flagstaff Hill, Dun- Sections 13-17, Block V, Dun- | edin edin and Bast Taieri A. 1 M. P. 2 9 14 Feb., 1907. 10 1 21 21 Mar., „ 221 2 22 7 Feb., „ 6,400 0 0:14 „ 71 3 24 21 Mar., „ 7,994 3 1 Southland District. 78 0 0 i 12 April, 1906. 239 Mataura Eiver Forest Section 46, Block VII, and Sections 51, 52, Block IX, Otera- i mika Hundred 219 Edendale Settlement Sections 134e, 135b, Block I, Mataura Hundred ] 205 0 0 13 Sept., „ 283 2 0



Schedule B— continued. List of Scenic, Historic, and Thermal Reserves as at the 31st March, 1907-continued.

Local Name. Section. Block. Survey District. Area. Date. No. Page. Gazette. Act under which reserved. AucMt and. A. R. P. 145 0 0 102 0 0 Land Aot, 1892. . Mangakahia Wairua Waterfall .. j 30 4 XII XVI Mangakahia .. 1901. 2 May 2 „ 1906. 15 Feb. 43 43 988 988 Wairua Palls 7 25 0 01 13 535 Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Ditto. Publics Works Aot, 1905, and Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Ditto. Omiru East No. 2 (Wairua Falls) 8 49 0 01 35 0 01 15 , 11 Jan. 13 1 535 11 I. Omiru West (Wairua Falls) Portion Mangakahia No. 2b Motutere Island .. . 39 0 01 ■ 11 . 11 2 84 0 01 11 „ 11 4 0 01 11 • 1903. 12 Mar. 5 May 5 „ 5 „ 29 Oct. 1904. ■28 Jan. 28 „ 1 Sept. 11 Taumatotara Waiotapu Waimangu Mangaotaki Waiau 2 8 1 13 1 VI III XV VI XIV Kawhia South Paeroa Tarawera .. Maungamangero Coromandel 261 0 01 2,974 0 0 44 2 33 19 0 0 114 2 6 2 19 39 39 39 83 736 1201 1201 1201 2295 Land Act, 1892. Mangamuka Gorge 6 8 244-250 (inclusive) II . i Mangamuka .. 54 2 02 53 1 02 341 2 0 8 8 73 310 310 2119 Pye's Pa Eoad VI Tβ Papa Parish, Otat-ewainuku S.D. ! Whangape :. Near Broadwood .. 70 II I17 2 321 10 Nov. i 1905. 2 Feb. 90 2703 Bream Head Mountain ] Motukaraka Island (old pa of Ngatipoii) Tβ Akatea 77, and E. port'nof 76 1 IV Manaia Parish Otahuhu ... 185 0 0 14 0 02 23 Mar. 9 27 241 759 Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Ditto. Pts. 180, 181,182 5a 13 Waipa Parish.. 22 3 8 1 June 52 1257 Land Act, 1892. Torehape Stream .. Hahei Hot Springs xii ! I Piako Purangi Parii-h, | Otama S.D. Mangakahia .. Pidko " 20 0 0 109 1 0 1 1 „ 10 Aug. 52 74 1257 1919 Scenery Preservation Aot, 1903. . Ditto. Taimw'»e Hokianga J Pukorokoro EaDge 1 9 1 ! 196 223 7 XIII XVI XI ) XIV XV ) III, IV X 499 0 81 1,140 0 0 7 Sept 2 Nov. 81 95 ■2183 2530 Waikato River banks Tatua 585 0 0 2 „ 95 2531 Opapuka Gorge Taupiri Hills Ruakuri Oaves Waipareira Ph. Newcastle S.D. Oiahiri 47 0 0 2,770 0 0 192 0 0 5 2 „ 7 Dec. 21 „ 1906. U Jan. 95 107 112 2532 2816 2947 Waitomo Caves .. No. Iα No. 6 Part 6 31 Takahue 3 0 01 90 2 0: 44 1 20: 11 ■"„■ 18 . 1 1 31 11 2 80-1 Publio Works Act, l<J05, and Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Land Act, 1892. Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Ditto. * • • Takahue Bush XV Waiohanga Falls .. Shores of Lake Taupo 8 i 1 1 1 6 483 II V X II XII III Omapere Karangahape .. 500 0 0 700 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 ) 15 Feb. ) 1 Mar. ) 1 . ) 1 . )22 June ) 5 July 13 17 17 17 50 5G 534 652 652 652 17S5 1838 Pukawa Russell Hapuakohe S.D. 1 Parahaki Hills .. Pukorokoro Range (Taupiri) Werakauanga Ruakuri Caves Selwyn Settlement ! . 1 J 1 2a 1 XIV X V Waiawa Oraiiiri Patetere N.E. 389 0 0 27 1 30 153 2 0 ) 6 Sept. )20 „ )27 „ 76 80 82 2324 2453 2505 I Land Aot, 1892. ! 5 Scenery Preservation At, 1903. 5 Ditto. 1 2 3 t 9 VIII * 354 0 0 860 3 0 56 0 5 97 1 2 m , )27 „ 5 27 „ 2 27 „ 82 82 82 82 2505 2505 2505 2507 7 Publio Works Aot, 1905, and . Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. ' 7 Land Aot, 1892. Ruakuri CavesForest ft X Orahiri Taita Waitakerei Bush .. 7 28 102 IX II Waoku .. Waitakerei Par. is i: o 80 1 0 124 3 0 3 25 Oot. D 22 Nov. B22 „ 1907. 014 Mar. 89 97 97 2807 2996 2996 B „ " 0 Thames Kaihu Valley 1 3 ?x . Ill Thames Kaihu 16 3 0 305 0 0 15,013 XI 0 21 „ 25 26 931 980 1 Scenery Preservation Act, 1906. 0 Ditto. \ . .- j -IV.



Schedule B— continued. List of Scenic, Historic, and Thermal Reserves as at the 31st March, 1907-continued.

Local Name. j Seotiou. Survey District. . Area. Gi Date. Gazette. ette. 1 Act under which reserved. No.|p»g». Block Hawke'i Bay. 28 X Takapau A. B. P. 7 0 0 1896. 20 Aug. 1898. 10 Mar. 1899. 1 June 1905. 23 Mar. 1 June 1 „ 10 Aug. 64 1314 Land Act, 1892. 11 XIV Weber 103 1 2 17 442 46 1050 Tuhaka Part 2 7 10 1 XVIII IV Nuhaka North | Urutawa East 1 2 33 480 1 0 430 0 0 123 0 0 27 52 52 74 758 1257 1257 1919 tt tuakituri River .. XIIa Tuahu ..' ■v ■ • Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Ditto. jindsay Settlement 15 18 XIII XIV Tahoraite Waipukurau .. 1 3 20 22 0 32 24 , 21 Dec. 1904. 14 April 1905. 29 June 77 112 2019 2949 lOrangiwaa No. 1 .. Mata 1,756 0 0 30 1010 Land Act, 1892. I 100 0 0 60 1535 Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. 3,025 1 7 'e Kawau Pa Tarar taki. Public Works Act, 1905, and Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Part Mo-! hakatino Parininihi No. lo I Mimi .. I A. R. P. 2 2 5 1906. 27 Sept. 82 2507 5 Pukearuhe Township Ditto 7 2 0 1904. 28 Jan. Land Act, 1892. VI 310 10 0 3 10 28 . 1902. 17 April 1906. 30 Aug. 310 a> 7 IV Upper Waitara 29 0 0 29 858 )nairo Eiver Part 101 VII Waitara 3 0 26 75 2288 Public Works Act, 1905, and Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Ditto. w • * Part 102 10 0 30 30 . 1905. 23 Feb. 1 Dec. 1907. 7 Feb. 1905. 22 June 1907. 7 Feb. 1905. 23 Mar. 75 2288 'e Awai te Taki .. Mruturumokai Pa Part 77 j Part 143 IX VI Hawera 9 10 14 1 17 16 105 543 2762 Land Act, 1892. Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Land Act, 1892. 6* XVI Omona 202 0 0 12 455 losokohu Lake .. 2 II Kapara 700 0 0 58 1504 Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Land Act, 1892. 11* IV Opaku 13 2 0 12 455 Vhangamomona Saddle )itto 21 Ngatimaru 263 0 0 2-i 760 Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Ditto. 22 305 0 0 23 , 1906. 6 Dec. 27 760 ?ataraimaka Pa .. Part Subsection 1 of Section 4 Y II Oape 1 3 20 102 3106 'uketi Pa V Paritutu 9 3 20 1 Nov. 92 2848 Public Works Act, 1905, and Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Land Act, 1892. Pts. 17, 19 VIII 12 0 1903. 29 Oct. 1906. 7 June S3 2295 latapihipihi Bush Subsec 1, Part N.K. No. 5 Part 477 Pt. N.R. 2 50 0 0 43 1426 \ Public Works Act, 1905, I and Scenery PreservaJ tion Act, 1903. Reserves aud other Lands Sale and Disposal Act, 1901. Land Act, 1892. 0 2 £1 48 0 0 7 „ S atute: pp. 27! 1907. 7 Feb. 7 ;, 7 . 7 „ 7 j. 7 ;. 7 „ 7 , 7 '. 7 . 7 „ 7 7 I 7 . 43 s 1 8, 2! 1426 901, 91 irapepe .. 16* 5* 12* 27' 28* 11* 10* 9» 16* 21* 8* 23* 24* . 1* II VIII XI XV Aria .. 3 2 29 19 3 36 303 0 0 101 0 0 3 10 7 10 24 2 0 13 1 34 29 3 0 8 0 30 13 0 0 4 0 12 8 15 995 0 0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1-2 454 454 454 453 453 453 455 453 454 454 455 455 455 450 XVI It IX X XIIIXIV IX Heao Ohura "aorae Tutoro 'atu XII Waro . ... 3,206 2 25 * Permanentl; reserved in Gazette of 18th April, 1907, on [e-1236.



Schedule B— continued. List of Scenic, Historic, and Thermal Reserves as at the 31st March, 1907-continued.

Local Name Section. Block. Survey District. Ar«». Date. No.lPagt. Oazette. Act under which reserved. Wellin [fon. 1899. 30 Mar. 29 704 1898. 20 Dec. 91 2037 20 „ 912037 1901. 10 Jan. 4 80 2 May 43 987 1907. 10 Jan. 213-4 Apiti A. B F. 86 0 0 29 704 Land Act, 1892. 28 IV 10 33 VIII 21 3 10 77 0 0 91 91 2037 2037 ' Part 21a 25 XVI Akatarawa .. 55 0 0 31 0 0 4 43 80 987 Silverstream Bush Part 269 IV Belmont 96 0 27 13-4 Scenery Preservation Act, 19C3. Ditto. Land Act, 1892. „ Puke Road •• .. > Part 270 ! 121 4A Part 2 19a : 12 17a 17b 4 17a XIII III IV M VII VIII * • • Hautapu n • ' 1 • • • • * 8 3 0 12 0 22 3 3 21 8 3 15 19 0 0 110 0 0 4 2 0 1 2 15 62 0 0 1 3 24 10 „ 213-4 21 Mar. 26 998 1904. 14 April 301010 1906. 8 Mar. 18 740 1 „ 17 689 1 „ 17 689 1 » 17 689 1 . 17 689 1901. 24 Oct. 92 2034 1906. 1 Mar. 17 689 1899. Uune 461053 1901. 24 Oct. 92 2034 1906. 26 April 32 1109 1899. 1 June 461053 1897. 22 July 63 1343 1900. 4 Jan. 1 15 1906. 15 Feb. 13 536 1899. 2 26 30 38 17 17 17 17 02 17 46 13-4 998 1010 740 689 689 689 689 2034 689 1053 Publio Works Act, 1905. Land Act, 1892. t 5a 15 0 0 n 11 m 89 0 0 92 2034 32 IX 8 2 35 32 1109 « 12 XV H * • 89 1 0 46 1053 42 43 0 0 63 1343 31 XVI • • • 17 0 0 1 15 Paraparaumu Bird Reserve IX Kaitawa 185 0 0 13 536 Scenery Preservation Act, 1903, and Public Works Aot, 1905. Land Act, 1892. 62 X 3 3 0 2 Feb. 9 259 1907. 21 Mar. 26 998 21 „ 26 998 1896. 4 June 43 879 1900. 4 June 511117 1902. 13 Feb. 12 339 1900. 22 Mar. 23 608 1899. 1 June 461053 1905. 1 Dec. 107 2765 1901. 29 Aug. 80 1762 1899. 2F. b. 9 259 1905. 1 Dec. 105 2765 1 „ 105 276') 1 „ 105 2765 1 , 105 2765 1 , 105 2765 1904. 10 Nov. 90 2703 1899. 23 Mr. 26 662 1904. 10 Nov. 90 2703 9 259 Waimarino 2 3 I Kaitieke 43 0 16 23 0 17 26 26 998 998 • • ■ 53a VIII Mangahno 2 3 30 43 879 64 10 1 8 51 1117 49 XIV 9 2 14 12 339 19 XVI 22 0 0 23 608 * t 21, 22 23 3 0 46 1053 Waimarino 24 II Makotuku 21 2 0 107 2765 9 VI » • • 11 2 0 80 1762 24b VIII 132 1 8 9 259 12 13 14 15 16 X u 2 2 0 1 3 36 3 2 26 8 2 16 0 3 2 105 105 105 105 105 2765 276"> 2765 2765 2765 m 11 II Mangawhero .. 9 3 0 90 2703 u 50 IV 31 2 0 26 662 6 7 III 17 2 0 29 1 29 90 90 2703 2703 21 14a 20 I II VI Makuri 14 2 0 18 1 38 20 2 0 90 2703 1901. 10 Jan. 4 80 1902. 27 Nov. 98 2557 1905. lDen. 105 2766 1906. 30 Aug. 75 2308 30 , 76 2308 IMar. 17 689 4 98 105 80 2557 2766 Public Reserves Act, 1881. Pipinui Bush Part 4 Pait5 Part 3 of 7 XI m • • 22 1 20 2 0 0 46 0 0 75 76 17 2308 2308 689 Public Works Act, 1905. xin Land Act,"l892. i • •


Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: The Waimabino Forest at Ohakune. [Tibbutt Bros., photo.

Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Mangatietie Stream, Ohakune. [Tibbutt Bros., photo.


Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Waimarino Forest at Horopito. [Tibbutt Bros., photo.

Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Manganui-a-te-Ao Gorge. [E. R. Webb, photo.


Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Makatote Gorge. [Weekly Press, photo.



Schedule B— continued. List of Scenic, Historic, and Thermal Reserves as at the 31st March, 1907-continued.

'2—C. 6.

Local Name. Section. BWck. Survey District. I Area. Gazette. Aot under which reserved. Date. No. Page. Wellington —c iontinued. Manganui a. it. p. 135 0 0 1899. 13 July 1905. 1 Dec. 1 . 1 1904. 10 Nov. 1905. 1 Dec. 2 Nov. 60 1311 Land Aot, 1892. 24 XI 3 8 12 V Nukumaru 39 0 0 15 1 0 17 0 0 105 105 105 2765 2765 2765 11 XV Ngamatea 32 1 8 90 2703 lilverhope Reserve, near Marton )itto 15 1 VI Ongo 22 2 0 0 1 11 105 95 2765 2531 Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Ditto. 2 3 4 1 48 33 62 63 64 79 IX xiii XIV Ohinewairua .. . * 11 0 8 39 18 1 27 7 3 27 2 0 37 2 0 33 79 2 0 156 0 0 1 1 0 40 3 0 1 0 20 2 „ 2 , 2 . 2 2 " lDec. 1900. 14 June 14 „ 14 „ 1902. 11 Sept. 1905. 7 S-pt. 1906. 23 Aug. 1900. 4 Jan. 4 „ 4 4 „ 1906. 1 Mar. 95 95 ! 95 I 95 I 95 1105 51 51 ! 51 72 2531 2531 2531 2531 2531 2765 1121 1121 1121 1909 Land Act, 1892. 82 4 3 5 81 2186 Wilton's Bush, Wadestown VI Port Nicholson 135 3 0 i 73 2221 Soenery Preservation Act, 1903. Land Act, 1892. 4a 5 6 7 IV Pofaangina 54 2 0 85 2 0 85 0 0 131 0 0 1 1 1 1 14 14 14 14 ■ m I 7 12 12 XIV Pukeokaliu 235 0 0 17 689 I Ruahine I 175 0 0 1 ,, 17 689 3 7 5 8 2 5 6 1 8 6 9 17 IV VII VIII XII XI I V IX Eetaruke Ruahine 26 0 15 11 1 39 13 2 0 7 1 37 11 1 5 19 0 6 38 0 16 52 0 0 402 0 0 3 2 0 15 2 0 117 0 0 1907. ■21 Mar. 21 „ 21 „ 21 . 21 „ 21 „ 21 „ 1906. 1 Mar. 1 . 1 . 1899. 30 Mar. 23 . 1898. 15 Sept. 1899. 26 Oct. J 907. 14 Feb. 1901. 10 Jan. r900. 5 July 1906. 12 April 26 26 20 26 26 26 26 17 17 17 29 2G 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 689 689 689 704 662 e K 17a 281 0 0 08 1467 58 1 Tiriraukawa .. 40 0 38 88 1973 tfiikohine Viaduct XVT 54 3 12 15 558 Publio Works Aot, 1905. 2 X Umutoi 106 2 33 1 80 Land Aot, 1892. 13a VIII Wairoa 20 0 0 58 1299 fahutara Bush .. Paupo No. 2 Block (Plimmerton) 36 XI VIII Wairarapa Paikakariki .. 8 3 32 10 3 0 1905. 2 Nov. 2 „ 1906. 30 Aug. 29 1008 Scenery Preservation Aot, 1903. Maori Land Claims Act, 1906, section 32. Land Act, 1892. 17a 17b VI Hautapu 13 2 2 0 1 15 96 98 2529 2529 jrunswick Bush, Wanganui Parts 134 and 135 IT Westmere 16 2 29 78 2289 Public Works Act, 1905, and Scenery Preservation Act, 1903. Ditto. iitto PartH 134, 135, 188, and 229 166 18 3 14 30 „ 75 2289 if akuri 1 17 19 (sub.) 20 , 35 „ 1 II Makuri Towns'p MataroaTowns'pj 10 1 13 0 3 0 0 1 22 10 2 6 3 1 8 8 1 30 1896. 8 Oct. 1902. 27 Nov. 27 ,. 27 „ 27 „ 27 „ 77 98 98 98 98 98 1669 2559 2559 2559 2559 2559 Land Act, 1893. *


Schedule B— continued. List of Scenic, Historic, and Thermal Reserves as at the 31st March, 1907-continued.


Area. G( Gazette Local Name. Seotion. Seotio Block Survey District, Act under which reserved. Date. Xo.l Page. 'ukeroa 'ipirikl .. 'aihape .. 3f 7 5 20 38 (sub.) 7 5 20 :8 (su Wellington— continued. A. E. P. Pukeroa Town- 11 0 38! ship .. I Ditto .. J 19 0 22|! IX Pipiriki Native I 0 12: Township Taihape Town- 2 3 19 ship Ditto .. 7 2 30 2 3 10 4 0 14 8 2 0 10 2 10 19 0 10 li 0 18 1906. 26 April 126 . 1897. 30 Sept. 1899. j 2 Feb. 2 „ 2 „ I 2 „ 2 , 2 „ 2 „ 1900. 5 July I 32 82 84 9 1109 1109 Land Act, 1892. 1109 1109 1723 1723 Native Townships Act, 1895. 259 Land Act, 1892. 259 3i At 39 , 40 , 41 . 42 „ 43 „ 44 „ 19 ,. A 0 , -1 :1 . 1) 'J 9 9 ',) e 259 259 209 259 259 259 259| 259 259 4i a: 2 „ 2V.) .3 „ A 2r.Q i< A „ 259 a 45 „ & „ 58 1299 1 qoqI 4,463 3 81] 1299 4 Marlboi ough. 'awa Bay Tydia Bay forth West Bay .. 4 6 2 3 5 5 12 6 2 O 3 5 5 12 V VII x'ii IV XI A. R. p.. V Tennyson .. 397 0 0; 256 0 0: VII „ .. 671 0 oil 65 0 0' Xn Orieri .. 1,683 0 oil iv „ .. no o d: XI ,„ .. 370 0 0j VI ! Gore .. 40 0 0: X . .. 285 0 0 161 0 0j SXVI , .. 600 0 0i 1896. 127 Aug. 1905. 23 Feb. 1896. 27 Aug. 27 „ 127 , 1903. 12 Mar. J 12 „ 1896. 27 Aug. 27 „ 1903. ■|12 Mar. 1904. j ij 1 Sept. . 66 Iβ 66 66 66 19 19 1360 Land Act, 1892. 043 1360 1360 1 1360 736 736 liritu 32 15 32 15 VI x 66 66 1360 1360 ! Bdgeoombe Point.. 14 14 19 736 Ihip Cove, used by Captain Cook In C TIs I Inner Cheiwode; Island f 36 I 2 nner 3het,« .slard 36 31 1 2 XXVI XI XII XV XVI XI .. 341 0 0 XII , .. 130 0 0 XV .. 958 0 0 XVI . .. 582 0 0 I" 1001. 73 2119 IResen esaud Crown Lands Disposal and Enabling Act, 1896. Iotu Ngara Island 'elorus Bridge 'imahau Bay lahau Sound Cenepuru Sound .. Veka Point I ■ j Pt. 73 7 I 18 I 7 11 Pt. 2 Pt. 7 7 18 7 11 Pt. XXIH vm m II IV cxin „ .. so o oj Vm Heringa .. 22 2 0 Wakamarina .. 51 0 0 98 0 0 II Linkwater .. 190 0 0 173 0 0 IV „ .. 168 0 0 lyui. J24 Oct. ione lyuii. 1 Mar.) 1 Qon 1900. 121 Jiuie! 19U3. 12 Mar. 1 ftQfi 1«9£). 5 Dec. 5 „ 1909! 19U2. 18 Deo. 19f)3. ' 1901. 24 Oct. 1906. 1 Mar. 1900. 21 Jiuie; 1903. 12 Mar. 1895. 5 Dec. 6 „ 1902. 18 Die. 1903. 12 Mar. 1905. 28 Feb. 1903. !29 Jan. ; 1900. 4 Jan. 4 „ 4 . 4 4 "„ 4 „ 1905. 23 Feb. J 11 92 17 53 19 89 89 103 2034 Land Aot, 1892. 2034 661j 661! Publics Reserves Act, 1881. 1188 1188 Land Act, 1892. 736 736 1872 1872 1872 1 cirjri 1872 2698 ■2698 Inabau Bay Vatetfall, Tuamarina I 8 f 8 ■ 19 ( 76 6 8 8 19 76 VII II ) m VII ) XVI VII „ .. 105 2 0 TT \ III \ Cloudy Bay .. ; 1,070 (i 0 VII 19U3. 12 Mar. i orv; 1.90&. 28 Feb. 190M. 19 16 736 736 543 543 \ 6 v±j. i XVI Kaitarau .. 200 0 O! , i9ua. 20 Jan. ; i onn 7 262 262 tooee Bay 8 9 10 4 5 6 8 9 10 XI XV XI Hundalee .. j 25 1 0 14 2 0 13 0 XV , .. 17 2 0 12 2 0 31 2 0 1900. 4 Jan. 4 „ 4 . 4 4 "„ 4 „ 1 on?; 1 1 1 1 I 1 13 18 13 13 13 13 13 1 O 13 13 n 4 13 1 Q )mihi 5 13 6 13 26 26 Tuamarina Vil- 110 lage (Cloudy Bay S.D.) 8,911 1 0| 1905. 23 Feb. 1 Iβ 558 558 Publio Reserves Act, 1881. 8 13 30 3 Nelson. a, b. p. XVI Burnett .. 7 2 0 IX French Pass .. 238 0 0 XI , 681 0 0 III Kaiteriteri .. | 20 0 0 1907. i 7 Feb. 1902. 113 Feb. 113 . 1899. 131 Aug. 1907. 7 Feb. 1902. 13 Feb. 13 . 1899. 31 Aug. 12 449 Land Act, 189SI. 449 12 12 339 339 339 339 72 1598 1598


Schedule B— continued. List of Scenic, Historic, and Thermal Reserves as at the 31st March, 1907-continued.


Local Name. Section. Block. Survey District. Area. Oai lette. j Act under which reserved. No.|p»ge. Date. Nelson —c< mtinued. 'art Adele Island., 'art Fisherman's Island VI Kaiteriteri A. B. P. 200 0 0 6 3 10 ) Reserves Disposal and f Exchange Aot, 1895. 3 s 6 9 11 12 12 I III II III Pakawau Rahu • •I Rintoul .. j " I » • • ! Totaranui .. j 58 3 30 15 3 11 17 0 0 52 0 0 41 0 8 8 3 0 1 0 32 127 2 16 84 0 01 110 0 01 j 1895. 5 Deo. 1907. 7 Feb. 7 . 7 , 7 7 1 7 , 1896. 8 Oct. 1898. 10 Feb. 10 . 1895. 21 Mar. 1907. 7 Feb. 1897. 29 April 1902. 13 Feb. 1907. 7 Feb. B'J 12 12 12 12 12 12 77 9 9 1872 449 449 449 449 449 449 1669 245 245 Land Aot, 1892. * 1 3 X 13 XI Waimea 206 0 02 •21 527 11 XIV 49 3 16 12 449 6 of 113 X Waitapu 0 2 20 2 a 937 23 III Whangamoa .. 296 0 01 12 339 •1 in red "2 „ •3 „ "'"I -. - I , .{ *7 •8 . •9 ,. "-I 12 „ { n, hi. VI, VH, IX, X vi, vn, ix, x, XI II, VI, vn, x, XI XIV, XV, XVI I, II XIII I XIV, XV i, 11. in in, V.-VI in, iv, VII, VIII Ditto IV, VIII XVI XIII I, V XIII Hope 5,000 0 0 12 451 4,200 0 0 I 7 „ 12 451 jake Rotoroa Rotoroa 5,100 0 0 7 12 451 Lyoll Maruia Lyell Maruia Lyell Maruia Inangahua [7,300 0 0 J 500 0 0 1 6,800 0 0 4,300 0 0 7 7 „ 12 12 451 451 7 „ 12 451 7 „ 12 451 Ohika 3,600 0 0 7 „ 12 451 Arnaud Howard Motupiko Rotoiti 4,600 0 0 ■1,900 0 0 11,700 0 0 47,222 0 23 7 12 451 11 Lake Rotoitr 7 „ 451 12 Motupiko 7 . 12 451 Westi and. Land Aot, 1899. 638 920 825 900 903 904 906 907 908 909 914 915 916 918 919 XTTI XVI XI I v'ii in Hohonu Kanieri Wataroa Poerua Wataroa Toaroha Mount Bonar .. A. E. P. 1,347 0 0 170 0 0 50 2 19 26 0 0 29 1 0 30 0 0 139 0 32 420 0 0 41 0 32 20 3 7 112 0 0 15 0 0 14 0 0 23 0 0 350 0 0 1905. 30 Aug. 30 „ 1 June 1 , 1 . 1 1 X , 1 1 ,, 1 1 „ 1 „ 1 „ 28 Feb. 1906. 30 Aug. VIII IV III XV III Kanieri Wataroa Turiwhate Kanieri Lake Outlet 1777 VII ■Kanieri 20 0 0 Public Works Aot, 1905, and Scenery Preservation Aot, 1903. Mahinapua Creek and Lake Reserve 1 ( III, IV, viii, vii, XI, XII [■ Mahinapua .. 247 0 0 1893. 2 0ot. (Mahinapua Creek and { Lake Reserves Aot, 1893. 3,055 0 10 • P« irmanentl; y reserved in Gazefr e of 18th April, L907, on page 1236.



Schedule B— continued. List of Scenic, Historic, and Thermal Reserves as at the 31st March, 1907-continued.

tazet Local Name. Section. Block. Survey District Area. Aot under which reserved. Date. Xo, ■age. Peraki Saddle Horseshoe Bay Long Bay Horseshoe Bay Peraki Bay .. ] Long Bay Summit Road .. Western Valley 2782 2783 3236 3237 3239 3361 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 3238 3002 VII VI, VII VII X Canterbury. A. B. p.] Akaroa .. ! 10 0 0 ..I 3 2 20 5 2 0 44 0 0 56 2 0 49 0 0 13 2 32 74 2 0 6 2 0 5 3 0 161 0 0 .. ! 50 0 0 33 2 0 Okains .. 37 0 0 Okains .. 5 1 37 Pigeon Bay .. 57 2 0 I 1898. 19 May ! .. 19 . ! .. 19 . I .. 19 . I • 19 „ I .. 1£ Sept.i .. 19 „ .. 19 „ ; •• 19 „ i .. 19 „ .. 19 „ I .. 15 Sept. I .. 19 May ; .. 19 „ i .. 19 „ .. 19 » j ■• 867 867 867 867 867 1467 867 867 867 867 867 1467 867 867 867 867 Land Aot, 1892. VI " Mount Sinolair White Rook 3234 3-235 3242 XI V V VIII, XII X X.XIV III, IV, VII, VIII 5 0 0 75 3 0 Nimrod .. I 268 2 0 19 „ 19 , 19 „ j .. 867 867 867 Mount Grey Cannington Raincliff 3538 3679 3680 Pt. 7554 VI, X XI Grey .. 137 0 0 Opawa .. 20 0 0 .. 5 0 0 Opihi .. i 62 0 35 1901. 2 May .. 1905. 1 June .. 1 , 22 . 58 1906. 37 Sept. 82 987 1257 1257 1503 IX 58 Soenery Preservation Aot, 1903. Ditto. Kennedy's Bush .. I Pts. 485, 522, &o. III Halswell .. 52 2 39 1,239 3 3 I I 82 12504 Flagstaff Hill .. ! 24 Otago. Dunedin and a. r. p. i East Taieri ; Ditto .. 142 3 29 Stanley Estate Dunedin and ! 24 3 35 East Taieri Ditto .. j 71 3 24 V 1905. I 1 of 49 Pc. 2 of 35 Allmt. 18 Pc.2of 35 16 Mar. Soenery Preservation Aot, 1903. i 13 to 17 V 10 Aug. 1907. 21 Mar. 1905. 7 Deo. 10 Aug. 7 Deo. 74 26! Ditto. Akatore Forest .. , Taieri River Island in Pomahaka River Mount Iron .. | Mount Fortune Heywood Point .. I 29, 30 28, 29 14 40 - 17 50 VIII I XII IV XIV V i Akatore .. I 290 1 36 Clarendon .. 200 1 24 Glenkenioh .. j 2 0 0 Lower Wanaka ; 20 0 0! Moeraki .. 316 0 0 N.H. and Blue- 110 0 0 skin Ditto .. \ ■ 349 2 34: 21 „ 2 Nov. 10 Aug. 1907. 107 74 107 112 95 74 Mount Cargill .. V. Signal Hill Pts. 92,24, 25,26,27, 28,29,30, 32,33,34 60,62, Pt. 61 8, 23 Pts. 24,92 31 Part 48 1 of 27, 3 of 27, 65, pts. 1 of 29, 2 of 29, 31,1 of 32, 57, 58, 59, 66 Allts. 104, 114 All 1.13 and 1 unnumbered allot VII I Soenery Breservation Aot, \ 1903, and Amendment ( Aot, 1906. VIII XII VII 17 Jan. 0 1 29: 10 1 21: .. I 12 9: 17 „ 21 Mar. 14 Feb. 4 26 15 Ditto. VIII IX 209 3 22 7 12 Maia Township Upper Rothsay Papatowai .. : Waipati Beaoh Pt. 1 of 32 132 to 152, 154, 155,156, and closed streets 5, 6 IX N.H. and Blue- 11 3 0 skin Town of Papa- 156 3 0; towai 11 3 0 156 3 0 7 „ 1906. 20 Deo. I 12 109 X Tautuku .. 134 0 18] 134 0 18 1905. 10 Aug. Soenery Preservation Act, 1903. Ditto. 74 Tautuku Beaoh Tautuku River I Forest Samson Hill 22, 24 8, 19, 20, 21, pt. 18 40 VIII. X 334 3 181 334 3 18 782 1 32 10 „ 1906. 5 July 74 56 782 1 32 Purakauiti Forest.. Papatowai Bush .. Tahakopa Bush .. Catlin's River Banks Waterfall Creek, Lake Wanaka Morioe Settlement 49-52 28 1 24 4 7,10 XII VII X IX IV XII 37 2 28 Woodland .. 393 2 0 179 0 0 (TO/? O /\ 1 37 2 28 393 2 0 179 0 0 786 3 0 27 2 0 0 0 33 1 Mar. 1905. 7 Sept. 7 » 10 Aug. 24 . 14 Deo. 1907. 21 Mar. 17 81 81 74 77 109 786 3 01 art n /■» a 27 2 02 Wilkin .. 0 0 331 IX Pigeon Bay .. 124 0 20 2 124 0 20 26 4,719 1 12


Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Bottom of the Makatote Gouge. [E. R. Webb, photo.

Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Service Road near Oio. [Tibbutt Bros., photo.


Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: The Ford, Waimarino Plains. [Tibbutt Bros., photo.

Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Ruapehu Mountains, from Raurimu. [C. Spencer, photo,


Along the Route op the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Forest around Raurimu Spiral. [C. Spencer, photo.

Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Raurimu Township. [C. Spencer, photo.


Along the Route op the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Railway-line in Owhango Section. [C. Spencer, photo.

Along the Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway: Bridge over Piopiotea River, [Tibbutt Bros., photo.



Schedule B— continued. List of Scenic, Historic, and Thermal Reserves as at the 31st March, 1907-continued.

Summary. Distriot. No. A Area ' B Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 52 15,013 1 7 Hawke'sßay ... ... ... ... 10 3,025 1 7 Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... 33 3,206 2 25 Wellington... ... ... ... ... 105 4,463 3 31 Marlborough ... ... ... ... 29 8,911 1 0 Nelson ... ... ... 31 47,222 0 23 Westland ... ... ... ... ... 17 3,055 0 10 Canterbury... ... ... ... ... 24 1,239 3 3 Otago ... ... ... ... ... 20 . 4,719 112 Southland... ... ... ... ... 32 11,666 0 34 Totals ... ... ... ... 353 102,522 3 32

Local Name. Section. Gazette. Block. 8urvey District Area. j , Date. No. Page. 1 I 1 Gazette. Act under which reserved. Southland. Alton Bush Part 5 a. R. i>. 1906. II Alton ... 46 0 015 Mar. 20 792 20 Scenery Preservation Aot, 1903. Ditto. II 792 Tuatapere, or Manuka Island Alton Bush 28 6 III III „ .. 123 0 0 15 „ 20 792 20 792 II II „ .. 103 0 015 , 20 792 1903. XII Anglem .. 150 0 0 29 Oct. j 83 2295 1906. Ill Jacob's River .. 20 2 0 5 April 25l 919 20 792 1 XII 83 2295 Land Act, 1892. The Narrows, Purapurakene River Islands, Waiau River Pahia Hill 60 85, 36 III 25 1 i 919 Scenery Preservation Act, 1903." Ditto. XV, XVII IV ;v,XVII Longwood .. 400 0 015 Mar. 20 792 IV „ ... 380 3 14 15 „ 20 792 20 20 792 792 Lake George, Uru- J wera | Ditto 12 21 10, 11 x XI XI x . 1905. „ .. 272 0 0 28 Sept. 86 2321 12321 86 Edendale Settlement: 7 8 134e I V XI „ .. 43 0 028 , 86 2321 1903. I Lord's River .. 28 0 0 29 Oct. 83 2295 „ .. 115 0 0 29 „ 83 2295 1906. V Lothian Hun- 165 0 013 Sept. 79J2408 dred I Mataura Hun- 40 2 0 13 „ j 79J2408 dred 1903. V Mason .. 60 0 0 29 Oct. ' 83 2295 1906. VII Oteramika .. 18 0 012 April 291008 86 88 83 79 12321 12295 12295 'J2408 Land Act, 1892. Scenery Preservation Aot, 1903. Ditto. 186b I 79 IJ2408 1 V 83 2295 Land Act, 1892. Mataura River 46 VII 29 1008 Scenery Preservation Aot, 1903. Ditto. 51 52 IX IX „ .. 26 0 012 „ 291008 34 0 012 „ 291008 1903. I Paterson .. 19 0 0 29 Oot. 83 2295 II „ .. 37 3 35 29 „ i 83 2295 TV \ 20 29 1008 1008 Stewart Island .. it t ' • • • • 161 10 to 18 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 21 22 1 20 1 1 I II IV ) v VI ) IV VI IX X XI XI 1 IX \ XI VII 1 VIII j IV V I „ .. 1,375 Q 0 29 „ 83 2295 VI VJL I IV , .. 110 0 0 29 . 83 2295 VI „ .. 55 0 029 „ 832295 IX „ .. 70 0 0 29 „ 83 2295 X „ .. 140 0 0 29 „ 83 2295 XI „ .. 240 0 0 29 „ : 83 2295 •VT \ 83 88 88 8.:! 83 S3 88 83 2295 2295 2295 2295 2295 2295 2295 2295 Land Aot, 1892. j . .. 70 0 0 29 „ 83 2295 88 2295 XI „ .. I 55 0 0 29 „ 83 2295 83 2295 VIII 1 South Ca P e ■ • I 255 0 0 29 „ 83 2295 83 2295 Waiau Eiver bank 1 I 1905. I Titiroa .. 800 0 0 23 Nov. 104 2722 2722 Scenery Preservation Aot, 1903. 104 Te Anau Scenic Reserve 1907. Te Anau and 6,400 0 014 Feb. 15 559 Eglinton 15 559 Scenery Preservation Amendment Aot, 1906. Waikawa Harbour 9 38, 39 VIII II 1905. VIII Waikawa .. 13 1 25 1 Dec. 105 2765 II Town of Wai- 10 0 5 May 431112 kawa 105 43 2765 1112 Land Aot, 1892. Scenery Preservation Act 1903. 11,666 0 34

C— 6.

Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6.


a • o §1° a> s Locality. Area. Action taken. Auckland. 7 8 64 65 66 f>7 6H 69 70 7L 72 78 74 75 A. B. P. Pukearinga, Taine's Mountain, 196 2 0 (Section 14, Block XIII, Waipu) Waitomo Caves, Hauturu East 3 0 0 Iα Block, Section 6 Three Kings Islands, off Cape 1,692 0 0 Maria van Diemen Huia Falls, Mangakahia (Nuku- 5 0 0 tawhiti Block) Papakauri Falls, Taheke (Block 7 2 0 IV, Waoku Survey District) St. Paul's Mount, Ohakiri Block 18 0 0 (Block VII, Whangaroa) Parahaki Hills, Bay of Islands 200 0 0 (Section 6, Block XII, Eussell Survey District) Eere-o-te-Kerikeri Falls, Kai- I 37 0 0 kohe (Punakitere No. 2 Block) 1 18 0 0 Bakapuka Pa (part old Land 25 0 0 Claim 53), Bay of Islands Old Eussell, Bay of Islands (old 17 0 0 land claim, and Section 27, Block V, Eussell) Waihoanga Falls, Hokianga 500 0 0 (Section 3, Block II, Omapere) Bream Head Mountain, Wha- 185 0 0 ngarei (Sections 76 and 77, Parish of Manaia) Wairua Falls, Whangarei (Sec- \ 74 0 0 tions 7 and 8, Block XVI, I 203 0 0 and Native land, Mangakahia) J Marahemo Hill (part Awakiwi 12 0 0 Block, Hukatere Survey District) Motukaraka Island, Waiheke 14 0 0 (Section 1, Block IV, Ofcahuhu) Pukorokoro Eange, Waikato 400 0 0 (Section 483, Taupiri Parish) Puketapu Hills, Hamilton- 1,500 0 0 Eaglan Eoad (Blocks V and VI, Alexandra Survey District) Taupiri Hills (Section 223, 2,770 0 0 Blocks III and IV, Newcastle) Mangaotaki Gorge, Mokau 750 0 0 (Karu-o-te-Whenua Block) Cook's Observatory, Mercury 190 0 0 Bay (Dacre's Grant, Blocks VII and X, Otama) Cape Colville (Colville and Moe- 12,930 0 0 hau Survey Districts) Puhoi Bluff (between Waiwera 50 0 0 and Puhoi Eivers) Hahei Hot Springs (Section 13, 109 1 0 Block XII, Otama) Waterfall, Cabbage Bay, Coro- 160 0 0 mandel (Block VIII, Harataunga) Bush near Wairoa Falls (parts 160 0 0 Sections 97, Ac, Hunua Parish) Tauhinu Pa, Waitemata (part 10 0 Section 12, Parimoremo Parish) Price asked by owner too high. Land sold to private bidder. Eeservedin Gazette, 11th January, 1906. No action taken. Matter deferred pending report from valuer. Held over. it Eeserved 13th June, 1906. Area to be surveyed and acquired for preservation. Held over. ! » Eeserved 6th February, 1906. Eeserved 2nd February, 1905. Eeserved 8th February, 1906. Under action. j Held over. Eeserved 23rd March, 1905. Eeserved in Gazette, 5th July, 1906. Not suitable. Eeserved 29th November, 1905. 155 acres to be surveyed and acquired. Held over. Land to be reported on prior to decision being arrived at. Decided that acquisition unnecessary. Eeserved 8th August, 1905. 1 Negotiations in progress for reservation. i Held over. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

, o %r§£ Loonlitv. i| l_ Area. Action taken. At ■Mand —continu id. A. R. P. 1,140 0 0 Reserved 30th October, 1905. 99 88 Pukorokoro-Hapuakohe Range (Section 9, Block XVI, Piako) 89 Hay's Creek Gorge (part Sections 79, 80, 137, &c, Hunua Parish) 90 Kauri Bush, Northcote (Section 8, Takapuna Parish) 1)1 Opapuka Gorge (Section 196, Waipareira Parish) 92 Katikati Range, near Te Aroha (Blocks VII and XI, Katikati Survey District) 93 Tuhua Range, near Taupo (Hurakia and Puketapu Survey Districts) 94 Lake Taupo shores (Section 1, Block V, and Section 1, Block X, Karangahape Survey District ; and Section 1, Block II, Pukawa Survey District) 95 Coromandel Range, on road to Mercury Bay 96 Main Range, north of Wairere Falls, Thames 97 Motukaru Pa (part Section 1, Block IX, Coromandel Survey District) 98 Waikato River banks (Section 1, Block XI, Section 2, Block XIV, and Section 1, Block XV, Tatua Survey District) 99 East Rangitaiki Ranges, Te Whaiti (Weao and Ahikereru Survey Districts) 100 Okareka Lake (Run No. 77, Rotorua) 101 Bush on Rotorua-Wairoa Road (Rotomahana- Parekarangi Blocks 6h 2b and 6l 2b) 102 Limestone Rocks, Kamo, Whangarei (part Section 18, Block VIII, Purua) 103 Whangarei Falls (Pehiaweri Block and Section 48, Whangarei Parish) 104 Lake Ora, Whangarei (Ketenikau Block) 105 Limestone Rocks, Waro, Whangarei (Sections 40 and 41, Hikurangi Parish) 106 Manaia Mountains, Whangarei (Sections 61, 62, and 63, Manaia Parish) 107 Aubrey's Hill, also Motukaroro and Aubrey's Islands, Whangarei 108 Pataua Island, Whangarei 109 Maungatapere Hill, Whangarei (Sections 52, 62, and 78, Maungatapere Parish) 110 Hurupake Hill, Kamo, Whangarei (parts Kopenui N'o. 353, Whau - whau - pounamu No. 350b, Ngatapapa, and Hurupake No. 3 Blocks) 98 94 <>r, 96 97 98 180 0 0 24 1 30 47 0 0 3,500 0 0 48,730 0 0 1,350 0 0 8,330 0 0 3,400 0 0 10 0 585 0 0 44,500 0 0 Held over. Negotiations in progress for acquisition. Reserved 30th October, 1905. Objections on account of mining district. Report required as to suitability. Reserved 24th February, 1906. Awaiting completion of mining survey. Objections on account of mining district. Held over. Reserved 30th October, 1905. Inspection to be made before decision arrived at. 100 6,400 0 0 Not necessary to take any steps at present. Held over. 101 538 0 0 102 2 0 0 103 24 0 0 104 60 0 0 105 54 0 0 Inspection and report to be made before decision arrived at. L06 260 0 0 Held over. 107 175 0 0 108 109 20 0 0 45 0 0 110 50 0 0



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

. § % 8 Locality. Area. Action taken. Au xkland —continui ;d. Forest near Kamo Springs, Whangarei (part Section 20w, | Whangarei Parish) Komutumutu Gorge, Rotorua, j (parts Waiteti No. 2 and Okoheriki No. 2c Blocks) Pekehaua Spring and Pukeroa Pa, near Rotorua (Mangao-rewa-Kahaioa Block) Forest along Auckland-Botorua Railway line (Whaiti - Knranui and Okohiriki Blocks) A. B. P. 60 0 0 Held over. 111 112 12 0 0 I 113 10 0 0 114 3,428 0 0 1,424 acres reserved in Gazette, 27th September, 1906. Negotiations in progress for acquisition of additional area. 115 Ngongotaha Mopntain, Rotorua. (Transferred to Resolution 340.) Waitakerei Gorge Forest (part Section 8a, and Section N.E. 48, Waitakerei Parish) (Ruakuri Caves, Waitomo, j Section 6 1 Ditto, Section 7 [ „ Section 9 Waitangi Hot Springs, east end of Rotoehu Lake 311 0 0 Matter held over, as price asked too high. 124 90 2 0 Reserved in Gazette, 11th January, 1906. 199 200 192 0 0 97 1 2 100 0 0 Reserved in Gazette, 21st December, 1905. Reserved in Gazette, 27th September, 1906. Held over pending further inquiries to be made as to conserving the rights of the Natives. Survey to be made prior to acquisition. 237 Okuratope Pa, Waimate, Bay of Islands Islands off Coromandel Coast (Colville and Harataunga Survey Districts) Whakaipu Bluff, Lake Taupo (Block IV, Tuhingamata) Te Ita-rata Bluff, Lake Taupo (Block III, Tuhingamata) Motutaiko Island, Lake Taupo Aratiatia Rapids, Taupo (Block III, Tatua Survey District) Orakeikorako, near Taupo (Tutukau Bast Block) Maungaongaonga Forest, Waiotapu Ngapouri Lake, Waiotapu Tuhiaruru Hot Springs Rotowhero Lake, Waiotapu ... Tauhara Mountain, Taupo Wharerarauhe, Orakeikorako (Block X, Paeroa Survey District) Hamurana Springs, Rotorua (Blocks V and IX, Rotoiti Survey District) Takahue Bush (Section 31, Block XV, Takahue) Junction of Awakino and Manganui Rivers (east of Section 8, Block VII, Awakino North Survey District) Outlet of Lake Tarawera (Run No. 17) I Kahikatea Bush (Te Kumi Nos. 9 and 10 Blocks, Orahiri Survey District) < Hangatiki Forest (Hauturu No. 2 Block, Section 3, Orahiri Survey District) 70 0 0 246 280 0 0 Matter under consideration. 311 140 0 0 312 60 0 0 " 313 314 30 0 0 140 0 0 315 50 0 0 « 316 113 0 0 106 0 0 106 0 0 17 0 0 2,150 0 0 200 0 0 Held over. 317 318 H 319 100 0 0 " 320 44 1 20 Reserved 15th January, 1906. 324 250 0 0 I Held over. 7,500 0 0 326 327 24 0 0 328 25 0 0


Meeting of Waiwakaiho and Mangorei Streams, New Plymouth, (Resolutions 17, 380.)

[W. A. Collis, phoU

Meeting of Waiwakaiho and Mangohei Streams, New Plymouth. (Resolutions 17, 380.) [W. A. Collis, photo.


■2 CD I I

View from Kennedy's Bush, Governor's Bay. (Resolution 344.)


Kennedy's Bush, Near Christchurch. (Resolution 344.)

[Weekly Press, jihoto.


Peel Forest, Canterbury. (Resolutions 210, 211.)

[W. Ferrier, photo.

Peel Forest, Canterbury. (Resolutions 210, 211.)

\W. Ferrier, photo.



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

■ O Locality. Area. Action taken. A\ xkland —contini ied. 329 Forest on Hangatiki-Waitomo Eoad (Hauturu East No. 1e Block, Section 5) Euakuri Caves (Section 2a, Block X, Orahiri Survey District) Waitomo Bush, Otorohanga (Hauturu East No. 3 and B No. A Blocks) Manga-o-kewa Gorge, Te Kuiti (parts Te Kuiti No. 2b and Pukenui 2m Blocks) Wairakei Geyser Valley, Taupo (portion of Wairakei Block, Tatua Survey District) Waikakarapiti Forest (Section 39a, Blocks XI, &c, Botoma Survey District) Eotoiti-paku, Eotoroa Lakes and Onepu Hot Springs (Native Reserve 38; and Section 4, Block V, Eotoma Survey District) Taumurenui Lake (part Section 4, Block V, Rotorna Survey District) Forest on Rotorua - Okoroire Eoad (Okohenki No. 2 c Block) Forest in Selwyn Estate, Roto-rua-Okoroire Eoad Ngongotaha Mountain, Eotorua Waiora Hot Springs (Section 67, Block VIII, Katikati Survey District) Tapuae Creek, Hokianga (Section Iα, Block XIII, Mangamuka) Tapuae Creek (Section 1, Block XIII, Mangamuka) Mangaorewa Gorge, TaurangaEotorua Road (Sections 11 and 12, Block VII; Section 21, Block IV; and Crown land in Block VIII, Rotorua Survey District) Mangaorewa Gorge, north side (Taumata No. 3a No. 2, Section B, and Crown land in Blocks III and IV, Rotorua Survey District) Euaroa Pa, Northern Wairoa (Mareikura Block, Mauugaru Survey District) Devil's Elbow, Wairoa Eiver (Blrck X, Maungaru Survey District) Bush near Kaihu Eiver, Marapiu (Opanake No. 1 Block, Block II, Kaihu Survey District) Island in Kaihu Eiver (Block XIV, Tutamoe Survey District) Junction of Waima and Mangatu Rivers, Kaihu Valley Takapuna Pa, Taheke River ... 3—C. 6. A. E. P. 80 0 0 Held over. 330 27 1 30 Eeserved in Gazette of 20ih September, 1906, under Land Act. Negotiations in progress for acquisition. 331 40 0 0 332 138 0 0 333 70 0 0 Under consideration. 335 795 0 0 No action taken. 336 1,050 0 0 35 0 0 337 338 950 0 0 339 2.S00 0 0 Now being surveyed for reservation. 340 341 480 0 0 100 0 0 Held over. Now being acquired for reservation. 342 10 0 0 Held over. 343 499 0 31 Eeserved 1st September, 1905. 345 2,172 0 0 No action yet taken. 2,100 0 0 346 20 0 0 / 347 348 40 0 0 349 10 0 0 350 20 0 0 351 25 0 0 352 12 0 0



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

a , o 11° 35 0 " a Locality. Area. Action taken. An •Mand —continui id. 163 Forest in Otautau Block, Taheke j Eiver; and Sections 2 and 4, Block XV, Mangamuka Survey District Te Ana-tangata Pa, Te Tio Block (Block XV, Mangamuka) Bangitoto Pa, near Hokianga (Section 2, Block XIV, Mangamuka) F. White's old land claim, near Hokianga (Mangamuka Survey District) The Narrows, Hokianga (part Motukiore Block, and Section 20, Block XIV, Mangamuka) Puoi Pa, Kohukohu, Hokianga (Section 14, Block X, Mangamuka) Oriwa Island, Mangamuka Eiver, Hokianga Pikiparia Block, Mangamuka Eiver, Sections C and D East and west sides of Mangamuka River, Hokianga (parts Sections 2, 10, 11, 12, 25b, Block VI, and Sections 4 and 9, Block II, Mangamuka) Motukaraka Bush, HokiangaVictoria Eoad (uusurveyed Native land) Motukaraka Island, at mouth of Tapuwae Eiver Entrance to Whangape Harbour (Whakakoro and Whakarawerua Blocks) Taromaua Bush (Sections 169 and 170, Blocks XI and XV, Kawakawa Survey District) Pukeatua Pa (Block XI, Kawakawa Survey District) Maunganui (Deep-water Cove). Bay of Islands (Rahiti Block) Parekura Bay, Bay of Islands (parts Eahiti Block) Oraukaua Bay, and north entrance to Manawaru Bay, Bay of Islands Forest near Paroa Bay, and Old Land Claim 44, Bay of Islands No recommendation. Ye Totara Pa, Thames-Paeroa Eoad (Native Land Block No. 1590a, in Block VIII, Thames Survey District) Tutaepuehu Gully, Ohinemuri (parts Waihi Nos. 2 and 3 Blocks, and Crown land in Block III, Waihi North) Ongare Pa (part Section 5, Block VI, Katikati Survey District) Papamoa Pas, Tauranga-Ma-ketu Eoad (Block III, Te Tumu Survey District) Horoauahi and Pukerimu Pas, near Te Puke A. ». P. ! 156 0 0 i No action yet taken. 353a 10 0 0 353b 5 0 0 353c 3'25 0 0 354 50 0 0 ; 355 5 1 17 5 0 0 356-1 I 65 1 0 802 0 0 357 1,810 0 0 358 359 10 0 0 360 355 0 0 361 20 0 0 362 10 0 0 363 450 0 0 tt 364 183 0 0. 365 410 0 0 366 87 0 0 367 369 10 0 0 370 460 0 0 14 0 0 371 372 15 0 0 373 15 0 0



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

ill Locality. Area. Action taken. An ■ckland —continue 3d. 374 Pa in Pukehina Block, Tau-ranga-Opotiki Road (Block III) Two pas at mouths of Pikowai and Whakarewa Streams, near Matata Cliffs at Matata, Richmond Township (Block VIII, Waihi South Survey District) Wliakatane-Opotiki Road, forest (Auckland University endowment) Ditto (Block II, Whakatane Survey District) Ditto (opposite Section 263, Block V) Ditto (in gorge leading to Ohiwa) Whakatane Forest, Opouriao (Block IX, Whakatane Survey District) Old pa near Ohiwa (Section 246, Block II, Whakatane) A. E. P. 5 0 0 No action yet taken. 375 10 0 0 376 150 0 0 377 25 0 0 377a 6 0 0 " 377b 20 0 0 377c 378 200 0 0 ; 1,300 0 0 379 20 0 0 Haivke's Bay. 27 Section 33, Block X, Norsewood (Matarnau) Section 15, Block XIII, Tahoraite Survey District, near KuA. B. P. 7 2 0 Special legislation required. 28 1 3 20 Reserved 16th August, 1905. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 meroa Ruakituri River bank (Section 1, Block XIIa, Tuahu) Ngatapa Pa, on Mohaka River (Tatara-o-kino Block) Ngatapa Pa, Wharekopae (Section 2, Block VII, Ngatapa Survey District) Whakapunake Mountain, Mangapoike No. 2 Block, near Wairoa Maunga-pohatu Mountain, Urewera District Mangahei Waterfall, Section 13, Block II, Manga-a-toro District Section 7, Block III, Kidnapper Point Te-iho-e-terei Island, site of Ngatikahungunu Pa, Ahuriri Inner Harbour opSAS Tβ Mata Caves, near Napier, (Block IV, Kidnappers Survey District) Horehore Pa, Block III, Takapau Survey District Heipipi Pa, Section 51, Petane Tongoio Waterfalls, near Napier (Puraho-tangihia and Tongoio Blocks) Matahoura Gorge, Tutira and . Awa-o-totara Blocks Te Reinga Falls (Native reserve, Block II, Opoiti Survey District) Motu Forest Reserve, at rivercrossing (Sections 7 and 10, Block IV, Urutawa Bast Survey District) 123 0 0 240 0 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 10 0 0 75 0 0 2 0 0 Reserved 8th August, 1905. Matter held over, as site not decided on. Area to be reserved and proclaimed under Act. No reservation needed, as leeeee undertakes to preserve scenery. Special legislation required. Bush destroyed. No action. Matter held over. 37 20 0 0 it 38 10 0 0 39 40 15 0 0 95 0 0 88 0 0 72 acres of Puraho-tangihia Block taken under Public Works Act in Gazette of 14th March, 1907. Held over. 41 42 173 0 0 Land to be inspected before definite recommendation is made. 43 910 0 0 Reserved under "The Land Act, 1892," for scenic purposes in Gazette of 1st June, 1905.



Schedule C.—Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

. o a'-* 3 o* d So* 8g Locality. Area. Action taken. Haw, •■'s Bay —conti iued. 44 Waikare Lake outlet (Section ], Block III, and Section 5, Block IV, Waiau Survey District) Nuhaka Caves (Section 2, Block XVIII, Nuhaka North Survey District) Aorangiwai, Block I, Mata Survey District Waihirere Gully, near Gisborne (Waihirere Blocks I and II) Cook's Cove, Tolago Bay (Pareni ata Block) Sporings Island, &c. Pukeamaru Bange, near Hicks Bay (Small Grazing-run No. 71) Rewatu Pa (Tahora No. 2 Block) Lindsay Settlement (Section 18, Block XIV, Waipukurau Survey District) Waikare-iti Lake, near Wairoa (Waiau Survey District) Tahoraite No. 2 Block (between Kurnete and Freeland Roads) Oringi-Waiaruhe No. 1 Block, near Dannevirke Ohuarau (Suburban Sections 12 and 13, Ahuriri Harbour) Maraetaira Point (Suburban Section 2, Ahuriri Inner Harbour) Otiare Point (Te Eori-o-kuri Island, Ahuriri Harbour) Pohue Bluff, Napier-Taupo Eoad (Sections 58 and 59, Block III, Maungaharuru) Tarawera Hot Springs, NapierTaupo Eoad Eparaima Bush, near Wallingford (Block XV, Motuotaraia Survey District) Te Haroto, Napier-Taupo Eoad ; (between Native village and I Turanga-a-kumu) Bush near Turanga - a - kumu Hill, Napier-Taupo Eoad Hot Spring on Stoney Creek i (two miles from Tarawera) A. B. P. 243 0 0 No action taken. 45 1 2 33 Eesumed for scenic purposes under " The Land Act, 1892," 17ch March, 1905. 46 100 0 0 Eeserved 31st May, 1905, and in Gazette of 14th March, 1907. Held over at request of Gisborne Borough Council. Acquisition approved. Negotiations in progress. Held over. Reservation approved. Matter in progress. 56 175 0 0 58 J 90 0 0 59 80 0 0 1,983 0 0 61 194 640 0 0 22 0 32 Under action. Eeserved 14th December, 1905. 263 6,200 0 0 Already reserved under State Forests Act. Decided not to proceed with acquisition. 286 24 0 0 287 20 0 0 No action yet taken. 302 12 0 Under consideration. 303 6 2 0 304 3 0 0 305 54 0 0 No action yet taken. 306 10 0 0 307 20 0 0 308 480 0 0 309 100 0 0 310 10 0 0 Taranaki. 2 - Barrett's Lagoon, Native Reserve No. 2, Arapepe A. E. P. 23 0 0 Transferred to Crown from Native owners, now under "Public Domains Act, 1881." Matter held over, as reported that bush has been cut. Honeyfield's Estate, Barrett's Eeserve C and D (Block VIII, ■ Paritutu) Section 7, Block III, Waitara Survey District (site of two Maori pas) (Same matter as dealo with in Resolution No. 122.) Pukerangiora , and Te Arai Pas (Section 179, Block IX, Wai- \ tara Survey District) Otaiaoa A Block (Block X, Waitara Survey District) 21 0 0 3 4 0 0 Action deferred at request of Public Trustee. 4 5 36 0 0 Vested in Public Trustee, who wishes to deal with these reserves en bloc. 6 65 0 0 Ditto.



Schedule C. —Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

i|. 8 -3 £ Locality. * a Areu,. Aotiou taken. Tt iranaki —continm 3d. 16 (Dealt with in Resolution No. 121.). 17 Junction of Waiwakaiho and Mangorei Rivers (Section 158, Block X, Paritutu Survey District) 60 Motutawa Island (mouth of Mokau River) 116 Paritutu Mount, New Plymouth (Sections 137 and 811, Grey District) 117 Whangamomona Saddle Forest (Sections 21 and 22, Block IV, Ngatimaru Survey District) 118 Kawau Pa, Mohakatino (Block I, Mimi Survey District) 119 Katikatiaka Pa and Forest (Mohakatino - Parininihi No. 3 Block) 120 Henui Gorge (Sections 50 and 83, Grey District) 121 Pukepapa Flat, Pukerangiora (Section 76, Block IX, Waitara Survey District) 122 Cliffs at Huirangi, Waitara River (Section 5, Block IX, Waitara Survey District) 123 I Redoubt No. 8, Waitara 125 I Henui River crossing on Car-rington-Mangorei Road (Sections 774b and 775, Grey District) 126 Puketi Pa, New Plymouth (Reserve Y, Town Belt) 127 Koru Pa, near New Plymouth (Sections 61, 62, and 66, Block II, Wairau) 128 J Urenui Pa (part 2, Native Reserve, Block III, Waitara Survey District) 129 ' Okoki Pa (part Native Reserve 24, Block'lV, Waitara Survey District) 130 Ona.ero River crossing and forest (part Sections 1,101, and 102, Blocks III and VII, Waitara Survey District) 131 j Tataraimaka Pa, near Cape Bgmont (part Section 4, Block II, Cape Survey District) 132 Ngaweka Pa, wear Cape Bgmont (Subsection 10 of Section 1, Block V, Cape Survey District) 133 Whakarewarewa Pa, near Cape Egmont (Sections 27, 28, and 29, Block IV, Cape Survey District) 134 I Te Namu Pa (Section 44. Block IX, Opunake Survey District) 135 i Rimupiko Pa (Section 32, Suburbs of Opunake) 136 Opunake Redoubt, Opunake ... A. H. P. 16 17 13 0 0 Land being acquired from Taranaki School Commissioners. 3 0 0 Held over. 60 116 21 0 0 No action taken, as Harbour Board object to reservation. 117 568 0 0 Eeserved 23rd March, 1905. 118 2 2 5 Reserved 17th April, 1905. 119 23 0 0 No action. 120 10 0 0 Held over. 121 10 0 0 Vested in Public Trustee, who wishes to deal with reserves en bloc. 122 25 2 0 Matter held over, as too high compensation demanded. 123 125 22 0 0 No action, as place destroyed. Held over. 9 3 20 Reserved in Gazette, 1st November, 1906. 126 127 46 0 0 Public Trustee wishes to deal with these areas en bloc. 128 10 0 0 Ditto. 129 42 0 0 Negotiations for acquisition in progress. 130 21 0 0 13 acres 1 rood 16 perches reserved in Gazette, 30t,h August, 1906. 31 3 0 0 Reserved in Gazette, 6th December, 1906. 32 7 2 0 Action deferred at request of Public Trustee, in whom land is vested. .88 8 0 0 Ditto. 3 2 0 it .84 .85 8 0 0 Acquisition approved. Negotiation in progress. Situated on public road. Cannot be reserved. Vested in Public Trustee, who wishes to deal with reserves en bloc. 36 10 0 137 Waimate and Orangituapeka Pas, near Manaia (Section 128, Block VII, Waimate Survey District) 37 23 0 0



Schedule C.-Recommendation's of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

if= w a ■ Locality. Area,. Action taken. Tα iranaki —con tinu ted. Ohawe Pa, Waingongoro River mouth (Section 3, Block VIII, Waimate Survey District) Waihi Graveyard, near NorA. B. P. 10 0 0 Vested in Public Trustee, who wishes to deal with reserves en bloc. 138 ■ 139 140 manby Ratapihipihi Bush (Block VIII, Paritutu Survey District) Araukuku Pa (Sections 15 and ! 16, Block XIV, Ngaire Survey i District) Mangamingi Gorge, Tirotiromoana Reserve Te Ruaki Pa, Whareroa Reserve 50 0 0 j Recommended that graveyard be repaired. Reserved 27th August, 1905. 141 9 0 0 Held over. 142 86 1 30 Negotiations in progress. 143 7 0 0 Public Trustee wishes to deal with these reserves en bloc. Reserved 25th November, 1905. 144 Turuturu-mokai Pa (part Section 143, Block VI, Hawera Sur- j vey District) Okahu Pa, near Hawera (Section j 20, Hawera Survey District) Otoki Gorge, Pukemoko (Sections 9 and 10, Block XII, Hawera Survey District) Taumaha Gorge, Ohingahape i Stream (subdivisions of Taumaha Native Reserve) Rotokohu Lake, Waitotara (Section 2, Block II, Kapara Survey District) Also Section 5, Mangapapa No. 2 Block Kenkeringa Pa, near Tarata | (part Native Reserve 5, Block j III, Huiroa Survey District) j Kairoa Pa (parts Sections 106 and 108, Native Reserve, Huirangi District) Mangamingi Gorge, Tirotiromoana (Lots 1 and 26, Section 4, Block VI, Hawera Survey District) Mareland Hill, New Plymouth (Reserve 2340 and 2341) Tongaporutu Forest (Block IV, Mimi Survey District) 1 Mokau River banks (Auckland and Taianaki Districts) i Mokau River mouth (parts Mo-kau-Mohakatino Nos. 1 and 2 Blocks) Forest at Waiwakaiho River, and ! Arakeke Stream, near New Plymouth (part Section 158, and Reserves J and L, Block X, Paritutu Survey District" 14 1 17 i 145 8 3 0 Held over. 151 90 0 0 Acquisition approved. Negotiations in progress. 152 200 0 0 Held over. 192 700 0 0 Reserved 21st June, 1905. I ' i Held over. 160 0 0 31 0 0 236 266 10 3 0 - _ 277 85 0 0 Negotiations in progress. j 295 2 3 2 No action taken. Local committee protecting hill and erecting monument. J No action yet taken. 321 1,200 0 0 323 12,365 0 0 325 110 0 0 " ■ ■ 380 28 0 0 ! Negotiations in progress for acquisition. i Wilton's Bush, Wadestown (Otari Native Reserve) Silverstream Bush, Hutt '(Sections 196, 209, 269, and 270, Block IV, Belmont) Te Wharau-o-kena, Lower Wairarapa (part Section 65, Block IX, Haurangi Survey District) Wellington. A. E. P. 135 8 0 9 Reserved in Gazette, 23rd August, 1906. 14 311 0 0 ! 105 acres reserved in Gazette, 10th 1 -January, 1907. i 18 2 0 0 Matter held over.



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

i O S'-g . 8-o5 Locality. A 2 I _a [ Area. Action taken. We, llington —contini ! A. R. P. 200 0 0 led. 19 Maxwelltown Gorge (parts Pakaraka No. 2 and T, Kai-iwi -*6h 2 and 6i, and Section 41, ; V Block X, Nukumaru Survey District) 20 Brunswick Bush (Block II, j Westmere, near Wanganui) 19 Price asked considered too high. No action. 20 21 70 2 0 Area reduced by survey. 35 acres 2 roods 3 perches reserved in Gazette, 30th August, 1906, Survey now being made of area to be taken and reserved. i Cost coo great. No action taken. 21 Horowhenua Lake shores 157 0 0 22 Riddiford's Bush, Feilding (Block I, Rairanga Survey District) 25 Ponui Lake, near Featherston (Blocks VII and XI, Onoke Survey District) 26 Kakahimakatea Pa, near Featherston (part Section 66, Block VII, Ouoke Survey District) 47 West bank Rangitikei River (part Section 39, Block VI, Hautapu Survey District) 48 Bast bank Rangitikei River, Mangaweka (Section 3, Block X, Hautapu Survey District) 49 East bank Rangitikei River, Mangaweka (Section 2, Block X, Hautapu Survey District) 50 East bank Rangitikei River, Mangaweka (Sections 3a and 4a, Blocks X and XIV, Hautapu) 51 Otara Bridge crossing (Mangamako Native Reserve), Block XIII, Hautapu 52 Makohine Gorge, near Viaduct (Pawerawera Nos. 1 and 2 Blocks, and Section 12, Block j XVI, Tiriraukawa) 53 Otamakapua No. 2b, . south _ of Kawatau River 54 Mangawharariki Stream (Sec- j tion 8, Block XI, Hautapu Survey District) 55 (Cancelled by Resolution No. 193.) 57 . Silverhope (Sections 1, 2, 3, and ! 4, Block VI, and Sections 1 and 48, Block IX, Ongo), near Marton 63 Kahutara Bush, Manga-te-te (Section 36, Block XI, Wairarapa) 146 Connor's Bush, Puketarata, No. 2 Block, Wanganui River (Block X, Waipakura) 147 Poroa Lake, Awarua 3b No. 2 .; Block (Block VII, Hautapu Survey District) 148 Junction of Hautapu and Rangitikei Rivers (parts Awarua 3b 2 and 4c e Blocks, Block VII, Hautapu) 149 Torere Gorge, Rangitikei River (Awarua 4c No. 9 and Section 29, Block III, Hautapu) 150 Wanganui River bank, Paetawa (south of Hikunikau Stream and north of Waipapa Stream) .22 45 0 0 25 600 0 0 Held over. 26 32 0 0 47 17 0 0 No action taken. 48 80 0 0 Matter held over. 49 12 0 0 Bush cleared. No action taken. 50 22 0 0 r 9i o o 75 0 0 i) Negotiations now in progress for j acquisition. 61 Under action. 52 65 0 12 54 acres 3 roods 12 perches reserved in Gazette, 14th February, 1907. I I 200 0 0 53 Matter held over. 54 . 30 0 0 ft Education reserve to be acquired by exchange. Negotiations in progress. 55 57 . 32 0 14 . Reserved in Gazette, 2nd November, 1905. I r •';'•' 63 8 8 32 Land donated by W. O. Williams, Esq., of Greytown. Eeserved in Gazette, 12th April, 1906. Held over, as compensation demanded considered too high. 146 50 0 0 147 70 0 0 Under consideration. 148 57 0 0 Acquisition approved. Negotiations in progress. .49 35 0 0 No action .50 120 •0 0 Land leased recently by Maori Laud [Council.



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

ill 3 S Looality. Area. Action taken. We, llington —contin . ted. 93 Hawaenga Village Bush (Sections 17, 18, and 19, Block VI, Hautapu) Matarawa Bush, near Wanganui (Darts Sections 126a and 270, Block VII, Ikitara Survey District) Wanganui River banks (extending from Piriaka to Raorikia, thirteen miles above Wanganui) Waliarangi Block, Pipinki-Rae-tihi Road Pipiriki Redoubt Forest at Waikanae (Ngarara West C Block, Subdivision 41, Kaitawa Survey District) Elder's Bluff, Waikanae (Ngarara West C No. 23 Block) Forest near Ngaturi Township (part Section 16, Block IV, Makuri Survey District) Makuri Gorge, near Pahiatua (part Section 3, Block XIII, Makuri) Makuri Gorge (Section 8, Block XIII, Makuvi Survey District) Makuri Gorge (south-east of Section 40, Block XIII, Makuri) Pipinui Hill and Perry's Waterfall (Sections 1, 4, and 5, Block XI, Makuri Survey District) Waewaepa Bush, Makairo Road (parts of Sections 6 and 11, Block III; Sections 21, 22, and 39, Block VII; Section 45. Block VI; and Crown land between Sections 8 to 21, Block III, Makuri) Stock Reserve (Section 20, Block VI, Makuri Survey District) Maunga - rata - id Lake (part Section 52, Block I, Ongo Survey District) Paraparaumu Forest (parts Ngarara West C No. 7 and Muaupoko A No. 2 Blocks, Kaitawa Survey District) Manganoho, or Hales Bush (Section 2, Block XVI, Tiriraukawa) Pahiatua Hill (Pahiatua Native Reserve, Block XI, Mangahao Survey District) Karaka Groves, Turanganui, Wairarapa (Whakatomotomo Block) Onaukawa Stream, near Taihape (Sections 62, 63, and 64, Block XIV, Ohinewairua) Weraroa Pa, Waitotara (Section 45, Block XIII, Wairoa Survey District) Ihupuku Pa, Waitotara (part Section 302, Block XII, Wairoa Survey District) Utiku Forest (part Awarua Block, Block VI, Hautapu Survey District) A. R. P. 13 3 17 Reserved under " The Land Act, 1892," in Gazette of 2nd November, 1905. 95 44 0 0 No action, as land not very suitable and price high. 29,628 0 0 Mostly Native lands, and reserve under " Wanganui River Trust Act, 1891." Under consideration. Held over until Act amended to enable Native land to be acquired. Held over. .96 .97 5,280 0 0 .98 !01 2 0 0 850 0 0 // 102 100 0 0 No action. !03 18 0 0 Held over. !04 25 0 0 Acquisition approved. Negotiations in progress. 43 0 0 Held over. !05 106 25 0 0 Education reserve. Negotiations in pro!07 32 0 0 gress. Area reduced on survey. 24 acres 1 rood 20 perches reserved in Gazette, 21st March, 1907. 108 1,215 0 0 Boundaries not yet decided on. 20 2 0 Held over. !09 !64 23 0 0 tt 165 288 1 0 185 acres reserved in Gazette, 15th February, 1906; 102 acres 2 roods 30 perches reserved in Gazette, 4th April, 1907. Under consideration. 270 0 0 267 269 15 0 0 3 acres given by Mrs. Nini Koro, and balance under negotiation. 270 5 0 0 Held over. 271 194 0 0 Action now being taken for reservation purposes. 272 5 0 0 Held over. 273 4 0 0 As Natives object to reservation, no action taken. 275 220 0 0 Under consideration.


Limestone Cliffs, Clifden Village, Southland. (Resolution 224.)

[Lands Dept., photo

Pourapourakino River, NEAR RIVERTON. (Resolution 229.)

[Lands Dept., photo.


Tuatapere,or Manuka Island, Waiau River. (Resolution 223.)

[Lands Dept., photo

Alton Bush, Waiau River, near Tuatapere Island, (Resolution 223.)

[Lands Dept., photo



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

a if o 3 8 Locality. Area. Action taken. Wei Uington —contini ted. 176 Forest on Mangahao Eiver | (part Section 8, Block II, Tararua Survey District) Section 54, Block IX, Pohanyina Makopua Forest, near Mangaweka (Sections 16 and 17, Block VI n, Hautapu) Te Tarata Pa, Wairarapa (part Section 61, Block VI*. Oneke Survey District) Mangaweka Reserve (Section 40f, Block X, Hautapu Survey I District) Kapiti Island (Kapiti No. 5, Subdivision Iβ) West bank Mangawhero River (Sections 6 and 8, Block I, Mangawhero) A. E. P. 45 0 0 Held over. !96 8 0 0 tt !97 94 2 0 ti 198 12 2 0 If 199 120 0 0 134 1,039 2 20 Acquisition approved. 168 2,396 3 32 Held over. Marlborough. A. B. P. 121 0 0 279 280 281 282 283 23 24 178 Stock Reserve (Section 18, Block XI, Puhipuhi Survey District) Maungamaunu Native Reserve (Puhipuhi and Mount Fyffe Survey Districts) Hundalee Stream, CheviotKaikoura Road (part Section 2, Block XXI, Hundalee Survey District) School-site (Section 5, Block XXI, Hundalee Survey District) Limestone Stream (part Section 2, Block XXI, Hundalee Survey District) Wooded hill, Limestone Stream (part Section 1, Block XXI, Hundalee) Okarakia Stream, Hundalee (part Small Grazing-run 97) Okarakia Stream, Hundalee (part Section 7, Block XVHI) Bush on main road (part Section 6, Block XVIII, Hundalee Survey District) Oaro River (school-site, Block XVIII, and part Small Graz-ing-run 93, Hundalee Survey District) Onamalutu (Ohinemutu) Forest (Sections 122 and 123, north bank of Wairau District) Hamuri Bay (fronting beach at old whaling-station) Forest north of Oaro River (parts Small Grazing-runs 91, 92, and 95, Hundalee) Native Reserve J, Hundalee ... Peketa coastline and Kahautara Bluff (parts Sections 24, 33, and 34, Block VI, Hundalee Survey District) Waipapa Point, part of Maungamaunu Native Reserve 3,286 0 0 17 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 75 0 0 75 0 0 80 0 0 No action; land cleared. No action yet taken. 284 18 0 0 a 285 7 0 0 288 67 1 0 289 9 0 0 290 207 0 0 291 292 12 0 15 153 0 0 293 55 0 0 —C. 6.



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

. 5 ' Looality. Area. *_a . Action taken. Westland, A. B. P. 1 Around Kanieri Lake ... 11,250 0 0 1 About to be reserved under " The Land Act, 1892," for forest and scenic purposes. About to be reserved under " The Land Act, 1892." Reserved in Gazette, 30th August, 1906. 10 Around Mahinapua Lake ... 3,600 0 0 10 154 Outlet of Kanieri Lake (Section 20 0 0 1777, Block VII, Kanieri Survey District) 54 Canterbury. A. R. P. 15 Island in Lake Tekapo (Rural 60 0 0 Section 51677) 62 Raincliff Bush (part Section 62 0 35 7554, Block IX, Opihi Survey District) 210 Peel Forest (Sections 1414 and 40 0 0 1415, Block II, Orari) 211 Peel Forest (Sections 3281, 4035, 48 0 0 and part 3206) 253 Nikau Palm Gully, Akaroa 13 2 16 (part8 Sections 21151 and 22905, Block XII, Akaroa Survey District) 254 Aylmer's Valley (part Section 8 0 32 "lo'ie, Block'VIII, Akaroa Survey District) 255 Onawe Pa (part Rural Section 3 2 0 728, Akaroa) 268 Kelsey's Bush (part Sections 150 0 0 30046, 30047, 32523, and 32496, Block IX, Waimate) 274 Bush in Morice Settlement (Sec- 124 0 20 tions 7 and 10, Block IX, Pigeon Bay) 300 The Rocks, Amberley (south- 100 0 0 east side of Section 26478) 301 Motu-Nau Island (and part 16 0 0 Rural Section 159, Block XV, Stonyhurst Survey District) 322 Cathedral Gorges (Section 15, 155 0 0 Block IX, Cheviot) 344 Kennedy's Bush, near Christ- 52 2 39 church (Sections 485, &c, Block III, Halswell Survey District) Matter deferred. L5 62 Reserved in Gazette, 22nd June, 1905. 110 Now under negotiation. 111 153 Under consideration. Held over. 154 156 Action deferred for present. 168 Offer declined, as price asked too high. 174 Reserved in Gazette, 21st March 1907. 100 Held over. 101 S22 S44 Reserved in Gazette, 27th September, 1906. A further area of 43 acres now under negotiation. Otago. 153 155 156 A. B. P. 153 Flagstaff Hill (parts Sections 24, 142 3 29 2 of 35, 1 of 49, Block V, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District; and Section 18, Stanley Estate) 155 Signal Hill. (Cancelled by Resolution 381.) 156 Carey's Creek, Blueskin Bay 69 0 0 (parts Sections 23, 59, 60, 63, 86, 88, and 89, Block I, Wai- j kouaiti Survey District) 157 Nicholl's Creek Falls, Water of 8 0 0 Leith (Sections 71, 72, and 76, Block V, Dunedin and East Taieri) 158 Mount Cargill Forest, near Dun- j 350 0 0 edin (Blocks VII and VIII, North Harbour and Blueskin) Reserved in Gazette, 16th March, 1905. Held over. Held over owing to high prices. 157 158 278 acres 1 rood 31 perches reserved in Gazette of 17th January, 1907; 10 acres 1 rood 21 perches reserved in Gazette of 21st March, 1907.



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

B , O 0 - Jf . 8 -a J Locality. Area. Action taken. >tago —continued 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 159 Hey wood's Point, near Dunedin (Section 50, Block V, North Harbour and Blueskin) 160 East bank of Taieri River (parts of Blocks A and C, Taieri Native Reserve) 161 West bank of Taieri River (Sections 28 and 29, Block I, Clarendon Survey District) 162 Forest on west side Taieri River, (part Section 27, Block I, Clarendon Survey District) 163 Forest on west bank Taieri River (parts Sections 2 and 3, Block XI, Clarendon Survey District) 164 Bush on Saddle Hill (parts Sections 75, 77, and 78, Block VIII, Dunedin and Bast Taieri Survey Districc) 165 Grant's Hill, Waitati (part Section 1 of 19, Block II, Northeast Harbour and Blueskin) 166 Water of Leith Valley (parts Block V, Dunedin and East Taieri; Block VIII, Kaikorai; Blocks VIII, X, and XI, North-east Harbour and Blueskin; 167 Silverstream Bush (parts Seetions 28, 40/42, 52/54, Block IV, Dunedin and East Taieri) 168 Hills west of Purakanui (Sections 2 of 3, 4, 59, 60, 64, 65, and 73, Block IV, North-east Harbour and Blueskin) 169 i Flagstaff Hill (Sections 18, 19, and 20, Daisy Bank Estate, Block V, Dunedin and East Taieri) 170 Mihiwaka Hill, Dunedin (Block VI, North-east Harbour and Blueskin) 171 Mount Pleasant, near Port Chalmers (Sections 5 and 76, Block VI, North-east Harbour and Blueskin) 172 Forest near Nugget's Point (part Section 9, Block V, Glenomaru Survey District) 173 Karoro Stream (Native Reserve 48, Block IV, Glenomaru Survey District) 174 Totara Bush on Catlin's River (Section 5, Block I, Woodlands Survey District) 175 Opito Blow-hole (Sections 16 and 17, Block I, Woodlands Survey District) 176 Rata Bush, Catlin's (Section 82, Block VI, Glenomaru Survey District) 177 Forest on ranges at Catlin's River (Sections 23 and 24, Block VIII, Catlin's Survey District) 178 Bush along Catlin's River (Section 24, Block IV, Woodlands; and Section 18, Block VIII, Catlin's) A. E. P. 110 0 0 174 0 0 200 1 24 29 0 0 68 0 0 32 0 0 11 0 0 71 0 0 81 0 0 79 0 0 Reserved in Gazette of 10th August, 1905. Held over. Reserved in Gazette of 10th August, 1905. Held over. Now being acquired. Held over. 169 24 3 35 Reserved in Gazette of 10th August, 1905. 170 205 0 0 Vested in Port Chalmers Borough Council for water-supply purposes. 171 63 0 0 Held over. 172 60 0 0 173 100 0 0 174 10 0 0 ;/ 175 45 0 0 tt 176 4 0 17 177 352 0 0 Area amended to 565 acres. Negotiations in progress. 178 40 2 3 27| acres reserved in Gazette of 24th August, 1905.



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

a i . o § « 6 2h * Locality. Area. Action taken. ] tago — continuei , A. B. P. 393 2 0 Beserved in Gazette of 7th September, 1905. 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 191 212 Purakauiti Forest (Sections 49/ 52, Block VII, and Section 28, Block X, Woodlands) Left bank of Maclenan Eiver (Blocks VI and IX, Woodlands ; and Block XV, Eimu Survey-District) Tahakopa Beach Forest (Section 1, Block IX, Woodlands) Caberfeidh Mountain, Tahakopa Eiver (Sections 8/11, Block XIV, Eimu Survey District) Papatowai Bush (Sections 132/ 152 and 154/156, Papatowai Township; and Section 10, Block IV, Tautuku) Taucuku Beach Forest (Sections 22 and 24, Block VIII, Tautuku Survey District) Tautuku Eiver Forest, Fortrose Eoad (Sections 8, and 18/21, Block X, Tautuku) Waipati Beach Fpre,st (Sections 5 and 6, Block X, Tautuku) Sampson Hill (Section 40, Block XII, Tautuku Survey District) Scotchman's Bonnet, Owaka Eiver (part Section 31,.Bloek I, Catlin's Survey District) Helena Fails (Section 13, Block XII, Woodlands District) Trotter's Creek, near Palmerston (Sections lband 18, Block XI, Moeraki Survey District) Akatore Eorest (Sections 28, 29, 30,and54, Block VIII, Akatore Survey District) Island in Clutlia Eiver (Sections 46 and 47, Block II, HillEnd Survey District) Whiskey Gully,Tapanui (Section 1, Block X, Eankleburn ; Bun 140b and Section 27, Block VIII, Glenkenich) Eankleburn Eoad Bush (parts Sections 44, 73, and 75, Block XI, Glenkenich Survey District) Island in Pomahaka Eiver (Section 14, Block X, Glenkenich Survey District) Mouth of Shag Eiver (parts Sections 43 and 57, Block III, Moeraki Survey District) Bush near Puketeraki Station (part Sections 46, 53, and 54, Block XII, Waikouaiti Survey District) Waianakarua Forest, near Herbert (part of Eun 464) Mount Fortune (Section 17, Block XIV, Moeraki Survey District) Lake Wanaka Neck (part of Eun 338a) 360 0 0 786 3 0 775 0 0 179 0 0 334 3 8 782 1 32 134 0 18 37 2 28 10 0 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 Held over. Eeserved in Gazette of 10th August, 1905. Held over. Eeserved in Gazette of 20th December, 1906. Eeserved in Gazette of 10th August, 1905. Negotiations in progress. Eeserved in Gazette of 10th August, 1905. Eeserved in Gazette of 1st March, 1906. Held over. Survey to be made. Held over. 213 . 544 2 5 290 acres 1 rood 36 perches reserved in Gazette of 7th December, 1905. 214 110 3 0 Special legislation required. 215 1,410 0 0 Portion already reserved for timber. Balance to be surveyed. 216 49 3 0 About to be proclaimed. 217 2-0 0 Eeserved in Gazette of 7th December, 1905. 230 16 0 0 Matter now being dealt with. 250 50 0 0 Held over. 5,500 0 0 Action deferred for the present. 251 252 316 0 0 Eeserved in Gazette of 2nd November, 1905. 256 180 0 0 Negotiations in progress.



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

. o i| 6 Locality. Area. Aotion taken. C Uago— continued 257 258 259 260 261 Forest on shore of Lake Hawea (part of Run 338a) Diamond Lake and Rocky Hill, j Wanaka (part of Run 334c) Mount Iron, Wanaka (parts Sections 4 and 40, Block IV, and Sections 6 and 14, Block XIV, Lower Wanaka) Minaret Bush, Wanaka (part i Run 333) Waterfall Creek, Wanaka (part Reserve No. 2245, Wilkiti Survey District) Part of Mount Cargill (Sections 8 and 23, Block 12, North Harbour and Blueskin) Forests at West Harbour, Dun- j edin (Block IX, North Har- j bear and Blueskin Survey District) i A. H. P. 5,200 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 360 0 0 ; ,. ,10 0 0 71 2 32 221 2 22 Negotiations in progress. 20 acres reserved in Gazette of 21st December, 1905. Matter under consideration. 33 perches reserved in Gazette of 14th December, 1905. 294 Reserved in Gazette of 17th January, 1907. 381 Reserved in Gazette of 7th February, 1907. Southland. 189 190 218 219 220 221 222 Waikawa Harbour Forest Cparts Sections 2, 3, 25, 26, and 44, Block I, Waikawa Survey District) Waikawa Harbour (Sections 38 and 39, Block II, Waikawa Town) Mimihau Gorge, near Wyndham (Section 22, 25, 36, 37, and 42, Block V, and Sections 50, 51, 79, 92, and 93, Block VII, Tuturau) Edendale Settlement (Sections 134e and 135e) Lake George (Uruwera), (Sections 10, 11, 12, and 21, Block XI, Longwood Survey District) Pahia Hill (Sections 35 and 36, Block IV, Longwood Survey District) Waiau River islands and bed (Blocks XV and XVII, Longwood Survey District) Manuka or Tua-tapere Island (Section 28, Block III, Alton) and Alton Bush (Sections 3, 5, and 6, Block II) Limestone Cliffs, Clifden (parts Sections 2, 12, and 14, Block I, Lillburn Survey District) Eastern shore of Lake Manapouri and bank of Waiau River Waiau River outlet and banks (Section 1, Block I, Titiroa) Eastern shore of Lake Te Anau (Egliugton and Te Anau Survey Districts) Bluff Hill (Sections 3, 4, and 5, Block I, Campbelltown Hundred) A. B. P. 227 0 0 1 0 0 320 0 0 205 2 0 315 0 0 380 3 14 1,000 0 0 366 0 0 523 2 32 4,700 0 0 1,040 0 0 6,400 0 0 110 0 0 Held over. Reserved 4th May, 1905. Price asked too high. Matter held over. Reserved in Gazette of 13th September, 1906. Reserved in Gazette of 28th September, 1905. Reserved in Gazette of 15th March, 1906. 400 acres reserved in Gazette of 15th March, 1906. 223 272 acres reserved in Gazette of 15th March, 1906. 224 Matter held over: 225 Negotiations in progress for acquisition. 226 800 acres reserved in Gazette of 23rd November, 1905. Reserved in Gazette of 14th February, 1907. 227 228 Held over.



Schedule C.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Commission, 1904-6— continued.

Locality. Area. Action taken. Sα thlajid —contini ed. 129 Purapurakino Forest, near Riverton (parts Sections 30, 46, and 58, Block III; Sections 18,19, 20, and 21, Block V; and reserve in Block XIX, Jacob's River Hundred) The Narrow 8, Purapurakino River (Sections 20 and 57, Block I, and Sections 20, 35, and 60, Block III, Jacob's River Hundred) Lagoon near Riverton (parts Sections 10b and 11, Block I, Jacob's River Hundred) Forest on Waimumu Stream, near Gore (part of Croydon Bush, Hokonui Survey District) Odd pieces of land (Blocks XIII and XIV, Waiau District) Forest in Stewart Island (Mason, Paterson, Lord's River, Pegasus, and South Cape Districts) Makarewa Junction Bush (parts Sections 12, 22, 23, and 28, Blocks II and XIII, Invercargill Hundred) Forest on Mataura River (Blocks VII to IX, Oteramika Hundred) Forest west of Section 129, Forest Hill District (and Sections 348, 802, and 817, Hokonui District) Castle Rocks, near Lumsden (part Section 79, Taringatura District) Lake Mavora and Mararoa River Forest near Dome Pass (Crown land lying between Sections 27 and 29, and Small Grazing-run 27, Eyre District) Allen's Creek Gully, near Kingston South-west shore, Lake Wakatipti Kawarau Falls, Lake Wakatipu (part of Town of Frankton) Forest at Bob's Cove, Lake Wakatipu (part Run 9a, Mid Wakatipu Survey District) Lake Luna and Simpson's Creek, Lake Wakatipu Run 427, Manapouri... A. K. P. 558 0 0 Under negotiation. 181 29 1 0 20$ acres reserved in Gazette of 5th April, 1906. 22 2 13 No action. 132 133 501 0 0 Reserved for State forest purposes. 87 0 0 Under consideration. 134 135 40,860 0 0 Already reserved for State forest purposes. 138 35 0 0 Held over. 240 0 0 78 acres reserved in Gazette of 12th Afril, 1906. 189 140 777 0 0 Matter being considered. 141 100 0 0 Held over. 142 23,000 0 0 Pastoral runs that cannot be resumed. !43 160 0 0 Twelve months' notice of resumption needed. 600 0 0 Land to be surveyed prior to reservation. 144 !45 3,200 0 0 Twelve months' notice of resumption needed. Held over. 147 16 0 0 !48 90 0 0 Action deferred for the present. !49 440 0 0 Under consideration. !62 4,700 0 0 Commissioner of Crown Lands to report.



Schedule D.-Recommendations of Scenery Preservation Board, 1906-7.

a . o if d Locality. Area. Aotion taken. Auckland. I Doubtless Bay, Mangonui— Section 131,Mangonui E. Parish Section 131.Mangonui B. Parish Marakopa Falls, Caves, and BushSection 4, Block X, Kawhia S. Sections 4 and 7, Block X, Kawhia South Kinohaku West No. 4 Block (Marakopa) Okoihu Pa, Wbangarei (part of Whatitiri No. 13z Block, Block XIII, Purua Survey District) Kaihu Bush, Hobson County (Section 3, Block III, Kaihu Survey District) Thames District (Section 1, Block IX, Thames Survey District) Near Mercury Bay (Section 32, Hahei Parish) White (Whakan) Island, in Bay of Plenty A. K. P. 9 0 0 60 0 0 Public Defence Reserve. Crown lands. Under action. 2 5 0 0 25 0 0 Lease in perpetuity. Under consideration. Leasehold. Under consideration. 50 0 0 Native land. Cannot be acquired. 8 20 0 0 Native land. Cannot be acquired at present. 4 805 0 0 Reserved in Gazette of 21st March, 1907. 5 16 8 0 Reserved in Gazette of 14th March, 1907. 6 100 0 0 Under action. 7 588 0 0 Under consideration. Wellington. 10 Whakapapa Gorge, near Oio (Hunua, Waimanu, and Kaitieke Survey Districts) Aorangi Mountain, near Moawhango (Block XI, Pukeokahu Survey District) Awarua 4c No. 15 Block (Block 1, Hautapu Survey District) Kawhatau River bank (Blocks VI, &c, Ruahine Survey District) Pipiriki Native Township (Block IV ) Pipiriki Mineral Spring (Block X, Rarete Survey District) Marima Bridge Reserve (Section 58, Block X, Mangahao Survey District) Makuri-Pongaroa Road (Section 146, Block XIV, Makuri Survey District) Makuri-Pongaroa Road (Section 2, Block X, Makuri Survey District) Pongaroa Township (parts Blocks IV, VII, IX, XII, and XIII, and Suburban Section 14) Hutt-Waikanae Road (part Block II, Akatarawa Survey District) North Island Main Trunk Railway route A. R. P. 2,401 0 0 Acquisition of land now under consideration. 11 4,520 0 0 Held over. 12 221 0 0 Under negotiation. 13 10,430 0 0 Rugged Crown land, unsuitable for settlement. Now under action for reservation. Held over until Native land may be acquired under Scenery Preservation Act. Being acquired under "The Public Works Act, 1905." Held over until power obtained to change reservation. 14 65 0 0 15 30 0 11 L6 22 0 0 17 7 0 10 Ditto. 18 11 0 30 19 44 2 29 Now under action. 1,853 0 0 20 1 to 41 24,393 0 0 See Appendix No. 2. Otago. 8 Flagstaff Hill, Dunedin (Allotments 13 to 17, Stanley Estate) i a. b. p. 71 3 24 Reserved as a completion of the former scenic reserve, in Gazette of 21st March, 1907. Under consideration. 9 Evansdale Creek (parts of Sections 59, 60, 62, 63, 88, and 89, Block I, Waikouaiti Survey I District) 54 0 0 . B. Jourdain, Secretar to Board.



Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 3.lst March, 1907. Purpose to which applied. Expenditure. Purchase of Land— £ a. d. 185 acres, part Section No. 7, Ngarara West C Block (Paraparaumu Bush), balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 445 5 0 Section 65 and part 57, 58, 59, Block IX, North Harbour and Blueskin, part HI, Upper ltothesay Township, Allotment 13, 111, Upper Kothesay, 40 acres 3 roods 11 perches (Signal Hill, Dunedin) ... ... ... ... 320 0 0 Part Section 2, Block IV, Hautapu ... ... ... ... ... 16 4 3 Part Sections 485, <fee, Block 111, Halswell District (Kennedy's Bush) ... 370 0 0 Sections 76, 77, Selwyn Settlement ... ... ... ... ... 476 10 0 Part Section 1 of 29, Block IX, North Harbour, 9 acres and 20 perches (Signal Hill) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 127 15 0 • • Section 1 of 27, Block IX, North Harbour, 75 acres 3 roods 16 perches (Signal Hill) ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... 445 0 0 Sections 32, 33, Block VII, North Harbour, 17 acres 1 rood 39 perches (Mount Cargill) ... ... : ... ... ... ... ... 157 9 0 Section 1 of 32, Block IX, North Harbour, 21 acres 3 roods 30 perches (Signal Hill) .;, ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 372 18 9 Section 26, Block VII, and Section 8, Block XII, North Harbour (Mount Cargill) 220 0 0 Part Sections 269 and 270, Block IV, Belmont, 104 acres 3 roods 27 perches (Silverstream Bush) ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,573 15 7 Section 31, Block IX, North Harbour (Signal Hill) ... '■ ... ... 300 0 0 Section 34, Block VII, North Harbour, 10 acres 2 roods 3 perches (Mount Cargill) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 Sections 24 and 25, Block VII, North Harbour, 6 acres and 33 perches (Mount Cargill) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 74 9 6 Section GO, Block VIII, North Harbour, 62 acres 1 rood 29 perches (Mount Cargill) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 140 0 0 Section 28, Block VII, North Harbour, 8 acres and 20 perches (Mount Cargill) 65 0 0 Part Sections 29 and 30, Block VII, North Harbour, 17 acres and 15 perches (Mount Cargill) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 162 7 10 Subdivision No. 1, part Native reserve, Block VIII, Paritutu S.D., 50 acres (Ratapihipihi Bush) ... ... ... ... ... ... 350 0 0 Part Section 477, Block VIII, Paritutu S.D., for road to scenic reserve (Ratapihipihi Bush), 2 acres and 218 perches ... ... ... ... 19 1 9 Part Sections 66 and 2 of 29, Block IX, North Harbour, 22 acres and 32 perches (Signal Hill) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 222 0 0 Section 3, Block VII, North Harbour (leasehold interest) ... ... ... 6 10 0 Part Sections 101, 102, Block VII, Waitara, 13 acres 1 rood 16 perches (Onaero River) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 36 14 3 Section 76, Block VII, North Harbour, 38 acres 2 roods 11 perches ... ... 289 5 3 Part Section 4, Block 11, Cape S.D., 2 acres (Tataraimaka Pa) ... ... 75 0 0 Part Section 31, Block IX, North Harbour, 20 acres 1 rood 7 perches (Signal Hill) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 230 0 0 Sections 134, 135, Block 11, Westmere S.D., 16 acres 2 roods 29 perches (Brunswick Bush) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 8 9 Part Section 31, Block IX, North Harbour (Signal Hill) ... ... ... 25 0 0 Reserve V, Block V, Paritutu, 9 acres 3 roods 20 perches (Puketi Pa) ... 135 0 0 Part Section 27, Block VII, North Harbour, 8 acres 2 roods 5 perches (Mount Cargill) ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 76 15 7 Section 104 and part Section 114, Township of Maia, West Harbour, 7 acres and 37 perches (Signal Hill) ... ... ... ... ... ... 108 9 4 Sections 13-17, Stanley Estate, and part Section 28, Block V, Dunedin and East Taieri, 71 acres 3 roods 24 perches (Flagstaff Hill) ... ... 100 0 0 Lease of reserve, Block V, Paritutu S.D. (Puketi Pa) ... ... ... 150 0 0 Section 5, Block IV, Pipiriki Township, leasehold (Pipiriki scenic reserve) ... 500 Section 2, Block V, Dalmore (Leith Valley) ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 Section 48, Block VIII, North Harbour and Blueskin (Mount Cargill) 20 0 0 Part Sections 1 and 3, Block VIII, North Harbour ... ... ... 90 0 0 £7,855 19 10 Expenses of Commission— Allowances, travelling and other expenses of members ... ... . . 185 14 4 Miscellaneous expenses— Valuations, surveys, travelling-expenses, legal expenses, advertising, <fee. 801 2 3 Administration of reserves ... ... ... ... ... .-. 304 0 4 Total ... ... ... ... .... ... ... £9,146 16 9



APPENDIX No. 1. Report of the Scenery Preservation Board. By section 3 of "The Scenery Preservation Amendment Act, 1906," the above Board was constituted for the purpose of considering and reporting upon proposals to acquire and reserve Crown and private freehold lands for scenic, historic, and thermal purposes. The Board so constituted consists of the Surveyor-General, the General Manager of the Department of Tourist and Health Resorts, and the Commissioner of Crown Lands for the land district in which is situated the land proposed to be dealt with. Unfortunately, through the year having half expired before the enabling Act was passed by Parliament, and the recurrent absences from Wellington of the two first members of the Board through pressure of other official duties, it was found impossible to hold meetings of the Board to deal with lands in each of the ten land districts affected, but as the bulk of the proposals were in the Auckland and Wellington Districts, and were more urgent than the remaining suggestions, these were considered and reported on at the first opportunity. Meetings of the Auckland Board were held at Wellington on the 16th January, 1907, of the Wellington Board on the 25th February and 27th March, 1907, and of the Otago Board on the 21st January, 1907. Twenty recommendations regarding lands suitable for reservation were submitted to the Governor, together with a number of resolutions dealing with the North Island Main Trunk Railway line, particulars of which are found in the accompanying report on that route. When the matter of scenery preservation was first considered by the Board, it was recognised that through the efforts of the Lands and Survey Department in previous years a large number of reservations had been effected under the Land Act in various parts of the colony. These were supplemented by the labours of the Commission appointed under " The Scenery Preservation Act, 1903," who systematically inspected and reported on the scenic attractions of each district, but through lack of time being unable to deal with the whole of the colony, it now remained for the Board to complete, as far as possible, the work of their predecessors. The acquisition of Native land not being authorised by the Act at present, it is impossible to properly deal with the subject, but as it is desired to formulate a complete scheme of reservation in the different localities needing the same, several proposals of the Board include the acquisition of land from the Natives, though the recommendations cannot be given effect to until another amending Act is passed by Parliament to this end. The most important matters needing attention were thought to be: (a) The preservation of scenery around the North Island Main Trunk Railway line now in course of construction; (6) the acquisition and reservation of Native lands in the Rotorua district to preserve and develop the thermal attractions of that locality; (c) the acquisition and reservation of land on the banks of the Wanganui River from Taumarunui to Wanganui ; (d) the Marlborough Sounds; (c) the West Coast scenery; (/) other districts in the North and South Islands not yet reported on or dealt with. The first item occupied the attention of the Board most, as it was considered to be somewhat pressing, and consequently an inspection of the route was made in March, and a complete scheme drawn up and submitted for action (vide Appendix No. 2). A hasty inspection was also made of the Wanganui River, in order to ascertain whether the very exhaustive and careful proposals of the late Scenery Preservation Commissioners needed alteration in any way. The remaining items will next receive attention and consideration. At the meetings of the Board already held, several urgent matters were considered and dealt with, and in some cases have already been acted on in the way of Proclamation under the Act in the Gazette. In Schedule D will be seen particulars of (he areas recommended for reservation, and in addition a large number of suggestions were considered and found unsuitable for action. It is recognised that the preservation of the beautiful, and in some respects unparalleled, scenery of New Zealand demands careful and prompt action to secure the land most suitable for protection, and the Board will in all cases endeavour to maintain a just equilibrium between the universal desire to preserve intact as much as possible of the picturesque country frequented by tourists and other visitors and inhabitants of the colony, and the continuous and pressing need of land for settlement purposes. Fortunately, most of the land best adapted for scenic purposes is worth very little from a farmer's point of view, so that the two claims are not antagonistic in most parts of the country. It is honed during the coming year to accomplish much of the objects now occupying the attention of the Board in the direction of preserving for posterity the varied and marvellous scenic attractions of New Zealand. Thos. Humphries, Chairman Scenery Preservation Board. APPENDIX No. 2. "The Scenery Preservation Amendment Act, 1906." REPORT. To His Excellency the Right Honourable William Lea, Baron Plunket, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it Please Your Excellency,— We, the members of the Scenery Preservation Board for the Land District of Wellington, appointed under the 3rd section of " The Scenery Preservation Amendment Act, 1906," have the honour to submit the accompanying report upon the scenery in the country traversed by the North Island Main Trunk Railway line between Marton and Taumarunui, having been directed to do so under section 5 of the said Act.

5—C. 6.



The following sets out what has already been accomplished in the direction of preserving the scenery, and the previous recommendations of the late Scenery Preservation Commissioners. It also deals with the* general aspect of the country from a scenery standpoint, and what we consider should, if possible, be done to preserve its beauty for the benefit of future generations. Maeton to Taihape. (Plan No. 1.) Twelve miles from Marton, 32 acres of bush at Silverhope have been acquired and proclaimed a scenic reserve, and the first area of bush beyond it which should be preserved is some 70 acres adjoining the Makohine Viaduct (twenty-five miles distant from Marton), the subject of Recommendation No. 52 by the late Scenery Preservation Commission (see photo.). Of this, about 52 acres have already been gazetted, and the remainder is under negotiation. Nearing Ohingaiti (26 miles) there is some light bush and scrub adjacent to the line, but hardly worth the expense of acquisition. In the vicinity of the Township of Mangaweka (31 miles) there are several clumps of bush on the Pauwhakakarua No. 1 Block, a short distance from the railway-line, and on the opposite side of the Rangitikei River, which at this point runs close to the line, there is a fine belt of forest clothing the steep, high banks and adjacent hills. Two portions of this belt, about 102 acres, have already been recommended for reservation by the late Commission (Recommendations Nos. 48 and 50), and are illustrated in photograph. On the west of Mangaweka, and on Sections 5 and 40f, Block IX, Hautapu Survey District, there is a fine area of forest overlooking the railway. Of this, some 75 acres have been recommended for reservation (Recommendation No. 299), as well as a small clump on the further side of the river (Recommendation No. 49). , Leaving Mangaweka and ascending the incline towards Taihape there is a long strip of bush on the lower (eastern) side of the railway-line between it and the river. Four recommendations of the late Commission (Nos. 47, 193, 275, and 143) deal with the greater part of it, the acquisition of which is very desirable. . . Nearing I'otaka Township (also known as Utiku), thirty-nine miles from Marton, the torest, which is now on the upper or western side of the line, continues to improve in appearance, and covers a stretch of Native land for about five miles, extending nearly to Taihape. The only part hitherto recommended for reservation in this locality is a small area at Torere V lllage (Recommendation No. 149), but there is no doubt that the preservation of some of this continuous stretch of forest, which adds so greatly to the picturesqueness of the locality, is very desirable, and an additional reservation in this locality is recommended (photo, attached). Around Taihape there are also several fine areas of forest well worth preserving. A scenic reserve has been niade of a long strip bordering the river, and the other suitable portions are situated upon Sections 51 and 52, Block XIV, Hautapu Survey District, and on the Awarua No. 4a No. 3b Block. The latter area forms part of the belt reaching from Hawaenga Village to Turangarere, and is at present owned by Natives. Taihape to Waioueu. (Plan No. 2.) Leaving Taihape the forest for many miles skirts both sides of the line, and as it is hilly country in "the vicinity it is seen to great advantage in the wooded gorges and forest-clad knolls and ranges. On the west it is on Native land, and it will doubtless be possible to secure parts; but on the east most of the land for about five miles, having been disposed of under settlement conditions, the indigenous forest thereon will soon be a thing of the past. Two miles up the line a break appears in the bush, which recedes for about a mile until Paen"-aroa is reached, where it once more closes on the railway. At this point 490 acres have been reserved for forest and other purposes. Several charming views are to be seen along this portion, and an effort should most certainly be made to preserve the native forest for all time. Just before Turangarere is reached (sixty-one miles from Marton) some of the best scenery is met with, and the views of the Hautapu Itiver from the train are very fine (see photo.). On the eastern side beyond Turangarere lies the Motukawa Crown forest, which has been withheld from sale for the preservation of timber, &c. There is a pretty waterfall at Turangarere Station (see photo.). . „ About four miles beyond the Turangarere Native Settlement the open country is reached. On the west the forest gradually recedes to the long range of hills in the Raketapauma, Murimotu, and other Native blocks, distant about four or five miles from the railway. This forest-clad range, extending from a little beyond the Hautapu to the Wangaehu River, is from 2,000 ft. to 3,000 ft. high, and serves as an admirable background to the grassy plains now entered upon. From Waiouru (69 miles) in the direction of Moawhango a few clumps of trees are visible, but north-easterly towards the desolate Rangipo Plain the view is unrelieved by anything of the kind. However, not far distant in the north-west is Ruapehu, 9,175 ft. in height, in snow-clad grandeur, with its wooded lower slopes stretching far into the plains ahead Waiouru to Raetihi. (Plans Nos. 3 and i.) Continuing the journey through the plains little of interest is seen in the immediate neighbourhood, though the flatness of the country is relieved by the view of forest-clad ranges in the south, distant from four to five miles, and Ruapehu with its lower slopes covered with forest towards the north. , . , -it Just beyond the Ninia Railway-station and township site, which is about ten miles from Waiouru and two miles from the Native settlement of Karioi, the solid forest is again met with (see photo.).



On the north for about two miles it is all Crown land, of which it is proposed to reserve about 3 000 acres, together with a small portion of Native land on the opposite side of the line. A large portion of the land in the vicinity of Ohakune, and between Mangaehuehu and Mangawhero Streams, has been disposed of by the Crown for settlement some years since, and is in part utilised by settlers. But although a good proportion of the original bush remains, too great a sum would be payable by way of compensation were it repurchased from its present owners (see photo.). There are several Crown sections still undisposed of near the llangataua Station, but it is very questionable whether it would be judicious to reserve them and thwart settlement of suitable country. Native blocks comprise a good deal of the country between the settlement and Ruapehu, and no doubt could be easily acquired if thought desirable, as the land is not very suitable for cultivation —in fact much of it is quite unsuitable. The settlement at Ohakune is on much better land, and its prospects are good. From Ohakune to Mangawhero Stream most of the land adjacent to the road is disposed of and partly cleared, but between the latter and Raetihi it is covered with valuable timber of rimu, kahikatea, matai, and other varieties. It is, however, Native land, which if thought desirable might not be found difficult to secure. 220 acres, including two small lakes, two miles from Ohakune, have already been reserved for scenic and recreation purposes. Raetihi to Raurimu. (Plans Nos. 4 and 5.) The main road from the township at Raetihi to the railway-station at Horopito, up the Makotuku Valley, where it again meets the railway-line, runs chietly through land that has been more or less cleared for settlement, and is now occupied by scattered homesteads. The railwayline between the Mangawhero Stream and Horopito Township runs through several miles of Native land; the remainder of the distance is Crown lands, a portion of which as well as some of the Native land it is proposed to reserve. At Horop'ito (ninety-one miles from Marton) the land is still under bush, several hundred acres of which will later on become available for settlement (see photo.). For a distance of about four miles north of Horopito Crown lands extend on either side, which it is proposed to reserve, and on the east the large Urewera Block of over 12,000 acres continues up to the slopes of Ruapehu. All this land is under forest, and is in parts swampy. Crossing the Mangaturuturu Stream, the waters of which are of sulphurous nature, a vast expanse of Crown lands extends between the line and the mountains for about ten miles. Except for a gap here and there, they are all forest-clad, and as the soil is not over well adapted for agriculture or pastoral purposes the land would form an admirable addition to the present Tongariro National Park. On the west the Crown lands have been subdivided for settlement, but with a few exceptions are unoccupied, and, together with the unsurveyed Crown lands at the back, form another magnificent stretch of forest country, in which are predominant numbers of the New Zealand cedar (kahikawaka), which grow very freely for about a mile and a half on either side of the road but further to the westward comes the rimu, matai, kahikatea, and occasional totaras and ratas Here again it is proposed to make a considerable reservation for scenic purposes. Beyond the Mangaturuturu Stream the railway-line and main road cross the Manganm-a-te-ao Stream a very fine wooded gorge, over which a viaduct is about to be constructed 110 ft. in height and about 266 ft in length. Undoubtedly an effort should be made to preserve the scenery in its present condition, as the sight is most impressive as viewed from the edgi of the terrace above. About a mile further north is the famous Makatote Gorge, and in a more marked degree than previously may be seen New Zealand forest scenery in perfection (see photo.). The Makatote Stream winds its way at the bottom of a deep precipitous ravine covered witn dense vegetation and forest. Both east and west the gorge extends for over a mile in a comparatively straight line, and the beauty of the bush so displayed must be seen to be realised and fully appreciated. The huge steel viaduct now in course of" construction is the largest in the colony, being 260 ft. in height and nearly 900 ft in length, and when it has spanned Hie aerial gap travellers on the North Island Main Trunk Railway will be afforded an unparalleled opportunity of seeing what is undoubtedly the most striking and majestic view on the route. A strip of land along the gorge has already been reserved, and it Is imperative that the whole of the land on either side of the stream, as far as it can be seen from the* viaduct, should also be preserved in its present state, winch is now recommended. About two miles from the viaduct the line emerges from the bush and enters the historic Waimarino Plains. These undulating, grassy slopes, covering an area of about eight miles in length and from one to four in width, form a remarkable feature in the midst of the vast forests surroundin" them (see photo.). The line skirts the edge of the forest on the east side for some three or foifr miles, and"then crossing the plaina, runs close to and parallel with the western forest line until it once again enters it. This large expanse of open land, covered with native grass and tussock was the scene of many a raid in old times by the Waikato Maoris on their way to invade Tarana'ki, and the remains of the earthworks of the old Waimarino Pa, two miles beyond Erua Station (99 miles), on the edge of the bush, still remain to attest former occupation by the Natives While crossing the plains, above the bushy slopes surrounding them, the craters of Tongariro, the ever-active volcano of Ngauruhoe, and the colossal mountain of Ruapehu, distant some ten to twelve miles, are constantly in view (see photo.). In close proximity to the Waimarino Pa are some small but fine patches of native bush well worthy of preservation, and all the land between the line and the Ruapehu Mountains is very suitable for" an extension of the National Park, as a dense forest spreads over the slopes to near Hauhangatahi (4,983 ft. in height)—a volcanic cone now extinct. The Waimarino Railway-station, 104 miles from Marton, is situated a mile south of the northern end of the plains, and here the last glimpses are seen of the mountains and the southern Waimarino Forest.



The line now traverses a Crown forest for some six miles, and the evergreen foliage of the native trees is seen in natural beauty. Away on the left towers the bush-covered head of Ngamutu, 2,776 ft. high. The water-parting on the northern and southern rivers is passed at Cussen's Trig, on the plains near Waimarino Railway-station, from whence the line descends the long slope leading to Taumarunui and the Auckland District, and all the streams further met with flow towards the north or west and join the Wanganui fiiver. A most elaborate engineering feat is to be seen near Raurimu in the famous " spiral,' , 111 miles from Mar ton, where, to overcome the sudden drop from the Waimarino Plateau to the lower level of the Piopiotea Valley, it was found necessary to form a spiral, the line overlapping itself in the process. All the country surrounding it is rugged in character and covered with forest, and the spot will consequently be one of the show-places on the line (see photo.). Fortunately the Crown owns the land all around, and the necessary reservation is being recommended. A small township near the railway-station has already been surveyed, and will probably become an important centre for the settlers in the Retaruke and Kaitieke Valleys. Raukimu to Taumaeunui. (Plan No. 6.) The last stage of the journey through the Waimarino country is now entered upon. The line continues to pass through the forest, the land on the east falling towards the Piopiotea Stream. Three miles from Raurimu a large Native block of 4,600 acres is traversed, its eastern boundary being the Whakapapa Stream (see photo.). Between Oio Station (116 miles) and Owhango Station three miles north, and on towards Kakahi Station, there are at intervals splendid views of the Whakapapa River foaming along for some eight miles in a densely wooded gorge beneath the railwayline. The area for some distance of the line and the river has already been recommended for reservation for scenic purposes, which together with a considerable area of bush on both sides of the line as now recommended should be maintained in its virgin state. On the west of the line in this locality the Public Works Department have been granted the right to cut the timber over a large portion of bush containing much of the best totara, matai, and kahikatea trees in the Waimarino Forest. From this is taken that required for the building of the bridges and culverts, and other works necessary in the construction of the line, and a Government sawmill is in full working at Kakahi Station. Nearing this place the Wanganui River is first seen as it slowly flows from its source in the great mountains now left behind in its long journey to the sea. From here the bush recedes from the line, which enters pumice downs. Undulating hills and slopes covered with native grass and patches of ti-tree and manuka appear all round, but the forest is not very far distant, and across the banks of the Wanganui River in the Auckland District can be seen many and extensive blocks of Native land on which the forest still exists untouched by axe or fire. To the south of the river and west of the line, and behind the large area reserved for the Public Works Department, it is all Crown land with the exception of 1,500 acres of Native blocks. Several portions near the Hunua and Makahiwa Mountains are now being subdivided for settlement, and reservations for forest and scenic purposes in suitable localities have been recommended for gazetting. The railway as it now follows the Wanganui River passes one or two Maori settlements and cultivations. Then Piriaka Station and township (three miles be3 - ond Kakahi and 129 miles from Marton) is reached, and the Manunui Village Settlement two miles further on, which extends to Taumarunui (135 miles), where the line crosses the Wanganui River and ends the section of the North Island Main Trunk Railway line now under construction, meeting at this point the terminus of the line from Auckland, which has been opened for traffic. General. The hundred odd miles of scenery traversed from Makohine to Manunui forms a national asset that, in our opinion, should be most jealously conserved and protected. At present it is a comparatively easy task to secure the bulk of the forest land bordering the route of the railway, as nearly the whole of it is in the hands of the Crown or Natives. Most of the area is not well adapted for close settlement, and the timber growing thereon forms its principal value. The varieties of timber, the natural beauty of the forest, its magnificent situation amongst numerous deep ravines and sinuous gorges through which run rapid mountain streams, together with the background of frowning hills and lofty ranges, and in the distance the grand snow-capped peaks of the Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe, and Tongariro Mountains, all unite in proclaiming this portion of New Zealand as one of the principal attractions of the colony. As time goes on forest country will disappear from most of the other parts of the colony, but its picturesqueness will be more appreciated as its extent diminishes. It is almost needless to say that once the forest is sold and felled it can never be replaced as it now stands, and from the climatic and utilitarian points of view its retention is necessary to secure much broken and otherwise comparatively useless country from slipping into the valleys and gorges, and thus becoming a perpetual eyesore in contrast to its present pristine beauty. The Board has, therefore, the honour to respectfully recommend that those areas recommended in the accompanying schedule as suitable for scenic purposes may be duly proclaimed for permanent reservation under the Scenery Preservation Acts, or, in the case of Native lands, under " The Public Works Act, 1905." Given under our hands at Wellington, this 27th day of March, 1907. Thos. Humphries, Chairman. John Strauchon, ) ~ , ~, t> j T. E. Donne, | Memb « B ° f the Board.



6—(\ 6.


§ a o Description of Land. Area. s< • i J2 §, j Description of Land. Area. Resolution. 43 3 O "§55 & ! i Acres. 21 ! Block IX, Hautapu, part of 83 Recommended that the area of Crown lands shown on Section 5 plan 55233/19 be reserved for scenic purposes. 22 Block VI, Hautapu, part ! 500 Recommended that the area of Native land east of the Awarua Iα No. 2 West : Rangitikei River, and shown on plan 55233/19, be Block reserved for scenic purposes. 23 i Block VI, Hautapu, part 40 Recommended that the area of Native land between the Awarua 4c No. 8 and 4c road and railway be reserved for scenic purposes. No. 9 Blocks 24 ! Block II, Hautapu, part Awa- 80 Recommended that the area of Native land opposite rua 4c No. 9 Block Torere Village, and shown on plan 55288/19, be reserved for scenic purposes. 25 j Block IX, Ohinewairua, part 90 Recommended that the area or" Native land between Awarua 4a 3c No. 7 Block t the river and railway be reserved for scenic purposes. 26 j Block XII, Maungakaretu, 1,200 ; Recommended that the area of Crown and Native land, part of Section 10, and as shown on plan 65238/19, be reserved for scenic parts Nos. li and 2, Rake- purposes, tapauma Block 27 ' Block V, Ohinewairua, Crown j 50 j Recommended that about 20 acres of Native land and land between road and rail- 30 acres of Crown land be reserved for scenic purway and part No. 2, Rake- poses, tapauma 28 Blocks VI, VII, Karioi, part 2,700 Recommended that the area of Crown land shown on of Rangiwaea Block (C.L.) plan 55233/19 be reserved for scenic purposes. 21 Acres. 83 •2'2 500 ■28 40 '24 80 25 90 2(5 1,200 27 28 29 J Block VI, Karioi, part of; 1,500 Recommended that the area of Crown land north of Rangiwaea No. 1 Block the railway-line, as shown on plan 55233/19, be reserved for scenic purposes. 30 I Block VI, Karioi ... ... 450 Recommended that the area of Native land between the road and south side of the railway-line and east of the Waiakaki Stream be reserved for scenic 29 30 8] 82 33 :!1 35 purposes. 31 ! Block IV, Makotuku, part of j 1,300 Recommended that the area of Native land, as shown Raetihi No. 4b Block on plan 55233/19, be reserved for scenic purposes. 32 ■ Block IV, Makotuku, part of 1,000 Recommended that the area of Crown land, as shown Raetihi No. 4a Block and- on plan 55233/19, be reserved for scenic purposes. No. 5a 83 Block XVI, Manganui ... 1,300 Recommended that a strip of Crown land, half a mile in width, extending on both sides of railwayline from Section 2 to Mangaturuturu Stream, be reserved for scenic purposes. 34 I Block XII, Manganui ... 1,500 Recommended that a strip of Crown land, about 100chains in width, extending between the Mangaturuturu and Manganui-a-te-ao Streams on both sides of the railway, together with the north part of Section 4, be reserved for scenic purposes. 35 . Block XII, Manganui, Sec- I 1,700 ' Recommended that this area of Crown lands be ration 4, and part Sections 6, served for scenic purposes. 8, 9, 11, 13, 18, 19 36 Block VIII, Manganui ... : 1,800 Recommended that a strip of Crown land, about amile in width, east of the railway-line, extending from Section 19 to Ngatokorua, be reserved for scenic purposes. 37 Block IV, Manganui ... 600 Recommended that a strip of Crown land, 60 chains in width, west of the Otamaewa Stream, extending from Trig. F to the south boundary of Waimarino No. 4 Block, be reserved for scenic purposes. 38 Block IV, Manganui, part of . 1,100 Recommended that a strip of Native land, about 60 , Waimarino No. 4 Block chains in width, west of the railway-line and Otamaewa Stream, be reserved for scenic purposes. 39 Blocks XII and XVI, Kai- j 1,800 : Recommended that an area of Crown land, between tieke the railway-line and the water-parting between the Piopiotea and Pukerimu Streams to their junction and the Piopiotea Stream, extending from the Waimarino Station north to Native Reserve E (excluding township reserve), all on west side of line, be reserved for scenic


Schedule — continued. I !■ — £ Description of Land. Area. Resolution. ft I I . Acres. ! 40 ' Blocks XII aud XVI, Kai- 3,000 Recommended that an area of Crown land, about one tieke ; Blocks IX and XIII, I mile in width, on east side of railway, extending Tongariro Survey Districts from about a mile and a half north of Waimarino Station to Native Eeserve E, be reserved for scenic purposes. 41 Blocks IV and VIII, Kai tieke \ 2,600 Recommended that an area of Crown land, on both sides of railway-line, between Native Reserve E and Government milling reserve at Kakahi, bounded by the Whakapapa River aud a line 40 chains west of railway, be reserved for scenic purposes. Total ... ... 24,393 W. R. Joubdain, Secretary to Board. Thos. HuMrHBiES, , } Members 27th March, 1907. John Stkauchon, I of T. E. Donne, j Board. Approximate Cost of I'it p< r. I , reparation, not given ; printing (1,950 copies), iiiclndins maps aud blocks, £94 19b. 6c). By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o7. Price Is. lid.]



KEY MAR Showing positions of plans Nos | to 6. Scale, 10 miles to an inch.















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