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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in compliance with Subsection (2), Section 73 of " The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act. 1900." '

The Land Purchase Inspector to the Hon. the Minister op Lands. Land for Settlements Department, Wellington BIR — 23rd May, 1907. I have the honour to submit a report on the operations under the Land for Settlements Consolidation Act of 1900 for the year which ended on the 31st March, 1907. During last year 222 estates (1,424,405 acres) were offered to the Government, fifty-eight properties were inspected on the ground (497,000 acres), and the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners recommended the Government to purchase fifty-two, of an area of 438,142 acre,s. Including estates agreed to be purchased the previous year, but not paid for till this the transactions completed during the year amount to eight estates, of 9,644 acres, for which £117,328 was paid and £70,950 was expended on roads, workers' dwellings, and other contingencies. There were also ten estates, containing 63,080 acres, purchased for £357.181, which however are to be paid for and opened for selection in the year 1907-8. Rents, interest, and other revenue received during the year amount to £227,548 19s 2d The interest paid for the money obtained to make the purchases is £188,012 135., giving a profit for the year of £39,536 6s. 2d. The gain to the whole account since 1894 is £277,188 (including £5 953 6s 4d recovered from the sale of reserves, &c), and of this £50,165 has been paid to the Public Trustee as a sinking fund. The Board of Land Purchase Commissioners held thirty-two meetings, at which sixty-two estates of 483,963 acres, were investigated, thirteen being situated in the Auckland District, nineteen in Hawke's Bay, nine in Wellington, two in Nelson, sixteen in Otago, and three in Southland. The total area acquired under the Acts to the 31st March, 1907, is 995,267 acres, and of this 860 502 acres have been offered for public selection, and 852,647 acres have been taken up and are now occupied by 3,869 tenants. For workers' dwellings, out of this area and cost 946 acres have been purchased, making with 10 acres of Crown land at Sydenham, a total of 956 acres, the prime cost being £123,434. The formation of streets and erection of buildings cost £33,976 additional. Upon this land seventy-one dwellings have been built, and fifty-two are occupied. The house-rents received during the year amount to £290, and the rents received fiom temporary grazing licenses over the remainder of the land not at present required as sites for dwellings is for the year £801. Of the 852,647 acres selected, 260,463 acres "are in new grass, 63,511 in white crops, 39 635 in green crops, and 489,018 in native grass, bush, orchards, &c. The total number of sheep depastured is 696,485, cattle 52,530, horses 12,250, and pigs 8,427. P

I—C. 5.



Negotiations are in progress for the purchase of other estates in Auckland, Hawke's Bay, Wellington, Nelson, Canterbury, and Otago. c Prime Cost. A summary of the transactions is as follows : — urn r ' £ Estates purchased to 31st March, 1906 .. 158 985,623 4,124,313 Estates purchased during 1906-7 .. .. 8 9,644 117,328 166 995,267 4,241,641 Acquired at 31st March, 1907, but not paid for nor prepared for selection .. .. 10 63,080 357,181 The Land for Settlements Account now stands as under : — Or £ Gr. £ Debentures current .. .. 5,105,857 I Purchase-money .. .. 4 >241,641 Rents, &c, received .. .. 1,184,279 Incidental expenses .. .. 1 Interest .. 907,091 Sinking fund .. .. •• 50,165 Balance 729,322 £67290,136 £6,290,136 The usual tables are appended, including one furnished by the Under-Secretary oi Lands showing the condition of estates already settled. I have, &c., A. Barron, Land Purchase Inspector, Chairman of the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners. The Hon. Robert MoNab, Minister of Lands.



TABLE A.-Summary of all Lands offered to "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900," and its Amendments, from 1st April, 1906, to 31st March, 1907, and how dealt with.

Estates offered. Recommended for Purchase. Not recommended for Purchase. Under Consideration by the Withdrawn from NegotiaBoard on 31st March, 1907. tions. Land District. No. Area. No. Area. No. Area. No. No. Area. Area. i Auckland Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington .. Nelson Marlborough Canterbury .. Otago Southland- .. • - I 35 ; 388,349 1 10 37 ! 304,400 0 0 7 8,999 0 0 68 316,705 3 3 3 . 7,704 0 0 5 139,525 0 0 36 145,150 1 34 25 111,848 1 27 6 1,723 0 34 10 22 1 7 3 A. B. P. 143,143 0 0 190,275 3 15 1,900 0 0 17,060 1 32 7,201 0 0 A. B. P. 16 I 96,084 1 15 11 i 97,185 0 25 3 2,227 0 0 44 116,204 2 0 1 503 0 0 4 ; 138,225 0 0 31 86,813 3 16 17 | 46,229 3 5 3 j 1,689 0 2 7 4 1 1 4 2 A. E. P. 84,621 3 35 16,939 0 0 510 0 0 174,396 2 27 2 2 1 A. B. P. 64,500 0 0 4,362 0 0 9,044 0 24 1 6 3 20,628 0 0 57,899 2 22 34 0 32 1,300 0 0 37,708 2 18 7,719 0 0 I • - 438,142 0 21 Totals 222 ,1,424,405 0 28 52 130 585,161 2 23 35 323,195 1 0 I 5 77,906 0 24 "THE LANI FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900," AND ITS AMENDMENTS. TABLE B.—Ebturn of Lands recommended f< •r Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners under the above Act from 1st 31st March, 1907. April, 1906, b Land District and Estate. Area recommended for Purchase. Price asked by Vendor. Price offered by Government. ! Remarks. Auckland Land District— Waimana (Assets Realisation Board) Tirau Okoroire Okauia Paeroa Paparamu Richmond Downs Te Akau Matamataharakeke (Kauri Timber Company) Tangiaronui A. B. P. 4,623 0 0 j£4 10s. per acre 3,708 0 0 j £3 10s. per acre 6,853 0 0 | £4 5s. per acre 7,132 0 0 ] £3 per acre .. 7,570 0 0 £2 15s. per acre 4,333 0 0 i£3 10s. per acre 11,469 0 0 £3 15s. per acre 90,360 0 0 • 3,725 0 0 3,350 0 0 143,143 0 0 13,840 0 0 £7 12s. 6d. per acre 15,821 0 0 £5 15s. per acre 12,100 0 0 41,761 0 0 | .. | £3 10s. per acre .. ' £2 14s. per acre .. i £2 12s. 6d. per acre .. | £1 8s. per acre .. £1 15s. 6d. per acre .. £3 per acre .. j £2 5s. per acre .. £6 per acre .. £5 per acre Acquired oompulsorily for £18,492. Offer declined by owner. Negotiations carried on by Native Land Purchase Office. Negotiations proceeding. Hawke's Bay Land District — Part of Olrig (Smith Bros.) Kiwi (Chambers Bros.) Tamumu (Hon. W. W. Johnston) '.'. Carried forward .. Purchase completed at £6 per acre, with certain exchanges. Offer refused by owners. Government declined Board's recommendation.


TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners, etc.— continued.


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TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners, etc.— continued.

Land District and Estate. Area recommended for Purchase. Price asked by Vendor. Price offered by Government. Remarks. Canterbury Land District — Lincoln College Runs (Hakataramea) A. B. P. ] 20,628 0 0 j £12,880 Under consideration. Otago Land District — £1 12s. 6d. .. £1 10s. £10 per acre .. £1 12s. 6d. £1 10s. .. £9 10s. per aore £5 10s. per acre £4 5s. per acre £18 10s. .. £2 19s. .. £4 10s. .. Purchased under Land for Settlements Act to form part oi Steward Settlement. Purchase concluded. Purchase concluded at £5 10s. per acre and certain exchanges. Offer declined by owners. Crown land adjoining Steward Settlement Airedale (Hunter and Cameron) Otekaike (B. Campbell and Co., Limited) Clydevale (New Zealand and Australian Land Company) J. Logan's land at Kurow J. Gibson's property at Ashley Downs ( 320 2 33 1 180 3 29 2,662 0 0 17,767 0 0 32,310 0 0 ( 234 0 0 t 728 0 0 3,697 0 0 £19 .. ..;:' £3 .. £4 10s. Purohase completed at prices offered. 57,899 2 22 Southland Land District — Mrs. Brewer (Invercargill) j m Government declined Boards recommendation. Property offered again but sold previous to Government's offer. Purchase concluded at price asked. J. C. Ellis (part of Merrivale Estate) 11 2 16 11 2 16 11 0 0 £1,000 £1,000 £225 £1,000 .. £225 34 0 32 ' : Auckland Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Nelson .. Canterbury Otago .. Southland Summaby of Estates dealt with. Area. 143, ±43 0 6 190,275 3 15 1,900 0 0 17,060 1 32 7,201 0 0 20,628 0 0 57,899 2 22 34 0 32 Total .. 438,142 0 21



* Amount of second award in Mount Vernon case. ! Small area purchased to give access to Meiiing Settlement. t Extra area ascertained to be in Heretaunga Settlement at the Hutt, purchased theprevious year. § Balance of purchase-money held back the previous year till certain roads completed by vendors. |l Certain mortgage-interest payable in connection with Kinlocli purchase. Summary. Area. Price. A. K. p. £ a. d. Auckland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 198 1 i 10,355 0 0 Hawke'sBay .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,866 0 20 24,428 8 3 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,911 2 4 21,026 15 6 Wellington .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , .. 35 0 14 4,050 15 0 M'K 'Canterbury .. .. .. " .. .. : .. ..' .. ' ' ..' 12 12 6 " Otago .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,632 3 0 57,454 9 7 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 9,643 3 2 117,328 0 10

"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900," AND ITS AMENDMENTS. TABLE C (Part I).—Statement of Lands finally acquired for Settlement between 1st April, 1906, and 31st March, 1907.

Name of Settlement and Land District. Area of each Estate. Locality of Land. Mode of Acquisition. Quality of Land. From whom acquired. Price. Auokland Land District — Teasdale Carroll A. B. P. I 179 0 0 : 19 1 4 Te Awamutu Ellerslie .. By agreement.. Town and agricultural suburban .. For workers' dwellings £ s. d. .. New Zealand Churohj 6,500 0 0 Mission Trustees .. R. H. Watt .. 3,855 0 0 10,355 0 0 Hawke's Bay Laud District — Lindsay (Mount Vernon) Pourere Waimarama 198 1 4 I I 2,196 0 20 ! 670 0 0 ! Fourteen miles from Waipawa Adjoining Elsthorpe Agricultural .. .. By agreement.. „ Agricultural and pastoral ■ .. | Harding Bros. .. 836 17 0* .. Nairn Bros. .. 18,667 1 3 .. ; HikatoaandWiremu 4,924 10 0 Whatakorari 24,428 8 3 2,866 0 20 Taranaki Land District — Huinga i 1,911 2 4 Toko (near Stratford) .. i By agreement.. Dairy land, cleared forest and scrub .. j A. Bayly .. .. 21,026 15 6 Wellington Land District — Melling (part) Heretaunga (part) Loughnan 1 1 24f 0 11-7+ 33 2 19 Lower Hutt Petone Palmerston North.. i .. | .. ' For residence .. .. ! By agreement.. ; " .. | Mrs. Kingdon .. 295 0 0 .. A. Coles .. .. 43 17 6 .. ! Loughnan, Jul), and 3,361 17 6 Limbrick .. '.! '.'. •.; • 350 0 0§ 4,050 15 0 ;.,,<- . . Wilfred .. :. 35 0 14 Canterbury Land District — Kinloch ;:_j Otago Land District —- Part Steward Totara Near Oamaru Five miles from Oamaru Kurow .. } By agreement.. Agricultural .. .. Agricultural and pastoral 12 12 6|! .. Crown land .. 792 11 0 .. |New Zealand and Aus- 50,183 1 1 ■ tralian Land Co. .. j 3. Logan .. .. 6,478 17 6 501 2 22 3,168 2 6 Kurow 962 2 12 4,632 3 0 I ! 57,454 9 7


C -5

Summary. Acres. £ Auckland ... .. .. .. .. .. 12,156 45,177 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. .. 16,220 117,554 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,480 15,000 Otago .. .. .. .. .. .. 30,213 179,225 Southland .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 225 Totals .. .. .. .. 63,080 357,181

TABLE C (Part II).— Estates acquired but not paid for at 31st March, 1907.

Name of Settlement and Land District. Area of each Estate. Locality of Land. i Mode of Acquisition. Quality of Land. From whom acquired. I Price. Auckland Land District — Mangawhero Mangapouri Waimana Hawke's Bay Land District — Mangatahi (Olrig) Otanga Nelson Land District — Wangapeka .. Otago Land District — OtekaikeAcres. 4,96C 2,572 4,624 Piako County, near Matamata Piako County, near Tirau Near Whakatane .. By agreement.. Light agricultural .. Compulsorily .. Agricultural and pastoral .. Assets Realisation Board .. Ditto £ 17,360 9,325 18,492 12,192 4,028 Eighteen miles from Hastings Near Dannevirke .. By agreement.. „ .... .. Agricultural and pastoral; cleared forest Smith Bros. .. ; Mrs. L. Rathbone .. 79,284 38,270 4,480 On Sherry River, near Tadmor .. | „ .. Agricultural and pastoral John Tinline 15,000 Plunket (Corriedale) Taumata Airedale Southland Land District — Part of Merrivale 17,767 6,087 3,697 2,662 j Otekaike, near Oamaru Fourteen miles from Oamaru Ashley Downs, Clinton j Papakaio, near Oamaru .. Agricultural .. .. Agricultural and pastoral .. | Robert Campbell and Co. (Limited) .. i R. Oliver .. i John Gibson .. j Hunter and Cameron 97,720 39,565 16,640 25,300 11 Fronting main road to Eastern Bush .. Agricultural and road-line .. i J. C. Ellis 225


C— £

"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900," AND ITS AMENDMENTS. TABLE C (Part III).— Summary of Estates acquired up to 31st March, 1907.

Name of Laud District. | Number of Estates ; acquired | before 31st March. ■ 1906. Areas acquired before :,lst March, 1906. i Number of Estates acquired from 1st April, 1906, to ! 31st March, 1907. Totia] Numbers Area acquired from of 1st April, 1906, Estates to 31st March, 1907. to 31st March, 1907. Total Area to 31st March, 1907. Purchase-money. Incidental Expenses, Roads, : Preliminaries, etc. i Auckland 20 A. K. P. 251,812 2 30 2 A. B. P. 198 1 4 22 A. E. P. 252,010 3 34 £ 360,439 £ 63,661 Hawke's Bay Taranaki 15 * 128,906 1 38 2,697 2 4 •2 1 2,866 0 20 , 1,911 2 4 17 4 131,772 2 18 4,609 0 8 757,134 79,363 56,919 4,338 Wellington 24 2 55,602 3 3 113,749 2 21 5,124 3 26 1 35 0 14 25 9 2 55,637 3 17 113,749 2 21 5,124 3 26 434,161 364,946 8,343 45,282 Marlborough 41,752 Westland 2,686 Canterbury . 261,998 3 9 58 261,998 3 9 1,428,647 64,770 Otago 21 6 111,567 2 32 54,162 3 37 2 4,632 3 0 23 6 116,200 1 32 54,162 3 37 617,312 191,296 65,632 Southland 16,877 Totals .. 158 985,623 2 0 985,623 2 0 I 8 9,643 3 2 166 995,267 1 2 4,241,641 361,917 9,643 3 2


Report on the Condition and Settlement of Estates acquired and dealt with under the Provisions of the Land for Settlements Acts, up to the 31st March, 1907.

2—C. 5.


Land District and Name of Settlement. Selectors. Residences. Principal Purpose for which Holdings are utilised. Progress during Year. Present Position. , Prospects. Auckland — Okauia Opouriao Rangiatea Karapiro Fencourt Whitehall Bickerstaffe Matamata Matamata Town Matamata (Waharoa) Selwyn (and village) Mangavvhero Mangapouri 7 104 19 18 34 10 31 H 7 78 18 11 33 10 22 115 9 4 Grazing Dairying Business premises.. None Excellent Considerable .. Encouraging .. Little" Substantial Encouraging .. Unsatisfactory .. Splendid Satisfactory Comfortable Fair Successful Poor. Bright. Good. Hopeful. Sound. 59 26 Stock-raising Thriving Hopefui. •• ::) Selected 29th March, 1907. Hamlets. Kitchener Hetana Metbuen Plumer Cradock Waari 11 22 25 16 9 7 Residential Fair Little Satisfactory .. Fair 10 15 15 13 8 4 Fair. Prosperous Bright. Fair. Good" Little Satisfactory Fair Poor. 549 398 Hawke's Bay— Raureka 19 18 Agricultural, dairying, and ' and fruit-culture Pastoral .. .. Agricultural Very fair Prosperous Good. Elsthorpe Waimarie Pouparae Tomoana 44 18 9 13 26 16 9 12 Willows Mahora 22 34 14 31 Agricultural, dairying, and | fruit-culture Agricultural Agricultural, dairying, and fruit-culture Agricultural and pastoral .. Pastoral Pastoral and dairying Agricultural and pastoral .. Hatuma Manga-a-toro .. Kumeroa Forest Gate Argyll Wigan Lindsay Mangatahi 62 26 15 28 62 17 67 22 59 25 14 25 60 12 55 Pastoral Pastoral and agricultural .. Possession given on 30th Mar! oh, 1907. 458 376 Satisfactory Not satisfactory.. Taranaki— Tokaora Spotswood 13 11 14 8 Dairying Workmen's homes Good Not good Good. Not promising. Fairly good. Good. Clandon Huinga 6 7 5 6 Dairying Fair Only disposed of in October last Fairly good Satisfactory 37 33 Wellington— Paparangi 36 Residential sites, dairying, &c. Dairying .. .. Good Very successful .. Good. 37 Ohakea Te Matua Aorangi 15 13 37 15 12 39 Very good Prosperous Very good Excellent 29 23 Dairying and residential purposes Grazing and cropping Well - established and progressive settlement Very good. Langdale Mangawhata Epuni Hamlet .. 7 42 8 44 Dairying .. Residential, market gardening, &c. Ditto Dairying Grazing Good Prosperous Very satisfactory Good. Maungaraki Linton.. Longbush 20 5 8 16 5 6 a • • Satisfactory Very prosperous.. Very promising. Very good. Satisfactory. settlement Tablelands Normandale 10 30 9 24 Residential, poultry, and dairy-farming As most of the selections were is not yet thoroughly estab Inspection not due. Very good Fair Fair Tawaha 23 16 made during yea lished. r under review, the Hikawera Mahupuku Dyer 5 10 35 . 326 253


Report on the Condition and Settlement of Estates acquired and dealt with up to the 31st March, 1907— continued.


Land District and Name of Settlement. Selectors. Residences. Principal Purpose for which Holdings are utilised. Progressduring Present Position. Prospects. Marlborough— Blind River Omaka Puhipuhi Starborough Town of Seddon 19 13 2 63 128 14 10 49 50 Grazing and cropping Grazing Grazing and oropping Fair Small Good Very good Good Good. Good. Fairly good Good. Improving Good Richmond Brook Waipapa North Bank Rainford Flaxbourne 11 4 8 11 125 10 4 6 9 76 Grazing and cropping Grazing .. .. .. I Grazing and cropping .. | Dairying .. .. Grazing and oropping Good Fair Small Very good Fair Moderate Fair Satisfactory Fair. Deoidedly good. Good. Town of Ward .. 7 2 Small Waiting for railway Westland — Poem a Kokatahi 391 230 Good. 20 8 15 7 Grazing and dairy purposes Very good Prosperous Good 28 22 . Canterbury— Pareora No. 1 .. Studholme Junction Kapua Rosebrook Otaio Patoa The Peaks Roimata Small-farming and dairying Good Good Good. 28 4 25 2 12 14 9 4 12 26 12 13 8 2 1 25 Grazing Mixed farming Residential and market gardening Dairying Residential and market gardening Small-farming Partly dairying, partly pastoral Small-farming Mixed farming Residential and market gardening Workmen's homes Mixed farming Mixed farming and dairying Mixed farming Mixed farming and dairying Mixed farming Fair Good Kereta Braco 4 14 3 14 Epworth Ashley Gorge 2 10 1 12 Orakipaoa Highbank Otarakaro 27 75 7 20 57 7 Very good Good Very good Very good. . ■ * W harenui Rakitairi Waiapi Horsley Down .. Albury Marawiti Hekeao Pawaho Waikakahi 26 22 15 26 75 13 15 25 i 186 26 18 14 24 60 12 13 25 160 u * • Good' Very good Good. Very good. Workmen's homes Partly pastoral, partly mixed farming Workmen's homes Pastoral Mixed farming and dairying Small-farming Mixed farming Mixed farming and dairying Pastoral Mixed farming and dairying Workmen's homes Pastoral Workmen's homes Market gardening Workmen's homes Pastoral Very good Good" Very good Good. Very good. Tamai Takitu Pareora No. 2 .. Rautawiri Papaka Punaroa Lyndon No. 1 .. Kohika Tarawahi Raincliff Puhuka Kaimahi Kapuatohe Rapuwai Lyndon No. 2 .. Maytown Eocleston Mead Chamberlain 40 5 32 6 9 17 8 15 24 1 10 12 11 5 9 11 4 21 20 40 32 6 9 17 8 15 24 1 10 11 10 5 8 11 4 19 21 Good Very good Good Very good Good. Very good. Good" Good" Very good Good. Very good. H « • Good" Very good Improving Fairly good Good .. Good. Very good. Improving Fair. Good. Fair Good Small-farming and dairying Mixed farming . . .. .. ■ H • • * * Partly pastoral, partly mixed farming Ditto Mixed farming Dairying and grass-seeding.. Pastoral Dairying and small-farming Very good. Annan Rosewill Morice.. Kinloch Mills .. Homestead sites, etc. Misc. Occ. Licenses 39 154 29 30 21 9 37 1 145 25 18 15 4 Very good Good Very good Good" Good. 37 .. • • [1,230 1,054



Report on the Condition and Settlement of Estates acquired and dealt with up to the 31st March, 1907— continued.

Approximate Coat nf Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,700 copies), £12 19s.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington. -1907.

Price tid.]

Land District and Name of Settlement. Selectors. Resi- Principal Purposes for which i Progress during dences. Holdings are utilised. Year. Present Position. Prospects. Otago— Pomahaka Downs 24 16 Mixed farming Fair Doubtful Not very good. Good. Teaneraki Tabawai Maerewhenua .. 23 8 73 17 8 55 Dairying, &o. Dairying Dairying, grain-growing, and raising fat lambs ■Dairying Dairying and mixed farming Good Fair Good Very good Sound Very good. Puketapu Ardgowan Makareao Makareao Extension Momona Tokarahi Janefield Elderslie Barnego Earnsoleugh 11 66 30 3 7 48 16 3 Good Fair Good Sound Good Good. Very good. Good. Mixed farming 14 79 21 34 23 13 14 41 19 24 18 8 Dairying Dairying and mixed farming Dairying and vegetables Mixed farming Dairying and mixed farming Fruit - growing and cattle - grazing Dairying and mixed farming Very good Fair Good Very fair Good Very fair Very sound Sound Very good. Bright. Very good. Bright. Good. Satisfactory Windsor Park .. Windsor Park No. 2 Duncan St. Helens Greenfield 37 10 23 7 Sound 7 3 41 4 3 39 Dairying Mixed farming, chiefly pastoral Grazing and raising fat lambs Dairying and grazing Poor Very fair Very solid Doubtful Sound Very satisfactory Not bright Very good. Bright. Steward Plunket Totara 48 18 25 39 Fair Just settled. Fairly good Good. 611 409 Southland— Merrivale ! 49 50 Dairying and stock-raising Very good Very good Very encouraging Encouraging. Ditto. Otahu 6 5 Farming and grazing Good Satisfactory Beaumont Ringway Glenham 13 8 29 5 6 26 Mixed farming and grazing Dairying, farming, and grazing Ditto Fair Fair Doubtful. Edendale 133 102 Very good Very good Excellent. 239 194 3,869 2,969 Totals

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"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900" (REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, C-05

Word Count

"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900" (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, C-05

"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900" (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, C-05

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