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Session 11. 1906. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Inspector of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions to the Hon. the Premier. Sir,— Hospitals. 30th July, 1906. The chief difficulty that has arisen in connection with the hospitals of the colony is the deliberate and determined attempt which has been made by the trustees of the Northern Wairoa Hospital to evade the law by abusing the ticket system. This I long ago failed to check, notably in the old Province of Westland. In the above district this has been pushed to the length of absurdity. Any person who pays £1 6s. is there entitled to the benefit of free medicines and attendance at his own house by the doctor for himself and his wife and children. If this benefit contributor, or any of his family, become an inmate of the Hospital, he receives all the benefits thereof for 15s. a week. This means that the Hospital is turned illegitimately into a benefit club for the neighbourhood—quite an intolerable state of things, demanding clear legislation on this and other points set forth in last year's Hospitals Bill. In other places this evil example is finding some imitators, and it must be checked. I have drawn attention again and again to the multiplication of fully equipped hospitals in districts that require no more than a small cottage as the centre of activity for a trained nurse. The tendency is increasingly evident, and in spite of my remonstrances local ambition or jealousy has nearly always triumphed over respect for the taxpayer. Had we elected Boards to administer all hospitals within larger areas than at present exist, their knowledge of local conditions and requirements would enable them to treat the district as a whole, and would or should find expression in the survival of a complete central hospital with sufficient cottage hospitals in the subdistricts. To such a body would properly belong the control of " separate institutions " unable to maintain themselves on only voluntary contributions and the Government subsidy thereon. When a so-called " separate institution " has to be assisted out of rates the procedure is as follows: The District Board who collect the money and are responsible to the ratepayers have to hand it over to the Hospital Trustees, who are not responsible to the ratepayers, to distribute. Only separate institutions started and maintained by the benevolence of subscribers should be.administered by trustees not responsible to the Board. But how many such institutions are there ? Experience teaches that at first there is some enthusiasm and contributions come in, that later interest stales, and the fountain of charity tends to become dry when it is realised that it can be replenished from the apparently inexhaustible reservoir of the local taxpayer and the General Government. Last year there were only two of the twenty-five separate hospitals that were self-supporting —that at Oamaru, which has considerable endowments, and that at Mercury Bay. The latter is a subsidised benefit club, on the lines commented upon above with regard to Aratapu, but it happens to be in a very isolated district. The comparatively small part played by voluntary contributions in the finances of these separate institutions is confirmed by the following percentages compiled from the returns of the twenty-five such hospitals in New Zealand : — Per Cent, Government.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. STO Bates .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33-1 Voluntary contributions • .. .. .. .. .. .. 14-5 Bequests .. .. .. .. .. .. .. T4 Is not this also an eloquent argument for larger State control ? I—H, 22,



During the past year there has been much hospital-building and talk of building. Latterly I have been pleased to note a desire on the part of Hospital Boards and Trustees to seek the advice of the Department in planning and constructing new hospitals, and when making alterations to old. In the past this was the exception—the Act does not specifically demand it, and the local bodies no doubt considered themselves self-sufficient —with the result that many of our hospitals are ill planned and defective in materials and workmanship. Of course, the submission for approval of the central authority should be statutory. Charitable Aid. The following separate institutions are in the same anomalous state as the hospitals before mentioned—that is, they are administered by Trustees independent of the Charitable Aid Boards who represent the taxpayer, the source of a considerable proportion of their income. In the following table I show the proportions of their income from different sources during the year under review : — Government. Rates. „ . ~ .. Contributions. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Wellington Benevolent Institution . . . . 50-1 48-1 1-8 North Wairarapa Benevolent Society .. .. 60-9 38-4 o'7 Greymouth Benevolent Society .. .. .. 50-0 50-0 Hokitika Benevolent Society .. .. .. 53-6 25-0 21-3 Samaritan Home, Christchurch .. .. . . 50-4 31-6 18-0 North Otago Benevolent-Society .. ..31-8 65-9 3-3 Otago Benevolent Institution ~ .. .. 51"5 46-6 1-9 Percentage of the aggregate .. .. 563 40-5 3-2 These figures are a sufficient indication of where the preponderating influence should lie, yet the Department representing the Government, and the Charitable Aid Boards representing the ratepayer, are, in the existing condition of the law, practically in the hands of the Trustees of such bodies. In illustration I would quote a portion of a report made by me on the 7th June to the Hon. W. Hall-Jones. " I have to draw your attention to the very disquieting state of matters suggested by the Audit Inspector's examination of the books of the Wellington Benevolent Trust. " Upon the evidence it would seem that the Secretary, Mr. A. W. Purvis, occupies a position in which, if it is not one of his seeking, he has to be sympathized with. Mr. Purvis is Master of the Ohiro Home, and his wife Matron. He is Secretary to the Trustees, and, though not Storekeeper, is responsible for the stock in the store from which the recipients of charitable aid are supplied. Last year the Treasurer, Mr. Powles, resigned, and I understand it was agreed that the Chairman of the Trustees would act as Treasurer. The balance-sheet of the Trust is, however, signed by Mr. Purvis as ActingTreasurer. The minutes of the Trustees' meetings are apparently meagre and imperfect, and show a want of capacity and government on their part. " I would take this opportunity to draw your attention to another matter—namely, the position of the Trustees with regard to destitute maternity cases. The Ohiro Home was visted shortly before the official opening of the additions, and the maternity ward, with nurses' quarters, &c, was pointed out by the Matron, situate next to the quarters occupied by herself and her husband. In spite of this the Trustees have declared publicly that they never intended to provide for maternity cases at the Ohiro Home, and even approached the Government for aid to meet the urgent need for some place for destitute lying-in cases. Now, as to the above declaration the Trustees are in this dilemma : Either they have a place for urgent cases at the Ohiro Home (which they say they have not) or it seems that they have obtained money from the Charitable Aid Board under false pretences. " " Further, the Audit Inspector reports that items of unusual, or what should be unusual, expenditure have not been minuted, but have been passed in a lump sum with other accounts ; that the details of accounts passed for payment are not given in the minutes, nor by reference to schedule ; that back vouchers for £845-odd, not signed by the Chairman as having been passed for payment, were so signed by the Acting-Chairman during the audit; and other unsatisfactory details. These matters would seem to indicate that the Trustees are incapable of carrying on the work properly, or that, possessing the capacity, they are not exercising it. When one reflects that such things can be, that there may be more which are unknown that the Charitable Aid Board which supplies the money has no voice in the spending of it by the Trustees, it is evident that an incorrigible state of affairs exists under the present Act." Further comment is needless. The Board was asked for any explanation they desired to submit Nurses. In the procession which makes for the town from the country is to be found the sick-nurse. Unless promoted to be a sister or Matron, she leaves her hospital (be the hospital in town or country) soon after being registered, to take up private nursing where employment is at hand and the remuneration sure. This is a serious matter for the larger hospitals, where the retention of a proportion of staff nurses makes for the better working of the institution and the training of probationers, but it is still more serious foT the outlying country districts. This is a question for Hospital Boards to give most earnest consideration.



A few words on the subject of nurses' uniforms has really become necessary. Washing-dresses, white aprons, removable sleeves represent the absolute cleanliness and neatness, together with the freedom of movement, required in carrying out the duties of sick-nurse. Of late is with regret to be observed an increasing tendency for nurses on duty to wear dangling chains, numerous brooches, rings, &c. Even some hospital Matrons adopt this habit: I have counted as many as five brooches worn at the same time by a Matron in the North Island. Then, consider the cap. It originated with the idea of covering the hair : does it do so now 1 The nurses' cap has shrunk into a small piece of starched linen crowning an edifice of pads and loose hair. The Matrons are wrong in permitting this, and the surgeon, who is properly particular about the scrubbing of hands and arms, becomes inconsistent when he submits to untidy heads of hair in the ward and operating-room. The Wellington Hospital must be exempted from the foregoing strictures : the nurses being trained there are neat and tidy in uniform, and are not allowed to wear hairpads and jewellery whilst on duty. Under " The Nurses Registration Act, 1901," during 1905 75 hospital-trained nurses passed their final State examination, and their names were added to the register. The fees amounted to £83 10s., and the expenses (examiners' and supervisors' fees) to £97 lis. Bd. England is trying hard to obtain State registration for hospital-trained nurses, and the States of Australia are also moving in the same direction. New Zealand has proved by five years' experience the advantage to medical men and the public, as well as to the nursing profession, of having a recognised standard of proficiency and consequent State registration. There is no fault to be found with our system of State registration of nurses ; it works well, and maintains a standard of proficiency that acts as a stimulus to hospital authorities. There is, however, one defect that should be remedied. The original Bill classified New Zealand hospitals into those large enough to give rflirses a thorough training, and those too small to provide adequate practical training, but Parliament rejected such classification. This defect should be remedied at once, for, by failing to restrict our training schools to those hospitals containing forty beds or over, we prevent our New Zealand State-registered nurses from claiming registration in other countries. I would call attention to those responsible for the training of nurses that sick-cookery is one of the subjects on the syllabus. Under " The Midwives Registration Act, 1904," 761 midwives were registered. Of these 63 hold certificates as midwives, and the remainder were placed on the register because they were certified by medical men as having been for three years or over practising as midwives and were of good character. With the passing of the Midwives Registration Act the day of the dirty, ignorant, careless woman, who has brought death or ill health to many mothers and infants, will soon end. After 1907, every woman who undertakes the responsibilities of a midwife will have to show that she is competent to do so. This will necessarily limit the number of women who can be found in any district to attend a case of labour at a low charge. To meet this difficulty St. Helens Hospitals have been established in each of the four centres, where the wives of working-men can obtain, at a fixed charge, care and attendance during child-birth. The success already met with in these hospitals testifies to the need for them. There has hitherto been no hospital in New Zealand devoted to maternity work where nurses could be trained, and St. Helens Hospitals provide careful training for maternity nurses. St. Helens Hospital, Wellington, admitted its first patient on the 17th June, 1905. At the end of the financial year, 31st March, 1906, the total number of births was 111; receipts from fees £382 13s. 2d., and household expenditure (exclusive of rent and salaries) £212 12s. 3d. The house rented in Rintoul Street has not been found satisfactory for the purpose, and plans have been prepared for erecting a suitable building on Hospital Road. St. Helens Hospital, Dunedin, was opened by the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon on the 31st September, 1905. On the 31st March, 1906, the total number of births was 69 ; receipts from fees £279 19s. 9d., and household expenditure (exclusive of rent and salaries) £178 9s. The house rented in Regent Road has been found suitable for the purpose, and the sum of £3,250 has been placed on the estimates for its purchase. - St. Helens Hospital, Auckland, was opened without ceremony on the 14th June, 1906. The workmen of the Newmarket Railway Workshops erected a handsomely designed lamp at the entrance to the Hospital in memory of the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon. This memorial lamp was unveiled by Sir Joseph Ward on the 30th July. It is hoped to have St. Helens Hospital, Christchurch, ready to open in October. A building has been purchased in Durham Street, that with some alteration will make a hospital equal to those already established. On the Ist August, 1906, the number of births inside St. Helens Hospitals was 232, and 68 were attended by St. Helens nurses outside the hospital; making a total of 300. Charitable Institutions for Indoor Relief. The Auckland Costley Home has been made much more efficient and comfortable. The sanitary arrangements offer a most difficult problem, owing to the nature of the site. The food supplied is of good quality, and now the cooking is reasonably good, thanks to the fine new kitchen. It would be a great improvement if a suitable cottage were erected in the grounds for the Manager. I heard no serious complaints, and the inmates are treated kindly. The Whangarei Home : The whole place is clean and comfortable. The food for dinner was found to be good and well cooked. There were no complaints even from a chronic grumbler. The room set aside for dirty cases is too small. A septic tank has been provided. The closets are anfingenious modification of the trough system, designed by the architect to the Board. The Thames Home at Tararu has been greatly improved. A bath pavilion, suitably provided, has been built. A closet pavilion, suitable and sanitary, and a septic tank have been provided. The



sitting-room has been extended. Mr. and Mrs. Tonking in charge, assisted by their daughter. Complaints made by an old man were found on investigation to be unreasonable. There is a want of single rooms. The number of inmates : twenty-three males and one female. At Hamilton the Home for Aged Poor is improved by setting one of the rooms aside for a bathroom. The urinal (which is inside) and w.-c. are trapped, but not the two hand-basins. The old bath was seldom used ; it was situated in a dark recess from the men's dormitory. The Master told me that the urinal was all right, for he flushed it out once a day ! All the windows were closed, even on the lee side' of the house. The beds were clean, and the food was good. The garden was well kept. At Gisborne the provision for old people is merely a makeshift—two or three cottages in a small section of garden-ground. The inmates are well fed and fairly clad. The new Napier Refuge was visited and the new buildings, of a suitable design and conveniently as well as beautifully situated, were well advanced. The work was well done and carefully superintended by a competent man. It is best to forget the old condition of things now. The Jubilee Home, Wanganui, was built for a college, and is not very suitable for its purpose ; and the garden is much too small. The results on the health and comfort of the inmates are depressing, for there is very little means of interesting either their minds or bodies. Except for these drawbacks, they are well fed, well clad, well lodged as far as possible, and well treated. In Nelson nothing has yet been done to improve the accommodation for the old people, and the same is the case in Timaru. Plans are being prepared. The Oamaru Old People's Home contained thirteen males and four females. They were temporarily lodged in the old Council Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Young have been in charge for a year. A good meal was served during the visit, and, allowing for the unsuitability of the dwelling, things were very fair all round. The new building is progressing apace. Unwashed sea-sand is being used in the building. The local men say this is quite right, but Mr. Campbell, the Chief Government Architect, condemns the practice. The area of land is much too small. The Otago Benevolent Institution is carefully looked after by the trustees. Mr. Clulee, the secretary, is very attentive to his work, and Mr. and Mrs. Mcc do their duties well, considering the number of inmates they have to deal with. The contemplated midwifery school will solve the difficulty which want of suitable accommodation made it so hard to deal with in the past. The great question of all has still to be faced before this institution can be considered worthy of Otago, and that is the inadequate extent of the grounds for the 225 inmates and the necessary staff. The old building was unsuitable from the beginning, and the newer buildings, though well designed, are much too close together, and cannot be extended. The nursing arrangements are behind the age. In regard to food, clothing, and kindly treatment I have nothing to complain of. The Old People's Home, New Plymouth ; the Ohiro Home, Wellington ; the Jubilee Home, Christchurch ; the Ashburton Home ; and the Lome Farm, Southland, are all well managed and creditable institutions as regards cleanliness and comfort of inmates.



AKAROA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 30 Total under treatment ... ... 32 Discharged ... ... ... . ... ... 26 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 2 Sex. —lB males, 14 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Akaroa County. Country. —New Zealand, 25; England, 4; Ireland, 3. Religion. —Church of England, 16 ; Presbyterian, 9 ; Roman Catholic, 7. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 606; individual average days' stay, 19. Daily average cost per head, 12s. 7d. ; less patients' payments, lis. lOfd. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 240 13 3 Rations ... ... ... 107 13 0 Derived from North Canterbury Wines, &c. ... ... ... 340 Hospital Board, of which it is a Surgery and dispensary ... ... 25 10 1 branch hospital ... ... 240 13 4 Fuel and light ... ... ... 11 0 6 Patients' payments ... ... 21 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 162 9 6 Additions to buildings ... ... 120 14 6 Other expenses ... ... 71 15 0 Total ... ... £502 6 7 Total ... ... £502 6 7 This Cottage Hospital continues to be well looked after by Dr. Hargrave, under the supervision of the North Canterbury Hospital Board. ARROWTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 79 Total under treatment ... ... ... 81 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 67 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 3 Sex. —53 males, 28 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Queenstown, Arrowtown, Cromwell, Pembroke, Hawea, Macetown, Cardrona, Gibbston, Skipper's, Frankton, Invercargill. Country. —New Zealand, 46; England, 8 ; Scotland, 3 ; Ireland, 9 ; Australia, 6 ; Prussia, 1 ; Italy, 1; Canada, 1 ; China, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 21 ; Presbyterian, 25; Roman Catholic, 19; Salvation Army, 3 ; Wesleyan, 3 ; Independent, 3 ; Lutheran, 1; Confucian, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,052 ; individual average days' stay, 25-33. Daily average cost per head, 9s. 2^d.; less patients' payments, 7s. sd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 73 ; attendances, 116. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 357 1 1 j Rations ... ... 237 7 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 246 0 0 Surgery and dispensary, &c. ... 31 17 5 Subscriptions and donations ... 97 17 0 j Fuel and light ... ... ... 27 3 0 Patients'payments ... ... 183 18 8 \ Bedding and clothing ... ... 3 2 2 Other sources ... ... ... 537 Furniture and repairs ... ... 58 1 9 Balance from last year ... ... 117 9 3 Salaries and wages ... ... 533 4 4 ; Funerals ... ... ... 6 15 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 23 511 Insurance ... ... ... 600 Commission ... ... ... 0 10 0 j Other expenses ... ... 17 10 6 Total ... £1,007 9 7 Total ... ...£944 17 3



Visited 3rd 1905.—The patients numbered 6on the date of the visit—s males and 1 female. Miss McLeod, who has held the office of matron for a year, is a capable nurse. lam glad to find that Dr. Thomson has decided to remain in charge of the Hospital. This is a good thing for the district. ASHBURTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 217 Total under treatment ... .... ... 226 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 193 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 19 Sex. —179 males, 47 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Ashburton, 208; Timaru, 1 ; Christchurch, 14; Geraldine, 3. Nationality. —Colonials, 102.; English, 37 ; Scotch, 22 ; Irish, 61; French, 3 ; Norwegian, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 99; Presbyterian, 51; Roman Catholic, 49; Wesleyan, 16; Salvation Army, 8; Baptist, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,499; individual average days' stay, 19-9. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 6d. ; less patients' payments, 6s. l^d. Outdoor Patients. —None. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 703 14 5 Rations ... ... .... 313 17 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 700 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 916 0 Subscriptions and donations .. 3 17 0 Surgery and dispensary.. ... 78 18 7 Patients'payments ... ... 307 10 0 Fuel and light... ... ... 185 11 0 Other sources... ... ... 1651 Bedding and clothing ... ... 24 4 6 Balance from last year ... ... 62 1 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 67 1 11 Salaries and wages ... ... 613 19 8 Repairs ... ... ... 257 6 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 986 Interest ... ... ... 076 Insurance ... ... ... 12 6 9 Commission ... ... 29 7 4 Other expenses ... ... 81 7 11 Total ... £1,793 7 10 Total ... £1,683 13 10 Visited Ist March, 1906.—Much improved since last visit. Messrs. Davis and Reid were present during the inspection (members of the Committee). The Board are evidently most anxious to keep things up to the mark. The Hospital has been painted, but the work was not particularly well done. AUCKLAND HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 162 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,801 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,963 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,592 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 193 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 178 Sea;. —1,321 males, 642 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Auckland City and suburbs, 1,360; District of Auckland, 451 ; North Auckland, 52 ; south of Auckland, 57 ; shipping, 43. Nationality. —England, 436 ; Scotland, 74 ; Ireland, 176 ; New Zealand, 1,040; Australia, 108 ; America, 8; France, 3; Germany, 19; Austria, 6; Denmark, 13; China, 1; Greece, 5; Sweden, 11; Malta, 3 ; Finland, 4; South Sea Islands, 6 ; Russia, 1; Spain, 1 ; Canada, 5 ; Africa, 2 ; Norway, 6 ; Egypt, 6 ; Holland, 3 ; not known, 13.



Religion. —Church of England, 1,034; Roman Catholic, 447; Wesleyan, 81 ; Methodist, 36; Presbyterian, 226; Church of Christ, 3; Hebrew, 8 ; Greek, 2; Salvation Army, 10 ; Baptist, 31; Congregational, 19 ; Lutheran, 15 ; Plymouth Brethren, 7 ; Missions, 6 ; Unitarian, 2 ; Hindoo, 2 ; Confucian, 1; Christadelphian, 4 ; Evangelist, 3 ; Mormon, 1 ; no religion, 23. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 63,39 i; individual average days' stay, 32-29. Daily average cost per head, ss. OJd.; less patients' payments, 4s. lfd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 461 ; attendances, 4,376. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 7,227 17 5 Rations ... ... ... 3,583 1 0 Local bodies... ... ... 7,227 17 5 Nurses' Home, maintenance ... 1,455 18 11 Infectious diseases ... ... 491 17 1 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 86 2 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 34 14 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 1,646 13 0 Rents ... ... ... 694 5 8 Fuel and light ... ... 1,075 1 6 Patients'payments ... ... 2,839 17 7 Bedding and clothing ... ... 852 14 10 Furniture and earthenware ... 353 17 9 Washing and laundry ... ... 486 7 5 Salaries and wages ... ... 4,463 18 7 Water-supply ... ... 390 13 9 Funerals ... ... ... 45 13 6 Maintenance of grounds ... 163 13 8 Repairs and material ... ... 550 0 4 New buildings ... ... 2,010 7 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 205 12 9 Legal expenses ... ... 7 17 6 Insurance ... ... ... 37 18 11 Proportion of office expenses ... 445 5 4 Drainage-works ... ... 137 7 3 Tennis-court for nurses ... 158 10 3 Point Chevalier Infectious Diseases Hospital grounds ... 93 3 6 Road endowments ... ... 50 0 0 Hospital bill ... ... 101 0 10 Other expenses ... ... 115 9 4 Total ... ...,£18,516 9 2 Total ... ...!£18,516 9 2 The Board and Mr. McLeod, the Chairman, are taking the liveliest interest in the working of this Hospital. The medical and surgical work is ably and vigorously carried on. The Board have appointed a new architect, with whom, and the Chairman, I had a consultation about the sanitary improvements contemplated. Dr. Roberton is still Chairman of the honorary staff, and takes the greatest interest in the proper conduct of the Hospital. The new operating-theatre is in full workingorder. BLENHEIM HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 17 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 200 Total under treatment ... ... ... 217 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 179 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 20 Sex. —lss males, 62 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Marlborough. Country. — England, 44 ; Scotland, 12 ; New Zealand, 132 ; Ireland, 13 ; Australia, 11; Sweden, 2 ; West Indies, 2 ; China, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 110; Roman Catholic, 47 ; Presbyterian, 34 ; Wesleyan, 21; Salvationist, 3 ; Brethren, 1 ; Unitarian, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 8,021; individual average days' stay, 37. Daily average cost per head, 6s. lOd.; less patients' payments, ss. l£d.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. i Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,048 111 Rations .. ... ... 549 17 10 Local bodies... ... ... 1,08115 8 j Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 43 13 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 13 11 8 j Surgery and dispensary ... 243 15 9 Rents ... ... ... 6 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 257 12 7 Patients' payments ... ... 690 011 Bedding, clothing, furniture, and Other sources ... ... 95 6 4 earthenware ... ... 276 19 0 Balance from last year ... 1,788 95 j Salaries and wages ... ... 873 7 5 'Funerals ... ... ... 400 Repairs ... ... ... 90 1 1 New hospital (preliminary) ... 95 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery... ... ... 54 7 10 Interest and insurance ... 1931 Other expenses ... ... 414 1 9 Total ... . . £4,723 511 Total ... ... £2,921 19 10 Visited 21st January, 1906.—The number of patients on the day of my visit was 21—males 10, and females 11. Dr. Bennett is doing his best in difficult and unsuitable surroundings. The new Matron is working loyally and well The tenders for the new Hospital were unexpectedly high, and things were at a standstill, and apparently they remain so now. I trust that it is unnecessary for me to say anything more about the old Hospital and its defective drainage. CHARLESTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 8 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 23 Total under treatment ... ... ... 31 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 11 Sex. —3l males. Localities from which Patients came. —Charleston, Addison's, Brighton, Westport, Nine-mile Beach, Brown's Terrace. Country. —England, 6 ; Ireland, 6; Scotland, 7 ; New Zealand, 4. Religion.— Roman Catholic, 7; Church of England, 9 ; Presbyterian, 4 ; Primitive Methodist, 3. .Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,329; individual average days' stay, 75-13. Daily average cost per head, 4s. Bd.; less patients' payments, 3s. 4d. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. dFrom Government ... ... 211 10 4 Rations ... ... ... 166 0 6 Local bodies... ... ... 91 10 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. 14 2 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 100 11 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 37 4 2 Rents ... ... ... 10 0 0 Fuel and light ... .. 16 3 10 Patients'payments ... ... 156 17 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 22 13 11 Balance from last year ... 49 19 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 272 4 0 Repairs ... ... ... 5 14 3 ' Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 5 15 7 Insurance ... ... ... 227 Other expenses ... ... 1 12 6 Total ... ... £620 8 0 Total ... ... £543 13 4 Visited 6th January, 1906.—This hospital remains in statu quo. There is no change to report.



CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 116 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,466 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,582 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,356 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 119 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... 107 Sex. —l,ol3 males, 569 females. Localities from which Patients came. — Christchurch, 524; Suburbs, 434 ; North Canterbury, 435 ; Lyttelton, 71; no fixed residence, 118. Country. —New Zealand, 636 ; England, 399 ; Ireland, 169 ; Scotland, 93 ; Australia, 64 ; Wales, 7 ; Tasmania, 9; Germany, 10; China, 1; Sweden, 4; America, 3; Austria, 2; Switzerland, 1; Norway, 2 ; Denmark, 6 ; Finland, 1; Holland, 1; Italy, 2 ; Canada, 4 ; Africa, 1; Spain, 1 ; France, 1; Greece, 2; unknown, 163. Religion. —Church of England, 776; Roman Catholic, 286 ; Presbyterian, 246; Methodist, 185; Lutheran, 19; Congregational, 8 ; Baptist, 47 ; Jewish, 1; Christadelphian, 1; Latter-day Saints, 1 ; Plymouth Brethren, 1; Church of Christ, 3 ; Salvation Army, 8. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 38,750; individual average days' stay, 24-49. Daily average cost per head, ss. Bd. ; less patients' payments, ss. Id. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 1,896 ; attendances, 10,831. Receipts and Expenditure. . Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 5,080 11 0 Rations ... ... ... 2,691 6 6 Local bodies... ... ... 5,157 2 3 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 83 0 9 Subscriptions and donations ... 228 7 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 981 10 11 Bequest ... .. ... 225 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 1,231 3 3 Patients'payments ... ... 1,100 13 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 373 19 3 Other sources ... ... 41 4 11 Furniture and earthenware ... 172 9 8 Balance from last year ... 991 10 5 Salaries and wages ... ... 4,487 14 11 Funerals ... ... ... 22 12 6 Repairs ... ... '..; 359 1 0 New buildings ... ... 602 4 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 83 18 6 Insurance ... ... ... 96 711 Commission ... ... ... 4 17 9 Casual Ward, Lyttelton ... 51 9 10 Other expenses ... ... 815 2 2 Total ... £12,824 810 Total ... £12,056 19 8 There is a deficiency of staff nurses, owing to newly registered nurses striking out for themselvesThe discipline of the nurses is lax, the Matron is not a good teacher, and the management is slack. There is a dissatisfied feeling in the community, an impalpable impression of imperfect supervision on the part of the resident staff, and a want of alacrity among the subordinates. Dr. Bett, acting in Dr. Crooke's absence, has his work cut out for him if he carries out his programme of reforms. COROMANDEL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 5 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 62 Total under treatment ... ... ... 67 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 56 Died ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 5 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 6 Sex. —so males, 17 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Coromandel County, 63 ; Auckland, 1; Napier, 1; Dunedin, 2. Country. — England, 9 ; Scotland, 5 ; Ireland, 10 ; New Zealand, 30 ; Denmark, 1 ; Norway, 1 ; Finland, 1 ; Aboriginal, 9; unknown, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,152 ; individual average days' stay, 32-12. Daily average cost per head, lis. 4fd. ; less patients' payments, 9s. B|d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 299 ; attendances, 1,614 2—H. 22.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 675 2 3 Rations ... ... ... 211 14 0 Local bodies... ... ... 300 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 6 14 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 259 18 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 109 3 6 Patients'payments ... ... 185 4 2 Fuel and light ... ... 78 5 3 Other sources ... ... 95 11 7 Bedding and clothing ... ... 39 8 1 Washing and laundry ... ... 13 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 689 19 1 Funerals ... 13 10 0 Repairs ... ... ... 2 16 3 Additions to buildings .... 59 14 0 Printing, advertising, &c. ... 17 4 2 Insurance ... ... ... 11 5 1 Other expenses ... ... 108 9 5 Total £1,515 16 4 Total £1,361 2 10 Visited 6th November, 1905.—Patients—male, 3 ; female, 2 : total, 5. The Fever Hospital was found empty, and alterations not yet carried out (they have been since). The Matron, Miss Street, is assisted by two junior probationers. She has arranged to pass these on to the Auckland Hospital after they have served a year. If is recognised that they ought to have registered nurses at the Hospital, but they cannot afford "it. The expenses are very high, and there is no hospital rate struck. The township is going downhill, and altogether the Hospital is in a bad way financially. The repayments are exceedingly small, and one gets the impression that the secretary's hands are not free in pressing for them. The aged will not go to Tararu, and the Hospital doors are open to convalescents. CROMWELL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 59 Total under treatment ... ... ... 68 Discharged ... ... ... ••• ••• ■■• 59 Died ... ... 8 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... • 1 Sex. —62 males, 6 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Cromwell, 19; Bannockburn and Kawarau Station, 13 ; Lowburn and Quartz-reef Point, 12 ; Mount Pisa Station, 7 ; Hawea, Pembroke, and Mararoa, 6 ; Tarras and Luggate, 5; Kawarau Gorge and Waitiri, 3; Queenstown, 1 ; Nevis, 2. Country.— England, 19; Scotland, 12 ; Ireland, 3; New Zealand, 24 ; Australia, 3 ; Wales, 2 ; Denmark, 2 ; America, 1 ; Sweden, 2. Religion. — Roman Catholic, 15; Church of England, 24; Presbyterian, 23; Wesleyan, 3; Lutheran, 2 ; Baptist, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,427; individual average days stay, 20-98. Daily average cost per head, 12s. 2}d.; less patients' payments, 9s. OJd. ' Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 39 ; attendances, 61. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. 1 Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 180 2 0 Rations ... ... ... 117 0 8 Local bodies ... ... ••• 623 12 10 Surgery and dispensary, &c. ... 77 14 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 141 3 5 Fuel and light ... ... ... 35 11 8 Rent .. ••• •■• 40 4 2 Bedding and clothing ... ) 17 15 5 Patients'payments ... ... 225 18 10 Furniture and earthenware ) Balance from last year ... ... 198 14 2 Washing and laundry ... ... 110 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 533 8 5 Funerals ... ... ... 7 0 0 Repairs .. ... ... 34 2 6 Additions to buildings ... ... 330 3 0 Drainage scheme and hot-water system ... ... ... 116 7 0 Printing, advertising, &c. ... 22 9 5 Interest ... ... ... 0.16 0 Insurance ... ... ... 465 Commission ... ... ... 0 10 0 Other expenses... ... ... 52 14 5 Total ~ £1,409 15 5 Total ... £1,351 9 7



Visited 23rd September, 1905. —There was only one patient in this Hospital when it was visited. A married couple are in charge. Mrs. Underwood has had considerable experience as a nurse, but has no registered qualification. DANNEVIRKE HOSPITAL. A well-designed small Hospital was opened here in the month of June. The site is well chosen. DUNEDIN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... 98 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 1,362 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,460 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,230 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 116 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 114 Sex. —9lo males, 550 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Dunedin and suburbs, 1,035 ; Allanton, 8; Abbotsford, 4; Arrowtown, 2; Beaconsrield, 2" Balclutha, 10; Bluff, 2; Berwick, 5; Burnside, 11; Clinton, 5; Christchurch, 3; Cromwell, 3; Dunback, 3; Ettrick, 2; Green Island, 12; Greymouth, 3; Henley, 11; Ida Valley, 3 ; Invercargill, 2 ; Kaitangata, 21; Lawrence, 5; Mosgiel, 14; Milton, 12 ; Macrae's 3; Mataura, 6; Owaka, 6; Oamaru, 5; Port Chalmers, 18; Palmerston, 14; Roxburgh, 8; shipping, 24; Waikouaiti, 16; others, 181. Country. —New Zealand, 758; Scotland, 203; England, 185 ; Ireland, 126 ; Victoria, 53; New South Wales, 20; China, 30; Germany, 10 ; Tasmania, 16 ; Queensland, 8 ; Sweden, 8 ; South Australia, 6; United States, 5; West Indies, 4 ; Afghan, 1; Austria, 1; Assyria, 4; born at sea, 3 ; Denmark, 3; Finland 3; France, 1 ; Greece, 1; India, 1; New Caledonia, 1; Norway, 4; Russia, 2 ; Spain, 1; Malta, 1; Jersey, 1. Religion. —Presbyterian, 571; Church of England, 408; Roman Catholic, 248; Wesleyan Methodist, 90; Confucian, 25; Baptist, 31; Congregationalist, 23; Church of Christ, 15; Brethren, 10; Lutheran, 6; Salvationist, 7; no religion, 7; Greek Church, 5; Jewish, 5; Adventist, 2 ; Christadelphian, 2 ; Descendant, 1; Mohammedan, 1 ; Freethinker, 1; Spiritualist, 1; Quaker, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 37,851; individual average days' stay, 25-92. Daily average cost per head, ss. 4fd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 2-J-d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 1,261; attendances, 3,163. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 3,660 15 8 Rations ... ... ... 2,709 18 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 3,000 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 90 19 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 563 17 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 1,400 0 7 Students'fees ... ... 315 1 6 Fuel and light ... ... 975 18 11 Gaol medicines ... ... 14 5 9 Bedding and clothing ... ... 109 1 5 Patients' payments ... ... 2,224 16 7 Furniture, earthenware, &c. ... 346 0 5 Other sources ... ... 32 411 Salaries and wages ... ... 3,117 16 3 Balance from last year ... 29 3 5 Honorary medical staff 315 1 6 Water-supply ... ... 159 10 0 Funerals ... ... ... 20 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 551 1 2 Additions to buildings... ... 31 19 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 107 1 1 Interest ... ... ... 5 0 11 Insurance ... ... ... 51 19 2 Commission ... ... ... 0 11 0 Other expenses ... ... 259 4 0 Total .. ...£9,840 410 Total ... ...£10,251 3 1 This Hospital and Medical School are flourishing. The Dunedin public have most generously come forward in support of these institutions, thus showing their high appreciation of their administration and success. It is every year becoming evident to the people that the Medical School will be in future years as vital to the progress of the city as was the case so notably in old Edinburgh. I believe the want of power to realise this fact has been responsible for whatever defects were apparent in the attitude of the Trustees to the Medical School. Mr. Burns, who has managed the Hospital so carefully for so many years, has at length been provided with an assistant. The appointment of Dr. Falconer has my entire approval, and I trust that his professional enthusiasm will be reflected in the training and teaching of the nurses.



DUNSTAN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 40 Total under treatment ... ... ... 46 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 36 Died 7 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 3 Sex. —34 males, 12 females. Localities from xohich Patients came. —Alexandra, 16; Clyde, 17; Bald Hill Flat, 2 Dunstan, 4 ; Matakanui, 2; Ophir, 5. Nationality. —English, 7 ; Scotch, 10 ; Irish, 7 ; New Zealand, 17 ; Australian, 3 ; Sweden, 1 China, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 13 ; Roman Catholic, 10 ; Presbyterian, 22 ; Confucian, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,438; individual average days' stay, 31-26. Daily average cost per head, 12s. 2Jd. ; less patients' payments, lis. Ofd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 30; attendances, 45. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d From Government ... .*.. 354 0 11 Rations ... ... ... 144 6 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 184 3 5 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 9 16 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 190 17 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 49 14 8 Patients'payments ... ... 82 6 8 Fuel and light ... ... 34 15 6 Other sources ... ... 7 10 8 Furniture, earthenware, and reBalance from last year ... 0 4 8 pairs ... ... ... 85 7 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 456 11 10 Water-supply ... ... 6 9 6 Funerals ... ... ... 10 10 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery... ... ... 17 4 6 Interest, &o. ... ... ... 2 12 6 Insurance ... ... ... 10 11 1 Commission ... ... ... 34 8 0 Other expenses ... ... 14 16 7 Total ... ... £819 310 Total ... ... £877 311 Visited 22nd September, 1905.—Mr. Hutton, the Chairman, promised that the defective plaster, as well as some minor matters, would be remedied. The Hospital appears to be working well, both in medical and nursing departments. GISBORNE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 18 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 318 Total under treatment ... ... ... 336 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 288 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 26 Sea;.—246 males, 90 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Cook County. Nationality. —British, 325; foreign, 11. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 7,585; individual average days' stay, 22-57. Daily average cost per head, ss. 4^d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 2-£ d. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,077 18 11 Rations ... ... ... 343 18 5 Local bodies ... ... '' ... 625 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 4 5 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 339 9 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 187 0 0 Rents ... ... ... 25 14 0 Fuel and light ... ... 181 9 2 Patients'payments ... ... 431 18 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 48 18 5 Other sources ... ... 25 7 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 58 2 7 Balance from last year ... 883 2 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 881 3 6 Repairs ... ... ... 244 5 1 Additions to buildings ... 383 16 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 11 5 0 Insurance ... ... ... 39 10 0 Sanitation ... ... ... 27 15 0 Other expenses ... ... 819 Total ... ... £3,408 811 Total ... ... £2,419 10 8



Visited 25th April, 1906.—My visit this year was a owing to the short time permitted by the steamer's departure. I made as full an examination as was possible in the time at my disposal, and found everything in the usual satisfactory order. GREY RIVER HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... 53 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 215 Total under treatment ... ... ... • 268 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 175 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 55 Sex. —224 males, 44 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Greymouth, 65 ; Grey County, 162; Brunnerton, 24 ; other districts and shipping, 17. Country. —Great Britain and Ireland, 116; New Zealand, 52 : Australia, 18; Europe, 64 ; America, 4 ; China, 14. Religion. —Church of England, 107 ; Roman Catholic, 105; Presbyterian, 28 ; Methodist, 9 ; Salvation Army, 4 ; Confucian, 14; Atheist, 1. Total collective days' stay-in Hospital, 20,623 ; individual average days' stay, 76-95. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 3£d.; less patients' payments, 2s. 4Jd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 187 ; attendances, 506. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 592 2 10 Rations ... ... ... 1,015 1110 Local bodies ... ... 345 16 8 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. .. 91 6 9 Subscriptions and donations ... 243 710 Surgery and dispensary ... 115 12 10 Bequest ... ... ... 10 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 179 9 0 Rents ... ... ... 0 10 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 312 1 11 Patients' payments ... ... 978 14 5 Furniture and earthenware ... 15 2 0 Other sources ... ... 10 14 7 Salaries and wages ... . . 1,139 3 4 Balance from last year ... 434 16 9 Water-supply ... ... 15 0 0 Funerals ... . . ... 39 18 0 Repairs ... ... ... 130 6 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 66 12 7 Interest ... ... ... 21 8 0 Insurance ... ... ... 35 16 7 Other expenses ... ... 218 15 4 Total ... ... £2,616 3 1 Total ... ... £3,396 4 5 Visited 2nd January, 1906, and 16th*July, 1906. —The new buildings are progressing apace, and the two pavilions of the new Hospital should soon be fit for occupation. Miss Fothergill, the Matron, left last year, and Miss Thurston has been appointed in her place. The inmates number hospital cases and old people in about equal proportions. HAVELOCK HOSPITAL. Number of patients admitted during year ... ... 17 Total under treatment .... ... ... 17 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 3 Sex. —16 males, 1 female. Locality from which Patients came. —-Picton Hospital District. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,350; individual average days' stay, 7941. Daily average cost per head, 2s. 114 d. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 99 5 11 Rations ... ... ... 121 10 1 Localbodies ... ... 99 5 10 Fuel and light ... ... 12 12 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 16 9 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 29 0 0 Insurance ... ... ... 214 Other expenses ... ... 16 18 10 Total ... ... £198 11 9 Total ... ... £198 11 9



Visited 20th January, 1906. —The Board is using this Cottage Hospital as a home for old men, and two are in residence at present. They are boarded at so much a head by the caretaker, Mrs. Price. She certainly keeps the place clean and comfortable, and the food inspected was good; but the system is open to abuse. HAWERA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 10 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 143 Total under treatment ... ... ... 153 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 120 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 21 Sex. —99 males, 54 females. Localities from which Patients came.—Hawera, Eltham, Manaia, Opunake, and Okaiawa. Nationality. —English, 119 ; Irish, 13; Scotch, 5; Swiss, 4 ; German, 2 ; Chinese, 1; Maori, 1. Religion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,922; individual average days' stay, 25-63. Daily average cost per head, 10s. lOd.; less patients' payments, 9s. l^d. Outdoor Patients. —Nil. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. , Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 871 0 0 Rations ... ... ... 355 0 1 Local bodies... ... ... 942 2 6 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 13 4 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 88 1 8 Surgery and dispensary ... 197 2 8 Patients'payments ... ... 334 6 6 Fuel and light ... ... 164 6 4 Other sources ... 9 5 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 69 14 6 Balance from last year ... 192 3 7 Furniture and earthenware .. 134 18 10 Washing and laundry ... ... 7 10 | Salaries and wages ... ... 773 10 0 Funerals ... ... ... 2 7 6 Repairs ... ... ... 118 6 10 ! New buildings ... ... 439 2 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 54 14 8 Interest ... ... ... 4 11 0 Insurance ... ... ... 26 4 1 Other expenses ... ... 108 8 2 Total ... ... £2,436 19 3 Total ... ... £2,468 11 8 This Hospital is well appointed and administered. The Board and the public take a great interest in its welfare. HOKITIKA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 36 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 121 Total under treatment ... ... ... 157 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 99 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 33 Sex. —109 males, 48 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Westland, 153 ; Grey, 2 ; Timaru, 1; Feilding, 1. Country. —New Zealand, 49 ; England, 24; Scotland, 21 ; Ireland, 28; Australia, 10; Germany, 8; China, 2; Denmark, 3 ; Austria, 1; Poland, 2 ; Sweden, 1; France, 1; Switzerland, 6 ; Holland, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 63; Presbyterian, 32; Roman Catholic, 53; Lutheran, 6; other religions, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 12,794; individual average days' stay, 81-49. Daily average cost per head, 4s. Bd.; less patients' payments, 3s. lljd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 223 ; attendances, 628.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,253 3 7 Rations ... ... ... 808 4 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 727 3 4 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 40 2 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 374 2 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 195 9 2 Patients'payments ... ... 565 9 2 Fuel and light ... ... 119 18 5 Other sources ... ... 47 14 5 Bedding and clothing ... ... 47 7 11 Balance from last year ... 267 16 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 36 10 9 Salaries and wages ... ... 786 14 8 Funerals ... ... ... 20 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 239 14 1 Additions to buildings ... ' ... 139 17 7 New buildings ... ... 293 12 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 56 13 1 Insurance ... ... ... 26 2 8 Commission ... ... ... 14 8 0 Other expenses ... ... 259 2 2 Total ... ... £3,235 9 1 Total ... ... £3,083 18 1 Visited 27th December, 1905^—No change. The building is really not up to the mark, but whether a large hospital is required here is another matter. However, the Trustees have a grant towards the erection of a new hospital. The idea is to add the wards bit by bit as necessary. Visited 18th July, 1906. —The total number of inmates is 34: Males, 26, of whom 19 are hospital cases, and the rest simply old people; the women are 8 in number, of whom 5 are chronics. The Hospital is working well. The position of the new ward which is to be an instalment of a well-designed brick hospital has been pegged out. INVERCARGILL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 38 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 505 Total under treatment ... ... ... 543 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 445 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 48 Sex. —37o males, 173 females. Localities from which Patients came. —-Southland County, Wallace County, Lake County, Fiord County, Stewart Island County. Country. —England, 61; Scotland, 90; Ireland, 54 ; New Zealand, 270; Victoria, 27; New South Wales, 4 ; South Australia, 2; Queensland, 1; Tasmania, 6; Cape of Good Hope, 2 ; India, 3; Italy, 1 ; Damascus, 2 ; America, 3 ; China, 6; Norway, 1; Wales, 1; Poland, 1; Sweden, 2 ; Isle of Man, 3 ; Prussia, 1; Germany, 2. Religion. — Church of England, 127 ; Presbyterian, 230; Roman Catholic, 107 ; Wesleyan, 18; Protestant, 17 ; Baptist, 5 ; Confucian, 5; Salvation Army, 10; Primitive Methodist, 11; Lutheran, 2; Congregational, 2; Plymouth Brethren, 2 ; Church of Christ, 3; Latter-day Saints, 2 ; no religion, 2; Christian, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 17,512 ; individual average days' stay 32-25. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 6d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 6fd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 1,139 ; attendances, 1,960. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Prom Government ... ... 1,538 0 0 Rations ... ... .. 1,073 8 3 Local bodies ... ... 1,538 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 14 18 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 27 2 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 302 3 4 Rents ... ... .. 32 8 0 Fuel and light ... ... 350 18 10 Patients'payments ... ... 829 9 2 Bedding and clothing ... ... 140 6 5 Other sources ... ... 151 10 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 124 9 6 Balance from last year ... 71 7 2 j Salaries and wages ... ... 1,484 7 5 i Water-supply ... ... 14 13 0 | Funerals ... ... ... 20 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 134 15 11 Additions to buildings... ... 130 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 32 2 3 I Insurance ... ... ... 34 1 4 Commission ... ... ... 0 10 0 I Other expenses ... ... 91 5 6 Total ... ... £4,187 17 4; Total ... .... £3,947 19 9



During Dr. Hendry's absence on leave this Hospital has been well looked after by Dr. Barclay, and Miss Ewart, the Matron. The nursing is good, and the administration efficient. KUMARA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 21 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 75 Total under treatment ... ... ... 96 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 71 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ■•■ 7 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 18 Sex. —58 males, 38 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Kumara, 29 ; Dillman's, 8 ; Westbrook, 1; Hokitika, 5; Greenstone, 4; Waimea, 14; Grey, 2 ; Christchurch Road, 4; Cape Terrace, 4; Kumara junction, 3 ; Reefton, 1. Country.—New Zealand, 38 ; Ireland, 18; England, 12; Australia, 2; Austria, 2; Wales, 1 ; Syria, 1: Sweden, 1 ; Switzerland, 3 ; Scotland, 4 ; China, 1 ; Canada, 2. Religion.— Church of England, 20; Roman Catholic, 35; Presbyterian, 10; Wesleyan, 7 ; Lutheran, 1 ; Freethinkers, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 5,556 ; individual average days' stay, 57-87. Daily average cost per head, 3s. s£d ; less patients' payments, 2s. 7£d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 23. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 492 3 4 Rations ... ... - 354 2 7 Local bodies... ... ... 302 10 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 21 15 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 11l 9 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 87 511 Bequests ... .. ... 13 0 0 Fuel and light ... .... ' 49 12 5 Patients'payments ... ... 228 17 0 Bedding, clothing, furniture, &c. 33 3 9 Washing and laundry ... ... 24 10 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 320 13 6 Funerals ... ... ... 15 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 22 12 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 22 0 6 Insurance ... ... 6180 Other expenses ... ... 2 3 3 Total £1,147 19 8 Total £959 17 8 Visited 29th December, 1905. —There is no change to report concerning this Hospital. There are 11 hospital cases, and 12 senile and chronic in residence. A good many operations are performed in the Hospital, and its benefits are apparently not confined to persons of restricted means. LAWRENCE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... . ... 5 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ■•• 93 Total under treatment ... ... •• 98 Discharged ... ... •■■ ■•• ••• ■••• 80 Died ... ... ... ■■•• ■■■ ••■ ■•• 9 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 9 Sex.— 66 males, 32 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Tuapeka County. Country—New Zealand, 44; England, 12; Scotland, 20; Ireland, 15; Victoria 4; Germany, 1 ; China, 2. Religion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,655; individual average days' stay, 27-9. Daily average cost per head, 6s. lid. ; less patients' payments, 5s 3d.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 533 10 2 Rations ... ... ... 258 16 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 260 2 6 Wines, spirits, &o. ... ... 217 6 Patients' payments ... 222 8 6 Surgery and dispensary ..." 52 6 0 Other sources ... ... ... 14 8 Fuel and light ... ... 55 8 9 Balance from last year ... ... 208 6 11 Bedding and clothing ... ... 20 13 8 Salaries and wages ... ... 425 18 1 Water-supply ... ... 10 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 5 12 6 Repairs ... ... ... 660 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 970 Insurance ... ... ... 819 Other expenses ... ... 62 3 10 Total ... ' £1,225 12 9 Total ... ... £917 11 2 There is no change to be noted in this Hospital. For many years the management has been very good. The district has long been proud of its Hospital. Since the date of the visit Miss u Corrie, who had acted as Matron for many years past, has left. MASTERTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 12 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 146 Total under treatment ... ... ... 158 Discharged ... ... ... . . ... ... 134 Died ... ... ... ... . . ... ... 15 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 9 Sex. —118 males, 40 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Masterton, 73 ; Masterton Suburbs, 8 ; Eketahuna, 8 ; Alfredton, 4 ; Carterton, 3; Mauriceville, 10; Pahiatua, 6 ; Whareama, Te Nui, and East Coast, 10 ; Brancepeth and Taueru, 6; Martinborough and Lower Valley, 6 ; Wairarapa South, 3 ; Wellington, 4; Petone, 1; Hawke's Bay, 4 ; Otago, 2 ; Motueka, 1 ; Auckland, 1 ; Swaggers, 8. Nationality. —New Zealand, 65; English, 43; Irish, 17; Scotch, 10; Australian, 11; American, 4; Welsh, 2 ; Prussian, 1; Dane, 1; Tasmanian, 1; Swedish 2 ; Canadian, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 67; Roman Catholic, 41; Presbyterian, 19; Wesleyan, 15; Congregational, 1; Salvationist, 4 ; Baptist, 1; Methodist, 3; Lutheran, 2 ; Plymouth Brethren, 2 ; no religion, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,432; individual average days' stay, 28-8. Daily average cost per head, 6s. Id. ; less patients' payments, ss. 7fd. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 715 8 8 Rations ... ... ... 280 10 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 163 15 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 6 4 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 650 16 7 Surgery and dispensary ... 184 3 9 Interest ... ... ... 186 11 2 Fuel and light ... ... 98 3 2 Sale of Workcop Road site ... 169 0 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 19 17 10 Rents ... .. ... 8 15 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 52 19 2 Patients'payments ... ... 100 0 2 Washing and laundry ... ... 10 17 0 Balance from last year ... ... 4,866 18 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 500 4 8 Funerals ... 21 0 0 Repairs ... ... ..; 40 9 9 Printing, advertising, telephone, postage, and stationery ... 45 7 1 Interest ... ... ... 40 15 0 Insurance ... ... ... 786 Commission ... ... ... 19 1 6 Purchase of land ... ... 361 8 6 Survey and deeds ... ... 11 4 0 Travelling-expenses, Trustees ... 815 2 Other expenses ... ... 4 17 11 Total ... ...£6,861 5 5 Total ... ...£1,713 7 3 The new Hospital plans have been approved long ago, but another year has gone without any visible progress. However, tenders have now been cal f ed, and it is to be trusted that this is a real beginning. The Trustees had a good Matron in Miss Petremant, and have lost her through hope deferred. The old Hospital has long been an opprobrium, and nothing good can be said of it. 3—H. 22,



MERCURY BAY HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 0 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 33 Total under treatment ... ... ... 33 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... 28 Died ... 4 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 .. ... 1 Sex. —2B males, 5 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Kuaotunu, Whitianga, Tairua, and Gumtown Nationality. —British, Maori, Swedish, Portuguese. Religion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 823; individual average days' stay, 2494. Daily average cost per head, £1 os. lljd.; less patients' payments, 19s. 9fd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 1,796. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ..? 348 7 8 Rations ... ... ... 104 13 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 267 17 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 611 0 Rents * ... ... .... 7180 Surgery and dispensary ... 86 13 0 Patients' payments ... ... 5644 Fuel and light ... 1902 Other sources ... ... 30 5 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 10 7 0 Balance from last year ... 316 3 9 Furniture and earthenware ... 717 4 Washing and laundry ... ... 838 Salaries and wages ... ... 508 3 0 Funerals ... ... 7 10 0 Repairs ... ... ... 45 14 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 6 18 7 Insurance ... ... 10 9 9 Other expenses ... 39 18 10 Total ... ... £1,026 16 3 Total ... ... £861 19 8 Visited 31st October, 1905. —There were no patients in this Hospital when visited. Sinks, &c, are not trapped. Attention was drawn to this, and also to the need of a steriliser. NAPIER HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... 47 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 589 Total under treatment ... ... ... 636 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 547 Died ... 46 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 43 Sex. —39s males, 241 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hawke's Bay and adjoining districts. Country. — New Zealand, 355 ; England, 143; Ireland, 70; Scotland, 27 ; Australia, 13; Norway, 5 ; Russia, 1; Sweden, 3 ; America, 3 ; Germany, 4 ; Denmark, 4; Italy, 1 ; Jersey, 1; China, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 366; Roman Catholic, 166 ; Presbyterian, 62 ; Wesleyan, 11; Salvation Army, 9; Congregational, 4 ; Lutheran, 11 ; Plymouth Brethren, 4 ; Seventh Day Adventists, 2 ; Baptist, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 15,788; individual average days' stay, 24-82. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 2d.; less patients' payments, ss. 9d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 325 ; attendances, 1,143.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 2,892 8 0 Rations ... ... ... 1,271 9 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,260 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 47 9 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 689 510 Surgery and dispensary ... 625 6 7 Bequest ... ... ... 1 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 398 13 1 Rents ... ... 77 5 6 Bedding and clothing, furniture, Patients' payments ... ... 339 12 10 and earthenware ... ... 481 6 4 Other sources... ... .. 520 11 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,547 17 1 Balance from last year... ... 6,989 3 1 Water-supply... ... ... 115 3 9 Repairs ... ... ... 193 7 7 Steam-laundry ... ... 350 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 77 7 10 Insurance ... ... ... 60 7 10 Commission ... ... ... 32 13 0 Other expenses ... ... 54 15 9 Total ... £12,769 6 5 Total ... ...£5,255 17 1 Visited 24th April, 1906. —The Trustees this year were anxious to proceed with extensive improvements at this Hospital, but they wisely decided to devote themselves to the building of the new Home for Old People, at Parke's Island. I found the Hospital in excellent order under Dr. Wilson and Miss Connor. Mr. J. N. Williams has most generously undertaken to build and furnish a new ward, or rather a new home, for chronic cases needing hospital treatment. This is a new and most laudable departure in Napier, and deserves, and will no doubt receive, the gratitude of the whole community. NASEBY HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 8 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 126 Total under treatment ... ... ... 134, Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 105 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 12 Sex. —9o males, 44 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Maniototo County. Country. —New Zealand, 61; British, 55; China, 6; Australia, 7 ; others, 5. Religion. —Presbyterian, 65; Church of England, 24; Roman Catholic, 30; others, 15. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,728; individual average days' stay, 2035. Daily average cost per head, 7s. lid.; less patients' payments, ss. lid. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 80 ; attendances, 745. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 412 2 5 Rations ... ... ... 187 15 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 277 10 8 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 280 Subscriptions and donations ... 107 12 8 Surgery and dispensary .. 113 1 3 Patients'payments ... ... 274 15 0 Fuel and light ... ... 85 3 7 Other sources... ... ... 8 2 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 6 13 8 Balance from last year ... ... 180 10 11 Furniture and earthenware ... 16 15 10 Washing and laundry ... ... 5 19 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 562 1 6 Water-supply... ... ... 800 Repairs ... ... ... 12 13 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 20 7 2 Insurance ... ... ... 940 Other expenses ... ... 50 9 2 Total ... ...£1,260 13 8 Total ... ...£l,OBO 12 5 Visited 21st September, 1905.—This Hospital is doing good honest work. There was a lull at the time of the visit, but the books showed that just before there had been a run of bad cases. Dr. McKnight is well thought of in the district, and Miss the new Matron, is well trained and capable.



NELSON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ••• 25 Admitted during the year ... ... ■ • • • • ■ 267 Total under treatment .. ... • ■ • 292 Discharged ... ... ••• ••• ••• ••• 22 ? Died ... - 21 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 38 Sex.— lB9 males, 103 females. , Localities from which Patients came.— Waimea County, 268; Auckland, 3 ; Westport, 7 ; Thames, 2; Invercargill, 2 ; Masterton, 1; Buller, 1; Reefton, 1 : Hastings, 1 ; Havelock, 1; Wellington, 2 ; Greymouth, 1; Wanganui, 1; Australia, 1 Country—New Zealand, 153; England, 69; Scotland, 19; Ireland, 14; Australia, 17, China 1 ■ Sweden, 1; Norway, 2; Wales, 1; British Guiana, 1 ; Germany, 3 ; Italy, 1; Austria, 1; Ceylon, 1; South Africa, 1; America, 4; India, 2 ; Switzerland, 1. Religion.— Church of England, 142 ; Presbyterian, 38 ; Church of Rome, 46 ;, Wesleyan, 15 ; Baptist, 19 ; Plymouth Brethren, 6 ; Church of Christ, 9 ; Congregationalist, 4 ; Freethinkers, 4 ; Salvation Army, 3; Lutheran, 5; Confucian, 1. ~.,,. , , , ,„ „- t-> -i Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 12,485 ; individual average days stay, 42-75. Daily average cost per head, ss. s£d ;-less patients' payments, 4s. 9d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 135; attendances, 676. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ...1,871 8 7 Rations ... 658 13 0 Local bodies .. ...1,093 10 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 22 8 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 753 17 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 370 3 1 Bents ... 142 5 0 Fuel and light ... ... 213 511 Patients'payments 457 12 1 Bedding and clothing 259 0 3 Other sources 19 2 6 Furniture and earthenware -363 3 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 1, l»y 6 l Water-supply... ... ... 17 0 0 Funerals ... ... ■■• 690 Repairs 67 13 10 New buildings ... ... 1,668 3 1 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 34 0 0 Insurance ... ... ... 17 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 186 14 2 Total £4,337 15 8 Total ... £5,072 16 5 Visited 13th January and 10th July, 1906.—Everything appears to be going on well at this Hospital. I heard no complaints. The new Consumption Annexe has been built on the hill in the Hospital Reserve, and there appear to be some differences of local opinion as to whether it should be used for recent or chronic cases. As a matter of experience it has been found that there has been a slight majority of chronic cases. The recommendations I have made as to certain sanitary improvements in the Hospital itself have hem carried out, and others are in contemplation. Dr. Mackay is very devoted to his work, and the nursing is good. Alterations in the operating-room are in contemplation. There have been complaints of the poor illuminating power of the gas. NEW PLYMOUTH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 46 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ■ • • 345 Total under treatment ... ... ... 391 Discharged ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• 328 Died ... ... ... ... ••• ••• ■•• 23 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 40 Sex. —270 males, 121 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Taranaki County, 140; Hawera County, 23 ; Clifton County, 35; Stratford County, 45 ; New Plymouth, 95; Auckland, 4; Patea, 4 ; Palmerston North, 1; Wellington, 9 ; Wanganui, 1; Inglewood, 17 ; Waitara, 17. Country .—New Zealand, 240; England, 90; Ireland, 31; Scotland, 14 ; Australia, 9 ; Germany, 1 ; Denmark, 1 ; Switzerland, 1 ; India, 1; Sweden, 1; America, 2. 'Religion.— Church of England, 201; Roman Catholic, 57; Presbyterian, 40; Wesleyan, 60 ; Baptist, 3; Salvation Army, 6; Primitive Methodist, 21; Seventh Day Adventists, 1 ; Unitarian, 1; Unsectarian, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 12,868; individual average days' stay, 32-91. Daily average cost per head, Bs. B£d.; less patients' payments, 6s. 2fd. Outdoor Patients. —Nil.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 2,014 16 9 Rations ... ... ... 861 6 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 602 13 11 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 38 3 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 899 8 8 Surgery and dispensary ... 448 8 1 Bequest ... ... ... 500 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 318 18 8 Rents ... ... ... 38 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 163 16 4 Patients' payments ... ... 1,558 14 9 Furniture and earthenware ... 280 7 9 Other sources ... ... 1,427 8 11 Washing and laundry ... ... 68 19 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,064 11 8 Water-supply ... ... 10 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 144 310 Additions to buildings ... ... 1,577 7 4 New buildings ... ... 123 10 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 40 0 0 Interest ... ... ... 9 11 4 Insurance ... ~. ... 25 10 6 Commission ... ... .... 117 12 3 Other expenses ... ... 317 16 1 Total ... -...£7,041 3 0 Total ... ...£5,610 2 4 The rapidly increasing population of this district is steadily reflected in the growing importance and efficiency of this Hospital. During Dr. Leatham's absence in Britain Dr. Walker has been an efficient substitute. The nursing is praiseworthy, and the administration good. m NORTHERN WAIROA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 .. ... ... 4 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... ... 205 Total under treatment ... ... ... 209 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 191 Died 9 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 9 Sex. —l 46 males, 63 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Hobson, Hokianga, and Waitemata Counties. Nationality. —Colonial, 140 ; English, 26 ; Irish, 14; Scotch, 7 ; Austrian, 11; American, 3; French, 1; Swiss, 1; Welsh, 1; Swedish, 1; Victorian, 1 ; Dutch, 1; Maori, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 104 ; Roman Catholic, 47 ; Wesleyan, 27 ; Presbyterian, 17 ; Plymouth Brethren, 1; Church of Christ, 1 ; no religion, 12. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,837; individual average days' stay, 18-36. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 3|d. ; less patients' payments, ss. 7fd. Outdoor Patients. —Attendances, 3,000. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 557 16 7 Rations ... ... ... 217 1110 Local Bodies ... ... ... 100 0 0 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 214 6 Subscriptions and donations .. 410 3 7 Surgery and dispensary ... 49 2 6 Patients'payments ... ... 310 11 2 Fuel and light... ... ... 53 14 0 Other sources ... ... 22 14 0 Bedding, clothing, furniture, &c. ... 66 17 6 Balance from last year... ... 73140 Salaries and wages ... ... 919 3 0 Water-supply ... ... 0 6 6 Funerals ... ... ... 7 0 0 Repairs .. ... ... 1 13 6 Additions to buildings ... ... 35 7 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 11 12 0 Insurance ... ... ... 14 13 3 Other expenses ... ... 14 16 5 Total ... ...£1,474 19 4 Total ... .:. £1,394 12 2 Visited Bth November, 1905. —The Trustees of this Hospital continue to violate both the letter and the spirit of the law. They hays been warned again and again, but they still persist. The Hospital has been converted into a benefit society, and the members get in their own houses, or, if they like, in the Hospital, for a small payment for board, free medicines, free medical and surgical attendance for themselves and their families. In addition to all this many do not pay even a part of the £1 6s.



they engage to pay for their ticket or " voluntary contribution," so that there is a decided deficiency which the North of Auckland Board is expected to make good. Mr. Mackenzie, Chairman of the District Board, has done good service by an able and careful report showing up the whole sordid business. Absolutely inconsistent with the principles of the Act were the concessions granted by the Trustees to the late Resident Medical Officer, permitting him to charge fees for operations and to use an institution supported by the ratepayers and Government subsidy as a private hospital for his own benefit. Plans for a sanitary annexe attached to the female ward and for the surface drainage of the grounds have been approved. OAMARU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 11 Admitted during the year ... ... ... 203 Total under treatment ... ... ... 214 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 180 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 19 Sex.— ls3 males, 61 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Oamaru town, 65 ; Waitaki County, 125; outside districts and shipping, 24. Nationality. —English, 33; Scotch, 29; Irish, 30; New Zealand, 101; Australian, 8; Swedish, 7 ; Dutch, 1; Welsh, 4 ; French, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 72 ; Roman Catholic, 44; Presbyterian, 79 ; Wesleyan, 5 ; Baptist, 3 ; Salvation Army, 5 ; Church of Christ, 2; no religion, 4. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,994; individual average days' stay, 23-34. Daily average cost per head, ss. 9d.; less patients' payments, 4s. s^d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 76 ; attendances, 665. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government .. ... 180 6 8 Rations ... ... ... 414 0 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 162 11 4 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 14 16 0 Bequest ... ... ... 25 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 70 17 3 Rents ... ... ... 835 12 6 Fuel and light .. ... 124 17 11 Patients'payments ... ... 320 15 8 Bedding and clothing ... ... 25 910 Other sources ... ... 179 13 11 Furniture and earthenware ... 37 10 10 Salaries and wages ... ... 658 5 1 Funerals ... ... ... 10 19 6 Repairs and additions ... ... 47 10 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 17 6 0 Insurance ... ... ... 12 8 2 Other expenses ... ... 95 9 4 Total ... ... £1,704 0 1 Total ... ...£1,529 10 8 Visited 27th February, 1906. —The number of patients was sixteen. This Hospital is, as a whole, above the average. Some of the wards seemed close, the windows not being open. The bath used by the female patients is awkwardly situated, two steps up from the floor. Unless this has reference to drainage it is incomprehensible. Mrs. Reid, of Ellerslie, has given a contribution for a children's ward, and the Trustees have decided to erect one. OTAKI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 16 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 106 Total under treatment ... ... ... 122 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... .. 99 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 17 Sea;.—B2 males, 40 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Otaki, 34; Waikanae, 3; Manakau, 11; Levin, 26; Te Horo, 7; Paraparaumu, 5; Shannon, 19; Ohau, 8; Wellington, 7 ; Hawera, 1; Westport, 1. Nationality. —Colonial, 94; English, 6; Irish, 6; German, 3; Maori, 10; Swede, 1; Austrian, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 78; Roman Catholic, 22; Presbyterian, 5; Wesleyan, 6; Plymouth Brethren, 7 ; Salvation Army, 3 ; Quaker, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,256 ; individual average days' stay, 34-88. Daily average cost per head, ss. 7}d. ; less patients' payments, 4s. sfd.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 656 19 2 Rations ... ... ... 280 10 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 592 11 2 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 816 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 53 13 3 Surgery and dispensary ... 76 19 7 Patients'payments ... ... 239 18 11 Fuel and light ... ... 63 9 6 Bedding, clothing, furniture, &c. 41 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 623 810 Additions to building and new buildings ... ... ... 279 3 6 Insurance ... ... ... 21 4 10 Rent .. ... ... 68 17 6 Other expenses ... 79 12 1 Total ... ...£1,543 2 0 Total ... ...£1,543 2 6 This Hospital continues to be well looked after as an outpost of the Wellington Hospital. PAHIATDA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 8 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... ... 112 Total under treatment ... .. ... 120 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 106 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 9 Sex. —70 males, 50 females. Localities from ivhich Patients Came. —Pahiatua, Kumeroa, Mangatainoka, Woodville, Makuri, Kaitawa, Eketahuna, Konini, Hukanui, Mangahao, Nikau, Ballance, Rakanui, Maharahara, Coonoor, Dannevirke, Makairo. Country. —England, 24 ; Scotland, 8; Ireland, 9; New Zealand, 59; Australia, 3; Denmark, 3 ■; Tasmania, 2; Prussia, 1; France, 1; Sweden, 1; Norway, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 56 ; Roman Catholic, 22 ; Presbyterian, 17 ; Methodist, 4; Church of Christ, 5 ; Baptist, 3 ; Wesleyan, 5. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,502; individual average days' stay, 20-85. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 2|d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 4Jd. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 226 16 7 Rations ... ... ... 243 17 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 172 17 7 Surgery and dispensary . ";':.. 78 0 9 Subscriptions and donations ... 56 0 3 Fuel and light ... ... 61 19 6 Bequests ... ... ... 78 17 3 Furniture, bedding, &c. ... 80 6 1 Rents ... ... ... 800 Salaries and wages ... ... 461 19 5 Patients'payments ... ... 356 4 0 Water-supply and drainage ... 279 7 9 Other sources ... ... 14 12 0 Repairs and additions ... 3443 Balance from last year ... ... 472 10 3 Printing, advertising, &c. ... 22 5 6 Interest, &c. ... ... ... 2 4 6 Insurance ... ... ... 10 5 2 Grounds ... ... ... 48 10 6 Other expenses ... ... 47 9 5 Total ... ...£1,385 17 11 : Total ... ...£1,370 10 2 This Cottage Hospital is well looked after. Dr. Dawson gives great attention to his work, and there is nothing to complain of except the cost to the country. PALMERSTON NORTH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 22 Admitted during year ... ... .. ... - ... 380 Total under treatment ... ... ... 402 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 332 Died ... ... • ... ... ... ... ... 34 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 36 Sex. —2Bs males, 117 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Palmerston North, 348; Wanganui, 6; Patea, 1; Wellington, 12; Auckland, 3; Hawera, 2; Napier, 6; Gisborne, 4; New Plymouth, 4; Waipukurau, 1; Dannevirke, 2 ; Masterton, 2 ; Nelson, 3 ; Christchurch, 3 ; Blenheim, 3 ; Dunedin, 1 ; Invercargill, 1,



Nationality.— English, 95; Scotch, 22; Irish, 31; New Zealand, 217; Australian, 15; Tasmanian, 2; Canadian, 1; German, 5; Danish, 11; Italian, 1; Chinese, 1; Indian, 1. Religion.— Church of England, 177 ; Presbyterian, 62 ; Wesleyan, 34 ; Primitive Methodist, 7; Lutheran, 16; Plymouth Brethren, 7; Baptist, 8; Salvation Army, 8; Roman Catholic, 80; no religion, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 11,648 ; individual average days stay, 28-98. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 3d.; less patients' payments, ss. s|d. Outdoor Patients. —No record. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 3,620 9 3 Rations ... ... ... 684 11 10 Local bodies ... ... ...1,252 17 9 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 48 4 0 Subscriptions and donations ...2,028 12 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 47118 10 Patients'payments ... ... 462 7 9 Fuel and light ... ... 258 2 1 Other sources... ... ... 515 10 2 Bedding and clothing ... ... 126 5 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 241 211 Washing and laundry ... ... 53 13 5 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,221 10 5 Funerals ... ... .. 21 7 6 Repairs 38 11 10 Additions to buildings ... ... 91 18 10 New buildings ... ... 862 2 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 53 2 6 Insurance ... ... ... 54 14 0 Other expenses ... ... 899 9 5 Total ... ... £7,879 16 11 Total ... £5,126 15 2 Visited 17th November, 1905.—The old fever ward has been fitted to make a good comfortable Nurses' Home. Owing to increase in population in this district, large additions to the Hospital building are in contemplation. The surgical work done here is causing a run on the accommodation provided. The nursing is very good. The Board zealous, indeed they need to be restrained, if possible, in some respects. PATEA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 4 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ••• 78 Total under treatment ... ... ... 82 Discharged ... ... ... ... ■•• ••• 76 Died... ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• 3 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 3 Sex. —54 males, 28 females. Localities from which Patients came.- —Waitotara to Manutahi. Nationality.— English, 15; Scotch, 1; Irish, 9; New Zealand, 42 ; Australian, 2 ; Norwegian, 1; Swedish, 1; Danish, 2; Hungarian, 2; Welsh, 1. Religion.— Church of England, 38 ; Roman Catholic, 16 ; Presbyterian, 12; Wesleyan, 3; Church of Christ, 2 ; Lutheran, 2 ; Baptist, 1; Freethinkers, 2; no religion, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,948 ; individual average days' stay, 23-76. Daily average cost per head, Bs. 9Jd.; less patients' payments, 7s. 5Jd. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 400 1 4 Rations ... ... ... 178 0 5 Local bodies ... ... ... 240 0 0 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 4 4 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 43 0 2 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 94 16 5 Bequests ... ... ... 149 6 3 Instruments ... ... ... 31 18 4 Rents... ... ••• ... 517 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 46 7 5 Patients'payments ... ... 129 17 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 19 1 2 Balance from last year ... ... 299 0 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 82 17 11 Washing and laundry ... ... 54 8 3 Salaries and wages ... .... 251 6 11 Repairs ... ... •■• 64 2 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... .. ... 15 8 4 Insurance ... ... ... 577 Other expenses... ... ... 7 17 9 Total ... ... £1,267 2 9 Total £855 16 10 This Cottage Hospital keeps going as usual.



PICTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 8 Admitted during the year ... ... ... . 141 Total under treatment ... ... 149 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... .. 129 Died... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 11 Sex. —lol males, 48 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Picton Hospital District, Wairau Hospital District, Wellington, Christchurch, Napier, Otago, West Coast, shipping. Country. —England, 34 ; Scotland, 7 ; Ireland, 5 ; New Zealand, 92 ; Denmark, 2 ; Australia, 4 ; Norway, 1; Canada, 2 ; Tasmania, 1; Russia, 1. Religion.— Church of England, 103; Roman Catholic, 18 ; Presbyterian, 21; Wesleyan, 1; Methodist, 2 ; Baptist, 1; Lutheran, 1; Salvation Army, 1; Church of Christ, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,846; individual average days' stay, 32-52. Daily average cost per head, ss. O^d.; less patients' payments, 3s. lOf d. Outdoor Patients. —Nil. - Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 611 6 8 Rations ... ... ... 243 10 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 456 16 10 Surgery and dispensary ... 103 11 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 64 14 5 Fuel and light ... ... 57 7 3 Patients'payments ... ... 278 0 3 Bedding and clothing, &c. ... 25 10 7 Other sources... .. ... 138 8 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 412 3 8 Balance from last year... ... 110 511 Water-supply... .. ... 310 0 Anaesthetics ... ... ... 80 17 0 Legal expenses ... ... 79 2 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 14 4 4 Interest ... ... ... 38 10 6 Insurance ... ... ... 14 13 4 Wairau Hospital ... ... 337 4 7 Other expenses ... ... 149 16 8 Total ... ...£1,659 12 3 Total ... ...£1,560 1 7 Visited 19th January, 1906. —No change of any moment. QUEENSTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 3 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 78 Total under treatment ... ... ... 81 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 6 Sex. —49 males, 32 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Lake County, Southland County, Dunedin. Country. —New Zealand, 36; England, 13; Ireland, 11; Scotland, 15; Australia, 4; Germany, 1; Holland, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 21; Roman Catholic, 18; Presbyterian, 39; Lutheran, 2 ; Salvation Army, 1 Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,119; individual average days' stay, 26-16. Daily average cost per head, Bs. 7Jd. ; less patients' payments, 6s. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases 39 ; attendances, 81. 4—H. 22. •



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 383 6 8 Rations ... ... ... 147 12 10 Local bodies ... ... ... 256 0 0 Surgery and dispensary, &c. ... 34 8 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 73 19 1 Fuel and light ... ... ... 49 10 8 Patients'payments ... ... 280 14 11 Bedding and clothing ... ... 2 4 2 Balance from last year ... ... 113 13 9 Furniture and earthenware ... 78 15 7 Salaries and wages ... ... 466 14 0 Funerals ... ... ... 3 12 0 Repairs ... ... ... 80 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 10 16 8 Insurance ... ... ... 13 12 11 Commission ... ... ... 13 11 10 Other expenses ... ... 16 10 3 Total ... £1,107 14 5 Total ... ...£917 9 6 Visited 23rd September, 1905. —The outside of this Hospital needs painting, and the work is to be put in hand forthwith. The inside is to be distempered. The former Matron left about three months ago, and has been succeeded by Miss Clare, who is not a registered nurse. RAWENE HOSPITAL. Patients admitted since Ist July, 1905 ... ... ... 30 Total under treatment ... ... ... 30 Discharged ... ... ... ... .. ... 21 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 4 Sex. —24 males, 6 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Hokianga, 28 ; Gisborne, 1; shipping, 1. Nationality. —British, 17; Maoris, 12; German, 1. Religion. —Protestant, 25 ; Roman Catholic, 5. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 671; individual average days' stay, 22-33. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 6£d.; less patients' payments, ss. 6d. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. ] Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 225 7 7 l Rations ... ' ... ... 65 17 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 120 7 8 Wines, &c. ... ... ... 218 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 87 10 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 41610 Patients' payments ... ... 68 6 0 Fuel and light ... ... .. 7 5 5 Other sources ... ... ... 1 7 4 : Bedding, clothing, and furniture ... 11l 6 3 Salaries and wages ... ... 126 8 1 Repairs ... ... ... 113 11 5 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 580 Other expenses ... .. 3 18 0 Total ... ... £502 18 7 Total ... ... £477 19 1 Visited 18th October, 1905. —This Hospital, formerly an inn by the wharf, has undergone and is about to undergo some further alterations and additions. There is at present no closet on the femaleside. Tank-water is the only source of supply. A windmill to pump sea-water for flushing closets and ordinary bathing in order to conserve the supply seems advisable. There was only one patient in the Hospital when visited. The Matron, Miss Dickson, is a registered nurse and midwife. REEFTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 24 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 81 Total under treatment ... ... ... 105 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 63 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 24



Sea;.— 99 males, 6 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Reefton, 67; Grey Valley, 21; Capleston, 8; Greymouth, 1; Otira, 1 ; Murchison, 6 ; Lyell, 1. Country. —England and Wales, 21; Scotland, 5 ; Ireland, 38 ; New Zealand, 15 ; China, 4 ; Shetland, 1 ; Switzerland, 1 ; Sweden, 1 ; Australia, 15; Finland, 1 ; Germany, 2 ; Portugal, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 32 ; Roman Catholic, 44 ; Presbyterian, 12; Wesleyan, 11; Confucian, 4 ; Lutheran, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 6,334 ; individual average days' stay, 60-32. Daily average cost per head, 6s. lfd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 9d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 130 ; attendances, 267. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 937 8 1 Rations ... ... ... 521 6 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 75 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 26 19 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 499 15 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 106 9 4 Patients'payments ... ... 442 410 Fuel and light ... ... 114 6 9 Other sources... ... ... 6 7 5 Bedding and clothing ... ... 16 1 5 Balance from last year ... ... 912 Furniture and earthenware ... 7779 Washing and laundry ... ... 653 Salaries and wages ... ... 788 7 2 Funerals ... ... ... 17 5 0 Sanitation ... ... ... 13 10 0 Repairs and additions ... ... 84 14 1 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 50 16 3 Insurance ... ... ... 11 2 11 Other expenses ... ... 78 12 1 Total ... ...£1,969 17 0 Total ... ...£1,913 3 8 Visited 3rd January, 1906. —Things at Hospital much as usual, except a much improved operation-room. RIVERTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 16 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 182 Total under treatment ... ... ... 198 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 161 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 19 Sex. —129 males, 69 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Waiau, Orepuki, Colac Bay, Riverton, Otautau, Nightcaps, Tapanui, Round Hill, Kelso, Wamatuku, Waianiwa. Nationality. —English, Scotch, Irish, Chinese, Maori. Religion. —Church of England, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, Roman Catholic, Confucian. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 6,039; individual average days' stay, 30-5. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 2fd.; less patients' payments, ss. l-|d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 80 ; attendances, 186. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 711 511 Rations ... ... ... 387 811 Local bodies ... ... ... 637 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 16 5 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 19 11 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 110 0 1 Patients'payments ... ... 335 3 0 Fuel and light ... ... 11l 5 6 Other sources ... ... 10 1 9 Bedding and clothing ... ... 27 14 2 Balance from last year ... ... 390 18 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 16 6 4 Washing and laundry ... ... 15 15 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 643 12 3 Water-supply ... ... 44 13 7 Funerals ... ... ... 6 10 Repairs ... ... ... 50 11 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 18 4 9 Insurance ... ... ... 13 15 10 Other expenses ... ... 420 15 3 Total ... ...£2,103 19 8 Total ... ...£1,882 9 3 This Hospital is vigorously administered, and the surgical work has greatly increased of late years. The nursing has been very good ever since Miss Willis came there.



ROSS HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 11 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 13 Total under treatment ... ... ... 24 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 9 Sex. —24 males. Localities from which Patients came. —Ross, 9; South Westland, 11; Totara, 3 ; Hokitika, 1. Country.— England, 8 ; Scotland, 5; Ireland, 3 ; New Zealand, 5 ; Australia, 2 ; Tasmania, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 13; Roman Catholic, 5 ; Presbyterian, 6. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,394; individual average days' stay, 141-42. Daily average cost per head, 4s. sfd. ; less patients' payments, 3s. Bfd. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... _ ... 277 11 1 Rations, wine, spirits, ale, &c. ... 203 1 5 Local bodies ... ... " ... 234 19 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 31 11 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 106 10 0 j Fuel and light ... ... ... 29 8 0 Patients'payments ... ... 140 5 2 Bedding and clothing ... ... 410 5 Furniture and earthenware ... 3 18 9 Washing and laundry ... ... 4 5 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 348 2 4 Funerals ... ... ... 13 10 0 Repairs ... ... ... 76 17 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 24 6 6 Insurance ... ... ... 6 15 7 Other expenses... ... ... 12 18 3 Total ... ... £759 5 3 Total ... ... £759 5 3 Visited 28th December, 1905. —There were ten patients at time of visit—one patient aged fortyfive years, the average age of the other nine inmates being seventy-one years. Dr. Telford has replaced Dr. Mandl. SOUTH WAIRARAPA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 5 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 92 Total under treatment ... ... ... 97 Discharged ... ... ... .. ... ... 89 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 5 Sex. —65 males, 32 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Carterton, Greytown, Featherston, Martinborough, Gladstone, Wellington, Palmerston North, and Kimbolton. Country. —England, 17 ; Scotland, 7 ; Ireland, 11; New Zealand, 47 ; Wales, 1; Australia, 2; Germany, 1; America, 1; France, 1; Denmark, 1; Isle of Man, 1; Sweden, 1; Canada, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 52 ; Roman Catholic, 12 ; Presbyterian, 16; Wesleyan, 9; Christian Brethren, 1; Congregationalist, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,494; individual average days' stay, 25-71. Daily average cost per head, Bs. 2-Jd.; less patients' payments, 7s. Id.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 349 910 Rations ... ... ... 220 2 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 167 7 5 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 116 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 205 2 8 Surgery and dispensary ... 59 1 8 Rents ... ... ... 10 0 Fuel and light... ... ... 52 4 4 Patients'payments ... ... 139 010 Bedding and clothing ... ... 29 17 0 Other sources... ... ... 4 17 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 75 12 5 Balance from last year... ... 497 0 7 Washing and laundry ... ... 14 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 517 711 Repairs ... ... ... 156 Additions to buildings ... ... 164 11 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... .. 25 6 4 Insurance ... ... ... 1435 Other expenses ... ... 13 8 6 Total £1,363 18 7 Total £1,188 16 9 This Hospital is a luxury which the district cheerfully pays for and treats with great generosity. It is always a plsasure to visit this Hospital. The administrature is efficient, and the Doctor and his staff very attentivs A suitable Fever Hospital, with accommodation for six beds, has been built since my last visit, and is now ready for opening. STRATFORD HOSPITAL. This is a new, fully equipped, modern Hospital, sufficiently close to either New Plymouth or Wanganui to make its existence an expensive luxury for the ratepayers, but in all other respects unexceptionable. It is the people's own business. It will soon be open for patients. THAMES HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 34 Admitted during the year- ... ... ... ... 419 Total under treatment ... ... ... 453 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ••• 403 Died 17 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 33 Sex. —328 males, 125 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Thames Hospital District, 423; Waikato, 12; Waihi, 14; Auckland, 4. Country. —New Zealand, 270 ; England, 72 ; Scotland, 20 ; Ireland, 40 ; Australia, 21; Cape Colony, 3; America (United States), 6 ; Sweden, 3; Austria, 1; Germany, 5 ; Canada, 1; Norway, 3; Poland, 3; Italy, 1; New Caledonia, 1; Spain, 1; Greece, 1; Holland, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 228 ; Roman Catholic, 110; Methodist, 37 ; Presbyterian, 50; Congregationalist, 2 ; Primitive Methodist, 6; Baptist, 8 ; Church of Christ, 1 ; Lutheran, 2; Salvation Army, 2 ; Mormon, 1; Unitarian, 1 ; Jewish, 3 ; unknown, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 11,222; individual average days' stay, 24-77. Daily average cost per head, 4s. ljd.; less patients' payments, 3s. l£d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 320 ; attendances, 1,750. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 812 8 3 Rations ... ... ... 482 17 0 Local bodies... ... ... 670 2 11 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 7 3 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 118 11 1 Surgery and dispensary ... 213 810 Eents ... ... ••• 36 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 153 18 0 Patients' payments ... ... 566 17 2 Bedding and clothing, furniture, Other sources ... ... 37 4 7 and earthenware ... ... " 139 17 0 Balance from last year ... 1,423 18 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 954 11 2 Consultations ... ... 132 6 0 Funerals ... ... ... 11 10 6 Repairs ... ... ... 14 1 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 35 18 6 Interest ... ... .. 116 Insurance ... ... ... 30 16 9 Other expenses ... ... 131 15 11 Total ... . .£3,665 2 6 Total ... ... £2,309 5 5



Visited 27th October, 1905, and 4th June, 1906. — This Hospital continues to be well and economically managed under Miss Stewart. The nurses work twelve hours a day, and are content. The food is good. Dr. Aubin returns to-morrow. Dr. Bett has given great satisfaction while in charge. An attempt to purchase an addition to the limited site failed. At the date of the second visit a septic tank was about to be installed. TIMARU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 48 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 462 Total under treatment ... ... ... 510 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 431 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 34 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 45 Sex. —349 males, 161 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hospital district, 459; outside hospital district, 51. Country. —England, 85; Scotland, 47; Ireland, 63; New Zealand, 240; Australia, 16; Wales, 1 ; America, 2 ; Denmark, 2 ; Channel Islands, 3; West Indies, 1; Finland, 1. Religion. —Roman Catholic, 116 ; Episcopalian, 147 ; Presbyterian, 118 ; Salvation Army, 4 ; Primitive Methodist, 9 ; Wesleyan, 47 ; Baptist, 4 ; Congregationalist, 3 ; Plymouth Brethren, 12 ; Quaker, 2 ; Lutheran, 1 ; Jewish, 1 ; Agnostic, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 15,369 ; individual average days' stay, 30-14. Daily average cost per head, ss. s£d.; less patients' payments, 4s. lOd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 488 ; attendances, 1,340. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,792 4 7 Rations ... ' ... ... 1,460 14 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,792 4 7 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 5 10 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 140 12 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 302 10 6 Patients'payments ... ... 470 17 2 Fuel and light ... ... 440 3 3 Other sources... ... ... 0 9 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 99 6 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 105 3 11 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,325 0 9 Water-supply... ... ... 76 17 8 Repairs ... ... ... 153 410 Additions to buildings ... ... 66 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 17 8 4 Insurance ... ... ... 14 1 0 Other expenses ... ... 130 6 8 Total ... ...£4,196 7 4 Total ... ...£4,196 7 4 Visited Ist March, 1906.—Miss Todd, the new Matron, had just arrived. The diphtheria ward is now being used for accommodation for nurses, but as there is no provision in the niw Infectious Diseases Hospital for diphtheria this ward would still have to accommodate such cases should any occur. The floor in the operating-room (wood) could be improved, and a better table is desirable. The whole place is clean. Tuberculosis is being treated in the converted sanitary annexes, communicating freely with the rest of the ward. This is not good, but there is no room in the grounds to make provision for such cases. The wastes from annexes are not trapped. There is much painting and plastering going on. Clark's automatic telephone system is in use throughout the Hospital and is found to be very convenient. A very marked improvement has been effected in the ventilation by making the windows " practicable." WAIHI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 18 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 234 Total under treatment ... ... ... 252 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 217 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 20 Sex. —lBs males, 67 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Waihi, Thames, Ohinemuri, Bay of Plenty. Country. —England, 21; Scotland, 4 ; Ireland, 25; New Zealand, 166; Australia, 26; Sweden, 1; Tasmania, 2; Germany, 3 ; United States of America, 2 ; China 1; Norfolk Islands, 1.



Religion. — Church of England, 114; Roman Catholic, 62; Presbyterian, 36; Salvation Army, 8; Church of Christ, 5; Lutheran, 1 ; Methodist, 21; Baptist, 4; Confucian, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 5,517; individual average days' stay, 21-89. Daily average cost per head, 6s. lid. ; less patients' payments, ss. IOJd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 30 ; attendances, 152. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,503 18 1 Rations ... ... ... 484 14 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 450 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 7 6 9 Subscriptions and donations ... 176 12 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 228 911 Patients'payments ... ... 286 13 0 Fuel and light... ... ... 262 16 11 Other sources... ... ... 9 13 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 23 2 7 Balance from last year ... ... 54 0 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 8713 8 Salaries and wages ... ... 735 18 2 Water-supply (new) ... ... 71 15 6 Funerals ... ... ... 2 5 0 Grounds improvement ... 101 11 6 Additions to buildings ... ... 126 9 5 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 33 0 1 Insurance ... ... ... 21 18 2 Other expenses ... ... 38 3 6 Total ... ...£2,480 16 4 Total ... ...£2,225 511 Visited 27th and 28th October, 1905, and 2nd June, 1906.—The Trustees were, at the date of the first visit, considering the question of having a Resident Medical Officer. They had heard of no complaint of the long hours worked by the staff. They would look into it. They understood that trouble was due to want of tact on the part of the Matron. It is noticable that at this Hospital the windows are always closed, and an excuse is ready to justify the closeness; but, wind or no wind, the patients must have fresh air. A considerable area of ground has been added to the site. The Infectious Diseases Hospital site is fixed in due relation to the General Hospital. The baths, sinks, and lavatories are all untrapped. This was pointed out to the Committee, who promised to have them remedied. The odour from the septic tank was very perceptible. Before the date of the second visit Miss Murray had left, and Miss Brooke-Smith had been appointed Matron, with Dr. Claridge as Visiting Medical Officer. Before Miss Brooke-Smith's arrival there had been scandals connected with the staff. On her attempting to reform matters her authority, as well as that of the Chairman, was set aside by a majority of the Trustees. Miss Brooke-Smith has since resigned. WAIKATO HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 41 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 421 Total under treatment ... ... ... 462 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 415 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 24 Sea;.—337 males, 125 females. Localities from which Patients came. — King-country and Kawhia, 94; Waipa County, 86 ; Hamilton, 54 ; Piako County, 46 ; Waikato County, 40 ; Te Aroha, 31; Raglan County, 22; Rotorua, 16 ; Cambridge, 10; other districts, 22. Country. — New Zealand, 268; England, 63 ; Ireland, 38 ; Scotland, 10 ; New South Wales, 10; Victoria, 9 ; South Australia, 4 ; Germany, 3; India, 3 ; Canada, 2 ; Wales, 2 ; Sweden, 2; United States of America, 2 ; Queensland, 1; Nova Scotia, 1; Fiji, 1; Holland, 1; Denmark, 1. Religion. —Anglican, 214 ; Roman Catholic, 88 ; Presbyterian, 61; Wesleyan, 36 ; Baptist, 4 ; Mormon, 3 ; Church of Christ, -2 ; Lutheran, 2 ; Salvationist, 2 ; Congregationalist, 1 ; Greek Church, 1 ; no religion, 7. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 12,345; individual average days' stay, 26-7. Daily average cost per head, ss. Bd. ; less patients' payments, 4s. o^d.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. . £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,953 18 8 Rations ... ... ... 995 9 6 Local bodies... ... ... 1,877 17 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 7 15 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 41 13 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 533 19 9 Rents ... ... ... 106 9 0 Fuel and light ... ... 190 1 8 Patients' payments ... ... 1,017 1 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 131 0 5 Other sources ... ... 13 14 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 154 7 8 Balance from last year ... 1,662 5 7 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,470 12 9 Water-supply ... ... 18 16 3 Funerals ... ... ... 21 1 0 Repairs, new buildings, and additions ... ... ... 3,412 3 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... .. ... 35 3 10 Interest ... ... ... 149 Insurance ... ... ... 25 6 9 Other expenses ... .. 259 12 9 Total ... ... £6,672 18 6 Total ... ... £7,256 16 3 Visited 25th October, 1905. —This Hospital is overfull, but a new wing is being built. The nurses work on.the eight-hours system. -The probationers are chosen by the Board without reference to the Matron or Doctor. They are chiefly chosen from local candidates, and apparently no question of fitness conies in. A Maori half-caste probationer is doing her work well. With the exception of its crowded state, and the building operations now in progress, the Hospital is much as usual. A new steriliser has been purchased. WAIMATE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 14 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 113 Total under treatment ... ... ... 127 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 105 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 .. ... 12 Sex. —7B males, 49 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Waimate County. Country. —England, 18; Scotland, 9; Ireland, 20; New Zealand, 69; Australia, 6; Germany, 2; Sweden, 2; France, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,616 ; individual average days' stay, 206. Daily average cost per head, 10s. 4fd.; less patients' payments, 9s. lOd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 25 ; attendances, 120. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 590 19 10 Rations ... ... ... 164 16 10 Local bodies ... ... ... 589 19 10 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 16 13 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 41 2 6 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 120 2 3 Patients'payments ... ... 69 18 7 Fuel and light ... ... ... 7116 0 Other sources ... ... ... 10 0 9 Bedding and clothing ... ... 37 10 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 81 9 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 570 14 10 Funerals ... ... ... 12 10 6 Repairs ... ... ... 34 13 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 14 7 0 Interest ... ... ... 0 18 6 Insurance ... .. ... 9 3 10 Other expenses... ... ... 224 13 5 Total .. £1,302 1 6 Total ... £1,359 9 2 Visited 28th February, 1906. — The feeling for separation from the Timaru Hospital Board is very strong in the district. At the time of the visit there were only six patients. Mrs. Chapman, who had for many years faithfully served the Trustees, recognising the new order of things retired from nursing duties, but continued to act as housekeeper. She has since died, and her death severs a link with the past.



WAIPAWA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 27 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 375 Total under treatment ... ... ... 402 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 351 Died ... 17 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 34 Sex. —3o3 males, 99 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Bush, 131 ; Hastings, 11; Dannevirke, 64; Makaretu, 21; Tikokino, 4; Waipukurau, 42; Coast, 60 ; Weber, 20; Masterton, 1; Waipawa, 20 ; Napier, 9; Woodville, 11; Palmerston, 2; Gisborne, 4; Wellington, 1; Pahiatua, 1. Country. —New Zealand, 159; Ireland, 35 ; Australia, 23 ; Norway, 15 ; England, 102 ; Denmark, 11; Scotland, 23 ; Tasmania, 3 ; Sweden, 6 ; Shetland Islands, 2 ; Poland, 1 ; Jamaica, 2 ; Russia, 2 ; Wales, 2 ; Syria, 1; Belgium, 1; East Indies, 4 ; Switzerland, 1; Prussia, 1; America, 3 ; Austria, 1; Italy, 1; Channel Islands, 1; Germany, 1; France, 1. Religion.— Church of England, 217 ; Roman Catholic, 63 ; Presbyterian, 52 ; Salvationist, 4 ; Lutheran, 32 ; Wesleyan, 16 ; Methodist, 4 ; Latter-day Saint, 1; Plymouth Brethren, 4 ; Christadelphian, 1; Mormons, 2; Baptist, 2 ; no religion, 3 ; Adventist, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 12,812; individual average days' stay, 31-87. Daily average cost per head, 4s. sfd. ; less patients' payments, 3s. 7fd. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,509 2 5 Rations ... ... ... 688 5 8 Localbodies ... ... ... 1,200 0 8 Wines, &c. ... ... ... 8 15 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 186 8 1 Surgery and dispensary .... 241 6 6 Patients'payments ... ... 459 8 0 Fuel and light •' '.'.. ... 180 18 11 Other sources... ... ... 227 18 11 Bedding and clothing ... ... 70 8 8 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,148 12 8 Water-supply... ... ... 80 15 3 Funerals ... ... ... 15 7 0 Repairs and additions . ... 247 16 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 12 18 9 Insurance ... ... ... 24 6 1 Other expenses ... ... 153 7 4 Total ... ...£3,582 18 1 Total ... ...£2,872 18 4 This is an old building with modern additions, provided as necessity arose. It has always been well managed in every respect, except as regards its drainage which cannot really be cured until a general water-supply and sewerage for the town are provided. I have never been able to understand why the district should have consented to a new and up-to-date Hospital close by at Dannevirke, which will its'own Hospital. WAIROA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 49 Total under treatment ... ... ... 55 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 49 Died ... ... ... ... ... .... 2 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 4 Sex. —44 males, 11 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Wairoa County, Wanganui, Opotiki, Hastings. Country. —New Zealand, 28; England, 12; Ireland, 5; Aboriginal, 1 ; Scotland, 1 ; Victoria, 1 ; New South Wales, 3 ; Tasmania, 1; Sweden, 2 ; United States of America, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 30; Roman Catholic, 11; Presbyterian, 10; Wesleyan, 1; Morman, 1; Lutheran, 1; Quaker, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,092 ; individual average days' stay, 1985. Dailyaverage cost per head, 12s. Bd. ; less patients' payments, 12s, 5—H. 22.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 613 9 11 Rations ... .. ... 127 3 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 339 10 8 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 5 5 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 227 9 7 Surgery and dispensary ... 99 0 9 Patients'payments ... ... 36 11 0 Fuel and light ... ... 128 16 3 Balance from last year ... ... 42 3 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 36 5 9 Furniture, &c. ... ... 156 2 9 Washing and laundry ... ... 2 10 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 339 6 6 Water-supply... ... ... 163 15 6 New buildings... ... ... 155 10 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 443 Interest ... ... ... 0 2 6 Insurance ... ... ... 7 15 0 Other expenses ... ... 50 18 6 Total ... ...£1,259 4 8 Total ... ...£1,276 17 7 WANGANUI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... 54 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 538 Total under treatment ... ... ... 592 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 503 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 54 Sex. —4oo males, 192 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Wanganui Borough, 281; Wanganui County, 70; Waimarimo County, 15; Waitotara County, 66 ; Rangitikei County, 129 ; Marton Borough, 15; Patea, 8 ; Palmerston North, 5 ; Stratf ard, 3. Country. —England, 96; Scotland, 39; Ireland, 67; New Zealand, 311; Australia, 39; Sweden, 6 ; United States of America, 1 ; Germany, 3 ; Channel Islands, 5; China, 1; Tasmania, 5 ; Finland, 3; Italy, 1 ; Denmark, 3 ; Switzerland, 3 ; India, 1; Russia, 1; Norway, 3 ; France, 3 ; Austria, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 232 ; Roman Catholic, 149 ; Presbyterian, 102 ; Wesleyan, 36 ; Plymouth Brethren, 4; Baptist, 4; Salvation Army, 4; Lutheran, 11; Methodist, 12; Church of Christ, 5; Protestant, 18; Christadelphian, 1; Confucian, 1 ; unknown, 13. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 19,536; individual average days' stay, 33. Daily average cost per head, ss. Ofd. ; less patients' payments, 4s. 6-fd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 90 ; attendances, 342. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,899 11 1 Rations ... ... ... 1,464 2 6 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,509 0 6 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 70 11 2 Subscriptions and donations ... 325 810 Surgery and dispensary ... 514 12 9 Rents ... ... ... 1,090 19 0 Fuel and light... ... ... 472 11 3 Patients'payments ... ... 481 4 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 160 17 9 Other sources... ... ... 194 13 9 Furniture and earthenware ... 165 9 6 Balance from last year ... ... 914 18 5 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,513 19 3 Water-supply... ... ... 127 1 2 Funerals ... ... ... 17 5 0 Repairs ... ... ... 61 6 5 New buildings ... ... 5 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 47 2 11 Interest ... ... ... 75 0 0 Insurance ... ... ... 19 10 4 Other expenses ... ... 244 10 3 Total ... £6,415 15 10 Total ... £4,959 0 3 This Hospital is well known as one of the best in the colony. It is well administered, and the medical and nursing staff is good. Some difficulties have arisen, but they have been removed. As a whole, the Hospital is a credit to the district, and it does excellent work.



WELLINGTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... 167 Admitted during the year ... ... •• • ... 1,97 ( Total under treatment ... • • • 2,144 Discharged ... .-• ••■ ••• ■•• 1, Died 17* Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... 201 5ea;.—1,307 males, 837 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Wellington Hospital District: Wellington City, 1,437; Wellington Suburbs, 271; Petone, 113; Lower Hutt, 45; Upper Hutt, 29; 7; sundry small places in district, 41. Wairarapa Hospital District, 37 ; Inangahua Hospital District, M ; Palmerston North Hospital District, 16; Auckland Hospital District, 12 ; Wanganui Hospital District, 12; Marlborough Hospital District, 10; Taranaki Hospital District, 8; Hawke s Bay Hospital District, 5 ; North Canterbury Hospital District, 4 ; Cook Hospital District, 3 ; Waipawa Hospital District, 3; Grey Hospital District, 3; Nelson Hospital District, 2 ; South Canterbury Hospital District, 2 ; ships in port, 57 ; Sydney, 1 ; locality not stated, 6. Nationality of Patients.— Colonials (New Zealand), 1,187; Colonials (Australian), 80; English 442- Irish 172; Scotch, 100; Welsh, 40; Norwegians, 14; Swedes, 10; Italians, 10; Americans, 10; Germans, 10; Jews, 7; Syrians, 5; Maoris, 5; Danes, 4; Dutch, 3; Finlanders, 3; South Africans, 3; Canadians, 3; Greeks, 3; Prussians, 2; Chinese, 2 ; French 2; Russians 2 ■ Swiss, 2; Belgians, 2; West Indians, 2 ; East Indian, 1; Maltese, 1; Shetland Islander,'l ;' Spaniard, 1; Newfoundlander, 1; Scandinavian, 1; Roumanians, 2; Egyptian, 1; Austrian, 1 ; not stated, 9. Religion of Patients .—Church of England, 1,001; Roman Catholic, 483; Presbyterian, 311; Wesleyan, 137 ; Primitive Methodist, 41 ; Baptist, 35 ; Salvation Army, 22 ; Plymouth Brethren, 15; Lutheran, 14; Hebrew, 13 ; Church of Christ, 11 ; Congregationahst, 9; Spiritualist, 8 ; Free Church of Scotland, 2 ; Catholic Apostolic, 2 ; Greek Church, 1 ; Christadelphian, 1 ; Confucian, 1; Unitarian, 1 ; Theosophist, 1; Seventh Day Adventers, 1; Mormon, 1; religion not given, 33. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 61,110; individual average days' stay, 28-5. Daily average cost per head, 6s. l£d.; less patients' payments, ss. 4d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 2,625 ; attendances, 11,597. . Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government 11,694 5 8 Rations ... ... ••■ 4,363 13 0 Local bodies 8,300 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 179 13 10 Loan ... •■• ••• 3,500 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 1,970 17 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 3,451 0 0 Fuel and light 1,331 2 3 Bequest ... ... ••• 725 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... 647 12 0 Rents ... ... 2,630 711 Furniture and earthenware ... 690 610 Patients'payments 2,452 0 5 Washing and laundry ... 614 3 6 Other sources ... ... 153 4 8 Salaries and wages ... ... 6,765 5 4 Balance from last year ... 60 11 0 Water-supply 286 12 0 Funerals ... ... ... 49 2 6 Repairs ... ... ••• 815 0 4 Additions to buildings ... 5,246 9 9 Additions to lands ... ... 1,728 9 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 212 18 9 Interest 855 12 7 1 Insurance ... ... ... 170 3 0 Repayment of loan ... ... 1,500 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 627 10 7 Total £32,966 9 8 Total £28,054 12 10 Of all the hospitals in our country this has made most progress during the last two years, but at a great cost to the ratepayers. The Nurses' Home, the Victoria Home, the Home for Consumptives m Wellington and at Otaki, and the proposed Hospital for Infectious Diseases will increasingly press on the rates in future years. The Wellington Hospital itself is a prosperous and well-managed institution. Dr Ewart now absent on holiday, has managed it for many years with great ability, to the high satisfaction of the public. The Trustees are, I fear, somewhat headlong in their expenditure, but there can be no question of their great care of, and interest in, the institution. The Matron, Miss Payne, has the best-instructed and the most-disciplined staff of nurses in the colony



WESTPORT HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 32 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 150 Total under treatment ... ... ... 182 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 145 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 25 Sex. —l 47 males, 35 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Buller district, Wellington, shipping. Country. —England, 32; Ireland, 37; Scotland, 29; Wales, 2; New Zealand, 67; Australia, 7 ; America, 2 ; Germany, 6 Religion.— Church of England, 65 ; Roman Catholic, 52 ; Presbyterian, 35; Methodist, 25; Plymouth Brethren, 3 ; Freethinker, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 10,971; individual average days' stay, 6028. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 7d. ; less patients' payments, 3s. 2d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 181 ; attendances, 589. - Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 567 1 0 Rations ... ... ... 669 0 6 Local bodies... ... ... 493 3 10 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 55 16 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 284 7 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 188 7 8 Rents ... ... ... 44 3 6 Fuel and light... ... ... 139 8 5 Patients'payments ... ... 221 5 2 Bedding and clothing ... ... 30 6 7 Other sources ... ... 350 10 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 48 2 11 Salaries and wages ... ... 724 211 Funerals ... ... ... 26 18 0 Repairs ... ... ... 4 11 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery, &c. ... ... 31 10 1 Insurance ... ... ... 9 13 4 Other expenses ... ... 32 12 10 Total ... ... £1,960 11 1 Total ... ...£1,960 11 1 Visited 7th January and 15th July, 1906. —The Board has made up its mind to build a new up-to-date Hospital. I have approved the plans, subject to certain conditions, but taking no responsibility for the amount to be expended. The foundations were in at the date of the second visit. I have, however, in my last year's report, expressed the opinion that this and the Grey River Hospital are the only expensive, because fully equipped, hospitals required in the whole coastal district. The old building is quite out of date, and is largely an Old Men's Home. The institution is well administered, and the medical work and the nursing are well done. WHANGAREI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 110 Total under treatment ... ... ... 119 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 96 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 10 Sex. —88 males, 31 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Whangarei County, 87; Bay of Islands County, 9; Whangaroa County, 2 ; Hobson County, 1 ; Otamatea County, 1 ; Auckland, 3; unknown, 7. Country. — England, 14; Scotland, 9; Ireland, 11 ; New Zealand, 55; Australia, 6; Nova Scotia, 1; Germany, 1; Denmark, 2 ; Austria, 4; Sweden, 1; Norway, 2 ; Switzerland, 1; Spain, 1; Finland, 1; Jersey, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 56 ; Roman Catholic, 20 ; Presbyterian, 16 ; Wesleyan, 6; Baptist, 2 ; Lutheran, 2; Salvationist, 1; Mormon, 3; Plymouth Brethren, 1; unknown, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,838 ; individual average days' stay, 23-85. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 2d.; less patients' payments, ss. lOd.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 397 2 7 Rations ... ... ... 310 19 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 165 10 1() Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 1 16 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 151 6 5 Surgery and dispensary (medical Bequest ... ... ... 100 0 q attendance and drugs) ... 312 16 5 Rents ... ... ... 6 6q Fuel and light ... ... 3914 3 Patients' payments ... ... 194 12 3 Furniture, &c. ... ... 14 8 2 Bedding, &c.... ... ... 27 5 7 Salaries and wages ... ... 259 18 5 Funerals ... ... ... 27 5 5 Repairs ... ... ... 320 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 814 Insurance ... ... ... 9 11 3 Total ... ...£1,014 18 1 Total ... -...£1,014 18 1 Visited 20th October, 1905.—This Hospital is in its usual satisfactory state. There were only five patients at time of visit. Recognising that they cannot train probationers at so small a hospital, they intend to get another registered nurse, and have only one probationer instead of two as at present. I n Hi Vf * cvo D. MacGregor, M.A.', M.8., M.C., LL.D., Inspector-General of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions.



Table showing Admissions, Discharges, &c., of Patients at Hospitals for the Year ended the 31st March, 1906.

Hospital. Number of Number of Number Se: Patients Patients Total under Number D j d remaining on admitted Treatment. discharged. ' on March 31, 1905. during Year. ■ March 31,1906. M. !X. i n Ti 0 *"!' „ Individual Average Sfll'kZl Average Daily Cost per i»M3. Patient, Percentage of . Cost of Administration on Total Expenditure. Number of Oul .door Patients. F. Individual Cases. Attendances. Akaroa Arrowtown Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Charleston Christchurch Coromandel Cromwell Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth Havelock Hawera Hokitika Invercargill Kumara Lawrence Masterton Mercury Bay Napier Naseby Nelson.. New Plymouth .. Northern Wairoa Oamaru Otaki .. Pahiatua Palmerston North Patea Picton Queenstown Rawene Beefton Riverton Ross South Wairarapa Thames Timaru Waihi Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wairoa Wanganui Wellington Westport Whangarei 2 2 9 162 17 8 116 5 9 98 6 18 53 10 36 38 21 5 12 47 8 25 46 4 11 16 8 22 4 8 3 30 79 217 1,801 200 23 1,466 62 59 1,362 40 318 215 143 121 505 75 93 146 33 589 126 267 345 205 203 106 112 380 78 141 78 30 81 182 13 92 419 462 234 421 113 375 49 538 1,977 150 110 32 81 226 1,963 217 31 1,582 67 68 1,460 46 336 268 17 153 157 543 96 98 158 33 636 134 292 391 209 214 122 120 402 82 149 81 30 105 198 24 97 453 510 252 462 127 402 55 592 2,144 182 119 26 67 193 1,592 179 19 1,356 56 59 1,230 36 288 175 11 120 99 445 71 80 134 28 547 105 229 328 191 180 99 106 332 76 129 68 21 63 161 10 89 403 431 217 415 105 351 49 503 1,769 145 96 4 11 14 193 18 1 119 5 8 116 7 22 38 3 12 25 50 7 9 15 4 46 17 25 23 9 15 6 5 34 3 9 7 5 18 18 5 3 17 34 15 23 10 17 2 35 174 12 13 2 3 19 178 20 11 107 6 1 114 26 55 21 33 48 18 9 9 1 43 12 38 40 9 19 17 36 3 11 6 4 24 19 9 5 33 45 20 24 12 34 4 54 201 25 10 18 53 179 1,321 155 31 1,013 50 62 910 34 246 224 16 99 109 370 58 66 118 28 395 90 189 270 146 153 82 70 285 54 101 49 24 99 129 24 65 328 349 185 337 78 303 44 400 1,307 147 88 14 ■28 47 642 62 569 17 6 550 12 90 44 1 54 48 173 38 32 40 5 241 44 103 121 63 61 40 50 117 28 48 32 6 6 69 606 2,052 4,499 63,394 8,021 2,329 38,750 2,152 1,427 37,851 1,438 7,585 20,623 1,350 3,922 12,794 17,512 5,556 2,655 4,432 823 15,788 2,728 12,485 12,868 3,837 4,994 4,256 2,502 11,648 1,948 4,846 2,119 671 6,334 6,039 3,394 2,494 11,222 15,369 5,517 12,345 2,616 12,812 1,092 19,536 61,110 10,971 2,838 1900 25-33 19-90 32-29 37-00 75-13 34-49 3212 20-98 25-92 31-26 22-57 76-95 79-41 25-63 81-49 32-25 57-84 27-90 28-80 24-94 24-82 20-35 42-75 32-91 1836 23-34 34-88 20-85 28-98 23-76 32-52 26-16 22-33 60-32 30-50 141-42 25-71 24-77 30-14 21-89 26-70 20-60 31-87 19-85 33-00 28-50 60-28 23-85 £, s. d. 0 12 7 0 9 2J 0 7 6 0 5 0J 0 6 10 0 4 8 0 5 8 0 11 4J 0 12 2£ 0 5 4| 0 12 2J 0 3 34 0 2 llf 0 10 10 0 4 8 0 4 6 0 6 11 0 6 1 1 0 1140 6 2 0 7 11 0 5 5J 0 7 3J 0 5 9 0 5 7J 0 7 2| 0 6 3 0 8 9J 0 5 04 0 8 7| 0 6 1} 0 6 2| 0 4 5| 0 8 24 0 4 1J 0 5 5f 0 6 11 0 5 8 0 10 4} 0 4 5| 0 12 8 0 5 Of 0 6 14 0 3 7 0 7 2 32-27 58-84 4400 26-50 31-80 51-10 37-92 52-90 4100 31-46 54-05 36-88 38-50 32-17 25-50 38-30 35-73 47-38 33-02 30-00 53-75 19-68 66-74 3964 40-37 33-00 27-50 31-19 27-31 52-13 27-61 43-85 35-18 49-01 45-67 42-90 33-00 34-56 20-75 4300 40-44 26-88 34-96 25-00 38-52 2600 73 461 1,896 299 39 1,261 30 187 223 1,139 23 325 80 135 116 4,376 ' - 10,831 1,614 61 3,163 45 500 628 1,960 1,796 1,143 745 676 - 3,000 665 76 39 81 24 16 11 5 34 48 18 41 14 27 6 54 167 32 9 130 80 267 186 32 125 161 67 125 49 99 11 192 837 35 31 320 488 30 25 1,750 1,340 152 120 90 2,625 181 342 11,597 589 Totals 1,335 14,881 494,150 30-41 0 5 114 31-40 10,255 i 47,743 16,216 13,482 1,281 1,453 J10.951 5,265



Table showing the Receipts on Account of Hospitals during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Hospitals. From Government. From Hospital Boards and Local Authorities. Voluntary Contributions. Bequests. Rents, <fec. I Payments by Patients. I Other Sources. Balance from Last Year. Total Receipts. Akaroa Arrowtown .. Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Charleston Christchureh Coromandel Cromwell Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth Havelock Hawera Hokitika Invercargill . Kumara Lawrence Masterton Mercury Bay Napier Naseby Nelson New Plymouth Northern Wairoa Oamaru Otaki Pahiatua Palmerston North Patea Picton Queenstown Rawene Reefton Riverton Ross South Wairarapa Te Puia, Waipiro Bay Thames Timaru Waihi Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wairoa Wanganui Wellington Westport Whangarei .. .. £ s. d. 240 13 3 357 1 1 703 14 5 7,227 17 5 1,018 1 11 211 10 4 5,080 11 0 675 2 3 180 2 0 3,660 15 8 354 0 11 1,077 18 11 592 2 10 99 5 11 871 0 0 1,253 3 7 1,538 0 0 492 3 4 533 10 2 715 8 8 348 7 8 2,892 8 0 412 2 5 1,871 8 7 2,014 16 9 557 16 7 180 6 8 656 19 2 226 16 7 3,620 9 3 400 1 4 611 6 8 383 6 8 225 7 7 937 8 1 711 5 11 277 11 1 349 9 10 691 0 0 812 8 3 1,792 4 7 1,503 18 1 1,953 18 8 590 19 10 1,509 2 5 613 9 11 1,899 11 1 11,694 5 8 567 1 0 397 2 7 £ s. d. 240 13 4 246 0 0 700 0 0 7,227 17 5 1,081 15 8 91 10 0 5,157 2 3 300 0 0 623 12 10 3,000 0 0 184 3 5 625 0 0 345 16 8 99 5 10 942 2 6 727 3 4 1,538 0 0 302 10 0 260 2 6 163 15 0 1,260 0 0 277 10 8 1,093 10 0 602 13 11 100 0 0 £ s. d. 97 17 0 3 17 0 34 14 0 13 11 8 100 11 6 228 7 0 259 18 4 141 3 5 563 17 0 190 17 6 339 9 0 243 7 10 88 1 8 374 2 4 27 2 9 111 9 4 650 16 7 267 17 0 689 5 10 107 12 8 753 17 6 899 8 8 410 3 7 162 11 4 53 13 3 56 0 3 2,028 12 0 43 0 2 64 14 5 73 19 1 87 10 0 499 15 6 19 11 0 106 10 0 205 2 8 21 14 8 118 11 1 140 12 0 176 12 0 41 13 0 41 2 6 186 8 1 227 9 7 325 8 10 3,451 0 0 284 7 4 151 6 5 £ s. d. 225 0 0 10 0 0 13 0 0 10 0 500 0 0 £ s. d. 694 5 8 6 0 0 10 0 0 46' 4 2 25 14 0 0 10 0 ' 32' 8 0 8 15 0 7 18 0 77 5 6 142 5 0 38 0 0 £ s. d. 21 0 0 183 18 8 307 10 0 2,839 17 7 690 0 11 156 17 0 1,100 13 3 185 4 2 225 18 10 2,224 16 7 82 6 8 431 18 0 978. 14 5 334 6 6 565 9 2 829 9 2 228 17 0 222 8 6 100 0 2 56 4 4 3S9 12 10 274 15 0 457 12 1 1,558 14 9 310 11 2 320 15 8 239 18 11 356 4 0 462 7 9 129 17 6 278 0 3 280 14 11 68 6 0 442 4 10 335 3 0 140 5 2 139 0 10 £ s. d. 5 3 7 16 5 1 491 17 1 95 6 4 41 4 11 95 11 7 361 12 2 7 10 8 25 7 0 10 14 7 9 5 0 47 14 5 151 10 3 14 8 355 11 8 30 5 6 520 11 2 8 2 0 19 2 6 1,427 8 11 22 14 0 179 13 11 £ s. d. 117 9 3 62 1 4 1,788 9 5 49 19 2 991 10 5 198 14 2 29 3 5 0 4 8 883 2 0 , 434 16 9 192 3 7 267 16 3 71 7 2 208 6 11 4,866 18 4 316 3 9 6,989 3 1 180 10 11 £ s. d. 502 6 7 1,007 9 7 1,793 7 10 18,516 9 2 4,723 5 11 620 8 0 12,824 8 10 1,515 16 4 1,409 15 5 9,840 4 10 819 3 10 3,408 8 11 2,616 3 1 198 11 9 2,436 19 3 3,235 9 1 4,187 17 4 1,147 19 8 1,225 12 9 6,861 5 5 1,026 16 3 12,769 6 5 1,260 13 8 4,337 15 8 7,041 3 0 1,474 19 4 1,704 0 1 1,543 2 6 1,385 17 11 7,879 16 11 1,267 2 9 1,659 12 3 1,107 14 5 502 18 7 1,969 17 0 2,103 19 8 759 5 3 1,363 18 7 1,469 13 3 3,665 2 6 4,196 7 4 2,480 16 4 6,672 18 6 1,302 1 6 3,582 18 1 1,259 4 8 6,415 15 10 32,966 9 8 1,960 11 1 1,014 18 1 25 0 0 835 12 6 73 14 0 592 11 2 172 17 7 1,252 17 9 240 0 0 456 16 10 256 0 0 120 7 8 75 0 0 637 0 0 234 19 0 167 7 5 200 7 8 670 2 11 1,792 4 7 450 0 0 1,877 17 0 589 19 10 1,200 0 8 339 10 8 1,509 0 6 8,300 0 0 493 3 10 165 10 10 7817 3 149' 6 3 8' 0 O 517 0 10 0 14 12 0 515 10 2 138 8 2 17 4 6 7 5 10 1 9 417 3 472 10 3 299 0 6 110 5 11 113 13 9 9 12 390 18 0 497 0 7 556 10 11 1,423 18 6 36 0 0 566 17 2 470 17 2 286 13 0 1,017 1 3 69 18 7 459 8 0 36 11 0 481 4 3 2,452 0 5 221 5 2 194 12 3 37 4 7 0 9 0 9 13 0 13 14 0 10 0 9 30 19 3 106 - 9 0 54 0 3 1,662 5 7 •• 196 19 8 42 3 6 914 18 5 60 11 0 725 0 0 1,090 19 0 2,630 7 11 44 3 6 6 6 0 194 13 9 3,653 4 8 350 10 3 106' 0 0 ___ Totals 67,614 14 7 48,984 1 8 15,164 14 4 5,848 0 3 1,827 3 6 24,156 3 10 8,915 10 4 24,525 12 7 197,036 0



Table showing the Expenditure on Hospitals during the Year ended the 31st March, 1906.

Hospitals. Rations and Provisions. Wine, Ale, &c. Surgery and Dispensary. Fuel and Light. Bedding and Clothing. Furniture, Crockery, &c. Washing and I-aundry. Salaries and Wages. Watersupply. Funerals. Repairs. Additions to Buildings, &c, and NewBuildings. Printing, Advertising, Postage, and Stationery. For Interest. For Insurance. For Commission. Other Expenses. Total. Akaroa Arrowtown .. Ashburton .. Auckland Blenheim Charleston . i Christchurch Coromandel.. Cromwell Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth .. Havelock Hawera Hokitika Invercargill .. Kumara Lawrence Masterton Mercury Bay Napier Naseby Nelson New Plymouth North'n Wairoa Oamaru Otaki Pahiatua Palmerston N. Patea Picton Cjueenstown .. Rawene Reefton Riverton Ross S. Wairarapa Te Puia, Waipiro Bay Thames Timaru Waihi Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wairoa Wanganui Wellington .. Westport Whangarei .. 107 13 o 2 37 7 2 313 17 8 3.583 1 ° 549 17 10 166 o 6 2,691 6 6 211 14 o 117 o 8 2,709 18 8 144 6 1 343 18 5 1,015 IT IO 121 10 t 355 o 1 808 4 9 I.073 8 3 354 2 7 258 16 1 280 10 o 104 13 4 1,271 9 3 187 15 1 658 13 o 861 6 2 217 11 10 4M ° 3 280 10 8 £ s. d. 340 £*• d. 25 10 1 31 17 5 78 18 7 1,646 13 o 243 15 9 37 4 2 981 10 11 109 3 6 77 14 8 1,400 o 7 49 14 8 187 o o 115 12 10 £ s- d. II o 6 £ s. d. £ *• d. £ *• d. £ *■ d. 162 9 6 533 4 4 613 19 8 4,463 18 7: 873 7 5 272 4 o 4,487 14 " 689 19 1 533 8 5 3,"7 16 3 456 n 10 881 3 6 1,139 3 4 29 o o 773 10 o 786 14 8 1,484 7 5 320 13 6 425 18 1 500 4 8 508 3 o i,547 17 1 562 1 6 1,189 3 1 I,064 n 8 919 3 o 658 5 1 623 8 10 461 19 5 1,221 10 5 251 6 n 412 3 8 466 14 o 126 8 1 788 7 2 643 12 3 348 2 4 517 7 11 37 10 o £ s. d. £ »• d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 120 14 6 £ s. d. ■• £ B. d. • £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s- d. 71 15 o 17 10 6 •81 7 11 2,728 6 7] 4M « 9 1 12 6 866 12 o: 108 9 5 52 14 5 574 5 6: 14 16 7 35 16 9 218 15 4 16 18 10 108 8 2 259 2 2 91 5 6 2 3 3 62 3 10 386 5 7 39 18 10 54 15 9 50 9 2 186 14 2 317 16 1 14 16 5 95 9 4 148 9 7 95 19 11 899 9 5 7 17 9 647 o 3 1 16 10 3 3 18 o 92 2 I 420 15 3 12 l8 3 13 8 6 21 1 10 £ s. d. 502 6 7 944 17 3 1,683 13 10 18,516 9 a 2,921 19 10 543 13 4 12,056 19 8 1,361 2 10 i,35i 9 7 10,251 3 1 877 3 11 2,419 10 8 3,396 4 5 198 11 9 2,468 n 8 3,083 18 1 3,947 19 9 959 17 8 917 11 2 i,7i3 7 3 861 19 8 5,255 17 1 1,080 12 5 5,072 16 5 5,610 2 4 1,394 12 2 1,529 10 8 1,543 2 6 1,370 10 2 5,126 15 2 1 855 16 10 1,560 1 7 i 917 9 6 477 19 1 i,9i3 3 8 i 1,882 9 3 ; 759 5 3 1 1,188 16 9 1 i,433 9 6 •• 58"i 9 67 1 n 353 17 9 6 15 o 600 12 6 9 37 18 n 19 3 1 227 96 7 n 11 5 1 465 51 19 2 10 II I 39 10 o 35 16 7 2 1 4 26 4 1 26 2 8 O IO ol 29 7 4 9 16 o 86 2 o 14 2 o 83 o 9 6 14 o 27 3 o 185 II o 1,075 1 6 257 12 7 16 3 10 1,231 3 3 78 5 3 35 11 8 975 18 11 34 15 6 181 9 2 179 9 o 12 12 O 164 6 4 119 18 5 350 18 10 49 12 5 55 8 9 98 3 2 19 o 2 398 13 1 85 3 7 213 5 11 318 18 8 53 14 ° 124 17 n 63 9 6 61 19 6 258 2 1 46 7 5 57 7 3 49 10 8 7 5 5 114 6 9 in 5 6 29 8 o 52 4 4 322 24 4 6 852 14 10 276 19 o 22 13 n 373 19 3 39 8 1 17 15 5 109 1 5 •• 486" 7 5 • 39° 13 9 45 13 6 400 •• I 257 6 6 550 0 4: 90 1 1 5 14 3 359 I ° 2 16 3 34 2 6 551 1 2 I 2,010 7 3 95 o o! •• I 23 5 11 986 205- 12 9 54 7 10 5 15 7 83 18 6 17 4 2 22 9 5 107 1 1 17 4 6 11 5 o 66 12 7 076 .. 172 9 8 •• 22 12 6; 602 4 9 59 14 o 446 10 o 31 19 o - 4 17 9 13 o o I 10 o •• 13 IO O 7 0 0 20 O O 10 IO O o 16 o 5 o n 2 12 6 0100 o 11 o 34 8 o 90 19 o 9 16 4 456 91 6 9 48 18 5 312 1 n 346 o 5 85 7 4 58 2 7 15 2 o 16 9 6 134 18 10 36 10 9 124 9 6 33 3 9 ■• 159 IO o 696 •• 383 16 3 15 O o 39 18 o 244 5 1 130 6 3 2180 -• •• I •• ■• I 118 6 10 • 54 14 8 56 13 1 32 2 3 22 O 6 970 45 7 1 6 18 7 77 7 10 20 7 2 34 o o 40 o o II 12 O 17 6 o 4 n o 13 4 a 40 2 4 14 18 o 21 15 o 2 17 6 6 4 3 6 11 o 47 9 o 280 22 8 o 38 3 o 2 14 6 14 16 o 8 16 o 197 2 8 195 9 2 3°2 3 4 87 5 " 52 6 o 184 3 9 86 13 o 625 6 7 "3 1 3 370 3 1 448 8 1 49 2 6 70 17 3 76 19 7 78 o 9 471 18 10 126 14 9 103 11 8 34 8 7 41 6 10 106 9 4 110 O I 69 14 6 47 7 11 140 6 5 710 •• 276 20 O O 239 14 1 134 15 11 22 12 9 660 40 9 9 45 14 ° 193 7 7 12 13 8 67 13 10 144 3 10 1 13 6 439 2 o 433 10 1 130 o o 14 8 o 0100 24 10 o 14 13 ° 20 O O 15 O O 5 12 6 21 O O 7 10 0 34 1 4 6 18 o 8 1 9 786 10 9 9 60 7 10 940 17 o o 25 10 6 14 13 3 12 8 2 21 4 10 10 5 2 54 H ° 5 7 7 14 13 4 13 12 n 20 13 8 19 17 10 10 7 o 52 19 2 7 17 4 481 6 4 16 15 10 363 3 o 280 7 9 64 10 o 37 IO IO 10 17 o 8 3 8 •• IOOO - 40 15 o 19 1 6 e'i3 8 259 o 3 163 16 4 276 25 9 10 41 o o 80 6 1 126 5 o 19 1 2 25 10 7 242 in 6 3 16 1 5 27 14 2 4 10 5 29 17 o 5 19 6 "5 3 9 800 17 O O IO O O 066 .. 690 350 o o 1,668 3 1 1,700 17 6 35 7 2 • 47 10 6 279 3 6 9 15 o 954 r 5 .. I •• I 9 11 4 32 13 o 68 19 2 •• I 117 12 3 I 700 10 19 6 - 1 •■ 279 7 9 •• i 24 9 3 38 n 10 64 2 4 •• 22 5 6 53 2 6 15 8 4 14 4 4 10 16 8 5 80 50 16 3 18 4 9 24 6 6 25 6 4 126 •• 246 243 17 4! 684 11 10 178 o 5 243 10 o 147 12 ro 65 17 1 521 6 2 387 8 11 203 1 5 220 2 o 48 4 o 440 241 2 11 82 17 11 53 13 5 54 8 3 21 7 6 .. 3 10 o •• 3 12 ol 38 10 6 78 15 7 • • •• 80 o o 113 11 5 84 14 1 50 11 7 76 17 6 ■ 5 6 13 11 10 2 18 o 26 19 6 16 5 o 77 7 9 16 6 4 3 18 9 75 12 5 6 5 3 15 15 o 4 5 6 14 o o •• 17 5 o 610 - - n 2 11 - 44 13 7 13 15 10 6 15 7 14 3 5 1 16 o 31 II o 59 1 8 13 10 o i 164 n 8 i,373 15 2 '" ■• .. I ■• 482 17 o 1,460 14 I 484 14 9 995 9 6 164 16 10 688 5 8 127 3 4 1,464 2 6 4.3°3 13 o 669 o 6 310 19 3 730 5 10 o 769 7 15 6 16 13 6 8 15 6 566 70 n 2 179 13 10 55 16 8 1 16 o 213 8 10 302 10 6 228 9 11 533 19 9 120 2 3 241 6 6 99 ° 9 514 12 9 1,970 17 7 188 7 8 312 16 5 153 18 o 44° 3 3 262 16 n 190 1 8 71 16 o 180 18 11 128 16 3 472 11 3 I.33I 2 3 139 8 5 39 14 3 139 17 ° 99 6 4 23 2 7 131 ° 5 37 10 o 70 8 8 36 5 9 160 17 9 647 12 o 30 6 7 27 5 7 i°5 3 11 87 13 8 154 7 8 81 9 o •• 1,086 17 2 1,325 o 9 735 18 2 1,470 12 9 570 14 10 1,148 12 8 339 6 6 1,513 19 3 6,765 5 4 724 2 II 259 18 5 76 17 8 71 15 6 18 16 3 80 15 3 163 15 6 127 1 2 286 12 o n 10 6 250 21 I O 12 10 6 15 7 o 14 1 3 153 4 10 34 13 6 216 n 9 > 66 o o 126 9 5 3,412 3 8 "• 1 31 4 3 155 10 o 500 5,246 9 9 35 18 6 17 8 4 33 o 1 35 3 10 14 7 o 12 18 9 4 4 3 47 2 11 212 18 9 31 10 1 8 1 4 1 1 6 1 4 9 o 18 6 026 3° 16 9 14 1 o 21 18 2 25 6 9 9 3 10 24 6 1 7 15 o 19 10 4 170 3 o 9 13 4 9 11 3 131 15 11 130 6 8 139 15 o 259 12 9 224 13 5 153 7 4 50 18 6 244 10 3 3,855 19 7 32 12 10 2,309 5 5 ; 4,196 7 4 1 2,225 5 11 1 7,256 16 3 i i,359 9 2 . 2,872 18 4 i 1,276 17 7 I 4,959 o 3 ' 28,054 Iz i° 1 1,960 11 1 1,014 18 1 ! i67,437 3 9 156 2 9 165 9 6 690 6 10 48 2 11 14 8 2 4,885 12 I 2 IO O . •• 614 3 6\ •• 17 5 o 49 2 6 26 18 o 27 5 5| 61 6 5 815 o 4 4 n 2 320 75 o o 855 12 7 ■■ • •• • • •• Totals .. ; 1,391 8 8 50,833 13 4 [i,745 17 °] j 1,0951910! 268 o 8 ! 14,475 14 8 133,546 9 l|l [1,152 1 4l 13,732 14 g\ 10,616 12 o| 14,734 2 9| 1,900 1 2] 530 17 II 15,089 O n| [20,378 19 Il| 1,05917 1


Table showing the Receipts and Expenditure of the under-mentioned Charitable-aid Districts during the Year ended the 31st March, 1906.

6—H. 22.


Heceipts. Expenditure. District. Balance from Last Year. From Government. From Kates. | Voluntary ' ! Payments Con- j Bequests. Rents, &c. p , (i L„ tributi ° ns - i Sieved 3 ; i . Other Sources. Total. Indoor Relief. Outdoor Relief. Total. o _, o I Average Children's g §o Total Cost Weekly »„.,;„„ E&V, 0t Cost Of ofExuenLs 'B%% Children Children or expenses, . s boarded out. boarded fcO§ out. £ s. d. North of Auckland.. 1,081 4 5 Auckland .. .. 515 8 '9 Thames and Coro- 676 13 7 mandel Waihi .. .. 3 12 1 Waikato Bay of Plentv .. 121 0 3 Cook .. .. 257 9 0 Hawke's Bay .. 2,068 IS 9 Taranaki Hawera Wanganui and Patea 1,290 16 0 Palmerston North .. 277 13 9 Wellington .. 7,501 12 5 Wairau Picton Nelson .. .. 178 5 7 Buller .. .. 12 15 2 | Inangahua .. 368 5 0 Grey .. .. 21 2 9 ! Westland .. .. 0 12 11 | North Canterbury 3,697 13 6 and Ashbuvton South Canterburv .. 362 8 0 North Otago .. 1,100 8 6 Otago United .. j 1,129 8 1 Southland .. 943 1 1 Totals .. 21.608 6 7 £ s. d. 1.091 14 3 6,710 6 11 1,387 12 0 £ s. d. 1,159 12 10 3,518 19 10 1,000 12 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,622 13 8 442 8 8 6714 6!: 76 11 3 .. 7 0 Ol £ s. d. £ s. d. 211 13 3 29 8 2 2,779 13 2 2,027 12 10 320 17 11 141 1 0 £ s. d. 3,573 12 11 ( 17,684 18 4 3,610 7 10 £ s. d. (*)1,687 1 0 12,171 10 2 1,983 4 10 £ s. d. 998 8 11 4,829 18 6 1,195 5 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,685 9 11 126 11 10 ( b )17,001 8 8 1,094 12 1 3,178 10 8 178 0 4 17 14 £ s. d.| s. d. 195 11 6 6 4 178 0 4 5 2 40 0 0 266 8 11 123 14 8 26 0 0 2,721 19 7 1,203 14 11 280 16 11 979 13 4 488 17 4 6,235 1 6 352 7 10 93 17 6 1,031 5 0 693 6 2 448 0 0 570 5 11 565 7 4 6.16S 1 11 40 0 0 266 9 0 281 9 0 447 0 0 2,066 13 11 1,203 14 11 280 16 11 979 13 4 488 17 4 5,107 5 5 352 7 9 93 17 6 999 0 0 916 0 11 325 0 0 668 9 6 402 15 7 5.273 8 9 36 13 1 105 15 1 100"0 0 7,5 0 837 19 11 .. i 52 10 0 15912 3 '.'. 101 8 3 '.'. '.'. 262 13 4 17 13 11 49 18 6 235 3 0 412 9 3 21 6 2 .. 367 9 3 43 8 8 97 4 6 1,458 0 9 1,141 5 4 83 12 1 813 5 2 612 15 6 965 12 0 7,504 4 9 | 2,407 9 10 561 13 10 3,661 0 7 1,352 12 11 22,333 15 4 704 15 7 187 15 0 4,612 7 3 1,906 17 9 1,275 3 8 1,264 3 2 1,166 7 8 18,321 0 6 51611 11 603 18 5 (0)4,372 4 5 1,546 17 7 397 12 1 1,280 7 2 75 8 10 8,809 19 2 350 6 1 46 16 0 2,616 16 8 263 16 4 77 10 0 601 9 0 181 15 5 9,888 10 7 i 78 0 8 296 13 3 248 1 9 314 5 1 1,244 3 2 860 12 3 164 1 9 826 12 10 1,080 13 1 5,418 8 4 354 9 6 140 19 0 1,508 7 0 390 11 0 824 2 7 712 17 8 979 6 0 6,413 12 1 78 0 8 813 5 2 118 0 0 248 1 9 8 0 5 918 3 6 63 14 0 5,616 7 7 109 10 4 2,407 9 10 261 1 3 561 13 10 7 19 9 2,107 0 0 262 10 0 1,156 1 11 123 17 4 14,228 7 6 2,607 18 9 704 15 7 99 9 6 187 15 0 46 16 0 4,125 3 8 1,377 18 3 654 7 4 ! 263 16 4 901 12 7' 77 10 0 1,314 6 8| 546 9 10 1,161 1 5l 185 1 8 16,302 2 8 4,171 10 1 2,954 19 3 454 10 7 2,289 13 7 247 6 5 15,393 6 1 4,267 2 3 ( d )6,283 9 2. 65 16 9 7 2 4 5 17 1 6 4 12 80 0 0 6 6 8 0 5 5 8 63 14 0 5 6 77 18 4 6 1 261 1 3 8 0 7 19 9 8 0 102 17 5 6 6 48 8 6 6 3 213 4 0 6 10 15 12 0 6 0 I 1,671 17 10 572 6 7 284 15 6 3 10 0 29 0 5 4 5 0 13 14 4 17 0 0 1,520 11 5 76 3 0 16 226 19 9 6 1 .. I 166 17 6 i 120 9 3 1,370 3 5 94 9 8 8 65 113 2 5! 5 5J 1,069 18 1 7 6 2.419 8 S 795 13 6 6.219 17 S 2,537 13 7 2,220 18 10 1,382 13 6 5,849 12 8 1,874 17 1 40 18 0 .. 19 0 0 ; 160 12 5 400 10 2 742 18 2 65 16 10 .. 115 0 0 287 7 11 166 10 6 83 13 1 3,058 5 0 , 519 17 1 742 5 6 567 18 5 5,289 18 5 3,588 17 1 18,081 1 0 6,846 7 6 931 8 1 1,545 9 7 9,600 5 11 4,177 2 10 2,023 11 2 744 4 0 5,793 0 2 2,106 6 4 36 450 6 1 5 0 .. i .. 221 26 0 0 10 0 3,138 13 10 43,451 0 2 37.200 6 8 3,458 14 5 2,313 2 81,142 10 0 13,659 5 5 5,576 10 2 128,409 15 8 63,726 2 1 39,546 11 11 103,272 14 0! 16,765 3 9| I i i (») Including £800 paid to Auckland Hospital and Charitable-aid Board. (t>) Including £3.vJ38 3s. expended by Jubilee Institute for t'te Blind. (<=) Including £2,685 lis. Id., land and expenses. (<i) Including £1,662 Is. 9d. purchase of land.



Table showing Number of Children for whom Maintenance is paid by Charitable Aid Boards, &c., at 31st March, 1905, and 31st March, 1906.

STATISTICS AS TO OUTDOOR RELIEF. Table I.—Causes of Poverty (Chief Causes, not Tributary Causes).

Boarded out. Paid for Institutions. Totals. i A A I " M , JU , CD Oi « CD <U £ «-H g - « r-i rH Q CO CO HH - M A o * en Vi rn CO , 1 , A A A 1 d o I 2 . 2 . g g n 2 a a a rH £ Q - 1 CO hH W CO CO 6 m cS s u o 9 M s s r-1 o North of Auckland Auckland Coromandel and Thames... Waikato Bay of Plentv ... Cook ... " ... Hawke's Bay ... ... Taranaki ... ... • ••• Hawera Patea and Wanganui Palmerston North Wellington Charitable Aid BoarcL.. Wellington Benevolent Trustees "... North Wairarapa Benevolent Society Wairau Picton Nelson ... Buller... Inangahua Grey ... Westland Ashburton and North Canterbury... South Canterbury North Otago Otago United ... Otago Benevolent Institution Southland 17 1 11 3 '2 4 5 14 6 1 "3 2 7 47 11 7 2 2 2 7 54 15 5 2 2 2 7 4 7 64 12 7 2 6 7 17 1 15 10 7 65 15 8 2 4 7 14 .1 3 1 4 5 171 6 4 2 "2 3 3 1 6 5 9 6 154 9 6 115 15 11 1 1 1 39 I 166 12 18 4 1 "(3 4 137 29 I 5 3 16 8 7 33 4 83 4 3 19 8 9 31 4 (57 I 14 173 1 6 3 32 8 7 33 12 137 36 18 5 3 81 8 9 46 16 121 • 43 14 1 16 12 4 3 i 15 12 j 54 42 15 4 2 2 2 13 4 *8 54 j 36 I 6 16 1 16 7 18 180 "4 7 4 ] 180 173 7 1 1 I 3 I - 2 2 4 2 i •■• Totals 183 209 15 41 605 549 75 19 788 758 64 84

(This tabic refers to outdoor relief and to heads o: fami ies on 45 O c3 o.l §0 -■a ™ o a rj o a acq It _ o «rS OA a$ «'r< °st 00 O o 6 ® rCrO 4 c6S >- rl s =° E=r1 cao W a) eg "rl o . a"S .£ =1 co S5 i5 X$ fl'B 6-3 55° 0 fl d K °= O Sr-m +3 > a M 2 ® a « a 3 i B 9 « e3 . &>, ca u o> 2 3 .2 o c3M ■So O r"Co a K _ o ■ m •as «3 £r3 4> a 8 o > B rrj © oa a fig ® ft ■ si's □ go „W o<1<! 55 4-5 •So •5-5 3 o»< o > o a « o >. "I A*> 55 Lack of employment — (1.) Able-bodied (2.) Inefficient Sickness Accident Insanity of bread-winner Imprisonment of bread-winner Desertion of bread-winner No male support— (1.) Widows (2.) Mothers of illegitimate children Intemperance Shiftlessness Physical defects Old age Causes undetermined 1 5 1 1 2 "7 1 1 1 16 75 10 13 25 2 4 ! 1 I 4 1 I 3 ! 3 | 9 I 25 45 ; 28 35 10 1 1 4 2 'i2 ' 2 17 9 114 5 11 8 31 2 16 1 2 1 16 "a ' 8 2 1 2 20 2 1 "l 2 5 3 10 2 4 2 27 10 1 23 3 3 1 5 1 8 80 22 33 26 2 5 4 10 15 60 10 85 218 ■• 1 2 7 11 5 20 74 14 1 "4 9 6 1 8 4 "3 8 .. 1 1 2 "5 1 32 ".3 1 "2 Total number of cases 55 ' 27 8 146 95 I 22 36 421 63 61


Table II.—Decisions in Cases of Applicants for Relief.

Table III.—Number of Rations issued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,760 copies , £'$', 10s. 6d.

Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington. 1906

Price Is.]


P s« 03 a I go's 111 1 o §a 'S3 K 'S §w O •e 3 a o I! f Iβ B '•3 3 J 1 S3 %i S5 S3 Is ||| a j s ■g'a'x! &4 43 S P II it I si r I l M « o •§•2 "SI I s -43 g > a> a « . « .■S'o n &1 i t | i £ ■§s II. I 111 111 I °ls s-s If 'Z<< g'5.< gw a <r ■z Continuous outdoor relief Intermittent outdoor relief Temporary outdoor relief Indoor relief.. Transportation Work rather than relief I 53 4 36 10 5 30 12 3 9 6 40 16 36 15 6 27 3 57 22 11 4 18 71 53 75 4 10 60 .. 72 6 20 .. 15 1 51 17 239 42 12 64 12 7 103 7 352 15 38 12 2 41 9

mnzs H 0J ■5 a £ ■8 a-a a com §•2 3 55 00 -C - a> & h - it (Do a oo w 3-it CO Amount Amount given given in Catih, in Cash, Year ended Year ended 31st March, 31st March, 1906. 1905. 2^ 5S§r5 A b - S c3,rj rl oj-q S|M C 55 - s ■OS En 43 SI * - a§-§ 55 -a a q m Description and Value of nation. • £ s. A. £ s. a. 20 0 0 Thames and Coromandel Charitable Aid Board Cook Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Hawera Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Napier Charitable Aid Board Palmerston North Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Wellington Benevolent Trustees «2,640 620,145 13 a20,861 64,266 13 2 0 0 152 87 136 9 Meat, groceries, &c, value (a) 2d., ft) ljd. Orders for goods to value from 5s. to 10s. weekly. 7 19 9 i 1 6 10 25 29 41,463 1,252 41,257 44,428! 837 ! 47,457 15 0 0 : 732 1 el 13 10 0 j 963 18 8 214! 224; 3871 332 179 461 Groceries to the value of 4d. Groceries, meat, and bread to the value of 4s. 3|d. per week, lib. bread, lib. potatoes, 8oz. meat, ljoz. sugar, Joz. tea value, 4d. Orders given on storekeepers. North Wairarapa Benevolent Trustees Westland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board 916 1,040 129 5 0 194 0 0 45 53 Bread, meat, flour, and potatoes to the value of 6s. Id. per week. Orders given for meat, bread, milk, groceries, and rent. Meat, bread, and groceries to the value of 3Jd. Total value of rations issued, £2,394 7s. lOd. Rations supplied from Board's store in town. Orders given on storekeepers for outside recipients. Necessaries supplied at society's store, and orders given on country storekeepers. Hokitika Benevolent Trustees 99 5 Ol I 129 17 8 " North Canterbury and Ashburton Charitable Aid Board 164,187; 1,833 0 5 1,936 10 11 1,103 1,373 South Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board 267 333| North Otago Benevolent Society 2 13 0 8 17 0^ 163 214|

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Bibliographic details

HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF THE COLONY (REPORT ON THE), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session II, H-22

Word Count

HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF THE COLONY (REPORT ON THE), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session II, H-22

HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF THE COLONY (REPORT ON THE), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session II, H-22

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