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Session II. 1906. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Rouses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

My Lord,' — Marine Department, Wellington, 20th August, 1906. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department ol the colony for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c., J. A. Millar, Minister of Marine. His Excellency the Right Hon. Baron Plunket, Governor of New Zealand.

Sir,— Marine Department, Wellington, 30th May, 1906. I have the honour to make the following report on the work of this Department during the financial year ended the 31st March last. Shipping and Seamen. —" The Shipping and Seamen Act Amendment Act, 1905," was assented to by His Majesty on the 16th February last, and it came into force on the 19th ultimo, on which date the Governor's Proclamation notifying the King's assent was published in the New Zealand Gazette. The extension of the time within which applications for masters' certificates of service could be received, provided for by this Act, has enabled the Department to issue a large number of these certificates to persons who had the qualifying service provided for by section 27 of the Act of 1903, but who did not apply for them within the time prescribed by that Act, and thus hardship has been avoided. When making the extension of time the Act also provided that the certificates of service granted under it must be for vessels of similar class, tonnage, and trade to those in which the applicants had performed their qualifying service, as the intention of the Act of 1903 was that they should only receive these certificates, which are given without examination, of such value as to entitle them to continue in similar employment to that in which they were engaged before the alteration of the law required their vessels to carry certificated masters. If they require anything more than this they can obtain certificates of competency by passing the prescribed examinations. The amending Act also provided for the issue of certificates of service to engineers ot pleasure-yachts, missionary-ships, and fishing-boats, and of certificates of competency to second mates of home-trade ships. Certain other necessary amendments were made in the principal Act by the amending Act of 1905. Engagement and Discharge of Seamen. —" The Shipping and Seamen Act, 1903," having made provision for a Registrar of Seamen, who is to keep a register of all persons who serve in ships subject to the Act, the Secretary of Marine has been appointed to that position ; and all expired articles of agreement are now sent to his office to enable the register to be kept. Appended is a return showing the number of seamen engaged and discharged. This work has been satisfactorily performed during the year. In pursuance of the power given by " The Shipping and Seamen Act, 1903," the Customhouses at all the ports except Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin have been declared to be Mercantile Marine Offices, and the principal officers of Customs have been appointed Superintendents of Mercantile Marine. This was not necessary at the four ports named above, as there are Mercantile Marine Offices and Superintendents separate from the Customs. Authority has been given to the Superintendents at the four principal ports to attend on board for the purpose of sanctioning the engagement and discharge of whole crews in cases where the vessels are lying in the streams or at a wharf a good distance from the shipping office, and a special charge is made for their attendance on board in such cases. With this exception, all engagements and discharges are required to be effected at the shipping offices. A return showing the amounts paid to disabled seamen under section 119 of the Act is also appended.

I—H. 15.



Prosecutions have been instituted and fines imposed for breaches of the law regarding seamen in the following cases —viz., the Master of the s.s. " Ayrshire " for carrying four seamen without putting them on the articles ; the master of the schooner " Lily " and the master of the s.s. " Storm " for a similar breach of the law in respect of one seaman in each case, and the master of the s.s. " Sterling " for employing an unqualified fireman. Proceedings were taken against the master of the barque " Onyx " for proceeding to sea from Wellington without a certificated second mate, and he was fined £20 and costs. A prosecution was also instituted against the master of the ship " Loch Garve " for a similar breach of the law, and he was fined £10 and costs. On appeal to the Supreme Court the conviction was quashed on the ground that the Act did not make it an offence for the master to go to sea without the officers required by it. In both these cases the officers required by the Act had been shipped, otherwise the vessels would not have obtained their clearance, and the second mates left between the time of the issue of the clearance and the time of the vessels sailing. In order to prevent cases of this kind occurring in future, provision was made in " The Shipping and Seamen Act Amendment Act, 1905," that the master or owner of any ship who fraudulently engages or suffers to be engaged any duly certificated master, mate, or engineer to serve for the purpose only of enabling the ship to clear, and not for the purpose of the whole voyage, and every such officer who so engages himself, commits an offence; and the fact of quitting the ship before the commencement of the voyage is to be evidence of having been fraudulently engaged unless the contrary is shown. As this Act is now in force, similar cases will in future be punishable by fine. The report of the Principal Examiner of masters and mates is appended hereto. For certificates of competency, 275 persons passed their examinations and 91 failed. Of those who passed 137 were masters, mates, and engineers of seagoing ships ; 81 were masters and engineers of steamships plying within restricted limits ; 5 were masters of fishing-boats and of cargo-boats up to 25 tons register ; 1 was master of a sailing-vessel up to 25 tons register carrying passengers within restricted limits ; 21 were engineers of seagoing ships propelled by oil-engines ; and 30 were engineers of similar vessels plying within restricted limits. Certificates of service have been issued to 55 masters under section 27 of the Act of 1903. It having become necessary to amend the regulations for the examination of masters and mates, advantage is being taken of the opportunity to consolidate them. Provision will also be made in them for the examination of second mates of home-trade ships, which is a new grade of certificate provided for by " The Shipping and Seamen Act Amendment Act, 1905." Certain other alterations which are being made in the regulations are described in the Principal Examiner's report. • Tables showing the names of persons who have received certificates, and the classes and grades of the certificates issued, are appended. Registration of Shipping. —Appended are tables showing the vessels registered in New Zealand, and the number of men and boys employed. Survey of Ships. —During the year certificates have been granted for 293 steamers, 34 oil-engine vessels, and 7 sailing-vessels. A return of such vessels is appended hereto. In addition to these a large number of vessels have been surveyed for seaworthiness. As regards sailing-vessels, the law only provides for the compulsory survey of those engaged in the intercolonial trade; but I think that it "would tend to the safety of life and property if the sailing-vessels engaged in the coastal trade were subject to periodical survey. At present they do not come under any official inspection unless there is reason to believe that they are unseaworthy, and then a special order of detention, for survey has to be made in each case. New regulations for the adjustment of compasses have been made. These provide that the compasses of every foreign-going, intercolonial, and home-trade vessel shall be properly adjusted by a licensed adjuster, or by the master of the ship. The compasses of home-trade vessels, unless commanded by masters who hold foreign - going master's certificates or who have passed the compass syllabus, are to be adjusted annually by licensed adjusters. Every foreign-going, intercolonial, and home-trade ship is to be provided with a compass-error register-book, which is to be examined by an Inspector who must have nautical experience and possess a foreign-going master's certificate. The Superintendents of Mercantile Marine at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin have been appointed Inspectors for this purpose. Regulations are being prepared under section 220 of " The Shipping and Seamen Act, 1903," respecting the loading and stowage of ballast on ships. Prosecutions have been instituted and fines imposed in the following cases : viz., the master of the s.s. " Cygnet" for not keeping the life-belts in a condition fit for use, and the master of the barque " Quathlamba " for not keeping the life-saving appliances in proper condition. Coastal Dangers. —The services of H.M.S. " Penguin " for the work of surveying the coast have been discontinued, and it is proposed that the work shall be taken up next spring by this Department. Inquiries are now being made for a suitable vessel, it being proposed to charter one for the purpose. An officer with experience in work of this nature should be obtained to have charge of the survey. It may be possible to obtain such an officer who has carried out similar work elsewhere and has at the same time had command of the surveying-ship. If this can be arranged the work would no doubt be carried out more economically and efficiently than would be the case if the surveyor was not also master of the surveying-ship. Captain McDonald, of the s.s. " Waikare," having reported that Bare Island is not correctly charted, Captain Bollons, of the s.s. " Hinemoa," has taken observations, which show that the island lies one mile from the nearest point of the mainland, but that the contour of the coast-line in its vicinity is not accurately laid down. Both Captain Bollons, and Captain David, of the s.s. " Corinthic," agree in making the bearing between Cape Kidnappers and Bare Island to be S. 1° E.



The New Zealand Nautical Almanac for 1906 was issued in December last, and there has been a good demand for it. The A, B, C, and D Tables, prepared by Captain Blackburne, Nautical Adviser to the Department, have been-issued, and are now on sale in the colony and Great Britain. The publication has been well received and very favourably noticed in the Press. Wages and Effects of Deceased Seamen. —The estates of sixteen seamen, amounting to £144 0s. 5d., have been dealt with during the year, and the sum of £104 14s. 7d. has been paid to relatives and other claimants. A list of the estates is appended hereto. Wrecks and Casualties. —Attached are tables showing casualties to ships, and an analysis thereof. Those on the coasts of the colony numbered 55, representing 29,601 tons register, as compared with 64, of 32,536 tons register, in the previous year. The total wrecks within the colony were 6, of 1,686 tons register, as compared with 10, of 1,182 tons in the previous year. The number of lives lost was 22, as compared with 8 last year. Of these 21 were within the colony —viz., " Elsie," s.s., 1 ; " Echo," scow, 1 ; " Hawk," scow, 1 ; " Anna," ketch, 2 ; " Kapanui," s.s., 6 ; " Oban," scow, 3 ; and " Moana," scow, 7. Provision was made in " The Shipping and Seamen Act, 1903," for rehearings and appeals in cases of inquiries into wrecks and other shipping casualties, and regulations have been made as to the procedure in such cases. Weather-forecasts. —Captain Edwin has continued the work of forecasting the weather and issuing weather-reports and storm-warnings. Government Steamers. —The " Hinemoa " carried out the work of attending to lighthouses and overhauling, cleaning, and relaying buoys until the middle of October last, when she was laid up for repairs in Auckland, and remained in the contractor's hands until the end of January. She is now in good condition. She made a trip to tlie Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes, and Bounty Islands in February and March last for the purpose of searching for castaways and examining the depots which are maintained on those Islands. The depots at Port Ross, on the Auckland Islands, and at Perseverance Harbour, Campbell Island, were rebuilt. When the " Hinemoa " called at the Auckland Islands in May last year she picked up, in Carnley Harbour, the master and crew of twenty-one men belonging to the French barque " Anjou," which was totally wrecked near Bristow Point on the 5th of the previous February. The men found the depot for castaways at Carnley Harbour, and lived there until picked up by the " Hinemoa," using the stores put there for use in such circumstances. They also used some of the stores from the depot at Norman Inlet, to which they were directed by notices which were posted up in the Carnley Harbour depot. During the time the " Hinemoa" was undergoing repairs the " Tutanekai " was put into commission to carry on the lighthouse and other work. Besides the ordinary work on the coast, she visited the Kermadec Islands, and examined the depots there, rebuilding that on Curtis Island. Lighthouses. —The keepers have carried out their duties in a satisfactory manner, and all the lights have been properly exhibited. They have been inspected by Captain Bollons when calling at them with stores and oil. During the year I have visited and inspected those at Godley Head, Jack's Point, Moeraki, Taiaroa Head, Cape Saunders, Nugget Point, Waipapapa Point, Dog Island, Centre Island, and Puysegur Point, which were all found to be in good order and well kept. The new tower at Cape Campbell has been completed, and the light was shown from it for the firot time on the 15th October last. A new workshop has been built at this station, and repaiis executed to the dwellings. The condition of the station is now such that, with the exception of the flagstaff which is to be erected shortly, no further work of importance should be required for some yeais. The following works have been executed at other stations : — Cape Maria van Diemen : A new ladder at the tower has been erected. Kaipaia Head : A new cart and coal shed have been erected, and owing to the shifting sand being piled up round the landing-store by the wind it had to be moved to a better position. Akaroa Head : New rings and rollers ha\e been fitted to this light, and it is now working smoothly and well. The principal keeper's house has been repaired. ■ Jack's Point: A Matthews incandescent burner has been piocured for this light, and also the necessary apparatus to make it an occulting light. It is necessary that this should be done, as it is found that at present ship's lights and other lights in the neighbourhood are liable to be mistaken for it. The work of srecting the apparatus and new burner is now being carried out by Mr. Scott, the Department's lighthouse artificer. From reports which have been received it would appear to be advisable to adopt this kind of light generally for the New Zealand 'ighchouses. The oil is vapoiised and produces a very brilliant light at a less expenditure of oil than the ordinary burners. Moeraki: Wash-houses have been erected. Taiaroa Head : New outbuildings have been erected. Nugget Point : A schoolhouse for the keeper's children has been erected. A new house lor the principal keeper is badly needed, and it is recommended that provision for it should be made in this year's estimates. Puysegur Point : New rings and rollers have been fitted to the light. Kahurangi : Eighteen acres of bush have been felled on the reserve, and this area has been fenced in and sown with grass to provide pasture for the station horse and the keepers' cows and sheep. During the year three lightkeepers have resigned, and one retired on compensation owing to ill health. Five new appointments have been made to fill these vacancies and one whivh existed at the beginning of the year. The amount of light dues collected during the year was £29,443 lis. 2d., as compared with £29,310 16s. 3d. during the previous year. Attached is a statement showing the amount received at each port.



Fog-Siqnals. —The signal at Pencarrow Head has been worked in a satisfactory manner. A signal has been erected at Taiaroa Head, near the lighthouse, and is working satisfactorily, kt the former cartridges are exploded every five minutes during fogs, and at the latter every six minutes. In both cases the automatic signals are controlled by the lightkeepers. Harbours. —The harbours under vhe control of this Department have been maintained in an efficient manner, and the buoys and beacons in them ha\e been kept in good condition. The s.s. " Hinemoa " has attended to most of the buoys, and she has erected new beacons at Tairua. A new beacon, larger than those previously erected, has been built at the entrance to Kaipara Harbour, and has proved t :> be of great benefit to ships visiting that port. The old pilothouse at Pouto, which is occupied by the wife and family of the principal lightkeeper, and which is also used as a post and telephone office, has been repapered, and the chief boatman's house at the same place has been repaired. If a small light was established at Pouto it would be of great service to vessels plying between H?!ensville and the Wairoa River, and I recommend that provision for it be made in the current year's estimates. It could be attendee 1 to by the chief boatman, and therefore the cost of maintenance would only be the cost of the necessary oil, &c. Captain J. C. Smith, who has been Harbourmaster, pilot, and Customs officer at this port since the 18th February, 1880, is letiring from the service on account of age, and Captain D. Savident, master of the barque " Hirotha," who has traded to Kaipara for several years, and is well acquainted with the harbour, has been appointed his successor. Captain Smith has been a faithful servant during the time he has been in the service. The light at the entrance to Hokianga Harbour was not powerful enough to make an efficient light for the port, and a new port-light has therefore been supplied to take its place. A small tower to hold the new light is necessary. An oil-launch has been procured for the Harbourmaster's use, as this was necessary to enable him to carry out his duties properly. The flagstaff at the entrance has been put in good order. At Manukau a new beacon has been erected at Shag Point in the harbour, and some rocks which impeded navigation below the wharf have been removed. Representations have been made by the Harbourmaster that the wharfage accommodation is insufficient, and these representations have been brought under the notice of the Railway Department, which owns the present wharf. At Okarito a pipi-bank which impeded the approach to the wharf has been removed. The work was carried out by Captain Falconer with a party of men from the Submarine Mining Corps of the Defence Department. The bank was blown up by means of gelignite, and the cuirent then washed the material away. The sum of £2,000 is. 3d. has been collected for pilotage and port charges in respect of harbours under the control of this Department, as compared with £1,639 12s. 7d. collected during the previous year. A great many plans of harbour-works have been approved by the Governor in Council, and licenses have been issued for the occupation of sites for wharves and other works. A return showing such works and licenses is appended hereto. Fisheries. —The regulations regarding fish and oysters have been amended on so many occasions that it has been deemed advisable to consolidate them, and this is now being done. The registration and licensing of sea-fishing boats and of boats engaged in taking oysters enables the Department to control the boats much better than v/as possible before the registration and licensing was made compulsorv, and the Department has now information as to the number and tonnage of the boats used which could not formerly be obtained. A return showing the number of boats registered and licensed at the various ports at the end of December last is attached. This shows that the total number registered was 1,085 and licensed 1,068. At the end of the previous year the numbers were 787 registered and 773 licensed. According to reports received from Inspectors of Fisheries there appears to be generally a good supply of fish obtainable. In the Bay of Islands District during the year, flounders, schnapper, rock-cod, hapuka, barracouta, butterfish, and crayfish were plentiful, and in excellent condition. Mullet has not been plentiful; and the Inspector is of opinion that the only way to stop the overfishing and the disturbance of mullet dining breeding-time is to close the canning factories during that period. Enormous quantities of sharks have frequented the bays along the coast of this district. The Inspector considers that the fee for an annual license to take oysters should be increased to £5, as unless this is done the oyster-beds will when next opened be rushed by pickers, who wili soon strip them. He also recommends that each picker should be limited to one sack of oysters per tide, or per day, and that stacking or paddocking should not be allowed. At Hokianga schnapper, mullet, kahawai, flounders, whitebait, and rock-cod have been plentiful. There are eight smokehouses in the district and two canning factories, one of which was closed down during the year. The Officer in Charge of Customs at Kaipara reports that the fishing in that harbour has been about the average during the past year, and that the principal fish caught for the market have been mullet, flounders, and schnapper. There are large numbers of kahawai in the harbour, but as there is no sale for them they are not fished for. Mullet have not been so plentiful as formerly, and very few large fish have been taken. There is a fish-preserving factory at Batley, at which about twenty thousand dozen mullet were canned during the year. Oysters are found in small patchy lots scattered over the rocks in the estuary, but they are not so large or of such good quality as those found on the east coast. It will be advisable to close the beds for a time after the present season. About a hundred sacks of oysters were taken last season.



At Auckland schnapper, which is the principal fish caught, has been plentiful and there has been a good supply of flounders at the Thames. During the summer the fishermen on several occasions caught more flounders than there was a demand for, and had to give them away to the Maoris. Mullet, which is one of the principal fish in the district, has been scarce, and the Inspector is strongly of opinion that there should be a close season for this fish. There are five fish-curing establishments in Auckland, two at the Thames, one at Coromandel, and one at Kawau Island. The principal fish caught in Manukau Harbour are mullet, schnapper, and flounders. Most of the fish taken in Hawke's Bay are caught by trawlers, trawling being at present carried out in from 7 to 30 fathoms of water, there being ten steam and one oil-engine trawlers employed. Besides these, fifteen rowing-boats are engaged in fishing. The principal fish are flounders and gurnet, but besides these a large number of schnapper, moki, teralrihi, and butterfish are caught. There are five smokehouses in the district. The principal fish caught in Cook Strait and other Wellington fishing-grounds during the year have been warehou, schnapper, hapuka, blue-cod, and flounders. There has been a scarcity of fish in Canterbury during the year, especially at Sumner, New Brighton, and Kaiapoi, and most of the fish sold by auction in Christchurch came from outside the district. There are three smokehouses in Christchurch and two in Lyttelton, but they were not all being used. In the Otago District the principal centres of fishing are Catlin's, Molyneux, Taieri Mouth, Port Chalmers, Waikouaiti, Moeraki, and Oamaru, and the principal fish taken are flounders, hapuka, bluecod, and trevalli; and it is stated that notwithstanding the unseasonable weather experienced much larger catches were taken than during the previous year. There has been a considerable improvement in the boats and gear used in the industry. There are thirty-nine smokehouses in the district, which have all been inspected during the year and found to be clean and sanitary in every respect. Besides these there is in Dunedin a fish potting and preserving works. The Inspector states that there are 827 persons employed in connection with the industry in the district, 359 being in fishing-boats, 111 in curing and preserving works, 285 in fish restaurants and retail shops, and 72 as fish-hawkers. The principal fish caught by the Bluff fishermen are blue cod in Foveaux Strait and Stewart Island, and flounders in Bluff Harbour, and large quantities of oysters are taken from the beds in the Strait. There are five freezing-plants on the mainland and at Stewart Island. Trawling for fish has been prohibited within a certain distance from the land between the mouth i if the Waimakariri River and Okain's Bay. During the year three persons have been fined for breaches of the regulations as to the registration and marking of fishing-boats and five for illegally taking trout when fishing for sea-fish and not returning them at once into the water. Mr. C. C. Courtenay, Customs Officer, and nine members of the Police Force have been appointed Inspectors of Fisheries. Seals. —The close season for seals has been extended up to the 30th June next, and it is proposed to further extend it. Two men have been fined £5 each for killing a seal at Waikouaiti. Salmon and Whitefish. —Another shipment of 500,000 quinnat-salmon-ova and two million white-fish-ova has been procured from the United States. Mr. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, went to San Francisco and brought the ova to the colony, and they arrived in first-class condition. 244,833 of the salmon-ova were hatched out at the Hakataramea Hatchery and 245,000 at Lake Ohau, the fry from the latter being liberated when they had absorbed the yolk-sac. The loss on the voyage and after arrival in the colony was thus only 10,167 ova. Half the whitefish were taken to Lake Kanieri and half to Lake Tekapo. A fish believed to be a salmon having been caught in the Waitaki River was sent to this Department, which submitted it to Sir James Hector, a copy of whose report thereon is appended hereto. It will be seen that Sir James Hector reports that the fish was without a doubt a young specimen of the genus Oncorhyncus, which represents the genus Salmo on the North Pacific coast of North America and Eastern Siberia, and of which genus some of the specimens are popularly known in the market as Californian salmon, and that it is probably a quinnat, which is the kind of salmon introduced into the colony from the United States and which has been liberated from the Hakataramea Hatchery into the Waitaki River. Other fish believed to be salmon having been caught in the Hakataramea River, specimens were submitted to Sir James Hector, whose reports thereon are also appended. Reports which have been received from the Chief Inspector of Fisheries, the Manager of the Hakataramea Salmon Station, the Secretary of the Waitaki and Waimate Acclimatisation Society, and the Collector of Customs at Oamaru with regard to other fish which have been caught and which are believed to be salmon are also appended. During the year the following salmon have been liberated from the ponds at Hakataramea —viz., 73 five-year-old, 12,587 two-year-old, and 53,378 one-year-old quinnat, 34 four-year-old sockeye, and 55 three-year-old Atlantic. In addition to these 245,000 fry from this year's importation of ova have been liberated at Lake Ohau, making the number liberated during the year 311,147. At the end of the year the following fish were in the ponds—viz., 18 four-year-old sockeye, 131 three-year-old Atlantic, and 269 two-year-old, 21,737 one-year-old, and 244,833 fry from this year's importation of ova. A site for rainbow-trout eyeing-station has been procured at Rotorua. It is now being fenced in and the necessary eyeing-shed, &c, are being erected. A quantity of ova will be collected and eyed at the station during the coming season. Portobdlo Marine Hatchery. —A good deal of experimental work has been done by the Hatchery Board, and a large number of flounder-fry has been hatched and the fry liberated. Arrangements have been made for a shipment of live lobsters from the United Kingdom, and the Hatchery Board proposes to attempt to introduce crabs. The Board having proposed that inquiry should be made as to the feasibility of introducing turbot, herring, cod, or haddock from the United Kingdom, the High



Commissioner was instructed to make such inquiries, and he was told that if he was satisfied that it was feasible he was authorised to expend a small sum in sending out a trial shipment of any one or two of the kinds of fish referred to. The result of his inquiries is set forth in his memorandum of the 7th ultimo, which is appended hereto along with other correspondence relating to the hatchery and to the question of introducing suitable food-fishes. Oysters.— The beds between Gull Point and Bream Tail, in the Auckland fishery, which were opened last season, furnished sufficient oysters to meet the demand. In fact, four of the boats which began to take oysters at the beginning of the season ceased operations before the end of the first month owing to the supply exceeding the demand. Mr. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, went to Auckland last month to examine the beds in the Hauraki Gulf in connection with the question of deciding as to the beds that should be opened this year, and as a result of his examination those between Mullet Point, north of Mahurangi, and Wanga Point, on the Whangaparoa Peninsula, and those between Cape Colville and Hautapu Point, on the Coromandel Peninsula, have been opened. It appears from his report that there is a good supply of oysters on Rangitoto Island, and therefore it would be advisable to open these beds later on in the season if it is found necessary to close those between Mullet Point and Wanga Point and between Cape Colville and Hautapu Point before the end of the season. Mr. Ayson also visited Great Barrier Island, and found that the beds, especially those at Port Fitzroy, are recovering from the overpicking which took place when they were last open. He did not, however, think that they should be opened this year, on account of the difficulty in supervising the picking, and recommended that they should be leased to the settlers before next season. This can be done under the provisions of " The Sea-fisheries Act Amendment Act, 1903," or the oysters could be picked and sold by the Department. The adoption of either one or the other of these systems would prevent the depletion of the beds. The best plan would, in my opinion, be for the Department to pick the oysters itself, as this would tend to conserve the beds and at the same time would yield a profit. The closing of most of the beds in the Hauraki Gulf during the last few years has enabled them to recover, and if care is taken to prevent overpicking in future there should be a constant supply. Inspector Bennett states that the beds on Waiheke, Ponui, Rangitoto, and Pakiho Islands, and on parts of Motutapu, are in better condition than they have been during the last twenty-five years. There should be considerable further improvement in the near future, as Mr. Ayson states that he observed an unusually large number of young oysters from this season's spawning, showing that there has been an exceptional fall of spat; and the same state of things was observed in the Bay of Islands. None of the beds in the Northern fishery, which extends from the North Cape to Whangaruru, have been opened this season. After completing the examination of the Hauraki Gulf beds, Mr. Ayson proceeded to the Bay of Islands and inspected the beds there, and both he and Mr. Stephenson, the local Inspector, recommended that they should be kept closed. The oysters in the Kerikeri section of the fishery are in good condition, but Mr. Ayson considers it would be inadvisable to open these beds, as it is certain that a very large number of gum-diggers a.nd other inexperienced pickers would take out licenses, aud that it would be practically impossible to prevent them ruining the beds. This is another instance in which picking by the Department would be the means of insuring a larger supply of oysters for the public and at the same time of conserving the beds. An inspection which has been made of the beds in the Hokianga Harbour shows that the rockovsters are becoming depleted, although there is still a fair supply of mangrove oysters. It has therefore been decided to close them, and also the beds in Herekino and Whangape Harbours and Ahipara Bay, as they, too, are getting depleted. The annual license fee to take oysters in the North Island has been increased from £1 to £1 10s. Several prosecutions for breaches of the law in respect to oysters have been taken in the Auckland District, and fines have been imposed. The survey of the oyster-beds in Foveaux Strait has been carried out by Mr. Hunter, Customs Officer at the Bluff, and a copy of his report is appended hereto. This report shows that oysters are plentiful in the Strait. The quantity of Foveaux Strait oysters exported to Australia during the year ended the 31st December last was 303,771 dozen, valued at £2,530. I have, &c, George Allport. The Hon. the Minister of Marine, Wellington.

The Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates, to the Secretary, Marine Department. Office of the Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates, Customhouse, Wellington, 4th May, 1906. I have the honour to submit my annual report on the examination of masters and mates in New Zeaand. The work has been carried out by the Examiners at the four principal ports in a satisfactory manner. The total number of examinations held in the colony during the past year is almost exactly the same as in the previous year, the very slight increase being due to the new grade of examination for master of fishing-boat or cargo-vessel, which came into force during the current year. During the last two or three years Auckland has had a considerable increase in the number of examinations, while the number of candidates for examination in Wellington has latterly been decreasing, and this year there have been little more than half the number in Wellington that Auckland has had. As usual, there have been comparatively few examinations held in either Lyttelton or Dunedin.



In the Consolidated Amended Regulations relating to the Examination of Masters and Mates (which will shortly come into force, and which became necessary by the new Shipping and Seamen Acts), provision has been made by the Hon. the Minister of Marine for allowing the time served in vessels trading in the extended river limits to count as sea service towards qualifying for a certificate as an officer in vessels trading on the New Zealand coast. In my last report attention was drawn to the unfair position in which the deck hands of vessels trading in extended river limits were placed by being practically precluded from promotion in the vessels they served in. This position will in future be rectified by the amended regulations. When consolidating and amending these regulations advantage was taken of this opportunity to make some small alterations and additions in the home-trade examinations as follows :— " Second mates and mates will be required to find the distance from a point or light by the methods shown in the 'New Zealand Nautical Almanacs' of 1904 or 1905, on pages 119 and 120, or on pages 79 and 80 of the A, B, and C Azimuth Tables published by the Marine Department. " A mate will be required to know the general tide, bar, harbour, and storm signals to be used at all New Zealand ports, as given in the ' New Zealand Nautical Almanac' " Master.— (a.) To find by means of Table. F on page 121 of the 'New Zealand Nautical Almanac' of 1904 or 1905. or by Table H on page 81 of the A, B. and C Azimuth Tables, the distance from an object when abeam by the distance run between the beam-bearing and any other bearing before or abaft the beam. " (b.) To set the course when at a known distance from an object to pass any required distance from it by aid of the traverse table. (See example on page 121 of the ' New Zealand Nautical Almanac,' or on page 81 of the A, B, and-C Azimuth Tables.) " (c.) To find the true bearing of the sun and deviation of the compass by time azimuth tables. " (d.) In working the problem marked (b) and (/) in the new regulations (correction to apply to soundings, and to find latitude by meridian altitude of the sun) the ' New Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide-tables ' will be used, all the examples of soundings being set in future for places on the New Zealand coast. " (e.) The problem for finding the deviation of the compass from the observation of the sun when on the meridian will in future be discontinued, as it is impracticable in these latitudes." The problem for finding the deviation of the compass from a bearing of the pole-star (Q. 10 in Appendix L of the Regulations) was dropped out of the syllabus when setting new examination-papers after my arrival in Wellington, as it could not be put into practice in this colony. The new problem for second mate, and those mentioned as (a) and (o) for master, are very simple, as will be seen by a reference to the A, B, and C Azimuth Table-book, on pages 79 to 81, where the problems are explained and illustrated. So far as the mates are concerned, the principal work of the problem is to convert an interval of time into distance according to the speed of his ship. In problem (a) for master, he must multiply this distance by a decimal factor taken from a small table, " H," in the book. Problem (6) for master is taken out at sight from the traverse table. The officer can thus find his distance from a point of land, or a light, or set his course to pass the required distance off, without leaving the deck, or reference to any chart. For problem (c), the Marine Department have lately published very complete Azimuth Tables for the moderate price of 3s., under the title " A, B, and C Azimuth Tables." By the aid of this work the true bearings of the sun, moon, planets, and all the bright stars may be found at any hour of the day or night by the use of only about half a dozen figures. Candidates will be allowed to use this work or any other tables that will solve the problem within half a degree. When masters of home-trade vessels have made themselves acquainted with this last-mentioned problem they should have no difficulty in checking the deviation of their own ships' compasses, by bearings of the sun at any time of the day when the altitude is suitable. The above-mentioned changes will come into operation on and after 1st September, 1906. They have already been published in the New Zealand Gazette. I have, &c, H. S. Bl.ACKTSURNE.

Acclimatization of Salmon and Whitefish. Sir, — Petone, 9th December, 1905. The fish you have submitted to me is without doubt a young specimen of the genus Oncorhynchus, which represents the genus Salmo on the North Pacific coast of North America and Eastern Siberia, and of which genus some of the species are popularly known in the market as the Californian salmon. It is a male fish, passing into the grilse stage, and has evidently been to the salt water, as it has cast its smolt scales and acquired a brilliant silvery dress, bluish-grey on the back, and pure silverywhite on the sides and beneath, the fins being pale olive-brown, margined on the upper edge with black. The dorsal fin has thirty faint spots, and on the sides are a few black X spots above the lateral line and in front of the dorsal. It is a very elegant fish, with a conical, slightly blunt, and tumid head and snout, devoid of scales in its present stage. The body is only slightly compressed, and is deepest and widest just before the dorsal fin. The run of the tail is beautifully tapered, and expanded to form the base of the caudal fin. which is deeply cleft. These last characteristics at once distinguished this fish from any of the trout I have seen in New Zealand as far as external appearance goes; but the possession of sixteen rays in the anal fin and the presence of a soft. free, scale-like appendage in the axil of the ventral fin and more than half the length of the fin removes it from the genus Salmo to that of Oncorhynchus. It is almost impossible to determine the species in the grilse stage, as the information on the subject



is very imperfect, and in this case the strength of the preserving fluid used has been excessive and has damaged the internal soft parts of the specimen ; but from the small size of the scales, which are twelve to fifteen to the inch, it is probably 0. quinnat. Although plump in outward appearance, the fish was singularly free from fat in its interior, and the pyloric caeca were hardly developed, so that it must be looked upon as a fish out of condition. The liver is smaller than should be, weighing only \ oz., testes rudimentary ; stomach and gut empty, the former having strong longitudinal folds. The teeth are very small and slender, and are present on the jaws, tongue, and roof of the mouth. Oncorhynchus quinnat. — Grilse stage, male. —Length, with tail, 20 - 5 in. ; weight, 2 lb. 12 oz. ; greatest girth, 10 in. ; greatest height, 3*5 in. ; greatest width, 2-3 in. ; length of head, 4'1 in. ; length of snout to orbit, P4 in. ; length of maxillary, 2 in. ; length to dorsal fin, 8 in. ; length of base of dorsal, 2 in. ; height of dorsal fin, P5 in. ; length of first dorsal ray, 2 - 4 in. ; space from dorsal to adipose fin, 4 - 5 in. ; length of base of adipose fin, 0 - 4 in. ; height of adipose fin, 0 - 6 in. ; space from adipose fin to caudal fin, 2 - 4 in. ; length of outer caudal rays, 3 - 7 in. ; length of middle caudal rays, P4 in. ; length of pectoral fin, 2'9 in. ; length of base of pectoral fin, 0"8 in. ; length of ventral fin, 2 in. ; length of axil scale, PI in. ; length of base of anal fin, 2 - 5 in. ; length of longest ray of anal fin, P8 in. ; height of tail at base of caudal fin, 2 in. ; height of tail at base in advance of caudal fin, 1*2 in. Fin-ray formula : B, 14 ; D, 12 ; A, 16 ; R, 15 ; V, 11 ; L, lat., 130 ; L, trans., ||. Note.— B = gill-rays, D = dorsal fin, A = anal fin, P = pectoral fin, V = ventral fin, L., lat. = line of perforated scales along the side of the body, L., trans., = number of scales counted obliquely above and below the lateral line where opposite to the dorsal fin. The specimen is very interesting from its being, so far as I am aware, the first authentic take of a true salmon after returning from, the sea in the Southern Hemisphere. It has been placed in the museum. Yours, &c, James Hector. The Secretary, Marine Department. Sir, — Petone, 6th June, 1906. The fish sent from the Hakataramea is a true Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus quinnat), being a female about 16 lb. weight. It had been so badly mauled about that the viscera could not be examined, the abdomen being full of clotted blood and loose masses of roe. The fish must have been ripe for spawning, but was in very poor condition. It looks like a king salmon from the Sacramento River breed, but it is not in a fit condition for examination. I understand that it is being skinned for Mr. Ayson. I would like to get one of these fish in a fresh state for examination, and I might give you a full report on the whole subject for future reference. Yours, &c, George Allport, Esq., Secretary for Marine. James Hector. Memorandum re Salmon. Petone, 29th June, 1906. According to your advice of 18th instant a box reached me on 15th instant containing three specimens curled up and packed in grass, but the fish had evidently been treated with some preservative before being packed. All the three fish had the distinctive characteristics of the sub genus Oncorhynchus, which includes all the species of salmon that are found in the North Pacific Coasts of America and Asia, and which breed in the rivers of that region. These particular specimens most resemble the 0. quinnat, but they were not in a good condition for study. Five species of salmon are distinguished on the coast of California and British Columbia. 1. 0. quinnat, or king salmon, spawns chiefly in Sacramento River and Columbia River. The " run " in these rivers takes place in early spring, and the fish ascend without feeding in some cases for a thousand miles before they spawn. The weight of this salmon in the Columbia averages 22 lb., but often reaches 70 lb. ; in the Sacramento it averages 16 lb. After spawning it generally dies ; and, in 1854, at the source of the Columbia River, 1,200 miles from the mouth and 2,000 ft. above the sealevel, I have seen the dead fish piled up in heaps for miles along the shores of the upper lakes. In its course that great river has many rocky falls and rapids, but it also passes through extensive lakes. The fish enter the liver from the sea early in March, when they are caught in an immense profusion and in prime condition at the " Cascades," forty miles from the sea. I saw them piled up as mentioned at the source of the river on 22nd September, so that about seven months must be occupied in the ascent, at the rate of four to five miles per day. This is the most valuable salmon in Californian waters, but is only in good condition when in the sea or lower parts of the rivers. 2. 0. nerka, blue back or Fraser River salmon, also known as the Sawqui (Sockeye, of fishermen) : This salmon is found in all rivers north of the Columbia to Alaska, and on the Asian Coast south to Japan. In Fraser River the " main run " occurs in spring, and a second, the " fall run," in August and September, but they are taken on the banks in the estuary at other seasons. Their chief spawninggrounds are in small tributary streams to mountain lakes with temperature 45° Fahr. The flesh when in good condition is deep red : at spawning time it is pale and of less value for canning. Their weight is from 3 lb. to 8 lb. The other three species are of inferior importance to the foregoing, and only require mention. The silver salmon, the dog salmon, the humpback salmon : These are all '' fall " salmon, ascending only a short distance from the sea. . I will describe the specimens sent as I, II, III. I. —A male fish 25 in. long, weighing 6 lb., almost black in colour, with deeply embedded scales in a tumid or spongy skin, two silvery patches on the gill-covers, and several large dull-red blotches on the sides of the body, black spots on the dorsal and upper part of the caudal fins. Head elongate, with



greatly developed jaw covered with powerful teeth. Body short in proportion to the height, owing to the great depth of the body in front of the dorsal fin, like a humpback salmon. Anal fin and lower part of caudal fin much lacerated, almost as if they had been gnawed away. Viscera crushed and engorged with blood, as if the fish had been artificially stripped. The crushed remains of the organs could not be recognised. Flesh lean and pale in colour. Pyloric coeca numerous, but exhausted and without any enveloping fat; evidently a kelt or male fish exhausted and mutilated by spawning struggles. II.—A female, evidently of the same species as I, but slightly smaller, 22 in. long and 5J lb. weight. Very elegant in form, with fine conical snout, and slender jaws with moderate teeth. Scales silvery, and not deeply embedded. Ventral and caudal fins much torn and destroyed. Viscera engorged with blood, with no ova present in the abdominal cavity, apparently having been discharged or stripped. Pyloric cceca small, £ in. long, and over one hundred and twenty in number. General condition of fish lean, and quite unfit for food; flesh pale pink. III.—A small male, 1J lb. in weight and 17 in. in length. Head and body silvery, but darker on the back. Testes 6 in. in length, fully developed, and full of milt, which issued freely from the vent on pressure. Pyloric coeca numerous (over one hundred and twenty), but very small and without fat. General condition of body lean ; flesh light coloured. Lower edge of caudal slightly abraded. Scales much rubbed off. A handsome little fish of the same appearance, except the absence of silvery scales, but more mature than the grilse I described in December last, which was caught at the mouth of the Waitaki. The fishes I and II I judge to be in their fourth year, and No. Ill in its third year, but with all the three it is probably the first season in which they have made a run up the river to spawn. The specimens were too much damaged for preservation. George Allport, Esq., Secretary for Marine. James Hector. — Wellington, 25th May, 1906. As instructed by you, I have made further inquiry with regard to the result of the importation of salmor and whitefish, and I enclose herewith a report on the matter from the manager of the Hakataramea Salmon Station, and attached thereto a letter from the Secretary for the Waitaki Acclimatisation Society, also a letter from the Collector of Customs at Oamaru. It would seem that quite a number of fish said to be similar to the one sent to the Department for identification have been caught last angling season in the Waitaki River, and some by fishermen in Oamaru Bay. The information the manager gives about the specimen of sockeye salmon which he found caught against the upper side of the pound-net in the Hakataramea River on the 22nd instant is most encouraging and interesting. These salmon when mature would run up the rivers to spawn in the autumn months. I should think that the end of March and through April would be their spawning season in this hemisphere, and they would return down stream as " spent " fish in May. The fact that this fish had been up stream spawning proves that it had been to sea. The manager's emphatic statement that it is a sockeye salmon can, I think, be accepted as correct, for he has had a good many years experience with these fish. After I have had an opportunity of examining the specimen I will, however, report again to you about this fish. With regard to whitefish, it is too soon to expect a definite result from the fish planted in Tekapo and Kanieri Lakes, and the fish will not be large enough yet to prove whether they are in the lakes by netting-tests. I may say that reports are current at Lake Kanieri similar to those mentioned by the manager about Tekapo —viz., that strange fish have been seen, and from the description given resembling whitefish. At Kanieri Lake these fish are reported as having been seen in the shallow water near the foot of the lake. From the evidence we have now there would seem to be no doubt that there are a good many quinnat, and possibly sockeye salmon, in the Waitaki River, and possibly round the coast; and we should expect to be able next season to handle several specimens. 'With regard to whitefish, I have no doubt that a number of our lakes are suitable for this fish and thatjwe shall be successful in acclimatising them. The Secretary, Marine Department, Government Buildings. L. F. Ayson.

Sir, — Hakataramea Salmon Station, 22nd May, 1906. In accordance with your instructions of the 8th instant, I have the honour to report on the results which have been obtained from the salmon and whitefish which have been liberated during the last five years, and I enclose herewith a letter from Mr. H. Mackintosh, Secretary of the Oamaru Acclimatisation Society, to whom I wrote for such information as might be in possession of his society. I might mention that these people, situated as they are, have greater opportunities for obtaining information on this subject than I have, and this letter bears]out what has from time to time been published in the local papers. As no doubt you are aware, rumours of supposed salmon being caught are frequent during the fishing season ; as for the truth of some of these I have doubts, although in many cases it is quite possible that they are true salmon of some species. The two specimens in possession of the Oamaru Acclimatisation Society are, on the authority of Sir James Hector, sea-run quinnat salmon (0. tshawytscha). While cleaning the pound-net which I have set at the mouth of the Hakataramea River to-day I caught on the top side of the net a fish about 16 in. in length, and which would if in proper condition weigh about 5 lb. This fish is undoubtedly a sockeye salmon (0. Nerka) which has been up the river for the purpose of spawning and was returning down stream. The fish was in a dying condition, covered with fungus. I now have it in formalin at the station. TBis, I think, should now set at rest all doubts as to them returning from the sea to^spawn.

2—H. 15.



I am of opinion that as yet it is too soon to expect definite results, yet the report of salmon being both caught and seen would seem to show that some were about, and that if their importation be'persevered with there is little doubt but that in a few years they will be well established. With regard to the whitefish liberated in Lake Tekapo, I have not had any opportunities of ascertaining whether they have taken hold or not. This would be extremely hard to tell unless it were given a thorough trial, and this work would be well-nigh impossible yet, seeing that the fish would hardly have grown to a sufficient size for netting. While at Lake Tekapo in January last refitting the temporary hatchery I was informed by two different persons that they saw on different occasions at the bridge where the Tekapo River flows out of the lake, a strange fish, and from the descriptions given me I am inclined to think that the fish seen were whitefish. I have, &c, The Chief Inspector of Fisheries, Wellington. Chas. L. Ayson.

Waitaki and Waimate Acclimatisation Society, Waitaki Branch, Oamaru, 16th May, 1906. Sir,— I am in receipt of your letter of the 14th instant, and note contents. We are glad to be able to furnish you with information requested. The work done by your Department, and well carried out by your father and self, we are glad to say is now beyond a doubt a success, as we have had numbers of sea-run salmon caught in the Waitaki and in the Oamaru Harbour by fishermen ; they range in weight from 3J lb. to 5$ lb., and have been caught these last two seasons. We sent one up to Wellington, which, after inspection by Sir J. Hector, was pronounced a true quinnat salmon. We have another in Dunedin being stuffed and mounted for the Christchurch Exhibition —about 4| lb. We feel more than pleased at the success obtained by the Department. We as a society have been battling for thirty or forty years to reach what now is an accepted fact. Our means were not sufficient to keep up the supply, and we hope that the Department will set aside a good amount every year, knowing the boon it will be to the colony. By the way, there is one suggestion I should like to make, that the Department should tag a number of each lot liberated —on dead fin (a little plate with a number representing the year)—and advise the different societies, and also Japan and America, so that we might find out their habits. This has been done at Home when I was a boy, and I am sure the information derived would be of great use. We wish you every success, and will help you all we can in this great work. Yours, &c, Mr. 0 L. Ayson. Henry Mackintosh, Secretary.

From the Collector, H.M. Customs, Oamaru, 23rd May, 1906, to L. F. Ayson, Esq., Chief Inspector of Fisheries, Wellington. No. 46. With reference to your telegram of the 22nd instant asking for information re fish supposed to be salmon which were caught in this district during the last fishing season, I have to state that I have made inquiries of the chairman of the Acclimatisation Society and others interested, and have to report as follows :— These fish (salmon) are very scarce ; so far as can be ascertained less than fifteen have been caught in the Waitaki River, and not more than five have been taken in nets by the fishermen in the Oamaru Harbour. I understand that in the latter case the fish were dead when hauled on to the beach, so that it was useless to return them again to the sea. Only in one instance was a salmon forwarded to me for identification, and in this particular case I forwarded it to the Secretary of Marine, Wellington, on the 28th November, 1905. This sample Kas fully reported on by Sir James Hector, and was stated to be a true salmon. T. M. Cullen, Collector.

Wellington, 29th May, 1906. The two telegrams (enclosed herewith) from the manager of the salmon station at Hakataramea show that he has obtained two more specimens of salmon at the pound-nets set for capturing spawning trout. He does not »ay whether these are quinnat or sockeye. I have instructed him to keep a sharp look-out for others, and to forward the 16 lb. fish here in order to have it examined and mounted. If these fish prove to be salmon, as I have no doubt they will, they will be the first fish of this species that have been known to have actually returned from the sea and ascended the rivers to spawn, and their acclimatisation in New Zealand waters may be considered to be an established fact. L. F. Ayson, The Secretary, Marine Department, Government Buildings. Chief Inspector of Fisheries. Copy of Telegram from Charles Ayson, Hakataramea, dated the 26th May, 1906. Caught another large salmon on top side of nets, dead, to-day.

Copy of Telegram from Charles Ayson, .Hakataramea, the 28th May, 1906. Caught in pound-net yesterday large female quinnat salmon about 16 lb., very ripe, and in good condition, free from fungus or scars. Advise what best do with it. Splendid specimen for exhibition purposes.



Introduction of Sea-fish. Marine Fish-hatchery and Biological Station, g JH _ FortobePo, Dunedin, N.Z., 27th October, 1905. In reference to your letter of the 26th ultimo (M. 2493/1905), and the request for a threemonthly report, T shall be glad to do what I can in the way of keeping the Minister of Marine informed of the work being done a;, the hatchery; but, as stated in my letter of the 19th ultimo, we have no secretarial assistance whatever, and these things take time to prepare. I observe by yesterday's paper that Mr. Avson leaves the colony to-day for America to receive and bring over My Board would suggest that while in the States he be instructed to make inquiry and report as to the possibilities of introducing to these southern waters any of the fine food-fishes of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, especially the striped bass. V letter has been written to Doctor Fulton, Scientific Superintendent of the Scotch fishery board, to undertake a series of experiments with the view of ascertaining how long the hatching of the eggs of turbot and of herrings can be retarded. This research he was about to undertake for me some years a<ro bu+ the shifting of the station from Dunbar to the Bay of Nigg, Aberdeen, changed the whole plan of'the Scotch Board's operations. The cost of the experiments was estimated as not exceeding £8. I have been inf< rmed bv the United States Fish Commissioners that eggs of cod and of winter flounder can be retarded for forty-five days. If the time, as regards cod, turbot, or herring can be extended to fifty days with certainty, it ought to be possible to bring ova of one or other of these fishes to the colony by direct steamer. , No detailed report of the station has ever been circulated for public instruction. I propose to write such an account for the Otago Institute, together with reports of the scientific work attempted and accomplished bv Professors Benham and Chilton, Mr. T. Anderton, the Curator, and myself. This, if printed would bring the scheme before a very large circle of readers m the colony, from Auckland to the Bluff The spreading of this knowledge would enable our Board to approach the various acclimatisation societies for grants in aid with much greater prospect of success than is the case at present. We could also arrange to get a couple of hundred or more copies separately printed for distribution. I question however/whether the Council of the New Zealand Institute would agree to print so large a pamphlet unless the Frh Hatchery Board paid a contribution towards the cost. I would therefore ask whether the Department would aid by a special grant, say, not exceeding £20, so as to enable us to get this report printed. , . . , „ . . . , I believe myself, that it would be monev well spent. In connection with the work being done at the hatchery at present, the Curator is busy studying the hatching and development of the common flounder. He has great numbers of eggs and larvie in the hatching-boxes just now, and has already liberated in the bay over 260,000 young fry. I have, &c. The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. Geo. M. Thomson, Chairman.

a _ 3rd November, 1905. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th ultimo, and, in reply, to state that Mr Ayson will be instructed to make inquiry when in the United States as to the possibilities and advisability of introducing into the colony any of the fine-food fishes of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, especially the striped bass. . The Minister has authorised a grant not exceeding £20 towards the cost of printing the account of the station which you propose to write for the Otago Institute on the understanding that about 200 copies are printed separately for distribution, some of which should be supplied to this Department. I have, &c, George Allport, Secretary. G. M. Thomson, Esq., Chairman, Marine Fish-hatchery and Biological Station, Portobello, Dunedin.

Copy of Telegram sent to L. F. Ayson, Esq., Chief Inspector of Fisheries, Auckland, 16th November, 1905, by Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. When in United States please make inquiries as to the possibilities and advisability of introducing into colony any of fine food-fishes of Atlantic and Pacific coasts, especially striped bass.

Marine Fish-hatchery and Biological Station, g IR _ Portobello, Dunedin, N.Z., 13th November, 1905. I beg to inform you that I have by this outgoing San Francisco mail communicated with the manager of the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, London, and with Dr. E. J. Allen, Director of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, in regard to the shipment of live lobsters to have been left in the hands of these gentlemen, and we anticipate that the first shipment will be made by one of the first vessels on the berth at London for Port Chalmers direct. The Marine Fish-hatchery Board would esteem it a favour if you would inform the High Commissioner for the colony of the projected shipment. Dr. Allen may be put to some slight expense in procuring the lobsters and in sending them up to London by a suitable man; and if those expenses could be reimbursed in London we would at once pay them here on learning the amount from you I trust this experiment will prove successful, and that ere long we shall be able to count the lobster as among the animals naturalised in the colony. I have, &c, G. Allport, Marine Department, Wellington. Geo. M. Thomson, Chairman.



Sir,— 19th December, 1905. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th ultimo, and, in reply, tofstate that the High Commissioner has been instructed to pay the expenses incurred in connection with the shipment of live lobsters to your Board. When the vouchers reach the colony copies will be transmitted to you so that a refund may be made. I have, &c, George Allport, Secretary. Geo. M. Thomson, Esq., Chairman Marine Fish-hatchery Board, Portobello. Sir,— Wellington, 19th December, 1905. The Portobello Marine Fish-hatchery Board, Dunedin, is arranging with the manager of the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, and with Dr. E. J. Allen, Director of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, in regard to the shipment of live lobsters to the colony, and as Dr. Allen may be put to some small expense in procuring the lobsters and sending them up to London, and the Hatchery Board has no agent in England who could defray the expenses incurred, I shall be glad if you will be so good as to do this out of your General Imprest Account, and the Board will refund the amount on receipt of the vouchers by the Treasury. I have, &c, Wm. Hall-Jones, for the Premier. The High Commissioner for New Zealand, Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London, S.W.

Marine Fish-hatchery and Biological Station, Sir, — . Portobello, Dunedin, N.Z., 12th January, 1906. I have the honour to report that the Marine Fish-hatchery Board met last Thursday to consider the question of proceeding with the introduction of desirable food-fishes from Britain. It was resolved to ask you to be good enough to communicate with the High Commissioner in London as to the introduction of one or more of the following kinds of fishes : Turbot, herring, cod, or haddock. Before anything definite can be done in the way of making a shipment, information would have to be obtained on several points — e.g., (1) whether the fish could be transported alive, and how far such an experiment could be intrusted to the engineers of the conveying steamers ; (2) whether the ova of any of these could be brought out; (3) in the latter case, whether their hatching could be retarded sufficiently long to insure their arriving in the colony ; (4) whether all these species of fish can be kept alive in sea-water when the temperature falls to 32° Fahr. These questions suggest themselves to the Board as the chief ones requiring solution before the actual experiment of obtaining the fish or their ova is undertaken. I have already written to Dr. Fulton, Scientific Superintendent of the Scotch Fishery Board, on the subject of the retardation of fish-ova, and we would suggest that the High Commissioner communicate with him, with Dr. Allen, of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Plymouth (who is procuring the lobsters for the Board), and with Professor Herdman, of Liverpool University. Professor Mcintosh, of St. Andrew's,, is a leading authority on the subject in the Old Country, and Professor J. Cossar Ewart, of Edinburgh, is the gentleman who on a former occasion obtained herring-ova for New Zealand during the administration of Sir Julius Vogel and Sir Robert Stout. In regard to the introduction of lobsters, it is thought probable that shipments may have to be repeated more than once before the experiment can be considered to be successful. The same will apply to the crab, which the Board propose to deal with as soon as possible. The Board has been guided from the outset of its operations by the necessity of exercising caution in its work on account of the expense involved in the work contemplated, and has sought to acquire all possible information, both by inquiry and by experiment, before undertaking anything which necessitated much expenditure, It had a definite, but small, amount of funds to come and go upon, and it was desirous of keeping well within its means, so as not to break faith with the Government and come on them again for further liabilities. The Board trusts that the move forward suggested by you may be eminently successful, and it will do all in its power to co-operate in making it so. I have, &c, Geo. M. Thomson, Chairman, Marine Fish-hatchery Board. The Hon. W. Hall-Jones, Minister of Marine, Wellington.

Sir,— 17th January, 1906. I have the honour, by direction of the Minister of Marine, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th instant, with reference to the question of introducing desirable food-fishes from Great Britain, and I am to forward herewith, for your information, copy of a communication which has been addressed to the High Commissioner on the subject. I have, &c, George Allport, Secretary. G. M. Thomson, Esq., Chairman, Marine Fish-hatchery and Biological Board, Dunedin. Sir, — Wellington, 15th January, 1906. Adverting to my letter No. 705/149, of the 19th ultimo, on the subject of your paying expenses connected with a shipment of live lobsters for the Portobello Fish-hatchery Board, I have the honour to forward herewith copy of a communication which has been received from the Board in regard to the introduction into the colony of turbot, herring, cod, or haddock, and shall be glad if you will make inquiries on the points suggested therein. If, as a result of your inquiries, you are satisfied that it is



feasible to introduce the fish into the colony, you are authorised to expend a sum not exceeding £100 in sending out a trial shipment of any two of the kinds of fish mentioned in the first paragraph of the Fish-hatchery Board's letter. They should be sent by steamer calling first at Port Chalmers, and I understand that the New Zealand Shipping Company and the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company will be pleased to assist in the matter. I have, &c, Wm. Hall-Jones, for the Premier. The High Commissioner for New Zealand, Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London, S.W.

Memorandum from the High Commissioner to the Hon. the Premier. Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London, S.W., 7th April, 1906. Marine Department. — Shipments of Fish or Ova. Referring to the Hon. the Minister's letter No. Marine 05/2993 (349/150), of the 15th January last, respecting the introduction into the colony of turbot, herring, cod, or haddock, I now beg to report that letters were forwarded to each of the experts mentioned in the enclosure to the Hon. the Minister's letter before mentioned asking for information as to the probability of successful shipments being effected. Replies have been received from all except Professor J. Cossar Ewart, who has not answered my letter of the 27th February or a letter of reminder sent on the 21st March. Except in the case of the herring —and even in that success appears doubtful—the experts practically agree that the successful shipment of ova is quite unlikely. They would apparently prefer sending live fish in place of ova,"except perhaps as regards the herring. With respect to live fish, the experts all agree in thinking turbot might be successfully transported, andipossibly small cod or codling. Haddocks might be tried, though loss would be considerable, whilst herring is most unlikely to meet with success. p,j | As there is considerable diversity of opinion in this matter, I have decided to refer the replies to the Hon. the Minister for consideration. I shall accordingly be glad of instructions in the matter, more particularly with reference to the particular expert whom the Hon the Minister would prefer to be engaged to advise upon the collection of the fish or ova and its care during the voyage to New Zealand— that is, supposing it should be decided to make such shipments. I may add that the sum mentioned —not exceeding £100 —may not be sufficient, as these special shipments of ova or fish sometimes entail considerable expense. I enclose copy of my letter and the replies received from Dr. Fulton, Professor Mcintosh, Professor Herdman, and Dr. Allen. It will be noted that the latter's reply also refers to the shipment of lobsters, concerning which the Hon. the Minister, in his letter No. 05/2993 (705/149), of the 19th December last, desired me to reimburse Dr. Allen for any expense to which he might be put in procuring and sending the lobsters to London. As will be seen, shipment will not take place to Otago before May next. W. P. Reeves.

13 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., 27th February, 1906. Dr. Fulton, F.R.S.E., Scientific Superintendent of the Scotch Fishery Board, 101 George Street, Edinburgh. Sir, — I am directed by the High Commissioner to state that|he has been requested by his Government to make inquiries as to the practicability of introducing into New Zealand consignments of turbot, herring, cod, or haddock, and, if so, to arrange for a trial shipment of any two of these kinds of fish. Before making any definite arrangements the High Commissioner is desired to ascertain if possible the following information : — (1.) Whether the fish could be transported alive, and how far such an experiment could be intrusted to the engineers of the conveying steamers. (2.) Whether the ova of any of these could be brought out. (3.) In the latter case, whether their hatching could be retarded sufficiently long to insure their arriving in the colony. (4.) Whether all these species of fish can be kept alive in sea-water when the temperature falls to 32° Fahr. The High Commissioner will esteem it a favour if you can oblige him with any information on the above points to enable him to come to a decision as to sending trial shipments to New Zealand. I am, &c, W. Kennaway. [Similar letter sent to Professor G. C. Ewart, Professor Herdman, and Professor Mcintosh and Dr. Allen, with additions re lobster.]

Sir, — The University of Liverpool, 5th March, 1906. I have been away from home, which has delayed my answer to your letter of the 27th February, 1906. In answer to your four questions, my opinion is,— 1. The turbot, cod, and haddock could probably be transported alive; the herring, I think, could not. The business could not, I think, be intrusted to the engineers of the steamers. The fish would have personally conducted, as they were when Mr. Dannevig imported plaice from this coast to Australia.



2. I think the ova might be taken safely if kept at a low temperature—nearly freezing-point; but it would be very desirable to make some experiments here on the vitality of the ova under such conditions before actually trying them. I think the herring might be better for this purpose than the others. ,* i 3. The incubation-period of most of these ova is fourteen to seventeen days, but I thinksit might be* delayed sufficiently by a low temperature. f' ? | J I-. 4. These fish usually live at a'ctemperature higher than you state (32° Fahr.); but the least goes north into colder water, and Ijdo not think that a fall to 32° Fahr. would necessarily be fatal. The sending of plaice to Australia (New South Wales, I think), has, I believe, been quite successful, and I think the experiments the High Commissioner thinks of trying have a fair chance of success, and are well worth attempting. Yours, &c, The High Commissioner for New Zealand. W. A. Herdman.

Sir, — Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrew's, 2nd March, 1906. I have to acknowledge your letter of the 27th ultimo, concerning the practicability of introducing into New Zealand consignments of turbot, herring, cod, or haddock. Before replying to the foregoing, I hope a careful survey of the local fishes has been made, and by various methods of fishing, so that the resources of the colony are fully understood and critically tested. A knowledge of the nature of the bottom (e.g., rocky or sandy) in the localities where the experiments will be carried out, the nature of the pelagic (floating) animals, -as well as those on the bottom, should also be carefully obtained. The average temperatures of the sea-water at various seasons should also be known, as well as the trend of the chief currents. 1. There should be no insuperable difficulty in transporting the fishes from Britain round the Cape to New Zealand, especially if " welled " vessels are employed. Herrings would require to be acclimatised to their altered circumstances, just as those from the Baltic to St. Andrew's, the fishes in the latter case having been conveyed in fresh water. In a " welled " vessel, however, salt water would be better. Turbot are very hardy. If the engineers were duly instructed in regard to their duties to the fishes, the kind of food to be used, and the strict attention to hygiene, they might do. It is certainly an expensive method to send out a trained scientist, or a practical assistant trained in a " marine laboratory." 2. The ova of the herring offer the most likely field for the experiment in transportation; but I could not promise success. It would be a great strain on an attendant, and, after all, the risks of the young on arrival would further complicate the experiment. It was formerly tried, if I remember rightly, in the case of Australia. It might again be exhaustively experimented with if there is a strong feeling in regard to it. I do not think that the question of attempting to transport the ova of turbot, cod, or haddock need at present he considered. The pelagic eggs of these do not readily lend themselves to such experiments. 3. The eggs of the herring are exceedingly hardly (having been hatched here more than once after sixteen hours' exposure to the air in a boat), but whether they can be retarded for more than two months is doubtful. The question in regard to the other fishes has been answered. 4. In our experience most fishes in tanks and vessels die when such are frozen. I should not suppose, however, that a " welled " vessel need experience this condition in its passage round the Cape to New Zealand : so long as the " well " is not frozen, the fishes should survive. I am, &c, Walter Kennaway, Esq., 13 Victoria Street, S.W. W. le M. Jurtosk.

Sir,— The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth, 2nd March, 1906. I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th February with reference to the shipment of live lobsters to New Zealand. I have been in communication with the Shaw, Saville, and Albion Company on the subject, and they now inform me that they will not be able to take the lobsters to Otago before May, as their steamer leaving this month is taking out trout-ova to the Otago Acclimatisation Society. When the lobsters have been shipped, I will send you, as requested, an account of any expenses that may have been incurred. With regard to the second part of your letter, I think that consignments of turbot would in all probability be successful; but there would be little chance of success with the herring, cod, or haddock. Perhaps some small codling might be managed, but I am practically sure that it would be useless to try herring, as we have never been able, even in the large tanks in our aquarium, to keep them for any length of time. I do not think that any attempt to deal with the ova at the present time would be practicable, as all attempts to rear the larvae of these fishes to the adult form under artificial conditions have failed. With regard to your fourth question, from my experience in our aquarium, I am inclined to think that a fall of temperature to 30° Fahr. would be fatal to all the species named, though I have no direct observations to go upon. We have noticed that in the coldest winter weather the death-rate in the tanks is increased. I am, &c, The High Commissioner foi New Zealand. E. J. Allen.

Sir,— ■ 417 Great Western Road. Aberdeen, 14th March, 1906. On returning from the Continent I find your letter of the 27th ultimo, regarding the introduction of European fishes into New Zealand. In reply to the queries you put, it has to be pointed out that the fish mentioned differ very much as to their power to withstand altered conditions : it ought not to be difficult to transport turbot, if small; cod also, or codling, would also be capable of being taken,



T think, without great loss ; but the loss with haddock, and, still more, with herring, would probably be large. I do not think the experiment could be intrusted to the engineers, but would require the constant supervision of a skilled assistant, as its success depends on strict attention to numerous small details. With regard to (2), the eggs of all except the herring are floating, and the mechanical difficulties of dealing with them would be very great. The eggs of the herring might be taken under proper conditions. With regard to (3), the hatching of the eggs could, I think, be retarded sufficiently long to insure their arriving in the colony. With regard to (4), it is not probable that the fishes would resist a temperature of 32° Fahr. throughout the voyage, and a temperature considerably higher would be necessary. Eggs, however, would require a low temperature —about 32° Fahr. —and they can resist it. On the general question, I may be permitted to make a few observations, such as I have made quite recently to Mr. George Thomson, the Superintendent of the hatchery in New Zealand, who wrote to me on the subject. I do not favour the attempt to introduce the fish in the egg-state if they can be introduced as fish. Apart from difficulties in dealing with them, an enormous supply would be required to render success probable, for the eggs or the newly hatched fry would have to be at once put into the sea, and under ordinary circumstances one could not expect more than an extremely small proportion to survive to reproductive size—not more, perhaps, in the case of the turbot or the cod, than two or three per million eggs. It is different with fresh-water fishes —as the trout or salmon —where the number of eggs related to the survival of one individual is small, and where the eggs and the young fish can be kept under observation. In the case of the herring, however, it may be found best to deal with the eggs. At least as important in any such experiment as the arrangements for carrying out the fish are the arrangements for dealing with the fish when they arrive ; and I presume this would be carefully attended to. The plan ought to be to take out small fishes of the kinds described and to keep them, it may be for a few years, in tanks or otherwise until they reach maturity and spawn. Their eggs could then be hatched in the hatching apparutus and the fry turned out in suitable places, and the process repeated each year. Before anything is done or expense incurred, I would recommend that the Government of New South Wales should be fully consulted. A few years ago the Agent-General, the late Mr. Copeland, came to Aberdeen with reference to indroducing European fishes to the colony. The experiment was made by Mr. H. Dannevig, now the Superintendent of Fish-culture at Sydney, and he ought to be able to give more valuable information on the subject than anybody else. I am, &c, T. Wemyss Fulton. Walter Kennaway, Esq., Secretary to the High Commissioner for New Zealand, Westminster Chambers, London, S.W.

Sir,— Wellington, 6th April, 1906. I have the honour to report that in accordance with your instructions while in America I made inquiry with regard to the possibility of introducing some new food-fishes from that country, special inquiry being made with regard to the striped bass. On this matter I consulted with Commissioner Bowers, Drs. Smith and Everman, and Mr. Tibcomb, of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, Washington; Dr. Townsend, Director of the New York Aquarium ; Dr. Sherwood, Ichthyologist for the Museum of Natural History, New York ; Professor Prince, Commissioner of Fisheries for Canada; and Professor Jordan, of California. The general opinion of these gentlemen was that the striped bass was one of the very best fishes to try to introduce into New Zealand waters, while at the same time it should be one of the easiest to transport. The North Atlantic cod and shad were also mentioned as desirable fishes, but it was considered that their transportation would be a very difficult matter. Owing to the character of the eggs of the striped bass, it is not considered possible to transport them anv great distance ; but it is thought that the young fish can be safely sent to New Zealand. The young fish are said to be remarkably hardy, and stand confinement well. The American experts recommend taking the fish as young as they can be caught, and that they should be confined in suitable tanks for a few weeks before being shipped. By treating the fish in this way they are hardened and used to confinement and artificial food, and the weaker fish are weeded out before being put on board ship. Dr. Townsend, who has had a large experience in holding these fish in confinement in his aquariumtanks, says that, being anadromous in their habits, they can be kept in either fresh or salt water for a long time. Most of the specimens in the New York Aquarium have been there over two years. Dr. Jordan says that while he considers them to be one of America's best food-fishes, they also afford excellent sport for the angler in the bays around the coast and in the tideways of rivers. They are taken with rod and line, ground and spinning bait being used. They enter the rivers for the purpose of spawning, and, like the salmon, do not feed in fresh water. This fish is indigenous to the Atlantic Coast of America, its range being from about lat. 50° to 30°, or from New Brunswick to the Escambia River, on the coast of Florida. About the year 1876 a number of young fish were transported to the Pacific coast and liberated near the mouth of the Sacramento River. In 1880 Dr. Jordan reported that several specimens had been caught along the coast, and at the present time they are one of the most plentiful and favourite fish in the San Francisco market. In the market they usually run from about 3 lb. to 25 lb. in weight, but specimens running up to 50 lb. and 60 lb. are frequently caught. I think this is a fish that should do remarkably well in the coastal waters of the colony, and would recommend that it should be introduced. The expert authorities mentioned in this report commended the New Zealand Government for trying to acclimatise the quinnat and sockeye salmons and whitefish, and strongly recommend persevering with these fish. I have, &c, L. F. Ayson, The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington, Chief Inspector of Fisheries.



Report on Oyster-beds in Foveaux Straits. Sib,— H.M. Customs, Bluff, 2nd February, 1906. Having received your instructions through the Collector of Customs, Invercargill, to proceed with the survey of the oyster-beds in Foveaux Strait, I engaged the s.s. " Despatch " upon the terms submitted to and approved of by you—viz., £6 12s. per diem, the owners to find crew and all appliances. I had with me Messrs. Whealler and Coupar, as master and engineer respectively, both of whom have had over twenty years' experience in oystering, their local knowledge being of great assistance in locating the beds, also in giving general information in regard to them when discovered, &c. The Harbourmaster also kindly lent me the Board's station pointer, with which instrument I was able to locate the positions more accurately on the chart with sextant angles. Captain Barber, late of the barque " West Australia," also formed one of the party, and he gave valuable assistance in checking bearings and angles. I found the s.s. " Despatch " suitable in every respect, her steam-power and handiness in moving from one bed to another greatly facilitating the work. We commenced surveying on the 16th January, and completed the work on the 30th January, being altogether employed seven days. A number of days between the dates stated, we were unable to do anything on account of boisterous weather. We found the beds extending eleven miles W.S.W. from Waipapapa to ten miles E.S.E. from Centre Island (with broken intervals between), a distance of twenty-five miles. Oysters were found most abundantly by following the trend of the current. This will be seen by glancing at the chart, and is probably accounted for by the spawn being carried along by the tide and deposited where food is most likely to accumulate. Large quantities of dead shells are to be found on most of the beds, more so on those which have been worked continuously, and upon beds where the current does not run so strong. As oystermen always deposit their cultch— i.e., refuse—upon the bed from which the oysters are taken no doubt it helps to swell the accumulation of dead shell. Oysters also have a dangerous enemy in the shape of a species of starfish, commonly called " five fingers." This fish has a body of about 1 in. to 1| in. in diameter, with legs or tentacles averaging about 6 in. in length. When the oyster-shell is open for the purpose of feeding, these fish insert a tentacle (probably unintentionally) which, being of a very brittle nature, breaks off, and leaves the oyster exposed, thereby killing it. Large numbers of the above species of starfish are to be found on the beds, most particularly where dead shells are abundant. The depth of water ranges from thirteen fathoms on the easternmost bed to twenty-four fathoms on the westernmost. I have numbered the beds consecutivly 1 to 12 for the sake of reference, and I may state that the supply of oysters is inexhaustible. The following is a brief description of the beds individually, the dates given as to discovery, &c, being approximate : — Bed No. 1, or East Bed. Length, 4J miles, by 2J miles wide ; average depth, 12 fathoms. Discovered about 1888, and worked during the open season for the first seven or eight years, then, on account of the oysters becoming small, left idle for several years. (I may state that as the oyster-merchants refuse to take small oysters, and as they are unfavourably received by the public, there is no likelihood of those engaged in the oyster-fishing bringing small ones into port.) Oysters found on this bed are now large and of good quality, and are noted for keeping longer than any others. This may be accounted for by the water being more shallow than on other beds. As many as four thousand dozen have been caught by one craft in a day. Small oysters were found on the outskirts, the'jbed apparently increasing in all directions. Bed No. 2, or Ruapuke Bed. Length, 2 miles, by f mile wide ; average depth, 13J fathoms. Discovered about 1892. Oysters are of a good quality, although quantities of dead shells'arelound, and "abundance r bf starfish. Bed No. 3, or Dog Island Bed. Length, about 3J miles, by If miles wide ; average depth, 15 fathoms. Discovered about 1898. Oysters of a good quality, and medium size. The bed has been worked occasionally since found. Bed No. 4. Length, 2 miles, by 1J wide ; average depth, about 14 fathoms. Discovered about 1880. The oysters on this bed are of a poor quality, and great quantities of dead shells and seaweed were found. No oysters were taken off it for over twenty years. Bed No. 5. Length, about 4£ miles, bv 2f miles wide ; average depth, 17 fathoms. Discovered in 1885. The bed has been worked occasionally during the open seasons. Oysters are large, and of a good quality, and the bed is more free from dead shells than the preceding ones.



Bed No. 6. Length, about 2i. miles, by 1 mile wide ; average depth, 17 fathoms. Discovered about 1889. This bed is really a continuation of No. 5 bed. Bed No. 7. Length, about 1\ miles, by 1 mile wide ; average depth, 18 fathoms. Discovered about 1882, and worked for several seasons. It was then abandoned on account of the oysters being small, and the rough nature of the bottom. Bed No. 8, or Half-moon Bay Bed. Length, 1 mile, by \ mile wide ; average depth, about 23 fathoms. Was discovered about 1870, and was one of the earliest worked. Very few oysters were found, the bed appearing to be overgrown with seaweed, &c. In the early days two hundred dozen was considered a fair day's catch off this bed. Bed No. 9, or Fort William Bed. Length, \ mile, by £ mile wide. Was discovered shortly after No. 8. Owing to the rough nature of the bottom, it was impossible to get the exact area, dimensions here given being only approximate. Quantities of dead shells were found, the oysters appearing to have died off considerably. Bed No. 10. Length, about 7 miles, by 2 miles wide. Discovered during the present survey, on the 27th January, 1906. Although oysters were known to exist in that direction, the bed had never been previously located. The oysters found there were in excellent condition, and remarkably free from dead shells, &c. This, no doubt, will be a favourite bed in the near future. Bed No. 11. Length, \\ miles, by \ mile wide ; average depth, about 20 fathoms. Discovered recently. Oysters are of poor quality, with large quantity of dead shells. Owing to its great distance from the Bluff this bed is never likely to become popular. Bed No. 12. Length, 2£ miles, by 1 mile wide ; average depth, about 20 fathoms. Discovered on the last day of this survey." The oysters are of a good quality, though small. It is probably a newly formed bed. We found, generally, quantities of dead cockle-shells on the northern side, and quantities of seaweed on the southern side. The oysters found on the outskirts of all the beds were in clusters, and smaller than those in the middle of the beds. This clearly demonstrated that the beds are extending in all directions. There is no doubt that oysters are to be found by following the trend of the current further to the westward than the beds marked on the chart, but as the s.s. " Despatch " was required for the oystering at the beginning ol February, we were unable to make a more extensive survey. However, beds at a greater distance than those already located are never likely to become popular. Trusting that the foregoing report will meet with your approval, J have, &c, The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. R. C. Hunter

3—H. 15



Return showing Amounts paid to Disabled Seamen, under Section 119 of "The Shipping and Seamen Act, 1903," for Year ended 31st March, 1905.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid for Wages, Maintenance, Ac. Anderson, E. Aasen, I. Andstrom, J. Anderson, C. Brown, W. Beaton, J. Bell, R. Burns, F. Balding, C. Bridson, J. Burnett, J. Campbell, R. Campbell, R. Carrick, F. Casey, J. Castel, A. Clausen, C. Clooney, P. F. M. Constance, W. Coyle, J. Doncaster, E. J. Dalgarino, J. Daniels, W. Davis, M. Donovan, J. Enright, M. Errickson, A. Evans, W. Ferris, J. Ferara, V. Fisher, D. Ganse, F. Graham, F. Hall, S. Halliday, J. Hanward, F. Hannah, J. Hayes, J. Hopkins, R. Hull, R. Hurst, F. Janson, K. E. Jerome, D. Jones, T. Totara, scow T. K. Tobiasen Wakatu, s.s. Margaret, scow Baden Powell, s.s. Welcome, schooner Elizabeth Graham, barque .. Clansman, s.s. Rarawa, s.s. Pateena, s.s. Te Kapu, s.s. Tokomaru, s.s. Muritai, s.s. Baden Powell, s.s. Rotomahana, s.s. Wanaka, s.s. Seagull, scow Rakanoa, s.s. Rarawa, s.s. Moeraki, s.s. Star of Australia, s.s. Navua, s.s. Ngaptthi, s.s. Star of Australia, s.s. Paeroa, s.s. Wimmera, s.s. Welcome, schooner Stella, s.s. Talune, s.s. Cygnet, s.s. Storm, s.s. Zelateur, ship Muritai, s.s. Defender, s.s. Volador, barque Endeavour, schooner Pukaki, s.s. Arahura, s.s. Rarawa, s.s. Poherua, s.s. Star of Australia, s.s. Lizzie Taylor, schooner Rotomahana, s.s. Waverley, s.s. Inflammation of stomach Beriberi fever Inflammation of bladder Injured finger Injuries varicose veins Pleurisy ■ ■ ±- Broken thigh -. , > Severe cold and results Stomach hurt Injured knee „ foot Pleurisy Injured ankle Sprained foot Poisoned finger Internal injuries Crushed hand Injured arm Finger-nail torn off Bruised back Broken thigh Poisoned hand Injured toe Appendicitis Broken collarbone Injured ear Enteric fever Hurt back .. .. ■ .. Poisoned hand .. Broken rib Crushed finger Hurt side Top taken off finger Rheumatic fever Broken leg Typhoid Enteric fever Injured hand Bruised hand Appendicitis Diseased elbow Broken arm Sprained ankle Crushed fingers £ s. d6 16 0 46 18 0 7 0 0 10 0 0 24 10 8 7 8 8 31 12 0 21 4 4 20 6 0 7 16 0 5 4 0 7 7 0 1 5 8 12 0 3 8 11 0 7 8 8 11 1 4 4 4 0 6 14 0 6 15 2 31 11 6 20 7 10 8 6 4 19 16 0 15 3 0 1 6 10 40 3 4 fi 15 10 30 1 4 Passage to port of discharge. 8 4 6 2 6 6 26 0 0 8 18 6 13 13 0 20 6 8 25 19 8 16 16 4 8 8 0 31 10 0 13 11 0 35 16 2 11 9 6 Passage to port of discharge. 10 4 0 6 1 4 21 5 0 12 16 0 6 0 fi Still in hospital. 17 7 6 11 0 0 5 8 2 7 9 10 7 5 0 8 18 0 20 13 4 20 7 10 37 2 4 6 19 8 33 1 6 28 18 0 29 1 0 9 14 10 28 6 8 9 17 6 12 2 8 15 17 4 16 11 (i Still in hospital. 21 6 4 4 17 10 7 0 4 23 12 4 10 0 fi 48 4 4 (Since dead.) 11 17 0 7 3 0 5 6 4 23 17 0 13 8 8 Still laid up. 6 19 0 7 15 0 7 14 2 3 10 8 Kirk, W. Kruger, C. Kyle, R. Landreth, F. Lake, C. Lang, C. Malley, J. Marks, Miss J. Maskell, J. Miffen, R. Moore, J. -Mouat, H. Mudie, J. Murphy, J. McConnell, J. McGiffen, J. McKeon, J. McKenzie, R. McKinnon, G. A. McLennan, D. McLeod, N. Napoleon, S. Nelson, C. Newlove, W. Oakland, S. Perham, J. Pratt, A. Pratt, W. Pierens, J. Regan, R. Reid, D. Robinson, C. Victoria, s.s. Taviuni, s.s. Stormbird, s.s. Hawke's Bay, s.s. Moonah, ketch Eliza Firth, brigantine Wellington, s.s. Rarawa, s.s. Maheno Monowai, s.s. Corinna, s.s. Rakanoa, s.s. Navua, s.s. Rotomahana, s.s. .. Somerset, s.s. Hawke, schooner Moeraki, s.s. Monowai, s.s. Navua, s.s. Rona, barque Akaroa, s.s. Casabianca, ship Mangapapa, s.s. Mokoia, s.s. Paparoa, s.s. Wakatu, s.s. Rakanoa, s.s. Tanawai, s.s. Warrimoo, s.s. Solwyn Craig, barquentine .. Rotoiti, s.s. Inflammation of lungs Burnt hand Injured leg Dysentery Hurt shoulder Renal rupture Broke two ribs Scalded foot Injured Bruised leg Muscular rheumatism Fractured skull Cut leg Strained back Injured leg ,, ankle Sprained ankle Syncope Appendicitis Pneumonia Crushed foot, causing decay of bone Strained back Senile decay Pneumonia Sprained wrist Diseased elbow Injured right arm Crushed hand Finger put out of joint Pleurisy Both feet hurt Heart failure Rout, G. Sambergh, F. Selstrom, C. F. Smith, B. Smith, C. Smith, J. M. Smith, H. Schmidt, A. Sinclair, J. Sparks, G. Muritai, s.s. Hawk; scow Kahu, s.s. Haupiri, s.s. Moura, s.s. Wootton, s.s. Hauroto, s.s. Rarawa, s.s. Morning Light, s.s. Waikare, s.s. Rupture Scalded foot Injured eye Inflammation of bowels Crushed finger Crushed finger Injured right leg Crushed finger Sprained foot Influenzal Carried forward £1,235 16 7



Return showing Amounts paid to Disabled Seamen—continued.

Return of Certificates of Service, as Masters, issued during the year ended 31st March, 1906.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid for Wages, Maintenance. <fec. Strachan, W. Strilbey, R. Sundstrom, W. .. Swan, J. Swindley, J. Symes, W. Thompson, J. Thomson, J. Thompson, J. Thomas, C. Toole, J. C. Tornblom, K. Treanor, H. Tullock, T. Turner, T. Welcome, J. Warnock, J. Wheatley, J. H. Whelan, W. White, H. White, T. Whyte, J. Wildman, E. M. . . Williams, E. Wishart, D. I Himitangi, s.s. Glenelg, s.s. Star of Ireland, s.s. .. , Maheno, s.s. Victoria, s.s. Rarawa, s.s. Echo, scow Hawea, s.s. Hawea, s.s. Te Anau, s.s. Kanieri, s.s. .. | Rotomahana, s. s. Somerset, s.s. Moana, s.s. Rotoiti, s.s. Taieri, s.s. Brisbane, s.s. Te Kapu, s.s. Moeraki, s.s. Stella, s.s. Ngapuhi, s.s. Kaituna, s.s. Alexander, s.s. Kent, s.s. Waikare, s.s. Brought forward .. Sprained leg Jammed finger Inflammation of knee Crushed hand Cold and fever Injured hand Bruised ankle Sprained ankle . . ,, Poisoned hand Broken rib Rupture £ a. d. 1,235 16 7 15 9 4 2 17 8 5 16 0 9 8 10 12 3 0 6 19 8 17 9 6 4 15 0 6 6 6 12 14 6 15 7 0 35 15 0 8 7 0 43 10 0 5 10 8 5 14 3 13 0 0 6 18 0 13 17 2 0 18 8 13 18 10 5 4 0 8 6 8 32 16 2 8 7 10 Injured foot Bruised back Injured back Hurt by fall Injured foot Pleurisy Heart strain Fractured rib Lung disease Crushed finger Broken arm Bruised back Total £1,547 14 4

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. George Foster William Spargo Henry George Fenn Robert Caven Joseph Eddy Kimo Kimo Pepene Martin Johnson John Ross Murdoch Stuart Benjamin Bern John Leonard Anderson .. Richard Henry Eddy Joseph George Morris James Lowndes Alfred Anderson Albert Edward Ragg William Biddick Norman Matheson William Pelley Frank Allen Francis Edward Wills Robert Dudley Edwin McGerney Thomas Clifford Samuel Clare Richard Perry James Edward Quinn Robert Caldwell Miller William John Copeland Hihi Rawiri Peter Higham George Wright John James Jackson Johan Emil Isedor Johanson William Hanning Edwin John Tall Charles William Bradshaw Joseph Moura Frank Andrews John G. M. Gibbs William Robertson Thomas Gilroy Frank Roderique Thomas Clark Urwin Charles Waterford Attrill . . Richard Evanson Beamish Richard Hugh Dixon George Henry Preston Henry John Roderique William Bolasses Dixon James Piercy David Joseph Draffin Edward Insley George William Leaity Edwin McGerney Restricted Home trade .. Restricted Home trade . . Restricted ,, ,, Home trade .. Restricted Home trade . . Restricted Home trade .. Restricted Home trade . . Restricted Home trade .. Restricted Home trade . . Restricted ,, ,, ,, Home trade . . ,, Restricted Home trade .. Restricted Home trade Restricted Home trade 1905. .. I 17 April ■ • 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747r 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1906.

Nature of Expenditure. ;ail Is. Is. Irani ,s. Salaries of Head Offioe Staff £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,504 4 1 £ s. d. 1,504 4 1 larbours:— Manukau, — Salaries House-rent New beacon Repairs to dwellings Contingencies Russell, — Contingencies Hokianga,— Salaries Repairs to flagstaff Contingencies Kaipara,— Salaries House-rent New beacons .. .. " Contingencies Opunake, — Salary Foxton, — Salary Contingencies Mokau, — Salary Grant for snagging punt Wairau, — Salary Additions to house Contingencies Havelock, — Grant for wharf Contingencies Motueka, — Salary .. Contingencies Waitapu, — Salary Maintenance of lights Sundries Collingwood,— Salary .. Removal of snags Contingencies Karamea, — Salary New signal-box, &c. Contingencies Okarito, — Salary Removal of pi pi bank Cutting channel in bar Contingencies Okuru, — Signalling Contingencies Little Wanganui,— Signalling Removal of snags Waikawa, — Salary Contingencies Riwaka, — Maintenance of lights Pioton— Contingencies Kawhia, — New beacon Maintenance of lights Puponga, — Contingencies Rangitikei, — Contingencies 10 0 0 13 13 6 25 0 0 50 0 0 6 15 3 468 0 0 24 0 0 74 19 6 70 2 4 116 14 3 328 0 0 36 1 6 81 5 0 508 5 5 28 0 0 14 15 0 100 5 7 170 0 0 35 12 8 145 0 0 23 2 0 20 14 6 300 0 0 2 13 9 40 0 0 45 0 0 753 16 1 9 13 0 395 6 6 651 6 0 25 0 0 205 12 8 85 0 0 188 16 6 302 13 9 23 13 6 35 0 0 8 17 6 • 5 4 0 81 15 3 49 1 6 60 0 0 75 0 0 32 10 0 167 10 0 75 0 0 509 3 8 29 0 0 22 13 0 635 16 8 20 0 0 13 0 0 32 0 0 21 0 0 4 19 0 25 19 0 10 0 0 2 17 6 12 17 6 20 0 0 4 5 0 16 8 0 59 6 3 75 14 3 8 13 6 18 4 10 Btores, repairs to buoys, and sundries .. 561 7 9 4,334 3 3 Carried forward 5,838 7 4



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department—continued.

lature o: 'xpem liture. ;ai: Is. is. I Irani Is. £ s. d. £ s. d. m £ s. d. 5,838 7 4 Brought forward.. Jighthouses:— Salaries of keepers Oil Stores and contingencies Keepers' travelling-expenses Lighthouse artificer 9,342 0 7 1,678 0 2 3,628 10 5 147 3 5 220 0 0 15,015 14 7 Superintendents of Mercantile Marine :— Salaries Assistance Contingencies fisheries:— Protection of fish and oysters,— Salaries Travelling-expenses Contingencies 1,140 12 4 318 0 0 202 13 1 566 11 7 154 16 4 92 15 0 1,661 5 5 814 2 11 Import of salmon-ova Import of whitefish-ova Hakataramea Salmon-hatchery,— Salaries Contingencies Supply of fish-ova and acclimatisation of fish, animals, &c. Collection, &c, of rainbow trout-ova .. Survey of Foveaux Strait oyster-beds 257 2 11 322 18 7 292 0 0 107 8 7 141 17 4 91 3 3 55 4 0 257 2 11 322 18 7 292 0 0 107 8 7 141 17 4 91 3 3 55 4 0 Grant to Portobello Fish-hatchery Grant to Hokitika FiBh-hatohery 250 0 0 27 5 0 1,267 14 8 250 0 0 27 5 0 277 5 0 Veather-reporting:— Salary Contingencies 350 0 0 72 13 10 350 0 0 72 13 10 2,359 2 7 422 13 10 Less credits to vote "" 25,297 3 9 130 5 9 government steamers: — Working-expenses, s.s. " Hinemoa " .. Repairs and renewals, s.s. " Hinemoa " Working-expenses, s.s. " Tutanekai " .. 7,167 5 3 3,644 12 1 4,339 5 5 7,167 5 3 3,644 12 1 4,339 5 5 15,151 2 9 482 8 1 25,166 18 0 Less amount of freights, passages, &c... 14,668 13 8 utiscellaneous services:— Coastal buoys and beacons Survey of coast by H.M.S. " Penguin," to 31st March, 1904 Departmental travelling-expenses " N.Z. Nautical Almanao " .. A, B, and C Azimuth Tables Cheoking overcrowding of steamers and legal expenses .. Charts and books Examination of masters and mates—contingencies Inquiries into wrecks and casualties Survey of unseaworthy ships Relief of distressed seamen Fog-signals Removal of snags, Lake Mahinapua and south creeks .. Improving and protecting entrance to Waikouaiti River.. Charter of s.s. '.' Aorere " to Karamea Boiler test-gauges and apparatus Sundries 129 2 8 7,267 7 8 13 7 11 200 0 0 65 0 0 317 4 0 138 12 5 37 16 0 184 15 8 110 81 3 8 235 13 3 126 19 2 38 0 0 35 5 0 79 4 0 456 11 2 129 2 8 7,267 7 8 13 7 11 200 0 0 65 0 0 317 4 0 138 12 5 37 16 0 184 15 8 110 81 3 8 235 13 3 126 19 2 38 0 0 35 5 0 79 4 0 456 11 2 Less credits to vote 9,407 3 7 339 13 5 9,067 10 2 Grand Total 48,903 1 10



Return showing the Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Lighthouses, and the Quantity of Oil consumed at each, during the Year ended the 31st March, 1906.

Salaries. Oil. Gallons Value consumed. value ' Stores and Contingencies. Name of Lighthouse. Totals. Cape Maria van Diemen Moko Hinou Tiritiri Bean Rock Ponui Passage Cuvier Island East Cape Portland Island Napier Bluff Cape Palliser Pencarrow Head Somes Island Cape Egmont Manukau South Head Manukau South Head leading-lights Manukau North Head leading-lights Kaipara Head Brothers Tory Channel leading-lights Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Jack's Point Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point Hokitika Cape Foulwind Kahurangi Point Farewell Spit Nelson French Pass Stephen Island i £ s. d. 355 17 3 323 12 4 237 7 10 160 0 0 181 4 8 309 6 8 308 1 2 356 4 2 20 0 0 281 3 8 254 3 4 140 0 0 280 0 0 219 1 2 .'. 100 0 0 225 0 0 414 5 2 90 0 0 243 1 0 .. 257 4 0 270 0 0 160 0 0 256 8 0 270 0 0 260 0 0 363 15 10 250 0 0 301 18 1 304 15 2 338 3 11 12 0 0 | 247 18 4 352 13 4 390 0 0 290 0 0 170 0 0 348 15 6 Gals. 921 859 685 80 1,330 860 732 Gas 880 883 648 578 561 162 231 572 737 160 564 524 552 176 564 626 654 942 624 810 870 921 Gas 573 977 650 240 164 1,705 £ s. d. 66 3 11 61 14 9 49 4 8 3 8 9 5 15 0 95 11 10 61 16 3 52 12 3 9 10 6 63 5 0 63 9 4 46 11 6 41 10 11 40 6 5 11 12 11 16 12 1 41 2 3 52 19 5 11 10 0 40 10 9 37 13 3 39 13 6 12 13 0 40 10 9 44 19 11 47 0 1 67 14 2 44 17 0 58 4 4 62 10 7 66 3 11 10 17 0 41 3 8 70 4 5 46 14 5 17 5 0 11 15 9 122 10 11 £ s. d. (»)135 4 1 127 7 8 57 14 2 23 4 5 38 9 4 145 14 4 117 16 7 88 9 11 0 10 6 73 2 0 168 0 6 23 12 6 79 6 8 (b)295 11 0 4 14 5 30 5 6 141 11 1 (c)181 19 1 6 4 3 (0)127 0 2 («)72 8 6 (')130 8 6 (8)49 17 9 (b)95 14 9 (')94 5 10 64 11 9 (1)143 0 3 57 5 7 100 17 7 105 19 1 (k)298 18 11 0 16 6 (')62 7 6 ■ ( m )184 19 7 96 11 7 30 10 10 39 19 4 i 133 18 5 £ s. d. 557 5 3 512 14 9 344 6 8 186 13 2 225 9 0 550 12 10 487 14 0 497 6 4 30 1 0 417 10 8 485 13 2 210 4 0 400 17 7 554 18 7 16 7 4 146 17 7 407 13 4 649 3 8 107 14 3 410 11 11 367 5 9 440 2 0 222 10 9 392 13 6 409 5 9 371 11 10 574 10 3 352 2 7 461 0 0 473 4 10 703 6 9 23 13 6 351 9 6 607 17 4 533 6 0 337 15 10 221 15 1 605 4 10 Totals .. 9,342 0 7 23,015 1,678 0 2 3,628 10 5 14,648 11 2 (») Of which £13 Is, Id. is for repairs. (b) Of which £254 17 sions. (0) Of which £34 15s. 6d. is for repairs. (o) Of wluc (8) Of which £7 7s. lid. is for repairs. (ii) Of which £12 18s. 4d, which £45 4s. 2d. is for repairs. (k) Of which £137 18s. 2d. is for i £62 is for clearing bush on lighthouse reserve. !s. 7d. is for r, ih £24 is for i . is for repairs repairs. (1) repairs. ( c ) repairs. (f) i a. (1) Of whicl ) Of which £7 14s, Of which £75 16s. 8d. is for proviDf which £71 7s. 7d. is for repairs. a £43 lis. is for repairs. (J) Of 8d. is for repairs. (m) Of which



Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Fees, &c., received under the Shipping and Seamen Acts, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Sea-fisheries Acts, and the Harbours Acts, at Ports under the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Return showing the Amount of Light Dues collected during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, &c., collected during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Name of Lighthouse. Cost of Erection. Pencarrow Head Nelson Tiritiri Mana Island* Taiaroa Head Godley Head Dog Island Farewell Spit Nugget Point Cape Campbell Manukau Head Cape Foulwind Brothers Portland Island Moeraki Centre Island Puysegur Point Cape Maria van Diemen Akaroa Head Cape Saunders Cape Egmont+ Moko Hinou Waipapapa Point Ponui Passage J Kaipara Head French Pass Cuvier Island Stephen Island Cape Palliser East Cape Kahurangi Point Jack's Point Cost of telegraph cable to Tiritiri Miscellaneous and unallocated £ s. d. 6,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 4,923 14 11 4,705 16 4 10,480 12 8 6,139 11 8 6,597 3 7 5,619 2 6 4,975 2 4 6,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 9,958 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,150 6 5 6,066 6 3 3,353 17 11 8,186 5 0 5,969 18 11 5,571 8 0 1,427 17 5 7,406 16 11 9,349 9 11 6,243 16 1 7,594 8 8 9,145 18 1 1,204 10 9 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 Total .. £191,840 12 1 * Light discontinued; moved to Cape Egmi t Cost of iron tower, lantern, and appara moved from Mana Island, is not included in j Built by Provincial Government of A known in Marine Department. ont. .tus, which were rethis. Auckland; cost not

Nature of Beceipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen Acts :— Fees for engagement and discharge of seamen, and sale of forms Survey of steamers and sailing-vessels .. Measurement of ships Examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light dues Sundries Merchant Shipping Act Harbours Acts :— Pilotage and port charges Sundry receipts Sea-fisheries Acts £ s. d. 2,606 9 1 1,850 15 0 41 6 0 302 2 6 29,443 11 2 241 18 4 220 13 0 2,000 1 3 390 9 2 384 14 6 Total 37,482 0 0

Port. Amount collected. Auckland Onehunga Whangarei Russell Mangonui Whangaroa Hokianga Kaipara Thames Coromandel Tauranga.. Poverty Bay Napier New Plymouth Waitara Wanganui Patea Wellington Wairau Picton Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff and Invercargill £ s. d. 10,751 15 7 191 9 11 144 12 2 22 10 5 5 17 4 2 18 4 19 2 3 267 9 1 76 3 5 14 9 2 32 0 5 629 5 2 762 0 5 250 3 7 59 12 8 148 11 9 15 9 6 6,762 12 4 21 9 6 459 5 4 426 18 2 679 17 9 310 18 4 4 12 1 2,570 4 2 444 3 6 146 4 7 1,757 3 11 2,466 10 4 Total £29,443 11 2

Name of Port. Pilotage. Port Charges, <fco. Total. £ s. d. 746 17 3i £ s. d. 7,089 2 2 211 10 6 6 4 10 1,103 15 6 £ s. d. 7,835 19 5 211 10 6 100 5 1 1,228 15 9 114 0 4 1,350 2 2 121 0 0 6,461 5 9 287 15 9 219 6 11 544 1 1 77 17 5 245 0 3 13,028 17 4 214 9 8 ! 2,675 18 8 45 9 6 16,731 16 2 ! 6,409 3 2 1 2,060 3 1 15,953 4 1 Auckland* Onehunga Hokianga Kaipara Thames* Gisborne* Wairoa* Napier* New Plymouth* Waitara* Wanganui* .. Patea* Foxton Wellington* .. Wairau Nelson* Hokitika* Lyttelton* Timaru* Oamaru* Dunedin* Invercargill* .. Bluff* 94 0 3 125 0 3 114 0 4 6 0 0 116 17 6 1,102 5 5 1 84 15 1| 108 3 2i 491 5 Oi 62 2 5: 245 0 31 186 9 8 214 9 8 2,357 16 2 1,344 2 2 4 2 6 5,359 0 4 1 203 0 8! Ill 3 91 52 16 1; 15 15 0 12,842' 7 8 9,525 6 8 2,822 18 4 318 2 6 ! +45 9 6 ( 7,206 9 6j 3,586 4 10 +2,060 3 li 6,882 8 1 9,070 16 0 3,729'18 0 2,123'19 8 5,85317 8 Totals .. 31,204 1 5 50,565 18 4 81,769 19 9 * Harbour Board revenue. + Tonnage rate on cargo.



Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of "The Shipping and Seamen Act, 1903," during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Return of Licenses as Colonial Pilots issued in pursuance of Section 190 of "The Shipping and Seamen Act, 1903," during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Return of Licensed Adjusters of Compasses in New Zealand.

Name of Seaman. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March, 1905. Amount received. Balance to Credit of Amount paid. Estate on 31st March, 1906. I £ s. d. 2 15 0 10 0 6 3 3 6 26 3 6 10 13 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. j I. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2 15 0 10 0 6 3 3 6 20 15 0 5 8 6 5 17 6 4 15 11 £ s. d. — Neilson Bennet Lissing Thomas Devine H. S. Molvig Fred Berger Frank Rouse Kenneth McKenzie Andrew Gray John Fullen J. P. Coulson C. Jaokman H. H. Smith W. Newlove Edward Robinson Erio Anderson .. .. ... J. McAlister F. McNeil Name unknown (late cook, " Hoanga ") — Hodder 14 7 2 16 9 0 6 8 2 8 10 9 9 17 6 14 7 2 16 9 0 6 8 2 8 10 9 9 17 6 16 13 4 10 6 4 3 8 41 15 0 7 11 0 2 15 0 2 15 0 2 7 8 9 6 8 ! 14 7 2 ) 16 9 0 1 .. 6 8 2 \ \ n -in n ) 8 10 9 > .. 9 17 6 20 15 0 5 17 6 14 7 2 16 9 0 8 io 9 1613 4 10 6 4 3 8 711 0 9 "6 8 1 16 13 4 10 6 A O O > 10 6 1 A O O 4 3 8 41 15 0 i 4 3 8 ) .. 41 15 0 7 11 0 2 15 0 2 15 0 2 7 8 n r. o ) 7 11 0 ) .. 2 15 0 ) .. 2 15 0 i .. 2 7 8 ) | 9 6 8 Totals 52 15 11 144 0 5 104 14 7 92 1 9

No. of _ . . T License. Date of Issue - 27 18 July, 1905 28 20 June, 31 20 Dec, 34 23 Feb., 1906 36 11 Aug., 1905 Name of Licensee. Port of Besidence. Date of Expiry of License. Richard Groombridge Butt.. Edward Wheeler Archibald Kennedy Thomas Fernandez Hugh Paterson Wellington Auckland Dunedin .. 20 July, .. 12 Aug., .. 21 Dec, .. 18 Dec, .. 11 Aug., 1906.

Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Address. 9 April, 1896 Frederick Macbeth .. 15 „ » ' Robert Strang 5 May, „ George Urquhart Thomson 11 Dec, » William Bendall 27 April, 1897 Frederic William Cox 27 May, » i Thomas Fernandez 27 July, „ ! Robert Hatchwell 1 Sept., „ | Arthur G. Gifford 13 Aug., 1898 j Herbert John Richardson 26 April, 1899 j Robert Heddleston Neville .. 26 June, 1900 j Charles Frederick Sundetrum 27 July, „ John Adamson ■ 27 Nov., „ Thomas Basire 27 March, 1903 George Samuel Hooper 19 Oct., ! l , John MoLennon McKenzie .. .. Dunedin. .. Wellington. .. Nelson. .. Auckland. .. Lyttelton. .. Wellington. .. Dunedin. .. Auckland. .. Port Chalmers. .. Wellington.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

4—H. 15.

Name of Vessel. B ■a A HO a a H ls° > oj u 0 ~ ® 0-g * ' C ° u a cj •S 3 & ■all? o 0«0 *- ;* o . ft en ig !g> Kg ■a a I* ,2 so -OH3 Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. CI ASS of Certificate. Minimum ber of folioClasses of ( Law requin be carried. 'um-s-ing 3rew !s to Remarks. - • » 5 a ■* s ■ a to 9 s £ CS Admiral.. Advance Advance Ahuriri Akaroa Albany Alert (Auckland) .. Alexander Alexandra Antrim Aorere Aotea (Auckland).. Aotea (Auckland).. Awaroa Awarua Baden Powell Beatrice Ben Lomond Blanche.. Bravo 82 28 8 30 17 28 54 8 1J -- 295 30 17 16! 70 15 33 3 32 211 162 10 15 9 Compound Non-condensing Oil-engines Compound Screw River 40 31 43 8 Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. River '2 a i Non-condensing 185 73 35 49 89 157 Compound Non-oondensing Condensing Compound Oil-engines Compound Non-oondensing Condensing Twin-sorew Paddle .. Screw Home trade .. River Home trade .. 4 a a 3 i River 54 92 8 33 18 11 Stern-wheel Paddle .. Screw Home trade. .. '2 2 2 2 Towing. Non condensing Compound Non-condensing Oil-engines Extended limits River Extended river Fishing-vessel. Britannia 'Canopus Canterbury Charles Edward .. Chelmsford Clansman Clara Claymore Clyde Condor Corinna Coromandel Countess Cygnet .. •Daphne Defender •Despatch Dingadee 108 835 40 250 1,109 24 48 204 24 58 90 590 24 .. 54 40 24 141 995 25 28 43 164 1 36 144 20 80 367 Paddle .. ; Screw Twin-Bcrew River Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. First survey; fish-ing-vessel. Triple-expansion Non-condensing Compound "l 3 a 3 145 79 379 Sorew 4 2 5 2 1 3 92 Condensing Compound River Extended river River Launoh. 122 820 68 84 66 Stern-wheel Screw Home trade .. River 7 *3 2 *8 117 24 393 Non-condensing Compound Twin-screw Home trade .. River Home trade .. Extreme limits Home trade .. -9 i 6 a a 8 Fishing-vessel. Since sold out of colony. Fishing-vessel. Doto Duchess Duco Durham Eagle Echo Edina Eliza Elsie Elsie Evans Emma Sims Endon Energy .. •Erin 19 95 25 54 138 98 4 13 81 60 24 70 60 6 3 8 20 32 5 16 48 4 Triple expansion Compound Screw Paddle .. Screw Extended river River Extended river Extended limits River Home trade .. River Oil-engines Non-condensing 2 Towing only. 15 6 61 12 15 Oil-engines Extended limits Home trade .. Kxtended river Home trade .. River 2 Fishing. Compound 1 1 Non-condensing Towing and oargo only. Westport dredge. Erskine Ethel J... Express Eva Eveline Fairburn Fairy Falcon Fanny Fingal Fire Float 98 20 36 7 68 33 35 16 25 150 20 8 ; .. 40 ; .. 15 j .. 6 30 138 48 13 '■■ .. Compound Compound Oil-engines Non-condensing Oil-engines Non-oondensing Home trade .. River Home trade .. Extended river a a Fishing-vessel. First survey. First survey. F'ishing-vessel. 66 22 Compound Home trade .. a a Non-condensing River Fire-float and towing Freetrader Gael Gannet Gertie Glenelg Goldfinch Gordon .. Gosford Greyhound Hamurana Haupiri 94 55 15 119 156 30 20 6 59 319 75 263 12 12 30 50 3 88 I 506 Compound Condensing Stern-wheel Screw Twin-screw Screw Extended river Home trade .. 4 4 '3 8 9 57 83 24 452 Compound Non-oondensing Compound Oil-engines Non-oondensing Compound River Extended river River Home trade .. River Home trade .. Fishing-vessel. a Launch. 'e 8 • Surveyed twice.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.

Name of Vessel. to CD ■»» $ <D H to a o H j-.rr3*H |g ftSfe • 3 o <D.HH Oi «00 7r u a v SW-S SS CO H ■5**2 C*. toZi o offlO 25 to « I* O . Pits sa off *jS hS •" Oqq ■3 •» 3° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class Of Certificate. Minimum Number of following Classes of Crew Law requires to be carried. Remarks. 3 58 H ill Q ft £ © Hauroto Hawea Heathcote Hercules 1,276 1,114 94 14 253 1,234 104 922 35 12 Compound Triple expansion Compound Oil-engines Screw Foreign trade River 8 7 3! 3 2 2 a 3: Hopper barge. First survey: lighter. Himitangi Hinemoa Hirere Huia (Auckland) .. Huia (Thames) .. Huia (Wellington) Ida Invercargill Ithaca Ivy 149 8 32 200 69 12 123 13 10 45 224 6J .. 16 60 8 28 120 10 50 221 9 5 Compound Non-condensing Compound Oilengines Non-condensing Compound Non-oondensing Compound Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. Extended river River 4 5 2 2 2 Launch. Towing only. 4 a First survey; lighter. Oil-engines Jane Douglas J.D.O. .. 75 88 22 71 28 Compound Home trade .. Extended river a 1 Dredging and towing. John Anderson .. John Townley Kaeo Kahu .. Kahutai 36 85 147 99 20 40 60 40 211 34 .. Oil-engines Compound Twin screw Screw Home trade 4 2 2 Cargo only. First survey. River First survey; yacht. Kaipara 4 Quadruple expansion Triple expansion Kaituna Kamona Kanieri Kapanui Kapiti Kapui Karamea Karoro Kate Katikati Kawatiri •Kawau (Kaipara).. Kawau (Auckland) Kennedy Kestrel (Auckland) 1,246 903 115 75 80 30 12 52 200 1,046 117 736 20 177 32 35 180 30 25 17 5 8 24 •• 15 20 43 199 43 14 65 366 24 14 .. 25 Foreign Foreign trade Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. River 7 6 4 3 3 2 2 8 First N.Z. survey. Compound 2 a i 1 Formerly Snark. '27 Non-condensing Condensing Non-condensing Compound Launch. 37 53 131 203 Twin-screw Screw Extended river Home trade .. River 4 a First survey. First N.Z.survey. Kia Ora . Kia Ora (Waikato) Kilmorey Kina 157 Twin-sorew Stern-wheel Screw Home trade .. River '4 "a Non-condensing Towing only. Kini Kiripaka Kittawa Kiwi Koonya Kopu Kopuru Koroi 702 75 708 130 679 24 108 120 i 747 3 ! .. 115 1 735 13 I .. 20 : .. 94: .. Oil-engines Triple expansion Compound Extended river Home trade .. 6 2 6 First survey; fishing-vessel. 3 2 8 663 Condensing Triple expansion Non-condensing Paddle .. Screw River Home trade .. Extended river River 6 a *28 Towing only. Kotahi Kotiti Kotuku Kuaka Lady Barkly •Lily (NelEon) •Little George •Little Jack Lomen Lo ay.. Lyttelton Lyttelton Maheno Mahutu.. Mana (Wellington) Mana (Westport).. Manapouri Manaroa Manchester Mangapapa 9 42 Quadruple expansion Oilengines Compound Extreme limits Extended river •• First survey. Fishing-vessel. 18 14 33 89 23 4 68 39 90 .. 20 84 7 : .. 4 I .. 14 j •• 6 .. 85 1 .. 80 14 .. 60 i .. 13 25 133 90 300 1,559 24 139 160 28 201 Oil-engines Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-oondensing Oil-engines Sorew Twin-screw Screw Paddle .. Twin-sorew Screw Extended river Home trade .. Extended river River Extended river '2 i Yacht. First survey. Tug. 24 11 77 51 1,288 78 366 87 Compound Paddle ! '. Screw River Home trade .. River Foreign trade Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. a k 2 a *6 2 8 8 First survey. Towing only. Tug. Dredge. n • ■ '2 a * Surve; -ed twice.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.

Name of Vessel. O) I a o EH HHic-t; IS 0 * ® ft 8 * 1 c ° -d .- a to a » S° to™ Ha" s»h2.-h, o offlo m CO feo . 0,09 It X 5 •a 3 Hi aJ .2 03 -0»H 3° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mi be: Clt La be inimum Numsr of following asses of Crew iw requires to ) carried. Remarks. CD 3 M 1 - 3 3 S 3 3 £ a 5 0 s U o Manuka .. 12,784 Manukau .. j 45 Manurere .. ] 357 15 34 ,135 Triple expansion Compound Quadruple expansion Non-condensing Twin-sorew Screw Foreign trade Extreme limits River 11 9 6 3 First N.Z. survey. Manuwai .. 94 Maori .. ..118 Mapourika .. 718 Mararoa .. 1,381 Maru 30 60 130 530 4 •• Stern wheel Screw ■ • First survey. 128 1,186 3,425 ! Triple expansion Foreign trade Home trade .. Foreign trade Extended river 7 8 2 3 9 2 6 8 3 Fishing - vessel ; formerly " Miranda." First survey. Non-condensing Mascotte (Auckl'd) ; .. Mascotte (Waikato) Matuku.. Mavis May .. .. ] .. May Howard ■. 55 Mere Mere (Wai-* .. kato) Mere Mere (Kaipara) .. 'Moa .. .. 95 Moana .. .. 6 Moerangi .. 16 Mokoia .. .. J2,154 Motara .. .. j Moturoa .. ! 10 Mountaineer .. 66 Moura .. .. 1,247 Mullogh .. 46 Murihiku .. ! 369 Muritai (Auckland) 133 'Muritai (Hokianga) Naomi II. .. 9 Napier .. .. 48 Natone .. .. 50 Naumai.. .. 29 Nautilus .. 29 Navua .. ..1,813 Ngapuhi .. 299 Ngunguru .. 54 Nina .. .. 7 No. 121 .. .. ! 394 No. 222 .. .. I 502 Norval .. .. 50 3 5 4 44 3 45 3 River Non-condensing Oil-engines Non-oondensing Home trade .. River '2 Towing only. Yacht. 14 33 7 274 255 4 10 50 275 15 70 45 8 19 30 24 12 18 220 160 17 2 100 120 20 181 3,596 1,930 ' 564 257 Compound Non-oondensing Oil-engines Triple expansion Non-condensing Compound Triple expansion Vertical Triple expansion Compound Non-condensing Oil-engines Compound Paddle .. Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River Foreign trade River Foreign trade Extended river Home trade .. River Extended river Home trade .. River "i io 'a "i 4 8 3 a 9 6 3 First survey. Towing only Fishing-vessel. First N.Z.survey; dredge. '89 a i , .1 ,. Fishing-vessel. First N.Z. survey. 65 2,224 686 65 Triple expansion Twin-screw Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. 1 9 5 2 1 9 3 1 ~3 ~3 3 First N.Z. survey. Compound Screw River Extended river Home trade .. Extended river Towing only. Dredge. 557 Twin screw Oil-engines Screw '5 '3 • •! Cargo and towing only. Ohinemuri .. 73 Ohura .. .. 34 Omawi .. .. 14 Ongarue .. 10 'Onslow .. .. 16 Opawa .. .. 64 Oreti (Wellington) 117 Oreti (Invercargill) 14 26 60 20 65 14 18 50 3 121 Compound Condensing Oil-engines Twin-screw Sorew Home trade .. River 2 2 ::!:: Lighter. •■ Compound Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. 1 1 2 '56 1 192 1 2 4 Lighter, first survey. Non-condensing River •• •• Orewa .. .. 37 Osprey .. .. 138 Paeroa .. .. 46 Pania .. .. 27 Pareora .. 355 Pateena .. 550 Pearl ... .. 9 Pelorus .. .. 18 Pelican .. .. 1 Penguin .. 517 Petone .. .. 388 Phantom .. 18 Phoenix.. .. I 6 Pilot (Napier) .. 11 Pilot (Dunedin) .. 27 Pitoitoi .. .. 24 Planet .. .. 13 Plucky .. .. 29 Poherua .. 749 Presto Progress .. 200 Pukaki .. .. 917 17 70 15 11 71 250 6 12 57 180 82 11 5 13 15 134 8 40 128 3 50 110 ;. 66 45 425 1,768 256 831 565 140 Compound Triple expansion Compound Non-condensing Oil-engines Triple expansion Compound Triple expansion Compound Non-condensing Compound Triple expansion Condensing Non-oondensing Compound Triple expansion Non-condensing Compound Quadruple expansion * Surv Paddle '.'. Screw Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. River Extended river Home trade .. a '5 6 1 6 4 1 i 8 8 3 3i 3 2 's '3 '2 '3 3 3 Fishing-vessel. Towing only. Fishing-vessel. .. River Extended river River Fishing vessel. 274 660 Home trade .. i 6 8 3 Tug. i 145 586 River Home trade .. 4 6 a 3 Dredge. -eyed twioe.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.

Name of Vessel. 01 Ui '5 CD ■ B o sh-Ch, P *, to O <D ft£ £ ' a ° CD-H p. te 60 1 to t3 <U . O 5 £ k £ CD CD C3.H, fa~ o OP3Q 5) & o . &.00 i§ co ~* X CD -a a -£ d .202 •Of. 3 Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Cl«ss of Certificate. Mil ber Ola Labe uimum Num- • of following Lsses of Crew w requires to carried. Remarks. CD 3 a H ? § • g a a ■» gas E fl e Purau Putiki Queen of the South Rakanoa .. 1 Rarawa Result (Napier) .. Rimu Rob Roy Rosamond Rothesay Rotoiti (Auckland) Rotoiti (Dunedin) Rotomahana (Auckland) Rotomahana (Dunedin) Rubi Seddon Ruru Savaii Settler .. Shamrock Sir Wm. Wallace.. Sonoma Southern Cross .. Speedwell Squall Stella Sterling Storm Stormbird Sumner Swan Sylph Taieri Tainui Tainui •Takapuna (Auckland) Takapuna (Dunedin) Talune Tangaroa Tangihua Taniwha (Auckland) Taniwha (Timaru) Tarakihi Tarawera Tarewai.. •Tasman.. Taviuni 38 157 121 1,393 460 18 144 34 462 8 18 60 40 200 140 10 95 16 90 44 24 104 50 367 191 933 ' 1,203 1 Compound Twin-screw Screw River Home trade .. 4 4 8 6 3 2 3 3 Triple expansion Foreign trade Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. Extended river River Home trade .. Extended river 2 2 3 3 .. 1 521 ' Compound Triple expansion Compound 4 3 Fishing-vessel. 410 6 3 .. 1 1,127 Triple expansion Twin-screw Screw '7 8 a 3 630 139 Compound Dredge. 915 460 2,485 Home trade .. 7 9 319 11 31 8 60 60 10 16 7 120 Triple expansion Compound Condensing Compound Oil-engines Compound Non-condensing Triple expansion Twin-screw Screw River .. Extended river River Home trade .. River *2 Fishing-vessel. First survey. 13 117 10 60 90 39 70 40 35 10 8 155 20 24 20 .. Fishing-vessel. 403 31 133 157 26 186 137 94 16 5 1,071 46 87 58i 526 Foreign trade River Home trade .. 6 3 Missionary vessel. Towing only. First N.Z. survey. 268 250 294 268 231 Compound Stern-wheel Screw 4 4 1 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 „ Tug. River Hopper barge. Non-condensing 747 Triple expansion Non-condensing 1 Compound Non-oondensing Home trade .. River Home trade .. River 7 8 Towing only. 169 Paddle .' '. Screw Paddle 2 '2 472 165 1,337 ' Compound Screw Home trade .. 6 6 3 3 1,370 110 20 ) 191 16 255 70 15 40 16 4 250 6 38 135 1,987 ' Triple expansion Compound Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Extended river River Extended river 8 6 3 3 Non-condensing Dredge. Towing only. 1,269 7 87 910 1,535 i Compound Non-condensing i Compound I. Quadruple expansion Non-condensing Oil-engines Non-condensing 3 Compound 1 River Home trade .. River Home trade .. Foreign trade 8 6 3 '3 225 1,021 Twin-screw Screw a 7 2 3 2 'a Tawera (Waikato) TaWera (Auckland) Tawera (Te Anau) Te Anau Te Kapu Terranora •Theresa Ward Thistle .. Thomas King Timaru Tongariro Torgauten Toroa Taukau Tuariki Tuatea .. Tu Atu Tui Tuna (Gisborne) .. Tuna (Kaipara) .. Uliera '44 1,028 50 199 9 77 70 211 4 197 174 8 40 25 250 25 94 95 90 16 78 8 184 91 2 8 28 48 64 14 34 34 1,245 99 271 484 299 ioo 460 i L i Triple expansion Oil-engines Non-condensing 3 Compound Non-oondensing 3 Compound D Triple expansion Paddle .. Sorew Twin-sorew Screw Twin-screw Screw River Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. River Home trade Foreign trade River Extended river Home trade .. Extended river River Extended river River 8 a 4 1 '4 '4 4 3 -1 3 3 3 2 3 '2 3 Dredge. 7 58 30 Oil-engines 8 Compound Oil-engines Non-condensing Compound Twin-screw Sorew Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw '2 'a First survey. 278 Non-condensing Towing only. Cargo only Towing only. Cargo and towing only. Vaite Vanora Victoria.. Viotory .. 93 11 92 30 30 50 4 Oil-engines Non-condensing Paddle .. Screw Foreign trade Home trade .. River 2 1 Yaoht. • Surveyed twice.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.

Return of Intercolonial Sailing-ships to which Survey Certificates were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Name of Vessel. 0. -H3 CO '5: CD PH w 3 o 12 Pin O <L> ft£ ES c3 9? . Sjuc a„ s.~ o cpqo C9 o . p. co M I? ■ca CD cd ■g J .2-0 ■Ohp o Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Cl»ss of Certificate. Mil bex Ola Labe nimum Num•of following Lsses of Crew w requires to carried. Remarks. CD s DO a U at 5 « £ 1 I i • a 'B t fe fl o Vivid Waiapu Waihi Waikare Waikato Waimarie (Auckland) Waimarie (Wanganui) Wainui Waiora Waiotahi Wairere 'Wairoa (Nelson) .. 'Wairoa (Kaipara) Wairua Wairuna Waitangi (Auckland) Waitangi (Kaipara) Waitohi.. Waiwera (Kaipara) Waiwera (Henley) Waiwiri.. 6 57 63 1,901 56 159 13 15 20 229 14 48 172 2,429 Non-oondensing Oilengines Compound Triple expansion Non-condensing Compound Sorew Paddle ! '. Screw River Foreign trade Home trade .. Foreign trade River Extended river 2 2 9 a 9 a '3 Cargo only. 65 26 Non-condensing Paddle .. River 411 168 41 48 63 95 56 80 20 40 642 66 266 Compound Screw Twin-sorew Paddle .. Screw Home trade .. River Home trade .. River Home trade .. 6 "i 3 3 48 Non-oondensing a 2 i 2 2,530 34 396 62 66 1,974 414 Condensing Compound Triple expansion Compound River Foreign trade Home trade .. 16 2 0 3 '3 '3 First N.Z. survey. Twin-screw '18 5 10 6 16 71 Screw River Extended river River Towing and fishing. First survey. Oil-engines Non-condensing Screw Extended river Wakapai Wakatere Wakatu.. Wanaka Warkworth Warrimoo Wasp Wave Waverley Weka (Auckland) Weka (Napier) .. Wellington Westland Whakarire Whangape •Whati .. Winona Yankee Doodle .. Young Bungaree.. 157 95 1,572 24 2,076 10 140 23 280 10 490 1 14 25 27 20 90 64 120 280 If 8 12 35 io7 1,140 Compound Triple expansion Oil-engines Triple expansion Non-condensing Paddle .. Screw River Extended river Home trade .. Foreign trade River Foreign trade River 2 8 a 3 2 3 Cargo only. 3,795 io 9 6 3 93 86 53 279 8 449 1,901 93 Compound Twin-screw Home trade .. River Home trade .. '2 i Pleasure yaoht. 90 434 450 655 1,121 Condensing Compound Triple expansion Non-condensing Compound Screw Paddle !! Twin-screw Sorew 2 5 2 5 8 l 3 3 3 3 Tug. Dredge. Foreign trade River Extended river River Home trade .. a "a il Stern-wheel Sorew Fishing-vessel. Towing only. 47 i33 '2 2 • Surveyed twice, if the Aot does not apply to steal ig within river and tanning sohei lule lers and oil-engine -esse :1s ilyi: The compulsory-] extended-river limits.

Name of Vessel. Tons Class of Register. Certificate. Minimui m< by Lan Number c in required v to be carr of Sea•ied. Remarks. Able Seamen. Ordinary Seamen. Boys. Alexander Craig Clan McLeod Defiance Elverland Ganymede Onyx Pendle Hill 1 520 ! Foreign-going.. ..646 ..199 ..361 ..569 ..396 222 I 7 8 4 6 7 6 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 Formerly " Kathleen Hilda." First survey in New Zealand. 1 1 1 1



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No, Henry Montague Garrick Henry Hamill Richard Garsdale Holmes William Whiteford Alan Hamilton Macdonald William Sutton Gordon Richard Newing William Knowles Hereward Wilfred Doucette Bold .. William Bernard Robertson Thomas Vivian Hill Leonard Robertson James McKenzie Oscar Thimoteus Pettersson Maurice Evan Morris James Baldwin Gustav Herman Petersen William Donald Darling Ivan Vasta .. .. Thomas Bartlett Sewell George Percy Evans Donald Hastings Cambridge John Dowell Charles Wilson Cumming Gilbert Manson John Sinclair Stuart Andrew Risk Stewart Caleb Charles Williams George Walton Somerwill John Farrell Henry Warren Johnston Charles Anderson Arthur Percy Gibson James Smith Edward Martin Knudsen Robert Scollay Walter Nicholas.. John McDonald Etheridge Ernest Albert Burton William Mcintosh Robert Jackson Fowler Samuel Jones Hans Johansen Thomas Coupar Hemen Walter Vile William Gordon Scott Desmonde Ryall Prohert Alfred Sandston John Williams William Arthur Wildman Mons Monson Lars Larsen James McDonald Donald Joseph Teixeira Charles Daniel Frederick Jervase Lyons Radford .. Louis Belmont Vasta Charles U. F. A. Greenberg Henry Sauer Donald Rae William John Grigg Sofus Anton Miller Walter Thomas Brigden Andrew McDougall Ernest Paterson Saunders William Sinclair Coutts .. George Herbert Baxter John George Langton William McKegg Philip Robert Going Henry Richard Morse James Duncan Campbell Bert Arthur Meyenberg Richard Jones Frederick Hadfield William Henry Dawson Hemen Walter Vile John Coleman Thomas Samuel Joyoe Cecil Arnold Vause Benjamin Bright William Ernest Tye Edward Jackson James William Patterson Thomson Robert Scollay Master, ordinary .. First mate Second mate First mate Second mate First mate Second mate First mate Second mate First mate Second mate First mate Mate Master Second mate First mate Second mate First mate Second mate Master MattMaster Mate Foreign trade Home trade 23 May, 1905 .. 23 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ , .. 12 June, 26 „ „ .: 28 „ ■ „ 28 „ » .. 3 July, „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 27 „ „ .. 1 Sept 5 „ „ .. 7 Oct., „ .. 18 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 2 Nov 15 „ . .. 15 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 11 Dec, „ .. 20 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 2 Feb., 1906 .. 17 „ . .. 28 „ „ .. 28 23 May, 1905 '.'. 23 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 6 June, 13 July, „ .. 27 „ „ .. 4 Aug., 9 „ „ •• 9 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 24 „ „ .. 16 Sept., „ .. 3 Oct., „ .. 14 , „ .. 18 „ „ .. 19 „ ., .. 3 Nov., „ .. 14 „ „ .. 28 , „ .. 4 Jan., 1906 .. 24 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 2 Feb., „ .. 9 „ „ .. 21 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 15 Maroh, „ 23 „ „ .. 29 „ .. 23 May, 1905 .. 23 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 26 June, „ .. 28 , „ .. 10 July, „ .. 18 „ „ .. 7 Aug., „ .. 6 Sept., „ .. 6 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 4 Oct., „ .. 4 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 2 Nov., „ .'. 2 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 4 Dec, „ .. 11 „ „ .. 878 951 978 979 980 981 982 983 934 984 985 986 955 987 988 989 966 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 5493 5497 5543 5544 5545 5546 5517 5547 5548 5549 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5475 5526 5518 5557 5558 5481 5559 5534 5560 5561 5394 5562 556S 5564 5529 5515 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 Master Mate Master Mate Master a Mate Master Mate H H Master River trade H . . . . a



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1906— continued.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. George Howe Cook .'. • .. Edmund Joseph Roisterer John Frederick Anderson Archibald Gray John MoLeod Aikman James Alexander Wilson William Douglas Mathieson George Cunningham .. i John Anderson Alister Strother Colvin Gerhard George Mueller Edward Looney, jun. Charles Weir William McMillan Robert Bernard Gerring Eric Tasman Pybas James Austin Taylor David Hay Kirkwood Jones Fred Collier Cuff Alexander Fraser Foster Harford Albert Edwin Magrath .. Samuel de Beer Michael Joseph McConville William Stephen John McLean William Earnshaw Charles Edward Tomlinson Frederiok CharleB Alexander Hadicke John Senior Reynolds Woodhouse Ernest Esoott Brooking Hugh Walker James Allen Knowles Charles Brebner Andrew John Mouat John William Watson S. Sendalg Hutton George Wilson Joseph Fraser Hurst Alexander John McLeish Maxwell William Reid Douglas Hector McKenzie Joel Barnett Moss William Dan Berry Lome Murphy William Bampton Morgan John James Cowan .. : Donald Stuart Daroy Harris Alexander Ross George John Stitt John William McLaren Alexander Dove Pirie John Bruce Frank Carter Arthur Fred Priddey Cecil Nicholson Willis James Jeffries John Greengrass John'Stitt Harry Anderson Nigel Guthrie Thomas Wilfred Fletcher Garliok .. Clayton Dudley Hall Herbert England Schmidt David Findlay Charles Wallace Saunders James Gibson Bannatyne Donald Dudley Potts Ernest Wilson Mackley .. Douglas William Soundy John Alex. MacArthur William Edwin Hodgson Peter McKivatt Alfred George Fordham William John White Ernest Alexander Edgar Binns Charles Evers Bell James Patterson Fyffe John Forbett Hathen Wallace Houghton Gilbert Stuart Mitchell Leo Minetti Amodeo Peter Dawson .. Walter Edwin Hughes James Cable Henrich Franz Vosseler Charles Maurice Baker .. .. Master .. 3rd-class engineer.. .. lst-class engineer .. .. 2nd-class engineer.. .. lst-class engineer .. .. 3rd-class engineer .. .. lst-olass engineer .. .. 2nd-class engineer.. .. 3rd-class engineer .. .. 2nd-class engineer.. .. 3rd-olass engineer .. .. lst-class engineer .. .. 3rd-class engineer .. .. 2nd-class engineer .. .. 3rd-class engineer .. .. lst-class engineer .. .. 3rd-class engineer .. .. lst-olass engineer .. 2nd-olass engineer.. .. 3rd-class engineer .. i :: I \.\ River trade Foreign trade 29 Jan., 1906 .. 27 March, , .. 27 „ „ ... 12 May, 1905 .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 . „ .. 12 . „ .. 12 , . .. 23 „ as „ „ .. 23 , „ .. 23 . „ .. 23 » , .. 23 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 23 , , ... 23 „ . .. 23 . „ .. 23 „ . .. fi June, 16 „ ,. .. 16 „ „•-.-. 16 „ „ .. 30 „ „ .. 17 July, „ .. 26 „ „ .. 1 Aug., „ .. 4 » „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 . . .. 14 „ . .. 14 „ „ .. 17 „ „ .. 17 17 31 . . .. 31 „ „ .. 81 „ „ .. 31 „ „ .. 1 Sept., . .. 13 „ „ .. 19 „ . .. 19 „ „ .. 19 „ „ .. 19 „ . .. 19 „ . .. 21 . „ .. 26 „ „ .. 9 Oct., „ .. 9 „ „ .. 9 9 . „ .. 9 . . .. 19 „ „ .. 8 Nov., „ .. 8 „ , .. 16 . . .. 16 . 16 . » .. 16 „ „ .. 23 . „ .. 2 Dec, „ .. 2 2 . . -.-. 4 „ ,. .. 12 „ . .. 12 „ „ .. 19 . . .. 28 „ „ .. 5 Jan., 1906 .. 5 .. „ .. 18 „ „ .. 24 . , ,. 25 „ „ .. 25 „ , ,,-. 25 . „ .. 25 , „ .. 29 . . .. 2 Feb., „ .. 2 . •fl * . .. 9 „ » .. 9 . . .. y * h .. 3432 3433 3434 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 258 582 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 ' 809 810 811 812 536 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 692 828 829 830 831 832 833 515 834 835 686 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 342 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 404 662 856 857 858 859 860 861 863 868 864 865 866



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1906 — continued.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No, Ivo Roydon Gilmour James Tenick Dennison Robert Marshall Hern George Luke Gerald Hillsdon Hutton .. Francis Henry Robert Mackay Edward Manihera Charles Thomas Brown Gresley Haswell Wood James Hutton Claude Ernest Burgess Charles Fletcher Hewitt George Isaac Allen George Herbert Baxter Arthur Underwood Joseph Ford Preston Henry Hutton Harold Webber John Vincent Riesterer William Archibald Smeed Charles William Partington Walter Cobourne .. Peter James Hughes Andrew Ernest Kusabs Bertie Edmund Colson William Thomas Bloy Thomas Agustus Franks William Higgins.. Joseph Home William Henry Skidmore Willie Hodge Peter Drumgool .. Edward de Jersey William Biehill Alfred James Sutton Alfred Stanton Walter James White Henry Neil Roche Arthur George Schmidt Arthur Cecil Bowman Richard Stott John Owen Arthur Ernest Dryden Frederick John Stratford David Perano Charles Campbell Hall Gibbons William Henry Jackson Joseph William Hindley Edward Morrison Mackie.. Ernest Walter Hallett Thomas Stevenson Drake.. Robert Bryant Peter Pearson Alfred Stephen Amy William Harris John Walsh John Bain Munro David Henry Clarkson George John Vazey George Samuel Lapwood George Edward King Halstead Kennett Thomas Brown Alfred Daniel Otto Rudolph Neumann John Arthur Harwood McLeod Alfred Owen Grundy Charles Smith George William Twigden David Henry Monson Percival Henry Leigh Charles Stuart Laird Edgar Major Brown William Innes Frederick Going Bernhard George Booth Edwin John Tall Noble Albert Jamieson Thomas James Evans Charles James Taw Neil McCallum William James Blacklock .. . Albert Bagley John Arthur Harwood McLeod Owen Tudor MoLeod Alfred Owen Grundy 3rd-class engineer .. Fe reign trade 9 Feb., 9 „ 9 „ 9 „ 2 March, 6 „ 22 „ 22 „ 22 „ 22 „ 22 „ 22 May, 23 „ 23 , 23 „ 29 „ 29 „ 29 „ 29 „ 29 „ 29 „ 29 „ 29 . 29 „ 17 July, 17 „ 20 „ 8 Aug., 8 , 8 „ 20 Sept., 20 „ 9 Oct., 9 „ 9 „ 9 „ 9 „ 9 „ 9 „ 9 „ 10 „ 9 „ 14 „ 23 Nov., 18 Dec, 25 Jan., 25 „ 25 „ 25 . 25 . 25 „ 25 „ 25 „ 25 „ 9 Feb., 9 « 10 March, 12 „ 23 May, 23 „ 10 Oct., 4 Nov., 5 Dec, 29 Jan., 23 May, 23 „ 23 „ 23 5 Sept., 5 . 19 „ 19 . 19 ,, 19 . 4 Dec, 12 „ 30 Jan., 30 „ 30 „ 30 , 30 „ 30 . 2 Feb., 2 „ 2 . 1906 .. I ii • • 1905 .. 1906 '.'. 1905 '.'. 1906 '.'. 1905 .. 1906 !! 867 868 869 870 871 426 872 873 874 875 679 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 129 130 132 133 134 135 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Ist-claBS engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. Engineer River trade Marine engine-driver 2nd-class oil engineer Sea-going 1st - class oil engineer 2nd class oil engineer 1st - clasB oil engineer 2nd-class oil engineer lst-olass oil engineer * *



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1906 — continued.

Return showing the Number of Masters, Mates, and Engineers examined in New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st March, 1906, distinguishing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.

5—H. 15.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. ?rank Duckworth Villiam Edwards Isaac James Bradley rohn William Sutherland David Jones Harry Green Wilkinson .. Sicbard Evans iVilliam James Robb Ubert Bagley rohn Osborn Ewing Chomas John Wesley Mathews Philip Robert Going SCenry Webber .. 3ertram William Newstead Wilkinson Ubert Edward Blandford .. .. - Vrchibald Clark Henry Harmond Callcott Leonard England Schmidt Dharles Symonds Ulan Leslie Gatland lobert Henderson lames Leach lames Matthew Phillips Hobert Goldie .. .. rhomas Augustus Franks Alexander Watchlin Daniel Bonner .. Jeorge Howe Cook Oil engineer .. : Rh River-trade 29 May, 1905 .. 7 July, „ .. 8 Aug., „ .. 4 Sept., „ .. 6 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 . ,. .. 18 . „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 „ . .. 18 „ „ .. 31 Oct., „ .. 5 Dec, „ .. 29 „ „ .. 25 Jan., 1906 .. 25 „ „ .. 25 „ „ .. 25 „ „ .. 25 „ . .. 25 „ . .. 25 „ „ .. 21 Feb., „ .. 16 Nov., 1905 .. 12 Dec, „ .. 9 March, 1906 .. 10 „ „ .. 4 Jan., 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1 2 3 4 1 Master - Fis Fishing or cargo boat Fishing-boat Fishing or oargo boat .. : Fie .. : Fis < Sailing -vessel, restricted limits, passengers .. i I

Auckland. Wellingt ;on. L; iteltc ined: Other Places. ■n. in. 'otals. Class of Certificate. V. d I ■ S .2 a CO -hH HHI cd cd O Ph fe I EH ■C its ID m CO X CO —. cd cd (k fe d ,-H CD cd co HH) CO O cd Eh Pk •a CD '3 fe •6 « CD cd co -W EO O cd Eh Ph ■d * '3 fe 3 o Eh ■0 d CD cD % a cd cd Ph I fe . I d ■d , oj cd CO HH) CO O cd Eh Ph ■d . h5 i a •3 j 3 fe Eh foreign - going masters and mates lome-trade masters and mates liver-steamer masters lea-going engineers (steam).. „ (other mechanical power than steam) liver-steamer engineers liver engineers (other mechanical power than steam) larine-engine drivers laster, fishing-boat or cargovessel up to 25 tons register laster, sailing vessel, restricted limits 17 17 17 22 18 29 17 20 6 2 6 5 1 37 83 Ii) 28 18 34 18 4 10 6 7 2 8 3 5 12 2 3 1 3 9 22 8 10 3 6 5 io 6 a 12 5 12 2 1 5 29 1 2 4 1 1 3 1 3 3 4 6 32 1 3 4 7 7 5 8 3 io 10 5 29 33 28 75 21 46 30 32 21 5 17 1 12 1 61 54 33 92 22 58 31 3 i I 4 3 3 7 5 7 7 *5 2 ~i a 1 1 1 1 Totals 40 182 45 73 22 8 30 44 9 22 6 28 275 366 142 26 53 91



Return showing the Number of Seamen engaged and discharged in the Foreign and Intercolonial Trade, the Home Trade, and within restricted Limits respectively; together with the Amount of Fees received for the same during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1906.

Engagements and Discharges in Foreign Trade. Engagements and Discbarges in Home Trade. Engagements and Discharges for Restricted Limits. Total Engagements. Total Discharges. Grand Totals. Port. a-rj hog _ g cud Fees hcim received. 3C0 J 55 o ■o a co CD CD Q fl b j3 fl oS q S* a cd o SCO co 55 -e Fees received. °a.a it CO CD CO fl CD 3Sa 55 Fees received. o « a co U CD CD _ a ax* receiyed. fl cd o flCB CQ 55 S HH O CD ffigw Fees -2 <s cd received. fl to a 55 o _"« a © O r- CS P ® O S3 '<B Fees received. "o . to a la ag 55 Fees received. o . fl co a h=§ ag Fees received. a fl ccj fl co 55 Fees received. Auckland Dunedin and Port Chalmers Greymouth Hokianga Hokitika Invercargill Kaipara Lyttelton Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Patea Pioton Poverty Bay Russell Tauranga Thames.. Timaru Wairau Waitara Wanganui Wellington Westport 1,307 2,596 24 72 84 370 29 "7 "6 9 £ s. d. 96 9 6 184 10 6 1 11 6 5 8 6 6 6 0 27 15 0 2 3 6 0 10 6 0 io 6 0 13 6 1,255 2,611 26 34 69 253 21 1 3 7 6 £ s. d. 86 18 6 183 9 0 1 13 0 2 8 0 4 14 0 18 19 6 12 0 0 1 6 0 4 6 0 10 6 0 9 0 2,661 1,199 187 16 26 50 137 1,431 120 648 5 11 20 69 107 1 1 13 71 20 13 148 2,225 203 £ s. d. 168 1 0 79 7 6 13 13 0 14 0 16 0 3 15 0 9 2 0 107 6 6 6 19 0 42 8 6 0 7 6 0 16 6 1 10 0 5 0 0 6 3 6 0 16 0 16 0 19 6 5 5 6 19 6 16 0 9 7 0 132 11 6 12 18 0 2,460 1,176 158 12 26 49 146 1,412 116 617 6 10 19 57 130 £ s. d. 158 2 0 77 18 0 11 9 6 0 18 0 16 0 3 9 0 10 8 6 105 18 0 6 2 6 40 11 0 0 9 0 0 15 0 18 6 4 5 6 6 19 6 943 10 40 2 - £ s. d. 57 7 0 0 15 0 2 5 0 0 3 0 912 8 38 6 £ s. d. 55 4 0 0 12 0 2 5 0 0 6 0 £ s. d4,911 321 17 6 4,627 3,795 263 18 0 3,787 211 15 4 6 184 16 14 0 12 26 16 0 26 122 9 3 6 83 221 j 15 8 0 215 1,811 i 135 16 6 1,673 189 11 f 6 175 650 42 11 6 623 5 0 7 6 7 18 17 0 13 20 1 10 0 19 75 ! 5 10 6 j 64 116 i 6 17 0 ! 136 1 0 16! 1 0 16! 2 13 | 0 19 6 16 109 ; 8 2 6 79 20 19 6 1 14 13 I 16 0: 8 164 ' 10 11 0 170 3,340 207 14 6 3,065 226 14 12 6 209 16,073 |l,078 7 6 15,207 £ s. d. 300 4 f> 261 7 0 13 2 6 0 18 0 16 0 5 17 0 15 2 6 125 9 6 9 9 6 40 17 0 0 10 6 0 19 6 18 6 4 16 0 7 8 6 9,538 7,582 395 28 52 205 436 3,484 364 1,273 12 31 39 139 252 1 3 29 188 34 21 334 6,405 ' 435 £ s. d. 622 2 0 525 5 0 28 7 0 2 2 0 2 12 0 15 0 6 30 10 6 261 6 0 20 17 0 83 8 6 0 18 0 2 6 6 2 18 6 10 6 6 14 5 6 0 16 0 4 6 2 3 6 14 0 0 2 10 0 2 2 0 21 10 0 395 16 0 28 2 6 38 2 n o is 17 0 2 16 61 14 8 156 2,227 190 0 3 0 14 0 4 10 6 10 6 0 16 0 9 18 0 134 16 0 12 1 6 - - •• - 0 3 0 14 0 5 17 6 10 6 0 16 0 10 19 0 188 1 6 13 10 0 16 1,115 23 14 0 75 3 0 1 14 6 14 838 19 110 53 5 6 18 6 - - ■• - Totals \ [5,696 406 17 6 5,175 357 11 6 9,382 611 0 0 9,068 594 9 6 995 60 10 0 964 58 7 0 1,010 8 0 31,298 2,088 15 6 i I



Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing Number of Fishing-boats registered and licensed at each Port during Year ended 31st December, 1905.

Name of Lighthouse. Period of Revolving Light. Tower built of Dwellings built of Date first; lighted, iim Order of Apparatus. Description. Colour of Light. Cape Maria van I Diemen 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed 1' White .. ..a Red, to show over Columbia Reef. White .. .. S White, with red arc I over Flat Rock White and red .. 1 White .. ..I Timber Timber Stone Iron Timber Iron Timber Timber 24 Mar., 1879 1st order dioptric 2nd Flashing Fixed 10" Stone Iron Timber 18 June, 1883 1 Jan., 1865 Timber Moko Hinou Tiritiri Ponui Passage .. Cuvier Island East Cape Portland Island • 5th 1st 2nd 2nd Revolving Flashing Revolving Fixed 30" 10" 30" Timber Iron 29 July, 1871 22 Sept., 1889 9 Aug., 1900 10 Feb., 1878 n .. 1 Red, to show over Bull Rock. White .. ..I Timber limber Iron 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd Revolving Fixed * Iron Timber 27 Oct., 1897 1 Jan., 1859 1 Aug., 1881 1 Sept., 1874 1 Dec, 1884 24 Sept., 1877 Timber Cape Palliser Pencarrow Head.. Cape Egmont Manukau Head .. Kaipara Head .. Brothers .. \ Flashing icV' 10" T • • T Timber 1*1 m Vi/m* Timber Fixed Red, to show over Cook Rock. White .. .. 1 o Timber 24-H.HH., Cape Campbell .. Godley Head Akaroa Head Jack's Point Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders .. Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 4th 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 2nd 1st order catadioptric 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed Flashing Fixed V Timber Stone Timber Iron Timber Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Timber 1 Aug., 1870 Stone 1 April, 1865 Timber 1 Jan., 1880 1 July, 1904 22 April, 1878 Stone 2 Jan., 1865 Timber 1 Jan., 1880 Stone 4 July, 1870 Timber 1 Jan., 1884 Stone 1 Aug., 1865 Timber Stone Timber i6" .. s Stone T Timber ..I T Iron Revolving Fixed Flashing Revolving "i' .. 1 Red .. .. S White .. .. T Q Timber 3tone Timber Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone io" 30" .. S T 3 tone Pimlior . . 1 Timber ai-^viH. .. S stone Centre Island Fixed White, with red arcs T over inshore dangers White Timber Timber Timber Timber 16 Sept., 1878 Puysegur Point .. Cape Foulwind .. Kahurangi Point.. 1st 2nd 2nd Flashing Revolving Fixed .. 10" 30" 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 30 Nov., 1903 Farewell Spit Nelson 2nd 4th Revolving Fixed i' White, with red sec- I tor to show over Stewart Breaker White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark limit of anchorage Red and white, with white light on beacon White Iron Iron 17 June, 1870 4 Aug., 1862 Frenoh Pass 6th 1 Oct., 1884 Stephen Island .. 1st Group flashing t 29 Jan., 1894 * Flashing twic< every half-minute. every half-minute, w: ith interval i if three sc jconds between flashes. i Twi flashes in quick succession

Port. Number Number registered, licensed. Port. Number Number registered. licensed. Auckland Blenheim Bluff Dunedin and Port Chalmers Gisborne Greymouth Hokianga Hokitika Inveroargill Kaipara Lyttelton Mangonui Napier Carried, forward .. 205 5 86 92 2 6 8 4 49 25 184 8 27 701 191 5 86 92 2 6 8 4 49 25 184 8 27 687 Brought forward.. Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Patea Pioton Russell Tauranga Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport 701 687 48 48 17 17 46 46 25 25 54 54 3 3 46 46 10 10 4 1 110 110 21 21 1,085 1,068



Table showing, for the Year 1905, the Number and Tonnage of Registered Vessels (exclusive of River Steamers) of the Colony of New Zealand which were employed wholly in the Home Trade, partly in the Home and partly in the Foreign Trade, and wholly in the Foreign Trade, respectively; and the Number of Men and Boys (exclusive of Masters) employed thereon.

Under 50 Tons. 50 Tons and 100 Tons and under 100. under 200. 200 Tons and under 300. 300 Tons and under 400. 400 Tons and ' 500 Tons and under 500. under 600. 600 Tons and , 700 Tons and under 700. j under 800. 800 Tons and i 1,000 Tons and ! i,20oTonsand under 1.000. ; under 1,200. under 1.500. 1,500 Tons and under 2,000. 2,oooTons and over. Total: I Class of Vessels. > c ra s (fl ■ = i (fl ! C I _to co C g co V O J" V c' IB cd a S *; > a c CQ C cd s 1) ■I: > er. C ■a x 2 'ii CO •o C co CA T£J a > e o c CQ C ct . s •i j I $ O C3 CQ CC « -J oi 3) C g So C S* 0. o > H £ o ! CQ I c s co . >! c o m to O O CQ ; CQ S3 ! (fl c i crj T3 • « ■ S i> H £ co C > H c CQ cd R v o O ■a cd c CJ s CO 0 X ra y s C c c c C E H c In the Home (Coastal) Trade only — Sailing Steam 94 77 2,761 1,996 190 320 59 55 4,000 234 391 6 30 841 4.47 1 41 1 7 1,685 127 6 •• 2,250 88 7 •• 3,193 178 ••- 2 H •• 1,019 46 2 46 2 1.293 66 3 2,169 85 2 1,832 77 1 1,028 50 •• x 1,269 52 ;•■ 2 3,473 62 :•■! •• •• 159 195 8,044 29,678 465 1,957 Totals 1 H 1 1 — I H 178 66 H 1,028 M — [171 4-757 510 114 8,442 625 36 5.3" 456 1,685 127 6 2,250 88 7 3> x 93 2 1,019 1,293 3 2,169 85 2 1,832 77 1 5° 1 1,269 52 2 3,473 62 ... 354 37,722 2,422 I u - i-\ — - — Partly in the Home and partly in the Foreign TradeSailing Steam 11.. .. 1 11 1 23 5 •• - •1 •• •• 4 • j 725 •• 32 275! - IO 396 •• IO •• - 569 - 662 - •; !,479 56 56 •• 4 3,535 99 •• : 4 4,608 4,608 •• ii 4 •• 5 . -• 6,57 J " 222 ■■ 1 •■ 1,901 •• 73 7 17557 636 7 24 1,965 36,313 63 1,232 ... •• •• •1 Totals i I ' : H I 1 H - 1 - - H I H H I 1 — ~ I •■ 4 725 32 - 275 IO 1 396 H •• 1 569 662 32 2 !,479 4 3,535 99 4 114 5 6,57i 222 1 1,901 73 7 '7557 636 -d 38,278 1,295 — I 1 ! _i i- — - 1 - — — — — In the Foreign Trade only — Sailing Steam 2,301 1,047 ",095 9,631 10 I 170 17 12 5 1 93 6 2 3 308 446 39} 9 82! • • 3 969 3i| 4 i 1,946 46 1,044 3.3IO; I65 .. .. •1 910 37 •1 18 •• 3 3,822 3,822 139 •• I 1,813 1,813 ■■ 4 1 1 •• 2,530 61 36 II 291 328 619 •• - - - - H •• •■ - •■ Totals II 187 17 1 93 6 5 i i 754 M 53 2,30l| 3 —: 969 31 4 1,946 46 2 — i 1,044 23 5 ! 3,3IO — 65 1 37 H 1 \ 1,047 Us 3 139 h I 4 1 — 2,530 61 47 20,726 9 I 82 910 ! — .— -. —! I - -A ! Grand Totals.. 4.944 8,535] J631 6,791 4,26l| 1 3,6151 5,139 2,632 5,265 163 5 3,648 6,277 6,683 182 11662 7,187 20087 96,726] k.336 182 527 "5 45 54 1 '7 !2igj 10: 129I II 22 4i 80 8 141 2I 3 413 176 697 432



Table showing the Number and Tonnage of Sailing and Steam Vessels which remained upon the Register of the Colony of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1904; of those added to and deducted from the Register during the Year 1905; and of those which remained upon the Register on the 31st December, 1905.

Table showing the Number and Tonnage of the Registered Vessels (distinguishing Sailing from Steam) which belonged to each of the Ports of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1905.

Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Jailing Vessels. 'essel Is. team 'esse] Is. "otal is. Vessels. Gross Net Tonnage. Tonnage. 1 ! Vessels Gross Net Vessels Gross Net vessels. Tormagc Tonnage. vessels - Tonnage. Tonnage. Upon the Register on the 31st December, 1904 67,607 581 109,882 332 44,515 42,275 249 112,907 157,422 Added to the Register,— Vessels registered for the first time— (a.) New vessels built at a port in the United Kingdom .. (b.) New vessels built at ports in British possessions .. (c.) Purchased from foreigners Vessels transferred from ports in the United Kingdom Vessels transferred from ports in British possessions Vessels registered de novo Tonnage added on remeasurement" .. 10 1 473 53 1 407 486 6 14 8,387 1,757 4,884 988 6 24 1 8,387 2,230 53i 4,884 i,395 486 2 442 394 4 7,836 5,ni 6 8,278 5,505 4 3 736 165 1 682 r 37 6 981 411 534 201 10 6 i,7i7 576 1,216 338 3 1 Total added 20 2,348 2,106 33 19,372 11,718 53 21,720 13,824 Struck off the Register,— Vessels wrecked or otherwise lost Vessels broken up or unfit for use Vessels transferred to ports in the United Kingdom Vessels transferred to ports in British possessions Vessels sold to foreigners Vessels registered de novo Tonnage deducted on remeasurement or alteration (without re-registry) .. 6 2 2,508 139 2,309 139 2 4 1 204 540 640 121 367 393 8 6 1 2,712 679 640 2,43° 506 393 2 175 171 2,637 352 1,674 227 2 2 6 175 2,637 54i 171 1,674 395 4 189 168 2 2 5 18 5 18 Total deducted 14 3,016 2,805 11 4,373 2,782 25 7,389 5,587 Vessels on Register on 31st December, 1905 .. .. 338 43i847 41,576 271 127,906 76,543 609 i7 J ,753 118,119

Sailing Vessels. Steam Vessc :1s. Ports. Vessels. Gross Tonnage. Net Tonnage. Vessels. Gross Tonnage, Net Tonnage. Auckland Napier .. Wellington Nelson .. Lyttelton Dunedin 216 7 23 10 27 42 13 19,568 575 3,689 301 4,873 13,508 i,333 18,081 562 3.472 280 n6 20 35 12 IO 72 6 15.580 2,312 7,109 r>437 2,583 97,990 895 8,992 1,442 3,851 814 1,097 59.88i 466 1,710 13.192 1,279 Invercargill Totals 338 43.847 4J.576 271 127,906 76,543

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1905. ipril 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 29 29 29 29 29 29 ilay 22 22 Prescribes oyster-license fee for North Island. Varies rules as to life-saving appliances on Home-trade vessels. Approves deviation in plan of new N. breakwater, Greymouth. Licenses J. O. Masefield to occupy foreshore as wharf-site, Batley, Kaipara. Approves plans of E. Knewstubb's proposed boat- and slip-way, Otago Harbour. Licenses E. Knewstubb to occupy foreshore, Otago Harbour. Approves plans of James Park's proposed wharf and shed, Okarito. Licenses James Park to occupy foreshore, Okarito. Approves plans of Napier Harbour Board's proposed extension to Breakwater Wharf. Appoints trustees for Kawhia Wharf. Approves plans of Joseph Fell's shed and slip, Kohukohu, Hokianga. Licenses Joseph Fell to occupy foreshore, Kohukohu, Hokianga. Approves plans of drainage-sewer outfall at Anderson's Reef, Dunedin. Extends close season for seals. Authorises Wellington Harbour Board to reclaim land as site for boatsheds. Approves plan of Havelock Town Board's proposed wharf.



Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1906 — continued.

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1905. May 22 22 22 22 22 22 June 8 8 26 26 26 July 6 6 18 24 Aug. 2 4 7 Sept. 4 11 11 11 18 18 18 25 25 Oct. 9 16 16 16 30 30 30 Nov. 4 4 27 27 27 Deo. 11 Licenses Havelock Town Board to occupy foreshore as wharf-site. Approves plan ofJMoffettlBros.' proposed wharf and tramway, Waikawa. Licenses Moffett Bros, tofoccupy foreshore, Waikawa. Approves plan of proposed wharf of Maraetai Bricks, Limited. Licenses Maraetai Bricks, Limited, to occupy foreshore as wharf-site. Approves Westport Harbour Board expending sum for improved accommodation at receiving-shed. Approves plans of proposed reclamation, Waterloo Quay North. Approves plans of Alpha Sawmills Timber and Shipping Company's proposed booms, Gisborne. Approves plans of Wellington Harbour Board's proposed extension of Jervois Quay staging. Licenses George Swain to occupy foreshore, Kaipipi Bay, Stewart Island, as wharf-site. Fixes dues for Waitemata County Council's Waiwera wharf. Appoints members of Westport Harbour Board. Appoints members of Greymouth Harbour Board. Approves plans of works near Harrington Point, Otago Harbour. Approves modified plans of Auckland Harbour Board's proposed reconstruction of Queen Street Wharf. Appoints member of Westport Harbour Board. Approves plans of construction of breastwork outside concrete face-wall, Waterloo Quay, Wellington Harbour. Approves plans of Napier Harbour Board's proposed wharf, Western Pier, Inner Harbour. Approves plans of Woolston Borough Council's proposed bridge over Heathcote River. Approves Napier Harbour Board's plans of proposed wharf-extension in ferro-concrete. Approves plans of Sounds Co-operative Dairy Company's proposed wharf, Paradise Bay, Pelorus Sound. Licenses Sounds Co-operative Dairy Company to occupy foreshore, Paradise Bay, Pelorus Sound. Approves plans of Dive and Ramsay's proposed booms, Mangamuka River, Hokianga Harbour. Licenses Dive and Ramsay to occupy foreshore, Mangamuka River, Hokianga Harbour. Extends close season for seals. Grants land to Gisborne Harbour Board for purposes of " The Harbours Act, 1878." Vests management of Whangaroa Wharf in County Council and prescribes dues. Fixes dues for White-pine Company's Wharf, Wairoa River, Kaipara. Approves plans of proposed graving-dock, Wellington Harbour. Approves plans of works at Calliope Dockyard, Auckland Harbour. Approves plans of Messrs. Cording and Petley's proposed boatshed and skids, Worser Bay. Revokes Order in Council licensing G. J. Black to occupy foreshore, Akaroa^BIarbour. Vests management of Wainui Wharf in Akaroa County Council and prescribes regulations therefor. Approves plan of Waipu River Board's proposed improvement works. Approves plan of proposed extension of Ferry Jetty, Wellington Harbour. Revokes Order in Council fixing Waipu Wharf dues and fixes other dues. Licenses New Zealand Land Association to occupy foreshore, Baglan Harbour, as wharf-site. Licenses Tokomaru Farmers Co-operative Company to occupy foreshore as site for boatshed. Approves plans of F. A. Whitakor's proposed bathing-house, Howick. Licenses F. A. Whitaker to occupy foreshore as site for bathing-house. Revokes Order in Council approving construction by Napier Harbour Board of timber wharf on east side of Western Mole, and approves plan of same in ferro-concrete. Approves plans of Messrs. Watkins Bros.' proposed booms, Waitemata River, Raglan Harbour. Licenses Watkins Bros, to occupy foreshore as site for booms, Waitemata River, Raglan Harbour. Revokes Order in Council licensing New Brighton Lifeboat and Fishing Association to occupy foreshore, New Brighton, as site for boatshed. Revokes Order in Council licensing George Tolerton to occupy foreshore, Whangaroa Harbour. Prohibits trawling between Waimakariri River and Okain's Bay. Appoints member of Westport Harbour Board. Vests management of Te Akau Wharf in Raglan County Council, and prescribes dues for same. Makes regulations and fixes dues for Kaipara wharves controlled by Hobson County Council. Approves plans of C. C. H. Gibbons's proposed additions to wharf, &c, Wairoa River, Kaipara Harbour. Licenses C. C. H. Gibbons to occupy foreshore, Wairoa River, Kaipara, as site for log-slip and additions to wharf. 11 11 19 19 29 29 29 29 29 29 - 1906. Jan. 8 12 17 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 Feb. 2 8 17 Appoints members of Greymouth Harbour Board. Makes regulations for controlling traffic on Lake Rotorua and management of wharves, and prescribes dues for same. Approves plans of M. Babich's proposed oyster-storage beds, Ballena Bay, Wellington Harbour. Revokes Order in Council licensing John Wigmore to occupy foreshore, Manukau Harbour, as site for timber booms. Vests Upper Omaha Wharf in Rodney County Council and fixes dues for same. Approves plans of Karamea Sawmilling Company's proposed wharf, Karamea. Licenses Karamea Sawmilling Company to occupy foreshore, Karamea, as wharf-site. Approves plans of G. B. Watson's proposed wharf near Pakawau, Golden Bay. Licenses G. B. Watson to occupy foreshore near Pakawau, Golden Bay, as wharf-site. Approves plans of proposed mill and wharves for Mitchelson Timber Company, Whangape Harbour. Licenses Mitchelson Timber Company to occupy foreshore, Whangape Harbour, as site for mill and wharves. Revokes Order in Council licensing George Penney to occupy foreshore, Whangaroa. Amends regulations and dues for Kaikoura Wharf. Revokes Order in Council licensing William Downes to occupy foreshore, Whangaroa, as site for boatshed. Licenses Kauri Timber Company to occupy foreshore, Hokianga Harbour, and fixes dues for Kohukohu Wharf. Authorises reclamation of land at Freeman's Bay, Auckland Harbour. Fixes light dues for port, of Hokianga. Revokes Order in Council licensing George Swain to occupy foreshore, Kaipipi Bay, Stewart Island, as wharf-site. Approves plans of George Swain's proposed wharf, Kaipipi Bay, Stewart Island. Licenses George Swain to occupy foreshore, Kaipipi Bay, Stewart Island, as wharf-site. Approves plan of proposed extension of Jetty Street WTiarf, Otago Harbour. Approves plan of proposed widening of road, and authorises construction of sea-wall, Mangonui. « 27 March 1 1 3 3 3 3 19



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Date of Accident. Name of Vessel, Port of Registry, and Official No. Name of Person injured. Mature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Coroner's Inquest held. 1905. April 8 Kamona, s.s., Dunedin, 101486 John Mclvor, A.B. Edward Chatham, A.B. Concussion Wellington John Mclvor went on board under the influence of liquor and fell down the bridge-ladder and was conveyed to the hospital, where he was found to be suffering from concussion of the brain. In conveying Mclvor from the " Kamona " across the deck of the " Kumara " to the wharf Edward Chatham fell between the two ships, head downwards. Hejwas extricated and carried to the hospital, where he remained four days. While J. Coyle, fireman, was engaged in the stokehold a large , iron rake fell on his back, inflicting a nasty bruise. Deceased fell off the s.s. " Gosford " into the water and was drowned. Verdict: Accidentally drowned. The crew were engaged at fire and boat drill, and when swinging the boat inboard he got his leg jammed between the chock and the boat, inflicting a bad strain. H. Smith, fireman, about breakfast-time, sat on the edge of an open hatchway and fell down to the between- deck, causing injury to his left side and toes of his left foot. J. Thomson, A.B., was slinging timber when one of the flitches or boards slipped as he was making up the sling and struck him on the ankle. He was sent to the hospital for treatment. While T. Tulloch was cleaning the skylight over steering-gear his foot slipped and came in contact with the engine, and caused an injury to his foot. He was sent to the hospital on arrival in Auckland. C. Smith met with an accident through a firebar falling on and injuring his foot. He was sent to the hospital on arrival in Auckland. Through the rolling of the ship T. Fern received a severe fall, injuring his side. J. Newman, when stowing some wire away, a jagged end of same injured his finger, causing inflammation, which necessitated his discharge on arrival at Auckland. While working at the dynamo, W. Innes, second engineer, injured his knee, and went ashore for medical treatment. While Harding was working the winch the handle flew round and struck and injured his left hand. J. McConnell, A.B., sUpped and fell on the after-deck, injuring his leg. He received medical attendance and went on with the ship. While landing a winch (cargo) the clutch slipped and fell on his left foot, injuring his toe. While C. Lake was going down the hatchway he fell into the hold, hurting his shoulder. Moeraki, s.s., Dunedin, 101488 J. Coyle, fireman Bruised back At sea ,. 24 May 2 Awaroa, s.s. F. Berger, fireman Drowned Dargaville 3 Monowai, s.s., Dunedin, 84497 R. Miffin, trimmer Leg jammed Port Chalmers „ 24 Hauroto, s.s., Dunedin, 84479.. H. Smith, fireman Injury to left sideband toes of left foot At sea „ 25 Echo J. Thomson, A.B. Ankle injured Dunedin June 8 Moura, s.s., Dunedin, 101726 .. T. Tulloch, lamps^- and A.B. Foot injured At sea ,. 8 Moana, s.s., Dunedin, 101479 .. C. Smith, fireman Foot injuries At sea 1 ! ,, 8 Moana, s.s., Dunedin, 101479 .. T. Fern, second cook .. Side injured At sea „ 10 Endeavour J. Newman, A.B. Injury to third finger of left hand.. Whakatane ,, 12 Canopus, s.s., Dunedin, 101490 William Innes, second engineer H. Harding, A.B. Right knee injured Lyttelton ,, 12 Gem, Auckland, 66577 Left hand injured Ngunguru „ 12 Rotomahana, s.s., Dunedin, 75224 J. McConnell, A.B. Leg injured Wellington ,, 13 Ngapuhi, s.s., Auckland, 102329 W. Daniels, A.B. Toe injured Whangarei ,, 14 Moonah, Sydney, 112546 C. Lake, A.B. Shoulder hurt .. Auckland



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to Marine Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Accident. Name of Vessel, Port of Registry, , and Official No. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Coroner's Inquest held. 1905. June 14 Muritai, Auckland, 89319 R. Campbell, A.B. Knee injured At sea When shifting cases of kerosene on deck he struck his knee. At time injury appeared slight, but became worse, and man had to be discharged and sent to hospital, Wellington. P. Wallace, ship's steward, accidentally fell down the steerageladder and was attended to by ship's doctor. Thrown by roll of vessel against stokehole-ladder, injuring his back. J. Malley, trimmer, fell down the engine-room companion and ' broke two of his ribs. Supposed that he fell down forecastle-ladder. While walking along wharf taking a line to a pile, Matyke struck left knee against a pile with such force that he had to be discharged for medical treatment. Hikurangi collided with scow Rata; Hohnberg thrown against galley, injuring arm, and necessitating discharge for medical treatment. While timber being slung log fell and broke left leg below knee ; Mr. Halliday removed to hospital. While greasing machinery injured finger, necessitating discharge and medical treatment. While unhooking a block from end of derrick it sUpped from man's hands, and in falling struck his head, inflicting a nasty cut; discharged for medical treatment. When heaving vessel alongside wharf the rope surged on the winch, and the bight Baldrey was holding struck him in the groin, causing a swelling which necessitated his discharge for medical treatment. While loosing upper foretopsail, fell backward, striking and breaking ratlines of fore-rigging in descent, and then fell overboard, whence he was rescued. While going on board he fell between wharf and ship; taken to casual ward, Lyttelton Hospital. While screwing up a port he stepped on an empty locker door, and slightly injured himself. While greasing tail-rods he slipped on grating and sprained left ankle, and had to be discharged. While at work in stokehole a firebar sUpped from others in a shng, and struck him on right leg, inflicting a nasty gash, which necessitated discharge and removal to hospital. While driving steam-winch his fingers, left hand, were caught between rope and barrel, causing a nasty fracture. SUpped in cross alley-way ; sent to hospital, Dunedin, 27th. „ 15 Wakanui, s.s., Plymouth, 108566 P. Wallace, steward Effects J>f fall Lyttelton .. ., 17 Waikare, Dunedin, 101480 D. Wishart, fireman Back injured At sea, between Hobart and Bluff At sea .. .. „ 20 WelUngton, s.s., Auckland, 40324 Taieri, s.s., Dunedin, 95210 .. Glenelg, Auckland. 76187 J. Malley, trimmer Two ribs broken July 14 ,, 27 Henry Mouatt, A.B. R. Matyke, A.B. Fractured skull Left knee injured Wellington Wharf, Auckland July 31 Hikurangi (scow), Auckland .. A. Hohnberg, A.B. Left arnrinjured At sea, Hauraki Gulf Aug. 8 Volador _ John Halliday, second mate Thomas Graham, fireman Leg broken Wharf, Wellington „ 9 Muritai, Auckland, 89319 Little finger, right hand Onehunga „ 16 Rarawa, s.s., Auckland, 115207 R. Hopkins, seaman Injury to head Onehunga .. „ 18 Rarawa, s.s., Auckland, 115207 C. Baldrey, AB. Blow in'groin .. Wharf, New Plymouth „ 29 EUzabeth Graham, Sydney, 56539 Robert Bull, A.B. Fractured tibia, right leg Latitude 27° 44' 8., longitude 164° 46' E. „ 30 Star of AustraUa, Belfast, 110507 Rotomahana, Dunedin, 75224 E. Y. Doncaster Broken thigh Wharf, Lyttelton „ 30 G. Retty Slight injury Between Wellington and Lyttelton At sea, near Auckland Sept. 4 Rotomahana, Auckland, 75119 J. Jerome, greaser Left ankle sprained .. 8 Rakanoa, Dunedin, 101477 J. Mudie, greaser Gash on thigh Wharf, Auckland ,, 13 Storm, s.s., Lyttelton, 118090.. D. Fisher, seaman Fingers broken Wharf, Onehunga' „ 25 Pateena, s.s., Launceston, 79262 John Briton, steward .. Injury to knee At "sea .. .. .. I



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to Marine Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Accident. Name of Vessel, Port of Registry, and Official No. Name of Person injured. I Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Coroner's inquest held. 1905. tH Sept. 28 John Eckmann,- Drowned dredgehand Ox Manchester (dredge), Lyttelton, 97813 Near wharf, Lyttelton Boat in which deceased was was in charge of moorings while dredge went away with load of spoil; on return propeller swamped boat, and Eckmann was drowned. Two buoys thrown to him, but he failed to reach them. After swimming a while, he sank. Dredge fouled moorings and drew boat under her stern, smashing her up. Fitting a strop on main boom, slipped and fell to deck and sprained right ankle, necessitating discharge for medical treatment. , Whilst discharging sugar he was struck by a sling, jamming him against a stanchion, injuring him internally. Discharged for medical treatment. JF'Jumped on a hatch which was not secured, and fell into hold 30 ft. to 40 ft. ; at first refused, but afterwards saw doctor, and on his advice stayed home a trip, refusing to go into hospital. As he was going into the forecastle he slipped and fell down the ladder ; ordered to hospital by doctor ; no blame attached to any one. Fell on deck from No. 3 crane and sprained wrist, necessitating discharge for medical treatment. Scalded foot while vessel lying at Whangape. While closing ash-pit, door, allowed it to fall on finger. While stepping on board he slipped and fell on the rail, breaking one rib. Inquest held and verdict returned to effect that deceased met death by drowning, but no evidence to show how. Fell on deck and dislocated hip ; removed to hospital; probably able rejoin ship in nine days. A piece of timber fell out of the slings during unloading, and struck Etheridge on right leg, giving him a nasty bruise. While employed greasing, forefinger caught in valve-gear; discharged for medical treatment. While tipping coal-tubs, forefinger of right hand crushed, necessitating discharge for medical treatment. Slipped in stokehole. Oct. 21 Hawk (scow), Melbourne, 82684 Onehunga John McKeon, seaman.. Sprained right ankle ,. 21 Navua, s.s., Dunedin, 117583 .. ■ A. Castel, seaman | .. Internal n4uckland _ Nov. 3 Poherua, s.s., Dunedin, 98061 E. Millar, A.B. .. Not stated Timaru ' 3 Wimmera, s.s., Melbourne, 120722 l ! M. J. Enright, trimmer j Ear .. Lyttelton .. i „ 13 Mokoia, s.s., Dunedin, 101483 P. Oakland, A.B. .. Sprained wrist Auckland Wharf Nov. 21 Dec. 1 Hawk (scow), Auckland, 102337 Maheno, Dunedin, ! 17588 Cygnet, Lyttelton, 91893 P. Samburgh, cook .. ; Scalded foot J. Swan, trimmer .. j Hurt finger V. Ferarar, steward .. Broke rib At sea .. .. Lyttelton Wharf .. 1 Wakanui, s.s., Plymouth, 108566 Alfred McDonald, fireman Drowned R. Martin, A.B. .. Dislocated hip Dunedin Harbour 4 Wakanui, s.s., Plymouth, 108566 Wharf, Dunedin .. ,, 19 Cygnet, s.s., Lyttelton, 91893 .. John Etheridge, mate .. Bruised leg Lyttelton Harbour ,,- 23 Rarawa, s.s., Auckland, 115207 A. Schmidt, greaser .. j Crushed forefinger Onehunga Bar ,, 27 Glenelg, s.s., Auckland, 76187 R. Skibley, seaman .. Forefinger crushed Wharf. Auckland ,, 28 Ngapuhi, E.8., Auckland, 102329 T. White, seaman .. j Injured left ribs Between Auckland and Whangarei 1906. Jan. 6 Totara (scow), Auckland, 78398 Eric Anderson .. Inflammation of stomach Thomas Carrick, fireman Hurt right foot Whangarei Sent to hospital, Whangarei, 6th January, 1906; died 31st January, 1906. Slipped on stokehole-plates and hurt foot; unable to walk. ,. 15 Baden Powell, 's.s., Wellington, 112552 En route to Lyttelton ,, 17 Karamea, s.s., Southampton, 110264 Henry Lees, fireman .. ■ Drowned Port Chalmers He walked off end Port Chalmers wharf, and was drowned ; every effort made to save him, without success, and harbour afterwards dragged for two days without avail. . . I



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to Marine Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Accident. Name of Vessel, Port of Registry, and Official No. Name of Person injured. Nature of I n jury : Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Accident, and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Coroner's Inquest held. 1906. Jan. 18 Taieri, s.s., Dunedin, 95210 .. James Houston, fireman ,, '20 Stella, s.s., .Auckland, 69402 .. W. Evans, seaman „ 26 Tongariro, s.s., Plymouth, 111356 William G. Swan, third cook Eliza Firth, Lvttelton, 595-10 .. Charles Laing, A.B. ,, 26 Morning Light, Lyttelton, 89368 ! James Sinclair, A.B. .. ,, 30 Rarawa, s.s., Auckland, 115207 Miss Marks, stewardess.. Feb. 4 Waverley, s.s., Nelson, 69012 .. Thomas Jones, second mate ,, 7 Tramp (scow), Auckland, 102344 F. Pelley, seaman . .. ,,, 13 Kaipara, s.s., Plymouth, 114630 Walter Broyd, trimmer ,, 15 Zelateur (barque), Auckland, F. Gause 117622 „ 15 Rarawa, s.s., Auckland, 115207 J. Olney, fireman ,, 21 EUzabeth Graham (barque), Edwin Watkins, boy .. Sydney, 56539 ,, 24 Rotomahana, Auckland, 75119 Joseph Pea, seaman Mar. 5 Wootton, s.s., Sydney, 112500 John Smith, second engineer „ 24 Poherua, Dunedin, 98561 .. J. Paris .. .. ,, 31 Endor (cutter) .. C. Shears, seaman ieVbscess right leg .. At sea .. .. .. I When turning ventilators lie slipped and struck leg against a bolt, causing an abscess to form, which requires opening and man lying up for four or five days. Injury to back.. .. .. Auckland .. .. While assisting to put lifeboat into chocks, the faU carried away and boat came down on man's back, causing injury necessitating medical treatment. Drowned .. .. .. Wellington .. . . Body found floating in Wellington Harbour. Deceased had been absent from the ship for about seven days before vessel's departure from colony, and had taken his effects with him. Hernia .. .. .. On board Eliza Firth .. Stated to be caused by lifting timber. Injured ankle .. .. .. Lyttelton .. .. While sculling ship's boat, sUpped off thwart and hurt his ankle. Scalded right foot .. .. Onehunga Wharf.. .. Some one left a bucket of scalding water outside her door, and in stepping out she put her right foot into it, scalding the foot severely*. Middle finger right hand t badly Waitui 15ay, between Nelson While putting the anchor on the rail, with the assistance of a crushed, and two fingers_slightly and Wellington seaman, tlie hand was crushed. .Occident caused by injured pitching of the sea making the anchor slip. Bruised left foot .. .. Chamberlain Island .. While assisting to jack logs the jack sUpped and fell on right foot. Injury to back and scalp wound .. Lyttelton Wharf .. .. Stepped over edge of hatch in 'tween-decks, over which tarpaulin spread ; tarpaulin gave under his weight, and man fell into bold about 25 ft. below. Bruised left side .. .. Helensville .. .. While breaking down coal in hold he fell on a shovel, bruising side, and had to be discliarged for medical treatment. Twisted right knee .. .. Between New Plymouth and While tending fires man fell owing to rolling of ship, and twisted Onehunga right knee ; continued working but knee got too painful and he was discharged for medical treatment. Right leg broken .. .. \ Wellington Wharf .. While carrying bucket of water along 'tween-deck Watkins fell into lower hold. Injury right foot .. .. j Thames .. .. While slinging cases on wharf one fell on right foot, injuring it, though not seriously ; foot since started to fester, and man discharged for medical treatment. Top of third finger right hand cut Off Greymouth .. .. While feeling the eccentric-straps vessel gave a roll and his off, and middle finger crushed fingers were jammed and injured, top of third finger being taken off. Cut. hand .. .. ' • .. \ Greymouth .. .. While drawing a bucket of water from the seacock he cut his hand on the brass guard, and was discharged for medical treatment. Drowned .. .. .. Foveaux Strait .. .. Verdict of Coroner's jury: That the said death occurred while Shears was working the tiller during a gale on 31st March, 1906, at West Cape, Chalky Sound, by means of a rope sUpped round the tiller, and accidentally feU overboard and was drowned ; no blame attachable to any one, and all i reasonable means were used so save him.


H. _1»

Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1906.

Casus Steamers. Nature of Casualty. ■ *di£ tx 5" d > EH Casualties on or near the Coasts of the Colony. alties on or near the Coasts of the Colony. Casualties outside the Colony. Total Number Sailing-vessels. Total within Colony. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total outside Colony. Casualties reported. -in .-Hi | . 43 .HH HH ,|HJ . H-» CO -[CD CO ,h CJ CO „CCD CO •'© co ■ <1> * HI CO CO o— °% ea °-h o co ce o— o cd it o— CS ee ° — o% ee i a— o'S £• o — .co -co hh ~ -.-co .CO .CD -h .CO . X -CO .cr h-!.BI:.CO h- -co O® Oco a O CD OcO ~ {-.CD Q (B -. OCO 0« ~ , O CD Oct a OCDOCO " OcB r I i Stran dings, — Total wrecks .. .. .. .. 1 1 Partial loss. .. .. .. .. 3 256 Slight damage No damage .. .. 18 17,382 1 7 .. 4 1,640 7 3 256 ■ .. 1 196 .. 2 427 .. 18 17,382 .. 7 1,209 .. 22 17,645 .. 14 3,472 7 4 1,640 7 5 1,647 7 2 3,834 .. 2 3,834 .. 7 5,481 I \ 1 196 .. 4 452 ■ 4 452 2 427 .. 2 427 2 427 7 1,209 .. 25 18,591 25 18,591 I 5 1,647 7 4 452 , 2 427 25 18,591 36 21,117 7 1 39 3 2 3,834 .. 2 3,834 .. .. J 7 5,481 I 4 452 2 427 25 18,591 38 24,951 .. .. Total strandings .. .. 22 17,645 14 3,472 7 36 21,117 7 -2 3,834 .. 2 3,834 .. 38 24,951 ', 2 3,834 .. 2 3,834 .. !- Foundered, — Total loss 1 39 3 1 39 3 1 j 39 i ! , 1 1 39 3 Capsized, — Partial loss i ! 1 39 i Collisions, — Partial loss .. .. .. .. 1 63 Slight damage No damage .. .. .. . . 1 92 1 63 6 1 77 .. 1 199 .. 1 92 | 6 1 77 .. 2 140 0 2 140 < 1 199 .. 1 199 1 199 1 92 1 2,715! 1 2,715 .. 2 2,807 i .. 2 140 6 1 199 1 92 1 '.'. '.'. 1 2,715 '.. 1 2,715 | 2 140 i I 1 199 2 2,807 5 3,146 t 2 6,007 8 1,726 '.'. '.. '.'. '.'. 1 Total collisions.. .. .. 2 155 2 155 6 2 6,007 | .. 6 2 276 .. 4 j 431 6 1 2,715 1 2,715 ... 5 3,146 ( 2 276 : 4 j 431 6 1 2,715 1 Fires,— Partial loss .. .. .. .. 2 6,007 2 6,007 2 6,007 I . 2 6,007 2 6,007 Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas 4 j 1,242 to hull and cargo, loss of masts, sails, &c, and breakdown of machinery 4 1,242 .. 4 484 .. 30 '25,049 6 21 4,271 10 1 15 1 3 266 4 31 25,064 ; 7 24 4,537 14 4, 484 .. 8 1,726 8 1,726 j .. 8 1,726 8 1,726 Total casualties to shipping .. 30 25,049 Loss of life only .. .. .. .. 1 15 6 21 4,271 10 51 29,320 16 1 2,715 .. 2 13,834 .. 3 6,549 .. 54 35,869 If 1 3 266 4 4 281 5 1 290 1 1 290 1 5 571 ( 51 29,320 16 4 281 5 51 29,320 16 1 A OOI K ; i 2,715 : .. 2 J3,834 .. 3 1 I OflA 1 1 | ■ I 2 13,834 .. 3 6,549 ! .. 1 290 1 1 290 1 54 35,869 II 5 571 I 4 281 5 .. 1 290 1 j 1 Total number of casualties reported 31 25,064 i 7 24 4,537, 14 55 29,601 21 1 2,715 .. 3 ! 4,124 1 ; 4 6,839 1 59 I 36,440 2i 55 29,601 21 1 55 29,601 21 3 ! 4,124 59 I 36,440 ; 2: 2,715| 1 i 4 6,839



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1905, to the 31st March, 1906.

Date of Casualty. Vessel's Name. Age, | and Class. ■- a N umber of Big. If — S| I |~- Cargo. Cargo. Natl Nature of ure of Casualty. Number 1 of Lives lost. Place where Cas occurred. Win Direction. Wind. nd. Force. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Nov. 15 1904. lot. 13 Defender, 4 years Waipu, 23 years Anjou (French), 5 years Defender, 4 years Waipu, 23 years Ketch .. 117 10 .. Timber Scow .. 42 3 Barque 1642 22 .. Wheat Loss of mast and sails Stranded ; total loss 4 miles N. of Stephen's i Island Jones's Bay, near Toka- j to Point . S.E. Gale .. On voyage from Greymouth to Lyttelton James Jamieheavy squall struck ship, carried away son. mizenmast with sail set. Mast recovered, but sails lost No inquiry necessary. Owner did not consider D. W. M c - her worth expense of refloating Kenzie. Gale .. James Jamieson. D. W. M c - Kenzie. 1905. Feb. (. Anjou (French), 5 years Stranded ; total loss Near Bristow Point, .~nd Islands Between Putahuia and Watonihi Point, Pelorous Sound N. Beach, Karamea, near Nelson North Spit, inside bar Manawatu River Between Maori Kaik and Harrington Point, Otago Harbour Between Pig Island and south shore Queen Charlotte Sound Tairua River Entrance to Nelson Harbour N. Light Vessel was on voyage from Sydney to Fal- A. Le Teliae, breeze. njouth; and, owing to thick, foggy weather, no observation could be got for forty-eight hours prior to the stranding, and land was not seen until ship was within 200 yards. Master tried to go about, but wind fell almost calm —cut off by high cliffs —and she struck the rocks, hanging by the bows. Crew got away at 5 a.m. next day, and remained on the island until the 7th May, when they were removed by " Hinemoa " That Richard John Coster came to his death by Eugenie Charles accidentally falling overboard, no blame Perano. being attachable to any one W. Moderate Casualty primarily caused by s.s. " Te Kapu " Alfred Kemp, grounding when towing " Emma Sims " ; oil-engines latter failed to act, preventing her from returning up river. There appears to have been water on bar for " Te Kapu," drawing slightly more than " Sims," but possessing superior power W. light .. Casualty caused through insufficient depth of James Jamiewater on bar. Damage to ship probably j son. caused by striking a submerged snag Squally Vessel's helm hung when being put over to star- Leonard George board, and before it righted she touched very \ Silba. slightly, the bottom being mud and sand. Heavy sea and dense rain squalls were en- Thomas W. J. countered, and vessel, being under reduced C. Bowden. steam, was driven on to rocks. S. Light .. | Vessel, while in tow of s.s. " Onslow," David Andrew grounded in channel Sharp. N.E. Moderate j The stranding of the " Riwaka " was occa- j George Melville sioned by meeting the s.s. " Wairoa " at the , Ruston. entrance of Nelson Harbour, between Haulashore Island and .irrow Rock. Neither of the captains were to blame, and stranding was not the result of negligence Light breeze. A. Le Teliae. „ 26 Elsie, s.s. Auxiliary ketch 15 .. 61 5 Timber „ 20 1 Mar. :'. Emilia Sims, 10 i Mar. 3 Grounding; partial loss yearApril 1 Defender, s.s., 4 years „ 8 Whakatane, s.s., 5 years Ketch .. ] Ketch .. 117 117 10 Sheep .. Stranded ; partial wreck Schooner 3' Schooner 3786 1786 .. General Stranded; no damage „ 8 | Gannet, s.s. 10 10 2 4 General 1 Stranded ; partial loss i Schooner 196 J „ 8 Ururoa, 5 years Schooner 1 196 9 9 3 100 Timber Stranded ; partial loss Stranded; no damage „ 8 Riwaka, s.s.1 .. 19 19 3 lOt Nil ..



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

Date of Vessel's Name, Age, Casualty. and Class. ] Big. £ ei Number of Nature of Sh I V &S U ~ Car «°- Casualty. Number of Lives lost. Place where Cas occurred. Wind. Finding of Court of Inquiry. ! Namt of Master. Direction. Force. 'i 1 1905. April 15 Volador, 20 years 197 Timber A c heavy squall struck the ship and broke off John Pearson, the mizenmast some feet from the deck Barquentine Loss of mizenmast 200 miles off New Zealand coast, on voyage from Newcastle to Wellington Off Black Head, East Coast, North Island N.W. Moderate gale „ 17 Haupiri, s.s., 18 years Schooner General Damage to purser's room S.S.E. Gale .. A heavy sea broke on board when lying-to off Charles FredeBlack Head and carried away the woodwork rick B a ek - of the purser's room on deck, port side strom. Wlnle being towed down Whitianga River W. H. Heayes. took the ground, and was refloated making water 452 i 32 ■2 „ 21 Zelateur, 13 years Barque 524 11 Timber Stranded: refloated Eastern bank, Mercury Bay S.W. Strong May I Progress, 28 years Scow .. 49 Coal .. Stranded; total loss Peni Peni Beach. North Head, Tauranga E. Hard blow Vessel, on voyage Ngunguru to* Matata, owing Patrick B|onto bad weather, had to put into Tauranga ; field, in trying to run in missed stays, and became unmanageable Vessel collided with a small steamer, name un- George Crawknown shaw. „ ti Moeraki, s.s., 3 years Schooner 2715 85 200 General Collision ; n o damage Abreast of Inner South Head, Sydney Harbour W.S.W. Light .. „ 8 Devonport, 27 years Barque 290 10 Ballast Loss of life .. 1 On voyage from Melbourne to Kaipara s. Gale .. Wife of master, Sundberg, fell overboard and Thore Vindieian was drowned. Inquiry : result, no one to Sundberg. blame Damage, £100 ; caused by heavy weather .. i Anton Peterson. S Lizzie Taylor, 13 years Ketch .. 77 Timber Loss of sails, and damage to rudder Stranded; total loss Off Kaikoura S.E. Gale .. . „ 14 Neptune, 26 years Barquentine 343 10 Ballast North Spit, Kaipara, 5 miles from North Head W.S.W. Strong • Vessel, on voyage Wellington to Kaipara, ; Kobert M c - went on the bar at latter place, and was Kenzie Cliffe. totally wrecked. Court found master should j not have taken bar at time, but waited later in day: no necessity take bar. Master found guilty of imprudence, as tide ebbing, light bad; and he did not wait for signalr, or directions. Certificate suspended for three months Casualty caused through hugging edge of bank S. R. Savory. too close „ 20 Elverland, 8 years Barquentine 361 11 Railway iron Stranded; slight damage Western edge, Tory Shoal, Kaipara Harbour Petane Beach, Napier S. Moderate breeze June 1 Ngaru, 7 years „ 2 Putiki, s.s., 1 year Schooner Schooner 66 171 5 Timber Produce Stranded; slight damage Loss of pro-peller-blades 6 miles east of Point Gibson E. S.E. Gale .. Strong breeze Casualty caused through vessel being anchored Francis F 1 e t - on a lee shore when a gale of wind sprung up, cher. accompanied with a heavy sea While on voyage from Lyttelton to Wellington Frederick Dewthe propeller was stripped of all the blades ; hurst no explanation could be given as to their loss as the ship did not come in contact with any hard substance. 17



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

Date of { Vessel's Name, Age, Casualty. and Class. Big. ih » Number of o ex Hcc cd ■S o 9 Passen«B | in gers. Cargo. Natl Nature of ,ure of Casualty. Number of Lives lost. Place where Casi occurred. Win Direction. Wind. nd. Force. ! Finding of Court of Inquiry. i Name of Master. 1905. June 8 Rangi ' Xone .. Stranded; partial loss General Stranded; total m e r - wreck scow . . 86 5 None .. 5 miles east of Slipper Island, Bay of Plenty About 2J miles north from North Spit, entrance to Kaipara N.E. Gale . . Vessel on voyage Gisborne to Auckland .. W. M. Burke. „ 15 : Emerald, 25 years Barque 745 15 chandise : General m e r - chandise and coal Timber N.W. Squally, dirty Vessel on voyage Newcastle to Kaipara. John Burshell. Master found to have committed error of judgment, and to pay costs inquiry, £9 . „ 20 Baden Powell, s.s., 5 years Schooner i imuinicc-c and coal Foxton River, Manawatu Calm .. ■ „ 29 Hcho July 7 Tawera, 8 years ,, 20 Himitangi, s.s., 6 years „ 25 , La Bella, 12 years Scow .. Fore-and-aft schooner, auxiliary Schooner Barquentine 14!) 15 365 9 '.1-2 99 8 44 5 13 """ v "™ 1 Timber Stranded; refloated Timber i Loss of life .. j General Stranded; no damage Coal .. Grounded; no loss Oats .. Grounded; no loss 1 50 miles from Kaipara Heads Entrance to Turanganui, Poverty Bay South Spit, inside bar Manawatu River Near Dog Island, Bluff S.W. S. S.W. E. Strong Gale .. Moderate breeze Very light Foxton to Lyttelton ; stranded across stream ; W. M. Muir. current appears to havi- swept away mudbank, allowing vessel to swing round end for end, and back into steep bank lower down river, thus crushing rudder. Reasonable and proper steps taken to avoid casuality Vessel on voyage Kaipara to Dunedin. And- Charles Ludovii rew Grey, A.H., fell overboard and was lost. Olsen. Sea was rough, but vessel not labouring heavily Ebb tide, strong, caught vessel port side, slew- Frederick ing her round ; towline. being under vessel, Palmer. caught her propeller, rendering her helpless ; southerly seas forced her on to the weather side of groin and thence on to sandy beach On voyage Greymouth to Foxton, grounded S. Clark. South Spit, inside bar, owing to insufficient depth of water on bar Vessel, on voyage Bluff to Auckland, after George Mylius. being towed outside Bluff, grounded on rock near Dog Island. No damage apparent to diver who examined her : and pumps, after being sealed twenty-four hours, showed vessel tight, and proceeded on voyage Dredge got aground in harbour, and in get- J. A. Findlav. ing off carried away stern line, which fouled propeller and caused master to lose control of vessel, which ran into s.s. " Waimate," moored at wharf On voyage Wellington to Greymouth vessel Felix Black. touched very slightly on Farewell Sands; no damage: proceeded on voyage. Cause of accident was that course was not altered sooner '. In crossing the bar, the pin on top end of F. J. Duncan . eccentric rod dropped out, stopping vessel's progress, and causing her to settle down on bar. where she sprang a leak and filled Aug. 10 Dredge 222, 24 years Dredge 50-2 30 Xone .. Grounded; no damage Dunedin Harbour, Upper Fine, clear Sept. 6 Pareora, s.s., 9 years Schooner _ .. _. 355 17 Ballast Grounded ; no damage 1 to 1| miles W. Farewell Spit W Light .. Schooner Timber Grounded; partial loss .Mouth Jacob's River, Southland „ 19 Rose Casey, s.s., 27 years 81 10 S.E.



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

Date of Vessel's Name, Age. Casualty, j and Class. j 1 I Big. . ._ ch Si Number of *g cei J .-[ So 9 PassenH E -1 g gers. Cargo. Nature of Natl ;ure of Casualty. Number of Lives lost. Place where Cas occurred. Win Direction. Wind. _._.._ ! Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. ad. Force. Finding of Court of Inquiry, Force. i I 1905. lept. 24 Moana, 5 years I Schooner 94 7 Ballast Capsized; total loss 7 i „ 27 Turakina, s.s., 3 Schooner 5289 102 years ,, 29 Hawk, 4 years j Scow .. 139 7 ' ,, 29 Karamea, s.s... Cutter .. 12 3 ■ Jet. 19 j Kaituna, s.s., 1 Schooner 1977 26 year Produce j Fire Ballast ■ 1 life lost; shipped sea Rock .. Stranded; slight damage | Coal Touched ground 1 7 1 Mokau Wellington Wharf Hokianga Bar North Spit, Nile River, Buller County 1J miles from Point Pillar, Farewell Spit W. S.W. S.W. Gale Hard .. I Light .. Gale .. Casualty occurred through the captain E. Jones, anchoring in a wrong position; and when gale came on he could not get vessel out, and she apparently capsized, all hands being lost While vessel lying alongside, wool and flax ! Frances Forbes, found to be on fire in No. 4 hold, 'tween ■ decks. Cause uncertain, probably spon- , taneous combustion Hard .. While crossing bar a sea swept the captain : Bernard McDer(McDermott) overboard, and he was j mott. drowned. Casualty might have been avoided if vessel had stood to sea as instructed by signals Light .. While on trip Westport to Charleston a sea ■ Alfred Casson. struck vessel and washed her 3 ft. on one side of channel; stern swung into bank and struck gravel, stripping all blades off propeller. Damage to vessel reported as slight Fresh While on voyage from Newcastle to Welling- John breeze ton vessel touched ground. Ship appears McDrewette. to have made too much leeway, which was not allowed for by the master. If the lead had been used he would have found his position, and the casualty would not have happened Vessel sailed from Dunedin for Lyttelton; William Tulwind N.E. and variable ; thick weather loch, came on, and she made short tacks up the coast instead of keeping out to sea, finally going ashore as stated. Master and first officer severely censured and ordered to pay costs of inquiry Calm .. Fire took place in third engineer's room, star- Charles Clift. board side ; supposed to have been caused : by explosion of kerosene lamp left burning when engineer left his room to post a letter. Some of his clothes and the woodwork of the room charred. Unavoidable accident X.E. Fresh breeze „ 19 County of Ayr, Barque, j 458 15 42 years iron, sail fi 19 Timber I Stranded; total loss Danger Reef, Shag Point, Otago * N.E. i Nov. 6 *Jov. 6 Mapourika, s.s., Schooner 718 40 7 years ,, 8 Thistle. 14 years Barque 2192 30 Schooner 718 Fire Timber Stranded; total Fire Alongside Railway Wharf, Wellington Calm .. Stranded; total wreck Palmerston Island, South Pacific Ocean Moderate Master guilty of an error in judgment in Edmund Engaltering vessel's course at midnight, thus land, bringing her nearer the Islands -»> 8 Barque •2192 S.S.E. wreck wrecK (



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

c3 §c I umDer of Cargo. Natl Nature of ;ure of Casualty. Number of Lives lost. Place where Cas occurred. Wind. Date of Casualty. Vessel's Name, Age, and Class. -Rig. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Xune of Master. •as —; So 9 PassenM cH »h gers. Direction. Force. I I Struck reef; partial loss C h a ff e r' s Passage, N. Wellington | 1905. fov. 21 20 Produce Fresh Master justified in coming through Chaffer's Sydney James, breeze passage in daytime and in favourable weather, and Court sees no reason to make any recommendation as to non-use of passage, that being a matter in discretion of master. Court also of opinion that master not guilty of negligence while navigating i passage, but appears to have been, for some reason unknown to him, and not disclosed to Court, slightly nearer to shore than he thought he was. No order as to costs Fresh .. Propeller-blades all dropped off between Peter Mclntyre. Wanganui and Wellington. Ship did not strike anything. Unavoidable accident Gale .. Cause of casualty was that telegraph from the George Fredebridge to engine-room was out of order. rick Entwistle. No damage to ship. Coroner's inquiry : Master William Hanning William and seaman John Joss swept overboard by Hanning. seas and drowned Fresh High-pressure valve guide-bracket broke, and Samuel breeze engines stopped for l\ hours, vessel drifting Kennedy, towards the Brothers; direction, S.E. Repairs temporarily made and ship brought to Wellington. Unavoidable accident Light .. Ship struck submerged snag going down Wan- A. Dowell. ganui River and broke off all propellerblades. 3 in number. Unavoidable accident /-Collision caused by schooner " Jap " being Thomas Norris. taken aback when in stays by a " willieSqually waugh " and the anchor not bringing the 1 schooner up when let go. Casualty might have been avoided if " Jap'/' had attempted \ to anchor to lee of other two schooners Moderate Stranding caused by a bar of sand formed F. W. Cox. across the entrance of river by westerly gales I Court found that casualty was caused by the /William James negligent and improper navigation of the ' Southgate. master of the " Kapanui." His certificate was suspended for 12 months, and he was James Mewett. ordered to pa3' costs of inquiry \ Corinna, s.s. Schooner 812 I ,, 22 Stormbird, s.s. Schooner 129 13 ■ I General £30 loss 36 fmiles S. of Wan- W.N.W. ganui River „, 23 Zealandia, s.s., Schooner 7 years 1736 07 130 General Stranded; no damage 2 West side, Glasgow j N.W. Wharf, Napier Har- , bour .„ 25 Anna, 30 years ; Ketch .. 28 2 Foveaux Strait ,, 28 Pateena, s.s., 11 | Schooner vears 550 38 40 General Breakdown of engines 1 mile N.N.E. of I N.W. Walker Rock, off Cape Jackson Dec. 5 i Huia, s.s. .. j Schooner I 69 9 199 8 Wool .. Lost 3 pro-peller-blades Wanganui .. .. S.E. Dec. 16 Jap .. .. Scow .. „ 16 i Rambler .. | Scow .. „ 20 Kapiti, s.s., 3 : Schooner years 77 4 80 j 10 Collision with scow Rambler Railway Collision, parmaterial tial loss Coal .. Stranded; no damage General Collision ; partial General Collision; no damage 1 1 Cloudy Bay .. N.W. Entrance to Patea W. River „ 23 i Kapanui, s.s., 7 ; Fore-and-years aft. 63 ! 8 11 Inside North Head, S.W. near Devonport, .~nd Harbour .,, 23 Claymore, s.s., i Schooner 3 years 92 j 11 70 I i



7—H. I*.

Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

Date of Casualty. Vessel's Name, Age, and Class. Rig. I g cJ J Number of -cH ce »B C PassenCargo. N.iturc of Number of Lives Casualty. lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. Direction. Force. rinding of Court of Inquiry. Same of Master. ! 1905. Dec. 31 \ Oban. 9 years.. Scow .. 39 3 Coal .. Partly sub- | merged 3 Wellington Heads N. W. I Moderate When being towed from Baring Head by the D. W. McKentug "Duco".the vessel sank suddenly by zie. |V by the head, and the three men on board ft* were washec 1 overboard and drowned Moderate nAccording to statement of master and pilot, F. W. Cox. the cause is attributed to bad steering and inefficient propeller. Weight of cargo was about 117 tons, and ship was Aot loaded to within 6 in. of her Plimsoll mark Moderate Strong ebb tide canted vessel .. .. J. C. Felgate. ,," 31 i Kapiti, s.s., 3 Schooner years Ml 10 Butter : Stranded : no loss Patea River 1906. Jan. 1 Marere. s.s., 4 Schooner years Feb. 2 Te Kapu. s.s. .. j Schooner 4159 56 ! I General Stranded; no damage General Grounded ; no damage Bluff Harbour Karamea S.W. 50 „ I 6 I S.W. S.W. 5.W. Light .. The scow " Haere," not following the tug, J. G. Gilbert touched the bank, causing steamer to take son. the ground Strong While going alongside Bluff Wharf, towline Robert Neville. gale parted and vessel drifted alongside sandbank through force of gale Hard gale Bowsprit carried away in heavy gale .. P. J. Ewing. I ,, 20 Ma lie no, tur- Schooner bine, less than 1 year ,, 22 Jessie Nicol, 34 Schooner years Mar. 13 Tuariki .. Oil-launch 3276 116 307 General Grounded ; no damage Bluff Harbour 93 7 General Bowsprit carried awav Timber Sunk Between Bluff and Macquarie Island Pelorus Sound S.W. I 2 4 Squally Struck by squall .. .. .. Peter Johnson. ,, 17 Haere, 3 years j Schooner 99 5 I Sawn ; Stranded ; no timber. damage Karamea River W.N.W. .N.W S.E. V. Slight .. Tug which had vessel in tow grounded inside Christian the bar, and "Haere," having lost steerage- Stenersen. way, was pulled on to the end of the spit when the tug got a strain on again. Unavoidable accident Squally Error in judgment in estimating distance of William Arthui ship from land Wildman. j „ 29 -Alexander, s.s., I Schooner 2 years 185 16 | 1 Ballast Stranded; no damage Collinet Point, Elmslie Bay, French Pass S.E.



Return showing the number of Notices to Mariners relating to Matters within the Colony issued by the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,800 copies), £69 7s. Bel.

Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o6

Price Is. 3d.

Port or Place. Subject of Notice. ice. Ucaroa Alteration to fixed light. Changes during alterations to light. Alteration in position of Railway Wharf lights. Light on Rangitoto Island. Inoorrectly charted. Removal of buoys in harbour. Erection of iron tower and alteration of light from flashing to fixture. Buoy on Middle Bank, Current Basin. Dredge's position in river. Alteration to leading lights on bar. Gull Point beacon ereoted on outer rock. New River bar shoaling. Alteration to buoys, Wiaroa River. Buoy on Tory shoal adrift. New signal flagstaff erected. Re-erection of beaoon. Black port-hand pile beacon. Alterations to lights. Entrance by main channel only. Repairs and alterations to light. Alterations completed and flash resumed. Rook off Long Island. Exhibition of light. Lighthouse destroyed by fire. Floating target adrift Telephone station established. Lights on Harbour Board's dredge. Defence Department's two buoys moved to Kau Bay. Gas-buoy placed on Falcon shoal. Position of Harbour Board's dredge. " New Zealand Nautical Almanac " published. New Zealand Azimuth Tables published. Auckland 3are Island 3)uff .. nape Campbell .. frenoh Pass jlreymouth Elauraki Gulf inveroargill iCaipara iaramea River Manukau Harbour 3tago Harbour Puysegur Point .. Jueen Charlotte Sound .. Duahine Point .. /uloan Point, Otago JVakatahuri, Forsyth Bay Wanganui Wellington General


Moeraki Lighthouse.


Puysegur Point Lighthouse.

Dog Island Lighthouse.


Landing at Moeraki.

Nugget Point.



By Autharity: John Mttckuy, Government Printer.

New Zealand Wreck Chart 1st April, 1905 to 31st March, 1906, Compiled from Official Records in the Marine Department


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MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1905-6.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session II, H-15

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1905-6.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session II, H-15

MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1905-6.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session II, H-15

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