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Session 11. 1906. NEW ZEALAND.


Mb. Speaker,— I have the honour to present to honourable members my eleventh Public Works Statement, together with the estimates of the amounts required for the effective prosecution of works during the current year. Notwithstanding the unfavourable weather experienced and the scarcity of labour during the summer months, good progress has been made with the several works in hand. The more important undertakings I refer to in detail later on, but, with respect to railway-construction generally, I am pleased to say that we are nearing a time when the expenditure thereon can be concentrated upon the most urgent works, thus insuring greater expedition in completion than when a large number of works are under construction and the money available is limited. TOTAL EXPENDITURE. The expenditure during last financial year was considerably in excess of that of the previous year. The following table shows, as regards each class of work, (a) the total expenditure from the inauguration of the public-works policy to the 31st December, 1890 ; (b) the similar expenditure between the Ist January, 1891, and the 31st March, 1906; (c) the gross total expenditure to the 31st March, 1906 ; and (d) the expenditure for the late financial year :—

i-D. 1.

Expenditure. Class of Work. ABC Total to 1st January, Total to 31st December, 1891, to 31st 31st March, 1890. March, 1906. 1906. D Year ended 31st March, 1906. Railways— New construction ... Additions to open lines Utilisation of water-power Roads Public buildings Immigration Purchase of Native lands Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour defences Tourist and health resorts Telegraph-extension ... Development of goldflelds Defence-works (general) ... Departmental Payment to Midland Railway bondholders Minor works and services Cost and discount, raising loans, &c. £ 11,975,098 2,092,002 3,575,804 1,776,003 2,144,386 1,191,137 880,095 £ 4,529,174 3,220,305 3,370 3,614,452 1,575,533 18,842 833,285 133,058 £ ' 16,504,272 5,312,307 3,370 7,190,256 3,351,536 2,163,228 2,024,422 1,013,153 £ 661,360 351,044 2,902 351,204 165,312 8,753 13,777 4,946 600,849 561,101 429,720 349,789 71,248 609,327 205,860 425,000 183,667 150,000 19,768 227,831 71,248 1,210,176 766,961 854,720 533,456 150,000 320,457 1,249,303 15,888 77,186 18,533 35,569 13,517 300,689 1,021,472 '1,599 235 Totals ... Paeroa-Waihi Railway Account 26,898,145 15,820,720 75,000 42,718,865 75,000 1,721,825 8,862 Gross totals 26,898,145 15,895,720 42,793,865 1,730,687



WAYS AND MEANS. At the 31st March, 1905, the available balance of ways and means for public-works purposes was £861,670, and further funds were received as under: — £ Balance of £1,000,000 raised under the Act of 1904 ... ... 32,937 Amount raised under the Act of 1905 ... ... ... ... 817,914 To provide for debentures falling due ... .. ... ... 265,300 Transferred from revenue ... ... ... ... ... 500,000 Miscellaneous receipts ... ... ... ... ... 2,679 Making a gross total of ... ... ..£2,480,500 The ordinary expenditure of the year amounted to £1,722,590. In addition to this, debentures to the amount of £116,300 were paid off, others to the amount of £149,000 were renewed, and net charges and expenses in connection with financing amounted to £311, thus bringing the total disbursements up to £1,988,201, leaving a credit balance at the end of the year of £492,299. For the current year it is proposed to provide additional funds as under : — £ Balance of 1905 loan ... ... ... ... ... 182,086 New loan of 1906 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,000,000 Transfer from Consolidated Bund ... ... ... ... 775,000 This will give a total available ways and means of £2,449,385. The estimated expenditure for public works for the current year (excluding separate accounts having their own ways and means) amounts to £2,284,558, thus leaving a balance of £164,827 to be carried forward to next year. RAILWAYS. Last year was a busy one as regards most descriptions of public works, but especially so an regards railway-construction, the expenditure on new railwayworks having i mounted to £670,221, which is the largest amount expended on work of that c-ss during any year since 1881. In addition to this, the following sums were expended by the Railway Department on railway-improvement works : — £ Additions to open lines ... ... ... ... ... 351,044 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account ... ... ... 44,739 Railways Improvements Authorisation Act Account ... ... 8,566 making a gross total expenditure on railway works of £1,074,570. During the year thirty-one miles and a half of railway were opened for traffic, and the work of construction throughout the colony was vigorously proceeded with. I will now refer more in detail to the different lines that have been in hand and the proposals of the Government with regard to each for the current year. Kawakawa-Grahamtown. At the northern end of this railway nearly eight miles of rails are laid, and goods-trains are run over this length as occasion requires. From the rail-head formation-works are in hand for about another three mdes, and are well advanced towards completion. During the past year work has been put in hand from Hukerenui towards Towai. Not very much has yet been done, but operations are now well in hand. The formation-work previously in progress between Opua and Grahamtown has been continued, but the ground is still very treacherous, and some bad slips have occurred. The wharf at Grahamtown has not yet been commenced, but the plans are ready, and it is proposed to invite tenders for the work shortly. The expenditure on this railway last year amounted to £9,513. A vote of £20,000 is provided on the estimates for the current year. Helensville Northwards. Good progress has been made on this line, the expenditure during the year having been considerably more than double that of the previous year. The length of three miles between Woodcocks and Kaipara Flats was opened for



public traffic in October, 1905, and the rails are now being laid on the further section of two miles and a half to Tauhoa, and I am expecting to have this available for the Christmas-holiday traffic. It would have been ready before but for some rather heavy slips that took place during the late winter. The next section to Waby is well in hand. The heading of the Hoteo tunnel, 565 yards long, which is the principal work on the section, was pierced early this month. A good part of the tunnel has already been enlarged to full size, and it is expected to be finished, including lining, by January next. A contract has been let for the three bridges over the Hoteo River, and all are due for completion on the sth March next. Although the contract has already been let for nearly six months, I regret to state that nothing has, so far, been done on the ground, but the contractor assures me that the timber will be delivered on the sites at a very early date, and the work thereafter proceeded with vigorously. If these bridges are finished by the expiry of the contract time, the railway to Waby should be available for traffic about June next. The section between Waby and Wellsford is also in hand, and the work progressing satisfactorily. The permanent survey of this railway ends at Wellsford at present, but, as it is time that it was extended further northwards, I have given directions for a suitable officer for the work to be selected, and for the survey to be pushed on with at least as far as Maungaturoto. Last year the expenditure on this railway amounted to £24,318, and during the current year a larger expenditure is proposed. I am, therefore, asking for a vote of £50,000 for the work. . Paeroa-Waihi. This railway was completed and opened for traffic on the 9th November last. In addition to using up the balance of £8,862 remaining to the credit of the special account established for this line, a sum of £7,326 was expended out of the vote for railway construction. A few small items still remained to be dealt with at the close of the financial year, and a vote of £2,000 is provided to cover these. GISBORNE-RoTORTJA. A good deal of work has been done on this line. The formation is now complete to the east end of the tunnel beyond Karaka. The heading of this tunnel, which is 283 yards long, was pierced last month, and the enlarging to full size and the lining will be completed by Christmas. The formation beyond the tunnel is in hand to five miles and a half from Karaka, and tenders for the large bridge over the Waikohu River, near the proposed Waihuka Station, will shortly be invited. The permanent survey of the line is finished for another two miles and a half, or as far as the twenty-sixth mile-peg, and the trial survey has been carried right through to the Opotiki Flats; but the country on the Bay of Plenty side of the range proves to be very steep and difficult. I fear, therefore, the construction of the railway beyond Motu will be very costly, but a practicable grade can be got, though the curves would be sharper than usually allowed on the New Zealand Railways. The distance from Gisborne to Opotiki by the railway survey would be about eighty-five miles, the summit of the line being 1,964 ft. above sea-level. It is intended to undertake further exploration-surveys to see if it is possible to procure a more favourable route. Last year's expenditure on this railway amounted to £16,711, being a little in excess of the expenditure of the previous year. For the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. Mamaktj-Te Puke. I mentioned in my last year's Statement that a rough exploration of a projected railway-route between the above points had been made, and that a very favourable route for constructing a line at a comparatively small cost seemed to be available, and that it was proposed during the year to have a trial survey



made. I am sorry that very great pressure of other work has prevented this trial survey being undertaken hitherto, but during the year I had an opportunity of obtaining a general view of the ground myself by driving over the new road which follows the railway-route fairly closely from Te Puke as far as the Oropi Road. For a large part of the distance the bush is still standing, but such of the land as is under crop shows excellent results, and the very uniform slope of the country will probably render it feasible to construct a railway at a very moderate expense. As soon as a suitable officer is available the promised trial survey will be put in. hand. New Plymouth - Sentry Hill Deviation. This line is being constructed to improve the grade near New Plymouth. The deviation leaves the existing line immediately west of the Waiwakaiho River, crosses the Henui Stream near its mouth, and runs thence between Buller and Molesworth Streets to the reclaimed land on the foreshore east of New Plymouth station, and joins the existing line at the platform. No expenditure came to charge against last year's vote, but a considerable sum has already been spent this year, and a vote of £30,000 is asked for. Stratford-Ongarue . The formation-works on the Huiroa Section have been steadily proceeded with, and have been finished for more than half the length, and the remaining portion, which includes some heavy work, is now well advanced. The necessary bridges have also been erected, and the formation of the station-site at Huiroa commenced. The laying of the permanent-way will be started shortly. The expenditure last year was £10,896, a material advance on the previous year's rate. For the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. , Mount Egmont Branch. The first section of this line is six miles two chains long, and the whole of the formation on this length has been completed, the rails laid, and a portion of the ballasting" done. The remainder of the ballasting will stand over until crushed stone is available. The site for the stone-crushing yard has been cleared of bush, also sites for houses for employees, &c, excavation for the lines of sidings completed, the foundations for the stone-crushers commenced, and the stone-crushers themselves delivered on the site. The stone-crushing plant is to be operated by water-power, and a large amount of work in connection with this has also been done, such as the construction of a dam in the Manganui River, sand-trap, inlet and. outlet tunnels to latter, and the excavation of a pipe-line from the sand-trap to the crushing-yard. A contract has been let for the supply of 3,000 ft. of steel pipe, 22 in. in diameter, and the whole of this has now been delivered. An engine-shed, water-tanks, coal-store, and five cottages for employees have been built at Waipuku, where the branch joins the main line. It is expected that the railway and stone-crushing plant will be available for regular working early next year, when operations will be commenced by dealing with the large quantity of boulders to be found in the Manganui River and adjacent thereto. This source of supply is not, however, expected to prove a permanent one, so that, when further stone is needed, it will be necessary to undertake the construction of the upper section of the line, which has already been surveyed, so as to open up the permanent quarry on the slopes of Mount Egmont. The expenditure on this railway last year amounted to £10,248, and for the current year a Vote of £15,000 is asked for. Opunake Branch. Strong representations having been made to the Government in favour of the construction of a branch line to connect Opunake with the main line of railway between Wellington and New Plymouth, a trial survey for the same was put in hand in the early part of last year. As considerable difference of opinion



existed as to the best point for the branch to join the main line, three different routes have been surveyed, which has prolonged the work considerably. The surveys are finished and the plans prepared, but the Engineer's report and estimate of cost have not yet been received. The length of the line varies according to the route adopted, ranging from rather less than twenty-two miles to a little more than twenty-six miles. One factor that must carry weight in determining the route is that a railway reserve exists between Eltham and Opunake, so that if that route is adopted no compensation for land will require to be paid. Full information on the matter not being available at present, no decision can yet be come to, and in any case, in view of the large expenditure which is at present taking place in connection with the North Island Main Trunk and other railways, the Government is unable to see its way to recommend Parliament to take in hand the construction of this railway at present. North Island Main Trunk. A large amount of work has been done on this railway during the past year, the expenditure—£22o,sl9—having been nearly double that of the previous year, and a record for any year since the works were commenced. More work still would have been done but for the exceptionally bad weather experienced in the interior during last summer. The quite unusual rainfall had the effect of keeping the roads in an almost impassable condition, and greatly retarded the progress of the work. At the north end the rail-head was advanced to Oio, and platelaying is now in progress between that point and Raurimu, miles from Auckland. The formation-work, including the excavation of two tunnels, between Raurimu and Makatote is being vigorously proceeded with, nearly a thousand men being employed upon this section, and substantial progress is being made. The contract for the Makatote Viaduct, as announced in my last Statement, was let to Messrs. J. and A. Anderson, of Christchurch, in June, 1905, the stipulated date for the completion of the structure being 15th June, 1907. The contractors have erected a very fine workshop for the manufacture of the steelwork, which is now in full swing, and considerable work has also been done on the foundations for the structure. More than half the contract time has expired, however, and much less than half the work has been done. Arrangements are being made so that the formation-work as far as the viaduct may be finished by the time the structure is completed, and also the mile of line between Makatote and Manganui-o-te-ao, so that as soon as it is practicable to lay the rails across the Makatote Ravine the rail-head can be advanced to Manganui—2l4 miles from Auckland and 212 miles from Wellington. A contract for the Manganui-o-te-ao Viaduct and some other work was let to Messrs. J. and A. Anderson in July last, the amount being £8,840, and the stipulated date for completion 7th February, 1908. In October, 1905, arrangements were made to commence work on a central section, with Mr. J. J. Hay, M.A., as Resident Engineer in charge of same, and stationed at Ohakune. A good deal of work on this length has since been done, the whole of the bush having been felled, and a good start made with the earthwork. Much more would have been done but for the unfavourable weather that has been experienced, this section having been particularly affected by the weather-conditions, owing to its being an inland one and approachable only by road. The number of men employed on the section is now over six hundred, and arrangements are being made to materially increase the number. At the southern end, the section between Taihape and Mataroa has been opened for goods traffic, and the station buildings at the latter township have been completed, also the Mataroa tunnel. The formation has been completed between Mataroa and Turangarere, including the Turangarere Tunnel and the Hautapu Bridge No. 2, and the rails now extend to Turangarere, 177 miles from Wellington. As a consequence of this we are now independent of the Taihape-Turangarere Road, the maintenance of which, owing to the bad weather that has prevailed, has been a troublesome matter. All supplies for the section beyond Turangarere can now be railed up to that point, and, as the road from

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there onwards has less local traffic, as well as having been partially metalled, it is in better condition and more easy to maintain than the Taihape-Turangarere Road, so that better progress should be made in the future, even if unfavourable weather is experienced. The formation-works between Turangarere and the commencement of the central section are very actively in hand, nine hundred men being employed at the southern end of the line. ..■■• The present position of the works may be summed up thus : — Mile*. Total distance, Auckland to Wellington ... ... ... ... 426 Already constructed and open for daily passenger and goods traffic ... 335 Rails laid on a further ... ... ... ... ... ... 37 Formation practically completed on a further... ... ... ... 8 And in hand on a further ... ... ... ... ... ... 33 Untouched (except that the bush has been felled) ... ... .... 13 Total ... . ... ... ... ... ... 426 Most of the untouched portion is left untouched merely because the works upon it are of an easy and unimportant character, and can readily be finished by the time the heavier work now in hand can be done. Probably all the earthworks will be finished as soon as the large viaducts are ready, so that on the completion of these structures really depends the date of the opening of the railway for through traffic. The contract time for the completion of the last of the viaducts expires in February, 1908, so that I can confirm my previous prediction that the rails between Auckland and Wellington will be connected by the end of that year. Besides the operations on the railway, a very large amount of work has been done in connection with the roads giving access thereto, as without these latter the formation-works on the line could, not have been proceeded with. In addition to branch roads connecting with main roads, where such existed, a service road has been constructed, alongside the line as nearly as possible, practically throughout its entire length. Every effort is being made to put this road, between the rail-heads at the northern and southern ends, into practicable order for summer coach traffic. The rail-heads are now about fifty-four miles apart, but this distance is decreasing month by month, and will be materially reduced before next winter. The expenditure on the line last year, exclusive of the value of permanentway materials supplied, was £220,519, or including the latter materials, £243,694. A vote of £300,000 is proposed for the current year. Blenheim -Waipara . Considerable progress has been made with the earthworks on the first three miles and a half beyond Seddon, the construction of the Hog Swamp Bridge has been begun, the formation of the Blind River Station-yard put in hand, as well as the rather heavy work between Blind River and Lake Grassmere. At the southern end the section between Scargill and Ethelton—nine miles in length —was opened for public traffic on the Ist November last, and the further section to Tormore, three miles long, is now available for goods traffic, and will be opened for regular passenger traffic in a few days. The work between Tormore and Domett is well in hand and making good progress, and this further section will, I hope, be available for traffic early in the new year. Last year's expenditure on the Blenheim-Waipara Railway amounted to £34,552, and for the current year a vote of £45,000 is asked for. Midland. At the Nelson end of the line the section to Tadmor, 10 miles 29 chains in length, was opened for traffic on the 7th August last. The whole of the bush on the Manu Section, 10J miles, has been felled, and formation-work is well in hand, the first two miles being nearly complete.


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On the Reefton-Inangahua Section the earthworks are nearly complete for about seven miles, and the rails have been laid for half this distance. The new station-yard at Reefton is practically finished, and a contract for the removal and re-erection of the station-buildings has been entered into. The Waitahu Bridge has been completed, and is already in use for road traffic, and a tender has been accepted for the bridge at Larry's Creek. On the Otira Section good progress has been made with the Goat Creek and Rolleston Bridges, and both are nearing completion. Considerable progress has also been made with the earthworks on this section. Tenders for the contraction of the summit tunnel at Arthur's Pass, 5 miles 24 chains in length, were invited in April last in Great Britain, America, Australia, and this colony, but no, satisfactory response was received. As it was considered that this result might perhaps be due to the shortness of the time for sending in tenders, fresli offers are now being invited, allowing sufficient time for tenderers outside the colony to either send their own representatives to make local inquiries or to communicate with local agents. The fresh tenders are due in March next. On the Canterbury side of the range good progress has been made, the works between Springfield and Broken River being now so near completion that there is every prospect of my last year's prediction being fulfilled, that this section would be available for traffic in time for the opening of the New Zealand Exhibition. The large steel viaduct over Staircase Gully is finished, and the smaller viaduct over Broken River is so near completion that the rails have been laid over it. A road has also been constructed from the station-yard at Broken River to the Cass, and arrangements are being made to establish a one-day through service by coach and rail between Greymouth and Christchurch. The formation-works on the railway beyond Broken River are being proceeded with, seven short tunnels being in hand, besides ordinary earthworks. The total expenditure on the several sections of the Midland Railway last year amounted to £119,212, and for the current year a vote of £100,000 is proposed. We stport-Inangahua . Formation-work was commenced on this railway in December last, and fair progress has since been made. The felling and clearing of the bush is finished for a distance of five miles, and a considerable amount of earthwork has been done. The expenditure on the line up to the 31st March was £2,896, and for the current year a vote of £10,000 is proposed. Ngahere-Blackball. Formation-work has been proceeded with throughout the year, and fair progress made. Overtures have been made to the Government by the Paparoa Coal Company for a short extension of the line in the direction of that company's mine, and the matter is now under consideration. Last year's expenditure amounted to £9,257, and for the current year a vote of £10,000 is proposed. Greymouth - Point Elizabeth. This railway was completed sufficiently to be opened for coal traffic some time since, but some finishing-works were required, on which an expenditure of £2,638 took place during last financial year. Hokitika-Ross. The first section of this railway—viz., to Ruatapu, seven miles in length— is now in use for goods traffic, and will be available for the conveyance of passengers in time for the King's Birthday holiday. The earthworks are practically complete for a further distance of five miles, and are nearing completion along the remainder of the line. The contractor for the Totara Bridges contract is, however, much behind with his work. The contract time for the completion of these bridges expires on the 7th December next, and so far very little has been done. The expenditure during last financial year was £17,074, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is asked for.



Culverden-Rotherham-Hanmer. A vote for the above was provided on last year's appropriations, but no work has been undertaken. So far as the connection of Hanmer Springs with the railway is concerned, it is considered that for the present a good motor-car service will meet the requirements, and inquiries for suitable vehicles are being made with a view to the service being in operation during the coming summer it possible. Otago Central. The section between Omakau and Clratto Creek was opened for public traffic on the Ist August last. The whole of the formation-works between Chatto Creek and Clyde are complete, and the bridges are also finished, except the large combined road and railway bridge over the Manuherikia River, third crossing, the contract time for the completion of which expires at the end of this month, and a smaller timber bridge at Waikerikeri, which is being built by the Department's own workmen. This will be finished shortly after the larger structure, when the rails can be laid right through to Clyde. Contracts have recently been entered into for the erection of the station buildings at Galloway, Alexandra, and Clyde. I hope to have this railway complete to Clyde by about the end of the financial year. The expenditure on the line during the year amounted to £56,724. the current year a vote of £50,000 is proposed. Lawrence- Roxburgh . Construction-works on this line were commenced in January last, and have already made very fair progress. The amount charged to last year's vote was only £999, but for the current year an expenditure of £20,000 is proposed. Heriot Extension. This extension was handed over to the Railway Department early in 1905, but some little work remained to be done,' on which an expenditure of £2,213 took place last year. Gore-Waikaka. The construction of this railway was authorised by " The Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905," but those interested have not so far formally approached the Colonial Treasurer in reference to the matter, and consequently no steps towards putting construction-works in hand have yet been taken. Catlin's-Waimahaka. The work at the Catlin's end of this line now extends over a length of about four miles, the earthwork on about half of which is nearing completion. At the Waimahaka end a similar length is also in hand, the bush having been felled, and earthwork in progress. The expenditure last year amounted to £8,590, and for the current year an appropriation of £20,000 is asked for. RIVERSDALE-SwiTZERS. The rails on the first two miles of this line, which were taken up some years ago, have now been relaid. A quantity of timber for further bridging required has been delivered, and pile-driving and formation-work are about to be started. Scarcely any expenditure came to book against last year's vote, but for the current year an appropriation of £8,000 is proposed. Orepuki-Waiau. Formation-works on this line were resumed in February last, and fair progress has since been made. The charges against last year's vote only amounted to £970, but for the current year a vote of £10,000 is asked for.



Total Appropriations for Railway-construction. In addition to the items already mentioned a vote of £130,000 is proposed for permanent-way materials, £3,000 for surveys of new lines, £1,000 for land claims and other old liabilities, and also a small sum of £25 to cover a liability for clearing noxious weeds on the abandoned section of the Midland Railway between Belgrove and Tophouse. These items bring the total appropriation proposed for railway-construction purposes up to £884,025. This is somewhat in excess of last year's vote, but the Department has more work in hand at the present time than it had twelve months ago, and consequently an increased vote is required. Other Rail way-works. The expenditure on additions to open lines during last year amounted to £351,044. The great bulk of this expenditure was on additional rolling-stock, and the remainder on works of a very varied nature, required to enable the railways to cope with the present greatly increased traffic. I would draw the attention of honourable members to the fact that the Public Works Department has not imported any rolling-stock for new railways for many years past, and that the lines, as completed from time to time, are handed over to the Railway Department, which Department provides the additional rolling-stock necessary for their working. A considerable portion of the expenditure on additions to open lines is therefore fairly debitable to first cost, the remainder being for improve-ment-works. Practically the whole of our rolling-stock is now built in the colony. For the current year a vote of £300,000 is proposed. Work on the Hutt railway and road improvement was proceeded with throughout the year, and considerable progress made. The expenditure amounted to £44,739, and for the current year an appropriation of £50,000 is asked for. The Railways Improvements Authorisation Act of 1904- authorised the duplication of the lines between Auckland and Penrose, Addington and Rolleston, and. Dunedin and Mosgiel. A good deal of work has already been done on the former, and a start made with the latter, and preparations are being made for putting in hand the work between Addington and Rolleston. The expenditure last year amounted to £8,566, and for the current year a vote of £100,000 on the estimates. UTILISATION OF WATER-POWER. Though the year has been a very unfavourable one for field work, surveys have been completed (except in one case) for schemes to utilise the power available at Huka Falls, Rotoiti Lake, Mangahao, Tauherenikau, and Hutt Rivers, Clarence River at Hanmer Plain, Lake Coleridge, and Opihi Gorge. The alternative surveys at Huka Falls and at Rotoiti-Kaituna (though the latter survey is not quite complete in some details) show that it would be more profitable to generate power on the Kaituna than at Huka. The conditions in favour of Kaituna are the shorter distance to transmit the power, the much greater fall available, and the smaller quantity of water to be handled to get a given power, while the adverse condition is the longer conduit. But power should be delivered in Auckland and en route at about 15 to 20 per cent, less cost than from Huka, and the cost of power from Kaituna would also be less than from any other scheme to utilise the rapids on the Waikato, at Aniwhaniwa, Ateamuri, Horahora, or elsewhere, where the low fall available would be a handicap. It appears best at Kaituna to adopt a conduit about five miles long, where 530 ft. of fall is available, giving about 30,000 brake horse-power on the turbine shafts for continuous working. Another scheme could subsequently be developed to use the remainder of the fall, perhaps as much as 300 ft. The country falls somewhat too fast to enable all the available fall of 900 ft. to be utilised in one scheme without very long pipe-lines. A preliminary survey, just finished near Shannon, shows that by diverting the Mangahao through the range between its upper valley and the plains falls from 600 ft. up to about 1,000 ft. may be got, giving probably 8,000 to 10,000 ii—D. 1.




brake horse-power for alternative schemes. Also about 3,000- to 4,000-horse power could be got from the Tokomaru Stream by storing the water. The water from the two rivers could be utilised in one power-house, though at different pressures, which would be advantageous. This power scheme is favourably situated near several centres of population. At the combined power-house 11,000- to 12,000-horse power could be obtained. The survey of the Tauherenikau River shows that with a conduit about five miles long about 430 ft. of fall is obtainable at Featherston. The flood-water would have to be stored in as large a volume as possible, for, though the flow is large, considering the area of the watershed, yet at times a low flow may obtain for some time. The flood flow is very great, and to store it all would be excessively costly, yet enough to give up to about 10,000 horse-power continuously could be got without excessive cost. The survey for the Hutt power scheme shows that with a high dam water for two to three months' use can be stored, and sufficient to enable about 16,000--horse power for part-time (working eleven or twelve hours a day), to be got. Though high, the dam would be of no great length. The nearness of the powerstation to the Hutt, Petone, and Wellington renders this scheme a most valuable one. It will be more favourable to develop power here for Wellington than from the Tauherenikau or other more remote schemes. The country is favourable for the construction of a transmission-line, and there would be but little risk of interruption from the ordinary causes of break-down. Judging from the present large and ever-increasing amount of power used in Wellington, there should be little fear of getting a ready sale for all the energy. The surveys of the Clarence scheme at Hamner show that 1,080 ft. of fall can be got at Jollies Pass, which appears to be the most favourable point at which to divert the water. Some storage of water is obtainable in Lake Tennyson, but the area of the lake is small—just under one square mile at ordinary level. The length of the conduit would only be about three miles and a quarter, and about 22,000-horse power on the Pelton-wheel shafts would be obtainable. This is an excellent source of power, and one which could be readily increased by the construction of dams. These, however, would be relatively costly, as there are no very narrow gorges where dams could be cheaply built. The survey of Lake Coleridge has been finished, but the data have not yet been quite reduced to such a form as to enable a final decision to be come to as to whether it would be preferable to have one central power-station at Coleridge for Canterbury, or two, one at Hanmer and another at Opihi. A close comparison of the first cost, the relative cost of power delivered, and the extent ol country that can be economically served, have to be carefully considered before arriving at a decision. A survey of several possible ways of utilising the water in the Opihi and Opuhas shows that a much larger scheme than was at first thought possible is obtainable at a at the lower end of the Opihi Gorge. A reservoir to store a large quantity of water can be formed at the upper end of the gorge, and by the diversion of the Opuhas into this reservoir a large amount of power is obtainable—up to about 16,000-horse power continuously, and proportionally greater for part-time working. The length of conduit would be about four miles and a half, and the effective fall about 260 ft. This power-station would command the southern districts of Canterbury, and, worked in conjunction with the Clarence scheme at Hanmer, the whole of Canterbury would be very effectively supplied with power. Plans for works to develop these various schemes are being prepared, and very shortly it will be possible to invite offers for the supply of plant. Information as to the probable cost of plant has already been obtained through the High Commissioner, but in addition detailed information for each particular scheme will now be ascertained. The question of the advantageous use of the power available has also received some attention, as, besides the supply of power to existing industries, other uses must be found for it if we are to take full advantage of the resources available.


The question of the artificial production of nitrates is receiving much attention from scientific men and others. It is estimated that in the next quarter of a century or so the world's consumption of nitrates will be many times the present rate —viz., about a million and a half tons per year —and processes are being perfected for their production in hydro-electric works. A considerable measure of success appears to have been attained, and in Sweden it is claimed that, with the cost of energy at from £1 to £2 per horse-power per year, nitrates can be artificially manufactured at a profit. There are places in New Zealand where power can be got within the above limit of cost at the powerhouse, and, in addition, some of our schemes would have the power-house on the seashore, within easy reach of limestone-deposits available for sea transport. If present anticipations as to the development of the nitrate industries are realised, there is no reason why New Zealand should not be able to manufacture and export many million pounds' worth of the product, and some districts now desolate may yet become centres of industry supporting directly or indirectly a considerable population. It may be interesting to state that Sweden has passed an enactment conserving to the State the ownership of all water-power, and it appears to be the intention to charge a substantial royalty in any case where private persons or companies are allowed to use the same, the amount proposed to be charged per horse-power per year being about the same as has already been suggested for similar proposals in New Zealand. Except as they may be modified by the amount of power found to be available, or to supply more power for shorter periods, the estimates previously given for the various schemes proposed to be undertaken do not appear, after more complete surveys, fco require much modification. The cost of a power scheme where storage of water is possible will vary greatly with the nature of the demands to be met. A plant for part-time service may cost for conduits, machinery, &c, up to twice or more that of a plant for continuous working—that is to say, the cost of energy to consumers using power intermittently and in small quantities must be higher than to those using large volumes of power continuously. The costs at the various centres in New Zealand to which it is proposed to deliver power may be taken at from £6 to £8 per horse-power per year for full-time working of 168 hours per week. There would be a proportional increase in the rates for small quantities or for power intermittently used. These rates increase up to two and a half and even three times in some power services. It is not possible yet to say whether the rates in this colony would require to be framed on quite the same basis ; but I hope to place some further information before honourable members prior to the close of the session. The expenditure last year under the head of Utilisation of Water-power amounted to £2,902 ; but, as it is hoped to make a start with some of the works this year, a vote of £53,000 is now asked for. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The total expenditure on public buildings out of votes under the control of the Minister for Public Works amounted last year to £187,094 —namely, £26,880 under the Consolidated Fund and £160,214 under the Public Works Fund. This is an excess of over £44,000 on the previous year's figures. For the current year votes totalling to £39,437 under the Consolidated Fund and £248,500 under the Public Works Fund are proposed, the increase in the Consolidated Fund vote being due principally to the fact, as already announced in the Financial Statement, that the larger items of expenditure under the head of Maintenance and Renovations of Public Buildings, hitherto borne on the Public Works Fund, are now to be transferred to the Consolidated Fund. In future, therefore, all items for maintenance and repairs will be charged directly to revenue. General. The expenditure under this head amounted to £2,303, none of the items being of any magnitude. For the current year a vote of £18,000 is pro-



posed. This vote provides for making a commencement with the proposed additions to the Parliament Buildings, which will afford increased accommodation which is at present badly required. The complete scheme involves the sweeping-away of the old library wing, which is the oldest portion of the existing structure, and is in a somewhat advanced state of decay. The new erection to take its place and to provide the additional accommodation required will be a modern structure, and will, of course, be built in brick. The vote also provides for the additions to the Departmental Buildings at Napier (now in progress), and for proposed new offices at New Plymouth for the Deeds Registration, Agricultural, and Roads Departments, for making a commencement with the new offices and laboratory for the Geological and Health Departments in Wellington, and the new offices at Hokitika for the Lands and other Departments. It also provides for making a start with the additions to the Departmental Buildings at Auckland, which have been in contemplation for some time and are now much required, and for a number of other minor works. Judicial. Courthouses. —The principal expenditure last year took place in connection with the new Courthouses at Huntly, Tauranga, Dannevirke, and Campbelltown, and the additions at Stratford. Provision is made' on the estimates now submitted for new buildings at Hamilton, Raglan, Kawhia, Waitara, Eltham, Taihape, Masterton, Hawksbury, Kaitangata, and Otautau, for the purchase of a site at Te Kuiti, and for additions at Dargaville, Waihi, Feilding, Palmerston North, Christchurch, Black's, Alexandra, &c. Gaols.- —The expenditure under this head was not at all heavy. It took place principally in connection with the new gaol at Mount Eden (Auckland) and the additions at Wellington. The vote proposed for the current year provides for carrying on the work at Auckland, for new gaols at Gisborne and Invercargill, for substantial additions at Wellington, and for Warders' cottages at Auckland., Napier, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Invercargill. Police-stations. —The principal items in connection with last year's expenditure on police-stations were for the new buildings art Newton, Waiuku, and Christchurch, alterations at Auckland, and additions at Palmerston North and Timaru. The current year's vote provides for completing the work at Christchurch, and for new stations at Helensville, Birkenhead, Newmarket, Avondale, Karangahake, Raglan, Kihikihi, Taumarunui, Taupo, Tolaga Bay, Masterton, Carterton, Collingwood, Kumara, Kaiapoi, Bingsland, Addington, Methven, Waimate, Hampden, and Gore, also new quarters at Wanganui and Nelson, sites at Petone and Newtown, a site and cells at Whangarei, and additions, at Auckland, Waihi, Rotorua, Tauranga, Waipiro, Wellington, Timaru, and Dunedin. Post and Telegraph. A large number of buildings for the Postal Department were in hand during the year. The principal expenditure took place in connection with the new offices at Parnell, Whakarewarewa, Tauranga, Waipiro Bay, New Plymouth, Pungarehu, Waitotara, Bull's, Palmerston North, Otaki, Hutt, Nelson, Collingwood, Millerton, Greymouth, Mornington, Winton, Otautau, and Half-moon Bay, with the additions at Napier, Waipawa, Dannevirke, Pahiatua, Greytown, and Christchurch, alterations at Wellington, and the purchase of properties at Devonport and Linwood. The current year's vote provides for new offices at Whangarei, Waipu, Newmarket, Cambridge, Whakatane, Tuparoa, Tokomaru Bay, Aramoho, Taihape, Kimbolton, Apiti, Rongotea, Manakau, Waikanae, Makuri, Featberston, Johnsonville, Karamea, Brunnerton, Geraldine, Waikouaiti, and Roslyn, for additions at Auckland, Rotorua, Napier, Rangiora, North Dunedin, Gore, Invercargill, and Bluff, for alterations at Gisborne, Wanganui, Feilding, and Blenheim, for new quarters at Te Awamutu, Martinborough, Havelock, and Arrowtown, for additional land and water-supply at Wakapuaka, and for a wharf at Auckland for the Pacific Cable steamer.




Customhouses. The only expenditure under this head was in connection with the completion of the new Customhouse at Wellington. The new vote now proposed provides for some fittings for the same building, and for a proposed new Customhouse at Nelson. Mental Hospitals. The expenditure on buildings of this class was rather less than during the previous year. The principal outlay took place in connection with the Auckland Mental Hospital, the institutions at Porirua, Sunnyside, and Seacliff coming next in order. For the current year a substantial amount of work is contemplated at Auckland, Porirua, Sunnyside, and Seacliff, with less important additions at Wellington, Nelson, Richmond, and Waitati. In addition to this, provision has to be made for considerable alterations and additions to the " Camp," Dunedin, which has been acquired for the accommodation of special cases, also for reception-houses proposed to be established in connection with the institutions at Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. Schools. Last year's expenditure totalled £145,050, of which £75,827 was debited to revenue, and £69,223 to the Public Works Fund. Of the works carried out directly under the control of the Government, the principal structures in hand during the year were the Boys' Training barm, Weraroa, Levin, and the new School for Deaf Mutes, Sumner, also the erection of Native school buildings at Oparure, Tautoro, Paparore, Rangiawhia, Kaiwhata, and additions to the similar buildings at Nuhaka, Whakarewarewa, Kaikohe, and Raukokore. Buildings are now in course of erection at Tokikuku and Mokai, and a teacher's residence at Matata. For the current year, in addition to the vote under the Consolidated Fund, an appropriation of £100,000 is asked for out of the Public Works Fund to provide for school buildings generally, also buildings for Native and industrial schools, reformatories, and school for deaf mutes, &c, also grants for providing for technical and training schools, and for buildings for the Auckland and Otago Universities, Victoria, Canterbury, and Nelson Colleges, and for the Whangarei, Dannevirke, Palmerston North, and Southland High Schools. Other Buildings. Hospitals. —Under the head of General Hospitals an expenditure of £4,736 took place, the principal portion of which was on the new building at Greymouth, smaller sums being spent in connection with the hospitals at Hamilton and Reefton and the Old Men's Home at Nelson. The estimates provide for a total authorisation of £22,245 for the current year, on account of which a vote of £15,000 is proposed. The chief items are in connection with the hospitals at the following places : Manganui, Hokianga, Rawene, Northern Wairoa, Waihi, Te Aroha, Hamilton, Stratford, Palmerston North, Masterton, Greytown, Blenheim, Westport, Greymouth, Kumara, and Hokitika, the St. Helen's Hospitals at Auckland and Christchurch, and the Old People's Homes at Napier and Timaru. Agricultural.— -Not much was done under this head last year, the expenditure having amounted to £2,404 only, and being principally in connection with the chemical laboratory at Wallaceville and the experimental farm at Arataki. For the current year a vote of £4,500 is proposed, which provides for further work at Wallaceville, also buildings at Auckland, Ruakura, Hamilton, Waipiro Bay, Palmerston North, Wellington, Seddon, Hokitika, Balclutha, and the Bluff. Public Health. —Under this head £6,106 was expended, the principal items being the subsidies to the Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards on account of the annexes for consumptives at Wellington and Nelson and for the infectiousdiseases hospital at Palmerston North. An expenditure of between £500 and £600 also took place in connection with the Cambridge Sanatorium.


For the current year an appropriation of £15,000 is asked for, of which again by far the larger portion is for grants for infectious-diseases hospitals and annexes for consumptives—Auckland, Waihi, Palmerston North, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Invercargill all participating. ROADS, BRIDGES, ETC. The particulars of the appropriations administered by the Department of Roads, and the expenditure thereunder for the year 1905-6, are shown in the following table : —

Of the total amount provided for expenditure on works under the control of the Roads Department, therefore, the net sum expended was £364,559. If to this be added the liabilities incurred and outstanding in respect of uncompleted works at the 31st March, 1906, it will be seen that the actual value of work undertaken during the year was £480,257. In addition to this, the Department supervised expenditure on kindred works on behalf of the Mines, the Native, the Lands and Survey, and other Departments to the amount of £11,777. In view of the large appropriation for road-works, it was hoped that more work would have been done. That larger results were not achieved is due entirely to causes over which the officers of the Department had no control, for, notwithstanding their efforts, the extreme wetness of the spring and summer, combined with a scarcity of suitable labour just at the time when such labour was most required, greatly hampered operations. It is to be borne in mind, also, that most of the roads now being constructed are in forest country, and it is obvious that this renders construction-work more costly than in former times. Moreover, the country, as a rule, is very broken, is remote from centres of supply, and is difficult of access. The outdoor work undertaken and completed during the year may be summarised as follows : — Engineering surveys ... ... ... ... ... 633 miles. Dray-roads constructed ... ... ... ... ... 538 „ Bridle-roads constructed ... ... ... ... ... 461 „ Bridges over 30ft. span (162) totalling ... ... ... 16,083 feet. Dray-roads improved (including metalling) ... ... ... 689 miles. Bridle-roads improved ... ... ... ~. ... 161 „ Dray-roads maintained ... ... ... ... ... 2,446 „ Bridle-roads maintained ... ... ... ... ... 1,388 „ The appropriations proposed are as under : — Roads, Departmental ... ... ... ... 18,830 Roads generally ... ... ... ... ... 396,807 Tourist roads ... ... ... ... ... 30,896 Government Loans to Local Bodies Account ... ... 50,000 Total ... ... ... ... ... 496,533


Vote. Number of Items. Amount voted by Parliament for Expenditure. Net Amount Liabilities of Expenditure, at 31st March, 1905-6. 1906. Public Works Fund— Roads, Departmental Roads, &c. Maintenance of main roads Tourist roads, &c. Unauthorised Account 11 2,089 10 126 £ 18,815 446,038 28,000 28,216 £ 18,599 248,480 24,745 15,226 16 £ 153 99,246 1,174 4,986 Total ... 2,236 521,069 307,066 105,559 Land for Settlements Account Loans to Local Bodies Account 36 149 35,000 18,692 38,801 4,052 6,087 Grand totals 2,421 556,069 364,559 115,698



As already announced in the Financial Statement, it is proposed to transfer to the Consolidated Fund the charge for the maintenance of main roads, so that no vote under that head appears on the public-works estimates this year, but the allocation of the amount voted is attached to the estimates, Roads on Goldpields (Mines Department). The vote last year under this head amounted to £57,250, and the expenditure to £45,138. The sum proposed to be authorised for the current year is £75,731, on account of which a vote of £50,000 is proposed. DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS AND MINING. A substantial increase in the production of precious metals and minerals is to he noted this year, the export of gold being the highest for thirty-five years. The output of coal also continues to increase, and new leases are still being applied for on the west coast of the Middle Island. For the year 1905 there was exported from the colony 520,485 oz. gold, of a value of £2,093,936, as against an export for 1904 of 520,320 oz., of a value of £1,987,501. •It is confidently anticipated that the export for this year will exceed that of last year, as the mines all over the colony appear to be in a nourishing condition. The purchase of the Alexandra-Bonanza Race was completed last year, and the surveys of the proposed extension are now sufficiently advanced to allow of the improvement-works being let by contract. When the extension is completed a large area of land will be available for mining by reason of the additional supply of water available. The amount expended last financial year on works for the development of the goldfields was £18,533, while the liabilities at the close of the year amounted to £2,886. It is proposed to take a vote of £40,000 for the current year. TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS. The expenditure under this head during the past year amounted to £15,438, the drainage-works at Rotorua taking £4,009 of the total. For the current year, in order to meet the liabilities in connection with the Rotorua new bath buildings and waterworks, the amounts required under those heads are increased to £14,000 and £15,000 respectively. The completion of the new water system is an important matter, as the present supply is inadequate for the requirements of the new drainage system. It is proposed to erect a suitable bath at Whakarewarewa, for which a vote of £500 is proposed. The Department's premises, baths, and the domain at Te Aroha have been lighted by electricity, and the cost of the work is duly provided for under the vote. The new water-supply for Hanmer is provided for by an increased vote ; and an amount of £800 is taken for the purchase of launches for Lakes Tarawera and Okatina. The necessity for better accommodation at the Hermitage, Mount Cook, has been an urgent matter for some time, and an amount of £500 is asked for on account. For the coming season temporary arrangements are being made to provide additional sleeping-room. The gross authorisation asked for is £51,840, on account of which a vote of £40,000 is proposed. TELEGRAPH-EXTENSION. The expenditure on telegraph and telephone services out of this vote during the year amounted to £77,186. No less than 158 lines were erected or were in hand during the year, in addition to the usual activity in the telephone-exchange extension. New offices were opened in 115 townships, special attention having been paid to offering better facilities to isolated settlements known under the general term " the backblocks."



Of the longer and more important lines mention may be made of Ongarue - Mangaroa, Kaiataia-Herekino, Te Awamutu - Taumarunui, Tarata - Matau, Hunterville - Koeke, Manaroa - Forsyth Bay, Stillwater - Moana, Rakaia - Highbank, Hazelburn, Clinton-Clydevale, Mosgiel - Momona, WaimahakaWaikawa, Mossburn~Te Anau, and metallic circuits and trunk wires on several main lines. To the telephone-exchanges a total of 1,910 subscribers were added. The installation of metallic circuits is still in progress, with most satisfactory results wherever connections have been completed. There are now in the colony 15,333 subscribers. Table No. 6 attached to this Statement indicates the great activity which has been displayed during the past year in the direction of telegraph-extension. In this connection I may remark that the amount expended on the extension of the telegraph system since the advent of the Liberal party to power has exceeded the total expenditure on the same class of work by all their predecessors in office since the inauguration of the public-works policy. The amount asked for this year is £120,000, which includes £25,000 specially set apart for the extension of communication with outlying districts, also a sum to cover the cost of materials under order for the completion of authorised works. LIGHTHOUSES, HARBOUR-WORKS, AND HARBOUR DEFENCES. The expenditure on lighthouse-works during the year was £962, incurred in connection with the completion of the new tower at Cape Campbell. A new fog-signal has been erected at Taiaroa Head at a cost of £690, and is working satisfactorily, the cost having been defrayed out of the Consolidated Fund. The low-level light mentioned in my Statement last year has been erected at Pencarrow Head by the Wellington Harbour Board, by whom it is to be maintained. For the current year a vote of £2,100 is proposed. This makes provision for the connection of some of the lighthouses with the colonial telegraph system, for the erection of a new dwelling for the principal keeper at Nugget Point, and for fog-signals at Godley Head and Moko Hinou. The expenditure during the year on harbour-works amounted to £2,684, the following being the principal works undertaken : Improvement of Waipu and Karamea Rivers, erection of a wharf at Mercury Bay, removal of rocks in Manukau Harbour, protective works at Western Spit (Napier), extension of the wharf at Chatham Islands, and harbour-improvement works at Waikokopu (Hawke's Bay). The removal of rocks at Onehunga was carried out by contract under the supervision of the Department, and the other works were executed by the local authorities, to whom grants were made for the purpose. For the current year it is proposed to renew several of last year's votes which were unexpended, and to provide for the following in addition: Removal of rocks in Helensville Creek; improvement of the Wade, Puhoi, Waitotara, and Waikouaiti Rivers, and Takaka, Point Elizabeth, and Okarito Harbours ; wharves at Kaikoura and Tautuku; Port Waikato and Waikawa Wharf repairs, and a grant for the protective works at the Western Spit, Napier. The amount proposed for expenditure during the year is £5,000. Under the head of Harbour Defences the expenditure was very small, having amounted to £1,300 only. For the current year a vote of £4,000 is proposed. GROSS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS. In addition to the votes already mentioned, the estimates include the following charges : — s, Public Works, Departmental ... ... ... ... ... 14,500 Immigration ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Purchase of Native lands ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Rates on Native lands ... ... .... ... ... 1,000 Contingent defence ... ... ... ... ... ... 35,000 Lands improvement ... .... ... ... ... ... 21,200 thus bringing the total amount of the proposed appropriations up to £2,484,858, as against £2,602,156 last year.


DEPARTMENTAL. Mr. W. H. Hales, who had held the positions of Engineer-in-Chief of the Colony and Colonial Marine Engineer for many years, retired from the public service on a well-earned pension on the 31st March last. Mr. Peter Seton Hay, M.A., M.lnst.C.E., who has been in the service of the Public Works Department for over thirty-one years, and in the position of Superintending Engineer for nearly ten years, has been appointed to succeed him. The vacancy in the Superintending Engineership has been filled by the p omotion of Mr. R. W. Holmes, M.lnst.C.E., who was for some time previously the Department's Inspecting Engineer, and who has been in the service for over thirty-four years. CONCLUSION. My task this year in dealing with and determining the merits of the innumerable applications for grants which have been received has been no less onerous than in previous years. It is impossible to meet the demands of all, and it is inevitable, therefore, that a certain amount of disappointment must be experienced that particular works have not been provided for, but honourable members may rest assured that in allocating the amounts provided for the various works and purposes the fullest consideration and most careful attention has been devoted to the requirements of the different parts of the colony. My chief endeavour has been to treat all fairly and in accordance with the necessities, so far as ways and means will permit, while at the same time serving the best interest of the people as a whole.

iii—D. 1.





TABLES. P ftg , No. I.—Total Expenditure :—Summary showing the Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Works and other Services out of the Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1906 .. .. .. 3 No. 2.— Yearly Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund up to 1903-1906 .. .:. .. 8 No. 3. —Railways :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways, including Valuation of Provincial Lines, to 31st March, 1906 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 No. 4. —Roads : —Statement showing Expenditure on Roads to 31st Maroh, 1906 .. .. .. 6 Nos. 5 and sa.—Development op Goldpields :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Development of Goldfields to 31st March, 1906 .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 No. 6.—Telegraphs :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegraphs to 31st March, 1906 35 No. I. —Public Buildings :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st March, 1906 .. .. .. .".' .'.'"' ..' .. .. .. .. 38 No. 8. —Lighthouses and Harbour-works :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses and Harbour-works and Harbour Defences to 31st March, 1906 ... ~ .. 38

APPENDICES. A pendix A.— Expenditure for the Year :—Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund for the Year 1905-1906 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 . B.—Total Liabilities : —Statement of all Liabilities of the Public Works Department outstanding on 31st Maroh, 1906 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 „ C—Railways and Public Buildings Contracts :—Schedule of Contracts current on Ist April, 1905, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1906 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 , D.—Sleeper Contracts : —Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on Ist April, 1905, and further Contraots entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1906 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 , E.—Annual Report on Public Works, by the Engineer-in-Chief.. .. .. .. 55

I—-D. 1.



TABLE No. 1. Summary showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1906, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Number of Table containing Details. Total Net Expenditure to - 31st March, 1905. durinT^Mon! ll s:. T^^r ditUre AuSs! Con- Total Expenditure I, . Slst tab, 1906. \- : 31st Ma *<*- 19P6. J : 31 S& S^ 90 B. Liabilities. Works. Works. 3 4t 5 and 5A 6 ' 8 18 of 1878 1 1 of 1877 Railways ... ... ...: Roads Development of goldfields ... ... Telegraphs Public buildings ... .... Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences .i • . Departmental ... ... Utilisation of water-power ... ... Coal-exnloration and mine-developnVent Aiding works on Thames gold6elds Immigration Purcliase of Native lands Defence ... ... ... r ... Charges and expenses of raising loans ... Interest and sinking fund ..." ... Kates on Native lands ...;■„ Thermal springs ... ..." Tourist and health resorts Lands improvement Payment to Midland Railway bondholders £ s. d. 20,870,313 2 8 ' '3 2 698,427 152 1,132,990 4 7 3,l86,223 IQV10 1,008,266 13.. O 5' 9-939 9 6 46.7 M 3 : : '0,835 8.. ° ' . 50,000 o o 3.'54.475 8 3 1(2,0)0,645 17 3 819,151 '' 8 1,249,067 10 10 218,500 o o 66,565 1 3 ■4,599 '3 2 55,359 '5 ° 8,357 5 ; 9 150,000 o o £ s.;d, 1021265 8 8 §352,204 8 7 18,532 12 6 77,186 7 2 11165,312 8 5 4.946 o 3 '3>;'6 17 10 2,901 17 I £ s.: d. •21,891,578 11 4 7,191,256 1 9 716,960 7 8 1,210,176 ii- 9 3.35 '.536 8 3 S33,45 6 . 7 4 3,369 10 4 10,835 8 0 50,000 o o 2,163,228 10 7 2,024,422 9 10 8:4,720 3 8 :. 1,249,30212 16 218,500 o o 67,113 17 2 . 14.599 >3 2 71,247 15. 8 9,409 2 6 150,000 o o £ •• d. 196,009 10 8 139,080 6 4 2,886 10 5 83,295 o o 51,967 11 8 158 10 8 3 18 6 22,087,678 2 o 7,330.336 8 1 719,846 18 1 i,293,47i " 9 3,4°3.5°3 19 IJ i,oi3,3" 3 11 533,456 7 4 3,373 8 10 10,835 8 o 50,000 o o 2,163,228 10 7 2,024.473 15 2 868,049 3 8 1,249,302 12 10 218,500 o o 67,472 17 2 14,599 13 2 110,294 12 3 9,802 II 10 150,000 O O Railways. Roads. Development of goldfields. Telegraphs. Public buildings. Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences. Departmental. Utilisation of water-power. Coal-exploration and mine-development. Aiding works on Thames goldfields. Immigration. Purcliase of Native lands. Defence. Charges and expenses of raising loans. Interest and sinking fund. Rates on Native lands. Thermal springs. Tourist and health resorts. Lands improvement. Payment to Midland Railway bondholders. 8.753 2. 4 "13,776 12: 7 35,568 12 o 2 35 2 o 5 1 5 4 13,329 o o .... 547 9" 360 o o tfr 5.888 o 8 1,051 16 9 39,046 16 7 393 9 4 Recovery on account of service of I previous years ) Totals 1,731,686 16 9 1,000 o o 1,730,686 16 9 42,794,865 5 1 1,000 o o 526,671 19 6 43,321,537 4 7 1,000 O o [Recovery on account of service of 1 previous years. 41,063,178 841 42,793,865 5 1 1 43,320,537 4 7 ! Totals. * Includes Paeroa- Waihi Railway Account —£75.000 t Table 4 also contains details of expenditure under Government Loans to Local Bodies Account. J Includes expenditure under Lands Improvement Account, £300,929 123. jd. and £30,000 transferred from Consolidated Fund, previously applied in reduction of "Roads" expenditure. § Includes fi6 163. charged to "Unauthorised." || Includes £5,098 is. 4d. charged to " Unauthorised." _-.11 Includes expenditure under Native Lands Purchase Account, £491,980 is. id. * Includes £3,013 is. 8d. charged to " Unauthorised." tt Includes £450 charged to "Unauthorised." :."

N.B.—The figures in italics, prefixed by " Cr.," are either recoveries on account of services of previous years or receipts-in-aid applied in reduction of expenditure. • Includes expenditure out of Paeroa-Waihi Railway Account, £75,000. f Includes " Unauthorised " £17 * Includes " Unau The totals from 1892-93 to 1896-97, inclusive, include expenditure under Native Lands Purchase Account, and from 1894-95 to 1896-97, inolusive, expenditure under Lands Improvement Account. thorised," £3,013. § Includes " Unauthorised," £5,098. || Inoludes " Unauthorised," £450. 1 For previous expenditure see Roads Class.

2—D. 1.

TABLE No. 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1884-85 to 1905-06.

Description oi Services. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1881. Expendii iure. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1906. 1884-85. 1885-86. 1886-87. 1887-88. 1888-89. 1889-90. 1891-95. 1 1895-%. 1896-97. 1897-98. 1900-1. 1901-2. 1890-91. 1891-92. 1892-93. 1893-91. 1898-99. 1899-1900. 1902-3. 1903-1. 1901-5. 1905-06. £ Immigration .. .. .. •• ■• 2,036,795 £ 57,148 11,675 £ 12,454 £ 15,598 £ 8,791 £ £ 1,823 £ 817 £ £ 343 £ 101 j £ Cr. 10 £ 301 £ 70 £ £ £ £ £ £ Cr. 7 £ 6,482 £ 8,753 £ 2,163,228 867 242 105 385 214 139 142 Public Works Departmental .. •• •• 197,439 197,439 30,157 29,632 25,835 25,090 21,458 12,294 10,264 ! 7,796 7,790 8,406 8,680 14,300 14,892 9,689 10,090 12,572 12,933 17,771 13,949 16,088 12,814 [ 468 j 13,517 533,456 Utilisation of Water-power 2,902 3,370 Railways .. .. .. .. •• •• 10,953,690 10,953,690 663,063 725,496 616,447 403,727 272,077 289,601 Cr.29 180,021 154,417 Cr. 681 220,894 176,304 247,545 197,105 207,231 Cr. 334 351,600 374,192 417,937 717,723 1,333,940 759,753 828,704 779,891 1,021,265 •21,891,579 Payment to Midland Railway Bondholders Roads:— Roads North of Auckland .. ■• •■ 127,531 Main Roads .. .. .. • • " 1 1 099 643 Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges .. .. [ ' ' Roads to open up Lands.. .. .. •- 298,608 Grants-in-Aid .. .. .. •• •• 331,399 Village Settlements Local Bodies Roads on Goldfields .. .. .. •• 36,041 Miscellaneous .. ... .. •• •• 319,245 34,574 30,380 37,165 49,314 149,982 33,163 26,833 37,615 61,794 138,045 30,738 22,294 39,748 57,157 81,264 1,891 3,138 13,756 25,989 61,488 57,632 12,053 264 10,968 26,748 21,954 26,913 10,770 267 12,799 19,998 28,160 2,172 7,345 I 9,905 ' 11,739 12,489 6,843 24,285 I 27,993 1,586 10,757 4,884 3,829 315 | 470 12,687 9,795 12,588 10,443 21,989 7,144 4,412 1 [ 22,235 58,042 22!731 9,972 27,959 17,075 4,289 1 „.. „„„ 1MM.} 241 ' 209 248,934 237,351 267,374 354,687 230,349 316,248 150,000 202,850 1306,065 150,000 8,951 2,898 390 20,387 17,577 "227 21,513 "207 '.'. 32,578 49,569 15,631 3L622 61832 32,625 12^900 25,053 7^015 13j 290 19,490 46,550 48,039 48,417 47,573 51j 690 45,594 26,112 45*139 Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery Roads to give access to North Island Trunk Railway Lands Improvement Account Cr. 91 Cr. 1,270 Cr. 26,519 Cr. 64,954 Cr. 1,613 Cr. 1,030 Or. 7,050 Cr.573 Cr. 365 . Cr. 365 16,023 Cr. 365 Cr. 347 *•' 20,410 1*898 248 0,532 30,289 29^440 34,765 17,841 89,207 ! 1081168 103 '.'. Total, Roads .. .. .. 2,212,467 • • 361,842 228,962 351,204 7,190,256 317,043 335,904 278,617 219,519 106,439 83,009 45,164 36,761 103,893 146,638 150,278 174,369 167,482 j 290,413 295,119 285,043 315,791 402,260 282,039 Development of Goldfields .. .. .. ■• 534,199 534,199 8,029 9,032 7,665 1,016 55 384 821 ' 2,257 3,811 5,272 5,865 9,345 10,508 33,117 17,355 21,815 15,907 15,326 24,213 16,278 6,268 I 18,533 766,961 Purchase of Native Lands .. .. .. ■■ 921,692 921,692 70,572 34,545 ■• i 88,836 25,643 9,072 28,194 17,925 52,897 57,187 Cr. 10,438 19,575 4,320 Cr. 2,428 78,985 349 i Cr. 12 101,009 163,411 Cr. 37 61,503 53,182 Cr. 225 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 6,281 {13,777 Native Lands Purchase Acoount Total, Land Purchases .. .. 921,692 129,000 70,572 34,545 88,836 25,643 9,072 28,194 17,925 52,397 66,324 80,877 101,346 163,411 128,963 61,503 52,957 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 6,281 5,352 6,281 13,777 2,024,422 Telegraph Extension .. .. .. .. 458,218 25,799 36,010 18,952 22,984 12,047 16,346 16,292 27,773 29,245 16,127 19,229 47,227 79,298 77,186 1,210,176 35,538 36,791 29,384 28,551 26,771 50,101 31,729 j 68,578 Public Buildings :— General (including Miscellaneous) .. ..j 154,767 Parliamentary .. .. ... .. .. j 13,747 Judicial .. .. .. .. .. 1 189,555 Post and Telegraph .. .. .. ..j 122,587 Customs .. .. .. .. .. 3,821 Survey .. .. .. .. .. 54 Quarantine Stations .. .. .. ..1 2,815 Hospitals for Mental Diseases .. .. ,.',' 201,050 Public Health .. .. .. .. ... General Hospitals and Charitable Institutions .. 16,983 School-buildings .. .. .. .. 598,175 Agricultural Total, Public Buildings .. .. 1,303,554 183 12,227 8,955 830 313 24,992 11,106 4,880 99 461 123 4,007 3,299 62,884 947 8 15,875 2,772 "274 13,694 4,421 51,607 12,742 24 8,273 2,227 23,107 14,588 82 10,242 7,256 11,246 1,376 18 15,'717 2,880 9,892 1 709 409 . 454 8,901 1,009 13 16,914 1,588 2,779 6,843 5 1J.J887 621 209 5,262 3,154 666 3 18,957 2,523 6,822 ! 11,487 3,542 12 28 306 j 13,633 j 3,724 27,341 6,194 6*7 ! 10,935 8,178 ! 9 14,806 7,504 16,404 j 14,797 466 12,727 5,888 385 14^130 8,764 20,636 11,109 5,168 17" 667 3,957 9,883 19,682 13,483 107 17*712 5,594 3,039 29,630 20,954 875 2,607 18,872 12,513 4,424 : 28,728 40,361 2,066 424 16,743 1,200 38,606 535 9,031 1,503 33,224 74,686 6,630 10 j 167 3^540 57,790 883 10,964 ! 602 25,978 53,918 8,719 ; 15 i 812 I 6,315 4,291 87,089 < 2,504 1 9,021 ' 697 13,083 16,008 1 13,018 I 151949 4,265 1,204 42,721 1,362 2,232 71 15,899 38,419 7,903 16,235 7,926 4,786 69,223 2,618 3,792 66,069 4 456 40,000 673 779 Cr. 140 7^500 7,999 15\0O0 160 837 6,561 20,000 ! 1,127 700 38,148 819 i 23j 864 1,328 899 49,256 447 5,141 33,681 971 43,403 520 117,361 86,859 89,598 90,529 34,592 35,473 22,820 34,791 31,101 44,032 54,190 76,529 70,579 73,585 107,267 115,426 121,364 145,600 197,464 216,192 117,328 §165,312 3,351,536 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences:— Lighthouses .. .. .. .. .. 101,690 Harbour Works .. .. .. .. 284,267 Harbour Defences .. .. .. .. 42,631 7,383 17,050 9,601 300 I 6,508 127,167 3,272 6,004 139,429 2,866 500 73,459 2,504 Cr. 5,000 50,089 1,551 589 7,293 189 2,477 6,642 2,612 "650 2,495 234 j 3,861 3,314 I I 6,067 866 4,667 2,180 568 2,547 3,727 1,777 10,158 3,333 365 5,328 1,017 1,540 3,960 2,060 I 3,421 6,678 6,082 1,373 6,126 6,206 1,773 ! 2,885 2,167 1,308 2,515 962 2,684 1,300 7,347 4,563 3,976 Total, Lighthouses, &u. .. .. 428,588 428,588 34,034 133,975 148,706 76,825 47,593 9,433 2,666 7,347 11,205 6,588 3,145 7,409 11,600 5,295 15,662 9,026 6,517 12,159 13,581 10,864 1,018,168 5,990 4,946 Rates on Native Lands .... 25,139 8,446 10,304 5,874 8,250 2,038 615 Cr. 8 415 561 340 332 | 156 347 744 673 571 j 471 1 666 681 548 87,118 I. i Contingent Defence .. .. .. .. 392,219 392,219 25,000 12,500 5,000 10,554 10,360 18,867 42,810 37,650 146,875 j 37,005 38,723 46,588 35,569 864,780 Tourist and Health Resorts.. .. .. .. j 11,260 j 10,949 15,643 71,248 9,409 1,249,303 17,608 ||15,888 Lands Improvement *1 1,741 2,349 2,019 ; 2,248 1,053 Charges and Expenses of raiBing Loans .. .. 795,412 795,412 13,521 47,258 922 59,448 104,911 3,084 Cr. 3,084 5,356 943 Cr. 6 5 Cr.5 224 28,322 1,460 5,620 j Cr. 516 88,180 j 87,249 ' 10,763 235 Interest and Sinking Funds .. .. .. 218,500 218,500 218,500 10,835 Coal Exploration and Mine Development .. .. 10,835 Thermal Springs 10,835 7,814 2,999 936 2,587 14,600 Advance to Westport Harbour, repayable 14,336 \Cr. 14,336 Total Ways and Means Credits .. Grand Total—Net Expenditure .. 20,463,608 1,336 ,727 1,475,386 , 1,333,484 966,160 : 19,427 613,939 4,383 481,346 26,519 308,633 65,635 325,977 12,059 480,468 3,458 485,002 7,062 590,940 573 705 370 865,172 590 915,736 347 1 992,876 I 1,309,021 516 683,336 659,836 2,142,736 1,514,445 1,796,840 j 1,321,510 1,730,687 ! 42,793,865 ' ' — i ' '





TABLE No. 3. EXPENDITURE on Railways to 31st March, 1906, and Liabilities on that Date.

I I Total Expenditure Total by General ' -c ... , Government to General y 31st March, 1906, n.„.~»..i i» after Distribution Rolling-stock. 8 f g '™ &. of certain Survey Expenditure to Individual Lines. Liabilities. ! Lines of Railway. Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1905. New Works. Construction.! Pe ™^ ent - Expend] rRE during Ye. Land-claims and other Old Liabilities. ,r 1905-6. Surveys. Liabilities. Total Expenditure by General Government, and Liabilities, I 31st March, 1906. Valuation of Works m . , constructed by ; E d ° ture and Provinces liabilities, L,KES 0P Railway. Midland D Railway l31stMarch ' 1906 - Company.§ Total New Works. Works on Open Lines. I Kaihu Valley Kawakawa Whangarei to Kamo Extension .. .. Helensville Northwards Kaipara to Waikato .. .. Cambridge Branch Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha Te Aroha to Thames .. .. Paeroa to Waihi Thames Valley to Rotorua— Morrinsville to Lichfield Putaruru to Rotorua Marton to Te Awamutu— North End Central South End .. .. Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Gisborne to Rotorua .. .. ... Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension Wellington to Foxton Foxton to Waitara Mount Egmont Branch. .. .. ... Stratford to Ongarue .. .. Nelson to Roundell Midland Railway— Nelson End .." .. .. • : .. Stillwater to Inangahua Brunnerton to Otira Springfield End Greymouth to Point Elizabeth Greymouth to Brunnerton Greymouth to Hokitika and Ross Westport to Ngakawau Westport to Inangahua .. Ngahere to Blackball Picton to Waipara— Picton to Cheviot Waipara to Cheviot Hurunui to Waitaki— Main Line Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Lyttelton Branch Southbridge Branch .. .... Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches Fairlie Creek Branch .. .. .. Waimate Branch Ashburton Forks Branch Upper Ashburton Branch Little River Branch Canterbury Interior Main Line— Oxford to Malvern Whitecliffs to Rakaia Temuka to Rangitata Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chalmers Branch .. £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 120,962 17 7 165,077 17 10 167,649 13 4 1,228,241 15 1 51,110 9 9 139,835 0 5 185,015 1 4 122,722 12 6 161,693 0 10 193,265 1 9 723,408 3 1 755,377 6 5 4,975 1 7 109,425 19 11 840,243 11 6 1,258,779 12 8 42,116 3 4 1,424,246 10 4 2,835 17 1 52,964 1 8 165,669 11 0 57,476 10 8 30,768 9 5 {135,154 18 6 238,673 1 6 62,540 11 10 {150,512 11 11 244,506 16 0 188,008 17 3 27,879 8 0 828,218 12 7 153,710 3 6 1,574,091 1 9 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 78,268 8 4 88,689 18 5 94,796 13 8 66,872 12 5 47,953 11 8 •74,214 6 2 61,582 16 9 107,625 18 2 £ s. d. j 4,733 19 6 4,779 9 8 24,318 7 6 16,187 13 2 i 106,743 10 5 I 18,084 12 8 i 95,689 18 5 16,711 7 11 10,247 15 9 10,895 13 4 65 15 6 13,116 16 6 15,587 16 5 14,517 7 4 75,989 18 5 2,637 18 9 17,073 12 11 2,896 3 8 9,256 12 8 5,866 17 7 28,684 15 9 £ s. d. 282' 6 0 556 15 2 2,852 6 4 15,773 2 7 7,402" 6 8 1,241 14 2 7,347' 1 5 4,818 18 0 3,875 18 4 42 13 11 9,463 8 2 2,626 13 7 £ s. d. 5,016 5 6 5,336 4 10 24,318 7 6 19,039'19 6 122,516 13 0 18,084 12 8 103,092 5 1 17,953' 2 1 17,594 17 2 10,895 13 4 65 15 6 17,935 9 6 19,463 14 9 14,517 7 4 76,032 12 4 2,637 18 9 26,537 1 1 2,896 3 8 9,256 12 8 5,866 17 7 31,311 9 4 £ s. d. 10,637 8 10 2,082 14 6 9,896 2 11 15,091 10 6 5,081 1 0 39 10 5 39 10 5 " .. 166' 1 9 2,243 10 9 14,322 13 10 £ s. d. ai 18 10 52 10 0 Gr. 3 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d £ s. d. £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 55,044 17 1 I 125,979 3 1 125,979 3 1 170,414 2 8 170,414 2 8 191,968 0 10 191,968 0 10 1,238,879 3 11 1,238,879 3 11 51,110 9 9 51,110 9 9 139,835 0 5 139,835 0 5 187,097 15 10 187,097 15 10 11141,762 12 0 11141,762 12 0 j 161,693 0 10 161,693 0 10 193,265 1 9 193,265 1 9 845,924 16 1 845,924 16 1 I 18,084 12 8 18,084 12 8 858,469 11 6 858,469 11 6 4,975 1 7 4,975 1 7 127,379 2 0 128,319 7 3 850,139 14 5 850,139 14 5 1,273,871 3 2 1,273,871 3 2 I 42,116 3 4 42,116 3 4 1,429,327 11 4 1,429,327 11 4 20,430 14 3 20,430 14 3 63,859 15 0 63,859 15 0 165,757 0 4 165,757 0 4 75,412 0 2 75,412 0 2 50,271 14 7 50,271 14 7 {149,764 6 3 149,764 6 3 314,705 13 10 314,705 13 10 65,178 10 7 65,178 10 7 {150,012 11 11 150,512 11 11 271,209 18 10 271,209 18 10 188,008 17 3 188,008 17 3 2,896 8 8 7,279 4 8 37,136 0 8 37,136 0 8 336,326 0 11 336,326 0 11 185,021 12 10 185,021 12 10 1,588,413 15 7 1,588,413 15 7 51,467 7 11 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 44,276 12 10 78,268 8 4 78,268 8 4 88,689 18 5 88,689 18 5 94,796 13 8 94,796 13 8 66,872 12 5 66,872 12 5 47,953 11 8 47,953 11 8 I •74,469 9 3 '74,469 9 3 ' 61,582 16 9 61,582 16 9 I 107,633 18 7 107,633 18 7 53,649 0 4 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 542 6 2 5,102 2 8 5,152 2 8 £ s. d. 93 2 3 93 2 2 520 12 7 53,220 13 6 1,150 10 4 4,690 10 4 353 9 5 1,068 5 1 161 12 5 835 17 0 56 11 5 9,414 0 6 8,255 4 6 6,923 18 2 551 6 7 1,151 16 2 £ s. d. 93 2 3 93 2 2 520 12 7 53,220 13 6 1,150 10 4 4,690 10 4 353 9 5 1,068 5 1 161 12 5 835 17 0 56 11 5 9,414 0 6 8,255 4 6 6,923 18 2 551 6 7 1,151 16 2 £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 S 126,072 5 4 ! 170,507 4 10 r 192,488 13 5 1,238,879 3 11 51,110 9 9 139,835 0 5 187,097 15 10 141,762 12 0 161,693 0 10 193,265 1 9 I 899,145 9 7 : ' 19,235 3 0 863,160 1 10 4,975 1 7 128,672 16 8 850,139 14 5 1,273,871 3 2 42,116 3 4 1,429,327 11 4 21,498 19 4 64,021 7 5 165,757 0 4 1 76,247 17 2 50,328 6 0 1 159,178 6 9 322,960 18 4 65,178 10 7 150,512 11 11 ! 278,133 17 0 188,008 17 3 7,279 4 8 37,136 0 3 336,877 7 6 186,173 9 0 1,588,413 15 7 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 78,268 8 4 88,689 18 5 94,796 13 8 66,872 12 5 47,953 11 8 74,469 9 3 61,582 16 9 107,633 18 7 £ s. d. 78,306 19 9 I 543,573 17 9 61,579 5 7 316,135 0 0 £ s. dJ £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 I Kaihu Valley. 126,072 5 4 Kawakawa. 170,507 4 10 ' Whangarei to Kamo Extension. 192,488 13 5 I Helensville Northwards. 1,238,879 3 11 I Kaipara to Waikato. 51,110 9 9 ! Cambridge Branch. Waikato to Thames— 139,835 0 5 j Hamilton to Te Aroha. 187,097 15 10 Te Aroha to Thames. 141,762 12 0 Paeroa to Waihi. Thames Valley to Rotorua— 161,693 0 10 Morrinsville to Lichfield. 193,265 1 9 I Putaruru to Rotorua. Marton to Te Awamutu— 899,145 9 7 North End. 19,235 3 0 i Central. 863,160 1 10 J South End. 4,975 1 7 ; Gisborne to Ormond Tramway. 128,672 16 8! Gisborne to Rotorua. j Wellington to Napier— 850,139 14 5 I Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North. 1,273,871 3 2 Wellington to Woodville,including. Te Aro Extension. 42,116 3 4 i Wellington to Foxton. 1,429,327 11 4 , Foxton to Waitara. 21,498 19 4 ; Mount Egmont Branch. 64,021 7 5 ' Stratford to Ongarue. 165,707 0 4 ! Nelson to Roundell. i Midland Railway— 78,306 19 9 154,554 16 11 Nelson End. \ 543,573 17 9 753,080 10 6 j £™™^^. gahua - j I Brunnerton to Otira. 61,579 5 7 384,040 3 11 Springfield End. 65,178 10 7 Greymouth to Point Elizabeth. 150,512 11 11 Greymouth to Brunnerton. ** 278,133 17 0 Greymouth to Hokitika and Ross. 188,008 17 8 Westport to Ngakawau. 7,279 4 8 Westport to Inangahua. 37,136 0 8 Ngahere to Blackball. Picton to Waipara— 336,877 7 6 Picton to Cheviot. 186,173 9 0 Waipara to Cheviot. Hurunui to Waitaki— 316,135 0 0 1,904,548 15 7 Main Line. 51,467 7 11 Oxford Branch. 44,276 12 18 Eyreton Branch. 340,500 0 0 418,768 8 4 Lyttelton Branch. 88.689 18 5 Southbridge Branch. 94,796 13 8 Springfield* Whitecliffs Branches 75,124 0 0 141,996 12 5 Fairlie Creek Branch. 47,953 11 8 Waimate Branch. 74,469 9 3 Ashburton Forks Branch. 61,582 16 9 Upper Ashburton Branoh. 107,633 18 7 Little River Branch. . Canterbury Interior Main Line— 53,649 0 4 Oxford to Malvern. 542 6 2 Whitecliffs to Rakaia. 5,152 2 8 Temuka to Rangitata. Waitaki to Bluff— 82,258 17 3 2,728,336 6 11 Main Line, including Port Chalmers Branch. 37,500 0 0 134,031 16 11 Duntroon Branch. 58,009 0 0 83,900 11 9 Ngapara Branch. . 1,415 8 10 Fernhill Railway Purchase. 12,829 0 0 19,302 14 9: Brighton Road Branch. 29,691 0 0 41,642 7 6j Outram Branch. 162,918 9 6 Lawrence Branch. 82,784 18 10 Livingstone Branch. 33,190 18 8 Waihemo Branch. 163,989 5 5 Catlin's River Branch. 122,772 2 0| Heriotburn Branch. 110,820 4 5 Waimea Plains Branch. 52,307 4 8 Toitois Branch. 12.690 14 1 Riversdale to Switzers. 602 2 5 Kelso to Gore. 1 ■ - 115,043 ■ 0 5 Seaward Bush to Catlin's. 1,217,760 18 2 Otago Central. Invercargill to Kingston— 91,937 5 2 398,570 15 7 \ Main Line. 27,216 18 7 | Mararoa Branch. fin 9Q7 n 0 324 184 3 10 ! I Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau. 00,297 0 O dZ4,iS4 d 1U ! (Thornbury to Wairio. 22,983 14 5 : Forest Hill. 10,336 19 11 Expenses of Railway Commissions, &c, not chargeable to Individual Lines. Surveys of New Lines— 24,660 16 2 North Island. 5,554 1 0 Middle Island. 25,000 0 0 Permanent-way for Railway Department. 3,812,808 4 9 Rolling-stock. 340,500 0 0 75,124 0 0 255 3 1 8 0 5 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 2,615,638 3 1 30,439 6 7 2,646,077 9 8 2,646,077 9 8 2,646,077 9 8 82,258 17 3 Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch " .. Fernhill Railway Purchase Brighton Road Branch Outram Branch .. .. Lawrence Branch Livingstone Branch .. .. .. Waihemo Branch Catlin's River Branch Heriotburn Branch Waimea Plains Branch Toitois Branch Biversdale to Switzers Kelso to Gore Seaward Bush to Catlin's Otago Central Invercargill to Kingston— Main Lino ■.-. ..-• .... ..■ Mararoa Branch - .. .. Makarewa to Orepuk and Waiau Thornbury to Wairio .. .. ... j Forest Hill Expenses of Railway Commissions and other Expenditure not chargeable to Individual Lines 96,531 16 11 25,891 11 9 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 161,885 7 2 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 152,769 17 8 120,559 3 10 110,820 4 5 52,307 4 8 12,660 13 11 602 2 5 112,365 0 5 1,141,208 14 4 999 9 10 5,912' 5 6 2,212 18 2 999 9 10 5,912" 5 6 2,212 18 2 96,531 16 11 96,531 16 11 25,891 11 9 25,891 11 9 i 1,415 8 10 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 0,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 11,951 7 6 162,884 17 0 162,884 17 0 82,784 18 10 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 ■■ 33,190 18 8 158,682 3 2 160,747 17 4 122,772 2 0 122,772 2 0 110,820 4 5 110,820 4 5 1 - 52,307 4 8 52,307 4 8 12,690 14 1 12,690 14 1 I 602 2 5 602 2 5 115,043 0 5 115,043 0 5 j 1,213,971 5 8 1,213,971 5 8 .. ■• 306,683 10 5 -306,633 10 -5 ■ 27,216 18 7 27,216 18 7 263,863 4 3 263,863' 4 3 22,983 14 5 22,983 14 0 10,336 19 11 10,336 19 11 33 12 6 3,241 8 1 3,789 12 6 23 19 7 33 12 6 3,241 8 1 3,789 12 6 96,531 16 11 25,891 11 9 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 ! 162,918 9 6 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 163,989 5 5 122,772 2 0 110,820 4 5 52,307 4 8 12,690 14 1 602 2 5 115,043 0 5 i 1,217,760 18 2 37,500 0 0 58,009 0 0 12,829 0 0 29,691 0 0 30 0 2 30 0 2 2,678 0 0 56,724 0 11 2,678 0 0 72,259 16 3 .. 15,535 15 4 502 15 1 ■ 305,333 15 8 27,216 18 7 1,299 14 9 306,633 10-5 27,216 18 7 91,937 5 2 262,833 9 2 970 1 3 970 1 3 59 13 10 23 19 7 1 263,887 3 10 60,297 0 0 22,733 19 3 10,336 19 11 249 15 2 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 Surveys of New Lines— North Island Middle Island Permanent-way for Railway Department 24,617 12 3 9,598 1 9 25,000 0 0 982 11 2 2,404 14 5 I 25,600 3 5 24,659 18 2 12,002 16 2 5,554 1 0 25,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 ) 24,660 16 2 5,554 1 0 25,000 0 0 Rolling-stock .. Stock, Mar. 31,1905, Permanent-way, £42,064 18 10 3,464,227 13 7 42,064 18 10 258,688 14 6 3,722,916 8 1 3,722,916 8 1 89,891 16 8 89,891 16 8 i 3,812,808 4 9 Stock of Permanent-way increased by 31,271 16 7 £73,336 15 5 20,870,313 2 8 31,271 16 7 13,330 15 5 73,336 15 5 10,577 10 11 10,577 10 11 I 83,914 6 4 83,914 6 4 Stock of Permanent-way. Total .. 92,355 0 0 130 17 8 3,387 5 7 ,688 14 6 t21,891,578 11 4 it21,891,578 11 4 i 196,099 10 8 I I j 22,087,678 2 0 jl, 787,741 5 6 1,787,741 5 6 23,875,419 7 6|.. ..Total. 20,901,584 19 3t 563,612 19 8 71,818 14 8 1635,431 14 4 i • Does not include amount expended out of Consolidated F { £15,959 expended between Brunnerton and Nelson Creek, transfi 'und, £35 15s. 7d. t Inc arred to Brunnerton-Otira item, iludes amount e: , 1904. § 1 cpended on purchase of district railways, £477,' .lso includes value for £150,000 paid to debentv 187 7s. lid. I ire-holders und< )oes not include expenditure under Hutt Road and Rail ir " The Midland Railway Petitions Settlement Act Ami way Improvement, and Railway Impi moment Act, 1903." 11 Inclui ovements Authorisation Act Accounts. les £75,000 under Paeroa-Waihi Railway Account.



TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, Bridges, &c., out of the Public Works Fund and Government Loans to Local Bodies' Account, for the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

3-D. 1.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. 03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 Roads, etc. Auckland Road District— Ahipara to Herekino Auckland Special Settlement to Mangakahia Aueriri River Clearing Awanui to Mangonui, via Taipa Awanui to Waipapakauri Awanui to West Coast Bald Hill (deviation) Broadwood to Herekino Christie's Plat to Main Road Duncan Road Fairburn Road (Victoria Valley Road to Peria) .. Great North Road to Otukai Herd's Point to Takahue Herekino to Kaitaia Herekino to Whangape Herekino Wharf Road Horeke to Section 1, Block XII, Mangamuka Survey District Horeke to Taheke Huehue Huehue Block to Punakitere Settlement Road Hukerenui Railway-station to Riponui Iwitaua to Mangamuka (£200, £1 for £1) Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Whangarei Hokianga Bay of Islands Mangonui Bay of Islands £ B. d. 318 4 5 205 5 6 33 0 0 5 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 208 14 0 191 13 1 314 19 7 320 0 0 59 7 2 370 1 6 121 17 0 2 4 0 7 14 0 142 9 9 Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga 20 21 22 23 24 Whangarei Whangaroa and Hokianga Whangarei Whangaroa 66 11 0 46 12 8 7 18 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 25 2G 27 28 Jordan to Ramarama Kaeo to Matauri.. Kaeo to Whangaroa Kaikohe to Dargaville, via Mangakahia 200 0 0 70 0 0 125 0 0 894 7 0 29 30 31 32 Kaikohe to Huehue Kaikohe to Kawaka Kaikohe to Kawakawa, via Ngapipito Kaikohe to Rawene Bay of Islands, Hobson, and Hokianga Hokianga and Bay of Islands Ditto Bay of Islands Hokianga and Bay of Islands Mangonui 10 16 0 13 8 0 486 6 0 342 17 9 35 36 37 40 42 43 44 40 47 48 Kaitaia to Ahipara Kaitaia to Awanui Kaitaia to Dairy Factory Ketetangariki Block to Mangakahia-Dargaville Road Kohukohu to Mangamuka Ferry Kohukohu to Motukaraka, via Ruca Valley Kohukohu to Rakautapu .. Maire to Herekino Mangamuka Ferry Mangamuka to Oruru Hokianga 81 15 0 300 0 0 62 19 4 193 11 8 99 8 0 188 17 4 178 19 0 18 8 0 65 7 9 6 6 0 Hokianga and Mangonui Mangonui 50 51 52 53 57 58 Mangatoetoe Mangonui Beaoh Road to Junction Mangonui to Cable-station Matawherohia to Kaeo .. .. ,. Ohaeawai to Waitangi Okaihau to Horeke Whangaroa Bay of Islands Hokianga and Bay of Islands Bay of Islands 65 0 0 98 5 0 114 12 11 . 93 0 0 150 0 0 282 15 1 59 60 62 03 05 60 67 68 Okaihau to Kaikohe Okaihau to Kerikeri Okaihau Settlement (£1 for £1) Okaihau to Waihou Omanaia to Hokianga Heads Omapere Survey District, Blocks IX and X Omapere to Waimamaku Settlement Opanaki to Hokianga Hokianga 5 15 0 117 2 4 50 0 0 100 0 0 273 1 3 29 5 6 42 8 0 198 17 9 Hokianga and Hobson Hokianga Bay of Islands Whangarei Bay of Islands and Kaipara Bay of Islands 69 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 81 85 87 Opouteke to Mangakahia Opua to Waimate Opuawhanga to Helena Bay Opuawhanga to Whananaki Oruru to Hikurangi Oruru to Kohumaru Oruru to Taipa Otaua Otonga Main Road Paiaka to Hukerenui (£1 for £1) Parahaki to Russell Peria to Mangonui Mangonui 242 1 11 27 0 0 75 14 9 50 0 0 107 7 8 20 19 6 265 11 6 48 14 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 82 17 0 114 3 0 Hokianga Whangarei Bay of Islands Mangonui



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. I Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 19C6. 08 89 92 94 97 98 99 100 108 110 112 114 115 116 119 120 122 127 129 130 132 134 140 144 145 147 148 149 150 151 153 157 158 165 166 167 168 169 171 173 175 Roai.8, etc. — continued. Auckland"Road District— continued. Peria to Victoria Valley Post-office Pupuke to Kaeo Purohata Valley Ramarama Valley Rangatira Improved-farm Settlement Ratigiahua Bridge Rangiahua to Umawhero Takahue to Herekino Takahue Village to Victoria Valley Road Te Rore to Victoria Valley Totara Foreshore Towai to Hukerenui Towai to Ramarama Umawhero to Victoria Valley Unahi Uwhiroa Valley Waimamaku to Opanaki-Hokianga Road Waimamaku to Pakanae Waimamaku Settlement Waimatanui Waiotemarama Waoku Extension Block (aocess) Whananaki (Coast Road) Whangae to Opua Whangape to Manganuiowae via Rotokakahi Blook Whangaroa Coast Road Whangaroa County roads Woodville to Port Awanui Cemetery Hill Deviation (Matakana), (£3 for £1) .. Dibble's Bridge to Whangaripo Creamery Great North Road to Ngunguru Hoteo Parish, bridge at Section 95, Block I Mangakahia Bridge to Dargaville Mangakahia Bridge to Mangakahia Church Mangapai to Maungakaramea Mangawai Bridge (£250, £1 for £1) .. Mareretu Central Matakana to Tauwharanui Matakana to Whangaripo Range Road.. Maungaturoto to Cove via Rowsell's Mangonui Whangaroa Hokianga Bay of Islands Hokianga Mangonui « • • Whangaroa Bay of Islands Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands £ s. d. 125 7 5 539 12 8 98 8 6 192 17 5 85 11 0 119 3 6 169 10 2 200 0 0 24 15 0 99 19 10 105 18 9 179 13 2 18 0 157 8 0 72 5 0 74 11 0 134 0 6 250 14 1 332 18 11 41 6 0 132 19 6 96 12 8 100 0 0 72 18 10 3 15 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 110 11 4 33 0 11 15 14 0 100 0 0 40 1 4 116 6 11 197 11 0 50 0 0 286 9 4 50 0 1 25 13 5 10 12 6 100 0 0 Whangarei Bay of Islands Hokianga Whangaroa Mangonui Rodney Marsden Whangarei Rodney Whangarei & Hobson Whangarei Rodney Otamatea Rodney Whangarei and Ota matea Otamatea 176 177 178 179 180 181 183 185 188 190 192 Maungaturoto to Waikiekie.. Maungaturoto Wharf Road Maunu to Maungakahia, via Maungatapere North Albertland to Hakaru Creamery (£1 for £1) North River Road Pakiri Parish (Sections 119 and 115) Paparoa to Waikiekie Puhoi to Warkworth Te Arai to Mangawai Waikiekie to Mareretu Waipu to Mangawai Whangarei Rodney Whangarei Rodney Otamatea Rodney 92 8 6 94 11 4 100 0 0 54 12 6 11 14 6 13 10 6 27 5 6 5 12 6 25 0 0 91 18 0 100 0 0 Otamatea Whangarei and Otamatea Otamatea Whangarei Rodney 162 13 9 100 0 0 169 0 0 2 4 0 42 14 1 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 124 18 4 0 16 0 100 0 0 57 16 11 50 0 0 14 16 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 8 13 0 8 2 6 7 9 0 14 2 10 134 16 0 88 3 3 1 12 10 250 0 0 2 0 0 5 10 0 193 194 196 197 198 199 200 202 203 206 211 212 213 215 216 217 218 220 224 225 226 227 228 229 232 233 Waipu to Mareretu Waipu Riding Waiwhiu Stream Bridge Waiwhiu Valley Waiwhiu to Whangaripo Range Road .. WalktrRoad Warkworth to Ahuroa Railway-station Warkworth to Matakana Wayby Creamery to Dibble's Bridge Whangaripo to To Arai Aratapu Wharf (£1 for £1) .. Avoca Settlement roads Awakino to Kaikohe (£50, £1 for £1) .. Bickerstaffe to Maungaturoto Dargaville to Awakino (£1 for £1) Dargaville to Whangarei County Boundary Helensville to Port Albert .. Hemphill Hill (Maungaturoto to Paparoa) Katui to Waipoua Kirikopini to Mangakahia Kirk Road (Katui to Orangi) Le Noel Road Lindquist Road .. Lusk Road Makarau Railway-station to Kaukapakapa Makarau Railway.station to West Coast Road Whangarei Rodney Hobson Otamatea Hobson Hobson & Whangarei Rodney & Waitemata Otamatea Hokianga Hobson Hokianga Otamatea Kaipara Kaipara & Marsden Kaipara Hobson Waitemata Rodney & Waitemata



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. .03 234 235 236 239 240 241 243 245 246 247 248 249 250 253 254 255 256 257 Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Mangatu to Katui Marlborough Association Maropiu to Kairara Maungaru Settlement Mangawhare to West Coast (£1 for £1).. Mititai Okahu Otamatea to Batley Pahi to Paparoa Paparoa to Matakohe Paparoa to Maungaturoto Paradise Road Port Albert to Wellsford Junotion (£50, £1 for £1) Prie to Tokatoka-Mangapai Road Puhoi to Makarau .. .. Raupo to Creamery Raupo to Matakohe Taita Railway-station to Block III, Kaihu Survey District Tangiteroria to Whangarei County Boundary (£1 for £1) Tangowahine to Avoca .. : Tauhoa Block to Ahuroa Railway-station Tokatoka to Mangapai Hokianga Hobson Otamatea Hobson Otamatea Hobson Rodney Otamatea Rodney & Waitemata Otamatea Kaipara £ s. d. 127 14 0 41 16 9 20 3 7 15 7 11 100 0 0 4 11 5 200 0 0 76 18 4 97 9 1 135 19 6 138 2 4 100 0 0 150 0 0 6 0 0 5 12 6 90 8 11 15 17 0 150 0 0 Hobson 259 100 0 0 260 262 267 Rodney Whangarei, Hobson, and Otamatea Otamatea 50 0 0 10 0 40 1 0 268 269 270 271 273 276 279 288 292 293 295 296 297 299 Tokatoka Swamp Tokatoka Swamp (Main access road) Waima to Opouteke Wairere to Paparoa Whakapirau Birkenhead to Albany Great Barrier Island (Harataunga to Port Fitzroy) Puhoi District to Tahekeroa Railway-station Te Pua Creamery Road Wade to Dairy Flat Wainui to Kaukapakapa Railway-station Waiwera to Wainui Cabbage Bay to Port Jackson Coromandel to Thames Hokianga Otamatea Waitemata No oounty Rodney & Waitemata Waitemata Waitemata Thames 193 18 9 145 7 0 72 0 0 61 15 4 192 15 4 . 100 0 0 50 0 0 201 14 0 75 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 159 8 5 200 0 0 106 10 0 Waitemata & Rodney Coromandel Coromandel and Thames Coromandel Eden 303 305 306 308 313 316 318 Tiki to Kouma Newmarket Bridge (contribution) Orakei Wharf Cattle-road Huia to Whatipu (£1 for £1) Ardmore Range Road Clevedon to Orere Great South Road (Otahuhu and Papatoitoi Road Districts) Hunua to Railway-station Otau .. Otau to Hunua Tamaki Bridge to Spragg's Creamery (£1 for £1) .. Turanga to Maraetai Wairoa River to Otau Akaaka Creek (improvement) (£1 for £1) Akaaka Swamp Road Akaaka Swamp Road to Pukekohe Railway-station (£150, £4 for £1) Awaroa, Block XI (road to Seotion 144) Awaroa Creek (snagging) (£1 for £1) .. Awhitu Wharf Road to Morrison's, via Orua Bay .. Bombay to Maketu Box Road (£1 for £1) Bregmen's Landing to Mercer Clinch Road to Huntly Drury to Waiuku, via Karaka French's Gully bridges and approaches Glen Murray to Woodleigh Great South Road (Drury to Mercer) Hetherington Road Huntly to Kahuruhuru Huntly University Endowment (Rayner's Road) .. Kauri Klondyke Koheroa (Section 37 to Seotion 42) Matahura Valley to Proctor's Maungatawhiri Stream Maungatawhiri to Waitakaruru McPherson Road, Block X, Piako Survey Distriot Mercer to Rangiriri Waitemata Manukau Parnell Eden Manukau 50 0 0 11 8 7 845 14 0 50 0 0 48 4 1 103 4 4 100 0 0 322 323 324 325 326 328 829 330 331 Franklin ' ' i 239 5 3 60 0 0 178 4 4 100 0 0 74 14 0 97 1 6 23 0 0 1 10 7 150 0 0 332 333 336 337 339 340 341 342 343 344 347 348 349 351 352 353 354 357 360 361 362 363 Raglan Manukau Raglan Waikato Manukau Raglan Manukau Raglan w 170 12 1 60 0 0 43 3 1 32 14 0 18 10 0 288 10 7 28 2 7 60 18 7 215 9 7 73 9 11 94 13 8 105 15 2 187 11 8 99 0 6 16 0 0 13 5 0 46 18 0 46 8 4 65 10 1 115 0 6 4 15 7 5 6 11 Waikato Raglan Manukau Waikato Manukau Waikato Waikato and Manukau Raglan 364 Moewaka 5 9 0



TABLE No. 4— continued STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote Item No. ! No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. .03 365 366 367 Roads, etc.— continued. Auckland Road Disteict — continued. Morrinsville to Maukoro Ngaruawahia to Huntly West Ohinewai Railway-station to Ngarua Block Piako Raglan Waikato and Ohinemuri Manukau Raglan Franklin £ s. d. 9 18 8 104 4 2 469 8 1 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 377 378 379 380 381 Otau a Creek (snagging) (£1 for £1) Pepepe Parish (access to Section 215) Ponganui Road Puriri (Huntly to Pukemiro) Puriri to Huntly Taniwha Creek Bridle-traok Te Kirikiri Tuakau Bridge to Pukekawa Tuakau Bridge to Railway Tuakau Bridge to Waingaro Tuakau to Port Waikato Turner's Junction to West Coast (through Block VI, Awaroa) Waerenga and Taniwha Bridges Waingaro to Waingaro Landing Wairangi Railway-station, towards Rangiriri Waiuku (£1 for £1) Waiuku Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Waiuku to Awhitu Waiuku to Pukekohe (Mauku Road District, £150) Whangape Parish (Sections 126,127, and 128) Whangarata (£1 for £2) Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering and supervision Waikato Raglan 50 0 0 99 19 5 97 3 11 25 1 6 3 8 0 246 5 0 1 19 2 210 7 3 35 17 8 165 0 0 50 0 0 97 17 3 Manukau Raglan 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 401 402 Manukau Raglan Waikato Manukau 59 13 9 46 2 6 10 9 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 45 18 6 200 0 0 144 4 5 50 0 0 455 16 4 99 13 7 Raglan Manukau Total—Auckland £26,157 19 1 403 404 405 407 409 411 412 415 416 417 419 420 421 422 423 425 426 427 428 429 Te Kuiti Road District— Komakorau Parish (road to Section 232) Te Puroa Awaroa to Mahoe Billington's Hill Caves Road Fencourt French Pass to Taotaoroa Hauturu Hauturu to Otorohanga Hutewai Kaimango Kairimu Kakepuku Karioi to Te Mata Kauri.. Kauroa to Pakoka Kawa Kawhia to Aotea Kihi .. Kihikihi to Otorohanga Waikato Raglan Kawhia Raglan Waitomo Waikato Piako Waitomo & Kawhia Waitomo Kawhia & Waitomo Kawhia Awakino Waitomo Raglan Kawhia Kawhia and Raglan Waitomo Kawhia Franklin Waikato 73 17 6 349 14 11 616 11 2 12 12 0 192 5 9 121 8 0 99 19 4 214 8 6 337 4 7 28 3 5 150 3 7 174 9 2 140 1 2 107 17 6 300 11 6 194 12 8 177 7 4 24 17 0 442 15 10 93 8 5 433 434 435 436 488 440 441 442 444 448 449 450 452 453 454 456 457 458 459 460 462 463 464 465 466 468 Kokakaroa Mahoe Mairoa to Te Kumi Mangakino Mangamahoe Bridge Mangaokahu Mangaorino Mangaorongo Bridge (Kihikihi to Otorohanga) Mangapohue Marokopa Valley Matakotea Maungatawhiri to Raglan Oamaru Okete River Bridge (Kauroa) Okupata Omanawa Bridge Opotoru Bridge (£500 on account of £1,000) Otorohanga to Hangatiki-Waitomo Road Otorohanga to Ouruwhero Otorohanga to Pirongia Pakihi to Okete Papanui to Te Toto Pehehau Pirongia to Kawhia Pirongia West Puketarata No. 2 Waitomo and West Taupo Waitomo Kawhia Waitomo Raglan and Kawhia Waitomo Raglan Waitomo 234 18 1 268 12 9 10 6 6 66 9 6 95 14 1 160 11 10 88 12 7 238 17 8 301 0 11 329 16 0 8 10 2 218 15 0 170 11 0 83 10 0 228 8 3 134 3 0 Cr. 497 17 6 11 4 0 354 4 1 398 15 0 297 4 0 41 0 5 79 10 10 497 5 2 296 19 7 200 0 0 Waitomo & Awakino Kawhia and Awakino Raglan Waitomo Raglan Kawhia Raglan Waitomo Kawhia and Raglan Raglan Waitomo & Kawhia Kawhia Waitomo and West Taupo Raglan Waikato & Egmont Waikato 469 470 472 473 474 Raglan to Ngaruawahia Raglan to Waipa Ruapuke to Aotea Ruapuke (Mountain Road) Shea Road 176 0 0 79 19 0 98 12 5 107 9 8 180 4 5 Kawhia



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. I Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. .03 475 476 477 478 479 481 482 483 484 487 489 490 491 494 496 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 507 509 512 515 516 517 521 522 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 533 536 537 538 539 510 542 543 548 550 551 552 553 Roads, etc.— continued. Te Kuiti Road District— continued. Tapuae • .. Taumatatotara Tawarau Te Kuiti to Otorohanga Te Kumi Bridge Te Mata to Ruapuke Tokanui to Wharepapa Toreparu to Karioi-Te Mata Road Tumutumu to Waitomo Waingaro to Te Uku Waipaua Road (Marokopa) Waerenga Falls Road Waitetuna to Aotea Waitetuna Valley Waitomo Valley Waotu to Putaruru Whaanga Wharauroa Whatawhata Swamp Road Awakino Bridge .. .. ... Awakino to Kawhia (coast traok) Gleadow Road Haparua Hunt Road Kakahi Kopuha Mahoenui to Kawhia South Mahorahora Mairoa Manganui Mangaokewa Bridge and approaches (Te Kuiti) Mangaotaki Bridge (Lindsay's) Mangaotaki to Mairoa Mangaotaki Valley Mangapapa Mangaparare Mangaroa Mangatoa Miroahuiao to Mangaotaki Mokau to Awakino Heads Mokauiti Bridge Ngapaenga Ohura Bridge Ohura River Bridge (Nihoniho) Ohura (north of Paorae Stream) Paemako Improved-farm Settlement .. Paemako to Ohura Poro o-tarao Tunnel to Taumarunui Prentioe Pungarehu Rimu Rohe-Potae tracks Waitomo Kawhia Awakino Waitomo Raglan West Taupo Raglan Waitomo Raglan Awakino Kawhia and Raglan Ditto Kawhia Waitomo Piako & West Taupo Raglan Kawhia Waipa Awakino Kawhia and Awakino Waitomo Clifton Awakino Clifton Awakino & Kawhia Clifton Waitomo Awakino Waitomo Awakino & Waitomo Waitomo Waikato Waikato and Egmont Waikato Egmont Egmont & Waikato Egmont £ s. d. 123 13 0 402 6 9 235 18 9 251 3 10 319 2 4 29 11 0 49 5 3 100 0 0 144 1 3 90 11 5 110 13 4 65 18 6 178 14 5 7 2 6 198 6 5 25 8 9 64 8 5 143 8 9 100 0 0 679 18 8 199 11 6 4 6 0 15 0 0 25 4 0 31 12 0 131 3 2 913 14 9 84 0 4 177 0 1 489 3 8 391 3 10 70 8 0 42 3 0 350 8 8 10 7 0 110 6 11 303 11 0 6 17 9 242 19 6 104 17 10 196 6 4 483 13 10 136 16 9 14 0 1,010 11 10 1 15 0 68 8 3 179 17 9 84 J. 1 287 15 3 102 18 10 114 1 0 Clifton Awakino Waitomo Awakino Clifton Waitomo Clifton Waitomo Waitomo and Clifton Clifton Taumarunui to Matapuna Te Kuiti to Mokau Turipoto Turoto Upper Awakino Valley Waikaka Waikaka Bridge Waikawau Valley Wairere Wairere to Mokauiti Waitawhena Waitangata Works not specifioally provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Waitomo Clifton Awakino, Kawhia, Clifton, Waitomo, and West Taupo Clifton Waitomo & Awakino Awakino Clifton Awakino Clifton Egmont, Waikato, and Bay of Plenty Egmont 298 19 5 611 5 0 193 4 3 187 3 8 291 2 6 268 19 3 6 13 4 25 5 0 154 17 0 110 599 17 5 21 15 0 17 3 11 191 7 3 554 555 559 560 561 562 563 564 566 567 568 569 570 571 Awakino Waitomo Clifton Total—Te Kuiti £21,371 14 6 572 573 575 576 577 578 580 531 582 Rotorua Road District— Appleton Road Arahiwi to Mamaku Railway-station .. Bishop Road Butcher Road Clayton Road Dansey Road East Road (Umurua Block) Galatea to Te Teko Galatea to Te Whaite Opotiki Rotorua Tauranga Rotorua Bay of Plenty 264 12 2 113 11 3 149 11 1 120 10 1 116 12 7 252 13 0 322 14 7 185 9 9 41 16 11 Whakatane Whakatane and East Taupo


TABLE No. 4—continued STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended Slst March, 1906. .03 583 584 586 587 589 590 591 592 593 595 596 597 598 599 Roads, etc. — continued. Rotorua Road District— continued. Galatea to Waimana Valley, via Waiohau Hairini Bridge and approaches Harray Road Hereperu North Hewitt Road Jackson Road Kaharoa Kaikokupu to Taheke Kaimai Kapukapu Karano Komete Lake Rotoma to Whakatane Lichfield to Atiamuri Whakatane Tauranga Whakatane Rotorua Bay of Plerity £ S. d. 215 8 10 114 0 0 41 19 5 6 16 1 128 3 6 97 9 0 67 6 5 235 7 5 38 19 9 51 10 0 146 12 8 38 18 6 200 9 10 141 3 0 Tauranga and Piako Rotorua Tauranga Whakatane Piako, West Taupo, and East Taupo Tauranga Rotorua 600 601 603 604 605 607 608 609 611 612 613 614 615 616 618 619 620 621 622 626 Ludwig Road Maketu to Te Ngae Mamaku to Maraeroa —Oturoa Block Mamaku Village .. .. .. Mangatoi Matata to Tamurenui Junction Ngawaro to Te Puke Ohiwa to Waimana Omarumutu to Te Whaite Opotiki County roads Opotiki to Gisborne (Rotorua District section) Oropi Settlement Otaramarae Deviation Otara River to Papamoa Papamoa No. 2 .. Papamoa to Beach Pikowai North Pikowai South Pongakawa to Lake Rotoehu Rangiuru to Mangorewa Gorge Tauranga Whakatane Rotorua & Tauranga Opotiki & Whakatane Opotiki Opotiki Tauranga Rotorua Opotiki Tauranga 256 14 5 232 13 2 246 1 7 251 19 2 188 18 6 94 11 10 305 12 0 199 19 0 89 2 0 150 0 1 341 16 0 59 14 6 124 7 3 383 2 3 272 4 0 223 7 4 29 6 0 1 10 5 148 18 3 272 6 1 Rotorua 627 628 629 630 631 632 Rodger Road Ross Road Rotongata to Hamurana Rotorua to Gisborne [(Stock Track) (Rotorua District section) Rotorua to Lake Rotoma Rotorua to Taupo, via Atiamuri Rotorua and Tauranga Rotorua Whakatane Rotorua Rotorua and Whakatane Rotorua Rotorua and East Taupo Ditto Rotorua and Whakatane Whakatane Rotorua Whakatane 111 13 2 4 10 4 142 8 0 395 7 3 370 0 0 287 8 4 633 634 Rotorua to Taupo via Waiotapu Rotowhero to Galatea 673 10 8 55 0 11 635 636 637 639 640 641 642 645 646 647 648 649 650 652 653 654 656 659 660 Sladden Road .. .. South Road Stanley Track Tarawera Bridge protection.. Taumata Block East Taumata Block West Te Papa (access to Seotions 584, 585, and 586) Te Tumu Thompson Track (Te Aroha to Tauranga) Tindall Road Tirau to Ngongotaha Waiawa Waimana Gorge (deviation) Waioeka Bridge Waioeka River to Waiotahi Block Waioeka Valley Waiotahi Valley .. .. .. Whakatane County Roads Whakatane to Nukuhou Rotorua Tauranga Tauranga and Piako Rotorua 126 11 10 94 12 0 135 4 6 147 18 4 215 13 10 142 6 11 149 19 4 6 16 1 155 11 10 58 0 3 168 8 7 142 11 6 465 7 1 476 12 8 28 5 5 146 5 6 260 6 10 47 3 6 98 9 0 Opotiki Whakatane Opotiki Whakatane Opotiki and Whakatane Rotorua 662 663 664 Wbirinaki Valley Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision 242 15 7 55 12 0 219 5 5 Total—Rotorua £12,587 16 4 665 666 668 669 670 672 Hawke's Bay Road District— Kowhai Pakihi Waiaua River to Waihau Bay Whinray Road Arakihi to Wigan Fraser Road (near Motu) Opotiki Bay of Plenty 71 5 11 207 13 1 25 0 0 19 6 150 0 0 8 7 6 Cook Waiapu


TABLE No. 4 —continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. Roads, etc. — continued. Hawke's Bay Road District— continued. Gisborne to Opotiki (Hawke's Bay District Section) £ s. d. 369 7 6 .03 673 674 Gisborne to Rotorua (stook) (£300, £1 for £1) (Hawke's Bay Distriot section) Gisborne to Waikaremoana Cook and Opotiki .. Cook Waiapu and Bay of Plenty Waiapu 225 8 2 675 Cook and Wairoa .. Cook Waiapu andHawke's Bay Waiapu 190 16 6 676 677 680 681 682 685 686 690 691 692 693 694 695 697 698 Gisborne to Waimata (£1 for £1) Gisborne to Wairoa County Boundary via Tiniroto Hangaroa to Tahora Hangaroa River to Wharekopae Hangaroa to Tiniroto Karaka to Waihora Karaka to Poututu (£1 for £1) Mangamaia Mangapoike (to Porter's) Mangapoike Valley Mangatokerau Valley Mangatu Maraetaha Matawhero Motu River Bridge » .. a • • a . • 100 0 0 300 0 0 71 6 4 80 7 4 400 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 148 4 4 45 8 0 100 0 0 344 9 7 491 4 5 221 13 8 553 17 6 a . . w • . Cook and Opotiki .. » .. Waiapu and Bay of Plenty Waiapu 699 700 701 702 703 705 708 709 712 714 717 718 719 721 724 725 726 Motu Valley Neill Road Nuhaka to Gisborne (Maraetaha bridges) Oliver Road Pakihi to Motu Paraheka to Cook County Boundary (Waiapu Inland) Puketiti to Pahutaua Ruakituri Valley Tauwhareparae Tokonui Uawa Bridge (£1 for £1) Waiamoko Waiapu to Kawakawa Waiapu Valley (Poroporo Stream) Waikohu Valley Waimata to Arakihi (Todd's) Waimata to Waiapu Inland Road (through Small Grazing-run 43a) Wainui to Tologa Waipiro to Mata.. Wharekopae to Tahora No. 2 Footbridge (Spit) Goodwin Road (Small -Grazing-run 64, Taramarama Survey District) Knight Road (Argyll) Mahora Drains Mangaone Maraenui Mclntyre Road Napier to Wairoa Cook Waiapu Cook Waiapu Cook '.'. 152 1 7 590 16 4 500 0 0 205 7 4 24 19 6 341 1 3 104 5 0 295 7 11 71 11 9 129 2 8 685 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 198 9 0 14 7 4 17 10 10 197 6 0 727 729 730 732 734 Waiapu Cook Wairoa Hawke's Bay 200 0 0 200 14 9 200 0 0 383 18 0 160 14 10 a • • 736 738 739 740 741 744 Hawke's Bay Hastings Borough .. Wairoa 74 19 5 12 18 0 361 0 1 6 4 0 60 0 0 1,008 5 9 it • • Hawke's Bay and Wairoa Wairoa 745 746 748 751 752 756 757 758 759 761 762 764 766 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 Napier to Wairoa (Tongoio wash-out) Omahanui to Whataroa Potter Road to Puketitiri Springs to Waikokopu Tahaenui Ahiweka (on account of £717) Argyll Hatuma Makotuku to Matamau Mangahe (west) Mangamaire Mangapuaka Mangatoro Survey District, Block I (aooess) Milburn Norsewood South to Makaretu Ormondville to Waikopiro Pokokomoku Porangahau Wharf Rangitoto (Waikopiro) Ruahine Ruanui (Waikopiro) Te Uri (Ngapaeruru) (Bridges), (£400, £1 for £1) .. Tukituki Bridge, Onga Onga to Makaretu (£1 for £1) Tuturewa Approaoh (£51, £1 for £1) Angora Burch Road (access to Run 75) England's Hill (Maharahara) Hawke's Bay Wairoa Waipawa Waipawa 53 16 0 190 14 0 65 8 1 743 6 1 217 14 8 200 0 0 550 0 0 306 15 6 3 18 9 200 0 0 96 1 6 698 8 4 117 9 10 110 15 3 203 9 2 41 9 6 193 19 2 150 0 0 61 0 0 30 12 0 100 0 0 306 10 3 744 16 4 Patangata Waipawa 778 781 782 788 Weber Pahiatua 206 5 10 99 12 0 48 2 6 200 0 0 Woodville u . .


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. .03 786 788 792 795 796 Roads, etc.— continued. Hawke's Bay Road District— continued. Leisure Hour Deviation Ongaha Te Awaputahi Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Weber Waipawa Weber Pahiatua £ s. d. 49 0 0 759 13 9 49 2 8 47 11 0 224 10 5 Total —Hawke's Bay £18,222 3 8 798 799 800 801 802 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 836 837 838 840 841 Taranaki Road District— Derby Durham (Upper) (£1 for £2) Everett Hutiwai Junction Road (Inglewood to Tarata) .. Kaipikari Kaka Kelly Road .. .. > .. Lepper Road to Alfred Road Lincoln Road, Makahu Maikai Makarakia Mangaoapa (Junction Road to Mohakau Road) Mangapapa Mangatoro Mangatuna Mataro (£1 to £1) Matau Township to Mohakau Road Matau Township to Tarawai May Mimi Bridge Mimi to Mokau (£1,000, £1 for £1) Mokau Ferry Service Moki Motukawa Mount Damper Ngatoto Okohe (£203, £1 for £1) Otaraoa Pari .. Pembroke (£1 for £1) Piko .. Pukemahoe Putiki Surrey Tangitu .. ... Tariki Tokarima Road to Wanganui River Tongaporutu Bridge (Derwent Improved-farm Settlement) Tongaporutu to Mangaroa (west of Waiaraia Range) Tooi Uruti Wortley (£1 to £4) Carrington Road and Bridges Kiri Bridge Korito Maude and Hill Roads Oakura Hills (New Plymouth to Opunake Road), (£1 for £1) Okahu (Ngariki Road to Newell Road) Pitone (£200, £1 for £1) Tikorangi Bridge Kaponga Cemetery Road Manaia (north of Kaponga) Tangahoe Bridge Wiremu Road (Ngariki Road to Opua Road) Ahoroa Arnold Bridge (Whangamomona Valley Road) Autawa Ball Road Clark Track Douglas Road North Favier Heao Junction Road (Tawhiwhi Ridge) Kohuratahi Maben Makuri Bridge (£1 for £1) (Ohura, south of Paorae) Makuri (west of Huiroa) Manga Manga Bridge Mangaehu (Brewer Road to Taihore Road) Stratford Taranaki Clifton Taranaki Clifton Taranaki Clifton Clifton and Stratford Clifton Clifton and Stratford Clifton Taranaki Clifton Stratford Clifton Taranaki Clifton Taranaki Clifton Egmont 68 0 0 156 10 5 50 0 0 159 15 6 300 0 0 125 0 0 100 0 0 50 10 0 100 0 0 121 16 0 83 0 8 141 10 2 396 18 8 172 3 11 121 17 9 115 7 10 100 0 0 260 18 7 490 7 6 299 15 3 371 0 0 894 2 4 101 17 6 1,016 17 3 50 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 409 13 3 373 2 5 105 2 0 300 0 0 287 3 9 91 13 1 50 0 0 77 0 0 56 12 7 56 5 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 842 843 844 846 847 848 849 851 852 Taranaki Taranaki 834 12 10 153 10 10 101 4 0 95 9 6 292 2 9 439 12 3 21 0 0 117 13 3 175 0 0 853 855 856 857 860 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 878 879 880 881 882 Egmont Taranaki Clifton Hawera 141 17 11 165 18 6 119 0 8 22 8 0 166 0 0 221 16 3 200 0 0 100 7 6 68 4 9 53 0 6 279 19 7 50 3 5 100 0 0 25 0 0 367 12 2 195 13 9 372 17 1 662 9 5 200 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 225 0 0 507 2 11 Hawera Egmont Patea Stratford Patea Patea Stratford Patea Stratford


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

4—D. 1.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. .03 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 903 904 905 907 908 910 911 912 913 914 915 917 918 920 921 Roads, etc. — continued. Taranaki Road District— continued. Mangaehu Bridge (Murcott Road) (£2 for £1) Mangaehu Bridge (Tututawa Road)' Mangaehu (Mangaehu Village to Punewhakau Village) (£1 for £1) Mangaehu (Upper) (£1 for £1) Mangare (extension to Greenwood's) Mangaotuku Mangaowata Mangatoki Bridge (£1 for £1) (Stratford to Opunake Road) Marco Mataimoana Mataiwhetu and Tahuri Mauku Moeawatea Mohakau ... Nukuhau O'Connor Road (Ngatimaru Survey District) Ohura (south of Paorae Stream) Okotuku Patea River Bridge (Ball Road) Patea River Bridge (Rehu Village) Patupuremu Poarangi Prospect Putikituna Rawhitiroa Rimuputa Tahora Taihore Tangahoe (Whareroa to Rehu Village) Tunupo Tututawa Vera Waingongoro Bridge (£1 for £1) (Stratford to Opunake Road) Waitotara Valley Road .. .. Weraweraonga Whaka Whangamomona to Wanganui River Whenuakura Valley Whitianga Whitianga Bridge (Pukeho) Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Stratford Patea Hawera Stratford Hawera Stratford Patea Stratford Stratford and Clifton Patea Hawera Patea Patea and Egmont Patea £ s. d. 300 0 0 465 0 0 684 0 0 49 19 0 48 9 10 200 0 0 377 13 8 150 0 0 248 17 0 1,010 0 0 1,000 0 0 50 0 0 9 10 0 62 16 0 365 9 1 50 0 0 6,522 19 6 274 15 9 642 16 8 264 2 2 635 13 9 114 3 6 63 15 0 100 0 0 1,184 3 4 160 18 8 196 9 10 19 18 0 726 0 5 100 0 0 297 1 4 376 10 8 250 0 0 Stratford Hawera and Patea Stratford and Clifton Stratford Hawera Stratford 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 Patea 191 19 4 360 11 3 81 7 6 422 10 9 280 16 10 402 18 2 100 0 0 495 19 8 248 15 5 Stratford Patea Stratford Total —Taranaki £34,790 1 4 931 933 934 935 936 938 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 Wanganui Road District — Taumarunui Combined Bridge (on account of £1,100) Batley Road Creek Road Hales Road (£1 for £1) Harakeketangi .. ... Hautapu Bridge (Waiparuparu) Hoihenga Horouta to Pukeokahu (£50, £1 for £1) Huia (£40, £1 for £1) Huikumu Hukaroa Kaimatawi Kaitieke roads Kaka Kakariki .. • • Karetu (maintenance) (£8, £1 for £1) Karioi to Rangiwaea Kauaekeke Kaweka (£38, £1 for £1) Kokakoriki to Retaruke Kopurutuku Koukoupo Makohine Bridge (Upper) Makohine Valley Makotuku Bridge (Raetihi) Makotuku Survey District, Run 25 (part 2), Block VII Makotuku Valley ,, Clifton Rangitikei Wanganui Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Wanganui Waimarino Rangitikei Wanganui Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei Egmont Rangitikei 850 0 0 150 0 0 80 7 2 100 0 0 166 1 8 238 5 8 153 19 3 283 1 4 247 15 10 186 1 3 331 17 2 96 13 9 199 2 11 77 8 1 94 10 0 187 11 6 282 6 8 167 17 9 200 9 11 49 18 4 234 16 3 130 6 0 211 17 2 270 0 0 1,127 12 10 2 16 0 Waimarino Wanganui Rangitikei Waimarino 960 469 16 8



TABLE No. 4 — continued STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. 03 961 962 963 964 965 966 Roads, etc. — continued. Wanganui Road District— continued. Mangaetoroa Mangahoe Mangahouhou Mangahowhi Mangamahoe to Mataroa (£100, £1 for £1) Mangamahu Bridge and road-protective work (£1 for £1) Manganui-o-te-ao Manganui-ote-ao (to open Section 16, Block XIV) Mangaone Mangaone to Mataroa (£40, £1 for £1) .. Mangarewa Mangatete Mangaturuturu Mangaweka to Taihape Mangaweka to Te Kapua ■ Mangaweka Village Settlement Mangawhero to Murimotu Matahiwi to Ohutu Mataiaponga (£23, £1 for £1) Matapuna to Ohakune Waimarino Rangitikei £ s. d. 199 4 7 139 4 4 58 0 4 167-2 6 1,043 5 3 500 0 0 Wanganui Rangitikei Wanganui 968 969 970 971 972 973 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei 432 8 3 214 12 0 381 2 3 964 10 5 414 9 5 84 2 2 221 19 8 765 0 0 625 7 6 12 0 7 125 3 7 145 15 0 403 4 6 598 16 6 Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino and West Taupo Rangitikei Wanganui Rangitikei and Egmont Rangitikei 983 984 985 Mataroa to Mangaweka Mataroa Village Settlement Maungakaretu Survey District, Section 30a, Block XVI Middle Road (£300, £1 for £1) Moawhango Bridge (Te Horo) .. —„_ Moawhango Valley (£9, £1 for £1) Motete .. ... Namunui Ngauinga Oeo .. 242 5 7 3 15 0 157 2 2 986 987 988 989 990 992 993 Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei 93 12 0 962 3 2 67 7 10 281 12 11 157 17 11 34 13 2 525 17 7 994 995 Ohinewairua Survey District, Section 6, Block IX Ohinewairua Survey District, Section 72, Block XIV Okaka (£250, £1 for £1) Otaranoho Owhakura Papaki Pitangi Potaka Township Puhirua Puhirua North Puhirua South Pukekaha Pukenaua Quarry Road Raetihi to Ohura Raetihi to Parapara to Mason's West Taupo and Waimarino Wanganui Rangitikei 33 9 9 50 0 0 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 Waimarino Wanganui Rangitikei Wanganui Rangitikei 174 4 11 122 8 3 294 6 4 265 2 7 62 4 10 49 16 3 195 16 6 150 0 0 100 0 0 535 5 11 166 7 2 129 1 7 130 7 6 2,526 6 9 Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Waimarino and Wanganui Waimarino 1010 1011 1012 1013 Raetihi Township Raetihi Village Settlement Rangataua Rangitikei Bridge, Mangaweka 100 0 0 98 19 4 75 0 0 13 9 0 1014 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1022 1023 1024 Rangitikei County Roads (£1 for £1) Ratamaire Rauma Raupiu Retaruke Valley Retaruke Valley (Upper) Taheke Taihape Improved-farm Settlement (£1 for £1) Taihape to Mataroa Rangitikei and Kiwitea Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei .. Wanganui Waimarino 200 1 0 151 18 4 14 8 0 151 7 4 337 10 6 152 2 2 276 12 8 143 0 0 877 1 2 Rangitikei Rangitikei and Wanganui Rangitikei 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 Taihape to Otuarei (£400, £1 for £1) .;-.' Taihape Township roads (£1 for £1) Taihape Valley Taihape Village Settlement Taihape Village Settlement (road to Sections 32 and 33) Taihape to Waiouru 418 0 0 78 9 9 265 9 2 18 8 4 82 10 5 1030 Rangitikei and Waimarino Wanganui 1,875 11 3 1031 1032 1033 1034 Te Hue Te Komai Torere (£1 for £1) Torere Taihape—Mangaweka Road .. Rangitikei 118 7 4 407 15 8 100 0 0 100 0 0 " r .-•



TABLE No. 4— continued STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item No. No. ■ Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditnn for Year ended 31st March, 1906. 103 1035 1036 1038 1039 Roads, etc. — continued. Wanganui Road District— continued. Tuhoe Turakina Bridge (Lilburn's Ford) (£1 for £1) Turakina Valley .. ... Turakina Valley (extension) Rangitikei Rangitikei £ P. d. 53 8 2 140 0 0 589 7 2 176 4 1 Waimarino and Wanganui Wanganui 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1056 1057 Turakina Valley to Mataroa Waiaruhe Waiparuparu Waipuna Ridge Wairano (£28, £1 for £1) .. Wairepo (West) Wangaehu River Bridge (Whiteman's) (£1 for £1) Wangaehu River Road Wanganui River Road Weston Shakespeare Cliff Road Makakaho (Upper Waitotara) Omahine Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Waimarino Rangitikei Wanganui 486 13 11 134 15 10 170 16 7 578 19 6 220 0 0 50 0 0 242 2 2 139 15 10 349 13 2 118 14 1 280 0 0 370 16 5 221 3 6 126 12 2 Cr. 79 6 4 Rangitikei Wanganui Patea Wanganui Patea Total—Wanganui £32,023 5 4 1058 1059 1060 1061 1063 1C64 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1083 1086 1087 Wellington Road District— Kawatau Makopua Omatane .. • .. Rangitane Apiti Main South (£54, £1 for £1) Auputa Coal Creek and Horopito Stream Bridges (Apiti to Norsewood) Conspicuous Road Kawera Kawhatau (Upper) Kawatau Valley Kew Kiwitea County Roads Kiwitea to Tapuae (£1 for £1) Lagoon Road (£1 for £1) Manaia Mangahuia East .. .. Mangahuia West Mangapapa Mangarere (Hautapu Block) Mangatohu Mangawharariki Mangoira Ohingaiti to Pemberton (£327, £1 for £1) Pourangaki Rangitikei Road (South and East Sandon Smallfarm Block) Tableflat Te Parapara Titirangi Totara (£1 for £1) Tunipo Umutoi Rangitikei Kiwitea Pohangina Kiwitea Rangitikei Oroua 45 0 0 91 4 10 23 13 0 48 19 9 180 19 2 130 7 9 392 "3 3 248 18 2 138 9 6 119 8 4 352 17 3 33 3 4 500 0 0 150 0 0 162 6 0 49 7 6 11 6 0 27 9 9 100 0 0 144 2 3 51 16 3 300 0 0 20 13 8 450 0 0 41 17 4 150 0 0 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 Pohangina Kiwitea 40 8 1 25 0 0 117 1 6 50 3 7 156 5 3 365 5 8 Pohangina Kiwitea and Pohangina Kiwitea Manawatu 1095 1097 1099 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 Waipuru Mangawhata P.yke Road Akaroa Balance to Manawatu Gorge (£50, £1 for £1) Burnett Road (access to Section 7, Block XVI, Makuri S.D.) Central Road (Hall Block) Cross Road (Hall Survey District) Dew's Road Eglinton Huia Bridge (Waihoki Road) Huia Road (Pongaroa) Huia Road (Rakaunui) Hukanui to Mangamaire Kaitawa Ridge Kaituna Kawakawa Korora Makairo to Coonoor Makoura Akitio Pahiatua Pahiatua and Woodville Pahiatua Manawatu Pahiatua 50 0 0 63 15 3 3 4 0 100 0 0 98 12 9 147 9 10 122 12 8 25 18 7 49 19 0 115 6 1 215 0 0 82 15 5 199 15 3 142 9 5 111 11 3 229 14 2 100 6 6 3 2 8 170 6 1 467 16 4 Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua Masterton and Akitio



TABLE No. 4 —continued STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote] Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. .03 1118 1119 1120 1121 Roads, etc. — continued. Wellington Road District — continued. Makuri to Pongaroa (£1 for £1) Mangahao Bridge Mangatiti .. Mangatiti Improved-farm Settlement (Gardiner Road) Manuhara (£2, £1 for £1) .. Marainanga .. .. ,. Marima Ridge Moore Road .. Mount Butters (£1 for £1) .. Mount Marchant (£1 for £1) McDonough Road Ngaturi to Woodville (£1 for £1) Pahiatua and Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua atua £ s. d. 58 1 3 .. . 934 16 9 170 6 3 5 5 0 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 Pahiatua 1 18 1 130 16 4 96 7 6 Cf. 0 12 1 70 7 8 97 11 2 53 12 0 100 0 0 Akitio Pahiatua and Woodville Pahiatua Pahiatua & Kairanga atua & Palmei 98 4 7 jrs- 12 8 1131 1132 Ohinereiata Pahiatua to Palmerston Pahiatua & Palmerston Pahiatua 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1163 Pakowai Pakowai to Tinui Piper Road (bridges, £150) Pongaroa to Aohanga Pongaroa Bridge (Cross Road) Rakaunui Bridle-track .. ... Rakaunui Makuri Road .. Rakaunui Village Settlement Bridle-track (Sec. 20-22) Rakaunui to Waione Range Road Spur Road .. Sugar-loaf Road Tiraumea (Hinemoa to Alfredton) Tiraumea Valley Road Towai Umungoero Bridge Utewai (Waterfalls) Waewaepa Waihi Bridge, Towai Road Waihi Road Bridge (Waipatukaka) Waihi Valley Waihoki Valley Waikereru Road and Bridge Waiowaka Waipatukaka Waituna Road (Makairo) Barton Road Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua Akitio and Pahiatua Akitio Masterton Pahiatua Akitio 0„ 1 . atua ierton 98 8 0 34 17 6 229 18 0 6 12 4 198 6 10 55 0 1 353 8 4 29 4 10 172 19 3 589 19 7 153 0 0 62 7 1 150 0 0 6 18 10 386 8 7 6 0 0 129 14 6 112 19 3 5 0 0 3 10 8 318 5 9 288 15 6 347 4 11 126 4 3 195 10 9 42 4 9 328 6 5 Pahiatua Masterton and Mauriceville Eketahuna Masterton 1164 1166 1167 1170 1171 1172 Bell Road Bowen to Hastwell Central Mangaone (£1 for £1) Flat Bush (£50, £1 for £1) .. Glendonald (Wairere) Hinemoa to Alfredton Masterton 181 16 7 100 0 0 200 0 0 151 0 0 50 0 0 145 1 9 1174 1175 1176 1178 Kakariki West Kopikopiko Makakahi Bridge (Hamua) Mangahao (access to Section 21, Block XIII, Waiwera) Mangahao South .. ... Mangamahoe Mangaorongo Mangarai (£1 for £1) Mangaroro Mangatainoka River Bridge (Redpath and Berry's) Mangatainoka Valley .. .. Mangatakato .. .. .. Mari Road .. .. •. Masterton to Gladstone (£1 for £1) Pahiatua and Masterton Eketahuna Pahiatua Eketahuna 157 7 5 132 1 9 427 10 0 53 14 0 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 Maurioeville Eketahuna Masterton Eketahuna 174 17 3 120 15 9 98 9 9 400 0 0 100 0 0 150 C 0 114 17 6 9 16 5 69 0 8 151 10 0 Maurioeville Masterton Eketahuna Masterton and Wairarapa South Masterton and Castlepoint Masterton 1191 Masterton to Tinui (£200, £1 for £1) .. 300 0 0 1192 1193 1195 Matapihi Miki Miki Mount Bruce .. Maurioeville and Masterton Eketahuna 240 10 11 150 0 0 196 11 6 1196 1197 1198 1199 Newman to Stirling Parkville to Mangatainoka Parkville Nos. 1 and 2 • .. .. Pa Valley .. 47 7 11 188 14 6 227 0 0 169 17 6 Eketahuna and Pahiatua



TABLE No. 4 —continued STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 19Cf; .03 12> a 1202 1203 1206 1207 1210 Roads, etc. — continued. Wellington Road District— continued. Puketoi Quarry Road Saunders Road Te Mara Tinui Valley (£1 for £1) Waiwera Block Masterton Eketahuna Masterton Masterton 133 5 11 182 17 5 282 16 11 5 12 4 65 0 0 84 19 0 1211 Wangaehu (£1 for £1) Castlepoint Eketahuna and Pahiatua Masterton and Maurioeville Wairarapa South .. Masterton Featherston . 500 0. 0 1214 1217 1218 1219 1220 1222 1223 Beef Creek Road Blairlogie to Homewood (£1 for £1) Boar Bush Gully .. Cooper Creek East Coast Road Fernyhurst to Kaiwhata Gladstone to Longbush (£200, £1 for £1) Wairarapa South .. Masterton Wairarapa South and Featherston Wairarapa South .. Wairarapa 78 10 9 226 10 7 107 12 0 141 3 8 194 17 2 167 11 9 275 0 0 1224 1226 1227 Hinau Gully Kaiwhata to Karaka Bay Langdale Road Masterton and Castlepoint Masterton 297 14 6 140 18 5 100 0 0 1228 1229 1230 1232 1233 1235 1237 1238 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 Mangapokia Bridge (Langdale) McRae Road Ngakonui Pahaoa to Glendhu Ruakokopatuna .. Tablelands Waiohine Valley Arapaepae Harris Road Hautere Hokio (£1 for £1) Kimberley Levin to Foxton Featherston Wairarapa South .. Horowhenua Hutt Horowhenua Otaki" 22 14 9 98 13 4 187 13 7 41 6 9 159 8 7 125 0 0 149 2 6 300 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 1245 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1255 1256 1257 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 Levin to Kereru Mangakotukutuku Mangaone Moonshine to Upper Hutt Moonshine, Whakatatu Moonshine to Wainui Motukaraka Ngatiawa Bridge and Road OhauWest Otaki (Main West Coast Road) Pahautanui to Belmont Paparangi Paraparaumu Beach Road Phillip Road Plimmerton to Pukerua Porirua Porotawhao Horowhenua and Manawatu Horowhenua Hutt Horowhenua Hutt 200 0 0 250 0 0 37 10 0 70 0 0 70 0 0 70 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 170 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 Horowhenua & Hutt Horowhenua Hutt Horowhenua and Manawatu Horowhenua 1266 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1277 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1288 Pretoria Road (fencing) Shannon to Kereru (£1 for £1) Waikanae Beach Road Waikanae to Paikakariki Waikanae River protection Waikanae to Te Horo Waikanae to Upper Hutt Waiohanga Road Weratoki Bridge Akatarawa Bridges Belmont Collins Road Cottle Road Ebden Road Epuni Hamlet Maungaraki Hutt Horowhenua Hutt Horowhenua Hutt 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 80 9 1 50 0 0 370 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 62 17 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 125 0 0 54 14 5 57 12 8 Hutt Borough of Petone and Hutt County Hutt 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 Wainuiomata Rifle Range Road Wallaceville Road (£1 for £1) Whiteman's Valley to Silverstream Chatham Islands roads Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision 150 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 56 13 0 234 8 3 219 5 6 Total—Wellington 27,787 6 7



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote I Item No. No. Name of Work. C»unty. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. 03 1301 1303 1304 1305 1306 Roads, etc. — continued. Nelson Road District — French Pass, Admiralty Bay, and Croixelles tracks Maitai Valley Nelson to Rai Saddle .. .. ... Oyster Bay to Elaine Saddle Richmond to Collingwood .. ... .. Sounds Waimea City of Nelson £ s. d. 0 13 7 100 0 0 550 0 0 0 8 0 84 12 0 Sounds Waimea, Takaka, and Collingwood Waimea City of Nelson and Motueka City of Nelson Motueka Motueka & Hurunui Motueka 1308 1314 1318 1323 1324 1330 1332 1335 1336 1345 Stoke Road District roads Alexander Bluff Road and Bridge Belgrove to Tarndale, via Tophouse Clark River Bridge Collingwood County roads Glencoe Glenroy Bridge (approaches) Hope Valley Bridge (repairs) Horse Terrace to Hunter's Marahau to Riwaka Waimea and AsLley Waimea Collingwood Takaka Inangahua Waimea Inangahua Waimea and Collingwood Inangahua Buller Waimea 358 3 6 626 18 6 197 15 2 226 17 2 101 14 4 62 1 6 12 6 0 21 1 2 98 6 9 159 9 5 1346 1347 1350 1351 1354 1355 1356 1358 1360 1365 1367 1368 1372 1374 1376 Matiri River Road Mokihinui to Little Wanganui Motueka Valley (£1 for £1).. Motupiko to Rainy River Moutere Mud-flat .. Moutere River Murchison to Fern Flat Oparara Bridge Pearse Valley Promised Land to Otumahana Riwaka Valley .. .. .. „ —„ Sherry Valley Slips Road Tadmor to Hope Takaka to Collingwood (inland road) Inangahua Buller Waimea Buller Waimea 174 17 7 1,215 13 0 92 17 8 108 3 1 199 19 10 200 0 0 147 "6 3 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 35 15 0 102 14 0 44 13 0 160 9 7 46 7 5 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1387 1389 1391 Ten-mile Creek Foot-bridge Terrace End to Brightwater (river-protection) Tutaki Upper Moutere roads Waimea County roads Wairoa (Upper) Birchfield to Sea-beach Boatman's Valley Buller Road (loop-line, nine miles to Westport) (on account of £700) Charleston to Grey County boundary Costello's Hill Gilmer Road Inangahua County roads Inangahua to Main Buller Road Inangahua River Bridge (right-hand branch on Reefton to Maruia Road) Maruia, via Caslani's Reefton to Maruia Waitahu Bridge (repairs) .. .. Westport to Ngakawau Little Grey Bridge (approaches) Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Inangahua Waimea Takaka and Collingwood Inangahua Waimea Inangahua Waimea 200 0 0 300 0 0 12 15 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 Buller Inangahua Buller Buller 1393 1395 1397 1399 1400 1401 Inangahua 300 0 0 50 0 0 149 0 10 706 0 0 150 0 0 81 5 0 1407 1413 1415 1418 1420 1424 1425 Buller '.. Inangahua 94 10 0 402 3 0 49 10 8 250 0 0 150 0 0 151 2 6 . 114 17 5 Grey Total—Nelson .. £9,390 7 11 1427 1428 1429 1431 1432 1433 1434 1436 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1445 1446 1447 1448 1450 1452 Marlborough Road District— Elaine Bay to Harvey's Bay Fairy Bay to Nydia Bay Fairy Bay to Tawero Point Harvey's Bay to Tawero Point .. .. Kaiuma Saddle Maori Bay to Black Point .. .. ... North-west Bay to Brightlands Pelorus Bridge Rai River Foot-biidge (near Forest's) Rai Saddle to Havelock Ronga Valley Wakamarina Bridge Wakamarina Road and Bridge Anakiwi to Grove Anakoa to Manaroa Arapawa Island Awatere River to Clarence River Blind River to Flaxbourne Orail Bay to Manaroa Sounds Marlborough City of Nelson 9 4 0 4 4 0 5 10 0 53 14 5 4.0 0 16 16 0 5 4 6 1,300 10 10 28 17 9 383 0 3 3 8 0 1,867 0 0 59 15 1 208 8 6 46 0 0 16 8 0 10 3 10 17 10 0 58 6 6 Wairau Sounds Marlborough Wairau and Hurunui Wairau Sounds



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended Slst March, 1906. 03 1453 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 Roads, etc. — continued. Marlborough Road District — continued. Crail Bay to South-east Bay Grove Wharf and Shed Hakahaka to Opihi Havelock to Kaituna Kaiaho Canal and Track .. .. Kaituna River (protective works) Kenepuru to Anakoa Kenepuru to Endeavour Inlet Mahakipawa to Double Bay Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Wairau £ s. d. 60 6 6 7 2 0 69 16 2 50 0 0 13 5 4 105 0 0 84 2 9 196 14 2 61 14 2 1468 1469 1471 1472 1476 1477 1479 1481 1484 1485 1486 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 Mahakipawa to Havelock (metalling, £200) Mahau Sound Ngakuta Bay to Opua North Bank Onahau to Anakiwi .. Onahau Bay to Kenepuru Sound Onamalutu Saddle Picton to Grove Portage Bay to Waitaria Portage Bay and Waitaria Bay Wharves Port Underwood to Fighting Bay Queen Charlotte Sound Renwick (middle) Resolution Bay to Endeavour Inlet Richmond's Bay (Kenny's Isle) Richmond Brook (Richmond Brook to Upton Downs) Robin Hood Bay to Ocean Bay : ——— -r-r-Rock Ferry to Bartlett's Creek Run 66 (road access) Skiddaw Run to Te Matau-a-Maui Small Grazing-run 74, Onamalutu (road to) Starborough Main Road Taylor's Pass Te Mahia to Portage Bay Te Matau to Wet Inlet Titirangi to Ship Cove ... Top Valley to Bartlett's Creek Torea Bay Road .. ... Tory Heads to Waikawa Wairau Ferry to Spring Creek Wairau Native Reserve (protection) Waitaria to Manaroa Waitaria to Te Matau-a-Maui Waitaria Wharf approaches.. Whatamongo to Difienbach.. Whatamongo to Port Underwood White's Bay to Port Underwood White's Bay to Robin Hood Bay Clarence to Hapuka Clarence River to Conway River Clarence River to Conway River (repairs to seawall and road at Kahautara) Spey roads Ure to Clarence Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Sounds and Marlborough Marlborough Sounds 165 11 11 6 12 6 41 12 6 45 11 0 77 11 11 37 19 0 50 0 0 747 19 3 82 5 1 352 15 7 4 4 10 18 13 8 100 0 0 21 19 0 7 16 0 242 8 3 Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1508 1510 1512 1513 1514 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough 68 7 11 ■246 9 6 100 0 0 11 17 6 11 3 1 100 0 0 100 0 0 47 7 6 39 1 0 238 9 2 104 6 0 67 19 8 38 14 10 45 4 0 12 4 0 29 16 9 31 1 6 42 4 6 10 18 0 64 2 2 63 18 6 88 6 9 25 0 0 250 0 0 456 10 4 Sounds Kaikoura Hurunui 1527 1528 1530 1531 I Marlborough 100 0 0 1 4 0 85 14 8 50 15 10 Total—Marlborough £9,280 0 5 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1549 1550 1551 Westland Road District — Ahaura to Haupiri Ahaura River (Upper) (protective works) Arnold Bridge (Upper) Big Grey Bridge Big River .. .. .; Big River Footbridge Big River to Rough River Cobden to Big River Cobden to Brighton via Barrytown Greymouth to Paroa Grey Valley Main Road and bridges Hatters to Haupiri Orwell Creek Road Poerua to Bell Hill Punakaiki .. ,, ,. Grey Grey 848 4 0 300 0 0 268 11 0 1,099 10 8 200 0 0 150 0 0 225 0 0 200 0 0 231 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 131 18 6 61 5 4 Grey and Westland Grey



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Wore. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. 103 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1564 1567 1569 1570 1571 1572 1574 1575 1577 1578 1580 1581 1583 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1597 1598 1599 1600 1602 1603 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1615 1616 1618 1613 1620 1621 1622 1623 1627 1628 1629 1630 Roads, etc. — continued. Westland Road District— continued. Upper Moonlight Road Waipuna .. Wall's Creek Bridge Wilkinson's Creek Bridge .. .. Arahura Bridge (approaches) Arahura Bridge (Upper) (Hungerford's) Arahura Lagoon Bridge Arawata to Jackson's Track.. Arthur's Town Road Awatuna (widening) Big Wanganui Flat Cascade to Barn Bay Cook River Crooked River Bridge Cropp Road Dawson Road (Kokatahi) Doughboy Ferguson Road Gordon's Creek Bridge (Gillespie's to Bruoe Bay) .. Greek's Creek (protective works) Grey Valley to Teremakau Haast to Blue River .. .. Happy Valley Track Isaac's Bluff Track Jacob's to Karangarna (Hunt Creek) Kanieri River Road (protection) Koiterangi Koiterangi (river encroachment) .. —r-r Koiterangi to Whitcombe Track Kokatahi Kumara Junction to Beach Little Wanganui (protective works) Mahitahi to Bruce Bay, Paringa Landing MoCulloch Road Mikonui to Bald Head Bluff Mikonui River protective works Millson Road .. .. .'. .. Morgan Road New River Bridge Okarito to The Forks Okuru Track Omoeroa to Waiho One-mile Road Otira Avalanche (protective works) Robertson Road Rotokino Saltwater River Bridge Teremakau Traffic-bridge (£1,940, £1 for £1) Turnbull River Road Waiho Wire Bridge (protective works) Waimea Creek Bridge Waitaha Beach .. Waitaha Settlement Waitaki Bluff .. Wall Road Westland Ferry Service White Road Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Grey B runner Borough .. Grey Westland Grey Westland Grey Westland Grey Westland £ s. d. 133 15 0 100 0 0 112 7 3 226 0 0 100 0 0 494 2 7 150 0 0 209 18 6 149 19 10 100 0 0 95 14 2 52 6 3 149 6 8 72 8 1 304 10 9 88 10 0 265 5 11 418 9 6 17 7 0 160 0 0 248 15 0 155 9 0 133 4 0 110 17 6 472 12 9 111 6 9 377 16 8 49 15 6 199 0 1 300 0 0 100 0 0 39 12 6 20 4 7 45 0 6 150 0 0 125 0 0 100 0 0 291 11 6 500 0 0 57 0 3 80 2 2 301 19 6 250 0 0 267 4 10 87 9 9 245 6 8 123 4 8 2,041 13 11 104 13 11 5 10 7 262 17 1 17 0 0 181 12 7 156 12 3 296 11 1 200 0 0 201 2 10 94 18 8 1 14 6 Grey Westland Westland and Grey Westland Total—Westland . £16,572 12 7 1631 1632 1633 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 Canterbury Road District— Annan (Waiau to Bourne Flat) through Sections 24 to 28 Annan (Waiau to Parnassus) Bluff Road (Cheviot) Conway Gorge to Waiau via Hawkswood Culverden to Hanmer Plains Hurunui Bridge (Greta) Kaiwarra to Hurunui (£1 for £1) Kaka Pass Road.. Lower Ashley Bridge (£1 for £1) Lyndon No. 1 .. .. .. Waiau to Kaikoura (Conway Cutting) Waiau Ferrv Service Waiau to Kaikoura, Lyndon No. 1 and Annan Settlements Waitohi River protective works at Medbury Hororata Survey District, Block VII ., Amuri Cheviot and Amuri Cheviot Amuri Cheviot and Ashley Cheviot Ashley Hurunui 208 -7 11 199 19 11 150 0 0 773 4 0 121 0 0 59 6 7 100 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 209 2 8 70 2 6 73 9 2 173 13 10 Amuri Hurunui and Kaiapoi Hurunui Cheviot Amuri 1646 1647 Ashley Selwyn Selwyn 18 15 0 75 0 0



TABLE No. 4 —continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

"5—D. 1.

Votei No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. .03 1649 1650 1652 1655 1658 1659 1661 1663 1666 1667 1669 1670 Roads.'^etc. — continued. Canterbury Road District— continued. Whiteclifis to St. Helen's ,, Oxford Road Bridge Wharenui Hamlet Woolston Ferry Road Hinds River Traffio-bridgoj (Mayfield) (£1 for £1) Borrell Hill Haehae-te-moana River Bridge (Toomey's Crossing) (£lfor£l) . Opihi River protective works (near Pleasant Point) (£1 for £1) Mount Horrible Rosewill ... Albury to Coal-pits (£1 for £1) Burnett Road (access to 'Section 14129, Waimate Survey District) Centre Road (£1 for £1) Daisy Hill Dale'dew (£1 for £1) Hakataramea (access to bridge) Kapua (Dugdale's Creek diversion) Kapua Settlement roads (£1 for £1) .. Kohika (Wool-shed Gully Road) Pareora Settlement Tekapo Bridge (£1 for £1) .. ... i. Waihao Native Reserve Waikakahi roads.. "... Waimate to Waihao Forks (£1 for £1) .. Wainono to Maytown .. .. - • • Wallace Road (Waikakahi) (£1 for £1) .. Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Selwyn . Ashley Selwyn Borough of Woolston Ashburton Geraldine » • * Levels Mackenzie Waimate Selwyn Kaiapoi Riccarton Lyttelton Ashburton Geraldine Timaru Waitaki ■> £ s. d. 100 0 0 122 17 6 50 0 0 200 0 0 984 8 6 200 0 0 600 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 199 19 0 86 12 6 50 0 0 95 7 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 82 10 0 50 0 0 72 6 1 160 0 0 199 17 0 56 12 8 250 0 0 242 0 0 30 12 6 100 0 0 105 5 10 39 7 2 34 0 9 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1679 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 * * • Mackenzie Waima'e Total—Canterbury £7,643 18 1 Otago Road District— Hawea and Wanaka Lake tracks ., HigbfieldRuns .. Ida Valley to Galloway .. • • Komako Bridge Manuherikia Bridge (main road to St. Bathan s) Patearoa Run St. Bathan's to Rough Ridge Taieri District (Upper), Blocks I, VI, and VII Tarras to Lindis Pass Three-mile Creek (£1 for £1) Arrow to Arthur's Point via Miller's Flat .. Arrow to Crown Range Saddle Arrow to Macetown .. • • Arthur's Point Sohool to Queenstown Bannockburn to Cromwell Bannockburn to Nevis .... •• •• Cardrona Coal-pit .. • • Cardrona to Pembroke Cardrona Saddle to Cardrona Township Garston to Nevis Glenorchy Jetty Kingston to Garston Martin's Bay to Lake Wakatipu Matukituki to Albert Burn Nevis Valley Pembroke to Head of Lake Wanaka Queenstown to Gentle Annie Shotover Valley Skipper's Main Road Beach Road, Karitane Double Hill Foote Road (Purakanui) .. . • Gilles Bridge .. • • • • Hummockside Karitane protective works .. .. • • i Mountain Track.. .. ■ • • North Harbour and Blueskin District, Block III .. Omuraatu Native Reserve Puketiraki to Merton Puketiraki Native Reserve Seacliff Asylum Road Waitati to Creamery Waitati to Mount Cargill Taieri Bridge to Pukekura .. .. ■ • Alexandra Bridge approaches (on acoount of £1,000) Beaumont to Miller's Flat (east side of river) Vincent Maniototo Vincent Maniototo Mount Ida 1694 1695 1696 1698 1700 1702 1703 1704 1706 1707 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1716 1718 1719 1720 1721 1723 1724 1725 1727 1730 1733 1734 1735 1738 1739 1740 1741 1745 1746 1753 1755 1756 1758 1759 1760 1763 1764 1767 1769 1770* Vincent Maniototo Lake Vincent Lake u • » Wakatipu m 77 18 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 65 0 0 100 0 0 45 0 0 89 14 0 40 0 0 38 0 0 100 0 0 156 6 0 28 10 0 97 10 0 18 15 0 40 0 0 99 11 5 10 0 0 100 0 0 24 0 0 100 0 0 7 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 70 0 0 75 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 10 0 0 83 10 0 49 19 5 52 7 2 49 15 4 100 0 0 100 0 0 89 18 9 0 8 0 1,760 0 0 200 0 0 Vincent Lake Waikouaiti Waikouaiti Waitaki Waikouaiti * m . • Waitaki Waikouaiti » « . Taieri Vincent Tuapeka Taieri Tuapeka m



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Tote No. Item No. Nam* of Work. Cauty. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. .08 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1780 1782 1783 1786 1790 1791 1792 Roads, etc.— continued. Otago Road District— continued. Carson's Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) Clark's Flat to Greenfield Clyde and Alexandra to Ophir Clyde Bridge (Clutha River) Clyde to Lake County boundary Clyde to Tuapeka County boundary Diamond Deviation (£1 for £1) Fitzgerald's Bridge to Falconer's Valley Fraser River to Orchard Block (Earnsoleugh) Greenfield Settlement to Waitahuna Lawrenoe to Roxburgh Park Hill to Heriot Rae's Junction to Heriot Rae's Junction to Tapanui (Featherstone's Bridge to Tapanui) Roxburgh to Vinoent County boundary Scrubby Flat Sim Road, Block IX, Rankleburn Tuapeka River roads Waipori Bush Road Grater Road Leith Bridge (£1 for £1) Anderson's Bay Road .. .. Tuapeka Vinoent m • • Tuapeka Vinoent Tuapeka Tuapeka i • • £ s. a. 118 0 0 150 0 0 140 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 40 1 1 750 0 0 30 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 It • • 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1801 1803 1804 100 0 0 20 0 0 125 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 101 15 0 240 0 0 Dunedin North Boroughs of Caversham, St. Kilda, and Dunedin Oaversham and .. Chalmers 1805 1806 1807 1808 1811 Beach Road Carey Road Carlton Bridge .. .. Cemetery to Signal Hill Main North Road Waikouaiti Chalmers 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 25 0 0 Borough of Northeast Valley Peninsula 1813 1S15 1816 1817 1820 1823 1825 1830 1832 1833 1838 1843 1844 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 Papanui Inlet roads Portobello Portobello to Taiaroa Ravensbourne to Sawyer's Bay Wickliff Bay to Cape Saunders Lighthouse Akatore to Fortification (£1 for £1) .. Barnego (protective works) Elliott Vale (£1 for £1) Louden's Gully .. Lovell's Flat to Hillend Stirling to Lakeside (£1 for £1) Wangaloa to Coombe Hay (£1 for £1) .. Ahuriri to Cannibal Bay Barr Road Caberfeidh Catherwood Catlin's, Block IV, Section 39 (access) Oatlin's River-bank Road (Section 5, Blook I, Woodland) Catlin's Valley Chloris Pass Dusky to Kelso (Scrubby Flat) Fleming Road .. .. Glenomaru, Block VII, Section 43, (access) Glenomaru to Owaka (main road) Greenfield .. Hay Road Heathfield Hill Road Hukihuki Hunt Road Kaihiku Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Kaler Road Long Point Meek Road Milk and Honey Road Mokoreta to Rimu Morris Saddle Mouat's Saddle .. Newhaven Newton .. .. Owaka to Long Beach Creek Owaka to Purekireki Puaho Rankin Rankleburn .. Ratanui to Whitehead Rimu Blocks III and XIII Seafield to Ahuriri .. Peninsula Bruce .. • • • Bruce » • • 64 3 0 400 0 0 149 19 5 77 10 0 525 17 3 50 0 0 155 5 6 42 16 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 14 0 10 136 5 0 122 17 8 94 0 7 199 18 7 49 16 7 46 4 5 Clutha Clutha m • • u • • 1851 1852 1855 1857 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1880 1881 1883 1886 1887 1888 1890 1891 Tuapeka Olutha ii • • n • • m ' * h • • Clutha and Tuapeka Clutha 0 • • H * • U ' • 94 7 6 105 12 2 50 0 0 7 10 0 70 12 9 185 7 4 86 3 0 69 0 1 0 18 7 6 7 10 200 0 0 25 17 11 125 0 0 64 15 3 61 5 2 6 3 5 6 18 0 16 15 6 217 0 8 23 2 2 65 17 6 15 16 3 210 13 1 4 4 7 203 19 3 151 0 4 75 0 0 42 3 10 1 16 0 83 5 0 # • • U • • n • • » • • Tuapeka Glutha u • *



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. - I - Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. 103 1893 1894 1895 1896 1900 1901 1902 Roads, etc. — continued. Otago Road District.— continued. Sweetwater Creek Road Table Hill Tahakopa Valley Tapanui to Conical Hills Waipati Bridge (Main road).. Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Olutha Tuapeka Olutha Olutha £ s. d. 4 0 0 7 12 4 24 19 6 150 0 0 46 5 5 50 18 9 165 14 7 Mataura Total—Otago, £14,687 18 0 1905 1906 1907 1908 1910 1911 1912 1914 1916 1917 1919 1920 1921 1923 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1933 1934 1936 1937 1938 1940 1942 1943 1944 1946 1947 1948 1950 Southland Eoad Distbict — Mataura Bridge (Riversdale to Waikaia) (on account of £1,000) Waimea Valley to Riversdale Bickley Road Boyd's Bridge (Waimatuku Stream) Clifden Bridge to Waiau Mouth Oolac Bay Footbridge Dipton Plat Harvey Road Hill Road Hokonui, Sections 824 to 829 (Macrae Road) Hundreds (line of) (west of railway-line) Hundreds (line of) (east of railway-line) Koromiko (Merrivale) Limestone Gorge to Merton Creek Longwood, Block XVI, Sections 3, 4, and 10 to 12 Longwood, Block XVIII, Seotions 9 to 14 and 6 to 17 Longwood, Block XIX, Sections 1 to 8 McNeil Road (Waimatuku) .. Merrivale to Waicolo Moffatt Road (Merrivale) Nightcaps to Wrey's Bush Nutall Road (Longwood to Railway-station) Opio to Duggan's Orawia to Clifden (bush road) Oreti Bridge (Winton) to Deegan's Road Otapiri Gorge Paulin's Bush to Ringway Flat .. Plunket and O'Brien Road Pourakino to Wild Bush Sohool Road (South Hillend) Scott's Gap to Feldwick Road Scott's Gap (Lower) Waiau, Blocks VII, VIII, Sections 151, 153, and 9 to 21 Waiau, Block X, from Sections 130 to 138 Waiau, Block XI, Sections 7, 82, and 105 Waiau, Blocks XIII and XIV (main roads) Wairaki to Eastern Bush Wairio to Line of Hundreds Wakapatu (Main Road to Beach) Wrey's Bush Bridge (contribution) Crosbie Road Kapuka Mabel Survey District, south side Sections 14 and 15, Block II Mataura River Bridge, near Otama (£1 for £1) Miller Road Oteramika Oteramika to Timpany's Pascoe Road Redan to Mokoreta Toetoes, Block X, at Sections 5 and 15 Waikawa Waikawa to Wyndham Valley Waimahaka (Block VII, Mokoreta) Waimahaka to Fortifications White Road Elles Road Layard Street Leith Road Lindisfarne .. .. .. . • McChesney Street .. ,. Seaward Bush, Block II (Section 92 to Section 87) Seaward Bush, Blook III (Sections 24 to £9) Seaward Bush drains Seaward Bush Township, Block IV Scott Street, Seaward Bush .. ■• Sterrat Street ... .. ., Anderson Road, Hokonui .. Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Wakatipu Wallace » 0, n V it u 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 75 0 0 75 0 0 76 7 4 50 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 8 7 5 195 1 5 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 185 3 5 159 19 5 102 3 9 100 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 107 6 8 326 17 11 84 18 1 100 0 0 3 0 0 50 0 0 103 10 0 150 0 0 75 0 0 59 6 6 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1959 1962 1963 // tt 128 9 7 118 2 3 395 19 9 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 5 10 0 84 13 4 4 0 0 Southland Mataura 1967 1968 1970 1972 1973 1975 1976 1977 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Invercargill 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 47 13 7 50 0 0 60 12 6 250 0 0 195 1 5 393 2 2 10 0 0 26 2 0 157 15 6 55 3 6 86 6 0 100 0 0 65 8 9 75 0 0 4 13 4 0 16 0 24 0 0 68 7 6 100 0 0 200 0 0 141 13 8 18 12 6 Southland Southland Southland Awarna



TABLE No. 4—continued STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure f ov Year ended 31st March, 1906. L03 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2006 2007 2008 2012 2013 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2029 2032 2035 2036 2037 2041 2043 2044 2045 2046 2048 2049 2051 2053 Roads, etc. — continued. Southland Eoad Distbict — continued. Argyle to Otakau Bainfield Baird Road .. .. .. • Blyth Road towards Moturimu Farm Settlement Bradford Street (Waianiwa) Campbelltown, Block VIII, Sections 54 to 57 Caulfield Road (Rakahouka) Colyer Road .. .. .. i. Connor Road :. .. .. ,. Coster Road .. .. .. j. Fairweather Road to Myross Bush .. .. Five Roads to Junction Forest Hill, Seotions 352 to 374 .. ,. Gilmour Road GirdlerRoad Hamilton Ridge .. Hamilton Road to Hundreds Line Hazlett and McCarthy, South Hillend Hokonui School Road .. Horse-shoe Bay Wharf (repairs) Hundred Line (McDonald's Corner, west from Limetaills) Invercargill, Block XV, Section 136 .. Invercargill, Block XX, Sections 104 to 116 ; and 19, Acker's Village Invercargill, Block XXIII, Seotions 1 to 35 Invercargill Hundred Blocks Irvine Road King Road to Boggy Burn Loanend Village Settlement (access) Longbush to Rimu Lowry's Beach to Papatiki Makarewa Bush Road Makarewa to Hedgehope Flood-channel Makarewa Station to Grove Bush Massey's Tramway Road McNeil Road Mokotua Creek Road and Bridge Mona Road Murphy and Calvert Road .. New River Hundred, Block X, Sections Iα, Iβ, and ltoS New River Hundred, Block X, Sections 5, 6, 13, and 14 O'Brien and Prootor Road Orion Otakau School to McDowell's Otatara, Block XVII Sandhills to Campbelltown Sinclair Road South Inveroargill (east from), between Sections 11 to 34 and 15 to 20 Spar Bush Bay Road (Cole's to Waianiwa) Stewart Island Main Road Swain Road Thompson Road .. .. .' • Tisbury Main Road Treloar Road Waianiwa to Oporo .. . .* Waimatuku Bush West Plains roads Winton, Block IV, Seotion 51 Win ton, Block VIII Winton, Block VIII (outfall drain) Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Southland Stewart Island Southland m Stewart Island Southland Awarua l> n m m N 0 It £ s. a. 100 o o 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 59 18 8 65 12 9 22 16 0 28172 . 9 1 14 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 0 2 6 100 0 0 75 12 1 30 0 0 195 0 0 4 0 0 98 18 11 100 0 0 200 0 0 83 6 1 166 9 1 144 4 0 154 1 3 150 0 0 98 10 0 99 19 6 450 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 329 18 0 98 12 9 15 13 10 190 5 4 72 2 7 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 ft II 2054 10 0 0 2055 2056 2058 2059 2061 2062 2063 98 10 0 59 17 6 5 19 0 71 0 6 584 12 1 58 10 3 59 10 9 2064 2065 2066 2068 2069 2070 2072 2073 2074 2076 2077 2078 2083 2084 Stewart Island Southland H H 0 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 74 16 5 3 0 0 61 19 4 98 0 0 3 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 45 0 0 88 8 8 5.0 0 0 12"2 18 6 84 2 0 Total—Southland £15,911 10 4 2085 2086 General — Compensation for injuries to employees while in discharge of their duties, medical and other attendance during illness, and contingent expenses in connection with same Compensation and contingent expenses in connection with the acquisition of land for roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &o. Plant not chargeable to any particular work Road-deviation and other surveys Flood-damage .. 711 17 4 410 11 5 2087 2088 2089 389 6 5 186 4 7 355 0 0 Total—General .. v . •• ■ * £2,052 19 9 Vote No. 103—Total for 1905-6 £248,479 13 6



TABLE No. 4— continued STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item No. No. i • Name ol Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended Slat March, 1906. Maintenance of Main Roads. Auckland Road District— Great North Road (Awanui to Warkworth, via" Hukerenui, Waipu, and Wellsford) Mangonui, Whangaroa, Bay of Islands, Whangarei.Otamatea, and Rodney Bay of Islands, Marsden, and Kaipara £ s. d. 2,429 19 5 .04 Tβ Kuiti Road District— Tβ Kuifci to Mokau Waitomo and Awakiuo Egmorit 1,000 0 3 Rotorua Road District— Tauranga to Runanga .. .. Tauranga, Rotorua, and East Taupo Bay of Plenty 858 1 Hawke's Bay Road Distbiot—. Runanga to Pohue .. t : . Hawke'a Bay and Wairoa Hawke's Bay 748 8 5 6 Taranaki Road District— Mokau to Uruti .. .. ... Ohura (south of Paorae Stream) Clifton Stratford and Clifton Egmont Patea and Egmont 441 3 1,884 14 Total—Taranaki £2,325 18 Wanganui Road District— Pipiriki to Waiouru Waimarino Rangitikei 3,906 17 I Nelson Road District— Belgrove to Westport to Reefton Waimea, lnangahua, and Buller Motueka and Buller 7,824 2 . Canterbury and Westland Road Districts— Kumara to Springfield Westland and Selwyn Westland and Sel5,651 13 li wyn Vote No. 104—Total for 1905-6 £24,745 1 2 .05 1 Tourist Roads, etc. Auckland Road District — Wharekohe to Junction of Wairoa and Mangakahia Rivers Pukekohe District (Ostrich Farm Road) Whangarei Marsden 200 0 0 3 Manukau Franklin 150 0 0 Total—Auckland £350 0 0 i 5 Te Kuiti Road District— Hangatiki to Waitomo Taumarunui Landing Road.." Waitomo Clifton Waikato Egmont 313 10 4 50 0 0 £363 10 4 Total—Te Kuiti 6 7 8 9 10 Rotorua Road District— Atiamuri to Orakei Korako .. Awahou to Hamurana Eoho Lake Geyser Kakaramea Horse-track Murupara to Waikaremoana East Taupo Rotorua Bay of Plenty 122 6 5 218 16 5 188 13 4 15 4 0 222 18 2 11 13 15 16 17 Ohaki Pa Road Okere Falls .. .. Oruanui to Wairakei Rotorua to Ngocgotaha Mount .. Rotorua to Taupo, via Waiotapu Whakatane, East Taupo, and Wairoa East Taupo Rotorua Whakatane Rotorua Rotorua and East Taupo Rotorua 5 0 0 37 16 0 93 4 3 178 14 2 237 14 0 18 19 20 Rotorua to Wairoa .. .. Rotorua Wharf .. .. Rotowhero to Murupara 0 • • 468 3 4 956 5 7 186 10 10 21 23 24 25 26 28 29 Ruatahuna to Waikaremoana Taupo to Te Aratiatia Rapids, East and West Tikitere to Green Lake .. .. Tokaanu Road and Wharf .. .. Tokaanu to Taupo Waikato Bridge, Tokaanu Waimangu Geyser to Kakaramea Rotorua, East Taupo, and Whakatane Ditto East Taupo Rotorua East Taup'o 177 14 3 76 18 0 77 13 0 174 16 7 233 12 3 293 16 7 132 11 0 £4,098 8 2 it • • Rotorua * • • it- • • Total—Rotorua .. 31 32 33 Hawke's Bay Road District— Frasertown to Waikaremoana Mangaone Creek Bridge Napier to Wairoa Wairoa Hawke's Bay - .'. 100 0 0 91 19 0 84 3 6 35 Hawke's Bay and Wairoa Wairoa Waikaremoana Acoommod&tion-house Eoad * * • 224 13 6 Total—Hawke's Bay £500 16 0



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vot< No. Iten No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. L05 36 37 38 39 40 41 Tourist Roads, etc. — continued. Tabanaki Road District— Stratford House to Egmont .House Upper Egmont Upper Pembroke.. Manaia (upper) Dawson's Falls .. Dawson's Palls House to Stratford House Stratford Taranaki Stratford Egmont & s. d. 136 9 6 547 3 10 186 1 9 50 0 0 297 18 11 74 19 8 Hawera Patea Total—Taranaki £1,292 13 8 Wanganui Road District— Rotoaira to Waimarino .. ■. Waimarino, East Taupo, and West Taupo East Taupo & West Taupo Waimarino and East Taupo Waimarino Bay of Plenty, Egmont, and Rangitikei Bay of Plenty 137 19 0 42 43 Tongariro National Park .. .. 115 13 1 44 Waiouru to Tokaanu Bay of Plenty and Rangitikei Rangicikei 407 2 3 45 46 48 Pipiriki to Purarato Pipiriki to Raetihi Wanganui River Trust 29 9 7 515 16 4 500 0 0 Wanganui, Waimarino, Waitotara, and Stratford Total—Wanganui £1,706 0 3 49 52 Nelson Road District— Cable Bay Road Reefton to Maruia Waimea Inangahua City of Nelson Buller .. 168 10 1 1,000 0 0 Total—Nelson .. .! £1,168 10 1 54 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 69 72 77 80 Wbstland Road District— Coal Creek Falls.. Cashmere Bay Track and Landing Copland Track Dorothy Falls Traok Haast Pass Hau Hau to Kanieri Hokitika Gorge .. .. ., Kanieri Lake Road .. Kanieri Lake South Road Mahinapua to Lake Road Sullivan's to Fox Glacier Wataroa Footbridge Will's Bridge .. Grey Westland Grey Westland 59 10 5 13 1 3 46 15 2 106 17 10 71 9 3 74 12 10 77 18 7 129 19 0 236 1 1 52 3 10 129 7 3 50 2 1 9 6 0 Total—Westland £1,057 4 7 83 84 Canterbury Road District— Mount Cook and Glaciers Pukaki to Moutit Cook .. .. Mackenzie Waitaki 158 0 6 409 2 7 Total—Canterbury £567 3 1 89 Otago Road District— Forks River Punts (£1 for £1 Vincent Wakat ipu and Mount Ida Wakatipu 335 0 0 91 92 93 94 95 100 Glenorchy to Government huts (Dart River) Glenorchy to Paradise Glenorchy to Routeburn Lennox Falls tracks Queenstown to Glenorchy Opito Blowhole (Woodland District) Lake 50 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 8 10 8 35 4 6 Clutha '.! Clutha Total—Otago £603 15 2 102 103 105 107 108 110 111 112 11.8 115: 117 120 Southland Road District— Te Anau to Sutherland Falls .. Clifden to Manapouri .. ,. Manapouri to Te Anau Mossburn-Manapouri-Te Anau Road (renewing culverts, &o.) Mossburn to Te Anau Golden Bay Wharf (Patterson's Inlet) .. Half-moon Bay Half-moon Bay to Fresh-water River .. Half-moon Bay Wharf and approach Harold's Bay to Peterson's Corner Leask's roads Paterson's Inlet to Mason Bay Wallace and Lake.. Wallace • • • Stewart Island Wakatipu Wallace ■> • • Or i . Awarua 168 6 0 80 17 0 176 12 3 177 17 9 200 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 60 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0


TABLE No. 4—continued STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County." Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st Marcn, 1906. .05 121 122 124 125 Tourist Roads, etc. — continued. Southland Road District— continued. Port William to Lee Bay .. Rakeahu* River Track Singer Road (Half-moon Bay) Stewart Island roads and tracks .: Stewart Island Awarua £ s. d. 60 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 m 0 Total—Southland £2,423 13 0 126 General — Works not specifically provided for 1,093 16 10 Vote No. 105—Total for 1905-6 £15,225 11 2 LOANS TO LOCAL BODIES ACCOUNT. .21 1 3 5 6 12 13 15 22 23 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 37 38 Roads to open up Crown Lands. Auckland Road District— Huehue Block Kawaka Block Kohumaru Block Maire Block Otukai Block Pakanae Block .. Pareokawa Block Waimatanui Block Waoku Block .. Maropiu Block .. Tokatoka Block Tokatoka No. 2 Block Tokatoka No. 3 Block Mangawhara Block Maukoro Block Ngarua Block Opuatia No. 2 Block Roto Ngaro Blook Taupiri Block Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga ■> • * Hobson Otamatea Bay of Islands Kaipara 0 13 0 265 4 10 15 4 0 200 14 i 233 19 4 7 7 0 ,119 1 7 73 19 6 240 0 0 8 15 6 1,145 19 8 151 8 4 43 1 1 370 10 8 928 17 8 707 1 1 24 6 10 16 5 0 60 9 0 Ohinemuri Ohinemuri a ■ • 0 * • • Raglan Franklin Waikato Total—Auckland £4,612 18 5 40 44 45 46 47 51 52 55 60 61 62 64 65 68 69 72 Te Kuiti Road District — Te Puroa Block .. Kawhia Block Kinohaku West Block Kinohaku West No. 2 Block Kio Kio Block Ouruwhero Blook Pirongia West Block Te Puhi Block Kururau Block .. Mahoenui Block Mangaroa Block .. Mokau-Ohura Block Otanake Special Settlement Blook Taurangi Block Waiaraia Block Waitangata Block Raglan Kawhia Waitomo Kawhia Waitomo Clifton Awakino Clifton Franklin Waikato 6 2 7 60 5 1 887 6 7 148 11 2 81 11 7 309 16 0 174 17 0 34 1 2 40 8 10 12 5 6 10 7 6 4,913 12 1 12 16 10 2,182 9 0 1,649 3 3 192 1 0 Egmont 0 Waitomo Clifton If 0 • • 0 * • • a Total—Te Kuiti .. £10,715 15 2 74 77 79 83 84 85 89 Rotoeua Road District — Kaikokupu Block Mangawahe Block Mangorewa-Kaharoa Block.. Okoheriki No. 1e Block Omanawa Blook .. ; Oumauku Block Te Rerenga Block Rotorua & Tauranga Whakatane Rotorua Bay of Plenty 9 12 0 22 12 i 9 4 0 12 1 0 844 0 0 581 10 4 795 10 6 Tauranga Opotiki Rotorua Total—Rotorua £2,274 10 2 91 92 93 95 96 98 99 101 102 103 Hawke's Bat Road District— Whakapaupakihi Block Huiarua Block Moanui Block Tuahu Block Waitahaia Block.. Mangapoike Blook Nuhaka No. 3 Block Mangatoro, Blook I Tamaki Block Mangatoro No. Iα, No. 1 Block Opotiki Cook * • • • • • Waiapu Wairoa Bay of Plenty Waiapu m 0 Hawke's Bay 168 11 7 91 13 7 508 8 2 1,178 13 9 1,096 6 3 1,031 13 10 323 3 4 201 11 0 1,601 9 8 109 1 3 Waipawa Waipawa m • • Pahiatua Total—Hawke's Bay • • • • £6,310 12 5



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. ! Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. LOANS TO LOCAL BODIES ACCOUNT. .21 104 106 107 108 110 111 112 113 ■114 115 Uβ 117 119 Eoads to open up Cbown Lands— continued. Taranaki Road District— Eao Block .. .. .. ., Makino Block Mangaowata Block Mataro Block .. .. Rerekapa-Moanataire Block Tirangi Block ., . * Waro Block Kaitangiwhenua No. 2 Block Kaltarjgiwhenua Special Settlement Block Kuri Block Maben Block .. .. _ Patupuremu Block Whenuakura Block Clifton Egmont £ a. d. 2,588 11 2 48 7 4 96 2 8 160 3 7 1,510 10 5 505 4 10 1,730 6 1 541 19 11 72 17 8 918 15 3 900 0 0 831 8 8 52 5 7 Patea and Hawera Hawera Stratford Patea Hawera Hawera, Patea, and Stratford Patea * tt .«, . m Total—Taranaki. . ..." £9,956 13 2 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Wanganui Road District— Te Ngaue Block Kaitieke Block .. ;*■ i. : Makotuku, Block III .. .. .. Marton No. 3 Block Ohinewairua-Pukeokahu Block Raupiu Block .. Taibape Village-settlement Extension Block Tauakira Block .. .. .. .. Upper Makohine Blook Patea Waimarino Rangitikei Wanganui Rangitikei Wanganui Rangitikei Patea Rangitikei 22 6 6 2,065 14 4 35 4 3 10 19 5 939 10 9 26 12 7 15 0 8 2 7 127 19 11 Total —Wanganui £3,237 15 4 130 131 132 Wellington Road District— Hautapu-Ruabine No. 2 Block Dannevirke Centennial Block Kaitangata Block Rangitikei Akitio Wairarapa South .. Rangitikei Pahiatua Wairarapa 622 19 1 294 0 0 2 18 1 Total—Wellington £919 17 2 137 138 139 Otago Road District — Maniototo No. 2 Block Maniototo No. 3 Block Naseby, Maniototo, and Gimmerburn Block Maniototo Mount Ida 50 0 0 117 7 6 70 11 10 V Total—Otago £237 19 4 143 145 148 Southland Road District— Waiau, Blocks XIII and XIV .. Oteramika Block .. .. Invercargill Hundred Block Wallace Southland Wallace Mataura Awarua 4 6 7 124 9 7 50 18 9 Total—Southland £179 14 11 General — Works not specifically provided for 355 8 4 149 Vote No. 121—Total for 1905-6 £38,801 4 5 Votes 103,104,105, and 121—Grand total for 1905-6 Add expenditure for previous years £327,251 10 3 •£6,444,867 17 3 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1906 £6,772,119 7 6 Incli les expenditure lor certain years out of Native Land Purchai Iβ Account and Lands Im; movement Account. Vi( te Table No. 2.


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

6—D. 1.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. Local Body. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. Roads on Goldfields. 107 Subsidies towards the construction of roads and tracks in mining districts, and minor worka for the development of mineral resources Compensation for injuries to employees while in discharge of their duties, medical and other attendance during illness, and contingent expenses in conneotion with same £ a. d. 4,552 1 10 73 12 G Auckland. Cabbage Bay-Port Charles and Cape Colville Coromandel-Kuaotunu via Matarangi Tiki-Kaimarama .. Tiki-Manaia Manaia-Waikawau Kuaotunu-Mercury Bay Whitianga-Gumtown Kikowhakarere-Cabbage Bay Whitianga-Kaimarama Waikoromiko Eoad Gumtown Road Kapowai Track Waitaia Mine-Battery Kennedy Bay-Matamataharakeke Bridle's Point-Deepwater Ward's Road-Cape Colville Kauris-Mahakirau Scotty's Mine-Battery Waikawau-McLaughlin's Sullivan's Bridge, near Hooker's Mercury Bay-Tairua Cabbage Bay Bridge Mercury Bay Wharf repairs Bridge at Break in Big Bay, Cabbage Bay Road Tokatea-Kennedy Bay Kauris-Ecclestone Thames-Waikawau Thames-Hikutaia Upper Tararu Road Hikutaia-Whangamata " Wires " Track Omahu-Whangamata .. • Puriri-Neavesville Neavesville-Upper Landing Upper Landing-Tairua Hikuwai Bridge Kaueranga Valley Road (protection) Thames-Whangamata .. .. .. Karaka Creek Road Hape Creek Road Waiotahi Road .. .. .. .. * .. Tapu-Gumtown Crosbie Settlement Road Moanaatairi Road Maratoto Road Big Slip, Thames-Waikawau.. Tararu Creek Road Goldfields Roads (metalling) Rocky Point (widening) Thames-Tapu Road (maintenance) Hikutaia-Waihi Waitekauri-Golden Cross Waihi-Whangamata Paeroa-Waitoa Millerton Road Komata Creek Road Waitawhata Road (deviation) Hikutaia-Maratoto Waitekauri-Jubilee Alpha-Komata Rotokohu-Karangahake Hill Track-Willow's Camp Ford Road-Maokaytown Mangakino Traok .. Coromandel County 80 0 0 100 0 0 310 0 0 275 0 0 186 0 0 250 0 0 241 15 0 200 0 0 175 17 5 156 10 0 60 0 0 45 0 0 25 0 0 65 0 0 100 0 0 210 0 0 150 0 0 24 10 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 244 2 6 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 222 10 0 285 5 4 154 9 0 262 19 0 220 15 0 200 5 0 200 0 0 187 10 150 0 0 12 0 0 87 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 273 17 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 154 6 10 150 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 140 0 0 100 0 0 183 14 6 243 0 0 46 0 0 100 0 0 11 9 6 380 0 0 45 10 0 99 10 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 98 0 0 47 6 6 100 0 0 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 17 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 33 34. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 67 68 71 72 73 74 76 78 80 81 83 85 88 89 90 91 92 Thames County Thames Borough .. Ohinemuri County.. Marlborough. Onamalutu-Wakamarina Forks, Cullensville-Waikakaho Wakamarina Road and Bridges Top Valley Road .. £8,809 2 7 Pelorus Road Board 96 97 98 104 40 10 0 30 0 0 24 13 9 104 10 0 £199 13 9


TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. Local Body. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. Roads on Goldfields— continued. Nelson. £ s. d. 100 0 0 187 17 2 200 0 0 476 2 2 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 126 12 3 55 6 4 131 12 2 24 9 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 650 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 1,821 8 9 305 6 11 150 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 450 0 0 315 3 6 200 0 0 300 0 0 2,545 16 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 350 0 0 175 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 14 19 0 82 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 93 19 7 217 13 11 351 18 10 70 7 9 47 17 8 95 2 6 5 0 0 53 14 4 182 11 10 160 2 5 100 0 0 85 18 6 400 0 0 55 0 0 53 1 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 25 15 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 1,060 4 7 75 0 0 415 0 0 330 0 0 230 0 0 308 18 11 80 0 0 101 103 105 106 108 112 113 114 117 122 123 124 125 127 128 129 130 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 142 143 144 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 164 156 157 158 159 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 174 175 176 178 179 181 182 183 ■ 184 189 190 191 193 194 195 196 198 200 201 202 204 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 Kaituna Bridge Takaka-Collingwood Inland Boad Collingwood-Taitapu Collingwood Bridge Waratah-Puponga Anatoki Track Vants-Bubu Parawhakaho-MoArtney'S Takaka-Collingwood Inland Road Thorpe-Baton Shaggery Bridge .. Riwaka-Kaiteriteri Beach Chandler's-Wangapeka Junction Riwaka Bridge (protective works) Graham River Bridge Aniseed Valley Road Stanley Brook Bridge Millerton Road (widening) Wilson's Lead Road Granity Creek Southwards .. Westport-Mokihinui Coatello's Hill Road Karamea Mud Flat Mokihinui-Little Wanganui .. Westport-Waimangaroa Brighton-Grey County Boundary .. Channel Flat-Mackley's Loop-line road Fox's Bridge (repairs) Millerton Township Mokihinui-Ngakawau Fairdown-Waimangaroa Road to dredges, Lyell Britannia Mine Road Denniston Hill Road Granity Greek-Ngakawau Seddonville-Mokihinui Mine Lyell-Eight Mile Burnett's Face-Ooalbrookdale Mokihinui end of Westport Road Cedar Creek-Denniston Charleston-Four Mile Fairdown-Sergeant's Hill, via Railway .. Seddonville roads Seddonville Colliery-Township Millerton Township Mear's Road Denniston-Burnett's Face Mokihinui-Inangahua Junotion Big Ohika Bridge Bullock Creek Victory Mine Track, Lyell New Creek Road .. Prospecting-track, St. John's Terraoe, Addison's Boatman's Creek Bridge Boatman's Short Track Matakitaki-Glenroy-Maruia Maruia-Glenroy Murray Creek Road Inangahua Bridge Road to Matakitaki River Bridge Maruia Road via Caslain's Snowy Creek-Reefs Ten-mile Suspension Bridge Kirwan's Reward-Battery-site Inglewood-Painkiller Reef ton-Progress Blackwater Road (widening .. Crushington Road (widening) Painkiller-Murray Creek Waitahu River Footbridge (near Gannon's) Specimen Hill Road (widening) Blackwater Creek Track Blaokball-Healy's Gully ... Seven-mile-Nine-mile Bluff Teremakau Bridge-Payne's Main Grey Bridge (repairs) Moonlight-Blackball Nelson Creek-Bell Hill Taylorville Bridge Maori Creek-Maori Gully Collingwood County Waimea County .. Buller County Inangahua County Grey County u ■ • « • • Carried forward 18,284 0 7


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. —continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. Local Body. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. Brought forward .. £ a. d. 18,284 0 7 Roads on Goldmelds — continued. 216 219 220 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 232 233 236 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 283 264 265 266 267 268 269 Ne Uon —continued. Roads, State Coal-mine Township Kumara-Greenstone-Inchbonnie .. Orangipuku Footbridge Arnold Bridge Deviation, No Town Road Ahaura-Orwell Creek ., * Payne's Gully Track Ahaura Bridge Nelson Creek Footbridge Cobden-Barrytown .. .. .. Greymouth-Reefton Upper Moonlight Road Marsden Road and Bridges .. Reefton-Hokitika-Ross Lamplough Track Mount Hercules (deviation) Seven-mile Creek-Taipo Browning's Pass Track (widening) Fourth Terrace-Lamplough Seddon's Terrace Track extension Humphrey's Road and Bridges Humphrey's Traok to Milltown Kanieri Forks Road Teremakau-Paroa Grading No. 4 Channel Road.. Totara Track McCullough and Parker's Creeks (proteotion) Waiho Prospeeting-tracks Wataroa Gorge Track Prospecting-track, Okarito-Forks Kanieri Bridge Larrikin's Main Road extension Track to Wilberforce Reefs .. Larrikin's-Loop-line Fox's Road Dufier's Creek Bridge Styx River, Wilberforce Taipo Prospecting-tracks Greek's Creek (protection) Kanieri Lake Road Westland Reefs Prospecting-tracks Gillam's Gully Traok extension Milltown improvement Adair's Track (widening) .. .. Wilberforoe-Westland Reefs Survey, Kokatahi Track Grey County Westland County .. 11 5 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 912 i 10 150 0 0 70 0 0 75 0 0 70 0 0 30 0 0 75 0 0 80 0 0 125 0 0 150 0 0 2,838 11 2 100 0 0 200 19 3 120 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 82 6 6 130 0 0 109 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 30 0 0 119 15 6 64 8 0 58 3 5 200 0 0 750 0 0 50 18 6 46 10 0 186 0 0 650 0 0 148 7 6 68 15 0 83 4 0 150 0 0 147 10 0 47 10 0 200 0 0 24 0 4 28 7 0 // t * Otago. Tuapeka County .. £27,806 16 7 273 274 275 276 277 279 297 281 282 283 297 291 292 293 294 Lawrenoe-Roxburgh Waipori-Waitahuna Waipori Bush Road Lawrence-County Boundary Fitzgerald's Bridge Beaumont-Rankleburn Lawrenoe-Clyde Gentle Annie-Clyde Ophir Bridge Cromwell-Nevis Lawrenoe-Clyde .. Garston-Nevis Arrow-Cardrona via Crown Terraoe .. .. .. Queenstown-Gentle Annie Arthur's Point-Arrowtown Vincent County .. 66 13 3 30 0 0 53 0 i 100 0 0 J 180 0 0 1100 0 0 |197 10 0 |320 0 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 180 0 0 100 0 0 Lake County Southland. Waikaka Township-Little Waikaka Waikaka-Coal-pit Waikaka Valley Road to dredging-olaims Charlton Creek Road .. .. .. .. Makarewa-Hedgehope Flood Channel £2,627 3 7 Southland County.. 299 302 306 308 304 150 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 316 Stewart Island Road to mines Makarewa - Hedgehopa River Board Stewart Island County 70 0 0 £1,070 0 0 Expenditure for year ended 31st March, 1906 Expenditure for previous years 45,138 10 10 658,847 1 8 Total expenditure to 31st Maroh, 1906, on Roads on Goldfields £703,985 12 6


Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1906, and the Liabilities on that Date.


IXPENDITUBE. LlABIl .ITIES. Locality and Name op Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1905. i Grants, Subsidies, 1870-1905. Survey and Construction 1905-1906. Grants, Subsidies, 1905-1906. j Authorities Authorities on Grants, Subsidies. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Racb. Totals. on Construction. Contracts. Totals. i NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Pbovincial District— Thames Tairua Water-race Compensation, Thames Water-race R. Kelly's water-race, Mata Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Drain, Tβ Aroha West & s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £, s. d.| a. s. a. £ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. NORTH ISLAND.' Auckland Pbovincial District — Thames. Tairua Water-race. Compensation, Thames Water-race R. Kelly's water-race, Mata. Kuaotunu Sludge-channel. Drain, Tβ Aroha West. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 61 0 0 .. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 ft 0 200 0 0 61 0 0 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0| 40 0 0! 200 0 0| 61 0 0 .. .. 80,708 19 3 1,585 5 4 82,294 4 7 •• 82,294 4 7 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Pbovincial Distbict — Subsidies — Hohonu Hibernian New River Kanieri Rimu Drainage-tunnel Boas Sludge-channel Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race .. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race .. Trustees Main Tail-race,Waimea Branch Tail-race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party Kelly's Terrace Tunnel Quinn's Creek Water-raoe (purchase) Raising dam, Loop-line Ngahere-Blackball Donnelly's Creek Tail-race Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdooh's water-rights Jones Creek Storm-channel Back Creek Water-race Government Works — Waimea-Kumara Wainihinihi Water-race Mikonui Nelson Pbovinoial District— Government Works — Nelson Creek .. Napoleon Hill Argyle (Charleston) Black's Point 3 7 0 12 5 8J 21 5 0 1 5 61 191 19 6 - 1,955 12 1 1,992 14 8 3,496 0 3 10,310 18 4 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 570 15 0 1,151 10 8 5,616 14 11 1,973 10 5 100 0 0 2,141 10 6 70 0 0 6li" 7 5 68 6 3 5 10 0 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 191 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,182 2 5 1,151 10 8 5,616 14 11 2,041 16 8 100 0 0 2,147 0 6 70 0 0 ■■ 50f 0 0 75* 0 0 30 0 0 •• - •• 507 0 0 75' 0 0 30 0 0 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 191 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,689 2 5 1,151 10 8 5,616 14 11 2,116 16 8 100 0 0 2,177 0 6 70 0 Oi MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Pbovincial Distbict — Subsidies — Hohonu. Hibernian. New River. Kanieri. Rimu Drainage-tunnel. Ross Sludge-channel. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3. Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea. Branch Tail-race to No. 4 Ghannel, Payne and party. Kelly's Terrace Tunnel. Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase) . Raising dam Loop-line. Ngahere-Blackball. Donnelly's Creek Tail-race. Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdoch's water-rights. Jones Creek Storm-channel. Baok Creek Water-race. Government Works — Waimea-Kumara. Wainihinihi Water-race. Mikonui. Nelson Pbovincial Distbict — Government Works — Nelson Creek. Napoleon Hill. Argyle (Charleston). Black's Point. 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 - ■ - 100 0 0 330 1 0 25 0 ol 125 0 0 330 1 0 .. 125 0 0 330 1 0 194,283 7 6 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 194,283 7 6 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 194,283 7 6 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 I 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,501 15 3 244 9 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,501 15 3 244 9 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,501 15 3 244 9 0 .. .. Carried forward .. I 343,876 1 3 612 0 0 378,574 3 10 !S4,375 18 11 710 3 8 |377,962 3 10! 612 0 0| I



Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1906, and the Liabilities on that Date — continued.

Expenditure. Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1905. Grants Subsidies, 1870-1905. Survey and Construction 1905-1906. Grants, Subsidies, 1905-1906. Authorities Authorities on Grants, Subsidies. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Totals. on Construction. Contracts. Totals. £ s. d. 342,876 1 3 £ s. d. 34,375 18 11] 1 £ s. d. & s. d. 710 3 8 £ s. d. 377,962 3 10 £ s. d. & s. d. 612 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 612 0 0 Brought forward MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial District— ctd. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Eoaring Meg Bell Hill Go. 's Race .. Randall Greek Water-race Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully Otaqo Provincial Distbict — Subsidies — Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carrick Range Mount Pisgah Lawrence Drainage-channel .. Ophir Tail-race Muddy Creek Channel St. Bathan's Maerewhenua Artesian wells, Maniototo Improving water-supply, Oamaru Mountain Hut Water-race Government Works — Mount Ida Waipori Alexandra Bonanza (purchase) Canterbury Provincial District — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill General — Increased water-supply Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. ! £ s. d. 378,574 3 10 322 18 2 4* 6 2 •• 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,150 7 2 4,879 12 0 800 0 0 500 0 0 218* 0 o| 612 10 0 640 0 0 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 1,875 0 0 I - I "• 125' 0 0 800 0 0 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 I 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 •• I 1,000 0 0 '■ 1,006' 0 0 800 0 0 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 I 1,600 7 2 j 4,879 12 0 MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial District — ctd. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg. Bell Hill Oo.'e Race. Randall Creek Water-race. Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully. Otago Provincial District — Subsidies — Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carrick Range. Mount Pisgah. Lawrence Drainage-channel. Ophir Tail-race. Muddy Creek Channel. St. Bathan's. Maerewhenua. Artesian wells, Maniototo. Improving water-supply, Oamaru. Mountain Hut Water-race. Government Works — Mount Ida. Waipori. Alexandra Bonanza (purchase). "Canterbury Provincial District — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race. Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill. General — Increased water-supply. Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &<s. 450* 0 0 1 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 .. 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 13,084 10 2 .. I 1 ■'■ 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 13,084 10 2 13,084*10 2j 65 6 7 65 6 7 65 6 7 133 19 4 133 19 4 .. " 133 19 4 530 4 0 100 0 0 j 630 4 0 630 4 0 6,720 6 8 6,720 6 8 .. 6,720 6 8 .. Totals : 42,729 13 6 53,798 0 4 14,369 13 10 510,897 7 8 1,612 0 0 1,612 0 0 512,509 7 8 Totals. SUMMARY. North Island SUMMARY. North Island. Middle Island. 80,708 19 3 42,729 13 6 1,585 5 4 53,798 0 4 14,369 13 ll 82,294 4 7 510,897 7 8 1,612* 0 0 1,612* 0 0 82,294 4 7 512,509 7 8 Middle Island Totals i23,438 12 9 55,383 5 8 14,369 13 10 593,191 12 3 1,612 0 0 1,612 0 594,803 12 3 Totals.



Development of Goldfields.—Table No. 5a. Statement showing Assistance towards Prospecting, and Miscellaneous Services, out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1906, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Expenditure to 31et March, 1905. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1906. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1906. Liabilities on 31st March, 1906. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Assistance towards prospecting' .. Purchase of diamond-drill Prospecting deep levels, Thames, — Queen of Beauty shaft subsidy .. Inspector's fee Cost and expenses, purchase, plant, &c. Lowering water, Queen of Beauty shaft Purchase of Cassrell's and Bennett's leaseholds, Paeroa Compensation Proclamation of Elvers Water Conservation — Reports on Coromandel Harbour and Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Engineer's salary and expenses .. Reports on Ross Plat Eweburn Reservoir Home Gully Dam Compensation, Owen Roberts Telephone-line, Bannockburn to Nevis Resumption of land Water-supplies for Mining Townships— Waitekauri Karangahake Mackeytown Clyde Alexandra Thames Drainage Board contribution Waimumu Main Tail-raee £ s. d. 19,105 13 9 722 1 5 £ a. d. 1,822 2 3 £ s. d. 20,927 16 0 722 1 5 £ s. d. 1,274 10 5 £ s. d. 22,202 6 5 722 1 5 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,278 3 8 276 18 0 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,555 1 8 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,555 1 8 400 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 2,250 0 0 2,250 0 0 2,250 0 0 38,058 12 8 1,422 14 11 39,481 7 7 39,481 7 7 80 12 6 80 12 6 80 12 6 2,977 16 8 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 1,028 0 6 75 0 0 50 0 0 241 3 6 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 J.0 1,028 0 6 75 0 0 50 0 0 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,439 15 10 1,028 0 6 75 0 0 50 0 0 862 7 0 862 7 0 862 7 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,339 13 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,339 13 0 415 2 5 607 6 S 351 0 0 1,12113 2 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,339 13 0 CrediLCharlton Creek Main Tail-race 408 7 1 408 7 1 408 7 1 Totals 119,605 16 9 4,162 18 8 123,768 15 5 1,274 10 5 125,043 5 10 tpenditure prior So 31st March, 1894, •2,630 16s. 2d.



TABLE No. 6. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1906, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1906. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Telephone Exchanges,— Ashburton |;j'.. Aucklandjjgj Blenheim Christohurch.. Danneyirke Dunedin Peilding Gisborne .. Greymouth Hamilton Hawera Hokitika Inveroargill Lawrence Masterton Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Pahiatua Palmerston North Rotorua Stratford Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport Whangarei 36 17 1 5,512 19 9 101 10 7 2,745 3 2 70 19 8 4,244 19 4 292 10 6 179 7 2 115 1 0 50 1 6 16 3 1 11 11 10 119 11 6 57 4 6 622 7 10 817 6 6 10 8 11 77 7 10 109 3 8 40 4 2 226 14 5 26 10 10 3 15 11 218 6 10 207 0 9 247 19 7 4,516 7 1 42 12 10 22 7 3 New Wires, — Leigh-Pakiri.. Waiharera Tβ Uku Oruanui Waingaro-Waimai Te Kuiti - Mangapehi Pukekawa - Glen Murray Upper Waiwera Moewhare-Waikiekie Kaipara Flats Kuarangi-Waikiekie Ongarua-Mangaroa Ponga-Hunua Kaurihohore Hangatiki Paterangi Hairini Pukenui Huntly-Ohinewai Wbangarei-Aponga Whangape Kaitaia-Herekino Waitoa Ohaupo - Te Awamutu Te Awamutu-Taumarunui Teneatua-Te Teko .. Whangamomona-Kohuratahi .. Toko-Tututawa-Puniwhakau .. Tarata-Purangi-Matau Douglas Road-Huiroa Kohuratahi-Tuhara Opunake-Te Kiri Puniwhakau-Makahu.. Ormondville-Whetukura Maharahara-Kiritaki Napier Park Extension Ruataniwha Napier-Pohui Taradale-Pakowhai Hastings-Pakipaki Gisborne-Tolaga Bay Te Karaka Metallic Oirouit Brunswick Marton-Wanganui Metallic Oirouit 0 8 0 6 14 7 7 17 6 0 15 3 120 19 1 10 17 8 153 11 0 58 0 10 120 17 7 17 9 44 2 2 384 19 11 17 13 0 2 18 0 13 8 59 10 0 22 15 2 3 18 6 22 11 0 207 17 8 179 19 10 398 17 8 4 4 2 14 9 0 291 14 2 121 10 0 70 19 3 294 5 10 290 9 2 3 16 9 0 4 5 2 11 6 52 3 11 12 8 5 60 4 7 12 0 10 0 91 18 0 2 16 0 6 5 3 59 15 0 84 1 8 20 13 6 0 12 6 Carried forward 24,057 16 0 • ■


TABLE No. 6—continued. Statement showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund— continued.


Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1906. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. 24,057 16 0 £ g. d. Brought forward New Wires— continued. Hunterville-Koeke Kaponga-Mahoe Ohutu - Lower Moawhango Wanganui-Taihape Hawera-Mokoia Kaponga-Kapuni Eltham-Omana Waverley-Momohaki .. Te Moehau .. Mataroa-Tirirakawa Wanganui - New Plymouth Wangaehu-Turakina Manaia-Inaha Mangatainoka-Makairo Pohangina-Komako .. .. Ohui-Waiowaka Masterton-Pahiatua .. .. Hutt-Trentham Pahiatua-Mangamaire FeildiDg-Kimbolton .. Woodville-Mangarawa Aokautere Wellington - New Plymouth Eketahuna-Rongokokaho Carterton-Parkvale .. Featherston-Kahautara Apiti-Utuwai Wellington-Pal merston North Halcombe - Makino Waituna West - Rewa Featherston - Te Maire - Te Pare Ihuraua Valley Rongotea-Oarnarvon .. Waikanae-Reikorangi Glen Oroua - Taikorea Te Haroto Manaroa- Forsyth Bay Bl6nheim-Pioton Metallic Circuit Picton-Mahakipawa Blind River Line Puponga Line Tapawera Motupiko - Upper Motupiko Little Wanganui Ferry Granity Metallic Cirouit Globe Mine - Progress Junction Twelve-mile Landing Stillwater-Moana Greymouth-Stillwater Moana-Rotomana Okarito - Bruce Bay .. Ashburton-Lowcliffe .. Atnberley-Balcairn Kaikoura Sub. Mount Somers - Springbum Dromore Islington Hanmer Duplex Line.. Rakaia-Highbank Morven Line Waibao Downs - Waihaorunga Makikihi Trunk Line.. Hazelburn Line Glenavy-Ikawai Timaru-Fairlie Metallic Circuit Glenavy-Pelvins Oamaru-Waimate Oamaru-Kurow Hampden-Oamaru Oamaru-Ngapara Enfield-Windsor Clinton - Ashley Downs - Clydevale Dunedin-Milton Lauder Line Balclutha-Hillend Dunedin-Invercargill Metallic Circuit .. 445 2 10 0 3 0 0 3 3 130 1 6 5 3 0 58 6 6 11 16 10 20 17 2 2 4 10 8 3 6 20 14 1 6 2 6 10 0 0 18 6 174 12 8 57 17 0 4 10 10 0 43 18 0 38 18 3 0 15 0 7 6 159 9 11 30 7 6 22 18 2 57 13 6 380 9 6 271 10 4 4 10 0 85 9 8 1 13 6 93 17 7 26 6 9 30 8 6 10 12 0 0 3 6 163 9 8 105 16 7 71 10 2 21 6 10 19 3 0 12 0 74 1 10 3 5 8 142 4 7 25 15 0 27 2 2 292 13 8 50 14 5 74 9 6 9 19 0 220 14 2 39 12 6 15 0 80 0 8 9 1 3 17 8 9 14 0 180 1 10 31 2 7 77 17 1 2 19 0 116 2 6 90 16 6 85 9 6 88 4 3 124 14 0 278 13 6 36 9 9 12 7 3 10 8 184 1 5 514 15 6 11 12 6 171 6 4 112 12 6 Carried forward 29 837 6 10


TABLE No. 6—continued. Statement showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund— continued.

7— D. 1.


Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1906. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward New Wires— continued. Taieri Beach - Akatore Heriot-Edievale , Mosgiel-Momona Momona-Allanton Ahuriri Flat Morrison's - Islay Downs .. ,. Rough Bidge - Ida Valley Waikouaiti-Merton Inch Valley Bureau .. Warepa-Kaihiku Clydevale-Greenfield Mataura Island (additions) Inveroargill - Mabel Bush Invercargill - Gore Trunk Line Fortrose-Otara Winton-Loohiel Riversdale-Wendon Clifton - Seaward Moss Blufi-Greenhills Waimahaka-Waikawa Centre Bush - Dipton Mossbum - Te Anau £ a. a. 29,837 6 10 £ s. a. 2 12 6 102 7 11 69 11 0 0 11 9 3 6 2 4 8 0 61 5 8 14 2 3 0 10 6 45 3 10 52 9 11 8 2 0 179 17 11 548 18 1 2 12 0 0 13 2 0 14 6 2 15 0 4 7 0 341 19 11 34 17 7 697 18 4 Purchase of material 32,016 11 10 45,169 15 4 Expenditure to 31st March, 1906 77,186 7 2 1,132,990 4 7 1,210,176 11 9 Total expenditure Liabilities, 31st March, 1906 1,210,176 11 9 83,295 0 0 Total expenditure and liabilities.. £1,293,471 11 9



TABLE No. 7. Statement showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1906, and the Liabilities on that Date.

TABLE No. 8. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences out of Public Works Fund, to 31st March, 1906, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1905. Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1906. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1906. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1906. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Judicial Postal and Telegraph Customs Offices for Public Departments Hospitals for Mental Diseases.. Alexandra Depot, Wellington .. School Buildings Hospitals Quarantine Stations Survey Parliament Buildings Government House, Auckland „ Wellington Agricultural Public Health Miscellaneous £ s. d. 511,140 15 1 402,296 17 3 38,335 15 10 246,037 13 0 517,520 19 8 7,290 10 4 1,275,567 14 6 64,718 3 8 6,863 19 5 543 4 5 62,253 9 2 4,940 0 4 8,331 0 2 11,494 2 1 10,580 13 3 18,309 1 8 £ s. d. 15,898 18 9 38,418 17 4 7,903 5 3 1,755 5 10 *16,235 6 7 477 0 2 69,223 4 0 t4,786 1 11 £ s. d. 527,039 13 10 440,715 14 7 46,239 1 1 247,792 18 10 533,756 6 3 7,767 10 6 1,344,790 18 6 69,504 5 7 6,863 19 5 543 4 5 62,324 12 8 4,940 0 4 8,331 0 2 14,111 15 4 18,506 5 1 18,309 1 8 £ s. d. 15,705 8 1 26,456 15 0 £ s. d. 542,745 1 11 467,172 9 7 46,239 1 1 254,357 5 6 533,933 15 6 7,767 10 6 1,345,863 1 7 69,917 5 7 6,863 19 5 543 4 5 63,008 15 2 4,940 0 4 8,331 0 2 15,006 2 5 18,506 5 1 18,309 1 8 6,564 6 8 177 9 3 1,072' 8 1 413 0 0 71 3 6 684" 2 6 {2,61713 3 §7,925 11 10 89*' 7 1 Totals 3,186,223" 19 10 3,403,503 19 11 165,312 8 5 3,351,536 8 3 51,967 11 8 ♦Includes £3,014 3s. 6d. charged to charge to " Ui " Unauthorised." lauthorised." t Includes £! Includes £1,820 ! i0 charged to " Unat !s. 10d. charged to " ithorised." J Includes £213 15s. Unauthorised."

Net Total Expenditure Expenditure during 12 to 31st March, Months ended 1905. 31st March, 1906. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1906. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 1906. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Lighthouses. £ a. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 3,256 5 3 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,270 13 9 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 11 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 £ s. a. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,270 13 9 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 11 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 £ s. d. & s. a. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 i 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,270 13 9 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 11 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 Akaroa Brothers Cape Campbell Cape Egmont Cape Foulwind Cape Kidnappers Cape Maria van Diemen Cape Palliser Cape Saunders Centre Island Cuvier Island .. East Cape French Pass Beacon French Pass Hokitika Jackson's Eeef Beacon Jack's Point Kahurangi Point Kaipara Manukau Heads Marine Store Moeraki .. Moko Hinou Portland Island Puysegur Point Stephen Island Timaru Tiritiri Cable Tory Channel Waipapapa Point Miscellaneous, including expenditure on s.s."Hinemoa" and " Stella" 961*18 6 Total Lighthouses 161,893 9 1 961 18 6 162,855 7 7 162,855 7 7



TABLE No. 8— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences, out of Public Works Fund— continued.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1905. E dur l n n a g lt l U 2 1 ' e Expenditure 0^£ tie £, Months ended to 31st March, V ,, a . S "t , 31st March, 1906. to 31 . B * March ' 1906. iaUb, Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Haeboub Works. Maungaturoto Wharf Wharf at Howick Manukau Wharf at Sanaspit Pollok Wharf, Manukau Whangarei Heads Wharf Waipu, improvement of river Matakana Wharf Onehunga, examining-room and office Onehunga, dredging, &c, near wharf Orua Bay Wharf Waiwera Wharf Meroury Bay Wharf Opotiki Wharf .. .. .. Waiuku Channel Coromandel Wharf .. .... Waitara Harbour Removing eel-weirs, Patea River Waikokopu Harbour Wairoa Harbour Mokau Wharf Nuhaka, land for harbour purposes .. Napier Harbour .. Manawatu River, snagging Foxton Marine Reserve, Protection of Castlepoint Jetty Cape Campbell Lighthouse Jetty Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour Pioton, removal of old wharf Nelson, dredging harbour Motueka Wharf, protection Collingwood Harbour Pakawau Whar! Karamea Wharf Karamea River improvements Little Wanganui Wharf, wharf approaoh, and snagging river Westport Harbour Greymouth Harbour Hokitika Harbour Okarito Wharf, repairs and extension Okarito Harbour, fascine-work Akaroa-Le Bon's Bay Wharf, repairs Lyttelton, reclamation-works, Sticking Point Okuru Wharf Timaru Harbour Taiaroa Heads Lighthouse, enlarging and repairing dwelling Dunedin, St. Olair, protection of Ocean Beach Martin's Bay, removal of rock Port Levy Jetty Toitois Jetty Balclutha Jetty Oatlin's River, removal of rocks Catlin's River Jetty Queenstown Beacon Queenstown Jetty Jackson's Bay Jetty Raising dredge " Hapuka " Miscellaneous Stewart Island Wharf, Horseshoe Bay Chatham Islands: Waitangi, removal and extension of wharf and store Chatham Islands: Shed at Pitt Island £ s. d. 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 138 2 3 556 10 3 194 3 2 3 6 0 94 16 4 350 0 0 3 14 6 500 0 0 357 11 6 Or. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 1,500 0 0 312 13 9 141 12 6 2,84714 9 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 6 5 0 2,912 16 10 94 0 0 2,806 15 8 300 0 0 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 559 19 11 23 2 9 336 0 10 £ a. d. 345 10 10 755' 2 3 256' 0 0 337 12 2 £ s. d. 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 483 13 1 556 10 3 194 3 2 758 8 3 94 16 4 350 0 0 253 14 6 500 0 0 357 11 6 Gr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 337 12 2 1,500 0 0 312 13 9 141 12 6 3,097 14 9 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 6 5 0 2,985 17 3 94 0 0 2,806 15 8 300 0 0 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 559 19 11 365 8 3 336 0 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 483 13 1 556 10 3 194 3 2 758 8 3 94 16 4 350 0 0 253 14 6 500 0 0 357 11 6 Or. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 337 12 2 1,500 0 0 312 13 9 141 12 6 3,097 14 9 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 6 5 0 2,985 17 3 94 0 0 2,806 15 8 300 0 0 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 559 19 11 365 8 3 336 0 10 25o' 0 0 73' 0 5 342' 5 6 14," 110 18 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 391 19 7 127 0 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 5' 0 0 14,110 18 7 127,233 1.9 6 58,780 5 10 396 19 7 127 0 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 14,110 18 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 396 19 7 127 0 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 350 0 0 100,000 0 0 83 7 1 350 0 0 100,000 0 0 83 7 1 350 0 0 100,000 0 0 83 7 1 154 18 0 255 5 10 410 3 10 122 1 4 532 5 2 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 230 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 230 0 0 90 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 230 0 0 90 0 0 76' 0 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 Total Harbour Works .. 327,606 6 9 2,683 17 0 330,290 3 9 122 1 4 330,412 5 1 Habboue Defences. Guns Ammunition War Office stores Torpedo-boats and torpedoes Submarine-mining stores Miscellaneous Works in colony Land for depots and batteries 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 242,267 4 11 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 243,567 9 8 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 243,603 19 0 38,327 14 6 1,3O6' 4 9 36' 9 4 Total Harbour Defences 518,706 17 2 1,300 4 9 520,007 1 11 36 9 4 520,043 11 3 Grand total 1008206 13 0 4,946 0 3 1,013,152 13 3 158 10 8 1,013,311 3 11





Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of " The Public Works Act, 1894."

Sir,— Public Works Department, Wellington, 30th May, 1906. In compliance with the Bth section of " The Public Works Act, 1894," I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public Works Fund. I have, &c, Wμ. Hall-Jones, Minister for Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington.

Statement of Net Expenditure on all Works and Services chargeable to the Public Works Fund for the Year 1905-6.

Public Works Department. G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Examined and found correct. , Under-Secretary. J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General. Note. —Expenditure charged to special account, Paeroa-Waihi Eailway, £8,861 13s. 7d., and charges and expenses of raising loans, £235 25., not included in above figures. (Details on next page.)

Class. Votes. Summary. AP tioT ia " Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. 83 84, 85 86 87-96 97-99 100 101 102-106 Public Wobks Fund. Public Works, Departmental Railways Utilisation of Water-power Public Buildings Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences Tourist and Health Resorts Immigration .. .. Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works Development of Goldfields Purchase of Native Lands Telegraph Extension .. Rates on Native Lands .. ... Contingent Defence .. Lands Improvement Unauthorised & 13,730 1,222,065 53,000 237,920 15,150 28,075 5,800 578,319 & s. d. 14,411 12 8 1,023,005 19 4 2,909 17 1 165,983 2 8 5,020 0 0 15,959 0 11 10,348 0 10 355,512 6 6 £ s. d. 894 14 10 10.602 4 S\ 8 0 0 5,768 15 7 73 19 9 521 0 3 1,594 18 6 3,324 13 11 £ s. d. 13,516 17 10 1,012,403 15 1 2,901 17 1 160,214 7 1 4,946 0 3 15,438 0 8 8,753 2 4 352,187 12 7 xxxni: XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. 107 108 109 110 111 112-114 55,000 17,150 102,000 950 42,550 62,550 18,865 12 6 12,549 7 5 91,590 11 5 547 9 11 39,173 8 8 1,296 6 5 9,653 7 0 ■ • 333 0 0 1,785 16 6 14,404 4 3 18,532 12 6 10,763 10 11 77,186 7 2 547 9 11 35,568 12 0 1,051 16 9 8,577 19 0 3,604 16 8 244 9 8 1,075 8 0 Total Public Works Fund.. 2,434,259 1,766,826 3 4 44,236 2 2 1,722,590 1 2


Note.—Expenditure charged to special aooount, Paeroa-Waihi Railway, £8,861 13s. 7d., not included in above figures.


Tote. No. Name of Vote. Appropriation. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Public Wobks Fund. Public Works, Departmental— Publio Works, Departmental £ 13,730 & s. d. 14,411 12 8 £ s. a. £ s. d. 83 894 14 10 13,516 17 10 Railways— f Railway Construction — Kawakawa-Grahamtown .. .'. " Helensville Northwards Paeroa-Waihi Gisborne-Rotorua •■.■■;■■ •■..■■■ Stratford-Ongarue .. .. Sentry Hill-New Plymouth Deviation Mount Bgmont Branch Marton - Te Awamutu Blenheim-Waipara .. Culverden-Rotherham-Hanmer Midland Railway .. .. .. Westport-Inangahua Ngahere-Blaokball .. j Greymouth- Point Elizabeth .. .. ., Greymouth-Hokitika (Extension to Ross) Otago Central Heriot Extension Lawrence-Roxburgh .. .. .. Catlin's-Waimahaka Riversdale-Switzers .. .. .. Orepuki-Waiau ..... Land Claims and other Old Liabilities on Construotion Acoount Surveys, New Lines of Railway Permanent-way Materials Additions to Open Lines 20,000 30,000 6,000 20,000 20,000 10,000 15,000 300,000j 45,000 10,000: 100,000 10,000 10,000 2,500 20,000 100,000 3,000 10,000 20,000 5,000 10,000 1,065 9,542 14 2 24,318 7 6 8,243 17 10 17,090 9 1 10,958 15 7 10,249 17 11 223,875 2 1 34,642 7 1 119,702 2 7 2,913 2 0 9,271 16 0 2,771 19 2 17,088 9 11 58,529 6 2 2,212 18 2 1,003 14 10 8,590 11 4 30 0 2 970 1 3 200 3 2 29 5 0 917 18 3 379 1 2 63 2 3 2 2 2 3,357 0 7 90 13 9 490 3 11 16 18 A 15 3 4 134 0 5 14 17 0 1,805 5 3 9,513 9 2 24,318 7 6 7,325 19 7 16,711 7 11 10,895 13 4 10,247 15 9 220,518 1 6 34,551 13 £ 119,211 18 8 2,896 3 8 9,256 12 8 2,637 18 9 17,073 12 11 56,724 0 11 2,212 18 2 999 9 10 8,590 5 6 30 0 2 970 1 3 196 13 2 84 4~ 5 0 0 5 10 3 10 0 3,000 100,000 351,500 3,387 12 5 103,367 19 4 354,044 11 7 0 6 10 277 8 1 3,000 17 1 3,387 5 7 103,090 11 3 351,043 14 6 85 86 Utilisation of Water-power—] Utilisation of water-power 53,000 2,909 17 1 8 0 0 2,901 17 1 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Publio Buildings— General .. .. Judicial Postal and Telegraph Customs Hospitals for Mental Diseases School Buildings School Buildings (Speoial) Agricultural General Hospitals and other Charitable Institutions Public Health ' 7,700 29,235 45,160 7,700 20,000 52,550 35,000 5,950 10,625 24,000 7,344'' 0 3 15,902 9 9 38,811 12 4 7,903 5 3 13,319 3 1 39,646 12 2 29,810 10 8 2,403 18 3 4,736 111 6,105 9 0 5,040 10 9 3 11 0 392 15 0 98 0 0 230 8 10 3 10 0 2,303 9 6 15,898 18 9 38,418 17 4 7,903 5 3 13,221 3 1 39,416 3 4 29,807 0 8 2,403 18 3 4,736 1 11 6,105 9 0 97 98 99 Lighthouses, Harbour - works, and Harbour Defences— Lighthouses Harbour-works Harbour Defences 1,700 4,450 9,000 965 0 3 2,688 2 0 1,366 17 9 3 19 4 5 0 66 13 0 961 18 6 2,683 17 0 1,300 4 9 100 Tourist and.Health Resorts—- . Tourist and Health Resorts 28,075 15,959 0 11 521 0 3 15,438 0 8 101 Immigration— Immigration 5,800 10,348 0 10 1,594 18 6 8,753 2 4 102 103 104 105 106 Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works — Roads, Departmental .. Roads, &o. ... .. .... Maintenance of Main Roads, &c. Tourist Roads, &c. Roads on Goldfields, &c. 18,815 446,038 28,000 28,216 57,250 18,854 11 1 251,334 8 1 24,959" 0 4 15,225 11 2 45,138 15 10 255 15 2 2,854 14 7 213 19 2 18,598 15 11 248,479 13 6 24,745 1 2 15,225 11 2 45,138 10 10 05 0 107 Development of Goldfields — Development of Goldfields 55,000 18,865 12 6 333 0 0 18,532 12 6 108 Purchase of Native Lands— Purchase of Native Lands 17,150 12,549 7 5 1,785 16 6 10,763 10 11 109 Telegraph Extension — Telegraph Extension .. .. 102,000 91,590 11 5 14,404 4 3 77,186 7 2 110 Rates on Native Lands — Rates on Native Lands 950 547 9 11 547 9 11 111 Contingent Defenoe — Contingent Defence 42,550 39,173 8 8 3,604 16 8 35,568 12 0 112 113 114 Lands Improvement— Improved-farm Settlements Lands, Miscellaneous Irrigation and Water-supply 4,500 8,050 50,000 1,185 12 3 88 9 6 22 i 8 244 9 8 941 2 7 88 9 6 22 4 8 Unauthorised — Services not provided for 9,653 7 0 1,075 8 0 8,577 19 0 Total Publio Works Fund .. 2,434,259 1,766,826 3 4 44,236 2 2 1,722,590 1 2



APPENDIX B. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the Close of the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1906, prepared in Terms of Section 38, Part IV, of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891," and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Audit Office.

G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Public Works Department, 30th April, 1906. Under-Secretary.

Class. Votes. Summary. Total. Public Wobks Fund. XXVI XXVII XXVII XXIX 84 86 88-95 98-99 Railways Utilisation of Water-power Public Buildings.. Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences £ s. d. 106,207 14 0 3 18 6 51,967 11 8 158 10 8 158,337 14 10 Consolidated Fund. XX 72 Public Buildings 723 15 11 Vote No. Name oi Vote. Total. Public Wobks Fund. 84 Bailway-oonstruction— Kawakawa-Grahamtown Helensville Northwards Gisborne-Rotorua Stratford-Ongarue Mount Egmont Branch Marton - Te Awamutu .. .. .. Blenheim-Waipara Midland Railway .. .. ..' 7~. Lawrence-Roxburgh Greymouth-Hokitika (extension to Ross) CTtago Central Orepuki-Waiau Catlin's-Waimahaka Surveys, New Lines of Railway Permanent-way Materials £ b. d. 186 4 5 520 12 7 353 9 5 161 12 5 1,068 5 1 59,061 14 2 1,703 2 9 18,561 13 5 33 12 6 6,923 18 2 3,789 12 6 23 19 7 3,241 8 1 0 18 0 10,577 10 11 106,207 14 .0 86 Utilisation of water-power 3 18 6 87 88 89 91 92 94 95 Public Buildings— General Judicial Postal and Telegraph Hospitals for Mental Diseases School Buildings (part of vote only) Agricultural General Hospitals and other Charitable Institutions 7,248 9 2 15,705 8 1 26,456 15 0 177 9 3 1,072 3 1 894 7 1 413 0 0 51,967 11 8 98 99 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences— Harbour Works Harbour Defences 122 1 4 36 9 4 158 10 8 i I Total, Public Works Fund.. 158,337 14 10 Consolidated Fund. 72 Public Buildings 723 15 11



APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

Date of Contract. Lines of Eailway and Branches. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. RAILWi .YS. £ s. d. 344 0 0 536 7 7 246 18 3 1,185 13 6 952 0 0 Sept. 21, 1905 Feb. 16, 1906 Feb. 1, 1905 March 30, „ Deo. 7, „ Blenheim-Waipara, N.E. Blenheim-Waipara, S.E. Platelayer's Cottage, Seddon Ironbark Timber for Hog Swamp Bridge Fencing-timber, Waikare Section Station-buildings, Hurunui Station-buildings, Westlands Wemyss Bros. Allan Taylor and Co. Baxter Bros. T. Ballantyne R. A. Forbes Oot. 23, 1905 May 18, 1906 April 11, 1905 June 20, „ Feb. 28, 1906 Dec. 13, 1905 July 8, 1905 Aug. 9, „ a • • Contract oancelted. Feb. 17, 1906 Sept. 2, 1905 Jan. 11, 1906 Maroh 7, 1905 Sept. 26, „ March 28, „ Catlin's-Waimahaka Gisborne-Rotorua Platelayer's Cottage, Waimahaka Catlin's River Bridge Station-buildings, Waipaoa and Karaka Ironbark Timber Mabinapua and Fisherman's Creek Bridges .. R. A. Forbes Campbell and Padden J. and A. Anderson .. C. H. Frankham Scott, Sibbald, and Co. Thomas Dillon May 17, , Oct. 28,1905 Jan. 21, 1907 July 2, 1905 Dec. 28, „ June 28, , Oct. 28, 1905 Aug. 31,1905 1,130 0 0 217 0 0 3,228 18 4 2,147 0 0 337 13 3 1,748 11 6 F eb. 22, 1906 Sept. 26, 1905 Sept. 26, „ March 21, 1906 June 8, 1903 June 27, 1905 June 19, „ Aug. 23, „ Jan. 27, „ July 11, . Aug. 22, „ Oct. 20, „ Nov. 7, „ Nov. 14, , May 16, 1904 June 16, 1905 Oct. 12, 1903 Greymouth-Hokitika (extension to Ross) Ditto Helensville-Northwarde Kawakawa-Grahamtown Mount Bgmont Branoh Marton-Te Awamutu, N.E. Totara Bridges Ironbark Timber and Piles.. T. F. Slowey Scott, Sibbald, and Co. Scott, Sibbald, and Co. Seagar Bros. G. Fraser and Sons (Limited) J. and A. Anderson .. J. W. Wallace and Co. Price Bros. .. Rhodes, Gardiner, and Woolf E.W.Fitzgerald Price Bros. Waters Bros. John Spence J. A. Stringer Fitzgerald and Bignell M. O'Connor Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Company (Limited) Scott Bros. (Limited) J. W. Wallace and Co. G. M. Fraser E. W. Fitzgerald G. la. Fraser Scott, Sibbald, and Co. J. Drummy.. F. H. Leonard and Co. J. W. Wallace and Co. H. Butler W. M. Hay.. Davey and Hale N.J. King .. .. Boon Bros. .. Dispatch Foundry Company (Limited) Dec. 7, 1906 Dec. 17, 1905 Dec. 17, „ May 1, 1906 Aug. 2, 1904 June 15, 1907 Aug. 7, 1905 Jan. 31, 1906 Aug. 27, 1905 Aug. 30, March 17, 1906 April 17, . Maroh 26, „ March 2, „ May 12, 1905 July 12, 1906 Oct. 12, 1905 Sept. 21, 1905 6,717 10 0 636 12 9 315 14 9 930 0 0 6,184 4 3 53,369 0 0 541 7 5 2,900 0 0 870 18 0 711 17 3 3,100 0 0 1,600 0 0 148 0 0 2,004 19 6 5,488 5 0 13,562 14 6 26,269 7 0 Marton-Te Awamutu, S.E. Steel Water-pipes for Crushing Plant Whakapapa Bridges Makatote Viaduct Ironbark Timber for Piopiotea Bridge Locomotive Road-bridge over Hautapu River Ironbark Timber Locomotive Station-buildings, Mataroa Land Plan Survey, Manu Section Station-buildings, Tadmor Road and Railway Bridge, Waitahu River .. Goat Creek and Rolleston River Bridge Staircase Viaduct and Broken River Bridge .. Nov. .2, 1905 Jan. 81, 1906 Mar. 31, „ Nov. 1, 1905 Midland (Tadmor end) .. Feb. 28, 1906 April 19, 1905 „ (Reefton-Inangahua) „ (Otira end) (Springfield end) June 9, 1904 Sept. 26, 1906 Aug. 3, 1904 July 11, 1905 Aug. 16, . Sept. 26, „ March 1, 1906 Aug. 11, 1904 Sept. 26, „ Deo. 20, „ May 4, 1905 April 7, . July 21, „ Aug. 19, „ May 20, „ Otago Central .. Paeroa-Waihi Steel Girders, Truscott Bridges Ironbark Timber Manuherikia Bridge, Second Crossing Ironbark Timber Manuherikia Bridge, Third Crossing Ironbark Timber Station-buildings, Ghatto Creek 4,000 Ironbark Sleepers Ironbark Timber Station-buildings, Waikino Waihi .. Platelayers' Cottages, Toko „ Cottage, ... , ,. Huiroa Section 100 Sets Points and Crossings May 6, „ Feb. 2, . Nov. 26, . Aug. 30, . Oct. 30, 1906 Jan. 25, „ May 20, „ Bee. 31, 1904 Feb. 2, 1905 Feb. 18, „ Aug. 13, „ June 14, „ Sept. 17, . Nov. 15, „ Dec. 15, . Aug. 22, 1905 Feb. 22, 1906 Nov. 1, 1905 May 29, 1905 July 24, April 26, „ Oct. 3, . Nov. 1, „ Oct. 30, „ Deo. 30, „ 1,261 1 10 273 10 7 3,947 13 6 588 9 6 4,145 0 0 559 10 6 559 13 0 766 13 4 647 13 7 487 0 0 1,764 3 6 674 0 0 318 0 0 522 11 1 1,160 0 0 Stratford-Ongarue Permanent- way, Materials



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1906— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract , tobe completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. Aug. 26, 1903 Auckland. PUBLIC 3 BUILDINGS. May 4, 1904 £ s. d. 773 18 0 Native School, Waitahunia .. .. .. .. • • . . • • I Salmon and Powick, Hamilton .. April 11, 1905 Assigned to Kusabs and Hardley, Rotorua. Sept. 6, 1904 Dec. 16, „ April 12, 1905 April 17, » May 22, „ June 5, June 14, „ July 14, „ Aug. 4, „ Oct. 17, „ Nov. 11, „ Dec. 21, „ Jan. 18,'19O6 Jan. 21," Additions, &c, Auckland Asylum .. .. ......' Police Inspector's Residence, Auckland .. .. Post-office, Whakarewarewa .. .. .. ■■>«,., Post-office, Waipiro Bay ... '.. .. .. Courthouse, Huntly .. .. Public Buildings, Tauranga Constable's Residence, Waiuku .. .. Post-office, Parnell .. .. Police Barracks, Grey Lynn .. Bath Buildings, Rotorua .. .. .. Native School and Residence, Oparue Native School and Residence, Tautoro Native School and Residence, Rangawhia.. .. .. Courthouse, Hamilton .. .. .. .. E. Morris, Auckland .. .. R. Kay, Auokland D. Lundon, Rotorua E. Hewetson, Tokomaru Bay .. D. Henderson, Ngaruawahia W. E. Hutchison, Auckland J. P. Dromgool, Waiuku J. G. Mathieson, Ponsonby Ferguson and Malcolm, Auckland W. E. Hutchison, Auckland C. H. Frankham, Auckland C. H. Frankham, Auckland H. Nelson, Auckland Potts and Hardy, Cambridge May 30, 1905 April 12, „ July 5, . July 24, „ Aug. 15, „ Feb. 26, 1906 Sept. 9, 1905 March 10, 1906 June 1, „ March 27, 1907 Feb. 4, 1906 April 15, „ April 12, „ June 15, „ Sept. 9, „ April 17, „ Aug. 30, , Sept. 29, „ Oot. 17, „ Oct. 17, 1905 6,095 0 0 910 0 0 302 3 10 335 0 0 528 0 0 4,540 0 0 531 9 0 1,846 10 2 3,927 17 10 25,720 0 0 778 0 0 825 0 0 485 0 0 1,497 14 6 Mar. 17, 1906 Jan. 25, „ Jan. 25, „ Feb. 15, „ Feb. 19, „ Feb. 23, „ Feb. 24, 653 0 0 573 0 0 363 14 6 244 0 0 216 1 0 243 0 0 Cancelled ; fresl contract enterei into. Cancelled. Cancelled. Post-office, Tokomaru Bay Police-station, Tolago Bay Courthouse, Dargaville, Additions .. .. .. Courthouse, Waihi, Additions .. .. Police-station, Botorua, Additions Police-station, Tauranga, Additions .. .. Smith and Scott, Gisborne Smith and Scott, Gisborne G. A. Gould, Dargaville Palmer and Judge, Waihi D. Lundon, Rotorua .. J. G. Adams, Tauranga May "9,1906 May 14, „ April 23, „ April 24, „ Oct. 4, 1904 Feb. 13, 1905 Feb. 16, „ March 30, „ May . 29, „ June 16, „ June 19, „ Feb. 22, 1906 Hawke's Bay. Dec. 15, 1904 April 13, 1905 June 13, „ June 16, „ Sept. 15, „ Jan. 31, 1906 Sept. 10, 1905 Dec. 8, 1906 May 1, 1905 May 18, „ June 21, „ Aug. 1, ,„ Oot. 31, „ 720 10 0 199 0 0 397 0 0 580 0 0 382. 18 0 1,789 0 0 550 0 4 4,615 0 0 Native School, Waimarama Repairs, cfec, Waipukurau Police-station .. Dannevirke Post-office, Additions ...... Napier Post-office, Additions Post-office, Waipawa, Alterations and Additions .. Courthouse, Dannevirke .. .. .. Overseer's House, Arataki Experimental Farm Departmental Buildings, Napier, Additions (second contract) William Ward, Napier Robert Scott, Waipukurau Clayton and Co., Dannevirke .. Bull Bros., Napier „ . Liddell and Steven, Waipawa .. J. L. Scott, Dannevirke A. A. and R. Stanley, Hastings.. Bull Bros., Poet Ahuriri Dec. 1,1905 April 11, 1905 April 15, „ Sept. 20, „ Tabanaki. June 30, 1905 June 15, „ Sept. 1,1906 Aug. 19, 1905 Nov. 15, „ 498 0 0 268 0 0 6,990 0 0 Post-office, Pungarehu .. Courthouse, Stratford, Additions, &o. Post-office, New Plymouth, Additions, &c. .. Boon Bros., New Plymouth A. B. Burrell, Hawera Pikett and Wilkie, New Plymouth



APPENDIX C—continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1906— continued.

B—D. 1.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. Wellington. PUBLIC B JILDINGS— continued. £ s. d. 26,998 0 0 1,929 0 0 2,707 14 6 985 0 0 295 0 0 374 0 9 684 0 0 5,254 0 0 568 15 3 1,132 13 0 1,687 0 0 680 0 0 Aug. 12, 1902 July 7, 1904 Aug. 11, „ Oct. 17, „ Oct. 28, „ Nov. 10, „ Jan. 19, 1905 Jan. 21, „ Jan. 30, , March 21, „ March 9, . July 27, . Customhouse, Wellington Po*t-omce, Otaki Manager's House, &c, Levin Industrial School Store and Armoury, Wellington .. Steam Cooking-apparatus, Porirua Hospital for Mental Diseases Lock-up, Palmerston North Police-station Storekeeper's Residence, Defence Department Post-office, Palmerston North Residence, Agricultural Laboratory, Wallaceville Fittings, &c, Customhouse, Wellington .. Industrial School, Levin, No. 3 Contract Electric Lift, Customhouse, Wellington W. H. Bennett, Wellington A. Cooper and S n, Newtown .. John Adams, Waipawa Mace and Nicholson, Wellington Scott Bros. (Ltd.), Christchurch T. Griggs, Palmerston North L. S. Humphries, Wellington .. J. Trevor and Sons, Wellington.. J. Harrison, Wellington W. H. Bennett, Wellington L. S. Humphries, Wellington .. A. A. Stewart (Waygood Elevator Co.), Sydney Clayton and Co., Dannevirke .. Ashwell and Hamilton, Waoganui H. Humphries, Greytown Russell and Bignell, Wanganui.. William Pringle, Weraroa J. P. Luke, Wellington A. Williams, Taihape .. R. A. Wakelin, Wellington Wm. Boyd, Petone April 12, 1904 Feb. 1, 1905 Jan. 1, „ March 10, . Dec. 31, 1904 Feb. 1, 1905 April 17, „ Sept. 21, „ April 20, „ May 16, „ July 2, „ Nov. 15, „ May 25, 1905 May 5, „ Sept. 28, „ May 16, „ June 22, „ April 28, „ June 22, „ May 6, „ June 1, „ July 21, „ Nov. 15, „ June 16, . Aug. 8, , Aug. 11, » Aug. 22, , Sept. 16, » Oot. 2, „ Oct. 16, „ Dec. 23, „ Jan. 15, 1906 Post-office, Pahiatua, Alterations and Additions .. Post-office, Waitotara Post-office, Greytown, Alterations and Additions Post-office, Bulls Industrial School, Levin, Farm Manager's House.. Industrial School, Levin, Boiler and Cooking-apparatus Post-office, Taihape Post-office, Lower Hutt Native School and Residence, Kaiwhata Nov. 1, „ Deo. 1, „ Sept. 30, , April 1, 1906 Nov. 24, 1905 Nov. 26, . May 26, 1906 Aug. 18, . April 13, „ Oct. 13, „ Nov. 30, 1905 Jan. 25, 1906 325 15 0 444 8 3 243 0 0 2,224 0 0 469 0 0 420 0 0 1,789 10 0 2,449 9 6 422 0 0 Timber supplied b; Government. Feb. 8, „ March 6, „ March 31, . Police-station, Lambton Quay, Wellington, Additions Parliament Buildings, Custodian's Residence Ministerial Residence, Molesworth Street, Wellington, Additions McLean and Gray, Wellington .. A. C. S. French, Wellington W. H. Bennett, Wellington July 3, . July 3, „ June 22, , 1,585 6 0 680 0 0 1,627 0 0 April 4, 1906 Mablbobough. Post-office, Blenheim, Outbuildings Wemyss Bros., Blenheim June 28, 1905 Aug. 1, 1905 274 0 0 May 11,1905 June 19, » Nov. 16, . Nov. 25, , Nelson. Post-office, Nelson Drill-shed, Nelson Post-office, Millerton Post-office, Collingwood.. A. Cooper and Son, Wellington .. J. A. StriDger, Nelson .. P. F. Hennessey, Granity McNabb and Johnson, Collingwood G. Robertson, Brightwater H. J. Campbell, Nelson Mar. 5, 1906 Oct. 13, 1905 Mar. 7, 1906 Mar. 23, „ Nov. 8, 1905 6,840 0 0 847 12 8 509 0 0 1,106 5 0 Jan. 9, 1906 Jan. 26, , Courthouse, Brightwater Government Buildings, Nelson, Additions, Repairs, and Painting April 3, . April 24, , 345 10 6 480 13 11



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1906— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contract. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Eemarks. Feb. 20, 1905 May 25, „ Westland. PUBLIC B1 New Wing, &c,., Greymouth Hospital .. .. Post-office, Greymouth .. .. ttLDINGS- continued. I Fitzgerald and Bignell.Greymoutb Drake and Muir, Greymouth Oct. 11, 1905 May 16, 1906 Mar. 10, 1906 £ s. d, 3,661 0 0 5,670 0 0 Oct. 6, 1905 Feb. 15, „ Feb. 16, „ April 29, „ May 16, . June 13, „ July 4, „ Canterbury. Steam Cooking-apparatus, Sunnyside Hospital for Mental Disease Additions, Timarn Police siation Alterations, &c , St. Alban* Post office Additions, &c, Christcliurch Post-office .. Hospital for Mental Disease, Sunnyside, Water-tanks Hospital for Mental Disease, Sunnyside, Cooking-pans Deaf-mute Institute, Sumner, Electric Light Engine-room Scott Bros. (Ltd.), Christchurch J. H Parks, Timaru F. Turvey and Co., Woolston .. Heni-hali and Son, Christohuroh Soott Bros. (Ltd.), Christchurch Scott Bros. (Lid.), Christchurch Hughes and Hansford, Christchurch A. E. Brown, Christchurch Hughes and Hansford, Christchurch P. Hyndman, Christchurch N.Z. Farmers' Co-operative Association of Canterbury (Ltd.), Christchurch A. J. White, Christchurch A. F. Talbot, Christchurch Hughea and Hansford, Christchurch John Cowan, Christchurch Dee. 6, 1905 May 15, . March 29, . Dec. 16, „ Aug. 5, . Aug. 9, , Sept. 28, „ May 81, 1905 April 28, „ April 18, „ 255 0 0 248 0 0 235 0 0 6,310 0 0 290 4 0 532 0 0 268 0 0 Dec. 6, 1905 Nov. 30, „ Nov. 1, „ Aug. 22, „ Aug. 25, „ Deaf-mute Institute, Sumner, Electric L'gh'ing, Bells, and Telephone Deaf-mute Institute, -Sumner, Latrines and Covered Way .. Nov. 8, . Nov. 22, „ Dec. 5, 1905 350 0 0 427 3 8 Oct. -17, „ Deo. 7, „ Deaf-mute Institute, Sumner, Laundry .. Deaf mute Institute, Sumner, Furniture .. Jan. 12, 1906 Dec. 28, 1905 Jan. 20, 1906 Mar. 28, . 569 0 0 249 0 0 Nov. 28, „ Feb. 6, 1906 Feb. 9, „ Post-office, Chript"hurch, Private Letter-boxes Te Oranga Home. Cliristcburch, School-room Police Barracks, Christchurch .. .. .. Feb. 28, 1906 May 1, „ Nov. 1, . 417 8 0 419 0 0 4,586 17 8 March 15, „ Police-station, Bingsland June 9, „ 611 11 8 Jan. 19, 1905 F*b. 15, „ March 8, „ Feb. 28, „ May 17, „ Aug. 8, „ Dec. 22, . Feb. 13, 1906 Otago and Southland. P. A. Ly,ders, Mornington Stni'h Bros., Winton .. J. Walker and Sons, Invercargill A. Waghorn, Dunedin .. J. B. Ramsay, H.lf-moon Bay .. Smith Bros., Winton .. A. Speden, Gore Davis and Campbell, Alexandra South T. Latham, Gore Aug. 39, 1905 Sept. 30, „ Aug. 23, „ April 23, „ June 25, April 2, 1906 May 15, „ May 8, „ Oct. 19, 1905 998 0 0 2,190 2 5 986 4 0 214 0 0 198 10 0 1,691 1 3 850 0 0 ! 412 1 0 i Post-office, Mornington .. PoRt-office, Winton Courthouse, Campbell town Kalsomining Law-courts, Dunedin Post-office, Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island Post-offioe, Oiantau Police-station, Gore .. .. .. .. .. Cuurthoube, Alexandra, Additions, &c. Aug. 23, 1905 April 23, „ Dec. 21, , March 16, „ Post-office, Gore, Additions, &o. .. May 22, . 267 10 0 i I



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1906— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks MIS Auckland. S'ores-supply, Auckland, Classes I., II., III., VI., VII., XII., and XI., Items 24, 25 Stores-supply, Auckland, Classes IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37 ; and V... Class VIII. Cla«s IX. Class X. ClasH XL, Items 1 to 9, 14 to 20, 23, 26. 28. 30 Class XI., Items 10 to 13, 21, 22, 27, 29, 31, 32 Goal and Firewood Supply, Auckland Devonport Removal of Rocks, Onehunga Harbour Harbour Beacon, Kaipara iCELLANEOUS. Mar. 31, 1906 £ s. d. Schedule ratesl May May May May May May May May May June Jan. 20, 1903 20, „ 20, „ 21, „ 26, „ 20, „ 15,' 1905 15, „ 30, „ 29, 1906 Brisooe and Co. (Limited), Auckland John Burns and Co., Auckland .. John Wilson and Co., Auckland J. J. Craig (Limite i), Auckland R. O. Clatk, Auckland .. E Purier and Co., Auckland W.Gnthridge (Limited), Auckland J. J. Craig, Auckland .. J. J. Craig, Aucklmd .. J. McMahon, Onehunga R. McLeod, Aratapu Mar. 31, . Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31, 1906 Mar. 31, „ Sept. 29, 1905 April 16, 1906 Completed .. m » • • Mar. 31, 1906 Mar. 31, . Feb. 13, 1905 750" 0 0 . 243 12 6 May 1903 Wellington. Stores-supply, Wellington, Classes I., II., V., VI., XI., Items 7, 8, 9, 17; and XII. Classes III., IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37 .. Class VII. Classes VIII., IX., and X. Class XI., Items 1 to 6, 14 to 16, 18 to 20, 23 to 26, 28,30 Class XI., Items 10 to 13, 21, 22, 27, 29, 31, 32 .. Brisooe and Co. (Limited), Wellington A. and T. Burt (Limited) Smith and Smith, Wellington ■.. P Hutaon and Co., Wellington.. W. M. Bannatyne and Co., Wellington N. Guthridge (Limited), Wellington J. W. Wallace and Co., Wellington Mar. 31, 1905 Completed .. Schedule rates Extended for another year. June May May May 4. 21, „ 20, „ 21, » Mar. 31, 1906 Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31, „ e • • May 22, „ Mar. 31, „ m Sept. 26, 1904 Ironbark Timber Feb. 2, 1905 April 30,1905 304 11 2 April Oct. 3, 1905 9, „ Nelson. Renewal of Northern Piers, Wallsei d-Taylorville Bridge Bridge over Mutueka River at Alexander's Bluff .. Fitzgprald and Bignell, Greymouth Langlands and Dixon, Nelson .. July 23, 1905 Aug. 6, 1906 Aug. 19, 1905 294 4 0 3,191 3 6 May 20, 1903 Westland. Stores-supply, Greymouth, Classes 1., II., HI., V., VI., VIII., X., and XI., Items 1 to 9, 14 to 20, 23 to 26, and 28 Classes IV., Items 1 io 5,18 to 37; and IX. Class VII. .. Class XI., Items 3, 4, 10 to 13, 21, 22, 26 to 32 Forsyth and McKay, Greymouth Mar. 31, 1906 Completed .. Schedule rates May May May 21, „ 23, „ 22, „ D. McLean, Greymouth E. M. Holmes, Greymouth N. Guthridge (Limited), Greymouth C. Hansen, Greymouth Johnson and Co., Hokitika Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31, „ * m May May 22, „ 26, „ Class XIT. .. Hokitika, Classes I., II., III., IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37; V., VI., IX., and XI, Items 3, 4, 6,7, 9, 10, 11, 14 to 17,19, 21 to 25, 30 to 32 , Classes VII., Vlll., X., Irems 4, 5, 9 to 19, 21 to 23; XI., Items 12, 13, 27, 29 ; and XII. Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31, . & • * jr • • m James Renton, Hokitika Mar. 31, „ • • • m May 26, .



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1906— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. ! . Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. May 21, 1903 March 22, 1905 July 24, , VfvSTiAW-continued. MISCELLANEOUS -continued. Stores-supply, Hokitika, Class XI., Items 1, 2, 5, 8, 18, 20, 26, 28 .. W.M.BannatyneandCo.,Hokitika Arnold Bridge .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Martin and Sigley, Greymouth .. Taramakau Boad Bridge .. .. .. .. .. .. T. Dillon, Greymouth Mar. Sept. June 31, 1903 8, 1905 4, 1906 Completed .. Sept. 30, 1905 £ s. d. Schedule rates 819 8 9 6,154 10 0 June 4, 1903 June i, „ May 26, . May 21, „ Canterbury. Stores-supply, Christohurch, Classes I., II., IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37; V., Ashby, Bergh, and Co., ChristVI., VIII., IX., X., and XI., Items 8, 24, 25, ohurch 33, 34, 35 Class III. .. .. .. .. .. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Christehurch Class VII. .. .. .. .. Smith and Smith, Ohristchurch Class XI., Items, 1, 2, 4 to 7,9, 14 to 20, 23, 26, 28 Dalgety and Co. (Limited), Christchurch Class XL, Items 3,10 to 13, 21,22,27 29, 30 to 32 N. Guthridge (Limited), Christchurch Class XII. .. .. .. .. .. Alex. Thompson, Christchurch .. Coal and Firewood Supply, Ohristchurch.. .. .. .. .. G. McClatohie and Co., Christchurch Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 31, 1906 31, . 31, „ 31, „ Completed .. * * • Schedule rates m • • May 22, „ Mar. 31, „ > • ■ Jane 1, April 8, 1905 Mar. Mar. 31, „ 31, „ Mar." 31, 1906 June 2, 1903 June 10, June 2, „ Otago and Southland. Stores-supply, Dunedin, Classes I., II., V., VI., and XL, Items 10, 11, 21, 22, John Edmond, Dunedin 27, 29, 30, 31, 32 Classes III., VII., X., XL, Items 8, 9, 12, 13, 24, 25 Bri^coe and Co. (Limited). Dunedin Classes IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37 .. .. Thomson, Bridger, and Co., Dunedin Classes VIII. and IX. .. .. .. .. Milburn Lime and Cement Company, Dunedin Class XL, Items 1 to 8, 14 to 20, 23, 26, 28 .. Dalgety and Co. (Limited), Dunedin , „ Glass XII. .. .... .. .. Alex. Thompson, Dunedin Invercargill, Classes I., II., III., IV., Items 1 to 5,18 to 37; John Edmond, Invercargill V., VI., XII., and XL, Items 3, 10 to 13, 21, 22, 27, 29 to 32 Classes VII., X., XL, Items 2, 8, 9, 25 .. .. Briscoe and Co. (Limited), Invercargill „ „ Class VIII. .. .. .. .. .. Milburn Lime and Cement Company, Invercargill Classes IX. and XL, Item 24 .. .. .. New Zealand Hardware Company, Invercargill Class XL, Items 1, 4 to 7, 14 to 20, 23, 26, 28 .. Dalgety aud Co. (Limited), Invercargill Supply of Coal and Firewood, Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. J. Mill and Co., Dunedin Mar. Mar. Mar. 31, 1906 31, „ 31, , Completed .. Schedule rates * June 5, „ Mar. 31, „ June 10, „ Mar. 31, * m June 1, June 2, „ Mar. Mar. 31, „ 31, . f June 12, Mar. 31, „ June 5, Mar 31, „ • • • June 9, „ Mar. 31, 1905 * • • Extended for ai other year. June 10, „ Mar. 31, 1906 May 1, 1905 Mar. 31, „ Mar. 81, 1906 tr


APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1906, showing Deliveries to the latter Date.


Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date , ?? ta i , Date for Completion. t° Date of Completion. NOETI [ ISLAND. AUCKLA ND DISTRICT. 19 Feb., 1904 19 Feb., „ 15 Sept., „ 27 Feb., 1905 2 Mar., , 30 Mar., „ 1 June, „ 13 June, „ 13 June, „ 4 July, . 28 Aug., , 20 Oct., . 16 Dec, „ 10 Mar., 1906 William Morgan Hunia Tamihana F. H. Leonard and Co. Charles Straka J. W. Wallace and Go... Puketapu Sawmill Co... David Dicker .. Chas. Becher .. W. and A. Bayer H. P. Taylor .. E. McMahon .. T. Jones W. and A. Bayer Chas. Straka Waitekauri .. Paeroa Auckland Puhoi Wellington .. Taumarunui 500 totara 1,000 puriri 4,000 ironbark 4,000 totara 7,000 ironbark 5,000 totara 768 . 1,500 „ 1,000 „ 1,486 ironbarki 2,022 totara 536 „ 511 „ 2,000 „ I 2625 , ) I 102 puriri j s. d. 3 6 Waikino 4 3 „ 3 10 Auckland 3 3 Ahuroa .. 3 9 Auckland 3 3 Matapuna, 3 3 Taumarunui 3 3 Tahekeroa 3 3 3 9 Auckland.. 2 9 Kakahi .. 2 5 ... 3 3 Tahekeroa 3 3 Ahuroa 27 June, 1904.. 20 Dec, „ .. 31 Dec, » .. 31 Mar., 1905.. 2 June, 15 June, „ 25 Aug., „ .. 31 Mar., 1906.. 31 Mar., „ .. 3 Nov., 1905.. — Nov., „ .. 2 Feb., 1906.. 16 Dec, 1905.. 30 June, 1906.. 245 4,000 1,871 7,360 5,000 768 1,165 1,000 1,486 2,022 536 511 Cancelled. 30 May, 1905. 31 Jan., 1906. 16 Aug., 1905. 25 Aug., „ Puhoi" 9 Mar., 1906. 3 Nov., 1905. — Nov., . 17 Feb., 1906. 16 Dec, 1905. Auckland Taumarunui Kakahi Puhoi Various .. Sundry small contractors Various Various Various Various 2,727 11 Dec, 1905. 28 July, 1905 19 June, „ 29 June, . 1 July, . 4 July, , 5 July, . 5 July, . 5 July, . 21 Sept., „ 19 Aug., . 4 July, „ 3 July, , R. Print N. B. Jaoobsen Gerald Griffin H. D. Bennett G. Donovan Gray and Hunter W.Webb R. W. Smith .. Goldfinch and Anderson rangit: :kei district. 29 July, 1905.. 31 Mar., 1906.. 31 Mar 31 Mar., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Mar., „ .. 31 Mar., „ .. 31 Mar No date given.. 9 Sept., 1905.. 31 Dec, „ .. 31 Mar., 1906.. 100 2,039 368 29 July, 1905. Ohutu Taihape 100 totara 4,000 „ 4,000 „ 2,000 „ 2,000 „ 1,200 „ 3,000 » 1,500 „ 1,000 „ 544 „ 423 „ 800 „ 3 0 P.W. Siding, Taihape 3 0 3 0 3 0 47 m. 15 ch. 3-0 As directed 3 0 „ 3 0 P.W. Siding, Taihape 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 40 m. 3 0 N.E. State Farm Embankment 3 0 Ditto 982 Geo. Mist H. Gillett 544 423 9 Sept., 1905. 31 Aug., . it * * 12 Sept., , G. S. Matthews 400 „ 31 Jan., „ .. 390



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date , T otal , Date for Completion. t o Date o£ Completion. SO U T H ISLAND. WESTI ■ORT DISTRICT. 3,000 yellow pine 1,000 ditto .. 750 „ .. 500 „ 500 „ .. 500 ,, .. 500 „ s. d. I 3 3 j On railway trucks 30 June, 1905.. 3,057 19 July, 1905. 1 Jan., 1905 J. Hobbs Westport .. 1 Feb., „ 1 Feb., „ 1 Mar., , 1 Mac, „ 1 Mar., „ 17 July, F. Fox 0. Brunning .. G. Bain A. Walker William Gibson W. and J. Marris Cape Foulwicd . 30 June, „ .. 30 June, „ .. 30 June, „ .. 30 June, „ .. 30 June, „ .. 14 Aug., „ .. 956 671 573 22 July, 22 July, 29 June, „ Cancelled. 23 Aug., 1905. Transferred to J. Hobbs. 26 Sept., 1905. 26 Sept., „ 23 Dec, 18 Oct., 4 Nov., „ 29 Aug., „ 15 Den., Cancelled. Cancelled. 18 Oct., 1905. Cancelled. 18 Nov., 1905. 22 Dec, Cancelled. 23 Dec, 1905. 22 Dec, 22 Dec, „ 19 Jan., 1906. Contractor drowned. 13 Mar., 1906. Seddonville 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Addison's .. Westport 283 19 July, „ 11 Aug., „ 11 Aug., 11 Aug., 11 Aug., 14 Aug., 14 Aug., 15 Aug., 15 Aug., 23 Aug., 24 Aug., 19 Oct., 19 Oct., 19 Oct., l!i Oct., 19 Oct., 19 Oct., 19 Oct., Wall and party F. Fox .. R. MoGrath .. J. McGrath C. O'SuUivan .. J. Hobbs D. Jones G. Grant V. Hill G. Munro G. G. McKay .. J. Hobbs William Stuart McDiarmid & MoHerron C. O'SuUivan .. F. Pox J. Wail J. Lambert Cape Foul wind Addison's Westport .. - Seddonville .. Karamea Cape Foulwind •• 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 5C0 „ .. 500 „ 500 ... 500 „ .. 500 „ 500 „ .. 500 „ 1,000 „ .. 500 „ 500 „ .. 300 „ .. 300 „ .. 300 „ .. 500 „ 3 3 3 3 . 3 3 „ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 „ " 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 Crane Wharf, Westport 3 5 . „ 3 5 „ 3 3 Oα railway trucks 3 3 3 3 14 Aug 22 Sept., „ .. 22 Sept., „ .. 22 Sept., „ .. 31 Oct., „ .. 31 Aug., „ .. 31 Aug., „ .. 31 Aug., „ .. 31 Aug., „ .. 30 Sept., „ .. 30 Sept., „ .. 19 Dec, „ .. 19 Dec, „ .. 19 Dec, „ .. 19 Dtc, „ .. 30 Nov., „ .. 30 Nov., „ .. Uan., 1906.. 590 501 476 357 394 500 495 471 206 1,011 411 Westport Karamea Addison's .. Cape Foulwind 142 300 561 275 - 19 Oct., 19 Oct., 1 Nov., „ 15 Nov., „ 2 Dec, „ 9 Jan., 1906 15 Jan., . 24 Jan., 15 Jan., „ 24 Feb., „ Kirby and Felix G. Munro M. Syron M. Maloney William Gibson Krby and Felix M. Syron Fox and Wall Four-m U SawmillingCo. William Gibson Karamea Cape Foulwind Seddonville .. Addison's .. Karamea Cape Foulwind 700 „ .. 300 „ .. 300 „ .. 300 „ .. 300 „ 300 „ 300 „ 300 „ 300 „ .. 300 „ .: 3 5 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 3 ' 3 On railway trucks 3 3 „ „ 3 3 3 5 Crane Wharf, Westport 3 5 „ 3 5 „ 3 3 On railway trucks 3 5 Crane Wharf, Westport 3 5 „ .. 19 Dec, 1905.. 30 Nov., „ .. 24 Dec, „ .. 31 Dec, „ .. 16 Dec, „ .. 6 Feb., 1906.. 12 Feb., „ .. 12 Feb 12 Feb.. . .. 24 Mar., „ .. 770 91 318 209 360 300 301 406 19 Feb., 1906. 20 Dec, 1905. 13 Mar., 1906. 19 Feb., 1 Mar., , Cancelled. 19 Feb., 1906. Charleston .. Addison's .. 284



APPENDIX D— continued. STATEMENT of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c. — continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. D te Total for Completion. Date of Completion. SOUTH ISLAND— c< mtinued. WESTLAND DISTRK II. 21 Feb., 21 Feb., 4 Mar., 27 Mir., 27 Mar., 17 Mar., 27 Mar., 1905 Paterson, Michel, and Go. Stuart and Chapman .. R->bert Morris McCready and Greig .. P. W. Archer.. Joseph Tibbies S. Dixon Hokitika Rimu .: K umara Reefton Canleston .. Ni lson Creek Kokatahi s. d. 500 silver- 3 3 pine .. 1.000 ditto 3 3 500 , 3 3 500 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 Hokitika Wharf Kumara Station Reefton Station 8 May, 1905 .. 8 May, „ .. 8 May, „ .. 15 April, „ .. 15 April, „ .. 15 April, „ .. 15 April, „ .. 432 1,000 500 500 500 500 456 Balance of ordei cancelled. 17 April, 1905. 3 April, , 17 Aug., „ 7 April, „ 10 May, „ Balance of ordei cancelled. Dγ to. 10 May, 1905. Balance of ordei cancelled. 18 April, 1905. Balance of ordei cancelled. 18 May, 1905. 1 S-pt., . 15 Aug., . 29 June, Balance of ordei cancelled. 17 Oct., 1905. Ngahere Railway-station .. Hokitika Wharf .. 27 Mar,, 27 Mar., 27 Mar., Robert Kearins F. 0. Gosling .. S. R. Honey Reefton Nelson Creek Callaghan's.. 500 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 Station Naahere Station Hokitika Wharf .. 15 April, „ .. 15 April. „ .. 15 April, „ .. 334 500 409 27 Mar., 27 Mar., m Daniel Pyne .. E. J. Gale Kumara Uokitika 500 „ 3 3 500 , 3 3 Kumara Station Hokitika Wharf .. 15 April, „ .. 15 April, „ .. 500 187 27 Mar., 23 May, 29 May, 1 June, 5 June, n Duncan McLean J. Hunter Zala and Smith D. Baybutt G. Swettman .. Greymouth .. Kumara Kanieri Porks Totara Flat.. Nelson Creek 500 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 .. 3,000 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 Ahaura Station Kamara Station .. Hokitika Wharf .. Totara Flat Sation Ngahere Station 15 April, » .. 30 June, „ .. 31 July, „ .. 1 Sept., „ .. 31 July, „ .. 500 500 500 3,000 472 15 June, 27 June, 4 July, 4 July, 7 July, J. Walsh S. Rowe Jack Bros. T. Phelan P. W. Archer .. Reefton Calaghan's Kotuku Reefton Reefton 500 „ 3 3 .. 1,000 . 3 3 500 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 Reefton Station Hokiiika Wharf .. Kotuku Siding Tawhai Siding New railway - station site, Reefton Ditto Greymouth Wharf 31 July, „ .. 31 Aug., „ .. 31 July, „ .. 31 July, „ .. 31 Aug., „ .. 500 604 500 500 29 July, , 13 Dec, „ Older cancelled. 17 July, 26 July, u James Rea Paterson, Michel, and Go. Reefton Hokitika .. .. 1,000 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 ,3 31 Aug., „ .. 30 Sept., „ .. 1,000 499 14 Dec, 1905. Balance of ordei cancelled. 22 Dec, 1905. 4 Oct., „ ■28 Oct., „ 18 Aug., , 9 Sept, . 27 July, 31 July, 31 July, 31 July, 31 July, E. J. Low Stuart and Chapman .. Jack Bixh. Baxter Bros. .. S. Dixon Kokiri Rimu Kotuku Kokiri Reefton 500 „ 3 3 .. 1,000 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 Baxter's Siding Hokitika Wharf .. Kotuku Siding Baxter's Siding New railway - station site, Reefton Lake Brunner Sawmill Siding New railway-station site, Reefton Ikamatua Siding . ■ 30 Sept., » .. 30 Sept., „ .. 30 Sept., „ .. 30 Sept., „ .. 31 Aug 500 1,000 500 500 500 3 Aug, i] Lake Bninner Sawmilling Company J. Dixon Moana 500 „ 3 3 31 Aug., „ .. 500 14 Dec, „ 3 Aug., m Reefton 500 „ 3 3 31 Aug., „ .. 500 23 Sept, , 3 Aug., m H. Bignell Greymouth .. I 700 „ 3 3 30 Sept., „ .. 700 1 Sept, „



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Contraot or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers j contracted for,! and Class of | Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. tw Total Date -i i- j for Completion. J Date of Completion. S IUTH I S L A N D— -continued. WESTLAND DISTRICT— cm itinued. Greymouth 1,000 silverpine 500 ditto .. 500 „ 500 „ .. 500 . .. 500 „ 500 „ 500 . 500 „ .. 500 . s. a. 3 3 Ikamatua Siding ., 17 Aug., 1905 J. Gieseking .. 30 Sept., 1905.. 1,000 1 Sept. 1905. 9 Sept., , 9 Sept., „ 12 Sept., , 12 Sept., „ 12 Sept., „ 12 Sept., . 12 Sept., . 12 Sept., . 12 Sept., „ W. Lawson Ben Lawson W. Fisher P. Hunt P. Kealey H. Linklater .. J. D. Lynch .. R. Morris T. Murphy Kumara Nelson Creek Kumara Reefton Greymouth Kanieri Forks Reefton 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Kumara Station .. Ngahere Station .. Kumara Station .. Reefton Station .. Ikamatua Station Hokitika Wharf .. New railway-station Reefton Ditto site, 30 Sept 30 Sept., „ .. 31 Oct., „ .. 31 Oct., . .. 31 Oct 31 Oct., „ .. 31 Oct., „ .. 31 Oct., , .. 31 Oct., „ .. 500 500 500 ' 500 500 500 500 500 500 11 Sept., . 29 Nov., . 29 Sept., . 20 Dec, , 30 Mar., 1906. 26 Sept., 1905. 19 Oct., . 13 Nov., . 20 Dec, . 12 Sept., . 12 Sept., , 12 Sept., „ 12 Sept., . 12 Sept., , 12 Sept., „ P. McCready .. J. McMahon .. T. E. McMahon R. J. O'Brien.. Saddler and Molloy W. Smith Capleston Larry's Creek Oronadun Rimu Nelson Creek Cronadun 500 „ .. 500 „ 500 „ 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 , 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Hokitika Wharf .. Ngahere Station .. New railway-station Reefton Kapitea Siding Ngahere Station .. Ikamatua Station Kumara Station .. site, 31 Oct 31 Oct., , .. 31 Oct., . .. 31 Oct 31 Oct., „ .. 31 Oct., „ .. 500 500 500 500 500 500 16 Oct., , 8 Dec, „ 16 Nov., . 6 Nov., . 14 Nov., . 20 Dec, , 6 Oct., . 9 Oct., . 9 Oct., . 9 Oct., , 9 Oot., . 9 Oct., M. Kelly W. Fisher J. D. Lynch .. Geo. Lawson .. S. Powell P. Bell Awatuna Nelson Creek Greymouth Kumara 500 . 500 . 500 , .. 500 . 500 „ 500 . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 Nov., , .. 30 Nov., „ .. 30 Nov., . .. 30 Nov., „ .. 30 Nov., . .. 30Nov 500 500 500 500 500 500 6 Oct., . 1 Nov., , 29 Oct., 23 Oct., 8 Nov., 19 Dec, „ 9 Oct., . 9 Oct., , J. Curtain John Evans .. Inangahua Landing .. Stafford Poheroa 500 „ .. 500 . 3 3 3 3 New railway-station Reefton Stafford Siding Roto Mana site, 30 Nov., „ .. 30 Nov., „ .. 265 494 J. Cowan Balance of ordei cancelled. 16 Oct., 1905. 9 Oct., . Capleston .. 500 „ .. 3 -3 New railway-station Reefton Baxter's Siding Hokitika Wharf .. Kotuku Siding Roberta's Siding .. Hokitika Wharf .. site, 30 Nov., . .. 500 9 Oct., „ 9 Oct., . 9 Oct., „ 9 Oct., t 9 Oct., . 9 Oct., . 9 Oct., . 26 Oct., „ Baxter Bros. Mitchell and Ohinn Jack Bros A. Low McFadyn and Morris .. Stuart and Chapman .. D. McLean Zala and Smith Kokiri Waitaha Kotuku Kokiri Kanieri Forks Rimu Greymouth The Forks 500 , .. 500 „ 500 , 500 . 500 500 ... 500 „ .. 500 ... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 Nov., , .. 30 Nov., „ .. 30 Nov., . .. 30 Nov 30 Nov., „ .. 30 Nov., „ .. 30 Nov., „ .. 30 Nov 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 27 Oct., , 16 Feb., 1906. 21 Nov., 1905. 16 Mar., 1906. 15 Jan., „ 6 Nov., 1905. 7 Dec, » 25 Oct., . Kotuku Siding Hokitika Wharf ..



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

9—D. 1

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. i Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. I Place of Delivery. Date T . otal for Completion, *£™* Date of Completion. SOUTH I LAN D— c< mtiuued. WESTLAND 'ISTRICT— cot Mnued. Goldsborough .. 500 silverpine Capleston .. .. 500 ditto .. Koiterangi .. 500 „ .. Totara Flat .. 500 „ .. Ngahere .. .. j 500 „ .. Hatter's Terrace .. 500 „ .. Grey mouth .. I 500 ,, s. d. 3 3 Stafford Road Siding 31 Jan., 1906.. 250 30 Oct., S. Perkins 30 Oct., 30 Oct., 30 Oct., 30 Oct., 30 Oct., 30 Oct.. J. Cowan S. Dixon T. Dudley C. W. Fisher .. C. Gilmer John Gillon .. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 New Station-site, Reefton .. Hokitika Wharf Totara Flat Station Ngahere Station 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 500 500 500 500 500 436 14 Dec, 1905. 24 Jan., 1906. 8 Feb., „ 30 Nov., 1905. 30 Nov., „ Balance of ordei cancelled. 11 Dec, 1905. 14 Dec, „ 6 Mar., 1906. Chesterfield Station 30 Oct., 30 Oct., 30 Oct., 30 Oct., 30 Oct., 30 Oct., E. Lockington P. McCready .. T. O'Brien C. O'Eegan D. Pyne A. Richardson Reefton .. .. 500 „ .. Capleston .. .. 500 „ .. Ngahere .. .. 500 „ .. Inangahua Landing 500 ,, Kumara .. .. 500 „ .. Kumara .. .. 500 „ .. Montgomery's Terrace I 500 ,, The Forks .. 750 „ .. Kokiri .. .. 500 „ .. Greymouth .. 1,000 „ .. Kokiri .. .. 500 „.. Greymouth .. 500 ,, .. Hokitika .. .. 500 „.. Nelson Creek .. 500 „ Ross .. .. 500 „ .. Greymouth .. 500 „ .. Totara Flat .. 500 „ .. Kokiri .. .. 500 „.. Greymouth .. 500 „ .. Mawheraiti .. 500 „ .. Kotuku .. .. 500 „ .. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 New Station-site, Reefton New Station-site, Reefton .. Ngahere Station New Station-site Kumara Siding Kumara Station .. .; 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 500 500 500 330 455 30 Oct., 30 Oct., 7 Nov., 23 Nov., 23 Nov., 1 Dec, 1 Dec, 5> Steele and McConnon .. Zala and Smith Baxter Bros. Mark Sprott and Co. .. Baxter Bros. .. J. D. Lynch Lincoln, Toomey, and Peebles E. Olson Stuart and Chapman .. H. Bignell .. D. Baybutt Baxter Bros. J. Gieseking J. Hands Jack Bros. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ngahere Station Hokitika Wharf Baxter's Siding Ikamatua Station Baxter's Siding Ikamatua Siding Hokitika Wharf 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan.,- „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., ,, 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., ,, 31 Jan., „ .. ! 499 750 500 1,000 500 500 282 Balance of ordej cancelled. Ditto. 30 Dec, 1905. 7 Nov., „ 21 Dec, „ 22 Feb., 1906. 20 Dec, 8 Dec, 8 Dec, 16 Jan., 18 Jan., 16 Jan., 16 Jan., 16 Jan., 16 Jan., 3 3 3 3 3 3 3' 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ngahere Station Hokitika Wharf Ikamatua Station Totara Flat Station Baxter's Siding Ikamatua Station Mawheraiti Siding Kotuku Siding 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 28 Feb., „ .. 28 Feb., „ .. 28 Feb., „ .. 28 Feb., „ .. 28 Feb., „ .. 28 Feb., „ .. 500 500 500 500 500 500 '423 28 Feb., 1906. 21 Mar., „ 24 Jan., 26 Jan., „ 22 Feb., „ 29 Mar., Balance of ordei cancelled. 28 Mar., 1906. 16 Jan., 16 Jan., J. D. Lynch Lincoln, Toomey, and Peebles George Lawson Greymouth .. 500 „ .. Hokitika .. .. 500 „.. 3 3 3 3 Ikamatua Siding Hokitika Wharf 28 Feb., „ .. 28 Feb., „ .. 500 16 Jan., Kumara .. .. 500 „ .. 3 3 Kumara Station 28 Feb., „ .. 500 26 Mar., 1906.



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1905, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. i Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. D t T . otal for Completion. *f™£ Date of Completion. SOUTH ISLAND -continued. westlan: D DISTRICT--continued. Mawheraiti 500 silverpine 500 ditto.. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. s. d. 3 3 Waimaunga Siding .. I 28 Feb., „ 16 Jan., „ .. j W. Lines 425 16 Jan., „ .. I 16 Jan., „ .. 23 Feb. „ .. 23 Feb., „ .. 23 Feb., „ .. 23 Feb., „ .. 23 Feb., „ .. 23 Feb. 1 March, „ 1 March, „ 6 March, „ 6 March, „ 7 March, „ 16 Ma»ch, „ R. J. O'Brien.. Stuart and Chapman .. H. Bignell .. M. Cussen S. Dixon T. Jones J. D. Lynch Stuart and Chapman .. J. Rea Baxter Bros. .. C. O'Rourke Sadler and Molloy Jack Bros. A. Spence Uimu Greymouth Nelson Creek Koiterangi Greymouth Ross Reef ton Kokiri Kumara .. Nelson Creek Kotuku Ross 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .. ■ 28 Feb., „ .. .. 28 Feb., „ .. .. j 31 May, Ngahere Station .. .. \ 30 April, ,, Hokitika Wharf .. .. : 31 May, „ .. Ngahere Station .. .. | 31 May, „ .. Ikamatua Station .. J 31 May, „ .. Hokitika Wharf .. .. 31 May, „ .. New Station-site, Reefton .. 31 May, „ .. Baxter's Siding .. .. | 31 May, „ .. Kumara Station .. 31 May, „ .. Ngahere Station .. .. 31 May, „ .. Kotuku Siding .. .. 30 April, „ .. Ogilivie's Siding, Hokitika -31 May, „ Ross Line Various .. .. .. | Various 500 500 500 500 500 12 Mar., 1906. 21 Mar,, „ 28 Mar., „ 15 Mar., 26 Feb., „ 500 30 Mar!,' 1906. 17 500 10 Mar!,' 1906. Various .. I Sundry small contractors Various 58,779 „ .. 3 3 48,771 OTAGO DISTRICT. 11 Nov., 1905 .. 11 Nov., „ .. 27 Jan., 1906 .. | Cooper and Lumsden .. James King Ratanui Clifden '.'. 400 blackpine 400 totara 5,000 totara s. d. 2 3 Catlin's River .. .. 28 Feb., 1906.. .. 28 Feb., „ .. Waihoaka .. 30 June ,, 3 6 3 3





The Engineer-in-Chief to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 1st July, 1906. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various works completed and in progress throughout the colony during the past year. EAILWAYS. Abstract. The following table shows the expenditure and liabilities on Government railways in New Zealand up to the 81st March, 1906: —

Name of Railway. Total Length of Railway or Section. Open for Traffic. Expenditure to 31st March, 1906. Liabilities on 31st March, 1906. Kaihu Valley Kawakawa- Grahamtown— Opua Wharf-Hukerenui Hukerenui-Grahanitown Helensville Northwards to Maungatapere Kaipara-Waikato, with Brandies .. Waikato-Thames, with Branches* Thames Valley-Rotorua Gisborne-Motu Wellington-Napier and Palmerston North (including Te Aro Extension and Greytown Branch) Wellington-Foxton Poxton-New Plymouth, with Branches Stratford-Ongarue North Island Main Trunk Nelson-Roundell Midland Railwayf .. Greymouth - Coal Creek Greymouth-Brnnner Greymouth-Ross Westport-Ngakawau Westport-Ngakawau Extension to MokihinuiJ Mokirunui Colliery Line§ Westport-Inangahua Ngahere-Blaekball .. Picton-Waipara— Picton-Cheviot Waipara-Oheviot Hurunui-Waitaki, with Branches Canterbury Interior Main Line—Oxford-Temuka Waitaki-Bluff, with Branches Otago Central Invercargill-Kingston, with Mararoa Branch Forest Hill Railway—Winton-Hedgehope|j Western Railways Preliminary surveys Miscellaneous Stock of permanent-way on hand Value of permanent-way in hands of Railway Department Rolling-stock M. oh. 19 40 17 21 £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 £ s. a. 32 47 I 25 20 75 29 151 1 75 18 69 33 50 25 7 41 22 52 24 7 151 1 75 18 69 33 18 15 125,979 3 1 170,414 2 8 191,968 0 10 1,289,989 13 8 468,695 8 3 354,958 2 7 128,319 7 3 93 2 3 93 2 2 520 12 7 353 9 5 233 12 233 12 2,124,010 17 V 7 42,116 3 4 1,449,758 5 7 63,859 15 0 1,722,479 0 3 165,757 0 4 590,153 14 10 65,178 10 7 150,512 11 11 271,209 18 10 188,008 17 3 205 42 101 0 209 70 22 73 243 70 5 1 7 51 40 21 19 56 7 12 3 69 26 0 3 30 196 22 11 18 119 21 22 78 93 58 5 1 7 51 24 37 19 56 7 12 3 69 1,068 5 1 161 12 5 59,061 14 2 18,561 13 5 6,923 18 2 7,279 4 8 37,136 0 8 138 15 35 35 483 72 83 0 603 73 182 56 117 4 12 40 71 6 33 45 23 30 443 8 11 44 478 12 111 38 97 44 12 40 62 24 336,326 0 11 185,021 12 10 2,304,425 5 5 59,343 9 2 3,642,185 9 S 1,213,971 5 8 333,850 9 0 22,983 14 5 263,863 4 3 30,213 19 2 10,336 19 11 73,336 15 5 551 6 7 1,151 16 2 3,275 0 7 3,789 12 6 23 19 7 0 18 0 10,577 10 11 25,000 0 0 3,722,916 8 1 89,891 16 8 Total 3,355 65 2,403 23 V21,886,603 9 9 196,099 10 8 Provincial Government Links, etc. Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Midland Railway, Valuation of Works constructed by Company 731,759 0 0 372,522 2 5 4,975 1 7 683,460 3 1 Grand total 3,355 65 2,403 23 23,679,319 16 10 196,099 10 8 * Includes £75,000 under " Paeroa-Waihi Railway Account." + The amount shown as expenditure represents the net amoi J The tunds for this extension—namely, £35,501 2s. lid.—wen § The funds for purchase of this line, £15,745, were provided t || The expenditure on this line as a tramway was made by th i Does not include expenditure under " Hutt Road and Railwi Accounts. unt charged a e provided by jy the Westpc ie Lands Depi iy Iinprovenif against the colony, the Westport Harbour Board. >rt Harbour Board, idrtment. ant" and " Eailway Improvement Authorisation Act "



During the financial year a total length of 31 miles 62 chains of railway was opened for traffic. The following contains the particulars of the sections : —

Appended hereto is a coloured diagram showing the lengths of railways opened each year since the commencement of the public-works policy. Kawakawa-Grahamtown. Section 7m. 16 eh. to 15 m. southwards from, Opua Wharf; about 8 miles long. —The works on this section have been maintained during the year: the slips on the last half-mile are still giving trouble, but it is hoped that they will soon cease. The earthwork on the 4 miles from 15 m. to 19 m. are in progress, and are well advanced towards completion. On the first 2 miles material for the small bridges is being delivered. Hukerenui—Towai Section (16 in. to 21m. 1.82 eh. from Kamo; length, 5 miles 1.82 chains). -—Some progress has been made with the earthworks. Work has been in progress on the earthworks on the extension from Whangarei to Grahamtown. There is yet, however, a considerable amount to do, and some of the ground is very unfavourable for railway formation. Helensville Northwards. Woodcocks - Kaipara Flats Section (56 m. 70 eh. to 59 m. 75 eh.; length 3 miles 5 chains). — The line was opened for public traffic up to end of this section on the 17th October last. Kaipara Flats- Tauhoa Section (59 m. 75 eh. to 62 m. Iβ eh.; length, 2 ■miles 1/.5 chains). — Good progress has been made with the earthworks, the small bridges are being built, and it is hoped that the works on this section will be completed and fit for traffic by the end of this year. Hoteo Section (62 m. Jβ eh. to 66 m.; length, 3 miles Iβ chains). —The earthworks are about half-finished. The tunnel at 62 in. 70 eh., 565 yards long, is about half-pierced. A contract has been let for the erection of three bridges over the Hoteo River. Wells ford Section (66 m. to 69 m. 20 eh.; length, 3 miles 20 chains). —A start has been made with the earthworks on this section. Paeroa-Waihi Railway. This branch line, 12J miles long, was finished during the year, and opened for public traffic on the 9th November last; but a considerable amount of goods traffic was carried over the line before it was formally opened. GISBORNE-ROTORUA RAILWAY. Ka/raka Section (12 m. 65 eh. to 17 m. 70 eh.; length 5 miles 5 chains). —Though opened last year for public traffic, a considerable amount of work has since been done in completely finishing the line. Waikohu Section (17 m. 70 eh. to 23 m. Jβ eh.; length, 5 miles 50 chains). —Good progress has been made with the earthworks; and the Karaka tunnel, near the commencement of the section, is pierced for about half its length. Timber is being procured for the small bridges, and a contract will be prepared for the three larger bridges at the end of the section. North Island Main Trunk Railway. North End. Some additional work has been done in the Taumarunui Station yard. TaMmarunui Section (76 m. 55 eh. to 83 m. 23 eh., Te Awamutu chavnage; length, 6 miles IfB chains). —This section was fenced during the year. The station buildings at Piriaka have been finished. A considerable amount of work has been done in removing slips. Whakapapa Section (129 m,. to 119 m., Marion ehainage; length, 10 miles). —The works have been finished on this section during the year; the ballasting being finished in December last. A considerable amount of work has been done in widening cuttings and removing slips. Some fencing is now being done. Owhango Section (119 m. to 111 m.; length, 8 miles). — Very good progress has been made with the works on this section: the rails are laid and the line ballasted and in use for goods traffic for the first 3 miles to Oio Station; and the earthworks are well advanced towards completion on the remaining 5 miles, and it is expected that the rails will reach Raurimu, 111 m. 30 eh., by the end of this year. Mnkaretu Section (111 m. to 10J/.m.; length, 7 miles). —The earthworks on this section have made considerable progress, and the longest of the tunnels on the spiral has been started, and about 6 chains in length has been driven and some lining done. Drives are being put through some of tEe larger cuttings to enable a number of faces to be worked simultaneously, and so expedite their completion. The bush-work is practically finished.

■isborne-Motu Lelensville-North wards ... if aikato-Thames ... [elensville-Northwards ... I Kaiteratahi-Karaka ... Ahuroa-Woodeocks ... J Scargill-Bthelton ... I Paeroa-Waihi ... Woodcocks-Kaipara Flats M. oh. 5 5 2 41 8 51 12 40 3 5 13th April, 1905. 18th May, 1905. 3rd November, 1905. 9th November, 1905. 17th November, 1905.



Waimarino Section, part of (10£ m. to 96 m.; length, 8 miles). —A start has been made with the bush-work on this section. The service-road has been completed up to the Makatote Stream and pumiced up to the viaductsite. The road has also been continued beyond the Makatote to Manganui-a-te-ao bridge, but is not yet complete, and the new bridge over the Makatote is not begun. Makatote Viaduct. —The contractors have erected a workshop at the viaduct-site, and have now an excellent plant in working-order for the manufacture of the steelwork, a start at which has been made. Some work has been done on the foundation-excavations. The contract for the manufacture of small steel bridges between Taumarunui and Makatote has been finished. A contract for constructing two large locomotives for hauling ballast has been nearly completed. One locomotive is in use at the north end, and the other is being sent to the south end of the line. Messrs. A. and G. Price, of the Thames, were the contractors. A large quantity of timber has been supplied to the line from the Public Works Sawmill at Kakahi, and a considerable quantity has been sold. A considerable goods traffic has been carried over the completed portion of the line from Taumarunui southwards. Central. Central Section (7J/.m. to 96m., Morton chainage; length, 22 miles). —A start was made with the works on this section in November last. The bush-work has been completed from Waione to 91 J m., a length of about 11| miles, and over the remaining 5 miles good progress has been made with the bush-work. The earthworks have been begun at various places from 74 m. to 89 m., but want of plant has prevented much being done. A service-road has been formed from Ohakune for a length of 6| miles, and about one-third of this has been metalled. The formation and metalling of about 7J miles of road from Manganui-a-te-ao is also in hand, and the formation of branch service-roads to give access to the works at various points is also in progress. The bridges on the road from Pipiriki to Waiouru have been strengthened to carry traction-engines; the Pipiriki Road has been widened at the Dress Circle, and some metalling has been done. The summer has been too wet to allow of the traction-engines provided for haulage being used to any advantage; the roads have been too bad. to allow of much plant being got on to the ground, and very little cement. Using Pipiriki as a base, about 60 miles of main or service-road has to be kept in good order to enable full supplies of material being kept up. Latterly there has been difficulty in getting in sufficient food. South End. Paengaroa Section (Jfini. Jβ eh. to 50 m. 70 eh.). —All the earthworks on the last portion of this section from 45 m. onwards have been finished. The Mataroa tunnel is completed, and the Mataroa Station and its approach-roads, and the rails have been laid and the line ballasted. A contract is in progress for the erection of the Mataroa Station buildings, and is well advanced. Turangarere Section (50m. 70 eh. to 61m. Jβ eh.; length, 10 miles 50 chains). —Great efforts were made to complete the heavy cuttings on this section: double shifts were worked for a long period, and three shifts on one cutting for a short time. The earthworks are now for the most part finished, and can be completed in advance of the platelaying and ballasting. The bridge over the Hautupu River at 51 m. 33 eh. has been finished, and the rails are now laid to about 54f m., and the ballasting is done up to m. The tunnel at 58 m. is approaching completion. The piers for the bridge over the Hautupu at 59 m. 17 eh. are complete, and the plate-girders will be put in place as soon as the rails reach the bridge-site. It is hoped to have the rails laid into Turangarere Station in a short time, when they will be continued beyond to 62 m. 40 eh. as quickly as possible, and a depot formed to forward materials and stores. Waiouru Section (61m. eh. to 69 m.; length, 7 miles Jβ chains). —A considerable amount of earthwork has been done on this section, and some progress has been made with the bridges; but this part of the work has been delayed by the bad condition of the roads during the summer. Murimutu Section, part of (69 m. to 7£m.; length, 5 miles). —Some work has been done on culverts, and some of the large cuttings have been started. A large amount of work has been done in keeping the service-road from rail-head to Turangarere and the main road from there to Waiouru open for light cart traffic during the past few months. The Makohine workshops started work on the 14th May last to manufacture the steel and iron work for the bridges and viaducts from 87 m. to 90 m., and good progress has so far been made. All the material is now under order for these structures. A contract has been let to Messrs. J. and A. Anderson for the erection of the steel superstructure of the Mangaturuturu and Manganui-a-te-ao bridges, and some smaller ones. The rail-heads are now about 61| miles apart, but during the coming year this distance should be very materially reduced. Work is now in progress over the whole length of the line between rail-heads. The past year has been an exceptionally unfavourable one, and the construction of the line has been materially hindered by wet weather preventing men working to advantage; and delay has been caused further on the central and southern divisions by the almost continuously unpracticable state of the roads. This has prevented materials being got to the works, and has delayed starting culverts and bridge-piers, and limited the carriage of the plant necessary for starting all the earthworks. S tratford-Whangamomona . Huiroa Section (llm. 18 eh. to 15 m. 68 eh.; length, J/, miles 50 chains). —The formationworks have been finished on the first 2f miles, and the heavier works on the remainder of the section



are well advanced. The fencing on the section has been finished. Some of the small bridges are finished, and the others are being built. The clearing of the Huiroa Station site has been finished and a start made with the earthworks. Mount Egmont Branch Railway. All bush-work has been completed up to 6m. 2 0h.., the earthworks are finished up to sm. 70 eh., and the fencing on 4§ miles. The platelaying has been completed on 5J miles, and the line is partly ballasted over this length. The site for the stone-crushing yard has been cleared of bush, and the earthworks are well advanced. The excavations for the pipe-line and for sand-trap are finished. A contract for the supply of steel pipes is in progress. A small dam is being constructed in the Manganui River to divert the water to the pipe-intake. The crushing machinery and the Pelton wheels are on the ground. The concrete formations for this plant are being put in. The length of line to quarry face is 9 miles 20 chains. Midland Railway. Tadmor Section (31m. to fylm. 29 eh. from Nelson; length 10 miles 29 chains). —The works on this section have been completed, and the line is about ready to be opened for traffic. Some additional fencing has been done where the line runs along the road in Tadmor Valley, and some special gates and crossings provided. An additional station has been provided in Tadmor Valley to better meet the requirements of the traffic. A considerable goods traffic was carried over the section during the year. Manu Section (fylm. 29 eh. to 51 in. Iβ eh.; length, 10 miles 20 chains). —The earthworks on the first 2 miles are nearly finished, and the bush-work for the first 9 J miles is done. The fencing is finished to 43 m. Reefton—lnangahua (4.5 m. 76 eh. to 66 m. 10 eh. from Greymouth.). —The earthworks on the first 5 miles from Reefton are nearly completed, also the earthworks in the Reefton Station yard. The platelaying in the station-yard is finished, and on the line put over Burkes Creek, about a mile beyond the station. The approaches to the Waitahu road and railway bridge are complete, and the bridge is open for road traffic. The bridge over Burkes Creek has been finished, and tenders have been received for the erection of a bridge over Larry's Creek. Stone protection has been put around one of the piers of the Landing Bridge to check the scouring-action of floodcurrents. Rolleston Section (50 in. 39 eh. to 52 in. 66 eh.). —The large cuttings between the Otira Station and the west end of the Arthur's Pass tunnel has been started, and a large amount of work has been done. Groins to protect the approaches to the Rolleston Bridge are being built, and this work is well advanced. All the piers for the Goat Creek Bridge are finished, and some of the steel girders are in position. The piers for the Rolleston Bridge are finished, and all the girders are now in position, and the riveting-up of the superstructure is nearing completion. Tenders are being advertised for the construction of the Arthur's Pass summit tunnel, 5 miles 24 chains long, in England, United States, and Australia, as well as locally. Mount Torlesse Section (6 m. to 18 m. from Springfield; length, 12 miles). —The heavy earthworks up to the Broken River Station at 12 m. are nearly complete. All the tunnels, nine in number, up to Broken River are now completed; some of these tunnels were somewhat difficult to construct, owing to the heavy ground through which they passed, necessitating extra thick lining and other exceptional work. The five short tunnels between Broken River and Sloven Creek have been started. About half a mile of tunnelling has been finished during the year. The earthworks are in progress up to 14 m., and some preliminary work has been done up to 18J m., including a start at putting in the pipes and culverts. The steelwork of Staircase Viaduct has been finished, and the rails laid over the viaduct. Small bridges over creeks between Staircase and Broken River are practically finished, except two spans of 22 ft. Some of the short spans of the Broken River Bridge are in position, and part of the steelwork of the centre span, 192 ft. long, is also in place. The line will be finished for traffic in a few months just over the Broken River. The rails have been laid about three-quarters of a mile beyond Staircase Viaduct. A new coach-road has been formed from the Broken River Station yard to the Cass, 15 miles long, 12 miles being new road and the rest (an existing road) improved. The completion of the line to Broken River will materially shorten the journey from Christchurch to the West Coast. This section of line up the Waimakariri Gorge is perhaps the heaviest in the colony. Wbstpobt Inangahua Railway. The earthworks have been started on the first 4 miles from Westport end, and some progress has been made. The felling and clearing of the bush is practically finished on the first 5 miles, and the line has been fenced for 1J miles. Wet weather has greatly retarded the work. Picton-Waipara. Worth End. Seddon-Blind River Section (38 m. £5 eh. to 38 m. from Picton). —In July last works were again started at the northern end from Seddon onwards, and some progress has been made with the earthworks on the first 3j miles. A number of pipes and culverts have been put in, and the erection of the bridge at Hog Swamp has been .begun. A start has been made with the earthworks at Blind River Station yard. The boundaries of the railway reserve for the length under construction liave been fenced by the property-owners, as part of the conditions of sale. South End. Waikare Section. —The Waikare Section was finished and opened to Ethelton on the 3rd November last. Some minor works have since been done.



Cheviot Section (23 m. 30 eh. to 31m. 65 eh. from Waipara). —The earthworks have been finished up to Tormore Station at 26 m. 40 eh. The line crosses an old slip in the Hurunui Gorge. A considerable length of drainage drives has been put in to drain this slip, which is still moving; so far these appear to have been successful. The rails have been laid on the first 2 miles of the section. A contract for station buildings at Tormore Station has been finished. Earthworks are well advanced over the remainder of the section. A start has been made with the bridge over Benmore Creek. Ngahere-Blackball . The earthworks have been in progress during the year, and some progress has been made. The combined road and railway bridge over the Grey River has been used for road traffic for about a year. Some damage done to the approaches by a high flood has been repaired. Coal Creek Railway. Some works in connection with station-yards have been completed during the year. HOKITIKA-ROSS. The section of this line up to Mahinapua Lake was opened for goods traffic in May last—a length of 6 miles 13 chains. The earthworks are nearly complete on the first 11 miles from Hokitika, and in progress over other 2 miles. The Mahinapua bridges contract has been completed. A contract to build all the remaining bridges on the line has been let. The rails are laid on the first 7 miles, and the ballasting is partly done. Station-platforms have been built as far as the rails are laid. Otago Central Railway. All the culverts and earthworks are complete up to Clyde, at 135 m. 40 eh. from Wingatui Junction, except trimming for platelaying. The second bridge over the Manuherikia River is finished, and the third bridge over the Manuherikia, near Alexandra, is well advanced towards completion. This is a combined road and railway bridge. Short-span timber bridges have been finished over creek at 124 m. 3 oh., Galloway Creek, and Manorburn, and a bridge is now being built over Waikerikeri. Fourteen miles of rails have been laid during the year. The ballasting is completed to 121 m. 18 eh., and partly done to rail-head at 124 m. 58 eh. The Chatto Creek Station buildings are being erected by contract. Lα WRENCE-ROXBUH GH. Work was begun in January last on the extension of the railway from Lawrence to Roxburgh, and some progress has been made with the works on the first 4 miles. Catlih's Riveb Railway Extension. A length of 4 miles is at present under construction. The bush-work on the first 2f miles is completed. The earthworks are almost complete on the first 1| miles. The earthworks for the Houipapa Station are about three parts finished. The line runs over some swamps, requiring special provision for supporting the banks. A contract has been let for the erection of a bridge over the Catlin's River. The steelwork is being manufactured, but at present it is impossible to get any materials on to the site owing to the condition of the roads. Riversdale-Switzer's Railway. The rails have been relaid on the first 2 miles of this line. Timber is under order for flood openings at the Mataura River, and earthworks will be started as soon as possible, and also the erection of the flood openings. Seaward Bush Railway Extension. A start has been made with the earthworks on 2£ miles of this line from 26 m. onwards The bush has been felled for 3J miles, beginning at 28 m. 58 eh., and on about a mile of this length the timber has been burned. Orepuki-Waiau. In February last work was begun beyond the end of Waihoaka Station yard at 40 m. 20 eh. from Makarewa Junction. The bush-work was done previously up to 46J m., and the earthworks have now been started, and good progress has been made on the first l£ miles. Work has been greatly retarded by wet weather. Surveys of New Lines, Land-plan Surveys, etc. The land-plan survey of the Kawakawa-Grahamtown Railway south from Kawakawa to Hukerenui has been finished. The permanent survey for the Helensville northwards line has been extended from 66 m. to 69 m. 20 eh., and the land-plan survey has been completed to the same point. Alternative trial lines have been run for the extension Paeroa-Waihi line for short distances beyond the present terminus. The land-plan survey for 8 miles of the Gisborne—Karaka Railway from 18 m. to 26 m. has been finished, and the plans approved. The permanent survey of this line has been finished up to 26 m. The trial-survey has been extended over the dividing-range and down the Pakihi River Valley to the low ground, and is now up to 76 m., about. 9J miles from Opotiki. The line sur-



veyed traverses very difficult country on the Opotiki side of the dividing-range, and the construction of a line down this valley would be very costly and the curves very sharp. The grade is 1 in 50. The land-plan survey of 13 miles of the North Island Main Trunk line from 116 m. to 129 m. has been finished. A trial surve_y for ballast-line was run from a point on the North Island Main Trunk line near Waimarino Station to a scoria cone, a length of about 10 miles. The works would be light. Alternative surveys have been made for a branch line from Eltham to Opunake, 23J miles long; from Te Roti to Opunake, 22 miles long; and from Stratford to Opunake, just over 26 miles long. All information is now available for the preparation of comparative estimates. The survey for the tunnel through the main range at Arthur's Pass, on the Midland Railway, has been partly finished, so far as to enable contract plans to be prepared. Some of the triangula-tion-work has yet to be checked, and the centre-line of the tunnel has yet to be ranged permanently. An examination of the country has been made for a railway-line from Darfield to Norwood. A survey party has been engaged during part of the year in doing the permanent survey of the Catlin's River Railway. This is now finished up to 30 m.; and about 22 miles of trial lines for alternative routes were done during the year. This same party was engaged on repegging 8 miles of the Riversdale-Switzers Railway, and also in permanently surveying part of the Law-rence-Roxburgh Railway in advance of the works now in progress. Sleepers. Under contracts and agreements for the supply of sleepers, the deliveries during the year ended the 31st March last were as follows: Auckland District—2o,462 totara, 1,102 puriri, 12,486 ironbark; Rangitikei district—2o,967 totara; Westport—l9,oso yellow-pine; Westland, 120,229 silver-pine; Otago—4oo black-pine, 5,400 totara. ROAD-BRIDGES, ETC. A contract has been let for the erection of a road-bridge over the Motueka River, at Alexander's Bluff. A contract for the erection of a road-bridge over the Taramakau is well advanced. A contract for the repairs to one of the piers to Taylorville Suspension Bridge is completed. A contract has been let to rebuild the Arnold River Road-bridge. A contract has been prepared for the erection of a bridge over the Wataroa River, Great South Road. The bridges on the Reefton—lnangahua Railway are being planked for road traffic over the creeks and streams that are at times dangerous. The railway-bridge over the Manuherikia River at Alexandra, Otago Central Railway, is also being planked to take road traffic. Contracts are being prepared for road-bridges over the Buller River at Fern Flat and over the Big Wanganui River, Great South Road. Plans for a bridge over the Waikato River, at Cambridge, were reported on. Various minor works have been completed during the year on the Denniston Hill Road, Westport—Waimangaroa Road, and Ahaura—Haupiri Road.

PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Auckland District. Departmental Buildings. Auckland. —Some alterations were made in Customs Office to accommodate the Shipping Officer. Some interior renovations have been carried out. Thames. —A few fittings were provided in Courthouse. Goromandel. —Some fencing was erected on one boundary of property. Tauranga. —The building has been rebuilt, furnished, and occupied. Gisborne. —The Post-office rooms have been decorated, and small repairs effected generally. Post-offices. Mangonui, Whangaroa, Kawakawa, Rawene, Russell, Waitvera, Ponsonby, Grey Lynn, Strand Arcade, Onehunga, Neivton, Opotiki, Te Awamutu, Kihikihi, Te Aroha, Gisborne, Parnell. —Minor works have been carried out at each of these offices. Helensville, Waipu, Birkenhead, Cambridge, Rotorua. —Reports on proposed works have been furnished. Auckland. —Fire-prevention appliances have been amplified. Sundry repairs and minor alterations and additions have been carried out. Parnell, Whakarewarewa, Waipiro Bay. —New offices have been erected at these places. Whakatane. —Tenders for a new building have been invited. Maketu, Taupo. —Repairs are being effected at each office. Tokomaru Bay, Tuparoa. —Tenders have been accepted for erection of new building at each place. Courthouses. Auckland, Supreme. —Alterations were made to provide a room for the Arbitration Court, the library was enlarged, and sundry repairs, particularly to roof-slates, were carried out. Auckland, District. —Repairs to drainage, and interior renovations were effected. Hamilton. —A new building is being erected. Huntly. —A new building was erected here.



Dargaville, Waihi. —Both of these Courthouses were enlarged, and some small additional works are in hand. '..,.. Mangonui, Whangaroa, Russell, Helensville, Warkivorth, Papakura, Pukekohe, Taup'o. —Minor works were carried out at each of these buildings, Hakarau. —This Courthouse was removed to Mangawai. Shortland. —Native Land Court building was repaired and painted. Police Stations. Auckland, Hikurangi, Warkworth, Mangonui, Whangaroa, Kaivakawa, Ohaeawai, Onehunga, Howick, Pukekohe, Mercer, Ngaruawahia, Hamilton East. —Small works have been executed at each of these places. Helensville, Grey Lynn, Tolago Bay. —New buildings are in course of erection at each of these places. Waiuku. —A station was erected at this place during the year. Thames, Cambridge, Waihi, Waipiro Bay.— Additions to each of these stations are in hand. Avondale. —Tenders have been invited for the erection of a station at this place. Pahi. —Small repairs are in hand. Eotorua, Taumarunui, Tauranga. —Additions, alterations, or repairs were effected at each place. .. Birkenhead, Taupo. —Both of these stations were examined and reported on. Gaols. Mount Eden. —During year the construction of front part of central block has been carried on, the walls being now ready for the roof. Two warders' cottages have been built. Hospitals. Avondale Mental. —The extension of kitchen block, in hand last year, has been completed. An area of land to form a male airing-court has been prepared and fenced in. The old sewage-tanks have been converted into septic-tanks. A bakery and store are being built. Water-supply pipes have been diverted from the sewage farm. The exteriors of doors and windows have been painted. St. Helen's Maternity, Auckland. —The building purchased was fitted up for use. Industrial Schools. Lake Takapuna, Mount Albert. —Some minor works have been executed at.each school. Native Schools. Waipapakauri, Tautoro, Oparure. —Buildings have been erected at each of these places. Rangiawhia, Tokikuku.— -The erection of school buildings is in hand at these pxaces. Kaikohe, Nuhaka. —Considerable additions are in hand at these schools. Whakarewarewa. —Some additions to this school have been carried out. Matata. —A tender has been accepted for the erection of a teacher's residence. Wai-iti. —Few small repairs have been executed. Miscellaneous. Government House, Auckland. —A cottage to accommodate the staff was built. The main building, was put in order for occupation on one occasion, and sundry small furniture repairs were done. Old Admiralty House, Auckland. —The fitting-up of Stock Department's office was completed. Stock Inspector's' House, Hamilton. —This building was erected during year. Bath Buildings, Rotorua. —The contract for the erection of these buildings is in hand, and is about one-sixth completed. Native Land Agent's House, Otorohanga, was repaired and painted. Quarantine Station, Motuihi. —Few repairs effected. Labour Bureau Office, Auckland. —An additional room was fitted up. Hawke's Bat District. Departmental Buildings. Napier. —The erection of the remaining part of the new building has been let by contract; and is now in progress. Post-offices. Napier. —The additions to this office were completed during year. Dannevirke, Waipawa, Hastings. —Alterations, additions, and repairs were effected at each; Courthouses. Woodville, Napier. —Repairs were executed at each building. Dannevirke. —The construction of a new building is now in progress. Police Stations. Waipukurau. —Additions and repairs were carried out. ■Napier. —.Some additions were erected. Napier (Carlyle Street), able repairs and painting were carreid out, " ..;.... ' » 10—D. 1, i



Miscellaneous. State Farm, Arataki. —A residence for the manager has been erected. Taranaki District. Post-offices. New Plymouth.—A new building is in course of erection in front of Departmental Buildings. This has necessitated alterations in several offices in the latter building. Waitotara.- —A new building has been erected, with usual outhouse. Pungarehu. —A new building has been erected. Waitara. —Some small repairs have been effected, and building painted Eltham. —Some repairs have been executed. Courthouse. Stratford. —The additions and alterations in hand last year have been completed. Police Stations. Mokau. —Building has been painted and a wash-house built. Waverley. —Building has been painted, and scullery with bath-room erected. Gaol. New Plymouth. —-A new warders' cottage is being erected. Wellington District. Departmental Buildings. Wellington. —These buildings were painted outside, and some of the rooms were renovated. Post-offices. Palmerston North. —The main building, a new structure, was completed during the year. Some outbuildings are in course of construction. General Post Office, Wellington. —Sanitary improvements were carried out, and the mechanicians' workshop enlarged. Pahiatua, Mangaweka, Marion, Petone. —At each of these offices repairs and, painting have been carried out. Feilding. —Repairs and painting-work are being carried out. Bull's, Taihape. —New buildings are being erected at these places. Grey town. —Some additions have been carried out. Bongotea. —A building has been fitted up for use as a post-office. Masterton. —-Some roof-repairs were executed. Alfredton. —Some alterations were carried out. Pahiatua, Eketahuna, Carterton. —These offices were inspected, and reports and estimates of maintenance-work prepared. Otaki, Levin. —The water-supply at these offices was improved by installing pumps. Courthouses. Upper Hutt, Pahiatua, Otaki, Mangaweka, Eketahuna, Marton. —Repairs and painting hare been carried out at each building. Pahiatua, Carterton. —Drainage at each building inspected and reported on. Supreme, Wellington.- —A new fence was erected round the building. Police Stations. Pahiatua. —Some drainage-work has been carried out. Eketahuna, Carterton. —lnspected, and repairs reported on. Greytown. —Some additions were erected. Wellington (Larnbton Quay). —A third story is being built to this station to provide additional dormitory-space, and the original portion of building is being renovated throughout. Palmerston North. —New cells were erected. Manners Street. —Renovated throughout. Gaols. Wellington Terrace. —The old parts were painted outside. Excavation of sites for two warders' cottages was commenced. Wire netting was fixed over the windows of new cells. Fencing was repaired, and some repairs were done at warders' cottages. Mount Cook. —A small set of additional latrines for prisoners was built. Miscellaneous. Customhouse, Wellington. —An electric lift has been installed, and fittings supplied for Regis-trar-General's Department, which is now located in this building. Agricultural Department. —A fruit-fumigating shed has been erected at Pipitea. Government Printing Office. —Additional sanitary conveniences were provided, and some alterations in the arrangement of the electric light were made in some of the rooms.



Government House, Wellington. —The reception-rooms were renovated, the exterior of building was painted, some additional fire-prevention appliances were provided, and the tennis-court was iniproved. Industrial School, Levin. —A residence for the Farm-manager has been erected. Steam cooking apparatus has been installed. The erection of the farm buildings, office, and engine-room was completed early in the year. Ministerial Residence, Molesworth Street. —An addition to this building is being carried out. Parliament Buildings. —A new residence for the Custodian is being erected. The diningroom at Bellamy's was renovated, and sundry improvements in the buildings generally were effected. Stock Inspector's Office, Garterton. —Drainage was inspected and reported on. Hospitals, Mental. Porirua. —The reconstruction of hot-water-supply pipe-circuits has been commenced, the old pipes having become corroded, and therefore useless. The hot-water-supply pipes in Medical Superintendent's house were renewed. Some extensions of electric lighting have been carried out, and an increase of the generating plant is in hand. Fire-alarm system has been extended. A new cookingrange has been fixed in place. The laundry-extension building completed last year has been equipped with the necessary machines, and the whole are now in full use. Some repairs were effected to storm-water drains. The. new sew age-disposal plant has been completed and brought into use, with very satisfactory results. This plant is now about the best in the colony, sewage in quantity about equal to that usually derived from a town of a thousand inhabitants being completely purified without the slightest nuisance and almost without expense beyond interest on cost of plant. Telephonic communication has been established between auxiliary and main buildings. Some lagging on steam-pipes has been repaired. Mount View. —Bathing conveniences have been extended in both male and female wards. Firealarm system has been extended. The natural decay of this old building has necessitated extensive repairs to some of the chimneys. Additional electric lights have been fixed. A small conservatory has been built. Baker's oven has been rebuilt. The foundations of steam-boilers were repaired and boilers reset. Some interior renovations were effected at main building and Medical Superintendent's house. A washing and an ironing machine have been ordered for the laundry. A large number of door-locks were renewed. Hot-water-supply circuits have been renewed. Christchurch Exhibition. The preparation of exhibits has been commenced for the Department's Court, and a report was prepared and recommendations made for increasing the stability of the building. Marlborough District. Departmental Buildings. Blenheim. —The new latrines have been completed. Water-supply improved by erection of pump. Post-offices. Picton. —Yard has been asphalted. Benwicktown. —A water-supply has been provided. Ilavelock. —Repaired and painted. Courthouses. Ilavelock. —Repaired and painted. Picton. —Repaired and painted. Police Stations. Blenheim. —A galvanised-iron fence has been built round the station. Picton. —A constable's residence has been repaired and painted. Nelson District. Departmental Buildings. Nelson. —The buildings have been painted. Strong-room has been enlarged for use by Lands Department, and some alterations to draughting-room have been made. A room fitted up for use of Sheriff. Post-offices. Nelson. —The construction of the new brick building is just drawing to completion. Gollingwood. —The erection of the new building was expected to be completed in a few weeks. Takaka. —A fence was erected in front of building. Motueka. —Repaired and painted. Courthouses. Nelson. —Alterations to Clerk of Court's room have been made to increase the size. Motueka. —Repaired and painted. Takaka. —Repaired and painted. Brightwatcr. —A new building has been erected. Police Stations. Nelson. —Some alterations were made to Sergeant's cottage.



Mental Hospitals. Richmond. —Alterations to the house purchased were completed, and building has been occupied since the 3rd August, 1905. Nelson. —The additional fire-service reservoir has been completed. Miscellaneous. Customhouse, Nelson. —Repaired and painted. Cantebbuhy District. Departmental (Provincial) Buildings. Christchurch. —Additional furniture has been provided for several Departments, and some old drains have been relaid. Post-offices. Christchurch. —The addition to this office of a larger mail-room and telegraph-instrument room has been completed. The mail-room has just been occupied. The alterations to old part of building to increase the accommodation generally are now well advanced. The water-supply of whole premises has been reorganized, an electrically driven pump and storage-tank having been installed. Lyttelton. —Some minor alterations and repairs have been carried out. Kaiapoi. —Approaches have been asphalted. Papanui. —borne renovations have been carried out, and a galvanised-iron fence has been erected along two sides of the property. Lin-wood. —Some fencing has been erected. New Brighton. —Building has been painted and small repairs effected. Akaroa. —Drains have been connected with town sewer. ; Duvauchelles. —A porch and shed have been erected. Building generally renovated and painted. Ashburton. —Some minor repairs to interior have been effected. Temulia.— Living quarters have been renovated and water-supply improved. Timaru. —The clock-tower and Telephone Exchange have been renovated. Waimate. —A small addition to Telephone Exchange has been erected. Courthouses. Akaroa. —A urinal has been erected, and drains connected with town sewer. Geraldine. —An- iron-back fence has been erected. Ashburton. —Sundry repairs have been effected. Temuka.— Sundry repairs have been effected, and additional furniture provided. Timaru. —The grounds have been trimmed up, and a back fence erected. Waimate. —The grounds have been trimmed up. Police Stations. '■ '"' Amberley. —Minor repairs have been carried out. Oxford West. —An office and some fencing have been erected, and the buildings have been painted and repaired. Kaiapoi. —Constable's house has been painted and repaired. Papanui. —Property has been fenced, a lock-up converted into a bedroom, and dwelling has been renovated. St. Alban's. —lmprovements to constable's residence have been effected. Christchurch. —A contract has been let for a considerable addition in brick and stone, with which considerable progress has been made. General repairs have been effected to old part of premises. Sydenham. —Cells have been painted. Bingsland. —A new station is being erected. Lincoln, Coalgate, Sheffield, Ashburton. —Some minor repairs at each place have been effected. Akaroa. —Drains have been connected with town sewer. Timaru. —Hot and cold water have been laid on to detective's quarters and Sub-Inspector's house, and general repairs to whole effected. *. ''- -- Gaols. Lyttelton. —Roof of offices has been renewed. A warder's cottage is being erected. Timaru. —A new kitchen-range has been fixed in Gaoler's quarters. _-;.. ■■• Hospital for Mental Diseases. Sunny side. —The small water-tanks in towers, worn out, have been replaced by one large steelplate tank in each of the three towers. The steam cooking-pans in kitchen have been renewed, and repairs effected to other apparatus. Several drains which were stopped have been relaid. Roofs generally have been repaired. Ventilation of female-ward is being improved. Industrial Schools. Te Oranga. —A galvanised - iron fence has been erected round the recreation - ground. A schoolroom in brick has been erected. All the wooden buildings have been painted. Burnham. —A few repairs have been carried out.



Christchurch. —The remains of the Receiving Home in Hereford Street have been removed; the outbuildings were put in order for washing purposes. Some fencing and other small works have been carried out at the temporary Home of the East Belt. Miscellaneous. Public Works Office, Christchurch, has had one room renovated. Government Insurance Offices, Christchurch, have been renovated. Agricultural Department. —Fruit-fumigating shed at Christchurch has been repaired. Caretaker's Cottage, Quail Island Quarantine Station, has been repaired. Deaf-mute Institute, Sumner. —Erection of electric-light engine-room has been completed. The installation of electric light has been completed. A laundry has been erected; also male-side latrines, and connecting covered way. The Institute has been furnished, and sundry additions made. Native Settlement, Temuka. —Six artesian wells were sunk, of an average depth of 60 ft. West Coast Districts. Post-offices. Westport. —Few repairs effected, and a strong-room built. Lyell. —Few repairs carried out. Charleston. —Few repairs carried out to residence. Millerton. —A building for post-office was erected. Greymouth. —Old building has been moved back, and a new building in brick is in course of erection. The old building was made suitable for carrying on business in. Some repairs were effected to residence. Beefton. —Renovations were completed and sanitary improvements effected. Akaroa. —Renovations effected. Courthouses. Greymouth.' —Sanitary improvements of minor character were carried out. Beefton. —Small repairs and improvements carried out. Stratford, Waimea, Ahawia, Hokitika, Westport. —Small repairs effected. Police Stations. Seddonville. —A short fence was erected. Westport. —Sergeant's residence was painted. Greymouth. —Small repairs were effected to Sergeant's residence. Hokitika. —Repairs and renovations were effected to Sergeant's house and constable's quarters. A new lock-up was erected. Beefton, Stratford. —Small repairs were executed. Gaols. Westport. —Small repairs to Gaoler's residence were carried out. Hokitika. —Sundry small repairs were effected. The fixed fire-engine ordered last year arrived, and was erected in position at reservoir. Hospitals. Greymouth. —The building of the new ward, in hand last year, has been completed. Hokitika Mental —Some materials to be used by staff for repairs were provided. Miscellaneous. District Surveyor's Besidence, Westport, has been repaired to small extent. Survey Office, Beefton, has been repaired, and sanitary improvements effected. Public Works Office and Store, Greymouth. —Some sanitary improvements were carried out. Stock Inspector's House, Hokitika, was repaired, and a partition erected. Tourist Cottage, Hot Springs, Haupiri, has been erected, and some concrete work at the springs carried out. Otago District. Post-offices. Dunedin. —A contract has been let for renovating and painting Telegraph-office. North Dunedin. —Considerable repairs were carried out. Mornington.-. —The new building was completed and opened for use on the Ist November, 1905. Invercargill. —Roof has been painted. An addition to buildings in course of construction. Oamaru. —Some outbuildings were erected, and a learners' gallery fitted up. Port Chalmers. —Painting and renovating were carried out. Gore. —A contract has been let for extending the outbuildings. Winton.— -The new building has been completed. Boxburgh, Kaitangata, Otaulau. —Buildings have been renovated. Half-moon Bay (Stewart Island). —New buildings have been erected.



Courthouses. Dunedin. —Water-supply was improved. Port Chalmers, Queenstown. —Renovations were carried out. •■• ■ Bluff. —A new building has been erected. Alexandra. —Some additions have been built. Cromwell. —A fence was erected round the Courthouse. Police Stations. South Dunedin. —The lock-up has been repaired and painted. Gore —A new station has been erected. • Wyndham. —Some repairs were effected. Clyde. —Sergeant's quarters were renovated. Gaols. Dunedin. —The stonework was cleane-d and painted. Invercargill. —Fire-prevention appliances have been installed. Hospitals, Mental. The Camp. —Preparations for the erection of a fence are in hand. A new kitchen has been added to Superintendent's quarters, and general renovations effected. Miscellaneous. Customhouse, Oamaru. —Some considerable repairs were carried out. Immigration Barracks, Caversham. —This old building has been sold and removed. Quarantine Station, Port Chalmers. —Some additions to Caretaker's house have been carried out. Stock Inspectors' Residences, Balcluiha and Eurow.—Both buildings have been painted. Survey Department, Dunedin and Invercargill. —Strong-rooms have been erected at each office. Tvurist Department: Glade House, Te Anau. —Some extensive additions to this building are being carried out. In addition to the items mentioned, small maintenance-works have been carried out at a great many public buildings throughout the colony. MARINE. Some repairs have been done at the Bean Rock Light and to dwellings at Manukau Heads lighthouse, and an additional beacon erected at Kaipara Heads. A contract for the removal of rocks in Onehunga Harbour has been satisfactorily completed. A beacon has been erected in the north end of Waiuku Channel, Manukau Harbour. New plans have been prepared for wharf and store for the cable steamer "Iris." The wharf at Somes Island, Wellington Harbour, is being extended; and the wharves at Quail Island, Lyttelton Harbour, have been improved and extended. A marine survey of Point Elizabeth Harbour has been started. The fog-signal, Taiaroa Head, has been completed. The goods-shed, Okariti Wharf, has been enlarged, and a marine survey of the harbour is being made. A report on Takaka Harbour has been made. ROTORUA AND HANMER. The relaying and extension of the sewers in Rotorua Township has been completed. The collecting-tank has been repaired, and ventilation provided to it and to the sewers. The septic tank has been finished. The filter-beds are not yet completed, and the house connections have not yet been made pending the completion of the new water-supply. Pipes have been ordered for the Rotorua and Hanmer water-supplies, and are expected to arrive shortly. ELECTRIC AND CABLE TRAMWAYS. A large amount of work has been done by the Head Office staff in approving plans and inspecting works for tramways in the four chief towns. UTILISATION OF WATER-POWER. A further examination was made to ascertain if the storage of any large quantity of water is possible in the Wairua River watershed at reasonable cost. A dam can be built to flood the swamp area west of the Whangarei-Kamo line, from about Hikurangi to Whakapapa: the question to decide now is whether the land would be worth more for agricultural purposes if drained than if used as a reservoir for power purposes. Except in exceptional cases, it would probably be unwise to flood potentially good agricultural lands to form storage-reservoirs. ■ Rotoiti-Kaituna: A survey is now. in progress to determine the merits of this scheme. Wet weather and rough country is delaying its completion. So far the information got shows that it is probable that power can be supplied to Auckland, Waihi, and the Thames district at cheaper rates than from Huka, Horohora, or any scheme situated on the Waikato between these points. There are several possible alternative schemes, and very full investigation of the locality is justifiable.



The survey for the Huka Falls scheme has been completed, and plans for works to utilise the falls are in preparation to enable a close comparison with the Rotoiti-Kaituna scheme being made as soon as all information is available relative to the latter. The survey for the Tauherenikau River has been finished. The fall obtainable at Featherston is 430 ft. The conduit would be 5 miles long. Of this length 3 miles would of necessity or choice be tunnel or drive, and 33 chains would be pipe-line. The flood flow in the river during the period for which observations have been made is found to be relatively large—so great that it would be most, expensive work to attempt to store all flood-water with a dam of the ordinary solid masonry type, as the volume of storage for a dam of given size is not relatively very great owing to the narrowness of the valley. Depending on the expenditure on a dam, the probable power obtainable at Featherston would be from 6,000 to 10,000 continuous brake horse-power. The survey for the Hutt power scheme is in progress, and so far promises to be quite as good as the Tauherenikau. A reservoir here is as indispensable as for the Tauherenikau, and the conditions are much more favourable for storing a large volume of water. A dam 160 ft. high will store water enough to give up to 16,000-horse power at Mur.garoa power-station for part-time working; the fall obtainable will be 280 ft. The flow during the months in which a record has been kept would justify an installation of the above size, but the period of actual observation of riverflow is yet short. It is probable that this Hutt scheme will be the most favourable for the supply of power to Wellington, unless the Mangahao scheme proves to be a very good one. A survey will be started immediately to get preliminary information as to the possibility of diverting the water from the Mangahao River through the hills towards Shannon. There is every prospect of getting a considerable power scheme. The alternative surveys for the diversion of the Clarence River at Jollies Pass and at Jack's Pass have been completed, also the survey of Lake Tennyson to determine the capacity of the lakebasin for storage purposes, and the plans are now being finished. It appears that Jollies Pass will be the better location for a power-station. Taking the probable maximum length of conduit that would be adopted at about 3J miles, an effective fall of about 1,080 ft. would be obtained. The conduit would consist of 8,800 lineal feet of tunnel under the pass, 3,900 lineal feet of drive from adits along a spur, and about 4,500 lineal feet of pipes. The low water-flow should give about 22,000 brake horse-power on Pelton shaft, and considerably more power could be got by the storage of water in Lake Tennyson and by the construction of dams in two additional places to supplement an artificial storage-reservoir at the lake. In all cases the dams will be costly—probably too much so to be adopted at present. Some alternative positions for the power-station are possible, giving shorter length of conduit but less power. A survey of Lake Coleridge power scheme is in progress to supplement what was done previously. Until it is finished it is not advisable to decide whether Lake Coleridge scheme or the two alternative schemes at Clarence and Opihi would be better for the Canterbury District. Opihi: A survey has been made to determine the best method of utilising the waters of the two Opuhas and the Opihi. A dam can be built at the upper end of the Opihi Gorge to store a large volume of water. A conduit just under 4J miles long through the Opihi Gorge will give a fnil of 260 ft. By diverting the high-water flow of the two Opuhas into this reservoir by a race 2f miles long between the two streams, and a channel about a mile long between the South Opuha and the head of St. Michael's Valley, water enough could easily be got to give, say, 16,000 brake horse-power at a power-station on the Opihi River. This would be for continuous working: for part-time working—say, equal to full power for ten to twelve hours per day—the power available might be put at 35,000 brake horse-power. The distance from Timaru would be about 22 miles, but the valley is open and favourable for the establishment of industries near or at the powerhouse if other conditions should become favourable. The Opuhas—especially the South Opuha— being snow-fed rivers is a very favourable condition. There were preliminary survej's made to determine the possibility of utilising the water from the Opuha direct at a different power-station. A conduit, starting from the junction of the two Opuhas, 8 miles long would give a fall of 320 ft. at a power-station at the Beautiful Valley Road-bridge over the Opuha, yielding, say, 6,500 brake hoise-power, and a conduit about 14J miles long would give 460 ft. fall at a power-station at the lower end of the Opihi Gorge yielding, say, 9,000 brake horse-power for a minimum flow observed, but which may be too high. Only the low-water flow of the Opuha would be available, as the conditions are not favourable for storing water at the junction of the Opuhas. A ! -urvev was made for a line of conduit to divert water from the Tengawai into the Opihi. To -do so would increase the power available, but the cost of the conduit would be considerable. No account has been taken of this stream in the figures given above for the power available at the Opihi Station. •-Some additional information was obtained during the progress of these surveys as to the possibility of bringing the water from Lake Tekapo into the Opihi. This is possible by driving a tunnel about 9f miles long. The last two miles would be accessible by adits. From the end of this tunnel to Ashwick Flat a fall of up to 840 ft. would be obtainable, and power to over 400,000 brake horse-power and a further 150,000 brake horse-power if the water were utilised again at the Opihi Gorge. It may be interesting to record here that in Sweden, as in New Zealand, a law has been enacted making all water-power the property of the State, and a substantial royalty is proposed to be charged in cases where private persons are allowed to utilise water-power. It is believed that the development of water-power plants in the Scandinavian Peninsula will result in a great trade in products manufacturable by hydro-electric processes. <src, such as soda, chlorates, nitrates, calcium-chlorites, iron, &c. Norway has made a law that half of all capital employed in Norwegian water-power schemes must be Norwegian, and the management of all works he in the hands of natives



Some advance appears to have recently been made in Sweden in the manufacture of nitrate of lime by hydro-electric plant. It is stated that so long as the cost of electric energy does not exceed about £2 per horse-power year that the Birkenland-Eyde process is a commercial success, and that it will be successful for many Swedish power schemes where energy is not expected to cost quite £1 per horse-power year. If this is so the process should be successful in New Zealand, where power could, in many cases, be obtainable at power-stations at rates not exceeding those quoted, and in the more favourable cases as low as the lowest. Should a process such as this prove successful, and the demand for nitrate fertilisers increase to the extent that some authorities expect, then districts in the southern west coast of the Middle Island now practically uninhabited will in time become centres of important, and, so far as can now be judged, permanent industries, and yield great wealth. Surveys should be made at Waikaremoana to determine more fully the works required to convey the water to suitable power-station sites, and also to ascertain what works would be required to close if possible the underground outlets, though works might be avoided by freezing-devices worked by .current from any power-station erected. In any case, freezing would probably be necessary to. enable works to be constructed to stop these outlets were any such works found to be possible. A survey should be made of the Mangawhero-Wangtmui scheme, at Galatea, and some lesser alternative schemes possible on the Mangawhero. A survey also is required for a power scheme to serve the Southland District. All these surveys will take a considerable time to do. Irrigation . Information is being collected, and preparations are being made to start a survey for an extensive irrigation scheme for Central Otago. DEFENCES Auckland. With the exception of an alteration to the .mine-loading shed, only maintenance-work was done at the harbour defences. At the rifle range, Mount Eden, a butt for testing ammunition was constructed, and a shed for testing guns was erected at the Penrose Kifle Kange. Greymouth Some valuations of land taken for rifle range were made. Plans and specifications for an explosive-magazine were prepared, and survey of land for site made. Wellington. At Watts Peninsula one road was extended, the rest were improved and repaired. Tenders are invited for extending the wharf at Mahanga Bay. At Fort Kelburne the barrack-room was renovated inside. Minefield survey-marks were erected. A new minefield-cable was laid. A few general maintenance-works at forts on the peninsula were executed. New lightning-conductors were fixed on magazines at Kaiwarra. At the armourers' workshop a forge was built, and boilers for browning gun-barrels were fitted up. Radiators for heating were fitted up in Alexandra Barracks during year. A few minor additions were made to fittings. The trimming-up of grounds was continued. At Trentham two new rifle ranges were constructed and used at the annual meetings, and some general maintenance-work carried out. Nelson. The drill-shed was enlarged and repaired; offices for staff and orderly rooms added. The Mud Flats rifle range was put in order, and a new firing-point erected. Canterbury. At Lyttelton a retaining-wall is being built at the Sumner Road Parade-ground. The wharf at Erskine Point has been extended and repaired. The new drill-shed at Christchurch has been inspected and reported on. Otago. A magazine for small-arms ammunition is being erected at St. Clair, and the officers' quarters at this place were repaired and painted. At Taiaroa Heads the erection of new workshop and smithy was completed, a kitchen was fitted up for night-watchman, and some repairs were carried out. At Point Harrington fort-construction has been continued. I have, &c, P. S. Hay, Engineer-in-Chief.


Enclosure to Appendix E. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1906. NORTH ISLAND.

Note.—Taonui and Lichfield Branches not mentioned above, as the rails have been taken up.

■• ■ " State of Line. 1 Appi opriation. 1 Grahamtown Kaihu Valle Helensville North wards Kaipara Waikato Surveys, ne' lines Waikato Thames 1 cD ATfl in' co Di — f Seotion - Lin"! .1 Total - i Under: Under a 2 & Forma-! Plate- - " g tion. I laying. j ; I i * I 2 3 4 56789 10 M. chs. M. chs. 1 M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. Kawakawa .. 7 41 Opua Wharf - Kawa- 7 41 0 57 8 18 kawa Kawakawa southwards 25 6 Kawakawa-Kopuru.. 7 39 0 28 7 67 .. .. 7 39 Kopuru-Harakeke .. 3 62 .. 3 62 .. 3 62 Harakeke-Hukerenui 13 65 .. 13 65 13 65 Whangarei-KamoEx- 16 0 Hukerenui-Kamo .. 16 0 3 29 19 29 tension Kamo-Whangarei and 9 20 Kamo-Opau Wharf.. ! 6 52 2 27 8 79 Grahamtown Opau Wharf-Graham- 2 4S .. 2 48 .. 2 48 town ey Kaihu Valley .. 19 40 Dargaville-Booms .. 17 21 0 75 18 16 Booms-Waima .. 2 19 .. 2 19 .. 2 19 1 Helensville North- 110 0 Extension., .. 34 51 .. 34 51 34 51 estim. 1- wards Maungatapere - Mau-' 20 0 .. 20 0 20 0 ngaturoto Maungaturoto-Wells- 22 0 j .. 22 0 22 0 ford Wellsford-Waby .. 3 17 .. 3 17 .. 3 17 Waby-Tauhoa .. 3 40 .. 3 40 .. 3 40 Tauhoa-Kaipara Flats 2 45 .. 2 45 .. 2 45 Kaipara Flats-Wood- 3 5 0 16 3 21 cock's Woodcock's-Ahuroa 2 41 0 16 2 57 .. .. Ahuroa-Helensville.. 18 41 1 75 20 36 .- Kaipara-Newmarket 35 73 Hslensville-Newm'rk't 35 73 6 66 42 59 Onehunga Branch .. 2 73 ! Penrose - Onehunga 2 73 1 70 4 63 Wharf Auckland-Waikato .. 100 13 Auckland-Te Awamutu 100 13 16 66 116 79 Auckland-Penrose — Deviation via Beach 6 50 Deviation via Beach 6 50 .. 6 50 6 oO Auckland City Branch 2 60 Auckland City Branch 2 60 .. 2 60 2 60 Prelim. —Kingsland Station to Auckland Station via Western Park and Freeman's Bay ,.,,., sw Pukekohe-Waiuku .. 12 5 Paerata-Waiuku ... I 2 » •• I*! & 12 5 3- Waikato-Thames .. 62 58 Frankton Junction- 62 58 | 10 17 72 75 Thames Under Formation. Under Plate laying. Date. 11 1 17 Nov!, 1905 18 May, 1905 Date. Op. sned. 1904-5 1904-5 1905-6 Total. 10 M. chs. 11 12 M. chs. 13 M. chs. 13 14 15 d. chs. M chs. M. chs. .. , 7 41 7 39 | 22 52 17 21 Kaihu Valley Helensville Nor t hwards 43 9 S s o a CO M O o 3 3 CM DO c3 eg >-. to S a CO -= a o .o oo 03 3 sS +3 "o HI o 4= rH rH 00 3 a C o CD 03 3 ce -^> 3 a a 'S> 4a c a •-4 oi 00 3 CQ 03 0 o CO a o 43 *H C ft 3 CO O CO ac = 'S CD =- o «H O CQ O 13 cS — 0 CQ 3 _o 43 * O 3 'S .3 CD ■9 M O s H a 2 45 17 Nov!, 1905 '.'. 35 3 5 18 May, 1905 2 41 2 41 18 41 35 73 2 73 K aiparaWaikato 100 13 Surveys, new lines W aikatoThames PaeroaWaihi HamiltonCambridge Thames Valley - Rotorua GisborneRotorua .. ' .. .. 62 58 PaeroaWaih Hamilton Cambridg Thames Val ley - Rote rua Gisborne Rotorua New survev Napier Woodvill and Pal mersto: North Wellington Woodvill Rimutak In oli n Deviatioi Surveys Foxton-Ne' Plymout Stratforc Ongarue New survej North Islar Main Trui Railway hi Paeroa-Waihi ..12 40 Paeroa-Waihi ..12 40 1 30 13 70 n- Hamilton-Cambridge 12 2 Ruakura Junction, 12 2 3 14 15 16 ge —Cambridge l1- Thames Valley-Roto- ! 69 33 ; Morrinsville-Rotorua 69 33 5 27 74 60 0- rua j- Gisborne-Motu .. 50 25 Gisborne Wharf-Kai- 13 10 2 45 15 55 teratahi i Kaiteratahi-Karaka 5 5 0 71 5 76 Karaka-Waikohu .. 5 60 .. & 60 .. 5 60 Waikohu-Motu .. 26 30 26 30 1' 2 1 30 Prelim. ! '. v Napier-Gisborne ..120 0 Napier-Wairoa River 58 0 .. 58 0 : 58 0 Prelim. Wairoa River-Gisborne 62 0 .. 62 0 62 0 Prelim. • - Napier-Woodville .. 96 65 ! Napier Spit-Woodville 96 65 15 5 HI 70 j le m Woodville-Palmerston 17 21 Woodville-Palmerston 17 21 0 51 17 72 North North .„.. 1- Woodville-Wellington 115 79 Woodville-Wellington H5 79 21 73 137 72 le [Te Aro] Grey town Branch .. 3 7 j Woodside-Greytown 3 < 0 64 3 a .. .. :a Coach road Route .. 9 0 ' Kaitoke-Featherston 9 0 .. 90 9 0 Prelim, le TauherenikauRoute 21 30 UpperHutt-Woodside 21 30 .. 21 30 21 30 n Wainui-o-mata 3140 Petone-Pigeon Bush 3140: .. 3140 3140 Route _„ - A Coast Route .. 52 0 Petone-Pigeon Bush 52 0 j .. &2 U 52 0 Coast Route .. 70 0 70 0 | .. 70 0 70 0 Martinborough iw Foxton-Patea .. 120 44 Foxton-Patea .. 120 44 14 75 ldo 39 th Route Improvement 26 7 Turakina-Matarawa 11 67 .. 11 b7 11 67 Surveys Aramoho-Goat Valley 7 40 .. 7 40 1 40 Tunnel „ ~» ! Kailwi-Okehu .. 3 60 ..360 360 .. Nukumaru-Waitotara 3 0; .. ; 3 0 3 0 Prelim. Patea - Waitara and 72 29 ' Patea-New Plymouth 72 29 11 52 ; 84 1 New Plymouth ' Breakwater ' ft Bull's Branch .. 3 79 Bull's Branch .. 3 79 1 .. \ 3 79 3 79 iPrehm. .. Wanganui Branch .. 3 29 Aramoho-Wanganui 3 29 2 23 5 52 d- Stratford-Ongarue .. 101 0 Stratford-Toko .. 6 26 0 40 b bb . Toko-Oruru .. 4 72 ; 0 36 5 28 .. . Oruru-Huiroa .. 4 50 .. | 4 50 .. 4 50 Surveyed 85 12 .. 85 12 85 12 ys Opunake - Mountain 23 10 : Opunake-Eltham .. 23 10 ., 23 1Q 23 10 Prelim. .. Road 22 0 i Opunake-Te Roti .. 22 0 .. j 22 0 22 0 Prehm. .. 26 6 ! Opunake-Stratford .. 26 6 .. ■ 26 6 26 6 Prelim. Mount Egmont 9 20 Manganui Section 6 0 0 60 ; 6 60 .. .. 6 0 Branch Te-popo Section .. 3 20 .. , 3 20 3 20 .. nd Marton-Te Awamutu 209 70 Marton Junction- 31 67 4 61 I 36 48 mk Mangaweka Mangaweka-Taihape 13 1 1 61 14 62 .. .. .. Paengaroa Section (pt) 5 71 , •■ 5 71 ■• •;_ 5 71 Turangarere Section 10 49 .. 10 49 .. 10 49 Waiouru Section .. 7 41 .. 7 41 ..741 Murimutu Section .. 13 70 .. 13 70 11 20 2 50 Raetihi Section ..8 60 .. 8 60 6 60 2 0 : Waimarino Section.. ] 12 30 .. 12 30 12 30 ; .. ! Makaretu Section ..7 0 .. 70 .. j 7 0 .. 1 Owhango Section ..80 •- 80 .. 50 30 Whakapapa Section 10 0 .. 10 0 .. .. 10 0 1 Taumarunui Section 6 48 0 52 7 20 .. .. 6 48 Taumarunui-Te Awa- 74 33 6 20 80 53 mutu ! Central Route—Devia- 30 0 Ohakune to Mokau- j 30 0 .. | 30 0 30 0 Prelim. tion Surveys 1 Retaruke Divide 34 0 Makatote Gorge-Ma- 34 0 .. ; 34 0 34 0 Prelim. rae Kowhai j 20 0 Marae-Kowhai-Ohura! 20 0 .. 20 0 20 0 Explor. Valley Ngaire-Ongaruhe ... 103 58 Ngaire Section .. ; 38 73 .. 38 73 38 73 Tangarakau Section 26 0 .. 26 0 26 0 Heao Section .. 10 70 .. 1 10 70 10 70 Ohura Section .. 27 75 .. 1 27 75 27 75 Waitara-Tangarakau 46 75 Waitara Section .. : 46 75 .. 46 75 j 46 75 ... Urenui Route .. 12 0 Urenui to Tangitu 12 0 .. 12 0 12 0 Prelim. River Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 .. 170 0 170 0 Prelim. •• 9 Nov., 1905 9 Nov., 1905 13 April, 1905 1 Mar., 1905 10 Sep., 1904 12 40 12 40 12 2 69 33 13 10 13 April, 1905 5 5 5 5 New survey NapierWoodville and Palmerston North Wellington - Woodville 96 66 17 21 .. 115 79 ..3 7 Rimutaka In oli ne Deviation Surveys Foxton-New Plymouth 120 44 '.'. '.'. 72*29 3*29 StratfordOngarue 4-72 :: I 1118 New surveys North Island Main Trunk Railway [44 68 13 1 .. ) '.'. 7433 Central Route—Deviation Surveys Ngaire-Ongaruhe .. Waitara-Tangarakau Urenui Route Hastings-Te Awamutu 17 73 ! 23 11 945 21 2,126 8; ,2,126 8 141 42 2,267 50820 47 60 36 41 43 1904 17 Total ..


TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1906— continued. SOUTH ISLAND.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—1906

I I I State of Line. State of I Lin, Appropriation. Division. Mileage. Section. i Line" i8idin)! '' To " 1 - 8nr Under Under Teyea. mat j on . laying. I i . Date. Opened. 1904-5. 1905-6. Total. 1 NelsonRoundell Midland Railway 1 2 3 4 56789 10 M. ch. M. oh. M. ch. M. oh. M. ch. M. oh. M. ch. el son- Nelson-Belgrove.. 22 73 Port Extension .. j 1 0 1 Roundell ; Nelson-Foxhill .. 18 73 V 2 52 25 45 Foxhill-Belgrove .. 3 0 J idland Stillwater - Bel- 148 21 Stillwater - Reefton 37 9 4 79 42 8 .. .. .. Railway grove (via Tadmor) Reefton-Inangahua 20 0 1 0 21 0 6 12 10 28 3 40 * Inangahua-Manu .. 60 59 .. 60 59 60 59 .. Maml-Tadinor .. 10 40 .. 10 40 0 40 10 0 .. Tadmor-Motupiko .. 10 29 0 69 11 18 .. .. 10 29 Motupiko-Belgrove .. 9 44 0 62 10 26 Brunner - Spring- 95 49 Brunner-Jackson's .. 32 15 ) 2 68 45 15 field Jackson's-Otira .. 10 12 J Otira-Avoca .. I 37 22 .. 37 22 35 78 1 24 Avoca-Otarama .. U 22 .. 11 22 2 60 3 38 5 4 Otarama-Springfield ' 4 58 0 16 4 74 .. .. .. lack ball Ngahere-Blackball 3 30 Ngahere-Blackball .. 3 30 1 0 4 30 .. 2 5 125 Railway reymouth- Greymouth - Nel- 7 51 Greymouth-Brunner- ; 7 51 6 18 13 69 Nelson son Creek ton-Stillwater 3 M. ch. 22 73 148 21 11 ] 11 12 II. ch. 13 M. ch. 13 14 15 1. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 22 73 37 9 !! '.'. 9 44 14 M. ch. 95 49 42 27 .. .. 4 58 Blackball Railway GreymouthNelson Creek WestportNgakawau WestportNgakawau Extension restport- Westport - Ngaka- 19 56 Westport-Ngakawau 19 56 8 12 27 68 Ngakawau wau festport- Ngakawau-Moki- 7 12 Ngakawau-Mokihi- 7 12 1 18 8 30 Ngakawau hinui nui extension Mokihinui Colliery 3 69 Mokihinui-Seddonville 3 69 0 25 4 14 r'estport- Westport Inanga- 26 0 Westport - Inangahua 26 0 .. 26 0 20 40 5 40 Inangahua hua Junction Junction tate Col- Greymouth - Coal 5 1 Greymouth - Coal 5 1 1 50 6 51 .. .. .. i liery Creek Creek reymouth- Greymouth-Hoki- 24 37 Greymouth-Hokitika 24 37 2 10 26 47 Hokitika tika ln ; u m a r a Kumara Branch 4 10 Kumara Branch .. 4 10 .. 4 10 4 lu tokTtlka- Hokitika-Ross .. 15 64 Hokitika-Ross .. 15 64 0 6116 45 0 64 7 65 7 15 1 Dec, 1904 7 51 19 56 7 12 8 69 WestportInangahua State Colliery GreymouthHokitika Kumara Branoh HokitikaRoss New survey PictonWaipara 5 1.. 5 1 24 37 HurunuiWaitaki, with Branches Canterbury Interior Main Line Waitaki. Bluff and Branches few survey Ross-Waitaha .. 10 0 Ross-Waitaha .. 10 0 .. 10 0 10 0 Prelim, 'icton- Pieton-Kahautera 103 30 Picton-Seddon .. 33 45 3 26 36 71 .. .. Waipara Blind River Section 4 35 .. 4 35 .. 4 35 Surveyed (trial) .. 65 30 .. 65 30 65 30 .,, Kahautera - Mac- 34 65 Kahautere-Mackenzie j 34 65 .. 34 65 34 65 Prelim. kenzie Mackenzie-Wai- 35 35 Mackenzie-Domett.. 3 54 .. 3 54 3 54 .. .. para Domett-Ethelton .. 8 31 .. 8 31 0 20 5 10 3 01 Ethelton-Scargill .. | 8 51 0 51 9 22 Scargill-Waipara .. i 14 59 1 2 15 61 lurunui- Main Line .. 206 7 Culverden-South Wai-j 206 7 64 68 270 75 Waitaki, taki with Branches, — Branches Rangiora-Oxford 21 76 Rangiora-Oxford West 21 76 2 3b 24 32 .. Eyreton (from 20 7 Main Line - West 20 7 1 61 21 68 Main Line) Eyreton-Bennett's Lyttelton .. 6 26 Lyttelton - Christ- 6 26 .. 6 2b church Southbridge .. 25 31 Hornby-Southbridge 25 311 3 17 28 48: Little River- 42 10 Lincoln-Little River 22 46 2 5 24 51 AVflvofli Reconnaissance .. 19 44 .. 19 44 19 44 Prelim. .. Springfield .. 30 60 Rolleston-Springfield 29 63 1 3 7 33 67 Springfield-Coalmine 0 77 j Whitecliffs .. 11 38 Darfield-Whitecliffs 11 33 1 j 53 13 n Whitecliffs to Bridge 0 5) Rakaia-Ash- 22 20 Rakaia-Methven .. 22 20 2 65 25 5 burton Forks Ashburton .. 29 46 Tinwald-Springburn 27 29 1 52 29 1 Extension .. 2 17 .. 2 17 2 17 Opawa and Al- 55 8 Washdyke-Eversley 36 5 2 45 38 50 bury to Fairlie fl f (3 6 k EL 11 cl Burke's Pass Preliminary survey .. 19 3 .. 19 3 19 3 Prelim. Waimate .. 4 42 Studholme-Waimate 4 42 1 3 5 45 WaimateGorge 8 21 Waimate-Waihao 8 21 0 54 8 75 Downs Canterbury Oxford-Temuka .. 83 0 Oxford-Sheffield .. 1144 0 27 11 71 .. .. j .. Interior Surveyed .. 21 7 .. Jl J Jl 7 .. Main Line Reconnaissance .. 50 29 .. 50 29 50 29 Prehra.l .. Waitaki- Main Line .- 246 69 South Waitaki-Bluff 246 69 59 13 306 2 Bluff and /tranches,— „ Branches I Duntroon .. 21 75; Pukeuri-Duntroon .. 2175 135 23 30 Duntroon-Haka- 15 38 Duntroon - Hakatera- 15 38 1 5 lb 43 .. .. teramea moa Ngapara .. 14 76 Waiareka-Ngapara.. 14 76 13116 27 .. .. Livingstone .. 16 40| Windsor-Tokorahi .. 12 0 0 50 12 50 ,, 0 5 ! Survey (trial) .. 4 40 .. 4 40 4 40 Prelim. Palmerston-Wai- 9 40 Palmerston-Dunback 8 55 0 54 9 29 Surveyed .. 0 65 .. 0 65 0 65 Inch Valley R'l'y 2 29 Inch Valley-Lime Kin 2 29 0 23 2 52 Port Chalmers.. 1 9 Glendermid - Port 19 3 40 4 49 Chalmers I Green Island .. 2 44 Burnside-Saddle Hill 2 44 0 52 3 16 .. Green Island to 4 65 Surveyed .. .. 4 65 .. 4 65 4 65 Fernhill Colliery 1 60 Abbotsford to Fern- j 1 60 0 24 2 4 Line bill Colliery Kaikorai Valley 2 60 Surveyed .. .. j 2 60 .. 2 60 2 60 Outram .. 8 78 Mosgiel-Outram .. 8 78 0 68 9 66 Lawrence .. 21 76 Clarksville-Lawrence 2176 2 2 23 78 .. .. .. Lawrence-Rox- 38 25 Lawrence-Evan's Flat 4 0.. 4 0 .. 4 0 burgh Preliminary survey.. 34 25 .. 34 25 34 25 Prelim. Catlin's River .. 22 58 Balclutha-Owaka .. 19 20 1 63 21 3 Owaka Catlin's Bridge 3 38 0 30 3 68 Waipahi - Heriot 20 3 Waipahi-Heriot .. 20 3 2 3 22 6 Burn Heriot Extension 6 20 Heriot-Eadievale .. 6 20 0 45 6 65 .. .. Extension to Rox- 28 10 Surveyed .. 28 10 .. 28 10 28 10 Prelim. .. burgh, via Rae's Junction and Via Spylaw .. 25 70 Surveyed .. 25 70 .. 25 70 25 70 Prelim. .. Waimea Plains j 36 39 Gore-Lumsden .. 36 39 1 34 37 73 District Ry. Kelso-Gore ..24 0 Surveyed .. 9 58 .. 9 58 9 58 .. Preliminary survey .. ; 14 22 .. 14 22 14 22 Prelim. Riversdale- Swit-1 13 70 Riversdale Section .. 7 0 .. 7 0 4 50 .. 2 30 zers Surveyed .. 6 70 .. 6 70 6 70 Edendale-Toitois' 19 30 Edendale-Glenham 9 36 0 72 10 28 Surveyed ..I 9 74 .. 9 74 9 74 Seaward Bush .. 24 52 Appleby- Waimahaka | 24 52 150 26 22 .. .. Catlin's- Catlin's - Seaward 58 22 Catlin's Bridge-Upper 4 42 .. 4 42 2 12 2 30 Seaward Bush Catlin's .. Bush Upper Catlin's- Wai-! 45 73 .. 45 73 45 73 Prelim. .. Tokanui-Waimahaka 7 67 .. 7 67 5 67 2 0 j Otago Cen- Waitaki Bluff 182 56 Wingatui-Ida Valley 98 18 5 62104 0 tral Main Line to Ida Valley-Omakau 13 20 1 16 14 36 .. .. .. LakeHawea Omrkau-Spottis .. 2 60 .. 2 60 .. .. 2 60 Spottis-Chatto .. 7 0' 0 34 7 34 .. .. 7 0 Chatto-Alexandra .. 9 0[ .. 9 0 .. 5 60 3 20 Alexandra-Clyde ..5 0 .. 50 .. 50 Surveyed .. j 47 38 .. 47 38 47 38 Invercar- Invercargill-King- 87 4 Inveroargill-Kingston 87 4 5 15 92 19 .. gill-King- ston Wharf | ston and' Lumsden-Mararoe 30 0 Lumsden- Mossburn j 10 40 1 0 11 40 Lum"d°en- Surveyed .. .. 8 20 .. 8 20 8 20 .. Mararoa Reconnaissance .. | 11 20 .. 11 20 11 20 Prelim. Forest Hill j Wiiitou to Heuge 12 40 Winton - Hedgehope 12 40 0 65 13 25 Railway hope j Western! Orepuki Branch : 35 41 Makarewa-Orepuki .. 35 41 Railways \ I 6 37 64 13 Otautau Branch 22 15 Thornbury-Wairio .. 22 15 ( ■ ■ Orepuki- Orepuki-Waiau .. 13 30 Orepuki-Waiboaka .. ! 4 48 0 58 5 26 .. .. Waiau Waihoaka - Camp 5 52 .. 5 52 .. 5 52 River Creek CampCreek-Waiau.. 3 10 .. 3 10 3 10 Totals .. 2,20719 .. 2,20719 230 13 2,437 32 638 41 64 72 45 64 3 Nov., 1905 •• •' '• •• 1 Aug., 1904 15 Feb., 1905 1 Sept., 1904 4* 9 CD a 9 43 a 4» QQ CO I O L* 1 ft a 0 t»-» 4a | .2 CD J ■rj O QQ ,9 43 ba 9 CD O CO o 1 43 **H O o 43 H rH CO I *o S CD 1 CO CD 2 a ■ •9 a a CD '5b 43 o a CD R CO a CO CD 9 *o CO 9 o i & A c 9 CO "o aa K 9 *9 B P. o *o to CD 43 cfi O 43 CO 03 9 O 1 I a '3 43 0> •a aj o h !! '.'. 33 45 ;; 8 51 | 23 30 .. '.'. 206 7 21 76 20 7 6 26 25 31 22 46 30 60 11 38 22 20 27 29 '.'. '.'. 36 5 .'. .. "i 42 8 21 11 44 !. '.. 246 69 21 75 15 3? 14 76 11 75 .. '.'. "b 55 '.'. '.'. *2 29 .... 19 2 44 .. ; 1 60 .. I 8 78 21 76 .. .. 19 20 3 38 .. 3 38 .. j .. j 20 3 6 20 .. . 6 20 '.. '.'. 36 39 '.'. '.'. 9 36 '.'. '.. 24 52 .. 1 .. 1 Sept., 1904 13*20 :: 1 1U38 .. ! .. 87 4 10 40 !. .. 12 40 85 41 22 15 4 48 27 79 8 51 1,458 2 1,421 32 1,458 2



Porirua Mental Hospital.—Sewage-filter.

Rotorua Water-supply.—Spring at Head-works (Moerangi Springs).


Mount Egmont Branch Railway.—View of Mountain from Stone-crushing Station at about 6 miles from Waipuku Junction.

Gisborne-Rotorua Railway.—Bridge over Waipaoa River at Kaiteratahi during Flood of 16th and 17th July, 1906, after Flood had subsided 4 ft.


North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Combined Road and Railway Bridge over Wanganui River, near Taumarunui. (Three Spans of 122 ft. and five of 20 ft.)

North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Kakahi Sawmill, at 125 m. 73 ch. from Marton Junction.


North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Rail-head at Oio, at 116 m. 30 ch. from Marton Junction.

North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Bank over Waikakariki Water-tunnel, at 115 m. 48 ch. (about 70 ft. high).


North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Bank at 109 m. 75 ch. from Marton Junction (110 ft. high.)

North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Water-tunnel to carry Waikakariki Stream, at 115 m. 47 ch.

D.- 1

North Island Main Trunk Railway, Waiouru Section.—Cutting at 62 m. 30 ch., being worked on three Levels, the Formation Level being 15 ft. below Lowest Level shown in Illustration.

North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Rock-cutting at 108 m. 62 ch. from Marton Junction (about 50 ft. deep).


North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Bridge over Hautapu River, at 51 m. 12 ch. from Marton Junction. (One Span of 33 ft., one of 44 ft., and one of 122 ft.; Concrete Piers.)

New Zealand Midland Railway.—Staircase Viaduct. (One Span of 60 ft., two of 192 ft.; Pier-head Span, 36 ft.; Bed of Stream to Rail-level, 237 ft.)


New Zealand Midland Railway.—Bridge over Rocky Creek, at 11 m. 61 ch. from Springfield. (Three Spans of 44 ft., on Concrete Piers 66 ft. high.)

New Zealand Midland Railway.—Bridge over Broken River at 12 m. 5 ch. from Springfield, showing Temporary Staging used during Erection. (Two Spans of 20 ft., six of 36 ft., and one of 192 ft.; Creek-bed to Rail-level, 185 ft.)


New Zealand Midland Railway.—View at Broken River Station Yard, looking towards Springfield, showing Broken River Bridge, Rocky Creek Bridge, and No. 9 Tunnel in the Distance.

New Zealand Midland Railway, Arthur's Pass Section.—Bridge over Rolleston River. (Eight Spans of 60 ft., on Concrete Piers.) View looking towards Otira.


Otago Central Railway.—Combined Road and Railway Bridge over Manuherikia River at Alexandra, with Staging for Erection. (One Span of 22 ft., one of 44 ft., and one of 100 ft.; 60 ft. from Rail-level to Bed of River.)




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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. W. HALL-JONES, MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 19th OCTOBER, 1906., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session II, D-01

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. W. HALL-JONES, MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 19th OCTOBER, 1906. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session II, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. W. HALL-JONES, MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 19th OCTOBER, 1906. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session II, D-01

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