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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Ma,rks Act, 1889."

In pursuance of section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889," I have the honour to submit ray report on the operations of the Patent Office for the year 1905. The increase in the number of applications is again very marked, the total number received beinggreater than in any previous year. The amount paid in fees was £4,970 2s. 6d. This is the largest amount received in any one year, except in 1903, when, as I have pointed out in previous reports, the payment of several fees due only at long intervals considerably increased the ordinary revenue. The following figures show the number of applications and revenue for the last two years : — Number of Amount of Fees. Year. Applications. £ s. d. 1904 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,099 4,642 19 6 1905 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,262 4,970 2 6 Increase .. .. .. .. .. 163 £327 3 0 (or 7-7 per cent.) (or 7-04 per cent.) The progress of the office is well illustrated by the following figures for five-yearly periods since 1891 :— Number of Increase Amount of Fees. Increase Year. Applications. Per Cent. £ s. d. Per Cent. 1891-95 .. .. 4,877 .. ' 10,382 8 0 1896-1900 .. .. 6,843 40-3 15,089 18 3 45-1 1901-5 .. .. 9,820 43-5 22,269 0 2 47-5 The expenditure amounted to £2,297 9s. Bd., being £521 11s. 9d. more than in 1904. This increase is chiefly accounted for by the additional cost of the printing of the Patent Supplement to the Gazette, which, according to the figures supplied by the Government Printing Office, amounted to £275 more than in the previous year, and by the sum of £245 charged for binding all the back specifications and drawings in the office in connection with the classification of the records mentioned in my last report. The increase in the number and salaries of the staff since 1890, when the present Act came into force, is as follows : —

The business of the office, owing to searching and other work undertaken by it,- has increased considerably more than th.3 above figures indicate, and it is only by the adoption of improved methods and by working to its utmost capacity, not infrequently beyond the prescribed hours, that the comparatively small staff is able to successfully cope with its duties. The full significance of these figures is apparent when compared with those of other countries where the practice is similar. In the Imperial Patent Office there is 1 official to 142 applications, or, excluding the examining staff, Ito 222; in the office of the Australian Commonwealth 1 to 88, or, excluding examining staff, Ito 103. In the New Zealand Patent Office the rate is Ito 452. * Does not include messenger, and librarian, and office-cleaner, as duties performed by them were not charged to the office in 1890. Cost of clerical assistance is also not included, as it was almost wholly utilised for reclassification of records and other work outside ordinary duties of office.

i—H 10.

Year. Number of Applications. Revenue. Number of Staff. Salaries. 1890 1905 779 2,262 £ F. ri. 1,914 13 10 4,970 2 6 2 4* £ 380 730 Increase (per cent.) I 190-3 159-6 100* 92-1


Patents. A substantial increase is shown in the number of applications received, the total being 1,601, 118, or 7 - 9 percent., more than the previous year. Thirty applications (l - 8 per cent.) were made by women. The receipts from patent fees were £4,109 19s. 6d., £358 Os. 6d., or 9-5 per cent., more than in ISO 4. The increase is chiefly due to the additional number of applications and fees for the issue and renewal of letters patent. The proportion of applications lodged with provisional specifications to those filed with complete specifications remains about the same, the figures for last year being 1,032 and 569 respectively. Only four of the twelve oases in which notice of opposition was lodged came to a hearing, us compared with seven for the previous year as a result of eight notices. Countries from which Applications were received. The number of applications for patents from persons in the colony was 1,042, 88 more than in 1903, but 22 less than in the previous year. The applications from the United Kingdom dropped from 129 in 1903, and 110 in 1904, to 102 in 1905, which is 7 less than those received from the United States of America in that year. The Commonwealth of Australia sent 281 applications, an increase of 7; New South Wales, 88, compared with.6s for each of the two previous years, and Victoria, 143, as against 150 in 1903 and 160 in 1904. Though the number of applications from France and Germany is small, it will be seen from the table (H. in appendix) that they are considerably in excess of last year's figures. Nature of Inventions. The increase in the number of applications appears to be due to slight increases in several classes of inventions, and not to any special activity in any one branch of industry. Referring briefly to the various classes : Under " amusements," 47 applications were received, an increase of 6, chiefly in respect of new games, inventions relating to music, such as holders, teachingappliances, &c. " Attaching and securing " show an increase of 11, the largest proportion of the 25 applications received being in respect of fastenings for dress and jewellery. " Bottles," for which only 15 applications were lodged in 1904, fqrmed the subject-matter of 28 applications in 1905, the number being made up chiefly of sealing devices and so-called non-refillable bottles. " Buildings—windows and doors " increased from 19 to 29, that total being principally due to means for suspending sashes. Thirty applications came to hand in connection with " cultivating and tilling," 9 more than in 1904, but considerably less than in the two previous years. The number of applications for turnip-thinners and cultivators is somewhat in excess of that for any other agricultural instruments. The greatest increase in any class is that in " tools," from 37 to 53. In this case, as in the others, the increase appears to be general, and not due to the development of any particular invention, though some little activity was shown with regard to mitre-cutters. Nine more applications were received in connection with " engines, steam," 16 to 25, due chiefly to turbines, and 7 more in " engines, air, gas, or oil," 18 in 1905 and 11 in 1904. An unusual number of inventions was patented for " food " in 1905 — i.e., 18, as compared with 3in 1904 and 7 in 1903. The increase appears to be chiefly due to the application of the means for drying milk to other food substances. " Indicating, calculating, &c," increased from 28 to 39, some half dozen of the latter number being for vote-recording appliances, and " kitchen utensils," from 39 to 46, toasting-devices contributing the greatest number for last year. " Locks, latches, &c.," which fell from 35 in 1903 to 17 in 1904 rose to 26 in 1905, 13 sash-fasteners and 8 seal locks for mail-bags being included in that total. " Printing and photography " show a slight, and " railways and tramways " a substantial increase. Inventions under this latter heading numbered 52 in 1903, 30 in 1904, and 54 in 1905. A considerable proportion of last year's inventions relates to trolly-heads, poles, and the like, a result no doubt of the electrical tramway installations in the chief towns of the colony. " Valves and cocks " rose from 12 to 20 ; " vehicles (road, &c.)," from 38 to 47 (wheels and axles 12), and " velocipedes " from 39 to 44, of which 6 related to tire-protectors. In " building," " cleaning and polishing," " dredging," " exterminating " (traps, &c), " furniture," " harness," " illuminating," " lifting," there is little change from last year, and nothing calling for special mention. Inventions relating to " dairying " are about the same in number (51) as in the last two years, and include 12 inventions for separators, all by foreign inventors, and 9 for improvements in milkingmachines, emanating chiefly from a resident in the colony. " Fibre-dressing " seems to have engaged the attention of a fair number of inventors, and during the past three years there has been a steady increase in the applications received for the treatment of flax, the figures being respectively 19, 28, 32. The chief aim seems to be 'to avoid the long exposure at present necessary by utilising chemicals for bleaching, and lessening the handling of the flax during the washing and drying. These operations account for 5, 6, and 11 inventions respectively, and, in addition, some 10 relate to stripping. A falling-ofi is shown in " boots and shoes," 54 to 42, 15 of which are for boot-machinery by an American firm ; " boxes," 52 to 35 ; " heating," 27 to 21 ; " illuminating," 36 to 28 ; " medicines, &c," 23 to 17. In reviewing the various classes of inventions in his latest report, the Comptroller-General of Patents, London, calls attention to the remarkable development in turbines and motor vehicles, and refers to the very satisfactory position occupied by British inventors in connection with the latter industry. The inventors of this colony are taking some small part in the turbine, but are not participating to any extent in the motor industry, the little attention they appear to be paying to it being chiefly means for protecting the tires.




Reference is also made by the Comptroller to the number of applications for dynamo, electric, and gas lamps, and for the manufacture and purification of gas, due to the keenness of the competition between gas and electricity as illuminants. There has, however, been no increase in the applications on these subjects in the colony during the year. International Convention. An increase is shown in the number of applications under the Convention, twenty-six being received in 1905 as compared with seventeen in 1904. The advantages of the Convention do not yet appear to be generally realised, and inventors of other countries by applying here in the ordinary way frequently run the risk of having their patents invalidated through the prior receipt in the colony of their English specifications. The promptness with which the printed copies of these specifications are sent out and rendered accessible to the public makes it necessary for the English inventor, in order to obtain a valid patent in the colony, to either avail himself of the provisions of the Convention or to send his application to this office before or immediately after the acceptance of the complete specification in England. Novelty. Compared with other countries, New Zealand has a very high number of applications for patents in proportion to the population. This is due in a great measure to the general prosperity and enterprise of the people in the colony, and to the low fees and simple procedure which enable protection to be obtained with little trouble and at small cost. These facilities, while unquestionably of great value in affording ready protection to any one, naturally lead to a number of ill-considered applications being lodged. A well-known authority writing on the English practice says : " The fatal facility with which any person fired by some crude idea can enter a post-office, buy a form, scribble down his inspiration, and incontinently post the whole to the Comptroller, is by no means an unmixed benefit, and has its result in a flood of rubbish poured into the Patent Office every year. Probably a very large proportion of the applications thus made would never have been filed if they had been submitted in the first instance to the calmer judgment of an expeiienced and properly trained patent agent or solicitor." This is no doubt very true, and inventors would, in my opinion, be well advised in inquiring closely into the novelty and prospects of success of their inventions before applying to patent them here, and more particularly before incurring the heavy cost of protection abroad. It should, I think, be more generally recognised that one of the chief duties of a patent agent is to advise applicants whether their inventions a:ce practicable, to search and ascertain whether they are new, and to endeavour to dissuade them from trying to protect inventions not possessing a substantial degree of novelty and utility. Besides examining all applications, and rejecting those which on the face of them are for nothing new and patentable, the office in many cases makes a search among prior New Zealand and English specifications, and this practice has led to the refusal of further applications and the insertion in others of disclaimers and amendments which have the effect of reducing the scope of the claims. It cannot, however, be too strongly impressed on inventors that the Patent Office is not required by law to inquire into the novelty of inventions sought to be protected, and that, even with a much larger staff for the purpose, a partial search only would be possible. Facilities are now placed in the way of inventors in the larger towns for searching a number of specifications, and it is hoped that this will lead to a reduction in the number of applications for old inventions. The following table shows the number of applications received in and sent from various countries for which the figures are available for 1904 : —

Countries in which Applications mad' Commies//u»t wliioh Applications made. TT . ... , G immonweaHh United Kingdom. ; of Austra i ia . United States of America. New Zealand. United States of America 3,591 1,095 2,807 114 255 6 45 132 155 64 116 20,015 127 230 13 31 4 10 27,539 331 910 22 87 4 25 48 412 10 14 937 53 100 5 10 2 3 France Germany Italy... Switzerland Japan New South Wales Victoria Canada India South Africa ... United Kingdom New Zealand ... 308 752 17 1 23 233 216 65 160 8 5 110 954



The following are the annual statistics of the ratio to population of the number of applications in certain countries for the years indicated : —

* Estimated annual rates. Note.—This table is taken from the first report of the Commissioner of Patents of the Australian Commonwealth Patent Office. In Australia, Great Britain, and New Zealand provisional specifications are lcdged with many applications, while in Canada and the United States of America complete specifications are required in every instance. The following figures roughly indicate the percentage of applications accepted without alteration and of those to which exception was taken by this office on various grounds during 1905 : —

Claims. The New Zealand Act. in common with the patent laws of most countries, requires that the complete specification " must end with a distinct statement of the invention claimed." In many cases these claims are drawn in a way that, in the words of Sir R. Finlay, A.G., is " apt in its results to be eminently perplexing—eminently perplexing to the public who have to deal with these specifications so as to avoid any infringement, to see how far the ground is covered, and eminently perplexing particularly to those who, under recent legislation, have to consider the effect of claims with a view to seeing how far there may have been any anticipation and how far it maybe necessary to refer to other specifications." The English office now requkes a clearer definition of what is claimed, besides the insertion in certain cases of disclaimers, and statements of the novel features. This practice has much to recommend it, and should, in my opinion, be adopted in this colony. DESIGNS. The number of applications for registration of designs rose from 24 in 1904 to 54 in 1905. No particular cause can be assigned for the increase, which has been chiefly confined to Class 1. Thirty-two designs were registered in Class 1 (articles composed wholly or partly of metal not included in Class 2), 10 in Class 2 (jewellery), 4 in Class 3 (articles composed wholly or partly of wood, bone, ivory, papiermache, or other solid substances not included in other classes). 1 in Class 4 (articles composed wholly or partly of glass, earthenware or porcelain, bricks, tiles, or cement), 4 in Class 5 (articles composed wholly or partly of paper, except hangings), 1 in Class 8 (carpets and rugs in all materials, floor-cloths and oilcloths), and 2 in Class 10 (millinery and wearing apparel, including boots and shoes). The fees paid in respect of designs amount to €27 11s., as compared with last year's total of £13 ss. The number of designs registered is still surprisingly low considering the small cost of this form of protection and the ease with which it can be obtained. TRADE MARKS. A greater number of applications for registration of trade marks was lodged last year than in any former year, the total being 607. This is only 15 more than in 1904, but the total for that year was very much larger than that for any prior years. The following figures, showing the number of applications for registration of trade marks received from 1866, when the first Act came into force, will be of interest: — Applications. 1866-89 (thirty-four years) .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,242 1890-99 (ten years) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,912 1900 to date (five and a third years) .. .. .. .. .. 3,036 The fees derived from trade marks amounted last year to £811 155., £25 Is. less than in the previous year. The falling-off occurs chiefly in the fees paid for registration of assignments, for notices of opposition, and renewal of trade marks, the increase being confined to the fees paid for application and registration of trade marks.

Country. Year. I Applications. Population. Applications per 10,000. Australia ... Canada Great Britain New Zealand United Stales of America 1904 1903 1904 1904 1900 2,563* 5,793 29,655 1,491 50,213 3,984,376 5,528,847 42,789,552 857,1533 76,303,387 6-4* 10 4 70 17-4 6-6

Accepted without Alteration. Accepted after Alteration. Not acoepted at end of Year. After being quettioned Without being — — On Ground of want! questioned. On Ground On Ground of Novelty, of want of ; of Novelty, j Informality. On Ground of Informality. On Gr uud ofj On Ground \\ a; t of of Noveltv. , Informality. _ I 65'7 10 f) I 0-4 [ 53 lo-y 8-2 2-4



GOODS FOR WHICH TRADE MARKS REGISTERED. On referring to Table X it will be seen that the number of applications for registration of marks for food substances (Class 42) is again considerably in excess of those for any other goods, last year's total being 171, as compared with 164 for the previous year. The other principal classes that show an increase are those for chemical substances used in manufactures, &c. (Class 1), 12 in 1905, 9 in 1904 ; unwrought metals (Class 5), 8 in 1905, and 5 in 1904 , musical instruments (Class 9), 11 in 1905, 4 in 1904 : cutlery and edge tools (Class 12), 14 in 1905, 9 in 1904 : metal goods not included in other classes (Class 13), 24 in 1905, 14 in 1904 ; articles of clothing (Class 38), 39 in 1905, 30 in 1904; paper (except paper hangings), stationery, and binding (Class 39), 14 in 1905, 10 in 1904 : fermented liquors and spirits (Class 43), 30 in 1905, 23 in 1904 ; mineral and aerated waters (Class 44), 7 in 1905, 4 in 1904 ; candles, common soap, detergents, &c. (Class 47), 45 in 1905, 43 in 1904 ; perfumery (including toilet articles), &c. (Class 48), 40 in 1905, 22 in 1904. Countries from which Applications received. There was a falling-off of 50 in the number of applications received from residents of the colony— 284 in 1905, as compared with 334 in 1904. Thirty applications were received from Canada, and 156 from the United Kingdom, as compared with 15 and 106 respectively in tli3 previous year. Increases are also shown in the number from Prance—ll in 1905, 10 in 1904*; Holland, 10 in 1905, lin 1904; Switzerland, 10 in 1905, none in 1904 ; while a falling-off occurs in the number from Germany—6 in 1905, 15 in 1904 ; and a few other countries. The number from the Australian Commonwealth was the same as last year—i.e., 67. GENEEAL. Library. The classified abridgments of English specifications have hitherto been sent out to the colony when a volume covering a number of years had been completed. As these abridgments are very largely used, arrangements have been made for the sheets to be sent out as they are printed in order that they may be available here as early as possible. The first lot of these sheets, to the end of 1903, has lately been received and placed in the library. In addition to meeting the office in this matter, the Comptroller-General of Patents, London, has also been good enough to accede to the request of the Government to furnish a full set of illustrated abridgments to the public libraries at Christchurch and Dunedin. The public library at Auckland is already in receipt of those publications, and they can now, therefore, be seen at each of the four principal towns of the colony, and will no doubt be largely referred to by inventors and others. The specifications and drawings of the United States of America, of which only unclassified abridgments have hitherto been received, will shortly be placed on the shelves of the library attached to this office from the beginning of the present year. Patent Agents. Four patent agents were registered during the year, bringing the number up to sixty-eight. Being solicitors, these agents were not required to be examined by this office. Conclusion. The Appendix hereto contains : — piui . List of Contents of Patent Office Library .. .. .. .. .. vi List of Books and Documents open to Inspection in Patent Office .. .. vii And the following tables and lists, viz. : — A. Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1905 . . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. vii B. Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years .. vii C. Particulars of Fees received from the Ist January to the 31st December, 1905 .. viii D. Staff of Officers, and Salaries . . .. .. .. .. .. viii E. Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the years 1890 to 1905 inclusive .. .. ix F. Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c, under Act of 1889 .. .. .. •■ •• .. .. .. ix G. Table showing, over a Series of Years, the Number of Patents that were considered of Sufficient Value to be kept Alive by Payment of the Renewal Pees x H. Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1903, 1904, and 1905 . . x I. Table showing number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1903, 1904, and 1905 . . .. xi J. Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1903, 1904, and 1905 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. x i K. Number of Applications to register Trade Marks, in the Fifty Different Classes, in each of the Years 1903, 1904, and 1905 .. .. .. .. x ii L. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Patents, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1905 .. .. .. .. 1 30th June, ~ .. .. .. .. 23 ~ 30th September, „ .. . . .. .. 48 „ 31st December, ~ .. .. .. .. 75



M. Alphabetical List of Titles of Inventions for which Letters Patent have been applied,— "" ' page. For quarter ending 31st March, 1905 .. .. .. .. 10 30thJune, „ , ■ ... .. ... .. 33 30th September, „ .. .. .. .. 59 ~ 31st December, ~ . . .. .. .. 84 N. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1905 .. .. .. . , 20 30th June, ~ .. .. . . . 44 ~ 30th September, „ .. .. . . . . 71 31st December, „ .. .. .. ... 96 0. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Designs,— For quarter ending 31st March, 1905 .. . . . . '. . 22 30th June, „ .. . . .. . . 47 „ 30th September, ~ .. .. .. .. 74 ~ 31st December, „ . . .. .. .. 98 Patent Office, F. Waldegrave, Wellington, 30th June, 1906. Registrar. APPENDIX. Patent Office Library; This library contains the following publications, viz. : — United Kingdom. The full text of the specifications and complete drawings of inventions patented from the year 1617 up to the Bth March, 1906. Classified abridgments of inventions to 1904. Illustrated Official Journal, containing lists of recent applications, abridgments of inventions for which patents have been lately granted, patents void, &c, to May, 1906. Index of Applicants. Subject-matter Index. Commissioner of Patents Journal, &c.( n ). Trade Marks Journal to March, 1906. Canada. Patent Office Recoid (containing illustrated abridgments of inventions, &c.) to December, 1905{ b ). Australia. The Official Journal of Patents of the Australian Commonwealth (containing list of applications for letters patent, abridgments of complete specifications accepted, &c). The Gazettes of the various States (containing lists of applications for registration of trade marks, &c). Specifications, drawings, abridgments, and indexes of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia( c ). United States. The Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office (containing illustrated abridgments of specifications, &c.) to May, 1906. Mexico. The Official Gazette of the Patent and Trade Mark Office. General. La Propriete Industrielle (the official 'organ of the International Bureau of the Union for the Protection of Industrial Property). Patent laws of the world. Patent and Trade Mark Review. Text-books and handbooks on patents and trade marks. Miscellaneous publications. ( a ) Discontinued. ( b ) These may also be seen at the Public Libraries, Auckland and Christchurch, and Town Hall, Dunedin. ( c ) In arrear. Not now being printed.



Books and Documents open to Inspection. The following documents and books are open to public inspection at the Patent Office : — Patents. (Fee for each search or inspection, not exceeding one hour, Is.) 1. The files relating to all applications for letters patent in respect of which complete specifications have been accepted. 2. Classified copies of specifications and drawings, with index and key( a ). 3. Register of Applications for Letters Patent. 4. Register of Patents. 5. Register of Subsequent Proprietors of Letters Patent( b ). 6. Index of Patentees(°). 7. Index of Proprietors of Letters Patent granted prior to 1890( d ). 8. Index of Specifications^). Designs. (Search fee, Is. each quarter of an hour.) 1 Register of Designs, with Index of Names of Proprietors. 2. Classified Representations of Designs in respect of which Copyright has expired. 3. Index of Designs. Trade Marks. (Search fee, Is. each quarter of an hour.) 1. The files relating to all applications for registration of trade marks. 2. Register of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks. 3. Register of Trade Marks. 4. Index of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks('). 5. Index of Trade Marks. 6. Classified Representations of Trade Marks, with indexes. Miscellaneous. Register of Patent Agents. ( a ) Key is in card index. ( h ) This Register contains only names of subsequent proprietors of letters patent granted prior to Ist January, 1890 : since that date they appear in Register of Patents. ( c ) Includes all names of applicants, &0., and consists of four volumes to 4th November, 1903, and card index since that date. A separate card index is kept for current quarter. ( d ) The names of proprietors of subsequent letters patent appear in the Index of Patentef s. C) Contains classified abridgments of specifications from 1861, with extracts from drawings from July, 1904. ( f ) Names of applicants for registration and proprietors of trade marks are indexed at the beginning of the Registers up to 31st December, 1889 ; in separate volume up to sth September, 1904 ; and since the latter date are in the card index. A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1905. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 4,109 19 6 Salaries ... ... ... 894 17 4 Design fees ... ... ... 27 11 0 Clerical assistance ... ... 146 10 0 Trade-mark fees ... ... 811 15 0 Copying specifications ... ... 29 13 3 Sale of Acts, Gazettes, &c. ... 18 3 0 Fees to Patent Office Agents ... 62 10 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 2 14 0 Binding printed specifications, 53 3 6 &c, presented to office by other countries* Printing Patents Gazette* ... 810 15 6 Other printing and binding* .: 245 8 6 Stationery ... ... ... 14 9 9 Books, patent laws, &c. ... 9 3 3 Telephone ... ... ... 700 Payments refunded ... ... 806 Incidental expenses ... ... 15 18 1 Balance for the year ... ... 2,672 12 10 £4,970 2 6 £4,970 2 6 * Printing and binding done And figures supplied by Government Printing Office.

B. —Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.

Year. Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. i Year. Receipts. Expenditure. | Surplus. 898 .899 .900 901 j £ s. d. £ s. a, ' & f. d. i .. 2,824 9 0 623 1 11 2,201 7 1 I 1902 .. 3,102 2 6 851 2 6 2,251 0 0 | 1903 .. 3,396 17 3 1,027 5 8 2,369 11 7 I 1904 .. I 3,366 12 i 1,205 15 2 2,160 17 2 | 1905 £ s. d. £ s. A. £ s. d. .. 3,999 3 3 1,344 17 1 2,654 6 2 .. 5,290 2 7 1,657 1 5 3,633 1 2 .. 4,642 19 6 1,775 17 11 2,867 1 7 .. 4,970 2 6 2,297 9 8 2,672 12 10 Note.—Printing, binding, and other items now debited to this office were not iu former years broui ;ht to ohari [e.



C. —Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1905.

D.—Staff of Officers, and Salaries. £ s. d. Registrar* ... ... ... ... ... Nil. Deputy Registrar ... ... ... ... ... 310 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... 165 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... 120 0 0 Cadet ... ... ..: ... . . ... 95 0 0 Messenger ... ... ... ... ... 160 0 0 Office-cleaner ... ... ... ... ... 11 14 0 * Also Under-Secretary for Justice. £861 14 0

l-'eefi. Number. — Amount received. Each. Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications .. .. .. 1,033 Applications for patents with complete specifications ..' .. .. 569 Complete specifications left after provisional specifications .. .. ... 298 Applications to amend specifications .. .. .. .. .. I 5 Issue of letters patent .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 632 Renewal fees before end of fourth year from date of patent .. .. .. 191 Renewal fees before end of seventh year from date of patent.. .. ., <«4 Notices of opposition .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Hearing objections .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 Applications for enlargement of time for deposit of complete specifications .. , 81 On grant of such enlargement .. .. .. .. .. 29 Applications for enlargement of time for acceptance of oomplete specification >i On grant of such enlargement .. .. .. .. .. 3 Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees .. .. .. 12 On grant of such enlargement .. .. .. .. .. 42 Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against decisions of Registrar .. .. I 1 Searches .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 510 Registration of assignments and licenses .. .. .. .. .. 85 Certificates of such registration .. .. .. .. .. i 50 Copies of specifications and drawings Certifying copies.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 Correction of clerical errors in specifications, &c, .. .. .. .. 5 Registration of Patent Agent .. .. .. .. .. . . 4 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 0 2 0 r> o 10 0 0 10 2 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 1* 0 10 0 10 t £ s. rl. 516 10 0 284 10 0 149 0 0 5 0 0 1,264 0 0 955 0 0 640 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 15 10 0 29 0 0 1 10 0 3 0 0 21. 0 0 42 0 0 10 0 25 10 0 42 10 0 25 0 0 69 17 6 0 13 0 15 0 4 4 0 0 1 0 5 1 1 £4,109 19 6 Designs. Applications for registration of designs .. .. .. .. .. j 55 Search designs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 0 10 0 1 27 10 0 0 10 £27 11 0 Tbade Mabks. Applications for registration of trade marks .. . .. . . 604 Registration of trade marks .. .. .. .. ,. .. 474 Registration of assignments . . . . . . . . . . .. I .. Certificatesoof such assignments .. .. .. . . .. .. I 30 Notices of pposition .. . . .. .. . .. . . 5 Cancellation of trade marks .. .. . . . .. .. j 2 Renewal of registration .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 117 Additional fees where renewal fee is paid within three months after expiration of fourteen years Restoration of trade mark to register .. .. .. .. Altering address on register .. .. .. .. .. . . 4 Requests to correct clerical errors .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 Copies of duplicate certificates .. .. .. . ■ .. .. 1 Searches .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .-. 229 Advertisements : Cost of extra space in Gazette Certifying copies .. .. .. .. .. .. Certificates of Registrar .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 Rectification of register .. .. .. .. . ■. .. 1 Copies .. .. .. .. ... .. .. • • • • j 0 5 1 0 £1 & 2s. 0 5 1 0 0 5 1. 0 0 5 0 5 0 1 0 1} 151 0 0 474 0 0 24 4 0 7 10 0 5 0 0 0 10 0 117 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 10 11 9 0 10 12 0 0 1 0 5 0 5 10 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 ■ £811 15 0 ■ * Per hour. I 3d. per folio of 72 words; Is. per sheet, drawings. J For qui irter of a] hour.



E.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1905 inclusive.

F.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c., under Act of 1889.

ii—H. 10.

Year. Patents. Designs. . Trade-marks. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 i 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 1 325 951 .-•>■ ."*F.'>756 15 347 1,118 1894 1896 816 14 954 1,084 1896 992 27 279 1,298 1897 1,093 18 361 1.46T 1898 1,021 10 348 1,374 1899 992 12 328 1,332 1900 1,009 15 348 1,372 1901 1,114 18 379 1,511 1902 1,481 28 412 1,871 . 1903 1,604 26 447 2,077 1904 1,483 24 2,099 1905 1,601 54 607 2,262

a 3 Number of Applications with which Complete Specifications lodged. Number of Appli- , N , u: cations with which *£P,£ Provisional Speoifica- o ■« tions lodged. J *g£ mber of sations for Complete jations subitly lodged. Number of Applications abandoned, lapsed, or refused. Num Patents iber of 9 sealed. j. Total Number of ApplioaI tions. 1890 1891, 1892; 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897! 1898' 1899 1900 1901 1902 J 1903 1904 1905 ; i N.Z. Foreign. 242 207 187 207 202 191 198 178 278 166 229 201 299 275 217 303 199 305 182 297 160 321 199 353 163 357 205 368 200 321 215 355 N.Z. i Foreign. N.Z. 107 60 27 126 69 29 160 - 53 40 197 52 51 251 61 69 307 79 75 318 100 68 444 129 87 419 98 i 102 382 : 131 84 441 87 97 459 103 119 767 144 274 859 172 238 754 208 198 827 204 * Foreign. 17 25 16 24 16 34 33 41 29 55 36 28 65 54 74 ! N.Z. Foreign. 202 ! 50 I 191 I 50 237 ] 43 262 30 352 51 403 ! 51 439 ! 75 481 : 95 447 ' 70 409 I 82 ; 452 59 . 458 j 76 i 690 i 86 801 i 116 * * N.Z. 147 122 125 133 173 133 185 181 172 155 149 200 240 263 * Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 332 346 349 380 415 424 * j i i. ■ 616 589 j 606 625 756 816 992 |l,093 1,02.1 992 : l,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 j l,483 1,601 * 3sarily incomplete, as the tim( appiicE itions ha: a 3 not yet * These figures are neoei expired. ;he time for proceeding further with th



G. —Table showing over a Series of Years the Number of Patents that were considered of sufficient Value to be kept alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees.

H.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1903, 1904, and 1905.

Year. Number of Applications received. Number of Letters Patent granted. Number of Patents on which Second-term Fee paid. Number of Patents on which Final Fee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 614 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 364 348 326 333 349 362 478 517 504 501 498 580 80 78 84 99 88 113 118 136 138 199 172 200 37 23 37 47 31 45 53 49 58

1903. I 1904. 1905. 1903. 1904. 1905. New Zealand Argentine Republic Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Cape Colony Costa Rica Denmark Prance Germany Hungary India Italy Natal .. 1,064 j 954 8 I 8 ! 1 2 1,042 New South Wales ! Norway 3 j Queensland 1 :; South Afrioa j 1 i South Australia 11 ji Sweden 1 i Switzerland 1 ! Tasmania 1 j Transvaal 17 I Tunis 15 |i United Kingdom I United States 1 I Victoria 1 || Western Australia 1 65 11 14 13 "2 5 65 1 21 1 8 6 3 6 3 '88 'l8 5 12 1 12 G 1 102 109 143 15 "3 j 1 3 I 5 15 10 2 1 I .. 1 i 2 1 : 1 129 11-2 150 10 110 100 160 14 irefore Note.—A few applications were reci *otftl more than the actual number of ap eived from join , plications receii j applicants resident in different countries; the Lgures rill, thl


I.—Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1903, 1904, and 1905.

J. —Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1903, 1904, and 1905.


Class. 1908. 1904. 1905. Class. 1903. 1904. 1905. Advertising Amusements Attaching and securing Boilers (steam) .. .. Boilers (spark-arresters and smokeconsumers) Boots and shoes Bottles Boxes, cans, and casks Brewing, distilling, &c. Brooms and brushes ., Building „ (bricks and cement) „ (windows and doors) Cement Chemicals Cleaning, polishing, &o. Closets and urinals Coin-feed mechanism Cooking applianoes( s ) Cooling and freezing Cultivating and tilling Cutting, sawing, and tools Cycles( 4 ) Dairying Drains and sewers Dredging and excavating Drying Electricity and magnetism Engines (steam) (air, gas, and oil) „ (electric) „ (miscellaneous and engineaccessories) Explosives, firearms, and targets ., Exterminating Fencing (strainers) Fibre-dressing Filters .. Fire alarms, escapes, and extinguishers Food Furnaoes and kilns Furniture and upholstery Gas-manufacture Harness (including horse, &c, covers) Harvesting Heating 7 33 18 13 9 38 28 19 4 9 HO 2 1.0 Hi 10 6 48 '24 53 10 34 10 10 .17 11 12 1.7 7 41 14 15 (*) 54 15 52 6 7 49 10 19 ( a ) 3 L7 12 4 1 -2 J 37 53 3 26 II 15 10 11 ( 5 ) 20 10 47 25 14 42 28 35 13 44 12 29 H 3 18 8 3 9 30 53 51 5 22 11 11 25 18 ( 5 ) 22 Illuminating : Indicating, oaloulating, and measuring Kauri-gum Kitchen utenails and cooking appliances Lifting, hauling, and loading Locks, latches, and hinges Marine and submarine Marking i Medicines and surgical appliances .. Metal-working ,. .. .. Milking(e) Minerals „ (magnetic separators) „ (stampers and pulverisers) Offal-treating Oils and lubricators I Paints and painting Pipes, tubes, and hose Poultry-raising and incubators Preserving Presses Printing and photography Pumps and sprayers Racecourse accessories ; Railways and tramways Roads and ways Seed-dressing, chaff - cutting, and threshing Seed-sowers . Sewing and knitting I Sheep and cattle ! Sheep shearing and clipping Shop and hotel fittings Stationery and paper Telephony and telegraphy Tobacco Tools Valves and cocks.. I Vehicles „ (velocipedes) ■ Ventilating Washing and cleansing Water-supplying .. i Wearing-apparel Wools and hides i Miscellaneous 39 34 37 32 35 31 19 20 oi 3 7 2 21 4 15 7 14 6 3 52 14 7 36 28 2 :V.) 27 17 25 14 23 4 47 3 2 ( 5 7 11 n 7 8 10 16 5 80 5 12 28 39 3 46 32 26 27 14 17 13 56 4 8 (') 9 6 10 ( e ) 11 2 15 18 5 54 5 17 18 28 44 19 7 7 18 22 1.9 8 28 6 12 10 26 11 5 32 4 10 • 4 ■22 9 8 23 5 8 26 18 44 38 10 13 6 61 8 15 13 8 ■22 ■2 12 17 8 9 <") 12 38 89 3 22 7 f>1 7 7 13 6 26 6 9 43 11 9 ( 9 ) 20 47 44 9 28 17 43 7 12 7 10 38 1.1 44 8 23 3 17 36 17 37 14 27 18 23 39 24 39 11 21 (1) Heading done away with ; spark-i (2) Heading done away with ; now ui (8) See Kitchen utensils. ( 4 ) See Vehicles (velocipedes). (5) Heading done away with; engine (6) See Dairying. (?) Heading done away with ; now ut (8) Heading done away with ; now ui (9) Heading done away with ; now ui Note.—Owing to some_ inventions 1 lumber of applications received. arrester nder Bui is (electr ader Cul ader Stu nder Cm being ur ■s under ilding (b fie) unde ltivating eep and < tting am nder mo: Engines (steam), smoke-consumers under Furnaces, t-icks and cement). ;r Electricity and magnetism. !, Furnaces, <fec. cattle. d sawing. ire than one head, the figures will total rather more than the actual

I 1903. J 1904. 1905. I 1903. 1904. 1905. I ! New Zealand Asia Minor Belgium Burmah Canada Cape Colony Ceylon Cuba .. Egypt .. Prance Germany Holland Hungary India 219 1 1 1 1 9 7 1 334 1 15 3 1 5 284 "l 30 2 Italy New South Wales Norway Philippine Islands Queensland South Africa South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania Transvaal United Kingdom United States Victoria .. .. 22 J 43 2 1 1 I .. 1 2 1 j .. I 2 I 46 1 3 1 1 i 2 10 2 10 15 1 1 1 11 6 10 1 1 128 I 106 40 48 28 23 156 41 18 Note.—A few applications were reoei total more than the actual number of appl Lved fro ilication ig addresses in two or more countries; th< figures will, tl I lerefora, nn perso is receivi me givii ml


K.—Number of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1903, 1904, and 1905.


Glasses. Classification of Goods. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not inoluded in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes; instruments and apparatus for teaching Musical instruments .. .. .. .. Serological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or ourative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes Goods of precious metals (inoluding aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &o.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 .. Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing .. Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not inoluded in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not inoluded in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, inoluding ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubrioating oils; matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet artioles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes Miscellaneous 10 16 49 2 4 14 1 4 4 2 1 1 6 1 1 5 7 3 4 13 3 4 2 1 3 9 22 63 7 5 15 13 3 4 1 2 9 14 2 I 1 2 2 2 1 20 1 5 3 12 16 45 4 8 6 1 1 11 2 2 14 24 6 2 2 2 2 1 3 19 1 1 2 2 i 2 1 4 i 2 8 3 2 1 1 4 2 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 28 8 6 2 86 27 4 37 30 10 8 1 164 23 4 28 39 14 3 1 171 30 7 26 1 45 31 43 48 17 22 40 49 50 4 23 1 43 30




I—H. 10-06,

* Denotes a provisional specification. Trade Marks Act, 1889." f Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " Ti ie Patents, Designs, and Name, Address, and Invention. No. A Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Ablett, F. C, Christohurch, N.Z. Perambulator and go-cart brake .. Ablett, F. C, and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Tire Adam, G. T., Prebbleton, N.Z. Securing breeching-strap to vehicle .. Adams, D. W., Buffalo, U.S.A. Fire-proof curtain Adams, R. N., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sash mover and lock .. Aitken, W., Oamaru, N.Z. Harrow Akers, H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Treating flax Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Centrifugal separator. (E. A. Forsberg) Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Centrifugal separator. (A. J. Ericsson) Alcock, F. A., Melbourne, Vic. Billiard-table Alexander, H. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Cap for gate-post Alexander, H. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-pin Allan, A. T. W., Thames, N.Z. Chimney-top Allen, J. B., Auckland, N.Z. Cultivator Alley, F. L., Sydney, N.S.W. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17923.) Ammonal Explosives, Limited, London, Eng. Explosive. (H. R. von Dahmen) Anderson, A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Self-locking point for overhead rails of freezing-works Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Guide for valves, &c. Anderson, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-carrying bottle Anderson, J. T. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Flap valve for sewage-ventilator .. Andre. (See Von Andre.) Andrews and Beaven, Christchurch, N.Z. (See W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven, No. 19229.) Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed and grain cleaner Archenhold, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Dinner-plate Artom, A., Turin, Italy. Wireless telegraphy Ashley, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Closet-pan Ashton, 0., Lawrence, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 19050 and 19051.) Ash worth, H., Wadestown, N.Z. Running-sheet for tram and railway Ashworth, H., Wellington, N.Z. Time-table 19151 19172 17707 19021 19101 19033 19035 18933 19002 19201 19225 19258 18966 19175 18915 27 Feb. 6 March 28 March, 1904 2 Feb. 18 Feb. 1 Feb. 6 Feb. 10 Jan. 25 Jan. 15 March 20 March 25 March 16 Jan. 7 March 5 Jan. 28 31 3 17 28 17 11 17 31 31 ii 31 11 23 March.* 6 April.* 12 Jan. 23 Feb. 23 March. 23 Feb.* 9 Feb. 23 Feb. 6 April.* 6 April.* 9 Feb'.* 6 April.* 9 Feb. 19087 15 Feb 28 23 March.* 19211 19277 19102 15 March 30 March 17 Feb. 22 it March.* 19229 19226 19275 19224 21 March 20 March 30 March 20 March 31 6 April.* 19200 19256 14 March 28 March Badger, R. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Invoice form Baker, A. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Lathe indicator attachment Baker, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Churn.. Baker, H. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Stain-remover Balding, J., and another, Boort, Vic. Tobacco-cutter Balfour, E. D. J., and another, Balmain, N.S.W. Electric belt Barnes, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Curtain-suspender Barnes, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Window-curtain suspender Basley, G. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hand attachment for swimming Bates, A., Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17660.) Baugh. (See De Baugh.) Beaton, A., Barrington, N.S.W. Judging foot-runners Beaumont, G., and another, Roslyn, N.Z. Roller of loom Beaven, A'. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed and grain cleaner Belk, J. A., Feilding, N.Z. (See E. D. Richards, Nos. 19157 and 19203.) Belk, M., Palmerston North, N.Z. Brand Bennet, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Catch for boot sole or heel Berry, G. W., Kensington, Vic. Closing tins or cans Best, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Fork-cleaner Bevenot, P., and another, Paris, France. Desiccated milk Bilham, E. D., Gisborne, N.Z. Fencing-standard Bishop, R. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Boiler for gas-range Black, C. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Mat-holder Black, C. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Laundry iron-stand and cloth-grip Bloom, J. E., New York, U.S.A. Edible oils Booth, G. T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z.- Lift for plough-wheel Booth, G. T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Skeith-buckle Bourdil, F. F., Paris, France. Microphone Boyens, W. H., and another, Pahiatua, N.Z. Egg-carrier, &c. Boys, F. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Roof Bradshaw, W. M., Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 18948.) Bradshaw, W. M., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P, Campbell, No. 18947.) 19159 19061 18554 19197 19238 18483 19235 19236 19192 1 March 7 Feb. 6 Oct., 1904.. 13 March 22 March 22 Sept., 1904 22 March 22 March 9 March 28 17 6 31 6 23 March.* 23 Feb.* 26 Jan. 6 April.* 2(i Jan. 19124 19140 19229 23 Feb. 24 Feb. 21 March 22 28 31 9 March. 23 March.* (i April.* 18672 19063 18047 18969 19176 19134 19181 19075 18003 27 Jan. 9 Feb. .. ! 16 June, 1904 14 Jan. 7 March 25 Feb. 8 March 13 Feb. 7 June, 1904 11 17 31 11 31 28 31 22 11 9 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 6 April. 9 Feb.* 6 April. 23 March. 6 April.* 1) March.* !) Feb. 18998 17664 17665 19177 18986 19005 27 Jan. 15 March, 1904 15 March, 1904 7 March .. I 25 Jan. .. ' 26 Jan. 17 3 3 31 11 23 Feb. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 6 April. 9 Feb.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Oazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Brady, W., San Francisco, U.S.A. Rock-drill Breach, W. G., and others, Doyleston, N.Z. Tension-regulator for elevator-belt Brenton, F. H., and another, Pittston, U.S.A. Cribbing Brew, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lift for plough-wheel .. Brew, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Skeith-buclde Brew, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Broom for washing railway, &c., windows Brown, B. H., New Plymouth, N.Z. Steam-engine reversing-gear .. Brown, F. C, and another, Komata, N.Z. Ore circulator and mixer .. Brown, W. C, and another, Prescott, Canada. (See Henry R. Worthington, No. 19080.) Bruckner, A., Aix-la-Chapelle, Ger. (See P. R. Hudson, No. 17881.) Bryant, G. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Training-sulky Bryant, J. S., Motueka, N.Z. Draught-regulator for grate Bryant, J. S., Motueka, N.Z. Raising invalids from their beds Buchanan, J. G., Auckland, N.Z. Totalisator displaying-records .. Buckeridge, H., Nelson, N.Z. Reaper-and-binder attachment Budge, G. S., Devonport, N.Z. Race-starting barrier Burrell, D. H., and another, Little Falls, U.S.A. Milking-machine. (L. Burrell) Burrell, E. J., and another, Little Falls, U.S.A. Milking-machine. (L. Burrell) Burrell, L., Little Falls, U.S.A. (See D. H. and E. J. Burrell, No. 19027.) Burrell, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rabbit-crate Butters, H., Havelock North, N.Z. Securing wires to standard 18987 17806 19213 17664 17665 19254 19070 17082 19006 19013 19014 19191 19076 19136 19027 25 Jan. 19 April, 1904 18 March 15 March, 1904 15 March, 1904 24 March 14 Feb. 25 May, 1904.. 26 Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Feb. 9 March 13 Feb. 23 Feb. 1 Feb. 17 II "3 3 22 ■2S 17 17 17 23 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 9 March. 23 March. 23 Feb. 23 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 22 ■22 17 9 March.* 9 March.* 23 Feb. 19027 1 Feb. 17 23 Feb. 19150 18999 28 Feb. 27 Jan. 23 Feb! "n Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Alternating-current Watt meter. (P. Conrad and W. M. Bradshaw) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Bearing for shafts. (W. M. Bradshaw) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical distribution. (P. M. Lincoln) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Distribution of electrical energy. (B. G. Lamme) Carrington, G., Clive, N.Z. Pea-shelling machine Carrington, G., Clive, N.Z. Gate Carroll, R. M., Petone, N.Z. Pipe wrench and spanner Carter, T., Mirboo North, Vic. Milk and cream cooler Casey, F., and another, Collington, Vic. Suction-dredging machinery Casgrain, L. A., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 19272.) Castle, A., Auckland, N.Z. School-bag Catesby and Sons, London, Eng. (See A. G., J. T., and W. E. Catesby, No. 19127.) Catesby, A. G., and others, London, Eng. Linoleums, &c. Catesby, J. T., and others, London, Eng. Linoleums, &c. Catesby, W. E., and others, London, Eng. Linoleums, &c. Chambers, R., New Plymouth, N.Z. Milk-supply controller for separator Champion Seal Company, New York, U.S.A. Bottle-seal - applying machine. (E. D. Schmitt) Chatham, J., Rokewood Junction, Vic. Belt-fastening Cheers, A., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Boiler-cleaning solution Ciantar, H. C, and another, London, Eng. Extracting gold Ciantar, U., and another, London, Eng. Extracting gold Clark, A. Z., Melbourne, Vic. Precipitating gold from cyanide-solutions. (T. W. Clark) Clark, D., Bairnsdale, Vic. Separation of gold Clark, H. S., Auckland, N.Z. Tap for tins Clark, R., Wanstead, Eng. Manufacture of blank books Clark, R. 0., Auckland, N.Z. Coating tiles, bricks, &c. Clark, T. W., Talbot, Vic. (See A. Z. Clark, No. 19079.) Claydon, H. G., Waltham, N.Z. Steam-boiler furnace Cleghorn, R., and another, EIsternwick, Vic. Disc plough Clement, J. R., Waimate, N.Z. Cycle-driving gear Clements, G., and others, Timaru, N.Z. Removing wool from skins .. Clements, G., and others, Timaru, N.Z. Depilating hides Clennell, F., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ship's propeller Clyde Salvage Pearl Fishing and Diving Company, Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Diving-vessel appliances. (E. Veron) Clyde Salvage Pearl Fishing and Diving Company, Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Raising sunken vessels. (E. Veron) Cobham, W. S., Wellington, N.Z. Wheel and axle Coghill, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Envelope Cohen, C. J., and others, Rockhampton, Q. Earth-closet Conrad, P., and another, Edgewood Park, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 18947.) Consolidated Rubber Tire Company, Jersey City, U.S.A. Rubber tire. (A. S. Krotz) Cook, A. P., Hastings, N.Z. Cultivator.. 18947 12 Jan. 11 9 Feb, 18948 12 Jan. 11 9 Feb. 18982 24 Jan. 17 23 Feb. 19074 15 Feb. 22 9 March. 18940 18941 18989 19246 18463 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 25 Jan. 23 March 20 Sept., 1904 6 6 11 31 31 26 Jan.* 26 Jan.* 9 Feb.* 6 April.* 6 April. 19209 13 March 19127 19127 19127 19025 21 Feb. 21 Feb. 21 Feb. 2 Feb. 31 31 31 11 6 April.* 6 April.* 6 April.* 9 Feb.* 18959 13 Jan. 11 9 Feb. 19241 19092 23 March 16 Feb. 31 6 April.* 18931 18931 19079 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 15 Feb. 6 6 22 26 Jan.* 26 Jan.* 9 March. 18538 19289 18805 19093 4 Oct., 1904.. 31 March 5 Jan., 1904t 15 Feb. 17 '28 22 23 Feb. 23 March. 9 March.* 19204 19183 19208 18965 19171 19073 19269 13 March 9 March 15 March 14 Jan. 4 March 14 Feb. 30 March 31 31 31 31 22 31 6 April.* 6 April.* 6 April. 6 April.* 9 March.* 6 April.* 19270 30 March 17631 19001 18357 8 March, 1904 24 Jan. 23 Aug., 1904 28 28 23 March. 23 March. 19257 13 April, 1904t 18993 26 Jan. 11 9 Feb.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Qazctte. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Cook. (See Cornwall-Cook.) Cook, W. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Water-purifier Cooper, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Controlling trolly-pole of car Copley, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Extension boot Corlet, T. M., and others, Timaru, N.Z. Depilating hides Cornwall-Cook, E., Hawthorn, Vic. Bell-sounding instrument for punching tickets Cotton, P., Hornsby, N.S.W. Liquid-fuel burner Cowern, W., Hawera, N.Z. Filtering liquids Crook, E. H., Melbourne, Vic. Tidal motor Crosher, A. T., Auckland, N.Z. Gas-engine piston and cylinder Culpan, C. H., Whangarei, N.Z. Boat-rowlock Cuming, A. J., Brunswick, Vic. Non-porous material Cuming, A. J., Brunswick, Vic. Butter, &c, package Cuming, A. J., Brunswick, Vic. Box or package .. .... Cyanide Vucuum Filter Company, Limited, London, Eng. Separating liquids from solids. (P. J. Ogle and R. K. Evans) 19130 19015 18134 19171 17885 22 Feb. 1 Feb. 7 July, 1904. . 4 March 5 May, 1904.. 31 11 31 31 22 6 April.* 9 Feb.* 6 April. 6 April.* 9 March. 19268 18985 19147 19008 19189 19230 19231 19232 19217 30 March 24 Jan. 28 Feb. 27 Jan. 11 March 22 March 22 March 22 March 18 March 11 28 11 31 31 31 31 ! 9 Feb.* i 23 March. 9 Feb.* 6 April.* 6 April.* 6 April.* 6 April.* Dahl, A., Riverstone, N.S.W. Rotary tine harrow Dahmen. (See Von Dahmen.) Dall, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Ball-testing machine Dalton, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Kiln. (J. Osman) Dalton, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Kiln. (J. Osman) Daly, W. P., Blackball, N.Z. Clamping-bolster Daniel, A. J., and another, Petone, N.Z. Treating offal Darling, J., Rutherglen, Scot. (See Darling's Patent Automatic Coupling, Limited, No. 19156.) Darling's Patent Automatic Coupling, Limited, Glasgow, Scot. Railway coupling. (J. Darling) Davidson, D. P., Pahiatua, N.Z. Milk-weigher Davies, J., Auckland, N.Z. Furnace Davis, F., Melbourne, Vic. (See N. Hill, No. 19083.) Davy, C, Wanganui, N.Z. Sleeper and mould Dawson, J. M., Ashburton, N.Z. Siphon Day, A., Wellington, N.Z. Door-latch Dean, T. M., and another, Purau, N.Z. Flooring-cramp De Baugh, H. W., Auckland, N.Z. Liner for washing-copper, &c. Deem, J. W., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Injecting sterilised air into cow's udder De Neveu, E., and another, Asnieres, France. Desiccated milk Denniston, S. E., Invercargill, N.Z. (See G. W. Edwards, No. 19114.) Denton, G. H., Denver, U.S.A. (See J. A. Ferguson, No. 18420.) Devereux, W. B., Glenwood Springs, U.S.A. Agitator for goldsaving Dickinson, J. W., jun., Little Rock, U.S.A. Hub of vehicle Dimock, W., Wellington, N.Z. Cooling-chamber Dixie Match Company, New Jersey, U.S.A. Boxing matches. (W. H. Parker) Donoghue, A. F., Palmerston North, N.Z. Match-striker Douglas, H. M., Wellington, N.Z. Loose-leaf account-book Douglas, J. D., Auckland, N.Z. Dredging-machine for kauri-gum Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Protector for dredge bucket and link Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Pin Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Roller-protector for dredge-ladder .. Dovalosky, F., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-pin Dovalosky, F., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-pin Dowling, H., and another, Camperdown, N.S.W. Electric belt Dugdale, T., Waimate, N.Z. Rain-water head and strainer Dunbar, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Window fastener and ventilator Dunn, C. E. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Electro-motor Dunn, B. F., Auckland, N.Z. Scouring river-bottoms 18843 5 Dec, 1904.. 22 9 March. 18929 18923 18924 19071 17797 7 Jan. 9 Jan. 9 Jan. 11 Feb. 18 April, 1904 6 17 17 22 6 26 Jan.* 23 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 9 March. 26 Jan. 19156 1 March 17999 18942 7 June, 1904 9 Jan. 31 6 6 April. 26 Jan.* 19166 19199 19263 17831 18890 19139 4 March 14 March 29 March 25 April, 1904 21 Dec,1904.. 25 Feb. 28 31 31 11 11 23 March.* 6 April.* 6 April.* 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 19176 7 March 31 6 April. 1(1117 22 Feb. 22 9 March. 18946 19187 19022 12 Jan. 10 March 2 Feb. 11 31 17 9 Feb. 6 April. 23 Feb. 19069 19164 17879 17139 19146 17729 17927 18105 18483 19081 19044 19212 17900 14 Feb. 3 March 3 May, 1904 24 Oct., 1903 25 Feb. 30 March, 1904 17 May, 1904.. 28 June, 1904 22 Sept., 1904 15 Feb. 4 Feb. 17 March 11 May, 1904.. 22 28 22 6 28 6 6 6 6 22 28 31 28 9 March.* 23 March.* 9 March. 26 Jan. 23 March.* 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 9 March.* 23 March.* 6 April.* 23 March. Edkins, E. M., Dannevirke, N.Z. Feed mechanism for saw-bench .. Edwards, G. W, Avenal, N.Z. Flax washer and stripper Edwards, G. W., Avenal, N.Z. Flax-treatment. (S. E. Denniston).. Edwards, T., Ballarat, Vic. Ore-roasting furnace Elliott, G. B. B., Melbourne, Vic. Street-scavenger Elliott, G. B. B., Melbourne, Vic. Mineral shedder Ellis, P., Kilbirnie, N.Z. Motor Ellis, R. H., Pyrmont, N.S.W. Butter-box Elliss, G. A., and another, Lithgow, N.S.W. Billiard-table Elston, R. S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Tire Elvines, F., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving mat Ely, M. V., and others, Wimbledon, Eng. Electric arc lamp English, H. A., Wellington, N.Z. Cannon, rifle, &c. Ericsson, A. J., Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 19002.) Evans, M., and others, Smithfield, N.Z. Removing wool from skins.. Evans, M., and others, Timaru, N.Z. Depilating hides Evans, R. K., and another, London, En-. (See The Cyanide Vacuum Filter Company, Limited, No. 19217.) Everton, G. F., Vancouver, B.C. Excavating conveyor- bucket 19234 19018 19114 18878 18880 18952 19252 18956 18663 19172 19057 19154 18939 22 Mar. 30 Jan. 30 Jan. 21 Dec, 1904.. 21 Dec, 1904.. 12 Jan. 24 March 11 Jan. 27 Oct., 1904.. 6 March 9 Feb. 12 March, 1904f 11 Jan. 31 11 28 11 11 17 31 6 April.* 9 Feb.* 23 March.* 9 Feb. 9 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 6 April.* 28 31 17 23 March. 6 April.* 23 Feb.* "6 26 Jan.* 18965 19171 14 Jan. 4 March 31 31 6 April. 6 April.* 19041 8 Feb. 17 23 Feb.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Name, Address, and Invention. Application. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Farrell, F. J., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-alarm attachment to telephone.. Ferguson, J. A., Denver, U.S.A. Press. (G. H. Denton).. Ferguson, J. A., Denver, U.S.A. Building block and wall. (F. E. Kidder) Fischer, A. H. E., North Adelaide, S.A. Heating-plates for waterheater Flynt, L. W. Gt., Rochester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 19271.) Forbes, W. C, Melbourne, Vic. Distance-recorder for ship Ford, A. S., Coromandel, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Forsberg, E. A., Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 18933.) Foster and Co., Wimbledon, Eng. (See E. R. Grote, M. V. Ely, and C. E. Foster, No. 19154.) Foster, C. E., and others, Wimbledon, Eng. Electric arc lamp Fraser, J. C, Coromandel, N.Z. Steam-turbine Frasier, W., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17835.) Free, T. H., Waitara, N.Z. Attaching fencing-wire to cement posts, &c. Frengley, J. P., Auckland, N.Z. Distributing sewage for filter-beds.. Friederici, H. R. 0., and others, London, Eng. Mechanical stoker .. Fry, H. A., Riwaka, N.Z. Teaching calves to drink Fiihrer, J. , Vienna, Austria. Explosive Furness, A. E., Palmerston North, N.Z. Instep-supporting device.. Fussell, J., and others, Doyleston, N.Z. Tension-regulator for elevatorbelt 18974 18420 18421 19118 18992 19278 16 Jan. 7 Sept., 1904 7 Sept., 1904 22 Feb. 26 Jan. 31 March 12 March, 1904| 4 Feb. 11 3 3 28 17 9 Feb.* 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 23 March. 23 Feb. 23 Feb.'*' 19154 19045 17 19043 17782 19103 17865 18961 19078 17806 8 Feb. 14 April, 1904 17 Feb. 18 May, 1904.. 9 Feb., 1904f 15 Feb. 19 April, 1904 17 11 22 28 23 Feb.* 9 Feb. 9 March. 23 March. 11 9 Feb. Galbally, J., Wellington, N.Z. Building-block Gallagher, R. W., San Francisco, U.S.A. Bill-delivery mechanism for meters Gardiner, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Vamping-attachment for piano. . Garner, H., Nantwich, Eng. Vehicle-wheel tire Geertson, T. F. J., Rongotea, N.Z. Horse-collar attachment Georgeson, G., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Brooch-fastener Gillies, A., Terang, Vic. Pneumatic teat-cups Glendining, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Roller of loom Goddu, G., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17922.) Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Drawing off water from tanks.. Goodson, G. A., Minneapolis, U.S.A. Galvanising and tinning wire, &c, bodies Gordon, N. R., Carlton, Vic. Projector-machine Gordon, W., and another, Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17841.) Gosling, P. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Advertising-device Graham, R. B., Wairakei, N.Z. Inner casing for tire Grasset, R. J. W., South Yarra, Vic. Engine-governor Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed and manure sower Gray, R., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Game Greenslade, J., Prebbleton, N.Z. Spring wheel for vehicle Greenslade, J., Prebbelton, N.Z. Spring wheel for vehicle . . Greig, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Rule, square, and saw Gresham, E. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Pneumatic knee-ring Grondal, G., Djursholm, Sweden. Magnetic separator Grote, E. R., and others, Wimbledon, Eng. Electric arc lamp Grundy, A. 0., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Vaporiser for oil-engine Grundy, W. J., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Vaporiser for oilengine Gunn, J. St. C, Kaikoura, N.Z. Rain-water collector Gurr, T. 8., Dunedin, N.Z. Catch for brooch-pin 19198 19091 13 March 16 Feb. 31 22 6 April.* 9 March. 19137 19242 19072 18930 19153 19140 25 Feb. 23 March 14 Feb. 7 Jan. 1 March 24 Feb. 28 23 March.* 22 6 28 28 9 March.* 26 Jan.* 23 March.* 23 March.* 18984 18962 24 Jan. 9 June, 1904f 11 9 Feb.* 19088 16 Feb. 28 23 March.* 19264 19109 17625 19167 18975 19036 19037 19227 19042 18916 19154 18997 18997 29 March 18 Feb. 7 March, 1904 6 March 16 Jan. 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 21 March 8 Feb. 5 Jan. 12 March, 1904f 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 3 28 11 28 28 31 17 11 12 Jan. 23 March.* 9 Feb.* 23 March.* 23 March.* 6 April.* 23 Feb.* 9 Feb. 17 17 23 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 18918 19032 6 Jan. 1 Feb. 11 9 Feb. Hackett, C. H., and another, Waterloo, U.S.A. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 19265.) Hadaway, J. B., Brockton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17840.) Hadfield, G., Parkville, Vic. Wire-strainer Haigh, T. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Laundry iron-stand and cloth-grip Hall, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving mat Hall, W., Addington, N.Z. Seed-dresser Hancock, B., EIsternwick, Vic. Puncture-closure Hannon, J. M., Swan Hill, Vic. Ejector dust-extractor Hansen, H. T., Milwaukee, U.S.A. Driving-gear for motor-vehicle .. Hansen, H. T., Milwaukee, U.S.A. Driving-gear for motor-vehicle.. Hapgood Plow Company, Alton, U.S.A. Wheel-swings. (J. S. Tuttle) Harding, H., Hauiti, N.Z. Wire-strainer Hardy, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash mover, lock, and alarm Hardy, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Gate Hardy, A. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sash mover and lock . . Harkins, T., Auckland, N.Z. Boot-heel Harris, J., and another, Purau, N.Z. Flooring-cramp Harvey, R., Sydney, N.S.W. Discharging effluent from filter-beds .. 19267 18003 19057 19266 19247 19233 18912 18913 18957 19169 18943 18944 19101 18996 17831 19011 30 March 7 June, 1904 9 Feb. 30 March 23 March 22 Maroh 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 13 Jan. 6 March 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 18 Feb. 24 Jan. 25|April, 1904 31 Jan. 11 17 31 31 11 11 11 28 11 6 28 9 Feb.' 23 Feb.* 6 April.* 6 April.* 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 23 March.* 9 Feb.* 26 Jan.* 23 March. ii ' 9 Feb.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Oazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Hatmaker, J. R., Paris, France. Dried milk. (W. S. Magill) Hatmaker, J. R., Paris, France. Dry-milk production Hawkeswood, C. S., Auckland, N.Z. Building brick and slab Hay, J. B., and another, Petone, N.Z. Treating offal Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, N.Z. Wind-motor Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, N.Z. Standard jack Healy, J. J., Richmond, Vic. Cream-cooler Hement, T. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Ridging Hement, T. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Forming raised heads on sheetiron ridging Henderson, H. C, Wanganui, N.Z. Water-tube boiler Henderson, T. H., Carterton, N.Z. Weed-eradicator Hendryx, W. A., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Treating ores Hendryx, W. A., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Extracting metals Hicks, T. J. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Wire-woven mattress Higgle, T., Wanganui, N.Z. Driving-reins Hill, N., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-mattress holder. (F. Davis) Hindmarsh, J., Napier, N.Z. Screw, nail, &c. Hodge, J., and another, Brisbane, Q. Calf-dehorning knife Holderness, D., Christchurch, N.Z. Plough attachment Hopkins, F. D., San Francisco, U.S.A. Gun-sight Hopwood, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. File and ledger Howard, G. E., and others, South Yarra, Vic. Lift-door Hubbard, E. W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Suction-dredging machinery Hudson, P. R., Sydney, N.S.W. Wall. (A. Bruckner) Huff, C. H., Boston, U.S.A. Electrostatic separation. (G. W. Pickard and P. H. Wynne) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Printing-surface. (W. J. Yesell).. Hull, J. S., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Horse-collar Hunter, J. D., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-carrying bottle .. Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Supplying electric current to vehicle. (B. J. Jones) Hunter, S. B., and others, Balwyn, Vic. Percussion drill Hutchinson, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Puzzle Hutchinson, G., Seatoun, N.Z. Milking machinery Hutchinson, G., Seatoun, N.Z. Milking machinery Hyde, F. R., Ashburton, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator 18960 19111 19065 17797 19135 19228 18928 18499 19096 27 Jan., 1904f 21 Feb. 10 Feb. 18 April, 1904 22 Feb. 20 March 9 Jan. 26 Sept., 1904 16 Feb. 11 22 9 Feb. 9 March. 6 26 Jan. 6 28 26 Jan.* 23 March. 19110 19060 19221 19222 18454 19138 19083 19016 19196 19194 19132 19000 19152 18463 18 Feb. 10 Feb. 20 March 20 March 15 Sept., 1904 25 Feb. 15 Feb. 1 Feb. 13 March 11 March 24 Feb. 28 Jan. 1 March 20 Sept., 1904 22 17 9 March.* 23 Feb.* 11 9 Feb. 22 17 31 31 28 11 28 31 9 March. 23 Feb. 6 April.* 6 April.* 23 March. 9 Feb.* 23 March.* 6 April. . 17881 18958 7 May, 1904 13 Jan. 28 11 23 March. 9 Feb. 19214 18949 19277 19020 18 March 12 Jan. 30 March 2 Feb. 31 6 April.* 17 23 Feb. 19237 19084 18165 19149 18461 22 March 15 Feb. 16 July, 1904.. 28 Feb. 16 Sept., 1904 31 22 31 28 11 6 April.* 9 March.* 6 April. 23 March. 9 Feb. Irwin, H., Fernhill, N.Z. Alarm Irwin, P. S., Otatara, N.Z. Delivery for flax-tow, &c. 19218 19128 18 March 21 Feb. 31 22 6 April. 9 March. Jackson, J. B., Gisborne, N.Z. Road-plough Jackson, J. H., jun., Dannevirke, N.Z. Boot Jacobsen, J. S. M., Nelson, N.Z. Producing metals from their ores.. Jagger, J. A., Whangarei, N.Z. Exit-door for theatre Jamieson, W. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Self-locking point for overhead rails of freezing-works Jarrett, J. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Broom for washing railway, &c, windows Jenkins, C. V., Wellington, N.Z. Producing optical effects Jerram, A. E., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18925.) Job, L. K., and others, London, Eng. (See B. Sherman, No. 19284.) Johnson, A. L., St. Louis, U.S.A. Corrugated bars Jones and Sons, Christchurch, N.Z. (See A. W. Jones, sen. and jun., No. 19100.) Jones, A. W., sen., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cure for rheumatism Jones, A. W., jun., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cure for rheumatism Jones, B. J., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 19020.) Jones, E. V., Christohurch, N.Z. Advertising-device Jones, H. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Continuous air-pump or blower Jones, L. M., and others, Toronto, Canada. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 19119.) 18934 19253 18909 17672 19087 10 Jan. 24 March 31 Dec, 1904.. 18 March, 1904 15 Feb. 11 9 Feb. 11 22 28 9 Feb. 9 March. 23 March.* 19254 24 March 17745 7 April, 1904 28 23 March. 19090 19 Feb., 1904f 19100 18 Feb. 19100 18 Feb. 18963 18883 13 Jan. 22 Dec, 1904.. 11 9 Feb.* Kendrick, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Spring hand-truck Kennedy, A. G., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Boiler-clean-ing solution Kenning, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Washboard Kenyon, E. F. B., and another, Brighton, Eng. Machine for making bread-crumb Kidd, C. A., Epsom, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel tire Kidder, F. E., Denver, U.S.A. (See J. A. Ferguson, No. 18421.) Kinloch, F. K., Auckland, N.Z. Mono-wheel vehicle Kirkbride, J. L., Auckland, N.Z. Street-sweeper Kitchen, D., Feilding, N.Z. Horse-muzzle Kitcln'n, H., Melbourne, Vic. Go-cart under-gear .. Kohn, A., Auckland, N.Z. Electric ring, &c. Krotz, A. S., Springfield, U.S.A. (See Consolidated Rubber Tire Company, No. 19257.) Kudficz, J., and others, Prague, Austria. Mechanical stoker.. 21 April, 1904 16 Feb. 23 Feb. 17821 19092 17 19210 19112 16 March 21 Feb. 22 9 March.* 18968 18 Feb. 28 23 March.* 18976 17556 19115 18921 19055 19 Jan. 23 Feb., 1904 21 Feb. 4 Jan. 8 Feb. 11 22 9 Feb.* 9 March. 6 26 Jan> 19103 17 Feb. 22 9 March.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Lambeth, R. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Wire-strainer Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 19074.) Lee, H., and another, Oust, N.Z. Butter-worker Le Sueur, P., Calabasas, U.S.A. Axle-lubricator .. Lietz, W. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Receptacle for perishable goods Lightband, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Strip-cutting machine Lincoln, P. M., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 18982.) Locking, B., Napier, N.Z. Vapour-generator for destroying weeds and rabbits Loftus, C. F., Brisbane, Q. (See T. Loftus, No. 19158.) Loftus, T., Brisbane, Q. Wheel-lock. (C. F. Loftus) Longstaff, T. B., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Windmill.. Low, K., Wellington, N.Z. Abdominal belt Low, R., Wellington, N.Z. Anti-rattler for window Lowe, A., Reef ton, N.Z. Links of endless chains Lowe, C. E., Motueka, N.Z. Cleaning currants, &c. Lowthen, W. H., and another, Clayfield, Q. Totalisator Ludeman, J. P., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Blower or continuous air-pump 19143 27 Feb. 28 23 March.* 19190 19239 19029 19034 11 March 23 March 1 Feb. 4 Feb. 31 6 April.* 17 17 23 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 18980 21 Jan. 17 23 Feb. 19158 19059 19099 19116 18681 18927 17975 18883 1 March 9 Feb. 18 Feb. 22 Feb. 13 March 9 Jan. 31 May, 1904 22 Dec, 1904 31 17 22 28 28 6 17 11 6 April.* 23 Feb.* 9 March. 23 March.* 23 March.* 26 Jan.* 23 Feb. 9 Feb.* MacFarlane, G. T., Sydney, N.S.W. Boxes for shipping animals Mackay, W. E. S., and others, South Yarra, Vic. Lift-door .. MacKenzie, E. B., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Horse-shoe machine .. MacKenzie, M. K., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Horse-shoe machine.. MacKenzie, N. H., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Horse-shoe machine . . Macklow, W. C, Auckland, N.Z. Stencil plate and holder Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Curtain hook and fastening Magill, W. S., Berlin, Ger. (See J. R. Hatmaker, No. 18960.) Massey-Harris Company, Limited, Toronto, Canada. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 19265.) Mattassi, L. D., Melbourne, Vic. Hooks and links of chain .. Mayhew, G. S., London, Eng. Compo-boards Mayhew, G. S., London, Eng. Sawing and planing machinery.. Mayhew, G. S., London, Eng. Assembling - machine for compoboards Mayo, B. F., Salem, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17839.) McCully, S., Seadown, N.Z. Weed-destroyer McDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Egg-preserving process McDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Egg-preserving box McDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Egg-carrier McDonald, T., Lumsden, N.Z. Skim-coulter McFarlane, J. H., East Devonport, Tas. Cycle-pedal gear .. 'McGinness, J., and another, Framlingham, Vic. Milking-machine McGinness, J., and another, Framlingham, Vic. Teat-cups McGinness, J. P., and another, Framlingham, Vic. Milking-machine .. McGinness, J. P., and another, Framlingham, Vic. Teat-cups McGuire, P. J., and another, Goulburn, N.S.W. Billiard-table Mcllveney, P., Devonport, N.Z. Line and road junction regulator McKinnon, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Turnip-thinner and potato-digger McKinnon, D., Arapawanui, N.Z. Seed-sower McKinnon, W., Arapawanui, N.Z. Feeding fowls and animals McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Diving-dress McLeod, C, and others, Toronto, Canada. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 19119.) McMeekin, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rabbit-crate.. McMiken, S. D., and another, Komata, N.Z. Ore circulator and mixer McNair, E., Auckland, N.Z. Feeding infants from bottles McNeil, J., Lower Buckland, Vic. Dredge-bucket link-stay.. McNeill, J. D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Windmill Meyer, A. G., San Francisco, U.S.A. Treating creosote Michaelis, W., Villingen-Baden, Ger. Sound producer and recorder Miller, A. J., Toorak, Vic. Meat-extract.. Miller, S. J., Carterton, N.Z. Railway tip-truck Miller, S. J., Carterton, N.Z. Saw-handle fastener Mills, C, Christchurch, N.Z. Window-bracket Milner, H. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Destroying rabbits by electricity Mitchell, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Bracket for curtain-pole Mitchell, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Testing railway-carriage wheels Moorcraft, W., Coromandel, N.Z. (See J. Strathem, No. 18955.) Morgan, J. C, and another, Mangamahu, N.Z. Securing covers on wool-bales Morgan, T. W., and another, Waterloo, U.S.A. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 19265.) Morland, E. T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Horse-collar.. Morris, L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Coat-hanger Morrissey, T. M., Ashburton, N.Z. Adapting bicycle for railway-rails.. Mueller, O. H., and another, Berlin, Ger. (See Henry R. Worthington, No. 19080.) Mullins, P., Westport, N.Z. Playing-cards Murdock, J. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Scraper for tramway-rails 19047 19152 19202 19202 19202 19066 19245 6 Feb. 1 March 15 March 15 March 15 March 13 Feb. 20 March 17 28 31 31 31 22 31 23 Feb.* 23 March.* 6 April.* 6 April.* 6 April.* 9 March. 6 April.* 19148 19023 19126 19276 28 Feb. 2 Feb. 23 Feb. 30 March 28 17 28 23 March.* 23 Feb. 23 March. 19067 18702 18935 18936 17936 19030 19173 19174 19173 19174 18663 19165 19120 19163 18950 18977 13 Feb. 4 Nov., 1904 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 18 May, 1904 1 Feb. 7 March 7 March 7 March 7 March 27 Oct., 1904 2 March 22 Feb. 3 March 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 11 6 6 31 17 31 31 31 31 28 31 22 9 Feb. 26 Jan.* 26 Jan.* 6 April. 23 Feb.* 6 April. 6 April. 6 April. 6 April. 23 March. 6 April.* 9 March.* 6 11 26 Jan.* 9 Feb.* 19150 17982 19186 19168 19059 19054 18970 19123 18990 18991 19133 18973 19064 19094 28 Feb. 25 May, 1904 7 March 6 March 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 14 Jan. 23 Feb. 25 Jan. 25 Jan. 24 Feb. 18 Jan. 8 Feb. 11 Feb. 28 31 31 17 22 11 28 11 11 28 11 23 March. 6 April.* 6 April. 23 Feb.* 9 March. 9 Feb.* 23 March.* 9 Feb.* 9 Feb.* 23 March.* 9 Feb.* 22 9 March.* 19085 15 Feb. 22 9 March.* 18949 19004 19160 12 Jan. 25 Jan. 1 March 28 23 March.* 18937 18972 10 Jan. 16 Jan. 11 9 Feb.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Nable, D., Waverley, N.S.W. Men's shirts Nash, F. J., Somerville, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17661.) Nashelski, B., Sydney, N.S.W. Ruberoid shingles. (Standard Paint Company—G. Parker) Naunton, W. E., and another, Fitzroy, Vic. Printing music.. Nelson, G. M., and another, Warragul, Vic. Disc plough Neveu. (See De Neveu.) Nicholas, A. J., and another, Oust, N.Z. Butter-worker Nicholson, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Gold-separation Nicolson, 8., and another, Gore, N.Z. Horse-cover.. Nielsen, N., Maranui, N.Z. Moulding hollow concrete blocks. (H. S. Palmer Hollow Concrete Building Block Company—H. S. Palmer) Nisbet, W. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Tilting fire-bars of locomotive furnace Noonan, A., Christohurch, N.Z. Coupling for motor-cycle belt Normanby, A. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Ladies' protector Norton, E., New York, U.S.A. Bottle-stopper Nuttall, B. O., Dannevirke, N.Z. Vote-recorder 19178 7 March 18988 25 Jan. i7718 19183 31 March, 1904 9 March i8 28 23 March. 23 March.* 19190 19274 19279 19038 11 March 30 March 30 March 6 Feb. 31 6 April.* 19039 7 Feb. 17 23 Feb. 19170 17934 19028 19082 4 March 18 May, 1904 1 Feb. 15 Feb. 31 17 17 22 6 April. 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 9 March.* O'Connell, M., Christchurch, N.Z. Horses' knee-protector Ogle, P. J., and another, London, Eng. (See The Cyanide Vacuum Filter Company, Limited, No. 19217.) Ohlsson, J. A., New York, U.S.A. Centrifugal separator liner Ohmer, J. F., Dayton, U.S.A. Ticket and recording machine Ohmer, J. F., Dayton, U.S.A. Ticket- and transfer-issuing machine .. Olsen, O. M. J., Parramatta, N.S.W. Brush-manufacture Onyon, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Stain-remover Osman, J., London, Eng. (See W. J. Dalton, Nos. 18923 and 18924.) Over, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hand attachment for swimming Owen, J. E., Auckland, N.Z. Forming earthenware pipes 19249 23 March 31 6 April.* 18884 19052 19053 19010 19197 22 Dec, 1904 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 31 Jan. 13 March J .. 11 22 22 17 31 9 Feb. 9 March. 9 March. 23 Feb.* 6 April.* 19192 19188 9 March 10 Marchf 31 6 April.* Page, F. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Shackle Palmer Hollow Concrete Building Block Company, H. S., Washington, U.S.A. (See N. Nielsen, No. 19038.) Palmer, H. S., Washington, U.S.A. (See N. Nielsen, No. 19038.) Palmer, T. C, and another, Fitzroy, Vic Printing music Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Voting-machine Parker, G., Sydney, N.S.W. (See B. Nashelski, No. 18988.) Parker, W. H., New Jersey, U.S.A. (See The Dixie Match Company, No. 19022.) Parkerson, R. K., Ealing, N.Z. Water-motor Patchett, T. W., Blenheim, N.Z. Sash-fastener Paterson, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Jug-cover Paterson, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Toasting-rack Paterson, T., Nelson Creek, N.Z. Securing spreader to leading-chain.. Patterson, A. S., Melbourne, Vic. Mower. (L. M. Jones, R. H. Verity, and 0. McLeod) Patterson, A. S., Melbourne, Vic. Centrifugal separator. (MassayHarris Company, Limited —C. H. Hackett and T. W. Morgan) Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Power transmission by rope for machinery at a distance Pearson, M. H., and'another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18925.) Percival, W. E., Inglswood, N.Z. Louvre window. . Perry, F. H., West Medford, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18926.) Peters, J., Pokokomuka, N.Z. Egg-beater Phillips, W., Wellington, N.Z. Meat-brand Pickard, G. W., and another, Boston, U.S.A. (See C. H. Huff, No. 18958.) Piper, W. H., and another, Sydenham, N.Z. Extension boot Plucknett, S. G., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Gold-separation Plummer, C. B., and another, Auckland N.Z. Hat.. Plummer, G. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hat Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Treating flax-fibre Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Flax-stripper Porteous, W. P., Sawyer's Bay, N.Z. Table-golf Preston, E. A., North Ipswich, Q. Decarbonising enamelled-iron reflectors Priest, S., jun., West Devonport, Tas. Wall-tie Pritchard, G. T., Wanganui, N.Z. Danger-signal for railway-crossing.. Proud, A. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-pin 18021 10 June, 1904 28 23 March. 17718 19012 31 March 31 Jan. 28 28 23 March. 23 March.* 19121 19105 19125 18979 19129 19119 10 Aug., 1904 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 20 Jan. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 28 28 28 31 22 28 23 March. 23 March.* 23 March.* 6 April. 9 March. 23 March. 19265 30 March 19141 24 Feb. 28 23 March. 19255 27 March 31 6 April.* 18964 19095 11 Jan. 17 Feb. 28 28 23 March.* 23 March* 18134 19274 18675 18675 19026 19243 19261 19104 7 July, 1904 30 March 29 Oct., 1904 29 Oct., 1904 31 Jan. 14 March 28 March 17 Feb. 31 6 April. 31 31 17 31 6 April. 6 April. 23 Feb.* 6 April.* 28 23 March. 19131 19161 19258 22 Feb. 2 March 25 March 28 28 23 March.* 23 March.* Bamage, J., Balclutha, N.Z. Acetylene-generator.. Rands, H., Methven, N.Z. Marbling, &c, wood or iron work.. Rawhiti, T. T., Hamilton, N.Z. Wagon-pole Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Dish-rack Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Spreader for dray-chains Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Flax-milling machinery Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-curler Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-curler Raymond F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-curler .. 19106 18951 19145 18922 18983 19046 19244 19281 19282 19 Dec, 1904 11 Jan. 27 Feb. 4 Jan. 19 Jan. 6 Feb. 16 March 29 March 29 March 28 31 28 6 11 28 23 March. 6 April.* 23 March.* 26 Jan.* 9 Feb.* 23 March.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Addreps, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Reid, H., Wellington, N.Z. Advertising-signs Rendell, E., Auckland, N.Z. Ladies' shoulder-strap Renner, G., and another, Pahiatua, N.Z. Egg-carrier, &c. Richards, E. D., Palmerston North, N.Z. Rail-joining. (J. A. Belk).. Richards, E. D., Palmerston North, N.Z. Match-box. (J. A. Belk) Richards, W. M., and others, Brisbane, Q. Earth-closet Richardson, E., Hawthorn, Vic. Regulator and relief exhaust-valve for steam-engine Richmond, J., Cromwell, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance Rickerby, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Potato-digger Ridgway, J. J., Rosebank, U.S.A. Belt-conveyor.. Rigby, E. J., and others, St. Kilda, Vic. Percussion drill .. Rissmuller, L., New York, U.S.A. Extracting fatty substances from meat Roberts, J. 8., Temuka, N.Z. Kerosene-tin handle.. Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Letter post-marking and cancelling machine Robertson, B. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Totalisator.. Robinson, A., and another, Mangamahu, N.Z. Securing covers on woolbales Rodgers, J. T., Makikihi, N.Z. Flax-dressing apparatus Rogers, J. W., Wellington, N.Z. Cover for wash ing-boiler Rooney, J. W., Caversham, N.Z. Trolly-pole for electric car Rose, M., Christchurch, N.Z. Scenic and perforated stationery Roseman, S. G., Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of brooms, &c. Ross, H. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Ship's hull construction Ross, H. I. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Ball-valve ventilator Ross, J., Dannevirke, N.Z. Screw-wedge Ross, J. F., and another, Greytown, N.Z. Wire coiler and uncoiler,. Ross, N., Berwick, N.Z. Californian pump 19262 18981 18986 19157 19203 18357 17958 28 March 19 Jan. 25 Jan. 1 March 15 March 23 Aug., 1904 26 May, 1904 11 11 28 31 28 17 9 Feb.* 9 Feb.* 23 March.* 6 April.* 23 March. 23 Feb. 18971 18978 18648 19237 18932 14 Jan. 18 Jan. 27 Oct., 1903f 22 March 10 Jan. 11 11 17 9 Feb.* 9 Feb.* 23 Feb. 6 April.* 9 Feb. ii 19207 19097 14 March 16 Feb. 31 22 6 April.* 9 March.* 17882 19085 7 May, 1904 15 Feb. 28 22 23 March. 9 March.* 19107 19144 17818 19205 17681 19219 19017 18911 18876 18027 20 Feb. 27 Feb. 20 April, 1904 13 March 21 March, 1904 16 March 30 Jan. 5 Jan. 20 Dec, 1904 9 June, 1904 22 28 17 6 9 March. 23 March.* 23 Feb. 26 Jan. 11 6 11 31 9 Feb.* 26 Jan.* 9 Feb. 6 April. Sanderson, J., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Window-blind retainer Sargood, P. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Boot-upper Sargood, W. E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Boot-upper Saunderson, H. P., Bedford, Eng. Self-propelling motor Schmitt, E. D., Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See Champion Seal Company, No. 18959.) Schroeder, E. S., Woodville, S.A. Stump-extractor Scobie, R., Wright's Bush, N.Z. Securing coulter to plough-beam Scott, R. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Vaporiser for oil or gas engine Sears, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Imprinting matter on photographic negatives Seabrook, H. H. P., and others, London, Eng. (See B. Sherman, No. 19284.) Seabrook, P. B. H., and others, London, Eng. (See B. Sherman, No. 19284.) Senior, A. I., Motueka, N.Z. Steam-turbine Setchell, E. I., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Electric belt.. Sherman, B., London, Eng. Flash advertising-signs. (P. B. H. and H. H. P. Seabrook and L. K. Job.) Shuttleworth, J. J., Ryde, N.S.W. Bottle-fastening Sievwright, C. F., Auckland, N.Z. Door and window grip Simmonds, R., Coromandel, N.Z. Egg or fruit carrier Singer, B., Chicago, U.S.A. Dust-laying composition Sloper, C, and others, Smithfield, N.Z. Removing wool from skins .. Sloper, C, and others, Smithfield, N.Z. Depilating hides Smallwood, A., London, Eng. Generating and applying heat to boilers, &c. Smith, A. 0., Feilding, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Smith, C. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Geneva gear numbering and recording machine Smith, J., Westport, N.Z. Drill for boring coal Smith, T., Invercargill, N.Z. Attaching clothes-props to lines Spence, T. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Coat-hanger Spencer, W. E., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Window-blind retainer Standard Paint Company, New York, U.S.A. (See B. Nashelski, No. 1.8988.) Stephenson, A. A., Perth, W.A. Oil-fuel vaporiser Stevenson, G. S., Gore, N.Z. Water-wheel Stewart, R. L., Auckland, N.Z. Pen-nib attachment Stokes, W., jun., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Motor Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Lifting and pressure device for turnipridger Strathern, J., Auckland, N.Z. Hauling and pumping appliance. (W. Moorcraft) Struthers, J., and another, West Pittston, U.S.A. Cribbing Stuart, R. W., Sydney, N.S.W. Carburetting air and generating gas for lighting Suckling, J. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Motor .. Sueur. (See Lβ Sueur.) 19007 26 Jan. 11 9 Feb.* 19220 19220 19003 16 March 16 March 25 Jan. 11 9 Feb.* 19113 19040 19280 17656 21 Feb. 7 Feb. 31 March 15 March, 1904 22 17 9 March.* 23 Feb.* 3 12 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Oct., 1904 31 March 9 Feb.* 9 Feb. 18995 18694 19284 11 11 18914 19068 18739 19024 18965 19171 19019 5 Jan. 11 Feb. 14 Nov., 1904 2 Feb. 14 Jan. 4 March 2 Feb. 17 11 17 31 31 17 23 Feb.* 9 Feb. 23 Feb. 6 April. 6 April.* 23 Feb. 17616 18920 4 March, 1904 29 Dec, 1904.. 3 17 12 Jan. 23 Feb. 19248 18967 19004 19007 23 March 16 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 11 6 April.* 9 Feb.* 11 9 Feb.* 19240 17993 17813 19223 18953 18954 23 March 31 May, 1904.. 21 April, 1904 20 March 7 Jan. 7 Jan. 28 3 31 11 17 23 March. 12 Jan. 6 April.* 9 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 18955 10 Jan. 11 9 Feb.* 19213 19086 18 March 13 Feb. 22 9 March. 19223 20 March 31 li April.*


H. -10

Alphabetic al List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

2—H. 10.-08.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Taylor, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Letter-sheet and envelope Taylor, M. D., Auckland, N.Z. Wheel for motor-car Taylor, W., Sandiacre, Eng. Railway-signal Taylor, W., Sandiacre, Eng. Railway-signal Temple, R., Benver, U.S.A. Pneumatic tool Temple, R., Denver, U.S.A. Pneumatic tool Templeton, W. J., Dunkeld, Vic. Nail Terry, W. H., Christehureh, N.Z. Couplings for railway rolling-stock Thomas, R., and others, Rockhampton, Q. Earth-closet Thompson, A. F., Sydney, N.S.W. Deodorant and disinfectant Thomson, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Brooch-fastening Thomson, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel tire Thorp, F. W., and another, Motueka, N.Z. Ships' propeller Thow, W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Tilting fire-bars of locomotive furnaces Titt, S. S., and another, Brighton, Eng. Bread-crumb-making machine Topham, L. E., and another, Somerville, U.S.A. (See. United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17841.) Torrente, M., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Separating solids from liquids Treadwell, A., Foxton, N.Z. Tram-rail cleaner Trevethick, J., Auckland, N.Z. Drill for countersinking number of holes Trewhella, B., and another, Trentham, Vic. Pawl and ratchet mechanism Trewhella, W., and another, Trentham, Vic. Pawl and ratchet mechanism Tukeka, M., and others. Hoe Turnbull, J., and another, Gore, N.Z. Horse-cover Turner, J. A., and others, Fremantle, W.A. Lift-door Tuttle, J. S., Kansas, U.S.A. (See Hapgood Plow Company, No. 18957.) 19009 18938 19215 19216 19179 19180 18814 19049 18357 19077 18930 19142 19073 19039 28 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 March 18 March 7 March 7 March 1 Dec, 1904.. 7 Feb. 23 Aug., 1904 13 Feb. 7 Jan. 24 Feb. 14 Feb. 7 Feb. "q 31 31 11 17 28 26 Jan.* 6 April. 6 April. 9 Feb. 23 Feb.* 23 March. 6 28 22 17 26 Jan.* 23 March.* 9 March.* 23 Feb. 19112 21 Feb. 22 9 March.* 18450 19108 19089 15 Sept., 1904 20 Feb. 13 Feb. 31 28 22 6 April. 23 March.* 9 March.* 18436 6 Sept., 1904 31 6 April. 18436 6 Sept., 1904 31 6 April. 19185 19279 19152 9 March 30 March 1 March 28 23 March.* United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Splitting leather. (F. J. Nash) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Heel-attaching machine. (A. Bates) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sole levelling and pressing machine. (E. E. Winkley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sole laying, levelling, &c, machine. (W. Frasier) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sole laying, levelling, &c, machine. (B. F. Mayo) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Skiving-machine. (J. B. Hadaway) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Stamping-ma-chine. (W. Gordon and L. E. Topham) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Skiving-machine. (F. L. Alley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Making and inserting protectors. (G. Goddu) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Arranging and delivering eyelets and rivets. (M. H. Pearson and A. E. Jerram) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Fastening-ma-chine. (F. H. Perry) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for presenting paste. (O. Ashton) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Trimming-ma-chine. (O. Ashton) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Perforating-ma-chine. (L. W. G. Flynt) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Fastenings-in-serting machine. (L. A. Casgrain) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Presser-foot mechanism for sewing-machine. (E. E. Winkley) Urquhart, D., and others, Smithfield, N.Z. Removing wool from skins Urquhart, D., and others, Timaru, N.Z. Depilating hides 17661 16 March, 1904 3 12 Jan. 17660 16 March, 1904 6 26 Jan. 17663 18 March, 1904 11 9 Feb. 17835 27 April, 1904 11 9 Feb. 17839 27 April, 1904 11 9 Feb. 17840 27 April, 1904 17 23 Feb. 17841 27 April, 1904 17 23 Feb. 17923 19 May, 1904.. 22 9 March. 17922 19 May, 1904.. 31 6 April. 18925 9 Jan. 6 26 Jan.* 18926 9 Jan. 6 26 Jan.* 19050 9 Feb. 17 23 Feb.* 19051 9 Feb. 17 23 Feb.* 19271 30 March 31 6 April.* 19272 30 March 31 6 April.* 19273 30 March 31 6 April.* 18965 14 Jan. 31 6 April. 19171 4 March 31 6 April.* Vaughan, F. A., Wellington, N.Z. Door Verity, R. H., and others, Toronto, Canada. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 19119.) Veron, E., Brighton-le-Sands, N.S.W. (See The Clyde Salvage Pearl Fishing and Diving Company, Limited, Nos. 19269 and 19270.) Von Andre, A. C. F., and others, London, Eng. Mechanical stoker.. Von Dahmen, H. R., Vienna, Austria. (See Ammonal Explosives, Limited, No. 18915.) 18994 26 Jan. 11 9 Feb.* 19103 17 Feb. 22 9 March. Waight, J. H., Roxburgh, N.Z. Hydraulic elevator for mining Waldie, D. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Target Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutter Walker, J. A., Auckland, N.Z. Billiard and dining table Walker, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-can Walker, W., Hay ward's, N.Z. Teat-opener Wallace, G. H., and another, New Farm, Q. Totalisator Wallace, R., Castle Douglas, Scot. Milking-machine Wallace, W. K., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Injecting sterilised air into udder of cow 19098 19056 19031 19193 18945 19260 17975 19062 19139 18 Feb. 7 Feb. 1 Feb. 9 March 10 Jan. 28 March 31 May, 1904.. 7 March, 1904f 25 Feb. 22 17 17 31 9 March.* 23 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 6 April.* 31 17 22 6 April.* 23 Feb. 9 March.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Warden, C. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Hoop or peg for parlour game .. Watson, F. J., Amberley, N.Z. Cooking-range attachment Watson, W. C, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Electric belt Way, R. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Wire-woven mattress .. Wereta, T., and others. Hoe Werner, A., and others, Doyleston, N.Z. Tension-regulator for elevatorbelt Weston, R., Sydenham, N.Z. Cycle-cuff Westropp, G. W., Ashburton, N.Z. Hame-hook Westropp, G. W., Ashburton, N.Z. Girth-pull harness Whiley, F., and others. Hoe Whiley, R., jun., and others. Hoe White, F. G. H., Newton, N.Z. Rigging-screw White, R., Auckland, N.Z. Anti-jolting appliance for vehicle Whitmore, E. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Cardboard box Whitson, R., Auckland, N.Z. Wooden tire Whyte, W., Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-head protector Wiggins, W., and another, Greytown, N.Z. Wire coiler and uncoiler Wildey, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Fastening tickets in books Wiley, A. J., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Game Wilkinson, G., Valley Heights, N.S.W. Artificial stone Willson, T. L., Ottawa, Canada Gas-buoy .. .. Wilson, H., and others, Kew, Vic. Percussion drill Wilson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Newspaper, &c, file Wilson, J. L., Waianiwa, N.Z. Emery grinding-attachment Wingfield, W. H., and another, Boort, Vic Tobacco-cutter Winkley, E. E., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 17663 and 19273.) Wootton, T. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Electric belt and generator Worthington, Henry R., New York, U.S.A. Compensating directacting engine. (W. C. Brown and O. H. Mueller) Wynne, P. H., and another, Boston, U.S.A. (See C. H. Huff, No. 18958.) 17710 19206 18964 18454 19185 17806 30 March, 1904 13 March 31 Oct., 1904.. 15 Sept., 1904 9 March 19 April, 1904 6 31 11 11 26 Jan. 6 April.* 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 11 9 Feb. 19058 19250 19251 19185 19185 18919 19048 19155 19259 19162 18876 19283 18975 19195 19182 19237 18125 19184 19238 8 Feb. 24 March 24 March 9 March 9 March 6 Jan. 6 Feb. 1 March 25 March 3 March 20 Dec, 1904.. 30 March 16 Jan. 13 March 9 March 22 March 4 July, 1904.. 3 March 22 March 28 31 31 ' 6 17 31 28 11 23 March.* 6 April.* 6 April.* 26 Jan.* 23 Feb.* 6 April.* 23 March.* 9 Feb. 11 31 31 31 11 31 9 Feb.* 6 April. 6 April. 6 April.* 9 Feb. 6 April.* 19122 19080 5 Dec, 1904.. 15 Feb. 22 22 9 March. 9 March. Yesell, W. J., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 19214.) 13 March 6 April.* Zoeller, C, and another, Brisbane, Q. Calf-dehorning knife 19196 31

* Denotes a provisional specification, 'rade Marks Act, 1889." f Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, an Invention. Name. i No. Al Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Abdominal belt Account-book, Loose-leaf Acetylene-generator Acetylene-generator Acetylene generator and holder Advertising-device Advertising-device Advertising-sign Advertising-signs, Flash Agitating-apparatus Air-carburetter Air, Injecting, into cow's udder Air-pump Alarm Alarm. (See Fire-alarm.) Alternating-current Watt meter Animals, Box for shipping Animals and fowls, Feeder for Animal-cover, Attaching leg-straps to .. Anti-jolting appliance Anti-rattler for windows Arc lamp, Electric K. Low H. M. Douglas A. O. Smith .. F. R. Hyde J. Ramage P. J. Gossling E. V. Jones .. H. Reid B. Sherman .. W. B. Devereux R. W. Stuart W. K. Wallace and J. W. Deem H. T. Jones and J. P. Ludeman H. Irwin 19099 19164 17616 18461 19106 19264 18963 19262 19284 19117 19086 19139 18883 19218 18 Feb. 3 March .. 4 Mar., 1904 16 Sept., 1904 19 Dec, 1904 29 March .. 13 Jan. .. I 28 March .. ! 31 March .. 22 Feb. 13 Feb. .. I 25 Feb. 22 Dec, 1904 18 March .. 22 28 3 11 ■2H 9 March. 23 March.* 12 Jan. 9 Feb. 23 March. 22 ■22 9 March. 9 March. ii 31 9 Feb!* 6 April. J. P. Campbell G. T. Macfarlane W. McKinnon S. Nioolson and J. Turnbull R. White R. Low E. R. Grote, M. V. Ely, and C. E. Foster G. Wilkinson G. S. Mayhew W. S. Cobham P. Le Sueur .. ., 18947 19047 18950 19279 19048 19116 19154 12 Jan. 6 Feb. 12 Jan. 30 March .. 6 Feb. 22 Feb. 12 Mar., 1904f 11 17 6 17 2H 9 Feb. 23 Feb.* 26 Jan.* 23 Feb.* 23 March.* Artificial-stone manufacture Assembling-machine for compo-board .. Axle and wheel for car A\le-lubricator ,. ., 19195 19276 17631 19239 13 March .. 30 March .. 8 Mar., 1904 23 March .. 31 6 April. 28 23 March,


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Bag. (See School-bag.) Ball-bearing vehicle-hub Ball-testing machine Bearings, ShaftBeater, Egg-Belt-fastening Belt-conveyoi Belt-coupling Belt. (See Abdominal belt, Electric belt.) Belt-regulator , J. W. Dickinson, jun. .. W. Dall J. P. Campbell J. Peters J. Chatham .. .. J. J. Ridgway J. Noonan 18946 18929 18948 18964 19241 18648 19170 12 Jan. 7 Jan. 12 Jan. 11 Jan. 23 March .. 27 Oct., 1903f 4 March .. 11 6 1 I 28 :ji 17 31 9 Feb. 26 Jan.* 9 Feb. 23 March.* 6 April.* 23 Feb. 6 April. Bicycle, Adapting, for railway-raiis Bill-delivering mechanism for meter Billiard-table Billiard-table Billiard and dining table Blank book Blind. (See Window-blind.) Block. (See Building - block. Concrete block.) Board. (See Compo-board, Washboard.) Boat-rowlock Boiler-cleaning solution Boiler for gas-range Boiler. (See Steam-boiler, Washingboiler.) Boiler, Water-tube Bolster, ClampingBook. (See Account-book, Blank book.) Boot Boot-heel Boot sole and heel, Catch for Boot-upper Bottle-fastening Bottle, Milk-carrying Bottle-sealing machine Bottle-stopper Bowl-testing machine Box for shipping animals Box. (See Butter-box, Cardboard box, Match-box.) Box or package A. Werner,. W. G. Breach, and J. Fussell T. M. Morrissey R. W. Gallagher G. A. P. J. McGuire .. F. A. Alcock J. A. Walker R. Clark 17806 19160 19091 18663 19201 19193 18805 19 April,1904 1 March .. 16 Feb. 27 Oct., 1904 15 March .. 9 March .. 5 Jan.,1904f 11 28 22 28 31 31 28 9 Feb. 23 March.* 9 March. 23 March. 6 April.* 6 April.* 23 March. C. H. Culpan A. Cheers and A. G. Kennedy .. R. C. Bishop 11 March .. 16 Feb. 8 March .. 6 April.* 19189 19092 19181 SI '{J 6 April.* H. C. Henderson W. P. Daly 19110 19071 18 Feb. 11 Feb. 22 22 9 March.* 9 March. J. H. Jackson, jun. T. Harkins .. W. Bennet P. R. and W. E. Sargood J. J. Shuttleworth J. Anderson and J. D. Hunter .. Champion Seal Company E. Norton W. Dall G. T. Macfarlane 19253 18996 19063 19220 18914 19277 18959 19028 18929 19047 24 March .. 24 Jan. 9 Feb. 16 March .. 5 Jan. 28 March .. 13 Jan. 1 Feb. 7 Jan. 6 Feb. J7 23 Feb!* 11 17 6 17 9 Feb. 23 Feb. 26 Jan.* 23 Feb.* A. J. Cuming A. J. Cuming H. Mitchell C. Mills F. C. Ablett .. M. Belk W. Phillips .. E. F. B. Kenyon and S. S. Titt G. T. Adam .. R. 0. Clark .. J. Thomson and G. Georgeson .. T. S. Gurr .. S. G. Roseman W. Brew and J. G. Jarrett 19231 19232 19064 19133 19151 18672 19095 19112 17707 19093 18930 19032 17681 19254 22 March .. 22 March .. 8 Feb. 24 Feb. 27 Feb. 27 Jan. 17 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Mar.,1904 15 Feb. 7 Jan. 1 Feb. 21 Mar., 1904 24 March .. 31 31 6 April.* 6 April.* Box Bracket for curtain-pole Bracket for window Brake, Perambulator and go-cart Brand Brand Bread-crumb, Machine for making Breeching-strap fastener Bricks and tiles, Apparatus tor coating .. Brooch-fastening Brooch-pin catch Broom-manufacture Broom for washing railway-carriage window Brush-manufacture Brush-manufacture Bucket. (See Conveyor-bucket, Dredgebucket.) Buckle, Skeith-Building-block Building blocks and walls Building brick and slab Buoy, Gas-Butter-box Butter-package Butter-worker 17681 19010 21 Mar., 1904 31 Jan. 28 28 II •28 22 3 22 6 6 6 17 23 March.* 23 March.* 9 Feb.* 23 March.* 9 March.* 12 Jan. 9 March.* 26 Jan.* 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 23 Feb.* S. G. Roseman O. M. J. Olsen G. T. Booth and W. Brew J. Galbally .. J. A. Ferguson C. S. Hawkeswood T. L. Willson R. H. Ellis A. J. Cuming A. J. Nicholas and H. Lee 17665 19198 18421 19065 19182 18956 19231 19190 15 Mar., 1904 13 March .. 7 Sept., 1904 10 Feb. 9 March .. 11 Jan. 22 March .. 11 March .. 3 31 3 12 Jan. 6 April.* 12"Jan. 31 6 April. 31 31 6 April.* 6 April.* Calf-dehorning knife Californian pump Calves, Teaching, to drink Cannon Cap for gate-post Carburetter, AirCardboard box Cards. (See Playing-cards.) Carrier. (See Egg-carrier, Fruit-carrier.) Catch for sole and heel Catch for brooch-pin Centrifugal separator Centrifugal separator Centrifugal separator liner Centrifugal separator .. ... C. Zoeller and J. Hodge W. Ross H. A. Fry .. H. A. English H. M. Alexander R. W. Stuart; E. H. Whitmore 19196 18027 17865 18939 19225 19086 19155 13 March .. 9 June, 1904 18 May, 1904 11 Jan. 20 March .. 13 Feb. 1 March .. 31 31 28 6 3) 22 6 April.* 6 April. 23 March. 26 Jan.* 6 April.* 9 March. W. Bennet T. S. Gurr Aktiebolaget Separator Aktiebolaget Separator J. A. Ohlsson A. S. Patterson 19063 19032 18933 19002 18884 19265 9 Feb. 1 Feb. 10 Jan. 25 Jan. 22 Dec. 30 March ... 23 Feb.* 17 11 17 11 9|Feb. 23 Feb. 9 Feb.



Alphabetical List of Inventions —continued.

Application. Ganette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Chain, link of endless Chain, Links and hooks of Chamber, Cooling-Chimney-top ty«>*'Si=Chum ■■MtJj^f Circulating and mixing materials Clamping-boisterMj Cleaner. _; (See Fork-cleaner, Seed and grain cleaner . Tram-rail cleaner.) Clo-et-pan Closet, BarthA. Lowe L. D. Mattassi W. Dimock A. T. W. Allan H. J. Baker .. F. C. Brown and S. D. McMiken W. P. Daly 18681 19148 19187 18966 18554 17982 19071 13 March .. 28 Feb. 10 March .. 16 Jan. 6 Oct., 1904 25 May, 1904 11 Feb. 28 28 31 II (i 28 22 23 March.* 23 March.* 6 April. 9 Feb.* 26 Jan. 23 March. 9 March. W. Ashley .. W. M. Richards, C. J. Cohen, and R. Thomas T. Smith C. H. Black and T. G. Haigh .. T. W. Spence and L. Morris J. F. Ross and W. Wiggins 19224 18357 20 March .. 23 Aug., 1904 28 23 March. Clothes-prop.gAttachmg, to line Cloth-gripper._for iron Coat-hanger; ,,,aljjf Vjj.. .. Coiler, Wire. ]k ' L .. Collar. Compo-board, Assembling-machine for .. Compo-boards ■ ■ 1 Concrete block, moulding .. Controller. (See Milk-supply* controller, Trolly-pole controller.) Oonveyor-bucke < ... Conveyor, Belt Cooling-chamber Cooking-range attachment for burning wood G. S. Mayhew G. S. Mayhew N. Nielsen 18967 18003 19004 18876 19276 19023 19038 16 Jan. 7 June, 1904 25 Jan. 20 Dec,1904 30 March .. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 11 11 I ! 1 7 9 Feb.* 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 23 Feb! G. F. Everton J. J. Ridgway W. Dimock .. F. J. Watson 19041 18648 19187 19206 8 Feb. 27 Oct.,1903t 10 March .. 13 March .. 17 17 31 31 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 6 April. 6 April.* Copper. (See Washing-copper.) Corrugated bars Coulter, Revolving skim- ... Coulter, Securing, to plough-beam Coupling for motor-cycle belt Coupling for rolling-stock Coupling, Railway A. L. Johnson T. McDonald R. Scobie A. Noonan W. H. Terry Darling's Patent Automatic Coupling, Limited W. C. Forbes 19090 17936 19040 19170 19049 19156 19 Feb., 1904f 18 May, 1904 7 Feb. 4 March .. 7 Feb. 1 March .. 31 17 3 J 17 6 April. 23 Feb.* 6 April. 23 Feb.* Course ana distance recorder for ships .. Cover. (See Animal-cover, Jug-cover, Washing-boiler cover.) Cover, Securing, on wool-bale.. Cow's udder air-injector Cramp, FlooringCrate. (See Rabbit-crate \ Cream-cooler Creosote-treating process Cribbing Cuff, CycleCultivator Cultivator Currant-cleaning machine Current, Supplying, to vehicle Curtain, Fire-proof Curtain hook and fastening Curtain-pole bracket Curtain-suspender Cutter, TobaccoCutting machine, StripCyanide - solutions, Precipitating gold from Cycle-cuff Cycle-driving gear Cycle-pedal gear 18992 26 Jan. 17 23 Feb. A. Robinson and J. C. Morgan .. W. K. Wallace and J. W. Deem T. M. Dean and J. Harris 19085 19139 17831 15 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 April, 1904 9 March.* ■2-2 II 9 Feb. J. J. Healy A. G. Meyer .. F. H. Brenton and J. Struthers R. Weston A. F. Cook J. B. Allen .. C. E. Lowe J. T. Hunter .. D. W. Adams J. J. Macky H. Mitchell .. G. Barnes W. H. Wingfield and J. Balding H. Lightband A. Z. Clark .. 18928 19054 19213 19058 18993 19175 18927 19020 19021 19245 19064 19235 19238 19034 19079 9 Jan. 9 Feb. 18 March .. 8 Feb. 26 Jan. 7 March .. 9 Jan. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 20 Marcli .. 8 Feb. 22 March .. 22 March .. 1 Feb. 15 Feb. 6 22 26 Jan.* 9 March. 28 11 :si 6 17 17 31 23 March.* 9 Feb.* 6 April.* 26 Jan.* 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 6 April.* 17 ■>2 23 Feb.* 9 March. R. Weston J. R. Clement J. H. McFarlane 19058 19208 19030 8 Fob. 15 March 1 Feb. ■28 31 17 23 March.* 6 April.* 23 Feb.* Danger-signal for railways .. Decarbonising enamelled ironware Dehorning-knife Deodorant and disinfectant Depilating hides G. T. Pritchard E. A. Preston C. Zoeller and J. Hodge A. F. Thompson G. Clements, D. Urquhart, M. Evans, C. Sloper, and T. M. Corlet P. Bevenot, E. de Neveu J. A. Walker A. Archenhold Henry R. Worthington.. G. M. Nelson and R. Cleghorn F. V. Raymond A. F. Thompson W. C. Forbes A. McLeod The Clyde Salvage Pearl Fishing and Diving Company, Limited F. A. Vaughan J. A. Jagger 19161 19104 19196 19077 19171 2 March .. 17 Feb. 13 March .. 13 Feb. 4 March .. 28 28 31 23 March.* 23 March. 6 April.* :si 6 April.* Desiccation and preservation of milk .. Dining and billiard table Dinner-plate Direct-acting engine Disc plough Dish-rack Disinfectant and deodorant Distance and course recorder for ships .. Diving-dress Diving-vessel, Apphance for 19176 19193 19226 19080 19183 18922 19077 18922 18977 19269 7 March .. 9 March .. 20 March .. 15 Feb. 9 March .. 4 Jan. 13 Feb. 26 Jan. 16 Jan. 30 March .. 3) 31 22 28 6 6 April. 6 April.* 9 March. 23 March.* 26 Jan.* 17 II ?,] 23 Feb. 9 Feb.* 6 April* Door 18994 17672 26 Jan. 18 Mar., 1904 II 22 9 Feb.* 9 March. Door


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Invention. Name. 1 No. Ar Application. aatette. Date. No. Date. Door or lift Door-grip Door-latch Draught-regulator for fire-grate Dredge Dredge-bucket link-stay Dredge-bucket protector Dredge-roller protector Dredging machinery Drill, Countersinking Drill. (See also Percussion drill, Rockdrill.) Drill for boring coal Driving-gear for cycle Driving-gear for motor-vehicle Driving-gear for motor-vehicle Driving-reins Dry milk Dry milk, Process of obtaining Dust-laying composition Dust-extractor W. E. S. Mackay, G. E. Howard, and J. A. Turner CjF. Sievwright A. Day J. S. Bryant .. J. D. Douglas.. J. McNeil R. R. Douglas.. R. R. Douglas F. Casey and E. W. Hubbard J. Trevethick.. 19152 19068 19263 19013 17879 19168 17139 17729 18463 19089 1 March .. 11 Feb. 29 March .. 1 Feb. 3 May, 1904 6 March .. 24 Oct., 1903 30 Mar., 1904 20 Sept., 1904 13 Feb. 28 17 31 17 22 31 6 6 31 22 23 March.* 23 Feb.* 6 April.* 23 Feb.* 9 March. 6 April. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 6 April. 9 March.* J. Smith J. R. Clement H. T.Hansen.. H.T.Hansen.. T. Higgie J. R. Hatmaker J. R. Hatmaker B. Singer J. M. Ham on.. 19248 19208 18912 18913 19138 19111 18960 19024 19233 23 March .. 15 March .. 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 25 Feb. 21 Feb. 27 Jan., 1904f 2 Feb. 22 March .. 31 31 11 II 6 April.* 6 April.* 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 22 II 17 31 9 March. 9 Feb. 23 Feb.* 6 April.* Earthenware pipes, Forming Effluent from filter-bed, Discharging Egg-beater Egg-carrier Egg-carrier Egg-carrier Egg-preserver Egg-preserving process Electric arc lamp Electric belt Electric belt Electric belt and generator Electric belt, bracelet, and ring Electrical distribution Electrical distribution Electric switching-device for advertising Electro-motor Electrostatic separation Elevator-belt tension-regulator J. E. Owen R. Harvey J. Peters H. E. McDonald R. Simmonds.. G. Renner and W. H. Boyens H. E. McDonald H. E. McDonald E. R. Grote, M. V. Ely, and C. E. Foster H. Dowling and E. D. J. Balfour.. W. C. Watson and E. I. SetcheU .. T. H. a Wootton A. Kohn J. P. Campbell J. P. Campbell B. Sherman .. C. E. D. Dunn C. H. Huff A. Werner, W. G. Breach, and J. Fussell J. H. Waigth J. L. Wilson .. 19188 19011 18964 18936 18739 18986 18935 18702 19154 18483 18694 19122 19055 18982 19074 19284 19212 18958 17806 10 March .. 31 Jan. 11 Jan. 10 Jan. 14 Nov., 1904 25 Jan. 10 Jan. 4 Nov., 1904 12 Mar., 1904f 22 Sept.,1904 31 Oct., 1904 5 Dec, 1904 8 Feb. 24 Jan. 15 Feb. 31 March .. 17 March .. 13 Jan. 19 April, 1904 31 28 6 11 11 (i 11 6 11 22 6 April.* 23 March.* 26 Jan.* 9 Feb. 9 Feb.* 26 Jan.* 9 Feb. 26 Jan. 9 Feb. 9 March. 17 22 23 Feb. 9 March. :si ii ii 6 April.* 9 Feb. 9 Feb. Elevator, Hydraulic Emery grinding-attachment Engine. (See also Direct-acting engine, Gas-engine, Marine engine, Oil-engine, Rotary engine.) Envelope Envelope and letter-sheet Excavating conveyor-bucket Exhaust-valve Exit-door for theatre, &c. Explosive Explosive Extension boot Extract, MeatEyelets, &c, Apparatus for arranging .. 19098 19184 18 Feb. 3 March .. 22 31 9 March.* 6 April.* R. Coghill A. Taylor G. F. Everton.. E. Richardson J. A. Jagger Ammonal Explosives, Limited .. J. Fiihrer W. H. Piper and A. E. Copley .. A. J. Miller United Shoe Machinery Company 19001 19009 19041 17958 17672 18915 18961 18134 19123 18925 24 Jan. 28 Jan. 8 Feb. 26 May, 1904 18 Mar., 1904 5 Jan. 9 Feb., 1904f 7 July, 1904 23 Feb. 9 Jan. 17 17 22 II 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 9 March. 9 Feb. 28 (i 6 April. 23 March.* 26 Jan.* Fastener. (See Breeching-strap fastener, Sash-fastener, Saw-handle fastener, Window-fastener, Wire-fastener.) Fastening for tickets in books Fastening. (See Belt-fastening, Bottlefastening, Brooch-fastening.) Fastening-inserting machine Fastening-machine Fatty substances,5Extracting, from meat Feeder, FowlFeed mechanism for saw-benches Fencing-standard File and ledger File. (See also Letter-file, Newspaperfile.) Filter-bed, Discharging effluent irom Filter. (See Water-filter.) Fire-alarm attachment to telephone Fire-bars, Tilting Fire-proof curtain Flap valve for sewage-ventilator Flax-dressing, Portable apparatus for .. A Wilaey United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company L. Rissmuller.. W. McKinnon E. M. Edkins E. D. Bilham.. A. Hopwood .. 19283 19272 18926 18932 18950 19234 19134 19000 30 March .. 30 March .. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 22 March .. 25 Feb 28 Jan. 31 6 11 6 31 28 I) 6 April.* 26 Jan.* 9 Feb. 26 Jan.* 6 April.* 23 March. 9 Feb.* R. Harvey 19011 31 Jan. F. J. Farrell .. W. Thow and W. H. Nisbet D.W.Adams.. J. T. N. Anderson J. T. Rodgers.. 18974 19039 19021 19102 19107 16 Jan. 7 Feb. 2 Feb. 17 Feb. 20 Feb. II 17 17 22 22 9 Feb.* 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 9 March.* 9 March.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Oaeette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Flax-milling machinery Flax-stripper Flax-tow, Delivery for Flax-treatment Flax-treatment Flax-treatment Flax-treatment Flooring-cramp Fork-cleaner Fowl and animal feeder Freezing-works, Switch for overhead rails of Fruit-carrier Fuel-burner Fuel-economizer and smoke-consumer .. Furnace Furnace for steam-boiler Furnace, Heat-generator for Furnace, Ore-roasting F. V. Raymond J. Pomeroy P. S. Irwin G. W. Edwards H. Akers J. Pomeroy G. W. Edwards T. M. Dean and J. Harris H. Best W. McKinnon A. Anderson and W. G. Jamieson 19046 19243 19128 19018 19035 19026 19114 17831 18969 18950 19087 6 Feb. 14 March 21 Feb. 30 Jan. 6 Feb. 31 Jan. 30 Jan. 25 April, 1904 14 Jan. 12 Jan. 15 Feb. 28 31 22 11 17 17 28 11 11 6 28 23 March.* 6 April.* 9 March. 9 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 23 March.* 9 Feb. 9 Feb.* 26 Jan.* 23 March.* R. Simmonds.. F. CottonJ J. Davies,. J ... J. Davies • H. G. Claydon A. Smallwood T. Edwards .. 18739 19268 18942 18942 19204 19019 18878 14 Nov., 1904 30 March .. 9 Jan. 9 Jan. 13 March .. 2 Feb. 21 Dec,1904 11 6 6 31 17 II 9 Feb. 26 Jan.* 26 Jan.* 6 April.* 23 Feb. 9 Feb. Galvanising, tinning, &c, wire bodies .. Game, Hoop or peg for Game Gas-buoy Gas-engine piston and cylinder Gas-engine, Vaporiser for Gas-producing apparatus Gas-range boiler Gate Gate Gate-post, Cap for Generator. (See Acetylene - generator, Electric belt and generator, Heatgenerator, Vapour-generator.) Girth-pull harness Go-cart brake Go-cart under-gear Gold-extraction Gold-mining, Haulage and pumping appliance for Gold, Precipitating, from cyanide-solutions Gold-saving apparatus Gold-saving appliance Gold-saving mat Gold-separation Gold-separation Golf, TableGovernor for marine engine Grain and seed cleaner Grip. (See Cloth-grip, Door-grip,Window-grip.) Guide for renewable valves Gun-sight G. A. Goodson C. E. Warden.. A. J. Wiley and R. Gray T. L. Willson A. T. Crosher.. R. J. Scott R. W. Stuart R. C. Bishop .. G. Carrington A. R. Hardy .. H. M. Alexander 18962 17710 18975 19182 19008 19280 19086 19181 18941 18944 19225 9 June, 1904f 30 Mar., 1904 16 Jan. 9 March .. 27 Jan. 31 March .. 13 Feb. 8 March .. 11 Jan. 10 Jan. 20 March .. 6 II 31 II 22 31 6 6 31 26 Jan. 9 Feb.* 6 April. 9 Feb.* 9 March. 6 April.* 26 Jan.* 26 Jan.* 6 April.* G. W. Westropp F. C. Ablett H. Kitchin H. C. and U. Ciantar .. J. Strathern 19251 19151 18921 18931 18955 24 March .. 27 Feb. 4 Jan. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 31 28 6 6 II 6 April.* 23 March.* 26 Jan.* 26 Jan.* 9 Feb.* A. Z. Clark A. S. Ford .. J. Richmond .. F. Elvines and T. Hall .. D. Clark J. Nicholson and S. G. Pluoknett.. W. P. Porteous R. J. W. Grasset W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven .. 19079 19278 18971 19057 18538 19274 19261 17625 19229 15 Feb. 31 March .. 14 Jan. 9 Feb. 4 Oct., 1904 30 March .. 28 March .. 7 Mar., 1904 21 March .. 22 11 17 17 9 March. 9 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 23 Feb. 3 31 12 Jan. 6 April.* J. Anderson .. F. D. Hopkins 19211 19132 15 March .. 24 Feb. 28 23 March. Hair-pin Hair-pin Hair-curler Hair-curler Hair-curler Hame-hook Hand attachment for swimming Hand-truck spring Handle, Kerosene-tin Harbours, Scouring bottoms of Harrow Harrow Hat Hat-pin Haulage and pumping appliance Heat-generator for boilers, &c. Heating-plates for water-heater Heel-attaching machine Heel. (See Boot-heel.) Hides, Depilating F. Dovalosky.. F. Dovalosky.. F. V. Raymond F. V. Raymond F. V. Raymond G. W. Westropp W. Over and G. W. Basley T. Kendrick J. S. Roberts B. F. Dunn W. Aitken A. Dahl C. B. and G. W. Plummer A. B. Proud and H. M. Alexander J. Strathern A. Smallwood A. H. E. Fischer United Shoe Machinery Company 17927 18105 19244 19281 19282 19250 19192 17821 19207 17900 19033 18843 18675 19258 18955 19019 19118 17660 17 May, 1904 28 June, 1904 16 March .. 29 March .. 29 March .. 24 March .. 9 March .. 21 April, 1904 14 March .. 11 May, 1904 1 Feb. .. 5 Dec, 1904 29 Oct., 1904 25 March .. 10 Jan. 2 Feb. 22 Feb. 16 Mar., 1904 6 6 :'si 17 31 28 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 6 April.* 23 Feb. 6 April.* 23 March. 22 31 9 March. 6 April. II 17 28 6 9 Feb.* 23 Feb. 23 March. 26 Jan. Hoe G. Clements, D. Urquhart, M. Evans, C. Sloper, and T. M. Corlet F. Whiley, T. Wereta, R. Whiley, jun., and M. Tukeka 19171 19185 4 March .. 9 March .. 31 6 April.* Holder. (See Acetylene generator and holder, Stencil-plate holder.) Hook. (See also Curtain-hook, Hamehook.)



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Hooks and links of chains Hoop for parlour game Horses' knee-protector Horse-collar Horse-collar attachment Horse-shoe machine Horse-muzzle Hub, VehicleHull, Construction of ship's Hydraulic elevator L. D. Mattassi C. B. Warden.. M. O'Connell J. S. Hull and B. T. Morland T. F. J. Geertson N. H. ,E. B., and M. K. MacKenzie D. Kitchen J. W. Dickinson, jun. H. E. Koss .. J. H. Waigth 19148 17710 19249 18949 19072 19202 19115 18946 19219 19098 28 Feb. 30 Mar. r 1904 23 March .. 12 Jan. 14 Feb. 15 March .. 21 Feb. 12 Jan. 16 March .. 18 Feb. 28 6 31 22 31 23 March.* 26 Jan. 6 April.* 9 March.* 6 April.* 11 9 Feb. 22 9 March.* Indicator for screw-cutting lathe Infants, Feeding, from bottles Inner casing for tire Instep-supporting device Interceptor for rain-water Invalid, Raising, from bed Invoice form Iron-stand, <&c. A. G. Baker E. McNair R. B. Graham A. E. Furness.. J. S, Gunn J. 6. Bryant .. R. S. Badger .. C. H. Black and T. G. Haigh 19061 19186 19109 19078 18918 19014 19159 18003 7 Feb. .. 7 March .. 18 Feb. 15 Feb. 6 Jan. 1 Feb. 1 March .. 7 June, 1904 17 31 11 17 28 11 23 Feb.* 6 April.* 9 Feb. 23 Feb.* 23 March.* 9 Feb. Jack Judging foot-runners Jug-cover E. Hayes A. Beaton F. W. Paterson 19228 19124 19125 20 March .. 23 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 28 9 March. 23 March.* Kauri-gum dredge Kerosene-tin handle Kiln .. ' .. Kiln Knee ring or pad Knife, Calf-dehorning J. D. Douglas.. J. S. Roberts W. J. Dalton W. J. Dalton .. E. G. Gresham C. Zoeller and J. Hodge 17879 19207 18923 18924 19042 19196 3 May, 1904 14 March .. 9 Jan. 9 Jan. 8 Feb. 13 March .. 22 31 17 17 17 31 9 March. 6 April.* 23 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 6 April.* Ladies' protector Lamp. (See Electric arc lamp.) Lathe, Indicator attachment for screwcutting Laundry iron-stand and cloth-gripper .. Leather-splitting machine Ledger andjfile Letter post-marking and cancelling machine Letter-file Letter-sheet and envelope Lift-door A. M. Normanby 17934 18 May, 1904 17 23 Feb. A. G. Baker .. 19061 7 Feb. 17 23 Feb.* C. H. Black and T. G. Haigh United Shoe Machinery Company A. Hopwood .. D. Robertson 18003 17661 19000 19097 7 June, 1904 16 Mar., 1904 28 Jan. 16 Feb. 11 3 H 22 9 Feb. 12 Jan. 9 Feb.* 9 March.* J. Wilson A. Taylor W. E. S. Mackay, G. E. Howard. and J. A. Turner P. Mcllveney J. A. Ohlsson .. H. W. de Baugh A. Lowe L. D. Mattassi W. E., J. T., and A. G. Catesby .. 18125 19009 19152 4 July, 1904 28 Jan. 1 March .. 11 28 9 Feb. 23 March.* Line and road junction regulator Liner for separator Liner for washing-copper Links of endless chains Links of chain Linoleum, &c. Lock. (See Sash mover and lock, Vehiclewheel lock.) Loam-roller Louvre window Loose-leaf acconnt-book Lubricator. (See Axle-lubricator.) 19165 18884 18890 18681 19148 19127 25 March .. 22 Dec, 1904 21 Dec,1904 13 March .. 28 Feb. 21 Feb. .. 31 11 11 28 28 31 6 April> 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 23 March.* 23 March.* 6 April.* R. Glendining and G. Beaumont W. E. Percival H. M. Douglas 19140 19255 19164 24 Feb. 27 March .. 3 March .. 28 31 28 23 March.* 6 April* 23 March.* Magnetic separator Manure-sower Marbling wood, iron, &c. Marine-engine governor Mat. (See Gold-saving mat.) Match-box Match-boxing machine Match-striking attachment to clothing.. Material separator Mat-holder Mattress, Wire-woven Mattress-retainer Meat-brand Meat-extract Meat, Extracting fatty substances from Mechanical stoker G. Grondal J. Gray H. Rands R. J. W. Grasset 18916 19167 18951 17625 5 Jan. 6 Mar. 11 Jan. 7 Mar., 1904 11 28 31 3 9 Feb. 23 March.* 6 April.* 12 Jan. E. D. Richards Dixie Match Company A. F. Donoghue M. Torrente C. H. Black .. T. J. A. Hicks and R. F. Way .. N. Hill W. Phillips A. J. Miller .. L. Rissmuller J. Kudlicz, A. C. F. von Andre, and H. R. O. Friederici W. A. Hendryx J. S. M. Jacobsen R, W. Gallagher 19203 19022 19069 18450 19075 18454 19083 19095 19123 18932 19103 15 March .. 2 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Sept., 1904 13 Feb. 15 Sept., 1904 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 23 Feb. 10 Jan. 17 Feb. 31 17 22 31 22 11 22 28 •28 11 22 6 April.* 23 Feb. 9 March.* 6 April. 9 March.* 9 Feb. 9 March. 23 March.* 23 March.* 9 Feb. 9 Mar. Metals, Extracting, from ores Metals, Producing, from ores Meter, Bill-delivery mechanism for Meter. (See Watt meter.) Microphone Milk, Desiccated Milk-can Milk. (See also Dry milk.) 19222 18909 19091 20 March .. 31 Dec, 1904 16 Feb. 11 22 9 Feb. 9 March. F. F. Bourdil P. Bevenot and E. de Neveu R. Walker .. 19177 19176 18945 7 March .. 7 March .. 10 Jan. 31 31 6 6 April. 6 April. 26 Jan.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions—continued.

Invention. Application. Gazette. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Milk and cream cooler Milk-carrying bottle Milk-supply controller Milking-machine and steriliser Milking-machine Milking-appliance Milking machinery Milking machinery Milk-weighing machine Mineral shedder Mitre-cutting machine Mono-wheel vehicle Motor Motor Motor, Self-propelling Motor-car wheel Motor-car wheel Motor-car wheel Motor-vehicle driving-gear Motor-vehicle driving-gear Motor. (See also Electro-motor, Tidal motor, Water-motor, Wind-motor.) Mould and sleeper Moulding-machine for concrete blocks.. Mower Music, Printing Muzzle. (See Horse-muzzle.) T. Carter J. Anderson and J. D. Hunter . . R. Chambers .. .. .. J. and J. P. McGinness D. H. and E. J. Burrell R. Wallace .. G. Hutehinson G. Hutehinson D. P. Davidson G. B. B. Elliott R. Wales F. K. Kinloch W. Stokes, jun., and J. H. Suckling P. Ellis H. P. Saunderson M. D. Taylor G. Greenslade G. Greenslade H. T. Hansen H. T. Hansen 19246 19277 19025 19173 19027 19062 19149 18165 17999 18952 19031 18976 19223 19252 19003 18938 • 19036 19037 18912 18913 23 March .. 28 March .. 2 Feb. 7 March .. 1 Feb. 7 Mar., 1904f 28 Feb. 16 July, 1904 7 June, 1904 12 Jan. 1 Feb. 19 Jan. 20 March .. 24 March .. 25 Jan. 11 Jan. 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 31 11 31 17 22 28 31 31 17 17 11 31 31 11 6 28 28 II LI 6 April.* 9 Feb.* 6 April. 23 Feb. 9 March. 23 March. 6 April. 6 April. 23 Feb. 23 Feb.* 9 Feb.* 6 April.* 6 April.* 9 Feb.* 26 Jan.* 23 March.* 23 March.* 9 Feb. 9 Feb. C. Davy N. Neilsen A. S. Patterson W. E. Naunton and T. C. Palmer 19166 19038 19119 17718 4 March .. 6 Feb. 22 Feb. 31 Mar., 1904 28 28 28 23 March.* 23 March. 23 March. Nail Nail Newspaper-file Nib attachment Non-porous material Numbering and recording machine W. J. Templeton J. Hindmarsh J. Wilson R. L. Stewart A. J. Cuming C. B. Smith 18814 19016 18125 17813 19230 18920 1 Dec, 1904 1 Feb. 4 July, 1904 21 Apr., 1904 22 March .. 29 Bee,1904 11 17 11 3 31 17 9 Feb. 23 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Jan. 6 April.* 23 Feb. Oil-engine piston and cylinder Oil-engine, Vaporiser for Oil-engine, Vaporiser for Oil-fuel vaporiser for light and heat Oils, Preparing Offal, Treating Optical-effects producer Ores, Circulating and mixing Ores, Extracting metals from Ores, Producing metals from Ores, Treating A. T. Crosher R. 0. and W. J. Grundy R. J. Scott A. A. Stephenson J. E. Bloom J. B. Hay and A. J. Daniel C. V. Jenkins F. C. Brown and S. D. McMiken W. A. Hendryx J. S. M. Jacobsen W. A. Hendryx 19008 18997 19280 19240 18998 17797 17745 17982 19222 18909 19221 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 31 March .. 23 March .. 27 Jan. 18 Apr., 1904 7 Apr., 1904 25 May, 1904 20 March .. 31 Dec,1904 20 March .. 11 17 9 Feb.* 23 Feb.* !7 6 28 28 23 Feb. 26 Jan. 23 March. 23 March. 11 9 Feb. Package Package, ButterPackage, &c, Non-porous material for manufacture of Pan, Closet-Paste-presenting machine Pawl and ratchet mechanism Pea-shelling machine Pedal gear for cycle Pen-nib attachment Perambulator and go-cart brake Percussion drill A. J. Cuming A. J. Cuming A. J. Cuming 19232 19231 19230 22 March .. 22 March .. 22 March .. 31 31 31 6 April.* 6 April.* 6 April.* W. Ashley United Shoe Machinery Company B. and W. Trewhella .. '.. G. Carrington J. H. McFarlane R. L. Stewart F. C. Ablett .. S. B. Hunter, H. Wilson, and E. J. Rigby United Shoe Machinery Company F. W. Sears .. 19224 19050 18436 18940 19030 17813 19151 19237 20 March .. 9 Feb. 6 Sept., 1904 11 Jan. 1 Feb. 21 April, 1904 27 Feb. 22 March .. 17 31 6 17 3 ■28 31 23 Feb.* 6 April. 26 Jan.* 23 Feb.* 12 Jan. 23 March.* 6* Perforating-machine Photographic negative, Imprinting matter on Pianoforte, Vamping-attachment to Pin .. .. Pin. (See also Hat-pin, Hair-pin.) Pipes, earthenware, Forming Pipes, Apparatus for coating Pipe-wrench and shifting-spanner Pistons and cylinders for gas and oil engines Plate. (See Dinner-plate, Heating-plate, Stencil-plate.) Planing machinery Playing-cards Plough-beam, Securing coulter to Plough. (See also Disc plough, Roadplough.) Plough-wheel lift Plough attachment Pneumatic tool Pneumatic tool 19271 17656 30 March .. 15 Mar., 1904 31 3 6 April.* 12 Jan. F. W. Gardiner R. R. Douglas 19137 19146 25 Feb. 25 Feb. ■28 ■28 23 March.* 23 March.* J. E. Owen .. R. O. Clark .. R. M. Carroll A. T. Crosher.. 19188 19093 18989 19008 10 March .. 15 Feb. 25 Jan. 27 Jan. 31 •22 11 II 6 April.* 9 March.* 9 Feb.* 9 Feb.* G. S. Mayhew P. Mullins R. Scobie 19126 18937 19040 23 Feb. 10 Jan. 7 Feb. 28 11 17 23 March. 9 Feb.* 23 Feb.* G. T. Booth and W. Brew D. Holderness R. Temple .. R. Temple 17664 19194 19179 19180 15 Mar., 1904 11 March .. 7 March ... 7 March .. 3 31 31 31 12 Jan. 6 April.* 6 April. 6 April.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

3—H. 10-oe.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Pole. (See Curtain - pole, Trolly - pole, Wagon-pole.) Portable receptacle Posts, Extracting Post-marking and cancelling letters Potato-digger Potato-digger and turnip-thinner Power-transmitting device Preserver. (See Egg-preserver.) VV. F. Lietz .. .. .. ! E. S. Schroeder .. .. D. Robertson . . .. B. Rickerby .. .. .. D. McKinnon.. .. .. F. W. Payne .. 19029 1.9113 L9097 18978 19120 19141 1 Feb. 21 Feb. 16 Feb. 18 Jan. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 17 ■22 22 1 I 22 28 '23 Feb.* 9 March.* 9 March.* 9 Feb.* 9 March.* 23 March. < Press Presser-foot mechanism for sewingmachine Printing music Printing-surface Projector-machine (picture) Projectile Propeller, Ships' Protector maker and inserter Protector. (See Dredge-bucket protector, Dredge-roller protector, Horses' kneeprotector, Ladies' protector, Trollyhead protector.) Pumping and haulage appliance Pump. (See Air - pump, Californian pump.) Puncture-closure Puzzle J. A. Ferguson United Shoe Machinery Company 18420 19273 7 Sept., 1904 30 March .. 3 31 12 Jan. 6 April.* W. E. Naunton and T. C. Palmer ! W. E. Hughes N. R. Gordon H. A. English F. Clennel and F. W. Thorp United Shoe Machinery Company 17718 19214 19088 18939 19073 17922 31 Mar., 1904 18 March .. 16 Feb. 11 Jan. 14 Feb. 19 May, 1904 28 :si ■28 6 •22 31 23 March. 6 April.* 23 March.* 26 Jan.* 9 March. 0 April. J. Stratheni . . 10 Jan. 9 Feb.* 18955 11 B. Hancock A. J. Hutchinson 19247 19084 23 March . . 15 Feb. 31 22 6 April.* 9 March.* Rabbit-crate Rabbit-extermination Rabbits, Exterminating Race-starting barrier Rail-joining Rail. (See also Tram-rail) Railway-carriage wheels, Testing Railway-crossing, Danger-signal for Railway coupling W. Burrell and W. McMeekin .. H. J. Milner .. B. Locking G. S. Budge .. E. D. Richards 19150 18973 18980 19136 19157 28 Feb. 18 Jan. 21 Jan. 23 Feb. 1 March .. 31 11 17 22 28 6 April* 9 Feb.* 23 Feb.9 March'.* 23 March.* 9 March.* 23 March.* H. Mitchell .. G. T. Pritchard .. Darling's Patent Automatic Coupling, Limited T. M. Morrissey S. J. Miller .. W. Taylor W. Taylor .. T. Dugdale .. J. S. Gunn 19094 19161 19156 11 Feb. 2 March .. 1 March . . 22 28 Railway-rails, Adapting bicycle for Railway tip-truck Railway-signal Railway-signal Rain-water head and strainer.. Rain-water intercepter Range. (See Cooking-range.) Rattling of windows, Preventing Reaper-and-binder attachment Receptacle, Portable Recording and numbering machine Recorder. (See Distance and course recorder, Ticket issuer and recorder, Vote-recorder.) Regulator, Line and road junction Renewable valves, Guide for Reins, DrivingRetainer. (See Window-blind retainer, Mattress-retainer.) Reversing-gear for steam-engine Rheumatism, Cure for Ridger. (See Turnip ridger.) Ridging, sheet-iron, Forming raised heads on Ridging Rifle Rigging-screw River-scourer Rivets, Apparatus for arranging Road-plough Rock-drill Roller of loom Roof Rotary engine Rowlock, Boat-Rubber-tire manufacture Ruberoid shingles Rule, square, and saw Runners, Judger for Running-sheet for tram and railway 19160 18990 19215 19216 19081 18918 1 March .. 25 Jan. 18 March .. 18 March .. 15 Feb. 6 Jan. 28 11 23 March.* 9 Feb.* 22 11 9 Mamh.* 9 Feb. R. Low H. Buckeridge W. F. Lietz .. C. B. Smith 19116 19076 19029 18920 22 Feb. 13 Feb. 1 Feb. 29 Dec,1904 28 22 17 17 23 March.* 9 March. * 23 Feb.* 23 Feb. P. Mcllveney .. J. Anderson .. T. Higgle j 19165 19211 19138 25 March .. 15 March .. 25 Feb. 6 April* 31 B. H. Brown A. W. Jones, jun. and sen. 19070 19100 14 Feb. 18 Feb. 9 March. 2'2 T. C. Hement 19096 16 Feb. T. C. Hement H. A. English F. G. H. White B. F. Dunn United Shoe Machinery Company J. B. Jackson .. .. W. Brady R. Glendining and G. Beaumont F. T. Boys A. Irvine, sen. C. H. Culpan Consolidated Rubber Tire Company B. Nashelski .. .. .. ; A. Greig .. .. A. Beaton H. Ashworth 18499 18939 18919 17900 18925 18934 18987 19140 19005 18995 19189 19257 18988 19227 19124 19200 26 Sept., 1904 11 Jan. 6 Jan. 11 May, 1904 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 25 Jan. 24 Feb. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 11 March .. 13 Apr., 1904f 25 Jan. 21 March .. 23 Feb. 14 March .. 28 6 6 28 6 II 17 28 23 March. 26 Jan.* 26 Jan.* 23 March. 26 Jan.* 9 Feb. 23 Feb. 23 March.* II 9 Feb.* 6 April.* 3i 22 6 April* 9 March. Sash-fastener Sash mover and lock Sash mover, lock, and alarm T. W. Patchett R. N. Adams and A. R. Hardy A. R. Hardy 19105 19101 18943 20 Feb. 18 Feb. 10'Jan. 28 28 11 23 March.* 23 March. 9 Feb.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Invention. Name. No. Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Saw-benches, Feed mechanism for Saw-handle fastener Sawing and planing machinery Saw, rule, and square Scraper for tr-am-rails School-bag Scavenger, Street- .. ■ .. Screen, Producing representations of living movements on Screw-cutting lathe indicator E. M. Edkins S. J. Miller .. G. S Mayhew A. Greig J. W. Murdook A. Castle G. B. B. Elliott N. R. Gordon 19234 18991 19126 19227 18972 19209 18880 19088 22 March .. 25 Jan. 23 Feb. 21 March .. 16 Jan. 13 March .. 21 Dec,1904 16 Feb. 31 11 28 31 6 April* 9 Feb.* 23 March. 6 April.* 11 28 9 Feb.'*' 23 March.* A. G. Baker .. J. Hindmarsh 19061 19016 7 Feb. 1 Feb. 17 17 23 Feb.* 23 Feb Screw Screw. (See Rigging-screw.) Screw-wedge Scenic and perforated stationery Seals, Applying, to bottles Seed and grain cleaner Seed-dresser Seed-sower Seed-sower Separation of liquids from solids J. Ross M. Rose Champion Seal Company W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven W. Hall D. MoKiunon.. J. Gray The Cyanide Vacuum Filter Company, Limited 18911 19205 18959 19229 19266 19163 19167 19217 5 Jan. 13 March .. 13 Jan. 21 March .. 30 March .. 3 March .. 6 March .. 18 March .. 6 11 31 26 Jan.* 9 Feb.'' 6 April.* 28 23 March.* Separator. (See also Centrifugal separator, Magnetic separator, Material separator.) Sewage, Distributing, over filter-beds .. Sewage-ventilator, Flap valve for Sewing-machine, Presser-foot mechanism for Shackle Shaft-bearings Shedder, Mineral Shifting-spanner and pipe-wrench Shingles. (See Ruberoid shingles.) Shipping animals, Box for Ship's hull construction Shirt Shoulder-strap for ladies Sight for gun Signal. (See Danger-signal, Railwaysignal. ) Sign for advertising Siphon Skeith-buckle Skim-coulter Skins, Removing wool from J. P. Frengley J. T. N. Anderson United Shoe Machinery Company F. T. Page J. P. Campbell G. B. B. Elliott R. M. Carroll G. T. Macfarlane H. E. Ross .. D. Nable E. Rendell .. F. D. Hopkins 17782 19102 19273 18021 18948 18952 18989 19047 19219 19178 18981 19132 14 Apr., 1904 17 Feb. 30 March .. 10 June, 1904 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 25 Jan. 6 Feb. 16 March .. 7 March .. 19 Jan. 24 Feb. 11 22 31 28 11 17 11 17 9 Feb. 9 March.* 0 April.* 23 March. 9 Feb. 23 Feb.* 9 Feb.* 23 Feb.* II 28 9 Feb.* 23 March Skiving-maehine Skiving-machine .. ;. Slab for building Sleeper and mould Smoke-consumer and fuel-economizer.. Sole laying and levelling machine Sole laying and levelling machine Sole laying and levelling machine Sound producing and recording apparatus Sower. (See Manure-sower, Seed-sower.) Splitting machine, LeatherSpreader for dray-chains Spreader, Securing, to leading-chain Spring hand-truck Square, rule, and saw Stain-removing preparation Stains, Removing, from enamelled ironware Stamping-machine Standard jack Standard. (See Fencing-standard.) Stand. (See Laundry iron-stand.) Stationery, Scenic Stave for music Stay for links of dredge-buckets Steam-boiler, Heat-generator for Steam-engine reversing-gear Stencil plate and holder Sterilised air, Injecting, into cow's udder Steriliser and milking-machine Stone, artificial, Manufacture of Stoker, Mechanical H. Reid J. M. Dawson G. T. Booth and W. Brew T. McDonald G. Urquhart, M. Evans, G. Clements, and C. Sloper United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company C. S. Hawkeswood C. Davy J. Davies United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company W. Michaelis 19262 19199 17665 17936 18965 17840 17923 19065 19166 18942 17835 17663 17839 18970 28 March .. 14 March .. 15 Mar., 1904 18 May, 1904 14 Jan. 27 Apr., 1904 19 May, 1904 10 Feb. 4 March .. 9 Jan. 27 April, 1904 18 Mar., 1904 27 April, 1904 14 Jan. 3 31 31 17 22 (> April.* 12 Jan. 6 April. 6 April. 23 Feb. 9 March. ■28 6 11 11 U J.1 23 March.* 26 Jan.* 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 9 Feb.* United Shoo Machinery Company F. V. Raymond T. Paterson .. T. Kendrick A. Greig H. J. Baker and R. Onyon E. A. Preston 17661 18983 19129 17821 19227 19197 19104 1.6 Mar., 1904 19 Jan. 21 Feb. 21 April, 1904 21 March .. 13 March .. 17 Feb. 3 II 22 17 31 31 28 12 Jan. 9 Feb.* 9 March. 23 Feb. 6 April.* 6 April.* 23 March. United Shoe Machinery Company E. Hayes 17841 19228 27 April, 1904 20 March .. 17 23 Feb. M. Rose W. E. Naunton and T. C. Palmer J. McNeil A. Smallwood B. H. Brown W. C. Macklow W. K. Wallacu and J. W. Deem J. and J. P. McGinness G.Wilkinson J. Kudlicz, A. C. F. von Andre, and H. R. 0. Treiderici H. Buckeridge 19205 17718 19168 19019 19070 19066 19139 19173 19195 19103 13 March .. 31 Mar., 1904 6 March .. 2 Feb. 14 Feb. 13 Feb. 25 Feb. 7 March .. 13 March .. 17 Feb. 28 31 17 22 22 23 March. 6 April. 23 Feb. 9 March. 9 March. 31 31 ±2 6 April. 6 April. 9 March. Stooking-attachment to reaper-and-binder Stopper. (See Bottle-stopper.) Strainer. (See Rain-water Wire- ■ strainer.) 19076 13 Feb. ■22 9 March.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Bate. No. Sate. Strap. (See Breeohing-strap, Shoulder--strap. ) Street-scavenger Street-sweeper Strip-cutting machine Stumps, Extracting .. Sulky Sunken vessels, Raising Suspender. (See Curtain-suspender, Window-curtain suspender.) Swimming-attachment Switch for overhead rails of freezingworks G. B. B. Elliott J. L. Kirkbride H. Lightband E. S. Schroeder G. F. Bryant The Clyde Salvage Pearl Fishing and Diving Company, Limited 18880 17556 19034 19113 19006 19269 21 Dec,1904 23 Feb. 4 Feb. 21 Feb. 26 Jan. 30 March .. 11 22 17 22 17 31 9 Feb.* 9 March. 23 Feb.* 9 March.* 23 Feb. 6 April.* W. Over and G. W. Basle;, A. Anderson and W. G. Jamieson 19192 19087 9 March .. 15 Feb. 28 23 March.* Table-golf Table. (See Billiard-table, Dining-table, [Time-table.) Tank, Drawing off water from bottom of Tap for tins Target Teat-cups Teat-cups, Pneumatic .. > ., Teat-opener Telegraphy, Wireless Testing. (See Ball-testing, Bowl-testing.) Tickets, Punching and recording Ticket issuer and recorder Ticket transferrer and issuer Tidal motor Tiles, Apparatus for coating Time-table Tinning a id galvanising wire bodies .. Tins, Closing Tins, Tap for Tin. (See Kerosene-tin.) Tip-truck for railway Tire for motor-car, &c. Tire, Inner casing for Tire, Rubber Tire, VehicleTire, Unpuncturable Tire, Vehicle-wheel Tire, Wooden Toasting-rack Tobacco-cutter Tool, Pneumatic Tool, Pneumatic Totalisator .. ■ .. Totalisatoi , Totalisator displaying-records Tram-rail cleaner .. Tram-rail scraper Trees, Extracting Trolly-pole Trolly-pole controller Trimming-machine Trolly-head protector Truck. (See Railway tip-truck, Handtruck. ) Turbine, SteamTurbine, Steam-Turnip-ridger, Lifting-device for Turnip-thinner Turnip-thinner and potato-digger W. P. Porteous 19261 28 March .. E. R. Godward H. S. Clark .. D. H. Waldie.. .. .. J. and J. P McGinness A. Gillies W. Walker A. Artom 18984 19289 19056 19174 19153 19260 19275 24 Jan. 31 March .. 7 Feb. 7 March .. 1 March .. 28 March .. 30 March .. 9 Feb.* 11 17 31 28 31 23 Feb.* 6 April. 23 March.* 6 April.* E. Cornwall-Cook .. J. F. Ohmer J. F. Ohmer .. R. H. Crook .. .. .. ! R. 0. Clark .. .. .. H. Ashworth G. A. Goodson G. W. Berry .. H. S. Clark .. 17885 19052 19053 19147 19093 19256 18962 18047 19289 5 May, 1904 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 28 Feb. 15 Feb. 28 March .. 9 June, 1904f 16 June, 1904 31 March 22 22 22 28 22 9 March. 9 March. 9 March. 23 March.* 9 March.* 31 G April. S. J. Miller C. A. Kidd R. B. Graham .. Consolidated Rubber Tire Company J. Thomson F. C. Ablett and R. S. Elston .. H. Garner R. Whitson .. J. Paterson W. H. Wingfield and J. Balding R. Temple .. .. .. R. Temple .. .. .. G. H. Wallace and W. H. Lowthen j D. M. Robertson .. J. G. Buchanan A. Treadwell J. W. Murdock E. S. Schroeder .. .. J. W. Rooney .. .. i F. H. Cooper .. United Shoe Machinery Company W. Whyte 18990 18968 19109 19257 19142 19172 19242 19259 18979 19238 19179 19180 17975 17882 19191 19108 18972 19113 17818 19015 19051 19162 25 Jan. 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 13 Apr., 1904f 24 Feb. 6 March .. 23 March .. 25 March .. 20 Jan. 22 March .. 7 March . . 7 March .. 31 May, 1904 7 May, 1904 9 March .. 20 Feb. 16 Jan. 21 Feb. 20 April, 1904 1 Feb. 9 Feb. 3 March .. 11 28 9 Feb.* 23 March.* 28 31 23 March.* 6 April.* 31 31 6 April.* 6 April. 31 31 17 28 6 April. 6 April. 23 Feb. 23 March. 28 23 March.* 22 17 11 17 28 9 March.* 23 Feb. 9 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 23 March.* J. C. Fraser A. Irvine, sen. A. Storrie A. Storrie D. McKinnon.. 19045 18995 18954 18953 19120 4 Feb. 26 Jan. 7 Jan. 7 Jan. 22 Feb. 17 11 17 11 22 23 Feb.* 9 Feb.* 23 Feb.* 9 Feb.* 9 March.* Udder of cow, Injecting sterilised air into Under-gear for go-cart W. K. Wallace and J. W. Deem H. Kitchin .. 19139 18921 25 Feb. 4 Jan. 6 26 Jan.* Valve. (See Exhaust-valve.) Vamping-appliance Vapour-generator for destruction of weeds and rabbits Vaporiser for oil-engine Vaporiser for oil or gas engine Vehicle. (See also Motor-vehicle.) Vehicle, Self-propelling motor for Vehicle-hubs, Ball-bearing Vehicle-wheel lock Vehicle-wheel tire Vehicle, Supplying current to electrically propelled Vehicle-wheel tire F. W. Gardiner B. Locking A. 0. and W. J. Grundy R. J. Scott .. H. P. Saunderson J. W. Dickinson, jun. T. Loftus ..' J. Thomson .. J. T. Hunter 19137 18980 18997 19280 19003 18946 19158 19142 19020 26 Feb. 21 Jan. 27 Jan. 31 March .. 25 Jan. 12 Jan. 1 March .. 24 Feb. 2 Feb. 28 17 17 11 11 31 28 17 23 March.* 23 Feb. 23 Feb.* 9 Feb.* 9 Feb. 6 April.* 23 March.* 23 Feb. H. Garner 19242 23 March ..



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Ventilator Ventilator Ventilator and window-fastener Vote-recorder Voting-machine A. T. W. Allan H. I. M. Ross J. Dunbar B. O. Nuttall A. Parker 18966 19017 19044 19082 19012 16 Jan. 30 Jan. 4 Feb. 15 Feb. 31 Jan. II 11 28 22 28 9 Feb.* 9 Feb.* 23 March.* 9 March.* 23 March.* Wagon-pole Wall Walls and building-blocks Wall-tie .. Washboard Washing and bleaching flax Washing-boiler cover Washing-copper, Liner for Water, Drawing off, from bottom of tanks Water-filter Water-heater, Heating-plates for Water-motor Water-purifier Water-tube boiler Water-wheel Watt meter, Alternating-current Wedge. (See Screw-wedge.) Weeds, Exterminating Weeds, Exterminating Weed-destroyer Wheel for motor-car Wheel for motor-cars, Spring Wheel for motor-car, Spring Wheel for railway and tramway car Wheel-lift for plough Wheel lock, VehicleWheel, railway-carriage, Testing . Wheel-swings Wheel, WaterWindmill .. Wind-motor Window. (See Louvre window.) Window-blind retainer Window-bracket Window fastener and ventilator Window-curtain suspender Window-grip Windows, Preventing rattling of Wire bodies, Galvanising, &c. Wire coiler and uneoiler Wire-fastener Wire-fastener Wireless telegraphy Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire-woven mattress Wool-bale, Securing cover of .. Wool, Removing, from skins T. T. Rawhiti P. R. Hudson J. A. Ferguson S. Priest, jun. J. Kenning G. W. Edwards J. W. Rogers H. W. de Baugh E. R. Godward W. Cowern A. H. E. Fischer R. K. Parkerson W. E. Cook .. H. C. Henderson G. S. Stevenson J. P. Campbell 19145 17881 18421 19131 19210 19114 19144 18890 18984 18985 19118 19121 19130 19110 17993 18947 27 Feb. 7 May, 1904 7 Sept., 1904 22 Feb. 16 March .. 30 Jan. 27 Feb. 21 Dec, 1904 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 22 Feb. 10 Aug., 1904 22 Feb. 18 Feb. 31 May, 1904 12 Jan. 28 28 3 28 23 March. 23 March. 12 Jan. * 23 March.* 28 ■28 II II ! I 28 28 31 22 28 I I 23 March.* 23 March * 9 Feb. 9 Feb.* 9 Feb.* 23 March. 23 March. 6 April.* 9 March.* 23 March. 9 Feb. B. Locking T. H. Henderson S. McCully .. M. D. Taylor J. Greenslade J. Greenslade W. S. Cobham G. T. Booth and W. Brew T. Loftus H. Mitchell Hapgood Plow Company G. S. Stevenson T. B. Longstaff and J. D. McNeill E. Hayes 18980 19060 19067 18938 19036 19037 17631 17<i64 19158 19094 18957 17993 19059 19135 21 Jan. 10 Feb. 13 Feb. 11 Jan. 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Mar., 1904 15 Mar., 1904 1 March .. 11 Feb. 13 Jan. 31 May, 1904 9 Feb. 22 Feb. 17 17 23 Feb. 23 Feb.* 6 28 28 28 3 3] 22 II 28 17 26 Jan.* 23 March.* 23 March.* 23 March. 12 Jan. 6 April.* 9 March * 9 Feb. 23 March. 23 Feb.* W. E. Spencer and J. Sanderson C. Mills J. Dunbar G. Barnes C. F. Sievwright R. Low G. A. Goodson J. F. Ross and W. Wiggins H. Butters T. H. Free A. Artom R. H. Lambeth H. Harding G. Hadfield T. J. A. Hicks and R. F. Way .. A. Robinson and J. C. Morgan .. D. Urquhart, G. Clements, M. Evans, and C. Sloper R. Whitson 19007 19133 19044 19236 19068 19116 18962 18876 18999 19043 19275 19143 19169 19267 18454 19085 18965 26 Jan. 24 Feb. 4 Feb. 22 March .. 11 Feb. 22 Feb. 9 June, 1904f 20 Dec,1904 23 Jan. 8 Feb. 30 March .. 27 Feb. 6 March .. 30 March .. 15 Sept., 1904 15 Feb. 14 Jan. II 28 28 9 Feb.* 23 March.* 23 March.* 17 28 23 Feb.* 23 March.* II 17 17 9 Feb. 23 Feb. 23 Feb.* 28 28 23 March.* 23 March.* 11 22 3] 9 Feb. 9 March.* 6 April. Wooden tire Wrench. (See Pipe-wrench.) 19259 25 March .. 31 6 April.*

Name. Address. Class. Application. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. ! imsterdamsche Likeurstokeriz 't Lootsje der Erven Lucas Bols Asiatic Petroleum Company, Limited, The Amsterdam, Holland .. London, England 43 47 5136 5088 25 Jan. 29 Dec,1904 11 9 Feb. Bagley and Son, B. Bass, Ratcliff, and Gretton, Limited Dunedin, N.Z. Burton - on - Trent, England Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 1 43 5211 5134 23 March .. 25 Jan. I I 9 Feb. Beattie, Lang, and Co. Beattie, Lang, and Co. 42 42 5091 5126 4 Jan. 20 Jan. 3 11 12 Jan. 9 Feb.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.

i— H. 10.—06.


Name. A ddress. Class. Application. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Bell, N. H. .. '.. Bell Tea Company, The. (See N. H. Bell.) Benjamin and Co., D. Bewley and Draper, Limited Borsalino, Guiseppe, and Fllo British - American Tobacco Company, Limited British Columbia Packers' Association, The British Columbia Packers' Association, The Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dublin, Ireland Alessandria, Italy London, England 42 14 39 38 45 5127 5138 5184 5204, 5 5216, 7 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 23 Feb. 18 March .. 23 March .. 11 11 9 Feb. 9 Feb. Vancouver, B.C. 42 5135 25 Jan. 22 9 March. Vancouver, B.C. 42 5199 15 March .. 31 6 April. California Fig Syrup Company (Inc.) .. Cambridge Bottling Stores, The Castro. (See De Castro.) Charles, W. F. Chickering and Sons Clarkson, J. B. Clay and Bock and Co., Limited, H. San Francisco, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. 3 43 5030,5032 5154 22 Nov., 1904 8 Feb. 28 17 23 March. 23 Feb. Loughborough, England Boston, U.S.A. Palmerston North, N.Z. London, England ; and Havana, Cuba Auckland, N.Z. Berkhamsted, England 48 9 22 45 5223 5206 5131 5109 30 March .. 21 March .. 24 Jan. 12 Jan. 31 31 11 6 April. 6 April. 9 Feb. 26 Jan. Collins Bros, and Co., Limited Cooper and Nephews Crockett and Jones. (See H. R. and J. H. C. Crockett and F. M. Jones.) Crockett, H. R., and others Crockett, J. H. C, and others 39 2 5144 5208, 9, 10 30 Jan. 22 March .. U 9 Feb. Northampton, England Northampton, England 38 38 5139-43 5139-43 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 17 17 23 Feb. 23 Feb. Dalgety and Co., Limited Dazzleine Company, Limited, The De Castro, G. P. De Castro, G. P. De Kuyper and Son, J. De Luen Bros. Boull, J. A. Dunedin, N.Z. London, England Paeroa, N.Z. Paeroa, N.Z. .. Rotterdam, Holland Palmerston North, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 2,46 50 1, 2, 3 42 43 38 42 5170, 1 5163 5165, 6, 7 5190 5096 5128 5159 20 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 6 March .. 10 Jan. 24 Jan. 13 Feb. 22 17 28 28 6 9 March. 23 Feb. 23 March. 23 March. 26 Jan. 22 9 March. Eley Bros., Limited Enfield Cycle Company, Limited, The .. Engert and Rolfe, Limited Evans, S. J. Ever Fresh Bread Company, Limited, The London, England Redditch, England London, England Dunedin, N.Z. London, England 20 22 50 3 42 5175 5149 5104 5124, 5 5110 22 Feb. 2 Feb. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 13 Jan. 22 6 (i 6 9 March. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. Fletcher, C. A. Fowler's Vitallie Company, Limited Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 48 11 5222 5213 28 March .. 23 March .. 31 31 6 April.* 6 April. Gardiner and Hardie Gisborne Soap-works. (See G. Williams.) Green, A. E. Griffiths, H. Wellington, N.Z. 3 5201 16 March .. 31 6 April. Dannevirke, N.Z. Fitzroy, Victoria 42 38 5162 5221 14 Feb. 28 March .. 17 31 23 Feb. 6 April. Hampton, T. Hardie and Co., J. Dunedin, N.Z. Melbourne, Victoria; and Sydney, N.S.W. 50 1 5195 5200 10 March .. 15 March .. 3i 6 April. Hart and Co. (See J. Hart.) Hart, J. Hay ward Bros., Limited Hayward Bros., Limited Hean,G. W. Hement Bros. (See T. C. Hement.) Hemont, T. C. Henderson, T. H. Hole and Co. (Timaru Brewery), Limited, Hood, J. .. Hopkins and Co., J. .. Wanganui, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Carterton, N.Z. Timaru, N.Z. 44 42 42 48 13 2 43 5196 5129 5130 5164 5186 5218 5150, 1 10 March .. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 16 Feb. 27 Feb. 25 March .. 2 Feb. 31 11 28 22 22 31 6 April. 9 Feb. 23 March. 9 March. 9 March. 6 April. Dunedin, N.Z. Island of Mull, Scotland; and London, England Stockport, England 42 43 5197 5192 13 March .. 7 March .. 31 28 6 April. 23 March. Horn, J. .. Hudson, R. S. (See R. W. Hudson.) Hudson, R. W. 42 5172 21 Feb. 22 9 March. Liverpool, England 47 5198 14 March .. 31 6 April. Imperial Dry Plate Company, Limited, The London, England 1,39 5111,2 13 Jan. 6 26 Jan. Jaeger's Sanitary Woollen System Company, Limited, Dr. Jones, F. M., and others London, England 38 5178 23 Feb. ... 31 6 April. Northampton, England 38 5139-43 28 Jan. 17 23 Feb. Keith Company, G. E. Krupp Aktiengesellsehaft, F. .. Kuyper. (See De Kuyper.) Kynoch, Limited Brockton, U.S.A. Essen, Germany 38 6, 6, 13 5137 5181, 2, 3 26 Jan. 23 Feb. 17 22 23 Feb. 9 March. Witton, England 20 5118 14 Jan. 17 23 Feb. Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lightband, CD. Lloyd, E. W. Luen. (See De Luen.) Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z. Bobinawarrah, Victoria 47 48 50 38 6 5097, 9 5098,5100 5133 5202 5122 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 25 Jan. 16 March .. 18 Jan. 6 6 11 31 6 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 9 Feb. 6 April. 26 Jan.

Name. Address. Class. — A No. Application. Ipp Gazette. Date. No Date. Chapman, W. H. Coles and Co., G. A. .. t Nielsen and Son, H. A. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 3 6 1,3 1 1 I 223 10 Feb. 226 21 Feb. 227, 8 18 March .. 224 1 Feb. 225 1 Feb. 17 28 28 23 Feb. 23 March. 23 March. Ross and Co., A. H... « Ross and Co., A. H. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 17 22 23 Feb. 9 March.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.



Application. α-asette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No Date. MacDonald, A. MacRobertson Manning, H. W McGrath, J. J., and others McKenzie, J. Milsom, E. .. Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, The Morrison, A. R. Myers and Co., J. Dunedin, N.Z. Fitzroy, Victoria Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Mauriceville, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. London, England Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 48 42 3 44 2 48 16 41 50 5212 5187 5193 5185 5173 5121 5148 5214 5093 23 March .. 1 March .. 7 March .. 25 Feb. 22 Feb. 17 Jan. 2 Feb. 23 March .. 5 Jan. 31 28 28 22 6 11 31 6 April. 23 March. 23 March. 9 March. 26 Jan. 9 Feb. 6 April. Nathan and Co., Limited, J. Neil, J. G... Nernst Electric Light, Limited, and Reduced Neuchatel Asphalte Company, Limited, The Wellington, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 42 2,3 13 5145, 6 5156, 7 5119 31 Jan. 9 Feb. 16 Jan. 17 6 23 Feb. 26 Jan. Wellington, N.Z. 17 5188 2 March .. 28 23 March. Osmonds, Limited Birmingham, England .. 22 5219 27 March .. Partridge and Co., H. E. (See H. E. Partridge. ) Partridge, H. E. Partridge, H. E. Payne and Co., Limited, G. .. Peabody and Co., H. W. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. London, England New York; U. S. A. ; London, England; and Sydney, N.S.W. Johannesburg, Africa .. London, England Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. 45 45 42 47 5176 5177 5123 5189 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 18 Jan. 6 March" .. 31 28 II 28 6 April. 23 March. 9 Feb. 23 March. Peark's Stores of Africa, Limited Peek, Frean, and Co., Limited Perrin, F. P., and others Phnenix Company, Limited, The Preservaline Manufacturing Company, The 42 42 44 42 2 4888 5113 5185 5160 5179, 80 30 Aug., 1904 13 Jan. 25 Feb. 13 Feb. 23 Feb. 17 6 23 Feb. 26 Jan. Rees, W. L. L., and others Rose and Co., Limited, L. Rossell and Co., Limited, H. .. Rossell and Co., Limited, H. .. Rubinstein, H. Rubinstein and Co., H. (See H. Rubinstein. ) Wellington, N.Z. London, England Sheffield, England Sheffield, England Melbourne, Victoria 44 15 5 5, 12,12 48 5185 5174 5107 5105, 6, 8 5194 25. Feb. 22 Feb. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 9 March .. 22 17 6 9 March. 23 Feb. 26 Jan. Schwechten, G. Service and Co., J. .. Smallbone, Grace, and Co., Limited Smith and Co., C. B. Smith, H. H. Societe Anonyme, Louis Brandt and Frere, La Solurol (Thymic Acid) Company, Limited, The Berlin, Germany Melbourne, Victoria Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Bienne, Switzerland 9 42 42 39 22 10 5191 5169 5153 5147 5158 5132 7 March .. 20 Feb. 8 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 25 Jan. 17 17 Jl 17 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 9 Feb. 23 Feb. London, England 3 5092 5 Jan. 3 12 Jan. Spanswick, L. H. St. Charles Condensing Company Stevens, C. H. Sykes, A. E. Chatswood, N.S.W. .. St. Charles, U.S.A. Cape Town, Cape Colony New Plymouth, N.Z. .. 2 42 3 2 5224 5152 5226 5207 30 March .. 2 Feb. 31 March .. 21 March .. 31 31 6 April. 6 April. Tranter and Sons, J. TurnbullandCo., W. and G. .. Tussicura Manufacturing Company. (See S. J. Evans.) Tyzack and Co., W. A. Christchurch, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 22 47 5120 5220 17 Jan. 28 March .. Sheffield, England 5, 7, 12 5101, 2, 3 12 Jan. Wellington Piano Company, Limited, The Williams, G. Wills and Son, A. W... Wilson and Co., R. .. Wilson and Co., R. .. Wilson and Co., R. .. Wilton, M. H. Wilton, M. H. Wellington, N.Z. Gisborne, N.Z. Birmingham, England .. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. 9 47 13 42 42 42 3 3 5225 5203 5215 5114 5115, 6, 7 5094, 5 5155 5161 30 March .. 18 March .. 23 March .. 13 Jan. 13 Jan. 6 Jan. 9 Feb. .. 13 Feb. 31 31 31 6 April. 6 April. 6 April. 6 3 17 17 26 Jan. 12 Jan. 23 Feb. 23 Feb. Yonkerman Company, Limited, D. P. London, England; and Kalamazoo, U.S.A. 3 5168 17 Feb. 17 23 Feb.



5—H. 10.—06.


* Denotes a provisional specification, 'rade Marks Act, 1889." t Denotes a prior dai ;e under section 106 of " 'he Patents, Designs, and Application. aatette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. L.B.C. Coupler, Limited, The London, Eng. Buffer coupler. (J. T. Jepson) Ldcock, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Kettle Litken, R. M., Reefton, N.Z. Antimony and arsenic ore treatment.. Llexander, H. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-pin .. Lllan, E. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Mouth-organ Lllan, A. T. W., Thames, N.Z. Fencing-standard.. Lllan, A. T. W., Thames, N.Z. Knife-cleaner dlan, C. F. F., Auckland, N.Z. Bakers' oven Lnderson, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Cleansing-compound mderson, D., Westcliff-on-Sea, Eng. Incandescent gas-burner Lnderson, H. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-pin Lnderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Guide for valve or tap Lnderson, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-carrying bottle Lnschau, J., Glen Innes, N.S.W. Sealing mail-bag Lrgles, A., Byron Bay, N.S.W. Extracting gold from sea-water Lrmstrong, C. C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Flashlight apparatus Lrmstrong, C. C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Flashlight powder .. Lrtom, A., Turin, Italy. Transmission of electrical energy Lshcroft, R. W., Hawera, N.Z. Spouting-bracket Lshcroft, R. W., and others, Pahiatua, N.Z. Water-closet Lshcroft, S., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Water-closet Lshley, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Closet-pan Lshworth, H., Wadestown, N.Z. Time-table indicator Ltkinson, H. D., Wellington, N.Z. Receipt form. . Lutomatic Meter Company, San Francisco, U.S.A. Bill-delivery mechanism. (R. W. Gallagher) Lyers, H. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Ammunition carrier for duck-shoot-ing Lynsley, J., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Road-vehicle 19398 27 April 53 1 June. 19600 19603 19258 19331 19584 19623 17971 19402 19472 19390 19211 19277 19645 19448 18257 18258 19275 19347 19553 19553 19224 19256 19653 19615 15 June 16 June 25 March 11 April 9 June 20 June 30 May, 1904 20 April 15 May 25 April 15 March 28 March 28 June 10 May 1 Aug., 1904.. 1 Aug., 1904.. 30 March 14 April 5 June 5 June 20 March 28 March 30 June 20 June 42 42 61 61 67 38 42 67 46 57 61 42 57 4 May. 4 May.* 29 June.* 29 June. 13 July. 20 April. 4 May. 13 July.* 18 May.* 15 June. 29 June. 4 May. 15 June. 46 38 67 18 May.* 20 April.* 13 July.* 19414 29 April 46 18 May.* 19495 18 May iagby, W. S., Marton, N.Z. Dray iagley, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Lubricator iailey, G. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Method of advertising iaird, J., Auckland, N.Z. Crushing ores iaker, F. M., Sydney, N.S.W. Ear-trumpet. (T. Westring) {aiding, J., and another, Boort, Vic. Tobacco-case taldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Parcel-carrier. (Lamson Store Service Company, Limited, E. C. Phillips) Saldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Coated paper. (E. S. Jones) ialdwin, E.S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Producer and watergas. (Power and Mining Machinery, Company, B. Loomis and H. Pettibone) Saldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Washing utensil Sallinger, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-bracket iallot, J., and others, London, Eng. Ore-concentration Sallot, J., and others, London, Eng. Ore-concentration iarker, R. F., Sydney, N.S.W. Recovering fatty matter from water in which wool has been scoured Sarlow, J. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-bracket iarnes, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Curtain-suspender .. Jarnes, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Curtain-suspender Sarnes, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Curtain-suspender iarraclough, M., Hawera, N.Z. Harness iarton, F. W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Stirrup iarton, F. W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Hedge-clipper iarton, F. W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Turnip-thinner iatey, J. F., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Weighing machine iaugh. (See de Baugh.) iavay. (See de Bavay.) ieamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. (See J. R. Park, No. 19428.) Seer, C. E., and others, Brunswick, Vic. Road-vehicle Seere, W. 0., Wellington, N.Z. Drawing instrument Serg, V., Southbridge, N.Z. Ventilator Sernays, C. E., Brisbane, Queensland. Railway bogie-car .. Serry, H., Maryborough, Vic. Knife-cleaner Scry, W. J. H., Windsor, Vic. Blind-roller bracket Sills, W., Melbourne, Vic. Wire-mattress Slake, H. V., Accrington, Eng. Hydraulic ram Sock, P., Auckland, N.Z. Detergent powder Sock, P., Auckland, N.Z. Attaching packets to show-cards Sodle, D. W., Pukekohe, N.Z. Silo. (A. 0. Hubbard) Sorden, W. H., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 19610.) Sourdil, F. F., Paris, France. Microphone 19313 19539 18252 19486 19395 19238 18875 7 April 1 June 29 July, 1904 15 May 26 April 22 March 20 Dec, 1904 42 61 46 57 53 38 31 4 May.* 29 June.* 18 May. 15 June.* 1 June.* 20 April. 6 April. 19408 29 April 46 18 May.* 17961 26 May, 1904 40 18 May. 19437 19525 19633 19634 19565 6 May 29 May 27 June 27 June 7 June '67 13 July". 57 15 June.* 19411 18820 19235 19236 19366 19458 19465 19491 19405 1 May 1 Dee., 1904 22 March 22 March 19 April 9 May 11 May 1 May 28 April 46 57 38 61 46 61 61 18 May.* 15 June. 20 April. 29 June.* 18 May.* 29 June. 29 June. 53 1 June.* » 19495 19606 19559 19342 19592 19447 19639 19560 19396 19417 19343 18 May 19 June 5 June 13 April 14 June 10 May 27 June 7 June 26 April 2 May 13 April 61 57 46 61 53 29 June.* 15 June. 18 May. 29 June.* 1 June. 67 13 July. 57 46 15 June. 18 May. 19358 18 April 46 18 May



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Cfatette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Bouton, 6., and another, Puteaux, France. Plate-clutches Bowen, M., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. (See Empire Inventions Company, Limited, No. 19563.) Bowring, J., Manchester, Eng. Obstruction-remover for tram-car .. Braby, H., Annandale, N.S.W. Burner Braun, H. C, Barnet, Eng. Telegraph apparatus Brenton, F. H., and another, Pittston, U.S.A. Cribbing Brew, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Bearing for plough-wheels Brock, E., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Motor-tire Broderick, G., Temuka, N.Z. Rendering tire less liable to puncture .. Brown, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Station-indicator .. Brown, A. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Physical culture apparatus Brown, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Vending-machine for postage-stamps Brown, T. F., and another, Coburg, Vic. Ink-bottle Browne, W. A. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Wood-drilling machine Buchanan, J. G., Auckland, N.Z. Displaying totalisator records 19413 28 April 53 1 June. 19394 19367 18064 19213 19558 19594 19493 19430 19461 19498 26 April 19 April 21 June, 1904.. 18 March 5 June 14 June 18 May 3 May 12 May 19 May ■* 42 38 38 57 15 June. 4 March.* 20 April. 20 April. 15 June.* 57 46 53 53 15 June.* 18 May.* 1 June.* 1 June.* 19647 19449 19191 28 June 10 May 9 March 67 46 38 ( 38 I 57 46 46" 53 I 46 I 61 61 53 13 July.* 18 May.* 20 April.* 20 April.* 15 June. 18 May.* 18 May.* 1 June.* 18 May.* 29 June. 29 June.* 1 June. Buck, F. C., Prahran, Vic. Valve and cock 19287 3 April Buckland, A. J., Waikouaiti, N.Z. Feeding calves and lambs Buckland, A. J., Waikouaiti, N.Z. Table-stand or support Buckland, H., Waikouaiti, N.Z. Fire-screen 19376 19378 19310 20 April 20 April 6 April Burridge, C, Wairoa, N.Z. Pipe for rain-water tank 19406 28 April Burt, A., jun., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cock or valve Burt, A. H., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Extraction of grease from wool Burt, A. J. H., Hornby, N.Z. Treating trimmed pieces from sheepskins Burt, J. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Fibre-deflector. (H. Mitchell) Butler, H. M., Kirkstall Forge, Eng. Axle for road-vehicle Byron, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Tram-car brake 19616 19399 20 June 27 April 17657 15 March, 1904 46 18 May. 19529 19356 19450 27 May 18 April 8 May 61 46 53 29 June.* 18 May. 1 June. Cahill, T. J., Waihi, N.Z. Boot-sole Cameron, E. A., and others, Invercargill, N.Z. Sash-hanger and lock Carlaw, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-consumer and fueleconomizer Carlaw, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-bridge smoke-consumer and fuel-economizer Carter, R. H., Wellington, N.Z. Feed-trough for pigs, &c... Carter, R. H., Wellington, N.Z. Hames.. Casgrain, L. A., Winchester, U.S.A. Dampening machine for boots and shoes Castles, R. J., Otaki, N.Z. Support for lifting-jack Cerchi, L., Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-motor Chamberlain, W. E., Feilding, N.Z. Fencing-standard Champion Seal Company, New York, U.S.A. Bottle seal or stopper. (E. D. Schmitt) Chappell, W., Puhoi, N.Z. Measuring sun's altitude Cheers, A., and another, Feilding, N.Z. Boiler-cleaning solution Chenhall, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle support and carrier Chewings, G., Mossburn, N.Z. Wire-strainer Chinnery, H. W., Leytonstone, Eng. Displaying signs or advertisements Clapham, G. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-bracket .. Clare, S. F., Gisborne, N.Z. Axe Clark, H. S., Onehunga, N.Z. Tap for tins Clark, H. S., Onehunga, N.Z. Tap for tins Clark, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Non-slip stair or door tread Clark, R. 0., Hobsonville, N.Z. Glazing earthenware pipes Clarke, H., and another, Melbourne, Vic Ink-bottle Clay, J., Rock Ferry, Eng. (See the Empire Oil-engine Syndicate, Limited, No. 19362.) Clement, W. H., Ealing, N.Z. Water-race cleaning plough.. Clyde Salvage Pearl-fishing and Diving Company, Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Raising sunken vessels. (E. Veron) Coghill, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Safety-envelope Cohn, H., and another London, Eng. Briquette fuel Coker, A. E., Timaru, N.Z. Removing wool from skins. (W. G. Coker) Coker, W. G., Timaru, N.Z. (See A. E. Coker, No. 19463.) Collett, A. W., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Log-hauling pulley block Connelly, W. H., Hauiti, N.Z. Securing rowels to spurs Connelly, W. H., Hauiti, N.Z. Spurs Cooper, H. A., Wellington, N.Z. Scraper and broom for cleaning ship's hull Cotton, F., Hornsby, N.S.W. Burning liquid fuel Cottrell and Sons, Company, C. B., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 19482.) Coulthurst, A., and others, Bolton, Eng. Making earthenware pipes.. Coulthurst, H., and others, Bolton, Eng. Making earthenware pipes.. Coulthurst, J., and others, Bolton, Eng. Making earthenware pipes.. 19578 19501 19291 10 June 16 May 1 April 67 38 13 July!* 20 April.* 19573 6 June 57 15 June. 19433 19434 19528 5 May 5 May 13 June, 1904f 46 46 67 18 May.* 18 May.* 13 July 19330 19562 18316 18816 11 April 7 June 15 Aug., 1904.. 1 Dec, 1904 53 67 57 31 11 June. 13 July.* 15 June. 6 April. 19353 19524 19462 19568 19317 12 April 29 May 12 May 7 June 7 April 42 61 46 61 46 4 May.* 29 June. 18 May.* 29 June.* 18 May. 19411 17962 18874 19289 19492 19438 19647 1 May 20 May, 1904 6 Dec, 1904 31 March 17 May 4 May 28 June 46 46 31 42 53 46 67 18 May.* 18 May. 6 April.* 4 May.* 1 June.* 18 May.* 13 July.* 18069 19270 20 June, 1904 30 March 38 38 20 April. 20 April.* 19001 19561 19463 24 Jan. 7 June 12 May 42 61 4 May. 29 June. 18148 18384 18385 19532 12 July, 1904 31 Aug., 1904.. 31 Aug., 1904.. 30 May 46 61 61 57 18 May.* 29 June. 29 June. 15 June.* 19268 30 March 42 4 May. 19635 19635 19635 27 June 27 June 27 June


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Cowell, A., Roekhampton, Q. Sheep-shears, fork, and tension Cowell, A., Roekhampton, Q. shears Cowern, W., Hawera, N.Z. Water-purifier .. ,. Cribb, A. S. D., Brisbane, Q. Locomotive engine.. Crump, J. B., Bullarook, Vic. Potato-planter Cudby, G., and another, Lower Hutt, N.Z. Timber-dray Currie, S. I)., Te Aroha, N.Z. Converting kerosene-tin into bucket .. Curwood, A., and others, Campbelltown, N.Z. Sash-hanger and lock. . Cyanide Vacuum Filter Company, Limited, London, Eng. Separating liquids from solids. (P. J. Ogle and R. K. Evans) 19546 19547 18985 19424 19341 19533 18142 19501 19217 2 June 2 June 24 Jan. 4 May" 13 April 31 May 9 July, 1904 .. 16 May 18 March 57 61 42 57 46 67 42 15 June. 29 June. 4 May.* 15 June.* 18 May. 13 July.* 4 May Dall, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Voting-register Dallas, J. C, Handle-fastener for tools, &c. Darling, J., Rutherglen, Scotland. (See Darling's Patent Automatic Coupling, Limited, No. 19156.) Darling's Patent Automatic Coupling, Limited, Glasgow, Scotland. Railway coupling. (J. Darling) Davis, A. E., Johannesburg, S. Africa. Filter press Davis, A. E., Johannesburg, S. Africa. Pump and pump-valve de Baugh, H. W., Auckland, N.Z. Mixture for making bricks, &c. . . de Bavay, A. J. F., Kew, Vic. Separating ores, de Bavay, A. J. F., Kew, Vic. Separating zinc blende from ores De Dion, A., and another, Puteaux, France. Plate-clutches Deem, J. W., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Injecting air into cow's udder Despradelle, D., Boston, U.S.A. (See W. A. Stetson, No. 19308.) Devereux, W. B., Glen wood Springs, U.S.A. Agitating devices Devine, P. J., Yarragon, Vic. Pig-trough Dickie, R. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Vending-machine for postage-stamps Dion. (See DeJDion.) Dixon, E. V., Auckland, N.Z. Steam-turbine Doellner, G., Berlin, Germany. (See A. Glas, No. 18720.) Douglas, H. M., Wellington, N.Z. Loose-leaf account-book binder .. Driffield, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-top or ventilator Ducker, W. M., New York, U.S.A. Portable houses Duckett, C, Melbourne, Vic. Spanner. (E. C. Rudolph ).. Dufaux, A., and another, Geneva, Switzerland. (See M. Rutty, No. 18802.) Dufaux, H., and another, Geneva, Switzerland. (See M. Rutty, No. 18802.) Dunbar, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Flax-stripper Duncan, P. and D., Limited, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-sower. (J. Keir) Dunn, B. F., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-mattress tightener Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-joint cramp Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Dunning, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Life-belt Dupre, F. W., Leopoldshall, Germany. Gold-extraction Durrant, G. I., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Calk for horseshoe 18111 19400 30 June, 1904 .. 27 April 46 53 18 May. 1 June. 19156 1 March 61 29 June. 19628 19311 19521 18688 18228 19413 19139 26 June 6 April 25 May 3 Nov.,J.904.. 28 July, 1904.. 28 April 25 Feb. 42 57 61 53 42 4 May. 15 June. 29 June. 1 June. 4 May 19483 18095 19498 17 May 24 June, 1904 19 May 61 53 53 29 June. 1 June. 1 June.* 19466 11 May 53 1 June.* 19377 19552 19571 19489 20 April 5 June 7 June 18 May 42 53 4 May.* 1 June.* 19652 18282 18150' 19403 19416 19541 19646 19357 26 June 4 Aug., 1904.. 12 July, 1904 .. 26 April 2 May 1 June 28 June 18 April 61 42 46 57 57 29 June. 4 May. 18 May.* 15 June. 15 June.* 42 4 May.* Earp-Thomas, H. W., Wellington, N.Z. Tire-protector Easdown, R. H., Mount McDonald, N.S.W. Rabbit-trap Ecker, D. B. M., and another, Tanzeberg, Austria. Preserving meat .. Eckersley, A. J. L., Melbourne, Vic. Syrup-gauges for aerated-water-bottling machine Ecroyd, R. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Washing-boiler Edison Ore-milling Syndicate, Limited, The, London, Eng. (See E. N. Waters, No. 19478.) Edison, T. A., Llewellyn Park, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 19478.) Edkins, C. B., and others, Dannevirke N.Z. Log-hauling pulley-block Edkins, E. M., Dannevirke, N.Z. Sawmill reversing-gear Edkins, E. M., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Log-hauling pulley-block Edwards, W., and another, Waikino, N.Z. Window-sash Eide, 0., Eltham, N.Z. Horse-cover Ellis, R. H., Pyrmont, N.S.W. Butter-box Elworthy, H. S., St. Albans, Eng. Gas manufacture Elworthy, H. S., St. Albans, Eng. Gas manufacture Elworthy, H. S., St. Albans, Eng. Production of nickel Empire Inventions Company, Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Fire-escape. (C. L. Garland, G. Proudfoot, and M. Bowen) Empire Oil-engine Syndicate, Limited, The London, Eng. Internalcombustion engine. (J. Clay) Ephraim, J. E., Darlington, N.S.W. Acetylene lamp and generator .. Evans, F. T. F., Auckland, N.Z. Clothes-peg Evans, R. K., and another, London, Eng. (See The Cyanide Vacuum Filter Company, Limited, No. 19217.) Every, J. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Shovel .. 19456 19564 19306 19494 12 May 7 June 5 April 18 May 53 42 61 1 June.* 4 May 29 June. 19550 2 June 57 15 June.* 18184 19537 18184 19432 19542 18956 19630 19631 19632 19563 12 July, 1904 .. 1 June 12 July, 1904 .. 5 May ] June 11 Jan. 27 June 27 Juno 27 June 7 June 53 57 53 67 53 1 June. 15 June.* 1 June. 13 July.* 1 June.* 67 13 July. 19362 19 April 53 1 June. 19593 19601 14 June 16 June 19419 3 May Fairbrother, R. W., Carterton, N.Z. Steamer and boiler Falvey, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Mail-bag fastening Farmer, A. H., Devonport, N.Z. Valve Farmer, A. H., Devonport, N.Z. Steam-valve .. .. •• 19379 19415 19382 19607 20 April 2 May 19 April 19 June 57 46 46 61 15 June.* 18 May.* 18 May.* 29 June.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Name, Address, and Invention. Application. No. Date. acuette. No. Date. Farr, F. W., Oogenhoe, Eng.V/jjTop-piece for boot-heel Farra, J. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Skylight .. . .|§f| Fenton, G. S., and another, Charters Towers, Q. (See G. G. Turri, No. 19543.) Field, H. C, Aramoho, N.Z. Building material Finch, C. A., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Extraction of grease from wool Firth, E. T. C.,' Auckland, N.Z. Press for bricks, &c. Firth, T., Wellington, N.Z. Horse-stopper for vehicle Fish. Oil aad Guano Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. Fish, &c, offal treatment. (J. C. W. Stanley) Forbes, J. A., Tai-tapu, N.Z. Bath Ford, A. S., Coromandel, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Ford, G., Leongatha, Vic. Cream-cooler. (R. H. Simon and W. R. Garner) Fowler, G. H., Aylesbury, N.Z. Bird-trap Fox, F. B., Waitati, N.Z. Toasting-appliance French, A. G., Auckland, N.Z. Obtaining ammonium chloride from coal Friend, E. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Motor Friend, J. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Motor .Friihling, O., Brunswick, Germany. Suction-dredge Friihling, 0., Brunswick, Germany. Suction-dredge Fryer, W. J., Pahia, N.Z. Ironing-board and shirt-clamp Fullbrook, C. H., Sandgate, Q. Curtain-ring Furness, A. E., Palmerston North, N.Z. Instep-support 19288 19599 18431 19399 19605 19520 19471 19369 19278 19309 12 April, 1904f 15 June 8 Sept., 1904 27 April 15 June 27 May 15 May 19 April 31 March 6 April 57 53 61 67 61 46 38 42 15 June. 1 June. 29 June.* 13 July.* 29 June. 18 May.* 20 April.* 4 May.* 17816 19351 18493 21 April, 1904 14 April 21 Sept., 1904 38 46 61 20 April. 18 May.* 29 June. 19513 19513 19380 19381 19556 19510 19078 25 May 25 May 18 April 18 April 6 June 25 May 15 Feb. 57 57 53 53 57 57 46 15 June.* 15 June.* 1 June. 1 June. 15 June.* 15 June.* 18 May. Gaby, C. B., Wellington, N.Z. Passenger or goods hoist for lift Gail, H. M., Buffalo, U.S.A. Telephone-transmitter Gallagher, R. W., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See Automatic Meter Company, No. 19615.) Gardner, W. S., and another, Caversham, N.Z. Stacking-machine .. Garland, C. L., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. (See Empire Inventions Company, Limited, No. 19563.) Garnham, R., Wellington, N.Z. Valve Garner, H., Nantwich, Eng. Tire Garner, W. R., and another, Leongatha, Vic. (See G. Ford, No. 19309.) Gavey, J. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Life-belt Gieseler, C, and another, Kaituna, N.Z. Tip-wagon Gillies, A., Terang, Vic. Teat-cups Gillette, G. H., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E.Hughes, No. 19393.) Gilruth, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Lactic fermentation Gironcoli, S., and another, Tanzenberg, Austria. Preserving meat .. Gilsenan, A. J., Bairnsdale, Vic. Acetylene generator Glas, A., Berlin, Germany. Milk-powder. (G. Doellner) Glas, A., Berlin, Germany. Milk-powder Gluyas, C, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Treating slimes Goddu, G., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18363.) Good, C. J., Perth, W.A. Cuff-protector Goodin, A. H., and another, Feilding, N.Z. Boiler-cleaning solution Goodson, G. A., Minneapolis, U.S.A. Plating wire, &c. Gordon, C. W., Melbourne, Vic. Cycle-pedal strap Gosling, N. W., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Washing and draining cabinet Gossling, P. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Advertising-device Graham, C. E., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18224.) Grant, J., Napier, N.Z. Horseshoe Grave, W. G., and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Horse-embrocation Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Cultivator Gray, J. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Window-holder Greenshields, W., Auckland, N.Z. Curling-bowls Griffiths, H., Nelson, N.Z. Boot Grimmer, G., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-arrester Grocko, F. W., Melbourne, Vic. Fire-tongs Grundy, A. 0., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Clinch for handles Grundy, T., Waiwera, N.Z. Propeller-blade Grundy, W. J., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Clinch for handles Guimaraes, J., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (See E. N. Waters, No. 19446.) 19409 19391 1 May 26 April 46 53 18 May.* 1 June. 19442 6 May 18129 19242 6 July, 1904 .. 23 March 42 46 4 May. 18 May. 19541 19386 19153 1 June 20 April 1 March 57 53 61 15 June.* 1 June/ 29 June. 17940 19306 18186 18720 19303 19375 23 May, 1904 . . 5 April 21 July, 1904 12 Nov., 1903f 17 May, 1904f 20 April 38 42 46 38 46 42 20 April. 4 May. 18 May. 20 April. 18 May. 4 May.* 19612 19524 18962 19586 19372 20 June 29 May 9 June, 1904f 14 June 17 April 61 61 38 61 46 29 June.* 29 June. 20 April. 29 June.* 18 May.* 19264 29 March 46 18 May. 18562 19429 19479 19387 19418 19452 19307 18305 18441 19383 18441 7 Oct., 1904 .. 2 May 16 May 20 April 3 May 11 May 5 April 11 Aug., 1904.. 13 Sept., 1904 19 April 13 Sept., 1904 38 '57 46 46 42 46 61 57 61 20 April. 15 June.* 18 May.* 18 May.* 4 May.* 18 May. 29 June. 15 June. 29 June. Hackett, C. H., and a.nother, Iowa, U.S.A. (See A. S. Patterson, Nos. 19265 and 19422.) Halcrovv, H., Johnsonville, N.Z. Clearing drains Hall, J., Auckland, N.Z. Rowlock Hall, W. Y. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Door-stop and bur-glar-alarm Hannam, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Bath-water heater Harkness, B. G. A., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Weighing-machine Hardley, J. W., and another, Hamilton, N.Z. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 17978.) Hardley, S... and another, Hamilton, N.Z. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 17978.) 19389 19454 19602 19587 19405 25 April 9 May 16 June 14 June 28 April 53 53 61 1 June.* 1 June. 29 June.* 53 1 June.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Qimette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Data. Harris, A., Auckland, N.Z. Easy-chair Harrison, I., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Lubricator Harrison, J., and others, Half-moon Bay, N.Z. Sash hanger and lock Harrison, J. R., Ballarat, Vic. Amalgamator and concentrator Harvey, R., Sydney, N.S.W. Discharging"effluent from filter-bed .. Haselden, J., Onehunga, N.Z. Ventilator Haworth, W. R., and others, Bolton, Eng. Making earthenware pipes Haydon, G. A., Auckland, N.Z. Washing-up mop Hayes, A., New York, U.S.A. Liquid-vaporiser Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, N.Z. Wind-motor Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, N.Z. Standard-jack Hement, T. C, Christchurch, N.Z. O.G. Spouting Hement, T. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Soil-pipe ventilator Hement, T. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Forming .'raised heads on sheetiron ridging Hendryx, W. A., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Treating ore Hendryx, W. A., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Extracting metals from ores.. Hendy, A. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Hair-pin.. Henry, W., and another, Lower Hutt, N.Z. Timber-dray Hercus, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Stirrup Herous, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Hedge-clipper Hercus, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Heskett, T. J., Brunswick, Vic. Production of zinc, &c. Heskett, T. J., Brunswick, Vic. Production of zinc, &c. Hewitt, T. W., Auckland, N.Z. Brake for vehicle Higgie, T., Wanganui, N.Z. Driving-reins Hilton, T., Auckland, N.Z. Wire mattress Hilton, T., Auckland, N.Z. Tightening wire mattress Hilton, T., Auckland, N.Z. Wire mattress Holden, J., and another, Wanstead, Eng. Spark-arrester Holderness, D., Christchurch, N.Z. Weed-eradicator and manuredistributor Horrell, G., and another, Clifden, N.Z. Attachment to harvesterbinder Horstmann, H. J., Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Mercury-vapour amalgamator Horsley, T. N., Christchurch, N.Z. Artificial stone Howcroft, W. J., Brisbane, Q. Machine for making articles of sheetmetal Howcroft, W. J., Brisbane, Q. Compressed air and water-power for lifts, &c. Howlin, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Operating-valve Hubbard, A. 0., Minneapolis, U.S.A. (See D. W. Bodle, No. 19343.) Hughes, G. P., Melbourne, Vic. Wood-sph'tter Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Bottle-seal and head for applying same. (G. H. Gillette) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Electric-motor control. (T. S. Perkins and R. P. Jackson) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Art of colour-printing. (C. B. Cottrell and Sons Company.) (M. A. McKee) Hull, J. S., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Horse-collar Humphries, G. E., Wellington, N.Z. Scaffolding-bracket Hunt, B., Punta Arenas, Costa Rica. Separation of liquids from solids Hunter, J. D., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-carrying bottle Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Securing cover of nightsoil-pan. (J. W. and S. Hardley) Hutchinson, G., Wellington, N.Z. Milking-machine Hutchinson, G. F., Kapuni, N.Z. Acetylene-generator 19412 19539 19501 19567 19011 19290 19635 19656 19574 19135 19228 18528 19549 19096 19221 19222 18897 19533 19458 19465 19491 19590 19591 19384 19138 19296 19297 19298 19464 19312 1 May 1 June 16 May 7 June 31 Jan. 1 April 27 June 26 June 8 June 22 Feb. 20 March 1 Oct., 1904. 1 June 16 Feb. 20 March 20 March 22 Dec, 1904 31 May 9 May 11 May 1 May 14 June 14 June 19 April 25 Feb. 4 April 4 April 4 April 15 May 5 April 46 61 67 57 38 42 42 42 38 57 38 42 42 38 57 61 61 61 61 46 53 53 42 42 57 42 18 May.* 29 June.* 13 July.*,, 15 June.* 20 April. 4 May. 4 May.* 4 May.* 20 April. 15 June.* 20 April. 4 May. 4 May. 20 April. 15 June.* 29 June. 29 June. 29 June.* 29 June.* 18 May.* 1 June.* 1 June. 4 May. 4 May. 15 June. 4 May.* 19345 14 April 46 18 May. 19426 19583 19363 4 May 8 June 19 April 57 61 15 June. 29 June. 19516 25 May 61 29 June.* 19644 28 June 19509 19393 25 May 26 April 53 53 1 June.* 1 June. 19468 15 May 61 29 June. 19482 17 May 18949 19445 19469 12 Jan. 10 May 15 May 53 53 61 1 June. 1 June. 29 June. 19277 17978 28 March 31 May, .1904 42 57 4 May. 15 June. 19540 19440 1 June 8 May 57 46 15 June.* 18 May.* Ingram, G., and another, Moutere, N.Z. Wire-strainer 18544 4 Oct., 1904 .. 38 20 April. Jackson; H., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Extraction of grease from wool Jackson, J. H., Dannevirke, N.Z. Boot Jackson, R. P., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 19468.) Jenkinson, G. H., Masterton, N.Z. (See J. E. Jenkinson, No. 19473.) Jenkinson, J. E., Wellington, N.Z. Ear-mark. (G. H. Jenkinson) .. Jepson, J. T., London, Eng. (See the A.B.C. Coupler, Limited, No. 19398.) Job, L. K., and others, London, Eng. (See B. Sherman, No. 19284.) Johanson, C. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Hedge-cutter Johanson, C. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Grubbing and transplanting tool Johns, P. T., and another, Rona Bay, N.Z. Chimney-top or ventilator Johnson, C. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-consumer and fuel-economizer Johnson, C. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-consumer and fuel-economizer Johnstone, A., Geraldine, N.Z. Preparing food for infants Johnston, A., and another, Toronto, Canada. (See J. G. Turton, No. 19527.) Johnstone, T., Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. R. Park, No. 19637.) Jones, A. W., jun., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Electro-medical appliance 19399 27 April 53 1 June. 19253 24 March 46 18 May.* 19473 15 May 19355 18138 19552 19291 17 April 7 July, 1904 .. 5 June 1 April 42 42 4 May.* 4 May. 38 20 April.* 19573 6 June 57 15 June.* 19401 26 April 46 18 May.* 19100 20 March 15 June." 57



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Oaxette, Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Jones, A. W., sen., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Electro-medical appliance Jones, E. S., London, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 19408.) Jones, G. S., Oamaru, N.Z. Mailing-wrapper Jones, J. E. and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Door-stop and burglaralarm Jones, L. M., and another, Toronto, Canada. (See J. B. Turton, No. 19527.) Jones, R. W., Christehurch, N.Z. Music-support Joss, W., Fortrose, N.Z. Harness-hooks 19100 20 March 57 15 June.* 17847 19602 26 April, 1904 16 June 38 61 20 April 29 June. 19618 19305 20 June 5 April 61 42 29 June. 4 May.* Keir, D., Tapanui, N.Z. Animal-cover fastening .. Keir, J., Sydenham, N.Z. (See P. and D. Duncan, Limited, No. 18282.) Kelly, E., Wellington, N.Z. Boring-machine Kenning, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Washboard Kennington, J., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Washing and draining cabinet Kenyon, E. F. B., Brighton, Eng. Potato-peeler Kern, F. A., Rochester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18392.) King, J., Wellington, N.Z. Busk-protector and abdominal support .. Kirkbride, J. L., Auckland, N.Z. Life-guard for tram-car Kirkpatrick-Picard, H., F., and others, London, Eng. Ore-concen-tration Kirkpatrick-Picard, H. F., and others, London, Eng. Ore-concen-tration Kitchen, D., Feilding, N.Z. Horse-muzzle Knight, F. G., Christehurch, N.Z. Bicycle-tire valve Knight, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Cleansing compound Kohn, A., Auckland, N.Z. Electric ring, &c. 19325 10 April 46 18 May. 19497 19210 19372 19 May 16 March 17 April 53 46 46 1 June.* 18 May. 18 May.* 18234 28 July, 1904 .. 46 18 May. 19324 19321 19633 10 April 8 April 27 June 42 4 May.* 19634 27 June 19115 19294 19402 19055 21 Feb. 3 April 20 April 8 Feb. 46 38 18 May.* 20 April.* 46 18 May. Lambie, J., Kyle, N.Z. Tire for cycles, &c. Lamson Store Service Company, Limited, London, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 18875.) Langdon, W., Howick, N.Z. Rowlock Langdon, W., and another, Howick, N.Z. Nib-releasing penholder .. Lanigan, P., Auckland, N.Z. Digging kauri-gum Lanigan, P., Auckland, N.Z. Taking timber out of swamps Larsen, T., and another, Waikino, N.Z. Window-sash Lash, T. H., Hawera, N.Z. Ointment Leede, J., Baltimore, U.S.A. (See Leede Process Company, No. 19373.) Leede Process Company, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Gasmaking apparatus. (J. Leede) Legg, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of bread Le Sueur, P., Calabasas, U.S.A. Lubricator Liebentritt, J. F., Bankstown, N.S.W. Multi-tubular steam-boiler .. Liebold, R., Weimar, Germany. Cement manufacture Lightband, C. D., Wellington, N.Z. Detecting broaching of cases .. Lindback, F., Wellington, N.Z. Oil-can Lindsay, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-pole Lindsay, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-pole Little, W., Ballarat, Vic. Cooking-appliance Lodder, E., Don, Tasmania. Electric-light, &c, support Lombard, N., Worcester, U.S.A. Governor Loomis, B., and another, Hartford, U.S.A. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 17961.) Lowe, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower Lowthen, W. H., and another, Brisbane, Q. Ticket issuer and recorder Lund, T., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18300.) Lyst, F., London, Eng. Internal-combustion engine 19323 8 April 42 4 May.* 19508 19579 19475 19608 19432 19620 20 May 7 June 12 May 16 June 5 May 22 June 61 53 61 29 June. 1 June.* 29 June.* 19373 18 April 57 15 June. 18870 19239 19569 18849 19435 19581 19370 19370 19338 19589 19425 17 Dec,1904 .. 23 March 7 June 24 Feb., 1904t 5 May 12 Juno 19 April 19 April 13 April 14 June 4 May 61 38 31 46 61 46 46 46 61 29 June.* 20 April. 6 April. 18 May.* 29 June.* 18 May.* 18 May.* 18 May. 29 June.* 19339 19467 8 April 15 May 42 67 4 May.* 13 July. 19316 7 April 46 18 May. 20 April. 15 June. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Engine-tractor and chaff-cutter Macalpine, T., London, Eng. Refining oils Macdonald, T. J. A., Detroit, U.S.A. Amalgamator Macfarlane, G. T., Sydney, N.S.W. Derrick and winch Mack, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Weed-eradicator Mackenzie, H. D., Levin, N.Z. Flax-treatment Mackintosh, A. R., and another, Clifden, N.Z. Attachment to harvester-binder Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Trolley-wheel guide.. Madder, W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Voting-machine Major, H. J., and another, Kaituna, N.Z. Tip-wagon Mander, H. F., Kimbolton, N.Z. Tire-furnace Mann, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Damper for register-grate Manton, E. H. P., Hawthorn, Vic. Raising sunken vessel Marr, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Curtain-pole Marsh, W. W., and another, Iowa, U.S.A. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 19422.) Massey, C. R., Auckland, N.Z. Zinc holder for boilers Massey-Harris Company, Limited, Toronto, Canada. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 19422.) 18073 18233 19621 19427 19299 19359 19345 17 June, 1904.. 28 July, 1904.. 22 June 4 May 4 April 18 April 14 April 38 57 46 57 46 46 18 May.* 15 June.* 18 May.* 18 May. 19385 19649 19386 19314 19617 19548 18758 19 April 28 June 20 April 7 April 21 June 2 June 10 May 46 67 53 42 61 18 May.* 13 July.* 1 June.* 4 May.* 29 June.* 53 1 June.* 19575 5 June 57 15 June.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gtatette. Name, Address, and Inveution. No. Date. No. Date. Massey-Harris Company, Limited, Toronto, Canada. (See J. B. Turton, No. 19527.) Massey-Harris Company, Limited, Toronto, Canada. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 19265.) Matthews, K., Waitara, N.Z. Flax-treatment Matthews, M., Invercargill, N.Z. Box for sharpening-stone.. Mayhew, G. S., London, Eng. Compo.-board assembling machine .. Mayo, B. F., Salem, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18299.) Mayson, T. W., Auckland, N.Z. Speed recorder 19500 19642 19276 17 May 24 June 30 March 61 67 42 29 June.* 13 July.* J 4 May. |jj i 19576 6 June 57 H 15 June.* McCaffry, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Heel McCully, S., Seadown, N.Z. Weed-destroy»r McDonald, R. J., Devonport, N.Z. Boot or shoe .. McGuire, J., Melbourne, Vic. Hose-connection McHarg, J. A., and another, Rainbow, Vic. Butter-making machine.. McKee, M. A., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 19482.) McKenzie, D., Grey Lynn, N.Z. Easy-chair McLauchlan, J., Greenhills, N.Z. Belt-fastener McLeod, A., Brisbane, Q. Camera-stand McLintock, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Blast-apparatus for steamboiler McMaster, C. J., Corfield, Q. Windmill wheel and mounting McNeill, J. F., Melbourne, Vic. Cycle-driving mechanism. McNellis, T., Blenheim, N.Z. Spouting-bracket .. McPhee, F., Gisborne, N.Z. Foot-support for use in bed Mendoza, F. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Boot upper and sole .. Merralls, W. A., San Francisco, U.S.A. Mortar for stamp-battery Merrill, C. W., Lead, U.S.A. Pressure-filter Methven, G., and another, Caversham, N. Z. Stacking-machine Millar, R., Outram, N.Z. Pump and sprayer Milligan, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-bracket Mills, C, Woolston, N.Z. Platform-bracket Mitchell, H., Maungatua, N.Z. (See J. A. Burt, No. 19529.) Morgan, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Book-holder and support Morgan, M., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Water-closet Morgan, T. W., and another, Waterloo, U.S.A. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 19265.) Morland, E.T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Horse-collar.. Morrison, H. B., Singleton, N.S.W. Boot or shoe heel Morton, W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Stirrup Morton, W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Hedge-clipper Morton, W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Munro, H., Longbush, N.Z. Vehicle mud-guard .. 19660 19067 18082 19611 19319 29 June 13 Feb. 24 June, 1904.. 20 June 4 April 67 57 38 13 July.* 15 June.* 20 April. 19441 19404 18474 19604 6 May 26 April 22 Sept., 1904 14 June 57 15 June.* 31 67 6 April. 13 July. 19566 19300 19346 19302 19352 19421 19337 19442 19361 19525 19499 7 June 4 April 13 April 5 April 12 April 4 May 12 April 6 May 15 April 29 May 20 May 57 38 42 46 53 42 15 June.* 20 April.* 4 May. 18 May. 1 June.* 4 May.* 61 67 57 29 June. 13 July. 15 June.* 18085 19553 22 June, 1904.. 5 June 61 29 June. 18949 18074 19458 19465 19491 18596 12 Jan. 23 June, 1904.. 9 May 11 May 1 May 15 Oct., 1904 .. 53 38 61 61 1 June. 20 April. 29 June. 29 June. 38 20 April* Napier, J. A., Napier, N.Z. Threshing-machine apparatus Newman, G. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Cinder-grid for fire-grate Newman, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Gas-holder for limelight purposes .. Newth, W., Palmerston, North, N.Z. Cow leg-holder Nicholson, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Recovery of gold Nicolson, S., and another, Gore, N.Z. Attaching leg-strap to horse-cover Nielsen, N., Maranui, N.Z. Roofing-tile Nielsen, N., Wellington, N.Z. Moulding hollow concrete buildingblocks. (H. S. Palmer, Hollow Concrete Building-block Company —H. S. Palmer) Nilsson, F. O., Stockholm, Sweden. (See N. Setterwall, No. 19318.) Noedl, R. C, Woodville, N.Z. Trellis-work for fencing and gates Noy, H. G. W. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Clothes-drying rod 19512 19544 19619 19481 19274 19279 19474 19038 25 May 2 June 20 June 17 May 30 March 30 March 15 May 6 Feb., 57 57 15 June.* 15 June.* 42 38 53 46 4 May.* 20 April.* 1 June.* 18 May. 19322 19459 8 April 9 May 1 June.* 53 Obbinson, T. P., Melbourne, Vic. Driving-belt for motor cycle, &c. .. O'Brien, P. K., and another, Mitiamo, Vic. Lifting device O'Dowd, J., Tapanui, N.Z. Roof-gutter Ogle, P. J., and another, London, Eng. (See The Cyanide Vacuum Filter Company, Limited, No. 19217.) Oppermann, E. L., London, Eng. Secondary battery 19545 19622 19629 2 June 22 June 26 June 57 15 June.* 67 13 July.* 19470 15 May 61 29 June. Paladini, R., Wellington, N.Z. Mail-bag fastener Paladini, R., Wellington, N.Z. Mail-bag fastener Paley, W. V., and another, Charters Towers, Q. (See G. G. Turri, No. 9543.) Palme*, H. S., Washington, U.S.A. (See N. Nielsen, No. 19038.) Palmer, H. S., Hollow Concrete Building-block Company, Washington, U.S.A. (See N Neilsen, No. 19038.) Paora, O., Orakei, N.Z. Raising weights Paora, O., and another, Orakei, N.Z. Grinding and boring machine Paora, P., and-|another, Orakei, N.Z. Grinding and boring machine.. Papworth, L. E., Wellington, N.Z. Necktie-holder Park, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope fastening. (D. Robertson).. Park, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope. (T. Johnstone) Park, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus. (W. Beamish) Park, R. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Vacant-seat indicator. (R. Wales) Parker, F. W., Hobart, Tasmania. Rabbit-extermination .. 19336 19518 12 April 26 May 42 57 4 May.* 15 June.* 19659 19326 19326 19554 19638 19637 19428 19636 19627 28 June 10 April 10 April 5 June 27 June 27 June 4 May 27 June 26 June '42 42 4 May.* 4 May.* 46 67 67 18 May.* 13 July.* 13 July.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

Mam*, Addreaa, and Invention. No. A: _i Application. i No. i Gtuett* Date. Date. Patterson, A. S., Melbourne, Vic. Liquid-separator. (Massey-Harris Company, Limited, C. H. Haokett and T. W. Morgan) Patterson, A. S., Melbourne, Vio. Centrifugal separator. (MasseyHarris Company, Limited, W. W. Marsh and C. H. Hackett) Payne, F. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Blast apparatus for steamboiler Perkins, T. S., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 19468.) Perry, J. W., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Wheels of vehicles .. Pettibone, H., and another, New Roohelle, U.S.A. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 17961.) Phillips, E. C, London, England. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 18875.) Philpott, T. S., Wellington, N.Z. Window Philpott, T. S., Wellington, N.Z. Window Piokard. (See Kirkpatrick-Pioard.) Plucknett, S. G., and another, Petersham, N.S.W. Recovery of gold.. Pocock, A. C, and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Water-closet.. Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Clothes-prop Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Flax-washing apparatus Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Spreader for chains Porteous, W. P., Sawyer's Bay, N.Z. Table-golf.. Porter, B., Napier, N.Z. Bust support, or corset.. Porter, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Stopper for submarine mines Power and Mining Machinery Company, New York, U.S.A. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 17961.) Price, J., London, Eng. Manufacture of nitrate of lime, &c. Proud, A. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-pin Proudfoot, G., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. (See Empire Inventions Company, Limited, No. 19563.) Purchas, E. H., Ellesmere, N.Z. Oil-can 19522 19523 .19274 19553 19641 19460 19517 19261 19504 19349 19265 19422 19604 19485 30 March 4 May 14 June 17 May 29 May 29 May 30 March 5 June 21 June 9 May 22 May 28 March 19 May 15 April 57 57 42 42 57 67 53 4 May. 15 June. 13 July. 1 June.* 15 June.* 15 June.* 4 May.* 67 13 July.* 57 42 53 42 15 June.* 4 May. 1 June 4 May 19507 19258 23 May 25 March 61 42 29 June. 4 May. 19295 3 April 46 18 May.* Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Conveyor Quertier, H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Flashlight apparatus Quertiet, H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Flashlight powder 19453 18257 18258 11 May 1 Aug., 1904.. 1 Aug., 1904.. 61 57 61 29 June. 15 June. 29 June. Radcliffe, F. G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Post-card Rait, D., Murchison, N.Z. Wire mattress Rait, D., Murchison, N.Z. Wire mattress Rawson, W. A., Smithfield, N.Z. Batten for travelling canvases of binder Ray F East Orange, U.S.A. (See Henry R. Worthington, Nos. 19443 and 19444.) Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-curler Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-curler Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-curler Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Clothes-peg Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Parcel-carrier. (Lamson Store Service Company, Limited—E. C. Phillips) Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Coated paper. (E. S. Jones) Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Washing-utensil .. Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Producer and watergas. (Power and Mining Machinery Company—B. Loomis and H. Pettibone) Reichel, L. T., Wellington, N.Z. Oil-engine attachment Reid, A., Whangamomona, N.Z. Hook for reins, traces, <fcc. Reid, H., Wellington, N.Z. Advertising-signs Reid, W. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bale-binder fastening .. Reynolds, E. F., Orbost, Vic. Bottom for milk-strainer Richardson, E., jun., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Wheels for vehicles Riohardson, E., Hawthorn, Vic. Fuel-combustion and smoke-consump-tion Ritchie, T., Grassmere, N.Z. Stop-cock Robert, p., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Calk for horse-shoes Roberts, A. J., Belfast, N.Z. Meat-brand Robertshaw, F. E., Auckland, N.Z. Venetian blind Robertson, C., Half-moon Bay, N.Z. Book-binder Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. (See J. R. Park, No. 19638.) Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. (See R. Wales, Nos. 19364, 19365.) Robertson, E. L., Wellington, N.Z. Egg-carrier Robertson, T. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Suction-dredge Robertson, W. J., Paeroa, N.Z. Swing Rouse, T., and another, London, Eng. Briquette fuel Rowe's Patent Lock and Block, Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Railwaytraffic control system. (W. Rowe) Rowe, W., Marrickville, N.S.W. (See Rowe's Patent Lock and Block Limited, No. 18274.) Rowlands, F. W., Long Lookout, N.Z. Lamp-chimney cleaner Roy, A. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Waterproofing calico Roy, A. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Chair support for poles, &c. Roy, A. F., Christohurch, N.Z. Chair for polee 19451 19420 19477 19487 19244 19281 19282 19694 18875 19408 19437 17961 19301 19514 19262 19654 19335 19485 8 May 3 May 16 May 17 May 16 March 29 March 29 March 29 June 20 Dec, 1904.. 29 April 6 May 26 May, 1904.. 5 April 25 May 28 March 30 June 12 April 17 May 53 53 57 38 38 38 31 46 46 38 38 42 53 1 June.* 1 June.* 15 June.* 20 April.* 20 April.* 20 April.* 6 April. 18 May.* 18 May. 20 April.* 20 April.* 4 May.* 1 June.* 19570 7 June 57 15 June.* 19693 19357 19503 19609 19519 28 June 18 April 20 May 16 June 26 May 42 53 4 May.* 1 June.* 18907 19350 19588 19561 18274 30 Dec, 1904.. 15 April 14 June 7 June 4 Aug., 1904.. 38 46 61 61 57 20 April. 18 May. 29 June.* 29 June. 15 June. 19555 19340 19502 19626 6 June 11 April 19 May 24 June 57 42 53 67 15 June.* 4 May.* 1 June.* 13 July.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

6—H. 10.—06.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Royda, C. J., Tnveroargill, N.Z. Hand-saw Rudkins, T. P., and another, Mitiamo, Vie. Lifting-device.. Rudolph, E. C, Killara, Vio. (See C. Duckett, No. 19489.) Rutty, M., Sydney, N.S.W. Exploaion-motor for cycle. (H. and A. Dufaux) 19648 19622 18802 28 June 22 June 29 Nov., 1904.. 67 61 13 July.* 29 June. Sa'hlstrom, C. A., Ottawa, Canada. Electrical ozoniser Sandlant, H., Gisborne, N.Z. Mantle and globe carrier Sargood, P. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Boot-upper Sargood, W. E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Boot-upper Schmidt, W. S. D., Grey Lynn, N.Z. Boot sole and protector Schmitt, E. D., New York, U.S.A. (See Champion Seal Company, No. 18816.) Schulze, E., Auckland, N.Z. Catamenial appliance Scott, B. J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Mail-bag fastening .. Scott, J., Woolston, N.Z. Brooch-fastening Scott, J., Woolston, N.Z. Brush Scott, R. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Oil or spirit vaporiser Seabrook, H. H. P., and others, London, Eng. (See B. Sherman, No. 19284.) Seabrook, P. B. H., and others, London, Eng. (See B. Sherman, No. 19284.) Seal, W., Yea, Vic. Pump Setterwall, N., Stockholm, Sweden. Separator. (F. 0. Nilsson) Sewell, F., Okoia, N.Z. Weed-exterminator Sharpe, A. F., Marton, N.Z. Horse-cover fastening Shelmerdine, W. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Starch manufacture Shepherd, J., Greymouth, N.Z. Lubricator Shepherd, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Suction-dredge Sherman, B., London, Eng. Flash advertising-signs. (P. B. H. and H. H. P. Seabrook, and L. K. Job) Sherman, D. F., Newcastle, U.S.A. Fruit-preserving Shuttleworth, J. J., Ryde, N.S.W. Bottle-fastening Simon, R. H., and another, Leongatha, Vic. (See G. Ford, No. 19309.) Simpson, A. H., Totara Valley, N.Z. Brooch-fastening Sinclair, 0., Port Melbourne, Vic. Rifle back-sight Skeates, T. S., Devonport, N.Z. Tire-cover Skinner, D., Wellington, N.Z. Rail bond and coupling Small, C. C, Newton, Highlands, U.S.A. Top-lift for boot or shoe .. Smith, C. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Stamp, &c, affixer Smith, C. E. E., Auckland, N.Z. Flax washing and scraping Smith, C. E. E., Auckland, N.Z. Flax catching, &c, machine Smith, C. E. E., Auckland, N.Z. Flax washing and scraping Smith, C. E. E., Auckland, N.Z. Cleaning and drying flax.. Smith, E. R., Buffalo, U.S.A. Shaft-bearings Smith, F. W., Papanui, N.Z. Ticket holder and punch Smith, H. T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Station-indicator Smith, J. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Mail-bag fastener Soper, T. W., Titiroa, N.Z. Seed-sower and ridger Speden, A., Timaru, N.Z. Door-lock Spencer, W. E., New Plymouth, N.Z. Altazimuth dial Spiller, W. H., Albert Park, Vic. Cream-separator and milk-cooler .. Sprott, J., Chertsey, N.Z. Bird-trap Stacy, G., Perth, W.A. Voting-machine Stanley, J. C. W., New York, U.S.A. (See The Fish Oil and Guano Company (Limited), No. 19471). Stechmann, H. A., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Door-lock Steel, M., and another, Gosforth, Eng. Carburetter Steele, E. G., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Concentrating-table Steele, E. G., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Di-electric separator Steele, W. L., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Concentrating-table Steele, W. L., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Di-electric separator Stephenson, A. A., Perth, W.A. Oil-fuel vaporiser Stetson, W. A., Boston, U.S.A. Ring-spinnin machine. (D. Despradelle) Stevenson, G., Gore, N.Z. Wrench ' .. Stewart, J. K., Chicago, U.S.A. Motor and power transmitting mechanism Stewart, J. K., Chicago. U.S.A. Driving-clutch for power-trans-mission Stewart, R. L., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Post-card Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Ridger and sower Struthers, J., and another, Pittston, U.S.A. Cribbing Sueur. (See Le Sueur.) Sulman, H. L., and others, London, Eng. Ore-concentration Sulman, H. L., and others, London, Eng. Ore-concentration Suttie, C, Waharoa, N.Z. Flax-treatment Sutton, H. M., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Concentrating-table Sutton, H. M., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Di-electric separator 19650 19327 19220 19220 19526 2 Mayt 8 April 16 March 16 March 29 May 46 46 46 18 May.* 18 May. 18 May. 18371 19415 19292 19293 19280 25 Aug., 1904.. 2 May 3 April 3 April 31 March 57 46 46 15 June. 18 May.* 18 May.* 42 4 May. 19332 19318 19374 19407 19597 19328 19350 19284 12 April 7 April 20 April 29 April 15 June 8 April 15 April 31 March 42 42 42 46 61 42 46 38 4 May.* 4 May.* 4 May.* 18 May.* 29 June.* 4 May.* 18 May. 20 April.* 19640 18914 27 June 5 Jan. 38 20 April. 19577 19511 19580 19354 18100 19439 17973 19348 19360 19388 18885 19595 19430 19320 18093 18223 19455 18291 19596 19488 7 June 25 May 7 June 17 April 24 Oct., 1903f 4 May 27 May, 1904.. 14 April 18 April 25 April 10 June, 1904f 14 June 3 May 4 April 28 June, 1904 25 July, 1904.. 9 May 9 Aug., 1904.. 14 June 18 May 57 57 42 57 46 38 46 46 53 53 61 46 42 57 42 57 57 61 61 17 June.* 15 June.* 4 May.* 15 June. 18 May.* 20 April. 18 May. 18 May. 1 June. 1 June. 29 June.* 18 May.* 4 May.* 15 June. 4 May. 15 June.* 15 June. 29 June.* 29 June. 19538 19496 19613 19614 19613 19614 19240 19308 1 June 19 May 20 June 20 June 20 June 20 June 23 March 6 April 61 61 29 June.* 29 June. 38 42 20 April.* 4 May. 19643 19530 24 June 30 May '67 13 July. 19531 30 May 67 13 July. 19451 19534 19557 19213 8 May 25 May 6 June 18 March 53 57 67 38 1 June.* 15 June.* 13 July. 20 April. 19633 19634 19625 19613 19614 27 June 27 June 22 June 20 June 20 June 67 13 July.* Tait, A L. J., Richmond, Vic. Flax-dressing Tautpu .,R Taupiri, N.Z. Spark-arrester 18601 19624 17 Oct., 1904.. 23 June 42 4 May.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. Ho. Date. No. Date. Taylor, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Game Taylor, W., Sandiacre, Eng. Railway-signal Taylor, W., Sandiacre, Eng. Operating railway-points Taylor, W. H., Baltimore, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 19368.) Teasdale, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Boot upper and sole Thomas. (See Earp-Thomas.) Thompson, C. E., and another, Moutere, N.Z. Wire-strainer Thomsen, H. C, Masterton, N.Z. Cocksfoot-thresher Thomson, A., Belfast, N.Z. Fleshing-machine Thornton, R. and another, Gosforth, Eng. Carburetter Thurgar, E. W., Auckland, N.Z. Speedily detaching tongue of buckle from traces, &c. Thurgar, E. W., Auckland, N.Z. Collar, shirt, and cuff stud Tiddeman, E. S., and another, Seven Kings, Eng. Spark-arrester .. Tiddy, A., and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Horse-embrocation.. Toft, J. M., Karaka Drury, N.Z. Pneumatic horse-collar Tooby, B., Masterton, N.Z. (See S. E. Tooby, No. 19392.) Tooby, S. E., Masterton, N.Z. Preparation for treating bruises, sprains, &c. (B. Tooby) Toomath, E. B., Karaka Bay, N.Z. Flax-treatment Traill, J. C, Malvern, Vic. Curtain-pin Trayes, W. S., Mangere, N.Z. Tape-measure Trevethick, C, Lower Hutt, N.Z. Brush Tukeka, M., and others, Ohau, N.Z. Hoe Tumbull, J., and another, Gore, N.Z. Attaching leg-strap to horsecover Turnbull, M. H., Mosgiel, N.Z. Washing-fluid Turn, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Ash-discharging for sanitary purposes. (W. V. Paley and G. S. Fenton) Turton, J. G., Melbourne, Vic. Cultivator and seeder. (MasseyHarris Company, Limited, L. M. Jones and A. Johnstone) 19505 19215 19216 20 May 18 March 18 March 53 38 38 1 June.* 20 April. 20 April. 19352 12 April 46 18 May. 18544 19651 19285 19496 19657 4 Oct., 1904 .. 29 June 1 April 19 May 28 June 38 67 38 61 67 20 April. 13; .July.* 20 April.* 29 June. 13 July.* 19658 19464 19429 19371 28 June 15 May 2 May 19 April 67 57 13 July.* 15 June. 19392 26 April 46 18 May. 19410 19551 19572 19476 19185 19279 1 May 5 June 5 June 16 May 9 March 30 March 46 57 57 38 38 18 May.* 15 June.* 15 June. 20 April.* 20 April.* 19598 19543 15 June 2 June '57 15 June.* 19527 30 May 67 13 July. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Welt-attaching apparatus. (G. Goddu) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Thread holder and cutter for wax-thread sewing-machine. (F. A. Kern) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Heel and heelnailing machine. (W. H. Taylor) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Staple making and driving machine. (W. H. Borden) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Brush. (C. E. Graham) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Mould for heelcompressing machine. (C. L. Whiting) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Mould for heelcompressing machine. (B. F. Mayo) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Mould for heelcompressing machine. (T. Lund) 18363 25 Aug., 1904 57 15 June. 18392 1 Sept., 1904 61 29 June. 19368 19 April 42 4 May.* 19610 20 June 61 29 June.* 18224 28 July, 1904.. 38 20 April. 18298 11 Aug., 1904 53 1 June. 18299 11 Aug., 1904 53 1 June. 18300 11 Aug., 1904 53 1 June. Veron, E., Brighton-le-Sands, N.S.W. (See The Clyde Salvage Pearlfishing and Diving Company, Limited, No. 19270.) Vivian, T., Auckland, N.Z. Substitute for bone-dust Voelker, A., Berlin, Germany, Heating by electricity Voorhees, G. T., Boston, U.S.A. Fluid-compression 19344 19484 19304 11 April 17 May 5 April 53 61 42 1 June.* 29 June. 4 May.* Wagstaff, F. W., and another, Howick, N.Z. Nib-releasing penholder Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Making up telegraphic messages. (D. Robertson) Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Paper containing and delivering apparatus. (D. Robertson) Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. (See R. C. Park, No. 19636.) Wall, C. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Toasting-fork Wallace, G. H., and another, Brisbane, Q. Ticket issuer and recorder Wallace, W. K., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Injecting air into cow's udder Walliss, G., and another, Rainbow, Vic. Butter-making machine Waters, E. N., Melbourne, Vic. Meat-preserving process. (J. Guimaraes) Waters, E. N., Melbourne, Vic. Magnetic separator. (The Edison Ore-milling Syndicate, Limited.—T. A. Edison) Watson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Egg-tester Watson, D. M., Invercargill, N.Z. Frost-proof taps Watson, T. W., Wellington, N.Z. Nozzle for bottle Watt, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Heating-attachment to gas-pendant Watts, P. H., Dursley, Eng. Cream-separator Way, R. F., Auckland, N.Z. Window-fastener Webber, A., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Water-closet .. Welch, G. J., and another, Miramar, N.Z. Door-lock Wellington Hydro-Carbon Gas Company, Limited, Wellington, N.Z. Hydro-carbon-gas generator. (A. E. Whyte) Wereta, T., and others, Ohau, N.Z. Hoe 19579 19364 \9365 19431 19467 19139 19319 19446 19478 7 June 19 April 19 April 3 May 15 May 25 Feb. 4 April 10 May 42 42 53 67 42 '67 61 4 May.* 4 May.* 1 June.* 13 July. 4 May. 13 July. 16 May 29 June. 19329 19480 19315 19585 19423 18413 19553 19538 19490 8 April 15 May 7 April 8 June 21 May, 1904f 6 Sept., 1904 5 June 1 June 18 May 53 57 46 1 June. 15 June. 18 May. 19185 9 March 38 20 April.*


alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent—continued.



Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Werner, A., Doyleston, N.Z. Threshing-machine elevator .. feston, P. L., Sydney, N.S.W. Milling-machine .. ?estring, T., Sydney, N.S.W. (See F. M. Baker, No. 19395.) G. W., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Motor-tire ?hiley, F., and others, Ohau, N.Z. Hoe tThiley, R., jun., and others, Ohau, N.Z. Hoe R. C, and another, Rotorua, N.Z. Cock or valve .. Hiite, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Game iThiting, G. L., Brockton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18298.) i'hitmore, E. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Clip for cardboard box /hyte, A. E., Wellington, N.Z. (See The Wellington Hydro-carbon Gas Company, Limited, No. 19490.) ftlliams, A. G. R., Petone, N.Z. Sewing-machine ftlliams, I., Yarraville, Vic. Parlour game fillson, W. G., Westport, N.Z. Horse-cover Wilson, T., Otahuhu, N.Z. Altimeter or quadrant W. H., and another, Boort, Vic. Tobacco-case .. C, Mangatainoka, N.Z. Chimney-pot Henry R., New York, U.S.A. Centrifugal turbinepump. (F. Ray) forthington, Henry R., New York, U.S.A. Centrifugal turbinepump. (F. Ray) bright, T. C, and others, Melbourne, Vic. Road-vehicle .. jfylds, A. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Window-lock M. H., Auckland, N.Z. Fibre-drying means for preventing entanglement M. H., Auckland, N.Z. Flax drying and bleaching 19286 19334 19594 19185 19185 19616 19582 19333 19506 18180 19436 19515 19238 19397 19443 1 April 12 April 14 June 9 March 9 March 20 June 7 June 12 April 23 May 19 July, 1904 2 May 23 May 22 March 26 April 10 May 38 46 38 38 61 61 42 53 42 46 157 38 20 April.* 18 May.* 20 April.* 20 April.* 29 June.* 29 June.* 4 May.* 1 June.* 4 May. 18 May.* 15 June. 20 April. 'en 15 June. 19444 10 May 57 15*June. 19495 19457 19535 18 May 12 May 29 May 46 57 18 May.* 15 June.* 19536 29 May 57 15 June.* "arrow, M., and others, Bolton, Eng. Making earthenware pipes .. 'oulten, W., London, Eng. Fibre-cleaning machine 19635 18065 27 June 21 June, 1904 38 20 April.

* Denotes a provisional specification, 'rade Marks Act, 1889." f Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, am Invention. Name. 1 No. Al Application. Gazette. Bate. No. Date. Abdominal support Account-book transfer-binder Acetylene lamp and generator Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-generator Advertisements, Displaying illuminated Advertising-device Advertising, Method of Advertising-signs Advertising-signs, Flash Agitating-device Agitator, Ore Agricultural implement Alarm. (See Burglar-alarm.) Altazimuth dial Altimeter or quadrant Altitude of sun, Measuring Amalgamator Amalgamator Amalgamator, Mercury-vapour Ammonium chloride from coal, Obtaining Ammunition-carrier Animal-cover fastening Antimony and arsenic, Eliminating, from ores Arrester. (See Spark-arrester.) Artificial-stone manufacture Ash-discharger for sanitary purposes .. Assembling-machine for compo.-board.. Axe Axle-lubricator Axle, Vehicle J. King H. M. Douglas J. E. Ephraim A. J. Gilsenan G. F. Hutchinson H. W. Chinnery P. J. Gossling G. E. Bailey H. Eeid B. Sherman W. B. Devereux W. A. Hendryx A. Storrie W. E. Spencer T. Wilson .. W. Chappell T. J. A. Macdonald J. R. Harrison H. J. Horstmann A. G. French H. E. Ayers D. Keir R. M. Aitken 19324 19377 19593 18186 19440 19317 19264 18252 19262 19284 19483 19222 19557 19455 19515 19353 19621 19567 19426 18493 ' 19414 19325 19603 10 April 20 April 14 June 21 July, 1904 8 May 7 April .. 29 March .. 29 July, 1904 28 March .. 31 March .. 17 May 20 March .. 6 June 9 May 23 May 12 April 22 June 7 June 4 May 21 Sept., 1904 29 April .. 10 April 16 June 42 46 40 +0 46 46 38 38 61 42 07 57 57 42 4 May.* 18 May. 18 May.* 18 May. 18 May. 18 May. 20 April.* 20 April. 29 June. 4 May. 13 July. 15 June.* 15 June. 4 May.* 57 57 01 u> 4<i 15 June.* 15 June. 29 June. 18 May.* 18 May. T. N. Horsley G. G. Turri ".. G. S. Mayhew S. F. Clare .. P. Le Sueur .. H. M. Butler 19583 19543 19276 17962 19239 19356 8 June 2 June 30 March .. 20 May, 1904 23 March .. 18 April .. 57 42 46 38 40 15 June.* 4 May. 18 May. 20 April. 18 May.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Bag. (See Mail-bag.) Baker's oven Bale-binder and fastening Balloting-apparatus Bath Bath-water heater Batten for binder Battery. (See Secondary battery, Stamp battery.) Bearings. (See Plough-wheel bearing, Shaft-bearing.) Bed, Foot-support for use in .. Belt-fastener Belt. (See Driving-belt, Electric belt, Life-belt.) Bevel-gear milling-machine Bicycle-driving mechanism Bicycle-motor Bicycle-support and carrier Bicycle-tire, Valve of Bicycle. (See also Cycle.) Bill-delivery mechanism for meters Binder, Batten for Binder. (See Bale-binder, Book-binder, Transfer-binder.) Binding-table of harvester Bird-trap Bird-trap Blast apparatus for boiler, Hot Blind-bracket Blind, Operating Venetian Block. (See Building - block, Pulleyblock.) Board. (See Compo.-board, Ironingboard, Wash-board.) Bogie-car, Construction of Boiler and steamer Boiler-liner, Mixture for Boiler. (See Steam-boiler, Wash-house boiler.) Boiler, Zinc holder for Bonedust, Substitute for Book-binder Book holder and support Book, Transfer-binder for AccountBoot Boot-heel, Top-piece for Boot or shoe Boot- or shoe-sole, Machine for dampening Boot or shoe, Top-lift for Boot- or shoe-heel Boot-sole Boot sole and protector Boot upper and sole Boot-upper, Solid back Boot, Wellington Boring and grinding machine Boring-machine Bottle-fastening Bottle, Nozzle for Bottle seal and head Bottle seal or stopper Bottle. (See Ink - bottle, Milk - bottle, Milk - carrying bottle, Non - refillable bottle.) Bottling-machine, Syrup-gauge for Bowls, Curling Box. (See Butter-box, Cardboard box.) Bracket for supporting platform Bracket. (See also Blind - bracket, Clothes - drying bracket, Scaffoldingbracket, Spouting-bracket.) Brake for motors, Emergency^ Brake for two-wheeled vehicle Brand Bread, Composition for Bricks, Mixture for making Bricks, Press for Briquette fuel from coal-waste, Manufacture of Broaching of cases, Means for detecting Brooch-fastening Brooch-fastening C. F. F. Allan W. G. Reid and W. H. Ferris .. W. Madder J. A. Forbes W. H. Hannam W. A. Rawson F. McPhee .. J. McLauchlan P. L. Weston J. F. McNeill L. Cerchi A. Chenhall .. F. G. Knight Automatic Meter Company W. A. Rawson A. R. Mackintosh and G. Horrell G. H. Fowler J. Sprott F. W. Payne and R. McLintock W. J. H. Berry F. E. Robertshaw C. E. Bernays R. W. Fairbrother H. W. de Baugh C. R. Massey T. Vivian C. Robertson G. Morgan H. M. Douglas J. H. Jackson, jun. F. W. Farr .. R. J. McDonald L. A. Casgrain C. C. Small H. B. Morrison T. J. Cahill .. W. S. D. Schmidt F. H. Mendoza and A. Teasdale P. R. and W. E. Sargood H. Griffiths O. and P. Paora E. Kelly J. J. Shuttleworth T. W. Watson W. E. Hughes Champion Seal Company 17971 19654 19649 19369 19587 19487 19302 19404 19334 19300 19562 19462 19294 19615 19487 19345 17816 19596 19604 19447 19609 19342 19379 19521 19575 19344 19519 18085 19377 19253 19288 18082 19528 18100 18074 19578 19526 19352 19220 19452 19326 19497 18914 19315 19393 18816 30 May, 1904 30 June 28 June 19 April 14 June 17 May 5 April 26 April .. 12 April 4 April 7 June 12 May 3 April 20 June 17 May 14 April 21 April, 1904 14 June 14 June 10 May 16 June 13 April 20 April 25 May 5 June 11 April .. 26 May 22 June, 1904 20 April .. 24 March .. 12 April, '04t 24 June, 1904 13 June, 1904t 24 Oct., 1903f 23 June, 1904 10 June 29 May 12 April 16 March .. 11 May 10 April 19 May 5 Jan. 7 April 26 April .. 1 Dec, 1904 61 67 4(5 57 42 46 38 67 46 38 57 46 38 61 67 53 46 57 57 53 29 June. 13 July.* 18 May.* 15 June.* 4 May. 18 May.* 20 April.* 13 July.* 18 May.* 20 April.* 15 June.* 18 May. 20 April. 29 June.* 13 July. 1 June. 18 May. 15 June.* 15 June.* 1 June.* 61 42 46 29 June. 4 May.* 18 May.* 38 67 57 38 20 April. 13 July. 15 June. 20 April. 46 46 46 42 53 38 53 53 31 18 May. 18 May. 18 May.* 4 May.* 1 June.* 20 April. 1 June. 1 June. 6 April. A. J. L. Eckersley W. Greenshields 19494 19418 18 May 3 May 61 46 29 June. 18 May.* C. Mills 19499 20 May 57 15 June.* A. H. Byron .. T. W. Hewitt A. J. Roberts J. C. Legg H. W. de Baugh E. T. C. Firth T. Rouse and H. Cohn 19450 19384 19503 18870 19521 19605 19561 8 May 19 April 20 May 17 Dec., 1904 25 May 15 June 7 June 53 46 53 61 1 June. 18 May.* 1 June.* 29 June.* 6J 61 29 June.* 29 June. C. D.'Lightband J. Scott A. H. Simpson 19435 19292 19577 5 May 3 April 7 June 46 46 57 18 May.* 18 May.* 15 June.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. I No. Ar Applioation. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Broom and scraper for ship's hull Bruises, burns, &c, Preparation for Brush Brush Brush Bucket, Converting kerosene-tin into .. Buckle, Detaching tongue of from strap- ' harness Buffer-coupling Building-blocks, Moulding Building material Burglar-alarm and door-stop Burner. (See Heating and illuminating burner, Incandescent burner, Liquidfuel burner.) Busk-protector Bust-support Butter-box Butter-making machine H. A. Cooper S. E. Tooby United Shoe Machinery Company J. Scott C. Trevethick S. D. Currie .. E. W. Thurgar 19532 19392 18224 19293 19476 18142 19657 30 May 26 April 28 July, 1904 3 April 16 May 9 July, 1904 28 June 57 46 38 57 46 67 15 June.* 18 May. 20 April. 15 June. 18 May. 13 July.* A. B. C. Coupler, Limited N. Nielsen H. C. Field .. W. Y. H. Hall and J. E. Jones .. 19398 19038 18431 19602 27 April .. 6 Feb. 8 Sept., 1904 16 June 53 46 57 61 1 June. 18iMay. 15 June. 29 June.* J. King B. Porter R. H. Ellis .. J. A. McHarg and G-. Walliss 19324 19504 18956 19319 10 April 19 May .: 11 Jan. 4 April 53 53 1 June.* 1 June.* Cabinet, Washing and draining Cable-support for electric light and power Calico, Making waterproof Calk for horse-shoe Camera, Tripod stand for Can. (See Oil-can.) Car. (See Bogie-car, Motor-car, Rail-way-car, Tram-car.) Car, Seat-indicator for Carburetting apparatus Card. (See Post-card, Show-card.) Cardboard box, Clip for Carrier. (See Ammunition - carrier, Bicycle-carrier, Egg-carrier, Globecarrier, Parcel-carrier.) Cart, SpringCase. (See Tobacco-case.) Cases, Detecting broaching of Catamenial appliance Cement manufacture Centrifugal pump Centrifugal pump Centrifugal separator distributor Chaff_cutter and bagger Chain-measure or tape Chains, Spreader for Chair. (See Easy-chair.) Chair for metal poles Chair-support for post Chimney-pot Chimney-top or ventilator Cinder-grid for fire-grate Cistern. (See Water-cistern.) Cleaner. (See Knife-cleaner, Lampchimney cleaner.) Cleaning. (See Fibre-cleaning, Steamboiler cleaning.) Cleansing-compound Clip for fastening cardboard box Clipper. (See Hedge-clipper.) Closet-pan Closet. (See Water-closet.) Clothes-drying bracket Clothes-peg Clothes-peg Clothes-line pole Clutch, Plate Clutch for power-transmission Coal, Obtaining ammonium chloride from Coal-waste, Manufacture of briquettefuel from N. W. Gosling and J. Kennington E. Lodder A. F. Roy G. I. Durrant and P. Robert A. McLeod 19372 19589 19340 19357 18474 17 April 14 June 11 April .. 18 April 22 Sept., 1904 46 61 42 42 31 18 May.* 29 June.* 4 May.* 4 May.* 6 April. R. C. Park M. Steel and R. Thornton 19636 19496 27 June 19 May 67 61 13 July.* 29 June. E. H. Whitmore 19333 12 April 42 4 May.* W. S. Bagby 19313 7 April 4 May.* 42 C. D. Lightband E. Schulze R. Liebold Henry R. Worthington Henry R. Worthington N. Setterwall J. Macalister .. W. S. Trayes J. Pomeroy 19435 18371 18849 19443 19444 19318 18073 19572 19517 5 May 25 Aug., 1904 24 Feb., 1904t 10 May 10 May 7 April 17 June, 1904 5 June 22 May 46 57 31 57 57 42 38 57 57 18 May.* 15 June. 6 April. 15 June. 15 June. 4 May.* 20 April. 15 June.* 15 June.* A. F. Roy A. F. Roy C. Woodhams T. Driffield and P. T. Johns G. F. Newman 19626 19502 19397 19552 19544 24 June 19 May 26 April 5 June 2 June 57 53 13 July.* 1 June.* 57 15 June.* W. Knight and A. Anderson E. H. Whitmore 20 April 12 April .. 19402 19333 42 4 May.* W. Ashley 19224 20 March .. 46 18 May.* H. G. W. L. Noy F. T. F. Evans F. V. Raymond J. Pomeroy A. de Dion and G. Bouton J. K. Stewart A. G. French T. Rouse and H. Cohn .. 19459 19601 19694 19641 19413 19531 18493 19561 7 May 16 June 29 June 21 June 28 April .. 30 May 21 Sept., 1904 7 June 53 1 June.* 67 53 13 July.* 1 June. 61 61 29 June. 29 June. Cock F. C. Buck 19287 3 April 38 57 20 April.* 15 June. Cock, StopCock or valve Collar. (See Horse-collar.) Colour-printing Compo. -board, Assembling-machine for Compressed-air and water-power for lift, &c. Compression attachment for oil-engine Compressor, Fluid-Concentrating-table, Dry T. Ritchie R. C. White and A. Burt, jun. .. 19693 19616 28 June 20 June 61 29 June.* W. E. Hughes G. S. Mayhew W. J. Howcroft 19482 19276 19516 17 May 30 March .. 25 May 42 61 4 May. 29 June.* L. T. Reichel G. T. Voorhees H. M. Sutton and W. L. and E. G. Steele 19301 19304 19613 5 April 5 April 20 June 38 42 20 April.* 4 May.*

H. 10


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Invention. Name, No. Application. Oattette. Date. No. Date. Concentrator Concrete building-block, Moulding hollow Conveyor Cooking-vessel, Casing for Cooler. (See Cream-cooler, Milk-cooler.) Corset Coupling. (See Buffer-coupling, Railcoupling, Vehicle-coupling.) Cover. (See Animal-cover, Horse-cover, Nightsoil-pan cover, Tire-cover.) Cow leg-holder Cow's udder, Injecting air into Cramp, Mitre-joint Cream-cooler Cream-separator Cream-separator Cribbing Cuff-protector Cultivator Cultivator and seeder Curler. (See Hair-curler.) Curtain-pin Curtain-pole Curtain-ring Curtain-suspender Curtain-suspender Curtain-suspender Cutter. (See Chaff-cutter, Hedge-cutter, Thread-cutter.) Cycle, Explosion-motor for Cycle, Pedal-strap for Cycle. (See also Bicycle, Motor-cycle.) J. R. Harrison N. Nielsen H. Quertier W. Little B. Porter W. Newth W. K. Wallace and J. W. Deem R. Dunne G. Ford W. H. Spiller P. H. Watts .. F. H. Brenton, and J. StrutherS C. J. Good .. J. Gray J. G. Turton .. 19481 19139 19403 19309 18291 19423 19213 19612 19479 19527 19567 19038 19453 19338 19504 7 June 6 Feb. 11 May 13 April 19 May 17 May 25 Feb. 26 April 6 April 9 Aug., 1904 21 May, 1904t 18 March .. 20 June 16 May 30 May 57 46 61 46 53 42 46 42 57 57 38 01 57 67 15 June.* 18 May. 29 June. 18 May. 1 June.* 4 May. 18 May.* 4 May.* 15 June. 15 June. 20 April. 29 June.* 15 June.* 13 July. J. C. Traill A. Marr C. H. Fullbrook G. Barnes G. Barnes G. Barnes 19551 18758 19510 19235 19236 18820 5 June 10 May 25 May 22 March .. 22 March .. 1 Dec, 1904 53 57 38 61 57 1 June.* 15 June.* 20 April. 29 June.* 15 June. M. Rutty C. W. Gordon 18802 19586 29 Nov., 1904 14 June 61 61 29 June. 29 June.* Damper for register-grate Deodorant Derrick and winch Detergent powder Dial, Altazimuth Die for heel-compressing machine Die for heel-compressing machine Die for heel-compressing machine Distributor. (See Centrifugal separator distributor, Manure- distributor.) Door-lock Door-lock Door-stop and burglar-alarm Door-tread Drains, &c, Clearing Drawing-instrument ,. Dray Dray for carting timber Dredger head, SuctionDredging apparatus, SuctionDredging machine, SuctionDrilling machine, Wood-Driving-belt for motor-cycle Driving-mechanism of bicycle Drying clothes, Extending-rod for H. Mann G. G. Turri .. G. T. Macfarlane P. Bock W. E. Spencer United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company 19617 19543 19427 19396 19455 18298 18299 18300 21 June 2 June 4 May 26 April 9 May 11 Aug., 1904 11 Aug., 1904 11 Aug., 1904 61 57 46 57 53 53 53 29 June.* 15 June.* 18 May.* 15 June.* 1 June. 1 June. 1 June, G. J. Welch and H. A. Stechmann A. Speden W. Y. H. Hall and J. E. Jones .. R. Clark H. Halcrow .. W. 0. Beere .. W. S. Bagby .. W. Henry and G. Cudby 0. Friihling 0. Friihling .. J. Shepherd and T. B. Robertson W. A. E. Browne T. P. Obbinson J. F. McNeill H. G. W. L. Noy 19538 18223 19602 19492 19389 19606 19313 19533 19381 19380 19350 19449 19545 19300 19459 1 June 25 July, 1904 16 June 17 May 25 April 19 June 7 April 31 May 18 April 18 April .. 15 April .. 10 May 2 June 4 April 7 May (il 42 61 53 53 61 42 57 53 53 46 46 57 38 53 29 June.* 4 May. 29 June.* 1 June.* ljlune.* 29June.* 4 May.* 15 June.* 1 June. 1 June. 18 May 18 May.* 15 June.* 20 April.* 1 June.* Ear-mark Ear-trumpet Earthenware pipes, Glazing, &c. Earthenware pipes, Machine for making J. E. Jenkinson F. M. Baker .. R. 0. Clark .. H., J., and A. Coulthurst, M. Yarrow, and W. R. Haworth A. Harris D. McKenzie .. R. Harvey E. L. Robertson J. Watson J. and R. Lindsay 19473 19395 19438 19635 15 May 26 April 4 May 27 June 53 46 1 June.* 18 May.* Easy-chair Easy-chair Effluent from filter-bed, Discharging .. Egg-carrier Egg-tester Electric current, Trolley-pole for conducting Electric-energy transmitter Electric-light support Electric-motor control Electric ring, belt, &c. Electric separator 19412 19441 19011 18907 19329 19370 1 May 6 May 31 Jan. 30 Dec, 1904 8 April 19 April .. 46 57 38 38 46 18 May.* 15 June.* 20 April. 20 April. 18 May.* A. Artom E. Lodder W. E. Hughes A. Kohn H. M. Sutton, and W. L., and E. G. Steele B. Sherman C. A. Sahlstrom A. Voelker A. W. and A. W. Jones 19275 19589 19468 19055 19614 30 March .. 14 June 15 May 8 Feb. 20 June 42 61 61 46 4 May. 29 June.* 29 June. 18 May. Electric switching-device for advertising Electrical ozoniser Electricity, Heating by Electro-medical appliance 19284 19650 19484 19100 31 March 2 May 17 May 20 March .. 38 61 57 20 April.* 29 June. 1 fi Jiinp *


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Oazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Elevator for threshing-machine Embrocation for horses Engine. (See Internal-combustion engine, Locomotive - engine, Oil-engine, Turbine-engine.) Engine-tractor Engines, Vaporiser for Envelope-fastening Envelope, SafetyEnvelope, Transparent-paper Explosion-motor for cycle A. Werner W. G. Grave and A. Tiddy J. Macalister .. R. J. Scott J. R. Park R. Coghill J. R. Park .. M. Rutty 19286 19429 18073 19280 19638 19001 19637 18802 1 April 2 May 17 June, 1904 31 March .. 27 June 24 Jan. 27 June 29 Nov., 1904 38 38 42 20 April.* 20 April. 4 May. 42 4 May. (ii 29 June. Fastener. (See Belt-fastener, Handlefastener, Mail-bag fastener, Windowfastener. ) Fastening. (See Animal-cover fastening, Brooch-fastening, Bottle-fastening, Envelope-fastening.) Fatty matter from wool, Recovering Feeder for calves and lambs Feeding-trough for animals Fencing-standard Fermentation, Production of lactic Fibre-cleaning machine Fibre-deflector Fibre. (See also Flax.) Filter Filter-beds, Discharging effluent from .. Filter-press Filter, Pressure Fire-bridge and smoke-consumer Fire-escape R. F. Barker A. J. Buckland R. H. Carter .. W. E. Chamberlain J. A. Gilruth W. Youlten J. A. Burt 19565 19376 19434 18316 17940 18065 19529 7 June 20 April 5 May 15 Aug., 1904 23 May, 1904 21 June, 1904 27 May 57 46 46 57 38 38 61 15 June.* 18 May.* 18 May.* 15 June. 20 April. 20 April. 29 June.* W. Cowern R. Harvey A. E. Davis .. C. W. Merrill C. J. Johnson and J. Carlaw The Empire Inventions Company, Limited G. F. Newman H. Buckland .. F. W. Grocke H. Quertier aud C. C. Armstrong C. C. Armstrong and H. Quertier C. E. E. Smith M. H. Wynyard C. E. E. Smith M. H. Wynyard 18985 19011 19628 19337 19573 19563 24 Jan. 31 Jan. 26'Juue 12 April .. 6 June 7 June 57 38 15 June. 20 April. 42 57 67 4 May.* 15 June.* 13 July. Fire-grate, Cinder-grid for Fire-screen Fire-tongs, Spring Flashlight apparatus Flashlight powder Flax catching and delivering machine .. Flax drying and bleaching Flax, Drying and cleaning Flax drying, Preventing entanglement of fibres in .. Flax-stripper Flax-treatment Flax-treatment Flax-treatment Flax-treatment Flax-washer Flax washer and scraper Flax-washer and scraper Flax-washing Fleshing-machine Fluid-compression Food for infants, Preparing Foot-support for use in bed Fork, ToastingFruit product, Preserved Fuel-economizer and smoke-preventer .. Fuel-economizer and smoke-consumer .. Fuel-economizer and smoke-consumer .. Furnace, Tire19544 19310 18305 18257 18258 19348 19536 19388 19535 2 June 6 April 11 Aug., 1904 1 Aug., 1904 1 Aug., 1904 14 April .. 29 May 25 April 29 May 57 53 46 57 61 46 57 53 57 15 June.* 1 June.* 18 May. 15 June. 29 June. 18 May. 15 June.* 1 June. 15 June.* J. Dunbar A. L. J. Tait H. D. Mackenzie K. Matthews E. B. Toomath J. Pomeroy C. E. E. Smith C. E. E. Smith C. Suttie A. Thomson G. T. Voorhees A. Johnstone F. McPhee .. C. M. Wall D. F. Sherman E. Richardson C. J. Johnson and J. Carlaw C. J. Johnson and J. Carlaw H. F. Mander 19652 18601 19359 19500 19410 19460 17973 19360 19625 19285 19304 19401 19302 19431 19640 19570 19291 19573 19314 26 Juue 17 Oct., 1904 18 April .. 17 May 1 May 9 May 27 May, 1904 18 April 22 June 1 April 5 April 26 April .. 5 April 3 May 27 June 7 June 1 April 6 June 7 April 42 46 61 46 38 46 67 38 42 46 42 53 4 May. 18 May.* 29 June.* 18 May.* 20 April. 18 May. 13 July.* 20 April.* 4 May.* 18 May.* 4 May. 1 June.* 57 38 57 42 15 June.* 20 April.* 15 June.* 4 May.* Galvanising and tinning wire Game apparatus, Table-curling Game. (See Parlour-game, Race-game, Table-golf.) Gas-holder for limelight purposes Gas-making apparatus Gas, Manufacture of.. Gas, Manufacture of .. Gas-pendant, Heating-attachment for .. Gas. (See also Acetylene-gas, Hydro-carbon-gas, Producer and water-gas.) Gear. (See Bevel-gear, Beversing-gear.) Generator. (See Acetylene generator, Hydrocarbon-gas generator.) Ginning and burring machine Globe-carrier and mantle Gold-extraction Gold from sea-water, Extracting Gold-saving apparatus G. A. Goodson S. White 18962 19582 9 June, 1904f 7 June 38 61 20 April. 29 June.* R. Newman Leede Process Company H. S. Elworthy H. S. Elworthy J. Watt 19619 19373 19630 19631 19585 20 June 18 April .. 27 June 27 June 5 June 57 15 June. W. Youlten .. H. Sandlant .. F. W. Dupre A. Argles A. S. Ford 18065 19327 19646 19448 19278 21 June, 1904 8 April 28 June 10 May 31 March .. 38 46 20 April. 18 May.* 46 38 18 May.* 20 April*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. Date. No. Gold-saving apparatus Gold-separation and recovery.. Golf, TableGoods, Means for moving Governor Grease from wool, Extracting J. R. Park J. Nicholson and S. G. Plucknett W. P. Porteous T. P. Rudkins and P. K. O'Brien N. Lombard A. H. Burt, H. Jackson, and C. A. Finch 0. and P. Paora C. G. Johanson 19428 19274 19261 19622 19425 19399 4 May 30 March .. 28 March .. 22 June 4 May 27 April 46 42 42 18 May.* 4 May.* 4 May. 53 1 June. Grinding and boring machine Grubbing and transplanting tool Guard. (See Life-guard, Mud-guard.) Gum. (See Kauri-gum.) Gutter, Roof 19326 18138 10 April .. 7 July, 1904 42 42 4 May.* 4 May. J. O'Dowd 19629 26 June 67 13 July.* Hair-curler.. .. Hair-curler Hair-curler Hair-pin Hames Handle-clinch Handle-fastener Harmonica F. V. Raymond F. V. Raymond F. V. Raymond A. M. Hendy R. H. Carter A. O. and W. J. Grundy J. C. Dallas .. E; A. Allan M. Barraclough W. Joss A. Reid A. R. Mackintosh and G. Horrell A. B. Proud and H. M. Alexander H. S. Anderson 19244 19281 19282 18897 19434 18441 19400 19331 19366 19305 19514 19345 19258 19390 16 March .. 29 March .. 29 March .. 22 Dec, 1904 5 May 13 Sept., 1904 27 April 11 April 19 April .. 5 April 25 May 14 April 25 March .. 25 April 38 38 38 38 46 61 53 42 46 42 20 April.* 20 April.* 20 April.* 20 April. 18 May.* 29 June. 1 June. 4 May.* 18 May.* 4 May.* Harness Harness-hook Harness-hook Harvester, Binding table of .. Hat-pin Hat-pin Heater. (See Bath-water heater, waterheater.) Heating and illuminating burner Heating-attachment to gas-pendant Heating by electricity Hedge-clipper 46 42 18 May 4 May H. Braby J. Watt A. Voelker F. W. Barton, W. Morton, and J. Hercus C. J. Johanson .. .. E. McCaffry 19367 19585 19484 19465 19 April 8 June 17 May 11 May 42 4 May.* 61 61 29 June. 29 June. Hedge-cutter .. Heel for ladies' shoes Heel. (See Boot-heel.) Heel-compressing machine, Die for Heel-nailing machine Heel-compressing machine, Die for Heel-compressing machine, Die for Hoe 19355 19660 17 April 29 June 42 4 May.* United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company F. and R. Whiley, T. Wereta, and M. Tukeka C. B. Gaby .. i 18298 19368 18299 18300 19185 11 Aug., 1904 19 April 11 Aug., 1904 11 Aug., 1904 9 March 53 42 53 53 38 1 June. 4 May.* 1 June. 1 June. 20 April.* Hoisting-machine for lift Holder. (See Book - holder, Cow - leg holder, Gas - holder, Necktie - holder, Penholder, Thread - holder, Ticketholder, Window-holder, Zinc holder.) Hook. (See Harness-hook.) Horse-collar Horse-collar Horse-cover Horse-cover, Attaching leg-straps to .. Horse-cover strapping Horse-embrocation Horse-muzzle Horse or cattle cover Horse-shoe Horse-shoe, Calk for Horse-stopper Hose-connection House, Portable Hydraulic ram Hydro-carbon-gas generator 19409 1 May 46 18 May.* J. M. Toft .. J. S. Hull and E. T. Morland .. 0. Eide S. Nicolson and J. Turnbull A. F. Sharpe .. W. G. Grave and A. Tiddy D. Kitchen .. W. G. Willson J. Grant G. I. Durrant and P. Robert T. Firth J. McGuire W. M. Ducker H. V. Blake Wellington Hydro-carbon Gas Company, Limited 19371 18949 19542 19279 19407 19429 19115 19436 18562 19357 19520 19611 19571 19560 19490 19 April 12 Jan. 1 June 30 March .. 29 April .. 2 May 21 Feb. 2 May 7 Oct., 1904 18 April .. 27 May 20 June 7 June 7 June 18 May 53 67 38 46 46 46 38 42 67 1 June. 13 July.* 20 April.* 18 May.* 18 May.* 18 May.* 20 April. 4 May.* 13 July.* 67 13 July. Incandescent burner Indicator. (See Seat-indicator, Stationindicator, Time-table indicator.) Infants' food, Preparing Ink-bottle Instep-support Internal-combustion engine Internal-combustion engine D. Anderson 19472 15 May 67 13 July. A. Johnstone T. F. Brown and H. Clarke A. E. Furness F. Lyst The Empire Oil-engine Syndicate, Limited W. J. Howcroft A. T. W. Allan W. J. Fryer 19401 19647 19078 19316 19362 26 April .. 28 June 15 Feb. 7 April 19 April .. 46 67 46 46 53 18 May.* 13 July.* 18 May. 18 May. 1 June. Iron and tinned ware, Machine for making Iron standard and picket Ironing-board and shirt-clamp 19363 19584 19556 19 April 9 June 6 June 61 61 57 29 June. 29 June.* 15 June.* Jack. (See Lifting-jack, Standard-jack.) 12 May 9 July, 1904 1 June.* 18 May. Kauri-gum, Digging Kerosene-tin, Converting into bucket .. P. Lanigan S. D. Currie 19475 18142 53 46


Alphabetic al List of Inventions— continued.

7—H. 10.—06,


Invention. Name. 1 No. Ar Application. No. Gazette. Date. Bate. Kettle Knife-cleaner Knife-cleaner G. Adcock .. .. .. 19600 H. Berry .. .. .. 19592 A. T. W. Allan .. .. 19623 15 June 14 June 20 June 61 29 June.* Label-affixing device Lactic fermentation, Production of Lamp-chimney cleaner Lamp. (See Acetylene lamp.) Leg-straps, Attaching to horse-cover Life-belt Life-guard for tram-car Lift, Hoisting-machine for Lifts, Compressed air and water-power for Lifting-j ack support Limelight purposes, Gasholder for Liquid-fuel burner Liquid-separator, Centrifugal Liquid-separator, Centrifugal Liquid-vaporiser Liquids from solids, Separating C. B. Smith .. .. .. 16439 J. A. Gilruth .. .. .. 17940 F. W. Rowlands .. .. 19555 S. Nicolson and J. Turnbull .. ; 19279 J. Dunning and J. E. Gavey .. 19541 J. L. Kirkbride .. .. 19321 C. B. Gaby .. . . .. 19409 W. J. Howcroft .. .. 19516 R. J. Castles .. .. .. 19330 R. Newman .. .. .. 19619 F. Cotton .. .. .. 19268 A. S. Patterson .. .. 19265 A. S. Patterson .. .. 19422 A. Hayes .. .. .. 19574 The Cyanide Vacuum Filter Com- 19217 pany, Limited B. Hunt .. .. .. 1.9469 4 May 23 May, 1904 6 June 30 March .. 1 June 8 April 1 May 25 May 11 April . .. 20 June 30 March .. 30 March . . 4 May 8 June 18 March .. 46 38 57 38 57 42 46 61 53 18 May.* 20 April. 15 June.* 20 April.* 15 June.* 4 May.* 18 May.* 29 June.* 1 June. 42 42 57 4 May. 4 May. 15 June. 42 4 May. Liquids from solids, Separating Lock. (See Door-lock, Sash-look, Win-dow-lock.) Locomotive engine Log-hauling pulley-block 15 May 61 29 June. Lubricator Lubricator, AxleLubricator, Sight-feed A. S. D. Cribb .. .. 19424 A. W. Collett and C. B. and E. M. ' 18148 Edkins I. Harrison and G. Bagley .. 19539 P. Le Sueur .. .. .. 19239 J. Shepherd .. .. .. \ 19328 4 May 12 July, 1904 1 June 23 March .. 8 April 61 53 (il 38 42 29 June. 1 June. 29 June.* 20 April 4 May.* Magnetic separator and electro-magnet .. Mail-bag fastener Mail-bag fastener Mail-bag-fastener Mail-bag fastener Mail-bag seal Mailing wrapper Mantle, Non-vibrating Manure-distributor Mark, EarMattress. (See Wire mattress.) Meat-preserving process Meat-preserving process Medical appliance, ElectroMedicinal preparation for bruises, &c. .. Mercury-vapour amalgamator Metals from ores, Extracting Metals from ores, Recovery of Meter, Bill-delivery mechanism for Microphone Milk-carrying bottle Milk-cooler Milk-powder Milk-powder Milk-strainer, Removable bottom for .. Milking-machinery Milling-machine, Bevel-gear Mining. (See Submarine mining.) Mitre-joint cramp Mop, Washing-up Mortar for stamp-battery Motor Motor and power-transmitter Motor-car, &c, Emergency-brake for . . Motor-cycle, Driving-belt Motor. (See Bicycle-motor, Electric motor, Explosion-motor, Windmotor. ) Mouth-organ Mud-guard for vehicle Music-support Muzzle. (See Horse-muzzle.) E. N. Waters .. .. 19478 R. Paladini .. .. .. 19518 T. Falvey and B. J. H. Scott .. 19415 J. D. Smith .. .. .. 19320 R. Paladini .. .. .. 19336 J. Anschau .. .. .. 19645 G. S. Jones .. .. .. 17847 H. Sandlant .. .. .. 19327 D. Holderness .. .. 19312 J. E. Jenkinson .. .. 19473 16 May 26 May 2 May 4 April 12 April 28 June 26 April, 1904 8 April 5 April 15 May 61 57 40 42 42 07 38 46 42 29 June. 15 June.* 18 May.* 4 May.* 4 May.* 13 July.* 20 April. 18 May.* 4 May.* D. B. M. Eeker and S. Gironcoli ! 19306 E. N. Waters .. .. 19446 A. W. and A. W. Jones .. 19100 S. E. Tooby .. .. .. i 1.9392 H. J. Horstmann .. .. I 19426 W. A. Hendryx . . . . ! 19222 C. Gluyas .. .. .. 1.9375 Automatic Meter Company .. : 19615 F. F. Bourdil .. * .. j 19358 J. Anderson and J. D. Hunter .. 19277 W. H. Spiller .. .. 18291 A. Glas .. .. - .. 18720 A. Glas .. . . .. 19303 E. F. Reynolds .. .. j 19335 G. Hutchinson .. .. 19540 P. L. Weston .. .. ! 19334 5 April 10 May 20 March .. 26 April .. 4 May 20 March .. 20 April .. 20 June 18 April .. 28 March .. 9 Aug., 1904 12 Nov., l903t 17 May, )904f 12 April . . 1 June 12 April 42 07 57 46 57 42 42 46 42 57 38 40 42 57 46 4 May. 13 July. 15 June.* 18 May. 15 June. 4 May. 4 May.* 18 May. 4 May. 15 June. 20 April. 18 May. 4 May.* 15 June.* 18 May.* R. Dunne .. .. .. 19403 G. A. Haydon .. .. 19656 W. A. Merralls .. .. 19421 J. E. and E. H. Friend .. 19513 J. K. Stewart.. .. .. 19530 A. H. Byron . . .. .. 19450 T. P. Obbinsoti .. .. j 19545 26 April .. 26 June 4 May 25 May 30 May 8 May 2 June 46 18 May.* 53 57 07 53 57 1 June.* 15 June.* 13 July. 1 June. 15 June.* E. A. Allan .. .. .. 19331 H. Munro .. .. .. 18596 R. W. Jones .. .. .. 19618 11 April 15 Oct., 1904 20 June 42 38 61 4 May.* 20 April.* 29 June.* Necktie-holder Nib-releasing penholder Nickel, Production of Nightsoil-pan cover, Securing Nitrate, &c, Manufacturing Non-reflllable bottle Noxious-weed destroyer Noxious-weed-destroying solution Noxious-weed exterminator Nozzle for bottle containing acids I;. E. Papworth .. .. 19554 W. Langdon and F. W. Wagstaff , 19579 H. S. Elworthy .. .. 19632 J. T. Hunter .. .. .. i 17978 J. Price .. .. .. 19507 R. Dunne .. .. .. 19416 D. Holderness .. .. 19312 S. McCully .. .. .. 19067 F. Sewell .. .. .. 19374 T. W, Watson ,, .. 19315 5 June 7 June 27 June 31 May, 1904 23 May 2 May 5 April 13 Feb. 20 April 7 April 57 01 57 42 57 42 53 15 June. 29 June. 15 June. 4 May.* 15 June.* 4 May.* 1 June



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

IiiTantioc. Name. i No. A E Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Obstruction-remover Offal, Treatment of J. Bowling The Fish Oil and Guano Company, Limited T. C. Hement.. E. II. Purchas F. Lindback I. Harrison and G. Bagley L. T. Beichel A. A. Stephenson T. Macalpine .. T. H. Lash .. H. L. Sulman, H. F. KirkpatrickPicard, and J. Ballot H. L. Sulman, H. F. KirkpatrickPicard, and J. Ballot J. Baird W. A. Hendryx R. M. Aitken .. F. W. Dupre . . W. A. Hendryx A. J. F. de Bavay A. J. F. de Bavay E. A. Allan .. C. F. F. Allan C. A. Sahlstrom 19394 19471 26 April 15 May 57 0! 15 June. 29 June. O.G. Spouting Oil-can Oil-can Oil, Device for delivering Oil-engine-compression-attachment Oil-fuel vaporiser Oils, Refining Ointment 18528 19295 19581 19539 19301 19240 18233 19620 19633 1 Oct., 1904 3 April 12 June 1 June 5 April 23 March .. 28 July, 1904 22 June 27 June 38 46 61 (il 38 38 57 20 April. 18 May.* 29 June.* 29 June.* 20 April.* 20 April.* 15 June. Ore-concentration Ore-concentration 19634 27 June Ore-crusher Ore-treatment Ores, Eliminating antimony and arsenic Ores, Extracting gold from Ores, Extracting metals from Ores, Separating Ores, Separating zinc blende from Organ, Mouth Oven, Baker's Ozoniser, Electrical 19486 19221 19603 19646 1.9222 18688 18228 19331 17971 19650 15 May 20 March .. 16 June 28 June 20 March .. 3 Nov., 1904 28 July, 1904 11 April .. 30 May, 1904 2 Mayf . . 57 42 42 57 (il 4-> 01 15 June.* 4 May 4 May. 15 June. 29 June. 4 May.* 29 June. Packet to show-card, Attaching Paint, Device for delivering Pan. (See Closet-pan, Nightsoil-pan.) Paper, Coated Paper, Containing and delivering sheets of Parcel-carrier Parlour-game .. Pedal-strap for cycles Peeler, PotatoPeg, ClothesPenholder, Nib-releasing Photographs, &c, Mailing-wrapper for.. Physical-culture apparatus Picket for wire-fencing Pig-trough Pin. (See Curtain-pin, Hair-pin, Hat-pin, Safety-pin.) Pipe. (See Earthenware pipe, soil-pipe.) Planter, Potato-Plate-clutch Platform, Bracket for supporting Plough, Water-race Plough-wheel bearing Pole. (See Clothes-line pole, Curtainpole, Trolley-pole.) Portable adjustable stand Post-card Postage-stamp-vending machine Potato-peeler Potato-planter Powder. (See Detergent powder, Flash-light-powder, Milk-powder.) Power-transmission, Driving clutch for.. Power-transmitter Preserving fruit Preserving meat Preserving meat Press for bricks, &c. Press. (See also Filter-press.) Pressure-filter Printing, ColourProducer and water-gas, Making Propeller-blade Protector. (See Boot-protector, Buskprotector, Cuff-protector, Tire-pro-tector. ) Pulley-block, Log-hauling P. Bock I. Harrison and G. Bagley 19417 19539 2 May 1 June 57 (il 15 June. 29 June.* E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward R. Wales 19408 19365 29 April 19 April .. 46 42 18 May.* 4 May.* E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward I. Williams C. W. Gordon E. F. B. Kenyon F. T. F. Evans W. Langdon and F. W. Wagstaff.. G. S. Jones A. E. Brown A. T. W. Allan P. J. Devine. .. 18875 18180 19586 18234 19601 19579 17847 19461 19584 18095 20 Dec,1904 19 July, 1904 14 June 28 July, 1904 16 June 7 June 26 April, 1904 12 May 9 June 24 June, 1904 4-2 l>! 46 38 53 (il r>:! 6 April. 4 May. 29 June.* 18 May. 20 April. 1 June.* 29 June.* 1 June. J. B. Crump A. de Dion and G. Bouton C. Mills W. H. Clement W. Brew 19341 19413 19499 18069 19558 13 April .. 28 April 20 May 20 June, 1904 5 June 42 53 57 38 57 4 May.* 1 June. 15 June.* 20 April. 15 June.* A. J. Buckland F. G. Radcliffe and R, L. Stewart R. J. Dickie and J. H. Brown E. F. B. Kenyon J. B. Crump 19378 19451 19498 18234 19341 20 April . . 8 May 19 May 28 July, 1904 13 April .. 46 53 5.-! 46 42 18 May.* 1 June.* 1 June.* 18 May. 4 May.* J. K. Stewart J. K. Stewart D. F. Sherman D. B. M. Ecker and S. Gironooli E. N. Waters E. T. C. Firth 19531 19530 19640 19306 19446 19605 30 May 30 May 27 June 5 April 10 May 15 June 07 67 42 <!7 13 July. 13 July. 4 May. 13 July. 29 June.* C. W. Merrill W. E. Hughes E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward T. Grundy 19337 19482 17961 19383 12 April .. 17 May 26 May, 1904 19 April 42 46 57 4 May.* 18 May. 15 June. Pump and sprayer Pump and valve Pump, Double-acting Pump Pump Punching machine, TicketA. W. Collett and C. B. and E. M. Edkins R. Millar A. E. Davis W. Seal Henry R. Worthington Henry R. Worthington F. W. Smith 18148 19361 19311 19332 19443 9444 9595 12 July, 1904 15 April 6 April 12 April .. 10 May 10 May 14 June 5.-! (il 4:2 42 57 57 (il 1 June. 29 June. 4 May. 4 May.* 15 June. 15 June. 29 June.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. No. Ar Application. Oaiette. Date. No. Date. Quadrant T. Wilson 19515 23 May r>7 15 June. Rabbit-extermination Rabbit-trap Race-game Rail-coupling and bond Railway-car with divided axle Railway-points, &c, Operating Railway-signals, &e., Operating Railway-traffic control system F. W. Parker R. H. Easdown A. Taylor D. Skinner A. R. Angus W. Taylor .. W. Taylor Rowe's Patent Lock and Block, Limited 19627 19564 19505 19354 18714 19216 19215 18274 26 June 7 June 20 May 17 April .. 8 Nov., 1904 18 March .. 18 March .. 4 Aug., 1904 07 r>:! 42 53 38 38 57 13 July.* 1 June. 4 May.* 1 June. 20 April. 20 April. 15 June. Rain-water, Pipe for preventing dirty, t entering tanks I Ram, Hydraulic Ratchet-wrench Receipt-form Recorder. (See Speed-recorder, Ticketissuer and recorder.) Register-grate, Damper for Register, VotingReins, Driving-Reversing-gear for sawmill, &c. Rheumatism, Electric-ring, belt, &c, for curing Ridger and sower Ridger and sower Ridging, Forming raised heads on sheet iron Rifle back-sight Ring. (See Curtain-ring, Electric-ring.) Ring, Spinning-machine Roof-gutter Roofing-tile Rowel, Securing to spur Rowlock Rowlock, Securing to boat Running-sheet for tramways, railways, &e. C. Burridgf. H. V. Blake G. Stevenson H. D. Atkinson H. Mann W. Dall T. Higgle E. M. Edkins A. Kolm T. W. Soper A. Storrie .. .. T. C. Hement 19406 19560 19643 19653 19017 18111 19138 19537 19055 18093 19557 19096 28 April 7 June 24 June 30 June 21 June 30 June, 1904 25 Feb. 1 June 8 Feb. 28 June, 1904 6 June 10 Feb. 01 46 r>:s r>7 46 57 67 38 4(1 (il 67 67 18 May.* 29 June. 13 July. 13 July'.* 29 June.* 18 May. 1 June.* 15 June.* 18 May. 15 June. 13 July. 20 April. 0. Sinclair 19511 25 May 57 15 June.* W. A. Stetson J. O'Dowd .. N. Nielsen W. H. Connelly J. Hall W. Langdon H. Ashworth 19308 19029 19474 18384 19454 19508 19256 6 April .. 20 June 15 May 31 Aug., 1904 9 May 20 May 28 March .. 42 67 53 c>1 53 61 38 4 May. 13 July.* 1 June.* 29 June. 1 Junt,. 29 June. 20 April.* Safety-pin Sash-hanger and lock J. C. Traill A. Curwood, J. Harrison, and E. A. Cameron 19551 19501 5 June 16 May 07 13 July'.* Sash. (See also Window-sash.) Saw, HandSawmill reversing-gear Scaffolding-bracket Scraper and broom Screen, Fire Seal. (See Bottle-seal, Mail-bag seal.) Sea-water, Extracting gold from Seat indicator for cars, VacantSecondary battery Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower and ridger Seeder and cultivator Separator. (See Centrifugal separator, Cream-separator, Electric separator, Liquid-separator, Magnetic separator.) Sewing-machine Sewing - machine attachment, Waxthread Shaft-bearings Sharpening-stone, Box for holding Sheep-shearing machine, Wolseley Sheep-shearing machine, Wolseley Sheepskins, Treating trimmed pieces from Ship's hull, Scraper and broom for Shirt-clamp and ironing-board Shoe. (See Boot or shoe, Horse-shoe.) Shovel Show-card, Attaching packet to Signal. (See Railway-signal.) Signs, Displaying illuminated.. Signs, Flash advertisingSigns for advertising Signals, &c, operating railway and tramway Silo Skylight .. Slimes, Recovery of minerals from Slimes, Treating C. J. Royds E. M. Edkins G. E. Humphries H. A. Cooper H. Buckland A. Argles R. C. Park E. L. Oppermann P. and D. Duncan, Limited W. Lowe T. W. Soper J. G. Turton A. G. R. Williams United Shoe Machinery Company E. R. Smith M. Matthews A. Cowell A. Cowell A. J. H. Burt 19C48 19537 19445 19532 19310 19448 19636 19470 18282 19339 18093 19527 19506 18392 18885 19642 19546 19547 17657 28 June 1 June 10 May 30 May 0 April 10 May 27 June 15 May 4 Aug., 1904 8 April 28 June, 1904 30 May 23 May 1 Sept., 1904 10 June, 1904f 24 June 2 June 2 June 15 March, '04 67 57 53 57 53 46 67 61 (ii 42 57 67 r>: , , 53 67 13 July.* 15 June.* 1 June. 15 June.* 1 June.* 18 May.* 13 July.* 29 June. 29 June. 4 May.* I r> June. 13 July. 1 June.* 29 June. 1 June. 13 July.* 46 18 May. H. A. Cooper W. J. Fryer 19532 19556 30 May 0 June 57 r>7 15 June.* 15 June.* J. H. Every P. Bock 19419 19417 3 May 2 May 57 15 June. H. W. Chinnery B. Sherman H. Reid W. Taylor .. 19317 19284 19262 19215 7 April 31 March .. 28 March .. 18 March .. 46 38 :« 38 18 May. 20 April.* 20 April.* 20 April. D. W. Bodle .. J. F. Farra .. J. Nicholson and S. G. Plucknett C. Gluyas 19343 19599 19274 19375 13 April .. 15 June 30 March .. 20 April .. . 46 42 42 18 May. 4 May.* 4 May.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Oaxette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Smoke-consumer and fuel-economizer .. Smoke-consumer and fuel-economizer .. Smoke-preventer and fuel-economizer .. Soil-pipe, Ventilating Sole. (See Boot-sole.) Sower and ridger Sower. (See Seed-sower.) C. J. Johnson and J. Carlaw 0. J. Johnson and J. Carlaw E. Richardson T. C. Hement 19573 19291 19570 19549 6 June 1 April .. 7 June 1 June r>7 38 57 57 15 June.* 20 April." 15 June.* 15 June.* A. Storrie 19557 0 June 67 13 July. Spanner Spark-arrester Spark-arrester Spark-arrester Speed-recorder Spinning machine, Ring-Spouting-bracket Spouting-bracket Spouting-bracket Spouting-bracket Spouting, O.G. Sprayer Spreader for chains Spurs Spring-cart Spurs, Securing rowels to Stacking-machine Stair, Non-slip Stamp-affixing device Stamp-battery, Mortar for Stamp. (Sec Postage-stamp.) Stand. (See Portable , tand, Tripod stand.) Standard-jack Standard. (See Fencing-standard, Iron standard.) Staple making and driving machine Starch manufacture Station-indicator Steam-boiler cleaning-solution Steam-boiler, Hot-blast apparatus for .. Steam-boiler, Multi-tubular Steamer and boiler Stirrup-strap attachment C. Duckett G. Grimmer J. Holden and E. S. Tiddeman.. R. Tautau T. W. Mayson W. A. Stetson T. MoNellis R. W. Ashoroft G. H. Clapham and J. L. Barlow T. Ballinger and W. Milligan T. C. Hement R, Millar J. Pomeroy W. H. Connelly W. S. Bagby W. H. Connelly G. Methven and W. S. Gardner R, Clark C. B. Smith .. W. A. Merralls 19489 19307 19464 19624 19576 19308 19346 19347 19411 19525 18528 19361 19517 18385 19313 18384 19442 19492 19439 19421 18 May 5 April 15 May 23 June 6 June 6 April 13 April . . 14 April 1 May 29 May 1 Oct., 1904 15 April 22 May 31 Aug., 1904 7 April 31 Aug., 1904 6 May 17 May 4 May 4 May 53 42 57 57 42 57 46 67 38 (il 57 c>1 42 (il 1 June.* 4 May.* 15 June. 15 June.* 4 May. 15 June. 18 May.* 13 July. 20 April. 29 June. 15 June.* 29 June. 4 May.* 29 June. 53 46 r>:! 1 June.* 18 May.* 1 June.* E. Hayes 19228 20 March .. 42 4 May.* United Shoe Machinery Company W. W. Shelmerdine H. T. Smith and A. E. Brown .. A. Cheers and A. H. Goodin I' , . W. Payne and R. McLintock J. F. Liebentritt R. W. Fairbrother F. W. Barton, W. Morton, and J. Herons 19610 19597 19430 L9524 19004 1.9569 19379 19458 20 June 15 June 3 May 29 May 14 June 7 Juno 20 April 9 May (il (il 4<> (il 67 29 June.* 29 June.* 18 May.* 29 June. 13 July. 57 (il 1 June.* 29 June. Stone. (See Artificial stone, Sharpeningatone.) Stop-cock Stopper. (See Bottle-stopper, Horsestopper. ) Stopper for submarine-mining purposes Strainer. (See Milk - strainer, Wirestrainer. ) Strap-harness, Detaching tongue of buckle from Strap. (See Leg-strap, Pedal-strap, Stir-rup-strap.) Strapping. (See Horse-cover strapping.) Stud for collar, shirt, and cuff.. Submarine-mining, Stopper for Sulphide ores, Production of zinc from.. Sulphide ores, Production of zinc from.. Sunken vessel, Raising Sunken vessels, Raising T. Ritchie F. H. Porter E. W. Thurgar 19693 19349 19657 28 June 15 April 28 June 42 67 4 May.* 13 July.* E. W. Thurgar F. H. Porter T. J. Heskett T. J. Heskett E. H. P. Manton The Clyde Salvage Pearl - fishing and Diving Company, Limited W. Chappell 19658 19349 19590 19591 19548 19270 28 June 15 April 14 June 14 June 2 June 30 March . . 67 42 (il (il 38 13 July.* 4 May.* 29 June.* 29 June.* 20 April.* Sun, Measuring altitude of Support. (See Abdominal-support, Bicycle - support, Bust - support, Chairsupport, Electric-light support, Footsupport, Instep-support, Lifting-jack support, Music-support.) Suspender. (See Curtain-suspender.) Swing Syrup-gauge for bottling-machine 19353 12 April 42 4 May.* W. J. Robertson A. J. L. Eckersley 14 June 18 May 29 June.* ■29 June. 19588 19494 111 (il Table-golf Table. (See Binding-table, Concentra-ting-table. ) Tank, Pipe for preventing dirty rain-water entering Tap for tins, &e. Tap for tins, &o. Tap, Frost-proof Taps or valves, Guides for Tape or chain measure Teat-cup, Pneumatic Telegraph apparatus W. P. Porteous 19261 28 March . . 42 4 May. C. Burridge 19406 28 April 46 61 31 42 18 May.* 29 June. 6 April.* 4 May.* H. S. Clark H. S. Clark D. M. Watson J. Anderson .. W S. Trayes A. Gillies H. C. Braun 18874 19289 19480 19211 19572 19153 18064 16 Dec, 1904 31 March .. 15 May 15 March .. 5 June 1 March .. 21 June, 1904 38 57 (il 38 20 April. 15 June.* 29 June. 20 April.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


» Application. Gazette Name. Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Telegraphic message, Making up for despatch Telegraphy, Wireless Telephone-transmitter Thread holder and cutter for wax-thread sewing-machine Thresher, Cocksfoot-Threshing-machine Threshing-machine elevator Ticket holder and punch Ticket issuer and recorder Tie. (See Neck-tie.) Tile, RoofingTimber from swamps, Taking out Time-table indicator Tinning and galvanising wire, &c. Tip-wagon Tins, Tap for Tins, Tap for Tire Tire Tire Tire Tire-cover Tire-furnace Tire-protector Toasting-appliance Toasting-fork Tobacco-case, Holding and disintegrating Tongs, FireTool, Grubbing and transplanting Top, Whip-Totalisator-record, Displaying Tractor, Engine-Tram-car, Life-guard for Transfer-binder for account-book Trap. (See Bird-trap, Rabbit-trap.) Trellis-work Tripod-stand for camera Trolley-pole for electric vehicle Trolley-wheel guide Trough. (See Feeding-trough, Pigtrough.) Trumpet, Bar-Tub-making machine Tube-ventilator for buildings Turbine-engine Turnip-thinner R. Wales 19364 19 April .. 42 42 4 May.* A. Artom H. M. Gail United Shoe Machinery Company 19275 19391 18392 30 March .. 42 26 April .. 53 1 Sept., 1904 61 42 53 61 4 May. 1 June. 29 June. H. C. Thomsen J. A. Napier A. Werner F. W. Smith G. H. Wallace and W. H. Lowthen 19651 19512 19286 19595 19467 29 June .. 67 25 May .. 57 1 April .. 38 14 June .. 61 15 May .. 67 67 57 38 61 07 13 July.* 15 June.* 20 April.* 29 June.* 13 July. N. Nielsen P. Lanigan H. Ashworth G. A. Goodson C. Gieseler and H. J. Major H. S. Clark H. S. Clark H. Garner E. Brock and G. W. Westropp .. J. Lambie G. Broderick T. S. Skeates H. F. Mander H. W. Earp-Thomas F. B. Fox C. M. Wall W. H. Wingfield and J. Balding,. F. W. Grocke C. G. Johanson T. F. Brown and H. Clarke J. G. Buchanan J. Macalister J. I;. Kirkbride H. M. Douglas 19474 19608 19256 18962 19386 18874 19289 19242 19594 19323 19493 19580 19314 19456 19351 19431 19238 18305 18138 19647 19191 18073 19321 19377 15 May .. 53 16 June .. 61 28 March .. 38 9 June, 1904f 38 20 April .. ' 53 16 Dec, 1904 31 31 March .. 42 23 March .. 46 14 June 8 April .. 42 18 May .. 57 7 June 7 April .. 42 12 May .. 53 14 April .. 46 3 May .. 53 22 March .. 38 11 Aug., 1904 46 7 July. 1904 .. 28 June .. 42 9 March .. 38 17 June 1904 38 8 April .. 42 20 April .. 42 53 61 38 38 53 31 42 46 42 57 42 53 46 53 38 46 1 June.* 29 June.* 20 April.* 20 April. 1 June.* 6 April.* 4 May.* 18 May. 4 May.* 15 June.* 4 May.* 1 June.* 18 May.* 1 June.* 20 April. 18 May. 42 38 38 42 42 4 May. 20 April.* 20 April. 4 May.* 4 May.* R. C. Noedl A. McLeod J. and R. Lindsay J. J. Macky 19322 18474 19370 19385 8 April 22 Sept., 1904 31 19 April .. 46 19 April .. 46 31 46 46 6 April. 18 May.* 18 May.* F. M. Baker W. J. Howcroft J. Haselden E. V. Dixon F. W. Barton, W. Morton, and J. Hercus A. Storrie 19395 19363 19290 19466 19491 26 April .. 53 19 April .. 61 1 April .. 42 11 May .. 53 1 May .. 53 61 42 .33 1 June.* 29 June. 4 May. 1 June.* Turnip-thinner 19534 25 May .. 57 57 15 June.* Udder, Injecting air into cow's Upper. (See Boot-upper.) W. K. Wallace and J. W. Deem.. 19139 25 Feb. .. 42 4l» 4 May. Valve Valve Valve for water-cistern Valve of bicycle-tire Valve or cock Valve, OperatingValve or tap, Guide for Valve, PumpValve, SteamVaporiser for engines Vaporiser, Liquid Vaporiser, Oil-fuel Vehicle-axle Vehicle-coupling F. C. Buck A. H. Farmer .. -,. R. Garnham F. G. Knight R. C. White and A. Burt/jun. .. W. Howlin .. J. Anderson A. E. Davis A. H. Farmer R. J. Scott A. Hayes A. A. Stephenson H. M. Butler Darling's Patent Automatic Coupling, Limited C. E. Beer, T. C. Wright, and J. Aynsley J. W. Perry and E. Richardson, jun H. Munro R. J. Dickie and J. H. Brown .. F. E. Robertshaw T. C. Hement V. Berg T. Driffield and P. T. Johns J. Haselden G. Adcock The Clyde Salvage Pearl - fishing and Diving Company, Limited 19287 19382 18129 19294 19616 19644 19211 19311 19607 19280 19574 19240 19356 19156 3 April J j» 19 April .. 46 6 July, 1904 j 42 3 April .. i 38 20 June .... 28 June 15 March . . 38 6 April .. 42 19 June .. 61 31 March .. 42 8 June .... 23 March .. : 38 18 April .. I 46 1 March .. 61 20 April* 15 June. 18 May.* 4 May. 20 April.* 20 April. 4 May. 29 June. 4 May. 20 April.* 18 May. 29 June. Vehicle, Road19495 18 May .. .. Vehicle-wheol Vehicles, Mud-guards for Vending machine, Postage-stamp-Venetian blind, Operating Ventilating soil-pipe.. Ventilator Ventilator Ventilator-tube Vessel for heating water Vessels, Raising sunken 19485 18596 19498 19609 19549 19559 19552 19290 19600 19270 17 May .. 53 15 Oct., 1904 I 38 19 May .. 53 16 June 1 June .. 57 5 June .. 57 5 June 1 April .. 42 15 June 30 March .. 38 53 38 53 1 June.* 20 April* 1 June.* 57 57 15 June.* 15 June * 42 4 May. 38 20 April *



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. r No. Date. No. Date. Vessels, Raising sunken Voting-machine Voting-machine Voting-register E. H. P. Manton G. Stacy W. Madder W. Dall 19548 19488 19649 18111 2 June 18 May 28 June 30 June, 1904 61 67 4(i 29 June. 13 July.* 18 May. Wagon Wagon, Tip-Wash-house boiler Washing and draining cabinet Washing-up mop Washing-utensil Washing-fluid Water-cistern, Valve for Water-closet Water-heater Water-purifier Water-race plough Wash-board Water-cistern, Valve for Waterproofing calico, &c. Water-race plough Wax-thread sewing-machine attachment Weed-destroying composition Weed. (See also Noxious weed.) Weighing-machine, Beam-scale Weight-raising apparatus Welt-attaching apparatus Wheel. (See Plough-wheel, Trolley-wheel, Vehicle-wheel, Windmill wheel.) Winch and derrick Windmill wheel and mounting Wind-motor, Conical Window Window Window-fastener Window-holder Window-lock Window-sash Wire mattress Wire mattress Wire mattress Wire mattress Wire mattress Wire-mattress tightener Wire-mattress tightener Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire, &c, Galvanising and tinning Wireless telegraphy Wood-drilling machine Wood-splitter Wool, Extracting grease from W. S. Bagby .. C. Gieseler and H. J. Major R. J. Euroyd N. W. Gosling and J. Kennington G. A. Haydon .. .. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Kayward M. H. Turnbull R. Garnham .. .. .. R. W. and S. Ashoroft, M. Morgan, A. Webber, and A. C. Pocoek G. Adoock W. Oowern W. H. Clement J. Kenning R. Garnham A. F. Roy .. W. H. Clement, United Shoe Machinery Company J. B. Mack .. .. 19313 19386 ! 19550 19372 19656 19437 i 19598 18129 19553 7 April .. 20 April .. 2 June 17 April .. 26 June 6 May 15 June 6 July, 1904 5 June 42 53 r>7 40 42 4 May.* 1 June.* 15 June.* 18 May.* 4 May. 19600 18985 18069 19210 18129 19340 18069 18392 19299 15 June 24 Jan. 20 June, 1904 16 March .. 6 July, 1904 11 April .. 20 June, 1904 1 Sept., 1904 4 April r>7 38 46 4-2 12 38 (il 57 15 June. 20 April. 18 May. 4 May. 4 May.* 20 April. 29 June. 15 June.* .13. J. A. Harkness and J. F. Batey O. Paora . . . . United Shoe Machinery Company 19405 I 19659 18363 28 April .. 28 June 25 Aug., 1904 63 67 1 June.* 15 June. G. T. Macfarlane C. J. McMaster E. Hayes T. S. Philpott T. S. Philpott R. F. Way J. E. Gray A. H. Wylds . . W. Edwards and T. Larsen W. Bills D. Rait D. Rait T. Hilton T. Hilton B. F. Dunn T. Hilton G. Ingram and C. E. Thompson G. Chewings .. G. A. Goodson A. Artom W. A. E. Browne G. P. Hughes.. A. H. Burt, H. Jackson, and C. A. Finch .. A. E. Coker .. R. F. Barker G. S. Jones G. Stevenson 19427 19566 1 19135 19522 19523 18413 19387 19457 19432 19639 19420 19477 19296 19298 18150 19297 i 18544 19568 18962 19275 19449 19509 19399 4 May 7 June 22 Feb. 29 May 29 May 6 Sept., 1904 20 April 12 May 5 May 27 June 3 May 16 May 4 April 4 April ' 12 July, 1904 4 April 4 Oct., 1904 7 June 9 June, 1904f 30 March .. 10 May 25 May 27 April .. 46 r>7 42 r>7 r>7 40 46 53 53 42 42 42 38 61 38 42 46 53 r>:? 18 May.* 15 June.* 4 May.* 15 June.* 15 June.* 18 May. 18 May'.* 1 June.* 1 June. 4 May. 4 May. 4 May. 20 April. 29 June.* 20 April. 4 May. 18 May.* 1 June.* 1 June. Wool from skins, Removing Wool, Recovering fatty matter from Wrapper, MailingWrench, Ratchet19463 19565 17847 19643 12 May 7 June 26 April, 1904 24 June 57 38 15 June.* 20 April. Zinc blende from ores, Separating Zinc holder for boiler Zinc from ores, Production of .. Zinc from ores, Production of .. A. J. F. de Bavay C. R. Massey T. J. Heskett.. T. J. Heskett.. 18228 19575 19590 19591 28 July, 1904 5 June 14 June 14 June (il r>7 (il CI 29 June. 15 June.* 29 June.* 29 June.*

Xame. Address. Class. A No. Application. Vpii Gazette. Date. No. Date. Abraham and Co., F. Acetylene Gas Company of Australasia, Limited, The Agricultural and Pastoral Food Company, Limited, The London, Eng. Sydney, N.S.W. 42 4 5228 5258 3 April ; 19 April 38 42 20 April. 4 May. Wellington, N.Z. 42 5343 19 June 6] 29 June.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks — continued.


Name. Address. Class. Application. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Aktiebolaget, 0., Mustad and Son .. Gothenburg, Sweden .. Anderson, W. A. . . .. .. Vancouver, B.C. Anderson, W. A. .. .. .. Vancouver, B.C. Arkell and Douglas .. .. New York, U.S.A. and Sydney, N.S.W. Atkin Brothers .. .. . . Sheffield, Eng. Bagley and Son, B. .. .. Dunedin, N.Z. Belmore Meat Extract and Packing : Sydney, N.S.W. Company, Limited Bewley and Draper, Limited . . Dublin, Ireland Bing, Harris, and Co. .. .. Dunedin, N.Z. Bjornstad and Stacey . . .. Auckland, N.Z. Bock, J. A. .. .. .. i Auckland, N.Z. Bock, J. A. .. .. .. Auckland, N.Z. Bock, P. :. .. .. : Auckland, N.Z. Bock, P. . . .. .. : Auckland. N.Z. Bonnington, G. . . . . .. Christchurch, N.Z. Bostook, J. J. (See A. Hatrick and Co.) Braunstein Freres . . .. Paris, France British-American Tobacco Company, London, England Limited British Columbia Canning Company, London, England, and Limited, The Victoria, B.C. British Columbia Canning Company, London, England, and Limited, The Victoria, B.C. Brown and Co., I. .. .. Thames, N.Z. Bryant and May, Limited .. .. London, England Buchanan and Co., Limited, J. .. London, England 13 42 42 50 12, 14, 14; 1 42 39 38 3 3 50 3, 47 2, 50 42 5346 5290 5320 5335 5285, 6, 7 5211 5318 5184 5260 5275 4937 5350 5265, 6 5273, 4 5288 22 June 12 May 5 June 14 June 10 May 23 March .. 2 June 23 Feb. 20 April .. 6 May 28 Sept., 1904 24 June 26 April 5 May 10 May 61 46 57 01 57 as 57 61 42 53 61 (il 42 29 June. 18 May. 15 June. 29 June. 15 June. 20 April. 15 June. 29 June. 4 May. 1 June. 29 June. 29 June. 4 May. 53 1 June. 39 45 5311 5216, 7 30 May 23 March .. f>7 38 15 June. 20 April. 42 5231 3 April 38 20 April. 42 5255 18 April .. 42 4 May. 22 47 43 5309 5304 5296 29 May 17 May 15 May 57 46 15 June. 18 May. California Fig Syrup Company (Inc.) j San Francisco, U.S.A., and London, England Christian, H. .. .. .. i Hastings, N.Z. Clark, E. H. .. .. .. ! Christchurch, N.Z. Craig, R. .. .. .. Wellington, N.Z. Cudahy Packing Company, The .. j Chicago, U.S.A. 3 5240 4 April L3 22 42 42 5329 5277 5276 5347 10 June 8 May 0 May 22 June 67 13 July! Day and Co., C. .. .. .. London, England De Kuyper and Sons, J. .. Rotterdam, Holland Dimock and Co., Limited, W. .. Wellington, N.Z. Dixon, J. .. .. .. Prahran, Victoria Dixon, J. and Co. (See J. Dixon.) Drapery and General Importing Com Wellington, Christchurch, pany of New Zealand, Limited, The and Dunedin, N.Z. .. 43 43 42 42 5238 5354, 5 5278 5322 4 April 28 June 8 May 5 June 42 4 May. 6] 29 June. 38 5269 28 April 42 4 May. Empire Cigarette Manufacturing Com- London, England pany, The Enfield Cycle Company, Limited, The Redditch, England Entrican and Co., Limited, A. J. .. Auckland, N.Z. Evelyn, E. S. .. .. .. Hobart, Tasmania 45 5237 4 April 38 20 April. 22 42 2 5149 5331 5358 2 Feb. 13 June 28 June 42 4 May. Fabrication fiir Lessive Phenix, Pa- Koln, Germany tent, J. Picot, Paris, L. Minlos and Co. Fairbank Company, The N.K. .. Chicago, U.S.A. Farquhar, North, and Co. .. . . London, England Favre-Jacot, G., and Co. .. . . Le Locle, Switzerland .. Firth, E. T. C. .. .. . . Auckland, N.Z. Fowler and Co., T. 0. .. .. Palmerston North, N.Z. Fox and Co., Limited, S. .. .. Sheffield, England Furness and Co., R. .. .. Auckland, N.Z. 47 5345 20 June 67 13 July. 47, 48 42 10 47 22 13 3 5302, 3 5232 5252 5351 5337 5284 5253 17 May 3 April 13 April 24 Juno 15 June 10 May 13 April .. 38 38 (SI 20 April. 20 April. 29 June. 46 38 18 May. 20 April. Gardiner, J. .. .. .. Auckland, N.Z. Gregg and Co., Limited, W. .. Dunedin, N.Z. 42 42 5261 5292 25 April 13 May 42 4 May. Halsey, W. .. .. .. Melbourne, Victoria Hampton, T. .. .. .. Dunedin, N.Z. Hannagan, F. .. .. .. Opoho, N.Z. Harker, J. .. .. .. Milton, N.Z. Hatriek and Co., A. .. .. Wanganui, N.Z. Hay ward Bros., Limited .. .. Christchurch, N.Z. Hean, G. W. .. .. .. Wanganui, N.Z. Hean, G. W. .. .. .. Wanganui, N.Z. Hellaby, Limited, R. and W. .. Auckland, N.Z. Heppelthwaite, W. .. .. Dunedin, N.Z. Herrmann, P., and others.. .. Sydney, N.S.W. Horlick's Food Company .. .. Racine, U.S.A., and London, England Hyde, A. .. .. . . Te Awamutu, N.Z. 38 50 3 3 42 42 3 48 42 50 50 42 5319 5195 4950 5313 5323 5241 5307 5316 5342 5330 5280 5294 5 June 10 March .. 5 Oct., 1904 30 May 5 June 5 April 25 May 2 June 19 June 12 June 9 May 15 May 57 38 61 57 57 67 61 15 June. 20 April. 29 June. 15 June. 15 June 13 July. 29 June. 43 5245 7 April 38 20 April. Jacot. (See Favre-Jacot.) Jameson, Anderson, and Co. .. Christchurch, N.Z. Jeffery and Co., T. B. .. .., | Kenosha, U.S.A. 42 22 5279 4846 9 May 4 Aug., 1904 18 May. 6 A»ril. 4(i 31


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


Name. Address. Class. Application. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Jones and Coleman Jones and Coleman Jones. (See Vaughan-Jones.) Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 8 39 5263 5270 25 April 29 April 42 42 4 May. 4 May. Kilodor, Limited Kops Brewery Company Kuyper. (See de Kuyper.) Kynoch, Limited Sydney, N.S.W. London, England 2 44 5242 5357 6 April 28 June 38 20 April. Witton, England 20 5257 18 April .. 42 4 May. Laxatine Company, Limited, The . . Legg.J.C. Lever Bros., Limited Lingner, K. A. .. TiUScombe and Co., C. Lyttle and Sons, J. A. Buda-Pesth, Hungary .. Auckland, N.Z. Balmain, N.S.W. London, England Wellington, N.Z. Masterton, N.Z. 3 42 47, 48 48 48 22 5297 5339 5229, 30 5256 5310 5338 16 May 16 June 3 April 18 April 29 May 15 June r>;! 61 38 42 57 61 1 June. 29 June. 20 April. 4 May. 15 June. 29 June. MacEwan, J. B. .. MacEwan, J. B., and Co. (See J. B. MacEwan.) Maine, J. T. Mason, T. G. Mclntosh, J. A. .. Mcnnie, Limited, J. M. Moore, J. J., and Co. Morton, E. Morton, H. B., and Co. (See E. Morton.) Mowling and Son, G. Moxham and Co., W. J. (See H. A. Twiby, J. H. Windeler, and P. Herrmann. ) Myers and Co., J. Wellington, N.Z. 42 5246 11 April 38 20 April. Christchurch, N.Z. Masterton, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. Auckland, N.Z. 38 3, 48 12 42 1 42 5341 5348, 9 5340 5247-50 5317 5315 19 June 23 June 16 June 12 April 2 June 1 June 01 01 29 June. 29 June. Melbourne, Vic. 47,48 5325, 6 7 June r>7 15 June. Wellington, N.Z. 50 5093 5 Jan. 18 May. 40 Natha,n and Co., Limited, J. Neill and Co., Limited Nelson, Moate, and Co., Limited Nestle, H. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. London, England, Christiania, Norway, and Vevey, Switzerland Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 42 47 42 42 5146 5336 5268 5267 31 Jan. 15 June 27 April 26 April 38 01 20 April. 29 June. 42 4 May. Newton and Son, Limited, J. New Zealand Fruit Preserving and Canning Company, Limited, The 50 42 5289 5227 11 May 1 April 53 38 1 June. 20 April. Oliver Typewriter Company, Limited Osmonds, Limited London, England Birmingham, England .. 39 22 5353 5219 27 June 27 March .. 67 38 13 July. 20 April. Parkes and Gnosill, Limited Pears, Limited, A. and F. .. Peters, E. Philips and Pike Premier Cycle Company, Limited, The Wallsall, England London, England . . Bondi, N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z. Coventry, England 13 48 3 45 22 5333, 4 5295 5254 5352 5344 14 June 15 May 13 April .. 27 June 20 June CI 53 46 29 June. ] June. 18 May. Revolving Heel Company, The. (See T. H. Roberts.) Reynolds, and Sons, Limited, J. Rickards, Limited, C. A. . . Rickards, Limited, C. A. . . Roberts, T. H. .. Rowntree and Co., Limited Rubinstein, H. . . Rubinstein and Co., H. (See H. Rubinstein.) Birmingham, England .. Manchester, England .. Manchester, England .. Preston, England York, England Melbourne, Vic. 13 30 30 40 42 48 5332 5235 5236 5293 5301 5194 14 June 4 April 4 April . . 15 May 17 May 9 March . . 4-2 4 May. 53 38 1 June. 20 April. Schade and Buysing Schlitz Brewing Company, The, Jos. Schwechten, G. Scoular and Co., W. Scoular and Co., W. Seaton, H. H. .. Shavo Shaving-cream Company Shaw Stocking Company Smallbone, Grace, and Co., Limited. . Societe Generale Suisse de Chocolats Peter and Kohler Reunis Spanswick, L. H. St. Charles Condensing Company Storey and Co., D. Swallow and Ariell, Limited Swan, G. H., and another Swan, J. G., and another Schiedam, Holland Milwaukee, U.S.A. Berlin, Germany Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Glasgow, Scotland Lowell, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. Vevey, Switzerland 43 43 9 42 42 14 48 38 42 42 5281 5077 5191 5272 5321 5262 5327 5298 5264 5299, 5300 10 May 14 Dec, 1904 7 March .. 3 May 5 June 25 April 8 June 16 May 25 April .. 17 May 57 57 46 r>7 42 r>7 r>3 42 r>3 15 June. 15 June. 18 May. 15 June. 4 May. 15 June. 1 June. 4 May. 1 June. Chatswood, N.S.W. St. Charles, U.S.A. Sydney, N.S.W. Port Melbourne, Vic. Wanganui, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. 2 42 38 42 43 43 5224 5152 5324 5251 5314 5314 30 March . . 2 Feb. 7 June 13 April 31 May 31 May r>3 46 57 42 57 r>7 1 June. 18 May. 15 June. 4 May. 15 JunelS June. Teviot Fruit-preserving Company, Limited Tingey, J. S. Todd and Sons, J. H. Coal Creek Flat, N.Z. .. 42 5291 13 May 53 1 June. Inglewood, N.Z. Victoria, B.C. 48 42 5306 5282, 3. 22 May 10 May 53 57 1 June. 15 June.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks —continued.


B—H. 10. —06.

Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Clans. No. Date. No. Date. Cranter and Sons, J. Curner, Day, and Woolworth Handle Company, The LViby, H. A., and others .. Cyzaok and Co., W. A. Christchuroh, N.Z. Louisville, U.S.A. • • ! 22 50 5244 5234 7 April 4 April 38 20 April. Sydney, N.S.W. Sheffield, England ■ ■ I 50 5, 7, 12 5280 5101,2,3 9 May 12 Jan. 57 5 June. [Jnion Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Limited, The Jnited Alkali Company, Limited, The Auckland, N.Z. 47 5259 20 April 42 4 May. 4 May. Liverpool, England 1 4672 14 April, 1904 42 /aughan-Jones, E. (See C. Day and Co.) and Zoon, J. M. Victor Butter and Export Box Company Proprietary, Limited Bowles and Sons, W. H. .. Rotterdam, Holland Melbourne, Vic. 42 50 5312 5233 30May]tH.. 3 April J67 153 15\June. 1 June. 1 June. ■ ■■■■, 1 June. 18 May. ?-3sn 29 June. Bristol, England 50 5308 25 May 53 WaltkeandCo., W. Wellington and Marlborough Cement, Lime, and Coal Company, Limited, The Wellington Piano Company, Limited, The Westbrook, R. W. T. White and Sons, Limited, R. Williams Company (Inc.), T. C. Windeler, J. H., and others St. Louis, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. 48 17 5305 5271 18 May 2 May 53 46 Wellington, N.Z. 9 5328 9 June 61 Hobart, Tasmania London, England New York, U.S.A. Sydney, N.S.W. ■• i 42 44 45 50 5359 5356 5239 5280 28 June 28 June 4 April . .. 9 May 67 38 13 July! 20 April. foung, T. and W. Wellington, N.Z. ■12 5243 7 April .. Sele, C. W. Christchurch, N.Z. 88 5360 30 June 67 13 July.

Application. Gazette. No of Name. Address. Glass. No. Date. No. Date. Adoook, G. Adcroft, A. Brent, W. H. Falkner, A. Hutchinson, A. J. Kirkman and Denison .UcLeod, A. Christchurch, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. Kaipororo, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Footscray, Victoria I 1 1 3 5 •2 4 230 232 233 234 231 235 229 31 May 8 June 12 June 6 June 6 June 17 June 10 May 57 57 57 61 57 f>1 4G 15 June. 15 June. 15 June. 29 June. 15 June. 29 June. 18 May.




* Denotes a provisional specification, 'rade Marks Act, 1889." t Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, and Application. Gazette. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. I Date. Date. I Abbott, G. A., Melbourne, Vio, Water-filter Adams, J. H., Thames, N.Z. Medical syringe Adams, R. N., Dunedin, N.Z. (See G. Oapstiok, No. 19900.) Adams, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Pine-gold extractor Adcock, G.,Christohurch,N.Z. Kettle .. Adcroft, A., Wellington, N.Z. Burner for gas-range Airey, H., Karangahake, N.Z. Centrifugal separator for mercury .. Aitken, R. M., Reefton, N.Z. Extracting antimony and arsenic from ores Aktiebolaget Lux, Limited, Stockholm, Sweden. Check-valve for gap. (P. J. H. Rustige) Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Separator. (A. J. Ericsson) Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Separator. (B. Ljungstrom) Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Separator. (A. J. Eriosson) Allan, A. T. W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Gold-saving table Allan, C. P. P., Auckland, N.Z. Hot-water boiler Allan, C. P. P., Auckland, N.Z. Carving-table, hot closet, and plate-rack Allan, C. P. P., Auckland, N.Z. Hurdle for borse-raoing Alley, C. J., Parndon, N.Z. Chiming and crozirjg machine Anderson, A., Karori, N.Z. Music teaching apparatus Anderson, P. H., and others, Auburn, Vic. Steel-bar manufacture Anderson, G., Christchureh, N.Z. (See Christchurch Meat Company, Limited, No. 18456.) Anderson, T. S., Sheffield, Eng. Smelting ores, ironsand, &c. Andreas, E. P., Leura, N.S.W. Acetylene-generator Andrew, G. E., and another, Melbourne, Vio. Package or tin for jam, &c. Armstrong, P. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Pipe-cleaner Armstrong, G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Rope-block or liftingtackle Ashcroft, R. W., and others, Pahiatua, N.Z. Water-closet Ashcroft, S., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Water-closet Ashton, W. T., Makotuku, N.Z. Planing-machine Aspinall, H. W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Supplying water to rock-drill Atkins, R. P., and another, Denver, U.S.A. (See Colorado Ironworks Company, No. 19667.) Automatic Meter Company, San Francisco, U.S.A. Bill-delivery meohanism for meter. (R. W. Gallagher) 18393 19947 1 Sept., 1904 30 Aug. 78 82 24 Aug. 7 Sept.* 19902 19600 19912 19881 19603 18 Aug. 15 June 22 Aug. 15 Aug. 16 June 88 71 82 78 78 5 Oct. 27 July. 7 Sept.* 24 Aug.* 24 Aug. 19855 8 Aug. 82 7 Sept. 19866 10 Aug. 85 21 Sept. 19867 10 Aug. 85 21 Sept. 19868 10 Aug. 85 21 Sept. 20115 19879 19967 25 Sept. 12 Aug. 28 Aug. 82 85 7 Sept.* 21 Sejt.* 19968 20042 19698 20070 28 Aug. 15 Sept. 10 July 21 Sept. 88 71 88 5 Oct.* 27 July.' 5 Oct.* 19663 20038 19954 3 July 14 Sept. 31 Aug. 75 10 Aug. 82 7 Sept.* 19964 20013 30 Aug. 7 Sept. 82 85 7 Sept.* 21 Sept.* 19553 19553 20109 20105 5 June 5 June 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 71 71 91 91 27 July. '21 July. 19 Oct.* 19 Oct.* 19615 20 June 71 27 July. Baggesen, P. 0., Melbourne, Vie. Butter-box Baggstrom, E. L., Auckland, N.Z. Peed-water heater, &c. Bailey, C. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Vehiole-spring equaliser Baldwin, E. 8., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Seed-sower and conductor-tube. (0. Bristow) Ball, J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Game Ballinger, M. I., South Preston, Vic. Releasing horse from vehicle Ballot, J., and others, London, Eng. Ore-ooncentration .. Ballot, J., and others, London, Eng. Ore-concentration .. Barclay, W. R., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Maohinery Company, No. 18752.) Barker, J. C, Leeds, England. Water-filter Barrett, G., Manurewa, N.Z. Tool-holder Barrow, F., Auckland, N.Z. Upholstering cushions, &c. (The Novelty Tufting Company—A. Freschl) Barton, P. W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Barton, P. W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Flooring, lining, &c, cramp Barton, P. W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Pood-protector for animals and birds Baskiville, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Trousers-suspenders.. Bates, A., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18752.) Baty, T. B., Greymouth, N.Z. Steam-engine Bawden, J. M., Traralgon, Vic. Egg-boiling cruet-stand .. Baxter, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash raiser and look .. Baxter, J. Dunedin, N.Z. Sash raiser and lock .. Bayley, R., New Plymouth, N.Z. Boot sole attachment .. Beale, 0. C, and another, Annandale, N.S.W. Piano-door Beckett, T., Palmerston North, N.Z. Propelling-vessel 17726 19774 18541 19872 29 March, 1904 21 July i Oct., 1904 .. 11 Aug. 67 75 88 78 13 July. 10 Aug.* 5 Oct. 24 Aug.* 19824 19957 19633 19634 1 Aug. 31 Aug. 27 June 27 June 75 82 71 71 10 Aug.* 7 Sept.* 27 July. 27 July. 19942 19743 19736 29 Aug. 17 July 13 July 88 71 75 5 Oct. 27 July.* 10 Aug.* 19491 19780 8 May 21 July 71 78 27 July. 24 Aug. 19873 8 Aug. 85 21 Sept. 20093 26 Sept. 91 19 Oct. 20062 20021 19696 19697 20088 19985 19773 20 Sept. 12 Sept. 5 July 5 July 25 Sept. 6 Sept. 21 July 88 85 5 Oct.* 21 Sept.* 75 91 88 10 Aug.* 19 Oct. 5 Oct.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued


Name, Address, and Invention. Application. No. Date. Gazette. No. Dati Behrmann, E. L., and another, London, Eng. Cigarette-maohine .. Belk, M., Palmerston North, N.Z. Meat-brand .. Bell, J., Prahran, Vio. Pump-repairing jack for boots, &o. Bellens, 0., and another, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Franoe. (See W. E Hughes, No. 20023.) Bellens, G., and another, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Franoe. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20067.) Bellingham, S. R.,Ryd<U, N.S.W. Animal-feed box Benness, A., and others, Collingwood, Vio. Game Bennett, C. A., and others, Auckland, N.Z. High-pressure boiler .. Bennet. (See Burl ton —Bennet.) Bentley, J. F., Auckland, N.Z. Collapsible chair Bills, W., Melbourne, Vie. Wire mattress Bird, W. H., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Game Bishop, R. C, Christohurch, N.Z. Boiler for gas-range Bishop, R. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Gas-heated boiler Bissaker, C. H., Cootamundra, N.S.W. Acetylene-generator Blackburn, F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle .. Blockley, J. J., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Cowl and chimney-pot Blogg, J. K., Melbourne, Vio. Culinary essence Bolton, A. J. J., and another, Armadale, Vic. Butter-box Border, A. J., Curistchurch, N.Z. Advertising-figure Border, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Station-indicator Bower, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-can Bowman, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-braoket .. Bradley, A. E., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Motor-controller for water-pump Bradley, H. G., and another, Christoburoh, N.Z. Motor-controller for water-pump Braim Patent Switch Company, Limited, Vancouver, B.C. Operating street railway-switoh. (W. H. Braim) Braim, W. H., Vancouver, B.C. (See Braim Patent Switch Company, Limited, No. 19924.) Branton, T., Blenheim, N.Z. Flax tails cleaning and washing Braun, R., Manchester, Eng. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 19726.) Bregman, A. E., Churchill, N.Z. Saw set, gauge and stripper Bright, F. E., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See Mergenthaler Linotype Company, No. 19668.) Bristow, C, Christchurh, N.Z. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 19872.) Brown, A., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Game Brown, C. E. L., Baden, Switzerland. Propulsion of vessels Brown, H., Wairoa, N.Z. Rain-water collection .. Brown, J. E., Christohurch, N.Z. Making metal glazing-bars Brown, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Vending-machine .. Brown, T. F., and others, Coburg, Vic. Studless house Browne, G. J., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Sheet-metal-working machinery Bruer, J. J., Adelaide, South Australia. Piano Bryant, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Match-box filler Brydone, T.,and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Rope-block or lifting-tackle Burke, J. A., Daore, N.Z. Connecting ends of chains, &o. Burkitt, F. A., Essendon, Vio. Tire-cover Burley, H. S., Chicago, U.S.A. Sheep-shears Burlton-Bennet, R. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electric belt Burrell, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rabbit-crate Burton, C, and others, Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. Butler, E., and others, Collingwood, Vic. Game 19986 18672 19851 6 Sept. 27 Jan. 8 Aug. 91 71 78 19 Oot. 27 July. 24 Aug.* 19927 19763 19856 23 Aug. 19 July 8 Aug. 88 71 85 5 Oct. 27 July. , 21 Sept. 19787 19639 19824 19181 20024 20071 20047 19804 20 July 27 June 1 Aug. 8 March 12 Sept. 21 Sept. 14 Sept. 29 July 78 71 75 88 88 24 Aug.* 27 July. 10 Aug.* 5 Oct. 5 Oot. ~88 5 Oot 19955 19952 19708 19709 18770 19730 19934 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 10 July 10 July 18 Nov., 1904.. 18 July 25 Aug. 88 82 71 75 82 71 88 5 Oot. 7 Sept.* 27 July.* 10 Aug.* 7 Sept. 27 July.* 5 Oct. 19934 25 Aug. 88 5 Oct. 19924 23 Aug. 88 5 Oct. 19998 4 Sept. 85 21 Sept. , 19896 17 Aug. 85 21 Sept. 19995 19711 19817 19907 18548 19891 19800 8 Sept. 13 July 1 Aug. 21 Aug. 5 Oct., 1904 .. 17 Aug. 27 July 78 85 82 75 82 78 24 Aug. 21 7 Sept.* 10 Aug. 7 Sept.* 24 Aug.* 20069 19686 20013 19772 19893 19661 20089 19150 19931 19763 21 S'ipt. 6 July 7 Sept 21 July 18 Aug. 3 July 20 Sept. 28 Feb. 24 Aug. 19 July 71 85 71 82 75 27 July.* 21 Sept.* 27 July.* 7 Sept.* 10 Aug. 82 88 71 7 Sept. 5 Oot. 27 July.* Cameron, E. A., and another, Inveroargill, N.Z. Cork for bottles.. Cameron, E. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Travelling race .. Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Magnetic brake for rail ways, &o. (R. Braun) Capner, P. J., Dookie, Vio. Adjustable spring device Capstick, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Ship's hull scrubber. (R. N. Adams) Carlson, H., Dannevirke, N.Z. Hobble Carroll, L. H., and others, Geelong, Vic. Flying-machine Carroll, R. M., P«tone, N.Z. Pipe wrench and spanner Carter, C. H., Waikanae, N.Z. Motor .. Chambers, E. J., Wolverhampton, Eng. Pipe for underground cable Charleston, D., Melbourne, Vio. Punoture-sealing compound Charleston, D., Melbourne, Vio. Puncture-sealing compound Charlton, J. R., Christohuroh, N.Z. Preventing horse Jrom kicking Chisholm, J., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Filter-press sluice-discharge Christchuroh Meat Company, Limited, Christchurch, N.Z. Securing tops of preserving-tins. (G. Anderson) Ohristenson, A. L., Stockholm, Sweden. Centrifugal separator bowl Giantar, H. C., and another, London, Eng. Extracting gold from water Giantar, U., and another, London, Eng. Extracting gold from water Clark, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Dust and draught excluder for door Clayton, C. J., and another, Christehurch, N.Z. Sole rounding machine Glegg, A. J., Hawera, N.Z. Mail sorting and closing indicator 19920 20112 19726 21 Aug. 23 Sept. 13 July '78 24 Aug. 19724 19900 19737 19790 18989 19943 19848 13 July 17 Aug. 15 July 26 July 25 Jan. 29 Aug. 8 Aug. 71 82 75 75 67 82 82 27 July.* 7 Sept.* 10 Aug. 10 Aug.* 13 July. 7 Sept.* 7 Sept. 19710 19990 20119 19682 18456 13 July 6 Sept. 30 Sept. 5 July 16 Sept., 1904 78 88 24 Aug.* 5 Oot. 75 75 10 Aug'.' 10 Aug. 18107 18931 6 July, 19081 10 Jan. 67 75 13 July. 10 Aug. 18931 19913 19691 10 Jan. 22 Aug. 8 July 75 91 71 10 Aug. 19 Oot. 27 July.* 20078 22 Sept. 91 19 Oct.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. I Clere, F. de J., Wellington, N.Z. Weatherboard Clere, P. de J., Wellington, N.Z. Window-sash.. Cobbe, H. N. G., and another, Kalgoorlie, W.A. Grinding faces for pans Ooe, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Soldering-iron Coe, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cycle-valve connection Cohn, H., and another, London, Eng. Manufacture of briquettes .. Collier, G., Christohurch, N.Z. Damper for register grate Collison, C. N., Melbourne, Vic. Manufacture of carbon dioxide. (J. 0. Stead) Colorado Ironworks Company, Denver, U.S.A. Vibrating screen. (N. V. Pitts and R. P. Atkins) Compton, J. W., Kuripuni, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel look Connell, J., Timaru, N.Z. Hill-climbing device.. Consolidated Rubber Tire Company, Jersy City, U.S.A. Tire. (A. S. Krotz) Cook, C, Makarewa, N.Z. Shears Cook, W. E., Christohurch, N.Z. Venetian-blind cord-grip Cooke, R. H., Melbourne, Vic. Boot-upper Cooper, P., Christchurcb, N.Z. Sheep-runner .. Corbett. P. J., South Yarra, Vic. (See H. Corbett, No. 19815.) Corbett, H., South Yarra, Vic. Siphon. (P. J. Corbett) Corcoran, D., Launceston, Tas. Measuring liquids Cornwall, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope and sheet of paper .. Cotton, P., Hornsby, N.S.W. Refuse-furnace .. Cottrell and Sons Company, C.B., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 19482.) Cougblan, M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Cork for bottles Coulthurst, A., and others, Darwen, Eng. Making earthenware pipe Coulthurst, H., and others, Darwen, Eng. Making earthenware pipes Coulthurst, J., and others, Darwen, Eng,, Making earthenware pipes Cowern, P. J., Kaponga, N.Z. Mail-bag fastener Coyle, W., and others, Auckland. N.Z., Safety-pin Craig, C, Marton, N.Z. Sighting-apparatus for lifting rails Craig, R., Auckland, N.Z. Pot-stick Crawford, B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Acetylene-lamp Crawshaw, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Fire-lighter.. Croll, 0. H. G., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Producer-gas generator Crook, J., Auckland, N.Z. Raising sunken vessels Crook, J., Auckland, N.Z. Broom-rack Crump, J. B., Ballarat, Vic Potato-planting attachment to plough 18682 18674 19796 19910 20056 18905 20075 19880 19667 19679 20116 19257 19692 20001 19684 19771 19815 19865 20026 20060 1 Nov., 1904.. 29 Oot., 1904 .. 27 July 19 Aug. 15 Sept. 29 Dec, 1904 .. 20 Sept. 15 Aug. 3 July 5 July 28 Sept. 13 April, 1904.. 8 July 7 Sept. 6 July 19 July 1 Aug. 10 August 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 82 88 78 85 67 88 78 91 71 67 71 85 75 85 85 85 91 7 Sept. 5 Oot. 24 Aug. 21 Sept. 13 July. 5 Oct.* 24 Aug.* 19 Oct. 27 July. , 13 July. 27 July.* 21 Sept.' 10 Aug. 21 Sept. 21 Sept.* 21 Sept.* 19 Oct. 19920 19635 19635 21 Aug. 27 June 27 June 71 71 27 July'.' 27 July. 19635 27 June 71 27 July. 20092 19746 20044 19871 20123 19822 20108 26 Sept. 13 July 16 Sept. 8 August 29 Sept. 1 August 28 Sept. 're 88 24 Aug. 5 Oct. ■78 91 24 Aug.* 19 Oct.* 19917 19932 20094 19 Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Sept. 88 5 Oct.'*' Danks, T., Christohuroh, N.Z. Belt-shifter for pulley Darvall, G. W., Wellington, N.Z. Bottle-stopper, measure, and eyebath Davidson, W., Kaipara, N.Z. Brake for carts, &o. Davis, A. E., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Filter-press Davis, J., Wellington, N.Z. Making oakum from tow of N.Z. flax Davis, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Exposure and focus distributor Davis, T. J., and another, Fitzroy, Vic. (See Rubberised Leather and Tire Company, Limited, No. 19953.) Dawson, J., Wellington, N.Z. Suspension-bridge Dawson, J. M., Ashburton, N.Z. Siphon De Montalk, R. W., Auckland, New Zealand. Telescopio measuring rule or scale Dennison, J. G., Timaru, N.Z. Potato-digger Derry, E. C, and another, Cbristchurch, N.Z. Rough-rolling fabric Dewar, C. A., Auburn, Vic. Parcel-carrier Dewar, J. N., Leonora, W.A. Ore-feeder for stamper-battery Diack, W., Centre Bush, N.Z. Bottle .. Dickie, R. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Vending-machine .. Dignan, J., Auckland, N.Z. Castrating, &c, instrument .. Dil, W. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Bicycle roller-brake .. Dixon, P. A., Albury, N.S.W. Eaves-gutter fasoias Dixon, P. H., Campbelltown, N.Z. Preserving oysters Don, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Boot-finishing composition Donald, L. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Manufacture of stockings and socks Donald, L. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Manufacture of Btockings and socks Douglas, H. M., Wellington, N.Z. Loose-leaf binder Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Bucket-link of dredge Driffield, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-top Ducker, W. M., New York, U.S.A. Portable house Dunbar, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Verandah-column Dunbar, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Flax-stripper attachment.. Dunbar, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Grip for rake-heads, spade-handles, &o. Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Clamp for frame-making Dunning, J., Devonport, N.Z. Butter-box 19742 18602 17 July 17 Oct., 1904 .. 75 85 10 Aug.* 21 Sept. 19978 19628 19734 19994 1 Sept. 26 June 14 July 8 Sept. 88 71 75 85 5 Oot.* 27 July. 10 Aug.* 21 Sept. 19956 19199 19897 31 Aug. 14 March 17 Aug. 82 85 82 7 Sept.* 21 Sept. 7 Sept.* 18774 19764 19960 19989 19935 18548 18767 19974 20074 19681 18218 19720 19802 19377 19875 19552 1957: 19754 19652 19778 19776 19839 21 Nov., 1904 .. 19 July 15 Aug.f 6 Sept. 25 Aug. 5 Oct., 1904 .. 17 Nov., 1904.. 1 Sept. 21 Sept. 5 July 23 July, 1904 .. 13 July 28 July 20 April 9 Aug. 5 June 7 June 11 July 26 June 17 July 21 July 3 Aug. 85 71 85 88 75 88 85 7i 21 Sept. 27 July.* 21 Sept.* 5 Oot.* 10 Aug. 5 Oct. 21 Sept.* 27 July. 88 78 71 71 75 75 82 71 5 Oct. 24 Aug.* 27 July. 27 July. 10 Aug.* 10 Aug. 7 Sept. 27 July.* Easdown, R. H., Mount McDonald, N.S.W. Animal-trap Edwards, F., Hawera, N.Z. Injecting air into cow's udder Edwards, W., and another, Waikino, N.Z. Window-sash Ellen, J., Staveley, N.Z. Feeding-bottle proteotor Elliott, E., Auckland, N.Z. Wool-washing machine 19564 19835 19432 20118 19847 7 June 4 Aug. 5 May 30 Sept. 4 Aug. 71 82 75 27 July. 7 Sept. 10 Aug. 82 7 Sept.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Edwards, T., Ballarat, Vio. Ore-roasting furnace Ellis, F. J. T., Waitahuna, N.Z. Post-hole digger Ellis, J. C, Melbourne, Vio. Watch and clock regulating tag Elmore, F. E., London, Eng. Separation by flotation Elvines, F., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Ink-pot and penholder .. Elworthy, H. S., St. Albans, Eng. Manufacture of gas .. Elworthy, H. S., St. Albans, Eng. Manufacture of gas Elworthy, H. S., St. Albans, Eng. Production of nickel .. Ely, M. V., and another, Wimbledon, Eng. Electric arc-lamp England, F. G., Melbourne, Vic. Photographic washing apparatus Ephraim, J. E., Darlington, N.S.W. Acetylene lamp and generator Ericsson, A. J., Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, Nos. 19866 and 19868.) 19683 19729 20072 19864 19727 19630 19631 19632 19154 19949 19593 6 July 13 July 21 Sept. 16 Aug., 19041 13 July 27 June 27 June 27 June 12 Mar., 1904.t 30 Aug. 14 June 75 91 71 71 71 71 67 82 71 10 Aug. 19 Oct. 27 July.* 27 July. 27 July. 27 July. 13 July. 7 Sept.* 27 July. Fahey, W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. R. Park, No, 20010.) Fairweather, J., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-stripper Fairweather, W., jun., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-stripper.. Fairweather, W., sen,, and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-stripper .. Falkner, A., Kaipororo, N.Z. Drying perishable produots Falls, A. L,, Cambridge, N.Z. Slasher-handle fastener Falvey, T., Wellington, N.Z. Steam turbine Farmer, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Steam-valve Farr, F. W., Oogenhoe, Eng. Boot-heel protector Farra, J. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Skylight .. Ferguson, G. W., and another, Wangaratta, Vio. Brick-making machinery Ferguson, J. W., and another, Wangaratta, Vic. Briok - making machinery Fewell, R., Hamilton, N.Z. Door Finnane, D., Auckland, N.Z. Cake and spoon rest Fisher, D. R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Linotype machine mould wiper and cleaner Fitts, N.V., and another, Denver, U.S.A. (See Colorado Ironworks Company, No. 19667.) Fleming, J. A., London, Eng. (See Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, No. 19849.) Fletcher, J. W., jun., Wellington, N.Z. Clothes-dryer Ford, A. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Oil-drum Ford, A. S., Ooromandel, N.Z. Ejeoting liquid from one reoeptacle to another Ford, S., and another, Dannevirke, N.Z. Production of railwaysleepers Fowler, J. W., Whangarei Heads, N.Z. Eleotrio belt, &o. Fowler, J. W., Whaagarei Heads, N.Z. Exit-door Frame, J., Oamaru, N.Z. Motor Freeman, J. S., and another, Dannevirke, N.Z. Production of railway-sleepers Freschl, A., Chicago, U.S.A. (See F. Barrow, No. 19736.) Fry, R. J., Kialla, Vic. Rabbit-trap Fuhrer, J., Vienna, Austria. Explosive.. Fulljames, E. V., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Acetylene-lamp ,. 18353 18353 18353 19672 20039 18399 19819 19288 19599 18800 20 Aug., 1904.. 20 Aug., 1904 .. 20 Aug., 1094.. 4 July 14 Sept. 3 Sept., 1904.. 1 Aug. 12 April, 1904f 15 June 25 Nov., 1904.. 67 67 67 67 91 85 75 85 85 82 13 July. 13 July. 13 July. 13 July.* 19 Oot. 21 Sept. 10 Aug.* 21 Sept. 21 Sept.* 7 Sept. 18800 25 Nov., 1904.. 82 7 Sept. 19970 19870 19832 2 Sept. 8 Aug. 2 Aug. 78 75 24 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 20006 20103 20005 9 Sept. 27 Sept. 9 Sept. 19 Oot. 91 18526 1 Oct., 1904 .. 85 21 Sept. 18888 20015 19888 18526 23 Deo., 1904 .. 11 Sept. 16 Aug. 1 Oot., 1904 .. 67 88 78 85 13 July. 5 Oct.* 24 Aug.* 21 Sept. 19735 18961 20123 14 July 9 Feb., 1904f 29 Sept. 71 67 27 July.* 13 July. Gabites, A. G., and another, St. Albans, N.Z. Pocket flash and heater Gale, J., Timaru, N.Z. Key for securing pin on traction-engine shoe Gallagher, R. W., San Francisco, U.S.A. (Seethe Automatio Meter Company, No. 19615.) Gardiner, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Bioyole-oarrier Garland, T., Wellington, N.Z. ■ Kettle Gasooyne, F. J. W., Hastings, N.Z. Tire-protector Gentles, H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Safety-pin Gibson, A. F., Timaiu, N.Z. Washing flax-fibre Gillanders, L. R., Ravensbourne, N.Z. Hydraulic motor Gillette, K. C, Boston, U.S.A. Bottle-seal Gleeson, J. J., and another, Tikitapu, N.Z. Separating impurities from milk Gooder, N. I., and another, Wellington, N,Z. Photographing and reproducing moving objeots Gordon, F.E. A., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Washing-fluid Gordon, N. R., Melbourne, Vio. Aerial machine Graham, C. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Register-grate .. Grainger, A. M., Oamaru, N.Z. Weed-cutting plough Grainger, A. M., Oamaru, N.Z. Bird-trap Grass, H., Broadford, Vic. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20106.) Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Fertiliser conductor Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed-sower Green, A. E., Dannevirke, N.Z. Hose-coupling.. Griffiths, G., Birohfield, N.Z. Forming bearings of wheels, &c. Griffiths, H. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Package or tin for jam, &c. Grofski, J. A., Chtis;church, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Grote, E. R., and another, Wimbledon, Eng. Electric aro-lamp .. Grundy, A. O., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Sprayer Grundy, W. J., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Sprayer 19981 6 Sept. 85 21 Sept.* 20084 22 Sept. 88 5 Oct.* 18488 19906 19731 19746 18787 19786 19664 18404 23 Sept., 1904 21 Aug. 13 July 13 July 22 Nov., 1904.. 20 July 3 July 5 Sept., 1904 71 82 82 78 78 78 67 71 27 July. 7 Sept.* 7 Sept.* 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 13 July.* 27 July. 19884 16 Aug. 78 24 Aug.* 20018 19799 19808 19975 19999 11 Sept. 27 July 29 July 1 Sept. 5 Sept. 75 78 10 Augl* 24 Aug. 18427 18496 20057 19996 19954 3 Sept., 1904 26 Sept., 1904 19 Sept. 8 Sept. 31 Aug. 67 71 85 82 13 July. 27 July. 21 Sept. 7 Sept.* 20076 19.154 19690 19690 21 Sept. 12 Mar., 1904 f 7 July 7 July 91 67 19 Oct.* 13 July.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Oaectln. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Hadaway, J. B., Brockton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18691.) Hall, P. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Hairpin Hall, R. E., Port Levy, N.Z. Gate-faatener Hall, T., snd others Kaiwarra, N.Z. Ink-pot and penholder Halpin, D., London, Eng. Thermal storage for steam-generator .. Ham, H., Feilding, N.Z. Flax-stripper frame Hamlin, E. A. G., Nuhaka, N.Z. Head-stall Hannam, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Bath-water heater Hansen, J., Tanpiri, N.Z. Gum-hook .. Harding, H. J. B., Grafton, N.S.W. Voting-machine Harkness, B. G. A., Stratford, N.Z. Water-pump Harper, C, and another, Pordell, N.Z. Vehicle-shafts Harrowby, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Wire mattress Harrowby, G. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Wire mattress .. Harvey, W., Auckland, N.Z. Pressure-block for cheese-press Hatcher, E. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher.. Hatcher, E. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z, Cooking eggs by steam Hatmaker, J. R., Paris, France. Milk food Hatmaker, J. R., Paris, Prance. Milk food for infants, &c. Hatmaker, J. R., Paris, Prance. Milk food for infants, &o. Haughton, R. S., Wellington, N.Z. Kerosene-tin Haworth, W. R., and oihers, Bolton, Eng. Making earthenware pipes Haydon, G. A., Auckland, N.Z. Wash up mop .. Hayes, A., New York, U.S.A. Liquid-vapouriser Head, J. A., and another, Lyttelton, N.Z. Burglar-alarm Healy, L., New Plymouth, N.Z. Swingletree Heeb, M., Port Legar, N.Z. Turbine Hement, T. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Toasting-fork Henderson, J. B., Taringa, Queensland. Pulley-block Henry, C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher Henry, C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Cooking eggs by steam Henry, J., and another, St. Albans, N.Z. Pocket flask and heater Hepworth, E., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Washing-fluid Hercus, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Flooring, lining, &c, cramp Hercus, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Pood-protector for animals and birds Herrington, F., and others, San Juan, Porto Rico. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 20080.) Hibberd, C. E., Devonport, N.Z. Coin-freed machine Hickman, J. H., Wellington, N.Z. Mitre-cutter, &c. Hill, A. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Polishing-composition Hill, H. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Polishing-composition .. Hinds, H. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See W. B. H :ghes, No. 20106.) Hitehea, T., Sydney, N.S.W. Oven-door Hogbacka, L. E., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Saw-bench and surface-planer Holford, G., Onehunga, N.Z. Coupling-release .. Holland, J. E., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Screening gravel, &c. Holt, P., Melbourne, Vic. Street-sweeper Hooker, J. T., Hokitika, N.Z. Luncheon-can Hoppe, M. A., Wellington, N.Z. Muscle-developer for fingers Horsley, T. N., Christchurch, N.Z. Artificial stone Hoskins, G. J., Sydney, N.S.W. (See G. and C. Hoskins, Limited, No. 19991.) Hoskins, Limited, G. and C, Sydney, N.S.W. Joint for looking bar-pipes. (G. J. Hoskins.) Houghton, E. M., Detroit, U.S.A. Blackleg vaccine Howlin, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Operating-valves Hudson, R,, Wellington, N.Z. Partitions of walls Hughes, G. P., Melbourne, Vic. Wood-splitter .. Hughes, H., Picton, N.Z. Funnel Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Hand poison-layer. (H. H. Hinds and G. J. Lewis—G. Grass) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Steam-distribution for locomotive. (H. Lentz and C. Bellens) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Steam-distribution for locomotive. (H. Lentz and C. Bellens) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Candle or lamp holder. (H. M. Levinge) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Colour-printing. (C. B. Cottrell and Son's Company—M. A. McKee) Humphries, G. E., Wellington, N.Z. Scafiolding-bracket Hunter, A. J., Auokland, N.Z. Alternating gear for septic-tank discharge Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Refrigerating apparatus. (M. Leblanc) Hyams, G. H., Wanganui, N.Z. Hat-grip 20085 20117 19727 19946 20090 19860 19587 19911 19728 18572 20025 19751 19751 20048 19813 20041 19760 20036 20037 20055 19635 19656 19574 20077 19837 19940 19716 19941 19813 20041 19981 20018 19780 19873 19707 19803 19887 19887 20 Sept. 30 Sept. 13 July 30 Aug. 25 Sept. 9 Aug. 14 June 19 Aug. 13 July 10 Oct., 1904 .. 12 Sept. 18 July 18 July 14 Sept. 31 July 12 Sept. 20 July 21 Sept., 1904f 21 Sept., 1904f 18 Sept. 27 June 26 June 8 June 21 Sept. 2 Aug. 28 Aug. 11 July 29 Aug. 31 July 12 Sept. 6 Sept. 11 Sept. 21 July 8 Aug. 11 July 28 July 16 Aug. 16 Aug. 88 71 91 91 78 71 91 85 75 88 78 78 75 78 91 91 88 71 71 71 91 75 82 85 75 85 78 85 85 5 Oct.* 27 July.* 19 Oct. 19 Oct.* 24 Aug.* 27 July.* 19 Oct. 21 Sept. 10 Aug. 5 Oct. 24 Aug.* 24 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 24 Aug. 19 Oct. 19 Oot. 5 Oct.* 27 July. 27 July.* 27 July. 19 Oct. , 10 Aug.* 7 Sept.* 21 Sept.* 10 Aug.* j 21 Sept.* 24 Aug. 21 Sept. 21 Sept. 20110 19966 28 8ept. 1 Sept, 19769 19669 19810 19992 20028 19583 20 July 3 July 31 July 7 Sept. 13 Sept. 8 June 71 67 75 85 88 75 27 July." 13 July.* 10 Aug.* 21 Sept.* 5 Oct.* 10 Aug. 19991 7 Sept. 88 5 Oct. 20081 19644 20087 19509 19752 20106 22 Sept. 28 June 25 Sept. 25 May 18 July 28 Sept. 71 78 71 91 27 July.* 24 Aug. 27 July.* 19 Oct.* 20023 12 Sept. 91 19 Oct. 20067 21 Sept. 20095 26 Sept. 91 19 Oot.* 19482 17 May 71 27 July. 20002 19715 9 Sept. 8 July 85 82 21 Sept.* 7 Sept. 19756 19 July 85 21 Sept. 19671 3 July 67 13 July.* International Cigar Machinery Company, New York, U.S.A. Cigar machinery. (O. Tyberg, W. S. Luckett, L. Lake, H. Knight, and P. Herrington) Irwin, E. A., Timaru, N.Z. Paper stand and outter Ivey, G. M., Napier, N.Z. Tray for gas-stove 20080 20083 19673 22 Sept. 20 Sept. 4 July 88 71 5 Oot.* 27 July.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


■PPi lical iion. l azt\ ie. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vie. Gas-burner for bath-heater, &o. Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vio. Spark-arrester Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vio. Bath-water heater Jackson, J. H., jun., Dannevirke, N.Z. Boot Jaoobs, S., and others, Geelong, Vio. Flying-machine Jagger, A. F., Auckland, N.Z. Metal-castings mould-dresser Jaggs, W. J., Auokland, N.Z. Laundry-iron Jane, H., Auckland, N.Z. Water-heater Jefferis, W. J., Waerenga, N.Z. Milking applianoe Jenkins, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Scrubber and mop Johansen, V, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Soldering-iron Johansen, V., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cycle-valve connection Johns, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pan Johns, P. T., and another, Rona Bay, N.Z. Chimney-top Johns, W. F., Auokland, N.Z. Operating lift-door Johnson, C. A., and others, Baimsdale, Vio. Spring animal-trap .. Johnson, F., and others, Colliugwood, Vic. Game Johnson, G. B., London, Eng. Sheet-metal working Johnson, W. C, and another, OldCharlton, Eng. Rock-drill Johnston, A., and another, Devonport, N.Z., scrubber and mop Johnstons, T., Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. R. Park, No. 19637.) Jones, A. W., jun., and another, Christehuroh, N.Z, Electromedical applianoe Jones, A. W., sen., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Electromedical appliance Jones, E. V., Christohurch, N.Z. Advertising devioe Jonee, H. H., Wellington, N.Z. Boot-polish Jones, T. E., Wellington, N.Z. Hamper-fastening Jones, W. B., Hastings, N.Z. Spring-tine cultivator Jonson, J., Pioton, N.Z. Game Jupp, W., Foxton, N.Z. Beating-bar for flax-stripper 18687 20053 20054 19253 19790 19762 20007 19969 19755 20049 19910 20056 18086 19552 18613 19915 19763 19914 18610 20049 3 Nov., 1904 18 Sept. 18 Sept. 24 March 26 July 17 July 5 Sept. 30 Aug. 19 July 14 Sept. 19 Aug. 15 Sept. 23 June, 1904.. 5 June 19 Oct., 1904 .. 22 Aug. 19 July 22 Aug. 19 Oct., 1904 .. 14 Sept. 88 88 88 78 75 71 85 71 88 67 71 78 82 71 88 71 88 5 Oct. 5 Oot.* 5 Oct. , 24 Aug. 10 Aug.* 27 July.* 21 Sept.* 27 July.* 5 Oct.* 13 July. 27 July. 24 Aug. 7 S pt.* 27 July.* 5 Oct. 27 July. 5 Oct.* 19100 20 March 82 7 Sept. 19100 20 Maroh 82 7 Sept. 19789 20073 19791 18705 20079 19745 19 April 21 Sept. 26 July 7 Nov., 1904.. 22 Sept. 18 July 75 75 82 88 71 10 Aug. 10 Aug.* 7 Sept. 5 Oct.* 27 July.* Karl, V., Rotorua, N.Z. Weed-eradicator Kelly, R. D., Wellington, N.Z. Letter-envelope and telegraph form Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company, Limited, Dunedin, N.Z. Manufacture of oulinary essences Kennedy, W., Sutton, N.Z. Plough-lifting attachment .. Keystone Office File Company, The, Christohuroh, N.Z. (See J. Wilson, No. 19919.) Kilborn, A., Bondi, N.S.W. Milking-machine .. King, J., Wellington, N.Z. Busk-protector King, J., Wellington, N.Z. Busk-protector Kininmont, A., Gisborne, N.Z. Slaughterman's tree Kirkpatrick-Picard, H. F., and others, London, Eng. Ore-concen-tration Kirkpatrick-Picard, H. F., and others, London, Eng. Ore-concen-tration Kirkwood, J. C. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electric arc-lamp regulator Kitchen, D., Feilding, N.Z. Bridle-fastening .. Kjellin, F. A., Stockholm, Sweden. Electric furnace Knight, H., and others, Jereey City, U.S.A. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 20080.) Krmpotio, D., Melbourne, Vic. Pea-shelling machine Krotz, A. S., Springfield, U.S.A. (See Consolidated Rubber Tire Company, No. 19257.) Kuess, V. J., Tunis, Africa. Soap-manufacture .. 20016 20058 20014 19976 18324 19324 19324 20091 19633 11 Sept. 19 Sept. 9 Sept. 1 Sept. 17 Aug., 1904.. 10 April 10 April 22 Sept. 27 June 91 67 75 75 91 71 19 Oct.* 13 July. 10 Aug. 10 Aug.* 19 Oct. 27 July. 19634 27 June 71 27 July. 18377 18422 19838 29 Aug., 1904.. 7 Sept., 1904.. 4 Aug. 67 67 82 13 July. 13 July. 7 Sept. 19816 1 Aug. 75 10 Aug.* 19958 31 Aug. 88 5 Oct. Lake, C. C, Christohurch, N.Z. Coat-hanger Lake, L., and others, Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 20080.) Lamkin, C. J., and others, Ngahauranga, N.Z. Producer gasgenerator Land, A. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Vehiole-seat .. Langdon, W., and another, Howick, N.Z. Penholder Langer, 0., Clydach, Wales. (See The Mond Nickel Company, Limited, Nos. 19853 and 19854.) Langley, J., and others, Victoria, B.C. Fire-alarm Larsen, T., and another, Waikino, N.Z. Window-sash Laugesen, W. E. L., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Saw-bench and surface-planer Lawrence A., and another, Christehuroh, N.Z. Egg-carrier Lawrence, F. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Egg-oarrier Lawrence, R. W , Dunedin, N.Z. Securing lamp-burner socket to lamp-bowl Leblanc, M., Paris, France. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 19756.) Leech, J. D. L., and another, Lyttelton, N.Z. Burglar-alarm Leighton, F. W., Auckland, N.Z. Locking device for loose-leaf ledgers Lentz, H., and another, Berlin, Germany. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20023.) Lentz, H., and another, Berlin, Germany. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20067.) Levinge, H. M., Okato, N.Z. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20095.) Lewis, G. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20106.) Lewie, K., Williamstown, Vio, Puncture-repairing oompound 19801 26 July 75 10 Aug.* 20108 28 Sept. 91 19 Out.* 18465 19579 20 Sept., 1904.. 7 June 67 71 13 July. 27 July. 19925 19432 19966 23 Aug. 5 May 1 Sept. 75 10 Aug. 19782 19782 19842 22 July 22 July 3 Aug. 75 75 75 10 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 20077 19933 21 Sept. 22 Aug. 91 85 19 Oct.* 21 Sept. 10 Aug.* 19794 27 July 75 10 AU;


Alphabetical List of Applicant s for Letters Patent—continued.


Application. Oanette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. I No. Date. Date. Leyner, J. G., Denver, U.S.A. Rook-drilling engine Liebentritt, J. F., Sydney, N.S.W. Steam boiler Lightband, H., and another, Christohuroh, N.Z. Sole-rounding machine Lindsay, R. N. R., Auckland, N.Z. Dehorning cattle Lindsey, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Cask-filling appliance Liasington, J. A., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Cowl and chimney-pot Littlejohn, A. I., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer Ljungstrom, B., Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 19867.) Lloyd, H. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Daylight-reflector Lloyd, J., and others, Bairnsdale, Vic. Spring animal-trap Locking, B., Napier, N.Z. Poison-gas generator.. Lorrett, 0., Kororata, N.Z. Horse controller Louat, P. T., Waihi, N.Z. Slimes-treatment Love, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Protector for dress during riding Lowe, A., Reefton, N.Z. Link of endless chain .. Lowe, A. E., Tai Tapu, N.Z. Flower-pot Lowe, G. I., Palmerston North, N.Z. Bicycle-pump Lowry, R. 0., Seattle, U.S.A. Truck-wheels Luckett, W. S., and oihers, New York, U.S.A. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 20080.) Lucy, G. W., Capetown, Cape Colony. Aerial roundabout Luks, H., Wellington, N.Z. Switch-block for electrio switoh 19962 19569 19691 19678 19926 19804 19931 19758 19915 19909 19973 20022 20003 18681 19936 20113 19666 31 Aug. 7 June 8 July 5 July 23 Aug. 29 July 24 Aug. 19 July 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 31 Aug. 12 Sept. 6 Sept. 13 March 25 Aug. 30 Sept. 3 July 91 75 71 67 88 88 88 78 82 88 85 85 85 82 82 19 Oot. 10 Aug. 27 July/ 13 July.* 5 Oct. 5 Oot. 5 Oot. 24 Aug. 7 Sept.* 5 Oct. 21 Sept.* 21 Sept.* 21 Sept.* 7 Sept. 7 Sept.* *75 10 Aug. 20051 19921 18 Sept. 23 Aug. 88 82 5 Oct.* 7 Sept.* Macalisfcer, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Soraper for roller of ridger Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Ridger Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Manure feed .. Macdonald, T. J. A., Detroit, U.S.A. Amalgamator Macdougall, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Manufacture of hollow ware from pulp Macfarlane, G. T., Woollahra, N.S.W. Animal-shipping box Macgregor, D. S., Invercargill, N.Z. Raising and lowering ourtainpoles Macintosh, W. P., Annandale, N.S.W. Tobaooo-lighter .. Mackay, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Treating flax .. Mackenzie, H. D., Levin, N.Z. Production of fibre from flax Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Hairpin .. Madder, W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Vote-recorder Maddison, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Earmarking sheep, &c. Maddox, H. N., Auckland, N.Z. Scourer and mop Maddox, H. N., Auokland, N.Z. Mop .. Madeley, O. T., Corindhap, Vic. Fruit-gatherer .. Madeley, O. T., Corindhap, Vio. Horse-stopper .. Madeley, O. T., Corindhap, Vic. Rabbit-trap Madeley, O. T., Corindhap, Vic. Mail-bag fastener Magnus, P., and another, North Fitzroy, Vio. (See Rubberized Leather and Tire Company, Limited, No. 19953.) Mahoney, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-bracket Mail, J. S., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Folding chair Mallabar, H. J., Liverpool, Eng. Printing and developing photographs Mander, H. F., Kimbolton, N.Z. Drilling-machine Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, London, Eng. Detecting and measuring alternating electric currents. (J. A. Fleming) Markey, F., and another, St. Mary's, Canada. Churn Martin, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-stand .. Martyn, D. W., Christohurch, N.Z. Saucepan .. Mason, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Rope-block or lifting-tackle Mathews, G., Stoke, N.Z. Brick-kiln .. Mayhew, G. S., London, Eng. Preparing and cutting veneers Mayhew, G. S., London, Eng. Fireproof plaster slab for building .. Mayo, B. F., Salem, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18751.) McAnulty, F. T., Lincoln, N.Z, Tine and weed oleaner for harrows, &c. McCallum, J., Blenheim, N.Z. Bale-band fastener McCole, A., Onehunga, N.Z. Sock or stocking McColl, A., Onehunga, N.Z. Repairing timber veneer McOubbin, J. B., North Fitzroy, Vio. Attaohing broom-head to handle McCullough, F., and another, Christohuroh, N.Z. Rough-rolling fabric MoCullough, W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Gold-saving table McCully, H. S., Waitohi, N.Z. Plough McDonald, A. M., Petone, N.Z. Egg-preserving cabinet .. McDonald, J. 0., and others, Collingwood, Vic. Game McDonald, K., Katikati, N.Z. Measuring and delivering milk McDowell, N., and others, Victoria, B.C. Fire-alarm McFeely, R. F., Beverly, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Maohinery Company, No. 18626.) McGarry, J. J., Sydney, N.S.W. (See E. Resch, No. 19828.) McGrath, J. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-cover fastening .. MoGuinness, D. H. K., Wangaratta, Vio. Hand-truck McGuire, J., Melbourne, Vio. Hose-oonnection .. Mclntosh, W. J., and others, Geelong, Vic. Flying-machine 19811 19869 20040 19621 19988 19047 19701 20065 17906 19655 19670 19982 19747 19705 19706 18451 19797 19798 19830 19730 20114 20046 19676 19849 18857 19876 19984 20013 19963 19862 19863 25 July 5 Aug. 9 Sept. 22 June 6 Sept. 6 Feb. 10 July 21 Sept. 11 May, 1904 .. 1 July 1 July 6 Sept. 13 July 11 July 11 July 15 Sept., 1904.. 27 July 27 July 3 Aug. 13 July 30 Sept. 18 Sept. 5 July 8 Aug. 14 Dec, 1904.. 9 Aug. 5 Sept. 7 Sept. 31 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 75 78 88 71 88 85 71 78 75 85 71 71 71 75 75 75 71 91 88 67 82 67 82 85 85 88 85 85 10 Aug.* 24 Aug.* 5 Oct. , 27 July 5 Oct. 21 Sept. 27 July.* 24 Aug. 10 Aug. 21 Sept.* 27 July.* 27 July.* 27 July.* 10 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 27 July.* 19 Oct.* 5 Oct.* 13 July.* 7 Sept. 13 July. 7 Sept.* 21 Sept.* 21 Sept.* 5 Oct. 21 Sept. 21 Sept. 19700 10 July 71 27 July.* 20059 20045 18652 19951 19764 19 Sept. 13 Sept. 21 Oct., 1904 .. 31 Aug. 19 July 78 82 71 24 Aug. 7 Sept.* 27 July.* 20115 19937 18398 19763 19699 19925 25 Sept. 24 Aug. 3 Sept., 1904.. 19 July 10 July 23 Aug. 82 78 71 71 7 Sept.* 24 Aug. 27 July.* 27 July.* 19738 18475 19611 19790 12 July 22 Sept., 1904 20 June 26 July 71 67 71 75 27 July.* 13 July. 27 July. 10 Aug.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

9_H. 10.—06.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date McKee, M. A., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 19482.) McKim, F. G., London, Eng. Pneumatic tire McLean, A., Ti-tree Point, N.Z. Tire-proteotor .. McLean, J. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Garment match-striker .. McLeod, A., Wellington, N.Z. Smoke-consumer and heat-generator McMaster, J., Hokonui, N.Z. Safety-mouth for flax-scutcher McMeekin, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rabbit-crate McNab, T,, Lawrence, N.Z. Ball-and-socket joint for gas-hangings McPhedran, D. T., Timaru, N.Z. Traction-engine shoe .. McPhedran, D. T., Timaru, N.Z. Maul-ring fastener McQueen, D., Stratford, N.Z. Potato peeler Mellor, B. F., and another, Moonee Ponds, Vic. Plough Mercer, T., Stratford, N.Z. Boot sole or sock Mergenthaler Linotype Company, New York, U.S.A. Linotype machine. (F. E. Bright) Middleton, W., and another, Kalgoorlie, W.A. Grinding faces for pans Millar, R., Outram, N.Z. Sprayer Miller, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Surgical appliance Miller, C, Nelson, N.Z. Game .. Mitchell, A. S., andothers, Wellington,N.Z. Producer gas-gem rator Mitchell, B. H. J., and another, Triavunna, Tasmania. Plough .. Mizon, W., South Melbourne, Vic. Stereoscope .. Mond Nickel Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. Obtaining nickel from nickel carbonyl. (C. Langer) Mond Nickel Company, Limited, The, London, Bng. Treating nickel ores. (C. Langer) Monitor Shipping Corporation, Limited, Newcastleon Tyne, Eng. Vessel. (W. Petersen) Montalk. (See De Montalk.) Mooney, W. P., Christchuroh, N.Z. Egg tester .. Moorcroft, W., Coromandel, N.Z. (See J. Sbrathern, No. 18955.) Morgan, M., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Water-closet.. Morran, J. M., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Safety-pin Morton, W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Flooring, lining, &c, cramp Morton, W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Food-protector for animals and birds Morton, W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Turnip-thinner .. Moses, T. R., Christchureh, N.Z. Draught and dust excluder for door Moss, E., Christchureh, N.Z. Coin-freed stamping-machine Moss, E., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Connecting trolley with wire Moss, J. I., Abbotsford, Vic. Window-lock Murdock, J. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Tram-line scraper Murphy, J., and another, Fordell, N.Z. Vehicle-sbafts 19979 18564 20009 19777 19895 19150 20050 19812 2OCO8 19857 20020 18635 19668 19796 20082 20100 19845 20108 20020 19687 19853 5 Sept. 8 Oct , 1904 .. OS-pt. 22 July 18 Aug. 28 Feb. 14 28 July 6 Sept. 8 Aug. 12 Sept. 20 Oct., 1904 . . 3 July 27 July 13 Sept. 27 Sept. 7 Aug. 28 Sept. 12 S pt. 6 July 8 Aug. 85 91 71 78 82 88 7S 85 85 75 78 91 78 91 71 82 21 Sept, 19 Oct.* 27 July.* 24 Au*.* 7 Sept. 5 Oct.* 24 Aug.* 21 Sept.* 21 Sept. 10 Aug. 24 Aug. 19 Oct. 5 Oct.* 24 Aug.* 19 Oct.* 27 July.* 7 Sept. 19854 8 Aug. 82 7 Sept. 19861 10 Aug. 19904 18 Aug. 19553 19746 19780 5 June 13 July 21 July 71 27 July. 78 24 Aug. 19873 8 Aug. 85 21 Sept. 19491 I 19748 18337 19722 19961 18972 20025 8 May 17 July 17 Aug., 1904.. 13 July 31 Aug. 16 Jan. 12 Sept. I I 71. I 75 i 85 67 71 91 67 88 27 July. 10 Aug.* 21 Sept, 13 July. 27 July.* 19 Oct. 13 July. 5 Oct. Nattrass, L. N., and another, Lower Hutt, N.Z. Churn Naumkeag Buffing-maohine Association. (See S. W. Winslow, No. 18689.) Nelson, J., Blenheim, N.Z. Inflator Neugeschwender, J. J., Timaru, N.Z. Securing child in go cart Newman, R., Christohuroh, N.Z. Gas-holder for limelight purposes Nicholls, B. S., and others, Auckland, N.Z. High-pressure boiler .. Nicholls, J. H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. High-pressure boiler .. Nicholson, G. C, Port Albert, N.Z. Window-lock Nicholson, H. H., Pukeuri, N.Z. Bird-trap Nicholson, 'J., Sydney, N.S.W. Separation of gold Nicholson, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Gold-saving Nielsen, N., Wellington, N.Z. Building-block Noedl, R. C, Woodville, N.Z. Clothes-prop Norgrove, H., Auckland, N.Z. Collecting sand and formation of sand banks Norgrove, H., Auckland, N.Z. Portable boiler .. Norgrove, H., Auckland, N.Z. Steam-boiler furnace Norris, F. M., Hunterville, N.Z. Pipe and cigarette holder Northey, J., Christchureh, N.Z. Hjdraulic-ram valve Norton, F. G., Lyttelton, N.Z. Egg-carrier Novelty Tufting Company, The, Illinois, U.S.A. (Bee F. Barrow, No. 19736.) Nuttall, W. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Branding-appliance 18380 30 Aug., 1904.. 67 13 July. 19938 39878 19619 19856 19856 19719 18821 20098 20099 18666 20029 19805 28 Aug. 12 Aug. 20 June 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 10 July 1 Dec, 1904 .. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Oct., 1904 . . 13 Sept. 29 July 85 78 75 85 85 71 85 91 91 78 91 75 21 Sept.* 24 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 21 Sept. 21 Sept. 27 July.* 21 Sept. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 24 Aug. 19 Oct.* 10 Aug.* 198C6 19948 19965 198'25 19688 29 July 30 Aug. 1 Sepr. 3 Aug. 5 July 75 82 10 Aug.* 7 Sept.* 75 71 10 Aug." 27 July.* 19827 3 Aug. 75 10 Aug.* O'Brien, P. K., and another, Mitiamo, Vic. Moving goods O'Donnell, J., Hawera, N.Z. Milk-can insect-intrusion preventer .. O'Keefe, P. H., Grafton, N.S.W. Salting or corning meat Olsen, F., Wellington, N.Z. Attaching trace-spreader to traces Orr, L. A., Hukanui, N.Z. Cycle-driving gear .. Owen, R. H., Wellington, N.Z. Distance-calculator for rifle shooting Owen, R. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Securing match-striker to clothing .. Owen, R. H., Wellington, N.Z. Ascertaining distances in rangefinding Oxley, H. H., Auckland, N.Z. Reversible brush 19622 19836 20064 20097 20111 18670 19894 19744 22 June 4 Aug. 21 Sept. 27 Sept. 29 Sept. 28 Oct., 1904 .. 18 Aug. 17 July I 71 75 88 91 75 85 78 27 July. 10 Aug.* 5 Oct.* 19 Oct.* 10 Aug. 21 Sept.* 24 Aug. 20004 6 Sept. 85 21 Sept.* Palliser, F., Timaru, N.Z. Septic tank .. Palmer, J. S., Wanganui, N.Z. Account-hook Palmer, T. H., Wellington, N.Z. Boat keel 19784 18522 20101 22 July 30 Sept., 1904.. 27 Sept. 78 67 88 24 Aug. 13 July. 5 Oct.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Name, Address, and Invention. No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Paora, O., Orakei, N.Z. Weight-raiser.. Paora, O., Orakei, N.Z. Cant-hook or lever Papworth, L. E., Wellington, N.Z. Neoktie-holder Park, J. E., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope. (T. Johnstone).. Park, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope-fastening. (D. Robertson) Park, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Chimney. (C. Weber) Park, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Brooch-pin catch. (W. H. Fahey).. Park, R. P., South Melbourne, Vic. Cloiing and locking lift door .. Park, T. W., Wellington, N.Z. Water-flush Parker, A., Dannevirke. N.Z. Mail-bag fastener.. Parkerson, C. P., Thames, N.Z. Receptacle for perishable condiments Parrish, E. J., Sydney, N.S.W, Window-sash sustainer .. Parsons, C. A., Newcaatle-on-Tyne, Eng. Valve-controlling means.. Parsons, C. A., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Piston-valve Parsons, C. A., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Production of high vacua and cooling by evaporation Paterson, J., and another, Thames, N.Z. Pan Paull, J., Wyndham, N.S.W. Gate-opener Payne, E. M., Christchuroh, N.Z. Game Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Screw for removing and replacing bushes Pearson, G. C, and another, Old Charlton, Eng. Hock-drill Pearson, W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Shot-making machine .. Pembroke, E. L., Auckland, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe.. Perrott, T. H., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Lubricator Petersen, C. J., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Linotype machine mould-wiper and cleaner Petersen, W., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. (See Monitor Shipping Corporation, Limited, No. 19861.) Philpott, W., Longbush, N.Z. Spreader for trace-chains .. Picard. (See Kirkpatrick-Picard.) Pieper, H., Liege, Belgium. Electric-machine governor .. Pilkington, W. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Churn Pintsch, J., Berlin, Germany. (See Pintsch's Patent Lighting Company, Limited, No. 20019.) Pintsch's Patent Lighting Company, Limited, London, Eng. Inveited incandescent-gas lamp. (J. Pintsch) Pocock, A. C, and others, Dannevirko, N.Z. Water-oloset Pocock, R. V., Ashburton, N.Z. Plough-coulter Pollard, E. T., and another, London, Eng. Cigarette-machine Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Newspaper-file .. Pomeroy, J., Inveroargill, N.Z. Paper-file Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Ear-marker Price, F. G., Calcutta, India, Leaking-preventer for bolt holed Pritchard, G. T., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Window-sash fastener Pugh, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Consumption-cure 19659 19874 19554 19637 19638 19916 20010 19929 19703 19826 18608 28 June 9 Aug. 5 June 27 June 27 June 22 Aug. 6Sspt. 23 Aug. 11 July 3 Aug. 18 Oct., 1904 . . 85 71 71 71 88 21 Sept. 27 Jul>.* 27 July.* 27 July.* 5 Oc>. 82 71 75 75 7 Sept.* 27 July.* 10 Aug.* 10 Aug. 20043 19713 19714 19757 15 Sept. 13 July 13 July 19 July 78 78 85 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 21 Sept. 18086 20066 19918 19898 23 June, 1904. . 21 Sept. 21 Aug. 16 Aug. 67 91 82 88 13 July. lit Oci. 7 Sept.* 5 Oci. 18610 1U901 19759 20034 19832 19 Oct., 1904 .. 17 Aug. 19 July 14 Sept. 2 Aug. 71 82 27 July. 7 Sep .* 88 75 5 Oct.* 10 Aug * 19843 3 Aug. 75 10 Aug.* 19987 18380 6 Sept. 30 Aug., 1904.. 91 67 19 Oct. 13 July. 20019 12 Sept. 91 19 Oct. 19553 19721 19986 19841 19971 19972 19685 20030 5 June 13 July 6 Sept. 28 July 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 6 July 13 Sept. 71 71 91 75 85 85 27 July. 27 July.* 19 Oct. 10 Aug.* 21 Sep!.* 21 Sept, • 85 21 Sept." 1S697 3 Nov., 1904.. 88 5 Oct. Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging-machinery Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-pole Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Tram-rail cleaner .. Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolly-pole Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolly-wheel Quicke, W. G., Invercargill, N.Z. Flooring-cramp .. Quin, W., Wellington, N.Z. Receipt and cheque form 18306 19793 19831 19840 19886 19939 18408 11 Aug., 1904 .. 26 July 3 Aug. 5 Aug. 16 Aug. 28 Aug. 6 Sept., 1904.. \ I 78 75 82 75 75 78 24 Aug. 10 Aug.* 7 Sept. 10 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 24 Aug.* 67 13 July. Rains, E., Dannevirke, N.Z. Race-starting barrier Ramsay, A., Crookston, N.Z. Heel-plate for boot Rand, T.. and another, Kew, Vic. Butter-box Rask, 0., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Travelling-race.. Rawhid, T. T., Hamilton, N.Z. Jack for wagons, &c. Ray, F., East Orange, U.S.A. (See Henry R. Worthington, No. 20027) Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Clothes-peg Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Clothes-peg Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Seed-sower con-ductor-tube. (O. Bristow.) Redrup, C. B., and another, London, Eng. Gas engine Regenerated Cold-air Company, Boston, U.S.A. Treating air. (F. White) Reichel, L. T., Wellington, N.Z. Wind and water motor Reid, A., Whangamomoca, N.Z. Hook for reins, &c. Reid, A., Whangamomona, N.Z. Hook for reins, &a. Resch, E., Sydney, N.S.W. Bottle-clip. (J. J. McGarry) Richard, G. C. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Collapsible gate Richard, G. C. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Collapsible gate Richards, P. B., Melbourne, Vic. (See A. Troup, No. 19765.) Richards, W. A., and another, London, Eng. Gas-engine ICijhardson, O. J. R , Invercargill, N.Z. Railway-rails Richardson, C. J. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Venetian-blind tape Richardson, F., and another, St. Mary's, Canada. Churn Rigby, E. J., Malvern, Vic. Rock-drill Rigby, E. J., and others, Malvern, Vic. Steel-bar manufacture .. Rigby, E. J., and another, Melbourne, Vio. Supplying water to i, j_:n 19749 19809 19952 20112 19704 20033 18 July 29 July 31 Aug. 23 Sept. 11 July 71 27 July.* 82 7 Sept.* 71 27 July.* 19694 19695 19872 29 June 1 July 11 Aug. 71 71 78 27 July.* 27 July.* 24 Aug.* 19662 20107 3 July 28 Sept. 18640 19514 19983 19828 19732 19882 21 Oct., 1904 . ■25 May 6 Sept. 3 Aug. 13 July 15 Aug. 82 85 88 82 7 Sept. 21 Sept. 5 Oct. 7 Sept. 85 21 Sept. 19662 19944 19945 18857 19852 20070 20105 3 July 29 Aug. 29 Aug. 14 Dec , 1904 .. 8 Aug. 21 Sept. 28 Sept. 85 82 67 78 88 91 21 Sept.* 7 Sept.* 13 July. 24 Aug.* 5 Oct.* 19 Oct."


Alphabetical List or Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. Mo. Application. No. OaietU. Dale. Date. Rigden, J. H., Opua, N.Z. Steam-engine Kigg, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Book-support Ritchie, T., Grasmere, N.Z. Stop-cock Roberts, J. H., Waipiata, N.Z. Swingle-tree and equalising barconnection Roberts, J. H., Waipiata, N.Z. Plough chain connecting hook Robertshaw, F. E., Grey Lynn, N.Z. Venetian blind Robertson, 0. Half-moon Bav, N.Z. Book-binder Robertson, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Game Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. (See J. R. Park, No. 19638.) Robertson, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle.. Robinson, J., and another, Laverton, Vic. Tire Robinson, S. N., and another, Ghristchurch, N.Z. Shirt Rogers, A. W., Beverly, U.S.A. (See S. W. Winslow, No. 18689.) Ross, H. E.. Sydney, N.S.W. Ship's hull Rouse, T., and another, London, Eng. Manufacture of briquettes Rubberised Leather and Tire Company, Limited, Melbourne, Vic. Preparing leather. (P. Magnus and T. J. Davis) Rudkins, T. P., and another, Mitiamo, Vic. Moving goods Russell, J., Ghristchurch, N.Z. Cask-head former Rustige, F. J. H., Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Lux, Limited, No, 19855.) Rutherfurd, T. H., Manaia, N.Z. Toasting-fork .. Ryan, M., Greymouth, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Ryan, M., Greymouth, N.Z. Gold-saving plush 19814 19779 19693 20011 20012 19609 19519 19788 20047 19677 19725 28 July 18 July 28 June 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 16 June 26 May 25 July 14 Sept. 5 July 11 July 75 75 71 85 85 71 85 75 75 10 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 27 July.* 21 Sept.* 21 Sept.* 27 July.* 21 Sept.* 10 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 19219 18905 19953 16 March 29 Dec, 1904 .. 31 Aug. 67 67 13 July. 13 Julv. 19622 18603 22 June 17 Oct., 1904 .. 71 75 27 July. 10 Aug. 19908 18434 18576 21 Aug. 9 Sept., 1904.. 11 Oct., 1904 .. 85 75 75 21 Sept.* 10 Aug. 10 Aug. Sargood, W. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Boot .. Scarr, J. S., Hobart, Tasmania. Vermin-trap Scarr, J. S., Hobart, Tasmania. Portable bed Scherer, A., Mangatoki, N.Z. Manure and seed sower Schmidt, W., Wilhelmshohe, Germany. Packing-ring for slide valve Schmidt, W., Wilhelmshohe, Germany. Locomotive boiler Schmidt, W., Wilhelmshohe, Germany. Marine and locomotive boiler Schmidt, W., Wilhelmshohe, Germany. Superheater for boiler Schmidt, W. S. D., Auckland, N.Z. Boot sole and proteotor Schmitt, A. J. G., Clevedon, N.Z. Game Schou, P., Copenhagen, Denmark. Thrust-bearings for shafts Schuckar, H., Berlin, Germany. Paper-file Scott, G., Halswell, N.Z. Injecting air into cow's udder .. Scott, G. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-hanger Scott, H. G., Sydney, N.S.W. Water-regulator for acetylene-gene rator Shadgett, W., and another, Penrose, N.Z. Electric belt .. Sharpe, J., Glebe, N.S.W. Wire suspender for bottles Shelton, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Valve Shelton, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Acetylene-gas iron Shepherd, J., Greymouth, N.Z. Water-gauge for steam boiler Sherman, D. F., New Castle, U.S.A. Preserving fruit Sibley, R. H. G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Game Simmonds, W. P., Wellington, N.Z. Music-teaching device Sinclair, M., Dunedin, N.Z. Drainage pipe Skeates, T. S., Devonport, N.Z. Tire-cover Sloper, C, and another, Timaru, N.Z. Cutting and washing lamb, &c, paunches Sloper, C, and another, Timaru, N.Z. Drive for hydro-extractor .. Smaill, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Heating-system for buildings Smith, C. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Counter-sales book Smith, C. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Rolling spheres from crude material Smitb, F. W., Rangiwahia, N.Z. Fruit-gatherer Smith, G. i Melbourne, Vic. Erasing impression from phonograph record Smith, S., Christchurch, NZ. Sandal .. Solomon, D., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Studless house Solomon, J., and others, Melbourne, Vio. Studless house Southouse, R., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Hollow-ware manufacture Spencer, W, Riverton, N.Z. Toasting-device Sprey, E., Christchurcb, N.Z. Spring hook-and-eye Stanton, W. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Folding chair Stead, J. C, London, Eng. (See C. N. Collison, No. 19880.) Stebbirjg, H., Auckland, N.Z. Post and letter card Steele, E. G., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Concentrating-table Steele, E. G., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Di-electric separator Steele, W. L., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Concentrating-table Steele, W. L., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Di-electrio separator Stevenson, G. 8., Gore, N.Z. Ratchet-wrench .. St. George, L. E., Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-pot Still, P., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer Stocks, W., and another, Carlton, Vio. Tire Stokes, W., jun., and another, Christchurcb, N.Z. Motor Stokes, W., jun., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Motor Storie, P. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Foldingchair Strathern, J., Auckland, N.Z. Water-power winding appliance. (W. Moororaft) StriDgfellow, C, Auckland, N.Z. Button-hook .. 19903 20031 20032 18742 19761 19767 19768 18 Aug. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Nov., 1904 .. 20 July 20 July 20 July 88 88 88 78 82 82 82 5 Oct. 5 Oct.' 5 Oot.* 24 Aug. 7 Sept. 7 Sep . 7 Sept. 19829 19526 19674 19930 19859 20104 19792 19885 3 Aug. 29 May 4 July 24 Aug. 9 Aug. 27 Sept. 26 July 16 Aug. 82 82 71 88 82 7 Sept. 7 Sent. 27 July.' 5 Oct. 7 Sept. '■78 78 24 Aug. 24 Aug.* 20089 20068 20017 20063 18425 19640 19995 19680 20000 19580 19858 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 11 Sept. 20 Sept. 5 Sept., 1904 27 June 8 Sept. 5 July 6 Sept. 7 Juue 8 Aug. 91 78 71 19 Oct. 24 AuV27 July. 71 88 71 82 27 July.* 5 Oot. 27 July.* 7 Sept.* 19905 19739 19899 20086 20035 19723 21 Aug. 12 July 16 Aug. 21 Sept. 14 Sept. 13 July 82 71 85 88 88 71 7 Sept.* 27 July.* 21 Sept.. 5 Oct.* 5 Oct.* 27 Jul>.» 19980 19891 19891 19988 4 Sept. 17 Aug. 17 Aug. 6 Sept. 82 82 88 7 Sept.* 7 Sept.* 5 Oct. 19702 19741 20114 10 July 13 July 30 Sept. 71 82 91 27 July.* 7 Sept. 19 Oct.* 20061 19613 19614 19613 19614 19643 19818 19931 19677 19223 19846 20114 18955 20 Sept. 20 June 20 June 20 June 20 June 24 June 1 Aug. 24 Aug. 5 July 20 March 17 May 30 Sept. 10 Jan. 88 71 71 71 71 71 75 88 75 78 82 91 78 5 Oct.* 27 July. 27 July. 27 July. 27 July. 27 July.* 10 Aug. 5 Oct. 10 Aug." 24 Aug. 7 Sept. 19 Oct.* 24 Aug. 18411 6 Sept., 1904 75 10 Aug.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

-pplication. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Stuart, E. W., Sydney, N.S.W. (See A. J. Way, No. 19834.) Suckling, J. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Motor.. Suckling, J. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Motor.. Sulman, H. L., and others, London, Eng. Ore-concentration Sulman, H. L., and others, London, Eng. Ore-concentration Sutton, H. M., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Ooncentrating-table Sutton, H. M., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Di-electrie separator .. 19223 19846 19634 19633 19613 19614 20 March 17 May 27 June 27 June 20 June 20 Jane 78 82 71 71 71 71 24 Aug. 7 Sept. 27 July. 27 July. 27 July. 27 July. Tait, R., jun., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Photographii g and reproducing moving objects Taylor, A., and others, "Victoria, B.C. Fire-alarm Taylor, E., Brisbane, Queensland. Siphon Theobald, J., TSltham, N.Z. Shaft-tug.. Thode, E. I. P., Auckland, N.Z. Groceries reminder Thomeen, H. C, Waingawn, N.Z. Cocksfoot-thresher Thurgar, E. W., Auckland, N.Z. Harness-buckle Tippett, E., Normanby, N.Z. Cream-separator .. Toft, J. M., Dtury, N.Z. Horse-collar .. Tornpkins, H. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Flushing-cistern Toms, B., and another, Palmerston Noitb, N.Z. Sheet-metal working machinery Traill, J. C, Malvern, Vic. Safety-pin .. Trewhella, B., and another, Trentham, Vic. Lever-jack .. Trewhella, W., and another, Trfintbam, Vie. Lever-jack .. Tnggs, P. S., London, Eng. Disintegrating machine Troup, A., Melbourne, Vic. Shower-bath. (P. B. Richards) Troup, A., Melbourne, Vio. Shower-bath Troup, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Bag-priming machine Tucker, J. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Tap Turgeon, T. N., Wellington, N.Z. Needle. (C. A. Wellington) .. Turner, A. A., and another, Tikitapu, N.Z. Separating impurities from milk Tyberg, O., and others, Point Loma, U.S.A. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 20080.) 19884 16 Aug. 78 24 Aug.* 19925 19922 18458 19892 19770 20096 19977 19371 19775 19800 23 Aug. 23 Aug., 1885.. 17 Sept., 1904 15 Aug. 20 July 23 Sept. 4 Sept. 19 April 21 July 27 July 85 71 71 88 21 Sept. 27 July. 27 July.* 5 Oct.* 75 71 78 10 Aug. 27 July.* 24 Aug.* 19551 18435 18435 19706 19765 19950 19997 19718 19795 18404 5 June 6 Sept., 1904 6 Sept., 1904 20 July 20 July 31 Aug. 8 Sept. 10 July 27 July 5 Sept, 1904.. 71 75 75 82 71 82 88 71 27 July. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 7 Sept. 27 July.* 7 Sept.* 5 Oct. 27 July.* 71 27 July. Underwood, C. H., and others, Bairnsdale, Vic Spring animaltrap United Shoe Machinery Company, Patetson, U.S.A. Poundingup machine. (R. F. Mcr?eely) United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sole levelling and pressing-machine. (E. E. Wii kley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Weltoperating machine. (J. B. Hadaway) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Nail-driving machine. (W. R. Barclay and A. Bates) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Trimming and concaving heels. (B. F. Mayo) Urquhart, D., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Cutting and washing sheep and lamb paunches Urquhart, D., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Drive for hydroextractor 22 Aug. 7 Sept.* 19915 82 18626 20 Oct., 1904 .. 71 i 27 July. 18690 3 Nov., 1904.. 82 7 Sept. 18691 3 Nov., 1904.. 82 7 Sept. 18752 16 Nov., 1904.. 82 7 Sept. 18751 16 Nov., 1904.. 88 5 Oct. 19858 8 Aug. 82 i 7 Sept.* 19905 21 Aug. 82 7 Sept.* Va,der, 0. J., and another. Annandale, N.S.W. Piano-door Vivian, T., Auckland, N.Z. Pumice-treatment .. 19985 19733 6 Sept. 10 July 88 71 5 Oct. 27 July.* Wagstaff, F. W., and another, Howick, N.Z. Penholder Walden, W. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Shirt Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Fracking-machine Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-box and frame clamp Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Cramp and mitre-box Walker, J. A., Devonport, N.Z. Billiard and dining table Walker, W. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Ventilating sash Wallett, W. J., Durban, Natal. Lock-nut Ward, E. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Dust-excluder fr r doors Ward, J. J., Wairau, N.Z. Wire-tightener Warden, C, jun., Waimahaka, N.Z. Spreader .. Warry, J., and another, Birmingham, Eng Incandescent gas-burner Watson, J., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-proof walls, &c. WatsoD, J., Wellington, N.Z. Metal-lathing Watson, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Treating flax .. Watson, T. W., Wellington, N.Z. Temperature-governor Watt, J , Balclutha, N.Z. Utilising heat from lamp Waugh, C. J., Fairfax, N.Z. Steam valve Way, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Gas burner. (R. W. Stuart) Weaver, J. L., Boise, U.S.A. Placer-mining .. .. .. Webber, A., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Water-closet Weber, C, Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. R. Park, No. 19916.) Weingott, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Waterproof and other coat Wellington, C. A., Vancouver, B.C. (See T. N. Turgeon, No. 19795.) Wemyss, D., jun., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Earth-closet Wemyss, J., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Earth-closet .. Westmoreland, G., Gisborne, N.Z. Sash-balance Weston, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-pedal strap Whelan, T. J., Hawthorn, Vic. White, F., Boston, U.S.A. (See Regenerated Cold Air Company, No. 20107.) 19579 19725 17822 19740 19781 19193 18644 19883 19783 18785 19753 18737 19785 19821 17906 19928 18221 19823 19834 19750 19553 7 June 11 July 21 April, 1904.. 12 July 21 July 9 March 19 Oct., 1904 .. 15 Aug. 22 July 24 Nov., 1904 .. 5 July 18 July, 1904.. 24 July 2 Aug. 11 May, 1904 .. 23 Aug. 27 July, 1904 .. 2 Aug. 4 Aug. 18 July 5 June 71 i 27 July. 71 71 82 82 82 85 82 85 27 July. 27 July.* 7 Sept.* 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 21 Sept. 7 Sept.* 21 Sept. 78 24 Aug. '82 78 7 Sept. 24 Aug. 67 78 75 78 71 13 July. 24 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 24 Aug. 27 July. 19959 31 Aug. 82 7 Sept.* 19820 19820 19807 19689 20102 31 July 31 July 29 July 5 July 27 Sept. 71 91 27 July'.' 19 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.



■PI>i lica: Lion. '•aze Sβ. Name. Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. _.l White, G. E., Auckland, N.Z. Corset .. White, G. H., Rakaia, N.Z. Ticket-holder White, R. H., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Window-sash fastener Whitney, A. N., Melbourne, Vie. Ship Wigley, P., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Incandescent gasburner Williams, H. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-protector.. Williams, W. F., London, Eng. Raising and lowering railway windows Wilson, A. B., Brisbane, Queensland. Rotary engine Wilson, H., and others, St. Kilda, Vic. Steel-bar manufacture Wilson, J., Christcburcb, N.Z. Cover for letter-file Wilson, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Street-cleaner, and cart-filler Winkley, E. E., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18690.) Winslow, S. W., Beverly, U.S.A. Buffing-machine (Naumkeag Buffing-machine Association.) (A. W. Rogers) Winler, F. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Cutting dovetail mortices Withers, A. A., Balaclava, Vie. Tire-inflater Wohle, S., London, Eng. Wool-scouring detergent Wolf, J D., London, Eng. Separation of metals from ores Wolff, F., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Inkpot and penholder Womersley, S. F., Traralgon, Vic. Butter weigher and packer Wood, E. A. Birmingham, Eng Incandescent gas-lighting Worthington, Henry R., New York, U.S.A. Centrifugal pump. (F. Ray) Worthington, Henry R., New York, U.S.A. Centrifugal turbinepump. (F. Ray) 19844 19717 20030 7 Aug. 10 July 13 Sept. 78 71 85 24 Aug.* 27 July.* 21 Sept.* 19675 18737 25 May 18 July, 1904 .. 71 78 27 July. 24 Aug. 19877 19850 9 Aug. 8 Aug. 85 85 21 Sept.* 21 Sept. 20052 20070 19919 19993 18 Sept. 21 Sept. 21 Aug. 2 Sept. 88 88 82 88 5 Oct.* 5 Oct.* 7 Sept.* 5 Oct.* 18689 3 Nov., 1904.. 82 7 Sept. 19923 19833 19665 19890 19727 19889 19712 20027 23 Aug. 3 Aug. 3 July 17 Aug. 13 July 17 Aug. 13 July 13 Sept. 91 82 75 85 71 78 78 91 19 Oct. 7 Sept.* 10 Aug. 21 Sept. 27 July.* 24 Aug.* 24 Aug. 19 Oct. 20033 14 Sept. 91 19 Oct. Yarrow, M., and others, Bolton, Eng. Making earthenware pipes.. 19635 27 June 71 27 July.

'rade Marks Act, 1889." Invention. Name. i No. Application. Al Gazette. Date. No. Date. Abdominal support Account-book Acetylene-gas lamp and generator Aoetylene-generator .. Aoetylene-generator Acetylene generator .. Acetylene-lamp .. .. Advertising-device Advertising-figure Aerial machine Air steriliser and injector into cow's udder Air, Treating Alarm. (See Burglar-alarm, Fire-alarm.) Alley-way or travelling-race Amalgamator Animal-cover fastening Animal-shipping box Animal-trap J. King J. S. Palmer .. J. E. Ephraim H. G. Scott E. P. Andreas 0. H. Bissaker .. E. V. Fulljames and B. Crawford E. V. Jones A. J. Bordello. P.. Gordon .. F. Edwards Regenerated Gold Air Company .. 19324 18522 19593 19885 20038 20071 20123 19789 19708 19799 19835 20107 10 April J 30 Sept., 1904 14 June 16 Aug. 14 Sept. 21 Sep , -. 29 Sept. 19 April 10 July 27 July 4 Aug. 28 Sept. 75 75 67 71 78 10 Aug.* 10 Aug. 13 July. 27 July. 24 Aug.* 75 71 75 82 10 Aug. 27 July.* 10 Aug.* 7 Sept. G. Bask, and E. A. Cameron T. J. A. Macdooald J. P. MoGrath .. G. T. Macfarlane C. A. Johnson, J. Lloyd, and C. H. Un erwood R. M. Aitken .. T. N. Horsley .. 20112 19621 19738 19047 19915 23 Sept. 22 June 12 July 6 Feb. 22 Aug. 71 71 85 82 27 July. 27 July.* 21 Sept. 7 Sept.* Antimony from ores, Extracting Artifioial-stone manufacture 19603 19583 16 June 8 June 78 75 24 Aug. 10 Aug. Bag-printing machine Bag. (See Mail-bag.) Bagatelle-playing apparatus Bale-band fastener Bath. (See Eye-bath, Shower-bath.) Battery, Ore-feeder for Bearings for revolving-shafts Bearings of wheels Beating-bar for flax-stripper .. Bed and chair combined Bed, Portable Belt. (See Electric belt, Pulley-belt.) J. Troup E. M. Payne .. J. McCallum J. N. Dewar P. Schou G. Griffiths W.Jupp J. F. Bentley .. J. S. Scarr 19997 19918 20059 19989 19930 19996 19745 19787 20032 8 Sept. 21 Aug. 19 Sept. 6 Sept. 24 Aug. 8 Sept. 18 July 20 July 14 Sept. 88 82 85 38 85 71 78 88 5 Oct. 7 Sept.* 21 Sept. , 5 Oct. 21 Sept. 27 July.* 24 Aug.* 5 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. QaeetU. Invention. Kume. No. Date. No. Date. Sicycle-brake Sicyele-carrier attachment Sicycle-pump Sicycle. (See also Cycle.) Mil-delivery mechanism for meter Milliard and dining table combined Sinder. (See Book-binder.) Sird-trap Sird-trap Slacking Slackleg vaccine Slind. (See Venetian blind.) Slock. (See Building ■ block, Pulleyblock, Rope-block, Switch-block.) Soat-keel Soiier. (See Gas-heated boiler, Gasrange boiler, High-pressure boiler, Hot-water boiler, Locomotive-boiler, Marine boiler, Portable boiler, Steam boiler.) Sook-binder Sook-binder, Loose-leaf Sook. (See also Account-book, Counter-sales-book.) Sook-support Soot Soot Soot-finishing composition Soot-heel plate Sootheel protector Soot or shoe, Operating welt on Soot-polish Soot-repairing jack Scot-sole, or sock Soot sole and protector Soot-sole attachment Soot-upper Sottle Sottle-clip Sottle. (See Feeding-bottle, Non-refill-able-bottle.) Sottle-seal .. Sottle-stopper and eye-bath Sottles, Wire-suspender for Sox. (See Animal-shipping-box, Butterbox, Feed - box, Match - box, Mitrebpx.) Sraces Sracket. (See Scaffolding-bracket, Spout-ing-bracket.) Srake. (See Bicycle-brake, Cart-brake, Railway-brake.) Srand, MeatSrarcding appliance Srick-kiln Srick-making machine Sridge, Suspension .. Sridle-fastening Sriquettes, Manufacture of Srooeh-pin catch Sroom, or brush, Rotating Sroom-rack Suoket-link, Dredge .. Sackle-tongue, Detaching from strap .. Suffer-coupling hook Suffing-machine Suilding-block Suilding-block compound Suildings, Heating system for Suilding-slab, Fireproof Suiglar-alarm Surner. (See Gas-burner, Incandesoentburner, Lamp-burner.) Sushes, Removing and replaoing W. J. Dil H. J. Gardiner G. I. Lowe The Automatic Meter Company .. J. A. Walker H. H. Nicholson A. M. Grainger H. H. Jones E. M. Houghton T. H. Palmer C. Robertson .. H, M. Douglas J. Rigg W. E. Sargood J. H. Jackson, jun. E. Don A. Ramsay F. W. Farr United Shoe Machinery Company H. H. Jones J. Bell T. Mercer W. S. D. Schmidt R. Bayley R. H. Cooke W. Diack E. Resoh 19519 19377 19779 19903 19253 18218 19809 19288 18691 20073 19851 18635 19526 20088 19684 19935 19828 19974 18488 20113 19615 19193 18821 19999 20073 20081 20101 1 Sept. 23 Sept., 1904 30 Sept. 20 June 9 March - 1 Dec, 1904 5 S--pt. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 27 Sept. 26 Way 20 April 18 July 18 Aug. 24 March 23 July, 1904 29 July 12 April, 1904 f 3 Nov., 1904 21 Sept. 8 Aug. 20 Oct., 1904 29 May 25 Sept. 6 July 25 Aug. 3 Aug. 75 88 78 71 85 82 78 85 82 91 75 88 82 85 71. 71 82 85 88 65 88 21 Sept.* 27 July. 27 July. 7 S?p" . 21 Sept. 5 Oo:.* 21 Sept.* 5 Oct. 10 Aug.* 5 Oct. 24 Aug. 27 July. 21 Sept. 7 Sept. 24 Aug.* 21 Sep!. 7 S°pt. 19 Oct. 10 Aug 5 Oct.* 7 Sept. K. C. Gillette G. W. Darvall .. J. Sharpe 19664 18602 20068 3 July 17 Oct., 1904 21 Sept. 67 85 13 July.* 21 Sep" , . A. H. Baskiville 20093 26 Sept. 91 19 Oct. M. Belk W. T. Nuttall G. Mathews J. W. and G. W. Ferguson J. Dawson D. Kitchen T. Rouse and H. Cohn .. J. R. Park H. H. Oxley .. J. Crook R. R. Douglas .. E. W. Thurgar G. Holford S. W. Winslow N. Nielsen S. Ford and J. S. Freeman J. Smaill G. S. Mayhew .. J. A. Head and J. D. L. Leech .. 18672 19827 19963 18800 19956 18422 18905 20010 20004 19932 19875 20096 19769 18689 18666 18526 19739 19863 20077 27 Jan. 3 Aug. 31 Aug. 25 Nov., 1904 31 Aug. 7 Sept., 1904 29 Dec, 1904 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 19 Aug. 9 Aug. 23 Sept. 20 July 3 Nov., 1904 28 Oct., 1904 1 Oct., 1904 12 July 10 Aug. 21 Sept. 71 75 88 82 82 67 67 85 27 July. 10 Aug." 5 Oct. 7 Sept. 7 Sept * 13 July. 13 July. 21 Sept.* 78 88 71 82 78 85 71 85 91 24 Aug.* 5 Oct.* 27 July.* 7 Sept. 24 Aug. 21 Sept. 27 Jul) * 21 Sept. 19 Oct.* F. W. Payne .. 19898 16 Aug. 10 April I 5 Oct. 10 Aug.* 10 Aug. Susk-protector J. King 19324 88 75 75 Sutter-box .. Sutter-box Sutter-box Sutter weigher and packer Sutter-worker Sutton-hook J. Dunning F. C. Baggesen A. J. J.'Bolton and T. Rand S. F. Womersley F. Richardson and F. Markey C. Stringfellow 19839 17726 19952 19889 18857 18411 3 Aug. 29 March, 1904 31 Aug. 17 Aug. 14 Dec, 1904 6 Sept., 1904 67 82 78 67 75 13 Julj. 7 Sept.* 24 Aug. * 13 July. 10 Aug. Sable-container, Underground Jake and spoon rest Ian. (See Lunoheon-can, Milk-can, Oilcan.) E. J. Chambers D. Finnane 19848 19870 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 82 78 7 Sept. 24 Aug.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


'nrration. Name. I J No. Application. At Gazette. Date. No. Date. Candle-extinguisher Candle or lamp holder Cant hook Carbon di-oxide manufacture Carrier. (See Bicycle - carrier, Eggcarrier, Parcel-carrier.) Cart-brake Cart. (See Go-oart.) Carving-table and plate-rack Cask-head former Cask-filling appliance Castrating-instrument Cattle-dehorning appliance Centrifugal separator Centrifugal separator Centrifugal separator Centrifugal separator-bowl, Inlet-pipe for Chain-link Chains, Connecting ends of Chair, folding G. Henry and K. J. Hatcher W. E. Hughes 0. Paora 0. N. Collison .. 19813 20095 19874 19880 31 July 26 Sept. 9 Aug. 15 Aug. 75 91 85 78 10 Aug.* 19 Oct.* 21 Sept. 24 Aug.* W. Davidson 19978 1 Sept. 88 5 Oct.* Chair and bed combined Check-ring device for piston-valve Check-valve for gas and liquid conduits Cheese-press, Pressure-block for Cheque and receipt form Chiming and crozing maohine Chimney Chimney-pot and cowl Chimney-pot attachment Chimney-top Churn C. P. F. Allan .. J. Kussell G. Lindsey J. Dignan R. N. R. Lindsay Aktiebolagut Separator . . Aktiebolaget Separator Aktiebolaget Separator A. L. Ohristenson A. L iwe J. A. Burke J. S. Mail, W. J. Stanton, and P. H. Storie J. P. Bentley .. W. Schmidt Aktiebolaget Lux W. Harvey W. Quin C. J. Alley J. R. Park J. J. Blockley and J. A. Ljasington L. E. St. George T. Driffield and P. T. Johns W. W. Pilkington and L. N. Nattrass P. Richardson and P. Markey P. M. Norris International Cigar Machinery Company E. T. Pollard and E. L. Behrmann 19967 18603 19926 18767 19678 19866 19867 19868 18107 18681 19772 20114 19787 19761 19855 20048 18408 20042 19916 19804 19818 19552 18380 28 Aug. 17 Oct., 1904 23 Aug. 17 Nov., 1904 5 July 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 6 July, 1903f 13 March 21 July 30 Sept. 20 July 20 July 8 Aug. 14 Sept. 6 Sept., 1904 15 Sept. 22 Aug. 29 July 1 Aug. 5 June 30 Aug., 1904 85 75 88 88 67 85 85 85 67 82 71 91 78 82 82 G7 88 88 88 75 71 67 21 Sept.* 10 Aug. 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 13 July.* 21 Sept. 21 Sept. 21 Sept. 18 July. 7 Sept. 27 July.* 19 Oct.* 24 Aug.* 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 13 July. 5 Oct.* 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 10 Aug.* 27 July. 13 July. Churn Cigar or cigarette holder Cigar machinery 18857 19965 20080 14 Dec, 1904 1 Sept. 22 Sept. 67 13 July. Cigarette-machine 19986 6 Sept. 91 19 Oct. Cistern. (See Water-cistern, Flushingcistern.) Clamp. (See Prame-clamp.) Cleaner. (See Linotype-cleaner, Streetcleaner, Tram-line cleaner, Weedcleaner.) Clip, Bottle-Clock-regulator Closet. (See Earth-closet, Water-closet.) O'oth-cutter shears Clothes-dryer Clothes-peg Clothes-peg Clothes-prop Coat-hanger Cock, Stop-Cooksfoot-thresher Goin-freed letter-stamper Coin-freed machine Colour-printing Column, VerandahCompound for production of railwaysleepers, building-blocks, &c. Ooncentrating-table, Dry E. Resell J. G. Ellis C. Cook J. W. Fletcher, jun. F. V. Raymond P. V. Raymond R. C. Noedl C. G. Lake T. Ritchie H. C. Thomsen E. Moss C. E. Hibberd W. E. Hughes J. Dunbar S. Ford and J. S. Freeman 19828 20072 19692 20006 19694 19695 20029 19801 19693 19770 18337 19707 19482 19754 18526 3 Aug. 21 Sept. 8 July 9 Sept. 29 June 1 July 13 Sept. 26 July 28 June 20 July 17 Aug., 1904 11 July 17 May 11 July 1 Oct., 1904 89 71 7L 71 91 75 71 71 67 85 71 75 85 7 Sept. 27 July.* 27 July.* 27 July. * 19 Oct.* 10 Aug.* 27 July.* 27 July.* 13 July. 21 Sept. 27 July. 10 Aug.* 21 Sept. H. M. Sutton, W. L. and E. G. Steele E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rvyward J. Pugh 19613 20 June 71 27 July. Conductor-tube for seed-sower Consumption-cure Controller. (See Horse-controller, Valvecontroller, Motor-controller.) Cooker, Steam Cooking-utensils, Cleaning Cooling by evaporation Cork for bottles Corning meat Corset Coulter, Plough-Counter-sales book Coupling-hook, Buffer Coupling, HoseCover. (See Animal-cover, Letter-file cover, Tire-cover.) Gowi and chimney-pot Cow's udder, Injeoting air into Cow's udder, Injecting air into Cramp 19872 18697 11 Aug. 3 Nov., 1904 78 88 24 Aug.* 5 Oct. E. J. Hatcher and C. Henry H. N. Maddox The Hon. C. A. Parsons E. A. Cameron and M. Coughlan P. H. O'Keeffe G. E. White .. R. V. Pocock C. B. Smith .. G. Holford A. E. Green 20041 19706 19757 19920 20064 19844 19721 19899 19769 20057 12 Sept. 11 July 19 July 21 Aug. 21 Sept. 7 Aug. 13 July 16 Aug. 20 July 19 Sept. 71 85 78 71 85 71 27 July.* 21 Sept. 24 Aug.* 27 July.' 21 Sept 27 July.* J. J. Blockley and J. A. Lissington F. Edwards G. Scott J. Hereus, W. Morton, and P. W. Barton R. Wales 19804 19835 20104 19780 29 July 4 Aug. 27 Sept. 21 July 88 H-2 5 Oct. 7 Sept. 78 24 Aug. Cramp and mitre-box 19781 21 July 82 7 Sept.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Cramp, FlooringCrate for rabbits Cream-separator Cruet-stand, Egg-boiling Culinary essence W. G. Quicke W. Burrell and W. McMeekin .. E. Tippett J. M. Bawden .. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co., New Zealand Drug Company J. K. Blogg A. Scherer W. B. Jones T>. S. MacGregor J. C. Traill 19939 19150 19977 20021 20014 28 Aug. 28 Feb. 4 Sept. 12 Sept. 9 Sept. 82 85 7 Sept. 21 Sept.* Culinay essence Cultivator-attachment Cultivator, Spring-tine Curtain-pole, Raising and lowering Curtain safety-pin Cutter. (See Cloth-cutter, Mitre-cutter, Paper stand and cutter, Veneer-cutter, Weed-cutter.) Cycle-driving gear Cycle-pedal strap Cycle-valve connection Cycle. (See also bicycle.) 19955 18742 18705 19701 19551 31 Aug. 15 Nov., 1904 7 Nov., 1904 10 July 5 June 88 78 82 71 71 5 Oct. 24 Aug. 7 Sept. 27 July." 27 July. L. A. Orr R. Weston J. Coe and V. Johansen 20111 19689 20056 29 Sept. 5 July 15 Sept. !)1 71 19 Oct.* 27 July.* Damper for register grate Daylight-reflector Dehorning appliances, CattleDetergent .. ... Di-electric separator G. Collier H. J. Llo>d .. R. N. R. Lindsay S. Wohle H. M. Sutton and W. L. and E. G. Steele J. A. Walker P. S. Triggs R. H. Owen .. R. H. Jwen R. Pewell 20075 19758 19678 19665 19614 20 Sept. 19 July 5 July 3 July 20 June 88 78 67 75 71 82 82 75 78 5 Oct.' 24 *i.g. 13 July.* 10 Aug. 27 July. Dining and billiard table combined Disintegrating machine Distance-calculator for rifle-shooting Distance calculator Door Door. (See Exit door, Lift-door, Ovendoor, Piano-door.) Dovetail mortices, Cutting Drainage pipe 19193 19766 18670 19744 19970 9 March 20 July 28 Oct., 1904 17 July 2 Sept. 7 S-pt. 7 Sept. 10 Aug. 24 Aug. Draught and dust excluder Draught and dust excluder Draught and dust excluder Dredge-bucket link Dredging machinery Drill. (See Fertiliser-drill, Rock-drill, Seed drill.) Drilling machine Driving-gear for cycles Drying perishable products F. A. Winter .. M. Sinclair .. T. R. Moses E. G. Ward .. W. E. Clark . R. R. Douglas .. H. Quertier 19923 20000 19748 19783 19913 19875 18306 23 Aug. 6 Sept. 17 July I 91 88 75 85 82 91 78 78 19 Oct. 5 Oct. 10 Aug * 21 Sept. 7 Sept. * 19 Oct. 24 Aug.* 24 Aug. 22 July 22 Aug. 9 Aug. 11 Aug., 1904 H. F. Mander .. L. A. Orr A. Falkner T. R. Moses 19676 20111 19672 19748 5 July 29 Sept. 4 July 17 July 67 9] 67 75 85 82 91 13 July.* 19 Oct.* 13 July.* 10 Aug.* 21 Sept. 7 Sept.* 19 Oct. Dust and draught excluder Dust and draught excluder Dust and draught excluder E. G. Ward W.E.Clark .. 19783 19913 22 July 22 Aug. Ear-mark for live-stook Ear-marker Ear-marker Earth-closet.. Earthenware-pipe making machine W. Maddison .. J. Pomeroy J. Dignan D. and J. Wemyss H., J., and A. Coulthurst, M. Yarrow, and W. R. Haworth F. A. Dixon J. M. Bawden .. F. G. Norton A. and F. J. Lawrence A. M. McDonald W. P. Mooney .. E. R. Grotu aid M. V.Ely J. C. P. Kitkwood R. J. Burlcon-Bennet and W. Shadgett J. W. Fowler .. Marc .in is Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited F. A. Kjellin .. H. Pieper H. Luks E. Moss 19747 19972 18767 19820 19635 13 July 30 Aug. 17 Nov., 1904 31 July 27 June 71 85 88 27 July.* 21 Sept.* 5 OH. 71 27 July. Eaves-gutter fascias Egg-boiling cruet-stand Egg-carrier .. Egg-carrirr Egg-preserving cabinet Egg-tester Electric arc lamp Electric-arc-lamp regulator Electric belt.. 20074 20021 19688 19782 18398 19904 19J 54 18377 20089 21 Sept. 12 Sept. 5 July 22 July 3 Sept., 1904 18 Aug. . .. 12 Mar., 1904f 29 Aug., 1904 20 Sept. 85 71 75 78 21 Sept.* 27 July.* 10 Aug.* 24 Aug. 67 67 13 July. 13 July. Electric belt, &c. Electric current detector and measurer.. 18888 19849 23 Dec, 1904 8 Aug. 67 82 13 July. 7 Sept. Electric furnace Electric-machine governor Electric-switch block.. Electric traction, Connecting trolly with wire in Electrio traction, Trolly-pole for 19838 19987 19921 19722 4 Aug. 6 Sept. 23 Aug. 13 Juh 82 91. 82 71 7 Se F .t. 19 Oct. 7 Sept.* 27 July.* Eleetrio traction, Trolly-pole for H. Quertier H, Quertier 19840 19793 5 Aug. 26 July I 75 75 82 78 82 10 Aug * 10 Aug.* 7 Sept. 24 Aug.* 7 Sept. Electro-magnetic game apparatus Electro-medical appliance C. Miller A. W. Jones, sen., and A. W. Jones, jun. W. F.Johns .. 19845 19100 7 Aug. 20 Miroh Elevator-well, Operating door of Engine. (See Gas-engine, Rook-drilling engine, Rotary engine, Steam-engine, Traction-engine.) Envelope Envelope and letter sheet 18613 19 Oct., 1904 78 24 Aug. J. R. Park H. G. Cornwall 19637 20026 27 June 13 Sept. 71 85 27 July.* 21 Sept.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

10— H. 10.—06


Invention. Name. i No. At Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Envelope-fastening Envelope with telegraph form Excavating maohinery Exit door Explosive Exposure and focus distributor Extinguisher, Candle-Eye-bath and measure Eyelet and hook J. R. Park R. l>. Kelly H. Quertier J. W. Fowler .. J. Fuhrer J. W. Davis C. Henry and B. J. Hatcher G. W. Darvall .. E. Sprey 19638 20058 18306 20015 18961 19994 19813 18602 19741 27 June 19 Sept. 11 Aug., 1904 11 Sept. 9 Feb., 19041 8 Sept. 31 July 17 Oct. 13 July 71 27 July.* 78 88 67 85 75 85 82 24 Aug. 5 Oct.* 13 July. 21 Sept.* 10 Aug.* 21 Sept. 7 Sept. Fabric rough-roller, Rotary Fastener. (See Mail-bag fastener, Maulring fastener, Sash fastener, Slasherhandle fastener, Bale-band fastener, Gate-fastener.) Fastening. (See Bridle-fastening, Ani-mal-cover fastening, Hamper-fasten-ing, Envelope-fastening.) Feed-box, for animals Feeding-bottle protector Feed-water heater Fertiliser drill, Conductor for .. Fibre from flax, Production of Fibre. (See also Flax.) File File. (See Letter-file, Newepaper-file, Paper-file.) Filter. (See Water-filter.) Filter-press Filter-press discharge Fingers, Muscle-developer for Fire-alarm F. McOullongh and E. C. Derry .. 19764 19 July 71 27 July.* S. R. Bellingham J. Ellen E. L. Bagggtrom J. Gray H. D. Mackenzie 19927 20118 19774 18427 19655 23 Aug. 30 Sept. 21 July 3 Sep., 1904 1 July 88 5 Oct. 75 67 75 10 Aug.* 13 July. 10 Aug. H. Sohuckar 19859 9 Aug. 82 7 Sept. Fire-lighter Fireproof building-slab Fireproof walls Flask and heater, Pocket Flax-fibre washer Flax, Production of fibre from Flax-scutoher Flax-stripper Flax-stripper attachment Flax-stripper beating-bar Flax-stripper frame Flax-tailing appliance Flax-treatment Flooring-cramp Flotation, Separation by Flower pot Flush for water-cistern Flushing-cistern Flying-machine A. E. Davis J. Chisholm M. A. Hoppe A. Taylor, J. Langley, and N. McDowell R. Grawsbaw .. G. S. Mayhew .. .. J. Watson J. Henry and A. G. Gabites A. F. Gibson .. H. D. Maokenzie J. McMaster W., J., and W. Fairweather J. Dunbar W. Jupp H. Ham .. T. Branton J. Watson and W. Mackay W. G. Quioke .. W. E. Elmore A. E. Lowe T. W. Park H. J. Tompkins L. H. Carroll, S. Jacobs, and W. J. Mclntosh J. S. Mail, W. J. Stanton, and P. H. Storie J. Hercus, F. W. Barton, and W. Morton 19028 19682 20028 19925 19822 19863 19785 19981 18787 19655 19895 18353 19652 19745 20090 19998 17906 19939 19864 19936 19703 19775 19790 26 June 5 July 13 Sept. 23 Aug. 1 Aug. 10 Aug. 24 July 6 Sept. 22 Nov., 1904 1 July 18 Aug. 20 Aug., 1904 26 June 18 July ,25 Sept. 4 Sept. 11 May, 1904 28 Aug. 16 Aug., 1904f 25 Aug. 11 July 21 July 26 July 71 75 88 78 35 85 78 75 78 67 75 71 91 85 78 27 July. 10 Aug. 5 Oct.* 24 Aug.* 21 Sept. 21 Sept.* 24 Aug. 10 Aug. 24 Aug.* 13 July. 10 Aug. 27 July.* 19 Oct.* 21 Sept.* 24 Aug. 82 71 71 75 7 Sept.* 27 July.* 17 July.* 10 Aug.* Folding chair 20114 30 Sept. 91 19 Oct.* Food-protector for animals 19873 8 Aug. 85 21 Sept. Food. (See also Milk food.) Fork. (See Toasting-fork.) Frame-clamp Frame-clamp Franking-machine Franking machine, Letter-Fruit-gatherer Fruit-gatherer Fruit-product, Preserved Funnel Furnace. (See Electric furnace, Steamboiler furnace, Refuse-furnace, Oreroasting furnace.) Furniture, Upholstering R. Dunne R. Wales R. Wales B. Moss 0. T. Madeley .. F. W. Smith .. D. F. Sherman H. Hughes 19776 19740 17822 18337 18451 20035 19640 19752 21 July 12 July 21 April. 1904 17 Aug., 1904 15 Sept., 1904 14 Sept. 27 June 18 July 71 71 71 67 71 27 July.* 27 July.* 27 July. 13 July. 27 July. 5 Oct.* 27 July. 27 July.* 71 71 F. Barrow 19736 13 July 10 Aug.* 75 Gambrel Game Game Game apparatus Game apparatus Game. (See also Bagatelle, Parlour game, Table game.) Gas-burner Gas-burner Gas-burner .. ... Gas-burner, Utilising heat from Gas-engine Gas generator, Poisoned-Gas-hangings, Ball-and-socket joint for A. Kininmont .. R. H. G. Sibley and A. Browu .. J. Ball and W. H. Bird.. C. Miller J. Jonson 20091 19995 19824 19845 20079 22 Sept. 8 Sopt. 1 Aug. 7 Aug. 22 Sept. 91 75 78 88 19 Oct. 10 Aug.* 24 Aug.* 5 Oct.* J. D. Jackson A. J. Way A. Adcroft J. Watt W. A. Richards and C. B. Redrup B. Locking T. McNab 18687 19834 19912 18221 19662 19909 20050 3 Nov., 1904 4 Aug. 22 Aug. 27 July, 1904 3 July 22 Aug. 14 Sept. 88 75 82 07 5 Oct. 10 Aug.* 7 Sept.* 13 July. 88 88 5 Oct. 5 Oct.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Invention. Name. i No. Ar Application. T Gazette. Date. No. Date. Gas-heated boiler Gas-holder for limelight purposes Gas-iron Gas-manufaoture Gas-manufacture Gas-range boiler Gas. (See Acetylene gas, Producer gas.) Gas-stove, Shelf of Gate, Collapsible Gate, Collapsible Gate-fastener Gate-opener Gauge for steam boiler Generator. (See Acetylene-gas lamp and generator, Acetylene-generator, heatgenerator, Poisoned-gas generator, Producer gas generator, Steam-generator.), Metal Go-cart, Securing ohild in Gold extractor, FineGold from water, Extracting Gold-saving . . flold-saving apparatus Gold-saving plush Gold-saving table and slide Gold, Separation of .. Goods-mover Gooseberry-picker Governor, Electric-machine Grate (See Register-grate.) Gravel soreen Grinding surface for pan Grip. (See Hat-grip, Handle-grip.; Groceries-reminder Gum-hook Gutter fascias, EavesR. C. Bishop .. R. Newman W.J. Jaggs H. S. Elworthy H. S. Elworthy R. 0. Bishop G. M. Ivey G. 0. J. Richard G. C. J. Richard R. E. Hall J. Paull J. Shepherd J. E. Brown J. J. Neugeschwender .. W. Adams H. 0. and U. Ciantar J. Nicholson VI. Ryan M. Ryan A. T. W. Allan and W. McCullough J. Nicholson T. P. Rudkins and P. K. O'Brien F. W. Smith .. H. Pieper 19907 19878 19902 18931 20099 18434 18576 20115 20098 19622 20035 19987 20024 19619 20007 19630 19631 19181 19673 19732 19882 20117 20066 18425 12 Sept. 20 June .; 5 Sept. 27 June 9,1 June 8 March 4 July 13 July 15 Aug. 30 Sept. 21 Sept. 5 Sept., 1904 21 Aug. 12 Aug. 18 Aug. 10 Jan. 27 Sept. 9 Sept., 1904 11 Oct., 1904.. 25 Sept. 27 Sept. 22 June 14 Sept. 6 Sept. 88 75 71 71 88 71 85 91 78 8:2 78 88 75 91 75 75 5 Oct. 10 Aug.* 27 July. 27 July. 5 Oct. 27 July.' 21 Sept.* 19 Out. 24 Aug. 7 Sept.* 24 Aug.* 5 Oct. 10 Aug. 19 Oct. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 91 71 88 ill 19 Oct. 27 July. 5 Oct.* 19 Oct. J. B. Holland .. W. Middleton and H. N. G. Cobbe 19669 19796 3 July 27 July 67 78 13 July.* 24 Aug. E. I. F. Thode.. J. Hansen F. A. Dixon .. 19892 19911 20074 15 Aug. 19 Aug. 21 Sept. 91 19 Oct. Hair-pin Hair-pin Hamper-fastening Hand-truck, Elevating Handle-grip Handle to broom, &c, Attaching Hanger. (See Coat-hanger, Sash-hanger.) Harbours, Forming sandbank in bar .. Harness, Shaft-tug for Harrow, Weed-cleaner for Hat-grip Hat-stand Head-stall .. Heat from oil-lamp, Utilising Heat-generator Heater, Pocket-flask and Heater. (See Feed-water heater, Waterheater.) Heating-system for buildings .. Heel (See Boot-heel.) Heels, Trimming and concaving High-pressure boiler J. J. Macky F. H. Hall T. E. Jones D. H. K. McGuinness .. J. Dunbar J. B. McCubbin 19670 20085 19791 18475 19778 19951 1 July 20 Sept. 26 July 22 Sept., 1904 17 July 31 Aug. 88 7;') 67 82 82 5 Oct.* 10 Aug.* 13 July. 7 Sept. 7 Sept.* H. Norgrove J.Theobald F. T. McAnulty G. H. Hyams A. Martin E. A. G. Hamlin J. Watt A. McLeod J. Henry and A. G. Gabites 19805 18458 19700 19671 19876 19860 18221 19777 19981 29 July 17 Sept., 1904 10 July 3 July 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 27 July, 1904... 22 July 6 Sept. 7§ 7.1 71 67 82 78 67 71 85 10 Aug.* 27 July. 27 July.* 13 July.* 7 Sept.* 24 Aug.* 13 July. 27 July.* 21 Sept.* I J. Smaill 19739 12 July 71 27 July.* Hill-climbing device for the feet Hobble Holder. (See Candle or lamp holder, Cigar holder, Gas-holder, Label and address holder, Necktie-holder, Pen- j holder, Ticket holder, Tool-holder.) Hollow-ware, Manufacture of .. Hook and eyelet Hook for reins, &c. Hook for reins, &c. Hook. (See also Button-hook, Canthook, Plough-chain hook, Couplinghook, Gum-hook.) Horse collar.. Horse-controller Horse from kicking, Preventing Horse from vehicle, Releasing Horse-riding skirt, Saddle safe Horse-stopper Hose-conneotion Hose-coupling Hot-water boiler House, Portable House, Studless United Shoe Machinery Company B. S. and J. H. Nicholls and C. A. Bennett J. Connell H. Carlson 18751 19856 20116 19737 16 Nov., 1904.. 8 Aug. 28 Sept. 15 July 88 85 75 5 Oct. 21 Sept. 10 Aug. I J. Macdougall and R. Southouse E. Spvey A. Reid A. Reid 19988 19741 19514 19983 6 Sept. 13 July 25 May 25 May 88 82 85 88 5 Oct. 7 Sept. 21 Sept. 5 Oct. J. M. Toft C. Lorrett J. R. Charlton .. M. I. Ballinger J. H. Love 0. T. Madeley J. McGuire A. E. Green 0. F. F. Allan .. W. M. Ducker .. T. F. Brown and D. and J. Solomon H. E. Ross 19371 19973 20119 19957 20003 19797 19611 20057 19879 19571 19891 19 April 31 Aug. 30 Sept. 31 Aug. 6 Sept. 27 July 20 June 19 Sept. 12 Aug. 7 June 17 Aug. 75 85 82 85 75 71 10 Aug. 21 Sept.* 7 Sept." 21 Sept.* 10 Aug.* 27 July. 82 71 82 7 Sept.* 27 July. 7 Sept.* Hull, Construction of ship's 19219 16 Maroh 67 13 July.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


.pp] lioal ;ion. '■at:?: V Invention. Name. Ko. I Date. No. Date. Hurdle, Horse-racing .. .. | O. P. P. Allan Hydraulic motor .. .. .. ! h. R. Gillanders Hydraulic ram .. .. J. A. Grofski Hydraulic-rarn valve .. .. .. J. Northey Hydro extractor drive .. .. D. Urquhart and O. Sloper 19968 19786 20076 19825 19905 28 Aug. 20 July 21 Sept. 3 Aug. 21 Aug. .. I 78 91 75 82 24 Aug. 19 Oct.* 10 Aug.* 7 Sept.* Impurities from milk, Separating .. A. A. Turner and J. J. Gleeeon .. Incandescent burner .. . . .. J. Warry and P. Wigley Incandescent gas-lamp .. .. Pintsch's Patent Lighting Company, Limited Incandescent gas-lighting .. .. 0. A. Wood Indicating closing and sorting of mails.. A.J. Clegg Indicator, Station- .. .. .. A. J. Border Inflator-pump .. .. .. J. Nelson Injector. (See Air steriliser and injeotor.) Ink-pot .. .. .. .. P. Wolff, P. Elvines, and T. Hall Iron. (See Gas - iron, Laundry - iron, Soldering-iron.) Ironsand, Manufacture of briquettes I T. House and H. Gohn .. from Ironsand-smelting .. .. .. T.S.Anderson.. 18404 18737 20019 5 Sept., 1904 18 July, 1904t 12 Sept. 71 78 91 27 July. 24 Aug. 19 Oct. 19712 20078 19709 19938 13 July .. j 22 Sept. 10 July 28 Aug. 78 91 75 85 24 Aug. 19 Oot.* 10 Aug.* 21 Sept.* 19727 13 July 71 27 July.* 18905 29 Dec, 1904 67 13 July. 19663 3 July 75 10 Aug. Jack. (See Boot-repairing jack, Leverjack, Vehicle-jaok.) Joiut for pipes .. .. .. O. and 0. Hoskins, Limited 19991 7 Sept. 5 Oct. 88 Keel of boat.. .. .. .. T. H. Palmer .. Kerosene-tin, Emptying .. .. R. S. Haughton Kettle .. ' .. .. ■ • T. Garland Key for traction-engine pin .. .. j J. Gale Kiln, Brick .. .. .. .. G. Mathews 20101 20055 19906 20084 19963 27 Sept. 18 Sept. 21 Aug. 22 Sept. 31 Aug. 88 88 82 5 Oct." 5 Oct.* 7 Sept.* 88 5 Oat. Label and address holder .. .. T. J. Whelan Lamp-burner socket to bowl, Securing.. R. W. Lawrence Lamp or candle holder .. .. W. E. Hughes .. .. Lamp. (See Acetylene-gas lamp, Acetj - lene-lavnp, Electric arc lamp, Incandescent gas-lamp, Oil-lamp.) Lathing, Metal- .. .. . . J. Watson Laundry-iron, Gas-heated .. .. P. J. Sbelton .. Leakage-preventer for bolt-holes . . P. G. Price Leather, Preparing .. .. .. Rubberized Leather and Tyre Company, Limited. Ledger, Lock for loose-leaf .. .. P. W. Leighton Letter and post cards .. .. H. Stebbing Letter-envelope and telegraph form .. R. D. Kelly Letter-file cover .. .. .. ; J. Wilson Letter-stamper, Coin-freed .. .. E. Moss Lever-jack .. .. .. .. B. and W. Trewhella Lift-door, Closing and locking . . R. P. Park Lift-door, Operating .. .. .. W.P.Johns .. Lifting-tackle .. .. .. J. Mason, T. Brydone, and G. Armstrong 20102 19842 20095 27 Sept. 3 Aug. 26 Sept. 91 75 91 19 Oct.* 10 Aug.* 19 Oct.* 19821 20063 19685 19953 2 Aug. 20 Sept. 6 July 31 Aug. 7 Sept. 82 19933 20061 20058 19919 18337 18435 19929 18613 20013 22 Aug. 20 Sept. 19 Sept. 21 Aug. 17 Aug., 1904 6 Sept., 1904 23 Aug. 19 Oct., 1904 7 Sept. 85 88 21 Sept. 5 Oct.* 83 67 75 82 78 85 7 Sept.* 13 July. 10 Aug. 7 Sept.* 24 Aug. 21 Sept.* Lighter. (See Pire - lighter, Tobaccolighter.) Limelight-gas holder .. .. R. Newman Link. (See Chain-link, Dredge-bucket link.) Linotype-cleaner .. .. .. C. J. Petersen and D. R. Pisher Linotype machine .. .. .. Mergenthaler Linotype Company Liquid-ejector .. .. .. A. S. Pord Liquid-measure .. .. .. D. Corcoran Liquid-purifier .. .. .. A. A. Turner and J. J. Gleeson .. Liquid-vapouriser .. .. .. A. Hayes Look-nut .. .. .. .. W. J. Wallett Lock. (See Sash raiser and lock, Wheel-look, Window-lock.) Locking device for loose-leaf ledger .. P. W. Leighton Locomotive-boiler .. .. .. W. Schmidt Locomotive steam distribution .. W. E. Hughes Locomotive-steam distribution .. I W. E. Hughes Lubricator .. .. .. .. T. H. Perrott Luncheon-can .. .. .. J. T. Hooker 19619 19832 19668 20005 19865 18404 19574 19883 20 June 2 Aug. 3 July 9 Sept. 10 Aug. 5 Sept., 1904 8 June 15 Aug. 75 73 75 85 Tl 71 85 10 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 10 Aug. 21 Sept. 27 July. 27 July . 21 Sept. 19933 19767 20023 20067 20034 19992 22 Aug. 20 July 12 Sept. 21 Sept. 14 Sept. 7 Sept. 85 82 91 21 Sept. 7 Sept. 19 Oct. 88 85 5 Oct.* 21 Sept.* Mail-bag fastener . .. .. P. J. Cowern Mail-bag fastener .. .. .. A.Parker Mail-bag fastener .. .. .. O. T. Madeley Mails, Indicating dosing and sorting of A.J. Clegg Manure feed .. .. .. .. J. Macalister Marine and locomobile boiler super- W. Schmidt heater. Mark. (See Bar-mark.) Match-box filler .. .. .. W. H. Bryant Matoh-striker, Garment .. .. J. E. McLean Match-striker, securing to garments .. R. H. Owen 20092 19826 19830 20078 20040 19768 26 Sept. 3 Aug. 3 Aug. 22 Sept. 9 Sept. 20 July 75 75 91 88 82 10 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 19 Oct.' 5 Oct.* 7 Sept. 19686 20009 19894 6 July 6 Sept. 18 Aug. 71 91 85 27 July.* 19 Oot.* 21 Sept.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. No. Application. OoMette. Date. No. Date. Material, Separating finely divided Mattress. (See Wire mattress.) Maul-ring fastener Measuring and delivering milk Measuring liquids Measuring-rule Meat-brand Meat-corning Medioal appliance, Electro P. E. Elmore T>. T. MoPhedran K. McDonald D. Corcoran R. W. de Montalk M. Belk P. H. O'Keefe .. A. W. Jones, sen., and A. W. Jones, jun. H. Airey G. W. Lucy A. P. Jagger J. Watson 19864 20008 19699 19865 19897 18672 20064 19100 16 Aug., 1904f 6 Sept. 10 July 10 Aug. 17 Aug. 27 Jan. 21 Sept. 20 March 85 71 85 82 71 21 Sept.* 27 July.* 21 Sept. 7 Se,t.* 27 July. 82 7 Sept. Mercury-separator from amalgam Merry-go-round Metal-castings mould-dresser Metal-lathing Metal. (See Sheet-metal.) Metals from ores, Separating Meter, Bill-delivery mechanism for Milk-can Milk-can attachment.. Milk-food Milk-food Milk-food Milk measuring and deliveiii.g apparatus Milk-purifier Milking-appliance Milking-machine Miuing, Placer Mining, Water-power winder for Mitre-box Mitre box and cramp.. Mitre-cutter.. Mop Mop Mop and Scrubber Mop, Wash-up Mortises, Cutting dovetail Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor. (See also Hydraulic motor, Wind and water motor.) Motor-controller for pump Mould-dres-er, Metal castings.. Moving goods Muscle-developer for fingers Music-teaching apparatus Music-teaching device 19881 20051 19762 19821 15 Aug. .. I 18 Sept. 17 July 2 Aug. 78 88 71 82 24 Aug.* 5 Oct.* 27 July.* 7 Sen'. J. D. Wolf The Automatic Meter Company .. D. Bower J. O'Donnell .. J. R. Hatmaker J. R. Hatmaker J. R. Hatmaker K. McDonald A. A. Turner and J. J. Gleeson . . W. J. Jefferis A. Kilborn J. L. Weaver J. Strathern R. Wales R. WaleR J. H. Hickmau H. N. Maddox H.N. Maddox .. A. Johnston and G. Jenkins G. A. Haydon . . P. A. Winter .. 0. H. Carter .. W. Stokes, jun., and J. H. Suckling J. Frame W. Stokea, jun., and J. H. Suckling 19890 19615 18770 19836 19760 20036 20(1,37 19699 18404 19755 18324 19750 18955 19740 19781 19803 19705 19706 20049 19656 19923 19943 19846 19888 19223 17 Aug. 20 June 18 Nov., 1904 4 Aug. 20 July 21 Sept., 19041 21 Sept., 1904+ 10 July 5 Sept., 1904 19 July 17 Aug., 1904 18JuL lOJ.ui. 12 July 21 July 28 July 11 July 11 July 14 Sept.. 26 June 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 17 May 16 Aug. 20 March 85 71 82 75 78 91 91 71 71 71 67 78 78 71 82 21 Sept. 27 July. 7 Sept. 10 Aug.* 24 Aug. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 27 Julv.* 27 July. 27 July.* 13 July. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 27 July.* 7 Sept.* 71 71 88 71 91 82 82 78 78 27 July.* 27 July.* 5 Oct.* 27 July.* 19 Oct. 7 Sept.* 7 Sopt. 24 Aug.* 24 Aug. A. E. and H. G. Bradley A. P. Jagger T. P. Rudkitis and P. K. O'Brien M. A. Hoppe A. Anderson W. P. Simmonds 19934 19762 19622 20028 19698 l<1680 25 Aug. 17 July 22 June 13 Sept. 10 July 5 July 88 71 71 88 7.1 71 5 Oct. 27 July.* 27 July. 5 Oct.* 27 July.* 27 July.* Nail-driving machine.. Necktie-h'ilder Needle Newspa,per-file Nickel from nickel carbonjl, Obtaining United Shoe Machinery Company L. E. Papworth T. N. Turgeon .. J. Pomeroy The Mond Niokel Company, Limited The Mond Niokel Company, Limited H. S. Elworthy P. Blackburn and J. Robertson .. H. J. B. Harding 18752 19554 19795 19841 19853 16 Nov., 1904 5 June 27 July 28 July 8 Aug. 82 71 7 Sept. 27 July.* 75 82 10 Aug.* 7 Sept. Nickel-ores, Treating 19854 8 Aug. 82 7 Sept. Nickel, Production of Non-refiilable bottle Numerical recording machine.. 19632 20047 19728 27 June 14 Sept. 13 July 71 27 July. 85 21 Sept. Oakum from tow, Making Oil-can Oil-lamp, Utilising heat from .. Ore-concentration J. Davis A. 0. Pord J. Watt H. L. Sulman and H. P. Kirk-patrick-Picard H. L. Sulman and H. P. Kirkpatriek Picard J. N. Dewar T. Edwards T. S. Anderson .. R. M. Aitken J. D. Wolf T. Hitchen H. Weingott P. H. Dixon 19734 20103 18221 19633 14 July 27 Sept. 27 July, 1904 27 June 75 91 67 71 10 Aug.* 19 Oct.* 13 July. 27 July. Ore-concentration 19634 27 June 71 27 July. Ore-feeder for battery Ore-roasting furnace.. Ore-f melting Ores, Extracting arsenic from Ores, Separating metals from.. Oven-door Overcoat Oysters, Preserving 19989 19683 19663 19603 19890 20110 19959 19681 6 Sept. 6 July 3 July 16 JuiiH 17 Aug. 28 Sept. 31A.,g. 5Jul> 85 75 75 78 85 21 Sept.* 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 24 Au=f. 21 Sept. 82 7 Sept.* Package for foodstuffs Pan Pan, Grinding-surface for Paper-file Paper stand and cutter Parcel-carrier Pariour game Parlour game H. T. Griffiths and G. E. Andrew J. Paterson and E. Johns W. Middleton and H. N. G. Cobbe J. Pomeroy E. A. Irwin 0. A. Dewar A. J. G. Schmitt A. Butler, A. Bennese, and J. C. McDonald 19954 18086 19796 19971 20083 19960 19674 19763 81 Aug. 23 June, 1904 27 July 30 Aug. 20 Sept. 15Aug.+ 4 July 19 July 82 07 78 85 88 7 Sept.* 13 July. 24 Aug. 21 Sept.* 5 Oct.* 71 71 27 July.* 27 July.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name J No. .pplication. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Pea-shelling machine Peeler, Potato- .. ... Peg. (See Clothes-peg.) Penholder Penholder Perishable-condiment receptacle Perishable products, Drying .. Phonograph record, Erasing impression from Photographs, Printing and developing .. Photographic exposure and focus-dis-tributor Photographic washing apparatus Photographing moving objects Piano-doir Piano .. .. .. Pin. (See Brooch-pin, Hair-pin, Safetypin.) Pipe-cleaning apparatus .. .. | Pipe. (See Drainage pipe, Earthenware pipe, Tobacco-pipe.) Pipe, Cable-container for Pipe-wrench.. Pipes, Joint for Piston-valve Piston-valve, Packing check-ring device for Placer mining .. .. .. I Planing machine .. .. .. I Plate-rack, carving-table, &c. Plough Plough Plough chain hook Plough-coulter Plough-lifting attachmet.t Plough, Potato-planting attachment to Plough, Weed-cutting Poison-layer.. Poisoned gas-generator Pole (See Curtain-pole, Trolly-pole.) Polish for metal, glass, &c. Portable boiler Post and letter cards Post-hole digger Pot-stick Pot (See Chimney-pot, Plower-pot.) Potato-digger Potato-peeler Potato-planting plough attachment Pounding-up machine Preserving cabinet, EggPreserving fruit Preserving oysters Preserving-tin, Securing cover of D. Krmpotic .. D. McQueen W. Langdon and .F. W. Wagstaff F. Wolff, F. Elvines, and T. Hall O. P. Parkerson A. Falkner G. Smith ; H. J. Mallabar J. W. Davis .. F. G. England N. I. Gooder and R. Tait, jun. .. O. C. Beale and C. J. Vader J. J. Bruer F. W. Armstrong E. J. Chambers II. M. Carroll .. G. and C. Hoskins Limited The Hon C. A. Parsons W. Schmidt j J. L. Weaver I W. T. Ashton C. F. F. Allan .. E. H. J. Mitchell and B. F. Mellor H. S. McCully .. J. H. Roberts .. R. V. Pocock .. W. Kennedy .. .. J. B. Crump A. M. Grainger.. .. ' W. E. Hughes .. B. Locking H. J. and A. B. Hill .. H. JSforgrove H. Stebbing .. F. J. T. Ellis .. R. Craig J. G. Dennison D. McQueen .. J. B. Crump United Shoe Machinery Company A. M. McDonald D.F.Sherman.. P. H. Dixon .. Christchurch Meat Company, ! Limited 19816 19857 19579 19727 18608 19672 19723 20046 19994 19949 19884 19985 20069 19964 19848 18989 19991 19714 19761 19750 20109 19967 20020 19937 20012 19721 19976 20094 19975 20106 19909 19887 19806 20061 19729 19871 18774 19857 20094 18626 1.8398 19640 19681 : 18456 1 Aug. 8 Aug. 75 10 Aug.* 7 June 13 July 18 Oct., 1904 4 July 13 July 71 71 75 07 71 27 July. 27 July.* 10 Aug. 13 July.* 27 July.* 18 Sept. 8 Sept. 88 85 5 Oct.* 21 Sept.* 30 Aug. 16 Aue. 6 Sept. 21 Sept. 82 78 88 7 Sept.* 24 Aug.* 5 Oot. 30 Aug. 82 7 Sept.* 8 Aug. 25 Jan. 7 Sept. 13 July 20 July 18 July 28 Sept. 28 Aug. 12 Sept. 24 Aug. CSept. 13 July 1 Sept. 26 Sept. lSept. 28 Sept. 22 Aug. 82 07 88 78 82 78 91 85 ,82 85 71 91 88 7 Sept. 13 July. 5 Oct. 24 Aug. 7 Sept. 24 Aug. 19 Oct.* 21 Sept.* 7 Sept.* 21 Sept.* 27 July.* 19 Oct.* 5 Oct.* 91 88 19 Oct.* 5 Oct. 16 Aug. 29 July 20 Sept. 13 July 8 Aug. 75 88 10 Aug.* 5 Oct.* 21 Nov., 1904 8 Aug. 26 Sept. 20 Oct., 1904 3 Sept., 1904 27 June 5 July 16 Sept., 1904 85 21 Sept. 88 71 78 71 5 Oct.* 27 July. 24 Aug. 27 July. 75 10 Aug'. Press (See Cheese-press, Filter-press.) Printing and developing photographs .. I Printing (See Bag-printing, Colour-print-ing ) Producer-gas generator Prop, ClothesPropulsion of vessels Propulsion of vest-els Protector (See Boot-protector, Buskprotector, Feeding bottle protector, Food-proteotor, Tire-protector.) Pulley-belt shifter Pulley-block Pumice treatment Pamp Pump, WaterPump, BicyclePump, TurbinePump, Motor controller for Puncture repairing composition Puncture-sealing compound Puncture-sealing comp-und .. H. J. Mallabar C. J. Lamkin, C. H. G. Oroll, and A. S. Mitohell R. C. Noedl O. E. L. Brown T. Beckett T. Danks J. B. Henderson T. Vivian Henry R. Worfchington .. B. G. A. Harkness G. I. Lowe Henry R. Worthington .. A. E. and H. G. Bradley K. Lewis D. Charleston .. D. Charleston .. 20046 20108 20029 19711 19773 19742 19941 19733 20027 18572 20113 20033 19934 19794 19710 19990 18 Sept. 28 Sept. 91 19 Oct.* 13 Sept. 13 July 21 July 91 78 19 Oct.* 24 Aug. 17 July 29 Aug. 10 July 13 Sept. 10 Oct., 1904.. 30 Sept. 14 Sept. 25 Ang. 27 July 13 July 6 Sept. 75 85 71 91 75 10 Aug.* 21 Sept.* 27 July.* 19 Oct. 10 Aug. 91 88 75 78 88 19 Oct. 5 Oot. 10 Aug.* 24 Aug.* 5 Oot. Rabbit-crate.. .. .. Rabbit-trap Rabbit-trap Rabbit-trap Race or alley way, travelling .. Race-starter Rack. (See Broom-rack.) Rail, magnetically increasing wheel- . 31 : i_ W. Burrell and W. McMeekin .. B. H. Easdown R. J. Fry O. T. Madeley .. C. Rask and E. A. Cameron E. Rains R. C. Lowry .. i 19150 19564 19735 19798 20112 < 19749 19666 28 Feb. 7 June 14 July 27 July 23 Sept. 18 July 82 71 71 7 Sept. 27 July. 27 July.* 71 27 July.* 8 July 75 10 Aug.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

.pp: licai Aon. Gazett-. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Rails for railway Rails, Sighting apparatus for lifting Railway-brake, magnetic Railway switch, Operating street C. J. B. Richardson G. Craig J. P. Campbell.. Braim Patent Switch Company, Limited S. Ford and J. S. Freeman H. Brown 19944 20044 19726 19924 29 Aug. .. 85 16 Sept. .. 88 13 July .. 78 23 Aug. .. 88 21 Sept.* 5 Oct.* 24 Aug. 5 Oct. Railway-sleepers, Compound for Rain-water collection Ram. (See Hydraulic ram.) Range-finder Range-finder Ratchet-wrench Receipt and cheque form Reflector. (See Daylight-r flecuor.) Refrigerating apparatus Refuse-furnace Register-grate Register-grate damper Regulator, (See Electric Arc-lamp Krgulator, Temperature-regulator, Clockregulator.) Reins and holder Reminder for groceries Ridger Ridger, Scraper for roller of Rock drill Rock-drill Rock-drill, Supplying water to Bock-drilling engine Roller, Rotiry fabric Rope-block orlifling-tackle R. H. Owen R. H. Owen (t. S. Stevenson W. Quin J. T. Hunter .. P. Cotton G. M. Graham .. G. Collier 18526 19817 18670 19744 19643 18408 19756 20060 19808 ■20075 1 Oct., 1904 85 1 Aug. .. 85 28 Oct., 1904 75 17 July .. 78 24 June ..71 6 Sept., 1904 j 67 19 July .. 85 20 Sept. .. 91 29 July .. 78 20 Sept. .. 88 21 Sept. 21 Sept. 10 Aug. 24 Aug. 27 July.* 13 July. 21 Sept. 19 Oct. 24 Aug. 5 Oct.* O. T. Madeley .. B. I. F. Thode J. Macalister J. Macalister .. W. C. Johnson and G. C. Pearson E. J. Bigl.y H. W. Aspinall and E. J. Ris>by .. J. G. Leyner .. .. .. P. McCullough and E. C. Derry .. J. Mason, T. Brydone, and G. Armstrong A. B. Wilson .. G. W. Lucy B. W. de Montalk 19797 19892 19869 19811 i8610 19852 20105 19962 ! 9764 20013 27 July .. 75 15 Aug. .. I .. 5 Aug. .. 78 25 July .. 75 19 Oct., 1904.. 71 8 Aug. .. 78 28 Sept. .. 91 31 Aug. .. 91 19 July .. 71 7 Sept. .. 85 10 Aug.* 24 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 27 July. 24 Aug.* 19 Oct.* 19 Oct. 27 July.* 21 Sept.* Rotary engine Roundabout, aerial Rule, Measuring20052 20051 19897 18 Sept. .. 88 18 Sept. .. 88 17 Aug. .. 82 5 Oct.* 5 Oct.* 7 Sept.* Saddle safe for horse-riding skirt Safety pin J. H. Love W. Coyle, H. Gentles, and J. M. Morran J. C. Traill H. Norgrove .. .. S. Smith G. Westmoreland R. H. White and G. T. Pritchard G. M. Scott G. Westmoreland J. Baxter J. Baxter 20003 19746 6 Sept. .. 85 13 July .. 78 21 Sept.* 24 Aug. Safety-pin for curtain Sand-bank, Formation Sandal Sash-balanee Sash-fastener Sash hanger Saah lock and balance Sash raiser and lock Sash raiser and lock Sash. (See also Ventilating sash, Win-dow-sash.) Saucepan Saw bench and surface-planer.. 19551 19805 19980 19807 20030 19792 19807 19697 19696 5 June .. 71 29 July .. ! 75 4 Sept 29 July .. 13 Sept. .. 85 ■26 July .. 78 29 July .... 5 July .. 75 5 July .. .. 27 July. 10 Aug.* 21 Sept.* 24 Aug. 10 Aug.* D. W. Mart_\n .. W. E. L.Laugesen and L. E. Hogbacka A. E. Bregman G. E. Humphries J. Macalister .. J. W. Murdock 19984 19966 5 Sept. .. 85 1 Sept 85 21 Sept.* Sawset guage and stripper Scaffolding bracket Scraper for roller of ridger Scraper for tram-line.. Screen. (See Gravel-screen, Vibratingscreen.) Screw device for removing bushes Scrubber and mop Scrubber for ship's hull Seal,Bottle-.. Seat, VehicleSeed drill cultivator attachment Seed-soner conductor tube Seed sower, MangoldSeparation by flotation Separator. (See Centrifugal separator, Cream-separator, Di-eleciric separator, Mercury-separator.) Septic tank Septic tank discharge Shaft-bearings Shaft-tug Shafts of vehicles Sheep and lambs' paunches, cutting, &c. Sheep-runner Sheep-shears Sheet-metal working machinery Sheet-metal working Ship Ships'hull, Construction of Ship's hull sorubber Shirt Shoe. (See Boot or Shoe, Traction-en-gine shoe.) 19896 20002 19811 18972 17 Aug. .. 85 9 Sept. .. 85 25 July .. 75 16 Jan. .. I 67 85 85 75 c>1 21 Sept. 21 Sept.* 10 Aug.* 13 July. F. W. Payne .. A. Johnston and G. Jenkins G. Oapstick K. G. Gillette A. G. Land A. Scherer E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward J. Gray P. E. Elmore 19898 20049 19900 19664 18465 18742 19872 18496 19864 16 Aug. .. 88 14 Sept. .. 88 17 Aug. .. 82 3 July .. 67 20 Sept., 1904 67 15 Nov., 1904 78 11 Aug. .. 78 26 Sept., 1904 | 71 16 Aug., 1904 f .. 88 88 82 67 07 78 78 71 5 Oct. 5 Oct.* 7 Sept.* 3 July.* 13 July. 24 Aug. 24 Aug.* 27 July. P. Palliser A. J. Hunter P Schou J. Theobald J. Murphy and C. Harper D. Urquhart and C. Sloper P. Cooper H. S. Burley .. G. J. Browne ami E. Toms G. B. Johnson A. N. Whitney. . H. Fj. Ross G. Capstick S. N. Robiueon and W. G. Walden 19784 19715 19930 18458 20025 19858 19771 1966L 19800 19914 19675 19219 19900 19725 22 July .. 78 8 July .. 82 24 Aug. .. 88 17 Sept., 1904 71 12 Sept. .. 88 8 Aug. .. 82 19 July .. 3 July .. 75 27 July .. 78 22 Aug. .. 88 25 May .. 71 16 Mar. .. 67 17 Aug. .. 82 11 July .. .. 78 82 88 71 88 82 24 Aug. 7 Sept. 5 Oct. 27 July. 5 Oct. 7 Sept.* 75 78 88 71 67 83 10 Aug. 24 Aug.* 5 Oct. 27 July. 13 July. 7 Sept.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. No. Application. No. Ouzette. Dat Date. Date. Shot-making machinery Shower-bath Shower-bath Shutter, collapsible .. Shutters, Operating railway, &c. Sighting apparatus for lifting rails Siphon Siphon Siphon Skylight Slab, Wooden-cored plaster for buildins Slasher-handle fastener Slaughterman's tree Slimes, Treatment o , .. Smoke-preventer Smoke-consumer Soap-manufacture Sock Socks, Manufacture of Socks, Manufacture of Soldering-iron Sole levelling and pressing maobina Sole-rounding machine Sole. (See Boot-sole.) Sower. (See Seed-sower.) Spanner, Shifting Spark-arrester Sphere-forming machine Splitter, WoodSpoon and cake rest .. Spouting-bracket Sprayer Sprayer Spreader for trace-chains Spreader for trace-chains Spreader to traces, Attaching.. Spring device, Adjustable Spring-equaliser for vehicle Stamp-vending machine Stand. (See Hat-stand, Paper-stand.) Station-indicator Steam-boiler furnace.. Steam-boiler, Multitubular Steam-boiler, Water-gauge for Steam cooker Steam-flistribution for locomotive Steam-distribution for looomotive Steam-engine Steam-engine, Reversible Steam-generator thermal storage Steam or water valve.. Steam-valve.. Steel-bar manufacture W. H. Pearson.. A. Troup A. Troup G. C. J. Richard ' ... W. F. Williams C. Craig J. M. Dawson H. Corbett E. Taylor J. F. Farra G. S. Mayhew A. L. Falls A. Kininmont .. P. T. Louat J. D. JackRon A. McLeod V. J. Kuess A. McCole L. S. Donald .. L. S. DonaH .. J. Coe and V. Johansen.. United Shoo Machinery Company C. J. Clayton and H. Lightband .. 19901 19765 19950 19882 19850 20044 19199 19815 19922 19599 19863 20039 20091 20022 20053 19777 19958 20045 19720 19802 19910 18690 19691 17 Aug. 20 July 31 Ana. 15 Aug. 8 Aug. 16 Sept. 14 March 1 Aug. 23 Aug. 15 June 10 Aug. 14 Sept. 22Sepf. 12 Sept. 18 Sept. 22 July 31 Aim. 13 Sept. 13 July 28 July 19 Aug. 3 Nov., 1904 . 8 July 82 71 82 85 85 88 85 85 85 85 85 91 91 85 88 71 88 7 Sept.* 27 July.* 7 Sept.* 21 Sept. 21 Sept. 5 Oct.* 21 Sept. 21 Sept.* 21 Sept. 21 Sept.* 21 Sept. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Sept.* 5 Oct.' 27 July.* 5 Oct. 85 b-2 71 21 Sept. 7 Sept. 27 July.* R. M. Carroll .. J. D. Jackson C. B. Smith .. G. P. Hughes .. D. Finnane J. Mahoney and J. H. Bowman .. R. Millar A. O. and W. J. Grundy C. Warden, jun. W. Philpott .. F. Olsen P.J. Capner C. E. Bailey .. R. J. Dickie and J. H. Brown 18989 20053 20086 19509 19870 19730 20082 19690 19753 19813 20097 19724 18541 18548 25 Jan. 18 Sept. 21 Sept. 25 May 8 Aug. 13 July 13 Sept. 7 July 5 July 3 Aug. 27 Sept. 13 July 4 Oct., 1904 5 Oct., 1904 07 88 88 78 78 71 91 13 July. 5 Oct.* 5 Oct.' 24 Aug. 24 Aug.* 27 July.* 19 Oct. 75 88 71 88 75 10 Aug.* 5 Oct.* 27 July.* 5 Oct. 10 Aug. A. J. Border ! H. Norgrove J. F. Liebentritt J. Shepherd E. J. Hatcher and C. Henry W.E.Hughes.. W. E. Hughes I T. B. Baty I J. H. Ridgen .. D. Halpin C. J. Waugh A. H. Farmer .. F. H. Anderson, H. Wilson, and B. J. Rigby W. Mizon A. McCole L. S. Donald .. L. S. Donald .. • .. T. N. Horsley .. T. Ritchie 19709 19948 19569 18425 20041 20023 20067 20062 19814 19946 19823 19819 20070 10 July 30 Aug. 7 June 5 Sept., 1904 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 21 Sept. 20 Sept. 28 July 30 Aug. 2 Aug. 1 Aug. 21 Sept. 75 82 75 78 10 Aug.* 7 Sept.* 10 Aug. 24 Aug. 91 19 Oct. 88 75 91 78 75 88 5 Oct.* 10 Aug.* 19 Oct. 24 Aug.* 10 Aug.* 5 Oct.* Stereoscopic effect, Producing.. Stocking Stockings, Manufacture of Stockings, Manufacture of Stone, Artificial Stop-cock Stopper. (See Bottle-stopper, Horsestopper.) Stove, Shelf of GasStrap for cycle-pedal Strap, Detaching buckle-tongue from .. Street-cleaner Street-sweeper Stripper. (See Flax-stripper.) Stripper, Saw-set and gauge Sunken vessels, Raising Superheater Superheater for boiler Superheating-tube for boiler Support. (See Abdominal support, Boolesupport.) Surgical appliance Suspension bridge Swingletree Swingletree Switch-block, Electric Syringe 19687 20045 19720 19802 19583 19693 6 July 13 Sept. 13 July 28 July 8 June 28 June 71 27 July.* 75 71 10 Aug. 27 July.* G. M. Ivey R. Weston B. W. Thurgar ft. Wilson P. Holt 19673 19689 20096 19993 19810 4 July 5 July 23 Sept. 2 Sept. 31 July 71 71 88 88 75 27 July.* 27 July.* 5 Oct.. * 5 Oct. , 10 Aug.* A. E. Bregman J. Crook W. Schmidt W. Schmidt .. W. Schmidt 19896 19917 19829 19768 19767 17 Aug. 19 Aug. 3 Aug. 20 July 20 July 85 21 Sept. 82 82 82 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 7 Sept. A. Miller J. Dawson h. Henly J. H. Roberts II, Luks J. H. Adams 20100 19956 19837 20011 19921 19947 27 Sept. 31 Aug. 2 Aug. 6 Sept. 23 Aug. 30 Aug. 82 75 85 82 82 5 Oct.* 7 Sept.* 10 Aug.* 21 Sept.* 7 Sept.* 7 Sept.* Table game Table. (See Carving-table, Concentrating table, Dining and billiard table, Goldsaving table.) D. Robertson .. 19788 25 July 75 10 Aug.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. i No. At Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Tank. (See Septic tank.) Tap Temperature-regulator Tester, EggThermal storage for steam-generator Thresher, Cocksfoot Ticket holder and obtain-r Timber veneer, Repairing Tin for foodstuffs Tin. (See Kerosene-tin, Preserving tin.) Tire J. W. Tucker .. T. W. Watson W. P. Mooney .. D. Halpin H. G. Thomsen.. G. H. White .. A. MoOoll H. T. Griffiths and G. E. Andrew 18718 19928 19904 19946 19770 19717 18652 19954 10 July. 23 Aug. 18 Aug. 30 Aug. 20 July 10 July 21 Oot., 1904 31 Aug. 71 91 71 71 78 82 27 July." 19 Oct. 27 July.* 27 July.' 24 Aug. 7 Sept.* Consolidated Rubber Tire Company J. Robinson and W. Stocks P. (i. McKim .. T. S. Skeates .. P. A. Burkitt H. B. Williams P. J. W. Gascoyne A. McLean A. A. Withers .. W. Spencer T. C. Hement .. T.'H. Rntherfurd W. P. Macintosh E. L. Pembroke G. Barrett J. Davis C. Warden, jun. W. Philpott P. Olsen J. Gale D. T. McPhedran J. W. Murdock H. Quertier 19257 13 April, 1904f 67 13 July. Tire Tire Tire-cover Tire-cover Tire-protector Tire-protector Tire-protector Tire valve and connection Toasting-device Toasting-fork Toasting-fork Tobacco-lighter Tobacco pipe Tool holder Tow, Making oakum from Trace-chains, Spreader for Trace chains, Spreader for Trace-spreader to traces, Attaching Traction-engine, Securing pins of Traction-engine shoe Tram-line cleaner Tram-rail cleaner Trap. (See Animal-trap, Bird-trap, Rabbit-trap, Vermin-trap.) Travelling- race or alleyway Tray Trolly, Connecting with wire 19677 19979 19580 19893 19877 19731 18564 19833 19702 19716 19908 20065 19759 19743 19734 19753 19843 20097 20084 19812 18972 19831 5 July 5 Sept. 7 June 18 Aug. 9 Aug. 13 July 8 Oct., 1904 3 Aug. 10 July 11 July 21 Aug. 21 Sept. 19 July 17 July 14 July 5 July 3 Aug. 27 Sept. 22 Sept. 28 July 16 Jan. 3 Aug. 75 71 82 85 82 85 82 71 85 10 Aug.* 27 July.* 7 Sept.* 21 Sent.* 7 Sept.' 21 Sept. 7 Sept.* 27 July.* 21 Sept.* 71 75 27 JulV.* 10 Aug.* 75 88 88 78 (17 75 10 Aug.* 5 Oct.* 5 Oct.* 24 Aug.* 13 July. 10 Aug.* C. Rask and E. A. Cameron A. J. J. Bolton and T. Rand E. Moss 20112 19952 19722 23 Sept. 31 Aug. 13 July 26 July J 82 71 75 82 75 78 67 7 Sept.* 27 July." 10 Aug.* 7 Sept. 10 Aug.* 24 Aug.* 13 July. Trolly-pole H. Quertier 19793 Trolly-pole Trolly-wheel Truck, Elevating handTube. (See Conductor tube, Superheating tube.) Turbine Turbine, Steam Turbine-pump Turnip-thinner H. Quertier H. Quertier D. H. K. McGuinness .. 19840 19886 18475 5 Aug. 16 Aug. 22 Sept., 1904 M. Heeb T. Palvey Henry R. Worthington .. ¥. W. Barton, W. Morton, and J. Horous 19940 18399 20033 19491 28 Aug, 3 Sept., 1904 14 Sept. 8 May 82 65 91 71 7 Sept.* 21 Sept. 19 Oct. 27 July. Upholstering furniture, &c. P. Barrow 19736 13 July 75 10 Aug.* Vaccine Vaouum-intensifier Valve Valve-controller Valve. (See Check-valve, Cycle-valve, Hydraulic-ram valve, Piston-valve, Steam-valve, Tire-valve.) Valves, Operating Vapouriser, Liquid Vehic'e-jack Vehicle seat Vehicle-shafts Vehicle-spring equalising device Vending-machine Veneer-cutter Veneer-repairing Venetian blind Venetian blind cord grip Venetian blind tape .. Ventilating-sash .. .. Ventilator Ventilator-cowl Verandah-column Vermin-1 rap.. Vessel .. E. M. Houghton The Hon. C. A. Parsons.. P. J. Shelton The Hon. C. A. Parsons 20081 19757 20017 19713 22 Sept. 19 July 11 Sept. 13 July 85 9] 78 21 Sept. 19 Oct. 24 Aug. W. Howlin A. Hayes T. T. Rawhiti A. G. Land J. Murphy and C. Harper C. E. Bai'ley .. R. J. Dickie and J. H. Brown G. S. Mayhew A.McColl P. E. Robertshaw W. E. Cook C. J. R. Richardson W. E. Walker .. T. Driffield and P. T. Johns J. J. Blockley and J. A. Lissington J. Dunbar J. S. Scarr Monitor Shipping Corporation, Limited T. Beckett C. E. L. Browu J. Crook Colorado Ironworks Company W. Madder H. J. B. Harding 19644 19574 19704 18465 20025 18541 18548 19862 18652 19609 20001 19945 18644 19552 19804 19754 20031 19861 28 June 8 June 11 July 20 Sept., 1904 12 Sept. 4 Oct., 1904 5 Oct., 1904 10 Aug. 21 Oct., 1904 16 June 7 Sept. 29 Aug. 19 Oct., 1904 5 June 29 July 11 July 14 Sept. 10 Aug. 71 71 71 67 88 88 75 85 78 71 85 82 82 71 88 75 88 27 July.* 27 July. 27 July.* 13 July. 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 10 Aug. 21 Sept. 24 Aug. 27 July.* 21 Sept.* 7 Sept.* 7 Sept. 27 July. 5 Oct. 10 Aug.* 5 Oct.* Vessels, Propelling Vessels, Propulsion of Vessel?, raising sunken Vibrating screen Vote-recorder Voting-machine 19773 19711 19917 19667 19982 19728 21 July 13 July 19 Aug. 3 July 6 Sept. 13 July 78 91 85 85 24 Aug. 19 Oct. 21 Sept.* 21 Sept.



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


11— H. 10.—06.

Invention. Name. Application. No. Date. Gazette. No. Date. Walls, Fireproof Walls, Partitions of .. Washing-fluid Washing maohine, Hair, wool, &c. Watoh-regulator Water-cistern, Flush for Water-closet Water-filter Water-filter Water-gauge for steam-boiler Water heater, BathWater heater, Bath-Water-heater Water-heater Water-heater J. Watson R. Hudson P. E. A. Gordon and B. Hepwoi-th B. Elliott J. C. Ellis T. W.Park R. W. anas. Ashcroft, M. Morgan, A. Weber, and A. C. Pooook G. A. Abbott .. J. C. Barker .. J. Shepherd J. D. Jackson W. H. Hannam G. Adcook H. Jane B. S. and J. H. Nioholle and 0. A. Bennett H. Weingott .. F. de J. Clere .. F. T. MoAnalty A. M. Grainger V. Karl 0. Paora United Shoe Machinery Company R. C. Lowry 19785 20087 20018 19847 20072 19703 19553 18393 19942 18425 20054 19587 19600 19969 19856 24 July 25 Sept. 11 Sept. 4 Aug: 21 Sept. 11 July 5 June 1 Sept., 1904 29 Aug. 5 Sept. 1904 18 Sept. 14 June 15 June 30 Aug. 8 Aug. 82 91 71 71 78 88 78 88 71 71 85 85 7 Sept. 19 Oot.* 27 July.* 27 July. 24 Aug. 5 Oct. 24 Aug. 5 Oct.* 27 July.* 27 July. 21 Sept.* 21 Sept. Waterproof coat Weatherboard Weed-cleaner for harrow Weed-cutter.. Weed eradieator Weight-raiser Welt, Operating on boot or shoe Wheel-adhesion to rail, Magnetioally increasing Wheel-bearings Wheel-lock .. Wheel. (See trolly-wheel.) .. Wind and water-motor Winding appliance, Water-power Window-lock Window-lock Window-sash Window-sash Window-sash sustainer Windows, operating railway, &c. Wire mattress Wire mattress Wire-strainer 19959 18682 19700 19975 20016 19659 18691 19666 31 Aug. 1 Nov., 1904 10 July 1 Sept. 11 Sept. 28 June 3 Nov., 1904 3 July 82 82 71 7 Sept. , 7 Sept. 27 July.* 71 82 75 27 July. 7 Sept. 10 Aug. G. Griffiths .. J. W. Compton 19996 19679 8 Sept. 5 July 85 71 21 Sept. 27 July.* L. T. fteiohel .. J. Strathern G. G. Nioholson J. I. Moss W. Edwards and T. Larsen P. de J. Clare .. E. J. Parrish .. W. F. Williams W. Bills A. and G. A. Harrowby C. Burton, A. I. Littlejohn, and P. Still 3. Sharps J. J. Ward G. P. Hughes .. S. Wohle 18640 18955 19719 19961 19432 18674 20043 19850 19639 19751 19931 21 Oct., 1904 10 Jan. 10 July 31 Aug. 5 May 29 Oct. 15 Sept. 8 Aug. 27 June 18 July 24 Aug. 82 78 71 91 75 88 7 Sept. 24 Aug. 27 July.* 19 Oct. 10 Aug. 5 Oct. 85 71 78 88 21 Sept. 27 July. 24 Aug.* 5 Oct. Wire-suspender for bottles Wire-tightener Wood-spitter Wool-scouring detergent Wrench. (See Pipe-wrenoh, Ratohetwrench.) 20068 18785 19509 19665 21 Sept. 24 Nov., 1904 25 May 3 July 85 78 75 21 Sept. 24 Aug. 10 Aug

Application. Gazette. Class. Name. Address. No. Date. No. Date. Adnams Bros. iEolian Company, The iEolian Company, The iEolian Company, The Alaska Packers' Association Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Company, Limited Amsterdamache Likeurstokerij, 't Lootsje Der Erven Lucas Bols Anglo-British Columbia Paoking Company, Limited, The Christohuroh, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. Birmingham, England .. 22 9 9 9 42 22 5543 5402 5475, 6, 7 5478, 9 5457 5460, 1 28 Sept. 20 July 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 15 Aug. 18 Aug. 91 71 8-2 19 Oot. 27 July. 7 Sept. 73 78 24 Aug. 24 Aug. Amsterdam, Holland 43 5136 25 Jan. 67 13 July. Vancouver, B.C. 42 5488 25 Aug. 85 21 Sept. Bagley, A. Barnard and Brown Barraud and Son. (See L. Cohen.) Barrett, W. H. Bentley, E. A. Bisschop, H. L. G. Blenkiron and Son, W. Bock, P. .. Borsalino (iuiseppe and Fllo Bostock, J. J. British-American Tobacco Company, Limited Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. .. 47 42 5520 5412 14 Sept. 24 July 86 21 Sept. Soutbport, England Auckland, N.Z. Delft, Holland London, England Auckland, N.Z. Alessandria, Italy Wanganui, N.Z. London, England 6 3 50 38 2, 50 38 42 45 5373 5440 5519 5397 5273, 4 5204,5 5323 5505 3 July 8 Aug. 14 Sept. 13 July 5 May 18 March 5 June 6 Sept. 67 78 71 78 67 85 13 July. 24 Aug. 27 July. 24 Aug. 13 July. 21 Sept.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. N<!. Date. No. Date. Brough, Nicholson, and Hall Brown and Sons, J. S. (See G. H. Brown.) Brown, TSwing, and Co., Limited Brown, G. H. Brown, G. H. Burgoyne and Co., Limited, P. B. Burmah Oil, Limited, The Bush, G. H. Bycroffc, Limited Ohristohuroh, N.Z. 30 5544 28 Sept. Dunedin, N.Z. Belfast, Ireland Belfast, Ireland London, England Rangoon, Burmah Christohurch, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 38 27 28 43 47 39, 47 42 5529 5470 5471 5515 5539 5383, 4 5512 20 Sept. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. II Sept. 27 Sept. 6 July 8 Sept. 88 78 85 88 71 85 5 Oct. 24 Aug. 21 Sept. 5 Oct. 27 July. 21 Sept. Chandon et Cie Chipman, Limited Christchuroh Meat Company, Limited, The Christian, H. Clark, E. H. Cohen,L. Cook and Ross. (See J. S. Ross.) Cormack, D., and another Bpernay, France New York, U.S.A. Christchurch, N.Z. 43 42 4, 42 5404, 5 5535 5486,7 20 July 21 Sept. 24 Aug. 75 88 10 Aug. 5 Oct. Hastings, N.Z. Christohurch, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 13 22 3 5329 5277 5453 10 June 8 May 11 Aug. 71 71 78 27 July. 27 July. 24 Aug. Sydney, N.S.W. 1 5459 17 Aug. Davies, A. A., and another Davies, A. and E. (See A. A. and E. B. Davies.) Davies, E. B., and another .. De Kuyper and Son, J. Diokie, H. W. Dimock and Co., Limited,W. Dobson, T. J. Wanganui, N.Z. 3 5455 14 Aug. 78 24 Aug. Wanganui, N.Z. Rotterdam, Holland Wanganui, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 3 1 42 47 5455 5354, 5 5454 5278 5387 14 Aug. 28 June 11 Aug. 8 May 10 July 78 76 78 85 24 Aug. 10 Aug. 24 Aug. 21 Sept. El Oriente Fabrioa de Tabacos Sociedad Anonima, at Manila Eltham Bacon Company, Limited, The Entrican and Co., Limited, A. J. Manila, P.I. 45 5406, 7, 8 22 July 71 27 July. Eltham, N.Z. 42 5413 24 July 71 27 July. Auckland, N.Z. 42 5331 13 June 75 10 Aug. Fairbairn, Wright, and Co. Ferriday, T. F. Firth, E. T. C. Ford Company, The J. B. .. Francis, Chapman, Deekes, and Co. Frontenac Cereal Company, Limited, The Fry and Sons, Limited, J. S. Fussell and Co., Limited Wellington, N.Z. Onapua Bay, N.Z, Auckland, N.Z. Ford, U.S.A. .. London, England Kingston, Canada 42 2 50 1 5 42 5390 5392 5496 5374, 5 5503 5472 11 July 13 July 1 Sept. 3 July 6 Sept. 22 Aug. 71 71 82 27 July. 27 July. 7 Sept. 85 78 21 Sept. 24 Aug. Bristol, England London, England 42 42 5424 5431 1 Aug. 4 Aug. 75 85 10 Aug. 21 Sept. Gallagher, T. Gardiner and Hardie Gill, M. J. Gollin and Co., Proprietary, Limited Gregg and Co., Limited, W. Gutta Pereha and Rubber Manufacturing Company of Toronto, Limited, The Gutta Pereha and Rubber Manufacturing Company of Toronto, Limited, The Waihopo, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Toronto, Canada 3 42 47 42 42 38,40, 50 5395 5528 5517 5545 5292 5432, 3, 4 18 July 20 Sept. 14 Sept. 28 Sept. 13 May 4 Aug. 71 88 85 88 71 75 27 July. 5 Oot. 21 Sept. 5 Oct. 27 July. 10 Aug. Toronto, Canada 38,40, 50 5435, 6, 7 4 Aug. Harker, J. Hayward Bros, and Co., Limited Hay ward Bros, and Co., Limited Henderson and Sons, J. Henkes' Distillery, J. H. .. Henkes' Distillery, J. H. .. Hill, Limited, R. and J. Hole and Go. (Timaru Brewery), Limited, J. Hooper and Harrison Hunter and Etheridge Milton, N.Z. .. Christohuroh, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Rotterdam, Holland Rotterdam, Holland London, England Timaru, N.Z. .. 47 42 42 42 43 43 45 43 5313 5449, 50 5451 5401 5429 5430 5444, 5 5150, 1 30 May 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 20 July 3 Aug. 3 Aug. 9 Aug. 2 Feb. 78 78 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 78 78 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 78 75 24 Aug. 10 Aug. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. .. 27, 34 42 5525, 6 5547 15 Sept. 30 Sept. 85 21 Sept. Ioilma Company, Limited, The lies, E. .. Irvine and Stevenson, Limited Irvine and Stevenson, Limited Irvine and Stevenson's St. George Comjiany, Limited Irvine and Stevenson's St. George Company, Limited London, England Dunedin, N.Z. .. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. .. Dunedin,N.Z. .. 48 48 42 42 42 5441 5490 5379 5380 5530, 1 8 Aug. 28 Aug. 4 July 4 July 20 Sept. 78 82 24 Aug. 7 Sept. 67 91 13 July. 19 Oot. Dunedin, N.Z. .. 42 5381 4 July 88 5 Oot. Jameson, Anderson, and Co. Christchurch, N.Z. 42 5386 8 July 71 27 July. Keeps, Limited Keystone Lubricating Company Klinger, R. London, England Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. London,;England ' .. 42 47 50 5438 5494 5536 7 Aug. 31 Aug. 21 Sept. 82 85 88 7 Sept. 21 Sept. 5 Oct. •


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


Name. Address. Class. Appl lication. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Khnger, B., and Co. (See R. Klinger.) Kuyper. (See De Kuyper.) Lake and Elliot Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Love, J. R. Love and Co., J. R. (See J. R. Love.) Lowden, A. (See A. J. Lowden.) Lowden, A. J. Luxton, M. B. Lyons, M. P. Braintree, England Balmain, N.8.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. 6 47 47 48 42 5492 5396 5506, 8, 10 5507, 9, 11 5518 29 Aug. 13 July 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. 82 71 85 85 85 7 Sept. 27 July. 21 Sept. 21 Sept, 21 Sept. Auckland, N.Z. Ghristohuroh, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 42 48 48 5389 5502 5394 11 July 6 Sept. 17 July 71 85 71 27 July. 21 Sept. 27 July. Machen and Hudson, C. .. Maling and Dixon. (See G. R. Maling.) Maling, G. R. Mander Bros. Marriner and Co. Marshall's Proprietary, Limited Mason, T. G. Maspero Preres, Limited Mayes and Langdown Moetet Chandon. (See Chandon et Cie.) Morton, E. Morton and Co., H. B. (See E. Morton.) Mouat, B. J. Murie, R. M. Murray and Co., Limited, W. T. Murray and Co., Limited, W. T. Liverpool England 43 5480 j 23 Aug. Christchuroh, N.Z. Wolverhampton, England Christohuroh, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. .. Masterton, N.Z. London, England Christchurch, N.Z. 42 1 39 42 3, 48 45 22 5423 5428 5527 5497, 8 5348, 9 5481-5 5546 31 July 3 Aug. 20 Sept. 4 Sept. 23 June 23 Aug. 29 Sept. 78 75 88 85 71 88 88 24 Aug. 10 Aug. 5 Oct. 21 Sept. 27 July. 5 Oct. 5 Oct. Auokland, N.Z. 42 5315 1 June 75 10 Aug. Dunedin, N.Z. .. Invercargill, N.Z. Inveroargill, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. 18 22 47 42 5393 5414 5376 553-J, 3, 4 14 July 24 July 3 July 20 Sept. 82 88 67 7 Sept. 5 Oct. 13 July. Naamlooze Vennootschap Hollandsche Cacao en Chocolade —Pabrieken, voorheen Bensdorp and Co. Nathan and Co., Limited, J. New Zealand Industrial Co-operative Society, Limited, The Amsterdam, Holland 42 5501 6 Sept. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 42 42 5516 5514 12 Sept. 9 Sept. 85 85 21 Sept. 21 Sept. Ogden, A. R. Oriente Tobaoco Manufacturing Company, Limited, of Manila, The. (See under " El Oriente, &o.") Sydney, N.S.W. 3 5504 6 Sept. 85 21 Sept. Parkes and Co., Limited, A. and P. .. Birmingham, England .. 5361, 3, 5, 7,9,5371 5362, 4, 6, 8, 5370, 2 5378 5469 5462 5352 5466, 7 5403 3 July 13 July. 12 07 Parkes and Co., Limited, A. and P. .. Birmingham, England .. 13 3 July 67 13 July. Parkinson and Co. Pearsall and Co., J. Perks, E... Philips and Pike Philips and Pike Phillips, E. Phcenix Motor Company, The. (See W. H. Barrett.) Plowman and Son, W. Preservaline Manufacturing Company, The Price, O. W. Price, C. W. Greymouth, N.Z. London, England Auokland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 3 30 3 45 42, 44 48 i July 22 Aug. 18 Aug. 27 June 21 Aug. 20 July 71 78 82 75 78 71 27 July. 24 Aug. 7 Sept. 10 Aug. 24 Aug. 2T July. Napier, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. 42 42 5513 5456 8 Sept. 14 Aug. 85 21 Sept. Christchuroh, N.Z. Christchuroh, N.Z. 48 3 5422 5521 7 Aug. 14 Sept. 75 85 10 Aug. 21 Sept. Rickards, Limited, C. A. .. Robins, W. Robinson, and Son, J. H. .. Roger, P., and Co. Ross, J. S. Royce, Gasooine, and Co., Limited .. Manchester, England Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Epernay, Prance Christchurch, N.Z. Leicester, England 30 3 14 43 3 38 5235 5420 5388 5537,8 5463, 4 5446, 7 4 April 25 July 11 July 21 Sept. 18 Aug. 10 Aug. 71 75 71 27 July. 10 Aug. 27 July. 78 78 24 Aug. 24 Aug. Salt, Bt., Sons and Co., Limited, Sir T. Salt Union, Limited Sandy and Co., J. (See J. Sandy and D. Cormack.) Sandy, J. M., and another Sargood, Son, and Ewen Schade and Buysing Schlitz Brewing Company, The Jos. .. Sharland and Co., Limited.. Simmons Hardware Company Simmons Hardware Company Smith and Caughey, Limited Societe Anonyme "Louis Brandt et Prere," La Societe Anonyme " Louis Brandt et Prere," La Saltaire, England Liverpool, England 34, 38 42 5399, 5400 5448 19 July 10 Aug. 82 7 Sept. Sydney, N.S.W. Auckland, N.Z. Sehiedam, Holland Milwaukee, U.S.A. Auckland, N.Z. St. Louis, U.S.A. St. Louis, U.S.A. Auckland, N.Z. Bienne, Switzerland 1 36 43 43 3 1 12 38 10 5459 5377 5281 5489 5491 5398 5493 5439 5132 17 Aug. 3 July 10 May 25 Aug. 29 Aug. 19 July 31 Aug. 8 Aug. 25 Jan. 71 82 82 82 75 91 78 75 27 July. 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 Aug. 19 Oct. 24 Aug. 10 Aug. Bienne, Switzerland 18, 14 5425, 6 1 Aug. 75 10 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.



Name. I Address. Class. Application, Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Sooieti'; Meniet Bpenoer, W. W. .. Strauss and Go. Swales, R. H. Paris, France .. Christchurch, N.Z. London, England Auckland, N.Z. 42 47 43 38 5468 5500 5415-9 5522 22 Aug. 6 Sept. 25 July 15 Sept. 78 88 24 Aug. 5Oot. 85 21 Sept. Tingey and Co., Limited, R. and E. Tuoker and Co., J. H. (See J. H. Tuoker.) Tuoker, J. H. .. Turner and Oo. Turner, Day, and Woolworth Handle Company, The Wellington, N.Z. Birmingham, England .. Wanganui, N.Z. Louisville, U.S.A. 50 13,16 22 50 5391 5473, 4 5458 5234 11 July 22 Aug. 17 Aug. 4 April 71 78 78 85 27 July. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 21 Sept. Union Clothing Company Wellington, N.Z. 38 5385 7 July 71 27 July. Vangioni, L.J... Vavasour, H. D. .. Akaroa, N.Z. .. Blenheim, N.Z. 42 4, 37 5499 5523, 4 5 Sept. 15 Sept. 85 21 Sept. Wallace, W. K. .. Welsbaoh Light Company of Australasia, Limited, The Whybrow and Oo. Wilson and Glenny, Limited Wilton, M. H. Wood Bros., Limited Wood Bros., Limited Woolcott and Co., R. R. .. Wright and Co., Limited, W. M. Hawera, N.Z. .. Wellington, N.Z. Abbotsford, Vio. Howiok, Scotland Wanganui, N.Z. Christchuroh, N.Z. Christohurch, N.Z. Melbourne, Vic. Dunedin, N.Z. .. 11 13,15,18 38 34 3 42 42 39 42 5427 5540-2 3442, 3 5495 5421 5409,10 5411 5465 5452 31 July 27 Sept. 9 Aug. 31 Aug. 26 July 22 July 22 July 21 Aug. 10 Aug. 91 78 75 75 71 78 78 19 Oct." 24 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 27 July. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. Young's Chemical Company Wellington, N.Z. 3 5382 4 July 67 13 July.

Name. Address. No. of Class. A] No. Application. L ppl Gazette. Date. No. Date. Alexander, T. R. .. Ghristohuroh, N.Z. 1 238 8 Aug. 78 24 Aug. Beaver and Co., A. Brent, W. H Wellington, N.Z. Inveroargill, N.Z. 2 1 241-3 237 31 Aug. 8 July 85 71 21 Sept. 27 July. Grant Bros. Chrietchuroh, N.Z. 1 240 24 Aug. 82 7 Sept. Mooney, W. P. Christohuroh, N.Z. 1 249 23 Sept. 88 5 Oct. Phillips, G. W Pither and Carter Ohristohuroh, N.Z. Christohuroh, N.Z. 5 1 244 245 7 Sept. 5 Sept. 85 85 21 Sept. 21 Sept. Sargood, Son, and Ewen .. Shacklock, Limited, H. E. .. Shaeklock, Limited, H. E. Smith and Sons, S. Auckland, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. .. Dunedin.N.Z. .. Christohuroh, N.Z. 8 1 1 10 236 239 246 247 5 July 10 Aug. 18 Sept. 18 Sept. 67 78 85 85 13 July. 24 Aug. 21 Sept. 21 Sept. Wall, CM., Welsh, T. Christohurch, N.Z. West Bromwioh, England 1 3 250 248 18 Sept. 21 Sept. 88 88 5 Oct. 5 Oct.




12— H. 10.—06.

* Denotes a provisional specification, 'rade Marks Act, 1889." t Denotes a prior di ite under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, and Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Adamson, J. A., Orepuki, N.Z. Potato-harvester.. Aktiebolaget Lux, Stockholm, Sweden. (See E. G. A. Brattstrom, No. 20263.) Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Separator. (B. Ljungstrom) Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Separator. (B. Ljungstrom) Allan, A. T. W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Gold-saving table, &c. Allen, A. D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head Allen, A. H., Worcester, Eng. Painters' lamp Ambler, G. A., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 20453.) American Seeding-machine Company, Jersey City, U.S.A. Distributor for seeding-machine. (F. G. Colley and E. Baseman) Andersen, V., Hadersleben, Germany. Milking-machine. Anderson, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Liquid-measure Anderson, T. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Chamber .. Anderson, W., jun., Sydney, N.S.W. Supplying liquid fuel to furnace Andreas, E. P., Leura, N.S.W. Acetylene-gas generator .. Andrews, F. O., and amther, Christchurch, N.Z. Poultry-feeder .. Andrews, O., Levin, N.Z. Vulcanizing tyres, &o. Angus, A. R., Neutral Bay, N.S.W. Railway-brake .» Angus, A. R., Neutral Bay, N.S.W. Railway-brake Angus, A. R., Neutral Bay, N.S.W. Railway brake Angus, A. R., Neutral Bay, N.S.W. Running-gear for railway-oar .. Angus, A. R , Neutral Bay, N.S.W. ilunning-gear for railway-car .. Angus, A. R , Neutral Bay,N.S.W. Running-gear for railway-oar .. Angus, A. R., Neutral Bay, N.S.W. Railway-car gear Apostolofi, S. B., London, Eng. Bread-making Arcanum, Limited, The, London, Eng. Manufacture of mineral water. (L. J. Moser) Arnot, B., Masterton, N.Z. Cooking-utensil for gas-burner Ashton, O., Lawrence, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 19050 and 19051.) Atkinson, L., Christchurch, N.Z. Operating railway-switch 20155 5 Oot. 20311 14 Nov. 2 11 Jan., 1906. 20455 14 Dec. 6 25 Jan., 1906. 20115 20376 20357 25 Sept. 27 Nov. 23 Nov. 106 110 lDec* 14 Dec* 20217 25 Oct. 106 1 Deo. 20170 20402 20399 20161 12 Oct. 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 12 Oot. 106 2 IDec. 11 Jan., 1906. 101 16 Nov. 20038 20428 20480 20387 20388 20389 20448 20449 20485 20499 20312 20349 14 Sept. 8 Dec. 21 Dec. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 14 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 23 Deo. 14 Nov. 22 Nov. 96 2 Nov. 110 110 110 2 2 2 6 2 2 14 Dec* 14 Dec* 14 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 25 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 20160 10 Oct. 106 IDec 20272 2 Nov. 106 IDec* Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Making bread. (Deutsche Dauerbrot Gesellschaft) Baldwin, J. D., Gore, N.Z. Hanging pictures Baldwin, P. B., Palmerston North, N.Z. Flax drying and bleaching Banks, S., and another, Aratapu, N.Z. Cool-safe Barlow, J. L , and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-braoket Barnes, R., Fitzroy, Vic. Boot or shoe heel Barnett, D. M., Melbourne, Vio. Iron-stand Barrett, E., Brunswick, N.Z. Chum and butter-washer .. Barry, H. P., Waihi, N.Z. Lining for tubemills, &a. Baseman, E., and another, Maoedon, US.A. (See American Seed ing-machine Company, No. 20217.) Baskiville, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Cuff-protector and blotter Baxter, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-raiter and lock .. Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. (See J. R. Park, No. 20335.) Beckwith, A. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Gold-extraction. (J. C. Clancy) Behrmann, E. L., and another, London, Eng. (See BritishAmorican Maohinery Company, Limited, No. 20419.) Beldam, A., and others, London, Eng. Packing for rods and plungers. (G. H. Robinson) Beldam, C. A., and others, London, Eng. Packing for rods and plungers. (G. H. Robinson) Beldam, G. W., and others, London, Eng. Packing for rods and plungers. (G. H. Robinson) Bellens. 0., and another, Neuilly-Sur Seine, France. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20067.) Bennett, A. E. G., Fitzroy, Vic. Shirt-ouff Bennett, C. A., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Washing-boiler Bewick, Moreing, and Co., Kalgoorlip, W.A., and London, Eng. Deoantation of cyanide, &a., solutions. (P. Fitzgorald.) Billens, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Plant-sprayer .. Billing, A. F., Auokland, N.Z. Finger-print album Bissaker, C. H., Cooiamundra, N.S.W. Acetylene gas generator .. Black, H. G., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel lock .. Blackburn, F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Non-reflllable bottle .. Black, R., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel look 18806 19 Dec, 1903f 130 14 Deo. 20404 20304 20495 19411 20484 20168 20481 20436 1 Deo. 11 Nov. 22 Dec. 1 May 21 Deo. 12 Oct. 21 Dec. 9 Dec. 2 106 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec* 2 11 Jan., 1906. 101 16 Nov. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 20150 19696 6 Oct. 17 Oct. 106 96 1 Dec* 2 Nov.* 20133 5 Oct. 106 1 Dec. 20353 22 Nov. 2 11 Jan., 1906. 20353 22 Nov. 2 11 Jan., 1906. 20353 22 Nov. 2 11 Jan., 1906. 20310 20265 20500 14 Nov. 30 Oct. 28 Dec. 20367 20303 20071 20237 20047 20237 18 Nov. 11 Nov. 21 Sept. 27 Oct. 14 Sept. 27 Oct, 2 110 96 106 106 106 11 Jan., 1906. 14 Dec* 2 Nov. 1 Dec* 1 Dec 1 Dec*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent- continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. No. A] Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Blanchard, A., and others, London, Bng. Incandescent burner Bock, P., Auckland, N.Z. Detergent powder Bohm, H., Berlin, Germany. Preserve-can Bond, L. A., Logansporfc, U.S.A. (See J. R. Park, No. 20350.) Bond, R. W., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Cow-bail Bond, W. A., Lynnfield, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Maohinery Company, No. 20450.) Border, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Station-indicator Bowser, W. H., Brisbane, Queensland. Scaffolding-cramp Bradbury, R. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Sleeve of waterproof coat Bradley, S. A., and another, Kilinore, Vic. Pruit-case Brady, W., and another, Tβ Puke, N.Z. Axle for wheels .. Brain, W. B., and another, Auckland, N Z. Mot ir car, &c. Brain, W. B., Auckland, N.Z. Tonic and antidote Brattstrom, E. G. A., Melbourne, Vic. Oil-lamp. (Aktiebolaget Lux —S. Carlson) Brewster, W., Carterton, N.Z. Moth-destroyer .. British-American Machinery Company, Limited, The, London, Bng. Cardboard-box making and filling. (E. T. Pollard and E. L. Behrmann) Brittan, P. W., and another, London, Eng. Nut-lock Broughton, E., Auckland, N.Z. Game-scoring machine .. Brown, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Station indicator .. Brown, P. C, Komata, N.Z. Slimes-filter Brown, P. J., Ngaire, N.Z. Cow-bail Brown, P. J., Ngaire, N.Z. Leg-rope Brown, T. F., and others, Coburg, Vic. Studless house .. Bruce, J., Alexandra, N.Z. Spring catch Bruer, J. J., Adelaide, S.A. Piano Buckeridge, H., Richmond, N.Z. Stooking attachment to reaper and binder Buckley, D., Rakaia, N.Z. Skeith-buckle Bunting, J. C, and others, Melbourne, Vio. Chaff-cutter.. Burgoyne, E. A. H., and others, London, Eng. Incandescent burner Burgoyne, L. H., Auckland, N.Z. Game Burke, R. E., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Pire-reel carriage attached .0 cycle, &o. Burn, R., and another, London, Bng. (See Machine-made Casks, Limited, No. 20505-6.) Burns, J., Wyndham, N.Z. Combination tool Butters, H., Lothangie North, N.Z. Pencing-dropper 20487 19396 18624 20458 19709 20185 20508 20338 20226 20382 20381 20263 20159 20419 20124 20302 20336 20298 18867 18868 19891 20323 20069 20446 21 Dec 26 April 20 Oct, 1904 .. 15 Dec 10 July 17 Oct. 30 Dec. 20 Nov. 26 Oct. 25 Nov. 23 Nov. 1 Nov. 10 Oct. 7 Dec 4 Oct. 7 Nov. 20 Nov. 8 Nov. 16 Dec.,1904.. 16 Dec, 1904 .. 17 Aug. 14 Nov. 21 Sept. 13 Dec 88 96 2 110 101 6 106 110 iio 90 2 101 106 2 106 96 96 110 2 101 2 5 Oot.'* 2 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906.* 14 Dec. 16 Nov.' 25 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec* 14 Deo.* 14 Dec. 2 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov. 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec* 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 14 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906.* 20205 20291 20487 20373 20409 18 Oct. 10 Nov. 21 Dec 25 Nov. 6 Dec. 110 101 14 Deo. 10 Nov.* iio 2 14 Deo.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 20211 20264 21 Oct. 1 Nov. 106 106 1 Dec* 1 Dec. Caithness, D., and another, Waikaka, N.Z. Dredge-anchor Cameron, B. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Travelling-raoe for sheep, &o. Cameron, W. A. H., and another, Wellington, N.S. W. Glass-washing machine Campbell, A,, Sutton, N.Z. Animal-cover fastening Campbell, A., Button, N.Z. Pocket Campbell, W., Ashburton, N.Z. Bread-tin Cannell, C., St. Mary's, Tasmania. Pump-gearing Catlaw, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-bridge Carlson, S., Stockholm, Sweden. (See E. G. A. Brattstrom, No. 20263.) Carrington, G., Clive, N.Z. Pea-shelling machine Carrington, G., Clive, N.Z. Gate Catesby, A. G., aDd others, London, Eug. Floor-coverings Catesby, J. T., and others, London, Eng. Floor-coverings Catesby, W. E., and others, London, Bug Floor-coverings Cayford, J. H., East St. Louis, U.S.A. (See E. Phillips, No. 20334.) Chambers, W. J., Doyleston, N.Z. Seed and manure power Chapman, A. H., Kurow, N.Z. Meat-preserving .. Chapman, W. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Nib ejector Chappell, W., Puhoi, N.Z. Measuring suu's altitude, &c. Charl'on, J. R., Christchurcb, N.Z. Preventing horse from kicking Chartered Patents Company, Limited, New York, U.S.A. Typ; casting and setting machine. (J. R and G. A. Pearson) Chaytor, B. T., and another, Te Puke, N.Z. Axle for wheel Clancy, J. 0., Melbourne, Vic (See F. Mackay and A. J. Beckwith, No. 20133.) Clapham, G. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-bracket Clark, B., Sydney, N.S.W. Meat-extract apparatus Clark, K., Sydney, N.S.W. Meat-preserving process Clark, D., Baimsdale, Vie. Gold-refining process Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Earthenware kiln Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Straightening earthenware pipes .. Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Flanging-machine for earthenware pipes Oleary, H., Whangaiei, N Z. Cream cooler and holder Cliff, P. E., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Chaff-cutter Cliff, H., and others, Melbourne, Vio. Chaff-cutter Coates, R., and others, Boulder City, W.A. Butter, provision, and liquid oooler Cobb, J. H., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Hair-pin .. 20397 20112 1 Dec. 23 Sept. 2 96 11 Jan., 1906.* 2 Nov.* 20294 10 Nov. 110 14 Dec. 20191 20192 20127 20158 20398 4 Oot. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 10 Oct. 1 Dec. 96 96 101 2 Nov.* 2 Nov.* 16 Nov.* 18940 18941 19127 19127 • 19127 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 21 Feb. 21 Feb. 21 Feb. 101 101 110 110 110 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 14 Deo. 14 Dec. 14 Dec. 20318 20393 20162 20299 20119 20454 13 Nov. 28 Nov. 12 Oct. 8 Nov. 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 106 1 Dec* 95 110 101 6 2 Nov.* 14 Dec 16 Nov. 25 Jan., 1906. 20226 26 Oct. 106 1 Dec* 19411 20143 20144 20169 20156 20193 20210 1 May 2 Oot. 2 Oct. 12 Oct. 5 Oct. 16 Oct. 19 Oct. 2 101 101 96 110 101 96 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 2 Nov.* 14 Dec* 16 Nov.* 2 Nov.* 20470 20291 20291 20315 19 Dec 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 15 Nov. 6 101 101 110 25 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov.* 16 Nov.* 14 Dec* 18862 15 Dec, 1904.. 96 2 Nov.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gtazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Cobbe, H. N. G., and another, Kalgoorlie, W.A. Shoes and dies for grinding-pans Cooks, P. J., and another, Opawa, N.Z. Poultry-feeder Coe, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Valve-connection for tires .. Coker, A. E., Timaru, N.Z. Removing wool from skins. (W. G. Coker) Coker, W. G., Timaru, N.Z. (See A. E. Coker, No. 19463.) Colley, F. G., an J another, Maoedon, U.S.A. (See American Seedingmachine Company, No. 20217.) Collier, A., Geelong, Vic Cheque form .. Collins, B. J., Auckland, N.Z. Directory Connell, J., Timaru, N.Z. Hill-climbing device .. Constable, F. C, and another, Perth, W.A. Skimmer for steam boiler Oooke, A. N., and another, Richmond, Vic Toe-plate for boots .. Cooper, F., Chrbtchurch, N.Z. Disc plough Cooper, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-pole controller Cooper, G., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Metal carting and spreading wagon Cooper, S. T., Eltharn, N.Z. Timber-wagon Costello, W., Masterton, N.Z. Bag-stand Cotton, F., Hornsby, N.S.W. Liquid-fuel burner Cowie, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk can filler Cradook, G., Bolton Percy, Eng. Rope-grip Cranwell, B. F., and another, HendersOD, N.Z. Motor cross-cutting machine Craven, A. T., Nelson, N.Z. Music roller and holder Craven, A. T., Nelson, N.Z. Music-holder Crook, J., Auckland, N.Z. Raising sunken ships Crook, J., Auckland, N.Z. Broom-rack.. Cross, A. W. S., and others, London, Eng. Dew-collecting reservoir Cross, L. H., and another, London, Eng. Nut-look Cutmore, H. A., London, Eng. Telephone-transmitter 20221 25 Oct. 106 1 Deo. 20428 20056 19463 8 Deo. 15 Sept. 29 Nov. 96 110 2 Nov. 14 Deo. 20 Deo. 20 Nov. 28 Sept. 6 Dec. 25 Jan., 1906. 20471 20363 20116 20415 6 101 2 16 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906. 20420 20284 19015 20438 7 Dec. 6 Nov. 1 Feb. 12 Dec. 106 110 6 1 Dec* 14 Deo. 25 Jan., 1906.* 20330 20401 20258 20242 20247 20301 17 Nov. 2 Dec. 31 Oot. 26 Oct. 30 Oct. 8 Nov. 106 2 101 1 Deo. , 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov. 110 106 14 Deo. 1 Deo.* 20384 20439 19917 19932 20271 20124 20252 25 Nov. 12 Dec. 19 Aug. 19 Aug. 2 Nov. 4 Oot. 30 Oot. 2 96 96 2 101 106 11 Jan., 1906.* 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov. 1 Deo. Dade, H. E., Canaan, U.S.A. Loose-leaf binder Dall, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Ball-tester Dally, C. Y., Masterton, N.Z. Penetrating-rays ..* Davey, J. F., Beverley, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 20139.) Day, J. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Can-washing valve De Mole, L. E., and others, Kalgoorlie, W.A. Butter, provision, and liquid cooler Dempsey, W., Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-tail stripper Dennison, F. R., Oamaru, N.Z. Motor speed-gear Deutsche Dauerbrot Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 18806.) De Witt, G. C, Melbourne, Vic. Refractory-ore treatment Diamanti, L. V., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ice-chest Dickason, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic Cow bail and stall Dixon, F. A., Albury, N.S.W. Eaves-gutter fascias Donisthorpe, A. R., Leicester, Eng. Crimping fibrous material Donne, B. L., Wellington, N.Z. Tent. (T. D. McCall) .. Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge tumbler and shaft Dugdale, T., Waimate, N.Z. Rainwater bead and strainer Dunoan, P., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Boot-sock.. Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Match-striker Dunnett, F. E., London, Eng. Anti-fouliug paint Dunning, J., Auokland, N.Z. Butter-box 20138 18929 20212 5 Oot. 7 Jan. 24 Oot. 101 106 16 Nov. 1 Deo. 20289 20315 10 Nov. 15 Nov. 101 110 16 Nov.* 14 Dec* 20142 20502 3 Oot. 28 Deo. 2 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 20248 20274 20186 20074 20249 20236 20510 20329 20369 20492 20251 19839 30 Oot. 3 Nov. 17 Oofc. 21 Sept. 30 Oot. 27 Oct. 29 Dec 17 Nov. 23 Nov. 20 Dec. 2 Nov., 1904 f 3 Aug. 106 106 96 96 1 Deo. 1 Dec* 2 Nov.* 2 Nov. 110 6 2 14 Dec 25 Jan.,'1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.' 6 110 96 25 Jan., 1906.* 14 Deo. 2 Nov.* Edkins, E. M., Dannevirke, N.Z. Reversing gear for saw-bench .. Edwards, W. H., Attunga, N.S.W. Detonator Egan, M., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Fire-reel carriage attached to cyole, &o. Ehrmann, M. B. L., St. Kilda, Vic. Manufacture of butter Ellen, J., Staveley, N.Z. Sheep-brand .. Ellen, J., Staveley, N.Z. Feeding-bottle protector Elvines, F., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Non siltable mat Eppler, A., Allston, N.Z. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 20317.) Evans, J. J., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Kauri-gum sieve Ever Fresh Bread Company. (See Deuteche Dauerbrot Gesellschaft.) 20121 20408 20409 2 Oct. 6 Dec 6 Dec. 91 19 Oct.* 2 41 Jan., 1906.* 20475 20175 20118 20283 20 Deo. 12 Oct. 30 Sept. 7 Nov. 6 96 106 101 25 Jan., 1906. 2 Nov.* 1 Deo. 16 Nov.* 20209 18 Oct. 101 16 Nov.* Fallows, E. H., New York, U.S.A. (See E. Phillips, No. 20334.) Farrell, F. J., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-alarm attachment to telephone Feige, H., and others, San Francisco, U.S.A. Recovery of preoious metals Fenton, J., Grey Lynn, N.Z. Hat-fastener Firth, E. T. C, Auckland, N.Z. Pumice-soap .. Fitzgerald, P., Lawlers, W.A. (See Bewick, Moreing, and Co., No. 20500.) Flett, J. J., Enfield, N.Z. Weed-eradicator Ford, A. S., Coromandel, N.Z. Weighing-attachment to dray Forscutt, S. B., Oamaru, N.Z. Funnel.. Forsoutt, S. B., Oamaru, N.Z. Clamping matt cess-frame to bedstead 18974 20137 16 Jan. 5 Oot. 110 106 14 Deo. 1 Deo. 20151 20276 6 Oot. 2 Nov. 96 106 2 Nov.* 1 Dec* 20432 20157 20467 20509 11 Dec. 10 Oot. 18 Deo. 30 Dec 101 6 6 16 Nov.* 25 Jan., 1906.* 25 Jan., 1906.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. No. Al Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Fowler, T. W., Melbourne, Vic. Fire-plug Praser, J. C, Goromatdel, N.Z. Steam-turbine .. French, A. G., Motupipi, N.Z. Cerent-manufacture Pry, R. J., Kialla, Vic Rabbit-trap Pry, B. J., Brunswick, Vic. Animal-trap 20254 20219 20378 19735 20441 30 Oct. 25 Oct. 27 Nov. 14 July 12 Deo. 101 101 110 106 2 16 Nov.* 16 Nov. 14 Dec* 1 Deo. 11 Jan., 1906.* 3albally, J. O., Wellington, N.Z. Building-block 3arner, W. R., Melbourne, Vic Cycle-gear 3arside, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Sprayer 3ee, E. J., Papanui, N.Z. Sun-blind 3ibbons, R. G, Sjdney, N.S.W. Dynamo eleotric-generator. (P. Rabbidge) billies, A., Geelong. Vic Teat-cup 3illies, A., Geelong, Vic. Milking-machine claw .. 31ossop, J., Dnnedin, N.Z. Boring-apparatus 3-ordon, F. E. A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Washing-fluid 3raham, J. P., and another, Waikaka, N.Z. Dredge-anchor jrainger, A. M., Oamaru, N.Z. Bird-trap 3rant, J. H., and another, Ballarat, Vic Ore-furnace 3ray, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Pneumatic knee-ring 3ray, ±S. P., Birmingham, Eng. Hoof-pad for horse-shoe .. 3ray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed-sower 3-ray, J. H., San Francisco, U.S.A. Shaft-bearings 3-reensill, B. T. R., Mahau, N.Z. Egg-beater holder 3resbam, E. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Dental plates .. 3resham, E. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Dental instrument . 3resham, E. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Pneumatic knee-ring jribbon, J. S., and another, Benalla, Vic Sash-support .. 3riffitbs, W. J. J., Normanby, N.Z. Animal-cover fastening 3rove, E. N., Wellington, N.Z. Moving tram-rail points, &c 3-rundy, B., Gisborne, N.Z. Woven-wire stretcher 3undrie, W. W., South Norsewood, N.Z. Fencing-dropper 19198 20352 20496 20208 20351 13 Maroh 22 Nov. 22 Deo. 21 Oct. 22 Nov. 110 110 96 2 14 Dec. 14 Dec.' 2 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 20164 20165 20392 20486 20397 19999 18838 20405 20171 19167 20362 20442 20340 20341 20405 20222 20278 20440 18577 20270 12 Oofc. 12 Oot. 27 Nov. 21 Dec. 1 Deo. 5 Sept. 6 Dec, 1904 4 Deo. 6Jan.f 6 March 23 Nov. 12 Dec. 20 Nov. 20 Nov. 4 Dec. 25 Oot. 4 Nov. 12 Deo. 11 Oct., 1904 .. 2 Nov. 96 96 110 2 2 96 96 '"6 110 2 Nov.* 2 Nov.* 14 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 2 Nov.* 2 Nov. 25 Jan., 1906. 14 Dec. 6 110 110 25 Jan., 1906. 14 Dec* 14 Dec* 106 1 Dec 2 106 11 Jan., 1906.' 1 Dec. Saigh, T. G., Linwood, N.Z. Whisking machine Hall, R. E., Port Levy, N.Z. Gate-fastener Hall, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Non-siltable mat Hall, W., Addingtou, N.Z. Grain-dressing Hanlon, J., Ballarat, Vic. Engraving plates Hanson, C. P., Waireka, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Hardie, L., Christchurch, N.Z. Swing .. Hardwick, T. J., and another, Perth, W.A. Cycle-inflation connection Hardy, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-fastener Sardy, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-mover and lock Harrington, A., and another, Leicester, Eng. Boot and shoe machinery Harris, C. H., Wellington, N.Z. Kettle and saucepan Harrison, P. Y., and another, Bradford, Eng. Top-pieoe for bootheel Hart, G. H., Koromiko, N.Z. Lock Hartley, S. S., Petaluma, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 20140.) Harvey, G., Melbourne, Vic Writing-appliance for the blind Harvey, W., Auckland, N.Z. Continuous-pressure block .. Hatmaker, J. R., Paris, France. Cacao sugar and milk preparation Hatmaker, J. R., Paris, France. Obtaining milk-sugar and casein from milk Hatmaker, J. R., Paris, Franoe. Dry oompound of coffee and milk rlatmaker, J. R., Paris, France. Blood-drying process Hatmaker, J. R., Paris, France. Fruit-drying process Haughton, R. A., Wellington, N.Z. Emptying kerosene-tins Hawkins, T. H., London, Eng. Acetylene lamp and generator Haworth, R, D., Wellington, N.Z. Cardboard-box manufaoture Hayward, C. E., jun., and another, Maungakaramea, N.Z. Snapcatch for leg-rope Head, J. A., Lyttelton, N.Z. Brush and polishingglove .. Heale, S. C, Christchuroh, N.Z. Picture-frame Healy, L., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Wheel-jack Heavener, H., jun., Blayney, N.S.W. Horse kicking and bolting preventer Heeb, M., Port Legar, N.Z. Turbine .. Hemming, H. J. R., Hither Green, Eng. Sterilising and preserving food Henderson, G. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Making filled capsules Henderson, T. H., Carterton, N.Z. Weed-destroyer Henry, G. J., jun., San Francisco, U.S.A. Hydraulio nozzle Herous, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Window-sash Hercus, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Recording movements of persons .. Herrington, F., and others, San Juan, Porto Rico. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 20080.) Heskett, T. J., Brunswick, Vic. Iron and steel manufacture Hicks, L. H., Williamstown, Vic. Toe-plate for boots liggie, T., Okoia, N.Z. Cow-leg holder .. Sill, W. E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-outter Hitcben, T., Sydney, N.S.W. Oven-door 20380 20117 20383 20319 20417 20463 20225 20345 28 Nov. 30 Sept. 7 Nov. 13 Nov. 7 Deo. 18 Dec. 24 Oot. 22 Nov. 110 101 101 6 2 2 101 110 14 Dec* 16 Nov. 16 Nov.* 25 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov.* 14 Dec* 20199 20277 20413 21 Oot. 2 Nov. 6 Dec. 101 2 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906. 20281 20292 7 Nov. 10 Nov. 106 2 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906. 20325 16 Nov. 106 1 Dec* 20431 20048 20166 20167 11 Deo. 14 Sept. 20 Oct., 1904f 11 Oct., 1904f 2 96 101 101 11 Jan., 1906.* 2 Nov. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 20359 20360 20361 20055 20326 20433 20215 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov., 1904f 18 Sept. 16 Nov. 11 Dec. 24 Oot. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906. 20176 20429 20216 20224 12 Oct. 8 Deo. 23 Oct. 25 Oot. 101 6 6 16 Nov. 25 Jan., 1906.* 25 Jan., 1906.* 20354 20456 22 Nov. 31 Deo., 1904 f 110 6 14 Dec* 25 Jan., 1906. 20290 19060 20422 20200 20489 10 Nov. 10 Feb. 7 Deo. 16 Oct. 19 Dec. 110 2 2 106 14 Dec 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec. 20491 20420 20434 20240 20110 22 Dec. 7 Dec. 11 Dec. 25 Oot. 28 Sept. 6 2 106 96 25 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec* 2 Nov.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent- continued.

Name, Address, and Invention. No. A] Application. eazette. Date. No. Date. Hofsteede (See ter-Hofsteede.) Hogan, M., Edendale, N.Z. Grain and seed oleaning machine Hogbacks, L. E., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Saw-bench Holmes, G. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head Hopkinson, E. C, and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Wheel-jack .. Hopwood, A.,PalmerstonNorth,N.Z. Means for keeping accounts .. Horrocks Automatio Vending-machine Company, Limited, Wellington, N.Z. Vending-machine. (L. B. Horrooks) Horrooks, L. B., New Plymouth, N.Z. (See The Horrocks Automatio Vending-machine Company, Limited, No. 20220.) Houghton, E. M., Detroit, U.S.A. Vaccine .. House, H., Melbourne, Vic. Grain-riddle Houseman, A., and another, Newcastle, N.S.W. (See Universal Patent Bottle Company, Limited, No. 20148.) Houseman, A., Newcastle, N.S.W. Bottle-closure Houseman, A., Newcastle, N.S.W. Bottle Howlin, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Operating-valves .. Hubbard, A. J., and others, London, Eng. Dew-collecting reservoir Hubbard, G., and others, London, Eng. Dew-collecting reservoir .. Hudson, R., Wellington, N.Z. Partition-wall Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. ' Steam-distribution for locomotive. (H. Lentz and C. Bellens) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Casting curved stereotypes. (The Printing Machinery Company, Limited—H. A. W. Wood) Hugo, A. J. 0., Kalgoorlie, W. A., Locomotive-valve setting machine Humphries, E. J., Mataura, N.Z. Plough-wheel mounting Hunter, J. D., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Liquid-measure Hunter, W. E., and another, Maungakaramea, N.Z. Snap-catch for leg-rope Huntley, E. S., Coolgardie, W. A. Slimes-filter Hurd, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Draught-preventer Hutchison, A., and another, Melbourne, Vio. (See L. B. Morres, No. 20134.) Hutton, E. W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Max-dressing 20391 19966 20376 20216 19000 20220 20081 20497 20190 20223 19644 20271 25 Nov. 1 Sept. 27 Nov. 23 Oct. 28 Jan. 25 Oot. 22 Sept. 28 Deo. 19 Oot. 25 Oot. 28 June 2 Nov. 101 110 6 91 96 101 6 106 6 2 2 16 Nov. 14 Dec* 25 Jan., 1906.* 19 Oot. 2 Nov.* 16 Nov. 25 Jan., 1906.* IDeo. 25 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 20271 20087 20067 2 Nov. 25 Sept. 21 Sept. 2 101 96 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov. 2 Nov. 20355 22 Nov. 20348 20187 20402 20215 22 Nov. 18 Oot. 29 Nov. 24 Oot. 2 101 2 2 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 20128 20234 4 Oot. 24 Oot. 101 16 Nov.* 20331 15 Nov. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* Innes, J. T., Mount Gambier, S. A. Feed-water supply for boiler International Cigar Machinery Company, New York, U.S.A. Cigar Maohinery. (O. Tyberg, W. S. Luokett, L. Lake, H. Knight, and F. Herrington) 20136 20080 5 Oot. 22 Sept. 101 96 16 Nov. 2 Nov. Jack, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Production of gas Jamieson, W., and another, Gray's, Essex, Eng. (See Machinemade Casks, Limited, No. 20505.) Jerram, A. E., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18925.) Johansen, V., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Valve-oonnection for tires Johnson, C. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-bridge Johnston, A., Napier, N.Z. Shaft-tug .. Johnstone, A., Milton, N.Z. Cornice Jones, E. J. W., and another, Aratapu, N.Z. Cool-safe .. Jones, H. J., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Piano-attachment Jones, J. H., and another, Cromwell, N.Z. Gold-saving dredge Jones, W. B., Hastings, N.Z. Fencing-standard Junor, W., and others, Toronto, Canada. Extraction of gold 20469 19 Deo. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 15 Sept. 2 Nov. 20056 96 20398 20230 20244 20495 20207 20394 20188 20421 1 Dec. 26 Oot. 28 Oot. 22 Deo. 21 Oot. 28 Nov. 18 Oot. 7 Deo. 101 101 106 2 106 2 16 Nov.* 16 Nov.* 1 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906.* Kaiser, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Glass-polishing machine. (N. Weiderer and Co.) Kane, W., and another, Cromwell, N.Z. Gold-saving dredge Keesing, T. H., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Post-card .. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Oo.'s New Zealand Drug Company, Limited, Dunedin, N.Z. Culinary essence Kemsley, G. V., Reikorangi, N.Z. Fire-alarm Kemsley, G. V., Reikorangi, N.Z. Fire-alarm Kenyon, E. F. B., and another, Hove, Eng. Bread-crumbier Kennedy, W., Sheffield, N.Z. Blight-preventing composition Kilgour, E. C, Eohuca, Vic. Acetylene-generator Killen, E. B., London, Eng. Tire Kilworth, W., Scottsdale, Tas. (See A. W. Loone, No. 20368.) Kirkbride, J. L., Auokland, N.Z. Fender for tramcar Knight, H., and others, Jersey City, U.S.A. (See International Cigar Maohinery Company, No. 20080.) Kolling, C, Sydney, N.S.W. Goods-elevator 20356 22 Nov. 6 25 Jan., 1906. 20394 20180 20014 28 Nov. 12 Oot. 9 Sept. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 96 2 Nov. 20130 20131 19112 20194 20447 20504 4 Oct. 4 Oot. 21 Feb. 17 Oot. 14 Deo. 28 Deo. 91 91 2 106 6 19 Oct.* 19 Oct.* 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec. 25 Jan., 1906. 20443 11 Deo. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 20483 21 Deo. Lake, L., and others, Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 20080.) Langley, J. M., and others, Victoria, B.C. Fire-alarm Langton, E. G., Masterton, N.Z. Toilet-comb Larsen, C. E., Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-braeket La Trobe, W. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Dried-milk manufacture Laugesen, W. E. L., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Saw-benoh Lavertine, A. G., and another, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Inflating 19925 20293 20122 20407 23 Aug. 10 Nov. 2 Oot. 5 Dec. 110 106 91 110 14 Dec. 1 Dec* 19 Oct.* 14 Dec* 19966 20466 1 Sept. 18 Deo. 101 6 16 Nov. 25 Jan., 1906.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Dato. No. Date. Leah, H., Wellington, N.Z. Shade-holder for eleotric lights Lees, J., and others, Boulder City, W.A. Butter, provision, and liquid cooler 20129 20315 4 Oct. 15 Nov. 96 110 2 Nov.* 14 Dec* Legg, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Attaching handle of baker's peel Lentz, H., and another, Berlin, Germany. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20067.) Leslie, G., Wanganui, N.Z. Enriching and preserving natural oolours of timbers Lietz, W. P., Dunedin, N.Z. Portable reoeptacle Lightner, H. L., and others, San Francisco, U.S.A. Recovery of precious metals Litherland, T. E., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Kauri-gum sieve .. Ljungstrom, B., Stookholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, Nos. 20311, 20455.) Looking, B., Napier, N.Z. Weed and animal destruction Lombard, N., Worcester, U.S.A. Governor Loone, A. W., Scottsdale, Tas. Cycle toe-clip. (W. Kilworth) Louden, J. A. E., Auckland, N.Z. Ice-chest Love, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Horse-collar Love, R., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Post-card Lowe, G. I., Palmerston North, N.Z. Bicyole-pump Luokett, W. S., and others, New York, U.S.A. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 20080.) Luke, E. T., Caulfleld, Vic. (See W. J. Rae, No. 18749.) Lungley, C. P., Melbourne, Vic. Manufacture of ammonia Lutjohann, J. F., Christchuroh, N.Z. Raising surface of billiardtable Lyell, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Tea-fuser 18829 3 Dec, 1904.. ( 110 I 110 14 Dec* 14 Dec. 20385 25 Nov. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 19029 20137 1 Feb. 5 Oct. 110 106 14 Dec. 1 Dec. 20209 18 Oct. 101 16 Nov.* 20406 19425 20368 20372 20146 20180 20113 5 Dec. 4 May 23 Nov. 22 Nov. 3 Oct. 12 Oct. 30 Sept. • 88 110 6 96 5 Oct. 14 Dec* 25 Jan., 1906.* 2 Nov.* 96 2 Nov.* 20423 20490 7 Deo. 19 Dec 2 6 11 Jan., 1906.* 25 Jan., 1906.* 20375 25 Nov. Maaskant, 0., Waterval Bowen, Transvaal. Preventing unauthorised access to railway-trucks Machine - made Casks, Limited, London, Eng. Stave - preparing maohine (W. Jamieson and R. Burn) Machine-made Casks, Limited, London, Eng. Casks. (R. Burn) .. Maokay, F., and another, Melbourne, Vie Gold-extraction. (J. C. Clanoy) Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Trolley-wheel guide Macintosh, W. P., Annandale, N.S.W. Tobacco lighter .. Maolaurin, J. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Dried milk Madeley, O. T., Corindhap, Vic. Rabbit-trap Madeley, O. T., Corindhap, Vic. Label for mail-bag Mapp, T. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Treating forage Marine Construction Company, San Prancisco, U.S.A. Sand-blast apparatus. (J. D. Murray) Markwich, H., Waihi, N.Z. Cornioe for window Marlow, E. G., and another, Claremont, W.A. Skimmer for steamboiler Marsh, P., West Maitland, N.S.W. Gold-treatment Marsh, F., West Maitland, N.S.W. Amalgamating-maohine Marshall, J. W., and another, Wellington, N.S.W. Glass-washing maohine Martin, E. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Half-tone prooess block Martin, W. E., Stamford, Eng. Side-delivery rake for hay Mason, J., Sebastopol, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 20140.) Matheson, A., Hunterville, N.Z. Cutter for wall-paper Matthews, K., Auckland, N.Z. Treating New Zealand flax Matthews, K., Auckland, N.Z. Flax process Mayhew, G. S., London, Eng. (See G. W. Mellor, No. 20358.) McCall, T. D., Chicago, U.S.A. (See B. L. Donne, No. 20236.) MoCarthy, J., Auckland, N.Z. Easy and folding chair MoOonnel), J. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Cigarette-making MoCrea, P. E., Northcote, N.Z. Pillow-laoe loom McCullough, W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Gold-saving table .. McCully, S., Seadown, N.Z. Solution for destroying weeds McDonald, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sediment - trap strainer MoDonald, A., Taieri, N.Z. Sediment-strainer .. MoDonald, 0., Roxburgh, N.Z. Sleeve for dredge-tumbler shaft .. MoDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Egg-preserver .. MoDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Egg-carrier MoDonald, H. E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ice-chest McDowell, N. A., and others, Victoria, B.C. Pire-alarm .. McParlane, J. H., East Devonport, Tas. Cycle-pedal gear MoGregor, E., and another, Turakina, N.Z. Sheep-shears McGregor, J., and another, Turakina, N.Z. Sheep-shears Mclntyre, W., Westport, N.Z. Coal-boring drill. (J. Smith) MoKay, W. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Hair-pin McKean, J., and another, Benalla, Vic. Sash-support McKinnon, W., Arapawanui, N.Z. Feeder for animals McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Potato and fruit sprayer McLennan, A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Cow bail and stall .. MoLeod, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Diving-dress 20418 20505 20506 20133 20498 20065 20407 19798 20195 20316 20412 20288 20415 20197 20198 20294 20327 20253 20120 20468 20507 7 Dec 28 Deo. 28 Dec. 5 Oct. 23 Dec 21 Sept. 5 Dec 27 July 19 Oct. 15 Nov. 6 Dec. 10 Nov. 6 Dec. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 10 Nov. 16 Nov. 31 May f 2 Oct. 28 Dec. 28 Dec. 2 106 6 106 110 96 2 106 2 2 106 106 110 106 106 91 2 2 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec. 25 Jan , 1906.* 1 Dec. 14 Dec* 2 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec* 1 Dec* 14 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 19 Oct.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan. 1906.* 20266 20374 20306 20115 19067 18871 30 Oct. 25 Nov. 11 Nov. 25 Sept. 13 Feb. 16 Dec, 1904 110 110 2 106 110 96 14 Dec. 14 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec* 14 Dec. 2 Nov. 20256 2020J 18935 20269 20274 19925 19030 20347 20347 20333 18862 20222 18950 20257 20186 20177 28 Oot. 17 Otit. 10 Jan. 2 Nov. 3 Nov. 23 Aug. 1 Feb. 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 18 Nov. 15 Dec, 1904.. 25 Oot. 12 Jan. 31 Oot. 17 Oct. 12 Oot. 101 101 106 101 106 110 110 16 Nov.* 16 Nov.* 1 Dec. 16 Nov.* 1 Dec* 14 Dec. 14 Dec* 96 106 101 2 Nov. 1 Dec. 16 Nov. 96 96 2 Nov.* 2 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No Date. No. Date. McNarry, J., Oamaru, N.Z. Spring key.. McNamara, J., Montreal, Canada. (See Mergenthaler Linotype Company, No. 20141.) McNeil, A. H., Clapton, Eng. Fire-alarm MoNeill, J. F., Melbourne, Vic Go-cart McNellan, J. B., and another, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Inflating rubber tires McPhedran, D. T., Timaru, N.Z. Music-holder for piano MoPhee, J. H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Tobacco cutter and box Mead, J., Warkworth, N.Z. Generating gas from kerosene-oil Mead, J., Warkworth, N.Z. Show-ease fastener .. Meddings, W. G., Rernuera, N.Z. Fire-alarm Mellor, G. W., London, Eng. Compound deal-forming machine. (G. S. Mayhow) Mergenthaler Linotype Company, New York, U.S.A. Monoline com-posing-machine. (J. McNamara) Meyer, W. C, Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 20451.) Middleton, G., London, Eng. Road-vehicle wheel Middleton, W., and another, Kalgoorlie, W.A. Shoes and dies for grinding-pans Miller, T., North-east Valley, N.Z. Sash-lock Mitchell, A., Auburn, Vic Screw tap Mole. (See de Mole.) Moore, D., Timaru, N.Z. Seed-sower Moore, G., Pahiatua, N.Z. Vehicle oushion Mordaunt, L. 0., and another, Melbourne, Vic (See L. B. Morres, No. 20134.) Murrell, R. L., London, Eng. Carburetting apparatus Morres, L. B., Melbourne, Vic. Electric plaster (A. Hutchison and L. C. Mordaunt) Morrison, A. R., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-mattress strengthener Morton, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Window-sash Moser, L. J., London, Eng. (See the Arcanum, Limited, No. 20349.) Muir, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Ventilator for buildings Mullins, P., Westport, N.Z. Playing-oards Murray, J. D., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See Marine Construction Company, No. 20412.) 20493 20 Dec. 6 25 Jan., 1906.* 20414 20228 20466 6 Deo. 5 Oct. 18 Dec. 2 2 6 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 25 Jan., 1906. 20365 20476 20255 20444 20173 20358 21 Nov. 15 Dec. 30 Oct. 11 Dec. 10 Oct. 23 Nov. 110 2 101 14 Deo.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov.* 101 16 Nov.* 20141 5 Oot. 101 16 Nov. 20344 20221 22 Nov. 25 Oct. 2 106 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec. 20321 20309 15 Nov. 14 Nov. 106 1 Dec* 20479 20179 19 Dec. 16 Oct. 6 101 25 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov.* 20218 20134 25 Oct. 5 Oct. 106 1 Deo. 20145 20200 3 Oct. 16 Oct. 106 1 Deo. 20181 20307 14 Oct. 13 Nov. 96 106 2 Nov.* 1 Deo. Nalder, H., Nelson, N.Z. Toe-clip Nalty, V., Melbourne, Vic. Non-punoturable spring tire .. Nankivell, W. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Raft .. Nathan, A., Makino, N.Z. Milk food .. Nathan, A., Makino, N.Z. Egg-powder.. Newnham, A. A., Wellington, N.Z. Lock-nut Nicholls, B. S., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Washing-boiler Nicholls, J. H., and others, Auokland, N.Z. Washing-boiler Nicholls, J. H., Wellington, N.Z. Carpenters'gauge Nicol, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Removing coal from railway-truck Nightingall, V. C. J., Melbourne, Vic. Controller for gas-burner .. Nisbet, G. A., New Plymouth, N.Z. Vehiole circle-plate lubrioator Nosworthy, W. H., and another, Ramsgate, Eng. Non-refillable bottle and stopper 20174 20297 20285 20231 20232 20314 20265 20265 20379 20383 20149 20154 20268 13 Oct. 10 Nov. 8 Nov. 26 Oot. 26 Oct. 15 Nov. 30 Oot. 30 Oct. 27 Nov. 28 Nov. 6 Oct. 9 Oct. 2 Nov. 101 16 Nov.* 106 2 101 1 Deo.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov.* 2 101 101 106 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov. 16 Nov.* 1 Deo. Oates, J. G., Carterton, N.Z. Sporting-telegraph O'Connell, T. F., Catlin's, N.Z. Slirrup-iron Oddie, F. A., Waikino, N.Z. Ore-crusher O'Dowd, J., Tapanui, N.Z. Roof-gutter O'Keoffe, P. H., Ramornie, N.S.W. Corning of meat Olsen, K. A., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Scaffolding .. O'Neil, J., Christchnroh. N.Z. Windmill O'Neil, T., Hendes Ferry, N.Z. Timing-apparatus for shutting off lights, &c 20282 20295 20425 19629 20064 20153 20280 20213 7 Nov. 10 Nov. 5 Deo. 26 June 21 Sept. 5 Oot. 6 Nov. 24 Oct. 106 1 Dec* 2 106 110 96 110 106 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec. 14 Deo. 2 Nov.* 14 Deo. lDec* Page, W. 0., Eltham, N.Z. Securing wheels on axles Palmer, H. S. W., and another, London, Eng. Tea preparation Paora, O., Orakei, N.Z. Road-forming machine .. Park, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Shackle. (W. Beamish) .. Park, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Waterproof fabrio, and method of manufacture. (L. A. Bond) Park, R. P., Melbourne, Vic. Sluice-box for gold-saving .. Parker, A., Danuevirke, N.Z. Stamp-vending machine Parrish, E. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Window-sash sustainer .. Paterson, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Jug-cover Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Pearce, L., Fremantle, W.A. Tobacoo-pipe Pearson, G. A., and another, Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See The Chartered Patents Company, Limited, No. 20454.) Pearson, J. R., and another, Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See The Chartered Patents Company, Limited, No. 20454.) Pearson, M. H., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Maohinery Company, No. 18925.) Perry, F. H., West Medford, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18926.) 20296 20163 20300 20335 20350 10 Nov. 12 Oot. 8 Nov. 20 Nov. 22 Nov. 110 101 106 110 2 14 Dec. 16 Nov. 1 Dec* 14 Deo.* 11 Jan., 1906. 20488 20227 20043 19125 20411 20183 21 Deo. 26 Oot. 15 Sept.. 20 Feb. 2 Deo. 17 Oct. 2 101 96 110 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov.* 2 Nov. 14 Dec 101 16 Nov.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Perry, B., Wellington, N.Z. Fastening pulley to window-sash Peters, J., Wahroongaa, N.Z. Egg-beater Peters, J. F., Devonport, N.Z. Fly-catcher Phillips, E., Melbourne, Vio. Rendering apparatus. (B. H. Fallows —J. H. Gayford) Philpott, T. S., Wellington, N.Z. Game of cards.. Philpott, T. S., Wellington, N.Z. Ventilating-window Pooook, B. V., Ashburton, N.Z. Plough-coulter .. Pollard, E. T., London, Eng. Fluid-pressure turbine Pollard, E. T., and another, London, Eng. (See British-American Machinery Company, Limited, No. 20419.) Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Depositing tickets in bales of flax .. Porch, W., Epsom, N.Z. Suction-collar for artesian-well pipes Potton, L. H., and another, Cbristchurch, N.Z. Attaching models to dental articulator Power, J. J., Glenlyon, Vic. Wash-board Powrie, J. A., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Rainwater-strainer Prescott, 8. J., and another. Non-refillable bottle and stopper Frice, F. G., Calcutta, India. Bolt-hole leak stop Priest, S., jun., West Devonport, Tas. Cooking-range Priest, S., jun., West Devonport, Tas. Wall-tie .. Priest, W., and others, San Francisco, U.S.A. Recovery of precious metals Printing Maohinery Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20355.) Pritchard, G. T., Wanganui, N.Z. Railway signalling-apparatus .. Pulley, C. F., Wellington, N.Z. Dressing timber used in wharfbuilding, &c. Pulman, G., Auckland, N.Z. Dwelling .. 20126 18964 20416 20334 4 Oot. 11 Jan. 2 Dec. 20 Nov. 91 106 19 Oot.* IDec. "a 11 Jan.','1906. 20313 20457 19721 18879 15 Nov. 15 Deo. 13 July 20 Deo., 1904 .. 106 2 110 96 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906/ 14 Dec. 2 Nov. 20233 20337 20396 26 Oot. 20 Nov. 28 Nov. 101 16 Nov.* "2 11 Jan., 1906.* 20474 20305 20268 19685 20403 19131 20137 20 Deo. 13 Nov. 2 Nov. 6 July 29 Nov. 22 Feb. 5 Oot. 106 110 2 2 106 1 Dec. 14 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec. 20206 20473 21 Oot. 20 Dec. 101 2 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 20426 5 Deo. Rabbidge, P., Neutral Bay, N.S.W. (See R. G. Gibbons, No. 20351.) Radcliffe, F. G., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Post-card .. Rae, W. J., Melbourne, Vic. Time-table and advertising device. (E. T. Luke) Rands, H., Methven, N.Z. Marbling wood and iron work .. Rask, C, and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Travelling-race for sheep, &o. Bavn, N. J., and another, Ghristohurch, N.Z. Boot-sock .. Rawhiti, T. T., Hamilton, N.Z. Wagon-pole Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Spreader for dray-chain Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Making bread. (Deutsche Dauerbrot Gesellschaft) Reeve, V. R., Matapu, N.Z. Diverting first portion of rain water on roof from tank Regenerated Cold Air Company, Boston, U.S.A. Air-treating apparatus. (F. White) Reid, A. W., Stratford, N.Z. Liquid-flow regulator Rich, F., and another, Rushworth, Vic. Tire-valve Richmond, J., Cromwell, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance Ridd, A., Waipuku, N.Z. Pneumatic teat-cups .. Robertson, A. B., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Cow-bail Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Postmarking-machine .. Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Postmarking-machine .. Robertson, E. L., Wellington, N.Z. Egg-carrier.. Robertson, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle .. Robinson, G. H., Sunderland, Eng. (See A., G. W., and C. A. Beldam, No. 20353.) Robinson, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutter .. Robson, R. H., Taihape, N.Z. Composition for building-block Rodgers, S., Tuapeka West, N.Z. Fish-plate for railway-rail Rodgers, S., Tuapeka West, N.Z. Railway-rail .. ' .. Rodgers, S., Tuapeka West, N.Z. Fish-plate for railway-rails Rodgers, S., Tuapeka West, N.Z. Ratchet-nut .. Roe, M. H., and another, Mamaku, N.Z. Motor cross - cutting machine Boss, C. G., and others, Taihape, N.Z. Sheep-shears ... Ross, H. I. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Ventilating-system Rouse. F., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel lock Rutland, C, and another, Perth, W.A. Cjole-inflation connection 19451 18749 18951 20112 20369 19145 18983 18806 20482 20107 20172 20261 18971 20239 20458 20260 20371 20235 20047 8 May 16 Nov., 1904 .. 11 Jan. 23 Sept. 23 Nov. 27 Feb. 19 Jan. 19 Dec, 1903f 21 Deo. 28 Sept. 12 Oot. 1 Nov. 14 Jan. 27 Oot. 15 Deo. 1 Nov. 31 Deo., 1904f 27 Oot. 14 Sept. 2 91 101 96 2 106 110 2 101 96 110 106 101 2 101 6 101 106 11 Jan., 1906. 19 Oct. 16 Nov. 9 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Deo. 14 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov. 2 Nov.* 14 Dec. 1 Dec. 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov.* 25 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov.* 1 Dec. 20240 20459 20460 20461 20477 20478 20301 25 Oot. 15 Deo. 14 Dec. 14 Dec. 18 Deo. 18 Dee. 8 Nov. 106 1 Dec* 106 1 Dec* 20347 20178 20237 20345 22 Nov. 13 Oot. 27 Oot. 22 Nov. 101 106 110 16 Nov. 1 Dec* 14 Dec* Sable, E., Korong Vale, Vic. Rabbit-trap Sahlstrom, O. A., Ottawa, Canada. Electrical ozoniser Samuel, T., Westport, N.Z. Elevating and concentrating black sand Sanderson, J., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Window-blind retainer Saunders, M., and another, Pleasant Point, N.Z. Bagging and stacking grain Saunderson, H. P , Bedford, Eng. Motor Schroeder, E. S., Woodville, S.A. Stump-extractor Schultze, A., Greymouth, N.Z. Carriage and spjcer for typewriter Scobie, R., Wright's Bush, N.Z. Securing coulter to plough-beam.. Scott, G., Halswell, N.Z. Injecting air into cow's udder Shale, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Insulator for electric wires Sharpe, J., Glebe, N.S.W. Wire suspender for bottle 20386 19650 20370 19007 29 Nov. 28 June 23 Nov. 26 Jan. 2 110 110 110 11 Jan., 1906.* 14 Dec. 14 Dec* 14 Dec 20410 4 D,o. 2 11 Jan., 1906. • 19003 19113 20273 19040 20104 20286 20068 25 Jan. 21 Feb. 28 Oot. 7 Feb. 27 Sept. 8 Nov. 21 Sept. 2 2 6 110 96 106 96 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 25 Jan., 1906.* 14 Dec 2 Nov.* 1 Dec* 2 Nov.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

13—H, 10.—06,

Name, Address, and Invention. No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Shephard, W., Adair S., N.Z. Destroying blight on plants Siegenberg, L., jun., London, Eng. Inoandescent burner Slater, J. G., and others, Toronto, Canada. Gold-extraotion Slemitz, 0., Auckland, N.Z. Spray-pump Sloper, C, and another, Smithfield, N.Z. Depilating hides Smaill, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Water-tube boiler Smallbone, R. E., Auckland, N.Z. Knife cleaner Smith, H. T., and another, Christohureh, N.Z. Station-indicator .. Smith, J., Westport, N.Z. (See W. Mclntyre, No. 20333.) Smith, P. A. N., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electrical and oil motorcar and marine engine Smith, S., Christohureh, N.Z. Shoe Smith, W., Waiuku, N.Z. Runaway-horse holder Sollitt, R. H., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Lifting and lowering blinds Solomon, D., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Studless house Solomon, J., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Studless house Southall, R. H., and another, Leeds, Eng. Top-piece for boot-heel Speirs, W., and another, Leicester, Eng. Boot and shoe machinery Spencer, W. E., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Window-blind retainer Staines, F., Melbourne, Vic. Pea shelling machine Stedman, S. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sediment-trap strainer Steele, J. T., West Croydon, Eng. Loose-leaf aocount-book Steer, J., Napier, N.Z. Washing-fluid .. Stevens, R., Christohureh, N.Z. Milk-cooler and aerator .. Stevenson, G., Woolston, N.Z. Mop-wringer Stewart, R. L., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Post-card Stocker, B. E. S., Wellington, N.Z. Rifle and shot-gun oleaner .. Stocks, H. B., Manchester, Eng. Power hammer Stone, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-raiser and look .. Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Pressure-device for turnip-ridger .. Strathern, J., Kingsland, N.Z. Treating potatoes to prevent blight Stuart, R. W., Sydney, N.S.W. Burner for petroleum-vapor gas .. Stubbs, F., Auckland, N.Z. Fixing and tightening steam-boiler tubes Sutherland, I., Fitzroy, Vio. Roundabout Suttie, C, and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Treating flax Sutton, A. C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Half-tone process block Swhan, A. M., Otautau, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Sykes, A. E., New Plymouth, N.Z. Cattle-drenching applianoe 20494 20430 20421 20377 20324 18597 20267 20336 22 Deo. 11 Deo. 7 Dec. 23 Nov. 16 Nov. 14 Oct., 1904 .. 2 Nov. 20 Nov. 2 2 110 110 96 101 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 14 Dec* 14 Dec* 2 Nov. 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906. 20382 25 Nov. 110 14 Dec* 19980 20243 20275 18 Sept. 27 Oct.. 3 Nov. 106 110 1 Dec* 14 Dec* 19891 19891 20292 2041S 19007 17 Aug. 17 Aug. 10 Nov. 6 Deo. 26 Jan. 110 110 2 2 110 14 Deo. 14 Dee. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 14 Dec. 20390 18871 29 Nov, 16 Dec, 1904 .. 110 96 14 Dec* 2 Nov. 20250 20462 20259 18889 19451 20238 20125 20366 18954 20427 30 Oot. 16 Deo. 31 Oot. 23 Deo., 1904 .. 8 May 27 Oot. 4 Oot. 21 Nov. 7 Jan. 5 Deo. 110 101 91 2 110 106 2 110 2 14 Dec. 16 Nov.* 19 Oot. 11 Jan., 1906. 14 Deo. 1 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906.* 14 Deo. 11 Jan., 1906.* 20184 20472 17 Oct. 18 Dec. 101 16 Nov. 20501 18917 20327 28 Dec. 31 Deo., 1904 .. 16 Nov. 6 106 106 25 Jan., 1906.* 1 Deo. 1 Deo. 20395 20214 28 Nov. 24 Oct. 2 106 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec* Tait, A. L. J., Melbourne, Vio. Treating fibre Taylor, A., and others, Victoria, B.C. Fire-alarm Taylor, T., Devonport, N.Z. Non-reflllable bottle ter-Hofsteede, J. G., Sunbury, Vio. Legging-fastening Terry, R. J., Hobart, Tas. Egg-tester .. Thomas, R, F., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Fruit-case.. Thomsen, H. C, Waingawa, N.Z Cocksfoot-thresher Titt, S. S., and another, Brighton, Eng. Bread-crumbier.. Totman, G., Auckland, N.Z. Broooh-fastening .. Trobe. (See La Trobe.) Trounson, J., Kaihu, N.Z. Scrub and fern cutter Turton, J., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Extraction of metals from ores Tyberg, O., and others, Point Loma, U.S.A. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 20080.) Tychsen, E. A., Ormondville, N.Z. Velooipede-driving meohanism.. 20229 19925 20435 20182 20445 20338 20245 19112 20332 26 Oct. 23 Aug. 7 Dec. 17 Oot. 13 Dec. 20 Nov. 28 Oct. 21 Feb. 18 Nov. 101 110 2 101 2 16 Nov.* 14 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906." 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* "2 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906. 20342 20465 21 Nov. 18 Deo. 110 6 14 Dec* 25 Jan., 1906. 20279 4 Nov. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Assorting and delivering eyelets, &c. (M. H. Pearson and A. E. Jerram) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Fasteningmaohine. (F. H. Perry) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Paste-present-ing machine. (O. Ashton) United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Boot-trimmer. (O. Ashton) United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Fasteninginserting machine. (J. F. Davey) Qnited Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Boot-turning machine. (A. Eppler) United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Lastingmaohine. (W. A. Bond) United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sewingmachine. (W. C. Meyer) United Shoe Maohiuery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Rough-round-ing and channelling machine. (G. F. Wolfe) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Fastenings forming and inserting machine. (G. A. Ambler) Universal Patent Bottle Company, Limited, Newcastle, N.S.W. Non-refillable bottle. (A. Houseman and L. Weiohert) Urquhart, D., and another, Smithfield, N.Z. Depilating hides 18925 9 Jan. 96 2 Nov. 18926 9 Jan. 96 2 Nov. 19050 9 Feb. 2 11 Jan., 1906. 19051 9 Feb. 2 11 Jan., 1906. 20139 5 Oct. 91 19 Oct.* 20317 15 Nov. 106 1 Dec* 20450 14 Deo. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 20451 14 Deo. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 20452 14 Deo. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 20453 14 Deo. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 20148 6 Oct. 20324 16 Nov. 110 14 Dec*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent—continued.


- - I . Name, Address, and Invention. i — No. Application. Gaz-tte. Date. No. Date. Vivian, T., Auokland, N.Z. Medical tonic 20241 25 Oot. 101 16 Nov.* Walbran, G. P., and another, Malvern, Vic Tire-valve Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutter .. Wales, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Rope-grip Walker, J. J., London, Eng. Music recorder Walker, R,, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-can .. Wallace, A. B., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Piano-attaohment .. Wallace, G. J., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Metal carting and spreading wagon Walles, H. J., Roxburgh, N.Z. Submarine boat Walsh, L. A., Remuera, N.Z. Fish-hook or artificial bait.. Waters, E. N., Melbourne, Vio. Farm-gate. (S. S. Hartley— J. Mason) Watson, D. G., Timaru, N.Z. Traoe-spreader Watson, T. H., and others, Toronto, Canada. Extraction of gold .. Watt, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Gas fire-ball healer Webster, R. V., and another, London, Eng. Tea preparation Weiohert, L., and another, Newcastle, N.S.W. (See Universal Patent Bottle Company, Limited, No. 20148.) Weiderer and Co., N., Fuerth, Germany. (See A. Kaiser, No. 20356.) Weir, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Leg-rope for oow Welch, H. C, Haverhill, U.S.A. Shoe .. Werner, A., Doyleston, N.Z. Threshing-machine elevator.. Weeton, R., Sydenham, N.Z. Pedal-strap Wharfe, W. H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Kauri-gum sieve Whitburn, D., Auckland, N.Z. Game .. White, E. L., London, Eng. Pictorial post-cards, &o. White, F., Boston, U.S.A. (See Regenerated Cold Air Company, No. 20107.) White, G. W. J., Ryde, N.S.W. Exhaust-steam superheater Whitelaw, H. J., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Lifting and lowering blinds Whitmore, T. V., Christchuroh, N.Z. Toasting appliance.. Williams, A., Auckland, N.Z. Funnel or filter Williams, A. G. R., Petone, N.Z. Safety-lamp .. .. ! Williams, R., Waikaia, N.Z. Oil-filter.. .. .. .. : Williams, R., Waikaia, N.Z. Railway coupling .. .. ! Wilson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Index-file Wilson, T. H., Brisbane, Queensland. Journal bearings .. : Winch, W. J., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Beer, &c, pump .. ! Winstone, E. C, and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Attaching models to dental articulator Winter, G., and another, Pleasant Point, N.Z. Bagging and staoking grain Wise, F. W., Christohuroh, N.Z. Filler for boot Wise, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Clothes-washing machine Witt. (See de Witt.) Wolfe, G. F., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Maohinery Company, No. 20452.) Wood, H., and others, London, Eng. Incandescent burner Wood, H. A. W. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20355.) Wood, H. J., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Cooking-utensil Worsfold, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Vehicle-seat Wrigley, E., Auckland, N.Z. Bar-shears Wynne, W. P., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Ore-furnace .. Wynyard, M. H., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Treating flax 20261 19031 20202 20503 18945 20207 20438 20246 20464 20140 20189 20421 19585 20163 20203 20135 19286 20320 20209 20437 20308 20262 20275 20322 20364 20132 20147 20152 20328 20339 20346 20396 20410 20196 20424 20487 20343 20204 20400 18838 18917 1 Nov. 1 Feb. 17 Oct. 28 Dec. 10 Jan. 21 Ocb. 12 Deo. 110 2 101 101 106 6 14 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov.* 16 Nov. 1 Deo. 25 Jan., 1906.* 27 Oct. 18 Dec. 5 Oct. 6 6 96 25 Jan., 1906.* 25 Jan., 1906. 2 Nov. 18 Oot. 7 Dec. 8 June 12 Oot. 101 2 91 101 16 Nov.' 11 Jan., 1906.* 19 Oct. 16 Nov. 17 Oot. 5 Oct. 1 Aptil 13 Nov. 18 Oct. 9 Dec. 21 Jan.f 96 96 2 110 101 2 2 Nov.* 2 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906. 14 Dec* 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Nov. 3 Nov. 110 14 Dec. 14 Nov. 20 Nov. 4 Oct. 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 17 Nov. 20 Nov. 22 Nov. 28 Nov. 106 6 101 110 106 2 2 2 1 Dec* 25 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov.* 14 Deo.* 1 Dee.' 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906.* 4 Deo. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 19 Oct. 7 Dec. 96 2 2 Nov.* 11 Jar., 1906. 21 Dec. 21 Nov. 17 Oct. 29 Nov. 6 Dec, 1904.. 31 Dec, 1904 .. 106 106 2 96 106 1 Deo.* 1 Deo. 11 Jan., 1906.* 2 Nov. 1 Dec. Young, 3. W., Inveroargill, N.Z. Broooh-pin fastening 20237 8 Nov. 106 1 Dec*

* Denotes a provisional speci: 'rade Marks Act, 1889." ioal iion. 'eno' ;es a prior ;e urn ler sed iion ,en is, )esigns, am Invention. Name. No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Acoess to railway-truoks, Preventing unauthorised Aooount-books, Loose-leaf Accounts, Means for keeping Acetylene-generator Acetylene-generator Acetylene-generator 0. Maaskant J. T. Steele A. Hop wood E. P. Andreas .. C. H. Bissaker .. E. C. Kilgour .. .. 20418 7 Deo. .. 20250 ! 30 Oct. .. 19000 I 28 Jan. .. 20038 14 Sept. .. 20071 21 Sept. .. 20447 14 Dec. 2 11 Jan., 1906. 110 14 Deo. 91 19 Oot. 96 2 Nov. 96 2 Nov. 6 25 Jan., 1906.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

ipp] licai iion. ktnei te. Invention. Name No. Date. No. Date. Acetylene lamp and generator Advertiser for cigarettes Advertising-device and time-table Aerator, Milk-cooler and Air-treating apparatus Alarm. (See Fire-alarm.) Album, Finger-print Alleyway, or travelling-race Almanack, Pictorial Ammonia, Manufacture of Anchor. (See Dredge-anchor.) Animal-trap Animal and weed destruction Animals, Feeding-apparatus for Animal-cover fastening Animal-cover fastening Antidote and tonic Antimonial ores, Treating .. ' Artesian-well pipes, Suction-collar for .. Articulator, dental, Attaching model to Axle. (See Wheel-axle.) Bagging and stacking threshed grain .. Bag. (See mail-bag.) Bag-stand Bail. (See Cow-bail, Milking-bail.) Bait, Artificial T. H. Hawkins.. J. N. MoConnell W. J. Rae R. Stevens Regenerated Cold Air Company .. A. F. Billing 0. Rask and E. A. Cameron E. L. White .. 0. F. Lungley R.J. Fry.. B. Locking W. McKinnon A. Campbell W. J. J. Griffiths W. B. Brain .. G. C. de Witt .. W. Porch L. H. Potton and E. C. Winstone 20326 20374 18749 20259 20107 \ 20303 : 20112 ! 20308 20423 20441 20406 18950 20191 20278 20381 20248 20337 20396 16 Nov. 25 Nov. 16 Nov., 1904 31 Oct. 28 Sept. 11 Nov. 23 Sept. 21 Jan.f 7 Deo. 12 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Jan. 4 Oct. 4 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Oot. 20 Nov. 28 Nov. 110 91 101 101 110 96 "2 2 ioi 11 Jan., 1906. 14 Dec* 19 Oot. 16 Nov. , 16 Nov. 14 Dec* 2 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov. 106 1 Dec. M. Saunders and G. Winter 20410 4 Dec. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* W. Costello 20401 2 Deo. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* Bakers' peels, Attaching handles to L. A. Walsh .. J. C. Legg 20464 18829 18 Dec. 3 Dec, 1904 I 29 Nov. 6 110 110 2 25 Jan., 1906. 14 Deo. 14 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906.* Bar-shears .. Bearings. (See Journal-bearirjgs, Shaftbearings.) Beater. (See Egg-beater.) Beer-pump Bench. (See Saw bench.) Bicycle-pump Bicycle toe-clip Bicycle. (See also Cycle.) Billiards scorer Billiard-table, Raising surfaoe of Binder Binder, Stooking attachment to Bird-trap Black-sand elevator and concentrator .. Blight, Treating, in potatoes Blight, Destroying, on plants Blind. (See Sun-blind, Venetian blind, Window-blind.) Blind, Writing-appliance for the Block. (See Building-blook, Half-tone process block, Pressure-block.) Blood-drying process Blotter and cuff-protector Boat, Submarine Boiler. (See Steam - boiler, Washingboiler, Water-tube boiler.) Bolt-hole, Preventing leakage round Book. (See Account-book, Order-book, View-book.) Boot and shoe machinery Boot-fastener inserting maohine Boot-fillor Boot-heel Boot-heel, Top-piece for Boot-sook Boot, Toe-plate for .. Boot-trimming machine Boot-turning machine Boring apparatus Bottle .. Bottle-closure Bottle, Wire suspender for Bottle. (See Feeding-bottle, Non-refill-able-bottle.) Bottle and stopper E. Wrigley W. J. Winch .. G. I. Lowe A. W. Loone E. Broughton .. J. F. Lutjohann H. E. Dade H. Buckeridge A. M. Grainger T. Samuel J. Strathern W. Shephard .. G. Harvey J. R. Hatmaker A. H. Baskiville H. J. Walles .. 20400 20346 20113 20368 20302 20490 20138 20446 19999 20370 20427 20494 20431 20360 20150 20246 22 Nov. 30 Sept. 23 Nov. 7 Nov. 19 Dec. 5 Oct. 13 Dec. 5 Sept. 23 Nov. 5 Dec. 22 Dec. 11 Dec. 23 Nov. 6 Oot. 27 Oot. 2 96 110 106 6 101 2 96 110 2 2 106 6 11 Jan., 1906. 2 Nov.* 14 Dec* 1 Dec* 25 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906.* 2 Nov.* 14 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec* 25 Jan., 1906.* F. G. Price 19685 6 July 110 14 Dec. A. Harrington and W. Spiers United Shoe Machinery Company F. W. Wise R. Barnes P. Y. Harrison and R. H. Southall N. J. Ravn and P. Duncan L. H. Hicks and A. N. Cooke United Shoe Maohinery Company United Shoe Maohinery Company J. Glossop A. Houseman A. Houseman J. Sharpe 20413 20139 20196 20484 20292 20369 20420 19051 20317 20392 20223 20190 20068 6 Deo. 5 Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Dec. 10 Nov. 23 Nov. 7 Dec. 9 Feb. 15 Nov. 27 Nov. 25 Oct. 19 Oot. 21 Sept. 2 91 96 11 Jan., 1906. 19 Oot.* 2 Nov.* "2 11 Jan.", 1906. 2 106 110 6 106 96 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Deo.* 14 Dec* 25 Jan., 1906. 1 Deo. 2 Nov. W. H. Nosworthy and S. J. Presoott W. Dall 20268 2 Nov. 106 1 Deo. Bowl or ball tester Box. (See Butter-box, Cardboard box, Sluice-box, Tobaooo outter and box.) Braoket. (See Spouting-bracket.) Brake. (See Railway-brake.) Brand. (See Sheep-brand.) Bread-crumbier Bread-making Bread-tin 18929 7 Jan. 106 IDec. E. F. B. Kenyon and S. S. Titt .. S. B. Apostolofi W. Campbell 19112 20312 20127 21 Feb. 14 Nov. 4 Oot. 2 2 96 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 2 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Invention, Name. No. Ar Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Bread, Process of making Bridge, Fire-Broooh-fastening Broooh-pin fastener .. .. Broom-rack Brush and glove combined Bucket, Mop-wringer attachment to Buckle. (See Skeith-buckle.) Building-block Building-blook, Composition for Buildings, Ventilator for Burner. (See Gas - burner, Liquid-fuel burner, Vapour-burner.) Butter-box Butter, Manufacture of Butter, provision, and liquid cooler B. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward 0. J. Johnson and J. Garlaw G. Totman J. W. Young .. J. Crook J. A. Head G. Stevenson 18806 20398 20332 20287 19932 20176 18889 19 Deo., 1903t 1 Dec. 18 Nov. 8 Nov. 19 Aug. 12 Oct. 23 Dec, 1904 110 106 96 101 91 14 Dec. 1 Dec* 2 Nov. 16 Nov. 19 Oct. J. O. Galbally .. R. H. Robson W. Muir 19198 20459 20181 13 March 15 Dec. 14 Oct. 110 96 14 Dec 2 Nov.* J. Dunning M. B. L. Ehrmann R. Ooates, J. Lees, and L. E. de Mole E. Barrett 19839 20475 20315 3 Aug. 20 Deo. 15 Nov. 96 6 110 2 Nov.* 25 Jan., 1906. 14 Dec* Butter-washer and churn 20481 21 Deo. Cable-grip Cacao sugar and milk compound Calcium-carbide, Generating acetylene from Can. (See Milk-can, Preserve-can.) Gan-washing valve Capsules, making filled Car. (See Motor-car, Kailway-oar, Tram • car.) Carburetting apparatus Cardboard-box making and filling machine G. Cradock J. R. Hatmaker E. P. Andreas 20247 20166 20038 30 Oct. 20 Oct., 19041 14 Sept. 110 101 96 14 Dto. 16 Nov. 2 Nov. J. E. Day G. J. Henderson 20289 20290 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 101 110 16 Nov.* 14 Dec. R. L. Morrell The British-American Machinery Company, Limited R. D. Haworth.. 20218 20419 25 Oct. 7 Dec. 106 2 1 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906. Cardboard-box manufacture Card. (See Playing-oard, Post-card.) Cards, Game of Carpenters' gauge Carpet, linoleum, &c. Carriage and spacer for typewriter Carrier. (See Egg carrier or holder.) Cart. (See Go-cart.) Case. (See Fruit-oase, Show-oase.) Casein and milk-sugar, Obtaining, from milk Casks Casks, Stave-preparing for Catoh. (See Spring oatoh, Snap-oatch.) Cattle-drench administering appliance .. Cement, Manufacture of Chaff-cutter 20433 11 Dec. 2 11 Jan.,1906.* T. S. Philpott .. J. H. Nicholls .. W. E., J. T., and A. G. Catesby .. A Sohultze 20313 20379 19127 20273 15 Nov. 27 Nov. 21 Feb. 28 Oct. 106 110 1 Dec* 14 Dec. J. R. Hatmaker 20167 11 Oct., 1904f 16 Nov. 101 Maohine-made Casks, Limited Maohine-made Casks, Limited 20506 20505 28 Deo. 8 Deo. A.E. Sykes A. G. French H. Cliff, J. C. Bunting, and F. E. Cliff J. McCarthy .. T. H. Anderson.. United Shoe Machinery Company 20214 20378 20291 24 Oct. 27 Nov. 10 Nov. 106 110 101 1 Dec* 14 Dec* 16 Nov.* Chair, Easy Chamber, BedroomChannelling and rounding maohine, rough Cheque-form Chest. (See Ice-chest, Preserving-ohest.) Churn and butter-washer Cigarette maker and advertiser Cigar machinery A. Collier 20266 20399 20452 20471 30 Oct. 1 Dec. 14 Deo. 20 Dec. 110 "2 14 Dec. 11 Jau.,1906.* 25 Jan., 1906. E. Barrett J. N. MoConnell International Cigar Machinery Company 20481 20374 20080 21 Dec. 25 Nov. 22 Sept. iio 96 14 Dec* 2 Nov. Cleaner. (See Grain and seed cleaner, Knife-cleaner, Shot-gun cleaner.) Clip. (See Toe-clip.) Closure. (See Bottle-olosure.) Clothes-washing maohine Coal-boring drill Coal from railway-truok, Removing Cooksfoot-thresher Codlin-moth, Liquid for destroying Coffee and milk compound, Dry Collar. (See Horse-collar.) Combination tool Comb. (See Toilet-comb.) Comb and seed-sower Compound deal-forming machine Concentrator. (See Black-sand oonoentrator.) Controller. (See Gas-burner controller, Liquid - controller, Trolley-pole controller.) Cooking - apparatus for use with gasburners Cooking-range Cooking-utensil Cool-safe F. W. Wise W. Molntyre .. W. Niool H. C. Thomson W. Brewster J. R. Hatmaker J. Burns 20424 20333 20383 20245 20159 20359 20211 7 Dec. 18 Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Oct. 10 Oct. 23 Nov. 21 Oct. 2 2 96 2 106 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906.* 2 No>.' 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec* W. J. Chambers G. W. Mellor 20318 20358 13 Nov. 23 Nov. 106 1 Dec* B. Arnot 10 Oct. 1 Dec 20160 106 8. Priest, jun. H. J. Wood S. Banks and E. J. W. Jones 20403 20343 20495 29 Nov. 21 Nov. 22 Deo. 2 106 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec*



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Cooler. (See Butter, provision, and liquid-cooler, Cream - cooler, Milkoooler.) Cornice Cornice for window Coulters to plough, Beams securing Coupling. (See Railway-coupling.) Cover. (See Animal-cover, Jug-cover.) Cow-bailing appliance Cow-bail Cow-leg holder Cow's udder, Injecting sterilised air into Cow-leg holder Cramp. (See Soaffolding-cramp.) Cream-cooler and holder Crimping fibrous material Crusher, Rotary Cuff-protector and blotter Culinary essences, Manufacture of A. Johnstone H. Markwiok .. R. Scobie A. B. Robertson and R. W. Bond F. J. Brown J. Weir G. Scott T. Higgie 20244 20288 19040 20458 18867 20203 20104 20434 28 Oct. 10 Nov. 7 Feb. 15 Deo. 16 Dec, 1904 17 Oct. 27 Sept. 11 Dec. 101 110 2 96 96 9(3 2 16 Nov.* 14 Dec. 11 Jan. ,1906/ 2 Nov. 2 Nov.* 2 Nov.* 11 Jan.,1906." H. Oleary A. R. Donisthorpe F. A. Oddie A. H. Baskiville Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s N.Z. Drug Company, Limited 20470 20249 20425 20150 20014 19 Dec. 30 Oct. 5 Deo. 6 Oot. 9 Sept. 6 2 106 96 25 Jan., 1906." 11 Jan., 1906." 1 Dec* 2 Nov. Gup. (See Teat-cup ) Cushion, VehicleCutter. (See Chafi-outter, Mitre-cutter, Motor cross-outter, Scrub and fern cutter, Tobacco-outter, Wall-paper outter.) Cyanide, &c, solutions, Deoantation of Cycle, Fire-reel oarriage attaohed to Cycle, Pedal-gear for Cyole-gear, Compound Cycle-inflater connection, Metallic Cyole-pedal strap Cyole. (See also Bioyole.) G. Moore Bewick, Moreing, and Co. R. E. Burke and M. Egan J. H. MoFarlane W. R. Garner .. C. Rutland and T. J. Hardwick .. R. Weston 20179 20500 20409 19030 20352 20345 20320 16 Oct. 28 Dec. 6 Dec. 1 Feb. 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 13 Nov. 101 2 110 110 110 110 16 Nov.* 11 Jan.,1906." 14 Dec. 14 Dec* 14 Dec* 14 Dec* Deal-forming machine, Compound Dental articulator, Attaching model to.. Dental instrument Dental plate Detergent powder Detonator Dew collecting reservoir G. W. Mellor L. H. Potton and E. C. Winstone E. G. Gresham .. E. G. Gresham .. P. Book W. H. Edwards A. J. and G. Hubbard and A. W. S. Cross R. J. Collins .. F. Cooper American Seeding-maohine Company A. McLeod 20358 20396 20341 20340 19396 20408 20271 23 Nov. 28 Nov. 20 Nov. 20 Nov. 26 April 6 Doc. 23 Junef 2 110 110 88 11 Jan., 1906.* 14 Dec* 14 Dec* 5 Oct.* "a 11 Jan., 1906. Directory, Household Disc plough Distributor for seeding-machine 20363 20284 20217 20 Nov. 6 Nov. 25 Oot. 106 106 1 Dec* 1 Dec Diving-dress Door. (See Oven-door.) Drain and road forming machine Draught-preventer Dray-chain, Spreader for Dray, Weighing-attachment to Dredge-anohor Dredge, Gold-saving Dredge-tumbler shaft, Sleeve for Dredge-tumbler and shaft Drenoh-applianee, Cattle Dried-milk manufacture Drill, Coal-boring Dropper. (See Fenoing dropper.) Drying. (See Blood-drying, Fruit-drying.) Dwelling Dynamo electric-generator 20177 12 Oot. 96 2 Nov.* O. Paora T. Hurd F. V. Raymond A. S. Ford D. Caithness and J. P. Graham .. J. H. Jones and W. Kane C. McDonald R. R. Douglas A. E. Sykes J. S. Maclaurin and W. S. La Trobe W. Mclntyre 20300 20234 18983 20157 20397 20394 20201 20510 20214 20407 20333 8 Nov. 24 Oct. 19 Jan. 10 Oot. 1 Dec. 28 Nov. 17 Oct. 29 Dec. 24 Oct. 5 Dec. 18 Nov. 106 101 106 101 2 2 101 6 106 110 1 Dec* 16 Nov.* 1 Deo. 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906." 16 Nov.* 25 Jan., 1906, 1 Dec* 14 Dec* G. Pulman R. G. Gibbons 20426 20351 5 Dec. 22 Nov. 2 11 Jan., 1906, Earthenware-kiln Earth's rotation, Measuring rate of Earthenware goods, Shaping Earthenware-pipe straightening Easy chair Eaves gutter-fasoias Egg-beater Egg-beater holder Egg oarrier or holder Egg-carrier Egg-powder Egg-preserver, Revolving Egg-tester .. Electrio-light-shade holder Electric plaster Electric wires, Insulator for Eleotrical fire-alarm Eleotrical fire-alarm Eleotrioal ozonizer R. O. Clark W. Chappell .. R. O. Clark R. O. Clark J. MoCarthy .. F. A. Dixon .. .. J. Peters .. .. B. T. R. Greensill E. L. Robertson H. E. McDonald A. Nathan H. E. McDonald R. J. Terry H. Leah L. B. Morres T. Shale G. V. Kemsley .. G. V. Kemsley .. C. A. Sahlstrom 20156 20299 20210 20193 20266 20074 18964 20442 20235 20269 20232 18935 20445 20129 20134 20286 20130 20131 19650 5 Oot. 8 Nov. 19 Oot. 16 Oct. 30 Oct. 21 Sept. 11 Jan. 12 Deo. 27 Oot. 2 Nov. 26 Oct. 10 Jan. 13 Deo. 4 Oot. 5 Oot. 8 Nov. 4 Oot. 4 Oot. 28 June 110 110 96 101 110 96 105 6 101 101 101 106 2 96 14 Dec* 14 Dec. 2 Nov.* 16 Nov.* 14 Dec. 2 Nov. 1 Deo. 25 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov.* 16 Nov.* 16 Nov.* 1 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906.* 2 Nov.* 106 91 91 110 1 Dec* 19 Oot.* 19 Oct.' 14 Deo.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Elevator. ' (See Black-sand elevator, Goods - elevator, Threshing - maobine elevator.) Engraving plates Essence. (See Culinary essenoe.) Eyelets, apparatus for assorting and de- . livering J. Hanlon 20417 7 Deo. 2 11 Jan., 1906. United Shoe Machinery Company 18925 9 Jan. 96 2 Nov. Farm-gate Fascias, Eaves-gutter Fastener. (See Boot-fastener, Brooohpin fastener, Gate-fastener, Hatfastener, Legging-fastener, Show-case fastener, Wire-fastener.) Fastening-machine Fastening. (See Animal-cover fastening, Brooch-fastening.) Fastenings forming and inserting machine Feeder. (See Poultry-feeder.) Feeding-apparatus for animals and fowls Feeding-bottle protector Fenoing-dropper Fenoing-dropper Fencing-standard Fender for tram-oar Fibre. (See Flax-fibre.) Fibre-treating apparatus Fibrous material, Crimping File. (See Letter-index file.) Filler. (See Boot-filler, Milk-oan filler.) Filler or funnel Filter. (See Oil-filter, Slimes-filter.) Finger-print album Fire-alarm Fire-alarm attachment to telephone Fire-alarm, Automatic Fire-alarm, Automatic B. N. Waters P. A. Dixon 20140 20074 5 Oct. 21 Sept. 96 96 2 Nov. 2 Nov. United Shoe Machinery Company 9 Jan. 2 Nov. 18926 96 United Shoe Machinery Company 20453 14 Deo. 11 Jan., 1906.* W. MoKinnon .. J. Ellen H. Butters W. W. Gundrie W. B. Jones J. L. Kirkbride 18950 20118 20264 20270 20188 20443 12 Jan. 30 Sept. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 24 Nov. 11 Dec. 101 106 106 16 Nov. 1 Deo. 1 Dec* 106J 1 Dec* A. L. J. Tait .. A. R. Donisthorpe 20229 20249 26 Oct. 30 Oct. 101 16 Nov.* A. Williams 20364 20 Nov. 6 25 Jan.,1906.* A. B\ Billing A. H. McNeil .. F. J. Farrell .. W. G. Meddings A. Taylor, J. M. Langley, and N. A. McDowell G. V. Kemsley .. G. V. Kemsley C. J. Johnson and J. Carlaw T. W. Fowler .. R. B. Burke and M. Bgan L. A. Walsh S. Bodgers S. Rodgers B. O. Clark J. Pomeroy E. W. H. Hutton P. E. Baldwin C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard .. K. Matthews K. Matthews .. W. Dempsey E. T. Pollard .. J. F. Peters 20303 20414 18974 20173 19925 11 Nov. 6 Deo. 16 Jan. 10 Oct. 23 Aug. 110 2 110 101 110 14 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906. 14 Deo. 16 Nov.* 14 Deo. Fire-alarm, Electrical Fire-alarm, Electrioal Fire-bridge Fire-plug Fire-reel carriage attached to oyole Fish-hook Fish-plate for railway-rails Fish-plate for railway-rails Flanging-maohine, Earthenware Flax-bale, Depositing tickets in Flax-dressing Flax-fibre, drying and bleaching Flax, Treating, after stripping Flax, Treating New Zealand Flax process Flax-tail stripper Fluid-pressure turbine Fly-catcher Food. (See Milk-food) Foods, Sterilising and preserving, with gases Forage-treating apparatus Frame. (See Picture-frame.) Fruit-case Fruit-drying process Fuel. (See Liquid fuel.) Funnel Funnel or filler Furnace. (See Ore-furnaoe.) Furnaoe, Supplying liquid fuel to 20130 20131 20398 20254 20409 20464 20460 20477 20210 20233 20331 20304 18917 20468 20507 20142 18879 20416 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 1 Deo. 30 Oct. 6 Deo. 18 Deo. 14 Dec. 18 Deo. 19 Oct. 26 Oct. 15 Nov. 11 Nov. 31 Dec, 1904 28 Deo. 28 Deo. 3 Oot. 20 Deo., 1904 2 Deo. 91 91 101 2 6 96 101 2 106 106 2 2 2 96 19 Oct.* 19 Oct.* 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 25 Jan., 1906. 2 Nov.* 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec* 1 Deo. 11 Jan.,1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan ,1906.* 2 Nov. H. J. R. Hemming 20456 31Deo.,1904t 6 25 Jan., 1906. T. H. Mapp 20316 15 Nov. 106 1 Dec* R. F. Thomas and S. A. Bradley .. J. R. Hatmaker 20338 20361 20 Nov. 24 Nov., 1904f "2 11 Jan., 1906. S. B. Forsoutt A. Williams 20467 20364 18 Deo. 20 Nov. 6 6 25 Jan., 1906* 25 Jan., 1906.* W. Anderson, jun. 20161 12 Oot. 101 16 Nov. Game Game Game of cards Gas-burner, Cooking apparatus for use with Gas-burner, Controller for ignition of .. Gas burner, Petroleum-vapour-Gas burner, InoandesoentGas from kerosene, Generating Gas-heater for pendant, bracket, &o. .. Gas, Production of, from hydrocarbon oils Gate Gate. (See Farm-gate.) D. Whitburn .. L. H. Burgoyne T. S. Philpott B. Arnot 20437 20373 20313 20160 9 Deo. 25 Nov. 15 Nov. 10 Oot. 2 110 106 106 11 Jan., 1906.* 14 Dec* 1 Dec* 1 Dec V. C. J. Nightingall R. W. Stuart .. L. Siegenberg, jun. J. Mead J. Watt A. Jack 20149 20184 20430 20255 19585 20469 6 Oct. 17 Oct. 11 Deo. 30 Oot. 8 June 19 Deo. 101 101 2 101 91 2 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov.* 19 Oot. 11 Jan., 1906.* G. Carrington .. .. 18941 11 Jan. 101 16 Nov.



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

Application. Gazette, Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Gate-fastener Gauge, Carpenters' Generator. (See Acetylene - generator, Dynamo-electric generator.) Glass-polishing machine Glass-washing machine R. E. Hall J. H. Nicholls 20117 20379 30 Sept. 27 Nov. 101 16 Nov. A. Kaiser W. A. H. Cameron and J. W. Marshall J. A. Head J. P. McNeill .. J. G. Slater, W. Junor, and T. H. Watson D. Clark F. W. Payne .. J. H. Jones and W. Kane J. Richmond A. T. W. Allan and W. McCullough F. Maokay and A. J. Beckwith F. Marsh F. Marsh R. P. Park C. Kolling N. Lombard H. House M. Hogan W. Hall M. Saunders and G. Winter W. Middleton and H. N. G. Cobbe 20356 20294 22 Nov. 10 Nov. 6, 110 25 Jan., 1906. 14 Dec. Glove and brush combined Go-cart Gold, Extraction of .. 20176 20228 20421 12 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Deo. 10 2i 2 16 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906.* Gold-refining prooess.. Gold-saving apparatus Gold-saving dredge Gold-saving appliance Gold-saving table Gold, silver, &c, Extraction of Gold, Separation of .. Gold, Extraction of .. Gold saving, Sluioe-box for Goods-elevator, Automatic discharge .. Governor Grain-riddle Grain and seed cleaner Grain-dressing Grain bagging and staoking .. Grindicg-pan, Shoe and die of Grip. (See Cable-grip, Rope-grip.) Gum. (See Kauri-gum.) Gun. (See Shot-gun) Gutter, Roof 20169 20411 20394 18971 20115 20133 20197 20198 20488 20483 19425 20497 20391 20319 20410 20221 12 Oct. 2 Dec. 28 Nov. 14 Jan. 25 Sept. 5 Oot. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Dec. 21 Dec. 4 May 28 Dec. 25 Nov. 13 Nov. 4 Dec. 25 Oct. 96 "2! 106 1061 IO61 106| 106: 2! 2 Nov.* 11 Jan.,1906.* 1 Dec. 1 Deo.* 1 Dec. 1 V c* 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906.* '88 6 5 Oct. 25 Jan., 1906.* " 6 i 106 25 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec J. O'Dowd 19629 26 June 1 Dec. 106 Hair-pin Half-tone prooess blook Hammer. (See Power-hammer.) Harvester. (See Potato-harvester.) Hat-fastener Heater. (See Gas heater.) Heel. (See Boot-heel, Shoe-heel.) Hill-climbing devioe Holder. (See Cow - leg holder, Cream cooler and holder, Egg-beater holder, Egg carrier and holder, Music-holder, Shade-holder.) Hoof-pad for horseshoe Hook. (See Fish-hook.) Horse-collar .. ■ .. Horse from kicking, Preventing Horse from kioking, Preventing Horse-shoe, Hoof-pad for Household directory House, Studless .. .. Hydraulic nozzle Hydro-carbon oils, Production of gas from W. A. McKay and J. H. Cobb .. E. J. Martin and A. 0. Sutton 18862 20327 15 Dec, 1904 16 Nov. 96 106 2 Nov. 1 Deo. J. Fenton 20151 6 Oct. 96 2 Nov.* J. Connell 20116 28 Sept. 101 16 Nov. B. P. Gray 6 Jan., 1905f 25 Jan., 1906. 20171 6 J. H. Love J. R. Charlton H. Heavener, jun. B. P. Gray R. J. Collins .. T. F. Brown and D. and J. Solomon G. J. Henry, jun. A. Jack 20146 20119 20224 20171 20363 19891 20422 20469 8 Oct. 30 Sept. 25 Oct. 6 Jan., 1905f 20 Nov. 17 Aug. 7 Dec. 19 Dec. 9C 101 2 Nov.* 16 Nov. "6 25 Jan., 1906. no 2 14 Deo. 11 Jan., 1906. Ice-chest H. E. McDonald and L. V. Diamanti J. A. E. Louden A. Blanohard, H. Wood, and E. A. H. Burgoyne J. Wilson 20274 8 Nov. 106 1 Dec* Ioe-ohest Incandescent-vapour burner 20372 20487 22 Nov. 21 Dec. 6 25 Jan., 1906.* Index file, LetterIndicator. (See Station-indioator.) Inflater oonneotion, CycleInflating rubber tires 20328 17 Nov. 106 1 Dec* C. Rutland and T. J. Hardwiok .. A. G. Lavertine and J. B. McNellan G. Scott W. Brewster T. Shale D. M. Barnett .. 20345 20466 22 Nov. 18 Dec. 110 6 14 Deo." 25 Jan., 1906. Injecting air into oow's udder Insecticide Insulator for electric wires Iron-stand Iron. (See Stirrup-iron.) Iron and steel manufacture .. 20104 20159 20286 20168 27 Sept. 10 Oct. 8 Nov. 12 Oot. 96 96 106 101 2 Nov.* 2 Nov.* 1 Dec* 16 Nov. T. J. Heskett .. 20491 22 Deo. 6 25 Jan., 1906.* Jaok. (See Wheel-jaok.) Journal-bearings Jug-oover T. H. Wilson .. F. W. Paterson.. 20339 19125 20 Nov. 20 Feb. 2 110 11 Jan., 1906. 14 Deo. Kauri-gum sieve J. J. Evans, W. H. Wharfe, and T. E. Litherland J. Mead R. A. Haughton C.H.Harris .. J. McNarry .. 20209 18 Oct. 101 16 Nov.* Kerosene, Generating gas from Kerosene-tin, Emptying Kettle and saucepan Key, Spring Kiln. (See Earthenware kiln.) 20255 20055 20281 20493 30 Oot. 18 Sept. 7 Nov. 20 Deo. 101 2 106 6 16 Nov.* 11 Jdn., 1906. 1 Dec* 25 Jan., 1906.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Knee-ring, Pneumatio Knife-oleaner E. G. Gresham and A. Gray R. E. Smallbone 20405 20267 4 Dec. 2 Nov. 101 16 Nov.* Label for mail-bag Lamp. (See Acetylene-lamp, Painters' lamp, Petroleum-lamp, Safety-lamp.) Lasting-machine Lead-sulphate, Production of, from sulphide ores Leakage round bolt-holes, Preventing .. Legging-fastener Leg-roping appliance.. Leg-rope, Snapcatch for 0. T. Madeley 20195 19 Oot. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* United Shoe Machinery Company P. Maokay and A. J. Beokwith .. 20450 20133 14 Dec. 5 Oct. 2 106 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Deo. Letter-index file Life-saving raft Lighter, TobaccoLights, Timing-apparatus for shutting off Lining for tubemills, &o. Linoleum, carpet, &c. Liquid-controller Liquid-fuel burner Liquid fuel, Supplying, to furnace Liquid-measure Lock Look. (See Nut-lock, Sash-raiser and look, Wheel-look.) Lock, NutLocomotive, Steam-distribution for Loom, Pillow-lace Loose-leaf account-book Locomotive-valve setting machine Lubricator, WheelF. G. Prioe J. G. ter-Hofsteede F. J. Brown C. E. Hayward, jun., and W. E. Hunter J. Wilson W. J. Nankivell W. P. Maolntosh T. O'Neil H. P. Barry .. W. B., J. T., and A. G. Oatesby .. A. W. Reid F. Cotton W. Anderson, jun. J. Anderson and J. D. Hunter G. H. Hart 19685 20182 18868 20215 20328 20285 20065 20213 20436 19127 20172 20258 20161 20402 20325 6 July 17 Oct. 16 Dec, 1904 24 Oct. 17 Nov. 8 Nov. 21 Sept. 24 Oct. 9 Dec. 21 Feb. 12 Oot. 31 Oofc. 12 Oct. 29 Nov. 16 Nov. 110 101 96 2 106 106 106 106 2 110 96 101 101 2 106 14 Dec. 16 Nov.' 2 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec* 1 Dec* 1 Dec. 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906.* 14 Dec. 2 Nov.* 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec* A. A. Newnham W. E. Hughes .. F. E. MoCrea .. J. T. Steele A. J. 0. Hugo .. G. A. Nisbet 20314 20067 20306 20250 20348 20154 15 Nov. 21 Sept. 11 Nov. 30 Oct. 22 Nov. 9 Oct. 96 2 110 2 101 2 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906 14 Deo. 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov.' Mail-bag, Label for .. Manure-sower Manure-sower and comb Marbling wood or ironwork Mat, Non-siltable Matoh-striker Mattress. (See Wire mattress.) Mattress to bedstead, Clamping Measure, Liquid-Meat-extract apparatus Meat-preserving Meat-preserving Meat, Salting or corning Medicinal tonic Metal carting and spreading wagon Metals, Extraction of, from ores Metals, Extraction of, from ores Metals, Recovering precious 0. T. Madeley .. J. Gray W. J. Chambers H. Rands T. Hall and F. Elvines .. R. Dunne 20195 19167 20318 18951 20283 20492 19 Oct. 6 Mar. 13 Nov. 11 Jan. 7 Nov. 20 Dec. 2 110 106 101 101 6 11 Jan.,1906.* 14 Dec. 1 Dec* 16 Nov. 16 Nov.* 25 Jan., 1906.* S. B. Forsoutt .. J. Anderson and J. D. Hunter B. Clark B. Clark A. H. Chapman P. H. O'Keefie .. T. Vivian G. J. Wallace and G. Cooper J. Turton F. Maokay and A. J. Beokwith H. L. Lightner, W. Priest, and H. Feige J. R. Hatmaker J. R. Hatmaker R. Walker J. Cowie R. Stevens A. Nathan P. Andersen J. Dickason and A. MoLennan .. A. Gillies A. Gillies 20509 20402 20143 20144 20393 20064 20241 20438 20465 20133 20137 30'DcC. 29 Nov. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 28 Nov. 21 Sept. 25 Oot. 12 Dec. 18 Dec. 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 2 101 101 110 101 6 6 106 106 25 Jan., 1906.' 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 14 Dec. 16 Nov.* 25 Jan., 1906.* 25 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. Milk and ooffee compound, Dry Milk, oaoao, and sugar compound Milk-can Milk-can filler Milk-oooler and aerator Milk-food .. .. .. .. Milking apparatus Milking-bail and stall Milking-machine, Claw for Milking-maohine, Mouthpieoe for teatcup of Milk, Obtaining milk-sugar and casein from Milk. (See Dried milk.) Mill. (See Tube-mill, Windmill.) Mineral-water manufacture Mitre-outter Mitre-cutter Model to dental articulator, Attaching Monoline-machine Mop-wringer for bucket .. Motor-oar, Electrical and oil .. Motor cross-cutter Motor, Self-propelling Motor speed-gear Music-holder Musio-holder for piano Musio roller and holder Musio-recorder J. R. Hatmaker The Aroanum, Limited .. W. E. Hill and J. Robinson R. Wales L. H. Potton and E. C. Winstone Mergenthaler Linotype Company G. Stevenson P. A. N. Smith and W. B. Brain M. H. Roe and B. F. Cranwell .. H. P. Saunderson F. R. Dennison A. T. Craven .. D. T. MoPhedran A. T. Craven J.J.Walker .. 20359 20166 18945 20242 20259 20231 20170 20186 20165 20164 20167 20349 20240 19031 20396 20141 18889 20382 20301 19003 20502 20439 20365 20384 20503 23 Nov. 20 Oct., 19O4.f 10 Jan. 26 Oct. 31 Oct. 26 Oot. 12 Oct. 17 Oct. 12 Oct. 12 Oot. 11 Oct., 19O4.f 22 Nov. 15 Nov. 1 Feb. 28 Nov. 5 Oct. 23 Dec, 1904 25 Nov. 8 Nov. 25 Jan. 28 Dec. 12 Dec. 21 Nov. 25 Nov. 28 Dec. 101 101 101 2 106 96 96 96 101 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Deo. 2 Nov.* 2 Nov.* 2 Nov.* 16 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov. 19 Oot. 14 Dec* 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906. llJan.,1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 14 Dec* 2 106 2 2 101 91 110 106 2 2 2 110 Nib-ejector ,. ., .. i> W. G, Chapman ,, ., 20162 12 Oot. 96 2 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

14— H. 10.—06.

Invention. Name. i No. Al Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle F. Blaokburn and J. Robertson .. Universal Patent Bottle Company, Limited T. Taylor G. P. Hanson .. S. MoGully T. H. Henderson G. J. Henry, jun. F. W. Brittan and L. H. Gross .. 20047 20148 14 Sept. 6 Oot. 106 1 Deo. Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Noxious weeds, Destroying Noxious weeds, Destroying Nozzle, Hydraulic Nut-look Nut. (See Lock-nut, Ratohet-nut.) 20435 20463 19067 19060 20422 20124 7 Deo. 18 Deo. 13 Feb. 10 Feb. 7 Deo. 4 Oct. 2 2 110 2 2 101 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 14 Deo. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov. Oil-filter Order-book, Loose-leaf Ore-orusher Ore-furnace Ores, Extraction of metals from Ores, Extraotion of metals from Ores, Treating refractory Oven-door and attachment Overhead wires, Moving Ozonizer, Electrical R. Williams J. T. Steele F. A. Oddie W. P. Wynne and J. H. Grant .. J. Turton F. Mackay and A. J. Beokwith .. G. C. de Witt .. T. Hitohen E. N. Grove C. A. Sahlstrom 20147 20250 20425 18838 20465 20133 20248 20110 20440 19650 14 Nov. 30 Oct. 5 Deo. 6 Dec, 1904 18 Deo. 5 Oct. 30 Oot. 28 Sept. 12 Deo. 28 June 110 110 2 96 6 106 106 96 14 Dec* 14 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906.* 2 Nov. 25 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Nov. iio 14 Dec. Packing for rods and plungers Painters' lamp Paint, Non-oorrosive and anti-fouling .. Pan. (See Grinding-pan Saucepan.) Partition-wall Paste-presenting maohine Pea-shelling machine Pea-shelling machine Pedal-gear for cycles, Side-lever Peel, Afctaohing handle of bakers' Peel, Attaching handle of bakers' Petroleum-lamp Petroleum-vapour-gas burner Piano Piano, Teohnique developer for Picture-frame Piotures, Hanging Pile-driving, Suotion-oollar for Pillow-lace loom Pin. (See Brooch-pin, Hair-pin.) Pipe, Anti-nicotine Pipe. (See Earthenware pipe.) Plaster, Electric Plate. (See Dental plate, Fish-plate, Toe-plate.) Plates, Engraving Playing-cards Plough-beams, Securing ooulters to Plough-wheel, Mountings of .. Plough-ooulter Plough. (See Disc plough.) Pooket Pod-beans shelling Pole. (See Trolley-pole, Wagon-pole.) Polishing-glove and brush combined Polishing maohine, GlassPortable reoeptaole Post-card Post-oard, Pictorial Post-card, Piotorial Postmarking-machine Postmarking-maohine Potatoes to prevent blight, Treating Potato-harvester Poultry-feeder Powder. (See Detergent powder, Eggpowder.) Power-hammer Preoious metals, Recovering A., G. W., and O. A. Beldam .. A. H. Allen F. B. Dunnett .. 20353 20357 20251 22 Nov. 23 Nov. 2 Nov., 1904| 2 110 11 Jan., 1906. 14 Dec. R. Hudson United Shoe Maohinery Company G. Carrington .. F. Staines J. H. MoFarlane J. C. Legg J. C. Legg B. G. A. Brattstrom R. W. Stuart J. J. Bruer A. B. Wallaoe and H. J. Jones S. 0. Heale J. D. Baldwin W. Porch F. B. MoCrea .. 20087 19050 18940 20390 19030 18829 18829 20263 20184 20069 20207 20429 20404 20337 20306 25 Sept. 9 Feb. 11 Jan. 29 Nov. 1 Feb. 3 Dec, 1904 3 Dec, 1904 1 Nov. 17 Oot. 21 Sept. 21 Oct. 8 Deo. 1 Deo. 20 Nov. 11 Nov. 101 2 101 110 110 110 110 110 101 101 106 6 2 16 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov. 14 Dec* 14 Dec 14 Deo. 14 Dec* 14 Deo. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. IDec. 25 Jan., 1906.' 11 Jan., 1906.* *2 11 Jan.', 1906. L. Pearoe 20183 17 Oot. 101 16 Nov. L. B. Morres 20134 5 Oot. J. Hanlon P. Mullins R. Scobie E. J. Humphries R. V. Pooook 20417 20307 19040 20187 19721 7 Deo. 13 Nov. 7 Feb. 18 Oot. 13 July 2 106 110 101 110 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Dec. 14 Dec 16 Nov.* 14 Deo. A. Campbell F. Staines 20192 20390 4 Oot. 29 Nov. 96 110 2 Nov." 14 Deo.* J. A. Head A. Kaiser W. F. Lietz .. F. G. Radelifle and R. L. Stewar. R. Love and T. H. Keesing E. L. White D. Robertson D. Robertson J. Strathem J. A. Adamson .. P. J. Cooks and F. O. Andrewe .. 20176 20356 19029 19451 20180 20308 20260 20371 20427 20155 20428 12 Oct. 22 Nov. 1 Feb. 8 May 12 Oot. 21 Jan.f 1 Nov. 31 Dec, 1904f 5 Deo. 5 Oot. 8 Deo. 101 iio 2 101 6 2 16 Nov. 14 Dec 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov.* 25 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906.* H. B. Stocks .. H. L. Lightner, W. Priest, and H. Feige H. Bohm 20125 20137 4 Oct. 5 Oot. 106 106 1 Deo. 1 Deo. Preserve-can Preserver, (See Egg-preserver.) Preserving-ohest 18624 20 Oot., 1904 96 2 Nov. H. E. MoDonald and L. V. Diamanti G. Leslie B. Clark A. H. Chapman H. J. R. Hemming W. Harvey 20274 3 Nov. 106 1 Deo. , Preserving natural colours of timber .. Preserving meat Preserving meat Preserving foods with gases Pressure-blook Proteotoi. (See Oufi-proteotor, Feedingbottle protector.) Pulley to window-sash, Fastening 20385 20144 20393 20456 20048 25 Nov. 2 Oct. 28 Nov. 31 Deo., 1904f 14 Sept. 2 101 11 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov. "6 96 25 Jan.", 1906. 2 Nov. R. Perry 20126 4 Oot. 19 Oot.* 91


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Pumice-soap Pump. (See Beer-pump, Bioyole-pump, Spray-pump.) Pump-gearing E. T. C. Firth 20276 2 Nov. 106 106 1 D,c* C. Cannell 20158 10 Oct. 101 101 10 Nov.* Babbit-trap Rabbit-trap Rabbit-trap Rack. (See Broom-rack.) Raft, Life-saving Rails, Operating switches of .. Railway-brake Railway-brake Railway-brake Railway-oar gear Railway-car gear Railway-car gear Railway-oar gear Railway-coupling Railway-rail Railway-signalling apparatus Railway-truok, Removing coal from Railway-truok, Preventing unauthorised access to Rain-water, Diverting, from service-tank Rain-water head and strainer Rain-water strainer Rake, Side-delivery .. Range. (See Cooking-range.) Ratchet-nut Ray, Penetrating Reaper and binder, Stooking attachment to O. T. Madeley .. R. J. Fry E. Sable 19798 19735 20386 27 July 14 July 29 Nov, 96 106 2 96 106 2 2 Nov.* 1 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906.* W. J. Nankivell L. Atkinson A. R. Angus A. R. Angus A. R. Angus A. R. Angus A. R. Angus A. R. Angus A.R. Angus R. Williams S. Rodgers G. T. Pritohard W.Nicol C. Maaskant 20285 20272 20387 20388 20389 20448 20449 20485 20499 20152 20461 20206 20383 20418 8 Nov. 2 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 14 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 Deo. 7 Oct. 14 Deo. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 7 Dec. 106 106 110 110 110 2 2 2 6 106 106 110 110 110 2 2 2 6 1 Dec* 1 Dec* 14 Dec* 14 Dec * 14 Dec* 11 Jan.,1906.* 11 Jan.,1906.* 11 Jan., 1906." 25 Jan.,1906.* 101 2 2 101 2 2 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. V. R. Reeve T. Dugdale J. A. Powrie W. E. Martin .. 20482 20329 20305 20253 21 Dec. 17 Nov. 13 Nov. 31 May, 1905. f 2 2 2 2 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* ioe 106 1 Dec. S. Rodgers C. Y. Dally H. Buckeridge .. 20478 20212 20446 18 Deo. 24 Oct. 13 Dec. "2 "2 11 Jan.", 1906.* Receptacle, Portable .. Reoording movements of persons Rendering-apparatus Reservoir for collecting dew W. F. Lietz P. Herous E. Phillips A.J. and G. Hubbardand A. W. 8. Cross 19029 20489 20334 20271 1 Feb. 19 Dec. 20 Nov. 23 Junef 110 110 2 o 2 14 Dec 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. Ridger. (See turnip-ridger.) Rifle-oleaner Rivets, Assorting and delivering Road and dram forming maohine Roof-gutter Rope-grip Rope-grip Rope. (See leg-rope.) Rounding and channelling maohine, Rough Roundabout B.E. S. Stooker United Shoe Machinery Company 0. Paora J. O'Dowd R.Wales G. Cradock 20238 18925 20300 19629 20202 20247 27 Oct. 9 Jan. 8 Nov. 26 June 17 Oct. 30 Oct. 110 96 106 106 101 110 110 96 106 106 101 110 14 Deo. 2 Nov. 1 Dec* 1 Dec. 16 Nov.* 14 Deo. United Shoe Maohinery Company 20452 14 Deo. o o 11 Jan., 1906.* J. Sutherland 20501 28 Dec. 6 6 25 Jan., 1906.* Safety-lamp Safe, CoolSalting or corning meat Sand-blast apparatus Sash-look Sash-mover and lock Sash-raiser and lock Sash-raiser and look Sash. (See Window-sash, Ventilatingsash.) Sash-support Saucepan and kettle Saw-benoh and surface-planer A. G. R. Williams S. Banks and E. J. W. Jones P. H. O'Keefle .. Marine Construction Company T. Miller A. R. Hardy .. J. Baxter W. Stone 20132 20495 20064 20412 20321 20277 19696 20366 4 Oot. 22 Dec. 21 Sept. 6 Dec. 15 Nov. 2 Nov. 17 Oct. 21 Nov. 101 101 iio iio 16 Nov.* 14 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906. 101 96 o 101 96 2 16 Nov.* 2 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* J. S. Gribbon and J. McKean C. H. Harris .. W. E. L. Laugesen and L. E. Hogbacka E. M. Edkins 20222 20281 19966 25 Oct. 7 Nov. 1 Sept. 106 106 101 106 106 101 1 Deo. 1 Dec* 16 Nov. Saw-benoh, Reversing-gear for feeeding roller of Scaffolding Scaffolding-oramp Sorew tap Scrub and fern outter Sea-beach sands, Extraction of gold from Seat. (See Vehiole-seat.) Sediment-trap strainer Sediment-trap strainer Seed and grain cleaner Seed and manure sower Seed and manure sower and oomb Seed-sower Seeding-maohine distributer 20121 2 Oct. 91 91 19 Oct.* K. A. Olsen .. W. H. Bowser A. Mitchell J. Trounson F. Marsh 20153 20185 20309 20342 20198 5 Oct. 17 Oct. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 19 Oct. 96 101 106 110 106 96 101 106 110 106 2 Nov.* 16 Nov.* 1 Dec* 14 Dec* 1 Dec* A. MoDonald and S. R. Stedman A. McDonald .. M. Hogan J. Gray W. J. Chambers D. Moore Amerioan Seeding-machine Company W. Kennedy Aktiebolaget Separator Aktiebolaget Separator United Shoe Maohinery Company 18871 20256 20391 19167 20318 20479 20217 16 Deo., 1904 28 Oot. 25 Nov. 6 March 13 Nov. 19 Deo. 25 Oot. 96 101 96 101 110 106 6 106 110 106 6 106 2 Nov. 16 Nov.* 14 Dec. 1 Dec* 25 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec. Seeds, Preserving, from inseots Separator .. .. .. Separator Sewing-machine 20194 20311 20455 20451 17 Oct. 14 Nov. 14 Deo. 14 Deo. 106 2 6 2 106 2 6 2 IDec. 11 Jan., 1906. 25 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

Invention. Name. l No. Ap Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Shackle Shade-holder for electric light Shaft-bearings Shaft-tug Shears. (See Bar-shears, Sheep-shears.) Sheep-brand Sheep-shears Sheepskins, Removing wool from Sheepskins, Removing wool from Sheep, &c, Travelling-race for Ships, Apparatus for raising sunken Shirt-cuff .. Shoe and boot machinery Shoe Shoe Shoe-heel Shoe. (See Horse-shoe.) Shoe of grinding-pan Shot-gun cleaner Show-case fastener Sieve. (See Kauri-gum sieve.) Signalling apparatus, Railway Skeith-buckle Skimmer for steam-boiler Skins, Removing wool from Skins, Removing wool from Sleeve of waterproof coat Slimes-filter Slimes-filter Sluice box for gold-saving Snap-catch for leg-rope J. E. Park H. Leah J. H. Gray A. Johnston 20335 20129 20362 20230 20 Nov. 4 Oct. 23 Nov. 26 Oot. 110 96 101 14 Deo. , 2 Nov.* 16 Nov.* J. Ellen J. and B. McGregor and C. G. Boss A. E. Coker D. Urquhart and 0. Sloper C. Rask and E. A. Cameron J. Crook A. E. G. Bennett A. Harrington and W. Spiers S. Smith H. C. Welch .. R. Barnes 20175 20347 19463 20324 20112 19917 20310 20413 19980 20135 20484 12 Oct. 22 Nov. 29 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Sept. 19 Auk. 14 Nov. 6 Deo. 18 Sept. 5 Oct. 21 Dec. 96 110 110 96 96 2 Nov.* 14 Dec. 14 Dec* 2 Nov.* 2 Nov. 106 96 1 Deo.* 2 Nov.* W. Middleton and H. N. G. Cobbe B. E. S. Stocker J. Mead 20221 20238 20444 25 Oct. 27 Oct. 11 Dec. 106 110 1 Dec. 14 Dec. G. T. Pritchard D. Buckley E. G. Marlow and F. C. Constable A. E. Ooker D. Urquhart and C. Sloper R. A. Bradbury F. 0. Brown E. S. Huntley .. R. P. Park C. E. Hayward, jun., and W. E. Hunter 20206 20205 20415 19463 20324 20508 20298 20128 20488 20215 17 Oot. 18 Oct. 6 Dec. 29 Nov. 16 Nov. 30 Dec. 8 Nov. 4 Oct. 21 Dec 24 Oct. 101 110 2 110 110 6 106 16 Nov.* 14 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906. 14 Dec. 14 Dec* 25 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec* 2 11 Jan., 1906.* Soap. (See Pumioe-soap.) Sock. (See Boot-sock.) Sower. (See Manure-sower, Seed-sower.) Sporting telegraph Spoutingbracket .. Spouting-bracket Sprayer, Potato and fruit Spray-pump .. Spraying plants Sprayer Spreader for dray-chain Spring catch Stacking and bagging threshed grain .. Stamp-vending machine Standard. (See Fenoing-standard.) Stand. (See Bag-stand, Iron-stand.) Station-indicator Station-indicator Stave-machine for casks Steam-boiler, Skimmer for Steam-boiler, Water-feeding device for Steam-boiler tubes, Fixing and tightening Steam-distribution for locomotives Steam-turbine .. .. Stereotypes, Casting curved Sterilised air into oow's udder, Injecting Sterilising and preserving food with gases Stirrup-iron Stooking- attachment to reaper and binder Stopper. (See Bottle and stopper, Vehicle and horse stopper.) Strainer. (See Rainwater-strainer, Sedi-ment-trap strainer.) Stretcher, Woven-wire Stripper, Flax-tail .. .. Stump-extraotor Submarine boat Suotion-oollar for pile-driving.. Sugar-milk and cacao compound Sulphide ores, Extraction of gold from.. Sun's altitude, Measuring Sun-blind Sun-blind, Lifting and lowering Superheater, Exhaust-steam Surfaoe-planer and saw-bench.. J. G. Oates 0. E. Larsen G. H. Clapham and J. L. Barlow.. J. D. McLaurin C. Slemitz A. Billens J. Garside F. V. Raymond .. J. Bruce .. .. ,. M. Saunders and G. Winter A. Parker A. J. Border H. T. Smith and A. E. Brown .. Machine-made Casks, Limited .. E. G. Marlow and F, C. Constable J. T. Innes .. F. Stubbs W. E. Hughes .. .. J. 0. Fraser W. E. Hughes G. Soott H. J, R. Hemming T. F. O'Gonnell H. Buokeridge 20282 20122 19411 20257 20377 20367 20496 18983 20323 20410 20227 19709 20336 20505 20415 20136 20472 20067 20219 20355 20104 20456 20295 20446 7 Nov. 2 Oct. 1 May 31 Oct. 23 Nov. 18 Nov. 22 Deo. 19 Jan. 14 Nov. i Dec. 26 Oot. 10 July 20 Nov. 28 Dec. 6 Dec. 5 Oct. 18 Dec. 21 Sept. 25 Oct. 22 Nov. 27 Sept. 31 Dec, 19O4.f 10 Nov. 13 Deo. 106 91 2 iio 2 106 2 2 101 110 2 '.'2 101 96 101 1 Dec* 19 Oct.* 11 Jan., 1906. 14 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906. 1 Deo. 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan.,1906.* 16 Nov.* 14 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan , 1906. 16 Nov. 2 Nov. 16 Nov. 96 6 2 Nov.* 25 Jan., 1906. "2 11 Jan.,1906.* E. Grundy W. Dempsey E. S. Schroeder H. J. Walles .. W. Porch J. R. Hatmaker F. Mackay and A. J. Beckwith .. W. Chappell E. J. Gee R. H. Sollitt and H. J. Whitelaw.. G. W. J. White W. E. L. Laugesen and L. E. Hogbacka L. Hardie L. Atkinson .. .. ;. 18577 20142 19113 20246 20337 20166 20133 20299 20208 20275 20262 19966 11 Oct., 1904 3 Oct. 21 Feb. 27 Oct. 20 Nov. 20 Oct., 1904f 5 Oot. 8 Nov. 21 Oct. 3 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Sept. 106 2 2 6 101 106 110 96 1 Dec. 11 Jan ,1906.* 11 Jan., 1906. 25 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov. 1 Dec. 14 Dec. 2 Nov.* iio 101 14 Dec. 16 Nov. Swing, Adjustable Switches of rails, Operating 20225 20272 24 Oct. 2 Nov. 101 106 16 Nov.* 1 Deo.* Table. (See Billiard-table Gold-saving table, Time-table.) Tailings, Extraction of gold from 20198 19 Oot. 1 Dec* F. Marsh 106


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Tank, Diverting rain-water from Tap. (See Screw tap.) Tea-fuaer Tea preparation Teat oup, Mouthpiece for Teat-cup, Pneumatic Technique in connection with piano, Developing Telephone, Alarm-attachment to Tent, SleepingTester. (See Ball or bowl tester, Eggtester.) Telephone-transmitter Telegraph, Sporting Thresher for cocksfoot Threshing-machine elevator Tickets in bales of flax, Depositing Timber, Preserving natural colours of .. Timber-wagon Timber-dressing Time-table and advertising device Timing apparatus for shutting off lights Tin. See Bread-tin, Kerosene-tin.) Tire Tires, Inflating V. R. Reeve 20482 21 Deo. 11 Jan., 1906.* A. Lyell H. S. W. Palmer and R. V. Webster A. Gillies A. Ridd A. B. Wallace and H. J. Jones 20375 20163 20164 20239 20207 25 Nov. 12 Oct. 12 Oct. 27 Oct. 21 Oct. 101 96 101 106 16 Nov. 2 Nov. , 16 Nov.* 1 Dec. F. J. Parrell B. L. Donne 18974 20236 16 Jan. 27 Oct. 110 no 14 Dec. 14 Deo. H. A. Outmore J. G. Oates H. C. Thomsen.. A. Werner A. J. Pomeroy .. G. Leslie S. T. Cooper C. P. Pulley W. J. Rae T. O'Neil 20252 20282 20245 19286 20233 20385 20330 20473 18749 20213 30 Oot. 7 Nov. 28 Oot. 1 April 26 Oot. 25 Nov. 17 Nov. 20 Deo. 16 Nov., 1904 24 Oot. 106 106 2 2 101 2 106 2 91 106 1 Dec. 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906.* 19 Oct. 1 Dec* B. B. Killen A. G. Lavertine and J. E. McNellan V. Nalty P. Rich and G. P. Walbran J. Ooe and V. Johansen O. Andrews T. V. Whitmore J. H. A. McPhee W. P. Macintosh H. Nalder A. W. Loone L. H. Hicks and A. N. Cooke E. G. Langton .. W. B. Brain .. T. Vivian 20504 20466 28 Deo. 18 Deo. 6 25 Jan.', 1906. Tire, Nonpuncturable Tire-valve, Pneumatic Tires, Valve-connection for Tires, Vulcanising Toasting-applianoe Tobacco outter and box Tobacco lighter Toe-clip Toe-clip for bicycle Toe-plate for boots Toilet-comb Tonic and antidote Tonic, Medicinal Tool. (See Combination Tool.) Top-piece for boot-heel Trace-spreader Tram-car fender Tram-rail points, Moving Transmitter. (See Telephone-transmit-ter.) Trap. (See Animal-trap, Bird-trap, Rab-bit-trap, Sediment-trap.) Travelling-race or alleyway Trolley-head Trolley-pole controller Trolley-wheel guide Truok. (See Railway-truck.) Tube-mill, Lining for Tumbler. (See Dredge-tumbler.) Turbine. (See Fluid-pressure turbine, Steam-turbine.) Turbine Turnip-ridger, Lifting and pressure device for Turnip-thinner Type casting and setting machine 20297 20261 20056 20480 20322 20476 20065 20174 20368 20420 20293 20381 20241 10 Nov. 1 Deo. 15 Sept. 21 Deo. 14 Nov. 15 Deo. 21 Sept. 13 Oot. 23 Nov. 7 Deo. 10 Nov. 23 Nov. 25 Oot. 110 96 106 2 106 101 110 14 Dec. 2 Nov. 1 Dec* 11 Jan., 1906.* 1 Dec. 16 Nov.* 14 Dec* 106 1 Dec* 101 16 Nov.* P. Y. Harrison and R. H. Southall D. G, Watson .. J. L. Kirkbride E. N. Grove 20292 20189 20443 20440 10 Nov. 18 Oct. 11 Deo. 12 Dec. 101 2 2 16 Nov.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 11 Jan., 1906.* C. Rask and E. A. Cameron G. B. Holmes and A. D. Allen P. H. Cooper J. J. Macky 20112 20376 19015 20498 23 Sept. 27 Nov. 1 Feb. 23 Deo. 96 110 110 6 2 Nov.* 14 Dec* 14 Dec. 25 Jan., 1906.* H. P. Barry 20436 9 Dec. 11 Jan. ,1906.* M. Heeb A. Storrie 20354 18954 22 Nov. 7 Jan. 110 110 14 Dec* 14 Dec A. M. Swhan The Chartered Patents Company, Limited A. Schultze 20395 20454 28 Nov. 14 Dec. 2 6 lljan.,1906. , 25 Jan., 1906. Typewriter carriage and spacer 20273 28 Oct. 6 25 Jan., 1906.* Vaccine, BlacklegValve, Can-washing Valve-connection for tires Valve. (See Locomotive - valve, Tirevalve.) Valves, taps, &c, Operating Vapour-burner, incandescent .. E. M. Houghton J. E. Day J. Coe and V. Johansen .. 20081 20289 20056 22 Sept. 10 Nov. 15 Sept. 101 101 96 16 Nov. 16 Nov.* 2 Nov. W. Howlin A. Blanchard, H. Wood, and E. A. H. Burgoyne W. Smith G. Moore A. Worsfold W. C. Page G. Middleton .. E. A. Tychsen .. The Horrocks Automatic Vendingmachine Company, Limited A. Parker R. H. Sollitt and H. J. Whitelaw W. Morton and J. Herous 19644 20487 28 June 21 Deo. 2 11 Jan., 1906. Vehicle and horse stopper Vehicle-oushion Vehicle-seat, Movable Vehicle-wheel, Securing upon axle Vehiole wheel, Road-Velooipede-driving mechanism Vending-machine 20243 20179 20204 20296 20344 20279 20220 27 Oot. 16 Oot. 17 Oct. 10 Nov. 22 Nov. 4 Nov. 25 Oot. 110 101 106 110 2 14 Dec* 16 Nov.* 1 Dec 14 Dec. 11 Jan., 1906. •96 2 Nov.* Vending machine, StampVenetian blind, Lifting and lowering .. Ventilating-sash 20227 20275 20200 26 Oot. 3 Nov. 16 Oot. 101 16 Nov.* 106 1 Deo.



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

Invention. Name. No. A] Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Ventilating-window Ventilator for buildings Ventilator, Double-ourrent View-book, Pictorial Vulcanising tires T. S. Philpott .. W. Muir H. I. M. Eoss .. E. L. White O. Andrews 20457 20181 20178 20308 20480 15 Deo. 14 Oct. 13 Oct. 21 Jan. 21 Deo. 2 96 101 11 Jan., 1906.' 2 Nov.* 16 Nov. Wagon-pole Wagon. (See Timber - wagon, Metal oartiug and spreading wagon.) Wall-paper outter Wall. (See Partition-wall.) Wall-tie Washboard Washer. (See Churn and butterwasher.) Washing-boiler T. T. Rawhiti 19145 27 Feb. 2 11 Jan., 1906. A. Matheson 20120 2 Oct. 91 19 Oct.* S. Priest, jun. .. J. J. Power 19131 20474 22 Feb. 20 Deo. 2 11 Jan., 1906. B. S. ana J. H. Nicholla and C. A. Bennett F. E. A. Gordon J. Steer 20265 30 Oct. Washing fluid Washing-fluid Washing. (See Glass-washing, Clotheswashing.) Waterproof-fabrio manufacture Waterproof-ooat sleeve Water-feeding device for steam-boiler .. Water. (See Mineral - water, Rainwater.) Water-tube boiler Weed and animal destruction Weed-eradicator Weeds. (See Noxious weeds.) Weighing-attachment to dray.. Wheel-axle .. Wheel-locks, Operating Wheel-lubrioator Wheel-jack Wheel. (See Plough - wheel, Vehiolewheel, Trolley-wheel.) Whisking machine Windmill .. Window-blind retainer Window-sash, Fastening pulley to Window, Ventilating-Window-sash sustainer Wire-fastener Wire. (See Electric wire, Overhead wire.) Wire-mattress strengthener Wire suspender for bottles Wool, Removing, from skins, &c. Wool, Removing, from skins Woven-wire stretoher Writing-applianoe for the blind 20486 20462 21 Deo. 16 Dec. 2 11 Jan., 1906.* J. R. Park R. A. Bradbury J. T. Innes 20350 20508 20136 22 Nov. 30 Dee. 5 Oct. 2 6 101 11 Jan., 1906. 25 Jan., 1906.* 16 Nov. J. Smaill B. Locking J. J. Flett 18597 20406 20432 14 Oct., 1904 5 Dec. 11 Deo. 96 2 Nov. A. S. Ford W. Brady and B. T. Chaytor F. Rouse and R. and H. G. Black G. A. Niabet .. L. Healy and E. C. Hopkinson .. 20157 20226 20237 20154 20216 10 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Oct. 9 Oct. 23 Oct. 101 106 106 101 6 16 Nov.* 1 Deo.* 1 Dec* 16 Nov.* 25 Jan., 1906.* T. G. Haigh J. O'Neil W. E. Spenoer and J. Sanderson.. R. Perry T. S. Philpott .. E. J. Parrish A. R. Hardy 20380 20280 19007 20126 20457 20043 20199 28 Nov. 6 Nov. 26 Jan. 4 Oot. 15 Deo. 15 Sept. 21 Oot. 110 110 110 91 2 96 14 Dec* 14 Dec 14 Dec 19 Oct.* 11 Jan., 1906.* 2 Nov. A. R. Morrison J. Sharpe A. E. Coker D. Urquhart and G. Sloper E. Grundy G. Harvey 20145 20068 19463 20324 18577 20431 3 Oct. 21 Sept. 29 Nov. 16 Nov. 11 Oct., 1904 11 Dec. 96 110 110 106 2 2Nov 14 Dec 14 Dec* 1 Dec 11 Jan., 1906.*




Name. Address. Class. — A No. Application. Aμ; Gazette. Date. No. Date. Alberti, G. H. Alexander, Murdoch, and Co. Anderson and Son, D. Anderson and Son, D. Ardath Tobacco Company. (See A. Levy.) Ashton, Limited, T. A. Auokland Packing Company. (See D. A. Somerville.) Auckland Fresh Food and Ice Company, Limited Avison and Willans Hamburg, Germany Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 9 42 42, 47 42, 47 5617 5677 5006, 7 5636, 7 2 Nov. 8 Dtc. 26 Oc . 13 Nov. 110 110 96 106 14 Dec. 14 Dec. 2 N v. 1 Dec. Sheffield, Eng. 37 5613 30 Oct. Auckland, N.Z. 42 5588, 9 24 Oct. 96 2 Nov. Wellington, N.Z. 42 5583 19 Oct. 96 2 Nov. Bisschop, H. L. G. Bond and Bell Bond and Bell Boyd, J. A. Brenneoke, F. P. .. Brennecke, F. P. .. British Columbia Paokers' Association, The British Columbia Packers' Assooiation, The British Columbia Packers' Association, The Brough, Nicholson, and Hall Brown, Ewing, and Co., Limited .. Bryant and May, Limited Buchanan, J. Delft, Holland.. Aiokland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Ohristohureh, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Vancouver, B.C., Canada Vanoouver, B.C., Canada 50 42 42 50 45 45 42 42 5519 5694 5695 5657 5609 5661 5620, 1 5626-33 14 Sept. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Nov. 27 Oct. 1 Dec. 3 Nov. 7 Nov. 110 6 110 110 101 101 14 Dec. 25 Jan., 1906. 14 Deo. 14 Deo. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. Vancouver, B.C., Canada 42 5638-41 13 Nov. 106 1 Dec. Leek, Eng. Dunedin, N.Z. London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. 30 38 47 48 5544 5565 5304 5579 28 Sept. 9-Oct. 17 May 17 Oct. 96 96 88 2 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 5 Oct. 11 Jan., 1906. Cadman and Sons, T. R. .. California Fruit-canners' Association, The Carr and Sons, J. .. Carson, A. A. Carson and Co. (See A. A. Carson.) Chipman, Limited Sheffield, Eng. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. 12 42 5555 5610 4 Oct. 27 Oct. 91 106 19 Oct. 1 Deo. Manchester, Eng. Auokland, N.Z. 28 42 5643 5550 14 Nov. 3 Oct. 2 11 Jan., 1906. Chipman, Limited New York, U.S A., and Sydney, N.S.W. New York, U.S.A., and Sydney, N.S.W. Atlanta, U.S.A. Berkhamsted, Eng. 42 42 5535 5580 21 Sept. IT Oct. 96 2 Nov. Cooa-Cola Company, The Cooper and Nephews 44 2 5667 5208-10 7 Dec. 22 March iio 14 Dec. Dalgety and Co., Limited Daue and Co. Davies, A. A. and E. B. Wellington, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. 19 47 3 5665 5660 5635 7 Dec. 1 Dec. 11 Nov. no no 14 Dec. 14 Dec. Eastwood, E., and another Ekins, H. H. Evelyn, E. S. Ewing Phosphate Company, Limited, The 3irmingham, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Hobart, Tasmania Dunedin, N.Z. 42 50 2 4 5619 5569 5358 5575 2 Nov. 12 Ocr. 28 June 14 Oot. no 91 110 96 14 Dec. 19 Oof. 14 Dec. 2 N..v. Farrow and Co. (See J. Farrow.) Farrow, J. Ford Company, The J. B. .. Peterborough, Eng. Ford City, U.S.A. 42 1 5567 5374, 5 12 Oct. 3 July r> 96 25 Jan., 1906. 2 Nov. Garland and Son, T. H. Garton and Co., F. G. (See E. Eastwood and E. S. Moore.) Glasgow, D. Gollin and Co. Proprietary, Limited Gollin and Co. Proprietary, Limited Gordon, Woodrofie, and Co. Gordon, Woodrofie, and Co. Gotch, M. Grey and Menzies, Limited Griffin, J. H. and G. R. .. Auokland, N.Z. 42 5646 20 Nov. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Christchuroh, N.Z. Chriatchurch, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auokland, N.Z. Nelson, N.Z. .. 3 5 42 42 42 48 44 42 5659 5591 5662 5577 5697 5611 5590 5614 1 Deo. 24 Oct. 4 Dec. 16 Oct. 30 Dec. 28 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Oct. 110 96 110 14 Deo. 2 Nov. 14 Dec. 101 16 Nov. 101 16 Nov. Hadfield's Steel Foundry Company, Limited Hart Manufacturing Company, The Hatmaker, J. R. .. Hawkins, C. W. .. Hay ward Bros, and Co., Limited .. Hayward Bros., Limited Hean, G. W. Herrmann, P., and others Hudson, R. W. .. Hudson, R. W. .. Sheffield, Eng. 5, 13 5655, 6 29 Nov. 110 14 Dec. Cleveland, U.S.A. Paris, France Dunedin, N.Z... Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Liverpool, Eng. Liverpool, Eng. 6 42 3 47 42 3 50 47, 48 48 5568 5650 5644 5570 5241 5548, 9 5280 5603, 4 5605 12 Oct. 23 Nov. 17 Nov. 12 Oct. 5 April 2 Oct. 9 May 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 91 106 106 96 106 88 96 96 101 19 Oct. 1 Dao. 1 Dec. 2 Nov. 1 D.-c. 5 Oct. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 16 Nov.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


Class. Gazette. Application. Name. Address. No. No. Date. Date. Hudson, R. S. (See R. W. Hudson.) Hulbert, J. B. Hunter and Etheridge Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin.N.Z. .. 50 42 5578 5547 16 Oot. 30 Sept. 96 101 2 Nov. 16 Nov. International Harvester Company of America Irvine and Stevenson's St. Georgo Company, Limited Irvine and Stevenson's St. George Company, Limited Christchuroh, N.Z. 50 5585, 6 23 Oot. 96 2 Nov. Dunedin, N.Z... 42 5530-31 20 Sept. 96 2 Nov. Dunedin, N.Z... 42, 47 5573-4 13 Oot. 96 2 Nov. Johnstone and Co., J. Jonkopings och Vulcans Tandsticks fabriksaktiebolag Auokland, N.Z. Jonkopings, Sweden 3 47 5651 5679 25 Nov. 11 Dec. 110 14 Deo. Lamaon Paragon Supply Company of Australasia Proprietary, Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Bichmond, Vio. 39 5676 7 Deo. 110 14 Deo. Balmain, N.8.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. 47 47 48 47 5594 5595, 7 5596,8 5668, 70, 2, 4 5669, 71, 3. 5 5690, 1 5663 5664 5681 25 Oot. 25 Oct. 25 Oot. 7 Deo. 96 96 110 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 14 DrC. Lever Bros., Limited Balmain, N.S.W. 48 7 Deo. 110 14 Deo. Lever Bros., Limited Levy, A. .. Levy, A. .. Loveday, L. W. Balmaiu, N.S.W. London, Eng. London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. 47, 48 45 45 50 20 Deo. 6 Dec. 6 Deo. 11 Deo. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. o no 14 Doe. Maling, G. R. Maling and Dixon. (See G. R. Maling) MoElwain, M. MoLeod Patent Firebrand Company, Limited MoVitie and Price Middlemas, R. Midland Vinegar Company. (See E. Eastwood and E. 8. Moore.) Moxham and Co., W. J. (See H. A. Twiby, J. H. Windeler, and P. Herrmann, No. 5280.) Moore, E. S., and another Murdoch and Co., A. Murray and Co., Limited, W. T. Christohurch, N.Z. 42 5576 16 Oot. 96 2 Nov. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 3 13 5608 5652 26 Oot. 25 Nov. 96 Q 2 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906, Edinburgh, Scotland London, Eng. 42 45 5680 5618 11 Deo. 2 Nov. 101 16 Nov. Birmingham, Eng. Dunedin, N.Z. Inveroargill, N.Z. 42 42 42 5619 5677 5532 4 2 Nov. 8 Dec. 20 Sept. . .. 110 110 110 14 Deo. 14 Deo. 14 Deo. Nathan and Co., Limited, J. National Cash Register Company .. Needham, Veall, and Tyzack, Limited Newton and Son, Limited, J. Nicolay and Co. Wellington, N.Z. Dayton, U.S.A. Sheffield, Eng... 42 6 12 5014 5615 5612 10 Nov., 1904 1 Nov. 30 Oct. 106 101 101 1 Deo. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. Kaiwarra, N.Z. London, Eng., and Zurich, Switzerland Palmerston North, N.Z. 47 3 5658 5678 1 Deo. 11 Dae. 110 110 14 Dee. 14 Dee. Palmerston North Mild-cure Baoon Company, The Patterson, J. R. .. Paterson and Co., A. 8. 42 5564 7 Oct. 91 19 Oct. Wellington, N.Z. Auokland, Wellington, and Dunedin, N.Z. Lond., Eng. Haloombe, N.Z. 42 42 5551 5645 3 Oot. 17 Nov. 88 106 5 Oot. 1 Deo. Peck and Co., H. .. Purkiss, J. 42 13 5649 5634 23 Nov. 12 Nov. 106 1 Deo. Ramsay, K. S. .. .. Reokitt and Sons, Limited Dunedin, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W., and Hull, Eng. Birmingham, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. Epernay, France London, Eng. York, Eng. 1 50 5653 5692 27 Nov. 21 Deo. 110 2 14 Deo. 11 Jan., 1906. Reynolds and Sons, Limited, J. Robins and others, A. Roger and Co., P. Roneo, Limited Rowntree and Company, Limited .. 13 50 43 50 42 5332 5624 5537 5696 5301 14 June 4 Nov. 21 Sept. 28 Deo. 17 May 101 16 Nov. 96 2 Nov. *88 5 Oot. Salt., Bt., Sons, and Co., Limited, Sir T. Sargood, Son, and Ewen ... Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sheldon and Co., Limited, T. Simmons Hardware Company Smith, A. Smith and Co., R. P. Smith and Smith, Limited Sommerville, D. A. Sooiete Menier Saltaire, Eng. 34, 38 5399, 5400 19 July . 96 2 Nov. Auokland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wolverhampton, Eng. .. St. Louie, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. Peilding, N.Z. Dunedin.N.Z... Auokland, N.Z. Paris, Franoe 36 38 13 13 42 22 1 42 42 5552, 3, 4 5622 5647 5688 5556 5654 5623 5616 5599,5601, 2 5600 4993 3 Oot. 3 Nov. 22 Nov. 14 Deo. 4 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 2 Nov. 25 Oct. ' 88 101 5 Oot. 16 Nov. n 91 110 11 Jan., 1906. 19 Oot. 14 Deo. 101 106 16 Nov. 1 Deo. Sooiete Menier Standard Oil Company of New York Paris, Franoe New York, U.S.A. 42 47 25 Oot. 3 Nov., 1904 106 1 Deo."


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


By Authority : John Maokay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o6.


Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Glass. No. Date. No. Date. Steer, J. .. Stevenson and Howell, Limited Stratford Farmers' Co-operative Association, Limited Strauss and Go. Suarez, B. Suohard (Sooi<§te Anonyme) Suchard (Societe Anonyme) Napier, N.Z. .. London, Eng. Stratford, N.Z. 47 42, 43 5587 5689 5592-3 42 18 Deo. 25 Oct. 24 Oot. 96 11 Jan., 1906. 2 Nov. London, Eng. .. Havana, Cuba Neuohatel, Switzerland Neuohatel, Switzerland 43 45 42 42 5682 5581 5561 5562 11 Deo. 17 Oct. 5 Oot. 5 Oct. 96 106 2 NoV. 1 Deo. Taylor, H. A. Thermogene Company, The Turner and Maxwell Twiby, H. A., and others Wellington, N.Z. Sussex, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. 48 3 38 50 5563 5642 5566 5280 7 Oct. 14 Nov. 10 Oct. 9 May 91 106 96 96 19 Oct. 1 Deo. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. United States Steel Products Export Company New York, U.S.A. 5 5582 19 Oct. Vacuum Oil Company Proprietary, Limited Melbourne, Vic. 47 5625 4 Nov. 101 16 Nov. Walker and Hall Walters and Co. (See E. Middlemas.) Ward Bros., Limited Whitefield, J. Wiggins, Teape, and Co., Limited .. Wight, R. B. Wilson and Glenny, Limited Windeler, J. H., and others Woodrow, J., and Sons, Limited Wootton, S. E. .. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. Wulzen and Co., and another Sheffield, Eng. 50 5666 7 Dec. 110 14 Deo. Stockport, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. London, Eng. Taibape, N.Z. .. Howick, Sootland Sydney, N.S.W. Stockport, Eng. Dunedin, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. 38 45 39 42 34 50 38 3 42 50 5557-60 5693 5685, 6, 7 5584 5495 5280 5648 5683 5684 5624 4 Oot. 22 Dec. 14 Dec. 19 Oct. 31 Aug. 9 May 23 Nov. 12 Deo. 13 Deo. 4 Nov. 6 106 106 96 106 25 Jan., 1906. 1 Deo. 1 Deo. 2 Nov. 1 Dee. "2 11 Jan., 1906. Zohrab and Co. Zohrab and Co. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 42 42 5572 5571 13 Oot. 13 Oot. 91 96 19 Oct. 2 Nov.

Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Andersons, Limited Christohurch and Lyttelton, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z... Nelson, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Christohurch, N.Z. Christohuroh, N.Z. Halcombe, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 1 251-63 27 Oct. 101 16 Nov. Danks, T. Every, J. H. Grace, A. A. Hanoox, W. G. .. Lonsdale Bros, and Go. Lonsdale Bros, and Co. Purkiss, J. Sterling Eleotro - plating Company, The Suckling, H. J. .. Todd, T. N. 1 1 5 1 2 2 1 2 264 266 276 275 271-3 274 265 269-70 6 Nov. 11 Nov. 15 Deo. 22 Dec. 21 Deo. 22 Deo. 1 Nov. 13 and 19 Deo. 101 101 2 2 2 2 101 2 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 11 Jan., 1906. 16 Nov. 11 Jan., 1906. Christohuroh, N.Z. Manurewa, N.Z. 1 5 267 268 21 Nov. 5 Deo. 106 110 1 Deo. 14 Deo.

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Bibliographic details

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1906 Session I, H-10

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