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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be 'printed.


Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Tuesday, the 4th Day of July, 1905. Ordered, "That Standing Order No. 218 be suspended, and that a Goldfields and Mines Committee, consisting of sixteen members, be appointed, to whom shall be referred all matters relating to mining and all Bills relating to mines; with power to call for persons and papers; five to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. J. Allen, Mr. Bennet, Mr. Colvin, Mr. W. Fraser, Mr. Herdman, Mr. Herries, Mr. Kidd, Mr. R. McKenzie, Mr. Millar, Hon. Mr. Mills, Mr. Moss, Mr. Reid, Right Hon. R. J. Seddon, Mr. Smith, Mr. Witheford, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr.. McGowan.)


I—l. 4.

No. Petitioners. Page. I No. Petitioners. Page. 78 Brokenshire, Joseph 2 58 | Jansen, R. T. 189 I Jobe, James 4 4 Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill (interim report) Cross, L., and others Camming, Jas., and others (re Seddonville Mine) 2 399 261 4 5 560 ! Kirkness, J., and others Mining Acts Amendment Bill .. 460 Mackay, Alexander 420 Moriarty, Timothy, and others 131 McConnochie, William, and others 425 [ MacGregor, A., and others 3 3 3 2 4 3 67 10 368 Draffin, Samuel, and others Drummond, Annie Dean, C, and others Dunedin City and Suburban Tramways and Water-power Act 1903 Amendment Bill Dunn, A., and others 3 2 5 2 427 2 653 ! Pilcher, E. G. 190 Ross, R. J., and others 428 \ Russell, R., and others 5 4 2 14 Fraser, Simon 2 429 Stewart, H. D., and others 443 Sutherland, William, and others 5 4 561 493 Gibbs, G. W., and others Gilray, G. H., and others 3 4 53 | Thomson, Catherine, and another 400 : Wallace, James, and others 279 ! Waimumu Gold-dredging Company 5 4 3 608 574 148 Hayes, J. P. Harvie, Robert .. ,. Hosie, James 5 4 3




No. 10.—Petition of Annie Drummond. Petitioner represents that her late husband lost his health in the service of the country as a mining surveyor in the early days; that in consequence of his death, accelerated by exposure in the performance of his duties, she has been reduced to poverty. She prays that some consideration be extended to her. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to recommend that the petition of Annie Drummond be referred to the Public Petitions Committee. 28th July, 1905.

No. 14.—Petition of Simon Fraser, Miner, of Whangarei. Petitioner seeks to obtain a reward for the discovery of goldfields. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of Simon Fraser that they have no recommendation to make. 28th July, 1905.

No. 78.—Petition of Joseph Brokenwhire, George Comer, Henry Goldswortht, and W. H. Lucas. Petitioners pray that an amendment to " The Mining Act, 1900," may be passed which would give power to the Board of Examiners to issue first-class certificates to petitioners on their giving proof to the Board that they possessed the necessary qualifications on the 15th day of November, 1898, as was required by candidates for Civil Service under the provisions of " The Mining Act, 1898." The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of Joseph Brokenshire and three others that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government with a view to compliance being granted to the prayer of the petitioners. 28th July, 1905.

Dunedin City and Suburban Tramways and Water-power Act 1903 Amendment Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having given careful consideration to the provisions of the Dunedin City and Suburban Tramways and Water-power Act 1903 Amendment Bill, referred to them by your honourable House, have the honour to report that they recommend that the said Bill be allowed to proceed, subject, however, to the amendments shown on a copy of the Bill attached hereto. 24th August, 1905.

Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill (Interim Report). The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to whom was referred the Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill, have the honour to report that they have taken a considerable amount of evidence in connection with matters embodied —or which it is held should be embodied —in the said Bill, and they now submit as an interim report that they recommend your honourable House to order that the said •evidence be laid on the table and be printed. (Vide Appendix 1.-4 a.) 30th August, 1905.

Seddonville State Coal-mine. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report to your honourable House that the Hon. the Minister of Mines has declined to comply with a resolution of this Committee to lay on the table of the Committee the books and papers connected with the Seddonville State Coal-mine and the report made by, and the evidence taken before, the Board which recently inquired into the management of the said mine. Note. — Debate on motion- " That the Report do lie upon the Table " interrupted by the 5.30 adjournment. 21st September, 1905.

Nos. 426, 427, and 428.—Petitions of Timothy Moriarty, A. Dunn and Others, and R. Russell and Others. Petitioner Timothy Moriarty prays for compensation for the illegal deprivation of his land at the junction of Stillwater Creek with the Grey River, and also for damages to the said land caused by the operations of certain dredging companies. Petitioners R. Russell and others and A. Dunn ■■and others support the prayer of petitioner Timothy Moriarty.


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The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that they recommend that the above-mentioned petitions be referred to the Government for consideration and further inquiry; also, that a report be obtained on Moriarty's case. At the same time the Committee desire to give •expression to the opinion that the amount claimed by petitioner is most unreasonable. 12th October, 1905.

No. 148.—Petition of Jambs Hosib. Petitioner seeks to obtain from your honourable House a reward for the discovery —which he alleges was made by him —of gold at Waihi and Karangahake. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of James Hosie that they have no recommendation to make. 12th October, 1905.

No. 67.—Petition of Samuel Dbapfin and Others. Petitioners pray that the Government may be authorised to erect a battery for the crushing of quartz at Waitekauri, in order that the golden ores believed to abound in that neighbourhood may be freely tested. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of Samuel Draifin and others that they have no recommendation to make. I.3th October, 1905.

Nos. 560 and 561.—Petitions of J. Kirkness and Others and G. W. Gibbs and Others. Petitioners represent that the upper Anatoki is a most promising field for gold-mining, and they pray that a sum of £400 may be granted for the purpose of constructing a pack-track to the field. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petitions of J. Kirkness and others and G. W. Gibbs and others that they recommend that the said petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th October, 1905.

No. 460.—Petition of Alexander Mackat. Petitioner prays for a reward for the discovery—which he alleges was made by him—of gold at Waihi and Karangahake in the years 1866 and 1867. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of Alexander Mackay that they have no recommendation to make. 12th October, 1905.

Mining Acts Amendment Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having bestowed careful consideration upon the provisions of the Mining Acts Amendment Bill, referred to them by your honourable House, have the honour to report that they recommend that the said Bill be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments shown on a copy of the Bill attached hereto. 13th October, 1905.

No. 425.—Petition of Alexander MacGregor, of Waikaia Flat, Southland County. Petitioner represents that he purchased 324 acres of land in the Wendon district, and that subsequently he received notice from the former proprietor that no claim had been made for prospective •damages arising from the proclamation of the Waikaia River, on the banks of which the land was situate, as a sludge-channel. He prays your honourable House that the Warden be asked to report •on his case with a view to some compensation being granted to him. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of Alexander MacGregor that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government for consideration, and that the Government be recommended to obtain a report upon the merits of the ■case as prayed for. 13th October, 1905.

No. 279. —Petition of the Waimumu Gold-dredging Company and Others. Petitioners represent that, in conjunction with the Government, the Mataura Borough Council, and eight gold-dredging companies, they were induced to enter into an expenditure in the '■construction of the Waimumu Tail-race; that subsequently a number of the dredging companies went into liquidation, and the Government proclaimed the Waimumu Creek a sludge-channel; that by this action of the Government the right to use the tail-race was thrown open; that others •came in and took the benefit of the tail-race; that your petitioners took action to restrain, and ■were defeated in the Supreme Court, whereby loss was sustained; and your petitioners pray that



they may be recouped for the losses they have been subjected to, and that the Mining Act may beamended so that the tail-race may not be used by those who have paid no portion of the cost of its construction or its maintenance. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of the Waimumu Gold-dredging Company and others that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the . Government for favourable consideration. 13th October, 1905.

No. 131.—Petition of William McConnochie and 229 Others. Petitioners pray that further assistance than is at present provided may be extended to the mining industry by the offer of rewards for the discovery of new goldfields. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of William. McConnochie and others that, as the policy of offering rewards for the discover}" of new goldfields has been dealt with in the Mining Act Amendment Bill now before your honourable House, they have no recommendation to make. 18th October, 1905.

Nos. 443 and 493.—Petitions of William Sutherland and Others and G. H. Gilhat and Others.. Petitioners pray that steps may be taken by the Government to prevent the South Molyneux, Inch-Clutha, Matau, and Kaitangata districts from being flooded through the silting-up of the , river by mining debris, the ratepayers having taxed themselves to the utmost to save their properties from destruction. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petitions of William Sutherland and others and G. H. Gilray and others that they recommend that a competent Engineer be sent by the Government to report on the position at Inch-Clutha arising through the siltmg-up' of the river-bed; and they further recommend that a sum of .£3OO be placed upon the supplementary estimates to execute the most urgent portion of the work required. 18th October, 1905.

Nos. 400 and 399. —Petitions of John Wallace and Others and L. Cross and Others, of Orepuki,. in the County of Wallace. Petitioners pray that a subsidy of £1,250 maj- be granted towards the construction of a water-race which would open up a large extent of auriferous land. The race, if constructed, would be 400 ft. or thereabouts higher than any similar work in or about Orepuki. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petitions of John Wallace and others and L. Cross and others that they recommend that the said petitions be referred' to the Government for consideration. 18th October, 1905.

No. 574.—Petition of Robert Haevie. Petitioner represents that he took up under the Mining Act 5 acres of land as a mining-claim,, and that he worked the ground for some sixteen months, and then discovered that, through the , failure of the Warden's office and other of the local authorities to afford reliable information, onehalf of his claim was freehold property. He seeks compensation. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of Robert Harvie that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th October, 1905.

Nos. 189 and 190.—Petitions of James Jobe and R. J. Ross and Others. Petitioner James Jobe prays that steps may be taken to authorise and empower the Board of Examiners under "The Mining Act, 1891," to issue to him a certificate as a first-class minemanager; and petitioners R. J. Ross and others pray that no certificates as mine-managers may be granted to any one who has not passed the Board of Examiners as provided by " The Mining Act, 1891." The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petitions of James Jobe and R. J. Ross and others that they recommend that the said petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th October, 1905.

No. 58.—Petition of R. T. Janskn. Petitioner prays that the Government may be authorised to grant to him some financial assistance in prospecting the Success Special Quartz Claim, situated in the Borough of Te Aroha. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of R. T. Jansen that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th October, 1905.



No. 429.—Petition of H. D. Stewart and Others. Petitioners, who are aboriginal natives, represent that on or about the year 1867 certain aboriginal natives, for themselves and for petitioners, entered into an agreement with the then Agent for the General Government, by which the right was granted to mine upon certain lands then known as the Thames Goldfield, no person being allowed to mine unless he was the holder of a miner's right, the cost of which, originally, was £1; that between the year 1867 and the year 1904 the number of miners employed or. the field was five thousand or thereabouts, whilst the number of rights taken out was not more than one thousand; that in consequence of these facts petitioners have sustained a loss of several thousand pounds, and they pray for redress. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of H. D. Stewart and others that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and with a view to immediate action being taken to afford redress. 19th October, 1905.

No. 53. —Petition of Catherine Thomson and Another. Petitioner prays that an inquiry be instituted into the alleged misappropriation of the funds of the shareholders and claimholders of No. 5 Main Tail-race at Kumara. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of Catherine Thomson and another that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd October, 1905.

No. 608.—Petition of J. P. Hayes and 559 Others. Petitioners represent that a mineral lease has recently been issued to the Public Trustee, as executor for the estate of the late Sir A. J. Cadman, over 920 acres at Parapara, comprising portion of the Parapara iron-deposits ; that the section of the Act under which this lease has been issued contains a provision under which the Governor may purchase the lessee's interest in that or any other property; and that, in their opinion, the said provision is not conducive to the best interests of the colony at large. They therefore pray that legislation may be passed repealing the said provision. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of J. P. Hayes and others that they recommend that the said petition be referred to* the Government for favourable consideration. 25th October, 1905.

No. 653.—Petition of E. G. Pilcheh. Petitioner represents that he is carrying on business in Wellington as agent for the receiver on behalf of the debenture-holders of the Greymouth and Point Elizabeth. Eailway and Coal Company, and that as such agent he has at various times ordered coal from the Managing Agent of the State Coal-mines in accordance with advertisements, and has been refused to be supplied. He prays that the prohibition imposed upon him shall be forthwith removed. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of E. G. Pilcher that, from the evidence submitted, they see no reason why the petitioner should be treated differently from other ooal-merchants; they therefore recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. (Fide Appendix 1.-4 c.) 26th October, 1905.

Nos. 261 and 368.—Petitions of James Ctjmming and 86 Others and C. Dean and 106 Others. Petitioners James Cumming and others complain of incompetence and mismanagement on the part of the authorities in connection with the State Coal-mine at Seddonville, and they pray for an impartial investigation of certain charges. Petitioners C. Dean and others support the prayer of petitioners James Cumming and others. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having taken a large body of evidence in regard to the several matters embodied in the petitions of James Cumming and others and C. Dean and others, have now the honour to report that they recommend that the said petitions be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and that the evidence taken, together with the reports and other papers, be laid on the table and be printed. (Tide Appendix 1.-4b.) 28th October, 1905. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,425 copies), £3 10s.

Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9os.

Price 6d.]

2—l. 4.

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GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF). (Mr. COLVIN, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, I-04

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GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF). (Mr. COLVIN, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, I-04

GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF). (Mr. COLVIN, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, I-04

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