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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered, to be printed.

ORDER OF REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the Bouse of Representatives. Wednesday, the 28th Day of June, 1905. Ordered, " That a Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all petitions from M to Z that may be referred to it-;by the Petitions Classification Committee ; to classify and prepare abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents, and to report the same from time to time to this House, and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereupon to this House ; also to have power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Alison, Mr. Buddo, Mr. Davey, Mr. Fowlds, Mr. W. Fraser, Mr. Kidd, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Smith, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Mills.)


I—l. 2.

No. Petitioners. Page. No. Petitioner. Page. 111 522 Avondale Road Board Casey, M., and 1,497 others (and eighteen similar petitions as per schedule) 3 11 116 86 495 518 227 Mount Albert Road Board Mount Roskill Road Board Muir, J. Murray, W. A. Myers, J. S. 3 3 10 8 3 112 Eden Terrace Road Board 3 Final Report Ginders, C. P., and another 12 4 122 515 421 19 502 246 McCormick, J., and 12 others McKay, A. M. McKay, J. M. J. McKeever, W. McKenzie, J. H., and others .. McPherson, G., and 3 others 3 8 8 2 10 4 374 292 292 Johnstone, G., and 16 others Johnstone, G., and 16 others (No. 2) .. 9 9 558 King, A. A., and 2 others 12 569 259 40 Neill, G. A. .. .. Nicholas, J., and 52 others Nodder, J. .. 10 4 8 226 501 532 51 168 113 169 140 84 572 115 85 114 448 29 422 17 402 405 228 173 Macalister and others.. Mackay, A. .. .. • • • • . Mackay, R. .. Mackenzie, Jessie Madden, R. .. Mangare Road Board Mangonui County Council Maxwell, A., and 85 others Mayor, Auckland City, and 20 others .. Mayor of Gisborne and others .. „ Newmarket and others ,, Onehunga and others „ Parnell and others .. „ Waitara and others Meikle, J. A. L., and 9 others (No. 2) Meikle, J. J. .. 8 10 9, 10 2 5 3 4 3 3 11 3 3 3 8 2 7 2 5 5 11 8 123 599 117 3 559 439 631 16 223 71 149 436 O'Callaghan, Rev. T., and 34 others Ogle, H., and others One-tree Hill Road Board Openshaw, R. Palmer. A. J. Palmer, Catherine Pearce, J. W. Phelan, Andrew Phillips, J., and 66 others Plummer, A. Pollok Settlement Road Board Pullen, Armitage, and Co., and others .. 3 12 3 3 10 10 12 5 3 11 3 10 54 151 Rice, J. R., and 209 others Rutherford, W. 2 7 ,, . . . • 413 423 295 Scholium, W., and others Searl, E. J. .. .. .. ... Skinner, R., and 149 others 8 9 8 Millar',' A. R.




No. 19.—Petition of William McKeever, of Tamworth, New South Wales. Petitioner prays for consideration of his claim to be paid the value of 50 acres and 1 town acre in the Waikato, say, ,£5l, and compound interest for forty-two years at 5 per cent., being grant for military services, the same having been recognised by the Petitions Committee of the House of Representatives. I am .directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that Mr. MeKeever, having been presented with the New Zealand War Medal, disposes of the allegation that he had previously deserted, and it therefore recommends that the sum of £50 be placed on the estimates in satisfaction of his claim. 18th July, 1905.

Nos. 17 and 29. —Petitions of John James Meikle and J. A. L. Meikle and 9 Others. Petitioners pray that effect may be given to the recommendations made in respect to the case of J. J. Meikle, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petitions be referred to the Public Petitions A to L Committee for consideration by that Committee. 19th July, 1905.

No. 6.—Petition of William Watson, of Maori Road, Dunedin. Petitioner prays for grant of 250 acres of land as an emigrant under existing arrangements with the Provincial Government. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st July, 1905.

No. 13.—Petition of J. R. Stewart and 895 Others, of Opunake. Petitioners pray that the sentence passed upon Thomas Brown may be remitted. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st July, 1905.

No. 51.—Petition of Jessie Mackenzie, of Auckland. Petitioner, asks for information as to the home for imbecile children. I am directed to report that this Committee desires to confirm the reports given by it in previous years on this question, and would urge on the Government the necessity of instituting a home or homes for imbecile children with as little delay as possible. 21st July, 1905.

No. 54.—Petition of John H. Rice and 209 Others, of Whangamomona. Petitioners pray that the railway may be extended to Whangamomona. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 21st July, 1905.

No. Petitioners. Page. to. iioners. 'age. 13 126 152 403 97 192 Stewart, J. R., and 895 others Stewart, Mary Stinear, J. L., and 7 others Stott, G. A., and another Stratford Henniker, A. H. A. Sullivan, D., and 186 others 2 4 3 7 4 4 415 Waihi Branch Liberal and Labour Federation Waitemata County Council and 59 others 7 127 296 263 592 356 432 Tait, W. J., and 63 others Tauranga County Council and others Tibbetts, E. G., and 45 others Torpey, R. .. Towers, B. F., |.. Turner, E. B. E. -f.. 4 7 4 11 11 8 87 357 554 416 603 908 6 571 129 289 Waite, S. A., and others Waldegrave, C. E., and 582 others Walker, J. (1904) Watson, W. .. Watson, W., and 222 others Willacy, H. .. Willis, J., and 2 others (and twenty-four similar petitions as per schedule) Wilson, H. R. 3 9 9 9 10 7 2 11 3 12 549 9 281 9 Voyce, C. J. .. Wadham, L. Young Man and others 9 519 10 433



Nos. 84, 85, 86, 87, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, and 117.—Petitions of Mayoe and Councillors of Auckland City and 27 Others, Mayok and Counoillobs, Borough of Onehuuga, and 38 Others, Mount Roskill Road Boakd, Waitemata County Council and 59 Others, Avondale Road Board, Eden Terrace Road Boakd, Mangare Road Board, Mayor of Borough of Parnell, Mayob of Borough of Newmarket, Mount Albert Road Board, and One-tree Hill Road Board. Petitioners pray that a sum may be placed on the estimates for the purpose of constructing the much-needed wharf at the Huia without further delay. I am directed to report that the Committee repeats the finding of last year, recommending the prayer of the petitioners to the favourable consideration of the Government. 27th July, 1905.

No. 152. —Petition of J. L. Stinear and 7 Others, of Christchurch. Petitioners pray for certain amendments to " The Dentists Act, 1904." I am directed to report that the Government be recommended to bring in and pass this session an amendment to " The Dentist Act, 1904," to remove the disabilities referred to in this petition, which have evidently entailed serious injustice on many persons in the colony. Bth August, 1905.

Nos. 122 and 123.—Petitions of John McCormick and 12 Others, and Rev. T. O'Callaghan and 34 Others, of the Thames. Petitioners pray that the necessities of the elderly blind people may "be considered. I am directed to report that this Committee is of opinion that the subject-matter of these petitions is worthy of the serious consideration of the Government. Bth August, 1905

No. 140. —Petition of Alex. Maxwell and 85 Others, of Geraldine. Petitioners pray for grant-in-aid for building bridge, approaches, training-fence, and road. I am directed to report that the prayer of the petitioners be referred to Government for consideration. Bth August, 1905.

No. 149.—Petition of Pollok Settlement Road Board. Petitioners pray for a grant-in-aid of repairs to wharf and road —say, £300. I am directed to report that, in view of the difficulty of communication of the district with other centres, the Committee refer the petition to the Government for consideration. Bth August, 1905.

No. 3.—Petition of Richard Openshaw, of Waitara, Taranaki. Petitioner prays for consideration for his services during the war. I am directed to report that the Committee, having no evidence in support of this petition, has no recommendation to make. 10th August, 1905.

No. 129.—Petition of Henry Willacy, Rotorua, Bath Attendant. Petitioner prays that relief may be granted him. I am directed to report that the Committee reaffirms the resolutions of 1901, 1902, and 190-' i, and has no further recommendation to make. 10th August, 1905.

No. 227. —Petition of John Scott Myees. Petitioner prays that he may be heard at the bar of the House. I am directed to report that the Committee reaffirms its last year's decision, that it has no recommendation to make. 10th August, 1905.

No. 223. —Petition of Joseph Phillips, Dome Valley. Petitioner prays for allocation of £1,000 on road-formation. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the prayer of the petition to the Government for consideration. 10th August, 1905.



No. 192.—Petition of D. Sullivan and 186 Others, Settlers of Ohura. Petitioners pray that work may be commenced at the Ongarue end of the Stratford-Ougariie Hail way. 1 am directed to report that the Committee recommends the prayer of this petition to the Government for consideration. 10th August, 1905.

No. 127.—Petition of W. J. Tait and Other Residents of Oue Settlement, Bay of Islands. Petitioners pray that the sum of £150 may be put on the estimates for the purpose of improving the road to the district. 1 am directed to report that the Committee recommends the prayer of the petition to the Government for consideration. 10th August, 1905.

No. 169.—Petition of Mangonui County Council. Petitioners pray that a grant of £1,000 may be made towards the erection of a cottage hospital at Maugonui, I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition for favourable consideration by the Government. 16th August, 1905.

No. 126.—Petition of Mart Stewart, of Devonport Road, Tauranga. Petitioner prays for a small pension. 1 am directed to report that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, with a recommendation that a small compassionate allowance be granted to the petitioner. 16th August, 1905.

No. 246.—Petition of G. McPherson and 3 Others, of Okaeria, Waerenga, Auckland. Petitioners pray for a grant of £200 for opening up a road in the Waereuga Valley. I am directed to report that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th August, 1905.

No. 259.—Petition of J. Nicholas and 52 Others, of Paparoa, Manukau County. Petitioners pray for a grant of £100, on the 'poimd-for-pound basis, for repairing a bridge on the Botany Road. I am directed to report that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th August, 1905.

No 263.—Petition of E. G. Tibbetts and 45 Others, of Paparoa and Pahi. Petitioners pray for a grant of £500 for metalling the road between the above districts. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioners' case is one in which they might take advantage of the Loans to Local Bodies Act, and that the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th August, 1905.

No. 274. —Petition of C. P. Ginders and Another, of Wanganui. Petitioners pray for an amendment in " The Dentists Act, 1904." I am directed to report that a recommendation be made to the Government to bring in and pass this session an amendment to " The Dentists Act, 1904," removing the disabilities referred to in the petition, which have evidently entailed serious injustice on many persons in the colony. 16th August, 1905.

No. 97.—Petition of A. H. A. Stratford Henniker, of Hanmer. Petitioner prays for a pension, or such further relief as shall appeal- to be just and equitable. I am directed to report that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 13th September, 1905.



No. 16. —Petition of Andrew Phelan, of Westport. Petitioner prays for an inquiry into the cause of his dismissal from the Police Force. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. Hth September, 1905.

No. 168. —Petition of Richard Madden, of Auckland. Petitioner praj's for compensation for military services. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th September, 1905.

No. 402.—Petition of J. J. Meikle, of Wellington (No. 1). Petitioner prays to be heard at the bar of the House of Representatives. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th September, 1905.

No. 405. —Petition of J. J. Meikle, of Wellington. Petitioner jjrays (1) that his name may be removed from the prison records of the colony; (2) for an inquiry into the matter of an alleged forged document used before the M to Z Petitions Committee in 1897; (3) for compensation for loss in business and false imprisonment. John James Meikle was accused and convicted in December, 1887, for sheep-stealing, and was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment. He was released after five years, having received a remission of two years for good conduct while in gaol. After his release he prosecuted one William Lambert for wilful perjury in connection with his (Meikle's) trial and conviction, and Lambert was found guilty and sentenced to four years' imprisonment in June, 18D15. In the latter part of 1895 J. J. Meikle petitioned Parliament for compensation and removal of his name from the prison records, and the Committee to which the petition was referred reported as follows: "The Committee are of opinion that, after eliminating Lambert's evidence, who has since been convicted, and is now serving a sentence for perjury, there was not sufficient evidence adduced at the petitioner's trial to warrant the conviction on the charge preferred against him. The Committee are also of opinion that the request of petitioner to have his name removed from the prison records of the colony merits the serious consideration of the Crown." The Government in November, 1895, paid Meikle the sum of £294 16s. Id., and on payment of the final instalment Meikle gave the following receipt in full satisfaction of all claims he had against the Government of the Colony of New Zealand for law-costs and witnesses' expenses in connection with his case against William Lambert for perjury:-— " I have this day received from J. W. Poynton, Stipendiary Magistrate, Invercargill, the sum of eighty-three pounds and threepence (£B3 os. 3d.) in full satisfaction of all claims by me or any person claiming by, under, or through me against the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, for law-costs in the cases against William Lambert for perjury in the Magistrate's and Supreme Courts. " Dated at Invercargill, this 29th day of November, 1895. " John James Meikle. " Witness to the signature of J. J. Meikle —H. Dixon, S.M. Court, Invercargill." He also made the following declaration that no other person or persons had any claim as witnesses: — " I, John James Meikle, of Wyndham, Southland, Otago, New Zealand, farmer, do solemnly and sincerely declare that —(1.) I was the prosecutor in the case against William Lambert, who was convicted of perjury and sentenced to four years' imprisonment at the last sittings of the Supreme Court at Invercargill, in the month of June last. (2.) The statement hereto attached and marked A contains the names and particulars of certain witnesses who gave evidence against the said William Lambert, either at the said Supreme Court sittings, or on other occasions gave evidence, or were in attendance so to do, when the said case was before the law-courts of the colony. (3.) The said witnesses were by me paid all expenses of attendance at the said trial and hearings of the said case in the Courts of law at other times, and have not now, nor has any person on behalf of any of them, any claim whatever against me for expenses for attendance thereat. (4.) The witnesses whose names and particulars are given in the statement marked B hereto attached have authorised me to receive on their behalf the amounts payable to them for expenses as witnesses during the said trial, or at otTier times in connection with the said case. (5.) No other person, save and except those in the said statement B described, has now any claim to receive from, me any sum for attendance as a witness at the said trial or when the said case was on other occasions before the law-courts. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled ' The Justices of the Peace Act, 1882.' " John James Meikle. " Declared at Invercargill, in the Colony of New Zealand, this 19th day of November, 1895, before me — J. W. Poynton, Justice of the Peace."



"This is the statement marked A, referred to in the attached declaration of John James Meikle, made before me this 19th day of November, 1895. "J. W. Potnton, Justice of the Peace. "A. Name, Occupation, and Address of Witness. Amount of Expenses. £ s. d. R. T. Coomer, farmer > Gore ... ... ... .. ...219 Edward Ryder, labourer, Gore ... ... ... ... ... 5 15 11 J Greenshields, farmer, Wyndham ... ... ... ... 6178 Angus Cameron, farmer, Edendale ... ... ..., ... 7 16 10 J. Telfer, farmer, Glenham ... ... ... ... ... 364 W. Harvey, labourer, Waikaka... ... ... ... ... 8 19 11 Alex. Cameron, farmer, Mataura ... ... ... ... 300 T. Adams, shepherd, Glenham ... ... ... ... ... 1114 A. Grieve, stationmaster, Pine Bush ... ... ... ... 6 18 7 William Waddell, farmer, Waikaka ... ... ... ... 1 12 5" J. Waddell, farmer, Tuturau ... ... ... ... ... 5 16 7 James Crosbie, farmer, Wyndham ... ... ... ... 161 A. Perkins, farmer, Sydney ... ... ... ... 115 0 W. McGeorge, labourer, Winton ... ... ... ... 833 R. Barclay, castrator, Wen don ... ... ... 7 18 9 C. E. Rawson, Stipendiary Magistrate, Invercargill ... ... 0 17 1 J. W. Ede, boardinghouse-keeper, Invercargill ... ... ... 110 0 " This is the statement marked B, referred to in the attached declaration of John James Meikle, made before me this 19th day of November, 1895. "J. W. Potnton, Justice of the Peace. "B. Name, Occupation, and Address of Witness. Amount of No. of v Expenses. Authority. £ s. d. John Ward, journalist, Invercargill ... ... ... 217 1 1 J. W. Kelly, M.H.R., Invercargill ... ... ... 217 1 2 A. C. Henderson, solicitor, Invercargill ... ... 2 7 1 3 H. Carrick, journalist, Invercargill , ... ... ... 217 1 4 Ebenezer Forsyth, commission agent, Gore ... ... 713 4 5 Robert Duncan, labourer, Wyndham... ... ... 218 10 6 John Templeton, butcher, Wyndham ... ... 5 2 8 7 W. J. Winter, saddler, Wyndham ... ... ... 215 10 8 H. Sherwill, billiard-marker, Wyndham ... ... 4 4 8 9 James Young, farmer, Menzie's Ferry ... ... 210 7 10 Alexander Macdonald, farmer, Wyndham .... ... 617 8 11 Joseph Johnson, carter, Mataura ... ... ... 212 6 12 Francis Fraser, contractor, Gore ... .. ... 413 5 13 Jane Shields, Wyndham ... ... ... ... 4 711 14 James Muir, farmer, Auckland ... ... ... 10 4 10 15 Eliza How, midwife, Gore ... ... ... ... 7 5 11 16 Jane Meikle, married woman, Wyndham ... ... 10 17 10 17 James Meikle, farmer, Tuturau ... ... ... 10 17 10 18 Robert Urquhart, farmer, Tuturau ... ... ... 5 6 5 19 James Connor, labourer, VVaikoikoi ... ... ... 10 14 11 20 James Forsyth, farmer, Edendale ... ... ... 12 5 21 Thomas Westacott, farmer, Wyndham ... ... 10 7 10 22 Samuel Richardson, stablekeeper, Wyndham ... ... 12 4 23 A. A. Mac Gibbon, auctioneer, Invercargill ... ... 214 5 24 " I hereby acknowledge having received from J. W. Poynton, Stipendiary Magistrate, Invercargill, the sum of two hundred and eleven pounds fifteen shillings and tenpence (being the amounts above set forth together with my own expenses as a witness in the case Meikle v. Lambert amounting to £10 17s. 10d.) in full satisfaction of all claims by me or any person claiming by, under, or through me against the Government of the Colon}' of New Zealand for expenses of witnesses in connection with the cases against William" Lambert for perjury in the Magistrate's and Supreme Courts. " John Jambs Meikle. ' : As witness my hand, this nineteenth day of November, 1895. " Witness to the signature of John James Meikle —H. Di\on, Clerk, S.M. Court, Invercargill." With regard to the legal costs, Mr. J. Neave, solicitor, Gore, whose account was included in the payment of £83 os. 3d., petitioned the House in 1900, praying for payment of law-costs incurred by and still owing to him on account of the prosecution of Lambert. He also again petitions the House during this present session, saying "That the costs incurred by J. J. Meikle to the said Neave amounted to over £600, of which sum he has not received anything, or any remuneration whatever in connection with the Meikle case, and prays for the recommendation of past Committees to be carried out." On the 17th December, 1897, a sum of £500 was paid to Mr. Meikle in full satisfaction of all claims made by him in connection with his prosecution and conviction and all losses sustained thereby, for which he gave the following receipt: —



" I, John James Meikle, do hereby acknowledge to have received from the Colonial Treasurer, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen and the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, the sum of five hundred pounds (£500), of which the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds (£250) is now paid to me, and the further sum of two hundred and fifty pounds (£250) is about to be paid at my request to George Esther, of Dunedin, in full satisfaction, release, and discharge of all claims and demands or alleged claims and demands which I now have or at any time heretofore have had against Her Majesty the Queen or the Government of New Zealand, upon or in respect of the prosecution and conviction of myself for sheep-stealing, or the prosecution and conviction, at my instance, of one William Lambert for perjury, and in respect of any expenses, costs, or charges incurred in or about the said prosecutions, or either of them, and any losses sustained or alleged to be sustained by me thereby. " 15th December, 1897. ''John James Meikle. " Witness to signature— J. W. Kelly, M.H.R." The Committee is of opinion that the request of the petitioner to have his name removed from the prison records of the colony is a reasonable one, and your Committee strongly recommend that ii be carried out, either by attaching tags to the pages containing J. J. Meilde's name, or by such other method as may be found practicable. Eespecting the request for an inquiry re the alleged forged document, the Committee inquired exhaustively into the merits of the document in question in 1903, and found that it was not genuine, but that the petitioner was in no way responsible for the same, and therefore has now no further recommendation to make. Petitioner also prays for compensation for losses entailed in his business and for false imprisonment. In view of the payments and receipts referred to above, the Committee has no further recommendation to make. 26th September, 1905.

No. 422.—Petition of J. A. L. Meikle and 9 Others, of Wellington. Petitioners pray for (1) the removal of John James Meikle's and Arthur Meikle's names from the criminal records of the country, and (2) that compensation to the extent of £5,000 be granted to the petitioners for 17J years' degradation and suffering. I am directed to report that the Committee strongly recommends that the first prayer of the petition be granted, and that it has no recommendation to make in respect tp the second. 26th September, 1905.

No. 151.—Petition of Walter Rutherford, of Newmarket, Auckland. Petitioner prays for compensation for military services. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 19th September, 1905.

No. 403.—Petition of G. A. Stott and Another, of Wellington. Petitioners pray for an amendment to " The Dentists Act, 1904." I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the Government bring in and pass this session an amendment to " The Dentists Act, 1904," removing the disabilities referred to in this petition, which have evidently entailed serious injustice on many persons in the colony. 26th September, 1905.

No. 296.—Petition of The County Council of Tauranga. Petitioners pray for a subsidy on the rates of the district. I am directed to report that, as the prayer of the petition involves a question of public policy, the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th September, 1905.

No. 415. —Petition of The Waihi Branch of the Liberal and Labour Federation. Petitioners pray for a subsidy on the rates of the district. I am directed to report that, as this petition involves a question of public policy, it should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th September, 1905.

No. 908, 1904.—Petition of James Walker, of Waiwaka, near Rakanui. Petitioner prays for an inquiry into the justification of his committal to a lunatic asylum, I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th September, 1905,



No. 173.—Petition of A. R. Millee, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for reinstatement in the service of the colony or for compensation. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th September, 1905.

No. 40. —Petition of J. N odder, of Thames. Petitioner prays for compensation on account of loss of land. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that £20 be paid to Mr. Nodder, for which sum his land grant was sold by the Provincial Government. 29th September, 1905.

No. 432.—Petition of B. B. E. Turner, of Newmarket, Auckland. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that,, in the opinion of the Committee, the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 29th September, 1905.

No. 295.—Petition of R. Skinner and 149 Others, of Geraldine. Petitioners pray for an alteration in the present system of valuation. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that, in order to secure greater satisfaction in valuation, the Government be recommended to have only competent men employed to make valuations, and that one of the Assessors composing the Assessment Court be appointed by the local authority having jurisdiction in the district affected. 29th September, 1905.

No. 226. —Petition of James Macalister and Others, of Chalky Inlet, Invercargill. Petitioners pray for a grant of a sawmilling area. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th September, 1905.

No. 448.—Petition of the Mayor of Waitara and 479 Others. Petitioners pray for a substantia] sum to be placed on the estimates for laying down metal on the Waitara and Te Kuiti Road. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 29th September, 1905.

No. 518.—Petition of W. A. Murray and Others, of Waikino, Province of Auckland. Petitioners pray for a grant of £72, for the purpose of improving the Waikino Recreation Reserve. I am directed to report that a recommendation be made to the Government to grant a subsidy of pound for pound to the extent of £36, equalling the amount subscribed by the public. 6th October, 1905.

No. 421.—Petition of J. M. J. McKay and 49 Others, of Waipu. Petitioners pray for a grant to be spent on the Finlayson's Brook Road. I am directed to report that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th October, 1905.

No. 515.—Petition of A. M. McKay and 54 Others, of Whangarei. Petitioners pray for the Counties Act to be suspended within the county. I am directed to report that, as this petition involves a question of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th October, 1905.

No. 413. —Petition of W. Schoi.lum and 41 Others, of Puhoi. Petitioners pray for a grant for two bridges on the Puhoi-Tahekeroa Tunnel Road. I am directed to report that the petition be referred to the favourable consideration of the Government. 6th October, 1905,



No. 549.—Petition of C. J. Voice and 30 Others, of Mairoa. Petitioners pray for a grant to form the Arapae Road. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th October, 1905.

No. 554.—Petition of the Waitemata County Council and Others, of Auckland. Petitioners pray that a road may be opened up giving easier means of communication with the railway. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th October, 1905.

No. 357. —Petition of the Waitemata County Council and Others, of Auckland. Petitioners pray for four grants for the purpose of roadmaking in the district. I am directed to report that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th October, 1905.

No. 416.—Petition of S. A. Waite and Others, of Waipuna Gorge, Waerenga. Petitioners pray for a grant to improve the Waipuna Gorge Road. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th October, 1905.

No. 281. —Petition of H. R. Wilson, of Otapiri, Southland. Petitioner prays for return of expenses in connection with his prosecution for sheep-stealing. I am directed to report that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th October, 1905.

No. 433.— of Young Man and 32 other Chinese residents of Wellington. Petitioners pray to be allowed to import opium under certain conditions. I am directed to report that, as this petition involves a question of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th October, 1905.

No. 532.—Petition of Eobert Mackay, of Takapau. (First Eeporc.) Petitioner prays for a road giving access to his section in Pahiatua County. I am directed to report that the Government be recommended to request the Pahiatua County Council to apply the rates and " thirds " paid to them by the petitioner towards the formation of the road desired. 10th October, 1905.

No. 292. —Petition of G. Johnston and 16 Others, of Waverley. (First Eeport.) Petitioners pray for refund of expenses in connection with the West Coast land awards. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th September, 1905.

No. 292.—Petition of G. Johnston and Others, of Waverley. (Second Eeport.) Petitioners pray for refund of expenses in connection with the West Coast land awards. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 12th October, 190"5.

No. 423.—Petition of Edward John Searle, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for an inquiry into the transactions in connection with his bankruptcy. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 12th October, 1905. 2—l. 2.

I.— U


No. 532.—Petition of R. Mackay, of Takapau. (Second Report.) Petitioner prays for a grant for a road giving access to petitioner's land. 1 am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 17th October, 1905.

No. 501.—Petition of Alexander Mackay, of Paeroa, Auckland. Petitioner prays for a grant of land or money for military services. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to the prayer of this petition. 17th October, 1905.

No. 495.—Petition of J. Mun; and Others, of Flaxbourne Petitioners pray for a grant to put the main Seddon-Flaxbourne Road in a better condition. 1 am directed to report that the Government be recommended to carry out the recommendation of the District Engineer, to form and metal about five miles of the road in question, which will include the worst sections unformed, at a total cost not exceeding .£2,875. 17th October, 1905.

No. 502.—Petition of Rev. J. H. MoKenzie and 487 Others, of Nelson. Petitioners pray for a vote on the State control of the liquor traffic under a non-political Board. I am directed to report that, as this petition involves a question of public policy, it be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th October, 1905.

No. 569.—Petition of G. A. Neill, of St. Kilda. Petitioner prays for an inquiry into and compensation for alleged illegal arrest, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make , in respect to the prayer of this petition. " 17th October, 1905.

No. 439.—Petition of Catherine Palmer, of Te One, Chatham Island. Petitioner prays to be paid the sum of .£2OO, which had been awarded to the late Captain Beamish. I am directed to report that this Committee is of opinion that very great injustice has been suffered in this case, and strongly recommends the Government to pay the amount claimed, and thus give effect to the recommendation of their own officer and to the previous findings of parliamentary Committees. 17th October, 1905.

No. 559.—Petition of A. J. Palmer and 124 Others, of Motueka. Petitioners pray for a vote on the State control of the liquor traffic under a non-political Board. 1 am directed to report that, as this petition involves a question of public policy, it be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th October, 1905.

No. 436.—Petition of Pullen, Armitage, and Co. and 554 Others, of Auckland. Petitioners pray for an inquiry to be made into the cartage fees charged by the various local bodies in the district of Auckland City. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to the prayer of this petition. 17th* October, 1905.

No. 519.—Petition of Louisa Wadham, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for compensation for deprivation of her land. I am directed to report that, in view of the fact that it was impossible for Mrs. Wadham to have known earlier of the deprivation of her land, and the further fact that she had paid her rates till 1904, twenty years after the land was taken, the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner is entitled to be paid the value of the land at the time the Department's mistake was discovered 17th October, 1905.



No. 522.—Petition of M. Casey and 1,497 Others, of the Provincial District of Auckland (and 18 similar petitions as per schedule attached). Petitioners pray for the abolition of the totalisator. I am directed to report that these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th October, 1905.

Schedule. No. 522.—M. Casey, and 1,497 others. No. 583.—D. H. Fawcett and 18 others. „ 523. Farrell and 865 others. „ 584.— J. M. Fraser and 154 others. „ 524. —Canon Haselden and 383 others. „ 585.— R. Macauley and 50 others. „ 525.—M. Madill and 182 others. „ 586.— R. J. Main and 149 others. „ 526.—A. North and 1,411 others. „ 587.— R. Taylor and 173 others. „ Pinforld and 268 others. „ 591 —T. Peacock and 538 others. „ 528.— J. Robinson and 313 others. „ 594. —W. Lindsay and 24 others. „ 533.— W. Perry and 160 others. „ 596.— R. Bartley and 203 others. „ 534.— R. Udy and 199 others. „ 597.— H. Marks and 146 others. „ 535.—Yen. Arch. Willis and 35 others.

No. 571.—Petition of W. Watson and 222 Others, of Heddon Bush, Wrey's Bush, South Hillend, and Oreti. Petitioners pray for an extension of the railway between Winton and Heddon Bush. I am directed to report that, as this petition involves a question of public policy, the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th October, 1905.

No. 603.-—Petition of C. E. Waldegrave and 582 Others, of Palmerston North. Petitioners pray for a reduction of sentence in the case of Samuel Mawhiney, imprisoned for twelve months for theft. I am directed to report that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th October, 1905.

No. 71.—Petition of Albert Plummkr, of 56, Symonds Street, Auckland. . Petitioner prays for compensation for breaking of contract with the Government through the escape of prisoners from the Chatham Islands. I am directed to report that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th October, 1905.

No. 592.—Petition of R. Torfey, of Pirongia. Petitioner prays for a grant of land for military services. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to the prayer of this petition. 26th October, 1905.

No. 356.—Petition of E. P. Towers, of Thames. Petitioner prays for compensation for alleged illegal arrest and loss of employment. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to the prayer of this petition. 26th October, 1905.

No. 572.—Petition of the Mayor of Gisborne and 270 Others, of Gisborne. Petitioners pray for the consideration of Lake Waikaremoana for generation of electricity. I am directed to report that, as this petition involves a question of public policy, it should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th October, 1905.

No. 228.—Petition of J. J. Meikle, of Wellington. Petitioner prays to be heard at the bar of the House. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to the prayer of this petition. 26th October, 1905.



No. 599.—Petition of Henry Ogle and Others, of Rawhia, Umawera. Petitioners pray for a survey of a road to be made from Rawhia to Umawera. I am directed to report that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th October, 1905.

No. 631.—Petition of J. W. Peahce and Another, of Dargaville. Petitioners pray for the grant of marine certificates. I am directed to report that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th October, 1905.

No. 558.—Petition of A. A. King and 2 Others, of Napier. Petitioners pray for an amendment to " The Dentists Act, 1904." I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to the prayer of this petition. 26th October, 1905.

No. 289.—Petition of Joseph Willis and 2 Others, of Christehurch (and 2.4 similar petitions asper attached schedule). Petitioners pray that a full and unrestricted public inquiry may be held into the matter of an alleged payment to Captain R. J. S. Seddon for reorganizing the Defence Stores at Wellington. I am directed to report that, as the prayer of the petitioners has been met by His Excellency the Governor appointing a Royal Commission, the Committee has no recommendation to make. A copy of the evidence taken is attached hereto. (Vide Appendix 1.-2 a.) 23rd October, 1905.

Schedule. No. 451.— J. Willis and 3 others. No. 482.— W. Prime and 61 others. n 455.— R. St. C. McKenzie and 20 others. ~ 483.— J. Scarff and 7 others. ~ 456.—8. R. Rogers and 12 others. ~ 484.— J. Thompson and>39 others. „ 473.—Mabel Banks and 20 others. „ 485.— H. F. Toogood and 51 others. n 474. — J. Cock and 11 others. „ 486.— T. TVomey and 7 others. „ 475.—C. Gill and 30 others. „ 488.—L. C. Comyns and 37 others. ~ 476.— T. Gullett and 12 others. „ 489.— E. Johnstone and 12 others. „ 477,—A. L. Gnrney and 21 others. „ 490.— J. A. Flesher and 21 others. „ 478.— H. R. Hean and 125 others. „ 491.—W Millar and 16 others. ( . 479._5. Hyde and 16 others. „ 492.—Catherine Salkeld and 42 others. „ 480. — J. Irving and 38 others. „ 504. —A. A. Sims and 189 others. ;, 481.—Martha Melntosh and 2 others. ~ 542.— W. Haddon and 32 others.

Final Report. I have the honour to report that the Public Petitions M to Z Committee has held twenty-three-sittings during the session. Number of petitions referred to the Committee ... ... ... 149 Number of petitions dealt with ... ... ... ... ... 129 Number of petitions held over ... ... ... ... ... 20 Number of reports presented to the House ... ... ... ... 129 Number of specific recommendations made therein ... ... ... 13 Number referred for favourable consideration ... ... ... 26 Number referred for consideration ... ... ... ... ... 42 Number, no recommendation, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 48 Note.—Of the twenty petitions not dealt with, five had not been returned from the Departments to which they had been referred, thirteen were referred to the Committee after it had held its last sitting, and two were held over until next session. Approxiwuite Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,425 copies), £8 6s.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9os. Price 6d.]

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REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. BUDDO, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, I-02

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REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. BUDDO, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, I-02

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. BUDDO, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, I-02

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