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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."

I have the honour to submit my report on the operations of the Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Office for the year ended the 31st December, 1904. The total number of applications under the three heads of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks, was the highest recorded during a single year. The fees paid amounted to £4,642 19s. 6d. This is less than the amount for 1903, but much higher than that for any other previous year. As I pointed out in my last report the ordinary revenue for 1903 was considerably augmented by the fees paid in that year for the renewal of trade marks registered from 1861 to 1890, while last year's revenue only benefited from that source by the renewal fees paid on trade marks registered in one year, i.e., 1891. The expenditure amounted to £1,775 17s. lid., £118 16s. 6d. more than in 1903, due chiefly to extra clerical assistance for classification of records (£113). £675 os. 7d., or 3801 per cent., was in ♦ respect of work done in the Government Printing Office. PATENTS. The number of applications received was 1,483, a greater number than in any previous year except 1903, in which 1,604 applications were lodged. Forty-three applications were received from women, or 2-8 per cent. The fees derived from patents amounted to £3,751 195., £212 9s. lOd. less than in 1903, the falling off being principally due to the fewer applications received and fewer patents sealed and renewed. The number of applications lodged with provisional specifications is again very much in excess of those lodged with complete specifications, the figures being respectively 962 and 521. The complete specifications left after provisional specifications numbered 271, 13 less than in the previous year, and 609 letters patent were sealed, 65 less than in 1903. The renewal fees received are about the same as in the previous years. It will be noticed on referring to the tables that, roughly speaking, letters patent are issued in respect of about half the number of applications lodged, that the second-term fee is paid on about a third of such patents, and that the third-term fee is received on rather less than half the patents kept alive by payment of the second-term fee. This colony issues patents in about the same proportion to the applications made as the United Kingdom, and the average life of a patent is rather longer here than in that country. The difference is probably due to the payment of annual fees in the United Kingdom and to only two renewal fees being required in this colony, one after the fourth and the other at the end of the seventh year. Countries from which Applications were received. Out of the total of 1,483 applications residents of this colony sent in the large proportion of 954. This number, however, does not equal by 110 the applications lodged in 1903, although higher than the figures for any other former year. Compared with the previous year a falling off of 19 is also shown in the number received from the United Kingdom (110), of 12 in the number from the United States (100), of 5 in the number from Germany (10). The Commonwealth of Australia last year sent 274 applications, 22 more than in 1903. A full list of the number of applications received from all countries is contained in Table H. Nature op Inventions. The number of applications in respect of the different classes of inventions is set out in Table I in the Appendix. As a rule, some particular branch of industry is more active than others, and produces for the time a proportionately greater number of applications for patents. This was, for instance, particularly noticeable when the dredging and cycle industries were at their highest point. During the last few years, however, no special class of inventions has shown any very noticeable advance. Small increases are shown during the year in the number of applications in respect of boots and shoes, 38 to 54, due to the development of American machinery ; i—H. 10,


in respect of boxes, 19 to 52, owing principally to demand for improved boxes and modes of carriage for eggs, as a result of the greater attention paid to the poultry industry; in respect of fibre-dressing, 19 to 28, being chiefly attempts to lessen the handling, and consequently the cost in washing and drying processes. The applications lodged for stationery were doubled, owing to the large number of letter and post cards and envelopes patented, and applications in respect of washing and cleansing appliances were more numerous than last year. The falling-off chiefly occurred in "bottles and bottling," 28 to 15; "cultivating," 48 to 21; "fencing," 44 to 27; " locks," &c, 35 to 17; "pipes," &c, 21 to 11; "railways," 52 to 30; "roads" and "ways," 14 to 5 ; and " wearing apparel," 61 to 51. International Convention. During 1904 17 applications were received in this colony under the Convention, 9 from England, 3 each from the United States and Germany, and one each from Queensland and Sweden. In view of the growing importance of the union a brief reference to its provisions so far as they relate to the protection of inventions may be of interest. The Convention was first signed on the 20th March, 1883, and contained nineteen articles relating to the mutual protection of industrial property, No. 4 of these articles providing for the granting of priority in the case of applications for letters patent. The contracting States consisted of Belgium, Brazil, Spain, France, Guatemala, Italy, Holland, Portugal, Salvador, Servia, and Switzerland. The necessary legislation having been passed, the United Kingdom acceded to the Convention on the 17th March, 1884, and this colony on the 7th September, 1891. The terms of the Convention were on the 14th December, 1900, modified by an additional Act, and No. 4 of the articles now runs as follows :— " Any person who shall have duly applied for a patent, industrial design, or model or trade mark in one of the contracting States, shall enjoy, in order to admit of such request being lodged in the other States during the periods of time mentioned below, a right of priority, the rights of third parties being reserved. " Consequently, subsequent registration in one of the other States of the Union, before the expiration of such periods of time, shall not be invalidated by any acts accomplished in the interval —either, for instance, by another registration, by the publication of the invention, or by the working of it, by the sale of patterns, of the design or model, or by the use of the trade mark. "The above-mentioned periods of time during which priority is guaranteed shall be twelve months for patents with respect to inventions, and four months for patents for industrial designs or models, as well as for trade or merchandise marks." As section 106 of the New Zealand Act provides for a term of twelve months, and is otherwise in accordance with the amended Act, this colony was enabled without passing fresh legislation to notify its adherence to the additional Act. The countries now forming the Union are: Belgium, Brazil, Cuba, Curacoa, and Surinam, Denmark with the Faroe Islands, East Indian Colonies of the Netherlands, Dominican Bepublic, France, Algeria and Colonies, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal with the Azores and Madeira, Queensland, Santa Domingo, Servia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunis, United States of America. It will be seen that an application in any of these countries carries twelve months priority, or what practically amounts to provisional protection in the others. This arrangement is a great benefit to inventors, and is, I hope, a forerunner of other advantages in the way of simplifying procedure and reducing fees, if not of conferring still greater benefits on the inhabitants of the countries constituting the union. Opposition. Notices of opposition were lodged in respect of 8 applications, 7 hearings took place, and notices of appeal were lodged in 4 cases. Classifying and Indexing. The classification of the records, which has been in hand for some time, has now been completed. The specifications and drawings since 1879 (when the printing of the specifications ceased) are now arranged in the classes set out on page xi., and an index in each class shows against the subject-matter of the various inventions the numbers of the patents granted in connection therewith. A card index or key to the classification has been compiled to facilitate reference. Any one desirous of seeing the inventions on a certain subject has now merely to refer to the key, and having thus ascertained the class turn up the volumes of specifications containing it. By means of the index in front of the former he can readily refer to the full description and plans of the inventions. In order that all the inventions patented by any individual may be turned up with as equal facility as those relating to any subject an index of names is being added to each class. Considerable difficulty has been experienced in indexing some of the classes satisfactorily, and it has been found necessary to make some of the headings in minerals, electricity, &c, rather comprehensive, but room has been left in the indexes to permit of these headings being subdivided if at any time it is considered advisable to do so. The office has been somewhat handicapped, also, in classifying, by having only one set of specifications and drawings to utilise for the purpose, and in many cases where an invention comes in more than one class, it has been obliged to resort to cross references and the insertion of sheets containing the name, address, title, and class in which the specification and drawing have been placed. The work of binding the different classes, rendered very difficult by the drawings being all sorts and sizes, has been carried out in a very satisfactory manner by the Government Printing Office.



DESIGNS. Twenty-six applications were received, and registration effected in twenty-four cases. Eleven designs were in Class 1 (articles composed wholly or partly of metal, not included in Class 2), 1 in Class 2, (jewellery), 3 in Class 3 (articles composed wholly or partly of wood, bone, ivory, papiermache, or other solid substances, not included in other classes), 2 in Class 4 (articles composed wholly or partly of glass, earthenware, or porcelain, bricks, tiles, or cement), 5 in Class 5 (articles composed wholly or partly of paper, except hangings), 1 in Class 8 (carpets and rugs in all materials, floor-cloths, and oil-cloths), and 1 in Class 12 (goods not included in other classes). The revenue received from this source was £13 55., as compared with £16 for last year. Judging by the small number of registrations effected, this mode of protection, which only extends to the " pattern, shape, or configuration " of articles, does not commend itself to the manufacturers and others of this colony. This form of registration, however, affords a simple and efficient means of protecting patterns, castings, mouldings, &c, and is very largely resorted to in other countries, over 20,000 designs being registered in the United Kingdom in 1903. With the development of our manufactures a large increase in the registration of designs may be looked for. Classification. During the year the classification and binding of all designs on the register has been effected. TBADE MABKS. The most noteworthy feature of last year's working was the number of applications for registration of trade marks— i.e., 592, an increase of 145 or 32-4 per cent, on the previous year, while the growth of business in this respect as shown by Table E has been somewhat irregular, the difference in the number of applications when the Act first came into force in 1890 (160) and the number received last year (592) is very striking. The fees received under this head amounted to £836 165., £450 19s. Bd. less than last year, the falling off being due, as I have already explained, to the renewal fees being paid only in respect of marks registered during one year instead of during several, as was the case in 1903. Apart from the renewal fees, a substantial increase in revenue is shown, the fees in nearly all other respects being in excess of those for the previous year. Goods for which Trade Marks registered. The number of applications received in the various classes is shown in Table Ib. Out of the 592 applications, the number received in Class 42 in respect of " Substances used as food or as ingredients in food," was no less than 164, about double the number for the previous year; 22 were made in Class 2, " Chemical substances used for agricultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes," an increase of 6; 63 in Class 3 (medicines), an increase of 14; 13 in Class 7, "Agricultural machinery," an increase of 12; 14 in Class 13, " Metal goods not included in other classes," an increase of 8 ; 20 in Class 22, " Vehicles," an increase of 7 ; 43 in Class 47, " Candles, soap, oils, &c," an increase of 12 ; and 43 in Class 50, " Miscellaneous," an increase of 20. Decreases are shown in Classes 18, "Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances," 7 in 1903, 2 in 1904 ; in Class 45, " Tobacco," 37 in 1903, 28 in 1904; and the other classes remain normal. Countries from which Applications received. The increase in the applications was chiefly due to the large number received last year from residents in the colony—334, as compared with 219 in the previous year; 67 were received from the Australian Commonwealth, as compared with 51 in 1903 ; 15 applications from Canada, as compared with 1 received in 1902-3; and the number from Germany increased to 15 in 1904 from 7in 1903. The applications from the United States show an increase of B—4B, as compared with 40. A falling off occurred in the number of applications received from the United Kingdom, 128 being recorded in 1903 and 106 in 1904. Opposition. Opposition was lodged in respect of 17 applications, and notice of appeal was given in three cases. Classifying Trade Marks. The work of classifying and reindexing trade marks has now been completed. The readiness with which marks can under the new arrangement be referred to means a very great saving both in time and trouble to the staff, as well as to agents and others doing business with the office. GENEBAL. Library. The library is accommodated in a large room adjoining the office, and is open to the public during office hours. From the list of contents printed on page vi., it will be seen that the colony has in the library a valuable collection of specifications and drawings, abridgments, &c, of other countries. This office is indebted to the Comptroller-General of Patents, London, for regularly sending out all the publications of his office; to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, for supplying the Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office ; and to the heads of other Patent Offices for their publications. Through the courtesy of the Director, New York Public Library (Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations), this office has also received 33 volumes of the Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office for the years 1880 and 1889 inclusive, a gift which is very highly appreciated, as it completes the set now in the office.



Patent Agents. During the year seven names were added to the Begister of Patent Agents, bringing the number up to sixty-four. Five cases were those of solicitors, who are entitled to registration without examination. A copy of the papers set in the other two cases in which examinations were held is included in this report. While these are intended to give intending candidates and others a general idea of the scope of the examination, it should be mentioned that considerable discretion is allowed examiners in setting their papers, and that in addition a viva voce examination is held. The profession is now well established, and fills an important place in preparing applications, and doing other work which does not come within the province of the Patent Office. This distinction between the duties of patent agents and those of the Patent Office seem to be lost sight of by some members, who, in describing their premises as " Patent office " or " Office for patents " may inadvertently convey a wrong impression. I recognise that this practice is one of long-standing, both in this colony and other countries, but it seems to me to be inadvisable. I notice that the members of the Institute of Patent Agents in England have voluntarily resolved to discontinue it, and that it has been debarred by a recent regulation of the Commonwealth Patent Office. Conclusion. I desire again to record my appreciation of the good work performed by the office staff; and I cannot close this report without express mention of the Deputy Begistrar, Mr. J. C Lewis, to whose loyal and efficient co-operation I am much indebted. The Appendix hereto contains : — PAGE Papers set at Examinations for Begistration of Patent Agents ... ... v List of Contents of Patent Office Library ... ... ... ... vi List of Books and Documents open to Inspection in Patent Office ... vi And the following tables and lists, viz.: — A. Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1904 ... ... ... ... ... ... vii B. Table showing Bevenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vii C. Particulars of Fees received from the Ist January to the 31st December. 1904 ... ... ... ... ... .... viii D. Staff of Officers, and Salaries ... ... ... ... ... viii E. Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Begistration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1904 inclusive ... ix F. Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c, under Act of 1889 ... ... .. ... ... ... ix G. Table showing, over a Series of Years, the Number of Patents that were considered of Sufficient Value be to kept Alive by Payment of the Benewal Fees ... ... ... ... ... x H. Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904 ... ... ... ... ... x I. Table showing number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904 ... ... xi la. Number of Applications for Begistration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904 ... ... ... ... xi Ib. Number of Applications to register Trade Marks, in the Fifty Different Classes, in each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904 ... ... xii J. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Patents, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1904 ... ... ... 1 30th June, „ ... ... ... 20 „ 30th September, „ ... ... ... 44 „ 31st December, „ ... ... ... 70 K. Alphabetical List of Titles of Inventions for which Letters Patent have been applied,— For quarter ending 31st March, 1904 ... ... ... 8 30th June, „ ... ... ... 30 „ 30th September, „ ... ... ... 54 „ 31st December, „ ... ... ... 79 L. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Begistration of Trade Marks, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1904 ... ... ... 17 „ 30th June, „ ... ... ... 41 30th September, „ ... ... ... 67 „ 31st December, „ ... ... ... 90 M. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Begistration of Designs,— For quarter ending 31st March, 1904 ... ... ... 19 30th June, „ ... ... ... 43 „ 30th September, „ ... ... ... 69 „ 31st December, „ ... ... ... 93 Patent Office, F. Waldegrave, Wellington, 30th June, 1905. Begistrar.





Papers set at Examinations of Candidates for Begistration as Patent Agents held during 1904. 1. Explain fully the requisites of— (a.) A provisional specification ; (b.) A complete specification. 2. Give a brief outline of what inventions are patentable, classifying same as far as possible. 3. State briefly the principles that guide the Courts in maintaining patent rights when the latter are attacked. . 4. Explain what constitutes publication by prior user and give examples— (a.) What amounts to publication by prior user. (b.) What would not amount to publication by prior user. 5. An inventor consults you, stating that he has discovered, after applying for a patent, that a French work to be found on the shelves of the reference libraries in the colony contained (unknown to the inventor) full specifications and plans of his invention; otherwise, as far as the inventor knows, he is the first and true inventor. Can the patent, if granted, be attacked on the ground of prior publication ? 6. A applies for a patent for an article patentable under ordinary conditions, but the identical article was produced some fifty years ago by a person who kept the method of manufacture secret, and whose secret died with him. Is A entitled to a grant of Letters Patent ? 7. Define what constitutes utility in a patent, and indicate in your answer what degree of utility is necessary to support a patent. 8. A consults you stating that he has been working on a patent jointly with B as joint investigators and discoverers. B refuses to either join in applying for a patent or to assign his interest in the invention to A, and A asks you to advise him as to his position as an inventor and as to his rights, and how same can be best protected. How would you advise Aas to his position ? and give your reasons for the advice given. 9. What must a patentee applying for an extension of patent prove in order to succeed in his application, and what form must the application take, and to whom is it addressed? 10. Who may apply for revocation of a patent ? 11. What is the meaning and effect of a compulsory license, and under what circumstances can one be obtained? 12. To what extent can a specification be amended ? State the limits of amendment. 13. A informs you that he has purchased a patent which is already the subject of Letters Patent: state fully the steps A must take in order to complete his title and obtain the full benefit of his purchase. 14. How can the vendor of an article sold as patented, which is not in fact a patent article, be punished ? 15. What steps must the holder of a British patent take to protect himself against an infringement in this colony ?

1. Who may apply for a patent? What difference, if any, is there between the New Zealand and the English Act in this respect ? 2. Explain and illustrate the rule that a mere principle is not patentable. 3. What are the different kinds of " publication " which will invalidate a patent subsequently applied for? State in each case what amount of publication, and under what circumstances, will be sufficient to invalidate. What relation does the question of publication bear to the general question of novelty ? 4. What is the test as to whether a " combination "is patentable ? What special points require attending to in drawing the claim in a specification for a combination patent ? 5. The following were the facts in two well-known cases of actions for infringement in which the validity of the plaintiff's patent was questioned : In the first the patent was for crinolines, and the invention consisted in the substitution of steel springs for whalebone and other elastic materials. In the second the patent was for an improvement in electric lamps : the claim was for " the combination of a carbon filament within a receiver made entirely of glass, through which the leading wires pass, and from which receiver the air is exhausted, for the purposes set forth " : substantially the same lamp had been constructed in two previous instances, the only change made by the plaintiff being the substitution of a carbon filament for a carbon rod, with the object and effect of producing high resistance to the electric current (and corresponding intensity of light), with great durability. What was the decision in each of these cases as to the validity of the patent ? What were the grounds of the decisions ? Discuss the principles applicable. 6. What are the objects of lodging a provisional specification? With what degree of particularity must a provisional specification be drawn ? 7. When will a patent be invalid on the ground of nonconformity of the complete with the provisional specification ? What are the tests of the sufficiency or insufficiency of the complete specification as regards the description of the invention ? 8. What are the provisions of the Act of 1889 in regai<d to amendment of the specification? 9. State shortly the principal steps in the procedure for obtaining a patent, and the points to be attended to in regard to each, giving the times within which such steps must be taken, where times are prescribed. 10. What is the procedure for obtaining an extension of the term of a patent ? For what period can an extension be granted ? Upon what grounds can an extension be granted ?


Patent Office Library. This library contains the following publications, viz. : — United Kingdom. The full text of the specifications and complete drawings of inventions patented from the year 1617 up to the 23rd February, 1905. Classified abridgments of inventions to 1900. Illustrated Official Journal, containing lists of recent applications, abridgments of inventions for which patents have been lately granted, patents void, &c, to March, 1905. Index of Applicants. Subject-matter Index. Commissioner of Patents Journal, &c.( a ). Trade Marks Journal to January, 1905. Canada. Patent Office Becord (containing illustrated abridgments of inventions, &c.) to November, 1904( b ). Australia. The Official Journal of Patents of the Australian Commonwealth (containing lists of applications for letters patent, abridgments of complete specifications accepted, &c). The Gazettes of the various States (containing lists of applications for registration of trade marks, &c). Specifications, drawings, abridgments, and indexes of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia( c ). United States. The Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office (containing illustrated abridgments of specifications, &c.) to April, 1905( d ). Mexico. The Official Gazette of the Patent and Trade Mark Office. General. La Propriete Industrielle (the official organ of the International Bureau of the Union for the Protection of Industrial Property). Patent laws of the world. Patent and Trade Mark Beview. Text-books and handbooks on patents and trade marks. Miscellaneous publications. Illustrated catalogues, price-lists of machinery, &c. Books and Documents open to Inspection. The following documents and books are open to public inspection at the Patent Office :— Patents. (Fee for each search or inspection, not exceeding one hour, Is.) 1. The files relating to all applications for letters patent in respect of which complete specifications have been accepted, 2. Classified copies of specifications and drawings, with index and key( c ). 3. Begister of Applications for Letters Patent. 4. Begister of Patents. 5. Begister of Subsequent Proprietors of Letters Patent( £ ). 6. Index of Patentees( B ). 7. Index of Proprietors of Letters Patent granted prior to 1890( h ). 8. Index of Specifications('). Designs. (Search fee, Is. each quarter of an hour.) 1. Begister of Designs, with Index of Names of Proprietors. t 2. Classified Bepresentations of Designs in respect of which Copyright has expired. 3. Index of Designs. Trade Marks. (Search fee, Is. each quarter of an hour.) 1. The files relating to all applications for registration of trade marks. 2. Begister of Applications for Begistration of Trade Marks. 3. Begister of Trade Marks. 4. Index of Applicants for Begistration of Trade Marks('). 5. Index of Trade Marks. 6. Classified Bepresentations of Trade Marks, with indexes. Miscellaneous. Begister of Patent Agents.

( a ) Discontinued. ( b ) These may also be seen at the Public Libraries, Auckland and Ohristchuroh. (°) In arrear. Not now being printed. ( d ) May also be seen at the Public Library, Christchurch. ( c ) Key is in card index. (') This Register contains only names of subsequent proprietors of letters patent granted prior to Ist January, 1890; since that date they appear in Register af Patents. (c) Includes all names of applicants, &c, and consists of four volumes to 4th November, 1903, and card index since that date. A separate caid index is kept for current quarter. ('") The names of proprietors of subsequent letters patent appear in the Index of Patentees. (') Contains classified abridgments of specifications from 1861, with extraotsfrom drawings from July, 1904. (i) Names of applicants for registration and proprietors of trade marks are indexed at the beginning of the Registers up to 31st December, 1889; in separate volume up to sth September, 1904 ; and since the latter date are in the card index.



A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expendituee for the Year ending 31st December, 1904. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 3,75119 0 Salaries ... ... ... 674 18 6 Design fees ... ... ... 13 5 0 Clerical assistance ... ... 279 10 0 Trade-mark fees ... ... 836 16 0 Copying specifications... ... 17 15 7 Sale of Acts, Gazettes, &c. ... 32 4 0 Fees to Patent Office Agents ... 68 12 6 Miscellaneous ... ... 815 6 Binding printed specifications, 22 0 0 &c, presented to office by other countries* Printing Patents Gazette* ... 534 17 10 Other printing and binding* .. 101 5 4 Stationery ... ... ... 16 17 5 Card cabinet ... ... ... 15 18 6 Books, patent laws, &c. ... 11 10 6 Telephone ... ... ... 7 0 0 Payments refunded ... ... 600 Incidental expenses ... ... 19 11 9 Balance for the year ... ... 2,867 1 7 £4/642 19 6 £4,642 19 6

* Printing and binding done by Government Printing Office.

B.—Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.

Note.—Printing, binding, and other items now debited to this office were not in former years brought to charge.


Year. Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Year. Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. .897 1898 .899 .900 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. .. 3,183 9 0 574 15 2 2,608 13 10 .. 2,824 9 0 623 1 11 2,201 7 1 .. 3,102 2 6 851 2 6 2,251 0 0 .. 3,396 17 3 1,027 5 8 2,369 11 7 1901 1902 1903 1904 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. .. 3,366 12 4 ; 1,205 15 2 2,160 17 2 .. 3,999 3 3 1,344 17 1 2,654 6 2 .. 5,290 2 7 I 1,657 1 5 3,633 1 2 .. 4,642 19 6 | 1,775 17 11 2,867 1 7


C.—Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1904.

D. —Staff of Officees, and Salaeies. £ s. d. Begistrar* ... ... ... ... ... Nil. Deputy Begistrar... ... ... ... ... 290 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... Vacant. Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Cadet ... ... ... ... . . ... 85 0 0 Messenger ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Office-cleaner ... ... ... ... ... 11 18 6 * Also Under-Secretary for Justice. £686 18 6


Fees. Number. — Amount receive! Each. Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications left after provisional specifications Applications to amend specifications Issue of letters patent Renewal fees before end of fourth year from date of patent Renewal fees before end of seventh year from date of patent Notices of opposition Hearing objections Applications for enlargement of time for deposit of complete specifications On grant of such enlargement Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees On grant of such enlargement Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against decisions of Registrar Searches Registration of assignments and licenses Certificates of such registration Copies of specifications and drawings Certifying copies Correction of clerical errors in specifications, &c. Registration of Patent Agent 962 523 271 7 609 176 49 8 7 26 24 26 25 4 501 114 86 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 0 2 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 1* 0 10 0 10 t J £ 7s. d. 481 0 0 261 10 0 135 10 0 7 0 0 1,218 0 0 880 0 0 490 0 0 4 0 0 14 0 0 13 0 0 24 0 0 ' 13 0 0 25 0 0 4 0 0 25 1 0 57 0 0 43 0 0 47 2 0 0 14 0 1 15 0 7 7 0 "7 7 0 "5 1 1 £3,751 19 0 Designs. Applications for registration of designs Search designs .. 26 1 0 10 0 5 13 0 0 0 5 0 £13 5 0 Trademarks. Applications for registration of trade-marks Registration of trade-marks Registration of assignments Certificates of such assignments Notioes of opposition Notices of appeal to Supreme Court Cancellation of trade-marks Renewal of registration Additional fees where renewal fee is paid within three months after expiration of fourteen years Restoration of trade-mark to register Altering address on register Requests to correct clerioal errors Copies of duplicate certificates Searches Advertisements : Cost of extra space in Gazette Certifying copies 592 417 87 17 3 2 148 0 5 1 0 £1 & 2s. 0 5. 1 0 1 0 0 5 1 0 148 0 0 417 0 0 40 16 0 21 12 0 17 0 0 3 0 0 0 10 0 148 0 0 6 10 0 'l9 3 0 5 0 5 0 1 0 1} 3 0 0 4 15 0 0 15 0 17 6 11 17 0 12 11 6 0 2 0 "2 0 1 £836 16 0 * Per hour. t 3d. per folio of 72 words; Is. per sheet, drawings. J For qui trter of an hour,

H. —10.

E.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1904 inclusive.

F.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c., under Act of 1889.

ii—H. 10.


Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 1 325 951 1894 756 15 347 1,118 1895 816 14 254 1,084 1896 992 27 279 1,298 1897 1,093 13 301 1,467 1898 1,021 10 343 1,374 1899 992 12 328 1,332 1900 1,009 15 348 1,372 1901 1,114 18 379 1,511 1902 1,431 28 412 1,871 1903 1,604 26 447 2,077 1904 1,483 24 592 2,099

Number a cations wi ►h Complete cations of Appliith which 3 Specifilodged. Number cations w Provisional tions li of Appliith which Specifica)dged. Number of Applications for which Complete Specifications subsequently lodged. Numbei cations i laps ref r of Appliibandoned, ied, or 'used. Num Patent! Total Lber of Number s sealed. . ,. Applications. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 N.Z. 242 187 202 198 278 229 299 217 199 182 160 199 163 205 200 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 303 305 297 321 353 357 368 321 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 307 318 444 419 382 441 459 767 859 754 Foreign. 60 69 53 52 61 79 100 129 98 131 87 103 144 172 208 N.Z. 27 29 40 51 69 75 68 87 102 84 97 119 274 238 Foreign. 17 25 16 24 16 34 33 41 29 55 36 28 65 54 N.Z. 202 191 237 262 352 403 439 481 447 409 452 458 690 * Foreign. 50 50 43 30 51 51 75 95 70 82 59 76 86 N.Z. 147 122 125 133 173 133 185 181 172 155 149 200 240 Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 332 346 349 380 415 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 * i 1'hese figuri i is are necessarily incomplete, as the time for proceeding further with th applici itions hai not yet ixpirei 1.


G. —Table showing over a Series of Years the Number of Patents that were considered of sufficient Value to be kept alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees.

H.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904.

Note.—A few applications were received from joint applicants resident in different countries the figures will, therefore, total more than the actual number of applications received.


G.—Table showing over a Sebie sufficient Value to b< of Yeaes the Num kept alive by Pα :beb of Patents thai raENT of the Eenew b were considered of 'al Fees. Year. Number of Applications received. Number of Letters Patent granted. Number of Patents on which Second-term Fee paid. Number of Patents on which Final Fee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 614 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 364 348 326 333 349 362 478 517 504 501 498 80 78 84 99 88 113 118 136 138 199 172 37 23 37 47 81 45 53 49 H.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904. 1902. i 1903. 1904. I 1902. 1903. 1904. New Zealand Argentine Eepublic Austria Canada Cape Colony Ceylon Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary India Italy Natal .. 930 1 3 11 2 1 2 1 8 8 1,064 "8 1 "a 954 1 "8 2 1 New South Wales Norway Queensland Rhodesia South Africa South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania Transvaal United Kingdom United States .. Victoria Western Australia 69 3 5 1 1 13 1 2 5 1 117 129 118 5 65 il 14 13 65 1 21 1 8 6 3 6 3 110 100 160 14 "3 15 "l 5 10 2 2 5 129 112 150 10 1 2 1 Note. —A few applications were rece total more than the actual number of ap] >iyed fr< plicatioi >m joint applii is received. ints resident in different countries the figures 'ill, thi irefore,

G.—Table showing over a Sebie sufficient Value to b< of Yeaes the Num kept alive by Pα :beb of Patents thai raENT of the Eenew b were considered of 'al Fees. Year. Number of Applications received. Number of Letters Patent granted. Number of Patents on which Second-term Fee paid. Number of Patents on which Final Fee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 614 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 364 348 326 333 349 362 478 517 504 501 498 80 78 84 99 88 113 118 136 138 199 172 37 23 37 47 81 45 53 49 H.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904. 1902. i 1903. 1904. I 1902. 1903. 1904. New Zealand Argentine Eepublic Austria Canada Cape Colony Ceylon Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary India Italy Natal .. 930 1 3 11 2 1 2 1 8 8 1,064 "8 1 "a 954 1 "8 2 1 New South Wales Norway Queensland Rhodesia South Africa South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania Transvaal United Kingdom United States .. Victoria Western Australia 69 3 5 1 1 13 1 2 5 1 117 129 118 5 65 il 14 13 65 1 21 1 8 6 3 6 3 110 100 160 14 "3 15 "l 5 10 2 2 5 129 112 150 10 1 2 1 Note.—A few applications were rece total more than the actual number of ap] >iyed fr< plicatioi >m joint applii is received. ints resident in different countries the figures 'ill, thi irefore,


I.—Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904.

(i) Heading done away with ; spark-arresters under Engines (steam), smoke-consumers under Furnaces. (8) Heading done away with ; now under Building (b-ricks and cement). (3) See Kitchen utensils. (■*) See Vehicles (velocipedes). (5) Heading done away with; engines (electric) under Electricity aud magnetism. (<») See Dairying. (7) Heading done away with ; now under Cultivating, Furnaces, &c. (8) Heading done away with ; now under Sheep and cattle. (*>) Heading done away with ; now under Cutting and sawing. Note.—Owing to some inventions being under more than one head, the figures will total rather more than the actual number of applications received.

Ia.—Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904.

Note— A few applications were received from persons giving addresses in two or more countries; the figures will, therefore, total more than the actual number of applications received.


. —Table showing Number of Ap: of thi ■lications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each Years 1902, 1903, and 1904. Class. j 1902. 1903. 1904. Class. 1902. 1903. 1904. Advertising Amusements Attaching and seouring Boilers Boilers (spark-arresters and smokeconsumers) Boots and shoes.. Bottles Boxes, cans, and casks Brewing, distilling, &c. Brooms and brushes Building „ (bricks and cement) (windows and doors) Cement Chemicals Cleaning, polishing, &c. Closets and urinals Coin-feed mechanism Cooking appliances( 8 ) Cooling and freezing Cultivating and tilling Cutting, sawing, and tools Cycles(<i) Dairying Drains and sewers Dredging and excavating Drying Electricity and magnetism Engines (steam) .. „ (air, gas, and oil) „ (electric) (miscellaneous and engineaccessories) Explosives, firearms, and targets .. Exterminating Fencing.. „ (strainers) Fibre-dressing Filters .. Fire alarms, escapes, and extinguishers Food .. Furnaces and kilns Furniture and upholstery Gas-manufacture Harness (including horse, &c, covers) Harvesting Heating 10 45 37 25 13 7 33 18 13 9 7 41 14 15 (') Illuminating Indicating, calculating, and measuring Kauri-gum Kitchen utensils and cooking appliances Lifting, hauling, and loading Locks, latches, and hinges Marine and submarine Marking Medicines and surgical appliances .. Metal-working Milking( 6 ) Minerals „ (magnetic separators) „ (stampers and pulverisers) Offal-treating Oils and lubricators Faints and painting Pipes, tubes, and hose Poultry-raising and incubators Preserving Presses Printing and photography Pumps and sprayers Racecourse accessories .. Railways and tramways Roads and ways Seed-dressing, chaff - cutting, and threshing Seed-sowers Sewing and knitting Sheep and cattle Sheep shearing and clipping Shop and hotel fittings Stationery and paper Telephony and telegraphy Tobacco.. Tools .. Valves and cocks Vehicles „ (velocipedes) Ventilating Washing and cleansing Water-supplying Wearing-apparel Wools and hides .. ,. Miscellaneous 36 ' 28 39 34 36 28 46 37 2 39 89 33 31 1 4 43 38 28 19 4 9 80 54 15 52 6 7 49 10 19 H 3 17 12 4 17 18 25 10 18 32 35 31 19 20 27 17 25 14 23 4 S 73 61 47 3 2 ( 7 ) 5 7 11 9 8 10 16 5 30 5 12 1 2 8 18 2 10 16 10 ■• , ; 3 7 2 21 4 15 7 14 6 3 52 14 7 5 50 23 6 48 24 1 21 37 .. 5 3 5 2 10 3 13 7 5 28 10 3 32 10 40 1 12 Iβ 19 14 11 53 10 34 10 10 17 11 12 17 53 a 26 11 15 16 11 I 5 ) 26 16 25 80 8 4 23 18 28 44 19 . 7 7 18 22 19 8 28 6 12 3 4 16 4 14 . 12 15 21 13 36 33 9 20 8 54 1 23 4 22 9 8 23 5 8 26 18 44 38 10 13 6 61 8 15 13 8 22 2 12 47 8 9 ( 9 ) 12 38 39 3 22 7 51 7 7 13 7 10 38 11 44 8 23 3 17 36 17 37 14 27 51 14 24 6 15 (1) Heading done away with ; spark-arrestere under Engines (steam), smoke-consumers under Furnaces. (9) Heading done away with ; now under Building (b?icks and cement). (8) See Kitchen utensils. (') See Vehicles (velocipedes!. (5) Heading done away with; engines (electric) under Electricity and magnetism. («) See Dairying. (7) Heading done away with ; now under Cultivating, Furnaces, &c. (8) Heading done away with ; now under Sheep and cattle. ['■>) Heading done away with ; now under Cutting and sawing. Note.—Owing to some inventions being under more than one head, the figures will total rather more than the actual number of applications received. Iα.—Number of Applications for Begistration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1902. 1903. 1904. New Zealand Asia Minor Belgium Canada .. Cape Colony Ceylon .. Cuba .. Denmark Egypt .. France .. Germany Holland Hungary 198 1 1 1 219 1 1 1 334 1 15 3 1 5 India New South Wales Philippine Islands Queensland South Africa South Australia Sweden Switzerland Transvaal United Kingdom United States .. Victoria 1 30 1 2 5 22 1 1 "l 1 43 2 1 "2 1 2 2 1 9 7 1 10 15 1 1 ]24 51 23 128 40 28 1 106 48 23 Note.—A few applications were rece: total more than the actual number of apj ived fr< )lioatio] >m perei as reoei' >ns givi] ■ed. ig addresses in two or more countries; the figures will, therefore,

.—Table showing Number of Ap: of thi ■lications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each Years 1902, 1903, and 1904. Class. j 1902. 1903. 1904. Class. 1902. 1903. 1904. Advertising Amusements Attaching and seouring Boilers Boilers (spark-arresters and smokeconsumers) Boots and shoes.. Bottles Boxes, cans, and casks Brewing, distilling, &c. Brooms and brushes Building „ (bricks and cement) (windows and doors) Cement Chemicals Cleaning, polishing, &c. Closets and urinals Coin-feed mechanism Cooking appliances( 8 ) Cooling and freezing Cultivating and tilling Cutting, sawing, and tools Cycles(<i) Dairying Drains and sewers Dredging and excavating Drying Electricity and magnetism Engines (steam) .. „ (air, gas, and oil) „ (electric) (miscellaneous and engineaccessories) Explosives, firearms, and targets .. Exterminating Fencing.. „ (strainers) Fibre-dressing Filters .. Fire alarms, escapes, and extinguishers Food .. Furnaces and kilns Furniture and upholstery Gas-manufacture Harness (including horse, &c, covers) Harvesting Heating 10 45 37 25 13 7 33 18 13 9 7 41 14 15 (') Illuminating Indicating, calculating, and measuring Kauri-gum Kitchen utensils and cooking appliances Lifting, hauling, and loading Locks, latches, and hinges Marine and submarine Marking Medicines and surgical appliances .. Metal-working Milking( 6 ) Minerals „ (magnetic separators) „ (stampers and pulverisers) Offal-treating Oils and lubricators Faints and painting Pipes, tubes, and hose Poultry-raising and incubators Preserving Presses Printing and photography Pumps and sprayers Racecourse accessories .. Railways and tramways Roads and ways Seed-dressing, chaff - cutting, and threshing Seed-sowers Sewing and knitting Sheep and cattle Sheep shearing and clipping Shop and hotel fittings Stationery and paper Telephony and telegraphy Tobacco.. Tools .. Valves and cocks Vehicles „ (velocipedes) Ventilating Washing and cleansing Water-supplying Wearing-apparel Wools and hides .. ,. Miscellaneous 36 ' 28 39 34 36 28 46 37 2 39 89 33 31 1 4 43 38 28 19 4 9 80 54 15 52 6 7 49 10 19 H 3 17 12 4 17 18 25 10 18 32 35 31 19 20 27 17 25 14 23 4 S 73 61 47 3 2 ( 7 ) 5 7 11 9 8 10 16 5 30 5 12 1 2 8 18 2 10 16 10 ■• , ; 3 7 2 21 4 15 7 14 6 3 52 14 7 5 50 23 6 48 24 1 21 37 .. 5 3 5 2 10 3 13 7 5 28 10 3 32 10 40 1 12 Iβ 19 14 11 53 10 34 10 10 17 11 12 17 53 a 26 11 15 16 11 I 5 ) 26 16 25 80 8 4 23 18 28 44 19 . 7 7 18 22 19 8 28 6 12 3 4 16 4 14 . 12 15 21 13 36 33 9 20 8 54 1 23 4 22 9 8 23 5 8 26 18 44 38 10 13 6 61 8 15 13 8 22 2 12 47 8 9 ( 9 ) 12 38 39 3 22 7 51 7 7 13 7 10 38 11 44 8 23 3 17 36 17 37 14 27 51 14 24 6 15 (1) Heading done away with ; spark-arrestere under Engines (steam), smoke-consumers under Furnaces. (9) Heading done away with ; now under Building (b?icks and cement). (8) See Kitchen utensils. (') See Vehicles (velocipedes!. (5) Heading done away with; engines (electric) under Electricity and magnetism. («) See Dairying. (7) Heading done away with ; now under Cultivating, Furnaces, &c. (8) Heading done away with ; now under Sheep and cattle. ['■>) Heading done away with ; now under Cutting and sawing. Note.—Owing to some inventions being under more than one head, the figures will total rather more than the actual number of applications received. Iα.—Number of Applications for Begistration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1902. 1903. 1904. New Zealand Asia Minor Belgium Canada .. Cape Colony Ceylon .. Cuba .. Denmark Egypt .. France .. Germany Holland Hungary 198 1 1 1 219 1 1 1 334 1 15 3 1 5 India New South Wales Philippine Islands Queensland South Africa South Australia Sweden Switzerland Transvaal United Kingdom United States .. Victoria 1 30 1 2 5 22 1 1 "l 1 43 2 1 "2 1 2 2 1 9 7 1 10 15 1 1 ]24 51 23 128 40 28 1 106 48 23 Note.—A few applications were rece: total more than the actual number of apj ived fr< )lioatio] >m perei as reoei' >ns givi] ■ed. ig addresses in two or more countries; the figures will, therefore,


Ib. —Number of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1902, 1903, and 1904.


llasses. [ Classification of Goods. 1902 1903. 1904. 1 3 4 5 i 6 \ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 | 49 i 50 I Chemioal substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemioal substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmaoy Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufao tures not inoluded in other olasses Unwrought and partiy-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, exoept agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts i f such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes; instruments and apparatus for teaching Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not inoluded in other olasses Goods of precious metals (inoluding aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &c) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or_decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Olasses 23, 24, and 38 .. Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing .. Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhaugings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap i Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other olasses Miscellaneous 12 10 9 11 16 22 46 1 49 2 63 7 8 4 4 14 5 15 3 4 1 4 13 3 1 4 2 1 4 1 2 8 1 6 1 9 14 2 1 1 5 7 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 4 1 4 5 6 3 1 13 3 4 2 1 3 20 1 5 3 i 1 1 2 1 1 2 8 1 2 8 1 i 31 14 9 28 8 6 2 86 27 4 37 30 10 8 1 164 28 4 28 97 28 5 24 25 31 43 10 17 22 7 27 4 23 1 43




I—H. 10._0 5 .

* Denotes a provisional 'rade Marks Act, 1889." specil lea iion. 'eno ;es a prior late un. ler sec lion lent is, 'esigns, am Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. .dam, G. T., Prebbleton, N.Z. Securing breeching-strap to vehicle .diassewich, A., London, Eng. Treating shale-oil .lbrecht, F., Melbourne, Vic. Pipe-coupling Jlan, A. T. W., Thames, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus .llan, E. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Cake-tin and steamer iexander, L. W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Golf-club Lndorson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Truing up rollers of flax-stripper .ndersson, C. O. E., Wellington, N.Z. Cutting rail-grooves in rail-way-sleepers .ndrew, J. W., Otahuhu, N.Z. Sprayer ,ndrew, R., Melbourne, Vic. Bucket-dredge attachment .nthony, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Plate for oysters .rcher, G., and another, Benalla, Vic. Adding-machine .rmstrong, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Tailings-elevator .shcroft, A., Auckland, N.Z. Combustible dip composition .shcroft, A., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-lighter .. .tkin, A. C, Auckland, N.Z. Gig-seat LUgust, C. L., Invercargill, N.Z. Pin .ustin, S., Brisbane, Q. Starting-gate 17707 17695 17594 17632 17732 17736 17565 17481 17705 17612 17503 17641 17608 17550 17551 10051 17492 17615 28 Mar. 22 Mar. 27 Feb. 8 Mar. 31 Mar. 28 Mar. 24 Feb. 20 Jan. 25 Mar. 3 Mar. 30 Jan. 10 Mar. 27 Feb. 16 Fob. 16 Feb. 2 Mar., 1903.. 20 Jan. 4 Mar. 31 28 25 31 25 10 31 14 April.* 31 Mar. 18 Mar.* 14 April.* 18 Mar'.' 4 Feb.* 14 April.* 15 28 25 25 25 6 20 18 Feb.* 31 Mar.* 18 Mar.* 18 Mar. 18 Mar. 21 Jan. 3 Mar.* iabcock and Wilcox, Limited, and another, London, Eng. Chain grate-stoker Saggeson, F. C, Melbourne, Vio. Butter-box iaggstrom, E. L., Auckland, N.Z. Stair-rod Saker, A. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Cutting material into strips larber, T. W., London, Eng. Speed gear Sarlow, J. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Die for cake-tin iarnes, G., Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. G. Lodge, No. 16868.) Sarnsdale, W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Extractor and clarifier Sarraclough, J., and others, Owharoa, N.Z. Door-holder iarton, B. C, Birmingham, Eng. Metallic bedstead Jarton, F. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Umbrella-joint iates, A., Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17660.) Saugh. (See under Do Baugh.) Jawden, J. M., and another, Buln Buln, Vic. Coupling-pin for roadvehicle Sedggood Bros., Ohaeawai, N.Z. Head block and reach Seissel, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Dressing flax Serry, T. C, Ohingaiti, N.Z. Wire-strainer., ietts, T., and another, Henderson, N.Z. Preventing horse from bolting iickorton, A. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Health-sholtor .. Jiel, W., Itzehoe, Germany. (See A. Peppier, No. 16447.) iird, W. H., Wanganui, N.Z. Artificial foot Jlackett, J. T., Guisborough, Eng. Coal-boring machine ilair, A., and another, Greenstone, N.Z. Spring rings for packing piston-rods loon, A. W., Brixton, Eng. Cycle driving and gearing mechanism Jooth, G. T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Wheel-lift for plough iooth, G. T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Skoith-buckle iooth, G. T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lubricator for plough-skeiths iooth, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Machinery belting iors, O., Coola, N.S.W. Sheep-shears iowick, W. H., Hunterville, N.Z. Stove-polish ioynton, F. W., Auckland, N.Z. Cardboard box ioynton, F. W., Auckland, N.Z. Cardboard box ioynton, F. W., Auckland, N.Z. Cardboard box iradbury, R. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Manufacture of oil-clothing.. iradshaw, C, Christchurch, N.Z. Motor-driven vehicle irake, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Attaching breeching-strap to vehicle irett, A. G., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Moustache-guard for spoon irew, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lubricator for ploughskeiths irew, ,W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Wheel-lift for plough irew, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Skeith-buckle irice, H., Kapuni, N.Z. Table-cricket irierly, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Road-sweoper iriggs, H., Hasbrouck Heights, U.S.A. Heel-nailing machine iritish Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, Westminster, Eng, (See W. E. Hughes, Nos. 17041, 17424, 17599, 17619.) 16538 24. June, 1903.. 2 7 Jan. 17726 17692 17618 17449 17595 29 Mar. 22 Mar. 2 Mar. 8 Jan. 1 Mar. 31 28 14 April.* 31 Mar.* io 25 4 Feb.' 18 Mar.* 16848 17562 17465 17474 25 Aug., 1903.. 24 Feb. 13 Jan. 12 Jan. 6 25 10 21 Jan. 18 Mar. 4 Feb.* 17490 20 Jan. 15 18 Feb. 17506 17479 16896 15947 1 Feb. 14 Jan. 1 Sept., 1903 4 Feb., 1903.. 10 25 15 4 Feb.* 18 Mar. 18 Feb. 17522 5 Feb., 15 18 Feb.* 17456 17497 17677 12 Jan. 23 Jan. 18 Mar. 10 15 28 4 Feb. 18 Feb. 31 Mar.* 17423 17664 17665 16445 27 Jan., 1903f 15 Mar. 15 Mar. 5 June, 1903.. 10 28 28 20 4 Feb. 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 3 Mar. 17523 17644 17680 17569 17586 17590 17452 17597 17629 17559 16445 8 Feb. 10 Mar. 21 Mar. 25 Feb. 29 Feb. 29 Feb. 11 Jan. 29 Feb. 7 Mar. 23 Feb. 5 June, 1903 .. 20 28 28 25 28 28 10 25 25 20 20 3 Mar. 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 18 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 4 Feb.* 18 Mar.* 18 Mar.* 3 Mar.* 3 Mar. 17664 17665 17460 17520 17089 15 Mar. 15 Mar. 13 Jan. 5 Feb. 23 Mar. 28 28 10 15 31 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 4 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 14 April.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Name, Address, and Invention. No. A Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Brooks, W. H., Adelaide, S.A. Gas-generator Brown, R., and another, Greenstone, N.Z. Spring rings for packing piston-rods Browne, M., Gisborne, N.Z. Handle and stand for clothes-iron Brownley, A. H., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Serviette-holder .. Budd, A. E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Machinery belting .. Biillot, E., and others, Owharoa, N.Z. Door holder Bursill, F. W., Awatere, N.Z. Fencing-standard Burt, A. J. H., Hornby, N.Z. Treating sheepskins Burton. (See Sanford-Burton.) Bussey, T. H., and another, Charters Towers, Q. Egg-beater, &c. .. Butcher, W., and another, Rotorua, N.Z. Necktie-retainer Butterick, F., Ashburton, N.Z. Cutter of reaping-machine 17102 17677 15 Oct., 1903 .. 18 Mar. 28 28 31 Mar. 31 Mar." 17693 17457 17523 17562 16464 17657 21 Mar. 12 Jan. 8 Feb. 24 Feb. 10 June, 1903 15 Mar. 28 20 20 25 15 28 31 Mar.* 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 18 Mar. 18 Feb. 31 Mar.* 17720 17530 16431 31 Mar. 10 Feb. 2 June, 1903 20 25 3 Mar. 18 Mar. Cameron, E. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Travelling-race for sheep Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Turbine. (G. Westinghouse) .. Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Turbine. (G. Westinghouse) .. Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Turbine. (G. Westinghouse) .. Carmont, W. E., Kingston-on-Thames, Eng. Motor vehicle Cartwright, G. J., Brisbane, Q. Burglar-alarm Carver, N. P., Sydney, N.S.W. Mercury-feeder for battery Cassel, H. R., London, Eng. Filtering slimes Oatterall, E. H., and another, Buln Buln, Victoria. Coupling-pin for road-vehiele Cavenaugh, R. W., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17528.) Chapman, F. J., Timaru, N.Z. Lifting invalid out of bath Chatterson, A. E., Toronto, Canada. (See T. de Schryver, No. 17538.) Chewings, G., Mossburn, N.Z Fencing-staple Chisholm, A. M., Spring Hills, N.Z. Securing ends of machinery belting Christie, R. L., Gore, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Churchill-Otton, S., Melbourne, Vic. Rotating diaphragm for telephone Olapham, G. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Die for cake-tin .. Clare, S. F., Campbelltown, N.Z. Fitting handle to axe-head Clark, D., Bairnsdale, Vic. Separating minerals from ores Clarke, G. C, Hastings, N.Z. Twisting and straining wires Olaydon, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Building-construction Coakley, J. J., and another, Geraldton, W.A. Road-wheel Cobham, W. S., Wellington, N.Z. Wheel and axle of railway-vehicle Ooe, H., Greymouth, N.Z. Nail-holder .. .. Coles, C, Melbourne, Vic. Noiseless socket for leg of chair Congreve, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-lock Congreve, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle-lock Conrad, F., Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17041.) Conroy, A. M., Hawera, N.Z. Theatre-chair Cooney, M., Gebbie's Valley, N.Z. Reaping-finger Cooper, T. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Vehicle brake Cooper, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Steerage gear for sheep-feeding rack Copeland-Chatterson Company, Limited, Toronto, Canada. (See T. de Schryver, No. 17538.) Copeland, R. J., and another, Toronto, Canada. (See T. de Schryver, No. 17538) Corrington, M., New York, U.S.A. Fluid-pressure brake Cossar, T., Lanark, Scotland. Printing-machine Coull, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Fire-igniter .. Coulson, M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Applying tar to wood blocks Courtney, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Wheel for elevating ores. (H. T. Durant and F. C. Roberts) Cowan, M., Colac, N.Z. Hook and eye Craw, G., Palmerston North, N.Z. Flax stripper and washer Crawford, B., Auckland, N.Z. Engine-silencer Crump, W. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Medical belt Gummock, J., jun., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Manufacturing aerated liquids 17731 30 Mar. 17626 17627 17628 17598 17610 17613 17600 17490 7 Mar. 7 Mar. 7 Mar. 2 Mar. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 2 Mar. 20 Jan. 31 31 31 28 14 April. 14 April. 14 April. 31 Mar. 28 25 15 31 Mar. 18 Mar.* 18 Feb. 17580 25 Feb. 25 18 Mar. 17501 17722 29 Jan. 31 Mar. 15 31 18 Feb.* 14 April.* 17443 17723 4 Jan. 31 Mar. 6 21 Jan.* 17595 17461 17547 16410 17458 17603 17631 16434 17566 16377 16186 1 Mar. 9 Jan. 17 Feb. 29 May, 1903 .. 11 Jan. 2 Mar. 8 Mar. 4 June, 1903.. 25 Feb. 19 May, 1903 .. 4 April, 1903 ,25 10 20 20 10 25 25 20 25 6 18 Mar.* 4 Feb.* 3 Mar.* 3 Mar. 4 Feb.* 18 Mar.* 18 Mar. 3 Mar.* 18 Mar. 21 Jan. 17546 17533 17448 16470 17 Feb. 9 Feb. 7 Jan. 9 June, 1903 20 15 10 20 3 Mar.* 18 Feb.* 4 Feb.* 3 Mar. 17279 15575 17463 15983 19 Nov., 1903.. 30 Oct., 1902 .. 12 Jan. 11 Feb., 1903.. 6 10 15 31 Mar. 21 Jan. 4 Feb.* 18 Feb. 17487 21 Jan. 17549 17525 17527 16476 17477 16 Feb. 8 Feb. 13 Feb., 1903f 11 June, 1903.. 15 Jan. 20 15 25 2 10 3 Mar.* 18 Feb.* 18 Mar. 7 Jan. 4 Feb.* Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Sinking well Davidson, G., Hokitika, N.Z. Pitch-chain and sprocket Davies, T., East Eyreton, N.Z. Reaping-machine Davis, W. H., Boulder, U.S.A. Treating cyanide solutions Davy, K, Wanganui, N.Z. Mechanical toy .. Davy, K., Wanganui, N.Z. Umbrella-handle Day, S. H., Waverly, Southland, N.Z. Label Day, S. H., Waverly, Southland, N.Z. Spring handle for bucket .. Day, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Securing broom-handle .. De Baugh, H. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Liner for washingcopper De Lisle, de B., and another, Poverty Bay, N.Z. Branding-com-position Dennis, G., jun., Waikaia, Otago, N.Z. Raking material from 17435 16568 17459 17645 17650 17462 17653 17652 17675 17557 5 Jan. 29 June, 1903.. 11 Jan. 10 Mar. 12 Mar. 9 Jan. 14 Mar. 14 Mar. 18 Mar. 19 Feb. 6 20 10 28 28 21 Jan.* 3 Mar. 4 Feb.* 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 20 14 April. 3 Mar.* 17464 18 Jan. 15 18 Feb.* 17519 6 Feb. 15 18 Feb.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

■pp: lical lion. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. De Schryver, T., Wellington, N.Z. Loose-leaf account-book. (Cope-land-Chatterson Company, Limited—R. J. Copeland and A. E. Chatterson) Dickson, S. G., Melbourne, Vic. Horse-shoe manufacturing machine Dixon, E. V., Opotiki, N.Z. Screw propeller Dobbie, A. H., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Bird-scarer. (J. Dunstone) Dobbie, A. W., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Bird-scarer. (J. Dunstone) Dobbie, H. J., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Bird-scarer. (J. Dunstone) Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-tumbler Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Roller-protector for dredge-ladder.. Drewet, O. H., Pukekohe, N.Z. Hat-pin Du Feu, J. N., Christchurch, N.Z. Cushion heel for boots, &c Duncan, G. S., Melbourne, Vic. Slime-filtering apparatus Duncan, J., Whangamomona, Taranaki, N.Z. Leggings Dunlop, G. H., Melbourne, Vic. Excavating machinery Dunn, D., Oamaru, N.Z. Wheel-jack Dunn, J., Launceston, Tas. Drawing off beer Dunstone, J., Peterhead, S.A. (See A. H., A. W., and H. J. Dobbie, and J. E. M. Morley, No. 17439.) Durant, H. T., and another, Bulawayo, South Africa. (See F. J. Courtney, No. 17487.) Duryea, O. C, and another, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (See E. Phillips, No. 17573.) Dutch, W. A. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Milk heater and pasteuriser 17538 16029 16278 117439 17596 17729 17542 16390 17158 16499 17601 17058 17654 11 Feb. 27 Feb., 1903.. 28 April, 1903.. 7 Jan. 1 Mar. 30 Mar. 10 Feb. 26 May, 1903 .. 29 Oct., 1903 .. 16 June, 1903.. 2 Mar. 2 Oct., 1903 .. 11 Mar. 20 6 15 6 28 31 21) 20 15 20 28 20 3 Mar.* 21 Jan. 18 Feb. 21 Jan.* 31 Mar. 14 April.* 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 18 Feb. 3 Mar. 31 Mar. 3 Mar. 4 Feb. 18 Feb.* 17515 15 Eaton, E., London, Eng. Manufacturing bricks Eaton, E., London, Eng. Manufacturing bricks Eaton, E., London, Eng. Manufacturing bricks Eckersley, A. J. L., Melbourne, Vic. Controlling contents of highpressure reservoir Edwards, W., and others, Owharoa, N.Z. Door-holder.. Elieson, C. P., Paris, France. Electric accumulator plate Ellis, P., and another, Kilbirnie, N.Z. Tap for beer Elvines, F., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Tank-filter 16074 16075 17483 17721 11 Mar., 1903.. 11 Mar., 1903.. 20 Jan. 31 Mar. 15 15 15 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 17562 17584 16037 17495 24 Feb. 23 Feb. 2 Mar., 1903.. 25 Jan. • 25 25 6 18 Mar. 18 Mar. 21 Jan. Farrell, F. J., Auckland, N.Z. Fire and burglar alarm.. Faulkner, J. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Gate or window-guard Feu. (See under Du Feu.) Firth, T., Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel and horse-stopper Fletcher, I. S., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Serviette-holder Fletcher, J., Wyndham, N.Z. Fire-alarm Forsyth, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Milk heater and pasteuriser Fraser, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Road-sweeper 17669 17427 14 Mar. 24 Dec, 1903.. 28 28 31 Mar.* 31 Mar. 17446 17457 17505 17515 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 28 Jan. 4 Feb. 6 20 15 15 21 Jan.* 3 Mar. 18 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 17520 Feb. 15 18 Feb.* Gale, W. L., Louisville, U.S.A. Smoke-conveyer Gane, F. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Protector for sole of boot Garland, C. L., Sydney, N.S.W. Trommel .. Gattsche, J. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Boiler for breweries, &c. Gee, W. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Planing venetian-blind lath Gemmel, J., Maheno, N.Z. Stacking hay, &c. George, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Nightsoil-receptacle George, T. M., Waipori, N.Z. Toasting-fork Gibbons, R. P., Thames, N.Z. Galvanic plate for boot Gillies, A., Terang, Vic Pneumatic teat-cup Gillies, J. J., Bunnythorpe, N.Z. Milk-weighing machine Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Tank-filter Goodisson, R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Shower-bath Goodisson, R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Spear pump Gordon, W., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17453.) Grant, F. W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Water-lift Grasset, R. J. W., South Yarra, Vic. Marine governor.. Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed-sower Griffiths, F. C, New Plymouth, N.Z. Skylight 17455 17433 17568 16126 17686 17607 17524 17583 17552 17639 17614 17588 17593 17575 12 Jan. 6 Jan. 25 Feb. 25 Mar., 1903.. 22 Mar., 27 Feb. 8 Feb. 23 Feb. 17 Feb. 9 Mar. 3 Mar. 29 Feb. 29 Feb. 26 Feb. 10 10 6 28 25 15 31 20 28 25 28 25 20 4 Feb. 4 Feb.* 21 Jan. 31 Mar.* 18 Mar.* 18 Feb.* 14 April.* 3 Mar. 31 Mar. 18 Mar.* 31 Mar. 18 Mar.* 3 Mar.* 16990 17625 17630 16383 17 Sept., 1903 7 Mar. 8 Mar. 23 May, 1903 .. 25 25 31 31 18 Mar. 18 Mar.* 14 April. 11 April. Hale, W., Melbourne, Vic. Single go-cart .. Hall, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-tank filter Hall, W. L. R., Peak Hill, W.A. Grip driving-appliance for orefeeder Hamlin, E. A. G., Dannevirke, N.Z. Dust, &c, excluder for door.. Harding, J. M., Auckland, N.Z. Water-tube furnace for steamboiler Harding, T., and others, Wivelscombe, Eng. Sealing boxes, &c .. Hardy, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Staple Hardy, P. B., East Melbourne, Vic. Applying heat to the skin Harris, J., Newcastle, N.S.W. Window-sash fastener .. Harvey, R. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Preserving timber .. Harvey, W., Devonport, N.Z. Bucket-handle projection support .. Hawkeswood, C. S., Auckland, N.Z. Roofing-tile and ridging Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, Otago, N.Z. Standard jack 17719 17495 17623 17576 17700 17438 17730 17484 17476 17678 17517 17541 17671 31 Mar. 25 Jan. 4 Mar. 26 Feb. 23 Mar. 7 Jan. 30 Mar. 21 Jan. 18 Jan. 18 Mar. 2 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Mar. 81 20 10 31 10 10 14 April. 3 Mar.* 4 Feb. 14 April.* 4 Feb.* 4 Feb.* 15 20 28 18 Feb.* 3 Mar.* 31 Mar.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

,ppl ication. I 'Id I Name, Address, and Invention J_ No. Date. No. I I Dal Henderson, G., jun., Purau, N.Z. Solution for killing noxious weeds Hercus, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Umbrella-joint Heskott, T. J., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Treatment of ore Hesse, A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Dressing flax Hicks, W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Extractor and clarifier Hiendlmayr, K., Auckland, N.Z. Wave-motor Hill, W., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-mattress holder Hitchcock, F., Auckland, N.Z. Ventilator .. Hodges, C. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Gutter Hooke, O, Wellington, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher Hope, J., and another, Rotorua, N.Z. Necktie-retainer Howard, F. H., Hawera, N.Z. Outrigger for vehicle Hoyland, W., Wellington, N.Z. Couch Hucks, W., jun., and another, London, Eng. Aerating liquids Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Alternating-current watt-meter. (British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited—F. Conrad) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Fluid-pressure turbine. (The British Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Company, Limited—C. Regenbogen) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Air-brake. (G. Westinghouse) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Moulding soap. (The Hygienic Soap Granulator Company, Limited—R. W. Cavenaugh) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical distribution. (British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical distribution. (British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited) Hunter, I., Dunedin, N.Z. Cuff.. Hutchinson, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Cylinder for gramophone Hygienic Soap Granulator Company, Limited, New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17528.) 17668 16 Mar. 31 14 April.* 17474 16963 17479 16848 17070 17635 17682 17504 17587 17530 17518 • 17512 17437 17041 12 Jan. 9 Sept., 1903 14 Jan. 25 Aug., 1903.. 14 Mar. 6 Mar. 19 Mar. 28 Jan. 29 Feb. 10 Feb. 6 Feb. 4 Feb. 7 Jan. 30 Sept., 1903.. 10 10 6 28 28 15 4 Feb. 4 Feb.* 21 Jan. 31 Mar.* 31 Mar'.* 18 Feb.* 20 20 15 10 2 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 18 Feb.* 4 Feb. 7 Jan. 17424 30 Dec, 1903.. 31 14 April. 17560 17528 24 Feb. 9 Fob. 25 18 Mar. 17599 2 Mar. 17619 5 Mar. 16191 17674 4 April, 1903.. 19 Mar. 20 31 3 Mar. 14 April.* Irvin, J., Tuamarina, N.Z. Chart Irvine, J., Napier, N.Z. Fastening of packing-case 17536 17684 9 Feb. 22 Mar. 20 31 3 Mar. 14 April. Jagger, J. A., Parua Bay, N.Z. Exit-door for theatre .. Jagger, J. A., Parua Bay, N.Z. Exit-door for theatre .. Jardine, W., Edinburgh, Scotland. (See T. C. Jenkins and W. T. Mack, No. 17673.) Jenkins, C. V., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Blindfolding horses.. Jenkins, T. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Milking-appliance. (W. Jardine) Jenner, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Cushion heel for boot Johnson, F. D., Westminster, Eng. Pneumatic percussive tool Johnson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Chest-expanding brace Johnston, C. J., Bluff, N.Z. Suspending clothes-line .. Johnston, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Setting off distance along plank Jones, G. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycling-trousers Jones, L. M., and others, Toronto, Canada. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 17611.) 17672 17637 18 Mar. 9 Mar. 28 28 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 17655 17673 15 Mar. 18 Mar. 28 28 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 17564 17567 17554 17570 17491 17585 24 Feb. 25 Feb. 19 Feb. 25 Feb. 20 Jan. 26 Feb. 25 28 20 20 15 25 18 Mar. 31 Mar. 3 Mar.* 3 Mar.* 18 Feb.* 18 Mar.* Key, J., Hampton Park, Vic. Water-heater.. Key, J., Hampton Park, Vic Water-heater.. Kingsbeer, A. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Brick Kirkbride, J. L., Auckland, N.Z. Street-sweeper ' 17471 17472 16228 17556 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 15 April, 1903.. 23 Feb. 10 10 10 20 4 Feb.* 4 Feb.* 4 Feb. 3 Mar.* Lacene Manufacturing Company, Manchester, U.S.A. Evening and grading leather. (E. P. Nichols) Lajoie, J. P., Paris, France. Motor Lauermann, A., Germany. (See C. F. A., E. G., and P. P. Schaefer, No. 17633.) Lawrenz, and another. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 17574.) Lee, W., and another, Kaitangata, N.Z. Steam-trap and waterintercepter Leighton, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Boiler-furnace. (H. Sanders).. Leighton, H. E., Wellington,N.Z. Smoke-consumer. (H.Sanders) Lightband, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Tire-covor for motor car Linke, J. F., and another, Tellarjip, Vic. Disc plough Lisle. (See under De Lisle.) Livingstone, F., London, Eng. Preparing cattle-food .. Ljungstrom, F., Stockholm, Swtdon. Cow-milker Lloyd, E. W., Bobinawarrah, Vic. Measuring and weighing milk .. Lockerbie, R. L., Invercargill, N.Z. Hanging sash, door, &c Lodge, J. G., Darlinghurst, N.S.W. Window - sash support. (G. Barnes) Lord, W., Croydon, Surrey, Eng. Gas-generator Lowe, C. H., Auckland, N.Z. Horse-shoeing lever Lowe, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower Lubbers, J. H., Allegheny, U.S.A. (See W. H. Waters, No. 17526.) Luck, J., Cromwell, N.Z. Hat-pin Lungley, C. F., Melbourne, Vic Treating ironsand Luttrell, E. V., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Branding-composition Lyons, T. P., Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel tire 17609 27 Fob. 28 31 Mar.* 17516 2 Feb. 17659 12 Mar. 28 31 Mar.* 16116 16117 17548 17717 21 Mar., 1903.. 21 Mar., 1903.. 17 Feb. 31 Mar. 15 15 20 18 Fob. 18 Feb. 3 Mar.* 17602 17489 17725 15922 16868 2 Mar. 20 Jan. 29 Mar. 27 Jan., 1903 .. 27 Aug., 1903.. 28 31 Mar. 31 6 25 14 April.* 21 Jan. 18 Mar. 17537 16799 16297 11 Feb. 10 Aug., 1903.. 1 May, 1903 .. 15 20 15 18 Feb.* 3 Mar. 18 Feb. 17558 17688 17464 17579 20 Feb. 23 Mar. 18 Jan. 26 Feb. 20 28 15 20 3 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 18 Feb.* 3 Mar.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, AddresB, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. MacCann, J. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Fly-catcher Mack, W. T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Milking-applianco. (W. Jardine) Mackay, A. G., Nelson, N.Z. Chamber utensil Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Nut-lock Macvean, A., Tipapa, N.Z. Fencing-dropper Maine, J. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Legging fastening Manning, H. D., Paeroa, N.Z. Securing cover of nightsoil-pan Marks, H. J., Toowoomba, Q. Window-holder Marshall, H., and another, Edinburgh, Scotland. Lamp Masding, W. H. J., Bridgewater, Eng. (See P. R. Sargood, No. 17177.) Maton, J., and another, Edinburgh, Scotland. Lamp .. McCallum, A. C, and another, Perth, W.A. Road-wheel McCorkindale, W., Gore, N.Z. Sluice-box clay-cutter .. McCulloch, A. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Preventing escape of carbon in coal McCutcheon, C. O., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Sinking well McDougall, H. H., Wellington, N.Z. Hair-pin McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Wire eoiler and spindle McKnight, R., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Electro-magnetic separator .. McLaren, R. A., and others, Renfrew, Scotland. Chain grate-stoker McLean, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Tap for beer McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Burner and heater McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Brand McMurray, S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Suspending pictures McNeil, H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Water-lift .. McPharlin, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Cutting incisions in gum-trees.. McPharlin, A. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Spear pump McPharlin, A. J., Whangapoua, N.Z. Chipping kauri-gum McPharlin, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Receptacle for collecting kaurigum McPharlin, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Receptacle for collecting kaurigum McPharlin, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Receptacle for collecting kaurigum McPharlin, A. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Shower-bath Mergenthaler, 0., and another. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 17574.) Merrett, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Cylinder drying-machine Mitchell, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Protector for sole of boot Mitchell, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Nightsoil-receptacle Mizon, W., South Melbourne, Vic. Propelling vessel .. Mole, A., Fordsburg, Transvaal. Hanging window-sash Monro, A. V. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Safety-grip block .. Moor,', M., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Treatment of ore Moore, R. J., Ruahine, Rangitikei, N.Z. Milk-aerator .. Morgan, J. C, Mangamahu, N.Z. Animal-cover fastening Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. Crucible furnace. (C. W. Speirs) Morison, G. S., Bendigo, Vic. Steam-engine Morley, J. E. M., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Bird-scarer. (J. Duns tone) Morony, J. B., Mudgee, N.S.W. Preventing horse from bolting Moss, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Stamping-machine Moyle, G. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Turning leaves of music Mulhare, J. W, Invercargill, N.Z. Water-purifier Murdock, J. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Tram-line scraper Murgatroyd, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Defrosting frozen meat Murphy, A. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Bicycle-support Mutch, A., and another, Carterton, N.Z. Copper-boiler frame 17397 17673 19 Dec, 1903 .. 18 Mar. 25 28 18 Mar. 31 Mar.* 16420 17642 17553 17624 17651 17485 17511 27 May., 1903.. 5 Mar. 20 Feb. 5 Mar. 12 Mar. 21 Jan. 4 Fob. 25 28 20 31 28 10 20 18 Mar. 31 Mar.* 3 Mar.* 14 April. 31 Mar.* 4 Feb.* 3 Mar. 17511 17603 17540 17390 4 Feb. 2 Mar. 9 Feb. 18 Dec, 1903 .. 20 is 20 3 Mar. 18 Feb.* 3 Mar. 17467 17698 16595 16106 16538 16037 16925 16548 17480 13 Jan. 25 Mar. 2 July, 1903.. 19 Mar., 1903.. 24 June, 1903.. 2 Mar., 1903.. 3 Sept., 1903 22 June, 1903.. 20 Jan. 10 28 6 2 6 10 25 10 4 Feb.* 31 Mar'.' 21 Jan. 7 Jan. 21 Jan. 4 Feb. 18 Mar. 4 Feb.* 16990 16928 17575 17577 17563 17 Sept.,1903.. 8 Sept.,1903.. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 24 Feb. 25 28 20 28 25 18 Mar. 31 Mar. 3 Mar.* 31 Mar. 18 Mar. 17591 29 Feb. 25 18 Mar.* 17592 29 Feb. '25 18 Mar.* 17593 29 Feb 25 18 Mar.* 17638 17433 17524 17636 17715 16413 16963 17514 16422 17486 9 Mar. 6 Jan. 8 Feb. 9 Mar. 31 Mar. 27 May, 1903 .. 9 Sept.,1903.. 4 Feb. 1 June, 1903,. 21 Jan. 10 15 25 25 10 15 25 15 4 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 18 Mar.* 18 Mar. 4 Feb. 18 Feb.* 18 Mar. 18 Feb. 16232 17439 16 April, 1903.. 7 Jan. 20 6 3 Mar. 21 Jan.* 16135 17727 17444 16471 17724 17582 17498 17634 25 Mar., 1903.. 30 Mar. 5 Jan. 4 June, 1903.. 29 Mar. 27 Feb. 25 Jan. 8 Mar. 20 31 6 31 31 25 3 Mar. 14 April.* 21 Jan.* 14 April. 14 April.* 18 Mar.* 25 18 Mar.* Nash, F. J., Somerville, U.S.A. (See United Shot Machinery Company, No. 17661.) National Typographic Company, Charlestowu, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 17574.) Naumann, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Cleaning lamp-glass, &c Naunton, W. E., and another, North Fitzroy, Vic Printing music and stave Nelson, H., Wellington, N.Z. (See A. J. Park, No. 16261.) Newman, W. F., Sydney, N.S.W. Turbine.. Newson, C. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Applying tar to wood blocks Nichols, E. P., Manchester, U.S.A. (See Lacene Manufacturing Company, No. 17609.) Nissen, C, Milton, N.Z. Separating dust from air Noack, M. S., and another, Hopevale, Vic Disc plough North, B., Bradford, Eng. Electricity-meter Noy, H. G. W. L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Safety-grip block Nuttall, W. T., Wellington, N.Z. Trousers-suspender .. 17571 17718 17716 15983 25 Feb. 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 11 Feb., 1903.. 20 31 31 15 3 Mar.* 14 April.* 14 April.* 18 Feb. 17543 17717 16987 16413 17513 15 Feb. 31 Mar. 17 Sep., 1903 .. 27 May, 1903 .. 4 Feb. 20 2 25 15 3 Mar. 7 Jan. 18 Mar. 18 Feb.* Ogle, P. J., and othors, London, Eng. Extraction of metal from ore O'Neil, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Windmill-lubricator Otton. (See under Churchill-Otton.) 17561 16290 24 Feb. 29 April, 1903 20 15 3 Mar.* 18 Feb.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. 'age, F. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Fishing-rod attachment 'age, F. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Dust, &c, excluder for door 'aley, W. V., and another, Charteis Towers, Q. Egg-beater, &o. .. 'aimer, T. C, and another, North Fitzroy, Vic Printing music and stave 'ark, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Increasing saleability of goods. (H. Nelson) 'ark, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Suspending and operating window-sash 'arker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Window-lock and draught-excluder.. 'arker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Actuating dust-excluder for door 'arker, F. S., Spreydon, N.Z. Hot-water shower 'arry, A. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Sifting cinders, &c. .. 'arsons, Hon. C. A., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Turbine 'atten, A. J., and others, Toronto, Canada. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 17611.) 'atterson, A. S., Melbourne, Vic. Cultivator and seeder. (L. M. Jones, R. H. Verity, and A. J. Patten) 'ease, C, Salem, U.S.A. (See United-Xpedite Finishing Company, No. 16509.) 'eppler, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Window. (W. Biel) .. Phillips, E., Melbourne, Vic. Gold-saving apparatus (L. Sachse) Phillips, E., Melbourne, Vic. Gas-engine. (O. C. Duryea and M. C. White) 'ierce, W. J., Gisborne, N.Z. Fire-escape .. 'ike, E. S., Wellington, N.Z. Cover for cooking-range.. 'irrit, G., and another, Henderson, N.Z. Preventing horse from bolting 'omeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Axe head and handle .. 'omeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Milking-machine 'omeroy, J. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Hat-fastener 'orter, B., Waikanae, N.Z. Bust-support .. 'otter, C. V., St. Kilda, Vic Solution for mixing paints 'owell, W., Liverpool, Eng. Preserving timber 'rince, J. T., Papatoitoi, N.Z. Whiffletree .. 17430 17532 17720 17718 5 Jan. 10 Feb. 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 6 25 21 Jan.* 18 Mar.* 16261 17 April, 1903 25 18 Mar. 17447 17531 17507 17434 17441 17687 9 Jan. 10 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 23 Mar. 6 15 20 6 6 31 21 Jan.* 18 Feb.* 3 Mar. 21 Jan.* 21 Jan.* 14 April. 17611 3 Mar. 31 14 April 16447 17470 17573 8 June, 1903 12 Jan. 25 Feb. 20 10 28 3 Mar. 4 Feb. 31 Mar. 17704 17544 15947 28 Mar. 16 Feb. 4 Feb., 1903.. '20 15 3 Mar'.* 18 Feb. 17691 17711 16236 17617 16397 17510 17646 15 Mar. 26 Mar. 16 April, 1903 4 Mar. 28 May, 1903 .. 4 Feb. 10 Mar. 28 31 15 25 6 20 31 31 Mar.* 14 April.* 18 Feb. 18 Mar.* 21 Jan. 3 Mar. 14 April. Jamage, J., Balclutha, N.Z. Acetylene-generator Jamsay, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-pin tamsay, W. E. S., and another, St. Albans, N.Z. Suspending pictures Japid Cyanide Treatment, Limited, and another, London, Eng. Extraction of metal from ore itask, C, and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Travelling-race for sheep Jeeves, W., Masterton, N.Z. Tobacco-cutter tegenbogen, C, Manchester, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17424.) Jemnant, G. W., Manutahi, near Patea, N.Z. Potato-plough testorck, E. J., Melbourne, Vic. Mattreps .. tichmond, A. P., Sydney, N.S.W. Therapeutic apparatus tickard, F. G., Ashburton, N.Z. Bicycle-pump Roberts, F. G, and another, Bulawayo, South Africa. (See F. J. Courtney, No. 17487.) lobertson, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Laundry apparatus tobertson, W., Maori Hill, N.Z. Flue-damper loseman, S. G., Auckland, N.Z. Broom or brush towe, D., Wanganui, N.Z. Bicycle-pump .. 17676 17450 17480 18 Mar. 11 Jan. 20 Jan. " 28 6 10 31 Mjir.* 21 Jan.* 4 Feb.* 17561 24 Feb. 20 3 Mar.* 17731 17429 30 Mar. 4 Jan. 6 21 Jan.* 16436 16714 17640 17432 4 June, 1903.. 30 July, 1903 .. 9 Mar. 6 Jan. 25 6 28 6 18 Mar. 21 Jan. 31 Mar.* 21 Jan.* 17440 16560 17681 17701 7 Jan. 24 June, 1903.. 21 Mar. 26 Mar. 6 31 28 31 21 Jan.* 14 April. 31 Mar.* 14 April.* Sachse, L., Oroville, U.S.A. (See E. Phillips, No. 17470.) Sanders, H., Nottingham, Eng. (See H. E. Leighton, Nos. 16116 and 16117.) Sanford-Burton, H., Oxford, Eng. Copying writing, &c Sargood, P. R., Wellington, N.Z. Collar. (W. H. J. Masding) .. Saxton, E., Nelson, N.Z. Cycling-gauntlet .. Schaefer, C. F. A., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Composition for making stucco ornaments. (A. Lauermann) Schaefer, E. G., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Composition for making stucco ornaments. (A. Lauermann) Schaefer, P. P., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Composition for making stucco ornaments. (A. Luermann) Schmitt, E. D., Baltimore, U.S.A. (See L. B. Schram, No. 17706.) Scholer, O. M., Sydney, N.S.W. Displaying signs icbram, L. B., New York, U.S.A. Bottle-sealing device. (E. D. Schmitt) Schryver. (See under De Schryver.) Scorrar, J., Wellington, N.Z. Actuating wool-press Scorrar, J., Wellington, N.Z. Lifting lever .. Scott, C. E. S., New Plymouth, N.Z. Geographical game Scott, G. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash hanger and lock Scully, J. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Plate for oysters, &c Scurr, C. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Arm adjustment for mitre-frame. (R. Wales) Sears, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Imprinting matter on photographic negative Sears, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Making half-tone plates ielby, S., London, Eng. Drying bricks, &c.. Selwood, H., Kingston, N.Z. Belt-fastener 17605 17177 15028 - 17633 17658 17706 2 Mar. 3 Nov.,1903.. 28 Mar., 1903.. 18 Mar. 11 Mar. 29 Mar. 20 6 31 31 3 Mar.* 21 Jan. 14 April. 14 April. 17708 17709 17466 16582 17503 16306 30 Mar. 30 Mar. 14 Jan. 29 June, 1903.. 30 Jan. 2 May, 1903 .. 31 31 15 10 15 6 14 April.* 14 April.* 18 Feb. 4 Feb. 18 Feb.* 21 Jan. 17656 15 Mar. 28 31 Mar.* 17685 17482 17622 22 Mar. 20 Jan. 4 Mar. 28 15 25 31 Mar.* 18 Feb. 18 Mar.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Sim, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Milking-machine Simmonds, W. P., Nelson, N.Z. Sight and sound of music Simmons, C, Paignton, Eng. Lifting and turning drill Single, F. J., Gisborne, N.Z. Horse-shoe Smethurst, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Controlling speed of ship Smethurst, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Retarding speed of ship Sm'th, A. 0., Jiunnythorpe, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Smith, F. W., Rangiwahia, N.Z. Drawing off liquid from vessel .. Smith, I. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Culinary utensil Smith, R. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Skylight Snowden, J., Maropiu, Auckland, N.Z. Bullock-bow key Soda Stream, Limited, and another, London, Eng. Aerating liquids Soulas, C, Wanganui, N.Z. Swing bed for ships Soulas, C, Wanganui, N.Z. Telescope Soulas, C, Okato, Taranaki, N.Z. Projectile Speirs, C. W., London, Eng. (See The Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, No. 17486.) Stenhouse, J., Dunedin, N Z. Spark-arrester Stevens, T. G., Greenhithe, Eng. Cycle-saddle Stevenson, G., Riversdale, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher .. Stevenson, G., Riversdale, N.Z. Earth-auger Stokes, C. L., Wellington, N.Z. Balancing window-sash Stubbs, F., Auckland, N.Z. Lighting fires .. Sutherland, D. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Sutherland, G. G., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Moustache-guard for spoon Suttie, R. L., Onehunga, N.Z. Oiling axles Swanell, C. T., and another, Kaitangata, N.Z. Steam-trap and water- interceptor Sweetser, G., Norwood, Eng. Incandescent electric lamp 16157 17509 17521 17694 17606 17468 17616 17578 17529 17679 17534 17437 17451 17496 17535 28 Mar., 1903.. 3 Feb. 3 Feb. 23 Mar. 1 Mar. 13 Jan. 4 Mar. 26 Feb. 10 Feb. 18 Mar. 8 Feb. 7 Jan. 11 Jan. 25 Jan. 11 Feb. 20 25 10 25 20 20 31 15 10 10 10 15 3 Mar. 18 Mar.* 4 Feb.* 18 Mar.* 3 Mar.* 3 Mar. 14 April. 18 Feb.* 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 4 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 17666 17604 16198 16188 16237 17493 17500 17559 16 Mar. 2 Mar. 6 April, 1903.. 4 April, 1903.. 16 April, 1903.. 19 Jan. 29 Jan. 23 Feb. 10 15 10 28 15 20 4 Feb. 18 Feb. 4 Feb. 31 Mar.* 18 Feb.* 3 Mar.* 17589 17659 29 Feb. 12 Mar. 31 14 April. 31 Mar.* 17662 16 Mar. Tait, A. L. J., Richmond, Vic. Washing and dressing flax Tattam, C. J., and another, Benalla, Vio. Adding-machine Taylor, J. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Fly-catcher Thackeray, S. W., Greenwich, Eng. Musical keyboard Thomas, J., Middlesex, Eng. Coupling and buffer Thomas, J. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Sinking well Thompson, W. T., Mahoe, N.Z. [Preventing milch-cows sucking themselves Thomson, D., Edinburgh, Scotland. Dividing-machine Thomson, J., Winton, N.Z. Thinning turnips Thomson, J. R., Sydney, N.S.W. Heat-circulator for steam-boiler Thomson, R. W., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United-Xpedite Finishing Company, No. 16510.) Toohey, J. T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Knife-cleaner Topffer, A. W., Reefton, N.Z. Trembath, W., Gore, N.Z. Hose-cover Trewhella, B., and another, Trentham, Vic. Operating pawl of lever jack Trewhella, W., and another, Trentham, Vic Operating pawl of lever jack Turchi, C, Ferrara, Italy. Telephonic and telegraphic apparatus .. Twomey, J. M., Temuka, N.Z. Newspaper-folder 17683 17641 17397 17643 16869 17467 17697 22 Mar. 10 Mar. 19 Dec, 1903.. 10 Mar. 27 Aug., 1903.. 13 Jan. 24 Mar. 28 25 81. 2 10 31 31 Mar.* 18 Mar.. 14 April. 7 Jan. 4 Feb.* 14 April. 16442 17475 17508 4 June, 1903.. 16 Jan. 3 Feb. 6 10 20 21 Jan. 4Fefc. 3 Mar.' 17690 17648 17667 23 Mar. 11 Mar. 16 Mar. 31 31 14 April. 14 April.* I 16524 19 June, 1903.. 25 18 Mar. 17499 17431 29 Jan. 5 Jan. 15 6 18 Feb. 21 Jan.* United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Buffing-rolls. (W. Gordon) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Heel-attaching machine. (A. Bates) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Splitting leather. (F. J. Nash) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sole laying and pressing machine. (E. E. Winkley) United-Xpedite Finishing Company, Berwick, U.S.A. Heel-finishing machine. (C. Pease) United-Xpedite Finishing Company, Berwick, U.S.A. Heel-finishing machine. (R. W. Thompson) 17453 12 Jan. 10 4 Feb.* 17660 16 Mar. 28 31 Mar.* 17661 16 Mar. 28 31 Mar.* 17662 16 Mar. 28 31 Mar.* 16509 18 June, 1903.. 25 18 Mar. 16510 18 June, 1903.. 25 18 Mar. Verity, R. H., and others, Toronto, Canada. (See A. S. Patterson, No. 17611.) Vickery, G., and others, NortonFitzwarren, Eng. Sealing boxes, &c Vickery, W., and others, Millerton, Eng. Sealing boxes, &c Vivian, T., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Liner for washing-copper, <fco. j 17438 7 Jan. 10 4 Feb. 17557 19 Feb. 20 3 Mar.* Waddle, C. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Table amusement Wainwright, H. S., Ashford, Eng. Spark-arrester Wainwright, H. S., AshforJ, Eng. Spark-arrester Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. (See C. N. Scurr, No. 16306.) Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Stamping-machine Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Stamping-machine Wall, W. C, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Knife-cleaner Walters, W. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Carburetter Warden, C. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Hoops and pegs for game 17478 17713 17714 15 Jan. 25 Sept., 1903f 15 Oct., 1908f 15 18 Feb.* 17620 17621 17690 16726 17710 4 Mar. 4 Mar. 23 Mar. 1 Aug., 1908.. 30 Mar. 25 25 18 Mar.* 18 Mar.* 81 14 April.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vic Typographic machine. (National Typographic Company—O. Mergenthaler—Lawrenz) Waters, W. H., Melbourne, Vic. Drawing glass. (The Window glass Machine Company—J. H. Lubbers.) Watkins, A. L., London, Eng. Grooving metal tubes .. Watson, H. G., and another, Coatbridge, Scotland. Manufacturing aerated liquids Watts, A. M. S., Palmerston North, N.Z. Attaching draw-off tap to drum, &o. Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17560.) Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (Soe J. P. Campbell, Nos. 17626, 17627, 17628.) White, M. C, and another, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (See E. Phillips, No. 17573.) White, S., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Table amusement White, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Fencing-standard Whitehouse, F. A., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Valve of cock, &c. Whitehouse, I., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Valve of cock, &c. Whitelaw, H. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Clothes-peg.. Whitelaw, H. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Clothes-peg.. Whitelaw, H. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Tire-protector Whitney, A., Melbourne, Vic. Tap Widdicombe, T. H. H., Hobart, Tas. Butter-cutter Wiley, C, Sydney, N.S.W. Knife-cleaner .. Wilkinson, F., Petone, N.Z. Separating fibres of wool, flax, &c. Wilkinson, W , Auckland, N.Z. Game Williams, D. J., Waimangaroa Junction, N.Z. Conveying flax from strippers and cleaning same Williams, F., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Extractor and clarificr.. Wilson, A., Timaru, N.Z. Mixture for cleaning clothes, &c. Wilson, N., jun., and another, Warkworth, N.Z. Chair-seat Wilson, W. D., Auckland, N.Z., Swingletree-iron Window-glass Machine Company, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. (See W. H. Waters, No. 17526.) Winklemann, C. P., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-alarm Winkley, E. E., Lynn, U.S.A. (Seo United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17663.) Wolff, A. C, and another, Carterton, N.Z. Copper-boiler frame .. Woolford, J., Kai Iwi, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. Worland, D., Warrnambool, Vic. Union joint for tap Worsley, M. I., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Chair-seat Wyborn, J. V., Hawera, N.Z. Weather-apron of vehicle Wyborn, J. V., Hawera, N.Z. Rainproof garment 17478 17502 | 17539 17555 17581 17712 17436 17696 17572 16257 17473 17699 17574 17526 17454 17477 16288 25 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Jan. 15 Jan. 30 April, 1903 15 Jan. 29 Jan. 11 Feb. 22 Feb. 27 Feb. 31 Mar. 5 Jan. 23 Mar. 25 Feb. 22 April, 1903 11 Jan. 25 Mar. 15 15 20 20 25 "6 28 10 10 15 31 Mar. 4 Feb. 4 Feb.* 18 Feb. 18 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 3 Mar. 3 Mar.* 18 Mar.* 21 Jan.* 25 15 15 31 18 Mar. 18 Feb. 18 Feb.* 14 April.* 16848 17488 17647 16146 25 Aug., 1903.. 20 Jan. 10 Mar. 25 Mar., 1903.. 6 10 28 6 21 Jan. 4 Feb.* 31 Mar.* 21 Jan. 17545 17 Feb. 20 3 Mar.* 17634 17445 17494 17647 17702 17703 8 Mar. 8 Jan. 22 Jan. 10 Mar. 28 Mar. 28 Mar. 25 15 28 31 31 18 Mar.* 18 Feb.'* 31 Mar.* 14 April.* 14 April.* Young, W. F., Springfield, U.S.A. Gas-light heater 17469 12 Jan. 10 4 Feb.

* Denotes a provisional speci: aid Trade Marks Act, 1889." ication. 'enotes a prior date under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. L ccount-book, Loose-leaf uccumulator-plate, Electric ., .cotylenc-generator icetylene-generator idding-machine udvertisements, Displaying .. .erated liquids, Manufacture of T. de Schryver C. P. Elieson A. O. Smith J. Ramage C. J. Tattam and G. Archer 0. M. Schoeler H. G. Watson and J. Cummock, jun. Soda Stream, Limited, and W. Hucks, jun. 17538 17584 17616 17676 17641 17658 17477 11 Feb. 23 Feb. 4 Mar. 18 Mar. 10 Mar. 11 Mar. 15 Jan. 20 25 25 28 28 3 Mar.* 18 Mar. 18 Mar.* 21 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 10 4 Feb.* Lerating apparatus, Liquid- .. 17437 7 Jan. 10 4 Feb. Lerator. (See Milk-aerator.) ar and dust separator dr-brake dr lamp, Carburetteddarm. (See Burglar-alarm, Fire-alarm.) Jternating-curront watt-meter imusemcnts. (See Games.) Lnimal-covor fastening ipron for vehicle .. Lrtesian-well sinking ixtificial foot C. Nissen .. W. E. Hughes H. Marshall W. E. Hughes 17543 17560 17511 17041 15 Feb. 24 Feb. 4 Feb. 30 Sept., 1903 2(1 25 20 2 3 Mar. 18 Mar. 3 Mar. 7 Jan. J. C. Morgan J. V. Wyborn T. Danks .. W. H. Bird 16422 17702 17435 17450 1 Juno, 1903 28 Mar. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 25 18 Mar. 6 10 21 Jan. 4 Feb.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

2—H. 10._ 05 .

Invention. Name. 1 No. Al Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Auger, EarthAxe head and handle Axe-head, Fitting handle to .. Axle and wheel, Railway Axle, Oiling G. Stevenson J. Pomeroy S. F. Clare W. S. Cobham R. L. Suttie 16188 17691 17461 17631 17589 4 April, 1903 15 Mar. 9 Jan. 8 Mar. 29 Feb. 15 20 10 25 18 Feb. 31 Mar.* 4 Feb.* 18 Mar.* 14 April. Bath, Means of lifting invalid into Battery, Mercury-feeder for Bed. (See Swing bed.) Bedstead Bedstead-wire elevator, &c. Beer, Drawing off .. Beer-tap Belt, Electro-medical Belt-fastener .. Belting Belting, Securing ends of Bicycle-lock Bicycle pump Bicycle-pump Bicycle-support Bird-scarer F. J. Chapman N. P. Carver 17580 17613 25 Feb. 3 Mar. 25 28 18 Mar. 31 Mar. B. C. Barton E. J. Restorck J. Dunn J. McLean and P. Ellis W. C. Crump H. Selwood J. Booth and A. E. Budd A. M. Chisholm R. Congreve F. G. Rickard D. Rowe A. R. Murphy A. H., A. W., and H. J. Dobbie, and J. E. M. Morley C. V. Jenkins W. C. Gee 17465 16714 17654 16037 16476 17622 17523 17722 16186 17432 17701 17498 17439 13 Jan. 30 July 11 Mar. 2 Mar. 11 June, 1903 4 Mar. 8 Feb. 31 Mar. 4 April, 1903 6 Jan. 26 Mar. 25 Jan. 7 Jan. 10 6 4 Feb.* 21 Jan. 6 2 25 20 31 6 6 31 21 Jan. 7 Jan. 18 Mar.* 3 Mar. 14 April.* 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 14 April.* '6 21 Jan.* Blindfolding horse Blind-lath-planing machine Blocks. (See Building-block, Head-block, Paving-blocks, Safety-grip block.) Boiler and boiler-pan Boiler-furnace Boiler, Heat circulator for Bolting, Apparatus for preventing Bolting preventer, Horse-Boot-heel Boot-heel Boot sole and heel protector Boring-machine Bottle- cleaner Bottle-sealing device Box Box Box Box. (See also Butter-box.) Box-fastening Brace, Chest-expanding Brake Brake, AirBrand Branding-composition Breeching-strap, Attaching, to vehicle Breeching-strap, Securing, to vehicle Brick Brick .. Brick Brick-drying apparatus Brick-making apparatus Broom Broom-handle, Securing, in socket .Brush. (See Paint-brush.) Bucket dredge attachment Bucket-handle Bucket-handle projection support Buckle (See Skeith-buckle.) Buffer and coupling Buffing-roll Building-construction Building stone or block Bullock-bow key Burglar-alarm Burglar-alarm Burner and heater Bust-support Butter-box Butter-cutter 17655 17686 15 Mar. 22 Mar. 28 28 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* J. H. Gattsohe J. M. Harding J. R. Thomson T. Betts and G. Perritt J. B. Moroney J. N. Du Feu J. Jenner F. J. Gane and J. Mitchell J. T. Blackett F. W. Naumann L. B. Schram F. W. Boynton F. W. Boynton F. W. Boynton 16126 17700 17508 15947 16135 16390 17564 17433 17497 17571 17706 17569 17586 17590 25 Mar., 1903 23 Mar. 3 Feb. 4 Feb. 25 Mar., 1903 26 May 24 Feb. 6 Jan. 23 Jan. 25 Feb. 29 Mar. 25 Feb. 29 Feb. 29 Feb. 6 20 15 20 20 25 10 15 20 21 Jan. 3 Mar. 18 Feb. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 18 Mar. 4 Feb.* 18 Feb. 3 Mar. 25 28 28 18 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 Mar. W. and G. Vickery and T. Harding J. Johnson T. U. Cooper W. E. Hughes A. McLeod De B. de Lisle and E. V. Luttrell J. Brake G. T. Adam A. J. Kingsbeer E. Eaton .. E. Eaton S. Selby E. Eaton .. S. G. Roseman S. Day 17438 17554 17448 17560 16548 17464 17629 17707 16228 16074 10075 17482 17483 17681 17675 7 Jan. 19 Feb. 7 Jan. 24 Feb. 22 June, 1903 18 Jan. 7 Mar. 28 Mar. 15 April, 1903 11 Mar., 1903 11 Mar., 1903 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Mar. 19 Mar. 10 20 10 25 25 15 25 31 10 15 15 15 15 28 31 4 Feb. 3 Mar.* 4 Feb.* 18 Mar. 18 Mar. 18 Feb.* 18 Mar.* 14 April.* 4 Feb. 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 31 Mar.* 14 April.* R. Andrew S. H. Day W. Harvey 17612 17652 17517 3 Mar. 14 Mar. 2 Feb. 15 18 Feb!* J. Thomas United Shoe Machinery Company G. Claydon N. Neilsen J. Snowden G. J. Cartwright F. J. Farrell A. McLeod B. Porter .. F. G. Baggesen T. H. H. Widdicombe 16869 17453 17458 17649 17534 17610 17669 16925 17617 17726 17696 27 Aug., 1903 12 Jan. 11 Jan. 11 Mar. 8 Feb. 3 Mar. 14 Mar. 3 Sept.,1903 4 Mar. 29 Mar. 23 Mar. 2 10 10 28 15 28 10 25 31 7 Jan. 4 Feb.* 4 Feb.* 31 Mar.* 18 Feb.* 31 Mar. 4 Feb. 18 Mar.* 14 April.* Cake tin and steamer Cake-tin, Die for Candle-extinguisher Candle-extinguisher Carbonated-liquid manufacture Carbonic-acid motor Carbon, Preventing escape in eoal Carburetter Carburetted-air lamp Cardboard box E. A. Allan G. H. Clapham and J. L. Barlow G. Stevenson C. Hooke H. G. Watson and J. Cummock, jun. J. P. Lajoie A. H. McCulloch W. B. Walters H. Marshall F. W. Boynton 17732 17595 16198 17587 17477 17516 17390 16726 17511 17569 31 Mar. 1 Mar. 6 April, 1903 29 Feb. 15 Jan. 2 Feb. 18 Dec, 1903 lAug., 1903 4 Feb. 25 Feb. 31 25 10 10 14 April.* 18 Mar.* 4 Feb. 4 Feb! 20 31 20 25 3 Mar. 14 April. 3 Mar. 18 Mar.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. | Date, No. Date. Cardboard box Cardboard box Cart. (See Go-cart.) Cattle-food Chain-grate stoker F. W. Boynton F. W. Boynton 17586 17590 29 Feb. 29 Feb. 28 28 31 Mar. 31 Mar. F. Livingstone Babcock and Wilcox (Ltd.), and R. A. McLaren C.Coles .. N. Wilson, jun., and M.I. Worsley A. M. Conroy A. G. Mackay J. Irvin J. Johnson W. Hicks, F. Williams, and W. Barnsdale 17602 16538 2 Mar. 24 June, 1903 28 2 31 Mar. 7 Jan. Chair-leg socket Chair-seat Chair, TheatreChamber utensil Chart .. Chest-expanding brace Clarifier.. 17566 17647 17546 16420 17536 17554 16848 25 Feb. 10 Mar. 17 Feb. 27 May, 1903 9 Feb. 19 Feb. 25 Aug., 1903 20 28 20 ■25 20 20 6 3 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 3 Mar.* 18 Mar. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 21 Jan. Cleaner. (See Bottle-cleaner, Knife-cleaner, Lamp-glass cleaner.) Clothes-cleaning mixture Clothes-iron handle and stand Clothes-line suspender Clothes-peg Clothes-peg Clothing. (See Oil-clothing.) Coal, Preventing escape of volatile from fixed carbon in Cock .. Cock-coupling Coiler and spindle for wire-weaving Collar .. Combustible dip Conveyer and excavator Cooking-range protector Copper-boiler frame Copper-liner Copying writing, Means of Corset Cotton-fibres, Apparatus for separating .. Couch Coupling and buffer Coupling-pin Coupling pipes, &c. Cover. (See Animal-cover, Cooking-range cover.) Cow-sucking stopper Cricket. (See Table-cricket.) Crucible-furnace A. Wilson.. M. Browne C. J. Johnston H. J. Whitelaw H. J. Whitelaw A. H. McCulloch I. and F. A. Whitehouse F. Albrecht D. McKenzie P. R. Sargood A. Ashcroft G. H. Dunlop E. S. Pike A. C. Wolff and A. Mutch T. Vivian and H. W. de Baugh .. H. Sanford-Burton B. Porter .. F. Wilkinson W. Hoyland J. Thomas J. M. Bawden and E. H. Catterall F. Albrecht 17488 17693 17570 17555 17581 17390 17539 17594 16595 17177 17550 17601 17544 17634 17507 17605 17617 16257 17512 16869 17490 17594 20 Jan. 21 Mar. 25 Feb. 22 Feb. 27 Feb. 18 Dec, 1903 11 Feb. 27 Feb. 2 July, 1903 3 Nov., 1903 16 Feb. 2 Mar. 16 Feb. 8 Mar. 19 Feb. 2 Mar. 4 Mar. 22 April, 1903 4 Feb. 27 Aug., 1903 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 10 28 20 20 25 20 20 28 28 20 25 28 20 25 20 28 25 15 15 2 15 28 4 Feb.* 31 Mar. 3 Mar.* 3 Mar.* 18 Mar.* 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 3 Mar.* 18 Mar. 31 Mar. 3 Mar.* 18 Mar.* 3 Mar.* 31 Mar. 18 Mar.* 18 Feb. 18 Feb.* 7 Jan. 18 Feb. 31 Mar. W. T. Thompson 17697 24 Mar. 31 14 April. The Morgan Crucible Company, Limited I. Hunter.. I. M. Smith A. S. Patterson J. N. Du Feu 17486 21 Jan. 15 18 Feb. Cuff Culinary utensil Cultivator and seeder Cushion heel Cutter. (See Butter-cutter, Cutter for reap-ing-machine, Sluice-box clay-cutter, To-bacco-cutter.) Cutter for kauri-trees Cutting material into strips, &c. Cutting rail-groove Cyanide solutions, Heating Cycle driving and gearing mechanism Cycle-lock Cycle-saddle Cycling-gauntlet Cycling-trousers Cylinder for gramophone 16191 17529 17611 16390 4 April, 1903 10 Feb. 3 Mar. 26 May, 1903 20 20 31 20 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 14 April. 3 Mar. A. J. McPharlin A. G. Baker C. O. E. Andersson .. W. H. Davis A. W. Boon R. Congreve T.G.Stevens E. Saxton.. G. D. Jones A. J. Hutchinson 16928 17618 17481 17645 17423 16377 17604 15028 17585 17674 8 Sept., 1903 2 Mar. 20 Jan. 10 Mar. 27 Jan., 1903 19 May, 1903 2 Mar. 28 Mar., 1903 26 Feb. 19 Mar. 28 10 28 10 25 31 Mar. 4 Feb.* 31 Mar. 4 Feb.t 18 Mar. 6 25 31 21 Jan. 18 Mar. 14 April.* Damper, FlueDefrosting frozen meat Diaphragm for telephone Die for cake-tin, &o. Dip, combustible Disc plough Displaying pictures, &c Dividing-machine Door, Dust, draught, &c, excluder for .. Door, Dust, draught, &c, excluder for Door, ExitDoor, Exit-Door-hanger Door-holder W. Robertson J Murgatroyd S. Churchill-Otton G. H. Clapham and J. L. Barlow A. Ashcroft J. F. Linke and M. S. Noack .. 0. M. Scholer D. Thomson A. Parker.. F. T. Page J. A. Jagger J. A. Jogger R. L. Lockerbie E. Bullot, W. Edwards, and J. Barraclough E. A. G. Hamlin A. Parker F. T. Pago A. Parker .. E. A. G. Hamlin 16560 17582 17723 17595 17550 17717 17658 16442 17507 17532 17637 17672 15922 17562 24 June, 1903 27 Feb. 31 Mar. 1 Mar. 16 Feb. 31 Mar. 11 Mar. 4 June, 1903 2 Feb. 10 Feb. . .. 9 Mar. 18 Mar. 27 Jan., 1903 24 Feb. 31 25 25 25 31 6 20 25 28 28 6 25 14 April. 18 Mar.* 18 Mar'.* 18 Mar. 14 April. 21 Jan. 3 Mar. 18 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 21 Jan. 18 Mar. Door, Rain, dust, &c, excluder for Draught-excluder and lock for window Draught-excluder for door Draught-excluder for door Draught, rain, and dust excluder for doors 17576 17531 17532 17507 17576 26 Feb. 10 Feb. 10 Fob. 2 Feb. 26 Feb. 20 15 25 20 20 3 Mar.* 18 Feb." 18 Mar. 3 Mar. 3 Mar.


Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.


Invention. Name. At No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. )rawing glass Irawing off beer )rawing off liquid from vessel.. )redge attachment )redge-ladder-roller protector.. )redge tumbler )rill, Lifting and turning )riving and gearing mechanism for cycle )riving appliance. (See Grip driving-ap-pliance.) )rying apparatus for bricks, &c. )rying-machine )uplicating writing, &c, Means of )ust and air separator )ust-collector )ust, &c, excluder )ust, &c, excluder for door .. )ust, &c, excluder for door W. H. Waters J. Dunn F. W. Smith R. Andrews R. R. Douglas R. R. Douglas C. Simmons A. W. Boon 17526 17654 17578 17612 17729 17596 17521 17423 5 Feb. 11 Mar. 26 Feb. 3 Mar. 30 Mar. 1 Mar. 3 Feb. 27 Jan., 1903 28 31 Mar. 20 3 Mar'.* 31 2,4 14 April.* 31 Mar. 10 4 Feb!f S. Selby J. A. Merrett H. Sanford-Burton C. Nissen .. W. Brierly and G. Fraser A. Parker F. T. Page E. A. G. Hamlin 17482 17638 17605 17543 17520 17507 17532 17576 20 Jan. 9 Mar. 2 Mar. 15 Feb. 3 Feb. 2 Feb. 10 Feb. 26 Feb. 15 28 20 15 20 25 20 18 Feb. 31 Mar. 3 Mar. 18 Feb.* 3 Mar. 18 Mar.* 3 Mar.* larth-auger Igg-beater llectric accumulator-plate llectrical distribution llectrical distribution llectricity-meter llectric lamp llectric starting-gate Slectro-magnetic separator llectro-medical belt Uevator, Orellevator, TailingsIngine. (See Gas-engine, Fluid-pressure engine, Steam-engine.) Ingiue-silencer Ivening and grading leather Ixcavator and conveyer Ixit-door Ixit-door Extinguisher. (See Candle-extinguisher.) Ixtraction of metal from ore G. Stevenson W. V. Paley and T. H. Bussey .. C. P. Elieson W. E. Hughes W. E. Hughes B. North .. G. Sweetser S. Austen R. McKnight W. C. Crump. F. J. Courtney G. Armstrong 16188 17720 17584 17599 17619 16987 17662 17615 16106 16476 17487 17608 4 April, 1903 31 Mar. 23 Feb. 2 Mar. 5 Mar. 17 Sept., 1903 16 Mar. 4 Mar. 19 Mar., 1903 11 June, 1903 21 Jan. 27 Feb. 15 25 a 18 Feb. 18 Mar. 7 Jan. "c> 2 21 Jan. 7 Jan. 25 18 Mar'.* B. Crawford Lacene Manufacturing Company G. H. Dunlop J.A. Jagger J.A. Jagger 17527 17609 17601 17637 17672 13 Feb., 1903 27 Feb. 2 Mar. '.. 9 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 28 28 28 18 Mar.f 31 Mar. 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* Ixtractor and clarifier P. J. Ogle and The Rapid Cyanide Treatment, Limited W. Hicks, F. Williams, and W. Barnsdale 17561 16848 24 Feb. 25 Aug., 1903 20 6 3 Mar.* 21 Jan. 'astener. (See Belt-fastener, Hat-fastener, Necktie fastener and retainer, Sashfastener, Window-sash fastener.) 'astening. (See Animal-oover fastening, Box-fastening, Legging-fastening, Pack-ing-case fastening.) 'eeder for material in measured quantities 'encing-dropper 'encing-standard .. 'encing-standard 'encing-staple 'encing-strainer 'ibre-separating apparatus 'ilter, Water-tank .. 'ilter, Water-tank Altering apparatus, Slime'iltering apparatus, Slime'ire alarm 'ire-alarm 'ire-alarm telephone attachment 'ire-escape 'ire-igniter 'ire-lighter 'ire-lighter 'ishing-rod 'lax, Apparatus for separating fibres of .. 'lax conveyer and cleaner 'lax dressing and washing 'lax dressing and washing 'lax-stripper rollers, Truing up 'lax-stripping machine 'luid-pressure brake 'luid pressure turbine 'ly-catcher 'ood for cattle 'oot, Artificial 'ork. (See Toasting-fork.) 'rame for copper-boiler 'rozen meat, Defrosting 'uel-economizer N. P. Carver A. Macvean F. W. Bursill W.White.. G. Chewings J. Woolford F. Wilkinson F. Elvines and T. Hall E. R. Godward H. R. Cassel G. S. Duncan J. Fletcher C. P. Winkelmann F. J. Farrell W. J. Price P. Coull A. Ashcroft F. Stubbs.. F. T. Page F. Wilkinson D. J. Williams A. Hesse and W. Beissel A. L. J. Tait J. Anderson G. Craw .. M. Connington J. P. Campbell J. W. MacCann and J. E. Taylor F. Livingstone W. H. Bird 17613 17553 16464 17502 17501 17445 16257 17495 17588 17600 17158 17505 17545 17669 17704 17463 17551 17493 17430 16257 17699 17479 17683 17565 17525 17279 17626/8 17397 17602 17456 3 Mar. 20 Feb. 10 June, 1903 29 Jan. 29 Jan. 8 Jan. 22 April, 1903 25 Jan. 29 Feb. 2 Mar. 29 Oct., 1903 28 Jan. 17 Feb. 14 Mar. 28 Mar. 12 Jan. 16 Feb. 19 Jan. 5 Jan. 22 April, 1903 25 Mar. 14 Jan. 22 Mar. 24 Feb. 8 Feb. 19 Nov., 1903 7 Mar. 19 Dec, 1903 2 Mar. 12 Jan. 28 20 18 15 18 15 28 25 15 18 20 28 31 Mar. 3 Mar.* 18 Feb. 18 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 18 Feb.' 31 Mar. 18 Mar.* 18 Feb. 18 Feb.* 3 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 10 25 28 6 18 81 10 4 Feb.* 18 Mar. 31 Mar.* 21 Jan.* 18 Feb. 14 April.* 4 Feb.* 25 15 28 13 25 28 10 18 Mar. 18 Feb.* 31 Mar. 14 April. 18 Mar. 31 Mar. 4 Feb. A. C. Wolff and A. Mutch J. Murgatroyd H. E. Leighton 17634 17582 16117 8 Mar. 27 Feb. 21 Mar., 1903 25 25 15 18 Mar.* 18 Mar. 18 Feb.


Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.


Invention. Name At No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. | 1 Date. Furnace Furnace Furnace-stoker H. E. Leighton The Morgan Crucible Company, Limited Babcock and Wilcox, Limited, and R. A. McLaren J. M. Harding 16116 17486 16538 21 Mar., 1903 21 Jan. 24 June, 1903 15 15 2 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 7 Jan. Furnace, Water-tube 17700 23 Mar. Galvanic plate for boot Game Game Game Game Game, Hoops and pegs for Garment, Rainproof Gas, Apparatus for charging liquids with.. R. P. Gibbons H. Brice C. E. S. Scott W. Wilkinson C. H. Waddle and S. White C. E. Warden J. V. Wyborn Soda Stream, Limited, and W. Hucks, jun. E. Phillips B. Crawford W. H. Brooks W. Lord .. W. F. Young J. W. Faulkner E. Saxton 17552 17460 17466 17473 17478 17710 17703 17437 17 Feb. 13 Jan. 14 Jan. 11 Jan. 15 Jan. 26 Mar. 28 Mar. 7 Jan. 20 10 15 15 15 3 Mar. 4 Feb.* 18 Feb. 18 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 31 10 14 April.* 4 Feb. Gas-engine Gas-engine silencer Gas-generator Gas-generator Gas-light heater Gate Gauntlet, CyclingGenerator. (See Acetylene-generator.) Geographical game Gig-seat Glass drawing Go-cart Gold-saving apparatus Gold-saving apparatus Gold-saving apparatus Goods, Means for increasing saleability of.. Governor, Marine Gramophone-cylinder Grip block. (See Safety-grip block.) Grip driving-appliance Grooving metal tube Gum. (See Kauri-gum.) Gutter 17573 17527 17102 17537 17469 17427 15028 25 Feb. 13 Feb., 1903 15 Oct., 1903 11 Feb. 12 Jan. 24 Dec, 1903 28 Mar., 1903 28 25 28 15 10 28 6 31 Mar. 18 Mar. f 31 Mar. 18 Feb.* 4 Feb. 31 Mar. 21 Jan. C. E. S. Scott A. C. Atkin W. H. Waters W. Hale A. T. W. Allan R. L. Christie E. Phillips A. J. Park R. J. W. Grasset A. J. Hutchinson 17466 16051 17526 17719 17632 17443 17470 16261 17625 17674 14 Jan. 2 Mar., 1903 5 Feb. 31 Mar. 8 Mar. 4 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 April, 1903 7 Mar. 19 Mar. 15 6 28 25 6 10 25 25 31 18 Feb. 21 Jan. 31 Mar. 18 Mar.* 21 Jan.* 4 Feb. 18 Mar. 18 Mar.* 14 April.* W. L. R. Hall A. L. Watkins 17623 17454 4 Mar. 12 Jan. 31 10 14 April. 4 Feb. C. T. Hodges 17504 28 Jan. 15 18 Feb.* Hair-pin Hair-pin Handle. (See Bucket-handle.) Handle and stand for clothes-iron Hat-fastener Hat-pin.. Hat-pin Hay-stacking apparatus Head block and reach Health-shelter, Paper Heat, Applying, to skin Heat-circulator for boiler Heater Heater Heater. (See Water-heater.) Heating milk, &o. Heel .. Heel Heel-attaching machine Heel-finishing machine J. Ramsay H. H. McDougall .. 17450 17698 11 Jan. 25 Mar. 6 21 Jan.* M. Browne J. H. Pomeroy O. H. Drewet J. Luck J. Gemmell — Bedgood A. W. Bickerton P. B. Hardy J. R. Thomson W.F.Young A. McLeod 17693 16236 17542 17558 17607 17506 17522 17484 17508 17469 16925 21 Mar. 16 April, 1903 10 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 Feb. 1 Feb. 5 Feb. 21 Jan. 3 Feb. 12 Jan. 3 Sept., 1903 28 15 20 20 25 15 10 20 10 10 31 Mar. 18 Feb. 3 Mar. 3 Mar.* 18 Mar.* 18 Feb.* 4 Feb.* 3 Mar. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. W. A. J. Dutch and J. Forsyth .. J. N. Du Feu J. Jenner United Shoe Machinery Company United Xpedite Finishing Com- I pany | H. Briggs A. J. L. Eckersley 17515 16390 17564 17660 16509 16510 17689 17721 4 Feb. 26 May, 1903 24 Feb. 16 Mar. 18 June, 1903 18 June, 1903 23 Mar. 31 Mar. 15 20 25 28 25 25 31 18 Feb.* 3 Mar. 18 Mar. 31 Mar.* 18 Mar. 18 Mar. 14 April. Heel-nailing machine High-pressure reservoir, Controlling contents of Holder. (See Door-holder, Nail-holder, Serviette-holder, Window-holder, Wiremattress holder.) Hook and eye Horse-bolting preventer Horse-bolting preventer Horse-cover Horse, Means of blindfolding Horse, Releasing, from vehicle Horse-shoe Horse-shoe machine Horse-shoeing lever Horse-stopper Hose, Union joint for Hot-water shower M. Cowan.. T. Betts and G. Pirritt J. B. Morony W. Trembath C. V. Jenkins A. W. Topffer F. J. Single S. G. Dickson C. H. Lowe T. Firth .. D. Worland F. S. Parker 17549 15947 16135 17667 17655 17648 17694 16029 16799 17446 17494 17434 16 Feb. 4 Feb., 1903 25 Mar., 1903 16 Mar. 15 Mar. 11 Mar. 23 Mar. 27 Feb., 1903 10 Aug., 1903 9 Jan. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 20 15 20 31 28 31 31 6 20 6 15 6 3 Mar.* 18 Feb. 3 Mar. 14 April.* 31 Mar. 14 April. 14 April.* 21 Jan. 3 Mar. 21 Jan.* 18 Feb.* 21 Jan.* Invalid-lifter Ironsand-treating apparatus Irons. (See Clothes-iron.) F. J. Chapman C. F. Lungley 17580 17688 25 Feb. 23 Mar. 25 28 18 Mar. 31 Mar,*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. No. Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Jack. (See Lever jack, Standard jack, Wheel-jack.) Kauri-gum-chipping implement Kauri-gum receptacle A. J. McPharlin A. J. McPharlin A. J. McPharlin 17577 17563 17591 17592 16928 17643 17534 17572 17690 26 Feb. 24 Feb. J 29 Feb. 28 25 31 Mar. 18 Mar. Kauri-gum receptacle 25 18 Mar.* Kauri-tree-cutting implement Keyboard for music Key, Bullock-bow Knife-cleaner Knife-eleaner A. J. McPharlin S. W. Thackeray J. Snowden C. Wiley W. C. Wall and J. T. Toohey .. 8 Sept., 1903 10 Mar. 8 Fob. 25 Feb. 23 Mar. 28 31 15 25 31 Mar. 14 April. 18 Feb.* 18 Mar. Label attachment Ladder. (See Dredge-ladder.) S. H. Day 17653 14 Mar. Lamp Lamp, Electric Lamp-glass cleaner Laundry apparatus Leaf-turner Leather, Evening and grading.. Leather-splitting machine H. Marshall and J. Maton G. Sweetser F. W. Naumann C. Robertson G. F. Moyle Lacene Manufacturing Company United Shoe Manchinery Com17511 17662 17571 17440 17444 17609 17661 4 Feb. 16 Mar. 25 Feb. 7 Jan. 5 Jan. 27 Feb. 16 Mar. 20 20 6 (i 28 28 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 21 Jan.* 21 Jan. 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* Legging-fastening Leggings Lever for shoeing horse Lever-jack pawl operator Lever, LiftingLift. (See Water-lift.) Lifting and turning drill Lifting invalid out of bath Lifting-lever Line. (See Clothes-line.) Liner for washing-copper, &c Liquid, Drawing off Liquids, Aerated, Manufacture of pany J. T. Maine J. Duncan C. H. Lowe B. and W. Trewhella.. J. Scorrar.. 17624 16499 16799 16524 17709 5 Mar. 16 June, 1903 10 Aug., 1903 19 June, 1903 30 Mar. 31 20 20 25 31 14 April. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 18 Mar. 14 April.* C. Simmons F. J. Chapman J. Scorrar.. 17521 17580 17709 3 Feb. 25 Feb. 30 Mar. 28 31 18 Mar. 14 April.* T. Vivian and H. W. de Baugh .. F. W. Smith H. G. Watson and J. Cummock, jun. Soda Stream, Limited, and W. Hucks F. W. Sears A. Parker 17557 17578 17477 19 Feb. 26 Feb. 15 Jan. 20 20 10 3 Mar.* 3 Mar.* 4 Feb.* Liquids, Aerating 17437 7 Jan. 10 4 Feb. Lithographic plate Lock Lock. (See also Bicycle-lock, Cycle-lock, Lock and draught-excluder for window, Sash-hanger and lock, Wheel-lock.) Lock, Nut-Loose-leaf account-book Lubricator for plough-skeith Lubricator, Windmill17685 17531 22 Mar. 10 Feb. 28 15 31 Mar.* 18 Feb. J. J. Macky T. de Schryver G. T. Booth J. O'Neil .. 17642 17538 16445 16290 5 Mar. 11 Feb. 5 June, 1903 29 April, 1903 28 20 20 15 31 Mar. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 18 Feb. Marine governor Mattress Measuring and weighing milk Meat, Defrosting Mercury-feeder for battery Metals-extraction R. J. W. Grasset E. J. Restorck E. W. Lloyd J. Murgatroyd N. P. Carver P. J. Ogle and the Rapid Cyanide Treatment, Limited A. L. Watkins 17625 16714 17725 17582 17613 17561 7 Mar. 30 July, 1903 29 Mar. 27 Feb. 3 Mar. 24 Feb. 25 6 31 25 '28 20 18 Mar.* 21 Jan. 14 April.* 18 Mar. 31 Mar. 3 Mar.* Metal tubes, Grooving and necking Meter. (See Electricity - meter, Wattmeter.) Milk-aerator Milk, Heating Milker .. Milking-appliance Milking-machine Milking-machine Milk, Measuring and weighing Milk-weighing machine Minerals, Separation of Mitre-frame arm adjustment Moon, Chart to illustrate changes of Motor Motor. (See also Road motor vehicle, Wave-motor.) Motor-car driving and gearing mechanism Motor-driven vehicle Moustache-guard for spoon Musical keyboard and notation Music-leaf turner Music, Printing 17454 12 Jan. 10 4 Feb. R. J. Moore W. A. J. Dutch and J. Forsyth .. F. Ljungstrom T. C. Jenkins and W. T. Mack .. W. Sim .. J. Pomeroy E. W. Lloyd J. J. Gillies D. Clark C. N. Scurr J. Irvin J. P. Lajoio 17514 17515 17489 17673 16157 17711 17725 17614 17547 16306 17536 17516 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 20 Jan. 18 Mar. 28 Mar., 1903 26 Mar. 29 Mar. 3 Mar. 17 Feb. 2 May, 1903 9 Feb. 2 Feb. 18 15 28 20 31 31 25 20 6 20 18 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 31 Mar'.* 3 Mar. 14 April.* 14 April.* 18 Mar.* 3 Mar.* 21 Jan. 3 Mar.* A. M. Boon C. Bradshaw G. G. Sutherland and A. G. Brett S. W. Thackeray G. F. Moyle W. E. Naunton and T. C. Palmer 17423 17597 17559 17643 17444 17718 27 Jan., 1903 29 Feb. 23 Feb. 10 Mar. 5 Jan. 31 Mar. 10 25 20 31 6 31 4 Feb.f 18 Mar. 3 Mar.* 14 April. 21 Jan.* 14 April.* Nail-holder Necktie fastener and retainer Newspaper-folder Nightsoil-pan cover, Securing H. Coe .. J. Hope and W. Butcher J. M. Twomey H. D. Manning 16434 17530 17431 17651 4 June, 1903 10 Feb. 5 Jan. 12 Mar. 25 20 6 28 18 Mar. 3 Mar. 21 Jan.* 31 Mar.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. A] No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. fightsoil-receptacle Jut-lock J. Mitchell and G. George J. J. Macky 17524 17642 8 Feb. 5 Mar. 15 28 18 Feb.* 31 Mar. )il. (See Shale-oil.) )il-clothing manufacture Mling axle lleaginous solution )re-feeder grip driver )re-treatment )rnaments. (See Stucco ornaments.) )utrigger for vehicle )yster-plate R. A. Bradbury R. L. Suttie C. V. Potter W. L. R. Hall M. Moore and T. J. Heskett 17452 17589 16397 17623 16963 11 Jan. 29 Feb. 28 May, 1903 4 Mar. 9 Sept.,1903 10 81 6 81 10 4 Feb.* 14 April. 21 Jan. 14 April. 4 Feb. F. H. Howard J. W. Scully and J. Anthony 17518 17503 6 Feb. 30 Jan. 20 15 3 Mar. 18 Feb.* 'acking-case fastening 'acking piston-rods 'aint-brush 'aint-mixing solution 'aper health-shelter 'asteuriser for milk, &c 'aving-blocks, Applying tar to 'aving-blocks 'ercussive tool 'hotographic negative 'ictures, Displaying 'icture-suspending device >in .. 'in. (See also Hair-pin, Hat-pin, Shaftcoupling pin.) 'ipe-coupling 'iston-rod packing 'itch-chain and sprocket 'laning-maohine 'late. (See Electric accumulator-plate, Lithographic plate) 'late for oysters, &c. 'lough. (See Disc plough.) 'lough front-wheel lift 'lough, Potato-'lough-skeith lubricator 'lough-wheel lift 'neumatic percussive tool 'neumatic teat-cups 'olish. (See Stove-polish.) 'ost. (See Straining-post.) 'otato-plough 'reserving timber 'reserving timber .. 'ress. (See Wool-press.) 'rinting-block 'rinting-machine 'riming music 'rinting on photo, negative 'rojeetile 'ropeller, Screw 'ropelling vessel 'rotector for boot-sole 'rotector for cooking-range J. Irvine .. R. Brown and A. Blair A. L. Watkins C. V. Potter A. W. Bickerton W. A. J. Dutch and J. Forsyth .. C. M. Newson and M. Coulson .. W. Powell F. D. Johnson F. W. Sears 0. M. Scholer W. E. S. Ramsay and S. McMurray C. L. August 17684 17677 17454 16397 17522 17515 15983 17510 17567 17656 17658 17480 17492 22 Mar. 18 Mar. 12 Jan. 28 May, 1903 5 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb., 1903 4 Feb. 25 Feb. 15 Mar. 11 Mar. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 31 28 10 6 15 15 15 20 28 28 31 10 20 14 April. 31 Mar. 4 Feb. 21 Jan. 18 Feb.* 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 3 Mar 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 14 April. 4 Feb. 3 Mar.* F. Albrecht R. Brown and A. Blair G. Davidson W. C. Gee 17594 17677 16568 17686 27 Feb. 18 Mar. 29 June, 1903 22 Mar. 28 28 20 28 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 3 Mar. 31 Mar.* J. W. Scully and J. Anthony 17503 30 Jan. 15 18 Feb * G. T. Booth and W. Brew G. W. Remnant G. T. Booth G. T. Booth and W. Brew F. D. Johnson A. Gillies 17664 16436 16445 17664 17567 17639 16 Mar. 4 June, 1903 5 June, 1903 15 Mar. 25 Feb. 9 Mar. 28 25 20 28 28 28 31 Mar.* 18 Mar. 3 Mar. 31 Mar.* 31 Mar. 31 Mar.* G. W. Remnant W. Powell R. W. Harvey 16436 17510 17678 4 June, 1903 4 Feb. 18 Mar. 25 20 18 Mar. 3 Mar. F. W. Sears T. Cossar .. W. E. Naunton and T. C. Palmer F. W. Sears C. Soulas E. V. Dixon W. Mizon.. F. J. Gane and J. Mitchell E. S. Pike A. J. McPharlin and R. S. Goodisson F. G. Rickard D. Rowe A. J. McPharlin and R. S. Goodisson C. Rask and E. A. Cameron CO. E. Andersson .. W. S. Cobham J. V. Wjborn G. Dennis, jun. 17685 15575 17718 17656 17535 16278 17636 17433 17544 17575 22 Mar. 30 Oct., 1902 31 Mar. 15 Mar. 11 Feb. 28 April, 1903 9 Mar. 6 Jan. 16 Feb. 26 Feb. 28 6 31 28 15 15 25 10 20 20 31 Mar. 21 Jan. 14 April.* 31 Mar.* 18 Feb.* 18 Feb. 18 Mar.* 4 Feb.* 3 Mar.* 3 Mar.* 'ump .. 'ump, Bicycle'ump, Bicycle'ump, Spear 17432 17701 17575 6 Jan. 26 Mar. 25 Feb. 6 31 25 21 Jan. 14 April.* 18 Mar.* lace, Sheep-tailway-sleeper-grooving machine tailway wheels and axles tainproof garment taking material from sluice-box tange. (See Cooking-range ) teaping-finger leaping-maehine attachment.. teaping-maehine cutting mechanism teservoir. (See High pressure.) devolving heel tidging toad motor vehicle toad-sweeper load-wheel toadster and gig seat toll. (See Buffing-roll.) toller. (See Flax-stripper roller.) toller-protector for dredge-ladder. toofing-tile tunaway horse, Releasing 17731 17481 17631 17703 17519 31 Mar. 20 Jan. 8 Mar. 28 Mar. 6 Feb. 10 25 31 15 4 Feb.* 18 Mar.* 14 Apnl.* 18 Feb.* M. Cooney T. Davies F. Butteriok 17533 17459 16431 9 Feb. 11 Jan. 2 June, 1903 IS 10 25 18 Feb.* 4 Feb.* 18 Mar. J. Jenner C. S. Hawkeswood W. E. Carmont W. Brierly and G. Fraser J. J. Coakley and A. C. McCallum A. C. Atkin 17564 17541 17598 17520 17603 16051 24 Feb. 11 Feb. 2 Mar. 3 Feb. 2 Mar. 2 Mar., 1903 25 20 28 15 18 Mar. 3 Mar. 31 Mar. 18 Feb.* '('; 21 Jan. R. R. Douglas C. S. Hawkeswood A. W. Topffer 17729 17541 17648 30 Mar. 11 Feb. 11 Mar. 81 20 31 14 April.* 3 Mar.* 14 April.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Saddle, Cycle-Safety-grip block T. G. Stevens A. V. H. Monro and H. G. W. L. Noy A. J. Park 17604 16413 2 Mar. 27 May, 1903 23 18 Mar. Srieability of goods, Means for increasing Sash. (See Window-sash.) Sash-balance Sash-fastener Sash hanger and lock Sash hanger, Door and Sash-support Sawing, Setting off distance for Scraper, Tram-line Screw propeller Seat. (See Gig-seat, Chair-seat.) Seeder Seed sower Seed-sower Separator. (See Electro - magnetic separator.) Serviette-holder Setting off distance for sawing Shaft-coupling pin .. Shale-oil, Treating.. Sheep-feeding rack. Steerage gear for Sheep-shears Sheepskins, Treating Sheep, Travelling-race for Ship, Means for controlling speed of Ship-retardor Shoeing lever. (See Horseshoeing lever.) Shower-bath C. L. Stokes J. Harris G. M. Scott R. L. Lockerbie J. G. Lodge J. Johnston J. W. Murdock E. V. Dixon A. S. Patterson W. Lowe J. Gray 16261 16237 17476 16582 15922 16868 17491 17724 16278 17611 16297 17630 17 April, 1903 16 April, 1903 18 Jan. 29 June, 1903 27 Jan., 1903 27 Aug., 1903 20 Jan. 29 Mar. 28 April, 1903 3 Mar. 1 May, 1903 8 Mar. 25 10 10 10 6 25 15 81 15 81 15 81 18 Mar. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 21 Jan. 18 Mar. 18 Feb. 14 April.* 18 Feb. 14 April. 18 Feb. 14 April. A. H. Brownley and I. S. Fletcher J. Johnston J. M. Bawden and E. H. Catterall A. Adiassewich F. Cooper O. Bors A. J. H. Burt C. Rask and E. A. Cameron E. Smethurst E. Smethurst 17457 17491 17490 17695 16470 17644 17657 17731 17606 17468 12 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 22 Mar. 9 June, 1903 10 Mar. 15 Mar. 30 Mar. 1 Mar. 13 Jan. 20 IS 15 3 Mar. 18 Feb.* 18 Feb. 20 28 28 3 Mar. 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 25 10 18 Mar'.* 4 Feb.* R. S. Goodisson and A. J. McPharlin F. S. Parker A. G. Parry B. Crawford G. T. Booth and W. Brew P. B. Hardy F. C. Griffiths R. F. Smith 17593 29 Feb. 25 18 Mar.* Shower, Hot-water.. Sifting-apparatus Silencer, Engine-Skeith-buckle Skin, Means of applying heat to Skylight Skylight Sleeper. (See Railway-sleeper.) Slime-filtering apparatus Slime-filtering apparatus Sluice-box clay-cutter Sluice-box raking-apparatus Smoke-consumer Smoke-conveyer Soap, Granulating and moulding Socket, Chair- or table-leg Sole laying, levelling, and pressing machine Sower. (See Seed-sower.) Spark-arrester Spark-arrester Spark-arrester Spear pump 17434 17441 17527 17665 17484 16383 17679 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 13 Feb., 1903f 16 Mar. 21 Jan. 23 May, 1903 18 Mar. 6 6 25 28 10 111 31 21 Jan.* 21 Jan.* 18 Mar. 31 Mar. 4 Feb. 14 April. 14 April. G. S. Duncan H. R. Cassel W. McCorkindale G. Dennis, jun. H. E. Leighton W. L. Gale W. E. Hughes C. Coles United Shoe Machinery Company 17158 17600 17540 17519 16117 17455 17528 17566 17663 29 Oct., 1903 2 Mar. 9 Feb. 6 Feb. 21 Mar., 1903 12 Jan. 9 Feb. 25 Feb. 18 Mar. .. 15 25 15 IS 15 10 18 Feb. 18 Mar.* 18 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 18 Feb. 4 Feb. 20 28 3 Mar'.* 31 Mar.* J. Stenhouse H. S. Wainwright .. H. S. Wainwright A. J. McPharlin and R. S. Goodisson T. W. Barber D. McKenzie United Shoe Machinery Company G. G. Sutherland and A. G. Brett J. W. Andrew J. Gemmell R. Wales 17666 17713 17714 17575 16 Mar. 25 Sept., 1903f 15 Oct., 1903+ 26 Feb. 25 18 Mar'.* Speed gear Spindle and coiler, Wire-weaving Splitting leather Spoon, Moustache-guard for Sprayer Stacking apparatus, Hay-Stamping-machine Stamping-machine Standard. (See Fencing-standard.) Standard jack Stair-rod Staple Staple. (See Feneing-staple.) Starting-gate Stave, Slusic-Steam-engine Steam-trap Steerage gear for sheep-feeding rack Stoker, Chain grateE. Moss E. Hayes E. L. Baggstrom A. R. Hardy 17449 16595 17661 17559 17705 17607 17620 17621 17727 17671 17692 17730 8 Jan. 2 July, 1903 16 Mar. 23 Feb. 25 Mar. 27 Feb. I 4 Mar. 30 Mar. 18 Mar. 22 Mar. 30 Mar. 10 28 20 81 25 25 31 28 28 81 4 Feb. 31 Mar. 3 Mar.* 14 April.* 18 Mar.* 18 Mar.* 14 April.* 31 Mar.* 31 Mar. 14 April.* S. Austen.. W. E. Naunton and T. C. Palmer G. S. Morison W. Lee and C. T. Swanell F. Cooper Babcock and Wilcox, Limited, and R. A. McLaren N. Nielsen and G. Atkinson W. H. Bowick 17615 17718 16232 17659 16470 16538 4 Mar. 31 Mar. 16 April, 1903 12 Mar. 9 June, 1903 24 June, 1903 31 20 28 20 2 14 April.* 3 Mar. 31 Mar.* 3 Mar. 7 Jan. Stone, Building-Stove-polish Strainer. (See Wire-strainer, Fencingstrainer.) Straining-post Straw-stacking apparatus Street-sprinkling solution Street-sweeper 17649 17680 11 Mar. 21 Mar. 2S 28 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* W. White.. J. Gemmell C. V. Potter J. L. Kirkbride 17502 17607 16397 17556 29 Jan. 27 Feb. 28 May, 1903 23 Feb. IS 25 6 20 18 Feb. 18 Mar. 21 Jan. 3 Mar.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Stripper. (See Flax-stripper.) Stucco-ornament composition Sulphide-separation process Support, BicycleSuspender, TrousersSweeper. (See Road - sweeper, Streetsweeper.) Swing bed Swingletree-iron C. F. A., E. G., and P. P. Schaefer D. Clark A. R. Murphy W. T. Nuttall 17633 17547 17498 17513 8 Mar. 17 Fob. 25 Jan. 4 Feb. ;S1 20 14 April.* 3 Mar. 15 18 Feb.* C. Soulas .. W. D. Wilson 17451 16146 11 Jan. 25 Mar., 1903 10 6 4 Feb. 21 Jan. 'able amusements. (See Games.) 'able-cricket 'able-leg socket 'ack-holder 'ailings-elevator 'ank-filter 'anks, Means for coupling pipes to ?ap ?ap i'ap-attaching means 'ap, Union joint for 'ap-valve 'ar, Applying, to paving-blocks 'eat-cups, Pneumatic 'elegraphic and telephonic apparatus telephone-diaphragm 'elephonic fire-alarm 'elescope 'elluride-separation process 'heatre-chair ?heatre-door ?heatre-door therapeutic apparatus 'hinner, Turnip, &o. ?ide-illustrating chart 'ides, Means of utilising 'ile. (See Roofing-tile.) 'imber, Preserving 'imber, Preserving 'ire-cover ?ire-protector 'ire, Vehicle-wheel ?oa--ting-fork ?obacco-cutter ?obacco-pipe :oy .. 'ram-line scraper 'rap. (See Steam-trap.) ?ray for oysters, &c 'rommel trousers-suspender trousers, Cycling 'ruing up rollers of flax-stripper 'ube grooving and necking 'umbler. (See Dredge-tumbler.) ?urbine 'urbine 'urbine H. Brice C. Coles H. Coe .. G. Armstrong E. R. God ward F. Albrecht J. McLean and P. Ellis A. Whitney A. M. S. Watts D. Worland I. and F. A. Whitehouse C. M. Newson and M. Coulson .. A. Gillies C. Turchi S. Churchill-Otton F. J. Farrell C. Soulas.. D. Clark A. M. Conroy J. A. Jagger J. A. Jagger A. P. Richmond J. Thomson J. Irvin K. Hiendlmayr 17460 17566 16434 17608 17588 17594 16037 17436 16288 17494 17539 15983 17639 17499 17723 17669 17496 17547 17546 17639 17672 17640 17475 17536 17670 13 Jan. 25 Feb. 4 June, 1903 27 Feb. 29 Feb. 27 Feb. 2 Mar., 1903 5 Jan. 30 April, 1903 22 Jan. 11 Feb. 11 Feb., 1903 9 Mar. 29 Jan. 31 Mar. 14 Mar. 25 Jan. 17 Feb. 17 Feb. 9 Mar. 18 Mar. 9 Mar. 16 Jan. 9 Feb. 14 Mar. 10 20 25 25 28 28 6 6 15 15 20 15 28 15 28 10 20 20 28 28 28 10 20 28 4 Feb. 3 Mar.* 18 Mar. 18 Mar.* 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 21 Jan. 21 Jan.* 18 Feb. 18 Feb.* 3 Mar. 18 Feb. 31 Mar. 18 Feb. 31 Mar. 4 Feb.* 3 Mar.* 3 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 4 Feb. 3 Mar. 31 Mar.* W. Powell R. W. Harvey H. Lightband H. J. Whitelaw T. P. Lyons T. M. George W. Reeves D. G. Sutherland K. Davy .. J. W. Murdock 17510 17678 17548 17712 17579 17583 17429 17500 17650 17724 4 Feb. 18 Mar. 17 Feb. 31 Mar. 26 Feb. 23 Feb. 4 Jan. 29 Jan. 12 Mar. 29 Mar. 20 3 Mar. 20 3 Mar'.* 20 31 6 ir, 28 31 3 Mar.* 14 April.* 21 Jan.* 18 Feb.* 31 Mar. 14 April.* J. W. Scully and J. Anthony C. L. Garland W. T. Nuttall G. D. Jones J. Anderson A. L. Watkins 17503 17568 17513 17585 17565 17454 30 Jan. 25 Feb. 4 Feb. 26 Feb. 24 Feb. 12 Jan. 15 15 25 25 10 18 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 18 Mar.* 18 Mar. 4 Feb. W. E. Hughes C. A. Parsons W. F. Newman 17424 17687 17716 30 Dec, 1903 23 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 31 31 14 April. 14 April. 14 April.* 'urner. (See Leaf-turner.) 'urnip-thinner twister and strainer for wire typographic machine J. Thomson G. C. Clarke E. Waters, jun. 17475 16410 17574 16 Jan. 29 May, 1903 25 Fob. 10 20 4 Feb. 3 Mar. Jmbrella-handle Jmbrella-joint Jnion joint K. Davy J. Hercus and F. W. Barton D. Worland 17462 17474 17494 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 22 Jan. is 18 Feb.'* Valve Vapour-engine Vehicle, Motor-driven Vehicle-outrigger Vehicle, Releasing runaway from Vehicle weather-apron Vehicle-wheel lock and horse-stopper Vehicle-wheel tire Ventilator Vessel, Propelling Volatile, Prevention of escape .. I. and F. A. Whitehouse E.Phillips C. Bradshaw F. H. Howard A. W. Topffer J. V. Wyborn T. Firth .. T. P. Lyons F. Hitchcock W. Mizon A. H. McCulloch 17539 17573 17597 17518 17648 17702 17446 17579 17682 17636 17390 11 Feb. 25 Feb. 29 Feb. 6 Feb. 11 Mar. 28 Mar. 9 Jan. 26 Fob. 19 Mar. 9 Mar. 18 Dec, 1903 20 28 25 20 31 31 6 20 28 25 20 3 Mar. 31 Mar. 18 Mar. 3 Mar. 14 April. 14 April.* 21 Jan.* 3 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 18 Mar.* 3 Mar. Vashing-coppcr, Liner for Vater-heater Vatcr-heater Vater-intercepter and steam-trap Vater-lift T. Vivian and H. W. de Baugh .. J. Key .. J. Key .. W. Lee and C. T. Swanell H. McNeil and F. W. Grant 17557 17471 17472 17659 16990 19 Feb. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 12 Mar. 17 Sept., 1903 20 10 10 28 25 3 Mar.* 4 Feb.* 4 Feb.* 31 Mar. 18 Mar.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


3—H. 10._0 5 .


Invention. Name. No. Al Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Water-purifier Water-tank filter Water-tank filter Water-tube furnace Watt-meter Wave-motor Weeds, Solution for killing Weighing machine, MilkWell sinking, Artesian-Well-sinking J. W. Mulhare F. Elvines and T. Hall E. R. Godward J. M. Harding W. E. Hughes K. Hiendlmayr G. Henderson, jun. J. J. Gillies T Danks J. W. Thomas and C. O. McCu'tcheon F. J. Courtney D. Dunn G. T. Booth and W. Brew T. Firth J. J. Coakley and A. C. McCallum W. S. Cobham J. T. Prince J. O'Neil A. Peppier J. W. Faulkner H. J. Marks A. Parker C. L. Stokes J. Harris A. Mole J. G. Lodge A. J. Park ... E. J. Restorck N. Hill .. T. C. Berry J. Woolford G. C. Clarke D. McKenzie F. Wilkinson J. Scorrar H. Sanford-Burton 16471 17495 17588 17700 17041 17670 17668 17614 17435 17467 4 June, 1903 25 Jan. 29 Feb. 23 Mar. 30 Sept.,1903 14 Mar. 16 Mar. 3 Mar. 5 Jan. 13 Jan. 31 28 2 31 25 6 10 14 April. 31 Mar". 7 Jan. 14 April.* 18 Mar.* 21 Jan.* 4 Feb. Wheel for elevating ores Wheel-jack Wheel-lift for ploughs Wheel-lock Wheel, RoadWheels and axles of railways, &c. Whiffletree Windmill-lubricator Window Window-guard Window-holder Window-lock and draught-excluder Window-sashes, Means of balancing Window-sash fastener Window-sash hanger Window-sash support Window-sash suspender and operator Wire attacher and elevator for bedsteads .. Wire-mattress holder Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire twister and strainer Wire-weaving coiler and spindle Wool-fibres, Apparatus for separating Wool-press, Actuating Writing, Copying means 17487 17058 17664 17446 17603 17631 17646 16290 16447 17427 17485 17531 16237 17476 17715 16868 17447 16714 17635 16896 17445 16410 16595 16257 17708 17605 21 Jan. 2 Oct., 1903 15 Mar. 9 Jan. 2 Mar. 8 Mar. 10 Mar. 29 April, 1903 8 June, 1903 24 Dec, 1903 21 Jan. 10 Feb. 16 April, 1903 18 Jan. 31 Mar. 27 Aug., 1903 9 Jan. 30 July, 1903 5 Mar. 1 Sept., 1903 8 Jan. 29 May, 1903 2 July, 1903 22 April; 1903 30 Mar. 2 Mar. 20 28 6 2,5 81 15 20 28 10 16 10 10 3 Mar. 81 Mar.* 21 Jan. 18 Mar'.* 14 April. 18 Feb. 3 Mar. 31 Mar. 4 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 4 Feb. 4 Feb.* 25 6 6 18 Mar. 21 Jan.* 21 Jan. 25 18 Mar. 20 28 IS 3 May. 31 Mar. 18 Feb. 28 31 Mar.

Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. dlan and Co. Proprietary, Limited .. .merican Seeding Machine Company.. ,nderson, W. A. itkins, H. Ltkins, H. Luckland Freezing Company, Limited, The Lustralian Manufacturing and Importing Company, The Lustralian Manufacturing and Importing Company, The Lwanui Fish-canning Company, Limited, The Melbourne, Vic. Jersey City, U.S.A. .. Vancouver, Canada Cape Town, Cape Colony Cape Town, Cape Colony Auckland, N.Z. 9 7 42 42 42 42 4599 4585 4631 4516 4517 4626 10 Mar. 25 Feb. 24 Mar. 13 Jan. 13 Jan. 22 Mar. 25 20 28 18 Mar. 3 Mar. 31 Mar. 6 81 21 Jan. 14 April. Wellington, N.Z. 3 4625 21 Mar. 28 31 Mar. Wellington, N.Z. 3 4628 22 Mar. 28 31 Mar. Awanui, N.Z. 42 4391 23 Sept., 1903 28 31 Mar. ieattie, Lang, and Co. iehrens, C. .. ienjamin and Co., A. ienjamin and Co., A. iing, Harris, and Co. ilakey's Boot Protectors, Limited iock and Co., P. Joyd and Son, T. iuchanan, J. .. Wellington, N.Z. Havana, Cuba London, Eng. London, Eng. Dunedin, N.Z. Leeds, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng.; Glasgow, Soot. 24 45 4 4 38 13 3 22 43 4558 4575 4632 4636 4633 4539 4476 4589,4590 4151 8 Feb. 18 Feb. 24 Mar. 28 Mar. 28 Mar. 25 Jan. 10 Dec, 1903 1 Mar. 1 April, 1903 18 Feb. 15 28 31 Mar. 28 20 20 25 10 31 Mar. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 18 Mar. 4 Feb. iuchananand Co., J. (See J. Buchanan.) iutterworth Bros., New Zealand, Limited Dunedin, N.Z. 50 4567 12 Feb. 20 3 Mar. !ampbell, W. .. Jarr and Son 'hrystall and Co. (See Neill and Co., Limited.) ilarke, W. F. .. Jocker, H. Jollins Bros, and Co., Limited Wellington, N.Z. New Southgate, Eng. .. 42 50 3946 4512 24 Sept., 1902 12 Jan. 4 Feb. 10 Auckland, N.Z. New Plymouth, N.Z. .. Auckland, N.Z. 3 42 39 4509 4611 4554 11 Jan. 16 Mar. 4 Feb. 18 Feb. 15 15 18 Feb."


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks — continued.


Name. Address. Class. No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Co-operative Tea - gardens Company. (See R. V. Webster.) Craig and Rose, Limited London, Eng. ; Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scot. Palmerston North, N.Z. London, Eng. Gisborne, N.Z. Melbourne, Vic. 1 ' 4536 21 Jan. | 10 81 4 Feb. 14 April. Dahl, 0. Deimel Fabric Company, The De Lisle, De B., and another Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company of Australia, Limited Dunne, J. 7 38 2 40 4557 4610 4608 4584 6 Feb. 16 Mar. 15 Mar. 25 Feb. 20 3 Mar. North Fitzroy, Vic. 44 4579 25 Feb. 20 3 Mar. Edison, T. A. .. Llewellyn Park, U.S.A. 8 4562 11 Feb. 20 3 Mar. Falk, Stadelmann, and Co. Fotheringham, F. H. London, Eng. Sydney, N.S.W. 13 6 4627 4540 22 Mar. 25 Jan. 28 31 Mar. Globe Packing Company, The Gollin and Co. Proprietary, Limited .. Goodlass, Wall, and Co., Limited Goodlass, Wall, and Co., Limited Goodwin and Phelan Grett, J. Grove, E. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Liverpool, Eng. Liverpool, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Woolston, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. 47 4 1, 4 1, 4 22 42 42 4623 4606 4580, 1 4582, 3 4498 4609 4510 19 Mar. 11 Mar. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 30 Dec, 1903 15 Mar. 9 Jan. 28 25 20 20 25 28 6 31 Mar. 18 Mar. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 18 Mar. 31 Mar. 21 Jan. Hancock and Co. Hancock and Co. Hanson, Sir R., Bart. Hanson, Sir R., Bart. Hardie and Co., J. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. London, Eng. London, Eng. Melbourne, Vic, and Sydney, N.S.W. Melbourne, Vic. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 43 43 42 43 17 4565 4566 4530 4531 4137 12 Feb. 12 Feb. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 4 Nov., 1903 20 28 in 10 28 3 Mar. 18 Mar. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 31 Mar. Harper and Co. Proprietary, Limited, R. Headdey, R. J. .. Heather, W. H. N., and another Heather, V. J., and another Heather and Co., W.H. (See W. H. N. and V. J. Heather.) Heather, Roberton, and Co. Hill, Hartridge, and Co. 42 47 43 43 4535 4537 4493 4493 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 29 Dec, 1903 29 Dec, 1903 20 20 20 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. Auckland, N.Z. London, Eng. 42 13, 19, 50 49 18 42 4607 4548, 9, 4551 4550 4568 4593 14 Mar. 3 Feb. 28 15 31 Mar. 18 Feb. Hill, Hartridge, and Go. Hill, Hartridge, and Co. Horlick's Food Company London, Eng. London, Eng. Racine, U.S.A., and London, Eng. London, Eng. Melbourne, Vic. 3 Feb. 15 Feb. 2 Mar. 31 16 14 April. 18 Feb. Howison and Co. Hurst, R. 40 38 4598 4518 5 Mar. 15 Jan. 25 6 18 Mar. 21 Jan. In,son, B. Palmerston North, N.Z. 42 4560 10 Feb. 20 3 Mar. Jameson, Anderson, and Co. Jeyes' Sanitary Compounds Company, Limited Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. 42 2,3 4613 4591, 2 16 Mar. 2 Mar. 28 25 31 Mar. 18 Mar. Kenderdine, A. G. Kress and Owen Company Kress and Owen Company Kynoch, Limited Auckland, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. Witton, Eng. 3 3 11 19, 20 4577 4513 4514 4596, 7 22 Feb. 13 Jan. 13 Jan. 5 Mar. 20 6 25 25 3 Mar. 21 Jan. 18 Mar. 18 Mar. Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Levi Strauss and Co. Lewis, W. Lisle. (See de Lisle.) Luttrell, E. V., and another Lysaght, J., Limited Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. San Francisco, U.S.A... Sydney, N.S.W. 47, 48 47, 48 38 48 4504, 5 4506, 7 4555 4600 7 Jan. 7 Jan. 4 Feb. 10 Mar. 6 6 15 25 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 18 Feb. 18 Mar. Gisborne Bristol, Eng. 2 5 4608 4520 15 Mar. 18 Jan. 10 4 Feb.' MacLulish, J. M. Marechal Ruchon and Co., Limited .. Marshall's Chemical Company, Limited Paddington, Eng. London, Eng. Dunedin, N.Z. 40 50 42 4635 4612 4641 28 Mar. 18 Mar. 31 Mar. 18 Feb. 28 28 31 Mar. 31 Mar. Mason, W. J. .. Pahiatua, N.Z. 3 4576 25 31 15 18 Mar". 14 April. 18 Feb. McLeod Bros., Limited McLeod Bros., Limited Melotte, J. Midgley, A. W. .. Midgley and Sons, S. T. (See A. W. Midgley.) Midgely and Sons, Limited, S. T. Moonee Valley Cordial Company, The (See J. Dunne.) Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, The Munday, W. E... Munday and Sons, W. E. (See W. E. Munday.) Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Remicourt, Belgium Leeds, Eng. 47 48 7 38 4563 4564 4515 4503 11 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Jan. 7 Jan. 6 21 Jan. Leeds, Eng. 38 4614 18 Mar. London, Eng. 50 4556 4 Feb. 15 18 Feb. Sydenham, N.Z. 38 4587 27 Feb. 20 3 Mar. Christchurch, N.Z. 50 4534 20 Jan. 4 Feb. Neill and Co., Limited 10


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


4—H. 10.-05


Name. Address. Class. Application. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Pacific Hardware and Steel Company, The Pascall, Limited, J. Pascall, Limited, J. Paterson and Sons, R. Pearson and Rutter, Limited Pope Manufacturing Company San Francisco, U.S.A... London, Eng. London, Eng. Glasgow, Scot. New Plymouth, N.Z. .. New York, U.S.A. 6 42 42 12 42 22 4640 4573 4624 4511 4637 4525, 6, 7, 8,9 4586 4499, 4500, 4501, 2 4639 31 Mar. 17 Feb. 19 Mar. 12 Jan. 29 Mar. 20 Jan. 25 6 31 18 Mar. 21 Jan. 14 April. Poynter, J., Son, and Macdonalds Price and Co., Limited, H. Glasgow, Scot. Wellington, N.Z. 42 42 27 Feb. 5 Jan. 20 6 3 Mar. 21 Jan. Prunier and Co., J. Melbourne, Vic. 43 31 Mar. 31 14 April. Reckitt and Sons, Limited Sydney, N.S.W. ; Hull and London, Eng. ; Port Elizabeth, South Africa ; and New York, U.S.A. Sheffield, Eng. Sheffield, Eng. Napier, N.Z. Napier, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Svdney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. London, Eng. 47 4543 27 Jan. 10 4 Feb. Reuss and Co. Rodgers and Sons, Limited, J. Ross and Son, W. Ross and Son, W. Row and Co., E. Row and Co., E. Row and Co., E. Row and Co., E. Ruchon and Co., Limited, M. 12 12, 14 50 50 2 2 3 3 50 4634 4545, 6 4522, 3, 4 4524 4569 4570, 1, 2 4601 4602, 3, 4 4612 28 Mar. 30 Jan. 19 Jan. 81 10 15 14 April. 4 Feb. 18 Feb. 17 Feb. 17 Feb. 10 Mar. 10 Mar. 18 Mar. 20 81 28 31 28 3 Mar. 14 April. 31 Mar. 14 April. 31 Mar. Sapon, Limited Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sharpe and Co., T. A. Sneddon, W. .. Staples and Co., W. and J. Strauss and Co., Levi London, Eng. New Zealand Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. 47 38 35 38 2, 3 13 38 38 4542 4519 4578 4638 4629, 4630 4547 4553 4555 27 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Feb. 29 Mar. 23 Mar. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 6 25 31 28 21 Jan. 18 Mar. 14 April. 31 Mar. 28 15 18 Mar. 18 Feb. Taeschner, F. A. Thomsen, W.A. Tobacco Warehousing and Trading Company (Incorporated), The Trent Bros. Tully, C.J. Turnbull and Co., W. and G. Berlin, Germany Rotorua, N.Z. Danville, U.S.A. 3 50 2 4544 4363 4574 28 Jan. 3 Sept., 1903 17 Feb. 28 10 20 31 Mar. 4 Feb. 3 Mar. Christchurch, N.Z. Greytown North, N.Z... Wellington, N.Z. 42 37 50 4532,3 4541 4521 20 Jan. 25 Jan. 18 Jan. 10 25 4 Feb. 18 Mar. Webster, R. V. Whittingham, W. Whittingham, W. Williams Company (Incorporated), T. C. Wilson and Co., Limited, J. Wilton, G. W. .. Wolff and Sohn, F. Colombo, Ceylon Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Karlsruhe, Germany .. 42 42 42 45 17 3 48 4508 4552 4588 4594, 5 4538 4559 4617, 8 4620,2 4615, 6 4619, 4621 4605 9 Jan. 3 Feb. 29 Feb. 3 Mar. 23 Jan. 8 Feb. 18 Mar. 6 25 15 20 28 21 Jan. 18 Mar. 18 Feb. 3 Mar. 31 Mar. Wolff and Sohn, F. Karlsruhe, Germany .. 48 18 Mar. Wylie, S. Sydney, N.S.W. 3 10 March .. 25 18 Mar. Zohrab and Co. Wellington, N.Z. 42 4561 10 Feb. 15 18 Feb.

Name and Address. No. of Design. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Auckland, N.Z. 3hacklock, Limited, H. E., Dunedin, N.Z. 8 1 i 202 23 Feb. 199 ) 200 [ 28 Jan. 201 ) 20 10 3 Mar. 4 Feb.




* Denotes a provisional specification, 'rade Marks Act,"1889." enotci a prior late unc der section 1C of t( ie 'atents, Designs, am Application. i Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Aarutaua. (See Te Aarutaua.) Adams, J., Hamilton, N.Z. Nut-wrench Adams, R. N., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sash mover and lock .. Ah Pat, Foxton, N.Z. Nail-handler Ah Pat, Foxton, N.Z. Bicycle-driving mechanism Aktiebolaget Sveaseparatorn, Stockholm, Sweden. Centrifugal sepa-rator-pipe. (A. L. Christenson) Alcock, F. A., Melbourne, Vic. Billiard-table Alcock, H. U , Melbourne, Vic. Billiard-cabinet and marking-board Aldenhoven, H., and another, Kent Town, S.A. Hydraulic ram .. Alexander, L. W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Golf-club Alexe, F., Loudon, Eng. Forming casks, barrels, &c. Allan, C. F. F., Auckland, N.Z. Portable baker's oven Alley, F. L., Sydney, N.S.W. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 17923, 18038.) Allnutt, G. T., Cheltenham, Vic. Horse-curber Anderson, H. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Hand-scoop Anderson, R., and another, Hokonui, N.Z. Post-hole borer Andrews and Beaven, Christchurch, N.Z. (See W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven) Andrews, W., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Grass-seed cleaner .. Andrews, W., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-threshing machine Angus, A. R., and another, Neutral Bay, N.S.W. Enabling oars to travel over lines of varying gauge. (R. Massey) Arnold, J., Milton, Q. Washing-machines .. Arthur, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Cultivator Atkinson, H. D., Wellington, N.Z. Ink-well 18084 17786 17799 17798 17948 18046 17757 18009 17736 18038 17971 18043 18096 16916 22 June 12 April 18 April 18 April 25 May 16 June 8 April 8 June 28 Mar. 15 June .. | 30 May .. • 36 42 42 54 54 36 59 36 62 49 28 April.* 12 May. 12 May.* 23 June. 23 June.* 28 April.* 7 July. 28 April.* 21 July. 9 June.* 23 June.* 7 July.* 23 June. 14 June 24 June 4 Sept.,1903 .. 54 59 54 17743 17211 6 April 5 Nov., 1903.. 42 45 12 May. 26 May. 18056 18029 17871 17790 17 June 13 June 30 April 16 April .. ■ 62 62 45 36 21 July. 21 July. 26 May.* 28 April.* Baker, A. G, and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Shot-making machine .. Baker, A. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Machine for cutting material into strips Baker, A. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Door-lock Baker, A, S., Auckland, N.Z. Boot-tree Baker, A. S., Auckland, N.Z. Air-tight bottle Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Making producer and water gas. (Power and Mining Machinery Company) Barker, O. H., and another, Peel Forest, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Barker, W. E., and another, Peel Forest, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Barnard, P. V., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Extraction of gold Bary, W., Taihape, N.Z. Envelope Bates, A., Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18018.) Batley, A. 0. P., Moawhango, N.Z. Legging-fastener .. Battaglia-Guerrieri, A., Rome, Italy. Telegraphic transmitter Bauckham, A. M., Ashhurst, N.Z. Clothes-line suspender Baudinet, G. W., and another, Observatory, Cape Colony. Explosive Baxter, R., Milton, N.Z. Sash-fastener Beamish, W, Cromwell, N.Z. Boot-fastener Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Button-hole.. Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Shackle Beaven, A. W., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Grass-seed cleaner Beaven, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-threshing machine Belk, J. A., Feilding, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher Bergersen, C. A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Window-sash raiser and retainer Bergmann, E., Suhl, Germany. Friction-gear Berry, G. W., Kensington, Vic. Closing filled tins Berry, G. W., Kensington, Vic Keyless tearing-strip for tin Berry, G. W., Kensington, Vic. Tin vent Billing, A. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising puzzle .. Black, C. H., and another, Linwood, N.Z. Laundry iron-stand Bodycomb, B., Melbourne, Vic. ■ Milking-apparatus. (W. H. Lawrence) Boll, P., Bendigo, Vic. Electro-magnetic appliance for curative purposes Bonsall, S. W., New York, U.S.A. Wardrobe Borland, J. W., and another, Yarragon, Vic Wire winder and strainer Boulton, T., Kirwee, N.Z. Fence Bradley, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Pumping water .. Bradley, H. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Pumping water .. Braun, H. C, Barnet, Eng. Telegraph apparatus Breach, W. G., and others, Doyleston, N.Z. Elevator-belt tensionregulator British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, Nos. 17599, 17872, 17619.) 16303 17618 1 May, 1903 .. 2 Mar. 49 49 9 June. 9 June. 17965 17809 17767 17961 26 May 21 April 9 April 26 May 49 42 49 9 June.* 12 May.* 9 June.* 18072 18072 17810 18097 22 June 22 June 21 April 29 June 62 62 59 21 July. 21 July. 7 July'.* 18022 17824 17926 17828 16559 17792 17793 17794 17743 17211 10 June 25 April .. I 19 May .. 25 April 24 June, 1903 .. 14 April .. j 14 April .. I 14 April 6 April 5 Nov., 1903 .. 49 49 42 42 42 42 42 42 45 9 June. 9 June.* 12 May. 12 May. 12 May.* 12 May.* 12 May.* 12 May. 26 May. 16573 17104 30 June, 1903 .. 15 Oct., 1903 .. 36 59 28 April. 7 July. 17992 18047 18049 18048 17829 18003 16676 1 June 16 June 16 June .. | 16 June .. ! 25 April 7 June 24 July, 1903 .. 59 54 54 54 42 54 54 7 July. 23 June.* 23 June.* 23 June.* 12 May. 23 June.* 23 June. 17751 8 April 49 9 June.* 17950 17877 25 May 6 May 54 45 23 June. 26 May.* 17912 18102 18102 18064 17806 17 May 30 June 30 June 21 June 19 April 45 62 42 26 May.* 21 July'.* 12 May.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Broad, F., Sydney, N.S.W. (See F. H. W. Cowper, No. 17825.) Brooke-Smith, E., Auckland, N.Z. Engine exhaust-muffler Brown, F. C, 'and another, Komata, N.Z. Material circulator Brown, M., and another, Brown's, N.Z. Judging sawing events .. Brown, T., and another, Brown's, N.Z. Judging sawing events Brownley, A. H., Onehunga, N.Z. Eye-glass cord-winder Bruckner, A., Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany. (See P. R. Hudson, No. 17881.) Budge, G. S., Auckland, N.Z. Music leaf-turner Burt, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Cored cartridge-making machine Bussey, T. H , and another, Charters Towers, Q Egg-beater Butchart, M H., Prahran, Vic Basket-cover Butler, C, Gisborne, N.Z. Washing-machine 17849 17982 18028 18028 16544 28 April 25 May 9 June 9 June 22 June, 1903 .. 45 54 54 54 36 26 May.* 23 June.* 23 June.* 23 June* 28 April. 16781 17756 17720 17852 17338 11 Aug., 1903 .. 8 April 81 Mar. 29 April 3 Dec, 1903 .. 49 36 36 45 54 9 June. 28 April.* 28 April. 26 May.* 23 June. Cable, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fire-bridge for steamboiler Cameron, E. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Travelling-race .. Campbell, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Substitution of steel and iron for weatherboards Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical measuring-instrument. (F. Conrad) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Mixing-valve for explosive engine. (L. A. Merkt) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical brush-holder. (R. Siegfried and C. B. Mills) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Dynamo electric machine. (H. Chitty) Campbell, J, P., Wellington, N.Z. Rotary electric machine. (H. Chitty) Campbell, W. E., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Driving-belt Campbell, W. E., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Belting Card, F. S., and another, Denver. U.S.A. (See N. Guthridge, Limited, Nos. 17897, 17898, 17899.) Card, W. L., and another, Denver, U.S.A. (See N. Guthridge, Limited, Nos. 17897, 17898, 17899.) Carlaw, A. L., and others, Glasgow, Scotland. Numberingmachine Carlaw, D., sen., and others, Glasgow, Scotland. Numberingmachine Carlaw, D., jun., and others, Glasgow, Scotland. Numberingmachine Carlaw, J. W., and others, Glasgow, Scotland. Numbering-machine Carter, H., and another, Auckland. N.Z. Kauri-gum cleaner Cartwright, G. J., Brisbane, Q. Burglar-alarm Cartwright, G. J., Brisbane, Q. Smoke-consumer and fuel-econo-miser Cavenaugh, R. W., New York, U.S.A. (See The Hygienic Soap Granulator Company, Limited, No. 17528.) Ceipek, N., Vienna, Austria. Explosive compound Cheal, P. E., Auckland, N.Z. Self-fastening buckle Cheverton, G., and another, Hobart, Tas. Export-package Chitty, H., London, Eng. (See J. P. Campbell, Nos. 18063, 18066.) Christenson, A. L., Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Sveaseparatorn, No. 17948.) Christie, A., Newcastle, N.S.W. Butter sizing and printing machine Church, G. F., Lauriston, N.Z. Hedge-cutter knife Churchill-Otton, S, Melbourne, Vic. Telephone diaphragm .Churehill-Otton, S., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Table-cricket .. Clare, S. F., Campbelltown, N.Z. Axe Clare, S. F., Campbelltown, N.Z. Axe Clare, S. F., Gisborne, N.Z. Axe Clark, L., Hobsonville, N.Z. (See R. O. Clark, jun., No. 17932.) Clark, R. O., jun., Hobsonville, N.Z. Flanging drain-pipes. (L. Clark) Claussen, N. H., Copenhagen, Denmark. Manufacture of English beers Clement, W. H., Ealing, N.Z. Water-race plough Coakley, J. J., and another, Geraldton, W.A. Expansible roadwheel Cobb, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Tobacco-plug holder and cutter. (J. Lloyd) Cohn, H., and another, London, Eng. Converting ironsand into briquettes Cole, G. L., Wellington, N.Z. Bottle sprinkler-attachment Coleman, C. W., Westfield, U.S.A. (See Hall Signal Company, No. 17917.) Conrad, F., Edgewood Park, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 17875.) Cook. (See Cornwall-Cook.1 Coop, J., Kaituna, N.Z. Traversing feeder to sheep-dip Cooper, C, Mangatoki, N.Z. Milk-weigher.. Cooper, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Tip-wagon .. Cooper, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Loading road-trucks with metal .. Corbett, F. J., S. Yarra, Vic. (See E. Dugan, No. 17921.) Corin, H. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Socket-pipes Cornwall-Cook E., Hawthorn, Vic. Ticket-puncher Coronel, A. S., Sydney, N.S.W. Window-furniture. (R. B. Wells) Cotton, F., Hornsby, N.S.W. Gas-furnace .. 18051 16 June 59 7 July.* 17731 17985 30 Mar. 30 May 36 28 April.* 17875 5 May 49 9 June. 17947 25 May 54 23 June. 18016 9 June 59 7 July. 18063 21 June 62 21 July. 18066 21 June 62 21 July. 18019 17789 10 June 13 April 54 23 June.* 17997 17997 1 June 1 June 59 59 7 July. 7 July. 17997 1 June 59 7 July. 17997 17851 17610 17945 1 June 26 April 3 Mar. 25 May 59 45 36 54 7 July. 26 May. 28 April.* 23 June. 17867 17761 17887 3 May 7 April 9 May 49 36 49 9 June. 28 April.* 9 June.* 18007 17015 17723 17837 17461 17903 17962 4 June 23 Sept., 1903 81 Mar. 27 April 9 Jan. 4 May 20 May 59 49 36 42 45 54 49 7 July. 9 June. 28 April. 12 May.* 26 May. 23 June. 9 June.* 17932 17 May 17771 13 April 42 12 May. 18069 17603 20 June 2 Mar. 59 54 7 July.* 23 June. 16291 29 April, 1903 42 12 May. 16978 16 Sept , 1903 45 26 May. 16742 5 Aug., 1903.. 45 26 May. 17908 17288 17941 17942 14 May 25 Nov., 1903.. 21 May 21 May 45 49 49 26 May. 9 June.* 9 June.* 18090 17885 17383 16619 25 June 5 May 17 Dec, 1903 .. 8 July ,'•1903 .. 45 36 42 26 May.* 28 April. 12 May.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Coverdale, T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Latch-lock Cowley, J. T., Boston, U.S.A. (See Planters' Compress Company, No. 17766.) Cowper, F. H. W., Wellington, N.Z. Coat-suspender. (F. Broad).. Crook, W. R., Auckland, N.Z. Tire-cover .. Croxford, C, and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Shot-making machine .. Croxford, G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Shot-making machine .. Currie, A., Springhills, N.Z. Post-hole borer 17119 17825 17963 16303 16303 16916 19 Oct., 1903 .. 25 April 21 Hay 1 May, 1903 .. 1 May, 1903.. 4 Sept., 1903 54 42 54 49 49 54 23 June. 12 May.* 23 June.* 9 June. 9 June. 23 June. Dall, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Voting-register Daniel, A. J., and another, Petone, N.Z. Treating offal Davidson, D. P., Pahiatua, N.Z. Milk-weighing machine Davidson, J. B. R., and another, Yarragon, Vic. Wire winder and strainer Davies, J., Auckland, N.Z. Apparatus for putting down concrete beneath water Davis, F., Melbourne, Vic. (See N. Hill, No. 17635.) Davis, W., Te Aroha, N.Z. Table-cricket .. Day, S. H., Waverley, N.Z. Bucket-handle.. Day, S. H., Waverley, N.Z. Wool-skein holder Dean, T. M., and another, Purau, N.Z. Flooring-cramp De la Haye, P. J., New Plymouth, N.Z. Bicycle-stand.. De Lisle, De B., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Branding-composition Dennison, F. R., Oamaru, N.Z. Seed-separating machine Deutsch, I., Montreal, Canada. (See Electric and Train-lighting Syndicate, Limited, Nos. 17951, 17952, 17953.) Devereux, W. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Cow-cover Devine, P. J., Yarragon, Vic. Pig-trough .. Dewhirst, A. S., Horoeka, N.Z. Brooch-pin Dickason, J., Apollo Bay, Vic. Cycle-driving gear Divine, A., New Plymouth, N.Z. Advertising-exhibitor and news-paper-file Douglas, J. D., Auckland, N.Z. Dredging machinery .. Dovalosky, F., Invercargill, N.Z. Hairpin .. Dovalosky, F., Invercargill, N.Z. Hairpin .. Droutlege, H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising Duffy, C. J., Sydenham, N.Z. Billiard-table Dugan, E., S. Yarra, Vic. Power-transmitting mechanism. (F. J. Corbett) Duncan, Limited, P. and D., Christchurch, N.Z. Wagon. (J. Keir) Dunlop, M. P., and another, Malvern, Vic. Table-cricket Dunn, B. F., Auckland, N.Z. Scouring river-bottoms .. Dunn, D., Oamaru, N.Z. Wheel-jack Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutter bar and stop Dunstan, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Method of advertising.. Dutch, W. A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Milk-pasteuriser .. 18111 17797 17999 17877 18058 18024 17652 18060 17831 18108 17464 17815 18033 18095 16833 17758 17964 30 June 18 April 7 June 6 May 18 June 8 June 14 Mar. 21 June 25 April 28 June 18 Jan. 21 April 13 June 24 June 21 Aug., 1903.. 8 April 25 May 62 42 54 45 59 54 36 62 42 45 45 54 59 59 42 21 July.* 12 Mav.* 23 June.* 26 May.* 7 July.* 23 June.* 28 April.* 21 July.* 12 May.* 26 May. 26 May. 23 June.* 7 July.* 7 July. 12 May. 17879 17927 18105 17820 16690 17921 3 May 17 May 28 June 20 April 27 July, 1903 .. 19 May 45 49 - 59 26 May.* 9 June.* 7 July.* 45 49 26 May. 9 June.* 18042 17837 17900 18001 17967 16662 18109 17969 14 June 27 April 11 May 21 June 23 May 16 July, 1903 .. 29 June 30 May 54 42 45 49 54 23 June.* 12 May.* 26 May.* 9 June.* 23 June. 49 9 June.* Eckersley, A. J. L., Melbourne, Vic High-pressure reservoircontroller Eckersley, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fire-bridge for steamboiler Eddy, P., Mangere, N.Z. Hedge-clipper Eggleton, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Flower-pot.. Electric and Train-lighting Syndicate, Limited, Montreal, Canada. Dynamo. (I. Deutsch) Electric and Train-lighting Syndicate, Limited, Montreal, Canada. Electric-machine brush-holder. (I. Deutsch) Electric and Train-lighting Syndicate, Limited, Montreal, Canada. Voltage-controller (I. Deutsch) Elers, K. F., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 18015.) Elvines, F., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Non-siltable mat Ending, W., and another, St. Louis, U.S.A. Pulley driving-gear .. Evans, J. J., and another, Mititai, N.Z. Kauri-gum cleaner 17721 18051 17994 17858 17951 17952 31 Mar. 16 June 1 June 25 April 25 May 25 May 36 59 45 28 April. 7 July.* 26 May. 17953 25 May 17889 17949 17851 10 May 25 May 26 April 45 54 45 26 May.* 23 June. 26 May. Fahey, J., Balmain, N.S.W. Explosive compound Farley, W. J., and others, Perth, W.A. Reversible rotary-engine .. Faulkner, J. W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Life-saving attachment for tram car Faulkner, J. S., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Life-saving attachment for tram-car Faulkner, W. H., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Life-saving attachment for tram-car Featon, E. H., Gisborne, N.Z. Torpedo-boat armour .. Fenwick, F., and another, East Oxford, N.Z. Wire-coiler Fenwick, R., and another, East Oxford, N.Z. Wire-coiler Field, E., London, Eng. (See The New Century Engine (Foreign Patents) Company, Limited, No. 17769.) Klamboy, La. (See under L.) Flood, E. T , Wellington, N.Z. Fire-kindler Foley, M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising .. Ford, A. W., Tallangatta, Vic. Table-football Forsberg, E. A., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. Link-blade liner Fowler, G. H., Aylesbury, N.Z. Bird-trap .. Fowler, J. W., Whangarei Heads, N.Z. Electric sock Fox, G, and another, London, Eng. Manufacture of bricks Fox, J. C, London, Eng. (See The Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, Nos. 17776, 17777.) Fraser, W. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Life-guard for trams, &o. 17954 18078 17929 17929 17929 18055 16830 16830 25 May 23 June 16 May 16 May 16 May 17 June 21 Aug. 21 Aug., 1903.. 49 62 49 49 49 59 45 45 9 June.* 21 July. 9 June.* 9 June.* 9 June.* 7 July.* 26 May. 26 May. 17987 17820 18035 17843 17816 18017 17270 1 June 20 April 15 June 27 April 21 April 9 June 19 Nov., 1903.. 54 54 45 42 54 36 23 June.* 23 June.* 26 May. 12 May.* 23 June.* 28 April. 17759 8 April 36 28 April.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


■Pl'i lical iion. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Frasier, W., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Maohinery Company, No. 17835.) Frengley, J. P., Auckland, N.Z. Sewage-distributor Frengley, J. P., Auckland, N.Z. Treatment of sewage Fry, H. A., Riwaka, N,Z. Teaching young calves to drink Fussell, J., and others, Doyleston, N.Z. Elevator-belt tensionregulator 17782 18081 17865 17806 14 April 24 June 18 May 19 April 36 28 April.* 59 : 7 July.* 45 i 26 May.* 42 ' 12 May.* Gallagher, J., Auckland, N.Z. Temperature - indicator and firealarm Gardiner, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Piano-attachment.. Garland, T., Wellington, N.Z. Boot-and-shoe display - bracket (H. L. Mence) Gare, T., New Brighton, Eng. Wheel for vehicle-pulley Gavin, P., Matahiia Station, N.Z. Window-fastener .. Gentles, H. J., Auckland, N.Z. Wash-up mop Georgetti, A., Wanganui, N.Z. Fencing-dropper Gillies, A. W., Georgetown, N.Z. Shifting spanner Gillow, E., Westport, N.Z. Drawing-board, easel, and T-square .. Gilruth, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Production of lactic fermentation Goddu, G., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17922.) Gordon, F. E. A., Bluff, N.Z. (See E. D. Richards, No. 17893.) Gordon, W., and another, Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17841.) Gough, F., German Creek, N.Z. Milk-strainer Grace, G. A., Ballarat East, Vic Obtaining address-slips Grainger, A., Taihape, N.Z. Destroying noxious weeds Grave, W. G., Oamaru, N.Z. Securing animal-cover .. Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed-sower Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed-sower Gray, W., Whakapara, N.Z. Monkey-wrench Greatrex and Son, C, Walsall, Eng. (See A. Little, No. 17812.) Green, W., Tarn worth, N.S.W. Drawing-board Greig, W. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Paper bag. (J. Laird and Sons) Grimmer, G., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-arrester Grondal, G., Djursholm, Sweden. Cement-burning furnace Grosvenor, C., Auckland, N.Z. Making paper fireproof Grundy, A. 0., Onehunga, N.Z. Thimble .. Gruss, W. J., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Vaginal syringe Guerrieri. (See Battaglia-Guerrieri.) Gunthorp, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Inhaling anaesthetics Guthridge (Limited), N., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-concentrator. (W. L. and F. S. Card) Guthridge (Limited), N., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-concentrator. (W. L. and F. S. Card) Guthridge (Limited), N., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-concentrator. (W. L. and F. S. Card) 17996 4 June 17870 17976 4 May 31 May 49 9 June.* 17989 16545 16859 17772 18083 16969 17940 1 June 2 June, 1903.. 26 Aug., 1903.. 13 April 24 June 12 Sept.,1903.. 23 May 59 7 July. 42 j 12 May. 54 ! 23 June. 36 28 April.* 59 7 July.* 54 23 June. 49 9 June.* 16820 17811 17901 18101 16528 17968 18094 19 Aug., 1903.. 21 April 11 May 30 June 19 June, 1903.. 30 May 28 June 45 42 45 45 26 May. 42 12 May.* 45 26 May.* 49 54 49 9 June. 54 23 June. 17808 17913 21 April 17 May 42 42 12 May. 18089 17842 18014 17804 17781 27 June 27 April 6 June 19 April 14 April 59 45 54 42 42 59 7 July.* 45 26 May. 54 23 June.* 42 12 May.* 42 12 May. 16508 17899 15 June, 1903.. 11 May 36 45 36 i 28 April. 45 26 May. • 17897 11 May 49 19 9 June. 17898 11 May 49 49 i 9 June. Hadaway, J. B., Brockton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machiney Company, No. 17840.) Haigh, T. G., and another, Linwood, N.Z. Laundry iron-stand Hale, W., Melbourne, Vic. Go-cart Hall Signal Company, New York, U.S.A. Signal-apparatus. (0. W. Coleman) Hall, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Non-siltable mat Hammerich, F. C. H., Onehunga, N.Z. Actuating roundabout Hancox, W. G., Petone, N.Z. Tin-handle .. Hannay, J. B., Loch Long, N.B. Anti-fouling composition for ships Harding and Billing, Auckland, N.Z. (See H. T. Harding and A. F. Billing, No. 17829.) Harding, H. T., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising puzzle .. Harding, J. M., Auckland, N.Z. Water-tube furnace .. Hardley, J. W., and another, Hamilton, N.Z. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 17978.) Hardley, S., and another, Hamilton, N.Z. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 17978.) Hardy, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Grate Hardy, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash mover lock and alarm Hardy, A. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-mover and lock .. Hare, P. R., and another, Bromley, Eng. Fermentation of liquids Harkins, T., Auckland, N.Z. Tin bottom and top fixer Harrington, N. T., Detroit, U.S.A. (See Old's Motor Works, No. 18023.) Harris, J., and another, Purau, N.Z. Flooring-cramp .. Harris, J. T., Invercargill, N.Z. Boot-lace fastening Harrison, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Jig-saw machine Harrison, J. H., and another, North Melbourne, Vie. Hand-shears Harrison, P., Terang, Vic. Horse-rug fastening Harvey, R. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Preserving timber .. Haxton, W. A., Carterton, N.Z. Milk-cooler Hay, J. B., and another, Petone, N.Z. Treating offal .. Hay, J. K., Palmerston North, N.Z. Clothes-horse Haye, de la. (See under D.) Hill, N., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-mattress holder. (F. Davis) 18003 17719 17917 17889 17765 16374 18036 17829 17700 7 June 31 Mar. 18 May 10 May 12 April 19 May, 1903 .. 15 June 25 April 23 Mar. 12 April 12 April 12 April 14 April 26 April 54 23 June.* 36 28 April. 54 23 June. 45 26 May.* 36 28 April.* 36 28 April. 42 12 May. 36 28 April.* 36 28 April.* 36 28 April.* 36 28 April.* 54 86 54 45 86 36 42 36 17784 17785 17786 17795 17850 36 36 36 45 26 May. 45 17831 17914 17939 17894 17750 17678 16581 17797 18040 25 April 12 May 21 May 11 May 6 April 18 Mar. 3 July, 1903 .. 18 April 15 June 42 45 49 15 31 49 36 42 42 12 May.* 45 26 May.* 49 9 June.* 45 26 May.* 31 14 April.* 49 9 June.* 36 28 April. 42 ' 12 May.* 17635 5 Mar. 36 36 i 28 April.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Hinohey, W., Waiau, N.Z. Hair-curler Hodge, J. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Fire-extinguisher Hogan, M., Wanganui, N.Z. Bicycle-stand.. Holford, G., Auckland, N.Z. Trouser-stretcher Hooke, C, Wellington, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher Hooper, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Easel attachment to desk Horrocks, L. B., Wellington, N.Z. Window-sustainer .. Hoverd, H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Stay for keeping trunklid open Hoverd, H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-cover .. Howard, J., Chatswood, N.S.W. Machine-shears Howcroft, J., Moonee Ponds, Vic. Machine milking-applianee Hubbard, C. R., Waipori, N.Z. Gold-saving matting .. Hudson, P. R., Sydney, N.S.W. Construction of walls. (A. Bruckner) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Turbine. (G. Westinghouse) .. Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Cooling-apparatus. (M. Leblanc) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Friction gearing. (Nurnberger Motor-Fahrzenge Fabrik " Union " G.m.b.H. —L. Maurer) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Friction gearing. (Nurnberger Motor-Fahrzenge Fabrik " Union" G.m.b.H. —L. Maurer) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical distribution. (The British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited—P. M. Lincoln) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for varying voltage of alternating currents. (The British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited—H. R. Stuart) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical distribution. (The British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited —J. S. Peck) Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Securing cover of night-soil pan. (J. W. and S. Hardley) Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Combustion-engine igniter. (C. Regenbogen and E. Ruud) Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Electric-generator current-col-lector. (K. F. Elers) Huteheson, J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Releasing snatchblock Hutchinson, F. J. S., Charters Towers, Q. Cleansing fluid Hygienic Soap Granulator Company, Limited, The London, England. Soap-mould. (R. W. Cavenaugh) 18080 17807 17791 16704 17587 17943 17774 17780 17933 17836 17863 17854 17881 17778 17844 16719 16720 17599 23 June 20 April 15 April 29 July, 1903 .. 8 April 23 May 13 April 11 April 17 May 27 April 2 May 25 April 7 May 14 April 27 April 31 July, 1903 .. 31 July, 1903 .. 59 45 45 36 54 42 36 49 45 45 42 45 42 45 49 49 7 July.* 26 May. 26 May. 28 April.* 23 June. 12 May.* 28 April.* 9 June.* 26 May. 26 Mav.* 12 May.* 26 May.* 12 Mav. 26 May. 9 June. 9 June. 2 Mar. 49 9 June. 17872 4 May 49 9 June. 17619 5 Mar. 54 23 Jure. 17978 31 May 49 9 June.* 18041 15 June 62 21 July. 18015 9 June 59 7 July. 17904 12 May 17728 17528 5 April 9 Feb. 49 49 9 June. 9 June. Imbert, A. H., Grand-Montrouge, France. Extracting zinc and lead Irving, R., and another, Carlton, Vic. Acetylene-generator 18112 18075 30 June 23 June 59 7 July'.'* Jack, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Combined ball-cock and stop-valve Jackson, A. G., Brisbane, Q. Balance window-sash Jaehn, C. F., and another, St. Louis, U.S.A. Pulley-driving gear Jagusch, F. 0. R., Auckland, N.Z. Carpet-beater James, H. G., Dulwich, Eng. Lamp-wick .. James, R., Ashhurst, N.Z. Cooking-appliance Jamison, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-adjuster .. Jamison, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Lift-door and life-saving apparatus .. Jamison, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Reading desk and table Jenkins, C. V., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Producing optical effects Jerger, H., and another, Burnie, Tas. Feeding-funnel .. Johanson, E., and another, Kumara, N.Z. Vehicle-bearing Johanson, C, and another, Kumara, N.Z. Vehicle-bearing Johns, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Nightsoil and refuse pan .. Johnson, G., and another, Bromley, Eng. Fermentation of liquids Johnson, J. T., and another, Battery Point, Tas. Export-package.. Johnson, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Building-cornice Jones, H., Ascot Vale, Vic Ore-crusher Jones, G. S., Oamaru, N.Z. Envelope Joyce, A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Feeding-funnel 17834 27 April 42 12 May.* 18062 17949 17803 18037 16755 17859 17880 17930 17745 17873 17925 17925 18086 17795 17887 17861 16797 17847 17873 16 June 25 May 15 April 15 June 6 Aug., 1903.. 26 April 3 May 16 May 7 April 2 May 19 May 19 May 23 June 4 May, 1903f 9 May 30 April 14 Aug., 1903.. 26 April 2 May 54 42 54 49 45 49 54 31 49 49 59 23 June. 12 May. 23 June.* 9 June. 26 May. 9 June. 23 June. 14 April.* 9 June. 9 June. 7 July.* 49 45 49 9 June.* 26 May.* 9 June. Kahlenberg, P., Dunedin, N.Z. Umbrella-tip retainer Keir, J., Sydenham, N.Z. (See P. and D. Duncan, Limited, No. 18042.) Keith, J. S., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Releasing snatch-block Kelly, J. D , Wellington, N.Z. (See M. A. E. Kelly, No. 17747.) Kelly, M. A. E., Wellington, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe cleaning-apparatus. (J. D. Kelly) . Kendrick, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Hand-truck .. Kennedy, C, Hobart, Tas. Box .. Keogh, W. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Urn Kidd, C. C, and another, Spring Hills, N.Z. Ditch-plough Kilckmann, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Gambrel Kilkelly, P., and another, Grove Bush, N.Z. Ditch-plough Kilkelly, T., and another, Grove Bush, N.Z. Belt-fastener Kilkelly, M. J., and another, Grove Bush, N.Z. Belt fastener King, J., Ashhurst, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle King, J., and another, Ashhurst, N.Z. Washer King, J. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Massage apparatus. (J. C. Oakman— L. Synder) 16605 17904 17747 17821 17823 18013 16813 17796 16813 16810 16810 17833 17884 17895 6 July, 1903 .. 12 May 8 April 21 April 25 April 4 June 14 Aug., 1903.. 18 April 14 Aug., 1903.. 14 Aug., 1903.. 14 Aug., 1903.. 27 April 7 May 11 May 42 36 42 42 54 49 45 49 59 59 42 49 49 12 May. 28 April.* 12 May.* 12 May.* 23 June.* 9 June. 26 May.* 9 June. 7 July. 7 July. 12 May.* 9 June.* 9 June.


Alphabetical List or Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


.ppl ical ;ion. faze i >e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Dati La Flamboy, H. C, Detroit, U.S.A. 'Match-making machine Laird and Sons, J., Glasgow, Scotland. (See E. G. F. Zohrab and W. C. Greig, No. 17913.) Lajoie, J. P., Paris, France. Motor Lamp Manufacturing Company, Limited, The London, Eng. Lantern. (W. H. I. Welch) Langevad, V. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Book-holder Lappan, A., Annandale, N.S.W. Riding-saddle Larke, J. S., Sydney, N.S.W. Book-holder Lattey, H. F., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Bracket Laugher, H. M., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Enabling cars to travel over lines of varying gauges. (R. Massey) Lawrence, W. H., Glasgow, Scotland. (See B. Body comb, No. 16676.) Lawrence, F., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Acetylene-generator .. Leblanc, M., Paris, France. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17844.) Lightband, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Tire-cover Lincoln, P. M., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17599.) Lindsay, A. J., Hobsonville, N.Z. Flanging pipes Lindsay, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Dust, eic, excluder for door Linke, J. F., and another, Yellangip, Vic. Disc-plough Lisle. (See de Lisle.) Little, A., Wellington, N.Z. Saddle. (G. Greatrex and Son, Limited) Ljungstrom, B., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. Link-blade liner Lloyd, J., Westport, N.Z. (See J. H. Cobb, No. 16291.) Lobnitz, F., Renfrew, Scotland. Dredger Lowthen, W. H., and another, Noble Estate, Q. Totalisator Lowthen, W. H., and another, Noble Estate, Q. Totalisator Lund, J. G. F., Christiania, Norway. Flooring Luttrell, E. V., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Branding-composition 17770 17516 17928 18104 16866 17918 16564 18056 18075 17548 13 April 2 Feb. 17 May 27 June 27 Aug., 1903.. 12 May 26 June, 1903 17 June 23 June 17 Feb. 45 45 49 59 49 49 36 62 59 45 26 May. 26 May. 9 June. 7 July.* 9 June. 9 June. 28 April. 21 July. 7 July.* 26 May. 18057 16651 17717 18 June 17 July, 1903 .. 31 Mar. 59 59 42 7 July.* 7 July. 12 May. 17812 17843 21 April 27 April 42 45 12 May.* 26 May. 17802 17974 17975 17741 17464 16 April 31 May 31 May 6 April 18 Jan. 45 49 26 May. 9 June.* 42 45 12 May. 26 May. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Engine-tractor and chaff cutter and bagger Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Tractor and chaff cutter and bagger combined Mackay, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Flax treating Maekie, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. (See G. R. Ogle, No. 16562.) Madden, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Stay for keeping trunklid open Mainland, H. L., Burkes, N.Z. Gold-dredging appliance Manning, E. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Method of advertising Manson, H. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Tramway-door Mapp, T. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Treating forage Mapp, T. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Hydraulic-press Marks, L., New Plymouth, N.Z. Trouser stiffentr Marsh, R. F., East Maitland, N.S.W. Washing-machine Martin, W. E., Stamford Baron, Eng. Hay-turner Massey, R., Sydney, N.S.W. (See A. R. Angus and H. M. Laugher, No. 18056.) Masters, A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Preparation for destroying white-pine grub Maurer, L., Nuremberg, Germany. (See W. E. Hughes, Nos. 16719, 16720.) May, E. G., St. Auburns, N.Z. Door-holder May, T. W., Auckland, N.Z. Flush-tap May, T. W., Auckland, N.Z. Flusher Mayo, B. F., Salem, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17839.) McCallum, A. C., and another, Perth, W.A. Expansible road-wheel McClean Arms and Ordnance Company, Cleveland, U.S.A. Counteracting recoil in gun. (S. N. McClean) McClean, S. N., Cleveland, U.S.A. (See McClean Arms and Ordnance Company, No. 17801.) McClure, H., Drummond, Vic. Culinary utensil McCombs, J., Christohurch, N.Z. Fountain-pen McDonald, A. M., Wellington, N.Z. Prevention of stopping in tobacco-pipe McDonald, R. J., Devonport, N.Z. Manufacturing of boots and . shoes McDonald, T., Lumsden, N.Z. Revolving skim-coulter.. McDougall, F., Wellington, N.Z. Potato-harvester .. .. MoFeely, R. F., Beverly, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 16817.) McGillivray, B., jun., Oamaru, N.Z. Fencing-standard .. j Mcllwrick, W. M., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Hand-shears McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-woven mattress .. MoKinna, K. S., Collingwood, N.Z. Hat-pin retainer .. MoLeod, A., Wellington, N.Z. Diving-dress.. .. .. McLeod, M. E., Sale, Vic. Dress-chart McMiken, S. D., and another, Komata, N.Z. Material-circulator.. McMullen, G., Perth, W.A. Collapsible shutter McMurrich, D., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-bar.. McPharlin, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Gum-catching apparatus McPharlin, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Kauri-gum bag .. .. McQueen, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Shot-making machine .. Meek, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Vehicle safety-appliance Meinung, H. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Tidal-water power-generator 18073 17 June 59 7 July.* 17762 6 April 42 12 May.* 17906 11 May 45 26 May.* | 17780 11 April 36 28 April.* 17998 18109 16611 17734 17735 17763 17988 17866 2 June 29 June 10 July, 1903 .. 5 April 5 April 11 April 1 June 8 June, 1903f 59 7 July. 49 36 42 42 9 June. 28 April. 12 May. 12 May. 49 9 June. 18001 7 June 59 7 July. 17979 16600 17944 31 May 8 July, 1903.. 19 May 62 45 49 21 July. 26 May. 9 June.* 17603 17801 l 2 Mar. 19 April 54 45 23 June. 26 May. 17737 18004 18088 6 April 6 June 27 June 42 54 59 12 May. 23 June.* 7 July.* : 18082 24 June 59 7 July.* 17936 17742 18 May 6 April 49 31 9 June.* 14 April.* 18005 17894 17931 17876 17910 16183 I 17982 17832 : 17853 16879 17059 16303 17755 17814 2 June 11 May 17 May 6 May 16 May 4 April, 1903 25 May 27 April 29 April 28 Aug., 1903.. 3 Oct., 1903 .. 1 May, 1903 .. 7 April 21 April 59 45 49 45 45 59 54 42 45 36 36 49 36 54 7 July.* 26 May.* 9 June.* 26 May.* 26 May.* 7 July. 23 June.* 12 May. 26 May. 28 April. 28 April. 9 June. 28 April.* 23 June.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No Date. No. i Date. Melton, B. W. M., Waimate, N.Z. Supporting catamenial sac Mence, H. L., Wellington, N.Z. (See T. Garland, No. 17976.) Merkt, L. A., London, Eng. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 17947.) Merrett, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Cylinder-dryer Merrett, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Door-hinge Mills, C. B., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 18016.) Mintrom, S., Woolston, N.Z. Dried-fruit cleaner Mitchell, H. E., Maungatua, N.Z. Mattress Mole, A., Fordsburg, Transvaal. Window-sash hanger .. Montgomery, H. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Preparation for destroying grubs Moore, G., New York, U.S.A. Filter Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. Muffle. (J. C. Fox) Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. Cupel. (J. C. Fox) Morgan, J., Oamaru, N.Z. Attaching traces to whipple-trees Morgan, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Book-holder Morris, A., Clinton, N.Z. Waterproof dubbin Morris, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Fixing advertisement on shelf Morris, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Rainproof coat Morrison, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Insole Morrison, H. B., Singleton, N.S.W. Boot-heel Moss, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Coin-freed-operated machine Moss, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Coin-freed franking or stamping machine Mylin, A. H., and another, Lancaster, U.S.A. (See White-Mylin Furnace Company, No. 17800.) 17775 17638 18052 17827 17937 17715 18001 18099 17776 17777 12 April 9 Mar. 16 June 25 April 18 Mav 31 Mar. 7 June 30 June 14 April 14 April 36 36 62 42 54 59 62 42 42 28 April.* 28 April. 21 July. 12 May.* 23 June. 7 July. 21 July. 12 May. 12 May. 18067 18085 17830 17787 17788 17878 18074 17862 18070 21 June 22 June 25 April 12 April 12 April 30 April 23 June 29 April 20 June 59 59 45 36 36 45 62 42 59 7 July.* 7 July.* 26 May.* 28 April.* 28 April.* 26 May.* 21 July.* 12 May.* 7 July.* Nash, T. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing guttering of candles .. Nelken, L., Melbourne, Vic. Heel-pad New Century Engine (Foreign Patents) Company, Limited, The London, Eng. Engine-generator. (E. Field) Newman, G. F., Peel Forest, N.Z. Harness-traces Nicholson, S., and another, Gore, N.Z. Tire .. Nicholson, S, Gore, N.Z. Spark-arrester and smoke-consumer Nikander, M., Christchurch, N.Z. Appliances for use by young children Noack, M. S., and another, Hopevale, Vic. Disc-plough Nolan, W. P., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Ticket-dater Normanby, A. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Ladies'protector North, T. M., Altrincham, Eng. Printing-machine Nurnberger Motor Fahrzenge-Fabrik " Union," G.M.b.H., Nuremberg, Germany. (See W. E. Hughes, Nos. 16719 and 16720) 17826 17869 17769 25 April 29 April 13 April 42 49 45 12 May.* 9 June. 26 May. 18002 17909 18012 18087 7 June 16 May 8 June 24 June ' '45 54 26 May.* 23 June.* 17717 16212 17934 17845 31 Mar. 6 April, 1903 18 May 15 May, 1903f 42 45 49 62 12 May. 26 May. 9 June.* 21 July. Oakman, J. C, New York, U.S.A. (See J. H. King, No. 17895.) Ogle, G. R., Auckland, N.Z. Draught and dust excluder. (J. H. Mackie) Olden, 0. L., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Extraction of gold Olds Motor Works, Detroit, U.S.A. Motor-vehicle. (N. T. Harrington) Orwin, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Combined ball-cock and stop-valve Osborn, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Window-sash lift .. Otto, C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Box.. Otton. (See Churchill-Otton.) 25 June, 1903 28 April. 16562 36 17810 18023 21 April 8 June 62 21 July. 17834 27 April 42 12 May.* 17883 16307 6 May 2 May, 1903 49 36 9 June.* 28 April. Page, F. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Shackle Paley, W. V., and another, Charters Towers, Q. Egg-beater Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. (See R. Wales, No. 17983.) Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Window-lock.. Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Draught and dust excluder for window-sash Parry, H. E., and others, Perth, W.A. Reversible rotary engine .. Parsons, C. A., and another, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Dynamo electric machine Paterson, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Vote-recorder Paterson, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Toasting-rack .. Paterson, J., and another, Thames, N.Z. Nightsoil and refuse pan Paterson, J., and another, Thames, N.Z. Socket-pipes Paterson, R., Balclutha, N.Z. Actuating lever-wheel of plough Patterson, H. H., and another, Junee, N.S.W. Rabbit-poisoning compound Pearce, L., Fremantle, W.A. Sash-fastener.. Pearson, J., Stafford, N.Z. Pruning-knife .. Peck, J. S., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17619.) Peddie, J. T., London, Eng. Sights and fittings for small-arms Penrose, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Window-sash lift .. Peters, G. A., Toronto, Canada. Target Petersen, O., Christchurch, N.Z. Sandal Peterson, C, Dublin, Ireland. Tobacco-pipe mouth piece Petrie, J., Timaru, N.Z. Balancing window-sash Pettitt, J., Goelong, Vic. Fence-dropper Philip, A. V., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Tire-cover Philp, H. E., and another, Riverton, N.Z. Curd-rack 18021 17720 10 June 31 March 54 36 23 June.* 28 April. 17955 17956 25 May 25 May 49 49 9 June.* 9 June.* 18078 17946 23 June 25 May 62 54 21 July. 23 June. 17915 17856 18086 18090 16580 17779 14 May 27 April 23 June 25 June 3 July, 1903 14 April 45 42 59 62 36 42 26 May.* 12 May.* 7 July.* 21 July.* 28 April. 12 May. 17990 18034 1 June 14 June 59 62 7 July. 21 July.* 17919 17883 18006 17304 17838 18092 18011 17933 17984 18 May 6 May 4 June 26 Nov., 1903.. 27 April 28 June 9 June 17 May 28 Mav 49 49 59 49 9 June. 9 June.* 7 July. 9 June. 59 54 49 54 7 July.* 23 June.* 9 June.* 23 June.*

H. -10

Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

5—H. 10.-05


.ppl ical lion. loiei !«. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. I No. Date. Pincott, C. F. R., and another, Melbourne, Vio. Cycle driving-gear Planters' Compress Company, Boston, U.S.A. Baling-press. (J. T. Cowley) Pluck, G., Rakaia, New Zealand. Cow-leg holder Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Menstruation appliance Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Projectile Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Pomerov, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Treating flax Powell, G., Wanganui, N.Z. Fencing-dropper Power and Mining Machinerv Company, New York, U.S.A. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 17961.) Poynter, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Paper-fastener Prichard, W. A., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Slimes pressure-filter 17966 17766 26 May 13 April 49 45 9 June.* 26 May. 17920 17855 18025 18026 18110 17764 17 May 26 April I.June 1 June 2)June 11 April 45 42 54 54 02 42 26 May.* 12 May.* 23 June.* 23 June.* 21 July., ]12 May. 16494 18044 15 June, 1903 15 June 49 62 (■: I '?, V9 June. *21 July. <watoi 23 April.' Rask, C, and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Travelling-race Ray, F., East Orange, U.S.A. (See Henry R. Worthington, Nos. 17739 and 17740.) Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Making producer and water gas. (Power and Mining Machinery Company) Read, H. L., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Purification of slimes .. Read, H. L., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Separating gold, <fec, from cyanide precipitates Regenbogen, C, and another, Manchester, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 18041.) Reid, A. B., and another, Eddington, N.Z. Chaff-cutter Reid, E. D., Wanganui, N.Z. (See the Wanganui Brush Factory Company, Limited, No. 17924.) Reid, R. S., Timaru, N.Z. Race-starter Reid, S., and another, Eddington, N.Z. Chaff-cutter .. Richards, E. D., Palmerston North, N.Z. Hammock. (F. E. A. Gordon) Richardson, E., Hawthorn, Vic Exhaust-valve. Robertson, D. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Totalisator Robertson, E. L., Wellington, N.Z. Egg-carrier Rodgers, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Ladies'protector Roebuck, W. J., Oamaru, N.Z. Animal-food steaming-apparatus .. Rooney, J. W., Caversham, N.Z. Electric-car trolley-pole Rose, J., Wellington, N.Z. Liberating pigeons Rosengarten, S., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Hydraulic ram A. J., Kihikihi, N.Z. Securing iron roofing Ross, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Register-grate flue Ross, N., Berwick, N.Z. Californian pump .. Ross, P. B , New Plymouth, N.Z. Spring stirrup-iron.. Ross, T. J., Auckland, N.Z. Ship's raft Rouse, T., and another, London, Eng. Converting ironsand into briquettes Rusher, C. J., and another, Capetown, Cape Colony. Explosive .. Ruud, E., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 18041.) 17731 30 Mar. 36 17961 23 May 18076 18077 23 June 23 June 59 59 7 July.* 7 July.* 17864 2 May 45 26 May.* 17773 17864 17893 13 April 2 May 11 May '45 45 26 May.* 26 May.* 17958 17882 17991 18068 18071 17818 17959 18009 16614 16587 18027 17938 18079 16978 26 May 7 May 2 June 18 June 22 June 20 April 26 May 8 June 10 July, 1903 .. 1 July, 1903 .. 9 June 21 May 23 June 16 Sept., 1903.. 49 45 54 69 59 42 49 59 45 36 54 49 59 45 9 June.* 26 May.* 23 June.* 7 July.* 7 July.* 12 May.* 9 June.* 7 July. 26 May. 28 April. 23 June.* 9 June.* 7 July.* 26 May. 17828 25 April 42 12 May. Salinger, J., Auckland, N.Z. Elevator-alarm Sanderson, J., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Drawing-table and easel Basse, W., Cardrona, N.Z. Water-conveyor.. Sauvage, W. H., Manhattan, U.S.A. (See W. J. Spruson, No. 17846.) Schmitt, E. D., Baltimore, U.S.A. (See L. B. Schram, No. 17706.) Schram, L. B., New York, U.S.A. Bottle-sealing device. (E. D. Schmitt) Schwanhausser, W., Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See Henry R. Worthington, No. 17738.) Scorrar, J., Wellington, N.Z. Belt-fastener.. Scott, G. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Railway-signalling apparatus Scott, G. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Venetian blind Scott, S., Wellington, N.Z. Cake-mould Seavi 1, W., Waingaro, N.Z. Castor Sei'ert, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Water-scutching attachment Selwood, H., Kingston, N.Z. Book holder and marker.. Siegfrie I, R., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 18016.) Simmonds, W. P., Flixmore, N.Z. Instrument to familiarise sight and sound in music Simmons, C, Paignton, Eng. Rock-drill lifter Skeates, T. S., Devonport, N.Z. Leather tire-cover Slattery, M., Oamnru, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Small, C. C, Newton Highlands, U.S.A. Top-lifts for boots and shoes Smith, C. E. E., Auckland, N.Z. Flax washer and scraper Smith, C. S., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Box Smith, E. S., Timaru, N.Z. Mechanical stirrer .? Smith, H. T, Sydney, N.S.W. Liquid-carboniser Smith, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Tailors'measuring-apparatus Snedden, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Combined plough and harrow Societe des Produiis Chem ques et d'Explosifs, Berges, Corb'n, et Cie, Grenoble, France. Manufacture of explosives. (E. A. G. Street) 17749 17911 8 April 14 May 42 12 May. 17902 9 May 49 9 June. 17706 29 Mar. 36 28 April. 17748 17891 18103 17977 16736 17819 17892 8 April 6 May 28 June 31 May 31 July, 1903.. 20 April 7 May 45 45 59 54 49 42 45 26 May. 26 May.* 7 July.* 23 June. 9 June. 12 May.* 26 May.* 17509 3 Feb. 42 12 May.* 17521 18059 17753 18100 18 Mar., 1903 f 13 June 7 April 24 Oct., 1903 f 45 59 26 May. 7 July.* 17973 16307 16807 18045 17805 17935 17752 27 May 2 May, 1903 .. 18 Aug., 1903.. 16 June 19 April 20 May 6 April 49 36 54 62 42 49 42 9 June.* 28 April. 23 June. 21 July. 12 May.* 9 June.* 12 May.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Somerville, W. G.. and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Bracket Sop r, T.-W, Tit r a, N.Z. Seed sower and rideer Spencer, W. E., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Drawing table and easel Spruson, W. J., S-dney, N.S.W. Air-brake. (W. H. Sauvage) .-. Staines, F., Melbourne, Vic. D imest'o tray.. Stark, H. S.. Johannesburg, Transvaal. Extraction of gold Steve, son, G. S., Gore, N.Z. Water-wheel.. Stevenson, G S., Wendon, N.Z. Draw-bar attachment Stevei son, J. It., and another, Junee, N S.W. Rabbit - poisoning compound Ste*e son, W., Auckland, N.Z. Dining and billiard table Stewart. R. L., Auckland, N.Z. Pen nib attachment .. Stewart, H. G., Silverhope, N Z. Boot-cleaner Stidolph, S., Welhngton, N.Z. Foldable cot Stokes, JHn., W., Christchurch, N.Z. Petrol-carburetter Stoi ev, G. G., and another, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Dynami electric machine Strange, W., and another, Chri-tehurch, N.Z. Latch-lnck Strange and Co., W. (S- e W. Strange and T. Coverd de, No. 17119.) Street, E. A. G., Paris, France. (See Socie edes ProduitsChemiques et ri'Exnlosifs, Beiges. Corb n. et Cie, No 17752.) S'uart, H. R., Wilkiusbnrg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17872.) Stuait, J., Lnndon, Eng. Releasing and lowering ship's boats Suttnn, W. A. P., Gisborne, N.Z. Weed-era iicator Svenson, A., Morrison's B sh, N Z. Gun-barrel cleaner Svenson, A., Morris n's B sh, N.Z. Game.. Sweetser, G , Upper Norwood, Eng. Electric lamp and switch Symington, S , Chri-t'hurch, N.Z. Electric-car trolley-wheel Synder, L., Ro;helle Park, U.S.A. (See J. H. King, No. 17895.) 16564 18093 17911 17846 18010 17905 17993 10458 17779 17874 17813 17980 17754 17960 17946 26 June, 1903.. 28 June 14 May 27 April 9 June 9 May 31 May 9 June, 1903.. 14 April 2 May 21 April 31 May 9 April 26 May 25 May 36 59 59 49 54 36 42 45 42 62 36 49 54 28 April. 7 July.* 7 July. 9 June. 23 June.* 28 April. 12 May. 26 May.* 12 May.* 21 July. 28 April.* 9 June.* 23 June. 17119 19 Oct., 1903 .. 54 23 June. 17890 17995 18031 18000 17002 17907 10 May 1 June 13 June 7 June 16 Mar. 14 May 49 54 54 59 54 49 9 June. 23 June.* 23 June.* 7 July. 23 June. 9 Juue. Tait, A. L. J., Richmond. Vic. Fibre-dressing machinerv Talbot-Tubbs, H. A. Auckla-d, N.Z. (See F. H Temp'ar, No. 18032.) T >ndy, C , and another, Wellington, N.Z. Building-cornice Tarrant, W., Estcourt, Naral. Horseshoe .. Taylor, J. H. R , and another, Riv, rtnn. N.Z. Curd raok Te Aarutaua, Hawera, N.Z. H rse-controller Tee, H., Liverpool, Eng. Manufacture of salt Tehan, M. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. M-itor reaper-and-binder Templar, F. H., Devonport, N.Z. Treatment of felt. (H. A. Talbot-Tubbs) Thompson, A., Dunedin. N.Z. Animal cover Thomson, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel tire Th mson, R., and another, Ngahauranga, N.Z. Gambrel Thorns n, R. W., and others, Perth, W.A. Reversible rotary-engine Todd, R. W., Waikiwi, N.Z. Manufacture of concrete pipes Toft, J. M., Drury, N.Z. Horse-collar Topham, L. E., and another, Somerville, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17841.) Trainor, W., and another, Kensington, Vic. Cycle driving gear Tregear, E., Wellington, N.Z. Motor Tubbs. (See under ThIdo -Tubbs.) Turnbull, J., and another, Gore, N.Z Tire .. Turner, H. J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Driving-belt Turner, H. J., and another, Wanganui. N.Z. Belting .. Turner and Co., Wang nui, N.Z. (See H. J. Turner and W. E. Campbell, No. 17789.) 17683 22 Mar. 36 28 April. 17861 17888 17984 17970 18050 17848 30 April 7 May 28 May 30 May 16 June 27 April 45 49 - 54 49 62 26 May.* 9 June. 23 June.* 9 June.* 21 July. 18032 11 June 59 7 July.* 16889 17700 17796 18078 17868 18091 27 Aug., 1903.. 6 April 18 Auril 23 June 3 May 28 June 54 36 45 62 49 23 June. 28 April.* 26 May.* 21 July. 9 June. 17966 18020 26 May 10 June 49 54 9 June.* 23 June.* 17909 18019 17789 16 May 10 June 13 April 45 54 26 May.* 23 June.* Unitel Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sole-press : ng machine. (W. Fr>sier) United Shoe Mi chinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sole-pressing machine. (B. F. Mayo) United Shoe Machinery Company, P.iterson, U.S.A. Skivingmaehine (J. B. Hadaway) Uniied Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S A. Stampingmachine. (W. Gordon and L. E. Topham) Unite i Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Protectorinserting machine. (G. Goddu) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Skivingmachine. (F. L. Alley) Unted Shoe Machinerv Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Pulling-over machine. iR. F. McFeely) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Wax-pot heater. (F. L. AHey) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Pulling-over machine. (A. Bates) Upham, A. B., Boston, U.S.A. Electric-traction current-collector.. 17835 27 April 42 12 May.* 17839 27 April 42 12 May.* 17840 27 April 42 12 May.* 17841 27 April 42 12 May.* 17922 19 May 49 9 June.* 17923 19 May 49 9 June.* 16817 10 Aug., 1903.. 54 23 June. 18039 15 June 62 21 July. 18018 9 June 59 7 July. 17768 13 April, 1903 t Verey, E., Ballarat, Vic. Name and sign plates 18098 30 June 59 7 July.* Wainwright, H. S., Ashford, Eng. Draught-producer and sparkarrester Wainwright, H. S., Ashford, Eng. Draught-producer and sparkanester Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Franking-machine 17713 25 Sept., 1903 f 36 28 April. 17714 15 Oct., 1903 f 36 28 April. 17822 21 April 42 12 May.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. No. A: Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Wales, R, Dunedin, N.Z. Coin-actuated franking-machine Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Circular-=aw packing-holder Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Stencil-plate. (A.J.Park).. Wallace, G. H., and ano her, New Farm, Q. T talisator Wallace. G. H., and another, Nev Farm, Q. Totalisator Wallis, G. P., and another, Leeds, Eng. Manufacture of bricks .. Walpole, R. W., Opua. N.Z. Beverage Wanganui Brush Factory Company, Limited, The, Wanganui, N.Z. Bottle-brush. (E. D. Reid) Warden, C. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Parlour-game peg .. Waters, J. B., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Grass seed cleaner Watson, J., and another, Dunedin. N.Z. Flax-treating Weaver, A., Hastings, N Z. Wool-scouring apparatus .. Webber, J. 0., Invercargill, N.Z. Removing handles from axes Webster, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Candle holder and saver .. Weingott, S., and Sons, Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Waterproof coat. (S. Weingott) Weingott, S., Sydney, N.S.W. (See S. Weingott and Sons, Limited, No. 18030.) Welch, W. H. I.j London, Eng. (See The Lamp Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 17928.) Wells, R. B., Wellington, N.S.W. (See A. S. Coronel, No. 17383.) Werner, A., and others, Doyleston, N.Z. Elevator-belt tensionregulator Werner and Co., A., Doyleston, N.Z. (See A. Werner, W. G. Breach, and J. Fussell, No. 17806.) Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (SeeW. E. Hughes, No. 17778.) Weston, R., Sydenham, N.Z. Leather bicycle-pedal strap Weston, R., Sydenham, N.Z. Leather bicycle-pedal strap Wheeler, C, Wellington, N.Z. Hose-suspender White, G. H., Rakaia, N.Z. Branding carcases White, L. B., and another, Jersey City, U.S.A. (See White-Mylin Furnace Company, No. 17800.) White-Mylin Furnace Company, Brooklyn, U.S.A. Furnace (A. H. Mylin and L. B. White) White, W., Tarras, N.Z. Fencing standard .. Whitelaw, H. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Motor tire-protector .. Whitlock, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Steam-turbine motor .. Widdicombe, T. H. H., New Town, Tas. Butter-cutter Wight, R. B., Auckland, N.Z. Beverage Wildey, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Self-closing bottle Williams, W., Hawthorndale, N.Z. Coulter Wilshire, W. I., Wellington, N.Z. Construction of buildings Wilson, F. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Matchbox Wilson, T., and another, Ashhurst, N.Z. Washer Wilson, T., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Releasing snatch-block.. Win'en, J. A., Mitchell, Q. Race-starting machine Withers, A. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Letter-envelope Witting, I. F., Yangan, Q. Milk preserving Wolski, W., Schodnika, Austria-Hungary. Hydraulic boring-appa-ratus Wood, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Pie-making machine Wootton, T. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Electric belt and generator combined Worthington, Henry R., New York, U.S.A. Condenser. (W. Schwanhausser) Worthington, Henry R., New York, U.S.A. Centrifugal pump. (F. Ray) Worthington, Henry R., New York, U.S.A. Centrifugal pump. (F. Ray) Wright, T. C, and another, Melbourne, Vic. Motor reaper-and-binder 17860 16654 17983 17974 17975 17270 17286 17924 26 April 15 July, 1903 .. 28 May 31 May 31 May 19 Nov., 1903.. 25 Nov., 1903.. 19 May 42 54 54 49 36 49 59 12 May.* 23 June. 23 June.* 9 June.* 28 April. 9 June. 7 July. 17710 17743 17906 17746 17783 17817 18030 30 Mar. 6 April 11 May 8 April 15 April 20 April 13 June 36 42 45 42 36 42 54 28 April.* 12 May. 26 May.* 12 Mav. 28 April.* 12 May. 23 June.* 19 April 12 May.* 17806 42 18053 18054 17886 17981 15 June 15 June 9 May 30 May 59 59 49 7 July.* 7 July.* 9 June. 17800 19 April . 45 26 May. 18008 17712 17744 17696 17297 17986 16673 16694 17733 17884 17904 17426 17972 17896 17957 8 June 31 Mar. 7 April 23 Mar. 25 Nov., 1903 .. 30 May 23 July, 1903 .. 28 July, 1903 .. 5 Aprii 7 May 12 May 30 Dec, 1903.. 30 May 11 May 25 May 62 36 31 36 54 54 45 49 21 July. 28 April.* 14 April.* 28 Anril. 23 June. 23 June.* 26 May. 9 June. 49 9 June.* 54 54 45 54 23 June. 23 June.* 26 May.* 23 June. 17916 17857 14 May 26 April 45 49 26 May.* 9 June.* 17738 6 April 42 12 May. 17739 6 April 42 12 May. 17740 6 April 42 12 May. 17848 27 April Youlten, W., Westminster, Eng. Fibre-cleaner 18065 21 June 62 21 July.* Zlotkowski, I., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Fire-extinguisher .. Zohrab, E. G. F., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Paper bag. (J. Laird and Sons) 17807 17913 20 April 17 May 45 26 May.




* Denotes a provisional speci ,nd Trade Marks Act, 1889." ication. lenotos a prior late uni ler section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. I Date. No. Date. Acetylene-gas generator Address-slip for envelope, rfec .. Advertisements, Fixing on shelves Advertising Advertising-device Advertising exhibitor and newspaper-file .. Advertising-puzzle Air-brake Alarm. (See Burglar - alarm, Elevatoralarm, Fire-alarm.) Amalgamator and crusher, Ore Anaesthetics, Apparatus for inhaling Animal cover Animal cover, Securing Anti-fouling composition for ships Armour for torpedo-boat, Defensive Arrester. (See Spark-arrester.) Axe Axe, Fitting handle in Axe, Fitting handle in Axe-head, Removing bioken handle from.. F. Lawrence and R. Irving G. A. Grace T. Morris.. J. Dunstan and E. W. Manning H. Droutlege and M. Foley A. Divine.. H. T. Harding and A. F. Billing W. J. Spruson H. Jones H. Gunthorp A. Thompson W. G. Grave J. B. Hannay E. H. Featon 18075 17811 17787 18109 17820 17964 17829 17846 16797 16508 16889 18101 18036 18055 23 June 21 April .. 12 April 29 June 20 April 25 May 25 April .. 27 April .. 14 Aug., 1903 15 June, 1903 27 Aug., 1903 30 June 15 June 17 June 59 42 36 42 49 36 54 7 July.* 12 May.* 28 April.* 12 May. 9 June. 28 April. 23 June. 59 7 July'.* S. F. Clare S.F.Clare.. S.F.Clare.. J. O. Webber 17962 17461 17903 17783 20 May 9 Jan. 4 May 15 April .. 49 45 54 36 9 June.* 26 May. 23 June. 28 April.* Bacteria in milk, Destruction of Bag for collecting kauri-gum Bag, Paper Baker's oven, Portable Baling-press Ball-cock and stop-valve Barrels, casks, &c Forming ... Basket-cover, Japanese cane Bearings of vehicles Bed, Foldable-cot for attachment to Beers, Manufacture of English Bell-sounding instrument for punching and recording tickets Belt. (See Driving-belt, Eleotric-belt, Elevator-belt.) Belt fastener Belting, Fastener for securing ends of machinery- ' Belting Beverage Beverage Bicycle-driving mechanism Bicycle-pedal strap Bicycle-pedal strap.. Bicycle-stand Bieycle-stand Billiard and dining-table Billiard-marking board and cabinet Billiard-table Billiard-table Binder-and-reaper, Motor Bird-trap Blind or shutter, Collapsible Blind, Venetian Blocks, Cutting material into Board. (See Marking-board, Drawingboard, Weatherboard.) Book-holder Book holder and marker Book holder and supporter Book holder or clip Boot and shoe display-bracket Boot-cleaner Boot-fastener Boot-lace fastening Boot or shoo heel Boot-sole, Compound for manufacture of.. Bnot-sole levfling and pressing machine .. Boot sole levelling and pressing machine .. Boot-tree Boots and shoes, Manufacture of Boots and shoes, Skiving machine for Boots and shoes, Top-lifts for .. Borer, Post-hole Boring apparatus, Hydraulic Bottle-brush I. F. Witting A. J. McPharlin E. G. F. Zohrab and W. C. Greig C. F. F. Allan Planters' Compress Company R. Orwin and A. Jack F. Alexe M. H. Butchart E. and C. Johanson S. Stidolph N. H. Clausseu E. Cornwall-Cook T. and M. J. Kilkelly J. Scorrar H. J. Turner and W. E. Campbell R. W. Walpole R. B. Wight Ah Pat .. R. Weston R. Weston M. Hogan P. J. de la Haye W. Stevenson H. U. Alcock F. A. Alcock C.J.Duffy M. J. Tehan and T. C. Wright .. G. H. Fowler G. McMull n G. M. Scott A. G. Baker 17896 17059 17913 17971 17766 17834 18038 17852 17925 17754 17771 17885 16810 17748 17789 17286 17297 17798 18053 18054 17791 18108 17874 17757 18046 16690 17848 17816 17832 18103 17618 11 May 3 Oct., 1903 17 May 30 May 13 April .. 27 April 15 June 29 April ■ .. 19 May 9 April 13 April 5 May 14 Aug., 1903 8 April 13 April 25 Nov., 1903 25 Nov., 1903 18 April 15 June 15 June 15 April 28 June 2 May 8 April 16 June 27 July, 1903 27 April 21 April 27 April 28 June 2 March .. 45 30 49 45 42 62 45 49 36 42 45 59 45 49 54 42 59 59 46 30 54 45 26 May.* 28 April. 9 June.* 26 May. 12 May.* 21 July. 26 May.* 9 June. 28 April.* 12 May. 26 May.* 7 July. 26 May. 9 June. 23 June. 12 May.* 7 July.* 7 July.* 26 May.* 28 April.* 23 June.* 26 May. 42 ■12 12 May.* 12 May. 49 9 June. V. A. Langevad H. S lwood G. Morgan J. S. Larke T. Garland H. G. Stewart W. B amish J. T. Harris H. B. Morrison J. Turnbull and S. Nicolson United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company A. S. Baker R. J. McDonald United Shoe Machinery Company C. C. Small A. Currie and R. Anderson W. Wolski Tee Wanganui Brush Factory Company (Limited) 18104 17892 18085 17918 17976 17980 17792 17914 18074 17909 17835 17839 17809 18082 17840 18100 16916 17957 17924 27 June 7 May 22 June 12 May 31 May 31 May 14 April 12 May 23 June 16 May 27 April 27 April .. 21 April 24 June 27 April 24 Oct., 1903+ 4 Sept., 1903 25 May 19 May 59 45 59 49 49 62 42 45 02 45 42 12 42 59 42 7 July.* 26 May.* 7 July.* 9 June. 9 June.* 21 July. 12 May.* 26 May* 21 July.* 26 May.* 12 Mav.* 12 May.* 12 May.* 7 July.* 12 Mav.* 51 54 59 23 June. 23 June. 7 July.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention Name No. Date. No. Date. Bottle or jar, Airtight Bottle-seal Bottle, Self-closing.. Bottle. (See also Non-refillable bottle.) Bottle sprinkler-attachment .. ... Box for perishable goods Box. (See Collapsible box, Matchbox.) Bracket. (See Display-bracket, Tablebracket, Wall-bracket.) Brake, AirBranding carcases.. Branding composition Bricks, Manufacture of Briquettes, Converting ironsand into Brooch-pin Brush, BottleA. S. Baker L. B Schram A. Wildey 17767 17706 17986 9 April 29 March .. 30 May 49 36 54 9 June.* 28 April. 23 June.* G. L. Cole C. Kennedy 16742 17823 5 Aug., 1903 25 April .. 45 42 26 May. 12 May.* Brush-holder for electric machine W. J. Spruson G. H. White De B. de Lisle and E. V. Luttrell G. P. Wallis and G. Fox T. Rouse and H. Cohn A. S. Dewhirst The Wanganui Brush Factory Company, Limited Electric and Train-lighting Syndicate, Limited J. P. Campbell S. H. Day P. E. Cheal W. John-on and C. Tandy W. I. Wilshire G. J. Cart aright T. H. H. Widdicombe A. Christie W. Beamish 17846 17981 17464 17270 16978 16833 17924 17952 27 April 30 May 18 Jan. 19 Nov., 1903 16 Sept., 1903 21 Aug., 1903 19 May 25 May 45 36 45 59 59 26 May. 28 April. 26 May. 7 July. 7 July. Brush-holder for electrical machine Bucket, Spring-handle for Buckle, Self-fastening Building-cornices, Construction of Buildings, Construction of Burglar-alarm Butter-cutter Butter printer and sizer Buttonhole for collar 18016 17652 17761 17861 16694 17610 17696 18007 17793 9 June 14 Mar. 7 April 30 April 28 July, 1903 3 Mar. 23 Mar. 4 June 14 April 59 36 36 45 49 36 36 59 42 7 July. 28 April.* 28 April.* 26 May.* 9 June. 28 April.* 28 April. 7 July. 12 May.* Cabinet and marking-board, Billiard-Gake-mould Californian pump Calves, Teaching, to drink Candle-extinguisher Candle-extinguisher Candle holder and saver Candles, Device to prevent guttering of .. Cans or tins, Closing filled Cans or tins, Keyless tearing-strips for .. Cans or tins, Vents of Car to travel over lines of varying guages, Enabling Car. (See Electric car, Motor car, Tramcar.) Carbonating liquids, Apparatus for Carbonic-acid motor Carburetter, Petrol.. Carcases, Branding Carpet and upholstery beater Cart. (See Go-cart.) Cartridges, Machine for making cored Case, Export package or Case for perishable goods Casks, barrels, <fec, Forming Castor Catamenial sac or pad, Supporting Cement, Furnace for burning Centrifugal pump Centrifugal pump Centrifugal separator-bowl, Link - blade liner for Centrifugal separator, Inlet-pipe for Chaff-cutter Chaff cutter and bagger Chaff cutter and bagger Chart for cutting garment-patterns Children, Appliance for use by Cleaner. (See Boot-cleaner, Dried-fruit cleaner,Fibre-cleaner, Gun-barrel cleaner, Kauri-gum cleaner, Knife-cleaner, Seedcleaner, Tobacco-pipe cleaner.) Cleansing fluid Clipper, Hedge Closet. (See Water-closet.) Closing filled tins or cans Clothes-horse Clothes-suspender for clothes-lines Club, GolfCoat. (See Rain-proof coat, Waterproof coat.) Coat-suspender Coek. (See ball cock.) Coiler, Wire-Goin-actuated franking-machine Coin-freed franking and stamping machine H. U. Alcock S.Scott .. M. Ross H. A. Fry.. J. A. Belk C. Hooke .. W. Webster T. A. Nash G. W. Berry G. W. Berry G. W. Berry A. R. Angus and H. M. Laugher 17757 17977 18027 17865 16573 17587 17817 17826 18047 18049 18048 18056 8 April 31 May 9 June 18 May 30 June, 1903 8 April 20 April • .. 25 April 16 June 16 June 16 June 17 June 36 54 54 45 36 36 42 42 54 54 54 62 28 April.* 23 June. 23 June.* 26 May.* 28 April. 28 April.* 12 May. 12 May.* 23 June.* 23 June.* 23 June.* 21 July. H.T.Smith J. P. Lajoie W. Stokes, jun. G.H.White F. 0. R. Jagusch 18045 17516 17960 17981 17803 16 J«ne 2 Feb. 26 May 30 May 15 April 62 45 49 21 July. 26 May. 9 June.* 42 12 May. A.Burt .. G. Cheverton and J. T. Johnson C. Kennedy F. Alexe .. W. Seavill B. W. M. Melton G. Grondal Henry R. Worthington Henry R. Worthington E. A. Forsberg and B. Ljungstrom 17756 17887 17823 18038 16736 17775 17842 17739 17740 17843 8 April 9 May 25 April 15 June 31 July, 1903 12 April 27 April 6 April 6 April 27 April 36 49 42 62 49 36 45 42 42 45 28 April.* 9 June.* 12 May.* 21 July. 9 June. 28* 26 May. 12 May. 12 May. 26 May. Aktiebolaget Sveaseparatorn S. and A. B. Reid J. Macalister J. Macalister M. E. McLeod M. Nikander 17948 17864 17762 18073 16183 18087 25 May 2 May 6 April 17 June 4 April, 1903 24 June 54 45 42 59 59 23 June. 26 May.* 12 May.* 7 July. 7 July. F. J. S. Hutchinson P. Eddy 17728 17994 5 April 1 June 49 9 June. G. W. Berry J. K. Hay A. M. Bauckham L. W. Alexander 18047 18040 17926 17736 16 June 15 June 19 May 28 Mar. 54 49 36 23 June.* 9 June.* 28 April.* F. H. W. Cowper 17825 25 April 42 12 May.* R. and F. Fenwick .. R. Wales E. Moss 16830 17860 18,070 21 Aug., 1903 26 April 20 June 45 42 59 26 May, 12 May * 7 July.*

H. -10.

Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Name. No. Application. Gazette. Invention. Date. No. Date. Coin-freed-operated machine, Attachment to, for gauging the coins Coin-freed steam-cleaner for tobacco-pipe Collapsible blind or shutter Collapsible box Collar, Button-hole for Collar. (See also Horse-collar.) Compressing forage Concentrator. (See Ore-concentrator.) Concrete beneath water, Putting down Concrete pipes, Manufacture of Condenser Controlling contents of high-pressure sodawater reservoir Controlling device, Horse-Cooking-appliance Cooler. (See Milk-cooler.) Cooling-apparatus Cornices, Construction of buildingCot, Foldable, for attachment to bed Coulter of plough, Spring-attachment for Coulter, Revolving skimCounting and controlling mechanism of milk-weigher Cover. (See Animal-cover, Basket-oover, Cow-cover, Fire-cover.) Cover of nightsoil-pan, Securing in position Cow-cover Cow-leg holder Cramp, FlooringCricket, TableE. Moss .. 17862 29 April 42 12 May.* M. A. E. Kelly G. McMullen C. S. Smith and C. Otto W. Beamish 17747 17832 16307 17793 8 April 27 April 2 May, 1903 14 April 36 42 36 42 28 April.* 12 May. 28 April. 12 May.* T. H. Mapp 17734 5 April 36 28 April. J. Davies R. W. Todd Henry R. Worthington A. J. L. Eckersley 18058 17868 17738 17721 18 June 3 May 6 April 31 Mar. 59 49 42 36 7 July.* 9 June. 12 May. 28 April. Te Aarutaua R. James 17970 16755 30 May 6 Aug., 1903 49 49 9 June.* 9 June. W.E.Hughes W. Johnson and C. Tandy S. Stidolph W. Wil'iams T. McDonald D. P. Davidson 17844 17861 17754 16673 17936 17999 27 April 30 April 9 April 23 July, 1903 18 May 7 June 45 45 36 45 49 54 26 May. 26 May.* 28 April.* 26 May. 9 June.* 23 June.* Cricket, TableCulinary utensil Cultivator .. .. ... Cupels, Manufacture of J. T. Hunter W. R. Devereux G. Pluck .. T. M. Dean and J. Harris S. Churchill-Otton and M. P. Dunlop W. 1 >avis H. McGure W. Arthur The Morgan Crucible Company, Limited P. Boll H. E. Philp and J. H. R. Taylor W. Hinchey J. T. Hunter A. B. Upham W. E. Hughes 17978 18033 17920 17831 17837 18024 17737 17871 17777 31 May 13 June 17 May 25 April .. 27 April 8 June 6 April 30 April ,.. 14 April 49 54 45 42 42 54 42 45 42 9 June.* 23 June.* 26 May.* 12 May.* 12 May.* 23 June.* 12 May. 26 May.* 12 May. Curative appliance, Electro-magnetic Curd-rack Curler, Hair-Current-collector for electric generator Current-collector for electric traction Current, Varying voltage of alternating .. Cutter. (See Butter-cutter, Chaff-cutter, Mitre-cutter, Tobacco-cutter.) Cutting material into strips, Machine for Cyanide precipitates, Separating gold from Cycle driving gear Cycles, Sprocket driving-gear for Cylinder drying-machine 17751 17984 18080 18015 17768 17872 8 April 28 May 23 June 9 June 13 April, 1903f 4 May 49 54 9 June.* 23 June.* 59 7 July. 49 9 June. A. G. Baker H. L. Read J. Dickason W. Trainor and C. F. R. Pincott J. A. Merrett 17618 18077 17758 17966 17638 2 Mar. 23 June 8 April 26 May 9 Mar. 49 59 42 49 36 9 June. 7 July.* 12 May. 9 June.* 28 April. Dater, Ticket Desk. (See Reading-desk, School-desk.) Diaphragm, Sanitary rotating, for telephone Dining and billiard table Dip. (See Sheep-dip.) Disc-plough Display-bracket for boots and shoes Ditch-plough Diving-dress Door and life-saving apparatus, LiftDoor, Dust and draught excluder for Door, Dust and draught excluder for Door-holder Door-lock Door of railway-car, &c Doors, Hinge for .. Draining-tray, Domestic Drain-pipe, Flanging Draught and dust excluder for door Draught and dust excluder for door Draught and dust excluder for window Draught-producer and spark-arrester Draught-producer and spark-arrester Draw-bar attachment, Vehicle Drawing-board Drawing-board, easel, and T-square Drawing-table and easel Dredge, Conveying water to Dredger.. Dredging appliance, Gold-Dredging-machinery Dried-fruit cleaner Drill, Lifting and turning rock-Driving-belt W. P. Nolan 16212 6 April, 1903 45 26 May. S. Churchill-Otton .. W. Stevenson 17723 17874 31 Mar. 2 May 36 45 28 April. 26 May.* J. F. Linke and M. S. Noack T. Garland C. C. Kidd and P. Kilkelly A. McLeod J. Jamison G.R.Ogle J. Lindsay E. G. May A. G. Baker H. J. Manson J. A. Merrett F. Staines R. 0. Clark, jun. J. Lindsay G. R. Ogle ... A. Parker H. S. Wainwright H. S. Wainwright G. S. Stevenson W. Green E. Gillow .. W. E. Spencer and J. Sanderson W. Sasse F. Lobnitz H. L. Mainland J. D. Douglas S. Mintrom j C. Simmons I H. J. Turner and W. E. Campbell 17717 17976 16813 17910 17880 16562 16651 17979 17965 16611 18052 18010 17932 16651 16562 17956 17713 17714 16458 17808 16969 17911 17902 17802 17998 17879 17827 17521 18019 31 Mar. 31 May 14 Aug., 1903 16 May 3 May 25 June, 1903 17 July, 1903 31 May 26 May 10 July, 1903 16 June 9 June 17 May 17 July, 1903 25 June, 1903 25 May 25 Sep., 1903+ 15 Oct., 1903f 9 June, 1903 21 April 12 Sep., 1903 14 May 9 May 16 April 2 June 3 May 25 April 18 Mar. ,1903+ 10 June 42 49 49 45 49 36 59 62 49 49 02 59 59 36 49 36 36 36 42 54 12 May. 9 June.* 9 June. 26 May.* 9 June. 28 April. 7 July. 21 July. 9 June.* 9 June. 21 July. 7 July. 7 July. 28 April. 9 June.* 28 April. 28 April. 28 April. 12 May. 23 June. 49 45 59 45 42 45 54 9 June. 26 Mav. 7 July. 26 May.* 12 May.* 26 May. 23 June.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Driving gear for cycles Driving gear for cycles, Sprocket Driving-gear for pulleys Driving-mechanism for bicycles Dropper. (See Wire fence dropper.) Drving-machine, Cylinder Dubbin, Waterproof Dumping and spreading wagon Dust and draught excluder for door Dust and draught excluder for door Dust and draught excluder for window .. Dynamo J. Dickason W. Trainor and C. F. R. Pincott C. F. Jaehn and W. Emling Ah Pat .. J. A. Merrett A. Morris P. and D. Duncan (Limited) G. R. Ogle J. Lindsay A. Parker Electric and Train-lighting Syndicate (Limited) C. A. Parsons and G. G. Stoney.. J. P. Campbell 17758 17966 17949 17798 17638 17830 18042 16562 16651 17956 17951 8 April 26 May 25 May 18 April .. 9 Mar. 25 April 14 June 25 June, 1903 17 July, 1903 25 May 25 May 42 49 54 42 36 45 54 86 59 49 12 May. 9 June.* 23 June. 12 May.* 28 April. 26 May.* 23 June.* 28 April. 7 July. 9 June.* Dynamo electric machine Dynamo electric machine 17946 18063 25 May 21 June 54 02 23 June. 21 July. Earthenware pipe, Flanging .. Easel and drawing-table Easel-attachment to school desk Easel, drawing-board, and T-square Egg-beater Egg-carrier Electric belt and generator Electric-car trolley-pole Electric-car trolley-wheel Ele-trie generator, Controlling voltage from A. J. Lindsay W. E. Spencer and J. Sanderson E. Hooper E. Gillow.. W. V. Paley and T. H. Bussey .. E. L. Robertson T. H. Wootton J. W. Rooney S. Symington Electric and Train-lighting Syndicate (Limited) J. T. Hunter L. Nelken G. Sweetser J. P. Campbell C. A. Parsons and G. G. Stoney.. J. P. Campbell J. W. Fowler A. B. Upham W. E. Hughes W. E. Hughes Electric and Train-lighting Syndicate (Limited) J. P. Campbell J. P. Campbell G. A. Peters P. Boll .. 18057 17911 17943 16969 17720 17991 17857 17818 17907 17953 18 June 14 May 23 May 12 Sept., 1903 81 Mar. 2 June 26 April 20 April 14 May 25 May 59 54 54 86 54 49 42 49 7 July.* 23 June. 23 June. 28 April. 23 June.* 9 June.* 12 May.* 9 June. Electric generator, Current-collector for .. Elec ric heel-pad .. Electric lamp and switch, Incandescent .. Electric machine, Dynamo Electric machine, Dynamo Electric machine, Rotary Electric sock Electric traction, Current-collector for Electrical distribution, System of Electrical distribution, System of Electrical machine, Brush-holder for 18015 17869 17662 18063 17946 18066 18017 17768 17599 17619 17952 9 June 29 April 16 Mar. 21 June 25 May 21 June 9 June 13 April, 1903t 2 Mar. 5 Mar. 25 May 59 49 54 02 54 62 54 7 July. 9 June. 23 June. 21 July. 23 June. 21 Julv. 23 June.* 49 54 9 June. 23 June. Electrical machine, Brush-holder for Electrical measuring-instrument Elecrically-operated target Electro-magnetic appliance for curative purposes ELvator-alarm Elevator-belt, Regulating tension of 18016 17875 18006 17751 9 June 5 May 4 June 8 April 59 49 59 49 7 July. 9 June. 7 July. 9 June.* J. Salinger A. Werner, W. G. Breach, and J. Fussell 17749 17806 8 April 19 April 42 42 12 May. 12 May.* Engine. (See Explosive-engine, Internalcombustion Engine, Locomotive-engine, Oil-engine, Rotary-engine.) Engine-tractor Engines, Exhaust-muffler for Engines, Exhaust-valve for Envelope, Address-slip for Envelope Envelope Envelope, Letter-Exhaust-muffler for engine Exhaust-valve for engine Explosive J. Macalister E. Brooke-Smith E. Richardson G. A. Grace W. Bary G. S. Jones A. J. Withers K. Brooke Smith E. Richardson Societe des Produits Chemiques et d' Fxplosifs, Berges, Corbin, et Cie C. J. Rusher and G. W. Baudinet N. Ceipek.. J. Fahey .. J. P. Campbell A. Burt 18073 17849 17958 17811 18097 17847 17972 17849 17958 17752 17 June 28 April 26 May 21 April 29 June 26 April 30 May 28 April 26 May 6 April 59 45 49 42 59 7 July.* 26 May.* 9 June.* 12 May.* 7 July.* 54 45 49 42 23 June.* 26 May.* 9 June.* 12 May. Explosive Explosive Explosive Explosive-engine, Mixing-valve for Explosives, Machine for making Extinguisher. (See Candle-extinguisher, Fire-extinguisher.) Eye-glass Cord, Spring-winder for 17828 17867 17954 17947 17756 25 April 3 May 25 May 25 May 8 April 42 19 49 54 30 12 May. 9 June. 9 June.* 23 June. 28 April.* A. H. Brownley 16544 22 June, 1903 36 28 April. Fastener for ends of machinery-belting .. Fastener. (See also Belt-fastener, Bootfastener, Legging-fastener, Sash-fastener, Window-fastener.) Fastening for papers, packages, <fec Fastening. (See also Boot-lace fastening, Rug-fastenmg.) Feeder for sheep-dip, Traversing-Feeding-funnel Felt, Treatment of.. Fence Fence-dropper Fence. (See Wire-fence.) Fencing-standard Fencing-standard J. Scorrar.. J. B. Poynter J. Coop H. Jerger and A. Joyce F. H. Templar T. Boulton J. Pettitt .. 17748 16494 17908 17873 18032 17912 18011 8 April 15 June, 1903 14 May 2 May 11 June 17 May 9 June 45 49 26 May. 9 June. 59 45 54 7 July.* 26 May.* 23 June.* R. McGillivray, jun. W.White.. 18005 18008 2 June 8 J une 59 62 7 July.* 21 July.


Alphab etical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. Al No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Fermentation of liquids Fermentation, Production of lactic Fibre-cleaner Fibre dressing and washing File, Newspaper , and advertising-exhibitor Filter Filter-bed, Distributing sewage over Filter for slimes, Pressure-Fire-alarm and lemperature-indicator Fire-bar Fire-bridge for steam boiler Fire-extinguisher Fire kindler Fireproof, Making paper Flanging drain-pipe Flanging earthenware pipe Flax, Chemical process for treating Flax, Machinery for treating Flax washer and scraper Flooring Flooring-cramp Flower-pot Flue, Double-circular, for register-gta'o .. Fluid-pressure iurbine Flush-tap for water-closet .. Flusher for water-closet Food, Apparatus for steaming animals' .. Food-mixer Football, TableForage, preparatory to compressing, Treating Fountain-pen, Self-filling Franking-maehine Franking-machine, Coin-actuated Franking-machine, Coin-freed Friction-gearing Friction-gearing Friction-gearing for motor-cars, &c. Fruit cleaner, Dried-Fuel-economiser and smoke-consumer Funnel, Feejing- .. Furnace G. Johnston and P. R. Hare J. A. Gilruth W. Youlten A. L. J. Tait A. Divine G. Moore J. P. Frengley W. A. Prichard J. Gallagher D. McMurrich J. Eckersley and W. Cable J. H. Hodge and I. Zlotkowski .. E. T. Flood C. Grosvonor R. O. Clark, jun. A. J. Lindsay J. Watson and W. Mackay J. Pomeroy C. E. E. Smith J. G. F. Lund T. M. Dean and J. Harris A. J. Eggleton G. Ross .. W. E. Hughes T.W.May T.W.May W. J. Roebuck W. V. Paley and T. H. Bussey .. A. W. Ford T. H. Mapp 17795 17940 18065 17683 17964 18099 17782 18044 17990 17853 18051 17807 17987 18014 17932 18057 17906 18110 17973 17741 17831 17858 16587 17778 16600 17944 18071 17720 18035 17734 4 May, 19031 23 May 21 June 22 March .. 25 May 30 June 14 April 15 June 4 June 29 April 16 June 20 April 1 June 6 June 17 May 18 June 11 May 29 June 27 May 6 April 25 April .. 25 April 1 July, 1903 14 April, 8 July, 1903 19 May 22 June 31 March .. 15 June 5 April 49 62 86 9 June.* 21 July.* 28 April. 62 86 62 21 July. 28 April.* 21 July. 45 59 45 54 54 26 May. 7 July.* 26 May. 23 June.* 23 June.* 59 45 02 49 42 42 45 36 42 45 49 59 36 54 36 7 July.* 26 May.* 21 July.* 9 June.* 12 Mav. 12 May.* 26 May. 28 April. 12 May. 26 May. 9 June.* 7 July.* 28 April. 23 June.* 28 April. J. McCombs R. Wales .. R. Wales .. E. Moss .. W. E. Hughes W. E. Hughes B. Bergmann S. Mintrom G. J. Cartwright H. Jorger and A. Joyce White-Mylin Furnace Company.. G. Grondal 18004 17822 17860 18070 16719 16720 17992 17827 17945 17873 17800 17842 6 June 21 April 26 April 20 June 31 July, 1903 31 July, 1903 1 June 25 April 25 May 2 May 19 April 27 April 54 42 42 59 49 49 59 42 54 23 June.* 12 May.* 12 May.* 7 July.* 9 June. 9 June. 7 July. 12 May.* 23 June. 45 45 26 Mav. 26 May. Furnace for burning cement Furnace. (See Gas-furnace, Water-tube furnace.) Furniture, WindowA. S. Coronel 17383 17 Dec, 1903 28 April. 36 Gambrel Game. (See Parlour-game, Table-crieket, Table-football.) Game, Apparatus for playing Gas-furnace Gas, Making producer and water A. Kilckmann and R. Thomson .. 17796 18 April .. 45 26 May.* A. Svenson F. Cotton.. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward 18000 16619 17961 7 June 8 July, 1903 26 May 59 42 7 July. 12 May. Gear. (See Driving-gear.) Gearing. (See Friction-gearing.) Generator for loeomotive-engine The New Century Engine (Foreign Patents) Company, Limited 17769 13 April 26 May. 45 Generator. (See Acetylene-gas generator, Electric generator, Power-generator.) Go-cart Gold-dredging appliance Gold, Extracting, from ores .. Gold, Extracting, from ores Gold-saving matting Gold, Separating, from cyanide precipitates Golf-club Granulating soap, Apparatus for W. Hale H. L. Mainland H. S. Stark O. L. Olden and P. V. Barnard .. C. R. Hubbard H. L. Read L. W. Alexander The Hygienic Soap Granulator Company, Limited A. It. Hardy G. Ross H. H. Montgomery and A. Masters A. J. McPharlin 17719 17998 17905 17810 17854 18077 17736 17528 31 March .. 2 June 9 May 21 April 25 April 23 June 28 March .. 9 Feb. 86 59 49 28 April. 7 July. 9 June. 42 59 36 49 12 May.* 7 July.* 28 April.* 9 June. Grate Grate, Register-, Flue for Grub-destroying preparation, " White Pine" Gum from tapped trees, Catching Gum. (See also Kauri-gum.) Gun-barrel cleaner.. Gun, Means for counteracting recoil in .. 17784 16587 18001 16879 12 April 1 July, 1903 7 June 28 Aug., 1903 36 36 59 36 28 April.* 28 April. 7 July. 28 April. A. Svenson McClean Arms and Ordnance Company T. A. Nash 18031 17801 13 June 19 April 54 4,5 23 June.* 26 May. Guttering of candles, Preventing 17826 25 April 42 12 May.* Hair-curler Hairpin Hairpin Hammock Hand-shears W. Hinchey F. Dovalosky F. Dovalosky E. D. R>chards J. H. Harrison and W. M. McIlwrick 18080 17927 18105 17893 17894 23 June 17 May 28 June 11 May 11 May 59 49 59 45 45 7 July.* 9 June.* 7 July.* 26 May.* 26 May.*

H —10,

Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

6—H. 10.-05.


Invention. Name. L. At No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. j Date. Hand-truck, Spring Handle from axe-head, Removing Handle in axe, Fitting Handle in axe, Fitting Handle. (See also Spring-handle, Tinhandle.) Harbours, &c, Scouring Harness-traces Harrow, Combined plough and Harvester. (See Potato-harvester.) Hat-pin, Retaining in position Hay-turning machine Heating wax-pots Hedge-clipper Hedge-cutter knife.. Heel for boot or shoe Heel-pad, Electric Hinge for doors Holder. (See Book-holder, Brush-holder, Candle-holder, Cow-leg holder, Doorholder, Packing-holder, Skein-holder, Tobacco - plug holder, Wire - mattress holder.) Hoop, peg, &c, for parlour-games Horse, Attaching driving-rein to bit for curbing Horse-collar Horse-controlling device Horseshoe Hose-suspender Hydraulic boring-apparatus Hydraulic press Hydraulic ram Hydraulic ram T. Kendrick J. 0. Webber S. F. Clare S. F. Clare 17821 17783 17903 17461 21 April 15 April 4 May 9 Jan. 42 36 54 45 12 May.* 28 April.* 23 June. 26 May. B.F.Dunn G. F. Newman W. Sneddon 17900 18002 17935 11 May 7 June 20 May 45 26 May.* 49 9 June.* K. S. McKinna W. E. Martin United Shoe Machinery Company P. Eddy G. F. Church H. B. Morrison L. Nelken J. A. Merrett 17876 17866 18039 17994 17015 18074 17869 18052 6 May 8 June, 1903f 15 June 1 June 23 Sept., 1903 23 June 29 April 16 June 45 49 62 49 26 May.* 9 June. 21 July. 9 June. 49 02 9 June. 21 July. C. E. Warden G. T. Allnutt 30 Marc''i .. 14 June 28 April. * 23 June.* 17710 18043 30 54 J. M. Toft Te Aarutaua W. Tarrant C. Wheeler W. Wolski T. H. Mapp .. W. E. and 0. H. Barker H. Aldenhoven and S. Rosengarten 18091 17970 17888 17886 17957 17735 18072 18009 28 June 30 May 7 May 9 May 25 May 5 April 22 June 8 June 49 49 49 54 12 62 59 9 June.* 9 June. 9 June. 23 June. 12 May. 21 July. 7 Ju'y. Igniter-mechanism for engine.. Incandescent electric lamp and switch Indicator, TemperatureInhaling anresthetics, Apparatus for Ink-well Insecticide Insole Internal - combustion engine, ignitermechanism for Ironsand into briquettes, Converting Iron-stand and cloth-gripper, Laundry .. J. T. Hunter G. Sweetser J. Gallagher H. Gunthorp H. D. Atkinson H. H. Montgomery and A. Masters J. Morrison J. T. Hunter 18041 17662 17996 16508 17790 18001 17878 18041 15 June 16 Mar. 4 June 15 June, 1903 16 April 7 June 30 April 15 June 62 54 36 36 59 45 21 July. 23 June. 28 April. 28 April. * 7 Tuly. 26 Ma*.* T. Rouse and H. Cohn C. H. Black and T. G. Haigh .. 16978 18003 16 Sept , 1903 7 June 45 54 26 May. 23 June.* Jack, WheelJar or bottle, Airtight Jig-saw machine for cutting pockets in pulley-styles of windows, Attachment to Judging sawing-events, Apparatus for D. Dunn A. S. Baker H. Harrison 18061 17767 17939 21 June 9 April 21 May 49 4!) 9 June.* '9 June.* M. and T. Brown 18028 9 June 54 23 June.* Kauri-gum, Bag for collecting.. Kauri-gum cleaner Kindler, Fire-Knife-cleaner Knife. (See Hedge-cutter knife, Pruningknife.) A. J. McPharlin H. Carter and J. J. Evans E. T. Flood J. Pomeroy 17059 17851 17987 18026 3 Oct., 1903 26 April 1 June 1 June 36 46 54 54 28 April. 26 May. 23 June.* 23 June.* Lactic fermentation, Production of pure .. Lamp, Incandescent electric Lamp or lantern, Signal Lamp-wick Latch-lock for gates, doors, <fec. Laundry iron-stand and cloth-gripper Lead and zinc from sulphides, Extracting Leaf-turner, Music. Leather tire-cover Legging-fastener Letter-envelope Lid of trunk, Stay for keeping open Life-guard for tram-car, (fee Lift-door and lit -saving apparatus Link-blade liner for centrifugal separator.. Liquids, Apparatus for carbonating Liquids, Fermentation of Liquids or semi-liquids, Mixing and circulating Lock. (See Door-lock, Latch-lock, Sashlook, Window-lock) Locomotive-engine and generator J. A. Gilruth G. Sweetser The Lamp Manufacturing Company, Limited H. G. Jaims W. Strange and T. Coverdale C. H. Black and T. G. Haigh .. A. H. Imbert G. S. Budge A. V. Philip and H. Hoverd A. 0. P. Batley A. J. Withers W. Madden and H. Hoverd W. G. Fraser J. Jamison E. A. Forsberg and B. Ljungstrom H. T. Smith G. Johnson and P. R. Hare F. C. Brown and S. D. McMiken 17940 17662 17928 18037 17119 18003 18112 16781 17933 18022 17972 17780 17759 17880 17843 18045 17795 17982 23 May 16 Mar. 17 May 15 June 19 Oct., 1903 7 June 30 June 11 Aug., 1903 17 May 10 June 30 May 11 April 8 April 3 May 27 April 16 June 4 May, 1903f 25 May 49 54 49 54 54 54 49 49 9 June.* 23 June. 9 June. 23 June.* 23 June. 23 June.* 9 June. 9 June.* 54 36 86 49 45 02 23 June.* 28 April.* 28 April.* 9 June. 26 May. 21 July. 54 23 June.* The New Century Engine (Foreign Patents) Company, Limited 17769 13 April 45 26 May.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date No. Date. Malt-liquors, Manufacture of .. Marker, BookMarking board and cabinet, BilliardMassage or vibratile apparatus Mat, Non-siltable Match-box Match-making machine Matting for gold-saving, &c. Mattress Mattress. (See also Wire Mattress,) Measuring-apparatus, Tailor's.. Measuring-instrument, Electrical Menstruation appliance Metal, Loading road-truck with Milk-cooler Milk, Destruction of bacteria in and preservation of Milk-pan Milk-pasteuriser Milk-strainer Milk-weigher Milk-weigher, Counting and controlling mechanism of Milking-apparatus Milking-appliances, Machine Mitre-cutter bar and stop Mixer. (See Food-mixer.) Mixing or circulating materials Mixing-valve for explosive-engine Monkey-wrench Mop, Wash-up Motor Motor cars, Friction-gearing for Motor reaper-and binder Motor tire-protector Motor vehicle Motor. (See Steam-turbine motor, Car-bonio-acid motor.) Mould. (See Soap-mould, Cake-mould.) Mouthpiece for tobacco-pipe Muffle .. M. H. Claussen H. Selwood H. U. Alcock J. H. King T. Hall and F. Elvines F. J. Wilson H. C. La Flamboy C. R. Hubbard H. E. Mitchell S. Smith J. P. Campbell J. Pomeroy F. Cooper.. W. A. Haxton I. F. Witting J. Paterson and E. Johns W. A. J. Dutch F. Gough C. Cooper.. D. P. Davidson 17771 17892 17757 17895 17889 17733 17770 17854 17937 17805 17875 17855 17942 16581 17896 18086 17969 16820 17288 17999 13 April 7 May 8 April 11 May 10 May 5 April 13 April 25 April 18 May 19 April 5 May 26 April 21 May 3 July, 1903 11 May 23 June 30 May 19 Aug., 1903 25 Nov., 1903 7 June 42 45 86 49 45 45 42 42 49 42 49 36 45 59 49 45 45 54 12 May. 26 May.* 28 April.* 9 June. 26 May.* 26 May. 12 May.* 12 May.* 9 June. 12 May.* 9 June.* 28 April. 26 May.* 7 July.* 9 June.* 26 May. 26 May. 23 June.* B. Bodycomb J. Howcroft R. Dunne 16676 17863 16662 24 July, 1903 2 May 16 July, 1903 54 45 54 23 June. 26 Mav.* 23 June. F. C. Brown and S. D. McMiken J. P. Campbell W. Gray H. J. Gentles E. Tregear E. Bergmann M. J. Tehan and T. C. Wright .. H. J. Whitelaw Olds Motor Works 17982 17947 18094 16859 18020 17992 17848 17712 18023 25 May 25 May 28 June 26 Aug., 1903 10 June 1 June 27 April 31 Mar. 8 June 54 54 54 54 59 23 June.* 23 June. 23 June. 23 June.* 7 July. 86 62 28 April.* 21 July. C. Peterson The Morgan Crucible Company, Limited W. P. Simmonds 17838 17776 27 April 14 April 42 12 May. Music, Instrument to familiarize sight and sound in Music leaf-turner 17509 3 Feb. 42 12 May.* G. S. Budge 16781 11 Aug., 1903 49 9 June. Nail-handling appliance Name and sign plates, Construction of Nib. (See Pen-nib.) Nightsoil and refuse pan Nightsoil-pan, Securing in position cover of Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-siltable mat Noxious weeds, Destroying Numbering and printing machine Nut-wrench AhPat .. E. Verey 17799 18098 18 April 30 June 42 59 12 May. 7 July.* J. Paterson and E. Johns J. T. Hunter J. King .. B. Dunne.. T. Hall and F. Elvines A. Grainger D., D., A. L., and J. W. Carlaw.. J. Adams 18086 17978 17833 17967 17889 17901 17997 18084 23 June 31 May 27 April 23 May 10 May 11 May 1 June 22 June 59 49 42 49 45 45 59 7 July.* 9 June.* 12 May.* 9 June.* 26 Mav.* 26 Mav.* 7 July. Offal, Treating Oil-engine tractor Optical effects, Apparatus for producing .. Ore-concentrator, Actuating shaking-table Ore-concentrator, Shaking-table Ore-concentrator, Shaking-table Ore crusher and amalgamator Ores, Extracting gold from Ores, Extracting gold from Oven, Bakers' J. B. Hay and A. J. Daniel J. Macalister C. V. Jenkins N. Guthridge, Limited N. Guthridge, Limited N. Guthridge, Limited H. Jones H. S. Stark 0. L. Olden and P. V. Barnard .. C. F. F. Allan 17797 17762 17745 17898 17897 17899 16797 17905 17810 17971 18 April 6 April 7 April 11 May 11 May 11 May 14 Aug., 1903 9 May 21 April 30 May 42 12 31 49 4!) 45 49 19 12 May.* 12 Mav.* 14 April.* 9 June. 9 June. 26 May.* 9 June. 9 June. 49 9 June.* Package or case, Export Packing-holder for circular saw Pan. (See Milk-pan, Nightsoil-pan, Re-fuse-pan.) Paper-bag Paper, Mixture for making fireproof Parlour-game, Hoop, peg, &c, for Pasteuriser, MilkPatterns, Chart for garmentPedal. (See Bicyc ! e-pedal.) Peg, hoop, &c, for parlour-game Pen-nib attachment for retaining ink Pen. (See Fountain-pen.) Petrol-carburetter Phormium tenax. (See Flax.) Piano-attachment.. G. Cheverton and J. T. Johnson R. Wales 17887 16654 9 May 15 July, 1903 49 54 9 June.* 23 June. E. G. F. Zohrab and W. C. Greig 0. Grosvenor C. E. Warden W. A. J. Dutch M. E. McLeod 17913 18014 17710 17969 16183 17 May 6 June 30 Mar. 30 May 4 April, 1903 54 36 49 59 23 June.* 28 April.* 9 June.* 7 July. C. E. Warden R. L. Stewart 17710 17813 30 Mar. 21 April 30 42 28 April.* 12 May.* W. Stokes, jun. 17960 26 May 49 9 June.* F, W. Gardiner 17870 4 Ma

H. -10

Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Pie-making machine Pigeon-trap Pig-trough Pin. (See Brooch-pin, Hairpin, Hat-pin.) Pipe. (See Concrete pipe, Drain-pipe, Earthenware pipe, Socket-pipe, Tobaccopipe.) Plant-pot Plough, Actuating lever-wheel of multifurrow Plough and harrow, Combined Plough-coulter, Spring-attachment for .. Plough. (See Disc-plough, Ditch-plough, Water-race plough.) Post-hole borer Pot. (See Flower-pot, Plant-pot, Waxpot.) Potato-harvester Power-generator, Tidal-water Power, Transmission of Preservation of milk Preserving timber, Method of.. Press. (See Baling-press, Hydraulic press.) Printer and sizer, Butter Printing and numbering machine Printing-machine Produce and water gas, Making W. Wood J. Rose P. J. Devine A. J. Eggleton R. Paterson W. Sneddon W. Williams A. Currie and R. Anderson 17916 17959 18095 17858 16580 17935 16673 16916 14 May 26 May 24 June 25 April 3 July, 1903 20 May 23 July, 1903 4 Sept., 1903 45 49 59 45 36 49 45 54 26 May.* 9 June.* 7 July.* 26 May. 28 April. 9 June.* 26 May. 23 June. F. McDougall H. M. Meinung E. Dugan.. I. F. Witting R. W. Harvey 17742 17814 17921 17896 17678 6 April 21 April 19 May 11 May 18 Mar. 31 54 49 45 49 14 April.* 23 June. 9 June.* 26 May.* 9 June.* A. Christie D., D., A. L., and J. W. Carlaw T. M. North E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward J. Pomeroy A. M. Normanby F. W. Rodgers 18007 17997 17845 17961 4 June 1 June 15 May, 1903f 26 May 59 59 62 7 July. 7 July. 21 July. Projectile Protector, Ladies' Protector, Ladies' Protector. (See Motor tire-protector.) Protectors, Machine for making and inserting Pruning-knife Pulley and vehicle wheels Pulleys, Driving-gear for Pulling-over machine Pulling-over machine Pump. (See Californian pump, Centrifugal pump.) Pumping water, Apparatus for Puzzle, Advertising18025 17934 18068 1 June 18 May 18 June 54 49 59 23 June.* 9 June.* 7 July.* United Shoe Machinery Company 17922 19 May 49 9 June.* J. Pearson T. Gare C. F. Jaehn and W. Emling United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company 18034 17989 17949 16817 18018 14 June 1 June 25 May 10 Aug., 1903 9 June 62 59 54 54 59 21 July.* 7 July. 23 June. 23 June. 7 July. A. E. and H. G. Bradley H. T. Harding and A. F. Billing 18102 17829 30 June 25 April .. 42 12 May. Rabbits, Compound for destroying H. H. Patterson and J. R. Stevenson M. Slattery J. A. Winten R. S. Reid 17779 14 April 42 12 May. Rabbit-trap Race-starter Race-starting appliance Rack. (See Toasting-raok, Curd-rack.) Raft, Ship's Railway-car, &c, Door for Railway signalling-apparatus .. Rain-excluder for door Rain-proof coat Ram. (See Hydraulio ram.) Reading desk and table, Aerial Reaper-and-binder, Motor Recoil, Counteracting, in guns T. J. Ross H. J. Mauson G .M. Scott J. Lindsay T. Morris .. 17753 17426 17773 18079 16611 17891 16651 17788 7 April 30 Dec, 1903 13 April .. 23 June 10 July, 1903 6 May 17 July, 1903 12 April 54 59 49 45 59 30 23 June. 7 July.* 9 June. 26 May.* 7 July. 28 April.* J. Jamison M. J. Tehan and T. C. Wright .. McClean Arms and Ordnance Company F. W. Paterson J. Paterson and E. Johns G. Ross .. W. Dall G. T. Allnutt A. J. L. Eckersley 17930 17848 17801 16 May 27 April 19 April 54 23 June. 45 26 May. Recorder, VoteRefuse and nightsoil pan Register-grate, Flue for Register, Voting- .. Rein, Attaching, to bit for ourbing horse.. Reservoir, Controlling contents of highpressure soda-water Retainer. (See Umbrella-tip retainer.) Riding-saddle Riding-saddle River-bottoms, &c, Scouring Road-truck, Loading, with metal Road-wheel, Expansible Rock-drill, Lifting and turning Roofing, corrugated-iron, Securing, on stacks Rotary electrio machine Rotary engine, Reversible 17915 18086 16587 18111 18043 17721 14 May 23 June 1 July, 1903 30 June 14 June 31 Mar. 45 59 36 62 54 36 26 May.* 7 July.* 28 April. 21 July.* 23 June.* 28 April. A. Lappan A. Little .. B. F. Dunn F. Cooper.. J. J. Coakley and A. C. McCallum C. Simmons A. J. Ross.. 16866 17812 17900 17942 17603 17521 16614 27 Aug., 1903 21 April 11 May 21 May 2 Mar. 18 Mar., 1903+ 10 July, 1903 49 42 45 49 54 45 45 9 June. 12 May.* 26 May.* 9 June.* 23 June. 26 May. 26 May. Roundabout, Means for actuating Rug-fastening attachment, Horse and cow J. P. Campbell H. E. Parry, R. W. Thomson, and W. J. Farley F. C. H. Hammerich P. Harrison 18066 18078 17765 17750 21 June 23 June 12 April 6 April 62 62 36 31 21 July. 21 July 28 April.* 14 April.* Saddle. (See Riding-saddle.) Safety-appliance for vehicle .. J. Meek 17755 7 April 28 April.* 36


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. Appl No. Application. lication. Date. Gazette. No. Date. Salt, Manufacture of Sandal Sash adjuster and fastener Sash-fastener Sash-fastener Sash-mover lock and alarm Sash-mover and lock Sash. (See also Window-sash.) Sawing-events, Apparatus for judging School-desk, Easel-attachment for Scoop, HandScouring river-bottoms Scutching attachment, WaterSeal, Bottle-Seed-cleaner, Rye-grass H. Tee O. Petersen J. Jamison R. Baxter L. Pearce.. A. R. Hardy R. N. Adams and A. R. Hardy .. M. and T. Brown E. Hooper H. S. Anderson B.F.Dunn H. Seifert L. B. Sohram J. B. Waters, W. Andrews, and A. W. Beaven F. R. Denuison J, Gray J. Gray .. T. W. Soper 18050 17304 17859 16559 17990 17785 17786 18028 17943 18096 17900 17819 17706 17743 i 16 June 26 Nov., 1903 26 April 24 June, 1903 1 June 12 April 12 April 9 June 23 May 24 June 11 May 20 April 29 Mar. 6 April 62 49 45 42 59 86 36 54 54 59 45 42 86 42 21 July. 9 June. 26 Mav. 12 May. 7 Julv. 28 April.* 28 April.* 23 June.* 23 June. 7 July.* 26 Mav.* 12 May.* 28 April. 12 Mav. Seed-separator Seed-sower Seed sower Seed sower and ridger Separator. (See Centrifugal separator, Seed-separator.) Sewage over filter-bed, Distributing Sewage, Treatment of Shackle.. Shackle.. Shears. (See Hand-shears.) Shears, Wolseley machineSheep dip, Traversing-feeder to Sheep dipping or loading, Alley-way for .. Ships, Anti-fouling composition for Ship's boat, Releasing and lowering Ship's raft Shoe. (See Boot and shoe, Horseshoe.) Shot making machine 17P15 16528 17968 18093 21 April 19 June, 1903 30 May 28 Julie 45 49 54 59 26 May. 9 June. 28 June. 7 July.* J. P. Frengley J. P. Frengley W. Beamish F. T. Page 17782 18081 17794 18021 14 April : 24 June 14 April 10 June 36 59 42 54 28 April.* 7 July.* 12 May.* 23 June* J. Howard J. Coop 0. Rask and E. A. Cameron J. B. Haunay J. Stuart .. T. J. Ross 17836 17908 17731 18036 17890 18079 27 April 14 Mav 30 Mar. 15 June 10 Mav 23 June 45 26 M»y. 86 28 April.* 49 59 9 June. 7 July.* A. G. Baker, C. and G. Croxford, and J. McQueen G. McMullen J. T. Peddie Hall Signal Company G. M. Scott E. Verey S. H. Day United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company W. A. Prichard H. L. Read J. T. Peddie G. J. Cartwright S. Nicolson J. S. Keith, J. Hutcheson, and T. Wilson J. H. Harrison and W. M. McIlwrick The Hygienic Soap Granulator Company, Limited J. W. Fowler J. Paterson and H. M. Corin A. J. L. Eckersley 16303 1 May, li)03 49 9 June. Shutter or blind, Collapsible Sights and fittings for small-arms Signal-apparatus Signalling-apparatus, Railway Sign plates, Name and Skein holder, Wool-Skiving-macnine .. Skiving-machme for boots and shoes Slimes, Pressure-filter for Slimes, Purification of Small-arms, Sights and fittings for Smoke-consumer and fuel-economiser Smoke-consumer and spark-arrester Snatch-block, Releasing 17832 17919 17917 17891 18098 18060 17923 17840 18044 18076 17919 17945 18012 17904 27 April 18 May 18 May 6 May 30 June 21 June 19 May 27 April 15 June 23 June 18 May 25 May 8 June 12 May 42 49 54 45 59 62 49 42 02 59 49 54 54 12 May. 9 June. 23 June. 26 May* 7 July.* 21 July.* 9 June.* 12 May.* 21 Julv. 7 July.* 9 June. 23 June. 23 June.* Snips 17894 11 May 45 26 May.* Soap-mould and granulator .. 17528 9 Feb. 49 9 June. Sock, Electric Socket-pipes Soda - water reservoir, Controlling contents of Sole. (See Boot-sole.) Sower. (See Seed-sower.) Spanner, Shifting-Spark-arrester Spark-arrester and draught-producer Spark-arrester and draught-producer Spark-arrester and smoke-consumer Spring-handle for bucket Spring hand- truck .. Spring-winder for eyeglass-cord Sprinkler-attachmeut for bottle Sprocket driving-gear for cycles Stacks, Securing corrugated-iron roofing on Stamping-maohine.. Stamping-machine, Coin-freed Standard. (See Fencing-standard.) Steam-boiler, Fire-bridge for .. Steam-boiler, Water-tube furnace for Steaming food for animals, Apparatus for Steam-turbine motor St, noil plates Stiffener for bottoms of legs of trousers .. Stirrer, Mechanical Stirrup iron, Stving Stop-valve, Ball-cock and 18017 18090 17721 9 June 25 June 31 Mar. 54 62 86 23 June.* 21 July.* 28 April. A. W. Gillies G. Grimmer H. S. Wainwright H. S. Wainwright S. Nicolson S. H. Day T. Kendrick A. H. Brownley G.L.Cole W. Trainor and C. F. R. Pincott A. J. Ross 18083 18089 17713 17714 18012 17652 17821 16544 16742 17966 16614 24 June 27 June 25 Sept.,1903f 15Oct.,1903f 8 June 14 Mar. 21 April 22 June, 1903 5 Aug., 1903 26 May , 10 July, 1903 59 59 36 36 54 36 42 36 45 49 45 7 July.* 7 July.* 28 April. 28 April. 23 June.* 28 April.* 12 May.* 28 April. 26 May. 9 June.* 26 May. United Shoe Maohinery Company E. Moss .. 17841 : 18070 : 20 June 42 59 12 May.* 7 July.* J. Eckersley and W. Cable J. M. Harding W. J. Roebuck W. Whitlock R. Wales L. Marks E.S.Smith P B. Ross R. Orwin and A. Jack 18051 17700 18071 17744 17983 17763 16807 17938 17834 16 June 23 Mar. 22 June 7 April 28 Mav 4 April 13 Aug., 1903 21 May 27 April .. .59 36 59 31 54 42 54 49 42 7 July.* 28 April.* 7 July.* 14 April.* 23 June.* 12 May. 23 June. 9 June.* 12 May.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


A] iplication. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Strainer. (See Milk - strainer. Wire - strainer.) Stretcher. (See Trouser-stretcher.) itrips, Cutting material into luspender. (See Clothes-suspender, Coatsuspender, Hose-suspender.) Syringe, Vaginal A. G. Baker 17618 2 Mar. 49 9 June. W.J. Gruss 17781 14 April 42 12 May. 'able-bracket 'able-cricket 'able-cricket H. F. Lattey and W. G. Somerville W. Davis S. Churchill-Otton and M. P. Dun lop A. W. Ford J. Jamison 16564 18024 17837 26 June, 1903 8 June 27 April 36 54 42 28 April. 23 June.* 12 May.* ?able-football 'able, Reading desk and 'able. (See Billiard-table, Dining and billiard table, Drawing-table.) failor's measuring-apparatus .. fap. (See Flush-tap.) 'arget, Electrically operated 'elegraph-apparatus felegraphio transmitter felephone, Rotating diaphragm for 'emperature-indicator and fire-alarm 'enBion of elevator-belt, Regulating S. Smith .. G. A. Peters H. C. Braun A. Battagalia-Guerrieri S. Churchill-Otton J. Gallagher A. Werner, W. G. Breach, and J. Fussell A. 0. Grundy W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven .. W. P. Nolan E. Cornwall-Cook 18035 17930 17805 18006 18064 17824 17723 17996 17806 15 June 16 May 19 April 4 June 21 June 25 April 31 Mar. 4 June 19 April 54 54 12 59 62 49 36 23 June.* 23 June. 12 May.* 7 July. 21 July.* 9 June. 28 April. 42 12 May.* Phimble threshing-machine 'icket-dater ticket punching and recording, Bellsounding instrument for fidal-water power-generator .. timber, Preserving Fin handle and support Pins, Fixing tops and bottoms on fins or cans, Closing filled 'ins or cans, Keyless tearing-strip for fins or cans, Vents of fip-wagon for traction haulage fire. (See Motor tire.) fire fire, Compound for manufacture of fire-cover fire-cover fire-cover fire-cover, Leather foasting-rack fobacco-pipe cleaner fobacco-pipe mouthpiece fobacco-pipe, Preventing stopping in 'obacco-plug holder and cutter forpedo-boats, Defensive armour for fotalisator fotalisator fotalisator fraces, Harness'races to whipple-tree, Attaching fraction haulage, Tip-wagon for fractor. (See Oil-engine tractor, Enginetractor.) 'ram-car, Life-guard for 'ram-car, Life-saving attachment for frap. (See Bird-trap, Pigeon-trap, Rabbittrap.) 'ravelling-race for sheep-dipping 'raversing-feeder for sheep-dip fray, Domestic draining'rees, Catching gum from tapped frolley-pole for electric car 'rolley-wheel of electric car .. frough, Pig-'rouser-stiffener 'rouser-stretcher.. fruck. (See Hand-truck, Road-truck.) 'runk-lid open. Stay for koeping '-square, drawing-board and easel turbine. (See Steam - turbine, Fluidpressure turbine.) 'urning-machine, Hay, clover, &c 17804 17211 16212 17885 19 April 5 Nov., 1903 6 April, 1903 5 May 42 45 45 45 12 May.* 26 May. 26 May. 26 May.* H. M. Meinung R. W. Harvey W. G. Hancox T. Harkins G. W. Berry G. W. Berry G. W. Berry F. Cooper.. 17814 17678 16374 17850 18047 18049 18048 17941 21 April .. 18 Mar. 19 May, 1903 26 April 16 June 16 June 16 June 21 May 54 49 86 45 54 54 54 49 23 June. 9 June.* 28 April. 26 May. 23 June.* 23 June.* 23 June.* 9 June.* J. Thomson J. Turnbull and S. Nicolson T. S. Skeates W. R. Crook H. Lightband A. V. Philip and H. Hoverd J. Paterson M. A. E. Kelly C. Peterson A. M. McDonald J. H. Cobb E. H. Featon G. H. Wallace and W. H. Lowthen G. H. Wallace and W. H. Lowthen D. M. Robertson G. F. Newman J. Morgan F.Cooper.. 17760 17909 18059 17963 17548 17933 17856 17747 17838 18088 16291 18055 17975 17974 17882 18002 18067 17941 6 April 16 May 13 June 21 May 17 Feb. 17 May 27 April 8 April 27 April .. 27 June 29 April, 1903 17 June 31 May 31 May 7 May 7 June 21 June 21 May 86 45 59 54 45 49 42 36 28 April.* 26 May.* 7 July.* 23 June.* 26 May. 9 June.* 12 May.* 28 April.* 59 42 59 7 July.* 12 May. 7 July.* 49 45 9 June.* 26 May.* 59 49 7 July'.* 9 June." W. G. Eraser J. W., J. S., and W. H. Faulkner 17759 17929 8 April 16 May 36 49 28 April.* 9 June.* 0. Rask and E A. Cameron J. Coop F. Staines A. J. McPharlin J. W. Rooney S. Symington P. J. Devine L. Marks G. Holford 17731 17908 18010 16879 17818 17907 18095 17763 16704 30 Mar. 14 May 9 June 28 Aug., 1903 20 April 14 May 24 June 11 April .. 29 July, 1903 36 28 April.* 59 36 42 49 7 July. 28 April. 12 May.* 9 June. 42 45 12 May. 26 May. W. Madden and H. Hoverd E. Gillow 17780 16969 11 April 12 Sept., 1903 36 54 28 April.* 23 June. W. E. Martin 17866 8 June, 1903f 49 9 June. Jmbrella-tip retainer Jpuolstery and carpet beater Jrn P. Kahlenberg F. 0. R. Jagusch W. T. Keogh 16605 17803 18013 6 July, 1903 15 Aprii 4 June 42 42 54 12 May. 12 May. 23 June.* Paginal syringe falve. (See Stop-valve, Exhaust-valve, Mixing-valve.) W. J. Gruss 17781 14 April 42 12 May.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Vehicle and pulley wheels Vehicle-bearings Vehicle draw-bar attachment Vehicle, Safety-appliance for Venetian-blind Vents of tins or cans Vermin-destruotion oompound T. Gare E. and C. Johanson G. S. Stevenson J. Meek G. M. Soott G. W. Berry .. H. H. Patterson and J. R. Stevenson J. H. King W. E. Hughes Electric and Train-lighting Syndicate, Limited F. W. Paterson W. Dall .. 17989 17925 16458 17755 18103 18048 17779 17895 17872 17953 17915 18111 1 June 19 May 9 June, 1903 7 April 28 June 16 June 14 April 59 49 86 86 59 54 42 7 July. 9 June. 28 April. 28 April.* 7 July.* 23 June.* 12 May. Vibratile or massage apparatus Voltage of alternating current, Varying .. Voltage of electric generator, Controlling.. 11 May 4 May 25 May 49 49 9 June. 9 June. Vote-recorder Voting-register 14 May 30 June 45 62 26 May.* 21 July.* Wagon. (See Tip-wagon, Dumping and spreading wagon.) Wall-braoket H. F. Lattey and W. G. Somerville P. R. Hudson S. W. Bonsall J. Penrose and W. Osborn A. L. J. Tait C. E. E. Smith J. Arnold C. Butler .. R. F. Marsh H. J. Gentles A. E. and H. G. Bradley T. W. May T. W. May W. Sasse E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward S. Weingott and Sons, Limited .. A. Morris .. .. .. I J. Davies .. W. H. Clement H. Seifert.. J. M. Harding G. S. Stevenson United Shoe Machinery Company J. Campbell .. .. j t 16564 17881 ! 17950 17883 17683 17973 18029 17338 17988 16859 18102 16600 17944 17902 17961 18030 17830 18058 18069 17819 17700 17993 18039 ! 17985 26 June, 1903 28 April. 16564 86 Walls, Construction of Wardrobe Washer to prevent nut working loose Washing and dressing fibre Washing and scraping flax Washing-maohine Washing-machine Washing-machine Wash-up mop Water, Apparatus for pumping Water-closet flush Water-oloset flush Water, Conveying, to dredge Water gas, Making producer and Waterproof coat Waterproof dubbin Water, Putting down ooncrete beneath .. Water-race plough.. Water-scutching attachment Water-tube furnace for steam-boiler Water-wheel Wax-pots, Heating Weatherboards, Substitution of steel and iron for Weed eradicator Weeds. (See Noxious.) Weigher. (See Milk-weigher.) Wheel-jaok Wheel. (See Water-wheel, Road-wheel, Vehicle and pulley wheels.) Whipple-tree, Attaching traces to Wiok, Lamp-Window-fastener Window furniture .. Window, Jig-saw machine for cutting pockets in pulley-styles of Window-lock Window-sash balance Window-sash, Balancing Window-sash, Draught and dust exoluder for Window-sash hanger Window-sash lift Window-sash, Means for sustaining Window-sash, Raising, lowering, and retaining Wire-coiler Wire-fence dropper Wire-fence dropper Wire mattress Wire-mattress holder Wire strainer, winder, and fixer W. A. P. Sutton D. Dunn 17995 18061 17881 17950 17883 17683 17973 18029 17338 17988 16859 18102 16600 17944 17902 17961 18030 17830 18058 18069 17819 17700 17993 18039 17985 17995 18061 7 May 25 May 6 May 22 Mar. 27 May 13 June 3 Dec, 1903 1 June 26 Aug., 1903 30 June 8 July, 1903 19 May 9 May 26 May 13 June 25 April .. 18 June .. 20 June 20 April 23 Mar. 31 May 15 June 30 May 1 June 21 June 45 54 49 86 49 62 54 54 45 49 49 54 45 59 59 42 86 54 02 54 26 May.* 23 June. 9 June.* 28 April. 9 June.* 21 July. 23 June. 23 June. 26 May. 9 June.* 9 June.* 23 June.* 26 May.* 7 July.* 7 July.* 12 May.* 28 April.* 23 June.* 21 July. 23 June.* J. Morgan H. G. James P. Gavin A. S. Coronel H. Harrison 18067 18037 16545 17383 17939 18067 18037 16545 17383 17939 21 June 15 June 22 June, 1903 17 Dec, 1903 21 May 59 54 42 86 49 7 July.* 23 June.* 12 May. 28 April. 9 June.* A. Parker A. G. Jackson J. Petrie A. Parker 17955 18062 18092 17956 17955 18062 18092 17956 25 May 16 June 28 June 25 May 49 9 June.* 59 49 7 July'.* 9 June.* A. Mole J. Penrose and W. Osborn L. B. Horrooks .. 0. A. Bergersen 17715 17883 17774 17104 17715 17883 17774 17104 31 Mar. 6 May 13 April 15 Oct., 1903 54 49 42 59 23 June. 9 June.* 12 May.* 7 July. R. and F. Fenwick G. Powell A. Georgetti D. McKenzie N. Hill J. B. R. Davidson and J. W. Borland J. Howard A. Weaver 16830 17764 17772 17931 17635 17877 17836 17746 16830 17764 17772 17931 17635 17877 21 Aug., 1903 11 April 13 April 17 May 5 Mar. 6 May 45 42 36 49 86 45 26 May. 12 May. 28 April.* 9 June.* 28 April.* 26 May.* Wolseley machine-shears Wool-scouring apparatus Wrench. (See Monkey-wrench, Nutwrenoh.) 17836 17746 27 April 8 April 45 42 26 May. 12 May. Yeast, Production of N. H. Claussen 17771 17771 13 April 12 May. 42 Zinc and lead, Extracting, from their sulphides A. H. Imbert 18112 18112 30 June




Name. Address. Class. A No. Application. k.pp on. Date. No. Gazette. Date. iEolian Company, The Aktiengesellschaft Fiir Feinmechanik Vormals Jetter and Scheerer Atkins, H. Australian Manufacturing and Importing Company, The New York, U.S.A. Tuttlingen, Germany .. 9 11 4733, 4 4670 25 May 14 April 86 28 April. Cape Town, Cape Colony Wellington, N.Z. 42 48 4516 4766 13 Jan. 13 June 54 54 23 June. 23 June. Barnett Company, G. and H. Barr, J. Baxter, J. S. .. Beattie, Lang, and Co. Benjamin and Co., D. Blackie, H. G. .. Blackie, H. G. .. Blau, J., and another Brigham, J., and another British-American Tobacco Company, Limited British-American Tobacco Company, Limited Brown, Limited, R. Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. Wellington, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Buda-Pesth, Hungary .. Manchester, Eng. London, Eng. 12 1 42 42 45 42 42 12 3 45 4679 4749,4750 4773 4776 4789 4683, 6 4684, 5 4729 4720 4386 21 April 6 June 18 June 18 June 27 June 22 April 22 April 23 May 14 May 18 Sept., 1903 36 54 54 28 April. 23 June. 23 June. 59 36 7 Julv. 28 April. 45 26 May. 36 28 April. London, Eng. 45 4688 22 April 36 28 April. Glasgow, Scot. ; London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. 43 4759 9 June 54 23 June. Brown, F. Byorof t and Co. 39 22 4785 4791, 2 23 June 30 June 59 59] 7 July. 7 July. Chrystall and Co. (See Neill and Co., Limited.) Clemson, G. N. Close, J., and another Cocker, H. Coles and Co., G. A. Craig, J. J. Craig, J. J. Crompton and Bros., Limited, J. R. Middleton, U.S.A. Napier New Plymouth, N.Z. .. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Bury, Eng. .. 12 43 42 38 6 6 39 4711, 2 4751-3 4611 4682 4772 4778 4731 6 May 6 June 16 Mar. 22 April 17 June 21 June 25 May 45 54 49 45 26 May. 23 June. 9 June. 26 May. 59 49 7 July. 9 June. Day, Son, and Hewitt. (See T. G. and G. S. Hewitt.) Deimel Fabric Company, The Dried Milk Company, Limited, The .. London, Eng. London, Eng. 38 42 4610 4710 16 Mar. 6 May 36 42 28 April. 12 May. Elder Art Company, D. M. (See D. Elder.) Elder, D. Christchurch, N.Z. 39 4771 15 June Forbes, E. J. .. Sydney, N.S.W., and Wellington, N.Z. Hastings, N.Z. 8 4748 4 June 49 9 June. Frimley Canning Factory 42 4735-9 25 May 49 9 June. Gallagher, Limited Belfast, Ireland 45 4658, 9, 4660,1,2 4415 4457 4756 4090 6 April 81 14 April. Gavin, Gibson, and Co. Gavin, Gibson, and Co. Graaff and Co., G.m.b.H. Guthridge, Limited, N. .. Melbourne, Vic. Melbourne, Vio. Berlin, Germany Australia and N.Z. 38 38 6 20 13 Oct., 1903 26 Nov., 1903 8 June 14 Feb., 1903 42 49 54 49 12 May. 9 June. 23 June. 9 June. Hall and Co., Limited, J. .. Harper and Co. Proprietary, Limited, R. Harvey, W. J. .. Hayman and Co., P. Hewitt, G. S., and another Hewitt, T. G., and another Hibbert, M., and another Hibbert, W. (See J. Brigham and M. Hibbert.) Christchurch, N.Z. Melbourne, Vio. Auckland, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. London, Eng. London, Eng. Manchester, Eng. 42 42 3 12 2 2 8 4746 4535 4642 4730 4695 4695 4720 2 June 21 Jan. 5 April 23 May 27 April 27 April 14 May 59 49 31 45 49 49 7 July. 9 June. 14 April. 26 May. 9 June. 9 June. • Isaacs, H., and another Dunedin, N.Z. 12 4729 23 May 26 May. 45 Kilpatrick, R. .. Wellington, N.Z. 42 4705 4 May 42 12 May. Leibner, A. Lever Bros., Limited Melbourne, Vio. Balmain, N.S.W. 42 50, 48, 47, 47, 48,2,3, 47, 50, 47, 48 8 8,12 14 4702 4645-55 27 April 6 April 31 14 April. Liquid Ozone Company, The Lonsdale Bros, and Co. Lonsdale Bros, and Co. Lonsdale Bros, and Co. Chicago, G.S.A. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 4767 4763, 4 4765 4774 15 June 13 June 13 June 18 June 54 54 62 62 23 June. 23 June. 21 July. 21 July. Makower and Co. Proprietary, Limited, M. Melbourne, Vie. 24, 31 4656, 7 6 April 36 28 April.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks — continued.


Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Marshall's Chemical Company, Limited Marshall's Chemical Company, Limited Mathews and Co., Limited, R. McKie, T. Meadows, F. N. R. Meadows, F. N. R. Melotte, J. Mercer and Mitchell Midgley and Sons, Limited, S. T. Miller, T. Mitchell, A. Morley, I. and It. Morrin, Limited, T. and S. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. London, Eng. Melbourne, Vic Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Remicourt, Belgium .. Dunedin, N.Z. Leeds, EDg. Masterton, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. 50 3 43 38 42 42 7 42 38 3 38 38 7 4703 4707 4770 4784 4706 4722 4515 4744 4614 4262 4643 4713 4708, 9 3 May 4 May 15 June 23 June 4 May 16 Mav 13 Jan 30 May 18 Mar. 25 June, 1903 5 April 6 May 6 May 4 2 42 54 59 42 42 49 49 49 81 59 12 May. 12 Mav. 23 June. 7 July. 12 May. 12 May. 9 June. 9 June. 9 June. 14 April. 7 July. Nathan and Co., Limited, J. Nathan and Co., Limited, J. Nathan and Co., Limited, J. Nathan and Co., Limited, J. National Cattle Food G mpany National Food Company, The Neal, M. A., and another Neill and Co., Limited Neill and Co., Limited Nelson, A. M. .. New Home Sewing Machine Company, The Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Melbourne, Vic. Niagara Falls, U.S.A. .. Napier, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Orange, N.S.W. 5 50 42 42 42 42 43 50 47,50 50 6 4692 4704 4726 4775 4725 4678 4751-3 4740 4786, 7 4701 4696 26 April 4 Mav 19 May 18 June 19 May 21 April 6 June 25 May 23 June 27 April 27 April 42 42 45 54 49 86 54 54 59 42 42 12 May. 12 May. 26 May. 23 June. 9 June. 28 April. 23 June. 23 June. 7 July. 12 May. 12 May. Oates, Lowry, and Company Christchuroh, N.Z. 22 4681 21 April 36 28 April. Pacifio Hardware and Steel Company, The Pacific Hardware and Steel Comoany, The Paterson and Co., A. S. Paterson and Co., A. S. Paterson and Co., A. S. Paterson and Co., A. S. Paterson and Co., A. S. Paterson, Mossman, and Co. Patterson, H. H., and another Patterson, J. R. Pearson, Dr. Pidgeon and Co., Limited, E. W. Pontnewynydd Sheet and Galvanising Company, Limited, The Portland Cement Fabrik, Hemmoor .. Preservaline Manufacturing Company, The Price, P. C. San Francisco, U.S.A... 6 4640 31 Mar. 42 12 May. San Franoisco, U.S.A... 6 4675 I 19 April 45 26 May. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Hastings, N.Z. Junee, N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. London, England 42 42 42 42 42 42 2 42 3 22 5 4714-7 4718 4719 4742, 3 4741 4665 4669 4794 4667 4721 4723 10 May 11 May 12 May 26 May 26 May 8 April 14 April 30 June 13 April 16 May 18 May 42 45 45 49 54 12 May. 26 Mav. 26 May. 9 June. 23 June. 36 62 36 45 28 April. 21 July. 28 April. 26 May. Hemmoor, Germany .. New York, U.S.A. 17 42 4732 4398 25 May 1 Oct., 1903 86 28 April. Wanganui, N.Z. 22 4783 22 June 59 7 July. Reddaway and Co., Limited, F. Ross and Son, W. Rimmer, S. L. P. Russell, T. Manchester, Eng. Port Ahuriri, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 50 50 42 3 4700 4747 4727 4697 28 April 4 June 20 May 28 April 45 26 May. 49 42 9 June. 12 May. Sapon, Limited.. Sargcod, Son, and Ewen Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sargood, Son, and Ewen .. Saunders, Gilberd, and Co. Savage, M. W. .. Scott and Bowne, Limited Sheldon Drug Company Slater, Rodgsr, and Co., Limited Snedden, W. .. Somerville and Co., D. A. (See D. A. Somerville.) Somerville, D. A. South British Packing Company, The. (See A. S. Paterson and Co.) Southwark Manufacturing Company, Limited, The Stevenson, J. R., and another Stewart Timber, Glass, and Hardware Company, Limited, The Sutton's Proprietary, Limited London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Napier, N.Z. Minneapolis, U.S.A. .. London, Eng. Sydney, N.S.W. Glasgow, North Britain Dunedin, N.Z. 47 38 12 38 47 2 3 3 43 13 4542 4673, 4 4762 4745 4779-4782 4693, 4 4666 4795-7 4724 4687 27 Jan. 19 April 10 June 2 June 21 June 27 April 13 April 30 June 18 Mav 22 April 45 54 49 36 26 May. 23 June. 9 June. 28 April. 45 36 26 May. 28 April. Auckland, N.Z. 42 4788 24 June London, Eng. 25 4757, 8 9 Juue 54 23 June. Junee, N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z. 2 5,41 4669 4698, 9 14 April 28 April 36 49 28 April. 9 June. Melbourne, Vic. 9 4728 20 May 59 7 July. Teasdale, A. Teed aid Co. .. Tuck and Sons, Limited, R. Turner and Turner Auckland, N.Z. New Plymouth, N.Z. . London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. 48 39 39 42 4644 4790 4668 4199 5 April 30 June 14 April 13 May, 1903 45 26 May. 86 36 28 April. 28 April. Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Limited, The Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Limited, The United Alkali Company, Limited, The Auckland, N.Z. 47 4761 9 June •59 7 July. Auckland, N.Z. 47 4777 21 June 59 7 July. Liverpool, Eng. 47,1 4671, 2 14 April



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


7—H. 10.-«

Name, Address. Class. Al No. Application. ppl Gazette. Date. No. Date. Vacuum Oil Company Proprietary, Limited Violet, L. Violet Freres. (Bee L. Violet.) Melbourne, Vic, Wellington, N.Z. Thuir, France and 1 4760 9 June 54 23 June. 43 4676 20 April 36 28 April. Watts, W. Whiley Bros. (See R. Whiley, jun., and' F. Whiley.) Whiley, F., and another Whiley, F., and another Whiley, jun., R., and another Whiley, jun., R. F., and another Whitcher, F. W. Whitcher, F. W. White Swan Bottling Company, The. (See J. Close and M. A. Neal.) White Swan Brewery Company, The. (See J. Close and M. A. Neal.) White Swan Brewing Company, The. (See J. Close and M. A. Neal.) Whitlock and Sons, F. Whittingham, W. Wiles, H. O. Wilkins and Field Hardware Company, Limited, The Williams Company, T. C. .. Williams Company, T. C. .. Williams Company, T. C. .. Waiuku West, N.Z. 3 4663 7 April 36 28 April. Ohau, N.Z. .. Ohau, N.Z. .. Ohau, N.Z. .. Ohau, N.Z. .. Boston, U.S.A. Boston. U.S.A. 3 3 40 40 4680 4754 4754 4680 4768 4769 21 April 7 June 7 June 21 April 15 June 15 June 62 62 21 July. 21 July. 59 7 July. Aramoho, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Nelson, N.Z. * 7 June 8 April 30 June 21 April 9 June. 14 April. 42 42 1 42 4755 4664 4793 4677 49 31 45 26 May. Richmond, U.S.A. Richmond, U.S.A. Richmond, U.S.A. 45 45 45 4689 4690 4691 25 April 25 April 25 April 36 42 28 April. 12 May.

Application. Gazette. Name. Address. No. of Class. I N °' I Date. No. I Date. Billing, A. F., and another Broughton, E. Byrne, P. Auckland, N.Z. Devonport, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 5 5 3 207 206 210 18 May 5 April 23 June 45 45 59 26 May. 26 May. 7 July. Collings, C. and A. Collings, C. and A. Collins Bros, and Co., Limited Auckland, N.Z. Auckland N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 1 1 5 208 209 203 14 June 14 June 5 Feb. 54 54 36 23 June. 23 June. 28 April. Hair, J. Harding, H. T., and another Harding and Billing Oamaru, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z., and Sydney, N.S.W. 1 5 5 204 207 211 18 April 18 May 25 June 36 45 59 28 April. 26 May. 7 July. Harding and Billing. (See H. T. Harding and A. F. Billing.) 205 12 May. Shacklock, Limited, H. E... Dunedin, N.Z. 29 April 42




* Denotes a provisional specification, tnd Trade Marks Act, 1889." t Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, Name, Address, and Invention. No. A] Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Abbott, G. A., Melbourne, Vic. Water-filter Abell, E. G., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Butter-box. (S. J. Collins) Adams, J., Hamilton, Vic. Nut-wrench .. ... Adams, J., and another, Hamilton, Vic. Pipe-wrench Adiassewich, A., London, Eng. Treating shale-oil, &c Alcock, F. A., Melbourne, Vic. (See H. U. Alcock, No. 18517.) Alcock, F. A., Melbourne, Vic. Cushion-rail of billiard-table Alcock, H. U, Melbourne, Vic Billiard-table. (F. A. Alcock) Aldis, M., Auckland, N.Z. Handle and lid-opener for billies, &c Alexander, W. M., Bairnsdale, Vic. (See J. H. Smith, No. 18469.) Allen, G E. H., Pukeroa, N.Z. Fencing-dropper Allen, C. E. H., Pukeroa, N.Z. Clothes-peg Allen, J., Pukeroa, N.Z. Hair-curler Ambrose, E., and another, Newcastle, N.S.W. Washboard and rubber American Seeding-machine Company, Jersey, U.S.A. Grain-drill distributor. (F. R. Packham and G. P. Oates) Anderson, A., Ngongataha, N.Z. Flax-stripping apparatus.. Anderson, G., Christchurch, N.Z. (See The Christchurch Meat Company, Limited, No. 18456.) Andrew, R., Melbourne, .Vic Dredge-oucket scourer Andrews, Company, A. H., The, Chicago, U.S.A. (See F. J. Jones, No. 17285.) * :"! Applegarth, A. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Fuel-economiser and smoke-pre-venter Armstrong, C. G, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Flashlight apparatus.. Armstrong, C. C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Flashlight-powder .. Arnberg, P. A. M., Stockholm, Sweden. Centrifugal separator liner .. Atkin, W. H., Auckland, N.Z. Furnace Austin, G. B. H., Oakleigh, Vic. Rifle Austin, G. B. H., Oakleigh, Vic. Rifle Austin, G. B. H., Oakleigh, Vic. Spirit-level for rifle Ayson, A. R., Glenham, N.Z. Flax-stripper Ayson, A. R., Glenham, N.Z. Flax-scutcher 18393 18516 18084 18530 17695 18405 18517 18247 18373 18374 18372 18236 18204 18321 1 Sept. 24 Sept. 22 June 27 Sept. 2 March 6 Sept. 24 Sept. 26 July 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 28 July 20 July 13 Aug. 77 66 59 77 69 83 80 69 83 77 15 Sept.* 4 Aug. 7 July. 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 13 Oct. 29 Sept. 18 Aug.* 13 Oct. 15 Sept.* 17612 3 March 77 •15 Sept. 17108 13 Oct., 1903.. 69 18 Aug. 18257 18258 17074 17214 18412 18453 18521 18202 18248 1 Aug. 1 Aug. 7 Oct., 1903.. 5 Nov., 1903.. 6 Sept. 15 Sept. 29 Sept. 22 July 30 July 69 69 62 74 83 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 21 July. 1 Sept. 13 Oct.* 69 69 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* Bach, H. H, Auckland, N.Z. Sliding-seat of rowing-boat Bailey, G. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Advertising .. Baker, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Cream-separator Baker, J., Auckland, N.Z. Raising floating-docks Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Making producer and water gas. (Power and Mining Machinery Company—B. Loomis and H. Pettibone) Balfour, E. D. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Electric belt Banks, L., Shirley, N.Z. Letter-copying cloths Barnard, P. V., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Extracting gold Barton, F. W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Turnip-thinning machine.. Basley, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Fencing-standard. (W. V. Gilbert) .. Bates, G. T., and another, Kokiri, N.Z. Vehicle-couplings Bauckham, A. M., Ashhurst, N.Z. Sash retainer and lock Bavay. (See de Bavay.) Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Beck, H., Meiningen, Germany. Electric arc lamp Bender, L., Launceston, Tas. Butter-cutter Bennett, J., and another, Prahan, Vic. Drawing beer, &c, from barrels Bernays, C. E., Brisbane, Q. Boiler Bernays, G E., Brisbane, Q. Vehicle-bogie Berry, G. W., Kensington, Vic Soldering-machine Berry, G. W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Crimping can bodies Berry, G. W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Securing ends of tin canisters Berry, G. W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rotary can-seaming machine Berry Patent Can Manufacturing Company, The, Melbourne, Vic. (See G. W. Berry and J. J. Sneesby, Nos. 18479, 18480, 18508.) . Binney, R. H., Perth, W.A. Grain-dresser Bishop, D,, Hiklerthorpe, N.Z. Securing blinds to Wind-rollers Bissaker, C. H., Cootamundra, N.S.W. Acetylene-generator Blackie, H. G., Auckland, N.Z. Teapot Blyth, P. A., Winton, N.Z. Truck-brake Bodle, D. W., Manurewa, N.Z. Paper-clip Bonsall, S. W., New York, U.S.A. Combination hanger Borland, J. W., Yarragon, Vic Self-locking pin for implement Borlase, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Cistern Borlase, W., Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. and T. R. Christie, Nos. 17324 and 17374.) Boyd, K., Auckland, N.Z. Fish-hook Bradley, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Pump Bradley, H. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Pump Brass, J. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Candle-holder Brent, C. D., Cromwell, N.Z. Hairpin 18149 18252 18487 18211 17961 18483 18280 17810 18215 18139 18396 17217 18168 18512 18467 18272 18293 18464 18132 18479 18480 12 July 29 July 23 Sept. 23 July 26 May 22 Sept. 5 Aug. 21 April 22 July 5 July 2 Sept. 10 Nov., 1903.. 13 July 28 Sept. 21 Sept. 4 Aug. 9 Aug. 20 Sept. 7 July 22" Sept. 22 Sept. 62 74 83 74 74 74 69 60 77 77 66 69 77 66 83 83 21 July.* 1 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 1 Sept.* 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 15 Sept.* 15 Sept 4 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept. 4 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 13 Oct.* 18508 28 Sept. 83 13 Oct.* 18355 18118 18481 18442 18219 18446 18229 18185 18279 23 Aug. 5 July 22 Sept. 13 Sept. 28 July 14 Sept. 28 July 21 July 2 Aug. 77 66 83 83 74 80 74 69 69 15 Sept.* 4 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 13 Oct.* 1 Sept. 29 Sept.* 1 Sept. 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* IE 18288 18102 18102 18295 16986 4 Aug. 30 June 30 June 2 Aug. 11 Sept., 1903 74 66 66 74. 59 1 Sept. 4 Aug 4 Aug 1 Sept.* 7 July



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Name, Address, and Invention. No. A Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Brent, G D., Cromwell, N.Z. Hairpin Bridge, A., Stonehenge, Q. Cricket-stumps Bridger, J., London, Eng. (See The New Inverted Incandescent Gaslamp Company, Limited, No. 18326.) Bristow, C, Christchurch, N.Z. Turnip, rape, ana mangold sower British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, The. (See J. P. Campbell, No, 16865.) Brocas, T. N., Tahcke, N.Z. Oil and hot air engines Brown, F. G, Komata, N.Z. Filtering liquids or solutions Brown, H., and another, Wairoa, N.Z. Cap for wheeled vehicles Brown, T. H., Wellington, N.Z. Bridle-fastening.. Bryant and May, Limited, London, Eng. Match-box filler. (J. P. and C. F. Wright) Buck, L., Bairnsilale, Vic Power-transmitter Burgess, A. S., Wanganui, N.Z. Tipping-wagon. (A. Hatrick— W. Thompson) Burrell, T., Melbourne, Vic Elastic attachment for heels and soles .. Burridge, G, and another, Wairoa, N.Z. Cap for wheeled vehicles Bushell, A. A., Perth, W.A. Bicycle folding-stand.. Butcher, T. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Kitson lamp light-extin-guisher Butler, G. P., New York, U.S.A. (See Standard Mouthpiece Machine Company, No. 18418.) Butler, J. A., and another, Balfour, N.Z. Rifle wind-gauge 18428 18485 17028 18378 18349 18113 18444 18235 3 Sept. 22 Sept. 26 Sept., 1903 27 Aug. 17 Aug. 4 July 13 Sept. 28 July 80 69 77 74 66 83 74 29 Sept.* 18 Aug. 15 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 4 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 1 Sept. 18327 18437 17 Aug. 12 Sept. 80 83 29 Sept. 13 Oct. 18395 18113 18448 18126 1 Sept. 4 July 15 Sept. 4 July 83 66 80 62 13 Oct. 4 Aug.* 29 Sept.* 21 July.* 18265 3 Aug. 69 18 Aug.* Caehemaille, E. G, Wellington, N.Z. Paper-wrapper Callaghan, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Decanter.. Cameron, E. A., and others, Invercargill, N.Z. Sash hanger and lock.. Campbell, A., Sutton, N.Z. Animal-trap.. Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Voltage regulator and controller. (The British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited) Campbell, P., Albert Park, Vic. Pipe-moulder Carter, H, and another, Melbourne, Vic. Parcel-strap. (J. Kinsella) Casey, F., and another, Collingwood, Vic. Dredging machinery Caton, B., Wellington, N.Z. Boot Chamberlain, W. E., Feilding, N.Z. Fencing-standard Christchurch Meat Company, Limited, The, Christchurch, N.Z. Securing covers of tins. (G. Anderson) Christenson, A. L., Stockholm, Sweden. Inlet pipe for centrifugal separator bowl Christie, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer. (W. Borlase) Christie, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer. (W. Borlase) Christie, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Making pipe-union joints Christie, T. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer. (W. Borlase) Christie, T. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer. (W. Borlase) Clark, A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Recovering gold Clark, D., Drummond, N.Z. Forcing-pen .. .. • .. Clark, H. S., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Position-finder.. Clark, L., Hobsonville, N.Z. Glazing pipes, bricks, &c Claussen, J., Weraroa, N.Z. Time-indicator Cleghorn, R., and another, Elsternwick, Vic. Disc plough .. Cochrane, W., Auckland, N.Z. Raising sunken vessels Cody, P., Riversdale, N.Z. Pneumatic tire Cohen, C. J., and others, Rockhampton, Q. Earth-closet Coker, W. G., Timaru, N.Z. Solution for removing wool from skins .. Colegrove, G. H, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Hat, cap Collett, A. W., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Log-hauling pulley-block Collett and Edkins, Dannevirke. N.Z. (See A. W. Collett, C. B. and E. M. Edkins, No. 18148.) Collins, J., Wellington, N.Z. Chess and draught board .. Coffins, S. J., Brisbane, Q. See J. Hancock and E. G. Abell, No. 18516.) Colville, F., Waimate, N.Z. Tripping attachment to reaper and binder Connelly, W. H., Tologa Bay, N.Z. Securing rowels to spurs Connelly, W. H, Tologa Bay, N.Z. Spur.. Conolly, W. P., Melbourne, Vic. Safety appliance for elevator shafts .. Cook, G. H, Russell, N.Z. Rifle Cook, T., Petone, N.Z. Crozing and chiming machine Copley, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Extension boot Coronel, A. S., Waverley, N.S.W. Suspending sashes Corrick, H, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Hat, cap Cosslett, R., Auckland, N.Z. Building appliance .. Cosslett, R., Auckland, N.Z. Twist-moulding machine Cotton, F, Hornsby, N.S.W. Gas-generator Coulter, E. P., Sydney, N.S.W. Saving carbonic-acid gas .. Craveri, J., Buenos Aires, Argentine R. Preserving meat Crook, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Automatic fertiliser-press .. ,. Crosland, T., St. Leonard's, N.Z. Portable washing-boiler Cross, C. A., and another, Hamilton, Vic. Pipe-wrench Currie, S. D., Te Aroha, N.Z. Converting kerosene tins into buckets .. Curwood, A., and others, Bluff, N.Z. Sash hanger and lock.. Cuthbert, E. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Sink-guard 18410 18122 18348 17202 16865 6 Sept. 2 July 17 Aug. 4 Nov., 1903 27 Aug., 1903 69 74 74 59 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 1 Sept. 7 July. 18529 17198 18463 18137 18316 18456 27 Sept. 30 Oct., 1903.. 20 Sept. 8 July 15 Aug. 16 Sept. 74 80 66 74 1 Sept. 29 Sept.* 4 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 18107 6 July, 1903+ 17374 17324 18532 17374 12 Dec, 1903.. 2 Dec, 1903 30 Sept. 12 Dec, 1903.. 80 80 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 80 29 Sept. 17324 2 Dec, 1903.. 80 29 Sept. 18457 18121 18174 17106 18445 18507 18277 18443 18357 18268 18141 18148 14 Sept. 1 July 19 July 13 Oct., 1903 14 Sept. 28 Sept. 4 Aug. 13 Sept. 23 Aug. 1 Sept. 9 July 12 July 80 66 66 77 80 83 69 83 77 77 66 62 29 Sept.* 4 Aug. 4 Aug. 15 Sept. 29 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 15 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 4 Aug. 21 July.* 18495 26 Sept. 83 13 Oct.* 18245 18384 18385 18511 18161 18416 18134 18183 18141 18212 18433 18166 18449 18322 18266 18179 18530 18142 18348 18460 26 July 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 29 Sept. 16 July 7 Sept. 7 July 21 July 9 July 22 July 5 Sept. 19 July 15 Sept. 17 Aug. 1 Aug. 15 July 27 Sept. 9 July 17 Aug. I 16 Sept. 69 77 77 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 66 83 66 69 66 69 80 74 80 4 Aug.* 13 Oct. 4 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 18 Aug.* 29 Sept.* 1 Sept. 29 Sept.* 69 69 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 66 74 83



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Name, Address, and Invention. No. A Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Daily, J. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Vulcanised rubber tire Daniell, H, Mossman, N.S.W. (See E. M. Perdriau, No. 17161.) Danks, W., Wellington, N.Z. Cement for jointing sanitary pipes Davey, W. H, Timaru, N.Z. Cream-separator Davidson, T. H, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Ratchet apparatus Davies, J., Auckland, N.Z. Utilising the flow of tides, &c .. Davies, J., Auckland, N.Z. Wagon Dawson, J. G., Woodbury, N.Z. Egg-carrier De Bavay, A. J. F., Kew, Vic Separating parts of the constituents of ores De Bavay, A. J. F., Kew, Vic Separating parts of the constituents of ores De Bavay, A. J. F., Kew, Vic Separating zinc blende from ores De la Haye, P. J., New Plymouth, N.Z. Bicycle-stand Dennes, A. G, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Supplying needles to gramophone Dennes, H. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Supplying needles to gramophone Denton, G. H, Denver, U.S.A., (See J. A. Ferguson, No. 18420.) Deutsch, I., Montreal, Canada. (See Electric and Train Lighting Syndicate, Limited, Nos. 17951, 17952, and 17953.) Devine, P. J., Yarragon, Vic. Piggery Divine, A., New Plymouth, N.Z. Advertising exhibitor and file Dodge, E. K., and another, Hornby, N.Z. Operating hay-presses Dodge, T. H., and another, Hornby, N.Z. Operating hay-presses Don, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Composition for boot-finishing Douglas, H. M., Wellington, N.Z. Loose-leaf account-book.. Dovalosky, F., Invercargill, N.Z. Pins Dowling, H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Electric belt Dowling, T. F., Hawera, N.Z. Actuating fire-alarm and other bells Duffin, H., Auckland, N.Z. Hose or pipe coupling.. Duncan, Limited, P. and D., Christchurch, N.Z. Cultivator Duncan, Limited, P. and D., Christchurch, N.Z. Vehicle road wheel.. Duncan, Limited, P. and D., Christchurch, N.Z. Dumping and spreading wagon. (J. Keir) Duncan, Limited, P. and D., Christchurch, N.Z. Tip cart and dray. (J, Keir) Duncan, Limited, P. and D., Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-sower. (J. Keir) Dunn, B. F., Auckland, N.Z. Tightening wire mattresses .. Dunn, D., Oamaru, N.Z. Wheel-jack Dunstan, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising Dyer. E. W. H, Dunedin, N.Z. Lidded receptacle 18336 18 Aug. 77 15 Sept.* 18117 18523 18243 18156 18484 18382 18226 5 July 29 Sept. 25 July 14 July 22 Sept. 27 Aug. 28 July 66 83 74 66 S3 77 69 4 Aug. 13 Oct.* 1 Sept.* 4 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 18227 28 Julv mi 18 Aug.* 18228 18108 18438 28 July 28 June 12 Sept. 69 66 SO 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 29 Sept.* 18438 12 Sept. SO 29 Sept.* 18308 17964 18123 18123 18218 18338 18402 18483 17134 16897 17256 17257 18042 8 Aug. 25 May 4 July 4 Julv 23 July 19 Aug. 29 Aug. 22 Sept. 22 Oct., 1903 1 Sept., 1903 16 Nov., 1903 16 Nov., 1903 14 June 74 66 62 62 69 74 1 Sept.* 4 Aug. 21 July.* 21 July.* 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 69 62 80 80 80 18 Aug. 21 July. 29 Sept. 29 Sept 29 Sept. 18124 4 July 62 21 July.* 18282 18150 18061 18109 18309 4 Aug. 12 July 21 June 29 June 8 Aug. 69 62 69 69 74 18 Aug.* 21 July.* 18 Aug. IS Aug.* 1 Sept.* Eagar, E., Glebe Point, N.S.W. Laying wood blocks Edkins, C. B., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Log-hauling pulley-block Edkins, E. M., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Log-hauling pulley-block Edmond, I., Mauriceville, N.Z. Rat-trap Edwards, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Harness-saddle .. Eisenbeis, F., and another, Saarbrucken, Germany. Coal cutter and channellor Ekehorn, S. A., Sodertelgc, Sweden. Rotating-churn Electric and Train Lighting Syndicate, Limited, Montreal, Canada. Dynamo. (I. Deutsch) Electric and Train Lighting Syndicate, Limited, Montreal, Canada, Brush-holder for electric machine. (I. Deutsch) Electric and Train Lighting Syndicate, Limited, Montreal, Canada. Controlling voltage from electric generator. (I. Deutsch) Ellery, F. J., Raetihi, N.Z. Cow leg-roper 18394 18148 18148 18155 17093 18407 I Sept. 12 Julv 12 July 14 July 9 Oct., 1903 6 Sept. 83 62 62 66 66 83 13 Oct. 21 Julv.* 21 July.* 4 Aug.* 4 Aug. 13 Oct. 18390 17951 1 Sept. 25 May 83 66 13 Oct, 4 Aug. 17952 25 May 66 4 Aug. 17953 25 May 66 4 Aug. 17203 5 Nov., 1903 74 1 Sept. Fairweather, J., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-stripper.. Fairweather, W., jun., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-stripper Fairweather, W., sen., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-stripper Falvey, T., Wellington, N.Z. Steam turbine Ferguson, J. A., Denver, U.S.A. Building-block mould Ferguson, J. A., Denver, U.S.A. Press. (G. H. Denton) Ferguson, J. A., Denver, U.S.A. Building blocks and walls. (F. E. Kidder) Ferrier, W., Timaru, N.Z. Candlestick Field, F. R., Aramoho, N.Z. Reclaiming land and altering river-bed.. Field, H. G, Aramoho, N.Z. Fire-resisting building-material Fisher, A. J., New Plymouth, N.Z. Paint .. ... Foster, G., Auckland, N.Z. Slug-destroyer Foster, T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Binder for mercantile papers, &c. Foster, T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Paper-binder Frame, L., Oamaru, N.Z. Washing-boiler French, A. G., Auckland, N.Z. Obtaining ammonium chloride French, T., Leonora, W.A. Ratchet for ore-feeder Friezer. J., and another. Northcote, Vic. Drawing beer, &c, from barrels 18353 18353 18353 18399 18419 18420 18421 17232 18312 18431 18256 17307 18200 18370 17278 18493 18365 18272 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 12 Nov., 1903 12 Aug. 8 Sept. 1 Aug. 25 Nov., 1903 21 July 23 Aug. 19 Nov., 1903 21 Sept. 25 Aug. 4 Aug. 80 80 80 77 83 66 77 80 80 74 69 77 69 83 80 69 29 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 13 Oct. 4 Aug. 15 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 29 Sept. 1 Sept. 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 18 Aug. 13 Oct.* 29 Sept.* 18 Aug.* Gardiner, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicyle-carrying attachment Garelly, F., and another, Saarbrucken, Ger. Coal cutter and channeller Garnham, R., Wellington, N.Z. Water-cistern valve Oasmier, F. W., Petersburg, S.A. Railway brake.. Gates, W., and another, Parramatta, N.S.W. Gas-burner regulator . . 18488 18407 18129 18501 18390 23 Sept. 6 Sept. 6 July 28 Sept. 1 Sept. 83 83 62 13 Oct.* 13 Oct. 21 July.* 83 13 Oct.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

B—H. 10.-05


.ppl licai 'lion. '-azel >.e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Gay, J. H, Oamaru, N.Z. Window Geddes, J., Drummond, N.Z. Flax-scutcher ,. Gemeinhardt, 0., Footscray, Vic. Measuring and wringing skins Gibb, W., and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Breeching-strap hook Gilbert, T. J., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Dressing surfaces of rails Gilbert, W. V., Port Elizabeth, South Africa. (See G. W.'Basley, No. 18139.) Gilsenan, A. J., Bairnsdale, Vic. Acetylene-generator Gleeson, J. J., and another, Tikitapu, N.Z. Separating dirt from milk.. Goddu, G., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 18363, 17380.) Goode, G. W., and others, South Godstone, Eng. Coal-dust bindingcomposition. Goodman, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Postal reply cards Graham, C. E., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18224.) Grave, W. G., Oamaru, N.Z. Securing animal-covers Gray, A., Canterbury, N.S.W. Race-starting machine Gray, B., Okato, N.Z. Noxious weeds destroying-composition Gray, H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Partitions for rooms Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Fertiliser-drill conductor Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Mangold-sower Gray, W., Whakapara, N.Z. Cycle handle-bar Gray, W., Whakapara, N.Z. Combination tool Green, E., Masterton, N.Z. Bird-trap Grieve, A. P., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Cutting-out press Griffiths, H., Fitzroy, Vic. Balmoral boots Grimstone, C, Miramar, N.Z. Window-stop Grocke, F. W., South Melbourne, Vic. Fire-tongs.. Grundy, A. 0., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Clinch for bucket-handle Grundy, T., Waiwera, N.Z. Propeller-blade Grundy, W. J., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Clinch for bucket-handle Guess, E., Clapham, Eng. Cash-checking machine Gunn, J. St. C., Kaikoura, N.Z. Intercepting and rejecting contaminated rain water Gutensohn, A., London, Eng. Recovering metals.. 17336 18335 18505 18253 18537 3 Dec, 1903 19 Aug. 28 Sept. 29 July 30 Sept. 74 74 '74 1 Sept. 1 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 18186 18404 21 July 5 Sept. 69 77 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 18238 28 July 74 1 Sept. 18270 4 Aug. 77 15 Sept. 18101 18329 18319 18389 18427 18496 18116 18094 18359 18340 18151 18173 18305 18441 18175 18441 18325 18381 30 June 17 Aug. 13 Aug. 1 Sept. 3 Sept. 26 Sept. 5 July 28 June 24 Aug. 19 Aug. 14 July 19 July 11 Aug. 13 Sept. 16 July 13 Sept. 17 Aug. 31 Aug. 66 74 74 77 80 83 66 69 77 74 66 4 Aug. 1 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 15 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 4 Aug. 74 83 66 83 80 77 1 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 4 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 29 Sept. 15 Sept.* 18232 28 July 69 18 Aug.* Hadaway, J. B., Brockton, U.S.A. Channel-flap layer Haenke, M. W., Ipswich, Q. Gas lighter and extinguisher Hair, J., Oamaru, N.Z. Racehorse plate.. Hall, C. E. F., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Body for twowheeled vehicle Hall, G., and another, Lepperton, N.Z. Fencing-post Hall, J. H. G, Geelong West, Vic. Hand-power jack Halle, C. R. S. J., London, Eng. Vehicle-wheel Hamilton Manufacturing Company, The, Columbus, U.S.A. Locomotive car-puller. (W. E. Hamilton) Hamilton Manufacturing Company, The, Columbus, U.S.A. Loadingmachine (W. E. Hamilton) Hamilton, W. E., Zanesville, U.S.A. (See The Hamilton Manufacturing Company, Nos. 18301 and 18302.) Hamilton, W. E., Zanesville, U.S.A. Mining-machine Hamlin, E. A. G., Dannevirke, N.Z. Book-cover Hancock, J., and another, Brisbane, Q. Butter-box. (S. J. Coffins) .. Hannaford, E. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Door-lock Hannay, J. B., Dumbarton, North Britain. Anti-fouling composition for ships Hare, P. R., and another, Bromley, Eng. Fermentation of liquids Harrison, J., and others, Half-Moon Bay, N.Z. Sash hanger and lock .. Hartnett, J., and another, Balwyn, Vic Cow-milking apparatus Harvey, A., French Island, Vic. Button-attachment for clothes Harwood, W. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Spring-tip tug Hatrick, A., Wanganui, N.Z. (See A. S. Burgess, No. 18437.) Haughton, R. S., Wellington, N.Z. Bottle-filling machine Haye. (See de la Haye.) Hement, T. G, Christchurch, N.Z. Pipe manufacturing Hement, T. G, Christchurch, N.Z. Ridging Henry, F., Waikiwi, N.Z. Flax-dressing apparatus Hercus, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Coal-saver and draught-regulator Hercus, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Turnip-thinning machine Heskett, T. J., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Ore-treatment apparatus Hewitt, J. G. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Weather filling for roof. (A. Wilson) Hickman, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Alterations to Welsbach gas-burner Hickman, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Castor Hickman, J H., Christchurch, N.Z. Mitring-machine Hicks, T. J. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Wire-woven mattress .. Hinton, J. G, Arncliffe, N.S.W. Controlling spread of vehicle-wheels.. Hitchcock, W., and another, Outram, N.Z. Ratchet apparatus Hoal, E., and another, Liverpool, Eng. (See Worsey-Hoal Gold-ex-tracting Syndicate, Limited, No. 18225.) Hogan, M., Wanganui, N.Z. Bicycle-stand Holms, jun., J., Waimahaka, N.Z. Clasp for spreaders Horrocks, L. B., Wellington, N.Z. Bending-machine 17315 18114 17140 18423 2 Dec, 1903.. 4 July 24 Oct., 1903 .. 7 Sept. 74 66 77 83 1 Sept. 4 Aug. 15 Sept. 13 Oct. 18331 18343 18406 18301 15 Aug. 17 Aug. 6 Sept. 11 Aug. 74 83 77 1 Sept.* 13 Oct. 15 Sept. 18302 11 Aug. 77 15 Sept. 18504 18426 18516 18468 18036 28 Sept, 8 Sept. 24 Sept. 21 Sept. 15 June 83 13 Oct.* 80 62 29 Sep.'*' 21 July 17795 18348 18303 18304 18320 4 May, 1903+ 17 Aug. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 16 Aug. 69 74 74 74 18 Aug. 1 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 18133 7 July 66 4 Aug.* 17388 18499 18383 18198 18215 17425 17017 18119 18354 18375 18454 18362 18243 17 Dec, 1903.. 26 Sept. 31 Aug. 18 July 22 July 30 Dec, 1903.. 19 Sept., 1903 5 July 22 Aug. 26 Aug. 15 Sept 25 Aug. 25 July 80 83 77 69 69 77 66 69 29 Sept. 13 Oct.* 15 Sept-* 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* 15 Sept. 4 Aug. 18 Aug * '77 15 Sept.* 80 74 29 Sept. 1 Sept.* 17791 18452 17303 15 April 12 Sept. 27 Nov.,1903.. 69 80 80 18 Aug.* 29 Sept.* 29 Sept.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

.ppl licai ;ion. -aze ie. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Hosier, A. J., and others, Chaddington, Eng. Straining liquids Hoskins, W., La Grange, U.S.A. Treating fatty wood Hubbard, E. W-, and another, Melbourne, Vic Dredging machinery.. Huddleston, F. F. G, Nelson, N.Z. Heating apparatus Hughes, W. E., Hawera, N.Z. Hose-coupling Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Forming water tables. (J.B.Jackson) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Draw-off tap. (W. T. Nuttall) Hull, A., Kaihu, N Z. Leak-repairer Humphries, G. E., Wellington, N.Z. Removable sash Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Motor-controller. (G. Laird and J. P. Todd) Hutchinson, G., Wellington, N.Z. Milking machinery Hutton, G. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire and hearth screen .. Hyde, F. R., Ashburton, N.Z. Acetylene-generator 18128 18500 18463 18203 16989 17019 16873 17252 18237 18290 6 July 28 Sept. 20 Sept. 23 July 17 Sept.,1903.. 24 Sept., 1903.. 27 Aug., 1903 17 Nov., 1903 28 July 9 Aug. 80 69 66 59 66 77 77 77 29 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 7 July 4 Aug. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 18165 18187 18461 16 July 18 July 16 Sept. 66 4 Aug.* 83 13 Oct.* Ibbetson, T. H., Gore, N.Z. Pump Imbert, A. H, Grand-Montrouge, France. Extracting sulphides from their ores 18263 18112 3 Aug. 30 June 74 66 1 Sept. 4 Aug. Jackson, A. G., Brisbane, Q. Balance window-sash Jackson, J. B., Gisborne, N.Z. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17019.) Jaggers, J. A., Parua Bay, N.Z. Rowlock James, R. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Milk-strainer James, W. J., Wanganui, N.Z. Trough Jameson, S. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Match-striker for pipe.. Jenkins, C. V., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Collar-stud Jerger, H. and another, Burnie, Tas. Feeding-funnel Johanson, G, Dillmanstown, N.Z. Potato-planter.. Johanson, C. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Grubbing, transplanting, and hilling-up tool Johnson, G., and another, Bromley, Eng. Fermentation of liquids .. Johnson, H. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Crutches Jones, A. I., Motupiko, N.Z. Fibre-catcher Jones, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Timber-drying kiln. (The A. H. Andrews Company—H. J. Morton) Jones, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Dust, rain, &c, excluder for door Jones, G. S., Oamaru, N.Z. Mailing-wrapper for photographs, &c Joyce, A., and another, Burnie, Tasmania. Feeding-funnel 18062 16 June 66 4 Aug.* 17253 18536 17241 18471 18201 17873 18513 18138 17 Nov., 1903 2 Aug. 16 Nov., 1903 20 Sept. 22 July 2 May 27 Sept. 7 July 74 83 74 83 69 66 83 66 1 Sept. 13 Oct. 1 Sept. 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 4 Aug.* 17795 18489 18162 17285 4 May, 1903+ 20 Sept. 16 July 28 Nov., 1903.. 69 83 66 74 18 Aug. 13 Oct.* 4 Aug.* 1 Sept. 18213 17847 17873 26 July 26 April 2 May 74 69 66 1 Sept. 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* Keir, J., Sydenham, N.Z. (See P. and D. Duncan, Limited, Nos. 18124, 18282, 18042.) Kelly, P. G., Auckland, N.Z. Propeller Kelly, W., and others, Chaddington, Eng. Straining liquids Kenyon, E. F. B., Brighton, Eng. Potato-peeler Kern, F. A., Rochester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Companv, No. 18392.) Kettle, F., Dunedin, N.Z. (See A. J. Park, No. 18294.) Kidder, F. E., Denver, U.S.A. (See J. A. Ferguson, No. 18421.) Kilborn, A., Bondi, N.S.W. Milking-machine King, W., Timaru, N.Z. Bird-trap Kinsella, J., Camberwell, Vic. (See H. Carter and R. T. Paterson, No. 17198). Kirkby, E. H. Melbourne, Vic. Fire-alarm Kirkwood, J. C. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electric arc-lamp Kitchen, D., Feilding, N.Z. Bridle-fastening Knutzen, H. P., Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-killing appliance Koch, G., New York, U.S.A. Shaving-brush 18250 18128 18234 28 July 6 July 28 July 17 Aug. 23 July 69 69 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 1 Sept. 18324 18205 77 74 18476 18377 18422 18190 18478 22 Sept. 29 Aug. 7 Sept. 21 July 22 Sept. 83 77 77 69 13 Oct.* 15 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* pi] Laird, G., and another, Ashton-on-Mersey, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 18290.) Lamont, C. E., Oamaru, N.Z. Nasal inhaler Land, A. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Vehicle-seat Lange, A. J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Washing-board Langford, A. E., Melbourne, Victoria. Calliper and divider. (G. C. Smith.) Lanigan, P., Auckland, N.Z. Lifting and bunching Venetian blinds .. Lanigan, P., Auckland, N.Z. Digging kauri-gum Lawrenz, E., and another, Baltimore, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 17574.) Leach, G., Melbourne, Vic. Cream-separator. Leach, J. D., Dargaville, N.Z. Venetian blind Lee, F., and another, Lower Hutt, N.Z. Sash-bar for greenhouses, &c Lee, F. W., Woodend, Vic. Potato-digger Leek, H., Auckland, N.Z. Tram-seat Leslie Walker Instantaneous Fire-detector and Fire-indicator Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. Temperature alarm. (G L. Walker) Lindsay, R. N. R., Auckland, N.Z. Dehorning cattle Logan, R., jun., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Position-finder Loomis, B., and another, Hartford, U.S.A. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 17961.) Love, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Saddle Lowe, C. E., Motueka, N.Z. Sulphurising fruit Lowthen, W. H, and another, Brisbane, Q. Signalling from exchange to totalisator 18351 18465 18491 18510 18269 18318 17159 17122 18262 18184 18285 19 Aug. 20 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Sept. 1 Aug. 13 Aug. 29 Oct., 1903.. 20 Oct., 1903.. 3 Aug. 21 July 3 Aug. 77 80 83 83 69 74 74 69 69 69 74 15 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 1 Sept. 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* ljjSept. 18231 18432 18174 28 July 8 Sept. 19 July 74 80 66 1 Sept. 29 Sept.* 4 Aug. 18286 16996 18210 3 Aug. 18 Sept., 1903 26 July 69 66 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Pateht — continued.


Appl licai ion. Uize !e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Lund, T., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18300.) Lyell, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Sewing-machine 18220 28 July 69 18 Aug.* Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Chain-drive manure feed Macalpine, T., London, Eng. Oil-refining apparatus Madeley, 0. T., Corindhap, Vic Gathering delicate fruit Madeley, 0. T., Corindhap, Vic. Fruit-tree pruner Mahony, E C, Vancouver, B.C.. Wall-sections for house-building Maindonald, F. J., Waimate, N.Z. Oil-engine Maine, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Boot or shoe stand Manning, E. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising Marks, J., Auckland, N.Z. Hose-coupling Marsh, R. F., East Maitland, N.S.W. Washing-machine Martin, G. P., Kelso, N.Z. Animal-cover fastening Maxwell, P. G, and others, Latrobe, Tas. Playing-card holder May, E. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Door-holder May, T. W., Auckland, N.Z. Rotary engine Mayo, B. F., Salem, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18299.) MeArtney, A., Nelson, N.Z. Double-headed match McCully, H. S., Upper Waitohi, N. Z. Cultivator - attachment to plough McDade, J. J., San Francisco, U.S.A. Affixing postage-stamps McDonald, A. M., Wellington, N.Z. Egg-preserving cabinet McDonald, P., Dipton, N.Z. Removably attaching grippers to tires . McEwan, R., Wyndham, N.Z. Fibre-washing apparatus McGregor, D., Fordell, N.Z. Cycling-cape McGuinness, D. H. K., Wangaratta, Vic Elevating hand-truck Mcllvride, P., Wanganui, N.Z. Nose-bag McLean, G. A., and another,Wellington, N.Z. Partition for room McLennan, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Coal-saver and draughtregulator McLennan, R. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Calendar McLennan, R, M., Dunedin, N.Z. Divider McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Marking-stamp McLeod, A., Brisbane, Q. Camera tripod-stand McMaster, E. G. D., Matawhero Station, N.Z. Turnip-trimmer McNeil, A. G, Brunswick, N.Z. Cow-leg roper McNeill, J. F., Melbourne, Vic. Fertiliser-distributor McNeill, J. F., Melbourne, Vic. Gate McPharlin, A. J., Whangapoua, N.Z. Catching kauri-gum McPhee, J. H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Reducing pulverised iron-ore McQueen, J. H., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Decanter Meiklejohn, J. B., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Indicating destination of cars, trains, &o. Meredith, J. T., Geraldine, N.Z. Motor-tire metal shield Mergenthaler, 0., and another. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 17574.) Merrett, J. A., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for drying blood Merrett, J. A., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for drying milk, blood, &c Millar, J. H., Chatton, N.Z. Turnip-seed sower Miller, W. E. C. T., and another, Sydenham, N.Z. Piano-insulator .. Mitchell, F., Heathcote, Vic. Vehicle-brake Mitchell, H. L., and others, South Godstone, Eng. Coal-dust bindingcomposition Mitchell, J., Auckland, N.Z. Cock for low pressures Moore, M., and another, Melbourne Vic. Ore-treatment apparatus .. Morris, R. B., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Basket-lid fastener .. Morrison, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-screen Morrison, D. H, Wanganui, N.Z. Bridge-marker Morton, H. J., Chicago, U.S.A. (See F. J. Jones, No. 17285.) Morton. W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Turnip-thinning machine Moss, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Stamping and franking machine Moss, E., and another, Avonside, N.Z. Basket-lid fastener.. Mouat, B. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Draught-regulator for grate Mowlem, H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Opening envelopes Mowlem, H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Opening envelopes Murnane, G, Sydney, N.S.W. Chaff-cutter Mutch, A., and another, Carterton, N.Z. Washing-boiler 17116 18233 18451 18477 18361 18313 18267 18109 17359 17988 18158 18281 18167 18191 15 Oct., 1903.. 28 July 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 22 Aug. 12 Aug. 2 Aug. 29 June 8 Dec, 1903.. 1 June 11 July 3 Aug. 19 July 19 July 69 69 80 83 80 74 69 69 77 80 69 69 69 69 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* 29 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 29 Sept. 1 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept. 29 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug * 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* 18239 18249 22 July 28 July 69 18 Aug.* 18386 18398 18193 18417 18200 18475 18455 18389 18198 1 Sept. 3 Sept. 18 July 7 Sept. 21 July 22 Sept. 15 Sept. 1 Sept. 18 July 83 80 69 77 13 Oct. 29 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 83 80 77 69 13 Oct.* 29 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 18 Aug. 18195 18350 18315 18474 18339 18276 18242 18369 18182 18490 18122 18172 18 July 19 Aug. 11 Aug. 22 Sept. 19 Aug. 4 Aug. 28 July 25 Aug. 20 July 20 Sept. 2 July 14 July 69 74 74 83 80 69 77 80 69 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 29 Sept. 18 Aug.* 15 Sept. 29 Sept. 18 Aug. 69 66 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* 18143 8 July 62 21 July.* 18106 18261 1 July 2 Aug. 66 69 4 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 16938 18217 18275 18238 10 Sept., 1903 22 July 4 Aug. 28 July 62 69 74 74 21 July. 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 1 Sept. 18346 17425 18459 18135 18292 15 Aug. 30 Dec. 1903 .. 17 Sept. 7 July 9 Aug. 80 77 80 66 77 29 Sept. 15 Sept. 29 Sept.* 4 Aug. 15 Sept. 18215 18337 18459 18515 18207 18207 18387 17634 22 July 17 Aug. 17 Sept. 24 Sept. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 1 Sept. 8 March 69 74 80 77 77 77 66 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 15 Sept. 15 Sept.* 4 Aug. Nankivell, E. H, Waikouaiti, N.Z. Pinion-oiler Nash, J. G., Adelaide, S.A. Gas-producer Nash, T. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing guttering in candles Nathan, A., and others, Feilding, N.Z. Apparatus for drying blood .. Nathan, A., and others, Feilding, N.Z. Apparatus for drying milk, blood, &c Nathan, F. J., and others, Palmerston North, N.Z. Apparatus for drying blood Nathan, F. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. for drying milk, blood, &c. National Typographic Company, Charleston, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 17574.) Nattrass, L. N, and another, Lower Hutt, N.Z. Churn 17335 18273 17826 18106 18261 3 Dec, 1903.. 4 Aug. 25 April 1 July 2 Aug. 80 77 62 66 69 29'Sept. 15 Sept. 21 July. 4 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18106 1 July 66 4 Aug.* 18261 2 Aug. 69 18 Aug.* 18380 30 Aug. 80 29 Sept.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. No. A Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Nelson, G. M., and another, Warragul, Vic Disc plough Nelson, M., Kalgoorlie, W.A. (See C. F. Strauss, No. 18131.) Nettheim, C, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Boot New Inverted Incandescent Gas-lamp Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. Mantle-support. (J. Bridger) Nicholson, J. S., Okaihu, N.Z. Nail Nicolson, S., Gore, N.Z. Non-freezable tap Nicolson, S., Gore, N.Z. Non-freezing tap Nicolson, S., Gore, N.Z. Attaching leather strips to motor-tires Nicolson, S., Gore, N.Z. Making leather waterproof Nikander, J. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Floor-cramp Nikander, M., Christchurch, N.Z. Appliance for use by young children Noonan, J. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Billiard-rest Nunn, P., Tungamah, Vic. Clay-remover from hoes of grain-drills Nuttall, B. O., Dannevirke, N.Z. Window-fastener Nuttall, W. T., Wanganui, N.Z. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16873.) 18507 28 Sept. 83 13 Oct.* 18289 18326 5 Aug. 17 Aug. 77 15 Sept. 18439 18144 18196 18197 18514 18283 18087 18176 18297 18347 8 Sept. 11 July 19 July 19 July 28 Sept. 3 Aug. 24 June 14 July 11 Aug. 20 Aug. 83 62 69 69 83 69 66 69 69 13 Oct.* 21 July.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* Oakley, G. C, and others, South Godstone, Eng. Coal-dust bindingcomposition Oates, G. P., and another, Springfield, U.S.A. (See American Seedingmachine Company, No. 18204.) O'Brien, W., jun., Waipori, N.Z. Obtaining hydraulic power from waves O'Connor, T. B., Auckland, N.Z. Indicator for race-horse bridle O'Connor, T. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Billiard-rest O'Connor, T. B., Auckland, N.Z. Racing bridle and bit .. O'Hara, W. J., Papatoitoi, N.Z. Waggon Olden, O. L., and another, Ballarat, Vic Extracting gold Olsen, O. M. J., and another, Parramatta, N.S.W. Gas-burner regulator O'Neil, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Windmill O'Neill, P. S., and another, Kokiri, N.Z. Vehicle-couplings.. Orbell, R. L., Timaru, N.Z. Turnip-puller 18238 28 July 74 1 Sept 18160 15 July 69 18 Aug.* 18152 18176 18246 17172 17810 18391 18352 18396 18341 14 July 14 July 25 July 27 Oct., 1903.. 21 April 1 Sept. 22 Aug. 2 Sept. 18 Aug. 66 69 77 77 74 83 77 77 77 4 Aug.* 18 Aug. 15 Sept, 15 Sept. 1 Sept. 13 Oct. 15 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 15 Sept.*^ m 13 Oct.* Paokham, F. R., and another, Springfield, U.S.A. (See American Seed-ing-machine Company, No. 18204.) Paladini, R., Wellington, N.Z. Flushing-pan Palmer, J. S., Wanganui, N.Z. Account-book Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Rotary engine. (F. Kettle) Park, T. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Ore-loading machine Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Ballot-box Paterson, R. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Parcel-strap. (J. Kinsella) Paul, T. T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Binder for mercantile papers, &c Paul, T. T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Paper-binder Payne, W. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Dirt-screen for motor-car .. Peart, A. A., and others, Latrobe, Tas. Playing-card holder Perdriau, E. G, Melbourne, Vic. Rubber heels, soles, tips, &c Perdriau, E. M., Drummoyne, N.S.W. Riding-coat. (H. Daniell) .. Perniskie, V., Christchurch, N.Z. Nib-ejector Perry, J. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle Petrie, J., Timaru, N.Z. Sash-lock Pettibone, H., and another, Hartford, U.S.A. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 17961.) Pilkington, W. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Churn Piper, W. H, arid another, Sydenham, N.Z. Extension boot Ponninghaus, W., Papanui, N.Z. Incubator Power and Mining Machinery Company, New York, U.S.A. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward. No. 17961.) Price, J. C. R., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Body for twowheeled vehicle Prior, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Box Purkiss, J., Halcombe, N.Z. Affixing stamps on wafers 18473 18522 18294 18323 18502 17198 18206 18370 18259 18281 18364 17161 18120 18466 18115 22 Sept. 30 Sept. 6 Aug. 17 Aug. 28 Sept. 30 Oct., 1903.. 21 July 23 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 25 Aug. ' .. 24 Oct., 1903.. 2 July 20 Sept. 4 July 83 74 80 83 74 69 77 69 69 77 69 66 80 66 1 Sept.* 29 Sept. 13 Oct.* 1 Sept.' 18 Aug. * 15 Sept. * 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 18 Aug. 4 Aug. 29 Sept.* 4 Aug. 18380 18134 18216 30 Aug. 7 July 22 July 80 66 69 29 Sept.* 4 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18423 7 Sept. 83 13 Oct. 18278 18358 2 Aug. 24 Aug. 69 77 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* Quertier, H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Flashlight apparatus Quertier, H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Flashlight-powder Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging and excavating machinery Quin, W., Wellington, N.Z. Receipt and cheque form 18257 18258 18306 18408 1 Aug. 1 Aug. 11 Aug. 6 Sept. 69 69 74 80 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 29 Sept.* Randell, M., Auckland, N.Z. Ventilator Rankin, W. F., Auckland, N.Z. Stove-protector Rasmussen, N, Mauriceville West, N.Z. Belt-fastener Raworth, J. S., Streatham, Eng. Electrically propelled vehicle Ray, F., East Orange, U.S.A. (See Henry R. Worthington, Nos. 18366 and 18367.) Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Making producer and water gas. (Power Mining Machinery Company—B. Loomis and H. Pettibone) Reid, A., Whangamomona, N.Z. Hook for reins, traces, &o. Richard, M., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Bakers' oven Richards, W. M., and others, Brisbane, Q. Earth-closet Richardson, E., Hawthorn, Vic. Cycle free-wheel.. Riohmond, A. P., Marrickville, N.S.W. Therapeutio apparatus 18314 181631 18356 18376 12 Aug. 6 July 23 Aug. 20 Aug. 69 77 80 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 29 Sept. 18140 17961 5 July 26 May 66 74 4 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 18409 18531 18357 18368 18214 6 Sept. 29 Sept. 23 Aug. 25 Aug. 26 July 77 77 77 74 15 Sept.* 15 r Sept.* 15 Sept.* 1 Sept.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


.pp] [ical iioa. te. Name, Address, and Invention. Mo. Date. No. Date. Richmond, A. P., Marrickville, N.S.W. Apparatus for treating diseases Rickard, F. G., Ashburton, N.Z. Iron building-material Ridgway, J. E., and others, Unley, S.A. Destruction of rabbits Rifenburg, W. G., San Francisco, U.S.A. Muller and amalgamator .. Rigby, W. S., Greymouth, N.Z. Launching ships' boats Ritchie, T., Grasmere, N.Z. Stop-cock Ritscher, J., Melbourne, Vic. Cycle-crank Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope, wrapper, &c Robertson, D. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Totalisator Robertson, J., Waitati, N.Z. Tail-grip for cattle, &c Robison, D. M., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Cow-milking apparatus.. Rogers, T., Wellington, N.Z. Forming O.G. spouting and ridging Rooney, J. W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Indicating destination of cars, trains, &c Rose, H. S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Kitson lamp light-ex-tinguisher Roseman, S. G., Auckland, N.Z. Broom and brush Rowe, D., Wanganui, N.Z. Pneumatic-tire pump.. Rowe's Patent Lock and Block, Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Railwaytraffic control system. (W. Rowe) Rowe, W., Marrackville, N.S.W. (See Rowe's Patent Lock and Block, Limited, No. 18274.) Rowland, J. H, Waipukurau, N.Z. Game Russell, R. A. C, Walsall, Eng. Saddle-tree Ryan, M., Greymouth. N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus 18330 18472 18509 18271 18153 18524 17363 18518 16958 16985 18303 18209 18172 17 Aug. 22 Sept. 28 Sept. 4 Aug. 14 July 28 Sept. 11 Dec, 1903.. 24 Sept. 11 Sept., 1903.. 11 Sept.,1903.. 11 Aug. 25 July 14 July 80 83 77 66 83 69 83 59 59 29 Sept. 13 Oct.* 15 Sept. 4 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug. 13 Oct.* 7 July. 7 July. 69 66 18 Aug. 4 Aug.* 18126 4 July 62 21 July.* 18147 18130 18274 12 July 6 July 4 Aug. 62 66 69 21 July.* 4 Aug. 18 Aug.* 18492 18388 18434 24 Sept. 26 Marcht .. 9 Sept. '77 80 15 Sept.* 29 Sept.* Sampson A. G., Mokau, N.Z. Lining-cramp Samuel. T. „Westport. N.Z. Auriferous-gravel elevator Sander. G. E. C F„ Westport N.Z. Gate-latch Sanders, G. S., and others, Kensington, S.A. Destruction of rabbits.. Sanderson, J., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Drawing table and easel Sands, R., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Half-tone photo-lithography Sauvage, W. H, Manhattan, U.S.A. (See W. J. Spruson, No. 17846.) Savary, A , East Melbourne, Vic Manufacturing jewellery Schmidt, W. S. D., Auckland, N.Z. Protecting boot-soles Schultz, C. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Glove Schulze, E., Auckland, N.Z. Catamenial appliance.. Scoon, J., Oamaru, N.Z. Trough Scott, G. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-balance Scott, W., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Bakers' oven Searle, W. E., and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Breeching-strap hook Searle and Gibb, Oamaru, N.Z. (See W. E. Searle and W. Gibb, No. 18253.) Shailer, P. H., Auckland, N.Z. Submarine torpedo-boat Shelton, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Range-heater Shelton, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Acetylene-generator Shelton, F. J., Wellington, N.Z Acetylene-generator Shepherd, J., Te Kinga, N.Z. Thief-proof lock for doors, &c. Shepherd, J., Te Kinga, N.Z. Water-gauge for steam-boiler Shiels, J., and another, Balfour, N.Z. Air or vaccum buffer Shoob, I., London, Eng. Incandescent-gas burner Shury, F. G., Greymouth, N.Z. Feed-water filter Sibbit, J. M., Hawthorn, Vic Wire-gauge screen-roller Small, C. C, Newton, Highlands, U.S.A. Top-lift for boot and shoe .. Smallbone, R. E., Auckland, N.Z. Bread-toaster Smith, C. E. E., Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-consumer.. Smith, C. E. E., Auckland, N.Z. Castor Smith, C. E. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire and hearth screen.. Smith, E., Gisborne, N.Z. Stopping holes in ships Smith, F. W., Dannevirke, N.Z. Acetylene-generator Smith, G. C, St. Kilda, Vic. (See A. E. Langford, No. 18510.) Smith, J. H, Bairnsdale, Vic. Gate-post " falls." (W. M. Alexander) Smith, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Sandal Smith, T., Kotuku, N.Z. Boring apparatus Sneddon, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Garment-suspender Sneesby, J. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Crimping-can bodies Sneesby, J. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Securing ends of tincanisters Sneesby, J. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rotary can-seaming machine Soper, F., Athol, N.Z. Automatically-rocking cradles Speden, A., Timaru, N.Z. Door-lock Spencer, W. E., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Drawing table and easel Spiller, W. H., Albert Park, Vic. Cream-separator and milk-cooler .. Spruson, W. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Railway brake. (W. H. Sauvage).. Standard Mouthpiece Machine Company, New York, U.S.A. Cigarette mouthpiece. (G. P. Butler.) Standen, W. J., Pleasant Point, N.Z. Lamb cutter and tailer Steele, R., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Boot Stephan, A., and another, Waverley, N.S.W. Half-tone photo lithography Stephenson, A. A., Fremantle, W.A. Inflammable gas 18317 18403 18192 18509 17911 15 Aug. 5 Sept. 21 July 28 Sept. 14 May 74 77 83 66 1 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 4 Aug. 18333 18 Aug. 77 15 Sept. 18334 18494 18332 18371 18264 18310 18531 18253 18 Aug. 22 Sept. 15 Aug. 25 Aug. 3 Aug. 9 Aug. 29 Sept. 29 July 74 83 77 80 74 74 1 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 15 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 1 Sept. 1 Sept.* 74 1 Sept.* 18146 17308 18199 18462 18424 18425 18159 18287 18154 18519 18100 18254 18189 18188 18187 17010 17031 8 July 28 Nov.,1903.. 21 July 19 Sept 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 14 July 9 Aug. 25 May 29 Sept. 24 Oct., 1903+ 1 Aug. 16 July 18 July 18 July 18 Sept., 1903 29 Sept., 1903 62 77 69 77 77 69 77 66 21 July.* 15 Sept. 18 Aug. 15 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept. 4 Aug. 66 77 69 4 Aug.* 15 Sept. 18 Aug.* 59 66 7 July.' 4 Aug. 18469 18157 17400 18260 18479 18480 22 Sept. 12 July 21 Dec, 1903.. 2 Aug. 22 Sept. 22 Sept. 69 69 69 83 83 18 Aug.* 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 13 Oct.* 18508 28 Sept. 83 13 Oct.* 18164 18223 17911 16 July 25 July 14 May 69 69 66 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 18291 17846 18418 9 Aug. 27 April 7 Sept. 69 69 83 18 Aug.* 18 Aug. 13 Oct. 17322 18289 18333 2 Dec, 1903.. 5 Aug. 18 Aug. 80 77 77 29 Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 18181 19 July 69 18 Aug.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

Name, Address, and Invention. Application. : No. Gazette. Date. I No. Date. Stevens, T. G., Greenhithe, Eng. Cycle-saddle Stevenson, G. S., and another, Gore, N.Z. Air or vacuum buffer Stevenson, G. S., Gore, N.Z. . Furniture drawers Stevenson, G. S., Gore, N.Z. £ Cork-seal Stevenson, G. S., Gore, remover.. Stevenson, G. S., and another, Gore, N.Z. Rifle wind-gauge Stevenson, J., Waimate, N.Z. Tent Stevenson, W., Auckland, N.Z. Billiard and dining table Stevenson, W., Auckland, N.Z. Dining and billiard table Stevenson, W., Auckland, N.Z. Boiler-cover tub and clothes carrier .. Stewart, St. G. T. W., and another, Sydenham, N.Z. Piano-insulator Stewart, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Polish-spreader Stewart, T. G, Echuca, Vic. Drying-frame for shrinkable clothing .. Stoddart, W. G., Geelong, Vic. Driving dentists and surgeon's drills.. Stokoe, F. W., Auckland, N.Z. Ladder Storer, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic Recovering gold Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Strain, J. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Gas-stove Strain, J. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Gas-stove Strauss, C. F., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Gripper for ore-feeder. (M. Nelson) .. Stringfellow, G, Auckland, N.Z. Button-hook Sutherland, R. A. D., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Candle-holder.. 17604 18159 18533 18534 18535 18265 18527 18307 17874 18379 18217 18400 18171 18145 18345 18457 17280 18222 18296 18131 18411 18295 2 March 14 July 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 3 Aug. 30 Sept. 29 June 2 May 30 Aug. 22 July 5 Sept. 13 July 8 July 20 Aug. 14 Sept. 23 Nov., 1903 25 July 9 Aug. 7 July 6 Sept. 2 Aug. 74 69 83 69 83 74 77 80 69 77 66 62 80 80 77 74 74 66 1 Sept. 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 29 Sept. 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 4 Aug.* 21 July.* 29 Sept. 29 Sept.* 15 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 4 Aug. 74 1 Sept.* Tagell, J., Bethanga, Vic. Cylindrical valve for rock-drills, &c Tattersfield, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Parchment window-blind Taylor, E., Brisbane, Q. Determining amount of liquid withdrawn from a vessel by a syphon Taylor, J., Newcastle, N.S.W. Washboard Taylor, R. B., and another, Newcastle, N.S.W. Washboard and rubber Taylor, R., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Flooring for bridges Tehan, M. J., Heathcote, Vic Reaper and binder.. Theobald, J., Eltham, N.Z. Shaft-tug Thomas, R., and another, Waitara, N.Z. Fencing-post Thomas, R., and others, Rockhampton, Q. Earth-closet Thompson, P. E., Remuera, N.Z. Fire-lighter Thompson, W., Surrey, Eng. (See A. S. Burgess, No. 18437.) Thomson, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel tire Timmins, T., and another, South Melbourne, Vic. Flooring for bridges, &c.. Todd, J. P., and another, Stretford, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 18290.) Toft, J. M., Karaka, Drury, N.Z. Pneumatic horse-collar Toohey, J. T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Knife-cleaner.. Torrente, M., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Separating solid matter Tregelles, F. A., New Plymouth, N.Z. Moveable river and sea groin .. Tregelles, F. A., New Plymouth, N.Z. Building river and sea walls, groins, &c Trewhella, B., and another, Trentham, Vic. Land-clearing jack Trewhella, B., and another, Trentham, Vic. Pawl and ratchet mechanism Trewhella, W., and another, Trentham, Vic. Land-clearing jack Trewhella, W., and another, Trentham, Vic. Pawl and ratchet mechanism Turner, A. A., and another, Tikitapu, N.Z. Separating dirt from milk.. 17208 18360 18447 5 Nov., 1903 22 Aug. 15 Sept. 69 77 80 18 Aug. 15 Sept. 29 Sept.* 18430 18236 18401 18328 18458 18331 18357 18440 8 Sept. 28 July 31 Aug. 17 Aug. 17 Sept. 15 Aug. 23 Aug. 9 Sept. 83 69 77 80 80 13 Oct. 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 29 Sept. 29 Sept.* '77 83 15 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 18130 18401 4 July 31 Aug. 66 77 4 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 18091 17690 18450 18240 18241 28 June 23 March 15 Sept. 26 July 26 July 66 69 80 69 69 4 Aug.* 18 Aug. 29 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18435 18436 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 80 80 29 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 18435 18436 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 80 80 29 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 18404 5 Sept. 77 15 Sept.* United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Loose nailer. (G. Goddu) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Mould for heelcompressor. (G L. Whiting) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Mould for heelcompressor. (B. F. Mayo) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Brush. (C. E. Graham) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Mould for heel-com-pressor. (T. Lund) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Welt-attaching apparatus. (G. Goddu) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Wax-thread sewing-machine. (F. A. Kern) 17380 17 Dec, 1903.. 80 29 Sept. 18298 11 Aug. 69 18 Aug.* 18299 11 Aug. 69 18 Aug.* 18224 28 July 74 1 Sept.* 18300 11 Aug. 74 1 Sept.* 18363 25 Aug. 80 29 Sept.* 18392 1 Sept. 77 15 Sept.* Visintini, F., Zurich, Switzerland. Lattice-girder, column, &c. 18127 6 July 66 4 Aug. Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Collar-stud Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Material-divider Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Coin-controlled stamp-affixer Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Material-divider Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Material-divider Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Packeting discrete materials Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Coin-controlled machine Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutter Walker, C. L., Harrow, Eng. (See The Leslie Walker Instantaneous Fire-detector and Fire-indicator Company, Limited, No. 18231.) Wall, W. G, and another, Newtown, N.S.W. Knife-cleaner.. Wallace, G. H, and another, Brisbane, Q. Signalling from exchange to totalisator 18169 18177 18170 18178 18194 18244 18251 18311 13 July 15 July 13 July 15 July 18 July 26 July 28 July 9 Aug. 69 69 66 69 69 69 74 74 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 17690 18201 23 March 26 July 69 18 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Ward, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Skylight Ward, H, Dunedin, N.Z. Scraper for brushes Ward, T., and others, Southwark, S.A. Destruction of rabbits Waters, jun., E., Melbourne, Vic. Typographic machine. (National Typographic Company.—O. Mergenthaler and E. Lawrenz) Watson, A. E., Kyneton, Vic Wheel-scraper Watson, F. L., and another, Leeds, Eng. Refuse-furnace Watson, G., and another, Leeds, Eng. Refuse-furnace Watson, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Decanter Watson, R. S., Islington, N.Z. Refrigerator-pipe cleaner Watt, C. L., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Indicating destination of cars, trains. &c Watt, J., Balclutha, N.Z. Utilising waste heat from oil-lamp, &c Watt, J., Balclutha, N.Z. Portable gas-fire ball-heater Waugh, C. J., Wellington, N.Z. Turning and crowning speed pulleys.. Way, R. F., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Spring-tip tug Way, R. F., Auckland, N.Z. Window-fastener Way, R. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Wire-woven mattress Weinrich, M, Yonkers, U.S.A. Drying granular materials Wells, W. L., and others, Latrobe, Tas. Playing-card holder Westbury, A. P., and another, Lower Hutt, N.Z. Sash-bar for greenhouses, &c Weston, R., Sydenham, N.Z. Cycle-shoe Whatley, A., and others, Chaddington, Eng. Straining liquids Whiley, R., Wellington, N.Z. Insecticide Whiley, R., jun., Ohau, N.Z. Station-indicator White, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Car-fender Whitehouse, S. G., London, Eng. Wheeled vehicle Whiting, G L, Brockton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18298.) Whitney, S. E. E., Auckland, N.Z. Ships, torpedo-boats, &c (A. N. Whitney.) Whitney, A. N., Melbourne, Vic (See S. E. E. Whitney, No. 18344.) Whitney, W. R., Schenectady, U.S.A. Filaments.. Williams, A. E., Woolahra, N.S.W. Luggage label and case Williams, I., Yarraville, Vic. Parlour game Williams, J., Hawthorndale,N.Z. Drain-plough Wilson, A., Kaikorai, N.Z. (See J. G. L. Hewitt, No. 17017.) Wilson, H., Stratford, N.Z. Killing birds Wilson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. File for newspapers, &c Wilson, R. A., Bull's, N.Z. Loading gravel into trucks Wolff, A. G, and another, Carterton, N.Z. Washing-boiler Woltereck, H. G, London, Eng. Producing ammonia Woods, M., and another, Carlton, Vic Dressing surfaces of rails Woolcott, H. S., Wellington, N.Z. Tap Woolcott, H. S., Wellington. N.Z. Drainpipe connection Worsey-Hoal Gold-extracting Syndicate, Limited, Liverpool, Eng. Extracting gold from gold-ores. (J. W. Worsey and E. Hoal.) Worsey, J. W., and another, St. Helens, Eng. (See Worsey-Hoal Goldextracting Syndicate, Limited, No. 18225.) Worthington, Henry R., New York, U.S.A. Centrifugal turbine Worthington, Henry R., New York, U.S.A. Pump. (F. Ray) Wright, C. F., and another, Barberton, U.S.A. (See Bryant and May, Limited, No. 18235.) Wright, J. P., and another, Akron, U.S.A. (See Bryant and May, Limited, No. 18235.) 18284 18397 18509 17574 3 Aug. 31 Aug. 28 Sept. 25 Feb. 74 1 Sept. 83 62 13 Oct.* 21 July. 17216 18230 18230 18122 17313 18172 6 Nov., 1903 28 July 28 July 2 July 2 Dec, 1903.. 14 July 69 74 74 69 74 66 18 Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 18 Aug.* 1 Sept. 4 Aug.* 18221 18414 18255 18320 18413 18454 18415 18281 18262 27 July 6 Sept. 15 Aug. 16 Aug. 6 Sept. 15 Sept. 7 Sept. 3 Aug. 3 Aug. 69 83 69 74 83 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 83 69 69 13 Oct. 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18498 18128 18208 18486 18342 18429 26 Sept. 6 July 25 July 23 Sept. 15 Aug. 2 Sept. 83 13 Oct.* 69 83 74 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 1 Sept.* 18344 16 Aug. 74 1 Sept.* 18503 18482 18180 17094 28 Sept. 22 Sept, 19 July 7 Oct., 1903.. 74 69 1 Sept.* 18 Aug. 18497 18125 16895 17634 18506 18537 17263 17332 18225 26 Sept. 4 July 1 Sep., 1903.. 8 March 28 Sept. 30 Sept. 18 Nov., 1903 7 Dec, 1903.. 28 July 83 62 69 66 13 Oct.* 21 July.* 18 Aug. 4 Aug. 66 74 69 4 Aug. 1 Sept. 18 Aug. 18366 18367 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 80 80 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 22 Sept. Yai Yager, H, Fitzroy, Vic. Boot .. 18470




* Denotes a provisional 'rade Marks Act, 1889." speon ioai lion. lenotes a prior late un ler section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, am Invention. Name. No. Application. Date. No. Gazette. Date. Account-book Account-book, Loose-leaf Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-generator Acid solutions, Recovering metals from.. Advertising exhibitor Advertising, Method of Advertising, Method of Aerated waters, Saving carbonic-acid gas in manufacture of Agricultural implements, Mounting for rotary scraper on .. Air-brake for railway car Air or vacuum buffer Alarm. (See Fire-alarm, Temperature alarm.) Amalgamator and muller Ammonia, Process for producing Ammonium chloride from coal, Obtaining Angle and mitre cutter Animal-cover fastening Animal-cover, Securing Animal-trap Anti-fouling composition for ships Auriferous gravels or sand, Elevating .. J. S. Palmer H. M. Douglas G H. Bissaker F. W. Smith F. J. Shelton A. J. Gilsenan F. R. Hyde F. J. Shelton A. Gutensohn A. Divine J. Dunstan and E. W. Manning G. E. Bailey E. P. Coulter.. A. E. Watson 18522 18338 18481 17031 18199 18186 18461 18462 18232 17964 18109 18252 18449 17216 30 Sept. .. 19 Aug. 22 Sept. .. 29 Sept.,1903 21 July .. 21 July 16 Sept. .. 19 Sept. .. 28 July 25 May 29 June .. 29 July 15 Sept. .. 6 Nov., 1903 74 83 66 69 69 83 69 66 69 74 80 69 1 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 18 Aug. W. J. Spruson G. S. Stevenson and J. Shiels .. 17846 18159 27 April .. 14 July 69 69 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* W. G. Rifenburg H. G Woltereck A. G. French J. H. Hickman G. P. Martin .. W. G. Grave A. Campbell J. B. Hannay T. Samuel 18271 18506 18493 18375 18158 18101 17202 18036 18403 4 Aug. 28 Sept. .. 21 Sept. .. 26 Aug. 11 July 30 June 4 Nov., 1903 15 June 5 Sept. .-. 77 83 77 69 66 69 62 77 15 Sept. 13 Oct.* 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 21 July. 15 Sept.* Bag, NoseBaker's oven Balance. (See Window-sash balance, Sash-balance.) Ballot-box Barrels, Drawing beer from Basket-lid fastener Bath-tub and clothes-carrier Beer, Drawing from barrels Bells, Means for actuating Belt. (See Electric belt, Machine belt.) Bicycle Bicycle-carrying attachment Bicycle. (See also Cycle.) Bicycle-stand Bicycle-stand Bicycle-stand Billiard and dining table combined Billiard and dining table combined Billiard-rest Billiard-table, Convertible Billiard-table, Cushion-rails of .. Billies, Handle and lid opener for Binder for loose sheets Binder. (See also Newspaper - binder, Reaper-and-binder.) Bird-trap Bird-trap, Reflecting Birds, Killing by electric current, small.. Bit. (See Racing-bit.) Blight-killer Blind, Securing to roller Blind. (See - blind, Windowblind.) Block. (See Building-block, Pulley-block, Wood-block.) Blood, &c, Apparatus for drying P. Mcllvride .. M. Richard and W. Scott A. Parker J. Bennett and J. Friezer E. Moss and R. B. Morris W. Stevenson J. Bennett and J. Friezer T. F. Dowling J. W. Perry .. H. J. Gardiner M. Hogan P. J. de la Haye A. A. Bushell.. W. Stevenson.. W. Stevenson J. H. Noonan and T. B. O'Connor H. U. Alcock F. A. Alcock .. M. Aldis T. Foster and T. T. Paul 18455 18531 18502 18272 18459 18379 18272 17134 18466 18488 17791 18108 18448 18307 17874 18176 18517 18405 18247 18370 15 Sept. .. 29 Sept. .. 28 Sept. .. 4 Aug. 17 Sept. .. 30 Aug. 4 Aug. 22 Oct., 1903 20 Sept. .. 23 Sept. .. 15 April 28 June 15 Sept. .. 29 June 2 May 14 July 24 Sept. .. 6 Sept. .. 26 July 23 Aug. 80 S3 69 80 80 69 69 80 83 69 66 80 74 77 69 29 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 29 Sept.* 29 Sept. 18 Aug.* 18 Aug. 29 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 29 Sept.* 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 18 Aug. 77 09 77 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* W. King E. Green H. Wilson .. 18205 18359 18497 23 July 24 Aug. 26 Sept. .. 74 77 83 1 Sept. 15 Sept.* 13 Oct.* R. Whiley D. Bishop 18208 18118 25 July 5 July 69 66 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* Blood, Process for drying A. and F. J. Nathan and J. A. Merrett A. and F. J. Nathan and J. A. Merrett 18261 18106 2 Aug. 1 July 69 66 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* Board. (See Draught and chess board, Washboard.) Boat. (See Rowing-boat, Ship's-boat, Torpedo-boat.) Bogie for vehicle, Construction of Boiler, Combustion of fuel in fire-chamber of Boiler. (See Steam-boiler, Washing-boiler.) C. E. Bernays C. E. Bernays 20 Sept. .. 9 Aug. 16 Sept. 18464 18293 77


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

9—H. 10.-05


Alphabetical List of Inventions— con .tinued. Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Book-covers Book. (See Account-book.) Boot :. Boot Boot, Extension-Boot-finishing composition Boot or shoe, Cycle Boot or shoe Boot or shoe sole, Protecting Boot or shoe, Rubber heel for Boot or shoe stand Boot or shoe, Top-lift for Boots, Balmoral Boring apparatus, Diamond drill Bottle-filling machine.. Box Box. (See also Ballot-box, Butter-box, Match-box, Sound-box.) Bracelets, &c, Manufacturing Brake. (See Air-brake, Railway brake, Tramway-truck brake, Vehicle-brake.) Branding or marking stamp Bread, Holder for use in toasting Breakwaters, Caissons and foundations for Breeching-strap, Hooks for end of Bricks, &c, Glazing " Bridge " marker Bridges, &c, Caissons for foundation of .. Bridges, &c, Flooring for Bridle and bit, Racing Bridle-fastening Bridle-fastening Bridle for racehorse, Indicating-device for Broom or brush Brush Brush-holder for electric machine E. A. G. Hamlin 18426 8 Sept. 83 13 Oct.* B. Caton C. Nettheim and R. Steele W. H. Piper and A. E. Copley .. E. Don R. Weston H. Yager W. S. D. Schmidt E. C. Perdriau E. Maine C. C. Small H. Griffiths .. T. Smith R. S. Haughton A. Prior 18137 18289 18134 18218 18498 18470 18494 18364 18267 18100 18151 17400 18133 18278 8 July . . 5 Aug. 7 July 23 July 26 Sept. .. 22 Sept. .. 22 Sept. .. 25 Aug. 2 Aug. .. 24 Oct., 1903f 14 July 21 Dec,1903 7 July .. 2 Aug. (Hi 77 86 69 83 4 Aug.* 15 Sept. 4 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 83 77 89 (Hi (Hi 89 (Hi 89 13 Oct.* 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 4 Aug.* 18 Aug.* A. Savary 18334 18 Aug. .. 74 1 Sept.* A. McLeod R. E. Smallbone F. A. Tregelles W. E. Searle, and W. Gibb L. Clark D. H. Morrison F. A. Tregelles T. Timmins and R. Taylor T. B. O'Connor D. Kitchen .. T. H. Brown .. T. B. O'Connor S. G. Roseman United Shoe Machinery Company Electric and Train Lighting Syndicate, Limited S. G. Roseman H. Ward G. Koch A. 0. and W. J. Grundy S. D. Currie .. R. Andrew G. S. Stevenson and J. Shiels R. Cosslett J. A. Ferguson J. A. Ferguson H. C. Field .. F. G. Rickard T. Timmins and R. Taylor E. C. Mahony 18315 18254 18241 18253 17100 18292 18241 18401 18246 18422 18444 18152 18147 18224 17952 11 Aug. 1 Aug. .. 26 July 29 July 13 Oct., 1903 9 Aug. 26 July 31 Aug. 25 July 7 Sept. .. 13 Sept. 14 July 12 July 28 July 25 May 74 77 69 74 77 77 (i<1 77 77 77 83 (Hi (12 74 (Hi 1 Sept.* 15 Sept, 18 Aug. , 1 Sept.* 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 15 Sept. 15 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 4 Aug.* 21 July. * 1 Sept.* 4 Aug. Brush or broom Brush-scraping attachment Brush, Shaving Bucket, Clinch for fixing handle to Bucket, Converting kerosene-tin into Bucket-dredge scouring-attachment Buffer, Air or vacuum Building appliance Building-block, Mould for Building blocks and walls Building material, Fire-resisting Building material, Iron Buildings, Flooring for Buildings, Portable wall-sections for Burner. (See Gas-burner.) Butter-box Butter-cutter Button-attachment Button-fastener 18147 18397 18478 18441 18142 17612 18159 18212 18419 18421 18431 18472 18401 18361 12 July 31 Aug. 22 Sept. .. 13 Sept. .. 9 July 3 March .. 14 July 22 July 7 Sept. 7 Sept. .. 8 Sept. .. 22 Sept. .. 31 Aug. .. 22 Aug. 62 83 (Hi 77 (19 (i!) ,s:{ 21 July * 13 Oct.* 4 Aug.* 15 Sept. 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 13 Oct. 80 29 Sept.* 77 SO 15 Sept.* 29 Sept. J. Hancock and E. G. Abell L. Bender A. Harvey C. Stringfellow 18516 18467 18304 18411 24 Sept. .. 21 Sept. .. 11 Aug. 6 Sept. .. 74 1 Sept.* Cabinet for preserving eggs in by vapour.. Calendar Calliper and divider Camera, Tripod-stand for Can bodies, Crimping Can-seaming machine, Rotary Candle-holder A. M. McDonald R. M. McLennan A. E. Langford A. McLeod G. W. Berry and J. J. Sneesby .. G. W. Berry and J. J. Sneesby .. R. A. D. Sutherland and J. H. Brass W. Ferrier T. A. Nash G. W. Berry and J. J. Sneesby .. C. Burridge and H. Brown G. H. Colegrove and H. Corrick.. D. McGregor S. White J. W. Rooney, J. B. Meiklejohn, and C. L. Watt The Hamilton Manufacturing Company 18398 18195 18510 18474 18479 18508 18295 3 Sept. .. 18 July .. 29 Sept. .. 22 Sept. .. 22 Sept. .. 28 Sept. .. 2 Aug. .. SO 89 83 8:i 83 83 74 29 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 13 Oct.* 13 Oct.* 13 Oct.* 1 Sept.* Candlestick Candles, Preventing guttering of Canisters, Securing ends of tin .. Cap for wheeled vehicle Cap or hat Cape, Cycling Car-fender Car-indicator 17232 17826 18480 18113 18141 18200 18342 18172 12 Nov., 1903 25 April .. 22 Sept. .. 4 July 9 July 21 July .. 15 Aug. 14 July 86 62 (Hi (i<; 4 Aug. 21 July. 13 Oct.* 4 Aug.* 4 Aug. 74 (Hi 1 Sept.* 4 Aug.* Car-puller, Locomotive 18301 11 Aug. .. 77 15 Sept. Car. (See Motor-car, Railway car.) Carbonic - acid gas >n manufacture of aerated waters, Saving Card. (See Playing card, Postal reply card x E. P. Coulter.. 18449 15 Sept. 80 29 Sept.* 9—H. 10.-05


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Carrier. (See Clothes-carrier, Egg-carrier.) Cart, Tip-Cash-check, Electrical Castor Castor, Ball-bearing Catamenial appliance Cattle, Dehorning Cattle, Tail-grip for Cement for jointing pipes Centrifugal separator bowl, Inlet pipe for Centrifugal separator liner Centrifugal turbine pump Centrifugal turbine pump W. F. Harwood and R. F. Way.. E. Guess G E. E. Smith J. H. Hickman E. Schulze R. N. R. Lindsay J. Robertson .. W. Danks A. L. Christenson P. A. M. Arnberg Henry R. Worthington Henry R. Worthington 18320 18325 18188 18354 18371 18432 16985 18117 18107 17074 18366 18367 16 Aug. .. 17 Aug. 18 July 22 Aug. 25 Aug. 8 Sept. .. 11 Sept.,1903 5 July 1 July 7 Oct., 1903 25 Aug. .. 25 Aug. 74 so 1 Sept.* 29 Sept. so 80 59 66 29 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 7 July. 4 Aug. 62 80 80 21 July. 29 Sept. 29 Sept. Chaff-cutter feeding-attachment Chain drive manure-feed Chains, Clasp for spreaders on Channel flap-laying machine Checking machine, CashCheque form and receipt Chess and draught board Children, Appliance for use by Chiming-machine Chromo-photo lithography Churn G Murnane J. Macalister J. Holms, jun. J. B. Hadaway E. Guess W. Quin J. Collins M. Nikander .. T. Cook A. Stephan and R. Sands W. W. Pilkington and L. N. Nattrass S. A. Ekehorn Standard Mouthpiece Machine Company W. Borlase R. Garnham J. Holms, jun. G. S. Stevenson P. Nunn 18387 17116 18452 17315 18325 18408 18495 18087 18416 18333 18380 1 Sept 15 Oct., 1903 12 Sept. .. 2 Dec,1903 17 Aug. 6 Sept. .. 26 Sept. .. 24 June .. 7 Sept. .. 18 Aug. 30 Aug. 77 69 so 74 so so 15 Sept.* 18 Aug. 29 Sept.* 1 Sept. 29 Sept. 29 Sept.* 66 83 77 80 4 Aug.* 13 Oct. 15 Sept. 29 Sept.* Churn, Rotating Cigarette mouthpiece 18390 18418 1 Sept. .. 7 Sept, . . 83 83 13 Oct. 13 Oct. Cistern Cistern, Valve for waterClasp for spreaders on traces Clay-remover for dredges Clay, Removing from hoes of grain-drill.. Cleaner. (See Knife-cleaner.) Cleaning refrigerator-pipes Clearing land, Lever-jack for Clinch for fixing handles to buckets Clip, Paper Closet, Dry earth18279 18129 18452 18535 18297 2 Aug. , 6 July 12 Sept. .. 30 Sept. .. 11 Aug. .. 2 Dec,1903 6 Sept. .. 13 Sept. .. 14 Sept. .. 23 Aug. .. 69 62 SO 83 69 18 Aug.* 21 July.* 29 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* Closet, Flush for water-Clothes-carrier and bath-tub Clothes-peg Coal-cutter and channeller-tool Coal-dust, &c, Binding together R. S. Watson.. B. and W. Trewhella A. 0. and W. J. Grundy D. W. Bodle .. W. M. Richards, C. J. Cohen, and R. Thomas R. Paladini .. W. Stevenson C. E. H. Allen F. Eisenbeis and F. Garelly H. L. Mitchell, G. C. Oakley, and G. W. Goode A. G. French J. Hercus and W. McLennan 17313 18435 18441 18446 18357 18473 18379 18374 18407 18238 22 Sept. .. 30 Aug. 25 Aug. 6 Sept. .. 28 July 74 80 S3 80 77 83 80 1 Sept. 29 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 29 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 29 Sept. S3 74 13 Oct. 1 Sept. Coal, Obtaining ammonium chloride from Coal-saver for register-grate Coat. (See Riding and driving coat.) Cock, Low-pressure Cock, Stop Coin-controlled machine Coin-controlled stamp-affixing machine Coin freed stamping-machine Collar, Horse-Collar-stud Collar-stud Column for building Combination tool Combination hanger Combustible gas-generator Controller. (See Electric - motor controller, Vehicle-wheel spread controller, Voltage-controller.) Cooler, Milk-Cork-seal Coupling. (See Hose-coupling, Pipe-coup-ing, Railway-coupling.) Cover. (See Animal - cover, Book-cover, Washing-boiler cover.) Cow leg-roper Cow leg-roper Cradles, Automatically rooking Cramp, Lining and flooring Cramping floors, Appliance for Cream-separator Cream-separator Cream-separator Cream-separator and milk-cooler Cricket-stumps Crimping can bodies Crozing and chiming machine J. Mitchell .. T. Ritchie R. Wales R. Wales E. Moss J. M. Toft R. Wales C. V. Jenkins F. Visintine .. W. Gray S. W. Bonsall F. Cotton W. H. Spiller G. S. Stevenson 18493 18198 18346 18524 18251 18170 18337 18091 18169 18201 18127 18094 18229 18166 18291 18534 21 Sept. .. 18 July 15 Aug. 28 Sept. .. 28 July 13 July 17 Aug. .. 28 June 13 July 22 July 6 July 28 June 28 July 19 July .. 9 Aug. 30 Sept. .. S3 69 so 83 74 66 74 66 tii) 69 66 69 74 74 13 Oct.* 18 Aug. 29 Sept. 13 Oct.* 1 Sept.* 4 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 4 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 18 Aug.* 69 A. C. McNeill F. J. EUery F. Soper A. G. Sampson J. A. Nikander H. J. Baker G. Leach W. H. Davey.. W. H. Spiller A. Bridge G. W. Berry and J. J. Sneesby .. T. Cook 18276 17203 18164 18317 18283 18487 17159 18523 18291 18485 18479 18416 4 Aug. 5 Nov., 1903 16 July 15 Aug. 3 Aug. 23 Sept. .. 29 Oct., 1903 29 Sept. .. 9 Aug. 22 Sept. .. 22 Sept. .. 7 Sept. .. 69 74 69 74 69 83 74 S3 69 18 Aug.* 1 Sept. 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 18 Aug. * 13 Oct.* 1 Sept. 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 83 83 13 Oct.* 13 Oct.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date • No. Date. Crutches Cultivator Cultivator-attachment to plough Curler, HairCurrent circuit, Controlling voltage of.. Current. (See Electric current, Water current.) Currents, River-beds, &c Altering Cutter. (See Angle and mitre cutter, Butter-cutter, Chaff-cutter, Coal-cutter, Lamb's-tail cutter, Mitre-cutter, Threadcutter, Wire-cutter.) Cutting-out press Cycle Cycle boot or shoe Cycle, Free-wheel for Cycle handle-bar Cycle-saddle Cycles, Throw-crank for Cycle. (See also Bicycle.) Cycling-cape H. E. Johnson P. and D. Duncan, Limited H. S. McCully J. Allen J. P. Campbell 18489 17256 18249 18372 16865 20 Sept. .. 16 Nov., 1903 28 July 25 Aug. .. 27 Aug., 1903 83 SO 13 Oct.* 29 Sept. so 59 29 Sept. 7 July. F. R. Field 18312 12 Aug. 77 15 Sept.* A. P. Grieve C. D. Brent .. R. Weston E. Richardson W. Gray T. G. Stevens J. Ritscher 18340 18428 18498 18368 18116 17604 17363 19 Aug. 3 Sept. .. 26 Sept. .. 25 Aug. 5 July 2 March .. 11 Dec,1903 74 SO 1 Sept. * 29 Sept.* 77 06 74 69 15 Sept.* 4 Aug. 1 Sept. 18 Aug. D. McGregor 18200 21 July Decanter J. Callaghan, J. H. McQueen, and J. Watson R. N. R. Lindsay W. G. Stoddart J. W. Rooney, J. B. Meiklejohn, and C. L. Watt T. Smith F. W. Lee W. Stevenson.. W. Stevenson.. W. H. Payne R. Cleghorn and G. M. Nelson .. A. P. Richmond 18122 2 July 69 18 Aug.* Dehorning cattle Dentist's drill, Driving Destination of cars, trains, &c, indicating 18432 18145 18172 8 Sept. .. 8 July 14 July SO 62 06 2*3 Sept.* 21 July.* 4 Aug.* Diamond-drill boring apparatus Digger, PotatoDining and billiard table combined Dining and billiard table combined Dirt-screen for motor-cars Disc-plough Diseases, Apparatus for treating Distributor. (See Fertiliser - distributor, t Grain-drill distributor.) Divider Divider and calliper Dividing discrete material equally Dividing discrete material equally Dividing discrete material equally Dock, Raising floatingDoor, Draught, &c, preventer for Door-holder Door-lock Door-lock Door-lock Drainpipe connection.. Drain-plough Draught and chess board Draught-increaser for furnace Draught-preventer for door Draught-regulato.' for grates, &c Draught-regulator for register-grate Drawers, FurnitureDrawing table and easel Draw-off tap for kerosene-tin Dray, Tip-cart and Dredge, Clay-remover for Dredge. (See also Bucket-dredge, Golddredge.) Dredging and excavating machinery Dredging machinery, Suction Drill. (See Dentist's'drill, Diamond-drill, Fertiliser-drill, Grain-drill, Rock-drill.) Driving and riding coat Driving mechanism of fertiliser-distributor Dropper. (See Fencing-dropper.) Drying blood 17400 18184 18307 17874 18259 18507 18330 21 Dec,1903 21 July .. 29 June 2 May 2 Aug. 28 Sept. .. 17 Aug. 69 69 74 77 69 S3 SO 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 18 Aug. 13 Oct.* 29 Sept. R. M. McLennan A. E. Langford R. Wales R. Wales R. Wales J. Baker F. J. Jones E. G. May A. Speden J. Shepherd E. E. Hannaford H. S. Woolcott J. Williams J. Collins W. H. Atkin F. J. Jones B. J. Mouat J. Hercus and W. McLennan G. S. Stevenson W. E. Spencer and J. Sanderson.. W. E. Hughes P. and D. Duncan, Limited G. S. Stevenson 18350 18510 18177 18178. 18194 18211 18213 18167 18223 18424 18468 17332 17094 18495 17214 18213 18515 18198 18533 17911 16873 18124 18535 19 Aug. 29 Sept. .. 15 July 15 July 18 July 23 July 26 July 19 July 25 July 5 Sept. .. 21 Sept. .. 7 Dec, 1903 7 Oct., 1903 26 Sept. .. 5 Nov., 1903 26 July 24 Sept. .. 18 July 30 Sept. .. 14 May 27 Aug., 1903 4 July 30 Sept. .. 74 S3 69 69 (i!) 74 69 69 77 SO 74 09 1 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 1 Sept. 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 1 Sept. 18 Aug. 74 74 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 69 18 Aug. 66 66 62 83 4 Aug. 4 Aug. 21 July.* 13 Oct.* H. Quertier F. Casey and E. W. Hubbard .. 18306 18463 11 Aug. .. 20 Sept. .. 74 80 1 Sept.* 29 Sept.* E. M. Perdriau J. F. McNeil 17161 18242 24 Oct., 1903 28 July 69 77 18 Aug. 15 Sept. Drying blood, &c Drying-frame for shrinkable clothing Drying granular materials Drying timber, Kiln for Dust-excluder for door Dynamo A. and F. J. Nathan and J. A. Merrett A. and F. J. Nathan and J. A Merrett T. G Stewart.. M. Weinrich F. J. Jones F. J. Jones Electric and Train Lighting Syndicate, Limited W. E. Spencer and J. Sanderson.. J. G. Dawson A. M. McDonald J. Claussen 18106 18261 18171 18415 17285 18213 17951 1 July 2 Aug. 13 July 7 Sept. .. 28 Nov.,1903 26 July 25 May 66 6!) 06 S3 74 74 60 4 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* 13 Oct. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 4 Aug. Easel and drawing table Egg-carrier Egg-preserving cabinet Eggs, Indicator for timing the cooking of eggs, &c 17911 18382 18398 18445 14 May 27 Aug. 3 Sept. .. 14 Sept. .. (Hi 77 SO 80 4 Aug. 15 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 29 Sept.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions—continued.

ippl lical :ion fOMI Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Electric arc-lamp Electric arc-lamp regulator Electric-belt Electric current, Killing birds by Electric-generator, Voltage-controller for H. Becke J. C. P. Kirkwood H. Dowling and E. D. J. Balfour.. H. Wilson Electric and Train Lighting Syndicate, Limited Electric and Train Lighting Syndicate, Limited J. T. Hunter E. Guess G. Foster J. S. Raworth T. Samuel W. P. Conolly 18512 18377 18483 18497 17953 28 Sept. .. 29 Aug. 22 Sept. .. 26 Sept. .. 25 May 77 15 Sept.* 83 66 13 Oct.* 4 Aug. Electric-machine, Brush-holder for 17952 25 May 66 4 Aug. Electric-motor controller Electrical cash-check Electrical device for destroying slugs Electrically-propelled vehicle Elevator, Gravel Elevator, Safety-appliance for shafts of .. Engine. (See Oil-engine, Rotary-engine, Steam-engine.) Envelope 18290 18325 17307 18376 18403 18511 9 Aug. 17 Aug. 25 Nov.,1903 20 Aug. 5 Sept. .. 29 Sept. .. 77 80 74 SO 77 15 Sept. 29 Sept. 1 Sept. 29 Sept. 15 Sept.* Envelope-opener D. Robertson H. Mowlem 18518 18207 24 Sept. .. 9 Aug. { 83 77 77 74 13 Oct.* 15 Sept.* 15 Sept. 1 Sept* Excavating machinery Exhibitor. (See Advertising exhibitor.) Extinguisher. (See Gaslight-extinguisher, Oil-lamp extinguisher.) H Quertier 18306 11 Aug. .. Fastener. (See Basket-lid fastener, Buttonfastener, Macffine-belt fastener, Win-dow-fastener. ) Fastening. (See Animal-cover fastening, Bridle-fastening.) Fatty wood, Treating for production of paper-pulp, &c. Feed, Chain-drive manure-Feed-trough Feeder. (See Ore-feeder.) Feeding-attachment for chaff-cutter Feeding-funnel Fencing-post Fencing-standard Fencing-standard Fencing standard or dropper Fender, Car Fermentation of liquids Fertiliser-distributor Fertiliser-drill, Conductor for Fertiliser-press Fibre. (See Flax.) Filaments, Manufacture of File. (See Letter-file, Newspaper-file.) Filling. (See Bottle-filling, Match-box filling.) Filter Filter for feed-water of steam-boiler Filtering granular materials Filtering liquids or solutions Fire-alarm Fire-alarm bells, Actuating Fire and hearth screen Fire-lighter Fire resisting building-material Fire-tongs Fish-hook Flap-laying machine, Channel Flashlight apparatus Flashlight- powder Flax-dressing apparatus Flax-fibre, Catching as it comes from stripper Flax-scutcher Flax-scutcher Flax-stripper Flax-stripper Flax-stripper Flax-washing machine Flooring and lining cramp Flooring for bridges, buildings, <fec Floors, Appliance for cramping Floors, Spreading polish on Flush, Water-closet Forcing-pen Frame. (See Drying - frame, Windowframe ) Franking apparatus, Coin-freed W. Hoskins J. Macalister .. J. Scoon C. Murnane H. Jerger and A Joyc R. Thomas and G. Hall G. W. Basley W. E. Chambeilain C. E. H. Allen S. White G. Johnson and P. R. Hare J. F. McNeil .. J. Gray A. Crook W. R. Whitney G. A. Abbott F. G. Shury .. M. Weinrich F. C. Brown E. H. Kirkby T. F. Dowling C. E. E. Smith and G. B. Hutton P. E. Thompson H. C. Field F. W. Grocke K. Boyd J. B. Hadaway H. Quertier and C. C. Armstrong C. C. Armstrong and H. Quertier F. Henry A. I. Jones 18500 17116 18264 18387 17873 18331 18139 18316 18373 18342 17795 18242 18427 18266 18503 18393 18154 18415 18349 18476 17134 18187 18440 18431 18305 18288 17315 18257 18258 18383 18162 28 Sept. .. 15 Oct., 1903 3 Aug. 1 Sept. '.. 2 May 15 Aug. 5 July 15 Aug. 25 Aug. 15 Aug. 4 May, 1903+ 28 July 3 Sept. .. 1 Aug. 28 Sept. .. 1 Sept. .. 25 May 7 Sept, .. 17 Aug. 22 Sept. .. 22 Oct., 1903 18 July 9 Sept. .. 8 Sept. .. 11 Aug. 4 Aug. 2 Dec, 1903 1 Aug. .. 1 Aug. .. 31 Aug. '.. 16 July 69 74 77 66 66 74 83 74 69 77 80 69 77 66 83 74 83 69 83 80 74 74 74 69 69 77 66 77 66 83 74 S3 69 18 Aug. 1 Sept. 15 Sept.* 4 Aug.* 4 Aug. 1 Sept.* 13 Oct. 1 Sept.* 18 Aug. 15 Sept. 29 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 4 Aug. 13 Oct. 1 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug. S3 SO 74 74 74 69 69 77 66 13 Oct.* 29 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 1 Sept. 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 4 Aug.* A. R. Ayson J. Geddes A. R. Ayson A. Anderson .. W., J., and W. Fairweather R. McEwan A. G. Sampson T. Timmins and R. Taylor J. A. Nikander J. Stewart R. Paladini D. Clark 18248 18335 18202 18321 18353 18417 18317 18401 18283 18400 18473 18121 30 July 19 Aug. 22 July 13 Aug. 20 Aug. 7 Sept. .. 15 Aug. 31 Aug. 3 Aug. 5 Sept. .. 22 Sept. .. 1 July .. 69 74 69 77 80 77 74 77 69 77 83 66 69 74 69 77 SO 77 71 77 69 77 83 66 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept * 13 Oct,* 4 Aug. E. Moss 18337 17 Aug. .. 1 74 1 Sept.* 74


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


,pp] ical lion. <azr. Invention. Name No. Date. No. Date. Free-wheel for cycles Fruit-gathering appliance Fruit, Sulphurising Fruit-trees, Killing parasites on Fruit-trees, Pruning-tool for Frying, Stove-protector for use in Fuel, Combustion of, in boilers Fuel-economiser and smoke-preventer .. Funnel, FeedingFurnace Furnace, RefuseFurnaces, &c, Heating Furniture-drawers E. Richardson 0. T. Madeley C. E. Lowe R. Whiley 0. T. Madeley W. F. Rankin C. E. Bernays A. L. Applegarth H. Jerger and A. Joyce W. H. Atkin G. and F. L. Watson F. J. Shelton G. S. Stevenson 18368 18451 16996 18208 18477 18163 18293 17108 17873 17214 18230 17308 18533 25 Aug. 15 Sept. .. 18 Sept.,1903 25 July 22 Sept. .. 16 July 9 Aug. 13 Oct., 1903 2 May 5 Nov., 1903 28 July 28 Nov., 1903 30 Sept. .. 77 80 66 69 83 159 77 69 66 74 74 77 15 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 4 Aug. 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept. 18 Aug. 4 Aug.* 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 15 Sept. Game Game of bridge, Marker for Game, Parlour-Garment-suspender Gas. (See Acetylene gas, Carbonic-acid gas, Combustible gas, Incandescent gas, Producer and water gas.) Gas-burner for lighting or heating, Incandescent (las-burner, Regulator for extinguishing and relighting Gas-burner, Utilising waste-heat from .. Gas-burner, Welsbach incandescent Gas-fire ball-heater Gas-light extinguisher Gas, Low-pressure inflammable Gas-producer Gas-stove Gas-stove Gas used for destroying rabbits J. H. Rowland D. H. Morrison I. Williams W. Sneddon 18492 18292 18180 18260 24 Sept. .. 9 Aug. 19 July .. 2 Aug. 77 74 69 15 Sept. 1 Sept.* 18 Aug.* I. Shoob 18287 9 Aug. 15 Sept. 77 0. M. J. Olsen and W. Gates 18391 1 Sept. .. 83 13 Oct. J. Watt J. Hickman J. Watt 1 ) M. W. Haenke A. A. Stephenson J. G. Nash J. J. Strain J. J. Strain .. T. Ward, G. S. Sanders, and J. E. Ridgway J. F. McNeill G. E. C. F. Sander J. H. Smith 18221 18119 18414 18114 18181 18273 18222 18296 18509 27 July .. 5 July 6 Sept. .. 4 July 19 July .. 4 Aug. 25 July 9 Aug. 28 Sept. .. 69 69 83 66 69 77 74 74 83 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 4 Aug. 18 Aug * 15 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 13 Oct.* Gate Gate-latch Gate-post falls Gauge. (See Water-gauge, Wind-gauge.) Generator. (See Acetylene-gas generator, Combustible - gas generator, Electric generator.) Girder, Lattice or truss Glove for laundry purposes Gold-dredge screen Gold, &c, Recovering, from slimes Gold from ores, Extracting F. Visintini C. H. Schultz A. Morrison A. Clark and J. Storer Worsey-Hoal Gold Extracting Syndicate, Limited 0. L. Olden and P. V. Barnard .. W. Beamish M. Ryan R. H. Binney American Seeding-machine Com18369 18192 18469 25 Aug. 21 July 22 Sept. .. 6 July 15 Aug. 7 July 14 Sept. .. 28 July 80 29 Sept. 18127 18332 18135 18457 18225 66 77 66 SO 6!) 4 Aug. 15 Sept.* 4 Aug. 29 Sept.* 18 Aug. Gold from ores, Extracting Gold-saving apparatus Gold-saving apparatus Grain-dressing appliance Grain-drill distributor 17810 18168 18434 18355 18204 21 April .. 13 July 9 Sept. .. 23 Aug. 20 July 74 66 80 77 S3 1 Sept. 4 Aug.* 29 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 13 Oct. Grain-drill, Removing clay from hoes of. . Gramophone sound-box, Supplying needles to Granular materials, Filtering and drying Crate, Draught-regulator for .. Grate, Draught-regulator for register- .. Gravel or sand elevator, Auriferous Greenhouses, &c, Sash-bar for.. Gripper. (See Lever-gripper.) Groin. (See River and sea groin.) Grubbing and hilling-up tool Guard. (See Sink-guard.) Gum. (See Kauri-gum.) pany P. Nunn H. M. and A. G Dennes 18297 18438 11 Aug. 12 Sept. .. 69 80 18 Aug.* 29 Sept.* M. Weinrich B. J. Mouat J. Hercus and W. McLennan T. Samuel A. P. Westbury and F. Lee 18415 18515 18198 18403 18262 7 Sept. .. 24 Sept. .. 18 July 5 Sept. .. 3 Aug. S3 69 77 ti!) 13 Oct. 18 Aug. 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* C. V. Johanson 18138 7 July 66 4 Aug.* Hair-curler Hair-pin Hand-power jack Band-truck, Elevating Handle and lid-opener for billy Handle-bar of cycle Handle to bucket, Clinch for fixing Hanger. (See Combination hanger, Sashhanger.) Harness saddle Harness, Shaft-tug for Hat or cap Hay-press, Operating.. Heat from oil-lamp, Utilising wasteJ. Allen C. D. Brent J. H. C. Hall D. H. K. McGuinness .. M. Aldis W. Gray A. 0. and W. J. Grundy 18372 16986 18343 18475 18247 18116 18441 25 Aug. 11 Sept.,1903 17 Aug. .. 22 Sept. .. 26 July 5 July 13 Sept. .. 80 59 74 S3 69 06 S3 29 Sept. 7 July. 1 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 13 Oct.* E. Edwards .. J. Theobald G. H. Colegrove and H. Corrick.. T. H. and E. K. Dodge.. J. Watt 17093 18458 18141 18123 18221 9 Oct., 1903 17 Sept. .. 9 July 4 July 27 July 66 SO 60 62 159 4 Aug. 29 Sept.* 4 Aug. 21 July.* 18 Aug.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

ippl icai ;ion. ize, Inveution. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Heater, Gas-fire ballHeating and motive power Heating-apparatus Heating kitchen-range, &c. Heel-compressing machine, Mould for Heel-compressing machine, Mould for Heel-compressing machine, Mould for Heel. (See Rubber heel.) Heels and soles, Elastic attachment for .. Hilling machine, Potato planting and Holder for toasting bread Holder. (See Brush-holder, Candle-holder, [aJDoor - holder, Playing - card holder, Window-sash holder.) Hook for reins, traces, &c Hook. (See also Breeching-strap hook, Fish-hook.) Horse-collar, Pneumatic Horse. (See Racehorse.) Hose-coupling Hose-coupling Hose-coupling Hull of ship, Stopping holes in .. Hydraulic-power from waves, Obtaining J. Watt A. A. Stephenson F. F. C. Huddleston F. J. Shelton.. United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company 18414 18181 18203 17308 18298 18299 18300 6 Sept. .. 19 July 23 July 28 Nov., 1903 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. S3 Ii!) 69 77 69 (ill 74 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept. 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* T. Burrell C. Johanson R. E. Smallbone 18395 18513 18254 1 Sept. 27 Sept. .. 1 Aug. S3 13 Oct. 77 15 Sept. A. Reid 18409 6 Sept. 77 15 Sept.* J. M. Toft 18091 28 June .. or, 4 Aug.* H. Duffin W. E. Hughes J. Marks E. Smith W. O'Brien, jun. 16897 16989 17359 17010 18160 1 Sept.,1903 17 Sept.,1903 8 Dec,1903 18 Sept.,1903 15 July 62 66 77 59 till 21 July. 4 Aug. 15 Sept, 7 July. 18 Aug.* Implement-pin, Self-locking Incandescent gas-burner Incandescent gas-burner, Utilising wasteheat from Incandescent gas-burner, Welsbach Incandescent mantle-support J. W. Borland I. Shoob J. Watt 18185 18287 18221 21 July 9 Aug. 27 July (ill 77 6!) 18 Aug.* 15 Sept. 18 Aug.* J. Hickman The New Inverted Incandescent Gas Lamp Company, Limited W. Ponninghaus J. Claussen 18119 18326 5 July 17 Aug. (id 18 Aug.* Incubator Indicating expiration of predetermined period of time Indicator for bridle for racehorse Indicator for land or sea, PositionIndicator. (See also Car-indicator, Stationindicator, Train-indicator.) Inhaler, Nasal Insulator. (See Piano-insulator.) Iron and steel, Treating ore for manufacture of Iron building-material Iron-ore, Reducing pulverised 18216 18445 22 July 14 Sept. .. 09 SO 18 Aug.* 29 Sept." T. B. O'Connor H. S. Clark and B. Logan, jun. .. 18152 18174 14 July 19 July (Hi 66 4 Aug.* 4 Aug. C. E. Lamont 18351 19 Aug. 77 15 Sept.* M. Moore and T. J. Heskett 17425 30 Dec, 1903 77 15 Sept. F. G. Rickard J. H. A. McPhee 18472 18490 22 Sept. .. 20 Sept. .. Jack. (See Hand-power jack, Lever-jack, Wheel-jack.) Joints in pipes, Making unionJ. Christie 18532 30 Sept. .. Kauri-gum, Device for catching Kauri-gum, Method for digging Kerosene-tin, Converting, into bucket Kerosene-tin, Draw-off tap for Kiln for drying timber Knife-cleaner Knife-cleaner A. J. McPharlin .. '.. P. Lanigan S. D. Currie .. W. E. Hughes F. J. Jones W. C. Wall and J. T. T'oohey . . F. V. Raymond 18182 18318 18142 16873 17285 17690 18140 20 July 13 Aug. 9 July 27 Aug., 1903 28 Nov., 1903 23 March .. 5 July 69 74 (iii 66 74 69 66 18 Aug. 1 Sept.* 4 Aug.* 4 Aug. 1 Sept. 18 Aug. 4 Aug.* Label and case, Luggage Label attaching machine, Gummed-Ladder-attachment Lamb's-tail cutter Lamp. (See Electric arc-lamp, Oil-lamp.) Latch, GateLattice or truss girder Launching ship's boats Laundry-glove Lead and zinc, Extraction of .. Leaks in metal vessels, Repairing Leather, Rendering, waterproof Leather strips to tires, Attaching Leg-roping cows Leg-roping cows Letter-file Letters, Coin freed apparatus for franking Letters, Press-copying Lever-gripper for ore-feeder Lever-jack for clearing land Lid. (See Basket-lid.) Lid-opener and handle for billy Lidded receptacle Lighter. (See Fire-lighter.) Lighting and extinguishing gas-ligkts Lining and flooring cramp Liquid, Withdrawing from siphon predeA .• 3 A ~t A. E. Williams J. J. McDade F. W. Stokoe.. W. J. Standen 18482 18386 18345 17322 22 Sept. .. 1 Sept. .. 20 Aug. 2 Dec,1903 83 80 80 13 Oct. 29 Sept. 29 Sept, G. E. C. F. Sander F. Visintini W. S. Rigby C. H. Schultz.. A. H. Imbert.. A. Hull S. Nicolson S. Nicolson A. C. McNeill.. F. J. Ellery J. Wilson E. Moss L. Banks C. F. Strauss B. and W. Trewhella .. 18192 18127 18153 18332 18112 17252 18514 18197 18276 17203 18125 18337 18280 18131 18435 21 July 6 July 14 July 15 Aug. .. 30 June 17 Nov.,1903 28 Sept. .. 19 July 4 Aug. 5 Nov.,1903 4 July 17 Aug. 5 Aug. 7 July .. 6 Sept. .. 66 66 77 66 77 S3 69 (ill 74 62 74 74 66 SO 4 Aug. 4 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 4 Aug. 15 Sept. 13 Oct.* 18 Aug. * 18 Aug.* 1 Sept. 21 July.* 1 Sept.* 1 Sept. 4 Aug. 29 Sept.* M. Aldis E. W. H. Dyer 18247 18309 26 July 8 Aug. 69 74 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* M. W. Haenke A. G. Sampson E. Taylor 18114 18317 18447 4 July 15 Aug. 15 Sept. .. (ill 74 SO 4 Aug. 1 Sept.* 29 Sept.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


iplication. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Liquid-strainer Liquids, Fermentation of Liquids from barrels, Drawing Liquids or solutions, Filtering Liquids, Separating solid matter from Lithography, PhotoLoading gravel into trucks Loading-machine A. J. Hosier, A. Whatley, and W. Kelly G. Johnson and P. R. Hare J. Bennett and J. Friezer F. G Brown .. M. Torrente ... A. Stephan and R. Sands R. A. Wilson.. The Hamilton Manufacturing Company T. M. Park 18128 17795 18272 18349 18450 18333 16895 18302 6 July 4 May, 1903+ 4 Aug. 17 Aug. .. 15 Sept. .. 18 Aug. .. i 1 Sept.,1903 11 Aug. .. ! 69 69 74 80 77 69 77 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 15 Sept, 18 Aug. 15 Sept. Loading machine, OreLock. (See Door-lock, Safe-lock, Sash-lock, Window-sash lock.) Locomotive-car puller The Hamilton Manufacturing Com18323 18301 17 Aug. 80 29 Sept. 11 Aug. 77 15 Sept. Log-hauling pulley-block Lubricator for idle pinions Luggage label and case pany A. W. Collett and C. B. and E. M. Edkins E. H. Nankivell A. E. Williams 18148 17335 18482 12 July 3 Dec,1903 22 Sept. .. 62 SO 21 July.* 29 Sept. Machine-belt fastener Mailing-wrapper for photographs, &c Mangold, &c, sower Mantle. (See Incandescent mantle.) Manure-feed, Chain-drive Marker for game of bridge Marking or branding stamp Match-box filling-machine Match, Double-headed Match-striker for pipe, &c. Material, Dividing, into equal portions .. Material, Dividing, into equal portions .. Material, Dividing, into equal portions .. Material, Packeting, in predetermined portions Mattress. (See Wire-mattress.) Meat, Process for preserving Metal vessel, Repairing leaks in Metals, Extracting, from their sulphides Metals, Recovering, from acid solutions .. Milk-cooler Milk, &c, Drying N. Basmussen G. S. Jones J. Gray 18356 17847 18496 23 Aug. 26 April .. 26 Sept. .. 77 69 83 15 Sept, * 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* J. Macalister D. H. Morrison A. McLeod Bryant and May, Limited A. McArtney S. W. Jameson R. Wales R. Wales R. Wales R. Wales 17116 18292 18315 18235 18239 18471 18177 18178 18194 18244 15 Oct., 1903 9 Aug. 11 Aug. 28 July 22 July 20 Sept. .. 15 July 15 July 18 July 26 July 69 77 74 74 69 83 69 69 69 69 18 Aug. 15 Sept. 1 Sept.* 1 Sept. 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* Milk, Separating impurities from Milk-strainer Milking-apparatus Milking-machinery Milking-machine Mining-machine Mitre-cutter Mitre-cutter Motion, Transmission of Motor. (See Electric motor.) Motor-car, Dirt-screen for Mould for building-block Mould for heel-compressing machine Mould for heel-compressing machine Mould for heel-compressing machine Moulding-machine, Twist Moulding-machine, Pipe Mounting for rotary-scraper on agricultural implements Mouth-piece for cigarette, &c. J. Craveri A. Hull A. H. Imbert A. Gutensohn W. H. Spiller.. A. and F. J. Nathan, and J. A. Merrett A. A. Turner, and J. J. Gleeson .. R. E. James J. Hartnett and D. M. Robison .. G. Hutchinson A. Kilhorn W. E. Hamilton R. Wales J. H. Hickman L. Buck 18322 17252 18112 18232 18291 18261 18404 18536 18303 18165 18324 18504 18311 18375 18327 17 Aug. 17 Nov.,1903 30 June .. 28 July 9 Aug. 2 Aug. 5 Sept. 2 Aug. 11 Aug. 16 July 17 Aug. .. 28 Sept. .. 9 Aug. 26 Aug. 17 Aug. 77 66 69 69 69 77 83 15 Sept. 4 Aug. 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 13 Oct. 66 77 4 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 74 77 SO 1 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 29 Sept. W. H. Payne J. A. Ferguson United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company R. Cosslett P. Campbell A. E. Watson 18259 18419 18298 18299 18300 18433 18529 17216 2 Aug. 7 Sept. .. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 5 Sept. . . 27 Sept. .. 6 Nov. 1903 69 83 69 69 74 SO 18 Aug. 13 Oct. 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 69 18 Aug. Standard Mouth-piece Machine Company W. G. Rifenburg 18418 7 Sept. .. S3 13 Oct, Muller and amalgamator 18271 4 Aug. 77 15 Sept. Nail Nailing-machine, Loose Nasal-inhaler Newspaper-binder Newspaper-file Newspaper-file Nib-ejecting device Non-freezable tap Non-freezing tap Nose-bag .. .. .. Noxious weeds, Destroying Nut-wrench J. S. Nicholson United Shoe Machinery Company C. E. Lamont T. Foster and T. T. Paul - .. A. Divine' IB I .. J. Wilson 1 .. V. Perniskie S. Nicolson? S. Nicolson'j P. Mcllvride B. Gray J. Adams 18439 17380 18351 18206 17964 18125 18120 18144 18196 18455 18319 18084 8 Sept. .. 17 Dec,1903 19 Aug. 21 July 25 May 4 July 2 July 11 July 19 July 15 Sept. .. 13 Aug. 22 June 83 SO 77 69 66 62 66 62 (i!) SO 74 60 13 Oct.* 29 Sept. 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 21 July.* 4 Aug. 21 July.* 18 Aug.* 29 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 4 Aug. Oil and hot-air engine Oil-engine Oil-lamp extinguisher T. N. Brocas F. J. Maindonald T. W. Butcher and H. S. Rose .. 18378 18313 18126 27 Aug. 12 Aug. 4 July 77 74 62 15 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 21 July.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

A] iplication. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. | Date. Oil-lamp, Utilising waste-heat from Oil, Treating shaleOiling pulleys on moving shaft Oils, RefiningOpener. (See Envelope-opener, Lid-opener.) Ore-feeder, Lever-gripper for .. Ore-feeder, Ratchet for Ore-loading Machine Ore, Treating ferruginous Ores, Extracting gold from Ores, Extracting gold from J. Watt A. Adiassewich E. H. Nankivell T. Macalpine C. F. Strauss T. French T. M. Park .. M. Moore and T. J. Heskett 0. L. Olden and P. V. Barnard .. Worsey-Hoal Gold Extracting Syndicate, Limited F. C. Brown 18221 17695 17335 18233 18131 18365 18323 17425 17810 18225 •27 July 22 March .. 3 Dec, 1903 28 July 7 July 25 Aug. 17 Aug. 30 Dec, 1903 21 April .. 28 July 69 59 SO Cil (ill SO SO 77 74 Ii!) 18 Aug.* 7 July. 29 Sept. 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 29 Sept.* 29 Sept, 15 Sept, 1 Sept. 18 Aug. Ores, Filtering slimes produced in wet treatment of Ores, Reducing pulverised ironOres, Separating Ores, Separating Ores, Separating zinc-blende Oven, Baker's Overcoat. (See Riding and driving overcoat. ) 18349 17 Aug. .. 74 1 Sept.* J. H. A. McPhee A. J. F. de Bavay A. J. F. de Bavay A. J. F. de Bavay M. Richard and W. Scott 18490 18226 18227 18228 18531 20 Sept, .. 28 July 28 July 28 July 29 Sept, 6(1 69 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* Packeting material in predetermined portions Paint R.Wales 18244 26 July 18 Aug.* Ii!) Paper-clip Paper-pulp, Treating fatty wood for production of Paper-wrapper Parasite-killer Parcel or package strap Parchment, Blind made of Parlour-game Partitions for rooms, &c Pawl and ratchet mechanism Peeler, PotatoPeg, ClothesPen, ForcingPhotograph mailing-wrapper .. Photo.-lithography, &c, Half-tone Piano-insulator .. .. A. J. Fisher .. D. W. Bodle .. W. Hoskins .. 18256 18446 18500 1 Aug. .. 14 Sept. 28 Sept. .. 80 SO 29 Sept, 29 Sept.* E. C. Cachemaille R. Whiley ... H. Carter and R. T. Paterson J. W. Tattersfield I. Williams H. Gray and G. A. McLean B. and W. Trewhella E. F. B. Kenyon C. E. H. Allen D. Clark G. S. Jones A. Stephan and R. Sands St. G. T. W. Stewart and W. E. C. T. Miller P. J. Devine .. 18410 18208 17198 18360 18180 18389 18436 18234 18374 18121 17847 18333 18217 6 Sept. .. 25 July 30 Oct., 1903 22 Aug. 19 July 1 Sept. 6 Sept. .. 28 July 25 Aug. 1 July 26 April .. 18 Aug. 22 July 6!) 74 77 74 77 80 09 18 Aug.* 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 1 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 66 6!) 77 69 4 Aug. 18 Aug.* 15 Sept, 18 Aug.* Piggery •• ■ • • • • Pin. (See Hair-pin, Implement-pin.) Pins Pipe-coupling Pipe, Match-striker for Pipe-moulding machine Pipe-wrench Pipes. (See also Drainpipe, Refrigeratorpipes, Sanitary pipes.) Pipes, Making union joints in .. Piping, Manufacturing sheet-metal Playing-card holder 18308 8 Aug. 74 1 Sept.* F. Dovalosky H. Duffin S. W. Jameson P. Campbell J. Adams and C. A. Cross 18402 16897 18471 18529 18530 29 Aug. 1 Sept. 1903 20 Sept, .. 27 Sept. .. 27 Sept. .. 62 S3 21 July. 13 Oct.* J. Christie T. C. Hement P. G Maxwell, A. A. Peart, and W. L. Wells A. Reid H. S. McCully 18532 17388 18281 30 Sept. .. 17 Dec. 1903 3 Aug. .. SO (ill 29 Sept. 18 Aug.* Plough-chains, Hook for Plough, Cultivator-attachment to Plough. (See Drain-plough, Disc-plough.) Polish, Spreading, on floors Position-finder for land or sea Post. (See Fencing-post, Gate-post.) Postal reply-cards Postage-stamp affixer Potato-digger Potato-peeler Potato-planter Power from waves, Obtaining Power-transmitter Preserving eggs by vapour, Cabinet for .. Preserving meat, Process for Preserving-tins, Securing covers of 18409 18249 6 Sept. .. 28 July 77 15 Sept.* J. Stewart H. S. Clark and R. Logan, jun. .. 18400 18174 5 Sept. 19 July 77 in; 15 Sept.* 4 Aug. W. Goodman J. Purkiss F. W. Lee E. F. B. Kenyon C. Johanson W. O'Brien, jun. L. Buck A. M. McDonald J. Craveri The Christchurch Meat Company, Limited J. A. Ferguson L. Banks 18270 18358 18184 18234 18513 18160 18327 18398 18322 18456 4 Aug. 24 Aug. 21 July 28 July 27 Sept. .. 15 July 17 Aug. 3 Sept. .. 17 Aug. 16 Sept. . . 77 77 69 til) 83 (i!) SO SO 15 Sept. 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 29 Sept. 29 Sept.* Press Press-copying letters Press. (See Cutting-out press, Fertiliserpress, Hay-press.) Producer. (See Gas-producer.) Producer and water gas Propeller Propeller-blade Protector. (See Stove-protector.) Pruning-tool, Fruit-tree Puller. (See Car-puller, Turnip-puller.) 18420 18280 7 Sept. .. 5 Aug. 74 1 Sept. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward P. G. Kelly .. T. Grundy 17961 18250 18175 26 May 28 July 16 July 74 6!) 00 1 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* O. T. Madeley 18477 22 Sept, .. 83 13 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

10—H. 10.-05,


Invention. Name. A] pplicatioc. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. I Pulley-block, Log-hauling .. .. A. W. Collett and C. B. and E. M. Edkins Pulleys and pinions, Oiling .. .. : E. H. Nankivell Pulleys, Turning and crowning speed- .. C. J. Waugh Pump .. .. .. .. i A. E. and H. G. Bradley Pump or suction dredging-machinery .. j F. Casey and E. W. Hubbard Pump for pneumatic tires .. D. Rowe Pump. (See Centrifugal-turbine pump.) Pump, Straining-vessel for .. . . T. H, Ibbetson Pump, Valve for steam or air .. . . J. Tagell 18148 12 July .. 62 21 July.* I 7335 18255 18102 L8463 18130 3 Dec,1903 15 \ug. 30 June 20 Sept. .. 6 July SO lil! i.e. so 66 29 Sept. 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. 29 Sept.* 4 Aug. 18263 17208 3 Aug. 5 Nov., 1903 74 69 I Sept, 18 Aug. Rabbit-destruction, Apparatus and gas for T. Ward, G. S. Sanders, and J. E. Ridgway Racehorse, Indicator for bridle for .. T. B. O'Connor Racehorse plate or shoe .. .. ! J. Hair Race-starter .. .. .. i A. Gray Racing bridle and bit .. .. T. B. O'Connor Rails, Dressing surfaces of . . .. I M. Woods and T. J. Gilbert Railway-brake, Applying from either side I F. W. Gasmier Railway-car brake .. .. .. W. J. Spruson Railway coupling .. .. .. G. T. Bates and P. S. O'Neill Railway-traffic control system .. .. Rowe's Patent Lock and Block, Limited Rain-excluder for door .. .. F. J. Jones Rain-water, Intercepting and rejecting J. S. Gunn contaminated Ranges, &c, Heating . . .. F. J. Shelton Rat-trap .. .. .. I. Edmond Ratchet-apparatus .. .. .. T. H. Davidson and W. Hitchcock Ratchet for ore-feeder .. .. T. French Ratchet mechanism, Pawl and .. B. and W. Trewhella Reaper-and-binder . . .. .. M. J. Tehan Reaper-and-binder tripping-attachment.. i F. Colville Receipt and cheque form .. .. j W. Quin Reclaiming land, Appliance for . . ! F. R. Field Refrigerator-pipes, Cleaning . . .. i R. S. Watson Refuse-furnace .. . . .. i G. and F. L. Watson Register-grate, Coal-saver and draught- : J. Hercus and W. McLennan regulator for Regulator. (See Draught-regulator, Electric arc-lamp regulator, Gas-burner regulator, Voltage-regulator.) Reins, Hook for .. .. A. Reid Ridging .. .. .. .. ■ T. C. Hement Ridging, Forming O.G. spouting and .. T. Rogers Riding and driving coat or overcoat .. E. M. Perdriau Rifle .. .. .. .. G. H. Cook Rifle, Adjusting wind-gauge, &c, on .. G. B. H. Austin Rifle, Vernier and traversing-bar for .. G. B. H. Austin Rifle, Wind-gauge for .. J. A. Butler and G. S. Stevenson Rifle-sights, Affixing spirit-level to travers- G. B. H. Austin ing-frame of Rings, &c, Manufacturing .. A. Savary River and sea groin .. .. .. F. A. Tregelles River and sea groin, Building .. .. F. A. Tregelles River-beds, Altering .. .. .. F. R. Field Road-making, Forming water-table in . . W. E. Hughes Road-wheel for vehicle .. P. and D. Duncan, Limited Rock-drill, Valve for .. .. .. J. Tagell Rocking cradles automatically .. F. Soper Roofs, Weather-filling for corrugated-iron J. G. L. Hewitt Rooms, Partition for .. .. H. Gray and G. A. McLean Rotary-engine, .. .. .. T. W May Rotary-engine .. .. .. A. J. Park Rotary-scraper on agricultural imple- A. E. Watson ments, Mounting for Rowels to spurs, Securing .. .. W. H. Connelly Rowing-boat, Sliding-seat for . . .. H. H. Bach Rowlock .. .. . . J. A. Jaggers Rubber heels, soles, and tips .. .. E. C. Perdriau 18509 28 Sept, S3 13 Oct.* 18152 17140 18329 18246 18537 18501 14 July 24 Oct., 1903 17 Aug. 25 July 30 Sept. .. 28 Sept. .. 66 77 74 77 4 Aug.* 15 Sept. 1 Sept.* 15 Sept. 17846 18396 18274 27 April .. 2 Sept. .. 4 Aug. 69 77 Oil 18 Aug. 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 18213 18381 26 Julv 31 Aug. 74 77 1 Sept. 15 Sept.* 17308 18155 18243 18365 18436 18328 18245 18408 18312 17313 18230 18198 28 Nov., 1903 14 July 25 July 25 Aug. 6 Sept, .. 17 Aug. 26 July 6 Sept. ... 12 Aug. 2 Dec, 1903 28 July 18 July 77 oo 74 SO 80 so (19 SO 77 74 74 69 15 Sept. 4 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 29 Sept. 18 Aug.* 29 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 1 Sept, 1 Sept. 18 Aug. 1810) 18499 18209 17161 18161 18412 1845! 18265 18521 6 Sept. .. 26 Sept. .. 25 July 4 Oct.. 190; 16 July 6 Sept. 15 Sept. 3 Aug. 29 Sept. .. 77 S3 Oil Oil (ill S3 15 Sept;* 13 Oct.* IS Alin. 1 Aug. 4 Aug.* 13 Oct * 69 IS Aug * 18334 18240 18241 IS312 17019 17257 1720S 18164 17017 18389 18191 18294 17216 18 Aug. 26 July 26 July 12 Aug. 24 Sept., 1903 16 Nov., 1903 5 Nov., 1903 16 July 19 Sept.. 1903 1 Sept. . . 19 July 6 Aug. 6 Nov.. 1903 74 69 (i!) 77 59 so (ill (ill 66 77 (ill 74 (IH 1 Sept.* 18 Auk * 18 Aug.* 15 Sept* 7 July. 29 Sept. 18 Aug. 18 Aug.* 4 Aim'. 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 18 Aug. 18384 18149 17253 18364 31 Aug. 12 July 17 Nov., 1903 25 Aug. 77 62 74 77 15 Sept.* 21 July.* 1 Sept. 15 Sept.* Saddle .. .. .. .. J. H. Love Saddle, (See Cycle-saddle, Harness-saddle.) Saddle-tree, Riding and driving .. R. A. C. Russell Safe-lock .. .. .. J. Shepherd Sandal .. .. .. .. S. Smith Sanitary pipes, Cement for jointing .. W. Danks Sanitary pipes, Glazing .. .. L. Clark Sash-balanc .. .. . . G. M. Scott Sash-bar for greenhouses, &c .. .. A. P. Westbury and F. Lee Sash hanger and lock .. .. A. Curwood, J. Harrison, and E. A. Cameron ! S286 3 Aug. 69 18 Aug.* 18388 18424 18157 18117 17106 18310 18262 18348 26 Marchf .. 5 Sept. .. 12 July I July 13 Oct., 1903 9 Aug. 3 Aug. .. 17 Aug. 77 77 69 66 77 74 (ill 74 15 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aus 15 Sept. 1 Sept.* 18 Aug.* 1 Sept.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Sash. (See also Window-sash.) Scouring-attachment for bucket-dredge .. Scraper for brush Scraper. (See Rotary-scraper.) Screen. (See Dirt-screen, Fire and hearth screen, Gold-dredge screen, Wire-gauze screen.) Scutcher. (See Flax-scutcher.) Seal, Cork Seat for vehicles, &c Seat, Sliding-, for rowing-boat Seat, Vehicle-Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower Separator. (See Centrifugal separator, Cream-separator.) Sewing-machine Sewing-machine, Thread holder and cutter for wax-thread Shaft-tug Shaft-tug Shale-oil, Treating Shaving-brush Sheet-metal piping, Manufacturing Ship Ships, Anti-fouling composition for Ships'-boats, Launching Ship's hull, Stopping holes under water in Shoe. (See Boot or Shoe, Racehorse-shoe.) Shrinkable clothing, Drying-frame for .. Signalling from exchange to totalisator .. Sink-guard, Sanitary Siphon, Withdrawing predetermined amount of liquid from Skins, Measuring out and wringing Skins, Solution for removing wool from .. Skylight, Ventilating-Slug-destroyer, Electrical Smoke-preventer Smoke-preventer Smoke-preventer and fuel-economizer Soldering ends of tins Soles and heels, Elastic attachment for .. Soles of boots and shoes, Protecting Solid matter from liquid, Separating Sound-box of gramophone, Supplying needles to Sower. (See Mangold-sower, Seed-sower, Turnip and rape sower.) Sowing, Dressing grain prior to.. Spirit-level, Fixing, to traversing frame of rifle-sights Spouting and ridging, Forming O.G. Spurs Spurs, Securing rowels to Stamp-affixing appliance Stamp-affixing machine Stamp-affixing machine, Coin-controlled Stamp (See Branding or marking stamp, Postage-stamp.) Stamping-machine, Coin-freed Stand. (See Bicycle-stand, Boot or Shoe stand, Tripod-stand.) Standard. (See Fencing-standard.) Station-indicator Steam-boiler, Filter for feed-water of Steam-boiler, Water-gauge for.. Steam-engine, Valve for Steam-turbine Stop-cock Stove-protector Stove. (See Gas-stove.) Strainer. (See Liquid-strainer, Milkstrainer, Wire-strainer.) Straining-vessel for pump Strap. (See Breeching-strap, Parcel or Package strap.) Street-paving, Laying wood-blocks for .. Striker for pipe Stripper. (See Flax-stripper.) Stud. (See Collar-stud.) ) R. Andrew H. Ward G. S. Stevenson H. Leek H. H. Bach A. G. Land J. H. Millar P. and D. Duncan, Limited J. Gray A. Lyell United Shoe Machinery Company W. F. Harwood, and R. F. Way.. J. Theobald A. Adiassewich G. Koch T. C. Hement S. E. E. Whitney J. B. Hannay W. S. Rigby E. Smith T. C. Stewart.. G. H. Wallace and W. H. Lowthen E. M. Cuthbert E. Taylor O. Gemeinhardt W. G. Coker H. Ward .. G. Foster C. E. E. Smith H. P. Knutzen A. L. Applegarth G. W. Berry T. Burrell W. S. D. Schmidt M. Torrente H. M. and A. C. Dennes R. H. Binney G. B. H. Austin T. Rogers W. H. Connelly W. H. Connelly J. Purkiss J. J. McDade R. Wales E. Moss R. Whiley, jun. F. G. Shury J. Shepherd .. J. Tagell T. Falvey T. Richie W. F. Rankin T. H. Ibbetson E. Eagar S. W. Jameson 17612 18397 IS534 18285 18149 18465 16938 18282 18496 18220 18392 18320 18458 17695 18478 17388 18344 18036 18153 17010 18171 18210 18460 18447 18505 18268 18284 17307 18189 18190 17108 18132 18395 18494 18450 18438 3 March .. 31 Aug. 30 Sept. .. 3 Aug. 12 July .. 20 Sept. .. 10 Sept.,1903 4 Aug. 26 Sept. .. 28 July 1 Sept. .. 16 Aug. .. 17 Sept. .. 22 March .. 22 Sept. .. 17 Dec, 1903 16 Aug. 15 June 4 July .. 18 Sept.,1903 13 July 26 J ]y 16 Sept. .. 15 Sept, .. 28 Sept. .. 1 Sept. .. 3 Aug. 25 Nov.,1903 16 July 21 July 13 Oct., 1903 7 July 1 Sept. .. 22 Sept. . . 15 Sept. .. 12 Sept. .. "7 74 62 SO 62 69 83 69 77 74 SO 59 80 74 62 66 69 66 S3 SO 77 74 74 69 69 69 66 83 S3 SO SO 15 Sept. 1 Sept. 21 July.* 29 Sept.* 21 July. 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 1 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 7 July. 29 Sept. 1 Sept.* 21 July. 4 Aug.* 7 July. 4 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 29 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug. 4 Aug.* 13 Oct. 13 Oct.* 29 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 18355 18521 23 Aug. 29 Sept. .. 77 15 Sept.* 18209 18385 18384 18358 18386 18170 25 July 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 24 Aug. 1 Sept. .. 13 July 69 77 77 77 83 66 18 Aug. 15 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 15 Sept.* 13 Oct. 4 Aug.* 18337 17 Aug. I Sept.* 74 18486 18154 18425 17208 18399 18524 18163 23 Sept, .. 25 May 5 Sept. .. 5 Nov.,1903 3 Sept. .. 28 Sept. .. 16 July 83 66 77 69 77 83 69 13 Oct.* 4 Aug. 15 Sept.* 18 Aug. 15 Sept.* 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 18263 3 Aug. .. 74 1 Sept. 18394 18471 1 Sept. .. 20 Sept. .. 83 83 13 Oct. 13 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. ize; te. Invention. Name. No. j Date. No. Date. Stumps, CricketSulphurising fruit Sunken vessels, Raising Suspender. (See Garment-suspender.) A. Bridge C. E. Lowe W. Cochrane .. 18485 16996 18277 22 Sept. .. 18 Sept.,1903 4 Aug. 66 69 4 Aug. 18 Aug.* Table. (See Billiard-table, Dining and billiard table, Drawing-table.; Tail-grip for cattle Tailings, Recovering gold, &c, from Tap. (See Draw-off tap, Non-freezing tap, Non-freezable tap.) Tap, High and low pressure Tea-pot Temperature-alarm J. Robertson A. Clark and J. Storer 16985 18457 11 Sept.,1903 14 Sept. .. 5!) SO 7 July. 29 Sept.* H. S. Woolcott H. G. Blackie The Leslie Walker Instantaneous Fire Detector and Fire Indicator Company, Limited J. Stevenson A. P. Richmond 17263 18442 18231 18 Nov.,1903 13 Sept. .. 28 July (id S3 74 4 Aug. 13 Oct.* 1 Sept, Tent Therapeutic apparatus Thinner. (See Turnip-thinner.) Thread holder and cutter for wax-thread sewing-machine Tides, Utilising flow of Timber-drying kiln Tin canisters, Securing ends of.. Tin. (See Kerosene-tin, Preserving-tin.) Tins, Soldering ends of Tip-cart Tip cart and dray Tipping-wagon Tire Tire, Attaching grip per to Tire, Attaching strips of leather to Tire for vehicle-wheel Tire, Lining for Tires, Metal-shield for wearing-part of .. Tires, Pump for Toaster, BreadTongs. (See Fire-tongs.) Tool. (See Coal-cutter tool, Combinationtool, Grubbing and hilling-up tool, Pruning-tool.) Torpedo-boat Torpedo-boat Totalisator Totalisator, Signalling from exchange to.. Traces, Hook for Traces, Clasp for spreaders on .. Traffic control system, Railway - 18527 18214 30 Sept. .. 26 July S3 74 13 Oct.* 1 Sept. United Shoe Machinery Company 18392 1 Sept, .. 77 15 Sept.* J. Davies F. J. Jones G. W. Berry and J. J. Sneesby .. 18156 17285 18480 14 July 28 Nov.,1903 22 Sept, .. 66 74 S3 4 Aug.* 1 Sept. 13 Oct.* (!. W. Berry .. W. F. Harwood and R. F. Way . . P. and D. Duncan, Limited A. S. Burgess P. Cody P. McDonald S. Nicolson J. Thomson J. J. Daily J. T. Meredith D. Rowe R, E. Smallbon 18132 18320 18124 18437 18443 18193 18197 18136 18336 18143 18130 18254 7 July 16 Aug. 4 July 12 Sept. .. 13 Sept. .. 18 July .. 19 July 4 July 18 Aug. 8 July 6 July 1 Aug. 66 74 62 S3 S3 69 (ii) 66 77 62 66 77 4 Aug.* 1 Sept.* 21 July.* 13 Oct. 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 4 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 21 July.* 4 Aug. 15 Sept, P. H. Shailer S. E. E. Whitne/ D. M. Robertson G. H. Wallace and W. H. Lowthen A. Reid J. Holms, jun. Rowe's Patent Lock and Block, Limited J. W. Rooney, J. B. Meiklejohn, and C. L. Watt P. A. Blyth 18146 18344 16958 18210 18409 18452 18274 8 July 16 Aug. 11 Sept.,1903 26 July 6 Sept. 12 Sept. .. 4 Aug. 62 74 51) 2 July.* 1 Sept.* 7 July. 77 SO 61) 15 Sept.* 29 Sept.* 18 Aug.* Train-indicator 18172 14 July 66 4 Aug.* Tramway-truck brake Trap. (See Animal-trap, Bird-trap, Rattrap.) Tree. (See Fruit-tree, Saddle-tree.) Trimming turnips, &c, Appliance for .. Tripod-stand for camera Tripping-attachment for reaper-and-binder Trough Trough. (See Feed-trough.) Truck. (See Hand-truck, Tramway-truck.) Trucks, Loading gravel into Tub, and clothes-carrier, Bath Turbine. (See Centrifugal turbine, Steam turbine.) Turnip-puller Turnip, rape, and mangold sower Turnip-thinner Turnip-thinner 18219 28 July 74 1 Sept. E. G. D. McMaster A. McLeod F. Colville .. W. J. James 18339 18474 18245 17241 19 Aug. 22 Sept. .. 26 July 16 Nov.. 1903 SO S3 6!) 74 29 Sept. 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 1 Sept. R. A. Wilson W. Stevenson 16895 18379 1 Sept., 1903 30 Aug. .. 60 SO 18 Aug. 29 Sept. R. L. Orbell C. Bristow A. Storrie J. Hercus, F. W. Barton, and W. Morton E. G. D. McMaster W. Hoskins 18341 17028 17280 18215 18 Aug. 26 Sept., 1903 23 Nov., 1903 22 July 77 69 77 61) 15 Sept.* 18 Aug. 15 Sept. 18 Aug.* Turnip-trimmer Turpentine, Treating fatty wood for production of Typographic machine Twist-moulding machine 18339 18500 19 Aug. 28 Sept. .. SO 29 Sept. E. Waters, jun. R. Cosslett 17574 18433 25 Feb. 5 Sept. .. 62 SO 21 July. 29 Sept.* Valve for water-cistern Valve, Oscillating cylindrical Vehicle, Adjustable body for two-wheeled Vehicle brake, RoadVehicle, Cap for wheeled Vehicle, Construction of bogie for R. Garnham J. Tagell C. E. F. Hall and J. C. R. Price .. F. Mitchell C. Burridge and H. Brown C. E. Bernays 18129 17208 18423 18275 18113 18464 6 July 5 Nov., 1903 7 Sept. .. 4 Aug. 4 July 20 Sept. .. 62 69 S3 74 66 21 July.* 18 Aug. 13 Oct. 1 Sept.* 4 Aug.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention Name No. Date. No. Date. Vehicle, Road wheel for Vehicle-seat Vehicle-seat Vehicle-wheel Vehicle wheel-spread controller Vehicle-wheel, Tire for Vehicle, Wheeled Vehicles, Control and propulsion of electrically propelled Vending-machine Venetian-blind, Lifting and bunching .. Venetian-blind, Operating Ventilating-window Ventilator Vernier and traversiug-bar for rifle Vessels, Raising sunken Voltage controller and regulator Voltage-controller for electric-generator .. P. and D. Duncan, Limited A. G. Land H. Leek C.'R. S. J. Halle J. C. Hinton J. Thomson S. G. Whitehouse J. S. Raworth 17257 18465 18285 18406 18362 18136 18429 18376 16 Nov., 1903 20 Sept. . . 3 Aug. 6 Sept, .. 25 Aug. 4 July 2 Sept. 20 Aug. SO SO 74 83 SO 66 29 Sept. 29 Sept.* 1 Sept. 13 Oct. 29 Sept. 4 Aug.* so 29 Sept. L. B. Horrocks P. Lanigan J. D. Leach J. H. Gay N. Randell G. B. H. Austin W. Cochrane J. P. Campbell Electric and Train Lighting Syndicate, Limited J. Davies W. J. O'Hara P. and D. Duncan, Limited A. S. Burgess E. C. Mahony J. A. Ferguson F. A. Tregelles J. Taylor A. J. H. Lange R. B. Taylor and E. Ambrose R. McEwan L. Frame A. C. Wolff and A. Mutch T. Crosland W. Stevenson R. F. Marsh E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward R. Gam ham R. Paladini J. Davies J. Shepherd W. E. Hughes W. O'Brien, jun. J. G. L. Hewitt 17303 18269 17122 17336 18314 18453 18277 16865 17953 27 Nov., 1903 1 Aug. .. 20 Oct., 1903 3 Dec, 1903 12 Aug. 15 Sept. .. 4 Aug. .. 27 Aug., 1003 25 May 80 (i!) (ill 74 29 Sept. 18 Aug.* 18 Aug. 1 Sept. mi 59 66 18 Aug.* 7 July. 4 Aug. Wagon Wagon Wagon, Dumping and spreading Wagon, Tipping-Wall-scctions for house-building Walls and building-blocks Walls, Building river and sea Washboard Washboard Washboard and rubber Washing apparatus, Fibre-Washing-boiler Washing-boiler Washing-boiler Washing-boiler cover, &c Washing-machine Water and producer gas Water-cistern, Valve for Water-closet flush Water-current, Utilising flow of Water-gauge for steam-boiler Water-table in road-making, Forming .. Waves, Obtaining power from Weather-filling for corrugated-iron roofs.. Weeds. (See Noxious weeds.) Welsbach incandescent gas-burner Welt-attaching apparatus Wheel-jack Wheel. (See Free-wheel, Road-wheel, Ve-hicle-wheel.) Wheeled vehicle, Cap for Wheels, Turning and crowning Wind-gauge for rifles Wind-gauge on rifle, Adjusting Wind-mill Window-blind of parchment or paper .. Window-fastener Window-fastener Window-frame, Hanging and locking sashes in Window-sash balance Window-sash holder and suspender Window-sash lock Window-sash lock and retainer Window-sash, Removable Window, Ventilating-Window-stop Wire cutter, twister, and winder Wire-gauze screen Wire-mattress. Tightening Wire-strainer Wire-woven mattress Wood-blocks, Laying Wood, fatty, Treating, for production of paper-pulp Wool from skins, Solution for removing.. Wrapper Wrapper. (See also Mailing-wrapper, Paper-wrapper.) Wrench. (See Nut-wrench, Pipe-wrench.) 18484 17172 18042 18437 18361 18421 18241 18430 18491 18236 18417 17278 17634 18179 18379 17988 17961 18129 18473 18156 18425 17019 18160 17017 22 Sept. 27 Oct.. 1903 14 .J iine 12 Sept. . . 22 Aug. 7 Sept. 26 July 8 Sept, .. 22 Sept, .. 28 July 7 Sept, 1!) Nov., 1903 8 March . . 15 July 30 Aug. 1 June . ,, 26 May 6 Julv 22 Sept. .. 14 July 5 Sept. .. 24 Sept., 1903 15 July 19 Sept., 1903 S3 77 SO S3 80 (i!) S3 S3 69 77 (i!) 66 69 so 80 74 62 83 (id 77 59 (i!) 66 13 Oct.* In Sept. 29 Sept. 13 Oct. 29 Sept. 18 Aug.* 13 Oct. 13 Oct.* 18 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 18 Aug. 4 Aug. 18 Aug.* 29 Sept. 29 Sept.* 1 Sept.* '21 Julv.* 13 Oct.* 4 Aug.* 15 Sept.* 7 July. 18 Aug.* 4 Aug. J. Hickman United Shoe Machinery Company D. Dunn 18119 18363 18061 5 July 25 Aug. 21 June 69 80 69 18 Aug.* 29 Sept.* 18 Aug. G Burridge and H. Brown C. J. Waugh .. J. A. Butler and G. S. Stevenson.. G. B. H. Austin J. O'Neil J. W. Tattersfield B. O. Nuttall R. F. Way A. Curwood, J. Harrison, and E. A. Cameron A. G. Jackson A. S. Coronel J. Petrle A. M. Bauckham G. E. Humphries J. H. Gay ; C. Grimstone : J. and T. R. Christie J. M. Sibbit B. F. Dunn .. ' J. and T. R. Christie .. ; T. J. A. Hicks and R. F. Way .. E. Eagar W. Hoskins 18113 18255 18265 18412 18352 18360 18347 18413 18348 4 July 15 Aug. 3 Aug. 6 Sept. . . 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 20 Aug. 6 Sept. 17 Aug. 66 69 du 77 77 4 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 18 Aug.* 13 Oct.* 15 Sept.* 15 Sept. 83 74 13 Oct.* I Sept.* 18062 18183 18115 17217 18237 17336 18173 17324 IS.") 19 18150 17374 18454 18394 18500 16 June ■21 July 4 July 10 Nov., 1903 28 July 3 Dec, 1903 19 July 2 Dec. 1903 29 Sept. .. 12 July 12 Dec. 1003 15 Sept. .. 1 Sept, 28 Sept. .. 66 69 66 77 77 74 80 4 Aug.* IS Aug.* 4 Aug. 15 Sept. 15 Sept, 1 Sept. 29 Sepl. 62 so 21 .Inlv.* 2!) Sept. S3 83 13 Oct. 13 Oct.* W. G. Coker D. Ro ertson 18268 18518 1 Sept. . . 24 Sept, .. 77 S3 15 Sept.* 13 Oct.* Zinc and lead, Extracting Zinc-blende, Separating, from ores A. H. Imbert A. J. F. de Bavay 30 June 28 July 66 69 4 Aug. 18 Aug.* 18112 18228



11— H. 10.-06


Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Ainslie and Co., J. .. American Tobacco Company of N.Z., Limited, The Andrews and Beaven. (See W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven.) Andrews, W., and another Arlidge, A. E. Auslebrook and Co. Australian Eucalyptus Chemical Company Leith, Scotland Wellington, N.Z. 43 46 4254 4845 24 June, 1903 3 Aug. .. 74 69 1 Sept. 18 Aug. Christchurch, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. London, England 7 Hi 42 3 4942 4824 4896 4925 30 Sept. .. 21 July 2 Sept. .. 20 Sept. .. S3 66 77 80 13 Oct. 4 Aug. 15 Sept. .29 Sept. Barclay, A. G. and another. Barclay, C. S., and another Barclay, Perkins, and Co., Limited Barnard, A. W. A. .. Barnard and Sons. Barnard and Sons. (See A. W. A. Barnard. ) Barr, J. Bates, W. N. Bates, Sise, and Co. Beale and Co., W. J. (See G. A. Creeth and Co.) Beattie, Lang, and Co. Beaven, A. W.. and another Behrens, C. Benjamin and Co., D Bevan, G. A. Blackie, H. G. Blackie, H. G. Bock and Co., P. Bock, J. A. Bock, J. A. Bonnington, G. Bonnington, G. Bourke, M. F. Bourke, M. F. Brigham, J., and another British Columbia Packers Association... Brooke, CM. Brook and Bros., Limited, J... Bryant, R. H. Butterworth Bros. New York, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. London, England Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 48 48 43 43 42 4847 4847 4480 4844 4817 4 Aug. 4 Aug. 14 Dec, 1903 2 Aug. 14 July S3 S3 59 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 7 July. Wellington. N.Z. Christchurch. N.Z. Dunedin. N.Z. 50 50 42 4749 4798 4898 6 June 1 July 1 Sept. .. 74 02 SO 1 Sept. 21 July. 29 Sept. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Havana, Cuba Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Napier, N.Z. .. Clive, N.Z. Manchester, England .. Vancouver, B.C. Christchurch, N.Z. Huddersfield, England .. Invercargill, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 42 7 45 39 31) 42 42 3 3 3 50 3 47 47 3 42 42 23 42 38 4825, 6 4942 4575 4833 4812 4911 4912 4916 4937, 8 41)39 4880, 1 4882 4799, 4800 4877 4720 4941 4834 4900 4818 4927 22 July 30 Sept. .. 18 Feb. 27 Julv 8 July 13 Sept. .. 13 Sept. .. 15 Sept. .. 28 Sept. .. 28 Sept. .. 23 Aug." .. 23 Aug. 1 July .. 22 Aug. 14 May 29 Sept. .. 27 July 7 Sept. .. 14 July 20 Sept. .. (id S3 (ill 61,1 74 80 80 S3 77 SO ,5!) 77 69 4 Aug. 13 Oct. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 1 Sept. 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 13 Oct. 15 Sept. 29 Sept. 7 July. 15 Sep. 18 Aug. 66 77 66 4 Aug. 15 Sept. 4 Aug. Calorit Konservenerwarmiing Ohne Feuer, G.m.b.H. Carter, H. O. Caselberg and Co., L. Caselberg and Co., L. Chance Bros, and Co., Limited Chipman, H. S. Colonial Oil Company Cotton, F. H. Coxon, A. .. Coxon, A. .. Craig, J. J. Crease, H. E. Creeth, G. A. Creeth and Co., G. A. Crosby, F. Berlin, Germany 42 4899 6 Sept. 77 15 Sept. Belleknowes, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. West Smethwick, Eng... Sydney, N.S.W. Melbourne, Victoria Christchurch, N.Z. Marton, N.Z. Marton, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Karangahake, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 42 45 45 15 Ii 13 ■12 ■17 48 7 3 6 6 50 4923 4895 4924 4934 4822 4S61 4917 4805 4819 4802 4814 4889 4883 4862 16 Sept. 2 Sept. .. 19 Sept. .. 28 Sept. .. 18 July 12 Aug. 14 Sept. .. 2 July 15 July 1 July 14 July 30 Aug. 25 Aug. 12 Aug. 80 77 SO S3 06 62 62 5!) 74 77 SO till 29 Sept. 15 Sept. 29 Sept. 13 Oct. 4 Aug. 21 Juiy. 21 July. 7 July. 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 29 Sept. 18 Aug. Dewar and Sons, Limited, J. .. Dickinson, C. Dimock and Co., Limited, W. Dudgeon and Arnell Proprietary, Limited Perth, Scotland, and Sydney, N.S.W. Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Melbourne, Victoria 43 45 42 45 4856 4887 4930 4915 9 Aug. 29 Aug. 22 Sept. .. 15 Sept. .. S3 SO SO 13 Oct. 29 Sept. 29 Sept. Federal Cycle Company. (See W. Isdale.) Fleming, Birkby, and Goodall, Limited Halifax, England •25 4872 17 Aug. 1 Sept. 74 Gibson, W. A. Gibson, W. A. Giesen, W. B., and another ■Goulet and Co., G. .. Melbourne, Victoria Melbourne, Victoria Wanganui, N.Z. Reims, France 42 42 42 43 4891 4892 4908 4875 1 Sept. .. 1 Sept. .. 12 Sept. .. 18 Aug. 77 80 74 15 Sept. 29 Sept. 1 Sept. Hall and Co., Limited, J. Hargreaves and Son, J. Hibbert, M., and another Hibbert, W. (See J. Brigham and M. Hibbert.) Hill, T. C. .. Hoi brooks Limited Christchurch, N.Z. Liverpool, England Manchester, England .. 42 47 3 4801 4940 4720 1 July 29 Sept. .. 14 May 62 66 21 July. 4 Aug. Christchurch, N.Z. Birmingham, England .. 44 42 4913 4835 13 Sept. .. 28 July 83 13 Oct. i


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


9 Name. Address. Class. — !_ A No. Application. Lpp Gazette. Date. No. Date. Horlick's Food Company Racine, U.S.A., and London, England London and Manchester, England London and Manchester, England Blenheim, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 42 4593 2 March .. (ill 18 Aug. Horrockses, Crewdson, and Co., Limited 24,30 4885, 6 26 Aug. 74 1 Sept. Horrockses, Crewdson, and Co., Limited 24 4933 26 Sept. .. Horton, E. Hunt. A. G. S. Hunt and Co., A. G. S. (See A. G. S. Hunt.) 3 3 4931 4852 22 Sept. .. 9 Aug. S3 77 13 Oct. 15 Sept. Independent Starch Company Isdale, W. Izard, W. A., and another. New York, U.S.A. Oamaru, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. 22 42 4873 4944 4908 17 Aug. 30 Sept. .. 12 Sept. .. 83 80 13 Oct.' 29 Sept. Jeffery and Co., T. B. Jones and Son, Limited, H. I. Kenosha, U.S.A. Wanganui, N.Z. 22 39 4846 4926 4 Aug. 20 Sept. .. Keith Ramsay and Co. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s N.Z. Drug Company, Limited Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 47 2, 42, 3 4897 4920, 1, 2 5 Sept. .. 16 Sept. .. 77 80 15 Sept. 29 Sept. Kennard, E. F. King, J. Kirkcaldie and Stains, Limited Dunedin, N.Z. Ashhurst, N.Z. Wellington and Napier, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 22 47 28 4816 4809 4936 14 July 5 July 28 Sept. .. 69 59 83 18 Aug. 7 July. 13 Oct. Korth, A. H. 2 4829 23 July 66 4 Aug. Leach, G. .. Leibner, A... Lennon, F. J. Lever Bros., Limited Melbourne, Victoria Melbourne, Victoria Rockhampton, Q. Balmain, N.S.W. 7 42 3 42 4837 4918 4928 4914 28 July 15 Sept. .. 22 Sept. .. 15 Sept. .. 69 80 18 Aug. 29 Sept. MacEwan and Co., J. B. Male, W. .. Manning Bros. Marshall's Chemical Company, Limited.. Maynard and Co. McArthur South Africa, Limited, W. & A. Merfield, P. W. Murdoch and Co. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Kew, Victoria Dunedin, N.Z. 42 13 3 42 44 42 50 3 4831 4932 4853, 4 4810 4849 4935 4858 4827 25 July 24 Sept. .. 9 Aug. 6 July 8 Aug. 28 Sept. .. 11 Aug. 22 July 69 83 69 62 69 18 Aug. 13 Oct. 18 Aug. 21 July. 18 Aug. 69 66 18 Aug. 4 Aug. Naehmaschinen Fabrik und Eisengiesserei Vormals Seidel and Naumann. Nathan and Co., J. .. National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited Neill and Co., Limited Neuchatel Asphalte Company, Limited, The New Zealand Dairy Association, Limited, The New Zealand Dairy Association, Limited, The New Zealand Dairy Association, Limited, The New Zealand Dip and Orchard Spraying Company, The. (See A. C. Wilson.) North British Rubber Company, Limited Dresden, Germany 6 4943 30 Sept. .. Wellington, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. 42 2 4806 4850 4 July 8 Aug. 62 69 21 July. 18 Aug. Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 43 50 4867 4874 16 Aug. 18 Aug. 74 74 1 Sept. 1 Sept. Auckland, N.Z. 42 4808 4 July 5!) 7 July. Auckland, N.Z. 42 4907 10 Sept. .. SO 29 Sept Auckland, N.Z. 42 4807 4 July Edinburgh, Scotland 38 4828 22 July Parker, R. W. Paterson and Co., A. S. Paterson and Co., A. S. Paterson and Co., A. S. Paterson and Co., A. S. Paterson and Co., A. S. Pearks' Stores of Africa, Limited Pearsall and Co., J. .. Pearson and Rutter, Limited Phoenix Company, Limited, The Pontnewynydd Sheet and Galvanising Company, Limited, The Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Johannesburg, S. Africa London, England Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. London, England 3 42 42 42 42 42 42 30 42 42 5 4823 4842, 3 4879 4902, 3, 4 4890 4909 4888 4869, 70 4838, 9 4841 4723 21 July 2 Aug. 23 Aug. 10 Sept. .. 1 Sept. .. 12 Sept. .. 30 Aug. 17 Aug. .. 30 July 1 Aug. .. 18 May 66 6!) 74 77 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 1 Sept 15 Sept. SO 29 Sept. 74 d!) 69 77 1 Sept. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 15 Sept. Reece and Sons, E. .. Regal Shoe Company, The Reynolds and Co., W. E. Robertson and Co. Rodriguez Argiielles Y. Ca. Ross & Glendining, Limited. Christchurch, N.Z. Boston, U.S.A. Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Habana, Cuba Invercargill, N.Z. 47 38 22 42 45 38 4461 4929 4848 4832 4836 4864 2 Dec, 1903 22 Sept. .. 4 Aug. 26 July 28 July 12 Aug. 77 SO (ill 69 77 69 15 Sept. 29 Sept. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 15 Sept. 18 Aug. Sargood, Son, and Ewen Scoular and Co., W... Seidel and Naumann. (See Naehmaschinen Fabrik und Eisengiesserei.) Sheldon Drug Company New Zealand Dunedin, N.Z. 38 47 4400 4876 2 Oct., 1903 19 Aug. 69 74 18 Aug. I Sept. Sydtiey, N.S.W. 3 4795-7 30 June 4 Aug. 66


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


12— H. 10.-05


Name. Address. Class. — No. Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Smith and Smith, Limited Smith and Smith, Limited Sociedad Anonima Germinal, The Sorenson, C. A. Sorenson, W. South British Packing Company, The. (See A. S. Paterson and Co.) Sterling Remedy Company Sutton, W. A. P. .. Svenska Centrifug Aktiebolaget Sybry, Searls, and Co,, Limited Swan, J. G. Swan, J. G. Swan and Co., J. G. (See J. G. Swan.) Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Manila, Philippine Islands Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 1 3 45 3 3 4910 4919 4860 4894 4811 13 Sept. .. 16 Sept. .. 12 Aug. 1 Sept. .. 7 July .. 80 74 77 62 29 Sept. 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 21 July. Chicago, U.S.A. Gisborne, N.Z. Stockholm, Sweden Sheffield, England Wanganui, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. 3 2 7 5 43 44 4815 4855 4893 4857 4905 4906 14 July 9 Aug. 1 Sept. .. 11 Aug. 10 Sept. .. 10 Sept. 86 69 77 69 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 15 Sept. 18 Aug. Teed and Co. Thompson and Hills Thorley ; Limited, J. Tompkins and Co., A. H. Trapnell, G. Tyree and Co., Limited, A. .. Tyree and Co., A. New Plymouth, N.Z. .. Auckland, N.Z. London, England Christchurch, N.Z. Brightwater, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 39 42 42 42,50 42 50 38 4790 4878 4868 4865, 4866 4840 4821 4901 30 June 22 Aug. 17 Aug. 15 Aug. 1 Aug. 18 July 8 Sept. .. 69 74 74 S3 69 SO 18 Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 13 Oct. 18 Aug. 29 Sept. United Kingdom Tea Company, Limited United Manufacturing Company, The .. London, England Dunedin, N.Z. 42 42 4859 4813 11 Aug. 11 July 74 66 1 Sept. 4 Aug. Waikiekie Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited, The Walker, Kempson, and Stevens, Limited Wallace, J. Warnock Bros. Waters, Ritchie, and Co. Wiggins, Teape, and Co., Limited Wiles, H. 0. Williamson, H. B. .. Wilson, A. C. Woodward, J. A. Waikiekie, N.Z. 42 4884 27 Aug. Leicester, England Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. London, England Auckland, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 38 38 47 42 39 1 3 2 3 4871 4368 4803, 4 4820 4830 4793 4409 4863 4851 17 Aug. 9 Sept.,1903 4 July 18 July 25 July 30 June 8 Oct., 1903 12 Aug. 9 Aug. 74 66 59 60 66 66 74 66 69 1 Sept. 4 Aug. 7 July. 4 Aug. 4 Aug. 4 Aug. 1 Sept. 4 Aug. 18 Aug.

Address. No. of Class. A No. Application. \pp Gazette. Name. Date. No. Date. Billing, A. F. and another Boll, P. .. Brooke, CM. .. Brooke, CM. Griffin and Sons, Limited Harding, H. T., and another.. Harding and Billing. (See A. F. Billing and H. T. Harding.) Mahoney. F J. O'Sullivan Rubber Company Shelton, F. J. Wilson, T., jun. Auckland, N.Z. Bendigo, Victoria Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Nelson, N.Z. .. Auckland, N.Z. 5 I 4 4 12 5 217 212 215 220 216 217 30 Aug. 8 April 8 Aug. 30 Sept. 22 Aug. 30 Aug. 1 Aug. 29 Sept. 14 July 12 Sept. .. 74 .. 66 .. 69 .. 83 .. 74 .. 74 .. 66 .. 83 .. 66 .. 80 1 Sept. 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 13 Oct. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. Christchurch, N.Z. Portland, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. Islington, N.Z. 1 3 1 3 214 219 213 218 4 Aug. 13 Oct. 4 Aug. 29 Sept.




* Denotes a provisional specification, 'rade Marks Act, 1889." lenotes a prior late uni .er section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, am Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Abell, E. G., and another, Brisbane, Q. Butter-box. (S. J. Coffins) .. Adams, J., and another, Hamilton, Vic. Pipe-wrench Adamson, L, Waimate, N.Z. Rain-water collector.. Alcock and Co., Weffington, N.Z. (See H. U. Alcock, No. 18525.) Alcock, F. A., Melbourne, Vic. (See H. U. Alcock, No. 18525.) Alcock, H. U., Melbourne, Vic Convertible billiard-table Alcock, H. U., Wellington, N.Z. Preparing surface of bowl-testing table. (F. A. Alcock) Aldis, M., Auckland, N.Z. Billy-can Alexander, C. J., London, Eng. Incandescent gas-burner Alexander, W. M., Bairnsdale, Vic. (See J. H. Smith, No. 18469.) Allan, A. T. W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Gold-saving Allen, A. H. R., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Metal-finishing process and product Allen, C. E. H, Hunterville, N.Z. Fencing-dropper Anderson, G., Christchurch, N.Z. (See Christchurch Meat Company, Limited, No. 18456) Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Pressure-appliance for cheese-press Andrews, F. H., Sydenham, N.Z. Pithing-spear Angus, A. R., Neutral Bay, N.S.W. Railway car .. Angus, E. A., Melbourne, Vic Sewing-machine Appleton, J. A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Anti-fouling composition Armstrong, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Elevating and delivering material Ashcroft, T., Auckland, N.Z. Increasing speed of vessels Ashworth, H., Wellington, N.Z. Wool-washer Ashworth, H, Wellington, N.Z. Arrival and departure indicator for railways Atkinson, H. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Blind-fitting Austin, G. B. H., Oakleigh, Vic. Adjusting wind-gauge on rifle Austin, G. B. H., Oakleigh, Vic. Vernier for rifle Austin, G. B. H., Oakleigh, Vic Ladder and frame for rifle Austin, G. B. H, Oakleigh, Vic. Fixing spirit-level on rifle-sight 18516 18530 18754 24 Sept. 27 Sept. 16 Nov. 102 91 102 22 Dec. 10 Nov. 22 Dec. 18517 18525 24 Sept. 1 Oct. 91 102 10 Nov. 22 Dec. 18669 18853 28 Oct. 13 Dec. 91 6 10 Nov.* 26 Jan., 1905. 18777 18748 18 Nov. 16 Nov. 98 95 8 Dec* 24 Nov.* 18700 3 Nov. 18651 18591 18714 18693 18637 18775 18701 18573 18762 20 Oct. 14 Oct. 8 Nov. 3 Nov. 18 Oct, 21 Nov. 1 Nov. 10 Oct. 18 Nov. 95 86 98 95 102 95 91 98 24 Nov. 27 Oct.* 8 Dec. 24 Nov. 22 Dec. 24 Nov.* 10 Nov. 8 Dec* 18772 18546 18453 18620 18521 19 Nov. .. . 4 Oct. 15 Sept. 20 Oct. 29 Sept. 3 86 86 91 91 12 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct.* 27 Oct.* 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* Bacon, M., Grey Lynn, N.Z. Blouse and skirt supporter Baggstrom, E. L., Auckland, N.Z. (See G. W. Basley, No. 18891.) Bailey, C E., Dunedin. Spring equaliser for vehicle Baker, A. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Door-lock Baker, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Churn Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bread - making. (Deutsche Dauerbrot Gesellschaft) Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Parcel - carrier. (Lamson Store Service Company, Limited) Barclay, W. R., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18752.) Barlow, J. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Die for cake-tins Barnes, G., North Sydney, N.S.W. Curtain-suspender Barton, B. C, Birmingham, Eng. Metallic bedstead Basley, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Stair-rod. (L. Baggstrom) Bates, A., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18752). Baugh, De. (See under De.) Bavay, de. (See under De.) Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. (See A. J. Park, No. 18896.) Beck, H., Meiningen, Ger. Electric arc lamp Bedell, B. H., and another, London, Eng. Current-collector for stud contact systems of electric traction Belk, M., Palmerston North, N.Z. Branding and embossing carcases of mutton Bender, L., Launceston, Tas. Butter-cutter Bernays, C E., Brisbane, Q. Bogies for vehicles Bickerton, A. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Paper health shelter Billens, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Agitating attachment to spray-pump .. Blaekstone, E. C, and another, Stamford, Eng. Swath-turner Bohm, H, Berlin, Ger. Preserve-can Bower, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-can Boyle, J. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Boot-sole Boyle, J. S., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Boot sole and upper Brackett, F. W., Colchester, Eng. (See Positive Rotary Pumps (Limited) No. 18599.) Bradley, S. A., and another, Kilmore, Vic. Fruit-case Brake, O, Lincoln, N.Z. Surgical instrument for cattle Brake, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Attaching breeching-straps to vehicleshafts Brett, A. G., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Moustache-guard for spoons .. Brewerton, F. M., Motupiko, N.Z. Wire-strainer Brice, H, Kapuni, N.Z. Game .. 18776 17 Nov. 3 12 Jan., 1905.* 18541 17965 18554 18806 4 Oct. 26 May 6 Oct. 19 Dec, 1903+ 86 102 86 27 Oct.* 22 Dec. 27 Oct.* 18875 20 Dec. 17595 18820 17465 18891 1 March 1 Dec. 13 Jan. 22 Dec. 102 3 86 3 22 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct. 12 Jan. 1905.* 18512 18723 28 Sept. 10 Nov. 91 98 10 Nov. 8 Deo. 91 98 18672 27 Oct. 18467 18464 17522 18659 18804 18624 18770 18649 18779 21 Sept. 20 Sept. 5 Feb. 25 Oct. 29 Nov. 20 Oct. 18 Nov. 19 Oct. 19 Nov. 86 86 98 95 102 98 91 98 86 86 98 95 102 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 8 Dec. 24 Nov. 22 Dec. 98 91 98 8 Dec* 10 Nov. 8 Dec* 18715 18656 17629 10 Nov. 24 Oct. 7 March 98 95 95 98 95 95 8 Dec* 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 17559 18788 17460 23 Feb. 25 Nov. 13 Jan. 102 91 102 22 Dec. 91 10 Nov.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. No. A Application. Gazette. Date. No. I Date. Bridge, A., Stonehenge, Q. Cricket-stumps Bridger, J., London, Eng. (See the New Inverted Incandescent Gaslamp Company, Limited, No. 18326.) Broadhead, G, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Knife and fork cleaner.. Brown, F. J., Ngaire, N.Z. Leg-roping appliance Brown, F. J., Ngaire, N.Z. Cow-bailing appliance Brown, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Vending-machine Brown, J. H, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18625.) Brown, T. H, Wellington, N.Z. Bridle .. Bruce, J. L., Kogarah, N.S.W. Gas-lamp lighter and extinguisher Bruce, W. W., Wellington, N.Z. Fireproof roofs and floors. (J. R. Little) Buckelew, A., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, No. 18852.) Burchett, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Tire-cover, metallic Burt, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Self-closing tap Buscke, G. R., and others, Gisborne, N.Z. Racing-hurdle Butterworth, H. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-bucket, (H. Park) Byron, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-consumer and feeder for furnace 18485 22 Sept. 86 27 Oct. 18824 18868 18867 18548 3 Dec. 16 Dec. 16 Dec. 5 Oct. 98 102 102 86 8 Dec* 22 Dec* 22 Dec* 27 Oct.* 17410 18722 18740 24 Dec, 1903 10 Nov. 8 Nov. 86 98 102 27 Oct. 8 Dec 22 Dec. 18781 18643 18575 18895 18747 22 Nov. 19 Oct. 7 Oct. 22 Dec. 12 Nov. 98 91 95 3 95 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 12 Jan. 1905.* 24 Nov.* Cairns, P., Timaru, N.Z. Centre for invert and arching work Cameron, E. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Race for sheep Campbell, P., Albert Park, Vic Pipe-moulding machine Campbell, W. S., Auckland, N.Z. Blight-destroyer Candy, H. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Tug-stop for vehicle-shafts Cannon, T., Wanganui, N.Z. Anti-rattler for windows Carlaw, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-bridge and smoke-con-sumer Cassel, H. R., London, Eng. Slimes-filter Champion Seal Company, New York, U.S.A. Packing-case. (H. A. Penrose) Champion Seal Company, New York, U.S.A. Seal or stopper. (E. D. Schmitt) Chewings, G., Mossburn, N.Z. Fencing-staple Christchurch Meat Company, Limited, Christchurch, N.Z. Securing top of preserving-tin. (G. Anderson) Christie, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Making union joints in pipes Christy, S. B., Berkeley, U.S.A. (See F. A. Rich, No. 18638.) Clapham, G. H., and another, Wellington. Die for cake-tins Clark, A. Z., Melbourne, Vic. Treating crushed ores Clark, D., Bairnsdale, Vic. Gold-separation, &c, by precipitation in zinc Clark, H S., Onehunga, N.Z. Tap for tins Clark, L., Hobsonville, N.Z. Flanging, &c, earthenware pipes Clark, R., Wanstead, Eng. Blank-book manufacture Clark, R. O., jun., Hobsonville, N.Z. Flanging, &c, earthenware Clark, R. 0., jun., Hobsonville, N.Z. Earthenware flanging-machine .. Clere, F. de J., Wellington, N.Z. Reversible window-sash Clere, F. de J., Wellington, N.Z. Weatherboard Cloke, W. G., Patea, N.Z. Furnace for ironsand Cobb, J. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Hair-pin Cohn, H., and another, London, Eng. Briquette-manufacture Cohn, H., and another, London, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 18707.) Collins, H. A., Wellington, N.Z. Coat-hanger Collins, J., Melbourne, Vic. Envelope, memorandum, or statement form Collins, S. J., Brisbane, Q. (See J. Hancock and E. G. Abell, No. 18516.) Colton, A. R., Newark, U.S.A. (See N. L. R. Tracy, No. 18811.) Conolly, W. P., Melbourne, Vic. Safety appliance for shafts of elevators Cooper, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Disc ridger Cooper, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Tip road-wagon Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vie. (See H. Corbett, No. 18662.) Corbett, H, South Yarra, Vic. Siphon. (F. J. Corbett) Cosslett, R., Auckland, N.Z. Building-appliance Coulthard, T. W., Mangapai, N.Z. Binder for wire fences Cowie, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Ball-testing appliance for bias .. Craw, G., Linton, N.Z. Washing flax and similar fibre Cross, C. A., and another, Hamilton, Vic. Pipe-wrench Crown Corporation, Limited, The, Sydney, N.S.W. Bottling carbonated liquid. (S. G. Plucknett and J. F. H. Howarth) 18650 18899 18529 18765 18744 18841 18865 22 Oct. 23 Dec. 27 Sept. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 91 3 91 98 95 102 102 10 Nov.* 12 Jan. 1906.* 10 Nov. 8 Dec* 24 Nov.* 22 Dec* 22 Dec* 17600 18813 2 March 1 Dec. 102 3 22 Dec 12 Jan., 1905. 18816 I Dec. 17501 18456 29 Jan. 16 Sept, 91 91 10 Nov. 10 Nov.* 18532 30 Sept, 86 27 Oct.* 17595 18818 18538 1 March 1 Dec. 4 Oct. 102 3 86 22 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oct.* 18874 17105 18805 17182 18898 18674 18682 18734 18862 18905 16 Dec. 13 Oct., 1903.. 4 Jan.f 30 Oct., 1903.. 23 Dec. 29 Oct. 1 Nov. 11 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 Dec. 86 3 86 3 91 91 95 102 3 27 Oct." 27 Oct, 12 Jan., 1905.* 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 22 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905.* 18539 18627 4 Oct. 20 Oct. 91 91 10 Nov. 10 Nov.* 18511 18660 18732 29 Sept, 25 Oct. 10 Nov. 91 91 95 10 Nov. 10 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 18662 18778 18655 18609 18561 18530 18579 27 Oct. 19 Nov. 25 Oct. 15 Oct. 7 Oct. 27 Sept. 13 Oct. 91 102 91 86 91 3 10 Nov.* 22 Dec* 10 Nov.* 27 Oct.* 10 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905. Dahl, A., Riverstone, N.S.W. Rotary tine harrow Daily, J. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Pneumatic tire Dale, A., Timaru, N.Z. Fencing-standard attachment Daly, W. P., Greymouth, N.Z. Adjusting bolsters Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Windmill Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Offing-appliance for machinery Darley, H. S., and another, Melbourne, Vic Metal-finishing process and product. Trading as the Nella Enamelling and Japanning Company Darvall, G. W., Wellington, N.Z. Bottle-stopper, measure, and eye-bath Davis, P., Northcote, Vic Clothes-strainer and transferrer to copper .. Dawes, J. T., Prestatyn, Eng. Magnetic separator Dawson, A., and another, Mittagong, N.S.W. Cream-testing flask Dawson, J. G., Woodbury, N.Z. Egg-carrier Dawson, W., Auckland, N.Z. Internal-combustion engine and vapouriser 18843 18336 18810 17442 18825 18826 18748 5 Dec 16 Aug. 26 Nov. 7 Dec, 1903 I Dec. 1 Dec. 16 Nov. 95 98 83 3 3 95 24 Nov. 8 Dec* 13 Oct. 12 Jan., 1905. 12 Jan., 1905. 24 Nov.* 18602 18621 18769 18819 18382 18695 17 Oct. 20 Oct. 17 Nov. 1 Dec 27 Aug. 31 Oct. 91 95 102 3 95 98 10 Nov.* 24 Nov. 22 Dec 12 Jan., 1905. 24 Nov. 8 Dec



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. Mo. Date. No. Date. De Baugh, H. W., Auckland, N.Z. Liner for washing-boiler De Bavay, A. J. F., Kew, Vic. Ores, &c, separation by flotation De Lautour, H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Bowl-testing machine Dellwik, G, London, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 18729.) Denmead, G E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Jointing trap of watercloset, &c, to lead-away pipe Dennis, G., jun., Waikaia, N.Z. Raking material from sluice-box Dennison, J. G., Timaru, N.Z. Potato-digger Denniston, S. E., Avenai, N.Z. Flax-treatment Deutsche Dauerbrot Gesellschaft, Berlin, Ger. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 18806.) Dicke, H., Frankfort-on-Main, Ger. Generating gas Dickie, R. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Vending-machine Dignan, J., Auckland, N.Z. Castrating, ear-marking, and docking instrument Dixie Match Company, New Jersey, U.S.A. Match-making art. (W. H. Parker) Donkin, H, Wellington, N.Z. Weed-eradicator Droutlege, H, Auckland, N.Z. Registering and number-recording machine Ducker, J., jun., Warea, N.Z. Releaseable snatch-block Dufaux, A., and another, Geneva, Switzerland. (See M. Rutty, No. 18802.) Dufaux, H., and another, Geneva, Switzerland. (See M. Rutty, No. 18802.) Dugins, W. F., Kew, Vic. Tobacco-pipe Dugins, W. F., Kew, Vic. Match-box and tobacco-cutter Dunbar, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Rake Duncan, Limited, P. and D., Christchurch, N.Z. Turnip-puller. (G. Vucetioh) Dyke, A., Waipiata, N.Z. Lifting-jack Dyke, A., Waipiata, N.Z. Trace-holder for swingletree Dyke, A., Waipiata, N.Z. Rein-holder for vehicle 18890 21 Dec. 18688 3 Nov. 18741 10 Nov. 91 95 10 Nov.* 24 Nov. * 18636 ; 19 Oct. 6 26 Jan.,, 1905. 17519 ' 6 Feb. 18774 21 Nov. 17287 25 Nov., 1903 98 98 86 8 Dec. 8 Dec* 27 Oct. I 95 86 98 18728 10 Nov. 18548 5 Oct. 18767 17 Nov. 24 Nov.* 27 Oct.* 8 Dec* 18730 10 Nov. 98 8 Dec. 18794 i 28 Nov. 18594 11 Oct. 91 10 Nov. 18542 4 Oct. 86 27 Oct.* 18628 20 Oct. 18629 20 Oct. 18645 17 Oct. 18571 8 Oct. 95 95 91 86 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 10 Nov.* 27 Oct.* 18717 7 Nov. 18718 7 Nov. 18719 7 Nov. 95 95 95 24 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 24 Nov.* Easton, J. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Feed-box for horses Eckersley, J., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for spraying insecticides.. Edwards, A., and others, Melbourne, Vic Harness-saddle Edwards, G. B., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Harness-saddle Edwards, T. Ballarat, Vic. Ore-roasting furnace Edwards, W., and another, Waikino, N.Z. Window Ellen, J., Staveley, N.Z. Feeding-bottle protector Elliott, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cleaning and sorting tow .. Elliott, G. B. B., Melbourne, Vic. Street scavenger Elliss, G. A., and another, Lithgow, N.S.W. Billiard-table .. Elwarth, W. A., and others, Gisborne, N.Z. Racing-hurdle Emery, S. J., Colac, Vic. Collar and hames Evens, E. L., Malvern, S.A. Game Ever Fresh Bread Company, The, Berlin, Ger. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 18806.) 17398 ' 18 Dec. 1903 .. 18549 ! 5 Oct. 18894 i 29 Dec 18894 29 Dec. 18878 21 Dec 18578 11 Oct. 18900 29 Dec. 18545 14 Nov. 18880 21 Dec. 18663 27 Oct. 18575 7 Oct. 18622 20 Oct. 18817 1 Dec. 91 86 3 3 3 3 102 10 Nov. 27 Oct.* 12 Jan. 1905.* 12 Jan. 1905.* 12 Jan. 1905. 12 Jan. 1905.* 22 Dec 95 91 3 24 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 12 Jan. 1905. Falkner, A., Wellington, N.Z. Drying milk Falkner, A., Kaiparoro, N.Z. Forming moulding-boards for raisedpanel work Ferguson, G. W., and another, Wangaratta, Vic. Brick-making machine Ferguson, G. W., and another, Wangaratta, Vic. Brick-making machine Ferguson, J. W., and another, Wangaratta, Vic. Brick-making machine Ferguson, J. W., and another, Wangaratta, Vic. Brick-making machine 18551 5 Oct. 18555 6 Oct, 86 91 27 Oct.* 10 Nov. 18671 25 Oct. 18800 25 Nov. 18671 25 Oct. 18800 25 Nov. 98 98 98 98 r, 102 95 86 8 Dec. 8 Dec* 8 Dec. 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 12 Jan., 1905. 22 Dec. 24 Nov. 27 Oct.* Finn, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Egg-carrier 18680 1 Nov. Finn, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Egg-carrier Firth, T., Wellington, N.Z. Wheel-lock and horse-stopper Fisher, J., jun., Melbourne, Vic. Faucet.. Fleming, J. A., London, Eng. (See Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, Nos. 18724 and 18725.) Fletcher, E. G., Southend-on-Sea, Eng. Cash-register Flynn, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Boot and shoe fastener Flynn, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Pocket Flynn, T. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Boot and shoe fastener .. Flynn, T. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Pocket Ford, S., and another, Dannevirke, N.Z. Compound for sleepers and building-blocks Ford, S., and another, Dannevirke, N.Z. Manufacturing articles from boiled tar and mineral matter Fowler, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Electric belt Fraser, J. G, Coromandel, N.Z. Steam-turbine Freeman, J. S., and another, Dannevirke, N.Z. Compound for sleepers and building-blocks Freeman, J. S., and another, Dannevirke, N.Z. Manufacturing of articles from boiled tar and mineral matter Fry, G. H, Ashburton, N.Z. Bicycle-lock Fuller, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Writing-desk, blackboard, and lithographic copy 18795 28 Nov. 17446 9 Jan. 18580 13 Oct. 18611 19 Oct. 18822 2 Dec. 18831 3 Dec. 18822 2 Dec. 18831 3 Dec. 18526 1 Oct. 95 8 3 3 3 86 24 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905. 12 Jan., 1905. 12 Jan., 1905. 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oct.* 18614 19 Oct. 91 10 Nov.* 18888 23 Dec. 18864 12 Dec. 18526 1 Oct. 102 86 22 Dec* 27 Oct.* 18614 19 Oct. 91 10 Nov.* 18684 1 Nov. 18792 23 Nov. 95 98 24 Nov. 8 Dec*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. GazetteName. Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. I Date. Gallagher, J., Auckland, N.Z. Temperature fire-alarm Gare, T., New Brighton, Eng. Wood, &c, treating Gasmier, F. W., Petersburg, S.A. Railway-brake mechanism Gaynor, J. A., Melbourne, Vic. Cork-retainer for bottles Gemeinhardt, O., Footscray, Vic Machine for measuring and wringing skins Gemmell, J., Maheno, N.Z. Stacking hay, &c Gibb, W., and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Vehicle-seat slides Gibbins, C. E., Auckland, N.Z. Model for teaching music Gibbs, B., Stoke, N.Z. Spreader for traces Gibson, A. F., Timaru, N.Z. Flax-fibre treatment Gilbert, T. J., and another, Brunswick, Vic Dressing surfaces of rajs.. Gill, A. E., Nelson, N.Z. Clamp for wire rope Gillies, A., Terang, Vic. Pneumatic teat-cups Gillies, A. W., Georgetown, N.Z. Milk-can Gilshnan, H. H., Kakaramea, N.Z. Hay-knife Glas, A., Berlin, Ger. Milk-powder Glass, F. J., and another, Upper Fern-tree Gully, Vic. Diggers' bootshields Globe Proprietary Company, Limited, Auckland, N.Z. Hammocksupport. (E. H. Littlejohn—W. H. Morehouse) Gordon, W., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17453.) Goudie, B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ash-pan Grant, J., Napier, N.Z. Horse-shoe Grant, J. B., Wallacetown, N.Z. Castrating-instrument Grant, J. H., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Furnace for refractory ores . . Grant, W. S., Temuka, N.Z. Adjustable shaft-stop Gray, C. E., and another, Hobart, Tas. Coin-freed franking-machine .. Griffiths, W., and another, London, Eng. Current-collector for stud contact system Grimsley, J. G., Leicester, Eng. Fire-extinguisher Grundy, E., Gisborne, N.Z. Portable woven-wire stretcher.. Gunn, H, Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-consumer 17996 18859 18501 18709 18505 4 June 14 Dec 28 Sept. 4 Nov 28 Sept. 102 3 86 95 86 22 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oct. 24 Nov.* 27 Oct. 17607 18735 18845 18657 18787 18537 18893 17639 18834 18595 18720 18582 27 Feb. 8 Nov. 5 Dec. 26 Oct. 22 Nov. 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 9 March 5 Dec. 15 Oct. 10 Nov. 13 Oct. 102 95 102 98 102 91 6 83 102 91 22 Dec. 24 Nov.* 22 Dec* 8 Dec 22 Dec* 10 Nov. 26 Jan., 1905. 13 Oct. 22 Dec* 10 Nov.* 86 27 Oct.'*' 18647 22 Oct. 95 24 Nov. 18812 18562 18615 18838 18566 17386 18723 1 Dec. 7 Oct. 19 Oct. 6 Dec. 6 Oct. 17 Dec, 1903.. 10 Nov. 98 102 86 86 98 8 Dec* 22 Dec* 27 Oct.* 27 Oct. 8 Dec. 18632 18577 18850 20 Oct. 11 Oct. 6 Dec. 95 95 3 24 Nov. 24 Nov.* 12 Jan., 1905.* Hadaway, J. B., Brockton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Com pany, No. 18691.) Haenke, M. W., Ipswich, Q. Gas lighter and extinguisher Hall, E. J., Minneapolis, U.S.A. Sewing-machine needle Hall, G., and another, Lepperton, N.Z. Fencing-post Hamilton, F. W., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Ambulance-lifter Hamilton, W. E., Zanesville, U.S.A. Mining-machine Hancock, J., and another, Brisbane, Q. Butter-box. (S.J.Collins) .. Harding, H, Hauiti, N.Z. Axe-handle Harding, J., Maiden Bradley, Eng. Cheese-making apparatus Hare, A., Auckland, N.Z. Operating-valves Hare, A., Auckland, N.Z. Telemeter Harkness, B. G. A., Stratford, N.Z. Double-acting water-pump Harris, T., and another, Petone, N.Z. Knife and fork cleaner Hartnett, J., and another, Balwyn, Vic. Milking-machine Hawkeswood, C. S., Auckland, N.Z. Roofing tile and ridging Hayward, J., Melbourne, Vic. Liquid-delivering device for flushing cistern Heath, T., Nelson, N.Z. Castrating-instrument Hedley, J., Neerim South, Vic. Cream-can covering Hement, T. G, Christchurch, N.Z. Forming O.G. spouting.. Hement, T. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Forming sheet-iron ridging Hement, T. G, Christchurch, N.Z. Ridging Hemming, T., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Curtain hooks and fastenings Henderson, G., jun., Purau, N.Z. Weed-eradicating solution Henderson, G., Turakina, N.Z. Weed-destroying composition Henderson, H. G, Wanganui, N.Z. Steam-turbine Hendy, A. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Hair-pin Henley, P., Palmerston North, N.Z. Hose-coupling Herrick, J., Auckland, N.Z. Floor-washer Hewton, A. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash raiser and lock. (J. 0. Hewton).. Hewton, J. 0., Dunedin, N.Z. (See A. L. Hewton, No. 18547.) Hicks, T. J. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Wire-woven mattress .. Hille, E. G. A., Kakanui, N.Z. Weed-eradicator Hiscox, E. C, and another, London, Eng. (See P. M. Newton, No. 18755.) Holms, J., jun., Waimahaka, N.Z. Trace-spreader Homes, L., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Fire-escape Honore, C. J., Otakeho, N.Z. Milk-cooler Horman, G E., Ashburton, N.Z. Rotary scraping-board Hornidge, F. E., South Yarra, Vic Culinary utensil and lid.. Horniman, A. L., and another, Mittagong, N.S.W. Cream-testing flask Hoskins, W., La Grange, U.S.A. Treating fatty wood for paper-pulp production Howarth, J. F. H., and another, Annandale, N.S.W. (See The Crown Corporation, Limited, No. 18579.) Hoyland, W., Wellington, N.Z. Couch Hunt, J., Waimate, N.Z. Hay-knife 18661 18808 18331 16927 18504 18516 18892 18612 18886 18887 18572 18824 18303 17541 18583 17378 18746 18528 18557 18793 18574 18835 18872 18592 18897 18726 18716 18547 27 Oct. 1 Dec. 15 Aug. 21 Oct. 28 Sept. 24 Sept. 24 Dec. 19 Oct, 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 10 Oct. 3 Dec 11 Aug. 11 Feb. 13 Oct. 16 Dec, 1903.. 15 Nov. 1 Oct. 4 Oct. 26 Nov. 6 Oct. 5 Dec. 22 Dec. 14 Oct. 22 Dec. 10 Nov. 10 Nov. I Oct. 95 3 86 86 86 102 3 95 3 3 86 98 102 98 91 83 98 83 86 98 86 24 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 22 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905.* 24 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905.* 12 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct.* 8 Dec* 22 Dec 8 Dec. 10 Nov 13 Oct. 8 Dec. 13 Oct.* 27 Oct.* 8 Dec. :: 27 Oct.* 91 10 Nov.* 95 98 95 24 Nov.* 8 Dec* 24 Nov. 18454 18807 15 Sept. 29 Nov. 86 98 27 Oct.* 8 Dec* 18452 18560 18753 18757 18712 18819 18500 12 Sept. 5 Oct. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 8 Nov. 1 Dec. 28 Sept. 102 86 98 98 3 86 22 Dec, 27 Oct.* 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 12 Jan., 190.",. 27 Oct, 17512 18727 4 Feb. 10 Nov. 98 8 Dec.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

.pplication. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Hunter, J. T , Wellington, N.Z. Ironsand briquettes. (T. Rouse and H. Cohn) Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Water-gas production. (C. Dellwik).. Hussey, J. M., Brunswick, Vic. Packing butter 18707 | 7 Nov. 6 26 Jan., 1905. 18729 j 10 Nov. 18858 J 14 Dec 95 3 24 Nov.* 12 Jan., 1905. Ingram, G., and another, Lower Moutere, N.Z. Wire-strainer Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vic. Bath-heater Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vic. Gas-burner for bath-heater .. Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vic. Beer-engine Jacobsen, J. S. M., Nelson, N.Z". Production of metals from ores James, C, and others, Grantham, Eng. Internal-combustion engine.. Jardine, W. R., and another, Edinburgh, Scot. (See T. C. Jenkins and W. T. Mack, No. 18839.) Jenkins and Mack. (See T. C. Jenkins and W. T. Mack, No. 18839.) Jenkins, T. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Milking-machine. (W. Stewart and W. R. Jardine) Jerome, C, Perth, W.A. Incandescent oil-lamp Johanson, A., Dillmanstown, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Johns, W. F., Auckland, N.Z. Operating doors of lift or elevator wells Johnson, C. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-bridge and smokeconsumer Johnson, W. C, and another, Old Charlton, Kent, Eng. Rock-drill .. Johnston, W. J., Rocksprings, U.S.A. Panoramic camera -. Johnstone, A. E., London, Eng. Liquid-fuel burner Jones, H. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Blower for furnace Jones, M. J., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Valve Jones, W. B., Hastings, N.Z. Spring tine cultivator 18544 4 Oct. 18686 3 Nov. 18687 3 Nov. 18902 29 Dec. 18909 31 Dec. 18633 , 20 Oct. 91 91 3 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 12 Jan., 1905.* 95 24 Nov 18839 j 6 Dec. 3 12 Jan., 1905 18696 3 Nov. 18832 3 Dec. 18613 19 Oct. 18865 , 14 Dec. 95 102 91 102 24 Nov.* 22 Dec* 10 Nov.* 22 Dec* 18610 19 Oct. 18783 ; 24 Nov. 18721 ! 10 Nov. 18883 22 Dec. 18593 11 Oct. 18705 7 Nov. 91 102 98 10 Nov.* 22 Dec. 8 Dec. 95 95 24 Nov. 24 Nov.* Karl, V., Rotorua, N.Z. Weed-eradicator Kelly, R. D., Pigeon Bay, N.Z. Breeching for harness Kennedy, S. R., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See E. Phillips, No. 18598.) King, J., Masterton, N.Z. Turnip- and rape-seed soweKingsland, W., London, Eng. Electric switch Kitchin, H., and another, Hawthorn, Vic. Strap-lock Knutzen, H. P., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Racing-hurdle Koch, G., New York, U.S.A. Shaving-brush Krause, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Box Krause, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Deck-chair Kwiatkowski, L. F., New York, U.S.A. Brick and artificial-stone making 18866 16 Dec. 18773 • 21 Nov. 102 98 22 Dec* 8 Dec* 18784 24 Nov. 18856 14 Dec 18569 7 Oct. 18575 7 Oct. 18478 22 Sept. 18881 19 Dec. 18882 l 19 Dec. 18815 1 Dec. 3 3 • 86 95 86 6 6 3 1? Jan., 1905.* 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oct.* 24 Nov.* 27 Oct. 20 Jan., 1905.* 26 Jan., 1905.* 12 Jan., 1905. Lamp Manufacturing Company, Limited, London, Eng. Raiiway signallamp. (W. H. I. Welch) Lamson Store Service Company, Limited, London, Eng. 'See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 18875.) Larsen, T., and another. Waikino, N.Z. Window Lashlie, G, Temuka, N.Z. Coat and trouser hanger Lautour, de. (See under De.) Law, R., Melbourne, Vic. Temperature-regulator for incubator Lawrence, A. L., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Packing eggs Lawrence, F. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Packing eggs Legg, J. G, Auckland, N.Z. Attaching handles of bakers' peels Legg, J. G, Auckland, N.Z. Attaching handles of bakers' peels Legg, J. G, Auckland, N.Z. Bread Liebold, R., Weimar, Ger. Cement-manufacture Little, J. R., Edinburgh, Scot. (See W. W. Bruce, No. 18740.) Littlejohn, E. H, Auckland, N.Z. (See Globe Proprietary Company, Limited, No. 18647.) Livingston, T. L., and another, London, Eng. (See P. M. Newton, No. 18755.) Ljungstrom, F., Stockholm, Sweden. Cow-milker Lock, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Curtain hooks and fastenings.. London, W. T., Kimbolton, N.Z. Plant-pot Low, A., Reefton, N.Z. Links of endless chains Lowe, A., Hastings, N.Z. Thinning and weeding knife Lowe, G. I., Palmerston North, N.Z. Flax-scutcher Lowry, G. A., Chicago, U.S.A. Cotton-picking machine Lubbers, J. H, Allegheny, U.S.A. (See Window-glass Machine Company, No. 18837.) Ludeman, J. P., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Blower for furnace .. Ludford, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Illuminating trolly-wheel of electric car Luke, E. T., Melbourne, Vic. (See W. J. Rae, No. 18749.) Lungley, C. F., Melbourne, Vic. Manufacture of iron and steel from New Zealand ironsand Lyons, T. P., Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel tire 18861 13 Dec. 6 26 Jan., 1905. 18578 11 Oct, 18756 16 Nov. 3 95 12 Jan., 1905. 24 Nov.* 18692 3 Nov. 17273 19 Nov. 1903.. 17273 19 Nov. 1903.. 18668 28 Oct. 18829 3 Dec. 18870 17 Dec. 18849 24 Feb.f IIS 83 S3 111 8 Dec. 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 10 Nov.* 10 Nov. 17489 18574 18830 18681 18910 17371 18743 20 Jan. 6 Oct. 3 Dec. 1 Nov. 31 Dec. 15 Dec, 1903.. 15 Nov. 91 3 6 83 98 12 Jan., 1905. 26 Jan., 1905. 13 Oct. 8 Dec. 18883 18540 22 Dec. 4 Oct. 86 27 Oct.* 16975 5 Aug. 1903+ 83 13 Oct. 17579 26 Feb. 102 22 Dec. Macdonald, D. G, Campbelltown, N.Z. Drying and bleaching flax .. Mack, W. T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Milking-machine. (W. Stewart and W. R. Jardine) Mackay, J. (Tertius), and another, Nelson, N.Z. Ambulance-lifter .. Madder, W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Non-refillable stopper 18641 18839 21 Oct. 6 Dec 91 3 10 Nov.* 12 Jan., 1905. 16927 18823 21 Oct. 3 Dec. 86 3 27 Oct. 12 Jan., 1905.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Appl lication. Met Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Data. Maddox, F. W., Auckland, N.Z. Broom Magnus, P., Northcote, Vic. Pneumatic tires Mahlstedt, G. Melbourne, Vic. Candle-protector Mahoney, F. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Jointing trap of watercloset to lead-away pipe Malcolm, A. J., Blenheim, N.Z. Fencing-staple Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, London, Eng. Telegraphic signalling-keys. (J. A. Fleming) Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, London, Eng. Transmitting-instrument. (J. A. Fleming) Markey, F., and another, St. Mary's, Perth, Canada. Churn and butterworker Marr, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Curtain-poles Marsh, R. F., East Maitland, N.S.W. Washing-machine Matheson, A., Melbourne, Vic. Postal wrapper Matheson, D., Martinborough, N.Z. Overcoat May, T. W., Auckland, N.Z. Steam-exhaust for rotary turbine Mayo, B. F., Salem, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18751.) McCallum, D., Invercargill, N.Z. Mixture for curing fish, bacon, &c. . . McColl, A., Onehunga, N.Z. Rectifying defects and repairing timberveneer McCubbin, J. B., North Fitzroy, Vic Boot-heel McDonald, A., and another, Riccarton, N.Z. Rod for wheel McDonald, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-strainer McDonald, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Egg-preserving process.. McDonald, J. G, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Separating wild oats from other grain McDonald, S., and another, Gore, N.Z. Screw-key for nuts and bolts.. McFeely, R. F., Beverly, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company No. 18626.) McGregor, R., Selwyn, N.Z. Twitch-cutter and harrow McGuire, P. J., and another, Goulburn, N.S.W. Billiard-table McKay, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Excavating and elevating wash-dirt McKay, R., Wendonside, N.Z. Truck McKay, W. A. and another, Wellington, N.Z. Hair-pin McKeegan, W., Wellington, N.Z. Branding-device McLauchlan, E. M., Invercargill, N.Z. Photographing images for abnormal pictures McLean, A., Titree Point, N.Z. Tire-protector McLennan, R. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Calendar McLeod, H. N., Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving table McLeod, J. W., Waikaka, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus McMurray, S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Suspending pictures . . McPhee, J. H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Reducing pulverised 'ron-ore Mercer, T., Stratford, N.Z. Sole or sock for boots, &c Minchin, J., Gloucester, Eng. Bins for dry goods Mittchell, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Lead-pencil Monrad, D. G., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Milk-stirrer .. Moore, D., Timaru, N.Z. Turnip and rape sower Moore, R. J., Rangitikei, N.Z. Milk-aerator Morehouse, W. H., Wasco, U.S.A. (See Globe Proprietary Company, Limited, No. 18647.) Moses, W., Willowby, N.Z. Californian-thistle exterminator Mouat, B. J., South Dunedin, N.Z. Draught-regulator for grate Moyle, G. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Music-leaf turner Munro, H., Longbush, N.Z. Mud-guard for vehicle Murray, R. L. H., Auckland, N.Z. Reflecting-apparatus and adver-tising-medium Murray, R. L. H, Auckland, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator 18713 I 8 Nov. 18631 ) 20 Oct. 18848 ] 8 Dec 18636 19 Oct. 95 95 24 Nov.* 24 Nov. 6 26 Jan., 1905. 18789 i 23 Nov. 18724 | 10 Nov. 3 98 12 Jan., 1905. 8 Dee. 18725 | 10 Nov. 98 8 Dee. 18857 j 14 Dec. 18758 14 Nov. 17988 1 June 18699 3 Nov. 18667 28 Oct. 18766 14 Nov. 86 95 91 98 27 Oct. 24 Nov. 10 Nov.* 8 Dec* 18733 11 Nov. 18652 21 Oct. 95 91 24 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 18903 | 29 Dec. 17099 10 Oct., 1903.. 18871 16 Dec. 18702 4 Nov. 18833 3 Dec. 6 91 102 95 102 26 Jan., 1905. 10 Nov. 22 Dec* 24 Nov.* 22 Dec* 18801 29 Nov. 18588 10 Oct. 18663 27 Oct. 18750 16 Nov. 18759 14 Nov. 18862 15 Dec. 18863 15 Dec. 18550 5 Oct. 86 27 Oct.* 95 95 102 102 86 24 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 22 Dec* 22 Dec* 27 Oct.* 18564 8 Oct. 18906 29 Dec. 18782 22 Nov. 18590 14 Oct, 17480 20 Jan. 18490 20 Sept. 18635 20 Oct. 18796 23 Nov. 18646 18 Oct. 18768 19 Nov. 18556 3 Oct, 17514 4 Feb. 86 6 98 91 95 86 91 102 91 98 86 98 27 Oct.* 26 Jan., 1905. 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 24 Nov. 27 Oct. 10 Nov.* 22 Dec 10 Nov.* 8 Dec* 27 Oct.* 8 Deo. 18617 19 Oct. 18515 24 Sept, 18559 4 Oct. 18596 15 Oct. 18600 13 Oct. 91 91 86 10 Nov.* 10 Nov. 27 Oct.* 18710 2 Nov. 6 26 Jan., 1905. Nathan, L., Zurich, Switzerland. Brewing beer Naumkeag Buffing - machine Association. (See S. W. Winslow, No. 18689.) Nella Enamelling and Japanning Company. (See A. H. R. Allen and H. S. Darby, No. 18748.) New Inverted Incandescent Gas-lamp Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. Mantle-support. (J. Bridger) Newth, F. E., Wellington, N.Z. Match-lining cramp Newton, P. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Clothes washer and dryer. (E. C. Hiscox and T. L. Livingston) Nicholson, H. H., Pukeuri, N.Z. Bird-trap Nielsen, N., Wellington, N.Z. Building-block Nisbet, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-ladder attachment Nixon, W. G, and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Valve Norrie, W. M., Auckland, N.Z. Potato-peeler Norris, W., Smithfield, S.A. Wire-strainer Norton, F. G., Lyttelton, N.Z. Egg-carrier 18679 ' 1 Nov. 98 8 Dec. 18326 17 Aug. 8 Deo. 18326 98 18606 18 Oct. 18755 14 Nov. 18606 18755 91 98 10 Nov.* 8 Dec. 18821 1 Dec. 18666 28 Oct. 18873 19 Dec. 18593 11 Oct. 18869 : 16 Dec 18844 5 Dec. 18570 7 Oct, 18821 18666 18873 18593 18869 18844 18570 98 91 102 95 102 3 86 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 22 Dec* 24 Nov. 22 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oct.* O'Brien, T. E., Narrabri, N.S.W. Bottle O'Connor, T. B., Auckland, N.Z. Bit and bridle Ohlsson, J. A., New York, U.S.A. Liner for separator Orr, J., jun., Waitohi, N.Z, Sheai-conveyer 17157 18736 18884 18771 17157 29 Oct., 1903.. 18736 8 Nov. 18884 22 Dec. 18771 19 Nov. 86 98 27 Oct. 8 Dec. 98 8 Dec*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

PPi licai lion. laze; te. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Owen, R. H., Wellington, N.Z. Range-finder 18670 28 Oct. 91 10 Nov.* Paddock, H. J., West Wyalong, N.S.W. Wind-gauge sight for rifle Palmer, E. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Pen or pencil holder Palmer, J. S., Wanganui, N.Z. Account-book Park, A. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cleaning and sorting tow .. Park, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Suspending and operating window-sash . . Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance. (W. Beamish) Park, H, Sydney, N.S.W. (See H. R. Butterworth, No. 18895.) Parker, W. H, Jersey City, U.S.A. (See The Dixie Match Company, No. 18730.) Parkerson, C. P., Thames, N.Z. Receptacle for perishable condiments Partridge, J. T., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Weed-eradicating composition Paten, F. T., Melbourne, Vic. Producing slags for making mineral wool Paterson, J., and another, Thames, N.Z. Gold-saving Paterson, W. H., Gore, N.Z. Pneumatic tire Patten, A., and another, Hawthorn, Vic Strap-lock Pearson, G. G, and another, Old Charlton, Kent, Eng. Rock-drill .. Penrose, H A., New York, U.S.A. (See 'Uhampion Seal Company, No. 18813.) Peterson, C, Dublin, Ireland. &c, mouthpiece Phillips, E., Melbourne, Vic. Process of treating milk. (S. R. Kennedy) Phillips, E., Melbourne, Vic. Cream products and apparatus for making same. (C. M. Taylor) 18664 18604 18522 18545 17447 18896 27 Oct. 18 Oct. 30 Sept. 14 Nov. J9 Jan. 22 Dec. 86 102 98 3 27 Oct.* 22 Dec. 8 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905.* 18608 18678 18 Oct. 29 Oct. 91 91 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 18587 18777 18860 18569 18610 13 Oct. 18 Nov. 12 Dec. 7 Oct. 19 Oct. 86 98 102 86 91 27 Oct.* 8 Dec* 22 Dec* 27 Oct.* 10 Nov.* 17838 18598 18630 27 April 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 91 91 6 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 26 Jan., 1905. Pike, A. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Egg-carrier Pike, A. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Egg-carrier Pirn, F. A., Hawthorn, Vic. Maize-drill Plucknett, S. G., and another, Newtown, N.S.W. (See The Crown Corporation, Limited, No. 18579.) Plucknett, S. G., and another, Newtown, N.S.W. Ore separator and classifier Plucknett, S. G., and another, Newtown, N.S.W. Vibrating-trough for concentrating metalliferous materials Plucknett, S. G., and another, Newtown, N.S.W. Extracting mineral particles from slimes and tailings Plummer, G, Auckland, N.Z. (See C. B. and 'G. W. Plummer, No 18675.). 18680 18795 18846 1 Nov. 28 Nov. 8 Dec. I 91 I 3 102 102 10 Nov.* 12 Jan., 190; 22 Dec. 22 Dec* 18584 13 Oct. 91 10 Nov 18585 13 Oct. •91 10 Nov. 18586 13 Oct. 91 10 Nov. Plummer, G B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. (trading as C. Plummer). Hat Plummer, G. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. (trading as C. Plummer). Hat Pollard, E. T., London, Eng. Fluid-pressure turbine Porter, E. E., Ashburton, N.Z. Turnip and rape feed Positive Rotary Pumps (Limited), London, Eng. Pump for liquids or fluids (F. W. Brackett) Potts, T. W, Wanganui, N.Z. Bicycle stand or support Prince, H., Westmere, N.Z. Leg-fastener for animals Prior, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Box Pritchard, W. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Boot-sole Pritchard, W. M., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Boot sole and upper .. Pugh, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Consumption cure 29 Oct. 10 Nov.* 18675 91 18675 29 Oct. 91 10 Nov.* 18879 18618 18599 20 Dec. 19 Oct. 13 Oct. 3 91 91 12 Jan., 1905.* 10 Nov.* 10 Nov. 18607 18543 18278 18649 18779 18697 18 Oct. 4 Oct. 2 Aug. 19 Oct. 19 Nov. 3 Nov. 91 91 86 91 98 95 10 Nov.* 10 Nov. 27 Oct. 10 Nov. 8 Dec* 24 Nov.* Rae, W. J., Melbourne, Vic. Time-table and advertising-device. (E. T. Luke) Ramsay, W. E. S., and another, St. Albans, N.Z. Suspending pictures Rask, G, and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Race for sheep Rasmussen, N., Mauriceville West, N.Z. Machine-belt fastener Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Plate-rack Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bread-making. (Deutsche Dauerbrot Gesellschaft) Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Parcel-carrier. (Lamson Store Service Company (Limited) Read, H., Alma, N.Z. Rail-bed plate Read, J. C. G, London, Eng. Petroleum-burner Reichel, L. T., Wellington, N.Z. Wind and water motor Rich, F. A., Auckland, N.Z. Recovery of gold and silver from cyanide solutions. (S. B. Christy)'" Richard, M., and another, Glasgow, Scot. Bakers' oven Richardson, F., and another, St. Mary's, Perth, Canada. Churn and butter-worker Ridder, E. F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Traction-engine governor-gear Ridder, E. H. C, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Traction-engine governor-gear Ridgway, J. J., Rosebank, U.S.A. Belt-conveyor Roberts, D., and others, Grantham, Eng. Internal-combustion engine Robertson, G, Dunedin, N.Z. Laundry apparatus.. Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Making self-addressed envelopes Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope 18749 16 Nov. 17480 18899 18356 18854 18806 20 Jan. 23 Dec. 23 Aug. 10 Dec. 19 Dec, 1903+ 95 3 91 102 24 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905.* 10 Nov. 22 Dec* 18875 20 Dec. 18567 18634 18640 18638 7 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 18 Oct. 86 91 91 95 27 Oct. 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 24 Nov. 18531 18857 29 Sept. 14 Dec. 91 10 Nov. 18901 29 Dec. 3 12 Jan., 1905.* 18901 29 Dec. 3 12 Jan., 1905.* 18648 18633 17440 18558 18836 18708 22 Oct. 20 Oct. 7 Jan. 3 Oct. 3 Dec. 4 Nov. 95 95 102 86 102 95 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 22 Dec. 27 Oct.* 22 Dec. * 24 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

13— H. 10.-ob

-PPl licai lion. 'azei •e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Robertson, E. L., Wellington, N.Z. Egg-carrier Robinson, W. S., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Air-engine Robison, D. M., and another, St. Kilda, Vic Milking-machine Robson, S. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ash-pan Rodgers, J. T., Waimate, N.Z. Securing shafts to vehicles Rogers, A. W., Beverley, U.S.A. (See S. W. Winslow, No. 18689.) Rooney, J. W., Caversham, N.Z. Trolly-pole for electric traction Ross, A., and another, Napier, N.Z. Binder-twine Ross, J. F., and another, Greytown, N.Z. Coiling and uncoiling fencingwire Ross, W., and another, Napier, N.Z. Binder-twine Roudebush, F. L., London. Eng. Rock-drilling engine. (C. H. Shaw) Rouse, T., and another, London, Eng. Briquette-manufacture Rouse, T., and another, London, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 18707.) Rowland, J. H., Waipukurau, N.Z. Game Russell, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Rounding, chamfering, and trueing heads of casks Russell, R. A. G, Walsall, Eng. Riding- and driving-saddle tree Rutland, J., Canvastown, N.Z. Treating wooden piles Rutty, M., Sydney, N.S.W. Motor for cycle. (H. and A. Dufaux) .. Ryan, M., Cobden, N.Z. Plush for gold-saving 18907 18904 18303 18812 18673 18786 18642 18876 18642 18827 18905 30 Dec 29 Dec. 11 Aug. 1 Dec. 25 Oct. 24 Nov. 21 Oct. 20 Dec. 21 Oct. 1 Dec. 29 Dec. 3 3 102 98 91 98 95 3 95 3 3 3 3 102 98 91 98 95 3 95 3 3 12 Jan. 1905.* 12 Jan., 1905." 22 Dec. 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 8 Dec* 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905. 12 Jan., 1905.* 18492 18603 24 Sept. 17 Oct. 86 86 86 86 27 Oct. 27 Oct.* 18388 18563 18802 18576 •26 Marcht .. 8 Oct. 29 Nov. 11 Oct, 102 102 22 Dec. 98 91 98 91 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* Scherer, A., Mangatoki, N.Z. Hand seed-drill and cultivator Schmidt, W. S. D., Auckland, N.Z. Protecting soles of boots and shoes Schmitt, E. D., Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See Champion Seal Company, No. 18816.) .l^aj Schnitzer, H, Dresden, Ger. Food-warmer Scott, W., and another, Glasgow, Scot. Bakers' oven Searle, W. E., and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Vehicle-seat slides Sears, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Lithographic plate Seifert, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Water scutching-attachment Seifert, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Flax-milling machinery Sellars, W. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Skewers, &c, manufacture Setchell, E. I., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Electric belt .. Shaw, C. H., Denver, U.S.A. (See F. L. Roudebush, No. 18827.) Shelton, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Acetylene-generator Shoemaker, H., Jersey City, U.S.A. Wireless telegraphy Sibbit, J. M., Hawthorn, Vic. Roller for wire-gauze screen Sim, W, Invercargill, N.Z. Oil-gas Simmonds, J., Pukerau, N.Z. Reel wire-strainer Simmon Is, R., Coromandel, N.Z. Egg-carrier Simpson, C. T., Balclutha, N.Z. Cow-bail Simpson, D., Auckland, N.Z. Cleaning and polishing knives, &c Simpson, W. S., London, Eng. Propelling bicycles Sinclair, W., Stratford, N.Z. Draught-regulator Skinner, J. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Cushion heel for boot Smaill, )., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Water-tube boiler Smart, A., jun., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Box for heating blankets, &c. Smethurst, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Controlling speed of screw-propelled ships Smith, C. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Numbering and recording machine Smith, E. D., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Weed-eradicating composition Smith, E. R., Buffalo, U.S.A. Shaft-bearings Smith, E. S., Timaru, N.Z. Securing stair-rods in position Smith, H., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Fire-escape Smith, J. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Process for dressing flax Smith, J. H., Bairnsdale, Vic. Gate-post " fall." (W. M. Alexander) S mwden, J., Northern Wairoa, N.Z. Bullock-bow key Soulas, G, Wanganui, N.Z. Telescope Spray, F., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hook-and-eye fastening Sprey, E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hook-and-eye fastening Sprott, J., Chertsey, N.Z. Bird-trap Starrett, D. W., San Francisco, U.S.A. Compressed-air pump Stedman, S. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Rod for wheel Stedman, S. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-strainer Stephens, P. A. S., Ashbutron, N.Z. Boot-cleaning machine Stevenson, G., Woolston, N.Z. Mop-wringer for bucket Stevenson, G. S., and another, Gore, N.Z. Key for screwing nuts and bolts 18742 18639 15 Nov. 18 Oct. 95 91 95 91 24 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 17422 18531 18735 17685 17819 18619 17379 18694 30 Dec, 1903 29 Sept. 8 Nov. 22 March 20 April 13 Oct. 16 Dec, 1903 31 Oct. 83 91 95 98 83 91 95 83 91 95 98 83 91 95 13 Oct. 10 Nov. 24 Nov * S Dec. 13 Oct. 10 Nov 24 Nov 18462 18731 18519 18760 18790 18739 18908 18711 18623 18763 17402 18597 18653 19 Sept. 10 Nov. 29 Sept. 8 Nov. 23 Nov. 14 Nov. 31 Dec. 3 Nov. 20 Oct. 18 Nov. 22 Dec, 1903 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 86 102 91 95 3 95 3 95 95 98 86 91 91 86 102 91 95 3 95 3 95 95 98 86 91 91 27 Oct. 22 Dec 10 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 12 Jan., 1905. 24 Nov.* 12 Jan., 1905.* 24 Nov.* 24 Nov. 8 Dec* 27 Oct. 10 Nov.* 10 N v.* 17606 1 March 102 102 22 Dec. 18920 18678 29 Dec. 29 Oct. 91 91 10 Nov.* 18885 18703 18560 18565 18469 17534 17496 18568 18568 18706 18698 17099 18871 18761 18889 18801 22 Dec. 4 Nov. 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 22 Sept. 8 Feb. 25 Jan. 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 5 Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Oct., 1903 16 Dec. 14 Nov. 23 Dec. 29 Nov. 6 6 26 Jan., 1905. 86 86 86 98 95 95 95 95 6 91 102 98 3 86 86 86 98 95 95 95 95 6 91 102 98 3 i 27 Oct.* 27 Oct.* 27 Oct. 8 Dec. 24 Nov. 24 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 26 Jan., 190">. 10 Nov. 22 Dec* 8 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905.* Stevenson, G. S., Gore, N.Z. Cork-seal Stevenson, G. S., Gore, N.Z. Furniture drawers Stewart, W, and another, Edinburgh, Scot. (See T. C. Jenkins and W. T. Mack, No. 18839.) Stowell, F., St. Andrews, N.Z. Sash-fastener Strain, A., Belfast, Ireland. Utilising the resistance of motion Strain, I. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Gas-stove Sutherland, D. G., Linwood, N.Z. Tobacco-cutter Sutherland, G. G., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Moustache-guard for spoons Suttie, C, and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Flax-treatment Swanson, P. S., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Air-engine 18534 18533 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 86 86 86 86 27 Oct.* •27 Oct.* 18589 18683 18828 18851 17559 10 Oct. 1 Nov. 3 Dec. 12 Dec. 23 Feb. 91 95 3 102 102 91 95 3 102 102 10 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 12 Jan., 1905. 22 Dec* 22 Dec. 18917 18904 31 Dec. 29 Dec. 6 3 6 3 26 Jan., 1905.* 12 Jan. 1905.'



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Swyny, E. J., and another, Balmain, N.S.W. Ore separator and classifier Swyny, E. J., and another, Balmain, N.S.W. Vibrating-trough for concentrating metalliferous materials Swyny, E. J., and another, Balmain, N.S.W. Extracting mineral particles from slimes and tailings Symes, H., Harrietville, Vic. Elevating alluvial earths, &c. 18584 18585 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 91 91 91 91 10 Nov? 10 Nov. 18586 13 Oct. 91 91 10 Nov 18605 14 Oct. 91 91 10 Nov. Tait, A. L. J., Richmond, Vic. Treating and dressing flax Taylor, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Cistern Taylor, C. M., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See E* Phillips, No. 18630.) Templeton, W. J., Dunkeld, Vic. Roofing-nail Terry, W. H, Addington, N.Z. Window-sash Thomas, R., and another, Waitara, N.Z. Fencing-post Thomas, R. F., and another, Melbourne, Vic Fruit-case Thompson, C. E., and another, Lower Moutere, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. Thomson, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel tire Thwaites, E. J., Melbourne, Vic. Valve for automatic piano-player .. Tinkham, A. H., Masterton, N.Z. Ear-punch Tolman, J. S., and another, Hobart, Tas. Coin-freed franking-machine Toner, J. H., Waitahuna, N.Z. Vehicle-seat Torrance, R. G, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Ball-testing appliance for bias 18601 18676 17 Oct. 26 Oct. 86 91 86 91 27 Oct.* 10 Nov.* 18814 18616 18331 18715 18544 18791 18581 18685 17386 18780 18609 1 Deo. 18 Oct. 15 Aug. 10 Nov. 4 Oct. 24 Nov. 13 Oct. 2 Nov. 17 Dec, 1903 19 Nov. 15 Oct. 91 86 98 '98 86 95 86 98 91 91 86 98 98 86 95 86 98 91 10 No/.* 27 Oct. 8 Dec* 8 De;.* 27 Oct.* 24 Nov. 27 Oct. 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* Townsend, W. R. J., Wellington, N.Z. Applying electric light to pianos Toxward, W. E., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Milk-stirrer .. Tracy, N. L. R., Sydney, N.S.W. Invisible lacing for garments. (A. R. Colton) Trembath, W., Gore, N.Z. Animal-cover Turnbull, J. H. T., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-lighter Turri, G. G. Melbourne, Vic. Safety-pin. (The Twin Safety-pin Company —A. Buckelew) Twin Safety-pin Company, The, San Francisco, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, No. 18852.) Twomey, J. M., Temuka, N.Z. Newspaper-folding machine 18553 18768 18811 5 Oct. 19 Nov. 28 Nov. 86 98 98 86 98 98 27 Oct.* 8 Dec* 8 Dec* 17667 18738 18852 16 March 8 Nov. 13 Dec. 102 95 3 102 95 3 22 Dec. 24 Nov.* 12 Jan., 19 18552 5 Oct. 86 86 27 Oct.* United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Nailing-machine. (J. H. Brown) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Pounding-up machine. (R. F. McFeeley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Pateioon, U.S.A. Sole laying and levelling machine. (E. E. Winkley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Welt-operating machine. (J. B. Hadaway) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Trimming and concaving heels. (B. F. Mayo) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Nail-driving machine. (W. R. Barclay and A. Bates) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Buffing-rolls. (W. Gordon.) 18625 20 Oct. .. ' 95 95 24 Nov. 18626 20 Oct. 91 91 10 Nov.* 18690 3 Nov. 1)1 1)1 10 Nov.* 18691 3 Nov. 91 91 10 Nov.* 18751 16 Nov. 95 95 24 Nov.* 18752 16 Nov. 95 95 24 Nov.* 17453 12 Jan. 86 86 27 Oct. Vaughan, D. G., Borung, Vic (See 0. T. Wills, No. 18840.) Vucetich, G., Chertsey, N.Z. (See P. and D. Duncan, Limited, No. 18571.) 15 Jan. .. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 28 July 7 Dec. 19 Oct. 18 Oct. 98 102 102 102 102 102 91 95 8 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec* 10 Nov.* 24 Nov. Waddle, G, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Game Wagstaff, E. E., Melbourne, Vic. Lamp-burner Wagstaff, E. E., Melbourne, Vic. Lamp-burner Wagstaff, E. E., Melbourne, Vic. Thimble for lamp-burner Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Coin-controlled machine Walker, T., Levin, N.Z. Hoe Walker, W. E., South Dunedin, N.Z. Ventilating-window Walters, H, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Anti-fouling and anti-corro-sive composition Ward, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Scraping-attachment for brushes Ward, J. J., Wairau, N.Z. Tightening wire fences Warry, J., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Incandescent gaslight Waters, J. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Egg-tester Watson, W. G, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Electric belt Watts, R. E., and another, Stamford, Eng. Swath-turner Way, R. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Woven-wire mattress Welch, W. H. I., London, Eng. (See The Lamp Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 18861.) Wetenhall, W., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Harness-saddle Whisker, N. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Box for heating blankets, &c White, S., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Game White, W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Boot sole and upper White, W. A., Hunua South, N.Z. Boat-paddle apparatus Whitehouse, S. G., London, Eng. Wheeled vehicle Whitelaw, H. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Clothes-peg Whitney, W. R., New York, U.S.A. Filament and method of manufacture Wiggins, W., and another, Greytown, N.Z. Coiling and uncoiling fenc-ing-wire Wigley, P., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Incandescent gaslight .. 17478 18797 18798 18799 18251 18842 18644 18637 18397 18785 18737 18658 18694 18804 18454 31 Aug. 24 Nov. 18 Julyf 24 Oct. 31 Oct. 29 Nov. 15 Sept. 91 98 95 91 \02 86 10 Nov. 8 Dec* 24 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 22 Dec. 27 Oct." 18894 18653 29 Dec. 21 Oct. 3 91 12 Jan., 1905.* 10 Nov.* 17478 18779 18665 18429 17581 18503 15 Jan. 19 Nov. 25 Oct. 2 Sept. 27 Feb. 28 Sept. 98 98 91 102 86 8 Dec 8 Dec* 10 Nov. 22 Dec. 27 Oct. 18876 20 Dec. 18737 18 Julyt ,. ! 95 24 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Wilkinson, F., Petone, N.Z. Spouting-bracket Williams, A. G. R., Cambridge, N.Z. Basting-apparatus Williams, D. J., Waimangaroa Junction. Flax cleaner and conveyor .. Williams, W., Mount Gambier, S.A. Chaff-cutter Wills, O. T., Boning, Vic. Folding crate. (D. G. Vaughan) Wilson, A. G, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Separating wild oats from other grain Wilson, J. F., Invercargill. Friction-clutch .. .. Wilson, N., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Chair-seat Window-glass Machine Company, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Sheet-glass manufacture. (J. H. Lubbers) Winkley, E. E., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 18690.) Winslow, S. W., Beverley, U.S.A. Buffing-machine, (Naumkeag Buffing Machine Association—A. W. Rogers) Wiseman, J., Auckland, N.Z. Sash-lock Woltereck, H. G, London, Eng. Hydrocyanic acid, Process and production of Woltereck, H. G, London, Eng. Process of producing ammonia Woodford, G, Sydney, N.S.W. Disinfecting, &c, vessel for flushing cistern Woodhead, A. E., and another, Upper Fern-tree Gully, Vic Diggers' boot-shield Woods, M., and another, Carlton, Vic. Dressing surface of rails Worsley, M. I., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Chair-seat Wright, W. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Carburetter for kerosene Wrigley, J. W., Rotorua, N.Z. Fixing sheets of corrugated-iron roofing Wynne, W. P., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Furnace for refractory ores Wynyard, M. H, and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Flax-treatment 18704 18855 18877 18745 18840 18833 18764 17647 18837 18689 17293 18803 18506 18809 18582 18537 17647 18847 18654 18838 18917 5 Nov. 14 Dec. 20 Dec. 15 Nov. 6 Dec. 3 Dec 18 Nov. 10 March 2 Dec. 3 Nov. 26 Nov., 1903 29 Nov. 95 6 6 98 102 102 98 95 3 91 102 102 24 Nov.* 26 Jan., 1905. 26 Jan., 1905.* 8 Dec. 22 Dec* 22 Dec* 8 Dec* 24 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905. IOJNov.* 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 28 Sept. 1 Dec 86 98 27 Oct. 8 Dec* 13 Oct. 86 27 Oct.* 30[Sept. 10 March 6 Dec 25 Oct. 6 Dec. 31 Dec. 91 95 102 95 102 6 10 Nov. 24 Nov. 22 Dec* 24 Nov. 22 Dec* 26 Jan., 1905.* Yager, H., Fitzroy, Vic. Boot Young, J. W., and others, Grantham, Eng. internal-combustion engine 18470 18633 22 Sept. 20 Oct. 86 95 27 Oct. 24 Nov. Ziele, C. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Shirt-cuff protector 18677 28 Oct. 95 24 Nov.*

* Denotes a provisional specification. Trade Marks Act, 1889." f Denotes a prior late um ir section 106 o a 'atents, Designs, am id Invention. Application. Gazette. i • Name. No. Date. No. Date. Account-book Acetylene-generator Acetylene-generator Advertising-device and time-table Advertising-medium and reflecting-appa-ratus Aerator, MilkAgitator for spray-pump Air-engine Air-pump, Compressed, Alarm. (See Fire-alarm.) Ambulance-lifter Ammonia, Process of producing Amusement, Table-Anti-fouling and anti-corrosive composition Anti-rattler for windows Arching work, Centres for Are lamp, Electric Arrival and departure indicator, Train .. Artificial-stone and brick manufacturing.. Artillery shooting, Range-finder for Ashpan Axe-handle J. S. Palmer F. J. Shelton R. L. H. Murray W. J. Rae R. L. H. Murray 18522 18462 18710 18749 18600 30 Sept. 19 Sept. 2 Nov. 16 Nov. 13 Oct. 86 86 6 27 Oct.* 27 Oct. 26 Jan., 1905. R. J. Moore A. Billens W. S. Robinson and P. S. Swanson D. W. Starrett 17514 18659 18904 18698 4 Feb. 25 Oct. 29 Dec. 3 Nov. 98 95 3 6 8 Dec. 24 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905.* 26 Jan., 1905. J. Mackay and F. W. Hamilton.. H. C. Woltereck C. H. Waddle and S. White H. Walters and J. A. Appleton.. 16927 18506 17478 18637 21 Oct. 28 Sept. 15 Jan. 18 Oct, 86 86 98 95 27 Oct, 27 Oct. 8 Dec. 24 Nov. T. Cannon P. Cairns H. Beck H. Ashworth L. F. Kwiatkowski R. H. Owen S. W. Robson and B. Goudie .. H. Harding 18841 18650 18512 18762 18815 18670 18812 18892 7 Dec. 22 Oct. 28 Sept. 18 Nov. 1 Dec. 28 Oct. 1 Dec. 24 Dec. 102 91 91 98 22 Dec* 10 Nov.* 10 Nov. 8 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905. 10 Nov. * 8 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905.* 91 98 3 Bacon-curing mixture Bail. (See Cow-bail.) Bakers' oven Bakers' peel, Attaching handle to Bakers' peel, Attaching handle to Ball-testing appliance D. McCallum 18733 11 Nov. 95 24 Nov. * M. Richard and W. Scott J. G Legg J. C. Legg R. C. Torrance and J. Cowie 18531 18668 18829 18609 29 Sept. 28 Oct. 3 Dec. 15 Oot. 91 91 10 Nov. 10 Nov.* 91 10 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Invention. Name. j No. Al Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. iarrels, Machine for rounding, <fcc lasting-apparatus Sath-heater iath-heater, Gas-burner for iath. (See Eye-bath.) Searings. (See Shaft-bearings.) iedstead, Metallic teer-engine ieer-manufacture ielt-conveyor ielt-fastener ielt. (See also Electric belt.) Sias, Ball-testing appliance for Sicycle-lock iicycle, Propelling-apparatus for Sicycle-stand iicycle. (See also Cycle.) tilliard-table iiffiard-table tilly-can Sin for dry goods tinder for wire fence tinder-twine tird-trap tird-trap tit and bridle for racehorse Slackboard tlank-book manufacture tlight-eradicator llind-fitting tlock. (See Building-block, Printingblock, Snatch-block.) tlouse and skirt support Slower for furnace toard. (See Moulding-board, Scrapingboard, Weather-board.) toat-paddle apparatus logie toner. (See Washing-boiler, Water-tube boiler.) tolster-adjuster took. (See Account-book, Blank book.) toot-fastener toot-heel toot or shoe toot-polishing machine toot-shield toot sole or sock toot-sole ioot sole and upper J. Russell A. G. R. Williams J. D. Jackson J. D. Jackson 18603 18855 18686 18687 17 Oct. 14 Dec. 3 Nov. .. 3 Nov. .. 86 6 91 91 27 Oct.* 26 Jan., 1905. 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* B. G Barton J. D. Jackson L. Nathan J. J. Ridgway N. Rasmussen 17465 18902 18679 18648 18356 • 13 Jan. 29 Dec. 1 Nov. .. 22 Oct. 23 Aug. 86 3 98 95 91 27 Oct. 12 Jan., 1905.* 8 Dec. 24 Nov. 10 Nov. R. G Torrance and J. Cowie G. H. Fry W. S. Simpson T. W. Potts 18609 18684 18623 18607 15 Oct. 1 Nov. 20 Oct. 18 Oct. 91 95 95 91 10 Nov.* 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 10 Nov.' H. U. Alcock G. A. Elliss and P. J. McGuire .. M. Aldis J. Minchin T. W. Coulthard A. and W. Ross H. H. Nicholson J. Sprott T. B. O'Connor J. H. Fuller R. Clark W. S. Campbell H. A. Atkinson 18517 18663 18669 18796 18655 18642 18821 18706 18736 18792 18805 18765 18772 24 Sept. . . 27 Oct. 28 Oct. 23 Nov. . . 25 Oct. 21 Oct. 1 Dec. 5 Nov. 8 Nov. 23 Nov. . . 29 Nov. .. 14 Nov. .. 19 Nov. . . 91 91 102 95 98 95 98 98 10 Nov. 10 Nov." 22 Dec. '24 Nov. 8 Dec* 24 Nov.* 8 Dec. 8 Dec* 98 3 8 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905.* M. Bacon H. T. Jones and J. P. Ludeman .. 18776 18883 17 Nov. . . 22 Dec. 3 12 Jan., 1905. W. A. White G E. Bernays 18665 18464 25 Oct. 20 Sept. .. 86 27 Oct. W. P. Daly 17442 7 Dec,1903 83 13 Oct. T. A. and J. Flynn J. B. McCubbin H. Yager P. A. S. Stephens F. J. Glass and A. E. Woodhead.. T. Mercer W. M. Pritchard and J. S. Boyle.. W. M. Pritchard, J. S. Boyle, and W. White W. S. D. Schmidt J. R. Skinner T. E. O'Brien 18822 18903 18470 18761 18582 18635 18649 18779 2 Dec. 29 Dec. 22 Sept. .. 14 Nov. . . 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Nov. . . 3 6 86 98 86 91 91 98 12 Jan., 1905. 26 Jan., 1905 27 Oct. 8 Dec* 27 Oct.* 10 Nov.* 10 Nov. 8 Dec* ioot-sole protector toot or shoe heel Sottle iottle. (See also Feeding-bottle.) iottle seal and stopper iottle-stopper, measure, and eye-bath .. tottling liquids towl-tester towl-testing table, Method of preparing surfaces of tox. (See Butter-box, Feed-box, Matchbox, Sluice-box.) 18639 17402 17157 18 Oct. 22 Dec, 1903 29 Oct., 1903 91 86 86 10 Nov.* 27 Oct. 27 Oct. Champion Seal Company G. W. Darvall The Crown Corporation, Limited H. A. de Lautour H. U. Alcock 18816 18602 18579 18741 18525 1 Dec. 17 Oct. 13 Oct. 10 Nov. . . 1 Oct. 91 3 95 102 10 Nov.* 12 Jan., 190524 Nov.* 22 Dec. tox Sox iox for heating blankets, &c Jracket. (See Spouting-bracket.) irake, Railway iranding-device iranding-device ireeching ireeching-strap, Attaching, to vehicle .. iread iread-making .. irewing beer irick-making machine irick-making machine irick-making iridle Jridle and bit iriquettes. (See Ironsand briquettes.) iroom Jrush. (See Shaving-brush.) A. H. Krause A. Prior N. H. Whisker and A. Smart, jun. 18881 18278 18653 19 Dec. 2 Aug. 21 Oct. 6 86 91 26 Jan., 1905,* 27 Oct. 10 Nov.* F. W. Gasmier W. McKeegan M. Belk R. D. Kelly J. Brake J. C. Legg E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward L. Nathan J. W. and G. W. Ferguson J. W. and G. W. Ferguson L. F. Kwiatkowski T. H. Brown T. B. O'Connor 18501 18863 18672 18773 17629 18870 18806 18679 18671 18800 18815 17410 18736 28 Sept. .. 15 Dec. 27 Oct. 21 Nov. .. 7 March . . 17 Dec. 29 Nov. . . 1 Nov. .. 25 Oct, 25 Nov. .. 1 Dec. 24 Dec, 1903 8 Nov. .. 86 102 98 95 98 98 98 3 86 98 27 Oct. 22 Dec* 8 Dec* 24 Nov. 8 Dec 8 Dec 8 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oct. 8 Dec F. W. Maddox 18713 8 Nov. .. 95 24 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Brush, Scraping-attachment for Bucket, DredgeBucket, Mop-wringer attachment to Bucket, Mop-wringing attachment to Buffing-machine Buffing-roll Building-appliance Building-block Building-block, Compound for production of Bullock-bow key Burner. (See Gas-burner, Incandescent gas-burner, Lamp-burner, Liquid-fuel burner, Petroleum-burner.) Butter-box Butter-cutter Butter-packing apparatus Butter-worker and churn H. Ward H. R. Butterworth G. Stevenson ,1. Herrick S. W. Winslow United Shoe Machinery Company R. Cosslett .. N. Nielsen S. Ford and J. S. Freeman 18397 18895 18889 18716 18689 17453 18778 18666 18526 31 Aug. 29 Dec. 23 Dec 10 Nov. 3 Nov. .. 12 Jan. 19 Nov. .. 28 Oct. 1 Oct. 91 3 3 98 91 86 102 91 86 10 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905.* 12 Jan., 1905.* 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 27 Oct. 22 Dec* 10 Nov.* 27 Oct.* J. Snowden 17-34 8 Feb. 98 8 Dec. J. Hancock and E. G. Abell L. Bender J. M. Hussey F. Richardson and F. Markey .. 18516 18467 18858 18857 24 Sept. .. 21 Sept. .. 14 Dec. 14 Dec. 102 86 3 22 Dec. 27 Oct. 12 Jan., 1905. Calendar Camera Can. (See Billy-can, Cream-can, Milkcan, Preserve-can.) Candle-protector Carburetter for kerosene Car. (See Electric car, Railway car.) Carrier. (See Egg-carrier, Fruit-carrier, Parcel-carrier.) Case. (See Fruit-case, Packing-case.) Cash-register Casks, Machine for rounding, &e. Castrating-instrument Castrating-instrument Castrating-instrument Cement- manufacture Centre for invert work Chaff-cutter Chair-seat Chair, Deck-Cheese-making apparatus Cheese-press, Pressure appliance for Churn Churn and butter-worker Cigar and cigarette holder, Mouthpieee for Cistern Cistern. (See also Deodorizing-cistern, Flushing-cistern.) Clamp for wire rope .. .. Cleaner, Knife and fork Closet. (See Water-closet.) Clothes-peg Clothes-strainer, &c. Coat-hanger Coat and trouser hanger Coiler, Wire-Coin-controlled machine Coin-freed franking and stamping machine Collar and hames Compressed-air pump Concentrator-trough Consumption cure .. Controller, Ship-Cooking-stove, Gas-burner for .. Cooler, Milk-Cork-retainer for bottles Cork-seal Cotton-picking machine Couch Coupling. (See Hose-coupling.) Cover of preserving-tin, Securing R. M. McLennan W. J. Johnston G. Mahlstedt W. S. Wright E. G. Fletcher J. Russell T. Heath J. Dignan J. B. Grant R. Liebold P. Cairns W. Williams N. Wilson, jun. and M. I. Worsley A. H. Krause J. Harding J. Anderson H. J. Baker F. Richardson and F. Markey .. G Peterson A. Taylor 18906 18783 18848 18847 18611 18603 17378 18767 18615 18849 18650 18745 17647 18882 18612 18651 18554 18857 17838 18676 29 Dec 24 Nov. 8 Dec. 6 Dec. 19 Oct. 17 Oct. 16 Dec, 1903 17 Nov. .. 19 Oct. 9 Dec. 22 Oct. 15 Nov. .. 10 March .. 19 Dec. 1.9 Oct. 20 Oct. 6 Oct. 14 Dec. 27 April .. 26 Oct. 6 102 102 95 86 83 98 91 98 95 6 95 95 86 91 91 26 Jan., 1905. 22 Dec. 22 Dec!* 24 Nov. 27 Oct.* 13 Oct. 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 8 Dee. 24 March. 26 Jan., 1905." 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 27 Oct. * 10 Nov. 10 Nov.* A. E. Gill D. Simpson 18893 18711 24 Dec. 3 Nov. .. 6 95 26 Jan., 1905. 24 Nov.* H. J. Whitelaw P. Davis H. A. Collins C. Lashlie J. F. Ross and W. Wiggins R. Wales C. E. Gray and J. S. Tolman S. J. Emery D. W. Starrett E. J. Swyny and S. G. Plucknett J. Pugh E. Smethurst J. D. Jackson G J. Honore J. A. Gaynor G. S. Stevenson G. A. Lowry W. Hoyland 17581 18621 18539 18756 18876 18251 17386 18622 18698 18585 18697 17606 18687 18753 18709 18534 18743 17512 27 Feb. 20 Oct. 4 Oct, 16 Nov. 20 Dec 28 July 17 Dec,1903 20 Oct. 3 Nov. .. 13 Oct. 3 Nov. .. 1 March .. 3 Nov. .. 16 Nov. .. 4 Nov. 30 Sept. .. 15 Nov. 4 Feb. 102 95 91 95 102 86 91 6 91 95 102 91 98 95 86 98 98 22 Dec. 24 Nov. 10 Nov. 24 Nov.* 22 Dec. 27 Oct. 10 Nov.* 26 Jan., 1905. 10 Nov. 24 Nov.* 22 Dec. 10 Nov.* 8 Dec. 24 Nov.* 27 Oct.* 8 Dec. 8 Dec. Christchurch Meat Company, Limited 18456 16 Sept. .. 91 10 Nov.* Cover. (See Cream-can cover Horsecover, Tire-cover.) Cow-bail Cow-bail Cow-milker .. .. Cramp. (See Match-lining cramp.) Crate. (See Folding crate.) Cream-can cover Cream product and manufacture Cream-testing flask Cricket. (See Table-cricket.) Cricket-stumps G T. Simpson F. J. Brown .. F. Ljungstrom 18908 18867 17489 31 Dec. 16 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 102 91 12 Jan., 11105.* 22 Dec* 10 Nov. J. Hedley E. Phillips A. L. Horniman and A. Dawson.. 18746 18630 18819 15 Nov. .. 20 Oct. 1 Dec. 98 8 Dec. 3 12 Jan., 1905. A. Bridge 18485 22 Sept. .. 86 27 Oct.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Al iplication. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. j Date. No. Date. Cuff-protector .. .. .. C. W. Ziele Culinary utensil .. .. .. F. E. Hornidge Cultivator .. .. .. .. W. B. Jones Cup. (See Teat-cup.) Curing-mixture for food .. .. D. McCallum Current-collector .. .. .. W. Griffiths and B. H. Bedell .. Curtain-hook .. .. . . T. Hemming and J. Lock Curtain-poles .. .. A. Marr Curtain-suspender .. .. .. G. Barnes Cushion heel for boots .. .. J. R. Skinner Cutter. (See Butter-cutter, Chaff-cuttsr, Tobacco-cutter, Twitch-cutter, Weedcutter.) Cyanide ore-extraction solutions, Recover- F. A. Rich ing gold, &c, from Cycle-motor .. .. .. j M. Rutty Cycle. (See also Bicycle.) 18677 18712 18705 18733 18723 18574 18758 18820 17402 28 Oct. 8 Nov. 7 Nov. .. 11 Nov. .. 10 Nov. .. 6 Oct. 14 Nov. 1 Dec 22 Dec, 1903 95 98 95 95 98 86 3 86 24 Nov.* 8 Dec 24 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 8 Dec 27 Oct.* 12 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct. 18638 18 Oct. 24 Nov. 95 18802 29 Nov. .. 98 8 Dec* Deck-chair .. .. .. .. A. H. Krause Deodorizing-cistern .. .. .. C. Woodford Departure and arrival indicator, Train .. H. Ashworth Die for cake-tins, &c .. .. .. G. H. Clapham and J. L. Barlow Digger, Potato- .. .. .. J. G. Dennison Disinfectant, Fluid .. .. .. G Woodford Disc ridger .. . . .. .. F. Cooper Docking and ear-marking instrument .. J. Dignan Door, Operating lift- .. .. W. F. Johns Door-lock .. .. .. .. : A. G. Baker Drawers, Furniture .. .. .. G. S. Stevenson Draught-regulator for grate .. .. B. J. Mouat Draught-regulator .. .. . . W. Sinclair Dredge-bucket .. .. .. H. R. Butterworth Dredge-ladder attachment .. .. i W. Nisbet Drill. (See Maize-drill, Rock-drill.) Drying clothes, Machine for washing and P. M. Newton Drying Milk .. .. .. A. Falkner 18882 18809 18762 17595 18774 18809 18660 18767 18613 17965 18533 18515 18763 18895 18873 19 Dec. 1 Dec. 18 Nov. .. 1 March .. 21 Nov. .. 1 Dec 25 Oct. 17 Nov. .. 19 Oct. 26 May 30 Sept. .. 24 Sept. .. 18 Nov. .. 22 Dec. 19 Dec. 6 98 98 102 98 98 91 98 91 102 86 91 98 3 102 26 Jan., 1905.* 8 Dec* 8 Dec* 22 Dec. 8 Dec* 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 22 Dec. 27 Oct.* 10 Nov. 8 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905.* 22 Dec* 18755 18551 14 Nov. .'. 5 Oct. 98 86 8 Dec. 27 Oct.* Ear-marking instrument .. J. Dignan Ear-punch .. .. .. A. H. Tinkham Earth-elevator .. .. .. H. Symes Earthenware goods, Flanging .. .. R. 0. Clark, jun. Earthenware pipes, Flanging .. .. R. 0. Clark, jun. Egg-carrier .. .. .. .. E. L. Robertson Egg-carrier .. .. .. F. G. Norton Egg-carrier .. .. .. .. G. Finn and A. S. Pike 18767 18685 18605 18898 17182 18907 18570 18795 17 Nov. .. 2 Nov. 14 Oct. 23 Dec. 30 Oct. 1903 30 Dec. 7 Oct. 28 Nov. .. 98 95 91 3 86 3 86 102 I*! 95 95 95 91 83 91 8 Dec* 24 Nov. 10 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct. 12 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct.* 22 Dec. 10 Nov.* 12 Jan., 1906. 24 Nov. 24 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 13 Oct. 10 Nov. Egg-carrier .. .. .. .. G. Finn and A. S. Pike.. 18680 1 Nov. .. Egg-carrier .. .. .. J. G. Dawson Egg-carrier .. .. .. R. Simmonds Egg-preserving process .. .. H. E. McDonald Egg-tester .... .. .. J. B. Waters Eggs for transport, Packing .. A. and F. J. Lawrence Electric arc lamp .. .. .. H. Beck Electric belt .. .. .. J. W. Fowler Electric belt .. .. .. W. C. Watson and E. I. Setchell .. Electric cars, Illuminating trolly-wheel of W. H. Ludford Electric light, Applying, to pianos, &c .. W. R. J. Townsend Electric switch .. .. .. W. Kingsland Electric traction, Current-collector for .. W. Griffiths and B. H. Bedell Electric traction, Trolly-pole for • J. W. Rooney Elevator and deliverer .. .. G. Armstrong Elevator, Safety appliance for . . .. W. P. Conolly Elevator. (See also Earth-elevator.) Engine. (See Air-engine, Internal-com-bustion engine, Rock-drilling engine, Rotary turbine-engine, Traction-engine.) Envelope .. .. .. .. D. Robertson Envelope .. .. .. .. D. Robertson Envelope .. .. .. .. D. Robertson Envelope and memo.-forms .. J. Collins Escape. (See Fire-escape) Excavating and elevating wash-dirt . . A. McKay Extinguisher. (See Fire-extinguisher, Gas I lighter and extinguisher.) Eye-bath, bottle-stopper, and measure .. G. W. Darvall 18382 18739 18702 18658 17273 18512 18888 18694 18540 18553 18856 18723 18786 18775 18511 27 Aug. 14 Nov. .. 4 Nov. 24 Oct. 19 Nov., 1903 28 Sept. .. 23 Dec. 31 Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 14 Dec. 10 Nov. .. 24 Nov. 21 Nov. .. 29 Sept, .. 86 86 3 98 98 102 91 27 Oct.* 27 Oct.* 12 Jan., 1906. 8 Dec. 8 Dec* 22 Dec. 10 Nov. 18558 18708 18836 18627 3 Oct. 4 Nov. 3 Dec. 20 Oct. 86 95 102 91 27 Oct.* 24 Nov.* 22 Dec* 10 Nov.* 18750 16 Nov. .. 95 24 Nov.* 18602 17 Oct, 91 10 Nov.* Fastener. (See Belt-fastener, Bootfastener, Leg-fastener, Sash-fastener.) Fastening. (See Hook-and-eye fastening.) " Falls," Gate-post .. .. .. J. H. Smith and W. M. Alexander Fatty wood, Treating, for the production W. Hoskins of paper Fauoet .. .. .. .. | J. Fisher, jun. 18469 18500 22 Sept. .. 28 Sept. .. 86 86 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 18580 13 Oot. 86 27 Oot.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. I Date. Feed reservoir and box for horses .. J. A. Easton .. .. .. 17398 Feeding-bottle protector .. .. J. Ellen .. .. .. 18900 Fencing-dropper .. .. .. C. E. H. Allen .. .. 18700 Fencing-post . . .. .. R. Thomas and G. Hall .. 18331 Fencing-standard. Preventing sinking of.. A. Dale .. .. .. 18810 Fencing-staple .. .. .. G. Chewings .. .. .. 17501 Fencing-staple .. .. .. A. J. Malcolm .. .. 18789 Fencing-strainer .. .. J. J. Ward .. .. .. 18785 Filaments, Manufacturing .. .. W. R. Whitney .. .. 18503 Filter. (See Slimes-filter.) Fire-alarm .. .. .. J. Gallagher .. .. .. 17996 Fire-bridge .. .. .. .. C. J. Johnson and J. Carlaw .. 18865 Fire-escape .. .. .. .. H. Smith and L. Homes .. 18560 Fire-extinguisher .. .. .. J. G. Grimsley .. .. 18632 Fire-lighter .. .. .. J. H. T. Turnbull .. .. 18738 Fire-proof structures .. .. W. W. Bruce .. .. 18740 Flanging-machine for earthenware .. R. 0. Clark, jun. .. .. 18898 Flanging sanitary pipes .. .. L. Clark .. .. .. 17105 Flask. (See Cream-testing flask.) Flat-wick lamp-burner .. .. E. E. Wagstaff .. .. 18797 Flax cleaner and conveyor .. .. D. J. Williams .. .. 18877 Flax-dressing, Process for .. J. D. Smith .. .. .. 18565 Flax-dresser .. .. .. A. L. J. Tait .. .. .. 18601 Flax drying and bleaching .. .. D. G Maedonald .. .. 18641 Flax-milling machinery .. .. H. Seifert .. .. .. 18619 Flax-seuteher .. .. .. G. I. Lowe .. .. .. 17371 Flax, Treating .. .. .. S. E. Denniston .. .. 17287 Flax-treatment .. .. .. C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard .. 18917 Flax-washer .. .. .. G. Craw .. .. .. 18561 Flax-washer .. .. .. A. F. Gibson .. .. 18787 Flax. (See also Tow.) Fluid-pressure turbine .. .. E. T. Pollard.. .. .. 18879 Flushing cistern. Liquid feed for .. J. Hayward .. .. .. 18583 Folding crate .. .. .. 0. T. Wills .. .. .. 18840 Folding-machine for newspapers, &o. .. J. M. Twomey .. .. 18552 Food-warming apparatus . . .. H. Schnitzer .. .. .. 17422 Fork-cleaner. (See Knife and fork cleaner.) Franking-machine, Coin-freed .. .. G E. Gray and J. S. Tolman .. 17386 Friction-clutch .. .. .. J. F. Wilson .. .. .. 18764 Fruit-carrier .. . . .. R. Simmonds .. .. 18739 Fruit-case .. .. .. .. R. F. Thomas and S. A. Bradley.. 18715 Fuel-burner, Liquid .. .. .. A. E. Johnstone .. .. 18721 Furnace, Blower f or .. .. .. H. T. Jones and J. P. Ludeman.. 18883 Furnace. (See Ironsand-furnace. Orefurnace.) Furniture drawers .. .. . .. j G. S. Stevenson .. .. 18533 18 Dec, 1903 29 Dec 3 Nov. 15 Aug. 26 Nov. 29 Jan. 23 Nov. .. 24 Nov. 28 Sept. .. 4 June 14 Dec. 5 Oct. 20 Oct. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 23 Dec. 13 Oct. 25 Nov. .. 20 Dec 5 Oct. 17 Oct. 21 Oct. 13 Oct. 15 Dec, 1903 25 Nov.,1903 31 Dec. 7 Oct. 22 Nov. .. 91 3 86 98 91 3 98 86 102 102 86 95 95 102 3 86 102 6 86 86 91 91 83 86 6 86 102 10 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct. 8 Dec* 10 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905.* 8 Dec* 27 Oct. 22 Dec. 22 Dec* 27 Oct.* 24 Nov. 24 Nov.* 22 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct.* 22 Dec 26 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct*. 27 Oct.* 10 Nov.* 10 Nov. 13 Oct. 27 Oct. 26 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct.* 21 Dec* 20 Dec 13 Oct. 6 Dec. 5 Oct. 30 Dec, 1903 3 91 102 86 83 12 Jan., 1905* 10 Nov. 22 Dec* 27 Oct.* 13 Oct. 17 Dec, 1903 18 Nov. 14 Nov. 10 Nov. .. 10 Nov. .. 22 Dec. 86 98 95 98 98 27 Oct. 8 Dec* 24 Nov.* 8 Dec* 8 Dec. 30 Sept. .. 86 27 Oct.* Game .. .. .. .. j J. H. Rowland .. .. 18492 Game .. .. .. .. \ H. Brice .. .. 17460 Game .. .. .. C. H. Waddle and S. White .. 17478 Game .. .. .. .. '■■ E. L. Evens .. .. .. 18817 Garment-lacing .. .. .. N. Le R. Tracy .. . » 18811 Gas-burner for bath-heater, cooking-stove, J. D. Jackson .. .. 18687 Gas-generator .. .. .. H. Dicke .. .. .. 18728 Gas, Producing .. .. .. W. Sim .. .. .. 18760 Gas. (See also Incandescent gas, Water-gas.) Gas lighter and extinguisher .. .. M. W. Haenke .. .. 18661 Gas lighter and extinguisher .. .. J. L. Bruce .. .. .. 18722 Gas-stove .. .. .. .. J. J. Strain .. .. .. 18828 Gate-post " falls " .. .. .. J. H. Smith and W. M. Alexander 18469 Gauge. (See Wind-gauge.) .. .. i Generator. (See Acetylene-generator, Gasgenerator. ) Glass, Manufacture of sheet .. .. Window-glass Machine Company 18837 Gold and silver. Recovery of .. .. F. A. R eh .. .. .. 18638 Gold-saving .. .. .. J. Paterson and A. T. W. Allan .. 18777 Gold-saving appliance .. .. A. J. Park .. .. .. 18896 Gold-saving apparatus .. A. Johanson .. .. .. 18832 Gold-saving apparatus .. . . J. W. McLeod .. .. 18590 Gold-savina plush .. M. Ryan .. .. .. 18576 Gold-saving table .. .. .. H. N. McLeod .. .. 18782 Gold-saving, Raking material from sluice- G. Denn's, jun. .. .. 17519 boxes used in Gold, Separation of, from metals .. D. Clark .. .. .. 18538 Governor-gear for traction-engine .. | E. F. and E. H. G Ridde .. 18901 Grain and wild-oats separator .. .. A. C. Wilson and J. C. McDonald 18833 Grate. Regulating draught for . . .. ! B. J. Mouat .. .. .. 18515 Guard. (See -Moustache - guard, Mudguard.) Gun. Vernier and traversing-bar for ladder ' G. B. H. Austin .. .. 18453 of 24 Sept. .. 13 Jan. 15 Jan. 1 Dec. 28 Nov. .. 3jNov. .. 10 Nov. 8 Nov. 27 Oct. 10 Nov. .. 3 Dec. 22 Sept. .. 2 Dec. 18 Oct. 18 Nov. .. 22 Dec 3 Dec. 14 Oct. 11 Oct. 22 Nov. 6 Feb. 86 91 98 3 98 91 95 95 95 98 3 86 27 Oct. 10 Nov. 8 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905. 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 24 Nov.* • 24 Nov. 8 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oot. 12 Jan., 1905. 24 Nov. 8 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905.* 22 Dec* 10 Nov.* 10 Nov. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 3 95 98 3 102 91 91 98 98 4 Oct. 29 Dec. 3 Dec. 24 Sept, . . 86 3 102 91 27 Oct.* 12 Jan., 1905.* 22 Dec* 10 Nov. 15 Sept. .. 86 27 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Invention. Name. i No. Application. Al No. Date. Gazette. Date. Hair-pin Hair-pin Hames and collar Hammock-support A. M. Hendy W. A. McKay and J. H. Cobb . . S. J. Emery Globe Proprietary Company, Limited H. Harding J. G Legg .. 18897 18862 18622 18647 22 Dec. 15 Dec. 20 Oct. 22 Oct. 1 2 91 95 1 2 91 95 22 Dec* 10 Nov.* 24 Nov. Handle, AxeHandle to bakers' peel, Attaching Hanger. (See Coat-hanger.) Harness, Breeching arrangement for Harness saddle 18892 18829 24 Dec. 3 Dec. 3 3 12 Jan., 1905.* " ! R. D. Kelly G. B. and A. Edwards and W. Wetenhall R. McGregor A. Dahl C. B. and G. W. Plummer J. Hunt H. H. Gilshnan J. Gemmell 18773 18894 21 Nov. .. 29 Dec. 98 3 98 3 8 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905.* Harrow and twitch-cutter Harrow, Rotary tine Hat 18588 18843 18675 18727 18595 17607 10 Oct. 5 Dec. 29 Oct. 10 Nov. .. 15 Oct. 27 Feb. 86 86 27 Oct.* 91 91 10 Nov.* Hay-knife Hay-knife Hay-stacking appliance Heater. (See Bath-heater.) Heel. (See Boot-heel.) Heel-trimming, &c, machine 91 102 91 102 10 Nov.* 22 Dec. United Shoe Machinery Company T. Walker 18751 18842 16 Nov. 7 Dec. 95 102 95 102 24 Nov.* 22 Dec* Hoe Holder. (See Cigar and cigarette holder, Pen-holder, Rein-holder, Trace-holder.) Hook-and-eye fastening Hook, Curtain-Horse-cover Horse-shoe Horse-stopper and wheel-lock Hose-coupling Hurdle. (See Racing-hurdle.) Hydrocyanic-acid manufacture E. Sprey and F. Spray .. T. Hemming and J. Lock W. Trembath J. Grant T. Firth P. Henley 18568 18574 17667 18562 17446 18726 7 Oct. 6 Oct. 16 March .. 7 Oct. 9 Jan. 10 Nov. .. 95 86 102 95 86 102 24 Nov.* 27 Oct.* 22 Dec 95 95 95 95 24 Nov. 24 Nov.* H. C. Woltereck 18803 29 Nov. .. 102 102 22 Dec. Images, Photographing, to obtain abnormal pictures Incandescent gas- burner Incandescent gaslight Incandescent oil-lamp Incubator, Temperature-regulator for Indicator. (See Railway indicator, Tem-perature-indicator. ) Insecticide-sprayer Internal-combustion engine E. M. McLauchlan 18550 5 Oct. 86 86 27 Oct.* C. J. Alexander J. Warry and P. Wigley G Jerome R. Law 18853 18737 18696 18692 13 Dec. 18 Julyf .. 3 Nov. .. 3 Nov. .. 95 95 98 95 95 98 24 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 8 Dec. J. Eckersley D. Roberts, C. James, and J. W. Young W. Dawson P. Cairns C. F. Lungley J. H. A. McPhee J. T. Hunter .. T. Rouse and H. Cohn . . W. G. Cloke 18549 18633 5 Oct. 20 Oct. 86 95 86 95 27 Oct.* 24 Nov. Internal-combustion engine Invert work, Centres for Iron, Manufacture of . . Iron-ore, Reducing pulverised Ironsand briquettes Ironsand briquettes Ironsand-furnace 18695 18650 16975 18490 18707 18905 18734 31 Oct. 22 Oct. 5 Aug., 1903 20 Sept. .. 7 Nov. 29 Dec. 11 Nov. .. 98 91 t 83 86 6 3 95 98 91 83 86 6 3 95 8 Dec. 10 Nov* 13 Oct. 27 Oct. 26 Jan., 1905. 12 Jan., 1905.* 24 Nov.* Jack. (See Lifting-jack.) Joints, Making, in pipes J. Christie 18532 30 Sept. .. 86 86 27 Oct.* Kegs, Machine for rounding, &c Key. .(See Bullock-bow key, Screw-key, Telegraphic signalling-key.) Knife. (See Hay-knife, Thinning and weeding knife.) Knife and fork cleaner Knife and fork cleaner J. Russell 18603 17 Oct. 86 86 27 Oct.* D. Simpson C. Broadhead and T. Harris 18711 18824 3 Nov. .. 3 Dec. 95 98 24 Nov.* 8 Dec* 95 98 Lacing garments, &c Ladder and frame for rifle Lamp. (See Electric arc lamp, Incandescent oil-lamp. Oil-lamp, Signallamp. ) Lamp-burner Lamp-burner thimble Laundry apparatus Lead-pencil Leg-fastener for animals Leg-roping appliance Level. (See Spirit-level.) Lid for culinary utensil Lift-door, Operating Lifting-jack Lifter, Ambulance Light, Electric, applying to pianos Lighter. (See Fire-lighter, Gas-lighter.) Liner for separator Liner for washing-boiler Liquid-fuel burner N. L. R. Tracy G. B. H. Austin 18811 18620 28 Nov. .. 20 Oct. 98 91 98 91 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* E. E. Wagstaff • E. E. Wagstaff C. Robertson H. Mittchell H. Prince F. J. Brown 18797-8 18799 17440 18646 18543 18868 25 Nov. .. 25 Nov. 7 Jan. 18 Oct. 4 Oct. 16 Dec. 102 102 102 91 91 102 102 102 102 91 91 102 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 10 Nov.* 10 Nov. 22 Dec* F. E. Hornidge W. F. Johns A. Dyke J. Mackay and F. W. Hamilton .. W. R. J. Townsend 18712 18613 18717 16927 18553 8 Nov. 19 Oct. 7 Nov. .. 21 Oct. 5 Oct. 98 91 95 86 86 98 91 95 86 86 8 Dec. 10 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 27 Oct. 27 Oct.* J. A. Ohlsson H. W. de Baugh A. E. Johnstone 18884 18890 18721 22 Dec. 21 Dec. 10 Nov. .. 98 98 8 Dec



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

14— H. 10,~00

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Liquid or fluid pump Liquids, Machine for bottling Lithographic copy Lithographic plate Lock (See Bicycle-lock, Door-lock, Sash raiser and lock, Strap-lock, Wheel-lock.) Positive Rotary Pump, Limited The Crown Corporation, Limited J. H. Fuller F. W. Sears 18599 18579 18792 17685 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 23 Nov. .. 22 March .. 91 3 l)S OS 10 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905. 8 Dec* 8 Dec. Magnetic separator Maize-drill Mantle-support J. T. Dawes .. F. A. Pim The New Inverted Incandescent Gas-lamp Company, Limited .. A. Scherer W. F. Dugins F. E. Newth The Dixie Match Company T. J. A. Hicks and R. F. Way .. G. W. Darvall O. Gemeinhardt J. Collins A. H. R. Allen and H. S. Darley B. C. Barton J. S. M. Jacobsen R. J. Moore A. W. Gillies .. D. Bower G J. Honore A. Falkner A. Glas E. Phillips W. E. Toxward and D. G. Monrad F. Ljungstrotn J. Hartnett and D. M. Robison .. T. C. Jenkins and W. T. Mack .. S. Ford and J. S. Freeman 18769 18846 18326 17 Nov. 8 Dec. 17 Aug. 102 102 98 22 Dec. 22 Dec* 8 Dec. Manure-sower Match-box and tobacco-cutter Match-lining cramp Match-making Mattress, Wire-woven Measure, bottle-stopper, and eye-bath .. Measuring and wringing machine for skins Memo.-form and envelope Metal-finishing process Metallic bedstead Metals, Producing, from ores Milk-aerator Milk-can Milk-can Milk-cooler Milk-drying Milk-powder Milk, Process of treating Milk-stirrer Milker, CowMilker, Cow-Milking-machine Mineral matter and tar, Manufacture of articles from Mineral particles from slimes, Extracting Mineral-wool making Mining-machine Mop-wringing attachment to bucket Mop-wringing attachment to bucket Motion, Utilising resistance of .. Motor. (See Wind and water motor. Cycle-motor.) Moulding-boards, Forming Moustache-guard for spoons, &c Mouthpiece for tobacco-pipe Mud-guard for vehicle Music-leaf turner Music-teaching method 18742 18629 18606 18730 18454 18602 18505 18627 18748 17465 18909 17514 18834 18770 18753 18551 18720 18598 18768 17489 18303 18S39 18614 15 Nov. 20 Oct. 18 Oct. 10 Nov. .. 15 Sept, .. 17 Oct, 28 Sept. 20 Oct. 16 Nov. 13 Jan. 31 Dee. 4 Feb. 5 Dec. 18 Nov. .. 16 Nov. . . 5 Oct. 10 Nov. .. 13 Oct. 19 Nov. 20 Jan. 11 Aug. 6 Dec. 19 Oct. 95 95 91 98 86 91 86 91 95 86 24 Nov.* 24 Nov. 10 Nov.* 8 Dec 27 Oct.* 10 Nov.* 27 Oct. 10 Nov.* 24 Nov.* 27 Oct. 98 102 98 98 86 8 Dec. 22 Dec* 8 Dec* 8 Dec. 27 Oct.* 111 98 91 102 3 91 10 Nov. 8 Dec* 10 Nov. 22 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905. 10 Nov.* E. J. Swyny and S. G. Plucknett F. T. Paten .. W. E. Hamilton J. Herrick G. Stevenson A. Strain 18586 18587 18504 18716 ISSS!) 18683 13 Oct. 13 Oct, 28 Sept. 10 Nov. 23 Dec 1 Nov. ' 91 86 86 98 3 95 10 Nov. 27 Oct.* 27 Oct. 8 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905.* 24 Nov.* A. Falkner G. G. Sutherland, and A. G. Brett G Peterson H. Munro G. F. Moyle C. E. Gibbins 18555 17559 17838 18596 18559 18845 6 Oct. 23 Feb. 27 April . . 15 Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Dec. 91 102 91 10 Nov. 22 Dec. 10 Nov. 86 102 27 Oct.* 22 Dec* Nail, Roofing-Nail-driving machine Nailing-machine Needle, Sewing-machine Newspaper-folding machine .. Non-refillable stopper Noxious weeds, Composition for eradication of Numbering and recording machine Number-recording machine Nuts and bolts, Screw-key for W. J. Templeton United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company E. J. Hall J. M. Twomey W. Madder .. E. D. Smith and J. T. Partridge.. 18814 18752 18625 18808 18552 18823 18678 1 Dec. 16 Nov. 20 Oct. 1 Dec. 5 Oct. 3 Dec. 29 Oct. 95 95 3 86 3 91 24 Nov.* 24 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oct.* 12 Jan., 1905.* 10 Nov.* C. B. Smith H. Droutlege S. McDonald and G. S. Stevenson 18920 18594 18801 29 Dec. 11 Oct. 29 Nov. 91 10 Nov. Oil-lamp for railway signals The Lamp Manufacturing Company, Limited T. Danks A. W. Bickerton 18861 13 Dec Oiling-appliance for machinery Open-air treatment of disease, Health shelter for Ore-furnace Ore-furnace Ore, Production of metals from Ore, Reducing iron-Ore-separator Ore separator and classifier Ore-separator. (See also Magnetic separator.) Ore-treatment Organ, Applying electric light to Oven, Bakers' Overcoat 18826 17522 1 Dec. 5 Feb. 3 98 12 Jan., 1905. 8 Dec W. P. Wynne and J. H. Grant .. T. Edwards J. S. M. Jacobsen J. H. A. McPhee A. J. F. de Bavay E. J. Swyny and S. G. Plucknett 18838 18878 18909 18490 18688 IS5S4 6 Dec. 21 Dec. 31 Dec. 20 Sept. .. 3 Nov. 13 Oct. 102 22 Dec 86 91 111 27 Oct. 10 Nov.* 10 Nov. A. Z. Clark .. W. R. J. Townsend M. Richard and W. Scott D. Matheson 18818 18553 18531 18667 1 Dec. 5 Oct. 29 Sept. .. 28 Oct. 3 86 m 1)1 12 Jan.. 1905. 27 Oct.* 10 Nov. 10 Nov.* Packing butter Packing-case Packing eggs for transport J. M. Hussey Champion Seal Company A. and F. J. Lawrence 18858 18813 17273 14 Dec. 1 Dec. 19 Nov. 1903 3 3 S3 12 Jan., 1905. 12 Jan., 1905. 13 Oct.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Appl ication. Uize; te. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Paddle apparatus, BoatPanel work, Forming Panoramic camera Paper health shelter Paper-pulp, Treating fatty wood for production of Parcel-carrier Peel. (See Bakers' peel.) Peeler. (See Potato-peeler.) Penholder Pencil. (See Lead-pencil.) Petroleum-burner Piano, Applying electric light to Piano-player, Valve for Picture-suspender Pictures, Obtaining abnormal Piles, Treating, to prevent teredo worm .. Pin. (See Hair-pin, Safety-pin.) Pipe-moulding machine Pipe-wrench Pipe. (See Earthenware pipe, Sanitary pipe, Tobacco-pipe.) Pipe, Making joints in Pithing-spear Plant-pot Plate-rack Plate, Rail-bed Player, Valve for pianoPlush for gold-saving Pneumatic tire Pneumatic-tire protector Pocket Polisher, BootPole. (See Curtain-pole.) Post. (See Fencing-post, Gate-post.) Postage-stamp vending machine Postal wrapper Pot, Plant-Potato-digger Potato-peeler Potato-tops, Destroying blight on Pounding-up machine Preserve-can Preserving eggs Preserving-tin, Securing top of .. W. A. White A. Falkner .. W. J. Johnston A. W. Bickerton W. Hoskins .. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward E. M. Palmer J. G G Read W. R. J. Townsend E. J. Thwaites W. E. S. Ramsay and S. McMurray E. M. McLauehlan J. Rutland .. P. Campbell .. J. Adams and G A. Cross J. Christie F. H. Andrews W. T. London F. V. Raymond H. Read E. J. Thwaites M. Ryan W. H. Paterson A. McLean T. A. and J. Flynn P. A. S. Stephens 18665 18555 18783 17522 18500 18875 18604 18634 18553 18581 17480 18550 18563 18529 18530 18532 18591 18830 18854 18567 18581 18576 18860 18564 18831 18761 25 Oct. 6 Oct. 24 Nov. .. 5 Feb. 28 Sept. .. 20 Dec. 18 Oct. 20 Oct. 5 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Jan. 5 Oct. 8] Oct. 27 Sept. .. 27. Sept. .. 30 Sept. .. 14 Oct. 3 Dec. 10 Deo. 7 Oct. 13 Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Dec. 8 Oct. 3 Dec 14 Nov. .. 91 102 98 86 91 86 86 95 86 91 91 86 86 3 102 86 86 91 102 86 3 98 10 Nov. 22 Dec. 8 Dec. 27 Oct. 10 Nov.* 27 Oct. * 27 Oct. * 24 Nov. 27 Oct.* 10 Nov. lOJSTov. 27 Oct.* 27 Oct.* 12 Jan., 1905. 22 Dec. 27 Oct. 27 Oct.* 10 Nov.* 22 Dec. * 27 Oct.* 12 Jan., 1905, 8 Dec* R. J. Dickie and J. H. Brown A. Matheson .. W. T. London J. G. Dennison W. M. Norrie.. W. S. Campbell United Shoe Machinery Company H. Bohm H. E. McDonald Christchurch Meat Company, Limited 18548 18699 18830 18774 18869 18765 18626 18624 18702 18456 5 Oct. 3 Nov. .. 3 Dec. 21 Nov. .. 16 Dec. 14 Nov. .. 20 Oct. 20 Oct. 4 Nov. 16 Sept. .. 86 95 3 98 102 98 91 27 Oct.* 24 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905 8 Dec* 22 Dec* 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 95 91 24 Nov.* 10 Nov.* Press. (See Cheese-press.) Printing-block, Plate for Propelling-apparatus for bicycles, &c Protector. (See Boot - sole protector, Candle-protector, Cuff-protector, Feed-ing-bottle protector, Tire-protector.) Puller, TurnipPump. (See Compressed-air pump, Liquid or fluid pump, Spray-pump, Water-pump.) Punch, EarF. W. Sears .. W. S. Simpson P. and D. Duncan, Limited 17685 18623 18571 22 March .. 20 Oct. 8 Oct. 98 95 8 Dec. 24 Nov. 27 Oct.* 86 A. H. Tinkham 18685 2 Nov. .. 95 24 Nov. Race for sheep Racing-hurdle G Rask and E. A. Cameron H. P. Knutzen, W. A. Elwarth, and G. R. Buscke 18899 18575 23 Dec. 7 Oct. 3 95 12 Jan., 1905.* 24 Nov.* Rack. (See Plate-rack.) Rails, Dressing surfaces of Rail-bed plate Railway brake Railway car Railway indicator Railway-sleeper, Compound for protection of Rain-water collector Rake Range-finder for rifle shooting Receptacle for perishable goods Recording and numbering machine Reducing fuel-consumption of vessel Reflecting-apparatus, advertising-medium Register, CashRegistering and number-recording machine Regulator. (See Draught-regulator, Tem-perature-regulator. ) Rein-holder Ridger, Disc Ridging Ridging M. Woods and T. J. Gilbert H. Reed F. W. Gasmier A. R. Angus H. Ashworth S. Ford and J. S. Freeman L. Adamson J. Dunbar R. H. Owen .. C. P. Parkerson C. B. Smith .. T. Ashcroft R. L. H. Murray E. G. Fletcher H. Droutlege 18537 18567 18501 18714 18762 18526 18754 18645 18670 18608 18920 18701 18600 18611 18594 30 Sept. .. 7 Oct. 28 Sept. .. 8 Nov. .. 18 Nov. .. 1 Oct. 16 Nov. .. 17 Oct. 28 Oct. 18 Oct. 29 Dec. .. 1 Nov. .. 13 Oct. 19 Oct. 11 Oct. 91 86 86 98 86 102 91 91 91 10 Nov. 27 Oct. 27J,Oot. 8 Dec* 27J Oct.* 22 Dec. 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 95 24 Nov.* 95 91 24 Nov'.' 10 Nov. A. Dyke F. Cooper T. C. Hement.. C. S. Hawkeswood 18719 18660 18793 17541 7 Nov. .. 25 Oct. 26 Nov. .. 11 Feb, 95 91 98 98 24 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 8 Dec* 8 Dec



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

.pp! licai on. l aze. te. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. No. Date. i>o. Ridging, Forming sheet-iron Rifle, Ladder and frame for Rifle shooting, Range-finder for Rifle-sight Rifle-sight, Fixing spirit-level to Rifle, Vernier and traversing-bar for ladder of Rifle vernier, Ventometor for fixing spiritlevel to Rock-drill Rock-drilling engine Rod. (See Stair-rod, Wheel-rod.) Roll, BuffingRoller for wire-gauze screen Roofing, Fixing corrugated-iron Roofing-tile and ridging Roofing-nail Rotary scraping-board Rotary turbine engine, Steam-exhaust for T. C. Hement.. .. .. j 18557 G. B. H. Austin .. .. 18620 R. H. Owen .. . . .. 18670 H. J. Paddock .. .. 18664 G. B. H. Austin .. .. 18521 G. B. H. Austin .. .. 18453 4 Oct. 20 Oct. 28 Oct. 27 Oct. 29 Sept. . . 15 Sept. . . • 86 91 91 27 Oct.* 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 91 86 10 Nov.* 27 Oct.* G. B. H. Austin .. .. 18546 4 Oct. 86 27 Oct.* W. C. Johnson and G. C. Pearson ! 18610 F. L. Roudebush .. .. 18827 19 Oct. 1 Dec. 91 3 10 Nov.* 12 Jan., 1905. United Shoe Machinery Company 17453 J. M. Sibbit .. .. .. 18519 J. W. Wrigley .. .. 18654 G S. Hawkeswood .. .. 17541 W. J. Templeton .. .. 18814 C. E. Horman .. .. 18757 T. W. May .. .. .. 18766 12 Jan. 29 Sept. 25 Oct. 11 Feb. 1 Dec. 16 Nov. .. 14 Nov.' .. 86 91 95 98 27 Oct. 10 Nov.* 24 Nov. 8 Dec. 98 8 Dec* Saddle G. B. and A. Edwards and W. 18894 Wetenhall R. A. G Russell .. .. 18388 W. P. Conolly .. .. 18511 G. G. Turri .. .. .. 18852 L. Clark .. .. .. 17105 F. Stowell .. .. .. 18589 W. H. Terry .. .. .. 18616 F. de J. Clere .. .. .. 18674 J. Wiseman .. .. .. 17293 A. L. Hewton .. .. 18547 A. J. Park .. .. .. 17447 29 Dec. 3 12 Jan., 1905.* Saddle-tree Safety appliance for elevator Safety-pin Sanitary pipes flanging Sash-fastener Sash for window Sash for window, Reversible Sash-lock Sash raiser and lock Sash-suspender Sash. (See also Window-sash.) Scraping-attachment for brush Scraping-board, Rotary Screen, Roller for wire-gauze Screw-key for nuts and bolts Scutcher. (See Flax-scutcher.) Scutching-attachment, Water Seal, CorkSeal or stopper Seat. (See Vehicle-seat, Chair-seat.) Seed-sower Separator, Liner for .. Separator. (See Grain and wild - oats separator, Magnetic separator, Oreseparator. ) Sewing-machine Sewing-machine needle Shaft-bearings Shaft, securing to vehicle Shaft-stop Shaft. (See Vehicle-shaft.) Shaving-brush Sheaves-conveyor Sheep, &c, Travelling-race for Sheet-glass manufacture Shelter. (See Paper health shelter.) Ship-controller Shoe. (See Boot or shoe, Horse-shoe.) Sight. (See Rifle-sight.) Signal-lamp .. .. ,. 26 Marchf .. 29 Sept. .. 13 Dec. 13 Oct., 1903 10 Oct. 18 Oct. 29 Oct. 26 Nov. 1 Oct. 9 Jan. 102 91 3 86 91 91 91 102 95 98 22 Dec. 10 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oct. 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 22 Dec. 24 Nov. 8 Dec. H. Ward .. .. .. 18397 C. E. Horman .. .. 18757 J. M. Sibbit .. .. .. 18519 S. McDonald and G. S. Stevenson 18801 31 Aug. 16 Nov. 29 Sept. .. 29 Nov. 91 91 10 Nov. 10 Nov.* H. Seifert .. .. .. 17819 G. S. Stevenson .. .. 18534 Champion Seal Company .. 18816 20 April .. 30 Sept. 1 Dec. 83 86 13 Oct. 27 Oct. * 12 Jan., 1905. J. King .. .. .. 18784 J. A. Ohlsson .. .. .. 18884 24 Nov. 22 Dec. E. A. Angus . . .. .. 18693 E. J. Hall .. .. .. 18808 E. R. Smith .. .. .. 18885 J. T. Rodgers.. .. .. 18673 W. S. Grant .. .. .. 18566 3 Nov. .. 1 Dec. 22 Dec. 25 Oct. 6 Oct. 98 3 6 91 86 8 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905. 26 Jan., 1905. 10 Nov. * 27 Oct.* G. Koch .. .. .. 18478 J. Orr, jun. .. .. .. 18771 C. Rask and E. A Cameron .. 18899 Window-glass Machine Company 18837 22 Sept. .. 19 Nov. .. 23 Dec. 2 Dec. 86 98 3 3 27 Oct.* 8 Dec* 12 Jan., 1905.* 12 Jan., 1905. E. Smethurst ... .. 17606 1 March .. 102 22 Dec. The Lamp Manufacturing Com- 18861 pany, Limited Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Com- 18725 pany, Limited H. Corbett .. .. .. 18662 W. J. Sellars .. .. .. 17379 0. Gemeinhardt .. .. 18505 M. Bacon .. .. .. 18776 F. T. Paten . . .. .. 18587 13 Dec. 6 26 Jan., 1905. Signalling-key, Telegraphic 10 Nov. 98 8 Dec. Siphon Skewers, &c, Manufacturing Skin measurer and wringer Skirt and blouse support Slags for making mineral wool, Producing Sleeper. (See Railway-sleeper.) Slimes, Extracting mineral particles from Slimes-filter Sluice-box, Raking material from Smoke-consumer Smoke-consumer Smoke-destroyer for furnace Snatch-block, Releasable Sole. (See Boot-sole.) Sole laying and levelling machine Sower. (See Manure-sower, Seed-sower, Turnip and rape sower.) Spear, Hthing27 Oct. 16 Dec, 1903 28 Sept. .. 17 Nov. 13 Oct. 91 95 86 3 86 lO'.Nov.* 24 Nov. 27 Oct. 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oct.* E. J. Swyny and S. G. Plucknett 18586 H. R. Cassel .. .. .. 17600 G. Dennis, jun. .. .. 17519 H. Gunn .. .. .. 18850 C. J. Johnson and J. Carlaw .. 18865 A. H. Byron .. .. .. 18747 J. Ducker, jun. .. .. 18542 13 Oct. 2 March .. 6 Feb. 6 Dec. 14 Dec. 12 Nov. 4 Oct. 91 102 98 3 102 95 86 10 Nov. 22 Dec. 8 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905.* 22 Dec* 24 Nov.* 27 Oct.* United Shoe Machinery Company 18690 3|>Nov. .. 91 10 Nov.* F. H. Andrews .. .. 18591 14 Oot. 86 27 Oot.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. I Date. . i I Speed of vessel, Increasing .. .. j T. Ashcroft Spiles, &c, Manufacturing .. .. W. J. Sellars Spirit-level, Fixing, to rifle-sight .. G. B. H. Austin Spoons, Moustache-guard for .. . . G. G. Sutherland and A. G. Brett Spouting-bracket .. .. . . F. Wilkinson Spouting, Forming O.G. .. '.. T. G Hement Spray-pump, Agitator for .. .. A. Billens Spreader for traces .. .. .. j B. Gibbs Spreader for trace-chains .. J. Holms, jun. Spring-equalising apparatus for vehicles. . G E. Bailey Stacking-appliance .. .. .. j J. Gemmell Stair-rod .. .. .. .. G. W. Basley Stair-rod, Securing .. .. .. E. S. Smith Stamp-vending machine .. .. R. J. Dickie and J. H. Brown Stamping-machine, Coin-freed .. .. C. E. Gray and J. S. Tolman Stand. (See Bicycle-stand.) Staple. (See Fencing-staple.) Steam-exhaust .. .. .. T. W. May Steam-turbine .. .. .. H. C. Henderson Steam-turbine .. .. .. j J. G Eraser Steel, Manufacture of.. .. .. G F. Lungley Stirrer, Milk- .. .. .. W. E. Toxward and D. G. Monrad Stopper. (See Bottle - stopper, Horse - stopper, Seal or stopper, Non-refillable stopper.) Stove. (See Cooking-stove, Gas-stove.) Strainer .. .. .. A. McDonald and S. R. Stedman Strainer. (See Clothes-strainer, Fencingstrainer, Wire-strainer.) Strap-lock .. .. .. .. H. Kitchin and A. Patten Strap. (See Breeching-strap.) Street-scavenger .. .. .. G. B. B. Elliott Stretcher, Woven-wire .. .. E. Grundy Stumps, Cricket- .. .. A. Bridge Support. (See Hammock-support, Skirt and blouse support.) Surgical instrument for use on cattle .. G Brake Suspender. (See Curtain-suspender, Pic-ture-suspender.) Swath-turner .. .. .. E. . Blackstone and R. E. Watts Swingletree, Trace-holder for .. A. Dyke Switch, Electric .. .. .. W. Kingsland 18701 17379 18521 17559 18704 18528 18659 18657 18452 18541 17607 18891 18703 18548 17386 18766 18592 18864 16975 18768 1 Nov. .. 16 Dec, 1903 29 Sept. .. 23 Feb. 5 Nov. 1 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 12 Sept, .. 4 Oct. 27 Feb. 22 Dec. 4 Nov. 5 Oct. 17 Dec, 1903 14 Nov. 14 Oct. 12 Dec. 5 Aug., 1903 19 Nov. .. 95 95 91 102 95 83 95 98 102 86 102 3 86 86 98 91 102 83 98 24 Nov.* 24 Nov. 10 Nov.* 22 Dec. 24 Nov.* 13 Oct.* 24 Nov. 8 Dec. 22 Dec. 27 Oct.* 22 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct.* 27 Oct. 8 Dec* 10 Nov.* 22 Dec. 13 Oct. 8 Dec. 16 Dec. 22 Dec* 18871 102 18569 7 Oct. 86 27 Oct.* 18880 18577 18485 21 Dec. 11 Oct. 22 Sept. .. 95 86 24 Nov.* 27 Oct. 18656 24 Oct. .. | 95 24 Nov. 18804 18718 18856 29 Nov. 7 Nov. .. 14 Dec. 102 95 3 22 Dec. 24 Nov.* 12 Jan., 1905. Table. (See Billiard-table, Bowl-testing table, Gold-saving table, Time-table.) Table-amusement .. .. .. C. H. Waddle and S. White Table-cricket .. .. H. Brice Tailings, &c, Extraction of mineral par- E. J. Swyny and S. G. Plucknett.. tides from 17478 17460 18586 15 Jan. 13 Jan. 13 Oct. 98 91 91 8 Dec. 10 Nov. 10 Nov. Tap .. .. .. .. | A. Burt Tap for tins .. .. .. ! H. S. Clark Tar and mineral matter, Manufacture of S. Ford and J. S. Freeman articles from compounds of Teat-cup, Pneumatic .. .. i A. Gillies Telegraphic signalling-key .. .. Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited 18643 18874 18614 19 Oct. 16 Dec. 19 Oct. 91 91 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 17639 18724 9 March .. 10 Nov. .. 83 98 13 Oct. 8 Dec. Telegraph. (See also Wireless telegraph.) Telescope .. .. .. .. ; C. Soulas Telemeter .. .. .. .. A. Hare Temperature-indicator .. .. J. Gallagher Temperature-regulator for incubator .. R. Law Teredo worm, Preventing attack of, in J. Rutland wooden piles Tester. (See Egg-tester, Bowl-tester.) Testing. (See Ball-testing, Bowl-testing, Cream-testing.) Thimble. (See Lamp-burner thimble.) Thinning and weeding knife .. .. A. Lowe Threshing-machine, Conveying sheaves J. Orr, jun. from stacks to Ticket-vending machine .. .. ! R. J. Dickie and J. H. Brown .. Tile. (See Roofing-tile.) Timber veneer, Repairing defects in A. McColl Time-table advertising-device .. .. W. J. Rae Tin. (See Preserving-tin.) Tins, Tap for .. .. .. H. S. Clark Tip road-wagon .. .. .. F. Cooper Tire-cover .. .. .. .. E. Burchett Tire for cycle, &c .. .. J. J. Daily Tire, Pneumatic .. .. P. Magnus Tire-protector .. .. .. I A. McLean Tire, Vehicle- .. .. .. j J. Thomson Tire. Vehicle- .. .. .. | T. P. Lyons 17496 18887 17996 18692 18563 25 Jan. 23 Dec. 4 June 3 Nov. .. 8 Oct. 95 3 102 98 24 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905.* 22 Dec. 8 Dec. 31 Dec 19 Nov. .. 26 Jan., 1905. 8 Dec* 18910 18771 6 98 18548 5 Oct. 86 27 Oct.* 18652 18749 21 Oct. 16 Nov. .. 91 10 Nov.* 18874 18732 18781 18336 18631 18564 18791 17579 16 Dec. 10 Nov. .. 22 Nov. 18 Aug. 20 Oct. 8 Oct. 24 Nov. 26 Feb. 95 98 95 95 86 98 102 24 Nov.* 8 Dec* 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 27 Oct.* 8 Dec* 22 Dec.



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

.pp; lical yion. 'aze te. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Tobacco-cutter Tobacco-cutter Tobacco-pipe Tobacco-pipe, Mouthpiece for Tow cleaning and sorting method Trace-holder Trace-spreader. (See Spreader.) Traction-engine governor-gear Trap. (See Bird-trap, Water-closet trap.) Trolly-pole Trolly-wheel of electric cars, Illuminating Trough. (See Concentrator-trough.) Trouser-hanger. (See Coat and trouser hanger.) Truck Tug-stop for shafts Turbine. (See Fluid - pressure turbine, Rotary turbine, Steam-turbine.) Turnip and rape feed Turnip and rape sower Turnip and rape sower Turnip-puller Turpentine, Treating fatty wood for production of Twine, Binder-Twitch-cutter and harrow D. G. Sutherland W. F. Dugins W. F. Dugins C. Peterson E. Elliott and A. J. Park A. Dyke 18851 18629 18628 17838 18545 18718 12 Dec. 20 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 April . . 14 Nov. 7 Nov. .. 102 95 95 91 102 95 22 Dec* 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 10 Nov. 22 Dec. 24 Nov.* E. F. and E. H. G Ridder 18901 29 Dec. 3 12 Jan., 1905.* J. W. Rooney W. H. Ludford 18786 18540 24 Nov. .. 4 Oct. 98 86 8 Dec* 27 Oct.* R. McKay H. W. Candy 18759 18744 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 95 95 24 Nov.* 24 Nov.* E. E. Porter D. Moore J. King P. and D. Duncan, Limited W. Hoskins 18618 18556 18784 18571 18500 19 Oct. 3 Oct. 24 Nov. 8 Oct. 28 Sept. .. 91 86 3 86 86 10 Nov.* 27 Oct.* 12 Jan., 1905.* 27 Oct.* 27 Oct. A. and W. Ross R. McGregor 18642 18588 21 Oct. 10 Oct. 95 86 24 Nov. 27 Oct.* Union joints, Method of making J. Christie 18532 30 Sept. .. 86 27 Oct.* Valve Valve, Pneumatic, for piano-player Valve, Operating, at predetermined time Vehicle mud-guard Vehicle Vehicle-seat Vehicle-seat slide Vehicle, Securing shaft to Vehicle-shaft, Securing breeching-strap to Vehicle, Spring-equalising apparatus for.. Vehicle-wheel Veneer. (See Timber veneer.) Ventilating-window Vernier ventometor for rifle Vessel, Reducing fuel-consumption of W. C. Nixon and M. J. Jones E. J. Thwaites A. Hare H. Munro S. G. Whitehouse J. H. Toner .. W. E. Searle and W. Gibb J. T. Rodgers J. Brake G E. Bailey J. Thomson .. 18593 18581 18886 18596 18429 18780 18735 18673 17629 18541 18791 11 Oct. 13 Oct. 23 Dec. 15 Oct. 2 Sept. .. 19 Nov. .: 8 Nov. 25 Oct. 7 March .. 4 Oct. 24 Nov. 95 86 3 91 98 95 91 95 86 98 24 Nov. 27 Oct.* 12 Jan., 1905.* 10 Nov. 8 Dec* 24 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 24 Nov. 27 Oct.* 8 Dec* W. E. Walker G. B. H. Austin T. Ashcroft 18644 18546 18701 19 Oct. 4 Oct. 1 Nov. 91 86 95 10 Nov.* 27 Oct.* 24 Nov.* Wagon, Tip roadWarming apparatus, Food-, &c. Wash-dirt excavating and elevating Washing-apparatus for wool Washing and drying machine Washing machine, Flax-Washing-machine Washing-boiler, Liner for Water-collector. (See Rain-water collector.) Water-closet trap, Jointing Water-gas production Water-pump Water scutching-attachment Water-tube boiler Weatherboards Weed-cutter Weed-eradicator Weed-eradicator Weed-eradicator Weed-eradicator Weed-eradicator Weed-eradicator Weeding-knife. (See Thinning and weeding knife.) Welt-operating machine Wheel-lock and horse-stopper Wheel-rod Wheel. (See also Trolly - wheel, Vehiclewheel.) Wild-oats and grain separator Wind and water motor Wind-gauge for rifle Wind-gauge sight for rifle Windmill Window Window-sash Window-sash F. Cooper H. Schnitzer A. McKay H. Ashworth P. M. Newton A. F. Gibson R. F. Marsh H. W. de Baugh 18732 17422 18750 18573 18755 18787 17988 18890 10 Nov. 30 Dec, 1903 16 Nov. 10 Oct. 14 Nov. 22 Nov. .. 1 June 21 Dec. 95 83 95 91 98 102 86 24 Nov.* 13 Oct. 24 Nov.* 10 Nov. 8 Dec 22 Dec* 27 Oct. C. E. Denmead and F. J. Mahoney J. T. Hunter B. G. A. Harkness H. Seifert J. Smaill F. de J. Clere W. Moses V. Karl H. Donkin E. D. Smith and J. T. Partridge .. G. Henderson, jun. E. G. A. Hille G. Henderson 18636 18729 18572 17819 18597 18682 18617 18866 18794 18678 18835 18807 18872 19 Oct. 10 Nov. . . 10 Oct. 20 April .. 14 Oct. 1 Nov. .. 19 Oct. 16 Dec. 28 Nov. . .. 29 Oct. 5 Dec. 29 Nov. 22 Dec. 6 95 86 83 91 91 91 102 26 Jan., 1905. 24 Nov.* 27 Oct.* 13 Oct. 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.* 22 Dec* 91 10 Nov.* 98 8 Dec* United Shoe Machinery Company T. Firth A. McDonald and S. R. Stedman 18691 17446 17099 3 Nov. .. 9 Jan. 10 Oct., 1903 91 95 91 10 Nov.* 24 Nov. 10 Nov. A. C. Wilson and J. C. McDonald L. T. Reichel G. B. H. Austin H. J. Paddock T. Danks W. Edwards and T. Larsen F. de J. Clere W. H. Terry 18833 18640 18546 18664 18825 18578 18674 18616 3 Dec. 21 Oct. 4 Oct. 27 Oct. 1 Dec 11 Oct. 29 Oot. 18 Oct. 102 91 86 3 3 91 91 22 Dec. 10 Nov.* 27 Oct.* 12 Jan., 1905. 12 Jan., 1905. 10 Nov.* 10 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


-VPl lical lion. tjtei te. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Window-sash lock Windows. (See also Anti-rattlers, Sash, Ventilating-window.) Wire-fence binder ... Wire coiler and uncoiler Wire-gauze screen, Roller for Wire rope, Clamp for Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire-strainer, "teelj Wire-tightener Wireless-telegraph transmitter J. Wiseman T. W. Coulthard J. F. Ross and W. Wiggins J. M. Sibbit A. E. Gill W. Norris F. M. Brewerton G. Ingram and G E. Thompson .. J. Simmonds J. J. Ward Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited H. Shoemaker T. J. A. Hicks and R. F. Way .. W. Hoskins .. T. Gare F. T. Paten H. Ashworth E. Grundy 17293 18655 18876 18519 18893 18844 18788 18544 18790 18785 18725 26 Nov., 1903 m 25|oct. 20 Dec 29~Sept. .. 24 Dec. 5 Dec. 25 Nov. 4 Oct. 23 Nov. .. 24 Nov. .. 10 Nov. .. 102 91 6 3 22 Dec. 10 Nov.* 26 Jan., 1905. 12 Jan., 1905. 3 98 98 12 Jan., 1905. 8 Dec* 8 Dec. Wireless-telegraph system Wire-woven mattress Wood, Treating fatty Wood, Treating Wool, Mineral, making Wool, Washing, &c Woven-wire stretcher Wrapper. (See Postal wrapper.) Wrench. (See Pipe-wrench.) Wringing and measuring machine for skins Writing-desk 18731 18454 18500 18859 18587 18573 18577 10 Nov. 15 Sept. .. 28 Sept. .. 14 Dec. 13 Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 102 86 86 3 86 91 95 22 Dec. 27 Oct.* 27 Oct. 12 Jan., 190. 27 Oct.* 10 Nov. 24 Nov.* O. Gemeinhardt J. H. Fuller 18505 18792 28 Sept. .. 23 Nov. 86 98 27 Oct. 8 Dec*

Name. Address. Class. — A No. Application. ipp Gazette. Date. No. Date. Company, The Agricultural and Pastoral Food Company, Limited, The Agricultural and Pastoral Food Company, Limited, The Aktiengesellschaft Vormals Seidel and Naumann Appleton, J. A., and another Arkell and Douglas New York, U. S. A. Wellington, N.Z. 9 42 4733 5040, 1 25 May 25 Nov. 96 OS 24 Nov. 8 Dec. Wellington, N.Z. 42 5046 1 Dec 98 8 Dec Dresden, Saxony 6 5050 1 Dec. 98 8 Dec. Sydney, N.S.W. New York, U.S.A., and Sydney, N.S.W. London, England London, England 1 47 4963 4958, 9 20 Oct. 15 Oct. 86 86 27 Oot. 27 Oct. Asiatic Petroleum Company, Limited, The Asiatic Petroleum Company, Limited, The Auckland Pure Food Company, The. (See E. C. Hadfield.) Australian Explosives and Chemical Company, Limited, The 47, 13 47 5034, 5 5088 24 Nov. 29 Dec. 98 8 Dec 12 Jan., 1905. Melbourne, Victoria 2 5022 16 Nov. 98 8 Dec Bailey, G. E. Batkin, E. G Bay of Plenty Co-operative Dairy Association, Limited Beattie, Lang, and Co. Bock, and Co., P. Bock, J. A. British Columbia Packers Association, The British Columbia Packers Association, The British Columbia Packers Association, The British Columbia Packers Association, The Christchurch, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Te Puke, N.Z. 42 45 42 5068 5000 5039 12 Dec. 8 Nov. 102 95 22 Dec. 24 Nov. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Vancouver, B.C. 42 3 3 42 5081 5089 4938 4941 16 Dec. 29 Dec. 28 Sept. 29 Sept. 102 95 86 22 Dec. 24 Nov. 27 Oct. Vancouver, B.C. 42 5004, 9 10 Nov. Vancouver, B.C. 42 5005-8, 5010 5011 10 Nov. 95 24 Nov. Vancouver, B.C. 42 10 Nov. 102 22 Dec. Browne Bros, and Geddes Buchanan, Limited, W. Bycroft, Limited Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 42 42 42 5020 5057 4946 14 Nov. 3 Dec. 1 Oct. 95 98 86 24 Nov. 8 Dec. 27 Oct. California Fig Syrup Company (Inc.) .. San Francisco, U.S.A., and London, England New Southgate, England London, England Gore, N.Z. 3 5030, 2 22 Nov. Carr and Son Chapman, Deekes, and Co., F. Christie, A. Chrystall and Co. (See Neill and Co., Limited.) 50 13 42 4512 5075 4957 12 Jan. 14 Dec. 14 Oct. 91 102 91 10 Nov. 22 Dec. 10 Nov.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks — continued.


Name. Address. Class. — A No. Application. vppl No. Gazette. Date. Date. Clarke,';Nickolls, and Coombs, Limited Clarke, Nickolls, and Coombs, Limited Clay and Bock and Co., Limited, H. London, England London, England London, England, and Havana, Cuba London, England, and Havana, Cuba London, England Lower Hutt, N.Z. 42 42 45 5043 5044 5063-5 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 9 Dec. 98 102 102 8 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. Clay and Bock and Co., Limited, H. 45 5085 22 Dec. 3 12 Jan.. 1905. Cowley, A., and another Cudby, G., and another^ 42 50 5028 4949 22 Nov. 4 Oct. 102 83 22 Dec. 13 Oct. Dally, E. .. Dannevirke Woodware Manufacturing Company, The. (See A. L. Gordon and Co.) Davies and Fehon, Limited De Lisle, De B., and another De Luen Bros. Dickinson, C. Durie and Co., A. Durie and Co., A. Masterton, N.Z. 42 5083 19 Dec. 6 26 Jan., 1905. Sydney, N.S.W. Gisborne, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 47 2 38 45 42 42 5080 4608 5036 4887 4994 5069 15 Dec 15 March .. 24 Nov. 29 Aug. 4 Nov. 12 Dec. 102 95 22 Dec. 24 Nov. 86 91 102 27 Oct. 10 Nov. 22 Dec. Electro-Silicon Company, The Espenhahn, E., and others New York., U.S.A. Sydney, N.S.W. 50 2 4978 4966 27 Oct. 21 Oct. 91 91 10 Nov. 10 Nov. Felton, Grimwade, and Co. Finn, G., and another Fletcher, Humphreys, and Co. Francis Chapman, Deekes, and Co. Fulford, G. T. Melbourne, Victoria Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. London, England Brockville, Canada 42 13 42 13 3 4989 5012 5045 5075 4982 3 Nov. .. 10 Nov. .. 1 Dec 14 Dec. 31 Oct. 91 95 98 102 91 10 Nov. 24 Nov. 8 Dec. 22 Dec. 10 Nov. Giesen, W. B., and another Gilberd and Sons, J. B. Gilbert Machinery Company, Limited, The Globe Proprietary, Limited, The Gordon and Co., A. L. Graham, R. Green and Colebrook, Limited Guthridge, Limited, N. Gutta Percha and Rubber Manufacturing Company of Toronto, Limited, The Gutta Percha and Rubber Manufacturing Company of Toronto, Limited, The Wanganui, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 42 47 16,47 5078 4961 5023,'4 15 Dec. 17 Oct. 16 Nov. 3 86 IIS 12 Jan., 1905. 27 Oct. 8 Dec. Auckland, N.Z. Dannevirke, N.Z. Pitlair, Scotland Ngaruawahia, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Toronto, Canada 7 50 42 4972-4 50 38 5037 5002 4981 4, 42, 47 4965 5051 25 Nov. 8 Nov. • .. 31 Oct, 22 Oct. 20 Oct. 29 Nov. HI Sd Sd 10 Nov. 27 Oct, 27 Oct. Toronto, Canada 40, 50 5052, 3 29 Nov. 1)S S Dec. Hadfield, E. C. Hadfield, E. C. Hannagan, F. Hawkes' Bay Co-operative Dairy Company, The. (See Beattie, Lang, and Co.) Hean, G. W. Hennessy and Co., J. Hennessy and Co., J. Hennessy and Co., J. Hennessy and Co., J. Henry, W., and another Higgins, F. E. Histed, J. R., and another Holbrooke Limited Hutt Valley Timber Company, The. (See W. Henry and G. Cudby.) Hyde, A. .. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Opoho, N.Z. 42 42 3 4960 5015 4950 15 Oct. 12 Nov. 5 Oct. HI 95 10 Nov. 24 Nov. Wanganui, N.Z. Cognac, France Cognac, France Cognac, France Cognac, France Lower Hutt, N.Z. Cambridge, N.Z. London, England Birmingham, England .. 3 43 43 43 43 50 3 42 42 4997, 8 4967 4968 4969 4970 4949 5082 5028 4991 7 Nov. 21 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Oct. . .. 21 Oct. 4 Oct. 16 Dec. 22 Nov. 3 Nov. .. 95 95 98 102 3 83 102 102 91 24 Nov. 24 Nov 8 Dec. 22 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905. 13 Oct. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 10 Nov. Te Awamutu, N.Z. 44 5001 8 Nov. 96 24 Nov. Independent Starch Company Inglewood Co-operative Bacon - curing Company, Limited, The Inglis Bros. (See T. Inglis.) Inglis, T. .. Inglis, T. .. Ingram, G., and another Izard, W. A., and another New York, U.S.A. Inglewood, N.Z. 42 42 4873 5003 17 Aug. 10 Nov. 96 95 24 Nov. 24 Nov. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Lower Moutere, N.Z. .. Wanganui, N.Z. 6 13. 22, 40 7 42 5070 5071-3 5021 5078 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Nov. 15 Dec. 3 102 95 3 12 Jan., 1905. 22 Dec. 24 Nov. 12 Jan., 1905. Jones and Son, Limited, H. I. Jones, E. V. Wanganui, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 39 42 4926 5013 20 Sept. .. 10 Nov. 86 95 27 Oct. 24 Nov Keddie, J. H. Kingsland, W. J. Kirkcaldie and Stains, Limited Greymouth, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. Wellington and Napier, N.Z. 3 50 27 5067 4992 4948 9 Dec 3 Nov. 3 Oct. 91 83 10 Nov. 13 Oct. Lennon, F. J. Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Linde British Refrigeration Company, Limited, The Rockhampton, Q. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. London, England 3 42 47,48 47 4928 4914 4955. 6 5031 22 Sept. .. 15 Sept. .. 13 Oct. 22 Nov. 86 91 86 98 27 Oct. 10 Nov. 27 Oct. 8 Dec.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.

Name. Address. Class. Application. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Lisle, de. (See under De.) Loopuyt, P. .. .. .. Schiedam, Holland Loopuyt and Co., P. (See P. Loopuyt.) Luen, de. (See under De.) Luttrell, E. V., and another .. .. Gisborne, N. Z. 43 5017 14 Nov. 98 8 Dee. 2 4608 15 Maroh .. 95 24 Nov. Maling and Dixon. (See T. J. Maling.) Maling, T. J. .. .. .. Christchurch, N.Z. Manson, H. J. .. .. .. Palmerston North, N.Z. MarechaV Ruchon and Co., Limited .. London, England, and St. Claude & Paris, France Marechal Ruchon and Co., Limited .. London, England, and St. Claude & Paris, France Marechal Ruchon and Co., Limited .. London, England, and Paris, France 42 7 50 50 4953 4983 5059 5060, 1 10 Oct. 1 Nov. .. 6 Dec. 6 Dec. 86 91 27 Oct. 10 Nov. 98 8 Dec. 50 5090 29 Dec. 3 12 Jan., 1905 Martial and Cie. (See J. R. Histed and A. Cowley.) Martin, F. L., and others .. .. Sydney, N.S.W. Martin, V. E., and others .. .. Sydney, N.S.W. McArthur, W. and A., South Africa, : Sydney, N.S.W. Limited McLeod and Co., C. .. .. .. Napier, N.Z. Me'da Proprietary .. .. .. Wellington, N.Z. Middlemas, R. .. .. .. London, England Minerva Motors, Limited .. .. London, England Murias y Ca, J. S. .. .. .. I New York, U.S.A. 2 2 42 47 3 45 22 45 4966 4966 4935 5055, 6 4990 4984 5029 5066 21 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Sept. .. 3 Dec. 3 Nov. .. 1 Nov. 22 Nov. 9 Dec. 91 91 86 98 3 91 98 102 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 27 Oct. 8 Dec. 12 Jan., 1905. 10 Nov. 8 Dec. 22 Dec. Nathan and Co., Limited, J. .. .. Wellington, N.Z. Nathan and Co., Limited, J. .. .. Wellington, N.Z. Neil, J. G. .. .. .. • ■ Invercargill, N.Z. Neill and Co., Limited .. .. Christchurch, N.Z. New Zealand Dairy Association, Limited, Auckland, N.Z. The North British Rubber Company, Limited Edinburgh, Scotland .. 42 42 2, 3 50 42 4987 5014 4976, 7 4996 4971 1 Nov. .. 10 Nov. 24 Oct. 5 Nov. 22 Oct. 95 91 91 86 24 Nov. 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 27 Oct. 38 4828 22 July 95 24 Nov. Parsons, The Hon. C. A. .. .. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Parsons, The Hon. C. A. .. .. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Paterson and Co., A. S. .. .. Wellington, N.Z. Pike, A. S., and another .. .. i Wellington, N.Z. Pope Manufacturing Company .. New York, U.S.A. Prieto, M. .. .. .. Manila, Philippine I. .. 6 13 42 13 22 45 4985 4986 5079 5012 4525,6,7,9 4962 1 Nov. '.. 1 Nov. 15 Dec. 10 Nov. 20 Jan. 18 Oct. 91 95 10 Nov. 24 Nov. 95 83 86 24 Nov. 13 Oct. 27 Oct. Rogers, A. .. .. .. Ottawa, Canada Ross and Glendining, Limited.. .. Invercargill, N.Z. 3 38 5076 5042 14 Dec. 28 Nov. .. 102 98 22 Dec. 8 Dec. Sargood, Son, and Ewen .. .. | New Zealand Sargood, Son, and Ewen .. .. New Zealand Schlitz Brewing Company, The Jos. .. ! Milwaukee, U.S.A. Scott, W. A. .. " .. .. Dunedin, N.Z. Scrubb and Co., Limited .. .. London, England Seidel and Naumann. (See Aktiengesellschaft.) Shacklock, Limited, H. E. .. .. Dunedin, N.Z. Smith and Smith .. .. .. ; Dunedin, N.Z. Sociedad Anonima Germinal Fabriea de Tobaccos. (See M. Prieto.) South British Packing Company. (See A. S. Paterson and Co.) Southern Cross Biscuit Company, Limited, Wanganui, N.Z. The Southern Medical and Manufacturing Christchurch, N.Z. Company Spinner and Co., E. .. .. .. Manchester, Eng., and Bombay, India Standard Oil Company of New York . . New York, U.S.A. Standard Paint Company, The .. New York, U.S.A. Strange and Company, Limited, W. .. Christchurch, N.Z. Sykes, A. E. .. .. .. New Plymouth, N.Z. .. 13 38 43 18 47, 48 4999 5054 5077 4995 5018, 9 7 Nov. .. 1 Dec. 14 Dec. 4 Nov. 14 Nov. 95 98 24 Nov. 8 Dec. 98 8 Dec. 18 1 5016 4447 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 1903 95 98 24 Nov. 8 Dec. 5062 8 Dec. 22 Dec. 42 102 3 4988 2 Nov. .. 91 10 Nov. 24 5084 22 Dec. 3 12 Jan., 1905. 47 50 38 2 4993 5047, 8 4980 4979 3 Nov. .. 1 Dec. 28 Oct. 28 Oct. 6 95 26 Jan., 1905. 24 Nov. Te Rau a Moa Co-operative Dairy Com- Te Rau a Moa, N.Z. pany, Limited Thawley, J. .. .. .. Wellington, N.Z. Thompson, G E., and another .. Lower Moutere, N.Z. .. Tranter, J. .. .. .. Christchurch, N.Z. Trevithiek, A. .. .. .. Auckland, N.Z. Turnbull and Co., W. and G. .. .. Wellington, N.Z. Tyree and Co., A. .. .. Christchurch, N.Z. 42 4945 1 Oct. 83 13 Oct. 42 7 6 43 42 38 4954 5021 4951 5038 4231 5033 10 Oct. 14 Nov. .. 6 Oct. 25 Nov. 9 June, 1903 23 Nov. .. 91 95 86 98 98 98 10 Nov. 24 Nov. 27 Oct. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. Ulander, J. J. .. .. .. Ekon, Sweden 7 5049 1 Dec. Victor Butter and Export Box Company Melbourne, Vic Proprietary, Limited 50 5074 14 Dec.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9os.

15— H. 10.-05

Name. Address. Class. — A No. Application. ipp Gazette. Date. No. Date. Walters and Co. (See R. Middlemas.) Walters, H., and another Mendel and Co., I. (See 4. Trevithick.) Vhiley Bros. (See R. and F. Whiley.) Vhiley, F., and another Vhiley, R., jun., and another.. Vhitcher, F. W. Villiams Medicine Company, The Dr. (See G. T. Fulford.) Villoughby, A. F. .. Vilson, Balk, and Co. Vilton, G. W. Voodhead. C. H. .. Sydney, N.S.W. Ohau, N.Z. .. Ohau, N.Z. .. Boston, U.S.A. 1 2 2 40 4963 4947 4947 5058 20 Oct. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Dec. 86 87 83 98 27 Oct. 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 8iDec. London, England Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 3 42 48 50 4964 5025-7 4952 4975 20 Oct. 19 Nov. 7 Oct. 22 Oct. 86 98 86 86 27 Oct. 8 Dec. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. Sele, C. W. lohrab and Co. St. Albane, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 50 42 5087 5086 29 Dec. 23 Dec. 3 3 12 Jan., 1905. 12 Jan., 1905.

Application. Gazette. Name. Address. No of Class. No. Date. No. Date. tcTaggart, J., jun. .. Morven, N.Z. 1 222 221 3 Dec. 19 Nov. .. 102 22 Dec. .. 95 24 Nov. lodier, G. Dunedin, N.Z. 2

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PATENTS, DESIGNS AND TRADE MARKS: SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS AND TRADE MARKS: SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS AND TRADE MARKS: SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, H-10

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