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1904. NB W ZEAL A N D


Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.


Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, the 30th Day of June, 1904. Ordered, " That a Public Petitions M to Z Committee, consisting of ten members, be appointed to consider all petitions that may be referred to it by the Petitions Classification Committee, to classify and prepare abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents, and to report the same from time to time to this House, and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereupon to this House ; also to have power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum: the Committee to consist of Mr. Alison, Mr. Buddo, Mr. Davey, Mr. Fowlds, Mr. W. Frasor, Mr. Kidd, Mr. Rhodes. .Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Smith, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Mills.)


No. Name. Page. No. Name. Pago. 659 419 810 382 Barclay, R. .. Bennett, F., and 27 others Black, R., and 8 others Clarke, W., and 20 others 10 2 !) 5 5 567 03/667 19 491 544 Payne, T. G., and 257 others Petherick, G., and 11 others Petherick, G., and 6 others (and twenty similar petitions, as per schedule) (deaths through drunkenness) Phillips, S. C. Picton '*? Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Piatt, W. J., and 46 others Pollok Settlement Road Board Prince, C. H. 4 3 II 9 379 Edwards, A. W., and 54 others. . Final Report 12 809 66 282 380 Good, J. C, and 21 others 5 8 558 653 557 Halley, W. .. Harnett, R. H., and 175 others Houldsworth, H. G. .. 10 5 10 412 556 377 77 858 370 381 411 Rawnsley, S., and 85 others Redmond, W. Reed, V, H., and 110 others .. Rhodes, C, and 47 others Ritchie, R., and 29 others Robinson, H. W. Robinson, H. S., and 28 others. . Rountree, J., and 33 others 3 10 5 86 Invercargill Borough Council (and eleven similar petitions, as per schedule), (Ore-puki-Waiau Railway) 3 10 3 5 5 378 Ludbrook, H. S., and 35 others.. 5 25 Sanson, H., and 11 others (and twenty similar petitions, as per schedule) (safe custody of ballot-papers) Scandrett, W. B., and 843 others Soarrow, C. D., and 259 others.. Scully, Hannah Searle, E. J... Shaw, H. L., and 31 others Smith, Louise E. Smith, F. .. Stephenson, J. J., and 9 others Stubbs, J., and 9 others (and eighteen similar petitions, as per schedule) (State bars) Stubbs, J. (and 212 similar petitions, as per schedule) (liquor in the Cook Islands) 6 64 802 65 921 925 180 44 771 342 532 533 747 661 763 658 13/12 422 309 Mackenzie, Jessie McFarlane, R. J., and 4 others. . McKeever, W. MoKinney, C. S. H. .. Magrath, Mrs. B. P. .. Malcolm, Emilie M. .. Mander and Bradley and 70 others Maori Hill Borough Council and 45 others Meikle, J. A. L., and 8 others Mercier, Francis F. .. Mercier, J. F. Millar, D. .. Moore, T., and 20 others Morrison, J. .. Mueller, G. J. Muirhead, T., and 28 others Murray, Mary J. Myers, J. S. .. 2 10 8 12 12 5 2 11 4 5 5 : 8 5 11 4 2 8 8 716 566 471 03/876 231 662 340 29 8 9 4 6 I I 3 8 9 4 7 9 417 909 460 23 Taylor, J. E., and 137 others Thompson, A. C. Travers, R. H., and 42 others Turner, N., and 7 others (and nine similar petitions, as per schedule) (case of Mary Richards) Turton, Marguerite A. 2 II 4 9 724 New Zealand Coal and Oil Company (Limited) Nicol, J., and 15 others Nilsson, F., and 76 others 9 459 366 9 3 458 8 687 770 801 Oldfield, Elizabeth J... Opotiki County Council and 254 others Orr, A., and 22 others.. 8 9 10 756 Vogel, Lady, and 3 others 12 Page, R., and 84 others Parker, H. .. Parsons, W. F., and 41 others Paul, Mabel F. 10 5 5 11 216 418 652 208 714 Wairoa Road Board Waitemata County Council Ware, J., and 287 others Warnes, Catherine Wilson, N., and 48 others 2 2 5 II s 843 92 490 884



EEPO li T 8.

No, 66.— Petition of Chairman, Pollok Settlement Road Board, of Auckland. Petitioners pray that they may be granted a sufficient sum of money to have the main road through the Pollok Settlement made uniform. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 22nd July, 1904.

No. 77. —Petition of Rhodes and 47 Others, of Hunua. Petitioners pray that the remaining three miles and a half of the new road to Hunua be completed. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 22nd July, 1904.

No. 64. —Petition of Jessie Mackenzie, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that provision may be made for the shelter and management of weak-minded or imbecile and idiotic children, &o. I am directed to report that this Committee reaffirms the resolution reported to the House on the 17th July, 1903, in connection with a similar petition —viz., " That, in the opinion of the Committee, the time has arrived when provision should be made for separate institutions for weakminded or imbecile and idiotic persons, who at present, through the want of more suitable accommodation, are sent to the lunatic asjlums, where they are unavoidably associated with patients who are under treatment for insanity, and where, also, no attempt is made towards classification or improvement by means of training and education; and, further, that from the evidence before them the Committee is of the opinion that there is urgent necessity for immediate action being taken by the Government in the matter. 22nd July, 1904.

No. 44. —Petition of Manper and Bradley and 70 Others, of Whakapara. Petitioners pray that they may be granted a sum of £500, to be spent on the Great North Road through the Township of Whakapara. I am directed to report that, in view of the fact that the Government derives considerable revenue from royalties on timber in the neighbourhood, and that the condition of the road is largely due to the carriage of the said timber from the mills, the Committee recommends the prayer of the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th July, 1904.

No. 12, 1903. —Petition of Thomas Muirhead and 28 Others, of Garston, &o. Petitioners, who are resident in the Lake County, pray that they may be included within the boundaries of Southland County. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not produced any evidence in support of their petition, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th July, 1904.

No. 216. —Petition of the Chairman, Wairoa Road Board, of Auckland. Petitioners pray that they may be granted the sum of £250 in aid of the Clevedon-Brookly Road. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 10th August, 1904.

Nos. 417, 418, and 419.- Petitions of John Edward Taylor and 137 Others; The Waitemata County Council; and F. Bennett and 27 Others, of Auckland. Petitioners pray that they may be granted a sum of £450 for the construction of a wharf at Huia. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petitions be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, 11th August, 1904,



No. 86.—Petition of the Mayor and Councillors of the Borough of Invercargill (and 11 similar Petitions as per attached Schedule). Petitioners pray that the construction of the next section of the Orepuki-Waiau Railway may be put in hand at once. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th August, 1904.

Schedule. No. 87.—Thomas O'Byrne and 13 others. No. 406.—Roderick McKenzie and 18 others „ 232. —George Clarke and 16 others. ~ 407. —A. Templeton and 21 others. „ 303.—James Anderson and 19 others. „ 484.—Walter Blakie and 98 others. „ 304. —Charles F. Sneyd and 23 others. „ 485.— J. J. H. McLean and 54 others. „ 404.— W. R. Pankhurst and 78 others. „ 48G.— W. J. Scott and 30 others. „ 405.— H. Erskine and 20 others.

No. 231. —Petition of Henry L. Shaw and 31 Others, of Leeston. Petitioners pray that provision may be made for the compulsory closing for one half-day weekly, in Road Board districts. I am directed to report that, as the prayer of the petitioners is provided for in a Bill now before the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 18th August, 1904.

No. 366.—Petition of F. Nilsson and 76 Others, of Kaipara, Ac. Petitioners pray that a wharf may be constructed at, the Telephone and Pilot Station, Pouto, Kaipara. I am directed to report that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th August, 1904.

No. 412. —Petition of S. Rawnsley and 85 Others, of Whangarei, &c. Petitioners pray that a grant of £400 may be made towards the construction of a concrete or stone bridge on the Maunu Road. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Govern ment for consideration. 18th August, 1904.

No. 370. —Petition, of Henry Wirgman Robinson, of Masterton. Petitioner prays that he may be granted further compensation or other relief on account of his having been retired from the position of District Judge at Nelson, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Govern ment for favourable consideration. 23rd August, 1904.

No. 544.—Petition of the Picton Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, of Picton. Petitioners pray that the Hospital and Charitable Institutions Act Amendment Bill be no' passed. 1 am directed to report that, in view of the Governor's Speech having indicated that the whole question of hospitals and charitable institutions will be dealt with this session, the Committee is of opinion it is advisable the alteration of boundaries as suggested in the Bill should be given effect to, and that the said Bill should not become law. 25th August, 1904.

No. 667, 1903. —Petition of George Petherick and 11 Others, of Wellington. Petitioners pray that inquiry may be made into alleged irregularities in connection with the local-option poll in the District of Newtown with a view of preventing a recurrence of the same, and to secure the proper custody of the votes cast, &c. I am directed to report —(1.) That the Committee has taken exhaustive evidence on the manner in which the ballot boxes and papers were dealt with at the last local-option poll in the Electoral District of Newtown. The evidence tendered gives strong reason to believe that the present irregular system of delivery of ballot-boxes to Deputy Returning Officers is unsatisfactory, and gives opportunity to remove or tamper with ballot-papers. (2.) The Committee finds that the ballot-papers at the Brooklyn polling-booth were repeatedly counted with great care, and, notwithstanding this fact, a serious and almost unaccountable difference was discovered at the official recount some days later. (3.) The Committee would recommend that great care be exercised by Returning Officers in the distribution and collection of ballot-papers and boxes, and particularly that the keys of ballot-boxes should never be left exposed or sent out attached to ballot-boxes without being fixed in sealed packages. (4.) The Committee would further recommend



the Government to prepare and issue to Returning Officers and their Deputies a short and concise set of printed instructions to be observed by them in the discharge of their duties. (5.) The Committee had evidence submitted that Returning Officers in some places have been precluded from obtaining the services of suitable and competent men employed in the public and municipal offices, simply on the ground that they were so employed whilst others were unemployed. The Committee are strongly of opinion that this restriction on the choice of suitable officials by Returning Officers should be removed. (6.) If the foregoing recommendations are given effect to, and reasonable care exercised in the selection of officials for this important work, the Committee believe that greater confidence in the conduct of elections and polls will be secured. 25th August, 1904.

No. 658. —Petition of Gerhard J. Mueller, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that he may be granted a pension on account of his retirement from the position of Assistant Surveyor-General and Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Provincial District of Auckland. I am directed to report that the Committee is of the opinion the petitioner is only prevented by a technicality from receiving a pension, and that if the pension cannot be granted without a special Act, the Government be requested to introduce such a measure this session. 26th August, 1904.

No. 29. —Petition of John Joseph Stephenson, of Auckland. Petitioner, late assistant magazine-keeper in the Defence Department, prays that he may be granted a pension or be reinstated in his office. I am directed to report that this Committee finds the petitioner has served since 1871 in the Armed Constabulary Force and as arms-cleaner at Auckland; that during all that time the petitioner was tinder the impression he would be entitled to a pension on retirement; that in the year 1888 a return, B. - 18, was presented to Parliament showing the petitioner's name as being one of those entitled to a pension; that on" the 30th April, 1904, the petitioner was retired, being granted three months' leave of absence on full pay, and was offered £319 lis. Id. as a retiringallowance. The petitioner asks to be granted pension in lieu of allowance. The Committee is of opinion that the petitioner has a moral claim to a pension. 30th August, 1904.

No. 342.—Petition of J. A. L. Meikle and 8 Others. Petitioners pray that the names of their father, J. J. Meikie, and their deceased brother, Arthur Meikle, may be removed from the criminal records of the colony; and that they be granted the sum of £5,000 as compensation for the sufferings, <_c, endured by them. I am directed to report that tho Committee is of opinion steps ought to be taken without further delay to attach to the criminal records of the colony a statement of the fact that J. J. Meikle was convicted on the evidence of a man named Lambert, who was subsequently imprisoned for having given perjured evidence in the case; that in view of the previous payments made to J. J. Meikle of £294 lGs. for legal costs and £500 by way of compensation, and taking into consideration the fact that the said J. J. Meikle has given a receipt for same in full satisfaction of all claims and demands in connection with the case, the Committee cannot make any recommendation for compensation to the petitioners. Bth September, 1904.

No. 460.—Petition of R. H. Travers and 42 Others, of Ngapenga, &c. Petitioners pray that the Korapupu - Te Kume Road may be constructed. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth September, 1904.

No. 566.- -Petition of C. D. Scarrow, and 259 Others, of Taihape, &c. Petitioners pray that portions of the Ohakune - Taihape Road may be metalled. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth September, 1904.

No. 567.—Petition of T. G Payne and 257 Others, of Mount Somers, <tc. Petitioners pray that a sufficient sum of money may be granted for the erection of certain bridges over the River Hinds, Bowyer's Stream. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Goverument'for consideration. Bth September, 1904.



No. 180.—Petition of Emilie Monson Malcolm, of Avondale. Petitioner states that during the Maori war her late husband was compelled to abandon his property on the Great Barrier Island, thereby losing all his stock and the results of his labour, &c. She prays for relief. I am directed to report that, in view of the long period that has elapsed since the incident happened referred to in the petition, no evidence can be obtained bearing on the case, and the Committee has therefore no recommendation to make. 9th September, 1904.

No. 92. —Petition of Henry Parker, of Waiuku. Petitioner prays that he may be granted some compensation for his past services as district police constable at Waiuku. I am directed to report that, in view of the petitioner's long and valuable services rendered as district police constable at Waiuku, the Committee recommends the Government to pay to the petitioner the sum of £50 in recognitior of the same. 9th September, 1904.

No. 661. —Petition of Thomas Moore and 20 Others, of Tirohanga, &c. Petitioners pray that the sum of £100 may be placed on the estimates for the purpose of connecting Tirohanga with Pakaru by road. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th September, 1904.

No. 411. Petition of J. Rountree and 33 Others, of Waikiekie. Petitioners pray that the telephone may be extended from Mangapai to Waikiekie. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration, and that, while expressing no opinion as to the value of telephone-construc-tion with the best possible materials, there appear to be some grounds for the Committee recommending the Government to adopt some cheaper system of telephone-construction to outlyingdistricts in order to give greater opportunities for extension of the same. 9th September, 1904.

No. 490. —Petition of W. F. Parsons and 41 Others, of Ruapekapeka, _c Petitioners pray that the forming and bridging the Hukerenui-South Waiotu Valley Road may be completed, and that the sum of £300 be jjlaced on the estimates for that purpose. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th September, 1904.

Nos. 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, and 382. Petitions of V. H. Reed and 110 Others, H. S. Ludbrook and 35 Others, A. W. Edwards and 54 Others, J. C. Good and 21 Others, H. S. Robinson and 28 Others, and W. Clarke and 20 Others. Petitioners pray that the two existing sections of railway-the Kawakawa-Opua and the Wha-ngarei-Hukerenui —may be connected without delay. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th September, 1904.

Nos. 652 and 653. - Petitions of James Ware and 287 Others, and R. H. Harnett and 175 Others. PETITIONEES pray that the Whangarei-Kawakawa railway-line may be completed. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th September, 1904.

Nos. 532 and 533. —Petitions of Frances Fannie Mercier and John Francis Mercier, of Toko. Petitioners allege that the petitioner John Francis Mercier contracted consumption while in the employ of the Government, &c. They pray for relief. I am directed to report that, in consideration of the circumstances of the case, the Committee recommends the Government to place the sum of £100 on the supplementary estimates as a compassionate allowance in full satisfaction of all claims and demands. 14th September, 1904.



No. 471.- Petition of Hannah Scully, of Levin. Petitioner prays that she may be paid the compensation that would have been due to her husband had he been retired from the Police Force of the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Govern ment for favourable consideration. 14th September, 1904.

No. 25. —Petition of H. Sanson and 11 Others (and 20 similar Petitions as per attached Schedule). Petitioners pray that full inquiry may be made into the care taken by Returning Officers in respect to the safe custody of ballot-papers, &c. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of these petitions has been quite recently fully reported upon by this Committee, they recommend the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration.

28th September, 1904. Schedule. No. 323. —Cuba Street Methodist Church, Palmerston No. 394.—Officers Women's Christian Temperance North. Union, Auckland. „ 324.—5. Smith and 2 others. „ 395.— W. Gibson and 7 others. „ 358.—C. Porter and 3 others. „ 438.—Pride of Christchurch Tent, 1.0. R. „ 387. —E. D. Patchett and 6 others. „ 439. —J. J. Bates and 2 others. „ 388. —W. Ready and another. „ 448.—A. Twyford and 3 others. „ 389. —Hope of Christchurch 1.0. G.T. Lodge. „ 449.—Mariners' Pride Lodge, Lyttelton. ~ 390.—Auckland Provinoe No-license Council. „ 450. —Antidote Division of Sons and Daughters „ 391. —W. Grigg and 10 others. of Tomperanee. „ 392. —Eden Electorate No-license League. „ 451. —Christchurch Prohibition League. „ 393.—Session, Knox Churoh, Auckland. ~ 452.—Reviving Stream Lodge of Good Templars ~ 563. —J. Officer and 2 others.

No. 9. — Petition of James Stubbs (and 212 similar Petitions as per attached Schedule). Petitioners pray that the importation into, or sale of liquor in the Cook Group of islands may not be permitted, &c. 1 am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of these petitions is being dealt with in the Licensing Bill now before the House, the Committee recommends the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th September, 1904.

Schedule. No. 10.— E. Newham and 2 others. No. 125.— W. McAra and 2 others. „ 30.—Auckland Province No-license Council. ~ 126.— R. Taylor and 6 others. „ 31. —Auckland Total Abstinence Society. „ 127. —E.H.Taylor. „ 32. —W. H. Bennett and 4 others. ~ 128.— R. Litten and another. „ 33. —C. Waterhouse and another. „ 129.—D. Hind and another. „ 49.—Young People's No-license League of Christ- „ 130.—Mariners' Pride Lodge, 1.0. G.T. church. ~ 131. —A. H. Smith and 3 others. n 50.—Canterbury Band of Hope Union. ~ 132. —P. C. Paterson and 3 others. „ 51.—Women's Christian Union, Christchurch. „ 133. —R. Croy. „ 52. —Canterbury Christian Endeavour Union. „ 142.—Southbridge Presbyterian Churoh. „ 53.—East Belt Methodist Church, Christchurch. „ 143.—Little River Methodist Church. 54.—James Little and 3 others. „ 144. H. H. Armstrong and 26 others. „ 55.— E. J. Butler and 3 others. „ 145.—Poihipi Mokaia Kohere and 10 others. 56. —J. Bloor aud another. „ 146.— J. East and another. „ 57. —W. J. Williams and 2 others. „ 147. —C. Gordon and 9 others. „ 58.—Emma Crump and another. „ 148.—C. Catton and 21 others. „ 59.—John Dukes and 13 others. „ 149.— J. Somerville and 76 others. (> 60. —W. Taylor and another, „ 150.— J. O'Dowd and 25 others. n 68.— T. H. Lyon and another. „ 151. —W. Martin and 28 others. n 69. —Congregation of St. John's Church, Welling- : „ 152.— J. W. Bull and 25 others, ton. „ 153.— F. Stafford and 27 others. „ 70.— N. Hall and 2 others. „ 154.—A. Spence and 10 others. „ 71.—New Hope Lodge, 1.0. G.T., Westport. „ 155.—Arch Hill Methodist Band of Hope. 72. —Congregation of Westport Methodist Church. „ 156.—Howick Presbyterian Church. „ 73.— J. Glassey and 37 others. „ 157.—Hobsonville Church. „ 78.—James Thomas and 15 others. „ 158.—Newton Branch of the Salvation Army. 79. R. Prouse and 2 others. „ 159.—Women's Christian Temperance Union, " t 80.—Rev. J. Wriglcy and 2 others. Auckland. 81.—Otahuhu Band of Hope. „ 160.—Mount Eden Baptist Church. „ 82.—Otahuhu Methodist Sunday-school. ~ 161.—Baptist Band of Hope, Ponsonby. 113. —J. H. Harper and 3 others. „ 162.—St. John's Band of Hope, Ponsonby. 114. E. Drake and 4 others. „ 163. —Congregation of Baptist Church, Ponsonby. „ 115.—Waimate Temperance Reform Union. „ 164.— W. Higginbottom and 3 others, „ 116.—Waimate Young Men's Bible (lass. „ 165.— E. C. Feltham and another. 117.—Presbyterian Church at Waihao Downs. „ 166.—Reviving Stream Lodge, 1.0. G.T. .. 118.—Members of Waimate Church. „ 167.— R. Ferguson and 3 others. 119. —Rongotea Primitive Methodist Church. „ 168.— W. J. Osborne and another. „ 120.— J. H. Blackwell and 2 others. „ 169.— T. A. Harris. . „ 121.— G. Gray and 2 others. „ 170. —J. Johnston and another. " „ 122. —J. Day and 4 others. „ 171. —W. Trueman and another. „ 123.—C. Dalleston and 2 others. „ 172.—P. Wilson and 2 others. „ 124.— G. Bond and 2 others. „ 173.— J. W. Hunter.



Schedule—cor^i/twerf. No. 174.— T. Lane and 6 others. | No. 275 J. W. Tinker and 10 others. „ 187.— W. E. Lambert and another. „ 276.— W. L. Kerr and 3 others, „ 188.—D. Nicol and 6 others. „ 277. —R. W. Catherwood and 3 others. „ 189.— E. H. Howard and 2 others. „ 278. —J. Standing and 5 others. „ 190.— W. Hay and another. „ 279.— G. Clement and 3 others. „ 191.— G. W. Bradley and 2 others. „ 280 J. Laurenson and 6 others. „ 192.—Pukekohe East Band of Hope. „ 286.— T. B. Bannerman and 2 others. „ 193.—Pukekohe East Sunday-school. „ 287.—5. M. Dallard and 2 others. „ 194.— J. Lamberton and 2 others. „ 288.— T. Norrie and 3 others. „ 201.— J. J. North and 499 others. „ 289 L. Boyle and 5 others. „ 202.— W. R. Woolley and 45 others. „ 290.—Pukekohe West Anglican Sunday-school. „ 203.—5. W. Jenkins and 2 others. ~ 291 Pukekohe Church. „ 211.—C. Murray and 2 others. .. 292.—Pukekohe West Band of Hope. „ 212.— W. B. Scott and 2 others. .. 293.—A. Pybus and 2 others. „ 213.—Congregational Church, Maungaturoto. ~ 294.— J. D. McGruer and 12 others. „ 214.—A. Cameron aud 2 others. ~ 295.—Mornington Presbyterian Church. „ 215.—South Marsden No-License League. „ 296.— J. Neil and 3 others. „ 221.— G. T. Marshall and another. „ 297 Dundas Street Methodist Church, Dunedin. „ 222.—Wesleyan Church Trustees, Waipuku. ~ 298.—Star of Freedom Lodge, 1.0. G.T., Roslyn. „ 223.— F. Nesbet and 2 others. ~ 299.—Mornington Methodist Church. „ 224.— G. T. Marshall and another. .. 300.— T. A. Williams and another. „ 225.— J. Grant and 2 others. „ 301.— E. Le Roy and 10 others. „ 226.— J. Clarke and 4 others. „ 302.—A. M. Dalrymple and 52 others. „ 233.—Methodist Sunday-school, Whangarei. „ 336. —Auckland Tabernacle Band of Hope. „ 234.—Hukerenui South Total Abstinence Society. ~ 337.— E. Tingey and another. „ 235.— W. A. Trevurza and 2 others. ~ 338.— E. Smith and 2 others. „ 236. —Nukuroa Band of Hope. ~ 339.— W. J. Bassett and another. „ 237.— W. Keall and 2 others. ~ 360.—Daisy Barriball. „ 238. —W. H. Hutchison and another. .. 361.— J. Mackie and 2 others. „ 239.—5. M. Gubb and another. ~ 362.— J. J. 0. Bates and 2 others. „ 240.—0. C. Hames. „ 363. —J. L. Patullo and 4 others. „ 241.— J. N. Buttle and 10 others. ~ 364.—Tutange Waionui and 211 others. „ 242.— J. Benning and another. ~ 383.—P. S. Hay and 8 others. „ 243.—Cust Lodge, 1.0. G.T. „ 384.— J. P. Murray and another. „ 244.—5. J. Hewitt. „ 385.— J. F. Strange and 5 others. n 245.— J. B. Hall and 34 others. „ 386.— R. A. Blair and 29 others. ~ 246.— J. Coutts and 6 others. ~ 401. —A. C. Lawry. ~ 247. —Waitahuna Presbyterian Church. „ 402.—A. C. Lawry and 4 others. „ 248.—Stirling Presbyterian Church. „ 403. —J. Officer and 2 others. „ 249.—5. W. Entrican and 2 others. ~ 413.—5. E. Williams and 3 others. ~ 250.— J. McKerrow and 4 others: ~ 430.— W. Grant and 3 others. „ 251.—A. R. Sayers and 19 others. „ 431.—A. J. Smith and another. „ 252.— R. B. Elder and 7 others. „ 432.— E. Tyler. „ 253.— W. Lee and 2 others. „ 433.— T. Fee and 2 others. „ 254.— G. Peterson and 2 others. ~ 434.—D. Hird and another. ~ 255. —Knapdale Presbyterian Church. , 435. —Pride of Christchurch Tent, 1.0.X. „ 256.—Gore Congregational Churoh. „ 436. —Richmond Methodist Church. „ 257. —Bluff Primitive Methodist Church. „ 437.—5. Lawry and 2 others. „ 258.—North Chatton Congregation. „ 447. —R. Taylor and 3 others. ~ 259.—D. Dewar and 4 others. „ 478. —Woolston Methodist Band of Hope. „ 260.—Gore United Temperance Council. „ 479. —A. Batten and 61 others. ~ 261.—Methodists of Cromwell District. ~ 599.—Women's Christian Temperance Union, ~ 262. —Queenstown and Frankton Presbyterian Timaru. Church. ~ 600. —Primitive Methodist Church, Timaru, „ 263. —Wairio Congregation. „ 601.—Salisbury Road Church, Midhirst. „ 264. —Minister and Elders, St. Andrew's Presby- ~ 692. —Rev. W. J. Elliott and 4 others terian Church, Auckland. ~ 693.—Rev. D. Borrie and another. „ 265.—Arch Hill Wesleyan Church. „ 694.—Rev. W. Douglas and 5 others. „ 266.—Hope of Auckland Tent, 1.0. R. „ 695.—A. Aitken and 5 others. „ 267. —Bayfield Methodist Church. „ 710. —Newton Congregational Church Auckland „ 268.— E. C. Tennent and 120 others. „ 725.— J. K. Mclntyre and 64 others. „ 269.—Knox Church, Dunedin. ~ 783. —A. M. Jones and 74 others. „ 270. —Petone Salvation Army. ~ 784.— F. Murdoch and 25 others. „ 271.—Temperance and M. Committee, New , 785. —W. Andrew and 24 others. Zealand Methodist Church. ~ 786. —W. Lonergan and 26 others. „ 272. —Central Mission. Dunedin. .. 787.—A. Mossman and 25 others. „ 273.—Hope of Petone Lodge. „ 788.—A. F. Dillon and 31 others. „ 274.— G. Y. Roby and 3 others.

No. 8. —Petition of James Stubbs and 9 Others (and 18 similar Petitions, as per attached Schedule). Petitioners pray that the House will determine that no licensed bars shall be held by the State. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th September, 1904.

Schedule. No. 17. —H. Sanson and 7 others. No. 333.— W. Gibson and 8 others. „ 325. —John Newlands and 3 others. „ 334.—Women's Christian Temperance Union, . „ 326. —Cuba Street Methodist Church, Palmerston Auckland. North. „ 359.— H. McAllum and 16 others. „ 327.— E. D. Patchett and 5 others. ~ 415.—J0b Benning and another. „ 328. —Women's Christian Temperance Union, „ 440.— J. B. Bates and 2 others. Lyttelton. „ 441.— W. Ready and another. „ 329.—John Officer and 2 others. „ 442. —Hope of Christchurch Lodge, No. 8, „ 330.—Auckland Province No-license Council. 1.0. G.T. ~ 331. —Session, Knox Church, Auckland. „ 443.—Pride of Christchurch Tent, 1.0. R. „ 332.— W. Grigg and 10 others. „ 474.—Woolston Band of Hope.



No. 662. —Petition of Louise E. Smith, of Carterton. Petitioner prays that she may be granted a compassionate allowance on account of her late husband's services as constable in charge of the Carterton district. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th September, 1904.

No. 714. —Petition of N. Wilson and 48 Others, of Warkworth, &c. Petitioners pray that they may be granted the sum of £200 to metal portions of the WarkworthSandspit Road. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th September, 1904.

No. 309.--Petition of John Scott Myers, of Marshland. Petitioner prays that he may be permitted to appear at the bar of the House of Representatives in support of his petition. I am directed to report that the. Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th September, 1904.

No. 282. —Petition of Charles Henry Prince, of Pirongia. Petitioner prays that he may be granted the Volunteer Long-service Medal, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th September, 1904.

No. 747. —Petition of David Millar, of Owaka. Petitioner prays that his old-age pension may be restored to the original amount- viz., £18 per annum. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th September, 1904.

No. 458. —Petition of Marguerite Augustine Turton, of England. Petitioner prays that, in consideration of the long and faithful service of her late husband, formerly District Land Registrar, Dunedin, she may be granted a compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that the Committee rceommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 29th September, 1904.

No. 65. —Petition of William McKeever, of Tatham, New South Wales. Petitioner prays that his claim for land for military services may be settled. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner should be given either a grant of land or the monetary equivalent of the same. 29th September, 1904.

No. 422 —Petition of Mary Jane Murray, of Ponsonby Road, Auckland. Petitioner states that her late husband, John Murray, school-teacher, met his death through the effects of injuries received while a train was being shunted at the Penrose Railway-station, and that she is left without means. She prays for relief. I am directed to report that, under the circumstances connected with the accident which caused the death of the petitioner's husband, the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 29th September, 1904.

No. 687. —Petition of Elizabeth Jane Oldfield, of New Plymouth. Petitioner prays that she may be granted compensation or a compassionate allowance on account of her late husband's services in the Lands and Survey Department, etc. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, 29th September, 1904.



No. 23. —Petitions of Nicholas Turner and 7 Others, of Wellington (and 9 similar Petitions, as per attached Schedule). Petitioners pray that inquiry may be made into the circumstances of the case of one Mary Richards. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th October, 1904.

Schedule. No. 314.—Women's Christian Temperance Union, No. 374. —Thorndon Methodist Church. Kaiapoi. „ 375.—Women's Christian Temperance Union, ~ 315.—Women's Christian Temperance Union, Auckland. Woodend. „ 376. —Women's Christian Temperance Union, ~ 316. —Women's Christian Temperance Union, Rangiora. Lyttelton. „ 414.—Lydia Smith and 2 others, Timaru. „ 357. —Office-bearers, Church of Christ, Newtown. „ 564.— R. Cossum and 3 others, Bluff.

No. 770. —Petition of the Opotiki County Council and 254 Others, of Opotiki. Petitioners pray that a sufficient sum may be placed on the estimates to insure the speed}' completion of the Pakihi Road between Opotiki and the Motu, via the Otara Gorge. 1 am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th October, 1904.

Nos. 809 and 810. —Petitions of W. J. Platt and 46 Others, and Robert Black and 8 Others, of Opotiki, &c. Petitioners pray that a further portion of the Nukuhou dray-road may be constructed, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th October, 1904.

No. 724. —Petition of the New Zealand Coal and Oil Company (Limited), of Dunedin. Petitioners state that, in view of the alterations in the Customs duty on kerosene and paraffinwax, the company will not be able to reopen its works unless it receives substantial assistance from the Government. They pray for relief. I am directed to report that, as the question involved in the petition is a matter of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th October, 1904.

No. 716.—-Petition of W. B. Scandrett and 843 Others, of Waianiwa, <fee. Petitioners pray that the New Zealand Coal and Oil Company (Limited) may be granted such encouragement and assistance as will enable it to ascertain whether the industry is one that can be carried on to advantage, &c. I am directed to report that, as the question involved in the petition is a matter of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th October, 1904.

No. 459. —Petition of John Nicol and 15 Others, of Ohura. Petitioners pray that the Tokirima Road may be constructed. I am directed to rep>ort that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th October, 1904.

No. 491. —Petition of Samuel Charles Phillips, of Dunedin. Petitioner prays that he may be granted a pension in lieu of compensation on his retirement from the position of Gaoler, Dunedin Prison. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th October, 1904.

No. 340.—Petition of Frank Smith, of Wellington. Petitioner states that, through the action of the Newtown Licensing Committee in refusing to grant the renewal of his license for the Park Hotel in June, 1903, he has sustained a loss of £1,248 17s. 2d. He prays for relief. -I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, the petitioner is entitled to a refund of the fine and costs imposed for selling liquor without a license, and, further, that provision should be made for a refund of three-fourths of the license fee paid for the yearly and that this recommendation be referred to the Government for early consideration. 14th October, 1904. 2—l. 2.



No. 556. —Petition of William Redmond, of Island Bay. Petitioner states that, through the action of the Newtown Licensing Committee in refusing to grant the renewal of his license for the Island Bay Hotel in June, 1903, he has sustained a loss of £521 13*s. 2d. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, the petitioner is entitled to a refund of the fine and costs imposed for selling liquor without a license, and that, further, provision should be made for a refund of three-fourths of the license fee paid for the yearly license, ami that this recommendation be referred to the Government for early consideration. 20th October, 1904.

No. 558. —Petition of William Halley, of Kilbirnie. Petitioner states that, through the action of the Newtown Licensing Committee in refusing to grant the renewal of his license for the Kilbirnie Hotel in June, 1903, he has sustained a loss of £1,191 17s. sd. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, the petitioner is entitled to a refund of the fine and costs imposed for selling liquor without a license, and that, further, provision should be made for a refund of three-fourths of the license fee paid for the yearly license, and that this recommendation be referred to the Government for early consideration. 20th October, 1904.

No. 659. —Petition of Robert Barclay, of Masterton. Petitioner states that, through the action of the Newtown Licensing Committee in refusing to grant the renewal of his license for the Grosvenor Hotel in June, 1903, he has sustained a loss of £1,036 Bs. 9d. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, the petitioner is entitled to a refund of the fine and costs imposed for selling liquor without a license, and that, further, provision should be made for a refund of three-fourths of the license fee paid for the yearly license, and that this recommendation be referred to the Government for early consideration. 20th October, 1904.

No. 557. —Petition of Herbert G. Houi.dsworth, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that he may be refunded the sum of £27 13s. 6d., being proportionate part of the license fee paid for the period during which the Newtown Hotel was closed through the Newtown Licensing Committee refusing to grant a renewal in June, 1903. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, provision should be made for a refund of three-fourths of the license fee paid for the yearly license, and that this recommendation be referred to the Government for early consideration. 20th October, 1904.

No. 843. —Petition of Robert Page and 84 Others, of Waimamaku. Petitioners pray that provision may be made for roading the Waimamaku Settlement. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 25th October, 1904.

No. 802. —Petition of R. J. McFarlane and 4 Others, of Whangamarino. Petitioners pray for a grant of £200 to form a bridle-track along the bank of the Taniwaha Creek. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 25th October, 1904.

No. 858. —Petition of R. Ritchie and 29 Others, of Awhitu. Petitioners pray that the telephone may be extended to the Awhitu Wharf. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 25th October, 1904.

No. 801.—Petition of A. Orr and 22 Others, of Morrinsville. Petitioners state that they have acquired sections on the Lockerbie Estate from the Assets Realisation Board; that certain roads stated to give access to their sections have not been formed and exist on paper only; that they have applied to the said Board aud to the local body respectively to have the said roads formed, but without result. They pray for relief.



I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government, with a recommendation that inquiry be made into the matter with the view of affording the settlers the relief prayed for. 26th October, 1904.

No. 763. —Petition of John Morrison, of Auckland. Petitioner, who has been retired from the Post and Telegraph Department on compensation, prays that his services in the Armed Constabulary and Police Force may count for pension. 1 am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, the petitioner has no claim for his services in the Armed Constabulary and Police Force to count for pension. 28th October, 1904.

No. 876, 1903. —Petition of Edward John Searle, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that inquiry may be made into the transactions in connection with his bankruptcy, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th October, 1904.

No. 208. —Petition of Catherine Warnes, of Napier. Petitioner prays that she may be paid the amount of a cheque for £511, dated tlje 11th May, 1876, issued to her late husband, but which has not yet been countersigned, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th October, 1904.

No. 771. —Petition of the Maori Hill Borough Council and 45 Others. Petitioners pray that they may be granted the sum of £500 for the widening of the Main Leith Valley Road. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th October, 1904.

No. 909. —Petition of Andrew C. Thompson, of Timaru. Petitioner prays that the fine of £50, imposed for an alleged false declaration in connection with the importation of an oil-engine for a motor 'bus, may be refunded to him, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th October, 1904.

No. 884. —Petition of Mabel F. Paul, of New Plymouth. Petitioner prays that a letter to the Inspector of Prisons, dated the 20th March, 1904, from William Runciman may be carefully inquired into. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd November, 1904.

No. 19. —Petitions of G. Petherick and 6 Others, of Wellington (and 20 similar Petitions, as per attached Schedule). Petitioners pray that inquiry may be made into the matter of the number of deaths caused through drunkenness, and as to whether the appointment of district constables might not prevent the same, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd November, 1904.

Schedule. No. 317.—Patchett and others. No. 453.—Mariners' Pride Lodge, 1.0. G.T., Lyttelton. „ 318. —Cuba Street Methodist Church, Palmerston „ 454. —Christchurch Prohibition League. North. „ 455.—Antidote Division of Sons and Daughters of „ 319.—Women's Christian Temperance Union, Auck- Temperance. land. „ 456.—Reviving Stream Lodge, 1.0. G.T. „ 320. —Auckland Province No-license Council. „ 457. —A. Twyford and 3 others. „ ,321. —Session, Knox Church, Parnell. „ 475. —R. H. Taylor and 5 others. „ 322.— W. Grigg and 10 others. „ 476.—Woolston Methodist Band of Hope. „ 400. —Job Benning and another. „ 493.— H. T. Hurrell and 2 others. „ 416.—Independent Order of Rechabites. „ 565.—John Officer and 2 others. . • „ 429.—William Ready and another. ~ 608.—L. Maofarlane and 6 others. „ 444.— J. J. Bates and 2 others.



No. 925. -Petition of Mrs. B. P. Magrath, of Wanganui. Petitioner prays that she may be paid the sum of £800, alleged to be in the custody of the Government for her use and benefit, &c. 1 am directed to report that the Committee recommends the Government to make inquiry into the statement contained in the petition. 2nd November, 1904.

No. 756. Petition of Lady Vogel and 3 Others, of Surrey, England. Petitioners pray that they may be granted certain commission alleged to have been due to the late Sir Julius Vogel on account of the £1,600,000 loan conversion, etc. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd November, 1904.

No. 921. -Petition of C. S. H. McKinney, of Auckland. Petitioner states that he was recently fined the sum of £150 for alleged dummyism at the Tokatoka land ballot, &c. He prays that the whole, or a large portion of the said fine may be remitted. I am directed to report that, under the circumstances of the case, the Committee recommends the Government to reduce the fine to £50. 2nd November, 1904.

Final Report. I am directed' to report that the Public Petitions M to Z Committee has held twenty-two sittings during this session. Number of petitions referred to the Committee ... ... ... 366 Number of petitions dealt with ... .. ... ... ... 365 Number of petitions held over ... ... ... ... ... 1 Number of reports presented to the House ... ... ... ... 68 Number of specific recommendations made therein ... ... ... 19 Number referred for favourable consideration ... ... ... 7 Number referred for consideration ... ... ... ... 22 Number of " No recommendations," &c. ... ... ... ... 20 4th November, 1904. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,250 copies), £7 ss. 9d.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o4. Price 6d.]

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REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. BUDDO, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, I-02

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REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. BUDDO, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, I-02

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. BUDDO, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, I-02

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