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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889."

I have the honour to submit ray report on the operations of the Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Office for the year ended the 31st December, 1903. The increase in the business of the office is again very noticeable, the number of applications exceeding by 206 the number for 1902, and by 566 the number for any other year. The amount collected in fees was £5,290 2s. 7d., £1,290 19s. id. (32-17 per cent.) more than in the preceding year. This large increase is due partly to the rapid growth of the business of the office and partly to the fees (£671) for the renewal of trade marks registered before the commencement of the present Act on the Ist January, 1890, being payable last year. As the renewal fees of marks registered under that Act are now due fourteen years from the date of registration, the amount payable in any one year will not for some time to come be so great as that shown for last year. Apart from the amount for renewal fees, the increase in revenue was £619 19s. 4d., or 155 per cent, more than the revenue for 1902. The progress of the office since the commencement of the present Act on the Ist January, 1890, is illustrated by the following figures : — Applications. Eevenue. Year. £ s. d. 1890 ... ... ... ... ... 781 1,914 13 10 1895 ... ... ... ... ... 1,084 2,170 9 6 1900 ... ... ... ... ... 1,372 3,396 17 3 1903 ... ... ... ... ... 2,077 5,290 2 7 The whole cost of working, including printing, &c, was £1,657 Is. 5d., £312 4s. 4d. more than last year. This increase is chiefly accounted for by the extra cost of the Patents Gazette, due to printing the drawings of inventions, £152 19s. 6d.; additional fees to Patent Office Agents, £52 155.; classifying specifications, £13 10s.; and increases in salaries of the ordinary staff of the office, £35. It will be noticed that £676 13s. (40-8 per cent.) of the total expenditure is in respect of work done by the Government Printing Office. PATENTS. During 1903 1,604 applications were received. This number exceeds by 173 the number for 1902, and by 490 the total for any other year. The increasing extent to which inventors are availing themselves of the benefits of the patent law is shown by the following figures, taken at intervals of ten years from 1863, three years after the commencement of the first Patents Act in New Zealand :— Year. Number of Applications. 1863 ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 6 1873 33 1883 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 233 1893 ... ... ... ... ... ... 625 1903 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,604 The total fees received from patents amounted to £3,964 Bs. 10d., £525 6s. 7d. more than the amount paid under this head for 1902. As was the case in that year, nearly twice as many applications were lodged with provisional specifications as with complete specifications, the numbers being respectively 1,031 and 573. Two hundred and eighty-four complete specifications were left after provisional specifications, an increase of 79 on last year, and 674 Letters Patent were issued, 130 more than in 1902. The number of patents on which renewal fees were paid remained about the same. A slight increase is shown in the grants of extension of time for lodging complete specifications and paying fees, as well as in the number of assignments registered, and 90 more searches were made.

i—H. 10.



Countries from which Applications were received. The number of applications received from residents in the colony during 1903 was 1,064, 134 more than in the previous year. Applications from the United Kingdom increased by 12, totalling 129, 17 more than the number received from the United States, which last year showed a falling off of 17. From the Commonwealth of Australia 252 applications were received, an increase of 37 ; Victoria contributing 150, more than twice the number received from that State in 1901. It is interesting to notice the large number of inventions patented by residents in this colony in other countries. British colonies and possessions sending the largest number of applications for patents to the United Kingdom last year and obtaining patents in the United States for 1902 were as follow :— United Kingdom. United States. Canada ... ... ... ... ... 156 392 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... 130 48 Victoria ... ... ... ... ... 109 36 New South Wales ... ... ... ... 60 21 India ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 5 Nature of Inventions. The number of applications in respect of the chief classes of inventions for each of the last three years is set out in Table I. in the Appendix. It will be noticed that " Buildings " show a substantial increase of 37, due chiefly to the large number of applications for " Sash-hangers " (15) and " Artificial stone, bricks, &c." (15). There was a renewed activity in inventions for " Fencing," principally in respect of means for straining and fastening wire; and inventions in connection with " Fibre-dressing," which some time ago were very numerous, are again, with the revival of the industry, showing a decided increase. Under " Harness," " Lifting, hauling, and loading," " Locks and latches," and " Pipes," considerably more inventions were patented than in either of the two former years. The growth of the "Dairy industry" is reflected in the number of applications under this head. Out of the 53 inventions 10 are for " Separators," while 10 have been added during the year to the long list of " Milking appliances." " Railways and tramways" show an increase chiefly in respect of electric traction, and this is also the case with ordinary road vehicles. There is a noticeable falling-off in the number of applications received under the headings of "Amusements," "Attaching," "Boilers," "Boxes," "Spark-arresters," "Bottles," "Closets," "Gas and oil engines," "Fire alarms and escapes," "Furniture," "Minerals" ("Gold-mining, &c"), while the other classes of inventions show no appreciable change. " International Convention." The term of priority allowed under the Convention is now twelve months, and during the year Germany and Mexico acceded to it. Three applications were made by residents of other countries in accordance with the terms of the Convention for the grant of New Zealand Letters Patent—2 from the United Kingdom and 1 from the United States of America; and 1 from Victoria was antedated in accordance with sections 106 and 107 of the Act. Sixteen applications were sent under the Convention from this colony to the United Kingdom. Opposed Cases. Objections were lodged to 8 applications, 5 hearings took place, and notice of appeal to the Supreme Court was lodged in 1 case. Classification of Specifications. The specifications and drawings for the twenty years from 1880 to 1899 have been classified, and as soon as they are reindexed will be bound. This will render the work of searching much easier for the public, and will also enable this office to inquire more closely than it is at present able to do into the novelty of inventions sought to be patented. Distribution of Information and Forms. During the year leaflets containing information with reference to the patenting of inventions, with forms of application and specification, have, by the courtesy of the Post and Telegraph Department, been distributed amongst the different money-order offices, where they can be obtained by any one requiring them. To that Department, also, as well as to the Railway Department, this office is indebted for permission to post notices at their various buildings, calling attention to the provisions for patenting inventions, &c. Legislation in Great Britain and the Australian Commonwealth. A change of some importance is being instituted in the practice in the United Kingdom, where no inquiry has been made hitherto into the novelty of inventions sought to be patented. A recent Act requires the office, before granting the patent, to ascertain whether the invention has not wholly or in part been patented by any one else during the past fifty years. If any such prior patent is discovered, it is the duty of the Comptroller, subject to appeal, to require a reference to the former invention to be inserted in the application, but he is not apparently entitled to reject such application (unless it is opposed), even though the invention may be quite destitute of novelty. The New Zealand Act having been modelled on the Imperial law, it is no doubt desirable that we should conform as far as practicable to any alterations made in it; but this recent change is not, in my opinion, suitable for adoption by the colony.



Advocates of examination into novelty will doubtless regard the step as one in the right direction, but it appears to me that the benefits to be derived from such a system are not likely to justify its cost, so far, at least, as this colony is concerned. Although this office is not required to examine into novelty, it has power to reject applications for inventions which are not new, and in many doubtful cases the records are carefully gone through to see whether the invention has not been already patented. Applicants and their agents are, as a rule, quite willing to insert any references to former inventions the office considers desirable, and this, after all, appears to be the end sought to be obtained by the English amendment. The Australian Commonwealth Patents Act is now in operation, and as it is of considerable interest to New Zealand inventors, I shall briefly refer to its principal provisions. The Act, while resembling the law of the United Kingdom and of this colony in certain respects, differs in some important particulars. Provisional protection is obtainable, and a patent for an improvement on an invention, called " an additional patent," may be granted for the unexpired term of the original patent. An examination is to be made to ascertain whether the invention has been previously patented, but a patent application or description of an invention published more than fifty years before the application for a patent under the new Act is not a bar to the granting of such application, unless it is shown that the prior invention has been used in Australia within the fifty years preceding the date of such application. The Commissioner has more extended powers than the Comptroller-General in England, and may, subject to appeal, refuse to grant a patent if not satisfied as to novelty, or require the insertion of a reference to any former invention. The fees for the full term amount to £13, £5 less than the total amount in this colony. Provision is made for the conversion of State patents into Commonwealth patents, as well as for opposition, amendments, compulsory licenses, &c. The Act also provides for the application of section 103 of the Imperial Act to the Commonwealth, and it is hoped that the necessary arrangements will shortly be made by which residents of this colony and other places may be enabled to obtain priority in the filing of applications there in accordance with the International Convention. DESIGNS. Thirty-one applications were received for the registration of designs, 1 more than last year ; and 26 designs were registered—6 in Class 1 (articles composed wholly or partly of metal), Bin Class 2 (jewellery), 3 in Class 3 (articles composed wholly or partly of wood, bone, ivory, papier-mache, or other solid substances), 7 in Class 5 (articles composed wholly or partly of paper), 1 in Class 10 (millinery and wearing-apparel, including boots and shoes), and 1 in Class 13 (printed or woven designs on textile piece goods). The fees received under this head amounted to £16. Last year the amount paid was £15. TRADE MARKS. The number of applications for the registration of trade marks during the year amounted to 447, as compared with 412 applications in the previous year ; and 382 marks were registered, 46 more than in the previous year. The total fees received in respect of trade marks amounted to £1,287 15s. Bd. ; £528 13s. 6d. was received in 1902, and the increase for the year is therefore £759 2s. 2d. During the year the fees became due on all trade marks registered before the commencement of the present Act on the Ist January, 1890, and this accounts, as I have already pointed out, for the payment of £671. As these marks will now remain in force without further payment for another fourteen years, the renewal fees in future will, as a rule, be only payable on the marks registered fourteen years ago under the present Act, and the amount paid in this respect will not, of course, be nearly so great for some time to come. I may add that of 1,222 marks registered before 1890 the fees were paid in 717 cases, and the remaining 505 marks have accordingly been struck off the Register. The assignments registered showed a considerable increase, £60 16s. being received in fees from this source, as compared with £25 10s. in 1902 ; and 194 searches were recorded, 78 more than in 1902. The other receipts are all slightly in excess of last year's, but none call for special comment. Goods for which Marks registered. As usual, the greatest number of marks have been registered in Class 42, "Substances used as food," i.e. 86, 11 less than last year; 49 were registered in the next largest class, " Medicines," 3 more than in the preceding year ; 37 in Class 45, " Tobacco," as compared with 24 in 1902 ; and 31 in Class 47, " Soap, candles, &c," 6 more than in 1902. The number of applications in the various classes is tabulated in the Schedule. Countries from which Applications received. Two hundred and nineteen applications for registration of trade marks were received from residents in the colony, 21 more than in the preceding year ; 128 from the United Kingdom, 4 more than in 1902; 40 from the United States, as compared with 51 in 1902; and 51 from the Australian Commonwealth, a falling-off of 9 as compared with the number received in the previous year. Opposed Cases. Notice of opposition was lodged in nine cases, and in one case notice of appeal was given.



Classifying Trade Marks. The work of classifying and reindexing trade marks has been proceeded with during the year as opportunity offered, and with the extra assistance that has been afforded the office for the purpose I trust to have some of the classes completed and available to the public during the present year. GENERAL. Premises. The office removed in November last into rooms on the first floor of the recently erected Magistrate's Court building. These rooms are convenient to the public, and generally much better suited for the business of the office than those it has vacated. Patent Agents. During the year two names were added to the Register, bringing the number of registered patent agents up to 54. These gentlemen now transact a large amount of business, affording efficient assistance to inventors as well as facilitating the work of the office.

The Appendix hereto contains the following tables : — PAGE A. Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1903 ... ... ... ... ... ... v B. Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years ... ... ... ... ... ... ... v C. Particulars of Fees received from the Ist January to the 31st December. 1903 ... ... ... ... ... ... vi D. Staff of Officers, and Salaries ... ... ... ... ... vi E. Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade-marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1903 inclusive ... vii F. Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c, under Act of 1889 ... ... .. ... ... ... vii G. Table showing, over a series of years, the Number of Patents that were considered of sufficient value to be kept alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees ... ... ... ... ... viii H. Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1901, 1902, and 1903 ... ... ... ... ... viii I. Table showing number of applications for the different classes of inventions for each of the years 1901, 1902, and 1903... ... ix la. Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1901, 1902, and 1903 ... ... ... ... x Ib. Number of Applications to register Trade-marks, in the fifty different classes, in each of the Years 1901, 1902 and 1903 ... ... x J. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Patents, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1903 ... ... ... 1 30th June, „ ... ... ... 23 30th September, „ ... ... ... 48 „ 31st December, „ ... ... ... 73 K. Alphabetical List of Titles of Inventions for which Letters Patent have been applied, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1903 ... ... ... 9 30th June, „ ... ... ... 33 30th September, „ ... ... ... 58 „ 31st December, „ ... ... ... 82 L. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Designs, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1903 ... ... ... 21 „ 30th June, „ ... ... ... 45 30th September, „ ... ... ... 70 „ 31st December, „ ... ... ... 92 M. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade-marks, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1903 ... ... ... 21 30th June, „ ... ... ... 45 „ 30th September, „ ... ... ... 71 „ 31st December, „ ... ... ... 93 Patent Office, F. Waldegrave, Wellington, 30th July, 1904. Registrar.




A. —Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 3,964 8 10 Salaries ... ... ... 62115 8 Design fees ... ... ... 16 0 0 Clerical assistance ... ... 170 10 0 Trade-mark fees ... ... 1,287 15 8 Copying specifications ... ... 21 10 0 Sale of Acts, Gazettes, &c. ... 21 18 1 Fees to Patent Office Agents ... 97 17 6 Binding printed specifications, 76 8 9 &c, presented to office by other countries* Printing Patents Gazette* ... 500 19 6 Other printing and binding* ... 82 1 0 Stationery ... ... ... 17 3 9 Typewriter ... ... ... 23 15 0 Telephone ... ... ... 7 0 0 Fees refunded ... ... 11 12 0 Incidental expenses ... ... 26 8 3 Balance for the year ... ... 3,633 1 2 £5,290 2 7 £5,290 2 7 * Printing and binding done by Government Printing Office.

B.—Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.

Note. —Printing, binding, and other items now debited to the office were not iv former years brought to charge.

Year. Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Year. Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. 896 .897 898 899 £ s. d. .. 2,583 0 6 .. 3,183 9 0 .. 2,824 9 0 .. 3,102 2 6 £ s. d. £ b. d. 564 6 10 2,018 13 8 574 15 2 2,608 13 10 623 1 11 2,201 7 1 851 2 6 2,251 0 0 1900 1901 1902 1903 I i I £ s. d. | £ a. d. £ s. d. .. 3,396 17 3 1,027 5 8 2,369 11 7 .. 3,366 12 4 1,205 15 2 2,160 17 2 .. 3,999 3 3 1,344 17 1 2,654 6 2 .. 5,290 2 7 1,657 1 5 3,633 1 2



C.—Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1903.

* Per hour. + 3d. per folio of 72 words; Is. per sheet, drawings. J For quarter of an hour.

D.—Staff of Officers, and Salaries. £ s. d. Registrar* ... ... ... ... ... Nil. Deputy Registrar... ... ... ... ... 275 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ••• ••• ■■• Vacant. Clerk ... ... ... ... .. ... 140 0 0 Cadet ... ... ... ... ■ ■ ... 75 0 0 Messenger ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Office-cleaner ... ... ... ... ... 11 5 0 * Also Under-Secretary for Justice. £651 5 0

Number. Fees. Each. Amount receive! Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications left after provisional specifications Applications to amend specifications Issue of letters patent Issue of duplicate letters patent Renewal fees before end of fourth year from date of patent Renewal fees before end of seventh year from date of patent Notices of opposition Hearing objections Applications for enlargement of time for deposit of complete specifications On grant of such enlargement Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees On grant of such enlargement Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against decisions of Registrar Searohes Registration of assignments and licenses Certificates of such registration Copies of specifications and drawings Certifying copies.. Correction of clerical errors in specifications, &c Registration of Patent Agent Miscellaneous 1,031 573 284 7 674 1 174 52 8 5 24 22 29 28 1 430 98 59 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 0 2 0 2 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 1* 0 10 0 10 t £ s. d. 515 10 0 286 10 0 142 0 0 7 0 0 1,348 0 0 2 0 0 870 0 0 520 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 22 0 0 14 10 0 28 0 0 10 0 21 10 0 49 0 0 29 10 0 65 11 3 0 15 0 3 5 0 2 2 0 10 5 7 13 2 0* 5 1 1 Designs. Applications for registration of designs Search designs Miscellaneous £3,964 8 10 31 0 10 0 5 15 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 £16 0 0 Trade-marks. Applications for registration of trade-marks Registration of trade-marks Registration of assignments Certificates of such assignments Notices of opposition Notices of appeal to Supreme Court Cancellation of trade marks Renewal of registration Altering address on register Requests to correct clerical errors Copies of duplicate certificates Searches Advertisements : Cost of extra space in Gazette Miscellaneous 447 382 HI 9 1 4 0 5 1 0 £1 & 2s. 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 5 111 15 0 382 0 0 60 16 0 27 15 0 9 0 0 10 0 10 0 671 0 0 1 10 0 2 15 0 1 12 6 9 14 0 7 16 0 0 2 2 6 11 0 "s 0 5 194 o"i; £1,287 15 8



E.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1903 inclusive.

F.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c, under Act of 1889.

* These figures are necessarily incomplete, as the time for proceeding further with the applications has not yet expired.

Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 1 325 951 1894 756 16 347 1,118 1895 816 14 254 1,084 1896 992 27 279 1,298 1897 1,093 13 361 1,467 1898 1,021 10 343 1,374 1899 992 12 328 1,332 1900 1,009 15 348 1,372 1901 1,114 18 379 1,511 1902 1,431 28 412 1,871 1903 1,604 20 447 2,077

Number c 8 i cations wil ;x Complete cations 1 3f Appli- Number th which cations w Specifi- Provisional lodged. tions 1< , . ,. Nun °L V l\ Applic, ifh which gf h Specific, fi sequent nber of Numbei EEtf —-j ations sub- "j tly lodged. rel t of Appliibandoned, ied, or 'used. Num Patent! Total iberof Nu^ber s sealed. . ,. Applications. .890 .891 .892 .893 .894 .895 896 .897 898 899 900 901 902 903 N.Z. 242 187 202 198 278 229 299 217 199 182 160 199 163 205 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 303 305 297 321 353 357 368 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 307 318 444 419 382 441 459 767 859 Foreign. 60 69 53 52 61 79 100 129 98 131 87 103 144 172 N.Z. 27 29 40 51 69 75 68 87 102 84 97 119 274 * Foreign. N.Z. 17 202 25 191 16 237 24 262 16 352 34 403 33 439 41 481 29 447 55 409 36 452 28 458 65 * 4- * Foreign. 50 50 43 30 51 51 75 95 70 82 59 76 * N.Z. 147 122 125 133 173 133 185 181 172 155 149 200 Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 332 346 349 380 * 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 il,009 1,114 1,431 1,604


G.—Table showing over a Series of Years the Number of Patents that were considered of sufficient Value to be kept alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees.

Note.—A few applications were received from joint applicants resident in different countries; the figures will, therefore total more than the actual number of applications received.


Year. Number of Applications received. Number of Letters Patent granted. Number of Patents on whioh Seoond-term Fee paid. Number of Patents on which FiDal Fee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 614 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 364 348 326 333 349 362 478 517 504 501 80 78 84 99 88 113 118 136 138 199 37 23 37 47 31 45 53 . —-Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1901, 1902, and 1903. 1901. j 1902. 1903. ] 1901. 1902. 1903. tfew Zealand Argentine Republic Austria }anada 3ape Colony Jeylon Denmark Finland France Jermany aolland India .. italy Statal .. 658 1 4 9 1 3 2 8 13 1 930 1 3 11 2 1 2 1 8 8 1,064 "8 1 "3 New South Wales Norway Queensland Rhodesia South Afrioan Republic .. South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania Transvaal United Kingdom United States Victoria Western Australia 68 2 8 13 5 1 4 69 3 5 1 1 13 1 2 5 1 117 129 118 5 65 11 14 13 "3 15 110 124 71 10 2 5 129 112 150 10 "2 ' 1 1 1 1


I. —Table showing Number of Applications for the different classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1901, 1902, and 1903.

Note.—Owing to changes in the classification, the figures differ slightly in some casea from those in the last report. A few fresh classes were opened during the year for inventions included in former years in other classes. Owing to some inventions being under more than one head, the figures will total rather more than the actual number of applications received.

ii—H. 10.


Cliiss. 1991. 1902. 1908 Class. i 1901. | 1902. 1903. Advertising Amusements Attaching and securing Boilers (steam) Boilers (spark-arresters and smokeconsumers) Boots and shoes.. Bottles and bottling Boxes, cans, cases, &c Brewing, distilling, and wine-making Brooms and brushes Buildings Cement, &c. Chemicals Cleaning, polishing, grinding 01 sets .. Cooking appliances and kitchen utensils Cooling and freezing Cultivating Cutting and sawing Cycles Drains, sewers, &c Dredging Drying .. Electricity and magnetism Engines (steam) (gas) .. (electrio) Engine-accessories Exterminating Fencing.. Fibre-dressing Filters .. Fire alarms, escapes, and extinguishers Fire-arms and explosives Food .. Furnaces Furniture Gas-manufacture Harness 1 27 15 13 8 21 I!) 20 3 8 36 5 7 9 6 86 9 11 14 42 3 32 7 15 8 6 8 6 15 10 5 4 35 10 7 45 33 37 18 25 13 18 9 39 i 38 33 28 31 19 1 4 4 9 43 80 1 2 2 ! 10 8 ! 16 18 10 40 37 5 6 50 48 23 24 33 J 38 10 ! 10 40 34 i ! io I 12 10 1 16 17 19 11 | 14 12 11 17 : 25 28 30 44 8 19 4 7. 23 7 Harvesting Heating Illuminating Indicating Lifting, hauling, <fcc. Locks and latches Marine (ships, boats, &c).. Marking Medicines Milking, &c. : Minerals I Offal-treating Oils and lubricators Paints and painting Pipes, tubes, hose, &c Poultry-raising, incubators, &c. Preserving Presses Printing and photography Pumps and sprayers Racecourse accessories Railways Roads and ways Seed-dressing, chaff-cutting, threshing Sewing and knitting Sheep and cattle (dipping, &o.) Sheep-shearing Shop and hotel fittings Stationery, &c. Telephony and telegraphy Tobacco.. Tools .. Valves and cocks.. Vehicles (not cycles) Ventilating Washing and cleansing Water-supplying Wearing-apparel Wool and hides Miscellaneous 9 9 20 87 16 8 19 7 15 30 92 2 1 3 2 a 19 10 6 37 5 5 (i 15 36 28 17 18 25 10 18 32 73 5 3 5 2 10 3 13 7 5 28 10 3 8 23 89 34 32 35 31 19 20 53 01 a 7 2 21 4 15 r 14 6 52 14 7 0 5 6 is 7 3 11 9 13 10 7 4 27 4 32 3 4 16 4 14 12 15 2.1 13 36 9 20 8 54 1 '23 4 22 9 8 23 5 8 26 18 44 10 13 6 01 8 15 21 3 16 18 13 7 .. : 10 51 38 14 11. I 24 44 i 17 24 28


IA. —Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1901, 1902, and 1903.

Note. —A few applications were received from persons giving addresses in two or more countries; the figures will, therefore total more than the actual number of applications received.

IB.—Number of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1901, 1902, and 1903.


1901. 1902. 1903. 1901. 1902. 1908. New Zealand Asia Minor Belgium Canada Cuba Denmark Egypt France Germany Holland India New South Wales 172 '.'. "l 2 10 1 .. "2 1 '.[ 20 198 1 1 1 219 1 1 "l 1 9 7 1 Philippine Islands Queensland South Africa South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States .. Victoria Western Australia "l "2 1 2 117 47 21 2 1 2 "5 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 30 124 51 23 128 40 28 22

olasses. Classification of Goods. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Chemioal substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such maohinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes; instruments and apparatus for teaohing Musical instruments Horologieal instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other olasses Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &c) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 .. Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not inoluded in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits .. .. ... Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matohes ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes Miscellaneous 10 9 35 7 8 7 4 4 12 2 3 12 2 1 3 9 7 12 1 2 2 12 11 46 1 8 4 3 4 1 '8 1 3 4 1 4 5 6 3 1 10 16 49 2 4 14 1 4 4 2 1 1 6 1 1 5 7 3 4 18 3 4 2 1 3 i 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 8 4 8 1 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 25 6 3 31 14 9 28 8 6 2 86 27 4 37 85 10 4 35 97 28 5 24 20 25 31 48 7 10 17 49 50 5 17 7 27 4 23




I—H. lO.^.

* Denotes a provisional specification. ?rade Marks Act, 1889." ication. + Denotes a prior iate un ler section 106 of " Tl ie Patents, lesigns, am Name, Address, and Invention. Application. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Adams, R. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Gallery for lamp-chimney Affleck, C. V., Drummond, N.Z. Shear-regulator Agar, H., East DevonpoTt, Tas. Window-attachments Aggers, W, Auckland, N.Z. Cushioned furniture Ainsworth, J., Bolivia, N.S.W. (See A. M. White, No. 14827.) Aldous, G., Wellington, N.Z. Clip for holding smoking-pipes, &c.. Alexander, W. J., Stratford, N.Z. Hanging sash, &c Alington, C. S., Ashburton, N.Z. Stripper for grass-seed Allen, C. L., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15828.) Alley, F. L., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 15834 and 15938.) Allison, J., and others, Wanganui, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Ames, W., and others, North Sydney, N.S.W. Fastening rail at joint Anderson, C, Sydney, N.S.W. Dressing fur of rabbit-skins, &c .. Anderson, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Clothes-line strainer .. Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth, and Co. (Limited), Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Buffer for tipping wagon. (R. Wright) Artistic Woodwork Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Vic. Decorating woodwork. (H. Smith) Ashcroft, R. W., and others, Palmerston North, N.Z. Preserving eggs, &c Ashcroft, S., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Preserving eggs, &c. .. Ashworth, H., Wellington, N.Z. Utilising waste light from lamps for advertising purposes Aston, W. I., Ashburton, N.Z. Feed-water heater for engines Atkin, A. C, Auckland, N.Z. Roadster and gig seat Aussel, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Securing cow's leg 15932 15953 16045 15885 30 Jan. 5 Feb. 4 March 19 Jan. 13 13 21 9 19 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 19 arch.* 5 Feb.* 15984 16067 15981 16 Feb. 9 March 13 Feb. IS 37 is 5 March. 14 May. 5 March. 14774 15995 19 April, 1902.. 18 Feb. 6 25 23 Jan. 2 April. 16141 15889 16133 26 March 29 Jan. 25 March 25 9 25 2 April. 5 Feb.* 2 April. 15993 18 Feb. 18 5 March.* 16095 16 March 25 2 April.* 16095 16004 16 March 20 Feb. 25 18 2 April.* 5 March.* 16020 16051 15867 24 Feb. 2 March 14 Jan. 18 21 6 5 March.* 19 March.* 23 Jan. Balch, D. W., San Francisco, U.S.A. Electro-magnetic railway traction. (A. A. Honey) Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Sterilisation of milk, &c. (S. M. Barre) Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Discharging sewage upon filter-bed. (G. E. Ridgway) Barber, T. W., Westminster, Eng. Mechanically propelled vehicle Barre, S. M., Montreal, Canada. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 15865.) Barrie, W. J., Wellington, N.Z. Water-controller for medical battery Bartlett, J. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Rocker Bartlett, J. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Candle extinguisher Barton, A. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Trouser press and stretcher Barton, C. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ball-valve for watercistern Barton, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-trap.. Basil-Jones, E., Wellington, N.Z. Can Basley, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Fuel-economizer and smoke-mini-miser. (J. H. Foster) Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Mooring-apparatus Beaumont, G., Roslyn, Dunedin, N.Z. Locking nuts Beaumont, G., Roslyn, Dunedin, N.Z. Locking nuts Berghmark, C. S., Stockholm, Sweden. (See Svenska Centrifug Aktie Bolaget, No. 14358.) Bettany, H. J., Nelson, N.Z. Revolving chair, table, &c Betts, T., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Preventing horses from bolting Bish, G., Bombay, N.Z. Adjusting movable bodies and seats of vehicles Blaisdell, H. W., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Handling material Bonnington, F., Tinwald, N.Z. Damper-regulator Borlase, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-trap .. Bourseau, J. B., and another, Paris, France. Reducing-valve Brand, F. A., Benicia, U.S.A. Disc-plough.. Bridgman, A. 0., Dunedin, N.Z. Mat-fastener Brierly, W., Auckland, N.Z. Road-sweeper, &c Britten, T. J., Witwatersrand, Transvaal. Settling dust in mining Brooks, D. M., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-escape Brooks, D. M., Wellington, N.Z. Securing handles to broom-heads Brooks, W. H., Adelaide, S. Aust. Generation of gas Brown, H., Wellington, N.Z. Crane Browne, M., Gisborne, N.Z. Spring-regulator for vehicle Brownell, J. S., San Francisco, U.S.A. Concentrator .. Brownley, A. H., and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Securing buttons to garments Bruce, C. J., and another, Blakehurst, N.S.W. Self-tilting table .. Brummer, D., Vienna, Austria. Portable building Bryers, J. J., Rawene, N.Z. Music-leaf turner 15826 5 Jan. 0 23 Jan.* 15865 14 Jan. 6 23 Jan. 15968 12 Feb. 21 19 March. 16129 21 March 29 16 April. 15927 31 Jan. 13 19 Feb. 16127 16128 16078 16102 21 March 21 March 10 March 18 March 29 25 25 25 16 April.* 2 April.* 2 April.* 2 April. 15978 15862 15998 11 Feb. 12 Jan. 16 Feb. 3 6 18 19 Feb.* 23 Jan.* 5 March. 16058 16149 16175 3 March 25 March 31 March 21 29 29 19 March.* 16 April.* 16 April.* 15862 15947 12 Jan. 4 Feb. 6 13 23 Jan.* 19 Feb.* 15924 27 Jan. 9 5 Feb.* 15836 15025 15735 15845 15925 14822 16070 15840 15864 15980 15959 16101 15890 15843 14856 7 Jan. 23 June, 1902.. 6 Dec, 1902.. 7 Jan. 30 Jan. 30 April. 1902.. 6 Ma eh 8Ja . 13 Jan. 14 Feb. 10 Feb. 18 March 16 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 May, 1902 .. 6 25 25 6 9 21 6 9 21 13 25 9 6 13 23 Jan. 2 April. 2 April. 23 Jan. 5 Feb. 19 March.* 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 19 March. 19 Feb.* 2 April.* 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. 19 Feb. 16132 15651 15916 25 March 23 Nov., 19011 28 Jan. 25 18 9 2 April. 5 March. 5 Feb.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Budge, G. S., Takapuna, N.Z. Holding book-leaves Busch, A., Totara Valley, N.Z. Cultivator .. Butler, S., Bristol, Eng. Preventing " skidding " of motor cars 16065 16053 16178 9 March 3 March 31 March 21 21 29 19 March.* 19 March.* 16 April. Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Unidirectional current from alternating current source. (P. C. Hewitt) Campbell, W., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing horse running away with vehicle Casler, H., and another, Canastota, U.S.A. (See A. J. Ellis, No. 15994.) Cassels, H. 0., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Horse-collar Chamberlain, W. E., Feilding, N.Z. Seed-sower Christensen, H., Copenhagen, Den. Matches, and machinery for making tbem Clare, S. F., Campbelltown, N.Z. Grip for handle of shears Clare, S. F., Campbelltown, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Clark, D., Drummond, N.Z. Thinning out plants Clarke, G. W., and another, London, Eng. Bandolier and waistbelt rifle-carrier Clay don, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Supplying steam and air to furnaces Clayton Fire Extinguishing and Ventilating Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Generation of gas for extinguishing fires. (T. A. Clayton) Clayton, T. A., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See The Clayton Fire Extinguishing and Ventilating Company, Limited, No. 15844.) Collinge, J., jun., and another, South Norsewood, N.Z. Cramp .. Collins, J. J , and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Composition for brick and stone work Collins, W. A., Wanganui, N.Z. Device for holding cow's leg Colwill, J. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Roller for typewriter Combes, F. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. (See A. H. Nathan, No. 15403.) Cook, J., Wellington, N.Z. Valve for water-closet cistern Cooley Development Company, Boston, U.S.A. Rotary fluid-engine. (J. F. Cooley) Cooley, J. F., Boston, U.S.A. (See Cooley Development Company, No. 16100.) Coop, J., Kaituna, N.Z. Bridle-bit Coop, J., Kaituna, N.Z. Grubber Cooper, W. R., Napier, N.Z. Handle for tennis-racquet Cooze, C. J., Carterton, N.Z. Hairpin Corbett, J. C., Auckland, N.Z. Spinning-top Cormack, W., and another, Eskbank, Scot. Manufacture of gelatine Corr, C, Westport, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Corrington, M., New York, U.S.A. Railway-brake Cossar, M. C, Auckland, N.Z. Cucumber-slicer Cotterill, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Indicating approach of train Cotton, F., Hornsby, N.S.W. Utilisation of carbonaceous liquids as fuel Coulson, M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Applying tar to wooden blocks Coulson, M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Mastic jointing-material Coventry, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Ferrule for umbrella Cozens, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Closet Craig, W., Auckland, N.Z. Ventilator Crane, A. W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Measuring-tap Crawford, B., Auckland, N.Z. Rendering gas or oil engines noiseless Crawford, B., Auckland, N.Z. Toe-piece for water-meter Crowther, F. W., Bluff, N.Z. Spirit-level .. Cutten, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Compound winch for dredge 15906 27 Jan. 9 5 Feb. 16072 10 March 21 19 March.* 14568 15806 15863 28 Feb., 1902 .. 23 Dec, 1902 .. 13 Jan. 6 21 6 23 Jan. 19 March. 23 Jan. 15946 16094 16015 15996 2 Feb. 12 March 19 Feb. 16 Feb. 13 25 18 18 19 Feb.* 2 April.* 5 March.* 5 March. 15061 30 June, 1902 .. 18 5 March. 15844 7 Jan. 6 23 Jan. 15884 14930 16 Jan. 29 May, 1902 .. 9 9 5 Feb.* 5 Feb. 15425 16093 19 Sept., 1902 12 March 9 25 5 Feb. 2 April.* 14880 16100 15 May, 1902 .. 18 March 13 25 19 Feb. 2 April. 16087 16147 15876 16047 16181 15767 1G001 15898 16156 14297 14 March 27 March 14 Jan. 4 March 31 March 17 Dec, 1902 .. 17 Feb. 23 Jan. 31 March 2 Dec, 1901 .. 25 2!) 9 2J 29 21 18 9 29 9 2 April.* 16 April.* 5 Feb.* 19 March.* 16 April.* 19 March. 5 March.* 5 Feb. 16 April.* 5 Feb. 15318 28 Aug., 1902.. 18 5 March. 15983 11 Feb. 21 19 March.* 16039 15989 15395 14875 16050 15882 16032 16061 15857 26 Feb. 14 Feb. 13 Sept., 1902 10 May, 1902 .. 2 March 15 Jan. 28 Feb. 6 March 8 Jan. 21 18 9 9 21 18 21 21 6 19 March.* 5 March.* 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 19 March. 5 March.* 19 March.* 19 March.* 23 Jan. Daniels, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing accumulation of explosive matter in mine Danne, H. A., and others, Richmond, Vic Weighing-machine Danne, R. V., and others, Richmond, Vic. Weighing-machine Darrell, G., Melbourne, Vic. Advertising Davidson, G., Hokitika, N.Z. Tripping-block Davidson, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Making screenings Davis, H. T., and another, Lewisham, Eng. Separation of oily impurities from water Davys, T. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge bucket-tumbler Deeble, J. G., Sydney, N.S.W. (See W. Lyons, No. 16014.) De Loitte. (See under L.) Dement, I. S., and others, East Orange, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 14809.) Denniston, S. E., Invercargill, N.Z. Apparatus for dipping sheep.. Devonshire, T. E., Chislehurst, Eng. Conduit for undergroundcable Dick, J, Pahiatua, N.Z. Apparatus for drafting sheep .. Dickson, S. G., Melbourne, Vic Manufacturing horseshoes Dignan, J., Auckland, N.Z. Castrating, &c, lambs Dimant, E., Melbourne, Vic. Sole for boots and shoes .. Donald, D., Masterton, N.Z. Punching, shearing, and stampingmachine 16125 16000 16000 15049 14558 16152 15854 16145 24 March 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 27 June, 1902 .. 24 Feb., 1902 .. 26 March 9 Jan. 23 March 25 18 18 2.5 13 (i 29 2 April.* 5 March. 5 March. 2 April. 19 Feb. 23 Jan. 16 April.* 15992 16134 13 Feb. 25 March 18 5 March.* 16006 16029 16120 15101 14559 20 Feb. 27 Feb. 19 March 10 July, 1902 .. 25 Feb., 1902.. 18 21 25 0 6 5 March. 19 March.* 2 April.* 23 Jan. 23 Jan.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. Application. No. Date. I No. Gazette. Date. Donald, D., Masterton, N.Z. Wool-press Donaldson, J., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Weighing-machine .. Dumaresq, W. N., London, Eng. Variable-speed gearing Duncan, J., Greymouth, N.Z. Bottom tumbler of dredger Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Device for cutting mitres Dunstan, W. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Signalling-appiratus for cabletramway Dutch, W. A. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ball-valve for water-cistern 15912 28 Jan. 16000 19 Feb. 16088 13 March 15841 8 Jan. 15881 15 Jan. 16176 31 March 16102 18 March 13 18 25 6 9 29 25 19 Feb. 5 March. 2 April. 23 Jan.* 5 Feb.* 16 April.* 2 April. Early, T. F. W., and others, Petersham, N.S.W. Garbage-destructor Eaton, E., London, Eng. Building-brick Eaton, E., London, Eng. Building-brick Eaton, H. H., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 16108.) Edelmann, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Artificial fuel .. ..! Edwards, T., Colorado Springs, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, Nos. 15941-2.) Elder, A. W., Auckland, N.Z. Road-scoop, &c Eldred, B., Boston, U.S.A. Treating Urn" .. Electrical Ore-rinding Company. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16076.) Ellis, A. J., Londoi, Eng. Tape embossing and feeding machine. (H. Casler and H. N. Marvin) Ellis, P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Tap Elmore, F. E., London, Eng. Generating electric current England, R. W., jun., Christchurch. Manufacture of stone blocks England, R. W., jun., Christchurch. Artificial stone blocks Escher, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-escape Eskesen, P., Waihi, N.Z. Boot .. Evans, J. P., Opotiki, N.Z. O.G. spouting .. 16107 19 March 16074 11 March 16075 11 March 15951 4 Feb. 16151 24 March 16137 26 March 15994 18 Feb. 16037 2 March 16077 11 March .. I 15991 13 Feb. 16008 18 Feb. 16033 24 Feb. 16069 9 March 14942 24 May, 1902 .. 25 13 29 29 18 21 25 18 18 21 21 18 2 April. 19 Feb. 16 April. 16 April.* 5 Maroh. 19 March.* 2 April. 5 March.* 5 March.* 19 March. 19 Maroh. 5 March. Fahev, J. V., Roslyn Bush, N.Z. Sheaf-c>rrier of harvester Fairhurst, J. H., Wellington, N.Z. Scaff Jding-bracket Farquhar. J. F. C, Vaucluse, N.S.W. Oil-lamp Feaver, F. W., Surrey, England. Manufacture of metal cans and boxes 14637 15 March 16019 23 Feb. 14688 1 April, 1902.. 15856 10 Jan. 6 18 6 9 23 Jan. 5 March. 23 Jan. 5 Feb. Ferguson, P., Auckland, N.Z. Stirring auriferous material Fessenden, R. A., Manteo, U.S.A. Signalling by electro-magnetic waves Fessenden, R. A., Manteo, U.S.A. Receiver for electro-magnetic waves Filor, C. F., Trenton, U.S.A. (See The Perfection Blind and Lockstitch Sewing-macbine Company, No. 15842.) Findlay, J., Clutha, N.Z. Composition for destroying noxious weeds Fisher, D. P., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Ventilating halls, &c Flanagan. J. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Rocker for children Fletcher, F. J., London, Eng. Aerating or carbona-ing liquids Fletcher, F. J., London, Eng. Filling bottles and stoppering them Fletcher, J., London, Eng. Dispensing aerated liquids.. Florant, J. D., Richmond, Vic. Sk light Folsetter, W., and others, Dallas, U..->.A. Electrostatic magnetic separators Ford, J., and another, Cromwell, N.Z. Perambulator .. Ford, L. P., London, Eng. Artificial stone Foster, J. H., East Greenwich, Eng. (See G. W. Basley, No. 15998) Foster, T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Account-book.. Fraser, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Heat-economizer and smoke-consumer French, A. C. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Dressing and washing Phormium tenax Friend, E. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Steam-turbine motor Friend, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Steam-turbine motor 15965 11 Feb. 15846 7 Jan. 15847 7 Jan. 16009 18 Feb. 14952 4 June, 1902.. 16118 21 March 15996 18 Feb. 15997 18 Feb. 16011 21 Feb. 15970 12 Feb. 15830 5 Jan. 14870 9 May, 1902 .. 16131 25 March 15911 24 Jan. 15957 7 Feb. 15977 13 Feb. 16105 16 March 16105 16 March .. . "6 6 18 21 25 18 18 18 13 6 21 25 9 18 13 25 25 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 5 March.* 19 March. 2 Aoril.* 5 March. 5 March. 5 March. 19 Feb.* 23 Jan.* 19 March. 2 Aprd. 5 Feb.* 5 March.* 19 Feb.* 2 April.* 2 April.* Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Distillatory apparatus Garnham, R., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing the refilling of bottles Gattsche, J. H., Palmerston N., N.Z. Boiler, &c, for brewery Gay, J. H., andanother, Newark, U.S.A. Leather-splitting machine Geary, W. G., Weraroa, N.Z. Martingale .. Gibbons, R. P., Thames, N.Z. Compounded steam-engine Gibbs, G., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 15908.) Giesen, W. B., Wanganui, N.Z. Drying and airing clothes Giles, A. W., Traralgon, Vic Drop-latch fastening Gill, A. B., London, Eng. Lighting trains by electricity Gillette, K. C, Brookline, U.S.A. Razor Gillies, A., Terang, Vic. Pneumatic milking-apparatus Gillies, J. H., and another, Dulwich Hill, N.S.W. Treating copperores Gilpin, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Triple valve of brake .. Glossop, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Hose, &c Godden, L. G. W., Nelson, N.Z. Button-hole making Gordon, H. E. M., Patea, N.Z. Support for window-sash Grattan, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Gear for controlling horses Green, F. H., Riverton, N.Z. Kettle-hook .. Greenshields, W., Auckland, N.Z. Brace or suspender.. Groves, D. 0., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Raising sunken vessel Gunn, H. Auckland, N.Z. Spark-stopper for engine 16103 14 March .. j 15952 6 Feb. 16126 25 March 15963 10 Feb. 14943 31 May, 1902 .. 15537 18 Oct., 1902 .. 1 15878 19 Jan. 16021 25 Feb. 15909 27 Jan. 15872 15 Jan. 16022 25 Feb. 15915 28 Jan. 15868 14 Jan. 16130 21 March 15883 17 Jan. 15928 31 Jan. 16013 19 Feb. .. j 15904 26 Jan. 16115 21 March .. I 16096 16 March 14859 6 May, 1902 .. 25 13 25 13 25 18 9 9 9 18 9 6 25 9 13 18 9 25 25 18 2 April.* 19 Feb.* 2 April.* 19 Feb. 2 April 5 March. 5 Feb.* 5 Feb. 5 Feb.* 5 March.* 5 Feb. 23 Jan.* 2 April.* 5 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 5 March. 5 Feb.* 2 April.* 2 April.* 5 March.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

.pp ical ion. le. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No Date Haines, C. W., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-extinguisher Hall, R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Mould or die for plastic materials Ham, H., Palmerston N., N.Z. Cover for hay-stack .. Hamilton, C. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Turning over leaves of music Hamilton, G. R., and another, Palmerston N., N.Z. Saw-setting instrument Hankinson, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Miners'safety-lamp .. Hardy, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Sconce for candlestick Harkness, W. S., Timaru, N.Z. Device for holding cow's leg Harman, R. D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Composition for brick and stone work Harraway, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Grain drier and conditioner Harris, A. W., Gisborne, N.Z. Destruction of codlin-moth Harris, J., Cleveland, U.S.A. Wire fence Harrop, J. C, and others, Melbourne, Vic Elastic heels Harrop, W. H., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Elastic heels Hartnett, J., and another, Balwyn, Vic. Cow-milking apparatus .. Hartree, H., Patangata, N.Z. Sheep-sh. ars.. Harvey, R., and another, Newtown, N.S.W. Self-tilting table Harvey, W. J. M., Rata, N.Z. Governor for engine Hasell, A. S., New Plymouth, N.Z. Animal-cover Hayne, J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Pneumatic hub for wheel of vehicles Heighton, A. L., Christchurch, N.Z. Boot-heel Helleur, G., Pahiatua, N.Z. Tap Henderson, H. H., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for cleaning walls, &c Henuis, Dr. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Mash, tun, and wort separator .. Herbert, T., Auckland, N.Z. Rusticated weather-boarding Hewitt, P. C, New York, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 15906.) Hewton, T., Waianakarua, N.Z. Nut and washer Hickman, T. M., Wolverhampton, Eng. Preparation for destruction of blackberry-bushes Hien, P., Chicago, U.S.A. Friction-spring .. Hodge, A., and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Horse-cover Holden, E. A., Ashfield, N.S.W. Automatic lubricator .. Holford, G., Auckland, N.Z. Opening tin, &c, by wire.. Holmes, A., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Angle-iron for bedstead Holmes, C, and others, Christchurch, N.Z. A gle-iron for bedstead Holmes, S., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Angle-iron for bedstead Holms, J., jun., Waimahaka, N.Z. Hook, split-link, &c. Honey, A. A., Chicago, U.S.A. (See D. W. Balch, No. 15826.) Hood, N. D., Greymouth, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle .. Hopkirk, W. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Triple-valve of brake Home, E. T., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Artificial manure .. Home, E. T., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Alcohol for commercial use, &e. Hosking, A., Auckland, N.Z. Combined tellurian and selenotrope .. Hoskins, G. J., St. Cloud, N.S.W. Ring and joint for sheet-metal pipes Hudson, W. C. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Hughes, R. C, and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Sash-lock Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Mechanical cashier. (The Mechanical Cashier Syndicate, Limited —I. S. Dement, F. J. Hull, and A. D. King) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Signalling-system for electric railway. (G. Gibbs) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Detecting mineral deposit. (Electrical Ore-finding Company) Hull, F. J., and others, New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 14809.) Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Spring and frictional-resistance device. (Westinghouse Brake Company, Limited) Husband, J. H., Carlton, Vic. Machine for stamping letters Hutchinson, G., Wellington, N.Z. Milking-machine .. 14857 15907 8 May, 1902. 27 Jan. 13 9 19 Feb. 5 Feb. 16018 16080 16122 23 Feb. 12 March 24 March 25 25 25 2 April.* 2 April.* 2 April.* 15914 15875 15858 14930 28 Jan. 14J»n. 9 Jan. 29 May, 1902 .. 9 9 6 9 5 Feb. 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. 5 Feb. 16068 16898 15831 15931 15931 16109 10054 16132 15835 16038 16041 16136 16042 14955 16089 16005 9 March 14 March 5 Jan. 29 Jan. 29 Jan. 19 March 4 March 25 March 7 Jan. 2 Maich 3 March 24 March 3 March 5 June, 1902.. 12 March 17 Feb. 21 19 March. 6 13 13 25 21 25 6 21 21 29 21 18 25 23 Jan. 19 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 2 April.* 19 March.* 2 April.* 23 Jan.* 19 March.* 19 March. 16 April.* 19 March. 5 March. 2 April. 15880 16063 15 Jan. 6 March 9 21 5 Feb. 19 March.* 15973 14966 15873 16121 16119 16119 16119 15933 12 Feb. 2 June, 1902.. 12 Jan. 23 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 30 Jan. 21 9 29 37 37 37 13 19 March. 5 Feb. 16 April.* 14 May. 14 May. 14 May. 19 Feb.* 15879 15868 16035 16036 17 Jan. 14 Jan. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 9 6 25 25 5 Feb.* 23 Jan.* 2 April. 2 April. 15895 15974 20 Jan. 12 Feb. 13 13 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 15971 16083 14809 12 Feb. 13 March 1 May, 1902 .. 13 25 9 19 Feb. 2 April. 5 Feb.* 15908 27 Jan. 9 5 Feb. 16076 11 March 16012 21 Feb. 43 28 May. 15829 15894 5 Jan. 23 Jan. 6 9 23 Jan.* 5 Feb.* Ibbotson, T. H., Gore, N.Z. Drawing off liquids Irvine, G. H., Brisbane, Queensland. Abstracting colouring-matter from bark 16112 16048 20 March 4 March 25 21 2 April.* 19 March. Jackson, A. B., and others, Tuparoa, N.Z. Dust, draught, and rain excluder for doors Jackson, G. C, and others, Tuparoa, N.Z. Dust, draught, and rain excluder for doors Jacobsen, T. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Securing buttons to garments Jarvie, W. P., Melbourne, Vic Method of air-purification. (J. Storer) Jeffs, S. G., Matangi, N.Z. Gate-hinge Jenkins, F. W., and others, Roodeport, Transvaal. Sharpening rock-drilling machine Johnson, C. A., South Buchan, Vic. Coupling for railway rollingstock Johnston, C. S., and another, Lyttelton, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Jones. (See Basil-Jones.) Jones, G. L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Artificial manure 15222 5 Aug., 1902.. 6 23 Jan. 15222 5 Aug., 1902.. 6 23 Jan. 14856 8 May, 1902 .. 13 19 Feb. 15919 29 Jan. 9 5 Feb.* 15897 15852 23 Jan. 9 Jan. 9 5 Feb.* 15969 12 Feb. 13 19 Feb.* 15053 27 June, 1902.. 25 2 April. 16035 26 Feb. 25 2 April.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

.pp] ical iion. '-azi !«. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Jones, G. L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Alcohol for commercial use, &c Jones, S., Wellington, N.Z. Motor Jones, W., and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Horse-eover 16036 26 Feb. 25 2 April. 15936 14966 2 Feb. 2 June, 1902.. 13 21 19 Feb.* 19 March. Kelly, J. D., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Ventilating halls, &c. .. Kerr, H, Drummond, N.Z. Seed-sower Kiernan, C. T., Invercargill, N.Z. Box for packing rabbits, fish, &c King, A. D., and others, New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 14809.) King, F., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See E. Phillips, No. 16049.) King, J. B., Auckland, N.Z. Filter-bed Kitson, A., London, Eng. Vapour-burning apparatus .. Kitson, A., London, Eng. Vapour-burning apparatus .. Kitson, A., London, Eng. Vapour-burning apparatus 14952 15910 14778 4 June, 1902.. 24 Jan. 17 April, 1902.. 21 9 9 19 March. 5 Feb.* 5 Feb. 15860 15880 15887 16040 8 Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 17 June, 19021 6 33 9 21 23 Jan.* 30 April. 5 Feb. 19 March. Ladbrook, H. A., Seaward Moss, N.Z. Driving-gear for bicycles .. Laing, E. H. B., and another, London, Eng. Bandolier and waistbelt rifle-carrier Lange, A. J. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cramp for picture-frames Latimer, J. W., Chicago, U.S.A. Mowing-machine Lawson, W. S., Malvern, Vic. Coriaceous material Leighton, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Boiler-furnace Leighton, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Smoke-consumer and heateconomizer Leiter, L. Z., Washington, U.S.A. Cooking-oven. (R. Moss) Leland, S. D., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15827.) Lewis, F., and another, Newman, N.Z. Attachment to bicycle-pump Lewis, F., and another, Newman, N.Z. Securing the ends of belting together Linard, A., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Elastic heel Lindberg, P. W., Eskilstuna, Sweden. Centrifugal separator Lockerbie, R. L., Invercargill, N.Z. Hanging sashes, &c. Loitte, E. de N. de, Port Moeraki, N.Z. Treating auriferous material Lorie, A. F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-fastener Lovegrove, H. W., Timaru, N.Z. Bucket carrier or wagon Lowson, J. G. F., and another, Polton, Scot. Manufacture of gelatine Ludbrook, E. R., and others, Tuparoa, N.Z. Dust, draught, and rain excluder for doors Lumley, M., and another, London, Eng. Reducing-valve Lungley, C. F., Bourke, Vic. Aluminium alloy Lungley, C. F., Bourke, Vic. Extraction of titanium from ironsand Lungley, C. F., Bourke, Vic. Manufacture of pig-iron from ironsand Lyell, A., Palmerston N., N.Z. Race-starting gate Lyons, W, Auckland, N.Z. Ballot-box for starting horse-races. (J. G. Deeble) 15955 15999 0 Feb. 16 Feb. 13 18 19 Feb.* 5 March. 15893 20 Jan. 9 5 Feb.* 16081 16002 16116 16117 12 March 17 Feb. 21 March 21 March 25 18 2 April. 5 March. 16138 26 March 25 2 April. 15986 15987 17 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 18 5 March. 5 March. 15931 16073 15922 16144 15929 14928 15767 15222 29 Jan. 11 March 27 Jan. 24 March 30 Jan. 24 May, 1902.. 17 Dec, 1902.. 5 Aug., 1902.. 13 25 9 29 13 21 21 6 19 Feb.* 2 April. 5 Feb.* 16 April.* 19 Feb.* 19 March. 19 March. 23 Jan. 15845 15850 15917 15918 14962 16014 7 Jan. 9 Jan. 29 Jan. 29 Jan. 6 June, 1902.. 19 Feb. 6 9 9 9 6 18 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. 5 March. Macdonald, D. W., Havelock North, N.Z. Drawing-compasses Maddren, W. J., and others, Palmerston N., N.Z. Preserving eggs, &c Madill, W. H., Tuakau, N.Z. Pump Magnus, P., Collingwood, Vic. Leather-treating Magnus, P., Collingwood, Vic. Pneumatic tire Mander, H. F., and another, Newman, N.Z. Attachment to bicyclepump Mander, H. F., and another, Newman, N.Z. Securing the ends of belting together Marvin, H. N., and another, Canastota, U.S.A. (See A. J. Ellis, No. 15994.) Matheson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing horse bolting Matthews, F., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing horse running away with Vehicle May, H., and another, Meningie, S. Aust. Sheep-shears May, J. M., Wellington, N.Z. Boot and shoe heel. (W. McKenzie) Mayo, B. F., Salem, U.S.A. (See United Machinery Company, No. 14697.) MeCallum, W., and another, Kyeburn, N.Z. Revolving screen McCormick, M., Temuka, N.Z. Seed-sowing apparatus McDonald, C, Dunedin, N.Z. (See The Union Steamship Company of New Zealand, Limited, No. 15975.) McElroy, J. F., New York, U.S.A. Electric-lighting system McGrath, J., Onslow, W.A. Attachment to sheep-shears Mclntyre, C, jun., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Indicating approach of a train McKee, A., Wellington, N.Z. Pictorial letter-card McKenzie, W., Wellington, N.Z. (See J. M. May, No. 15861.) McKenzie, W., Wellington, N.Z. Mounting billiard-tables in ships McKnight, R., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Electro-magnetic separator .. McLauchlan, E. M., Winton, N.Z. Steering ploughs McLauchlan, E. M., Springhills, N.Z. Cycling-machine McLauchlan, E. M., Springhills, N.Z. Driving-mechanism for cycling-machines McLean, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Tap 16024 16095 25 Feb. 16 March 18 25 5 March. 2 April.* 14509 16139 16140 15986 10 Feb., 1902.. 20 March 26 March 17 Feb. 21 29 25 18 19 March. 16 April.* 2 April. 5 March. 15987 17 Feb. 18 5 March. 16155 15948 31 March 6 Feb. 29 13 16 April.* 19 Feb.* 14932 15861 29 May, 1902 .. 12 Jan. 6 6 23 Jan. 23 Jan.* 15874 14727 14 Jan. 7 April, 1902.. 9 6 5 Feb. 23 Jan. 16082 16056 14297 12 March 6 March 2 Dec, 1901.. 25 21 9 2 April. 19 March. 5 Feb. 15905 26 Jan. 9 5 Feb.* 15979 16106 15888 15988 16025 14 Feb. 19 March 19 Jan. 7 Feb. 25 Feb. 13 25 9 18 18 19 Feb.* 2 April.* 5 Feb.* 5 March. 5 March. 16037 2 March 21 19 March.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

.ppl lioai ;ion. 'azei te. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. McLean, R., Ranfurly, N.Z. Animal-trap .. McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Drill for boring holes in rocks McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Marking-stamp McQueen, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Pedal action, &c, of cycle McShane, F. J., and another, Omaha, U.S.A. Dry-ore concentrator. (R. E. and E. Waugh) McShane, J. H., and another, Omaha, U.S.A. Dry-ore concentrator. (R. E. and E. Waugh) Mechanical Cashier Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 14809.) Meldrum, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Filter for tap Messenger, T. W., Quorn, S. Aust. Ear-trumpet Millar, C. R. M., and others, Roodeport, Transvaal. Sharpening rock-drilling machine Moore, N., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Box for packing rabbits, fish, &c. Moore, R. J., Ruahine, N.Z. Milk-aerator .. Morgan, H. E. J., Midland Junction, W.A. Tobacco-pipe Morgan, M. T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Coating wooden blocks with tar Morgan, R. A., and another, Lyttelton, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Morony, J. M., Mudgee, N.S.W. Preventing horse running away with vehicle Morris, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Peg for rabbit-traps, tents, &c Moss, R., Chicago, U.S.A. (See L. Z. Leiter, No. 16138.) Mount, L. Le B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Heat-economizer and smoke-consumer Mount, L. Le B., Auckland, N.Z. Overalls .. Munson, C. W., Toledo, U.S.A. Compressor for gaseous fluid Murie, R. M., Invercargill, N.Z. Causing explosion in oil-engines Murnane, D. J., St. Louis, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun.,No. 16066) Murphy, D., Tuamarina, N.Z. Plummer-block Murphy, J., Fordell, N.Z. Horse-cover Murray, A. C, and another, Cromwell, N.Z. Perambulator 14595 15869 16085 16084 16010 16010 16064 14721 15852 14778 16026 16055 16043 7 March, 1902 10 Jan. 11 March 10 March 21 Feb. 21 Feb. 6 March 8 April, 1902. . 9 Jan. 17 April, 1902.. 25 Feb. 6 March 3 March 6 9 25 25 18 18 21 6 9 18 21 21 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 2 April.* 2 April. 5 March.; 5 March. 19 March.* 23 Jan.; 5 Feb. 5 March.* 19 March.* 19 March. 15053 16135 27 Junp, 1902 25 March 25 29 2 April. 16 April.* 15920 27 Jan. 9 5 Feb.* 15957 7 Feb. 18 5 March.* 16165 16099 15966 30 March 18 March 11 Feb. 29 25 13 16 April.* 2 April. 19 Feb." 14891 15500 14870 19 May, 1902 . . 10 Oct., 1902 .. 9 May, 1902 .. 9 13 21 5 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 March. Napier, T., Hororata, N.Z. Boot-cleaner and knife-polisher Nathan, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Machine for packing tea. (F. H. Combes and W. F. Tucker) Neal, C. C, Cambridge, N.Z. Holding cow's tail Nelson, H. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Supporting clothes-line Newberry, F. J., and another, Geelong, Vic. Fire-box for copper .. Newson, C. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Applying tar to wooden blocks Newson, C. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Mastic jointing material Nicolle, W. E. H., and others. Beecroft, N.S.W. Fastening nail at joint Niccolls, A. E., Auckland, N.Z. Waste-converter Noonan, J. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Billiard-rest 15859 15403 16113 16079 15853 15983 9 Jan. 16 Sept., 1902 20 March 10 March 9 Jan. 11 Feb. 6 13 25 25 6 21 23 Jan.* 19 Feb. 2 April. 2 April.* 23 Jan. 19 March.* 16039 26 Feb. 21 19 March.* 15985 16179 16158 18 Feb. 31 March 28 March 25 43 29 2 April. 28 May. 16 April.* O'Connor, T. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Billiard-rest Oppermann, C. T. J., London, Eng. Secondary battery Ormiston, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Ship's telegraph Outred, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Pedal-aotion, &c, of cycle 16158 15960 15832 16084 28 March 10 Feb. 6 Jan. 10 March 29 13 6 25 16 April.* 19 Feb. 23 Jan.* 2 April. Palmer, J. E., Otokia, N.Z. Branding-compound Park, T. M., Darrington, U.S.A. Ore-loader, &c Parker, B., Coimadai, Vic Rabbit-destructor Parrott, E. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Slaking lime Parry, T. G. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Castor Passow, H., Dr., Hamburg, Germany. Cement Paul, T. T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Account-books Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Protecting bucket-tumbler from wear Payne, W., and another, Orange, N.S.W. Treating copper-ores Pearson, W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Forming sheet-metal into cubes .. Penrose, H. A., Baltimore, U.S.A. Filling and sealing bottles. (E. D. Schmitt) Perfection Blind and Lock-stitch Sewing-machine Company, The, Trenton, U.S.A. Blind-stitch sewing-machine. (C. F. Filor) Perrett, E., and another, Lewisham, Eng. Separation of oily impurities from water Phillips, E., Melbourne, Vic. Massage-machine. (F.King) Pirrit, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Preventing horses from bolting Plucknett, S. G., Sydney, N.S.W. Contrivance to reflect view of vehicle to tram-driver Polter, It., Auckland, N.Z. Bottle-neck shape Pond, J. A., Auckland, N.Z. Sterilising bones, manures, &c Preston, H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Horse-collar Purser, A., and others, Roodeport, Transvaal. Sharpening rockdrilling machine 15837 16142 15985 14866 15913 15871 15911 15939 15915 16114 16071 5 Jan. 26 March 13 Feb. 7 May, 1902 .. 28 Jan. 15 Jan. 24 Jan. 2 Feb. 28 Jan. 18 March 10 March 6 18 25 9 9 9 25 9 29 21 23 Jan.* 5 March.* 2 April. 5 Feb.* 5 Feb. 5 Feb.* 2 Aprji. 5 Feb. 16 April. 19 Maroh. 15842 6 Jan. 6 23 Jan. 15854 9 Jan. 6 23 Jan. 16049 15947 4 March 4 Feb. 21 13 19 Maroh. 19 Feb.* 16003 17 Feb. 18 5 March.* 16092 15896 14568 15852 12 March 20 Jan. 28 Feb., 1902.. 9 Jan. 25 9 6 2 April.* 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. Quigley, W. D., and another, Newark, U.S.A. Leather-splitting 15963 10 Feb. 13 19 Feb.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

i.pp: lical ;ion. '.aze. !«. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Rangi, R. Te, and another, Palmerston N., N.Z. Saw-setting instrument Raymond, K., Invercargill, N.Z. Tea-infuser Rayner, H. E. R., Oamaru, N.Z. Road-barrier Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for the sterilisation of milk, &c (S. M. Barre) Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Discharging sewage upon filter-bed. (G. E. Ridgway) Regan, J. D., Coromandel, N.Z. Match Reid, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Smelting ironsand Reid, J. Herbert, N.Z. Preventing shear-blades from crossing Reid, R. S., Timaru, N.Z. Window Reynolds, W. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Plough .. Richardson, E., Hawthorn, Vic Electrical amalgamating, &c, apparatus Ridd, C., and another. Eltham, N.Z. Probe for teats of cows, &c.. Ridgway, G. E., Ashley, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 15968.) Rigby, J. S., Liverpool, Eng. Manufacture of brick and stone Roberts, E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Revolving screen Roberts, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Lower tumbler-shaft for dredge Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Mail-marking machine Robson, D. M., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Cow-milking apparatus Roche, S., Greymouth, N.Z. Medicine for curing lumbago, &c. .. Rooke, T., and others, Newtown, N.S.W. Garbage destructor Roussell, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Oiling carriage-axles .. Russell, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Street-sweeping machine Rutland, J., and another, Canvastown, N.Z. Rowlock Ryan, J., Ross, N.Z. Ear-marking appliance 16122 15855 15949 15865 15968 16086 16097 15976 14867 15848 15000 15964 24 March 7 Jan. 3 Feb. 14 Jan. 12 Feb. 14 March 16 March 10 Feb. 1 May, 1902 .. 7 Jan. 13 June, 1902.. 10 Feb. 25 6 13 6 21 2,5 25 13 9 6 25 13 2 April.* 23 Jan.* 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. 19 March. 2 April.* 2 April.* 19 Feb.* 5 Fob. 23 Jan. 2 April. 19 Feb.* 15972 15874 16057 14686 16109 12 Feb. 14 Jan. 3 March 1 April, 1902.. 19 March 13 9 25 6 25 19 Feb. 5 Feb. 2 April. 23 Jan. 2 April.* 15903 16107 14766 14921 16027 16110 20 Jan. 19 March 18 April, 1902.. 26 May, 1902 .. 25 Feb. 18 March 13 2,5 13 18 18 2.5 19 Feb. 2 April. 19 Feb. 5 March. 5 March. 2 April.* Salinger, J., Auckland, N.Z. Operating air-brakes on trains Sanders, R. D., Blackheath, Eng. Manufacture of compound wire bars and the like Schmitt, E. D., Baltimore, U.S.A. (See H. A. Penrose, No. 16071.) Schnetzer, K., Krammel, Austria. Soap-moulding machine Scott, C. W. B., Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Wall-distemper Seager, E., Wellington, N.Z. Grip-wheel for hauling .. Seager, E., Wellington, N.Z. Compressor for wire ropes Secor, J. A., New York, U.S.A. Explosion-motor Seymour, H. A., Washington, U.S.A. Generation of steam from hot slag Shaw, S., East Richmond, Vic Fittings for gas-burners Shepherd, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Recovering gold from black-sand Shepherd, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Driving log-hauling wagon Shely, A. M., and another, Louisville, US.A. Cleaning fibrous material Shely, W. A., and another, Louisville, U.S.A. Cleaning fibrous material Shine, T., Sydney, N.S.W. Parlour-game Shipway, C. J., and another, Meningie, S. Aust. Sheep-shears Shuker, S-, Addington, N.Z. Ends of rails for railways.. Sim, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Milking-machine Smart, A., the younger, and others, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-escape .. Smith, H., Kew, Vic. (See Artistic Woodwork Proprietary, Limited, No. 15993.) Smith, J. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Hair curler and waver Smith, W. F., Anderson's Bay, N.Z. Wire-strainer Smith, W. H., and another, Havelock, N.Z. Rowlock Somer, J., Maldon, Vic. Adjusting tire-bladders to cycles Southward, P. E., Wellington, N.Z. Candle-guard Spragg, E., Auckland, N.Z. Sewing-machine attachment Stafford, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Dressing and washing Phormium tenax Stanton, A. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Raising sunken vessel Stanton, C. W., Mobile, U.S.A. Condensing-apparatus Staples, W., Wellington, N.Z. Boot Stebbing, W. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Roller for typewriter Steele, E. G., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Electrostatic-magnetic separator Steele, W. L., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Electrostatic-magnetic separator Stephens, T., Brunswick, Vic. Retaining necktie in position Stevenson, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Metal mould or die Stewart, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Spreading polish on floor Stiggins, E. A., Beverly, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 14882.) St. Louis Plate Glass Company, The, St. Louis, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 16066.) Storer', J., Melbourne, Vic. (See W. P. Jarvie, No. 15919.) Stuart, J., London, Eng. Boat-chock and disconnecting-grip Sutton, H. M., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Electrostatic-magnetic separator Svenska Centrifug Aktie Bolaget, Stockholm, Sweden. Centrifugal churn. (C. S. Berghmark) 15982 14813 11 Feb. 1 May, 1902 .. 18 9 5 March. 5 Feb. 15727 15899 15944 15945 14571 15851 3 Dec, 1902 .. 23 Jan. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 3 March, 1902 9 Jan. 18 9 13 13 18 6 5 March. 5 Feb. 19 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 5 March. 23 Jan. 14899 16123 16124 15940 22 May, 1902 .. 24 March 24 March 5 Feb. 18 2.5 2.5 13 5 March. 2 April.* 2 April.* 19 Feb. 15940 5 Feb. 13 19 Feb. 16143 14932 16031 16157 15967 26 March 29 Mav, 1902.. 27 Feb. 28 March 10 Feb. 29 6 21 29 13 16 April. 23 Jan. 19 March.* 16 April.* 19 Feb.* 15930 15954 16027 15961 16111 16104 15977 29 Jan. 5 Feb. 25 Feb. 10 Feb. 20 March 14 March 13 Feb. 13 13 18 18 2.5 2,5 13 19 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 5 March. 19 Feb.* 2 April.* 2 April.* 19 Feb.* 16096 15990 16007 16093 16 March 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 12 March 2,5 18 18 25 2 April.* 5 March. 5 March.* 2 April.* 15830 5 Jan. 6 23 Jan.* 15830 5 Jan. 6 23 Jan.* 16062 15902 16090 6 March 23 Jan. 12 March 21 13 25 19 March.* 19 Feb. 2 April.* 4 March 5 Jan. 19 March.* 23 Jan.* 16046 15830 21 6 14358 19 Dec, 1901 .. 2 8 Jan.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Swift, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Mould or die for plastic materials 15907 27 Jan. 9 5 Feb. randy, C, Wellington, N.Z. Lifting-trigger for telescope-ladder .. I'andy, C, Wellington, N.Z. Tire for vehicle-wheels raplin, T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Raising liquids to a high level raucher, I., Wellington, N.Z. Oiling vehicle-axles ray lor, F. W., Wanganui, N.Z. Separation of iron from sand rhomas, W., Geraldine, N.Z. Changing photographic plates rhompson, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Oiling carriage-axles rhomson, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Sluice-box.. rhorstenson, A. T., and another, South Norsewood, N.Z. Cramp .. rhrush, J., and others, Dulwich Hill, N.S.W. Garbage-destructor rong, J. W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Siphon.. ronkin, J. E., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Fastening rail at joint roogood, W., Featherston, N.Z. Fibre-washing machine rowgood, E. T., and others, Wanganui, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe rowgood, Y. S., and others, Wanganui, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe rrench, R. Le P., Darlinghurst, N.S.W. Hydrant-valve rrevethick, J., Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of broom-heads Iripe, J. D., Wanganui, N.Z. Apparatus for securing doors, &c. .. Dicker, W. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. (See A. H. Nathan, No. 15403.) rully, B., Victor, U.S A. Barrel filter rurnbull, T. 0., Kawhia, N.Z. Device for carrying children rurnbull, W., Wellington, N.Z. Pivoting - arrangement for fanlights, &c rurner, D. L., Wellington, N.Z. Antiseptic matoh or torch rurri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Rotatable rabble for furnace. (T. Edwards) rurri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-roasting furnace. (T. Edwards) fwomey, J. M., Temuka, N.Z. Paper-folding apparatus 14841 14842 14939 15956 16150 16016 14766 15849 15884 16107 15877 15995 14715 14774 14774 16030 15937 15838 5 May, 1902 .. 5 May, 1902 .. 30 May, 1902 .. 9 Feb. 28 March 20 Feb. 18 April, 1902.. 5 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 March 19 Jan. 18 Feb. 7 April, 1902.. 19 April, 1902.. 19 April, 1902.. 27 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Jan. 13 13 9 13 29 18 13 6 9 28 9 2.5 21 6 6 21 13 6 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 5 Feb. 19 Feb.* 16 April.* 5 March.* 19 Feb. 23 Jan.* 5 Feb.* 2 April. 5 Feb. 2 April. 19 March. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 19 March. 19 Feb. 23 Jan.* 15870 14710 14978 15 Jan. 7 April, 1902.. 9 June, 1902.. 9 6 21 5 Feb. 23 Jan. 19 March. 16060 15941 7 March 5 Feb. 21 13 19 March.* 19 Feb.* 15942 16059 5 Feb. 6 March 13 21 19 Feb.* 19 March. * Union Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited), The. Raft. (C. McDonald) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Heel-nailing machine. (B. F. Mayo) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Lastingmachine. (E. A. Stiggins) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for compressing heels. (S. D. Leland) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for compressing heels. (C. L. Allen) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Shoe-seving machine. (F. L. Alley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Apparatus for waxing threads. (F. L. Alley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Fastening lacing-hook in shoe. (H. H. Eaton) Urquhart, D., Islington, N.Z. Machine for printing sheep-bags .. 15975 12 Feb. 21 19 Maroh. 14697 3 April, 1902.. 13 19 Feb. 14882 16 May, 1902 .. 2.5 2 April. 15827 5 Jan. 6 23 Jan.* 15828 5 Jan. 6 23 Jan.* 15834 7 Jan. 6 23 Jan. 15938 4 Feb. 13 19 Feb. 16108 19 March 25 2 April. 15891 20 Jan. 9 5 Feb.* Verity, C. H., Wellington, N.Z. Heating water Vibert, J. P., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Closet Vickery, T. H., Prahran, Vic. Shell for cream-separator Volkers, E., Berlin, Germany. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 16044.) 15777 15395 15900 30 Dec, 1902 .. 13 Sep., 1902 .. 21 Jan. 13 9 9 19 Feb.* 5 Feb. 5 Feb.* Walker, A., and another, Geelong, Vic Fire-box for copper Walker, P. A., Patea, N.Z. Candlestick Walker, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Liquid cooler and aerator Wall, A. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Shield for busks of stays, &c Wall, 0., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Sash lock Wallace, W. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tumbler for dredgebucket Walters, W. B., Wellington, N.Z. Treating flax Ward, A., Waikawa Valley, N.Z. Yoke for pigs Warwood, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Tobacco-cutter Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vic. Microtelephone. (E. Volkers) .. Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vic Machinery for grinding and polishing glass. (St. Louis Plate Glass Company—D. J. Murnane) Watkins, J. E., Tinwald, N.Z. Threshing-machine Watson, G. H., Wellington, N.Z. Draught-excluder Watson, G. H., Wellington, N.Z. Carrying hot cooking-utensils .. Watson, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Measuring-tap Waugh, E., and another, Denver, U.S.A. (See F. J. and J. H. McShane, No. 16010.) Waugh, R. E., and another, Denver, U.S.A. (See F. J. and J. H. McShane, No. 16010.) Waygood, J. E., Waikumete, N.Z. Hinge for gates and doors Waymouth, J., Auckland, N.Z. Ship's raft .. Weave'r, A., Hastings, N.Z. Apparatus for washing wool Webb, J., Arrowtown, N.Z. Luring birds to take poison Wellman, H. P., Melbourne, Vic. Elevating-gate Westinghouse Brake Company (Limited). (See J. T. Hunter, No. 16012.) 15853 15833 15923 14703 16083 16145 9 Jan. 6 Jan. 27 Jan. 4 April, 1902.. 13 March 23 March 6 6 9 6 25 29 23 Jan. 23 Jan.* 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. 2 April. 16 April.* 15926 15901 15950 16044 16066 30 Jan. 21 Jan. 3 Feb. 28 Feb. 9 March 9 9 13 oil 21 5 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 19 March. 19 March. 16153 15935 15943 16050 30 March 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 2 March 29 13 13 21 16 April. 19 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 19 March. 14858 16028 15519 16034 15962 8 May, 1902 .. 23 Feb. 14 Oct., 1902 .. 26 Feb. 10 Feb. 13 21 9 21 13 19 Feb. 19 March.* 5 Feb. 19 March.* 19 Feb.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

X.—ALPHABETICAL LIST OF INVENTIONS FOR QUARTER ENDING 31st MARCH, 1903. Denotes a provisional specification. Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."

2—H. 10._ 04 ,

Name, Address, and Invention. No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Steam-turbine Whisker, N. H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-escape White, A. M., Bolivia, N.S.W. Ploughshare. (J. Ainsworth) White, H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cramp for pictureframes White, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Opening bottles of soda-water, &c. Whitney, A. N., Auckland, N.Z. Vessel for despatch, pleasure, &c Wickens, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Navigation of river .. Wilkins, T., Lawrence, N.Z. Knife-cleaner.. Wilkinson, W., Roslyn, N.Z. Locking-device for fish-plate nut Williams, H., Lyttelton, N.Z. Life-saving raft Williams, J. L., North Melbourne, Vic. Flushing latrine Williams, R., East Taieri, N.Z. Wire-strainer Willmot, T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Coating wooden blocks with tar Wilson, H. E., Auckland, N.Z. Kettle or pan bottoms Wilson, J., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-escape Wilson, W. D., Auckland, N.Z. Swingle-tree iron Wix, N. V. G., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Ventilating halls, &c Woltereck, H. C, London, Eng. Manufacture of ammonia Wren, J., and another, Kew, Vic Automatic spring-catch for sliding sashes, louvres, &c (J. T. and C. M. Young) Wright, R., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. (See Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth, and Co., Limited, No. 16133.) 16017 15967 14827 15893 23 Feb. 10 Feb. 25 April, 1902.. 20 Jan. 18 13 6 9 5 March. 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 15921 15958 16148 16023 16154 15934 16164 16091 16043 27 Jan. 7 Feb. 25 March 25 Feb. 30 March 2 Feb. 30 Dec, 1902 .. 12 March 3 Maroh 9 13 29 18 29 18 5 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 16 April. 5 March.* 16 April.* 19 Feb.* 2:5 21 2 April.* 19 March. 16052 15967 16146 14952 15892 15839 2 March 10 Feb. 25 March 4 June, 1902 .. 21 Jan. 8 Jan. 21 18 29 21 9 6 19 March.* 19 Feb.* 16 April.* 19 March. 5 Feb. 23 Jan. 'oung, C. E., and another, Eltham, N.Z. Probe for teats of cows, &c 'oung, C. M., North Bendigo, Vic. (See J. T. Young and J. Wren, No. 15839.) 'oung, J. T., and another, Williamstown, Vic. Automatic springcatch for sliding sashes, louvres, &c. (J. T. and C. M. Young) 10 Feb. 19 Feb.* 15964 18 15839 8 Jan. 6 23 Jan.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Account-book Advertising Advertising, Using waste light of shop for Aerated liquid, Dispensing Aerating and carbonating liquid Aerator Aerator, MilkAir and steam to furnace, Supplying Air-brake operating-device Airing and drying clothes Air-pump Air-purification in mine Alcohol, Commercial Alloy, Aluminium Aluminium alloy Amalgamating, &c, machine, Electrical .. Ammonia by synthesis, Producing Angle-iron Angle-iron for bedstead Animal-cover, Securing front of Animal-trap Animal trap Animal-trap Anti-rattling window attachment Antiseptic match or torch Arrester. (See Spark-arrester.) Artificial fuel Artificial manure Artificial stone Artificial-stone blocks Artificial-stone blocks Artificial stone, Mould for Auriferous material, Locating.. Auriferous material, Stirring Automatic-discharge filter-bed Automatic letter, &c, stamping-machine Automatic lubricator Auxiliary driving-mechanism for cycle Axle. (See Carriage-axle, Vehicle-axle.) T. Foster and T. T. Paul G. Darrell H. Ashworth J. Fletcher F. J. Fletcher K. Walker R. J. Moore G. Claydon J. Salinger W. B. Giesen H. F. Mander and F. Lewis W. P. Jarvie E. T. Home and G. L. Jones C. F. Lungley C. F. Lungley E. Richardson H. C. Woltereck T. Stevenson S., C, and A. Holmes A. S. Hasell R. McLean W. Borlase F. W. Barton H. Agar D. L. Turner 15911 15049 16004 16011 15996 15923 16026 15061 15982 15878 15986 15919 16036 15850 15850 15000 15892 15902 16119 16038 14595 15735 15978 16045 16060 24 Jan. 27 June, 1902 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 18 Feb. 27 Jan. 25 Feb. 30 June, 1902 11 Feb. 19 Jan. 17 Feb. 29 Jan. 26 Feb. 9 Jan. 9 Jan. 13 June, 1902 21 Jan. 23 Jan. 21 March .. 2 March .. 7 March .. 6 Dec, 1902 11 Feb. 4 March .. 7 March .. 9 25 18 18 18 9 18 18 18 9 .18 9 2.5 9 9 2.5 9 19 37 21 6 25 13 21 21 5 Feb.* 2 April. 5 March.* 5 March. 5 March. 5 Feb.* 5 March.* 5 March. 5 March. 5 Feb.* 5 March.* 5 Feb.* 2 April. 5 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 2 April. 5 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 May. 19 March.* 23 Jan. 2 April. 19 Feb.* 19 March.* 19 March. A. Edelmann E. T. Home and G. L. Jones J. S. Rigby R. W. England, jun... R. W. England, jun... L. P. Ford E. de N. de Loitte .. P. Ferguson J. B. King J. H. Husband E. A. Holden E. M. McLaughlan .. 15951 16035 15972 15991 16008 16131 16144 15965 15860 15829 15873 16025 4 Feb. 26 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 March .. 24 March .. 11 Feb. 8 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 25 Feb. 13 2,5 13 18 18 25 29 19 Feb. 2 April. 19 Feb. 5 March.* 5 March.* 2 April. 16 April.* 0 6 9 18 23 Jan.* 23 Jan.* 5 Feb. 5 March.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. Ar. No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Sag. (See Sheep-bag.) 5all-valve for w*ter-cistern iallot-box to indicate positions of horse in W. A. J. Dutch and C. H. Barton W. Lyons.. 16102 16014 18 Maroh .. 19 Feb. 25 18 2 April. 5 March.* race iandolier and rifle-carrier !ark, Abstracting colouring-matter from.. iarrel filter iarrier. (See Road-barrier.) iars, Compound wire lattery. (See Medical battery, Secondary battery.) ledstead, Angle-iron for Seer tap ielting, Securing ends of machinerylicycle, Adjusting duplicate rubber tire to iicycle driving-gear Sicycle, Preventing skidding of iieycle-pump Silliard-rest Silliard-table in ship, Mounting Sirds, Poisoning (it, Bridle Slackberry-destroying preparation ilack sand, Recovering gold from Slasting holes, Laying dust made in Slind-stuching sewing-machine E. H. B. Laing and G. W. Clarke G. H. Irvine B. Tully 15999 16048 15870 16 Feb. 4 March .. 15 Jan. 18 21 9 5 March. 19 March. 5 Feb. R. D. Sanders 14813 1 May, 1902 9 5 Feb. S., C, and A. Holmes J. McLean and P. Ellis H. F. Mander and F. Lewis J. Somer H. A. Ladbrook S. Butler H. F. Mander and F. Lewis J. H. Noonan and T. B. O'Connor W. McKenzie J. Webb J. Coop T. M. Hickman J. Shepherd T. J. Britten The Perfection Blind and Lock Stitch Sewing - machine Company R. W. England, jun. T. Willmot and M. T. Morgan .. J. A. Pond J. Stuart J. Rutland and W. H. Smith .. H. E. Leighton J. H. Gattsche C. M. Newson and M. Coulson .. T. Betts and G. Pirrit F. Matthews W. Campbell J. M. Morony D. Matheson J. A. Pond 16119 16037 15987 15961 15955 16178 15986 16158 15979 16034 16087 16063 16123 15840 15842 21 March .. 2 March .. 17 Feb. 10 Feb. 6 Feb. 31 March .. 17 Feb. 28 March .. 14 Feb. 26 Feb. 14 March .. 6 March .. 24 March .. 8 Jan. 6 Jan. 37 21 18 13 13 29 18 29 13 21 25 21 25 6 6 14 May. 19 March.* 5 March.* 19 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 16 April. 5 March.* 16 April.* 19 Feb.* 19 March.* 2 April.* 19 March.* 2 April.* 23 Jan. 23 Jan. Hocks, Artificial-stone ilock-tarring apparatus Slood-manures, Sterilising Soat chock, Lowering and canting !oat-rowlock Soiler- furnace ioiler used in brewery, &c Soiling tar to paving, Applying Solting, Preventing horse iolting, Preventing horse Jolting, Preventing horse iolting, Preventing horse iolting, Preventing horse iones, &c, Sterilising Sook. (See Account-book.) iook-leaf holder loot loot loot cleaner and knife-polisher ioot-heel Soot-heel loot-heel, Elastic 15991 16043 15896 16046 16027 16116 16126 15983 15947 15948 16072 16135 16155 15896 13 Feb. 3 March .. 20 Jan. 4 March .. 25 Feb. 21 March .. 25 March .. 11 Feb. 4 Feb. 0 Feb. 10 March .. 25 March .. 31 Maroh .. 20 Jan. 18 21 9 21 18 5 March.* 19 March. 5 Feb.* 19 March.* 5 March. 25 21 18 18 21 29 29 9 2 April.* 19 March.* 19 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 19 March.* 16 April.* 16 April.* 5 Feb.* G. S. Budge .. • .. W. Staples P. Eskesen T. Napier J. M. May A. L. Heighton J. C. and W. H. Harrop, and A. Linard E. Dimant A. McLeod T. J. Britten 16065 16007 16069 15859 15861 16136 15931 9 March .. 20 Feb. 9 March .. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 24 March .. 29 Jan. 21 18 21 6 6 29 18 19 March. 5 March.* 19 March. 23 Jan.* 23 Jan.* 16 April.* 19 Feb.* loot-sole lorer for rook-boring loring holes, Laying dust made in lottle. (See Non-refillable bottle.) lottle, Filling and sealing lottle-neck loitle-opener lottle, Preventing refilling of .. lottle with liquid, Filling and stoppering lox for packing rabbits, &c lox or can, Sheet-metal iraces [racket, ScaffoldingIrake. (See Westinghouse brake.) Irake, Air-, operating device Irake-apparatus, Fluid-pressure Iranding-compound Iranding-stamp Irewery, &c, Boiler used in .. Irick Irick Irick Irickwork, &c, Rendering, impervious to water Iridle-bit Iroom-head Iroom-head, Securing handle to lucket carrier or wagon lucket-tumbler from wear, Protecting .. Suffer for tipping-wagon 15101 15869 15840 10 July, 1902 10 Jan. 8 Jan. 6 9 6 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. H. A. Penrose R. Potter S. White R. Garnham F. J. Fletcher W. Moore and C. T. Kiernan F. W. Feaver W. Greenshields J. H. Fairhurst 16071 16092 15921 15952 15997 14778 15856 16115 16019 10 March .. 12 March .. 27 Jan. 6 Feb. 18 Feb. 17 April, 1902 10 Jan. 21 March .. 23 Feb. 21 25 9 13 18 9 9 25 18 19 March. 2 April.* 5 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 5 March. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 2 April.* 5 March. J. Salinger M. Corrington J. E. Palmer A. McLeod J. H. Gattsche J. S. Righy E. Eaton E. Eaton J. J. Collins and R. D. Harman.. 15982 15898 15837 16085 16126 15972 16074 16075 14930 11 Feb. 23 Jan. 5 Jan. 11 March .. 25 March .. 12 Feb. 11 March .. 11 March .. 29 May, 1902 18 9 6 2.5 2.5 13 5 March. 5 Feb. 23 Jan.* 2 April. 2 April.* 19 Feb. 9 5 Feb." J. Coop J. Trevethick D. M. Brooks H. W. Lovegrove F. W. Payne Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth, and Co. (Limited) D. Brummer N. H. Whisker, A. Smart, jun., and J. Wilson 16087 15937 15980 14928 15939 16133 14 March .. 2 Feb. 14 Feb. 24 May, 1902 2 Feb. 25 March .. 25 18 21 21 25 ■25 2 April.* 19 Feb. 19 March. 19 March. 2 April. 2 April. luilding, Portable luilding, Safely descending from 15651 15967 23 Nov., 1901+ 10 Feb. IS 13 5 March. 19 Feb.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Burner. (See Gas-burner.) Busk, Shield for stay-Button-fastener Button-holes, Making A. F. Wall A. H. Brownley and T. B. Jacobsen L. G. W. Godden .. 14703 14856 15883 4 April, 1902 8 May, 1902 17 Jan. 6 13 9 23 Jan. 19 Feb. 5 Feb.* Cable, Conduit for underground Cable-tramway, Signalling-apparatus for .. Can Can, Opening, with wire Can or box, Sheet-metal Candle-extinguisher Candle-guard Candlestick Candlestick, Sconce for Canting boat-chock, &c. Carbonaceous liquid as fuel, Using Carbonating and aerating liquid Card. (See Letter-card.) Carriage-axle oiler Carrying children, Device for Cashier, register, &c, Mechanical T. E. Devonshire W. J. Dunstan E. Basil-Jones G. Holford F. W. Feaver J. G. Bartlett P. E. Southward P. A. Walker A. R. Hardy J. Stuart F. Cotton F. J. Fletcher 16134 16176 15862 16121 15856 16128 16111 15833 15875 16046 15318 15996 25 March .. 31 March .. 12 Jan. 23 March .. 10 Jan. 21 March .. 20 March .. 6 Jan. 14 Jan. 4 March .. 28 Aug., 1902 18 Feb. 29 6 29 9 25 25 6 9 21 18 18 16 April.* 23 Jan.* 16 April.* 5 Feb. 2 April.* 2 April.* 23 Jan.* 5 Feb.* 19 March.* 5 March. 5 March. A. Thompson and J. Roussell T. O. Turnbull 14766 14716 18 April, 1902 7 April, 1902 1 May, 1902 13 6 8 9 25 6 9 25 21 6 18 ('. 25 19 Feb. 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 5 Feb. 5 Feb.* 2 April.* 23 Jan. 5 Feb. 2 April. 19 March. 23 Jan.* 5 March.* 23 Jan. 2 April.* W. E. Hughes 14809 Castor Castrating, &c, lambs Catch for window Cement Centrifugal separator Cereals, Sowing Chair, &c, Revolving Changing and developing photographic films Children, Device for carrying Children, Rocker for Chock. (See Boat-chock.) Churn Cistern. (See Closet-cistern.) Cleaner. (See Fibrous-material cleaner, Knife-cleaner.) Clip for holding smoking-pipe Closet Closet-cistern valve Clothes, Airing and drying Clothes-line strainer Clothes-line support Coating wooden blocks with tar Codlin-moth, Destruction of .. Coking-oven Collar. (See Horse-collar.) Collar, Retaining necktie on .. Combustion-chamber for washing copper .. Compasses, DrawingCompensator, Vehicle weightCompound dredge-winch Compounded steam-engine Compressed-air, Raising liquid by Compressing heel Compressing heel Compressor for gaseous fluid Compressor for wire rope Concentrating, &c, machine, Electrical .. Concentrator Concentrator, Dry-ore Condensing-apparatus Connecting ends of rails Controlling horse, Attachable gear for Converter, Waste-Cooking-utensil, Carrying hot Cooler Copper, Combustion chamber, &c, for .. Copper-ore, Treating Coriaceous material Couch-grass land, Cultivator for Coupling, Railway rolling-stock Cover. (See Animal-cover, Horse-cover.) Cover for hay, &c, stack Cow-leg holder Cow-leg holder Cow-leg, Securing Cow-tail holder Cow-milking apparatus Cow, Probe for teat of Cramp,- FlooringT. G. A. Parry J. Dignan J. T. Young and J. Wren Dr. H. Passow P. W. Lindberg W. E. Chamberlain H. J. Bettany W. Thomas T. O. Turnbull J. R. Flanagan 15913 16120 15839 15871 16073 15806 15866 16016 14716 16118 28 Jan. 19 March .. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 11 March .. 23 Dec, 1902 14 Jan. 20 Feb. 7 April, 1902 21 March .. Svenska Centrifug Aktie Bolaget 14358 19 Dec, 1901 2 8 Jan. G. Aldous.. J. P. Vibert and G. Cozens J. Cook .. W. B. Giesen W. Anderson H. F. Nelson T. Willmot and M. T. Morgan .. A. W. Harris L. Z. Leiter 15984 15395 14880 15878 15889 16079 16043 16098 16138 16 Feb. 13 Sept., 1902 15 May, 1902 19 Jan. 20 Jan. 10 March .. 3 March .. 14 March .. 26 March .. 18 9 13 9 9 25 21 5 March. 5 Feb. 19 Feb. 5 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 2 April.* 19 March. 25 2 April. T. Stephens F. J. Newberry and A. Walker .. D. W. Macdonald .. M. Browne W. Cutten R. P. Gibbons T. Taplin United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company C. W. Munson E. Seager E. Richardson J. S. Brownell F. J. and J. H. McShane C. W. Stanton S. Shuker.. - .. J. H. Grattan A. E. Niccolls G. H. Watson R. Walker F. J. Newberry and A. Walker .. W. Payne and J. H. Gillies W. S. Lawson A. Busch C. A. Johnson 16062 15853 16024 15889 15857 15537 14939 15827 15828 16099 15945 15000 15843 16010 15990 16031 16013 16179 15943 15923 15853 15915 16002 16053 15969 6 March .. 9 Jan. 25 Feb. 20 Jan. 8 Jan. 18 Oct., 1902 30 May, 1902 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 18 March .. 5 Feb. 13 June, 1902 7 Jan. 21 Feb. 13 Feb. 27 Feb. 19 Feb. 31 March .. 5 Feb. 27 Jan. 9 Jan. 28 Jan. 17 Feb. 3 March .. 12 Feb. 21 6 18 9 6 18 9 6 6 25 13 25 6 18 18 21 18 43 13 9 6 9 '18 21 13 19 March.* 23 Jan. 5 March.* 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. 5 March. 5 Feb. 23 Jan.* 23 Jan.* 2 April. 19 Feb.* 2 April. 23 Jan. 5 March. 5 March. 19 March.* 5 March. 28 May. 19 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. 5 Feb. 5 March.* 19 March.* 19 Feb.* H. Ham .. W. A. Collins W. S. Harkness F. H. Aussel C. C. Neal J. Hartnett and D. M. Robison .. C. Ridd and C. E. Young J. Collinge, jun., and A. T. Thorstenson A. J. H. Lange and H. White .. H. Brown.. T. H. Viokery 16018 15425 15858 15867 16113 16109 15964 15884 23 Feb. 19 Sept., 1902 9 Jan. 14 Jan. 20 March .. 19 March .. 10 Feb. 16 Jan. 25 9 6 6 25 25 13 9 2 "April.* 5" Feb. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 2 April. 2 April.* 19 Feb.* 5 Feb.* Cramp, Picture-frame Crane Cream-separator, Shell for 15893 16101 15900 20 Jan. 18 March .. 21 Jan. 9 25 9 5 Feb.* 2 April.* 5 Feb.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Cube, Forming sheet-metal into Cucumher-slicer Cultivator Curler and waver, Hair Current operated receiver Cushioned furniture Cutter. (See Mitre-cutter, Tobacco-cutter.) Cycle, Auxiliary driving-mechanism for .. Cycle, Pedal-action and speed of Cycling-machine W. H. Pearson M. 0. Cossar A. Busch J. D. Smith R. A. Fessenden W. Aggers 16114 16156 16053 15930 15847 15885 18 March .. 31 March .. 3 March .. 29 Jan. 7 Jan. 19 Jan. 29 29 21 13 6 9 16 April. 16 April.* 19 March.* 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* E. M. McLauchlan J Outred and J. McQueen E. M. McLauchlan 16025 16884 15988 25 Feb. 10 March .. 7 Feb. 18 25 18 5 March.* 2 April. 5 March.* Damper-regulator Decorating woodwork F. Bonnington Artistic Woodwork Proprietary (Limited) N. H. Whisker, A. Smart, jun., and J. Wilson T. M. Hickman A. W. Harris J. Findlay B. Parker.. T. Rooke, J. Thrush, and T. F. W. Early W. E. Hughes W. Thomas 15025 15993 23 June, 1902 18 Feb. 25 18 2 April. 5 March.* Descending from building 15967 10 Feb. 13 19 Feb.* Destroying blackberry-bush, &c. Destroying codlin-moth, &c Destroying noxious plants, &c Destroying rabbits, &c. Destructor, Garbage16063 16098 16009 15985 16107 6 March .. 14 March 18 Feb. 13 Feb. 19 March .. 21 18 18 2.5 19 March.* 5 March.* 5 March.* 2 April. Detecting and localising mineral deposit .. Developing and changing photographic plates Die for plastic material Dipping sheep, Apparatus for Disc-plough Dispensing aerated liquids Distemper, WallDistillatory apparatus Distributing sewage on to filter-bed Docking, &c, lambs Doors, Hanging Doors, windows, &c, Securing Drafting sheep, Apparatus for.. Draught-excluder Draught-excluder for door 16076 16016 11 March 20 Feb. 18 5 March.* A. W. Swift and R. Hall S. E. Denniston F. A. Brand J. Fletcher C. W. B. Scott D. R. S. Galbraith E. S. Baldwin and H H. Rayward J. Dignan.. R. L. Lockerbie J. D. Tripe J. Dick G. H. Watson E. R. Ludbrook, A. B. and G. C. Jackson D. W. Macdonald J. Fletcher J. McLean and P. Ellis T. H. Ibbotson G. Helleur J. Duncan F. J. Davys and W. J. Wallace .. E. Roberts W. Cutten G. Stafford and A. C. S. French.. C. Anderson H. Harraway A. McLeod A. Purser, F. W. Jenkins, and C. R. M. Millar S. G. Plucknett H. A. Ladbrook E. M. McLauchlan .. W. B. Giesen J. Somer .. E. R. Ludbrook, A. B. and G. C. Jackson H. H. Henderson T. J. Britten 15907 15992 15925 16011 15899 16103 15968 16120 15922 15838 16006 15935 15222 27 Jan. 13 Feb. 30 Jan. 21 Feb. 23 Jan. 14 March .. 12 Feb. 19 March .. 27 Jan. 6 Jan. 20 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Aug., 1902 9 18 1.8 9 25 21 25 9 6 1.8 13 6 5 Feb. 5 March.* 5 March. 5 Feb. 2 April.* 19 March. 2 April.* 5 Feb.* 23 Jan.* 5 March. 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. Drawing-compasses Drawing off aerated liquid Drawing off beer, &c, Tap for.. Drawing off liquid from container Drawing off liquid from tin Dredge, Bottom tumbler of Dredge-bucket tumbler Dredge lower-tumbler shaft Dredge-winch, Compound Dressing and washing Phormium tenax .. Dressing fur on skins Drier and conditioner, Grain Drill for rook-boring Drilling machine, Sharpening rock16024 16011 16037 16112 16042 15841 16145 16057 15857 15977 16141 16068 15869 15852 25 Feb. 21 Feb. 2 March .. 20 March .. 3 March .. 8 Jan. 23 March .. 3 March .. 8 Jan. 13 Feb. 26 March .. 9 March .. 10 Jan. 9 Jan. 18 18 21 25 21 6 29 25 6 13 25 21 9 5 March.* 5 March. 19 March.* 2 April.* 19 March. 23 Jan.* 16 April.* 2 April. 23 Jan. 19 Feb.* 2 April. 19 March. 5 Feb.* Driver, Reflecting view of car to Driving-gear for bicycle Driving-mechanism for cycle Drying and airing clothes Duplicate tires, Adjusting, to bicycle Dust-excluder for door 16003 15955 16025 15878 15961 15222 17 Feb. 6 Feb. 25 Feb. 19 Jan. 10 Feb. 5 Aug., 1902 18 13 18 9 13 6 5 March.* 19 Feb.* 5 March.* 5 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. Dusting floors and walls Dust of blasting, Laying 14955 15840 5 June, 1902 8 Jan. 18 6 5 March. 23 Jan. Ear-marking appliance Ear-marking, &c, lambs Ear-trumpet Economizer. (See Fuel-economizer, Heateconomizer.) Eggs, Preserving J. Ryan J. Dignan.. T. W. Messenger 16110 16120 14721 18 March .. 19 March .. 8 April, 1902 •25 25 6 2 April.* 2 April.* 23 Jan. R. W. Ashcroft, W. J. Maddren, and S. Ashcroft J. C. Harrop, W. H. Harrop, and A. Linard E. Richardson A. B. Gill.. F. W. Taylor F. E. Elmore J. P. Campbell J. F. McElroy W. E. Hughes R. D. Sanders F. E. Elmore D. W. Balch R. McKnight 16095 16 March .. 25 2 April.* Elastic heel for boot, &c 15931 29 Jan. 13 19 Feb.* Electrical amalgamating, &c, apparatus .. Electrically lighting train Electrically separating iron from sand Electric current for electrolysis, Generating Electric current, Obtaining unidirectional Electric-lighting system Electric railway, Signalling-system for Electro-deposition of metals Electrolysis, Generating electric current for Electro-magnetic railway-traction Electro-magnetic separator 15000 15909 16150 16077 15906 16082 15908 14813 16077 15826 16106 13 June, 1902 27 Jan. 28 March .. 11 March .. 27 Jan. 12 March .. 27 Jan. 1 May, 1902 11 March .. 5 Jan. 19 March .. 25 9 29 25 9 25 9 9 25 6 25 2 April. 5 Feb. 16 April.* 2 April. 5 Feb. 2 April. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 2 April. 23 Jan. 2 April.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.

.pp] ieai iion. gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Electro-magnetic waves, Current-operated receiver for Electro-magnetic waves, Signalling by Electrostatic-magnetic separator Elevating gate for farmers, &c Embossing machine, Tape-Engine-governor Engine, Rotary fluidEscape. (See Fire-escape.) Evaporation-apparatus Explosion in gas-engine, &c, Causing Explosion-motor Explosive-matter in mine, Preventing accumulation of Extinguisher. (See Candle - extinguisher, Spark-extinguisher.) Extinguishing fire, Generating gas for R. A. Fessenden 15847 7 Jan. 6 23 Jan. R. A. Fessenden E. G. Steele and W. Folsetter .. H. P. Wellman H. J. Ellis W. J. M. Harvey Cooley Development Company .. 15846 15830 15962 15994 15835 16100 .c3A8 3 16103 15966 14571 16125 7 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Feb. 18 Feb. 7 Jan. 18 March .. 6 6 13 18 6 25 23 Jan. 23 Jan.* 19 Feb.* 5 March. 23 Jan.* 2 April. D. R. S. Galbraith R. M. Murie J. A. Secor J. B. Daniels 14 March .. 11 Feb. 3 March .. 24 March .. 25 18 18 2.5 2 April.* 19 Feb.* 5 March. 2 April.* The Clayton Fire - extinguishing and Ventilating Company (Ltd.) E. de N. de Loitte 15844 7 Jan. 6 23 Jan. Extracting gold from river material 16144 24 Maroh .. 29 16 April.* Fanlight, Pivoting-arrangement for Fastener. (See Button - fastener, Horsecover fastener, Mat-fastener, Sash-fast-ener.) Fastening lacing-hook in shoe Fastening of rails, Securing W. Turnbull 14978 9 June, 1902 21 19 March. Feed-water heater, Engine Feeding machine, Tape Fence, Wire Ferrule for umbrella, Sliding Fibre-washing, &c, machine .. Fibrous-material cleaner and breaker Fibrous material, Dressing and washing .. Filling and sealing bottle Filling and stoppering bottle Filter, Barrel Filter-bed with automatic discharge Filter-bed, Distributing sewage into Filter for tap Fire-box for washing copper Fire-escape Fire-escape United Shoe Machinery Company J. E. Tonkin, W. Ames, and W. E. H. Nicolle W. I. Aston A. J. Ellis J. Harris J. Coventry W. Toogood W. A. and A. M. Shely G. Stafford and A. C. S. French.. H. A. Penrose F. J. Fletcher B. Tully J. B. King E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward G. Meldrum F. J. Newberry and A. Walker .. D. M. Brooks N. H. Whisker, A. Smart, jun., and J. Wilson H. G. Esoher The Clayton Fire - extinguishing and Ventilating Company (Ltd.) W. Wilkinson W. B. Walters D. Murphy J. Stewart J. Collinge, jun., and A. T. Thorstenson H. H. Henderson M. Corrington 16108 15995 16020 15994 15831 15989 14715 15940 15977 16071 15997 15870 15860 15968 16064 15853 15864 15967 19 iMarch .. 18 Feb. 24 Feb. 18 Feb. 5 Jan. 14 Feb. 7 April, 1902 5 Feb. 13 Feb. 10 March .. 18 Feb. 15 Jan. 8 Jan. 12 Feb. 6 March .. 9 Jan. 13 Jan. 10 Feb. 25 25 18 18 6 18 ■21 13 18 21 18 9 6 21 21 6 9 13 2 April. 2 April. 5 March.* 5 March. 23 Jan. ( -- 5 March.* 19 March. 19 Feb. 19 Feb.* 19 March. 5 March. 5 Feb. 23 Jan.* 19 March. 19 March.* 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 19 Feb.* Fire-escape Fire-extinguishing, Generation of gas for. . 16033 15844 24 Feb. 7 Jan. 21 6 19 Maroh. 23 Jan. Fish-plate bolt, Locking-device for Flax-machine Flax-stripper, Plummer-block for Floor, Spreading polish on Flooring-cramp 16154 15926 14891 16090 15884 30 March .. 30 Jan. 19 May, 1902 12 March .. 16 Jan. 29 9 9 ■25 9 16 April.* 5 Feb.* 5 Feb. 2 April.* - 5 Feb.* Floors, &c, Dusting, cleaning, &o. Fluid-pressure brake-apparatus Folding. (See Paper-folding.) Friction-springs Frictional-resistance device Front facing driver, Reflecting view of car to Fuel. (See Artificial fuel.) Fuel-economizer for boilers Fuel, Using carbonaceous liquid as Fumigation, Generating gas for P. Hien .. J. T. Hunter S. G. Plucknett 14955 15898 15973 16012 16003 5 June, 1902 23 Jan. 12 Feb. 21 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 9 43 18 5 March. 5 Feb. 28 May. 5 March.* • Fur on skin, Dressing Furnace, BoilerFurnace, Ore-roasting Furnace, Rotatable rabble for Furnace, Steam-boiler Furnace, Supplying steam and air to Furniture, Cushioned G. W. Basley F. Cotton The Clayton Fire - extinguishing and Ventilating Company (Ltd.) C. Anderson H. E. Leighton G. G. Turri G. G. Turri G. W. Basley G. Claydon W. Aggers 15998 15318 15844 16141 16116 15942 15941 15998 15001 15885 16 Feb. 28 Aug., 1902 7 Jan. 26 March .. 21 March .. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 16 Feb. 30 June, 1902 19 Jan. 18 18 6 2.5 5 March. 5 March. 23 Jan. 2 April. 13 13 18 18 9 19 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 5 March. 5 March. 5 Feb.* Gallery for lamp-chimney Game, Parlour-Garbage-destructor Gas-burner, Self-lighting fitting for Gas-engine, Causing explosion in Gas-engine, Rendering noiseless Gas, Generation of.. Gas, Generation of, for fumigation, &c. .. R. N. Adams T. Shine .. T. Rooke, J. Thrush, and T. F. W. Early S. Shaw R. M. Murie B. Crawford W. H. Brooks The Clayton Fire - extinguishing and Ventilating Company (Ltd.) C. W. Munson H. P. Wellman 15932 16143 16107 14899 15966 15882 15959 15844 30 Jan. 26 March .. 19 March .. 22 May, 1902 11 Feb. 15 Jan. 10 Feb. 7 Jan. 13 29 25 18 13 18 13 6 19 Feb.* 16 April. 2 April. 5 March. 19 Feb.* 5 March.* 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. Gaseous-fluid compressor Gate, Elevating 16099 15962 18 Maroh .. 10 Feb. 25 13 2 April. 19 Feb.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Gate-fastening Gate-hinge Gearing, Variable-speed Gelatine, Manufacture of Generating electric current Generating steam from hot slag Generation of gas Generation of gas for fumigation, &c A. W. Giles S. G. Jeffs W. N. Dumaresq W. Cormack and J. G. F. Lowson F. E. Elmore H. A. Seymour W. H. Brooks The Clayton Fire - extinguishing and Ventilating Company (Ltd.) A. C. Atkin E. Waters, jun. J. Shepherd C. Corr E. de N. de Loitte .. W. J. M. Harvey A. W. Elder J. E. Watkins H. Harraway C. S. Alington E. Waters, jun. S. F. Clare J. Stuart E. Seager J. Coop J. McGrath P. E. Southward 16021 15897 16088 15707 16077 15851 15959 15844 25 Feb. 23 Jan. 13 March .. 17 Dec, 1902 11 March .. 9 Jan. 10 Feb. 7 Jan. 9 25 21 25 6 13 6 5"Feb.* 2 April. 19 March. 2 April. 23 Jan. 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. Gig-seat Glass, Grinding and polishing.. Gold from black sand, Recovering Gold-saving apparatus Gold, Treating river-material for Governor, EngineGrader, Road scoop and Grain-dresser of thresher Grain drier and conditioner Grass-seed stripper.. Grinding and polishing glass Grip for handle of shears Grip, Lowering, &c, boat-chock and Grip-wheel for hauling Grubber Guard-attachment to sheep-shears Guard, Candle16051 16066 16123 16001 16144 15S35 16151 16153 16068 15981 16066 15946 16046 15944 16147 16056 16111 2 March .. 9 March .. 24 March .. 17 Feb. 24 March .. 7 Jan. 24 March .. 30 March .. 9 March .. 13 Feb. 9 March .. 2 Feb. 4 March .. 5 Feb. 27 March .. 6 March .. 20 March .. 21 21 25 18 29 6 29 29 21 18 21 13 21 13 29 21 25 19 March.* 19 March. 2 April.* 5 March.* 16 April.* 23 Jan.* 16 April. 16 April. 19 March. 5 March. 19 March. 19 Feb.* 19 March.* 19 Feb.* 16 April.* 19 March. 2 April.* Hair curler and waver Hair-pin Halls, &c, Ventilating J. D. Smith C. J. Cooze J. D. Kelly, D. P. Fisher, and N. V. G. Wix D. Donald W. R. Cooper S. F. Clare H. W. Blaisdell W. J. Alexander J. V. Fahey E. Seager E. Seager H. Ham G. Fraser and L. Le B. Mount .. H. E. Leighton W. I. Aston C. H. Verity A. L. Heighton J. M. May J. C. and W. H. Harrop, and A. Linard United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company H. Agar J. E. Waygood S. G. Jeffs 15930 16047 14952 29 Jan. 4 March .. 4 June, 1902 13 21 21 19 Feb.* 19 March.* 19 March. Hand-power punching-machine Handle for tennis-racquet, &o. Handle of sheep-shears, Grip for Handling material, System of .. Hanging sash and slide Harvester, Sheaf-carrier of Haulage, Compressor for Hauling, Grip-wheel for Haystack-cover Heat-economizer, &c Heat-economizer, &c Heater, Feed-water Heating water Heel, BootHeel, Boot and shoe Heel, Boot and shoe elastic 14559 15876 15946 15836 16067 14637 15945 15944 .16018 15957 16117 16020 15777 16136 15861 15931 25 Feb., 1902 14 Jan. 2 Feb. 7 Jan. 9 March .. 15 March, '02 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 23 Feb. 7 Feb. 21 March .. 24 Feb. 30 Dec, 1902 24 March .. 12 Jan. 29 Jan. 6 9 13 6 37 6 13 13 25 18 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. 14 May. 23 Jan. 19 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 2 April.* 5 March.* 18 13 29 6 13 5 March.* 19 Feb.* 16 April.* 23 Jan.* 19 Feb.* Heel-compressing machine Heel-compressing machine Heel-nailing machine Height-adjusting window-attachment Hinge Hinge, GateHolder. (See Book-leaf holder, Cow-leg holder, Cow-tail holder.) Hook, Adjustable kettleHook, Split-link, &c Horse bolting with vehicle, Means for preventing Horse-collar Horse-controlling gear Horse-cover Horse-cover fastener Horse, Preventing from bolting Horse, Preventing from boltingHorse, Preventing from bolting Horse, Preventing from bolting Horseshoes Hose, &c Hot cooking-utensils, Carrying Hub for vehicle, Pneumatic Hydrant-valve 15827 15828 14697 16045 14858 15897 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 3 April, 1902 4 March .. 8 May, 1902 23 Jan. 6 6 13 21 13 9 23 Jan.* 23 Jan.* 19 Feb. 19 March.* 19 Feb.* 5 Feb.* F. H. Green J. Holms, jun. W. Campbell 15904 15933 16072 26 Jan. 30 Jan. 10 March .. 9 18 21 5 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 19 March.* H. O. Cassels and H. Preston .. J. H. Grattan A. Hodge and W. Jones J. Murphy T. Betts and G. Pirrit F. Matthews J. M. Morony D. Matheson S. G. Dickson J. Glossop G. H. Watson J. R. Hayne R. Le P. French 14568 16013 14960 15500 15947 15948 16135 16155 16029 16130 15943 16041 16030 28 Feb., 1902 19 Feb. 2 June, 1902 10 Oct., 1902 4 Feb. 6 Feb. 25 March .. 31 March .. 27 Feb. 21 March .. 5 Feb. 3 March .. 27 Feb. 6 18 21 13 13 13 ■29 29 21 25 13 21 21 23 Jan. 5 March.* 19 March. 19 Feb. 19 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 16 April.* 16 April.* 19 March.* 2 April.* 19 Feb.* 19 March. 19 March. Impervious to water, Making brickwork, &c. Indicating approach of train Indicating position of horse in race Infuser, TeaIron from sand, Separating Ironsand, Extracting titanium from Iionsand, Making pig-iron, &c, from Ironsand, Smelting J. J. Collins and R. D. Harman.. J. Cotterell and C. Mclntyre, jun. W. Lyons K. Raymond F. W. Taylor C. F. Lungley C. F. Lungley A. Reid .. 14930 14297 16014 15855 16150 15917 15918 16097 29 May, 1902 2 Dec, 1901 19 Feb. 7 Jan. 28 March .. 29 Jan. 29 Jan. 16 March .. 9 9 18 6 29 9 9 25 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 5 March.* 23 Jan.* 16 April.* 5 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 2 April.* Joint. (See Metal-pipe joint.) Jointing-material for wood-paving, Mastic C. M. Newson and M. Coulson .. 16039 26 Feb. 19 March.* 21


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Kettle-hook, Adjustable Kettle or pan bottom Knife-cleaner Knife-polisher and boot-cleaner F. H. Green H. E. Wilson T. Wilkins T. Napier 15904 10052 10023 15859 26 Jan. 2 March .. 25 Feb. 9 Jan. 9 21 18 6 5 Feb.* 19 March.* 5 March.* 23 Jan.* Lacing-hook in shoe, Fastening Ladder trigger or lock Lamp. (See Miners' safety-lamp.) Lamp-chimney, Gallery for Lamp, Oil' Lasting-machine Latch fastening for gate, DropLatrine, &c, Flushing Laying dust made in boring hole Leather, and treating same Leather-splitting machine Leaves of book, Holding Leaves of music, Turning Leaves of music, Turning Leg of cow, Holding Leg of cow, Holding Leg of cow, Securing Letter-card, Pictorial Letter-stamping machine, Automatic Level, Spirit-Life-saving raft Lighting system, ElectricLighting trains, Electrically Lime-slaking apparatus Lime, Treating Line. (See Clothes-line.) Liquid-distribution United Shoe Machinery Company C. Tandy .. 16108 14841 19 March .. 5 May, 1902 25 18 2 April. 19 Feb. R. N. Adams J. F. C. Farquhar United Shoe Machinery Company A. W. Giles J. L. Williams T. J. Britten P. Magnus W. D. Quigley and J. H. Gay .. G. S. Budge C. D. Hamilton J. J. Bryers W. A. Collins W. S. Harkness F. H. Aussel A. McKee J. H. Husband F. W. Crowther H. Williams J. F. McElroy A. B. Gill E. J. Parrott. B. Eldred 15932 14088 14882 16021 10164 15840 16139 15963 16065 16080 1.5910 15425 15858 15867 15905 15829 16061 15934 16082 15909 14866 16137 30 Jan. 1 April, 1902 16 May, 1902 25 Feb. 30 Dec, 1902 8 Jan. 26 March .. 10 Feb. 9 March .. 12 March .. 28 Jan. 19 Sept., 1902 9 Jan. 14 Jan. 26 Jan. 5 Jan. 6 March .. 2 Feb. 12 March .. 27 Jan. 7 May, 1902 26 March .. 13 6 25 19 Feb. 23 Jan. 2 April. 6 29 13 21 25 9 9 6 6 9 6 21 13 25 9 25 29 23 Jan. 16 April.* 19 Feb. 19 March.* 2 April.* 5 Feb.* 5 Feb. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 23 Jan.* 19 March.* 19 Feb.* 2 April. 5 Feb. 2 April. 16 April.* E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward T. H. Ibbotson T. Taplin .. T. M. Park W. E. Hughes 15968 12 Feb. 21 19 March. Liquid from container, Drawing off Liquid to high level, Raising Loader, OreLocalising and detecting mineral deposit.. Lock. (See Ladder-lock, Sash-lock.) Locking-device for fish-plate bolt Locking-nut device Locking-nut device Log-hauling tramway-wagon, Driving Loose leaf account-book Lowering and canting boat-chock Lubricator, Automatic 16112 14939 16142 16070 20 March .. 30 May, 1902 20 March .. 11 March .. 2,5 9 2 April.* 5 Feb. W. Wilkinson G. Beaumont G. Beaumont J. Shepherd T. Foster and T. T. Paul J. Stuart E. A. Holden 16154 16149 16175 16124 15911 16046 15873 30 March .. 25 March .. 31 March .. 24 March .. 24 Jan. 4 March .. 12 Jan. 29 29 29 2.5 9 21 9 16 April.* 16 April.* 16 April.* 2 April.* 5 Feb.* 19 March.* 5 Feb. Machinery-belting, Securing ends of Magnetic separation of iron from sand Magnetic separator, ElectroMagnetic separator, Electrostatic-Mail-marking machine Manure, Artificial Marking and branding stamp Martingale Mash-tun and wort-separator Massage-machine Mastic jointing-material for paving Mat-fastener Match Match Match, Antiseptic Measuring-tap Mechanically propelled vehicle Medical battery Medicine Metal. (See also Sheet-metal.) Metal mould and press Metal-pipe ring and joint Meter, Toe-piece for waterMicrotelephone Milk-aerator Milking apparatus, Cow-Milking-apparatus, Pneumatic Milking-machine Milking-machine Milk-sterilising apparatus Mine, Preventing accumulation of explo-sive-matter in Mine, Purification of air in Mineral deposit, Detecting, &c Miners' safety-lamp Minimising smoke in furnace Mitre-cutting device Mooring-apparatus Motor H. F. Mander and F. Lewis F.W.Taylor R. McKnight E. G. Steele and W. Folsetter .. D. Robertson E. T. Home and G. L. Jones A. McLeod W. G. Geary M. Henius E. Phillips C. M. Newson and M. Coulson .. A. O. Bridgman H. Christensen J. D. Regan D. L. Turner J. Watson and A. W. Crane T. W. Barber W. J. Barrie S. Roche .. 15987 16150 16100 15830 14686 16035 16085 14943 16089 16049 16039 14822 15803 16080 16060 16050 16129 15927 15903 17 Feb. 28 March .. 19 March .. 5 Jan. 1 April, 1902 20 Feb. 11 March .. 31 May, 1902 12 March .. 4 March .. 20 Feb. 30 April, 1902 13 Jan. 14 March .. 7 March .. 2 March .. 21 March .. 31 Jan. 20 Jan. 18 29 25 6 6 2,5 25 2.5 25 21 21 9 6 2.5 21 21 29 18 13 5 March.* 16 April.* 2 April.* 23 Jan.* 23 Jan. 2 April. 2 April.* 2 April. 2 April. 19 March. 19 March.* 5 Feb. 23 Jan. 2 April. 19 March.* 19 March. 16 April. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. T. Stevenson G. J. Hoskins B. Crawford E. Waters, jun. R. J. Moore J. Hartnett and D. M. Robison .. A. Gillies G. Hutchinson W. Sim E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward J. B. Daniels 15902 15974 16032 16044 16026 16109 16022 15894 16157 15865 16125 23 Jan. 12 Feb. 28 Feb. 28 Feb. 25 Feb. 19 March .. 25 Feb. 23 Jan. 28 March .. 14 Jan. 24 March .. 18 18 21 21 18 25 18 9 29 6 25 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 March.* 19 March. 5 March.* 2 April.* 5 March.* 5 Feb.* 16 April.* 23 Jan. 2 April.* W. P. Jarvie W. E. Hughes A. Hankinson G. W. Basley R. Dunne W. Beamish S. Jones .. 15919 16076 15914 15998 15881 16058 15936 29 Jan. 11 March .. 28 Jan. 16 Feb. 15 Jan. 3 March .. 2 Feb. 9 5 Feb.* 9 18 9 21 13 5 Feb.' 5 Maroh. 5 Feb.* 19 March.* 19 Feb,*


Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.


Invention. Name. Aj No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Motor car, Preventing side-slip of Motor, ExplosionMotor, Steam-turbine Mould. (See Metal-mould, Soap-mould.) Mould for artificial stone Mould for plastic material Moving liquid, Self-tilting table for Mowing-machine Music-turner Music-turner S. Butler J. A. Secor J. and E. H. Friend 16178 14571 16105 31 March .. 3 March, '02 16 March .. 29 18 25 16 April. 5 March. . 2 April.* L. P. Ford A. W. Swift and R. Hall R. Harvey and C. J. Bruce J. W. Latimer J. J. Bryers C. D. Hamilton 16131 15907 16132 16081 15916 16080 25 March .. 27 Jan. 25 March .. 12 March .. 28 Jan. 12 March .. 25 9 2.5 25 9 ■2.5 2 April. 5 Feb. 2 April. 2 April. 5 Feb.* 2 "April.* Navigation of river Neck of bottle Necktie, Retaining in position Noiseless, Making gas or oil engine Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Noxious plants, &c, Destroying Nut and washer, Self tightening Nut, Locking-device for Nut, Locking-device for W. Wickens R. Potter .. T, Stephens B. Crawford R. A. Morgan and C. S. Johnston N. D. Hood J. Findlay T. Hewton G. Beaumont G. Beaumont 16148 16092 16062 15882 15053 15879 16009 15880 10149 16175 25 March .. 12 March .. 6 March .. 15 Jan. 27 June, 1902 17 Jan. 18 Feb. 15 Jan. 25 March .. 31 March .. 29 25 21 .18 25 9 18 9 29 29 16 April. 2 April.* 19 March.* 5 March.* 2 April. 5 Feb.* 5 March.* 5 Feb. 16 April.* 16 April.* O.G. spouting Oil-engine, Causing explosion in Oil-engine, Rendering noiseless Oil-lamp Oil-separator Oiler, carriage-axle Oiling vehicle-axle Oily impurities from water, Separating .. Opening soda-water bottle Opening tins with wire Operating air-brake on train Ore concentrator, Dry-Ore-loader Ore-roasting furnace Ore, Treating copperOven, CokingOveralls J. P. Evans R. M. Murie B. Crawford J. F. C. Farquhar J. Chambers and Son (Limited).. A. Thompson and J. Roussell I. Taucher H. T. Davis and E. Perrett S. White G. Holford J. Salinger F. J. and J. H. McShane T. M. Park G. G. Turri W. Payne and J. H. Gillies L. Z. Leiter .. ' .. L. Le B. Mount 14942 15966 15882 14688 14670 14766 15956 15854 15921 16121 15982 16010 16142 15942 15915 16138 16165 24 May, 1902 11 Feb. 15 Jan. 1 April, 1902 25 Mar., 1902 18 April, 1902 9 Feb. 9 Jan. 27 Jan. 23 March .. 11 Feb. 21 Feb. 26 March .. 5 Feb. 28 Jan. 26 March .. 30 March .. 18 18 IS 6 25 13 18 6 9 29 18 18 5 Maroh. 19 Feb.* 5 March.* 23 Jan. 2 April. 19 Feb. 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 16 April.* 5 March. 5 March. 13 9 2.5 29 19 Feb.* 5 Feb. 2 April. 16 April.* Packing rabbits, &c, Box for .. Packing tea, Machine for Pan or kettle bottom Paper-folding machine Parlour-game Patrol, &c, vessel .. Pavement, Mastic jointing-material for wood Paving-block tarring apparatus Pedal-action of cycle Peg for fixing rabbit-trap, &c Perambulator Perforating-attachment to sewing-machine Phormium tenax, Dressing and washing .. Photographic plate, Changing and developing Pictorial letter-card Picture-frame cramp Pig-iron from ironsand, Making Pigs, Yoke for Pipe. (See Metal-pipe, Smoking-pipe, Tobacco-pipe.) Pivoting-arrangement for fanlight, &o. Plant-thinner Plastic material, Mould or die for Plough.. Plough, Disc-Plough-share Plough, Steering Plummer-block Pneumatic hub for vehicle Pneumatic milking-machine Pneumatic tire Poisoning birds Polish on floor, Spreading Polishing and grinding glass Polishing fljors, &c, Apparatus for Portable building Preserving eggs, &c. W. Moore and C. T. Kiernan A. H. Nathan H.E.Wilson J. M. Twomey T. Shine A. N. Whitney C. M. Newson and M. Coulson .. 14778 15403 16052 16059 16143 15958 16039 17 April, 1902 16 Sept., 1902 2 Maroh .. 6 March .. 26 March .. 7 Feb. 26 Feb. 9 13 21 21 29 18 21 5 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 March.* 19 March.* 16 April. 19 Feb.* 19 March.* C. M. Newson and M. Coulson .. J. Outred and J. McQueen T. Morris J. Ford and A. C. Murray E. Spragg.. G. Stafford and A. C. S. French.. W. Thomas 15983 16084 15920 14870 16104 15977 16016 11 Feb. 10 March .. 27 Jan. 9 May, 1902 14 March .. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 25 9 21 25 13 18 19 March.* 2 April. 5 Feb.* 19 March. 2 April.* 19 Feb.* 5 March.* A. McKee.. A. J. H. Lange and H. White .. C. F. Lungley A. Ward .. 15905 15893 15918 15901 26 Jan. 20 Jan. 29 Jan. 21 Jan. 9 9 9 9 5 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 5 Feb.* W. Turnbull D. Clark A. W. Swift and R. Hall W. E. Reynolds F. A. Brand A. M. White E. M. McLauchlan D. Murphy J. R. Hayne A. Gillies P. Magnus J. Webb J. Stewart E. Waters, jun. H. H. Henderson D. Brummer R. W. Ashcroft, W. J. Maddren, and S. Ashcroft 14978 16015 15907 15848 15925 14827 15888 14891 10041 10022 16140 16034 16090 16066 14955 15051 16095 9 June, 1902 19 Feb. 27 Jan. 7 Jan. 30 Jan. 25 April, 1902 19 Jan. 19 May, 1902 3 March .. 25 Feb. 26 March . : 26 Feb. 12 March .. 9 March .. 5 June., 1902 23Nov.,1901t 16 March .. 21 18 9 6 19 March. 5 March.* 5 Feb. 23 Jan. 6 9 9 21 18 25 21 25 21 18 18 25 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 5 Feb. 19 March. 5 March.* 2 April. 19 March.* 2 April.* 19 March. 5 March. 5 March. 2 April.* Press. (See Metal-press, Trouser-press, Wool-press.) Printing-maohine, Paper-folding apparatus for Printing sheep-bags, &c. J. M. Twomey 16059 6 March .. 21 19 March.* D. Urquhart 15891 20 Jan. 9 5 Feb.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.

3—H. lO.^.


Invention. Name. No. Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Probe for teat of cow Protecting bucket-tumbler from wear Pump Pump, Air and bicycle Punching-machine Purification of air in mine-working C. Ridd and C. E. Young F. W. Payne W. H. Madill H. F. Mander and F. Lewis D. Donald W. P. Jarvie 15964 15939 14509 15986 14559 15919 10 Feb. 2 Feb. 10 Feb., 1902 17 Feb. 25 Feb., 1902 29 Jan. 18 25 21 18 6 9 19 Feb.* 2 April. 19 March. 5 March.* 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* Rabbits, Destroying Rabbits, fish, &c, Box for Rabbitskin, Dressing fur on .. Rabbit-trap Rabbit-trap Rabbit-trap, Peg for Rabble for furnace Race, Indicating positions in horse-Race-starting gate Raft, Life-saving Raft, Ship's H. B. Parker W. Moore and C. T. Kiernan C. Anderson W. C. H. Hudson .. S. F. Clare T. Morris G G. Turri W. Lyons A. Lyell .. H. Williams Union Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited) J. Waymouth S. Shuker.. J. E. Tonkin, W. Ames, and W. E. H. Nicolle 15985 14778 16141 15971 16094 15920 15941 16014 14962 15934 15975 13 Feb. 17 April, 1902 26 March .. 12 Feb. 12 March .. 27 Jan. 5 Feb. 19 Feb. 6 June, 1902 2 Feb. 12 Feb. IS 9 2.5 13 25 9 13 18 6 13 21 5 March.* 5 Feb. 2 April. 19 Feb. 2 April.* 5 Feb.* 19 F'eb.* 5 March.* 23 Jan. 19 Feb.* 19 March. Raft, Ship's Rails, Connecting ends of Rails, Securing fastenings of .. 16028 16031 15995 23 Feb. 27 Feb. 18 Feb. 21 21 •25 19 March.* 19 March.* 2 April. Railway. (See Electric railway.) Railway-brake, Fluid-pressure Railway rolling-stock coupling Railway-traction, Electro-magnetic Rain-excluder for door M. Corrington C. A. Johnson D. W. Balch E. R. Ludbrook and A. B. and G. C. Jackson T. Taplin D. C. Groves and A. R. Stanton.. K. C. Gillette R. A. Fessenden 15898 15969 15826 15222 23 Jan. 12 Feb. 5 Jan. 5 Aug., 1902 9 13 6 6 5 Feb. 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. 23 Jan. Raising liquid to high level Raising sunken vessel Razor, SafetyReceiver, Current-operated, for electromagnetic waves Recorder, &c, Mechanical 14939 16096 15872 15847 30 May, 1902 16 March .. 15 Jan. 7 Jan. 9 2,5 9 6 5 Feb. 2 April.* 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. Recovering gold from black sand Reducing-valve Refilling of bottle, Preventing.. Reflecting view of car to front facing driver W. E. Hughes J. Shepherd M. Lumley R. Garnham S. G. Plucknett 14809 16123 1584.5 15952 16003 1 May, 1902 24 March .. 7 Jan. 6 Feb. 17 Feb. IS 25 6 13 18 (9 (9 5 Feb. 5 Feb.* 2 April.* 23 Jan. 19 Feb.* 5 March.* 5 Feb. 5 Feb.* Register, &c, Mechanical W. E. Hughes 14809 1 May, 1902 Regulator. (See Damper-regulator, Shearregulator, Spring-regulator.) Resistance-device, Spring, &c Rest, BilliardRetaining necktie on collar Revolving chair, table, &c Revolving screen Rifle-carrier, Bandolier and Ring and joint. (See Metal-pipe ring and joint.) Ripening cream, &c River-material, Extracting gold from River, Navigation of Road-barrier Road scoop and grader Road-sweeper, &c Roadster and gig seat Roasting. (See Ore-roasting.) Rock-boring, Drill for Rock-drilling machine, Sharpening J. T. Hunter J. H. Noonan and T. B. O'Connor T. Stephens H. J. Bettany W. MeCallum E. H. B. Laing and G. W. Clarke E. S Baldwin and H. H. Rayward E. de N. de Loitte W. Wickens H. E. R. Rayner A. W. Elder W. Brierley and G. Fraser A. C. Atkin 16012 16158 16062 15866 15874 15999 15865 16144 16148 15949 16151 16070 16051 21 Feb. 28 March .. 6 March .. 14 Jan. 14 Jan. 16 Feb. 14 Jan. 24 March .. 25 March .. 3 Feb. 24 March .. 6 March .. 2 March .. 6 29 29 18 29 21 21 48 29 21 6 9 18 28 May. 16 April.* 19 March.* 23 Jan.* 5 Feb. 5 March. 23 Jan. 16 April.* 16 April. 19 Feb.* 16 April. 19 March.* 19 March.* A. McLeod A. Purser, F. W. Jenkins, and C. R. M. Millar J. G. Bartlett J. R. Flanagan W. H. Stebbing and J. H. Colwill C. A. Johnson Cooley Development Company .. J. Rutland and W. H. Smith .. W. Campbell T. Herbert 15869 15852 10 Jan. 9 Jan. 9 5 Feb.* Rocker .. .. .. Rocker for children Roller for typewriter Rolling-stock coupling Rotary fluid-engine Rowlock, BoatRunning away, Preventing horse from Rusticated weatherboarding 16127 16118 16093 15969 16100 16027 16072 16005 21 March .. 21 March .. 12 March .. 12 Feb. 18 March .. 25 Feb. 10 March .. 17 Feb. 29 25 2.5 18 25 18 21 16 April.* 2 April.* 2 April.* 19 Feb.* 2 April. 5 March. 19 March.* Safety-lamp, Miners' Safety-razor Sash, &c, Hanging Sash-fastener Sash-lock Sash, Supporting windowSashes, Hanging Saw-setting instrument Scaffolding-bracket Sconce for candlestick Screen, Revolving Screenings, Making Sealing and filling bottle A. Hankinson K. C. Gillette W. J. Alexander A. W. F. Lorie 0. Wall and R. C. Hughes H. E. M. Gordon R. L. Lockerbie G. R. Hamilton and R. Te Rangi J. H. Fairhurst A. R. Hardy W. MeCallum and E. Roberts .. R. Davidson H. A. Penrose 15914 15872 16067 15929 16083 15928 15922 16122 16019 15875 15874 16152 16071 28 Jan. 15 Jan. 9 March .. 30 Jan. 13 March .. 31 Jan. 27 Jan. 24 March .. 23 Feb. 14 Jan. 14 Jan. 26 March .. 10 March .. 9 9 37 18 25 13 9 25 1.8 9 9 5 Feb. 5 Feb.* 14 May. 19 Feb.* 2 April. 19 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 2 April.* 5 March. 5 Feb.* 5 Feb. 21 19 March.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. Ar No. Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Seat, Roadster and gig .. - .. Secondary battery Securing doors, windows, &c Securing ends of machinery-belting Securing fastening of rails A. C. Atkin C. T. J. Oppermann J. D. Tripe H. F. Mander and F. Lewis J. E. Tonkin, W. Ames, and W. E. H. Nicolle A. S. Hasell D. M. Brooks W. E. Chamberlain H. Kerr .. M. McCormick R. A. Fessenden 16051 15960 15838 15987 15995 2 March .. 21 10 Feb. .. 13 0 Jan. .. 6 17 Feb. .. ' 18 18 Feb. .. 25 19 March.* 19 Feb. 23 Jan.* 5 March.* 2 April. Securing front of animal-cover Securing handle to broom-head Seed sower Seed-sower Seed-sowing apparatus Selective signalling by electro - magnetic waves Selenotrope and Tellurian Self-lighting fitting for gas-burner Self-tightening nut and washer Self-tilting table Separating iron from sand Separating oily impurities from water Separator. (See Centrifugual separator, Cream - separator, Magnetic separator, Oil-separator.) Sewage on to filter-beds, Distributing 16038 15980 15806 15910 14727 15846 2 March .. 21 14 Feb. .. 21 23 Dec. .. 21 24 Jan. .. 9 7 April, 1902 6 7 Jan. .. 6 19 March.* 19 March. 19 March. 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. 23 Jan. A. Hosking S. Shaw .. T. Hewton R. Harvey and C. J. Bruce F. W. Taylor H. T. Davis and E. Perrett 15895 14899 15880 16132 16150 15854 20 Jan. .. 13 22 May, 1902 18 15 Jan. .. 9 25 March .. 25 28 March .. 29 9 Jan. .. 6 19 Feb. 5 March. 5 Feb. 2 April. 16 April.* 23 Jan. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward E. Spragg.. 15968 12 Feb. .. 21 21 19 March. Sewing-machine, Perf orating-attachment to Sewing-machine. (See Blind-stitch sewingmachine, Shoe-sewing machine.) Shaft, Dredge-tumbler Sheaf-carrier of harvester Shear-blades crossing, Preventing Shear-regulator Shearing-machine, Metal Shears, Thumb and guard attachment for Sheep-bags, Printing Sheep-dipping apparatus Sheep-drafting apparatus Sheep-shears Sheep-shears Sheep-shears, Grip for handle of Sheet-metal can or box Sheet metal into cubes, Forming Shell for cream-separator Shield for stay-busk Ship, Mounting billiard-table in Ship's raft 16104 14 March .. 25 25 2 April.* E. Roberts J. V. Fahey J. Reid C. V. Affleck D. Donald J. McGrath D. Urquhart S. E. Denniston J. Dick C.J. Ship way and H. May H. Hartree S. F. Clare F. W. Feaver W. H. Pearson T. H. Vickery A. F. Wall W. McKenzie Union Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited) J. Way mouth J. Ormiston United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company S. Butler .. W. J. Dunstan R. A. Fessenden W. E. Hughes J. P. Campbell 16057 14637 15976 15953 14559 16056 15891 15992 16006 14932 16054 15946 15856 16114 15900 14703 15979 15975 3 March .. 25 15 March, '02 6 10 Feb. .. 13 5 Feb. .. 13 25 Feb., 1902 6 6 March .. 21 20 Jan. .. 9 13 Feb. .. 18 20 Feb. .. 18 29 Mav, 1902 6 4 March .. 21 2 Feb. .. 13 10 Jan. .. 9 18 March .. 29 21 Jan. .. 9 4 April, 1902 6 14 Feb. .. 13 12 Feb. .. 21 2.5 6 13 l.'l 6 21 9 18 18 6 21 18 9 •29 9 6 13 21 2 April. 23 Jan. 19 Feb.* 19 Fob.* 23 Jan. 19 March. 5 Feb.* 5 March. 5 March. 23 Jan. 19 March.* 19 Feb.* 5 Feb. 16 April. 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. - 19 Feb.* 19 March. 3hip's raft Ship's telegraph Shoe, Fastening lacing-hooks in Shoe-sewing machine Side-slip of cycle, Preventing Signalling-apparatus for cable-tramway .. Signalling by electro-magnetic waves Signalling-system for electric railway Single or poly-phase current source, Obtaining unidirectional current from Siphon Skidding of cycle, &c, Preventing Skylight Slag, Generating steam from hot Slaking lime, Apparatus for .. Slicer, Cucumber, &c Sluice-box, Withdrawing material from .. Smelting ironsand Smoke-abatement arrangement Smoke-consumer Smoke-minimiser Smoke or spark arrester Smoking-pipe clip Soap-moulding machine Sodawater-bottle opener Sole for boot or shoe Sower. (See Seed-sower.) Sowing seed and cereals Spark-arrester Spark-arrester Spark-extinguisher.. .. 3peed-gearing. (See Pedal - action and speed, Variable-speed gearing.) 3pinning-top Spirit-level Split-link, hook, &o. Splitting. (See Leather-splitting.) Spouting Spreading polish on floors 16028 15832 16108 16108 16178 16176 15846 15908 15898 23 Feb. .. 21 6 Jan. .. 6 19 March .. 25 19 March .. 25 31 March .. 29 31 March .. 29 7 Jan. .. 6 27 Jan. .. 9 23 Jan. .. 9 21 6 25 25 29 29 6 9 9 19 March.* 23 Jan.* 2 April. 2 April. 16 April. 16 April.* 23 Jan. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. J. W. Tong S. Butler J. D. Florant H. A. Seymour E. J. Parrott M. C. Cossar J. Thomson A. Reid G. Fraser and L. Le B. Mount .. H. E. Leighton G. W. Basley B. Crawford G. Aldous.. K. Schnetzer S. White E. Dimant 15877 16178 15970 15851 14866 16156 15849 16097 15957 16117 15998 15882 15984 15727 15921 15101 19 Jan. .. 9 31 March .. 29 12 Feb. .. 13 9 Jan. .. 6 7 May, 1902 25 31 March .. 29 5 Jan. .. 6 16 March .. 25 7 Feb. .. 18 21 March .. 16 Feb. .. 18 15 Jan. .. 18 16 Feb. .. 18 3 Dec, 1902 18 27 Jan. .. 9 10 July, 1902 6 9 29 13 6 25 29 6 25 18 5 Feb. 16 April. 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. 2 April. 16 April.* 23 Jan.* 2 April.* 5 March.* 18 18 18 IS 9 6 5 March. 5 March.* 5 March. 5 March. 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. W. E. Chamberlain H. Gunn B. Crawford C. W. Haines 15806 14859 15882 14857 23 Dec, 1902 21 6 May, 1902 13 15 Jan. .. 18 8 May, 1902 13 21 13 18 13 19 March. 19 Feb.* 5 March.* 19 Feb. J. C. Corbett F. W. Crowther J. Holms, jun. 16181 16061 15933 31 March .. 29 6 March .. 21 30 Jan. .. 13 29 21 13 16 April.* 19 March.* 19 Feb.* J. P. Evans J. Stewart 14942 16090 24 May, 1902 18 12 Maroh .. 25 18 2.5 5 March. 2 April.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Spring-catch for windows Spring-regulator, &c, for vehicle Spring-resistance device Springs, FrictionStack, Cover for hay, &c Stamp, Marking or branding Stamping letters, packets, &c, Automatic Stamping machine, &c, Metal-Starting-gate, Race Stay-busk shields Steam and air to furnace, Supplying Steam-boiler furnace Steam-engine, Compounded Steam from hot slag, Generating Steam-turbine Steam-turbine motor Steering plough, Means for Sterilising bones, &c. Sterilising milk, &c J. T. Young and J. Wren M. Browne J. T. Hunter P. Hien H. Ham A. McLeod J. H. Husband D. Donald A. Lyell A. F. Wall G. Claydon G. W. Basley R. P. Gibbons H. A. Seymour G. Westinghouse J. and E. H. Friend .. E. M. McLauchlan J. A. Pond E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward P. Ferguson 15839 15890 16012 15973 16018 16085 15829 14559 14902 14703 15061 15998 15537 15851 16017 10105 15888 15896 1.580.5 8 Jan. 16 Jan. 21 Feb. 12 Feb. 23 Feb. 11 March .. 5 Jan. 25 Feb., 1902 0 June, 1902 4 April, 1902 30 June, 1902 16 Feb. 18 Oct., 1902 9 Jan. 23 Feb. 10 March .. 19 Jan. 20 Jan. 14 Jan. 6 9 43 2.5 2.5 6 6 6 6 18 18 18 6 18 2.5 9 9 6 23 Jan. 5 Feb.* 28 May. 2 April.* 2 April.* 23 Jan.* 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 5 March. 5 March. 5 March. 23 Jan. 5 March. 2 April.* 5 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 23 Jan. Stirring auriferous material Stone. (See Artificial stone.) Stonework impervious to water, Making .. Stop for holding tipping-waggon J. J. Collins and R. D. Harman.. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth, and Co. (Limited) F. J. Fletcher 15965 14930 16133 11 Feb. 29 May, 1902 2.5 Alavch .. 9 25 5 Feb. 2 April. Stoppering and filling bottle Strainer. (See Clothes-line strainer, Wirestrainer.) Street-sweeping machine Stretcher. (See Trouser-stretcher.) Stripper for grass-seed Sunken vessel, Raising Supplying steam and air to furnace Supporting clothes-line Suspenders Sweeper and collector, Road Sweeping machine, StreetSwinging window, Pivoting-arrangement for Swingle-tree iron Synthesis, Producing ammonia by System of handling material T.Russell.. C. S. Alington D. C. Groves and A. R. Stanton.. G. Claydon H.F.Nelson W. Greenshields W. Brierley and G. Fraser T.Russell.. W. Turnbull 15997 14921 15981 10091! 15061 16079 16115 16070 14921 14978 18 Feb., 1902 26 May, 1902 13 Feb. 10 March .. 30 June, 1902 10 March .. 21 March .. 6 March .. 26 May, 1902 9 June, 1902 18 13 18 25 18 25 2.5 21 18 21 15 March. 5 March. 5 March. 2 April.* 5 March. 2 April.* 2 April.* 19 March.* 5 March. 19 March. W. D. Wilson H. C. Woltereck H. W. Blaisdell 16146 15892 15836 25 March .. 21 Jan. 7 Jan. 29 9 6 16 April.* 5 Feb. 23 Jan. Table, Revolving Tail of cow, Holding Tan, Extracting, from bark Tap Tap, Filter for Tap for drawing off beer, &c Tap, MeasuringTape embossing, &c, machine.. Tar, Applying boiling, to wood blocks Tarring apparatus, Block-Tea-infuser Tea-packing machine Teat of cow, Probe for Telegraph, Ship's Tellurian and selenotrope Tennis-racquet handle Tent-rope, Peg for fixing Thinning plants sown in ridges Thread-waxing apparatus Threshing-machine, Grain-dresser of Thumb and guard attachment to sheepshears Tin, Opening, with wire Tin, Tap for Tipping-wagon H. J. Bettany C. C. Neal G. H. Irvine G. Helleur G. Mel drum J. McLean and P. Ellis J. Watson and A. W. Crane A.J.Ellis.. C. M. Newson and M. Coulson .. T. Willmot and M T. Morgan .. K. Raymond A. H. Nathan C. Ridd and C. E. Young J. Ormiston A. Hosking W.R.Cooper T. Morris D. Clark United Shoe Machinery Company J. E. Watkins J. McGrath 15866 16113 16048 16042 16064 16037 16050 15994 15983 16043 15855 15403 15964 15832 15895 15876 15920 16015 15938 16153 16056 14 Jan. 20 March .. 4 March .. 3 March . .. 6 March .. 2 March .. 2 March .. 18 Feb. 11 Feb. 8 March .. 7 Jan. 16 Sept., 1902 10 Feb. 6 Jan. 20 Jan. 14 Jan. 27 Jan. 19 Feb. 4 Feb. 30 March .. 6 March .. 6 25 21 21 21 21 21 IS 21 21 6 13 13 6 13 9 9 18 13 29 21 23 Jan. 2 April. 19 March. 19 March. 19 March.* 19 March.* 19 March. 5 March. 19 March.* 19 March. 23 Jan.* 19 Feb. 19 Feb.* 23 Jan.* 19 Feb. 5 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 5 March.* 19 Feb. 16 April. 19 March. Tire Tire, Pneumatic Titanium from ironsand, Extracting Tobacco-cutter Tobacco-pipe G. Holford G. Helleur Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth, and Co. (Limited) C. Tandy P. Magnus C. F. Lungley J. Warwood E. T. Towgood, Y. S. Towgood, and J. Allison H. E. J. Morgan B. Crawford J. C. Corbett D. L. Turner 16121 16042 16133 14842 16140 15917 15950 14774 23 March .. 3 March .. 25 March .. 5 March, '02 26 March .. 29 Jan. 3 Feb. 19 April, 1902 29 21 25 13 25 9 1.3 6 16 April.* 19 March. 2 April. 19 Feb. 2 April. 5 Feb.* 19 Feb.* 23 Jan. Tobacco-pipe Toe-piece for water-meter Top, SpinningTorch, Antiseptic Traction. (See Railway-traction.) Train, Electrically lighting Train, Indicating approach of.. Tramcar, Reflecting view of, to driver Tramway, Signalling-apparatus for cable-.. Trap. (See Animal-trap, Rabbit-trap.) 16055 16032 10181 16060 0 March .. 28 Feb. 31 March .. 7 March .. 21 21 29 21 19 March.* 19 March.* 16 April.* 19 March.* A. B. Gill J. Cotterill and C. Mclntyre, jun. S. G. Plucknett W. J. Dunstan 15909 14297 16003 16176 27 Jan. 2 Dec, 1901 17 Feb. 81 March .. 9 9 18 29 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 5 March.* 16 April.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Tread for boot or shoe, Divided Treating lime Trigger. (See Ladder-trigger.) Triple valve of Westinghouse brake Tripping-block Trough for underground cable Trouser press and stretcher Trousers, Working-men's Trumpet, EarTumbler, DredgeTumbler of dredge, Bottom Tumbler, Protecting bucketTumbler shaft, Dredge lowerTurbine motor, SteamTurbine, Steam-Typewriter-roller E. Dimant .. .. 15101 B. Eldred .. .. .. 16137 10 July, 1902 26 March .. 6 29 23 Jan. 10 April.* W. J. Hopkirk and G. Gilpin .. 15868 G. Davidson .. .. 14558 T. E. Devonshire .. .. 16134 A. G. Barton .. .. 16078 L. Le B. Mount .. .. 16165 T. W. Messenger .. .. 14721 T. J. Davys and W. J. Wallace .. 16145 J. Duncan .. .. 15841 F. W. Payne .. .. 15939 E.Roberts .. .. 16057 J. and E. H. Friend .. .. 16105 G. Westinghouse .. .. 16017 W. H. Stebbing and J. H. Colwill 16093 14 Jan. 24 Feb., 1902 25 March .. 10 March .. 30 March .. 8 April, 1902 23 March .. 8 Jan. 2 Feb. 3 March .. 10 March .. 23 Feb. 12 March .. 6 18 2.5 29 6 29 6 25 25 25 18 2.5 23 Jan.* 19 Feb. 2 April.* 16 April.* 23 Jan. 16 April.* 23 Jan.* 2 April. 2 April. 2 April.* 5 March. 2 April.* Umbrella, Sliding ferrule for .. Underground cable, Conduit for Unidirectional current, Obtaining Utilising waste light of shop for advertising J. Coventry .. .. 15989 .T.E.Devonshire .. .. 16134 J. P. Campbell .. .. 15906 H. Ashworth .. .. 16004 14 Feb. 25 March .. 27 Jan. 20 Feb. 18 9 18 5 March. 5 Feb. 5 March. Vacuum-pan for distillation Valve Valve for water-cistern, BallValve, HydrantValve of Westinghouse brake, Triple Valve, Reducing-Vapour-burning apparatus Vapour-burn ing apparatus Vapour-burning apparatus Variable-speed gearing Vehicle-axle oiler Vehicle-body adjustment Vehicle, Means for preventing horse bolting with Vehicle, Mechanically propelled Vehicle-spring regulator Ventilating halls, &c D. R. S. Galbraith .. .. 16103 J. Cook .. .. .. 14880 W. A. J. Dutch and C. H. Barton 16102 R. Le P. Trench .. .. 10030 W. J. Hopkirk and G. Gilpin .. 15868 M. Lumley .. .. 15845 A. Kitson .. .. .. 15886 A. Kitson .. .. .. 15887 A. Kitson .. .. .. 16040 W. N. Dumaresq .. .. 16088 I. Taucher .. .. 15956 G. Bish .. .. .. 15924 W. Campbell .. .. 16072 14 March .. 15 May. 1902 18 March .. 27 Feb. 14 Jan. 7 Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 17 June, 19021 13 March .. 9 Feb. 27 Jan. 10 March .. 25 18 25 21 6 6 33 9 21 25 13 9 21 2 April.* 19 Feb. 2 April. 19 March. 23 Jan.* 23 Jan. 30 April. 5 Feb. 19 March. 2 April. 19 Feb.* 5 Feb.* 19 March. T. W. Barber .. .. 16129 M. Browne .. .. 15890 J. D. Kelly, D. P. Fisher, and 14952 N. V. G. Wix W. Craig .. .. .. 14875 A. N. Whitney .. .. 15958 D. C. Groves and A. R, Stanton.. 16090 21 March .. 16 Jan. 4 June, 1902 29 9 21 10 April. 5 Feb.* 19 March. Ventilator Vessel for patrol, despatch, &c Vessel, Raising sunken 10 May, 1902 7 Feb. 16 March .. 9 18 2:5 5 Feb. 19 Feb.* 2 April.* Wagon, Buffer for tippingSir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth, 16133 and Co. (Limited) J. Shepherd .. .. 16124 H. W. Lovegrove .. .. 14928 E. H. B. Laing and G. W. Clarke 15999 C. W. B. Scott .. .. 15899 H. H. Henderson .. .. 14955 T. Hewton .. .. 15880 F. J. Newberry and A. Walker .. 15853 25 March .. 25 2 April. Wagon, Driving log-hauling tramwayWagon or carrier, Bucket Waist-belt, rifle-carrier, and bandolier Wall-distemper Wall, &c, Dusting, cleaning, &c Washer, Self-tightening nut and Washing copper, Combustion-chamber, &c, for Washing, &c, fibre Washing wool Waste-converter Water-cistern, Ball-valve for Water, Composition for rendering brick, &c, impervious to Water-heating. (See Heating.) Water-meter, Toe-piece for Waver and curler, Hair Waxing - apparatus. (See Thread-waxing apparatus.) Wearing-apparel, Making button-holes in Weather-boarding, Rusticated.. Weed-destroying composition Weed-destroying composition Weighing-machine 24 March .. 24 Mav, 1902 16 Feb. 23 Jan. 5 June, 1902 15 Jan. 9 Jan. 25 21 18 9 J 8 9 6 2 April.* 19 March. 5 March. 5 Feb. 5 March. 5 Feb. 23 Jan. W. Toogood .. .. | 14715 A. Weaver .. .. 15519 ; A. E. Niccolls .. .. 16179 W. A. J. Dutch and C. H. Barton 16102 J. J. Collins and R. D. Harman.. 14930 7 April, 1902 14 Oct., 1902 31 March .. 18 March .. 29 Mav, 1902 21 9 43 28 9 19 March. 5 Feb. 28 May. 2 April. 5 Feb. B. Crawford .. .. 16032 J. D. Smith .. .. 15930 28 Feb. 29 Jan. 21 13 19 March. 19 Feb.* L. G. W. Godden .. .. 15883 T. Herbert .. .. 16005 J. Findlay .. .. 16009 T. M. Hickman .. .. 16063 H. A. and R. V. Danne and J. 16000 Donaldson M. Browne .. .. 15890 W. J. Hopkirk and G. Gilpin .. 15808 J. M. Twomey .. .. 16059 17 Jan. 17 Feb. 18 Feb. 6 March .. 19 Feb. 9 18 21 18 5 Feb.* 5 March. 19 March. 5 March. Weight-compensator, &c. for vehicle Westinghouse brake, Triple-valve of Wharfdale, &c, printing-machine, Paperfolding attachment to Wheel. (See Grip-wheel.) Winch for dredge, Compound Window Window-attachment Windowrcatch Window, &c, Securing Window-sash, Supporting Wire bar, Manufacturing compound Wire fence Wire rope, Compressor for 16 Jan. 14 Jan. 6 March .. 9 6 21 5 Feb.* 23 Jan.* 19 March. W. Cutten .. .. | 15857 R. S. Reid .. .. 14867 H. Agar .. .. .. 16045 J. T. Young and J. Wren .. 15839 J. D. Tripe .. .. 15038 H. E. M. Gordon .. .. 15928 R. D. Sanders .. .. 14813 J. Harris .. .. .. 15831 E. Seager.. .. .. 1 15945 8 Jan. 1 May, 1902 4 March .. 8 Jan. 6 Jan. 31 Jan. 1 May, 1902 5 Jan. 5 Feb. 6 9 21 0 0 13 9 6 13 23 Jan. 5 Feb. 19 March. 23 Jan. 23 Jan." 19 Feb.* 5 Feb. 23 Jan. 19 Feb.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.



4—H. 10._0 4 .

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Withdrawing material from sluice-box Wood-block pavement, Mastic jointingmaterial for Wood-paving block, Applying boiling tar to Wooden block, Coating with tar, &c Woodwork, Decorating W. F. Smith R. Williams J. Thomson C. M. Newson and M. Coulson .. 15954 16091 15849 16039 5 Feb. 12 March .. 5 Jan. 26 Feb. 13 •25 6 21 19 Feb.* 2 April.* 23 Jan.* 19 March.* CM. Newson and M. Coulson .. T. Willmot and M. T. Morgan .. Artistic Woodwork Proprietary (Limited) D. Donald A. Weaver M. Henius 15983 16043 15993 11 Feb. 3 March ,. 18 Feb. 21 21 18 19 March.* 19 March. 5 March.* Wool-press .. .. ... Wool-washing apparatus Wort-separator and mash-tun 15912 15519 16089 28 Jan. 14 Oct., 1902 12 March .. 13 9 25 19 Feb. 5 Feb. 2 April. oke for pigs A. Ward 15901 21 Jan. 9 5 Feb.*

Design. Gazette. Name and Address. to. of Class. No. Date. No. Date. )anks, A. T., Melbourne, Victoria Ixshaw and Co., J., Bordeaux, France liddleton, A., Wellington, N.Z. It. Hilda's Collegiate School, Dunedin, N.Z. .. r olkmann and Tucker, Wellington, N.Z. 1 8 5 13 2 174 177 173 176 175 23 Feb. 20 Mar. 16 Feb. 30 Mar. 20 Mar. 18 29 13 25 25 5 Mar. 16 April. 19 Feb. 2 April. 2 April.

Name. Address. Class. — No. Application. Gazette. Date. No, Date. Abbey Effervescent Salt Company, Limited, The Apollinaris Company, Limited, The .. London, Eng. 3 4056 9 Jan. 6 23 Jan. London, Eng. 44 4086 10 Feb. 13 19 Feb. Barry, S. Bartlett and Sons, W. Batkin, E. C. .. Beattie, Lang, and Co. Beattie, Lang, and Co. Billens, A. Bone Phosphate and Chemical Company, Limited, The Booth's Distillery, Limited Breitenburger Portland Cement Fabrik British Oil and Cake Mills, Limited, The (Stewart Bros, and Spencer Branch), and another Palmerston North, N.Z. Redditch, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Flint, Wales 8 49 45 42 . 42 39 2 4145 4091 4143 4089 4092 4061 4120 24 Maroh .. 17 Feb. 20 March .. 14 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Jan. 12 March .. 33 13 25 13 18 9 21 30 April. 19 Feb. 2 April. 19 Feb. 5 March. 5 Feb. 19 March. London, Eng. Hamburg, Germany Christchurch, N.Z. 43 17 42, 44 4098 4099 4082, 3 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 6 Feb. 18 21 13 5 March. 19 March. 19 Feb. uastle Tea Company 3att, G. H. Ohappell, Allen, and Co., Limited Olark and Co., I. P. Olark and Co., I. P. Olark and Sons, Limited, A. Olark and Sons, Limited, A. Wellington, N.Z. Hythe and London, Eng. Bristol, Eng. Leicester, Eng. Leicester, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 42 6 38 23 23 50, 38 13, 25, 40, 38 38,50, 40 38,33, 26 23,13,14 32,30,24 25 42 4058 4053 4140 4002 4122 4034, 5 4094,5,6,7! 15 Jan. 8 Jan. 19 March .. 20 Nov., 1902 12 Maroh .. 19 Dec, 1902 19 Feb. 6 25 21 21 18 18 23 Jan. 2 April. 19 March. 19 March. 5 March. 5 March. Collier and Co. (Foreign), Limited, T. ( Manchester, Eng. -I ) 41264135, 41374139 116 March .. 25 2 April. Compressed (Whole-leaf) Tea Syndicate, Limited, The Continental Caoutchouc - und Guttapercha Compagnie Cox, Limited, J. and G. .. London, Eng. 4112 9 March .. 21 19 March. Hanover, Germany 40 4105 23 Feb. 18 5 March. Edinburgh, Scot., and London, Eng. Dunedin, N.Z. 42 50 3856, 7 23 July, 1902 6 13 23 Jan. 19 Feb. Darnley, J. De Roubaix. (See under Roubaix.) Dutton, E. Dutton, R. A. .. 4076 2 Feb. Auckland, N.Z. Auokland, N.Z. 47 3 4101 4100 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 18 18 5 March. 5 March.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


Application. faze. te. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Eagle Cigarette Company. (See J. Jeffs.) Edwards, Dunlop, and Co., Limited .. Espie, A. Sydney, N.S.W. Dunedin, N.Z. 39 50 4069 4136 28 Jan. 18 Maroh .. Fabian, J. Fennings, A. Auckland, N.Z. Cowes, Isle of Wight, Eng. London, Eng. 3 3 4074 4063, 4 28 Jan, 21 Jan. 9 13 5 Feb. 19 Feb. Frankau and Co., Limited, A. 50 4124 14 Maroh .. 21 19 Maroh. Gardner, A. Gerstendorfer, A., and another Gerstendorfer Bros. (See A. and M. Gerstendorfer, Nos. 4071, 2.) Gerstendorfer, M., and another Gianaclis, N. .. Gill, P. Glyn and Co. .. Griffiths Bros, and Co. Grossmith, J., and Son, and J. Grossmith, Son, and Co. (See J. L. Grossmith.) Grossmith, J. L. Gunson and Co., W. Guthridge, Limited, N. .. Pahiatua, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. 42 1 4088 4071, 2 13 Feb. 28 Jan. 18 9 5 March. 5 Feb. New York, U.S.A. Cairo, Egypt Wellington, N.Z. London, Eng. London, Eng. 1 45 3 38 1 4071, 2 4118 4044 4054 4073 28 Jan. 11 March .. 30 Dec, 1902 9 Jan. 28 Jan. 9 29 13 18 9 5 Feb. 16 April. 19 Feb. 5 March. 5 Feb. 48 4 20 4114, 5, 6 4079 4090 11 March .. 5 Feb. 14 Feb. 19 March. London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z., &c. .. 21 Havana Commercial Company Havana Commercial Company Havanna Cigar - manufacturing Company Hoffnung and Co. (1902), Limited, S. .. Havana, Cuba Havana, Cuba Havanna, Eng. 45 45 45 3284, 6 3289 4055 30 Jan., 1901 30 Jan., 1901 9 Jan. 2 18 6 8 Jan. 5 Maroh. 23 Jan. London, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. London, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. 8 4036 19 Dec, 1902 9 5 Feb. Hoffnung and Co. (1902), Limited, S. .. 8 4037 19 Dec, 1902 21 19 Maroh. Houten. (See Van Houten.) Hudson, R. W. .. Liverpool, Eng. 47 3943 19 Sept.,'02 | 19 Sept., 1902 2 9 2 8 Jan. 5 Feb. 8 Jan. Hudson, R. W... Hutton, 3. C. (See S. ana W. Hutton, No. 4081.) Hutton, S., and another Hutton, W., and another Liverpool, Eng. 47 3944 Melbourne, Vic. Melbourne, Vic 42 42 4081 4081 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 13 13 19 Feb. 19 Feb. Imperial Leather-preserver Manufacturing Company Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. 50 4102 21 Feb. 25 2 April. Jameson, Anderson, and Co. Jameson, Anderson, and Co. Jeffs, J. Jenkins Bros. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. 47 47 45 6 4108 4110 4142 4125 9 March .. 9 Maroh .. 19 March .. 16 March .. 21 21 19 Maroh. 19 March. Kleemo and Co., P. Sydney, N.S.W. 10 4059 15 Jan. 6 23 Jan. Lever Bros., Limited Leverett, W. E. Linotype Company, Limited, The Lyons and Co., Limited, J. Lysoform Gesellschaft mit Beschrankter Haftung Balmain, N.S.W. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. Kensington, Eng. Berlin, Germany 47 50 5 43 2 4111 4148 3923 4070 4075 9 March .. 20 Maroh .. 4 Sept., 1902 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 21 2.5 6 9 88 19 Maroh. 2 April. 23 Jan. 5 Feb. 30 April. Marshall's Chemical Company, Limited Martell and Co... Martell, J. and F. (See Martell and Co., No. 4068.) Monnet et Cie, J. G. (See United Vineyard-proprietors' Company.) Dunedin, N.Z. Cognao, France 3 43 4062 4068 21 Jan. 28 Jan. 9 9 5 Feb. 5 Feb. Nathan and Co., Limited, J. Neil, J. Nelson, Moate, and Co., Limited Newberry and Co., J. Newberry and Co., J. Nield, D. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 47 48 42 42 42 50 4067 4147 4057 4093 4106 3980 24 Jan. 26 March .. 13 Jan. 14 Feb. 25 Feb. 24 Oct., 1902 9 25 9 18 5 Feb. 2 April. 5 Feb. 5 Maroh. 13 19 Feb. Patent Borax Company, Limited, The Pidgeon and Co., Limited, E. W. Pitman and Sons, Limited, Sir I. Pitman and Sons, Limited, >ir I. Birmingham, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. Bath, Eng. Bath, Eng. 2,3,48,47 45 39 39 3349-52 4123 4103 4104 4 ADril, 1901 14 March .. 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 21 21 19 March. 19 March. 18 5 March. Quane and Co., H., and another Christchurch, N.Z. 42, 44 4082, 3 6 Feb. 13 19 Feb. Roberts, J. D. .. Roberts, J. D. .. Roubaix Oedenkoven and Co., De Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Antwerp, Belgium 42 42 47 4077, 8 4084 4121 3 Feb. 6 Feb. 12 March .. 13 13 21 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 March.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.

J-ALPHABETICAL LIST OF APPLICANTS FOR LETTERS PATENT FOR QUARTER ENDING 30th JUNE, 1903. Denotes a provisional specification. Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."

5—H. 10._04,


Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Sandow's Own Combined Developer .. Scott, H. W. .. 3ims, F. R. Smedley, Limited, J. 3ociete Des Proprietaires Vinicole De Cognac La (J. G. Monnet et Cie). (See United Vineyard-proprietors' Company.) Standard Varnish-works, The Stewart Bros, and Spencer Branch Subritzky, J. London, Eng. Palmerston North, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Matlock, Eng. 49 2 2 38 4141 4119 4144 4065, 6 19 March .. 12 March .. 24 March .. 23 Jan. 25 29 2.5 9 2 April. 16 April. 2 April. 5 Feb. New York, U.S.A. Christchurch, N. Z. Awanui, N.Z. 1 42, 4 3 4113 4082, 3 4087 9 March .. 6 Feb. 11 Feb. 21 18 19 March. 19 Feb. rhomas, W. fucker, W. F. .. Geraldine, N.Z. • Auckland, N.Z. 8 3 4109 4060 9 March .. 19 Jan. .. 21 9 19 March. 5 Feb. United Vineyard-proprietors' Company, The Cognac, France 43 4080 5 Feb. 21 19 March. Van Houten and Zoon, C. J. Weesp, Holland 42 4146 25 March .. Waldberg and Co., Limited Watson and Co., Limited, J. Whybrow and Co. Wiggins, Teape, and Co., Limited Wilson and Wood Wilson and Wood Berlin, Germany Dundee, Scotland Abbotsford, Vic London, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 8 43 38 39 42 42 4040 4052 4085 4117 4107 4149 24 Dec, 1902 7 Jan. 10 Feb. 11 March .. 7 March .. 27 March .. 21 29 19 March. 16 April. 21 48 2.5 19 March. 28 May. 2 April.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Adams, R. N., Dunedin, N.Z. (See C. N. Scurr, Nos. 16215, 16270.) Adams, R. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Swinging-mirror pivot .. .. Adams, R. N., Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. R. Park, Nos. 16489, 16491.) Adams, R. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Caster Ainsworth, J., Bolivia, N.S.W. Road-vehicle wheel Albone, D., Biggleswade, Eng. (See The Ivel Agricultural Motors, Limited, No. 16341.) Alcock, H. U., Melbourne, Vic. Billiard and dming-table Alcock H. U., Melbourne, Vic. Settee and billiard-table Alexander, L. W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Remoulding golf-balls .. Alkemade, P. V. L., Melbourne, Vic. Rat-trap Allen, R., Invercargill, N.Z. Teapot .. ■■ Alston, J., Melbourne, Vic. Changing gear for windmills Ambrose, H. T., and another, Orange, U.S.A. Typewriter Anderson and Co., J., Dunedin, N.Z. Rotary-pump tongue Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Tap, especially for dairy-work Anderson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Flax-drum truing-up machine .. Anderson, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Switch for overhead railway Anderson, J. T. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Water-filter .. .. Andrew, N., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Utilising exhaust from engine Anketell, C, Greytown North, N.Z. Wagon-brake Anketell, C, Greytown North, N.Z. Carriage-lamp Armour, J. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Collapsible cradle, &c .. Armstrong, J., Auckland, N.Z. Securing cords to wmdow-sashes .. Arndt, A., 'Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. Chambers and Son, Limited, No. 14670.) Arthur, E. B., Wellington, N.Z. Coal-scuttle Arthur, E. B., Wellington, N.Z. Pie-dish .. •• Aschman, A. E. M., and another, St. Albans, N.Z. Switch for ove head railway 16364 16521 16241 15259 15373 16277 16514 16294 16208 16556 16204 16474 15185 16310 15 May 17 June 15 April 12 Aug., 1902.. 6 Sept., 1902 24 April 18 June 29 April 8 April 23 June 3 April 8 June 29 July, 1902 .. 7 May 47 57 37 43 50 57 37 33 63 57 37 37 11 June.* 9 July.* 14 May. 28 May. 25 June. 9 July.* 14 May.* 30 April. 6 August. 9 July. 14 May. 14 May.* 15756 15339 11 Dec, 1902.. 1 Sept., 1902 43 50 28 May. 25 June. 16496 16497 15304 15449 16 June 16 June 23 Aug., 1902.. 26 Sept., 1902 50 50 50 57 25 June.* 25 June.* 25 June. 9 July. 15126 15127 16310 17 July, 1902 .. 17 July, 1902 .. 7 May 33 33 37 30 April. 30 April. 14 May,*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. No. A Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Ashcroft, R. W., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Milk-can lid Ashcroft, R. W., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Putting up butter into regular quantities Ashcroft, R. W., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Collapsible box Ashcroft, S., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Collapsible box Ashcroft, S., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Putting up butter into regular quantities Ashwortli, H., Wellington, N.Z. Washing and drying wool Ashworth, H., Wellington, N.Z. Menu-holder Atkin, W. H., Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-consumer and draughtincreaser Australian Explosives and Chemical Company, Limited, The, Melbourne, Vic. Draining rackarock cartridges. (H. W. Gepp) 16452 16253 8 June 20 April 57 00 9 July. 23 July.* 16254 16254 16253 20 April 20 April 20 April 88 33 00 30 April.* 30 April.* 23 July.* 16311 16432 16379 7 May 4 Jui e 20 May 43 47 4 7 28 May. 11 June.* 11 June. 16227 15 April 33 30 April.* Babcock and WillcoX, London, Eng. (See J. Chambers and Son, Limited, No. 14670.) Babcock and Wilcox; Limited, and another, London, Eng. Chain grate-stoker Baker, A. G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Shot-making machine .. Baker, A. G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Cutting material into strips Ball, A., Naseby, N.Z. Spring hinge Barnard, A. W. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. R. Park, No. 16487.) Barnett, C, and others, Petersham, N.S.W. Fire-escape Baumgarten, H., London, Eng. Acetylene-generator and lamp Baxter, R., Milton, N.Z. Oil emulsion Baxter, R., Milton, N.Z. Sash-fastener Bayley, C. H., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15204.) Beale, C, London, Eng. Preservation of food Beale, J. A., Auckland, N.Z. Oven-shelf Beaumont, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Milk strainer and aerator Beer de. (See under D.) Beer, S., Kyeburn Diggings, N.Z. Elevator.. Belk, J. A, Feilding, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher Bell, C. R. E., and another, Bromley, England. Mechanically igniting material Bellett, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Lock-nut plate Bentham, W. H., Te Araroa, N.Z. Machine for dressing flax Bernays, C. E., Brisbane, Queensland. Combustion of fuel and smoke and spark-preventer Bettany, H. J., Nelson, N.Z. Brake-apparatus Biel, W., Itzehoe, Germany. (See A. Peppier, No. 16447.) Bish, G., and another, Bombay, Auckland, N.Z. Mortise-making machine Bish, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Mortising, boring, and tenonshaping machine Bishop, A., Carterton, N.Z. Snatch-block .. Blair, J. B., Indooroopilly, Queensland. Means for swinging a ship Blaisdell, H. W., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Handling material Bland, H., Waverley, N.S.W. Elastic fluid-compressor.. Booth, G. T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lubricator mechanism Booth, J. C, Prahran, Vic. Attachment for adjusting shirt-sleeves Bowman, F. E., Manchester, Eng. Gas-prodncing plant Boyd, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Potato-cleaner Boyens, W. H., Kaikoura, N.Z. Force-pump Boyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Opening and closing swing-gates Brady, W., Papamoa, N.Z. Horse-shoe Branford, J. W., Wanganui, NZ. Tethering-post Brent, C. D., Cromwell, N.Z. Shoe-fastener.. Brew, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lubricator mechanism Bristow, 0., Addington, N.Z. Butter-sizer Brooks, R. H., Auckland, N.Z. Newspaper-vending machine Brough, J., Brunswick, Vic Bottom for wickered jars, &c Brown, H. C, Lepperton, N.Z. Bedstead Brown, J. H. S., Auckland, N.Z. Heating fluids Brown, R. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Terret Brownley, A. H., Onehunga, N.Z. Spring winding-apparatus for eye-glass cord Budde, C. C. L. G., Copenhagen, Denmark. Sterilising articles of food Buhlmann, G., Berlin, Ger. Manufacturing incandescent mantles.. Biinz, C. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Medical instrument. (F. J. Rottman) Burrell, D. H., New York, U.S.A. (See A. Harvey, No. 16292.) Burrell, T., and another, North Melbourne, Vic. Boot sole and heel Bursill, F. W., Sedgmere, N.Z. Fencing-standard Butler, S., Bristol, Eng. Preventing " skidding " of bicycles, &c .. Butterick, F., Wakanui, N.Z. Cutting-mechanism of reaper 16538 16303 16304 16355 16338 16506 16439 16559 15212 16309 16363 16365 16573 16325 15623 16163 16504 16327 16359 16546 16298 16194 16231 16193 16445 24 June 1 May 1 May 12 Mav 13 May 17 June 1 June 24 June 2 Aug., 1902.. 7 May 18 May 15 May 30 June 6 May 13 Nov., 1902.. 1 April 17 June 11 May 13 May 20 June 4 May 4 April 15 April 4 April 5 June 37 37 43 43 57 47 60 37 43 47 47 60 43 33 29 57 43 43 57 43 29 37 29 50 14 May.* 14 May.* 28 May.* 28 May. 9 July. 11 June.* 23 Jul;.* 14 May. 28 May. 11 June.* 11 June.* 23 July.* 28 May. 30 April. 16 April.* 9 July. 28 May.* 28 May.* 9 July.* 28 May. 16 April. 14 May. 16 April. 25 June.* 16351 16240 16386 15242 16387 14 May 15 April 26 M^y 11 Aug., 1902 26 May 43 33 47 50 47 28 May.* 30 April. 11 June.* 25 June. 11 June.* 16160 16553 16356 16445 16440 10479 16385 16481 15141 16523 16544 1 April 26 June 11 May 5 June 5 June 8 June 20 May 12 June 22 July, 1902 .. 18 J ne 22 June 29 60 43 50 47 57 47 50 47 57 57 16 April. 23 July. 28 May. 25 June.* 11 June.* 9 July.* 11 June. 25 June. 11 June. 9 July.* 9 July.* 16326 6 May 43 28 May. 15160 16358 24 July, 1902 .. 15 May 37 43 14 May. 28 May.* 15279 16464 16324 16431 21 Aug., 1902.. 10 June 6 May 2 June 29 50 43 47 16 April. 25 June.* 28 May. 11 June.* Cairns, T., Auckland, N.Z. Railway-signalling appliance Campbell, J., Grove Bush, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Alternating electrical apparatus. (C. F. Scott) 16570 15370 16233 30 June 9 Sept., 1902.. 16 April 63 47 33 6 August. 11 June. 30 April.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


,ppl lioai ;ion. ktze\ \e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Dati Carlson, H., Dannevirke, N.Z. Hobble for horses, &c .. Casgrain, L. A., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Manufacturing Company, No. 16229.) Casimir, C, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Incandescent lamp .. Cates, W. E. W., Bristol, Eng. (See The Vacuum Tin Syndicate Limited, No. 16180.) Catt, G. H., Hyde, Hampshire, Eng. Wheel of boot-finishing machine Challicr, A. V., Aratapu, N.Z. Pick for agricultural purposes Chamberlin, W. F., and another, Dayton, U.S.A. Box-making machine Chambers, R., New Plymouth, N.Z. Music-holder Chambers and Son, Limited, J., Auckland, N.Z. Oil-separator. (Babcock and Wilcox—A. Arndt) Champion, W. H., Auckland, N.Z. Harpoon Champion, W. H., Auckland, N.Z. Medicine Channon, J., Hornsby, N.S W. Sea-lock for mail-bag. (J.J. Russell) Clancy, J. C, Melbourne, Vic. Extraction of gold, &c. Clark, D. J., New York, U.S.A. (See " Secretary," No. 16449.) Clarke, G. C, Hastings, N.Z. Twisting and straining wires Clarke, J. F., Woolwich, N.S.W. Weighing-machine .. Cleveland, W. L., Fitzroy, Vic. Indoor game Cloud, J. W., London, Eng. (See The Westinghouse Brake Company, Limited, No. 16428.) Cobb, 3~. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Tobacco-plug holder and cutter. (J. Lloyd) Cochrane, W. H., Otahuiti, N.Z. Yoking horses Coe, H., Greymouth, N.Z. Holder for nail while being driven Collins, R., Midhirst, N.Z. Toe-protector for boots and shoes Collins, W. A., Wellington, N.Z. Hanging clothes on line Congreve, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-lock Congreve, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-lock Connor, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Fire escape, extinguisher, and alarm .. Connstein, W., Charlottenburg, Prussia. Manufacture of fatty acids Coop, J., Kaituna, N.Z. Feeder for sheep-dip .. .. Cooper, A., Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel lock Cooper, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Steerage-gear for sheep feeding-rack Cooper-Hewitt Electric Company, New York, U.S.A. Electric gaslamp. (P. Cooper-Hewitt) Cooper-Hewitt Electric Company, New York, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 16169.) Cooper-Hewitt Electric Company, New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16230.) Cooper-Hewitt, P., New York, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 16169.) Cooper-Hewitt, P., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16230.) Cooper-Hewitt, P., New York, U.S.A. (See Cooper-Hewitt Electric Company, No. 16234.) Cooper, J., Auckland, N.Z. Gate-hinge Cooze, C. J., Carterton, N.Z. Spile for beer-cask Cornell, W. A., Toorak, Vic. Attaching brake-drum to wheel-hub .. Cornish, T., Ballarat, Vic. Driving shafting hydraulically Cousens, W., Glebe, N.S.W. Windmill Coventry, J , Dunedin, N.Z. Umbrella-tip retainer Cox, E. T., Yering, Vic. Wood-boring auger Crothers, J., Perth, W.A. Composition for pavements Croxford, C, and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Shot-making machine .. Croxford, C, and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Cutting material into strips Crown Cork and Seal Company, The, Baltimore, U.S A. Bottleclosure. (R. A. Hall) Crump, W. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Electro-medical belt .. Cubbins, T., and another, Hawthorn, Vic. Amalgamator Cummins, M., and another, Lancaster, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16536.) Currie, H., Gisborne, N.Z. Cancer remedy 16457 9 June 57 9 July." 16406 27 May 47 11 June.* 15350 4 Sept., 1902.. 48 28 May. 16563 16256 25 June 22 April 60 47 23 July. 11 June. 15188 14670 29 July, 1902 .. 25 March, 1902 37 25 14 May. 2 April. 10265 16455 16187 16583 21 April 4 June 4 April 30 June 33 50 29 60 30 April.* 25 June. 16 April. 23 July.* 16410 16463 16213 29 May 10 June 8 April 47 57 33 11 June.* 9 July. 30 April.* 16291 29 April 37 14 May.* 15189 16434 16393 16268 16377 16186 16473 16407 10409 15232 10470 16234 29 July, 1902 .. 4 June 28 May 24 April 19 M»y 4 April 8 June 29 May 9 June 7 Aug., 1902.. 9 June 16 April 37 47 47 33 43 29 50 47 50 43 14 May. 11 June.* 11 June.* 30 April.* 28 May.* 16 April.* 25 June.* 11 June. 25 June.* 28 May. 33 30 April. 16516 16453 16345 16284 16267 15989 16398 16426 16303 16304 16168 16 June 8 June 14 May 30 April 24 April 14 February .. 28 May 2 June 1 May 1 May 2 April 60 50 43 37 33 50 47 47 37 37 29 23 July. 25 June.* 28 May.* 14 May.* 30 April.* 25 June. 11 June.* 11 June.* 14 May.* 14 May.* 16 April. 16476 16513 11 June 18 June 57 9 July.* 16238 15 April 33 30 April.* Daft, L., and another, Middlesex, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16076.) Dale, A., Morven, N.Z. Attaohment-device for traces of driven horses Dando, P. H., Whangarei, N.Z. Chamber utensil Darby, T. C, and others, Wickford Junction, Eng. Implement for breaking up roads Darby, T. A., and others, Wickford Junction, Eng. Implement for breaking up roads Darby, S. C, and others, Wickford Junction, Eng. Implement for breaking up roads Davenport, E. F., Melrose, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15203.) Davidson, G., Hokitika, N.Z. Pitch-chain and sprocket Davie, L., Homefield, N.Z. Apparatus for washing crockery Davies, J. B., Malvern, Vic. (See C. F. Dunn, No. 16349.) Dawbarn, and Co., E. A., Sydney, N.S.W. (See W. P. Maschwitz, No. 16210.) Dawson, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Table game .. Day, S. H., Lady Barkly, N.Z. Sheep-dipping apparatus 16555 15356 15314 15314 15314 24 June 4 Sept., 1902 27 Aug., 1902.. 27 Aug., 1902.. 27 Aug., 1902.. 60 43 33 33 33 23 July. 28 May. 30 April. 30 April. 30 April. 16568 16423 29 June 1 June 60 50 23 July.* 25 June.* 15458 16492 lOct., 1902 .. 11 June 37 50 14 May. 25 June.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. I No. Date. Date. De Beer, S., Roslyn, N.Z. Fire-hose coupling Deering, W., Evanstown, U.S.A. Twine. (G. H. Ellis) De Kleist, E., North Tonawanda, U.S.A. Automatic musicalinstrument De Laval, C. G. P., Stockholm, Sweden. Distillation of zinc Denney, H. H., Timaru, N.Z. Feed for grain, turnips, &c. Denniston, S. E., Avenal, N.Z. Luggage-label fastener Deutsch, I., and another. Montreal, Canada. Power-transmitting device Devonshire, T. E., Chislehurst, Eng. Conduit for electric cable .. Dewing, F. M., and others, Boston, U.S.A. (See Submarine Signal Company, No. 10467.) Dillicar, J., Taneatua, N.Z. Brand for meat Dixon, E. V., Opotiki, N.Z. Screw-propeller Dolter Electric Traction, Limited, The, London, Eng. Electrictraction system. (H. Dolter) Dolter, H., Paris, France. (See The Dolter Electric Traction, Limited, No. 16283.) Donald, J. A., Potaerau, N.Z. Cow leg and tail holder .. Donaldson, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Ventilation of sewers Donning, G. W., and another, East Orange, U.S.A. Typewriter .. Doyle, R. G., Doyleston, N.Z. Preventing cow kicking while being milked Droutlege, H., Auckland, N.Z. Lamp-light controller .. Du Feu, J. N., Christchurch, N.Z. Cushion-heel for boots, &c .. Duncan, J., Whangamomona, N.Z. Leggings Dunn, C. F., Kew, Vic. Wire-nail. (J. B. Davies) Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutting machine Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-box Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Hinge Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Durand, H., Timaru, N.Z. Trace-fastening Durand, H., Timaru, N.Z. Shaft-tug Durand, H., Timaru, N.Z. Garden-shears .. Duryea, 0. C, and another, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (See E. Phillips, No. 16400.) 16295 16342 16340 4 May 13 May 13 May 43 43 43 28 May.* 28 May. 28 May. 16416 16446 16438 16350 27 May 5 June 5 June 14 May 50 50 47 47 25 June. 25 June.* 11 June.* 11 June. 16134 25 March 50 25 June. 16460 16278 16283 9 June 28 April 28 April 50 37 37 25 June.* 14 May.* 14 May. 16529 16197 16556 16421 22 June 6 April 23 June 1 June 60 29 63 47 23 July.* 16 April. 6 August 11 June.* 16530 10390 10499 16349 15176 15881 16313 16507 16318 16319 16320 18 June 26 May 16 June 14 May 23 July, 1902 .. 15 Jan. 5 M ay 13 June 7 May 7 May 7 May 57 47 50 47 33 37 37 57 47 9 July.* 11 June.* 25 June.* 11 June. 30 April. 14 Mav. 14 May.* 9 July.* 11 June. East, T. Q., Napier, N.Z. Ships' ventilators Eaves, E., and others, Stockport, Eng. Hydraulic press and pump Edison Ore-milling Syndicate, Limited, London, Eng. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 16503.) Edison, T. A., Llewellyn Park, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 16503.) Electrical Ore-finding Company, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16076.) Ellis, G. H., Chicago, U.S.A. (See W. Deering, No. 16342.) Elspass, J. H., Los Angeles, U.S.A. (See Elspass Roller Quarz-mill and Manufacturing Company, No. 16258.) Elspass Roller Quartz-mill and Manufacturing Company, Pueblo, U.S.A. Pulverising-mill. (J. H. Elspass) Emmerich. R., Munich, Germany. Preservation of meat Ennis, R., Barrakee, Vic. Seed-drill Eppler, A., Allston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15103.) Evans, G. S., Corryong, Vic. Ratchet screw-wrench .. 16225 16308 14 April 7 May 33 43 30 April.* 28 May. 11 June. 16258 22 April 47 16566 16443 25 June 4 June 60 50 23 July. 25 June.* 16394 28 May 47 11 June.* Falcone, A., Florence, Italy. Electric telegraph apparatus Falloon, J., and another, Ballance, N.Z. Composition for destroying noxious weeds Fancourt, R. H., Woollahra, N.S.W. Packing cake tobacco Fetherstonhaugh, E. J., and another, Montreal, Canada. Powertransmitting device Feu, du. (See under D.) Fiddes, J. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Raising or lowering fireplace and fire in ranges Firth, J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Locomotive-engine headlights Firth, R., and others, Petone, N.Z. Locomotive-engine head-lights Firth, T., Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle wheel-lock and horse-stopper.. Fisher, C. E., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Locomotive-engine head-lights Fisher, D. P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Peg Ford, L. P., London, Eng. Manufacture of artificial-stone brick .. Foster, J., Caversham, N.Z. Music, &c, binder Foster, J., Caversham, N.Z. Book and music binder Fraser, D., Caversham, N.Z. Indelible carcase-brand .. Freeman, E. T., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15205.) French, A. G., Auckland, N.Z. Utilising bark of ti-tree for tanning 16414 16389 27 May 26 May 50 47 25 June. 11 June* 16468 16350 6 June 14 May 57 47 9 July. 11 June. 16323 6 May 37 14 May.* 16498 16 June 50 25 June.* 16498 16450 16498 16 June 8 June 16 June 50 60 50 25 June.* 23 July. 25 June.* 16289 16166 16263 16329 16218 30 April 2 April 18 April 8 May 8 April 37 33 14 May.* 30 April. 43 33 28 May. 30 April.* 16408 26 May 47 11 June.* Gaffney, W. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Marking-tool Gaitt, L., Middlemarch, N.Z. Animal-trap Galbraith, D. R. S., Remuera, N.Z. Milk and other food product.. Gale, H. B., and others, Natick, U.S.A. (See Submarine Signal Company, No. 16467.) 16522 16518 15368 20 June 17 June 6 Sept., 1902.. 57 57 50 9 July.* 9 July.* 25 June.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


.pp] ical ;ion. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Gardner, C. C, Kew, Vic. Transparent oven-door Gare, G. W., and another, Waipori, N.Z. Removing clay from dredge-bucket Gavin, P., Tuparoa, N.Z. Window-fastener.. Gepp, H. W., Deer Park, Vic. (See The Australian Explosives and Chemical Company, Limited, No. 16227.) Gibbons, R. P., Kopu, Thames, N.Z. Galvanic boot or shoe sole .. Gibbons, R. P., Kopu, Thames, N.Z. Galvanic plate for boots, &c. Gibbons, R. P., Kopu, Thames, N.Z. Water-gauge for steam-boiler Gibson, H. C. W., and another, London, Eng. Manufacture of tubes Giesen, C. F., Uruti Road, Taranaki, N.Z. Waterproof hood Gillies, A., Terang, Vic. Milking-apparatus Gillies, A., Terang, Vic. Milking-apparatus Gillies, A., Terang, Vic. Pulsating teat-cups of milking apparatus Glendining, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Garment-band Goodall, T., Albertown, N.Z. Animal-trap .. Goosman, G., Mangere, N.Z. Bag-strap Gordon, F. W., Auckland, N.Z. Wash-hand basin Gorman, R. F., Warmatta, N.S.W. Wire-strainer Goyder, G. A., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Separation of minerals Gray, A., Manapouri Station, N.Z. Claw-hammer and staple-drawer Gray, A., Manapouri Station, N.Z. Saddle tool-bag Gray, A., Manapouri Station, N.Z. File, wire-twister, and rule .. Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed-sower Gray, J. S., Auckland, N.Z. Luminous watch-rim and hands Green, M. R., Kensington Park, S.A. Window-lock Greenslade, J., Prebbleton, N.Z. Grain-threshing machine Grier, T. J., Laurence, U.S.A. Recovering metals from ores Griffiths, F. C, New Plymouth, N.Z. Skylight Griffiths, J., and others, Petone, N.Z. Locomotive-engine headlights Groves, D. C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Raising sunken vessels Gungall, A. F., Hawera, N.Z. Mitre-shooting block Gunthorp, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Apparatus for inhaling anaesthetics Gwillim, D., Toorak, Vic. Indoor-game apparatus 16525 15175 19 June 23 July, 1902 .. 60 23 July. 33 30 April. 16545 22 June 60 23 July.* 16331 16375 16425 16161 16357 16348 16022 16378 16272 16246 15196 16293 16282 16466 15265 15266 15267 16528 16388 16301 16274 16302 16383 16499 8 May 14 May 2 June 1 April 15 May 14 May 25 Feb. 20 May 22 April 15 April 28 July, 1902 .. 27 April 30 April 10 June 15 Aug., 1902.. 15 Aug., 1902.. 15 Aug., 1902.. 19 June 22 May 6 May 24 April 6 May 23 May 16 June 43 28 May.* 43 28 May.* 50 25 June. 29 16 April. 43 28 May.* 43 28 May. 47 11 June. 47 11 June. 37 14 May. * 33 30 April.* 37 ' 14 May. 37 14 May. 37 14 May. 50 25 June.* 43 28 May. 43 28 Mav. 43 28 May. 57 9 July.* 47 11 June.* 37 14 iMay.* 37 ! 14 May.* 43 i 28 May. 47 11 June.* 50 25 June.* 16096 16222 16508 15341 16 March 14 April 15 June 2 Sept., 1902 37 14 May. 33 30 April.* 57 9 July.* 47 11 June. Haines, R. T., Melbourne, Vic. Cinematographic process Hall, R. A., Baltimore, U.S.A. (See The Crown Cork and Seal Company, No. 16168.) Hancock, J. N., Centre Bush, Southland, N.Z. Envelope Hancox, W. G., Petone, N.Z. Handle and support for tins, &c .. Harradence, F. W., Auckland, N.Z. Tire .. Harvey, A., Auckland, N.Z. Link-blade device for cream-separator. (D. H. Burrell) Hatmaker, J. R., London, Eng. Preserving milk, &c (J. A. Just) Hayes, G. H., London, Eng. Pneumatic drill, &c Hayling, H. S., St. Kilda, Vic. Tip-wagon mechanism. (A. Mansfield) Hayward, C. E., Maungakaramea, N.Z. Wire-tightening appliance Heighton, A. L., Christchurch, N.Z. Boot-heel attachment Herbert, P., Sydney, N.S.W. Tram and railway car .. Hessey, J., Otago, N.Z. Window-sash lock .. Hewitt. (See under Cooper-Hewitt.) Hien, P., Chicago, U.S.A. Friction-springs.. Holbourns, J. G., and another, London, Eng. Linotype machine .. Holford, G., Auckland, N.Z. Rat-trap Holland, R., Flemington, N.Z. Elevator-chain Hollinworth, W. H. H., Brisbane, Queensland. Letter-stamping machine Hoverd, H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Stay for keeping trunklid open Hovey, 0. C, New York, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 16173.) Hoyt, G. E., San Francisco, U.S.A. Gas or explosive engine Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Localising mineral deposits. (Electrical Ore Finding Company—L. Daft and A. Williams) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Producing gas or vapour bath for electric current. (Cooper-Hewitt Electric Company—P. CooperHewitt) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Preserving eggs. (A. Pfaff) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle brake. (W. C. Mitchell and M. Cummins) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Controller for electric motor. (G. Westinghouse) Humphreys, A. W., Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle brake .. Hunter, I., Dunedin, N.Z. Cuff.. Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Sealing-jar for food-preserving. (C. C. Hovey-G. Lees) Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Transforming electrical energy. (Cooper-Hewitt Electric Company—P. Cooper-Hewitt) Hurley, G. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus) Hurst, I., Oamaru, N.Z. Fire-escape Hutton, L. S. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Lock for bicycle-wheel 10465 10 June 50 25 June.* 15269 16374 16533 16292 18 Aug., 1902.. 19 May 19 June 27 April 43 28 May. 43 28 Mav.* 57 9 July.* 37 14 May.* 16287 16209 16461 30 April 8 April 10 June 37 14 May. 33 30 April. 57 9 July. 15590 16136 16404 16223 3 Nov., 1902.. 24 March 28 May 14 April 43 28 May. 50 25 June. 50 25 June.* 33 30 April.* 15973 16381 16451 15024 16493 12 F n eb. 22 May 8 June 23 June, 1902.. 12 June 47 11 June. 50 25 June. 57 9 July. 47 11 June. 50 25 June.* 16275 25 April 37 14 May.* 16417 16076 27 May 11 Maroh 50 25 June. 50 25 June. 16230 15 April 57 9 July. 16462 16536 10 June 24 June 57 9 July. 60 23 July 16537 24 June 60 23 July. 15215 16191 16173 2 Aug., 1902.. 4 April 2 April 47 11 June. 29 16 April.* 29 16 April. 16169 2 April 57 9 July. 15220 5 Aug., 1902.. 43 28 May. 16419 16251 27 May 18 April 13 May .. j 47 11 June.* 37 14 May.* 43 I 28 May. Ivel Agricultural Motors, Limited, London, Eng. Agricultural motor tractor. (D. Albone) 16341


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. No. A Application. Gazette, Date. No. Date. Jacobson, S. H., New York, U.S.A. Ventilator Jagger, P. B., London, Eng. Non-refillable bottle Jensen, A. E., Peilding, N.Z. Wire-fastener Jensen, A. E., Feilding, N.Z. Wire-clip Jermyn, W., Masterton, N.Z. Comb Jerrard, C. H., East Ham, Essex, Eng. Cleaning tram-rails Jesson, W. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Holding doors ajar.. Johanson, E., Waiwhero, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Johnson, J. T., Waipori, N.Z. Driving dredge machinery by waterpower Johnson, J., Dunefiin, N.Z. Pneumatic foot Johnson, T. C, New Haven, U.S.A. (See Winchester Repeating Arms Company, No. 16339.) Johnston, J., and another, Bombay, N.Z. Mortising, boring, and tenon-shaping machine Jolly, H. R., Hokitika, N.Z. Hose-coupling Jones, E., Auckland, N.Z. Sleeve-link Jones, T. D., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Fire-escape Jorgensen, 0. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Street-cleaning machine Just, J. A., Syracuse, U.S.A. (See J. R. Hatmaker, No. 16287.) 16512 16299 16429 16430 16334 16347 16214 16310 15086 20 June, 1902f 6 May 2 June 2 June 12 May 14 May 7 April 8 May 3 July, 1902 .. 43 47 47 43 47 33 43 27 28 May. 11 June.* 11 June.* 28 May.* 11 June. 30 April.* 28 May. 16 April. 15199 30 July, 1902 .. 37 14 May. 16546 20 June 57 9 July.* 16500 16532 16338 16567 16 June 23 June 13 May 29 June 63 57 43 66 6 August. 9 July.* 28 May. 20 Aug. Kelly, H. A. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Draught-creating device for register-grate Kelly, H. A. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Adjusting shutters of register-grate Kelly, J., Palmeraton, N.Z. Railway bicycle-trolly Kelly, J. D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Peg Kelly, R. D., Pigeon Bay, N.Z. Vehicle draw-gear Keon, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-escape Kerr, J., Yering, Vic. Milk-strainer Kerr, J., Yering, Vic. Milking-bucket Kerr, J., Yering, Vic. Milk cooler or refrigerator Kibblewhite, J. T., and another, Petone, N.Z. Wheelbarrow Kibblewhite, J. T., and another, Petone, N.Z Lifting-jack Kingsbeer, A. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Bricks Kingsland, W., London, Eng. Electric-switch Kirkpatrick-Picard, H. F., and another, London, Eng. Recovery of precious metals Kleist, de. (See under D.) Koch, E. S., Wellington, N.Z. Curtain-pole Kortlang, L., and another, Neutral Bay, N.S.W. Extension-table Kortlang, A., and another, Neutral Bay, N.S.W. Extension-table 16484 9 June 50 25 June.* 16486 16216 16289 15254 15261 16370 16371 16396 16391 16392 16228 16501 16505 18 June 7 April 30 April 15 Aug., 1902.. 15 Aug., 1902.. 19 May 19 May 28 May 27 May 27 May 15 April 17 June 17 June 50 33 37 37 50 47 47 47 47 50 33 70 57 25 June.* 30 April.* 14 May.* 14 May. 25 June. 11 June. 11 June. 11 June. 11 June.* 25 June.* 30 April.* 3 Sept. 9 July. 16409 15775 15775 29 May 17 Deo., 1902.. 17 Dec, 1902.. 60 33 33 23 July. 30 April. 30 April. Lashlie, C, Christchurch, N.Z. Hat and clothes brush Lattey, H. F., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wall and table bracket Laughton, E., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Separation of minerals Laval, De. (See under D.) Layton, W. J. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Tube-cleaner Loos, G., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 16173.) Legge, A. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Lubricating device for wheels .. Lindmark, T. G. E., Langholmen, Sweden. Elastic fluid-turbine .. Linley, F. M., Castlemaine, Vic. Shirt-fastening Lintern, S., Strathmore, N.Z. Retaining window-sash Lintern, S., Strathmore, N.Z. Railway coupling Lister, C. A., Auckland, N.Z. Enamelled pasteboard Longhurst, H. A., and another, London, Eng. Linotype machine.. Lorie, A. F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-fastener Lloyd, E. W., Bobinawarrah, Vic. Measuring milk Lloyd, J., Westport, N.Z. (See J. H. Cobb, No. 16291.) Lowry, G. A., Chicago, U.S.A. Charging fluids with gas Lowe, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower Luxford, W. L., Dannevirke, N.Z. Traction on wooden tramways 15365 16564 16466 5 Sept., 1902 26 June 10 June 50 57 50 25 June. 9 July.* 25 June.* 16296 1 May 37 14 May.* 16248 16415 16266 16255 16343 16199 16381 16418 16346 16 April 27 May 24 April 22 April 13 May 3 April 22 May 29 May 14 May 33 50 37 33 43 29 50 47 43 30 April.* 25 June. 14 May. 30 April.* 28 May.* 16 April.* 25 June. 11 June.* 28 May.* 16569 16297 15056 30 June 1 May 30 June, 1902 60 37 29 23 July. 14 May.* 16 April. Macintosh, J. M., Brunswick, Vic. Sash-fastener Mackay, A. G., Totaranui, N.Z. Chamber utensil Mackay, G. W. L., Awaroa, N.Z. Signalling-target Mackay, G. W. L., Awaroa, N.Z. Saddle-cloth Madden, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Stay for keeping trunklid open Madder, W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Damper-frame Maddren, W. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Collapsible box Maddren, W. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Putting up butter into regular quantities Maddren, W. J., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Milk-can lid Mahoney, F. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Incandescent lamp Mainland, H. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Cuff-fastener Mains, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Cross-beam for hatches Maniachi, A. V., Melbourne, Vic. Stove Mansfield, A., North Fitzroy, Vic. (See H. S. Hayling, No. 16461.) Marshall, E., London, Eng. Stoppering bottles Maschwitz, W. P., Sydney, N.S.W. Bottle-stopper Masters, A. P., Wellington, N.Z. Ventilator Mayne, W., Mildura, Vic. Engine-valve gear Mayo, B. F., Salem, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, 16372 16420 16243 16244 16275 19 May 27 May 15 April 15 April 25 April 43 50 33 33 37 28 May.* 25 June.* 30 April.* 30 April.* 14 May.* 16373 16254 16253 19 May 20 April 20 April 47 33 60 11 June. 30 April. * 23 July.* 16452 16406 16448 16519 16205 8 June 27 May 4 June 17 June 8 April 57 47 9 July. 11 June.* 57 33 9 July.* 30 April. 16159 16210 16441 16185 1 April 8 April 6 June 4 April 37 47 29 14 May. 11 June.* 16 April.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. McGowan, H., East Melbourne, Vic. Linotype machine McHardy, L. H., Blackhead, N.Z. Wire-fencing standard Mcllwraith, Q. A., Te Pahi, N.Z. Coiling and uncoiling wires Mclntyre, A. R., Gisborne, N.Z. Yoking-in horses McKay, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Window-lock McKenzie, A. W., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Bivalve-opener McKenzie, J. B., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Bivalve opener McKenzie, C. R., Oroville, U.S.A. Gold-saving riffle .. McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Coiler and spindle for wire-weaving machine McLaren, R. A., and others, Renfrew, Scotland. Chain grate-stoker Mcfoauehlan, E. M., Springhills, N.Z. Buckle McLauch'an, E. M., Springhills, N.Z. Staple for bookbinding McLaughlan, E. M., Springhills, N.Z. Rivet McLean, D. W., Methven, N.Z. Gear for motors McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Brand McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Burner and heater McLeod, F., Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle McLeod, M. E., Tanjil, Vic. Dress-chart McLeod, H. N., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus McQueen, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Shot-making machine .. McQueen, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Cutting material into strips McTear, B. P., and another, Rainhill, Eng. Manufacture of tubes Meddings, W. G., Auckland, N.Z. Incubator Meinung, H. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Generating power from tidal water Meyenberg, W. F., Tairua. N.Z. Diving-apparatus Michelli, W. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Window-fastening Miller, C., Nelson, N.Z. Photo, Christmas, and New Year cards .. Miller, E. H., London, Eng. Eliminating sulphur from ores Miller, T., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Composition for destroying noxious weeds Miller, W. 0., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-escape Millsom, T. C, St. Kilda, Vic Cure for deafness Mitchell, W. C, and another, Lancaster, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16536.) Monro, A. V. H., and another, Dundein, N.Z. Safety grip-block .. Montagu, R. L., Oroville, U.S.A. Recovery of metals .. Montgomerie, R. A., Wanganui, N.Z. Fencing-dropper Montgomery, J., Little River, Canterbury, N.Z. Tie-clip Montgomery, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Tie-elip Morgan, J. C, Mangamahu, N.Z. Animal-cover fastening Morison, G. S., Bendigo, Vic. Steam-engines Morrison, C. M., Auckland, N.Z. Pocket-book Moss, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Carcase-weighing machine Moul, A., London, Eng. Target apparatus .. Mudge, B. C, Maine, U.S.A. Manufacture of flax-fibre Muir, W., and another, Middlesex, Eng. Mechanically igniting material Mulhare, J. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Shears .. Mulhaie, J. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Pocket-knife Mulhare, J. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Water-purifier for tank Mundy, A. J., and others, Boston, U.S.A. (See Submarine Signal Company, No. 16467.) Murphy, J. T., Blenheim, N.Z. Bird-trap .. Murphy, W., Arrowtown, N.Z. Trap seat regulator Murphy, W., Arrowtown, N.Z. Vehicle-brake Murphy, W., Arrowtown, N.Z. Tire setter and extractor Murray, R. L. H., Auckland, N.Z. Acetylene-generator 15717 16456 15005 16480 16322 15239 15239 16433 16454 4 Dec, 1902.. • 6 June 27 June, 1902.. 10 June 6 May 8 Aug., 1902.. 8 Aug., 1902.. 4 June 4 June 33 50 47 57 37 37 37 50 50 30 April. 25 June. 11 June. 9 July.* 14 May.* 14 May. 14 May. 25 June. 25 June.* 16538 16170 16171 16172 16477 16548 16547 15030 16183 15220 24 Ju e 2 April 2 April 2 April 11 June 22 June 22 June 23 June, 1902.. 4 April 5 Aug., 1902.. 29 29 29 50 57 57 33 29 43 16 April.* 16 April.* 16 April.* 25 June.* 9 July.* 9 July.* 30 April. 16 April.* 28 May. 16303 16304 1 May 1 May 37 37 14 May.* 14 May.* 16161 16550 10543 10269 15010 16542 16300 16389 1 April 23 June 25 June 25 April 17 June, 1902.. 22 June 6 May 26 May 29 57 33 37 63 43 47 16 April. 9 July.* 30 April.* 14 May. 6 August. 28 May. 11 June.* 15261 16475 15 Aug., 1902 .. 10 June 50 50 25 June. 25 June.* 16413 16517 16554 16317 16192 16422 16232 16224 16250 16332 16403 16325 27 May 16 June 26 June 8 May 4 April 1 June 16 April 14 April 17 April 12 May 28 May 6 May 47 57 60 43 29 47 33 33 33 50 47 43 11 June.* 9 July.* 23 July. 28 May. 16 April. 11 June.* 30 April.* 30 April. 30 April.* 25 June. 11 June. 28 May. 16515 16540 16471 15 June 20 June 4 June 57 50 9 July.* 25 June.* 16495 16352 16353 16354 16221 12 June 12 May 12 May 12 May 7 April 50 43 43 43 33 25 June.* 28 May.* 28 May.* 28 May.* 30 April. Needham, L. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Street-cleaner .. Nelson, H., Wellington, N.Z. (See A. J. Park, No. 16261.) Nicholson, N. L., Winton, N.Z. Saw, &c, handle Nicol, J. L., Invercargill, N.Z. Holder for saucer, plaque, &c Noble, A. H. P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Exterminating rabbits Nolan, W. P., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Ticket-dater North, T. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-collar Norton, E., New York, U.S.A. Bottle-cap .. Noy, H. G. W. L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Safety grip-block 16567 29 June 00 20 August. 16459 16321 15057 9 June 6 May 28 June, 1902.. 50 37 57 25 June.* 14 May.* 9 July. 16212 15380 10337 16413 6 April 11 Sept., 1902 13 May 27 May 37 57 43 47 14 May.* 9 July. 28 May. 11 June.* Oaten, J., Melbourne, Vic Animal-rug fastener Ogle, G. R., Devonport, N.Z. Draught and dust excluder for doors Oliver Mill Company, Limited, The, London, England. Disintegrat-ing-machine. (J. Thame and A. W. Smith) Ollerenshaw, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. (See A. F. Roy, No. 15263.) O'Neil, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Windmill-lubricator Orbell, J., Seacliff, N.Z. Washer Orbell, J., Seacliff, N.Z. Fish-plate O'Rourke, T. M., Matakitaki, N.Z. Gold-saving screen and elevator Osmond, S. J., Laura, South Australia. Washing-machine Otto, C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Collapsible box .. Otto, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Collapsible box.. .. 16369 16562 16424 13 May 25 June 2 June 47 60 50 11 June. 23 July.* 25 June. 16290 16201 16202 16361 16285 16307 16539 29 April 3 April 3 April 16 May 30 April 2 May 22 June 43 29 29 57 28 May.* 16 April.* 16 April.* 9 July. 37 57 14 May'.'* 9 July.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Palmer, G. C, Wellington, N.Z. Cartridge-holder Park, A. J., and another, Ngaruawahia, N.Z. Milk-weighing apparatus Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Increasing saleabihty of goods. (H. Nelson) Park, J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Secateur. (A. W. A. Barnard and W. G. Reid) Park, J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash mover and lock. (R.N.Adams) Parkj J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Fish-plate. (R.N.Adams) Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Dust and draft excluder for door A.', Dannevirke, N.Z. Sheep and cattle brand .. Parsons, C. A., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Steam-turbine Pavne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Lock-nut Pearson, G. A., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Slack-adjuster for brakes Pease, C, Salem, U.S.A. (See United-Xpedite Finishing Com pany, No. 16509.) Pennington, R. E.. and another, Melbourne, Vic. Lock-nut plate .. Peppier, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Window. (W. Biel) .. Percival, G., Narromine, N.S.W. Rear hub-sprocket for bicycle .. Perdriau, E. C, and another, Melbourne, Vic. Boot sole and heel.. Peters, G. A., Toronto, Canada. Target Peterson, A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Skylight.. Peterson, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Skylight.. Pfaff, A., Melbourne, Vic. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16462.) Phillimore, A. E., Bath, Eng. Bedstead Phillips, L., Hokitika, N.Z. Tailings and sand pump Phillips, E., Melbourne, Vic. Free-piston engine. (O. 0. Duryea and M. C. White) Picard. (See Kirkpatrick-Picard.) Pickard, C. J., and another, Kimbolton, N.Z. Tire Pomeroy, J. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Hat-fastener Pope, D., Caversham, N.Z. Wheel for vehicle, cycle, &o. Porter, G., Ashburton, N.Z. Cycle-chain drive Potter, C. V., St. Kilda, Vic. Acidulated oleaginous solution Potts, T., Pahiatua, N.Z. Medicinal preparation Poynter, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Fastening together papers, &c .. Preston, W., and another, Richmond, Vic. Amalgamator Pritchett, P. H., Governor's Bay, N.Z. Felling trees mechanically 16162 16239 16261 16487 16489 16491 16376 16541 16335 16367 16558 15623 16447 16435 15279 16362 16260 16260 1 April 17 April 17 April 12 June 12 June 11 June 19 May 25 June 13 May 13 May 27 June 13 Nov., 1902 8 June 4 June 21 Aug., 1902 18 May 17 April 17 April 29 33 33 50 50 50 43 47 60 33 57 60 29 47 33 33 10 April.* 30 April. 30 April.* 25 June.* 25 June.* 25 June.* 28 May.* 11 June. 23 July.* 30 April. 9 July.* 23 July. 16 April 11 June. 30 April.* 30 April.* 15226 16252 16400 7 Aug., 1902 20 April 28 May 37 33 50 14 May. 30 April.* 25 June. 16314 16236 16203 16195 16397 16360 16494 16513 16273 8 May 16 April 3 April 6 April 28 May 16 May 15 June 18 June 24 April 37 33 29 33 47 47 66 57 37 14 May.* 30 April.* 16 April,* 30 April.* 11 June.* 11 June. 20 August.* 9 July.* 14 May.* Quilter, T. F., and another, Waipori, N.Z. Removing clay from dredge-bucket 15175 23 July, 1902 .. 33 30 April. Ramson, F. S., Maunu, N.Z. Appliance for producing outline maps Raymond, A. A., Chicago, U.S.A. (See Raymond Concrete Pile Company, No. 16167.) Raymond Concrete Pile Company, Chicago, U.S.A. Forming piles (A. A. Raymond) Reid J. H., Newark, U.S.A. Generating electricity .. Reid W.G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. R. Park, No. 16487.) Reminant, G. W., Manutahi, N.Z. Potato-plough Renner, G., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Opening and closing swing-gates Renoy, L. J., Auch, France. Boiler for cooking Restell, R. B., Hamilton, N.Z. Seed-drill .. .. .. Ribbert, J., Holthausen, Germany. Manufacture of coloured fabrics Richardson, G. E., Thebarton, South Australia. Railway coupling Ridd, C, and another, Eltham, N.Z. Cow-teat probe Roberts, L., Dunedin, N.Z. Dress-cutting chart Robertson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Flue-damper .. .. Rockell, H. M., and another, Rangiwahia, N.Z. Withdrawing liquids Rollo, J. A., Medbury, N.Z. Fencing-staple.. Rosenberg, H. M., Wellington, N.Z. Kitchen table Ross, A., Sutton, England. Circulating waters of boilers. (S. J. Wilford) Ross, H. I. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Ventilator .. Rottman, F. J., London, England. (See C. F. Bring, No. 16358.) Rouse A E., Perth, W.A. Pressure protector-frame for diving-dress Rotheram, T. P., and others, Perth, W.A. Railway flag-signal staff Roy, A. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Waterproofing composition. (J.Taylor and W. Ollerenshaw) Russell, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Candle clasp or holder Russell, J. J., Milton, N.S.W. (See J. Channon, No. 16187.) Russell, T. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Exterminating rabbits Ryding, F., Melbourne, Vic. Legging 16551 20 June 57 9 July.* 16167 2 April 33 30 April. 16249 16 April 66 20 August 16436 16387 4 June 20 May 47 47 11 June.* 11 June.* 16211 16235 16206 16286 15964 15241 16560 16328 16247 16200 16242 6 April 16 April 8 April 30 April 10 Feb. 6 Aug., 1902.. 24 June 11 May 10 A pril 7 April 15 April 33 37 33 37 33 43 60 43 33 29 37 30 April. 14 May.* 30 April. 14 Mav. 30 April. 28 May. 23 July.* 28 May. 30 April.* 16 April.* 14 Mav. 16368 13 May 47 11 June. 16482 16483 15263 12 June 12 June 15 Aug., 1902.. 50 50 43 25 June.* 25 June.* 28 May. 16520 17 June 60 23 July. 15057 28 June, 1902.. 57 9 July. 16488 12 June 57 9 July. Sargent W. D., New York, U.S.A. Making brake-shoe.. Saunders, H. J., and another, Perth, W.A. Self-grip and draw-off attachment for vessels „ Saunders,-L. E., and another, Perth, W.A. Self-grip and draw-off attachment for vessels Saunders, M., Pleasant Point, N.Z. Harvesting-appliance Sawyer C, Wellington, N.Z. Paint-brush binder Saxton, E., Stoke, N.Z. Cycling-gauntlet .. ,_,••_. •■ Schmitt, E. D., Baltimore, U.S.A. (See Universal Seal and Stopper Company, Nos. 16571 and 16572.) 16226 16534 15 April 24 June 33 60 30 April. 23 July. 16534 24 June 60 23 July. 15022 15319 15028 18 June, 1902 28 Aug., 1902.. 28 March 33 33 33 30 April. 30 April.* 30 April.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

6—H. lO.^,


Name, Address, and Invention. No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Schultze, A., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Outer cover for tire .. Scott, C. F., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 16233.) Scott, G. M.. Dunedin, N.Z. Sash hanger and lock Scott, J., and another, Cobden, N.Z. Tin opener and cutter Scott, J. R., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery ComCompany, No. 15207.) Scoullar, J. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Collapsible crate Scurr, C. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Window-lock. (R. N. Adams) Scurr, C. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Fish-plate. (R.N.Adams) Scurr, C. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Holding material to be cut for making mitre-joints. (R. Wales) Scurr, C. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Arm-adjustment for mitre-cutting frame. (R. Wales) Scurr, C. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Locking-dog for nuts. (R. Wales) .. Seavill, W., Waingaro, N.Z. Gate-catch " Secretary," New York, U.S.A. Gas-stove. (D.J.Clark) Shaw, E. J., Walsall, England Hanging-lamp pendant Shaw, J. W., and others, Perth, W.A. Railway flag-signal staff .. Shaw, W, E., Sydney, N.S.W. Tobacco-transporting box Shepherd, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging machinery Shepherd, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Dredging machinery .. Shilton, G. T., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Outer cover for tire Short, J. T., and others, Perth, W.A. Railway flag-signal staff Short, R. W., and another, Petone, N.Z. Wheelbarrow Short, R. W., and another, Petone, N.Z. Lifting-jack .. Sigley, J. R., Gisborne, N.Z. Concrete tank Slemitz, C, Wellington, N.Z. Washing-copper Smaill, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Determining quantity of liquid in refrigerating apparatus Smaill, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Steam-generator Smith, A. W., and another, Barking, Eng. (See The Oliver Mill Company (Limited), No. 16424.) Smith, C. B., Melbourne, Vic. Counter-check sales-book (E. M. Wildey) Smith, C. S.', and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Collapsible box Smith, G. J., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Tin opener and cutter Smith, J. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Dressing New Zealand flax Snapper, R., Albert Park, Vict. Boot-fastening Somerville, W. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wall and table bracket Spackman, C. V., Mauriceville, N.Z. Horse or cow cover fastening Stanton, A. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Raising sunken vessels Stenhouse, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Spark-arrester Stenhouse, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Spark-arrester Stevenson, G., Riversdale, N.Z. Adjustable earth-auger Stevenson, G., Riversdale, N.Z. Straw-elevator of threshing-machine Stevenson, G., Riversdale, N.Z. Operating venetian-blinds Stevenson, G., Riversdale, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher .. Stevenson, G. S., Wendon, N.Z. Attachment to vehicle draw-bar.. Stevenson, W. B., Witwatersrand, Transvaal. Safety-gear for mineskips Stevenson, W. G., Prospect, South Australia. Anti-rattling door and window device Stewart, R. T., Waikaia, N.Z. School-slate cleaner Stokes, C. L., Wellington, N.Z. Balancing window-sash Stout, W. H., and another, Dayton, U.S.A. Box-making machine.. Submarine Signal Company, Maine, U.S.A. Producing soundvibrations in water. (A. J. Mundy, H. B. Gale, and F. M. Dewing) Sulman, H. L., and another, London, Eng. Recovery of precious metals Sutcliffe, E. R., and others, Leigh, Eng. Manufacture of bricks .. Sutcliffe, Speakman, and Co., Limited, and another, Leigh, Eng. Manufacture of bricks 16196 2 April 29 16 April.* 16582 16382 29 June 19 May 60 47 23 July.* 11 June.* 16411 16215 16270 16305 26 May 7 April 24 April 1 May 47 33 37 37 11 June.* 30 April.* 14 May.* 14 May.* 16306 2 May 37 14 May.* 16312 16478 16449 16502 16483 15209 15097 10333 10196 16483 16391 16392 15301 15064 14830 5 May 8 June 8 June 17 June 12 June 2 Aug., 1902.. 10 July, 1902 .. 12 May 2 April 12 June 27 May 27 May 22 Aug., 1902.. 30 June, 1902.. 2 May, 1902 .. 37 57 60 57 50 37 43 47 29 50 47 50 50 29 47 14 May.* 9 July.* 23 July. 9 July. 25 June.* 14 May. 28 May. 11 June.* 16 April.* 25 June.* 11 June.* 25 June.* 25 June. 16 April. 11 June. 16565 25 June 60 23 July.* 16330 8 May 43 28 May. 16307 16382 16561 15213 16564 2 May 19 May 24 June 2 Aug., 1902.. 26 June 37 47 60 37 57 14 May.* 11 June.* 23 July.* 14 May. 9 July.* 16557 16096 16490 16490 16188 16189 16190 16198 16458 16401 27 June 16 March 12 June 12 June 4 April 4 April 4 April 6 April 9 June 28 May 60 37 50 50 29 29 29 29 50 47 23 July.* 14 May. 25 June.* 25 June.* 16 April.* 16 April.* 16 April.* 16 April.* 25 June.* 11 June. 16399 28 May 16384 16237 16256 16467 20 May 16 April 22 April 6 June 47 33 47 57 11 June.* 30 April.* 11 June. 9 July. 16505 17 June 57 9 July. 16336 16336 13 May 13 May 47 47 11 June. 11 June. Taylor, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. (See A. F. Roy, No. 15263.) Taylor, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Waterproofing composition .. Taylor, R. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Earth-scoop Teinperley, G. W., Wellington, N.Z. Boot and shoe soles, &c Tempest, A. J. F., Auckland, N.Z. Oil-regulator for engine Terrell, T., London, Eng. Manufacturing incandescent mantle Thame, J., and another, London, Eng. (See The Oliver Mill Company, Limited, No. 16424.) Thomas, W., Geraldine, N.Z. Changing photographic-plates Thompson, H., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Trouser-clip Thompson, J. H., Melbourne, Vic. Pegless clothes-line Thomson, W. A., Rotorua, N.Z. Securing hat to head Thomson, D., Edinburgh, Scotland. Material-dividing machine .. Thomson, F., and another, Rangiwahia, N.Z. Withdrawing liquids Thomson, R. W., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United-Xpedite Finishing Company, No. 16510.) Thorpe, H. M., and another, Ngaruawahia, N.Z. Milk-weighing apparatus Tolson, J., Toorak, Vic. Incandesent-mantle lighting .. Tonge, A. J., and others, Bolton, Eng. Hydraulic press and pump Tonge, J., jun., and others, Bolton, Eng. Hydraulic press and pump Tonkin, J. E., and others, Camperdown, N.S.W. Fire-escape 16280 16177 16174 16531 16259 25 April 1 April 2 April 18 June 22 April 37 29 29 57 37 14 May.* 16 April.* 16 April. 9 July.* 14 May. 16016 16281 16402 15461 16442 16328 20 Feb. 20 Apri 28 May lOct., 1902 .. 4 June 11 May 37 37 63 57 14 May. 14 May.* 6 August, 9 July. *43 28 May. 16239 17 April 33 30 April. 16511 16308 16308 16338 30 July 1902f 7 May 7 May 13 May 63 43 43 43 6 August. 28 May. 28 May. 28 May,



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

.pp] lical ion. -aze. le. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Topliss, H. J., and'another, Addington, N.Z. Utilising exhaust from oil-engine Trewhella, B., and another, Trentham, Vic. Operating pawls of leverjacks Trewhella, W., and another, Trentham, Vic. Operating pawls of lever-jacks Trillo, C, and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Marking-tool Tripe, J. D., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Trouser-clip Trivick, S., South Norwood, Eng. Manufacture of dry sulphates of alkali metals Trolley, I., Grantham, Eng. Sheaf-binding harvester and trusser .. Turner, H. D., Carterton, N.Z. Manufacture of independent letters for signs and advertising 15339 1 Sept., 1902 50 25 June. 16524 19 June 57 9 July.* 16524 19 June 57 9 July.* 16522 16281 16405 20 June 20 April 28 May 57 37 47 9 July.* 14 May.* 11 June. 15600 16344 5 Nov., 1902.. 13 May 50 43 25 June. 28 May.* United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Apparatus for turning boot or shoe. (A. Eppler) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Skiving-ma-chine. (E. F. Davenport) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for inserting fastenings. (E. T. Freeman) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Leather-skiving machine. (J. R. Scott) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Skiving-ma-chine. (C. H. Bayley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Heel-attaching machine. (B F. Mayo) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Nurling-ma-chine. (L. A. Casgrain) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Nail-assorting mechanism. (B. F. Mayo) United-Xpedite Finishing Company, Berwick, U.S.A. Heel-finishing machine. (C. Pease) United-Xpedite Finishing Company, Berwick, U.S.A. Heel-finishing machine. (R. W. Thomson) Universal Seal and Stopper Company, Camden, U.S.A. Bottle-seal-ing device. (E. D. Schmitt) Universal Seal and Stopper Company, Camden, U.S.A. Bottle-seal-ing device. (E. D. Schmitt) 15103 10 July, 1902 .. 33 30 April. 15203 2 Aug., 1902 33 30 April. 15205 2 Aug., 1902 33 30 April. 15207 2 Aug., 1902 33 30 April. 15204 2 Aug., 1902 33 30 April. 16207 8 April 33 30 April. 16229 15 April 33 30 April.* 15413 18 Sept., 1902 57 9 July. 16509 18 June 57 9 July.* 16510 18 June 57 9 July.* 16571 30 June 60 23 July. 16572 30 June GO 23 July. Vacuum Tin Syndicate, Limited, The, Bristol, Eng. Exhausting air from oans, &c (W. E. W. Cates) 16180 3 April 29 16 April. Wadman, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Shoe and blacklead brush Wagner, M., Wiesbaden, Germany. Skeleton-bearing .. Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. (See C. N. Scurr, Nos. 16305, 16306, 16312.) Walker, E., Wellington, N.Z. Ventilator window-blind and firescreen Walsh, J. R., Halswell, N.Z. Potato-digger Walters, W. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Production of hydrocarbon gas Ward, G. H., Windsor, Vic. Manufacturing pigments for use as a paint Ward, H. A., and another, Kimbolton, N.Z. Tire Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vic. Roller crushing-mill (Edison Ore Milling Syndicate, Limited. T. A. Edison) Waters, W., Auckland, N.Z. Siphon Watson, A. E.. Kyneton, Vic Wheel-scraper for agricultural-imple-ment Watt, C. L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Spark-arrester Watt, I. N, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Spark-arrester Watt, J. R., Islington, N.Z. Covering of walls of houses, &c Watts, A. M. S., Palmerston North, N.Z. Attaching draw-off tap to drum Watts, W., Midland Junction, Western Aust. Railway pivot-blade joint Webster, W., Melbourne, Vic. Acetylene-generator Westinghouse Brake Company, Limited, London, Eng. Railway coupling. (J. W. Cloud) Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16537.) White, G. W., Footscray, Vic. Hose-coupling White, M. C. and another, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (See E. Phillips, No. 16400.) Whitehorn, T., Coburg, Vic. Cigarette-trimming machine Whitehouse, J., Waihi, N.Z. Spark-arrester Whitmore, E. H. and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Spring-hook for luggage-label Wickman, S. J., Hawthorn, Vic. Laundry-stove Wicksteed, S. H., Stratford, N.Z. Catch for hauling-engine Wight, R. B., Auckland, N.Z. Removing paint, rust, &c, from iron Wildey, E. M., Sydney, N.S.W. (See C. B. Smith, No. 16330) Wilford, S. J., London, Eng. (See A. Ross, No. 16242) Wilhelm, E.F., Cunningham's, N.Z. Brake Wilhelm, E. H., Marton, N.Z. Searing and docking lambs' tails .. Wilkinson, F., Petone, N.Z. Separation of fibres of wool, cotton, &c 16366 16395 15 May 28 May 47 57 11 June.* 9 July. 16552 26 June 57 9 July.* 16219 15260 16184 9 April 16 Aug., 1902 4 April 33 50 29 30 April.* 25 June. 16 April.* 16314 16503 8 May 17 June 37 57 14 May.* 9 July. 16220 16527 8 April 19 June 33 (iO 30 April * 23 July. 16472 16472 16485 16288 8 June 8 June 13 June 30 April 50 GO GO 37 25 June.* 25 June.* 25 June.* 14 May.* 15493 9 Oct., 1902 .. 33 30 April. 15752 16428 10 Dec, 1902.. 2 June 37 50 14 May. 25 June. 16262 17 April 33 30 April.* 16245 15429 16217 15 April 22 Sept., 1902 4 May 33 57 43 30 April.* 9 July. 28 May. 16437 16264 16549 4 June 24 April 22 June 47 37 G7 11 June.* 14 May.* 9 July.* 16444 16315 16257 8 June 14 April 22 April 50 43 33 25 June.* 28 May. 30 April.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

X.—ALPHABETICAL LIST OF INVENTIONS FOR QUARTER ENDING 30th JUNE, 1903. Denotes a provisional specification. Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."


.pp: lical jion. Uize.i \e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Williams, A., and another, Wimbledon, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16076.) Williams, J. L., North Melbourne, Vic. Flushing latrine Williams, R., East Taieri, N.Z. Brand for carcases, &c. Wilson, A., South Dunedin, N.Z. Hair-pin Wilson, J. F., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Spring-hook for luggage-label Winchester Repeating Arms Company, New Haven, U.S.A. Firearms. (T. C. Johnson) Woltereck, H. C, London, Eng. Manufacture of hydro-cyanic acid Woltereck, H. C., London, Eng. Production of ammonia by synthesis Wood, A., Glebe, N.S.W. Shears, scissors, &c. Worsnop, J., Auckland, N.Z. Hose-pipe coupling Wren, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Screw Wycherley, C. W., and another, Palmerston North and Wellington, N.Z. Legging-fastening Wycherley, H. S., and another, Palmerston North and Wellington, N.Z. Legging-fastening Wylds, A. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Sash holder and lock 16164 16182 16271 16217 16339 16535 16427 30 Dec, 1902.. 1 April 23 April 4 May 13 May 24 June 2 Juno 37 29 37 43 47 60 47 14 May. 16 April.* 14 May.* 28 May. 11 June. 23 July. 11 June. 16526 16412 16380 19 June 27 May 22 May I i 60 47 47 37 43 37 43 37 23 July. 11 June.* 11 June.* 14 May.* 28 May. 14 May.* 28 May. 14 May.* j 16279 l 16279 29 April 29 April 16276 28 April 'oung, C. E., and another, Eltham, N.Z. Cow-teat probe 15964 10 Feb. 33 30 April.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Acetylene-generator Acetylene-generator, Carbide feeder for .. Acetylene-generator and lamp Advertising Agricultural motor-tractor Agricultural pick Air-exhausting apparatus Alternating-current electrical apparatus .. Amalgamating apparatus Ammonia-production by synthesis Anaesthetic-inhaler Animal-rug fastener Animal-trap Animal-trap Animal-trap Arm-adjustment for mitre-cutting frame .. Artificial stone brick Auger, EarthAuger, Wood-boring R. L. H. Murray W. Webster H. Baumgarten H. D. Turner Ivel Agricultural Motors, Limited A. V. Challier Vacuum Tin Syndicate, Limited J. P. Campbell T. Cubbins and W. Preston H. 0. Woltereck H. Gunthorp J. Oaten J. Campbell L. Gaitt .. T. Goodall C. N. Scurr L. P. Ford G. Stevenson E. T. Cox 10221 15752 10506 16344 16341 16563 16180 16233 16513 10427 16508 16369 15370 16518 16246 16306 16166 16188 16398 7 April 10 Dec, 1902 17 June 13 May 13 May 25 June 3 April 16 April 18 June 2 Juno 15 Juno 13 May 9 Sept., 1902 17 June 15 April 2 May 2 April 4 April 28 May 33 37 57 43 43 60 29 33 57 47 . 57 47 47 57 33 37 33 29 47 30 April. 14 May. 9 July. 28 May.* 28 May. 23 Julv. 16 April. 30 April. 9 July. 11 June. 9 July.* 11 June. 11 June. 9 July.* 30 April.* 11 May.* 30 April. 16 April.* 11 June.* Bag, Saddle toolBag, Shoulder-strap for school-, &c. Balancing window-sash Balls. (See Golf-balls.) Band for garment Basin, Wash-hand Bath. (See Electric bath.) Bearing, SkeletonBedstead Bedstead Belt-driving motor-cycles, Gear for Belt, Electro-medical Bicycle-brake apparatus and tireinflater .. Bicycle chain-drive, Motor-Bicycle-locking device Bicycle, Rear-hub sprocket for Bicycle-trolly, Railway Bicycle-wheel lock Billiard and dining table, Convertible Billiard table and settee, Convertible Binder, Book and music Binder, Music-, &c Binder, Paint-brush Bird-trap Bivalves, Machine for opening A. Gray G. Goosman 0. L. Stokes 15266 15196 16237 15 Aug., 1902 28 July, 1902 16 April 43 37 33 28 May. 14 May. 30 April.* R. Glendining F. W. Gordon 16272 16293 22 April 27 April 37 37 14 May.* 14 May. M. Wagner H. C. Brown A. E. Phillimore D. W. McLean W. C. Crump H. J. Bettany G. Porter .. R. Congreve G. Percival J. Kelly L. S. H. Hutton H. U. Alcock H. U. Alcock J. Foster J. Foster C. Sawyer J. T. Murphy A. W. and J. B. McKenzie 16395 16481 15226 16477 16476 16327 16195 16186 16435 16216 16251 15259 15373 16329 16263 15319 16495 15239 28 May 12 June 7 Aug., 1902 11 June 11 June 11 May 6 April 4 April 4 June 7 April 18 April 12 Aug., 1902 6 Sept., 1902 8 May 18 April 28 Aug., 1902 12 June 8 Aug., 1902 57 50 37 50 43 33 29 60 33 37 43 50 43 9 July. 25 June.* 14 May. 25 June*. 28 May.* 30 April.* 16 April.* 23 July. 30 April.* 14 May.* 28 May. 25 June. 28 May. 33 50 37 30 April. 25 June.* 14 May.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Blind, Operating Venetian Block. (See Snatch-block.) Boat, Spiral screw-propeller for Boiler for cooking Boilermaker's marking-tool Boiler-water, Circulating Boiler, Water-gauge for Book, &c, binder .. Bookbinding staple Book, PocketBook. (See Sales-book.) Boot-fastener Boot-finishing wheel Boot-heel Boot, Machine for turning Boot-sole Boot sole and heel, Attaching.. Boot sole and heel Boot-sole, Galvanic Boot-sole, Galvanic-plate Boots, Cushion-heel for Boots, Toe-protector for Boring, mortising, and tennoning Bottle-cap Bottle-closure Bottle-sealing device G. Stevenson E. V. Dixon L. J. Renoy C. Trillo A. Ross R. P. Gibbons J. Foster E. M. McLauchlan C. M. Morrison R. Snapper G. H. Catt A. L. Heighton United Shoe Machinery Company G. W. Temperley United Shoe Machinery Company T. Burrell and E. C. Perdriau .. R. P. Gibbons R. P. Gibbons J. N. du Feu R. Collins.. G. Bish and J. Johnston E. Norton Crown Cork and Seal Company .. Universal Seal and Stopper Company Universal Seal and Stopper Company W. P.' Maschwitz 16190 16278 16211 16522 16242 16425 16329 16171 16224 15213 15350 16136 15103 16174 16207 15279 16331 16375 16390 16393 16546 16337 16168 16571 4 April 28 April 6 April 10 June 15 April 2 June 8 May 2 April 14 April 2 Aug., 1902 4 Sept., 1902 24 March .. 10 July, 1902 2 April 8 April 21 Aug., 1902 8 Mav 14 May 26 May 28 May 20 June 13 Mav 2 April 30 June 29 37 88 .57 37 50 43 29 33 37 43 50 33 29 33 ■29 43 43 47 47 •57 43 29 00 16 April.* 14 May.* 30 April. 9 July. 14 May. 25 June. 28 May. 16 April.* 30 April. 14 May. 28 May. 25 June. 30 April. 16 April. 30 April. 16 April. 28 May.* 28 May.* 11 June.* 11 June.* 9 July. 28 May. 16 April. 23 July. Bottle-sealing device 16572 30 June 60 23 July. Bottle-stopper Bottle. (See also Non-refillable bottle.) Bottles, Stoppering Box, Collapsible Box, Collapsible Box, Collapsible E. Marshall C. S. Smith and C. Otto C. Otto R. W. and S. Ashcroft and W. J. Maddren W. E. Shaw 16210 16159 16307 16539 16254 8 April 1 April 2 May 22 June 20 April 37 37 .57 33 14 May. 14 May.* 9 July.* 30 April.* Box, Tobacco-transporting Box. (See also Mitre-box.) Boxes, Cylindrical, Machine for making .. 15209 2 Aug., 1902 87 14 May. W. F. Chamberlin and W. H. Stout H. F. Lattey and W. G. Somervillo H. J. Bettany A. W. Humphreys W. A. Cornell C. Anketell E. F. Wilhelm W. D. Sargent G. A. Pearson W. E. Hughes W. Murphy A. McLeod A. Parker R. Williams D. Fraser J. Dillicar T. C, T. A., and S. C. Darby .. L. P. Ford A. J. Kingsbeer Sutcliffe, Speakman, and Co., Limited, and E. R. Sutcliffe C. Sawyer C. Lashlie E. Wadman 16256 22 April 47 11 June. Bracket, Wall and table 16564 26 June 57 9 July.* Brake apparatus Brake, Cycle-Brake-drums to hubs, Attaching Brake for wagon, &c. Brake for wagon, &c Brake-shoe Brake, Slack-adjuster for Brake, VehicleBrake, VehicleBrand Brand Brand, CarcaseBrand, CarcaseBranding meat, &c Breaking up roads, &c Brick, Artificial-stone Brick .. Bricks, manufacture from sand and lime .. 16327 15215 16345 16496 16444 16226 16558 16536 16353 16548 16541 16182 16218 16460 15314 16166 16228 16336 11 May 2 Aug., 1902 14 May 16 June 8 June 15 April 27 Juno 24 June 12 May 22 June 21 June 1 April 8 April 9 June 27 Aug., 1902 2 April 15 April 13 May 43 47 48 50 50 33 60 60 43 57 28 May.* 11 Juno. 28 May.* 25 June.* 25 June.* 30 April. 23 July.* 23 July. 28 May.* 9 July.* 29 33 50 38 83 38 47 16 April.* 30 April.* 25 June.* 30 April. 30 April. 30 April.* 11 June. Brush-binder, Paint Brush, Hat and clothes Brush, Shoe and black-lead Bucket. (See Dredge-bucket, Milkingbucket.) Buckle Burglar-proof window-lock Burner and heater Butter, putting up into regular quantities 15319 15365 16366 28 Aug., 1902 5 Sept., 1902 15 May 88 50 47 30 April.* 25 June. 11 June* E. M. McLauchlan J. McKay A. McLeod R. W. and S. Ashcroft and W. J. Maddren C. Bristow 16170 16322 16547 16253 2 April 6 May 22 June 20 April 29 37 57 GO 16 April.* 14 May.* 9 July.* 23 July.* Butter-sizer 16440 5 June 47 11 June.* Cable. (See Electric cable.) Cancer-remedy Can, Exhausting air from Candle-extinguisher Candle-extinguisher Candle-holder Can-lid Cap, Bottle Car. (See Motor - car, railway - car, and tram-car.) Carbide-feeder for gas-generator Carbonic-acid gas, Charging fluids with .. H. Currie Vacuum Tin Syndicate, Limited J. A. Belk G. Stevenson A. Russell R. W. Ashcroft and W. J. Maddren E. Norton 16238 16180 16573 16198 16520 16452 16337 15 April 3 April 30 June 6 April 17 June 8 June 13 May 83 29 60 29 GO 57 43 30 April.* 16 April. 23 July.* 16 April.* 23 July. 9 July. 28 May. W. Webster G. A. Lowry 15752 16569 10 Dec, 1902 30 June 37 00 14 May. 23 July.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Carcase brand Carcase brand Carcases, Tallying and weighing Cards, Photo, Christmas, and New-year .. Carriage-lamp Cartridge-holder Cartridge-draining device D. Fraser R. Williams E. Moss C. Miller C. Anketell G. C. Palmer Australian Explosives and Chemical Company, Limited C. J. Cooze R. N. Adams 16218 16182 16250 16542 16497 16162 16227 8 April 1 April 17 April 22 June 16 June 1 April 15 April 33 29 33 03 50 29 33 30 April.* 16 April.* 30 April.* 6 August. 25 June.* 16 April.* 30 April.* Casks, Spile for Caster Catch. (See Safety-catch.) Centrifugal tailings, &c, pump Chain and sprocket pitch Chain-drive, bicycles, &c Chain, Elevator Chain grate-stoker 16453 16521 8 June 17 June 50 57 25 June.* 9 July.* L. Phillips G. Davidson G. Porter R. Holland Babcock and Wilcox, Limited, and R. A. McLaren J. M. Armour P. H. Dando A. G. Mackay M. E. McLeod L. Roberts T. Whitehirn R. T. Haines A. Gray .. T. F. Quilter and G. W. Gare .. 16252 16568 16195 15024 16538 20 April 29 June 6 April 23 June, 1902 24 June 33 GO 47 30 April.* 23 July.* 30 April.* 11 June. Chairs, &c, Collapsible Chamber utensil Chamber utensil Chart for ladies' garments Chart, Dress-cutting Cigarettes, Trimming ends of .. Cinematograph process Claw-hammer and staple-drawer Clay from dredge-bucket, Removing Cleaner. (See Tube-cleaner, Street-cleaner.) Clip. (See Tie-clip, Trouser-elip, Necktieclip.) Closure for bottles Clothes-line, Pegless Clothes on line, Hanging Coalscuttle Coiler. (See Wire-coiler.) Coin-freed machine for stamping letters .. Collapsible chair, &c Collapsible box Collapsible box Collapsible box 15304 15350 16420 10183 15241 16245 16465 15265 15175 23 Aug., 1902 4 Sept., 1902 27 May 4 April 6 Aug., 1902 15 April 10 June 15 Aug., 1902 23 July, 1902 50 43 50 29 43 33 50 48 33 25 June. 28 May. 25 June.* 16 April.* 28 May. 30 April.* 25 June.* 28 May. 30 April. Crown Cork and Seal Company .. J. H. Thompson W. A. Collins E. B. Arthur 16168 16402 16268 15126 2 April 28 May 24 April 17 July, 1902 29 03 33 33 16 April. 6 Aug. 30 April.* 30 April. W. H. H. Hollingworth J. M. Armour C. Otto C. S. Smith and C. Otto R. W. and S. Ashcroft and W. J. Maddren F. M. Linley 16493 15304 16539 16307 16254 12 June 23 Aug., 1902 22 June 2 May 20 April 50 50 57 37 33 25 June.* 25 June. 9 July.* 4 May.* 30 April.* Collar or fastener Collar. (See Horse-collar.) Comb Combustion of fuel.. Compensating device for railway vehicle .. Composition for destruction of noxious weeds Composition for pavements Compressor, Elastic-fluid Concrete tank Convertible billiard and dining table Cooking-boiler Cooking-range, Raising or lowering fireplace of Copper. (See Washing-copper.) Cork, Crown Corsets, Galvanic plate for Cotton fibre, Pulling out Counter-check sales-book Coupling. (See Hose-coupling, Railwaycoupling.) Cover, TyreCovering of walls of houses Covers, Fastening on animals Cow leg and tail holder Cow-leg holder Cow and horse cover fastening Cow's teat, Probe for Cradle, &c, Collapsible Crate for rabbits or game Cream-separator, Link-blade device for .. Crockery-washing apparatus Cross-beams for hatch Crown cork Crushing-mill Cuff Cuff-fastener Cuff-fastener Cure for deafness Curtain-pole Cushion-heel for boots, &c. Cutter. (See Mitre-cutter, Tobacco-cutter.) Cutting ladies' garments Cutting material into strips 16266 24 April 37 14 May. W. Jermyn C. E. Bernays G. E. Richardson T. Millar and J. Falloon 16334 16504 16286 16389 12 May 17 June 30 April 26 May 43 57 37 47 28 May.* 9 July. 14 May. 11 June* J. Crothers H. Bland J. R. Sigley H. U. Alcock L. J. Renoy J. A. Fiddes 16426 16193 15301 15259 16211 16323 2 June 4 April 22 Aug., 1902 12 Aug., 1902 6 April 6 May 47 29 50 48 33 37 11 June.* 16 April. 25 June. 28 May. 30 April. 14 May.* W. P. Maschwitz R. P. Gibbons F. Wilkinson C. B. Smith 16210 16375 16257 16330 8 April 14 May 22 April 8 May 37 43 33 48 14 May. 28 May.* 30 April.* 28 May. G. T. Shilton and A. Schultze .. J. R. Watt J. C. Morgan J. A. Donald R. G. Doyle C. V. Spackman C. Ridd and C. E. Young J. M. Armour J. G. Scoullar H. Harvey L. Davie J. Mains .. W. P. Maschwitz E. Waters, jun. I. Hunter H. L. Mainland F. M. Linley T. C. Millsom E. S. Koch J. N. Du Feu 16196 16485 16422 16529 16421 16557 15964 15304 16411 16292 16423 16519 16210 16503 16191 16448 16266 16475 16409 16390 2 April 13 June 1 June 22 June 1 June 27 June 10 Feb. 23 Aug., 1902 26 May 27 April 1 June 17 June 8 April 17 June 4 April 4 June 24 April 10 June 29 May 26 May 29 50 47 60 47 GO 33 50 47 37 50 57 37 57 29 16 April. 25 June.* 11 June.* 23 July.* 11 June.* 23 July.* 30 April. 25 June 11 June.* 14 May.* 25 June.* 9 July.* 14 May. 9 July. 16 April.* 37 .50 GO 47 14 May. 25 June.* 23 July. 11 June.* M. E. McLeod A. G. Baker, C. and G. Croxford, and J. McQueen 16183 16304 4 April 1 May 29 37 16 April.* 14 May.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Cyanides, Manufacture of metallic Cycle-lock Cycle. (See Bicycle, Motor-cycle.) Cycling-gauntlet Cyclists' trouser-clip Cylindrical-box machine. (See Boxes.) H. C. Woltereek R. Congreve E. Saxton H. Thompson and J. D. Tripe .. 16535 16377 15028 16281 24 June 19 May 28 March .. 20 April 60 43 33 37 23 July. 28 May. 30 April.' 14 May.* Damper-frame Damper, FlueDater, TicketDeafness, Cure for Delivering and weighing machine Developing photographic plate Digger, Land, &c. Digger, Potato-Dining-table, Convertible Diseases, Instrument for treating Dish. (See Pie-dish.) Disintegrating machine Dividing, Material, machine Diving apparatus Diving-dress, Pressure-protector tor Docking and searing lamb's tail Dog for nut, LockingDoor, Anti-rattling device for .. Door, Holding, ajar Door. (See Oven-door.) Draining device for rackarock cartridge .. W. Madder W. Robertson W. P. Nolan T. C. Millsom A. J. Park and H. M. Thorpe .. W. Thomas T. C, T. A., and S. C. Darby .. J. R. Walsh H. U. Aleook C. P. Bunz 16373 16560 16212 16475 16239 16016 15314 16219 15259 16358 19 May 24 June 6 April 10 June 17 April 20 Feb. 27 Aug., 1902 9 April 12 Aug., 1902 15 May 47 60 37 50 38 87 33 83 48 43 11 June. 23 July.* 14 April.* 25 June.* 30 April. 14 May. 30 April. 30 April.* 28 May. 28 May.* Oliver Mill Company, Limited .. D. Thomson W. F. Meyenberg A. E. Rouse E. H. Wilhelm C. N. Sourr W. G. Stevenson W. G. Jesson 16424 16442 16269 16482 16315 16312 16399 16214 2 June 4 June 25 April 12 June 14 April 5 May 28 May 7 April .. 50 25 June. 33 50 37 30 April.* 25 June.* 28 May. 14 May.* 33 30 April.* Australian Explosives and Chemical Company, Limited A. Parker G. R. Ogle H. A. E. Kelly G. S. Stevenson R. D. Kelly L. E. and H. J. Saunders A. M. S. Watts T. P. Quilter and G. W. Gare .. J. T. Johnson J. Shepherd J. Shepherd L. Roberts J. Greenslado W. H. Bentham 16227 15 April 83 30 April.* Draught and dust excluder Draught and dust excluder Draught-creating device for register-grate Draw-bar of vehicle, Attachment for Draw-gear for vehicle, Outrigger Draw-off attachment for vessels Draw-off tap to drum, Attaching Dredge-bucket, Removing clay from Dredge-machinery, Driving Dredging machinery Dredging machinery Dress-cutting chart Dressing apparatus for thresher Dressing-machine for flax Drill. (See Seed and fertilizer drill.) Drill, Pneumatic Driving dredge machinery Driving shafting, Hydraulically Drum of hauling-engine, Safety-catch for Drum, Truing-up flax-stripper Drum. (See Brake-drum.) Dry sulphates. (See Sulphates.) Drying and preserving milk Drying wool Dust and draught excluder Dust and draught excluder 16376 16562 16484 16458 15254 16534 16288 15175 15086 15097 16333 15241 16274 16163 19 May 25 June 9 June 9 June 15 Aug., 1902 24 June 30 April 23 July, 1902 3 July, 1902 10 July, 1902 12 May 6 Aug., 1902 24 April 1 April 13 60 50 50 37 60 37 33 ■29 43 47 43 37 29 28 May. 23 July.* 25 June.* 25 June.* 14 May. 23 July. 14 May.* 30 April. 16 April. 28 May. 11 June.* 28 May. 14 May.* 16 April.* G. H. Hayes J. T. Johnson T. Cornish S. H. Wicksteed J. Anderson 16209 15086 16284 16264 15185 8 April 3 July, 1902 30 April 24 April 29 July, 1902 33 29 37 37 37 30 April. 16 April. 14 May.* 14 May.* 14 May. J. R. Hatmaker H. Ashworth G. R. Ogle A. Parker 16287 16311 16562 16376 30 April 7 May 25 June 19 May 37 43 60 43 14 May. 28 May. 23 July.* 28 May.* Earth-auger Earth-scoop Egg-preserving Elastic-fluid compressor Electric cable, Conduit for Electric gas-lamp Electric generator Electric-motor controller Electric switch Electric telegraph apparatus Electric traction system Electrical apparatus alternating current .. Electrical energy apparatus Electrical gas or vapour bath Electro-medical belt Elevator Elevator-chain Elevator. (See also Straw-elevator, Screenelevator.) Enamelled paste-board Engine head-lights G. Stevenson R. E. Taylor W. E. Hughes H. Bland T. E. Devonsftire Cooper Hewitt Electric Co. J. H. Reid W. E. Hughes W. Kingsland A. Palcone Dolter Electric Traction, Limited J. P. Campbell J. T. Hunter W. E. Hughes W. C. Crump S. Beer .. R. Holland 16188 16177 16462 16193 16134 16234 16249 16537 16501 16414 16283 16233 16169 16230 16476 16365 15024 4 April 1 April 10 Juno 4 April 25 March .. 16 April 16 April 24 Juno 17 June 27 May 28 April 16 April 2 April 15 April 11 June 15 May 23 June, 1902 29 29 57 29 r>0 33 (if; 60 70 50 37 33 57 57 16 April.' 16 April.* 9 July. 16 April. 25 Juno. 30 April. 20 August. 23 July. 3 Sept. 25 Juno. 14 May. 30 April. 9 July. 9 July. i7 47 11 June.* 11 June. C. A. Lister C. E. Fisher, R. and J. Firth, and J. Griffiths 16199 16498 3 April 16 June 29 50 16 April.* 25 June.' Engine. (See Gas or Explosive engine, Free-piston engine, Steam-engine.) Engine, Regulator for oilEnvelopes Escape. (See Fire-escape.) Exhaust from oil and gas engines, Utilising Exhausting air from can A. J. F. Tempest J. N. Hancock 16531 15269 18 June 18 Aug., 1902 57 43 9 July.* 28 May. H. J. Topliss and N. Andrew Vacuum Tin Syndicate, Limited 15339 16180 1 Sept., 1902 3 April 50 29 25 June. 16 April.


Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.


Invention. Name. Aj No. Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Extension-table L. Kortlang, sen., and A. Kortlang 15775 17 Dec, 1902 38 30 April. Extinguisher. (See Candle - extinguisher, Fire-extinguisher.) Eyeglass-suspender A. H. Brownley 16544 22 June 9 July.* .57 Fabric, Indigo-coloured Fastener, Adjustable, for animal-rugs Fastener for luggage-labels, &c Fastener. (See also Boot-fastener, Collar and cuff fastener, Hat-fastener, Leggingfastener, Paper-fastener, Sash-fastener, Shoe-fastener, Window-fastener.) Fastening. (See Horse and cow fastening, Trace-fastening.) Fastenings, Inserting Fatty acids and their esters, Manufacture Feed for grain, turnips, &c .. Feeder to sheep-dip, TraversingFelling tree by mechanical power Fencing-dropper Fencing-post, Making holes for Fencing-standard Fencing-staple Fibre of wool, Pulling out File, wire-twister, and rule Filter, WaterFirearms Fire-escape J. Ribbert J. Oaten S. E. Denniston 16206 16369 16438 8 April 13 May 5 June 33 17 30 April. 11 June. 11 June.* United Shoe Machinery Company W. Connstein H. H. Denney J. Coop P. H. Pritchott R. A. Montgomerie G. Stevenson F. W. Bursill J. A. Rollo F. Wilkinson A. Gray J. T. N. Anderson Winchester Repeating Arms Co. J. E. Tonkin, C. Barnett, and T. D. Jones A. Connor I. Hurst .. W. H. Keon and W. O. Miller .. S. de Beer J. A. Fiddes 15205 16407 16446 16469 16273 16554 16188 16464 16247 16257 15267 15756 16339 16338 2 Aug., 1902 29 May 5 June 9 June 24 April 26 June 4 April 10 Juno 16 April 22 April 15 Aug., 1902 11 Dec, 1902 13 May 13 May 83 47 50 50 87 60 29 GO 33 33 43 43 47 43 30 April. 11 June. 25 June.* 25 June.* 14 May.* 23 July. 16 April.* 25 June.* 30 April.* 30 April.* 28 May. 28 May. 11 June. 28 May. Fire escape, extinguisher, and alarm Fire-escape Fire-escape Fire-hose coupling Fireplace, raising or lowering cookingrange Fire-screen, window-blind, and ventilator Fish-plate Fish-plate Fish-plate Fish-plate, Preventing nut loosening on .. Flag-signal staff, Automatic 16473 16419 15261 16295 16323 8 June 27 May 15 Aug., 1902 4 May 6 May GO 47 50 48 37 25 June.* 11 June.* 25 June. 28 Mav.* 14 May.* E. Walker C. N. Scurr J. Orbell J. R. Park R. E. Pennington, J. Bellett J. T. Short, T. F. Rotheram, and J. W. Shaw J. D. Smith W. H. Bentham B. C. Mudge F. Wilkinson J. Anderson W. Robertson 16552 16270 16202 16491 15623 10483 26 June 24 April 3 April 11 June 13 Nov., 1902 12 June .57 37 29 50 88 50 9 July.* 14 May.* 16 April.* 25 June.* 30 April. 25 June.* Flax, Dressing Flax-dressing machine Flax-fibre manufacture Flax, Pulling out strands of .. Flax-stripper drum truing-up Flue-damper Fluid. (See Elastic fluid.) Fluids, Means of heating Fluids with gas, Charging Flushing latrines, &c Food-preserving Food-preserving Food-product Food, Sterilising Foot, Pneumatic Force-pump Forging and piercing machinery Free-piston engine Friction-springs Fuel combustion Furnace, Larger consumption of carbon in 16561 16163 16403 16257 15185 16560 24 June 1 April 28 May 22 April 29 July, 1902 24 June 60 29 47 88 37 60 23 July.* 16 April.* 11 June. 30 April.* 14 May. 23 July.* J. H. S. Brown G. A. Lowry J. L. Williams C. Beale J. T. Hunter D. R. S. Galbraith C. C. L. G. Budde J. Johnson W. H. Boyens B. F. McTear and H. C. W. Gibson E. Phillips P. Hien C. E. Bernays W. H. Atkin 15141 16569 16164 15212 16173 15368 16326 15199 15242 16161 16400 15973 16504 16379 22 July, 1902 30 June 30 Dec, 1902 2 Aug., 1902 2 April 6 Sept., 1902 6 May 30 July, 1902 11 Aug., 1902 1 April 28 May .12 Feb. 17 June 20 May 17 00 37 37 29 50 43 37 50 29 50 -17 57 47 11 June. 23 July. 14 May. 14 May. 16 April. 25 June. 28 May. 14 May. 25 June. 16 April. 25 June. 11 June. 9 July. 11 June. Galvanic boot-sole .. 3alvanic plate for boots, &c .. 3ame, Indoor, apparatus 3arne, Indoor or parlour Same, Table3arment, Band for.. 3arments, Chart for ladies' 3-as. (See Hydrocarbon gas, Carbonicacid gas.) 3as or explosive engine 3as or vapour lamp, Electric .. 3as-producing plant Gas-stove Gas, Charging fluids with Gas-light controller 3ate-catch Gate-hinge Gates. (See Swing-gates.) 3auntlet, Cycling Gear for sheep-feeding rack R. P. Gibbons R. P. Gibbons D. Gwillim W. L. Cleveland W. Dawson R. Glendinning M. E. McLeod 16331 16375 15341 16213 15458 16272 16183 8 May 14 May 2 Sept., 1902 8 April 1 Oct., 1902 22 April 4 April 43 43 47 33 37 37 29 28 May.* 28 May.* 11 June. 30 April.* 14 May. 14 May.* 16 April.* G. E. Hoyt Cooper-Hewitt Electrio Company F. E. Bowman "Secretary" G. A. Lowry H. Droutledge W. Seavill J. Cooper 16417 16234 16240 16449 16569 16530 16478 16516 27 May 16 April 15 April 8 June 30 June 18 June 8 June 16 June 50 33 88 GO 60 57 57 GO 25 June. 30 April. 30 April. 23 July. 23 July. 9 July. 9 July.* 23 July. E. Saxton F. Cooper.. 15028 16470 28 March .. 9 June 33 30 April.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. No. Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Generator. (See Acetylene - generator, Electric-generator, Steam-generator.) Gold and other metals extracting Gold from quartz, Extracting Gold-saving apparatus Gold-saving dredge Gold-saving riffle Golf-balls, Remoulding Goods, Increasing saleability of Grain, &c, thresher, Dressing apparatus for Grate. (See Register-grate.) Grip-block, Safety J. C. Clancy T. Cubbins and W. Preston H. N. McLeod and G. A. Hurley T. M. O'Rourke C. R. McKenzie L. W. Alexander A. J. Park J. Greenslade 16583 16513 15220 16361 16433 16277 16261 16274 30 June 18 June 5 Aug., 1902 16 May 4 June 24 April 17 April 24 April GO 57 43 .57 50 23 July.* 9 July.* 28 May. 9 July. 25 June. 38 37 30 April.* 14 May.* A. V. H. Monro and H. G. W. L. Noy A. Wilson.. A. Gray .. 16413 27 May 47 11 June.* Hair-pin, Safety Hammer and staple-drawer Handle. (See Saw-handle.) Handle and support for tins Handling material Harness Harpoon Harvesting-appliance Hat-fastener Hat-fastener Hatches, Cross-beam Hauling-engine drum, Safety catch for .. Head-lights, Locomotive 16271 15265 23 April 15 Aug., 1902 37 43 14 May.* 28 May. W. G. Hancox H. W. Blaisdell G. W. Temperley W. H. Champion M. Saunders W. A. Thomsen J. H. Pomeroy J. Mains S. H. Wicksteed C. E. Fisher, R. Firth, J. Griffiths, and J. Firth A. McLeod J. H. S. Brown A. V. Maniachi United Xpedite Finishing Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Xpedite Finishing Company A. L. Heighton J. T. Johnson Vacuum Tin Syndicate, Limited R. Dunne A. Ball 16374 16231 16174 16265 15022 15461 16236 16519 16264 16498 19 May 15 April 2 April 21 April 18 June, 1902 1 Oct., 1902 16 April 17 June 24 April 16 June 43 37 29 33 33 57 88 57 37 50 28 May.* 14 May. 16 April. 30 April.* 30 April. 9 July. 30 April.* 9 July. 14 May.* 25 June.* Heater and burner Heating fluids Heating irons, Stove for Heel-finishing machine 16547 15141 16205 16510 22 June 22 July, 1902 8 April 18 June 57 47 33 57 9 July. 11 June* 30 April. 9 July.* Heel of hoot, &c, Attaching Heel-finishing machine 16207 16509 8 April 18 June 88 57 30 April. 9 July.* Heel of boots, &c, Attachment to Heels Hermetically-closed can Hinge Hinge, Spring Hinge. (See Gate-hinge.) Hobble for horses, &c Holder. (See Candle-holder, Cartridgeholder, Cow leg and tail holder, Menuholder, Music-book holder, Photographholder, Sash-holder, Saucer and plaque holder, Tobacco-plug holder.) Holding material for making mitre-joints Holes for fencing-posts, Earth-auger for .. Hood, Waterproof Horseshoe Horse-collar Horse or cow cover fastening Horses, Yoking Horses, Yoking Hose-pipe coupling Hose-coupling Hose coupling, Fire-Hose-coupling Hydraulic press and pump 16136 15279 16180 16313 16355 24 March .. 21 Aug., 1902 3 April 5 May 12 May 50 29 29 37 43 25 June. 16 April. 16 April. 14 May.* 28 May. H. Carlson 16457 9 June 57 9 July.* C. N. Scurr G. Stevenson C. F. Giesen W. Brady T. W. North C. V. Spackman W. H. Cochrane A. R. Mclntyre J. Worsnop G. W. White S. de Beer H. R. Jolly A. J. Tonge, J. Tonge, jun., and E. Eaves T. Cornish W. B. Walters H. C. Woltereck 16305 16188 16357 16160 15380 16557 15189 16480 16412 16262 16295 16500 16308 1 May 4 April 15 May 1 April 11 Sept., 1902 27 June 29 July, 1902 10 June 27 May 17 April 4 May 16 June 7 May 37 29 43 29 57 60 37 57 47 33 13 68 48 14 May.* 16 April.* 28 May.* 16 April.* 9 July. 23 July.* 14 May. 9 July.* 11 June.* 30 April.* 28 May.* 6 Aug. 28 May. Hydraulically driving shafting Hydrocarbon-gas production Hydrocyanic acid, Manufacture of 16284 15260 16535 30 April 16 Aug., 1902 24 June 37 50 GO 14 May.* 25 June. 23 July. Igniting material, Mechanically Impurity from boiler-water, Removing .. Incandescent oil-gas lamp Incandescent mantle Incandescent mantle Incandescent-mantle lighting apparatus .. Incubator Indigo-coloured fabric Indoor-game Inflating tire of motor-car, &c. Inhaler, Anaesthetic Instrument for nervous diseases Irons, Stove for heating W. Muir and C. R. E. Bell A. Ross F. J. Mahoney and C. Casimir .. G. Buhlmann T. Terrell J. Tolson .. W. G. Meddings J. Ribbert W. L. Cleveland H. J. Bettany H. Gunthorp C. F. Biinz A. V. Maniachi 16325 16242 16406 15160 16259 16511 16550 16206 16213 16327 16508 16358 16205 6 May 15 April 27 May 24 July, 1902 22 April 30 July, 19021 23 June 8 April 8 April 11 May 15 June 15 May 8 April 43 37 47 37 37 63 28 May. 14 May. 11 June.* 14 May. 14 May. 6 Aug. 33 33 43 57 43 33 30 April. 30 April.* 28 May.* 9 July.* 28 May.* 30 April. Jack. (See Lever-jack, Lifting-jack.) Jars, improvement in bottoms, &c J. Brough 16385 20 May 47 11 June. Kitchen-table Knife .. H. M. Rosenberg J. W. Mulhare 16200 16540 7 April 20 June 29 57 16 April.* 9 July.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

7—H. lO.^.


Invention. Name. At No. Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Lamb's tail, Searing and docking Lamp. (See Carriage-lamp, Incandescent gas-lamp, Electric gas-lamp.) Lamp-light controller Lamp-pendant Land digger and cultivator Latrine, &c, Automatic flushing Laundry-stove Leather articles Leather-skiving machine E. H. Wilhelm 16315 14 April 43 28 May. H. Droutlege E. J. Shaw T. C, T. A., and S. C. Darby .. J. L. Williams S. J. Wickman G. W. Temperley United Shoe Machinery Company 16530 16502 15314 16164 16437 16174 15207 18 June 17 June 27 Aug., 1902 30 Dec, 1902 4 June 2 April 2 Aug., 1902 29 April | 57 57 33 37 47 29 33 37 43 57 50 GO 43 G7 GO 37 57 G3 57 37 33 50 9 July. 9 July. 30 April. 14 May. 11 June.* 16 April. 30 April. 14 May.* 28 May. 9 July. 25 June* 25 June.* 28 May.* 9 July. 25 June.* 14 May.* 9 July. 6 Aug. 9 July.* 14 May.* 30 April. 25 June. Legging-fasteners Leggings Leggings Letter-stamping machine Letters, Manufacture of Lever-jack Lifting-jack Lid of travelling-trunk, Keeping open Lid for milk-cans Lighting apparatus, Incandescent-mantle Light-controller Link-blade device for cream-separator Linotype machine Linotype machine C. W. and H. S. Wycherley 16279 F. Ryding J. Duncan W. H. H. Hollinworth H. D. Turner B. and W. Trewhella J. T. Kebblewhite and R. W. Short W. Madden and H. Hoverd R. W. Ashcroft and W. J. Maddren J. Tolson H. Droutlege A. Harvey H. McGowan J. G. Holbourns and H. A. Longhurst E. Jones H. M. Rockell and F. Thomson .. 16488 16499 16493 16344 16524 16392 16275 16452 16511 16530 16292 15717 16381 12 June 16 June 12 June 13 May 19 June 27 May 25 April .. 8 June 30 July, 1902t 18 June 27 April 4 Dec, 1902 22 May Link, SleeveLiquid from receptacle, Withdrawing Lock. (See Bicycle-wheel lock, Cycle-lock, Mail - bag lock, Sash - lock, Seal - lock, Vehicle-wheel lock, Window-lock.) Locking-device for bicycle Locking-dog for nut Lock-nut Lock-nut plate Lowering and raising oven-shelf Lubricator for plough-skeiths Lubricator for vehicle-wheel Lubricator, Windmill Luggage-label, Spring hook for Luggage-label. (See Fastener for.) Luminous rim and hands for watches, &c. 16532 16328 23 June 11 May 57 43 9 July.* 28 May. R. Congreve C. N. Scurr F. W. Payne R. E. Pinnington and J. Bellett J. A. Beale G. T. Booth and W. Brew A. M. Legge J. O'Neil J. F. Wilson and E. H. Whitmore 16186 16312 16367 15623 16309 16445 16248 16290 16217 4 April 5 May 13 May 13 Nov., 1902 7 May 5 June 16 April 29 April 4 May 29 37 33 43 GO 33 43 43 16 April.* 14 May.* 30 April. 28 May. 25 June.* 30 April.* 28 May.* 28 May. J. S. Gray 16388 22 May 47 11 June.* Mail-bag lock Mantle, Incandescent Mantle, Incandescent Map-producer Marking-tool for boilermakers Material, Cutting, into strips J. Channon G. Buhlmann T. Terrell F. S. Ransom C. Trillo and W. A. Gaffney A. G. Baker, C. and G. Croxford, and J. McQueen D. Thomson H. W. Blaisdell C. N. Scurr E.W.Lloyd R. Emmerich T. Potts .. W. H. Champion H. Ashworth R. L. Montagu 16187 15160 16259 16551 16522 16304 4 April 24 July, 1902 22 April 26 June 20 June 1 May 29 37 37 57 G7 37 16 April. 14 May. 14 May. 9 July.* 9 July.* 14 May.* Material-dividing machine Material, Handling Material for mitre-joints, Holding Measuring and weighing milk Meat, Preservation of Medical preparation Medicine for venereal diseases Monu-bolder Metals and minerals, Recovery of Metals. (See Precious metals.) Metals from ores, Extracting Milk cooler or refrigerator Milk-can lid Milk, Drying and preserving Milk, Measuring or weighing Milk and other food product Milk strainer and aerator Milk-strainer Milk, Weighing and measuring Milk weighing and delivery apparatus Milking-apparatus: Pneumatic means of pulsating teat-cups Milking-apparatus, Pneumatic Milking-apparatus, Pneumatic Milking-bucket Mill. (See Crushing-mill.) Mine-skip, Safety-gear for Mineral deposits, Detecting and localising Minerals, Separation of Mining press and pump J. C. Clancy J. Kerr R. W. Ashcroft and W. J. Maddren J. R. Hatmaker E. W. Lloyd D. R. S. Galbraith .. W. Beaumont J. Kerr H. D. Turner A. J. Park and H. M. Thorpe .. A. Gillies 16442 16231 16305 16346 16566 16360 16455 16432 16517 16583 16396 16452 16287 16346 15368 16363 16370 16344 16239 16378 4 June. 15 April 1 May 14 May 25 June 16 May 4 June 4 June 16 June 30 June 28 May 8 June 30 April 14 May 0 Sept., 1902 18 May 19 May 13 May 17 April 20 May 37 37 43 60 47 50 47 57 GO 47 57 37 43 50 47 47 43 33 47 14 May. 14 May.* 28 May.* 23 July. 11 June. 25 June. 11 June.* 9 July.* 23 July.* 11 June. 9 July. 14 May. 28 May.* 25 June. 11 June.* 11 June. 28 May.* 30 April. 11 June. A. Gillies A. Gillies J. Kerr 16348 16022 16371 14 May 25 February 19 May 43 47 47 28 May. 11 June. 11 June. W. B. Stevenson W. E. Hughes G. A. Goyder and E. Laughton .. A. J. Tonge, J. Tonge, jun., and E. Eaves R. N. Adams R. Dunne.. R. Dunne.. C. N. Scurr 16401 16076 16466 16308 28 May 11 March .. 10 June 7 May _ .. 47 50 50 43 11 June. 25 June. 25 June.* 28 May. Mirrors, Pivot for .. ... Mitre-box Mitre-cutting machine Mitre-cutting frame, Arm-adjustment for.. 16364 15881 15176 16306 15 May 15 January .. 23 July, 1902 2 May 17 37 33 37 11 June.* 14 May. 30 April. 14 May.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


•plication. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Mitre-joint, Holding material for Mitre-shooting block Mortise-machine Mortising, Boring and tennoning Motion-changing gear for windmill Motor-bicycle, &c, chain-drive Motor-car brake apparatus and tire-inflater Motor-car. Preventing side slip of Motor cycle and car, Gear for Motor-traction for agricultural purposes .. Motor. (See also Electric motor.) Music-binder Music-binder Music-book holder Musical instrument C. N. Scurr A. F. Gungall G. Bish G. Bish and J. Johnston J. Alston G. Porter H. J. Bettanv S. Butler .." D. W. McLean Ivel Agricultural Motors, Limited 16305 16222 16359 16546 16208 16195 16327 16324 16477 16341 1 May 14 April 13 May 20 June 8 April 0 April 11 May 6 May 11 June 13 May 37 33 43 .57 33 33 43 43 50 43 14 May.* 30 April.* 28 May.* 9 July.* 30 April. 30 April.* 28 May.* 28 May. 25 June.* 28 May. J. Foster J. Foster R. Chambers E. de Kleist 16263 16329 15188 16340 18 April. 8 May 29 July, 1902 13 May 43 37 43 28 May. 14 May. 28 May. Nails: Assorting mechanism Nail-holder Nail, Metal-headed wire Necktie-clip Nervous diseases, Instrument for treating Newspaper-vending machine Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-refill bottle Non-refillabie bottle Noxious weeds destruction Nurling-machine Nut, Locking-dog for Nut, Preventing loosening of .. United Shoe Machinery Company H. Coe .. C. F. Dunn J. Montgomery C. F. Biinz R. H. Brooks R. Dunne.. P. B. Jagger E. Johanson F. McLeod T. Miller and J. Falloon United Shoe Machinery Company C. N. Scurr R. E. Pennington and J. Bellett 15413 16434 16349 16317 16358 16479 16507 16299 16316 15030 16389 16229 16312 15623 18 Sept., 1902 4 June 14 May 8 May 15 May 8 June 13 June 6 May 8 May 23 June, 1902 20 May 15 April 5 May 13 Nov., 1902 57 47 47 43 43 57 57 13 43 33 17 88 37 33 9 July. 11 June.* 11 June. 28 May. 28 May.* 9 July.* 9 July. 28 May. 28 May. 30 April. 11 June.* 30 April.* 14 May.* 30 April. Oil emulsion Oil-regulator for oil-engine Outline-maps, Machine for producing Outrigger vehicle draw-gear Oven-door, Transparent Oven shelf Overhead railway-switch R. Baxter.. A. J. F. Tempest F. S. Ramson R. D. Kelly C. C. Gardner J. A. Beale J. Anderson and A. E. M. Asch16439 16531 16551 15254 16525 16309 16310 1 June 18 June 26 June 15 Aug., 1902 19 June 7 May 7 May 47 57 .57 37 60 43 37 11 June.* 9 July.* 9 July.* 14 May. 23 July. 28 May. 14 May.* Oysters. (See Bivalves.) man Packing-case, Collapsible R. W. Ashcroft, W. J. Maddren, and S. Ashcroft R. H. Fancourt C. H. Ward C. Sawyer.. R. B. Wight J. B. Poynter W. L. Cleveland C. A. Lister J. Crothers B. and W. Trewhella D. P. Fisher and J. D. Kelly .. J' H. Thompson E. J. Shaw J. L. Nicol W. Thomas 16254 20 April 30 April.* 33 Packing tobacco Paint Paint-brush binder.. Paint-removing machine Paper-fastener Parlour game Pasteboard Pavement, Composition for Pawl of lever-jack Peg .. Pegless clothes-line Pendant, Lamp Photograph-holder Photographic plate, Changing and developing Pianoforte attachment Pick, Agricultural Picture-framing, Mitre-shooting block for Pie dish Piercing and forging machinery Pigment, Manufacture of Pile Pivot-blade joint for railway-crossing Pivots for swinging mirrors, &c Plate. (See Galvanic plate, Lock-nut plate.) Plaque, &c, holder Plough-skeith, Lubricator for Plough. (See Potato-plough.) Pneumatic drill Pneumatic foot Pneumatic milking-apparatus Pneumatic tire, Unpuncturable Pneumatic-tire inflater Pocket-book Pocket-knife Post. (See Fencing-post, Tethering-post.) Potato-cleaner ... Potato-digger Potato-plough Power-generator, Tidal Power-transmitting device 16468 16184 15319 16549 16494 16213 16199 16426 16524 16289 16402 16502 16321 16016 6 June 4 April 28 Aug., 1902 22 June 15 June 8 April 3 April 2 June 19 June 30 April 28 May 17 June 6 May 20 Feb. 57 29 88 57 66 33 29 47 57 87 63 57 37 37 9 July. 16 April.* 30 April.* 9 July.* 20 August.* 30 April.* 10 April.* 11 June.* 9 July.* 14 May.* 6 August. 9 July. 14 May.* 14 May. R. Chambers A. V. Challier A. F. Gungall E. B. Arthur B. F. McTear and H. C. W. Gibson C. H. Ward Raymond Concrete Pile Company W. Watts .. R. N. Adams 15188 16563 16222 15127 16161 16184 1G167 15493 16364 29 July, 1902 25 June 14 April 17 July, 1902 1 April 4 April 2 April 9 Oct., 1902 15 May 37 GO 88 33 29 29 33 33 47 14 May. 23 July. 30 April.* 30 April. 16 April. 16 April.* 30 April. 30 April. 11 June.* J. L. Nicol G. T. Booth and W. Brew 16321 16445 6 May 5 June 37 50 14 May.* 25 June.* G. H. Hayes J. Johnson A. Gillies C. J. Pickard and H. A. Ward .. H. J. Bettany C. M. Morrison J. W. Mulhare 16209 15199 16348 16314 16327 16224 16540 8 April 30 July, 1902 14 May 8 May 11 May 14 April 20 June 33 37 43 37 43 33 57 30 April. 14 May. 28 May. 14 Mav.* 28 May. 30 April. 9 July.* J. A. Boyd J. R. Walsh G. W. Remmant H. W. Meinung I. Deutch and E. J. Featherstonehaugh 16386 16219 16436 16543 16350 26 May 9 April 4 June 25 June 14 May 47 33 47 57 47 11 June.* 30 April.* 11 June.* 9 July. 11 June.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name, No. Date. No. Date. 'recious metal from ore, Recovering 'recious metals, Recovering 'reserving food 'reserving food, &c 'reserving meat 'reserving, &c, Milk 'ress and pump for mining, Hydraulic T. J. Grier H. L. Sulman and H. F. Kirk-patrick-Picard J. T. Hunter C. Beale R. Emmerich J. R. Hatmaker A. J. Tonge, J. Tonge, jun., and E. Eaves A. E. Rouse 16302 16505 16173 15212 16566 16287 16308 6 May 17 Juno 2 April 2 Aug., 1902 25 June 30 April 7 May 43 57 29 37 GO 37 43 28 May. 9 July. 16 April. 14 May. 23 July. 14 May. 28 May. 'ressure-protector frame for diving-dresses 'reventing cow from kicking. (See Cowkicking.) 'robe for teat of cow 'ropeller, Spiral screw-'ulverising-mill 16482 12 June 50 25 June.* C. Ridd and C. E. Young E. V. Dixon Elspass Roller Quartz-mill and Manufacturing Company L. Phillips A. J. Tonge, J. Tonge, jun., and E. Eaves 15964 16278 16258 10 Feb. 28 April 22 April 33 37 47 30 April. 14 May.* 11 June. 'ump, Centrifugal tailings, &c. 'ump for mining, Hydraulic 16252 16308 20 April 7 May 33 43 30 April.* 28 May. 'ump. (See Force-pump.) 16411 15057 15370 16227 26 May 28 June, 1902 9 Sept., 1902 15 April 11 June.* 9 July. 11 June. 30 April.* labbit-crate tabbit-exterminator Jabbit-trap tackarock cartridge draining tailway-bicycle trolly tailway-car, Construction of .. lailway- couplings .. tailway-coupling device tailway-crossing pivot-blade joint tailway-signalling appliance tailway-switch, Overhead J. G. Scoullar T. G. Russell and A. H. P. Noble J. Campbell Australian Explosives and Chemical Company, Limited J. Kelly P. Herbert Westinghouse Brake Company, Limited G. E. Richardson W. Watts T. Cairns J. Anderson and A. E. M. Aschman S. Lintern J. A. Fiddes D. C. Groves and A. R. Stanton G. S. Evans G. Holford P. V. L. Alkemade F. Butterick H. M. Rockall and F. Thomson.. J. Smaill 16216 16404 16428 16286 15493 16570 16310 7 April 28 May 2 June 30 April 9 Oct., 1902 30 June 7 May 47 57 47 33 33 50 50 37 33 63 37 30 April.* 25 June.* 25 June. 14 May. 30 April. 6 Aug. 14 May.* tailway-vehicle, Coupling and uncoupling taising cooking-range fireplace taising sunken vessel tatchet screw-wrench tat-trap tat-trap teaping-machine cutting mechanism ieceptacle, Withdrawing liquid from tefrigerating apparatus, Means of determining quantity of liquid in legister-grate, Adjusting shutters of tegister-grate, Draught-creating device for legulator. (See Trap-seat regulator.) temedy for cancer .. liffle. (See Gold-saving riffle.) tivet loads, Breaking up, &o. loller crushing-mill tule, wire-twister, and file lust-remover 16343 16323 16096 16394 16451 16514 16431 16328 14830 13 May 6 May 16 March .. 28 May 8 June 18 June 2 June 11 May 2 May, 1902 43 37 37 47 57 57 47 43 47 28 oMay.* 14 May.* 14 May. 11 June.* 9 July. 9 July. 11 June.* 28 May. 11 June. H. A. E. Kelly H. A. E. Kelly 16486 16484 13 June 9 June 50 50 25 June.* 25 June.* H. Currie.. 16238 15 April 33 30 April.* E. M. McLauchlan .. T. C, T. A., and S. C. Darby .. E. Waters, jun. A. Gray .. R. B. Wight 16172 15314 16503 15267 16549 2 April 27 Aug., 1902 17 June 15 Aug., 1902 22 June 29 33 57 43 57 16 April.* 30 April. 9 July. 28 May. 9 July.* Saddle-cloth laddie tool-bag Safety-catch for hauling-engine drum Safety-gear for mine skip, cages, &c. Safety-hairpin Saleability of goods, Increasing Sales-book, Counter-check Sand and tailings pump Sash, Balancing window-Sash-fastener Sash-fastener Sash-fastener Sash-fastener, WindowSash hanger and lock Sash holder and lock Sash lock, WindowSash mover and lock Sash retainer, WindowSaucer, &c, holder.. Saw-handle School-bag shoulder-strap School-slate cleaner Scissors, shears, &c Scoop, EarthScraper for agricultural implement wheels Screen and elevator for gold-dredge G. W. L. Mackay A. Gray .. S. H. Wicksteed W. B. Stevenson A. Wilson.. A. J. Park C. B. Smith L. Phillips C. L. Stokes R. Baxter.. J. McK. Macintosh A. F. W. Lorie W. T. Michelli G. M. Scott A. H. Wylds J. Hessey J. R. Park S. Lintern J. L. Nicol N. L. Nicholson G. Goosman R. T. Stewart A. Wood .. R. E. Taylor A. E. Watson T. M. O'Rourke J. Wren E. V. Dixon 16244 15266 16264 16401 16271 16261 16330 16252 16237 16559 16372 16418 15010 16582 16276 16223 16489 16255 16321 16459 15196 16384 16526 16177 16527 16361 16380 16278 15 April 15 Aug., 1902 24 April 28 May 23 April 17 April 8 May . .. 20 April 16 April 24 June 19 May 29 May 17 June, 1902 29 June 28 April 14 April 12 June 22 April 6 May 9 June 28 July, 1902 20 May 19 June 1 April 19 June 16 Mav 22 May 28 April 33 43 37 47 37 33 43 33 33 60 43 47 37 00 37 33 50 33 37 50 37 47 60 29 60 57 47 37 30 April.* 28 May. 14 May.* 11 June. 14 May.* 30 April.* 28 May. 30 April.* 30 April.* 23 July." 28 May.* 11 June.* 14 May. 23 July.* 14 May.* 30 April.* 25 June.* 30 April.* 14 May.* 25 June.* 14 May. 11 June.* 23 July. 16 April.* 23 July. 9 July. 11 June.* 14 May.* Screw Screw-propeller for vessels Scuttle. (See Coal-scuttle.)


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Seal-lock for mail-bag Sealing jar for preserving food Sealing. (See Bottle-sealing.) Searing and docking lambs' tails Seat. (See Trap-seat.) Secateur Seed and fertiliser drill attachment Seed-drill Seeds, grain, &c, Feed for Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed, &c, thresher, Dressing-apparatus for Separator, Link-blade device for cream- .. Settee and billiard-table, Convertible Sewer, Ventilation of Shaft-tug Shafting, Driving, hydraulically Sheaf-binding harvester and straw-trusser Shears, GardenShears Shears, scissors, &c Sheep-dip, Traversing-feeder to Sheep-dipping apparatus Sheep-feeding rack, Gear for .. Shelf. (See Oven-shelf.) Ship, turning by main engines Ship's ventilator Shirt, &c, fastener.. Shirt-sleeve adjuster Shoe-fastener Shoe. (See Brake-shoe, Horse-shoe.) Shot-making machine J. Channon J. T. Hunter E. H. Wilhelm J. R. Park R. Ennis R. B. Restell H. H. Denney J. Gray .. W. Lowe J. Greenslade A. Harvey H. U. Alcock R. R. Donaldson H. Durand T. Cornish I. Trolley H. Durand J. W. Mulhare A. Wood J. Coop S. H. Day F. Cooper.. 16187 16173 16315 16487 16443 16235 16446 16528 16297 16274 16292 15373 16197 16319 16284 15600 16320 16515 16526 16469 16492 16470 4 April 2 April 14 April 12 June 4 June 16 April 5 June 19 June 1 May 24 April 27 April 6 Sept., 1902 6 April 7 May 30 April 5 Nov., 1902 7 May ■ 15 June 19 June 9 June 11 June 9 June 29 29 43 50 50 37 GO .57 37 37 37 GO 29 87 GO 16 April. 16 April. 28 May. 25 June.* 25 June.* 14 May.* 25 June.* 9 July.* 14 May.* 14 May.* 14 May.* 25 June. 16 April. 14 May'.* 25 June. GO GO GO 23 July. 25 June.* 25 June.* J. B. Blair T. Q. East F. M. Linley J. C. Booth C. D. Brent 16194 16225 16266 16351 16356 4 April 14 April 24 April 14 May 11 May 29 83 37 43 43 16 April. 30 April.* 14 May. 28 May.* 28 May. A. G. Baker, C. and G. Croxford, and J. McQueen G. Goosman J. F. Wilson and E. H. Whitmore S. Butler H. D. Turner 16303 1 May 37 14 May.* Shoulder-strap for school-bag, &c Show-card, Spring hook for .. Side-slipping of motor car, &c, Preventing Sign Signal. (See Flag-signal.) Signalling-target Signalling-appliance Siphon Skeleton-bearing Skidding of motor-car, &c, Preventing .. Skiving-machine Skiving-machine Skiving-machine, Leather Skylight Skylights Slack-adjuster for brake Sleeve-link Sleeve. (See Shirt-sleeve.) Smoke and spark preventer Snatch-block Sole of boot, GalvanicSole of boot Sower. (See Seed-sower.) Solution for paints, Street-sprinkling Sound-vibrations in water, Means for producing Spark-arrester Spark-arrester Spark-arrester Spark and smoke preventer Spile for beer-casks Spiral screw-propeller Spring-winding apparatus for eye-glasses, &c. Spring, Friction Spring hinge Spring hook for securing label, &c Sprocket, Pitch-chain and Standard and dropper, Wire-fencing Staple-drawer and claw-hammer Staple, Fencing Staple for book-binding Steam-engine Steam-generator Steering-gear, Auxiliary Sterlising food Stoker. (See Chain-grate stoker.) Stone-brick, Artificial Stopper. (See Bottle-stopper.) Stove. (See Laundry-stove, Gas-stove.) Stove for heating irons Strainer. (SeeWire-strainer,Milk-strainer.) Strand of wool, &c, Pulling out 15196 16217 16324 16343 28 July, 1902 4 May 6 May 13 May 37 43 43 43 14 May. 28 May. 28 May. 28 May.* G. W. L. Mackay .. T. Cairns .. W. Waters M. Wagner S. Butler United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company A. and J. Peterson T. C. Griffiths G. A. Pearson E. Jones 16243 16570 16220 16395 16324 15203 15204 15207 16260 16383 16558 16532 15 April 30 June 8 April 28 May 6 May 2 Aug., 1902 2 Aug., 1902 2 Aug., 1902 17 April 23 May 27 June 23 June 88 63 83 57 43 83 33 83 33 47 60 57 30 April.* 6 Aug. 30 April.* 9 July. 28 May. 30 April. 30 April. 30 April. 30 April.* 11 June.* 23 July.* 9 July.* 0. E. Bernays A. Bishop.. R. P. Gibbons G. W. Temperley 16504 16298 16331 16174 17 June 4 May 8 May 2 April 57 43 43 29 9 July. 28 May. 28 May.* 16 April. C. V. Potter Submarine Signal Company 16397 16467 28 May 6 June 47 57 11 June.* 9 July. J. Whitehouse I. N. and C. L. Watt W. and J. Stenhouse C. E. Bernays C. J. Cooze E. V. Dixon A. H. Brownley P. Hien A. Ball J. F. Wilson and E. H. Whitmore G. Davidson L. H. McHardy A. Gray .. J. A. Rollo E. M. McLauchlan G. S. Morison J. Smaill J.B.Blair C. C. L. G. Budde 15429 16472 16490 16504 16453 16278 16544 15973 16355 16217 16568 16456 15265 16247 16171 16232 16565 16194 16326 22 Sept., 1902 8 June 12 June 17 June 8 June 28 April 22 June 12 Feb. 12 May 4 May 29 June 6 June 15 Aug., 1902 16 April 2 April 16 April 25 June 4 April 6 May .57 ,50 GO 57 50 37 57 47 43 43 60 GO 43 88 29 33 60 29 43 9 July. 25 June.* 25 June.* 9 July. 25 June.* 14 May.* 9 July.* 11 June. 28 May.* 28 May. 23 July.* 25 June. 28 May. 30 April.* 16 April.* 30 April.* 23 July.* 16 April. 28 May. L. P. Ford 16166 2 April 83 30 April. A. V. Maniachi 16205 8 April 33 30 April. F. Wilkinson 16257 22 April 88 30 April.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Strap-buckle, Seal-lock for Strap for bags Itraw-elevator of thresher itraw-trusser Street-cleaner J. Channon G. Goosman G. Stevenson I. Trolley O. A. Jorgensen and L. A. Needham A. G. Baker, C. and G. Croxford, and J. McQueen S. Trivick.. 16187 15196 16189 15600 16567 4 April 28 July, 1902 4 April 5 Nov., 1902 29 June 29 37 29 GO 00 16 April. 14 May. 16 April.* 25 June. 20 August. Strips, &c, Cutting material into 16304 1 May 37 14 May.* Sulphates, Dry and alkali metals, manufacture Sulphur from ore, Eliminating Sunken vessel, Raising Swing-gates, Opening and closing Swinging ship by main engine Switch, Electric Switch for overhead railway .. 16405 28 May 47 11 June. E. H. Miller D. C. Groves and A. R. Stanton.. G. Renner and W. H. Boyens .. J. B. Blair W. Kingsland J. Anderson and A. E. M. Aschman 16300 16096 16387 16194 16501 16310 6 May 16 March .. 26 May 4 April 17 June 7 May 43 37 47 29 70 37 28 May. 14 May. 11 June.* 16 April. 3 Sept. 14 May.* 'able. (See Billiard-table.) 'able, Convertible .. "able, Extension .. 'able, Kitchen'ailings and sand pump 'allying and weighing carcases ?ank. (See Concrete tank.) ?ank, Water-purifier for 'anning-preparation ?ap 'ap to drum, Attaching draw-off 'arget apparatuses.. target, Self-registering 'arget, Signalling-.. ?eapot .. ?eat of cow, Probe for 'elegraph apparatus, Electric.. 'ennoning, boring, and mortising 'erret .. ]ethering-post 'hresher, Dressing-apparatus for seed, &c ?hresher, Straw-elevator of 'icket-dater 'idal-power generator 'ie-clip 'ie-clip .. tightener. (See Wire-tightener.) 'in opener and cutter 'in, handle and support 'ip-wagon ?ires for vehicle-wheels 'ire of bicycle, &c, Vulcanised cover for .. 'ire setter and extractor 'ire. (See Pneumatic tire.) ?obacco-cake, Packing 'obacco-plug holder and cutter 'obacco-transporting box 'oe-protector for boots and shoes 'ool-bag, Saddle ?race-attachment 'race-fastening 'raction on wooden tramway 'raction, Surface-contact electrio 'ractor, Agricultural motortrader's sales-book ]ram and railway car construction ?ramway traction, Wooden ?ramway-lines, Cleansing ?rap-seat regulator 'rap. (See Animal-trap, Bird-trap, Rabbittrap, Rat-trap.) ?ravelling-trunk, Keeping open lid of ?ree, Felling 'rimming ends of cigarettes .. 'rolley, Railway-bicycle 'rouser-clip for cyclist 'roughs for underground cable, &c truing up flax-stripper drum .. ?ube-cleaner 'ubes, Manufacture of 'urbines, Steam- .. ?urbines, Elastic-fluid burning boot or shoe burning ship by main engine .. ?wine 'wister. (See Wire-twister.) 'ype-matrices, Assembly of H. U. Alcock L. Kortlang, sen., and A. Kortlang W. Dawson H. M. Rosenberg L. Phillips E. Moss J. W. Mulhare A. G. French J. Anderson A. M. S. Watts A. Moul G. A. Peters G. W. L. Mackay .. R. Allen C. Ridd and C. E. Young A. Falcone G. Bish and J. Johnston R. F. Brown J. W. Branford J. Greenslade G. Stevenson W. P. Nolan H. M. Meinung J. Montgomery J. Montgomery G. J. Smith and J. Scott W. G. Hancox H. S. Hayling F. W. Harradence G. T. Shilton and A. Schultze .. W. Murphy 15259 15775 15458 16200 16252 16250 16471 16408 16474 16288 16332 16362 16243 16294 15964 16414 16546 16523 16553 16274 16189 16212 16543 16192 16317 16382 16374 16461 16533 16196 16354 12 Aug., 1902 17 Dec, 1902 10 Oct., 1902 7 April 20 April 17 April 4 June 26 May 8 June 30 April 12 May 13 May 15 April 29 April 10 Feb. 27 May 20 June 18 June 26 June 24 April 4 April 6 April 25 June 4 April 8 May 19 May 19 May 10 June 19 June 2 April 12 May 43 38 37 29 33 33 50 47 57 37 .50 47 33 37 33 GO .57 57 00 37 29 37 .57 29 43 47 43 57 .57 29 43 28 May. 30 April. 14 May. 16 April.* 30 April.* 30 April.* 25 June.* 11 June.* 9 July. 14 May.* 25 June. 11 June. 30 April.* 14 May.* 30 April. 25 June. 9 July. 9 July.* 23 July. 14 May.* 16 April.* 14 May.* 9 July.* 16 April. 28 May. 11 June-* 28 May.* 9 July. 9 July.* 16 April.* 28 May.* R. H. Fancourt J. H. Cobb W. E. Shaw R. Collins A. Gray A. Dale H. Durand W. L. Luxford Dolter Electric Traction, Limited Ivel Agricultural Motors, Limited C. B. Smith P. Herbert W. L. Luxford C. H. Jerrard W. Murphy 16468 16291 15209 16393 15266 16555 16318 15056 16283 16341 16330 16404 15056 16347 16352 6 June 29 April 2 Aug., 1902 28 May 15 Aug., 1902 24 June 7 May 30 June, 1902 28 April 13 May 8 May 28 May 30 June, 1902 14 May 12 May 57 37 37 47 43 GO 47 29 37 48 43 50 29 47 43 9 July. 14 May.* 14 May. 11 June.* 28 May. 23 July. 11 June. 16 April. 14 May. 28 May. 28 May. 25 June.* 16 April. 11 June. 28 May.* W. Madden and H. Hoverd P. H. Pritchett T. Whitehorn J. Kelly H. Thompson and J. D. Tripe .. T. E. Devonshire J. Anderson W. J. S. Layton B. F. McTear and H. C. W. Gibson Hon. C. A. Parsons .. T. G. E. Lindmark United Shoe Machinery Company J. B. Blair .. .. W. Deering 16275 16273 16245 16216 16281 16134 15185 16296 16161 16335 16415 15103 16194 16342 25 April .. 24 April 15 April 7 April 20 April 25 March .. 29 July, 1902 1 May 1 April 13 May 27 May 10 July, 1902 4 April 13 May 37 37 88 33 37 GO 37 37 29 47 50 38 29 43 14 May.* 14 May.* 30 April.* 30 April.* 14 May.* 25 June. 14 May. 14 May.* 16 April. 11 June 25 June. 30 April. 16 April. 28 May. J. G. Holbourns and H. A. Long16381 22 May GO 25 June.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Typewriter G. W. Donning and H. T. Ambrose J. Coventry J. L. Williams 16556 23 June 68 6 August. Umbrella-tip retainer Urinal, automatic flushing 15989 16164 14 Feb. 30 Dec, 1902 50 37 25 June. 14 May. Valve-gear for steam-engine Vehicle-brake Vehicle-brake Vehicles, Drawbar for Vehicle draw-gear, Outrigger Vehicle wheel, RoadVehicle, &c, wheel Vehicle-wheel lubricator Vehicle-wheel lock Vehicle-wheel lock Vending machine. (See Newspaper-vend-ing machine.) Venetian blinds, Operating Ventilation of sewer Ventilator Ventilator, Double-current Ventilator for window-sash Ventilator, Ship's Ventilator, window-blind, and fire-screen.. Vessel, Raising sunken Vessels, Draw-off attachment for Vulcanised outer cover for tires W. Mayne W. Murphy W. E. Hughes G. S. Stevenson R. D. Kelly J. Ainsworth D. Pope A. M. Legge A. Cooper.. T. Firth 16185 16353 16536 16458 15254 16241 16203 16248 15232 10450 4 April 12 May 24 June 9 June 15 Aug., 1902 15 April 3 April 16 April 7 Aug., 1902 8 June 29 48 00 50 87 37 29 33 43 60 16 April. 28 May.* 23 July. 25 June.* 14 May. 14 May. 16 April.* 30 April.* 28 May. 23 July. G. Stevenson R. R. Donaldson S. H. Jacobson H. I. M. Ross A. P. Masters T. Q. East E. Walker D. C. Groves and A. R. Stanton.. L. E. and H. J Saunders G. T. Shilton and A. Schultze .. 16190 16197 16512 16368 16441 16225 16552 16096 16534 16196 4 April 6 April 18 June 13 May 6 June 14 April 26 June 16 March .. 24 June 2 April 29 29 47 47 38 57 37 60 ■29 16 April.* 16 April. 11 June. 11 June.* 30 April.* 9 July.* 14 May. 23 July. 16 April.* Wagon. (See Tip-wagon.) Walls, Covering of .. Washer Wash-hand basin Washing and drying wool Washing-copper Washing crockery, Apparatus for Washing-machine Watches, Luminous rim for .. Water-filter Water-gauge for steam-boilers Water-power, Driving dredge by Waterproof-hood Waterproofing composition Waterproofing composition Water-purifier for tank Weighing and delivery machine Weighing and measuring milk Weighing and tallying carcases Weighing-machine Wheelbarrow Wheel, Boot-finishing Wheel-lock and horse-stopper Wheel lock, BicycleWheel lock, VehicleWheel, Road-vehicle Wheel-scraper for agricultural implements Wheel, Vehicle, &c. Windmill Windmill-lubricator Windmill, motion-changing gear Window.. Window, Anti-rattling device for Window-blind, ventilator, and fire-screen Window-fastener Window-lock Window-locks Window safety-lock Window-sash balancing Window-sashes, Securing cards to Window-sash fastener Window-sash hanger Window-sash lock Window-sash retainer Wire-clip Wire coiler and uncoiler Wire-fastener Wire-fencing standard and dropper Wire staple for bookbinding Wire-strainer Wire-tightener Wire-twister, file, &c Wire twisting and straining Wire-weaver machines, Coiler and spindle for Wooden-tramway traction... Wool, Pulling out strands of .. J. R. Watt J. Orbell F. W. Gordon H. Ashworth C. Slemitz L. Davie S. J. Osmond J. S. Gray J. T. N. Anderson R. P. Gibbons J. T. Johnson V,. F. Giesen J. Taylor A.F.Roy.. J. W. Mulhare A. J. Park and H. M. Thorpe .. E.W.Lloyd E. Moss J. F. Clarke J. T. Kibblewhite and R. W. Short G. H. Catt T. Firth L. S. H. Hutton A. Cooper J. Ainsworth A. E. Watson D. Pope .. W. Cousens J. O'Neil J. Alston A. Peppier W. G. Stevenson E. Walker P. Gavin J. McKay.. C. N. Scurr M. R. Green C. L. Stokes J. Armstrong W. T. Michelli W. J. Alexander J. Hessey S. Lintern A. E. Jensen A. A. Mcllwraith A. E. Jensen L. H. McHardy E. M. McLauchlan R. F. Gorman C. E. Hayward, jun. A. Gray G. C. Clarke D. McKenzie 16485 16201 16293 16311 15064 16423 16285 16388 15756 16425 15086 16357 16280 15263 16471 16239 16346 16250 16463 16391 15350 16450 16251 15232 16241 16527 16203 16267 16290 16208 16447 16399 16552 16545 16322 16215 16301 16237 15449 15010 16067 16223 16255 16430 15065 16429 16456 16171 16282 15590 15267 16410 16454 13 June 3 April 27 April 7 May 30 June, 1902 1 June 30 April 22 May 11 Dec, 1902 2 June 3 July, 1902 15 May 25 April 15 Aug., 1902 4 June 17 April 14 May 17 April 10 June 27 May 4 Sept., 1902 8 June 18 April 7 Aug., 1902 15 April .. 19 June 8 April 24 April 29 April 8 April 8 June 28 May 26 June 22 June 6 May 7 April 6 May 16 April 26 Sept., 1902 17 June, 1902 9 March .. 14 April 22 April 2 June 27 June, 1902 2 June 6 June 2 April 30 April 3 Nov., 1902 15 Aug., 1902 29 May 4 June 50 29 37 48 29 GO 47 48 GO 29 43 37 48 50 88 48 33 57 47 43 60 87 43 37 60 29 S3 43 33 57 25 June.* 16 April.* 14 May. 28 May. 16 April. 25 June.* 11 June.* 28 May. 25 June. 16 April. 28 May.* 14 May.* 28 May. 25 June.* 30 April. 28 May.* 30 April.* 9 July. 11 June.* 28 May. 23 July. 14 May.* 28 May. 14 May. 23 Juiy. 16 April.* 30 April.* 28 May.* 30 April. 9 July.* 57 60 37 33 37 88 .57 37 37 33 33 47 47 47 50 •29 37 48 43 47 50 9 July.* 23 July.* 14 May.* 30 April.* 14 May.* 30 April.* 9 July. 14 May. 14 May. 30 April.* 30 April.* 11 June* 11 Juno. 11 June.* 25 June. 16 April.* 14 May. 28 May. 28 May. 11 June.* 25 June.* W. L. Luxford F. Wilkinson 15056 16257 30 June, 1902 22 April 29 33 16 April. 30 April.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.



Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Wool washing and drying Yoking horse, &c, teams Yoking-in horses .. Zinc, Distillation of .. H. Ashworth W. H. Cochrane .. A. R. Mclntyre .. C. G. P. de Laval 16311 7 May 15189 29 July, 1902 16480 10 June 16416 27 May 43 28 May. 37 14 May. 57 9 July.* 50 25 June. i.-ALPHABETICAL LIST OF APPLICA El fTS FOR REGISTRATION OF DESP DING 30th JUNE, 1903. -NS DURING QUARTE Design. Gazette. Name and Address. No. of Cla; No. Date. No. Date. Wisher, C. W., Christchurch, N.Z. .. i'rank, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. larding and Billing, Auckland, N.Z. Qine, C. B., Christchurch, N.Z. few Zealand Times Company, Limited, The, Wellington, N.Z. Schatz and Co., L., Wellington, N.Z. Stewart, Dawson, and Co., Wellington, N.Z. .. 2 1 5 2 5 182 181 183 178 180 8 June 6 June 12 June 29 April 5 June 47 50 50 37 . 50 11 June. 25 June. 25 June. 14 May. 25 June. 2 1 184 179 20 June 7 May 57 37 9 July. 14 May.

Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. No. Date. Date. Lbrahams, L. .. ibrahams, L. .. linslie, J., and Co. L nsonia Clock Company, The Melbourne, Vic Melbourne, Vic Leith, Scotland New York, U.S.A., and London, Eng. London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. 45 45 43 10 4233 4234 4254 4205 10 June 10 June 24 June 18 May GO 48 25 June. 28 May. .rdath Tobacco Company irmstrong, J., and Co. 45 13 4208 4253 20 May 23 June 70 57 3 Sept. 9 July. iarlow and Jones, Limited Sarlow and Jones, Limited Iarlow and Jones, Limited Iarlow and Jones, Limited iarlow and Jones, Limited iarlow and Jones, Limited iarlow and Jones, Limited iarraud and Abraham iarraud and Abraham iaugh. (See de Baugh.) iayer and Co., C. iayer and Co., C. ieattie, Lang, and Co. ieattie, Lang, and Co. iickford and Sons, Limited, A. M. iickmore Gall Cure Company ■ .. ionnington, G., Executors of Iritish-American Tobacco Company .. iritish-American Tobacco Company .. Sritish-American Tobacco Company .. iroughton, M. E. iuchanan and Co., J. (See J. Buchanan.) iuchanan, J. iurrell and Co., D. H. Manchester, Eng. Manchester, Eng. Manchester, Eng. Manchester, Eng. Manchester, Eng. Manchester, Eng. Manchester, Eng. Palmerston North, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. 38 24 27 24 27 24 27 42 42 4241 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4162 4163 12 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 15 April 15 April 50 57 57 57 57 57 57 33 33 25 June. 9 July. 9 July. 9 July. 9 July. 9 July. 9 July. 30 April. 30 April. London, Eng. London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Adelaide, South Aus. .. Old Town, U.S.A. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. London, Eng. London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. 38 38 42 42 3 2 42 45 45 45 3 4195 4196 4166 4244 4216 4192 4255 4237 4238 4239 4230 12 May 12 May 17 April 16 June 2 June 7 May 24 June 11 June 11 June 11 June 9 June 63 6 August. 33 50 47 60 .57 50 50 GO 30 April. 25 June. 11 June. 23 July. 9 July. 25 June. 25 June. 25 June. London, Eng. Little Falls, New York, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. Havelock North, N.Z. .. 43 8 4151 4204 1 April 18 May iush, T. iutters, H., and another {utters and Hickman. (See H. Butters and T. M. Hickman, No. 4168.) 37, 38, 2 4170, 1 4168 20 April 18 April 33 30 April. 'ameron and Co., Limited, W. R. Jammell and Co., Limited, C. Dunedin, N.Z. Sheffield, Eng. 42 5 4172 4158 24 April 8 April 33 29 30 April. 16 April.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Campbell, G. Chipman, H. S. Clarke and Co., LP. Cloux. (See Le Cloux.) Connell, J., and Company Proprietary, Limited Copithorne, J. W. Cotton, F. H. .. Crump, W. C. .. Auckland, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Leicester, Eng. 42 6 23 4221 4273 3800 5 June 30 June 28 May, 1902 57 57 25 9 July. 9 July. 2 April. Sydney, N.S.W. 42 4236 10 June 60 23 July. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. 9 22 38 4209 4182 4264 21 May 29 April 25 June 47 37 (SO 11 June. 14 May. 23 July. De Baugh, H. W. Distillers Company, Limited Dixson Tobacco Company, Limited Dixson Tobacco Company, Limited .. Dutton, E., and another .. Dutton, P. Dutton, P. Dutton, R. A. .. Dutton, R. A., and another Auckland, N.Z. Edinburgh, N.B. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 6 43 45 45 3 3 17 3 3 4211 4272 4217 4218 4215 4212 4267 4153 4215 22 May 30 June 2 June 2 June 30 May 26 May 27 June 3 April 30 May 47 GO 50 47 47 11 June. 25 June. 25 June. 11 June. 11 June. 47 47 11 June. 11 June. Eagle Cigarette Company, The. (See J.Jeffs, No. 4142.) Auckland, N.Z. 4232 10 June 25 June. Finer, E. M. .. .. ... 3 50 Gaudin, A. H. .. Gaudin, A. H. .. Gerhard Mennen Chemical Company, The Gibbons, H. B. .. Gordon and Co. (See C. M. Gordon, No. 4266.) Gordon, CM... Melbourne, Vic Melbourne, Vic. Newark, U.S.A. 22 40 48 4268 4277 4198 17 June 17 June 13 May 57 57 43 9 July. 9 July. 28 May. Wanganui, N.Z. 49 4169 18 April 33 30 April. Christchurch, N.Z. 47 4266 26 June 60 23 July. Hall and Co., Limited, J. .. Hayward Bros, and Co., Limited Hickman, T. M., and another Hohenlohe Niihrmittelfabrik Lim, The H. O. (Hornby's Oatmeal) Company, The Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Wolverhampton, Eng. .. Gerabronn, Germany .. Buffalo and New York, U.S.A. 42 42 2 42 42 4213 4240 4168 4191 4243 27 May 11 June 18 April 7 May 12 June 47 60 83 37 50 11 June. 23 July. 30 April. 14 May. 25 June. Howell and Co. (See W. Meyerstein and Co., No. 4154.) Hudson and Co., J. (See C. Hudson, No. 4193.) Hudson, C. London, Eng. 8 May 20 August. 50 4193 66 Jeffs, J. Dunedin, N.Z. 45 4142 19 March .. GO 25 July. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company, Limited Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland, and Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland, and Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland, and Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland, and Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland, and Wellington, N.Z. Johnstown, U.S.A. 2 4248 19 June 66 20 August. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company, Limited 3 4249 19 June GO 20 August. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company, Limited 3 4250 19 June GO 25 June. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company, Limited 47 4251 19 June 6G 20 August. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company, Limited 50 4252 19 June 06 20 August. Knox, C. B. 3 4174 24 April 33 30 April. Lambert Pharmacal Company Lanman and Kemp Le Cloux and Co., J. B. S. Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Linley, F. M. .. Love, J. Luke, S., and Co., Limited.. Lysaght, Limited, J. St. Louis, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Sydnev, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Castlemaine, Vic. Green Island, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Bristol, Eng. 2 48 42 47 48 47 48 38 22 18 5 4222 4159 4177 4206 4207 4269 4270 4214 4167 4247 4224 5 June 9 April 27 April 20 May 20 May 30 June 30 June 28 May 17 April 19 June 5 June 47 33 33 47 47 GO GO 47 38 60 47 11 June. 30 April. 30 April. 11 June. 11 June. 23 July. 23 July. 11 June. 30 April. 23 July. 11 June. MacEwen, J. B., and Co. .. Mackintosh, Limited, J. Mackintosh, Limited, J. .. Martins. (See A. H. Gaudin, Nos. 4268 and 4277.) Meyerstein and Co., W. .. Meyerstein and Co., W. Miller, T. Wellington, N.Z. Halifax, Eng. Halifax, Eng. 7 42 42 4245 4164 4165 17 June 15 April 15 April 60 37 37 23 July. 14 May. 14 May. London, Eng. London, Eng. Masterton, N.Z. 42 42 3 4154 4155 4262 4 April 4 April 25 June 37 14 May.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.

B—H. 10._0 4 .


Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Molls Bros. (See H. Molls, No. 4202.) Molls, H. Murdoch, A., and Co. Melbourne, Vic. Dunedin, N.Z. 84 47 4202 4210 14 May 22 May 68 6 August. Nathan, J., and Co., Limited Nelson, Moate, and Co.,' Limited New York and Brooklyn Tobacco Company, Limited New Zealand Candle Company, Limited Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. 42 42 45 4242 4185 4235 12 June 4 May 10 June 50 50 25 June. 25 June. Wellington, N.Z. 47 4226 6 June 50 25 June. Oddy and Co., W. Otis, McAllister, and Co. Otis, McAllister, and Co. Otis, McAllister, and Co. Bradford; Eng. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. 34 47 42 42 4150 4156 4197 4157 1 April 6 April 12 Mav 6 April 29 29 43 16 April. 16 April. 28 May. Paterson and Co., A. S. Pidgeon and Co., Limited, E. W. Pidgeon and Co., Limited, E. W. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch. N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. ■12 45 45 4183 4180 4181 30 April 29 April 29 April 37 37 37 14 May. 14 May. 14 May. Ramsay, K. S. .. Renard Lorimer and Co. Renard Lorimer and Co. Rongotea Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited, The Rosman, S. Rosman, S. Dunedin, N.Z. Melbourne, Vic. Melbourne, Vic. Rongotea, N.Z. 47 45 4.5 12 4200 4219 4220 4184 13 May 4 June 4 June 4 May 43 47 47 37 28 May. 11 June. 11 June. 14 May. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 45 45 4227 4228 8 June 8 June 47 47 11 June. 11 June. Sargood, Son, and Ewen Scott, G. H. .. Scott, G. R. .. Scott, G. M. .. Simmons, M. .. Singer Manufacturing Company, The .. New Zealand Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. London, Eng.; Glasgow, Scotland; & Elizabethport, U.S.A. London, Eng.; Glasgow, Scotland; & Elizabethport U.S.A. 88 13 6 18 19 6 4223 4152 4194 4225 4176 4186, 7 5 June 1 April 11 May 5 June 25 April 6 May 47 29 37 47 11 June. 16 April. 14 May. 11 June. 37 14 May. Singer Manufacturing Company, The .. 6 4188,9 6 May 43 28 May. 8niders and Abrahams. (See L. Abrahams, Nos. 4233 and 4234.) South British Packing Company. (See A. S. Paterson and Co., No. 4183.) Southall Bros, and Barclay, Limited .. Spim Company. (See C. B. Knox, No. 4174.) Standard Paint Company Standard Paint Company Stoddard, F., and Co. Birmingham, Eng. 3 4173 24 April 33 30 April. New York, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. Christchurch, N.Z. 1 41 48 4160 4161 4229 9 April 9 April 8 June 50 25 June. Tooth aud Oo., Limited Turnbull, W. and G., and Co. Turner and Turner Sydney, N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 43, 44 42 42 4010, 1 4231 4199 27 Nov., 1902 9 June 13 May 29 16 April. Union Clothing Company. (See T. Bush, Nos. 4170 and 4171.) Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Limited Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Limited Auckland, N.Z. 47 4178 28 April 37 14 May. Auckland, N.Z. 42 4179 28 April Waldberg and Co., Gesellsohaft mit Beschraenkter Haftung Wanganui Supply and Agency Company, Limited Ward, G. Welsbach Light Company of Australasia, Limited Wetherim, H. .. Wills, W. D. and H. O. (Australia) .. Winterbottom Book Cloth Company, Limited Wright, Stephenson, and Co. Berlin, Germany 8 4175 24 April Wanganui, N.Z. 47 4263 25 June 57 9 July. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. 42 18 4246 4265 18 June 25 June 57 G7 9 July. 9 July. Melbourne, Vic. Bristol, Eng. Manchester, Eng. 6 50 39 4190 4201 4271 7 May 14 May 30 June 37 57 14 May. 9 July. Dunedin, N.Z. 2 4203 15 May 43 28 May.



J.—ALPHABETICAL LIST OF APPLICANTS FOR LETTERS PATENT FOR QUARTER ENDING 30th SEPTEMBER, 1903. Denotes a provisional specification. Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Adams, D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Wall-plaster. (M. E. Loose) Adams, R. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Wall-plaster. (M. E. Loose) Adams, W. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Latch-lock Affleck, E. E., Sydney, N.S.W. (See The Reference Company, Limited, No. 16942.) Ahern, J. M., Sydney, N.S.W. Boiler-tube cleaner Ah Pat, Foxton, N.Z. Bicycle-driving mechanism Aitken, R., and another, Gunnedah, N.S.W. Gas-generator Aitken, W., Oamaru, N.Z. Window attachment Alcock, H. U., Melbourne, Vic. Convertible billiard and dining table Alkemade, P. van L., Melbourne, Vic. Rabbit-trapping fence Allan, E. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Cake-tin Alley, F. L., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 16945.) Allnutt, G. T., and another, Melbourne, Vie Rotary gauge Alpas, J. S. J., Masterton, N.Z. Day and invoice books Alzugaray, De. (See under De.) Anderson, A. P., Middle Brighton, Vic. Pianists' hand gymnasia .. Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Rotary pump .. Anderson, R., and another, Hokonui, N.Z. Post-hole borer Anderson, W., Abbotsford, N.Z. Cutting sheet metal Anderson, W. J., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Presser-plates for cheese Andrew, R., Melbourne, Vic. Bucket and suction dredge Anscombe, C. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Preventing sash-cord running back over pulley Ansell. (See King-Ansell.) Arragon, M., Adelong, N.S.W. Heating schools, &c. Ashcroft, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Tramway-seat Ashcroft, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-kindler Austin, H., and another, Erdington, Eng. Flexible joint for shearingmachine Australian Agency Company, The, Melbourne, Vic. (See W. A. Shields, No. 16885.) 16666 16666 16911 17021 16579 16752 16657 17018 16971 16585 16835 17008 21 July 21 July 4 Sept. 25 Sept. 3 July 6 Aug. 16 July 19 Sept. 14 Sept. 1 July 19 Aug. 21 Sept. 66 20 Aug. G6 66 66 20 Aug. 74 17 Sept.* 74 81 15 Oct.* 60 23 July.* 66 20 Aug.* 63 6 Aug.* 81 15 Oct.* 81 GO GO 63 81 78 1 Oot.* 60 23 July.* 78 60 70 SI 70 3 Sept.* 81 15 Oct.* 16653 16204 16916 16962 16793 17 July 3 July 4 Sept. 9 Sept. 13 Aug. 63 60 78 78 70 63 6 Aug.* 60 23 July. 78 1 Oct.* 78 1 Oct.* 70 3 Sept.* 16931 16644 11 Mayf 14 July 78 1 Oct. 63 6 Aug.* 78 03 16640 16905 17002 16909 16 July 29 Aug. 16 Sept. 4 Sept. 66 20 Aug. 74 17 Sept.* 84 29 Oct.* 78 1 Oct. 60 74 84 78 Bain, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Castor Baird, A. C, Auckland, N.Z. Engine-silencer Baird, A. C, Auckland, N.Z. Engine-sileneer Baird, J., Auckland, N.Z. Window-gear Baird, J., Auckland, N.Z. Non-weighted window-gear .. Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bottle-closure. (W. Weddel-J. Thompson) Barnard, A. W. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Recording shot patterns Barnes, G., Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. G. Lodge, No. 16868.) Barnsdale, W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Extractor and clarifier Barnsdale, W., Auckland, N.Z. Sterilising bonedust Barton, E. L'E., Hawera, N.Z. Electric conductor Bates, J., Auckland, N.Z. Stove.. Bates, J., Auckland, N.Z. Portable boiler Bates, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Trace fastening Baugh, De. (See under De.) Bawden, W. R., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Clinostat Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Carrying a running line along a standing line Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Oil-feeding can Beamish, W, Cromwell, N.Z. Trouser-i lip .. Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Rebushing dredge-buckets Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Boot-fastener Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Sling and shackle Beamish, W, Cromwell, N.Z. Sack mouth fastener Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Shackle Beaumont, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Milk-strainer Bedell, B. H., and another, London, Eng. Electric contact stud .. Bell, B. A., Orepuki, N.Z Colouring photos, &c Bennet, W., Dunedin, N.Z Boot sole and heel Benson, J., Grove Bush, N.Z. Collar and hames Berg, J. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Candlestick Bergan, J., Granville, N.S W. Lighting and extinguishing lamps .. Berry, T. C., Ohingaiti, N.Z. Wire-strainer.. Be 'S, J., Mokoreta, N.Z. Milking-machine.. Black, R. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-trap .. Blick, B., Blenheim, N.Z. Cleaning and polishing boots i.lundell, F. H., Halcombe, N.Z. Dehorning calves Bodveomb, B., Melbourne, Vic. Milking apparatus. (W. H. Lawrence) Bolton, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Ventilator 15764 16716 16875 16906 17036 16929 15 Dec, 1902 .. 29 July 25 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Sept. 9 Sept. 74 17 Sept. 66 20 Aug.* 74 17 Sept.* 74 17 Sept.* 81 I 15 Oct.* 78 1 Oct. 16618 7 July 60 23 July.* 16848 16800 15804 16649 .16661 16622 25 Aug. 14 Aug. 23 Dec, 1902.. 17 July 18 July 8 July 70 3 Sept.* 74 17 Sept.* 78 1 Oct. 66 20 Aug. 63 6 Aug.* 63 6 Aug.* 16613 16983 10 July 11 Sept. 60 23 July.* 78 1 Oct.* 16984 16822 16821 16681 16682 16683 16863 16363 16639 16599 16954 16754 16604 16913 16896 16814 15487 16708 16792 16676 11 Sept. 17 Aug. 17 Aug. 20 July 20 July 20 July 21 Aug. 18 May 16 July 7 July 7 Sept. 6 Aug. 7 July 4 Sept. 1 Sept. 14 Aug. 3 Oct., 1902 .. 30 July 13 Aug. 24 July 78 1 Oct.* 70 3 Sept.* 70 I 3 Sept.* 66 i 20 Aug.* 66 20 Aug.* 66 ' 20 Aug.* 74 17 Sept.* 74 17 Sept. 63 6 Aug. 63 6 Aug. 78 1 Oct. 81 15 Oct. 63 | 6 Aug.* 78 1 Oct. 78 1 Oct.* 70 3 Sept.* 70 3 Sept. 66 20Aui'. - 70 3 Sept.* 66 20 Aug.* 16647 11 July 63 I 6 Aug.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. Xo. Date. {olton, G., Dunedin., N.Z. Water-closet and latrine .. Sorchardt, N., Sydney, N.S.W. Artficiial stone jotting, W. J., Shannon, N.Z. Blight-destroying composition iowles, W., Auckland, N.Z. Ventilator iowmar, E., Gore, N.Z. Canister for sowing turnip, &c ioyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Signalling for railways !oys, F. T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Label-fastening iraddock, W. C, Blenheim, N.Z. Cleaning and washing fruit !rand, F. A., Benicia, U.S.A. Disc plough irain, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electric battery {rain, W. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electric battery {rent, C. D., Cromwell, N.Z. Hairpin .. .. .. iritish Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, London, Eng. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 16865.) iritish Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17041.) tristow, C, Christchurch, N.Z. Turnip, &c, sower {rock, A., Sutton, Eng. Explosive irooks, J., Wellington, N.Z. Composition for cleaning harness .. Srophy, C. M., Upper Manilla, N.S.W. Measuring ladies' skirts .. down, G. W., and another, South Preston, Vic. Steam-generator Srown, P. J., Little Kyeburn, N.Z. Gum boot irown, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Room-heater. (M.Raleigh) Srowne, M., Gisborne, N.Z. Hairpin irownley, A. H., Onehunga, N.Z. Tap and gauge iruce, J., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Brake for dray {run. (See Le Brun.) Suckland, H., Waikouaiti, N.Z. Newspaper-stand {udge, G. S., Auckland, N.Z. Turning leaves of music {unyan, F., Janesville, U.S.A. (See C. W. Nielsen, No. 16751.) iurke, P., and another, Daore, N.Z. Gripper for traction-engine wheels iurman, E. S., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Presser-plates for cheese {urn, F., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Calculating quantity of seed sown Surnett, C. H., Fordell, N.Z. Folding hat .. Surrell, D. H., Little Falls, U.S.A. (See A. Harvey, No. 16739.) {urrell, T., North Melbourne, Vic Adjustable sole and heel for boot {urrell, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Crate for cheese iurt, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Skylight-bars iurt, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Ventilator Sutel, G., Gore, N.Z. Tap or valve Sutler, J., and another, Dacre, N.Z. Gripper for traotion-engine wheels 16692 16912 15538 17053 15604 16612 17029 16602 15925 17061 17061 16986 23 July 4 Sept. 22 Oct., 1902 .. 28 Sept. 5 Nov., 1902.. 10 July 25 Sept. 8 Julv 30 Jan. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 11 Sept. 66 78 60 91 GG GO 81 GO 74 84 84 81 20 Aug.* 1 Oct. 23 July. 26 Nov. 20 Aug. 23 July.* 15 Oct.* 23 Julv.* 17 Sept. 29 Oct.* 29 Oct.* 15 Oot.* 17028 16601 16671 16598 16795 16632 16946 16763 16638 16689 26 Sept. 8 July 23 July 6 July 13 Aug. 13 July 10 Sept. 4 Aug. 16 July 23 July 81 63 70 63 70 63 81 70 63 66 15 Oct.* 6 Aug. 3 Sept. 6 Aug. 3 Sept. 6 Aug.* 15 Oct. 3 Sept.* 6 Aug. 20 Aug. 16729 16781 31 July 11 Aug. 66 70 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 16812 14 Aug. 70 3 Sept.* 16793 16827 13 Aug. 20 Aug. 70 70 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 16843 22 Aug. 70 3 Sept.* 16898 16834 16786 16854 16728 16812 2 Sept. 19 Aug. 12 Aug. 22 Aug. 3 Aug. 14 Aug. 78 70 66 74 66 70 lOot. 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* Sadett, J. W. T., and another, Ashtead, Eng. Secondary battery .. ialey, T. L., Auckland, N.Z. Cuff-protector Jalvert, A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Measuring liquids .. Jalvert, J. P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Measuring liquids Jalvert, J. P., and Son, Christchurch, N.Z. (See A. and J. P. Calvert, No. 16966.) Jameron, E. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Travelling race .. Jampbell, A., Sutton, N.Z. Dust-proof attachment for watch Jampbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Regulating voltage. (British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited) Jarkeek, T., Otaki, N.Z. Sighting-bar for rifle Jarlyle, J., Waimate, N.Z. Feeding-trough.. Jarlyle, J., Waimate, N.Z. Bird-trap !arr, F. L., jun , Wellington, N.Z. Optical illusion !arr, F. L., jun., Wellington, N.Z. Artificial flower .. Jarson, A. A., Ashburton, N.Z. Tank-strainer barter, H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cleaning kauri-gum Jastle, P., and another, Surbiton, Eng. Burner. (S. A. Rosenthal) Jastledine, F. P., Melbourne, Vic. Parlour-game Jauser, P. J., and others, Katamatite, Vic Wire-strainer Jbannon, J., Hornsby, N.S.W. Seal lock. (W. T. Percival) Shannon, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Seal lock. (J.J.Russell) Jherrie, M. J., Huntly, N.Z. Opening oysters Jhristchurch Meat Company, Limited, The, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lifting skins Jhurch, G. F., Lauriston, N.Z. Knife for cutting gorse, &c. Jlark, H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Clay pipe Jlark, S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-kindler .. Hark, S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Tramway-seat.. Heaver, A. E., Rongotea, N.Z. Fire-escape.. Jlifford, J. M., and another, Morrinsville, N.Z. Flax-drum Jobley, W., and another, Gunnedah, N.S.W. Gas-generator Joe, H., Greymouth, N.Z. Plough attachment John, H., and another, London, Eng. Converting ironsand into briquettes Jole, G. L., Wellington, N.Z. Sprinkler for bottle Joleman, E. M. G., Melbourne, Vic Automatically igniting matches 16703 16893 16966 16966 29 Jan.t 28 Aug. 10 Sept. 10 Sept. 66 74 78 78 20 Aug. 17 Sept. 1 Oot. 1 Oot. 16627 16881 16865 8 July 28 Aug. 27 Aug. 63 74 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 16766 15412 16575 16998 16748 16669 16665 16860 16704 16796 16948 16753 15705 16841 7 Aug. 18 Sept., 1902 1 July 18 Sept. 5 Aug. 21 July 18 July 26 Aug. 29 July 14 Aug. 10 Sept. 6 Aug. 2 Dec, 1902.. 22 Aug. 70 60 63 81 66 63 63 74 66 81 81 70 70 70 3 Sept.* 23 July. 6 Aug. 15 Oot. 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept.* 17015 16852 17002 16905 15532 16919 16752 15642 16978 23 Sept. 25 Aug. 16 Sept. 29 Aug. 18 Oct., 1902 .. 3 Sept. 6 Aug. 17 Nov., 1902 16 Sept. 81 74 84 74 66 74 66 78 78 15 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 29 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 1 Oot. 1 Oct.* 16742 16784 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 66 70 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. No. A Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Colonial Ferro-Concrete Syndicate, Limited, The, London, Eng. Concrete structures. (H. Foort) Colvin, O. F., Melbourne, Vic Manufacture of mineral wool Coogan, J., and another, Taihape, N.Z. Safety saddle-stirrup bar .. Coomber, J. D., Dunedin. Raising gold Cotton, F., Hornsby, N.S.W. Gas-furnace .. Coulsell, F. F., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Mulitubular boiler .. Coulsell, L. B., and others, Melbourne, Vic Multitubular boiler .. Coulsell, A. C, and others, Melbourne, Vic. Multitubular boiler .. Coulsell, H. W., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Multitubular boiler .. Coultbard, T. W., Mangapai, N.Z. Broom-handle-tapering machine Crawshaw, T. B., Christchurch, N.Z. Duplicate-order pad Crease, H. E., and another, Karangahake, N.Z. Nail and tooth brush Cresswell, R., Spring Creek, N.Z. Finger for reaping-machine Cristadoro, C, St. Paul, U.S.A. Kneading and mixing machine .. Crosbie, R. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Guide-chute for flax-stripping machine Cruickshank, 0. M., Gore, N.Z. Water-tap.. Cummings, A. L., Auckland, N.Z. Anti-friction device for planes .. Cunningham, C. S., and another, Melbourne, Vic Rowing-machine Currie, A., and another, Springhills, N.Z. Post-hole borer Curry, R. W., Brisbane, Queensland. Liquid-salt producing 16933 9 Sept. 78 lOct. 17020 10768 16761 16619 15677 15677 15677 15677 16974 16999 16778 25 Sept. 7 Aug. 4 Aug. 8 Julv 25 Nov., 1902.. 25 Nov., 1902.. 25 Nov., 1902.. 25 Nov., 1902.. 15 Sept 18 Sept. 11 Aug. 81 70 70 60 70 70 70 70 81 78 70 15 Oct.* 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 23 July.* 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 15 Oct.* 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 16721 16663 16888 31 July 16 July 26 Aug. 66 66 74 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 17 Sept.* 16765 16691 15439 16916 16991 7 Aug. 27 July 20 Sept., 1902 4 Sept. 17 Sept. 70 66 57 78 87 3 Sept. * 20 Aug. 9 July. lOct.* 12 Nov. Dale, A., Morven, N.Z. Spreader for trace-chain Dane, E. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Metal-shield tire for bicycle Daniel, A. J., and another, Petone, N.Z. Treating offal Daniels, H., Springsure, Queensland. Potato-harvester Davidson, H., and others, Katamatite, Vic. Wire-strainer Davidson, W. L., Cheviot, N.Z. Unreflllable bottle Davis, F. L., Auckland, N.Z. Sash-regulator Dawes, T., Auckland, N.Z. Bath-salt Dawson, R., and another, London, Eng. Burner. (S. A. Rosenthal) Dempster, G., Edendale, N.Z. Envelope-fastener De Alzugaray, J. B., Bromley, Eng. Manufacture of iron De Baugh, H. W., Auckland, N.Z. Washing-boiler De Montalk, R. W., Auckland, N.Z. Treatment of sewage Dennis, T. A., Melbourne, Vie. Lifting posts out of ground. (T. T. Shaw) D'Esmonde, J., Auckland, N.Z. Saucepan .. D'Esmonde, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Kettle .. De Schryver, T., Auckland, N.Z. Closet. (Treuesdale) Dewhirst, A. S.. Horoeka, N.Z. Brooch-pin Dickison, J., jun., East Chatton, N.Z. Double ridger .. Diehl, P., and another, Elizabethport, U.S.A. Rotary take-up for sewing-machine Dobbie and Co., A W., Adelaide, S.A. (See J. Sawers, No. 16936.) Dolbear, C. E., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Caustic soda Dorricott, A, and others, Auckland, N.Z. Clay pipe Droutlege, H., Auckland, N.Z. Registering-number-recording machine Duffin, H., Auckland, N.Z. Hose-coupling.. Duffy, C. J., Sydenham, N.Z. Convertible billiard and dining table Duncan, J., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Rotary screen Dungey, J., Lawrence, N.Z. (See C. L. Watt, No. 16789.) Dunk, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Machine for turning masts, &c .. Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company of Australasia, Limited, Melbourne, Vic. Pneumatic tire. (F. Wolff) Dunn, D., Oamaru, N.Z. Milk-strainer Dunn, B. F., Auckland, N.Z. Dredging-machine Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Bottle-stopper .. Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutting device 16918 16829 3 Sept. 17 Aug. 78 70 1 Oct. 3 Sept.* 16735 16706 16796 15554 16648 16920 16860 16883 16713 16609 16894 16915 3 Aug. 27 July 14 Aug. 27 Oct., 1902 .. 17 July 2 Sept. 26 Aug. 28 Aug. 29 July 6 July 27 Aug. 4 Sept. 66 66 81 66 63 74 74 74 66 60 74 78 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 15 Oct. 20 Aug. 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 23 July.* 17 Sept.* 1 Oot. 16960 17037 16851 16833 16802 16828 9 Sept. 24 Sept. 25 Aug. 21 Aug. 14 Aug. 18 Aug. 78 81 1 Oct.* 15 Oct.* 70 70 74 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept. 17050 16852 16907 29 Sept. 25 Aug. 1 Sept. 84 74 78 29 Oot. 17 Sept.* 1 Oot. 16897 16690 1 Sept. 27 July 78 66 1 Oct.* 20 Aug.* 16842 22 Aug. 74 17 Sept.* 16874 16943 27 Aug. 10 Sept. 74 74 17 Sept. 17 Sept.* 16857 16770 17030 16662 26 Aug. 5 Aug. 25 Sept. 16 July 81 66 81 63 15 Oct. 20 Aug.* 15 Oct.* - 6 Aug.* Early, F., Wellington, N.Z. Piano-mute Edison, T. A., Orange, U.S.A. Dry separation of ores .. Edwards, M. B., Woodend, N.Z. Horseshoe Edwards, T., Colorado Springs, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, Nos. 15941, 15942, and 16988.) 16746 16621 16634 5 Aug. 8 July 14 July 66 63 63 20 Aug.* 6 Aug. 6 Aug.* Edwards, W. H., Onehunga, N.Z. Cold-storage safe 16737 31 July 15 Sept. 66 78 78 20 Aug.* 1 Oct. 1 Oct.* Ellerm, E. J., New Plymouth, N.Z. Dust, draught, and rain excluder Evans, J. J., and another, Mititai, N.Z. Cleaning kauri-gum 16976 16665 18 July 63 6 Aug.* Facer, J., Pavenham, Eng. (See T. G. Stevens, No. 16992.) Farkas, A., Paris, France. (See New Inverted Incandescent Gaslamp Company, Limited, No. 17040.) Fenwiek, R., and another, East Oxford, N.Z. Wire-coiler Fenwiek, F., and another, East Oxford, N.Z. Wire-coiler Ferrell, J. L., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Wood-preserving .. Ferrell, J. L., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Wood-preserving .. 16830 16830 17056 17057 21 Aug. 21 Aug. 30 Sept. 80 Sept. 70 70 84 84 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 29 Oot. 29 Oot.


alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continuea.


.PPl ;ion. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Dal Fischer, L., and another, Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany. Support for photographic printing Fisher, D., Wellington, N.Z. (See F. G. Lindback, No. 16670.) Fiske, A. J., Melbourne, Vic. Horse-rug fastener Foort, H., London, Eng. (See The Colonial Ferro-Concrete Syndicate, Limited, No. 16933.) Ford, J., Cromwell, N.Z. Brush.. Foreign McKenna Process Company, Milwaukee, U.S.A. Chargingmachine. (D. H. Lentz) Fortescue, G. E., and another, Tallangatta, Vic. Forcing rabbitpoison Fortescue, A. J., and another, Tallangatta, Vic. Forcing rabbitpoison Foster, G., Auckland, N.Z. Watertight boots Foster, T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Account-book Frengley, J. P. S., Nelson, N.Z. Treating sewage Fuller, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Writing-desk, &o. 16836 19 Aug. 74 17 Sept. 17013 23 Sept. 81 15 Oct.* 17016 16816 19 Sept. 19 Aug. 87 81 12 Nov.* 15 Oot. 16620 8 July 63 6 Aug. 16620 8 July 63 6 Aug. 16590 15911 16831 16876 4 July 24 Jan. 21 Aug. 25 Aug. 63 63 70 74 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.* Gaitt, L., Middlemarch, N.Z. Animal-trap Gallagher, J., Auckland, N.Z. Indicating rise in temperature Gamble, C. G., Waddington, N.Z. Wire-winder Gaye, E. F. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Cuff-fastener Gell, J., London, Eng. Tape-perforating apparatus Gentles, H. J., Auckland, N.Z. Wash-up mop Gibbons, R. P., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Metal-shield tire for bicycle Gibbs, R. W., Nelson, N.Z. Door-check Gibson, H. C. W., and another, London, Eng. Manufacture of tubes Gilberd, H. J., Auckland, N.Z. Treating coal in ships Gillies, A., Terang, Vic. Pneumatic teat-cup Gillow, E., Westport, N.Z. Drawing-board, easel, and T square .. Ginsberg, R., Wellington, N.Z. Securing spouting to walls Girven, J., Hikurangi, N.Z. Cutting up soap Goodman, W. G. T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Car-fender Gore, C. G. R., Auckland, N.Z. Window-fastener Gore, T., Pahiatua, N.Z. Commode Gough, P., German Creek, N.Z. Railway-level indicator Gough, F., German Creek, N.Z. Milk-strainer Goyder, G. A., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Separation of minerals.. Grant, F. W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Water-lift Grasset, R. J. W., South Yarra, Vic. Marine governor.. Gray, J. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-lighter Grayson, L. W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rowing-machine .. Greenshields, W., Auckland, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Greenwood, R. W., Greymouth, N.Z. Printers' quoin Griffiths, W., and another, London, Eng. Electric contact stud .. Grigg, E. F. J., Eiffelton, N.Z. Combined chaff-cutter and corncrusher Grimmer, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-arrester Grove, J., Wellington, N.Z. Sash-cord fastening 16655 16699 16635 16884 16637 16859 16829 15 July 28 July 14 July 28 Aug. 16 July 26 Aug. 17 Aug. 63 66 63 74 66 74 70 6 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 16584 16782 17026 16944 16969 16773 16615 16631 16844 16815 16819 16820 16466 16990 16709 16891 15439 16973 16764 16639 16686 2 July 12 Aug. 18 Sept. 10 Sept. 12 Sept. 10 Aug. 10 July 13 July 22 Aug. 18 Aug. 19 Aug. 19 Aug. 10 June 17 Sept. 30 July 27 Aug. 20 Sept., 1902.. 15 Sept. 7 Aug. 16 July 24 July 70 81 74 78 70 60 63 70 70 70 70 78 3 Sept. 15 Oct. 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 23 July.* 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 1 Oct. 66 74 57 81 70 63 66 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 9 July. 15 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug. 20 Aug.* 16901 16596 2 Sept. 6 July 78 60 lOct.* 23 July.* Hall, A. J., and another, South Hornsby, N.S.W. Spraying-nozzle Hall, F. W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Non-puncturable inner tube .. Hambleton, P. W., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Rotary screen .. Hamilton, F. W., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Ambulance Hanlon, C, Ballarat, Vie Milking-machine Hanning, C, Grove Bush, N.Z. Gate Hansen, C. L., Te Araroa, N.Z. Gate-latch Hansen, O., Gisborne, N.Z. Opening and closing gate .. Hare, A., Auckland, N.Z. Lamp-lighter Harper, J. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Collar-stud .. Hartree, H., Patangata, N.Z. Sheep-shears Harradence, F. W., Auckland, N.Z. Steering-head for cycles Hardley, J. W., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Punching and shearing machine Hardley, S., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Punching and shearing machine Harkin, P. A., Auckland, N.Z. Confectionery-mould .. Harkin, T., Auckland, N.Z. (See W. White, No. 16961.) Harkness, W. S., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Calculating quantity of seed sown Harvey, A., Auckland, N.Z. Liquid-separator. (D. H. Burrell —M. L. Hoyt) Hasselbaoh, E., Surrey Hills, Vic. Game Hatherly, F. H., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Advertising medium Haxton, W. A., Carterton, N.Z. Milk-cooler Hay, J. B., and another, Petone, N.Z. Treating offal Haydon, G. A., Auckland, N.Z. Siphon trap and plug Hayling, H. S., St. Kilda, Vic. Tip-wagon. (A. Mansfield) Heighten, A. L., Christchurch, N.Z. Bill-file Hellier, J. T. E., Melbourne, Vic. Fly-catcher Hemleb, M., and another, Elizabethport, U.S.A. Rotary take-up for sewing-machine 16818 16832 16842 16927 16910 16607 17014 16679 16715 16940 16054 16734 16775 19 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 5 Sept. 4 Sept. 9 July 23 Sept. 24 July 27 Julv 5 Sept. 4 Maroh 3 Aug. 11 Aug. 70 74 74 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 74 60 81 94 66 74 60 66 70 17 Sept.-* 23 July.* 15 Oct.* 10 Dec. 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 23 July. 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 16775 11 Aug. 70 3 Sept.* 15665 21 Nov., 1902.. 74 17 Sept. 16827 20 Aug. 70 3 Sept.* 16739 31 July 70 3 Sept. 15736 16995 16581 16735 16625 16643 16771 16849 16828 6 Dec, 1902.. 18 Sept. 3 July 3 Aug. 8 July 16 July 6 Aug. 25 Aug. 18 Aug. 60 81 60 66 63 63 70 70 74 23 July. 15 Oct. 23 July.* 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 6 Aug. 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

,ppl ion. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date Henderson, J. C, and others, Melbourne, Vic. Presser-plates for cheese Heskett, T. J., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Treating ore Hewitt, J. G. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Weather-filling for iron roofs. (A. Wilson) Hicks, W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Extractor and clarifier Hillard, H. H., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Tent Holderman, W. E., Marysvale, U.S.A. Treating slimes Holford, G., Auckland, N.Z. Trouser-stretcher Holm, J., Point Levy, N.Z. Mouse-trap Honnor, H., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Brake for dray .. Honywood, G., Invercargill, N.Z. Pulveriser Hooke, A. W., Sydney, N.S.W. Treatment of kaolin, &c Hooper, J. B., Petone, N.Z. Letter-case Hosking, W. V., Midhirst, N.Z. Bailing and unbailing cows Howard, J. G., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Separation of milk and cream Howland, R., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical separator for ironsand Hoyt, M. L., Birchton, U.S.A. (See A. Harvey, No. 16739.) Huck, A., and another, Frankfort-on Main, Germany. Support for photo, printing Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Alternating current Watt meters. (British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Friction-gearing. (Nurnberger Motor-Fahrzenge-Fabrik "Union" G.m.b.H. —L. Maurer) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Friction-gearing. (Nurnberger Motor-Fahrzenge-Fabrik " Union" G.m.b.H.—L. Maurer) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Treatment of refractory ores. (C. H. Miller and C. Quennell) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Tap for kerosene-tin. (W. T. Nuttall) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Manufacture of coal-gas. (T.) Settle and W. A. Padfield) J Hughes, W. E., Hawera, N.Z. Hose-coupling Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Water-table in road-making. (J. B. Jackson) Humphrey, C. F., and others, San Francisco, U.S.A. Deep-well pump. (G. C. Richards) Hunt, H., and others, Melbourne, Vie Separation of milk and cream Hunter, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Siphon of septic tank .. Hussey, N. W., and another, Oskaloosa, U.S.A. (See J. Sawers, No. 16936.) 16793 13 Aug. 70 3 Sept.* 16963 17017 9 Sept. 19 Sept. 78 81 1 Oct.* 15 Oct.* 16848 16937 16825 16704 17000 16689 16811 16677 16777 15700 16731 25 Aug. 10 Sept. 20 Aug. 29 July 17 Sept. 23 July 14 Aug. 24 July 11 Aug. 29 Nov., 1902.. 31 July 70 81 74 66 84 66 70 66 70 78 66 3 Sept.* 15 Oct. 17 Sept. 20 Aug.* 29 Oct.* 20 Aug. 3 Sept.* 20 Aug. 3 Sept.* 1 Oct. 20 Aug.* 16979 16 Sept. 78 1 Oct.* 16836 19 Aug. 74 17 Sept. 17041 30 Sept. 16719 31 July 70 3 Sept.* 16720 31 July 70 3 Sept.* 15780 18 Dec, 1902.. 78 1 Oct. 16873 27 Aug. 74 17 Sept.* 16678 16989 17019 24 July 17 Sept. 24 Sept. | I 66 74 78 81 20 Aug.* 17 Sept. 1 Oct.* 15 Oct.* 17049 29 Sept. 84 29 Oct. 16731 31 July 66 20 Aug.* 16926 4 Sept. 78 1 Oct. Ibbotson, T. H., Gore, N.Z. Drawing off liquids Incrocci, T., Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. B. Mack, No. 16867.) Inkpen, A., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Trouser-stretcher Innes, J. T., Sutton Town, S.A. Steam-generator International Sheahan Rotary Engine Company, Chicago, U.S.A. Rotary engine. (W. A. Sheahan) Irvine, P., Dunedin, N.Z. Lifting soil 16112 20 March 70 3 Sept.* 16698 16672 16588 28 July 23 Julv 4 July 66 63 63 20 Aug. 6 Aug.* 6 Aug. 16707 25 July 66 20 Aug. Jackson, J. B., Gisborne, N.Z. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17019.) Jackson, P. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng. Advertising appliance Jacobsen, W., Auckland, N.Z. Turning leaves of music James, R., Ashhurst, N.Z. Cooking appliance Jameson, J. M., Leicester, Eng. (See E. R. Jennings and The " Pyrojim " Syndicate, Limited, No. 15653.) Jenkins, F. W., and others, Roodeport, South Africa. Forging and sharpening drills Jenkinson, R., Auckland, N.Z. Flower-pot.. Jennings, E. R., and another, London, Eng. Fuel. (J. M. Jameson) Johnston, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Sheep-dipping platform .. .. Johnston, G. N. H., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Advertising medium Johnstone, A. E., Ilford, Eng. Liquid-fuel burner Jonassen, M. J. C., Christchurch, N.Z. Scarf-pin, &c. .. Jones, H., Ascot Vale, Vic Crushing-machine 16608 16902 16755 15852 16877 15653 9 Julv 2 Sept. 6 Aug. 9 Jan. 25 Aug. 19 Nov., 1902.. 78 74 66 60 74 70 1 Oct. 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 23 July. 17 8ept.* 3 Sept.* 16953 16995 10 Sept. 18 Sept. 78 81 1 Oot.* 15 Oct. 16745 16667 16797 5 Aug. 20 July 14 Aug. 66 63 70 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* Kahlenberg, P., Dunedin, N.Z. Umbrella-tip retainer Kendrick, T., Mornington, N.Z. Spring hand-truck Kidd, C. C, and another, Spring Hills, N.Z. Ditch-plough Kiernan, C. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Easy-chair Kiernan, C. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Extension table Kilgour, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Windmill Kilkelly, M. J., and another, Grove Bush, N.Z. Belt-fastener Kilkelly, P., and another, Grove Bush, N.Z. Ditch-plough Kilkelly, T., and another, Grove Bush, N.Z. Belt-fastener Kimbel, M., Islington, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Kimbel, M., Islington, N.Z. Venetian-blind King-Ansell, G. A., Ahaura, N.Z. Tube-cleaner Kinsey, F. G., Wainui, N.Z. Cart-wheel 16605 16693 16813 16805 16806 16917 16810 16813 16810 16858 16880 16697 17054 6 July 24 July 14 Aug. 13 Aug. 13 Aug. 3 Sept. 14 Aug. 14 Aug. 14 Aug. 24 Aug. 27 Aug. 28 July 29 Sept. 60 66 70 70 70 74 70 70 70 74 74 66 84 23 July.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 29 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. No. A Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Kochendorffer, G., Melbourne, Vic. Cigarette-machine Krause, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Cement bricks 16680 16914 20 July 4 Sept. 66 74 20 Aug.' 17 Sept.* Lake, W. E., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rotary gauge Lambert, F., Waikaremoana, N.Z. Ship-canal Lambert, F., Waikaremoana, N.Z. Tension bridge Lambert, W. H., Wyndham, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Lambert, W. H., Wyndham, N.Z. Knife-cleaning machine Lamborn, G. B., and another, Gore, N.Z. Connecting shoe to treadle of cycle Lappan, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Riding-saddle.. Laughton, E., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Separation of minerals Lawrence, W. H., Glasgow, Scotland. (See B. Bodycomb, No. 16676.) Le Brun, F. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Clothes-peg Leek, G., and another, South Hornsby, N.S.W. Spraying-nozzle .. Legge, A. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle-lock Leighton, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Boiler-furnace. (H. Sanders) Leighton, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Smoke-consumer and heateconomizer. (H. Sanders) Lentz, D. H., Joliet, U.S.A. (See Foreign McKenna Process Company, No. 16816.) Lindback, F. G., Wellington, N.Z. Oil-can nozzle. (D.Fisher) .. Lindsay, J., Burnside, N.Z. Rabbit-crate .. Lindsay, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Dust, draught, and rain excluder Lochhead, J., Dunsandel, N.Z. Gripping-device Lodge, J. G., Darlinghurst, N.S.W. Window-sash support. (G. Barnes) Longshaw, T. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Latch-lock Longton, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Float for milk-can Loose, M. E., Napoleon, U.S.A. (See R. L. and D. Adams, No. 16666.) Lorie, A. F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-fastener Love, S. E., and another, Gre Gre Village, Vic. Clamp for handling vessel Lowe, C. H., Auckland, N.Z. Horse-shoeing lever Lowe, C. E., Motueka, N.Z. Sulphurising fruit Lungley, C. F., Albert Park, Vic. Manufacture of iron Lyes, J. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Trap for sumps Lyons, T. A., Wanganui, N.Z. Game 16835 16578 16577 16941 16759 16660 16866 16466 16950 16818 16850 16116 16117 16670 15367 16651 16903 16868 19 Aug. 3 July 3 July 5 Sept. 4 Aug. 18 July 27 Aug. 10 June 10 Sept. 19 Aug. 24 Aug. 21 Mar. 21 Mar. 22 July 8 Sept., 1902 17 July 2 Sept. 27 Aug. 70 66 66 78 66 63 74 78 78 70 70 57 57 63 60 63 74 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.' 1 Oot.* 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 17 Sepl.* lOct. 1 Oct.* 3 Sent.* 3 Sept." 9 Julv.* 9 Julv.* 6 Aug.* 23 July. 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 16911 16968 4 Sept. 12 Sept. 74 78 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 16418 16930 29 May 9 Sep't. 70 78 3 Sept. 1 Oot. 16799 16996 16975 16959 17009 8 Aug. 18 Sept. 15 Sept. 12 Sept. 21 Sept. 70 78 78 78 3 Sept.* lOct.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct.* Macdonald, D. C, Campbelltown, N.Z. Treating oats, &c Mack, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Toy. (T. Incrocci) Mackay, H., and another, Martinborough, N.Z. Siphon Mackay, J., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Ambulance Mackie, J., Auckland, N.Z. Register grate .. Mackie, J., Auckland, N.Z. Cuff-protector .. Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Steam-engine Macpherson, D., and another, Heddon Bush, N.Z. Spark-arrester Mainland, H. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Cuff-fastener Maiden, A., and another, London, Eng. Agglomerating ore Maiden, W. J., and another, Hollesley Bay, Eng. Agglomerating ore Mansfield, A., North Fitzroy, Vie. (See H. S. Hayling, No. 16643.) Manning, H., London, Eng. Sewing-maohine Manson, H. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Tramway and railway door Marshall, J., Grey Valley, N.Z. Saddle and collar for horses Martin, A. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Hernial appliance Martin, G. P., Kelso, N.Z. Animal-cover fastening Mason, F., Auckland, N.Z. Substitute for beeswax Mason, R. H., Gisborne, N.Z. Soldering-tool Mason, R. H., Auckland, N.Z. Undersleeve-fastener .. Maurer, L., Nuremberg, Germany. (See W. E. Hughes, Nos. 16719 and 16720.) Maxted, T. d'A. C, Blenheim, N.Z. Close'-seat May, T. W., Auckland, N.Z. Flush-tap Mayo, B. F., Salem, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15650.) McAlpine, E. C., Woolston, N.Z. Poultry-nest McCulloch, R. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Toasting-fork and grid McCurdie, W. D. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Corking bottles .. McDonald, A., Taieri, N.Z. Vat-churn McDonald, S., and another, Gore, N.Z. Connecting shoe to treadle of cycle McDonough, T., Richmond, Bourke, Vic Oil-lamp McKay, J., Cape Town, Cape Colony. (See G. G. Turri, No. 16740.) McKenney, J., Cowra, N.S.W. Ploughing-implement .. McKenzie, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Slate-pencil sharpener .. McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-coiler and spindle McKirdy, J. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Saving gold McLellan, D., Nelson, N.Z. Operating fishing-net MoLellan, R. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Calendar .. McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Burner and heater 17033 16867 16659 16927 15480 16997 16624 16826 16448 15514 15514 29 Sept. 27 Aug. 18 July 5 Sept. 3 Oct., 1902 .. 18 Sept. 8 July 20 Aug. 13 Aug. 16 Oct., 1902 .. 16 Oct., 1902 .. 84 74 66 60 63 70 70 57 57 29 Oct. 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 23 July.' 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept. 9 July. 9 July. 16747 16611 16725 16688 16687 16700 16597 16727 5 Aug. 10 July 31 July 25 July 20 July 25 July 2 July 29 July 70 60 66 66 66 66 60 66 3 Sept. 23 July.* 20 Aug.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 23 Julv-* 20 Aug.* 16847 16600 21 Aug. 8 July 74 63 17 Sept. 6 Aug.* 16741 16593 1 Aug. 1 July 70 60 3 Sept.* 23 July. 17004 16970 16660 17 Sept. 10 Sept. 18 July 81 81 63 15 Oct.* 15 Oct. 6 Aug.* 16823 20 Aug. 74 17 Sept. 16923 16586 16595 16924 16845 16787 16925 3 Sept. 1 July 2 Julv 7 Sept. 21 Aug. 7 Aug. 3 Sept. 74 60 60 74 70 70 74 17 Sept.* 23 July. * 23 July.* 17 Sept." 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

.I'l'l lioal iion. kizei te. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. McLeod, W., Woodbury, N.Z. Spreader for leading-chain MoMeeking, J. P., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Crate for cheese McNeill, H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Water-lift McPharlin, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Catching gum McPharlin, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Cutting incisions in kauri-trees McRae, W. J., and another, John Bull Creek, Vic. Clamp for handling vessel McTear, B. F., and another, Rainhill, Eng. Manufacture of tubes Meinung, H. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Utilising tidal water Melville, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Plating steel Menesdorffer, A., Melbourne, Vic. Coriaceous material Merton, T. D., Spottiswoode, Vic. Ore-roasting furnace Meyers, J. J., and others, San Francisco, U.S.A. Deep-well pump. (G. C. Richards) Millar, C. R. M., and others, Roodeport, South Africa. Forging and sharpening drills Millar, J. H., Gore, N.Z. Sowing turnip-seed Millar, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Wave-motor Millar, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Wave-motor Miller, E. H., and another, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 15780.) Miller, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Pictorial wrapper Millsom, T. C, St. Kilda, Vic. Cure of deafness Mitohell, A., Wanganui, N.Z. Medicine Montalk, De. (See under De.) Monteath, W., South Melbourne, Vic. Flushing-cistern Moore, G., Mercur, U.S.A. Filter Moore, M., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Treating ore.. Moore, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Toasting-fork and grid Morgan, W. R., Wanganui, N.Z. Staple-drawer and wire-cutter .. Morris, T., Mornington, N.Z. Waterproof .. Moss, A. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Electrical-floor contact Moss, G. H., jun., Hokitika, N.Z. Inner tire of cycles, &c. Moulton, H. R., and others, London, Eng. Steam-engine Muller, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Hinge-strap, &c. Murray, A. C, Cromwell, N.Z. (See A. J. Park, No. 16592.) 16922 16834 16990 16879 16928 16930 16782 16710 16684 16886 16899 17049 15852 10938 16645 16646 5 Sept. 19 Aug. 17 Sept. 28 Aug. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 12 Aug. 30 July 21 July 28 Aug. 2 ~ept. 29 Sept. 9 Jan. 10 Sept. 11 July 11 July 74 70 74 78 78 70 66 66 74 78 84 60 78 63 63 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct. 3 Sept. 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept. 1 Oct. 29 Oct. 23 July. 1 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 16733 16750 16900 30 July 5 Aug. 2 Sept. 74 74 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 16794 16837 16963 16593 16574 16749 16838 17011 16862 16685 13 Aug. 19 Aug. 9 Sept. 1 July 1 July 1 Aug. 19 Aug. 22 Sept. 21 Aug. 21 July 70 74 78 60 63 66 70 81 74 66 3 Sept. 17 Sept. 1 Oct.* 23 July.* 6 Aug. 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 17 Sept. 20 Aug.* Napier, T., Hororata, N.Z. Boot-cleaning and knife-polishing machine New Inverted Incandescent Gas-lamp Company, Limited, London, Eng. Gas-burner. (A. Farkas) Nicolson, S., and another, Gore, N.Z. Bicycle-tire Nicolson, S., Gore, N.Z. Tire-remover Nicolson, S., Gore, N.Z. Attaching postage-stamps Nielsen, C. W., Wellington, N.Z. Food product. (F. Bunyan) .. Norrie, R., Rangoon, British Burmah. Metal-punching machine .. North, B., Manningham, Eng. Electricity-meter Norton, G. M., and another, Coburg, Vic. Steam-generator Nunneley, K., Rotorua, N.Z. Bedstead Nurnberger Motor-Fahrzenge-Fabrik "Union" G.m.b.H., Nuremberg, Germany. (See W. E. Hughes, Nos. 16719 and 16720.) Nuttall, W. T., Wanganui, N.Z. (See W. E. Hughes, No, 16873.) Nuttall, W. T., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Trouser-stretcher .. Nuttall, G., Blackball, N.Z. Inflatable jacket 15859 9 Jan. 66 20 Aug. 17040 30 Sept. 84 29 Oct. 16956 15659 16939 16751 16904 10987 16795 16882 10 Sept. 20 Nov., 1902.. 10 Sept. 6 Aug. 3 Sept. 17 Sept. 13 Aug. 29 Aug. 81 60 74 70 78 15 Oct.* 23 July. 17 Sept.* 3 Sept. 1 Oct. 70 74 3 Sept. 17 Sept.* 16698 15761 28 July 15 Dec, 1902.. 66 66 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* Oakden, F., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Car-fender .. Oakley, W. E., Millbury, U.S.A. Electric railroad Ockleston, J. S., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Clay pipe Ockleston, W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Clay pipe .. Ockleston and Co., J. and W., Auckland, N.Z. (See J. S. and W. Ockleston, H. Clark, and A. Dorricott, No. 16852.) Ornstien, F. S., Kensington, Vic. Tire-cover Osborne, G., Tinwald, N.Z. Drill, horse-hoe, and ridger Owens, M. J., Toledo, U.S.A. (See The Toledo Glass Company, No. 16630.) 16631 17003 16852 16852 15703 16600 13 July 17 Sept. 25 Aug, 25 Aug. 29 Nov., 1902.. 9 July 63 81 74 74 74 78 6 Aug.* 15 Oct. 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept. 1 Oct. Padfield, W. A., and another, Exeter, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16678.) Park, J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Stencil-plates. (A. J. Park) Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Adult's and child's chair. (A. C. Murray) Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. R. Park, No. 16890.) Park, T. M., Darrington, U.S.A. Loading-device Parlour, S. C, and another, Morrinsville, N.Z. Flax-drum Passow, H., Hamburg, Germany. Treatment of slag Paterson, J., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Wringer-draining apparatus Paterson, R., Balclutha, N.Z. Actuating wheels of ploughs Patterson, J. H., Aldershot, Eng. Rifle-carrier Paul, T. T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Account-book Pearce, B. A. A., Invercaigill, N.Z. Wire-strainer Pearce, B. A. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Wire-strainer Pearson, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Shot-making machinery 16890 16592 27 Aug. 2 July 74 63 17 Sept.* 6 Aug. 16142 16919 16853 15474 26 March 3 Sept. 26 Aug. 1 Oct., 1902 .. GG 74 74 (50 20 Aug. 17 Sept.* 17 Sept. 23 July. 16580 17027 15911 16722 16674 16628 3 July 24 Sept. 24 Jan. 31 July 23 July 9 July 60 87 03 66 63 63 23 July.* 12 Nov. 6 Aug. 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 6 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

9—H. 10._0 4 .


.pp: icai jion. laze te. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Peek, W. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Kettle Percival, W. T., Penshurst, N.S.W. (See J. Channon, No. 16948.) Peters, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Shot making machinery.. Peto, W., and another, London, Eng. Secondary battery Pike, A. S., Wellington, N.Z. Driving-belt and rope tightener Planters Compress Company, Boston, U.S.A. Press - feeding mechanism. (W. M. Rheem) Poe, D. A., and another, Montreal, Canada. Linotype machine Poetter, H., Dortmund, Germany. Safety explosive Poison, R. D., Bendigo, N.Z. Sheep-shears Pool, A. J., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Wringer-draining apparatus Porteous, W. P., Sawyer's Bay, N.Z. Table golf Porter, B., Eketahuna, N.Z. Ventilator for waterproof Potter, F. S., Auckland, N.Z. Vehicle-springs Pratt, C. P., Old Junee, N.S.W. Threshing-machine .. Priddle, A., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Tent Purser, A., and others, Roodeport, South Africa. Forging and sharpening drills " Pyrojim " Syndicate, Limited, The, and another, London, Eng. Fuel. (J. M. Jameson) 17037 16628 16703 15747 16702 16744 16790 16788 15474 16636 16675 15144 16872 16937 15852 24 Sept. 9 July 29 Jan. t 11 Dec, 1902 .. 29 July 5 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 1 Oct., 1902 .. 16 July 23 July 17 July, 1902 .. 27 Aug. 10 Sept. 9 Jan. 81 63 66 70 66 70 70 70 60 63 63 57 74 81 60 15 Oct.* 6 Aug. 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept.* 23 July. 6 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 9 July. 17 Sept.* 15 Oct. 23 July. 15653 19 Nov., 1902.. 70 3 Sept. Quennell, C, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 15780.) Quertier, H., Gore, N.Z. Excavating-machine Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Excavating-machine 15586 16712 31 Oct., 1902 .. 30 July 66 66 20 Aug. 20 Aug. Raleigh, M., Sydney, N.S.W. (See W. Brown, No. 16946.) Rask, C, and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Travelling race Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bottle-closure. (W. Weddel—J. Thompson) Reeves, A. E., Mataura, N.Z. Scutching-machine Reeves Patent Filters Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. Filter. (W. Reeves) Reeves, W., Belfast, Ireland. (See The Reeves Patent Filters Company, Limited, No. 16861.) Reference Company, Limited, The, Sydney, N.S.W. Medicine. (E. E. Affleck) Regenerated Cold Air Company, Boston, U.S.A. Treating air. (F. White) Reid, J., Herbert, N.Z. Preventing shear-blades from crossing Reid, J. S., Prebbleton, N.Z. Milk-cooler .. Reid, T. H., South Dunedin, N.Z. Collecting fares Renner, G., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Signalling for railways .. Rennerfelt, T. G., New York, U.S.A. Liquid-separator Restell, R. B., Hamilton, N.Z. Seed-drill .. Restorck, E. J., Melbourne, Vic. Attachment to bedstead Reynolds, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Race-starting machine Rheem, W. M., Boston, U.S.A. (See Planters Compress Company, No. 16702.) Richards, P. B., and others, Katamatite, Vic. Wire-strainer Richards, G. C, Oakland, U.S.A. (See J. J. Meyers, C. F. Humphrey, and J. E. Sills, No. 17049.) Richardson, G. E., Thebarton, S.A. Railway-coupling.. Riches, A., Ladbrooks, N.Z. Preventing froth in receptacles for milk Ricono, D., Fremantle, W.A. Chronometer, &o. Roberts, F. P., Bendigo, Vic. Butter-cutter Roberts, L., Dunedin, N.Z. Chart for cutting skirt-patterns Roberts, L., Dunedin, N.Z. Tracer for dress-cutting Roberts, T., Nelson, N.Z. Window Robertson, D. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Totalisator Robertson, E. L., Wellington, N.Z. Egg-carrier Robertson, J., Waitati, N.Z. Tail-grip for cattle, &c. .. Robertson, J., Maheno, N.Z. Ditch-plough.. Robertson, R. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Adjusting slack of railwaybrake Robinson, H. W. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Method of drain-inspection .. Robinson, W. S., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Securing ribs of umbrella Robson, R. H., and another, Waiouru, N.Z. Safety saddle-stirrup bar Rodgers, J. T., Makikihi, N.Z. Dressing flax Rose, S. A. M., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Separation of milk and cream Rosenthal, S. A., London, Eng. (See P. Castle and R. Dawson, No. 16860.) Ross, A. J., Kihikihi, N.Z. Securing roofing on stacks Ross, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Circular flue for register grate Ross, P. B., New Plymouth, N.Z. Spring stirrup-iron Rouse, T., and another, London, Eng. Converting ironsand into briquettes Rountree, A., and others, South Rakaia, N.Z. Sooket for broomhandle Russell, J. J., Milton, N.S.W. (See J. Channon, No. 16753.) 16627 16929 15710 16861 16942 16808 15970 16855 16705 16612 16804 16235 16714 17001 16796 16967 17025 17012 16972 17023 17024 15540 16958 16791 16985 15588 15708 8 July 9 Sept. 29 Nov., 1902.. 21 Aug. 10 Sept. 15 Aug. 10 Feb. 25 Aug. 29 July 10 July 12 Aug. 16 April 30 July 17 Sept. 14 Aug. 14 Sept. 24 Sept. 23 Sept. 14 Sept. 23 Sept. 23 Sept. 21 Oct., 1902 .. 11 Sept. 13 Aug. 11 Sept. 29 Oct., 1902 .. 2 Dec, 1902.. 63 78 74 74 81 70 70 74 74 60 70 63 '81 81 81 81 81 78 81 81 60 78 70 78 74 78 6 Aug.* 1 Oct. 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 15 Oct. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 23 July.* 3 Sept. 6 Aug. 15 Oct'.'' 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct.* 15 Oct.* 1 Oct.* 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 23 July. 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 17 Sept. 1 Oct. 16864 16650 21 Aug. 17 July 78 63 1 Oct. 6 Aug.* 16768 7 Aug. 70 3 Sept. 16965 16731 10 Sept. 31 July 78 66 1 Oct.* 20 Aug.* 16614 16587 17034 16978 10 July 1 July 29 Sept. 16 Sept. 60 60 81 78 23 July.* 23 July.* 15 Oct.* 1 Oot.* 16856 25 Aug. 74 17 Sept.* Sander, G. E. C. F., Westport, N.Z. Gate-latch 17038 29 Sept. 81 15 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Sanders, H., Nottingham, Eng. (See H. E. Leighton, Nos. 16116 and 16117.) Sanderson, E. V., and another, Martinborough, N.Z. Siphon Sanderson, J., New Plymouth, N.Z. Guttering-bracket Sawers, J., Wellington, N.Z. Milking-machine. (A. W. Dobbie and Co.—W. R. Thatcher, N. W. Hussey) Saywell, G. H., Feilding, N.Z. Race-starting machine . Schadick, J. F. W. H., Westport, N.Z. Tap Scharf, W. H., and another, Montreal, Canada. Linotype machine Schram, A. L., Woodstock, Canada. Cover for fruit-jar Schryver, De. (See under De.) Schultze, A., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Pneumatic tire-cover Scott, G. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Warning signal Seott, H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Machine for deep sinking.. Scott, H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-fast ener .. Seagar, E., Wellington, N.Z. Tubular dryer Seavill, W., Auckland, N.Z. Castor Semb, F. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Windmill Settle, T., and another, Exeter, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 16678.) Seymour, G., Romsey, Vic. Plough attachment Shailee, P. H., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-extinguisher Shaw, E., London, Eng. Vending-machine Shaw, J., and another, Heddon Bush, N.Z. Spark-arrester Shaw, T. T., Wooriwyrite Station, Vic. (See T. A. Dennis, No. 16915.) Sheahan, W. A., Chicago, U.S.A. (See International Sheahan Rotary Engine Company, No. 16588.) Shepherd, J., Greymouth, N.Z. Scow and surf-boat Shields, W. A., Melbourne, Vic Fencing-dropper. (F. Yott) Shilton, G. T., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Pneumatic tire-cover Shrimpton, F., Tiki, N.Z. Securing staple of riding-saddle Shury, F. G., Greymouth, N.Z. Filter Silk, E. G., Waikaka, N.Z. Preventing oil passing from steam-con-denser to steam-boiler Sills, J. E., and others, San Francisco, U.S.A. Deep-well pump. (G. C. Richards) Simpson, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Pipe-union .. Slack, W. F., Wellington, N.Z. Ventilator.. Sloan, W., jun., Invercargill, N.Z. Hanging sashes Smaill, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Fluid-level indicator .. Smaill, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Fishplate .. Smith, C. C, Timaru, N.Z. Removing wool from skins Smith, D., Kaikoura, N.Z. Fencing-standard 'Smith, E., Gisborne, N.Z. Stopping hole in ship's hull Smith, E,S., Timaru, N.Z. Stirrer Smith, F. W., Dannevirke, N.Z. Acetylene-generator .. Smith, J. H., and another, Footscray, Vic. Feeding cattle Sollitt, R. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Coal-scuttle .. Soulas, C, Jerusalem, N.Z. Wave-motor Southwell, F. C, and others, London, Eng. Steam-engine Speirs, R. M., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Socket for broomhandle Sprey, C, New Brighton, N.Z. Boot-fastening Stedman, S. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Cutivator for drill Steuart, C. F. de K., Westminster, Eng. Generating gaseous jets .. Stevens, T. G., Greenhithe, Eng. Vehicle-spring. (J. Facer) Stevenson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Exhausting air from cans Stevenson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Concentrating milk into dry powder Stevenson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Sealing jar .. Stewart, G. T., Featherston, N.Z. Tire-protector Stewart, O., Invercargill, N.Z. Preventing vibration of seats Styles, W. P., Eltham, N.Z. Retaining window-sash .. Swanson, P. S., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Securing ribs of umbrellas 16732 16885 16196 16934 16921 17022 16659 16994 16936 16785 16824 16744 16887 16196 17005 16603 16616 16642 16736 16917 16908 16772 16892 16826 18 July 17 Sept. 9 Sept. 12 Aug. 17 Aug. 5 Aug. 28 Aug. 2 April 17 Sept. 4 July 7 July 16 July 31 July 3 Sept. 4 Sept. 10 Aug. 29 Aug. 20 Aug. 28 July 20 Aug. 2 April 9 Sept. 1 Sept. 23 Sept. 66 74 63 81 74 81 GO 81 74 70 74 70 74 68 81 60 GO 68 GO 74 74 70 78 70 20 Aug. 15 Oct. 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept. 3 Sept. 17 Sept. 6 Aug. 15 Oct.* 23 July.* 23 July.* 6 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 1 Oct. 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept. 6 Aug. 15 Oct. 17 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 17049 29 Sept. 84 29 Oct. 16652 15552 16623 16723 16724 16846 16809 17010 16807 17031 16803 16776 16977 16862 16856 17 July 25 Oct., 1902 .. 8 July 29 July 29 July 21 Aug. 17 Aug. 18 Sept. 13 Aug. 29 Sept. 12 Aug. 11 Aug. 15 Sept. 21 Aug. 25 Aug. 63 63 63 66 66 70 70 81 70 81 70 70 81 74 74 6 Aug.* 6 Aug. 6 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct. 17 Sept. 17 Sept.* 15744 16617 16932 16992 16591 16629 16717 16769 17052 17032 16650 11 Dec, 1902.. 7 July 9 Sept. 17 Sept. 6 July 13 July 29 July 7 Aug. 26 Sept. 29 Sept. 17 July 70 60 94 84 3 Sept. 23 July.* 10 Deo. 29 Oot. 74 84 84 63 17 Sept.* 29 Oct.* 29 Oct.* 6 Aug.* Taylor, W. A., Waihou, N.Z. Barbed-wire recoiler Thatcher, W. R., and another, Uskaloosa, U.S.A. (See J. Sawers, No. 16936.) Thomas, J., Middlesex, Eng. Coupling and buffer Thompson, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-cover Thompson, D., Wanganui, N.Z. Stakes for wire fencing Thompson, J., London, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 16929.) Thompson, J. C. W., and another, Footscray, Vic. Feeding cattle.. Thompson, R. A., Pahiatua, N.Z. Destroying noxious weeds Thornhill, E. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Pocket ready-reckoner Tily, A. S., Caversham, N.Z. Tap Toledo Glass Company, The, Toledo, U.S.A. Receptacle for molten glass. (M. J. Owens) Tong, J. W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Siphon and pump Toobe, H. L. B., London, Eng. Lithographic plate, &o. Towlson, E., and others, Chatteris, Eng. Steam-engine Townshend, E., Auckland, N.Z. Cooling cream Traynor, E. J., Wyndham, N.Z. Gate 16840 22 Aug. 70 3 Sept.* 16869 16889 16798 27 Aug. 27 Aug. 13 Aug. '74 70 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 16803 16981 16980 16760 16630 12 Aug. 16 Sept. 11 Sept. 4 Aug. 14 July 70 78 78 70 63 3 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug. 16594 16695 16862 16576 16801 6 July 28 July 21 Aug. 1 July 14 Aug. 78 66 74 60 lOct. 20 Aug. 17 Sept. 23 July.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Name, Address, and Invention. No. A Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Tregear, E., Wellington, N.Z. Motor Treuesdale, Hamilton, Canada. (See T. de Schryver, No. 16851.) Tucker, F. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Hat-fastener Turnbull, J., and another, Gore, N.Z. Bicycle-tire Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vie Ore-roasting furnace. (T. Edwards) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Football-valve. (J. McKay) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Rabble for furnaces. (T. Edwards) Turri| G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-roasting furnace. (T. Edwards) 16949 10 Sept. 74 17 Sept.* 16839 16956 16988 16740 15941 15942 8 Aug. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. 4 Aug. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 70 81 81 70 .57 57 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 15 Oct. 3 Sept. 9 July. 9 July. Ulrich, C. A., Wellington, N.Z. Bucket dredge United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Rounding and trimming machine. (B. F. Mayo) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Pulling-over machine. (R. F. McFeely) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Lastingmachine. (E. W. Winkley and F. L. Alley) Urquhart, D., and another, Islington, N.Z. Lifting skins 16878 15650 28 Aug. 19 Nov., 1902.. 74 GO 17 Sept. 20 Aug. 16817 19 Aug. 70 3 Sept.* 16945 10 Sept. 78 1 Oct. 16841 22 Aug. 70 3 Sept.*] Vaughan, D. G., Borung, Vic. Brush-handle attachment Veirs, W. B., Melbourne, Vie Seed-sower .. Vickery, F. H., and others, Burnley, Vic. Oil-engine .. Vickery, S. J., and others, Burnley, Vic. Oilengine Vickery, W., sen., and others, Burnley, Vic. Oil-engine Volkner, J., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-arrester.. Vorbach, J., Renwicktown, N.Z. Screw-cutting stock and die Voss, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Sea and surf anchor Vowless, W. J., Bunnythorpe, N.Z. Cycle-driving mechanism 16951 16626 16964 16964 16964 16664 16783 16762 16767 10 Sept. 13 July 9 Sept. 9 Sept. 9 Sept. 20 July 12 Aug. 5 Aug. 7 Aug. 78 63 78 78 78 66 70 66 70 1 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct.* 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutting machine Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre and bevel joints Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Holding packing for circular saws Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Device for closing doors Wallace, W., Jerilderie, N.S.W. Football-valve Walsh, H., Westport, N.Z. Attachment for plate Walsh, J., Napier, N.Z. Hedge-clipper Walters, W. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Carburetter Ward, W., Waitati, N.Z. Locking nuts Warne, A. E., Shoalhaven, N.S.W. Ore-concentrator Watt, C. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Coach. (J. Dungey) Watts, A. M. S., Palmerston North, N.Z. Fire-guard Weddel, W., London, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, . No. 16929.) Wedler, A. H. W., Adelaide, S.A. Locking window-sashes Weeks, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Window and door stop Wheeler, C, Wellington, N.Z. Hose-suspender Wheeler, E.R., Christchurch, N.Z. Wallet White, F., Boston, U.S.A. (See Regenerated Cold Air Company, No. 16808.) White, W., Auckland, N.Z. Fixing bottoms on tins. (T. Harkin).. White, W., Auckland, N.Z. Iron lasts for boots, &c .. Whitelaw, J., Camberwell, Vic. Non-refillable bottle .. Whiteman, J. C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Label-fastening .. Whitmore, E. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Securing ribs of umbrellas Whitmore, E. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Holding ribs of umbrellas Whitmore, E. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Umbrella Whitmore, E. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Preventing theft of watches Whitmore, H. C, Auckland, N.Z. Butter-printer Wicksteed, S. H., Stratford, N.Z. Safety catch for engine-drum .. Wieda, E. F. W., Paterson, U.S.A. Mixing-machine Wilfley, A. R., Denver, U.S.A. (See The Wilfley Ore-concentrator Syndicate, Limited, Nos. 16870 and 16871.) Wilfley Ore-concentrator Syndicate, Limited, London, Eng. Concentrating ore. (A. R. Wilfley) Wilfley Ore-concentrator Syndicate, Limited, London, Eng. Concentrating ore. (A. R. Wilfley) Wilford, T. M., Wellington, N.Z. Toasting appliance .. Wilhelm, E. H., Marton, N.Z. Castrating lambs Wilkinson, H. K., Dunedin, N.Z. Ventilating glass Williams D., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Rotary screen Williams, F., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Extractor and clarifier .. Williams! W., and another, Karangahake, N.Z. Nail and tooth Williams, W., Invercargill, N.Z. String attachment for plough .. Willis N. d'O., Hamilton, Vic. Cycle attachment Wilson A , Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. G. L. Hewitt, No. 17017.) Wilson'j D., St. Leonards, N.S.W. Brick-kiln Wilson,' J. F., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Securing ribs of umbrellas ; TT ... ., . Wilson, J. F., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Holding ribs of umbrellas Wilson, J. F-, and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Umbrella 16730 17006 16654 16955 16952 16610 16633 16726 16658 16656 16789 16935 31 July 17 Sept. 15 July 7 Sept. 10 Sept. 10 July 13 July 1 Aug. 18 July 15 July 8 Aug. 9 Sept. 66 84 68 78 78 60 68 (SO 66 63 70 78 20 Aug.* 29 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct.* 23 July.* 6 Aug. 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 16668 16696 16718 17007 22 July 28 July 31 July 18 Sept. CO 66 GO 81 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 15 Oct.* 16961 16993 17042 17029 16711 12 Sept. 14 Sept. 28 Sept. 25 Sept. 30 July 81 78 84 81 00 15 Oct.* 1 Oct.* 29 Oct. 15 Oct.* 20 Aug.* 16756 6 Aug. 66 20 Aug.* 16757 16758 6 Aug. 6 Aug. GO 00 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 17035 16264 16743 26 Sept. 24 April 5 Aug. 81 68 70 15 Oot.* 6 Aug. 3 Sept. 16870 27 Aug. 74 17 Sept. 16871 27 Aug. 74 17 Sept. 16957 16780 16982 16842 16848 16778 10 Sept. 14 April 11 Sept. 22 Aug. 25 Aug. 11 Aug. 74 70 78 74 70 70 1 Oct.* 3 Sept. 1 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 8 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 16673 16947 23 July 10 Sept. 68 81 6 Aug.* 15 Oct. 16641 16711 16 July 30 July GO GO 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 16756 6 Aug. 66 20 Aug.* 16757 6 Aug. .. 66 20 Aug.*



Alphabetical List of applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

X.—ALPHABETICAL LIST OF INVENTIONS FOR QUARTER ENDING 30th SEPTEMBER, 1903. Denotes a provisional specification. Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889."]

PPl icai jion. l aze. 'e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Wilson, J. F., and another, invercargill, N.Z. Preventing theft of watches Wilson, R. A., Bull's, N.Z. Loading gravel.. Wilson, H. L., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Socket for broomhandle Wiltshire, W. I., Wellington, N.Z. Construction of buildings Winkley, E. W. H., and another, Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 16945.) Witt, T. W., Wellington, N.Z. Garbage-receptacle Wolff, F., Auburn, Vic (See Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company of Australasia, Limited, No. 16943 ) Wolf, J. D., London, Eng. Separation of metals Wolseley Sheep-shearing Machine Company, Limited, The, and another, Birmingham, Eng. Flexible joint for shearing-machine Wood, V. H. L., Auckland, N.Z. Supporting window-curtains Wright, G. W., Melbourne, Vic. Concentrating ores Wright, J., Auckland. Fencing-standard Wright, J., Auckland. Wire fencing-batten .. Wyers, W. H., Stoke Newington, Eng. Preserving yeast 16758 6 Aug. 66 20 Aug.* 16895 16856 1 Sept. 25 Aug. 74 74 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 16694 28 July GO 20 Aug.* 16589 4 July 68 6 Aug. 17051 16909 29 Sept. 4 Sept. 84 78 29 Oct. 1 Oct. 15636 15593 16738 16774 17039 17 Nov., 1902.. 31 Oct., 1902 .. 31 July 6 Aug. 30 Sept. 63 (SO 66 70 84 6 Aug. 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 29 Oct. Yott, F., Essendon, Vic. (See W. A. Shields, No. 16885.) Young, W. A., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Motor palace-car 16779 11 Aug. 78 1 Oct.*

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Lccount-book, Loose-leaf Lccumulator icetylene-generator Lcetylene-generator tdvertising appliance Ldvertising medium igglomerating ore .. dr from cans, Exhausting dr, Treating jnalgamating ores tmbulance L nchor, Sea and surf mimal-cover mimal-cover, Fastening ,nimal-trap Lnimal-trap Lnti-friotion device for plane .. Lrtificial flower for window display irtificial stone T. Foster and T. T. Paul W. and E. Brain R. Aiken and W. Cobley F. W. Smith P. J. Jackson F. H. Hatherley and G. N. H. Johnston A. and W. J. Maiden W. Stevenson Regenerated Cold Air Company.. H. Jones J. Mackay and F. W. Hamilton.. J. C. Voss A. Thompson G. P. Martin L. Gaitt .. R. S. Black A. L. Cummings F. L. Carr N. Borchardt 15911 17061 16752 17031 16608 16995 15514 16591 16808 16797 16927 16762 16889 16687 16655 15487 16691 16748 16912 24 Jan. 30 Sept. 6 Aug. 29 Sept. 9 July 18 Sept. .. 16 Oct., 1902 6 July 15 Aug. 14 Aug. 5 Sept. 5 Aug. 27 Aug. 20 July 15 July 3 Oct., 1902 27 July 5 Aug. 4 Sept. .. 63 84 G6 81 78 81 57 70 70 6 Aug. 29 Oct.* 20 Aug.* 15 Oct.* 1 Oct. 15 Oot. 9 July.* 3 Sept. 3 Sept.* 66 74 66 68 70 GG 60 78 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 6 Aug.* 3 Sept. 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 1 Oot. Sailing and unhailing cows {allast-raising, &e, Machine for iallast-raising, &c, Machine for iall-valve {ar and stop for mitre-cutter .. 5arbed-wire recoiler and uncoiler {ath salt, Mineral-water-iatten, FencingJattery. (See Electrical battery, Secondary battery.) iedstead {edstead attachment {eeswax, Composition substitute for 3elt-fastener {evel joints {icycle. (See also Cycle.) {icycle-driving mechanism 5icycle-lock {icycle-tire {icycle-tire {icycle-tire {ill-file {illiard and dining table combined W. V. Hosking H. Quertier H. Quertier W. Wallace R. Dunne W. A. Taylor T. Dawes J. Wright 15700 15586 16712 16952 16662 16840 16920 16774 29 Nov., 1902 31 Oct., 1902 30 July 10 Sept. 16 July 22 Aug. 2 Sept. .. 6 Aug. 78 66 66 78 68 70 74 70 1 Oct. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 1 Oot. 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* K. Nunneley E. J. Restorok F. Mason.. T. and M. J. Kilkelly R. Wales 16882 16714 16700 16810 17006 29 Aug. 30 July 25 July 14 Aug. 17 Sept. .. 74 66 70 84 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 29 Oct.* Ah Pat .. A. M. Legge E. A. Dane and R. P. Gibbons .. J. Turnbull and S. Nicolson G. H. Moss, jun. A. L. Heighton C. J. Duffy 16579 16850 16829 16956 17011 16771 16690 3 July 24 Aug. 17 Aug. 10 Sept. 22 Sept. .. 6 Aug. 27 July 00 70 70 81 81 70 66 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 15 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Billiard and dining table combined Bird-trap Blackboard and desk combined Blight-destroyer Blind, Venetian Boat, Scow and surfBoiler H. U. Alcock J. Carlyle J. H. Fuller W. J. Botting M. Kimbel J. Shepherd F. F., L. B., A. C, and H. W. Coulsell R. L. and D. Adams H. E. Leighton J. Bates J. M. Ahern H. W. de Baugh W. Barnsdale 17018 16575 16876 15538 16880 16732 15677 19 Sept. 1 July 25 Aug. 22 Oct., 1902 27 Aug. 28 July 25 Nov., 1902 81 63 74 60 74 66 70 15 Oct.* 6 Aug. 17 Sept.* 23 July. 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept. Boiler-covering and wall-plaster Boiler-furnace Boiler, Portable Boiler-tube cleaner.. Boiler, WashingBonedust, Sterilising Book. (See Account-book, Day-book.) Booklet and correspondence wallet Boot-cleaner and knife-polisher Boot-fastener Boot-fastening Boot sole and heel Boot soles and heels Boots, Cleaning and polishing.. Boots, Rounding and trimming soles of .. Boots, Watertight Borer, Post-hole Bottle, Corking, to prevent reuse Bottle, Non-refillable Bottle, Non-refillable Bottle, Sprinkler for Bottle-stopper Bottle, Unrefillable Bottles, Sealing Brake-adjuster Brake for dray Brick-kiln Bridge, Tension Briquettes of ironsand Brooch-pin Broom-handle, Making taper in Broom-handle socket E. R. Wheeler T. Napier W. Beamish E. Sprey .. T. Burrell W. Bennet B. Blick United Shoe Machinery Company G. Foster A. Currie and R. Anderson W. D. R. McCurdie M. Kimbel J. Whitelaw G. L. Cole R. Dunne W. L. Davidson E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward R. E. Robertson H. Honnor and J. Bruce J. D. Wilson F. Lambert T. Rouse and H. Cohn A. S. Dewhirst T. W. Coulthard R. M. Speirs, H. L. Wilson, and A. Rowntree J. Ford D. G. Vaughan H. E. Crease and W. Williams .. R. Andrew C. A. Ulrich W. I. Wiltshire M. Arragon R Ginsberg A. E. Johnstone P. Castle and R. Dawson A. McLeod 16666 16116 16661 17021 16609 16800 17007 15859 16681 15744 16898 16954 16708 15650 16590 16916 17004 16858 17042 16742 17030 15554 16929 15708 16689 16641 16577 16978 16833 16974 16856 21 July 21 March .. 18 July 25 Sept. 6 July 14 Aug. 18 Sept. 9 Jan. 20 July 11 Dec, 1902 2 Sept. 7 Sept. .. 30 July 19 Nov. 4 July 4 Sept. 17 Sept. .. 24 Aug. 28 Sept. .. 5 Aug. 25 Sept. .. 27 Oct., 1902 9 Sept. .. 2 Dec, 1902 23 July 16 July 3 July 16 Sept. 21 Aug. 15 Sept. .. 25 Aug. 66 57 63 81 60 74 81 66 66 70 78 78 66 66 63 78 81 74 84 66 81 66 78 78 66 66 66 78 70 81 74 20 Aug. 9 July.* 6 Aug.* 15 Oct.* 23 July.* 17 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 3 Sept. 1 Oct. lOct. 20 Aug.* 20 Aug. 6 Aug. 1 Oct.* 15 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 29 Oct. 20 Aug.* 15 Oct.* 20 Aug. lOct. lOct. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* lOct.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 17 Sept.* Brush .. .. Brush-handle Brush, Tooth, nail, &c Bucket and suction dredge Bucket dredge Buildings, Construction of Buildings, Heating Buildings, Securing spouting to walls of .. Burner, Liquid-fuel Burner Burner Burner. (See also Gas-burner.) Butter-cutter Butter-cutting machine, Rotary gauge for Butter-printer 17016 16951 16778 16931 16878 16694 16640 16773 16745 16860 16925 19 Sept. .. 10 Sept. .. 11 Aug. 11 Mayf .. 28 Aug. 28 July 16 July 10 Aug. 5 Aug. 26 Aug. 3 Sept. .. 84 78 70 78 74 66 66 70 66 74 74 29 Oct.* 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 1 Oct. 17 Sept. 20 Aug.* 20 Aug. 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* F. P. Roberts G. T. Allnutt and W. E. Lake .. H. C. Whitmore 16972 16835 17035 14 Sept. .. 19 Aug. 26 Sept. 78 70 81 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* Cake-tin Calculating quantity of seed sown Calendar Calves, Dehorning Can. (See Oil-can.) Canal, ShipCandlestick Canister for sowing seed Cans, Exhausting air from E. A. Allan F. Burn and W. C. Harkness R. McK. McLennan F. H. Blundell 16585 16827 16787 16792 1 July 20 Aug. 7 Aug. 13 Aug. 60 70 70 70 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* Car Carburetter Card-case Car-fender Carriage-seat Carrying running line along standing line Case, Letter, &c. Castor Castor Castrating lambs Catch for hauling-engine drum Cattle, Feeding F. Lambert J. A. Berg E. Bowmar W. Stevenson W. A. Young W. B. Walters J. B. Hooper F. Oakden and W. G. T. Goodman A. Ashcroft and S. Clark W. Beamish J. B. Hooper W. Bain .. W. Seavill E. H. Wilhelm S. H. Wicksteed J. C. W. Thompson and J. H. Smith C. E. Dolbear A. H. Krause E. F. J. Grigg W. McLeod A. J. Park 16578 16604 15604 16591 16779 16726 16777 16631 16905 16983 16777 15764 16736 16780 16264 16803 3 July 7 July 5 Nov., 1902 6 July 11 Aug. 1 Aug. 11 Aug. 13 July 29 Aug. 11 Sept. 11 Aug. 15 Dee, 1902 31 July 14 April 24 April 12 Aug. 66 63 66 78 66 70 63 74 78 70 74 66 70 63 70 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 20 Aug. 1 Oct.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept. 20 Aug.* 3 Sept. 6 Aug. 3 Sept.* Caustic soda, Manufacture of .. Cement bricks Chaff and corn cutter Chains, Spreader for leadingChair .. ., 17050 16914 16686 16922 16592 29 Sept. .. 4 Sept. 24 July 5 Sept. 2 July 84 74 66 74 63 29 Oct. 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 6 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. Appl No. Application. lication. Date. Gazette. No. Date. Chair, Easy-Charging-machine C. T. Kiernan Foreign McKenna Process Company L. Roberts W. Burrell and J. P. McMeekin .. J. C. Henderson, W. J. Anderson, and E. S. Burman A. McDonald W. Monteath S. E. Love and W. J. McRae .. W. Hicks, F. Williams, and W. Barnsdale J. S. and W. Ockleston, H. Clark, and A. Dorricott 16805 16816 13 Aug. 19 Aug. 70 81 3 Sept.* 15 Oct. Chart for skirt-cutting Cheese-crate Cheese-presser plate 17023 16834 16793 23 Sept. 19 Aug. 13 Aug. 81 70 70 15 Oot. 8 Sept.* 8 Sept.* Churn, VatCisterns, Flushing-.. Clamp for handling vessels Clarifier and extractor for waste products.. 16970 16794 16930 16848 10 Sept. 13 Aug. 9 Sept. 25 Aug. 81 70 78 70 15 Oct. 3 Sept. 1 Oct. 3 Sept.* Clay pipes, Socketing 16852 25 Aug. 74 17 Sept.* Cleaner. (See Boiler-tube cleaner, Bootcleaner, Tube-cleaner.) Cleaning dried fruits, Machine for Cleaning harness Cleaning kauri-gum Clinometer Clinostat Closet Clothes-peg Clothes-wringer, Draining-apparatus for .. Coach W. C. Braddock J. Brooks H. Carter and J. J. Evans D. Ricono W. R. Bawden T. de Schryver F. W. Le Brun J. Paterson and A. J. Pool C. L. Watt 16602 16671 16665 17012 16613 16851 16950 15474 16789 8 July 23 July 18 July 23 Sept. 10 July 25 Aug. 10 Sept. .. 1 Oct., 1902 8 Aug. 24 July | (»0 70 68 81 60 23 July.* 3 Sept. 6 Aug.* 15 Oct.* 23 July.* Coal-gas, Manufacture of Coal-scuttle Coal, Treating, in ships' holds Coiler and spindle, Wire Coiling fencing-wire W. E. Hughes R. H. Sollitt H. J. Gilberd D. McKenzie R. and F. Fenwiek .. 16678 16776 17026 16595 16830 11 Aug. 18 Sept. .. 2 July 21 Aug. 31 July I 78 (SO 70 GO 74 70 81 (SO 70 GO 78 81 74 63 70 66 68 74 1 Oct.* 23 July. 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept. 3 Sept.* 15 Oct. 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 17 Sept.* 6 Aug. 3 Sept.* 20 Aug. 6 Aug.* 17 Sept. Cold-storage safe Collar and hames Collar-stud Colouring pictures, &c Commode Concentrating ores Concentrator, OreConcentrator, OreW. H. Edwards 16737 J. Benson J. F. Harper B. A. Bell T. Gore G. W. Wright A. E. Warne The Wilfley Ore - concentrator Syndicate, Limited The Wilfley Ore - concentrator Syndicate, Limited Colonial Ferro-Concrete Syndicate, Limited E. L'E. Barton P. A. Harkin Reference Company, Limited W. Griffiths and B. H. Bedell .. R. James 16754 16940 10599 16815 15593 16656 16870 6 Aug. 5 Sept. 7 July 18 Aug. 31 Oct., 1902 15 July 27 Aug. Concentrator, Ore16871 27 Aug. 74 17 Sept. Concrete structures 16933 9 Sept. 78 1 Oct. Conductor, Electrio Confectionery-mould Consumption, Cure for Contact stud for electric-traction system .. Cooking-appliance Cooler. (See Cream-cooler, Milk-cooler.) Coriaceous material, Manufacture of Corking bottle to prevent reuse Corrugated-iron roofing, Securing, on stacks Coulter of plough, String attachment for .. Coupling and buffer Coupling. (See also Hose-coupling, Pipecoupling, Railway coupling.) Cover. (See Animal - cover, Tire - cover, Fruit-jar cover.) Cows, Bailing and unbailing Crate, CheeseCrate for rabbits, &c. Cream-cooler Cuff-fastener Cuff-fastener Cuff-protector Cuff-protector Cultivator for drill Cure for deafness Cure for consumption Current, Alternating, Watt meters Cutter. (See Butter-cutter, Chaff-cutter, Hair-outter, Hedge-cutter, Metal-cutter, Mitre - cutter, Tobacco - cutter, Wirecutter.) Cutting incisions in trees Cutting metal Cutting sheet metal, cardboard, &c Cutting -up soap Cycle, Attachment for propelling Cycle, Detachably connecting rider's shoe to treadle of Cycle-driving mechanism 15804 15665 16942 16639 16755 23 Dec, 1902 21 Nov., 1902 10 Sept. 16 July 6 Aug. 78 74 81 (S3 GO lOct. 17 Sept. 15 Oct. 6 Aug. 20 Aug.* A. Menesdorffer W. D. R. McCurdie A. J. Ross W. Williams J. Thomas 16886 17004 16614 16673 16869 28 Aug. 17 Sept. 10 July 23 July 27 Aug. 74 81 (SO 68 17 Sept. 15 Oct.* 23 July.* 6 Aug.* W. V. Hosking W. Burrell and J. P. McMeekin.. J. Lindsay E. Townshend H. L. Mainland E. F. H. Gaye J. Mackie.. T. L. Caley S. R. Stedman T. C. Millsom Reference Company, Limited W.E.Hughes 15700 16834 15367 16576 16448 16884 16997 16893 16617 16750 16942 17041 29 Nov., 1902 19 Aug. 8 Sept., 1902 1 July 13 Aug. 28 Aug. 18 Sept. 28 Aug. 7 July 5 Aug. 10 Sept. 30 Sept. .. 78 70 00 (SO 70 74 1 Oot. 3 Sept.* 23 July. 23 July.* 3 Sept. 17 Sept.* 74 60 71 81 17 Sept. 23 July.* 17 Sept. 15 Oct. A. J. McPharlin R. Norrie.. W. Anderson J. Girven .. N. D'O. Willis S. McDonald and G. B. Lamborn 16928 16904 16962 16615 16947 16660 8 Sept. .. 3 Sept. 9 Sept. .. 10 July 10 Sept. 18 July 78 78 78 (SO 81 68 1 Oct.* 1 Oct. 1 Oct.* 23 July.* 15 Oct. 6 Aug.* W. J. Vowless ., 16767 7 Aug, 70 3 Sept,*


Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.


Invention. Name. No. Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Cycle, Steering-head for Cycle. (See also Bicycle.) F. W. Harradence 16734 3 Aug. .. GO 20 Aug.* Day-book, &c. Deafness, Cure of .. Deep-sinking and prospecting machine .. Deep-well pump Dehorning calves Dining and billiard table Disc-plough Ditch-plough Ditch-plough Door-check Door-closing device Door, Dust, &c, excluder for .. Door-lock Door, Stop for window and Door, Tramway and railway Double ridger Drain-inspection Draining-apparatus for clothes-wringer .. Draught-excluder for door Draught-regulator door for register grate.. Drawing-board, easel, and T square Drawing off liquids Dray, Brake for Dredge-bucket Dredge-bucket, Rebushing Dredge, Suction and bucket Dredging-machine Dredging-screen J. S. J. Alpass T. C. Millsom H. A. Scott J. J. Meyers, C. F. Humphrey, J. E. Sills F. H. Blundell H. U. Alcock F. A. Brand C. C. Kidd and P. Kilkelly J. Robertson R. W. Gibbs R. Wales J. Lindsay T. H. Longshaw and W. J. Adams H. J. Weeks H. J. Manson J. Dickison, jun. H. W. G. Robinson J. Paterson and A. J. Pool J. Lindsay J. Mackie E. Gillow .. T. H. Ibbotson H. Honnor and J. Bruce C. A. Ulrich W. Beamish R. Andrew B. F. Dunn P. W. Hambleton, D. Williams, and J. Duncan L. Roberts W. C. Braddock S. R. Stedman G. Osborne R. B. Restell W. R. Bawden A. S. Pike Ah Pat .. E. Seagar.. T. A. Edison T. B. Crawshaw E. J. Ellerm J. Lindsay A Campbell 17008 16750 16603 17049 16792 17018 15925 16813 15588 16584 16955 16651 16911 16696 16611 16802 16864 15474 16651 15480 16969 16112 16689 16878 16821 16931 16770 16842 21 Sept. .. 5 Aug. 4 July 29 Sept. 13 Aug. 19 Sept. 30 Jan. 14 Aug. 29 Oct., 1902 2 July 7 Sept. 17 July 4 Sept. 28 July 10 July 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 1 Oct., 1902 17 July 3 Oct., 1902 12 Sept. 20 March .. 23 July 28 Aug. 17 Aug. 11 Mayf .. 5 Aug. 22 Aug. 81 74 60 84 70 81 74 70 74 78 68 74 66 GO 70 78 60 68 (SO 78 70 GO 74 70 78 GG 74 15 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 23 July.* 29 Oct. 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 17 Sept. 3 Sept.* 17 Sept. 1 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 1 Oct. 23 July. 6 Aug.* 23 July. 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 20 Aug. 17 Sept. 3 Sept.* 1 Oct. 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* Dress-cutting, Tracer for Dried fruit, Cleaning Drill, Cultivator for Drill, Horse, hoe, and ridger Drill, SeedDrilling, Clinostat for deep Driving-belt and rope tightener Driving mechanism for bicycle Dryer, Tubular Dry separation of ores Duplicate order-pad Dust, &c, excluder Dust, &c, excluder for door .. Dustproof attachment for watch 17024 16602 16617 16606 16235 16613 15747 16579 16642 16621 16999 16976 16651 16881 23 Sept. .. 8 July 7 July 9 July 16 April 10 July 11 Dec, 1902 3 July 16 July 8 July 18 Sept. 15 Sept. 17 July 28 Aug. 81 GO GO 78 68 GO 70 GO 03 68 78 78 68 74 15 Oct. 23 July.* 23 July.* 1 Oct. • 6 Aug. 23 July.* 3 Sept. 23 July.* 6 Aug.* 6 Aug. 1 Oct.* lOct.* 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* Easel, drawing-board, and square Easy-ohair Egg-carrier Electrio accumulator Electric battery Electric conductor Electrio current, Regulating voltage of .. Electric rail-bond Electric-traction system, Stud and fixing for Electrical-floor contact Electrical marine governor Electrical milk and cream separator E. Gillow.. C. T. Kiernan E. L. Robertson W. Peto and J. W. T. Cadett .. W. B. and E. Brain E. L'E. Barton J. P. Campbell W. E. Oakley W. Griffiths and B. H. Bedell .. A. E. Moss R. J. W. Grasset H. Hunt, S. A. M. Rose, and J. G. Howard R. Howland B. North .. 16969 16805 16791 16703 17061 15804 16865 17003 16639 16838 16709 16731 12 Sept. 13 Aug. 13 Aug. 29 Jan. 30 Sept. .. 23 Dec, 1902 27 Aug. 17 Sept. 16 July 19 Aug. 30 July 31 July 78 70 70 66 84 78 1 Oct. 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 20 Aug. 29 Oct.* lOct. 81 03 70 66 66 15 Oct. 6 Aug. 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* Electrical separator for ironsand Eleotricity-meter Engine. (See Oil-engine, Rotary engine, Steam-engine.) Engine, Catch for drum of hauling-Engine-silencer Engine-silencer Envelope-fastener Escape, Fire-Exoavating-machine Excavating-machine Excluder, Dust, &c. Excluder, Dust, &o. Explosive Explosive Extinguisher, Lamp lighter or Extinguisher, SparkExtractor and clarifier for waste products 16979 16987 16 Sept. 17 Sept. .. 78 1 Oct.* S. H. Wicksteed A. C. Baird A. C. Baird G. Dempster A. E. Cleaver H. Quertier H. Quertier J. Lindsay ... E. J. Ellerm A. Brock H. Poetter J. Bergan P. H. Shailer W. Hicks, F. Williams, and W. Barnsdale T. H. Reid 16264 16716 16875 16883 15532 16712 15586 16651 16976 16601 16790 16913 16772 16848 2 April 29 July 25 Aug. 28 Aug. 18 Oct,, 1902 30 July 31 Oct., 1902 17 July 15 Sept. 8 July 7 Aug. 4 Sept. .. 10 Aug. 25 Aug. 63 6G 74 74 66 00 66 68 78 03 70 78 70 70 6 Aug. 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 6 Aug.* 1 Oct.* 6 Aug. 3 Sept. 1 Oct. 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* Fares, Collecting tramwayFastener. (See Belt-fastener, Boot-fastener, Cuff-fastener, Envelope-fastener, Hatfastener, Sack mouth fastener, Sashfastener, Window-fastener.) 16705 29 July 74 17 Sept.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Fastening. (See Animal-cover fastening, Boot - fastening, Label - fastening, Rugfastening, Sash-cord fastening, Tracefastening.) Fastening and locking window-sashes Fastening for undersleeves Feeding animals, Trough for .. Feeding cattle, &c A. H. W. Wedler R. H. Mason J. Carlyle J. C. W. Thompson and J. H. Smith Planters Compress Company F. G. Shury P. van L. Alkemade J. Wright W. A. Shields D. Thompson T. A. Dennis J. Wright D. Smith R. and F. Fenwiek F. Oakden and W. G. T. Goodman A. L. Heighton H. Quertier H. Quertier Reeves Patent Filters Company, Limited G. Moore F. G. Shury R. Cresswell A. E. Cleaver A. M. S. Watts A. Ashcroft and S. Clark J. F. Gray D. McLellan J. Smaill J. S. and W. Ockleston, H. Clark, and A. Dorricott S. C. Parlour and J. N. Clifford.. J. T. Rogers A. E. Reeves R. M. Crosbie J. Longton The Colonial Ferro-Concrete Syndicate, Limited A. E. Moss F. L. Carr 16668 16727 15412 16803 22 July 29 July 18 Sept., 1902 12 Aug. 66 66 60 70 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 23 July. 3 Sept.* Feeding mechanism for presses Feed-water filter Fence, Rabbit-trapping Fencing-battens Fencing-dropper Fencing, Fixing stakes in Fencing-posts, Lifting, out of ground Fencing-standard Fencing-standard ... Fencing-wire coiler Fender, CarFile, BillFilling gravel, Machine for Filling gravel, Machine for Filter .. 16702 16921 16971 16774 16885 16798 16915 16738 16809 16830 16631 16771 15586 16712 16861 29 July 1 Sept. 14 Sept. 6 Aug. 26 Aug. 13 Aug. 4 Sept. 31 July 17 Aug. 21 Aug. 13 July 6 Aug. 31 Oct., 1902 30 July 21 Aug. 66 74 78 70 74 70 78 66 70 70 63 70 66 66 74 20 Aug. 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept. 3 Sept.* lOct, 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 17 Sept. Filter .. Filter for purifying feed-water Finger for reaping-machine Fire-escape Fire-guard Fire-kindler Fire-lighter Fishing-net, Operating Fishplate Flanging clay pipes 16837 16921 16721 15532 16935 17002 16891 16845 16724 16852 19 Aug. 1 Sept. 31 July 18 Oct., 1902 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 27 Aug. 21 Aug. 29 July 25 Aug. 74 74 66 66 78 84 74 70 66 74 17 Sept. 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 1 Oct.* 29 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* Flax-drum Flax-dresser Flax-dressing Flax-stripping machine Float for milk-cans Floor, Concrete 16919 16965 15710 16888 16968 16933 3 Sept. .. 10 Sept. .. 29 Nov., 1902 26 Aug. 12 Sept. 9 Sept. 74 78 74 74 78 78 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 17 Sept. 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct. Floor contact, ElectricalFlower, Artificial, opening and closing for window display Flower-pot Flue, Circular, for register grate Fluid-level indicator Flushing oisterns Flush-tap Fly-trap and catcher Folding-hat Food product Football-valve Football-valve Fork. (See Toasting-fork.) Friction, Anti-, device for tools Friction-gearing Friction-gearing Froth, Preventing, in milk receptacles Fruit-jar cover Fruit, Sulphurising Fuel, Treating floor-dust for making R. Jenkinson G. Ross J. Smaill .. W. Monteath T. W. May J. T. E. Hellier C. H. Burnett C. W. Nielsen G. G. Turri W. Wallace 16838 16748 16877 16587 16723 16794 16600 16849 16843 16751 16740 16952 19 Aug. 5 Aug. 25 Aug. 1 July 29 July 13 Aug. 8 July 25 Aug. 22 Aug. 6 Aug. 4 Aug. 10 Sept. .. 70 66 74 60 66 70 63 70 70 70 70 78 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 23 July.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept. 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 1 Oct.* A. L. Cummings W.K.Hughes W. E. Hughes A. Riches A. L. Schram C. E. Lowe E. R. Jennings and " Pyrojim " Syndicate, Limited H. E. Leighton G. W. Brown and G. M. Norton F. Cotton G. G. Turri T. D. Merton G. G. Turri G. G. Turri W. Seavill T. A. Lyons E. Hasselbach F. P. Castledine T. W. Witt 16691 16719 16720 17025 16887 16996 15653 27 July 31 July 31 July 24 Sept. .. 28 Aug. 18 Sept. 19 Nov., 1902 66 70 70 81 74 78 70 20 Aug. 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 17 Sept. 1 Oct.* 3 Sept. Furnace, BoilerFurnace fire-bridge Furnace, GasFurnace, Ore-roasting Furnace, Ore-roasting Furnace, Ore-roasting Furnace, Rotatable rabble for.. Furniture, Castor for Game Game Game, Parlour Garbage-receptacle.. Gas. (See Coal-gas, Acetylene-gas.) Gas and vapour burner Gas-burner 16116 16795 16619 16988 16899 15942 15941 16736 17009 15736 16701 16589 21 March .. 13 Aug. 8 July 17 Sept. .. 2 Sept. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 31 July 21 Sept. .. 6 Dec, 1902 29 July 4 July 57 70 60 81 78 57 57 66 9 July.* 3 Sept. 23 July.* 15 Oct. 1 Oct. 9 July. 9 July. 20 Aug.* 60 66 63 23 July. 20 Aug.* 6 Aug. P. Castle and R. Dawson New Inverted Incandescent Gaslamp Company, Limited C. F. de K. Steuart F. Cotton C. Hanning 16860 17040 26 Aug. 30 Sept. 74 84 17 Sept.* 29 Oct. Gaseous jets, Generating, for motive power Gas-furnace Gate 16932 16619 16607 9 Sept. .. 8 July 9 July 94 60 60 10 Dec. 23 July.* 23 July.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

10— H. 10._0 4 .


Application. Gazette. \ Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Gate Gate-catch Gate-latch Gates, Opening and closing Gauge and tap Gauge, Rotary, for butter-cutting machine Generator. (See Acetylene-generator, Steamgenerator, Tidal-power generator.) Glass, molten, Receptacle for .. Glass, Ventilating Gold, Raising 3old, Saving .. Gold-saving dredge Golf, Table Governor, Marine Grain and oats, Treating Grate. (See Register grate.) Grate-door regulator Gravel, &c, Loading Grid and toasting-fork Gripper for traction-engine wheels Gripping-device Guide-chute Gum boots, Closing leaking holes in Gum, Catching, from trees Guttering-bracket Gymnasia, hand, Pianists' E. J. Traynor C. L. Hansen G. E. C. F. Sander O. Hansen A. H. Brownley G. T. Allnutt and W. E. Lake .. 16801 17014 17038 16679 16638 16835 14 Aug. 23 Sept. 29 Sept. .. 24 July 10 July 19 Aug. 81 8L 94 (S3 70 15 Oct.* 15 Oct.* 10 Dec. 6 Aug. 3 Sept.* The Toledo Glass Company H. K. Wilkinson J. D. Coomber J. W. McKirdy P. Irwin .. W. P. Porteous R. J. W. Grasset D. C. Macdonald 16630 16982 16761 16924 16707 16636 16709 17033 14 July 11 Sept. 4 Aug. 7 Sept. 25 July 16 July 30 July 29 Sept. 63 78 70 74 GG 63 00 81 6 Aug. 1 Oct.* 3 Sept. 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 6 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 15 Oct. J. Mackie R. A. Wilson W. Moore and R. A. McCulloch.. J. Butler and P. Burke J. Lochhead R. M. Crosbie P. J. Brown A. J. McPharlin J. Sanderson A. P. Anderson 15480 16895 16593 16812 16903 16888 16632 16879 16994 16653 3 Oct. 1 Sept. 1 July 14 Aug. 2 Sept. 26 Aug. 13 July 28 Aug. 17 Sept. 17 July 00 74 00 70 74 74 63 74 81 03 23 July. 17 Sept.* 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 15 Oct. 6 Aug.* Hair-cutter The Wolseley Sheep - shearing Machine Company, Limited, and H. Austin C. D. Brent M. Browne J. Benson.. A. P. Anderson S. E. Love and W. J. McRae .. T. Kendrick J. Brooks J. McKenney H. Daniels F. H. Tucker C. H. Burnett S. H. Wicksteed H. E. Leighton A. McLeod W. Brown M. Arragon J. Walsh G. F. Church A. W. Martin J. Muller 16909 4 Sept. .. 78 1 Oct. Hairpin Hairpin.. Hames and collar Hand gymnasia, Pianists' Handling vessels, Clamp for .. Hand-truck, Spring Harness, Composition for cleaning Harrowing and sowing implement Harvester, Potato-Hat-fastener Hat, Folding-Hauling-engine drum, Catch for Heat-economizing in boilers Heater, Burner and Heating rooms Heating schoolrooms, &c Hedge-clipping tool Hedge-cutter knife.. Hernial appliance Hinge-strap, &c Holder. (See Packing-holder.) Holding register grates Holes in gum boots, Closing Horse hoe, ridger, and drill Horse-rug fastening Horse saddle and collar Horse-shoe Horse-shoeing lever Hose-suspender Hose-coupling Hose-coupling 16986 16763 16754 16653 16930 16693 16671 16923 16706 16839 16843 16264 16117 16925 16946 16640 16633 17015 16688 16685 11 Sept. .. 4 Aug. 6 Aug. 17 July 9 Sept. 24 July 23 July 3 Sept. 27 July 18 Aug. 22 Aug. 24 April 21 March .. 3 Sept. 10 Sept. 16 July 13 July 23 Sept. 25 July 21 July 81 70 68 78 66 70 71 66 70 70 68 57 74 81 GfS 68 81 (SO 00 15 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 1 Oct. 20 Aug.* 3 Sept. 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 9 July. 17 Sept. 15 Oct. 20 Aug. 6 Aug. 15 Oct.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* J. Mackie.. P. J. Brown G. Osborne A. J. Fiske J. Marshall M. B. Edwards C. H. Low C. Wheeler H. Duffin.. W. E. Hughes 15480 16632 16606 17013 16725 16634 16799 16718 16897 16989 3 Oct., 1902 13 July 9 July 23 Sept. .. 31 July 14 July 8 Aug. .. 31 July 1 Sept. .. 17 Sept. .. GO 68 78 81 66 63 70 OG 78 73 23 July. 6 Aug.* 1 Oct. 15 Oct.* 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct.* [gniting matches Illusion, Optical [neandescent-gas burner E. M. G. Coleman F. L. Carr The New Inverted Incandesoent Gas-lamp Company, Limited 16784 16998 17040 12 Aug. 18 Sept. .. 30 Sept. .. 70 81 84 3 Sept. 15 Oct. 29 Oct. indicator. (See Fluid - level indicator, Railway-level indicator, Temperature indicator.) Inflatable jacket Invoice and day book Invoice-pad Iron and steel, Manufacture of Iron and steel, Manufacture of Iron and steel, Plating Iron lasts for boots Ironsand, Briquettes of [ronsand, Manufacture of [ronsand-separator.. G. Nuttall J. S. J. Alpass T. B. Crawshaw C. F. Lungley J. B. de Alzugaray J. Melville W.White.. T. Rouse and H. Colin C. F. Lungley R. Howland 15761 17008 16999 16975 16713 16684 16993 16978 16975 16979 15 Dec, 1902 21 Sept. .. 18 Sept. .. 15 Sept. 29 July 21 July 14 Sept. 16 Sept. 15 Sept. .. 16 Sept. 66 81 78 78 00 GO 78 78 78 78 20 Aug. 15 Oct.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct. 1 Oot. Jacket, Inflatable .. lars, Sealing Joint and casing for shearing-machine G. Nuttall W. Stevenson Wolseley Sheep-shearing Company, Limited, and H. Austin 15761 16717 16909 15 Dec, 1902 29 July 4 Sept. 66 78 20 Aug. 1 Oct."


Alphabetical List of Inventions-continued.


Invention. Name. A, No. j M Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Kaolin, Treatment of Kauri-gum cleaner Kerosene-tin, Attaching tap to Kettle .. Kiln, BrickKindler. (See Fire-kindler.) Kitchen-range Kneading and mixing machine Knife-cleaner Knife-cleaner and boot-polisher combined Knife-cleaning machine Knife for hedge-cutting A. W. Hooke H. Carter and J. J. Evans W.E.Hughes J. d'Esmonde and W. B. Peek .. J. D. Wilson 16677 16665 16873 17037 16641 24 July 18 July 27 Aug. 24 Sept. .. 16 July 60 (S3 74 81 GG 20 Aug. 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 20 Aug. J. Bates C. Cristadoro W. H. Lambert T. Napier.. W. H. Lambert G. F. Church 16649 16663 16941 15859 16759 17015 17 July 16 July 5 Sept. 9 Jan. 4 Aug. 23 Sept. (SO 00 78 66 GG 81 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 1 Oct.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 15 Oct.* Label-fastening Lamp Lamp-lighter Lamp lighter and extinguisher Last, Iron Lasting-machine Latch, GateLatch, Gate-Latch-lock for doors Latrine and watercloset Leaking holes in gum boots, Closing Letter-case Level, protractor, and clinometer Lever, Horse-shoeing Life-saving jacket, Inflatable Lifting fencing-posts out of ground Lifting skins, &c, from dolly J. C. Whiteman and F. T. Boys.. T. McDonough A. Hare J. Bergan.. W.White.. United Shoe Machinery Company G. L. Hansen G. E. C. F. Sander .. T. H. Longshaw andW. J. Adams G.Bolton.. P. J. Brown J. B. Hooper D. Ricono C. H. Low G. Nuttall T. A. Dennis Christchurch Meat Company, Limited, and D. Urquhart P. Irwin J. Bergan W. Beamish D. A. Poe and W. H. Scharf .. A. E. Johnstone T. H. Ibbotson A. and J. P. Calvert R. W. Curry T. G. Rennerfelt A. Harvey H. L. B. Toobe T. McL. Park R. A. Wilson 17029 16823 16715 16913 16993 16945 17014 17038 16911 16692 16632 16777 17012 16799 15761 16915 16841 25 Sept. 20 Aug. 27 July 4 Sept. 14 Sept. .. 10 Sept. 23 Sept. 29 Sept. 4 Sept. 23 July 13 July 11 Aug. 23 Sept. 8 Aug. 15 Dec, 1902 4 Sept. 22 Aug. 81 74 GG 78 78 78 81 81 74 GG 63 70 81 70 GO 78 70 15 Oct.* 17 Sept. 20 Aug.* 1 Oct. 1 Oct.* lOct. 15 Oct.* 15 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 1 Oct. 3 Sept.* Lifting soil Lighter and extinguisher, Lamp Line, Carrying running line along standing Linotype machine Liquid-fuel burner Liquid, Drawing off Liquid-measure Liquid salt Liquid-separator Liquid-separator Lithographic plate Loading-device, Automatic Loading gravel, &c Lock. (See Bicycle-lock, Door-lock, Nutlock, Seal-lock.) 16707 16913 16983 16744 16745 16112 16966 16991 16804 16739 16695 16142 16895 25 July 4 Sept. 11 Sept. .. 5 Aug. 5 Aug. 20 March .. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. .. 12 Aug. 31 July 28 July 26 March .. 1 Sept. 06 78 78 70 66 70 78 87 70 70 06 66 74 20 Aug. lOct. 1 Oct.* 3 Sept. 20 Aug.* 3 Sept. 1 Oct. 12 Nov. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 17 Sept.* Manure, Calculating quantity sown by distributer Marine governor Masts, Turning and shaping Matches, Igniting Measurement of ladies' skirts Measuring liquids Medicine Medicine Metal-cutter Metal, Punching or shearing Metals, Extraction of Metals, Separation of Milk and cream separator F. Burn and W. S. Harkness 16827 20 Aug. 3 Sept.* 70 R. J. W. Grasset W. H. Dunk E. M. G. Coleman C. M. Brophy A. and J. P. Calvert A. Mitchell The Reference Company, Limited W. Anderson R. Norrie A. W. Hooke J. D. Wolf H. Hunt, S. A. M. Rose, and J. G. Howard J. Longton J. S. Reid.. W. A. Haxton W. Stevenson A. Riches 16709 16874 16784 16598 16966 16900 16942 16962 16904 1*3677 17051 16731 30 July 27 Aug. 12 Aug. 6 July 10 Sept. 2 Sept. 10 Sept. 9 Sept. 3 Sept. 24 July 29 Sept. 31 July 00 74 70 63 78 74 81 78 78 GO 84 GO 20 Aug.* 17 Sept. 3 Sept. 6 Aug. 1 Oct. 17 Sept. 15 Oct. lOct. 1 Oot. 20 Aug. 29 Oot. 20 Aug.* Milk-can float Milk-cooler Milk-cooler Milk into powder, Concentrating Milk, Preventing froth in receptacles containing Milk-strainer Milk-strainer Milk strainer and aerator Milking-apparatus Milking-apparatus Milking-machine Milking-machine Mineral-water-bath salt Mineral wool, Manufacture of .. Minerals, Separation of Mitre-cutter Mitre-cutter Mitre-cutter, Graduated bar and stop for Mixing and kneading machine Mixing-machine Molten glass, Receptacle for .. 16968 16855 16581 16629 17025 12 Sept. 25 Aug. 3 July 13 July 24 Sept. 78 74 GO 1 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 23 July.* 81 15 Oct.'* D. Dunn F. Gough W. Beaumont B. Bodyoomb C. Hanlon J. Bews J. Sawers .. T. Dawes O. F. Colvin G. A. Goyder and E. Laughton .. R. Wales .. R. Wales .. R. Dunne.. C. Cristadoro E. F. W. Wieda The Toledo Glass Company 16857 16820 16363 16676 16910 16814 16936 16920 17020 16466 16730 17006 16662 16663 16743 16630 26 Aug. 19 Aug. 18 May 24 July 4 Sept. 14 Aug. 9 Sept. 2 Sept. 25 Sept. .. 10 June 31 July 17 Sept. 16 July 16 July 5 Aug. 14 July 81 70 74 GG 74 70 74 74 81 78 00 84 63 66 70 08 15 Oct. 3 Sept.* 17 Sept. 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 1 Oct. 20 Aug.* 29 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 6 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.


Invention. Name. i No. Al Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Mop, Wash-up Mosquito-trap Motive power, Generating gaseous jets for Motor Motor palace-car Motor, Wave Motor, Wave Motor, Wave Mould, Confectionery-Mouse-trap Multi-furrow plough Music, Turning leaves of Music, Turning leaves of H. J. Gentles J. T. E. Hellier C. F. de K. Steuart .. E. Tregear W. A. Young R. Millar .. R. Millar C. Soulas P. A. Harkin J. Holm G. Seymour G. S. Budge W. Jacobsen 16859 16849 16932 16949 16779 16645 16646 16977 15665 17000 16908 16781 16902 26 Aug. 25 Aug. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. .. 11 Aug. 11 July 11 July 15 Sept. 21 Nov., 1902 17 Sept. 4 Sept. 11 Aug. 2 Sept. 74 70 91 71 78 63 63 81 74 84 74 70 74 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 10 Dec. 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 15 Oct. 17 Sept. 29 Oct. 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.* Nail-brush Nest, PoultryNet, Operating fishing-Newspaper-stand Non-puncturable inner tube of tire Non-refillable bottle Noxious weeds, Destroying Nozzle Nozzle, Oil-can Nut-lock H. E. Crease and W. Williams .. E. C. McAlpine D. McLellan H. Buckland F. W. Hall J. Whitelaw R. A. Thompson A. J. Hall and G. Leek F. G. Lindback W. Ward .. 16778 16741 16845 16729 16832 17042 16981 16818 16670 16658 11 Aug. 1 Aug. 21 Aug. 31 July 21 Aug. 30 Sept. 16 Sept. 19 Aug. 22 July 18 July 70 70 70 GO 71 84 78 70 63 66 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 29 Oct. 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 20 Aug.* Oats, Treating Offal, Treating Oil-can nozzle Oil-engine D. C. Macdonald J. B. Hay and A. J. Daniel F. G. Lindback W. Vickery, sen., S. J. and T. H. Vickery W. Beamish T. MoDonough E. G. Silk 17033 16735 16670 16964 29 Sept. 3 Aug. .. 22 July 9 Sept. 81 66 63 78 15 Oct. 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 1 Oct.* Oil-feeding can Oil-lamp Oil, Preventing, from passing from steamcondenser to steam-boiler Optical illusion Order-pad Ore, Agglomerating Ore, Amalgamating Ore-concentrator Ore-concentrator Ore-concentrator 16984 16823 17022 11 Sept. 20 Aug. 23 Sept. 78 71 81 1 Oct.* 17 Sept. 15 Oct.* F. L. Carr T. B. Crawshaw A. and W. J. Maiden H. Jones A. E. Warne G. W. Wright Wilfley Ore - concentrator Syndicate, Limited Wilfley Ore - concentrator Syndicate, Limited G. G. Turri G. G. Turri T. D. Merton W. E. Hughes M. Moore and T. J. Heskett T. A. Edison J. D. Wolf M. J. Cherrie 16998 16999 15514 16797 16656 15593 16870 18 Sept. 18 Sept. 16 Oct., 1902 14 Aug. 15 July 31 Oct., 1902 27 Aug. 81 78 57 70 68 66 74 15 Oct. 1 Oct.* 9 July.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 20 Aug. 17 Sept. 'Ore-concentrator 16871 27 Aug. 74 17 Sept. Ore-roasting furnace Ore-roasting furnace Ore-roasting furnace Ore-treatment Ore-treatment Ores, Dry separation of Ores, Separation of metals from Oyster-opener 15942 16988 16899 15780 16963 16621 17051 15705 5 Feb. 17 Sept. .. 2 Sept. 18 Dec, 1902 9 Sept. 8 July 29 Sept. 2 Dec, 1902 57 81 78 78 78 (S3 81 70 9 July. 15 Oct. lOct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct.* 6 Aug. 29 Oct. 3 Sept. Packing-holder for circular saw Palace car Parlour game Patterns, Chart for skirtPelts, Lifting, from dolly R. Wales .. W. A. Young F. P. Castledine L. Roberts The Christchurch Meat Company, Limited, and D. Urquhart 16654 16779 16701 17023 16841 15 July 11 Aug. 29 July 23 Sept. 22 Aug. 63 78 66 81 70 6 Aug.* 1 Oct.* 20 Aug.* 15 Oct. 3 Sept.* Pencil. (See Slate-pencil.) Photographic support Photographs, Colouring Pianists' hand gymnasia Piano-mute Pictorial wrappers Pictures, Colouring Pin. (See Brooch-pin, Hairpin, Scarf-pin.) Pipe-coupling Pipe, Tobacco-Pipe-union Pipes, Flanging and socketing clay A. Huck and L. Fischer B. A. Bell A. P. Anderson F. Early J. Miller B.A.Bell.. 16836 16599 16653 16746 16733 16599 19 Aug. 7 July 17 July 5 Aug. 30 Julv 7 July 74 68 63 66 68 17 Sept. 6 Aug. 6 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 6 Aug. H. Duffin W. Greenshields J. Simpson J. S. and W. Ockleston, H. Clark, and A. Dorricott A. L. Cummings H. Walsh H. L. B. Toobe J. R. Park C. Johnston J. Melville R. Paterson H. Coe .. W. Williams F. A. Brand C. C. Kidd and P. Kilkelly J. Robertson 16897 16973 16652 16852 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 17 July 25 Aug. 78 81 63 71 1 Oct. 15 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* Plane, Anti-friction device for Plate, Attachment to Plate, Lithographic Plates, StencilPlatform, Sheep-dipping Plating iron and steel Plough, Actuating lever-wheel of Plough attachment Plough-coulter, Attachment for Plough, Disc Plough, DitchPlough, Ditch16691 16610 16695 16890 16953 16684 16580 15642 16673 15925 16813 155S8 27 July 10 July 28 July 27 Aug. 10 Sept. 21 July 3 July 17 Nov., 1902 23 July 30 Jan. 14 Aug. 29 Oct., 1902 66 60 66 74 78 66 80 78 63 74 70 71 20 Aug. 23 July.* 20 Aug. 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 20 Aug.* 23 July.* 1 Oct. 6 Aug.* 17 Sept. 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Invention. Name. 1 No. Application. Al Gazette. No. Date. Date. Plough, Multi-furrow Ploughing-implement Pocket case for cards, &c Portable boiler Postage-stamps, Attaching Post-hole borer Post-lifter Potato-harvester Poultry-nest Preserving wood Preserving wood Preserving yeast Presser-plates, Cheese G. Seymour J. McKenney J. B. Hooper J. Bates S. Nicolson A. Currie and R. Anderson T. A. Dennis H. Daniels E. C. McAlpine J. L. Ferrell J. L. Ferrell W. H. Wyers J. C. Henderson, W. J. Anderson, and E. S. Burman Planters Compress Company R. W. Greenwood H. L. B. Toobe H. A. Scott United Shoe Machinery Company G. Honywood J. W. Tong J. J. Meyers, C. F. Humphrey, and J. E. Sills J. Anderson J. W. and S. Hardley R. Norrie 16908 16923 16777 16661 16939 16916 16915 16706 16741 17056 17057 17039 16793 4 Sept. 3 Sept. 11 Aug. 18 July 10 Sept. 4 Sept. .. 4 Sept. 27 July 1 Aug. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 13 Aug. 74 74 70 63 74 78 78 66 70 84 84 84 70 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 1 Oct. 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 3 Sept.* Presses, Feeding mechanism for Printers' quoin Printing-plate, Lithographic Prospecting and deep-sinking machine Pulling-over machine Pulveriser Pump and siphon Pump, Deep-well 16702 16764 16695 16603 16817 16811 16594 17049 29 July 7 Aug. 28 July 4 July 19 Aug. 14 Aug. 6 July 29 Sept. .. 66 70 66 60 70 70 78 84 20 Aug. 3 Sept.* 20 Aug. 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 1 Oct. 29 Oct. Pump, Rotary Punching and shearing machine • Punching or shearing metal 16204 16775 16904 3 July 11 Aug. 3 Sept. .. 60 70 78 23 July. 3 Sept.* 1 Oct. Quoin, Printers' R. W. Greenwood 16764 7 Aug. 70 3 Sept.* Rabbit-crate Rabbit-poison, Forcing, from distributer .. Rabbit-trapping fence Rabble, Rotatable, for furnaces Race-starting machine Race-starting machine Race, Travelling-Rail-bond, Electric Rail-charging machine J. Lindsay G. E. and A. J. Fortescue P. von L. Alkemade .. G. G. Turri G. H. Say well H. Reynolds C. Rask and E. A. Cameron W. E. Oakley Foreign McKenna Process Company R. E. Robertson H. J. Manson G. E. Richardson F. Gough G. Renner and W. H. Bovens .. G. M. Scott .. J. Lindsay E. J. Ellerm H. Quertier J. Bates E. A. Thornhill R. Cresswell W. Beamish The Toledo Glass Company T. W. Witt E. A. Thornhill W. A. Taylor H. Droutlege A. W. A. Barnard G. Ross J. Mackie.. H. Droutlege F. L. Davis J. Dickison, jun. G. Osborne A. Lappan F. Shrimpton J. H. Patterson T. Carkeek W.E.Hughes A. Purser, F. W. Jenkins, and C. R. McA. Millar A. J. Ross J. G. L. Hewitt W. Brown A. S. Pike International Sheahan Rotary Engine Company G. T. Allnutt and W. E. Lake .. J. Anderson P. W. Hambleton, D. Williams, and J. Duncan P. Diehl and M. Hemleb United Shoe Machinery Company L. W. Grayson and C, S. Cunningham 15367 16620 16971 15941 16785 17001 16627 17003 16816 8 Sept., 1902 18 July 14 Sept. 5 Feb. 12 Aug. 17 Sept. 8 July 17 Sept. .. 19 Aug. 60 63 78 57 70 81 63 81 81 23 July. 6 Aug. 1 Oct.* 9 July. 3 Sept.* 15 Oct. 6 Aug.* 15 Oct. 15 Oct. Railway-brake slack-adjuster Railway-car door Railway coupling Railway-level indicator Railway signalling Railway signalling Rain-excluder for door Rain-excluder for doors Raising gravel, &c Range, Kitchen Ready reckoner Reaping-machine, Finger for .. Rebushing dredge-buckets Receptacle for molten glass Receptacle, GarbageReckoner, ReadyRecoiler and uncoiler for barbed wire Recording-machine Recording shot patterns Register grate, Flue for Register grates, Holding doors of Register-number-recording machine Regulator, SashRidger, Double Ridger, drill, and horse-hoe Riding-saddle Riding-saddle, Staple for %ifle, Carrier Rifle, Sighting-bar for Road-making, Water-table for.. Rock-drill sharpener 15708 16611 16967 16819 16612 17005 17651 16976 15586 16649 16980 16721 16821 16630 16589 16980 16840 16907 16618 16587 15480 16907 16648 16802 16606 16866 16934 17027 16766 17019 15852 2 Dec. 10 July 14 Sept. 19 Aug. 10 July 17 Sept. 17 July 15 Sept. 31 Oct., 1902 17 July 11 Sept. 31 July 17 Aug. 14 July 4 July 11 Sept. 22 Aug. 1 Sept. 7 July 1 July 3 Oct., 1902 1 Sept. .. 17 July 14 Aug. 9 July 27 Aug. 9 Sept. 24 Sept. 7 Aug. 24 Sept. 9 Jan. 78 60 81 70 60 81 63 78 66 66 78 66 70 63 63 78 70 78 60 60 60 78 63 70 78 74 81 84 70 81 60 1 Oct. 23 July.* 15 Oct. 3 Sept.* 23 July.* 15 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 1 Oct.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 1 Oct.* 20 Aug. 3 Sept.* 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 1 Oct. 3 Sept.* 1 Oct. 23 July.* 23 July.* 23 July. lOct. 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 1 Oct. 17 Sept.* 15 Oct. 29 Oct. • 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 23 July. Roofing, securing corrugated iron on stacks Roofs, Weather-filling for Room, Heating Rope and driving-belt tightener Rotary engine 16614 17017 16946 15747 16588 10 July 19 Sept. 10 Sept. .. 11 Dec, 1902 4 July 60 81 81 70 63 23 July.* 15 Oct.* 15 Oct. 3 Sept. 6 Aug. Rotary gauge Rotary pump Rotary screen 16835 16204 16842 19 Aug. 3 July 22 Aug. 70 60 74 3 Sept.* 23 July. 17 Sept.* Rotary take-up for sewing-machine Rounding and trimming soles of boots, &c Rowing-machine .. 16828 15650 15439 18 Aug. 19 Nov., 1902 20 Sept., 1902 74 66 57 17 Sept. 20 Aug. 9 July.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Rug fastening, Horse and cattle A. J. Fiske 17013 23 Sept. 81 15 Oct.* Sack-mouth fastener Saddle and collar for horse Saddle, RidingSaddle, Securing staple of riding-Saddle-stirrup bar W. Beamish J. Marshall A. Lappan F. Shrimpton R. H. Robson and J. Coogan 16683 16725 16866 16934 16768 20 July 31 July 27 Aug. 9 Sept. 7 Aug. 31 July 66 66 74 81 70 GG 78 87 (SO 68 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 15 Oct. 3 Sept. 20 Aug.* 1 Oct. 12 Nov. 23 July.* 6 Aug.* Safe, Cold-storage W. H. Edwards 16737 Salt, Producer for liquid Sash-cord fastening Sash-cord, Preventing, running back over pulley Sash-fastener .. Sash-fastener Sash, Hanging Sash-regulator Sash. (See Window-sash.) Sashes, window, Locking, &c Saucepan Saving gold Saws, circular, Holding-packing for Scarf-pin Scow and surf-boat Screen, Dredging- .. R. W. Curry J. Grove .. C. E. Anscombe 16991 16596 16644 17 Sept. .. 6 July 14 July A. F. W. Lorie H. A. Scott W. Sloan, jun. F. L. Davis 16418 16616 16623 16648 29 May 7 July 8 July 17 July 70 GO (S3 (S3 3 Sept. 23 July.* 6 Aug.* 6 Aug.* A. H. W. Wedler J. D'Esmonde J. W. MoKirdy R. Wales M. J. C. Jonassen J. Shepherd P. W. Hambleton, D. Williams, and J. Duncan H. Quertier H. Quertier J. Vorbach A. E. Reeves J.C. Voss.. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward W. Stevenson J. Channon J. Channon A. Ashcroft and S. Clark O. Stewart T. d'A. C. Maxted .. W. Peto and J. W. T. Cadett .. F. Burn and W. S. Harkness R. B. Restell J. H. Millar W. B. Veirs E. Bowmar T. A. Edison J. D. Wolf H. Hunt, S. A. M. Rose, and J. G. Howard R. Howland A. Harvey T. G. Rennerfelt A. J. Hunter R. W. de Montalk J. P. Frengley H. Manning P. Diehl and M. Hemleb W. Beamish W. Beamish A. Purser, F. W. Jenkins, C. R. McA. Millar D. McKenzie J. Reid J. W. and S. Hardley Wolseley Sheep-shearing Company, Limited, and H. Austin R. Norrie C. Johnston R. D. Poison H. Hartree C. C. Smith C. Rask and E. A. Cameron W. Anderson F. Lambert E. Smith .. S. McDonald and G. B. Lamborn W. H. Pearson and W. Peters .. A. W. A. Barnard T. Carkeek G. Renner and W. H. Boyens .. G. M. Scott A. C. Baird A. C. Baird E. V. Sanderson and H. Mackay J. W. Tong 16668 16960 16924 16654 16667 16732 16842 22 July 9 Sept. 7 Sept. .. 15 July 20 July 28 July 22 Aug. 66 78 74 68 63 06 74 20 Aug. 1 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* Screening gravel. Machine for Screening gravel, Machine for Screw-cutting stock and dies Scutching machine, FlaxSea and surf anchor Sealing bottles, &c Sealing jars Seal lock Seal lock Seat, Tramway Seat, Vibrator-preventer for .. Seat, Water-closet Secondary battery Seed, calculating quantity sown Seed-drill Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sowing canister Separation, Dry, of ores Separation of metals Separation of milk and cream 15586 16712 16783 15710 16762 16929 16717 16753 16948 16905 17052 16847 16703 16827 16235 16938 16626 15604 16621 17051 16731 31 Oct., 1902 30 July 12 Aug. 29 Nov., 1902 5 Aug. 9 Sept. 29 July 6 Aug. 10 Sept. 29 Aug. 26 Sept. 21 Aug. 29 Jan.f .. 20 Aug. 16 April 10 Sept. 13 July 5 Nov., 1902 8 July 29 Sept. 31 July 66 GG 70 74 GG 78 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 17 Sept. 20 Aug.* 1 Oct. GO 81 74 84 74 66 70 03 78 (S3 GG 63 84 66 3 Sept. 15 Oct. 17 Sept.* 29 Oct. 17 Sept. 20 Aug. 3 Sept.* 6 Aug. 1 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 20 Aug. 6 Aug. 29 Oct. 20 Aug.* Separator, Electrical, for ironsand Separator, LiquidSeparator, Liquid-Septic-tank siphon Sewage, Treatment of Sewage, Treating Sewing-machine Sewing-machine, Rotary take-up for Shackle Shackle, Sling and Sharpener, Rock-drill 16979 16739 16804 16926 16894 16831 16747 16828 16863 16682 15852 16 Sept. 31 July 12 Aug. 4 Sept. 27 Aug. 21 Aug. 5 Aug. 18 Aug. 21 Aug. 20 July 9 Jan. 78 70 70 78 74 70 70 74 74 66 (SO 1 Oct.* 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 1 Oct. 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept. 17 Sept. 7 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 23 July. Sharpener, Slate-pencil Shear-blades, Preventing, from crossing .. Shearing and punching machine Shearing-machine, Joint and casing for .. 16586 15976 16775 16909 1 July 10 Feb. 11 Aug. 4 Sept. .. 60 70 70 78 23 July.* 3 Sept. 3 Sept.* lOct. Shearing machine, Metal-Sheep-dipping platform Sheep-shears Sheep-shears Sheepskins, Removing wool from Sheep, Travelling-race for Sheet-metal cutter Ship-canal Ship's hull, Stopping holes in .. Shoe, Connecting, to cycle-treadle Shot-making machinery Shot patterns, Recording Sighting-bar for rifle Signalling, Railway Signal, WarningSilencer, Engine- .. Silencer, EngineSiphon Siphon and pump 16904 16953 16788 16054 16846 16627 16962 16578 17010 16660 16628 16618 16766 16612 17005 16875 16716 16659 16594 3 Sept. 10 Sept. 8 Aug. 4 March .. 21 Aug. 8 July 9 Sept. 3 July 18 Sept. 18 July 9 July 7 July 7 Aug. 10 July 17 Sept. 25 Aug. 29 July 18 July 6 July 78 78 70 GO 70 68 78 GG 81 63 63 60 70 GO 81 74 GG 66 78 lOct. 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 1 Oct.* 20 Aug.* 15 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 6 Aug. 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 23 July.* 15 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 20 Aug. lOct.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. Gazette, Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Siphon of septic tank Siphon-trap Skins, Lifting, from dolly A. J. Hunter G. A. Haydon Christchurch Meat Company, Limited, and D. Urquhart C. M. Brophy L. Roberts A. Burt H. Passow D. McKenzie A. W. Hooke W. E. Holderman W. Beamish H. E. Leighton J. Girven .. J. S. and W. Ockleston, H. Clark, and A. Dorricott P. Irwin R. H. Mason T. Burrell.. J. H. Millar W. B. Veirs C. Bristow E. Bowmar J. McKenney G. W. Grimmer J. Shaw and D. Macpherson J. Volkner P. H. Shailer D. McKenzie R. Ginsberg A. J. Hall and G. Leek W. McLeod A. Dale F. S. Potter T. G. Stevens G. L. Cole A. J. Ross S. Nicolson 16926 16625 16841 4 Sept. 8 July 22 Aug. 78 03 70 1 Oct. 6 Aug.* 3 Sept.* Skirt-measuring appliance Skirt-patterns, Chart for Skylight-bars Slags, Treatment of Slate-pencil sharpener Slimes, Treatment of Slimes, Treatment of Sling and shackle Smoke, Consuming Soap, Cutting up .. Socketing clay pipes 16598 17023 16786 16853 16586 16677 16825 16682 16117 16615 16852 6 July 23 Sept. 12 Aug. 26 Aug. 1 July 24 July 20 Aug. 20 July 21 March .. 10 July 25 Aug. (S3 81 66 74 GO 66 74 66 57 60 74 6 Aug. 15 Oct, 20 Aug.* 17 Sept. 23 July.* 20 Aug. 17 Sept. 20 Aug.* 9 July.* 23 July.* 17 Sept.* Soil, Lifting Soldering-tool Sole and heel, Adjustable, for boots Sower, SeedSower, SeedSower, Turnip, &c... Sowing seed, Canister for Sowing and harrowing implement Spark-arrester Spark-arrester Spark-arrester Spark-extinguisher Spindle and coiler Spouting, Securing, to walls of buildings .. Spraying disinfectants, Nozzle for Spreader for leading-chain Spreader for trace-chain Springs, VehicleSprings, VehicleSprinkler for bottle Stacks, Securing corrugated-iron roofing on Stamps to letters, &c, Attaching postageStandard. (See Fencing-standard.) Staple-drawer and wire-cutter.. Staple for riding-saddle Steam-condenser, Preventing oil passing to boiler from Steam-engine Steam-engine 16707 16597 16898 16938 16626 17028 15604 16923 16901 16826 16664 16772 16595 16773 16818 16922 16918 15144 16992 16742 16614 16939 25 July 2 Julv 2 Sept. 10 Sept. 18 July 26 Sept. 5 Nov., 1902 3 Sept. 2 Sept. 20 Aug. 20 July 10 Aug. 2 July 10 Aug. 19 Aug. 5 Sept. 3 Sept. 17 July, 1902 17 Sept. 5 Aug. 10 July 10 Sept. 66 60 78 78 63 81 66 74 78 70 66 70 60 70 70 74 78 57 B4 GO 00 74 20 Aug. 23 July.* 1 Oct. 1 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 15 Oct.* 20 Aug. 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 20 Aug. 3 Sept.* 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sep-.* 17 Sept.* lOct. 9 July. 29 Oct. 20 Aug.* 23 Julv. 17 Sept.* W. R. Morgan F. Shrimpton E. G. Silk 16574 16934 17022 1 July 9 Sept. 23 Sept. 68 81 81 6 Aug. 15 Oct. 15 Oct.* J. J. Macky E. Towlson, H. R. Moulton, and F. C. Southwell J. T. Innes G. W. Brown and G. M. Norton.. F. W. Harradence J. R. Park W. Barnsdale E. S. Smith P. B. Ross R. H. Robson and J. Coogan J. Vorbach N. Borchardt H. J. Weeks R. Dunne E. Smith .. J. Bates .. 16624 16862 8 July 21 Aug. 63 74 6 Aug.* 17 Sept. Steam-generator Steam-generator Steering-head for cycles Stencil-plates Sterilising bonedust Stirrer Stirrup-iron Stirrup bar, SaddleStocks and dies, Screw-cutting Stone, Artificial Stop for windows and doors Stopper, BottleStopping holes in ship's hull Stove, One-lire Strainer. (See Milk-strainer, Tank-strainer, Wire-strainer.) Stretcher, Trouser-.. Stretcher, TrouserString for plough-coulter Stud, CollarStud, Contact Suction dredge and bucket Sulphurising fruit Sump-trap Supporting window-curtains Support, Photographic, &c Suspender, Hose16672 16795 16734 16890 16800 16807 17034 16768 16783 16912 16696 17030 17010 16649 23 July 13 Aug. 3 Aug. .. 27 Aug. 14 Aug. 13 Aug. 29 Sept. 7 Aug. 12 Aug. 4 Sept. 28 July 25 Sept. 18 Sept. 17 July 63 70 66 74 74 70 81 70 70 78 66 SI 81 00 6 Aug.* 3 Sept. 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 1 Oct. 20 Aug. 15 Oct.* 15 Oct.* 20 Aug. W. Nuttall and A. Inkpen G. Holford W. Williams J. F. Harper W. Griffiths and B. H. Bedell .. R. Andrew C. E. Lowe J. W. Lyes Van H. L. Wood A. Huck and L. Fischer C. Wheeler 16698 16704 16673 16940 16639 16931 16996 16959 15636 16836 16718 28 July 29 July 23 July 5 Sept. 16 July 11 May 18 Sept. 12 Sept. 17 Nov., 1902 19 Aug. 31 July 66 66 68 74 03 78 78 78 63 74 66 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 6 Aug. 1 Oct. 1 Oct.* lOct.* 6 Aug. 17 Sept. 20 Aug.* Table, Billiard and dining Table, Billiard and dining Table, Extension Table golf Table-stand for newspapers Tail-grip for cattle, &c Tank-strainer Tap Tap Tap H. U. Alcock C. J. Duffy C. T. Kiernan W. P. Porteous H. Buckland J. Robertson A. A. Carson G. Butel A. S. Tily.. CM. Cruickshank 17018 16690 16806 16636 16729 16985 16669 16728 16760 16765 19 Sept. 27 July 13 Aug. 16 July 31 July 11 Sept. 21 July 3 Aug. 4 Aug. 7 Aug. 81 GO 70 (S3 66 78 68 66 70 70 15 Oct.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 1 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. 'ap .. Jap and gauge 'ap, Attaching draw-off, to kerosene-tin .. 'ap, Flush-'ape-perforating apparatus J square, easel, <fec 'eat-cup, Pneumatic 'elegraphic tape-perforating apparatus .. Jemperature-indicator Jension bridge 'ent .. Jhreshing-machine Jidal-power generator 'ightener, Driving-belt and rope 'in. (See Cake-tin, Kerosene-tin.) Jin, Fixing bottom on 'ip-wagon mechanism 'ire, Bicycle'ire, Bicycle'ire, Bicycle-, &c Jire-cover 'ire-cover 'ire, Pneumatic J. F. W. H. Schadick A. H. Brownley W. E. Hughes T. W. May J. Gell E. Gillow A. Gillies J. Gell J. Gallagher F. Lambert H. H. Hillard and A. Priddle .. O. P. Pratt H. M. Meinung A. S. Pike 16824 16638 16873 16600 16637 16969 16944 16637 16699 16577 16937 16872 16710 15747 17 Aug. 16 July 27 Aug. 8 July 16 July 12 Sept. 10 Sept. 16 July 28 July 3 July 10 Sept. 27 Aug. 30 July 11 Dec, 1902 74 68 74 63 66 78 74 GO GG 66 81 74 (56 70 17 Sept.* 6 Aug. 17 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 20 Aug. 1 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 15 Oct. 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept. Jire-protector 'ire-remover Jires, Treating inner tubes of.. 'oasting-appliance 'oasting-fork and grid 'obaoco-cutter 'obacco-pipe Jool, Hedge-clipping tool, rock-drilling, Sharpening W. White H. S. Hayling J. Turnbull and S. Nicolson E. A. Dane and R. P. Gibbons .. G. H. Moss, jun. G. T. Shilton and A. Schultze .. F. S. Ornstein Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company of Australasia, Limited G. T. Stewart S. Nicolson F. W. Hall T. M. Wilford W. Moore and R. A. McCulloch .. G. Kochendorffer W. Greenshields J. Walsh A. Purser, F. W. Jenkins, C. R. McA. Millar R. H. Mason H. E. Crease and W. Williams .. D. M. Robertson J. B. Mack A. Dale J. Bates L. Roberts J. Butler and P. Burke H. J. Manson T. H. Reid A. Ashcroft and S. Clark 16961 16643 16956 16829 17011 16196 15703 16943 16769 15659 16832 16957 16593 16680 10973 16633 15852 12 Sept. 16 July 10 Sept. 17 Aug. 22 Sept. 2 April 29 Nov., 1902 10 Sept. 7 Aug. 20 Nov., 1902 21 Aug. 10 Sept. 1 July 20 July 15 Sept. 13 July 9 Jan. 81 03 81 70 81 03 74 74 74 GO 74 78 GO 66 81 63 (so 15 Oct.* 6 Aug. 15 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 6 Aug. 17 Sept. 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 23 July. 17 Sept. 1 Oct.* 23 July.* 20 Aug.* 15 Oct.* 6 Aug. 23 July. tool, Soldering-tooth-brush totalisator toy .. 'race-chain spreader 'race-fastening Jracer for dress-cutting Jraction-engine wheels, Gripper for 'ramway and railway door Jramway fares, Distributing and collecting Jramway-seat ?rap. (See Animal-trap, Bird-trap, Flytrap, Mosquito-trap, Mouse-trap, Siphontrap.) Jrap for sumps Jravelling-race 'rees, Catching gum from 'rees, Cutting incisions in Jrough for feeding animals 'rouser-clip 'rouser-stretcher Jrouser-stretcher .. Jruck, Spring hand'rucks. Loading gravel into Jube-cleaner Jubes, Manufacture of 'ubular dryer Jurning and shaping masts 'urning leaves of music Jurning leaves of music 16597 16778 16958 16867 16918 16622 17024 16812 16611 16705 16905 2 Julv 11 Aug. 11 Sept. .. 27 Aug. 3 Sept. .. 8 July 23 Sept. 14 Aug. 10 July 29 July 29 Aug. GO 70 78 74 78 63 81 70 GO 74 74 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 1 Oct. 6 Aug.* 15 Oct. 3 Sept.* 23 July.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* J. W. Lyes C. Rask and E. A. Cameron A. J. McPharlin A. J. McPharlin J. Carlye .. W. Beamish W. T. Nuttall and A. Inkpen .. G. Holford T. Kendriok R. A. Wilson G. A. King-Ansell B. F. McTear and H. C. W. Gibson E. Seagar W. H. Dunk W. Jacobsen G. S. Budge 16959 16627 16879 16928 15412 16822 16698 16704 16693 16895 16697 16782 16642 16874 16902 16781 12 Sept. 8 July 28 Aug. 8 Sept. 18 Sept., 1902 17 Aug. 28 July 29 July 24 July 1 Sept. .. 28 July 12 Aug. 16 July 27 Aug. 2 Sept. 11 Aug. 78 G3 74 78 60 70 00 00 GG 74 00 70 63 74 74 70 1 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 23 July. 3 Sept.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 6 Aug.* 17 Sept. 17 Sept.* 3 Sept.* Jmbrella, Construction of Jmbrella, Holding ends of ribs of, when closed Jmbrella, Securing ends of ribs of Jmbrella, Securing ribs to Jmbrella-tip retainer Jndersleeves, Fastener for Valve, FootballValve, FootballValve for high-pressure tap Valve, Tap or r at-churn Vehicle-springs attachment Vehicle-springs, Producing unison of actionem tonding-maohine .. Venetian-blind ventilating glass Ventilator Ventilator Ventilator .. Ventilator J. F. Wilson and E. H. Whitmore J. F. Wilson and E. H. Whitmore 16757 16756 6 Aug. 6 Aug. GO GG 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* J. F. Wilson and E. H. Whitmore W. S. Robinson and P. S. Swanson P. Kahlenberg R. H. Mason G. G. Turri W. Wallace J. F. W. H. Schadick G. Butel A. McDonald F. S. Potter T. G. Stevens 16711 16650 16605 16727 16740 16952 16824 16728 16970 15144 16992 30 July 17 July 6 July 29 July 4 Aug. 10 Sept. 17 Aug. 3 Aug. .. 10 Sept. 17 July, 1902 17 Sept. 66 63 60 0G 70 78 74 66 81 57 84 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 23 July.* 20 Aug.* 3 Sept. 1 Oct.* 17 Sept. 20 Aug.* 15 Oct. 9 July. 29 Oct. E. Shaw M. Kimbel H. K. Wilkinson A. Burt G. Bolton M. Bowles W. F. Slack 16892 16880 16982 16854 16647 17053 15552 29 Aug. 27 Aug. 11 Sept. .. 22 Aug. 11 July 28 Sept. 25 Oct., 1902 78 74 78 74 G3 91 63 lOct. 17 Sept.* 1 Oct.* 17 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 26 Nov. 6 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.



Invention. Name. No. Application. At Gazette. Date. No. Date. Ventilator for waterproofs Ventilator, Window Voltage-regulator B. Porter T. Roberts J. P. Campbell 16675 15546 16865 23 July 21 Oct., 1902 27 Aug. 63 (SO 6 Aug.* 23 July. Wagon, Tip-, mechanism Wallet, Correspondence Wall-plaster and boiler-covering Warning-signal Washing boiler Wash-up mop Watches, Dustproof attachment for Watches, Preventing theft of .. Water-closet and latrine Water-closet seat Water-lift Waterproof Waterproof, Ventilator for Water-table for road-making Watertight boots .. Wave-motor Wave-motor Wave-motor Weather-filling for roofs Weed-destroyer Wheel for cart Wheels, Traction-engine, gripper for Wheel-tire cover Windmill Window attachments Window-curtain support Window display purposes, Apparatus for .. Window-fastener Window-gear Window-gear, Non-weighted Window-sash retainer Windows and doors, Stop for .. Window-sashes, Locking, &c Window-support Windows, Ventilating Wire coiler Wire coiler, Barbed-Wire-cutter and staple-drawer.. Wire-fencing batten Wire-fencing coiler.. Wire fencing, Fixing stakes in Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire-strainer H. S. Hayling E. R. Wheeler R. L. and D. Adams G. Mel. Scott H. W. de Baugh H. J. Gentles A. Campbell J. F. Wilson and E. H. Whitmore G. Bolton T. d'A. C. Maxted H. McNeill and F. W. Grant .. T. Morris B. Porter W. E. Hughes G. Foster C. Soulas R. Millar R. Millar J. G. L. Hewitt R. A. Thompson F. G. Kinsey J. Butler and P. Burke F. S. Ornstien F. G. Semb and W. Kilgour W. Aitken Van H. L. Wood F. L. Carr C. G. R. Gore J. Baird J. Baird W. P. Styles H. J. Weeks A. H. W. Wedler J. G. Lodge T. Roberts D. McKenzie W. A. Taylor W. R. Morgan J. Wright R. and F. Fenwiek .. D. Thompson B. A. A. Pearce B. A. A. Pearce H. Davidson, P. J. Causer, and P. B. Richards T. C. Berry C. G. Gamble J. L. Ferrell O. F. Colvin C.C.Smith J.Miller J. H. Fuller 16643 17007 16666 17005 16609 16859 16881 16758 16692 16847 16990 16749 16675 17019 16590 16977 16645 16646 17017 16981 17054 16812 15703 16917 16657 15636 16748 16844 16906 17036 17032 16696 16668 16868 15546 16595 16840 16574 16774 16830 16798 16674 16722 16796 16 July 18 Sept. 21 July 17 Sept. 6 July 26 Aug. 28 Aug. 6 Aug. 23 July 21 Aug. 17 Sept. .. 1 Aug. 23 July 24 Sept. 4 July 15 Sept. 11 July 11 July 19 Sept. 16 Sept. 29 Sept. 14 Aug. 29 Nov., 1902 3 Sept. 16 July 17 Nov., 1902 5 Aug. 22 Aug. 1 Sept. 24 Sept. .. 29 Sept. 28 July 22 July 27 Aug. 21 Oct., 1902 2 July 22 Aug. 1 July 6 Aug. 21 Aug. 13 Aug. 23 July 31 July 14 Aug. 68 81 GG 81 (SO 74 74 0G GG 74 0G (S3 81 68 81 03 63 81 78 84 70 74 74 03 63 GO 70 74 81 84 (SO 66 6 Aug. 15 Oct.* 20 Aug. 15 Oct.* 23 July.* 17 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 20 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 17 Sept. 20 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 15 Oct.* 6 Aug. 15 Oct. 6 Aug.* 6 Aug.* 15 Oct.* 1 Oct. 29 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept. 17 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 6 Aug. 20 Aug.* 3 Sept.* 17 Sept.* 15 Oct.* 29 Oct.* 20 Aug. 20 Aug. (SO 60 70 (S3 70 70 70 03 00 81 23 July. 23 July.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug. 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 3 Sept.* 6 Aug.* 20 Aug.* 15 Oct. Wire-strainer Wire, Winding and unwinding Wood-preserving Wool, Mineral, manufacture of Wool, Removing, from sheepskins Wrappers, Pictorial Writing-desk, &c. 16896 16635 17056 17020 16846 16733 16876 1 Sept. 14 July 30 Sept. 25 Sept. 21 Aug. 30 July 25 Aug. 78 G3 84 81 70 1 Oct.* 6 Aug.* 29 Oct. 15 Oct.* 3 Sept.* 74 17 Sept.* Yeast-preserving W. H. Wyers 17039 30 Sept. 81 29 Oct.

Design. Gazette. Name and Address. No. of Class. No. No. Date. Date. Billing, A. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Birmingham Small Arms Company, Limited, Small Heath, Birmingham, Eng. Day, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Garland, T., Wellington, N.Z. Harding, H. T., and another, Auckland, N.Z. .. Harding and Billing. (See H. T. Harding and A. F. Billing.) Schatz'and Co., L., Wellington, N.Z. Schatz and Co., L., Wellington, N.Z. Scott, G., Sydenham, N.Z. Tait, J., Wellington, N.Z. Taylor Bros., Sydney, N.S.W. 5 1 192 187 8 Sept. 24 July 78 63 1 Oct. 6 Aug. 3 1 5 189 190 192 14 Aug. 27 Aug. 8 Sept. 70 70 78 3 Sept. 3 Sept. lOct. 2 2 10 5 2 185 186 191 193 188 2 July 2 July 28 Aug. 14 Sept. 1 Aug. 57 57 74 78 70 9 July. 9 July. 17 Sept. 1 Oct. 3 Sept.



10.^ 4 .


Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. No. Date. Date. Aktiengesellschaft fur Feinmechanik vormals Jetter und Scheerer Alaska Packers Association Tuttlingen, Germany .. 11 4296 28 July 03 6 Aug. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. 42 3968, 9, 3970,1,2,3 4381 4294 4279 16 Oct., 1902 63 6 Aug. Allan and Co. Proprietary, Limited .. Allan, M. American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, The Anargyros, S., Incorporated Anderson, W. .. Ardath Tobacco Company. (See A. Levy.) Austral-American Mercantile Company, Limited, The Australian Tea Trading Company, The. (See W. and P. Mclntyre.) Awanui Fish-canning Company, The .. Melbourne, Vic. Mosgiel, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 9 3 45 17 Sept. .. 24 July 10 July 78 63 60 1 Oct. 6 Aug. 23 July. Auckland, N.Z. 45 4280 10 July 60 23 July. New York, U.S.A. Christchurch, N.Z. 45 42 4310 4392 3 Aug. .. 24 Sept. 63 6 Aug. Sydney, N.S.W. 47 4315 6 Aug. 78 1 Oct. Awanui, N.Z. 42 4391 23 Sept. .. Bayer and Co., C. Bell and Co., Palmerston North, New Zealand. (See J. Bell and E. W. I. Collins, Nos. 4281, 4334, and 4335.) Bell, J., and another Bell, J., and another Bell, J., and another Bradbury, R. A. British-American Tobacco Company, Limited British - American Tobacco Company, Limited London, Eng. 38 4195 12 May 68 6 Aug. Palmerston North, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. 44 42 43 38 45 4281 4334 4335 4330 4383-5 13 July 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 17 Aug. 18 Sept. GO 70 81 70 78 23 July. 3 Sept. 15 Oct. 3 Sept. lOct. London, Eng. 45 4386, 7 18 Sept. Caselberg, and Co., L. Chapman, S., and others Chrystall and Co. (See Neill and Co., Limited.) Cifuentes Fernandez and Co. Clarke and Co., I. P. Clarke, S.I... Close, J., and others Collins, KJ. W. I., and another Collins, HJ. W. I., and another Collins, E. W. I., and another Constable, J. Cooper, F. J. Crease, H. E. .. Crown Milling Company, Limited, The Wellington, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. 42 42 4379 4290 17 Sept. .. 22 July 03 6 Aug. Havana, Cuba Leicester, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. Napier, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. Napier, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Karangahake, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 45 23 G 42 44 42 43 18 3 50 42 4394 4350 4354 4370 4281 4334 4335 4312 4361 4318 4343 26 Sept. 27 Aug. 29 Aug. 11 Sept. .. 13 July 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 4 Aug. 2 Sept. 7 Aug. 24 Aug. 81 74 70 74 60 70 81 06 74 66 15 Oct. 17 Sept. 3 Sept. 17 Sept. 23 July. 3 Sept. 15 Oct. 20 Aug. 17 Sept. 20 Aug. Dawes and Sons, T. (See T. Dawes.) Dawes, T. Distillers' Company, Limited, The Douglas Manufacturing Company Auckland, N.Z. Edinburgh, Scotland .. New York, U.S.A. 44 43 8 4388 4272 4341 18 Sept. .. 30 June 21 Aug. 74 81 17 Sept. 15 Oct. Falk and Co. (See J. B. Thornley and T. H. Hassall.) Invercargill, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. 4352 4353 4356 4362 4352 4353 4356 4293 4282 4275 4274 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 31 Aug. 3 Sept. .. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 31 Aug. 24 July 16 July 6 July 1 July 1 Oct. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 17 Sept. 1 Oct. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 26 Nov. 23 July. 23 July. 9 July. Gilkison, J., and others Gilkison, J., and others Gilkison, J., and others Goode, W. E. .. Graham, J., and others Graham, J., and others Graham, J., and others Gregg and Co., Limited, W. Gregg and Co., Limited, W. Gregg and Co., Limited, W. Grove, E. 2 47 42 12 2 47 42 42 42 50 42 78 70 70 74 78 70 70 91 60 GO 57 Harris, T. W., and others Hassall, T. H., and another Hayward Bros., Limited .. Hayward Bros., Limited .. Hennessy and Co., J. Hennessy and Co., J. Holbrook's, Limited Hughes, H. .. Hutchinson, G. R. Hutton, C. A. .. Hutton's Manufacturing and General Agency Company. (See C. A. Hutton.) Sydney, N.S.W. Durban, S. Africa Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Cognac, France Cognac, France Birmingham, Eng. French Pass, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 42 89 47 47 43 48 42 G 42 3 4290 4285 4313 4319 4286, 7 4357-9 4369 4360 4307 4298 22 July 16 July 4 Aug. 7 Aug. 14 July 1 Sept. .. 9 Sept. 2 Sept. 28 July 29 July 63 74 6 Aug. 17 Sept. 60 70 70 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 8 Sept. 74 17 Sept 63 6 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks — continued.


Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. International Oil Engine and Launch Company. (See H. Hughes.) International Supply Company. (See T. Wilson and J. W. Perry.) New York, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. Jenkins Bros. Jenkins Bros. 6 40 4125 4289 16 March .. 16 March .. 57 (S3 9 July. 6 Aug. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Co., Limited Kenderdine and Kirkup King and Co., J. B. Kynoch, Limited Kynoch, Limited Wellington, N.Z. 48 4291 23 July 03 6 Aug. Auckland, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. Birmingham, Eng. Birmingham, Eng. ,50 17 19 20 4308 4331-3 4373, 5 4374, 6, 7 31 July 19 Aug. 15 Sept. .. 15 Sept. .. 66 78 78 78 20 Aug. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Levy, A. Live-stock Ailments Remedies Proprietary, Limited Logan, F., and others Markwald, H. .. Mclntyre and Co., D. C. .. Mclntyre Bros. (See W. and P. Mclntyre.) Mclntyre, P., and another.. Mclntyre, W., and another Millington, M. .. Molls Bros. (See H. Molls, Nos. 4202, 4336, 4337, 4338, 4339, 4340.) Molls, H. Molls, H. Molls, H. Molls, H. Molls, H. Molls, H. Murray and Co., Limited, W. T. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. London, Eng. Melbourne, Vic 47 48 45 2 4322 4323 4301-5 4324 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 29 July 12 Aug. 66 66 63 66 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 6 Aug. 20 Aug. Napier, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 42 3 42 4370 4378 3863 11 Sept. .. 17 Sept. 25 July, 1902 74 17 Sept. 74 17 Sept. Melbourne, Vic Melbourne, Vic. Blackball, N.Z. 42 42 3 4300 4300 4311 29 July 29 July 3 Aug. 74 74 GG 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 20 Aug. Melbourne, Vic. Melbourne, Vic. Melbourne, Vic. Melbourne, Vic. Melbourne, Vic. Melbourne, Vic Invercargill, N.Z. 34 34 34 34 34 34 42 4202 4336 4337 4339 4338 4340 4317 14 May 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 6 Aug. 03 70 70 70 70 70 70 6 Aug. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. Naumann, F. W. Neal and Close. (See J. Close, M. A. Neal, and F. Logan.) Neal, M. A., and others Neill and Co., Limited Neill and Co., Limited Nugget Polish Company, Limited, The Nugget Polish Company, Limited, The Nugget Polish Company, Limited, The Wellington, N.Z. Napier, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. London, Eng. London, Eng. 48 42 47 47 GO 60 50 4365 4370 4395 4396 4347 4348 4349 5 Sept. 11 Sept. .. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. .. 27 Aug. 27 Aug. 27 Aug. 74 78 81 78 78 78 17 Sept. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. Oakes and Co., Limited Madras, India, and London, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. Liverpool, Eng. Detroit, U.S.A. New York and Boston, U.S.A. 45 3987 30 Oct., 1902 57 9 July. Oates, Lowry, and Co. Ogden's, Limited Old's Motor Works Ordway and Co., A. P. 22 45 22 3 4364 3921 4284 4316 2 Sept. .. 4 Sept., 1902 16 July 6 Aug. G3 GO 91 6 Aug. 23 July. 26 Nov. Parker, W. Paterson, J. A., and others.. Pearson and Rutter, Limited Pearson, W. E... Perry, J. W , and another Phcenix Company, Limited, The Pitman and Sons, Limited, Sir Isaac .. Wellington, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. New Plymouth, N.Z. .. London, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Bath, Eng. 48 42 42 2 42 42 39 4283 4290 4367 4346 4372 4366 4103 16 July 22 July 9 Sept. 26 Aug. 15 Sept. .. 8 Sept. 23 Feb. 66 63 74 74 20 Aug. 6 Aug. 17 Sept.. 17 Sept. 74 70 17 Sept. 3 Sept. Read Bros., Limited Reinemann and Co. (See E. Reinemann.) Reinemann, E. .. Reynolds, E. .. London, Eng. London, Eng. Wellington and Auckland, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 43 1 40 4278 4299 4393 9 July 29 July 24 Sept. 66 20 Aug. 6 Aug. 1 Oct. G3 78 Roberts, L. 39 4342 21 Aug. 70 3 Sept. Sargood, Son, and Ewen .. Saunders and Co., Limited, J. Scott, G. H. Shelton, F. J. .. Simms, F. R. .. Solari, A. Subritzky, J. A. Wellington, N.Z. London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Smyrna, Asia Minor .. Awanui, N.Z. 34 43 13 18 2 42 3 4325 4326 4288 4345 4144 4371 4295 12 Aug. 14 Aug. 22 July 25 Aug. 24 March .. 14 Sept. 27 July G6 G6 03 70 57 84 63 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 6 Aug. 3 Sept. 9 July. 29 Oct. 6 Aug. Teacher and Sons, W. Terezol Company, Limited, The Tetlow Manufacturing Company, The.. Glasgow, Scotland Manchester, Eng. Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. 43 50 48 4380 4314 4344 17 Sept. 5 Aug. 25 Aug. 78 70 74 1 Oct. 3 Sept. 17 Sept.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks — continued.

J —ALPHABETICAL LIST OF APPLICANTS FOR LETTERS PATENT FOR QUARTER ENDING 31st DECEMBER, 1903. Denotes a provisional specification. Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."

12— H. 10._0 4 .


Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Thomsen, W. A. Thomson, Bridger, and Co., Limited .. Thornley, J. B., and another Tregea and Co., J. Triton Supply Company of New Zealand Triton Supply Company Turner and Co. (See H. J. Turner.) Turner, H. J. .. Rotorua, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Auckland, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. GO 6 89 2 1 45 4363 4389 4285 4297 4351 4355 3 Sept. 21 Sept. 16 July 29 July 27 Aug. 31 Aug. 78 74 74 81 1 Oct. 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 15 Oct. Wanganui, N.Z. 22 4276 6 July 60 23 July. Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Limited Auckland, N.Z. 47 4390 23 Sept. .. 78 1 Oct. Vacuum Oil Company New York, U.S.A.; Melbourne, Vic.; Wellington, N.Z. Weesp, Holland 47 4320,4321 8 Aug. GO 20 Aug. Van Houten, C. J., and Zoon Virgoe, Son, and Chapman. (See S. Chapman, T. W. Harris, and J. A. Paterson.) 42 4146 25 March .. 68 6 Aug. Wallace, J. Walpole, R. W. Watson and Co. (See J. E. Watson, J. Graham, and J. Gilkison.) Watson, J. E., and others Watson, J. E., and others Watson, J. E., and others Weingarten Bros. Wheeler, C. .. Williamson, H. B. Wilson, T., and another Wise, G. B. Wright, Layman, and Umney, Limited Wright, Layman, and Umney, Limited Wright, Layman, and Umney, Limited Dunedin, N.Z. Opua, N.Z. .. 38 43 4368 4306 9 Sept. 28 July 6 Aug. 63 Invercargill, N. Z. Invercargill, N.Z. Invercargill, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. London, Eng. London, Eng. London, Eng. 2 47 42 88 38 3 42 3 2 47 48 4352 4353 4356 3706 4309 4292 4372 4382 4327 4328 4329 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 31 Aug. 13 Mar., 1902 31 July 24 July 15 Sept. .. 18 Sept. 14 Aug. 14 Aug. 14 Aug. 78 70 70 0G 63 1 Oct. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 20 Aug. 6 Aug. 66 G6 06 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Aug.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Abbott, H. D., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Gold-saving vat Abell, E. G., Brisbane, Queensland. Window-sash holder Abernethy, J. W., and others, Port Moody, B.C. Passing line under submerged vessel Adam, M. A., and another, London, Eng. Incandescent mantle and burner Adam, W. W., and another, London, Eng. Incandescent mantle and burner Adams, E., Wellington, N.Z. Boot Agar, H., Devenport, Tasmania. Window attachment .. Aggers, W, Auckland, N.Z. Cushioned furniture Aggers, W., Auckland, N.Z. Cushioned furniture Alexander, C. J., London, Eng. Incandescent gas-burner Alexander, G. A. W., Malvern, S.A. Washing machine Alexander, T. H., Kensington, Vic. Valve-mechanism.. Alkemade, P. V. L., Melbourne, Vic. Bucket on castors Allen, C. L., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoo Machinery Co., No. 15828.) Allen, II., Dargaville, N.Z. Venetian-blind .. Anderson, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Truing up flax-drum Anderson, L. C, and another, Alexandra South, N.Z. Gold-saving SCT6GH Anderson, W. J., and others, Melbourne, Vic Operating cheesepresser plate Andrews, A. H., and Co., Chicago, U.S.A. (See F. J. Jones, No. 17285.) Andrews, F. A., and another, London, Eng. Gas-tap .. Andrews, J. P., and another, Waikuku, N.Z. Truing up flax-drum Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Threshing-machine 17205 17156 17191 2 Nov. 29 Oct. 4 Nov. 91 91 91 26 Nov.* 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 17222 11 Dec. 94 10 Dec* 17222 11 Dec. 94 10 Dec* 17384 16045 15885 17401 17219 17149 17266 17086 17 Dec. 4 March 19 Jan. 21 Dec. 11 Nov. 28 Oct. 19 Nov. 8 Oct. 6 2 87 6 94 91 2 87 21 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. 21 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec. 26 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov.* 17327 17339 17080 5 Dec. 8 Dec. 2 Oct. 6 2 87 21 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. 16793 13 Aug. 91 26 Nov. 17068 17339 17211 6 Oct. 8 Dec. 5 Nov. 84 2 91 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

L pp1 Lioai ;ion. 'aze; '.e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. .pplegarth, A. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Smoke - preventer and fueleconomizer .rmbruster, W. J., and another, St. Louis, U.S.A. Chlorinationbarrel .rnaholdi, J., Auckland, N.Z. Tram-car brake .rnberg, A. M., Stockholm, Sweden. Separator-drum liner .shcroft, E. A., Weston, Eng. Production of alkali metal .shcroft, R. W., Palmerston North, N.Z. Tank-cleaning overflow .tkin, W. H., Auckland, N.Z. Furnace .tkins, A., Wanganui, N.Z. Distributing liquid over filter-beds .. .tkins, G. J., London, Eng. Electrolytic apparatus .uckland Co-operative Boot and Shoe Company, Limited, Auckland, N.Z. Insole. (H. Dearsley) 17108 13 Oct. 91 26 Nov.* 17352 10 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. 17300 17074 17181 17185 17214 17135 17187 17408 24 Nov. 7 Oct. 29 Oct. 10 Nov. 5 Nov. 23 Oct. 4 Nov. 24 Dec. 94 94 94 94 91 91 10 10 Dec* 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 26 Nov. 4 Feb., 1904. iaker, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Tailors'press iaker, M. G., and another, Alexandra South, N.Z. Gold-saving screen Salch, D. W., San Francisco, U.S.A. Railway traction. (A. A. Honey) iald, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Flushing-apparatus iarger, W. G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Disc cultivator Sarnes, L. J., Auckland, N.Z. Broom-handle connection iarnes, L. J., Auckland, N.Z. Horse-shoe fastener iarnos, L. J., Auckland, N.Z. Horse-shoe fastener iarnett, D. M., Melbourne, Vic. Scribing-tool for carpenters, &o. iarnsdale, W., Auckland, N.Z. Sterilising bonedust Sarton, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-trap tarton, F. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Rail-joint iarton, F. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Horn-protector for cattle Sasley, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Sash-balance. (H. E. Rathbun and W. H. Lonergan) lastey, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Account-book. (National Cashregister Company) Sasley, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Account-book. (National Cashregister Company) iasley, P. H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Door-check iates, J., Auckland, N.Z. Portable boiler .. Sauck ti am, A. M., Ashhurst, N.Z. Sash retainer and lock iaux, H. A., Auckland, N.Z. Table for ironing shirts .. iaux, H. A., Auckland, N.Z. Heating water by exhaust steam iaux, H. A., Auckland, N.Z. Starching-machine iawden, W. R., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Clinostat iaxter, R., Milton, N.Z. Oil emulsion ieamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. (See A. J. Park, No. 17323.) ieaven, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Threshingmachine Seer, S. S., Kyeburn Diggings, N.Z. Rivet-cutting tool Sell, H. R., Lyttelton, N.Z. Bottle and stopper iendall, W. fe, Wellington, N.Z. Roof-gutter covering Sendixen, N., Frederiksberg, Denmark. Sterilisation of milk Sennett, R. B., Christchurch, N.Z. Billiard-table cushion Sergersen, C. A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Operating window-sash lest, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Knife-cleaner lodle, D. W., Alfriston, N.Z. Castor Sonneau, J. C., Vancouver, B.C. Stereotype-matrix frame Soon, A. W., Brixton, Eng. Cycle-driving mechanism .. Sooth, D., Wellington, N.Z. Table game Sorlase, W., Dunedin, N.Z. (Sec J. and T. R. Christie, Nos. 17324 and 17374.) Sorlase, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Button Soxall, R., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Butter tinning and printing machine ioyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Pegless clothes-line.. Sraddock, W. C, Blenheim, N.Z. Fruit washing and cleaning machine Saewerton, S., Wai-iti, N.Z. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17067.) Sritish-American Tobacco Company, Limited, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17069.) Sritish Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. (See J. P. Campbell, Nos. 17153 and 17404.) Sritish Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 17424.) Srooks, D. M., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-escape Srooks, W. H., Adelaide, S.A. Gas-generator Srown, J. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Fancy confections Srown, T. H., Wellington, N.Z. Bridle Srown, W. C., Richmond, U.S.A. (See H. R. Worthington, Nos. 17353 and 17354.) Suokland, E., Auckland, N.Z. Apparatus for inducing air-currents Judge, G. S., Auckland, N.Z. Book-loaf holder Suit, Du. (See under Du.) Siinz, C. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Instrument for treating nervous diseases. (F. J. Rottman) 17225 17080 11 Nov. 2 Oct. 91 87 26 Nov.* 12 Nov. 15826 5 Jan. 91 10 Dec. 17328 17085 17292 17391 17392 17101 10800 15978 17274 17367 5 Dec. 8 Oct. 23 Nov. 16 Dec. 16 Dec. 15 Oct. 14 Aug. 11 Feb. 18 Nov. 10 Dec. 10 87 94 6 6 87 2 2 94 2 4 Feb., 1904. 12 Nov. 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904.* 21 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Doc* 7 Jan., 1904.* 17145 19 Oct. 91 26 Nov.* 17348 7 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. 17349 7 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. 17206 16661 17217 17065 17066 17173 17268 17394 2 Nov. 18 July 10 Nov. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 26 Oct. 19 Nov. 17 Dec. 91 81 91 81 84 91 2 2 26 Nov. 15 Oct. 26 Nov.* 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 26 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904.* 17211 5 Nov. 91 26 Nov.* 17215 14743 17248 17132 17098 17104 17213 17385 17192 17423 17124 6 Nov. 15 April, 1902 17 Nov. 22 Oct. 13 Oct. 15 Oct. 6 Nov. 17 Dec. 4 Nov. 30 Dec. 21 Oct. 91 94 87 87 87 2 6 91 26 Nov.* 10 Dec. 12 Nov. 12 Nov.* 12 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 21 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov. 91 26 Nov. 17180 15543 29 Oct. 23 Oct., 1902 .. 91 2 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 17063 16602 5 Oct. 8 July 84 87 29 Oct.* 12 Nov. 29 Oct. 12 Nov.* 15864 17102 17079 17410 13 Jan. 15 Oct. 2 Oot. 24 Dec. 84 87 is 21 Jan., 1904.* 17171 16065 27 Oct. 9 Maroh 91 2 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 16358 15 May 2 7 Jan., 1904.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

PP lical jion. laze te. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Burke, A. T., and another, Mangatoki, N.Z. Breeching-strap Burke, R., and another, Mangatoki, N.Z. Breeching-strap Burl, H., London, Eng. (See Lamson Store Service Company, Limited, No. 17269.) Burman, E. S., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Operating cheese-presser plate Butel, G., Gore, N.Z. Spark-arrester Butler, C, Gisborne, N.Z. Washing-machine 17088 17088 16793 9 Oct. 9 Oct. 13 Aug. 94 94 91 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 26 Nov. 17138 17338 24 Oct. 3 Dec. 91 94 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* Cadman, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Retort for destroying vegetable substances. (J. Lyle) Cadman, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Smokeless fuel-briquette. (J. Lyle) Campbell, A., Sutton, N.Z. Animal-trap Campbell, A., Sutton, N.Z. Animal-trap Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Turbine. (The British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electric arc lamp. (The British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited) Carter, H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Parcel-strap. (J. Kinsella) Oasgrain, L. A., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 16229.) Casimir, C, and another, Sydenham, N.Z. Incandescent lamp Cattermole, A. E., London, Eng. Concentrating and classifying ores Chamberlain, R., and others, Vancouver, B.C. Passing line under submerged vessel Christie, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer. (W. Borlase) Christie, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire cutter, twister, and winder. (W. Borlase) Christie, R. L., Gore, N.Z. Plough-scoop Christie, T. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire cutter, twister, and winder. (W. Borlase) Christie, T. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer. (W. Borlase) Olark, D., Drummond, N.Z. Plant-thinning device Olark, L., Hobsonville, N.Z. Flanging and socketing pipes Olark, L., Hobsonville, N.Z. Glazing pipes, bricks, &c Clark, R. 0., jun., Hobsonville, N.Z. Flanging and socketing pipes Olark, R. 0., jun., Hobsonville, N.Z. Burning pipes, &c. Clements, S. P., Wellington, N.Z. Venetian-blind Cochrane, D. L., Otahuhu, N.Z. Dray-scoop Collins, R., Midhirst, N.Z. Toe-protector for boots Oolman, T., and another, Ngahauranga, N.Z. Tip of billiard-cue .. Cook, J., Wellington, N.Z. Ball valve for water-cistern Cook, J., Wellington, N.Z. Calf-feeding apparatus Cooper, O, Mangatoki, N.Z. Milk-weighing machine .. Cooper, J. E., London, Eng. Anti-friction mechanism Ooronel, A. S., Sydney, N.S.W. Window-furniture. (R. B. Wells) Oorrington, M., New York, U.S.A. Fluid-pressure brake Ooverdale, T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Latch lock. (J. Dockery) Orafar, W. H., Blenheim, N.Z. Whifflotree Crawford, B., Auckland, N.Z. Silencing exhaust of gas-engine Crease, H. E., Karangahake, N.Z. Tooth-brush Crosbie, R. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Guide-chute for flax-stripper Cruickshank, C. M., Gore, N.Z. Water-tap Cummings, H. G., and others, Vancouver, B.C. Passing line under submerged vessel Cummings, W. J., and others, Vancouver, B.C. Passing line under submerged vessel Curwood, A., and another, Bluff, N.Z. Hanging and locking window-sash 17245 16 Nov. 94 10 Dec* 17246 15791 17202 17153 16 Nov. 16 Dec, 1902 .. 4 Nov. 28 Oct. 94 87 91 91 10 Dec* 12 Nov. 26 Nov.* 26 Nov. 17404 23 Dec. 6 21 Jan., 1904. 17198 30 Oct. 91 26 Nov.* 16406 17148 17191 27 May 28 Oct. 4 Nov. 81 91 91 15 Oct. 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 17374 12 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904.* 17324 2 Dec. 94 10 Dec* 17325 17324 28 Nov. 2 Dec. 94 94 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 17374 12 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904.* 16015 17105 17106 17182 17183 17146 15712 16393 17331 17316 17369 17288 17154 17383 17279 17119 19 Feb. 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 30 Oct. 30 Oct. 27 Oct. 3 Dec, 1902.. 28 May 5 Dec. 2 Dec. 14 Dec 25 Nov. 28 Oct. 17 Dec. 19 Nov. 19 Oct. 94 87 87 91 10 Dec. 12 Nov.* 12 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 91 84 2 94 6 2 2 91 6 26 Nov.* 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Doc* 21 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov. 21 Jan.,1904.* 91 26 Nov.* 17403 15882 17415 16888 16765 17191 23 Dec. 15 Jan. 23 Dec. 26 Aug. 7 Aug. 4 Nov. 6 84 6 2 91 91 21 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. 21 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 17191 4 Nov. 91 26 Nov. 17084 1 Oct. 87 12 Nov.* Dahlqvist, J. A., Stockholm, Sweden. Liner for centrifugalseparator drum Daly, W. P., Greymouth, N.Z. Adjusting-bolster Daniell, H., Mosman, N.S.W. (See E. M, Perdriau, No. 17161.) Dann, A. C. F., Southsea, Eng. Variable-speed gear .. Davidson, J. C, Dannevirke, N.Z. Wire-strainer Davis, F. L., Auckland, N.Z. Sash-regulator Dearsley, H., Auckland, N.Z. (See The Auckland Co-operative Boot and Shoe Company, Limited, No. 17408.) De Laval, C. G. P., Stockholm, Sweden. Treating material in electric furnace Denniston, S. E., Invercargill, N.Z. Sheep-dipping apparatus Denniston, S. E., Avenal, N.Z. Treating flax Denniston, S., Avenal, N.Z. Sheep-dipping apparatus .. Denton, T. W., East Eyreton, N.Z. Potato-planting attachment to plough Dignan, J., Auckland, N.Z. Castrating, docking, and ear-marking instrument Dix, H. C, and another, Melbourno, Vic. Disc cultivator Dixon, M. J., West Eyreton, N.Z. Plough .. 17190 4 Nov. 94 10 Dec. 17442 7 Dec. 6 21 Jan., 1904. 17044 17143 16648 1 Oct. 20 Oct. 17 July 84 91 2 29 Oct. 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 17118 16 Oct. 87 12 Nov. 15992 17287 17406 17340 13 Feb. 25 Nov. 23 Dec. 7 Dec. 87 94 6 94 12 Nov. 10 Dee* 21 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 17212 3 Nov. 91 26 Nov.* 17085 17200 8 Oct. 2 Nov. 87 91 12 Nov. 26 Nov.*



Alphabetical List or Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

.pp] Leal ion. '■aze\ te. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Dockery, J., Linwood, N.Z. (See W. Strange and T. Coverdale, No. 17119.) Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Protector for dredge-bucket and link Douglass, J., Hampden, N.Z. (See J. Wilkinson, No. 17238.) Dowling, T. F., Hawera, N.Z. Actuating fire-alarm Du Buit, P., Paris, France. Explosive charge Dunbar, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Ribber for flax-stripper Duncan, D., and another, Eltham, N.Z. Ointment Duncan, G. S., Melbourne, Vic. Slime-filtering apparatus Duncan, P. and D., Christchurch, N.Z. Cultivator Duncan, P. and D., Christchurch, N.Z. Vehicle road wheel Dunlop, G. H., Melbourne, Vic Excavating and dredging machinery Dunn, D., Oamaru, N.Z. Wheel-jack Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. (See The New Zealand Mitre-machine Company, Limited, No. 17301.) 17139 17134 17334 17347 17421 17158 17256 17257 17420 24 Oct. 22 Oct. 4 Dee. 4 Dec. 29 Dec. 29 Oct. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 29 Dec. 91 91 2 2 6 91 94 94 6 20 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 21 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904. 17058 2 Oot. Earl, W. T., Waikari, N.Z. Wire strainer and splicer .. Earnshaw, T., and another, Hinds, N.Z. Brake-mechanism East, T. Q., Napier, N.Z. Ship's ventilator .. Easton, J. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Feed reservoir and box for horses .. Edwards, E., and others, Paeroa, N.Z. Door-check Edwards, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Harness saddle Edwards, T., Colorado Springs, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, No. 17418.) Ekenberg, M., Stockholm, Sweden. Concentrating and evaporating liquids Ellery, F. J., Raetihi, N.Z. Leg-rope for cows Ellis, J., Warragul, Vic. Horse-cover fastener England, R. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Press for artificial stone England, R. W., jun., Christchurch, N.Z. Artificial-stone block .. England, R. W., jun., Christchurch, N.Z. Artificial-stone block .. Estienne, G. F. R., Paris, France. (See Lamson Store Service Company, Limited, No. 17193.) 17361 17264 16225 17398 17206 17093 11 Deo. 17 Nov. 14 April 18 Dec. 2 Nov. 9 Oct. ( 2 94 6 2 2 91 87 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov. 12 Nov. 17320 3 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. 17203 15811 17170 5 Nov. 24 Dee, 1902 .. 27 Oct. 91 81 91 26 Nov.* 15 Oct. 26 Nov.* 15991 16008 13 Feb. 18 Feb. 94 94 10 Dec. 10 Dec. Fairweather, J., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Selvedge - stripping flax-drum Fairweather, W., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Selvedge - stripping flax-drum Fairweather, W., jun., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Selvedge-stripping flax-drum Farra, J. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Cooking-utensil with drainer Faulkner, J. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Gate or window guard Ferrier, W., Timaru, N.Z. Candlestick Fiske, A. J., Melbourne, Vic. Horse-rug fastener Flameless Gaslight Company, Limited, London, Eng. Vapourgenerator. (W. Hooker) Flanagan, J. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Wheel-lock Folsetter, W., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Electrostatic magnetic separator Foster, G., Auckland, N.Z. Electrical device for preventing slugs, &c Fowler, G. H., Aylesbury, N.Z. Repairing canvas of tire-cover Fox, G., and another, Leeds, Eng. Manufacture of bricks Frame, L., Oamaru, N.Z. Washing-boiler .. Fraser, A., and another, Otago, N.Z. Steam-engine Fraser, J., and another, Otago, N.Z. Steam-engine Friar, W. A., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Brake for dray 15795 18 Dec, 1902 .. 84 29 Oct. 15795 18 Dec, 1902.. 84 29 Oct. 15795 18 Dec, 1902 .. 84 29 Oct. 17160 17427 17232 17013 17419 26 Oct. 24 Deo. 12 Nov. 23 Sept. 29 Dec. 91 26 Nov.* 91 94 6 26 Nov.* 10 Dec. 21 Jan., 1904. 17117 15830 17 Oot. 5 Jan. 94 81 10 Dec* 15 Oct. 17307 25 Nov. 94 10 Dec* 17127 17270 17278 17060 17060 17226 21 Oct. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 11 Nov. 87 12 Nov.* 2 84 84 91 7 Jan., 1904.* 29 Oct.* 29 Oct.* 26 Nov.* Galbraith, D. R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Reducing ironsand Galbraith, D. R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Reducing ironsand Gale, F., and others, Lancefield, Vic. Toy gun Gamble, C. G., Waddington, N.Z. Wire-winder Garrett, B. R., Auckland, N.Z. Trolley-arm rollers Gay, J. H., Oamaru, N.Z. Ventilating-window George, J. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Castor .. Giles, E. L., London, Eng. (See Lamson Store Service Company, Limited, Nos. 17194 and 17195.) Gillespie, T., Lawrence, N.Z. Shoe for dredge-bucket link Gillies, J. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Treating ores Glossop, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Sock Goddu, G., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 17380.) Goodwin, W., Tuapeka Mouth, N.Z. Operating window-sash Gordon, J. K., and others, Lancefield, Vio. Toy gun Gordon, N. R., Carlton, Vic. Producing living movements on screen Gramrfler, I., and another, Ashhurst, N.Z. Rail-joint.. Gray, C. E., and another, Hobart, Tas. Coin-freed franking and stamping machine Green, F. H., Riverton, N.Z. Kettle-hook .. 15661 18 Nov., 1902.. 81 15 Oct. 15662 18 Nov., 1902.. 81 15 Oct. 17047 16635 17311 17336 17321 1 Oct. 14 July 28 -Nov. 3 Dec. 2 Dec. 84 2 94 94 94 29 Oot. 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 17372 17188 17393 15 Dec. 4 Nov. 17 Dec. 2 91 2 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 17329 17047 17317 17271 17386 5 Dec. 1 Oct. 3 Dec. 19 Nov. 17 Deo. 2 84 94 94 2 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904.* 15904 26 Jan. 94 10 Dec,



alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. i Date. Date. Green, M. R., Kensington Park, S.A. Non-refillable bottle Greenhill, J., Roslyn, N.Z. Cramp Greer, H. L., and another, Johnsonville, N.Z. Tip of billiard-cue .. Greig, J. S., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Hoe Grondal, G., Djursholm, Sweden. Reducing iron-ore .. Grondal, G., Djursholm, Sweden. Magnetic separation of iron-ore Grove, E., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Distributing liquid in jet spray Gunn, W., Manchester, England. Gas-producer. (C.Whitfield) .. Gysinge Aktiebolag, Stockholm, Sweden. Electrio furnace. (F. A. Kjellin) 17189 17395 17331 17281 17343 17344 17137 4 Nov. 17 Dec 5 Dec. 23 Nov. 9 Dec. 9 Deo. 20 Oct. 91 6 94 2 2 2 91 26 Nov. 21 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 17151 17125 28 Oot. 21 Oct. 91 87 26 Nov. 12 Nov. Hadaway, J. B., Brockton, U.S.A. Channel-flap-laying machine .. Hair, J., Oamaru, N.Z. Shoe for racehorse .. Hamlin, E. A. G., Wellington, N.Z. Rain, dust, and draught excluder for door Hamlin, E. A. G., Wellington, N.Z. Draught, dust, and rain excluder for door Hamlin, E. A. G., Wellington, N.Z. Dust, rain, and draught excluder for door Hamlin, E. A. G., Dannevirke, N.Z. Sash-grip Hannan, W. J., Orepuki, N.Z. Brake Hardy, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Candlestick .. Hardy, J. R., Sydney, N.S.W. Brick-kiln .. Hardy, J. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Supply and discharge of cistern Harris, J., Wellington, N.Z. Incubator Harrison, J., and another, Stewart Island, N.Z. Hanging and looking window-sash Harvey, W. J. M., Rata, N.Z. Engine-governor Hayne, J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Pneumatic spring Heath, T., Pokororo, N.Z. Castrating-instrument Hement, T. 0., Christchurch, N.Z. Sheet-metal pipe .. Henderson, C. S., Invercargill, N.Z. Pivoting swinging-mirror .. Henderson, J. C, and others, Melbourne, Vic. Operating presserplate of cheese-press Hercus, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Horn-protector for cattle Heskett, T. J., Brunswick, Vic. Smelting metallic oxides Heskett, T. J., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Treating iron-ore .. Hewton, A. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash raiser and lock. (J. O. Hewton) Hewton, J. O., Dunedin, N.Z. (See A. L. Hewton, No. 17305.) Hinton, E., and another, London, Eng. Gas-tap -Hoadley, W. E. C, Melbourne, Vie Inversion of sugar Holden, G. F., Wallace, Vic. Grain-compressor Holland, R., Flemington, N.Z. Pin for shoe of traction-engine .. Holm, C. L., Stockholm, Sweden. Box bearing for rotating shaft.. Holms, J., jun., Waimahaka, N.Z. Coupling-link Holms, J., jun., Waimahaka, N.Z. Clasp for traces, &o. Holt, J. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Steam-box for pressing garments Honey, A. A., Chicago, U.S.A. (See D. W. Balch, No. 15826.) Hood, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Border spring for chairs, &c Hooke, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Boot sole and heel .. Hooker, W., London, Eng. (See The Flameless Gaslight Company, Limited, No. 17419.) Horrocks, L. B., Wellington, N.Z. Vending-machine .. Horrocks, L. B., New Plymouth, N.Z. Anti-rattler for window-sash Howland, R., Wellington, N.Z. Amalgamator Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Belt-coupling. (S. Brewerton).. Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Cigarette-machine. (BritishAmerican Tobacco Company, Limited) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Fluid-pressure turbine. (British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited) Hull, A., Kaihu, N.Z. Repairing leaks in metal vessels Humble, G.B., and others, Geelong, Vic. Floor-cramp. (G. W. M. McDonald) Humble, T. S., and others, Geelong, Vic. Floor-cramp. (G. W. M. McDonald) Humble, W., and others, Geelong, Vic Floor-cramp. (G. W. M. McDonald) Humble, W. H., and others, Geelong, Vic. Floor-cramp. (G. W. M. McDonald) Hutchinson, G., Wellington, N.Z. Milking-apparatus.. Hutchinson, G., Wellington, N.Z. Milking-machine .. 17315 17140 17095 2 Deo. 24 Oct. 13 Oct. 94 87 87 10 Dec* 12 Nov.* 12 Nov.* 17096 13 Oct. 87 12 Nov.* 17097 13 Oct. 87 12 Nov.* 17310 17209 15875 17123 17306 1 Dec. 5 Nov. 14 Jan. 21 Oct. 25 Nov. 91 84 87 94 20 Nov.* 29 Oct. 12 Nov. 10 Dec* 17250 17084 17 Nov. 1 Oot. 94 87 10 Dec* 12 Nov.* 15835 17048 17378 17388 17202 16793 7 Jan. 1 Oot. 16 Dec. 17 Deo. 18 Nov. 13 Aug. 84 84 2 10 94 91 29 Oct. 29 Oct.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 4 Feb., 1904.* 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 17367 17333 17425 17305 10 Deo. 4 Dec. 30 Dec. 25 Nov. 2 94 6 94 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 17068 17345 17284 17276 17294 15933 17237 17201 6 Oct. 9 Dec. 21 Nov. 22 Nov. 26 Nov. 30 Jan. 12 Nov. 2 Nov. 84 2 2 94 2 81 2 91 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 15 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov. 17346 17120 7 Deo. 20 Oct. 2 91 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 17303 17409 17076 17067 17069 27 Nov. 24 Dec. 7 Oct. 6 Oct. 6 Oct. 94 6 84 84 14 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904.* 29 Oct.* 29 Oct.* 18 Feb., 1904. 17424 4 Deo. 17252 17350 17 Nov. 10 Dec. 94 6 10 Dee* 21 Jan., 1904. 17350 10 Deo. 6 21 Jan., 1904. 17350 10 Deo. 6 21 Jan., 1904. 17350 10 Deo. C 21 Jan., 1904. 17078 15894 7 Oct. 23 Jan. 84 91 29 Oct.* 26 Nov. Irvine, J., Napier, N.Z. Preventing fraudulent opening of cases .. 17072 6 Oot. 84 29 Oct.* Jacobson, S. H., New York, U.S.A. Ventilator Jaggers, J. A., Whangarei, N.Z. Rowlock .. James, C. E., Alton, N.Z. Backhand and shaft-tug James, R. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-strainer James, W. J., Wanganui, N.Z. Trough Jenkins, H., and another, Eltham, N.Z. Ointment Johnson, G. B., London, Eng. Rolling sheet-metal strips 16512 17253 17176 17196 17241 17421 17223 20 June, 19021 17 Nov. 3 Nov. 2 Nov. 10 Nov. 29 Dec. 11 Nov. 78 94 91 91 94 6 94 1 Oct.* 10 Doe* 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent—continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. ones, E., Wellington, N.Z. Elevator 'ones, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Extensible bracket "ones, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Hat-support beneath chair ones, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Kiln for drying timber. (A. H. Andrews and Co.—-H. J. Morton) orgenson, O. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Window-sash .. 17411 17330 17377 17285 24 Dec. 5 Dec. 16 Dec 28 Nov. 6 94 10 94 21 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 4 Feb., 1904. 10 Dec* 17089 9 Oct. 87 12 Nov.* Cemp, J., New Plymouth, N.Z. Tailboard of tip dray .. Kennedy, C. D., and another, Napier, N.Z. Spanner .. Cerr, H., and another, Drummond, N.Z. Seed-sower .. filkelly, M. J , and another, Grove Bush, N.Z. Belt-fastener Cilkelly, T., and another, Grove Bush, N.Z. Belt-fastener iinsella, J., Camberwell, Vic. (See H. Carter and R. T. Paterson, No. 17198.) Cirkpatrick-Picard, H. F., and another, London, Eng. Ore-con-centration Cjellin, F. A., Gysinge, Sweden. (See Gysinge Aktiebolag, No. 17125.) tnapp, A. J., Totara Flat, N.Z. Railway-coupling Cnapp, A. V., Wellington, N.Z. Expanding horses' hoofs Cnewstubbs, E., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Depositing dredged material Cnight, J. I., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Saddle Snowies, O. H., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Speedily stopping ships, &o. Cnox, A., Brisbane, Queensland. Electrical clock .. 17064 17110 17368 17114 17114 5 Oct. 15 Oct. 10 Dec. 15 Oct. 15 Oot. 84 84 2 87 87 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov.* 12 Nov.* 17147 28 Oct. 91 20 Nov. 17178 17309 17164 17204 17362 3 Nov. 1 Dec. 23 Oct. 2 Nov. 11 Dec. 91 94 94 91 2 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 17210 3 Nov. 94 10 Dec jafranchi, A., Cardrona, N.Z. Fog-horn oambert, F., Waikaremoana, N.Z. Lock-gate jamson Store Service Company, Limited, London, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. Despatch-carrier. (C. F. R. Estienne) jamson Store Service Company, Limited, London, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. Tube-bending machine. (E. L. Giles) jamson Store Service Company, Limited, London, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. Despatch-system receiving-terminal. (E. L. Giles) jamson Store Service Company, Limited, London, Eng. Despatchcarrier. (H. Burl) jancaster, E. W., Westminster, Eng. Bath oaval, De. (See under De.) jawrence, A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Packing eggs jawrence, F. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Packing eggs .. jeach, G., Melbourne, Vic. Cream-separator jeach, J. D., Dargaville, N.Z. Operating venetian-blind jeith, A., Auckland, N.Z. Cow leg-bail and tail-holder jeland, S. D., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15827.) jevings, A., Bluff, N.Z. Mitre-box and cramp jewis, A. M., Wellington, N.Z. Liquid-filter jight, A. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Insecticide jightband, C. D., Wellington, N.Z. Boot-polishing machine jightband, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Tire-cover jittleproud, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Printing name on glass panel jombard, N., Worcester, U.S.A. Governor., jonergan, W. H., and another, Providence, R.I., U.S.A. (See G. W. Basley, No. 17145.) jotz, A., San Francisco, U.S.A. Carpet-renovator oough, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Cash or parcel transmitter jOve, J. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Saddle jowe, G. I., Palmerston North, N.Z. Flax-scutcher .. jucas, F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Press for artificial stone oungley, C. F., Albert Park, Vic Treatment of ironsand ousk, R. B., Auckland, N.Z. Dressing flax .. oyford, C, Tauherenikau, N.Z. Tying flax .. jyle, J., Surrey, Eng. (See A. J. Cadman, Nos. 17245 and 17246.) 17081 17174 17193 2 Oct. 30 Oct. 4 Nov. 84 91 2 29 Oct.* 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 17194 4 Nov. 2 7 Jan., 1904. 17195 4 Nov. 2 7 Jan., 1904. 17269 19 Nov. 94 10 Dec. 17240 16 Nov. 94 10 Dec 17273 17273 17159 17122 17382 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 29 Oct. 20 Oct. 16 Dec. 94 94 91 87 2 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 12 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 17082 17075 17396 17387 17428 17289 1 Oct. 7 Oct. 18 Dec. 17 Deo. 31 Dec. 24 Nov. 84 84 2 2 10 94 29 Oct.* 29 Oct.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 4 Feb., 1904.*. 10 Dec* 17399 18 Dec. 6 21 Jan., 1904. 17415 17144 17204 17371 17170 17130 17179 17073 22 Dec. 22 Oct. 2 Nov. 15 Dec. 27 Oct. 8 Oct. 3 Nov. 7 Oct. 10 94 91 2 91 87 91 84 4 Feb., 1904. 10 Dec. 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 12 Nov. 26 Nov.* 29 Oct.* labin, F. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Boot sole and heel .. lacalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Chain-drive manure-feed lacalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Ridging-machine lacCann, J. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Fly-catcher .. lacdonald, D. C, Campbelltown, N.Z. Treating grain /[acintosh, J. M., Brunswiok, Vic Sash-fastener lacky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Door-handle fastening 'lagnus, P., Collingwood, Vic. Preparing leather lahoney, F. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Incandescent lamp lanning, W. H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Door-check lanton, J. A., and another, Parramatta, N.S.W. Billiard-score indicator /Tarks, J., Devonport, N.Z. Hose-eoupling .. larshall, W. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Muffling sound of explosion in motors Martin, W. A., Albury, N.S.W. Heel-piece for boots .. .tatthews, J. J., Maldon, Vic. Acetylene-generator ilay, T, W., Auckland, N.Z, Water-closet cistern ,. 17120 17116 17115 17397 17370 16372 17416 16139 16406 20 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oot. 19 Dec. 14 Dec. 19 May 23 Dec. 26 March 27 May 91 87 87 2 2 6 84 81 26 Nov.* 12 Nov.* 12 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 21 Jan., 1904.* 29 Oct. 15 Oct. 17206 17381 2 Nov. 17 Dec. 91 2 26 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904.* 17359 17055 8 Dec. 1 Oct. 2 84 7 Jan., 1904.* 29 Oct.* 17083 17100 17291 2 Oct. 15 Oct. 23 Nov. 87 87 94 12 Nov.* 12 Nov. 10 Dec*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. McCarthy, M., Miller's Flat, N.Z. Rabbit-poison McCarthy, T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Fancy confections McCulloch, A. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Preventing escape of volatile from fixed carbon in coal McCutcheon, C. O., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Well-sinking apparatus McDonald, A., and another, Riccarton, N.Z. Rod for wheel McDonald, G. W. M., Geelong, Vic. (See W., T. S., W. H., and G. B. Humble, No. 17350.) McKenzie, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Pen holder finger-guide .. McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Marking-stamp McLeod, W., Woodbury, N.Z. Nail and staple drawer McPharlin, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Bag for collecting kauri-gum .. McPhee, J. H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Reducing iron-ore .. 17364 17079 17390 17254 17099 9 Dec. 2 Oct. 18 Dec 16 Nov. 10 Oct. 6 94 87 21 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 12 Nov.* 15817 17299 17168 17059 17112 30 Dec, 1902 .. 25 Nov. 28 Oct. 3 Oct. 15 Oct. I 81 94 91 84 87 91 2 87 91 15 Oct. 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 29 Oct.* 12 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov.* 26 Nov.* McPherson, J. O., Fortrose, N.Z. Fencing-dropper 17109 16 Oct. Mercer, C. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Music-leaf turner Meyer, P., and another, Motu, N.Z. Brake for dray Midgley, E., London, Eng. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 17356.) Miller, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Rail-joint Miller, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Envelope Miller, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Wrapper Miller, J. A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Phonographic and stereoscopic apparatus Miller, J. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Phonographic and stereoscopic apparatus Mills, E. G., South Yarra, Vic. Manufacturing white-lead Moir, J., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Detecting and estimating gold Monsley, G., Brunswick, Vic. (See Tye and Co. Proprietary, Limited, No. 17220.) Montgomerie, R. A., Aberfeldie, N.Z. Fencing-wire Moore, M., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Treating iron-ore Morgan, H. E. J., Midland Junction, W.A. Tobacco-pipe Morgan, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Rope buckle Morris, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Peg for fixing traps, tents, &o. Mortimer, W. G., Toorak, Vic. Pot-cleaner Morton, H. J., Chicago, U.S.A. (See F. J. Jones, No. 17285.) Morton, J., and another, St. Louis, U.S.A. Chlorination-barrel .. Moss, B., Melbourne, Vic Adjusting candles for carriage-lamps .. Murphy, M., Winton, Tasmania. (See M. D. Synnot, No. 17357.) 17113 17226 17274 17091 16733 17046 17046 17043 17155 15 Oct. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 5 Oct. 16 Dec. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 28 Oct. 94 94 2 84 84 84 91 10 Dec* 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 29 Oct.* 26 Nov. 17224 17425 10055 17272 15920 17242 11 Nov. 30 Dec. 6 March 20 Nov. 27 Jan. 16 Nov. 94 6 2 2 87 94 10 Dee. 21 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. 10 Dec. 17352 17295 10 Dec. 26 Nov. 2 94 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* STaismith, N., St. Andrew's, N.Z. Dutch and drag hoe Sfankivell, E. H., Waikouaiti, N.Z. Oiling idle pinions and pulleys National Cash Register Company, Dayton, U.S.A. (See G. W. Basley, Nos. 17348 and 17349.) Natural Food Company, Niagara, U.S.A. Manufacture of biscuits. (H. D. Perky) STeedham, L. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Window-sash STelson, G., Napier, N.Z. Refrigerating machinery STettheim, C, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Boot STewson, F., Auckland, N.Z. Game Slew Zealand Mitre - machine Company, Limited, Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutter rest. (R. Dunne) Nicholas, A. J., Wallace, N.Z. Target Nicholson, S., Gore, N.Z. Inner tube for motor car SToonan, J. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Billiard-rest 17142 17335 23 Oct. 3 Dec 94 94 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 17152 28 Oct. . 91 26 Nov. 17089 17376 17319 17282 17301 9 Oct. 15 Dec. 3 Dec. 19 Nov. 23 Nov. 87 6 94 94 94 12 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 17407 17244 17417 23 Dec. 16 Nov. 23 Dec 6 94 6 21 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904.* Dakes, C. S., and another, Parramatta, N.S.W. Billiard-score indicator 3'Brien, T. E., Narrabri, N.S.W. Bottle .. D'Connor, T. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Billiard-rest D'Hara, W. J., Papatoetoe, N.Z. Wagon Dhlsson, O., Sodertelge, Sweden. Centrifugal separator Dhlsson, O., Sodertelge, Sweden. Supporting and driving device for rotating parts 31dham, O., Denton, Eng. Jig-pulley for mines Dliver, H., Hororata, N.Z. Adjusting gate on mounting )lsen, H. O., Melbourno, Vic. Artificial stone Dsmond, S. J., Laura, S.A. Washing-machine }tway, A. E., Invercargill, N.Z. Flax-cutter 17381 17 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904.* 17157 17417 17172 17228 17229 29 Oct. 23 Dec. 27 Oct. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 6 91 94 94 21 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec. 10 Dec 17070 17255 17283 16285 17126 6 Oct. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 30 April 17 Oct. 84 94 2 91 87 29 Oct. 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov. 12 Nov.* Painter, C. J., Woodville, N.Z. Whisk and churner Palmer, J. E., Otokia, N.Z. Branding-compound Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Shackle and snatch-block. (W. Beamish) Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Boot-polisher Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Dust and draught excluder for door Parker, B., Coimadai, Vic. Destroying rabbits, &c. Parker, B., Coima'dai, Vic. Destroying rabbits Parkerson, R. K., Ealing, N.Z. Propelling vessels Parks, T. A., and others, Romsey, Vic. Toy gun Parry, T. G. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Castor.. Paterson, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Vote-recorder Paterson, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Bicycle attachment 17121 15837 17323 20 Oct. 5 Jan. 2 Dec. 91 2 94 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 17071 16376 15985 17234 17275 17047 17184 17199 15788 6 Oct. 19 May 13 Fob. 10 Nov. 18 Nov. 1 Oct. 30 Oct. 30 Oct. 17 Dec, 1902.. 84 81 94 94 94 84 91 91 81 29 Oct.* 15 Oct. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 10 Dec* 29 Oct. 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 15 Oct.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

l>p! ical ion. 'aze, !e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Paterson, R. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic Parcel-strap. (J. Kinsella) Patterson, J. G., Manchester, Eng. Coal-cutting machine Paul, J. H., Riverside, Eng. Manufacture of hydrocyanic acid Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Lock-nut Payne, W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Treating ores Pedersen, M., Dursley, Eng. Cream-separator Pennington, R. E., Carlton, Vic. Nut-locking spring washer Perdriau, E. M., Drummoyne, N.S.W. Overcoat. (H. Daniell) .. Perky, H. D., Niagara, U.S.A. (See The Natural Food Company, No. 17152.) Petersen, O., Christchurch, N.Z. Sandal Petford, J., Auckland, N.Z. Water-tank and cooling-chamber Picard. (See Kirkpatriok-Picard.) Pond, J. A., Auckland, N.Z. Sterilising and drying bones Prestidge, J., Hororata, N.Z. Castrating lambs 17198 17150 17259 16367 17188 17314 17318 17161 30 Oct. 28 Oct. 18 Nov. 13 May 4 Nov. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 24 Oct. 91 91 94 78 91 2 6 94 26 Nov.* 26 Nov. 10 Dec. 1 Oct. 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 21 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 17304 17298 26 Nov. 24 Nov. 94 10 10 Dec* 4 Feb., 1904.* Prichard, N. S., and another, Hinds, N.Z. Brake mechanism 17136 17197 17264 20 Oct. 3 Nov. 17 Nov. I 1 ( 87 91 94 6 91 6 91 12 Nov. 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* Purdie, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Wave motor 17175 2 Nov. Purser, E., Wanganui, N.Z. Rain-water separator 17162 27 Oct. Ramage, J., Balclutha, N.Z. Tap Ramsay, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-curler .. Rathbun, H. E., and another, Providence, R.I., U.S.A. (See G. W. Basley, No. 17145.) Renner, G., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Pegless clothes-line Rico, W. S., Adams, U.S.A. Hernia truss .. Richmond, A. P., Marrickville, N.S.W. Therapeutic apparatus Riddell, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Beam scales Ritscher, J., Melbourne, Vic. Throw-crank for cycle Robertson, J., and another, Lawrence, N.Z. Seed-sower Robertson, J., Waitati, N.Z. Driving-mechanism for ditch-plough elevator Robertson, P. F. A., and another, Lawrence, N.Z. Seed-sower Robinson, A. A., and another, Moorooka, Queensland. Butter tinning and printing machine Robinson, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Insecticide Robinson, J. T., Auckland, N.Z. Lift and sole press knife for bootmanufacturing Ross, A., and another, Napier, N.Z. Flax combing and washing machine Ross, A., and another, Napier, N.Z. Treating flax-fibre Ross, T. J., Auckland, N.Z. Ship's raft Ross, W., and another, Napier, N.Z. Flax combing and washing machine Ross, W., and another, Napier, N.Z. Treating flax-fibre Rossiter, E. A., Perth, W.A. Wheel-rim. (Wallington, Weston, and Co.) Rottman, F. J., London, Eng. (See C F. Biinz, No. 16358.) Rounthwaite, R. S., Wellington, N.Z. Dipping wood blocks in tar 17169 17218 27 Oct. 10 Nov. 2 91 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 17063 17230 17267 17165 17363 15550 17312 5 Oct. 12 Nov. 19 Nov. 21 Oct. 11 Dec. 16 Oct., 1902 .. 27 Nov. 84 94 2 91 2 81 94 29 Oct.* 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904. 20 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904.* 15 Oct. 10 Dec* 15550 15543 16 Oct., 1902.. 23 Oct., 1902 .. 81 2 15 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. 17396 17236 18 Deo. 11 Nov. 2 94 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 17412 24 Dec. 6 21 Jan., 1904. 17405 17107 17412 23 Deo. 16 Oct. 24 Dec. 91 6 26 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904. 17405 17186 23 Dec. 4 Nov. 17375 15 Dec 2 7 Jan., 1904.* Sargent, H. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Printing name on glass panel Sargood, P. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Steam-box for pressing garments Sargood, P. R., Wellington, N.Z. Collar Schnitzer, H., Dresden, Germany. Food-warming apparatus Scott, S., Wellington, N.Z. Crimping and cutting shortbread Seldon, A. T., and another, Broken Hill, Queensland. Gold-saving vat Sellars, W. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Manufacture of skewers, spiles, &c Shaw, E., London, Eng. Extract of coffee .. Shelton, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Heating kitchen-ranges, &c Shillito, B. S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Castor Shillito, R. S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Castor Skinner, J. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Boot-heel Skipwith, R. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Door-lock Slack, W. F., Wellington, N.Z. Indicating depth of water beneath vessel Sleight, J. S., Kaukapakapa, N.Z. Rail-joint Smith, J. J., Wellington, N.Z. Advertising Smith, T., Greymouth, N.Z. Diamond-drill borer Standen, W. J., Pleasant Point, N.Z. Cutting and tailing lambs .. Staples, W., Wellington, N.Z. Boot Stedman, S. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Rod for wheels Stoele, E. G., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Electrostatic magnetic separator Steele, R., and another, Waverley, N.S.W. Boot Steele," W. L., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Eleotrostatic magnetic separator Stephens, J., Auckland, N.Z. Door-lock Stewart, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Spreading polish on floors 17289 24 Nov. 94 10 Dec* 17201 2 Nov. 91 26 Nov. 17177 17422 17090 17205 3 Nov. 30 Dec 9 Oct. 2 Nov. 6 87 91 21 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 17379 16 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904.* 17131 17308 17062 17002 17402 17305 17166 20 Oct. 28 Nov. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 22 Dec. 11 Dec. 29 Oct. 87 94 84 84 6 2 91 12 Nov. 10 Dec* 29 Oct.* 29 Oct.* 21 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 17326 17355 17400 17322 10007 17099 15830 5 Dec. 10 Dec. 21 Dec. 2 Dec. 20 Feb. 10 Oct. 5 Jan. 94 10 Doc* 10 94 84 87 81 4 Feb., 1904.* 10 Dec* 29 Oct. 12 Nov.* 15 Oct. 17319 15830 3 Dec. 5 Jan. 94 81 10 Dec* 15 Oot. 17092 17373 10 Oct. 11 Dec. 87 2 12 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

13— H. 10._0 4

Application. !e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Stewart, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Reducing ironsand Stewart, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Reducing ironsand Stock, W., and another, Napier, N.Z. Spanner Stokes, W., Woolston, N.Z. Graphophone-reproducer .. Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Thinning turnips Strange, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Latch-lock. (J. Dockery) Stringfellow, C, Auckland, N.Z. Button-fastener Suckling, J. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Muffling sound of explosion in motors Sulman, H. L , and another, London,"Eng. Ore-concentration Sutton, H. M., and others, Dallas, U.S.A. Electrostatic magnetic separator Sutton, W., Hedgehope, N.Z. Strengthening gear of disc harrow .. Synnot, M. D., Melbourne, Vic Trapping rabbits. (M. Murphy) .. 15661 15662 17110 17296 17280 17119 18 Nov., 1902.. 18 Nov., 1902.. 15 Oct. 27 Nov. 23 Nov. 19 Oct. 81 81 84 94 94 91 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 29 Oct. 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 17360 17055 11 Dec. 1 Oct. 2 84 7 Jan., 1904.* 29 Oct.* 17147 15830 28 Oct. 5 Jan. 91 81 26 Nov. 15 Oot. 17358 17357 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 2 2 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. Tagell, J., Bethanga, Vic. Valve Taylor, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Button Taylor, F. W., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Speedily stopping ships, &c Taylor, J. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Fly-catcher Taylor, R. R , Roslyn, N.Z. Marl brick Theobald, J., Wellington, N.Z. Shaft-tug for harness .. Thomas, J. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Well sinking apparatus Thomson, C, Gore, N.Z. Colouring photographs Thurlby, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle attachment .. Tolman, J. S , and another, Hobart, Tas. Coin freed franking and stamping machine Tonge, J., jun, Westhoughton, Eng. Mining-drill Tregea, J., and Co. (See J. Robinson and A. H. Light, No. 17396.) Trevethick, J., Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of brushes Tully, C. J., Greytown North, N.Z. Wheel-1 <ck and rein-holder .. Tully', C. J., Greytown North, N.Z. Wheel-lock and rein-holder .. Turner, W. N., Ipswich, Eng. Separating metals Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-furnace. (T.Edwards) Tye and Co. Proprietary, Limited, Melbourne, Vic. Roller-blind controller. (G. Monsley) 17208 17180 17362 5 Nov. 29 Oct. 11 Dec. 91 91 2 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 17397 17163 17351 17254 19 Dec. 23 Oct. 10 Dec. 16 Nov. 2 2 94 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 17413 17366 17386 24 Dec 11 Dec. 17 Dec. 6 10 2 21 Jan., 1904. 4 Feb., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 17302 24 Nov. 2 7 Jan., 1904. 17141 17128 17129 17261 17418 17220 26 Oot. 22 Oct. 22 Oct. 18 Nov. 29 Dec. 11 Nov. 87 91 91 94 10 91 12 Nov. 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 10 Dec. 4 Feb., 1904. 26 Nov.* Uddstrom, C, Greymouth, N.Z. Wire-woven-mattress frame United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Heel-com pressing machine. (S. D. Leland) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Heel-com-pressing machine. (C. L. Allen) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Nailmgmachine. (L. A. Casgrain) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Nailingmachine. (G. Goddu) Urquhart, D., Islington, N.Z. Printing sheep-bags and adjusting length 17265 15827 14 Nov. 5 Jan. 94 84 10 Dec* 29 Oct. 15828 5 Jan. 84 29 Oot. 16229 15 April 94 10 Dec. 17380 17 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904.* 15891 20 Jan. 87 12 Nov. Vanstone, F. R., Little River, N.Z. Fencing-dropper .. Van Westrum, L. S., Berlin, (Sermany. Road-making Van Westrum, L. S., Berlin, Germany. Sprinkling roads to prevent dust Veron, E., Granville, N.S.W. Raising sunken vessels .. 17258 17342 17260 14 Nov. 9 Dec. 18 Nov. 94 2 94 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec. 17133 22 Oct. 91 26 Nov.* Waites, B., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Mineral concentrator and classifier Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Cutting material to form mitre-joints .. Walker, J., Brisbane, Queensland. Dress-stand figure .. Walker, W. R., Auckland, N.Z. Knee-pad .. Wallington, Weston, and Co., Frome, Eng. (See E. A. Rossiter, No. 17186.) Wallis, G. P., and another, Leeds, Eng. Manufacture of bricks .. Walpole, R. W., Opua, N.Z. Beverage Walsh, L. A., Remuera, N.Z. Fish-hook Ward, A., Waikawa Valley, N.Z. Yoke for pigs Ward, S. A., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Hoe Warne, A. E., Nowra, N.S.W. Ore-concentrator Warrington, R. G., .Hawera, N.Z. Clamping milk-tin in cart Waters, E., jun., Melb urne, Vie Tire-covert (E. Midgley) Watson, A. E., Kyneton, Vic. Agricultural rotary - scraper mounting Watson, J., Wellington, N.Z. Shop-window frame Watson, R. S., Islington, N.Z. Cleaning pipes of refngeratingapparatus Watt, J. R., Islington, N.Z. Coverings of walls of houses Webb, J., Airowtown, N.Z. Luring birds to take poison Webb, J. A., Melbourne, Vic. Bag and package receiver Webster; H., Cheltenham, N.Z. Interchangeable-blade hoe Wellman, H. P., Melbourne, Vic. Elevating gate Wells, R. B., Wellington, N.S.W. (See A. S. Coronel, No. 17383.) Westrum, Van. (See under V.) 17231 12 Nov. 94 10 Dec 17235 17221 17290 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 24 Nov. 94 94 94 10 Dec* 10 Dec. 10 Dec* 17270 17286 17251 15901 17281 16656 17167 17356 17216 19 Nov. 25 Nov. 17 Nov. 21 Jan. 23 Nov. 15 July 29 Oct. 8 Dec 6 Nov. 94 94 87 2 87 91 2 91 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 12 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. 26 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 17249 17313 17 Nov. 2 Dec. 94 94 10 Deo. 10 Dee* 17389 16034 17337 17243 15962 7 Oct. 26 Feb. 7 Dec. 14 Nov. 10 Feb. 2 2 94 94 94 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dee* 10 Dee* 10 Dec.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

X.—ALPHABETICAL LIST OF INVENTIONS FOR QUARTER ENDING 31st DECEMBER, 1903. Denotes a provisional specification. Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."

-PP! Leal ;ion. klze: 'e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Whitburn, S., Mercer, N.Z. Frying-pan cover White, C. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Distributing liquid in jets White, R., Auckland, N.Z. Earth-scoop White, S. Dunedin, N.Z. Extinguishing fallin oil-lamp White, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Fencing-standard White, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Wire standard .. Whitfield, C. Northampton, Eng. (See W. Gunn, No. 17151.) Whitney, A. N., Melbourne. Vic. Vessel Wight, R. B., Auckland, N.Z. Beverage Wilkins, T., Lawrence, N.Z. Knife-cleaner.. Wilkins, T., Lawrence, N.Z. Tobacco-cutter Wilkinson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Hurdle. (J.Douglass) .. Williams, H., Lyttelton, N.Z. Life-saving raft Williams, J., Hawthorndale, N.Z Drain-plough Williams, J. C , Christchurch, N.Z. Washing-tablet .. Wilson, E. J., Jeetho, Vic. Plough for cutting out tussocks, &c. .. Wilson, E. J., Jeetho, Vic Plough Wilson, N., jun., Warkworth, N.Z. Stirrup-iron Wilson, T., and another, Ashhurst, N.Z. Rail-joint Winten, J. A., Mitchell, Queensland. Race-starter Wiseman, J., Auckland, N.Z. Sash-lock Woodhead, J., and another, Drummond, N.Z. Seed-sower Woolcott, H. S., Wellington, N.Z. Drain-pipe connection Woolcott, H. S., Wellington, N.Z. High- and low-pressure tap Worthington, H. R., New York, U.S.A. Direct-acting engine. (W. C. Brown) Worthington, H. R., New York, U.S.A. Valve movement of steamengine. (W. C. Brown) Wright, J., Auckland, N.Z. Iron fencing-standard Wright, J., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-fencing battens Wright, T. I., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Supply and discharge of cisterns 17341 17137 17207 17111 17227 17087 17233 17297 16023 17045 17238 15934 17094 17277 17077 17103 17239 17271 17426 17293 17368 17332 17263 17353 7 Dec. 20 Oct. 2 Nov. 15 Oct. 19 Oct. 22 Nov. 10 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Feb. lOct. 12 Nov. 2 Feb. 7 Oct. 21 Nov. 7 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Nov. 19 Nov. 30 Dec. 26 Nov. 10 Dec. 7 Dec. 18 Nov. 10 Dec. 10 91 91 91 94 94 94 2 84 94 91 87 94 84 87 94 94 4 Feb., 1904. 26 Nov.* 26 Nov. 26 Nov.* 10 Dee* 10 Dee* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct.* 10 Dec* 26 Nov. 12 Nov.* 10 Dee* 29 Oct.* 12 Nov. 10 Dec. 10 Dec* 94 2 94 94 2 10 Dec* 7 Jan, 1904.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 17354 10 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. 17247 16774 17306 3 Nov. 6 Aug. 25 Nov. 91 84 94 26 Nov. 29 Oct. 10 Dec*

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Account-book Account book Acetylene generator Advertising Agricultural implement, Rotary - scraper for Air-current inducer Alkali group, Metals of. (See Metals.) Alloys. (See Metals.) Amalgamator Animal-rug attachment Animal-trap Animal-trap Animal-trap Anti-friction mechanism Anti-rattler for window Aro-lamp Artificial stone Artificial stone Artificial stone Artificial stone, Pressure-press for G. W. Basley G. W. Basley J. J. Matthews J. J. Smith A. E. Watson E. Buckland R. Howland J. Ellis A. Campbell F. W. Barton A. Campbell J. E. Cooper H. Agar J. P. Campbell R. W. England, jun. .. R. W. England, jun. H. O. Olsen R. W. England and F. Lucas 17348 17349 17100 17355 17216 17171 17076 15811 15791 15978 17202 17154 16045 17404 15991 16008 17283 17170 7 Dec. 7 Dec. 15 Oct. 10 Dec. , .. 6 Nov. 27 Oct. 7 Oct. 24 Dec, 1902 16 Dec, 1902 11 Feb. 4 Nov. 28 Oct. 4 March .. 23 Dec. 13 Feb. 18 Feb. 21 Nov. 27 Oct. 84 81 87 2 91 91 2 6 94 94 2 91 2 2 87 91 91 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 29 Oct.* 15 Oct. 12 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 26 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904. 21 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* Baokband and shaft-tug for harness Bag. (See Kauri-gum bag, Sheep-bag.) Bag and package receiver Baling apparatus, Chaff-, &c. Barrel, ChlorinationBath Batten. (See Fencing-batten.) Bearing. (See Box-bearing, Shaft-bearing.) C. E. James J. A. Webb C. F. Holden W. J. Armbruster and J. Morton E. W. Lancaster 17176 17337 17284 17352 17240 3 Nov. 7 Dec. 21 Nov. 10 Dec. 16 Nov. 91 94 2 2 94 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Beater-drum of flax-stripper, Apparatus for truing-up Bells, Actuating fire-alarm, &o. Belt-coupling Belt-fastener Bending tubes, Machine for .. J. P. Andrews and J. Anderson .. 17339 8 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. T. F. Dowling W. E. Hughes T. and M. J. Kilkelly Lamson Store Service Company, Limited R. Wales.. R. W. Walpole R. B. Wight 17134 17067 17114 17194 22 Oct. 6 Oct. 15 Oct. 4 Nov. 91 84 87 2 26 Nov.* 29 Oct.* 12 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. Bevel-joint cutter Beverage Beverage Bicycle. (See also Cycle.) Bicycle attachment Bicycle, Child, &c, carrier for Bicycle-tire cover repairer Billiard-cue tip Billiard-rest Billiard-score indicator Billiard-table cushion Bird-luring apparatus Biscuit-machine Blind. (See Roller blind, Venetian-blind.) Boiler. (See Portable boiler, Washingboiler.) Bolster, Adjustable.. Bonodust, Sterilising Bonedust-sterilising device Book. (See Account-book.) Book-leaf holder Boot Boot Boot Boot cushion heel Boot heel-piece Boot insole A. Thurlby J. Paterson G. H. Fowler H. L. Greer and T. Colman J. H. Noonan and T. B. O'Connor J. A. Manton and C. S. Oakes .. R. B. Bennett J. Webb The Natural Food Company 17235 17286 17297 17366 15788 17127 17331 17417 17381 17098 16034 17152 11 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 11 Deo. 17 Dec, 1902 21 Oct. 5 Dec. 23 Dec. 17 Dee 13 Oct. 26 Feb. 28 Oct. 91 94 ill 10 81 87 94 6 2 89 2 91 10 Dec. 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 4 Feb., 1904.* 15 Oot. 12 Nov.* 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov. W. P. Daly J. A. Pond W. Barnsdale 17442 17136 16800 7 Dec. 20 Oct. 14 Aug. 6 87 2 21 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904. G. S. Budge W. Staples C. Nettheim and R. Steele E. Adams.. J. R. Skinner W. A. Martin The Auckland Co-operative Boot and Shoe Company, Limited J. T. Robinson A. Parker C. D. Lightband W. Hooke and F. B. Mabin R.Collins.. W. R. Bawden T. Smith .. T. E. O'Brien H. R. Bell M. R. Green 16065 16007 17319 17384 17402 17083 17408 9 Mar. 20 Feb. 3 Dec. 17 Dec. 22 Dec. 2 Oct. 24 Deo. 2 84 94 6 6 87 10 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. 10 Dee* 21 Jan., 1904.* 21 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov.* 4 Feb., 1904. Bootmakers' knife Boot-polisher Boot-polishing machine Boot sole and heel Boot-toe protector Boreholes, Clinostat for Borer, Diamond-drill Bottle .. Bottle and stopper Bottle, Non-refillable Box. (See Feed-box, Mitre-box.) Box-bearing Bracket Brake Brake 17236 17071 17387 17120 16393 17268 17400 17157 14743 17189 11 Nov. 6 Oct. 17 Dee 20 Oct. 28 May 19 Nov. 21 Dec. 29 Oct. 15 April, 1902 4 Nov. 94 84 2 91 2 2 10 10 Dec* 29 Oct.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 4 Feb., 1904. 94 91 10 Dec 26 Nov. C. L. Holm F. J. Jones W. J. Hannan W. A. Friar and P. Meyer T. Earnshaw and N. S. Priohard 17294 17330 17209 17226 26 Nov. 5 Dec. 5 Nov. 11 Nov. 17 Nov. 2 94 91 91 94 (i 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904. Brake 17264 Brake Brake and life-guard Branding-compound Branding-stamp Breeching-strap Brick .. Brick-glazing process Brick-manufacture Bridle .. Briquette, Fuel-Broom-handle connection Brush Brush, Tooth-, &c. .. Bucket Bucket. (See also Dredge-bucket.) Buckle. (See Rope buckle.) Building, Sheet-metal downpipe on Burner and mantle Burner, GasBurning pipes Butter tinning and printing machine Button Button-fastener M. Corrington J. Arnaboldi J. E. Palmer A. McLeod R. and A. T. Burke .. R. R. Taylor L. Clark G. P. Wallis and G. Fox T. H. Brown A. J. Cadman L. J. Barnes J. Trevethiok H. E. Crease P. V. L. Alkemade .. 17279 17300 15837 17299 17088 17163 17116 17270 17410 17240 17292 17141 17415 17086 19 Nov. 24 Nov. 5 Jan. 25 Nov. 9 Oct. 23 Oct. 13 Oct. 19 Nov. 24 Dec. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 26 Oct. 23 Dec. 8 Oct. 94 2 94 94 2 17 6 91 94 87 0 87 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov. 21 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 12 Nov. 21 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov.* T. C. Hement W. W. and M. A. Adam C. J. Alexander R. O. Clark, jun. R. Boxall and A. A. Robinson .. W. Borlase C. Stringfellow 17388 17222 17219 17183 15543 17180 17360 17 Dec. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 30 Oct. 23 Oct., 1902 29 Oct. 11 Dec. 10 94 94 4 Feb., 1904 * 10 Dec* 10 Dec. 2 91 2 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* Calf-feeding apparatus Candle-adjustment for carriage-lamp Candlestick Candlestick-sconce Carpet-renovater Carrier. (See Child-carrier, Parcel-carrier, Pneumatic despatch-carrier.) Case. (See Packing-case.) J. Cook B. Moss .. W. Ferrier A. R. Hardy A. Lotz 17369 17295 17232 15875 17414 14 Dec. 26 Nov. 12 Nov. 14 Jan. ' 22 Dec. 2 94 91 84 10 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 29 Oct. 10 Feb., 1904.


Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Cash-transmitter for stores Castor Castor Castor Castor Castrating-instrument Castrating-instrument Castrating-instrument Centrifugal-separator drum Centrifugal-separator drum Centrifugal-separator drum Chain-drive manure-feed Channel-flap-laying machine Charges. (See Explosive charges.) Cheese-press H. Lough B. S. and R. S. Shillito T. G. A. Parry J. W. George D. W. Bodle J. Prestidge J. Dignan.. T. Heath A. M. Arnberg J. A. Dahlqvist 0. Ohlsson J. Macalister J. B. Hadaway 17144 17062 17184 17321 17385 17197 17212 17378 17074 17190 17228 17116 17315 22 Oct. 3 Oct. 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 17 Dec. 3 Nov. 3 Nov. 16 Dec. 7 Oct. 4 Nov. 12 Nov. 15 Oct. 2 Dec. 94 84 91 94 6 91 91 2 10 Dec. 29 Oct. 20 Nov.* 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 94 94 87 94 10 D^c. 10 Dec. 12 Nov.* 10 Dec* J. C. Henderson, W. J. Anderson, and E. S. Burman J. Patterson W. J. Armbruster and J. Morton C. J. Painter W. E. Hughes 16793 13 Aug. 91 26 Nov. Child-carrier, Bicycle Chlorination-harrel Churner and whisk Cigarette-machine Cistern. (See Water-cistern.) Cistern-supply discharge Clamping-apparatus for securing milk-tin in cart Clasp for spreader Cleaning machine, FruitCleaning pipes of refrigerator Cleaning tins, &c, Appliance for Clinostat Clothes-line, Pegless Coal-eutting machine Coal, Preventing escape of volatile from fixed carbon in Coat, Driving and riding Coffee-extract production Collar .. Colouring photographs Compressing chaff, &c Concentrator and classifier Concentrator and evaporator Concentrator (See also Ore-concentrator.) Confections, Fancy Cooking-utensil Cooling-chamber and water-tank Couch, &c, Spring Coupling. (See Belt - coupling, Hosecoupling, Railway coupling.) Coupling-link Cover. (See Tire-cover.) Covering for roof-gutter Covering for walls Cow leg-bail and tail-holder Cow leg-rope Cramp Cramp and mitre-box Cramp, Floor15788 17352 17121 17069 17 Dec , 1902 10 Dec. 20 Oct. 6 Oct. 81 2 91 14 15 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 18 Feb., 1904. J. W. Hardy and T. I. Wright .. R. G. Warrington 17306 17167 25 Nov. 29 Oct. 94 91 10 Dec* 26 Nov. J. Holms, jun. W. C. Braddock R. S. Watson W. G. Mortimer W. R. Bawden G. Renner and W. H. Boyens .. J. G. Patterson A. H. McCulloch 17237 16602 17313 17242 17268 17063 17150 17390 12 Nov. 8 July 2 Dec. 16 Nov. 19 Nov. 5 Oct. 28 Oct. 18 Dec. 2 87 94 94 2 84 91 7 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov. 10 Dec* 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct.* 26 Nov. E. N. Perdriau E.Shaw P. R. Sargood C. Thomson G. F. Holden B. Waites M. Ekenberg 17161 17131 17177 17413 17284 17231 17320 24 Oct. 20 Oct. 3 Nov. 24 Dec. 21 Nov. 12 Nov. 3 Dec. 94 87 6 2 94 2 10 Dec* 12 Nov. 21 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904. J. A. Brown and T. McCarthy .. J. F. Farra J. Petford.. W. Hood 17079 17160 17298 17346 2 Oct. 26 Oct. 24 Nov. 7 Dec. 91 10 2 26 Nov.* 4 Feb., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904.* J. Holms, jun. 15933 30 Jan. SI 15 Oct. W. E. Bendall J. R. Watt A. Leith F. J. Ellery J. Greenhill A. Levings W., T. S., W. H., and G. B. Humble G. Leach .. M. Pedersen P. and D. Duncan. Limited W. G. Barger and H. C. Dix W. C. Braddock R. B. Bennett J. R. Skinner W. Aggers W. Aggers 17248 17389 17382 17203 17395 17082 17350 17 Nov. 7 Oct. 16 Deo. 5 Nov. 17 Dec. 1 Oct. 10 Dec. 2 2 91 6 84 6 7 Jan.. 1904. 7 Jan., 1904.* 20 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904.* 29 Oct.* 21 Jan.. 1904. Cream-separator Cream-separator Cultivator Cultivator, Disc Currant-washing machine Cushion for billiard-table Cushion heel for boots Cushioned furniture Cushioned furniture Cutter. (See Bevel-joint cutter, Coalcutter, Flax-cutter, Lamb-cutter, Mitrejoint cutter, Tobacco-cutter.) Cyanide salts, Manufacture of.. Cycle-driving mechanism Cycle, Throw-crank for Cycle. (See also Bicycle.) 17159 17314 17256 17085 16602 17098 17402 15885 17401 29 Oct. 2 Dec. 16 Nov. 8 Oct. 8 July 13 Oct. 22 Dec. 19 Jan. 21 Dec. 91 2 94 87 87 87 (S 87 6 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov. 21 Jan., 1904. J. H. Paul A. W. Boon J. Ritscher 17259 17423 17363 18 Nov. 30 Dec. 11 Dec. 94 10 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. * Despatch-carrier, Pneumatic Lamson Store Service Company, Limited T. Smith S. E. Denniston S. E. Denniston R. S. Rounthwaite H. R. Worthington .. W. G. Barger and H. C. Dix W. Sutton C. F. Biinz 17269 19 Nov. 94 10 Dee. Diamond-drill borer Dip, SheepDip, SheepDipping wood blocks in tar Direct-acting engine Disc cultivator Disc harrow, Strengthening Diseases, Instrument for treatment of 17400 15992 17406 17375 17353 17085 17358 16358 21 Dec. 13 Feb. 23 Dec. 15 Dec. 10 Dec. 8 Oct. 8 Dec. 15 May 10 87 6 2 2 87 2 2 4 Feb., 1904.* 12 Nov. 21 Jan.,1904.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan.,1904. 12 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan.,1904,


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. No. iplication. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Distributing liquids Distributing liquids in jet spray Ditch-plough elevator Door-check Door-handle fastening Door-lock Door-lock Doors, Dust and draught excluder for Doors, Rain, dust, and draught excluder for Drainer, Cooking-utensil with Drainpipe-connection Drain-plough Dray. (See Tip dray.) Dray or dray-scoop.. Dredge-bucket link-shoe Dredge-bucket protector Dredged-material depositor Dredging machinery Dress-stand Dried fruit, Cleaning and washing Drill Drill borer, Diamond-Drill-former Driving-coat Dropper. (See Fencing-dropper.) Drying materials, Apparatus for Dust-excluder for doors Dust-excluder Dust-excluder Dust-excluder Dust-preventer A. Atkins .. C. J. White and E. Grove J. Robertson W. H. Manning, E. Edwards, and P. H. Basley J. J. Macky J. Stephens R. H. Skipwith A. Parker E. A. G. Hamlin J. F. Farra H. S. Woolcott J. Williams 17135 17137 17312 17206 17416 17092 17365 16376 17096 17160 17332 17094 23 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov. 2 Nov. 23 Dec. 10 Oct. 11 Dec. 19 May 13 Oct. 26 Oct. 7 Dec. 7 Oct. 91 91 94 91 6 87 2 81 87 91 9:1 87 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 26 Nov. 21 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 15 Oct. 12 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 12 Nov.* D. L. Cochrane T. Gillespie R. R. Douglas E. Knewstubbs G. H. Dunlop J. Walker .. W. C. Braddock J. Tonge, jun. T. Smith J. Macalister E. M. Perdriau 15712 17372 17139 17164 17420 17221 16602 17302 17400 17115 17161 3 Dec, 1902 15 Dec. 24 06t. 23 Oct. 29 Dec. 11 Nov. 8 July 24 Nov. 21 Dec. 15 Oct. 24 Oct. 84 2 91 94 6 94 87 2 10 87 94 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 10 Dec. 21 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec. 12 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904. 4Feb.,1904.» 12 Nov.* 10 Dec* E. Buckland A. Parker E. A. G. Hamlin K. A. G. Hamlin E. A. G. Hamlin L. S. van Westrum 17171 16376 17095 17096 17097 17260 27 Oct. 19 May [ 13 Oct. 18 Nov. 91 81 87 26 Nov.* 15 Oct. 12 Nov.* 94 10 Dec. Ear-marking sheep, cattle, &o. Earth-scoop Egg-packing Electric arc lamp Electric furnace Electric furnace Electric time service Electrode Electrolysis, Production of metals by Electro-magnetic railway-traction •Electrostatic magnetic separator J. Dignan R. White A. and F. J. Lawrence J. P. Campbell C. G. P. de Laval Gysinge Aktiebolag A. Knox .. G. J. Atkins E. A. Ashcroft D. W. Balch H. M. Sutton, W. L. and E. G. Steele, and W. Folsetter 17212 17207 17273 17404 17118 17125 17210 17187 17181 15826 15830 3 Nov. 2 Nov. 19 Nov. 23 Dec. 16 Oct. 21 Oct. 3 Nov. 4 Nov. 29 Oct. 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 91 91 94 6 87 87 94 91 94 91 81 26 Nov.* 26 Nov. 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 10 Dec. 26 Nov. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 15 Oct. Elevator. (See Ditch - plough elevator, Hay-stacking elevator.) Emulsion, Oil Engine. (See Direct-acting engine, Steamengine.) Engine-exhaust silencer Engine-governor Envelope Evaporator and concentrator Excavating machinery Exhaust. (See Engine exhaust, Explo-sion-muffler) Expanding horses' hoofs, Means of Kxplosion-muffler for motors, &c Explosive charge Extinguisher, LampExtract of coffee, Production of R. Baxter.. B. Crawford W. J. M. Harvey J. Miller .. M. Ekenberg G. H. Dunlop 17394 15882 15835 17091 17320 17420 17 Dec. 15 Jan. 7 Jan. 5 Oct. 3 Dec. 29 Dec. 84 84 91 2 6 7 Jan., 1904.* 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 10 Deo. 7 Jan., 1904. 21 Jan., 1904. A. V. Knapp J. H. Suckling and W. H. Marshall P. du Buit S. White E. Shaw 17309 17055 17334 17111 17131 1 Dec. 1 Oct. 4 Dee 15 Oct. 20 Oct. 94 81 2 91 87 10 Dec* 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 12 Nov. Fastener. (See Belt - fastener, Buttonfastener, Sash-fastener.) Fastening. (See Door-handle fastening, Horse rug-fastening, Horse-shoe fastening.) Feed-box for horses Feeding-apparatus for calves Fencing-batten Fencing-dropper Fencing-dropper Fencing-dropper Fencing-standard Fencing-standard Fencing-wires Fertiliser and seed-sower Filter .. Filter-beds, Distributing liquids over Filtering slime, Apparatus for.. Finger-guide for penholder Fire-alarm, Actuating Fire-escape J. A. Easton J. Cook J. Wright J. O. McPherson J. O. McPherson .'. F. R. Vanstone W. White.. J. Wright.. R. A. Montgomerie P. F. A. and J. Robertson A. M. Lewis A. Atkins G. S. Duncan D. McKenzie T. F. Dowling D. M. Brooks 17398 17369 16774 17109 17109 17258 17227 17247 17224 15550 17075 17135 17158 15817 17134 15864 18 Dec. 14 Dec. 6 Aug. 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 14 Nov. 19 Oct. 3 Nov. 11 Nov. 16 Oct., 1902 7 Oct. 23 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Dec, 1902 22 Oct. 13 Jan. 2 2 84 91 2 91 7 Jan.. 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 91 94 81 84 91 91 81 91 84 26 Nov. 10 Dec. 15 Oct. 29 Oct.* 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 15 Oct. 26 Nov.* 29 Oct.


Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.


Invention. Name. No. Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Fish-hook Flanging, &c, sanitary pipe .. Flanging sanitary pipes Flap. (See Channel-flap.) Flax-combing machine Flax-cutter Flax-dresser Flax-drum L. A. Walsh R. O. Clark, jun. L. Clark 17251 17182 17105 17 Nov. 30 Oct. 13 Oct. 94 91 87 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 12 Nov.* W. and A. Ross A. E. Otway R. B. Lusk W. and J. Fairweather and W. Fairweather, jun. G. I. Lowe J. P. Andrews and J. Anderson .. 17412 17126 17179 15795 24 Deo. 17 Oct. 3 Nov. 18 Dec, 1902 6 S7 91 84 21 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 29 Oct. Flax, Scutching Flax-strinper, Apparatus for truing up drum of Flax-stripper guide-check Flax-stripper, Ribber for Flax, Treating Flax-treating apparatus Flax, Tying Floor-cramp 17371 17339 15 Dec. 8 Deo. 2 2 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan. R. M. Crosbie J. Dunbar W. and A. Ross S. E. Denniston C. Lyford .. W., T. S., W. H., and G. B. JHumble J. P. Campbell W. E. Hughes J. Bald J. W. MacCann and J. E. Taylor A. Lafranchi H. Schnitzer J. Watson C. E. Gray and J. S. Tolman W. O. Braddock S. Whitburn A J. Cadman A. L. Applegarth W. H. Atkin G. Grondal G. G. Turri 16888 17347 17405 17287 17073 17350 26 Aug. 4 Dee. 23 Dec. 25 Nov. 7 Oct. 10 Dec. 2 2 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904 94 84 6 10 Dec* 29 Oct.* 21 Jan., 1904. Fluid-pressure turbine Fluid pressure turbine Flushing-apparatus Fly-catcher Fog-horn Blowing Food-warmer Frame, Shop-window Franking-machine Fruit-washing machine Frying-pan, Splash-protector for Fuel-briquette Fuel-economizer and smoke-preventer 17153 17424 17328 17397 17081 17422 17249 17386 16602 17341 17246 17108 17214 17343 17418 28 Oct. 30 Deo. 5 Dee 19 Dec. 2 Oct. 30 Dec 17 Nov. 17 Dec. 8 Julv 7 Dec. 16 Nov. 13 Oct. 5 Nov. 9 Dec. 29 Dec. 91 26 Nov. 10 4 Feb., 1904. 84 6 94 2 87 10 94 91 94 2 10 29 Oct.* 21 Jan., 1904 * 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov. 4 Feb., 1904. 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 4 Feb., 1904. Furnace Furnace Furnace Furnace. (See Electric furnace, Ore-fur-nace.) Furnaces, Means for heating Furniture. (See Cushioned furniture.) F. J. Shelton 28 Nov. 17308 94 10 Dee* Game Game Gas-burner Gas-generator Gas-tap Gas, Water-, Manufacture of .. Gate Gate Gate-adjustment Gate or window guard Gear. (See Speed-gear, Travelling-gear.) Generator. (See Acetylene-generator, Va-pour-generator.) Glazing process, PipeGold, Detecting and estimating Gold-saving vat Governor Governor for engine Grain-treating Graphophone reproducer Guard, gate or window Guide-chute for flax-stripping machinery.. Gun, Toy D. Booth F. Newson C. J. Alexander W. H. Brooks E. Hinton and F. A. Andrews .. W. Gunn H. P. Wellman F. Lambert H. Oliver J. W. Faulkner 17124 17282 17219 17102 17008 17151 15962 17174 17255 17427 21 Oct. 19 Nov. 11 Nov. 15 Oct. 6 Oct. 28 Oct. 10 Feb. 30 Oct. 14 Nov. 24 Deo. 91 94 94 87 81 91 94 91 94 26 Nov. 10 Dec* 10 Dec. 12 Nov.* 29 Oct. 26 Nov. 10 Dec. 26 Nov.* 10 Dee* L.Clark .. J. Moir A. T. Seldon and H. D. Abbott .. N. Lombard W. J. N. Harvey D. C. Macdonald W. Stokes, jun. J. W. Faulkner R. M. Crosbie F. Gale, J. K. Gordon, T. A. Parks 17100 17155 17205 17399 15835 17370 17296 17427 16888 17047 13 Oct. 28 Oct. 2 Nov. 18 Dec. 7 Jan. 14 Dec. 27 Nov. 24 Dec. 26 Aug. 1 Oct. 87 91 91 6 '84 2 94 12 Nov.* 20 Nov. 26 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 2 84 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. Hair-curler Harness, Backhand and shaft-tug for Harness, Breeching-strap of .. Harness saddle Harness, Shaft-tug for Harrow, Travelling-gear for disc Hat-support under chair Hay-stacking elevator Heat, Treating materials by radiated Heater, WaterHeating kitchen-range Heel, iSee Boot-heel.) J. Ramsay C. E. James R. and A. T. Burke E. Edwards J. Theobald W. Sutton F. J. Jones E. Jones C. G. P. de Laval H. A. Baux F. J. Shelton 17218 17176 17088 17093 17351 17358 17377 17411 17118 17066 17308 10 Nov. 3 Nov. 9 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Dec. 8 Dec. 16 Dec. 24 Dec. 16 Oct. 2 Oct. 28 Nov. 91 91 94 87 2 2 10 6 87 84 94 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec. 12 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan ,1904.* 4 Feb., 1904. 21 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov. 29 Oct. 10 Dee* Heel-compressing machine .. j Heel-piece for boots, &c. Hoe Hoe Hoe Holder. (See Book-leaf holder, Penholder, Rein-holder, Sash-holder, Tail-holder, Window-sash holder.) United Shoe Machinery Com- ( pany ( W. A. Martin N. Naismith H. Webster J. S. Greig and S. A. Ward 15827 15828 17083 17142 17243 17281 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 2 Oct. 23 Oct. 14 Nov. 23 Nov. 84 84 87 94 94 2 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 12 Nov.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904.


Alphabetical List of Inventions -continued.


Invention. Name. No. Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Hoof. (See Horse-hoof.) Hook. (See Fish-hook, Kettle-hook.) Torn-protector Horse, Feed-box for Horse-hoof expander Horse-rug attachment Horse-rug fastening Horse-shoe Horse-shoe fastening Hor.-e-shoe fastening Hose-coupling Hurdle Hydrocyanic acid, Manufacture of J. Hercus and F. W. Barton J. A. Easton A. V. Knapp J. Ellis A J. Fiske J. Hair L. J. Barnes L. J. Barnes J. Marks J. Wilkinson J. H. Paul 17367 17398 17309 15811 17013 17140 17391 17392 17359 17238 17259 10 Dec. 18 Dee 1 Dec. 24 Dec, 1902 23 Sept. 24 Oct. 16 Dec. 16 Dec. 8 Dec. 12 Nov. 18 Nov. 2 2 94 81 94 87 6 6 2 91 94 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 15 Oct. 10 Dec. 12 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904.* 21 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan.,1904.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec. Idle pinion, Means for oiling Incubator Indicating depth of water under vessel .. indicator, Billiard-score Inner tube for motor car Insecticide Insole E. H. Nankivell J. Harris .. W. F. Slack J. A. Manton and C. S. Oakes .. S. Nicolson J. Robinson and A. H. Light Auckland Co operative Boot and Shoe Company, Limited C. F. Biinz H. A. Baux G. Grondal J. H. A. McPhee D. R. S. Galbraith and W. Steuart j 17335 17250 17166 17381 17244 17396 17408 3 Dec. 17 Nov. 29 Oct. 17 Dec. 16 Nov. 18 Dec. 24 Dec. 94 94 91 2 94 2 10 10 Deo. 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904.* 4 Feb., 1904.* Instrument, Medical Ironing-table Iron-ore reducing furnace Iron-ore reducing process Ironsand, iron-oxides, &c, Reduction of .. 16358 17065 17343 17112 15661 15662 17130 15 May 2 Oct. 9 Dec. 15 Oct. 18 Nov., 1902 18 Nov., 1902 8 Oct. 2 84 2 87 81 81 87 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov.* 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 12 Nov. Ironsand, Treatment of C. F. Lungley rack. (See Wheel-jack.) ret spray, Distributing liquids in rig-pulley foint. (See Rail-joint.) C. J. White and E. Grove O. Oldham 17137 17070 20 Oot. 6 Oct. 91 84 26 Nov.* 29 Oct. £auri-gum bag Settle-hook iiln .. iiln iitchen-range, Heating Snee-pad Ifnife, Bootmakers' itnife-cleaner ICnife-cleaner A. J. McPharlin F. H. Green J. R. Hardy F. J. Jones F. J. Shelton W. R. Walker J. T. Robinson T. Wilkins H. Best .. 17059 15904 17123 17285 17308 17290 17236 16023 17213 3 Oct. 26 Jan. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 24 Nov. 11 Nov. 25 Feb. 6 Nov. 84 94 87 94 94 94 94 2 2 29 Oct. 10 Dec. 12 Nov. 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. jamb cutter and tailer Lamp. (See Electric arc lamp, Vapourburning lamp.) Lamp, Extinguishing Latch-lock Lead-pigment manufacture Leaf. (See Book-leaf holder, Music-leaf turner.) Leak in metal vessel, Repairing Leather, and process of treating same Leg-bail and tail-holder lieg-rope for cows Life-guard and brake Line. (See Clothes-line.) Liner for separator-drum Ijiner for separator-drum Link. (See Coupling-link, Dredge-bucket link.) jiquids, Concentrating and evaporating .. Liquids, Distributing, in jet spray liquids, Distributing, over filter-beds loock. (See Door-lock, Latcb-lock, Sashlock, Sash raiser and lock, Wheel-lock, Window-sash lock.) Lock-gate loock-nut Loose nailing machine juring birds W. J. Standen 17322 2 Deo. 94 10 Dec* S. White .. W. Strange and T. Coverdale E. G. Mills 17111 17119 17043 15 Oot. 19 Oct. 1 Oot. 91 91 84 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 29 Oot. A. Hull P. Magnus A. Leith F. J. Ellery J. Amaboldi 17252 16139 17382 17203 17300 17 Nov. 26 Maroh .. 16 Dec. 5 Nov. 24 Nov. 91 84 2 91 94 10 Dec* 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* A. M. Arnberg J. A. Dahlqvist 17074 17190 7 Oot. 4 Nov. 94 10 Dec M. Ekenberg C. J. White and E. Grove A. Atkins 17320 17137 17135 3 Dec. 20 Oct. 23 Oct. 2 91 91 7 Jan., 1904. 20 Nov.* 26 Nov.* F. Lambert F. W. Payne United Shoe Machinery Company J. Webb 17174 16367 17380 16034 30 Oct. 13 May 17 Dec. 26 Feb. 91 78 2 2 26 Nov.* 1 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. Magnetic separator H. M. Sutton, W. L. and E. G. Steele, and W. Folsetter G. Grondal W. W. and M. A. Adam J. Macalister A. McLeod C. Uddstrom C. F. Biinz T. J. Heskett G. B. Johnson 15830 5 Jan. 81 15 Oct. Magnetic separator.. Mantle and burner.. Manure-feed Marking-stamp Mattress-frame Medical instrument Metallic oxides, smelting method Metal-rolling machinery 17344 17222 17116 17299 17265 16358 17333 17223 9 Dec. 11 Nov. 15 Oct. 25 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 May 4 Dec. 11 Nov. 2 94 87 94 94 2 94 94 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 12 Nov.* 10 Dec. 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 10 Dec.


Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.


Invention. Name. Ar No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Metal-separating apparatus .. Metals of alkali group, Production of, by electrolysis Metals, melting method Milk-cans, Securing, in cart Milk-sterilisation Milk-strainer Milk-weighing machine Milking-appliance Milking-machine Minerals, Concentrating, &c Mirror, Means for pivoting Mitre-box and cramp Mitre-cutter rest W. N. Turner E. A. Ashcroft 17261 17181 18 Nov. 29 Oct. 94 94 10 Dec. 10 Dec. T. J. Heskett R. G. Warrington N. Bendixen R. E. James C. Cooper G. Hutchinson G. Hutchinson B. Waites C. S. Henderson A. Levings New Zealand Mitre Manufacturing Company, Limited R. Wales 17333 17167 17132 17196 17288 17078 15894 17231 17262 17082 17301 4 Dec. 29 Oct. 22 Oct. 2 Nov. 25 Nov. 7 Oct. 23 Jan. 12 Nov. 18 Nov. 1 Oct. 23 Nov. 94 91 87 91 2 84 91 94 94 84 94 10 Dec* 26 Nov. 12 Nov. 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 29 Oct.* 26 Nov. 10 Dec 10 Dec* 29 Oct.* 10 Dec* Mitre-joint cutter Motor. (See Water-motor, Wave-motor.) Motor car, Inner tube for Mounting for rotary scraper Music-leaf turner 17235 11 Nov. 91 10 Dec* S. Nicolson A. E. Watson C. B. Mercer 17244 17216 17113 16 Nov. 6 Nov. 15 Oct. 94 91 87 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 12 Nov.* Nailing machine, Loose Nails, Tool for drawing Non-refillable bottle Nurling-machine Nut. (See Lock-nut.) Nut-locking spring washer United Shoe Machinery Company W. McLeod M. R. Green United Shoe Machinery Company 17380 17168 17189 16229 17 Dec. 28 Oct. 4 Nov. 15 April 2 91 91 94 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 26 Nov. 10 Dec. R. E. Pennington 17318 3 Dec. 6 21 Jan., 1904. Oil-emulsion Oiling idle pinions and pulleys, Means for.. Ointment Ore. (See Iron-ore) Ore-concentrator Ore-concentrator R. Baxter.. E. H. Nankivell H. Jenkins and D. Duncan 17394 17335 17421 17 Dec. 3 Dec. 29 Dec. 2 94 6 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904.* A. E. Warne H. L. Sulman and H. F. Kirk-patrick-Picard A. E. Cattermole G. G. Turri W. Payne and J. H. Gillies M. Moore and T. J. Heskett 16656 17147 15 July 28 Oct. 87 91 12 Nov. 26 Nov. Ore-concentrator Ore-furnace Ore, Treating Ore, Treating Overcoat. (See Coat.) Oxides. (See Metallic oxides.) 17148 17418 17188 17425 28 Oct. 29 Dec. 4 Nov. 30 Dec. 91 10 91 6 26 Nov. 4 Feb., 1904. 26 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904.* Package-receiver. (See Bag and package , receiver.) Packing-cases, Preventing fraudulent opening of Packing eggs Pan. (See Frying-pan.) Panel, Device for printing name on glass J. Irvine 29 Oct.* 17072 6 Oct. 84 A. and F. J. Lawrence 17273 19 Nov. 94 10 Dec* H, McC. Sargent and A. Littleproud J. Paterson H. Lough H. Carter and R. T. Paterson .. A. N. Whitney T. Morris G. Renner and W. H. Boyens .. D. McKenzie J. J. and J. A. Miller C. Thomson A. Ward 17289 24 Nov. 94 10 Dec* Parcel-carrier Parcel-carrier for stores Parcel-strap Patrol-vessel Peg Pegless clothes-line Penholder finger-guide Phonographic and stereoscopic apparatus.. Photographs, Colouring Pig-yoke Pin. (See Traction-engine shoe-pin.) Pipe. (See Drainpipe, Tobacco-pipe.i Pipe flanging and shaping apparatus Pipe-glazing process Pipes, Burning Pipes, Flanging, socketing, and shaping .. Pipes of refrigerator, Means of cleaning .. Pivoting mirror Plant-protector from slugs Plant-thinner Plough. (See Ditch-plough, Drain-plough.) Plough .. Plough attachment Plough for cutting tussocks, &c Plough, Reversible Plough-scoop Pneumatic despatch-carrier 15788 17144 17198 17233 15920 17063 15817 17046 17413 15901 17 Dec, 1902 22 Oct. 30 Oct. 10 Nov. 27 Jan. 5 Oct. 30 Dec, 1902 1 Oct. 24 Dec. 21 Jan. 81 94 91 94 84 84 81 84 6 S7 15 Oot. 10 Dec. 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 15 Oct. 29 Oct. 21 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. L. Clark L. Clark .. R. O. Clark, jun. R. O. Clark, jun. R. S. Watson C. S. Henderson G. Foster D. Clark .. 17105 17106 17183 17182 17313 17262 17307 16015 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 30 Oct. 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 18 Nov. 25 Nov. 19 Feb. 87 87 91 94 94 91 94 12 Nov.* 12 Nov. 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 10 Dec. M. J. Dixon T. W. Denton E.J.Wilson E. J. Wilson R. L. Christie Lamson Store Service Company, Limited J. R. Hayne Lamson Store Service Company, Limited Lamson Store Service Company, Limited J. Webb 17200 17340 17077 17103 17325 17269 2 Nov. 7 Dec. 7 Oct. 15 Oct. 28 Nov. 19 Nov. 91 94 84 87 94 91 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 29 Oct.* 12 Nov. 10 Dec* 10 Dec. Pneumatic spring Pneumatic-tube despatch system 17048 17193 1 Oct. 4 Nov. 84 2 29 Oct.* 7 Jan., 1904. Pneumatic-tube despatch system, Receivingterminal for Poison, Apparatus for luring birds to 17195 4 Nov. 2 7 Jan., 1904. 16034 26 Feb. 2 7 Jan., 1904.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

14— H. 10._0 4 .


iplication. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No Date. Poisoning rabbits Polish, Machine for spreading on floor- .. Polishing boots Polishing machine, BootPortable boiler Potato-planting attachment to ploughs .. Press Press, CheeseM. McCarthy J. Stewart A. Parker C. D. Lightband J. Bates .. T. W. Denton A. Baker J. C. Henderson, W. J. Anderson, and E. S. Burman P. R. Sargood and J. B. Holt .. R. W. England and F. I lucas 17364 17373 17071 17387 16661 17340 17225 16793 9 Deo. 11 Dec. 6 Oct. 17 Dec. 18 July 7 Dec 11 Nov. 18 Aug. 6 2 84 2 81 94 91 91 21 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 29 Oct.* 7 Jan , 1904.* 15 Oct. 10 Dec* 20 Nov.* 26 Nov. Pressing garments, Steam-box for Pressure-press for stone blocks Printer. (See Butter-printer.) Printing-machine, Sheep-bag Printing name on glass Projector-machine Propellor Protector. (See Dredge-bucket protector, Horn-protector, Plant-protector, Splashprotector, Toe-protector.) Pulley. (See Idle pinion and pulley, Jigpulley.) D. Urquhart H. M. Sargent and A. Littleproud N. R. Gordon K. K. Parkerson 17201 17170 15891 17289 17317 17275 2 Nov. 27 Oot. 20 Jan. 24 Nov. 3 Dec. 18 Nov. 91 91 87 94 94 94 26 Nov. 26 Nov.* 12 Nov. 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* Rabbits, Destroying Rabbits, &c, Destroying Rabbits, Poisoning Rabbits, Trapping, method Race-starting machine Raft Raft Rail-joint Rail joint Rail-joint Railway anti-friction mechanism Railway coupling Railway traction Rain-excluder for doors Rain-excluder for doors B. Parker B. Parker M. McCarthy M. D. Synnot J. A. Winten H. Williams T. J. Ross T. Wilson and I. Grammer A. Miller and F. W. Barton J. S. Sleight J. E. Cooper A. J. Knapp D. W. Balch A. Parker.. E. A. G. Hamlin 15985 17234 17364 17357 17426 15934 17107 17271 17274 17326 17154 17178 15826 16376 17095, 6, 7 17102 17133 13 Feb. 10 Nov. 9 Dee 8 Dec. 30 Dec 2 Feb. 16 Oct. 19 Nov. 18 Nov. 5 Dec 28 Oct. 3 Nov. 5 Jan. 19 May 13 Oct. 94 94 6 2 91 91 94 91 94 91 91 94 8.1 87 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 21 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov. 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 26 Nov. 26 Nov.* 10 Dec. 15 Oct. 12 Nov.* Rain-water separator Raising sunken vessels Range. (See Kitohen-range.) Receiver. (See Bag and package receiver.) Receiving - terminal for pneumatic-tube despatch Recording votes Refrigerating-apparatus, Means for cleaning pipes of Refrigerating machinery Rein-holder and wheel-lock Rein-holder and wheel-lock Repairing cover of tire Repairing leak in metal vessel Reproducer of graphophone Rest. (See Billiard-rest, Mitre-cutter rest.) Retort Ribber for flax-stripper Ridging-machine Rim. (See Wheel-rim.) Rivet-cutting tool Road-making method Road-sprinkler Rod for wheel Roller blind, Controlling Roller, Trolly-arm Rolling sheet-metal strips, Machine for .. Roof-gutter covering Rope buckle Rotary scraper, Mounting for Rotating parts, Supporting and driving device for Rowlock Rug. (See Horse-rug.) E. Purser E. Veron 27 Oct. 22 Oct. 91 91 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* Lamson Store Service Company, Limited F. W. Paterson R. S. Watson 17195 17199 17313 4 Nov. 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 2 91 91 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* G. Nelson C. J. Tully C. J. Tullv G. H. Fowler A. Hull .. W. Stokes, jun. 17376 17128 17129 17127 17252 17296 15 Dec. 22 Oot. 22 Oct. 21 Oct. 17 Nov. 27 Nov. 6 91 91 87 ill 94 21 Jan., 1904 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 12 Nov.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* A. J. Cadman J. Dunbar J. Macalister 17245 17347 17115 16 Nov. 4 Dec. 15 Oct. 91 2 87 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov.* S. S. Beer L. S. Van Westrum .. L. S. Van Westrum A. McDonald and A. R. Stedman Tye and Co. Proprietary, Limited B. R. Garrett G. B. Johnson W. E. Bendall J. Morgan A.E.Watson O.Ohlson 17215 17342 17260 17099 17220 17311 17223 17248 17272 17216 17229 6 Nov. 9 Dec 18 Nov. 10 Oct. 11 Nov. 28 Nov. 11 Nov. 17 Nov. 20 Nov. 0 Nov. 12 Nov. 91 2 91 87 91 94 94 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec. 12 Nov.* 20 Nov.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec. 2 91 94 7 Jan.,1904. 26 Nov.* 10 Dec J. A. Jaggers 17253 17 Nov. 94 10 Dec* Saddle .. Saddle, Harness Sandal Sash. (See also Window.) Sash-balance Sash-fastener Sash-grip Sash hanger and lock Sash-holder and suspender Sash raiser and lock Sash-reguhvor J. I. Knight and J. H. Love E. Edwards 0. Petersen 17204 17093 17304 2 Nov. 9 Oct. 26 Nov. 91 87 94 26 Nov.* 12 Nov.* 10 Dec* G. W. Barley J. M. Macintosh E. A. G. Hamlin A. Curwood and J. Harrison A. S. Coronel A. L. Hewton F. L. Davis ., 17145 16372 17310 17084 17383 17305 16648 19 Oct. 19 May 1 Dee. 1 Oct. 17 Dec 25 Nov. 17 July 91 2 87 6 94 2 20 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. 21 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904,


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Scales, Tare beam Sconce. (See Candlestick-sconce.) Scoop. (See Dray-scoop, Earth-scoop, Plough-scoop.) Score of game, Indicating Screen, Gravel-sifting Scribing-tool Scutching flax Seed sower Seed-sower Separating metals Separator. (See Centrifugal separator, Cream - separator, Magnetic separator, Rain-water separator.) Shackle and snatch-block Shaft-bearing Shaft-tug for harness Shaft-tug for harness Sheep-bag printing-machine Sheep-dip Sheep-dip Sheet-metal piping, Manufacturing Sheet-metal strips, Rolling Ships, Stopping Ship's ventilator Shirt-ironing table Shoe. (See Boot.) Shoe. (See Dredge-bucket link-shoe, Horseshoe.) Shop-window frame Shortbread-crimper, &c. Sifting screen, GravelSilencer for engine Silencer for vehicle-motors Sinking well Skewer Slime-filtering apparatus Slugs, Device for protecting plants from .. Smelting methods Smoke-prevention Snails, Device for protecting plants from.. Snatch-block and shackle Sock Sole of boot, &c Sower. (See Seed-sower.) Spanner Spark-arrester... Speed gear Spile Splash-protector for frying-pan Spreader, Clasp for traceSpring. (See Pneumatic spring.) Spring for couch, &c Sprinkling roads Stacking hay, Elevator for Stamp. (See Marking-stamp.) Stamping and franking machine Stand. (See Dress-stand.) Standard. (See Fencing-standard, Wire standard.) Staple-drawing tool Starching-machine.. Steam-box for pressing garments Steam-engine Stereoscopic and phonographic apparatus Stereotype matrices Steriliser, BonedustSterilising hones, &c. Sterilising milk .. Stirrup-iron Stone. (See Artificial stone.) Stopper, BottleStopping ships Strainer. (See Milk-strainer, Wire-strainer.) Strap, ParcelStrengthening disc harrow Submerged vessel, Passing line under W. Riddell 17165 21 Oct. 91 26 Nov. J. A. Manton and C. S. Oakes .. M. G. Baker and L. C. Anderson D. M. Barnett G. I. Lowe P. F. A. and J. Robertson H. Kerr and J. Woodhead W. N. Turner 17381 17080 17101 17371 15550 17368 17261 17 Dec. 2 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Dec. 16 Oct., 1902 10 Dec. 18 Nov. 2 87 87 2 81 2 91 7 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov. 12 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 15 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec. A. J. Park C. L. Holm C. E. James J. Theobald D. Urquhart S. E. Denniston S. E. Denniston T. C. Hement G. B Johnson C H. Knowles and F. W. Tavlor T. Q. East H. A. Baux 17323 17294 17176 17351 15891 15992 17400 17388 17223 17362 16225 17065 2 Dec. 26 Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Dec. 20 Jan. 13 Feb. 23 Dec. 17 Dec. 11 Nov. 11 Dec. 14 April 2 Oct. 94 2 91 2 87 87 6 10 04 2 2 81 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 21 Jan., 1904.* 4 Feb., 1904.* 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. J. Watson S. Scott .. M. G. Baker and L. C. Anderson B. Crawford .. J.H. Suckling and W.H.Marshall J. W. ThomasandC. O. McCutcheon W. J. Sellars G. S. Duncan G. Foster .. T. J. Heskett A. L. Applegarth G. Foster A. J. Park J. Glossop W. Hooke and F. B. Mabin 17249 17090 17080 15882 17055 17254 17379 17158 17307 17333 17108 17307 17323 17393 17120 17 Nov. 9 Oct. 2 Oct. . .. 15 Jan. 1 Oct. 16 Nov. 16 Dec. 29 Oot. 25 Nov. 4 Dec 13 Oct. 25 Nov. 2 Dee. 17 Dec. 20 Oct. 94 87 87 84 84 94 2 91 94 94 91 94 94 2 91 10 Dec. 12 Nov.* 12 Nov. 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 10 Dee* 20 Nov.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* W. Stock and C. D. Kennedy .. G. Butel A. C. F. Dann W. J. Sellars S. Whitburn J. Holms, jun. 17110 17138 17044 17379 17341 17237 15 Oct. 24 Oct. 1 Oct. 16 Dec. 7 Dec. 12 Nov. 81 91 SI 2 10 2 29 Oct. 26 Nov.* 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. 4 Feb., 1904. 7 Jan.,1904.* W. Hood L. S. Van Westrum E. Jones .. 17340 17260 17411 7 Dec. 18 Nov. 24 Dec. 2 94 6 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec. 21 Jan., 1904.* C. E. Gray and J. S. Tolman 17386 17 Deo. 2 7 Jan., 1904.* W. McLeod H. A. Baux P. R. Sargood and J. B. Holt .. J. and A. Fraser J. J. and J. A. Miller J. C. Bonneau W. Barnsdale J. A. Pond N. Bendixen N. Wilson, jun. 17168 17173 17201 17060 17046 17192 16800 17136 17132 17239 28 Oct. 2G Oct. 2 Nov. 3 Oct. 1 Oct. 4 Nov. 14 Aug. 20 Oct. 22 Oct. 16 Nov. 91 91 91 84 84 91 2 87 87 94 26 Nov.* 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 29 Oct., 29 Oct. 26 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 10 Dec. H. R. Bell C. H. Knowles and F. W. Taylor 14743 17362 15 April, 1902 11 Dec 94 2 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904.* H. Carter and R. T. Paterson W. Sutton W. J. and H. G. Cummings, R. Chamberlain, and J. W. Abernethy W. E. C. Hoadley .. E. Veron .. W. J. Hardy and T. I. Wright .. O. Ohlsson F. J, Jones 17198 17358 17191 30 Oct. 8 Dec. 4 Nov. 91 2 91 20 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov. Sugar, Inversion of Sunken vessel, Raising Supply and discharge of cistern Supporting-devioe for rotating parts Supporting hat under chair 17345 17133 17306 17229 17377 9 Deo. 22 Oct. 25 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Dec. 2 91 94 94 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Invention. Name. A] No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Table, IroningTablet, Washing-Tail-board of tip dray Tailer. (See Lamb-tailer.) Tail-holder and leg-bail Tailors' press Tank and cooling-chamber Tank-cleaning overflow Tap Tap Tap, GasTap, WaterTar, Dipping wood blocks in .. Tare beam scales Target Therapeutic apparatus Thinner. (See Plant - thinner, Turnipthinner.) Threshing-machine Throw-crank for cycle Timber-drying kiln.. Time service, Electric Tip dray, Tailboard of Tip of billiard-cue .. .. # Tire-cover Tire-cover Tire-cover repairer Tire, Inner tube for Tobacco-cutter Tobacco-pipe Toe-protector for boots, &c. Tool. (See Scribing-tool.) Tool for cutting rivets Tool for drawing nails, &c Tooth-brush Toy gun H. A. Baux J. C. Williams J. Kemp 17065 17277 17064 2 Oct. 21 Nov. 5 Oct. 84 94 84 29 Oct. 10 Dec* 29 Oct. A. Leith A. Baker .. J. Petford R. W. Ashcroft J. Ramage H. S. Woolcott E. Hinton and F. A. Andrews .. C. M. Cruickshank R. S. Rounthwaite W. Riddell A. J. Nicholas A. P. Richmond 17382 17225 17298 17185 17169 17263 17068 16765 17375 17165 17407 17267 16 Dec. 11 Nov. 24 Nov. 10 Nov. 27 Oct. 18 Nov. 6 Oct. 7 Aug. 15 Dec. 21 Oct. 23 Dec. 19 Nov. 2 91 10 94 2 94 84 91 2 91 6 2 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov.* 4 Feb., 1904.* 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 29 Oct. 26 Nov. 7 Jan.,1904.* 26 Nov. 21 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven .. J. Ritscher F. J. Jones A. Knox J. Kemp H. L. Greer and T. Colman E. Waters, jun. H. Lightband G. H. Fowler S. Nicolson T. Wilkins H. E. J. Morgan R. Collins.. 17211 17363 17285 17210 17064 17331 17356 17428 17127 17244 17045 16055 16393 5 Nov. 11 Dec. 28 Nov. 3 Nov. 5 Oct. 5 Dec. 8 Dec. 31 Dec. 21 Oct. 16 Nov. 1 Oct. 6 March .. 28 May 91 2 94 94 84 94 2 10 87 94 84 2 2 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec. 29 Oct. 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904.* 4 Feb., 1904* 12 Nov.* 10 Dec* 29 Oct.* 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. S.S. Beer.. W. McLeod H. E. Crease F. Gale, J. K. Gordon, and T. A. Parks J. Holms, jun. R. Holland J. Arnaboldi H. Lough.. 17215 17168 17415 17047 6 Nov. 28 Oct. 23 Dec. 1 Oct. 91 91 6 84 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. Trace-spreader Traction-engine shoe-pin Tram-car life-guard and brake.. Transmitting cash, &c Trap. (See Animal-trap.) Trapping. (See Rabbits, Trapping.) Travelling-gear for disc harrow Trolley-arm roller Trough Truing up beater drum of flax-stripper Truss Tube. (See Pneumatic tube.) Tubes, Machine for bending 17237 17270 17300 17144 12 Nov. 22 Nov. 24 Nov. 22 Oct. 2 94 94 94 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dee* 10 Dec. 10 Deo. W. Sutton B. R. Garrett W. J. James J. P. Andrews and J. Anderson .. W. S. Rice 17358 17311 17241 17339 17230 8 Dec. 28 Nov. 16 Nov. 8 Deo. 12 Nov. 2 94 94 94 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Deo. Lamson Store Service Company, Limited J. P. Campbell W.E.Hughes 17193 4 Nov. 2 7 Jan., 1904. Turbine, Fluid-pressure Turbine, Fluid-pressure Turner. (See Music-leaf turner.) Turnip-thinner Tying flax Tyre, Inner tube for 17153 17424 28 Oct. 30 Dec. 91 26 Nov. A. Storrie C. Lyford S. Nicolson 17280 17073 17244 23 Nov. 7 Oct. 16 Nov. 94 84 94 10 Dec* 29 Oct.* 10 Dec* Valve Valve Valve mechanism Valve movement Vapour-burning lamp Vapour-generator J. Tagell J. Cook .. T. H. Alexander H. R. Worthington F. J. Mahoney and C. Casimir .. The Flameless Gaslight Company, Limited A. C. F. Dann A. T. Seldon and H. D. Abbott .. P. and D. Duncan, Limited L. B. Horrocks J. D. Leach S. P. Clements H. Allen J. H. Gay.. S. H. Jacobson T. Q. East 17208 17316 17266 17354 16400 17419 5 Nov. 2 Dec. 19 Nov. 10 Dec. 27 May 29 Dec. 91 6 2 2 81 6 26 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 15 Oct. 21 Jan., 1904. Variable-speed gear Vat, Gold-saving Vehicle-wheel Vending machine .. Venetian-blind Venetian-blind Venetian-blind Ventilating-window Ventilator Ventilator, Ship's Vermin. (See Animals, Rabbits.) Vessel Vessel, Indicating depth of water under .. Vessel, Passing line under sunken 17044 17205 17257 17303 17122 17146 17327 17336 16512 16225 1 Oct. 2 Nov. 16 Nov. 27 Nov. 20 Oct. 27 Oot. 5 Dec. 3 Dec 20 June, 1902 14 April 84 91 94 94 87 91 6 94 78 2 29 Oot. 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 12 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904. 10 Dee* 1 Oct f 7 Jan., 1904. A. N. Whitney W. F. Slack W. J. and H. G. Cummings, R. Chamberlain, and J. W. Abernethy R. K. Parkerson E. Veron C. H. Knowles and F. W. Taylor F. W. Paterson 17233 17166 17191 10 Nov. 29 Oct. 4 Nov. 94 91 91 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 26 Nov. Vessel-propellor Vessel, Raising sunken Vessels, Speedily stopping Vote-recorder 17275 17133 17362 17199 18 Nov. 22 Oct. 11 Dec. 30 Oct. 94 91 2 91 10 Deo. 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov,*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.



Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Wagon Wall-covering Warming food Washer, Nut-locking spring Washing-boiler Washing-machine Washing machine Washing-machine Washing-machine, Flax-Washing-tablet Water-cistern Water-cistern, Ball valve for Water-gas, Manufacture of Water-heater Water, Heating and circulating Water, Indicating depth of, under vessel .. Water-motor Water, Roof and rain, separating machine Water-tank and cooling-chamber Water-tap W. J. O'Hara J. R. Watt H. Schnitzer R. E. Pennington L. Frame S. J. Osmond G. A. W. Alexander C. Butler W. and A. Ross J. C. Williams T. W. May J. Cook .. W. Gunn H. A. Baux E. Buckland W. F. Slack R. K. Parkerson E. Purser J. Petford.. C. M. Cruickshank 17172 17389 17422 17318 17278 16285 17149 17338 17412 17277 17291 17316 17151 17066 17171 17166 17275 17162 17298 16765 27 Oct. 7 Oct. 30 Dec. 3 Dec. 19 Nov. 30 April 28 Oct. 8 Dec. 24 Dec. 21 Nov. 23 Nov. 2 Dec. 28 Oct. 2 Oct. 27 Oct. 29 Oct. 18 Nov. 27 Oct. 24 Nov. 7 Aug. 2 Nov. 91 2 6 6 2 91 91 94 6 94 94 6 91 84 91 91 94 91 10 91 91 6 2 94 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904. 21 Jan., 1904.* 21 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904.* 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 21 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov. 29 Oct. 26 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 4Feb.,1904.* 20 Nov. 26 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904.* 10 Dec* Wave-motor J. Purdie .. 17175 Weighing-machine Well-sinking C. Cooper J. W. Thomas and C. 0. McCutcheon P. and D. Duncan, Limited D. Dunn J. R. Flaragan C. J. Tullv C. J. Tully E. A. Rossiter A. McDonald and S. R. Stedman W. H. Crafar C. J. Painter E. G. Mills 17288 17254 25 Nov. 16 Nov. Wheel .. Wheel-jack Wheel-lock Wheel-lock and rein-holder Wheel-lock and rein-holder Wheel-rim Wheel, Rod for Whiffletree Whisk and churner White-lead, Manufacturing Window. (See also Sash.) Window, Anti-rattling Window attachment, Anti-rattling Window-frame (See Shop-window frame.) Window-guard Window-sash Window-sash holder Window-sash lock Window-sash operator and retainer Window-sash raiser, lowerer, and retainer Window-sash retainer and look Window, VentilatingWire. (See Fencing-wire.) Wire cutter, twister, and winder Wire standard Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire winder and unwinder Wire-woven-mattress frame Wood blocks, Dipping, in tar Wrapper Wrench L. B. Horrocks H. Agar J. W. Faulkner 0. A. Jorgensen and L. A. Needham E. G. Abell J. Wiseman W. Goodwin C. A. Bergersen A. M. Bauckham J. H. Gay.. 17257 17058 17117 17128 17129 17186 17099 17403 17121 17043 17409 16045 17427 17089 17156 17293 17329 17104 17217 17336 16 Nov. 2 Oct. 17 Oct. j 22 Oct. .. 4 Nov. 10 Oct. 23 Dec. 20 Oct. 1 Oot. 24 Dec. 4 March .. 24 Dec. 9 Oct. 29 Oct. 26 Nov. 5 Dec 15 Oct. 10 Nov. 3 Dec. 94 94 91 87 6 91 84 6 2 87 91 94 2 87 91 94 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 20 Nov. 12 Nov.* 21 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov.* 29 Oct.* 21 Jan.,1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov.* 26 Nov. 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov.* 26 Nov.* 10 Dec* J. and T. R. Christie .. W. White J. C. Davidson W. T. Earl J. andT. R. Christie.. 0. G. Gamble C. Uddstrom R. S. Rounthwaite J. Miller .. W. Stock and C. D. Kennedy .. 17324 17087 17143 17361 17374 16635 17265 17375 16733 17110 2 Dec. 22 Nov. 20 Oct. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 14 Julv 14 Nov. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 15 Oct. 94 94 91 2 2 2 94 2 2 84 10 Dec* 10 Dec* 26 Nov.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec* 7 Jan., 1904.* 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. Yoke, PigA. Ward 15901 21 Jan. 87 12 Nov.

Design. Gazette. Name and Address. No. of Class.! No. Date. No. Date. .lcock and Co., Melbourne, Vio. 3 194 lOct. 81 15 Oct. irett Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, The, Auckland, N.Z. 5 197 10 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. lair, J., Oamaru, N.Z. .. 1 198 16 Nov. 10 4 Feb., 1904. I'Connor and Tydeman, Palmerston North, N.Z. 2 195 12 Oct. 84 29 Oct. 'homlinson, C. R., Launoeston, Tasmania 5 196 15 Oct. 87 12 Nov.



15— H. 10._ w .


Name. Address. Class. Application. Gazette. No. __; Date. No. Date. Adams and Sons, Limited, G. Aeolian Company, The Aeolian Company, The Auckland Co-operative Boot and Shoe Company, Limited, The Austral-American Mercantile Company, Limited, The Awahuri Dairy Factory Company, Limited, The Wolverhampton, Eng. .. New York, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. Auckland, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. 5 9 9 38 48 4449 4445 4446 4490 4412 15 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 24 Dec. 8 Oct. 91 91 91 2 91 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 7 Jan., 1904. 26 Nov. Awahuri and Palmerston North, N.Z. 42 4486 21 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. Barclay, Perkins, and Co., Limited Bell and Co. (See J. Bell and E. W. I. Collins.) Bell, J., and another Bile Bean Manufacturing Company, The Bile Bean Manufacturing Company, The Bills, C. Bock and Co., P. Brown, I. Buchanan and Co., J. (See J. Buchanan.) Buchanan, J. Buchanan, J. Burrell and Co., D. H. Butler, A. S. .. London, Eng. 43 4480 14 Dec. Palmerston North, N.Z. Leeds, Eng. Leeds, Eng. Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Hokitika, N.Z. 17 3 3 41 3 22 4416 4438 4439 4432 4476 4462 13 Oct.. .. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 24 Oot. 10 Deo. 2 Dec 10 87 87 87 4 Feb., 1904. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. k 21 Jan., 1904. London, Eng. London, Eng. Little Falls, U.S.A. .. London, Eng. 43 43 8 4.8 4406 4407 4204 4467 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 18 May 7 Dec. 84 29 Oct. 78 2 1 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. Central Cyclone Company, Limited, The Clipper Pneumatic Tire Company, Limited, The Collins, E. W. I., and another Cooper, F. J. .. Corn products Company, Tbe Covent Garden Company, Limited, The Crozier, D., and another Crozier, D., and another London, Eng. Coventry, Eng. Palmerston North, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 6 40 42 3 42 12 22 22 4481 4030 4410 4484 4468 4417 4441 4465 14 Deo. 17 Dec, 1902 13 Oct. 18 Dec. 7 Dec. 15 Oct. 10 Nov. 5 Dec. 2 87 10 2 94 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. 4 Feb., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec. 91 94 26 Nov'. 10 Dec. Dent and Co., C. S. Denver Chemical Manufacturing Company, The Dexter and Crozier. (See R. A. Dexter and D. Crozier.) Dexter, R. A., and another Dexter, R. A., and another Dudgeon and Arnell Proprietary, Limited Dudgeon and Arnell Proprietary, Limited Dutton andUo. Dutton, E., and another Dutton, E., and another Dutton, R. A., and another Dutton, R. A., and'another London, Eng. New York, U.S.A., and London, Eng. 3 3 4497 4495 30 Dec. 29 Dec. 6 6 21 Jan., 1904. 21 Jan., 1904. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Melbourne, Vic 22 22 45 4441 4465 4422 10 Nov. 5 Dec. 15 Oct. 91 94 84 26 Nov. 10 Dec. 29 Oct. Melbourne, Vie. 15 4423 15 Oot. 81 29 Oct. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 42 3 3 3 3 4475 4403 4426 4403 4426 9 Dec. 3 Oct. 20 Oct. 3 Oct. 20 Oct. 2 84 84 84 84 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 29 Oct. Evans, S. J. .. Dunedin, N.Z. 3 4427 21 Oct. 91 26 Nov. Ferguson and Co., J. Glasgow, Scotland, and Melbourne, Vic. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 43 4411 8 Oct. 84 29 Oct. Fletcher, C. .. Fletcher, C. .. Fresh Food and Ice Company, The. (See McNeill Bros.) 3 3 4429 4430 23 Oct. 23 Oct. 87 87 12 Nov. 12 Nov. Gavin, Gibson, and Co. Gavin, Gibson, and Co Gavin, Gibson, and Co. Goodwin and Phelan Grett, J. Grove, E. Melbourne, Vic Melbourne, Vic. Melbourne, Vic. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. 38 38 38 22 42 42 4414 4415 4457 4498 4452 4488 13 Oot. 13 Oct. 26 Nov. 30 Dec. 18 Nov. 22 Dec. 91 26 Nov. Hardie and Co., J. Sydney, N.S.W., and Melbourne, Vic. 17 4437 4 Nov. Hatton and Co., J. (See J. Hatton.) Hatton, J. Heather and Co., W. H. (See W. H. N. and V. J. Heather.) Heather, V. J., and another Heather, V. J., and another Heather, W. H. N., and another Heather, W. H. N., and another Holland and Son, J. L. (See J. L. Holland.) Holland, J. L. .. Hollins and Co., Limited, W. Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 42 43 43 43 43 4487 4493 4494 4493 4494 21 Dec. 29 Dec. 29 Dec. 29 Dec. 29 Dec. 21 Jan., 1904. Auckland, N.Z. Mansfield, Nottingham, and London, Eng. Mansfield, Nottingham, and London, Eng. London, Eng. 1 33 4482 4473 14 Dec. 9 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. Hollins and Co., Limited, W. 38 4474 9 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. Hughes, G. H. .. 12 4463 2 Dec. 94 10 Dec.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o4


Name. Address. Class. No. Application. Date. No. Gazette. Date. Imperial Tobacco Company (of Great Britain and Ireland), Limited, The Imperial Tobacco Company (of Great Britain and Ireland), Limited, The International Supply Company, The. (See T. Wilson and J. W. Perry.) Irvine, W. H. .. Bristol, Eng. Bristol, Eng. GO 50 4478 4479 14 Dec. 14 Dec. 2 2 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. Dunedin, N.Z. 42 4459 27 Nov. 10 Dec. 94 Jessep and Elmsley Temuka, N.Z. 22 4456 1 Deo. 2 7 Jan., 1904. Kenderdine, A. G. Kenderdine and Kirkup Kenderdine and Kirkup Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 2 47 GO 4402 4443 4444 3 Oot. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 81 91 15 Oct. 26 Nov. Laing, W. D. .. Leonard, F. H. .. Lever Bros., Limited Lewis, A. M. .. Lineel Company, Limited, The Lysaght, Limited, J. Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z. London, Eng. Bristol, Eng. 3 2 48 IS 3 5 4410 4419 4491 4408 4469 4477 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 23 Dec. 7 Oct. 7 Dec. 11 Dec. 81 81 2 81 94 2 15 Oct. 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. 15 Oct. 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904. Mackerras and Hazlett Dunedin and Invercargill, N.Z. Cromwell, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Greymouth, N.Z. London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. 42 4489 23 Dec. 2 7 Jan., 1904. McLoughlin, J... McNeill Bros. Meadows, F. N. R. Me'da Proprietary, The Millington, M. .. Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, The Muir, R. 44 42 42 3 3 10 3 4483 4450 4485 4434 4440 4404 4466 12 Dec. 16 Nov. 18 Dec. 3 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Oct. 5 Dec. 2 2 S7 91 81 91 7 Jan., 1904. 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. 26 Nov. 15 Oct. 10 Dec. New Zealand Dairy Association, Limited, The Nicolay and Co. Auckland, N.Z. 42 4421 15 Oct. 87 12 Nov. London, Eng., and Zurich, Switzerland 3 4464 2 Deo. Palmer and Co., Limited Papier Poudre, Limited. (See A. S. Butler.) Patterson, J. R. Peacock, W. W. M. Perry, J. W., and another Preservaline Manufacturing Company, The Preservaline Manufacturing Company, The London, Eng. 47 4405 7 Oct. 81 15 Oct. Wellington, N.Z. Swannanoa, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. New Yo»k, U.S.A. 42 42 12 42 4425 4431 4424 4397 19 Oot. 26 Oct. 9 Oct. 1 Oot. 81 87 84 29 Oct. 12 Nov. 29 Oct. New York, U.S.A. 42 4398 1 Oot. Raimes and Co., Limited Rattray and Son, J. Reddaway and Co., Limited, F. Reece and Sons, E. Stockton-on-Tees, Eng. Dunedin, N.Z. Manchester, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. 50 42 GO 47 4471 4413 4433 4461 9 Dec. 9 Oct. 28 Oct. 2 Dec. 2 87 87 7 Jan., 1904. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sears, E. Smith and Smith Smith and Smith Society Anonyme de la Distillerie de la Liqueur Benedictine de l'Abbaye de Fecamp Societe Anonyme de la Distillerie de la Liqueur Benedictine de l'Abbaye de Fecamp Spalding and Bros., A. G. .. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Nelson, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Fecamp, France 88 38 38 22 1 1 48 4399 4400 4401 4418 4447 4448 4435 2 Oct. 2 Oot. 2 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Nov. 15 Nov. 29 Oct. 84 si 87 94 2 29 Oct. 15 Oct.' 12 Nov. 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904. Fecamp, France 43 4436 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. New York, U.S.A. 49 4496 30 Dec. 4 Feb., 1904. 10 Taylor, J. Turnbull and Co., W. and G. Turnbull and Co., W. and G. Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 38 42 42 4428 3938 4442 22 Oct. 16 Sept., 1902 12 Nov. 84 94 94 29 Oct. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. Van Westrum, L. S. Vining, W. G. .. Berlin, Germany Nelson, N.Z. 50 22 4472 4453 9 Dec. 24 Nov. 2 94 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec. Waldberg and Co., Gesellschaft mit Beschraenkter Haftung Welsbaoh Light Company of Australasia, Limited, The Westrum. (See Van Westrum.) Wheeler, C. L. .. White, Tomkins, and Courage, Limited Wight, R. B. .. Wilkinson, F. .. Wilkinson, R. . . Williamson, H. B. Wilson, T., and another Wooding and Teasdale Wostenholm and Son, Limited, G. Berlin, Germany London, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. Caversham, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Leicester, Eng. Sheffield, Eng. 8 18 12 42 43 3 18 3 42 38 12 4175 4420 4470 4451 4458 4460 4454 4409 4424 4492 4455 24 April 15 Oct. 8 Dec 20 Nov. 27 Nov. 1 Dec. 24 Nov. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 29 Dec. 24 Nov. 2 84 2 94 2 94 7 Jan., 1904. 29 Oct. 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec. 7 Jan., 1904. 10 Deo. 84 G 94 29 Oct. 21 Jan., 1904. 10 Dec.

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: FIFTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: FIFTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: FIFTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, H-10

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