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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," Section 5, Subsection (8).

By the statute above mentioned the Eegistrar is required every year to " lay before the General Assembly a report of his proceedings and of the principal matters transacted by him, and of the valuations returned to or caused to be made by the Eegistrar during the year preceding." TRANSACTIONS DUEING THE YBAE 1903. Begistration op Societies and Branches. The total number of registrations during the year 1903 was 15, distributed as follows : M.U.1.0.0.F.,* 1 society; U.A.0.D., 7 lodges; H.A.C.8.5., 3 branches; 1.F.5., 2 societies; Juvenile Friendly Societies, 1; W.M.C, 2 clubs. In the following table the progress of registration during the year is shown by a comparison of the number of societies and branches on the register as at the beginning and end of the year respectively.

A complete list of societies and branches on the register as at the end of 1903 is given in Appendix 11. Complete Amendments of Eules Eegisteeed. The following societies and branches registered complete amendments of their rules during the year, viz. : — M.U.1.0.0.F. —North Westland District and Reefton Lodge, South Canterbury District and Tiinaru Lodge ; Ashburton District. A.O.F.—Court Sir Geoge Grey, Wellington. W.M.C. —Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary Institute, and Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts. S.A.S.—lvy of Linwood Co-operative Money Club, and Westport City Band.

• LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS MADE USE OP IN THIS REPORT. A.0.P., Ancient Order of Foresters. A.0.5., Ancient Order of Shepherds. 8.U.0.0.P., British United Order of Odd Fellows. H.A.C.8.y., Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. 1.F.5., Isolated Friendly Society. 1.0. G.T., Independent Order of Good Templars. 1.0.0. F., Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American Constitution). 1.0. R., Independent Order of Rechabices. M.U.1.0.0.F., Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. N.1.0.0.F., National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. P.A.F.S'a., Protestant Allianoe Friendly Society of Australasia. R.E.8.5., Railway Employees' Benefit Society. S.A.S., Specially Authorised Society. S.D.T., Sons and Daughters of Temperanoe. U.A.0.D., United Ancient Order of Druids W.M.C, Working-men's Club.

I—H. 1.

Name or Class of Society. Statement as on the 1st January, 1903. Statement as on the Slst December, 1903. M.U.I.O.O.P. I.O.O.P. N.I.O.O.F. .. B.U.O.O.F. .. A.O.P. A.O.S. U.A.O.D. I.O.R. S.D.T. H.A.G.B.S. .. P.A.P.S.A. .. R.E.B.S. I.P.S. W.M.C. I.O.G.T. 1 society, 16 districts, 167 lodges, 1 juvenile lodge, and 1 widow and orphan society 1 grand lodge and 39 lodges 1 district and 2 lodges 1 lodge 8 districts, 123 courts, and 2 juvenile courts 1 sanctuary 3 grand lodges and 70 lodges 2 districts and 41 tents 1 grand division and 10 divisions 1 district and 22 branches 1 grand lodge and 10 lodges I society II societies 15 clubs 1 grand lodge, 53 subordinate lodges, and 2 temples 24 societies 1 society, 17 districts, 167 lodges, 1 juvenile lodge, and 1 widow and orphan society. 1 grand lodge and 39 lodges. 1 district and 2 lodges. 1 lodge. 8 districts, 121 courts, and 3 juvenile courts. 1 sanctuary. 3 grand lodges and 77 lodges. 2 districts and 41 tents. 1 grand division and 10 divisions. 1 district and 25 branches. 1 grand lodge and 10 lodges. 1 society. 12 societies. 17 clubs. 1 grand lodge, 53 subordinate lodges, and 2 temples. 23 societies. S.A.S.

11. 1


Partial Amendments op Eules Registered. Partial amendments were made and registered in respect of the undermentioned : — M.U.I.O.O.F.—New Zealand Branch; Auckland District; Hawke's Bay District; Wellington District and Newtown Lodge ; Nelson District (twice) and Nelson Lodge ; Ashley District. B.U.O.O.F.—Aorangi Lodge. A.O.F. —Auckland District; Taranaki District; Canterbury United District; Nelson District and Court Concord. U.A.O.D.—District Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand; Grand Lodge of Canterbury. S.D.T.—National Division. I.F.S.—Auckland Labourers Accident Fund Association. W.M.C. —Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Institute (twice) ; Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual School of Arts; Oxford Working-men's Club. S.A.B.—Wellington United Friendly Societies' Dispensary ; Ivy of Linwood Co-operative Money Club. Cancellations by Dissolution, Etc. Registration of the societies and branches hereunder was cancelled : — A.O.F.— Court Eureka (Auckland District) ; Court Onward (Wellington District). S.A.S.—lnvercargill City Band. Conversions and Secessions. M.U.I.O.O.F.—The Auckland, Hawke's Bay, Nelson, Ashley, and Ashburton Districts were converted into district branches of the New Zealand Branch of the Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Timaru Lodge left the Lyttelton District and became a branch of the South Canterbury District. Changes of Trustees. During the year 137 notices relative to changes and appointments of trustees of the various organizations were received and dealt with. The regulation requiring that notice should be sent to this office within a given date after the date of meeting whereat a resolution of appointment of trustees was passed has in a great many cases been neglected. Returns and Statistics for 1902. By the Friendly Societies Act, all societies and branches registered under it are required to forward to the Registrar before the Ist April in each year a general statement of the receipts and expenditure, funds, and effects of the society or branch, made out to the 31st December then last, termed the Annual Return; and, as respects friendly societies proper, they are required to supply at the same time a list of the members admitted, and the names and particulars of the periods of sickness, deaths, and other contingencies experienced by the members during the year. During the month of December, 1902, a supply of forms to contain the above information was sent to each of the societies with branches (with the exception of the 1.0. G.T.) for the use of the same, and also to all the societies separately registered. These returns and lists, having been filled up and sent to this office, were examined and compared with the totals at the end of 1901, and entries found to be defective, incorrect, contradictory, or not in accordance with law were queried, for the purpose of having the necessary corrections made and an explanation given of the cause thereof. The number of returns issued and received, and the months in which they reached the Registry Office, are shown in the following table :—

Society. Returns.* T] Issued. Received. Jan. Feb. ie Months in 1903 when the Beturns for 1902 reached Office. Mar. April. May. June. Aug. July. Sept. tf.U.I.O.O.F. .O.O.F. •U.O.O.F. .. 3.U.O.O.P. .. LO.F. L.O.S. J.A.O.D. .O.R. 5.D.T. i.A.C.B.S. .. 3 .A.F.S.A. .. i.B.B.S 4 /"S ** -* i ' \ 4 A 185 184 2 14 40 33 2 9 8 3 i .. 1 1 .... 131 ,121 .. 9 1 1 .... 73 71 .. 5 43 42 i 6 : 4 11 U ..3 23 18 .. 1 11 11 .. I .. 1 11.. 48 76 34 2 11 ill .. : 3 1 10 82 i 3 1 5 53 2 .. 5 9 4 2 i 5 a .. 12 -J 11 u_ u_ 'J_\ 'J__ 88 248 45 ] 6 14 1.. 2 4 11 3 5 .... 94 261 47 ! 7 8 1 4 1 2 i .. 5 5 8 2 i 'i 3 5 1 2 4 1 1 .. 1 3 Total Friendly Societies : :.F.S. .. .. J N.M.G. JA.S. 523 14 15 25 497 13 13 13 11 8 i " 45 1 88 1 2 3 14 19 3 2 2 1 1 3 5 3 1 1 Total 577 536 14 i 46 94 18 26 11 1 3 + [pQlUdi )B cent i>1 bo i [iei



It will be seen by the foregoing that, while close on three quarters of the required returns were furnished during the first four months of the year, only 154 reached this office before the Ist April. Seeing that the figures embodied in the returns relate to the year terminated in December, it does not seem too much to expect that the whole of the returns should be sent in some time during the first quarter of the year. A large amount of delay also arises in the compilation of the statistical tables, on account of the difficulty experienced in obtaining satisfactory corrections in the returns from a number of the branches of societies. It may also be pointed out that so long as one branch of a society withholds the particulars of its proceedings it is impossible to finally deal with the figures of such society, and that the dilatoriness of a few secretaries causes much loss of time in a variety of ways. With a view of remedying this tardiness it is intended to move the Treasury to authorise legal proceedings against defaulting secretaries to enforce compliance with the statute. The number of lodges* of the affiliated type whose returns are tabulated is 462, and of central bodies 35, distributed according to Orders thus : —

In Table I. details are given of the name, place, and year of establishment of each lodge, with the membership and funds of the same at the end of 1902. The funds under the control of the central bodies are also included in the district totals. In the final column is entered the average surplus or deficiency per member in each lodge, as shown at the last valuation. Tables 11. to VI. contain a summary of the details relating to the membership, mortality and sickness, receipts and expenditure, funds, and investments of each separately registered society, with totals for the several Orders. In Tables 111. to VI. shillings and pence have been omitted, there being no apparent advantage in publishing the values more accurately than as shown by the nearest pound. Membership and Total Funds. The number of members in these 462 lodges at the beginning of 1902 was 41,886; the members admitted by initiation and reinstatement were 4,635 ; those admitted by clearance were 272 : total admitted, 4,907. The number who left by arrears, resignation, and expulsion was 2,818 ; by clearance, 248 ; and by death, 319 : total left, 3,385. The net increase for the year was 1,522, or slightly over 3J per cent., and the number of members at the end of 1902 was therefore 43,408. The deaths of members' wives during the year were 146. The total funds of the societies and branches as on the 31st December, 1902, amounted to £846,315, made up as follows : Sick and Funeral Funds (inclusive of amounts transferred to special funds out of surplus), £774,532 ; Medical and Management Funds, goods, &c, £71,783. Dividing the total funds by the number of members at the end of the year, it is found the average capital per member is now £19 9s. lid. Taking the several years 1898-1902, the number of members, total funds, and average capital per member at the end of each were as under : —

M.U.I.O.O.P. I.O.O.F. .. N.I.O.O.P. .. B.U.O.O.P. A.O.P. A.O.S. Society. Central T , v Bodies. Lodges. 17 167 1 32 1 2 1 8 113 1 U.A.O.D. .. I.O.R. S.D.T. H.A.C.B.S. P.A.P.S.A. R.B.B.S. .. Society. i a B I lodges. Central Bodies. 3 2 1 1 1 Lodgs 68 40 10 17 10 1

Year. No. of Members. Total Funds. Average Capital. Total Funds. Average Capital. o n _ j £ £ s. d. 3L 33 8. U. 1898 .. .. •• •• 35,501 678,746 19 2 5 1899 .. .. .. .. 38,202 728,249 19 1 3 1900 .. .. •• •• 40,257 766,480 19 0 9 1901 .. .. .. 41,236 804,753 19 10 4 1902 . .. •• •■ ■• 43,408 846,315 19 9 11 £ 678,746 728,249 766,480 804,753 846,315 £ s. d. 19 2 5 19 1 3 19 0 9 19 10 4 19 9 11 The following balance-sheet gives the total funds (including those of the central bodies) as on the 31st December, 1902 :— Funds. £ Assets. £ Siok and Funeral Funds .. .. .. 755,300 Investments at interest .. .. .. 665,879 Surplus Appropriation Funds .. .. 19,232 Value o£ land and buildings .. .. .. 129,265 Management Fund, goods, &o. .. .. 56,992 Cash not bearing interest .. .. .. 32,877 Widow and Orphans Funds .. .. .. 7,272 Value of goods .. .. .. .. 10,702 Distress, Benevolent Funds, &e. .. .. 6,866 Other assets .. .. .. .. 7,592 Juvenile Funds .. .. • • • • 653 £846,315 I £846,315 * The word "lodge," when applied to all societies, is to be understood as embracing the synonymous terms " court," " tent," &c, as used in the various Orders.



At the same date these funds were disposed of as follows: —

Sickness. The number of members sick during the year was 8,285, equal to 20-47 per 100 members at risk ; the sickness experienced was 63,774 weeks 4 days, equal to 7 weeks 4 days per sick member, and 1 week 3 days 11 hours for each member at risk. The ratio to the total of the sickness in the first six months was 60 per cent., in the second six months 8 per cent., and after twelve months 32 per cent. These averages and percentages are compared with those for previous years in Appendix I. Owing in great measure to differences in the proportion of members at the several ages, the averages in the several districts differ considerably; also in the several societies or Orders. The figures for the five larger Orders are found to be as follows: —

From the above it will be seen that the percentage of members sick for the year 1902 was highest in the A.0.F., while the average sickness per member at risk was highest in the M.U.1.0.0.F. In both cases it was lowest in the 1.0.0. F. In 1901 the percentage of members sick was 21-40, the average sickness per member sick was 7-35 weeks, and the average sickness per member at risk 1 week 4 days. Deaths. The number of members who died during 1902 was 319, equal to 7-88 per 1,000 members at risk, as against 7-20 in 1901 and 7-00 in 1900. The number of wives who died was 146, equal to 3-61 per 1,000 members, as against 3-94 for 1901 and 3-42 for 1900. Sick and Funeeal Funds. The contributions and entrance fees paid to Sick and Funeral Funds were £61,956 ; and, dividing by the mean number of members, the average is found to be £1 9s. Id., as against £1 Bs. 10d. for 1901. The interest and rent received by the lodges and central bodies amounted to £31,042, equal to 14s. 7d. per member, as against 15s. Id. per member for 1901. The amount of sickness benefit paid was £46,912, equal to £5 13s. 3d. per member sick, and an average of £1 2s. per member, as against £5 7s. Id. and £1 Is. 9d. respectively for 1901. Viewing the amount paid in relation to the weeks of sickness the average benefit per week is found to be 14s. 9d.; in 1901 the average was 2d. less. The funeral benefit paid amounted to £9,082 ; this is equal to 4s. 3d. per member, and is 6d. greater than the average for 1901. The total worth of the Sick and Funeral Funds at the beginning of 1902 being £718,475, and at the end of the year £755,300, the balance of gam on the transactions of the year was £36,825, or 17s. 3d. per member, as against £1 os. Id. in 1901.

At 31st Deoem! ier, 1902. Disposition of Funds. Percentage of Total Assets. Amount. On mortgage of freehold property .. .. . . Land and buildings In Post Office Savings-Bank In other banks on deposit Cash not bearing interest In Government and municipal debentures Other investments (including £1,476 over expenditure for management) Furniture, goods, &c. .. Other assets £ 536,723 129,265 51,686 43,800 32,877 22,928 10,742 63-42 15-27 611 5-18 3-88 2-71 • 1-27 10,702 7,592 1-26 090 846,315 100-00

Percentage Sick. Sicknei ss per Member. Katio (per Cent.) to Toti Sickness. Order. Sick. At Bisk. I First ; , Second 6 Months. 6 Months. After 12 Months. tf.U.I.O.O.F. :.o.o.f LO.F. J.A.O.D. .. :.o.B. 20-68 15-67 21-32 19-55 1948 Weeks. 8-58 6-32 7-55 5-37 7-10 Wks. dys. hrs. 1 4 16 0 5 23 i 1 8 Iβ 10 7 12 7 52 70 63 74 73 9 11 8 9 S 39 19 29 17 19 All Societies 8 32 20-47 7-67 1 3 11 60



The averages for the five leading Orders, and for all societies, are given in the following table:—

Bate of Interest realised. The total income from investments, less depreciations, credited to the Sick and Funeral Funds for 1902 amounted to £31,042, which is found to yield an average rate of £4\30 per cent, (say, £4 65.), as against £4 9s. 7d. in 1901. But, while the average rate for societies in the aggregate may be regarded as satisfactory, affording as it does a fair margin for safety over the rate hitherto employed in valuations—namely, 4 per cent. —it has to be remembered that as each lodge is for most purposes under the control of its own committee of management in matters affecting investments, its position will depend in great measure on the care and attention bestowed on this subject by the responsible officers. Hence the position of a district or Order depends almost entirely upon the good or bad management which has characterized the several brandies in respect of the investment of the funds. While the rate of interest realised by each lodge cannot be set forth here, some idea of the position in the several societies or Orders will be obtained by an examination of the figures in the last column of the following table : — Table showing the Total Worth of the Sick and Funeral Fund as on the Ist January, 1902, and the 31st December, 1902, inclusive of the Accumulations held by the Central Bodies; also the Amount and Average Bate of Interest earned.

It may also be added that in the M.U.1.0.0.F., with its sixteen districts, the average rate per cent, realised varies from £1-56 in the case of the Lyttelton District to £6-42 in the North Westland District. In the A.0.F., with eight districts, the rate varies from £3-48 in the South Canterbury District to £563 in the Nelson District. A consideration of the foregoing rates makes it evident that, while the responsible officers in a large majority of the lodges have laboured with zeal and intelligence to invest the funds profitably, there is a minority of managers who, through ignorance, carelessness, or indifference, have never realised the fact that the regular and judicious investment of the funds at the highest rate of interest obtainable consistent with perfect security is a primary condition of success in every friendly society. It matters not how carefully the rates of contribution and benefits may have been adjusted if this important item has been neglected. And, while strongly opposed to other than adequate rates of contribution being charged in any lodge, examples are not wanting where defects in this particular have been successfully overcome by superior management in the investment of the funds. The bearing of these remarks on the rate of interest to be employed in a valuation is obvious. In lodges where the management of the funds has been good, and the rates realised over a series of years is in excess of 4 per cent., this rate may be continued; but in cases where a less rate has been realised the valuation will have to be made at such rate of interest as the character of the investments and the rate of interest realised may appear justifiable to the valuer. One way in which the rate realised may be improved is by a strict compliance in all cases with the terms of the statute in regard to the separation of the several funds, and the payment of all expenses of management out of the Management Fund. In a number of lodges it is found that

Order. au.i.o.o.F. :.o.o.p. .. l.O.F. J.A.O.D. .. :.o.r. Income per Member from Contributions. Interest. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 11 8 0 17 2 1 10 5 0 13 1 17 1 0 14 7 15 7 0 8 4 1 12 9 0 19 3 Outgo per Member tor Sick-benefit Average Sickper Member pay per Sickness. | Funerals. Sick ' Week - _ £ s. d. £ s. d. i , s. fl. £ s. d. 146 041 63 9 0 14 5 0 14 10 0 4 10 5 2 2 0 16 2 127 048 : 5 10 9 0 14 6 0 15 10 038 i76 0 16 3 120 043 600 0 16 11 £ s. d. 0 14 5 0 16 2 0 14 6 0 16 3 0 16 11 Gain peiMember. £ a. d. 1 0 1 0 15 S 0 14 £ 0 14 1C 1 5 8 £ a. d. 10 1 0 15 5 0 14 8 0 14 10 15 3 All societies 19 1 0 14 7 i 1 2 0 0 4 3 5 18 8 0 14 9 0 17 8

I Name of Society. M.U.I.O.O.F. I.O.O.P N.I.O.O.P. .. B.U.O.O.P. .. A.O.P. A.O.S U.A.O.D. .. I.O.R , S.D.T. H.A.C.B.S. .. P.A.F.S.A. .. R.E.B.S Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Fund as on— January 1,1902. December 31,1902. £ £ 353,045 370,218 33,631 35,226 4,124 4,156 741 1,326 191,697 200,128 1,043 1,069 59,487 64,502 39,037 41,389 9,729 10,434 12,470 12,821 10,336 10,865 3,135 3,166 Amount of Interest. £ 14,701 1,354 142 62 8,509 57 2,810 1,797 487 490 478 155 Average Kate per Cent. £ 4-15 4-01 3-49 6-19 4-44 5-55 4'64 4-57 4-95 3-95 4-61 504 Total 718,475 755,300 31,042 4-30



the expenses of trustees in connection with the management of the investments, as well as the cost of collecting interest by agents or secretaries, have been paid out of the Sick and Funeral Fund, whereas it has been held by high legal authorities that the contributions to this fund and the whole of the interest arising from the investment of the capital thereof should be applied exclusively to the payment of sickness and funeral benefits, except in the case of lodges which have obtained the consent of a valuer to an appropriation of surplus capital or interest ; and hence that any deduction from the interest accruing is wholly illegal. In lodges which have invested part of the Sick and Funeral Fund capital in halls, it is found in a number of cases that little or no rent has been paid by the Management Fund for the lodge-room, but unless a fair rent is paid in all cases the Sick and Funeral Fund is being defrauded. Another matter connected with these investments in halls and buildings which it is desirable the responsible officers should take into consideration, is to see that proper steps are taken to reimburse the lodge for the original outlay in building and furnishing, against the time when these halls or buildings will have to be renewed. If this is not done, either by periodic depreciations or the establishment of a sinking fund out of the annual income, lodges will one day have nothing to show for the funds so invested. In a number of cases the Sick and Funeral Fund Buffers from illegal appropriations of the funds for management purposes. The offending societies and the amounts misappropriated at the end of 1902 are as follows: M.U.1.0.0.F., £448; 1.0.0. F., £285 ; A.0.F., £257; U.A.0.D., £165; 1.0. E., £66; 5.D.T.,£26; H.A.C.8.5., £220; P.A.F.S.A., £9 : making a total of £1,476. Not only is no interest earned on these amounts, but care has to be exercised that the principal is correctly brought forward in the annual returns. It is to be hoped the amounts misappropriated will be restored as quickly as possible, and so prevent the necessity of any further pressure to secure compliance with the provisions of the statute. Medical and Management Expenses Funds. The contributions, entrance fees, and levies to the Medical and Management Expenses Funds amounted to £62,400; interest, £1,420; and other receipts, £12,267: making a total income of £76,087. The total outgo for the year was £74,152, including £39,848 for medical attendance and medicine, £25,811 for management expenses and levies to central bodies, and £8,493 for other expenses. The total worth of the funds at the end of the year, including goods, &c, was £56,992. The averages of the chief items of income and outgo in each of the five leading Orders and in all the societies combined, also the percentage of total contributions (to both the Sick and Funeral and the Medical and Management Funds) spent for management, are given in the following table:—

The total amount paid by the societies for the year in providing the several benefits of sickpay, funeral benefits, and medical attendance and medicine amounted to £95,842. Assuming that for each member three other persons besides participate in these benefits, nearly 175,000 persons may be regarded as sharers in the beneficent work performed by these fraternal organizations. Averages and percentages deduced from the tabulated returns for 1891-1902 are given in Appendix I. Information as to the forms kept in the Kegistry Office for the convenience of societies, and sent free on application, is to be found in Appendix IV. New Sickness and Moktality Experience, Manchester Unity 1.0.0. F., England, 1893-97. One of the most important and valuable additions to our knowledge of the laws of sickness and mortality applicable to friendly societies was presented to the deputies attending the 1903 Annual Movable Committee of the above Order. The period selected for the analysis of the sickness and mortality experience was the five years 1893-97, and the important work of investigation was intrusted to Mr. Alfred W. Watson, F.1.A., F.S.S., a past-officer and one of the actuaries of the society. Mr. Watson bears an honoured name in connection with friendly-society valuations, being the third in descent of a family who has performed conspicuous service in the friendly-society world, and brought to his task not only a long experience of this particular class of work, but a mind peculiarly fitted by a severe course of scientific training.

tedical and Management Expenses Funds. Order. Average Payment per Member for Percentage oi total Contributions spent for Management. Average CoDtribution per Member. I ! Medical Aid. Management. Total. tf.U.I.O.O.F. .O.O.F. LO.P. .. J.A.O.D. .O.R. .. £ s. d. 16 7 1 14 2 1 10 3 1 12 3 1 12 4 k s. d. 0 17 11 0 18 7 0 19 9 10 3 0 14 7 k s. d. 0 11 6 0 14 8 0 11 8 0 12 4 0 15 3 £ a. d. 19 5 1 13 3 1 11 5 1 12 9 1 9 10 19-73 22-76 2040 21-40 23-52 All societies 19 3 0 18 8 0 12 1 1 10 9 20-76



This is the fourth investigation which has been undertaken by the Manchester Unity into the sickness and mortality experience of the members. The three previous investigations were made by the late Mr. Henry Eatclifi'e, Corresponding Secretary of the society. The first was from returns obtained with difficulty from lodges as to their experience during the years 1846-48, and included members who had passed through 621,561 years of life and experienced 6,058 deaths and 609,112 weeks of sickness. The second dealt with the experience of the years 1856-60, and included 1,006,272 years of life at risk, 11,962 deaths, and 1,324,202 weeks of sickness. The third investigation dealt with the experience of the members for the years 1866-70, and included 1,321,048 years of life at risk, 16,680 deaths, and 1,975,033 weeks of sickness. This experience being the largest ever collected by any person or society, was made the foundation of a series of tables dealing with the experience in a variety of aspects, and these tables enjoyed a wide and well-deserved reputation for a number of years not only in Great Britain but also in the colonies as the best available exhibits of friendly-society experience, and hence as the most suitable for estimating the future assets and liabilities of fraternal organizations. With the passing of the years, however, and changes in the social habits and sanitary conditions of the people, the national health has been affected and also the liability which a member brings on a friendly society. These changes viewed from a national standpoint must be regarded as in the main beneficent and conducive to a reduction in the rate of mortality. But, as has been well said by one writer, "in friendly-society work a favourable cause may produce an unfavourable result —in other words, the increase in the average duration of life may mean, and usually does mean, an increase in the sickness liability which has to be met by the society." Accordingly it was made apparent on successive valuations that while the average duration of life was longer the average amount of sickness was greater than the expectation by the standard tables, irrespective of occupation risks. The necessity for some revision of the standard tables was thus becoming evident when, in 1896, the publication of a report by the late Mr. William Sutton, F.1.A., Actuary to the Friendly Societies Begistry Office, of the experience of registered friendly societies during the years 1876-80 immediately brought the subject into prominence. The average rate of sickness at every age was shown by such experience to be distinctly greater than that disclosed by any pre-existing tables. After deliberating on the whole subject the Manchester Unity, at the annual meeting in 1898, resolved that the Directors be instructed to proceed with the tabulation of the sickness and mortality experience of the five years 1893-97. The arduous labour of conducting the investigation was, as already stated, intrusted to Mr. Alfred W. Watson, who, in pursuance of the resolution arrived at by the society, issued the necessary returns to the lodges in September, 1898. In March, 1900, Mr. Watson read before the Institute of Actuaries a paper outlining the scheme of operations which evoked the warm admiration and approving encouragement of his professional seniors, who, having a thorough knowledge of the complexity of the subject, had a due appreciation of the magnitude of the undertaking. As the completed results were submitted to the annual meeting on the Ist June, 1903, it will be seen that the tabulation and analysis have been carried through and presented to the society in an almost inconceivably brief space of tune. The investigation comprised the facts relating to 819,716 individuals ; the number of years of life exposed to the risk of death was 3,180,378; the number who died was 39,061; and the number of weeks of sickness experienced wa3 7,022,438. The extent of this data will be best understood by comparing it with other important tabulations of sickness and mortality during recent years as follows : —

Concerning the above, Mr. Watson remarks : " It will be observed that, so far as concerns the numbers of facts included, the new experience of the Manchester Unity is conspicuous. Whilst weight of numbers is not necessarily (after a certain point has been passed) a criterion of reliability, certain advantages in this respect may be claimed for the present investigation. In the first place the magnitude of the data rendered it possible to give effect to a comprehensive scheme for the division of the experience without incurring the risk of reasoning from an inadequate number of observations, and in the second place, the investigation includes a sufficient body of data referring to the older ages to vest its results as to these ages with an authority which has been hitherto unattainable. This will be made clear by the following comparison of the years of life ' exposed to risk of death ' at the ages from seventy upwards, in the several experiences named above: — Ancient Order of Foresters, 1871-75 ... ... ... 6,849 years. Eegistered Friendly Societies, 1876-80 ... ... ... 25,990 years. Manchester Unity, 1866-70 ... ... ... ... 10,507 years. Manchester Unity, 1893-97 ... ... ... ... 74,720 years." It will be seen from the above that the new experience is three times as large as the late Mr. Sutton's tabulation; seven times as large as the Manchester Unity experience 1866-70; and nearly times as large as Mr. Neison's Forester's Experience 1871-75.

Ancient Order Begrimd j Mancbestei . MaDchestel . Foresters, SoS, ™*1- ™%. 1871-V5. 1870-80. 1866-70. 189J-97. Exposed to risk (death) Deaths Weeks of sickness 1,302,166 , 1,653,085 1,321,048 3,180,378 15,815 i 23,011 16,680 39,061 1,769,035 3,141,320 1,975,033 7,022,438



It would not be practicable to give here statements in detail of the various results, but the following comparison of sickness and mortality rates of the various bodies of data already named is extracted from page 22 of Mr. Watson's report :—

Comparison of Sickness and Mortality Rates: Various Bodies of Data (England).

The broad results of these comparisons, viewing them chronologically, are that sickness rates are constantly rising, whilst mortality races, except at the later ages, are declining. In respect of the two Manchester Unity experiences, the first conclusion to be drawn from a comparison of the rates is that the average sickness per member has increased, and that to a very considerable extent, while as regards the mortality there has been a decrease at all ages under 65. Eegarding the sickness experience Mr. Watson remarks : "A comparison of the sickness experience indicates a remarkable increase in the rate of claim. There is little difference in this respect between the experiences of the three earlier periods (in the Manchester Unity), but the experience of the years 1893-97 compares unfavourably with its predecessors at every period of life. Nor is the excess a comparatively small quantity. Up to forty-five years of age the average sickness had exceeded chat of the period 1866-70 by 21 per cent. Between the ages forty-five and sixty-five the excess is equal to 26 per cent., and at the ages sixty-five and over it is no less than 42 per cent." As regards the mortality experience Mr. Watson says: "A remarkable decline in the death rates is found at all the earlier periods of life, the average up to forty-five years of age being 66 per cent, of the death rates of 1866-70. In the middle period, say, ages forty-five to sixty-five, the average is 90 per cent, of .the corresponding rates of 1866-70, and from sixty-five years of age the average is 105 per cent, of that standard. It is thus evident that the aggregate " curve "of mortality is widely different from that appearing as the result of the last investigation." And, as Mr. Watson is careful to point out, this experience is unfavourable financially in two directions. Not only is the sickness per member at each period of life heavier than was formerly the case, but a greater proportion of members than formerly survive into old age, the period of life at which sickness is at its maximum intensity. At all previous tabulations of the experience of the Manchester Unity the data were divided into rural, town, and city districts, but in the present instance the system of classification adopted by Mr. Watson is much more varied, exhaustive, and complex. In the first place, the facts are distributed into three broad divisions —depending upon geographical situation, upon density of population, and upon occupation. The geographical areas distinguished were three : Area 1, non-manufacturing districts ; area 2, mainly textile districts ; area 3, other manufacturing, coal and metal working, and metropolitan districts. In each of these areas the membership was divided into rural and urban. Under each of the six divisions so formed eight subdivisions were made, depending upon occupation. The following are the subdivisions or classes into which the data were divided with reference to occupation :A, agriculture (applying to rural districts only); B, outdoor building trades; C, railway service; D, seafaring, fishing, &c. ; B, quarry-workers; P, iron and steel workers; G, miners (chiefly underground) ; H and J represents for each geographical area the general occupations, exclusive of those specially tabulated. There are thus forty-five separate groups of observations. The next step was to ascertain how far these groups of observations might be reduced in number preparatory to constructing the required tables of monetary values. By an exhaustive analysis and digest of the sickness and mortality under a variety of aspects Mr. Watson was able to reduce the grouping by occupations to four divisions—(l) the general body, including agriculture, A.H.J., comprising 78§ per cent, of the total years of life exposed to the risk of sickness; (2) building trades, railway service, and seafaring, 8.C.D., comprising 11 per cent, of the total exposures ; (3) quarrymen and iron-workers, 8.F., comprising 4-J- per cent, of the total exposures ; (4) mining occupations, G., comprising 6 per cent, of the total exposed to risk.

Ages. Rate oi Sickness pel Registered Friendly Societies, 1876-80. r Annum in Weeks. M.U., M.U., 1866-70. 1893-97. Rate of Mortality ; Registered A.O.F., Friendly 1871-75. Societies, 1876-80. per 100 per Annum. M.U., M.U., 1866-70. 1893-97. A.O.F., 1871-75. ' 16-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-100 1-04 0-82 0-85 0-97 1-15 1-37 1-71 2-27 3-21 4-59 7-97 12-00 17-66 20-92 0-88 0-85 0-87 1-02 1-24 1-17 1-89 2-39 3-36 5-17 8-73 14-46 20-27 27-36 30-86 29-29 39-07 0-54 0-75 0-81 0-93 1-06 1-26 1-64 2-22 3-05 4-72 7-24 12-06 16-87 20-59 29-63 0-92 0-90 0-95 1-06 1-27 1-58 1-99 2-75 4-02 6-31 10-59 17-40 25-15 32-27 36-12 38-89 38-57 0-94 0-74 0-73 0-89 1-09 1-28 1-66 2-05 2-97 3-80 5-84 8-00 14-26 16-08 0-73 0-57 0-62 0-78 0-98 1-16 1-48 1-90 2-78 3-91 5-71 8-07 1215 16-01 22-62 21-57 26-67 0-46 0-64 0-76 0-82 0-98 1-26 1-43 1-91 2-49 3-54 5-21 7-81 9-95 11-88 19-61 025 0-37 0-46 0-55 0-70 0-95 1-17 1-69 2-42 3-56 5-41 8-09 12-04 17.66 23-26 28-47 44-00



For each of these divisions the sickness experience for each year of age is divided into the first three months, second three months, second six months, second twelve months, and after two years duration. Monetary tables have been prepared from the several bodies of data obtained in the course of the inquiry (with the exception of Group G, miners) and also from the experience of the society as a whole. These tables are arranged in sets according to the rates of interest involved—-namely, 3, 3J, 3£, and 4 per cent. The number of tables in which 3 per cent, interest is involved is twenty-two, and the number in which each of the other rates is employed is eighteen, making seventy-six monetary tables in all. Each set of values is followed by the necessary commutation columns, by which rates for every possible variety of temporary or deferred benefit may be calculated. It would be interesting, but foreign to the present purpose, to enter at any length upon the question of the contributions and valuation reserves required under the various aspects of locality, occupation, and varying benefits which are investigated in the report; but this much may be said, that it appears clear from the examples given, the cose of the aggregate benefits ha 3 increased in the great majority of instances. Also that much of the excess of cost disclosed, arises from the great increase in protracted sickness ; hence the higher the benefit allowed in cases of continuous sickness the greater is the additional liability resulting from the change of experience. This short outline will give those interested some idea of the magnitude and complexity of the work undertaken and completed with such conspicuous ability by Mr. Watson, as must increase the reputation he had previously acquired as one of the highest experts and most trusted guides in the actuarial section of friendly-society work in Great Britain. Sickness and Moetality Experience, New Zealand Friendly Societies. It will be recollected that after the passing of the Friendly Societies Act of 1877, it was resolved (consequent on the absence of colonial data) that the Manchester Unity experience of 1866-70 should be made the basis of the tables to be constructed as standards in the Eegistrar's office, and that the rate of interest employed should be four per cent. Before many valuations had been made it was found on comparing the actual experience of sickness and mortality with tne rates given in the standard tables that considerable differences were exhibited in both, especially in respect of the distribution of the sickness, and the amount experienced at the higher ages. Whether these departures from the standard rates could be regarded as permanent features or merely accidental fluctuations, due in some measure to paucity of numbers in the colonial experience, was for some years necessarily a matter of doubt. It was made apparent, however, on successive valuations of the largest and most representative districts in the colony that the aforesaid features of the experience would have to be regarded as special characteristics, and the increased liability being recognised, societies were warned as to the danger which threatened their finances from this low death rate and excess in the sickness experience. This condition of things continued until early in 1898, when the late Eegistrar considered the time had arrived for abandoning the Manchester Unity experience of 1866-70 and " substituting as far as possible in the calculation of present values, New Zealand rates of sickness and mortality " (see 21st Annual Eeport, pages 3 and 4). A table of annual contributions for benefits (on a 4-per-cent.-interest basis) and examples of how the same was to be applied in the determination of rates, was published in the same report. Naturally there will be a desire to know whether the adjusted rates of sickness and mortality adopted as the basis of the monetary tables, by which to determine the annual contribution for benefits, and the valuation reserves, for the friendly societies of this colony compare favourably or otherwise with those of the other investigations mentioned, but this question raises many most difficult points. All that can be done is to present a summary of the New Zealand results, in comparison with those of other investigations, and indicate the chief differences.

Comparison of New Zealand Sickness and Mortality Rates, with various other Data.

2—H. 1.

Rate of Sickness pi sr Annum (Weeks). Rate of Mortality ier 100 per A] mum. Ages. New Zealand Societies, 1886-97. Friendly Societies, England, 1876-80. M.U., Group A.H.J., 3893-97. M.U., Whole Society, 1893-97. New Friendly Zealand, Societies, Males, England, 1880-92. 1876-80. M.U., Area 1, 1893-97. M.U., Whole Society, 1893-97. l6-19 !0-24 S5-29 50-34 S5-39 10-44 15-49 iO-54 >5-59 50-64 S5-69 FO-74 r5-79 iO-84 0-80 0-82 0-77 0-84 0-93 1-27 1-84 2-53 3-68 5-50 9-92 14-77 20-94 28-76 0-88 0-85 0-87 1-02 1-24 1-47 1-89 2-39 3-36 5-17 8-73 14-46 20-27 27-36 0-86 0-82 0-88 0-97 1-14 1-44 1-82 2-56 3-79 6-00 10-26 16-31 25-02 32-25 0-92 0-90 0-95 1-06 1-27 1-58 1-99 2-75 4-02 6-31 10-59 17-40 25-15 32-27 0-41 0-53 0-54 0-63 0-74 0-92 1-20 1-52 2-17 3-08 4-46 6-32 9-88 14-58 0-73 0-57 0-62 0-78 0-98 1-16 1-48 1-90 2-78 3-91 5-71 8-07 12-15 16-01 0-21 0-34 0-46 0-53 0-66 0-85 1-08 1-51 2-10 3-17 4-71 7-08 10-78 15-97 0-25 0-37 0-46 0-55 0-70 0-95 1-17 1-69 2-42 3-56 5-41 8-09 12-04 17-66



Comparing the New Zealand sickness experience with that of the Eegistered Friendly Societies, England, the colonial rate is less at all ages under 50 (the difference being greatest at ages 30 to 39, where it is about 28 per cent.). At age 50 and over the New Zealand rate is somewhat greater. When compared with Occupation Group A. H. J. of the new Manchester Unity experience, the New Zealand rate may be said to agree at ages 20 to 24 and 50 to 54, but at the other periods it is found to be less, although the differences are not great except at ages 35 to 39 where it is more favourable to the extent of 23 per cent. As respects the new Manchester Unity rate for the Whole Society, the New Zealand rate is more favourable at all age periods, the difference being greatest at the period 25 to 44. Comparing the New Zealand mortality with that of the Registered Friendly Societies, it is found to be less at all periods of life, the difference being greatest at ages 55 to 64, where it is close on 29 per cent. When compared with the mortality in Area 1 of the new Manchester Unity experience, the New Zealand rate is found to be considerably greater at ages 16 to 24 ; from age 25 to 64 it differs but little, after age 65 the rate is distinctly less. If compared with the mortality in the Manchester Unity Whole Society, the New Zealand rate is greater up to age 40, practically the same for the next ten years, and then decidedly more favourable. It may give a better idea of the subject to some, if the aggregate sickness and mortality in passing through a number of years of life be brought under observation as in the following table.

Comparative Amount of Sickness and Mortality in various Periods of Years according to the Results of different Investigations.

Comparing the experiences as a whole it may be affirmed in respect of sickness that the New Zealand experience differs but little from that of the Friendly Societies, England, while Group A.H.J, of the Manchester Unity discloses a sickness about 8J per cent, in excess, and the Whole Society, Manchester Unity, nearly 16 per cent. In respect of mortality the New Zealand rate is more favourable than the Friendly Societies, England, to the extent of about 32 per cent. On the other hand the sum of the rates in Area 1, Manchester Unity, is about the same as the sum of the New Zealand rates, while the Manchester Unity Whole Society data discloses a mortality about 15 per cent, in excess. The much lower rate of mortality at ages under 35 in both the data based on Manchester Unity experience will not escape observation. From the results shown it may be seen that a fairly comparable aggregate sickness or mortality rate may be composed of rates differing considerably at particular periods of life. The monetary tables which have been prepared from the several bodies of data mentioned now claim attention. Taking the values based upon the New Zealand experience as the standard, it is found that the values which come nearest thereto are those founded upon the Manchester Unity mortality experience of Area 1 (rural and urban districts combined), together with Normal Occupation Group A.H.J. , as regards sickness. The next in order are those based on the sickness and mortality experience of the Manchester Unity as a whole. In what follows the values contrasted will be confined to those based on New Zealand experience, and the Manchester Unity Area 1, with Occupation Group A.H.J. An abstract of these values will be sufficient for the present purpose, the rate of interest involved being 4 per cent.

Amount if Sickness in each Period of Years expressed in Weeks. Summation of the Rates of Mortalii in each Period of Years. Sy per Cent. Ages. New Zealand Societies, 1886-97. Friendly M.U., M.U., Societies, Group Whole England, A.H.J. , Society, 1876-80. 1893-97. 1893-97. New Friendly Zealand Societies, Males, England, 1880-92. 1876-80. M.U., Area 1, 1893-97. M.U., Whole Society, 1893-97. 16-24 7-3 7-7 7-5 8-4 4-3 5-9 2-5 2-8 25-34 8-1 9-5 9-2 10-1 5 -9 J 7-0 4-9 5-1 35-44 11-0 13-6 12-9 14-3 8-3 10-6 7-5 8-2 45-54 21-9 21-6 21-9 23-8 13-6 17-2 12-9 14-5 55-64 45-9 43-5 48-9 52-5 26-3 33-9 26-3 30-4 65-74 123-5 118-8 135-9 142-6 53-9 73-6 58-9 68-4 Total, 16-74 217-7 214-7 236-3 251-7 112-3 148-2 113-0 129 -4



Comparison of values of Annuities and Single and Annual Premiums for Assurance of £1. Data: New Zealand Experience, 1880-92, and Manchester Unity Area 1, 1893-97. Interest, 4 per Cent.

Values of Sickness Benefits of £1 per Week for Life, in Periods. Interest, 4 per Cent.

Comparing the annuity values it is seen that those based upon the New Zealand experience are less than those derived from the M.U. Area 1 experience up to age 47 ; at that age and upwards the opposite is the case, but at no age is the difference great. The single and annual premiums for assurance of £10 show consequential differences of an opposite character to those of the annuities, being higher at the younger ages, and lower at the higher. The sickness values for the " first six months " exhibit the same features as the annuity values in being less than the M.U. values with which they are compared up to age 47, and greater at and after that age. The difference at age 18 is under 9 per cent, and declines gradually to age 47. The values for the " second six months " of sickness are less at all ages than the M.U. values—but as the value for this period of sickness is, relatively to the other periods, of minor importance the fact is not of great significance. The values for the period " after twelve months " present the same features as those for the " first six months " only the differences are not so great either in defect or excess, the limit being under 4 per cent. The values presented supply the materials for the calculation of contributions or premiums for any of the benefits usually provided by societies in this colony, and accordingly the annual contributions are given for ages 18, 22, 27, 32, 37, and 42 for three groups of benefits. Annual Conteibutions Payable theoughout Life to Pkovide the following Benefits :— (1.) 20s. per week during the first six months of sickness, 10s. for the next six months, and ss. during the remainder of sickness; £20 at the death of a member, and £10 at the death of a members' first wife.

Age. Values of Assurances of £10 at Death. Values of Annuities of £1 (complete). Single Premiums. Annual Premiums. New Zealand, M.U., Area 1, New Zealand, M.U., Area 1, New Zealand, M.U., Area 1, 1880-92. 1893-97. 1880-92. 1893-97. 1880-92. 1893-97. ' ! Single Premiums. Values of Assurances of £10 at Death. Annual Premiums. 18 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 ■ £ 19-998 19-477 18-741 17-851 16-837 15-685 14-407 13-005 11-459 9-908 8-354 6-797 £ 20-389 19-749 18-919 17-990 16-908 15-704 14-352 12-856 11-274 9-599 7-997 6-426 £ 2-157 2-361 2-G50 2-999 3-397 3-848 4-350 4-899 5-506 6-114 6-724 7-334 £ 2-003 2-254 2-580 2-944 3-369 3-841 4-371 4-958 5-578 6-235 6-864 7-480 £ 0-1078 0-1212 0-1414 0-1680 0-2017 0-2453 0-3019 0-3767 0-4805 0-6171 0-8048 1-0793 £ 0-0982 0-1141 0-1363 0-1637 0-1993 0-2445 0-3046 0-3856 0-4948 0-S496 0-85S3 1-1640

First Si: Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. All Periods. Age. New M.U., Zealand, A.H.J., 1886-97. 1893-97. New M.U., Zealand, A.H.J., 1886-97. 1893-97. New M.U., Zealand, A.H.J., 1886-97. 1893-97. New Zealand, 1886-97. M.U., A.H.J. , 1893-97. 18 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 £ 18-42 18-87 19-81 21-15 22-74 24-44 25-88 26-74 27-39 27-74 27-56 24-91 £ 20-00 20-25 21-12 22-23 23-43 24-63 25-66 26-38 26-56 25-77 23-58 19-28 £ 2-71 3-02 3-50 4-06 4-81 5-68 6-62 7-56 8-33 9-20 10-11 10-39 £ 3-31 3-78 4-39 5-12 5-98 6-97 8-09 9-38 10-73 11-85 12-44 11-60 £ 15-45 18-14 22-28 27-40 33-76 41-64 51-08 62-33 75-73 91-71 108-19 118-51 • £ 15-99 18-84 23-03 28-13 34-30 41-79 50-87 62-07 75-41 91-33 109-15 122-97 £ 36-58 40-03 45-58 52-60 61-30 71-76 83-58 96-63 111-45 128-66 145-86 153-81 £ 39-30 42-87 48-54 55-48 63-71 73-38 84-63 97-84 112-71 128-95 145-16 j 153-85 t

Age. New Zealand Friendly Societies. M.U., Area 1, Group A.H.J. Difference. .8 !2 17 12 17 :2 £ £ s. d. 1-472 =19 5 1-605 = 1 12 1 1-825 = 1 16 6 2-127 = 227 2-525 = 2 10 6 3-045 = 3 0 11 £ £ s. d. 1-526 = 1 10 6 1-669 = 1 13 5 1-905 = 1 18 1 2-208 = 242 2-603 = 2 12 1 3-107 = 322 s. d. 1 1 1 4 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 3



(2.) 20s. per week during the first six months of sickness, 10s. for the next six months, and 7s. 6d. during the remainder of sickness; £20 at the death of a member, and £10 at the death of a members' first wife.

It will be seen that the rates of contribution brought out by the new Manchester Unity experience exceed those based on the New Zealand data, but in no case is the increase considerable ; the increase ranging from 2 per cent, to 4-J per cent., and this would be covered by an increase in the New Zealand rates of from Id. to 2d. per lunar month. A number of calculations have been made with a view of determining and comparing the valuation reserves required by the two bodies of data. It is found, however, that no general rule can be laid down, the reserves differing with the age at entry and the number of years a member has been in the society. Speaking in general terms it may be said that where the age at entry was under 25, and the duration of risk under 20 years, the reserves required by the new data exceed those of the standard table by about 10 per cent, for a duration of five years, and about 5 per cent, when the duration is fifteen years. Beyond the limits mentioned the reserves derived from the New Zealand data are generally the greater. Hence for the aggregate effect at a valuation, much will depend on the ages of members at entry, the benefits paid, and the relative numbers of young and old members. Actual trial of particular cases can alone determine whether the reserves will be greater or less than those derived from the standard tables. It remains to be considered whether, in view of all the circumstances brought to light by these comparisons with the new Manchester Unity experience, there is any necessity for a change in the standard tables at present in use for estimating the future sickness and mortality of members of friendly societies. The fact that the New Zealand experience on which these tables are based, is limited in comparison with any of the other experiences which have been brought under review, has to be admitted, and it might be thought that a larger body of data would exhibit material differences in the rates of sickness or mortality at some, if not all periods of life. It is found, however, after careful inquiry into the experience of societies valued in the office for the six years 1898-1903 (a body of experience about 12 percent, in excess of the data forming the basis of the standard tables), that in respect of sickness the rates compare favourably with the former experience at every period of life where the facts are sufficiently numerous to possess a value. As regards mortality the rates continue to be more favourable at the early ages than those derived from the experience of iihe general male population of the colony—but not so favourable as according to the Manchester Unity experience Area 1. On a review of the whole circumstances, the conclusion arrived at is, that the differences in the rate of mortality in the early years are not of so reliable a character, or of such importance as to call for a revision of the standard tables at the present time, or any immediate increase in the rates of contribution (published in 1898) for normal occupations. In regard to members engaged in hazardous or mining occupations, it appears obvious that extra contributions commensurate with the risk should be charged, and when in lodges composed of such members, the quinquennial investigation reveals an abnormal sickness or mortality experience, assistance will be sought in making the valuation estimates to such table of the Manchester Unity experience as best agrees with the facts of the particular case. The change of basis made by the late Registrar in 1898 is now seen to have been a wise " step forward," and has been amply justified by the character of the experience since collected. It is earnestly hoped that those societies who from one cause or another have so far disregarded the results of experience, and have been content to work under inadequate or inequitably graduated rates of contribution, will now reconsider their position and prospects and adopt such remedial measures as will give reasonable hope of their being able to fulfil all their engagements to the members.

Age. New Zealand Friendly Societies. M.U., Area 1, Group A.H.J. Difference. 18 22 27 32 37 42 £ £ s. d. 1-568 = 1 11 4 1-722 = 1 14 5 1-974 = 1 19 6 2-319 = 265 2-776 = 2 15 6 3-377 = 376 £ £ s. d. 1-624 = 1 12 6 1-788 = 1 15 9 2-056 = 211 2-404 = 281 2-856 = 2 17 1 3-439 = 389 s. d. 1 2 1 4 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 3 (3.) 20s. per week di 10s. during the remainder member's first wife. iring the first six months of sickness, 15s. for the next six months, and of sickness ; £20 at the death of a member, and £10 at the death of a Age. New Zealand Friendly Societies. M.U., Area 1, Group A.H.J. Difference. 18 22 27 32 37 42 £ £ s. d. 1-700 = 1 14 0 1-876 = 1 17 6 2-169 = 235 2-568 = 2 11 5 3-098 = 320 3-799 = 3 16 0 £ £ a. d. 1-763 = 1 15 3 1-955 = 1 19 1 2-267 = 254 2-671 = 2 13 5 3-198 = 340 3-884 = 3 17 8 s. d. 1 3 1 7 1 11 2 0 2 0 1 8



Valuations. The Friendly Societies Act is based on the assumption that men who combine for mutual aid may be trusted voluntarily to take such action as may be found necessary to secure the solvency and permanence of their institutions. By means of periodical investigation the State has provided that, if any loss is suffered through errors in finance, members shall not be able to plead ignorance of their society's unsound position. The values of the prospective assets and liabilities have been calculated on the general mortality experience of the colony, on the sickness experience of New Zealand friendly societies up to age 70, and on English sickness-rates (Sutton's Friendly Societies, 1876-80) above that age, the rate of interest assumed varies from 2£ to 4 per cent., according to the rates actually realised in the several lodges. Valuations were made of the following societies: M.U.1.0.0.F., Motueka District; North Canterbury District; North Westland District. A.0.5.; Sanctuary Sir George Grey. Summarised results of the valuations are given in two tables A and B (Appendix V.). In this connection it may be stated that the valuation of several other societies is in hand, but cannot be completed for want of the necessary particulars in respect of a few branches. This has caused great inconvenience. The following table shows the number of members of friendly societies, the amount of their accumulated capital, and the average capital per member in each of the Australasian States and in the Colony of New Zealand, according to the latest received statistics, arranged in order of membership : —

Other Societies on Ebgistee. In Table VII. some details are given of such isolated societies, working-men's clubs, and specially authorised societies on the Register as supplied returns in a form that could be utilised. Of isolated societies, returns were received from thirteen, with a membership of 3,071, and assets valued at £4,265. The same number of working-men's clubs also sent in returns; the membership is given as 5,531, and the assets as £28,611. Of specially authorised societies, such as dispensaries, money clubs, bands, &c, the membership is given as 6,264, and the value of the assets as £50,757. Teade-unions. The following trade-unions, registered under " The Trade Union Act, 1878," having ceased to exist, their registration has been cancelled during the year: Federated Seamen's Union of New Zealand ; Auckland Operative Bootmakers' Society ; Oamaru Operative Bakers' Association ; Grey District Trades and Labour Union of the Colony of New Zealand; New Zealand Federated Wharf Labourers' Union ; Association of the Master Ironworkers and Farriers of the Provincial District of Auckland ; United Millers, Engine-drivers, and Mill Employees' Society of New Zealand; Boilermakers and Iron-ship Builders' Society of Christchurch ; Wellington Typographical Society; and the Otago Typographical Society. The registered trade-unions, as at the 31st of December, 1903, are shown in Appendix 111. Geo. Leslie, 17th August, 1903. Registrar of Friendly Societies and Trade-unions.

I Date of Beturn. Number of Lodges. Number of Members. Amount ol Funds. Capital per Member. State or Colony. Viotoria New South Wales New Zealand South Australia Queensland Tasmania Western Australia 31st December, 1902 .. 1900 .. 1902 .. 1899 .. 1902 .. 1901 .. 1902 .. 1,146 790 462 474 385 149 169 102,364 75,027 43,408 43,043 31,709 14,716 11,746 £ 1,415,525 693,366 846,315 535,198 290,919 114,309 59,209 £ s. d. 13 16 7 9 4 10 19 9 11 12 8 8 9 3 6 7 15 4 5 0 10



APPENDIX I. Percentages and Averages deduced from the Statistics of New Zealand Friendly Societies for the Years 1891-1902.

Years. Description of Percentage or Average. 1894. 1895. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. Mortality of members (rate per 1,000 members at risk) „ wives „ Sick members, percentage of „ Sickness (weeks), average per member „ „ sick „ „ death of member Contribution to Sick and Funeral Fund, average per member (on mean number) Sickness benefit, average per member (on mean number) „ sick „ Funeral benefits, average per member „ Contribution* to Medical and Management Fund, average per member.. Medical expenses, average per member Management expenses,! average per member 6-87 3-78 19-06 1-23 6-44 178-78 £1-41 6-38 3-33 19-96 1-33 6-65 20809 £1-41 6-86 3-65 19-84 1-81 6-61 191-09 £1-41 7-53 3-65 21-45 1-41 6-55 186-59 £1-40 6-52 3-54 17-93 1-34 7-49 205-89 £1-39 6-89 3-32 17-90 1-36 7-61 197-83 £1-40 5-82 3-23 19-20 1-40 7-36 240-67 £1-41 724 3-46 20-22 1-43 7-06 197-08 £1-40 7-57 3-93 20-26 1-44 710 189-93 £1-42 7-00 3-42 19-18 1-44 7-52 20591 £1-39 7-20 3-94 21-40 1-57 7-35 218-40 £1-44 7-88 3-61 20-47 1-58 7-67 199-92 £1-45 19s. 7d. £5-08 3s. 6d. £1-37 19s. Id. 10s. 20s. 10d. £5-22 3s. Id. £1-37 19s. 2d. 10s. 2d. 20s. 5d. £5-14 3s. 6d. £1-36 19s. 9s. 10d. 22s. £5-13 3s. 9d. £1-37 18s. lid 9s. lid. 21s. 4d. £5-66 3s. 8d. £1-38 19s. 9s. 10d. 20s. Id. £5-61 3s. 7d. £1-38 18s. lid. 9s. 10d. 20s. 9d. £5-42 3s. Id. £1-39 18s. lid. 9s. 10d. 22s. 3d. £5-50 3s. 8d. £1-37 18s. 9d. 9s 6d. 21s. 3d. £5-24 4s. 5d. £1-40 18s. 10d. 9s. 6d. 20s. lid. £5-45 3s. 8d. £1-39 18s. 9d. 9s. 6d. 21s. 9d. £5-35 3s. 9d. £1-38 18s. 9d. 9s. 10d. 22s. £5-68 4s. 3d. £1-46 18s. 8d. 12s. Id. Ratio to total sickness (per cent.) of— 1. Sickness experienced during first six months .. 2. „ during second six months 3. „ after twelve months 64-34 7-57 28-09 64-53 7-82 27-65 64-57 6-81 28-62 65-27 7-67 27-06 61-77 7-88 30-35 58-99 7-91 33-10 60-16 6-61 33-23 61-20 7-33 31-47 60-07 7-71 32-22 57-65 8-79 33-56 59-08 7-42 33-50 59-50 8-40 32-10 Ratio to total assets (per cent.) of— 1. Investments at interest .. .. .. .. • 2. Value of land and buildings 3. Cash not bearing interest 4. Value of goods, &c. 5. Other assets 69-18 24-45 3-96 2-13 0-28 71-03 22-56 4-11 206 0-24 72-29 21-29 4-20 1-91 6-31 73-52 20-59 3-79 1-69 0-41 73-93 20-04 4-03 1-72 0-28 74-49 19-48 4-07 1-72 0-24 75-45 18-45 4-16 1-67 0-27 76-49 17-65 3-93 1-66 0-27 77-57 16-74 3-91 1-54 0-24 77-98 15-87 4-29 1-47 0-39 77-95 1615 3-98 1-42 0-50 78-68 15-27 3-89 1-26 0-90 * Inclusive of levies and entrance and clearance fees. + I.e., management ex] tenses of lodj ;es, and levies of the Manaj jement Fund of central bodies.



APPENDIX. 11. List op Registebed Societies, with theie Registebed Beanches, as on 31st Decembee, 1903 l> Manchester Unity Independent Obdeb of Odd Fellows. NEW ZEALAND BEANCH, WELLINGTON. Eeg. No. Reg. No. 312. 312. 1. Wellington District —Wellington. 4.) Hastings Lodge, Hastings. II.) Combination Lodge, Johnsonville. 6.) Tavistook Lodge, Waipukurau. (2.) Masterton Lodge, Masterton. ■ 7.) Woodville Lodge, Woodville. (3.) Heart of Oak Lodge, Oarterton. 3.) Napier Lodge, Napier. (4.) Greytown Lodge, Greytown. 9.) Forest Home Lodge, Ormondville. (5.) Unity Lodge, Featherston. (10.) Dannevirke Lodge, Dannevirke. (6.) St. George Lodge, Pahautanui. (12 ) Ruahine Lodge, Hampden. (7.) Kainapoura Lodge, Tawa Flat. (14.) Maraekakaho Lodge, Maraekakaho. (8.) Petone Lodge, Petone. „ ~ ,„..., ~ , (10. Rose of Sharon Lodge, Upper Hutt. 5 ' Auckland 11.) Britannia Lodge, Wellington. \- Howiok Lodge, Howick 12. Antipodean Lodge, Wellington. \ paries Bruce Lodge Thames. 13. Eketahuna Lod|e, Eketahuna. . 3 - Good te T nt , Lod S?> Auckland. 14. Maryborough Lodge, Maryborough. *■ Lodge, Thames. 15. Rose of the Valley Lodge, Hutt. 5 - Gtabome L ° G '^° rne - • 16. Mangatainoka Lodge, Mangatainoka. 6. Whangarei Lodge, WhangareL 17. Newtown Lodge, Newtown £ Franklin Lodge Otahuhu. 18. Victoria Diamond Lodge, Levin. ,(?• If™ 11 L ° d g«- P^nell 19. Siater Wallis Lodge, Wellington. "■ Warkworth Pioneer Lodge Warkworth v ' (15.) Fountain of Friendship Lodge, Auck2. Ashley District —Rangiora. land. (1.) Leithfleld Lodge, Leithfleld. 16.) Duke of Cambridge Lodge, Cambridge. (2.) Cust Lodge, Oust. 17.) Hauraki Lodge, Coromandel. (3.) Woodend Lodge, Woodend. 18.) Hokianga Lodge, Hokianga. (4.) Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. 19) Karangahake Lodge, Karangahake. (5.) Oxford Lodge, Oxford. 20.) John Leydon Lodge, Waihi. (6.) Amberley Lodge, Amberley. (21.) Jubilee Lodge, Paeroa. (8.) Waikari Lodge, Waikari. (22.) Manakau Lodge, Onehunga. (9.) Rangiora Lodge, Rangiora. (23.t Rotorua Lodge, Rotorua. (10.) Nil Desperandum Lodge, Bast Oxford. (24.) Waitekauri and Golden Cross Lodge, (11.) Cheviot Lodge, McKenzie. Waitekauri. 25.) Waipu Lodge, Waipu. 3. Nelson District —Nelson. 26.) Mangonui Lodge, Mangonui. 1.) Howard Lodge, Nelson. 27.) Hot Springs Lodge, Te Aroha. 2.) General Cameron Lodge, Brightwater. , _. . ~ 4. Mansion of Peace Lodge, Wakefield. 6 - Ashburton District-Ashbutton 5. Travellers' Rest Lcdgerßichmond. £• Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 6. Nelson Lodge, Nelson. J L ° d § e - Sprmgburn. ' ' 6 3. Waterton Lodge, Waterton. 4. Hawke's Bay District —Napier. 4. South Rakaia Lodge, South Rakaia. (1.) Meeanee Lodge, Taradale. 5. Tinwald Lodge, Tinwald. (2.) Abbotsford Lodge, Waipawa. 6. Methven Lodge, Methven. (3.) Olive Lodge, Clive. 7. Mayfield Lodge, Mayfield.

Beg. No. Eeg. No. 93. New Plymouth District —New Plymouth. 18. North Canterbury Disinci!—Christchuroh. 1. Excelsior Lodge, New Plymouth. 1. Volunteer Lodge, Sydenham. 2. Waitara Lodge, Waitara. 2. Perseverance Lodge, Woolston. 3. Union Lodge, Hawera. 4. Benevolent Lodge, Christchurch. 4. Egmont Lodge, New Plymouth. 8. Kaiapoi Lodge, Kaiapoi. 5. Manaia Lodge, Manaia. 9. Phillipstown Lodge, Phillipstown. 6. Eltham Lodge, Eltham. 10. Leeston Lodge, Leeston. 7. Midhirst Lodge, Midhirst. 11. Papanui Lodge, Papanui. 297. Wanganui Disirict-Wanganui. } 2 / < ?°' erid ? e L ° d f e > G - el ? tun !^- 1. Manawatu Lodge, Palmerston North. {*■ tr dmg ? H od g e - Addm g f ton - 2. Manchester Lodge, Feilding. ™- M f ve . rl Waddmgton 3. Awarua Lodge, Ohingaiti. 20. City of Ohnstehurch Lodge, Christchurch. 4. Apiti Lodge, Apiti. Heart of Oak Lodge, Kaikoura. 5. Rangitikei Lodge, Mangaweka. f- R»°?«trai Lodge, Upper Riccarton. 6. Hautapu Lodge, Utiki. 23. Jubdee Lodge Prebbleton 24. Bister Pearce Lodge, Christchurch. 138. Wanganui Lodge—Wanganui. 25. Tamahine Lodge, Kaiapoi. 24. Wellington District Widow and Orphan Society— - ,- ~ „ n. . , T. . ~ WfillirifftoTi s - Lyttelton District— Lyttelton. Wellington. 2 Hand q£ Friendship Lodgej Qkain's Bay. 77. Marlborough District —Blenheim. 4. Good Intent Lodge, Akaroa. 1. Marlborough Lodge, Blenheim. 5. Perseverance Lodge, Barry's Bay. 2. Renwick Lodge, Renwick. 6. City of Norwich Lodge, Lyttelton. 944. Motueka District— Motueka. 7 - Hand and Heart Lodge, Pigeon Bay. 1. Motueka Lodge, Motueka. 8 - Heart of Friendship Lodge, Waimate. 2. Good Intention Lodge, Riwaka. 9 - Pleasant Point Lodge, Pleasant Point. 3. Takaka Lodge, Takaka. 1°- Wairewa Lodge, Little River. 4. South Star Lodge, Dovedale. 92. North Westland District-Reeiton. 315 - South Canterbury District -Timaru. 1. Reefton Lodge, Reefton. L Tlmaru Lod S e > T 'maru. t C:XlZnt%™cSlon. *>■ Otago District -Dunedin. 5. Waimangaroa Lodge, Waimangaroa. \ Outram Lodge Outram. 6. Blackball Lodge, Blackball. \A. blo " L od e e ', Dun Jf dln - . 6 3. Alexandra Lodge, Port Molyneux. 40. Hokitika District— Hokitika. 4. Prince of Wales Lodge, Port Chalmers. 1. Hokitika Lodge, Hokitika. 5. Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. 2. Albert Lodge, Kumara. 6. Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh. 3. Waimea Lodge, Stafiord. 7. Prince Alfred Lodge, Hawksbury. 4. Greymouth Lodge, Greymouth. 8. Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin.



List of Begistebed Societies, etc. — continued. I. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows— continued, Reg. No Beg. No. 23. Otago District— Dunedin — continued. 23. 26. Dunbaok Lodge, Dunbaok. 9. Waipori Lodge, Waipori. 27. Pride of Kaitangata Lodge, Kaitangata. 10. Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston South. 28. Milton Lodge, Milton. 11. Dalton Lodge, Balclutha. 29. United Brothers Lodge, Cambrian. 12. Lake Wakatipu Lodge, Queenstown. 30. Waikaka Lodge, Waikaka. 13. Cromwell Lodge, Cromwell. 14. Hand and Heart Lodge, Dunedin. 64. Southland District —Invercargill. 15. Oamaru Lodge, Oamaru. 1. Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge, Invur--16. Band of Friendship Lodge, Kakanui. eargill. 17. Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, Lawrence. 2. St. George Lodge, Invercargill. 18. Waitahuna Lodge, Waitahuna. 3. Lumsden Lodge, Lumsden. 19. Bluespur Lodge, Bluespur. 4. Winton Lodge, Winton. 20. Mosgiel Lodge, Mosgiel. 5. United Gore Lodge, Gore. 21. Mount Wendon Lodgo, Waikaia. 6. Awarua Lodge, Campbelltown. 22. Caversham Lodge, Oaversham. 8. Riversdale Lodge, Riversdale. 23. Valley Lodge, North-east Valley. 9. Mataura Falls Lodge, Mataura. 24. Naseby Lodge, Naseby. 10. Star of the West Lodge, Orepuki. 25. Ngapara Lodge, Ngapara. 11. Star of Nightcaps Lodge, Nightoaps. 11. Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American). 146. Grand Lodge of New Zealand —Dunedin. 146. 31. Washington Lodge, Sydenham. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 32. Linden Lodge, Kaikorai. 2. Star of Canterbury Lodge, Timaru. 35. Otaki Lodge, Otaki. 4. Alexandrovna Lodge, Temuka. 37.~Popotunoa Lodge, Clinton. 5. Unity Lodge, South Dunedin. 39. Hope of Maheno Lodge, Maheno. 8. Southern Cross Lodge, Wellington. 44. Waiareka Lodge, Weston. 12. Alfred Lodge, Oamaru. 46. Rangitikei Lodge, Bull's. 15. Pioneer of Southland Lodge, Invercargill. 47. Star of Eden Lodge, Ponsonby. 16. Leith Lodge, Dunedin. 48. Britannia Lodge, Campbelltown. 17. Star of Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 49. Northern Wairoa Lodge, fe Kopuru. 19. Victoria Lodge, Geraldine. 50. Myrtle Rebekah Lodge, Auckland. 20. Prebbleton Lodge, Prebbleton. 51 Aparima Lodge, Otautau. 21. Alma Lodge, Wyndham. • 52. Linda Rebekah Lodge, Roslyn. 22. Ridgley Lodge, Christchurch. 53. Victoria Rebekah Lodge, Wellington. 23. Wallace Lodge, Riverton. 54. Wynyard Lodge, Auckland. 25. Gladstone Lodge, Fairlie Creek. 55. Opotiki Lodge, Opotiki. 26. Mataura Lodge, Mataura. 56. Naomi Rebekah Lodge, Christchurch. 27. Kawakawa Lodge, Kawakawa. . 57. Star of Waiuku Lodge, Waluku. 28. Orient Lodge, Palmerston North. 58. Owaka Lodge, Owaka. . 29. Kaeo Lodge, Kaeo. 59. Star of Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. 111. National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 160. Auckland Provincial District —Auckland. 2. United Brothers Lodge, Newton. 1. Auckland Pioneer Lodge, Auckland. IV. British United Order of Odd Fellows. 311. Aorangi Lodge, Wellington. | V. Ancient Order of Foresters. 17. Auckland District —Auckland. 216. Taranaki District —New Plymouth. 1. Court City of Auckland, Auckland. 1. Court Taranaki, New Plymouth. 3. „ Zealandia, Auckland. 2. „ Inglewood Forest, Inglewood. 4. „ Robin Hood, Panmure. 3. „ Raleigh, Waitara. 5. „ Nil Deaperandum, Newton. 4. „ Egmont, Hawera. 6. „ Royal Oak, Tauranga. 5. „ Patea, Patea. 7. „ Pride of Onehunga, Onehunga. 6. „ Stratford, Stratford. 8. „ Pride of the North, Grahamstown 7. „ Pride of New Plymouth, New Plymouth 9. „ Star of the South, Otahuhu. 8. „ Opunake, Opunake. 10. „ Pride of Newmarket, Auckland. 55. Court Waireka—New Plymouth. 11. „ Northern Wairoa, Dargaville. 12. „ Pride of Parnell, Thames. 144. Wellington District— Wellington. 13. „ Star of Helensville, Helensville. 1. Court Robin Hood, Wellington. 14. „ Victoria, Devonport. 2. „ Sir George Bowen, Wellington. 15. „ Queen of the North, Maungaturoto. 4. „ Clarendon, Picton. 18. „ Chisman, Auckland. 5. „ Manawatu, Palmerston North. 19. „ Waihi, Waihi. 6. „ Loyal Feilding, Feilding. 20. „ Townley, Gisborne. 7. „ William Gladstone, Gisborne. 21. „ Pride of Waitekauri, Waitekauri. 8. „ Pioneer, Te Nui. 22. „ Aroha, Te Aroha. 9. , Roderick Dhu, Wanganui. 23. „ Birkenhead, Birkenhead. 10. „ Blenheim, Blenheim. 11. „ Loyal Enterprise, Masterton. 12. „ Marquis of Normanby, Carterton. 150. Hawke's Bay District —Napier. 13. „ Little John, Marton. 1. Court Sir Charles Napier, Napier. 14. „ Wairarapa, Greytown. 2. „ Captain Cook, Napier, 16. „ Woodville, Woodville. 3. „ Sir Henry Havelock, Havelock. 17. „ Loyal Halcombe, Halcombe. 4. „ Robin Hood, Port Ahuriri. 18. „ Pohangina, Ashhurst. 5. „ Ruahine, Waipukurau. 19. „ Epuni, Petone. 6. „ Lord Clyde, Wairoa. 20. „ Pahiatua, Pahiatua. 7. „ Heretaunga, Hastings. 21. „ Kopuaranga, Mauriceville. 8. „ Little John, Waipawa. 22. „ Hunterville, Hunterville. 9. „ Ormond, Makotuku. 23. „ Sir William Jervois, N6wtown. 10. „ Rising Sun, Dannevirke. 24. „ Pride of Levin, Levin. 11. „ Waitangi, West Clive. 25. „ Bloomfield, Hutt. 12. „ Redclyffe, Taradale. 26. „ Activity, Ohingaiti. 14. „ Viking, Noi'sewood. 27. . „ Makakahi, Eketahuna.



List of Registered Societies, etc. — continued. V. Ancient Obder of Forestbbs— continued. Beg No Reg- No. 144. Wellington District— Wellington— continued. 143. Court Queeu of the Isles—Lyttelton. 28. Court Lady Glasgow, Wellington. 29. „ Primrose, Petone. 252. South Canterbury District— Timaru. 30. „ Star of Levin, Levin. 1. Court Southern Cross, Timaru. 31. » Pride of Palmerstou North, Palmers- 2. „ Progress, St. Andrew's. ton N. : 200. Court Foresters' Pride —Waimate. 32. „ Pride of Foxton, Foxton. 33. . Ruapehu, Raetahi. 10 Vniui Otago Dis trict— Dunedin. 34. „ Pongaroa, Ponsaroa. L Gourt Enterpr ; se Dunedin. 34. Court Sir George Grey—Wellington. 2 Pride of Dunedin, Dunedin. 4. Nelson District —Nelson. 3. „ Pride of Oamaru, Oamaru. 1. Court Pride of the Forest, Wakapuaka. 5. „ Robin Hood, Port Chalmers. 2. „ Concord, Greymouth. 7. „ Roxburgh, Roxburgh. 3. „ Sherwood Forest, Stoke. 8. „ St. Andrews, Caversham. 4. „ Robin Hood, Nelson. 11. „ Pride of Alexandra, Alexandra. 5. „ Aorere, Collingwood. 12. „ Bruce, Milton. 6. „ Inangahua, Reefton. 13. „ Pride of the Lake, Queenstown. 7. „ Unity, Havelock. 14. „ Excelsior, Mornington. 8. „ Perseverance, Motueka. 15. „ Pride of the Leith, Dunedin. 9. „ Charleston, Charleston. 16. „ Havelock, Waitahuna. io" " Royal Oak, Westport. 17. „ Star of the South, Invercargill. 28. Canterbury United SMritf-Ghririohuoh. 18- . Star|of j Clyde. 1. Court Pride of Courtenay, Courtenay. J 9 - » kittle John, Roslyn. 2 Thistle of the Forest, Sydenham. 20. . Royal Oak Wyndham. 7 Kniflnoi 21. » Southern Star, Bluff. *• ' pi °nu plTnui 22 - • Woodland's Pride, Dunedin. I' " LhWto'n Ashburton 23. » Queen of the South, Inveroargill. 10 ! StooX'nsS.Dineandel. 24. Star of the Forest, Woodlands. 11. "„ Star of Belfast, Belfast. ; 114 ' Coilrt Star of Tuapeka-Lawrence. 13. , Queen of Canterbury, Christchurch. 14. „ Victoria, Kaiapoi. Court not in any District. 15. „' Star of Canterbury, Christchurch. 88. Court Coromandel —Ooromandel. VI. Ancient Oedeb of Shephbbds. 11. Sanctuary Sir George Grey—Wellington. VII. United Ancient Obder of Dbuids. 296 Grand Lodge of North Island— Wellington. 281. 10. Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. 1 Oroua Lodge, Palmerston North. 11. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 3 Horowhenua Lodge, Levin. 12. Ivy of Linwood Lodge, Christchurch 4 Otaki Lodge, Otaki. 13. Trafalgar Lodge, Kaiapoi. 5. Stonehenge Lodge, Masterton. 14. Star of Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 6 Bishop Lodge, Wanganui. 15. Oak of Sydenham Lodge, Sydenham. 7' Turanganui Lodge, Gisborne. 16. Old Oak Lodge, Southbridge. 8 Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 17. Ellesmere Lodge, Doyleston. 9 Pacific Lodge, Wellington. 18. Olive Branch Lodge, Hornby. 10 Blenheim Mistletoe Lodge, Blenheim. 19. Cable Lodge, Redtliffs. 11 Totara Lodge, Carterton. 20. Lily of Burwood, Burwood. 12] Star of Egmont Lodge, Patea. 21. Ivy Lodge, Waiinate. 13. Morgan Lodge, Marton. 298. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland. 14. Holly Lodge, Pahautanui. !. otago Lodge, Dunedin. 15. Hawera Lodge, Hawera. 2. Enterprise Lodge, South Dunedin. 16. Star of Paeroa Lodge, Paeroa. 3 Royal Oak Lodge, Caversham. 18. Moturoa Lodge, New Plymouth. 4 & cotn Lodge, Invercargill. 19. Poneke Lodge, Petone. 5. linden Lodge, Roslyn. 20. Ponsonby Lodge, Ponsonby. 6. West Harbour Lodge, Rothesay. 21. Pride of Waihi Lodge, Waihi. 7 Endeavour Lodge, Oamaru. 22. Victoria Lodge, Waikino. g # Good Intent Lodge, Mosgiel. 23. Manakau Lodge, Minakau. 9 R ose of Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston S. 24. Pahiatua Lodge, Pahiatua. XO. Gore Lodge, Gore. 25. Coronation Lodge, Wellington. XI. Oraka Lodge, Colac Bay. 26. Alexandra Lodge, Kamngabake. 12. Lily of the Valley Lodge, Dunedin. 27. Ruahine Lodge, Dannevirke. 13 g t Patrick's Lodge, Waikouaiti. 28. Shannon Lodge, Shannon. 14 Pride of Mornington Lodge, Mornington. 29. Eltham Lodge, Eltham. 15 star of Tuapeka Lodge, Lawrence. 30. Mungaroa Lodge, Upper Hutt. 17 1 4 i van hoe Lodge—Dunedin. 31. Inglewood Lodge, Inglewood. 1 7 4 g tar o f t| le West Lodge—Greymouth. 281 Grand Lodge of Canterbury— Christchurch. j 177. Excelsior Lodge—Wellington. 1 Pioneer Lodge, Christchurch. ' 178. Star of New Zealand Lodge-Hutt. 2 Hope of St. Albans Lodge, St. Albans. 181. Bud of Hope Lodge—Rangiora. 3' Mistletoe Lodge, Christchurch. . 219. All Nations Lodge—Port Chalmers. 4 Ethelbert Lodge, Springston. i 222. Brunner Lodge—Brunnerton. 5' Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Lodge, Lyttelton. 232. Albion Lodge—Napier. 6 Star of Anglesea Lodge, Lincoln. 292. Maitai Lodge—Nelson. 7' Perseverance Lodge, Addington. 301. Lady Ranfurly Lodge, Wellington. 8 Hope of Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 302. Reefton Lodge—Reefton. 9] Anchor Lodge, Woolston. 308. Takaka Lodge, Takaka. VIII. Independent Obdeb of Rechabites. 190 New Zealand District— Auckland. 110. New Zealand Central District— Wellington. 1 Hope of Auckland Tent, Auckland. 2. Murihiku Tent, Invercargill. 2' Eden Tent Newmarket. 3. Scandia's Hope Tent, Norsewood. 3' Northern Star Tent, Aratapu. 4. Hope of Woodville Tent, Woodville. i Star of Hauraki Tent, Thames. 5. Hope of Wellington Tent, Wellington. 6' Gordon Tent, Onehunga. 6. Hope of Dunedin Tent, Dunedin. 10 Whangaroa Tent, Whangaroa. 7. Pride of Christchurch Tent, Chnstchuroh. ll! Advance Tent, Waihi. 8. Perseverance Tent, Wellington. 3—H. 1.



List op Registeked Societies, etc. — continued. VIII. Independent Order of Rechabites— continued. Eβ .No. Reg. No. 110. New Zealand Central District —Wellington— con- j 110. 31. Progress Tent, Kaikora, Hawke's Bay. tinned. 37. Rescue Tent, Nelson. 9. Bud of Promise Tent, Nelson. 38. Onward Tent, Palmerston North. 10. Unity Tent, New Plymouth. 40. Gisborne Tent, Gisborne. 11. Hope of Orrnondville Tent, Ormondville. 41. Pride of Eamont Tent, Hawera. 12. Masterton Tent, Masterton. 42. Pahiatua Tent, Pahiatua. 13. Excelsior Tent, Waipukurau. 43. Brightwater Tent, Brightwater. 15. Hope of Napier Tent, Napier. 44. Lily of the South Tent, Invercargill. 17. Sir Wilfrid Lawson Tent, Sanson 45. Wai Aroha Tent, Stratford. 19. Excelsior Tent, Wellington. 46. Moa Tent, Inglewood. 20. Haste to the Rescue Tent, Wellington. 47. New Century Tent, Levin. 21. Bon Accord Tent, Blenheim. 48. Waingongoro Tent, Cardiff. 26. Hope of Carterton Tent, Carterton. 49. Stat of New Zealand Tent, Gisborne. 28. Hope of Johnsonville Tent, Johnsonville. 98. Star of Hope Tent—Hokitika. 30. Star of Wakefield Tent, Wakefield. IX. Sons and Daughters op Temperance. 170. National Division of New Zealand —Linwood. j 170. 10. Sunbeam Division, Wanganui. 2. Helpmate Division, Ashburton. 11. Hope of Sydenham Division, Sydenham. 4. Resolution Division, Rangiora. 15. Perseverance Division—Christchurch, 6. Excelsior Division, Aldington. 118. Antidote Division—Dunedin. 7. Elim Division, St. Albans. i 147. Progress Division—Kaiapoi. 9. Advance Division, Wellington. X. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. 198. New Zealand District —Auckland. j 198. 19. Charleston „ Charleston. 2. St. John's Branch, Leescon. 21. Greymouth „ Greymouth. 3. St. Patrick's „ Christchurch. 22. Onehunga „ Onehunga. 6. St. Patrick's „ Lincoln. 25. St. Michael's „ Masterton. 8. St. Mary's „ Timaru. 26. St. Patrick's „ Oamaru. 10. St. Joseph's „ New Plymouth. 27. St. John's „ Napier. 11. St. Patrick's „ Wellington. 28. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branoh, Milton. 12. Auckland „ Auckland. 29. St. Patrick's Branch, Waimate. 14. St. Patrick's „ Blenheim. 30. St. Columbkillies Branch, Denniston. 15. Grahamstown „ Grahamsoown. 31. St. Canice's Branch, Weatport. 16. Waipawa „ Waipawa. 32. St. Patrick's „ Gisborne. 17. St. Joseph's „ Hastings. 33. St. Patrick's „ P*lmerston North. 18. St. Joseph's Branch, Dunedin. 34. St. PatrickV „ Reefton. XI. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. 197. Grand Council of New Zealand —Thames. 197. 9. Triumph Lodge, South Dunedin. 1. Prince of Wales Lodge, Thames. 11. Star of Hastings Lodge, Hastings. 3. Excelsior Lodge, Green Island. 12. Valley True Blue „ North-east Valley. 4. Wickliffe „ Napier. 14. Star of Oamaru „ Oamaru. 5. John Knox „ Wellington. 18. St. Albans Auckland. 6. Alexandra „ Auckland. XII Railway Benefit Societies. 161. Otago Railway Employees' Benefit Society—Dunedin. XIII. Isolated Friendly Societies. 183. Grey Valley Accident Relief Fund—Brunnerton. 304. Auokland United Friendly Societies' Conference - 277. Denniston Collieries' Medical and Accident Relief Auckland. Association —Denniston. 306. Waikato Medical and Accident Society—Huntly. 279. United Fire-brigades' Accident Assurance Society 307. Millerton Colliery Medical and Aooident Relief of New Zealand —Napier. Assorciation—Gr>inity. 286. Wellington Friendly Societies' Jubilee Orphanage 310. New Zealand Collieries, Railway, and Oil SyndiSociety—Wellington. cate Employees' Benefit Society—Kaitangata. 293. Blackball Colliery Accident Relief Fund Society— 313. Auckland United Friendly Societies' Dispensary, Blackball. Auckland. 299. Auckland Labourers' Accident Fund Association— 316. Auckland United Friendly Sooieties' Medical InstiAuckland. tute, Auckland. 300. Wellington Wharf Employees' Society—Wellington. XIV. Juvenile Friendly Societies. 288. Court Pride of the Forest, A.O.F.—Dunedin. 303. Kaiapoi Lodge, M.U.l.O.O.F.—Kaiapoi. 290. Court Pride of Invercargill, A.O.F. —Invercargill. 314. Court Pride of Napier, A.O.F.—Napier. XV. Working-men's Clubs. 151. Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary 264. Richmond Working-men's Club—Richmond, ChristInstitute—Wellington. church. 162. Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual 267. Palmerston North Working-men's Club and Literary School of Arts—Christchurch. Institute—Palmerston North. 186. Greytown Working-men's Clvb —Greytown. 271. Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts—Ash--202. Club Garibaldi —Wellington. burton. 209. Svdanham and Addington Working-men's Club and 272. Blenheim Working-men's Clvb —Blenheim. " Mutual School of Arts— Sydenham. j 287. Wellington Social Club—Wellington. 215. Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics'! 305. Oxford Working men's Club—East Oxford. Institute—Auckland. i 309. Napier Working-men's Club—Napier. 231. Kaiapoi Working-men's Club—Kaiapoi. j 317. City Working men's Club—Wellington. 238. Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Insti- 318. North Island Bra3S Band's Association—Palmersto tute—Petone. North. XVI. Specially authorised Societies. 169 Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the Independent 169. 4. Hope of Christehurch Lodge, Christchurch. Order of Good Templars —Dunedin. 6. Pioneer Lodge, Wellington. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 7. Star of South Canterbury Lodge, Waimate. 2. Aggressive Lodge, Blenheim. 9. Loyal Nelson Lodge, Nelson. 3. Dauntless Lodge, Christchurch. 12. West Coast Pioneer Lodge, Greymouth.



List or Registered Societies, etc. — continued. XVI. Specially Authorised Societies— continued. Reg. No. Beg. No. 169. Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the Independent | 169. 104. Lily of the Valley Lodge, North Dunedin. Order of Qood Templers —Dunedin— con- : 106. Bushman's Pride Lodge, Alford Forest. tinned. 107. Hope of Wakefleld Lodge, Wakefleld. 13. Good Intent Lodge, Rangiora. 108. Pride of Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 17. Robert Bruce Lodge, Bannookburn. 110. Seashell Lodge, Lyttelton. 18. Star of the East Lodge, Ashburton. 1.1.2. Lifeboat Lodge, Timaru. 19. New Hope Lodge, Westport. 113. Rose of Springburn Lodge, Springburn. 21. Haste to the Rescue Lodge, Havelook. 185. Invercargill Total Abstinence Society — Inveroar--24. Reefton Fraternal Lodge, Reefton. gill. 30. Pride of Hawke's Bay Lodge, Port Ahuriri. i 223. Invercargill United Friendly Societies' Dispensary 31. Premier Lodge, Hokitika. —Invercargill. 32. Hope of Stafford Lodge, Stafford. 228. Canterbury Engineers' Band—Christchureh. 33. Providence Lodge, Courtenay. 229. Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club 35. Golden Stream Lodge, Alexandra, Otago. — Sydenham. 37. New Era Lodge, Purakanui. 241. New Zealand Friendly Societies' Guarantee Associa--40. Secondto-none Lodge, Pigeon Bay. tion —Wellington. 41. Hope of Brunnerton Lodge, Brunnerton. 242. Dunedin United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 42. Woodstock Lodge, Woodstock. Dunedin. 44. New River Pioneer Lodge, Dunganville. 245. Star of Newtown Lodge, 1.0.G.T. —Wellington. 47. Victory Lodge, No Town. 246. Lyttelton United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 48. Victoria Lodge, Noble's. Lyttelton. 50. Kumara Lodge, Kumara. 248. Timaru United Friendly Societies' Dispensary — 53. Rock of Freedom Lodge, Ashley Bank. Timaru. 54. Hearts and Homes Lodge, Orepuki. 251. New Zeala,nd Foresters' Guarantee Association — 57. Dawn of Peace Lodge, Ashburton. Christchuroh. 59. True Blue Lodge, Waitahuna. 255. Temple of Peace Lodge, I.O.G.T.—Kaiwarra. 66. St. Helena Lodge, Greymouth. 257. Opotiki Gospel Temperance and Mutual Improve--68. Phoenix Lodge, Masterton. ment Society—Opotiki. 69. North Star Lodge, Kaikoura. : 262. Auckland Caledonian Society—Auckland. 72. Pride of Brookside Lodge, Brookside. 263. Stanmore Brass Band—Linwood. 73. Mount Fyfe Lodge, Mount Fyfe. ; 266. Sydenham Brass Band— Sydenham. 76. Heart and Hand Lodge, Lumsden. 268. Newton Band Society—Newton. 77. Pride of Mount Grey Lodge, Mount Grey. ' 270. Auckland Burns Club—Auckland. 85. Southern Cross Lodge, Invercargill. j 275. Ivy of Linwood Co-operative Money Club—Ohrist--86. Guiding Star Lodge, Dunedin. church, 89. Akaroa Hope Lodge, Akaroa. ■ 276. Waimate Brass Band—Waimate. 91. Undaunted Lodge, Owake. . 283. Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies' Dispensary 93. Welcome Retreat Lodge, Geraldine. —Napier. 94. Loyal Marine Lodge, Nelson. 284. Christchureh and St. Albans Co-operative Money 95. Union of Otago Temple, Dunedin. Club—Christchureh. 96. St. John's Lodge, Wellington. 285. Westport City Band Society—Westport. 99. Southern Star Lodge, Wanganui. 294. Wellington United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 102. Unity Degree Temple, Ashburton. Wellington.

APPENDIX 111. Registered Trade-unions', as on the 31st December, 1903. Keg. No. J Beg. No. 1. Christchureh Operative Bootmakers' Society. [22. New Zealand Federated Fellmongers , , Skinners', 2. Dunedin Operative Bootmakers' Union. Tanners', and Curriers' Union. 3. New Zealand Union of the Federated Stewards' and j 23. New Zealand Federated Butchers'Employees'Union. Cooks' Union of Australasia. I 24. Amalgamated Labour Union. 5. Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society. 25. New Zealand Gasworks Employees' Union. 7. Operative Bakers' Association of Dunedin. 27. Shipmasters' Association of New Zealand. 8. Grey Valley Coal-miners' Association. 29. United Millers', Engine-drivers', and Mill Employees 9. New Zealand Federated Boot-trade Union. Society of New Zealand. 14. Mercantile Marine Officers' Association of Australasia. 32. Dunedin Cabmen's Union. 15. New Zealand Federated Wharf Carters', Express- 33. New Zealand Workers' Union. men's, and Storemen's Union. ] 34. Thames Miners' Union. 16. Southland Trades and Labour Union. 35. United Employees' Society of Boilermakers and Iron - 17. Associated Iron and Brass Moulders of New Zealand.! ship Builders of New Zealand. 18. Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New; 36. New Zealand Boot-manufacturers' Association. Zealand. ;40. Hawke's Bay Operative Bootmakers' Society. 19. New Zealand Fishermen's Union. 41. Wellington Eight Hour Federated Union. 20. New Zealand Federated Timber-workers' and Furni- 42. Napier Carpenters' and Joiners' Union. ture Trade Association. APPENDIX IV. Forms which may be obtained free on application to the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Form of application to register a society under the Friendly Societies Act. Form of notice of establishment of branch of registered society. Form of application for the conversion of a registered society into a branch. Form of declaration to accompany the foregoing. Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (branches). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (branches). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (societies). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (branches). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (societies). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (branches). Form of notice of change of registered office of society. Form of notice of change of place of establishment of branch. Form of return to District Land Registrar.




Bate of interest. Liabilities. Assets. Name of Society or District and Branch. When opened. Date of ;Number of Valua- ' Members, tion. Credited for Period. Employed in the Valuation. ContribuSickness Funeral tion to Benefit. Benefit. Funeral Fund. Present Value of Management and other Funds. Present Annual Income from ContriContrlbutions. tions for Benefits. ifalue of Proportion of Funeral Benefits reassured. Surplus. Deficiency .1 in a 3 i Total. Total Funds. Total. M.U.I.O.O.P. Motueka District — Motueka Lodge.. Good Intention „ Takaka „ .. South Star „ .. 1850 1860 1863 1880 31 Dec, 1901 163 86 93 58 Per Cent. 4-22 4-47 3-77 391 Per Cent. 4-00 4-00 3-75 4-00 £ 6,798 3,938 4,149 2,016 £ 1,520 802 908 450 £ £ 39 134 20 33 £ 8,357 4,874 5,077 2,499 £ s. d. 249 1 4 126 17 11 155 18 11 96 9 10 £ 4,053 1,917 2,585 1,708 £ £ 4,272 2,844 1,641 597 £ 8,325 4,761 4,226 2,305 £ £ 32 113 851 194 s. d. 19 11 19 10 16 3 18 5 Total .. 400 16,901 3,680 226 20,807 628 8 0 10,263 9,354 19,617 1,190 North. Canterbury Dist. — City of Christchureh Lodge Kaiapoi Lodge Volunteer „ Benevolent Perseverance „ Malvern Phillipstown „ Leeston „ Papanui Addington Coleridge „ Heart of Oak „ Biccarton „ Jubilee „ Tamahine Sister Pearce „ District Members 1853 1858 1866 1866 1872 1877 1879 1880 1880 1882 1883 1885 1886 1887 1896 1896 31 Dec, 1901 490 130 184 120 150 63 58 107 61 106 74 99 52 53 47 58 3 3-80 3-72 5-52 4-50 2-57 4-61 2-06 4-60 •355 113 3-16 3-58 4-39 1-90 3-75 3-75 4-00 4-00 2-50 4-00 2-50 4-00 3-50 2-50 3-25 3-50 4-00 2-50 2-50 2-50 4-00 19,177 4,860 6,317 4,462 7,370 2,413 2,648 3,930 2,192 4,953 2,707 3,612 1,566 2,405 1,130 1,529 133 6,482 1,609 2,125 1,406 2,441 622 862 1,163 719 1,627 862 1,186 517 781 167 246 26 2,500 108 49 600 37 17 28 16 84 128 356 33 33 29 34 28,159 6,577 8,491 6,468 9,811 3,072 3,527 5,121 2,927 6,664 3,697 5,154 2,116 3,219 1,326 1,809 159 785 14 10 202 11 8 307 4 8 206 14 0 254 7 4 102 9 8 95 19 8 172 11 6 99 2 6 170 10 4 115 18 4 184 5 6 91 0 0 88 1 6 36 11 3 58 19 9 5 7 4 12,445 3,336 5,007 3,168 4,922 1,805 2,010 2,909 1,808 3,530 2,262 3,336 1,610 1,863 907 1,342 72 13,784 2,482 1,672 3,867 1,907 711 281 1,273 802 1,641 665 1,334 864 477 48 49 26,229 5,818 6,079 7,035 6,829 2,516 2,291 4,182 2,610 5,171 2,927 4,670 2,474 2,340 955 1,391 72 567 1,930 759 1,812 2,982 556 1,236 939 317 1,493 770 484 i8 5 17 8 15 9 13 n 16 4 13 o 16 4 iy io 15 8 18 o 358 879 371 418 87 14 6 14 4 15 4 11 o Total .. 1,855 71,404 22,841 4,052 98,297 2,977 9 10 52,332 31,857 84,189 925 15,033 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 1865 31 Dec, 1901 m 5-95 4-00 1,763 344 • 41 2,148 68 17 0 989 1,084 2,073 75 19 3 M.U.I.O.O.P. North Westland District — Westport Lodge .. Charleston „ Beefton Waimangaroa Blackball 1867 1867 1872 1886 1898 31 Deo., 1902 91 54 98 40 23 6-47 5-77 6-47 1-57 4-00 4-00 400 3-00 3-00 4,107 3,009 6,129 1.813 1,237 923 639 906 402 215 579 259 69 5 20 5,609 3,907 7,104 2,220 1,472 173 18 7 96 17 0 179 12 4 73 12 3 44 7 3 2,581 1,256 2,830 1,515 942 4,157 2,473 3,289 307 75 6,738 3,729 6,119 1,822 1,017 1,129 178 985 398 455 19 o 17 3 16 5 13 9 Total .. 303 16,295 3,085 932 20,312 568 7 5 9,124 1,129 2,016 10,301 19,425




Name of Society, or District and Branch. Number of Members. Average Age. Experience during Quinquennium, (ireater (+) or less ( —) than or 1 ,„„,„ Equal to ( = ) that of Surplus ( + ) aveiate \ ew Zealand Friendly Societies, or ( + )or(-) «„"£.?£,, 1897. Deficiency j at previous Contribu-j ( _, | Valuation, tion. - 1>er Member. Mortality. Sickness, genera. ■ i ! M.U.I.O.O.F. Wotueka District — Motueka Lodge.. Good Intention „ Takaka „ .. South Star „ .. 163 86 93 58 37-75 45-52 38-89 30-07 s. d. Per Cent. 30 8 - 18 20 5 - 85 33 7 +11 33 2 - 42 PerGent. Per Cent - 3 - 5 -38 : - 28 -32 : - 12 -18 : - 8 - 0-20 - 1-31 - 9^5 - 3-34 + 1-18 + 1-88 - 5-56 - 4-77 Total .. 400 - 37 -20 - 13 - 2-98 Vorth Canterbury Dist. — City of Christchuroh Lodge Kaiapoi Lodge Volunteer Benevolent „ Perseverance „ Malvern „ Phillipstown' „ Leeston „ Papanui Addington „ Coleridge „ Heart of Oak „ Riocarton Jubilee „ Tamahine (Female) Lodge Sister Pearoe (Female) Lodge District Members 490 330 184 120 150 63 58 107 61 106 74 99 52 53 47 40-40 88-18 36-86 40-16 39-21 31-38 33-74 34-42 33-75 33-95 31-52 34-50 30-71 33-60 22-28 I 32 0 31 2 33 5 : 34 5 33 7 32 7 33 0 32 2 32 7 32 2 31 5 37 2 35 0 33 2 15 7 - 39 - 82 - 28 0 - 50 0 - 74 - 52 - 72 0 0 + 39 - 46 0 -15 : + 38 + 4 + 2 + 51 +45 ; + 12 + 14 -62 + 17 + 28 — o i -32 + 21 + 71 , - 2 + 21 + 11 + 10 + 31 + 35 + 22 + 24 - 64 + 23 + 48 ; + 15 - 24 + 36 + 91 - 3-94 - 5-84 - 9:84 + 4-73 -19-89 - 8-83 -21-31 - 8-78 - 5-20 -14-09 -10-40 - 4-89 + 6-90 -16-58 - 7-89 - 1-33 - 3-73 -11-31 + 12-46 - 7-86 - 3-75 -11-61 - 6-19 - 5-40 - 2-88 - 6-16 - 7-02 + 1-25 - 6-53 58 27-88 i i 20 5 0 + 78 + 100 - 7-20 3 50-00 ' '• 35 10 0 -13 + 24 -29-00 Total 1,855 - 51 + 6 + 12 - 7-61 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 68 44-98 21 9 - 54 + 25 + 15 - 119 M.U.I.O.O.F. Vorth Westland District — Westport Lodge .. Charleston „ Reefton Waimangaroa Blackball 91 54 95 40 23 41-77 50-13 38'80 29-50 29-26 38 2 35 9 37 10 36 10 38 7 - 42 - 36 + 168 + 79 0 -48 + 10 j + 78 + 19 + 42 - 21) + 11 + 57 + 32 + 52 + 12-40 - 3-30 -10-37 - 9-95 -19-78 + 14-38 - 4-24 + 3-87 - 0-39 Total .. 303 + 12 + 11 + 14 - 2-93



TABLE I.—Number of Members and Amounts of Benefit and other Funds, as on the 31st December, 1902, of all Friendly Societies and Branches from which Returns were received in accordance with the Act.

Name of Society and Branch. O.3*; k»S Place of n 3 a j= 8 ■r m n( .i w,,,.i-v, Establishment. geS:1a S Total Worth. *a \Ui\ Funerai a Fund, Management Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. JI.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge.. Good Intent Parnell Charles Bruce Waikato Duke of Cambridge Gisborne Howick Whangarei * Franklin Warkworth Pioneer Hauraki ,, Hokianga Karangahake John Lejdon Jubilee Manukau Waitekauri aud Golden Cross Lodge Waipu Lodge .. ' .. Mangonui Hot Springs Central Body * .. Auckland .. I Parnell Thames .. j Cambridge .. Gisborne .. | Howick .. i Whangarei .. Otahuhu .. ! Warkworth .. Coromandel Rawene .. I Karangahake Waihi Paeroa Onehunga .. Waitekauri .. 1844 1850 1859 1865 1866 1867 1874 1876 1881 1881 1884 1895 1896 1897 1897 1897 1898 1899 470 336 174 178 268 77 132 77 33 93 65 72 45 134 182 79 46 104 £ s. d. 21,631 13 0 6,276 5 8 4,892 4 11 2,551 4 11 4,339 15 11 663 2 5 3,318 5 8 1,420 14 7 980 7 7 912 0 7 399 9 9 561 5 6 73 9 8 391 4 7 529 0 8 261 7 0 150 12 5 399 19 1 i Jd s. d. j £ s. d. 15,153 7 3 j 6,478 5 9 5,980 17 2 295 8 6 3,258 1 10 1,634 3 1 ■2,428 6 1 122 18 10 4,103 17 10 235 18 1 645 18 1 17 4 4 2,513 18 4 804 7 4 1,321 5 11 99 8 8 973 4 8 7 2 11 901 5 2 10 15 5 385 5 4 14 4 5 500 3 11 61 1 7 63 2 6 10 7 2 336 0 6 55 4 1 472 16 5 56 4 3 241 7 0 20 0 0 128 10 9 22 1 8 379 14 1 20 5 0 £ + 6-88 + 3-81 + 4-42 + 0-86 - 5-46 + 1-90 + 5-83 - 0-77 + 18-83 + 092 - 1-88 Waipu .. j Mangonui .. Te Aroha .. Auckland .. 1900 1900 1900 53 34 29 135 7 4 88 3 8 75 0 11 12,873 7 1 132 8 8 2 19 1 48 12 9 39 10 11 56 17 3 18 3 8 12,723 15 7 ; 149 11 6 Total 2,681 62,924 2 11 52,748 16 8 10,175 6 3 Hawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meeanee Abbotsford Clive Hastings Tavistock „ Woodville „ Buahine Forest Home Dannevirke „ Maraekakaho Central Body Napier Taradale Waipawa Clive Hastings Waipukurau Woodville .. Hampden .. Ormondville Dannevirke.. Maraekakaho Napier 1856 1871 1873 1876 1878 1879 1880 1885 1887 1888 1891 301 52 207 28 181 67 24 73 49 131 37 8,852 2 1 554 ]8 5 6,215 18 11 1,036 2 1 2,737 14 9 1,201 7 0 1,075 19 6 776 12 6 344 5 6 933 10 10 384 11 8 355 11 9 8,225 14 5 554 18 5 6,210 15 10 1,010 13 10 2,608 1 -6 1,181 17 2 1,050 16 9 771 11 4 313 8 1 884 16 8 384 11 8 294 4 9 626 7 8 5 3 1 25 8 3 129 13 3 19 9 10 25 2 9 5 12 30 17 5 48 14 2 + 14-74 - 0-92 + 10-33 + 12-78 + 3-74 + 11-38 + 19-76 + 3-25 - 1-24 + 0-33 + 2-60 61 7 0 Total 1,150 24,468 15 0 23,491 10 5 977 4 7 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge Excelsior ,, Waitara Union Manaia „ Eltham Midhirst Central Body New Plymouth Waitara Hawera Manaia Eltham Midhirst Nevy Plymouth 1857 1865 1876 1881 1887 1889 1893 •207 112 50 111 71 56 64 4,911 6 11 3,998 19 7 1,607 15 3 1,716 1 8 1,112 7 5 351 5 7 293 3 7 542 15 5 4,891 12 4 3,998 19 7 1,557 7 10 1,639 18 11 1,084 10 3 351 5 7 211 6 8 482 14 9 19 14 7 50 7 5 76 2 9 27 17 2 - 5-79 + 6-27 + 4-63 - 3-86 + 4-12 - 4-02 - 103 8i ie li 60 0 8 Total 671 14,533 15 5 14,217 15 11 315 19 6 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge Manawatu Manchester „ Apiti Awarua „ Bangitikei Hautapu Central Body Wanganui .. Palmerston N. Feilding Apiti Ohingaiti Mangaweka Utiku Wanganui .. - 6-05 1858 1881 1883 1894 1894 1895 1897 208 119 •79 41 38 34 15 8,666 15 9 1,588 18 11 635 15 6 249 6 1 361 6 4 217 19 4 101 4 0 130 15 3 6,109 0 3 1,510 18 5 591 4 7 215 6 9 356 10 0 215 16 4 84 13 1 110 5 10 2,557 15 6 78 0 6 44 10 11 33 19 4 4 16 4 2 3 0 16 10 11 20 9 5 Total 534 11,952 1 2 9,193 15 8 2,758 5 11 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean Rose of the Valley „ Kainapoura Rose of Sharon St. George Unity Combination Heart of Oak Masterton Greytown Petone Eketahuna Martinborough Wellington .. Lower Hutt Porirua Upper Hutt Pahautanui Feathers ton Johnsonville Carterton Masterton .. Greytown .. Petone Eketahuna .. Martinboroogh 1843 497 1847 351 1849 129 1857 13 1857 62 1867 ' 24 1872 64 1876 31 1877 65 1877 62 1879 78 1882 ] 81 1887 71 1892 ! 33 18,308 1 8 13,579 19 10 2,805 3 11 404 9 0 1,329 2 3 412 5 1 1,001 5 5 758 18 4 1,419 6 2 592 15 6 1,865 16 10 1,449 10 6 713 8 8 264 9 3 18,078 19 5 13,083 15 9 2,558 3 0 390 13 0 1,309 19 8 402 15 8 1,000 13 6 561 12 5 1,419 6 2 575 0 0 1,618 12 7 1,380 1 4 620 14 8 252 10 7 229 2 3 496 4 1 247 0 11 13 16 0 19 2 7 9 9 5 0 11 11 197 0 11 + 7-76 + 12-89 - 1-24 - 6-02 - 0-23 -13-50 + 0-45 + 1-37 - 3-70 + 1-72 + 4-68 - 1-82 + 1-63 + 7-30 17 15 6 252 4 3 69 9 2 92 14 0 11 18 8



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds — continued.

Name op Society and Bbanoh. Place of Z%a |S^ Establishment. , g d 2 g-5S Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management Fund, Goods, &C. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. ■ :^q M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued. 'Wellington District— continued. Mangatainoka Lodge New [own „ Victoria Diamond „ Siater Waliis Widow and Orphan Society .. Central Body Mangatainoka I 1894 48 Newtown .. ! 1897 68 Levin .. 1897 23 Wellington .. 1895 33 1894 48 1897 68 1897 23 1895 33 1849 [56] £ s. d. 183 6 9 294 6 10 117 9 5 79 15 5 2,367 14 5 2,673 19 1 £ s. d. 176 6 9 275 6 0 104 4 5 62 13 4 2,300 6 8 2,481 13 11 £ s. d. 7 0 0 19 1 10 13 5 0 17 2 1 67 7 9 192 5 2 £ - 0-57 - 0-17 - 0-32 - 1-23 .. 1849 [56; Wellington .. Total .. 1736 1733 50,620 19 4 48,648 7 10 1,972 11 (i Marlborough Districc — Marlborough Lodge Renwick „ Central Body Blenheim .. 1860 122 Renwick .. 1867 41 Blenheim .. 1860 122 1867 41 + 3-88 5,252 4 10 2,188 13 3 1,244 13 6 5, '239 8 4 2,158 10 10 52 16 5 13 1 6 30 2 5 1,191 17 1 Total IRQ 163 163 8,685 11 7 7,450 10 7 1,235 1 0 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest „ Howard Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Central Body Nelson .. 1842 , 220 Richmond .. 1847 | 105 Nelson .. 1847 ' 205 Wakefield .. 1859 171 Brightwater 1865 44 Nelson i 3,815 0 9 1,724 8 8 7,969 12 5 4,637 13 4 1,523 15 10 7,866 1 9 3,810 5 3 1,664 13 8 7,641 10 10 4,484 15 8 1,523 15 10 3,923 11 6 4 15 6 59 10 0 328 1 7 152 17 8 - 7-47 - 4-05 + 9-55 + 7-20 + 396 3,942 10 3 Total ..745 745 27,536 7 9 23,048 12 9 4,487 15 0 Motueka District — Motueka Lodge Good Intention Takaka South Star „ Central Body Motueka .. 1850 170 Riwaka .. 1860 | 87 Takaka .. j 1863 I 96 Dovedale .. i 1880 ! 59 Motueka 170 87 96 59 4,266 16 1 2,922 4 5 1,607 16 11 630 2 2 2,330 16 8 4,230 4 4 2,808 0 10 1,587 8 9 596 5 3 60 7 3 36 11 9 114 8 7 20 8 2 33 16 11 2,270 9 5 - 0-20 - 1-31 - 9-15 - 3-34 Total ..412 412 11,757 16 3 9,282 6 6 2,475' 9 10 - 2-97 North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Reef ton „ Waimangaroa „ Blackball Central Body Westport .. 1867 91 Charleston .. 1867 54 Reefton .. 1872 ! 95 Waimangaroa 1886 ; 40 Blackball .. 1898 23 Reefton 91 54 95 40 23 3,942 9 11 2,463 19 6 3,273 3 11 299 12 5 70 16 1 84 19 7 3,942 9 11 2,463 19 6 3,204 6 1 286 1 7 50 19 10 59 19 7 68 17 10 13 10 10 19 16 3 25 0 0 + 12-40 - 3.30 -10-37 - 9 90 -19-78 Total 303 303 10,135 1 5 10,007 16 6 127 4 11 -2-93 Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Waimea „ Greymouth „ Albert Central Body Hokitika .. 1866 j 46 Stafford .. 1867 i 27 Greymouth .. 1867 66 Kumara .. 1870 65 Hokitika 46 27 66 65 4,008 8 4 621 14 9 a,768 7 10 587 13 11 18 14 2 4,008 8 4 602 19 2 3,750 11 7 460 10 8 18 14 2 18 15 7 17 16 3 127 3 8 + 1-78 -47-94 + 3-31 -25-59 Total ..204 204 9,004 19 0 8,841 8 6 163 15 6 Ashley District — Rangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield Cust Woodend „ Oxford Ohoka Amberley Waikari Cheviot „ Central Body Rangiora .. 1860 356 East Oxford '. 1868 94 Leithfield .. 1873 71 Cust .. ! 1874 ' 76 Woodend .. i 1874 63 West Oxford 1876 ! 70 Ohoka .. i 1876 j 75 Amberley ..', 1876 ' 73 Waikari .. 1880 , 52 McKenzie .. j 1896 23 Rangiora .. I 356 94 71 76 63 70 75 73 52 23 7,027 11 7 2,279 16 10 1,718 17 6 1,016 9 9 894 1 8 375 5 5 954 17 7 1,756 10 2 323 19 5 109 12 8 863 17 11 6,924 6 3 2,187 2 3 1,560 0 1 1,013 19 9 887 5 1 375 5 5 954 17 7 1,756 10 2 295 9 0 98 17 5 721 2 1 103 5 4 92 14 7 158 17 5 2 10 0 6 16 7 - 0-18 + 6-76 + 5-05 + 3-18 + 205 - 605 + 1-33 + 6-40 - 1-29 - 1-00 28 10 5 10 15 3 142 15 10 Total ..953 953 17,321 0 6 16,774 15 1 546 5 5 North Canterbury District — City of Christehurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent Perseveranoe Malvern Phillipstown „ Leeston „ Papanui „ Addington Coleridge , Heart of Oak Ricoarton „ Jubilee „ Sister Pearoe „ Tamahine „ Central Body Christehurch , 1853 490 Kaiapoi .. ; 1858 i 131 Sydenham .. ; 1866 | 187 Christehurch ; 1866 | 122 Woolston .. '■ 1872 , 150 Waddington 1877 65 Linwood .. 1879 ! 70 Leeston .. 1880 i 115 Papanui .. 1880 ; 65 Addington .. ' 1882 \ 109 Glentunnel .. ' 1883 ! 78 Kaikoura .. I 1885 ; 98 Up. Ricoarton 1886 52 Prebbleton .. 1887 53 Christehurch ! 1896 60 Kaiapoi .. | 1896 i 56 Christohurch .. 3 490 131 187 122 150 65 70 115 65 109 78 98 52 53 60 56 3 13,925 4 5 2,535 1 2 1,805 17 7 3,862 8 11 1,897 6 4 709 11 5 245 0 6 1,365 1 0 862 19 10 1,617 10 7 690 10 7 1,336 19 10 953 19 10 489 15 7 45 2 7 2 0 3 674 8 4 11,335 7 6 2,451 8 11 1,752 15 8 3,807 19 7 1,897 6 4 599 16 9 215 10 5 1,324 9 3 834 10 2 1,544 8 2 550 1 4 975 7 9 920 17 10 459 13 9 6 10 0 2,589 16 11 83 12 3 53 1 11 54 9 4 109 14 8 29 10 1 40 11 9 28 9 8 73 7 5 140 9 3 361 12 1 33 2 0 30 1 10 38 12 7 2 0 3 196 19 4 - 3-94 - 5-84 - 9-84 + 4-73 -19-89 - 8-83 -21-31 - 8-78 - 5-20 -14-09 -10-40 - 4-89 + 6-90 -16-58 - 7-20 - 7-89 477 9 0 Total .. 1,904 1,904 33,018 18 9 29,153 7 5 3,865 11 4 - 7-61



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds — continued.

I Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. Sick and Total Worth. Surplus. Management Fund, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. i M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued, hyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent Timaru Heart of Friendship Hand of Friendship Hand and Heart Perseverance » Pleasant Point Wairewa „ Central Body Lyttelton Akaroa Timaru Waimate Okain's Bay Pigeon Bay.. Barry's Bay Pleasant Pt. Little River Lyttelton 1850 1860 1864 1871 1875 1876 1881 1891 1897 259 52 293 78 37 50 39 26 41* £ s. d. £ s. d. 8,950 17 5 8,744 4 9 1,561 9 3 1,550 11 10 4,093 7 3 3,762 0 7 844 4 4 815 11 11 843 16 7 824 8 8 936 5 10 908 17 2 668 0 7 643 11 9 587 6 9 559 2 8 131 6 4 117 4 4 307 11 2 202 19 9 £ s. d. 206 12 8 10 17 5 331 6 8 28 12 5 19 7 11 27 8 8 24 8 10 28 4 1 14 2 0 104 11 5 £ + 11-78 - 863 -10-63 -12-44 - 612 - 6-48 - 3-48 - 6-20 - 6-94 Total 875 18,924 5 6 18,128 13 5 795 12 1 Ashburton DistrictAshburton Lodge Waterton South Rakaia „ Pioneer „ Tinwald Methven Mayfield Central Body Ashburton .. Waterton South Rakaia Springburn .. Tinwald Methven Mayfield Aahburton .. 1873 1881 1881 1881 1882 1900 1901 169 59 46 56 38 59 24 2,638 9 2 994 19 11 1,656 5 11 891 16 10 953 10 0 89 9 8 60 4 7 677 7 5 2,556 19 10 994 3 7 1,535 12 10 882 6 6 933 8 2 77 8 2 52 5 10 575 19 2 81 9 4 0 16 4 120 13 1 9 10 4 20 1 10 12 1 6 7 18 9 101 8 3 + 3-70 + 616 + 7-85 + 5-70 + 8-32 Total 451 7,962 3 6 7,608 4 1 353 19 5 Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin » Dalton Prince of Wales „ Albion Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer » Waitahuna Prince Alfred „ Waipori Bluespur „ Naseby Alexandra Roxburgh „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston „ Cromwell » Mount Wendon Band of Friendship „ Outram Mosgiel „ Caversham ., Valley Ngapara Dun back Pride of Kaitangata „ United Brothers Milton Waikaka „ Central Body Dunedin Balclutha .. Port Chalmers Dunedin Oamaru Lawrence .. Waitahuna .. Waikouaiti .. Waipori Bluespur Naseby Pt. Molyneux Roxburgh .. Tapanui Queenstown Palmerston S. Cromwell Waikaia Kakanui Outram Mosgiel Caversham .. N.E. Valley Ngapara Dunback Kaitangata .. Cambrian .. Milton Waikaka Dunedin 1848 1862 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1875 1879 1881 1881 1891 1892 1892 1897 1897 1899 575 302 215 128 214 141 88 42 53 37 60 90 44 63 139 26 84 120 45 31 66 187 183 124 17 51 81 50 145 28 25,274 3 8 13,387 16 10 3,825 10 4 3,065 8 2 3,524 6 9 3,643 1 11 2,475 2 3 1,320 9 2 2,696 15 6 565 2 5 1,646 13 11 1.286 10 3 2,016 15 9 1,387 1 0 3,220 10 5 3.287 2 3 1,793 1 5 4,928 14 10 2,047 19 0 935 10 9 2,891 10 7 3,601 15 9 2,295 0 8 1,597 18 11 358 17 10 209 18 3 700 6 1 364 3 10 698 6 9 88 4 5 1,190 5 4 22,915 2 6 12,855 10 0 3,430 19 11 2,979 3 10 3,460 5 4 3,425 18 5 2,267 1 3 1,280 9 IP 2,667 2 11 505 10 1 1,520 3 0 1,180 14 6 1,936 13 3 1,187 3 11 3,092 13 1 3,017 1 8 1,679 0 7 4,432 4 0 2,038 7 10 790 4 1 2,850 7 4 3,495 17 1 2,245 1 6 1,478 19 7 358 3 6 207 1 0 659 19 9 333 17 9 579 9 10 82 13 0 2,359 1 2 532 6 10 394 10 5 86 4 4 64 1 5 217 3 6 208 1 0 39 19 4 29 12 7 59 12 4 126 10 11 105 15 9 80 2 6 199 17 1 127 17 4 270 0 7 114 0 10 496 10 10 9 11 2 145 6 8 41 3 3 105 18 8 49 19 2 118 19 4 0 14 4 2 17 3 40 6 4 30 6 1 118 16 11 5 11 5 1,190 5 4 + 2-80 + 614 - 4-61 + 3-22 - 5-30 - 0-69 -1326 - 5-32 + 6-24 -20-45 -14-91 - 7-73 + 7-90 + 002 - 314 +53-70 - 2-97 - 2-74 -10-57 - 6-27 + 8-54 - 0-69 - 4-85 - 3-04 - 3-30 - 5-70 - 4-88 - 7-54 - 5-77 Total 3,429 96,324 5 0 88,953 0 4 7,371 4 8 Southland District — Shamrock, Rose, &Thistle Lodge St. George Win ton United Gore „ Lumsden „ Awarua „ Riversdale Star of the West Mataura Falls , Star of Nightcaps Central Body Invercargill.. Winton Gore Lumsden Campbelltown Riversdale .. Orepuki Mataura Nightcaps .. Invercargill.. 1860 1868 1874 1878 1882 1883 1889 1899 1900 1900 322 269 106 103 107 83 23 33 26 35 9,261 8 6 5,446 a 3 920 18 0 1,619 8 4 1,190 18 6 1,164 18 7 183 2 2 77 2 7 56 5 8 41 2 3 553 0 2 9,121 4 7 5,329 5 7 917 7 10 1,535 4 6 1,163 17 0 1,115 18 11 100 2 2 75 1 3 34 13 1 20 1 6 243 14 10 140 3 11 116 14 8 3 10 2 84 3 10 27 1 6 48 19 8 83 0 0 2 14 21 12 7 21 0 9 309 5 4 - 416 - 4-58 - 5-36 - 6-65 - 8-09 - 5-73 -14-35 Total 1,107 20,514 5 0 19,656 11 3 857 13 9 Total of Order 17315 425,684 8 1 387,205 7 5 38,479 0 8 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of Neiv Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Leith Alfred Star of Canterbury Alexandrovna o nity ,, Victoria Linden . Dunedin Oamaru Timaru Temuka S. Dunedin .. Geraldine Kaikorai 1862 1867 1869 1869 1874 1875 1875 1875 105 92 110 49 54 154 42 72 692 6 9 2,494 18 9 1,733 13 0 616 2 11 706 10 1 467 1 0 593 14 5 929 14 11 630 10 3 2,350 18 5 1,705 16 7 602 13 6 677 2 1 453 12 0 543 9 3 870 10 9 61 16 6 144 0 4 27 16 5 13 9 5 29 8 0 ,13 9 0 50 5 2 59 4 2 - 1-29 + 11-61 + 9-09 + 2-00 + 12-41 - 0-93 + 7-58 + 1-00



TABLE I.— Membership and Funds — continued.

4—H. 1,

Name of Society and Bbanch. Place of Establishment. »_.a oog „. . . Surplus °"« S5S2" t,,™ C v«ifc™ Management or Deficiency jjSg j> »* Total Worth. Fund, per Member l≤1 including. Goods,&c. at last ** a sgg Surplus. Valuation. I I I.O.O.F. — continued, hand Lodge of N.Z. —continued. Southern Cross Lodge .. Pioneer of Southland , Star of Auckland „ Washington „ Prebbleton „ Alma „ Wallace Ridgley „ Kawakawa „ Gladstone „ Mataura „ Aparima „ Kaeo Otaki Hope of Maheno „ Waiareka „ Star of Eden Star of Waiuku „ Victoria Rebekah „ Northern Wairoa Myrtla Rebekah „ Wynyard „ Opotiki „ Owaka Central Body Wellington .. Invercargill.. Auckland Sydenham .. Prebbleton .. Wyndham .. Riverton Christchurch Kawakawa .. Fairlie Mataura Otautau Kaeo Otaki Maheno Weston Ponsonby .. Waiuku Wellington .. Te Kopuru .. Auckland Auckland Opotiki Owaka Dunedin 1877 1878 1878 1878 1881 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 1888 1889 1891 1894 1895 1895 1896 1896 1899 1899 1899 128 160 242 103 34 41 98 63 43 36 20 39 20 19 37 30 89 32 8 80 18 73 29 28 £ s. d. 4,432 9 9 2,746 4 6 3,360 4 7 1,153 1 7 606 4 8 740 13 0 526 19 2 756 4 3 381 19 2 490 16 11 563 10 1 289 18 7 334 15 2 252 2 9 419 4 9 223 16 7 413 11 7 249 5 10 68 7 10 320 17 1 114 14 1 302 15 7 161 5 10 171 0 6 14,068 16 8 £ s. d. 3,822 15 10 2,099 1 8 2,899 16 7 1,033 18 5 556 4 8 683 13 10 506 10 8 683 16 1 380 18 7 459 14 5 546 17 6 267 3 8 333 18 6 252 2 9 418 5 3 193 16 7 361 10 8 214 18 3 63 7 10 208 16 3 74 6 11 228 8 6 143 4 11 138 15 1 11,139 11 6 £ s. d. 609 13 11 647 2 10 460 8 0 119 3 2 50 0 0 56 19 2 20 8 6 72 8 2 10 7 31 2 6 16 12 7 22 14 11 0 16 8 £ + 11-73 + 1-92 + 5-29 + 8-21 + 611 + 13-22 + 9-33 + 3-53 + 13-46 + 9-73 + 17-25 + 8-25 + 9-07 + 9-85 + 2-50 + 2-37 0 19 6 30 0 0 52 0 11 34 7 7 5 0 0 112 0 10 40 7 2 74 7 1 18 0 11 32 5 5 2,929 5 2 + 2-48 Total 2,148 41,383 2 4 35,546 7 9 5,836 14 7 N.I.O.O.P. .-iickland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers „ Central Body Auckland .. -11-94 - 9-56 1878 1879 227 219 817 18 0 1,341 7 5 2,253 7 6 743 18 9 1,190 19 8 2,221 1 11 73 19 3 150 7 9 32 5 7 Total 446 4,412 12 11 4,156 0 4 256 12 7 B.U.O.O.P. Aorangi Lodge Wellington .. - 9-02 1884 117 1,405 17 8 1,325 8 0 80 9 8 A.O.P. luckland District — Court City of Auckland „ Pride of Parnell „ Zealandia „ Pride of Onehunga „ Pride of the North „ Robin Hood „ Northern Wairoa „ Pride of Newmarket „ Nil Desperandum „ Royal Oak „ Star of the South „ Star of Helensville , Victoria „ Queen of the North „ Cbisman , Waihi , Townley „ Pride of Waitekauri „ Aroha „ Birkenhead Central Body Auckland Parnell Auckland .. Onehunga .. Grahams town Panmure Dargaville .. Newmarket.. Newton Tauranga .. Otahuhu Helensville .. Devonport .. Maungaturoto Auckland .. Waihi Gisborne Waitekauri.. Te Aroha Birkenhead.. Auckland .. 1863 1864 1873 1875 1875 1876 1877 1879 1880 1880 1881 1883 1885 1886 1894 1895 1895 1899 1899 1900 405 115 I 140 141 105 35 81 53 244 40 14 49 162 56 43 153 21 41 24 42 6,562 5 11 4,558 6 7 1,841 3 2 1,245 18 11 233 9 6 371 9 10 705 11 6 605 5 2 2,271 9 2 484 3 3 299 8 0 714 10 5 1,430 10 0 239 16 2 152 2 11 428 19 9 99 13 7 177 6 7 68 8 7 65 6 11 8,705 17 7 31,261 13 6 6,562 5 11 4,509 15 8 1,838 10 5 1,155 0 8 115 13 10 344 1 8 653 7 11 597 5 2 2,180 9 11 430 7 11 262 18 8 138 15 3 1,270 13 8 178 16 7 119 0 11 245 1 10 74 11 8 162 18 6 68 8 7 54 19 8 7,899 3 11 48 10 11 2 12 9 90 18 3 117 15 8 27 8 2 52 3 7 8 0 0 90 19 3 53 15 4 36 9 4 575 15 2 159 16 4 60 19 7 33 2 0 183 17 11 25 1 11 14 8 1 - 608 + 6-47 - 6-68 -11-44 -12-44 - 7-04 -10-54 - 8-04 -10-34 -10-35 - 9-90 - 4-59 - 7-30 - 9-75 1017 3 806 13 8 Total .. 1,964 28,862 8 4 2,399 5 2 lawke's Bay District— Court Sir Charles Napier „ Lord Clyde „ Captain Cook .. „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Robin Hood „ Ruahine „ Heretaunga , Little John „ Waitangi .. ., Napier Wairoa Napier Havelock Ahuriri Waipukurau Hastings Waipawa .. Olive 1872 1873 1875 1875 1878 1879 1882 1883 1884 151 41 120 127 92 31 58 46 18 6,009 8 0 750 10 6 2,558 19 1 2,166 11 10 1,046 16 0 777 0 10 843 0 7 616 6 8 332 18 8 5,336 16 3 732 10 6 2,288 18 0 2,166 11 10 994 4 9 747 0 10 843 0 7 597 16 8 300 0 8 672 11 9 18 0 0 270 1 1 52 11 3 30 0 0 1810 0 32 18 5 + 2-52 - 3-44 - 5-20 - 6-75 - 8-30 - 5-96 - 6-33 - 5-45 - 4-23



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. III H ■■3§g ■g SS Total Worth. gad iZ ® O \ Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management Fund, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. A.O.F. — continued. Hawke's Bay District —continued. Court Rising Sun Ormond „ Redcliffe Viking Central Body Dannevirke.. Makotuku .. Taradale Norsewood .. Napier 1885 1885 1886 1894 103 63 28 27 £ s. d. 487 7 10 595 17 3 299 8 9 95 10 9 6,064 2 3 £ s. d. 411 1 7 565 17 3 269 14 9 85 8 4 5,894 11 7 £ s. d. 76 6 3 30 0 0 29 14 0 10 2 5 169 10 8 £ - 7-15 - 545 - 5-69 Total .. 905 22,643 19 0 21,233 13 2 1,410 5 10 Taranaki District — Court Taranaki „ Waireka „ Patea.. „ Inglewood Forest „ Raleigh Opunake „ Egmont „ Stratford „ Pride of New Plymouth Central Body New Plymouth 1864 1866 1867 1876 1883 1883 1884 1887 1893 108 352 63 173 57 51 44 82 81 2,931 15 1 5,235 16 1 919 7 3 2,233 4 11 604 4 0 473 11 2 1,133 11 5 676 17 9 246 5 2 540 8 9 2,930 19 4 4,881 5 3 816 12 2 2,227 7 11 601 4 11 473 11 2 1,133 5 6 664 9 0 244 8 9 271 1 9 0 15 9 354 10 10 102 15 1 5 17 0 2 19 1 + 7-38 + 0-40 -1215 -12-29 - 4-97 Patea Inglewood .. Waitara Opunake Hawera Stratford New Plymouth 0 5 11 12 8 9 1 16 5 269 7 0 + 2-58 - 617 Total 1,011 14,995 1 7 14,244 5 9 750 15 10 Wellington District — Court Robin Hood „ Little John „ Roderick Dhu .. » Sir George Bowen „ Blenheim „ Wairarapa „ Loyal Enterprise Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby .. „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer „ Loyal Halcombe „ Woodville „ Pohangina „ Epuni „ Pahiatua Kopuaranga Hunterville Sir William Jervois „ Pride of Levin .. „ Bloomfield Lady Glasgow Primrose Makakahi , Pongaroa Central Body Wellington .. Marton Wanganui .. Wellington .. Blenheim .. Greytown .. Masterton .. Palmerston N. Carterton .. Feilding Gisborne TeNui Halcombe .. Woodville .. Ashhurst Petone Pahiatua Mauriceville Hunterville Newtown Levin Lower Hutt Wellington .. Petone Eketahuna .. Pongaroa .. Wellington .. 1865 18G6 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1875 1876 1876 1877 1877 1884 1884 1885 1886 1886 1887 1888 1889 1891 1891 1894 1894 1895 1900 276 131 166 355 131 53 137 198 134 96 149 49 18 51 13 234 162 61 40 130 65 38 92 39 70 51 2,798 2 3 1,956 19 8 2,478 16 0 5,318 12 11 4,315 18 9 1,114 19 6 772 6 6 1,504 10 10 833 16 7 1,531 18 6 2,665 16 4 983 3 6 310 19 1 . 597 1 6 150 8 10 2,169 13 7 1,566 6 3 661 15 4 164 14 8 620 3 3 346 11 11 201 5 10 160 18 2 91 9 5 199 1 9 106 18 7 11,192 9 11 2,399 17 4 1,916 16 2 2,341 1 5 5,067 0 9 4,294 12 0 1,114 8 11 645 16 8 1,347 0 0 766 19 1 1,503 2 3 2,507 2 9 911 6 8 257 14 9 597 1 6 127 4 8 1,929 1 9 1,211 13 7 528 10 8 158 7 3 494 1 2 270 2 9 163 13 11 144 18 8 65 12 10 170 16 4 54 12 5 10,124 15 2 398 4 11 40 3 6 137 14 7 251 12 2 21 6 9 0 10 7 126 9 10 157 10 10 66 17 6 28 16 3 158 13 7 71 16 10 53 4 4 -1106 - 7-75 - 5-32 - 5-39 + 12-92 - 3-44 -12-86 -11-09 - 9-29 + 0-40 - 0-57 - 305 - 1-70 - 6-33 - 8-50 - 5-53 - 7-05 - 4-60 - 7-21 - 7-71 - 8-06 - 6-79 23 4 2 240 11 10 354 12 8 133 4 8 6 7 5 126 2 1 76 9 2 37 11 11 15 19 6 25 16 7 28 5 5 52 6 2 1,067 14 9 - V-39 Total 2,939 44,814 19 5 41,113 11 5 3,701 8 0 Nelson District — Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance .. „ Pride of the Forest „ Concord , Unity „ Charleston „ Sherwood Forest „ Aorere „ Royal Oak „ Inangahua Central Body Nelson Motueka Wakapuaka Greymouth .. Havelock Charleston .. Stoke Collingwood Westport .. Reefton Nelson 1862 1863 1864 1867 1871 1871 1872 1873 1875 1878 277 52 57 101 73 21 49 102 33 56 6,809 17 0 693 18 6 1,628 2 6 772 18 9 1,309 1 10 546 5 2 1,662 17 9 3,140 14 3 1,093 9 0 807 2 9 549 14 2 6,714 16 8 679 14 4 1,592 12 3 641 8 4 1,144 0 1 546 5 2 1,646 6 0 3,091 1 8 1,058 6 0 760 17 10 476 4 1 95 0 4 14 4 2 35 10 3 131 10 5 165 1 9 -10-04 - 7-72 -14-15 -20-94 - 23-67 -20-40 - 4-04 - 3 94 - 987 - 964 16 11 9 49 12 7 35 3 0 46 4 11 73 10 1 Total 821 19,014 1 8 18,351 12 5 662 9 3 Canterbury United District — Court Star of Canterbury Queen of the Isles Pride of Courtenay Thistle of the Forest Woodford Papanui Star of Dunsandel „ Star of Belfast.. Ashburton Queen of Canterbury Victoria Central Body Christchurch Lyttelton Courtenay .. Sydenham .. Kaiapoi Papanui Dunsandel .. Belfast Ashburton .. Ohristchurch Kaiapoi Christchurch 1852 1859 1876 1879 1880 1881 1888 1888 1889 1895 1896 414 31 50 109 144 51 56 25 83 37 40 10,422 1 0 1,802 19 6 1,139 1 2 1,895 12 5 2,369 8 5 480 10 11 450 8 2 341 4 10 614 1 0 89 11 5 14 2 2 7,308 7 8 10,270 9 5 1,401 3 0 977 7 3 1,796 8 0 2,202 6 5 467 16 11 337 19 0 337 14 6 569 4 5 78 3 11 0 0 4 7,078 1 3 151 11 7 401 16 6 161 13 11 99 4 5 167 2 0 12 14 0 112 9 2 3 10 4 44 16 7 11 7 6 14 1 10 230 6 5 - 0-34 - 307 + 2-00 + 6-12 + 2-03 - 5-37 - 3-17 - 1-97 - 109 + 0-84 Total 1,040 26,927 8 8 25,516 14 5 1,410 14 3



TABLE I. —Membership and Funds— continued.

Xame op Society and Branch. Place of 5*7; a Establishment. Jβ 2 H •s§g Iff ~ n o £ © o> Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management Fund, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. A.O.P. — continued, louth Canterbury District — Court Southern Cross „ Foresters' Pride Progress Central Body Timaru Waimate St. Andrew's Timaru 1865 1875 1883 349 149 40 £ s. d. 6,205 11 0 1,647 19 0 305 16 0 663 17 10 £ s. d. 5,985 14 2 1,544 8 1 305 16 0 556 3 10 £ s. d. 219 16 10 103 10 11 £ - 660 -1407 - 8-17 107 14 0 Total 538 8,823 3 10 8,392 2 1 431 1 9 Inited Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin „ Pride of the Lake „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith Bruce Star of the Dunstan „ Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka „ Pride of Alexandra „ Havelook „ Roxburgh Star of the South St. Andrew's .. „ Excelsior „ Little John Royal Oak Woodlands Pride „ Queen of the South Star of the Forest Central Body Dunedin Queens town Dunedin Port Chalmers Dunedin Milton Clyde Oamaru Lawrence .. Alexandra .. Waitahuna .. Roxburgh .. Invercargill Caversham .. Mornington.. Roslyn Wyndham .. Dunedin Invercargill Woodlands .. Dunedin 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1868 1868 1869 1869 1873 1874 1875 1877 1888 1890 1895 1896 1896 261 13 316 123 217 183 44 213 33 78 32 53 325 141 118 72 77 143 59 40 8,548 1 0 540 7 3 6,961 4 9 1,377 6 8 3.630 15 8 1,661 12 11 588 4 2 2.631 13 10 485 0 0 788 1 11 619 5 0 601 7 4 3,112 5 9 1,236 0 6 1,564 19 8 722 17 1 504 6 3 90 1 3 135 17 0 311 4 9 11,560 1 4 8,154 0 2 526 18 5 6,556 15 7 1,096 9 2 3,388 6 8 1,503 0 5 588 4 2 2,451 2 1 425 0 0 727 16 2 502 15 0 564 0 2 3,022 5 0 1,065 11 1 1,486 8 0 703 9 1 452 4 3 77 15 5 126 18 10 282 15 6 9,564 13 10 391 0 10 13 8 10 404 9 2 280 17 6 242 9 0 158 12 6 180 11 9 60 0 0 60 5 9 116 10 0 37 7 2 90 0 9 170 9 5 78 11 8 19 8 0 52 2 0 12 5 10 8 18 2 28 9 3 1,995 7 6 + 3-81 - 1-68 + 5-05 -12-67 - 3-81 - 7-90 + 0-91 - 0-37 -23-31 + 5-30 + 0-11 - 3-09 - 2-50 - 9-69 + 1-56 - 0-41 - 1-95 - 0-57 - 0-37 - 2-14 Total 2,541 47,670 14 1 43,266 9 0 4,404 5 1 lourt not in any District — Court Coromandel Coromandel 1871 38 1,158 0 1 217,309 1 10 1,072 2 9 ■ 85 17 4 + 2-09 Total of Order 11,797 202,052 19 4 15,256 2 6 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. Wellington .. 1865 1,069 2 1 41 19 6 - 1-19 61 1,111 1 7 U.A.O.D. Wand Lodge of the North Island — Stonehenge Lodge Auckland „ Totara Oroua Bishop Blenheim Mistletoe „ Turanganui Pacific Poneke Ponsonby „ Star of Egmont Morgan Horowhenua „ Otaki Hawera Holly Moturoa ,/ Star of Paeroa „ Pride of Waihi Manukau Viotoria » Pahiatua Coronation „ Central Body Masterton .. Auckland .. Carterton Palmerston N. Wanganui .. Blenheim .. Gisborne Wellington .. Petone Ponsonby Patea Marton Levin Otaki Hawera Pahautanui.. N. Plymouth Paeroa Waihi Manukau Waikino Pahiatua Wellington .. Wellington .. 1880 1882 1883 1883 1883 1884 1884 1886 1886 1887 1891 1893 1895 1895 1895 1895 1896 1896 1897 1898 1899 1902 1902 76 178 105 156 134 74 261 244 171 301 61 67 43 40 53 37 103 ■89 52 17 53 31 29 299 4 10 910 8 0 544 16 6 938 10 1 2,084 10 4 565 11 3 2,271 17 4 1,909 3 5 956 19 11 1,422 8 1 284 15 1 280 4 2 264 16 0 158 8 11 215 15 2 206 10 5 457 13 11 248 5 3 140 12 2 34 3 0 58 9 9 28 1 9 41 6 8 4,038 10 2 249 4 10 855 14 10 412 10 3 913 5 5 1,569 11 11 541 1 3 2,110 13 11 1,660 18 3 846 19 4 1,220 18 1 250 3 7 213 10 4 204 14 3 133 17 6 200 15 2 164 11 10 432 2 11 248 5 3 114 2 1 33 2 7 58 2 1 16 0 9 20 13 9 3,724 13 1 50 0 0 54 13 2 132 6 3 25 4 8 514 18 -5 24 10 0 161 3 5 248 5 2 110 0 7 201 10 0 34 11 6 66 13 10 60 1 9 24 11 5 15 0 0 41 18 7 25 11 0 - 9-07 -10-19 - 7-62 - 5-37 - 1-41 + 0-26 - 5-58 - 7-47 - 5-33 - 601 - 4-55 - 802 - 7-53 - 7-31 - 876 - 6-75 - 6-23 26 10 1 10 5 0 7 8 12 1 0 20 12 11 313 17 1 - 6-59 Total . 2,378 18,361 2 2 16,195 13 3 2,165 8 11 hand Lodge of Canterbury— Pioneer Lodge .. Hope of St. Albans „ Mistletoe Oak of Sydenham „ .. Bthelbert . • • Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Star of Anglesea Perseverance „ Hope of Amberley Anchor „ Ohoka „ • • Timaru „ Trafalgar , .. Star of Ashburton Christchurch St. Albans .. Christchurch Sydenham .. Springston .. Lyttelton .. Lincoln Addington .. Amberley .. Woolston Ohoka Timaru Kaiapoi Ashburton .. 1875 1879 1879 1379 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1882 1882 1882 1883 245 97 111 163 50 8] 75 82 59 135 38 289 62 143 4,064 17 0 1,706 5 7 1,516 0 2 2,548 1 2 485 5 7 1,030 0 6 1,175 19 5 490 5 3 303 2 8 940 9 2 388 16 9 2,388 6 7 264 1 7 1,283 12 9 4,061 1 6 1,613 8 5 1,484 0 4 2,400 9 6 455 3 10 993 13 3 1,157 9 2 477 18 5 292 3 8 877 10 9 388 14 6 2,278 6 3 257 1 6 1,244 5 8 3 15 6 92 17 2 31 19 10 147 11 8 30 1 9 36 7 3 18 10 3 12 6 10 10 19 0 62 18 5 0 2 3 110 0 i 7 0 1 39 7 1 - 6-84 - 4-99 - 8-08 -11-18 -13-04 -11-12 - 5-07 -13-35 -11-12 -10-91 - 7-84 - 8-27 -12-85 - 8-65



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. o oo Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management Fund, Goods, &o. Surplus or Deficienc per Membei at last Valuation. U.A.O.D.— continued. Grand Lodge of Canterbury —otd. Old Oak Lodge .. Ivy of Linwood „ Ellesmere „ Olive Branch „ Cable „ .. Lily of Burwood „ Central Body Southbridge Linwood Doyleston .. Hornby Redcliffs Burwood Christchuroh 1883 1888 1895 1897 1901 1902 53 77 24 ■26 32 25 £ s. d. 425 7 2 507 8 11 113 17 9 53 2 5 33 13 8 29 16 1 6,305 15 10 £ s. d. 339 7 3 445 14 0 88 5 0 33 11 4 13 13 8 14 16 1 6,154 2 11 £ s. d. 85 19 11 61 14 11 25 12 9 19 11 1 20 0 0 15 0 0 151 12 11 £ -11-54 - 8-22 -10-34 -10-18 Total 1,867 26,054 6 0 25,070 17 0 983 9 0 Orand Lodge of Otago and Southland — Otago Lodge Enterprise Royal Oak Acorn „ Linden „ West Harbour „ Endeavour „ Good Intent Rose of Palmeraton „ Gore Lily of the Valley Oraka St. Patrick's Pride of Mornington „ Star of Tuapeka „ Central Body Dunedin S. Dunedin .. Caversham .. Inveroargill Roslyn Rothesay Oamaru Mosgiel PalmerstonS. Gore N. Dunedin.. Colae Bay .. Waikouaiti .. Mornington.. Lawrence .. Dunedin 1880 1880 1881 1881 1883 1883 1884 1885 1886 1889 1893 1899 1899 1900 1902 162 174 113 155 61 79 129 73 74 39 42 62 23 32 50 1,810 0 7 1,478 11 9 713 4 7 2,033 0 1 880 18 6 687 15 0 1,071 12 7 734 6 0 561 1 5 292 8 5 111 10 6 150 8 1 62 15 2 50 16 6 55 16 11 2,292 15 1 1,698 2 10 1,314 14 11 643 16 4 1,732 15 4 831 2 11 651 15 0 996 16 7 709 19 9 464 16 9 282 8 5 104 0 6 129 2 7 62 15 2 32 12 7 31 14 9 2,157 11 9 111 17 9 163 16 10 69 8 3 300 4 9 49 15 7 36 0 0 74 16 0 24 6 3 96 i 8 10 0 0 7 10 0 21 5 6 - 0-99 - 7-41 - 6-75 - 8-80 - 815 - 0-62 - 2-70 - 316 - 554 18 3 11 24 2 2 135 3 4 Total 1,268 12,987 1 2 11,844 6 2 1,142 15 0. Lodges separately registered — Excelsior Lodge Bud of Hope „ Star of New Zealand Ivanhoe „ Star of the West Albion „ All Nations „ Brunner Matai „ Reefton . Wellington .. Rangiora Lower Hutt Dunedin Greymouth .. Napier Port Chalmers Brunnerton.. Nelson Reefton 1879 1880 1880 1880 1881 1882 1883 1883 1892 1897 316 92 64 230 150 148 109 116 189 85 4,002 12 10 782 8 0 961 19 10 1,961 17 8 602 7 2 652 18 0 1,077 8 7 822 8 7 1,504 18 3 137 12 1 3,934 18 5 622 4 3 942 3 8 1,938 3 11 452 5 7 391 18 3 976 17 6 776 10 4 1,279 8 9 76 17 2 , 67 14 5 160 3 9 19 16 2 23 13 9 150 1 7 260 19 9 100 11 1 45 18 3 225 9 6 60 14 11 - 1-44 -10-49 - 361 - 4-90 - 7-35 - 500 - 307 - 4-22 - 1.17 Total 1,499 12,506 11 0 11,391 7 10 1,115 3 2 Total of Order 7,012 69,909 0 4 64,502 4 3 5,406 16 1 i.q.R. New Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki „ Eden Northern Star Gordon Whangaroa Advance .. „ Central Body Auckland .. Thames Newmarket.. Aratapu Onehunga .. Whangaroa .. Waihi Auckland 1863 1870 1874 1881 1885 1886 1899 228 88 34 11 32 15 20 3,625 4 10 2,135 2 7 1,307 12 6 12 8 2 467 11 6 207 8 4 34 11 11 5,535 10 0 3,518 19 2 2,008 1 10 1,307 12 6 7 0 8 444 11 2 189 1 0 31 17 2 5,502 7 6 106 5 8 127 0 9 5 7 6 23 0 4 18 7 4 2 14 9 33 2 6 - 696 - 093 + 8-16 -1310 - 004 -12-72 Total 428 13,325 9 10 13,009 11 0 315 18 10 New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent Hope of Napier „ Perseverance „ "Haste to the Rescue „ Excelsior „ Sir Wilfrid Lawson „ Bud of Promise Unity Excelsior ., Hope of Dunedin „ Pride of Christchurch „ Seandia's Hope „ Murihiku Hope of Ormondville „ Hope of Woodville „ Masterton „ Hope of Carterton „ Star of WakeBeld Progress Hope of Johnsonville „ Rescue ,, Onward „ Gisborne . Wellington .. Napier Wellington .. Waipukurau Sanson Nelson New Plymouth Wellington .. Dunedin .. j Christchurch Norsewood .. Invercargill.. Ormondville Woodville .. Masterton .. Oarterton Wakofield .. Kaikora N. .. Johnsonville Nelson Palmerston N. Gisborne 1866 1870 1872 1872 1873 1874 1874 1875 1875 1876 1877 1877 1877 1878 1878 1881 1883 1883 1884 1884 1886 1891 1892 146 16 38 16 7 10 105 147 46 136 147 14 110 34 20 47 50 60 12 7 17 16 42 5,760 13 6 353 19 1 865 13 11 490 2 3 676 18 7 444 14 8 2,305 8 7 816 8 4 958 17 6 1,578 6 11 1,688 9 11 195 12 7 2,155 17 7 365 0 9 508 14 3 356 3 5 496 11 10 632 13 6 146 12 1 372 2 0 83 3 3 280 14 7 201 3 7 5,659 3 0 349 13 6 857 5 5 473 2 1 671 18 7 432 4 9 2,289 7 3 756 8 3 918 19 0 1,451 11 10 1,662 1 4 188 19 11 2,096 2 7 301 0 0 508 14 3 340 17 8 479 3 9 627 17 8 142 16 7 360 16 11 66 11 3 260 4 5 179 16 5 101 10 6 4 5 7 8 8 6 17 0 2 5 0 0 12 9 11 16 1 4 60 0 1 39 18 6 126 15 1 26 8 7 6 12 8 59 15 0 64 0 9 + 9-12 + 16-33 - 0-39 + 16-25 + 38-40 - 1-87 - 304 - 8-50 - 7-36 - 7-41 - 6-96 - 4-06 - 3-78 -12-18 - 8-37 - 8-68 - 7-17 - 7-37 - 5-09 + 0-50 - 3-30 - 8-54 -12-33 15 5 9 17 8 1 4 15 10 3 15 6 11 5 1 16 12 0 20 10 2 21 7 2



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Bhanch. Place of Establishment. lit 111 M. Worth. F «r- M " eDt peSb I.O.R.— continued. New Zealand Central District —otd. Pride of Egmont Tent Brightwater Pahiatua „ Lily of the South Wai Aroha „ Moa New Century „ Star of New Zealand Waingongoro . „ Central Body Hawera Brightwater Pahiatua Invercargill.. Stratford Inglewood .. Levin Gisborne Cardiff Wellington .. 1893 1894 1894 1895 1898 1899 1901 1901 1901 ■M 31 10 47 18 32 18 13 17 9 £ s. d. 206 11 9 80 4 11 38 14 11 69 15 8 71 9 6 81 12 5 22 7 9 17 8 5 37 11 7 8,256 9 1 £ s. a. 204 12 4 73 11 11 38 14 11 50 2 4 60 15 4 74 8 11 21 13 6 7 0 3 30 13 1 6,463 4 11 £ e. d. 1 19 5 6 13 0 19 13 4 10 14 2 7 3 6 0 14 3 10 8 2 6 18 6 1,793 4 2 £ - 786 - 9-50 -10-42 Total 1,462 30,616 8 8 28,099 13 11 2,516 14 9 -16-73 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent Hokitika 1869 39 18 7 18 319 15 0 279 16 5 Total of Order 1,908 44,261 13 6 41,389 1 4 2,872 12 2 S.D.T. National Division of New Zealand— Perseverance Division .. Resolution „ Excelsior „ Elim Helpmate „ Advance Sunbeam „ Hope of Sydenham „ Central Body Christohuroh Rangiora Addington .. St. Albans .. Ashburton .. Wellington .. Wanganui .. Sydenham .. Addington .. 1872 1873 1885 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 66 79 46 80 27 80 25 31 917 7 0 563 3 2 49 0 5 75 0 0 2 10 9 39 17 0 6 0 0 13 13 1 4,112 14 3 887 14 8 485 1 4 13 12 1 29 12 4 78 1 10 35 8 4 75 0 0 2 10 9 24 17 7 6 0 0 13 13 1 46 14 7 + 4-61 - 0-13 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 14 19 5 4,065 - 19 8 Total 384 5,779 5 8 5,467 7 2 311 18 6 Divisions separately registered — Antidote Division Progress „ .. Dunedin Kaiapoi 1871 1872 208 164 3,447 10 8 1,880 14 8 261 15 10 99 9 10 -15-57 - 2-29 3,185 14 5 1,781 4 10 Total 372 5,328 4 11 4,966 19 3 361 5 8 Total of Order 756 11,107 10 7 10,434 6 5 673 4 2 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District — Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Greymouth „ St. Joseph's „ Auckland „ St. Patrick's St. Patrick's Onehunga St. John's Waipawa „ St. John's „ St. Patrick's St. Mary's St. Michael's Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branch St. Patrick's Branch St. Columbkillie's Branch Central Body Charleston .. Thames Greymou ill.. Dunedin Auckland Christchurch Wellington .. Onehunga .. Napier Waipawa Lees ton Lincoln Timaru Masterton .. 1870 1870 1870 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1874 1876 1882 1882 1882 1886 18 54 16 155 160 99 145 19 69 30 22 29 99 23 57 -10 4 612 0 7 219 19 0 1,506 16 9 2,808 11 0 1,241 18 3 613 7 0 36 9 3 629 13 9 344 14 3 322 8 1 240 18 11 611 0 9 157 2 8 19 3 10 485 4 4 201 13 6 1,240 15 0 2,125 18 6 1,168 5 8 541 2 4 22 15 4 587 19 9 296 15 8 248 15 11 180 8 2 518 16 8 151 2 6 38 6 6 126 16 3 18 5 6 266 1 9 682 12 6 73 12 7 72 4 8 18 13 11 41 14 0 47 18 7 73 12 2 60 10 9 92 4 1 6 0 2 -16-97 -12-22 -12-97 -11-89 -15-51 - 14-08 -17-48 -12-51 -12-56 -11-18 -15-80 Milton Oamaru Denniston .. 1891 1891 1901 21 46 34 96 6 6 137 18 0 23 8 9 5,151 12 2 69 4 11 123 13 1 17 8 8 4,821 18 3 27 1 7 14 4 11 6 0 1 329 13 11 Total 1,039 14,811 16 0 12,821 2 1 1,990 13 11 P.A.P.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand — Prince of Wales Lodge Excelsior Wickliffe John Knox „ Alexandra Triumph „ Valley True Blue „ Star of Hastings „ Star of Oamaru St. Albans Central Body Thames Green Island Napier Wellington .. Auckland .. S. Dunedin.. N.E. Valley.. Hastings Oamaru Auckland .. 1873 1876 1877 1879 1879 1883 1883 1883 1883 1896 104 72 28 60 72 141 54 17 123 37 1,044 10 8 534 2 5 708 11 8 923 1 9 591 1 7 875 6 6 259 1 0 229 11 10 887 0 6 245 19 3 5,432 13 4 1,004 10 8 481 0 10 708 10 4 907 4 3 567 17 11 750 15 6 243 11 0 217 0 2 802 4 8 224 11 8 4,957 7 4 40 0 0 53 1 7 0 14 15 17 6 23 3 8 124 11 0 15 10 0 12 11 8 84 15 10 21 7 7 475 6 0 -17-67 -12-56 - 6-48 - 4-45 -12-23 -11-36 -11-96 - 7-33 -12-67 - 5-48 Total 866 6 2 708 11,731 0 6 10,864 14 4 R.E.B.S. Otago R.E.B.S. Dunedin 1875 101 3,187 5 11 - 8-53 3,165 11 6 21 14 5 Grand Total 143,408 846,314 11 3 774,532 4 10 71,782 6 5



TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1902.

Number of Members Sickness Experience. Admitted by Left by Name of Society. a a q' Clear- || o ance o3 M g and H'S-S Amalgafl § -2 mation. Arrears, Clear- ,-. + , &c. ance. Death - At Beginning of Year. At End of Year. Sick during Year. Deaths of Registered Wives. Total. Total. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Manchester Unity Independent Obdee of Odd Fellows — Auckland District .. .. .. 297 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. 131 New Plymouth District .. .. 58 Wanganui District .. .. .. 78 Wellington District .. .. .. 180 Marlborough District .. .. .. 17 Nelson District .. .. .. 31 Motueka District .. .. .. 21 North Westland District .. .. 45 Hokitika District .. .. .. 11 Ashley District .. .. .. 73 North Canterbury District .. .. 135 Lyttelton District .. .. .. 66 Ashburton Distriot .. .. .. j 69 Otago District .. .. .. 312 Southland District .. .. .. 119 297 131 58 78 180 17 31 21 45 11 73 135 66 69 312 119 11 4 1 6 9 2 308 135 59 84 189 17 33 21 45 11 77 141 70 71 333 122 263 84 42 54 157 2 25 4 36 11 35 72 48 21 198 49 15 7 6 2 10 1 2 1 26 8 5 3 6 10 3 5 5 4 15 9 4 26 4 304 99 53 59 173 2 36 9 42 16 41 92 59 28 244 58 2,677 1,114 665 509 1,717 148 748 400 300 209 917 1,855 864 408 3,340 1,043 2,681 1,150 671 534 1,733 163 745 412 303 204 953 1,904 875 451 3,429 1,107 662 186 120 113 284 41 181 94 75 63 185 377 183 85 544 191 Wks. ds. 4,417 3 1,492 3 944 1 694 5 2,515 5 423 4 2,162 2 967 5 697 2 789 3 1,308 3 2,814 4 1,565 1 397 3 6,162 0 1,695 1 Wks. ds. 2,892 3 808 5 631 0 439 0 1,333 2 119 1 751 0 521 3 298 5 249 1 804 5 1,769 0 882 4 280 1 2,613 0 888 0 Wks. ds. 259 5 213 2 52 1 94 0 173 1 25 0 184 3 78 3 68 2 53 0 73 5 253 0 191 5 37 5 631 1 147 5 Wks. ds. 1,265 1 470 2 261 0 161 5 1,009 2 279 3 1,226 5 367 5 330 1 487 2 429 5 792 4 490 4 79 3 2,917 5 659 2 11 2 2 2 3 "3 2 4 6 4 2 21 3 2 5 2 3 20 5 3 3 3 1 19 2 Total of Order .. .. 1,643 1,643 73 1,716 1,101 81 133 1,315 16,914 17,315 3,384 29,048 3 15,282 0 2,537 2 11,229 1 5G Independent Order op Odd Fellows — Grand Lodge of New Zealand .. .. 326 9 335 147 17 169 1,982 2,148 299 1,891 5 1,330 1 209 3 352 1 10 National Independent Order of Odd I Fellows — Auckland Provincial District .. .. j 68 68 24 569 2 55 0 Ao 406 446 110 479 2 35 0 British United Order of Odd Fellows — Aorangi Lodge .. .. .. 15 I I j 15 14 i 127 5 74 2 14 116 117 15 53 3 Ancient Order of Foresters — Auckland District .. .. .. 172 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. 134 Taranaki District .. .. .. 61 Wellington District .. .. .. 275 Nelson District .. .. .. 80 Canterbury United District .. .. 89 South Canterbury District .. .. j ' 30 United Otago District .. .. .. 243 Court Coromandel .. .. .. 3 10 4 4 31 2 7 182 138 65 306 82 96 30 256 3 146 56 48 200 28 36 20 169 4 8 4 3 27 1 9 24 6 5 11 18 8 178 66 56 238 47 53 20 206 4 1,960 833 1,002 2,871 786 997 528 2,491 39 1,964 905 1,011 2,939 821 1,040 538 2,541 38 499 159 160 601 196 229 88 434 12 3,344 0 1,045 3 1,039 0 3,911 1 1,547 3 1,919 2 750 1 4,255 1 156 3 2,478 5 738 3 836 3 2,719 0 1,035 5 1,156 2 422 1 1,950 1 66 5 205 0 19 4 168 5 117 4 271 0 34 0 546 2 26 0 660 1 307 0 182 5 1,023 2 394 0 492 0 294 0 1,758 £ 63 4 8 1 9 3 2 1 15 13 'l3 24 Total of Order .. .. j 1,087 71 1,158 707 65 96 868 11,507 11,797 2,378 17,968 2 11,404 1 1,388 3 5,175 4 43


TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness— continued.


Number of Members Sickness Experience. Name of Society Admitted by Left by Deaths of Begis tered Wives. OiS Clear■S"S» ance US g and S'S-S Amalga- £ *■£ mation. Total. -Arrears, &c. Total. At Beginning of Year. At End of Year. Sick during Year. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Clearance. Death. Ancient Order op Shepherds — Sanctuary Sir George Grey 3 63 61 18 Wks. ds. 170 1 Wks. ds. 101 2 Wks. ds. 10 5 Wks. ds. 58 0 United Ancient Obdee of Druids — Grand Lodge of the North Island Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered 435 173 219 219 28 16 16 14 463 189 235 233 207 112 128 96 1G 11 15 18 0 13 4 14 229 136 147 128 2,144 1,814 1,180 1,394 2,378 1,867 1,268 1,499 360 372 188 304 1,715 0 2,018 2 1,226 3 1,620 5 1,407 4 1,494 0 748 3 1,213 5 93 3 154 3 189 0 146 4 213 5 369 5 289 0 260 2 4 10 4 2 Total of Order 1,046 74 1,120 543 60 37 j 640 6,532 7,012 1,224 6,580 4 4,864 0 583 4 1,133 0 20 Independent Order op Rechabites — New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Star of Hope Tent 37 184 1 24 38 208 27 105 1 4 10 3 10 34 125 1 424 1,379 19 428 1,462 18 104 231 7 906 3 1,412 5 110 3 497 0 1,233 5 54 3 118 0 62 0 4 0 291 3 117 0 52 0 3 3 .. Total of Order 14 13 160 1,822 221 25 246 133 1,908 342 2,429 5 1,785 2 184 0 460 3 Sons and Daughters op Temperance — National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered ! : 20 17 4 24 17 30 13 6 2 1 38 14 398 369 384 372 57 66 459 4 650 0 332 1 329 4 39 1 70 3 88 2 249 5 ■2 1 Total of Order 767 37 4 41 43 fl2 756 123 1,109 4 661 5 109 4 338 1 3 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society — New Zealand District 120 10 1,131 4 125 5 664 1 2 130 76 11 97 1,006 1,039 225 1,921 4 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society op Australasia — Grand Council of New Zealand 92 0 437 0 71 6 77 28 5 36 667 708 127 1,179 2 650 2 3 Railway Employees' Benefit Societies — Otago Railway Employees' Benefit Society 2 62 0 536 0 1 1 3 i 104 101 40 777 3 179 3 ■■ Grand Total.. 4,635 272 2,818 248 319 3,385 4,907 41,886 43,408 8,285 63,774 4 37,944 0 5,358 2 20,472 2 146


TABLE III. —Sick and Funeral Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1902.


Name of Society. in § » ■sa" 8 g S« CO O ® fl en W e3 o ao H Keceipts. to a a β-s r a> a 3 '3 oS M H 1] h Expenditure. ■§'■§ M E s a S I i o a M m I as M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth „ Wanganui „ Wellington „ Maryborough „ Nelson „ Motueka „ .. j North Westland „ Hokitika Ashley „ North Canterbury „ Lyttelton Ashburton „ .. I Otago „ Southland „ 4,982 1,966 945 732 2,466 184 1,216 611 448 252 1,478 2,742 1,505 760 5,015 1,417 £ "9 "2 2 £ 2,069 446 666 508 1,833 345 1,051 381 546 37C 650 883 270 307 3,562 814 £ 794 240 180 35 157 4 24 150 100 170 430 260 100 700 110 £ 1,732 67 223 53 1,448 61 136 102 741 143 117 267 147 15 115 203 £ 3,799 1,156 680 588 1,657 239 1,299 725 474 467 962 1,990 1,122 329 4,194 1,256 £ 949 211 144 18 456 26 299 77 145 105 219 455 336 88 668 152 i £ 781 220 170 38 178 8 60 135 121 170 450 280 90 680 100 I £ 653 59 260 41 27 73 1,284 61 145 132 117 341 1,365 22 243 87 £ 9,577 [ 2,719 2,014' 1,337 5,904| 590] 2,409 1,1201 1,885! 875: 2,435 4,327 2,183 1,190 9,740 2,544 £ 6,182 1,646 1,254 685 2,318 346 2,882 923 899 825 1,468 3,236 3,103 529 5,785 1,595 £ 49,354 21,111 13,458 8,542 41,628 6,436 22,382 9,085 8,282 8,791 14,786 27,511 17,949 6,947 79,055 17,728 £ 52,749 22,184 14,218 9,194 45,214 6,680 21,909 9,282 9,268 8,841 15,753 28,602 17,029 7,608 83,010 18,677 10 20 5 1 8 348 Total of Order 26,719 405 14,701 3,454 5,570 20,937 4,348 3,481 4,910 50,849 33,676 353,045 370,218 I.O.O.P. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 3,141 1,354 540 259 1,528 756 500 915 5,294 3,699 33,631 35,226 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District.. 532 142 137 80 535 91 137 96 891 859 4,124 4,156 B.U.O.O.P. Aorangi Lodge 138 3 62 475 88 5 678 93 741 1,326 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki Wellington Nelson „ Canterbury United South Canterbury „ United Otago „ Court Coromandel 2,746 1,338 1,336 3,534 1,124 1,507 655 3,367 53 25 13 3 35 7 23 1,083 887 630 1,647 993 1,204 280 1,875 10 520 100 110 320 695 260 32 475 239 409 75 536 17 33 80 73 45 2,779 999 848 2,831 1,199 1,321 499 2,600 91 180 415 171 557 254 250 104 625 515 100 110 453 660 258 32 565 10 572 99 17 120 337 141 12 90 53 4,613 2,7342,164 5,940) 2,864 3,011 1,070 5,790 112 4,046 1,613 I 1,146 I 3,961 2,450 1,970 647 3,880 154 28,295 20,113 13,226 38,711 17,938 24,230 7,969 40,101 1,114 191,697 28,862 21,234 14,244 40,690 18,352 25,271 8,392 42,011 1,072 4 Total of Order 15,660 110 8,509 2,512 1,507 13,167 2,556 2,703 1,441 28,298 19,867 200,128 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. 67 57 88 10 124 98 1,043 1,069 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island Grand Lodge of Canterbury .. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland LodgesVseparately registered .. 2,805 2,334 1,651 28 726 1,183 445 1 432 430 169 543 242 90 1,470 1,645 900 538 522 297 367 423 169 104 28 45 4,506 4,217 2,355 2,479 2,618 1,411 14,169 23,472 10,900 16,196 25,071 11,844 1,839 8,629 456'. 280 58 1,338 318 290 242 2,633 2,188 10,946 11,391 Total of Order 28 I 2,810 1,311 933 5,353 1,675 1,249 419 13,711 8,696 59,487 64,502 I.O.B. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Star of Hope Tent 1,297 1,734 27 589 1,191 17 67 310 87 28 634 1,354 63 103 242 7 87 310 81 114 2,040 3,263 44 905 2,020 70 11,874 26,857 306 13,009 28,100 280 Total of Order 3,058 1,797 377 115 2,051 352 397 195 5,347 2,995 39,037 41,389 S.D.T. National Division of New Zeal'd registered 582 461 246 241 60 262 348 391 303 70 30 6 1,150 703 727 421 5,044 4,685 5,467 4,967 1 Total of Order 1,043 1 487 60 262 739 303 100 6 1,853 1,148 9,729 10,434 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 1,224 21 490 320 196 1,337 277 260 26 2,251 1,900 12,470 12,821 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 976 6 478 190 92 827 161 190 85 1,742 1,218 10,336 10,865 R.E.B.S. Otago R.E.B. Society 195 155 262 50 350 319 3,135 3,166 Grand Total 61,382 574 31,042 8,901 9,489 46,912 10,519 9,082 8,050 111388 74,563 718,475] 1755,300


TABLE IV.—Medical and Management Expenses Funds. —Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1902.

5—H. 1.


Name of Society. a •s2a to a a ieceipts. ill Expenditure. oa . S If !I J H a - J • CD - o O U a I K o H o ■ I I < i M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth Wanganui „ Wellington „ Marlborough Nelson Motueka „ North Westland Hokitika Ashley North Canterbury „ Lyttelton Ashburton „ Otago Southland £ 3,354 1,483 1,096 714 2,318 238 926 395 602 395 890 2,023 1,032 540 5,220 1,495 £ 271 95 214 118 2 10 1 £ 2,044 370 252 214 717 68 187 23 118 64 293 530 498 54 599 398 « I 2,139 1,109 703 511 1,539 193 552 204 319 170 593 ! 1,501 695 304 3,534 1,224 £ £ £ 1,469 559 33! 517 154 231 370 121 16! 305 76 14) 689 260 811 60 26 4: 246 103 16' 167 54 2! 211 44 13' 209 31 21 328 144 J 12( 738 180 291 321 84 40! 156 31 4! 1,489 214 42< 337 143 291 £ 559 154 121 76 260 26 103 54 44 81 144 180 84 31 214 143 £ 339 236 165 148 816 43 167 29 137 26 120 296 403 43 424 296 s 5,669 1,948 1,348 j 1,142 3, 153 306 1,115 428 721 459 1,203 2,681 1,539 614 6,034 1,897 £ 4,506 2,016 1,359 1,040 3,304 322 1,068 454 711 436 1,185 2,715 1,503 594 5,66] 2,000 £ 10,175 952 316 2,758 1,973 43 649 235 127 163 546 3,794 796 354 5,949 732 20 128 9 20 215 4 Total of Order 22,721 1,107 6,429 15,850 7,612 2,224 3,688 30,257 28,874 29,562 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 101 1,144 374 355 3,52!) 77 1,920 4,007 3,7ys 3,470 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District.. 571 48 341 187 20 24 619 572 257 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge 161 21 187 17! • HO 26 95 68 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki Wellington „ Nelson „ Canterbury United „ South Canterbury United Otago „ Court Coromandel 2,935 1,488 1,534 4,295 1,211 1,379 828 3,909 53 43 5 8 10 718 289 139 895 123 304 46 611 12 1,807 1,017 985 2,809 7S0 896 599 2,647 26 1,104 503 488 1,375 388 519 106 1,105 25 253 85 150 214 122 91 57 217 12 (J51 171 196 505 102 172 80 437 3 3, (i<. Ml 1,777 1,073 5,195 1,342 1,693 874 4,577 67 3,815 1,776 1,769 4,963 1,392 1,678 842 4,406 66 2,399 1,060 751 3,701 663 1,274 431 3,056 86 57 2 Total of Order 13,421 17,632 125 3,137 11,516 5,613 1,201 2,377 20,8!14 20,707 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. 19 22 1!) 22 42 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island Grand Lodge of Canterbury .. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered .. 3,597 2,894 2,141 8 15 15 441 533 411 2,06.-> 1,960 1, 446 i 1,189 972 681 244 166 159 516 342 318 4,046 3.442 2,567 4,014 3,440 2,604 2,165 984 1,143 2,292 13 308 1,446 645 134 290 2,513 2,515 i,Hβ Total of Order 10,924 51 1,593 6,917 3,487 703 1,466 12,568 12,573 5,407 I.O.E. Jew Zealand District Tew Zealand Central District itar of Hope Tent 664 2,315 40 9 6 65 134 336 1,008 22 236 821 15 66 289 2 132 213 738 2,455 40 770 2,331 39 316 845 40 Total of Order 3,019 15 199 1,366 1,072 357 345 3,233 3,140 1201 S.D.T. rational Division of New Zeal'd Mvisions separately registered 582 355 3 10 89 308 258 254 89 108 18 29 674 365 699 365 312 361 Total of Order 937 937 1.8 89 566 343 126 29 1,039 1,064 678 H.A.C.B.S. lew Zealand District 1,652 1,921 1,652 •2',) 240 1,026 576 122 131 1,855 1,991 P.A.F.S.A. rrand Council of New Zealand 1,093 1,093 105 627 406 130 57 1,201 1,220 866 R.E.B.S. itago R.E.B. Society 142 142 102 51 142 153 22 Grand Total .. 6 62,400 76,087 74,152 56,992 62,400 1,420 12,267 39,848 20,554 5,257 8,493

H. -1.

TABLE V.—Disposition of Funds as on the 31st December, 1902.


Mahe of Society. Total. Investments Value of at Land Interest. Bui^fn gs. Value of Cash Goods, not bearing Furniture, Interest. and Eegalia. \ Other Assets. M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth Wanganui „ Wellington Marlborough Nelson „ Motueka North Westland Hokitika Ashley North Canterbury , Lyttelton Ashburton (/ Otago „ Southland „ £ 62,924 24,469 14,534 11,952 50,621 8,686 27,536 11,758 10,135 9,005 17,321 33,019 18,924 7,962 96,324 20,514 425,684 £ 34,555 17,554 12,345 ! 6,451 25,891 7,523 23,849 10,624 8,700 7,151 14,018 23,460 15,647 5,047 84,289 17,969 £ 25,010 5,021 1,444 4,984 22,937 890 2,685 320 850 1,532 2,482 8,131 2,293 2,251 7,900 1,540 90,270 £ 2,234 1,716 685 282 1,207 219 602 299 387 264 589 959 632 528 2,821 600 £ 944 79 57 216 ' 170 26 91 25 15 201 380 93 71 354 370 £ 181 99 3 19 416 28 309 515 173 43 31 89 259 65 960 35 Total of Order . .. 315,073 14,024 3,092 3,225 Grand Lodge of New Zealand 41,383 32,852 4,738 1,868 1,038 887 N.I.O.O.F. Uiokland Provincial District 4,413 4,194 168 51 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge 1,406 1,322 46 38 A.O.P. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki „ Wellington Nelson „ Canterbury United „ South Canterbury „ United Otago Court Coromandel 31,262 22,644 14,995 44,815 19,014 I 26,927 8,823 ! 47,671 1,158 21,563 16,995 12,918 36,702 17,546 24,672 6,657 43,007 819 7,358 3,463 1,449 4,525 544 1,300 1,625 1,553 107 1,467 1,683 518 2,270 810 506 300 2,155 175 734 272 108 1,109 51 1 261 211 ! 653 J 17 ! 140 231 209 63 188 30 303 40 Total of Order 217,309 180,879 21,924 9,884 3,416 1,206 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 1,111 1,075 21 15 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island .. Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered 18,861 26,054 12,987 12,507 15,141 ! 23,219 10,015 9,405 1,200 I 2,027 1,171 2,164 1,200 342 1,028 571 702 380 i 428 I 293 118 86 345 74 Total of Order 69,909 57,780 6,562 3,141 1,803 623 I.O.B. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Star of Hope Tent 18,326 30,616 820 12,087 26,265 i 310 I 2,787 313 1,326 89 40 10 l 837 198 Total of Order 44,262 38,662 2,787 1,639 139 1,035 S.D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered £,780 5,328 5,025 4,821 350 162 441 119 28 134 38 Total of Order 11,108 9,846 i '• 350 593 147 172 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 14,812 10,734 2,189 927 603 359 P.A.P.8.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 11,731 10,301 445 552 386 47 R.E.B.S. Otago R.B.B. Society 3,187 8,161 14 12 Grand Total.. 846,315 665,879 129,265 ; ; 32,877 10,702 7,592


TABLE VI.—lnvestments at Interest as on the 31st December, 1902.


Deposited with Name op Society. Total. i Mortgages Office Other Freehold Savings- Banks. Property. Bank. Government and Municipal Debentures. Other Investments. M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth „ Wanganui „ Wellington „ Marlborough „ Nelson „ Motueka „ North Westland „ Hokitika „ Ashley „ North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ Ashburton „ Otago Southland „ £ 34,555 17,554 12,345 6,451 25,891 7,523 23,849 10,624 8,700 7,151 14,018 23,460 15,647 5,047 84,289 17,969 315,073 £ 2,037 496 1,350 976 3,286 344 697 267 577 219 3,324 1,925 163 I 333 . 3,617 i 1,099 £ 4,951 491 137 300 270 285 1,836 377 2,245 794 525 8,168 270 £ 27,567 15,982 10,545 5,475 19,898 7,179 15,265 10,087 7,338 5,096 10,317 19,051 13,547 4,189 71,804 12,100 £ & 570 450 15 2,570 71514 73 500 1,143 '239 700 4,500 Total of Order 20,710 20,649 255,440 15,377 2,897 I.O.O.P. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 32,852 2,687 2,135 28,030 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 4,194 9G9 595 2,630 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge 1,322 332 990 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke'sBay „ Taranaki Wellington „ N elson „ Canterbury United South Canterbury United Otago Court Coromandel 21,563 16,995 12,918 36,702 17,546 24,672 6,657 43,007 819 1,800 1,168 1,375 5,366 1,148 1,699 625 1,017 6,263 378 384 107 232 2,120 1,401 175 13,500 12,200 10,965 29,487 11,815 21,253 3,912 40,564 644 275 4,476 3,352 200 1,465 1,488 25 Total of Order 180,879 14,198 11,060 6,530 144,840 4,751 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 1,075 385 690 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered 15,141 23,219 10,015 9,405 1,021 1,970 355 1,593 596 j 12,724 509 ! 20,225 1,336 7,524 1,509 6,303 300 800 515 Total of Order 57,780 5,439 I 3,950 46,776 300 1,315 I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Star of Hope Tent 12,087 26,265 310 3,768 90 481 I 11,606 316 19,681 220 2,500 Total of Order 88,662 3,858 797 31,507 2,500 I .. S.D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered I 5,025 4,821 294 128 98 8 4,633 4,685 Total of Order 9,846 422 9,318 106 • • 1 • • H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 10,734 1,059 J 2,915 I j 6,760 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 10,301 1,398 1,593 I ___ 7,310 B.E.B.S. Otago R.B.B. Society .. 3,161 229 ' * 2,932 536,723 Grand Total .. 665,879 i 51,686 43,800 22,928 10,742



TABLE VII. Isolated Friendly Societies.

Seg. No. Name of Society. Place of Establishment. Year of blishment. Number of Members Total Worth Benevolent. Dec. 31, 1902. Management. 183 277 Grey Valley Accident Relief Fund Brunnerton.. Denniston Collieries' Medical and Denniston .. Accident Relief Association United Fire-brigades Accident As- Napier surance Society of New Zealand Wellington Friendly Societies' Wellington .. Jubilee Orphanage Society Blackball Colliery Accident Relief Blackball Fund Society Auckland Labourers'Accident Fund Auckland Association Wellington Wharf Employees' Wellington .. Society Auckland United Friendly So- Auckland .. cieties' Conference Waikato Medical and Accident Huntly Society Millerton Colliery Medical and Ac- Granity cident Relief Association New Zealand Collieries, Railway, Kaitangata .. and Oil Syndicate Employees' Benefit Society 1881 164 76 4 5 1891 460 1,757 3 1 164 460 £ s. d. 76 4 5 1,757 3 1 £ s. d. 44 10 4 1,217 3 1 £ S. d. 31 14 1 540 0 0 279 1891 1,011 765 9 9 1,011 765 9 9 765 9 9 286 1887 21 532 11 11 21 532 11 11 532 11 11 293 1894 212 285 16 1 212 285 16 1 257 3 4 28 12 9 299 1898 104 49 14 11 104 49 14 11 21 9 4 28 5 7 300 1896 91 35 5 3 91 35 5 3 14 9 7 20 15 8 304 1899 .. 181 12 1 181 12 1 87 10 3 94 1 10 306 1900 168 36 11 1 168 36 11 1 36 11 1 307 1899 413 344 16 0 413 344 16 0 344 16 0 310 1887 307 150 2 0 307 150 2 0 101 18 1 48 3 11 Total 2,951 4,215 6 7 3,387 1 8 828 4 11 Juvenile Frib 3ndly Societies. Plfl-CP of Name of Society. Establishment. Year of blishment. Number of Members on Dec. 31, 1902. Benevolent. Keg. No. Place of Establishment. Total Worth. I j i Court Pride of the Forest, A.O.F. Dunedin Court Pride of Invercargill, A.O.F. Invercargill Dunedin Invercargill 1893 1894 £ s. d. 19 16 8 29 15 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 11 3 8 | 8 13 0 22 14 8 ; 7 0 5 288 290 67 58 Total 120 49 11 9 33 18 4 15 13 5 J_ !_ Working-men's Club. Keg. No. Name of Society. Place of Establishment. Number Year of of Members Establish- on ment. 31 Dec, 1902. Amount of Funds at end of Year. 151 Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary Institute Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual School of Arts Greytown Working-men's Club Club Garibaldi Sydenham and Addington Working-men's Club and Mutual School of Arts Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics' Institute Kaiapoi Working-men's Club Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Institute.. Palmerston North Working-men's Club and Literary Institute Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts Blenheim Working-men's Club Oxford Working-men's Club Napier Working-men's Club Wellington 1877 1,086 £ s. d. 7,141 12 5 162 Christchurch 1880 385 4,015 18 8 186 202 209 Greytown Wellington Sydenham 1878 1882 1884 183 48 404 776 14 3 77 19 6 1,838 13 2 215 Auckland 1879 532 2,335 10 6 231 238 267 Kaiapoi Petone Palmerston N. 1885 1887 1899 389 405 315 1,299 1 10 1,780 14 8 £49 16 : 5 271 272 305 309 Ashburton Blenheim East Oxford Napier .. 1886 1888 1887 1877 607 190 132 855 4,016 0 0 229 3 4 380 14 2 4,169 10 9 Total .. 5,531 28,611 9 8



TABLE VII.— continued. Specially Authorised Societies.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation not given; printing (2,175 copies) £40 19s.

By Authority John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o4. Price Is."]

a—H. l.

Keg. No. Name ol Society. Establishment. Year of Establishment. Number of Members on 31 Dec, 1902. Total Worth of Funds. 228 Invercargill United Friendly Societies' Dispensary .. Invercargill Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club.. i Sydenham New Zealand Friendly Societies' Guarantee Associa- j Wellington tion Dunedin United Friendly Societies' Dispensary .. Dunedin Lyttelton United Friendly Societies' Dispensary .. Lyttelton New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association .. Christchurch Stanmore Brass Band .. .. .. .. Linwood Newton Band Society .. .. .. .. Newton Ivy of Linwood Co-operative Money Club .. .. Christchurch Waimate Brass Band .. .. .. .. Waimate Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative Money Club Christchurch Westport City Band Society .. .. .. Westport Wellington United Friendly Societies' Dispensary .. Wellington 1884 1885 1889 1,253 1,443 £ s. d. 1,271 12 1 26,363 14 9 1,093 15 2 242 246 25] 268 268 276 576 284 J85 >9( 1887 1886 1886 1883 1885 1889 1892 1892 1893 1894 366 32 30 192 27 577 26 2,318 4,542 12 6 389 18 5 693 3 0 339 17 3 546 3 7 3,176 1 4 220 1 7 11,582 17 0 263 7 0 273 16 7 Total .. 6,264 50,757 0 3

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, H-01

Word Count

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, H-01

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, H-01

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