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I—G. 7,

REPOET. To His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand. May it please Your Excellency. We, the undersigned, being two of the Commissioners appointed by Your Excellency's Commission, bearing date the 31st January, 1902, under and by virtue of the provisions of section 18 of " The Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act, 1901," to hear and determine disputes respecting ownership and boundaries of the Awanui-Haparapara Block, the Maraehako Block, the Tunapahore Block, and the subdivisions of the Kapuarangi Block known as Kapuarangi West, Kapuarangi No. la, Kapuarangi No. Ib, and Kapuarangi No. 3, have the honour to report as follows : — 1. We held sittings at Opotiki from the 16th April to the 17th June, 1902, and from the 20th May to the 12th August, 1903, to hear the evidence and arguments of the parties claiming interests in the several blocks. 2. We have had before us the records of the proceedings in the Native Land Court and Native Appellate Court with reference to the title to these blocks, and also with reference to the title to the adjacent blocks known as Mangatu, Takaputahi, Puketauhinu, Whitikau, and some others. Awanui Haparapara. 3. This block of land, containing 1,887 acres, is situate in the Araparera Survey District, and is delineated in the plan numbered 6484. 4. The claimants to this block were — (a) Whanau a Rongomai, Whanau a Hinekakaho, Whanau a Unukawa, Whanau a Pupuni, Whanau a Mahutahuta, Whanau a Rutaia (represented by Timutimu Tawhai, who claimed the whole block by right of ancestry, occupation, and mana, the ancestors being Takapukapakapa, Takioterangi, and Matekitatahi) ; (b) Whanau a Te Ehutu and Whanau a Hinetekahu (represented by Raureti Mokonui a Rangi, who claimed the whole block by right of ancestry, occupation, conquest, and mana, the ancestors being Tukaki and Te Rangihori) ; (o) a portion of the Whanau a Hinetekahu Hapu (represented by Ngara Hare) set up a separate claim, although their right to a share was admitted by Raureti Mokonuiarangi. 5. The following witnesses were called and examined on oath : For the Whanau a Rongomai and the associated hapus, Tamati Ru, Eru Monita, Paora Ngamoki; for the Whanau aTe Ehutu and Whanau a Hinetekahu, Hairama Haweti, Makarita te Hau ; for Ngara Hare's section of the Whanau a Hinetekahu, Hotene Tuaiwa. At the request of the Commissioners Te Hata Hokopaura (alias Moutara) attended and gave evidence. 6. The case for the Whanau a Rongomai and the associated hapus was that this land formed part of a gift made to Apanui, who subsequently presented it to his brother Takapukapakapa, with whom

Laid on the Table of both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.





Or.— 7.

were associated Takioterangi and Matekitatahi, and that the descendants of these three ancestors have continued to occupy the land down to the present time. _ 7 For the Whanau a Te Ehutu and Whanau a Hinetekahu it was admitted that this land was occupied by Apanui's brothers under the mana of Apanui, but it was contended that Apanui subsequently presented the land to his sons Tukaki and Te Rangihore, and that they and their descendants (now represented by the Whanau a Te Ehutu and Whanau a Hinetekahu) occupied the, land in conunction with the Whanau a Rongomai and other hapus until, a quarrel having arisen, the Whanau a Te Ehutu and the Whanau a Hinetekahu forcibly expelled the other occupants and acquired exclusive occupation, which they have held to the present time. 8 The claim made by the section of the Whanau a Hinetekahu (represented by Ngara Hare) was that the right of that hapu was derived from Te Rangihore to the exclusion of other claimants. 9 We are of opinion that the allegation of joint occupation made on behalf of the Whanau a le Ehutu and Whanau a Hinetekahu is sustained by the evidence, but we are unable to find any sufficient evidence to support the alleged conquest. We have therefore come to the conclusion that the owners of this land at the present time are those descendants of the five ancestors—Takapukapakapa, lakioterangi Matekitatahi, Tukaki, and Te Rangihore-whose rights by inheritance have been maintained by occupation. The names of the persons whom we find to be so entitled are contained in the order in that behalf annexed to and forming part of this report. 10 With regard to the boundaries of this block, we are of opinion that, with the exception ol the Haparapara River and the sea-coast, the lines as surveyed do not follow any recognised ancestral bound-ary-lines. To ascertain the position of such ancestral lines would have required an investigation ol the title to adjoining block, which did not fall within the scope of our Commission. We have therefore limited our award to the land within the surveyed boundaries, without expressing any opinion as to the true nature of those boundaries, whether tribal or hapu boundaries or not. With regard to the Haparapara River the position is different. There is evidence before us that this river is an ancestral boundary. At two points, however, the surveyed boundary does not follow the natural windings of the streamviz from Oirakehu to Waitangi, and from Paetawa to Te Wehenga. Thus two small pieces of land on the opposite side of the river from the main body of the block are included within the surveyed boundary As to the portion from Oirakehu to Waitangi, there is some slight evidence of ownership. As to that from Paetawa to Te Wehenga, there is no evidence before us ; but, taking into consideration the facts that the areas in question are very small, that the cost of an additional survey would be disproportionate to the value of the land, and that no adverse claim has been made, we have followed the course which appears to have been adopted by the Native Land Court and Native Appellate Court, and have included both these small portions in our order as part of the Awanui-Haparapara Block. Maraehako. 11. This block of land, containing 1,894 acres, is situate in the Te Kaha Survey District, and is delineated in the plan numbered 6568. 12 The claimants to this block were—(a) Whanau aTe Rangnrunga, Whanau a Tamahae Whanau a Potatau, Whanau a Te Apaapa o te Rangi (represented by Tutere Wi Repa and others) ; (6) Whanau a Te Ehutu and the sub-hapus, Whanau a Kaiaio, Whanau a Kahurautao, Whanau a Rukahika, Whanau a Te Ngaohe, Whanau a Te Manawahe, Ngaitahae, Ngatiwhakahemo (represented by Wiremu lamahaua and others) ; (c Whanau a Tukaki (represented by Maihi te Ahiwaru). _ 13 The following witnesses were called : For the Whanau a te Rangnrunga and their associates, Hohepa Karapaina, Tutere Wi Repa, Wi Repa ; for the Whanau a Maihi te Ahiwaru; for the Whanau aTe Ehutu and their associates, Wiremu Tamahaua, Waikura Tautuhiorongo. le Hata Hokopaura (alias Moutara) attended and gave evidence at the request of the Commissioners. 14 The Whanau a Te Rangiirunga and the hapus associated with them claim that this block ol land was divided in ancestral times among the several hapus, of whom the principal were the Whanau a Te Rangiirunga, the Whanau a Potatau, and the Whanau a Tamahae. 15 The Whanau a Tukaki also claim a portion of the block. The Whanau aTe Ehutu allege that the whole block originally belonged to the Whanau a Potatau ; that, in consequence of a series of murders committed by the Whanau a Potatau and other neighbouring tribes, the Whanau a Te Ehutu conquered the offending tribes, and took possession of their land, including the Maraehako Block ; and that subsequently the whole conquered territory was returned to the former owners with the exception of Maraehako of which possession was retained by the Whanau a Te Ehutu as compensation for the injuries they had suffered. In our opinion, the balance of evidence is strongly in favour of the claim of the Whanau a Te Ehutu, and we find that they are the owners of the land according to Maori custom 16. The names of the persons so entitled are contained in the order in that behalf annexed to and forming part of this report. TunApahore and Kapuarangi. These blocks of land, containing in the aggregate 28,398 acres, are situate in the Tokata and Waiawa districts in the Bay of Plenty, and are delineated as to Tunapahore (5,449 acres 1 rood 5 perches) in Plan No 5571 ; and as to Kapuarangi West (9,000 acres), Kapuarangi No. 1a (500 acres), Kapuarangi No. 1b (2,900 acres), and Kapuarangi No. 3 (10,549 acres), in Plan No. 554.8. With the consent of all parties interested, we arranged to take these blocks as the subject of one inquiry. The claimants were—(a) Ngaitai (represented by Akuhata Takatua) ; (b) Whanau ale Harawaka, Whanau a Hikarukutai, Whanau a Nuku, Whanau a Hinetekahu (being hapus of the Whanau a Apanui, and represented by Koopu Erueti) ; (c) Whanau a Te Harawaka (represented by Raureti Mokonuiarangi).



The following witnesses were called and examined : For the Ngaitai, Hoera Katipo, Wetini Taku ; for the Whanau a Apanui, Koopu Erueti, Alfred Francis Puckey ; for the Whanau a Te Harawaka, Hairama Haweti. The claims set up were as follows : The Ngaitai claimed the whole land by ancestral right derived from Torere Nui a Rua, an ancestress who came to this country in the Tainui canoe ; conquest over the Ngaariki-ratoawa ; and continuous occupation. The Whanau a Apanui claimed the whole land by ancestral right derived from Apanui Ringa Mutu ; conquest over a section of the Whanau a Apanui known as Ngaariki-tahaehae ; and continuous occupation. The right of the Whanau aTe Harawaka to an interest in conjunction with the other hapus was admitted by the Whanau a Apanui. The Whanau a Te Harawaka claimed the exclusive ownership of the whole land by ancestral right derived from Apanui Ringa Mutu ; conquest over the Ngaariki; and continuous occupation. Ngaitai Claim. Ancestry. —The Ngaitai claim that this land forms part of the ancestral estate inherited by them from Tai, a lineal descendant of Torere Nui a Rua. Conquest. —The Ngaitai allege that they remained in exclusive possession of this land until the arrival of a people known as the Ngaariki-ratoawa. This people, a section of the Ngaariki-a-po, of Turanga, were driven away by stress of war from their own home, and took refuge with the Ngaitai at Tunapahore, by whom they were hospitably received, and Pataonga, a Ngaitai chieftainess, was given in marriage to Te Whakapakina, the leader of the Ngaariki migration. Thus the Ngaariki acquired a settlement on Tunapahore, and several of their chiefs obtained a prominent position in the management of the affairs of the united tribes. Subsequently quarrels arose between them, which resulted, after a series of conflicts, in the complete expulsion of the Ngaariki and the resumption of exclusive occupation of the land by Ngaitai. With regard to the Whanau a Te Harawaka, the Ngaitai allege that the residence of that people on Tunapahore began with the marriage of two women of Whanau Te Harawaka with men of Ngaitai and their residence at their husbands' kaingas at Hawai, on the Tunapahore Block. Soon after this a quarrel arose between the Whanau a Te Harawaka and others of the Whanau a Apanui residing at Maraenui, with the result that the Whanau a Te Harawaka left their homes at Maraenui and went to reside with their relations at Hawai. Occupation. —The two tribes continued in joint occupation of Tunapahore, occasionally leaving the land on visits to friendly tribes or on hostile expeditions. On one of these occasions, while the Whanau a Te Harawaka were temporarily residing at Ohiwa on the invitation of the people of that neighbourhood, many of them were treacherously killed. The survivors fled to Tunapahore, and sought and obtained refuge among their Ngaitai friends. The joint occupation was thus resumed, and continued until a quarrel arose in or about the year 1856, in which several hapus of the Whanau a Apanui took part against the Ngaitai. Fighting ensued at intervals extending over a period of two years, when peace was made on the intervention of a Native clergyman named Hakaraia. One of the conditions imposed by the peacemaker was that all parties should leave the land. The Ngaitai accordingly retired to Torere, but the Whanau a Te Harawaka, after some delay, refused to leave, and have continued to reside on and cultivate some portion of the land down to the present time. Whanau a Apanui Claim. Ancestry. —The Whanau a Apanui allege that this land was first occupied by Motataumaitawhiti, a descendant of Toikarakau, and the rights so acquired were inherited by several generations of lineal descendants down to the time of Turirangi, who gave to his son Apanui Ringa Mutu the mana over this land and over other adjacent territory. At that time the people residing on Tunapahore were known as the Ngaariki-tahaehae, a name which in the course of time was limited to the descendants of Turirangi by his wife Hinetama, while the name Whanau a Apanui was taken by the descendants of Apanui, the son of Turirangi, by his wife Rongomaihuatahi. Occupation. —The Whanau a Apanui hapus, on whose behalf this claim is made, continued to reside with the Ngaariki on this land until the time of Whakaihu, the fourth in descent from Turirangi and Hinetama, when in consequence of a quarrel the Ngaariki left Tunapahore and settled at Tirohanga. Thus the Whanau a Apanui obtained exclusive possession. The Whanau a Apanui further allege that up to this time Ngaitai had acquired no interest in Tunapahore, though they were frequently in contact with the Whanau a Apanui, either as foes or friends on the field of battle. In consequence of their repeated conflicts with Ngatiporou, Ngatimaru, Ngapuhi, Ngaiterangi, and Whakatohea, and other tribes, the Ngaitai, who had been a numerous and powerful people, had become much weakened ; so much so that at the close of an expedition to Turanga as allies of Whanau a Apanui they feared to return to their own kaingas at Torere, and sought the protection of the Whanau a Apanui from the dreaded attacks of their old enemies the Whakatohea. In response to this repeal the Whanau a Apanui assigned to them certain places of residence on Tunapahore, and thus for the first time the Ngaitai became occupiers of this land. Whanau a Te Harawaka Claim. The Whanau a Te Harawaka, who derive their hapu-name from Harawaka, the son of Apanui and Te Whaaki, support to some extent the evidence given by Whanau a Apanui as to the early history of this land, but they allege that apart from themselves no section of the Whanau a Apanui Tribe ever acquired any rights to this land, and that in the several contests and transactions with Ngaariki, Ngaitai, and others they (the Whanau a Te Harawaka) and they alone were concerned as owners of the land. Upon a review of the whole evidence we are of opinion that the balance is in favour of the Ngaitai claim as to the original ownership of the land, but the Whanau a Te Harawaka have by their occupation



of certain portions clearly established a right to share in it. This joint ownership becomes easily intelligible when the close relationship established between the two tribes by marriage is taken into consideration. Apanui himself had two Ngaitai wives, of whom Te Whaaki, the mother of Te Harawaka, was one, and several other marriages between members of the two tribes, followed by residence on the land, took place in subsequent generations. We do not think any other section of the Whanau a Apanui has satisfactorily established a claim. We find, therefore, that the Ngaitai and the Whanau a Te Harawaka are the owners of this land, and the names of the persons so entitled are contained in the orders in that behalf annexed to and forming part of this report. It has been admitted by all parties that in ancient times the three adjoining blocks, now known as Tunapahore, Kapuarangi, and Takaputahi, were occupied by the Native owners as one undivided piece of land. Takaputahi and that part of Kapuarangi now known as Kapuarangi No. 2 are not before us on this inquiry, but we have found it necessary to admit some evidence of occupation of these lastmentioned pieces as bearing directly upon the ownership of the land under investigation. The evidence before us shows that, while the Ngaitai and the Whanau a Te Harawaka were residing permanently on this land, the principal pas, kaingas, maraes, and urupas were on Tunapahore, the hilly country of Kapuarangi being occupied for the most part only during the hunting and fishing seasons. No definite boundaries appear to have been laid down for the purpose of locating the interests of the several owners, nor was there any boundary between the blocks now known as Tunapahore and Kapuarangi. We find, however, that with regard to Tunapahore the signs of occupation by Ngaitai are for the most part on the south side of the Hawai Stream, and the signs of occupation by the Whanau a Te Harawaka are on the north side of that stream, which divides the block into two approximately equal parts, the southern being estimated to contain 2,821 acres, and the northern 2,628 acres. It will therefore, in our opinion, be a fair and equitable division of the land to take the Hawai Stream as the boundary between the two tribes, and we have made our award accordingly. With regard to Kapuarangi —that is, the block as originally surveyed, exclusive of Kapuarangi No. 2, which is not before vs —we are of opinion that it ought to be divided as nearly as may be into two equal parts. To give effect to our opinion we find that we cannot make use of the lines surveyed in accordance with the orders of the Native Appellate Court. If, however, the block is divided by a straight line drawn from the point where the Hawai Stream crosses the boundary between Tunapahore and Kapuarangi to a point on the southern boundary of Kapuarangi about 80 chains east of the Kapuarangi Trig. Station an equal division can be made. We have accordingly adopted such line in our decision, awarding to Ngaitai and the Whanau a Te Harawaka those parts of the Kapuarangi Block (so divided) which adjoin their respective portions of Tunapahore. Given under our hands and seals, at Wellington, this 9th day of September, 1903. [Seal.] H. G. Seth-Smith. [Seal.] Hone Heke. In the matter of " The Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act, 1901," and of section 18 thereof ; and in the matter of a Royal Commission, bearing date the 31st day of January, 1902, and issued by His Excellency the Governor in Council, in pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf conferred by the said section, appointing Hugh Garden Seth-Smith, Hone Heke, and Alfred Levavasour Durell Fraser to be Commissioners for the purpose of hearing and determining the several matters in the said Commission mentioned ; and in the matter of the block of land known as Maraehako. Whereas by the said Commission the said Commissioners were required to transmit to His Excellency the Governor under their hands and seals their decisions, orders, and opinions resulting from such investigations and inquiry not later than the 30th day of June, 1902, or such extended date as might be appointed in that behalf : And whereas by a Commission bearing date the 16th day of June, 1902, the time at or before which the said Commissioners were to present to His Excellency the Governor their report as aforesaid was extended to the 30th day of June, 1903 : And whereas by a Commission bearing date the 29th day of June, 1903, the said time was further extended to the 31st day of December, 1903 : And whereas by the said first-recited Commission it was declared that the said Commission should continue in full force and virtue although the inquiry were not regularly continued from time to time by adjournment, and that the said Commissioners, or any two of them, should and might from time to time proceed to the execution thereof and of every power or thing therein contained : In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf conferred upon us by the said section and by the said several Commissions, we, the undersigned, being two of the said Commissioners, upon inquiry made and evidence taken, do hereby determine and make order that the persons whose names are set forth in the schedule hereto annexed, and the successors of such of them as may be dead, are the owners according to Native custom of all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Te Kaha Survey District, known as Maraehako, containing 1,894 acres, be the same more or less, and delineated in the plan numbered 6568. Given under our hands and seals, at Wellington, this 9th day of September, 1903. [Seal] H. G. Seth-Smith. I assent. [Seal.] Hone Heke. G. B. Davy, Chief Judge, Native Land Court.



The Schedule herein referred to. Maraehako. 1. Haki Roihana. .46. Te Au Kiingi. 92. Ramari Waiariki. 138. Matehaere te Kete. 2. Wiremu Tamahaua. 47. Hariata Anaru. 93. Hamiora Hei. 139. Tairua Peta. 3. Ngamane Roihana. 48. Waikura Tautuhiorongo. 94. Akenehi Hei. 140. Aporina Peta. 4. Tiweka Anaru. 49. Tukutahi te Kohu. 95. Reihana te Kahara. 141. Timutimu Peta. 5. Ngapo Tukutahi. 50. Tarere Tawhara. 96. Kehia Ru. 142. Haki Tunoa. 6. Haaka Tautuhi. 51. Kawha Tangataware. 97. Te Tane Tukaki. 143. TJru Tonoa. 7. Hetekia te Uaaterangi. 52. Heremaia Kawha. 98. Pine Pukaraka. . 144. Hamiora Tunoa. 8. Te Hata Hokopaura. 53. Raki Paraone. 99. Ngamotu Tukaki. 145. Wharekura Waiariki. 9. Mereaira Taoawatea. 54. Tiaki Paora. 100. Te Pirihi Hapuku. 146. Tiopira Kiingi. 10. Te Mahia Tamatamaara- 55. Purukamu Roihana. 101. Parekohai Kerei. 147. Peraro Hetekia No. 2. ngi. 56. Hauata Aperahama. 102. Kiri Purueti. 148. Harauria Tiweka. 11. Tipene Tukiterangi. 57. Ngawhira Renata. 103. More Hei. 149. Te Mahia Reihana. 12. Kerehi Heremia. 58. Morehu Whakatere. 104. Hona Tarahaere. 150. Raiha te Rama. 13. Merika Tipene. 59. Taki Anaru. 105. Turei Ru. 151. Tiweka te Rama. 14. Renata Pakipaki. 60. Mereaira Toihau. 106. Mihi Tunoa. 152. Motukotare te Rama. 15. Aperahama Renata. 61. Matehaere Haki. 107. Waiomatatini Ngapo. 153. Henare Kerei. 16. Wiremu Hei. 62. Peta Ru. 108. Arapeta Tiweka. 154. Tauoteawa Kerei. 17. Anaru te Kahara. 63. Ropiha Raturoa. 109. Makuini Hei. 155. Tukaki Hamiora. 18. Paora te Rua. 64. Harehare Ropiha. 110. Parekura Hei. 156. Te Wharehau te Rama. 19. Ruihi Paora. 65. Ira Ropiha. 111. Mereana Hei. 157. Rawiri Kerei. 20. Rapata Roihana. 66. Rihi Ropiha. 112. Piihi Hei No. 2. 158. Putiputi te Pirini. 21. Rapata Kiingi. 67. Paipai Peta. 113. Mihi Hei. 159. Te Hurinui Tunoa. 22. Tiopira Popata. 68. Tamehana Peta. 114. Te Haukino Paora. 160. Araiteuru Toropine. 23. Tunoa Mihaere. 69. Te Kete te Hira. 115. Mita Paora. 161. Wairua Tamatamaara--24. Peraro Matenga. 70. Wetini Taku. 116. Tare Tiopira. ngi. 25. Paerau te Kaniatakirau. 71. Te Pirini Tautini. 117. Ruhi Paora. 162. Maihi Tamatamaarangi. 26. Himi te Kani. 72. Hineiahua te Pirini. 118. Rihi Paora. 163. Aperahama Ruha. 27. Te Rama Kiingi. 73. Makere Waikura. 119. Pareraututu Paora. 164. Herewini Piripi. 28. Hohua te Aroakapa. 74. Tupiki Parata. 120. Hera Rapata. 165. Ngakete Piripi. 29. Katerina Arapeta. 75. Hare Parata. 121. Ngawiki Rapata. 166. Heremia Kerei 30. Kamaea Piihi. 76. Te Pirihi Hohepa. 122. Hiria Rapata. 167. Henare Kerei 31. Mereaira te Pirini. 77. Moni te Pirihi. 123. Te Whaiora Rapata. 168. Mahuika Piripi. 32. Pnhi Hei. 78. Paraone Tatua. 124. Tangiarani Kiingi. 169. Onetea Aperahama. 33. Pmka Mio. 79. Teri Tatua. 125. Paratene te Pirihi. 170. Hutita Aperahama. 34. Pene Mio. 80. Paraire Ihaka. 126. Hakota te Pirihi. 171. Hira Rewiri 35. Topeora Manihera. 81. Tuteari Kiingi. 127. Noti te Pirihi. 172. Reremoana Rewiri. 36. Te Ipo te Rama. 82. Haara Roihana. 128. Waitangi te Pirihi. 173. Pahauwera Rewiri 37. Te Ranapia te Kete. 83. Popata Mio. 129. Te Poono te Pirini. 174. Apuhau Rewiri 38. Mere Parata. 84. Te Kawau Kingi. 130. Te Haenga te Pirini. 175. Watene Puketoki ■*■>• £ auMio ' 85 - RawiniaHei. 131. Hoani te Pirini. 176. Hiro Aperahama. 40. Matenga Rewiri. 86. Makarita Hetekia. 132. Wetina te Pirini. 177. Tehaenga Herewini 41. Te Ruahuihui. 87. Te Atamira Parekoihu. 133. Wati Herewini. 178. Huhana Haweti 42. Wi Hei. 88. Mihi Haruru. 134. Renata Aperahama. 179. Hira Haweti 43. Te Wharetunoa. 89. Teteira Haki. 135. Tangiwai Tawhara. 180. Kawa Haweti. 44. Tamati Ru. 90. Hipiria Honerangatira. 136. Pianawiti Tawhara. 181. Hemi Hawei 45. Pori Hei. 91. Hone Paora. 137. Hoete Tawhara. 182. Hori Haweti. In the matter of " The Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act, 1901," and of section 18 thereof ; and in the matter of a Royal Commission, bearing date the 31st day of January, 1902 and issued by His Excellency the Governor in Council, in pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf conferred by the said section, appointing Hugh Garden Seth-Smith, Hone Heke, and Alfred Levavasour Durell Fraser to be Commissioners for the purpose of hearing and determining the several matters in the said Commission mentioned ; and in the matter of the blocks of land known as Kapuarangi West, Kapuarangi No. la, Kapuarangi No. Ib, and Kapuarangi No. 3, all of which are hereinafter described as " Kapuarangi." Whereas by the said Commission the said Commissioners were required to transmit to His Excellency the Governor under their hands and seals their decisions, orders, and opinions resulting from such investigations and inquiry not later than the 30th day of June, 1902, or such extended date as might be appointed in that behalf : And whereas by a Commission bearing date the 16th day of June, 1902 the time at or before which the said Commissioners were to present to His Excellency the Governor their report as aforesaid was extended to the 30th day of June, 1903 : And whereas by a Commission bearing date the 29th day of June, 1903, the said time was further extended to the 31st day of December, 1903 And whereas by the first-recited Commission it was declared that the said Commission should continue m full force and virtue although the inquiry were not regularly continued from time to time by adjournment, and that the said Commissioners, or any two of them, should and might from time to time proceed to the execution thereof and of every power, matter, or thing therein contained: In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf conferred upon us by the said section and by the said several Commissions, we, the undersigned, being two of the said Commissioners upon inquiry made and evidence taken, do hereby determine and make order that the persons whose'names are set forth in the First and Second Schedules hereto annexed, and the successors of such of them as may be dead, are the owners respectively accordingly to Native custom of all that part of the piece or parcel of land situate in the Waiawa Survey District, containing 22,949 acres, be the same more or



less, known as Kapuarangi, and delineated in the plan numbered 5548, as is more particularly described in the said First and Second Schedules respectively. Given under our hands and seals, at Wellington, this 9th day of September, 1903. [Seal] H. G. Seth-Smith. I assent. [Seal.] Hone Heke. G. B. Davy, Chief Judge, Native Land Court.

The First Schedule herein referred to. Kapuarangi No. 1 West. All that part of the said Kapuarangi Block situate to the westward of a line drawn from the point where the Hawai Stream crosses the boundary-line between the said Kapuarangi Block and the Tunapahore Block to a point on the boundary of the said Kapuarangi Block at such a distance to the eastward of the Kapuarangi Trigonometrical Station as shall divide the said Kapuarangi Block into equal moieties or half-parts, to be called Kapuarangi No. 1 West. 1. Akuhata Takatua, m. 64. Harete Taihiika, f. 127. Materoa Rewharewha, 185. Putiki Kukumetaitimu, 2. Akuhata Honatana, m. 65. Himiona Katipa, m. f., 11. m., 4. 3. Arapera Waikare, f. 66. Heni Noti, f. . 128. Mereana Kawhena, f. 186. Putiputi Pere, f. 4. Ani Arapeta, f. 67. Hoera Noti, m., 17. 129. Merewakana Kauhoa, 187. Pera te Uatuku, m. 5. Aramata Herewini, f. 68. Herewini Waata, m. f., 15. 188. Pita Rapana, m. 6. Anaru Tekahara, m. 69. Horomona Tuauri, m. 130. Meri Tito, f. 189. Rewiri Parera, m., 9. 7. Arapera Pere, f. 70. Hiria Nohia, f. 131. Makere Keita, f., 8. 190. Romana Hauata, m., 8. 8. Atareta Herewini, f. 71. Hori Kaperiera, m. 132. Mitai .te Whenua, m. 191. Riripeti Hayward, f., 5. 9. Arapeta Kerei, m., 11. 72. Huhana Hona, f. . 133. Maata Papato, f. 192. Raima Tauwheru, f. 10. Ani Whakaruru, f. 73. Harehare Ropiha, m. 134. Mita Keepa, m. 193. Ruiha te Wharetaka, f., 11. Atamira Rapata, f. 74. Hohua Araokapa, m. 135. Mio Keepa, m., 15. 4. 12. Erina Waikohua, f. 75. Hone Mariana, m., 1. 136. Makoha Wakahau, f. 194. Rihimona Rehua, m. 13. Ema Warakihi, f., 10. 76. Hape Kingi, m., 4. 137. Merata Kowhiwhi, f. 195. Rawiri Tuauri, m., 10. 14. Ema Rodgers, £~ 3. 77. Heriata Kingi, f., 3. 138. More Eruira, m. 196. Rapi Hunia, m. 15. Ehetera Taku, f. 78. Hemi Tutapu Puru, m., 139. Mohi Tetaiki, m. 197. Rapata Kingi, m. 16. Eru Teripi, m. 8. 140. Merito Hetaraka, m. 198. Rawinia Katia, f. 17. Ereatara Herewini, m. 79. Haua Noti, m., 12. 141. Manawa Titi, m. 199. Ritihia Herewini, f. 18. Ema Merata, f. 80. Heni Ahuroa, f. 142. Mihaere Kararehe, m.,8. 200. Rapata Makiwhara, m., 19. Emire Arapeta, f. 81. Hoera Whakamiha, m. 143. Makere Kingi, f., 18 1. 20. Iwingaro Babbington, 82. Hone Ahuroa, m. marama. 201. Ripeka Awhimanuka, f. f, 12. 83. Haerewa Huritahataha, 144. Miri Moana Pere, f. 202. Rewharewha Putiki, m. 21. Ira Ropiha, f. m., 14. 145. Matewai Rameka, I., 8. 203. Ritihia Rewharewha, f. 22. Ihipera Baker, f. 84. Hiro Makoha, t, 3 ma-146. Nimerata Rameka, f. 204. Ripeka Rewharewha, f., 23. Iti Mariana, £~ 2. rama. 147. Ngarama Taiuru, f. 1. 24. Ihaia Kingi, m., 9. 85. Hori Utiera, m., 14. 148. Ngakiriwhero Toiroa, f., 205. Rangikapua Puru, f. 25. Urikore Ahuroa, m. 86. Karauria Kohikohi, m. 4. 206. Riripeti Keita, t, 6. 26. Hoera Katipo, m. 87. Kerei Parakaia, m., 8. 149. Ngarewarewa Mio, f.,12. 207. Rawinia Kopae, f., 2. 27. Hemi te Rua, m. 88. Kainamu Arapeta, m. 150. Ngaoka Mio, m., 4. 208. Ropiha Raturoa, m. 28. Hakahaka Hahipene, m. 89. Kingi Mokotua, m. 151. Ngawiki Mio, f., 2. 209. Ria Katia, f. 29. Hohi Kopae, f., 6 ma- 90. Kenehia Koara, f. 152. Ngarui Kawhena, f. 210. Rewi Petera, m. rama . 91. Kauia Ruarauhauga, f. 153. Ngahuia Kawhena, f. 211. Raumati Tetaiki, m. 30. Hanuere Teraina, m., 2. 92. Kahuka Waiokura, m. 154. Nohotakitahi Porikapa, 212. Rakapa Ngarimu, f. 31. Honatana Tarahaere, m. 93. Katerina Babbington, f., m. 213. Ritihia Maraea, f. 32. Hami Kingi, m. 8. 155. Nepia Porikapa, m., 10. 214. Riwini Poti, m. 33! Henare Kingi,- m. 94. Kanarahi Matai, f. 156. Ngawiki Tamatamaa- 215. Rangi Erina Kararehe, 34 Hoani Wane, m., 1. 95. Keretihana Taku, f. rangi, f. f., 11. 35. Hirini Warakihi, m., 8. 96. Kerara Hunia, f., 15. 157. Ngamane Tamatamaa- 216. Rupi Haapu, f., 12, 36. Huriata Taiuru, f. 97. Kararaina Mahuru, f. rangi, f. 217. Rutene Ahuroa, m. 37. Hakaraia Patihana, m., 98. Kenu Puru, f. 158. Ngawiki Kingi, t, 9. 218. Rawinia Ahuroa, f. 1. 99. Karauria Haapu, m. 159. Pene Kopae, m., 15. 219. Teharawira Putiki, m. 38. Hemikare Patata, m. . 100. Katipa Noti, m., 16. 160. Peterihi Kingi, f. 220. Te Pirihi Arapeta, m., 39. Hemi Tokowaka, m., 10.101. Karauria Meihana, m. 161. Panapa Romana, m. 17. 40' Hemi Kauta Taihuka, 102. Kopae Ihakara, m. 162. Parepare Warakihi, £~ 221. Terakatau Arapeta, f., m., 8. « 103. Kenehia Rewi, f. 10. 10. 41. Hori Karaka, m. 104. Karauria Taku, m., 5. 163. Patihana Hohepa, m. 222. Tikei Arapeta, f., 6. 42! Horiana Mika, f. 105. Keita Kataraina, f. 164. Pera Kararehe, m. 223. Te Matauru Hakahaka, 43. Hinehou Toiroa, f., 3. 106. Kereama Tautuhi, m. 165. Pani Kararehe, f., 6. m., 8. 44. Hiria Tauawhi, 1 107. Matenga Taua, m. 166. Pare Kararehe, f., 4. 224. Te Mana Hakahaka, f., 45! Haua Babbington, f., 4. 108. Makuini Kingi, f. 167. Paretene Rewi, m. 5. 46. Hinekupa Herewini, f. 109. Mihiterina Kingi, f. 168. Peti Maremare, f., 7. 225. Te Ataorehua Haka--47! Hori Mio, m., 11. 110. Maata Teraina, f., 9. 169. Papa Toiroa, f., 14. haka, m., 3. 48. Hiria Mio, f., 8. 111. Mahu Peka, m. 170. Pita Ranapia, m. 226. Tamihana Kopae, m., 12. 49. Heni Taku, f. 112. Mihiterina Waikohua, f. 171. Pare Tehata, f., 14. 227. Tiweka Teraina, m., 10. 50l Haaka Tautuhi, m. 113. Maru Honatana, m., 4. 172. Para Kapa Herewini, m. 228. Tewarehau Teraina, f., 51. Hiiti Ranapia, f. 114. Matenga Taihuka, m. 173. Patata Herewini, m., 15. 5. 52. Hape Tame, m., 4. 115. Meriona Hena, f. 174. Pekamu Terua, m. 229. Te Paea Kingi, f. 53. Hunia Urukaiata, m. 116. Mariana Taiuru, f. 175. Pahemata Kawhena, f. 230. Te Paea Honatana, i, 6. 54. Hape Hunia, m. 117. Maora Babbington, 1, 6. 176. Pirihira Matuku, f. 231. Tamahou Honatana, m., 55. Harata Kingi, f., 12. 118. Mio Tupe, m. 177. Pateriki Porikapa, m. 1. 56 Hiria Kingi, f., 7. 119. Maihi Matene, m. 178. Perenara Porikapa, m., 232. Tewharekohuru g Ro--57! Huatahi Nuku, f. 120. Mama Hiiti, f., 3. 6. ' mana, f. 58. Hohepa Tuia, m. 121. Meretaka Hunia, f. 179. Petera Porikapa, m., 9. 233. Taumanu Hauata, m., 59. Haromi Herewini, f., 15.122. Mere Hunia, f. 180. Peti Taihuka, f. 17. 60. Hemi Tarahaere, m., 7. 123. Makareta Herewini, f. 181. Paora Katia, m. 234. Tio Hauata, m., 16. 61. Honatana Porikapa, m. 124. Makarini Herewini, m. 182. Puke Menehira, m. 235. Tekiteora Hauata, f., 12. 62. Hami Keita, m. 125. Mate Roihana, m., 14. 183. Pera Hoeta, m. 236. Te Awanui Romana, f. 63. Hipiria Hokau, m. 126. Merihi Roihana, 1, 12. 184. Porikapa Ponaho, m. 237. Tamarangi Mita, m.



Kapuarangi No. 1 West —continued. 238. Timoti Rewi, m. 272. Tiraka Teowai, f. 308. Te Pupaku Ahuroa, m. 341. Maria Puroku, f. 239. Terauwhiro Rameka, m.,273. Te Whareumu Hara-309. Teratoa Ahuroa, m. 342. Hori Utiera, m., 12. 14. wene, m. 310. Tewhareherehere Ahu- 343. Rutu Keita, f., 5. 240. Tapuae Rogers, m., 6. 274. Titi Ngahuia, f., 7. roa, m. 344. Ruiha Keita, f., 3. 241. Toiroa Whareherehere, 275. Te Whareumu Hauraki,3ll. Taru Makoha, f., 12. 345. Hera Kingi, f., 10. m. m., 15. 312. Wiremu Kingi, m. 346. Ngahuia Karanema, 1. 242. Tangatakino Toiroa, m., 276. Te Reweti Hauraki, m. 313. Waata Kopae, m., 10. 347. Timi Makoha, f. 16. 277. Te Atapo Puru, f., 4. 314. Wi Pere Honatana, m.,348. Raiha Tautuhi, £. 243. Tiaho Taiuru, f. 278. Teranginuiaihu Puru, m. 7. 349. Te Otene Rangai, m. 244. Tautawa Tiaho, m., 1. 279. Tokowhitu Puru, m. 315. Waretini Wano, m., 3. 350. Te Rama Kingi, m. 245. Tereene Mio, m., 6. 280. Te Pahou Puru, m., 8. 316. Waewae Kararehe, m.,351. Raiha Teraina, f., 12. 246. Titihuia Taku, f., 12. 281. Te Matewai Porikapa, 10. 352. Te Pumauri Mahu, f. 247. Tangihaere Taku, f., 8. f., 5. 317. Winiata Hunia, m., 14. 353. Tahua Kingi, f. 248. Teranapia Hinu, m. 282. Tetutere Porikapa, m. 318. Winiata te Hata, m. 354. Tipuna Honatana, m., 249. Toka Ranapia, m. 283. Turei Patihana, m. 319. Wikitoria Puru, f. 14. 250. Taane Toka, m., 7. 284. Tipene Tukiterangi, m. 320. Weriweri Puru, m., 13. 355. Nepia Hauata, m., 7. 251. Tamati Toka, m., 9. 285. Teruahuihui Karikari, m. 321. Whereeri Keita, m., 4. 356. Teoitahuna Nahirata, f. 252. Teoria Rihimona, f. 286. Te Amarangai Haapu, 322. Wiremu Tamahaua, m. 357. Karauria Tuteari Nahi--253. Temateputuputu Tuari, m. 323. Wikitoria Rihimona, f. rata, m., 12. f., 8. 287. Tv Haapu, m., 17. 324. Whareparoa Rewhare-358. Paora Kingi, m., 6. 254. Teoharakeke Tuari, f., 6.288. Tiria Haapu, f., 14. wha, m., 14. 359. Pa Noti, m., 14. 255. Tewharetini Tuari, m., 5. 289. Terohakino Watene, f., 3. 325. Waata Rangikotua, m. 360. Rongowhakaata Pere, 256. Tame Rihimona, m. 290. Tarewa Kopae, m., 6. 326. Wharewera Kaperiera, m., 8. 257. Teoria Tame, f., 6. 291. Tewi Hurinui, m., 8. m. 361. Te Hikumate Harango, 258. Tuari Tame, m., 1 292. Tewera Paura, m. 327. Wakata Tekawakawa, f. m., 4. 259. Teruawai Hunia, m., 17. 293. Tetoke Tamanohoaka, 328. Wepiha Puru, m., 10. 362. Parekura Haronga, m., 260. Tuteari Kingi, m. m. 329. Wi Pere Ahuroa, m., 17. 3. 261. Teau Kingi, f. 294. Teohu Wakata, f. 330. Wetini Taku, m. 363. Henare Eruera, m., 17. 262. Tekawau Kingi, m. 295. Te Paku Eruera, m. 331. Wikiriwhi Kekukeku, m. 364. Haua Eruera, f., 15. 263. Tangiarani Kingi, f., 17. 296. Terokiao Mikaere. f. 332. Riria Kehukehu, f. 365. Rina Eruera, £~ 8. 264. Tiopira Kingi, m., 18. 297. Tawhara Merata, f. 333. Petera Katia, m., 16. 366. Amiria Eruera, f., 6. 265. Taungahuru Hinekupa, 298. Tuahuru Merata, m. 334. Ehetera Katia, f., 10. 367. Timi Eruera, m., 4. . f., 18. 299. Topeora Hohua, f. 335. Tepae Tawhiri Katia, f., 368. Hohepa Eruera, m., 2. 266. Tio Roihana, m., 16. 300. Tapita Rameka, f., 4. 7. 369. Keti Eruera, f., 1. 267. Te Paea Roihana, f., 18. 301. Tainakore Taare, m., 2. 336. Tewhare Wi Katia, m., 370. Hariata Ema, f., 8. 268. Taia Herewini, f. 302. Tewhaiora Kingi, f., 2. 3. 371. Harata Ema, f., 4. 269. Tengaronui Makewhara, 303. Te Kani Pere, m. 337. Riria Hakahaka, 1, 6 372, Rawiri Ema, m., 12. m. 304. Temoana Pere, m. marama. 373. Tame Ema, m., 10. 270. Te Naki Tamahewa, m. 305. Temana Moana, f., 18. 338. Henare Keita, m. 374. Heni Tawhara, f., 12. 271. Te Keepa Rewharewha, 306. Teturuki Moana, m., 6. 339. Mokeke Rewi, m. 375. Ngawai Maraea, f. m., 18. 307. Tuhi Mita Keepa, f., 14. 340. Taka Totara, m. The Second Schedule herein referred to. Kapuarangi No. 1 East. All that part of the said Kapuarangi Block situate to the eastward of the dividing-line in the First Schedule hereinbefore mentioned, to be called Kapuarangi No. 1 East. 1. Mere Takurua, f. 35. Emere Haweti, f. 63. Heremia Kerei, 1, 15. 92. Merehuka Rangiwhaka2. Maura te Pere, £. 36. Rahera Haweti, f. 64. Henare Kerei, m., 13. waitau, f., 12. 3. Irihia Anitana, f. 37. Rina Haweti, f. 65. Rawiri Kerei, m., 9. 93. Pono Rangiwhakawai4. Arapera Tiu, f. 38. Pita Witiwhira, m. 66. Te Tautoawa Kerei, f., tau, f., 10. 5. Pukekawa Tiu, f. 39. Iwa Amiria Haweti, f., 7. 94. Hemana Eparaima, m. 6. Pohara Tiu, f. 18. 67. Mahia Heremia, f. 95. Arawhita Pareake, f. 7. Te Pere te Ua, m. 40. Ata Peneamine Haweti, 68. Kerehi Heremia, f. 96. Te Maroaute Pareake, f. 8. Te Pera Kahiti, m. m., 17. 69. Wairua Tamatamaa- 97. Maaka Ngaheu, m. 9. Mautai, f. 41. Erihi Wiwiana Haweti, rangi, m. 98. Maria Huriana, f. 10. Te Tane Tukaki, m., 18. f., 14. 70. Peraro Matenga, m. 99. Te Raita Huriana, f. 11. Te Raita Kururangi, 1, 42. Ema Paranihi Haweti, 71. Makarita, f. 100. Te Pori Huriana, f. 16. f., 10. 72. Merepeka, f. 101. Tame Maria, m. 12. Tiu Kururangi, m., 8. 43. Hairama Haweti, m. 73. Nia Naira, f. 102. Te Tutere te Raita, m., 13. Hatara Kururangi, m., 6. 44. Te Houkamau Hori Ha- 74. Matutaera Hutua, m. 15. 14. Rawinia Hei, f., 16. weti, m. 75. Erueti Matutaera, m. 103. Te Auha Huriana. 15. Makuini Hei, f., 12. 45. Timi Takurua Haweti, 76. Hiriweteri Motutere, m, 104. Nikora te Raita, m. 16. Mereana Hei, f., 11. m. 77. Te Paki Hiriweteri, m. 105. Whaitiri Henare, f. 17. Parekura Hei, m., 10. 46. Haki Haweti, m., 17. 78. Paraha Hiriweteri, m. 106. Parepikake te Haeata, f. 18. Pihi Hei, m., 7. 47. Pererika Haweti, m., 16. 79. Anita te Paki, £~ 15. ' 107. Te Kani Haeata, m. 19. Mihi Hei, 1, 6. 48. Hira Haweti, f., 13. 80. Hamupara te Arahori, 108. Paapu Rakena, m., 7. 20. Te Ua te Pere, m., 16. 49. Te Arani Haweti, f., 11. f. 109. Meriana Rakena, f., 5. 21. Wi Riwai, m., 14. 50. Mere Haweti, f., 9. 81. Mata Rangitukehu, f. 110. Hori Tunui Rakena, m., 22. Teremoe Mau, m., 13. 51. Aramata Kawa Haweti, 82. Te Moko Maata, f. 3. 23. Paratene Riwai, m., 10. f., 7. 83. Tukehu Wharehiraka, 111. Te Motutere Parepikake, 24. Hori Riwai, m., 8. 52. Huhana Haweti, f., 5. m., 15. m., 14. 25. Pura Riwai, m., 6. 53. Te Paki Haare, m. 84. Wiremu Wharehiraka, 112. Ani te Puaroa, f. 26. Mere Hurae, f., 8. 54. Nohowai Haare, m. m., 12. 113. Aramata Puaora, f. 27. Ripeka Hurae, 1, 6. 55. Ngara Haare, m. 85. Rongopai Maata, f. 114. Erena Kopu, f. 28. Ngamotu Tukaki, m. 56. Ripeka Haare, f. 86. Parehuia Wharehiraka, 115. Tohi Kopu, m., 18. 29. Teretiu te Arakirangi, 57. Wharepapa Haare, m., f. 116. Rangi Kopu, f., 17. m. 6. 87. Poihaere Wharehiraka, 117. Tatana Kopu, m., 8. 30. Taina Haweti, m. 58. Hirini Ngara, m., 2. f. 118. Raniera Kopu, m., 3. 31. Ani Huhana Haweti, f. 59. Hue Ripeka, m., 8. 88. Matetu Wharehiraka. 119. Mereana Kopu, f., li. 32. Irihapeti Haweti, f. 60. Rama te Iwingaro, f. 89. Pohoira Maata, f., 10. 120. Harata Kopu, f., 9. 33. Ware Haweti, m. 61. Maraea Rawiri, f. 90. Eruera Maata, m., 9. 121. Huhana Kopu, f., 2. 34. Tiiwi Haweti, m. 62, Parekohai Kerei, f., 17. 91. Makarita Maata, f., 7. 122. Paratene Ngamoki, m.



Kapuarangi No. 1 East —continued. 123. Pine Karena, f. 137. Taere Watene, f. 150. Hori Pita, m. 162. Te Riki te Waara, m., 6. 124. Piripi Karena, m. 138. Te Whareparoa Nga-151. Heema Pita, f. 163. Kiritahanga te Warra, 125. Parekowhai Heema, m. moki, m. 152. Hotene Tauiwa, m. 163. Kiritahanga te Waara, 126. Roka Kehu, f. 139. Herewini Pahi, m. 153. Tanatiu Ripeka, m., 2. f., 3. 127. Tuihana Ngamoki, f. 140. Hemi Mataaihi, m. 154. Hemaima Ripeka, f., 1.164. Maata te Waara, f., 1. 128. Titirangi Porikapa, m. 141. Maraea Taekohu, f. 155. Pera Kauri, m., 1. 165. Hinehou te Waara, f., 129. Te Ata Pateriki, f. 142. Maura Erueti, f. 156. Te Aranga Kauri, f., 2. 2 marama. 130. Te Whareiro Ratapu, m. 143. Merepeka Ripeka, f. 157. Te Rua Nohowai, f., 4. 166. Tuwharemoa Hiika, f., 1. 131. Te Oti Heema, f. 144. Paora Ngamoki, m. 158. Hori Hare, m., 12. 167. Te Ori Hape, f. 132. Te Teira Ngamoki, m. 145. Ngahaki Piripi, m. 159. Te Mateapiti, Pateriki, 168. Te Okeroa Hape, f. 133. Wiremu Hape, m. 146. Merepeka Nia, f., 7. m., 17. 169. Te Tauhou Ngamoki, 134. Wi Hare, m. 147. Mihi Pita, f. 160. Waikura te Waara, m., 8. m., 5. 135. Kuini Ngamoki, f. 148. Kauri Heema, f. 161. Nikorima te Waara, m., 170. Rawiri Kopu, m., 5. 136. Paapu Ngamoki, m. 149. Kehu Hotene, m. 5. 171. Merehuka Timutimu, f.

In the matter of " The Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act, 1901," and of section 18 thereof ; and in the matter of a Royal Commission, bearing date the 31st day of January, 1902, and issued by His Excellency the Governor in Council, in pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf conferred by the said section, appointing Hugh Garden Seth-Smith, Hone Heke, and Alfred Levavasour Durell Fraser to be Commissioners for the purpose of hearing and determining the several matters in the said Commission mentioned ; and in the matter of the block of land known as Awanui-Haparapara. Whereas by the said Commission the said Commissioners were required to transmit to His Excellency the Governor under their hands and seals their decisions, orders, and opinions resulting from such investigations and inquiry not later than the 30th day of June, 1902, or such extended date as might be appointed in that behalf : And whereas by a Commission bearing date the 16th day of June, 1902, the time at or before which the said Commissioners were to present to His Excellency the Governor their report as aforesaid was extended to the 30th day of June, 1903 : And whereas by a Commission bearing date the 29th day of June, 1903, the said time was further extended to the 31st day of December, 1903 : And whereas by the said first-recited Commission it was declared that the said Commission should continue in full force and virtue although the inquiry were not regularly continued from time to time by adjournment* and that the said Commissioners, or any two of them, should and might from time to time proceed to the execution thereof and of every power, matter, or thing therein contained: In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf conferred upon us by the said section and by the said several Commissions, we, the undersigned, being two of the said Commissioners, upon inquiry made and evidence taken, do hereby determine and make order that the persons whose names (numbered 1 to 220 inclusive) are set forth in the schedule hereto annexed, and the successors of such of them as may be dead, are the owners according to Native custom of all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Araparera district, known as Awanui-Haparapara, containing 1,887 acres, be the same more or less, and delineated in the plan numbered 6484. Given under our hands and seals, at Wellington, this 9th day of September, 1903. [Seal.] H. G. Seth-Smith. I assent. [Seal.] Hone Heke. G. B. Davy, Chief Judge, Native Land Court. Thr Schedule herein referred to. Awanui-Haparapara. 1. Awhimate Tawhai, m. 21. Hunia Witeria, m. 36. Heremia Kerei, m. 56. Meri Hikawera, f. 2. Autaua Arapeta, f. 22. Hori Haweti, m. 37. Herewini Piripi, m. 57. Mere Paraone, f. 3. Awhekaihe Witeria, m. 23. Heni Haweti, f. (ta- 38. Heni Kamaea, f. 58. Mere Huka Tapeta, f. 4. Arapera Tiu, f. maiti). 39. Ihaia Tawhero, m. 59. Merepeka Harawira, f. 5. Aramata Haare, f. 24. Hira Haweti, f. (ta- 40. Irihia Anitana, f. 60. Mokaraka Waihopi, m. 6. Anaru te Kahara, m. maiti). 41. Kehia Ru, f. 61. Matiu Matahou, m. 7. Aperahama Tamatamaa- 25. Huhana Haweti, f. (ta- 42. Katerina Tarewa, f. 62. Maura Kahupapa, f. rangi, m. maiti). 43. Kopae Ihakara, m. 63. Matekitatahi, m. 8. Erina te Huki, f. 26. Hori Riwai, m. (ta- 44. Keremete Merito, m. 64. Makere Rangihaere9. Erina Tawhai, f. maiti). 45. Kemara Tapeta, m. mutu, f. 10. Ewa Wirepa, f. 27. Hotene Tuaiwa, m. 46. Kopu Erueti, m. 65. Mokeke Nikorima, f. 11. Hiria Rangikawhitia, f. 28. Heema Wahuia, f. 47. Kawa Haweti, f. (ta- 66. Maraea Taekohu, f. 12. Hira Hotene, m. 29. Hori Hare, m. (tamaiti). maiti). 67. Meri Heni Waewae, f. 13. Henare Taina, m. 30. Haare Waara, m. (ta- 48. Kuhukuhu Erueti, m. 68. Miria Ru, f. 14. Hohepa Kuri, m. maiti). 49. Kehu Hotene, m. 69. Moetakitahi Waewae, f. 15. Herewini te Aratahatu, 31. Hetekia te Uaaterangi. 50. Kauri Pita, f. 70. Mere Haweti, f. (tarn, m. 51. Kiritahanga Ripeka, f. maiti). 16. Henare Akuhata, m. 32. Hirini te Kani, m. (tamaiti). 71. Mahara Hakota, f. 17. Heni Whakaetenga, f. 33. Haka Tautuhi, m. 52. Kerehi Heremia, f. 72. Maura te Pere, f. 18. Hone Riini, m. 34. Heni Taku, f 53. Kanarahi, f. 73. Mau Tai, f. 19. Hauraki Tawhai, m. 35. Hori Kerei, m. (kua 54. Mihiterina Waikohua, f. 74. Makuini Hei, f. (ta--20. Heremia Maroro, m. mate). 55. Merito Hetaraka, m. maiti).



Awanui-Haparapara —continued. 75. Mereana Hei, f. (ta- I 13. Piihi Hei, m. (tamaiti). 153. Te Mangoroa Ru, f. 185. Te Hata Hokopaura, in. maiti). 114. Paratene Riwai, m. (ta-154. Te Arapopo Ru, f. 186. Te Pirini, m. 76. Mihi Hei, f. (tamaiti). maiti). 155. Te Omoni Awhimate, f. 187. Tipene Tukiterangi, m. 77. Mere Hurae, f. (tamaiti). 115. Pura Riwai, m, (ta-156. Te Waaka Tuterangi-188. Tupiki Parata, 1 78. Mihi Pita, f. maiti). noti, m. 189. Te Rama Kingi, m. 79. Maihi Tamatamaarangi, 116. Parekowhai Pita, m. 157. Te Paea Kingi, f. 190. Tiopira Popata, m. m 117. Paeraute Kani, m. 158. Te Ngururu Tamati, f. 191. Te Ipo Rapata, f. 80. Merika Tipene, f. 118. Paraihe Peta, f. 159. Te Rina Mango, f. 192. Te Atamira Paerau, £. 81. Merepeka Hetekia. f. 119. Peta Rutangiwhenua, m. 160. Te Teira Ngamoki, m. 193. Te Mahia Paeuta, f. 82 Mereaira te Pirini, f. 120. Pi irukamu Roihana, f. 161. Te KaraunaTaramea, m. 194. Tunoa Roihana, m. 83. Makere Parata, f. 121. Peraro te Uaaterangi, m. 162. Te Horowai Roka, f. 195. Te Watene Aperahama, 84 Mere Parata, f. 122. Parekowhai Kerei, f. 163. Te Waewae Witeria, m. m. 85. Makarita Hetekia. f. 123. Paipai Peta, f. 164. Te Anahera Kanawa, f. 196. Te Apuhau Rewiri, f. 86. Makuini Kingi, f. 124. Pita te Wharekooti, m. 165. Takurua Haweti, m. 197. Tamehane Peta, m. 87 Nohokuaha, f. 125. Rapata Riini Ngamoki, 166. Teretiu te Arakirangi, m. 198. Tutere Wirepa, m. gg' jjgri Wepu, m. m. 167. Te Pere te Ua, m. 199. Te Rewarewa te Whata, 89 Nopera Harawira, in. 126. Rewha, Ru, m. 168. Te Pera Kahiti, m. f. 90 Nuhaka Tiniraure, f. 127. Riini Hetaraka, m. 169. Te Tane Tukaki, m. (ta- 200. Te Waaka Tiwai, m. 91 NgapoTukutahi.m. 128. Rawinia Turei, f. maiti). 201. Te Moana Pita, m. 92 Ngahaki Piripi, m. 129. Rerekau Heemi, f. 170. Te Raita Hatara, f. (ta-202. Te Huaroa Pita, m. 93 Ngamotu Tukaki, m. 130. Rangipoua Tawhai. m. maiti). 203. Wiremu Kmgi Ru, m. 94 Ngaara Haare, m. KSI. Ropiha Hooro, m. 171. Teretiu Hatara, m. (ta-204. Waata Rangikotua, m. 95 Nikorima Waara, m. (ta- 132. Rewi Komene, m. maiti). 205. Wiremu Kingi te Kawau maiti) 133. Riria Awhekaihe. f. 172. Te Ua te Pere, m. (ta- m. 96 Ngawiki Paraone, m. 134. Rawinia Hei, f. (tamaiti). maiti). 206. Wikitoria te Ngahue, f. 97. Ngamane Roihana, f. 135. Ripeka Hurae, f. (ta-173. Teremoe Mau, m. (ta-207. Whitiarena Wharepapa, 98. Nohowai Haare, m. maiti). maiti). , m. 99 Paruhi Turei f 136. Roka Kehu. f. 174. Te Waara Haare. 208. Wiremu Hape, m. 100 Peterihi Kingi, f. 137. Ramari Waiariki, f. 175. Te Oti Pita, f. 209. Wirima Reupene, f. 101 Paora te Rua, m. 138. Ripeka Haare, f. 176. Te Hemoata Pateriki, m. 210. Wi Riwai, m. (tamaiti). 102. Paratene te Aratahatu. m 139. Rangitahi Pita, f. 177. Te Paki Haare, m. 211. Waikura Waara, m. (ta--103 Paora Whareparoa Nga-140. Tamati Ru. m. 178. Te Mateapiti Pateriki, f. maiti). mokj m 141 Turei Ru, m. 179. Te Riki Waara, m. (ta-212. Wiremu Paora, m. 104 Paora Ngamoki, m. 142. Turuhira Ru, f. maiti). 213. Waikura Tautuhio--105 Peepi Tawhai f 143. Tahua Peterihi, f. 180. Te Hue Ripeka, m. (ta- rongo, m. 106. Pori Piripi, f. 144. Tuihana Ngamoki, f. maiti). 214. Wairua Tamatamaara--107 Paraire lhaka m. 145. Timutimu Tawhai, in. 181. Te Rua Nohowai, f. (ta- ngi, m. 108 Pera to Atua. in. 146. Tapeta Tanatiu, m. maiti). 215. Wiremu Tamahaua, m. 109 Pererika Haweti, m. (ta- 147. Taihuka Akuhata, m. 182. Te Wharepapa Ngaara, 216. Wetim Taku, m. maiti) 148. Tauhou Ngamoki, m. m. (tamaiti). 217. Wairua Peta, m. 110 Pukekawa Tin f 149. Te Oil Wiremu Hape, f. 183. Te Aranga Kauri, f. (ta-218. Wirepa Eruera, m. 111 Pohara Tiu f ' 150. Te Purutoroa, f. maiti). 219. Haki Haweti, m. (ta--112 Parekura Hei, in. (ta-151. Te Kuini Ngamoki, f. 184. Te Rangihore Ngaare, maiti). ma iti). 152. Tamati Turei, m. m. (tamaiti). 220. Kararaina Wirepa, f.

In the matter of " The Native Land! Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act, 1901," and of section 18 thereof ; and in the* matter of a Royal Commission, bearing date the 31st day of January, 1902, and issued by His Excellency the Governor in Council, in pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf conferred by the said section, appointing Hugh Garden Seth-Smith, Hone Heke, and Alfred Levavasour Durell Fraser to be Commissioners for the purpose of hearing and determining the several matters in the said Commission mentioned ; and in the matter of the block of land known as Tunapahore. Whereas by the said Commission the said Commissioners were required to transmit to His Excellency the Governor under their hands and seals their decisions, orders, and opinons resulting from such investigations and inquiry not later than the 30th day of June, 1902, or such extended date as might be appointed in that behalf : And whereas by a Commission bearing date the 16th day of June, 1902, the time at or before which the said Commissioners were to present to His Excellency the Governor their report as aforesaid was extended to the 30th day of June, 1903 : And whereas by a Commission bearing date the 29th day of June, 1903, the said time was further extended to the 31st day of December, 1903 : And whereas by the said first-recited Commission it was declared that the said Commission should continue in full force and virtue although the inquiry were not regularly continued from time to time by adjournment, and that the said Commissioners, or any two or them, should and might from time to time proceed to the execution thereof and of every power, matter, or thing therein contained : In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf conferred upon us by the said section and by the said several Commissions, we, the undersigned, being two of the said Commissioners, upon iriquiry and evidence taken, do hereby determine and make order that the persons whose names are set forth in the First and Second Schedules hereto annexed, and the successors of such of them as may be dead, are the owners respectively according to Native custom of all that part of the piece or parcel of land situate in the Tokata district, containing 5,449 acres 1 rood 5 perches, be the same more or less,

2—G. 7.



known as Tunapahore, and delineated in the plan numbered 5571, as is more particularly described in the said First and Second Schedules respectively. Given under our hands and seals, at Wellington, this 9th day of September, 1903. [Seal.] H. G. Seth-Smith. I assent. [Seal.] Hone Heke. G. B. Davy, Chief Judge, Native Land Court.

The First Schedule herein referred to. Tunapahore South. All that part of the said Tunapahore Block situate on the south side of the Hawai River and bounded towards the north by the said river, and containing by estimation 2,821 acres, be the same more or less, to be called Tunapahore South. 1. Wiremu Kingi, m. 56. Nepia Hauata, m., 7. 112. Alio Tupe, in. 176. Parakapa Herewini, f. 2. Hoera Katipo, m. 57. Romana Hauata, m., 8. 113. Hinekupa Herewini, f. 177. Ritihia Herewini, f. 3. Hemi Terua, m. 58. Riripeti Hayward, f., 5. 114. Ngarewarewa Mio, f., 12.178. Haromi Herewini, f„ 15. 4. Kereama Tautuhi, m. 59. Waretini Wano, m., 3. 115. Hori Mio, m., 11. 179. Patata Herewini, m., 15. 5. Matenga Taua, m. 60. Hoani Wano, m., 1. 116. Hiria Mio, m., 8. 180. Taungahuru Hinekupa, 6. Te Otene m. 61. Te Awanui Romana, f. 117. Tereme Mio, m., 6. f., 18. 7. Te Harawira Putiki, m. 62. Ihipera Baker, f. 118. Ngaoka Mio, m., 4. 181. Aramata Herewini, f. 8. Ani Arapeta, f. 63. Panapa Romana, m. 119. Ngawiki Mio, f., 2. 182. Tio Roihana, m., 16. 9. Te Pirihi Arapeta, m., 17. 64. Kenehia Koara, f. 120. Arapera Waikare, i. 183. Mate Roihana, m., 14. 10. Kerei Parakaia, m., 8. 65. Hirini Warakihi, m., 8. 121. Maihi Matene, in. 184. Merihi Roihana, f., 12. 11. Terakatou Arapeta, f., 66. Ema Warakihi, f., 10. 122. Kanarahi Matai, f. 185. Te Paea Roihana, f., 10. 67. Parepare Warakihi, 1,123. Wetini Taku, m. 18. 12. Tikei Arapeta, f., 6. 10. 124. Keretihana Tuku, f. 186. Taia Herewini, f. 13. Arapeta Kerei, m., 11. 68. Patihana Hohepa, in. 125. Heni Taku, f. 187. Arihia Makiwhara, I., 3. 14. Emire Arapeta, f. 69. Huriata Taiuru, f. 126. Ehetera Taku, f. 188. Rapata Makiwhara, m. 15. Kainamu Arapeta, m. 70. Hakaraia Patihana, m., 127. Titihuia Taku, f., 12. 189. Tengaronui Makiwhara, 16. Kingi Mokotua, m. 1. 128. Tangihaere Taku, f., 8. in. 17. Makuini Kingi, f. 71. Kauia Ruarauhanga, f. 129. Karauria Taku, m., 5. 190. Kararaina Mahuru, f. 18. Hakahaka Hahipene, in. 72. Hemikare Patata, m. 130. Haaka Tautuhi, m. 191. Ripeka te Awhimanuka, 19. Rewiri Parera, m., 9. 73. Te Oitahuna Nahirata, f. 131. Raiha Tautuhi. f. f. 20. Te Matauru Hakahaka, 74. Matenga Taihuka, m. 132. Te Ranapia Hinu, m. 192. Te Naki Tamahewa, m. m., 8. 75. Raima Tauwheru, f. 133. Toka Ranapia, m. 193. Ritihia Rewharewha, f. 21. Te Ataorelma Hakahaka, 76. Hemi Tokowaka, in., 10. 134. Tamati Toka, m., 9. 194. Rewharewha Putiki, m. m., 3. 77. Hemi Kauta Taihuka, 135. Taano Toka, in., 7. 195. Te Keepa Rewharewha, 22. Mihiterina Kingi, f. m., 8. 136. Hiiti Ranapia, f. m., 18. 23. Pene Kopae, m., 15. 78. Tamarangi Mita, in. 137. .Mania Hiiti, f., 3. 196. Materoa Rewharewha, 24. Tamihana Kopae, m., 12 79. Hori Karaka, m. 138. Pita Ranapia, m. i., 11. 25. Waata Kopae, m., 10. 80. Meriona Hena, f. 139. Rihimona Rehua, m. 197. Hemi Tarahaere, m., 7. 26. Rawinia Kopae, f., 2. 81. Akuhata Takatua, m. 140. Teoria Rihimona, f. 198. Ripeka Rewharewha, f., 27. Hohi Kopae, f., 6 ma- 82. Pera Kararehe, m. 141. Eru Teripi, m. 1. rama. 83. Waewae, Kararehe m., 142. Te Mateputuputu Tuari, 199. Tireka Teowai. I. 28. Teraina Kingi, m. 10. f., 8. 200. Pekamu Terua, m. 29. Raiha Teraina, f., 12. 84. Pani Kararehe, f., 6. 143. Rawiri Tuauri, m., 10. 201. Mereana Kawhena, f. 30. Tiweka Teraina, m., 10. 85. Pare Kararehe, f., 4. 144. Teoharakeke Tuari, f., 6.202. Te Whareumu Hara--31. Maata Teraina, f., 8. 86. Nimerata Rameka, f. 145. Te Wharetini Tuari, m.. wene, m. 32. Tewharehau Teraina, f., 87. Paratene Rewi, m. 5. 203. Ngarui Kawhena, f. 5. 88. Timoti Rewi, m. 146. Tame Rihimona, m. 204. Pahemata Kawhena, i. 33. Hanuere Teraina, m., 2. 89. Matewai Rameka, f., 8. 147. Hape Tame, in., 4. 205. Ngahuia Kawhena, f. 34. Te Mana Hakahaka, f., 90. Te Rauwhiro Rameka, 148. Te Oria Tame, f., 6. 206. Titi Ngahuia, £~ 7. 5. m., 14. 149. Tuari Tame, m., 1. 207. Tewhareumu Hauraki, 35. Mahu Peka, m. 91. Kenehia Rewi, f. 150. Hunia Teurukaiata, m. m. 36. Tepumauri Mahu, f. 92. Peti Maremare, f. 151. Meretaka Hunia, f. 208. Te Reweti Hauraki, m. 37. Mihiterina Waikohua, f. 93. Tapuae Rogers, m., (i. 152. Hape Hunia, m. 209. Mere Wakana Kauhoa, 38. Erina Waikohua, f. 94. Ema Rogers, f., 3. 153. Rapi. Hunia, m. i, 15. 39. Peterihi Kingi, f. 95. Horiana Mika, f. 154. Teruawai Hunia, m., 17. 210. Wikitoria Puru, f. 40. Honatana, Tarahaere, m. 96. Ngarama Taiuru, f. 155. Mere Hunia. f. 211. Meri Tito, f. 41. Hami Kingi, m. 97. Toiroa Tewharehere-156. Winiata Telia ta, m. 212. Kenu Puru, f. 42. Henare Kingi, in. here, in. 157. Pare Tehata, f., 14. 213. Te Atapo Puru, t, 4. 43. Tahua Kingi, f. 98. Tangatakino Toiroa, m.; 158. Tuteari Kingi, m. 214. Te Ranginuiaihu Puru, 44. Karauria Kohikohi, m. 16. 159. Harata Kingi, f., 12. m. 45. Akuhata Honatana, m. 99. Papa Toiroa, f., 14. 160. Kerara Hunia, f., 15. 215. Tokowhitu Puru, in. 46. Tipuna Honatana, m., 100. Ngakiriwhero Toiroa, f., 161. Winiata Hunia, m., 14. 21 (i. Rangikapua Puru, f. 14. 4. 162. Karauria Tuteari Kingi, 217. Weriweri Puru, m. 47. Wi Pere Honatana, m., 101. Hinehou Toiroa, f., 3. m., 12. 218. Te Pahou Puru, in. 7. 102. Ruiha Tewharetaka, f., 163. Rapata Kingi, m. 219. Pirihira Matuku, f. 48. Te Paea Honatana, I., (i. 4. 164. Hera Kingi, f., 10. 220. Pateriki Porikapa, m. 49. Maru Honatana, m., 4. 103. Mariana Taiuru, f. 165. Hiria Kingi, f., 7. 221. Honatana Porikapa, in. 50. Te Paea Kingi, f. 104. Tiaho Taiuru, f. 166. Te Au Kingi, f. 222. Perenara Honatana, m., 51. Tamahou Honatana, m., 105. Tautawa Tiaho, m., 1. 167. Te Kawau Kingi, m. 6. 1. 106. Hiria Tauawhi, m. 168. Tangiarani Kingi, f., 17.223. Te Matewai Honatana, f. 52. Te Wharekohuru Ro-107. Kahuka Waiokura, m. 169. Tiopira Kingi, m., 18. 224. Noliotakitahi Porikapa, mana, f. 108. Teiwingaro Babbington, 170. Hohepa Tuia, m. m. 53. Taumanu Hauata, m., f., 12. 171. Rawinia Katia, I. '225. Tutere Porikapa, m. 17. 10t). Maora Babbington, f., 6. 172. Ereatara Herewini, m. 226. Nepia Porikapa, m., 10. 54. Tio Hauata, in., 16. 110. Katerina Babbington, f., 173. Makareta Herewini, f. 227. Petera Porikapa, m., 9. 55. Te Kiteora Hauata, I., 8. 174. Atareta Herewini, f. 228. Keita Kataraina, f. 12. 111. Haua Babbington, f., 4. 175. Makarini Herewini, m. 229. Turei Patihana, m.



Tunapahore South —continued. 230. Ruiha Peterihi Keita, f., 242. Peti Taihuka, f. 255. Mita Keepa, in., 4. 267. Paora Katia, m. 3. 243. Harete Taihuka, f. 256. Mio Keepa, m., 15. 268. Hori Utiera, m., 14. 231. Rutu Keita, f., 5. 244. Maata Papato, f. 257. Makoha Wakahou, f. 269. Petera Katia, m., 16. 232. Whareeri Keita, m., 4. 245. Te Amarangai Haapu,2sB. Merata Eruera, f. 270. Ehetera Katia, f., 10. 233. Hami Keita, m. in. 259. More Eruira, m. 271. Te Pae Tawhiri Katia, f., 234. Rawiri Keita, m., 11. 246. Tv Haapu, m., 17. 260. Arapera Pere, f. 7. 235. Makere Keita, f., 8. 247. Karauria Haapu, ru. 261. Ani Whakaruru, f. 272. Henare Keita, m. 236. Riripeti Keita, f., 6. 248. Tiria Haapu, f. 262. Wikitoria Rihimona. 273. Riria Hakahaka, 1, 6 237. Wiremu Tamahaua, m. 249. Pehimana Haapu, m., 6.263. Terohakino Watene, f., marama. 238. Tipene Tukiterangi, m. 250. Himiona Katipa, m. 3. 274. Horomona Tuauri, m. 239. Te Ruahuihui Karikari, 251. Heni Noti, f. 264. Whareparoa Rewhare-275. Paku Eruera, m. m. 252. Hoera Noti, m., 17. wha, m., 14. 276. Rina Eruera, 1, 8. 240. Mitai te Whenua, m. 253. Katipa Noti, in., 16. 265. Tarewa Kopae, m., 6. 277. Amiria Eruera, f., 6. 241. Hipiria Hokau, m. 254. Ropiha Raturoa, m. 266. Ria Katia, f. 278. Tuahuru Eruera, m.

The Second Schedule herein referred to. Tunapahore North. All that part of the said Tunapahore Block situate on the north side of the Hawai River and bounded towards the south by the said river, and containing by estimation 2,628 acres, be the same more or less, to be called Tunapahore North. 1. Mere Takurua, f. 44. Te Houkamau Hori Ha- 86. Parehuia Wharehiraka,f. 129. Te Ata Pateriki, f. 2. Maura te Pere, f. weti, m. 87. Poihaere Wharehiraka, 130. Te Whareiro Ratapu, m. 3. Irihia Anitana, f. 45. Timi Takurua Haweti, f. 131. Te Oti Heema, f. 4. Arapera Tiu, f. m. 88. Matetu Wharehiraka. 132. Te Teira Ngamoki, m. 5. Pukekawa Tiu, f. 46. Haki Haweti, m., 17. 89. Pohoira Maata, f., 10. 133. Wiremu Hape, m. 6. Pohara Tiu, f. 47. Pererika Haweti, m., 16. 90. Eruera Maata, m., 9. 134. Wi Hare, m. 7. Te Pere te Ua, m. 48. Hira Haweti, f., 13. 91. Makarita Maata, i., 7. 135. Kuini Ngamoki, i. 8. Te Pera Kahiti, m. 49. Te Arani Haweti, f., 11. 92. Merehuka Rangiwhaka-136. Paapu Ngamoki. m. 9. Mautai, f. 50. Mere Haweti, i., 9. waitau, f., 12. 137. Taere Watene, i. 10. Te Tane Tukaki, m., 18. 51. Aramata Kawa Haweti, 93. Pono Rangiwhakawai-138. Te Whareparoa Nga--11. Te Raita Kururangi, f., f., 7. tau, i, 10. 'mob:, m. 16. 52. Huhana Haweti, f., 5. 94. Hemana Eparaima, m. 139. Herrwini Pahi, m. 12. Tiu Kururangi, m., 8. 53. Te Paki Haare, m. 95. Arawhita Pareake, f. 140. Hemi Mataaihi, m. 13. Hatara Kururangi, m., 54. Nohowai Haare, m. 96. Te Maroaute Pareake, f. 141. Maraea Taekohu, f. 6. 55. Ngara Haare, m. 97. Maaka Ngaheu, m. 142. Maura Erueti, f. 14. Rawinia Hei, f., 16. 56. Ripeka Haare, f. 98. Maria Huriana, f. 143. Merepeka Ripeka, f.--15. Makuini Hei, f., 12. 57. Wharepapa Haare, m., 99. Te Raita Huriana, f. 144." Paora Ngamoki, m. 16. Mereana Hei, f., 11. 6. 100. Te Pori Huriana, f. 145. Ngahaki Piripi, m. 17. Parekura Hei, m., 10. 58. Hirini Ngara, in., 2. 101. Tame Maria, m. 146. Merepeka Nia, f., 7. 18. Pihi Hei, m., 7. 59. Hue Ripeka, m., 8. 102. Te Tutere te Raita, m., 147. Mihi Pita, f. ' 19. Mihi Hei, t, 6. 60. Rama te Iwingaro, f. 15. 148. Kauri Heema, f. 20. Te Ua te Pere, m., 6. 61. Maraea Rawiri, f. 103. Te Auha Huriana, 149. Kehu Hotene, m. 21. Wi Riwai, m., 14. 62. Parekohai Kerei, f., 17. 104. Nikora te Raita, m. 150. Hori Pita, m. 22. Teremoo Mau, m., 13. 63. Heremia Kerei, I., 15. 105. Whaitiri Henare, f. 151. Heema Pita, f. 23. Paratene Riwai, m., 10. 64. Henare Kerei, m., 13. 106. Parepikake te Haeata, i. 152. Hotene Tuaiwa, m. 24. Hori Riwai, m., 8. 65. Rawiri Kerei, m., 9. 107. Te Kani Haeata, m. 153. Tanatiu Ripeka, m., 2. 25. Pura Riwai, m., 6. 66. TeTautoawa Kerei, f., 7. 108. Paapu Rakena, in., 7. 154. Hemaima Ripeka, f., 1. 26. Mere Hurae, 1, 8. 67. Mahia Heremia, f. 109. Meriana Rakena, f., 5. 155. Pera Kauri, in., 1. 27. Ripeka Hurae, f., 6. 68. Kerehi Heremia, f. 110. Hori Tunui Rakena, m., 156. Te Aranga Kauri, f., 2. 28. Ngamotu Tukaki, m. 69. Wairua Tamatamaara- 3. 157. Tc Rua Nohowai, f., 4. 29. Teretiu te Arakirangi, m. ngi, m. 111. Te Moutere Parepikake, 158. Hori Hare, in., 12. 30. Taina Haweti, m. 70. Peraro Matenga, m. m., I|. 159. Te Mateapiti Pateriki, 31. Ani Huhana Haweti, f. 71. Makarita, f. 112. Ani te Puaroa, f. m., 17. 32. Irihapeti Haweti, f. 72. Merepeka,! 113. AramataPuaora, f. 160. Waikura te Waara, m., 8. 33. Ware Haweti, m. 73. Nia Naira, f. 114. Erena Kopu, f. 161, Nikarima te Waara, m., 34. Tiiwi Haweti, m. 74. Matutaera Hatua, m. 115. Tola Kopu, m., 18. 5. 35. Emere Haweti, f. 75. Erueti Matutaera, in. 116. Rangi Kopu, in., 17. 162. To Riki te Waara, m., 6. 36. Rahera Haweti, f. 76. Hiriweteri Motutere, m. 117. Tatana Kopu, m.,,8. 163. Kiritahanga te Waara, 37. Rina Haweti, f. 77. Te Paki Hiriwetere. 118. Raniera Kopu, in., 3. f., 3. 38. Pita Witiwhira, in. 78. Paraha Hiriweteri, in. 119. Mereana Kopu. f., 11. 164. Maata te Waara, f., 1. 39. Iwa Amiria Haweti. f., 79. Anita te Paki, f., 15. 120. Harata Kopu, f., 9. 165. Hinehou te Waara, I., 2 18. 80. Hamupara te Arahori, f. 121. Huhana Kopu, f., 2. marama. 40. Ata Peneamine Haweti, 81. Mata Rangitukehu, f. 122. Paratene Ngamoki, m. 160. Tuwharenoa Hiika, f., 1. m., 17. 82. Te Moko Maata, f. 123. Pine Karena, f. 167. Te Ori Hapi, f. 41. Erihi Wiwiana Haweti, 83. Tukehu Wharehiraka, 124. Piripi Karena, m. 168. Te Okeroa Hape, f. f., 14. in., 15. 125. Parekowhai Heema, m. 169. Te Tauhou Ngamoki, m., 42. Ema Paranihi Haweti, 84. Wiremu Wharehiraka, 126. Roka Kehu, f. 5. f., 10. m., 12. 127. Tuihana Ngamoki, f. 170. Rawiri Kopu, m., 5. 43. Hairama Haweti, m. 85. Rongopai Maata, f. 128. Titirangi Porikapa, m. 171. Merehuka Timutimu, f.

Approximate Cost of Pa/per. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,250 copies), „8 Is.

Authority: John Mackav, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o4.

Price 6d.\

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"THE NATIVE LAND CLAIMS ADJUSTMENT AND LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 1901" (REPORT OF THE ROYAL COMMISSION APPOINTED UNDER SECTION 18 OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, G-07

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