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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.



Public Schools — Page Attendance .. .. .. .. i Attendance of Children of Native Bace .. iv Age and Sex of Pupils .. .. .. iv Standards .. .. .. .. v Examination Statistics .. .. v Subjects of Instruction .. .. vi Number of Schools .. .. ... vii Attendance at Schools in Grades .. .. viii Number of Teachers .. .. .. ix Classification of Teachers .. .. x School Buildings .. .. .. xi Finances of Education Boards .. .. xii The New Syllabus .. .. .. xiv Training of Teachers .. .. .. xv Military and Physical Drill .. .. xv

Public Schools — continued. Page Bailway Fares of School-children .. .. xvi Chatham Islands .. .. .. xvi Education Eeserves .. .. .. xvii Native Schools .. .. .. .. xviii Industrial Schools .. .. .. xx School for Deaf-mutes .. .. .. xxiii Institute for the Blind .. .. .. xxiii Manual and Technical Instruction .. .. xxiv Secondary Education .. .. .. xxviii District High Schools .. .. .. xxix Education Board Scholarships .. .. xxix University and Colleges .. .. .. xxx " Colonial University " Eeserves .. .. xxxi Civil Service Examinations .. .. xxxi Subsidies to Public Libraries .. .. xxxi


Statistics — Page Officers of Boards (Table No. 1) .. .. 1 Age and Sex of Scholars (Table No. 2) .. 2 Standards, Scholars classified according to (Table No. 3) .. .. .. 3 Summary of Boards' Income and Expenditure for Twenty-seven Years (Table Nos. 4 and 4a) 4-5 Income of Boards for 1903 (Table No. 5) .. 6 Expenditure of Boards for 1903 (Table No. 6) 7 Educational Expenditure (Table No. 7) .. 8 Schools, Expenditure on each, and Names and Salaries of Teachers (Table No. 8) .. 13-69 Reports of Boards— Auckland .. .. . • 70 Taranaki .. .. •. 75 Wan°anui .. .. .. 77 Wellington .. .. .. ..80 Hawke's Bay .. . • • • 83 Marlborough .. .. .. 84 Nelson .. .. .. 87 Grey .. .. .. ..89 Westland .. .. .. ..90 North Canterbury .. .. .. 91 South Canterbury .. .. .. 95 Otago .. .. .. 96 Southland .. .. .. ..99

Statements of Accounts of Boards— Page Auckland .. .. .. 74 Taranaki .. .. .. 77 Wanganui .. .. .. 80 Wellington .. .. .. 83 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. 84 Marlborough .. .. .. 87 Nelson .. .. .. 88 Grey .. .. .. 90 Westland .. .. .. 91 North Canterbury .. .. .. 94 South Canterbury .. .. .. 96 Otago .. .. .. 99 Southland .. .. .. 103 Reports and Accounts of School Commissioners— Auckland .. .. .. .. 104 Taranaki .. .. .. .. 105 Wellington .. .. .. 107 Hawke's Bay .. .. 108 Marlborough .. .. .. 109 Nelson .. .. .. .. 110 Westland .. .. .. 11l Canterbury .. .. .. .. 112 Otago .. .. .. ..113 Circulars .. .. .. .. 115



Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Office of the Department of Education, My Lord,— Wellington, 10th August, 1904. I have the honour, in accordance with the provisions of "The Education Act, 1877," to submit to Your Excellency the following report upon the progress and condition of public education in New Zealand during the year ending the 31st day of December, 1903. I have, &c, E. J. SEDDON. His Excellency the Eight Hon. Baron Plunket, Governor of New Zealand.

EEPOET. In this Eeport and its proper Appendix, in the Inspector-General's Eeport (E,-1a) on the certificate examinations, the Eeports of the Inspectors of Schools (E.-Ib), the Eeport of the Proceedings of the Conference of Inspectors of Schools and Teachers' Eepresentatives (E.-lc), the Eeport on the Organization of the Public-school Cadets (E.-Id), and a Eeport on the Training of Teachers (E.-1e), is contained all the information that is of public interest with respect to the administration of " The Education Act, 1877," and "The Education Eeserves Act, 1877," and also all the principal statistics relating to matters which are more fully treated of in separate papers, as follows: E.-2, Native Schools; E.-3, Industrial Schools; E.-3a, Costley Training Institution; E.-4, School for Deaf-mutes; E.-5, Manual and Technical Instruction; E.-6, New Zealand University; 8.-7, University of Otago; E.-8, Canterbury College; E.-9, Auckland Univer sity College ; E.-10, Victoria College; E.-11, Canterbury Agricultural College; E.-12, Secondary Schools; E.-13, Public Libraries. Pupils in Public Schools. The average attendance during the year at all the schools throughout the colony, which in 1902 reached the highest figure since the institution of a colonial education system under the Education Act of 1877, last year showed a falling-off of 664. The numbers were, in 1903 113,047, and in 1902 113,711. It was noted in last year's report that in 1901 and 1902 one quarter's attendance had shown a considerable decline as compared with that of the other three. In 1901 it was the third quarter of the year, and in 1902 the last quarter. The causes which led to the decline in 1902 appear to have been still operating in the first quarter of 1903 as, although there was then an increase in the actual number in average attendance, it was hardly more than proportional to the increase in the average weekly roll-number. The culmination was reached in the second quarter when, in spite of a further increase of over a

i—E. 1.



hundred in the average roll, there was a still further fall in the average attendance of considerably over 900. In the third quarter there was a slight recovery, and a much greater one in the last quarter, when the attendance was 2,120 above that in the second.

TABLE A1.—School Attendance and Yearly Increase from 1877 to 1903.

Although there was a decline in the number in average attendance in 1903, the returns show that the average of the weekly roll-numbers has at last exceeded that of 1897, which was previously the highest that had been attained. The figures for 1897 were 133,961, and for 1903 134,748. In 1902 they were 133,952, so that the increase for the year was 795. The number on the roll at the end of the year also shows a large increase, being 133,568, or 1,306 above the number enrolled at the end of 1902, viz., 132,262. The standard of regularity of attendance attained in 1903 is 1 per cent, less than that of the previous year. The variations in the average daily attendances in the several quarters which have already been noted become even more marked when they are expressed as percentages of the average weekly roll-number. In the last quarter of 1902 the percentage was 83 - 6 ; in J 903 it was in the first quarter 83*8, in the second 83*0, in the third 84T, and in the last 84-7 : the percentage for the whole year was 83-9. In 1902 it was 84 - 9. As will be seen from Table A3 this fall is fairly general throughout the colony. Although lower than in 1902, the percentage of 83 - 9 for 1903 is still a high one compared with the corresponding figures for the British Isles and for the several States 'of the Australian Commonwealth. As no later figures are available for comparison, the following paragraph extracted from last year's report may be here repeated : — According to the latest returns which are available the average attendance in primary dayschools in England was 83 6 per cent, of the net enrolment, in Scotland 82'9 per cent., and in Ireland 65 per cent. For the Australian States the numbers were: New South Wales, 72-6; Victoria, 66'5; Queensland, 81'3; South Australia, 799; Western Australia, 81-6; Tasmania, 74-4. These returns are for 1901 in the case of Scotland, Ireland, and New South Wales, and for 1902 in all other cases. In average attendance there was an increase in all districts of the North Island as compared with 1902, and a decrease in all districts of the South Island. The position is shown in the following table : —


School Attendance. Yearly Ini ;rease on Year. A 9.3 is Sg.SrH 9 9 J3fQ 13 a H .S'.f° o rQ •Z3 a H §>"§ 'i Average Attendance. Fourth Whole Quarter. Year. a <0 m '•-> is Is 9 K 9 -, 55?? S 9 o: a !!»« ■& a a x CO © Am a S|o o % SI Average A Fourth Quarter. ttendance. Whole Year. 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 50,849 59,707 68,124 74,359 76,309 79,416 84,883 90,670 95,377 99,206 103,534 104,919 108,158 110,665 112,279 114,305 116,819 119,900 122,425 123,533 123,892 123,207 123,416 122,725 123,456 124,095 55,688 65,040 75,566 82,401 83,560 87,179 92,476 97,238 102,407 106,328 110,919 112,685 115,456 117,912 119,523 122,620 124,686 127,300 129,856 131,037 132,197 131,621 131,315 130,724 131,351 132,262 133,568 49,435 57,301 62,946 63,009 66,426 70,077 74,650 80,183 83,361 87,386 90,849 94,308 96,670 96,264 100,917 99,872 107,032 108,708 110,274 111,952 109,561 109,050 111,498 112,354 111,556 114,232 45,521 53,067 60,625 61,822 63,709 67,373 72,657 78,327 80,737 85,637 90,108 93,374 94,632 97,058 99,070 98,615 104,996 108,394 110,517 112,328 111,636 110,316 111,747 111,797 113,711 113,047 73'8 74-6 74-2 73-6 74-0 75-1 76-6 76-1 77-0 79-3 80-3 79-9 80-3 806 78-5 ' 81-8 82-8 833 83-9 83-4 82-6 84-1 84-1 81-9 83'9 8,858 8,417 6,235 1,950 3,107 5,467 5,787 4,707 3,829 4,328 1,385 3,239 2,507 1,614 2,026 2,514 3,081 2,525 1,108 359 [-685] 209 r-691] 731 639 9,352 10,526 6,835 1,159 3,619 5,297 4,762 5,169 3,921 4,591 1,766 2,771 2,456 1,611 3,097 2,066 2,614 2,556 1,181 1,160 [-576] [ - 306] [-591] 627 911 1,306 7,866 5,645 63 3,417 3,651 4,573 5,533 3,178 4,025 3,463 3,459 2,362 [-406] 4,653 [-1,045] 6,279 1,676 1,566 1,678 [-2,391] [-511] 2,448 856 [-798] 2,676 7,546 7,558 1,197 1,887 3,664 5,284 5,670 2,410 4,900 4,471 3,266 1,258 2,426 2,012 [-455] 4,875 3,398 2,123 1,811 [-692] [-1,320] 1,431 50 1,914 [-664]


TABLE A2.—Comparison of School Attendance, 1902 and 1903, North Island and South Island.

From the figures set out in Table A.2 it will be seen that, whereas in 1903 the number of pupils in average daily attendance at the schools in the North Island increased by 1,024 above that for 1902, in the South Island it decreased by 1,688 ; so that there was a decrease for the whole colony of 664, as already shown in Table Al. The greatest increase shown (443) was in Auckland, the next being in Wanganui (282), whilst the greatest decreases were in Otago (550) and North Canterbury (509). The attendance in the North Island has for many years shown an unbroken increase, while in the South Island there has been since 1896 a gradual decrease ; for that year the attendances were -North Island, 50,836; South Island, 59,681. Table A3 shows the average attendance for the year in each of the education districts of the colony, and also the regularity of attendance of the pupils on the school rolls.

TABLE A3.—School Attendance for 1903.

As regards regularity -of school attendance in the several parts of the colony, it will be seen that there has been a falling-off in all the districts except Auckland and Wellington. North Canterbury with 82T per cent, of the average weekly roll is the lowest. Otago, which stood at the head of the list in 1901 and 1902, has still maintained its position although with the diminished percentage of 86 - 8. Southland with 850 per cent, has ousted Westland from second place, and South Canterbury still remains third, with 84 - 9 per cent. The South Island shows a greater degree of regularity of attendance than the North Island, the respective rates being 84-3 per cent, and 83 - 5 per cent, of the average weekly roll. In 1902 the figures were 86"1 per cent, and 83 5 per cent, respectively.


Average Attendance. Districts. 1903. 1902. Difference. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay ■ 24,919 3,957 9,867 12,801 7,081 24,476 3,914 9,585 12,580 7,046 443 43 282 221 35 Totals, North Island . . 58,625 57,601 1,024 Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury .. S uith Canterbury Otago Southland 1,642 4,604 1,352 938 16,172 4,280 17,234 8,200 1,745 4,809 1,380 1,015 16,681 4,455 17,784 8,241 103 205 28 77 509 175 550 41 Totals, South Island .. 54,422 56,110 - 1,688 Totals for colony 113,047 113,711 664

Roll-numi Averai ;e Attendai Vhole Yeai ice for rers. Percentage of the Mean of Average Weekly Roll of Four Quarters. Education Districts. Pupils at Beginning of Year. Admittod during the Year. Left during the Year. Pupils belonging at End of Year. Mean of Average Weekly Boll of Four Quarters. Boys. Girls. Total. 1903. 1902. luckland .. 7 aranaki Vanganui Vellington lawke's Bay larlborough kelson Irey Vestland .. lorth Canterbury .. South Canterbury .. )r,ago iouthland 26,691 4,377 10,613 13,893 7,735 1,863 5,126 1,602 1,053 18,475 4,899 18,681 9,085 13,428 2,126 5,579 7,878 3,568 671 2,329 570 310 6,983 1,463 6,540 3,102 10,861 1,785 4,390 6,263 2,877 572 1,841 571 276 5,879 1,372 5,717 2,673 29,258 4,718 11,802 15,508 8,426 1,962 5,614 1,601 1,087 19,579 4,995 19,504 9,514 29,518 4,784 11,889 15,505 8,506 1,988 5,588 1,610 1,110 19,701 5,057 19,850 9,642 13,243 2,120 5,172 6,757 3,741 853 2,428 651 483 8,477 2,244 8,960 4,298 11,676 1,837 4,695 6,044 3,340 789 2,176 701 455 7,695 2,036 8,274 3,902 24,919 3,957 9,867 12,801 7,081 1,642 4,604 1,352 938 16,172 4,230 17,234 8,200 84-4 827 830 826 83'2 826 824 84-0 84-5 82-1 84-9 86-8 85-0 84-0 83-6 84 4 825 84-5 85 0 844 85 0 87-9 84-4 86-9 88-1 85-9 Totals for 1903 .. Totals for 1902 .. 124,093 123,456 54,552 50,204 45,077 41,398 133,568 132,262 134,748 133,952 59,427 59,541 53,620 54,170 113,047 113,711 83 9 84-9 Difference 3,679 1,306 796 - 114 - 664 - 1-0 637 4,348 - 550

B.— 1.

Table A4.—Children of Maori and Mixed Races attending Public Schools, December, 1903.

The number of children of Maori and mixed race (Table A4) attending the public schools has increased during the year by 181 —namely, from 3,028 to 3,209; the number of such children in the Maori village schools was less by 81 in 1903 than it was in 1902 ; in the Maori boarding-schools there was an increase of 28. In the aggregate there were 6,754 children of Maori and mixed race receiving instruction last year, as against 6,626 the previous year—that is, there was a total increase of 128.

TABLE B.—Number on Public-School Roll compared with Population, according to Age and Sex.

Note.—The figures in column 3 are from the last Census returns (31st March, 1901). It is estimated that the proportions are practically unchanged. Table B shows the age and sex of the pupils on the rolls of the public schools of the_ colony at the end of 1903, and the estimated number of the population, exclusive of Maoris and Chinese, at each specified year of age, and the percentage of the estimated number of children of each age that were receiving instruction in the public schools. In Table No. 2 in the Appendix will be found particulars of the age and sex of the pupils arranged for each of the education districts. The proportion of boys to girls is almost the same as for the previous three years—s2 per cent, to 48 per cent. Taking the average for the last four years, it is found that for every 100 boys on the rolls of the schools there are 92-3 girls. The ratio of the children under ten years of age to those over that age is slightly lower than it was last year. The actual percentages are respectively 52-6 and 47-4 of the roll-number. Inspection and Examination. Table CI is a summary for the whole colony of Table No. 3 in the Appendix, which shows the numbers in the several classes for the various districts. The proportion of pupils in the preparatory classes shows a further increase for the year from 26'87 per cent, to 27-56 per cent. The proportions in classes SI, S2, and S3 have also increased. The other classes present a slight decrease,


Of Maori Race. Of Mixed Race living as Maoris. Of Mixed Race living as Europeans. Total. Number of Schools attended Education Districts. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otngo Southland 515 28 138 91 249 2 7 373 23 97 76 151 6 888 51 235 167 400 2 13 48 7 9 10 16 41 5 7 9 16 1 89 12 16 19 32 1 367 10 16 40 72 13 2 319 14 29 34 69 7 6 686 24 45 74 141 20 8 930 45 163 141 337 15 9 733 42 133 119 236 8 12 1,663 87 296 260 573 23 21 179 12 39 39 39 6 6 8 7 13 10 3 4 5 22 11 11 18 32 1 1 1 "l 2 3 13 4 29 39 1 8 3 25 36 4 21 7 54 75 12 21 17 40 61 4 13 8 52 58 16 34 25 92 119 2 10 3 17 15 "l 22 5 22 "6 44 Totals for 1903 .. Totals for 1902 .. 1,068 951 760 716 1,828 1,667 115 75 107 92 222 167 608 637 551 557 1,159 1,194 1,791 1,663 1,418 1,365 3,209 3,028 367 374 Difference 117 44 161 40 | 15 55 -6 -35 -29 128 53 181 -7

sc: (! lOOl Roll I it End of 1903. (3.) Population (as at 31st March, 1901). (i.) Percentage of Population on Roll of Public Schools. (1.) Percentage of Roll at each Age. Age (Years). Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. 5 and under 6 6 „ „ 7 7 „ „ 8 8 „ „ 9 9 „ „ 10 10 „ „ 11 11 . „ 12 12 „ „ 13 13 „ „ 14 14 . „ 15 5,357 7,259 7,797 7 902 8,029 7,973 7,716 7,416 5,835 2,891 5,080 6,630 7,281 7,445 7,450 7,373 7,099 6,717 5,128 2,435 10,437 13,889 15,078 15,347 15,479 15,346 14,815 14,133 10,963 5,326 7-8 104 11-3 11-S 115 115 111 10-6 8-2 40 8,709 8,627 8,675 8,593 8,704 8,512 8,464 8,822 8,552 8,747 8,567 8,503 8,479 8,390 8,480 8,376 8,196 8,612 8,579 8,358 17,276 17,130 17,151 16,983 17,184 16,888 16,660 17,434 17,131 17,105 61-5 84-1 89 9 92-0 922 93-7 91-2 84-1 68-2 33-1 59-3 78-0 85 9 88-7 87-9 880 86-6 78-0 59-8 291 604 811 879 90-4 900 90-9 88 9 81-0 64-0 31-1 (5 . . 15) 15 „ over 68,175 1,356 62,638 1,399 130,813 2,755 97-9 21 86,405 84,540 !l70,945 78-9 74'1 76-5 Totals 69,531 64,037 133,568 1000


TABLE C1. —Classification by Standards, December, 1903.

When the total number of children under eight years of age in the public schools (39,404) is taken into account the number in the preparatory classes (36,812) certainly seems high, and, as remarked in last year's report, " It should be possible by improved methods, and perhaps also by employing a larger proportion of adult teachers in the infant classes, to lessen this apparent defect without in any way overtaxing the children."

TABLE C2.—Passes in Standards, 1903.

Table C2 gives the passes in standards. The proportion of the number that passed in standards to the number present at the Inspectors' annual visits was 85'4 per cent. In 1902 the corresponding figures were 94 - 2 per cent. The proportion of the number that passed the various standards to the total number on the rolls on the days of the Inspectors' annual visits was 53 - 4 per cent. In 1902 the corresponding figures were 54 - 5 per cent. In Table C3 are given the percentages of passes of those examined (or present) in the standard classes and other examination statistics for the several education districts of the colony.

TABLE C3.—Examination Statistics for 1903.


Standard Classes. Boys. Girls. Totals. 'ercent; iges for Fi'e Years. Preparatory SI S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 19,528 8,255 8,480 8,893 8,408 7,634 5,650 2,683 17,284 7,532 7,951 8,134 7,996 7,036 5,138 2,966 36,812 15,787 16,431 17,027 16,404 14,670 10,788 5,649 1903. 27-56 11-82 12-30 12-75 12-28 10-98 8-08 4-23 1902. 26-87 11-68 12-05 12-64 12-60 11-13 8-52 4-51 1901. 26-78 11-44 12-11 12-98 12-73 11-37 8-35 4-24 1900. 26-00 11-54 12-25 13-45 13-38 11-44 7-91 4-03 1899. 25-09 1206 12-44 14-00 13-65 11-06 7-63 4-07 Totals.. 64,037 100-00 100-00 69,531 133,568 100-00 100-00 100-00

Education Districts. I. 'resent at Inspect! >rs' Annual Visits. IV. V. i I • I. II. Passes in Standards. III. IV. V. VI. II. III. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland 3,315 588 1,398 1,722 1,008 258 612 163 84 2,039 529 2,147 1,074 3,343 644 1,454 1,880 . 1,081 262 570 107 124 2,154 517 2,230 1,028 15,457 15,531 3,546 587 1,438 : 1,935 1,002 238 698 182 113 2,344 566 2,362 1,144 116,155 116, 252 3,174 571 1,402 1,778 1,015 231 673 167 132 2,311 601 2,331 1,084 15,470 15,567 2,699 367 1,048 1,519 739 233 499 137 96 2,012 539 2,020 983 1,975 3,234 214 504 747 I 1,330 1,158 i 1,648 541 887 163 250 431 i 496 122 ! 146 78 83 1,401 1,932 408 491 1,521 2,019 720 1,009 9,479 14,029 9,352 13,778 3,118 543 1,340 1,705 935 252 505 146 105 1,925 475 2,035 969 3,196 477 1,262 1,648 814 218 568 152 102 1,885 490 1.935 1,010 13,757 13,920 2,793 398 1,217 1,502 823 212 533 134 111 i 1,809 491 1,874 927 2,283 261 921 1,240 572 207 364 112 75 1,494 417 1,535 833 1,491 154 604 946 374 131 278 75 57 1,103 279 1,069 524 Totals for 1903 .. Totals for 1902 .. 14,937 14,628 12,891 13,278 14,053 14,170 12,824 13,006 10,314 10,788 7,085 7,168

Number of Pupils. Number passed in Standard Classes. Education Districts. Total Number on Rolls on Days of Examination. Absent on In Passed Examined in Days of Preparatory Sixth Standard Examination. Classes. Standard. Classes. Percentage of Passes to those examined. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland 29,817 4,798 11,924 15,787 8,375 1,970 5,581 1,594 1,050 19,607 4,995 19,968 9,588 1,916 348 848 1,064 626 45 454 81 73 1,846 474 1,109 410 9,527 1,412 3,223 4,212 2,254 501 1,499 520 315 5,281 1,221 5,816 2,945 322 67 366 519 106 39 145 55 35 219 140 432 200 18,052 2,971 7,487 9,992 5,389 1,385 3,483 938 627 12,261 3,160 12,611 6,033 16,115 2,337 6,674 8,689 4,405 1,270 2,744 765 533 10,148 2,643 10,467 5,272 89-3 78-7 89-1 87-0 81-7 91-7 78-8 81-6 85-0 82-8 83-6 830 87-4 Totals for 1903 .. 2,645 84,389 72,062 85-4 135,054 9,294 38,726 Totals for 1902 .. 84,608 72,830 86-1 133,700 7,722 38,750 2,620


Table C4 shows the average ages at which the children passed the several standards in the different districts, and the average ages in each case taking the colony as a whole. Standard V., the " standard of exemption," was passed in South Canterbury and Otago on the average at the age of 12 years and 9 months, and in Taranaki at the age of 13 years and 4 months, these being the lowest and highest respectively. Bor the colony the average age at which this standard was passed in 1903, as in 1902, was 13 years. The average age for passing Standard VI. is of importance at the present time in consequence of the discussion that is taking place with respect to the limit of age imposed by the regulations for free admission to secondary schools in the case of those whose only qualification is the holding of Standard VI. certificates of proficiency. The condition is that the candidate for a free place shall not be over fourteen on the 31st December preceding the date of his admission to the secondary school. The average age for passing this standard ranges from 13 years and 6 months in Auckland to 14 years and 2 months in Marlborough, the average age for the colony being, as it was last year, 13 years and 10 months, and there is therefore ground for the belief that competent children, for whom the privilege is mainly intended, are not likely to find the restriction interfere with their promotion to the secondary schools.

TABLE C4.—Average Age of Pupils at Standard Examinations in 1903.

In Table D is given the number of pupils receiving instruction in each subject of the syllabus The most noticeable features are the large increases in the numbers learning handwork, singing, and drill, and the falling off in those learning grammar and elementary science.

TABLE D.—Number of Pupils instructed in each Subject, December, 1903.

{Continued on next page


Education Districts. Average Aj [es of the ■upils in-ej .ch Class. Mean if Ages. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury* South Canterbury Otago Southland P. Yrs. mos 7 2 7 2 7 0 7 0 7 7 6 8 6 11 7 1 6 10 I. Yrs. mos 9 0 9 2 8 11 8 8 8 9 8 7 8 10 9 0 8 8 8 9 8 10 8 11 8 9 II. Yrs. mos. 9 11 10 3 9 11 9 10 9 11 9 7 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 10 9 9 9 11 9 11 III. Yrs. mos 10 11 11 7 11 3 10 11 11 1 10 11 11 3 11 1 11 1 10 11 10 9 10 10 10 11 IV. Yrs. mos. 11 11 12 7 12 3 11 11 12 3 12 0 12 2 12 0 12 5 11 11 11 10 12 0 11 10 V. Yrs. mos. 13 1 13 4 13 0 12 11 13 2 13 2 13 0 12 11 13 2 12 10 12 9 12 9 12 10 VI. Yrs. mos. 13 6 13 10 13 10 13 8 14 1 14 2 13 8 14 0 13 10 13 9 13 8 13 9 13 8 VII. Yrs. mos. 14 7 14 5 15 0 14 3 14 5 15 1 14 10 14 4 14 7 1903. Yrs. mos. 11 3 11 6 11 4 11 2 11 5 11 3 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 2 11 3 11 2 1902. Yrs. mos. 11 9 11 10 11 6 11 3 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 4 11 3 11 0 11 4 6 11 6 7 7 1 15 0 15 2 14 7 Mean of all districts .. 7 Of 8 10 9 11 11 0 12 1 13 0 13 10 14 8+ 11 4 11 5 Range (difference between highest and and lowest) Mean in 1902 Bange in 1902 1 Of 0 7 0 8 0 10 0 9 0 7 0 8 0 llf 0 4 0 10 8 10 0 9 9 11 1 0 10 11 0 11 12 0 0 9 18 1 0 2 13 10 0 10 11 5 0 10 * Particulars for classes P. and S7 were ni )t furnishr id by the Board's Inspectors. t Omitting North Canterbur

Education Districts. H HH SSfrH r3 O 5 -"" £"0 a '5 S 9 M a ri . a M-2 .S3 i.2 aa eh a & a o '(/) o a a o O 6 © a A & H O © a '$ =6 a a £ S ad U 0 Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson .. Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland 29,258 4,718 11,802 15,508 8,426 1,962 5,614 1,601 1,087 19,579 4,995 19,504 9,514 29,258 4,718 11,802 15,508 8,426 1,962 5,614 1,601 1,087 19,579 4,995 19,504 9,514 29,258 4,718 11,802 15,508 8,426 1,936 5,614 1,601 1,087 19,579 4,995 19,504 9,514 29,258 4,718 11,802 15,508 8,426 1,962 5,614 1,601 1,087 19,579 4,995 19,504 9,514 14,563 2,120 7,125 8,788 4,551 1,021 3,239 859 539 10,128 2,642 10,326 4,984 29,163 4,718 11,765 15,508 8,419 1,962 5,614 1,601 1,064 19,579 4,995 19,504 9,514 17,258 2,733 7,593 8,788 5,304 1,265 3,537 905 647 12,154 3,164 12,288 6,151 28,991 4,076 11,156 15,275 8,317 1,938 4,807 1,601 927 19,298 3,104 19,001 9,304 13,407 2,050 5,940 8,157 4,295 1,009 3,108 859 531 9,700 2,561 10,095 4,913 Totals for 1903 Totals for 1902 133,568 132,262 133,568 132,261 1,307 133,542 132,262 1,280 133,568 132,261 70,885 67,£20 133,406 132,234 81,787 80,357 127,795 118,900 66,625 74,401 Difference 1,306 1,307 3,365 1,172 1,430 8,895 -7,776


TABLE D.—Number of Pupils instructed in each Subject, December, 1903 — continued.

Public Schools. The number of schools open at the end of 1903, counting 90 half-time schools as 45, was 1,741, or 33 more than were open in December, 1902. In Table Bl the schools are classified, as for 1902, according to the yearly average attendance, instead of, as formerly, according to the average attendance for the December quarter. The classification is in accordance with the grades in Part I. of Schedule I. to " The Public-school Teachers' Salaries Act, 1901."

TABLE E1.—Number of Schools, December, 1903.

The increase in the number of schools (33) is almost the same as in 1902 (31). In the several districts the largest increases were in Wanganui (11) and Auckland (8). The greatest falling-off was in Nelson (5).


UMBER OP 'UPILS INSTBUCTI ID IN EACH lUBJECT, DECEMBER, I— continue! Education Districts. H CD * a S a cs A •-* CD 3 o 1 " o m s C3 gj §1 2,ai 09 a o CD CQ CD O CD o 6 o H ■it a o O M u o & "a a eS E ai a 'So a £ o © CD <D K Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson .. Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland 29,258 4,718 11,802 15,508 8,426 1,962 5,614 1,601 1,087 19,579 4,995 19,504 9,514 133,568 132,262 11,405 2,045 5,407 7,988 4,183 1,005 2,833 661 498 9,536 2,559 8,719 4,377 9,920 1,578 4,726 6,344 3,598 623 2,181 492 428 5,454 2,054 6,955 2,960 47,313 55,847 19,276 3,157 6,527 8,131 4,933 1,150 3,459 1,015 614 12,335 2,957 11,081 5,113 79,748 78,491 552 9 20 846 46 191 58 11 35 1,377 1 487 341 10,660 2,862 3,700 5,743 4,022 806 1,951 507 9,273 2,282 3,888 5,135 50,829 33,459 24,972 3,473 8,517 14,287 -7,842 1,344 4,104 1,279 710 17,743 4,474 19,176 8,184 9,705 399 4,255 6,293 3,531 863 2,436 640 367 8,875 2,068 7,962 4,274 23,890 4,244 10,469 14,675 7,619 1,751 4,943 1,601 780 17,761 4,898 8,047 8,970 Totals for 1903 Totals for 1902 61,216 65,151 3,974 4,514 116,105 103,248 51,668 52,388 109,648 100,280 Difference 1,306 -3,935. -8,534 1,257 -540 17,370 12,857 -720 9,368 Public Schools. The number of schools open at the end schools as 45, was 1,741, or 33 more than were o In Table El the schools are classified, as fc average attendance, instead of, as formerly, acco for the December quarter. The classification is : Part I. of Schedule I. to " The Public-school Tes of 1903, counting 90 half-time pen. in December, 1902. )r 1902, according to the yearly irding to the average attendance in accordance with the grades in achers' Salaries Act, 1901." TABLE El.—Number of Schools, D Jecember, 1903. Yearly Average Attendance. •a a cs 3 CD a 5 a ■ i EH 3 a ac a a o so .s CG m ED O 1 c3 .a to 3 o h O 'S c3 a o o *3 a CD a o u §| c3 o O DC cd CD d 3 a o 3 2 »■§ o o H hi a as o CD •a cd 5 o 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 to S 9 , 20 21 , 30 31 „ 40 41 „ 50 51 „ 70 71 „ 90 91 „ 120 121 „ 150 151 „ 200 201 „ 250 251 „ 280 281 „ 330 331 „ 390 391 „ 42( 421 „ 481 481 „ 51C 511 , 571 571 „ 60C 601 „ 66( 661 „ 69f 691 „ 75( 751 „ 78( 781 „ 84( 841 „ 87( 871 „ 930 931 „ 960 961 „ 1020 9 93 101 50 34 26 16 9 11 6 8 3 2 2 1 8 24 9 12 5 2 4 12 29 34 21 17 19 6 8 7 11 34 23 20 9 12 11 5 5 4 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 19 9 5 7 12 6 9 2 3 1 1 1 2 25 14 6 3 3 2 2 3 17 43 15 14 8 7 5 1 1 3 2 7 14 1 2 1 3 1 1 14 12 1 1 2 2 3 50 47 16 23 17 8 14 3 5 4 2 1 1 1 5 1 13 20 12 9 4 4 1 1 2 10 50 42 22 16 27 13 5 6' 4 2 6 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 7 28 38 29 11 11 8 7 4 2 3 1 I 120 407 i 361 204 152 147 80 65 43 30 32 18 9 12 4 16 4 14 4 8 4 4 1 108 391 357 197 155 147 83 67 41 36 32 11 13 8 7 15 5 14 4 6 4 3 1 1 - 2 1 1 1 2 6 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 "l 6 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 "l 1 1 "l "2 "l 1 "l 1 1 1 1 1 'oi ials, 1903 .. ;als, 1902 .. 384* 376 70f 70 165 J 154 150 149 I 83} 76 59 60 117 122 32 31 34 33 205 206 71 71 219+ 213 152§ 147 1,741 1,708 1,708 'O! Jerence 8 11 1 7 -1 -5 1 1 -1 6 5 33 * Includes 74 schools, counted ; half-time scho> as 1. glncli ols, counted as 37. udes 6 half-time school: ilnclud >,3counte< des 4 half-time schools, counted as 2. t Includ id as 3. es 2 half-time The ii (31). In t Auckland ( ocrease ir i the number 1 districts the greatest falling of scl largei ?-off "V hools (33) is almost the same as ist increases were in Wanganui was in Nelson (5). 5 in 1902 (11) and ihe several B). The

UMBER OP 'UPILS INSTBUCTI ID IN EACH lUBJECT, DECEMBER, I— continue! Education Districts. H CD * a S a cs A •-* CD 3 o 1 " o m s C3 gj §1 2,ai 09 a o CD CQ CD O CD o 6 o H ■it a o O M u o & "a a eS E ai a 'So a £ o © CD <D K Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson .. Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland 29,258 4,718 11,802 15,508 8,426 1,962 5,614 1,601 1,087 19,579 4,995 19,504 9,514 133,568 132,262 11,405 2,045 5,407 7,988 4,183 1,005 2,833 661 498 9,536 2,559 8,719 4,377 9,920 1,578 4,726 6,344 3,598 623 2,181 492 428 5,454 2,054 6,955 2,960 47,313 55,847 19,276 3,157 6,527 8,131 4,933 1,150 3,459 1,015 614 12,335 2,957 11,081 5,113 79,748 78,491 552 9 20 846 46 191 58 11 35 1,377 1 487 341 10,660 2,862 3,700 5,743 4,022 806 1,951 507 9,273 2,282 3,888 5,135 50,829 33,459 24,972 3,473 8,517 14,287 -7,842 1,344 4,104 1,279 710 17,743 4,474 19,176 8,184 9,705 399 4,255 6,293 3,531 863 2,436 640 367 8,875 2,068 7,962 4,274 23,890 4,244 10,469 14,675 7,619 1,751 4,943 1,601 780 17,761 4,898 8,047 8,970 Totals for 1903 Totals for 1902 61,216 65,151 3,974 4,514 116,105 103,248 51,668 52,388 109,648 100,280 Difference 1,306 -3,935. -8,534 1,257 -540 17,370 12,857 -720 9,368 Public Schools. The number of schools open at the end schools as 45, was 1,741, or 33 more than were o In Table El the schools are classified, as fc average attendance, instead of, as formerly, acco for the December quarter. The classification is : Part I. of Schedule I. to " The Public-school Tes of 1903, counting 90 half-time pen. in December, 1902. )r 1902, according to the yearly irding to the average attendance in accordance with the grades in achers' Salaries Act, 1901." TABLE El.—Number of Schools, D Jecember, 1903. Yearly Average Attendance. •a a cs 3 CD a 5 a ■ i EH 3 a ac a a o so .s CG m ED O 1 c3 .a to 3 o h O 'S c3 a o o *3 a CD a o u §| c3 o O DC cd CD d 3 a o 3 2 »■§ o o H hi a as o CD •a cd 5 o 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 to S 9 , 20 21 , 30 31 „ 40 41 „ 50 51 „ 70 71 „ 90 91 „ 120 121 „ 150 151 „ 200 201 „ 250 251 „ 280 281 „ 330 331 „ 390 391 „ 42( 421 „ 481 481 „ 51C 511 , 571 571 „ 60C 601 „ 66( 661 „ 69f 691 „ 75( 751 „ 78( 781 „ 84( 841 „ 87( 871 „ 930 931 „ 960 961 „ 1020 9 93 101 50 34 26 16 9 11 6 8 3 2 2 1 8 24 9 12 5 2 4 12 29 34 21 17 19 6 8 7 11 34 23 20 9 12 11 5 5 4 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 19 9 5 7 12 6 9 2 3 1 1 1 2 25 14 6 3 3 2 2 3 17 43 15 14 8 7 5 1 1 3 2 7 14 1 2 1 3 1 1 14 12 1 1 2 2 3 50 47 16 23 17 8 14 3 5 4 2 1 1 1 5 1 13 20 12 9 4 4 1 1 2 10 50 42 22 16 27 13 5 6' 4 2 6 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 7 28 38 29 11 11 8 7 4 2 3 1 I 120 407 i 361 204 152 147 80 65 43 30 32 18 9 12 4 16 4 14 4 8 4 4 1 108 391 357 197 155 147 83 67 41 36 32 11 13 8 7 15 5 14 4 6 4 3 1 1 - 2 1 1 1 2 6 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 "l 6 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 "l 1 1 "l "2 "l 1 "l 1 1 1 1 1 'oi ials, 1903 .. ;als, 1902 .. 384* 376 70f 70 165 J 154 150 149 I 83} 76 59 60 117 122 32 31 34 33 205 206 71 71 219+ 213 152§ 147 1,741 1,708 1,708 'O! Jerence 8 11 1 7 -1 -5 1 1 -1 6 5 33 * Includes 74 schools, counted ; half-time scho> as 1. glncli ols, counted as 37. udes 6 half-time school: ilnclud >,3counte< des 4 half-time schools, counted as 2. t Includ id as 3. es 2 half-time The ii (31). In t Auckland ( ocrease ir i the number 1 districts the greatest falling of scl largei ?-off "V hools (33) is almost the same as ist increases were in Wanganui was in Nelson (5). 5 in 1902 (11) and ihe several B). The


In the next table the average attendance in each education district is shown in detail by a statement of the aggregate attendance at each group of schools under the classification in Table El. The substituted average authorised by clause 1a of the regulations under the Public-school Teachers' SalariesAct has been taken in all cases where the Boards decided to avail themselves of it. The number of small schools with an average attendance not exceeding twenty shows a further increase of 28 over that of 1902. The number was last year 527. The number of pupils attending these schools has increased by 231.

TABLE E2.—Average Attendance for the Year 1903 at the Schools as grouped in Table E1.

During the year 1903 42 schools were closed—viz., in Auckland, 8 ; Taranaki, 1; Wanganui, 2; Wellington, 2; Marlborough, 8; Nelson, 11; Westland, 1; North Canterbury, 4; South Canterbury, 1; Otago, 3; and Southland, 1. Although reckoned as closed in their original form, several of these schools were reopened in another; thus some were amalgamated so as to make a main and a side school instead of two separate schools; others which had been half-time became full-time. Including such reopened schools, the total number opened during the year was 75, distributed as follows: Auckland, 16 ; Taranaki, 1; Wanganui, 13 ; Wellington, 3; Hawke's Bay, 7 ; Marlborough, 7 ; Nelson, 6; Grey, 1; Westland, 2; North Canterbury, 3; South Canterbury, 1; Otago, 9; and Southland, 6. The net increase in the number of schools open at the end of the year is thus 33, as shown in Table El. The schools absolutely closed had in most cases fallen to an average daily attendance of five or less, in a few to about ten in the last quarter in which they were opened; and the new schools were almost all in Grades 0 and 1, that is to say, with twenty or less in average attendance. The opening and closing of these schools was therefore the natural result of movements of the population. Public-school Teachers. In December, 1903, there were employed in the public schools of the colony 3,695 teachers ; of these, 2,996 were adults and 699 pupil-teachers : the corresponding numbers for December, 1902, were 2,957 adults and 747 pupil-teachers.


Yearly Average Attendance. •a a cs 3 9 B <l a erf a 3 a B a ft a o .9 ft Si eS B m « 03 n oc a o rl o 7(3 a a o w % •A «0 fl o3 co © ft >1 H 3 .a r- rH o © as <a o U A n |3 iH O 6 J o rO a — 5 H» B o tc *5 o o r, o 1 to 8 9 „ 20 21 . 30 31 . 40 41 „ 50 51 „ 70 71 „ 90 91 » 120 121 „ 150 151 „ 200 201 „ 250 251 „ 280 281 „ 330 331 „ 390 391 , 420 421 „ 480 481 „ 510 511 . 570 571 „ 600 601 „ 660 661 „ 690 691 „ 750 751 . 780 781 „ 840 841 , 870 871 » 930 931 „ 960 961 „ 1020 61 1,389 2,486 1,780 1,505 1,503 1,238 910 1,471 957 1,815 775 ; 601 677 5 121 597 315 533 289 155 419 62 450 888 706 771 1,130 488 855 957 1,361 52 494 572 689 412 683 859 505 660 698 227 774 295 363 404 1,339 17 273 226 180 315 698 459 908 283 457 223 251 296 675 121 175 156 97 133 116 205 408 89 597 378 492 ! 358 ! 440 j 392 136 168 653 509 40 204 25 79 48 168 83 110 85 22 160 735 29 1,147 34 558 85 1,023 130 1,010 .. 631 1,483 414 808 429 911 523 296 341 403 2,186 7 204 501 413 398 237 305 110 138 369 57 750 1,065 745 724 1,542 1,041 508 795 709 427 1,543 284 1,067 800 425 1,472 1,576 1,154 622 35 427 947 1,008 488 655 625 746 530 368 671 258 653 5,979 9,017 7,046 6,793 8,601 6,236 6,759 5,792 5,033 7,190 4,633 2,669 4,193 1,607 7,023 1,979 7,430 2,314 4,932 2,698 2,860 758 343 226 247 156 290 701 607 369 427 : 439 1,329 453 425 507 522 3,174 1,160 1,826 682 733 520 560 552 '.'. 526 1,260 676 1,407 607 617 1,340 '.'. 720 758 .'. 869 909 '869 909 Totals, 1903 Totals, 1902 25,120 24,607 3,962 3,958 9,948 9,610 338 12,929 12,628 7,153 7,071 1,658 1,745 4,719 4,813 1,366 ! 1,394 ; ! 952 16,273 1,026 16,742 -74 -469 4,321 4,464 17,306 .17,774 8,266 8,271 113,973 114,103 -130 Difference 4 82 -87 -143 ! ! -468 -5 513 301 -94 -28


Of the adult teachers at the end of 1903, 1,270 were men and 1,726 were women ; of the pupil-teachers, 147 were male and 552 female. The number of adult male teachers was 2 less, and of adult female teachers 41 more, than in December, 1902 ; and the number of male pupil-teachers was 4 more, and of females 52 less, than at that period. Most, in fact nearly all, of the pupil-teachers displaced have during the year received appointments as assistant teachers. The average number of children to one teacher for the year 1903 was 30*6.

TABLE F1.-School Staff, December, 1903.

In addition to the teachers shown in this table several Boards employed relieving-teachers whose numbers and rates of salary are given in Table 1 in the Appendix. By the end of 1903 all the Education Boards had (with a few trifling exceptions) brought the staffing of the schools in their districts into conformity with the scale of staffs in the schedule to " The Public-school Teachers' Salaries Act, 1901." The last column of Table Fl shows the number of pupils per teacher for all schools, the difference in the numbers in the several districts being chiefly due to the larger or smaller number of schools in grades 0 to 3 in proportion to those in higher grades. The following table with the comments upon it which appeared in last year's report is here reproduced, there being no later figures available except in the case of this colony : —

TABLE F2.—Comparison of Attendance, Number of Teachers, and Average Salaries of Adult Teachers in New Zealand, Australian States, and England.

Out of the total number (2,957) of adult teachers, 1,272 were men and 1,685 were women ; in other words, for every 100 men engaged in teaching in the public schools there were, at the end of 1902, 132 women so engaged. Comparison with the principal Australian States and with England shows that for every 100 adult male teachers the number of adult female teachers was in New South Wales, 66; in Victoria, 87 ; in Queensland, 108 ; in South Australia, 186 ; and in England, 293.

ii—E. 1.


Education Districts. Heads of School. Sole Teachers. Assii Teac stant ! Total Number of ihers.! Adult Teachers. 9 %r- fH9 I ° »' 35 Pupil- S° teachers. gg~£ a° ■J3S ag £Ph os M. F. ««lJo $~° rH r5 w <! M. J F. M. F. j F. M. F. Total. M. I Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland 121 6 ! 24' 5. 60 8i ' 58: 5 42 6 10 1 29 6 8 2 6 .. 88 4 27 1 94 .. 45 2 612! 46 617 51 -5-5 j 141 ! 18 j 51 28 10 9 17 1 4 36 18 39 45 116 23 46 59 25 37 65 21 24 76 25 86 59 45 7 18 35 18 1 6 2 2 37 8 49 13 211' 37 89 lie: 63 14 40 13 9 160 42 166 58 307' 49 ■ 129! : i2ij 70 20' 52 11 12 161 53 182 103 333 65 143 180 94 52 111 36 33 240 68 252 119 640 114 272 301 164 72 163 47 45 401 121 434 223 37 13 13 18 "l 3 120 18 39 83 52 10 28 6 3 80 16 71 26 24,919 3,957 9,867 12,801 7,081 1,642 4,604 1,352 938 16,172 4,280 17,234 8,200 31-3 300 30-5 32-2 30-3 200 240 24-1 19-5 320 29-7 33-1 31-1 24 7 16 15 Totals for 1903 .. Totals for 1902 .. 417 393 662 647 241 262 1018 1 987. ! 1,270 >1,272 1,726 1,685 2,996 2,957 147 143; 552 ; 604 113,047 113,711 80-6 30-7 Difference 24 15 -21 31 1 I -2 41 39 -52 -664 -0-1

Country. 9 £ O 9 9 g or a e! a WB 9 a > 9 <ig < Number of Adult Teachers. Number of Pupil-teachers and Monitors. cc S! 9 flflo 2 -H O r-H w V 9 £>H °& « 9 9 9 £ a iSSrS O rlr O S"Oja a a o Ph a a . tH 01 9 CQ OCroS n!« a 9-H rQ T3 %^o< fa 55 o in # cs u r2 9 m Ph $ O •thCh ° hS 8 © a •S'OrH 2-c Sh CD » £,3 © ° 3 M m Ptha M — cd u *. a o ro a cc baS CDOrT 3 »3 M -C g<! S S ©TJ B'B > CO -ci a^ M. F. Total. M. F. Total. New Zealand Queensland New South Walei Victoria Tasmania South Australia .. Western Australia England 1,754 113,711 991 72,683 2,700 154,405 2,034 150,271 338 14,541 716 42,104 245 18,448 20,153|4,890,237 1,272 818 2,370 1,585 215 359 227 30,932 1,685 885 1,566 1,381 373 669 232 90,734 2,957 1,703 3,936 2,966 588 1,028 459 121,666 143 323 471 332 17 52 34 5,633 604 361 704 1,358 73 261 124 26,193 747 684 1,175 1,690 90 313 158 31,826 132 108 66 87 175 186 102 293 25 40 80 57 15 30 34 26 34-1 35-4 34-1 39-4 23-0 35-6 34-3 35-5 £ s. d. 133 1 0 138 6 4 143 5 9 153 12 0 80 7 8 123 5 2 145 13 i * Two pupil-teac cost of pupil-teachen salaries and allowance ■hers are here recko s and monitors, cal es and the balance l ned as t 'eckonec jquivale; on theii 3 as paic it to one average to adult adult. t To j rates of sala] rS. obtain ry, was jhe ligures in this column deducted from the total e: the. estimated tpenditure on


In the United States of America the proportion in 1901 was 247 women for every 100 men. In New Zealand, in 1892, the proportion of female teachers to male teachers was 94 of the former to 100 of the latter ; so that the proportion of female teachers to male teachers has increased from 94 per cent, to 132 per cent, of the male teachers. In the same time the proportion of female teachers to male teachers in England has increased from 223 per cent, to 293 per cent. The proportion of male pupil-teachers to female pupil-teachers is given by the ratio 1 to 4-22 ; in 1892 the ratio was 1 to 3-05. It is thus seen that the substitution of women for men as teachers in primary schools is a process that has been going on for some time in various countries, although it has not yet reached in New Zealand the stage that it has reached in England and America, or even in South Australia. The operation of the Public-school Teachers' Salaries Act appears to have strengthened the staffing of the schools in one important respect—namely, by reducing the proportion of pupilteachers to adult teachers from one pupil-teacher to 2-79 adults in 1901 to 1 to 3-98 in 1902 ; the improvement will be still more marked when the full effect of the Act is felt. Even as it is, the proportion of apprentices to adults is lower than in any of the Australian States except Tasmania, and slightly lower even than in England, although in the latter case it must be remembered that monitors have been included under the heading of pupil-teachers. The forecast in the final paragraph of this extract is amply borne ont by the figures for 1903, the total number of the pupil-teachers engaged in the colony at the end of the year being 1 to 4-29 adults. The total number of adult teachers was 2,996 and of pupil-teachers 699, being 39 more and 48 less respectively than in the previous year. Of the adult teachers 1,270 were males and 1,726 females, or a little under 136 females for each 100 males. The proportion of male pupil-teachers to female which fell in 1902 to the ratio of 1 to 4-22 rose in 1903 to a ratic of 1 to 3 ; 76. The average number of pupils to each adult teacher, reckoning two pupilteachers as one adult as in the above table (F2), was 33-8 or 0-3 less than in 1902. The total of all salaries and allowances at the rates paid at the end of the year was £417,474 16s. Bd. This includes the salaries and lodging-allowances of pupil-teachers, as well as all salaries, house-rent, and other allowances paid to adult teachers: the average salary per teacher, including pupil-teachers, was therefore £112 19s. Id. Table F3 shows the number of certificated and uncertificated teachers employed on the primary staffs of the public schools at the end of 1903. Out of the total number (2,996) of adult teachers employed 2,450 were holders of certificates, 10 others had passed the certificate examination, 161 had gained a partial pass, whilst 375 had either failed to pass or had never sat for examination by the Department.

TABLE F3.—Teachers, Certificated and Uncertificated, 31st December, 1903.


(Numbers in brackets represent licensee ;eac] ters inc' in 61 .er num iers. Education Districts. •a . id (fl I-l * 2 Si o CD if ■si s . .So-d & >><D 3 © a CO g ft ft » g a Teachers a ■- «g © whose W ork p,| c S at University >- x o £ Examination gW'Sg, counts ® a « towards D. 15 <* C "3 o H Pupil-teachers having Certificates not included in Column headed " Certificated Teachers." Auckland ' .. Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland 549 87 211 246 139 33 112 25 21 369 106 375 177 1 2 41 14 [1] 19 [5] 18 10 1 8 3 3 [2] 7 7[1] 19 [10] 11 46 [2] 12 [1] 40 [3] 32 [2] 15 [1] 37 [1] 40 [3] 17 21 21 7 34 [1] 33 [1] 1 1 1 2 640 [2] 114 [2] 272 [8] 301 [2] 16411] 72 [1] 163 [6] 47 45:2] 40l" ' 121 [1] 434 HI] 222 [1] 1 1 3 2 2 17 1 3 2 4 2 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 i Total for 1903 Total for 1902 Total for 1901 Total for 1900 Total for 1897 Total for 1894 Total for 1891 Total for 1888 2,450 2,474 2,384 2,369 2,244 1,984 1,753 1,496 3 8 4 2 2 5 7 11 7 9 7 13 20 24 17 84 161 [22] 176[32J 86 [5] 68 f6] 92 [5] 85 107 137 355 [15] 290 [13] 187 [5] 179 [8] 191 [9] 162 190 246 20 2,996 r.34] 2,957 [45] 2,668 [10] 2,631 2,549 2,260 2,074 1,924 32 42 107 137 111


In January, 1904, 157 teachers not previously certificated passed the examinations conducted by the Department. Full particulars are given in the report of the examinations (E.-1a). School Buildings. The Select Committee on Education set up by the House of Kepresentatives last session took into consideration, amongst other matters, the subject of the allocation of the grants to Education Boards for school buildings, and recommended the adoption of a system very much on the lines of what has been suggested in the Education Beports of the last three years. The Committee laid down the principle that the ordinary maintenance of school buildings, the rebuilding of schools destroyed by fire, and the erection of new schools and substantial additions, and, if necessary, of teachers' residences, are separate departments of the work, so distinct in character as to require treatment upon separate lines. The report which the Committee presented to the House contained recommendations which may be summarised as follows : — (a.) That the basis for the distribution of the amounts available for the ordinary repair and maintenance of schools and residences (including replacement of worn-out buildings) be the current cost of the construction of such buildings, which was then estimated to be £1,167,131 (£1,018,562 for wooden buildings and £148,569 for those of brick or stone). (&.) That the rate for maintenance of wooden buildings be 3J per cent.; for maintenance of brick or stone buildings, 2 per cent.; for replacing worn-out wooden buildings, 2, 5, or 10 per cent, according to age of buildings —twenty to twenty-five years, twenty-five to thirty years, or over thirty years, as the case may be. (c.) That as to the reinstatement of buildings destroyed by fire, the full cost be allowed if the building be not over twenty years old, but a percentage only if older, seeing that at twenty years the Government will begin to pay for replacement. (d.) That none of the money allotted for the maintenance (including replacement) of schools and residences be expended in building schools in new districts. (e.) That new schools and substantial additions be provided for by special grants, to be awarded by the Government after investigation of the merits in each case. (/.) That no grant for a teacher's residence be made if it be reasonably possible for the teacher to rent a house or obtain suitable residential accommodation otherwise. Froceeding to an estimate of the amount required by the Boards for ordinary building purposes according to the rates set forth in paragraph (b) above, the Committee found it necessary, in view of the funds available for the year, to reduce the rate for maintenance of wooden buildings from 3£ to 3 per cent., and to omit any allowance for the replacement of worn-out residences. The result was finally summarised in a schedule in which the Committee set forth a proportionate distribution of a sum of £49,250. The recommendation was adopted by the Government, but as in the case of five districts the proposed payment would have been less than the grant of the previous year, and seeing that the greater part of the year had then elapsed, it was decided to make the grants in those five cases equal to those of last year, thus adding £3,207 to the total. The distribution made was as follows: Auckland, £12,917; Taranaki, £1,750; Wanganui, £4,200; Wellington, £5,300; Hawke's Bay, £2,862; Marlborough, £950; Nelson, £2,402; Grey, £850; Westland, £845; North Canterbury, £7,255; South Canterbury, £2,034; Otago, £7,523; Southland, £3,569: total, £52,457. In addition to this, £46 2s. 6d. was paid to Taranaki and £5 to Nelson for the rent of temporary premises. For the purpose of replacing schools and school property destroyed by fire £230 lis. 2d. was paid to Wanganui, £61 7s. Bd. to Wellington, £30 Bs. 3d. to Nelson, £275 to South Canterbury, £15 to Otago, and £30 15s. to Southland : total, £642 Bs. Id. Special grants for school buildings in newly settled districts, and for additions to schools in other places at which increase of attendance rendered further accommodation necessary, were made as follows : Auckland, £3,188 13s. 6d.;



Taranaki, £873 lis. 9d.; Wanganui, £204 17s. 6d.; Wellington, £3,082; Hawke's Bay, £1,890 10s. 3d.; Nelson, £300; Westland, £100; North Canterbury, £140 16s. 9d. (for a movable school on the Midland Bailway); Otago, £1,772 lis. Bd.; Southland, £1,383 165.: total, £12,936 17s. sd. ' This does not represent what was authorised by the Government on this account during the year, but only such claims as the completion of the authorised works enabled the Boards to send in. A paragraph of the report of the Education Committee referred to above is devoted to the subject of these special grants, and the procedure with, regard to them is approved by the Committee. The number of claims sent in is, however, very large, and shows that, in some districts at all events, the Boards in approaching the Government do not consider as necessary the economy that they would have to observe if the expenditure were to fall upon their own funds. In such circumstances the process of investigation needs to be more carefully and completely carried out than would otherwise be the case. Finances of Education Boabds. Table G is an abstract of the accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the Boards of Education for the year 1903. These are tabulated in detail on pages 6 and 7 of the Appendix, and the annual reports of the several Boards with their statements of receipts and expenditure in full are also given there on page 70 and following pages. The expenditure on teachers' salaries which in 1902 showed so large an increase over the previous year, now shows an apparent decrease. In reality, however, there is again an increase, as teachers' house-allowance, which was previously included in this item, is now omitted, and appears under the head of buildings. Deducting house-allowances, and the £6,742 mentioned in last year's report as paid on account of increases to salaries for 1901, the payment for teachers' salaries and pupil-teachers' lodging-allowances in 1902 is found to be £405,099, or £4,575 less than in 1903. Even this, however, does not show the true increase in this item, as the salaries of the teachers of secondary classes at the district high schools were included in this £405,099, whilst in 1903 they are omitted. The increase was, as near as can be ascertained, between £10,000 and £11,000. For manual and technical instruction there would appear to be an increase of £1,876 in the expenditure, but to this must be added £13,132 spent on buildings and permanent apparatus, which for 1903 is included under the head of buildings. There was thus an increase on the whole of £15,008, or over 125 per cent., in the expenditure in 1903 in connection with manual and technical instruction. There would appear to have been a very large increase in the item " Scholarships and secondary education." In this case also there has been a fresh grouping of the expenditure, and, as stated above, the salaries of certain district high school teachers, which are now shown under this head, were in 1902 included under the general heading of " Teachers' salaries." The increase in this item, however, can be fairly gauged by the increase made in the grants for scholarships and district high schools made by Government as shown in Table No. 4— viz., £2,584.

TABLE G. —Abstract of the Receipts and Expenditure of Boards, 1903. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balances, Ist January, 1903 .. * 17,892 15 5 Boards' administration .. .. 30,493 711 Government grants— Teachers and pupil-teachers' salaries, Salaries of teachers and and pupil-teachers'lodging-allowances 409,673 12 5 pupil- teachers, and Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 31,504 12 9 lodging-allowances of Scholarships and secondary education .. 18,949 14 8 pupil-teachers ..£406,532 16 7 Training of teachers .. .. .. 1,204 15 4 Allowance at £250 and Manual and technical instruction .. 13,481 17 8 capitation .. .. 69,299 17 2 Buildings, house-allowance, &c. .. 95,011 9 4 Other grants .. .. 19,235 011 Refunds and sundries .. .. 788 5 11 Balance, 31st December, 1903 .. .. 6,485 17 11 Total maintenance 495,067 14 8 Manual and technical instruction .. .. 8,461 2 4 Buildings and houseallowances of teachers 78,406 13 11 Total from Government .. .. 581,935 10 11 Local receipts .. .. 7,377 711 Refunds, fines, &c. .. 387 19 8 £607,593 13 11 £607,593 13 11 * The difference between this balance and that shown at the end of 1902 in last year's report is caused by certain contractors' deposits which were then included being now omitted.



As in previous years, a portion of the votes for scholarships, for district high schools, and for manual and technical instruction, as well as most of the building vote for the year, was not received by the Boards until after the 31st December, 1903. The amounts payable thereunder to the several Boards are, however, included in the assets of the Boards shown in Table HI. Tables HI and H2 show the financial position as regards the General and Building Accounts respectively on the 31st December, 1903 ; for the purpose of comparison the deficits and balances on 31st December, 1902, are also given. At the close of the year 1903 five out of the thirteen Boards had deficits on their General Account, amounting altogether to £4,696; at the end of 1902 seven Boards had deficits, amounting in all to £6,211 ; the total deficits have therefore been decreased by £1,515. Eight Boards had balances on 31st December, 1903, amounting in the aggregate to £6,775, as against six Boards whose accounts were in credit in December, 1902, with a total balance of £6,840, the decrease in the credit balances being thus £65. The total amount of improvement during the year was therefore £1,450. The Boards that improved their position on the General Account during the year were nine in number: Wellington, which reduced its deficit from £2,762 to £1,518, shows the greatest improvement, while Wanganui, which increased its balance from £198 to £1,285, comes next. Hawke's Bay increased its balance from £1,678 to £1,939, but in addition £1,000 was transferred to the Building Fund. In the case of Auckland, a balance of £3;090 has been reduced to £772 owing to the excess of the expenditure over the receipts on account of manual and technical instruction. . The other Boards showing a loss on their working during the year were Taranaki, Marlborough, and Grey. On the Building Account all the Boards but two show an excess of assets over their liabilities. Of these two, Wellington, though still having a deficit of £2,162, has improved its position during the year by £5,489 ; Otago, on the other hand, is in a worse position by £1,282. Next to Wellington the greatest improvement is shown by Auckland, which converted a deficit of £1,012 into a credit balance of £3,573. The other Boards which show an improvement are Taranaki, Nelson, Grey, Westland, South Canterbury, and Southland. The total balances of the Boards in credit on Building Account amount to £23,239, as against £18,671 at the end of 1902, and the total deficits of the Wellington and Otago Boards to £3,900, as against £9,119 of these and the Auckland Board, so that the net improvement of all Boards on this account was £9,787. Taking together the two years, 1902 and 1903, since the coming into operation of the Public-School Teachers' Salaries Act, it will be found that all the Boards except three improved their position with regard to their General Fund, the respective amounts being—Taranaki, £159 ; Wanganui, £1,336 ; Wellington, £3,031; Marlborough, £70; Nelson, £672; Westland, £119; North Canterbury, £312; South Canterbury, £30; Otago, £1,568; and Southland, £1,145: total, £8,442. The Boards that do not show an improvement are Auckland, Hawke's Bay, and Grey. Auckland's balance is less by £1,431 than it was at the end of 1901. This is more than accounted for by the expenditure in connection with manual and technical instruction, already mentioned, which exceeded the receipts on that account by £2,394. Hawke's Bay shows a balance less by £916 than in 1901, but, as £2,000 was transferred from this account to the Building Account, the Board's working during 1902 and 1903 really yielded a profit of £1,084. Grey shows a loss each year of £184, there being no special circumstances to explain it. The total falling-off shown by these three Boards is therefore £2,715, so that the net improvement for all Boards on their General Account during the two years was £5,727, or, if the £2,000 transferred by Hawke's Bay be added, £7,727. The building funds are of course not affected by the Act. In this connection it is of interest to note what percentage of the several Boards' income is expended on administration, including in this term all the items which are included in that heading in Table G., viz.—salaries of the office staff, the Inspectors, Truant Officers, &c, and the ordinary office contingencies, but excluding the incidental expenses of schools. The percentage borne by these administrative expenses to the Boards' income from all sources (omitting balances) was 5 - 2; for the several



Boards it was—-Wanganui, 4-2; Hawke's Bay, 4-3; North Canterbury, 4'4; Wellington, 4'6; Auckland, 4-8; Otago, 53; Southland, 5-8; Nelson, 6-0; South Canterbury, 6-8; Taranaki, 7-0; Marlborough, 7-6; Westland, 9-2; and Grey, 10-5.

TABLE H1.—General Account. —Assets and Liabilities of Boards on 31st December, 1903.

TABLE H2.— Building Account.—Assets and Liabilities of Boards on 31st December, 1903.

The New Syllabus. Among the many changes that have recently been introduced into the education system of the colony probably the amended regulations for the inspection and examination of public schools and the new syllabus of instruction are calculated to have the most far-reaching effect. The most important feature of the former is the abolition of the individual standard pass, except in Standard VI and in a few other cases in which certificates of lower standards are required. 'The classification of the schools will now be, generally speaking, m the hands of the head teachers, and the Inspectors, set free from this task, will have more time for their proper functions of testing the efficiency of the schools, devoting themselves at the annual visit mainly to the "investigation of the character of the teaching and of the degree to which the intelligence of the pupils has been developed," and at their other visits to a co-operation with the teachers in the development of better methods of instruction. The syllabus, while making allowance for the special difficulties of small schools, encourages in all schools alike the adoption of methods of teaching in accordance with the modern spirit of education. The necessity of a sound training m the mother tongue is fully recognised ; and the instruction of the children m the elementary principles of civic life and their privileges and duties as citizens of the colony and of the Empire is provided for. In arithmetic, geography, nature-study, and other subjects it is suggested that the methods of instruction should be


Assel is and Deficits. Liabilities ai .d Balances. 1902. Education Districts. Cash. Due from: Dencits . all Sources; Over- Due to drafts. Government. T .°®}f>?. I Balances. Liabilities. Deficits. Balances. £ 181 125 1,472 £ 2,238 447 1,515 304 663 30 748 62 148 1,712 532 607 936 £ £ 294 205 245 71 £ 1,059 565 583 652 971 100 318 74 51271 1,245 4,010 £ 588 313 1,119 876 116 67 538 212 62 1,311 529 432 1,258 £ 772 £ £ 3,090 uiekland taranaki Yanganui Vellington lawke's Bay larlborough •lelson Irey Yestland ■forth Canterbury South Canterbury )tago Southland 306 213 1,285 2,762 198 1,518 1,939 492 1,678 553 2,363 629 313 469 15 510 285 36 2,405 2,780 1,715 4,750 1,206 2,090 473 915 884 311 608 402 •• • Totals 15,221 9,942 4,696 815 14,848 7,421 6,775 6,211 6,840

Assets and Deficits. Liabilities and Balances. 1902. Education Districts. Cash. Due from De ficits. all Sources P V T t ■ %h Balances, drafts. Liabilities. Deficits. Balances. £ 1,412 399 £ £ 7,011 ! 2,721 : 3,897 3,707 2,162 2,862 950 2,477 855 745 7,265 2,524 7,838 1,738 4,602 £ £ 4,850 1,412 632 2,532 4,446 1,423 308 7 255 938 114 75 3,964 975 7,285 2,291 1,060 £ 3,573 1,708 733 £ 1,012 £ 1,469 1,126 Auckland Taranaki Wanganui .. Wellington .. Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland .. '253 551 252 22 384 517 2,807 688 2,090 993 692 3,685 2,066 7,651 3,208 816 1,907 947 481 3,771 1,701 456 "(362 4,204 3,245 18,671 Totals 12,370 20,197 23,239 9,119 4,452 47,454 3,900



brought nearer to the method of discovery. There is every hope that in future the New Zealand teacher will be less of an " informationist" and more of an educationist. The syllabus, which involved much laborious thought in its inception and construction, was, after careful consideration by the Select Committee on Education, published in October, 1903. In February, at the Inspectors' Conference, and afterwards at a joint conference of Inspectors and teachers, it was subjected to an exhaustive discussion, and with certain modifications not affecting its main principles, it was finally gazetted in April of the present year (1904). While there have been, and no doubt will still be, differences of opinion on points of detail, the general assent with which the reforms have been greeted affords a good augury of their success in the near future. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that no scheme of education, especially such a scheme as this, can succeed without the agency of enthusiastic and well-trained teachers, and that accordingly an adequate provision for the training of teachers is an essential complement of even the most carefully devised syllabus. Training of Teachers. The question of training-colleges for teachers was one of the most important questions referred last year to the Select Committee on Education, and their report, reprinted for convenient reference in an Appendix to this report (E.-1e), marks an important epoch in the history of the training of teachers in the colony. The principal points of that report, which has been adopted by the Government as the basis of action, were — first, that a training-college for teachers should be established at each of the four principal centres of the colony, viz., at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin, being the University centres ; secondly, that in order to avoid the expense of duplicating instruction in subjects which are taught at the University colleges, and to secure for teachers a greater breadth of view, the training of teachers in the literary and scientific work should as far as possible be provided by the University colleges ; thirdly, that a two-years' course should be aimed at. Grants required to carry out the scheme were voted by Parliament last session. A circular setting forth provisionally for the present year the main features of the scheme and the conditions on which the grants would be given was issued by the Department in February, 1904; the two existing colleges at Christchurch and Dunedin have been reorganized in accordance therewith, the staffs have been strengthened, and their work is gradually being brought into line with the ideas set forth in the report of the Parliamentary Committee and in the circular referred to. These two colleges are thus ready to supply the wants of pupil-teachers and other qualified candidates for the profession in North and South Canterbury, Otago, and Southland, although, in common with the other training-colleges, they will be open to receive students from any part of the colony who intend to become teachers in either primary or secondary schools. Arrangements are now under consideration for the establishment of the two other colleges recommended, so that before long it may be hoped that the provision for the training of our future teachers may be regarded as fairly complete. The vote for the instruction of teachers in the subjects of handwork recognised in " school-classes " under the Manual and Technical Instruction Acts was continued last year, and the grants made out of it to Boards seem to have been on the whole wisely expended. At several centres winter and summer schools for teachers have been held, with, it is believed, a fair amount of success in increasing enthusiasm and in spreading a knowledge of new methods. Probably the training-colleges will be able, when they get into working-order, to do something for the teachers now in schools as well as for those who are about to enter the profession by allowing them to attend for shorter or longer periods as may be found possible and expedient. Military and Physical Drill. The acts provide that "in public schools provision shall be made for the instruction in military drill of all boys " ; and it is declared to be the duty of the Board in each district " to cause physical drill to be taught to all boys and girls over the age of eight years attending the public schools in the district." The number of children returned as receiving instruction in drill in the public


schools of the colony at the end of the year was 109,648. The term "drill" here must be taken to include physical and disciplinary exercises. The report of the Officer Commanding the Public-school Cadets forms an Appendix (E.-1d) to this report. There were on the 30th June, 1904, 210 cadet corps, with a strength of 10,858 members, equipped with the " model rifles" (dummies) which have been imported by the Department for purposes of drill, and with a percentage of miniature Martini-Henry rifles for target practice. The number of cadet companies in the several districts is as follows: Auckland, 40; Taranaki, 8; Wanganui, 23; Wellington, 31; Hawke's Bay, 27; Marlborough, 4; Nelson, 10; Grey, 7 ; Westland, 3; North Canterbury, 14; South Canterbury, 8; Otago, 34; Southland, 8: total, 217. The number of battalions formed was 24. The number of models on issue to the Boards at the end of the year was 9,948, and of miniature rifles 900. At the end of the year twenty-four companies in the North Island and twenty-seven in the South competed for two challenge shields presented by the Government. The conditions were that the competing squad should consist of ten cadets, all belonging to the same company or detachment; each competitor to have seven shots at 100 yards (lying), 150 yards (sitting), and 200 yards (kneeling), the local range being used in each case. The North Island shield was won by the Onehunga Cadet Company, with a score of 642, and the South Island shield by the Waiinate Cadet Company, with 673, out of a possible 840. The Department has obtained the services of men qualified to give instruction to teachers in military drill, and facilities are given to teachers to attend classes for instruction, the Department paying rail fares. Under this arrangement classes were established in almost all Education Districts, and in some districts at several centres. The expenditure for the year was £7,728 lis. 9d., made up as follows :— £ s. d. £ s. d. Salary of Commanding Officer ... ... ... 300 0 0 Clerical assistance ... ... ... ••• 230 16 0 Travelling-expenses of Commanding Officer 241 8 2 772 4 2 Capitation ... ... ... ■•■ ••• 926 17 6 Arms, accoutrements, ammunition, &c. ... ... ... £4,538 2 9 Less recoveries ... 186 10 4,352 1 9 Eent, &c, of rifle ranges ... ... ... 40 7 9 Railway fares of cadet corps ... ... ... 68 3 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ••• 30 9 4 B 5,417 18 7 Instructors of teachers' classes ... ... ... 291 5 0 Railway fares of teachers attending instructionclasses, and of instructors ... ... ... 1,247 4 0 1,538 9 0 £7,728 11 9 Railway Passes, etc., for School-children. In 1903 £6,388 2s. 6d., made up as follows, was paid for conveyance of school-children—viz., railway fares of pupils attending public schools, £2,748; of pupils attending private schools, £1,386 ; of pupils attending district high schools, £716 ; of pupils attending secondary schools, £1,261 10s.; and of holders of technical scholarships, £5 ; grants for conveyance of children by road—to Wanganui Education Board, £48; North Canterbury Board, £101 10s.; Otago Board, £122 2s. 6d. Chatham Islands. The number of schools open in the Chatham Islands during the year 1903 was six. Of these the principal school at Te One, on the main island, was under a master assisted by two pupil-teachers. Three half-time schools in the northern part of the island were in charge of an itinerant master, one half-time school in the southern part temporarily under the charge of an assistant mistress acting under the supervision of the master of the Te One school, and there was also a small school of eleven in charge of a master at Pitt Island. The total number



on the rolls of the schools at the end of 1903 was 89, and tiie average attendance 69. The total expenditure was £682 15s. 9d., made up as follows: Salaries and allowances of teachers, £530 3s. 6d.; school furniture, requisites, &c, £69 7s. lOd.; passage-money of teachers and families, £5 7s. 9d.; inspection, £23 6s. Bd.; scholarships, £54 10s. All these schools are now conducted as public schools, and the teachers are paid at colonial-scale rates with a small addition to the salary to compensate for the isolation and the greater cost of living. At the principal school, Te One, the children were being taught in a temporary building, the old one being far too small to accommodate them. A new tworoomed building to accommodate about seventy children has now been erected. As it was impossible to find a teacher who would undertake to teach both the southern schools, distant some fifteen miles apart, the school at Ouenga was without a teacher for the latter part of the year. The parents of the children had, however, cariied on the instruction, and the examination by the Inspector showed that they had been satisfactorily taught. The pupil-teachers appointed last year are giving satisfaction. They were examined in practical and theoretical work at the end of the year, and have both been promoted to be second-year pupil-teachers. The plan of taking local applicants for these positions has so far been successful. The schools were examined in January of this year (1904). The Inspector's reports show that there has been a steady increase in efficiency all round; indeed, that much of the work was excellent and compares very favourably with that of children in New Zealand schools. A special scholarship provided for the European children of the Islands is at present held by a boy at Nelson College. The ordinary Native-schools scholarships are available for the Maori children, and there are at present two girls and one boy holding such scholarships at Hukarere and Te Aute respectively. Education Eeserves. Table I. is a summary of the accounts of the School Commissioners, which are given in full in the Appendix.

TABLE I.—Summary of School Commissioners' Accounts.

iii—E. 1.


Income for the Year 1903. Provincial Districts. Balances on 1st January, 1903. Receipts Secondary Reserves. Receipts during Year. 3 during Year. Investments, &c. Deposits. Total Income. Primary Eeserves. Auckland Taranaki Wellington.. Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Westland Canterbury.. Otago £ s. d. 154 19 3 618 1 11 496 11 3 2,405 2 5 161 10 6 46 13 6 206 10 8 2,368 13 6 2,287 12 8 £ s. d. 3,458 0 7 3,152 2 3 4,561 6 10 3,326 6 8 251 5 6 785 14 6 67 0 0 18,201 16 8 12,407 19 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 787 13 7 101 19 6 495 13 4 6 15 7 773 18 4 | 119 8 9 798 19 2 | 48 3 7 38 15 0 i 325 17 9 213 4 6 4 17 9 699 1 7 4,203 1 3 £ s. d. 87 11 0 £, s. d. 4,590 3 11 4,272 13 1 5,951 5 2 6,578 11 10 451 11 0 1,158 5 9 486 15 2 20,575 7 11 19,597 14 9 Totals for 1903.. Totals for 1902.. 8,745 15 8 12,925 2 7 46,211 12 3 45,364 18 7 4,133 3 3 4,484 6 5 4,388 12 4 j 8,340 18 1 87 11 0 89 9 0 63,662 8 7 71,109 0 7

Expenditure for the Year 1903. Provincial Districts. Office Expenses and Salaries. Other Expenses of Managemen i Paid for Paid for Investments B *' a^°t S Primary Secondary and December . Education. Education. Refunds. 1903 ' !__ ' Total. Auckland Paranaki Wellington.. ilawke's Bay Marlborough kelson (Vestland .. janterbury )tago £ s. d. 175 19 0 154 1 3 416 7 11 108 9 1 25 8 0 57 2 6 26 15 0 563 19 1 810 14 8 £ s. d. 364 8 8 245 14 9 215 4 0 543 15 1 3 13 0 15 16 6 51 5 0 125 17 2 796 15 4 £ s. d.i £ s. d. 3,135 0 O! 521 14 11 3,000 0 0 300 0 0 4,250 0 0 500 0 0 2,900 0 0 670 11 1 300 o o: 50 0 0 750 0 0 288 0 0 300 0 0 17,500 0 0 12,927 15 11 689 15 4 £, s. a. 105 0 C 38 14 0 £ s. d. 288 1 4 534 3 1 569 13 3 2,355. 16 7, 72 10 0 47 6 9 108 15 2 2,385 11 8 1,583 5 0 £ s. d. 4,590 3 11 4,272 13 1 5,951 5 2 6,578 11 10 451 11 0 1,158 5 9 486 15 2 20,575 7 11 .19,597 14 9 2,754 ' 8 6 Totals for 1903.. Totals for 1902.. 2,368 16 6 2,320 12 5 2,362 9 6 2,099 3 9 44,762 15 113,320 1 4 43,325 19 4 4,048 12 1 ! 2,898 2 6 10,832 9 0 7,950 2 IO! 8,482 4 0 63,662 8 7 71,109 0 7


TABLE I.—Summary of School Commissioners' Account— continued.

The payments made to Education Boards for primary education out of the proceeds from education reserves in 1903 amounted to £44,762 15s. lid. The revenues of the Boards are not, however, increased thereby, as equal amounts are deducted from the grants payable by the Government to the Boards. The payments for primary education were distributed amongst the several Education Boards as follows: Auckland, £2,934 7s. 6d.; Taranaki, £2,118 17s. 6d.; Wanganui, £2,374 os. 9d.; Wellington, £2,757 Is. 9d.; Hawke's Bay, £3,100 12s. 6d.; Marlborough, £300; Nelson, £635 45.; Grey, £88; North Canterbury, £14,182 2s. 3d. ; South Canterbury, £3,344 13s. 9d.; Otago, £9,090 19s. lOd. ; Southland, £3,836 16s. Id. The payments for secondary education from reserves under the control of the School Commissioners amounted to £3,320 Is. 4d. Under " The Secondary Schools Act, 1903," the revenues derived from reserves set apart for secondary education are to be "handed over by the Commissioners to the governing bodies of secondary schools in the provincial district in proportion to the number of pupils in average attendance at the several secondary schools, exclusive of the pupils in any preparatory departmen t.'' Native Schools. The number of Maori village schools in full operation at the end of 1903 was 101, two more than the number open at the end of 1902. The number of children on the rolls of these schools at the 31st December, 1903, was 3,693, as against 3,742 at the end of the preceding year. This falling-off is doubtless due in the main to epidemics of measles, whooping-cough, and scarlet fever that have occurred in various localities in the North. The average attendance, nevertheless, has been fully maintained, being 3,012, as against 3,005 in 1902. In addition to the village schools, there are the four mission schools and the five boarding or secondary schools that are examined and inspected by the Department at the request of their controlling authorities. These bring the total number of Native schools to 110. The Inspector's report (E.-2) shows that on the whole the standard of efficiency of the schools is satisfactory. This is encouraging, in view of the fact that of late years there has been a gradual increase in the standard requirements. Handwork is now fairly well established in most of the schools. Maoris take very readily to all forms of manual work, and their skill in carpentry and modelling is in many instances surprising. At several of the schools there are carpenter's shops in full operation. The boys are taught to make articles that are likely to prove useful to their parents, who may purchase such things as stools, tables, boxes, &c, at the cost-price of the material. The elder Maoris appreciate these workshops very highly, and in one case have voluntarily supplied the timber for the building. Native schools being established only upon the application of the Maoris directly concerned, it is satisfactory to observe that this year marks an advance into Taranaki, a district in which these schools have hitherto had no place. The new school at Puniho, near Parihaka, has so far been successful, the people taking a praiseworthy interest in it. A side school at Lower Waihou, Hokianga, in connection with the Whakarapa School, was opened experimentally in a building lent by the Natives, but owing to unsatisfactory circumstances was closed


Assets and Liabilities, 31st December, 1903. Provincial Districts. Balances of Arrears of Rent Amounts due to Accounts. Tnter a e n s ? Q „e. Total Ashete ' Capital Account. Other Liabilities. Halance of Assets. Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Westland Canterbury.. Otago £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,498 6 4 1,293 6 0 : 2,791 12 4 322 5 3 617 11 8 939 16 11 569 13 3 ' 86 19 10 656 13 1 2,355 16 7 423 3 5 2,779 0 0 72 10 0 166 19 6 239 9 6 47 6 9 431 19 5 , 479 6 2 108 15 2 21 5 0 130 0 2 2,385 11 8 1,711 13 11 4,097 5 7 43,573 13 1 ! 4,757 2 0 \ 48,330 15 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,210 5 0 27 12 0 197 3 10 13 7 11 97 13 3 506 6 0 20 5 10 £ s. d. 1,553 15 4 729 5 2 558 19 10 2,252 8 2 239 9 6 479 6 2 130 0 2 3,787 19 8 44,687 4 11 264 5 11 j 45 0 0 3,643 10 2 Totals for 1903.. Total-for 1902.. 50,933 18 1 i 9,510 0 9 : 60,443 18 10 48,210 13 3 11,029 9 3 59,240 2 6 2,275 14 0 i 3,749 15 11 1,486 6 11 ; 4,126 5 7 54,418 8 11 53,627 10 0


again for the greater part of the year. Of the new schools proposed last year Kaingahoa, near Bussell, and Oruanui and Waitahanui, in the Taupo district, are now approaching completion. The Inspector's report contains a list of the applications for new schools that are still under consideration. At Kawhia, where European settlement has recently increased with great rapidity, the Department has had once more to consider the problem of providing for the education of both races in the same locality. The maintenance of the Native school, otherwise desirable, would have involved the expenditure of a considerable sum for the erection of an ordinary public school and the subsequent maintenance of two schools within a mile of each other. As at Otorohanga, Matakohe, Maketu, Kirikiri, Port Molyneux, and Colac Bay, to name some of the places where such a change has occurred, the case for the public school, which is by law open to children of the Maori race, appeared in the case of Kawhia irresistible, and the Native school was accordingly handed over to the Education Board. It has since been shown that elsewhere in the Kawhia district there are sufficient Maoris to make the establishment of another Native school desirable, and arrangements for effecting this are now in progress. At the five boarding-schools—St. Stephen's and Te Aute for boys, and Hukarere, St. Joseph's, and the recently established Victoria School, Auckland, for girls—the Government provide scholarships, tenable for two years, for children of predominantly Maori race who pass the Fourth Standard at the Maori village schools. The number of places available for such scholarships is 113, and 100 were occupied at the end of the year. So far as it is possible to find suitable openings, apprenticeships to trades are arranged for boys that prefer such work to the ordinary scholarship. At present there are four apprentices under the Department's care. One boy in the service of the Bailway Department is doing good work at the School of Engineering, Canterbury College. The after-career of the most promising young Maoris is a matter that has received the attention of the Government. The most desirable career for girls to follow, in view of the circumstances of the race, appears to be that of nursing, and since 1898 the Department, with the valued co-operation of the Napier Hospital authorities, has had in operation an arrangement for training senior scholars from the two Native girls' schools in Napier. Negotiations for an extension of this arrangement are now in progress. University scholarships are also offered to Maori youths of marked ability, in order that after matriculating from Te Aute College they may take up the study necessary for a profession. Two young men have been studying medicine at Otago University, and one of them, Dr. P. H. Buck, has just'attained the distinction of being the first person of Maori blood to obtain a New Zealand qualification for the medical profession. Other scholarships have been granted in law, and there is one student at present attending lectures in law at Auckland University College. Maori children attending the ordinary public schools, and who pass the Fifth Standard before the age of fifteen, may obtain allowances of £20 a year for two years to enable them to attend higher schools or to enter upon industrial pursuits. There are now five scholars receiving higher education under these conditions. The total expenditure on Native schools for the year was £28,719, which includes £134 paid from Native reserves funds and £136 paid from other funds for Native purposes. Deducting £40 recoveries from various sources, the result, is a net cost of £28,679, as against £26,946 for the year 1902. Included in this sum is expenditure on new buildings and additions, £5,655 ; on secondary education (including boarding-school fees for holders of scholarships from village schools, apprenticeships, hospital-nursing scholarships, technical and University scholarships, and travelling-expenses of scholarship-holders), £2,1.72; and on the model kainga at Pamoana, £444. The staff of the village schools included 76 masters, 19 mistresses in charge, 81 assistants, and 12 sewing-teachers. The masters received salaries ranging from £2K4 2s. Bd. to £94 os. 10d., the headmistresses from £181 4s. sd. to £90 Bs. 9d., the assistants from £50 to £7 35., and the sewing-teachers from £18 15s. to £7. In one school the master and mistress work conjointly, the



total salary being £264 Bs. Id. It must be understood in the case of the assistants and sewing-teachers that they are generally members of the teacher's family who give assistance for some part of the day's work. Of the 3,693 children attending Native schools, 81-32 were Maori or nearly Maori, 8-98 were half-castes, and 9-7 were European or nearly so. Of the 3,209 children of Maori or mixed race attending the public schools, 56-96 were Maori, 6-92 were of mixed race living as Maoris, and 36-12 were of mixed race living as Europeans. The standard classification of pupils of Native schools at the end of the year was—Preparatory classes, 1,016; Standard 1., 739; Standard 11., 706; Standard HI., 515; Standard IV., 407 ; Standard V.,.191; Standard VI., 67; passed Standard VI., 22. An event of the year was the retirement of Mr. James H. Pope, who for twenty-four years had held the position of Inspector of Native Schools. The opportunity is here taken of recording the Government's sense of the great value of Mr. Pope's services in a field which his enthusiastic and sympathetic nature, his great ability, and wide knowledge had made particularly his own. Industrial Schools. In December, 1903, the total number on the books .of all the industrial schools was 1,909, or 62 more than at the close of the year 1902. On the books of the Government Industrial Schools there were 1',366, an increase of 80 over the corresponding number for 1902; on the books of the private industrial schools there were 513, or 18 less than at the end of the previous vear. The number in residence at Government schools was 299, and at private industrial schools 302, so that 601 was the total number of " inmates " actually in residence. The number boarded out was 513, 5 being from private schools and the rest from Government schools. There were 11 girls maintained in various corrective institutions, 8 boys and girls in orphan homes, and 2 boys at the School for Deaf-mutes, Sumner. The total number of inmates dependent on the schools for maintenance was therefore 1,135, or 46 more than the number at the end of 1902. The remaining 774, although still subject to control and supervision, were not dependent on the schools for maintenance. They may be classified as follows: Licensed to reside with friends, 195 ; at service, 489; in hospital, 7; in lunatic asylum, 3; in the Costley Training Institution, Auckland, on probation, 7; in other institutions without payment, 12; in gaol, 5; absent without leave, 56—namely, 33 from service and 23 from the schools. There were six Government industrial schools in existence in 1903, and the numbers of inmates on their books at the end of the year were as follows: Auckland, 131; Eeceiving Home, Wellington, 166; Eeceiving Home, Christchurch, 239; Burnham, 252; Te Oranga Home, 56; Caversham, 522: total, 1,366. Those belonging to private industrial schools were distributed as follows : St. Mary's, Auckland, 131; St. Joseph's, Wellington, 80; St. Mary's, Nelson, 291; St. Vincent de Paul's, Dunedin, 41: total, 543.

TABLE J1.—Inmates, 1902 and 1903.


ioarded oi it. Res: idencc At Service, &c. Totals. © & aj © S 2 a cs © S s § ■5 & I Ci o q r-i 6 a © cc a © rr © rH © CO © J- £ © 53 oj © co . ?> i £ S 3 : © © © i; i © © Q - : Q A cq o c5 6 © - Q § g *H a © © 5 A fl Government Sohools— Auckland Receiving Home, Wellington Receiving Home, Christchurch Burnham Te One i ga Home, Christchurch Caversham Private Schools— St. Mary's, Auckland St. Joseph's, Wellington.. St. Mary's, Nelson St. Vincent de Paul's, Dunedin 57 74 133 2 174 6 61 3 63 135 130 2 177 18 1 2 103 19 140 8 12 10 1 ii 3 28 10 92 31 137 31 25 93 166 31 217 9 6 6 k 6 9 40 31 99 158 25 208 . 106 100 228 271 50 531 25 GO 11 6 19 9 131 166 239 252 56 522 3 1 i 90 37 177 7 3 17 83 34 160 44 42 136 4 4 6 48 46 130 134 79 314 i 3 131 80 291 23 4 4 23 2 25 11 1 12 34 7 41 Totals 441 74 3 512 610 32 42 600 30 29 797 1,847 116 54 1,909 796


The number of inmates who during 1903 ceased to be under the control of industrial schools was 169. Of these 112 were discharged by warrant, 42 reached twenty-one years of age, 2 were married, and 13 died. Of this total 117 were of good character, 7 fair, and 12 bad; 8 were weak-minded, 9 were missing, 6 were adopted or discharged under fifteen years of age, 9 under that age died, and 1 was sent to a school under a misapprehension. As in the previous year the number of deaths (13) was above the average. The medical certificates show that of the six inmates who were in residence at the time of death, 1 died of rheumatic fever, 1 of tubercular meningitis, 1 of pneumonia, 1 of marasmus, and two boys met with violent deaths, one being burned to death at the destruction by fire of the Stoke branch of St. Mary's Industrial School, Nelson, and one was found drowned in a well at the Burnham Industrial School. Four boarded-out children died—l of pneumonia, 1 of apnoea from disease of the brain, 1 infant from natural causes, and 1 of peritonitis. One girl died in the hospital from the effects of phosphorus poisoning, self-administered while at service, and 1 boy died in a lunatic asylum of epilepsy and marasmus. The number of admissions during the year (231) shows a decrease of 13 from the number for 1902. Of these 41 were sent from Dunedin, 74 from Wellington, 29 from Auckland, and 27 from Christchurch. Of the remaining 60 children, no one town or country district sent more than 8 to the schools. Erom information taken from the Magistrates' orders it is found that the religious denominations in which the children who were admitted are to be brought up are : Church of England, 124; Eoman Catholic, 62; Presbyterian, 25; Methodist, 11; Baptist, 4 ; and 5 are described as Protestant.

TABLE J2.—Admissions, classified according to Parents' Circumstances and Character, 1903.

At the end of 1903 there was in the Post-Office Savings-Bank on account of the earnings of inmates of Government industrial schools a sum of £12 070 7s. 5d., and on account of inmates of private industrial schools £2,721 12s. 3d. For inmates of Government schools a sum of £1,115 14s. lid. was withdrawn during the year, and for inmates of private schools £73 15s. 9d.


Preceden Condii ;ion of in 190, Childn i sn admi Ltted Fathers, described as Mothers, described as .5 •» «§. a © r^ ftO^© — a © a ° © © 3 a o -H a o © a p «rH CO o © © © co ■-« 3 a © 3 <!* +3 a © a © Ofl a Total. 9 © a § CC! r" Dead Dead Sick, lunatic, &c. .. Good Bad Deserter Dead Sick, lunatic, &c. .. Good Unknown Bad Deserter Dad Sick, lunatic, &c. .. Good Unknown Bad Deserter Dead Good Bad Deserter .. (iood Bad Deserter 1 1 17 1 1 3 2 1 26 7 1 16 6 31 6 22 1 7 2 21 4 24 1 9 18 IS 2 2 2 2 Go'od 6 3 7 5 i 1 i 2 3 2 6 2 1 4 2 20 3 4 1 2 i 1 1 i i "l i Unknown .. 3 2 21 4 14 1 1 io Bad" .. 6 12 7 2 2 1 2 5 3 1 8 6 3 Deserter i Totals 119 18 25 56 231


In Table J3 is shown the cost of the Government schools, in which is included the expenditure for the maintenance of inmates boarded out and the salaries of the resident staffs and medical officers; it also shows the cost of supervision of all inmates who are licensed to reside away from the schools; and, further, the amounts of the recoveries from Charitable Aid Boards, from persons against whom orders for maintenance have been made, and from the sale of farm-produce, &c.

TABLE J3. —Expenditure On Government Schools, 1903.

Table J4 shows the payments made by the Government on account of inmates in private industrial schools, the recoveries, and the net expenditure by Government. The contributions from Charitable Aid Boards are made directly to the managers of these schools, and are not included in the recoveries shown.

TABLE J4. —Government Expenditure on Private Schools (R.C.), 1903.

The Government or the Charitable Aid Boards paid for the maintenance of the twenty-one children previously stated to be in corrective or other institutions or homes. The payments made by the Government were as follows: Costley Training Institution, Auckland, £2 9s. ; Women's Home, Parnell, £4 os. 6d.; Salvation Army Maternity Home, Auckland, £2 Bs.; St. Mary's Home, Karori, £28 ss. 2d.; Levin Memorial Home, Wellington, £15 12s. ; St. Mary's Home, Bichmond, Christchurch, £120 2s. 7d.; Mount Magdala, Christchurch, £165 3s. 9d. ; Samaritan Home, Christchurch, £11 18s.; Avon Pine Sanatorium, Christchurch, £26 155.; Benevolent Institution, Dunedin, £5 6s. 9d.; 2 girls boarded in private homes for special treatment, £29 19s. 6d. Three children belonging to St. Joseph's, Wellington, and St. Mary's, Nelson (private industrial schools), were boarded at the Mission Home, Jerusalem, Wanganui (Mother Aubert's), 2 for the whole year and 1 for ten months. The amount paid during the year by the Government on account of the maintenance of these children was £35 2s.


Government School. I Cost of School. Boarding out. Salaries. (Included in first j (Included in first column.) column.) Recoveries. i Net Cost. Auckland .. .. .. 3,359 10 3 1,102 17 7 Levin .. .. .. 4,764 11 11 Burnham .. .. .. 7,594 14 5 9 18 10 Caversham.. .. .. 9,323 16 9 3,103 8 7 TeOrangaHome .. .. 4,026 3 10 Receiving Home, Wellington.. 2,720 9 8 1,696 6 11 Receiving Home, Christchurch 4,892 6 5 2,250 14 4 £ s. d. 3,359 10 3 4,764 11 11 7,594 14 5 9,323 16 9 4,026 3 10 2,720 9 8 4,892 6 5 £ s. d. 1.102 17 7 9 18 10 3.103 8 7 1,696 6 11 2,250 14 4 £ s. d. 335 6 2 207 16 0 i 1,820 15 4 ] 1,517 3 4 369 17 1 266 16 2 301 15 0 335 207 1 1,820 1 1,517 369 1 266 1 301 1 6 2 16 0 15 4 3 4 | 17 1 16 2 15 0 826 252 1 907 1 3,823 1 77 1 1,113 1,560 1 £ s. d. 826 4 0 252 18 8 907 13 6 3,823 10 8 77 15 8 1,113 8 7 1,560 15 1 4 0 18 8 13 6 10 8 15 8 8 7 15 1 £ a. d. 2,533 6 3 4,511 13 3 6,687 0 11 5,500 6 1 3,948 8 2 1,607 1 1 3,331 11 4 Totals .. .. 36,681 13 3 8,163 6 3 36,681 13 3 8,163 6 3 4,819 4,819 9 1 9 1 8,562 8,562 6 2 6 2 28,119 7 1 i 1,715 5 1 114 17 1 53 3 11 23 14 5 Salaries and expenses of Assistant Inspectors and visiting officers Travelling-expenses of managers and others Refund ot inmates' earnings Contingencies Less miscellaneous recoveries 30,026 7 7 28 2 3 Total net cost 29,998 5 4

Name of School. T> i x)„„»„„„;„ r Net Expenditure bv Payments. Recoveries. Government. " It. Mary's, Auckland It. Joseph's, Wellington It. Mary's, Nelson It. Vincent de Paul's, Dunedin £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,111 8 0 159 11 8 951 16 4 315 4 8 49 11 10 265 12 10 1,238 15 6 329 0 9 909 14 9 86 14 6 41 15 0 44 19 6 Totals 2,752 2 8 579 19 3 2,172 3 5


Work in connection with the new industrial school that is being established near Levin is progressing steadily; the main building is completed, most of the heavy preparatory work on the land necessary to the establishment of the farm has been done. Already there has been some return for the expenditure, the amount received on account of sales of cattle, produce, &c, during last year being £252 18s. Bd.; and it is anticipated that there will be a substantial increase in the receipts for this year. The property is over 400 acres in extent, and there should be little difficulty in making the land very reproductive, as it is of excellent quality. School for Deaf-mutes. The building which was in course of erection at the date of the last report is now finished, and will shortly be occupied ; the arrangements for lighting and furnishing it are in progress. It contains quarters for the Director, a dining-hall 30 ft. by 60 ft., five class-rooms, dormitories for some forty inmates, and other necessary accommodation for their care and comfort. All the inmates will now be taught in this building, but until its completion by the addition of another wing only the girls will live in it, the boys continuing in the meantime to occupy the old building. The sum expended during the year upon the new building was £8,494 3s. 9d. In 1902 the amount was £609 12s. Bd. Four boys and 6 girls left the school during the year, and 3 boys and 11 girls were admitted. At the end of the year the number in residence was 34 boys and 30 girls, 1 boy and 5 girls more than at the end of 1902. The ordinary expenditure on the institution for the year 1903 was : Salaries of Director and teachers, £1,715 125.; steward, matron, and servants, £66465. 6d.; rent, £172; housekeeping, £1,076 95.; travelling-expenses (including transit of pupils), £210 17s. 3d.; school material and material for technical instruction, £7 9s. 5d.; general maintenance of buildings and furniture, £84 18s. Id.; clothing, £27 14s. Id.; medical attendance and medicine, £30 9s. Bd.; water-supply, £33 14s. ; sanitation, £16 17s. 6d.; boarding-out of pupils, £221 9s. 4d.; sundries, £85 os. lOd. : total expenditure, £4,466 17s. Bd. Deducting recoveries, parents' contributions, £370 7s. 9d., the net expenditure was £4,096 9s. lid. The amount expended in 1902 was £3,655 10s. Bd. Two deaf-mute children who, from having received partial training on the manual or sign system, were ineligible for admission to our own institution were maintained in the Yictorian School for the Deaf, at a cost of £100 ; and one was under a private teacher in Auckland, to whom a fee of £20 was paid by the Department. Institute for the Blind. The Jubilee Institute for the Blind, at Auckland, is a private institution, and not in any way under Government control. Being, however, a "separate institution" under the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Acts it receives a subsidy at the rate of 245. in the pound upon the voluntary contributions raised by the Trustees, and, in addition, payment is made to it by the Education Department on account of pupils for whose tuition the Department is responsible. The Trustees have also received at various times grants in aid of buildings. The total amount paid on account of Government pupils during the year 1903 was £486 12s. 4d. The Department also paid 12s. Bd. for railway fare of a pupil, and £14 for the separate tuition of a pupil in Christchurch; £56 was recovered from parents and others. The number of Government pupils at the end of 1902 was 18; lof these left during the year 1903, and 5 were admitted; the number of such pupils at the close of the last year was accordmgly 22.



Manual Training and Technical Instruction. The steady advance in manual and technical instruction noticeable since the passing of the Manual and Technical Instruction Act in 1900 was well maintained during 1903. At the close of 1902 the number of classes recognised under the Act was 980. During 1903 1,247 additional classes were recognised, making the number at the end of the year 2,227. Of these classes 1,659 were classes for handwork in connection with primary and secondary schools, while 568 were "special," " associated," or "college" classes, providing for instruction in the various branches of pure and applied art, engineering and science, and in plumbing, carpentry and joinery, domestic economy, and commercial subjects. There is a marked increase in the number of public schools in which handwork is being taught, not only in the lower but also in the higher standards, and there is every indication that the number of such schools will be still further increased during the present year (1904). The causes of this increase are twofold ; most of the Education Boards, availing themselves of the special annual grants for the instruction of teachers in subjects of manual and technical instruction, first made in 1901 and continued up to the present time, have established training-classes which have, in general, been well attended by teachers; the revised standard regulations recently gazetted also make it possible for handwork to be taken right through the school course. Of the various branches of handwork now being taught in the schools, cookery for girls and woodwork for boys are receiving considerable attention. In 1902 63 cookery classes and 14 woodwork classes were recognised in connection with primary and secondary schools. For 1903 the numbers were 131 and 100 respectively. Coincident with this increase is the increase in the number of teachers seeking to obtain the certificates of the City and Guilds of London Institute in cookery and woodwork. With regard to technical classes proper, the number of towns at which classes were held during 1902 was thirty-five ; during 1903 classes were held at forty towns. There appears to be an increasing desire to establish " associated " rather than " special " classes, which may be taken as an indication that Borough Councils, County Councils, and other local authorities, availing themselves of the provisions of the Act of 1902, are encouraging the establishment of technical classes. That local interest is increasing is also shown by the fact that the voluntary contributions made to technical classes during 1903 on which subsidies were paid by the Government amounted to nearly three times as much as for the previous year. The difficulty of obtaining the services of thoroughly competent instructors continues to be felt, especially in country districts. The technical schools in the larger centres, are, however, to be looked to to remedy this as time goes on. The regulations providing for junior technical scholarships that were gazetted in 1903 were not taken advantage of to any great extent during that year. During the present year, however, several controlling authorities have provided suitable courses of work, with the result that there are now a fair number of persons receiving free technical instruction. The object of these scholarships is to encourage those who have just left school, and adults who satisfy the conditions set forth in the regulations, to continue their education. Thus they may, first of all, as junior scholars, take a two-years course of work designed on the one hand to further their general education, and, on the other, to prepare them for special courses of work suited to the various callings they may desire to follow. Then, if they satisfy the conditions, they may as senior scholars attend for two more years special courses suited to their professions, trades, or occupations, as the case may be. The grants for buildings, furniture, fittings, and apparatus paid during 1903 amounted to £11,752 9s. 4d.; for material, £478 14s. 6d.; capitation, £7,566 13s. lOd.; subsidies on voluntary contributions, £1,225 15s.



TABLE K1.—Manual and Technical Instruction, 1903.— Special, Associated, and College Classes.

iv—E. 1.


Subjects of Instruction, and Average Attendance. Payments up to 31st December, 1903. School or Classes. m 9 01 it. o 9 A 3 a •a . a 9 •ZA poo 2 a A CO r=( fl © o o © „H S 8 r© -r SPh O 9 on > rrj'« Ph o © a ri a rl o a a DC 'tn © rrj © a a -a rrj O SPh cs Q O is fl a © O ©■£ ■a 0 a H fl o Is ©rH ©S a 01 9 M rr S 2 A ga rH '3 © © © a . a © © a a ©H ri r-r^ rH&§> ©Ph a © o © 2 « a©.© H o fl fl rO -o c a ass -© ©Ph O r_\ S©ra a. 3 © "d a o So§o o *ca ca -S'O ■° r. a 9 co a A -r. a a o o Ph SH . 1-3 " •O^ Is at) © CO "© rH © a 3 c © o © r9 © S.fl d o w a a a o © o a a '5b a 00 ri*o © a © 2 CD fl d © • .fl o A © C3 9 EH rl O So HIT" a a Capitation. Grants for Buildings, Furniture, and Apparatus. Grants for Material. Pound-for-Pound Subsidy on Voluntary Contributions. 2C •rr to o rt Auckland Education Board — Technical School, Auckland Devonport School "Blam" Sohool of Art, Auckland Taranaki Education Board — Teohnioal classes, New Plymouth Stratford Wanganui Education Board — Teohnioal School, Wanganui Palmerston North Hawera Technical classes, Bull's Marton Eltham Wellington Education Board — Technical Sohool, Wellington Technical classes, Masterton .. „ Pahiatua Carterton Greytown Masterton Technical Classes Association .. Hawke's Bay Education Board — Technical School, Napier Technical classes, Gisborne Hastings Woodville Dannevirke Continuation classes, Wairoa Board of Governors, Gisborne High SchoolTechnical classes Nelson Education Board — Technical classes, Nelson Technical School, Reefton Westland Education Board — Technical classes, Kumara Hokitika 32 18 6 2 3 41 2 1 2 1 13 44 2 17 5 2 •• 295 24 15 17 53 14 35 23 21 2 64 •• 1 31 59 18 11 56 12 •• •• 13 6 27 49, .. ■ • •■ 7 26 51 •• •• I 46 11 34 19 4 43 •■ 6j i 29 10 "9 7 25 47 36 1 38 29 9 9 9 32 85 34 24 19 " '102 13 12 10 132 44 114 3 112 22 105 40 24 £ 3. d. 58 18 3 463 12 0 17 9 0 6 14 6 231 17 9 105 8 3 13 0 6 6 8 3 7 5 2 1 17 6 858 8 9 10 2 9 4 10 11 4 3 5 17 0 82 12 6 £ s. d. 1,653 8 1 31 12 10 450 0 0 8 18 8 760 7 0 385 5 7 3 10 0 £ s. d. 35 2 3 15 0 0 10 0 0 9 19 7 72 7 4 £ s. d. 15o"o 0 27 7 6 200 0 0 136 17 6 "32 "9 io •• I 9 •■ •■ I 12 9 "8 16 17 30 18 11 12 0 0 100 "0 0 18 2 1 1 3 5 59 3 1 5 2 3 14 10 13 12 12 34 29 20 168 18 2 4 6 3 388 13 1 52 18 8 20 0 0 •• • • I "'6 *6 12 11 3 4 9 12 0 9 2 11 5 5 0 .. 10 "±3 3 109 17 9 11 4 0 21 6 6 18 27 4 19 13 6 •• 6 12 20 52 19 12 3 519 0 0 100 "0 0 •■ 1 1 19 19 71 2 1 I .. I ... I .. I I


TABLE K1.—Manual and Technical Instruction, 1903 — continued.


Subjects of Instruction and Average Attendance. Payments up to 81st December, 1903. * »o - a © "el rfl fl3 fl rfl fl © o o © H3 -H r, Ol .2 =SPh a Ph 'a'a i j„ fl a j g> .a ' as jmC i fl •S'S « 3 a I*" 1 fl fl , r-> - a2 ! cd. I tJ3 ■ fl © 6D.9 ® i © S .fl g fl ; +a co S'3"S ; rfl 5 SfHr5 ! g8 ■a a* M.2 fl-3 H o o © la A% ©"a a 'O . cc © « > cd cS © gl Ph '3' 'u © © si rH * rT ±>A jq A © fl * fl 3 *©,S *ccCQ ■a fl be fl © ■a . as ■fl-© -> cc rH CC o o OrH .Sag "Ph. tlC r- " 'O fl o 2f fl © s 12 a rfl fl." © p*ca c o o gpq cc .S« Is a LH a If . Org O h O rl 9 - COS [V, 5H rH .2 fl a a -fl'O rfl © fl © K& a CC fl OC GX) © © Jc S3 5| fl iH Bg, g is H ■a is Eh I Eh School or Classes oi re CO 5 o 'rr © A a 3 r" fl © fl rH o -o fl fl © © © 'fl © is ©w a" o o rr rH ■a a rt C-r O rs o c a 9 £ no a -rr! ?|fl S.P o © © CO "© rH © 3 3 o O a fl © c >a fl rt a a Capitation. Grants for Buildings, Furniture, and Apparatus. Grants for Material. Pound-for-Pound Subsidies on Voluntary Contributions. Board of Governors, Canterbury College — Sohool of Art, Christchurch School of Engineering, Christchurch School of Domestic Instruction, Christchurch North Canterbury Education Board — Christchurch Technical Classes Association Technical classes, Normal School, Christchuroh Technical classes, Ashburton Lyttelton Rangiora „ Leeston Southbridge South Canterbury Education Board — Timaru Technical Classes Association .. Waimate „ „ Temuka Technical classes, Timaru Otago Education Board — School of Art, Dunedin Teohnioal School, Dunedin Technical classes, Dunedin Port Chalmers Oamaru Kaitangata Southland Education Board — Technical School, Invercargill Technical classes, Gore „ Mataura Country Continuation classes 58 29: 13 127 55 67 52 51! 98 40 19 24 122 £ s. d. 374 14 3 208 17 9 96 17 6 £ s. d. 13 9 10 £ s. dl 3 18 5| £ s. d. 34 25 84 20 158 55 9 3 114 7 9 .. .. •• .. •■ " 38 6 3 J 18 21 86 ! 31 5 j .. 36 17 168 39 56 6 4 38 17 0 256 12 8 237 10 C •• •• " 17 48 " •• •• ■• •• 1 4 3 2 2 .. - - '• 5 8 8 ] .. 12 16 22 7 •• I ! •• 10 8 3 49 13 0 25 15 2 27 0 9 14 1 3 17 1 10 42 10 3 10 0 C 12 7 6 " •■ '• I - '• 4 0 0 41 23 •• •■ 29 5 9 17 0 C 17 8 9 6 9 26 14 15 10 12! 16 11 21 20 44 66 16 51 23 11 '23 5 42 7 6 54 14 9 54 15 9 213 1 3 400 0 0 50 0 0 6 6 9 24 12 6 40 0 C 27 0 6 i " •• I | .. 4 19 " 94 .. I .. I .. •• i ! .. .. 41 42 13 189 86 27 46 11 6 86 74 68 16 230 19 330 14 3 394 2 7 82 14 9 292 17 75 13 2 625 5 2 170 1 6 1 65 1 4 122 19 6 '• I 15 26 9 25 25 166 ■• 40 ! ■• I .. i "2 5 " I i " •• - •• •• 17 I- 1 13 16 •• 1 • • 'l2 ■• •• •• _ I 23 3 1 7 20 ! ' 10 13 14 44 16 7 8 3 96 12 6 24 15 12 170 12 0 27 10 6 42 19 11 6 7 6 580 5 1 99 18 9 10 0 63 18 7 2 9 10 •• •• • •• ! 1 •• I "I ■■ i ■" I •• " I .. •• : •• 13 35 "8 " ■• .. 315 j 176 •■ Totals 568 904 365 136 316 149 162 — 165 121 199 263 142 737 53 769 481 67 375 ! 638 4,307 18 8 7,269 8 6 478 14 6l 1225 15


TABLE K2.—Manual and Technical Instruction, 1903.—School Classes.

TABLE K3.—Statement of Expenditure by Government on Manual and Technical Instruction for Year ending 31st December, 1903. n "- .. „. £ s. d. Capitation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ _ _ 7 ggg Subsidy of pound for pound on contributions .. .. .. .. ~ ][ 1225 15 0 Grants— £ s. d. Buildings and apparatus .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,752 9 4 Class material .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 478 14 6 Training of Teachers — Taranaki Eduoation Board .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Wanganui „ .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Wellington . .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Hawke's Bay „ .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 North Canterbury „ .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 South Canterbury „ .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 Otago „ .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Southland , .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 1,275 0 0 Railway fares of instruotors of traimng-olasses .. .. .. .. .. 145 g g „ students attending registered olasses .. .. .. .. ~ ~ 310 g 4 Expenses in connection with Examinations— Science and Art, Board of Education, South Kensington .. .. .. 137 13 4 City and Guilds of London Institute .. .. .. .. ~ 211 10 7 349 8 11 Inspectors— Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 700 16 8 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. .. 169 4 4 870 1 0 Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 151 10 0 Wood pamphlets .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. 92 9 6 Plaster casts, £40; oharges, £8 10s. Id. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 10 1 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 8 4 34,289 8 6 Less recoveries (examination fees, £76 17s. 6d.; prooeeds of sale of lead used at examination, £1 ss. ; amount received from Agent-General, general average in connection with loss of students' examination papers sent to England for examination, £2 13s. Bd.) .. 80 16 2 Tot* l •• •• •• •• •• .. .. £24,208 12 4


:2.—: !anual and Technical Instruction, 1903.—School Classes. Subjects oi 111: itrui etioi eaci anc Bul Ni >jec im It. >er if CI .assi is in Paymer 31st Dece: its up to nber, 1903. Controlling Authority. o Is a W >, V. a CD 3 CD 5 -a-a a IS cag ■»-a .5? 3 J B tcO cj cd d q la a .HP co CD • 5a Q o as H a 3 cd 3 09 co (D s o CD cd +3 O O a <s! H fl -5 a ac§ o n ■H cd DD°£ <l 3 '3 a CD V a £ 3 ■a a 3 D CD o o H CC .a a a & ■3 *j o H Grants for Buildings, Furniture, and Apparatus. M u o 3 a> B 5 % OD a . la 0 , fc co 02 ! Capitation. in CD O O O M u o T3 O o u ■Ji 1 CD A O CO 'II Si a o n Education Board, Auckland Education Board, Taranaki Board of Governors, High School, New Plymouth Education Board, Wanganui * .. Education Board, Wellington Board of Governors, Wellington College and Girls' High School— Girls' High School .. ..I Education Board, Hawke's Bay .. Education Board, Marlborough .. Education Board, Nelson Board of Governors, Nelson College— Boys' College Girls' College Education Board, Grey.. Education Board, Westland Education Board, North Canterbury Board of Governors, Canterbury College— Boys' High School Girls' High School Board of Governors, Ashburton High Sohool Education Board, South Canterbury Board of Governors, Timaru High Schools— Boys' High School Girls' High School Education Board, Otago Board of Governors, Otago High School— Girls' High School Education Board, Southland Board of Governors, Southland High Schools— Boys' and Girls' High Schools.. 140 93 2 2 8 16 47 i 17 8 37 A 252 130 3 £ s. d2 791 16 6 0 106 5 5 3 10 15 10 I- £ s. d. 3 2,385 7 10 5 82 12 4 3 11 17 3 96 127 17 3 7 7 26 2 11 ll 11 5 1 2 166 171 3 11 10 0 1 475 7 11 ) 649 4 1 1 162 3 5 26 ... 38 1 3 7 2 1 2 11 5 3 7 9 58 2 77 1 15 0 0 i 135 7 0 ) ) 26 11 11 30 7 8 16 10 ! ! 62 17 6 ! 36 5 0 16 196 "i 1 1 29 i 18 4 1 18 270 24 15 0 2 13 I 13 14 11 1 691 16 8 301 10 0 1 1 110 15 0 176 8 0 ii 16 2 • • '2 2 4 1 2 3 i 6 12 2 1 51 1 6 35 11 2 16 0 0 '2 47 2 18 1 69 110 3 7 29 0 5 17 0 0 14 19 0 *62 i 20 li 28 2 20 1 15 1 0 3 2 152 449 13 0 37l"4 7 172 2 8 7 42 13 ■a 4. 3 242 21017 11 11 16 10 113 5 2 3 1 2 1 7 27 0 0 •I I •• Totals .. .. 1 1,019 25 52 131 10 186 1 100 s 4 9 36! 42 37 1,659 3,258 15 2 4 J4,483 0 10 TABLE K3.—Statement of Expenditure by Government on Manual and Technical Instruction for Year ending 31st December, 1903. „ ., „. £ s. d. Capitation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., _ _ 7 ggg Subsidy of pound for pound on contributions .. .. .. .. ,. i# 1225 15 0 Grants— £ s. d. Buildings and apparatus .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,752 9 4 Class material .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 478 14 6 Training of Teachers — Taranaki Eduoation Board .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Wanganui „ .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Wellington . .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Hawke's Bay „ .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 North Canterbury „ .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 South Canterbury „ .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 Otago „ .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Southland . .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 1,275 0 0 Railway fares of instructors of traimng-olasses .. .. .. .. .. .. 145 g g „ students attending registered classes .. .. .. .. ,, ,, 310 3 4 Expenses in connection with Examinations— Science and Art, Board of Education, South Kensington .. .. .. 137 13 4 City and Guilds of London Institute .. .. .. .. ., 211 10 7 349 8 11 Inspectors— Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 700 16 8 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. .. 169 4 4 870 1 0 Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 151 10 0 Wood pamphlets .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., .. 92 9 6 Piaster casts, £40; oharges, £8 10s. Id. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 10 1 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 8 4 34,289 8 6 Less recoveries (examination fees, £76 17s. 6d.; prooeeds of sale of lead used at examination, £1 5s. ; amount received from Agent-General, general average in connection with loss of students' examination papers sent to England for examination, £2 13s. 8d.) .. 80 16 2 Tot" 1 •• •• •• •• •• .. .. £24,208 12 4


Secondaby Education. The Secondary Schools Act of last session and the regulations under it carry forward the policy which was begun by the grants made in the previous year for free places in secondary schools. All holders of Education Board Scholarships and of National or Queen s Scholarships, all who gain certificates of proficiency within the prescribed limits of age or who show proficiency in the National Scholarship examination, are eligible for free places, as are also a certain number of pupils who satisfy conditions drawn up by the secondary schools themselves, and approved by the Minister of Education. The free places are tenable for two years, at the end of which time they may be extended if the holders pass the Civil Service Junior or other approved examination. All the secondary schools named in the schedule to the Act except tour have elected to come under section s—that is, to admit to free places all pupils qualified as above. The four schools that have not so far decided to adopt this course are meanwhile required by section 4 of the Act to give scholarships or free places to the total value of one-fifth of their net income derived from endowOne high school (that at Palmerston North) has already been established under section 6 of the Act to take the place of the district high school formerly existing. ' . „. „ „ . , The grants payable under the Act vary from £4 to £10 15s. for each free place, according as the net income from endowments is large or small. The grants under the regulations previously in force were £(S for each free place. The increase of the grants to schools with poor endowments will enable such schools to admit qualified free pupils without fear of financial difficulties. One effect of the granting of free places, as was pointed out last year, will be to enable Boards of Education to use their scholarship funds very largely for the maintenance of scholars from country schools who have to board away from home in order to obtain secondary education. The number of these " country scholarships " has still further been increased by the National Scholarships Act, and a very small further increase of such scholarships is probably required to give promising country boys or girls an absolutely equal chance of secondary education with those in towns. Indeed, how far such further provision may be required, if at all, cannot be ascertained until the Boards have adjusted their scholarship regulations to the new conditions. The number of secondary schools giving free tuition to all qualified pupils at the end of the first term of 1904 was twenty, and the number of pupils holding free places was 1,605. There were besides about 209 holders of scholarships and exhibitions given by Boards of Education, or by the four secondary schools not coming under the conditions. Further, there were 1,709 pupils receiving secondary education in the secondary classes of the district high schools, which numbered forty-nine. On the whole, therefore, the education system of the colony as lately developed affords at the present time secondary education for some 3,523 children from the primary schools. At the end of the year 1901 the number was about 963. If it should eventually appear that the concessions err on the side of liberality the conditions for the obtaining of a free place may be made somewhat more stringent; for instance, by admitting only those who qualify at the National Scholarship or other special examination. In any case the ladder from the infant school to the door of the university is now fairly complete. The sufficiency of the University Junior Scholarships and other scholarships to carry on all clever youths who merit higher education is a question that time only will afford the means of determining. It will be seen from Table LI that the number of qualified pupils attending the district high schools of the colony at the 31st December, 1903 (2,024), was even higher than the figures already quoted for the first quarter of 1904. This must be explained partly by the fact of the closing of the school at Palmerston North, with 159 pupils, as a district high school, and its conversion into a high school under section 6 of the Secondary Schools Act, and partly by the number



of children who generally leave school at the conclusion of the calendar year. The total amount paid to Education Boards by Government for capitation on attendance at district high schools and for grants in aid thereof amounted to £8,545 17s. 4d., and, in addition, the claims for the last quarter had to be met. The amount expended by the Boards was £10,399 10s. Bd.

Table L1. —Number of Pupils receiving Secondary Education at District High Schools at 31st December, 1903.

The following table shows the number of Education Board scholarships held in December, 1903, with their tenure and annual value. The total expenditure of the Boards under this head amounted to £8,550 45.; the total paid to the Boards for scholarship purposes by the Department was £8,914 ss. lid.

Table L2.—Number and Value of Education Board Scholarships.

The reports of the secondary schools (subsidised or endowed) and further details in regard to district high schools and Education Board scholarships are given in a separate paper (E.-12). The income of these secondary schools for 1903 from school fees, not including fees for boarding, was about £31,204; from rents and interest, about £26,577; from endowments administered by the School Commissioners, about £2,196 ; from fees and capitation paid by Government, £1,790. The total number of pupils on the rolls in the last term or quarter of the year was 2,265 boys and 1,457 girls.


Education District. o • 1*A © o A O QA S3 i Passed Standard VI. Number of Pupils. ;r of Pupils. j Amount paid by Government to Educa- ! ' lot ?' 1 tiou Boards during the Tear. j Number Others. of T t 1 Pupils, M. F. Total. 19 ° 2 Capitation. <*%*** Total. ' i _____ Others. I" P. Total. Grants in Aid. Total. M. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Wfstland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland 8 1 7 2 3 146 34 211 49 60 155 19 175 66] 55 301 53 386 1 115 115 2 2 54 10 2 ■) 64 303 55 450 115 117 170 34 378 80 49 £ s. d. 912 5 0 233 0 0 1,582 0 0 356 10 0 236 12 11 £ a. d. 225 0 0 30 0 0 210 0 0 30 0 0 43 15 3 £ s. d. 1,137 5 0 263 0 0 1,792 0 0 386 10 0 280 8 2 2 2 3 1 1 9 3 9 3 68 17 8 125 77 166 61 67 25 20 147 64 143 66 135 42 23 272 141 309 127 i i 1 1 136 42 28 273 141 309 127 124 42 34 30 124 315 99 587 0 0 240 0 0 205 15 0 370 6 8 685 10 0 1,444 10 0 453 12 6 90 0 0 30 0 0 37 10 0 92 10 0 90 0 0 270 0 0 90 0 0 677 0 0 270 0 0 243 5 0 462 16 8 775 10 0 1,714 10 0 543 12 6 Totals for 1903 .. Totals for 1902 .. 50 38 1,022 745 1,002 681 2,024 1,426 60 39 12 14 72 53 2,096 1,479 7,307 2 1 4,382 3 8 11238 15 3 817 10 0 8,545 17 4 5,199 13 8 1,479

.Education Districts. Number held in Dec, 1903. Boys. Girls. Period of Tenure. Boards' Expenditure on Scholarships in 1903. Annual Value, &o. Auckland Taranaki 90 11 66 7 24 4 Years. 3 2 £ s. d. 1,905 18 9 244 3 4 7 at £30; 24 at £25 ; 23 at £20; 36 at £15. 5 at £35; 1 at £14; 4 at £10; 1 at £4 13s. 4d. 15 at £40; 1 at £32 10s. ; 7 at £15. 9 at £35 ; 32 at £15. 9 at £30 4s. ; 1 at £22 10s. ; 1 at £16 in. 19 at £10 4s. 3 at £35 ; 5 at £10. 7 at £50 10s.; 1 at £25 ; 1 at £10. £25. 2 at £24 ; 3 at £4. 20 at £40; 1 at £30 ; 15 at £20. 12 at £22 10s. ; 1 at £17 ; 5 at £7 10s. ; 4 at £2 10s. 10 at £40; 3 at £35 ; 23 at £20; 17 at £15. 12 at £35 ; 1 at £18; 5 at £15. Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay 23 41 80 12 20 13 11 21 17 Varies 2 2 732 14 11 969 19 11 538 4 6 Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury 8 9 4 5 36 22 1 5 1 1 16 11 7 4 3 4 20 11 2 2 2 Varies 2 2 169 0 0 359 10 0 108 5 0 76 17 6 1,246 3 0 369 0 8 Otago 53 35 18 2 1,278 17 8 Southland 18 15 3 2 551 8 9 Totals, 1903.. Totals, 1902.. 350 355 203 206 147 149 8,550 4 0 8,395 11 5


Table L3.—Staff, Attendance, Fees, and Salaries at certain Secondary Schools.

University and Colleges. The report of the Chancellor of the University of New Zealand is a separate paper (E.-6). The number of graduates admitted or qualified for admission now amounts to 859 admitted and 81 qualified for admission—94o in all. Of the 859 admitted, 366 have the degree of B.A. alone; 25 B.Sc. alone ; 36 LL.B. alone ; 3 B.Sc. in Engineering alone ; 2 M.B. alone ; 52 M.B. and Ch.B. alone ; 3 Mus. Bac. alone ; 263 M.A. alone ; 3 LL.D. alone ; 6 M.D. alone ; and 2 D.Sc. alone. The graduates upon whom degrees in more than one faculty have been conferred are: B.A. and B.Sc, 8; B.A. and LL.B., 22; 8.A., M.8., and Ch.B., 3; 8.A., B.Sc. and M.B. Ch.B., 2; B.Sc. and M.8., Ch.B., 2; M.A. and B.Sc, 36; M.A. and LL.B., 16; M.A. and D.Sc, 4; M.A. and M.8., Ch.B., 2; M.A. and LL.D., 2.


Schools. Sti iff. Attendance fi Quarte >r Last Teri r of 1903. n or ©' ©2 CD 3 © fl > © < w U © o 35 r.1 O ■r. © A a a •A Annual Ral tes of Fees. For Board, exclusive of Day-school Tuition. Salaries at Kates paid at End of Year. r-l' d fl cc © © J u a ca rH " r-J q fif* P <6 o O For Ordinary Day-school Course. * Kegular Staff. Part-time Teachers. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d Whangarei High School 31 16... 14 9 10 6 24 15 1 - 8 8 0 ft Auckland Grammar ) School ) 17 lb. 6 10.16 128 36 97 68 . 8 5 239 125 t> r 41 25 40 42 I 342 I f 10 10 0 \ 9 9 0 (880 I4,085 0 0 110 0 0 rhames High School .. Sew Plymouth High ) School j (6... \g... (6.1 \g. i 30 14 23 28 52 11 11 16 13 !• 65 ) 8 8 0 "700 0 0 6 6 0 815 0 ( Fees. Wanganui Girls' College Wanganui Collegiate \ School J Wellington College (Boys') Wellington Girls' High | i School J 12 13 13 8 12 10 9 30 71 48 78 151 199 120 7 9 13 5 149 190 293 182 135 186 267 163 55 143 77 j 10 10 0 | 8 8 0 J 9 9 0 | 12 0 0 |11 17 9 | 9 11 0 | 11 17 9 | 9 11 0 (990 | 8 8 0 ] 9 9 0 18 8 0 | 40 0 0 1 45 0 0 I 42 0 0 I •■ Uo o o Uo o o 1 «1,670 0 0 "2,550 0 0 3,090 0 0 1,340 0 0 425 15 0 ,', 60 0 0 135 0 0 STapier Boys' High School 8 35 49 92 85 19 e 865 0 0 30 0 0 Sfapier Girls' High School 10 35 44 89 82 10 780 0 0 ° e 51 0 0 Marlborough High School (6. 2 l!7-.-25 25 21 14 3 3 51 42 \ 82 1 8 11 0 '620 0 0 20 0 0 Selson College (Boys') .. Selson Girls' College Dhristehurch Boys' High ) School J jhristchurch Girls'High] School j 7 11 6 17 9 7 4 68 59 83 68 89 73 129 56 2'2 9 10 2 196 150 229 130 182 134 214 120 85 40 3 j 10 10 0 (880 I 10 10 0 (880 j 10 10 0 I 7 10 0 ( 12 12 0 1 9 9 0 | 14 3 6 11 0 6 ( 7 17 6 (990 (660 I 40 0 0 Uo o o I 40 19 0 } - ) 45 0 0 r 42 0 0 1 - b1,800 0 0 ) h 930 0 0 j and fees 3,210 0 0 1,125 0 0 40 0 0 } 40 0 0 456 17 6 335 4 0 Christ's College Gram- I mar School J ii! 8 34 78 85 11 208 199 54 ji 3,015 0 0 236 0 0 Bangiora High School .. ishburton High School.. rimaru Boys' High I School rimaru Girls' High) School } jo. 2 i 9- • • lb... \g... 32 24 28 29 41 10 7 8 7 28 "l 1 3 44 32 36 37 72 I " | 62 6 6 0 110 0 0 (800 10 0 0 (800 ( 10 10 0 I 4 10 0 j 10 10 0 I 4 10 0 10 0 0 "472 0 0 625 0 0 14 0 0 1 1 36 44 31 61 6 73 69 67 1 •■ I " I 42 18 0 1 - "1,050 0 0 715 0 0 21 0 0 101 0 0 Waitaki Boys' High School 105 95 63 k 1,015 0 0 Pees. Waitaki Girls' High School 3 17 26 6 49 45 480 0 0 40 0 0 3tago Boys' High School Dtago Girls' High School 9 3 1 197 97 11 306 290 24 43 10 0 "2,652 10 0 150 0 0 |295 0 0 (and fees. 7 7 1 142 67 12 222 213 8 10 0 0 40 0 0 "1,282 0 0 .Southland High School.. 7 (6... (6.88 \g.6'2 64 57 31 36 4 2 99 95 | 178 I 10 0 0 i 1,475 0 0 150 0 0 Totals 173 02 991 679 1092 657 94 59 2,265 1,457 I 3,455 581 36,371 10 0 2,710 16 6 a Headmaster receives £' cSix teachers have board a ee One assistant has board and residence, " Principal master has residence; two n 75 ar md i and and nastfc' id :esi re foi jrs fees, at idence. jsidenec ur assit have b id pa> a Hi s. fH -til liter oard f. 's all aadm !eadn havi .nd r< expei taster aaster b boai ssider ises o: absen recei :d and tee. * f assists it. e T« ives hoi; 1 reside Lady pi ints i o mi ise-al uce. rinci] and school i asters have Jowance. g i Headrnast pal and one stationery. " residence an Principal ani ter and five 01 mistress hav< Headmaster hai d one board anc d five masters ] there have house a board. ; residence. residence. lave board is. k Head-


The number of degrees authorised to be conferred after the examinations of 1903 was 81 : B. A., 37 ; B.Sc, 8 ; LL.B., 13 ; M.B. and Ch.B., 8 ; M.A., 15. As appears by the Chancellor's report, the number of candidates who were examined at the usual examinations in November and December, 1903, and in January and April, 1904, in the faculties of arts, science, medicine, law, and music, and for admission to the legal profession, was 1,649. The number of students at affiliated colleges in 1903 was 862, of whom 292 were women. Of these students, 646 were matriculated at the University of New Zealand. The numbers in attendance at the several colleges were as follows : University of Otago, 170 men and 57 women matriculated, and 18 men and 1 woman not matriculated; at Canterbury College, 119 men and 48 women matriculated, and 26 men and 56 women not matriculated; at Auckland University College, 68 men and 35 women matriculated, and 24 men and 49 women not matriculated; and at Victoria College, 110 men and 39 women matriculated, and 35 men and 7 women not matriculated. The reports of these colleges are papers E.-7, E.-8, E.-9, and E.-10 respectively. " The University Endowment Act, 1868." The income accrued under this Act, and applicable to purposes of higher education yet to be determined by Parliament, amounted, on the 31st March, 1904, to £6,830 17s. 2d., as follows : Canterbury reserves, £2,265 3s. lOd.; Westland, £267 2s. 6d.; Taranaki, £4,298 10s. lOd. Civil Service Examinations. As usual the Civil Service Examinations were conducted this year (in January) by the Education Department simultaneously with the examination for teachers' certificates. There were 533 candidates for the Junior Civil Service Examination, and the names of 267 were published in order of merit in the Gazette of the 22nd February. For the Senior Civil Service Examination there were 140 candidates, of whom 21 passed. Further particulars are given in the report of the examination (E.-Ia). Public Libraries. By a vote of last session a sum of £3,000 was again granted for subsidies to public libraries. Forms of application were sent to all libraries known to the Department, and notice was inserted in the Gazette of the 3rd December, 1903. The method of distribution of the vote was the same as that adopted in the previous year, as follows: A nominal addition of £25 was made to the amount of the income of each library derived from subscriptions, donations, and rates, provided that the receipts for the year were not less than £2, and the vote was divided according to the amount thus augmented; but no library received credit for a larger income than £75—that is, in no case did the augmented amount on which distribution was based exceed £100. In accordance with the Gazette notice, the day appointed for the distribution of the subsidy was the Bth February, 1904, and the amount of the vote was divided among the 396 libraries from which applications, each accompanied by a statutory declaration on the proper form, had been received. The vote, as thus dealt with, afforded a subsidy of 3s. 6-63d. in the pound of the nominal income, and the subsidies ranged from £17 15s. 4d. to £4 15s. lid. Some libraries failed to send in formal claims by the 31st January, 1904, the date fixed by the Gazette notice, and did not therefore participate in the vote. The number of libraries participating in the vote shows an increase of thirty-two as compared with the number aided in the previous year. In order that the purpose intended to be served by the vote may be attained, it is made a condition for participation that the whole of the subsidy granted in each library in the previous year shall have been expended in the purchase of books.



The following table shows the distribution according to education districts : —

Table M.—Summary of Distribution of Public Libraries Subsidy.


Education Districts. Number of Libraries. Income. Amount on which Amorfnt 0 , Subsidy. Subsidy is calculated.; Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay .. Marlborough .. Nelson Grey .. Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago.. Southland Chatham Islands 97 16 26 20 28 5 28 5 4 68 17 53 27 2 £ s. d. 2,616 2 2 496 12 2 1,223 10 10 3,111 17 4 673 19 10 150 4 6 737 4 9 161 1 4 92 11 0 1,828 19 7 362 13 8 950 9 9 265 18 0 17 16 10 £ s. d. 3,807 8 11 778 9 11 1,372 5 10 1,094 4 11 1,262 11 11 249 7 6 1,288 7 5 286 1 4 192 11 0 2,660 12 1 763 15 4 2,121 16 9 940 18 0 67 16 10 £ s. d. 676 9 1 138 6 1 243 16 0 194 8 0 224" 6 1 44 6 1 228 17 9 50 16 4 34 4 1 472 13 7 135 13 8 376 19 2 167 3 1 12 1 1 Totals 396 ' 12,689 1 9 16,886 7 9 3,000 0 0

E.— 1.

Table No. 1. Beturn of Officers of Education Boards not included in Table No. 8 as at 31st December, 1903. Auckland. —Secretary and Treasurer, £525; seyen Clerks—2 at £300, lat £200, lat £150, lat £75, lat £60, lat £50. Six Inspectors —1 at £550, lat £400, lat £375, 3at £348 : each with 15s. a day travelling-expenses beyond a certain radius. Six Believing - teachers— lat £200.1 at £175, lat £150, 2at £80, lat £50. Architect, £400 and actual travelling-expenses, cost of stationery, and half-cost of office-rent; private practice allowed. Two Truant Officers—l at £130, with £10 allowance for travelling ;lat £1 a week. Two Carpenters at lis. a day in town, 12s. a day when away from home, and actual travelling-expenses. Four Drill Instructors— 2 at £25, 2 at £20. Technical Instruction and Manual Training. —Director, £450 ; Registrar, £60. Four Instructors of Saturday classes for pupil-teachers—2 at £40, 2at £25. Fifteen Instructors in evening classes at Technical School, aggregating £465 19s. 6d. One Caretaker, £53. Three Instructors in Cookery at Manual Training Schools at £130, also £25 each as Instructors at Teachers' Saturday classes. Three Instructors in Woodwork at Manual Training Schools at £170, also £25 each as Instructors at Teachers' Saturday classes. Three Caretakers at £26 Bs. Taranaki.—Secretary, £250; one Clerk, £30. Two Inspectors—l at £425, with £25 travel-ling-allowance ; lat £250, with £50 travelling-allowance. Two Truant Officers —1 at £70, lat £35. Banger, £7 ; Custodian, £8. Wanganui.—Secretary, £265; two Clerks—l at £120, lat £80. Messenger, £36. Two Inspectors—l at £450, 1 at £340, each with £150 travelling-allowance. Truant Officer, £230. One Eelieving-teacher, £100. Technical Instruction. —Four Art Teachers—l at £225,'1 at £150, lat £105, lat £40. Instructor in Wood-carving, £145. Supervisor of Science Department, £10. Wellington.—Secretary, £425; three Clerks —1 at £225, 1 at £190, 1 at £100; Messenger, £150. Two Inspectors—l at £450, 1 at £425, each with actual travelling-expenses. Six Truant Officers—l at £30, 2at £20, 3at £10, each with actual travelling-expenses beyond a radius of five miles. Clerk of Works, £200. Architect, 5 per cent, on contracts, with actual travellingexpenses. Hawke's Bay.—Secretary and Treasurer, £250; Clerk, £100. Inspector, £500, with £175 travelling-allowance. Technical Instruction. —Seven Instructors —1 at £242, 1 at £61, 1 at £32, 2 at £10, 2 at £5. Marlborough.—Secretary, Treasurer, and Inspector, £396 155., including travelling-expenses ; Clerk, £80. Two Truant Officers—l at £21 3s. id., lat £3. Eelieving-teacher, £6 13s. 4d. Nelson.—Secretary, £300; Clerk, £52. Two Inspectors—l at £350 with £130 travellingallowance ; 1 at £250, with £100 travelling-allowance. Grey.—Secretary and Inspector, £350; Clerk, £150; Truant Officer, £25. Westland. —Secretary and Inspector, £400, including travelling-expenses. Clerk and Truant Officer, £90. North Canterbury.—Secretary, £375 ; Treasurer and Chief Clerk, £275; Clerk, £175; Messenger, £120; Shorthand Clerk and Typist, £60. Three Inspectors, at £437 10s., each with actual travelling-expenses. Truant Officer, £140, with actual travelling-expenses. Architect, £275, with actual travelling-expenses. Assistant, £150. Training School. —Principal, £425. Lecturer, £200. Technical Instruction. —Two Manual Instructors—l at 2s. 6d. per hour for boys, and 4s. per hour for adults during actual instruction ; 1 at 2s. 6d. per hour during actual instruction. South Canterbury.—Secretary and Assistant Inspector, £400, including travelling-expenses. Inspector, £600, including travelling-expenses. Assistant Secretary, £200. Clerk, £27. Truant Officer, £40, with travelling-expenses. Otago.—Secretary, £500; four Clerks—l at £300, 1 at £220, 1 at £170, 1 at £100. Four Inspectors—l at £500, lat £475, 2at £375, each with £150 travelling-allowance. Architect, £300, with actual travelling-expenses. Instructor in Gymnastics, £120, with actual travelling-expenses. Truant Officer, £150, with actual travelling-expenses. Believing Teacher, £240. Training College. —Principal, £91 18s. 4d. ; Vice-Principal, £300; four Teachers —3 at £40, 1 at £30. School of Art. —Principal, £400; three Assistants —1 at £104, lat £52, lat £25; three Teachers at £50. Southland.—Secretary and Treasurer, £400; two Clerks —1 at £160 10s., 1 at £30. Two Inspectors at £400, with actual travelling-expenses. Truant Officer, £150, with actual travellingexpenses. Instructor in Gymnastics, £100, with actual travelling-expenses. Architect and Director of Technical Instruction, £300, with actual travelling-expenses; Assistant, £50. Technical Instruction. —Twenty-three according to results.

I—E. 1.


B.— 1:

Table No. 2. Age and Sex of the Pupils on the School-rolls in the several Education Districts at the End of 1903.


5 and under 6 Years. 6 and under 7. 7 and under 8. 8 and under 9. |9 and under 10. 10 and under 11. 11 and under 12. .2and under 13. 13 and under 14. 14 and under 15.J Over 15 Years. Totals of all Ages. Education Dis Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Totals. I I Auckland .. .. 1,226 1,113 1,583 1,410 1,745 1,509 1,698 1,594 1,814 1,630 1,768 1,626 1,767 1,570 1,656 1,428 1,811 1,092 589 559 255 315 15,412 13,846 29,258 Taranaki .. .. 174 168 246 242 307 259 299 288 287 252 292 247 256 251 249 227 195j 171 133 82 69 24 2,507^ i 2,211 4,718 Wanganui .. .. 438 415 661 531 687 697 766 659 672 677 690 657 628 604 667 573 521 456 256 208 170 169 6,156 5,646 11,802 Wellington .. .. 634 623 810 777 896 847 934 832 965 808 963 854 885 816 867 757 676 614 345 331 137 137 8,112 7,396 15,508 Hawke's Bay .. .. 304 279 450 398 532 504 494 453 526 469 507 439 470 409 458 396 351 326 226 203 111 121 4,429 3,997 8,426 Marlborough .. .. 58 60 i 107 101 98 111 125 100 126 103 106 113 118 105 119 107 84 76 47 42 26 30 1,014 948 1,962 Nelson .. .. 244 Grey .. .. .. 75 255 319 283 322 275 312 I 307 322 318 302 306 312 305 307 272 252 218 153j 103 67 60 2,912 2,702 5,614 71 92 86 82 93 73 : 99 75 99 69 88 71 85 86 84 69 71 39 40 27 25 760 841 1,601 Westland .. .. 49 North Canterbury .. 857 46 i 60 57 61 51 50 i 64 49 43 65 40 57 50! 58 • 58 48 59 35 34 22 31 554533 1,087 • 801 . 1,058 983 1,147 ' 1,082 1,139 i 1,100 1,179 1,060 1,178 1,100 1,093 1,044 1,079 1,050 859 777 373 329 138 153 10,100] | 9,479 19,579 South Canterbury .. j 179 i 198 I 264 266 284 262 296 272 288 275 317 280 288 278 276 247 251 189 105 72 44 64 2,592 2,403 4,995 Otago .. .. 741 724 : 1,080 986 i 1,065 '< 1,058 1,107 1,134 1,182 1,151 1,183 1,108 1,180 1,075 1,060 1,018 811 736 419 280 214 192 10,042! 9,462 19,504 ._. Southland .. .. 378 Totals for 1903 .. 5,357 I 327 529 510j i 571 533 609 i 543 544 565 533 515 591 507 532 500 407 343 171 152 76 78 4,941 69,531 4,573 9,514 ' 5,080' .| I 7,259 6,630| 7,797 ' 7,281 7,902 I 7,445 8,029 7,450 1 7,973 7,373 7,716 7,099 7,416 6,717 5,835 5,128 2,891 2,435 1,356 1,399 133,568 Totals for 1902 .. 5,241 . 4,828 I 6,946 6,602 ! 7,714 : 7,107 7,927 7,338 7,764 7,231 7,724! 7,232 141 7,661 55 6,987 7,419 6,805 -88 5,941 -106 5,171 3,084 2,715 1,480 1,345 68,901] :63,361 132,262 I 252 ! 313 i 28 : 83 I 174 -25 107 265 219 249 -43 -193 -280 54 1 630| 676 Difference .. 116 112 -3 -124 1,30( I


Table No. 3. Standard Classes of all Pupils on School-rolls at the End of 1903.


Pupils preparing for Standard Classes. i Pupils that have passed Standard VI. Education Districts. I. Totals. II. III. IT. V. VI. Boys. Girls. Total. | Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Bovs. Girls. Total. | Boys. Girls. Total. Total. Boys. i '", Boys. Girls. Girls. j Total. Boys. Girls. Total. I I I I Auckland 4,824 1 4,005! >| 8,829 ) 1,773 1,652 3,425 1,890 1,781 3,671 1,944 1,684 3,628 1,789 1,715 I 3,504 I 1,565 1,442 3,007 948 ■ Taranaki 758 1,776 ! 1,070 2,246 | 451 497 j 15,412 ■ 13,846 29,258 ! 658j i 1,416 5 331 272 603 350 329 679 316 328 644 306 264 | 570 234 204 438 143 114 257 69 42 : m 2,507 Wanganui 1,720 ) 1,440 ) 3,160 ) 734 714 1,448 806 j 733 i 2,211 4,718 1,539 797 747 1,544 692 738 I 1,430 653 581 1,234 471 401 872 j 283 292 575 6,156 5,646 11,802 Wellington 2,161 . 2,012 i 4,173 i 873 745 1,618 999 856 1,855 1,089 j 956 2,045 1,009 926 1,935 841 811 1,652 657 584 | 506 989 8,112 1,241 483 7,396 15,508 Hawke's Bay 1,144 I. 1,023 I 2,167 ' 613 528 1,141 562 478 1,040 i 616 560 1,176 532 478 1,010 468 439 907 ' 330 i 326 165 329 Marlborough 243 I 226 > 117 656 164 4,429 3,997! 8,426 I 469 99 216 153 125 278 120 125 245 114 127 ] 241 121 116 237 107 93 ... : . 37 76 1,014 200 39 948 1,962 Nelson ... 742 I 648 I l,390j >j 378 352 730 355 317 672 - 352 ' 326 678 367 358 | 725 330 313 643 256 248 140 272 Grey 259 504 132 2,912 2,702 5,614 > 262 : 521 80 95 H. I - I '° 92 167 91 100 191 81 90 171 71 99 170 74 65 139 ! 29 38 ! 67 Westland 180 i 148 760 841 1,601 I 328 I 50 60 110 58 65 123 .. 54 50 104 70 55 l 125 59 59 ■ 11845 50 46 84 554 North Canterbury 95 | 38 533 1,087 2,722 I 2,480 5,202 I 1,225 1,110 2,335 1,200 1,171 2,371 I ! 1,337 i 1,174 I 2,511 1,246 1,247 2,493 1,162 1,117 2,279 890 733 447 765 1,623 j 318 10,100 9,479 19,579 South Canterbury 644 602 1,246 i 302 283 585 305 297 602 ... .. 301 I 273 574 320 316 636 I 338 269 607 253 224 139 268 Otago ... 2,720 2,543 I ; 1,150 I 477 129 2,592 2,403 4,995 5,263] 1,065 2,215 1,160 1,161 2,321 .... ■ . 11,290 1,217 2,507 1,285 1,148 i 2,433 1,195 I 1,087 2,282 856 832 1,688 j 386 | 409 795 10,042 Southland 1,411 1,237 2,648! 36,812], | 629 557 1,186 15,787 567 9.462 19,504 546 1,113 586 594 1,180 597 534 1,131 597 499 1,096 392 398 790 I 162 10,788 j 2,683 11,265 ' 2,841 -477 -158 208 370 4,941 Totals for 1903 17,284 I 7,532 — 7,951 8,893 8,134 4,573 9,514 19,528 ! ,8,255 8,480 16,431 17,027 8,408 7,996 ! 16,404 7,634 7,036 14,670 5,650 5,649 64,037 133,568 Totals for 1902 35,535 5,138 2,966 69,531 18,897 631 16,638 646 1,277 7,992 7,458 74 15,450 337 I 8,299 7,634 15,933 8,615 8,108 16,723 8,682 7,987 16,669 j 9 -265 j 7,628 7,096 14,724 5,947 -297 5,318 13,122 5,963 68,901 63,361 132,262 Difference i 263 181 317 498 278 26 304 -274 -54 h -60 -180 - 156 -314 6301 676 1,306


Table No. 4. Summary of Boards' Income for Twenty-seven Years.


Year. Balances, 1st January. Maintenance. Other Grants from Government. Local Receipts. Deposits, Refunds, &c. Public Libraries. Secondary Schools. Total. From Education From Eeserves. Government. Buildings. Technical. School Fees, &c. Bents, &c. £ s. d. 32,490 7 6 £ s. d. 16,604 4 3 £ s. d. 157,392 15 10 £ s. d. 46,812 7 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. *41,955 11 4 £ s. d. 1,190 7 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,798 10 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. t9,025 7 5 £ s. d. 308,269 11 10 1877 1879 58,173 3 11 21,330 7 1 217,876 2 0 150,581 4 7 1,799 5 9 1,231 7 9 3,048 17 2 2,708 13 10 16,179 2 1 462,928 4 2 1881 32,419 10 9 23,533 6 7 233,587 0 9 64,318 0 0 1,415 8 5 599 1 2 380 0 0 2,269 8 11 453 10 9 358,975 7 4 1883 11,532 15 4 24,714 18 9 266,967 12 11 83,322 10 9 1,221 13 6 2,155 1 2 858 4 0 2,886 13 5 230 10 9 393,890 0 7 1885 19,553 12 3 29,761 11 2 306,572 2 3 59,008 15 0 1,188 2 10 855 14 3 674 2 2 1,633 3 1 419,247 3 0 1887 21,157 5 10 27,372 9 3 332,605 3 8 55,451 2 9 1,434 1 2 236 8 11 529 9 2 252 13 4 439,038 14 1 1889 47,715 1 2 31,646 0 8 326,341 3 8 11,578 18 3 1,978 10 10 233 13 5 258 18 10 610 8 5 420,362 15 3 1890 31,125 9 6 33,772 4 9 330,423 13 3 26,235 9 9 1,529 3 2 1,474 1 11 335 0 4 737 1 0 425,632 3 8 1891 27,690 2 5 34,741 11 1 342,244 10 0 66,737 10 3 1,866 2 0 241 14 0 613 15 11 232 15 11 474,368 1 7 1892 65,610 4 3 37,373 11 9 340,918 19 1 31,602 9 4 2,391 19 6 294 14 2 698 4 4 224 8 2 479,114 10 7 1893 51,098 17 6 37,169 11 0 350,465 13 11 47,273 0 0 2,349 6 11 552 6 10 487 18 9 1,014 14 6 490,411 9 5 1894 50,709 13 7 34,761 17 5 362,388 10 8 45,079 5 10 2,271 14 3 522 11 3 563 5 7 352 12 0 496,649 10 7 1895 42,396 18 8 39,828 11 1 379,610 16 10 44,603 1 4 2,369 2 3 856 11 11 348 8 0 326 14 4 510,340 4 5 1896 53,240 6 3 37,196 6 7 388,702 0 8 §4,957 1 8 3,042 5 9 580 4 11 148 12 2 163 18 9 488,030 16 9 1897 12,005 13 3 38,857 1 9 393,358 14 3 57,527 1 3 1,153 9 0 3,859 0 3 859 14 4 175 2 8 386 14 8 508,182 11 5 1898 14,317 17 3 38,023 15 4 396,114 6 11 64,733 2 6 2,557 13 8 6,312 18 1 1,308 18 5 96 7 4 266 2 2 523,731 1 8 1899 25,047 19 11 40,803 16 7 386,143 2 5 49,118 4 6 857 17 11 4,933 16 8 1,384 12 10 108 13 7 208 0 1 508,606 4 6 1900 5,520 13 10 41,381 1 8 387,637 10 8 58,740 12 6 996 15 9 4,664 3 9 1,126 18 1 85 13 7 1,790 1 0 501,943 10 10 1901 11,565 8 8 40,969 0 2 413,381 2 11 55,049 7 3 4,948 0 7 4,989 19 3 1,552 17 ll I! 645 14 8 533,101 11 5 1902 6,923 0 3 43,046 17 10 458,966 7 11 60,679 11 3 8,726 4 11 5,446 0 6 1,832 7 9 770 6 0 586,390 16 5 1903 17.892 15 5 44,506 4 2 450,561 10 6 If 78,406 13 11 8,461 2 4 I 4,691 4 9 2,686 3 2 387 19 8 607,593 13 11 * Including sums raised by School Committees and expended on education without going through the Boards' books, as follows: New Plymouth, £750 Is.; Hawke's Bay, £814 4s. 5d.; Otago, £20,828 3s. 2d. i The Auckland College and Grammar School and the Otago High School were under the charge of the Education Boards during the year 1877. + Including balances excluded from summaries of former years, § The greatei part of the vote was not paid until after the end of the year. II Included amongst " Rents, &c." U Including special grants for technical-school buildings.


Table No. 4a. Summary of Boards' Expenditure for Twenty-seven Years.


Year. Management by Boards. Inspection and Examination. Maintenance of Schools.* School-buildings. Technical. Interest and Exchanges. Refunds, Advances, &c. Public Libraries. Secondary Schools. Balances,! 31st December. Totals. 1877 £ s. a. 10,484 14 10 | £ s. d. 5,606 19 7 £ s. d. 173,726 9 7 £ s. d. 80,351 16 9 £ S. d. £ s. d. 256 12 6 £ s. d. 3,353 15 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 11,166 2 0 £ s. d. 23,323 0 9 £ s. d. 308,269 11 10 1879 11,109 8 10 7,735 4 0 221,053 4 0 172,867 14 3 225 18 4 1,425 12 8 6,074 0 7 42,437 1 6 1881 462,928 4 2 8,109 6 9 8,387 15 4 243,257 3 6 58,254 12 6 150 14 3 1,861 1 7 1,553 17 8 37,400 15 9 358,975 7 4 1883 9,662 12 9 9,866 11 8 272,269 17 2 86,748 13 0 214 12 1 2,077 9 9 42 12 6 13,007 11 8 1885 393,890 0 7 10,551 0 7 10,039 14 4 310,761 0 7 64,821 15 4 225 9 4 1,258 13 9 21,589 9 1 419,247 3 0 1887 9,893 7 10 10,731 8 9 340,349 17 1 52,621 9 11 57 4 10 267 2 8 25,118 3 0 1889 439,038 14 1 9,683 19 8 10,197 14 1 328,099 16 6 41,123 11 11 25 7 9 106 15 10 31,125 9 6 420,362 15 3 1890 9,696 19 0 10,725 0 0 336,670 6 6 39,225 7 3 37 3 10 1,587 4 8 27,690 2 5 1891 425,632 3 8 10,549 19 5 ! 11,143 10 6 343,880 3 5 42,150 17 4 318 1 3 715 5 5 65,610 4 3 474,368 1 7 1892 11,017 3 9 11,685 7 8 355,254 4 0 49,088 18 4 286 10 2 683 9 2 51,098 17 6 1893 479,114 10 7 11,360 10 11 11,882 10 3 371,205 1 0 44,387 2 4 207 9 0 659 2 4 50,709 13 7 490,411 9 5 1894 11,425 4 8 12,692 5 8 382,154 5 6 44,851 19 7 333 1 4 2,795 15 2 42,396 18 8 1895 496,649 10 7 11,481 19 3 ! 13,127 5 10 382,506 5 2 45,251 0 2 82 7 3 4,651 0 6 53,240 6 3 510,340 4 5 1896 12,032 13 2 13,037 4 7 395,831 16 4 53,533 15 6 230 3 11 1,359 10 0 12,005 13 3 1897 488,030 16 9 12,536 14 11 12,614 18 5 407,786 19 10 60,485 18 7 205 5 7 234 16 10 14,317 17 3 508,182 11 5 1898 12,649 0 6 13,076 16 11 412,373 15 11 52,719 18 4 6,112 10 9 271 10 10 1,510 17 4 25,016 11 1 1899 523,731 1 8 14,434 8 5 13,720 6 9 408,509 2 10 56,749 5 4 9,212 7 4 170 18 10 489 1 2 5,320 13 10 508,606 4 6 1900 14,532 4 0 14,698 18 4 401,977 1 2 51,805 18 3 5,720 18 2 327 9 11 1,315 12 4 11,565 8 8 1901 501,943 10 10 15,127 5 1 14,690 9 11 427,659 13 5 60,102 13 0 7,610 13 10 241 11 9 746 4 2 6,923 0 3 533,101 11 5 1902 14,215 6 6 14,215 2 10 465,247 15 1 61,763 5 2 11,605 7 9 t + 1,268 17 8 18,075 1 5 1903 586,390 16 5 30,493 7 11 461,830 13 2 94,990 13 11 12,984 9 8 809 1 4 6,485 17 11 607,593 13 11 'E 8 funds M *° C ° "* schools, scholarships, training, and expenditure on District High Scl ools. + Deducting overdrafts. I Included in


Table No. 5. Income of the several Education Boards for the Year 1903.


Receipts from Government. From Local Sources. -balances, Education Districts. '. 1st January, 1903. j For Salaries and Allowance of For p, Allowances (in- £250, and Scholarships \ a eluding Keceipts Capitation at cd. and manual anu from Education and lis. 3d. District High T 1 ,. c '" Reserves). perAnnum. Schools. Instruction. For Buildings and Sites, and House Allowance. Total from Government. Fees for Dis- Donations, Interest, trict High Subscriptions, Rents, Schools, Tech- and Sale of Old nical Schools, Interest Buildings, Training, &c. on Bequests. &c. Refunds, Truancy Fees, &c. Overdrafts, 31st December, 1903. Total. Miscellaneous. Total from Local Sources. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 70 0 0 126,917 3 11 £ s. d.j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s.'d. £ s. d. Auckland 3,376 6 0 88,888 17 7 14,609 16 8 *3,146 6 9 636 7 0 19,505 15 11 666 1 0 23 9 0 274 13 3 961 3 3 56 18 10 131,314 12 0 Taranaki 1,713 13 0 15,114 14 11 2,563 14 6 596 14 10 258 18 11 2,671 19 9 21,206 2 11 148 3 3 1 10 0 53 8 6 203 1 9 23 12 6 23,146 10 2 Wanganui 2,646 4 10 34,399 17 8 5,956 17 0 2,520 4 7 764 14 6 9,408 5 2 118 0 0 53,167 18 11 1,100 2 3 335 0 0 87 18 2 1,523 0 5 50 6 0 57,387 10 2 Wellington 42,480 10 3 7,613 0 0 1,690 0 10 1,943 6 6 8,951 4 1 51 5 (1 62,729 6 8 337 13 0! ... t 776 19 1 1,114 12 ll 15 10 6 4,740 2 3 68,599 11 6 Hawke's Bay 4,721 15 10 24,358 10 5 4,396 17 9l i I 799 6 2 576 19 10 5,223 15 1 35,355 9 3 94 2 3 321 15 3 t 474 1 0 889 18 6 30 9 9 40,997 13 4 Marlborough 1 560 19 8 6,629 15 0 1,223 10 3 124 2 2 970 0 0 8,947 7 5 ... 51 13 0 51 13 0 6 4 0 9,566 4 1 Nelson ... 1,214 19 7 18,725 14 3 2,995 16 8 § 1,193 10 9 182 9 9 3,561 15 5 50 0 0 26,709 6 10 || 303 1 0 303 1 0 17 8 28,228 15 1 Grey 189 13 10 5,453 7 3 1,039 0 3 395 10 0] 2 13 775 0 0 12 10 0 7,677 8 9 50 0 0 8 2 0 58 2 0 7,925 4 7 Westland 69 14 9 4,187 18 5 809 2 10 257 3 9! 84 17 0 830 15 0 6,169 17 0 • 200 0 0 24 12 0 224 12 0 53 1 2 6,517 4 11 North Canterbury 2,203 5 6 57,537 5 01 9,760 9 6 1,678 13 11 1,335 12 0] 7,323 6 0] 609 10 0 78,244 16 51 7 10 0 1 637 4 6 54 0 1 698 14 7 60 16 0 81,207 12 6 South Canterbury 1,737 17 2 16,448 14 3 2,790 4 3 1,105 18 7 485 1 4 3,086 11 8 25 0 0 23,941 10 1 167 16 9 113 2 0 280 18 9 11 13 8 25,971 19 8 Otago ... 61,820 15 5 10,438 3 0 3,008 3 11 1,455 18 0 10,121 13 2 622 2 6 87,466 16 0 269 4 9 84 8 10 136 5 6 489 19 1 63 11 8 2,534 10 3 90,554 17 0 Southland 1,518 7 0 30,486 16 2 5,103 4 6 1,148 7 2 674 16 3 5,976 12 8 78,406 13 11 12 10 0 43,402 6 9 207 16 9 39 7 2 1328 7 7 575 11 6 67 9 1 45,563 14 4 Totals for 1903 19,952 17 2 406,532 16 7 69,299 17 2 17,664 3 5 8,461 2 4 1,570 17 6 581,935 10 11 2,830 13 3 1,860 11 6 2,686 3 2 7,377 7 11 387 19 8 7,327 13 8 616,981 9 4 Totals for 1902 15,703 11 3 411,232 6 10 -4,699 10 3 67,961 3 10 14,080 10 7 8,726 4 11 68,418 15 9 1,000 0 0 571,419 1 11 3,286 5 9 2,159 14 9 1,832 7 9 7,278 8 3 770 6 0 2,060 1 9 597,231 9 2 Difference 4,249 5 11 -265 2 7 9,987 18 2 853 15 5 5,267 11 11 19,750 0 2 1,338 13 4 2,583 12 10J 570 17 6 10,516 9 0 -445 12 6 -229 3 3 98 19 -8 - 382 6 4 * Includes receipts from education reserves, £100. T Includes £159 10s. 9d. from sale of school-sites. t Includes £644 2s. from sale of school-sites. J Includes £454 lis. from sale of school-sites. § Includes receipts from education reserves, £168 15s. I Includes sale of school-material.


Table No. 6. Expenditure of the several Education Boards for the Year 1903.


Maintenance. Staff Salaries, Clerical Scholarships, and Cost of Secondary Training Education in °^ District Teachers. High Schools. Buildings, including Sites, Fencing, Furniture, Plans. Conveyances, Houseallowance, rfec. Education Districts. Overdrafts, 1st January, 1903. stance, and Office Co ingencies (including Inspection and Examination Expenses). Manual and Technical Instruction. Refunds, and Sundries.* Balances, 31st December, 1903. Teachers' T ., , , Salaries Incidental an( j Expenses of Allowances. Schools. Relieving- Total teachers. ,,- . ! or Maintenance. I Totals. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. : £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland 6,139 17 8 89,198 13 2] 6,494 4 3 724 4 0 96,417 1 5 3,473 7 7 2,870 6 3 20,693 11 10 126 18 9 1,593 8 6 131,314 12 0 Taranaki ... 1,513 4 9 15,188 11 10 1,137 3 10 16,325 15 8 606 11 10 218 0 4 3,958 15 10 524 1 9 23,146 10 2 Wanganui 2,308 4 101 35,620 12 3 2,191 12 4 37,812 4 7 2,699 11 4 497 8 0 1,269 1 2 11,878 16 8 82 0 0 840 3 7 57,387 10 2 Wellington 471 4 8 2,915 16 5] 43,542 11 0 2,606 13 4 111 16 3 46,261 0 7 1,333 6 7 2,784 7 4 14,780 15 2 53 0 9 68 599 11 6 Hawke's Bay 1,572 17 7 24,696 16 10 2,405 3 1 127 3 4 27,229 3 3 1,244 0 4 702 5 2 7,633 13 9 2,615 13 3 40,997 13 4 Marlborough 681 2 5 6,651 14 7 570 3 0 6 13 4 7,228 10 11 169 0 ( 3 0 2 847 5 10 14 16 2 622 8 7 9,566 4 1 Nelson 1,621 3 3 18,735 14 8 1,081 4 2 46 15 5 19,863 14 3 1,092 17 1 185 11 10 4,840 10 3 278 14 6 346 3 11 28,228 15 1 Grey 809 13 4 5,363 4 0 341 8 0 32 10 0 5,737 2 0 308 5 : • 2 13 1,048 1 10 12 10 0 7 10 7 7,925 4 7 Westland... 596 I 7 4,216 13 0 180 16 7 24 18 7 4,422 8 2 426 17 6 139 14 5 932 3 3 6,517 4 11 North Canterbury ... 3,482 11 3 57,328 16 8 1,644 16 0 16,464 17 7 4,658 4 3 60,895 5 7 2,549 14 7 30,696 0 4 5,922 10 7 63,251 7 3 t2,253 10 5 646 17 9 1,455 1 0 6,853 7 1 100 11 2 3,164 6 7 81,207 12 6 ;SouthCanterbury ... 1,046 5 9, 17,511 3 4 1,229 12 C 395 2 4 2,959 7 11 2,231 18 1 25,971 19 8 Otago ... ! 1,588 17 1 5,297 15 6 66,193 1 1 3,001 18 6 557 17 7 2,124 8 11 12,302 9 7 128 0 0 90,554 17 0 ... 2,229 12 4 32,925 12 8 1,110 15 11 835 9 6 6,261 14 11 12 10 Oj 1,867 16 9 45,563 14 4 Totals for 1903 ... ... i 2,060 1 9 30,493 7 11 408,599 11 6 29,593 17 3 411,840 11 0 31,504 12 9 1,074 0 11 441,178 5 2 18,949 14 *• 1,702 3 4 12,984 9 8 94,990 13 11 809 1 4 13,813 11 7 616,981 9 4 Totals for 190.S ... ... 9,106 11 6 32,729 6 11 444,569 17 111 8,617 13 3 3,035 18 4 11,605 7 9 69,624 2 10 1,080 13 2 19,997 7 2 597,231 9 2 Difference ... -7,046 9 9] 899 10 8 -3,240 19 6 -1,224 14 2 1,074 0 11 -3,391 12 9 10,332 1 5 -1,333 15 0 1,379 1 11 25,366 11 1 I -271 11 101 -6,183 15 7 19,750 0 2 * Including drill-instruction and cost of conveyance of children. t Including £222 15s., " Gammack Scholarships."


Table No. 7. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries in respect of all Services under the Control or Supervision of the Minister of Education during the Year ended 31st March, 1904.


Head Office (Vote No. 52). £ a. d. £ s. ci. £ s. d. Secretary and Inspector-General Assistant Secretary Clerks and clerical assistance Travelling-expenses Salary and travelling-expenses of Private Secretary to Minister Salary and travelling-expenses of one Private Secretary to Premier Telephone subscriptions Messengers, 1 (also storeman) at 8s. per diem ; 1 (Minister's) extra Is. per diem Cleaning, fuel, &c, for branch office Publications, books of reference, &c. Contingencies (type-writer sundries, &c.) 650 0 0 450 0 0 3,207 4 7 115 18 11 391 8 0 399 6 7 34 0 0 164 5 0 20 17 0 48 19 6 43 5 4 5,585 4 11 Public Schools (Votes Nos. 53, 54, and 73, Consolidated Fund; 93 and 94, Public Works Fund, and Unauthorised). Grants to Education Boards for — 408,058 17 0 44,762 15 11 Teachers' salaries (including modifications under sections 3 and 4 of Teachers' Salaries Act, 1901) Less revenue from reserves 363,296 1 1 Teachers' house-allowances (Vote No. 73) . General administrative purposes: Capitation at lis. 3d. on average attendance Grant of £250 per annum to each Education Board Special grant: Capitation at 9d. on average attendance for School Committees Relieving-teachers : Capitation at 6d. on average attendance 8,228 16 7 63,616 5 9 3,250 0 0 4,239 7 6 2,827 9 5 Sohool buildings— General maintenance, &c. (Votes Nos. 73 and 93) New buildings, additions, &c. (Vote No. 94) .. .. ] 52,508 2 6 12,936 17 5 65,444 19 11 Rebuilding schools destroyed by fire Rent of temporary premises during the rebuilding of schools destroyed by fire Training of teachers (North Canterbury, £739 lis. Id. ; and Otago, £654 19s. 3d.) 642 8 1 11 13 4 1,394 10 4 Miscellaneous Expenditure— Schools at Chatham Islands: Salaries ; repairs, &c, to buildings, &c. (Vote No. 53), £701 3s. 3d. New school building (Vote No. 73), £304 19s. 2d. Arrears of salary due to Mr. A. Poster, late teacher Chatham Islands (Unauthorised) Teachers', Civil Service, and National Scholarships examinations (Votes Nos. 53 and 54) .. Conveyance of school-children (railway fares, &c.) Training-classes approved by Education Boards : Railway fares of teachers and instructors of classes Grant to Educational Institute for travelling-expenses of members Preparation of pupil-teacher examination-papers Inspectors Gonferenoe Maps (including freight) Contingencies 1,006 2 5 42 9 4 1,605 18 6 5,545 10 0 4,603 8 9 70 0 0 14 7 6 332 7 11 51 1 0 9 9 0 Less recoveries (examination fees) 526,232 6 5 1,149 13 0 525,082 18 5


Table No. 7— continued. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries — continued.

2—E. 1.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Secondary Education (Vote No. 54, and National Scholarships Act). Grants to Education Boards for— Scholarships : Not exceeding capitation allowance at Is. 6d. on average attendance District High Schools : Capitation and grants-in-aid National Scholarships : (National Scholarships Act, 1903.) Scholarships for Maoris .. .. Secondary schools and colleges : Capitation 8,604 19 5 9,301 9 0 92 19 2 3,089 3 8 21,088 11 3 Drill in Schools (Vote No. 55). Commanding Officer (salary, £300; travelling-expenses, £257 17s.) .. Clerk and storeman (2 months) Instructors of teachers' classes Railway fares of teaohers and of instructors of teachers' training-classes in military drill Railway fares of school cadet corps Capitation Arms, accoutrements, &o. Contingencies 557 17 0 177 16 0 454 10 0 1,146 9 1 27 1 3 419 12 6 3,582 12 4 21 3 6 Less recoveries (sale of caps, ammunition, &c.) .. 6,387 1 8 1.83 1 11 6,203 19 9 Native Schools (Votes Nos. 56 and 73, Consolidated Fund; 94, Publio Works Fund, and Unauthorised). Salaries of Inspector (£450), and Assistant Inspector (£300) .. Salaries and allowances of teachers Compassionate allowance to widow of late teacher, Mr. J. Moore (Unauthorised) Higher education and apprenticeship Books, school requisites, sewing material, &c. Travelling-expenses (including removals of teachers) Buildings: New schools, additional class-rooms, &c. (Vote No. 94) Model kainga, Pamoana: Buildings, &c. (Vote No. 94) Repairs, repainting, and general maintenance of school buildings, fencing, &c. (Vote No. 73) .. Technical Instruction: Material for workshops, salaries of instructors, &c. Warming of school-rooms Ferrying school-children .. General contingencies 750 0 0 15,769 10 6 144 11 2 2,294 0 11 821 7 0 921 18 1 3,876 12 11 504 9 6 907 16 6 851 12 6 179 8 2 81 7 11 101 14 7 Less recoveries Total (£50 charged to Native Reserves Funds, and £2,000 charged to Civil List, Native purposes) 27,204 9 9 65 4 10 27,139 4 11 Industrial Schools (Votes Nos. 57, 72, and 73, Consolidated Fund ; and 93, Public Works Fund). Salaries of Assistant Inspector and Visiting Officers Travelling-expenses, &c, of Assistant Inspectors and Visiting Officers .. . • • • Travelling-expenses of other officers Contingencies 732 17 4 965 3 3 114 7 10 25 8 10 1,837 17 3


Table No. 7— continued. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries — continued.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. Industrial Schools — continued. Schools, — Auckland — Salaries General maintenance Additions to buildings, furnishings, &c. (Votes Nos. 72, 73, and 93) Boarding-out— Board of children Medical attendance and sundries 390 3 5 625 10 5 1,199 6 6 1,152 12 11 39 7 6 Tress recoveries 3,407 0 9 908 4 11 2,498 15 10 Te Oracga Home, Burwood — Salaries General maintenance Rent Additional buildings, furnishings, &c. (Votes Nos. 72, 73, and 93) 383 12 1 466 8 3 107 0 0 2,941 10 11 Less recoveries 3,898 11 3 69 1 0 3,829 10 3 Burnham — Salaries General maintenance Additions and alterations to buildings (Votes Nos. 72, 73, and 93) .. Boarding-out— Board of children Medical attendance 1,898 8 10 3,091 11 3 3,303 14 8 4 16 10 Less recoveries 8,298 11 7 707 11 3 7,591 0 4 Caversham — Salaries General maintenance Furnishings, alterations to buildings, &c. (Votes Nos. 72, 73, and 93) Boarding-out— Board of children Salary of Official Correspondent Medical attendance and sundries 1,452 14 0 4,059 1 0 825 6 8 3,131 0 2 125 0 0 109 10 2 Less recoveries 9,702 12 0 3,887 2 10 5,815 9 2 Receiving-home, Wellington— Salaries General maintenance Rent (Vote No. 57), £84; repairs, &c. (Votes Nos. 72 and 73), £63 10s. 8d. .. Boarding-out— Board of children .. .. .... Medical attendance and sundries 282 1 1 700 0 8 147 10 8 1,958 5 7 28 8 1 Less recoveries 3,116 6 1 1,081 4 11 2 15 1 2


Table No. 7 — continued. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries— continued.


Industrial Schools — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Scii ools— continued. Receiving-home, Christchurch— Salaries General maintenance Rent New building, alterations, furniture, &o. (Votes Nos. 72, 73, and 93) Boarding-out— Board of children Medioal attendance and sundries 321 8 7 591 14 1 48 15 0 1,749 12 9 2,282 12 7 25 1 6 Less recoveries 5,019 4 6 1,341 15 1 3,677 9 5 Levin (not yet established) — Salary of temporary Overseer Stock, seed, farm-labour, &c. Clearing, fencing, &c. (Votes Nos. 72 and 93) New buildings, &c. (Vote No. 93).. 208 8 0 586 18 4 1,100 5 11 3,719 5 6 Less recoveries 5,614 17 9 531 1 5 Private Schools — St. Mary's, Auckland — Maintenance Less recoveries 5,083 16 4 1,185 10 0 154 3 6 1,031 6 6 St. Joseph's, Wellington— Maintenance Passages, &c. 338 7 0 3 0 8 Less recoveries 341 7 8 66 12 10 274 14 10 St. Mary's, NelsonMaintenance Passages, &c. 1,148 6 0 10 4 6 Less recoveries 1,158 10 6 311 18 9 846 11 9 St. Vincent de Paul's, Dunedin— Maintenance .. Less recoveries .. .. .. 88 15 0 37 11 10 Inmates maintained at other institutions Amount refunded to earnings account of ex-inmates 51 3 2 433 14 11 73 15 1 35,080 6 0 Homes for Defectives. Plans of buildings, &c. (Vote No. 93, Public Works Fund) .. 74 13 0 Institution for Deaf-mutes (Votes Nos. 58 and 73, Consolidated Fund; and 93, Public Works Fund). Director Assistants 450 0 0 1,059 7 1 1,509 7 1 Steward and Matron Servants Medical Officer 200 0 0 519 8 3 20 0 0 739 8 3 30 0 0 212 15 11 120 0 0 242 5 0 164 3. 8 1,369 0 10 204 4 10 8,754 3 10 Instruction in drawing Separate instruction of eleven pupils at the institution Instruction of one pupil at Auckland and two at Melbourne .. Rent and repairs (Votes Nos. 58 and 73) Travelling and conveyance, including transit of pupils General maintenance Pupils boarded-out New buildings, additions, &c. (Vote No. 93) Less recoveries .. . -. 13,345 9 5 396 12 9 12,948 16 8



Table No. 7 — continued. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries — continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Institution for Blind (Vote No. 59). 525 10 5 21 0 0 Charges for pupils at Jubilee Institute, Auckland Separate instruction of pupil at Christohurch 483 5 5 Less recoveries 546 10 5 63 5 0 Technical Instruction (Votes Nos. 60, Consolidated Fund; 94, Publio Works Fund ; and " The Manual and Technical Instruction Act, 1900"). Salaries of Inspectors (two) Examinations — Science and Art, Board of Education, South Kensington.. City and Guilds of London Institute Capitation— School classes Special associated and college classes Grants for scholarships Grants for training of teachers Material and apparatus for classes Buildings and permanent apparatus (Vote No. 94) .. Railway fares of instructors Railway fares of students attending registered classes of individuals Travelling-expenses of Inspectors Plaster casts Sundries Subsidies on contributions (" Manual and Teohnioal Instruction Act, 1900 ") 710 0 0 152 4 9 188 16 7 5,738 8 5 5,204 1 3 151 10 0 1,728 0 0 438 15 7 11,729 3 0 195 19 6 249 18 4 157 9 1 52 17 3 28 14 10 1,396 17 6 Less recoveries (examination fees) 28,122 16 1 81 6 2 Miscellaneous (Votes Nos. 61, Consolidated Fund; and 93 and 94, Public Works Fund). 28,041 9 11 Subsidies to public libraries Grants in aid of libraries .. Maintenance, &c, of " Milne " Seismograph, No. 20 " Sir George Grey " Scholarships Grant to Victoria College: Continuance of lapBed Queen's scholarships Flags for public schools Inquiry ordered by His Exoellency the Governor: Mace v. Veysey Rhodes Scholarship Conference Gratuity to Mrs. Winklemann, late Native-school teacher Railway fares of school-children to visit naval squadron at Lyttelton Grant to Victoria College towards cost of site and building* (Vote No. 93) .. Grant to Waitaki High School towards cost of site and buildings (Vote No. 93) Grant to Rangiora High Sohool towards cost of additions to buildings (Vote No. 94).. 3,000 0 1 125 0 0 32 2 11 100 0 0 60 0 0 5 0 10 23 7 0 84 12 6 50 0 0 5,931 16 4 137 1 3 755 11 3 1,259 0 0 300 0 0 Statutory Grants. 3,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 400 0 0 University of New Zealand Auckland University College Victoria College, Wellington Marlborough High School 11,400 0 0 Total (including £50 charged to Native Reserves Funds, and £2,000 charged to Civil List) £679,060 1 7


Table No. 8. List of the Public Schools in the several Education Districts, with the Expenditure for the Year 1903, and the Names, Classification, Status, and Emoluments of the Teachers as in December, 1903.

3—E. 1.


Note 1.—Every couple of half-time schools is kept together, and is reckoned as one school. Note 2.—In the column for "Position in the School" "M" and "F" distinguish sex; "H" means head of sole teacher; " A," assistant teacher; and " P," pupil-teacher. Note 3.—In the column for " Classification " an asterisk signifies that the certificate is provisional. school; "H" or "F" (standing alone), AUCKLAND. Name of School. Maintenance. House Allowances Other and Pupil- Ordinary teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances' Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o c3 o s CO 5 •PH O a 2 !5 Son CO O ft Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. S S =3 fcD° •< oa en C u Kb- a ft< cp h CD fl -t^ h c ■H CD 5b CD > Teachers' Salaries. Buildings, *>„«+ Sites, E °?' Furniture, Sohool Apparatus. Buildings. Gbade 0. Awanga and Haratonga Broad wood .. Otaikerangi Wekaweka Okahu (!) Orere ( 2 ) £ s. d. 40 0 0 36 13 4 35 0 0 32 1 8 35 17 10 6 5 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 0 2 7 0 12 9 0 5 6 7 12 9 £ s. d. 0 18 0 £ s. d. Daisy C. Le Roy .. Alethea Fergusson .. William Smith Virginia de Thierry Sarah 0. Walton .. John Lothian F F H F F H £ s. d. 40 0 0| 40 0 0 35 0 0| 35 0 0 56 0 0 25 0 0 £ s. d. 9 7 6 6 9 5 1012 9 Grade 1. Albertland North Amodeo Bay Ararimu Awitu No. 2 .. Bream Tail and Waipu Cove Brooklynn Cabbage Bay Elstow Glen Murray Graham's Fern Great Barrier Greenhithe & Long Bay Gumtown Hakaru .. Hautapu Huanui Huarau Huia Hunua No. 2 Jordan Kaiwaka Katikati No. 1 Katikati No. 3 Katui Kennedy Bay Kirikiriroa Kohekohe Komokorau Lichfield Mahurangi Heads and Mullet Point Mangapiko .. Mangawhara Manukau Heads Matakohe No. 2 Matamata Mata and Ruakaka Matapouri Mauku West Maungatawhiri Valley Maunu Muriwai Ohinewai Ohiwa Okiwi Omaha, Little Oparau Opua Opuawhanga Oropi Oroville Orua Bay Oruaiti Otoroa Pakaru and Whangao.. Paparimu Paradise Pukekawa ... 80 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 82 16 0 129 10 0 5 10 0 0 5 2 6 17 6 7 5 0 7 10 0 0 13 0 Ellen M. Piggot .. Mrs. Mary Plummer Margaret A. Sbanahan Jemima Cruickshank Edward H. Mackay 80 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 82 16 0 128 0 0 5 8 6 0 14 2 D3 E2 F F F F H 13 10 8 23 19 D4 56 0 0 84 0 0 92 0 0 70 0 0 88 0 0 88 0 0 108 0 0 106 2 6 96 0 0 102 7 6 112 10 0 68 0 0 88 0 0 64 0 0 80 0 0 109 10 0 88 0 0 95 16 8 82 16 0 95 10 8 80 0 0 72 0 0 76 0 0 80 0 0 115 4 0 3 10 0 7 10 0 7 18 1 4 0 0 7 10 0 4 5 0 7 0 0 7 15 0 4 17 0 8 0 0 7 15 0 0 17 7 7 10 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 10 0 7 0 0 7 10 0 7 5 0 3 14 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 12 6 10 0 7 10 0 0 10 0 18 0 5 13 0 1 15 6 10 0 5*0 0 116 2 Annie C. Johnston .. Florence N. Hewitt Margaret Butcher .. Georgina C. Harper George H. Matthews L. S. A. Meiklejohn William H. Waddell Wilfrid L. Hughes Margaret J. Smith.. Eva M. Harper Leslie C. Marshall.. Kate E. Nutsford .. Elizabeth M. Fielder Mary K. Keleher .. Edith J. R. Downard Edmund O. Ewart.. E. N. I. M. Chapman F. M. Waddingham James T. Giugh James L. Brownlee Annie Beatty Robert Barton Hannah J. Birss Isabella F.R.Kells.. E. W. B. Caddy .. E4 D2 E3 E3 E4 E4 E2 E3 E2 B2 F F F F H H H H F F H F F F F H F F H H F H F F H 56 0 0 84 0 0 92 0 0 70 0 0 88 0 0 88 0 0 108 0 0 114 0 0 96 0 0 110 10 0 120 0 6 68 0 0 88 0 0 64 0 0 80 0 0 108 0 0 88 0 0 90 0 0 82 16 0 96 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 76 0 0 80 0 0 115 4 0 8 17 21 10 19 16 19 24 18 25 22 10 17 10 14 18 17 IK 18 19 12 14 14 11 22 2'l7 0 D4 E3 119 6 1 10 2 E4 5"o 0 10 0 0 E2 3*io 0 D4 84 0 0 89 14 0 89 4 0 87 6 0 80 0 0 135 10 0 64 0 0 100 0 0 108 0 0 100 10 0 56 0 0 72 0 0 70 3 4 76 0 0 92 0 0 56 0 0 83 11 4 72 0 0 64 0 0 80 0 0 92 0 0 90 0 0 80 0 0 131 0 0 68 0 0 86 8 0 80 0 0! 7 0 0 4 7 1 7 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 4 5 3 2 19 6 0 0 5 10 0 7 10 0 0 11 10 8 17 1 l'lO 2 7 10 0 n"s 0 s'ii 9 2 15 6 0 11 0 5 0 0 l'*6 2 5"4 0 Anna M. Monstedt.. Muriel L. Mcllveen Stanley J. Bishop .. Constance L. Cooksey Annie Jane Alfred J. Murdoch .. Mary L. Telfer Joseph Glenny Francis J. Mullins .. Edward Millington.. Arthur E. Laing .. Florence I. Baston .. Selina M. Hardy .. Edwin C. Stead F.jS. Hutchinson .. Caroline Prentice .. Barbara C. Anderson Mrs. I. L. Bradshaw Grace C. Leech Roderick M. Harvey Eunice A. Gledhill.". Violet M. Ballance.. William E. Judkins David Jenkins Mary A. Higham .. Walter E. Geissler.. Olive N. McElwain E4* E3 E3 1)2 E3 D2 E4 E3 F F H F F H F H H H H F F H F F F F F H F F H H F H F 84 0 0 82 16 0 86 8 0 86 8 0 80 0 0 140 0 0 64 0 0 100 0 0 108 0 0 96 0 0 56 0 0 72 0 0 76 0 0 76 0 0 92 0 0 56 0 0 92 0 0 72 0 0 64 0 0 80 0 0 92 0 0 90 0 0 80 0 0 128 0 0 68 0 0 86 8 0 80 0 0 15 18 20 I!) 14 24 11 14 14 20 LI 15 16 11 17 10 16 12 10 9 22 18 13 17 11 20 13 2"o 0 0 4 7 E3 7 10 0 5 10 0 0 3 8 3 15 4 7 0 0 5 17 E2 6'l8 11 E4 06 6 E2 1915 7 E3 7 10 0 5 10 0 13 0 0 7 15 0 15 15 7 13 6 5 2 11 9 E4 (i) Opened 20th April (2) Opened 1st October.


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.—continued.


i— contknuet Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Bu sif£ gs ' \r Furniture, gchool Apparatus. Buildings. Buildings. and Pupil-teachers on the Ntan 0 at the End of the Year. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers a _o ■§ o a 'co CO C6 3 a s .-H CD Sco o ft Annual Salary at the Hate paid during the Last Month of Year. H 53 o <D M * fw rj cS £ -» <f- ■» »£ S * mo h "fl 0_d & O i- O g.SS'SS g> Kg5 a ' * House Allowances j Other Teachers' and Pupil- i Ordinary Salaries. teachers' j ExpendiLodging j ture. Allowances' j Gbade 1— continued. Pukerimu Raupo Etawene Buapuke Buatangata East Etuatangata West •Swanson rairua Block rangaihi raotaoroa Nos. 1 and 2 rara Road .. raraunui faupo lawhare Pe Akatea and Waingaro re Arai, North & South re Rahu re Rauamoa retahi fe Uku (late Waitetuna) Pokatoka No. 2 Iryphena Waiau Waiharara Waiheke Central and Kirk's Waiheke, Hook's, and Fleming's Waikare Wairere Waiwera Springs Walton Weymouth Wbakahara .. Whangaparaoa ■ Whangapoua Whangaripo Whangaroa North Wharebine .. Kauaeranga Valleyf 1 ).. Purerua( 2 ) Pakia(3) Waiotemarama( 8 ) Kaimamaku( 4 ) Poro o-tarao( 6 ) Waiomio( 5 ) Karaka Nos. 1 and 2( 6 ) Kerikerip) .. re Puna Point( 8 ) Woodland^ 9 ) £ s. d. 92 0 0 60 0 0 108 3 4 84 13 4 66 13 4 76 13 4 92 0 0 92 7 3 92 6 7 105 15 11 96 0 0 87 1 8 100 0 0 95 0 0 103 14 0 91 4 0 86 6 8 56 0 0 60 0 0 68 0 0 88 0 0 100 0 0 72 0 0 53 6 8 108 0 0 56 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7 10 0 0 11 5 7 10 0 7 0 0 5 10 0 7 10 0 7 10 0 7 15 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 5 10 0 7 0 0 7 10 0 7 10 0 3 11 2 3 11 6 5 10 0 3 0 0 12 9 5 0 0 7 17 8 7 0 0 6 0 0 5 10 0 7 10 0 4 10 0 £ s. d. 0 6 8 30"l 2 2 12 3 1*10 3 5 - 6 6 2 12 3 4 2 0 5 0 0 015 2 2 16 9 o"4 7 0 7 11 £ b. d. 8 - io 0 Emily M. L. Haeusler Charles J. Brockliss Caroline White Daisy Dean Grace DobbinsSylvia E. Hall Kate Duncan James G. Catran .. Andrew Bullians .. William W. Edgerley Margaret J. Elliott.. Frank J. McKay .. Margaret R. Archibald Lilian A. Aubin Francis McGrath .. Catherine Shannon Josephine Hamilton Agnes M. Shaw Mary E. Mandeno .. E. M. N. Harsant .. Eden H. Joyce Arthur Mab'bett Agnes Usher Thomas Finch James S. Broun Charles W. Boswell E2 D3 D3 E2 E3 E4 E3 E3 E3 E4 Lie. E3 F H F F F F F II H H F 11 F F II F F F F F F H F H H II £ s. d. 92 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 92 0 0 92 0 0 99 9 0 80 0 0 99 7 2 96 0 0 90 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 103 13 7 91 4 0 80 0 0 56 0 0 60 0 0 68 0 0 88 0 0 100 0 0 78 0 0 64 0 0 108 0 0 56 0 0 £ 6. d. 16 12 18 15 12 20 19 20 16 17 10 21 17 21 13 16 13 7 10 11 18 15 13 16 24 11 70 0 0 86 8 0 96 0 0 115 10 0 56 0 0 68 0 0 56 0 0 114 0 0 69 0 0 98 0 0 60 1 10 87 14 2 83 0 0 101 11 0 42 0 0 83 0 0 48 0 0 63 18 0 81 10 0 26 13 4 57 13 4 16 0 0 15"o 0 9 9 7 7 10 0 7 0 0 8 14 4 3 0 0 0 14 2 1 15 9 7 10 0 6 10 0 7 10 0 4 0 0 5 2 5 2 7 9 7 10 0 8 10 0 5 10 0 8 17 119 5 10 0 7 4 8 3 16 9 38 4 7 33 5 4 0 11 6 Anne B. Fraser Ada M. Crickett .. Sarah G. Jones Charles Gribble May F. Joyce Alice S. Hyatt Margaret King Henry T. Gibson .. Joshua S. Leech .. Mabel E. Conway .. Mabel Dudding Griffith R. Jones .. Charles Roberts Ida Young Amie E. Morrell .. Rhoda S. Mackenzie Ada E. Bond John G. Goosman .. Percy R. Burton .. Helena H. Hardy .. Eleanor B. Batteraby David A. B. Allison D3 E3 D4 El E2 E2 E5* E4 S3 E4 F F F II F F F H H F F 11 H F F F F H H F F H 70 0 0 96 0 0 96 0 0 114 0 0 56 0 0 68 0 0 56 0 0 114 0 0 72 0 0 88 0 0 64 0 0 110 10 0 100 0 0 82 16 0 56 0 0 60 0 0 64 0 0 90 0 0 96 0 0 88 16 0 76 0 0 64 0 0 20 0 0 18 20 18 24 8 12 6 22 14 16 9 23 21 19 9 10 11 21 18 19 13 11 12 10 3 23 2 3 27 1 9 13 13 5 16 15 0 43 7 6 17 12 8 13 - 2 6 318 10 Geade 2. Ahuroa Nos. 1 and 2 .. Alexandra Araparara & Mangakura Arapohue Ararua (late Omaru) .. Ardmore 162 18 0 132 5 0 162 0 0 117 10 0 121 0 0 136 0 0 104 1 8 114 0 0 110 10 0 128 0 0 141 11 6 20 0 0 20 0 0 9 5 0 9 5 0 12 10 0 7 15 0 8 10 0 8 5 0 7 10 0 7 10 0 7 5 0 8 0 0 11 0 0 1611 8 3 11 5 Alfred H. Skelton .. Sarah B. Arey John McElroy Jessie M. Finlayson Ada Gallie Minnie Muir Alfred C. Hook Walter H. Lorking.. Florence L. Mellsop Mrs. Annie Heney .. Thomas Turbott E4 El E3 E2 E4 E2 E4 E2 E2 E2* H F H F F F H II F F H 169 4 0 137 0 0 162 0 0 117 10 0 121 0 0 136 0 0 107 0 0 114 0 0 110 10 0 128 0 0 130 13 8 20 0 0 20"0 0 34 35 28 21 28 25 22 21 24 24 26 20 0 0 5 19 3 43 15 9 17 6 9 11 8 31 3 2 1 19 0 20 0 0 20"0 0 20 0 0 Avoca Awitu Central Brookside Dome Valley.. Fairburn's Road and Takahue joodwood Srordon jreerton Earrisville Berekino Horse-shoe Bush Hoteo North Houhora Hukanui 126 5 0 121 0 0 114 0 0 131 10 0 114 0 0 131 10 0 114 0 0 111 5 3 124 10 0 20"0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 8 15 0 8 0 0 8 5 0 9 5 0 7 10 0 8 10 0 7 10 0 8 15 0 8 5 0 12 17 6 8 16 0 11 17 3 Elizabeth A. Nixon Fredk. S. Ramson( 10 ) Alice J. Brain Alfred E. Hill Peter Murray William C. Wilson.. Louisa Vincent John H. Harvey Elizabeth Sutton .. D2 D4 E3 D2 E2 D3 E2 F H F H H II F II F 135 0 0 121 0 0 114 0 0 131 10 0 114 0 0 131 10 0 114 0 0 118 7 0 124 10 0 2o"o 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20' 0 0 29 25 25 34 19 28 23 31 27 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 5015 8 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 012 7 4 2 2 E2 (1) Opened 3rd March. 1st May. (7) Opened 1st Si (2) Opened 16th Marcl jptember. {8) Opened, (8) Opened, full time, full time, 1st July. (9) ( 1st April. )pened 5th 0< (4) Opened, full time, 1st June. Jtober. (W) Acting. (5) Opened 1st April. («)0] tenet


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


1 — com lUCi Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o cc! a v.. ci 3 •9 CO o ft Annual Salary at the Kate paid during the Last Month of Year. *aS„ §cs»«-p„ B y £ 3 s mo k < O.C c» a o gssgSSi e House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances | Buildings, Rent Sites, 0 f Pu ™ i ' ure ' School Apparatus. BQilata^ Gbade 2— continued. Hukatere Kaikohe Kaipara Flats Kaitaia Kaitara Karamu and Ngahinepouri Kariaotahi .. Kaurihohor.> and Ngararatunua Kimihia Komata Mahurangi Heads West and Huhue Makarau Mangapai Ncs. 1 and 2 Mangawai Beach Maraetai and Ness Valley Maramarua and Waitakaruru Mareretu Matahuru No'. 1 and 2 Miranda and Kaiawa .. Mokau Motukaraka Netherton Ngunguru Ohaeawai Okoroire Oruru Otaika Otara Otumoetai Oxford Paemako Pakiri Papakura Valley No. 1 Papakura Valley No. 2 Parkhurst Paterangi Pollock Pongakawa Pukeatua Pukete Punakitere Pungaere and Inumea Purua Purua No. 2 .. Rangiriri Red Hill Riverhead Ruapekapeka East and Ruapekapeka West Tangihua No. 2 Tangiteroria and Tangihua Tatarariki Tauhoa Te Aroha West Te Moari Te Pahi No. 1 Te Puke No. 2 and Te Matai Titirangi Tuakau Turanga Creek No. 1 .. Turanga Creek No. 2 .. Waharoa Waihopo Waimamaku Valley .. Waimate Wainui Waiotahi (E.C.) .. £ s. d. 124 10 0 110 10 0 110 10 0 124 10 0 128 0 0 132 12 0 £ s. d. 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. 8 5 0 7 7 0 7 10 0 7 15 0 8 10 0 11 10 0 £ s. d. 4 17 2 19 3 36 0 4 15 0 0 £ s. d. Thomas E. A. Mackay Marion Maxwell Elizabeth 0. Qainn Frank E. Blakey .. Annie B. Hawkes ,. Frederick C. Attwood E4 E2 E2 D3 E3 D4 II F F H F IT £ s. d. 124 10 0 110 10 0 110 10 0 124 10 0 128 0 0 132 12 0 £ 3. d. 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 22 24 20 20 28 24 120 2 6 153 3 0 8 0 0 13 0 0 Maxwell McGee .. Mary Fraser E3 E2 F F 128 0 0 164 8 0 27 35 110 10 0 102 12 0 153 12 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 7 10 0 7 6 0 8 5 0 19 2 9 0 4 9 Lilian M. Browne .. 12 15 0 James A. Pickett .. William J. Boden .. D2 F H H 110 10 0 108 18 0 153 12 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 26 26 D4 94 17 6 162 0 0 124 10 0 136 16 0 18 6 8 20 0 0 20 0 0 7 10 0 9 0 0 28 0 0 10 0 4 2 2 2 178 15 3 2 13 8 2 2 6 Ella Wills 3 15 0 Wesley Lee John F. Roberts Herbert B. Hughes E2 D2 D3 C4 F H H H 103 10 0 162 0 0 135 0 0 136 16 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 17 33 30 21 141 0 0 20 0 0 7 10 0 5 13 10 Albert J. Long D3 H 141 0 0 20 0 0 23 114 0 0 162 0 0 141 0 0 99 9 0 112 10 0 107 0 0 109 10 0 117 10 0 135 5 0 103 10 0 107 0 0 135 0 0 117 10 0 103 10 0 99 9 0 128 0 0 107 0 0 124 10 0 138 10 0 117 10 0 114 0 0 117 10 0 107 0 0 118 10 0 110 10 0 149 8 0 103 10 0 105 15 0 107 0 0 121 0 0 127 7 6 136 16 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20"0 0 2o'o 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 2o"o 0 20 0 0 2o"o 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 8 10 0 8 15 0 8 5 0 7 15 0 7 10 0 9 11 0 7 10 0 7 15 0 9 10 0 7 10 0 7 15 0 8 5 0 9 3 0 7 10 0 8 0 8 8 10 0 7 0 0 8 10 0 8 15 0 7 10 0 8 5 0 7 10 0 7 0 0 8 5 0 7 10 0 8 5 0 10 0 0 7 10 0 7 0 0 9 5 0 8 5 0 0 8 8 149 11 2 Jane Hueston Arthur F. T. Ansley Albert Murdoch Norman R. Harris.. John H. Rudall .. Sophia Wilson John T. Gifiney .. E. A. Robinson George Tooman Mrs. Lavinia M. Berry Elizabeth Davis George Barber Maud C. Mandeno .. Mary H. Taylor .. Frank W. Garland.. William Masson Arundel M. Beale .. Thomas R. Jones .. Emma M. Coad Aimee D. Bright .. Jessie A. Fraser Gertrude E. Barlow Agnes A. Wrigley .. E. W. Stephenson .. Albert G. Menzies .. Arthur A. Kenny .. Lcuipn A. Hawkes .. Gordon K. Hamilton Margaret Henry 4 10 0 Frank H. Smith .. Elizabeth Sinolair .. Hugh W. Crawford E3 D2 E3 F H H H H F II F H F F II F F II H F H F F F F F H H IT F H F H F H 114 0 0 162 0 0 141 0 0 99 9 0 108 0 0 107 0 0 108 0 0 117 10 0 139 0 0 103 10 0 107 0 0 135 0 0 117 10 0 103 10 0 99 9 0 128 0 0 107 0 0 124 10 0 135 0 0 117 10 0 114 0 0 117 10 0 107 0 0 114 0 0 110 10 0 149 8 0 103 10 0 105 15 0 107 0 0 121 0 0 136 0 0 153 12 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 26 29 26 19 21 26 17 22 31 23 25 27 18 25 20 29 21 26 29 22 25 22 20 24 22 26 18 20 22 22 32 30 0 2 6 E3 E2 E2 D3 E3 E2 E2 El E2 E3 20 0 0 20' 0 0 80 13 0 4 19 1 2 19 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 8 4 0 0 14 4 9 7 8 0 4 0 3 12 6 0 9 9 5 10 2 12 11 6 0 19 10 D3 C2 D2 D2 El E2 E2 E2 D3 D3 E3 E3 2o"o 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 3 3 9 2 16 6 231 4 0 20"o 0 20 0 0 El D2 D2 E3 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 107 0 0 132 12 0 20 0 0 7 10 0 5 13 10 5 0 0 110 Jacob T. Teesdale .. John S. Doull E3 E3 II H 107 0 0 132 12 0 20 0 0 22 24 121 0 0 117 10 0 124 10 0 135 0 0 107 0 0 159 3 0 20"0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 8 0 0 8 10 0 8 5 0 8 10 0 7 0 0 8 15 0 0 4 7 14 0 2 3 6 20 3 2 Herbert Fenwick .. Louisa F. Walker .. James Boswell Miriam V. Barlow .. RobertjT. Reid D4 D2 D2 E2 E2 E3 H F H II F IT 121 0 0 117 10 0 124 10 0 135 0 0 107 0 0 162 0 0 2o"o 0 26 27 24 29 21 31 410 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 121 0 0 124 10 0 114 0 0 103 10 0 128 0 0 137 0 0 124 10 0 127 2 6 138 0 0 111 2 6 20"0 0 2o"o 0 20 0 0 8 0 0 8 10 0 7 10 0 7 0 0 8 10 0 8 0 0 8 10 0 9 0 0 7 15 0 7 10 0 2 6 0 111 6 1 2 3 2 14 3 6 7 1 10 14 10 2 19 0 Leonard W. Totman David L. Smart Bernard Bedford .. Mary Lovatt H. J. Moore-Jones .. Harold J. Wooller(i) Charles E. 0. Tobin William J. May .. Mary F. Honan William F. Dean .. E3 D2 E2 E2 D2 D3 D3 D2 E2 E3 H H H F H IT H H F H 121 0 0 124 10 0 114 0 0 103 10 0 128 0 0 137 0 0 124 10 0 135 0 0 138 0 0 107 0 0 20 0 0 2o"o 0 28 27 23 20 27 25 26 29 23 25 2o"o 0 Actinj


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


AUCKLAND— contim led. Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the staff at the End of the Year. a o '.= c6 O eg '« CO cti 5 -ii o o ft Annual Salary at tlie Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. H £ g cs ceo ! h <! o cc a u I o ~ :=: o £ "5 ® ' **■" § to J, &TS5,' g House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances Buildings, E Sites, * Furniture, gchool Apparatus. Buildings. Gbade 2— continued, Waipipi Waipu Upper Wairoa South Wellsford Whangamarino and Churchill Wharekawa Whatawhata.. Maungatautaril 1 ) Mangatete( 2 ).. £ s. d. 124 10 0 131 10 0 107 0 0 107 0 0 136 16 0 ! £ s. d. 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. 8 0 0 8 15 0 7 10 0 8 0 0 11 10 0 £ s. d. 37 8 5 7 3 6 7 17 10 19 14 6l 0 8 8 £ s. d. John T. Meiklejohn Donald A. McKay .. Catherine A. Browne Ethel M. Potter .. William G. Graham B2 E3 D2 D3 D3 H IT F F H H F H H £ s. d. 124 10 0 131 10 0 107 0 0 107 0 0 136 16 0 99 9 0 110 10 0 143 0 0 118 7 0 £ s. d. 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 29 22 25 26 22 27 34 29 99 9 0 110 10 0 117 17 6 19 14 6 20 0 0 16 13 4 3 6 8 7 5 2 9 8 6 2 19 8 13 9 147 2 9 178 0 7 William F. Johns .. Rosanna Bowen Harry Atkins Charles W. Cooper.. Dl E5 20 0 0 20 0 0 Gbade 3. Awanui Awatuna and Marlborough Buckland Flat Bush Grahamtown and Parua Bay No. 2 Hastings Hobsonville Hukerenui South Hunua Katikati No. 2 Kiripaka Lucas Creek Maketu 141 0 0 166 16 0 168 6 8 137 0 0 178 2 0 143 0 0 152 13 4 155 0 0 137 0 0 147 0 0 147 0 0 136 0 0 184 0 0 2o"o 0 20"0 0 8 5 0 10 6 8 12 10 0 9 10 0 12 10 0 10 10 0 8 10 0 10 10 0 14 0 0 9 10 0 10 10 0 9 5 0 13 10 0 24 6 3 7 1 10 15 13 8 1 6 1 3 0 0 7 5 5 10 13 8 0 7 0 132 12 3 0 19 9 0 19 0 0 3 6 John H. Hudson .. John H. Hill Harry H. D. Wily .. Henry H. C. Tidmarsb Frank R. Byles Peter Moores James Miller William A. Joll .. Albert W. B. Davis Alec Carson Dunning Thomas Rodgers .. Caroline J. Flatt .. Elizabeth Kelly .. Muriel Cooper William J. Cahill .. George E. Large .. Annie E. Udy Alexander T.A.Miller George A. SomervilJe William N. Ingram Frederick R. Koller George A. Worsley .. Robert Hogwood .. D2 D3 Dl D2 D2 Dl D3 D2 D2 D2 E2 E2 E2 H H H H H H H H H H H F HF Mis. H H F H H H H H H 141 0 0 166 16 0 155 0 0 137 0 0 178 16 0 143 0 0 151 0 0 155 0 0 137 0 0 147 0 0 147 0 0 136 0 0 144 0 0 80 0 0 147 0 0 155 0 0 145 0 0 149 0 0 139 0 0 137 0 0 176 8 0 147 0 0 166 16 0 20 0 0 20"0 0 26 21 42 41 46 24 27 36 31 36 38 32 42 016 8 20"0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 Mamaku Matakohe Maungatapere Onewhero Opouriao North Opouriaq South Paiaka and Pah Paparata Parua Bay No. 1 and Owhiwa Patumahoe Puni Raglan Rangiahua and Upper Waihou Rangiaohia Rawhia and Umawera Taupaki Te Kowhai Te Mata Te Oruru Te Pahi No. 2 Te Rore Victoria Valley Waikomiti Waiororgomai Waipu Central 145 10 0 181 13 4 160 0 0 164 16 8 139 0 0 137 0 0 176 8 0 162 0 0 166 16 0 20 0 0 5"o 0 14 3 4 20 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 11 10 0 9 10 0 9 10 0 11 10 0 9 5 0 8 10 0 10 19 0 9 10 0 9 5 0 339 9 9 36 15 7 321' 0 0 15 8 D2 D2 E2 E2 D2 D2 D3 D2 E2 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 44 34 37 41 34 31 39 34 30 15 0 11 10 9 20 0 0 153 13 4 171 0 0 153 0 0 174 0 0 0 16 8 2 10 0 8 19 0 20 0 0 9 10 0 10 10 0 10 0 8 8 2 5 2 11 0 5 4 2 512 9 2 James Graham William A. Pilkington George Blackett Henry J. F. Downard D2 D3 D2 D3 H H H H 147 0 0 151 0 0 153 0 0 174 0 0 37 40 35 25 2o"o 0 155 10 0 178 16 0 164 6 8 143 0 0 160 10 0 139 0 0 150 6 8 147 0 0 143 0 0 137 0 0 161 10 0 194 13 4 20 0 0 20 0 0 9 0 0 8 3 11 9 10 0 9 10 0 9 10 0 2 0 0 9 10 0 9 5 0 9 10 0 9 5 0 10 10 0 11 10 0 1 18 10 n"o 0 John S. Phillips .. Percy J. Hook Alfred J. T. Judkins William R. Gillespie James B. Ramsay .. Harold I. Blow Frederick W. Hare.. James Sutton F. N. R. Downard .. Arabella O. Ryan .. Edward A. Power .. William H. V. Hall May Ramson Annie I. McKay .. Jessie J. Bayly William E. Johns .. Helen McGee Frederio W. Kysh .. Theodore H.A.Walker William Lowrie Hugh O. Cooney .. D2 E3 D2 D3 C2 E4 D3 E2 E4 E2 El D2 H H H H H H H H H F H HM Mis. F F H F H H H H 143 0 0 178 16 0 151 0 0 143 0 0 153 0 0 139 0 0 147 0 0 147 0 0 143 0 0 137 0 0 149 0 0 153 0 0 80 0 0 137 0 0 136 0 0 149 0 0 136 0 0 147 0 0 155 0 0 137 0 0 149 0 0 20*0 0 20 0 0 30 32 35 35 39 25 34 31 36 29 37 45 97 5 5 2'io 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 4 3 4 0 16 8 019 2 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 2019 4 Waipu North River .. Waitangi Waiwera Wayby Whakapara Whananaki .. Whangarei Heads Te Puna( 8 ) 137 0 0 134 7 0 149 0 0 136 0 0 147 0 0 175 0 0 137 0 0 103 6 8 20"o 0 9 10 0 8 5 0 9 10 0 9 0 0 15 17 2 9 0 0 9 0 0 7 5 0 10 6 8 14 3 16 10 0 2 15 8 89 15 5 14 12 6 E3 Dl E2 E2 Dl D3 D2 D4 20 0 0 81 29 37 29 41 34 30 38 2 10 0 15°0 0 20"0 0 Gbade 4. Birkdale 135 1 11 Julian Brook Jessie Vellenoweth.. George H. Smith .. J. D. McNaughton.. Madeline E. Smythe 51 Dacre's and Ti Point .. Drury 243 0 0 187 4 0 242 0 0 20 0 0 14 5 0 12 10 0 13 10 0 0 16 2 26 1 2 Dl D3 D3 Dl HM Mis. H HM Mis. 163 0 0 80 0 0 187 4 0 162 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 43 48 WO] >ened 2nd Mi iron. (2) Opened 2nd November. (8) Opened, full time, 1st July.


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.


AUCKLAND— contin: td. Name of School. Allowances Other Buildings, Eent Teacher,!' and Pupil- ' Ordinary „„,"£,' of Salaries. teachers' : Expendi- .„j ' School Lodging ture. Buildings. Allowances | Apparatus. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. CD 9 - O ±> ■s a *- ! CO •-* o 2 fl o « oa co IS ° to .'ScK CO to 3 ft Annual Salary at the Hate paid during the Last Month of Year. a rf £■% P £ g o5 fcfiO < On w B u a o-v ? S a to™ W3-" ft ft< d CD h CD O CD £ > < Gbade 4— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. East Tamaki 242 0 0 13 10 0 0 12 0 Arthur Short Inez M. Roberts Harry J. Durham .. Maud C. Benner William L. Cox Clara E. Casey Ernest J. Walters .. Mary S. Lavery Henry P. Andrew .. Emma M. Short .. William J. Moor .. AdelinaR. Matthews Frank C. J. Crookes Ellen Coady Mrs. EmmaL.Mellsop Lydia Pegler Alfred C. Ballance .. Rosie A. Sandford .. George H. Pocock .. Elizabeth M. Jennings Joseph L. Innes Bertha Cragg William 0. Lamb .. Katberine Dudding John M. Warn Eleanor G. Kendon Thomas Read Mark H. Moon Dorothea R. Ingram William F. Collis .. Frances H. Fawcett Johnson Selby Johanna Rogers Arthur E. Day) 1 ) .. Helen D. Grant George B. Reid Ethel B. Caddy .. William Chappell .. Annie Keaney Janet Wilson Elizabeth M. Vincent Elizabeth J. Wilcox William H. Nicholson Lydia E. G. Thorpe Edward J. Darby .. Ada Harrison Michael F. Daly .. Edith A. McRae .. Henry C. Jafirey .. William J. Gatenby Nora Richards( 2 ) .. William M. Gelling Ella Greenwood Frances Longmore Emily Bongard Ada Pascoe Robert G. Hutton .. George W. Rapson.. Mary J. Johnston .. Charles W. Clark .. Margaret A. I. G. Dean Dl E4 D2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mi*. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Ms. H HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HF FP3 FP3 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. H HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. F H HM Mis. HM Mis. 162 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 162 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 146 0 0 80 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 163 0 0 80 0 0 165 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 163 0 0 80 0 0 164 0 0 80 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 165 0 0 80 0 0 162 0 0 80 0 0 147 10 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 165 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 80 0 0 148 10 0 80 0 0 147 10 0 187 4 0 164 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 .0 80 0 0 46 Golden Cross 241 0 0 20 0 0 11 5 0 3 0 0 20 0 0 32 Henderson 242 0 0 15 15 0 1 18 8 Dl E3 D2 E3 Dl E3 D2 55 Hikutaia 237 0 0 9 10 0 5 6 6 39 Howick 237 0 0 12 10 0 73 3 10 45 Kaeo 236 0 0 12 10 0 27 14 2 40 Kawhia Mangere 242 5 0 226 0 0 20 0 0 28 10 0 18 0 0 18 6 10 0 0 El E3 E2 D3 E2 20 0 0 60 42 Mangonui 239 0 0 13 10 0 41 Marua Matakana 236 0 0 243 0 0 13 10 0 15 15 0 1 12 8 5 5 4 D2 E4 Dl D3 D2 47 53 Maungakaramea 245 0 0 14 5 0 10 0 0 47 Mayfield Okaibau Omahu 237 0 0 216 0 0 243 0 0 12 10 0 9 10 0 14 0 0 5 3 2 Dl D3 D2 D2 43 35 48 20"0 0 20 0 0 Ongarue 244 0 0 16 18 10 10 7 0 D3 E3 D2 34 Otaua 239 0 0 13 0 0 2 2 3 47 Paparoa 239 0 0 12 10 0 D3 D4 El D4 D2 E2 Dl 42 Port Albert 245 0 0 12 10 0 41 13 5 45 Puhoi 242 0 0 13 10 0 3 13 43 Pukekohe Eist 218 6 8 7 18 4 13 10 0 1 13 6 5 0 0 46 Ramarama 240 0 0 13 10 0' 14 9 2 El E3 D2 El Dl E3 D3 Bl D3 D2 41 Russell 245 0 0 15 15 0 13 2 4 51 Tairua 241 0 0 13 10 0 1 11 8 46 Tamahere Tamaki West 229 6 8 241 10 0 016 8 9 10 0 15 15 0 116 5 18 1 37 50 Tokatoka No. 1 237 0 0 9 10 Oj 18 4 4 38 Wade Waiotahi Creek Wairanga and Tangoao Whangarata 228 10 0 214 3 4 189 0 0 244 0 0 20 0 Oj 20 0 0 20 0 0 14 5 0 12 0 0 ! 13 10 Oj 14 5 0 : 0 14 3 3 0 0 13 11 1 0 7 11 El D3 E2 E3 D2 E2 D2 E3 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 44 38 43 43 Woodside 237 0 0 9 10 0 35 Gbade 5. 263 15 0 19 10 0 2 4 0 Bombay Clevedon Hukerenui North 254 8 8 250 0 0 •• 16 10 0, 1 12 10 0 I 2 4 0 149 2 6 149 2 6 3 8 8 3 8 8 Charles Cooper Theodora E. Piggot Frank Jameson Maud L. Green Samuel Harris Marion M. Bell George W. Murray.. Roberta E. A. Baird Arthur M. Perry .. Luoy Hamilton James W. Rennick.. Maud E. Driver .. Dl E3 Dl D3 D2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 178 15 0 85 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 166 5 0 80 0 0 175 0 0 85 0 0 187 10 0 85 0 0 187 10 0 85 0 0 60 58 43 Kaukapakapa 260 0 0 30 0 0 ; 16 10 0| Dl E4 Dl E4 Dl E3 30 0 0 56 Kihikihi 572 10 0 20 10 0 9 9 9 9 63 Kirikiri 272 10 0 20 10 0 4 15 0 4 15 0 62 (i) Acting. (2) On leave.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


AUCKLAND— contim { ,ed. Name of School. laintenanci Expem Liture for the Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a .2 CO 3 e .a a-; • H O ■S'S .■Bid CO O ft Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. lie*!* a tj g £ ooo < on to a u aSagSo' <lga°3°^ ca .? CD U o 0) GC CO 3 t> <1 Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances and Pupilteachers' Lodging Allowances Other Ordinary Expenditure. ft ssr B r Fur , n " ure ' School Apparatus. Buildings. Gbade 5 — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Manawaru Marsh Meadows Maungaturoto Mercer Morrinsville New Lynn Ohaupo Opitonui Otorohanga Owharoa Pakuranga .. 262 10 0 237 10 0 256 5 0 257 10 0 265 0 0 252 10 0 265 0 0 168 15 0 266 13 4 266 5 0 258 15 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 18 10 0 15 15 0 16 10 0 16 10 0 20 10 0 15 0 0 17 10 0 11 10 0 21 15 0 20 10 0 16 10 0 6 7 6 42 8 6 0 18 5 44 1 7 0 18 7 34 9 6 18 9 2 8 11 2 9 14 6 12 6 5 0 0 832 6 10 John J. Keaney Alice R. Phipps Margaret J. Allely .. Mary R. Seiby Edward Perkins Lillian F. Clarke .. Charles T. Edwards Rose M. Mahon Donald R.F.Campbell Emily Cullens James E. Waygood.. Mary J. K. Wilson.. John S. Colhoun .. E. C. G. Downard .. William J. Connor.. Francis E. Lowe .. Margaret Gibson .. Frederick Elmsly .. Margaret E. Carson William Green Maud M. Crawford.. Herbert Mason Reginald E. Brett .. George Lippiatt Lilian Young James A. Vos Nellie W. Fisher .. James T. G. Cox .. Laura L. Hall George F. C. Hosking Ellen E. Sinclair .. Charles Bishoprick.. Mary M. Findlay .. George Wilson Mary A. Stewart .. William J. Wernham Bertha L. Rees Maurice Priestley .. Richard J. Harris .. Winifred Gillibrand Thomas A. Jones .. Hannah M. HutchinDl E4 El E3 D2 Dl Dl D3 D2 Lie. Dl E3 D2 E2 E2 E2 D2 D3 Bl HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. H HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM AM HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mi". HM Mis. HM Mis. H HM Mis. HM Mis. 177 10 0 85 0 0 152 10 0 85 0 0 173 15 0 80 0 0 177 10 0 80 0 0 180 0 0 85 0 0 166 5 0 85 0 0 180 0 0 85 0 0 168 15 0 185 0 0 80 0 0 181 5 0 85 0 0 173 15 0 85 0 0 167 10 0 80 0 0 166 5 0 85 0 0 173 15 0 85 0 0 177 10 0 85 0 0 166 5 0 85 0 0 183 15 0 85 0 0 178 15 0 80 0 0 173 15 0 85 0 0 207 0 0 177 10 0 85 0 0 176 5 0 85 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 64 56 56 54 65 47 59 17 76 70 58 54 Piriaka(r) 123 14 10 15 0 0 Pokeno Puriri Taupiri 251 5 0 258 15 0 262 10 0 13 10 0 16 10 0 19 10 0 2 3 5 10 0 0 •■ A2 E3 El D3 Dl E3 El D3 Dl E3 Dl 42 58 62 Te Pua 251 5 0 30 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 30 0 0 43 Te Puke 268 15 0 19 10 0 57 18 0 64 Totara • .. 258 15 0 17 10 0 19 9 4 55 Turua Waikiekie East & West Waiuku 258 15 0 249 18 4 262 10 0 30 0 0 16 10 0 17 10 0 18 10 0 13 9 6 1 12 6 21 10 8 C2 D4 D2 Dl E3 D2 E3 30 0 0 54 54 62 Woodhill 261 5 0 18 10 0 59 son Grade 6. James Dean Elizabeth P. Duffus George A. Davidson Nellie Gilmore( 2 ) .. Norman R. McKenzie Rose L. Gavey John La Prelle Annie Carter Luther Hames Emily E. Tidd Mrs. LauraWoodward E. M. Halliwell .. Denis O'Donoghue.. Annie Newbegin Thomas L. May Eleanor Ball John W. Sumner .. Elizabeth Cardno .. Dennis R. Flavell .. Alethea S. O. Hamlin Herbert E. Forde .. Marion G. F. Mitchell David Russell Lydia E. Kitching .. Frederick Booth .. Violet M. Cooke( 2 ) ■ ■ Cambridge West 291 5 0 21 15 0 37 3 0 Dl E3 Dl HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 196 5 0 95 0 0 201 5 0 85 10 0 211 5 0 95 0 0 197 10 0 95 0 0 195 0 0 95 0 0 162 10 0 95 0 0 213 15 0 95 0 0 207 10 0 95 0 0 206 5 0 95 0 0 212 10 0 95 0 0 195 0 0 95 0 0 203 15 0 95 0 0 208 15 0 95 0 0 77 Kawakawa 291 10 0 20 10 0 11 18 6 69 Kohukohu Kuaotunu Lake Mangere Bridge Mount Roskill Panmure 306 5 0 293 0 0 290 0 0 249 3 4 323 5 0 302 10 0 33 6 8 23 0 0 25 10 0 22 7 6 21 2 6 26 12 0 23 7 6 72 15 0 25 16 3 0 8 4 1 13 8 80 15 2 24 17 3 Dl D3 Dl E3 Dl E2 El D2 Bl E2 Dl D2 Dl E3 D2 E2 Dl D3 Dl D3 El E3 30 0 0 81 72 79 75 96 79 Papatoetoe 301 5 0 23 0 0 98 4 0 83 Pukekohe West 310 0 0 38 6 8 26 0 0 7 0 4 30 0 0 82 Te Awamutu.. 290 0 0 22 7 6 4 3 0 77 Waihou 298 15 0 23 0 0 3 8 6 75 Whakatane .. 303 15 0 22 7 6 47 15 8 79 jened 1st Jul; (2) Acting.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.


i— com Hlfj h. Name of School. laintenance. Expeni Liture for thi Year. Buih lings. Teachers' Names, inc uding all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d CD 5 CO CO 3 CD a a« ■H O o.a *_2 CD CO O ft Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. <w w ■- d to H 5 ° * § 3 •««», a f. j; ouo < on to a d A -*^ IM o CD OD CO CD Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances and Pupilteachers' Lodging Allowances' Other Ordinary Expenditure. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings Gbade 7. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Aoroa Aratapu D.H.S. Ellerslie Hamilton East Hikurangi Kaihu Kamo 349 10 0 372 6 8 395 0 0 340 12 0 359 0 0 348 6 0 346 16 0 7 10 0 14 3 4 7 10 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 25 10 0 30 10 0 28 0 0 24 17 6 25 10 0 24 5 0 39 4 7 10 5 4 9 15 4 7 0 0 30 1 7 10 18 1 14 14 0 Howard J. S. Ellis .. Sarah E. Brown Caroline Best Harry Hockin Evelyn C. Vos Amie E. Joyce Barbara M. Pirrit .. Joseph Wooller Clara G. Goldsworthy Eva Bower Percy E. Stevens .. Mabel Crabtree Eily B. Cussen Alexander M. Rust.. Evelyn Wilson Edward Crosby Robert J. Hamilton Lucy St. M. Fraser Julia A. M. Gaze .. Humphrey Heward Margaret Johnston Edith S. A. Jackson James N. Marsdon Ada M. Patterson .. Jessie L. Lowe Francis Warren Ann E. Brook Nina M. Ashby David W. Jones Catherine E. Gillespie Ella J. Whitmore .. Thomas D. Rice Gertrude I. Smith .. Henry W. C. Philips E.M. Goldsworthy.. Florence I. I.Beecroft William J. Connell.. Agnes G. Stewart .. Edgar R. Long Mary I. Campbell .. Dl D3 Dl E3 Dl E2 D3 Dl E2 Dl El A2 D2 Dl E3 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. FP3 FP1 HM Mis. AF HM Mis. FP2 HM Mis. MP3 HM Mis. FP2 HM Mis. FP2 HM Mis. FP2 HM Mis. FP2 HM Mis. FP3 HM Mis. HM Mis. FP4 HM Mis. MP3 FP2 219 10 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 224 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 222 10 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 215 12 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 224 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 218 6 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 216 16 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 218 6 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 218 18 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 218 18 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 217 14 0 90 0 0 215 12 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 223 14 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 109 134 126 106 107 99 89 Mercury Bay 341 12 8 9 3 4 33 0 0 3 8 11 Dl E3 10 0 0 96 348 18 0 10 0 0 24 17 6 22 9 9 Dl D3 10 0 0 102 Ngaruawahia 353 18 0 7 10 0 24 17 6 3 19 3 Dl E2 10 0 0 104 Papakura 332 6 10 6 5 0 26 15 0 10 0 0 D2 5 0 0 72 Waitekauri Warkworth 360 12 0 5 0 0 23 0 0 86 19 3 Dl D2 90 363 14 0 11 5 0 41 10 0 254 11 5 El D2 5 0 0 124 Whangarei 5 0 0 10 0 0 Gbade 8. 136 Dargaville Driving Creek Hamilton West D.H.S. Helensville .. 396 4 0 422 10 8 431 2 0 391 11 8 17 10 0 11 10 0 7 18 4 29 5 0 38 15 0 34 5 0 30 10 0 167 4 9 29 8 2 23 19 7 21 5 8 Edward N. Ormiston Charlotte M. Gaze .. Sylvia W. Morley .. Edith R. Riddell .. Henry R. Hyatt .. Amelia M. Nixon .. Blanche E. Sergeant Anna M. J. Creighton William H. Worsley Marion E. Lambert Ruth B. Jones Emily Roche Gladys I. Burd Arthur J. Hill Ada B. Hodgson Annie Armstrong .. Beatrice C. C. Worth Frank Higginson .. Violet F. G. Graham William H. Smith .. Donald A. McPherson James Elliot Edith B. Browne .. Minnie L. Moore .. R. A. McKinnon .. Joseph W. Webber.. Charlotte Murrish .. Ida Hill Joseph E. Elliott .. Jane E. M. Goulding Ada Clark Margaret MoCowan Dl E3 Dl D2 Dl E2 D2 E3 HM Mis. FP3 FP2 HM Mis. FP4 FP3 HM Mis. AF FP4 FP3 HM Mis. FP3 FP2 HM Mis. MP3 MP2 HM Mis. FP4 MP2 HM Mis. AF HM Mis. FP3 FP3 231 4 0 105 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 226 14 0 1.05 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 226 2 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 227 0 0 105 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 224 12 0 105 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 230 0 0 105 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 230 6 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 230 12 0 105 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 121 164 133 Horahora 389 12 0 37 10 0 30 5 0 451 7 4 Dl E2 30 0 0 154 20 0 0 29 5 0 5 0 0 125 Huntly 405 0 0 CI D3 Rotorua 425 6 0 10 0 0 32 1 0 45 4 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 139 Te Kopuru 405 12 0 6 5 0 31 15 0 117 14 5 D2 E2 D4 Dl El 146 5 0 0


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


.UCKLAND—contfw id. Name oj School. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buili lings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a' o d s 'co w eO 3 A a—• •a o oA •■3 o Sec CO O ft Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. °DCD o co Of (2 c0 • q g O C H d a t. £ d mo on to a ,_, >— y CD T" CD aovg^l U 3 N 9 -P u o o DC si U % House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Bent of School Buildings. Gbade 9. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Avondale Epsom Opotiki D.H.S. Otahuhu Point Chevalier 644 10 0 502 18 0 505 8 0 495 2 8 10 0 0 10 0 0 12 10 0 8 2 6 46 15 0 44 5 0 35 10 0 34 5 0 36 0 6 43 17 5 48 19 2 11 16 2 13 18 0 23 11 8 James Hogwood Edith M. Newton .. Harry A. Darrow .. Marianne G. Ramson Mary M. Harper .. Daisy M. Bates George Thwaites M. E. Gillibrand .. Ethel E. Tills Joseph B. Johnson.. M. E. L. Gallagher Henry B. Wilson .. C. K. D. Dinneen .. Catherine A. Bryant K. A. Turnbull Tom Wilson Frances A. Somerville Kate A. Kelly Louisa E. Bayliss .. Martin G. Brown .. Robert Jones-Parry Emma Gillibrand .. Jane Johnson Marion B. Bollard .. William H. Newton Mary C. Kelly Elizabeth M. Gibson Millicent M. Hodge Annie 0. Black Caspar A. Semadeni Mary E. Roberts .. Annie M. Gain Margaret M. Hardy Percy F. Skinner .. Alfred F. Burton .. Josephine Ray Sarah M. Allely .. Elizabeth M.Fawcett John G. Killen Dl 1)2 02 E3 1)1 Dl E3 CI E3 E4 Dl El E2 Dl D2 D3 E3 Dl E2 B2 HM Mis. AM AF FP3 FP3 HM Mis. AF MP4 FP2 HM Mis. AF AF HM Mis. AF FP3 MP2 HM Mis. AF AF HM Mis. AF FP4 FP1 HM Mis. FP4 FP3 MP2 HM Mis. AF FP1 MP1 249 10 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 242 18 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 235 8 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 239 6 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 235 14 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 238 14 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 242 12 0 110 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 244 8 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 237 215 152 152 153 491 10 8 Tararu 507 15 10 40 1 10 36 0 0 19 5 10 35 0 0 143 Tauranga D.H.S 526 19 3 9 17 9 36 18 4 13 0 0 01 E2 465 0 9 141 Te Aroha ' .. 7 13 2 42 5 0 10 0 0 501 7 H 6 15 8 1)1 E2 D4 182 10 0 0 Gbade 10. Bayfield Chapel Street Karangahake 677 18 0 677 13 8 713 18 0 45 0 0 35 0 0| 1 13 4l 50 15 0 55 0 0 52 10 0 21 3 3l 34 2 01 93 2 1 James Christie Frances E. Thompson William Kay Alice M. Caldwell .. Adelaide A. M. Cole Adrian M. Rowe William H. Draffin Edith A. Hill D. W. MoNaughton Florence T. Eastgate Ernest T. Robinson Florenoe D. Clark .. Augustus N. Scott .. Gertrude Palmer .. Robert J. Corbett .. Florence M. Green Bethia L. Barlow .. Susan B. Forrest .. Joseph R. Whitaker Maud Nicholson .. Robert Campbell .. Emily L. de Moutalk Alfred E. Stone Minnie E.Pilkington Frederiok J. Ohlson Mary J. Lane Harold B. Lusk Annie E. Lysaght .. Violet Short Rosa Collier Muriel I. May Dl D2 Dl D2 E2 D2 D2 Dl E2 D2 E3 HM Mis AM AF FP4 MP2 HM Mis. AM AF MP4 FP1 HM Mis. AM AF AF FP2 HM Mis. AM AF MP4 FP2 HM Mis. AM AF FP3 FP2 FP1 257 18 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 260 12 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 248 18 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 255 16 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 258 16 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 10 0 0 35 0 0 250 249 225 Mount Albert 690 16 0 5 0 0 51 15 O 75 17 4| Dl Dl Dl E3 248 Newmarket .. Dl D2 A2 E3 10 0 0 35 0 0 673 16 0 52 10 0 68 13 0 21 15 9 25: 5 0 0 10 0 0


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.

4—E. 1.


AUCKLAND— contin led. Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for th< Year. Buildings. Teaoherrt' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the staff at the End of the Year. 0 © tq 5 CD .a a« — o a S o.a ■js ® .Btc CO O ft Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. a™°» J l gsessts rt 03 5° += a & 5J <a m o < Oa (0-C w o3 <; c3 p "if agrigSo. <!5a5»i u CO CD X CD A -M c CD cc CO CD > House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. I Buildings, R Sites, f Furniture, 8chool Apparatus. Buildings. Grade 10— continued. £ s. d.j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Northcote Parawai Cambridge*D.H.S. .. 679 7 3 517 5 7 12 5 10 35 13 8 51 15 0 44 15 0 45 10 0 117 12 10 640 1 9 Alfred Taylor Estelle R. Wilson .. David W. Dunlop .. Theodosia M. Cooper Ethel L. McClune .. Stanley V. Smerdon I. D. F. Nicholson.. John Fisher Kate Truscott Hewett B. Hewett.. Florence M. Wells .. Laura A. Killgour .. Alice E. Wishart .. William R. 0. Walker Kate Keesing Arthur J. Shepherd Ellen Kingsford Gladys Kirkham .. Malcolm MoKinnon Thomas B. Tanner.. Mary F. Egan Robert E. Jamieson Flora M. James Winifred M. Hill .. Ruby E. Broadgate Dl E2 D2 E2 Dl E2 D4 E4 Bl El D3 E3 HM Mis. AM AF FP2 MP1 FP1 HM Mis. AM AF FP3 FP2 HM Mis. AM AF FP2 MP1 HM Mis. AM AF FP4 PP1 260 0 0 115 0 0 155 0' 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 251 18 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 252 16 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 256 2 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 01 35 0 0 263 211 652 16 0 20 0 0 16 9 0 Coromandel D.H.S. .. 5 0 0 63 1 10 10 0 0 10 0 0 52 0 0 Dl E2 D2 E3 671 2 0 221 Gbade 12. 5 0 0 Kauaeranga 887 2 6 61- ■ 2 7 73 0 0 34 I 11 W. H. P. Marsdon .. Mrs. Mary Phillips.. T.W.G. H.Hammond Sylvia G. Smith Eva M. Ashman Lucy Bell.. Sylvia Findlay F. H. M. Shepherd .. Richard B. Heriot .. Elsie D. Grant Alfred N. Bowden .. Janet McGee Mary E. Herbert .. Winifred T. Metge.. Hugh F. McClune .. Louisa Worrall Ethel M. Fraser .. Thomas Isemonger.. , Annie O'Meara) 1 ) .. Samuel H. Ferguson Agatha G. Mooaie .. Nellie Warren Colin R. R. Crispe .. Sarah E. Maodonald Jane E. Walton Franois Murphy Minnie Shaw Alexander Macgregor Maud A. Shroff .. Adina McCallum .. Arthur E. Reynolds Hazel I. S. Taylor .. Anna J. Fawcett .. Dl El Dl El E3 HM Mis. AM AF AF FP4 FP3 MP1 HM Mis. AM AF AF AF MP3 FP3 FP2 HM Mis. AM AF AF MP3 FP2 FP1 HM Mis. AM AF AF MP3 FP2 FP2 278 4 0 125 0 0 185 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 278 0 0 125 0 0 185 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 281 4 0 125 0 0 185 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 273 8 0 125 0 0 185 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30- 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 330 Remuera 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 68 0 0 Dl Dl Dl El D2 E4 909 13 41 7 -10 0 " 50 16 5| 345 Waiokaraka 872 17 4j 59 3 4 ! 88 0 0 9 15 6 Dl E3 D2 D3 5 0 0 40 0 0 287 Paeroa D.H.S. 855 18 0 65 3 0 68 5 7 645 6 11 Dl E2 E2 D4 5 0 0 10 0 0 40 0 0 314 Gbade 14. 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 Nelson Street 64 3 4 94 5 0 22 9 2 Bartholomew Cronin Margaret Coghill .. Alfred J. C. Hall .. Sydney J. Elliott .. Florence M. Smith.. Sarah A. Johnston .. Jane E. Collins Ruby M. McElwain John Masefield Sarah Shepherd Mary V. Speight .. Rl El Dl D3 E2 E2 E8 HM Mis. AM AM ' AF AF AF FP2 MP2 FP1 FP1 302 4 0 140 0 0 220 0 0 120 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 1 50 0 0 427 1,180 10 8 10 0 0 10 0 0 (1) Acting.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


AUCKLAND— contin: led. Name of School. Maintenance. aintenance. Buildings. Allowances Other Bu i!?i° gs ' Rent and Pupil- Ordinary Fu ™i ture of teachers' Expendi- u °'j ' School ££. tUr6 - App.r..™. BUildingF - Expenditure for the Year. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the staff at the End of the "Year. a _o d O ■n '■n co cO 5 — O a 2 O-P ■£ O ."Sec o Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. !§es.s£ a £ £ co coo < on to a s* =s<! d n 3S g„S §-5 | ag.-i*Sc§ K£5 a H 0* CD I* CD 0 ■H CO C£ CO ;- CD < 1 ! Teachers 1 Salaries. Gbade 15. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.| £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. mehunga D.H.S. 1,224 10 0 23 6 8 99 10 ol 149 17 9 Wm. N. Mcintosh.. Agnes S. French .. James Robb Effie S. Bull Helen Robb Estelle A. Tisdall .. Jessie Bower Florence I. Patterson William Johnston .. Ethel M. May Meta Barker Mabel Berryman .. Gertrude E. Ross .. Dl El 1)2 Dl Dl D2 E2 HM Mis. AM AF AF AF AF AF MP4 FP3 FP2 FP1 FP1 304 12 0 140 0 0 220 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 52. 5 0 0 10 0 0 Gbade 16. 10 0 0 jraf ton 1,389 15 4 67 10 0 109 11 2 7 6 ll 1 William W. Hill .. . Mary E. Hopper .. Norman D. McKay Robert Carnachan .. Jessie Morison Mary B. Jackson .. Harriet Reid Florence K.Robinson Jessie C. Wootten .. Annie Patterson .. Kathleen E. Crowe.. Frank R. Wilson .. Olive C. Foster Alfred Benge Laura A. Roberts .. William Lloyd Jane H. Hume Lydia M. Hill Eleanor E. Brain .. Mary E. Davison .. Alexander Bell Ethel E. Bond Frederick G. Upton Charlotte George .. Emily S. L. Joll .. Bernice E. Roberts Lorna R. Benge Dl El. Dl D3 D2 El E3 D3 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF AF FP3 FP2 FP2 MP2 FP1 HM Mis. AM AF AF AF AF MP3 FP3 MP3 FP3 FP2 FP1 FP1 320 12 0 150 0 0 235 0 0 130 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 321 16 0 150 0 0 235 0 0 115 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 85 10 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 51? 5 0 0 10 0 0 Waihi D.H.S. 1,338 15 3 24 9 2 114 13 0 5 15 7! Dl E2 Dl E2 E2 E3 517 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 Gbade 17. Devonport 1,385 14 0 71 13 4 119 10 0 124 5 6 James Armstrong .. Margaret S. Newman Samuel H. Macky .. Nelson T. Lambourne Jane D. Grant Mrs. Eliza J.Wildman Evelyn M. Robertson Francis Tooman .. Bertrand W. Hayson Freida M. Mackay .. Janet G. Macindoe.. Edith J. Rogerson .. Mabel C. M. CookeYarborough Mary Ah xander Alfred S. Webber .. Eva P. Cato John Campbell James H. Braithwaite Jessie A. Burns Joann Mathieson .. Frances A. Willis .. Augusta Penzholz .. Alice M. Graham .. Albert S. Cliffe Elizabeth A. Wheeler Emily M. King Mary J. Cahill Margaret Clark John L. Scott Hannah Astley Colin R. Munro Kenneth C. Maclaurin Dl Dl Dl D2 Bl E2 E3 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF MP3 MP3 FP3 FP3 FP2 FP2 323 4 0 150 0 0 235 0 0 175 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 575 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 Newton West CI El Dl 1)2 E2 E2 1)3 E3 FP2 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF AF FP4 MP4 FP2 FP2 FP1 FP1 HM Mis. AM AM 30 0 0 322 16 0 150 0 0 235 0 0 130 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 326 0 0 150 0 0 235 0 0 130 0 0 50 0 0 1,406 6 4 59 1 Oj 136 0 oi 384 11 6 585 'arnell Dl Dl Dl D2 10 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 1,407 13 4 60 0 0 119 4 0 68 12 2 560


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


AUCKLAND— contim I I Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d C S w d 5 • A a — ... o aS !■§ CO O ft Annual Salary at the Bate paid during the Last Month of Year, o d°P« d j < Or] mflu •33 s 11! §•*§•" I s fi CD A r o CD tjD d }* a > tamo o I. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Bent of School tuildings. £ s. d £ s. d. £ s. d. Gbade 17— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d £ s. d. £ s. d. Parnell — continued Richmond Road 1,438 11 6 60 0 0| 120 5 0 354 17 8 Blanche E.Carnachan Susanna Johnston .. Jessie V. Evans Gwladys R. Jones .. Kathleen M. Whitaker Mary M. Fuller Walter S. Dempsey Martha E. Monstedt Eveline M. Hall .. Tom U. Wells Helen M.S.McGibbon George H. Plummer Norman H. S. Law Mildred M. Eastgate M. K. Edenborough Eveline M. Holloway Robert H. R. Bayly Gertrude B. Holder Alice Myles Leonora Brigham .. Millicent A. L. Short Andrew J. Brooks .. Emily C. Worsnop.. Louis J. Mark Ralph D. Stewart .. Eliza L. Dunning .. Robert H. Paterson Hector K. Burns .. Sarah J. Purdie Elsie Shrewsbury .. Annie E. Holloway.. Mary C. Tregear .. Vera D. Hosking .. Gertrude M. Worrell Muriel L. BanPercy G. Lewis E. M. C. Ferguson.. Grace A. Harbutt El D2 D3 E3 Bl Dl CI Dl D2 D2 E2 D3 E3 AF AF AF AF FP4 FP3 MP2 FP2 FP2 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF AM AF FP3 FP3 FP2 MP2 FP1 MP1 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF AF FP4 FP4 PP3 MP2 FP2 FP2 110 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 332 8 0 155 0 0 235 0 0 130 0 0 115 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 334 12 0 155 0 0 235 0 0 130 0 0 115 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 613 536 10 0 0 Wellesley Street Dl El Dl D3 CI Al D2 E2 50 0 0 ,1.451 13 8. 50 0 0 126 11 6 11 5 10 Gbade 18. Beresford Street Edwin T. Hart Hannah J. Priestley Herbert G. Cousins.. Spenceley Walker .. Mary J. Mcllhone .. Flora A. Mclnnis .. Marcus N. Skelton .. Rose G. Crisp Samuel Green Evelyn C. Burnard.. Elsie B. Carder Isabelle Melwood .. Eileen A. Mahon .. Ida V. C. Grattan .. Arthur J. Hall Alfred Hosking Elizabeth F. Hawkins Daniel C. Brown .. Donald Mclnness .. Magdalen L. Russell Caroline G. Daniels Eleanor K. E. Aiokin Evelyn L. Brett Margaret M. Muir .. Hilda M. Walker .. Eleanor W. Ince .. Rupert C. Moore .. Alice W. Hogwood.. Evelyn F. Bull Charles M. Carter .. Annie Barton Frank P. Burton .. Charles Wilson Alice M. Arey Maria Edwards Bertram M. Green .. Jane E. Hefford Dl Dl CI D3 El E2 D3 E2 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AM AF MP4 FP4 FP3 FP3 FP2 FP2 MP1 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF AF FP3 FP2 FP2 MP1 FP1 FP.1 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AM AF 338 12 0 165 0 0 235 0 0 130 0 0 165 0 0 110 0 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 330 8 0 155 0 0 235 0 0 130 0 0 115 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 342 0 0 165 0 0 235 0 0 130 0 0 120 0 0 110 0 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 611 1,586 2 0] 65 0 0 128 10 11 78 0 4 5 0 0' 602 10 0 0 iount Eden .. 1,424 11 41 9 3 4 119 13 4 171 8 11 Dl E2 Dl D2 El E2 E2 E3 5 0 0 Dl El Bl D2 R2 E2 D3 E2 10 0 0 50 0 0 528 'apier Street 1,572 0 0 55 0 0 117 0 Ol 47 19 8

K— l.

Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


'— com !m«e. U-. Maintenance. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' KxpeudiLodging ture. Allowances. Expenditure for tin Buildings. Pur "'' urei ', School A P p»; : Buildings, Year. TeacheiV Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. P .2 (p 7n w 3 P-J ■-> O §5 S& o ft Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. g a- -"At* a s a, co oco < o n tc a u .-.a: o ®'Z qj <oaSj t ' rr" a-- an u CO CD H CD £1 .J u o CD DC d CD > < Name of School. Gbade 18— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. lapier Street — contd... Lilian E. Bell Ivy M. Banoroft Frederick B. Dowding Margaret M. Stubbs Charles E. Scott .. Kathleen E. B. Kenny FP4 FP4 MP3 FP3 MP2 FP1 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 Gbade 19. 10 0 0 lewton East 1,703 8 0 59 3 4 170 7 4 315 11 11 Daniel D. Metge .. Lydia Wright Francis H. Brown .. Albert L. Sheppard Euphemia Simpson Elizabeth E.HarrisC) Kate S. M. Shroff .. Ethel W. B. Davis .. Betsy M. Nolan Alioe M. Toy Robert S. Webster .. Frances J. Garrett.. Agnes S. Monro Alice M. Brockless.. Daisy W. Herrich .. Jane C. A. de Montalk Amy B. A. Pegler .. Dl El Dl D2 El E2 D2 D3 D3 D3 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF AF AF AF MP4 FP4 FP3 FP2 FP1 FP1 FP1 350 18 0 175 0 0 240 0 0 145 0 0 130 0 0 115 0 0 110 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 733 Gbade 20. Ponsonby 1,660 17 4 55 0 0 133 15 10 68 4 10J James C. Dickinson Eva K. M. Ingall .. Alfred E. Trayes .. James Vuglar Margaret Caldwell.. Maud H. Burfoot .. William Birss Margaret G. Rees .. Marian C. Holder .. Mary E. Ponsford .. A. M. B. Macnamara Jessie Earle Fredk. R. S. Bullen Edith M. Cottingham Ada K. M. Booth .. Helen Watt Dl D2 Dl D2 El Dl D3 E3 E3 D4 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AM AF AF FP4 FP4 FP3 MP3 FP2 FP2 FP1 349 4 0 175 0 0 240 0 0 145 0 0 130 0 0 115 0 0 115 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 682 Expenditure in schools not open in December, 1903— Eden Terrace Kauaeranga (Sandes Street) Rukuhia Tahekeroa Te Puna and Te Puna Point Tiritiri Whangamata Whenuakite Expenditure not apportioned 247 2 0 44 6 8 34 4 0 20 0 0 16 5 0 2 12 6 11 2 0 11 7 8 10 0 0 5 "o 0 015 0 6 5 0 o'io 6 5 0 0 1,084*18 5 88,597 0 2 3,396 8 8 6,513 14 3 12524 19 10 81 16 6 89,140 8 5 3,320 0 0 (1) Acting. TAE IANAKI. Gbade 0. Pohokural 1 ) .. Pukearuhe .. £ s. d. 6 4 2 27 19 8 £ s. d. £.s. d. 0 13 9 2 17 0 £ s. d. 015 0 £ s. d. 15 "o 0 William L.Weiss .. H £ s. d. 30 "o 0 £ s. d. 5 Gbade 1. Albert Road Huiroa Hurford Road Koru Mangorei, Upper Mangorei, Lower 88 0 0 96 0 0 96 0 0 81 0 0 98 12 7 58 17 3 8 7 4 7 12 4 7 12: 4 3 15 0 5 15 6 3 15 .0 Vio o 4 0 0 15 12 4 Edith M. Reeve .. Emma Birkett E. A. J. Witherow .. Jessie I. Harrison .. Mary W. Stephen .. Louisa F. Robb E8 E2 E3 D4 D3 F F F F F F 88 0 0 96 0 0 96 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 14 14 14 22 15 14 8"o 0 i 17'il 5 (i) Closed at end of first quarter.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


TARANAKI— contin: :d. Name of School. ! . i Teachers' Salaries. iaintenaace. Expenditure for thi Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teacliers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d CD s CO CO 3 CD A a-j — 1 o a 2 OA Sco o ft Annual Salary at the Hate paid during the Last Month of Year. --M P -r< «j to OdMj-cO ■ ScSocD^d o P - £*** d & 3 cs mo < On to a n u d CD I* CD SH o CD Cfi d ■*. CD > House Allowances '[ Other and Pupil- Ordinary teachers' ExpeudiLodging ture. Allowances. Buildings, B Sites, f Furniture, gcnool Apparatus. Buildings. Gbade 1— continued. taupuha ?ahora . . Jpland Road Jruti £ s. d. 87 19 6 64 0 0 106 2 6 80 0 8 82 16 0 92 3 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7 5 0 4 12 4 8 0 0 6 2 5 6 15 0 7 12 4 £ s. d. 324 15 9 £ St d. £ s. d. 93 3 0 64 0 0 114 0 0 100 0 0 93-3 0 86 8 0 £ s. d. 3 5 0 116 0 12 6 45 15 11 Jane Adamson Louise F. Worm .. Ada M. Cross William A. Brown .. Arthur E. Green .. James H. Bocoek .. D3 E5* F F F H H H 23 12 25 20 22 18 Grade 2. Jird Road Jarrington Road Denbigh Road Dltham Road Tuirangi Cahui Road and Ngariki Road £ent Road, Lower Cent Road, Upper 'embroke Road tlatau and Purangi .. D ungarehu .. iatapiko lowan ?arata :e Kiri ?ututawa /Vaihi fVaitui 128 0 0 131 10 O 99 5 4 128 0 0 107 0 0 118 3 6 110 10 0 128 0 0 114 0 0 136 16 0 124 11 8 117 10 0 128 0 0 107 0 0 124 10 0 107 0 0 103 10 0 83 12 1 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 18 6 8 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 11 0 0 11 7 4 8 15 0 11 0 0 8 15 0 9 9 10 8 12 5 11 0 0 9 10 0 9 12 4 11 7 4 9 17 4 11 0 0 8 15 0 10 12 4 8 15 0 8 7 4 5 8 9 3 15 0 o'io 6 22"2 4 269 0 5 * Margaret O'Brien .. Jeanne S. Sinolair .. Louisa J. Kirkpa'rick Haroid T. White .. Charlotte C. Currie.. Albert H. Amoore .. Kate E. Smith Williamina I. Aitken Thomas Boyle Ernest J. Humphrey Thomas Brownlee .. Oney E. Wilson Minnie I. Taylor .. Mary J. Martin Fredric A. Bates .. Joanna Moore Richard Morgan Olive E. O. Cresswell E3 E5 E3 D2 Lie. D4 E3 D4 E3 D4 D4 E3 El D4 F F F H F H F F H H H F F F H F H F 128 0 0 131 10 0 96 6 0 128 0 0 107 0 0 123 2 6 110 10 0 128 0 0 114 0 0 136 16 0 141 0 0 117 10 0 128 0 0 107 0 0 124 10 0 107 0 0 103 10 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20"0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 29 31 22 23 25 23 23 28 23 24 34 27 20 27 26 22 21 21 28 2 20 0 0 20 0 0 2o"o 0 12 9 11 0 15 6 20 0 0 20 0 0 5"4 1 116 6 93 6 1 Gbade 3. 144 0 0 145 0 0 153 6 8 20"0 0 13 8 8 12 13 10 12 13 10 20 5 0 2 17 6 20 11 1 Alice G. Bartlett .. William R. Moore .. Wilhelmina S. Bain R. G. M. McDermid Eveline O. Riley .. Arthur M. Meyenberg Albert J. Harding .. W. D. Kirkpatrick.. Isaac M. West Ernest H. Clark .. Alice Evans Samuel M. Scott .. D2 D4 El F H HF Mis. F H H H H H F H 144 0 0 145 0 0 140 0 0 80 0 0 140 0 0 139 0 0 153 0 0 151 0 0 147 0 0 155 0 0 136 0 0 145 0 0 20"0 0 iwatuna Dudley Road Durham Road 38 29 42 faianai jincoln Road ilahoe lakura Salisbury Road ?ikorangi Varea fVhangamomoua 140 0 0 138 15 11 122 12 5 143 13 4 147 0 0 155 0 0 136 0 0 145 0 0 16 5 9 20 0 0 12 13 10 12 2 4 13 8 8 13 5 0 12 17 4 13 12 4 11 18 8 12 13 10 55"8 6 9 19 4 15 12 6 8 3 0 7 16 6 5 19 0 04 Lie. D4 D3 D3 D2 D2 Dl 20"o 0 20"0 0. 32 27 31 30 36 37 29 37 Gbade 4. 239 0 0 10 1 "4 George W. Potts Margaret Forbes .. Edward Smith Violet E. S. Smith.. Isabel M. Riohardson Annis E. Hamerton Eliza E. Dewhirst .. Agnes J. Ballantyne Leonard Bicheno .. Catherine M. MoCarty Anthony G. Butcher Eva Bicheno Richard E. Thomas Fanny L. Smith .. Frederick W. Mason F. L. Thompson .. John T. Campbell .. Mary I. Potts Helen Lilley Bertha K. Maxwell James M. French .. Beatrix Mead 159 0 0 80 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 147 10 0 80 0 0 147 10 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 165 0 0 ; 80 0 0 163 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 148 0 0 80 0 0 163 0 0 80 0 0 3ell Block .. 14 7 4 Dl HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. 39 3ardiff 239 0 0 14 7 4 27 14 9 D3 47 Sgmont Road igmont Village 227 10 0 227 10 0 14 1 0 14 11 0 D3 E4 E2 E2 E4 D2 E2 48 41 Tuiakama 236 0 0j 20 0 0 13 16 0 6 7 6 20 0 0 43 laonui 232 19 1 15 10 0 29 9 9 50 )mata 243 0 0 15 2 4 10 19 0 D3 D4 E2 50 'ihama 220 18 11, 13 16 0 2 10 0 43 lahotu 230 12 5' 13 16 1 4 12 6 Dl 43 Stanley Road 228 0 O 20 0 0 14 15 0 149 15 11 E3 20 0 0 41 Vaiongona 243 0 0 14 12 4 A2 42 Gbade 5. 293 15 0 3 15 0 17 3 0 Thomas B. Winfield Agnes Liddle Hugh A. Livingstone Sarah L. Hately .. Henry F. Penlington Jane Wright George H. Pope Sarah C. Hodgson .. E2 E4 D2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 178 15 0 85 0 0 172 10 0 80 0 0 168 15 0 85 0 0 177 10 0 85 0 0 ?rankley Road 2 0 6 54 Caimata 257 10 0' 16 8 0 8 14 52 jepperton 253 15 0 15 19 0 36 4 8 D2 E4 D2 E3 43 Jrenui 262 10 0 17 0 0 19 17 6 53


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


TARANAKI— contin, ued. Name of School. Maintenance. Buildings. Allowances Other Buildings, Kent ! Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary T „„'S.,' . of ' Salaries. teachers' Expendi- jTnrt School Lodging ture. Armaratus Buildings. Allowances. i A PP aratus - Expenditure for the Year, Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the staff at the End of the Year. a q d CD ca CO cO 5 CD A Oh •r-. O o.a ■j3 ° .IhOQ o ft Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. ■eg 1 ' <*-< a -j-id co O d Wjfi ,0 o a- -*=AX m d m *=> -^.n a s '% d oco < On ot n w -. a3 CD ■£ CD d<< o^of aoSg'Sg <loa5« K£5 a u cd CD (M CD c *-. CD d > Gbade 6. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ 8. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Fitzroy 292 8 0 1 16 8 18 19 0 43 12 9 Oscar Johnson Hilda Mackenzie .. Hilda E. Bowman .. William J. Boyce .. Lucy I. Wilson George Maginness .. Mary Loudon 1)2 E5 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. HM Mis. 193 15 0 95 0 0 20 0 0 198 15 0 95 0 0 191 5 0 95 0 0 95 Okato 293 15 0 19 11 0 29 12 3 1)3 E4 1)4 E2 10 0 0 ) 64 Opunake 286 5 0 18 13 0 126 13 1 66 Gbade 7. 106 Midhirst Ngaire Norfolk Road 359 10 0 351 13 7 320 12 oj 5 0 0 9 12 5 0 0 24 2 4 24 7 0 21 6 0 15 6 11 7 2 0 15 0 Henry J. Reaks Jean Lorimer Ada M. Powell William J. Evans .. Sarah A. Mills Ethel Rountree Ambler Woodhead.. Marian K. Brownlee Harry A. Eason Ellen Hepworth Stella Hickey Orlanno L. Allan .. Jeannie A. J. Beedie E2 D3 Dl El D3 HM Mis. FP3 HM Mis. FP2 HM Mis. HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. 219 10 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 219 16 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 215 12 0 90 0 0 217 14 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 217 2 0 100 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 115 71 Tariki 337 14 o| 10 0 0 22 17 0 382 0 5 D2 E4 103 Toko 333 15 6 8 6 6| 22 11 o| 188 9 1 2 10 0 Dl E4 10 0 0 84 Gbade 8. 162 Waitara West End 448 13 4 405 4 10 0 16 8 38 17 4 34 5 0 42 17 6 29 10 3 17 5 Oj Samuel Wyllie Alice Edwards Elsie M. Pearce .. Ethel Bent Mary E. Berntsen .. Mary Dowling Laura E. Mynott .. Edward Bary Eva C. Nixon Winifred J. Hall .. Dl D2 E4* Dl E3 I HM Mis. AF FP2 FP1 HF Mis. AM FP4 FP1 233 0 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 177 16 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 181 34 13 7 Gbade 10. 10 0 0 226 Ingle wood 662 18 11 8 16 1 48 4 0 136 8 6| James Grant Laura Reed Daffyd P. Evans .. Minnie Minchin Phoebe Ingpen Lily A. Hart Bl E3 E3 HM Mis. AM AF FP1 FP1 251 12 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 Gbade 15. 10 0 0 439 Stratford D.H.S. 1,215 19 3 20 4 3 97 9 4: 147 0 9 Florence A. R. Tyrer Susan Hogg John Boyle Thomas Blain Isabella M. Blackett Joseph W. Thomas.. Mary M. Hickey .. Margaret Hutoheson Lilla Finnerty Ella King.. Dl El A2 D4 E4 HM Mis. AM AM AF AM AF FP3 FP2 FP2 302 4 0 140 0 0 220 0 0 150 0 0 105 0 0 122 10 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 Gbade 17. 5 0 0 10 0 0 520 New Plymouth Central 1,438 8 3 5 13 6 127 8 0 ; 97 4 7^ Hector Dempsey .. Gertrude E. Martin William Burnside .. Alfred Gray Maud R. Taylor .. Janet M. Macintosh Helen O. Brunton .. Mary E. Crawford .. Lily Stewart H. E. Dempsev Alice M. Haddrell .. Amy Crawford Winifred E. Nixon CI El Al D2 D3 D4 E3 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF AF FP3 PP3 FP2 FP1 FP1 328 16 0 150 0 0 235 0 0 170 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 01 [xpenditure not apportioned 153 12 5 15,282 19 6 391 19 7 1,137 3 10 2,682 19 10 54 15 0 15,444 5 6 385 0 0


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


Name of School. Mi Expenditure for the Year. j ! a [aintenance. Buildings. Teachers' Names, B including all Teachers g 0 and Pupil-teachers I c mw I Buildings, Konf on the Staff at the End '| Allowances 1 Othei I sit B Bent , of the Year. d TeacK" SS , «"■ Scnoo, 3 AlKancls. tUr6 ' 'Apparatus, building, CD A a_j •a o a 2 3£ o ft Annual Salary tit the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. ■«ll^» O d Mjj a c CD ° o> 2? n A„ +=a^ a & £ d MO -'I'o n co a t, ,-,13 CD °'£ a cd a,a h a »■? $z, § aS~g2<-y «j§p,°d^ u d CD (X CD A 49 U o Q ctt cO CD I* O \i Teachers" | i Salaries. U £ s. d. 17 17 2 9 6 7 25 0 0 18 13 4 9 11 8 20 5 0 15 0 0 12 10 0 22 4 11 28 1 1 25 0 0 £ s. d.j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 20 0 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 64 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 £ s. d. 4 2 6 11 8 6 3 2 6 5 5 Gbade 0. iberfeldie iawahata Hangamahu Valley .. Dpaku ?ukeroa Dable Flat .. 6'10 0 Dora Heycock Jessie Lingard Frances Barnes Helen Scott Hilda K. Buchanan Arthur M. Bousfield Nora Earle Charlotte Mason .. Ethel W. Tout Isabella M. Romley Edward L. Ingpen .. F F F F F H F F W F H 1117 3 2 16 0 Cauporae re Awa Jmutoi( n Jtuwai Watershed Road a"? o Gbade 1. Bluff Road Brownlee Hoal Creek .. jlen Nevis .. iarewarewa .. Somako jismore Liong Acre Valley Makotuku Mangamahu .. \iangamingi .. Mangarimu .. Vlanui Matarawa Maungahoe .. Moawhango Mount Curl Mount View .. Dhakune Dngo Road .. Drangipongo Pakihikura Pohonui Porewa Poukiore Pukeokahu .. Bata-iti Tiverton South Makirikiri rapuae ririraukawa .. rokorangi Waipuru tVaituna Vest Rangitikei 64 0 0 60 0 0 64 0 0 80 0 0 82 0 0 50 12 6 96 0 0 84 0 0 72 0 0 82 16 0 26 7 0 100 0 0 83 6 8 86 8 0 61 19 10 70 12 11 87 19 4 103 10 0 84 0 0 64 0 0 100 0 0 84 0 0 72 0 0 184 1 9 97 10 0 56 0 0 29 6 8 95 12 0 116 12 6 77 5 11 103 10 0 29 13 9 72 0 0 90 8 0 83 0 0 2 15 0 2 10 0 2 15 0 3 15 0 4 0 0 2 5 0 4 15 0 4 0 0 3 5 0 4 10 0 5 0 0 4 5 0 6 3 11 1 16 8 5 0 0 4 5 0 6 8 11 4 15 0 2 15 0 6 11 8 4 0 0 3 5 0 8 11 3 5 0 0 2 5 0 1 15 0 l"2 0 5 8 0 7 5 0 207 4 5 2 15 3 277 1 0 279 8 4 35 0 0 13 8 8 6 120 18 11 0 10 0 10 17 6 11 ±3 4 Annie E. Fairhall .. Margaret McCulloch Andrew Dawson Francis B. Maunder Thomas B. Haydon Adelaide Lewis Anne C. McColl .. Gertrude J. Lock .. Montague Goldsbury Harry L. Kidd Maud A. Dustow .. Charles C. Hills .. Gilbert J. Small .. Edward M. Menzies Agatha Sparrow Fred. C. Braithwaite A. H. A. McEwen .. Rodk. J. Williamson John J. Lang Elizabeth J. Kelly .. Fernly C. Campbell Florence M. Staite.. Louis F. M. Tegner Bessie Stewart Edith C. Peed Ethel M. L. Beuok.. Helen Campbell Thomas C. Adams .. J. M. McDonnell .. Margaret MoLean .. Arthur D. N. Train Roy Anderson M. A. M. Middlemiss Florence E. Clapham Arthur Chorlton E5 E4 E4 D4 Lie. E4 E5 Lie. D3 E3 E4 E4 F P II H H F F V H II F II H H F H F II H F II F H F F F F H F F II H F F H 64 0 0 60 0 0 64 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 56 0 0 96 0 0 84 0 0 72 0 0 82 16 0 93 3 0 100 0 0 88 0 0 86 8 0 64 0 0 90 0 0 88 0 0 114 0 0 96 0 0 64 0 0 100 0 0 84 0 0 72 0 0 68 0 0 100 0 0 56 0 0 60 0 0 96 0 0 135 0 0 80 0 0 103 10 0 86 8 0 72 0 0 96 0 0 80 0 0 2o"o 0 11 7 12 16 17 8 21 18 14 17 I 21 19 15 23 12 18 17 26 14 12 20 14 14 12 18 14 11 20 32 16 I 20 19 19 17 13 o"8 0 20"0 0 l'~7 0 E4 307 13 1 1 10 0 4 15 0 6 10 3 3 11 1 5 18 11 15 4 8 94 8 4 0 13 E5 D4 20"0 0 Lie. 2o"o 0 7 10 0 3 5 0 4 15 0 3 15 0 l"5 9 45 9 11 Lie. Gbade 2. iratika cVwahou South Beaconsfield Denlair jlen Oroua 3-reatford 3autapu 5ai Iwi £aitoke iakariki iawhatau Livingstone .. Hangawhero Vlanutahi tfars Hill Vlataroa Vloutoa STikau )hutu Dkoia Jangiwahia .. Jewa Silverhope 107 0 0 117 10 0 114 0 0 114 0 0 101 1 5 117 10 0 103 10 0 128 0 0 131 6 9 121 0 0 116 12 6 110 10 0 121 0 0 109 12 6 124 10 0, 108 18 0 128 0 0, 107 0 0 114 0 0 131 10 0 124 10 0 112 1 0 135 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 16 4 9 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 2o"o 0 20 0 0 7 0 3 7 13 0 7 16 3 7 13 0 4 17 6 8 15 2 5 5 0 9 7 6 9 7 6 9 7 6 7 11 8 7 5 3 9 7 6 6 16 2 8 19 3 9 7 6 9 7 6 7 11 3 7 11 8 9 7 6 9 7 6 9 7 6 9 7 6 4 11 0 6 0 0 11 9 0 3 4 0 22 19 5 1 10 0 2 14 0 56 7,6 6 14 0 25 io 0 Charles McConnachie Caroline G. Tester .. Emma McMeckin .. Elsie V. Black Henty M. Williams Emma P. Laird William A. Curteis Duncan H. Mackay Elizabeth Burr R. C. D. Lightbourne Gertrude Kendall .. Albert J. Trevena .. George T. Maunder Florence A. Howie.. Margaret Miller William H. Harris.. James E. Marshall.. John Love Una W. Powle John C. Clayton Patriok H. Roache.. Robert S. Collie .. Harriet B. Lanyon .. B8 E5 E2 Ed K4 E2 I'M D3 E8 E4 E4 E4 D5 1)4 D8 H F F F F F 11 H F II F H H F F II H 11 F H H 11 F 107 0 0 121 0 0 124 10 0 114 0 0 124 10 0 117 10 0 103 10 0 128 0 0 136 0 0 121 0 0 124 10 0 110 10 0 121 0 0 107 0 0 124 10 0 108 18 0 128 0 0 107 0 0 114 0 0 131 10 0 135 0 0 112 1 0 135 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 2o"o 0 20 0 0 I 24 I 27 27 27 l 28 22 » 22 i 29 > 33 I 27 29 I 24 i 29 26 I 26 i| 31 29 i 22 i 21 26 i 30 i 28 26 20"0 0 0 2 3 188 6 11 204 1 5 86 16 0 20 0 0: 2o"o 0 20 0 0 5 10 0 71 3 2 1)4 1)3 E8 D4 E2 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 4"7 11 13 10 0 2o"o 0 20 0 0 1)5 (1) Aided.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.


WANG AN XSI—continui id. Name of School. House Allowances Teachers' and PupilSalaries, teachers' Lodging Allowances. Maintenance, Expei iditure for the Year. Buildings. Other Kll Kent &» ™- Scnool ture - Apparatus. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the stall at the End of the Year. a .2 to u CD d 3 ,P Ah p 2 o ft Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. S j, O CD*"* d !* 5 ®V CD § a. <*a>» n a > c-J d oDO t, < o n t» a u. o Mao»;» "- d< d £ ® a CD Hr? 3 0£ 5 CD 5 I d ►E 3- ft <J Gbade 2- continued. Spur Road Taumatatahi and Marohema Tiritea Torere Waitohi Wangaehu Whakamara £ s. d. 107 0 0 149 8 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 6 13 5 9 7 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.l 107 0 0 149 8 0l I £ s. d. 20,0 0 1 8 3 William A. Lyon .. Joseph G. Haddow D4 D4 H H 21 20 0 0 28 137 12 6 123 12 6 121 0 0 125 0 0 121 0 0 20 . 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 9 7 6 9. 7 6 9 7 6 8 19 3 9 7 6 1 14 9 104 18 0 Margaret C. Walton James Bailie Annie M. Silby Louis J. Walker Andrew Everiss D2 E3 E3 E4 El F H F H H 135 0 0 131 10 0 121 0 0 137 0 0 121 0 0 20 0 0 31 20 0 0 29 20 0 0 25 34 28 7 00 Gbade 3. Walter J. Watts .. George A. Lyall Harold R. Bowater Thorsten F. Relling Frances Govan Ethel M. George .. Francis C. Raikes .. Charles W. Liggins.. Donald Martin Edward H. Walters Emma Sohlager Julia C. Slattery .. Louis W. Bassett .. Ellen MoNicol David H. Guthrie .. George E. Whalley.; Thomas Stagpoole .. Gertrude E. Powell Elizabeth A. Howie Henry Law Samuel D. McCosh Johan J. Parkinson Bonifacius Anderson Frederick G. Gabites 141 0 0 149 0 0 143 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 140 0 0 137 0 0 139 0 0 153 0 0 147 0 0 145 0 0 137 0 0 143 0 0 136 0 0 145 0 0 137 0 0 141 0 0 80 0 0 142 0 0 151 0 0 137 0 0 136 0 0 141 0 0 139 0 0 32 33 20 0 0 31 20 0 0 45 Awahou Brunswick Carnarvon Fitzherbert East 141 0 0 149 0 0 138 16 10 158 8 11 20"0 0 20, 0 0 9 7 6 11 16 3 9 7 6 12 10 0 D4 D2 D3 D4 H H H HM Mis. F H H H H F F H F H H HM Mis. F H H F H H 0*17 0 Fraser Road Himitangi Jackeytown Kairanga Kakaramea Kiwitea Kohi Meremere Parawanui Ruahine Stanway Stoney Creek 140 0 0 27 7 8 139 0 0 153 0 0 147 0 0 145 0 0 140 10 0 143 0 0 134 4 2 145 0 0 137 0 0 174 6 8 11 16 3 9 7 6 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 9 7 6 9 7 6 9 7 6 12 10 0 9 7 6 10 1 3 2 14 0 30 9 8 0 12 0 188 3 0 19 10 0 10 5 6 15 13 4 6 18 4 2 14 0 E2 D5 D4 E2 D3 E4 E3 D4 Lie El D3 E3 35 31 32 41 41 37 29 2o"o 0 31 OQ 20"0 0 36 32 20 0 0 49 20 0 0 20.0 0 20' 0 0 14 12 10 Taikorea Te Roti Upokongaro Upper Tutaenui Utiku West Waitapu 149 13 11 151 0 0 137 0 0 136 0 0 141 0 0 139 0 0 12 10 0 12 ,10 0. 9 7 6 9 7 6 9 7 6 9 7 6 0 3 2 2 0 0 126 10 1 2 5 0 E2 D2 E2 E2 E4 D4 40 31 31 30 20 0 0 30 20 0 0 35 2o"o 0 20 0 0 2 18 1 20"o 0 20 0 0 Gbade 4. 238 0 0 2 0 0 158 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 147 10 0 80 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 165 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 130 19 0 80 0 0 148 0 0 80 0 0 43 Alton 12 10 0 90 17 7 Wm. A. Swinbourn Mary Hansen Daniel P. Thurston Minnie H. Stevens.. John J. O'Reilly .. Agnes Lavery James Banks (ii.) .. Mary Bourke Albert H. Evans Hilda Mead Martha M. Farr .. Barbara Elmslie James Galland Alice Voysey Henry Lyall Hilda M. Yortt Jacob Honore Emily E. Whittington Percy Kime Zenobia Meads John T. Robson Marion Reid Beatrice L. Thomas Jemima Cheyne Marianne A. T. Small 1)3 HM Mis. HM Mis. IIM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. H HF Mis. HF Mis. Hiwinui Hurleyville Kapuni 235 9 3 240 0 0 240 0 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 16 0 0 2 5 0 1 13 0 1)4 E3 D2 E4 1)2 E3 E2 E5 E2 41 46 50 Linton 241 0 0 12 10 0 40 4 10 54 Momohaki 227 10 0 12 10 0 8 0 0 49 Ohakea 239 0 0 12 10 0 10 16 0 1)2 40 Oroua Bridge 240 0 0 12 10 0 201 14 6 D3 52 Otakeho 245 0 0 ... 12 10 0 12 6 0 m 48 Rata 240 0 0 20 0 0 12 10 0 10 0 0 A2 20 0 0 45 20 0 0 Warrengate Westmere 223 4 9 224 5 9 20 0 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 44 6 0 4 11 9 E3 38 20 0 0 46 2o"o 0 Whenuakura 228 0 0 12 10 o! I 0 5 3 i El E4 46 Gbade 5. 257 1 7 12 19 0 70 Apiti Auroa Castlecliff 261 5 0 262 10 0 30. .0 0 16 5 0 16 5 0 16 5 0 15 .8 6 338 11 5 2 12 6 James Matthews .. Agnes Lynch Percy G. Jackson .. Grace L. Parkes William Smith (ii.).. Lily McKenna William McCreedy Leila L. Mossman .. Charles Maclean (i.) Elvira I. Henn George W. Mitchell Winifred E. H. Tew 1)2 D2 li'/l 1)2 E4 E2 E4 D2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 183 15 0 80 0 0 176 5 0 85 0 0 177 10 0 85 0 0 1.76 5 0 85 0 0 190 0 0 80 0 0 188 15 0 85 0 0 51 30 0 0 73 30 0 0 Crofton 261 5 Oj 44 2 9 10 8 3 52 Kaponga 274 11 8 : 16 5 0 26 14 0 70 Kelvin Grove 257 0 10| 11 12 10 16 5 0 298 5 0 01 E4 30 0 59 30 0


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.

s—i&. 1.


WANGANUI—continued. Name of School. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Buildings. Furniture, gchool Apparatus. Buildings. Year. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d o a "co CO s 5 P_< •pi o CO O ft Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. <w a .a j ~ oott«S. rt CD °. « M $ 2 <a g4=* , <H "** osa 01 a u *■< 03 2 a"S a^l" 0 ! Ka 1 -; ft ft"" u ci <B t* a> rP u o <D CD a o Gbade 5— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d £ s. d. £ s. d. Longburn 270 6 2 16 5 0 17 3 Fred. S. M. Hankin Margaret Jamieson Henry H. Richardson Ethel G. Jaoobsen.. Peter Matheson Mary Neilson Norman J. Crabbe .. Alice M. Mantle .. Alfred Goldsbury .. Kathleen M. Alcorn Ellen Ewing Kathleen Gordon .. James M. Murdooh Ethel E. Young .. William E. Hird .. Harriet E. Mahony.. John Harre Maud Cleary Mary R. Shortall .. Mabel Hilles Henry E. Astbury .. Mary Fraser Francis D. Opie Ethell.M.Barkley(i) Thomas Innes Maria Lassen Howard Matthews .. Maria M. Gordon .. Dl E4* C2 Lie. D2 D4 D2 E4 E2 D4 El E4 D3 E4 D2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 186 5 0 85 0 0 181 5 0 85 0 0 168 15 0 85 0 0 176 5 0 85 0 0 172 10 0 85 0 0 151 10 0 85 0 0 168 15 0 85 0 0 171 5 0 80 0 0 166 5 0 85 0 0 150 10 0 80 0 0 168 15 0 80 0 0 183 15 0 100 0 0 172 10 0 80 0 0 173 15 0 85 0 0 66 Makino Road 263 6 8 16 5 0 82 1 9 j 57 Mangaonoho 253 15 0 30 0 0 17 15 6 0 19 0 30 0 0J 48 Matapu 265 9 2 16 5 0 7 7 0 57 Maxwell 257 10 0 16 5 0 35 7 2 46 Mosston 236 10 0 30 0 0 15 8 6 30 0 0 54 Pohangina 273 13 10 16 5 0 5 16 60 Raetihi 259 5 11 16 5 0 20 12 0 68 Rawhitiroa 295 1 4 15 8 6 Dl E4 E2 41 Riverlea 233 1 8 15 8 6 15 1 1 46 Taonui 250 0 0 15 8 6 D2 52 Turakina 279 11 8 17 5 0 2 13 9 D3 E3 D2 76 Upper Taonui 257 1 8 16 5 0 59 Waitotara 260 17 7 16 5 0 19 18 6 D2 D4 54 Gbade 6. 64 Awahuri Cheltenham Colyton Kimbolton Ohingaiti 286 5 0 293 15 0 279 5 0 300 0 0 278 0 0 16 5 0 19 2 0 16 5 0 19 18 6 20 15 0 167 2 9 256 19 5 33 5 0 52 0 8 0 11 3 Edward H. Rogers.. Annie G. Robertson Harry Coventry C. J. Cuningham .. Joseph H. Gray Laura D. Christensen Hugh Mclntyre Ada L. Watts William F. Stansell Ethel M. Bryant .. Arthur O. Biichler .. Mary A. Hunger .. Patrick O'Dea Margaret Stevenson James F. Thurston Phoebe 0. Thompson Franois S. Thurston E2 E4 E2 E3 Dl Al E3 D2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. MP1 191 5 0 95 0 0 198 15 0 95 0 0 193 15 0 85 10 0 205 0 0 95 0 0 192 10 0 85 10 0 197 10 0 95 0 0 193 15 0 95 0 0 210 0 0 95 0 0 20 0 0 65 73 80 66 Okaiawa Sandon 290 18 4 288 15 0 19 2 0 16 5 0 2 17 9 44 1 1 D2 D4 C2 E4 D2 E4 71 75 Taihape 311 13 10 4 11 11 24 12 6 19 6 0 104 Gbade 7. 10 0 0 Bull's 344 19 8 8 2 1 19 18 6 Joseph Tamblyn .. Marian H. McDonogb Margaret Lynch .. George H. Espiner.. Edith Mowbray Elizabeth Scheidt .. Samuel Strachan .. Eliza M. McEwen .. Malcolm R. McEwen Edwin L. Ironmonger M. B. Jenkinson .. Isabel Wilton Harry C. Stewart .. Aimee M. McDonogh Myrtle A. Stace Lydia Thompson .. James K. Law Jane Ewing Nina Law James Nairn Johannah King Clarence Henry Riohard P. Clarkson Lucy O. Mowbray .. Winifred Pepper .. Bl E3 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. FP2 HM Mis. MP2 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. FP2 FP2 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. MP2 HM Mis. FP1 217 8 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 219 16 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 220 14 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 222 10 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 221 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 218 0 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 218 12 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 218 18 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 101 89 16 0 Bunny thorpe 351 18 10 4 15 3 23 15 0 37 13 3 Dl E2 10 0 0 109 Haloombe 354 11 4 9 12 23 15 0 62 12 3 El E2 108 Hunterville .. 354 5 0 15 5 0 29 3 0 7 3 6 Dl E4 10 0 0 119 Lytton St. (Feilding).. 374 15 0 40 0 0 26 7 0 11 8 8 Dl E2 10 0 0 30 0 0 137 338 0 0 18 4 20 15 0 10 0 0 106 Manaia 6i E2 Mangatoki 344 1 10 23 15 0 75 0 10 D2 E4 10 0 0 108 Normanby 340 8 0 10 0 0 22 18 6 300 11 8 C2 E4 100 10 0 0 (1) Believing. ,£15 of salary paid by Board out of grant for relieving teachers.



Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.

WANGANUI— continued. Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year, a' _o d o s CO 3 3 .P P-H* p 2 SCQ m O Ph Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year, o§SmS.gleets 2 03 M 4= *> <M a £ S & oco <3 oti cc a h glsS'5 3 •3gS.2 3 Q ' u tH Q> 3 h o Q 00 3 u House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. BU «!?« gS ' Boa* Sites, 0 f Furniture, School Apparatus. Buildings. „ Gbade 8. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ashhurst 399 10 0 23 15 0 43 10 9 William J. Andrew.. Miriam Kuhtze Sina Piercy James W. Clapham Ernest W. Tompkins Esther Wallace Arthur Palmer Susan Pitcher William Adams Catherine Lavery .. Theresa Casey Margaret O'Brien .. Charles H. T. Bowater Janet A. Finlayson Gerald Smith Gertrude Pitts Lucy M. O'Brien .. Eliza Brown Jeanie G. Blair David W. Low Jessie Mclntyre Samuel Poole Annie B. Fisher CI E2 HM Mis. FP2 MP2 HM Mis. MP1 FP1 HM Mis. FP2 FP2 HM Mis. MP1 FP1 HF Mis. AF HM Mis. MP2 FP2 231 10 0 105 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 227 18 0 105 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 229 2 0 105 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 228 16 0 105 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 176 12 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 230 18 0 105 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 131 Mangaweka 373 7 2 20 0 0 28 5 0 6 9 3 D2 E4 142 386 11 8 3 6 8 27 12 6 33 3 11 10 0 0 10 0 0 Patea D.H.S. Dl D3 135 Rongotea 390 12 5 U 11 6 23 15 0 26 6 3 Dl D3 126 Wanganui (St. John's) 361 12 0 30 0 0 7 10 0 El E2 B4 CI E2 10 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 143 Waverley 399 15 9 20 0 0 23 15 0 9 10 9 143 Gbade 10. 10 0 0 10 0 0 658 6 1 35 0 0 13 2 0 Charles H. W. Lock Thomas B. Slipper.. Jessie McCaul Annie E. McNab .. Arthur W. Thompson Francis L. Lock Taliesin Thomas .. John R. Nairn Eva N. Fitness Bessie G. Elmslie .. Flora Horneman .. Nellie Hurley Washington S.Stewart Leonard J. Furrie .. Agnes H. P. McEwen Grace Wanklyn Adelaide Dilks Edward 0. Mousley Edwin Mossman .. Fredk. D. Strombom Alison McDonald .. Jane Y. Gordon Dulcia M. Rookell .. Gladys C. Mossman Thomas Fairbrcther Albert H. Powell .. Mary Scott (iii.) Mary E. O'Donnell Florence Pole Caroline Yortt Jemima N. Hoey .. Nellie Thomson Emily Blennerhassett Olive M. Staoe Mary Ferguson Alice MacLaohlan .. El D4 El E4 HM AM Mis. AF MP2 FP1 HM AM Mis. AF FP2 FP1 HM AM Mis. AF FP3 MP1 IIM AM Mis. AF FP3 FP1 HM AM Mis. AF FP2 FP1 HF AF AF AF FP2 FP1 255 10 0 155 0 0 115 16 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 252 16 0 155 0 0 115 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 250 2 0 155 0 0 115 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 254 12 0 158 16 3 115 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 257 18 0 163 12 6 115 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 160 0 0 120 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 Aramoho 9 3 4 238 Eltham D.H.S. 10 0 0 671 3 7 14 4 5 Bl D2 D3 E4 21 13 2 41 15 0 237 16 0 0 10 0 0 Foxton 640 5 3 15 0 35 0 0 53 3 3 Bl D4 E2 E4* 216 Marton D.H.S. 5 0 0 10 0 0 670 8 10 9 3 4 43 0 0 7 18 7. CI E2 El D4 E5 224 Terrace End (Palmerston North) 5 0 0 667 3 1 35 0 0 35 0 0 8 2 4 Dl D2 D3 E4 35 0 0 225 Wanganui Infants' 496 5 0 44 ii a 2 4 3! Lie. E2 E4 E4 35 0 0 221 Gbade 11. 10 0 ol I Wanganui Girls' 719 7 5 47 1 8 150 7 10 Sarah F. R. Blyth .. Isabella McDonald.. Margaretta M. Field Elizabeth A. McNeill Annie Finlayson Christina Maodonald Bessie Gage Dl El El E2 HF AF AF AF AF FP1 FP1 197 0 0 145 0 0 116 10 0 97 11 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 40 .0 0: 290 Gbade 13. Feilding D.H.S. 1,002 4 11 11 5 0 54 11 11 10 14 3 ! John D. 0. Hill .. William H. McLean Annie M. Carson Gertrude E. Watts.. Charles J. McLean Elizabeth Hastings CI D2 D3 E4 E4 E4 HM AM Mis. AF AM AF 262 16 0 195 0 0 130 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 335


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


WANGANUI— contin led. Name of School. [aintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buili lings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a" _o d o 8 'co CD d 3 CD A OA -~ o °2 "2 O ."S02 CO O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year, <<-i a ■--, d to 2 d E-S*'-a tj £ d mo < on % % >■< d<J d 2 a£ ■§§'3*2 3°' d $ (H CD U o CD OB CD > Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances Other and Pupil- Ordinary teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Gbade 13— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 'eilding D.H.S.— contd. Gertrude Perrin Isabel Pitts Amy Watts James Aitken William L. Maule .. Ritchings Grant .. George H. Marshall Janet H. Peat Frederick C. Jannings Margaret Tuffin Olivia M. Cook Herbert F. Purnell FP2 FP1 FP1 HM AM AM AM AF AM FP2 FP2 MP1 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 292 4 0 205 0 0 155 0 0 125 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 Vanganui Boys' D.H.S. 1,045 7 3 51 ! 8 1 155 19 9 49 11 3 Bl El Dl D4 E3 40 0 0 366 Gbade 14. 10 0 0 John E. Vernon Nils Friberg Catherine E. Barry John K. Edie Mabel E. Billens .. Clara M. M. Gatton James Ritchie Leonard E. Pole .. Francis Holland .. Juanita Flyger Clara Rashleigh Bl C2 E2 D3 E4 E4 C3 E4'* HM AM Mis. AM AF AF AM MP3 MP1 FP1 FP1 294 16 0 205 0 0 135 0 0 110 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 lollege Street D.H.S. (Palmerston North) 1,091 2 0 44 7 6 83 2 2 1,698 5 10 35 0 0 450 Gbade 15. 5 0 0 lampbell Street (Palmerston North) 1,185 5 6 50 0 0 64 1 10 439 19 1. Francis E. Watson.. Charles H. Warden Sarah F. Hanna .. Marion Mellish Amelia D. Reed Herbert F. Gabites Jessie W. Coombe .. Julia Bradley Mary Grant .. i Ethel Mathieson .. Hilda Seater Conrad A. Strack .. Henry M. Payne .. Elizabeth G. Aris .. Sybil E. Baker Thomas A. Blyth .. Evaline S. Ecclesfield Mabel Synnott Alice McLaughlin .. Violet Wilson Rupert Baker Nellie Young Dl Dl El El E3 E4 HM AM Mis. AF AF AM AF FP3 FP2 FP1 FP1 HM AM Mis. AF AM AF AF FP1 FP1 MP1 FP1 300 12 0 220 0 0 140 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 307 4 0 220 0 0 140 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 436 443 lawera D.H.S. 1,158 9 9 7 10 0 69 9 8 712 0 11 Dl Dl D3 D4 E4 Lie. Ixpenditure not classified Expenditure on sohools not open in December, 1903 — Lower Moawhango .. Sedgebrook Umutoi... Upper Kawhatau .. 449 13 11 10 0 0 1 10 0 269 16 0 12 0 93 16 0 35,392 9 11 1,185 3 3 2,191 12 4 9,249 11 0 122 19 1 35,718 0 9 1,251 0 0 WELLINGTON. Gbade 0. Admiral Run Hinemoa Momona Ngaipu Ngakonui Ngatahuna .. Pencarrow Te Mai Tikaramonga Toro Waiowaka Whareama .. £ s. d. 25 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 22 10 0 43 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 8"o 0 80 0 £ s. d. l'lO 0 £ s. d. Margaret Grierson.. Lucy Downing Ethel J. Miller Marion A. Rainie .. Margaret Macdonald Amy G. Sisson C. S.N. O'Sullivan.. Jessie Winter Minnie Alia Kelly .. Christina Morriss .. Hanseny Eberhard.. F. M. Chapman F F F F F F F F F F F F £ s. d. 25 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 56 0 0 20 0 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 £ b. d. 5 6 8 2 3 4 8 4 4 7 8 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 30- 0 0 21 10 8 4 0 0


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.


— com hnuei Name of School. House ; Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings, „ t Sites, K ™t Furniture, School Apparatus. Buildings. Buildings Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a _c eg o -a CO cci O CD A OA •FH O oA IS o Ph Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. a © ° ® P £J Z rf < Od w P u cS <ri cd P "£ agig2§ K=5 a u d CD t* o «H CD CO U CD > Gbade 1. Akatarawa Bideford Coonoor Dreyer's Rook Horoeka Horokiwi Huia Road .. Kahautara Kaitoke Korokoro Maku Mangahao Mangapakeha Mangatiti Marima Matarawa Muritai Ngapopotu Pirinoa Plimmerton .. Ponatahi Saunders Road Stokes' Valley Takapau Tane Tauherenikau Tawa Flat .. Te Whiti Waingawa Wairere Whakataki .. Wharau Whiteman's Valley £ s. d. 64 0 0 80 0 0 64 0 0 96 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 56 0 0 83 0 0 88 0 0 76 0 0 92 0 0 100 0 0 50 8 0 82 16 0 55 0 0 69 13 4 85 10 10 82 16 0 89 3 9 60 0 0 84 0 0 60 0 0 100 13 2 60 0 0 96 0 0 88 0 0 98 4 3 80 0 0 64 0 0 64 0 0 83 1 5 72 0 0 86 10 0 £ s. a. £ s. d. 8 0 0 8 0 0| 8 0 Oj 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 10 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 £ s. d. 2 0 0 9 0 6 308 1 3 4 0 0 18 0 0 15 17 6 8 14 6 6 3 0 1 19 6 10 0 550 10 0 £ s. d. 15 6 0 14 5 0 Maud Steedman .. William D. Bennett Ellen M. Welsby .. Alfred A. Turner .. Elphinstone Jackson Edith M. Johnson .. Richard Abbott Marjy. U. Fellingham Agnes Hawley Nanette Gower Mary A. Murphy .. Kate M. Mackay .. Annie Cowin Robert S. Warwick.. James Macfadzean Amelia Thompson .. Herbert Sanson Margaret L. Marten L. B. Bradstock Laura B. Hanna .. Charles W. Dallaston Mabel Beresford .. Arthur Buechler Jennie McLaughlin Olive M. Dorset .. Martha J. Ussher .. Jessie T. Coneys .. William H.Jennings Alice J. Stanton Hinemoa F. Bray .. Mary A. Williams .. Ada L. Bairstow Isabella Merlet D3 E4 E2 E4 E4 E3 Lie. Dl F H F II H F H F F F F F F H H F H F H F H F II F F F F 11 F F F F F £ s. d. 64 0 0 80 0 0 64 0 0 96 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 56 0 0 92 0 0 92 0 0 76 0 0 92 0 0 100 0 0 56 0 0 82 16 0 60 0 0 76 0 0 107 0 0 82 16 0 82 16 0 60 0 0 84 0 0 60 0 0 110 10 0 60 0 0 96 0 0 88 0 0 103 10 0 80 0 0 64 0 0 64 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 80 0 0 £ s. d. 14 17 15 19 17 9 9 20 13 15 22 19 13 20 15 9 27 12 13 12 14 9 14 10 19 20 17 13 8 11 17 13 19 016 3 0 15 0 5 0 0 19"l 8 0 15 0 D3 E4 C3 15 12 0 2o"o 0 l"8 0 E4 El E2 12 0 0 E2 Gbade 2. 110 10 0 133 12 10 107 0 0 103 10 0 107 0 0 128 0 0 155 0 0 117 10 0 117 10 0 115 1 9 121 17 6 128 0 0 124 10 0 103 10 0 117 10 0 115 4 0 124 10 0 136 0 0 128 0 0 124 10 0 124 10 0 128 0 0 121 12 0 102 11 1 110 10 0 127 12 6 121 0 0 128 0 0 110 10 0 20 0 0 8 10 0 9 10 0 8 10 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 13 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 10 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 16 10 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 9 10 0 8 0 0 2 18 5 28 11 6 Annie E. Mousley .. James H. Kirby Mabel E. Oswin Margaret L. Graham Mary McGowan Caroline H. Kelleher Robert J. Pope Francis A. Mason .. Catherine B. Tuely ■Elizabeth Bland .. Florence M. Marryatt George A. Jones Catherine M. Stanton Vivian Higgins Mary E. Hopwood .. Donald W.E. Sinclah Annie W. Kean Eliza H. Evans Mary H. Wilson .. Jane E. Davies Lois M. Feist Henry T. Cooper .. William T. Murray Annie L. Banks Mary J. Mulville .. Henry Sutton Sara Letham Bertha C. Aldrich .. Kathleen Campbell 110 10 0 137 0 0 107 0 0 103 10 0 107 0 0 128 0 0 155 0 0 128 0 0 117 10 0 124 4 0 135 0 0 128 0 0 124 10 0 103 10 0 117 10 0 115 4 0 124 10 0 136 0 0 128 0 0 124 10 0 124 10 0 128 0 0 128 0 0 103 10 0 110 10 0 137 0 0 121 0 0 128 0 0 110 10 0 20 0 0 Alfredton ■ .. Cross' Creek .. Featherston South Ihuraua Valley Judgeford Kaituna Kaiwaiwai Kakariki Kohinui Makairo Makuri Mangamahoe Mangamaire .. Mangaone Mangarama .. Matahiwi Mikimiki Mungaroa Ngaturi Nikau Pahautanui .. Paikakariki .. Rakaunui Reikiorangi .. Taratahi West Te Nui Wainuiomata Wallaceville .. Wangaehu 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 11 13 4 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 1 10 0 6 0 0 i"o 0 2 5 0 15 5 10 1 13 9 3 17 5 2 5 0 114 0 20 16 0 1512 0 E4 El B3 El E2 D2 Dl E3 D3 D2 D2 D2 D3 E2 F H F F F F H H F F F H F H F II F F F F F H H F F H F F F 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20"0 0 2o"o 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 26 30 24 23 21 29 34 28 18 35 31 23 27 20 28 27 27 27 25 20 23 32 26 23 21 32 31 25 20 20"0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 1513 8 18 0 26 8 0 6 11 0 Dl El Dl E2 El D2 E3 D2 D4 Lie. El D2 D4 20 0 0 20 -0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 611 6 20' 0 0 0 16 0 20"o 0 Gbade 3. Dreyerton Gladstone Kaiparoro Mauriceville .. Ohariu Opaki Paraparaumu Rongokokako 145 0 0 144 0 0 141 0 0 175 0 0 144 14 3 139 0 0 175 0 0 136 0 0 2o"o 0 20 0 0 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 8 0 15 0 0 Henry J. Nightingale Annie Duncan John Bringans John Kay.. Samuel Turkington Fanny Evans John A. Smith (ii.).. Jessie Oxley 1)1 D2 D3 1)1 1)2 1)1 Dl El F II II II F H F 145 0 0 144 0 0 141 0 0 175 0 0 145 0 0 139 0 0 175 0 0 136 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 37 33 37 38 37 29 34 27 2"o 0 3 11 0 20 0 0 197 12 10 20 14 0 20 0 0


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


WELLINGTON— conk Ml.Ct Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Ktafi 3 at the End of the Year. a o d CD g 'c. d 3 © ■-H O o-P -- o ."Sco m O Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. T3 SP ffl oda^a aSocD^d |§es5is <! O _a w O U =»'£ OJ <&< 83 H s£ P ° -313 =3 -fl o toA d Wa™ to to-* © © IH C 03 00 te > Allowances Other 1 '"«!?eg gS ' Eenc Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary m,,—,Hmr« °f Salaries. teachers' Expendi- „'". ' School Lodging ture. App a ™ tu8 . Buildings. Allowances. i ** Gbade 3 — continued. Rongomai Tokomaru £ s. d. 140 0 0 221 13 4 £ s. d. 20 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. 10 0 0 12 0 0 £ s. d. 15 3 4 ! 20 11 3 £ s. a. Mary McLauchian.. Frederick W. Gregory Emily M. McKeown Nita Johnston Stuart Duncan El D3 F HM Mis. F H £ s. d. 140 0 0 175 0 0 80 0 0 137 0 0 147 0 0 £ s. d. 20 0 0 20 0 0 35 51 Waihakeke Waione 137 0 0 147 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 14 13 0 4 16 0 D2 1)4 34 36 Grade 4. 255 16 8 12 0 0 9 16 Henry McFarlane .. Florence Stormont.. Adel. A. Dowdeswell Enid Williams Henry H. Dyer May E. Holm William H. Clark .. Lizzie E. Honour .. John G. Bee Phcebe M. Prendeville William H. Philip .. Ellen Paul E. E. R. Hutohens Margaret Smith James Davidson Florence Watson .. William H. Gould .. Emily Oliver John J. Mead Francis Mason Elizabeth C. Wilson Thomas Porritt Katherine N. Armit Reginald J. Foss .. Annie Shine 175 0 0 80 0 0 147 10 0 80 0 0 175 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 80 0 0 165 0 0 80 0 0 147 0 0 80 0 0 195 0 0 80 0 0 165 0 0 80 0 0 175 0 0 175 0 0 80 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 175 0 0 80 0 0 48 Belvedere Kaitara Kaitawa Kereru Makara Makomako Nireaha 227 10 0 255 0 0 236 0 0 237 0 0 245 0 0 227 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 11 10 0 12 0 0 15 9 4 16 17 6 15 0 3 19 0 7 0 10 13 17 6 El Dl E5 CI D2 D2 E4 D2 E5 El HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. H HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 48 43 42 39 47 48 Park Vale 275 0 0 12 0 0 0 19 6 Dl E3 D2 63 Pongaroa 253 6 8 20 0 0 11 10 0 57 2 0 20 0 0 46 Rangitumau Taueru 221 13 4 255 0 0 10 .0 0 12 0 0 10 0 D2 C2 32 46 Te Horo 244 3 6 20 0 0 11 0 0 4 0 0 Dl 20 0 0 39 Waikanae 250 16 8 20 0 0 12 0 0 0 9 3 10 0 0 D2 20 0 0 51 Gbade 5. 285 0 0 30 0 0 14 0 0 2 0 0 30 0 0 60 Hamua Hastwell Hukanui Island Bay Khandallah .. Marakau 243 0 0j 259 9 3 300 0 0 260 0 0; 257 12 1 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 14 0 0 13 0 0 16 0 0 15 0 0 12 0 0 9 10 10 9 18 0 Douglas S.Bedingfield Cath. M. Easthope.. Christina McKenzie Margaret H. Jacob.. Wigo Anderson Ada L. Howden F. G. A. Stuckey .. Ethel Williams David H. Jenkins .. Elspeth M. Maokay Alexander McBain.. Rebecca Fellingham William C. Davies .. Catherine Gray Andrew Anderson .. Lizzie Avison Adolph M. Feist .. Emma A. Newton .. John J. Pilkington.. Minnie A. Whitcombe W. W. Rowntree .. Zoe E. Poynter Dl Dl E2 E2 D3 Bl C3 D2 E4 Dl E3 Dl E4 D2 E3 D2 E3 CI D3 Dl C4 HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 205 0 0 80 0 0 158 0 0 85 0 0 176 5 0 85 0 0 215 0 0 85 0 0 175 0 0 85 0 0 168 15 0 85 0 0 205 0 0 85 0 0 195 0 0 85 0 0 195 0 0 85 0 0 215 0 0 85 0 0 175 0 0 85 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 56 61 78 72 53 Mauriceville West 289 1 4 12 0 0 15 5 6 43 Newman 280 0 0 30 0 0 11 10 0 0 19 6 30 0 0 51 Ohau 280 0 0 30 0 0 16 0 0 11 5 5 30 0 0 73 Porirua 300 0 0 15 0 0 20 18 9 67 Worser Bay 242 10 0 30 0 0 15 0 0 513 8 4 5 15 6 30 0 0 00 Gbade 6. 310 0 0 30 0 0 16 0 0 30 0 0 74 Ballance Clareville Dalefield Epuni Fernridge 310 0 0 299 14 7 153 6 3 293 15 0 15 0 0 18 0 0 16 0 0 5 0 0 16 0 0 36 10 0 2 3 0 781 16 3 1 10 0 John Williamson(ii.) Elizabeth B. Cran .. Robert Drummond.. Janet Moncrieff James M. Beechey .. Lilian B. Braithwaite A. W. Williamson .. Ellen A. Meager .. Frederick Gover Mary Baker-Gabb .. Walter Britland Minnow F. I. Warren Clement W. Lee .. Esther Atkinson John H. Malcolm .. Ethel R. Cooper .. W. Plunkett-Cole .. Joseph J. Guest Kate L. Campbell .. CI E3 Dl E2 Dl E2 Bl D2 El 01 Dl E3 El E5 Dl E4 Dl D2 E5 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. H HM Mis. 215 0 0 95 0 0 215 0 0 95 0 0 205 0 0 95 0 0 211 5 0 95 0 0 198 15 0 95 0 0 205 0 0 95 0 0 205 0 0 95 0 0 201 5 0 95 0 0 191 5 0 195 0 0 95 0 0 30 0 0 84 70 89 68 Konini 300 0 0 30 0 0 16 0 0 16 13 4 30 0 0 72 Martinborough 300 0 0 19 0 0 3 10 0 3 4 6 91 Scarborough 296 5 0 30 0 0 19 0 0 10 0 30 0 0 83 Taita Te Ore Ore .. 247 19 11 290 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 14 10 0 18 0 0 8"6 0 11 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 51 75


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


— com inuei Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Teacher.' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. P .2 a o S to a 5 © ,P fi« ••-i o p 2 ■a © ."Sen o Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year, la!o aa ti j d too <1 Or- co a t, d g at, I^S.olo' u © © o CD d CD > < House Allowances ; Teachers' and PupilSalaries, teachers' Lodging Allowances. I Other Ordinary Expenditure. Buildings, R Sites, f Furniture, gchool Apparatus. Buildings. Gbade 7. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. Eketahuna Kaiwarra, and side school Otaki Roseneath .. 355 6 0 411 13 4 371 2 8 383 6 0 33 6 8 8 6 8 30 0 0 20 10 0 25 0 0 24 0 0 23 0 0 11 19 11 26 0 9 15 5 6 26 15 0 48 0 0 11 0 0 Walter N. Dempsey Maria H. Toohill .. Florence J. Higgins Robert Johnston .. Florence G. Roberts Gertrude M. Toohill William B. Smith .. Matilda E. Bannister Alice G. Jacobsen .. Egbert Y. Campbell Charles Bary Jessie L. Davidson.. Florence R. Bird .. William Voysey Helen Birnie Margaret Hurley .. Charles R. Joplin .. Clara N. Firth Maud Nairn Dl 01 E2 Dl E2 Dl D3 E3 Dl E3 HM Mis. FP4 HM Mis. AF HM Mis. FP3 MP1 HM Mis. AF HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. FP1 215 6 0 90 0 0 50 0 0 225 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 222 16 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 218 6 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 216 10 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 217 8 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 131 88 96 131 Shannon 333 3 4 8 6 8 20 0 0 14 3 6 34 0 0 105 Wadestown 344 1 4 30 0 0 19 0 0 2 0 0 Dl E2 10 0 0 30 0 0 101 Grade 8. Featheraton Mitchelltown 402 14 6 448 6 8 13 6 9 30 0 0 23 0 0 24 0 0 3 15 0 2 10 0 Fredk. C. Everton .. Laura Hall Mary C. Armstrong LetianL. Turkington William H. L. Foster Mary Ballingall Ada M. Cook Frederick T. Vaughan Frederick W. Connell Amelia A. Cook Louisa L. James .. CI El CI 1)2 E3 HM Mis. FP3 FP2 HM Mis. FP4 MP4 HM Mis. AF 224 12 0 105 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 245 0 0 105 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 235 0 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 112 129 Upper Hutt 420 0 0 24 0 0 2 6 0 Dl B2 124 Gbade 9. Greytown Johnsonville Karori, and side school 552 10 0| 529 11 8 565 0 0 8 15 0 42 10 0 29 0 0 28 0 0 35 0 0 7 3 0 1 13 4 0 5 3 Henry A. Parkinson Annie Gallagher Fred. G. Thompson Alice Petrie Hermione A. Evans Finlay Bethune Ada H. Evans Alice M. Willis James Hutton Clarice A. F. Murray Francis Bennett Annie A. Holm William W. Scott .. Winifrid L. Stevens Dorothy L. Edwards Joseph H. Worboys Henrietta Boulcott James F. Fanning .. Francis J. Proctor .. GladysE. E. Haggett George W. Chatwin Mabel H. Sicely .. Frank L. Combs .. Violet M. Nixon .. Margaret McBeth .. Katherine Cade Bl E3 D4 Dl E2 E3 Dl D2 E3 D3 HM Mis. AM FP4 FP4 HM Mis. AF MP4 FP2 HM Mis. AM AF FP3 HM Mis. AM MP4 FP4 HM Mis. AM FP3 FP3 FP2 265 0 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 255 0 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 255 0 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 255 0 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 265 0 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 • 5 0 0 5 0 0 35 0 0 10 0 0 177 166 188 Kilbirnie 545 0 0 29 10 0 20 17 6 Dl E2 167 Mangatainoka 26 0 0 1 10 6 D5* 01 E2 D5 145 565 0 0 Gbade 10. Hutt 702 4 0 5 0 0 35 5 0 2,563 11 7 Duncan M. Yeats .. Emma L. S. Forbes Eustaoe King Clara Meager Alice Burnley Margaret R. Sullivan Dl El Bl E2 HM Mia. AM AF FP4 FP4 252 4 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 227 Gbade 11. 5 0 0 Brooklyn John B. Hopkirk .. Jessie H. Fitohett .. Edward J. Look Annie L. Thompson Mabel F. Young .. Eva M. Holm .. I Dl D2 D2 D4 D3 HM Mis. AM AF AF FP4 275 0 0 120 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 820 0 0 45 16 8 46 5 0 1,121 11 6 12 15 5 295


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


WELLI - C0«i me. Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the staff at the End of the Year. a d o cB d o CD A +3 a a •a o Sec o 111 Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. <*-i a -j-id co OS c3«=3^ a £ g d mo <! on m a u K£5 a h d CD 1* CD A 4? n O -+- CD CD d < House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpeudiLodging ture. Allowances. Buildings, E Sites, f Furniture, gohool Apparatus. Buildings. Grade 11— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Brooklyn— continued .. Carterton Levin 797 0 10 571 2 2 37 0 0 30 0 0 1,589 8 0 214 13 9 Elizabeth M. Luxton Pearl Carter Walter Olson(i) G. S. M. McDermid Mary A. Broadbent Charles N. Haslam Henry R. Barrett .. Phoebe Butler Olive V. McFarlane Selina R. Oliver James Mclntyre .. Elizabeth A. Scott.. John C. Burns Agnes Sage Eveline Silvester .. Mary Dynan Dorothy Stuckey .. Joseph Thomas Flora Petrie James S. Webb Enid I. McCaul Winifred Brown Alice Dougherty Hilda Burge Richard Larsenl 1 ) .. CI El D2 Dl El C3 E2 FP4 FP1 MP1 HM Mis. AM AM FP3 FP4 FP4 HM Mis. AM AF FP2 FP4 FP2 HM Mis HM AF FP3 FP2 FP2 MP3 50 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 285 0 0 120 0 0 170 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 267 16 0 120 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 285 0 0 120 0 0 170 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 251 25! Pahiatua D.H.S. 769 11 8; 15 16 8 40 0 0 34 9 11 CI Dl Dl 26. 5 0 0 10 0 0 Gbade 13. 5 0 0 Mount Cook Infants' .. 855 0 0 45 0 0 54 0 0 57 0 0 Catherine A. Francis Phoebe Watson Ellen Wallace Annie Rothenberg .. Jane T. Glasgow .. Elizabeth Woodward Catherine Manning Nellie K. Bullock .. Margaret Hitchcock El El Dl El D3 D4 HF AF AF AF AF AF FP4 FP4 FP4 200 0 0 140 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 363 5 0 01 Grade 14. 64 12 0 Terrace 1,294 10 4 57 1 81 309 14 0! George Maemorran Sara Fraser Albert Erskine Edgar C. Feltham .. Mary Williams Jessie E. Howden .. Lena Van Staveren Ethel B. Hall Fanny Gibson Margaret C. Scott .. W. C. L. Baskiville Gertrude Miller Dl El Dl D3 El D3 C4 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF FP4 FP4 FP4 MP2 FP3 312 8 0 145 0 0 235 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 439 Grade 15. 10 0 0 Mount Cook Girls' Margaret Lorimer .. Elizabeth Helyer .. Alice L. Hall Mary K. Lawson .. Phcebe Myers Edith M. Evans .. Hilda Mills Violet T. Harton .. Elizabeth F. Wedde Celia G. Chapman .. Florence M. Strong Charles J. Hardy .. Alexander C. Blake F. A. Hempleman .. Elizabeth Robinson Eleanor N. Cook .. Peter Finlayson Annie I. Smyth Alithea B. Stevenson Lawrence A. Arcus Frederiok J. Beechey Mary E. C. Skelley.. Adella E. Cook Al Dl Dl Dl B2 C3 E2 HF AF AF AF AF AF AF FP4 FP4 FP1 FP4 HM AM AM AF AF AM AF FP4 MP3 MP4 FP3 FP1 227 0 0 165 0 0 120 0 0 110 0 0 90 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 320 0 0 220 0 0 165 0 0 130 0 0 105 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 1,047 14 0 50 0 0 59 0 0 15 18 9 390 Mount Cook Boys' 11,304 6 5: 55 0 68 4 0 15 11 3 Bl CI D2 El E2 D4 C3 50 0 0 449 5 0 0 Excess teacher, laid out of Board's [eneral funds.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.


WELLINGTON- continued. Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. BuiL tings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. d .2 a 3 B GO 5 © Am* ■ rt O p 2 O.P ■ - o ."Sec co o CM Annual Salary at the Kate paid during the Last Month of Year, fa HP* 0 -hI-13* a cd a CD M d 9 Sjja o <° g a- -"At* a d a £j d mo < on co a t, h3o!';« a S-i <j§a°d^ N A o o cc crj £ 3 Alliances 1 Other Bu "?i° gS ' Teachers and Pupil- Ordinary w , 1 _ rlit ,,' T .„ Salaries. teachers' ; Expendi- "nd AlS g es.| tare - Rent of School Buildings. Gbade 16. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 'horndon 1,293 4 0 50 0 0 79 12 0 24 9 0 10 10 0 James C. Webb Margaret Page E. W. Beaglehole .. Albert A. Wedde .. Annie Davies Bessie Riddick Adeline Banks H. Osborne-Gibbes.. Mary E. Atkinson .. Nellie Sinnet Nellie E. Ooad Bl Dl CI D3 D2 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF FP4 FP3 FP3 FP3 314 4 0 145 0 0 235 0 0 125 0 0 99 0 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 451 Grade 17. lintoul Street 1,481 1 4 50 o ol 85 14 0 24 0 48 0 0 George Flux Margaret H. Craig .. Alexander McKenzie George W. Kirk Ella Reith ■ .. Florence B. Collins.. Laura E. Baird Maria Hitchcook .. Elizabeth Shaw Ida Christie Maude M. Rigg Elizabeth M. Fleming Euphemia R. Kean Dl Dl Dl D2 D2 D2 D2 D4 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF AF FP4 FP3 FP4 FP4 FP3 324 8 0 150 0 0 235 0 0 150 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 560 Gbade 19. Hyde Quay 1,689 16 0| 55 0 0 99 0 0 27 10 0 103 10 0 William T. Grundy Elizabeth McGowan Jabez A. Cowles Donald Poison Amy G. Davis Herbert E. Price .. Alice Robinson Elizabeth L. Benbow Sidney W. Dempsey John G. Castle Janet McLean K. M. Goldsmith .. Clara M. Taylor Marion S. Atkins .. Hannah E. Feist .. Esma Yeats William H. Jackson Rosabell Wolff Andrew N. Burns .. John E. Thwaites .. Nelson D. Bunting Isabella Munro Lois McGregor Mary York Elizabeth Bunting.. Nellie Hogg Lillie I. F. Robinson M. M. S. Chamberlain Louise Smith Olive Iorns Katherine McGregor Dl El B2 Dl El D3 E2 D2 D3 HM Mis. AM AM AF AM AF AF AM MP4 FP4 FP3 FP3 FP4 FP4 FP1 HM Mis. AM AM AM AF AF AF AF FP4 FP4 FP3 FP3 FP3 FP1 345 16 0 165 0 0 235 0 0 150 0 0 120 0 0 115 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 337 0 0 165 0 0 235 0 0 150 0 0 120 0 0 110 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 635 5 0 0 lasterton D.H.S., and side sohool 1,640 15 0 58 6 8 89 0 0 22 9 0 Dl El Bl C2 D2 El D2 50 0 0 625 E2 5 0 0 Grade 20. Bl El Bl D3 Dl C2 E2 D3 D4 E3 HM Mis. AM AM AF AM AF AF AM AF FP4 FP4 FP4 FP4! 353 4 0 185 0 0 240 0 0 155 0 0 140 0 0 125 0 0 115 0 0 90 0 0 90 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 ewtown 1,923 4 0 52 10 0 98 12 0 33 0 0 Thomas H. Gill .. Mary E. Jordan Francis P. Wilson .. Charles J. McKinnon Maud H. Ryder Ernest H. Ballaohey Jessie K. Hutchen.. Lucy Hayes Herbert W. King .. Kate Dempsey Emma C. Gaudin .. Alice Tasker Edith L. Benbow .. Kate H. Oompton .. 50 0 0 676


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.

6—E. 1


WEL I — contir, in. Name of School. ; Allowances j Other Bl Uifcis gS * Kenc Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary r,,,' ;,.'.„ of Salaries. teachers' ; Expendi- u „/i ' School Al^gnc g es.j tUre ' App'Sfta.. Ball^. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Htaff at the End of the Year, a o u '5 03 PrJ —' D p 2 Sen CO O Hi Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. 3 & £ S t C o < O ~ <r. 3 u a*-!" 3 ! U 3 h ,P u o 0 ra 5 > Gbade 20— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Newtown— continued .. Jessie Shine Isabella M. Halley.. Margaret Tait Lilian J. Tavendalef 1 ) James Home Jemima Slater Graham S. Pringle James H. Lynskey.. Balfour Kean Elizabeth A. Stanton Elsie Carter Mrs. M. A. Ludeoke Thirza M. Caverhill Gladys M. Flux .. Jessie M. Home Ethel K. Carter .. Irene Pearce John H. Griffiths .. Amy C. Williamson Isabel Thomson FP3 FP4 FP3 FP3 HM Mis. AM AM AM AF AF AF AF AF FP4 FP3 FP4 MP3 FP4 FP1 40 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 351 0 0 175 0 0 240 0 0 150 0 0 130 0 0 115 0 0 110 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 Petone 1,764 6 8 50 0 0 93 0 0' 2,733 19 0 33 10 ol Dl Dl Dl C2 D2 D2 D2 E3 D4 5 0 0 50 0 0 080 Gbade 21. 704 Te Aro, and side school 1,904 0 8| 64 3 41 115 0 0 3 15 10, 247 0 Oj Clement Watson .. Georgina E. Ohatwin Robert Darroch George M. Henderson Alice Bright Annie P. Ranwell .. Lucy J. Leighton(2) Janet Mitchell Mary P. Player Clara M. H. Zohrab Mabel Callam Edith Martin Jane Bairstow .. j Isabel Hyams Ida Willis Winifred Clemence Howard H. Sutton.. Frederick C. Brockett Bl Dl Dl D4 Dl D2 Dl E2 D3 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF AF AF AF FP4 FP4 FP3 FP4 FP2 FP3 MP3 MP2 353 4 0 185 0 0 240 0 0 155 0 0 140 0 0 120 0 0 115 0 0 90 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 5 0 0 Expenditure in schools not open in December, 1903— Bush Grove Horowhenua Sherwood .. Expenditure not apportioned 5 0 0 5 0 0 6 13 4 155 0 0 16 1 5 15 0 0 15 0 0 0 11 9 2e"o 0 17 0 0 43,419 4 3 1,889 1 9| 11,805 3 1 2,614 13 4 742 7 11 43,670 18 1,905 0 0 (1) Excess tei .cher, paid o' it of Board's general funds. (2) Absent on lear e. hawk: S'S BAY. Gbade 0. Pakarae) 1 ) Patoka Waihorap) £ s. a. 8 0 8 32 1 8 6 13 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 10 0 £ s. d. 14 6 £ s. d. Ida Thompson Olive Dugleby Myra Keys F F F £ s. d. 25 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. 5 8 4 Gbade 1. Makaretu South Mangatoro Patangata Pohui Port Awanui .. Portland Island Puketitiri Rakauroa Tamumu Tiniroto Ti-tree Tokomaru Bay Waipatiki 72 0 0 33 17 5 77 6 8 64 0 0 92 0 0 62 19 1 96 0 0 92 0 0 00 0 0 58 2 7 72 0 0 77 16 1 77 1 1 6 12 6 3 10 0 6 15 0 5 2 6 8 2 6 4 12 6 9 17 6 8 12 6 5 0 0 5 17 0 6 7 0 8 7 6 8 5 0i 8 0 0 337 11 3 0 17 6 23 12 0 233 17 0 43 8 6 10 0 0 Eleanor Chadwick .. Constance A. Kemsley Bertley Biggar Winifred J. Ingleton Alice E. A. Neal Frances C. J. Rigby Sarah A. Cowles Norman H. Shaw .. Rosina M. Huggins Ruby H. Murray .. Anni B. E. Morrison Minnie Burness Christiana Fyers .. D4 E3 E2 S3 F F II F F F F H F F F F F 72 0 0 56 0 0 76 0 0 64 0 0 92 0 0 60 0 0 96 0 0 92 0 0 60 0 0 08 0 0 72 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 13 10 13 11 16 10 19 17 10 10 12 18 17 8 0 0 5 0 0 14 10 0 .. (1) Opened .st Se; itemb jr.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


— corn. nie, Name of School. Maintenance. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiL/odging ture. Allowances Maintenance. Expenditure for %] Year. Buildings. Rent of School Buildings. Teachers* Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the staff at the End of the Year. a o d CD «B ''n d 5 CD ,s OA •-. o a 2 .- o ."Sec o to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. *-, a 9 d* 9 Saaoo oSv-cS 1 * S S * MO "* °a s a d § st a S~ S'Sct. K£5 n d J" CD A O CD d y. o > Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus, Gbade 1 — continued. £ s. d. Wakarara .. .. 82 16 0 Wallingford .. .. 68 0 0 Wanstead .. .. 96 0 0 Whakarau and Motu .. ! 80 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 8 7 0 7 2 6 7 15 0 6 15 0 £ s. d. 12 5 0 6 14 7 £ s. d. Ernest H. Ingpen .. Catherine Glass Alice R. Black Minnie H. King E2 E4 H F F F £ s. d. 82 16 0 68 0 0 96 0 0 80 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 17 15 14 14 6 0 0 3"o 0 Gbade 2. Ashley-Clinton .. 110 10 0 Blackburn .. .. 114 0 0 Elsthorpe .. .. 118 13 6 Hatuma .. .. ! 80 14 2 Heretauuga .. .. 124 10 0 Maharahara West .. 125 1 11 Morere .. .. 89 3 1 Ngapaeruru .. .. 107 0 0 Wainui .. .. 114 0 0 Wimbledon .. .. 135 16 3 11 12 8 11 0 0 10 15 0! 10 12 6 13 12 6 15 15 0 9 12 0 11 7 6 12 0 0' 13 17 6 28 18 0; 467 3 2 1 19 17 4 0 10 0 29 8 7! M. M. Parkinson .. Mrs. Jane Doar James Cartwright .. ' Lilian S. Cole Phoebe Ingleton Frances B. Greene.. Krnest Mayo Charles W. Field .. Edmund A. King .. William Davidson .. D3 Dl E3 B2 E3 E5 K3 B4 E3 E5 F P H F I' F H H II II 110 10 0 114 0 0 117 10 0 103 10 0 124 10 0 131 10 0 107 0 0 107 0 0 114 0 0 135 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 23 21 19 22 28 29 18 22 25 27 16 13 4 20 0 0 s"o 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 o! 2 3 0| Geadb 3. Makaretu North ..136 0 10 Maraekakaho ..140 0 0 Omahu .. .. j 140 0 0 Papakura .. .. ' 225 10 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 14 15 0 17 2 6 18 5 0 20 13 8! 3 13 0 62 9 0 Ellen A. Andersen .. Annie S. Cumming.. Ethel G. Dugleby .. Elizabeth Moore .. Catherine A. Soundy E. A. McCutoheon.. Helpn B. Andrews .. C. E. B. Rudman .. Henry L. Wilson .. D3 1)1 E3 1)2 F F F HF Mis. H HF Mis. H 136 0 0 140 0 0 140 0 0 145 10 0 80 0 0 139 0 0 144 0 0 80 0 0 145 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 29 35 37 42 20 0 0 20 0 0 Pukahu .. .. 139 0 0 Puketapu .. .. 184 0 0 15 17 6 21 6 2 i" i 0 E3 .1)2 E5 1)4 33 43 Waipiro Bay .. .. 146 0 0 20 0 0 18 12 6 340 2 0 12 0 0 20 0 0 39 Gbade 4. 22 10 7 William D. McClure Mrs. Agnes Whibley Margaret A. Balfour Mary E. Tucker .. Frederick T. Faram Emma J. Heighway Ellen A. Roythorne . Beatrice Hallett Walter J. King May Kemp 158 0 0 80 0 0 146 0 0 80 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 147 0 0 30 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 KiritakH 1 ) .. .. j 232 5 0 Dl HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HF FP2 IIM Mis. -17 Mangateretere .. 120 4 4 12 10 0 15 14 11 357 15 6 D2 20 0 0 43 Maraetaha .. .. 232 6 8 22 14 4 1 9 6 E2 48 Mohaka .. .. 172 0 0 30 0 0 17 11 10: 4 4 6 12 0 0 D3 20 0 0 10 0 0 36 Whetukura .. .. 22S 11 2 21 8 l! 4 1 10 Dl 45 Gbade 5. 30 0 0 Frasertown .. .... 255 0 0 Hampden .. .. 268 15 0 Mahora .. .. 96 5 11 Mangaatua .. .. 255 8 4 Matamau .. .. 252 10 0 Meanee .. .. 248 15 0 Ongaonga .. .. 262 10 0 Drmond .. .. 258 15 0 12 2 0 7 10 0 10 0 0 25 3 31 30 8 1 13 16 10 26 2 9 26 7 4 27 6 2 30 19 4 32 16 10 32 0 0 17 7 0 500 2 6 3 0 0 7 8 6 1 15 0 392 10 8 John Kain Louisa Gosnell Frank G. Faram Annie Mcintosh Wilfred T. Chaplin Maggie I. Gray James A. Auld Alice M. Cross John Bowie Agnes C. M. Christy Edward Bissell, jun. Kate Neal William H. Jones .. John F. Gloy Ethel M. Barrie .. John McLeod Jane L. H. Brown .. Hubert Speight Amy I. Siddells Alexander Gow Kathleen S. Cummmg Christina J. Caugbley Rose Cooper James H. Gray Percy J. Sefton Bichard H. Ferguson Doretta J. Meyenberg, Harold L. Ellis Agnes McClure Donella Sutherland Mary Brabazon D3 El D2 D3 D2 E3 D2 E4 B2 E4 E3 Dl E4 D2 D2 D2 D3 D4 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM FP4 MP3 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HF FP4 MP4 HM HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. 170 0 0 85 0 0 183 15 0 85 0 0 181 5 0 85 0 0 177 10 0 85 0 0 171 5 0 85 0 0 168 15 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 177 10 0 85 0 0 173 15 0 85 0 0 173 15 0 85 0 0 166 5 0: 80 0 0 ! 155 0 0, 50 0 0 50 0 0 177 10 0 171 5 0 85 0 0 176 5 0 85 0 0 152 10 0 85 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 ( 2 )30 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 52 67 63 53 58 (JO 70 78 Petane .. .. 258 15 0 30 0 0 26 1 10 54 Porangahau .. .. 246 5 0 23 15 0 3 10 0 53 Te Aute" _.. .. 245 0 0 10 0 0 26 14 11 4 0 0 B2 59 Te Karaka( 3 ).. .. 248 6 8 Umutaoroa .. .. 250 3 7 Waerenga-a-hika .. 258 17 6 14 12 0 30 15 7 26 3 8 23 16 10 0 16 0 320 18 6 15 6 0 4 0 0 1)5* D4 D3 ; E4 Dl Lie. D2 E4 70 58 51 Weber .. .. 237 10 0 23 1 10! I 340 13 0 45 (1) Formerly Mi iharahaia K j last. (3) I> i iot provided >y Departmt int. I s ) Mistress left at end of October.


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


WKE'S BAY— contii nued. Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buili lings. Teachers' Names, inc uding all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the staff at the End of the Year. a o d CD ja d 3 CD A a a ■-, o a 2 o .a ■ - o .■ScC O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. •xo.938 § SJo.Jcs t" o a- n o n co a n o -ao;'j;« "" §S2|S§| $ Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances Other and Pupil- Ordinary teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances j Buildings, Sites, Furniture, find Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Gbade 6. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. 3. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Kumeroa Makauri Takapau 290 16 3 288 19 6 260 0 0 30 0 0 7 10 0 30 8 9 37 3 9 31 12 4 21 7 6 881 2 0 John'H.JTrimmer'.. Georgina Gray Robert Cole Emma L. Fawbert.. James Caughley Ida Ellingham Frederick W. Martin Abel Webber Effie Colebrook John M. Nelson Esther E. Pickering E2 E5 D2 D3 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM FP2 MP3 HM Mis. HM Mis. 198 15 0 95 0 0 197 10 0 85 10 0 195 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 198 15 0 95 0 0 195 0 0 95 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 88 92 71 Te Arai 277 3 9 4 13 11 34 10 2 43 0 0 Dl D5 E2 E4 80 Tolaga Bay 290 0 0 31 2 10 438 11 6 71 Gbade 7. 360 3 2 38 12 6 91 Kaikora North John Caughley Eleanor C. Chappie Rebecca McRae William J. Hunter.. Louisa Morgan Cecil B. T. McClure John Marshall Louisa J. Stephenson Olive Lange Frank B. Curd Annie L. Grant Alice B. Cooke John C. Woodward.. Kathleen Cantle Daisy Ferguson Bl D4 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. MP2 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. FP3 HM Mis. FP5 219 10 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 217 8 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 217 2 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 216 16 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 220 8 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 Mangapapa 284 17 2 32 1 8 29 12 6 434 13 3 D3 D3 30 0 0 103 Matawhero 353 7 0 2 14 2 37 8 9j 31 2 6 Dl D3 10 0 0 90 Ormondville 351 16 0 7 10 0 37 16 3| 152 5 3 Dl E3 92 Patutahi 366 4 8 42 1 3| 5 10 0 El E3 5 0 0 108 Gbade 8. 380 10 8 7 12 9 108 Clive 45 3 9 Edward Bissell Ella M. McVay .. Hilda Burns John Mollroy Robert Boyd Holmes Elizabeth L.Sargisson Grace Y. McLellan Stanley Kemp William H. Johnston Louise M. Marsh .. Lilly Russell Annie L. Grant Charles J. Cooke .. Elizabeth H. Murray Louis John Plank .. El E3 HM Mis. FP2 MP1 HM Mis. FP5 MP2 HM Mis. FP4 FP3 HM Mis. AM 229 14 0 105 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 225 10 0 105 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 224 12 0 105 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 231 4 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 Havelock North 403 16 8 43 5 0 4 16 Dl E3 E4 112 Makotuku 409 12 0 22 10 0 42 8 9 196 3 6 Bl" E3 108 Waipukurau 407 11 7 52 15 1 15 6 0 ) 5 0 0 5 0 0 150 Bl E4 E4 Gbade 9. 493 12 8 9 3 4 54 0 0 39 14 0 ) 156 Norsewood John Dawson Watson Margaret Cumming Ethel E. Martin .. Othenison R. Olsen Matilda Shugar Richard Goulding .. Elizabeth E. Lindsay Herbert N. Benson Amy R. Harper Lucy Davis John Henry Bull .. Isabella McLandress Enid A. Dugleby .. Edith C. M. Tucker Annie E. Bradbury Robert Neill Hetty M. Samson .. S. H. M. Quigley .. Pearl Shaw Nellie Poyzer I Bl D3 D4 HM Mis. AF MP4 FP1 HM Mis. AM FP4 FP1 HM Mis. AF FP5 FP4 IIM Mis. AM FP4 FP1 237 16 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 23? 2 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 233 6 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 236 6 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 Taradale 498 17 10 .13 4 0 ) Dl E3 52 6 3 147 Waipawa 5 0 0 51 13 9 E5* 149 8 9 3! 1 Dl B2 D4 513 6 0 50 5 01 E5 D2 E4 E4 5 0 0 136 Wairoa 502 1 5 15 12 61 Gbade 10. 296 Dannevirke South D.H.S. 691 5 9 40 0 0| 77 110 370 6 3 George Harvey BlancheE.E.Tanslej James F. Brown .. Rachel Caughley .. Louisa G. Robinson Ella M. Brewer Eagar D2 E4 D3 E4 HM Mis. AM AF FP5 FP3 FP1 254 18 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 5 0 0


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


AWKE'S BAY— conti; med. Name of School. Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances Other and Pupil- Ordinary teachers' ExpendiLodging tmre. Ulowances Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Bulb lings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Ktaff at the End of the Year. a' o d CD s CO d 3 © P-4 •fH O O-P Sen CO O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. ■go"O * $tf * j fl <D ° « M g "3 o n co a u d << d £ ~t d CD-" d c d a Z~ t'Brv © O rP h O «H <0 > ■4 Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings.\ Gbade 10 — continued. £ s. d. "£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. lapier Training School 930 11 7 75 0 3 68 7 0 31 9 7 James Noble Dodds ■Emma Jane Riley .. William Davidsonf 1 ) Agnes Christyf 1 ) Grace Black Erne ColebrookR .. William J. Driller .. May Kemp(!) Bertha G. M. Mitchell Jane E. McClure .. Georgina GrayP) Annie H. Jones Ada Driscoll Bl Dl E5 E4 E5 D5 HM Mis. MP5 FP5 FP5 FP5 MP5 FP5 FP5 FP5 FP5 FP5 FP5 FP5 259 2 0 151 17 0 35 0 0 223 55 0 0 5 0 0 55 0 0 E5 D4 55"o 0 55 0 0 251 E5 55' 0 0 55 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 Grade 11. Port Ahuriri and Western Spit 790 4 8 1 73 18 0 81 19 9 5 0 0 William G. Martin.. Helen Anderson Francis A. Garry .. Annie Magill Ohrissie Niven Edith E. Webb Annie L. Puflett .. Dl El D4 D2 HM Mis. AM AF FP1 FP5 FP3 266 18 0 120 0 0 170 0 0 120 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 Grade 12. 331 Dannevirke North 874 6 10 9 3 0 88 5 0 51 4 0 Richard P. Soundy.. Marion Moore Duncan McLennan Ellen McCarthy .. Thornton R. Best .. Matilda Hagensen .. Jonathan Brown Kathleen E. Davis.. El D3 D2 D4 HM Mis. AM AF AM FP5 MP4 FP1 280 16 0 125 0 0 185 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 Grade 13. E5 344 10 0 0 Woodville and Woodlands D.H.S. 1,080 14 8, 12 10 0 90 2 7i 339 8 1 Andrew Stevenson .. Elisabeth Reid Benjamin Bagley .. Thomas A. Nicoll .. Hilda A. Olsen Isabel Smith Mary Gregory Edward F. Eagar .. Albert Nielson Elizabeth Murphy .. Dl E2 D2 D4 E4 E2 D5 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF FP5 MP3 MP4 FP2 288 8 0 130 0 0 195 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 109 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 Gbade 17. 5 0 0 5 0 0 Hastings !l,502 6 4 5 0 0 129 15 61 4 10 0 John Albert Smith Wilhelmina J. Rosie Edward V. Hudson William H. Wilson Richard W. Morgan Mary E. Baker Isabella M. Robertson Edith E. Hartshorn Mary Stables Beatrice M. Joll .. Frances A. Hayes .. Arthur R. Cullen .. Susan K. Wellwood Bl El D2 C4 E5 D2 E4 E4 HM Mis. AM AM AM AF AF AF FP5 FP5 FP5 MP5 FP4 338 7 0 150 0 0 235 0 0 130 0 0 110 0 0 133 16 0 104 2 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 552 5 0 0 E5 Gbade 21. apier 1,932 6 10 55 0 0 152 13 6l 113 7 9 Thomas Morgan Jessie C. Brown James Hislop Milton R. Grant .. Arthur W. Soundy.. Mary Palmer Agness Pratt Mary Magill Nellie D. McVay .. David Cowan Frank A. Wilson .. I. M. W. Hannay .. James D. Roulston.. Dl Dl 01 D3 HM Mis. AM AM AM AF AF AF AF MP5 MP5 FP4 MP5 386 3 0 185 0 0 275 14 0 155 0 0 126 0 0 120 0 0 115 0 0 99 14 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 663 El D3 D2 E4 E4 D4 D5 5 0 0| Absent relievinj durini December.



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.

AWKE'S BAY— com %nued. Name oi School. Maintenance F.xpen liture for thi Year. Buili Lings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d CD ca K d 5 CO A a a •H O o.a ■a « .■See CO O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. ._ _ 'O *H A £ O ©" «8 gg^.P©° a d g*»^ w . £ SJ * MO < Oj3 <» P h °3<J oi 2 P"S fr. a-- to d CD t» CD A u o CD DC C9 Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances and Pupilteachers' Lodging Allowances Other Ordinary Expenditure. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Grade 21— contimied. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. d: £ s. d.j £l s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. fapier— continued risborne 1,839 6 8 50 0 0 115 7 6 28 8 2 • 42 15 0 Alice C. F. Ranzi .. Tnyra M. King Helen M. Anderson Elizabeth Magill .. Daisy E. Paterson .. Francis J. Rowley .. Fanny C. R. Matheson Alexander Crawford John S. Wauchop .. John H. Wells Lydia Lewis Edith H. Faram .. Florence K. Adams Grace M. Evans .Harriet E. Baker .. Katie King Kathleen Cussen .. George W. Morice .. Estelle Cussen Jessie S. Brown Alfred East Bl El B2 D3 D5 B2 E3 E3 D4 D4 D4 FP4 FP4 FP4 FP3 FP3 HM Mis. AM AM AM AF AF AF AF AF AF FP4 MP3 FP3 FP3 MP2 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 356 12 0 185 0 0 240 0 0 155 0 0 140 0 0 146 2 0 115 0 0 90 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0i 677 107 15 0 24,541 4 5 621 3 8! 2,405 3 1 ! 6,488 16 0 [24,936 14 0 610 0 0 MARLE BOROUGH. Grade 0. Aotea ■ .. Beatrix Bay( x ) Black Rock .. Brooklyn Bay Cape Campbell ( J ) Clova Bay Crail Bay Ferndale Head Hopai Hopewell Kakapou Bay Manaroa Maori Bay Nydia Bay .. Onahau Bay( 2 ) Peach Bay .. Portage Port Underwood Scarboro' Run Sea View Stephens Island Te Puru Te Weka Tira Ora Waikawa Bay Waterfalls £ s. d. 25 0 0 8 15 0 15 0 0 27 2 2 10 0 0 6 13 4 3 15 0 24 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 18 19 2 56 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 11 5 0 20 16 8 40 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 32 1 8 7 18 10 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 25 0 0 £ s. n Constance Corsbie .. F 6 Agnes Murphy Hilda Hutchinson .. F F 15~ 0 0 35 0 0 3 7 Edith Simpson Helen Pullman Amy Murphy May E. A. King .. Lizzie G. Ewing Harry L. Twistleton Emma Nielson Hinton H. Campbell Daisy Williams Grace O'Sullivan .. .02 F F F F F H F H F F 10 0 0 15 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 56 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 2 3 ,8 6 4 10 0 o 8 7 4 7 Alberta Satchell Lily P. Simpson Lilian Flood Edith Brydon Laura Stratford Alice M. Robinson .. May Roadley Mary Ann Baxter .. Annie Black Jessie B. Ford May Egan F F F F F F F F F F F 25 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 5 6 3 5 6 7 4 2 4 5 3 4"o 0 Gbade 1. Fabian's Valley Grove Kaituna Kekerangu Mahau Sound Oraaka Rai Valley Richmond Brook Robin Hood Bay 46 13 4 60 0 0 76 0 0 38 10 0 56 0 0 80 0 0 89 0 0 76 0 0 56 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 7 0 0 1 14 2 4 10 0 7 10 0 6 10 0 7 0 0 9"s 7 6 0 4 BerthaE. Wadsworth Laura Beauchamp.. Ellen M. Tosswill .. Isabel Rutherford .. Frederic C. Stratford Joseph Ward Ethel C.McMahon.. Agnes O'Brian James Haughey E2 F F F F H H F F H 40 0 0 60 0 0 76 0 0 64 0 0 56 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 76 0 0 68 0 0 10 !:-! 12 9 10 U 16 13 13 38"2 6 3 17 6 E3 Dl (') Vacant. ( 2 ) Closed December quarter.


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


MARLBOROUGH-coto Mnued. Name of School. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' fcxpendiLodging ture. Allowances j Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, inc uding all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o V> !C 02 a 5 CD A Annual Salary ■ M g at the Rate % a paid during ■42 3. the Last ■7 •" Month of £ Year. r*-* Hr-is co O cc a _. a © 9 ° ~~' s? 5 aa o3 S -5 P g 03 CJJO < Oj3 M 3 u °3<1 <$ « pit! goS§«d © © o © lac © Buildings, _ Sites, K ™ c Furniture, School Apparatus. Building,. Gbade 1— continued. Te Awaiti Ugbrooke Waikakaho Wairau Valley Waitaria Bay £ s. d. 76 0 0 54 0 0 40 0 0 80 0 0 82 16 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2 5 0 2 18 7 10 0 9 0 0 £ s. d. 1 5 6 4 8 0 £ s. d. Alice Winchester .. Anna Eliza Foley .. Olive Peake Margaret Slattery .. Eliza W. Henderson E2 F F F F F £ s. d. 76 0 0 56 0 0 40 0 0 80 0 0 82 16 0 £ s. d. 13 9 9 18 16 7"o 0 Grade 2. Blind River Cullensville Fairhall Havelock Suburban .. Onamalutuf 1 ) Seddon (Starborough).. 113 12 6 128 17 6 114 0 0 131 10 0 108 18 9 117 10 0 12 3 0 14 14 0 11 16 0 13 8 6 12 3 0 10 16 0 3 14 10 15 11 29 3 2 2 0 0 1217 0 William F. Wood .. George Everiss Thomas R. Bowden Laura Matthews .. ci Lie. Dl H II H F 112 1 0 128 0 0 114 0 0 131 10 0 ih'o 0 26 27 25 27 28 23 Joseph W.Humphreys E2 H Gbade 3. Marlborough Town Marshlands Spring Creek.. 139 0 0 137 0 0 141 0 0 20"0 0 14 9 0 13 16 8 15 6 0 12 6 Minnie J. Croucher Mary C. Williams .. Florence Pritchard Dl 1)1 Dl F F F 139 0 -0 137 0 0 141 0 0 20 0 0 32 30 35 • • Grade 4. Hollis Hill Mrs. C. E. Thorpe .. David Robertson .. Mabel G. Nicoll .. 41 Okaramio 215 2 6 20 7 0 1)3 HM Mis. HM Mis. 158 0 0 80 0 0 158 0 0 80 0 0 Waitohi 231 6 8 18 5 0 59 15 10 D2 E3 44 Gbade 5. 22 10 0 2 15 0 Canvastown Havelock 257 10 0 263 15 0 24 7 4 8 7 6 Herbert A. Stratford Maud Lammas William Ward Emma E. Ward Herbert J. Robinson Mrs. S. N. Peake .. Dl CI HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 177 10 0 80 0 0 183 15 0 80 0 0 171 5 0 80 0 0 58 58 Tuamarina' .. 251 5 0 20 12 8 2 10 4 Dl 48 Gbade 7. 337 14 0 33 8 4 Grovetown Renwick 373 18 8 41 0 8 I 84 7 0 21 11 9 Harry Ladley Ada B. E. Ladley .. Alice Payne David E. Leslie Alice M. K. Williams Minnie Brydon Dl m Dl E2 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. FP2 217 14 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 223 2 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 95 110 Grade 8. 139 Blenheim Girls' Picton 351 6 4 436 0 8 43 16 0 48 12 6 23 10 0 Lottie M. Brewer( 2 ) Alice R. E. Litchfield Annie Healy Kathleen Furnees .. Charles 0. Howard.. May Macalister Violet Ethel Fuller Harry J. Howard .. Emily H. Millington Bertha Tindill Daisy Tapp 1)1 BIS CI D3 E3 1)1 D2 HF AF FP4 FP1 HM Mis. AF HM Mis. FP4 FP1 178 8 0 105 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 232 14 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 229 2 0 105 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 18'/ Sprin glands 412 2 0 41 12 6 293 16 11 132 Gbade 10. 247 Blenheim Boys', and side school 892 16 0 62 8 0 82 8 O! 26 0 0 David A. Sturrock .. David H. Wilmot .. Mary M. Brown Elizabeth W.Wanden Annie M. Harris Winnie W. M. Macey Nellie M. S. Macey Agnes M. Crombie .. Maud O'Brian Dl D2 Dl E2 E4 HM AM Mis. AF AF FP1 FP5 FP2 FP3 272 16 0 185 0 0 125 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 Expenditure not apportioned 93 4 21 6,651 14 7 20 0 Oj 570 3 0 801 5 10 26 0 0 6,581 13 0 20 0 0| (i) iSot open in December. (2) Acting.


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


Name of School. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' hixpendiLodging ture. Allowances i Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buil lings. Teachers' Names, inc uding all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the Eud of the Year. a o d CJ CP cc _d 5 © p--—i o a 2 O.P s& CO o to Annual Salary at tli e Kate paid during the Last Month of Year. od'ajf . , c, S g o »H d 2 oAA oO S a. *=A>i a s 5 ce m o - A o S. u °> 5-<gc aS a 2= d CC c CD CX d u CD ► Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Bent of School Buildings: Gbade 0. Awaroaf 1 ) Baton (i) Doctor's Creekf 1 ) Hillden Hope Valley Inangahua Landing .. Karamea Kongahu Lester's Lighthousef 1 ) Maitai Maruia Station Matakitaki McWha's Moutere Bluffs Owen Junction Pakawau Parapara Stanley Brook, Upper.. Tophouse Totaranui Wangapeka £ s. d. 0 16 8 10 0 0 6 5 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 20 11 1 63 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 1 13 4 20 0 0 13 6 8 30 0 0 5 16 8 17 17 9 6 13 4 40 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 21 5 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2 0 0 2 13 8 2 0 0 Ina Haines Jane Horrack Ethel Horn Mrs. Alice L.Williams Constance E. Jones Frances J. Gibbs .. Lie. F F F F F F 25 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 61 15 0 60 0 0 35 0 0 5 5 6 10 10 7 I 2 0 0 2 0 0 14 0 0 Janet Easdale Irene Gilbert Cynthia O'Rourke .. Viola M. Lash Adelaide L. Symes.. Blanche I. Taylor .. Ruth Lewis Mrs. Marion Scadden Alice Hanron Annie E. Banks Mabel Pratt Emily Minnis F F F F ¥ V F F F F ¥ F 20 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 3 4 8 5 4 4 8 3 6 4 4 6 2 0 0 2 0 0 Gbade 1. Anatoki Aniseed Valley Blackwater, Upper Brighton Oronadun Eighty-eight Valley .. Fern Flat Glenroy Gordon Hill Side Little Wanganui Merrijigs Motueka Valley Motupiko, Upper Ngatimoti Oparara Pariwhakaho Pigeon Valley Pokororo Redwood's Valley Rocky River Sandy Bay Three-channel Flat Sergeant's Hill Sherry Silverstreamf 1 ) Tadmor, Upper Takaka, Upper Waingaro Waitahu Wills' Road Win's Valley Woodstock Wratten's 56 0 0 81 0 0 40 18 6 80 0 0 60 0 0 56 0 0 78 0 0 42 0 0 84 0 0 84 0 0 50 1 0 76 0 0 83 11 1 60 0 0 100 0 0 23 6 8 70 0 0 76 0 0 92 0 0 56 0 0 68 0 0 55 0 0 73 6 8 72 0 0 49 14 9 36 9 1 77 1 0 79 13 4 60 0 0 68 0 0 96 0 0 73 13 4 62 6 8 64 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 15 7 2 0 0 2 0 0 4 8 0 2 14 11 2 19 2 4 6 8 2 16 5 3 19 9 2 9 6 5 11 4 4 5 3 3 12 9 3 12 10 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 4 3 11 3 10 1 0 16 6 2 0 0 3 7 4 4 9 4 2 15 0 2 9 6 4 8 1 2 10 11 2 0 0 5 14 0 5 0 6 o'io o 13 10 6 158 5 6 5 0 0 17 6 0 Bessie Mackay Hilda Black Mary PomonaHurren Annie McCarthy Agnes Gannon Cora Martin Violet E. Gayne Philip Magauran .. George Lawn Ada P. Bradley Leonard Hill Ethel M. Gibbie .. Edward J. Gilmor .. Annie McBride George Osmond Fair Emily E. Heyward J. L. Hodgkinson .. Clara Hanron Ellen H. Quinton .. Ada Jane Snook Annie Jessop Jeremiah O'Shea .. Frederioa Ullmer .. Teresa Slowey Ruth Jessop D3 Lie. D4* D3 Lie. D4 E4 E2 E4 F F F F F F F H H F H ■ F H F H F F F F F F H F F F 56 0 0 64 0 0 64 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 56 0 0 84 0 0 72 0 0 84 0 0 84 0 0 64 0 0 76 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 64 0 0 80 0 0 76 0 0 92 0 0 56 0 0 68 0 0 60 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 68 0 0 11 12 11 14 11 10 16 13 13 15 6 12 14 12 20 10 16 14 14 10 11 9 15 14 7 185 10 0 4"o 6 10 0 E3 Lie. 123 17 9 15"o 0 18 0 10 0 0 3 16 6 Frances May Turner Edith Bryan Augusta Robb Elizabeth M. Walshe Ellen F. Holdaway Ethel I. Hill Hugh H. Horner .. Louisa May Fry F F F F F F H F 72 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 68 0 0 86 8 0 68 0 0 68 0 0 64 0 0 12 17 13 13 16 11 11 11 13 0 0 Gbade 2. Bainham Birchfield Brooklyn Church Hill Clifton Terrace Fairdown Fern Town .. Gibbs' Town Happy Valley Inangahua Junction .. Kaituna Land of Promise Long Plain .. 128 0 0 110 10 0 136 7 6 117 10 0 117 10 0 102 19 7 135 0 0 107 0 0 114 18 1 94 17 6 103 10 0 103 10 0 110 10 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 19 5 5 20 0 0 20 0 0 7 10 0 6 4 8 6 10 4 5 16 10 6 3 9 5 0 3 6 16 8 5 7 3 6 10 7 4 16 3 4 2 7 4 19 0 6 8 11 269 14 0 10 3 0 510 0 4 15 0 o'l8 6 9 15 6 Francis Worley Thomas C. C. Scott Charles Arthur Eves Ellen L. Cresswell .. Pamela E. Bolton .. Francesca M. Horner Elizabeth A. McGavin Isabella Kenyon Marmaduke Rogers Rose Mary Valder .. Annie Laird Elizabeth A. Winter Jane Anne Molloy .. E4 D3 C3 D2 E2 D4 D2 E3 E4 E4 D2 E2 E3 H H H F F F F F F F F F F 128 0 0 110 10 0 135 0 0 117 10 0 117 10 0 103 10 0 135 0 0 107 0 0 103 10 0 103 10 0 103 10 0 103 10 0 110 10 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 31 25 26 20 24 17 24 18 23 17 14 18 24 18 0 8 20 0 0 20 0 Oj 357 15 6 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 (')Clo ised.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


— continue. Name of School. House Allowances i Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' KxpendiLodging ture. Allowances' Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Bui! hngs. Teachers' Names, ; inc uding all Teachers and Pupil-teachers tj . | on the Staff at the End ™ nt of the Year. School Buildings. a' o J= d cj 03 CC" - 5 ® A ■ao « 2 oA CO O to Annual Salary at tlie Hate paid during the Last Month of Year. °w a ■-, d ca otf^«d^ g a- *fll" a g J d t»o < on cfl = j■aa"3 g'Ss d<r< d zt 104 h d CD H CD u <D CD < Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Gbade 2— continued. Lyell Murchison, with side school Orinoco Pangatotara Progress,with side school £ s. d. 137 0 10 157 3 4 110 10 0 108 6 0 144 10 0 £ s. d. 516 8 20 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. 9 13 9 9 11 £ 1 10 6 8 0 7 3 1 £ s. d. 24"o 0 15 0 16 6 128 8 9 £ s. d. Marion C. Hood Herm. B. Huddleston Annie Ogg Matilda Brerefcon .. Emily M. Cooper .. Margaret L. Colthart Catherine Phelan .. Mrs. Barbara M.Pettir Esther E. Gilbert .. Janette G. Manson.. Donald E. Forsyth.. Emily Street Herbert B. S. SanderMay Page El E2 D3 D2 E3 F HM FP2 F F HF FP1 F F F H F H F £ s. d. 141 0 0 149 0 0 30 0 0 110 10 0 103 10 0 124 10 0 20 0 0 103 10 0 121 0 0 107 0 0 124 10 0 128 0 0 114 0 0 128 0 0 £ s. d. 10 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 39 34 20 21 28 Promised Land Ranzau Rockville Stanley Brook Summerlea Tadmor Takaka, Central 103 10 0 121 0 0 115 17 6 124 10 0 128 0 0 114 0 0 131 10 0 5 10 0 5 0 8 6 2 4 5 12 3 7 6 3 6 7 11 7 5 0 10 0 3 18 10 9 15 12 0 E2 D3 Dl D3 D2 E4 E2 20 20 23 20 31 23 29 Gbade 3. 173 0 0 10 0 0 7 7 6 17 13 6 John W. Maloney .. Grace G. Maloney .. George A. Robbie .. William H. Bryant Jean Lindsay Mackaj Arthur Douglas William H. Arnold.. Olive Simmons William Arthur Hall Bessie F. Johnson .. Elizabeth Shirtliff .. Frances M.B. Packard 143 0 0 30 0 0 153 0 0 147 0 0 139 0 0 147 0 0 153 0 0 30 0 0 143 0 0 140 0 0 142 0 0 137 0 0 10 0 0 Addison's Flat Dl HM FP2 H H F H HM FPz H F F F 28 Appleby Brightwater Cape Foulwind Capleston Collingwood 153 0 0 147 0 0 139 0 0 165 8 3 183 0 0 116 10 10 0 0 9 5 0 7 16 3 7 17 6 9 7 3 9 9 9 329 9 6 1 0 6 D2 01 E2 Dl Dl 86 29 31 39 40 5 10 0 io"o O 20 0 0; Hope Neudorf Sarau Takaka, East 143 0 0 140 0 0 147 16 8 137 0 0 20 0 0 8 8 8 9 2 7 7 13 9 8 5 0 10 8 6 D3 i >;-! E3 E2 34 35 29 32 198 1 8 Gbade 4. 242 11 1 4 11 6 Charles G. M. Boyoe Olive Ladley Samuel W. Street .. Alice Hallagan Louis Oliver Baigent Louisa Lammas Robert E. Wylde .. Ellen Molloy Egbert John Mayo.. Catherine A. Morrison Lydia Marie Bradley Harriet J. Cobb Lockhart D. Easton Mary P. Edwards .. Annie Hill Frances E. Webb .. Alfred Thomas White Rose Emma Avery.. John Naylor Minnie L. Wilkes .. Bernard F.P.Coleman Edith Mary Allport 162 0 0 80 0 0 162 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 162 0 0 80 0 0 162 0 0 80 0 0 150 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 40 0 0 146 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 Charleston 10 12 8 D3 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. HM FP3 HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 48 Coal Creek 242 0 0 11 14 0 D2 55 Dovedale 202 13 4 9 11 8 189 0 6 D2 Lie. D2 40 Little Grey 227 12 4 1 16 10 9 12 6 2 18 6 I 41 Motupiko Motupipi 242 0 0 227 1 8 0 16 8 9 17 2 10 9 0 210 1 6 2 4 3 E2 E2 El E4 CI 42 46 Moutere, Lower 201 5 9 9 16 9 20 0 0 4 0 0 42 River Terrace Spring Grove Stoke 226 0 0 236 17 6 241 0 0 8 7 6 8 18 6 9 11 8 5 15 0 4 5 0 1)2 E2 D3 B4 Dl D4* D3 D3 38 37 45 Waimea West 236 0 0 8 17 6 7 0 0 35 Gbade 5. 273 15 0 15 13 10 4 10 30 0 0 Black's Point Burnett's Face Millerton Richmond Boys' 226 5 0 263 0 2 285 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 14 1 2 16 19 9 14 0 2 31 7 9 455 11 3 3 15 0 Richard E. Green .. Euphemia J. Moore Arthur Trevella Hannah Leighton .. Cecilia M. Arnold .. William A. Rumbold Madge McCarthy .. Edward Cowles Katie E. Thompson Edith E. Johnson .. Mary Martha Papps Ernest H. Andrews Jessie Salmond Edward Edridge .. Martha J. Gilbert .. El E2 Dl Dl Dl E2 Dl D4 1)2 El El D2 HM Mis. HM FP2 FP1 HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 188 15 0 85 0 0 176 5 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 180 0 0 80 0 0 200 0 0 85 0 0 150 10 0 85 0 0 178 15 0 85 0 0 188 15 0 85 0 0 io"o 0 10 0 0 70 65 79 62 Richmond Girls' 220 15 OJ 30 0 0 11 7 3 30 0 0 48 Riwaka 263 15 0 12 0 4 26 10 9 6 0 6 61 Wai iti .. ' .. 273 15 0 13 19 0 4 0 0 62 Gbadu 6. 293 0 0 14 13 8 15 11 6 Fox Hill John Thomas Veysey Elizabeth G. Tarrant Robert E. Satchell.. Isabel Emily Wright El K4 Lie. E3 HM Mis. HM Mis. 195 0 0 95 0 0 195 0 0 95 0 0 65 Granity Creek 290 0 0 80 0 - 0 16 8 6 0 7 0 30 0 0 74


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.

7—E. 1.


'— continue. Name of School. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. toachers 1 l^xpendiLodging ture. Allowances ' Maintenance. Expenditure for t le Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, inc uding all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a _o '*= d o ■n d 5 •B P.-4 •fh o 1:3 2 o,P Sen o to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. * M 3 R °3 BO O *,g>K d j g ;« 5 a- *>ja>-i a * E-e*''" a g d aoo < on 25 - *- .-aog-E* liHil si A h O > Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings Gbade 6— continued. £ js. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Takaka, Lower 282 1 8 3 6 8 18 11 2 7 8 6 William H. Boyes .. Fanny S. Jordan .. William G. McDonald Amelia Marris Frederick B. Peart.. Kate B. Bird Dl D2 1)2 1)2 El E2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 202 10 0 95 0 0 203 15 0 95 0 0 206 5 0 96 0 0 83 Waimangaroa 298 15 0 17 6 6 28 11 3 76 Wakefield, Lower 302 5 0 17 5 6 13 0 11 80 Gbade 8. 416 10 0 10 0 0 28 12 0 136 Motueka D.H.S. 72 9 5 Thomas A. Harris .. Frances Hughes Mabel Clara Gilbert Constance Davies .. A2 D3 E4 HM Mis. FP4 FP2 231 10 0 105 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 Gbade 9. 10 0 0 168 Denniston 477 18 1 33 15 0 197 6 11 Thomas J. Griffin .. Elizabeth Crowley .. Harry H. B. Allan .. Catherine E. Milligan Esther FlintoH Dl D3 HM Mis. AM FP3 FP1 237 16 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 Grade 10. 197 Eastern Division Infants'(with side school) 537 1 35 0 0 45 4 0 13 9 8 Elizabeth Leach .. Lucy H. Kitching .. Beatrice M. Kitching Julia Wright Edith F. Chisholm.. Kate V. Shirtlifi .. Janet Johnston James H. Harkness James F. Wilson .. Helen Galloway Louisa A. Moller .. Isabel O. Garth Annie M. L. Lewis.. Sophie B. Williams Frederick V. Knapp Jane A. Bond Amy F. Johnson .. Mary E. Kitching .. Ethel M. Dement .. J. 0. M. MaoKenzie El El E4 E4 HF AF AF AF FP3 FP1 FP1 HM AM Mis. AF FP5 FP3 FP3 HM AF AF AF FP4 FP5 160 0 0 120 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 257 12 0 155 0 0 115 0 0 84 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 251 6 0 135 0 0 105 0 0 85 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 35 0 0 Reefton D.H.S. 722 1 8l 50 0 6 29 13 9 Bl D2' E2* 242 E4 204 Toitoi Valley Girls' .. 663 12 5 35 0 0 46 9 3 23 0 9 Dl D2 C2 E2 35 0 0 Geade 11. D4 244 Boys' Central 889 3 4 40 0 0 70 13 0 42 14 2 15 0 0 Frederick G. Gibbs.. William F. Worley.. Margaret Hughes .. William Elgar Poole Edith J. Seldon .. Rudal Kidson Mrs. Rosa C. Scott.. Georgiana F. Sunley Mary Anne Dement Gwendoline Wright Eva E. Shone Mary Winifred Downe Ethel M. Phillips .. Hilda A. Trent Al Dl Dl D3 D4 HM AM AF AM AF MP3 HF AF AF AF FP3 FP2 FP1 FP2 800 0 0 195 0 0 150 0 0 120 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 170 0 0 125 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 Western Division Infants' (with side school) 621 1 71 40 0 0 61 7 0 24 4 91 El El E2 E4 40 0 0 265 Gbade 16. 505 Westport D.H.S. 1,320 6 4 10 0 0 105 5 0 101 7 0 Frederick Neve Edward B. B. Boswell Bernard R. Gapper Mary E. Virtue Annie Martin Bertha Black Gertrude E.Josephson Caroline Kelpe Bertha M. Josephson Emma F. Barton .. Ethel M. E. Falla .. Ellen Gallagher Bl D2 E3 E2 E2 B3 E3 E4 HM AM Mis. Mis. AF AF FP FP5 FP4 FP3 FP3 FP2 312 8 0 235 0 0 125 0 0 145 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 ixpenditure not chargeable to any particular schools 18,708 16 5 551 5 9 2 5 6 1,081 4 2 85 0 11 3,642 11 2 12 10 0 42 11 0 18,903 5 0 550 0 0


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.


Name of School. IV Teachers' \ Salaries. I Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buildings. Teachers* Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o V tp 2 O 0i A a — — o o o o — Sfl3 o Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. ° *%&%>; a o 9 "^£ 2 d ««-»«-. a £ g d dco <1 on cc a i. — a a "0'S " =o2|«| K=5 a u aj 5 V A u O <D <3 House Allowances Other and Pupil- Ordinary teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. Fu ™'' ure ' School Apparatus. Building,. Gbade 0. Moonlight Noble's No Town Red Jack's .. Teremakau .. Upper Moonlight £ s. d. 39 5 0 37 18 4 48 5 0 25 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7 2 6 3 0 0 5 4 9 3 8 6 3 19 3 0 0 £ s. d. 613 9 0 16 0 52 0 0 £ s. d. Dorothy Turner Minnie Moriarty .. Theresa Malone Margaret Fallon .. Margaret Corbett .. Mary W. Anderson.. F F F F F F £ s. d. 30 0 0 40 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. 6 8 5 4 9 3 Gbade 1. Barry town .. Duncan's Dunganville .. Greenstone .. Kotuku Marsden Moana Poerua Poerua Estate Swede's Mill .. Te Kinga Totara Flat .. Twelve-mile .. Westbrook 64 0 0 34 0 0 64 0 0 85 13 0 93 4 7 54 3 4 79 4 0 56 0 0 68 3 4 80 0 0 56 0 0 110 0 0 68 0 0 92 0 0 3 0 0 0 15 8 3 0 0 7 0 9 5 5 0 5 8 0 7 6 6 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 4 5 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 55 13 0 15 0 11 13 6 4 17 6 5 9 3 17 10 0 Jane Ryall Marie L. Manners .. Mary I. 0. Downing Johanna M. Dowling Isabella Barnett Christina McMillan Elizabeth M. Firmin Dinah Johnston Rachel M. Garland Theresa Tansey Mary Moriarty Thomas Thomas .. Catherine T. Kelly.. Johanna Crowley .. F F F F F F F F F F F H F F 64 0 0 82 16 0 64 0 0 86 8 0 90 0 0 56 0 0 86 8 0 56 0 0 68 0 0 80 0 0 68 0 0 110 0 0 68 0 0 92 0 0 10 18 12 18 15 7 19 9 10 .18 13 19 7 15 l"5 3 10 7 0 17 7 0 2 14 6 5 19 Dl 1)4 Gbade 2. Granville Ngahere 115 11 7 124 10 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 5 15 0 7 4 0 3 6 0 20 3 0 Maud Wilson Edith Owens F F 108 18 0 124 10 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 19 25 El Gbade 4. 243 0 0 20 0 0 7 19 30 19 10 Michael Malone Margaret L. Barnhill Albert H. Seebeck .. Isabella Moore Frances Mary Kemple Catherine M. Byrne Annie M. J. Crowley Sarah J. Bradshaw.. E3 HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. HF Mis. 163 0 0 80 0 0 164 0 0 80 0 0 147 10 0 80 0 0 147 10 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 Hatter's 48 Kokiri 238 12 6 20 0 0 13 16 11 218 7 0 D2 D4 El 20 0 0 53 Paroa 227 10 0 7 5 0 24 19 6 39 Stillwater' .. 223 4 3 22 10 0 11 9 1 9 15 2 Dl E2 20 0 0 40 Gkade 5.] 258 15 0 8 17 0 31 5 5 Ahaura Leonard F. de Berry Elizabeth Turnbull 08 El HM Mis. 173 15 0 85 0 0 55 Gbade 6. 298 15 0 30 0 0 10 7 9 24 13 8 4 10 0 30 0 0 Blackball Dobson 316 11 2 30 0 0 10 13 0 35 13 6 Arthur John Wiokes Elizabeth Griffiths.. Francis E. O'Flynn Grace Dixon 1)2 E4 .1)1 1)2 HM Mis. HM Mis. 203 15 0 95 0 0 193 15 0 95 0 0 30 0 0 83 00 Grade 7. 35 0 0 11 9 6 31 13 5 30 0 0 Cobden 373 9 2 Frank Pegler Jane Sotheran Leonard McGlashan 01 El HM Mis. MP1 218 12 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 110 Gbade 9. 531 11 5 58 12 9 Taylorville .. 35 0 0 49 1 1 Edward A. Scott .. Eliza J. Sweetman.. John Noble Florence Sheard .. Dorothy Dixon Dl E2 HM Mis. AM FP5 FP1 239 18 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 156 Gbade 15. Greymouth D.H.S. 1,179 7 4' 17 10 0 116 9 6 49 4 8! 16 13 6 Alan A. Adams William S. Austin .. Bessie Batohelor .. Christina Blair Wilhelmina Skoglund Edith A. Easson .. Agnes M. A. Weenink Charlotte Guthrie .. Emily C. Ziegler .. John Barnett Madge Scott John Sheard Dl Dl El Dl D2 E2 1)4 HM AM Mis. AF AF AF FP4 FP4 FP3 MP2 FP2 MP1 305 4 0 220 0 0 140 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 453 1)5 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 I '5,345 14 0 250 0 0 341 8 0 713 17 5 38 13 6 5,301 19 0 250 0 0


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for tin Year. Buili lings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d cj s Cd d 3 CD A *j oa •-< o a 2 _o.a .■Sec CO O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. *-< a--, d co o d m £ a ■2 S o m H * 5 oAA J,® g a- -».a!* S d c° .= a £ £ d mo *<1 on « a 1. h h -£ ©■£ CD d<| d 2 a"£ glsi'og aS-i* 1 -™ u d CO |X CD A -w ■-. O CD CJ> d < Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances and Pupilteachers' Lodging Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Awatuna Donoghue's .. Ferguson's( 2 ) Gillespie's Haast Karangarua Kokatahi, Upper Mahitahi Okarito Rangiriri Waikukupa Wataroa £ s. d. (i)36 0 0 35 6 0 8 6 8 40 0 0 15 0 0 25 0 0 34 10 8 30 0 0 35 0 0 35 17 7 20 0 0 14 1 2 £ p. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 35 0 0 35 0 0 £ s. . . 2 13 6j Isabella Gray Daisy A. Smith F F 0 15 9 ls"o 6 5 14 0; 3 0 O Mary Walsh Mary L. Harris Catherine Mcintosh Ruth O'Brien Mary E. Mulveny .. Anna Patrick Frances McArthur.. Henrietta C. Gibb .. Margaret McNicol .. F F F F F F ¥ ¥ ¥ 40 0 0 15 0 0 25 0 0 35 0 0 30 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 7 4 5 4 7 8 9 4 3 •" 118 9 3 8 3 314 0 2 15 0 Gbade 1. Blue Spur Bruce Bay Callaghan's Inter-Wanganui Kanieri Forks Kawhaka Koiterangi .. Kokatahi, Lower Kumara Junction Okuru Otira, Lower South Beach Waitangi ( s )77 17 0 76 0 0 76 0 0 56 0 0 60 5 4 56 0 0 80 0 0 (4)97 19 2 71 1 6 78 16 0 72 0 0 39 6 8 60 0 0 I 2 14 0 2 0 0 4 11 9 1 10 0 0 10 0 1 10 0 2 0 0 3 10 0 5 6 6 3 0 0 4 10 0 10 0 5 11 6 11 17 0 53 10 0 6 10 7 4 0 11 15 9 10 0 13 0 0 36 7 0 6 5 6 1 10 0 14 15 6 40 4 10 1 0 0 .Eleanor A. Simpson Arthur J. Saville .. Viotor H. L. Long .. Theresa M. Murphy Elizabeth T.W.Irwii, Mary E. Willetts .. Agnes S. Johnstone Maud MacKinnon .. Robert Harrison James Hutchinson.. Charlotte E. Evison Nora L. Wells Adelaide McNicol .. E4. E3 Lie. F IT H F F ¥ ¥ ¥ II H F F F 72 0 0 76 0 0 76 0 0 56 0 0 64 0 0 56 0 0 80 0 0 92 0 0 68 0 0 82 16 0 72 0 0 68 0 0 60 0 0 11 11 13 8 7 8 17 16 9 16 8 11 9 Gbade 2. Humphrey's Jackson 117 10 0 124 10 0 20 0 0 5 14 6 3 2 0 12 18 6 2 10 0 Wiihelmina S. Potts Ada J. Dwyer 1)4 1)4 F F 117 10 0 124 10 0 2o"o 0 19 19 Gea-de 3. Goldsborough Kanieri .. 144 3 4 5 )150 15 0 5 12 3 4 2 0 32 5 6 3 13 7 Margaret A. Wilson Mary J. Potts D2 Dl F F 142 0 0 139 0 0 34 29 Gbade 4. 239 0 0 8 4 9 17 18 5 John J. Henderson Margaret Henderson Henry J. Ryde Amanda Gardiner .. 159 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 80 0 0 Arahura Road Dl HM Mis. HM Mis. 44 Stafford 237 17 6 6 19 0 24 4 0 D2 E5 41 Grade 5. 270 12 6 10 16 0 62 17 8 William Winchester Mrs. Mary E. Osmers CI E2 HM Mis. 185 0 0 85 0 0 Robs 65 Grade 6. 290 0 0 11 2 6 41 18 3 William D. Mackay Mrs. Ida O. Mackay Dl El 195 0 0 95 0 0 Woodstock .. • .. HM Mis. 65 Grade 10. 708 19 11 (22 17 6 (510 98 14 7 4 11 6 1 ) George K. Sinclair James W. Mcllrath Amy F. Jamieson .. Elizabeth M. Stark Metta Seebeck Daisy Bell Hugh G. Wake Henry Williams Esther Ward Marguerite D. Moore Lucy Michel Laura Martyn Dl 02 E3 E3 Lie. 254 12 0 155 0 0 115 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 257 18 0 155 0 0 115 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 HM AF Mis. AF AF FP1 HM AM Mis. AF FP4 FP3 200 Kumara .. 1 Dillman's (side) j 87 8 8 Bl Dl Dl E3 Hokitika D.H.S. 22! 697 17 0 5 0 0 29 8 7 Expenditure not chargeable to any particular schools 5 0 0 24 0 0 118 19 5 748 7 8 4,209 6 0 25 0 0 4,211 13 0 25 0 0 180 16 7! (I) Includes £1, rent of : (4) Includes £% rent of residi residence, r. ,ence, handei landed to teacher. 1 to teacher. ( 5 ) Ini (2) Closed 31st October, iludes £11 15s., rent of rei (3) Includes £5 17s lidence, handed to teachi i., rent of re ar. lidence, handed to teacher


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


Name of School. [aintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buil lings. Teaohers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d o cB "ff; d 3 CD A a a •m o a 2 o.a .« o Son CO O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. -a 5P® <*-< a ■-. d en O d 6C-£ <a . a g d a> o < on en a i* ~A o °'u ° a^oaSg rt a) +j o3 w » <xga°d^ u d CO I* CD A +j O *w CD CO a CD > Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances and Pupilteachers' Lodging Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Gbade 0. Clarence Flea Bay; 1 ) .. KaitunaP) Okuti Valley(') £ s. d. 17 5 9 20 8 4 40 0 0 40 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4 4 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 56 0 0 35 0 0 64 0 0 64 0 0 £ s. d. 25 0 4 17 6 l"6 0 Peter G. MacFarlane Kate K. White Anne E.Alexander.. Helena J. Hayes .. 1)4 H F F F 10 7 10 10 Gbade 1. Anamap) Awaroa(l) Aylesbury Belfast (side).. Big Bay(i) .. Broomfield .. Burnham Culverdenf 1 ) .. Dorie Ealing Eskvalef 1 ) Glenroy Greenstreet .. Greta Valley.. Hanmer Homebush .. Horsley Downs (*) Hundalee( x ) .. Hurunui Kyle Leamington P) Lismore Lowcliffe Mandeville Plains Marawitif 1 ) .. Mount Grey Downs Newland Okuku(!) Pigeon Bay (main) Pigeon Bay (side) Port Hills .. Port Levy Rakaia, Little Robinson's Bay Rokeby Russell's Flat Scargill(i) .. Seafield Selwyn South Malvern Stoke Summerhill .. Teddington .. Waiau Ferry(r) Wakanui (side) Woodstock .. 86 8 0 81 4 6 96 0 0 84 0 0 60 0 0 109 11 8 73 10 3 84 0 0 96 0 0 84 0 0 64 0 0 96 0 0 92 0 0 92 15 11 100 0 0 79 0 10 72 0 0 116 7 8 68 0 0 76 5 0 73 2 9 88 19 9 97 9 2 74 0 0 64 0 0 100 0 0 68 0 0 72 12 10 91 4 4 96 0 0 62 13 6 56 0 0 100 0 0 56 0 0 72 17 4 85 7 8 21 0 0 64 0 0 96 0 0 92 0 0 80 0 0 72 16 7 68 0 0 40 9 8 73 11 0 76 0 0 8 17 6 8 5 11 15 0 11 12 0 0 2 15 0 13 19 4 10 16 0 9 15 0 12 12 6 11 17 6 5 12 6 17 6 3 10 15 0 14 12 3 12 10 0 11 15 11 7 2 6 9 2 6 11 16 0 12 12 10 8 7 9 14 14 4 15 15 8 12 6 10 3 3 9 14 16 8 10 17 6 6 11 0 14 5 0 14 3 8 4 4 2 8 17 6 13 0 0 7 18 6 12 17 8 11 17 6 5 19 4 10 2 6 12 17 6 14 6 2 12 2 6 10 2 6 10 5 0 2 7 10 9 17 6 12 0 0 3 17 9 o'io 6 o"5 6 16 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 7 10 9 0 2 9 2016 6 7 16 40 6 13"o 0 Mary Wills Elizabeth E. Rankin Emma E. Thompson Richard P. Pole .. Abraham Scholes .. Selina H. Boyd Dora C. Hempleman Lucy Chapman Hannah M. Pattrick Minnie M. McKeage Mary F. Hoggim .. William J. Sloane .. Charlotte J. Hill .. Fanny A. Webb Irene M. Hare Jessie H. McKinnon Alice Buxton Caroline Sloan C. E. Cossgrove Annie G. McDonald W. W. C. Cossgrove( 2 ) Edward Smith Mary E. Cook Lilian E. Bussell .. Alice M. Parkin Christina Armstrong Edith M. Lawrence Ada M. MoDuff .. Margaret A. Guiney Ethel Sorenson Elizabeth B. Steeds Ruth M. Barker .. Emily Sloan William N.Taylor.. Madeline Napper( a ) Mary A. Turnbull .. John Maddison Thomas Mulligan .. Amy J. Christian .. Annie W. Riordan .. Ulia A. M. Brookes Anne E. Mackay .. Alice Wright Jane Barlow Ada M. Clothier .. Edith R. Comer E4 E2 E3 D2 E2 D4 D2 D3 D3 D3 D4 D2 E4 F F F H H F F F F F F H F F F F F F F F H H F F F F F F F F F F F H F F H H F F F F F F F F 86 8 0 80 0 0 96 0 0 84 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 72 0 0 84 0 0 96 0 0 84 0 0 64 0 0 96 0 0 92 0 0 96 0 0 114 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 100 0 0 68 0 0 76 0 0 80 0 0 93 3 0 90 0 0 80 0 0 64 0 0 100 0 0 68 0 0 72 0 0 92 0 0 96 0 0 64 0 0 56 0 0 100 0 0 56 0 0 76 0 0 76 0 0 88 0 0 64 0 0 96 0 0 92 0 0 80 0 0 76 0 0 68 0 0 60 0 0 76 0 0 76 0 0 16 17 24 16 11 1.8 11 19 15 15 10 19 12 20 25 1-1 14 10 14 13 12 22 21 20 11 20 13 11 19 21 13 10 16 8 14 14 17 12 17 21 10 11 12 10 11 18 7 0 11 3 10 6 10 4 E3 D5 E5 E3 D3 314 6 2 11 5 E3 D3* 1S"4 9 D4 E3 El D3 D3 D4 1015 6 2 19 10 014 8 E5 D4 Gbade 2. Ashburton Forks Ashton Balcairn Barrhill Barry's Bay .. Broadfield Bushside Charing Cross Courtenay Domett Duvauchelle's Bay Eiffelton Elgin Ellesmere Fairton Flaxton (side) Flemington .. French Farm German Bay.. Governor's Bay 115 0 0 131 10 0 117 10 0 136 15 0 121 0 0 117 10 0 135 0 0 103 10 0 107 6 7 115 0 0 103 10 0 115 0 0 108 10 2 129 7 6 115 5 10 99 9 0 117 10 0 121 0 0 124 10 0 124 10 0 20 0 0 12 19 1 17 17 4 17 1 10 17 9 11 15 4 11 15 9 9 18 6 9 13 15 0 14 14 11 17 10 4 14 4 7 15 3 0 14 13 9 19 16 10 15 10 0 15 6 2 16 7 9 15 12 5 16 13 1 17 6 2 1*9 3 18 13 0 81 16 3 2 10 3 5*6 1 Kate Doherty Thomas S. Mitchell William Berry May Sayers Jessie Wilson (iii.) .. Mary C. Barak William H. Moses .. Martha J. Morland.. Janet Campbell William H. Pike .. Ellen Smith Janet McGallan Edith M. Leversedge Percy Revell John Campbell (iv.) Catherine Kealy( 2 ) .. Robert S. Pearson .. Matilda Bell Caroline V. Anderson George W. E. Budd E3 E2 D2 D4 D3 E2 D2 D5 El D3 E3 D3 D3 D3 D4 F H H F F F II F F H F F F H H F H F F H 115 0 0 131 10 0 117 10 0 131 10 0 117 10 0 117 10 0 135 0 0 103 10 0 110 10 0 115 0 0 103 10 0 115 0 0 110 10 0 143 0 0 135 0 0 99 9 0 117 10 0 121 0- 0 124 10 0 124 10 0 20 0 0 14 28 24 29 22 21 30 18 20 27 18 22 I!) 35 80 25 24 23 26 28 20' 0 0 15 0 0 3 4 11 5 19 0 2o"o 0 20 0 0 1**7 0 D3 E2 D3 E3 Aided. Tern] irar;


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


nort: CANT ' — com Mnued. Name of School. iaintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buildings. TeacherB' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o «B o ja n ■a 3 CD A .- o .-Son CO O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. 3-S jj •*-• P -rj. d n O oS Mq* d ,- dJO» M d p ££ a S g * mo < osi cc a h skills a S~ *'2,t> d at © A U o <D Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances and Pupilteachers' Lodging Allowances Other Ordinary Expenditure. Furniture, Sohool Apparatus. Buildings. " Gbade 2— continued. Greendale (side) Huntingdon Kaiapoi Island Kimberley Kirikiri Lauriston Little Akaloa (main) .. Little Akaloa (side) Little River (side) Lyndhurst Medbury Midland Railway(') .. Omihi(!) Overdale Port Robinson Riverside Rolleston Rotherham £ s. d. 110 16 6 104 6 6 115 0 0 128 0 0 136 9 9 121 0 0 104 10 0 103 10 0 121 0 0 103 10 0 131 10 0 118 3 11 102 15 11 115 0 0 107 0 0 124 10 0 137 10 0 114 0 0 99 12 0 109 12 6 96 6 0 124 10 0 103 10 0 124 10 0 128 0 0 107 0 0 121 0 0 128 0 0 £ s. d. 15 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. 14 13 1 14 9 4 15 8 8 18 12 6 16 9 3 15 8 8 13 17 6 15 0 6 15 4 3 13 0 0 16 14 11 14 13 6 11 8 6 15 16 7 14 11 5 17 1 2 20 11 10 16 16 9 15 12 5 17 13 1 16 4 1 16 7 5 15 3 1 15 8 8 17 3 0 15 14 4 15 4 4 17 0 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 114 0 0 107 0 0 115 0 0 128 0 0 121 0 0 121 0 0 114 0 0 103 10 0 121 0 0 103 10 0 131 10 0 124 10 0 107 0 0 115 0 0 107 0 0 124 10 0 147 0 0 114 0 0 96 6 0 121 0 0 96 6 0 121 0 0 103 10 0 124 10 0 128 0 0 107 0 0 121 0 0 128 0 0 £ s. d. 20 0' 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 9 7 9 1 13 8 11 7 3 1 8 10 15 0 0 Charlotte J.Ladbrooke Edith A. Bell John McGillivray .. James Stewart M. M. Callaghan .. Robert Mounsey Elizabeth D. Kilmer Agnes Duncan Elizabeth A. Wallace George W. Aldridge Flora Lezard J. B. I. Campbell .. Jane E. Maxwell .. Jessie Fechney Henry J. Chapman Isabella Irwin B. O'Shaughnessy .. William Dickie Emily M. Mclnman Mary Wilkinson Rosa M. Metherell .. Georgina Roberts .. Matilda E. Harvey Sarah M. Craig Elizabeth Rosewarne Isabella Webster .. John Cook Alice J. N. Forsyth D3 D4 D3 E2 D3 D3 D3 D2 E3 D3 E4 D2 E4 D2 D3 D4 D2 D2 F F H H F II F F F H F II F F 11 F II H F F F F F F F F II F 20"0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 22 19 21 30 24 23 17 24 23 10 26 25 20 22 21 24 37 28 22 27 23 24 22 21 24 24 21 30 19 8 8 18 6 8 15 8 5 15 9 0 16 11 20"0 0 20 0 0 017 0 Ruapuna Saltwater Creek Sedgemere The Peaks View Hill Wainui Wakanui (main) Weedon Westerfield Winohmore 2 13 8 147 17 5 E2 20 0 0 55 11 4 17 12 2 2 11 0 1 10 3 2 18 6 E2 D3 D2 D3 D3 D3 D2 20"o 0 18"6 8 2o"o 0 Gbade 3. Alford Forest Greendale (main) Halkett Hinds 139 0 0 164 2 8 141 12 8 24.4 5 5 18 14 3 19 10 3 18 14 4 22 18 9 23 18 0 7 15 0 5 0 6 Alfred I. Gillman .. Charles J. Morland William G. Maber .. James G. Sheldon .. Jane Howie Selina M. Warnock Lancelot Watson .. Harriet Savill H. A. W. Gillman .. John S. Dalby Jessie M. D. Picken Matthew J. Kerr .. Thomas E. Tomlinson Joseph Watson John Brown E3 D3 E2 E2 H H H HM Mis. F H F H H F H H H H 139 0 0 145 0 0 141 0 0 166 5 0 80 0 0 137 0 0 153 0 0 137 0 0 153 0 0 139 0 0 138 0 0 149 0 0 139 0 0 145 0 0 147 0 0 32 33 31 41 Killinchy Kirwee Kowai Bush Le Bon's Bay Loburn North Mason's Flat Mount Somer8 Waikuku Willowby Winslow 137 0 0 153 0 0 139 15 0 153 18 2 139 0 0 133 10 0 149 0 0 139 0 0 145 0 0 147 0 0 19 11 1 19 5 6 16 3 9 20 18 5 18 14 3 17 0 7 21 9 2 20 13 8 18 19 3 • 19 13 1 2 3 10 D2 D2 Dl D4 D2 D3 D2 02 E2 D2 33 31 26 35 31 25 36 39 30 35 0 17 0 29 4 2 1 15 0 Gbade 4. 240 0 0 23 8 9 James Dawe Emma E. Hewitt .. Thomas Douds Mabel V. Tayler .. Janet Dick Elizabeth Charles .. Lilian Smithy) Charles W. Withell Alice G. Noall Alfred C. Maxwell .. Catherine J. Breeze Arthur Hunnibell .. Florence Pearson .. Charles Bourke Mary L. Tomson( 2 ) Richard H. Ferguson Mabel F. Loekwood George Whitelaw .. Dorothy Manifold .. Robert Stout Eleanor Isherwood George Quartermain Lilian C. Hannam .. Joseph W. A. Walker Dora S. Walker 160 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 146 0 0 80 0 0 146 0 0 158 0 0 80 0 0 158 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 162 0 0 80 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 162 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 47 Annat Brookside Oarleton Chertsey Darfield D.H.S. Dromore Eyreton 241 0 0 212 13 4 215 3 4 237 2 9 236 7 5 231 5 0 23 0 0 22 11 5 22 2 0 27 16 10 21 18 6 23 6 0 40 3 3 0 10 3 73 15 11 4 11 1 Bl E4 D2 D4 E2 E4 D5 D2 E5 D2 D5 D2 D4 D2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HF Mis. F HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 44 37 36 57 40 42 49 Eyreton West 241 0 0 24 5 0 18 0 Fernside Greenpark 242 0 0 239 0 0 23 18 10 22 15 0 2 2 0 D2 D3 D2 D4 D3 42 42 Highbank 242 0 0 24 19 2 205 12 5 48 Hororata 236 0 0 21 11 3 D2 D4 D2 D2 41 42 Irwell 240 0 0 23 1 8 (1) Aided. (2) Te mporary.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


NORTH OA: iontinue, Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. BuiL Lings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d o CD ''}. 5 Q A OA — c a 2 oA ■ - c; .15 cO O to Annual Salary at ttie Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. a.a+?£ h g t" 2 d «*.-"*. 55 a £ a, d 6oo -t1 o -i w a u I o ®'u ® l d <J d g a t ! 8, S»S§'o3 S? a Si £3,4 is House Allowances Teachers' and PupilSalaries, teachers' Lodging Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Gbade 4— continued. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Lakeside 261 5 2 23 15 0 6 9 9 Joseph Jaoksonl 1 ) .. Alice E. Mcllraith.. George Anderson .. Mary Edkins Herbert H. Allison Lucy Manifold Arthur Cooper Maude L. Hight .. Thomas E. Cutler .. Grace M. Wraight.. Walter Thomas Caroline McLean .. John G. Poison Dora Nicholls George F. Allen Rosaline Anderson.. Thomas M. Marr .. Edith F. H. Rogers Benjamin Penlington Fanny Butterick .. David Arnott Helena M. Taylor .. Frederick H. Bowler Annie E. Oxby D3 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 161 0 0 80 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 163 0 0 80 0 0 162 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 163 0 0 80 0 0 158 0 0 80 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 163 0 0 80 0 0 48 Leithfield Loburn Mayfield 239 0 0 244 16 6 241 0 0 22 14 3 22 15 0 22 18 9 D2 D4 D2 D4 D2 D3 D3 D4 D3 D4 D3 89 41 44 Motukarara 243 0 0 24 2 1 1 18 11 44 O'Kain's Bay 242 0 0 23 1 10 45 Spotswood 227 7 6 23 12 8 127 18 5 44 Springston South Waiau West Melton 241 0 0 243 0 0 238 0 0 19 8 10 23 8 6 23 15 0 21 1 10 401 12 4 276 6 5 57 3 9 D3 E4 D2 D5 D2 E3 D3 D3 D2 D2 45 47 38 Woodside 240 10 8 22 17 6 0 10 9 44 Yaldhurst 242 15 7 23 10 11 1 0 0 43 Grade 5. 170 10 11 30 0 0 26 15 0 145 0 0 30 0 0 166 5 0 85 0 0 176 5 0 85 0 0 173 15 0 85 0 0 178 15 0 80 0 0 183 15 0 85 0 0 190 0 0 85 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 172 10 0 85 0 0 181 5 0 85 0 0 177 10 0 85 0 0 168 15 0 85 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 175 0 0 85 0 0 30 0 0 60 Ashburton (side) Ashley Bromley Clarkville Gust Doyleston Dunsandel Flaxton (main) 251 5 0 261 5 0 258 15 0 260 0 0 268 15 0 284 7 9 271 6 6 23 18 9 25 0 0 26 1 3 26 7 3 27 2 6 28 10 0 25 5 0 8 2 11 19 3 0 14 Susannah M. Burr.. Minnie F. Baker .. Henry A. Grant Mabel E. Off wood .. Henry R. Wilkinson Lily Gilmour William H. Herbert Fanny C. Hiatt Henry Henderson .. Grace E. Wilson .. Trevethan Burns .. Evelyn M. Wilkinson Thomas Irvine Margaret E. Simpson Henry Bussell Kate M. Bussell .. James E. Glanville Agnes Menzies Karl Kippenberger.. Bessie E. Bowden .. Arthur Cookson Sophia Haughton .. John Watson Jane Whitta Samuel Baird Catherine 0. Peppier Thomas Stout C. A. McMeekan .. D2 D2 D4 D3 D3 A2 D2 El Dl D3 D2 El E2 D4 D2 03 C2 D4 Dl Dl D2 D5 D2 E4 Dl E3 F FP2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 49 52 57 54 63 69 50 Kowai Pass 257 10 0 25 10 5 89 1 10 51 Ladbrooke's 266 5 0 28 13 9 66 Lincoln D.H.S. 260 17 0 26 16 3 5 13 1 58 Longbeach 253 15 0 25 9 9 2 0 6 51 Springburn 255 0 0 24 6 3 16 3 47 Waikari 260 0 0 26 10 0 100 0 0 60 Gbade 6. 32 11 3 George Davidson .. Mary L. Spence Frank Benjamin .. Alice Stanley Alfred 0. Bowbyes .. Bertha D. Norris .. George Gilling M. J. Leversedge .. William Balch Margaret Hunter (ii.) Thomas L. P. Pole . Elizabeth Steele .. Johanna L. Hight .. Andrew Malcolm .. Gertrude Chapman 211 5 0 95 0 0 191 5 0 95 0 0 192 10 0 85 10 0 193 15 0 95 0 0 211 5 0 95 0 0 211 5 0 95 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 95 0 0 78 Burwood 306 5 0 23 4 4 Dl E2 D3 1)4 1)2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis HM Mis. FP3 HM Mis. Glentunnel 304 5 10 29 3 6 3 14 0 68 Kaikoura Suburban .. 303 12 4 27 12 3 0 7 6 61 Little River (main) Mackenzie 288 15 0 308 15 0 29 1 3 35 7 6 6 3 4 D2 D2 C2 E4 D2 D4 67 96 Malvern 339 18 2 4 7 3 5 15 9 87 Marshland .. ■ 295 0 0 30 11 6 2 17 9 El D3 71 t 1 . Tern; lorar;


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


NORTH iontinue. Name of School. !aintena'ice. Expenditure for the Year. Buili lings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d CD cc CO d 3 CD A OA ■-H O oA Sen Ui O P-l Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. =w a.-1 c3 co O d M-j cj a- J a c3 9 ® g ZAA a« a a. -Bjafx " d co^>^^ a s % d mo ° A m a d3 d 2, zt <j gKS'd^ w a™ to u d CD CD n u o CD OS d CD Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances and Pupilteachers' Lodging Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Gbade 6— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. )xford West 303 15 0 33 10 0 4 2 6 James Harbidge Helen Craighead .. Hugh F. Thomson.. Grace Brown Samuel McCullough Henrietta Kime John McLeod (iii.).. Amy H. Budden Johann Voss Mary W. Rutledge.. David Sinclair Kate S. Woodford .. D2 D2 D2 1)3 Dl 1)3 01 1)2 1)1 D3 E2 E3 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 208 15 0 95 0 0 207 10 0 95 0 0 195 0 0 95 0 0 200 0 0 95 0 0 201 5 0 95 0 0 205 0 0 95 0 0 84 lefton 309 6 5 32 17 6 78 Springston 290 0 0 29 2 6 65 lumner 295 0 0 29 13 9 71 ?ai Tapu 296 5 0 32 0 0 21 19 10 78 'empleton 300 0 0 32 8 9 84 Gbaee 7. 381 19 9 157 13 10 Alfred Nicholls Emilie Wallace Katherine Bruce .. Frederick J. Alley .. Edith E. F. Stanton Bertha F. Rogers .. Samuel P. Guiney .. Ida Lezard Annie Smith Richard J. Twose .. Maria Douds Charlotte Wardlef 1 ) William Stout Ida L. G. Gardner .. Mary Weir Andrew Dunnett .. Kitty Menzies Catherine Finlayson John Anderson Alice J. Cook Allison L. Aitken .. James Gillanders .. Eliza M. Willis .. Sarah A. Briden Arthur Bramley Mary A. Cradock .. Thomas Atkinson .. Sarah E. Smith Fanny E. Morrow .. Lilian M. Hodgson James B. Borthwick Emma W. Hewinson Gertrude Thwaites George Culverhouse R. Bonnington Mysie Campbell James Sutherland .. Jeannie B. Menzies Samuel Chambers .. 113 ikaroa D.H.S. imberley D.H.S. lalswell larewood Road leathcote Valley lornby jeeston 367 15 4 336 19 4 362 10 0 358 19 4 367 8 0 357 8 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 40 15 6 42 0 0 34 17 5 40 11 3 37 14 11 41 8 6 36 8 9 10 9 4 88 3 0 5 8 8 23 4 4 10 6 4 0 6 Dl E3 01 E2 D2 D2 Dl E3 D3 Dl E2 El D3 ci E2 HM Mis. FP3 HM Mis. FP4 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. AF HM Mis. FP3 HM Mis. FP5 HM Mis. FP3 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. MP1 HF AF FP3 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. MP1 222 4 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 218 12 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 215 6 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 222 10 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 219 16 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 223 8 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 217 8 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 215 12 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 219 16 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 150 0 0 85 0 0 40 0 0 222 4 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 220 14 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 221 6 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 116 91 115 99 114 96 lethven 328 10 4 36 2 6 8 5 0 D2 E2 5 0 0 99 'rebbleton 338 2 8 9 3 4 39 12 6 9 17 7 D2 D3 109 St. Albans (side) 261 18 4 30 0 0 40 1 3 El E3 10 0 0 30 0 0 116 iouthbrook .. 344 14 0 40 6 0 Dl D3 5 0 0 115 Hnwald 340 14 0 36 0 0 CI D3 95 Voodend 330 9 4 39 3 9 8 19 6 Bl D2 109 Gbade 8. 128 Caikoura Town D.H.S. louthbridge D.H.S. .. 411 2 0 417 8 0 44 12 1 51 18 7 0 7 6 William M. West .. J. G. MoLauchlan.. Mabel J. McLauohlan Thomas A. Gates (i.) Elizabeth Taylor .. Elizabeth Tulloch .. Fredk. W. Hunnibell Mary M. Stephens .. Sarah A. McGorman C2 E2 D3 Dl D2 D3 Dl E2 D3 HM Mis. AF HM Mis. AF HM Mis. AF 226 2 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 232 8 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 232 2 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 151 Ipreydon 417 18 8 0 16 8i 48 12 9 76 18 2 149 Gbade 9. 513 3 4 35 0 0 52 2 0 88 2 0 35 0 0 164 jyttelton West John W. McGregor Blanche Joyce Clara I. Pavittp) .. Ruth Wilson Natalie Cole CI D3 E4 HM Mis. AF FP4 FP2 240 4 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 (1) Receives additional £40 per annum from Headmaster according to special arrangement authorised by Department. (2) Temporary.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.


NORTH OANTE: ,BU ' — continue. Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buil lings. Teaohers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a _o d 9 CO d 5 CD A oa •a o o.a ■13 " *cn o to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. r- d , w « ch -to a s j d mo n < on co a u o -aoS'S" ■" d < d g a t 8> a co a_, * : ceo ag.-agSo. £ K,s=; ft | < House Allowances \ Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' j ExpeudiLodging ture. Allowances. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Grade 9 — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Oxford East D.H.S. .. Papanui Rakaia South 504 1 5 522 14 4 469 19 4 15 0 0 10 0 0 51 6 2 56 6 0 0 16 5 14 0 Robert B. Ryder .. Margaret Buohanan Olive M. Meddins .. Mary J. Charles Priscilla Dyson Charles W. Garrard Mary Duncan Adele Hodgson Annie E. Veitch H. L. Maindonald .. George H. White .. Annie Ansley Edith R. E. Corsbie Fanny Osborne Annie McLean Henry English Kate Wilkinson Fanny Sheard IsabelF. Jones Sidney R.O'Callagbaii CI D2 D5 Bl 1)2 D3 01 D2 E4 HM Mis. AF FP4 FP2 HM Mis. AF FP4 FP2 HM Mis. AF FP2 FP1 HM Mis. AF FP4 MP2 236 12 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 247 14 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 233 6 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 236 6 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 148 185 140 48 9 0 10 3 3 504 12 8 48 10 6 5 10 0 10 0 0 146 Riccarton 5 0 o! El C2 C4 Gbade 10. 5 0 0 245 * Belfast (main) 650 8 3 10 0 0 83 2 6! 5 5 0 William D. Bean .. Edith E. Ryan Rose M. Smith Jessie P. Greenup .. Isabella J. Low David Adamson Samuel Bullock Catherine M. Tulley Florence Durose Colonel F. Pratt .. Edith M. Thornton Ruth E. Perham .. George W, Bishop .. Dora B. Ormandy .. Edith M. Brown .. Ethel Townsendp).. Ivy A. Foster Martha McKinney.. Sarah L. Robinson Emily H. Glanville Julia Gilling Florence E. Kent .. Nellie Gibbs Ira Malcolm Doris Jameson CI E2 C3 D4 HM Mis. AF AF FP5 MP2 HM Mis. AF AM FP2 FP1 HM Mis. AF AF FP2 FP2 HF AF AF FP2 FP2 FP1 FP1 256 2 0 125 0 0 115 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 249 16 0 125 0 0 115 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 258 16 0 125 0 0 115 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 160 0 0 120 0 0 85 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 Fendalton 10 0 0 198 608 19 4 6 13 4 59 10 0 177 5 6 Dl E2 D2 D4 New Brighton 10 0 0 235 637 19 4 67 15 6 554 4 5 31 0 0 D2 E2 E3 E2 Phillips-town.. 465 0 35 0 0 64 3 0 Dl D2 E3 35 0 0 226 Gbade 11. 264 Opawa 736 12 7 13 15 0 72 13 0 16 16 3 George Petrie Charlotte M. Banks Margaret P. Morrison David M. Shirlaw .. Mabel E. Osborn .. David J. Seott William Sherwood.. CI D2 D2 B3 D5 HM Mis. AF AM FP4 MP3 MP1 263 18 0 135 0 0 120 0 0 90 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 259 Gbade 12. Hampstead 823 0 81 19 3 4 73 3 3 36 4 1 William Brock Lucy Fawcett Walter C. Colee .. Catherine Porter .. Elizabeth McKee .. Thomas G. Stephens Mildred G. Morland Lily C. Williams .. Thomas W. Ambrose Kate E. Bayley Sidney G. Smith .. Mary Taylor (i.) Elizabeth Bissett .. Lily A. 0. Rogers .. Bessie Lace George B. Hickman CI D2 C3 E4 D3 HM Mis. AM AF AF MP2 FP1 FP1 HM Mis. AM AF AF FP3 FP2 MP1 272 4 0 125 0 0 185 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 379 0 0 125 0 0 185 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 Rangiora 868 12 0 9 3 4 77 11 8 28 8 0 B2 E2 D2 El 10 0 0 10 0 0 296 Gbade 13. 10 0 ol 341 Ashburton (mam) 1,010 14 8 87 0 0 52 17 8| Charles D. Hardie .. Effie Willis Bl El* HM Mi«. 284 12 0 130 0 0 (1) Temporary.


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.

6-B. 1.


NORTH CAN — con, Unite, Name of School. .aintena'ice. Expenditure for t' Year. Buil. lings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d CD SB "co d 5 CD ,g OA •rH O oA S a .■Sen CO O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. «a-2 u '*-' ? 'a- d co O d 6JK» cs . .*. m J a a, ° a o a- 4= ax a & £ d 6co <on m B d g Bt g.SS'ol g«U tsoaa K£5(J d o CD A u o <w CJ cc d u 0 > Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances Other and Pupil- Ordinary teachers' ExpondiLodging ture. Allowances. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Gbade 13— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. L shburton (main) — ctd. John E. Purchase .. Hannah Curd Frederick A. Silcock Mabel Trezise Muriel A. Bell May Sealey Harold Revell 1)3 D2 D5 D3 AM AF AM AF FP4 FP3 MP2 195* 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 Gbade 14. D.H.S 1,090 18 11 10 0 0 103 14 5 229 15 6 Robert J. Alexander Annie J. Menzies .. Michael Lynskey .. Charlotte E.Blackwell Harry Oram Annie Ritchie Louis G. Whitehead Annie Lynskey May F. Arnott Owen Feldwick Dl Dl Dl D8 D4 D3 HM Mis. AM AF AM AF MP4 FP2 FP1 MP1 299 8 0 135 0 0 205 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 403 Gbade 15. 10 0 0 William N. Seay .. Mary S. Shirtcliffe.. Hans Kennedy Elizabeth Beck Wilfred W. Garton Arabella Dynes Ella Armstrong Annie G. McGetrick Elsie M. Ormandy .. Lucy B. Luxton .. Elsie M. Horrell .. Emile U. Just Mary E. Olliver Francis T. Evans .. Jeannie Menzies David Jack Helen M. Kent Nellie G. Williams Elizabeth A. Wood Alice F. Morgan .. Lily M. Wood Henrietta E. Dyer.. James B. Mayne .. Martha Douds Charles Hall Grace Lawrence Thomas A. Gates (ii.) Mabel M. Newman Alice L. Partridge.. Robert H. Florance Helen A. Horrell .. Gladys M. Marshall Oscar Perham Thomas Hughes Annie D. King John J. Adams Catherine A. Bower Isaac E. Newton .. Jeanie Reese Mabel S. M. J. Wills John Peacock Fredk. S. H. Warner Lily M. Hewitt Ada M. Allen Archibald Binnie .. Anne E. Barker William A. Kennedy Mahala C. Mills .. Henry G. Denham.. Eliza J. Ritchie Emily 0. Sinclair .. Jane E wart Florence Williams.. Saml. G. Macfarlane Cora Andrews Dl E2 D2 D2 D5 D2 E3 HM Mis. AM AF AM AF AF FP4 FP3 FP3 FP1 HM Mis. AM AF AM AF AF FP4 FP1 FP1 FP1 HM Mis. AM AF AM AF AF MP3 FP2 FP2 MP1 HM Mis. AM AF AM AF AF MP4 MP3 FP3 FP2 HM Mis. AM AF AM AF AF FP4 FP4 MP1 FP1 300 16 0 140 0 0 220 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 300 12 0 140 0 0 220 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 300 8 0 140 0 0 220 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 ioo o o: 80 0 0 40 0 0' 30 0 0 30 0 o! 20 0 Oi 305 4 0 ! 140 0 0 220 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 307 4 0 140 0 0 220 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 L ddington ... 1,234 19 9 59 8 4| 103 7 6 3 9 6| 43 jytteiton D.H.S. 10 0 0 1,184 10 4 5 0 0 101 1 6: 166 16 10 Dl D2 CI E2 B2 D5 D5 416 ,t. Albans (main) 1,191 3 6 19 11 8 105 6 0 383 10 71 Bl D2 C2 D2 D3 D3 D5 10 0 0 431 Valtham 10 0 0 10 0 0 1,223 19 10 110 3 0 362 2 3 Bl El B2 D2 B3 D2 D3 464 /oolston CI El C2 B2 C3 D2 D4 432 .1,203 13 7 108 2 4 197 11 10


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


NORTH CANTERBURY-, mtinued. Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. d .2 O <a 'to HI a 5 CD A OA •« o 32 oA Stn o to Annual Salary at the Kate paid during the hast Month of Year, S J o d |x g<£ Ul +3 +j lt __ l £, fe SJ d MO n <3 o _d m a *- ' O ■-hS O ® *** <3<5 o3 2 pf£ ffi 5f gg=|S<5. i5 House Allowances j Other Teachers' and Pupil- j Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. I B 1it^ g H *«,. Fur ° i * ure ' School Apparatus. | Buildings. Gbade 17. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d.J £ s. d, £ s. d £ s. d. £ s. d. Richmond • • 1,397 15 0 9 3 4 125 0 6 15 1 2 323 8 0 150 0 0 235 0 0 128 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 Charles S. Howard.. Annie W. Spence .. George Schneider .. Elizabeth J.McGregor Norman W. Pavitt.. Alice E. Osborn Marian J. Sorensen Kate E. Newton .. Jane Cardwell Charles W. Allard .. Grace I. Isherwood Clara J. Firth Nellie M. Vallance Dl Dl CI E2 D3 C3 D3 D3 HM Mis. AM AF AM AF AF AF FP3 MP3 FP3 FP2 FP1 526 Gbade 22. 10 0 0 ormal School 1,828 13 1 224 9 9 100 14 6 • Chris. T. Aschman.. Eliza Kitchingman Arnold W. Shrimpton Julia W. Bullock .. Jane M. H. Meadows Alfred S. Taylor .. Robert Ellen Grand Mabel Smith Ruth J. Hodgson .. Cherry L. Pattriok.. Ellen Groganf 1 ) Amy J. Alleyf 1 ) John R. Sinclair .. 01 CI A2 El D2 B2 E2 D2 D2 D4 D3 D3 E3 CI HM Mis. AM AF AF AM AM AF AF AF AF AF AF H 290 0 0 195 0 0 165 0 0 151 5 0 125 0 0 125 0 0 125 0 0 95 0 0 96 5 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 742 lodel School Gbade 23. 2,115 0 0 156 7 6 72 10 6 Thomas S. Foster .. Bethia Jack Peter Menzies James E. R. Smith Mary A. Grant Margaret Menzies .. James Irwin Catherine G. Edkins Harold C. Watson .. Marie A. Pavitt Ethel Thompson .. Maud W. Clarkson.. Lucie Dash Gertrude C. Smith.. May Davidson Mattie P. Halliburton Hesther D. Lyons .. Isabella Morrison .. Henry F. Wilkinson Lily Paterson 362 10 0 205 0 0 245 0 0 165 0 0 155 0 0 125 0 0 125 0 0 97 10 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 'hristchuroh West' Al Bl B2 C2 El Dl D3 D2 D5 D2 D2 E3 D5 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AM AF AM AF AF AF FP4 FP4 FP4 FP3 FP3 FP2 MP1 FP1 721 Gbade 25. Sydenham 2,210 1 7 5 0 0 173 0 0 51 11 5 John Baldwin Martha Dynes Thomas G. MoGallan Thompson, Robert J. Mary Hall Nellie Harrison William E. Burley Robena Duncan Robert A. Malcolm Ada Baldwin Mary J. Morrison .. Margaret R. Watson Mary A. Adams Edgar V. Allison .. Harriet B. Anthony Blaikley A. McKeown Edith Early Helen A. Warner .. Iris Miles James S. Hilson Annie Hughey Janet Webster CI D2 CI D5 El D2 C3 D3 D3 C2 D2 D3 D3 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AM AF AM AF AF AF AF MP4 FP3 MP2 FP1 FP1 FP1 MP1 FP1 FP1 369 12 0 205 0 0 245 0 0 165 0 0 155 0 0 130 0 0 130 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 86i 10 0 0 (1) Temporary.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.


'.on, inue, Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. d o oS o 9 'in to 5 CO a-j •a o oa CO O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. rt S o m'"' «3 g 9 fci J; d 6o o < on w= a u d<< d a at 3>9'5ci a ® Y S_L a <1 o toA d d CD X A +3 o CD 60 U CD > House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. Buildings, Eent Sites, * Furniture, School Apparatus. Buildings. Gbade 27. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. loucester St. (Christchurch East) 2,321 10 0 50 8 4 182 1 11 198 13 4 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AM AF AM AM AF AF MP4 FP4 FP3 FP3 FP3 FP3 MP2 MP2 FP2 FP2 FP1 FP1 374 0 0 205 0 0 245 0 0 171 5 0 156 5 0 130 0 0 130 0 0 101 5 0 100 0 0 85 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 909 John G. L. Scott .. Kate Baldwin Sidney C. Owen John S. Kennedy .. Harriet E. Starkiss Jessie W. Wagstafi.. Walter G. Cookson.. Ruth Gilmour Guy N. Ormandy .. Frederick T. Rundle Elizabeth M.Scott.. Elizabeth L.Wauchop Samuel J. Irwin Mary F. Barker Ruby Bunz Margaret G. Foster Mary A. Slocombe .. Florence E. Ormandy Frank Osborn Keith Williamson .. Kathleen Wills Marion Reese Gladys Cullen Gladys Marriott Bl Dl Bl D2 Dl D2 D2 D2 D3 E4 D2 D3 D5 Expenditure on Schools not open in December— Ashley Gorge Bealey, Craigieburn, Mount White Charteris Bay Gebbie's Valley Hinds (side) Island Bay(!) Kincaid Downs Porter's Pass Expenditure not fiedAuditing School Committees' accounts, not included in the above Plans and supervision, not included ineluded in the above 10 0 0 16"o 0 29 3 4 0 13 9 0 11 6 0 1.1 6 2 1.2 6 10 0 0 l"2 6 7 10 6 17*'2 1 40 0 0 481 13 2 56087 16 8 660 6 2 5,922 10 7 5,695 13 3 59 0 0 56,028 2 0 680 0 0 (i) Aided. iOUTH CANTERBU: ,Y. Gbade 1. Oave Kakahu Bush Kapua Orari Gorge Orton Pleasant Valley Rangitata Island Te Moana Totara Valley Waikakahi Waitohi Upper £ s. d. 88 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 76 0 0 76 0 0 96 6 5 72 0 0 78 0 0 60 0 0 85 1 4 61 15 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 6 0 9 4 19 9 4 5 9 5 15 6 4 5 9 6 7 9 4 2 3 4 19 9 2 5 6 6 13 0 4 11 0 £ s. d. 34 17 6 13 0 238 7 7 15 4 10 10 9 9 0 12 0 2 15 4 13 8 9 £ s. d Amy Ellen Jones .. Alice C. Rice Margaret J. Anderson ; Elizabeth Cormack | Emily M. Parkin .. Annie L. Mcllroy .. M. Gough-Gubbiius.. Kate M. Palmer .. Kate J. Balfour William O. Gilmour E. M. Stevenson .. E8 1)3 1)2 F ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ F II F £ s. d. 88 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 76 0 0 76 0 0 92 0 0 72 0 0 76 0 0 60 0 0 86 8 0 80 0 0 £ s. d. 17 14 13 17 13 20 11 14 7 19 12 123 8 0 7 6 0 E4 Gbade 2. Adair Arundel Ashwick Flat Clandeboye Claremont Cricklewood Fairview Gapes Valley.. Hakataramea Valley .. 133 14 5 114 0 0 120 2 6 117 10 0 135 0 0 133 12 6 141 6 10 107 3 0 111 3 0 20 0 0 20 0 0; 10 0 0 8 2 9 10 12 9 6 0 9 12 2 6 12 10 0 11 0 3 6 18 3 7 8 9 0 3 9 10 19 6 7 10 0 13 0 0 1 14 4 3 15 3 11 13 0 Charles G. Roskruge Edith H. Sunaway.. Gerald Morris Mildred T. Sweet .. Mrs. Flora L. Black Elizabeth J. Williams Mrs. Christian Ritchie Mrs. Eliza Newnham i Peter C. Davie E2 E4 D2 E3 Dl E3 El 1)1 H F 1:1 F I' 1 Ii' ¥ ¥ H 128 0 0 114 0 0 128 0 0 117 10 0 135 0 0 138 0 0 131 10 0 110 10 0 102 12 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 24 24 30 16 31 34 27 19 20 20 0 0 20"0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20"0 0 20 0 0


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.—continued.


sour — Ci mtinue, Name of School. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. furniture, Scnool .pparatus. Buildings. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year, 3 O d o s 01 d 3 CD A a—' ■H o fl S Sen o to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the I,ast Month of Year. odM W tf S oAA®Q ° d "co 5 S £ & d 0D°O < on » a w d<H d y at a»vpg aSrag2(§. u d o H 2 o Q s > Gbade 2— continued. Hook Hunter's Kohika Lyalldale Opihi Otaio Rangatira Valley Salisbury Scotsburn Southburn Sutherland's Te Ngawai Waihao Downs Waihaorunga £ s. d. 124 10 0 124 10 0 13 16 3 113 2 6 110 10 0 124 10 0 135 0 0 117 10 0 117 10 0 103 10 0 103 3 10 122 0 0 133 0 0 96 12 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 11 15 0 11 0 0 £ s. d. 0 3 0 8 9 3 169 19 2 5 14 0 £ s. d £ s. d. 124 10 0 124 10 0 110 10 0 121 0 0 110 10 0 124 10 0 135 0 0 117 10 0 117 10 0 103 10 0 105 15 0 124 10 0 139 0 0 93 3 0 £ s. d. 2 10 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 11 0 0 7 1 9 10 7 0 10 1 6 7 15 9 10 3 6 6 13 0 7 10 6 9 12 3 12 2 6 7 8 9 14 11 0 0 10 0 Emma Hawkes Isabella Mclntyre .. William M. Yates .. Lily Jones Ida B. McKenzie .. Jessie Fyfe John Baragwanath.. Emma G. Campbell Mary Jane Kirkcaldy Amy E. Evans Leonard R. Ellis .. Bertha G. Selby .. George John Park .. William G. Marriott 1)2 D2 1)2 D3 1)1 1)2 1)2 D2 1)3 DS F F H F F ¥ II ¥ ¥ F H F H H 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 2!) 27 23 27 19 25 25 23 24 20 21 27 34 21 20 0 0 0 7 6 17 6 3 5 9 3 37 17 1 2 18 2 20 0 0 20 0 0 D4 D4 20 0 0 Gbade 3. 148 1 6 139 0 0 143 0 0 137 0 0 141 0 0 169 0 0 145 0 0 154 10 0 173 0 0 12 10 0 9 19 9 12 17 6 11 0 0 11 7 6 11 15 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 25 6 11 I) I E3 1)2 1)2 1)2 CI T)2 D2 Dl II II II II II II H H II 139 0 0 139 0 0 143 0 0 137 0 0 141 0 0 149 0 0 145 0 0 141 0 0 153 0 0 Albury Burke's Pass Glenavy Hakataramea Orari Bridge Redclifi Silverstream Springbrook Waitohi Flat 26 10 0 0 10 0 0 17 3 9 15 0 16 19 3 Alexander Lindsay.. Frederick J. Hayman George Steven William Renton Montague P. Cooke Henry E. Goodeve .. George M. Pilkington William Browne Hugh Mclntyre (i.) 32 24 39 28 29 31 36 34 35 4 19 6 Gbade 4. 237 0 0 12 17 6 1 12 0 Arthur T. Sims Charlotte A. Bates.. Elizabeth Bruce Catherine McPherson John T. Smart Annie Hope Alfred E. Werry .. Mary Wharton Robert Stewart Mrs. Helen Stewart Alexander Goodall.. Annie Gorman Robert Irwin E.M.Ritchie Robert B. Clarke .. Alice Rebecca Smart Nicolaus L. F. Miiller Margaret Riordan .. William G. Don .. Jessie Higgins 157 0 0 80 0 0 149 0 0 80 0 0 158 0 0 80 0 0 158 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 80 0 0 165 0 0 80 0 0 158 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 158 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 80 0 0 Belfield D2 E4 Dl HM Mis. HF Mis. HM Mis. HM Mi-. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 34 Esk Valley 209 0 0 13 12 6 3 0 0 41 Hazelburn 238 0 0 13 5 0 6 0 0 D2 40 Hilton Kingadown 238 0 0 236 0 0 14 0 0 12 10 0 4 10 28 2 0 D2 E4 D2 D3 D2 D3 D3 43 35 Makikihi 245 0 0 14 0 0 8 11 6 43 Rangitata Station 243 7 11 13 5 0 8 2 6 38 Waitaki Washdyke 241 0 0 238 0 0 20 0 0 1.4 0 0 13 5 0 7 10 5 3 3 0 D3 E4 E2 E3 D2 D3 20 0 0 48 42 Woodbury 237 0 0 14 0 0 43 Gbade 5. 260 0 0 15 10 0 0 12 3 Hannaton Milford Morven Pareora 251 10 0 270 15 4 243 15 0 15 10 0 17 0 0 14 7 6 201 1 3 5 14 0 9 5 8 James Walsh Martha Freeman .. William J. Glanville Mary Kate Lawlor.. William Thomas .. Agnes Goodall Frederick Smith Mary H. Byers Richard N.N. Hawkes Alice E. Campbell .. Cornel. F. Schmedes Amy E. E. Oliver .. John Menzies Honora M. Crowley D2 E4 E2 1£4 C3 E4 D2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mix. HM Mis. 175 0 0 85 0 0 167 10 0 85 0 0 186 5 0 85 0 0 166 5 0 80 0 0 170 0 0 80 0 0 187 10 0 85 0 0 171 5 0 85 0 0 51 5' 6' 41 St. Andrew's Seadown 251 5 0 272 10 0 15 17 6 18 10 0 0 10 0 D2 Lie. Dl D4 E2 D2 61 7! Waituna Creek 256 5 0 14 7 6 41 10 2 41 Gbade 6. 293 15 0 18 17 6 55 13 0 Orari South Wai-iti 300 0 0 18 17 6 0 15 6 William Corbet Marion Thompson .. Joseph Greaves Christina Stenhouse James P. Kalaugher Amelia Aimers D2 D2 Dl D4 Dl D2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 198 15 0 95 0 0 205 0 0 95 0 0 202 10 0 95 0 0 78 78 Winchester 301 6 6 19 5 0 110 15 9 77 Gbade 7. 354 4 0 24 10 0 12 7 2 Fairlie John Robert Wallace Jane Pilkington Margaret Caskey .. B2 D4 HM Mis. FP1 219 4 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 111 •


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.


-CI IWI Unue, Name of School. Maintenance. Expeni liture for thi Year. Buili lings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a _o d o ca CO d 5 CO A OA "H O o 2 •I» CD O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. d m ° ® d o fl - m "" £ 2 £ & 03 ClCO m a u °£ ® a>H«i p,<3 d CD (H CD A u O CD 6D d I* CD > Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances and Pupilteachers' Lodging Allowances' Other Ordinary Expenditure. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Gbade 9. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Pleasant Point 495 9 8 28 19 0 1 9 6 Gilbert Dalglish Amy Emma Haskell Janet 0. Huttou Mabel Ray Annie Maze James A. Valentine Jane Griffiths Rowley Gertde. M. Alexander Alexander Henderson Florence Buchanan John R. Montgomery Mia Owen Pearson.. Sidney Clark Mary Shiers Violet 0. Farnie .. Bl E2 E4 HM Mis. AF FP3 FP2 HM Mis. AF MP4 FP2 HM Mia. AM FP5 FP2 235 2 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 245 0 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 244 2 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 138 Timaru South 511 10 0 5 0 0 35 15 0 7 18 9 Bl E2 D3 188 Geraldine D.H.S. 521 12 0 35 15 0 14 1 6 5 0 0 181 B2 E2 D5 Gbade 12. Waimataitai.. 894 11 2 45 10 0 66 11 Oi John Wood Charles F. Collins .. Mary E. Rowley .. Evelyn Fyfe Agnes A. Pearson .. Alexander J. Cross.. Freja L. Zeisler Margaret Hunt Dl D2 El D2 D2 HM AM Mis. AF AF MP3 FP3 FP3 281 4 0 185 0 0 125 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 292 Gbade 13. Temuka D.H.S. 1,014 8 11 49 18 6 41 9 9 Murdoch McLeod .. Donald MoCaskill .. Leonora M. Phillips Marion McCaskill .. Emma Cooper Annie Scott David Dick Grace Baillie Bridget Leary Bl C2 El C3 C4 D2 HM AM Mis. AF AF AF MP5 FP3 FP3 282 8 0 195 0 0 130 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 315 Gbade 15. 5 0 0 Waimate D.H.S. 1,191 0 0 12 1 81 63 2 6 32 12 2 George Pitcaithly .. Charles J. Goldstone Mary Helen Crawford Sarah 0. Bruce Anne Bruce John Stewart Margaret A. L. Smart Grace Turner Ethel J. Simmons .. Robert Taylor George McKenzie .. Bl 02 Dl E2 D2 D4 D4 HM AM Mis. AF AF AM AF FP3 FP3 MP1 MP1 301 0 0 220 0 0 140 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 419 Gbade 19. 5 0 0 10 0 0 Timaru (main) 1,545 19 0 91 4 3 148 7 2 John A. Johnson .. Martha Avison George Crawshaw .. James J. W. Fleming Clara I. Shirtcliffe .. Thomas R. Ritchie.. Clara A. C. Sibly .. Thora C. Harris Ellen 0. Smith George J. Goldsman May Baird Jane McPheraon Allan Tait Jeannie Stevenson.. Rieta Saxon Bl El D2 D3 E2 D4 E3 D3 D4 D5 HM Mia. AM AM AF AM AF AF AF MP5 FP2 PP2 UP2 I? PI FP1 339 8 0 165 0 0 235 0 0 130 0 0 120 0 0 115 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 007 Expenditure unclassified Plans, supervision, &o. Expenditure on schools not open in December— Chamberlain Skipton Willowbridge 43 9 7 142 8 6 0 6 6 159 17 3 6 6 0 16447 15 11 239 11 8 1,046 5 9 2,017 16 0 16,464 6 0 265 0 0


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.


OTAi Name of School. House Allowances Teachers' and PupilSalaries, teachers' Lodging Allowances. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Furniture, So ™ ol Apparatus. Buildings. Year. Buildings Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d cc d 3 CD A O.A -.-< o oA •- o ."Sec co O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. _, 6C CO a a-wjc 5 d co O d Cf;g d ■ ffi a" j u — m O CD M d a £ g o3 mo -*1 Ojd — o °'£ ® o3 2 3"£ a^g' 0 ! agigSg <lga5d^ >4 C3 CQ (x CD A CO CD 6C CD > ■4 Other Ordinary Itlxpenditure. Gbade 0. Beaumont Station Horse Flat .. Lee Stream .. Maungawera.. Moutere Pomahaka Downs Puketoi Tapui Waihemo £ s. d. 13 6 8 20 0 0 33 6 8 8 18 4 40 0 0 37 5 2 7 17 6 37 10 0 38 16 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 8 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. Madge Gwynne Florence M. Brickell Janet Milne White.. Edgar Heycock Sarah Hetherington Nellie M. Beattie .. Emily Ash Maude M. Williams Winifred Jane Todd F F F H F F F F F '£ s. d. 20 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 ("60 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 £ s. d. 4 4 7 7 8 3 2 6 8 8"o 0 Gbade 1. Ahuriri Ahuriri Flat .. Akatore Akatore Coast Ardgowan Bendigo Blaekstone .. Broad Bay Circle Hill .. Clark's Flat .. Clydevale Deep Stream.. Glenledi Glenore Hamilton Hillend Houipapa Hukinga Kaihiku Kakapuaka .. Kartigi Kokoamo Kokonga Kuriwao - Kyeburn Diggings Lauder Luggate Macrae's Makarora Manuka Creek Merton Moa Flat Mount Cargill Mount Stuart Nevis Otiake Owaka Valley Purakauiti( 3 ) Purekireki Rae's Junction Reomoana Saddle Hill .. Springvale Stone burn Stony Creek .. Table Hill .. Tahatika Tahora Taieri Ferry .. Tarara 95 15 0 70 4 0 84 0 0 64 0 0 33 6 8 56 0 0 84 0 0 89 0 8 76 0 0 72 0 0 76 0 0 56 13 4 56 0 0 88 0 0 70 2 2 76 0 0 56 0 0 72 0 0 63 0 0 88 0 0 88 0 0 96 0 0 100 0 0 70 14 3 73 5 1 96 0 0 70 0 0 100 0 0 89 13 4 100 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 104 2 6 92 0 0 17 0 0 92 0 0 107 0 0 105 17 6 80 0 0 76 0 0 72 0 0 96 0 0 64 0 0 65 0 0 55 0 0 76 0 0 92 0 0 68 15 1 91 13 4 66 16 0 48 0 0 64 0 0 60 0 0 84 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 1.0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0! 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 1 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 2 2 0 6 10 0 8 16 3 373 13 6 3 14 7 419 5 0 7 6 12 2 13 12 9 8 16 3 9 19 4 11 7 5 12 12 8 23 3 1 lie o MrE. Marie Carriek.. George McKenzie .. Agnes J. Galloway .. Margt. A. Woodhouse Mrs. A. B.C. Maule( 2 ) Joseph Waddell Lilian E. Spraggon Olivia M. Barkman John L. Bonnin Myrtle L. A. Walton Agnes Millar Keys .. Margt. A. Sutherland Catherine Johnstone Jane K. Brown Mrs. Grace M. Symes Evelyne May Lucas Ernest A. Mahoney John Macdonald .. Janet Pan ton Grigor Ivy Constance Greig Margaret Dippie .. Emma Knott Church Jemima E. Masters Margaret Taylor Mrs. F. L. Dillon .. Olive J. M. Dare .. Isabella Noone .. '■ Ellen J. Chalmers .. Donald W. Macfarlan FrancesM. S. Fegans Florence Alice Jones Louisa Isles Winnifred M.Mitchell Annie K. Anderson Mrs. Annie Thomas Dinah Wilson Mary R. Wilson .. E2 D4 E3 D4 E4 E2 D4 E3 D4 C4 D4 El Lie. D3 E3 F H F F F H F F H F F F F F F F H H F F F F F F F F F F H F F F F F F F F 107 0 0 72 0 0 84 0 0 64 0 0 82 16 0 56 0 0 84 0 0 92 0 0 76 0 0 72 0 0 76 0 0 68 0 0 56 0 0 88 0 0 80 0 0 76 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 72 0 0 88 0 0 88 0 0 96 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 76 0 0 96 0 0 76 0 0 100 0 0 72 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 114 0 0 92 0 0 24 10 15 9 18 8 18 18 12 14 13 9 9 16 18 12 15 12 15 16 17 22 19 13 17 18 14 17 13 IS 22 14 16 15 18 25 21 4 12 8 D3 12 7 8 2 5 0 D3 D4 E4 D4 27 1 10 29 3 3 136 18 2 7 14 2 22 8 1 D3 D4 E2 514 7 5 10 0 63 6 6 Matilda C. Dugdale Elizabeth H. Firth.. Jessie Kinder Georgina Mclvor .. Bessie Spence Jessie F. L. Cameron Jane Milne Bowie .. Ellen Woodhill Angusina M. White Thomas Harrison .. Wiihelmina R. Reid Jane Clark Scott Mrs. C. Rooney Annie Mary Pretseh C. A. R. Walker .. D4 D3 F F F F F F F F F II F F F F F 92 0 0 117 10 0 117 10 0 80 0 0 76 0 0 72 0 0 96 0 0 64 0 0 90 0 0 60 0 0 76 0 0 92 0 0 68 0 0 100 0 0 72 0 0 22 26 26 16 17 12 20 10 20 11 15 20 12 18 14 3 0 0 7 19 4 4 19 8 D3 D4 E2 D4 Tarras Taumata Te Houka Tomahawk( 4 ) Tuapeka Flat Wangaloa Wharekuri .. 4 2 6 12 14 11 6 18 0 Henrietta A. French Janet Mitchell Janet S. Oliver F F F 64 0 0 60 0 0 84 0 0 10 9 18 Gbade 2. Arthurton Beaumont Coal Creek Crookston 114 0 0 117 10 0 131 10 0 135 0 0 13 0 0 13 o o; 13 0 0| 13 0 0i 18 12 1 3 17 0 Katharine White .. Annie Jane Smith .. Clarissa M. Mitchell Johanna Fraser D3 D3 D4 E2 F F F ¥ 114 0 0 117 10 0 131 10 0 135 0 0 19 28 27 31 19 1 10 (1) £45 provided out of special grants. (2) Eormerl; Krippner. (») Sch. )ol closed 31st March. ( ) School dosed 30th September.

E.— 1.

Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


OTAGO — continued Name of School. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. Maintenance. Expenditure for th< Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the staff at the End of the Year. a o d o ca d 5 CD a a "-* o a a on ._. 0 ."Sen o to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year, "4. 3 a. d co O d d . g a- 4*nx a C- ~ d 6DO < on co a i, «S o g'E % u d CO |M CD A o CD CD 5 > Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Building'-. Gbade 2 — continued. Dunrobin Glenkenich Goodwood Incholme Island Cliff Kuri Bush Kyeburn Maerewhenua Matau Merino Downs Moa Creek Otakaia Patearoa Poolburn Pukepito Rongahere Taiaroa Head Tokarahi Tuapeka Mouth Tuapeka West Waianakarua Waipiata Wairuna Waitahuna West £ s. d. Ill 8 2 117 10 0 110 10 0 124 10 0 121 0 0 90 19 7 101 5 10 135 0 0 110 10 0 110 10 0 97 18 8 114 0 0 131 10 0 101 5 10 107 0 0 111 1 8 135 0 0 128 0 0 123 3 4 124 10 0 117 10 0 111 7 6 131 10 0 98 15 5 I £ s. d. £ s. d 13 0 ( 13 0 ( 13 0 ( 13 0 ( 13 0 ( 13 0 ( 13 0 I 13 0 I 13 0 I 13 0 I 13 0 i 13 0 i 13 0 i 13 0 < 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 £ s. d.l 2 19 0 5 10 0 1 10 7 £ s. d Janet HFarquharson Eliza White Marion Dent Steel.. Annabella Broome.. Mary A. Burnside .. Agnes Anderson Oath. T. O'Connell.. James Alex. Jack .. j E. J. M. McDonald Isabella Dunlop Jean L. MacKellar Margaret MacLeod Alice Annett Mabel Collis Mary Sim son Alex. S. Kennedy .. Constance E. Jones E. S. E. de Lambert j John Alex. Moore .. James McLay Robert Blair Luoy E. D. Smith .. John Anderson Gray Margaret D. Dickie 1)4 D2 Bl El 1)3 D4 Lie. D2 Lie. D3 F F F F F F F H ¥ ¥ F F F F F H F F H H H F H F £ s. d. 131 10 0 117 10 0 110 10 0 124 10 0 121 0 0 103 10 0 110 10 0 135 0 0 110 10 0 110 10 0 103 10 0 114 0 0 131 10 0 110 10 0 107 0 0 no io o 135 0 0 128 0 0 135 0 0 124 10 0 117 10 0 121 0 0 131 10 0 103 10 0 £ s. d. 23 23 17 28 2-1 20 24 31 26 2:1 21 24 27 23 21 23 22 2!) 31 25 21 27 25 19 16 4 0 28 12 3 11 7 9 41 7 3 21 4 1 18 18 6 370 8 0 5 0 0 13 7 9 39 14 9 20 0 0 D3 E2 D4 D3 19 18 10 11 10 0 10 3 6 1)2 E4 E3 C3 E2 1)4 E2 D2 7 16 6 11 8 5 32 19 11 Gbade 3. Brighton Cambrian's Earnscleugh Evansdale Evans Flat Eweburn Gimmerbum Hooper's Inlet Hyde Kahuika and Tahakopa j 136 0 0 151 0 0 136 0 0 147 0 0 141 0 0 138 0 0 141 0 0 141 0 0 141 0 0 80 11 9 72 2 1 122 3 2 153 0 0 153 0 0 136 0 0 140 5 0 136 0 0 143 0 0 151 0 0 143 0 0 150 0 0 145 0 0 131 1 8 136 0 0 141 0 0 143 0 0 149 13 4 145 0 0 127 16 8 149 8 4 144 12 0 136 0 0 139 0 0 143 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 13 10 6 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 17 10 0 17 0 33 17 6 12 0 0 10 8 0 22 17 5 5 7 9 10 10 9 14 9 10 Sarah Jane Hogg .. John Morrison Allan Alexander Hoggans David Percy Susan J. H. Williams Agnes J. Drummey William A. Service Magnus Thomson .. Philip Bremner D3 D2 D2 E2 D4 D4 D3 D2 F H H H F F H H H 136 0 0 151 0 0 136 0 0 147 0 0 141 0 0 138 0 0 141 0 0 141 0 0 141 0 0 93 2 0 83 6 0 123 6 0 153 0 0 153 0 0 136 0 0 153 0 0 136 0 0 143 0 0 151 0 0 143 0 0 150 0 0 145 0 0 143 0 0 136 0 0 141 0 0 143 0 0 149 0 0 145 0 0 139 0 0 149 0 0 143 0 0 136 0 0 139 0 0 143 0 0 30 36 24 83 30 34 29 29 35 17 16 22 11 36 29 42 31 30 32 30 84 40 32 28 28 30 28 31 29 35 34 28 4 2 27 ) John Williamson .. D2 H H H F H F H H H H H H F H H H H H H H F F H Katea Livingstone Lower Harbour Maruimato Momona Moonlight North Taieri Otakou Pine Hill Ratanui Romahapa Sandymount Southbridge Sutton Taieri Beach Waihola Waikoikoi .. Waipahi Waitahuna Gully Waitapeka Wetherstones Windsor Wylie's Crossing ie"2 2 4 12 8 35 9 1 5 10 10 4 4 10 3 0 0 16 19 9 162 11 11 11 11 10 15 11 6 10 16 1 14 6 3 2 10 0 12 5 2 0 7 0 5 10 0 4 19 1 59 3 9 George A. Hansard John Ironside Andrew Davidson .. | Victoria H.W.Eagan Andrew Chesney .. { Mary West George B. Anderson Joseph Southwick .. George W. Carrington William Bannerman Samuel J. Harrison Walter J. Rogers .. Janet Pateraon George A. Turner .. Frederick J. Heatley William A. Paterson John Beattie Robert Huie Robert Louis Blair Joseph Davidson .. Josephine M. J. Pope Elizabeth G. Christie Lionel E. Ellisson .. D3 D2 D3 D2 D3 CI Dl D2 D3 D2 Dl B2 D3 B3 D2 D2 Dl D2 B4 D3 Dl Gbade 4. 70 12 0 Fredk. Scott Aldred Elizabeth McKay .. Alex. H. Williamson Florence Murray .. John Dufty Burnard Alice Burnard George Menzies Alice M.JO'Shea .. William B. Appleby Selina Guffie Allanton 253 0 0 20 0 0 Dl E2 T)2 D4 D2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 168 0 0 85 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 80 0 0 168 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 5. Awamoko 240 0 0 20 0 0 1 15 1 3' Bald Hill 223 13 4 20 0 0 3! Blaok's 241 6 8 20 0 0 98 19 7 D2 5! Chasland's 241 0 0 20 0 0 190 13 7 E2 D5 4:



Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.

'—com Unue, Name of School. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Furniture, SchooI Apparatus. Buildings. Buildings. Teachern' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year, a* o d o <a CO d 3 rn A a a •n © a 2 oA | en o to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year, O d tog a i= m . -i l, o a- -^.-.k* a & a. d 6co -". o n co a t, A o ® 'u K3~ ft u d CD |M CD A u o CD to d CD > <1 Gbade 4— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Hawea 226 13 4 20 0 0 14 10 4 Albert J. Ferguson.. Fanny White Robert Fergus Alice Fergus Henry R. Urquhait Margaret Dunlop .. William Fulton Abel Maria Selina Pretsch Geo. Bentinck Clark Jane S. B. Graham William Hay Rennie Margaret A. P. Waugh Charles C. Rawlinson Mary Ann White .. John Moodie Mary McK. Niohol Hugh Marshall Sarah Dale Robert Cowan Georgina McKenzie Charles K. Kerr Janet Anne White .. William Ferguson .. Isabella MacLeod .. Alex. G. Robertson.. Jeanie M. Lothian.. B3 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mia. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 160 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 163 0 0 85 0 0 168 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 85 0 0 165 0 0 85 0 0 159 0 0 80 0 0 165 0 0 80 0 0 168 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 85 0 0 160 0 o! 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 45 Henley 213 6 8 20 0 0 D2 40 Lovell's Flat Lowburn Maungatua 252 11 8 248 0 0 226 13 4 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 9 7 4 6 17 6 18 19 11 C4 D2 D2 D2 El Lie. Dl D3 D2 D3 D3 46 50 44 Papakaio 245 0 0 20 0 0 1 16 9 47 Purakanui 250 0 0 20 0 0 3 17 10 56 Rough Ridge 232 6 8 20 0 0 323 10 6 51 Seaclifi 238 6 8 20 0 0 472 9 6 D2 D3 D2 61 St. Bathan's 248 0 0 20 0 0 4 10 47 Waipori Waipori Lake 245 0 0 240 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 354 18 3 D2 D2 E2 D2 D2 Lie. 47 40 Waiwera 234 6 8 20 0 0 6 17 0 44 Gbade 5. 10 0 0 A. E. Barrowclough Janetta G. Alexander Arthur W. Tindall .. Jessie Paterson Joseph E. Stevens .. Dora S. Stevens Abel Warburton Ann C. Alexander .. John Mills Helen T. Barclay .. James Nelson Isabella M. Macdonald Albert H. White .. Fanny Bonnin John Whyte Bithia L. C. Hodges John B. Grant Eliza F. M. H. Paul Alexander S. Malcolm Eliza Agnes O'Shea John Francis Botting Jessie Henderson .. Frank G. Murphy .. Ada Hoffmann James Smith (ii.) .. Elizabeth Budd Cecil Fred. John Bell Kate Andrew William McClelland Mrs. S. A. Kemshed James Barton Janet Lucy Crawley James Moir M. A. S. Walton .. Oscar Davis Flamank Cecilia Johnstone .. William Phillipps .. Christina McCulloch John E. Reid (ii.) .. Robina Steel Abraham M. Barnett Elizabeth Jane Gunn Robert Landreth .. E. Farquharson Thomas C. Harrison Jessie C. Christie .. 177 0 0 85 0 0 177 0 0 85 0 0 184 0 0 85 0 0 191 0 0 85 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 171 5 0 85 0 0 184 0 0 85 0 0 177 0 0 85 0 0 173 15 0 85 0 0 191 0 0 85 0 0 177 10 0 85 0 0 184 0 0 85 0 0 177 0 0 85 0 0 184 0 0 85 0 0 177 0 0 85 0 0 177 0 0 85 0 0 191 0 0 85 0 0 184 0 0 85 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 183 15 0 85 0 0 166 5 0 85 0 0 191 0 0 85 0 0 181 5 0 85 0 0 59 Bannockburn 262 0 0 22 0 0 A3 Lie. C2 Lie. Dl E2 D2 D3 E2 Lie. D2 D4 D3 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. Bluespur 262 0 0 22 0 0 20 10 7 56 Clyde ... 269 0 0 24 0 0 6 16 0 83 Cromwell 276 0 0 24 0 0 77 Dunback 255 0 0 22 0 0 322 7 8 48 Flag Swamp 256 5 0 22 0 0 6 5 0 45 Heriot 260 17 3 24 0 0 12 1 3 58 Highclifi Kakanui Kelso Leith Valley Matakanui 261 15 5 259 11 3 273 1 8 262 10 0 269 0 0 22 0 0 22 0 0 24 0 0 22 0 0 24 0 0 5 10 0 10 6 0 103 17 10 D2 D3 D2 D3 CI D4 D2 D2 D3 D3 D2 D3 Dl D2 D2 E2 El D4 Dl 53 49 55 51 64 Milburn 262 0 0 22 0 0 31 19 7 57 Moeraki 269 0 0 24 0 0 93 11 7 53 North-east Harbour .. 262 0 0 22 0 0 116 9 6 63 Portobello 262 0 0 22 0 0 15 4 10 54 Pukeuri 276 0 0 24 0 0 27 14 8 61 Sawyer's Bay St. Leonard's Totara 269 0 0 255 0 0 261 13 4 24 0 0 22 0 0 24 0 0 22 8 4 6 4 0 23 18 7 Dl El 02 D3 CI D4 D2 D2 B2 E2 El D2 73 61 65 50 Upper Junction 230 2 11 22 0 0 37 6 10 Waitati 276 0 0 24 0 0 64 8 5 63 Wakari 266 5 0 24 0 0 70 9 10 73


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.

9—B. 1.


I— continue! Name of School. Maintenance. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances. Expenditure for thi Buildings. Buildings, R . Sites, ™f t Fur 0 n »' ul ' e ' School Apparatus. Buildings. Year. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a _o 4^ d o •a d 5 CD -a a- — o a % OA .-Sen o to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. *- a .9 -g S 0 *$«,!>; IS % O O) cS gl J Sal£ < Oj a) P n &< =3 2 p-£ 2,oS§-5d gcoa.IJ.B3 •Sia.a'a 0 ' u d CD CD 44 •~4 O CD CD d Ch CD > Gbade 5— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. rValton 261 5 0 22 0 0 1 10 6 David Sinolair Mason Jessie Gibson Mills Thomas A. Finlay .. Mary Trainor 01 El D2 D3 HM Mis. HM Mis. 176 5 0 85 0 0 177 0 0 85 0 0 49 (Vest Taieri 262 0 0 22 0 0 51 Gbade 6. 12 1 9 William W. Mackie Rosetta Ralston King David Stewart M. S. S. Newlands.. Cornelius Mahoney Ethel May Murray.. John Kelly Margaret Ford Ewen Pilling Caren Louise Lyders John Robertson (ii.) Margaret Kay James Fleming Jane Campbell Alfred Mathews Janet Fleming Francis Golding Mary Ralston John Hunter Patriok Mary Anne J. Wall John Wilson Jessie R. A. Paterson 215 0 0 100 0 0 197 10 0 95 0 0 205 0 0 100 0 0 207 0 0 100 0 0 207 0 0 95 0 0 207 0 0 95 0 0 207 0 0 95 0 0 207 0 0 100 0 0 198 0 0 95 0 0 198 0 0 95 0 0 198 0 0 95 0 0 )linton 315 0 0 28 0 0 D2 E2 Dl B4 Dl D2 Dl D2 El D4 B2 D3 D2 D2 Dl El D2 D3 E2 D2 Dl Lie. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 88 Juntroon 297 19 0 26 0 0 62 2 7 64 Fairfax 305 0 0 26 0 0 13 19 3 88 Curow 313 13 4 28 0 0 1 15 1 79 tliller's Flat .. 303 4 6 28 0 0 86 tfgapara 302 0 0 28 0 0 19 9 9 82 )tepopo 302 0 0 28 0 0 71 Pukeiwitahi .. 307 0 0 28 0 0 24 13 0 81 Peaneraki 293 0 0 26 0 0 65 Vaitahuna .. 293 0 0 26 0 0 74 iVarepa 293 0 0 26 0 0 2 6 10 60 Gbade 7. 10 0 0 James Jeffery Margaret MaoKenzie Ethel Ann Roseveare John Black Grant .. Jessie Jane Elder .. Janet Lindsay James T. Bryant .. Ivy Muriel Croft .. Rosetta A. Bradfield John Matheson Louisa F. Cameron Mary Brown William E. Bastings Fanny L. Andrew .. Mahala Lily Hayes 218 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 220 14 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 216 16 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 215 6 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 215 18 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 Anderson'a Bay 348 0 0 29 0 0 102 18 5 Dl D2 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. FP4 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. FP1 HM Mis. FP1 106 374 17 4 30 0 0 Dl D3 10 0 0 ■laheno 102 )waka 334 6 8 8 6 8 29 0 0 425 5 9 E2 Lie. 95 331 19 4 8 6 8 29 0 0 225 5 9 D2 D3 10 0 0 5trath Taieri 86 338 18 9 10 0 0 29 0 0 7 18 8 D2 D2 10 0 0^ Veston 91 Gbade 8. 10 0 0 Sast Taieri 40 0 0 3 4 8 James N. Waddell .. Lillias O. Taylor .. Isabella M. MoKenzie JeannieMcG. Crombie Thomas A. Patterson Margaret Watt John Murray John White Mrs. Donella Little Jessie Campbell Herbert C. Jones .. Mary Tregoning Victoria K. Hopcraft Langley Pope D. V. Marchbanks.. Elizab. W. Saunders John Neil Stewart.. Christiana E. Kirby Daisy Mary Orkney B2 D3 HM Mis. FP2 FP1 HM Mis. AM HM Mis. AF HM Mis. AF HM Mis. AF HM Mis. AF 224 12 0 105 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 228 16 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 224 12 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 224 6 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 225 4 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 229 14 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 122 380 8 8 8 6 8 Hampden D.H.S. 403 19 3 0 16 8 45 0 0 83 18 9, 10 0 0 3utram Stirling 409 12 0 400 19 4 1 13 4 40 0 0 40 0 0 219 16 2 7 0 8 Bl El B4 Dl D2 D3 CI E2 D3 CI Dl Lie. Dl D2 D4 .. 141 114 123 it. Clair 403 10 8 40 0 0 363 16 4 128 (Vaikouaiti 414 14 0 40 0 0 29 12 5 131 Grade 9. 461 16 1 115 5 10 Alexandra 8 6 8 44 0 0 James G. Closs Susan Paul Edith M. Townshend Wm. Osborne Closs Mary H. Colquhoun Dl E2 E2 HM Mis. AF MP1 FP1 237 16 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 103 10 0 01


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


OT. AGO— continued. Name of School. House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances' Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Bu sites gs ' «r Furniture, Scnool Apparatus. Bnilding.. Buildings. and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. Teachers' Names, inc uding all Teachers 3 .2 v jg QQ eg 5 © A a a O CM Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. SJo qH d %§AA «°> o a- *>n>< a d £-3"*, a & % d M o < on M a u H ac a-cj o u 3 o Si h O <x> DC CD > Gbade 9 — continued. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. Naseby D.H.S. 475 9 5 1 13 4 49 0 0 301 10 2 James P. F. Malcolm Louisa A. Heckler .. Louisa M. Will Rachel B. Scully .. William A. Reilly .. Emma 0. Tempero.. B. C. N. Waddell .. Isabel E. Brown .. Walter Eudey .. j Catherine P. Main .. Robert Bringans .. Mary Dale Dl E2 B3 HM Mis. AF FP1 HM Mis. AF AF HM Mis. AM FP1 240 0 0 110 0 0 115 0 0 20 0 0 235 14 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 239 0 0 110 0 0 115 0 0 20 0 0 171 Roxburgh 499 0 8 42 0 0 110 4 8 Bl D2 D5 D4 CI D2 D4 151 Tapanui D.H.S. 484 0 0 50 11 6 1 19 2 17! Gbade 10. 710 14 0 16 2 3 Oamaru Middle 52 16 0 Edwin Thomas Earl Mary King Horace R. Fisher .. Mary Jane Wilding Emilie Sophia Geddes Geo. W. C. Maodonald Caroline E. Little .. Ellen H. Palmer .. Walter G. Blackie .. Agnes Eliza D. Cray Clara Neale Daniel Ferguson .. Mary Ann Sinclair.. James Grant (ii.) .. Eliza Cumming Ada L. Beokingsale Violet Elder James Reid Mary McLaren Parker McKinlay .. Margt. MaoGregor (ii.) Ernest Marryatt Agnes Rush Bl Dl D3 E2 E2 CI Dl Dl D4 HM Mis. AM AF AF HM Mis. AF AM FP3 FP2 HM Mis. AM AF FP2 FP2 HM Mis. AM AF MP4 FP2 258 4 0 120 0 0 155 0 0 85 0 0 85 0 0 250 8 0 115 0 0 125 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 250 2 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 255 4 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 25: Ravensbourne 640 8 0 35 0 0 47 12 0 61 0 8 35 0 0 19' Palmerston D.H.S.j .. 660 2 0 20 0 0 52 8 0 Bl B2 Bl E2 207 Tokomairiro D.H.S. .. 10 0 0 10 0 0 685 4 0 10 0 0 55 16 0 4 13 8 01 El A2 D2 220 Gbade 11. 10 0 0 Balolutha D.H.S. 723 10 2 21 13 4 03 4 0 20 14 4 William McElrea .. Mary Kinloch Allan William W. Turner Alice Greaves Helen W. Blackie .. Harriet M. Robertson Colvin S. Algie John Stenhouse Jane Beatrice Fowler Henry L. Darton .. Amy Matilda Cotton Margaret E.Mcintosh Isabella Cormack .. Mabel R. K. Craik .. Edward Pinder Mary Scott (i.) George P. Graham.. Annie Murray Ross Beatrice Todd Jessie Ross Miller .. Alex. F. McMurtrie Bl El C2 D3 HM Mis. AM AF FP3 FP2 MP1 HM Mis. AM AF FP2 FP3 FP3 HM Mis. AM AF FP2 FP2 MPl 266 6 0 120 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 266 0 0 120 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 267 4 0 120 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 259 Lawrence D.H.S. 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 757 1 <> 63 0 0 59 9 3 01 El Dl D4 203 Mosgiel D.H.S. 725 10 8 18 6 8 63 16 0 93 7 7| Al Dl CI D2 253 Gbade 12. 10 0 0 10 0 0 Green Island 858 6 8 65 0 0 131 9 0 William McDonald Ellen Jane Home .. Robert Wilson Mary Wilson Mills.. Lilian Frances Jones Ivy Cuttle William Martin Mary McNeill William John Moore Jane Dunlop Hooper John R. Rutherford Louisa M. Aitohison Helen C. W. Johnson Helen M. Kenyon .. Constance M. Lear.. F. R. Livingstone .. Dl El Dl E2 D4 HM Mis. AM AF AF FP2 MP2 FP2 HM Mis. AM AF AF FP3 FP3 FP3 275 0 0 125 0 0 185 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 272 4 0 125 0 0 185 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 284 Kensington Dl Dl Al E2 D3 875 10 8 45 0 0 62 4 O! 146 8 4 40 0 0 256 5 0 0

E.— I.

Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


i—coral iinue, Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buili lings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the htaff at the End of the Year. . « § s '■§ a-i d "4 o 2 a a a of) co Sen d co 3 ph Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. ■Sa-2„ *. a -r. d co Ises5is § d »*•*•*. 3sS" t»o < on co a ~ A o ® TJ <D aaSd'SS §SaS3fv ogasd^ d »2 A u o <t-l 0 tSD 3 •n > Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances and Pupilteachers' Lodging Allowances Other Ordinary Expenditure. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Gbade 12— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.; £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Oamaru North 883 0 0 67 5 0 49 14 4 j James Lindsay Alicia M. Thompson FranciB Hilgendorf Elizabeth E. Bevin Isabella C. Allan .. Tanzie H. Brownlee Catherine Lindsay.. Dl Dl D2 D2 D3 D4 HM Mis. AM AF AF AF FP2 278 0 0 125 0 0 185 0 0 100 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 261 Gkade 13. Kaitangata 952 1 4j 18 6 8 71 17 4 247 12 11 John Harper Moir .. Jane Paterson Charles R. Smith .. William R. Mechaelis Catherine Livingston Jane Robertson (ii.) Islay McLean Helen F. Frazer .. Margaret P. Arnold John Harkness Rice Jean Laird Cooke .. William Cron Grace C. S.MoNaught Elizabeth M. Gunn Doroth. J. Wilkinson Maud E. Singleton Mary Joan Jackson Bl E2 Dl D3 E2 D4 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF FP2 FP1 FP1 HM Mis. AM AF AF AF AF FP2 285 8 0 130 0 0 195 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 291 12 0 130 0 0 195 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 343 10 0 0 CI Dl C2 D2 E2 D3 10 0 0 Oamaru South 982 17 0 77 17 4 12 10 Oj 342 Gbade 14. Macandrew Road 1,079 11 8i 87 8 2 143 18 10 : William Bennett .. Agnes Forsyth Charles G. Smeaton Flora Faulks John Melville Mary Maria Walker Helen Don Eleanor W. Mackisack Margaret Newlands William Davidson(i.) Janet Mcintosh William F. Watters Thomas R. W. Coutts Lois A. P. Wbinam Marion S. Loan Elizabeth M. Calder Minnie A. Thomas.. Thirza Sarah Mori is David Murray Caroline S. Yorston George F. Booth .. Wm. H. Johnston(ii.) Alice G. Bowling .. Elizabeth S. Paterson Minnie L. McGregor Janet Humphrey .. Helen C. Clothier .. Dl El Dl D2 D2 E2 D2 HM Mis. AM AF AM AF AF FP2 FP2 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF FP3 FP2 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF FP4 FP1 295 0 0 135 0 0 205 0 0 105 0 0 110 0 0 85 0 0 85 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 297 16 0 135 0 0 210 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 298 4 0 135 0 0 210 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0, 50 0 0 20 0 0 382 Mornington 1,124 6 11 79 12 4| 391 7 11 Dl El Bl Bl D2 D4 D3 394 North-east Valley 1,089 17 11 79 17 4 31 13 11 Dl Dl 01 D4 D2 D3 D4 406 Gbade 15. Gaversham 1,234 18 4 0 16 8 88 10 60 11 9 William Milne Elizabeth L. Donald Charles Young Thomas Begg Annie H. Barnett .. Wilkinson L. Harrison Gertrude McPherson Eva Mary Ash Jane Margaret Meston Cyril Norman Lawless James Rennie .. | Eva Marion Orkney James Henry Gray.. Thomas Paterson .. Hannah B. Murray Amelia Bott Maria M. McCallum Hannah C. Nelson.. I Christina Campbell William T. O. Kaye W,t.V>ol Tl Williamo . Bl El 01 D3 D2 A4 1)3 D2 HM Mis. AM AM AF AM AF AF FP3 MP2 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF FP4 FP3 MP2 FP2 312 0 0 140 0 0 220 0 0 120 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 302 4 0 140 0 0 220 0 0 120 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 85 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 483 Port Chalmers D.H.S. Bl 02 Bl D4 E2, E2 D2 1,218 4 0| 25 0 CI 87 7 4, 16 0 11 425 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 Ethel 1). Williams .. ■


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


•0— continue. Name of Schoe Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a _o ~4=* d o ■a CO d 3 A ■B-i ■2-g Sen o to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. 44 R •-< d CO Odttpjd . aSl^I "waJcS o aa a j; d mo < on co a u — a o TJ o mm -<q o Sir* * ■-. d cu (M CD A 4=> p W DC d CD > ■4 Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances Other and Pupil- Ordinary teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances Buildings, R Sites, * Furniture, School Apparatus. Buildings. £ s. d.| £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gbade 16. 316 12 0 145 0 0 240 0 0 175 0 0 110 0 0 112 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 nion Street.. 1,348 3 8' 91 7 4 296 18 6 HM Mis. AM AM AF AM AF FP3 FP3 FP3 FP2 MP1 Alexander Stewart.. Mary S. McMillan .. Leonard Arthur Line Edward Davis Agnes Walker Rodger Alex. McLean (iii.).. Sarah Cameron Christina Weir Dorothy C. Tucker.. Eleanor Kyle Margaret Burnside.. Robert MoKenzie .. CI El Al D3 D2 C3 D3 48' Gbade 17. CI Dl Dl D2 E2 04 D2 E3 HM Mis. AM AM AF AM AF AF FP3 FP3 FP2 FP2 FP3 HM Mia. AM AM AF AM AF AF FP4 FP4 FP2 MP3 FP1 HM Mis. AM AM AF AF AF AF FP3 MP2 FP2 MP1 FP1 HM Mis. AM AM AF AM AF AF AF FP3 FP2 MP2 HM Mis. AM AM AF AM AF AF 327 4 0 155 0 0 240 0 0 180 0 0 110 0 0 110 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 321 0 0 150 0 0 240 0 0 175 0 0 110 0 0 110 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 328 16 0 150 0 0 240 0 0 130 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 328 4 0 155 0 0 240 0 0 180 0 0 110 0 0 110 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 366 0 0 150 0 0 240 0 0 165 0 0 130 0 0! 110 0 Oj 95 0 0 80 0 o! lbany Street .rthur Street 'orbury 1,485 1 4 ;1,470 3 4' 1,373 10 0 54 3 4 11 13 4 6 5 0 98 0 0 94 2 4 99 0 0 131 490 4 3 106 18 11 2 1| Owen James Hodge Catherine Haig William McLaren .. John M. Nicolson .. Lillias A. Fowler .. William Rodger Jessie Isabel Given.. Lily Evans Daisy R. Robertson Violet B. Sinclair .. Amelia F. Gillies .. Leith V. Bagley Rose Ure John H. Chapman .. Eliza Grant Sherriff Richard J. Barrett.. Peter G. Stewart .. Margaret H. Thomson Joseph Hunter Marjory T. Scott .. Gertrude Alice Keam Christina W. Liddle Jessie Allan Ellen McLellan .. John Arthur Borrie Janet C. Wilson Richard Gill Wbetter Rebecca Gordon Walter B. Graham.. James Borthwick .. Dora Smith Lawrence Margaret R. Sherriff Isabella Orr Cooper Jane P. Hartley Annie F. Hartstonge Peter Johan Anderson Henrietta Woodhouse Archibald Thomson Mary Martha Farrant James Waddell Smith Annie C. Anderson.. John A. Robertson.. William J. Strong .. Emma Hayes William F. J.Munro Alice Mary Andrew Mabel Adeline Tayler Grace M. Farnie .. Jessie Banks Wilson Mary S. B.Wright.. James Barnett David R. White .. Emma Stevens Hugh McMillan ., James W. Hardy .. Marjory Seaton Huie William Renton (ii.) Mary A. Strachan .. Mary A. R. McCarthy Dl Dl Dl Dl D2 C3 D3 D3 Bl Dl CI E2 E2 D2 D2 E4 10 0 0 5 0 0 50 0 0 5 0 0 532 500 578 5 0 0' igh Street .. 1,477 14 7 10 0 0 98 12 4 48 4 3 CI El Dl D2 Dl 04 D2 D3 D3 521 Al Dl Dl D2 Dl D4 El D2 10 0 0 50 0 0 brmal 1,477 18 11 59 3 i\ 132 18 9 180 0 3 504


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


1— continue! Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, inc uding all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d o ca CO CO d 3 A OA "H O oA ■a v to O PAnnua? Salarv at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. n-, Meo odM K a ■ iaessis § d »«■»». a £ j « MO < on d a u o a,g a a o 44 d w 2 aS-i^n. •3g , as'3 a ' CD H CD A u o CO d =3 > House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers* ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances Furniture, Sohool Apparatus. Buildings. Gbade 17— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. ormal— continued Mary Eleanor Sims Anne Dale Vera Nicol Harold B. Tomlinson FP4 FP4 FP1 MP1 50 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 Gbade 19. .aikorai 1,688 1 4, 44 0 Oj 110 0 0 212 13 8 William O.AUnutt.. Mary McEwan John A. Fitzgerald.. Henry Phillipson Kelk Jane Wilson Robert Hugh Stables Mary Callender Grace E. Maogregor Annie Cecilia Dow .. • Catherine J. Fraser John G. Paterson .. Rose Darling Janet McG. Smith .. M. G. Farquharson Dl El Dl Dl E2 D3 E2 D3 D2 D3 HM Mis. AM AM AF AM AF AF AF AF MP3 FP3 FP3 FP1 346 8 0 165 0 0 240 0 0 180 0 0 120 0 0 115 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 622 5 0 0 Gbade 20. eorge Street .. Jl,738 18 8 David Alex. McNicoll Isabella Turnbull .. Alexander McLean (i.) John H. A. McPhee Verona H. D. Campbell William R. Cook .. Wilhelmina Harlow Eliza Jane Gardiner Blanche Luscombe.. Margaret P. Keam.. FrancisE. L. Forrester Louisa M. McCallum Margaret Ford Margaret E. Hastings Robert R. Hunter .. Katharine A. C. de G. Graham Dl Dl CI B2 E2 D3 D3 D2 D2 HM Mis. AM AM AF AM AF AF AF FP4 MP4 FP4 FP2 FP2 MP1 FP1 348 2 0 175 0 0 240 0 0 180 0 0 130 0 0 125 0 0 110 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 53 6 8: 111 2 4 305 18 6 576 I • . Musselburgh(not opened) Committee incidentals (unclassified) School Buildings— Unclassified Preparation of plans and supervision of buildings School appliances .. Expenditure not chargeable to any particular schools I '60,064 7 1 8219 7 7 4 6 206 0 4 357 2 4 82 19 7 159 10 2 722 12 10 509 0 6 5,297 15 6 10,757 7 4 60564 10 0 480 0 0 SOU 1 'HLAND. Gbade 0. Benmore Burwood Bushy Park .. Centre Island Dog Island .. Manapouri .. Shotover, Upper Springhilla .. Te Anau(!) .. Waikawa £ s. d. 52 10 9 22 10 0 40 0 0 19 0 10 20 8 4 35 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 17 10 0 40 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 2 6 £ s. a. 117 11 £ s. d. Mary E. Stevens .. I da W. Henderson.. Wilhelmin a McKell ar May Boyce Ruth Vallanoe Helen McLeod Janet C. Barnett .. Annie McKay F F F F F F F F £ s. d. 40 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 25 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 £ s. d. 8 2 4 3 5 7 6 10 2 10 0 4 5 0 E3 4*12 6 Laura J. Dutbie .. F 64' 0 0 11 Gbade 1. 81 17 7 80 0 0 80 0 0 78 11 5 10 0 0 6 12 6 7 5 0 9 2 6 68 10 0 Kate Balneaves Jessie Carmichael .. Jeannie S. Harrison Helena R. Fahey .. F F F F 90 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 82 16 0 Caroline Chat ton Dacre Eastern Bush L9 12 14 IS Closed


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.


D— continui id. Name of School. Maintenance. House Allowances Other and Pupil- Ordinary teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Rent of School Buildings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d eg 2 CO d 5 CD A HA ■rt O oA ■a o o to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. — McD °9» 3 iS .£ 8 d MO u < o,a a u o -ao SI• d3 d g St ! • a' o aa? a ! cc a co-S S £ d cl co a fe .0 a u Teachers' Salaries. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Gbade 1— continued. Feldwick Ferndale Flint's Bush Forest Hill South Glenorchy Greenvale Grove Hamilton Burn Hokonui Holmsdale Miller's Flat Morton Mains( 3 ) Papatotara Pine Bush Redan Valley Slopedown Waicola £ s. d. 58 7 9 79 8 10 83 13 11 64 0 0 90 0 0 72 0 0 58 13 4 76 18 2 90 0 0 81 2 6 80 13 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 5 2 6 7 10 0 8 0 0 4 12 6 9 17 6 4 12 6 5 17 6 7 17 6 9 12 6 7 0 0 7 12 6 £ a. d. 1 10 0 22 15 0 312 5 4415 0 2 19 9 £ s. d. Frank J. Eggelton .. Margaret I. Clark .. Alice A. Ball Margaret A. Irwin .. Percy J. Valpy Louisa Mason Lois Chewings Jane Webber Francis Gavey Lena J. McDonnell Elizabeth Hanning Isabella C. J. Coohran Katherine Murphy.. Charlotte E. Orr .. Sarah E. Simmonds ■Jane Miller E4 £ s. d. H 60 0 0 F 84 0 0 F 82 16 0 F 64 0 0 H 90 0 0 F 72 0 0 H F ¥ ¥ H F F F H F F F F ¥ ¥ ¥ F 80 0 0 F 99 1 0 H 76 0 0 F 80 0 0 F 76 0 0 F 88 0 0 F 60 0 0 F 92 0 0 F 80 0 0 F 72 0 0 £ s. d. 10 15 15 12 22 14 10 15 25 13 15 14 20 11 15 1.8 14 84 12 0 59 11 11 99 0 0 80 0 0 31 3 2 9 5 0 5 0 0 8 2 6 8 5 0 232 0 0 85 0 0 B4 E5 E2 5 8 3 Gbade 2. Aparima Arthur's Point Athol Benio Cardrona Charlton Clifden Crown Terrace Croydon Croydon Siding Fairfax Forest Hill North Gibbston Glenham Haldane Hedgehope, Upper and/ Hedgehope Lower ( Koromiko Longridge Maeetown Mandeville Merrivale Mimihau Mokoreta Myross Bush Opio Oraki Otakau Otara Oteramika Gorge Pyramid Siding Quarry Hills and Wai- f kawa Valley \ Riverside Roslyn Bush.. Ryal Bush Scott's Gap Seaward Downs Seaward Moss Springbank .. Tokonui Waimahaka Waimumu Waipounamu 124 10 0 130 0 0 117 10 0 109 13 6 96 6 0 133 0 0 115 2 6 96 19 8 141 12 6 129 1 10 122 12 0 132 19 4 109 0 0 133 3 4 124 10 0 162 12 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 10 9 6 10 0 10 10 1 8 10 2 7 10 0 0 10 13 0: 10 1 8 9 10 0 1.0 3 6 10 4 4i 10 0 0 10 3 5 9 10 0 11 1 9 10 1 8 5 14 4 5 14 4 10 0 0 10 1 9 10 9 7 10 18 3 10 7 10 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 15 9 10 2 7 10 2 7 10 10 5 10 1 9 10 8 8 10 0 0 5 0 10 5 0 10 9 15 0 9 7 6 10 14 9 10 0 0 10 0 10 10 12 3 10 0 0 10 17 5 10 12 2 9 17 6 10 6 1 5 5 2 2"7 8 5 7 11 Agnes Dickie John A. MoKenzie .. Alice M. Reid James Harvey .. Jane B. Melton( 3 ) .. James Reid Wilson Eleanor Southberg.. Bertha Clapp Robert A. S. Browne James Pow Edith Hodgkinson .. Mary A. E. Campbell Beatrice H. Barr .. William C. Eggelton James Cusack D4 D3 E3 E3 E2 E4 F 124 10 0 H 130 0 0 F 117 10 0 H 110 10 0 F 96 6 0 H 133 0 0 F 110 10 0 F 93 3 0 H 1.32 0 0 H 130 0 0 F 117 10 0 F 124 10 0 F 107 0 0 H 143 0 0 H 124 10 0 20 0 0 2o"o 0 27 21 25 26 19 29 26 18 22 25 21 25 20 34 25 (17 116 25 23 28 3.1 26 22 22 31 22 24 29 22 31 22 rs 21 18 28 22 24 26 24 30 28 20 26 114 112 18 26 19 2 10 0 D4 D4 A4 E2 B4 Lie. E3 20 0 0 5 0 0 1 16 0 20 0 0 5 17 9 11 15 0 16 10 0 Janet Lind D4 F 166 16 0 101 3 7 105 15 0 131 10 0 134 10 0 121 0 0 116 2 9 110 19 6 129 2 6 124 10 0 131 15 0 131 18 6 117 10 0 117 9 7 124 10 0 136 16 0 24*2 6 10 0 2 16 8 0 15 0 4 19 5 6 12 5 Mary M. Biggar Amy E. N. Anderson Margaret M. Sangster William R. Overton Annie S. Boyd Florence E. Healey Annie Taylor Elizabeth McLean.. John L. Field Esau Fisher Henry G. Hewlett .. Patience I. Purvis.. Thomas Monteath .. Edward H. Ward .. D4 Dl E2 E4 E2 D2 01 E2 D3 E4 El D3 F 107 0 0 F 105 15 0 F 131 10 0 H 137 0 0 F 121 0 0 F 117 10 0 F 105 15 0 F 136 0 0 H 124 10 0 H 128 0 0 H 133 0 0 F 117 10 0 H 131 10 0 H 124 10 0 2o"o 0 20 0 0 4'l0 0 911 0 2o"o 0 0 11 3 5 0 0 3 7 0 :: ] William O. Duthie Dl H 136 16 0 20 0 0 113 19 3 114 10 0 135 0 0 96 6 0 114 0 0 133 0 0 114 0 0 135 0 0 124 10 0 103 10 0 124 6 8 Margaret Reid Janet Dewar John Officer Grace McArthur Mary A. Enright .. Robert Brownlie Mary McCallum .. Jeanette Fraser Jessie Wilson (ii.) .. Roberta C.F. Mitchell Kate F. Haydon .. Thomas Kelly E3 Dl El D4 D3 D2 D2 E2 1)4 D3 F 107 0 0 F 103 10 0 H 135 0 0 F 96 6 0 F 114 0 0 H 133 0 0 F 114 0 0 F 135 0 0 F ! 124 10 0 F 103 10 0 F j 121 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 "o 0 20 0 0 2 12 4 Wairekiki and Waikaua 143 4 2 10 8 8 E2 H 153 12 0 Waituna Wendon Valley Wild Bush 103 10 0 115 0 0 115 0 0 9 15 0 10 0 10 7 2 6 Gertrude M. Wilkins Hugh Clark Joseph Kilburn D3 D3 E2 F 103 10 0 H 115 0 0 H 115 0 0 ! Gbade 3. Ardlussa Elderslie Fernhills 151 0 0 139 1 8 146 16 9 12 18 7 11 12 3 11 15 9 I 37 0 0 5 15 0| William Smith (iii.) Alexander Clark Josephs. McGrath.. 1)2 D3 D8 H 151 0 0 H 149 0 0 H 151 0 0 39 34 35 'acair [K pened 1st December. :»: Nee Youhj g.


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


SOUTHL. 'D— continue, Name of School. [aintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buili lings. Teachers' Names, inc uding all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d o 5 I,, d 5 CD A UA .a o OA 3& cc O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. 2 d »-»^». a cj g d mo < On co a u ■a = '2§'S2 d -a? d 2 a t gi-Sd-es nl^l'SS <j c '&5 d^ r^to d CD IX CD A O cc sr cc ~ > •4 Teachers' Salaries. House Allowances and Pupilteachers' Lodging Allowances Other Ordinary Expenditure. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Gbade 3— continued. Garston Greenhills Gummie's Bush Half-moon Bay Heddon Bush Hillend South Limestone Plains Longbush Longridge Village Mabel Maitland Village Mataura Island Mossburn Niagara Oreti Plains Otama Otapiri Oteramika Pahia Pembroke Shotover, Lower Spar Bush Te Tua Waikaka Valley Wairio Wendonside £ s. d. 155 0 0 145 4 1 140 0 0 141 0 0 147 0 0 153 0 0 137 0 0 151 0 0 165 0 0 137 0 0 128 14 2 155 0 0 136 0 0 145 0 0 149 0 0 141 15 1 139 10 0 147 7 6 148 1 2 143 0 0 151 0 0 139 4 7 157 18 7 125 12 2 142 0 0 153 0 0 £ s. d. 20 0 0 £ s. d. 12 9 10 10 17 5 11 7 1 11 14 10 12 9 9 12 8 11 10 17 4 11 14 11 12 1 11 11 3 6 8 6 7 13 5 7 10 15 7 11 8 10 12 10 8 11 15 10 11 13 2 11 10 0 11 10 0 11 11 5 12 11 6 12 0 1 12 12 5 11 0 2 12 1 11 11 9 8 £ s. d. 22 0 0 5 8 0 1 17 6 70 13 8 10 6 9 16 10 8 59 7 6 2 7 11 80 10 6 156 0 0 £ s. d. William S. Lea Elizabeth A. Adams Jessie M. Carnahan William Peterson .. George M. Hassing.. James Milne Charles McKinnon.. Alexander Stott John Lyttle Henry E. Murray .. Mary E. White George C. Macdonald Christina Wraytt .. Herbert A. Wild .. James Donald Robert Fraser Agnes Gray William A. Diack .. Albert G. Lea .. j Alex. G. Thomson .. John C. M. Evison.. William F. Park .. Hewan A. Archdall William A. Sproat .. Christina McDonald Henry Shepard E2 D2 E2 E2 E2 El E2 C2 E2 1)2 D2 D2 E3 D2 D2 D3 E2 D3 E2 E2 D2 D3 D3 D3 E3 E2 H F F H H H H 11 H II F H F H 11 II F H H II II H 11 H F H £ s. d. 155 0 0 136 0 0 140 0 0 141 0 0 147 0 0 153 0 0 137 0 0 151 0 0 155 0 0 137 0 0 136 0 0 155 0 0 136 0 0 145 0 0 149 0 0 145 0 0 136 0 0 139 0 0 145 0 0 143 0 0 151 0 0 145 0 0 155 0 0 141 0 0 142 0 0 153 0 0 £ s. d. 20 0 0 ,. 31) 31 33 35 -.13 40 34 32 33 30 31 46 30 35 42 37 37 35 40 34 38 34 40 33 41 30 0 8 0 5 0 0 1 13 9 2 17 0 2 0 0 2 12 6 121 1 3 2 4 9 0 10 10 6 11 0 Gbade 4. 220 10 0 13 5 7 5 0 0 Isabella H. Watson Catherine H. McKay Francis R. Blue Ada M. Eggelton .. Thomas Merrie Johanna Cosgriff .. Joseph McLauchlan Margaret Brennan .. Robert Gibb Mary K. Robinson .. George H. Macan .. Margaret H. Adams F. R. H. Sutherland Beatrice DeLaurie.. 146 10 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 80 0 0 162 0 0 80 0 0 157 0 0 80 0 0 164 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 161 0 0 80 0 0 Kapuka .. .. j D3 HF Mis. HM Mia. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 40 Ktiapdale 234 16 3 13 10 9 5 0 0 D2 49 Otatara Bush 242 11 1 13 7 4; D2 44 Round Hill Tuturau 227 0 0 244 17 9 20 0 0 12 11 6 13 16 1 4 7 5 10 0 0 02 E4 E3 E4 El E4 Dl 20 0 0 38 44 Wallacetown 237 16 11 13 2 0 41 Wend on 239 8 10 14 7 5 156 17 0! 51 Gbade 5. 275 0 0 17 11 4 4 0 3 Arrow Balfour Dipton Drummond Fortrose Kennington Pukerau 270 15 0 266 5 0 259 3 4 247 18 4 270 8 4 253 6 8 17 16 6 17 2 7 15 12 0 14 3 1 17 13 1 15 11 1 0 15 0 2 10 2 10 0 164 14 6 46 9 2 2 10 0 James Orr BedeliaM. McDonnell Robert Learmonth .. Maria Baldey William Millar S. M. M. Macdonald Alexander Greig Jessie Cameron . .. Arthur J. Millard .. Sarah H. Murdoch.. A. E. Featheratone.. Maud M. Wilson .. James W. Mail Mary Powis Thomas E. Gazzard Eliza T. Toda James Soar Ada M. Meek Aaron Y. Smith Alex'drina Macdonald John W. McLeod .. Mary G. Robertson Duncan McKenzie.. Margaret Mail David S. McKillop.. Cecilia Hannan Dl E2 Dl E3 E2* E3 02 D4 E2 Dl D4 C2 E4 Dl E3 D2 E3 CI E4 E2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mi». HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. 190 0 0 85 0 0 181 5 0 85 0 0 181 5 0 85 o o: 172 10 0 85 0 0 167 10 0, 80 0 0' 185 0 0 85 0 0 167 10 0 85 0 0 187 10 0 85 0 0 185 0 0 85 0 0 171 5 0 85 0 0 167 10 0 80 0 0 173 15 0 85 0 0 177 10 0 85 0 0 I 69 72 67 57 46 72 58 Rimu 272 10 0 16 10 3 59 13 6 60 Thornbury 270 0 0 17 7 0 26 18 6 64 Waianiwa 256 5 0 14 17 1 11 0 0 53 Waikaka 257 11 10 14 12 8 50 Waimatuku West Plains 264 16 8 259 16 0 15 9 4 16 11 2 152 16 0 1 10 0 El E2 Dl E4 53 61 Gbade 6. 310 0 0 21 0 4 7 0 0 Clifton James Murdoch Jessie A. Dundas .. Fredlc. W. Hoddinott Maude M. Turner .. E2 D3 B2 Dl HM Mis. HM Mis. 210 0 0 100 0 0 198 15 0 100 0 0 84 Edendale 298 15 0 19 4 7 6 5 0 72


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued.


1—corai Urn Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings. Teachers' Names, inc uding all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d o CB 'co CO d 5 o A +3 •S-3 a S ■i° ."Sec CO O to Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. ' _, Mco Sa-S.„ <*-< a ■-id co a s g d tmo -S-ia-gS dSdgg-E aS-S'SA ■SlgftS 3°^ d CD H CD A 44 14 c CD Of cc 4, CD > House Allowances Teachers' and PupilSalaries, teachers' Lodging Allowances Other Ordinary Expenditure. Buildings, Bent Sites, of Furniture, Senool Apparatus. Buildings. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gbade 6 — continued Limehills 287 10 0 17 12 2 20 13 5 0 5 0 Thomas G. Shand .. Jane Sutherland (i.) Eric K. F. Mackay.. Margaret Hardie .. Arehd. H. Hiddleston Henrietta Cormack Donald Munro (i.) .. Caroline F. Brown .. David M. Greig Elizabeth W. Bellamy John Mehaffey Williamina A.Ramsay D2 El Dl E3 E2 D3 B2 HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis. HM Mis.; 192 10 0 95 0 0 202 10 0 95 0 0 207 10 0 100 0 0 215 0 0 85 10 0 215 0 0 100 0 0 205 0 0 95 0 0 K Makarewa 299 12 0 9! Queenstown .. 316 2 3 19 5 5 7! Riversdale 328 8 4 1 5 0 19 19 6 71 Waikiwi Woodlands .. 315 0 0 300 3 4 I 21 0 5 21 0 5' 20 19 8 133 17 3 4 10 0 C2 D2 Dl* D2 8) 81 Gbade 7. 358 10 0 24 19 2 150 4 0 Oolac Bay io o o ■ Angus McNeil Minnie L. Hanning j Harry Gazzard William H. Clark .. Jane H. Thomson .. I Lewis Clapp Janet Lymburn .. j John Gray .. ' Mary E. Johnstone Jane McNaughton .. William A. Rowe .. Mary G. Greenslade Leslie D. Mackay .. Martha Hamilton .. Alice B. Rout Margaret Whelan .. James B. Hutchinson Charlotte C. Ingram Florence Taylor Jabez Golding Margaret E. Hamilton Elizabeth Gordon .. Al E2 HM Mis. MP2 HM Mis. MP1 FP1 HM Mis. FP2 HM Mis. MP4 HF Mis. FP1 HM Mis. FP2 HM Mia. FP2 221 0 0 110 0 0 30 0 0 222 10 0 110 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 219 10 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 221 6 0 110 0 0 50 0 0 172 14 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 216 16 0 90 0 0 30 0 0 222 16 0 110 0 0 30 0 0 10! Lumsden 359 9 9 9 1 8 26 11 6, 6 16 7 Bl Dl 10 0 0 124 24 10 5 24 11 10 10 0 0 Nightcaps 344 10 0 10 0 0 Dl D3 113 Otautau 376 6 0 5 0 0 25 2 8J 3 0 0 Dl D2 10 0 0 111 Tisbury 302 2 4 35 0 0 24 14 10 0 7 0 Dl D3 5 0 0 30 0 0 111 Waikaia 331 16 0 10 0 0 21 18 10 7 11 7 01 94 Wyndham361 0 6 26 1 11 28 9 0 D2 El 10 0 0 110 Gbade 8. 14 17 10 Invercargill North 400 4 0 29 4 0 3 0 0 Alexander Inglis Mary Hardie Thomas Eggelton .. Mary Salmond Henry P. Young .. Mary Lea Ellen Greer Martina Brungot .. Duncan McNeil Margaret 0. Perrin.. Hugh McChesney .. Mary Baird Al E2 HM Mis. MP2 FP3 HM Mis. FP4 FP4 HM Mis. MP3 FP2 227 6 0 110 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 229 14 0 110 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 229 2 0 105 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 12! Orepuki 429 14 0 10 0 0 30 7 8 305 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 Dl Dl 14i 394 2 0 30 3 4 6 10 6 5 0 0 5 0 0 Waihopai Bl B2 137 Gbade 9. East Gore 530 13 1 11 7 10 38 6 111 116 2 6 William Gilchrist .. Marianne Grant Mary Jane Kennedy Daniel Macpherson Herbert J. DeLaurie I Ebenezer C. Hewat Janet A. Hamilton George E. Robertson Bertha E. Stevenson James Lenihan Alexander L. Wyllie Mary S. H. MoKenzie Ernest J. Healey .. Robert N. Wilson .. Madeline Lind Dl D2 HM Mis. AF MP2 MP3 HM Mis. AM FP5 MP2 HM Mis. AM MP3 FP4 243 16 0 115 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 245 6 0 110 0 0 130 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 243 16 0 115 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 17' Riverton D.H.S. 554 15 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 41 3 10 58 7 0 Bl D3 D2 211 Winton D.H.S. 518 16 0 5 0 0 Bl D3 39 12 4 1 13 8 191 Gbade 10. 5 0 0 Bluff 683 2 5 5 0 0 47 17 8 11,104 2 8 9 0 0 1 Anarew Young Emilie B. Apstein .. James Miller (i.) Margaret A. Gifford Christina Piloher .. Adella Williamson.. El D3 E2 HM Mis. AM AF FP4 FP1 260 12 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 231 5 0 0


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued.

10—E. 1.


iOUTH i— conti; vite, t. Name of School. Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Buili lings. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. a o d o 9 m 3 A aA ■« o oA o ."5 02 00 O P4 Annual Salary at the Rate paid during the Last Month of Year. <wHr,BBi ° *«"« 1 ri ggj.a o» o a- -*=.£>* a gd tajo *$ 4>n co a t, Hi a-ia c a,,a d in B 3 °" *4 a> o d House Allowances Other Teachers' and Pupil- Ordinary Salaries. teachers' ExpendiLodging ture. Allowances Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Rent of School Buildings. Grade 10— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Vlataura 654 7 2 5 9 5 4G 8 10 7 3 0 William Macandrew Lillian E. Fowler .. David D. Steadman Helen Carswell Muriel Winning William H. Sinclair 1)1 1)1 D2 HM Mis. AM AF FP2 MP1 256 2 0 115 0 0 155 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 230 Grade 11. 10 0 0 .nvercargill Park 750 2 1 9 14 1 39 12 2 22 16 0 James Hain Isabella Dryburgh .. Eobert A. Stenhouse Agnes G. McAllister Lily C. Barclay Minnie Fairbairn .. Roger Crean 1)1 El C2 D4 HM Mis. AM AF FP3 FP4 MP1 269 18 0 120 0 0 170 0 0 85 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 258 Grade 12. 10 0 0 Jore D.H.S. .. 915 9 2j 18 0 10 67 11 51 120 1 6 Jonathan Golding .. Kdith A. Howes Alfred F. Grenfell .. Agnes R. G. Christie Eric V. Mackay .. Elizabeth M. Wilson Thomas Ritchie Ellen M. J. Shepherd Flora MoEwan B2 D2 D2 E3 1)4 HM Mis. AM AF AM AF MP2 FP3 FP1 278 4 0 125 0 0 185 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 369 Grade 18. 10 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 .nvercargill Middle 1,455 10 6 18 16 10 103 3 6 6 7 1 William G. Mehaffey Helen L. Birss Charles W. G. Selby George W. Cockroft Andrew Bain Annie Thomson Margaret S. Pasley.. Jessie Harkness Elsie Nickless Hugh McFeely Elias Martin Lucy Brown Dl 1)1 1)1 1)1 E2 D3 HM Mis. AM AM AM AF AF FP5 FP2 MP2 MP3 FP1 330 16 0 155 0 0 235 0 0 130 0 0 103 10 6 105 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 522 Gr&de 19. 10 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 !nvercargill South 1,665 13 2 3 15 0 114 3 4 50 19 2 Edmund Webber .. Caroline McLeod .. John Portoous (ii.) .. William H. Sebo .. Lucy J. Joyce William Brownlie .. Jane King Fanny W. Nickless Frank Melhop Ethel Harrington .. Vera Murdoch Catherine E. McLeod Olive A. Turner Annie Colyer 01 Bl Bl El El D3 Dl HM Mis. AM AM AF AM AF AF MP4 FP4 FP2 FP4 FP3 FP1 344 8 0 165 0 0 235 0 0 206 0 0 120 0 0 115 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 599 5 0 0 schools not opened— Gladfleld Motorimu .. 75 0 0 100 0 0 3xpenditure not fiedFurniture and appliances Plans, supervision, fees School-sites Advertising tenders .. Timber stocked 184 19 7 251 0 8 383 15 3 25 3 0 71 17 11 30543 1110 362 8 6 2,229 12 4 5,143 0 9 13 10 0 130390 9 0 380 0 0



AUCKLAND. Sir,— Auckland, March, 1904. In accordance with section 102 of " The Education Act, 1877," the Board presents the following report of its proceedings during the year 1903 : — Board. —The members in office at the beginning of the year were Messrs. J. Muir (Chairman), L. J. Bagnall, A. R. Harris, B. Hobbs, W. Lambe, S. Luke, J. D. McKenzie, P. M. Mackay, and J. G. Rutherford. Messrs. Lambe, McKenzie, and Mackay retired from office in August, and were succeeded by Messrs. C. J. Parr, G. Edgecumbe, and H. J. Greenslade. Mr. Hobbs was elected in August to succeed Mr. Muir as Chairman. Mr. Muir and Mr. Rutherford resigned their seats in October. Their successors, Mr. J. Stallworthy and Mr. E. Dye, took their seats in December. Twenty-three meetings of the Board were held during the year, with an average attendance of eight members. There were twenty-four meetings of the Finance and Teachers' Selection Committee, which now consists of all the members of the Board. Schools. —There were 421 schools in operation at the end of the year, including 74 schools taught half-time. According to the departmental reckoning of every two half-time schools as one, the number is 384. Most of the half-time schools received three days' teaching in each week, an addition being made to the teacher's salary for the extra day's work. Eight schools were closed during the year —viz., Kauaeranga, Sandes Street, and Parawai (upon amalgamation of schools into one), Karaka (reopened half-time), Pakia and Waiotemarama (reopened full time), Otonga and Kaimamaku (the latter being reopened full time); also, Whenuakite, Tiritiri, and Tahekeroa, closed owing to withdrawal of population. The new schools opened during the year were : Kaimamaku, Karaka Nos. 1 and 2, Kauaeranga Valley, Kerikeri, Mangatete, Maungatautari, Okahu, Orere, Parawai, Pakia, Piriaka, Poro-o-tarao, Purerua, Waiomio, Waiotemarama, Woodlands. The schools were graded as follows : Average attendance under 21, 102 ; from 21 to 40, 151; from 41 to 90, 76; from 91 to 150, 20; from 151 to 250, 14; above 250, 21 : total, 384. Teachers.—The total number of teachers employed at the end of the year was 813—356 male and 457 female. This number includes six relieving-teachers and nine teachers employed to teach secondary subjects in district high schools. The teaching staff has been brought into strict conformity with the colonial scale. The few pupil-teachers employed in schools of thirty-one to forty were withdrawn during the year and located in other schools. The modification of salaries permitted by the proviso to section 4 of the Teachers' Salaries Act has now ceased, and all salaries are regulated according to the colonial scale. The Board meets with considerable difficulty in obtaining qualified teachers for the smaller schools, for which the scale salary does not afford an adequate maintenance, and unless a more liberal provision be made by Parliament it is feared that some of these schools will have to be closed. This matter has been specially brought under the notice of Government. Attendances. —The roll number of scholars at the end of 1903 was 29,258, showing an increase of 674 above the number at the end of 1902. The average attendance for the last quarter of the year was 25,114, as compared with 23,209 for the corresponding quarter of 1902. Scholarships.—The number of district scholarships under tenure at the end of the year was 90 —viz., 30 seniors and 60 juniors. There were also eleven scholarships held by girls under special regulations, and derived from the income of the Auckland Girls' High School endowment. All holders of scholarships have received satisfactory reports regarding their conduct, diligence, and progress during the year. District Hioh Schools. —Eight district high schools were in operation during the year —viz., Aratapu, Cambridge, Coromandel, Hamilton West, Onehunga (opened in July), Opotiki, Paeroa, and Waihi. That at Tauranga was closed at the end of June owing to paucity of attendance. An attempt was made to establish a district high school at Hikurangi, but had to be abandoned owing to the insufficiency of pupils. The total number of qualified pupils receiving secondary instruction at the end of the year was 298. Einance. —The receipts from all sources, including a balance of £3,376 6s. brought forward from 1902, amounted to £131,583 16s. lid., and the total expenditure was £129,990 Bs. 5d., leaving an unexpended balance of £1,593 Bs. 6d. at the end of the year. A summarised statement is appended to this report. The Administration Account began the year with a credit balance of £4,533 4s. 6d. ; the receipts amounted to £103,625 13s. Id., and the expenditure to £103,063 7s. 2d. : leaving a credit balance of £5,095 10s. sd. at the end of the year. Eor secondary education the expenditure (£3,473 7s. 7d.) exceeded the income (£3,167 6s. 9d.) by £306 os. lOd.; but this excess is more,than covered by the grants (£4lB 55.) earned during the December quarter of the year and received since January. For manual and technical instruction (exclusive of buildings) the Board received a sum of £1,807 7s. Id., and expended £2,599 6s. 5d., leaving a debit balance of £791 19s. 4d. To this has to be added a debit balance of £396 os. lOd. on account of the Auckland Technical School, brought forward from the year 1902, thus making a total deficiency of £1,188 os. 2d.



The capitation grants earned during the year, and since received, amount to £1,150 2s. lOd. For buildings the receipts amounted to £19,600 17s. 3d., and the expenditure to £20,639 lis. 10d., leaving a debit balance of £1,092 14s. 7d., to which should be added the debit balance of £1,156 18s. 6d. brought forward on Building Account from 1902, showing a total deficiency of £2,249 13s. Id. on this account at the end of the year. The building and fitting-up of the three manual-training schools proved more costly than was anticipated. Their total cost was £3,591 Bs. Id., towards which the Government grants amounted to £2,292. The Board has applied for a supplementary grant of £1,299 Bs. Id. to meet the additional cost, and the request is still under consideration. Buildings.—The Board is glad to report that a substantial increase has been made in the amount of the ordinary building grant for the maintenance and renewal of school buildings. It is impossible as yet to estimate whether the increased grant (£12,917) will suffice to meet all requirements, for a very large number of buildings, all of wood, erected nearly thirty years ago, stand in present need of a large outlay for renewal, and some have to be replaced with new structures. The Board is doing its best to administer the grant efficiently and economically. Competent foremen are employed, under direction of the architect, to carry out such repairs and improvements as cannot be made the subject of a tender and contract. The applications for special building grants for the erection of new schools, arid the enlargement of existing schools, to meet the requirements of new settlements and growth of population, have been pressed upon the Government from time to time, but there has been a tedious and unaccountable delay in dealing with them. The Board cannot believe that it is the' desire of the Government to withhold the means of education from those who are encouraged by the State to take up land in new and outlying settlements of the country, but several applications for schools in such districts have been held over for a protracted period for consideration and inquiry; and, as regards the town and suburban schools, there has been a delay of fully twelve months in dealing with some of them. The Board earnestly hopes that more prompt consideration will in future be given to its' applications for special building grants. [The following correspondence has since taken place between the Board and the Acting-Minister of Education. —Secretary for Education.] Sib, — Education Board, Auckland, 31st May, 1904. The Auckland Education Board at its last meeting instructed me to wait upon you at your visit to Auckland, and to bring under your notice the extraordinary delay on the part of the Department at Wellington in dealing with applications from this district for special grants for building and other purposes. The new conditions upon which the building grants voted from year to year by Parliament are distributed require the Board to obtain the authority of the Minister for the erection of a new school or for the enlargement of an existing school which may become necessary through the rapid growth of population. To this condition the Board would not object if it were satisfied that its representations, supported in each case by the recommendation of an Inspector of Schools, were dealt with fairly and promptly by the Minister. But the experience of the past two years does not give adequate ground for such an assurance. The vexatious delays and the not infrequent refusal to authorise works of urgent necessity give no little cause for the supposition that there is a desire to deprive this Board of its fair share of the liberal appropriations made by Parliament, at the invitation of the Government, to provide for the educational requirements of the colony. The Board recently communicated with the Bt. Hon. the Premier on the subject; and it is in consequence of his lamented illness that I now address you in the hope of obtaining your assistance in the matter. I will now briefly mention the principal items in regard to which we desire to lay before you our grounds of complaint:— 1. Oturua (near Botorua). —Twelve months have elasped since this application (for a new school) was made. The settlers are in earnest in desiring a school, and the Inspector has reported in favour of the same. Amount asked for, £186. 2. Kawhia.— An application for a grant of £1,100 to build a new school and residence was met by an offer from the Minister to hand over the Native school and dwelling. The Board accepted that offer, and in December last applied for a grant of £440 to enlarge the school building, which cannot possibly accommodate both European and Maori scholars. Since the closing of the Native school the Maoris have begun to send their children to the public school, and the Board feels that it would be unwise to discourage them in their laudable desire for the education of their children. But without an enlargement the building is too small for the purpose. This application stands " postponed " for an indefinite period. 3. Wade. —A small addition is required at this school. The Inspectors have more than once visited the district and reported upon an alternative proposal to build a school at the Orewa. On each occasion they have recommended the enlargement of the Wade School as the best course to adopt. The amount asked for is only £90, yet this request is also indefinitely " postponed." 4. Walton. —A school held for many years past in a railway cottage has now outgrown the accommodation provided thereby. A grant of £235 was applied for in September last, supported by the recommendation of an Inspector. It has been shown that the children of the district cannot be conveyed by rail or other means to any neighbouring school. The Board has been unable hitherto to obtain a definite answer from the Minister to this application. In the meantime the health of the children and their efficient instruction are endangered for the want of suitable accommodation. 5. Hamilton West. —A separate class-room for the instruction of the pupils of the district high school is here an urgent necessity. A grant of £380 was applied for in October last. The Department has urged, in reply, that there is no need for such addition. The District School Committee have loudly protested, and have at length rented a separate building for these pupils, a course which the Board has felt bound to approve. It is probable that some further addition will have to be made to this school beyond the class-room asked for. It is not encouraging to anticipate that, if such application be made, it may be delayed an answer for seven months or longer. 6. In February of this year applications were made for special grants to establish manual-training schools at the four centres of Thames, Cambridge, Hamilton, and Waihi. The total amount asked for in respect of these four centres is £3,366 6s. The Board has received notice that the application "will receive attention." It is very important that the Board should be made acquainted with the Minister's intentions in this matter. His decision may probably affect the plan of the class-rooms at Cambridge and Waihi, for which special grants have been authorised for the accommodation and instruction of the district-high-school pupils at those schools. 7. The Board built a new school at Mangatete (Awanui) at a cost of £220, and application was subsequently made for a special grant of that amount. The work was begun before the Board had received any intimation that the previous consent of the Minister was required before undertaking the outlay. The school has met a real want, caused by new settlement. It has a roll number of nearly forty scholars, Europeans and Maoris. It surely cannot be intended that the cost of this special work should be defrayed out of the allowance set apart for the maintenance and renewal of existing schools.



8. A small grant of £45 was asked for to make an addition to the Waihopo School. A similar grant had been voted for a similar addition to the adjacent school (Houhora). This school has a roll number of 48, and an average attendance of 41 pupils. At Waihopo the roll number is 57, and the average attendance 42. The case of Waihopo is even more urgent than that of Houhora. The Inspector recommends the work, but the Minister has not yet seen fit to authorise a grant of the small sum asked for. 9. The Northcote School is overcrowded. The population in that locality is increasing with astonishing rapidity. A special grant of £770 was asked for in February last to enlarge the school. The Minister decided to postpone the application until after the visit of the Inspector-General to Auckland. The Board learns with sincere regret that Mr. Hogben's illness renders it very doubtful as to how long this application must stand over. In the meantime the School Committee have entered a well-grounded protest against the inaction in this matter. 10. Epsom. —A remarkable and unprecedented increase of population is taking place in this suburban district, and the school is altogether too small for the number of children living in the vicinity. A new and separate classroom for infants is urgently required, and the sum of £770 was applied for in March last, but no authority has yet been given for the work to proceed. 11. At Ararua, a permanent settlement in the Kaipara district, there has been a marked increase of population and school attendance. A married male teacher has been placed in charge of the school. He has succeeded in ODtaining temporary accommodation for himself and his wife, but this will not be available after next month. He has searched the district for seven miles round in vain to endeavour to rent a house ; and the erection of a teacher's dwelling appears to be an absolute necessity. It is hoped that a grant for this purpose will be forthcoming immediately. 12. The grant for building and furnishing the manual-training schools at the three Auckland centres did not suffice to defray the whole cost of these works. A further sum of £1,299 Bs. Id. had to be provided out of the ordinary income of the Board. Repeated applications have been made to the Minister for a reimbursement of this outlay. The Minister has expressed his approval of the plan and design of the buildings as being neither too large nor too elaborate. Surely the Government will not persist in requiring the Board to bear this heavy expenditure unaided. I shall be very glad, sir, if you can make it convenient to visit one of the centres and to judge for yourself of the nature of the buildings and of the value of the work for which they are being utilised. 13. In October last year the Board applied for the sum of £3,205 6s. 4d. to provide the necessary apparatus for this year's session of the Auckland Technical School. After six months the Board has succeeded in getting grants to the extent of £1,531 15s. lOd. (less than one-half of the amount asked for). But, in regard to the apparatus for the electrical and mechanical engineering classes, the conditions imposed by the Department are somewhat harrassing, and are likely to cause some confusion if they are rigidly observed.' Thanking you, sir, for this opportunity of placing our grievances before you, which we do in the hope that you will remedy the same, have, &c, Hon. A. Pitt, Acting Minister of Education, Auckland. Richard Hobbs, Chairman.

Sib, — Education Department, Wellington, Bth June, 1904. I have the honour to inform you that since my return to Wellington I have investigated the matters referred to in your letter of the 31st ultimo, and I have to make the following remarks thereon. There is no desire to deprive your district of anything that it can properly claim from the special votes for school buildings. These votes are not granted for proportionate distribution, but for distribution according to ascertained needs, and there is therefore no question of what is any district's share. As a matter of fact, however, your Board received the largest share of the vote both in 1902-3 and 1903-4, while of the sums authorised but not paid on the 31st March last by far the largest portion is credited to Auckland, being nearly £2,000 more than that of the Board next on the list. With regard to the particular cases of which you make mention, the following is the position : — Oturua. —With this is involved an application for a grant of £485 for a school at Te Awahou, of which you have omitted to make any mention. On the 10th December last it was pointed out to your Board that these two places were quite close together, and on the 22nd March a reminder was sent that this remark had not been answered. On the 28th March your Secretary replied that the Department's letter of the 10th December had been referred to the Inspector, who had not yet visited the district, and that he would as soon as possible advise the Board where the school should be. Nothing further has been received from the Board on the subject, so that in this case it is the Board and not the Department that is responsible for the delay. The value of your statement that each of the Board's claims had been supported by the recommendation of an Inspector of Schools is very decidedly reduced by the knowledge that in these two cases, at any rate, the recommendation has been given without precise knowledge of the circumstances. Eawhia. —As you say, an application from the Board for a grant of £1,100 for a new school and residence was met by an offer from the Minister to hand over, from the end of last year, the Native school and dwelling. These are excellent buildings, the school affording accommodation for at least sixty children. The Board accepted the offer last October, and it is a matter for surprise that, so far, no advantage has been taken of it, notwithstanding representations from the School Committee that the building now being used is unsuitable for the purpose. The Board's application for £440 to enlarge the school on the ground that it would not accommodate both European and Maori scholars was made without any knowledge of whether or not the Maori children would continue to attend under the altered conditions. I am glad to see that the Board takes such an interest in the education of these Maoris, but may point out that not so very long ago it forwarded, with an expression of its concurrence, a resolution of a School Committee objecting to the attendance of Maori children at a public school. No doubt you are aware that the Maoris of Kawhia have vigorously protested against the loss of their school, and have applied for the establishment of another. This question is now under consideration. If the application is agreed to the public school need not be enlarged at present. It affords accommodation for sixty, and the average attendance for last quarter was only forty-one. Wade. —This also is complicated by there being another application for another school in the locality, of which you have said nothing. In 1902, upon a case submitted by the Board for the Department's opinion, it was decided that removal of the Wade School to a more central position was better than the alternative proposal to build a new school at Orewa, about three miles off. A year later (September, 1903), without referring to this decision, the Board applied for grants both for building at Orewa and for enlarging (without removing) the Wade School. The Department's reply to this (October, 1903) was that both claims could not be granted, seeing that building at Orewa must certainly render unnecessary an enlargement at the Wade. Nothing has since been heard of Orewa. The Department considers the first decision to be the proper one, on the ground of its affording a reasonable prospect of finality to the demands of the district, and because it has not been shown how a mere enlargement of the Wade School will provide for the children at Orewa, who live too far away to attend it. An erroneous statement in your letter to which I must call attention is that your Inspectors have on each occasion recommended enlargement at the Wade as the best course to adopt. The proposal to build at Orewa was recommended by an Inspector. Walton, Mangatete, and Waihopo. —ln the first two cases I will ask Cabinet to grant the sums for which you have applied, and I have authorised payment of the small amount named in respect of Waihopo. Northcote and Hamilton West. —In these cases I am making special arrangements to obtain fuller information than is afforded by the correspondence. Epsom. —l am not satisfied that so large a sum as £770 is needed at this school. I observe that at Newmarket School, which is near at hand, there is a large amount of room available. Nevertheless, in consideration of the undoubted increase of population in this district I will recommend Cabinet to grant a sum of £300, subject to a satisfactory proposal being submitted for the expenditure of the money. Ararua. —l ,will accept your statement as to the impossibility of obtaining proper accommodation for the teacher, but the sum for which you ask is too large. I will recommend Cabinet to make a grant of £350.



Claims on Account of Manual and Technical Instruction. —l regret to have to say that all these claims must stand over for the preparation of the estimates. Large demands on this account have come in from all parts of the colony, totalling, in fact, more than double the amount of last year's vote, and in such circumstances nothing can be done until the amount of the vote for the current year can be ascertained. I have, &c, The Chairman, Education Board, Auckland. Albert Pitt.

Sib, — Education Board, Auckland, 13th July, 1904. In continuation of my letter dated the 27th June, I am requested by the Board to lay before you the following statement regarding the applications for special grants at Oturoa, Kawhia, and Wade. The question of accommodation for Epsom School will be dealt with in a separate letter. Oturoa and Te Awahou. —In March, 1902, the Minister of Education submitted to the Board certain correspondence regarding the acquisition of a school-site at Oturoa, and offered to assist the Board in acquiring a site. These papers were referred to the Inspector, together with an application received in June of the same year from Messrs. Robinson, Karl, and others for the establishment of a school at Oturoa; and in August of the same year the Board authorised the survey of the site, part of Section 6a, Block XL, Rotorua. On 15th May, 1903, the Board forwarded to the Minister an application for a grant of £186 for a school building at Oturoa. This application was declined by the Minister in his memorandum dated 3rd September, 1903. The Board had previously received in April, 1900, from Mr. Alfred A. Yates and others, an application for the establisment of a school at Te Awahou, and on the Ist May, 1900, the Department was asked to transfer the old Native-school buildings at that place to the Board. This request was declined by the Department in the same month. Subsequently, in the year 1903, the Board received a second application from Mr. S. M. George for a school at Te Awahou ; and on the 27th October, 1903, the Department having then declined the request for the establishment of a school at Oturoa, an application was made to the Minister for a special grant of £485 to build a school at Te Awahou. In December, 1903, and again in March of this year, the Minister called the Board's attention to the fact that the two places were close together. A reply was then sent explaining that the application for Te Awahou was sent because that for Oturoa had been declined ; and also that the Inspector would visit the district and report where the school should be placed. It was not until the end of April that the Inspector was able to visit the district and report; and the Board then decided to establish a school at Oturoa, subject to a special grant being made to defray the cost of the building. Excluding the unavoidable delay through the Inspector being engaged in other districts, the Board's responsibility for the delay in this matter is therefore limited to the two months —May and June—of the present year. It is due to the Inspector to state that he did not recommend a school at both places. Kawhia. —Since the last application was forwarded (23rd December, 1903) the Minister has been furnished with all correspondence received from the district on the subject of school-accommodation, including a report from Inspector Mulgan, recommending the amalgamation of the European and Native schools ; and on the 31st March, and again on the 14th April, the Board asked for an early intimation of the Minister's decision. The Department's reply (dated the 10th May) stated that the request was " postponed " for the present. The Board has since, at the request of the School Committee, authorised the occupation of the Native-school building as a " side school," as a temporary provision to meet the demands for increased accommodation. The roll number is now seventy, and the average attendance for the June quarter was fifty-eight. Notwithstanding the Minister's assurance to the contrary, the Board deems it unwise to merge the whole school in the Native building. The School Committee's letter, dated the 23rd June, accompanied by a report on the state of the building by the resident medical practitioner of the district, confirms the Board in this opinion. (This letter and report have been forwarded to you.) With reference to the Minister's reminder of previous correspondence regarding the attendance of Maori children at a public school, the only case known to the Board is that of Otumoetai, in 1901, when the Board expressed its concurrence with a resolution passed by the householders, desiring that the Native Minister should call upon the Maoris to attend the school situated in their own pa ; and the circumstances of that case did not (seemingly) apply to Kawhia. The Board had no knowledge that the Maoris of Kawhia had protested against the loss of their school, or that they had applied for the establishmeht of another school. Wade and Orewa.—No mention was made in the letter dated the 31st May of Orewa, because the Board had then definitely decided not to open a school at that place. It is true that, in October, 1902, the Board consulted the Department upon the alternative of building a separate school at Orewa, or enlarging the present school building at Wade ; and that the Department in December of the same year suggested the removal and enlargement of the Wade School as the best solution of the difficulty. At that time the Inspector, Mr. Mulgan, did not recommend the building of a school at Orewa. It is also true that the proposal to build a school at Orewa was recommended in 1903 by Inspector Goodwin, and that a grant for that purpose was applied for upon his recommendation. When the Minister's opinion of the 4th December, 1902, was communicated to the residents at the Wade, a strong remonstrance was made by the School Committee and householders against the removal of that building from its present site. After full inquiry, the Board was satisfied, on the recommendation of Inspectors Petrie and Goodwin, that if no school were established at Orewa the enlargement of the Wade School was a necessity, and for that purpose the special grant of £90 applied for in March of this year is asked for. Most of the Orewa children attend the Wade School, and some attend Wainui School. The Wade School is situated in the township at the head of the navigation, and its present site is considered to be the best position for the school. It should be added that the school at Whangaparaoa, referred to in Mr. Mulgan's report, has been closed since the end of last year. The inaccuracy in the letter of the 31st May consisted in saying that " on each occasion " the Inspectors have recommended the enlargement of the Wade School as the best course to adopt. Nevertheless, all three Inspectors agree in the opinion that, if no school is established at Orewa, the enlargement of the Wade School is necessary. A communication dated the 29th June has been received from the District School Committee, urging the immediate enlargement of the Wade School. A letter from the Committee on the subject has been forwarded to you. 1 have, &c, Hon. A. Pitt, Acting Minister of Education, Wellington. Richd. Hobbs, Chairman.

Sib,— 25th July, 1904. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th instant in continuation of your previous letter of the 31st May complaining of delay on the part of the Department in dealing with applications for special grants for school buildings. Oturoa and Awahou. —There were applications from your Board for £186 and £485 respectively for schools at these places, supported in each case by Inspectors' recommendations, though, as it has since turned out, these officers had not visited the localities. It was pointed out to you last December that the two places were close together, and you have only now definitely reported the result of the Inspector's investigation. The delay, therefore, is with the Board and not with the Department, and, moreover, the Government has saved £485, seeing that you now withdraw your application in repect of Te Awahou. As soon as I know what funds are available for the year I hope to make a grant of £186 for Oturoa. Kawhia.— l repeat that since the end of last year the Native schoolhouse and dwelling—both excellent buildings —have been at the Board's disposal, and that it is therefore quite futile to keep sending in reports condemnatory of the building now in use. With regard to your statement that you have authorised the occupation of the Native school as a side-school, I can only say that an officer of the Department was at Kawhia on the 26th June ultimo, and that there was then no sign of such occupation. The Government is quite willing to do what is reasonable in this case, but it seems to me that the Board's action is not reasonable. It has shown no desire whatever to help. Wade and Orewa. —Here, again, is an instance of the Board's applying for a grant for a school, and subsequently abandoning the application after the further inquiry forced upon it by the Department. You now state that you have definitely decided not to build at Orewa, although in September last you applied for a grant for the purpose. The remaining application in respect of Wade is held over for further inquiry. As I remarked before, it is not clear to the Department how mere enlargement of the Wade School is to provide for children who live too far away to attend it.




In conclusion, I must express the opinion that the Board has not made out such a case as the tone of your first letter would lead one to expect. That delays occur in these matters is evident, but that the Department is even chiefly to blame has not been shown. The Department has to protect the public purse, and there are indications from many parts of the colony that Boards will apply to the Government for grants in cases to which they would not give the slightest consideration if they themselves had to find the money. I have, &c, The Chairman, Education Board, Auckland. Albebt Pitt. Manual and Technical Instruction. —The report of the Director of Technical Education presents a full and comprehensive statement of what has been accomplished during the year. The boys and girls of Standards V., VI., and VII. in eighteen of the town and suburban schools have received regular and efficient instruction in woodwork and cookery respectively, and the headmasters of those schools have cheerfully co-operated in assisting to carry out the arrangements made by the Director for such instruction. Thirty-nine schools have carried on instruction in handwork, and in fourteen schools (under the sole charge of male teachers) provision has been made for the instruction of girls in needlework. A large number of teachers have availed themselves of the Saturday classes in woodwork and cookery, some of them having to travel long distances weekly in order to do so. Arrangements will be made this year for the instruction of teachers and pupil-teachers in art and science. Miscellaneous.—The Board regrets that no provision has yet been made by Parliament for the superannuation of teachers. The problem of providing for the retirement of those whose age and infirmity unfit them for the work of teaching is a difficult one, but the interests of education demand that it should be faced with the least possible delay. The Board is glad to know that there is a prospect of an early establishment of a training college for teachers, and the proposals of the Department herein are generally approved. The thanks of the Board are due to the Department for its generous dealing in the matter of the adjustment of teachers' salaries, to the Auckland members of Parliament for their co-operation in obtaining a more liberal grant for the maintenance of school buildings, to the officers of the Public Health Department for much valuable help and advice in matters of school sanitation, and to the School Committees throughout the district for their cordial support and assistance in the administration of school affairs during the year. I have, &c, The Rt. Hon. the Minister of Education. Richard Hobbs, Chairman.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903.

Beceipts. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 3,376 6 0 Grants from Government for— Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and allowances to pupil-teachers .. 85,954 10 1 Reserves revenue for primary education 2,934 7 6 Capitation at lis. 3d. and grant of £250 13,998 15 2 Capitation for relieving-teachers .. 611 1 6 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 70 0 0 Receipts from other sources— Truancy fines .. .. .. 36 4 3 Commission on Government Insurance premiums collected .. .. 14 8 3 Refunds, &c. .. .. .. 6 6 4 Grants from Government for— Scholarships .. .. .. 1,909 1 9 District high fchools .. .. 1,137 5 0 Reserves revenue for secondary education 100 0 0 District high school fees .. .. , 210 0 Grants from Government for manual and technical instruction — Capitation on attendance .. .. 661 4 9 Material forclass work .. .. 35 2 3 Receipts from other sources — Pees, £639 lis. ; voluntary contributions, £42 13s. lid. ; sales, £80 os. 3d. .. .. 762 5 2 Grants from Government for— Maintenance of school buildings, etc. .. 9,725 0 0 House allowances .. .. .. 2,798 19 0 Special grants for new schools, &c. .. 2,943 1 0 Special grants for technical - school buildings, &c, rent (two years), Technical School, &c. .. ".. .. 4,038 15 11 Receipts from other sources Sales from store, rents, sales of sites, buildings .. 193 16 3 Other receipts— Auckland Summer School fees .. 5 10 0 Sales of supplies from store .. .. 016 9 £131,333 16 11 31st March, 1904.

Expenditure. £ s. d. Staff salaries and clerical assistance .. 4,025 2 8 Office contingencies .. .. .. 1,834 19 3 Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries and pupil-teachers'allowances .. .. 89,198 13 2 Relieving-teachers' salaries .. .. 724 4 0 Training of teachers .. .. .. 150 4 9 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 86 13 4 Conveyance of school-children .. .. 19 10 0 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 6,494 4 3 Audit of school fund accounts .. .. 30 0 0 Truant Officer .. .. .. 199 15 9 Scholarships and expenses of examination 1.905 18 9 Salaries of staffs of district high schools, paid out of special receipts for such schools .. .. .. .. 1,471 3 0 Apparatus for schools .. .. .. 96 5 10 Manual and technical instruction — Instructors'salaries and expenses .. 1,432 18 5 School classes .. .. .. 276 16 10 Special classes .. .. .. 313 12 Office salaries .. .. .. 576 10 0 Maintenance of school buildings, rebuilding, &c. .. .. .. .. 6,294 1 3 House allowances .. .. .. 2,794 15 8 New school buildings, additions, &c. .. 6,312 15 1 Buildings, &c, for manual and technical purposes— School classes .. .. .. 3,521 2 1 Special classes .. .. .. 1,770 17 9 Other expenses— Auckland Summer School .. .. 140 0 0 Purchase of supplies for store .. 20 15 5 Balance at end of year .. .. 1,593 8 0 £131,333 16 11 Richard Hobbs, Chairman. Vincent E. Rice, Secretary.


TARANAKI. Sir,— New Plymouth, 31st March, 1904. In accordance with the provisions of section 102 of " The Education Act, 1877," the Education Board of the District of Taranaki has the honour to submit the following report of its proceedings for the year 1903 : — The Board. —At the beginning of the year the Board was composed of the following members : E. G. Allsworth, Esq. (Chairman), Mrs. Jane R. Dougherty, Messrs. G. A. Adlam, Henry Faull, Arthur Morton, Joseph Mackay, M.A., D. H. McDonald, John Taylor, and James Wade. Mrs. Dougherty, and Messrs. Faull and Mackay retired in the terms of section 15 of the Education Act. Four candidates were nominated for the vacancies, and the voting resulted in the re-election of Mrs. Dougherty, Messrs. Faull and Mackay. In September, Mr. John Taylor resigned, and Mr. William Monkhouse was elected to fill the vacancy. The Board held twelve ordinary meetings. In addition to a number of special committees, the following standing committees met regularly during the year, and besides relieving the Board of a vast amount of detail work, devoted a close attention to the business that came before them, which, while very necessary and desirable, is impossible to obtain from the Board when only monthly meetings are held : Finance, Teachers' Selection, Reserves, and Sewing. Schools. —New schools have been opened at Waitui and Kahui Road, and, owing to the poor attendance, the Pohokura School has been temporarily closed. There were seventy-three schools open at the end of the year, including four half-time schools; the number of teachers employed in these schools was 134, who were graded as follows : Sole teachers, 23 female and 18 male; head teachers, 5 female and 24 male; assistants, 38 female and 7 male; pupil-teachers, 19 female. Pupil-teachers.—At the annual examination 14 pupil-teachers entered, of whom 12 passed, and 2 failed. The papers were set and examined by the Department. Scholarships.—For senior scholarships there were 15 candidates, and for junior, 18. Of the senior candidates 8 qualified, and of the junior, 8. Senior scholarships were awarded to 3 pupils at the New Plymouth High School, and to 2 at the Stratford District High School; and junior scholarships to 1 at Omata School, 1 at Midhirst School, 2 at lnglewood School, and 1 at Ngaire School. A Midhirst pupil, who would have been awarded a Board scholarship, gained a National scholarship. Finance.—The receipts of the Board from all sources, including a balance of £1,713 135., brought forward from 1902, amounted to £23,146 10s. 2d., while the expenditure was as follows : Administration, £1,513 4s. 9d. ; teachers' salaries, £15,188 lis. lOd.; incidental expenses of schools, £1,137 3s. lOd. ; secondary education, £606 lis. lOd. ; manual and technical, £218 os.4d, ; buildings, £3,958 15s. lOd. : total, £22,622 Bs. 6d.; leaving a balance of £524 Is. 9d., against which are liabilities fully covering it. The Board has, on several occasions, made application for the extra 9d. of capitation provided for in the Public-school Teachers' Salaries Act, but, so far, without success. Buildings.—New schools have been erected at Raupuha and at Kahui Road, and the Toko and Tariki Schools have been enlarged. The Wortley Road School has been removed to a more central position at the junction of the Richmond and Lincoln Roads. The Uruti School was burned down, and a contract has been let for its re-erection. An inquiry was held by the police, but it failed to disclose the cause of the fire. Public-school Teachers' Salaries Act and Small Schools.—The whole of the changes required by the passing of the above Act, which have been in progress during the past two years, have now been completed, and all schools are staffed and classified in accordance with the Act. In many cases teachers and schools have benefited, but the effect on the very small schools has been disastrous. These schools, already a source of anxiety to the Board, have on several occasions had to be closed owing to the impossibility of finding a teacher for them. Tongaporutu, Huiroa, Hurford Road, and Pukearuhe, were all closed at the end of the year for this reason. The difficulty, owing to the small number of pupil-teachers in training in the district, appears to be likely to increase as time goes on. This inflicts a very great hardship on the pioneer settlers whose children have the strongest claim to receive special consideration at the hands of the State. The remedy would seem to be to fix a minimum salary of at least £100 ; even then the quality of the instruction is likely to suffer through the disinclination of teachers to leave the larger centres. If the Boards had a discretionary power to give a bonus in the ease of very small schools, in proportion to the inaccessibility of the school, it would go a long way to meet this difficulty. Appointments, Transfers, etc. —Early in the year Mr. W. A. Ballantyne, 8.A., from Ota°-o, took up his duties as Assistant Inspector, and Miss M. Bell Thomson was appointed cadet in the Secretary's office. These additions to the staff were urgently required to cope with the rapidly increasing work. The demand for returns and information by the Education Department has been exceptionally heavy and a very serious tax on the time of the staff. During the year there have been seventy-nine changes in the teaching staff; one teacher died, and eighteen teachers left the Board's service, several of whom were females who left to enter the matrimonial state. Nine teachers from other districts received appointments. In its efforts to promote teachers the Board received valuable assistance from School Committees. Teachers' Classes. —These classes have been maintained throughout the year and well attended. Teachers from those parts of the district not served by railway find it very difficult and expensive to attend and some travelling-allowance should be made to them. District High School and Secondary Education.—The District High School at Stratford the only one in the district —continues to be a well-conducted and successful institution. It has now an attendance of seventy pupils in the secondary classes. The passing of the Secondary Education Act of last session was very favourably received, and will prove, it is hoped, beneficial to the Stratford District High School and the New Plymouth High School, particularly in the case of the latter, by bringing it into closer touch with the primary schools at the north end of the



district. The liberal provision now made for scholarships and free tuition is much appreciated, but the Board felt called upon to direct attention to the large number of examinations which it is found necessary to hold, and it is worthy of consideration whether teacher's certificate, Civil Service, pupil-teachers', matriculation, and the various scholarship examinations should not be held simultaneously, and success in one constitute a partial pass in the others. This is the case to a very limited extent now, but the practice might be extended and systematized with advantage. New Syllabus.—The new syllabus was, on the whole, very cordially received by the Board and its teachers, and there is no doubt but that it will have a very beneficial effect in broadening and modernising our educational system. Technical Education. —The efforts of the Board to establish a thoroughly efficient system of technical education have not been relaxed, and some progress has been made, although there are still many who fail to realise the necessity of this very important branch of education. At Stratford an admirable building has been erected, and as soon as some necessary workshops and outbuildings, &c, have been completed, the building will be brought into use. The cost of the main building will be £1,084 lis., which is being found by the Government. Of this sum £894 10s. 2d. was spent at the end of the year. The foundation-stone was laid on the 30th July by the Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister of Customs, and on the 28th December the same Minister opened a very successful industrial exhibition in aid of its funds in the nearly completed building. At New Plymouth the question of site remains unsettled. The matter has been advanced somewhat, however, an Act having been passed through Parliament vesting St. Michael's Square—the site chosen, and previously the property of the New Plymouth Borough Council—in the School Commissioners, in exchange for certain education reserves at the west end of the town, with the view of having the square declared a school-site, in accordance with the power vested in the School Commissioners by the Education Beserves Act. In this connection the thanks of the Board are due to Mr. James Mackenzie, Commissioner of Crown Lands for Taranaki, for assistance given in arranging details of the Exchange Bill, also to Messrs Smith, Jennings, Symes, and Major, Ms.H.B., for securing the passing of the Act. During the year plumbing classes, in theory and practice, were established at New Plymouth and Stratford. An examination held at the conclusion of the first course showed that the instruction had been on sound lines. School classes, under the Manual and Technical Instruction Act, have been established, and are progressing satisfactorily in a number of schools. Queen's Scholarships.—Of the six scholarships under the Victoria College Act two came to this education district. This is a pleasing testimony to the standard of education, particularly as the winners were both at the time holding Board scholarships. The passing of the Queen's Scholarship Act of last session has, however, seriously reduced the value of these scholarships, the conditions being altogether changed. On the ground that no notice was given to any of the candidates (whose entries were in before the Act was passed), the Board entered a strong protest against the injustice done to this year's candidates. It is to be hoped the Legislature, when all the facts are before them, will set the matter right. Maintenance op Buildings.—The decision of the Minister of Education to adopt the recommendation of the Committee of the House in the distribution of the Government grant has given great satisfaction. For years, owing to the demand for new buildings, much-needed repairs and painting have had to be held over. Although the grant has been somewhat reduced, the whole of it will now be applied to maintain and improve existing buildings, and it is reasonable to expect that in a few years a considerable improvement will be seen in the condition of our buildings. New Buildings.—ln connection with grants for new schools much greater expedition on the part of the Department is necessary. The Board is very careful and thoroughly investigates every application for a new school, or the enlargement of existing schools, before making a claim on the Department. The delay which often takes place before these claims are recognised is unjust to the children, who are rapidly passing beyond school age, and unfair to the Board. The delay in forwarding instalments of grants for buildings in progress is also a source of embarassment to the Board. On the occasion on which the Bight Hon. B. J. Seddon, P.C., Minister of Education, passed through the district in December, the Chairman and Mr. Wade waited on him, and, amongst the matters brought under the notice of the Minister, they suggested that the Department should adopt a model plan of school buildings —plans, specifications, and cost of erection to be supplied by the Department —the Board, if necessary, supervising the erection. The Minister agreed there was much to be said in favour of the idea, and promised to give it consideration. Since then several Boards have expressed approval of the idea. Betirement and Death op Hon. W. C. Walker. —It was with very much regret and deep sorrow that the Board learned of the retirement and subsequent death of the late Minister of Education. Mr. Walker's kind and practical sympathy with the difficulties of this Board had earned him the esteem of every member, and the Board hoped he would live long to enjoy a wellearned rest from the cares of office and the honour conferred upon him by the Legislative Council. This was not to be, and the Board, at the time, by resolution expressed its sense of the great loss which the whole colony had sustained. Congratulations to Bight Hon. B. J. Seddon, P.O.—On the first occasion on which the Bight Hon. B. J. Seddon, P.0., passed through the district on his assuming the position of Minister of Education, the Chairman, with Mr. Wade and the Secretary, waited on him on behalf of the Board, and tendered him the Board's congratulations. Franking Privilege.—During the year an intimation was received from the Department that it was proposed to withdraw from Boards the privilege of franking correspondence. In reply to representations of this and other Boards, the privilege has so far been continued, and will not, it is hoped, be withdrawn.




Cadet Movement.—This movement has made considerable progress during the year, and is having a very beneficial effect on the schools and tea.chers. It may be mentioned that of' all the teachers' classes, that for drill, under Colour-Sergeant Armitage, of the Taranaki Rifles, was the most popular, and had the best attendance of both male and female teachers. Promised Legislation.—The promised legislation dealing with the making provision for the much-needed Superannuation Fund for aged and infirm teachers, and that dealing with the funds of the Opaku Reserve, has not yet been introduced. These are both matters of very great importance, and require urgent attention. Alteration op Boundaries.—There is a growing feeling that the time is ripe for the consideration of question of making the boundaries of the Education District coterminous with those of the provincial district. Besides many advantages, it would mean much greater economy in administration. Conference of Boards.—The changes in the administration of the Education Department, together with the changed conditions since the introduction of the present system of education, makes it very desirable that the Minister should invite the Boards to meet and confer with him and his permanent officers. Such a conference would undoubtedly lead to a better realisation on the part of the Boards of the aims and objects of the Department and a better understanding on the part of the Department of the many difficulties which the Boards have to contend with. Conclusion.—The relations of the Board with the Education Department, its own official and teaching staff, and the School Committees, have been most cordial and pleasant throughout the y ear - E. G. Allsworth, Chairman. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 1,713 13 0 Staff salaries and clerical assistance .. 925 13 4 Grants from Government for— Office contingencies .. .. .. 587 11 5 Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries and and allowances to pupil-teachers .. 12,995 17 5 allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 15,188 1110 Reserves revenue for primary education.. 2,118 17 6 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 1,137 310 Capitation at lis. 3d. and grant of £250 2,465 5 4 Scholarships and expenses of examination '244 3 4 Capitation for relieving-teachers .. 98 9 2 Salaries of staffs of District High Schools, Receipts from other sources—Contractors' paid out of special receipts .. .. 167 18 9 deposits forfeited, £15; refund hearth Bonus to teachers .. .. .. 186 18 9 blocks, £3 lis.; half-cost offence, £1 Other expenses—Secretary, Mr. T. H. Penn', 17s. 6d.; Opunake residence, £110s. ; old £5; stationery, £2 lis. .. .. 711 0 iron, £1 155... .. .. .. 23 13 6 Manual and teohnical instructionGrants from Government for— Instructors' salaries and travelling-ex-Scholarships.. .. .. .. 333 14 10 penses .. .. .. .. 89 11 7 District High Sohools .. .. 263 0 0 School classes .. .. .. 91 16 9 District High School fees .. .. 104 13 3 Special classes .. .. .. 29 1 7 Grants from Government lor manual and Other expenses—Sundries, £7 os. 5d.; technical instruction— refund, 10s. .. .. .. 7 10 5 Capitation on attendance .. .. 130 811 Maintenance of school buildings, &o. .. 1,228 11 4 Material for class-work .. .. 28 10 0 House-allowances .. .. .. '304 12 5 Instruction of teachers .. .. 100 0 0 New schools, additions, sites, &c. .. 1,509 3 6 Receipts from other sources—Pees, £43 Buildings, class-rooms, furniture, &c, for 10s. ; voluntary contributions, £1 10s. .. 45 0 0 manual and technical purposesGrants from Government for— School classes .. .. .. 894 10 2 Maintenance of school buildings .. 946 2 4 Special classes .. .. .. 21 18 5 House-allowances .. .. .. 319 13 4 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 524 1 9 New school buildings, furniture, &c. .. 873 11 9 Technical-school buildings, fittings, &c.. 532 12 4 Other receipts— Rents, school-sites .. .. .. 50 3 6 Truantage fines .. .. .. 2 3 0 Lease, 14s. ; Reeke's refund railage, 75... 110 £23,146 10 2 £23,146 10 2 E. G. Allsworth, Chairman. 9th April, 1904. P. S. Whitcombe, Secretary.

WANGANUI. Sir,— Education Office, Wanganui, 31st March, 1904. In accordance with the provisions of section 102 of " The Education Act, 1877," I have the honour to present the following report of the proceedings of the Wanganui Education Board for the year 1903 : —

11—E. 1.


Board.—At the beginning of the year the Board consisted of Messrs. G. S. Bridge (Chairman), J. W. Baker, E. Dixon, F. M. Spurdle, R. A. Adams, W. T. Wood, F. Pirani, F. Y. Lethbridge, and the Rev. John Ross. The three retiring members were Messrs. G. S. Bridge, R. A. Adams, and W. T. Wood, all of whom offered themselves for re-election. Of the seven candidates nominated, Messrs. Bridge and Adams were re-elected, and Mr. F. H. Haselden took the place of Mr. Wood. The Board met twelve times during the year, and the average attendance of members was eight. Mr. F. Y. Lethbridge continues to represent the Board as a member of the Wellington Board of School Commissioners. At the meeting in August, Mr. G. S. Bridge was re-elected Chairman. Schools. —At the end of the year 1902 154 schools were in operation. During the year the Porewa School was closed. New schools were opened at Glen Oroua, Himatangi, Mangamingi, Kawabata, Tapuae, Rata-iti, Aberfeldie, Umutoi, Table Flat, Pukeroa, Porewa, and Tokorangi. There were, therefore, at the end of 1903 165 schools in operation. Teachers.—On the 31st December there were in the Board's employ 325 teachers—l43 males and 182 females. There were also nine special assistants emploved in the seven District High Schools. The 325 teachers are classified as follows : H.M , 60; H.F., 8; M., 51; F., 46; A.M., 19; A.F., 89; M.P., 13; and F.P., 39. The results of the annual examination of pupil-teachers held in June were as follows: First year, no examination; second year, 12 examined, 8 passed; third year, 15 examined, 11 passed ; fourth year, 13 examined, 12 passed. The examination of candidates for pupil-teacherships took place in December. Of fifty-seven candidates examined, only twenty-seven qualified for appointment, several of whom had, prior to the examination, been conditionally appointed. School-attendance.—At the beginning of the school year the number of pupils in attendance was 11,385, and at the end, 11,802, an increase of 417. The average weekly-roll number and the average attendance for each quarter of the year were : First quarter, roll 11,764, average attendance, 9,786 ; second quarter, roll 11,858, average attendance 9,808 ; third quarter, roll 11,875, average attendance 9,870; fourth quarter, roll 12,001, average attendance 10,004. Although the average attendance for the year was larger by 282 than that for 1902—the numbers being, 1902, 9,585; 1903, 9,867 —yet, expressed as a percentage of the mean of the average weekly roll number, it was smaller than in 1902, owing, no doubt, to the poor attendance at many schools which was caused by epidemics of scarlet fever, mumps, &c. It will be noticed that the average attendance for the December quarter exceeded 10,000. The average attendance for the last eight years expressed as a percentage of the roll-number has been as follows : 1896, 80'4; 1897, 81-4 ; 1898, 81-9 ; 1899 80-8 ; 1900, 82-1; 1901, 82-1; 1902, 84-4 ; 1903, 83. Truancy.—During the year the Truant Officer has visited all the schools except the aided schools and those in the outlying parts of the district. The other schools were visited once everv two months. The Roman Catholic schools are visited regularly. In the Truant Officer's report for the year the following appears : " During the year I have travelled about 4,500 miles—by rail, coach, and bicycle; visiting 498 schools, or an average of 433 in each month ; and attending 66 sittings of the Magistrate's Court. I have issued 808 summonses for irregular attendance during the year, resulting in fines being imposed in 650 cases, 65 were convicted only, 41 dismissed, and 52 withdrawn. This shows, when compared with the year 1902, a decrease of 104 in the number of cases in Court, with an increase of 22 in the number fined, a decrease of 46 in convictions only, a decrease of 11 in those dismissed, and a decrease of 69 in those withdrawn, &c. Eleven children not previously attending any school have been placed on the rolls, and 244 have been traced from school to school." Scholarships.—Ten scholarships, 5 of which were senior and 5 junior, were awarded on the results of the annual examination held in December. There were in all 67 competitors—2o senior and 47 junior. Only 7of the former and 11 of the latter qualified. Those who qualified but did not obtain scholarships are entitled to free tuition, girls at the Girls' College, and boys at the Collegiate School. The amount expended on scholarships, including examination expenses was £732 14s. lid. District High Schools.—One of the points worthy of notice in connection with the District High Schools is the large attendance at the College Street School, Palmerston North. Of the other schools, Patea and Eltham did not earn enough to provide the salary of the special assistant teachers; and at Marton the attendance showed a decline. At Feilding, Hawera, and the Wanganui Boys', the number of pupils in the secondary department was satisfactory, and their attendance good. The number of qualified pupils receiving instruction in secondary subjects at the end of the year 1903 was 397 —216 boys and 181 girls. In addition to these, a number who had not passed Standard VI. were receiving instruction. The amount paid in salaries and allowances to head teachers and special assistants during the year was £1,950 6s. 7d. In April the building erected in Palmerston North for the secondary department of the College Street District High School was opened. The building provides accommodation for the Technical School classes in drawing, painting, &c. Excluding furniture, the cost of the buildin" exceeded £2,300. £800 was contributed by the Government for the District High School, and also £760 for the Technical School and fittings and furniture. A sum of £200 contributed by residents of Palmerston North several years ago for a technical school was invested until required, and earned in interest the sum of £25 4s. Bd. On the £200 there was a subsidy of £200, and the balance of the sum required was provided by the Board. At the Wanganui Boys' District High School a science room and a woodwork room were erected during the year, and thoroughly equipped for practical work,



Towards the end of the year a grant was made for equipping the woodwork rooms at Hawera and College Street District High Schools, and the science room at the latter school. The grant for the science room at Hawera was not made until early in this year. In the opinion of the Board, provision should be made for science, cookery and woodwork rooms at Feilding, and cookery and plumbing rooms at Wanganui. Training of Teachers.—A week was added to the June holidays for the purpose of holding a winter school for the training of teachers. Lectures and addresses on subjects of interest to teachers were given by Miss Eva Hooper, Mr. W. Gray, Chief Inspector, and Mr. J. A. Johnson, of Timaru Main School. The female teachers were instructed in brushwork and paper-work by Miss Hooper, and the males in cardboard-modelling by Messrs. H. M. Payne and J. Banks, and in free-arm drawing by Messrs. L. J. Watkin and D. E. Hutton. More than two hundred teachers attended the classes. The majority took several subjects. To Mr. W. Gray, Chief Inspector, is due the credit for the excellent arrangements and for the consequent success of the school. Miss Eva Hooper was engaged by the Board for seven months from the beginning of June. During this time she visited many of the schools and gave advice to the teachers, chiefly on subjects of technical instruction. She also conducted classes for teachers at Palmerston North in paper-work, at Wanganui in brushwork and paper-work, and at Hawera in paper-work. These classes were fairly well attended and much good work was done, which cannot fail to be of great benefit to those who were sufficiently interested to attend regularly. Drill classes for male teachers were held at Palmerston North under Sergeant Parkes, at Wanganui, under Mr. W. H. McLean, and at Hawera under Mr. H. M. Payne. It is a matter for regret that many teachers were not alive to the importance of a knowledge of military drill, and that, in consequence, they did not avail themselves of the opportunity of attending these classes. Buildings.—The expenditure on new buildings during the year amounted to £6,248 15s. lid., and on the maintenance of schools and residences to £2,732 10s. 4d. New schools were built at Pukeokahu, Mangamingi, Kawhatau Valley, Tapuae, Kaheke, Mars Hill, Mount View, and Crofton ; and contracts were let for the erection of schools at Coal Creek, Lower Moawhango, and Torere —none of which were completed at the end of the year. The Mars Hill School replaced one that was almost falling to pieces, and the schools at Crofton and Mount View replaced buildings destroyed by fire early in the year. A residence was built at Kelvin Grove, and a new one, the old one being beyond repair, at Normanby. Additions and improvements were made to the residences at Maxwell, Auroa, Kakaramea, Ohakea, Colyton, Halcombe, Kimbolton, and Kohi; extensive additions were made to the Campbell Street School (Palmerston North), and on the schools at Bull's, Patea, Bunnythorpe, Sandon, Ashhurst, Cheltenham, Awahuri, Alton, and Mangatoki a considerable sum was spent in repairs and necessary additions. Towards the end of the year a contract was let for the enlargement of the school at Raetihi. It was found impossible to undertake any painting, although some of the buildings are almost bare. The work undertaken during the year was based on the supposition that the grant for school buildings would be not less than the amount granted for the previous year. The notice received at the end of the year that the grant would be £2,999 —that is, £1,201 less than the amount received for 1902-3—came as a surprise, and called for a strong protest. The result was the increase of the grant for the year 1903-4 to £4,200, with an intimation that for the future the recommendation of the parliamentary Committee concerning the distribution of the school-buildings vote would be followed. Under this the Board will be expected to maintain all the school buildings and provide for the renewal of old buildings out of the sum of £2,999. For years past the grant has been insufficient to enable the Board to satisfy all the demands for necessary repairs and improvements, and the result of the reduction proposed cannot be otherwise than to seriously hamper the Board. It will be impossible to do the work that is expected by the Department and that the Board is called upon to do by School Committees. The method, if such it can be called, of distribution which is to be followed may be right and fair in theory, but the Board cannot refrain from protesting strongly against a method under which its grant, which has not in the past sufficed to meet the demands, is reduced by 28 per cent. Manual and Technical Instruction.—Handwork classes were held during the year in connection with the following schools : —Kindergarten, &c. : Wanganui St. John's, College Street District High School, Hawera District High School, Wanganui Girls', Wanganui Boys' District High School, Makino Road, Feilding District High School, and Wanganui Infants'. Cottagegardening : Bull's, Halcombe, Ohingaiti, Pohangina, Rata, Makino Road, Bunnythorpe, Taonui, Mangaweka, and Manaia. Swimming : Hawera District High School. Science : Wanganui Boys' District High School and Hawera District High School. First Aid and Home Nursing : Wanganui Girls'. Woodwork : Wanganui Boys' District High School. Instruction in needlework was given in twenty-seven schools, with an average attendance of less than forty-one. In all cases the programme of work was approved by the Department. Finance. —A statement of the Board's income and expenditure is appended. The sum expended in teachers' salaries, including house and lodging allowances, was £38,527 19s. 9d. The amount paid to School Committees for incidental expenses was £2,191 12s. 4d. ; and the amount expended in the erection, enlargement, and improvement of school buildings, and the purchase of and improvement to sites, was £8,981 6s. 3d. I have, &c, Geo. S. Bridge, Chairman. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.



General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ a. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 2,646 410 Staff salaries and clerical assistance .. 1,346 4 2 Grants from Government for— Office contingencies .. .. .. 731 10 8 Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 32,025 16 11 allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 35,620 12 3 Reserves revenue for primary education 2,374 0 9 Training of teachers .. .. .. 497 8 0 Capitationat lis. 3d.,andgrant of £250 5,714 0 0 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 70 0 0 Capitation for relieving-teachers .. 242 17 0 Conveyance of children .. .. 12 0 0 Conveyance of school-children .. 48 0 0 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 2,191 12 4 Drill-instruction .. ~ .. 70 0 0 Truant inspection .. .. ~ 230 10 0 Receipts from other sources— Scholarships and examination-expenses 632 14 11 Pees—Teachers' classes .. .. 115 6 9 Salaries of staffs of District High Schools, Pines—Truant inspection .. .. 48 0 0 paid out of special receipts .. .. 1,950 6 7 Grants from Government for— Science apparatus .. .. .. 16 910 Scholarships .. .. .. 728 4 7 Manual and technical instruction— District High Schools .. .. 1,792 0 0 Instuotors'salaries and travelling-expenses 1,119 4 0 Receipts from other sources— School classes .. .. .. 5 12 6 District High School fees, £247 55., Special classes .. .. .. 23 10 10 voluntary contributions, £15 .. 262 5 0 Office salaries, £5 16s. Bd., incidental Grants from Government for Manual and expenses, £114 17s. 2d. .. .. 120 13 10 technical instruction— General maintenance of school buildings, &c. 2,732 10 4 Capitation on attendance .. .. 377 7 5 House-allowances .. .. .. 957 011 Material for class-work .. .. 9 19 7 New schools, additions, sites, &e. .. 6,248 15 11 Instruction of teachers .. .. 150 0 0 Buildings, class-rooms, furniture, &c, for Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 227 7 6 manual and technical purposes : — Receipts from other sources— School classes .. .. .. 583 18 10 Pees, £737 10s. 6d., voluntary contribu- Special classes .. .. .. 965 6 10 tions, £250 Bs. Bd., material sold, Plans and supervision .. .. .. 391 3 10 £3 17s. 6d. .. .. .. 991 16 8 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 840 3 7 Grants from Government for— Maintenance of school buildings .. 5,711 13 4 House-allowances .. .. .. 966 4 9 New school buildings, furniture, &o. .. 1,311 17 4 Technical-school buildings, fittings, &c. 1,418 9 9 Other receipts— Material sold .. .. .. 40 6 7 Sohool-sites leased .. .. .. 43 14 1 Donations .. .. .. .. 69 11 4 Refund .. .. .. .. 2 6 0 £57,387 10 2 £57,387 10 2 Geo. S. Bridge, Chairman. 11th May, 1904. W. J. Carson, Secretary.

WELLINGTON. Sir, — Education Board Office, Wellington, 31st March, 1904. In accordance with the provisions of " The Education Act, 1877," I have the honour to transmit the following report of the Wellington Education Board for the year ended the 31st December last. Board. —At the beginning of the year the Board consisted of the following members : J. R. Blair (Chairman), F. Brady, W. C. Buchanan, E. Feist, A. W. Hogg, J. Kebbell, R. Lee, J. Robertson, and J. Young. On his return from South Africa in March, at the expiry of his leave of absence, Mr. -Blair decided to retire from the Board, of which he had been a member for twenty-two years, for twenty years of which he had been Chairman. The Board regretted very much the step taken and placed on record, in appreciation of his services, the following resolution : " The Board places on record its deep regret at the retirement of Mr. J. R. Blair after a service of over twenty years. From first to last the confidence and esteem of members for Mr. Blair have been unabated, and the cordial relationship between them during his long presidency has enabled difficulties of no ordinary magnitude to be surmounted and some of the most important works in connection with the schools of the Wellington Education District to be carried out. The interest that he has ever taken in the welfare of the schools and their teachers has made Mr. Blair's name a household word in every home and hamlet in the district. The Board, while regretting its loss expresses the hope that he may long be spared to perform the duties of good citizenship, and to enjoy the companionship of the many who know his worth as a public man and a useful colonist." Mr. Bradey, Acting Chairman and Treasurer during Mr. Blair's absence, was elected to the vacant position. At the special election in July to fill the vacancy on the Board, Mr. William Allan was elected out of four candidates. The three retiring members were Messrs. A. W. Hogg, J. Kebbell, and J. Young. In August, Mr. Hogg and Mr. Kebbell were re-elected, and Mr. W. H. Field was elected in place of Mr. Young. During the year the Board held twelve ordinary, two special, and one emergency meeting.



Schools.—At the close of the year there were 150 schools under the Board's control. New schools were opened at Tikaramonga, Te Mai, and Epuni. The small school at Bush Grove was closed in April and the Horowhenua School in September—the children from the latter going to the new Central School at Levin. Attendance.—The average attendance shows an increase of 221 over the figures for last year the returns being: March quarter, 12,753; June quarter, 12,718; September quarter, 12,679; December quarter, 13,054. Truancy.—To enable the Board to enforce the provisions of the School Attendance Act it was decided to appoint six local Truant Officers, at small salaries, in each of the following divisions" Wellington and Country Districts, West Coast, Wairarapa South, Wairarapa North, Eketahunaj and Pahiatua. The result has been thoroughly satisfactory. Complaints against irregular attendance have ceased, and the reports of the Truant Officers give evidence that they take a keen interest in their work, enforcing compliance with the provisions of the Act, while avoiding as far as possible, in accordance with the Board's wishes, the necessity of taking Court proceedings. Training op Teachers.—The special grant of £200 for training of teachers in manual and technical subjects has been expended in giving teachers and pupil-teachers class instruction in freehand, model and memory drawing, perspective, light and shade, brushform and cardboard modelling—under the direction of the Technical School, and in science (chemistry) under Mr Foster. JJ Manual and Technical Instruction.—ln April the Technical School was placed under the control of an Associated Board, constituted under the provisions of "The Manual and Technical Instruction Act, 1900," consisting of the Rev. W. A. Evans, John P. Luke, John Smith, and James J. Devine, representing the City Council; David Robertson, representing the Industrial Association, and F. Bradey, A. W. Hogg, and R. Lee, representing the Education Board. On Mr. Bradey asking to be relieved of the position, Mr. William Allan was elected one of the Board's representatives. For the three months of the year during which the Technical School remained under the Board's management the receipts were £450 15s. sd. and the expenditure £744 15s. 6d. The grants received by the Board as controlling authority, during the nine months of the year, and handed over to the Associated Board, amounted to £1,856 ss. lid. With regard to technical education, the total cost to the Board for this work since 1886 has been £14,285 18s. 4d., the receipts having been £21,349 6s. 3d., and the expenditure £35,635 4s. 7d. During the past year manual instruction was given in sixty-three schools, the subjects taken up embracing stick-laying, paper weaving and plaiting, drawing in chalk, free-arm drawing, bricklaying, paper-folding, designing in coloured paper, modelling in plasticine, modelling in carton, brush drawing, cane-weaving, free-arm and blackboard drawing, elementary design and colourwork, cottage gardening, swimming, elementary agriculture, sewing, mat-weaving, geometrical drawing, basket-weaving, paper-cutting and mounting, and cookery. The present year should see this work taken up in almost every school under the Board's control. Cookery.—The cookery classes were controlled by the Technical School until the end of June, .when the Board took over the management. The city classes were removed to the Newtown School, where a room was fitted up for the purpose, the cost of such fittings—£lll 13s.—being defrayed by the Government. The teacher, Miss Ivey, having obtained six months' leave of absence, her position was filled by Miss Manning. The cost of the classes will be covered by capitation. J The Wairarapa classes continue under the instruction of Miss Millington. The lessons for the first half-year are given at Masterton, Clareville, Featherston, Greytown, and Carterton, and for the second half-year at Eketahuna, Mangatainoka, Hukanui, Scarborough, and Pahiatua. ' Drill.—Classes were established at Masterton for military drill only, under Mr. Burns, but the attendance not coining up to expectations the Department withdrew the grant, and they were discontinued. Instruction in military drill, under Mr. Poison, and physical drill, under Mr. Dovey is continued in the Wellington Centre. Scholarships.—Scholarship examinations were conducted by Mr. T. Rowe, M.A., at Welling ton, Masterton, Pahiatua, and Otaki. District High Schools.—The District High School at Masterton had ninety-six pupils at the end of the year, an increase of forty-seven over last year. The subjects of instruction were Latin Euclid, algebra, physics, geography, history, and chemistry. The Pahiatua District High School was opened for December quarter only, instruction being given in algebra, Latin, book-keeping shorthand, botany, geometry, history, and geography. The quarter's return showed nineteen pupils in attendance; Pupil-teachers.—At the close of the year there were 97 pupil-teachers in the service of the Board, classified thus : 10 first-year, 10 second-year, 24 third-year, 24 fourth-year, and 29 fifth-year. The interpretation by the Department of the provisions of the Public-school Teachers' Salaries' Act relating to pupil-teachers that they cannot be retained after the fifth year of service necessitated the retirement on the 31st December of twenty-one ex-pupil-teachers. The Board much regretted having to discharge these young teachers, whose return to the service as assistants or in charge of small country schools can only be effected by a gradual process. The hardship inflicted might have been obviated by the retention of their services until they secured the promotion to which they were entitled. Finance.—Receipts from all sources amounted to £63,904 Bs. 9d., and the expenditure to £68,348 6s. 4d., to which has to be added the overdraft of £296 4s. Bd. brought forward, so



that the year closed with an overdraft of £4,740 2s. 3d. Assets amount to £3,991 4s. 7d., and liabilities to £2,950 lis. Id. The overdraft on general account was reduced from £2,646 9s. lid. to_£2s 4s. 2d.; but included in the receipts is the sum of £651 13s. sd. from the School Commissioners on account of rents from education reserves which has since been deducted from the Government grant for February payments. Outstanding accounts existed to the extent of £234 Is. lid., against which amount can be set the capitation on District High Schools and cookery classes for December quarter, £304 ss. The receipts for school buildings include—ordinary building grant, £4,012 10s. ; special grants, £2,622 ; compensation for land taken for street-widening at Newtown, £437 4s. 6d. ; sale of old buildings, &c, Hutt, £206 18s. 3d.; forfeited deposit, £12 10s. ; house-allowance to teachers, £1,765 15s. Id. ; rents of school-site reserves, £113 4s. 6d. Of the £14,780 15s. 2d. expended during the year on account of school buildings, £10,707 4s. is for new buildings, additions, furniture, sites, &c, £1,840 7s. for general maintenance, rebuilding, furniture, rents, &c , £1,775 155., for house-allow-ance to teachers, and £467 9s. 2d. for manual and technical purposes. Buildings.—The present state of the Board's Building Account is due to exceptional demands for additions and new buildings without adequate special grants towards the cost of such works. One was for additions to the Worser Bay School, where seventy-four children were crowded into one class-room having accommodation for fifty-five. Recognising the demands of this school, the Board decided that the additions should take the form of a large room to provide for sixty-four additional pupils—with the necessary extension of latrines and outbuildings. The cost of this work was £503. Brooklyn had a roll-number of 145 in excess of the accommodation, and being situated in a portion of the Board's district where settlement was increasing very rapidly and continuously it was decided to erect two additional rooms at a cost of £1,037. The Petone School at the end of December, 1902, had accommodation for 445, with a rollnumber of 854 and an actual attendance at the time of the last examination of 807. This building had been gradually altered and enlarged to meet the needs of the district until it would no longer readily admit of further extension. It was seriously reported upon by the Chief Officer of the Health Department, and the Inspectors had recommended that extra accommodation should be provided so that the children's health might not suffer. The importance of Petone urgently called for more up-to-date provision for the education of its children, and it became a question of reconstruction or rebuilding, either of which could not be expected to be undertaken out of ordinary revenue. The building, which has now been practically rebuilt at a cost of £2,730, provides convenient and adequate room for 895 pupils. The Hutt School, originally an old concert-hall, provided very inadequately for the needs of the district, and was in dangerous proximity to the river. The Borough Council having decided to take the property for street and river improvements, the Board had to purchase a site elsewhere and erect new buildings. The site cost £650 and the school buildings £2,610. The establishment of the Epuni Hamlet, under the Land for Settlements Act, necessitated the erection of a school in that part of the Hutt Valley. Some of the sections that had been forfeited were placed at the Board's disposal by the Government for a school-site, and on one of these a building has been erected at a cost of £817. The school has now 115 children on the roll with an average attendance of ninety-one. The demand for a school building at Muritai, where considerable difficulty has been experienced in securing an adequate site, had long been persistently urged ; the cost of the site was met by a special grant of £250, and the new building just completed has cost £578, not including fencing. The growth of the population of Levin called for more adequate provision. This has been met by the erection of the new Central School at a cost for building alone of £1,628, towards which the Government has contributed £500. The Board last year purchased a new school-site at Wadestown at a cost of £600. New schools have been erected at Horoeka, Rongokokako, and Maungaraki, the cost of which was met by special grants. During the year considerable improvements have been made at Cross's Creek, Paikakariki, Tokomaru, Pongaroa, Porirua, Clareville, Kaiwarra, Roseneath, Kilbirnie, Pahiatua, Mount Cook Infants', Thorndon, South Wellington, Clyde Quay, Masterton, and Newtown, and a new site purchased at Carterton. The completion of the additions to Worser Bay, Brooklyn, and Petone, and erection of the new schools at Levin, Hutt, Epuni, and Muritai, necessitated a very large anticipation of future revenue. None of the works above enumerated were undertaken until it had been made abundantly clear to the Board that they were not only required but urgently required, and their number and magnitude were such that only much larger special grants than the Board actually received would have enabled it to end the financial year free of a large debit in its Building Account. The grant of £500 was made towards the cost of Levin School, and, as the result of representation madia by deputations to the present Minister of Education, £1,500 was granted which was apportioned as follows : Brooklyn, £50; Epuni, £233 Bs.; Hutt, £860; Levin, £77 10s.; Muritai, £116 55.; Petone, £138 175.; Worser Bay, £24. A number of other works, admittedly much required for the efficient working of the schools concerned, will be undertaken as soon as the means are provided. I have, &c, F. Bradey, Chairman. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.



General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ a. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Grants from Government for-— Balance at beginning of year .. .. 471 4 8 Teachers' and pupil - teachers' salaries, Staff salaries and clerical assistance .. 1,965 0 0 and allowances to pupil-teachers .. 39,723 8 6 Office contingencies .. .. .. 950 16 5 Reserves revenue for primary education 2,757 1 9 i Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and Capitation at lis. 3d., and grant of £250 7,299 13 6 allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 43,542 11 0 Capitation for relieving-teachers.. .. 313 6 6 Relieving-teachers'salaries .. .. 11l 16 3 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 51 5 0 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 45 0 9 Grants from Government for— Conveyance of school-children .. .. 8 0 0 Scholarships .. .. .. 1,195 11 0 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 2,606 13 4 District High Schools .. .. 386 10 0 Scholarships and examination-expenses .. 969 19 11 Reserves revenue for secondary education 107 19 10 Salaries of staffs of District High Schools Grants from Government for manual and paid out of special receipts .. .. 363 6 8 technical instruction — Manual and technical instruction — Scholarships.. .. .. .. 151 10 0 Instructors' salaries and travelling-ex-Capitation on attendance at classes .. 1,365 1 8 penses .. .. .. .. 195 12 5 Material for class-work .. .. 72 7 4 School classes .. .. .. 348 11 8 Instruction of teachers .. .. 200 0 0 Special classes .. .. .. 649 7 3 Subsidies on voluntary contributions and Payments to managers of associated bequests .. .. .. .. 136 17 6 classes .. .. .. .. 1,590 16 0 Expenses in connection with cookery .. 17 10 0 Maintenance of school buildings, &c. .. 1,840 7 0 Receipts from other sources — Pees, £337 House-allowances .. .. .. 1,765 15 0 135.; sales, £19 lis. lOd. .. .. 357 410 New schools, additions, sites, &c. .. 10,707 4 0 Grants from Government for— Buildings, class-rooms, furniture, &c, for Maintenance of school buildings, &c. .. 4,012 10 0 manual and technical purposes— House-allowances .. .. .. 1,765 15 1 School classes .. .. .. 106 1 0 New school buildings, furniture, &c. .. 2,622 0 0 Associated classes .. .. .. 361 8 2 Technical-school buildings, fittings, &c. .. 550 19 0 Other receipts— Truancy .. .. .. .. 3 0 6 Sale of land—Hutt, £206 18s. 3d. ; Newtown, £437 4s. 6d. Rent of reserves, £113 4s. 6d. ; forfeited deposit, £12 10s. 769 17 3 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 4,740 2 3 £68,599 11 6 £68,599 11 6 F. Bradey, Chairman. 15th March, 1904. A. Dorset, Secretary.

HAWKE'S BAY. Sir, — Education Office, Napier, 18th April, 1904. I have the honour to forward the following report of proceedings of the Hawke's Bay Education Board for the year 1903 : — The Board consists of the following members : T. Tanner (Chairman), Rev. W. J. Comrie, C. A. Fitzroy, Rev. A. Grant, S. Johnson, C. Hall, M.H.R., S. McLernon, J. J. Patterson, and Sir William Russell, M.H.R. School Attendance. —-The average attendance for 1903 was 7,152 ; roll-number, 8,375 ; and the number of schools, 85. Schools.—Two aided schools have been opened —Pakarae and Waihora; besides, schools at Hatuma, Mahora, Mangateretere, Mangatoro, and Mangapapa have been erected. Additions have been made to several schools, and teachers' residences erected and in course of erection. With reference to grant for school at Mohaka, a contract was accepted for the erection of a school on the site that had been arranged with the Natives, but they refused to permit the school to be erected unless it was placed under their sole control. The Government were appealed to but their reply was, " The Department regrets its inability to advise the Board upon the questions that have arisen in connection with the establishment of a school at Mohaka." The Board then decided to take no further steps in the matter for the present. The Public Health Department.—The Board can only reiterate what it said last year— that whilst the Board agrees that sanitary reform may be necessary in some schools, it should be supplied with means necessary to meet such an expenditure, and not compel the Board to expend money granted for erection of school buildings, repairs, desks, maps, and all apparatus and appliances (which are required to carry out the works of the schools), on sanitary works. Training-school.—lt has been decided by the Department that this school should be closed. The Board has much doubt if this is a step in the right direction, seeing that it will debar the pupil-teachers of this district from obtaining instruction such as it is intended to be given in the four centres of the colony. School Committee. —The Board has again great pleasure in reporting that its relations with School Committees continue to be most satisfactory. There is, however, an underlying feeling of dissatisfaction with the grants made to provide for necessary works, but of course the Board can only meet applications to the extent of its means. Several of the Committees subsidise the grants of the Board. Physical Drill. —Drill is taught in all schools. Drill classes for instructing pupil-teachers have been established and instructors appointed; they have done good work. Scholarship Regulations.—These are still under consideration and will be shortly submitted for the Minister's approval; they will be based upon the new regulations of the Department, as approved at the Inspector's Conference. The new regulations bearing on the work of secondary education have materially affected the conditions. Thirty scholarships are held as follows :9 at £30 4s. each, lat £22 10s., lat £16 45., and 19 at £2 lis. each per annum. Twenty-two attend the Napier High School, and eight attend the Gisborne High School, as free pupils,



District High Schools.—Two new schools have been established, one at Dannevirke South and the other at Woodville. The former has increased in attendance, but from diversity of opinion upon the matter the District High School building has not yet been erected. The Woodville School is held in a portion of the district school building, but this will not meet the requirements as the school is rapidly increasing. National Scholarships.—National scholarships were awarded by the Board to Florence Vivian Rich, of Havelock, and Harry L. Exell, of Wainui; both go to the Napier High School. Technical.—A good deal is being done in the way of carrying out the provisions of the Manual and Technical Instruction Act. A committee of control has been appointed by the Board to further the establishment of special classes. The committee consists of the Chairman and another member of the Board, a representative of the Napier Borough Council, and one of the Napier High School, with the Inspector of Schools. Similar committees are being established at Hastings, Dannevirke, and Woodville. They will all act under the immediate control of the Board. At Gisborne the High School Board, established under a special Act, is now busy erecting buildings as an adjunct to the secondary classes of the District High School. It is hoped arrangements will be made to establish Saturday classes for teachers similar to those so successfully carried on in Napier and Dannevirke during, the past year. Superannuation.—The Board desires to point out to the Minister the closing remarks of the Inspector in his annual report having reference to the superannuation scheme for teachers, with which it fully concurs, and trusts the Minister will adopt some scheme whereby a retirement allowance can be granted to aged and worthy teachers. Finance.—The accounts of the Board's income and expenditure for the year 1903 is forwarded herewith. The amount paid for teachers' salaries, £24,696 16s. lOd.; to School Committees, £2,405 3s. Id.; and the amount expended (exclusive of technical) on the purchase of sites, erection of school buildings, and repairs, was £6,596 lis. I have, &c, Thos. Tanner, Chairman Hawke's Bay Education Board. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure, £ s. dBalance at beginning of year .. .. 4,72115 10 Staff—Salaries and clerical assistance .. 850 0 0 Grants from Government for— Office contingencies .. .. .. 670 19 8 Teachers' and pupil-teachers salaries, and Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and allowances to pupil-teachers.. .. 21,195 711 allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 24,696 16 10 Reserves revenue for primary education 3,163 2 6 Relieving-teachers salaries .. .. 127 3 4 Capitation at lis. 3d., and grant of £250 4,220 8 3 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 2,457 1 0 Capitation for relieving-teachers .. 176 9 6 Transfer to Building Pund Account .. 1,000 0 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 13 5 6 Scholarships and examination expenses .. 538 4 6 Grants from Government for— Salaries of staffs of District High Schools, Scholarships.. .. .. .. 518 18 0 paid out of special receipts .. .. 671 3 4 District High Schools .. .. 280 8 2 Other expenses of Gisborne School .. 34 12 6 Receipts from other sources—District High Manual and technical instruction— School fees, £94 2s 3d., Gisborne High Instructors' salaries and travelling - exSchool Board, £227 3s. 3d. .. .. 321 5 6 penses .. .. .. .. 250 12 0 Grants from Government for manual and Students' travelling-expenses .. .. 61 12 2 technical instruction — School classes .. .. .. 123 6 1 Capitation on attendance at classes .. 338 9 8 Special classes .. .. .. 237 16 5 Material for class-work .. .. 64 2 8 Other expenses — Office salaries, £15 ; Instruction of teachers .. .. 154 7 6 printing examination - papers, £13 Subsidies on voluntary contributions and 18s. 6d. .. .. .. .. 28 18 6 bequests .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 Maintenance of school buildings, &c. .. 1,954 8 7 Receipts from other sources—Bequests, £20; House-allowances .. .. .. 465 11 3 sale of certificates, £9 3s. 6d.; sundries, New schools, additions, sites, &c. .. 4,642 2 5 £8 os. 9d. .. .. .. .. 37 4 3 Buildings, class-rooms, furniture, &c, for Grants from Government for— manual and technical purposesGeneral maintenance of school buildings 2,700 0 0 School classes .. .. .. 56 3 5 House-allowances .. .. .. 423 7 4 Special classes .. .. .. 515 8 1 New school buildings, furniture, &c. .. 1,570 0 0 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 2,615 13 3 Technical-school buildings, fittings, &c. 530 7 9 Sale of sites .. .. .. .. 454 11 0 Donations .. .. .. .. 74 12 0 Transfer from General Account .. .. 1,000 0 0 Other receipts—Rents .. .. .. 19 10 0 £41,997 13 4 — £41,997 13 4 Thos. Tanner, Chairman. 29th March, 1904. G. T. Fannin, Secretary.

MARLBOROUGH. Sir,— Blenheim, 14th March, 1904. I have the honour to present the report of the Education Board of the District of Marlborough for the year ending the 31st December, 1903. The Board.—-At the beginning of the year the Board was composed of the following persons : Messrs. J. C. Chaytor, John Duncan, A. G. Fell, Charles Ferguson, A. J. Litchfield, Richard



McCallum, W. H. Macey, W. B. Parker, and A. P. Seymour. The members retiring by rotation in July were Messrs. Duncan, Litchfield, and McCallum, who were re-elected without opposition. The Board held seventeen meetings during the year, three of which were special and two adjourned meetings. Schools.—The number of schools open at the end of 1902 was 60, and at the end of 1903 the number was 59, graded as follows : Grade 0, 26 ; grade 1, 13 ; grade 2,6; grade 3, 3 ; grade 4, 2 ; grade 5, 3; grade 7, 2 ; grade 8, 3; and grade 10, 1 (including side-school). The mean average weekly-roll number for the four quarters of the year 1903 was 1,989 or 165 less than in the preceding year ; the mean average attendance for the four quarters was 1,644, or 101 less than in 1902. The average attendance for 1903 was therefore 82-6 per cent, of the average roll, a decline of about 2 per cent, from the previous year, which is no doubt due to the unusual prevalence of sickness in the district during the year. The falling-off in the roll-number is partly due to the number of scholars who accepted free places instead of remaining another year or two in the primary schools. Teachers.—The number of teachers employed under the Marlborough Education Board at the end of the year was 74—viz., 21 men and 53 women, in addition to which there were 10 female pupil-teachers. Thirty-four of these teachers are certificated, and classified as follows :3, CI; 11, Dl; 2, D3; 1, D4: 5, E2 ; 3, E3; 3, E4. The remaining 40 are uncertificated. It is of course quite impossible to procure certificated teachers for schools in grade 0, but it should not be difficult to obtain the services of young teachers who have lately gained their certificate to take charge of all schools which yield an annual income of £80 or thereabouts. There are now ten positions of this value or thereabout held by uncertificated teachers, and the Board purposes to require all such teachers to sit for their certificates at the next examination, and to call upon them to resign if unable to gain the same. There are several young teachers in the district who hold certificates and who are acting as pupil-teachers, and it is only fair that those who have taken the trouble to qualify themselves according to law should be considered in preference to those who have not. Finance.—The present method of apportioning the funds to the several education districts is, in the opinion of this Board, fraught with grave injustice to the smaller districts. To pay all Boards a uniform sum, plus a capitation allowance, places this and similar districts at a great disadvantage. The sum received by the Board for general expenses in 1903 was £1,182, out of which all the expenses of the Board have to be met, including the cost of inspection and the office staff and_ grants to Committees for incidental expenses. Return No. 4 shows that in 1903 this Board paid £570 towards incidental expenses, exclusive of the cost of minor repairs. This at once disposes of 48-2 per cent, of the Board's income ; so that in this district the Committees cannot complain of niggardly treatment. Only four of the other twelve education districts paid a larger proportion of their incomes to the Committees. Scholarships.—The Board would point out to the Department the fact that out of seventyone scholars who qualified in this district for " free places " in the High School only those residing in the vicinity of the High School or adjacent to a station on the Blenheim-Picton Railway (twenty-seven in number) have taken advantage of free-place privileges; the remainder (62 per cent, of the whole), who may be classed as country scholars, being evidently debarred from secondary education by reason of the expense of living away from home. The Board is of opinion that wider systems of scholarships would to a certain extent relieve this difficulty, and strongly urges the Government to favourably consider the question of an increase in the scholarship capitation so that some of the brighter country scholars may be provided with the means of attending the High School. Physical Drill.—The requirements of " The Physical Drill in Public and Native Schools Act, 1901," are fully satisfied in all the Board's schools, and, even in many of the small aided schools, simple " extension " exercises are given at the commencement of each sitting. Sturrock v. Education Board.—Undoubtedly the most momentous event of the past year in this education district is the result of the legal proceedings with reference to the head teacher of the Blenheim Boys' School. If the effects of the decision were confined to this district the case would be sufficiently serious, but it at once deprives all the Education Boards of the colony of a right which not even the most aggressive of trades-unions has yet succeeded in snatching from any other body of employers whatever. In the past it has often been very difficult to get rid of an incompetent, an indifferent, or an insubordinate teacher; but in future it will be almost impossible to dismiss a teacher, except in cases of outrageous offenders against morality. The following is a brief history of the case :— At a meeting of the Board held on the 9th March, 1903, a letter was received from the Blenheim School Committee, requesting the Board to terminate the engagement of Mr. Sturrock on the ground of unsatisfactory results for some years past in the two highest standards, which were taught by the headmaster himself. After careful consideration of the case the following resolution was carried nem. con., all the members of the Board being present: " That Mr. Sturrock's engagement with the Board be terminated on the Ist day of July, 1903, and that during the present month the Secretary notify him accordingly, on the grounds : First, that the Blenheim School Committee have requested the Board to take this action on account of the unsatisfactory nature of the last four reports on the examination of the boys' school; and, second, that the provisions of ' The Public-school Teachers' Salaries Act, 1901,' may be brought into force in Blenheim." In consequence of this notice, Mr. Sturrock brought the matter before the Court of Appeal, under "The Public-school Teachers Incorporation and Court of Appeal Act, 1895." A sitting of the Appeal Court was accordingly held on the 2nd May, 1903. As regards the constitution of the Court the Board considers that it has grave cause of complaint. It is provided that the Court shall consist of three persons : the Stipendiary Magistrate of the district, one person nominated by the Teachers' Corporation, and one nominated by the

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Board. It was evidently intended that the local Magistrate should be the moderator, as it were, as well as the mouthpiece of the Court. The person nominated by the appellant was also a Stipendiary Magistrate, and one of a higher standing than the local Stipendiary Magistrate ; moreover, he was himself an old teacher, and, presumably, inclined towards the appellant's side of the question ; and, although no objection was made at the time, the Board felt that the appearance of Dr. McArthur, as a member of such a Court, was, to say the least, certainly most unseemly and should not have been sanctioned. Clause 21 of the Act says that no counsel shall be heard on either side. This, again, was a distinct disadvantage to the Board, as the gentleman who appeared for the appellant holding a degree of LL.B. was to all intents and purposes a barrister and solicitor, although he had not been actually called to the bar. On the other hand, Dr. McArthur objected to the Board's representative consulting with its solicitor during the hearing of the case. One ground of complaint against Mr. Sturrock was his refusal (or neglect) to live in the residence attached to the school. On this point, Dr. McArthur, in his written judgment, says, "In my opinion it is advisable that the teacher's residence should be occupied by the master, and that it is only fair that respondents' request as to residence therein should be acceded to." In this respect, therefore, he supported the contention of the Board. Again, in reference to paragraph 5 of the Board's statement in defence, Dr. McArthur says, " While, in my opinion, there is nothing in the inspectorial reports to justify the dismissal of the appellant, yet I consider a higher state of efficiency might have been shown after a career of nine years." Now, the inspectorial reports referred to in Dr. McArthur's "judgment" furnish the following facts, which he entirely ignored : During the three years preceding the appeal Mr. Sturrock presented in Standards V. and VI. (which are taught by himself) 115 scholars, of whom 31 (or 27 per cent.) failed. During the same years the Blenheim Girls' School presented 149 scholars in the same two standards, and of these 17 (or 11 per cent.) failed. This inferiority in the results of the boys' school was one of the causes which led to the action of the Committee in reference to the dismissal of Mr. Sturrock. Another cause of the dissatisfaction of the Committee was the contrast between the want of success of Mr. Sturrock's candidates for scholarships as compared with the success of candidates from the girls' school. During the same three years the Blenheim Boys' School sent up only 5 candidates, none of whom gained a scholarship, neither did any one of them gain the proportion of marks necessary to qualify him to hold a scholarship ; and during the same period 20 candidates were presented from the girls' school, and 14 of these qualified by gaining the requisite proportion (60 per cent.) of the total marks. In another way the comparison is even more remarkable. In the year 1900 there were 20 candidates for the Board's scholarships. Blenheim Boys' School sent up 2, who occupied the fourteenth and twentieth places respectively in the order of merit. Blenheim Girls' School supplied 8 candidates, who occupied the second, third, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth places. In 1901 there were 20 candidates; no candidates appeared from the boys' school, but the girls' school sent up 9, who were placed in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth places. In 1902 there were 12 candidates altogether. The Blenheim Boys' School contributed 3 candidates, who were placed in the eighth, eleventh, and twelfth places. The Blenheim Girls' School also sent up 3 candidates, who occupied the second, third, and ninth places. This want of success was the more deplored by the Committee since it contrasted so strongly with the condition of the school while it was under the control of Mr. Sturrock's predecessor, when the Blenheim Boys' School nearly always secured all the available scholarships. So much was this the case that the Board established special scholarships for country schools only, as it was found that no schools had much chance in open competition with the Blenheim Boys' School under Mr. Lucas's management. The facts given above show how lamentably the school has fallen away from its former high state of efficiency. Yet, with all these facts before it, the finding of the Court of Appeal (as expressed by Dr. McArthur) was, " There was nothing to justify the dismissal of the Appellant." At a meeting of the Board, held after the award of the Court was announced, the following resolution was passed, and forwarded to the Department: " That under the late Mr. Lucas the Blenheim Boys' School was the best school in the district. That under Mr. Sturrock the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Standards in the boys' school have fallen to the thirteenth, and the Fifth and Sixth Standards, taught entirely by him, to the seventeenth place out of nineteen schools, as per Inspector's evidence. In the late appeal case the Court held that ' a higher state of efficiency might have been shown after a career of nine years, but there is nothing to justify a dismissal of the appellant' (Mr. Sturrock). The Board is puzzled to know how low this school must fall before it can be accorded the support of the Court in its efforts to restore the school to its proper efficiency." The results obtained at the boys' school as a whole during the years referred to were not bad, the large number in the lower standards, with the teaching of which Mr. Sturrock had little or nothing to do, concealing to a great extent the weakness of the two upper standards, which were entirely taught by himself. This is the only excuse that the Board can find for the extraordinary decision of the Court of Appeal, and it cannot be regarded as remarkable that the Committee of these schools, who were perfectly well acquainted with the particulars given above, should have thought it most desirable that a radical change should be effected, nor that the Board should have acceded to their request for the removal of Mr. Sturrock. The Board, feeling that the award of the Court of Appeal, if undisputed, was fraught with the most mischievous consequences, not only to this district but to the cause of education throughout the whole colony, took counsel's opinion upon the case, and it was ultimately agreed between counsel on either side that if the Board would continue to pay Mr. Sturrock (without prejudice), a case would be agreed upon for statement for the decision of the Supreme Court. This was done, and after many delays the case came before the Court, and was again decided against the Board. This decision, however, was upon points of law only—the real merits of the case, as between the Board and the head teacher, were not dealt with by the Supreme Court. Although the judgment of the Supreme Court in this case was not received until the 4th March, 1904, and therefore should not, under ordinary circumstances, be reviewed in this report,



still I feel that it is incumbent on the Board, in view of the great importance of the judgment as affecting the position of the Board as the employer and the teacher as the employed, to point out the gravity of the position the Board is placed in by the judgment. The judgment shows that " The Public-school Teachers Incorporation and Court of Appeal Act, 1895," and the amendment have entirely destroyed that proper control which should obtain between employer and employee, so that, except in cases of gross misconduct, Boards have lost the power conferred upon them by section 47 of " The Education Act, 1877." I say deliberately, " have lost the power," because incapacity or carelessness or inattention to his or her duty cannot be proved against a teacher unless in very grievous eases, there being so many excuses which can and have been pleaded in extenuation —-such as short attendance of pupils through sickness occasioned by epidemics, individual sickness, wet or stormy weather, bad roads, truancy, or any of the various reasons or fancies which at times cause parents to keep their children at home. It can hardly be supposed that Parliament, in passing these Acts, could have contemplated the possibility of such a result accruing as has been shown now by this judgment, and the Board feels confident that this matter has only to be submitted again to the consideration of Parliament to insure such an amendment being passed as will restore to Boards that control over the teachers which is absolutely requisite in the best interests of the schools and their pupils. I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. A. P. Seymour, Chairman.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ a. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 560 19 8 Staff salaries and clerical assistance .. 476 15 0 Grants from Government for— Office contingencies .. .. .. 204 7 5 Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and and allowances to pupil-teachers .. 6,329 15 0 allowances to pupil-teachers .. 6,651 14 7 Reserves revenue for primary education 300 0 0 Relieving-teachers' salaries .. .. 613 4 Capitation at lis. 3d. and grant of £250 1,182 1 6 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 570 3 0 Capitation at 6d. for relieving-teachers .. 41 8 9 Scholarships and examination expenses .. 169 0 0 Receipts from other sources— Special classes (manual and technical) .. 3 0 2 Sale of books and material .. .. 40 5 6 Maintenance of school buildings, &c. .. 311 19 6 Truancy fees .. .. .. 14 0 House-allowances .. .. .. 20 0 0 Rents of school-reserves .. .. 6 7 6 New schools, additions, sites, &c. .. 515 6 4 Refunds .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 School-libraries .. .. .. 14 16 2 Grants from Government for scholarships 124 2 2 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 622 8 7 Grants from Government for—■ Maintenance of school buildings, &c. .. 950 0 0 House-allowances .. .. .. 20 0 0 Rent of old school building .. .. 5 0 0 £9,566 4 1 £9,566 4 1 A. P. Seymour, Chairman, 4th March, 1904. John Smith, Secretary.

NELSON. Sir, — Nelson, 26th January, 1904. I have the honour to submit the report of the proceedings of the Education Board of the District of Nelson for the year 1903. The Board.—-At the annual election of three members of the Board Mr. Philip Best did not seek re-election, and Mr. W. H. Phillips was replaced by Mr. J. H. Boundy. The following gentlemen now constitute the Board: Messrs. Harry Atmore, James Henry Boundy, William Lock, William Norris Franklyn, Andrew Thomas Maginnity, Thomas John Baigent, George Talbot (Chairman), John D. Beuke, and Thomas Bailie. There have been twenty-three meetings during the year, the average attendance at each meeting being 7'95. District High Schools. —The Westport District High School continues to do useful and satisfactory work, the overcrowding complained of being now relieved by drafting a number of the pupils into a room which has been prepared by subdividing one of the class-rooms in the elementary division of the school. The district high school at Motueka was closed during the whole of the first quarter of the year in consequence of the fruit and hop-picking industries requiring all the available hands, so that the year's work had to be compressed into the remaining three-quarters of the year; and that the results should have proved so satisfactory is evidence of very creditable work on the part of the teachers. The Reefton District High School has suffered severely during the year, having had no less than three changes in the teachership, which, it is hoped, will not occur again. Elementary Schools. —There were 123 schools open at the end of last year; one of these has been attached to another school as a side-school. Eight of the small household schools have been closed and three similar ones opened, leaving 117 schools at work at the end of the year. Attendance of Scholars. —Both the average roll and the average attendance have decreased during the year. The average weekly number on the roll during the past year was 5,588-5 ; during the previous year it was 5,697'25. The average attendance during the year was 4,592'75, and during the previous year, 4,808'75. Drill.—Physical drill has been taught in ninety-eight schools during the past year, and to the end that the teachers might qualify themselves to give the necessary instruction classes for teachers have been held at Nelson and Westport, both being very well attended. The Inspectors consider that, as a result of the lessons given to teachers, a marked improvement has taken place during the past year. A course of instruction was laid down for the guidance of the teachers, and special times were fixed for the drill lessons. Buildings.—During the past year the new schools at East Takaka, Rocky River, and Threechannel Plat have been completed and taken over; new schools have also been erected and



occupied at Bainham and Kaituna; a considerable addition has been made to the Millerton School, where increased accommodation was much needed ; and new cottages have been built at Hillside and Appleby, in both cases to replace very old and worm-eaten structures, rendered quite unfit for habitation by decay. It is unfortunate that almost before the completion of the new school at Kaituna several of the settlers with large families —men who had been mainly instrumental in obtaining the new building—sold out their properties and left the district, so that it may be some time before the expenditure will be justified by the attendance. The repairs and improvements of buildings during the year absorbed £962 Is. of the building grant. The Board regrets that the Department has not seen its way to grant the necessary funds for the removal and enlargement of the school buildings, &c, at Coal Creek, where increase of settlement consequent on the Government's work at the State Coal-mine has rendered increased accommodation in a more central position very urgent. Manual and Technical Instruction.-—Handwork of various kinds has been taught at twenty-four of the Board's schools during the year, modelling in plasticine still being the subject most favoured by the teachers. Cookery classes have been held in Nelson under the management of Miss M. Tendall (diplomee of the National Training-school of Cookery, London); but they have been carried on at a loss, and it is doubtful whether they can be resumed this year unless the grant of 15s. a head be continued. A technical school, containing two rooms, one for woodwork and one for cookery, has been erected at Reefton, and arrangements are already made for the teaching of cookery, and it is expected that woodwork classes will be begun very shortly. The site for the building was purchased by a grant from the Inangahua County Council. A very excellent and valuable site for a technical school has been presented to the Board by the Nelson City Council, and it is expected that the new building will be erected, and it is hoped, ready for use before winter. Efforts have been made to secure a site for a technical school in Westport, and the Board regrets that the Westport Borough Council has not yet seen its way to present one to the Board. General.—While the teachers of this district have generally benefited by the operation of the Public-School Teachers' Salaries Act, School Committees complain bitterly of the way in which their allowances have been reduced. The Board's grant to Committees formerly ranged from ss. 6d. to lis. 6d. a head on the average attendance, but now, owing to the altered method of payments to Boards, the amount has had to be largely reduced, with consequent discontent. Board's Funds.—At the beginning of the year the Board's General Account showed a debit balance of £147 is. 2d., other liabilities being £578 Is. 9d., while grants were due from Government to the amount of £215 Is. 2d. At the end of a year this account had a credit balance of £197 Bs. 9d., grants due from Government £427 ss. lid., and liabilities £621 10s. 6d. The Building Account at the beginning of the year had a credit balance of £1,406 10s. 9d., a year's building grant was due from the Government besides special grants for new buildings of £570, and the liabilities were £2,319 Bs. Id. At the end of the year there was a credit balance of £148 15s. 2d., amount due from Government £2,402, and from various other sources £381, while the liabilities were £1,252 10s. 6d. I have, &c, Geo. Talbot, Chairman. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ a. d. i Expenditure. £ a. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 1,214 19 7 StaS salaries and clerical assistance .. 94-2 0 4 Grants from Government for— Office contingencies .. .. .. 679 2 11 Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries and Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries and allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 18,090 10 3 allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 18,735 14 8 Reserves revenue for primary education 635 4 0 Relieving-teachers' salaries .. .. 46 15 5 Capitation on lis. 3d. and grant of £250 2,878 19 8 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 50 0 0 Capitation at 6d. for relieving-teachers .. 116 17 0 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 1,081 4 2 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 50 0 0 School-books .. .. .. .. 228 14 6 Receipts from other sources— , Scholarships and examination expenses .. 359 10 0 Refund .. .. .. .. 17 8 Salaries of staffs of District High Schools Sale of school material .. .. 271 19 0 paid out of special receipts .. .. 733 7 1 Grants from Government for— Manual and technical instruction— Scholarships.. .. .. .. 347 15 9 School classes .. .. .. 117 5 0 District High Schools .. .. 677 0 0 Special classes .. .. .. 68 610 Reserves revenue for secondary education 168 15 0 Maintenance of school buildings, &c. .. 1,202 0 9 Grants from Government for manual and House-allowances .. .. .. 477 12 1 technical instruction— New schools, additions, sites, &c. .. 2,509 1 5 Capitation on attendance at classes .. 82 9 9 Buildings, class-rooms, furniture, &c, for Subsidies on voluntary contributions and manual and technical purposes— bequests .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 School classes .. .. .. 599 17 10 Grants from Government for— Special classes .. .. .. 51 18 2 Maintenance of school buildings, &o. .. 2,280 8 3 Credit balance at end of year .. .. 346 311 House-allowances .. .. .. 477 12 2 New schools, additions, furniture, &c. .. 554 10 0 Technical-sohool buildings, fittings, &o. 249 5 0 Other receipts— Sale of old house, Eighty-eight Valley 15 12 0 Rent of old school building .. .. 15 10 0 £28,228 15 1 £28,228 15 1 Geo. Talbot, Chairman. 2nd May, 1904, Stead Ellis, Secretary.



GREY. Sir,— Education Office, Greymouth, 7th March, 1904. I have the honour to present the report of the Education Board of the District of Grey for the year ending the 31st December, 1903. Board.—ln July the three retiring members (Messrs. W. R. Kettle, James Kerr, and Frank White) were returned unopposed. The Board has thus throughout the year consisted of Messrs. John Byrne, John Flynn, S. R. Harris, James Kerr, W. R. Kettle, Jeremiah McCarthy, Joseph Petrie, Frank White, and the Hon. James Marshall. In August Mr. Frank White was re-elected Chairman and Mr. John Byrne Treasurer. Mr. W. R. Kettle was in February re-elected to represent the Board on the Greymouth High School Board. Mr. Byrne continues to represent the Board as one of the School Commissioners of Westland. During the year thirteen meetings—one special and twelve ordinary—have been held. Schools.—At the beginning of the year thirty-one schools were in operation. In August a new school was opened at Duncan's. The Board has not yet approached your Department for a grant for erecting a new school at the State Coal-mine. A site has been reserved, and, with the opening of the railway and the export of coal, steps will have to be taken towards establishing a school. Attendance. —The average attendance for the year was 1,352, which is a decrease of twentyeight for the year. Owing to the prevalence of sickness in several parts of the district the average for the June quarter was only 1,316. The December quarter, however, reached the satisfactory figure of 1,395. The attendance at some of the country schools is not so good as it might be. With a little effort on the part of teachers and School Committees an improvement might be effected. Owing to decreased attendance six schools have been reduced a grade. Teachers.—The number of teachers in the employ of the Board at the end of the year was 57 (15 males and 42 females), including 10 head teachers, 22 sole teachers, 16 assistant teachers, and 9 pupil-teachers. Excluding the pupil-teachers, there were 22 uncertificated teachers in the employ of the Board, most of whom have had little or no training. At the pupil-teachers' examination, held in December, five passed to a higher grade. Three had previously passed the necessary examination, and one who had been recently appointed was not examined. In fifteen schools—nearly half the number under the jurisdiction of the Board—there was a change in the staff during the year. These changes must, to a considerable extent, interfere with the children's progress. The Board finds the allowance for relieving-teachers far too small. The amount received last year will not provide salary for a competent teacher for any length of time. Scholarships.—At the annual examination ten candidates presented themselves. Two scholarships were awarded. The Board regrets that candidates from so few schools compete for the scholarships. Physical Drill.—For some months in the year drill classes for teachers were conducted every Saturday. The effect of these classes was most marked in the schools conducted by female teachers, who previously knew little or nothing of drill. In all schools a fair amount of time is now devoted to this important subject. It is pleasing to find that the pupils enter into the spirit of the subject, and in several schools wand drill is well done. The cadet-corps at Greymouth, Taylorville, and Dobson continue to do good work. During the year detachments have been formed at Ahaura and Blackball. Technical Instruction.—For the last four months of the year teachers received instruction in first aid. The expenses of this class were paid out of an unexpended balance remaining from an earlier grant. Owing to the difficulty of obtaining instruction for the teachers, little has been done in introducing hand and eye work into the schools. Finance.—At the close of the year the Board had a debit balance on the General Account of £244 12s. 7d., and a credit balance on the Building Account of £252 3s. 2d. There were liabilities of over £300 in the General Account. Against these the District High School capitation for the December quarter had not come to hand, and the building vote for the year had not arrived. For eight months of the year the Board has employed a carpenter, who has been repairing and painting the larger schools —work which was most urgently required. The Board hopes to be able to continue this practice. Conclusion. —In conclusion, the Board desires to place on record its appreciation of the valuable services rendered by the late Hon. W. C. Walker to the cause of education. It regrets to state that during the year two old servants of the Board, Mr. J. A. Bromley and Miss Alice Kemple, were removed by the hand of death. At such times the necessity for retiring and compassionate allowances is brought home to every one, and the Board expresses the hope that in the near future the Government will see its way to provide the same. I have, &c, F, White, Chairman. The Right Hon the Minister of Education, Wellington.



General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balanoe at beginning of year .. .. 189 18 10 Staff salaries and clerical assistance .. 526 19 2 Grants from Government for— Office contingencies .. .. .. 282 14 2 Teachers'and pupil-teacher'salaries, and Teaohers'and pupil-teachers'salaries, and allowances to pupil-teaohers .. 5,321 7 3 allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 5,363 4 0 Reserves revenue for primary education 132 0 0 Relieving-teachers' salaries .. .. 32 10 0 Capitation at lis. 3d. and grant of £250.. 1,005 8 9 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 12 10 0 Capitation at 6d. for relieving-teachers.. 33 11 6 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 341 8 0 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 12 10 0 Scholarships and expenses of examination 108 5 0 Receipts from other souroes — Rent of Salaries of staffs of District High Sohools, building, £2 2s. ; sale of furniture, £6 .. 8 2 0 paid out of special receipts .. .. 196 13 4 Grants from Government for— Other expenses —Apparatus .. .. 3 7 3 Scholarships.. .. .. .. 125 10 0 Manual and technical instruction — District High Schools .. .. 270 0 0 School classes .. .. .. 2 13 Grant from High School Board .. .. 50 0 0 Maintenance of school building's, &c. .. 547 14 10 Grants from Government for manual and House-allowances .. .. .. 232 10 0 technical instruction—Capitation on at- New sohools, additions, sites, &o. .. 267 17 0 tendanoe at classes .. .. .. 2 13 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 7 10 7 Grants from Government for— Maintenance of school buildings, &c. .. 350 0 0 House-allowances .. .. .. 225 0 0 New Bchools, additions, furniture, &c. .. 200 0 0 £7,925 4 7 \ £7,925 4 7 F. White, Chairman. 25th March, 1904. H. Smith, Secretary.

WESTLAND. Sir, — Education Office, Hokitika, 12th January, 1901. I have the honour to present the report of the Westland Education Board for the year ending the 31st December, 1903. The Board. —In August Messrs. J. Grimmond, A. Cumming, and J. Staines retired, and were re-elected by the School Committees of the district. At the meeting of the Board, held in the same month, Mr. Grimmond was re-elected Chairman, and Mr. Michel as Treasurer and representative on the Hokitika High School Board of Governors. Mr. Grimmond has, during the year, continued to act as one of the School Commissioners of Westland in accordance with his appointment by the Board. During the year twelve ordinary meetings were held, the attendance of members being as follows: Mr. T. W. Duff, 12 ; Mr. J* Grimmond, 11; Mr. A. Cumming, 11; Mr. T. W. Beare, 11; Mr. H. L. Michel, 10; Mr. J. J. Clarke, 10; Mr. J. Staines, 10; Mr. J. S. Benyon, 9 ; and Mr. G. Perry, 8. Primary Schools. —At the beginning of the year there were thirty-four schools in operation. During the year Ferguson's Household School was closed, and the South Beach (Hokitika) and Wataroa (Household) Schools were opened, thus leaving thirty-five schools open at the end of the year. In addition, four of the five Catholic schools of the district were examined by the Board's Inspector. Attendance. —The total roll for the district at the end of the year was 1,087, a decrease of thirty-four as compared with that of the previous year. The average attendance was 84'5 per cent, of the average roll-number. Teachers.—The number of teachers in the employ of the Board at the end of the year was 50, including 6 head teachers, 28 sole teachers, 12 assistants, and 4 pupil-teachers. In schools with an average attendance of twenty or more, the adult teachers possess certificates as follows: —B, 2 ; C, 2 ; D, 11; E, 5 ; partial certificates, 1; uncertificated, 1. Of the 28 teachers in charge of the smaller schools, only 2 have obtained certificates. Three of the 4 pupil-teachers of the district have passed the Matriculation examination. From the 21st February to the 12th December Saturday classes for teachers were held, the subjects of instruction being physics and chemistry, taken in alternate weeks. Great benefit has been derived from the instruction, which was made available by the receipt of special grants from the Education Department. Secondary Education. —The secondary class of the Hokitika District High School had for the year an average roll-number of thirty-five. The number fell, however, to twenty-eight at the end of the year. Five of the pupils were scholarship-holders, and all have received free tuition. The staff was the same as for the previous year and a separate report has been presented on the annual examination of the class. Scholarships.—Seven scholarships were in force during the year. Two were relinquished during the latter half of the year. In consequence the Board was enabled to assist a country scholar whose scholarship had been fixed below the normal amount. The Board at the end of the year allotted scholarships to two country and three town scholars. Manual and Technical Instruction. —Ten school classes in handwork have been recognised by the Education Department. Other schools also include handwork in the course of instruction. The Board supplies the necessary material and text-books for teachers in order to remove as far as possible every obstacle in the way of progress in this part of the school course. The class in woodwork connected with the Kumara School continues to produce satisfactory results, and closed the



year with twenty-four students. A similar class was instituted in October in connection with the Hokitika District High School, and a good beginning was made by the two divisions, which have an aggregate roll-number of thirty-eight. Drill.—The course adopted in drill and physical exercises has been similar to that of the previous year, as described in last year's report. No increase in the number of small schools including the subject in the programme of instruction is to be recorded. Finance.—ln the General Account, apart from special grants for instruction of teachers, the Dr. balance has been reduced from £81 2s. 9d. to £65 16s. Id. The actual Dr. balance is £71 Bs. 2d., including £5 12s. Id. expended in anticipation of a grant promised for the support of classes instituted for the instruction of teachers in science. Owing to the anticipation in the previous year of the ordinary vote for buildings for 1903, the amount received was only £500. In addition £100 was received for new works, and an advance of £100 was obtained from the vote for 1904. With the credit balance of £45 7s. sd. at the beginning of the year and other small sums the total receipts were £781 7s. sd. The expenditure was £759 os. 5d., leaving a credit balance of £22 7s. Contracts have been let, however, for a further expenditure of £33 18s. In August the Lower Otira School building was burnt down. Although a grant for rebuilding is available, the Board has deferred action until further information is obtained as to the development of the district. There is one work that is acknowledged by the Board to be of great urgency, but for which the available funds are quite inadequate, that is, the re-erection of the residence of the headmaster of the Hokitika District High School. The building was built in 1867, and is too dilapidated for repair. Unless a special grant is allowed for rebuilding, the Board considers the building should be sold and house-allowance provided in its place. In conclusion, I desire to add that, while the Board has already taken an opportunity to express its pleasure in connection with your appointment 'as Minister of Education, it now desires to record here its gratification that one so well acquainted with the needs of the various districts is willing to undertake with other onerous duties the direction of education in the colony. At the same time the Board has to express its deep regret at the retirement and recent death of the Hon. W. C. Walker, and to acknowledge the many valuable services he rendered during a long course of years. I have, &c, Joseph Grimmond, Chairman. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ a. d. Expenditure. £ a. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 69 14 9 Staff salaries and clerical assistance .. 482 0 0 Grants from Government for— Office contingencies .. .. .. 114 1 7 Teachers'and pupil-teachers'salaries, and Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and allowances to pupil-teachers.. .. 4,187 18 5 allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 4,216 13 0 Capitation at lis. 3d. and grant of £250 785 7 4 Relieving-teachers' salaries .. .. 24 18 7 Capitation at 6d. for relieving-teachers .. 23 15 6 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 180 16 7 Rent of residences .. .. .. 24 12 0 Scholarships and examination expenses .. 76 17 6 Grants from Government for— Salaries of staffs of District High Schools, Scholarships .. .. .. 55 810 paid out of special receipts .. .. 350 0 0 District High Schools ~ .. 20.1 14 11 Manual and technical instructionSubsidy from High School Board .. 200 0 0 Instructors' salaries and travelling-ex-Grants from Government for manual and penses .. .. .. .. 22 15 0 technical instruction — Capitation on Students' travelling-expenses .. .. 45 17 4 attendance at classes .. .. .. 84 17 0 Special classes .. .. .. 71 2 1 Grants from Government for— Maintenance of school buildings.. .. 748 7 8 Maintenance of school buildings, &o. .. 600 0 0 House-allowances .. .. .. 20 0 0 House-allowances .. .. .. 20 0 0 Buildings, class-rooms, furniture, &c, for New sohools, additions, furniture, &c. .. 100 0 0 manual and teohnical purposes— Technical-school buildings, fittings, &c. 110 15 0 School classes .. .. .. 121 5 9 Balanoe at end of year .. .. .. 53 1 2 Special classes .. .. ~ 42 910 £6,517 4 11 £6,517 4 11 Joseph Grimmond, Chairman. 15th Maroh, 1904. A. J. Morton, Secretary.

NORTH CANTERBURY. Sir,— Christchurch, 13th April, 1904. I have the honour to present the following report of the proceedings of the Education Board of the District of North Canterbury for the year ending the 31st December, 1903 :— The Board.—The three members who retired in August, 1903, were Mr. D. Buddo, Mr. D. McMillan, and Mr. J. Rennie, all of whom were re-elected at the election technically held on the 27th of the preceding month but not completed until the 11th August. On the 12th August Dr. Charles Chilton, M.A., was elected to fill the extraordinary vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. J. L. Scott on the 24th June. At a meeting held on the 26th August Mr. H. W. Peryman was elected Chairman of the Board. The Board held eighteen meetings during the year. The Buildings Committee met seventeen times, the Appointments Committee thirty-five times, and the Normal School and Technical Committee twenty-one times.



The Board's Representatives. —At its meeting on the Ist April, 1903, the Board elected Mr. R. Latter member of the Akaroa High School Board, Mr. A. Orr and the Rev. G. B. Inglis members of the Ashburton High School Board, and Mr. A. S. Bruce member of the Rangiora High School Board. Mr. Buddo continued to represent the Board as a Commissioner of Education Reserves. Buildings.—The total expenditure on buildings during the year, including repairs and renovations was £5,754 13s. 3d. No new schools were built, but substantial additions were made to the schools at Darfield, New Brighton, Highbank, Spotswood, and Spreydon. A house was erected for the master at Springston South ; at Waiau considerable expenditure was incurred on additions and alterations in the same direction; and at Waltham a caretaker's house was provided. In many districts substantial repairs and improvements have been effected, notably at Akaroa, Ashburton, Barry's Bay, Christchurch East, Christchurch West, Fendalton, Halswell, Kowai Pass, Lyttelton, Lyttelton West, Sydenham, Wainui, West Melton, Woolston, and at the Normal School. At Kaiapoi and St. Albans new brick closets have been built, at a cost much in excess of that in cases where provision of a less.permanent character has been made. The teacher's house at Saltwater Creek has been removed to a more suitable site, out of the reach of floods. In regard to the distribution of the building vote, the change decided on by the Government marks an important departure from the course hitherto followed. In future the ordinary grant will be for the purposes of general maintenance, renewals, and rebuilding; it will not be available for additions, for which special application must be made from time to time as the necessity arises. Against this course the Board strongly protests, believing that it is in a much better position to know local wants than the central Department can be. The number of schools in operation at the end of the year, including twenty-two aided schools, was 205. Maintenance.—The expenditure on teachers' salaries and allowances (exclusive of payments to secondary assistants) amounted to £56,748 2s. 10d.,' and grants to School Committees, with other incidental expenses, to £5,922 10s. 7d., making a total of £62,670 13s. sd. The average attendances on which payment of salaries and incidentals was made (subject to slight modifications and adjustments; were 16,742 and 16,188 respectively, so that the cost per head of teachers' salaries was about £3 7s. 9id., and that of incidental expenses 7s. 3fd., making a total of £3 15s. l£d. per head. Adding the lis. 3d. general capitation and the annual grant of £250 to the sum expended on teachers' salaries, the total cost of primary instruction during the year was £66,208 7s. lOd. or £3 19s. for each child in average attendance, exclusive of expenditure on buildings. The total number of teachers in the Board's service at the end of 1903 was 515. Of these, 206 (125 males and 81 females) were heads of schools or departments, or in sole charge; 205 (41 males and 164 females) were assistants; and 104 (24 males and 80 females) were pupilteachers. The difficulty experienced of late years in procuring teachers for small country schools has continued ; the Board regrets that this should have been so, seeing that the number of teachers available for and willing to take positions near the larger centres, or in localities adjacent to the railway, has been in excess of the number of vacancies. It is safe to assume that the chief reason for this arises from the fact that the salaries of junior assistants cannot fall below £80, whereas the remuneration of sole-charge teachers is entirely dependent upon the average attendance, and, owing to the removal of families from the district, whose members, perhaps, go to make up half the roll-number, may for the succeeding year fall much below what is considered a living wage. As compared with the year 1902, the roll-number on the 31st December last shows a slight increase, which is satisfactory, seeing that since 1895 each succeeding year has disclosed a decrease as compared with the previous year. Normal School.—lnformation as to the work of the training department, and as to the number of students admitted during the year, is given in the report of the principal.* At the commencement of the year, in order to make up the number of students to the number regarded as sufficient for the school's requirements, as well as to afford matriculated candidates practice in teaching, the Board decided to admit a limited number of matriculated University students for a two-years' course of training, the remuneration to be £20 per annum, with an allowance of £10 if obliged to live away from home. Nine students were admitted under these conditions; their salaries and allowances have been paid by the Department. At the date of this report arrangements to meet, as far as practicable, the conditions of the new scheme for the training of teachers are well forward; detailed reference to this matter may well be reserved for inclusion in the report for the present year. Inspection.—The Inspector's annual report gives the number of children present at examination, the number that passed, and the average age of the pupils in each class. Of the 19,607 children whose names were contained in the examination lists, 17,761 only were present at the time of the Inspector's visit, as compared with 18,430 for the year 1902, and 18,351 for 1901. This reduction was doubtless due to sickness among the children, which, while prevalent more or less during the whole year, was particularly noticeable during the winter and early spring. In the absence of Dr. Anderson, to whom the Board granted six months' leave of absence, as from the Ist June, Mr. T. Hughes, 8.A., headmaster of the Waltham School, was appointed Acting-Inspector. Mr. Hughes has discharged the arduous duties of the position in a conscientious and efficient manner, and to the Board's entire satisfaction. The Board has recently had under consideration a renewed request for the examination of the Roman Catholic schools in the North Canterbury Education District. On previous occasions the Board has refused similar applications on the ground that all private schools should be subject to annual inspection and examination by the State, which expression of opinion was embodied in

* This will be found in a separate paper (E.-1e) on training of teachers.—Secbetaey fob Education.



resolution and duly forwarded to the Department. Under the new regulations issued (No. 19), Inspectors are now required to arrange for the examination of all children who are candidates for certificates of competency, or, in other words, who desire to pass their respective standards, whether thev attend public schools or not. In view of this regulation, made under the advice and consent of the Government, and so comprehensive in its scope, the Board has instructed its Inspectors to examine, so far as practicable, all private schools on application being made. Appointment of Teachers. —The present system of appointing teachers in this district, which has now been in force for some years, continues to work satisfactorily in most respects. _ After advertising the vacancies as they occur the Board selects not more than six of the best applicants, and, by placing the names in order of merit, indicates to the School Committee which of them is regarded as being most suitable. On several occasions Committees have contented themselves by selecting the candidate last on the list, and it is in this respect that a weakness in the system is revealed. If all the approved candidates were equal in point of attainment and suitability, the selection, of any one of them could not be reasonably questioned. But in very few cases can it be said that this equality exists, while it not infrequently happens that a wide difference in attainment, &c, separates the teacher placed first in order of merit from the remaining approved candidates. It will be for the Board to consider whether some alteration should not be made so as to insure in such cases a recognition of the claims of the candidate possessing distinctly superior qualifications. No stronger proof of the Board's consistency in advertising vacancies can be given than is shown by the fact that in one case only (that of Christchurch West) has the Board departed from its rule. The special circumstances of this case, arising out of the introduction of the colonial scale of staffs, were such as to fully warrant the Board in acting upon the School Committee's recommendation. Scholarships.—At the annual examination for the Board's scholarships, held during the week commencing the 14th December, there were 57 candidates for the 'scholarships of the junior class (36 boys and 21 girls), and 13 for the senior scholarships (6 boys and 7 girls). As compared with previous years, in both divisions there has been a marked _ decrease in the number of entries. So far as the junior class is concerned this falling-off may be attributed in some measure to the establishment of district high schools where parents can now obtain for their children secondary instruction ; but the diminution in the number of senior candidates cannot be so readily explained, seeing that these candidates are chiefly drawn from previous scholarship-winners who have not been affected by the facilities offered in connection with district high schools. Of the 57 junior candidates, 33 came from town schools, 14 from schools having two certificated teachers, and 10 from sole-charge schools. The town candidates secured six of the twelve scholarships, while the remaining six fell to candidates from schools of the second class, the six months' advantage as regards age, which under the present regulations they may claim, being required by three of these candidates. None of the candidates sent up from sole-charge schools succeeded in securing a scholarship, notwithstanding the full year's advantage allowed in their case. A noticeable feature in connection with the examination is the low percentage of marks gained by the candidates generally. Out of a possible total of 650 the candidate highest on the list secured 395 marks, while the twelfth candidate obtained 325 only; none of the remaining candidates qualified. _ Assuming that the standard of examination was no higher than usual it is evident that the candidates gene•rally were not so well prepared to meet the tests of examination as those competing in previous years have been. For the two Gammack Scholarships offered by the Board there were seven candidates. Early in January of this year the Department held a National Scholarships Examination, the results of which, so far as concerns this district, will be duly recorded in the Board's next annual report. Irregular Attendance. —Generally speaking, parents are now more ready than formerly to assist the Board's officer in carrying out the provisions of the School Attendance Act. The prevalence of sickness has been a marked feature during the year, making it impracticable to enforce attendance in all cases. During the year there were 1,753 children reported for irregular attendance, but in 132 cases only (as against 324 in the year 1902) was it necessary to issue summonses, the fullest inquiries having first been made in order to avoid undue severity. _ The amount of fines imposed also show a substantial reduction, being £17 165., as compared with £36 ss. 6d. during the previous year. , . . , Public-school Teachers' Salaries Act.—During the year payment of teachers', salaries has continued in accordance with the new Act, in respect of which the regulations issued by the Department from time to time appear to have very fairly met with the conditions arising out of fluctuating attendance and epidemics among the children. At the close of the year, acting in unison with the Department's requirements, the staffs at the Ashburton and St. Albans Main and Side Schools were brought into line with the provisions of Part 111. of the Act, in each case the average attendance at the main school and the side school being added together for the purpose of computing the staff and salaries. In order to effect this arrangement, it was found necessary to withdraw Standard 111. from the side schools, where for the future instruction will be confined to the preparatory classes and Standards I. and 11. Manual and .Technical Instruction. — The technical classes at Christchurch, Ashburton, Lyttelton, Rangiora, and Leeston have continued in operation during the year, the subjects of instruction finding most favour being woodwork and cookery; though towards the close of the year signs were not wanting that dressmaking would in future be also taken up at most centres. At Leeston, in addition to woodwork, instruction in ironwork had been carried on throughout the year. The teachers' handwork and woodwork classes, held at the Normal School, have been well attended. The Christchurch School of Domestic Instruction has continued to give instruction in cookery to a number of large classes from the Board's schools. During the year 1908 developments promised in connection with technical instruction, owing to the establishment of the Christchurch Technical Classes Association, have taken definite shape, resulting in the successful formation and carryingon of a large number of technical and continuation classes by the association, to which body much credit is due for the steps taken to afford youths of either sex an opportunity of making themselves better acquainted with the principles underlying their respective trades or occupations.

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Of the schools that took up manual work early in the year, seventy-one have carried on the instruction with sufficient regularity to entitle the Board to grants from the Department. About eighty schools have submitted particulars of classes proposed to be held during the present year. There is still some difficulty in supplying material and apparatus for these classes. It is not practicable for teachers to submit complete requisitions until the close of the preceding year ; this leaves the Board insufficient time to obtain the material and apparatus which has to be imported. The difficulty can be best met by the Board anticipating the year's requirements by ordering beforehand what may be termed " current lines," leaving the purchase of articles not in general use until the requisitions have been sent in; the amount now in hand and due in respect of classes already held will enable the Board to adopt this course for the future. Further simplication in the returns required of teachers appears necessary, among which may be mentioned that of the average attendance for the year, which, with benefit to all concerned, might well be made the ordinary average attendance of the class instructed. District High Schools. —In addition to the district high schools in operation at the date of last report—viz., Akaroa, Amberley, Darfield, and Kaiapoi, the public schools at Southbridge, Oxford East, Lyttelton, Kaikoura Town, and Lincoln have been provided with secondary departments, specially qualified assistants having been appointed in each case. At Kaikoura Town the support promised at the inception of the movement towards secondary instruction has by no means been realised; the Board hopes that the residents will be successful in their present endeavour to obtain at least the minimum number of pupils necessary if the benefits of a secondary department are to be continued. School Cadet Corps.—During the year a detachment of cadets has been formed in connection with the Amberley Public School. The several corps in the North Canterbury District have been formed' into two battalions, Major G. J. Smith being in command of No. 1 and Captain F. W. Sandford of No. 2. Two battalion parades have been held during the year, also an annual inspection, when the cadets were favourably commented -upon by Colonel Loveday, Officer Commanding Public School Cadets. The Board trusts that a cadet corps will shortly be formed in connection with the Lyttelton School, which will complete the movement so far as the larger schools are concerned. I have, &c, H. W. Pbryman, Chairman. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. •

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ a. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of year ~ .. 2,203 5 6 Staff salaries and clerioal assistance .. 2,301 2 9 Grants from Government for— Office contingencies .. .. .. 970 2 9 Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and and allowances to pupil-teachers .. 43,355 2 9 allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 56,254 18 4 Reserves revenue for primary education 14,182 2 3 Training of teachers .. .. .. 1,720 16 1 Capitation at lis. 3d., and grant of Drill-instruction .. .. .. 50 11 2 £250 .. .. .. .. 9,355 15 3 Conveyance of school-children .. .. 50 0 0 Capitation for relieving-teachers .. 404 14 3 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 5,922 10 7 Training of teachers.. .. .. 500 0 0 Truancy Office .. .. .. 167 12 2 Conveyance of school-children .. 101 10 0 Visit of Squadron—Advertising .. .. 916 1 Other grants— Accident insurance premium .. .. 15 15 0 Refund of hire of drillshed, Kaiapoi .. 8 0 0 Reserve 777—Exchange .. .. 0 0 6 Refund for gas .. .. .. 0 5 0 Scholarships and examination expenses .. 1,246 3 0 Receipts from other sources—Rent of Salaries of staffs of District High Schools, buildings, £4 2s. 6d. ; refund of wharf- paid out of special receipts for such age, 3s. 3d.; rent of sites, £13 4s. ; Edu- schools .. .. .. .. 784 12 5 cation Acts, 3s. ; rent of reserves, Manual and technical instruction— £32 4s. 6d.; Truancy Office, S.M. Court Instructors salaries and travelling-ex-fees, £24 Is. 6d. .. .. .. 74 18 9 penses .. .. .. .. 138 15 0 Grants from Government for— School classes .. .. .. 83 3 3 Scholarships .. .. .. 1,215 17 3 Special classes .. .. .. 184 911 District High Schools .. .. 462 16 8 Managers of associated classes .. 676 510 Receipts from other sources — Other expenses— District High School fees .. .. 3 0 0 Office salaries, £20; teachers' classes, Akaroa High School Board .. .. 100 0 0 £34 ss. Bd. ; rent of Lancaster Park Grants from Government for manual and bath, £3 35.; speoial classes — petty technical instruction— cash, Bs. 6d. ; associated classes — Capitation on attendance at classes .. 850 12 10 petty cash, 12s. 6d; Lyttelton — Instruction of teachers .. .. 200 0 0 balance of grant for cookery classes, Subsidies on voluntary contributions and £26 2s. 4d. .. .. .. 84 12 0 bequests .. .. .. .. 276 17 6 Associated classes—Amount locally conRefund of instructor's travelling-ex- tributed .. .. .. " .. 287 15 0 penses .. .. .. .. 4 18 Maintenance of school buildings, &c. .. 2,416 17 5 Material .. .. .. .. 4 0 0 House-allowances .. .. .. 493 4 6 Receipts from other sources— New schools, additions, sites, &c. .. 2,856 2 8 Pees .. .. .. .. 410 0 Plans and supervision .. .. .. 481 13 2 Voluntary contributions .. .. 287 15 0 Buildings, class-rooms, furniture, &c, for Half rent Lancaster Park bath .. 1 11 6 manual and technical purposesMaterial for class-work .. .. 016 1 School classes .. .. .. 225 18 10 Grants from Government for— Special classes .. .. .. 4 0 0 Maintenance of school buidings, &c. .. 6,300 0 0 Associated classes .. .. .. 375 10 6 House-allowances .. .. .. 501 7 6 Other expenses— Technical-school buildings, fittings, &o. 521 18 6 Exchange .. .. .. .. 18 2 0 Half cost of fence at Kaikoura Town .. 14 8 9 Gammack Scholarships ... .. 222 15 0 Other receipts— Balance at end of year .. .. .. 3,164 6 7 Gammack Scholarships .. .. 200 0 0 Half cost of fencing, &c. ..' .. 10 13 6 Sale of old material .. .. .. 2 10 0 Refund of amount paid in error .. 11 4 0 Contributions to cost of site .. .. 47 18 0 £81,207 12 6 £81,207 12 6 H. W. Peryman, Chairman. 29th March, 1904. H. C. Lane, Secretary.



SOUTH CANTERBURY. Sir, — Education Office, Timaru, Ist March, 1904. In accordance with the provisions of " The Education Act, 1877," we have the honour to submit the report of the Education Board of the District of South Canterbury for the year ending the 31st December, 1903. The Board.—At the beginning of the year the Board was composed of the following members : Messrs. John Campbell, Sandham Gillingham, W. B. Howell, J.P., John Jackson, J.P., Daniel McCaskill, W. S. Maslin, J.P., John S. Rutherford, John Talbot, J.P., and the Rev. George Barclay, J.P. Messrs. Maslin, Rutherford, and Talbot retired during the year, and the election to fill the vacancies resulted in the re-election of Messrs. Rutherford and Talbot, and the election of Mr. W. M. Hamilton, of Waimate. In August Mr. Howell was elected Chairman of the Board for the eighth time in succession. The Board held twelve meetings during the year, the average attendance of members being 7'3. In April, Major Bamfield, after holding office for twenty years, resigned the post of Chief Secretary to the Board, and Mr. A. Bell was appointed to succeed him. The Schools. —At the beginning of the year there were seventy-one schools in operation in the district. During the year the school at Carrington was closed, and a new school was opened at Kohika, so that the number of schools at the end of the year was seventy-one. Teachers.—At the end of the year there were in the service of the Board 121 adult teachers— fifty-three males and sixty-eight females. Of these, thirteen were uncertificated—an unusually large number, but owing to the difficulty of getting teachers for its small schools, the Board has no option but to employ uncertificated teachers. Pupil-teachers.—At the end of the year there were in the service of the Board twenty-three pupil-teachers, classified as follows : First year—male 1, female 3, total 4 ; second year—male 2, female 5, total 7 ; third year—male 1, female 7, total 8 ; fourth year—male 2, female 0, total 2 ; fifth year—male 1, female 1, total 2 : totals—male 7, female 16, total 23. The annual examination of pupil-teachers took place in July, when ten pupil-teachers and six candidates were examined, and eight of the former and four of the latter passed. During the year the Board revised its pupil-teacher regulations, one of the more important changes having regard to the system of appointment. In future candidates for pupil-teacherships, unless they have passed the Matriculation Examination, must present themselves for an entrance examination in December each year, and, other things being equal, appointments will be given to those applicants who do best at the entrance examination. At the first entrance examination twenty candidates were examined and thirteen passed. It is very.satisfactory to the Board to learn that the Government is establishing training-colleges which are to be open to pupil-teachers from all the education districts of the colony after they have completed their pupil-teacher course, for nothing is more calculated to improve the teaching in our schools than the thorough training of our teachers. Scholarships.—The annual scholarship examination was held in December, when the number of candidates was thirty-five, being twenty-five less than in 1902. This decrease is due largely to the granting of free places in secondary schools under the Government scheme of free secondary education. There is not now the same competition for the Board's scholarships, because education at the high schools is now available to the cleverer children of our primary schools without their requiring to undergo the ordeal of a scholarship examination. During the year the National Scholarship Act was passed, making provision for junior and senior scholarships in addition to those given by Education Boards. The first junior scholarship assigned to South Canterbury was won by a pupil of the Temuka District High School. Attendance.—The average attendance for the year (4,280) is the lowest since 1893, and 175 less than that of the previous year, while the roll-number at the end of the year was 133 less than it was in 1902. The decrease in average attendance is largely due to decrease in the roll-number, but in no year in the history of education in the district was the attendance more affected by epidemics of one kind and another. The average attendance expressed as a percentage of the mean of the average weekly rolls for the four quarters was 84-7 —that is to say, that on the average over 15 per cent, of the children were absent on every school-day throughout the year. Truancy.—During the year the Board adopted a new truancy system. Formerly the schools were divided into seven truancy districts, each under a Truant Officer, whose duty was to visit the schools at regular intervals, and deal with cases of irregular attendance. This system has been abolished, and there has been appointed for the whole district one Truant Officer, to whom the head teachers report cases of irregular attendance ; and it is for the Truant Officer to take proceedings in each case by written notice, warning, or summons, as he deems most advisable. The new system is less expensive than the old, and has proved effective when head teachers do their duty by promptly reporting cases of default. Manual and Technical Instruction.—The number of school classes in manual instruction continues to increase. Twenty-one of our schools earned capitation during the year, and as many more made attempts to introduce the subjects, though the lessons were not given with sufficient regularity to entitle the schools to grants from the Government. Seventeen schools taught by male teachers took advantage of the grants for needlework. The average salary of the sewingmistress was only £5 14s. 4d., a sum which does not compare well with the £12 paid in the district before the passing of the Teachers' Salaries Act. The "associated classes" at Timaru and Waimate were continued during the year with an increasing number of pupils, and similar classes were established at Temuka. The managers have hitherto found a difficulty in providing suitable accommodation for these classes, but during the year buildings for technical schools at Waimate and Timaru were begun and are now nearing completion, and tenders have been received for a building at Temuka. The estimated cost of these buildings is £2,800. Classes for the training of teachers in brush-drawing, modelling, and woodwork were held from May to October, The attendance


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of the teachers was generally satisfactory, and in many cases good progress was made. A verv successful exhibition of manual work done by both pupil's and teachers was held at the conclusion of the classes. Physical Drill.—This subject is taught in every school in the district. In the seven largest schools cadet corps have been established, and the cadet movement has led both teachers and pupils to take a lively interest in their drill and physical exercises. Drill-classes for male teachers were conducted by Major Crawshaw during the year, and these are sure to lead to greater efficiency in the teaching of the subject. Buildings.—The total expenditure on buildings for the year was £2,017 165.; the amount for 1902 was £2,884 15s. This expenditure may be classified as follows :—New buildings, £787 17s. 3d.; repairs and improvements, £813 10s. 9d.; furniture and appliances, £183 3s. 2d.; sites £87 10s. 6d. ; plans, supervision, and sundries, £145 14s. 4d. The amount received from the Government for buildings was £2,l7s—ordinary grant, £1,900; rebuilding Kapua, £275. Among the more important works undertaken during the year were new schools at Kapua, Skipton, Chamberlain, and Willowbridge. Additions were made to both school and residence at Milford, and a residence was attached to the school at Waikakahi. Extensive repairs and painting were carried out at Timaru Main, Temuka, Orari South, Kingsdown, Sutherlands, Albury, Glenavy, Cave, Orari Gorge, Te Moana, Arundel, Claremont, Gapes Valley, and Hilton. The Board learns with some satisfaction that the new principle on which the Government votes for school buildings are to be distributed will put the Board in a slightly better position to meet the numerous demands for repairs and improvements to its buildings. Finance.—The balance-sheet will show that so far as the Maintenance Account is concerned the Board is in a good financial position, which has improved a little during the year. The Building Account was in credit £516 10s. 9d. on the 31st December, but against this were liabilities due and coming due on contracts and grants to Committees that reduced the balance to £31 19s. We have, &c, W. B. Howell, Chairman. A. Bell, Secretary. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ a. d. Expenditure. £ s d Balance at beginning of year .. .. 1,737 17 2 Staff salaries and clerical assistance 1,306 2 6 Grants from Government for— Office contingencies .. .. .. 313 13 6 Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and and allowances to pupil-teachers ..13,104 0 6 allowances to pupil-teachers .. ..16,464 17 7 Reserves revenue for primary education 3,344 13 9 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 25 0 0 Capitation at lis, 3d., and grant of £250 2,682 2 0 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 1,046 5 9 Capitation at 6d. for relieving-teachers .. 108 2 3 Scholarships and examination expenses .. 369 0 8 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 25 0 0 Salaries of staffs of District High Schools, Other grants — Refund -of carriage on paid out of special receipts .. .. 860 11 4 South Kensington students' works .. 19 2 Manual and technical instructionReceipts from other sources—Rents, £88 Instructors' salaries and travelling ex17s. 9d.; truancy fines, £4 9s. 6d. ; Can- penses .. .. .. .. 146 18 5 nington S.C. balance, £4 6s. :S. Gilling- Students' travelling-expenses .. '. 313 6 ham, map, £1 Is.; Waimataitai gallery, School classes .. .. .. 41 8 5 Bs. ; plasticine sold, 4s. 3d. .. .. 99 6 6 Special classes .. .. .. 3 5 0 Grants from Government for— Associated classes .. .. .. 199 17 0 Scholarships.. ... .. .. 330 8 7 Maintenance of school buildings .. .. 1,063 13 3 District High Schools .. .. 775 10 0 House-allowances .. .. .. 222 10 0 Subsidy from Waimate High School Board 99 18 6 New schools, additions, sites, &c. .. 954 2 9 Grants from Government for manual and Buildings, class-rooms, furniture, &c, for technical instruction— manual and technical purposesCapitation on attendance at classes .. 262 1 7 School classes .. .. .. 34 5 2 Material for class-work .. ~ 6 6 9 Special classes .. .. ~ 21 15 6 Instruction of teachers .. .. 125 0 0 Associated classes .. .. .. 663 1 3 Subsidies on voluntary contributions and Balance at end of year .. .. .. 2,231 18 1 bequests .. .. .. .. 91 13 0 Grants from Government for— Maintenance of school buildings, &c. .. 1,900 0 0 House-allowances .. .. .. 219 10 0 New schools, additions, sites, &c. .. 275 0 0 Technical-school buildings, fittings, &e. 692 1 8 Other receipts— Willowbridge subsidy—Building Account 67 18 3 Interest on fixed deposit .. .. 20 0 0 Sale of closets, Greenhills .. .. 4 0 0 5 - 971 19 8 £25^971^1 Wm. B. Howell, Chairman. 11th March, 1904. A. Bell, Secretary.

OTAGO. Sir,— Education Office, Dunedin, 31st March, 1904. In accordance with the provisions of section 102 of " The Education Act, 1877," the Education Board of the District of Otago has the honour to submit the following report of its proceedings for the year 1903. Board.—At the beginning of the year the Board was composed of the following members : Rev. P. B. Fraser, M.A., Messrs. Thomas Mackenzie, M.H.R., James Mitchell, James Sim, Alexander Marshall, 8.A,, Robert Peattie, M.A., Donald Borrie, William Nicholson, and'



William Snow. The Rev. P. B. Fraser, Messrs. Thomas Mackenzie, and James Mitchell were the members who retired. Five candidates were nominated by the School Committees for the vacancies occurring in the month of August. The result was the re-election of Messrs. Mackenzie and Mitchell, and the election of the Hon. Thomas Fergus in the place of the Rev. P. B. Fraser, who did not offer himself for re-election. At the first meeting of the Board in September, Mr. William Snow was re-elected Chairman. The Rev. P. B. Eraser, M.A., and Mr. Thomas Mackenzie, M.H.R., were appointed members of the Board of Governors of the Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools, and Mr. Donald Borrie was re-appointed the Board's representative on the Waitaki High Schools Board. Mr. Donald Borrie continues to represent the Board as one of the Education Reserves Commissioners. The Board held twenty-five meetings during the year. Number op Schools. —At the close of 1902 there were 215 schools in operation in the district. Household schools were opened at Beaumont Station and Puketoi. The Maungawera, Poinahaka Downs, and Tahora Schools were reopened, and schools were established at Ardgowan and Owaka Valley. The Purakauiti and Tomahawk Schools were closed. The number of schools in operation at the end of the year was 220. Teachers. —On the 31st December there were 522 teachers in the Board's service. The new staffs and salaries scheme has rendered it impracticable to staff outlying country schools with experienced and classified teachers, and has greatly increased the difficulty of enlisting and retaining the services of male teachers. The Board views with alarm the rapid increase of female over male teachers. In Otago, during the last ten years, male teachers have decreased in number by 25, and female teachers have increased by 49 ; in other words the number of male teachers has in this period decreased by 11 per cent., and the number of female teachers increased by 17 per cent. Notwithstanding every effort to keep the sexes of our pupil-teachers nearly equal in number, females are to males as 9 to 2, and this is the ratio at which the sexes are entering the ranks of the primary-school teachers of the colony. Naturally parents look beyond the salaries paid to pupil-teachers to those paid to assistants and headmasters of country schools, and, finding the career unpromising from the point of view of adequate remuneration, decline to let their sons enter upon it. According to the experts, a large school is not as a rule properly staffed if Standards IV., V., and VI., are not taught by male teachers. However capable they may be as teachers, females are unable to bear the strain of teaching these classes, which must therefore be taught by the male assistants of the school. In many cases the classes taught by the second and third assistants are larger than those taught by the first; and it is affirmed by teachers and Inspectors that they are as difficult to teach. If that is the ease, and the Board believes it is, there seems no valid reason for the great difference in the salaries. The first assistants are certainly not too well paid ; it follows therefore that the others are greatly underpaid. At any rate, that is the Board's deliberate judgment. Not only must Standards IV. and V. be taught by male teachers, they must be taught by good male teachers; and good men, if they enter, will not remain in the service with the prospect of being only at the £130 milepost at the end of twenty-five years. The Board would plead for such a revision of the salaries scheme as would make the service one into which able young men might enter with the prospect of being able to maintain a wife and family at the age at which a teacher, as a unit of the commonwealth, might reasonably be expected to bear such a responsibility. Pupil-teachers.—There were 87 pupil-teachers (16 males and 71 females) in the service at the end of the year. Owing to a decrease in the attendance necessitating a reduction of the staff of a number of the schools, and also to its having been decided to work some of the large schools with a pupil-teacher less than the scale allows, so that an increment might be made to the salary of the second assistant (male), the Board found at the end of the year that no additional pupil-teachers were required, and, in consequence, resolved not to hold the annual examination of candidates for employment as pupil-teachers. Scholarships.—Twenty-five scholarships (12 senior and 13 junior) were awarded at the examinations in December, 1903. There were in all 95 competitors, 25 for the senior and 70 for the junior scholarships. In addition to the scholarships awarded, 9of the senior competitors gained sufficient marks to entitle them to free education for three years at the Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools. Free education at these schools for two years is conferred on all junior competitors who, though not gaining scholarships, yet obtain 60 per cent, of the attainable marks, and for this free education 4 of the junior competitors qualified. One senior competitor and 17 junior competitors were disqualified on account of failing to obtain in one or other of the subjects at least 20 per cent, of the marks allotted to it. In December there were 33 (15 boys and 18 girls) receiving free education at the high schools in Dunedin in connection with the scholarship scheme. Owing to the coining into operation of the new regulations, providing free secondary education for pupils who have passed S6 the Board found it necessary to remodel its scholarship regulations. The amendments, which have received the Minister's sanction, consist mainly in the offering of two junior scholarships annually to pupils from schools with only one teacher and in the reduction of the annual amount of the junior scholarships from £15 to £7 10s., and of the senior scholarships from £20 to £12 10s. In order to bring the Board's regulations into line with the Department's latest regulations for free secondary education, it may be necessary to reduce still further the annual amount of the senior scholarship in the cases of those holders who reside at their homes during the currency of the scholarship. School Attendance.—-There was an all-round decrease in the school attendance for the past year. There was a decrease of 980 in the number of pupils who attended at all during the year. There was a decrease of 308 in the attendance at the Dunedin Schools, while the attendance at all the other schools shows a falling-off of 672. The figures relating to the average attendance show a



decrease of 551 on the attendance of the previous year. The average attendance at the Dunedin schools has decreased 235, and the decrease at all" the other schools in the district amounted to 316. The average attendance at the Dunedin schools is the lowest since 1878. The average attendance expressed as a percentage of the mean of the average weekly roll for the four quarters was: Dunedin schools, 87*9 ; all other schools, 86*6: the whole district, 86*8. In 1902 the average percentage was 88*1, so that 2*B represents the decrease in regularity of attendance for the past year. District High Schools. —The district high schools are the same as last year, and all of them have justified their existence both in the number of secondary pupils enrolled and in the quality of the instruction imparted. The inadequacy of the staff at some of them, referred to in last year's report, is still manifest. The scheme for the distribution of the secondary education capitation introduced by the Board last year continues to give satisfaction. Within their limits the regulations for providing by capitation for the higher education of those who have passed S6 seem to have operated well in the districts of Dunedin and North Otago, the attendances at the Otago and Waitaki Boys' and Girls' High Schools having largely increased. There are still, however, many puoils, especially in Dunedin and neighbourhood, who, although they have passed S6, are excluded "from the high schools on account of the age limitation. As these have also a right to be considered in the matter of secondary education, the Board is pleased to note that in the proposed arrangements for carrying on training-colleges provision is to be made to admit a limited number of such pupils to the practising school as S7 pupils. The association of these pupils with the Normal School for their secondary education may be the means of inducing many of them to enter the teaching profession, and, in this way, the S7 class of the practising school may furnish in the future, as it has furnished in the past, a steady supply of desirable students for the training-college. The capitation earned has been distributed to the teachers who took part in the instruction or to those who relieved such teachers from part of the primary work of the schools. Truancy.—From the following statement an estimate may be formed of the work undertaken during the year for the suppression of truancy. 676 notices were posted to parents and guardians for infringements of "The School Attendance Act, 1901," section 7. 35 notices were served on parents for infringements of section 7. 40 notices under section 6 were served on parents whose children were not attending any school. 587 penalty summonses were issued under sections 6 and 7 of the Act. Under the above 687 penalty summonses 518 convictions were obtained; 39 cases were withdrawn owing to the production of exemption certificates; and 30 cases were withdrawn, owing to the presiding Magistrates convicting in only one case where there were other informations laid against the same defendant, and asking that the other charges be withdrawn. The total amount of fines obtained for the year was £60 19s. 6d. Manual and Technical Instruction.—Handwork classes have been held during the year as follows: Kindergarten, &c, at 21 schools; woodwork, at 12 schools; cottage gardening, _at 17 schools; swimming, at 4 schools ; cookery, at 12 schools ; agricultural chemistry, painting from the flat and chip-carving, and perspective, each at 1 school. The programmes of instruction followed by all of these classes have been approved by the Department, and the capitation earned has been applied to the purchase of the material used, and to the payment of the instructors where these were not on the ordinary staff of the school. The cookery and woodwork classes in connection with the Dunedin and suburban schools have been held at the Dunedin Technical School, and the classes in Oamaru in the same subjects have been held at the Middle School. The drawback to the central school system of _ instruction is, of course, the time consumed by the. pupils in travelling to and from the place of instruction; but at present this is the only method of instruction in these subjects that it is possible to adopt. The Board trusts in the near future to be able to erect in the suburbs one or more buildings for woodwork and cookery classes. During the year the Technical School at Port Chalmers was completed, and classes for woodwork and cookery will be started there at the beginning of 1904. A grant for rooms for similar classes at Kaitangata has been promised by the Department, and plans for the building are now being prepared. Needlework instruction has been given to the girls of twenty-nine of the schools that have an average attendance below forty-one. The rate of capitation allowed by the Department is 10s. per unit of the average attendance; but this rate does not permit of the teacher receiving fair remuneration for the work done. In quite a number of cases it has been most difficult to obtain the services of a suitable teacher, and in some districts no needlework is taught owing to the lack of a teacher. Special classes for instruction of teachers in woodwork and cookery were held during the year, and were very well attended. Thirty of the Board's female teachers sat for the London City and Guilds Examination in Plain Cookery in the month of May, and all were successful in passing the examination, fourteen obtaining first-class and sixteen second-class certificates. Fifteen of the Board's male teachers purpose sitting for the London City and Guilds Examination in Woodwork this year. Training-college. —The Board is pleased to learn that arrangements for the better equipment and conduct of training-colleges are now under contemplation by the Department. For upwards of a quarter of a century the Dunedin Training-college has, under the auspices of this Board and by the efficiency of its tutors and lecturers, been carried on with marked success, the measure of which, as shown by the number of eminent teachers in Otago and throughout New Zealand that have been trained therein, has given the Board confidence in claiming the right to conduct the college under the proposed new conditions. The Board, however, considers that the present Normal School building will not fulfil the College's demand for space and equipment under the new scheme. The Government will, the Board hopes, make immediate provision for new premises on the site on which it is proposed to erect the new technical school which has been claimed for Dunedin. No time should be lost in deciding for this, so that the new buildings may be proceeded with at any early date.



The number of students for the year 1903 was 28, of whom 22 were first-year, and 6 secondyear students; of these, 2 left during the year, leaving 26 in attendance at its close. The cost of the institution for the year was : Salaries, £527 Bs. 2d.; allowances to students, £329 Is. 3d. ; and incidentals, £30 9s. 5d.: total, £886 18s. lOd. Less Government grant for training of teachers, £829 Is. 3d. Net cost, £57 17s. 7d. School of Art and Design.—The total number of students enrolled was 386. This number includes 51 teachers and pupil-teachers, 24 students from the training-college, 86 students who attended the day classes, 157 students who attended the evening classes, and 68 teachers and pupil-teachers who attended the Saturday classes. The cost of the school was : Salaries, £691 18s. 4d.; incidental expenses, £80 18s. lid. ; total, £772 18s. 3d.: less fees, £269 4s. 9d., and Government grant under Manual and Technical Instruction Act, £330 14s. 3d.—£559 19s. : net cost, £172 18s. 3d. Finance.—A statement of the Board's income and expenditure for the year is given below. The sum expended in teachers' salaries, including house and lodging allowances, was £60,810 2s. lOd. The amount paid to School Committees for incidental expenses was £5,297 15s. 6d. The amount expended in the erection, enlargement, and improvement of school buildings and the purchase of sites was £10,757 7s. 4d. A large number of School Committees have taken advantage of the regulation of the Board granting pound for pound on the moneys raised locally and expended on work connected with the improvement of their school buildings and grounds. During the year the various School Committees have raised locally the sum of £2,430 a very large proportion of which has been expended on the improvement of school buildings, residences, and grounds. The School Committees' accounts were audited, as formerly, by the Board's Chief Clerk. Office. —The Board continues to repose complete confidence in all its officers. I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.' Wm. Snow, Chairman.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ a. i. Expenditure. £ s. d. Grants from Government for—■ Balance at beginning of year .. .. 1,588 17 1 Teachers'and pupil-teachers'salaries, and Staff salaries and clerical assistance .. 3,015 0 0 allowances for pupil-teachers .. 52,729 15 7 Office contingencies .. .. .. 1,272 14 2 Reserves revenue for primary education.. 9,090 19 10 Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries and Capitation at lis. 3d., and grant of £250 10,004 12 0: allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 60,895 5 7 Capitation at 6d. for relieving-teachers .. 433 11 0 ! Training of teachers .. .. .. 557 17 7 Training of teachers .. .. .. 500 00 I Conveyance of school-children .. .. 128 0 0 Conveyance of school-children.. .. 122 2 6 i Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 5,297 15 6 Grant for Pomahaka School .. .. 20 0 0 Scholarships and examination expenses .. 1,278 17 7 Rent of offices .. .. .. .. 65 0 0 Salaries of staffs of district high schools, Grants from Government for— paid out of special receipts .. .. 1,723 011 Scholarships .. .. .. 1,293 13 11 Manual and technical instruction— District High Schools .. .. 1,714 10 Oj Instructors'salaries and expenses .. 1,156 15 4 Grants from Government for manual and School classes .. .. .. 317 4 7 technical instruction— Special classes .. .. .. 140 1 1 Capitation on attendance at classes .. 1,067 17 2 Associated classes .. .. .. 482 711 Material for class-work .. .. 65 1 4 Office salaries .. .. .. 28 0 0 Instruction of teachers .. .. 200 0 0 Maintenance of school buildings ; .. 5,146 1 3 Subsidies on voluntary contributions and House-allowances .. .. .. 243 18 6 bequests .. .. .. .. 122 19 6 New schools, additions, sites, &c. .. 5,611 6 1 Fees.. .. .. .. .. 269 4 9 ; Buildings, class-rooms, furniture, &c, for Voluntary contributions .. .. 17 13 6 manual and technical purposes— Grants from Government for— School classes .. .. .. 763 8 11 Maintenance of school buildings .. 6,500 0 0| Special classes .. .. .. 238 19 8 House-allowances .. .. .. 245 0 0 ■ Associated classes .. .. .. 298 15 2 New schools, furniture, sites, &c. .. 1,841 11 8: Gymnastic instruction .. .. 136 10 10 Technical-school buildings, fittings, &c. 1,535 1 6 Interest and bank account fees .. .. 50 5 3 Local contributions .. .. .. 46 15 4 Truant Officer's salary and expenses .. 183 14 0 Sale of school-sites .. .. .. 20 0 0 Balance of Sohool Committee Account closed .. .. .. .. 2 12 2 Rents of school-sites .. .. .. 49 7 0 Truancy fines .. .. .. .. 60 19 6 Sale of books .. .. .. .. 1 18 6 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 2,534 10 3 £90,554 17 0 £90,554 17 0 P. G. Prtde, Secretary and Treasurer.

SOUTHLAND. Sir, — Education Office, Invercargill, 20th March, 1905. I have the honour to present the following report of the proceedings of the Education Board of the District of Southland for the year ended the 31st December, 1903. The Board. —For the second year in succession, the constitution of the membership of the the Board has undergone no change; the retiring members, Messrs. John Cowie, William Macalister, and J. C. Thomson, were re-elected unopposed to fill the vacant seats at the Board's table. At its meeting held on the 4th September, Mr. Thomas MaeGibbon was unanimously elected Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year. As its representatives on the Southland High Schools Board of Governors, the Board re-elected Messrs. William Macalister, B.A. LL.B., and John C. Thomson, M.H.R.; while Mr. Thomas MaeGibbon continued his services as representing the Board's interests on the Trust of the School Commissioners for Otago.



During the year the Board held twelve ordinary and three "special meetings, and the Executive Committee met twenty-four times. The attendance of members continues to be very satisfactory. Schools and Attendance.—At the end of the preceding year there were in existence 150 schools. During the year to which this report has reference one school (Te Anau Household) was closed, and six new schools in the Districts of Benmore, Waicola, Morton Mains, Burwood, Centre Island, and Dog Island were opened, the three last-named being " household " schools established in the interest of families at Burwood Station, and Centre Island and Dog Island Lighthouses respectively. It speaks well for the earnestness and enthusiasm of our young people, that some are found willing to endure the monotony incidental to life in such isolated positions in the service. There are in this district six schools worked on the half-time principle, and the Board is gratified to note that provision for a somewhat more liberal scale of payment to the teachers of such schools has been made in the Teachers' Salaries Act. Such provision is only a just recognition of extra labour undertaken by the teachers in working six days per week, and in providing for the additional expense involved in travelling from school to school. With reference to the attendance there is little out of the ordinary to report. As compared with the previous year (a record for this district), the average attendance has slightly decreased, but this is not a matter of surprise when the abnormal amount of sickness prevalent during the greater portion of the year is taken into account. Many parts of the district were visited by epidemics, and, in consequence, not only has the average attendance been reduced, but many schools have been altogether closed for lengthened periods of the school year when usually the amount of work undertaken is at its maximum. The average weekly roll-number and average attendance for the year were respectively 9,642-5 and 8,200'2, as against 9,594 and 8,241 for the year 1902; and the percentage of the latter to the former was 85, as against 85'9 for the corresponding periods. The regulation of the Board requiring from the teachers a monthly statement (on a form provided for the purpose, of the attendance at each school has contributed in no small degree to the creditable record of attendance during the past two years. No serious falling-off in the regularity of attendance at any school is, or can be, overlooked under such a system, and thus only can full advantage be taken of the services of an officer whose sole duty it is to see that every child in the district attends some school, unless good and sufficient reason is shown for non-attendance. The Board's Teaching Staff.—As in past years, the Board has reason to congratulate itself on the possession of a fairly efficient staff of teachers. In most schools the work of educating the youth of the district is carried on with a due sense of the responsibility involved, and in not a few with much enthusiasm and conspicuous success. There were in the service of the Board at the close of the year 266 primary-school teachers of various grades, and four district high school special assistants. There is a preponderance of female teachers employed in this district. Two years ago the numbers of the sexes were about equal, but one effect of the operation of the Teachers' Salaries Act seems to be an increase in the number of female teachers. This is explained, in part at least, by the employment of extra mistresses in a number of schools where previously the appointment of a pupil-teacher (male or female, as circumstances might require) was the first addition made tc the staff. The Board regrets to report that there is great difficultly in securing the services of fully trained teachers to fill the less remunerative appointments. The increase of the adult staff of the schools of the colony created by the introduction of the Teachers' Salaries Act no doubt accounts in some measure for the dearth of qualified teachers. The smaller number of pupil-teachers now in training tends also to produce a similar result. There are in the service of this Board at the present time a greater number of uncertificated teachers than at any period during the past ten or fifteen years. To enable Boards to overcome this difficulty the reorganization of the normal schools of the colony on more than the merely provincial basis is imperative. Whether such a reorganization as is now proposed will benefit this district is open to very serious question. Pupil-teachers.—Under this heading there is very little to report. The usual examination was held at midwinter, when 28 candidates presented themselves, of whom 26 passed the test prescribed for the promotion to a higher grade in this branch of the service. At the date of the examination there were 42 pupil-teachers in the Board's employment. The number who did not come forward for examination is accounted for by the absence of those who had too recently entered the service, or who claimed exemption by reason of having passed the final or some equivalent or higher examination. The Inspectors reported that the work done by the candidates was of uniformly good quality, special mention being made of several who distinguished themselves by gaining an unusually high percentage of marks in their respective classes. The Board would impress on the Department that, if the future supply of eligible male teachers is to be maintained, more inducement in the way of an increased rate of salary for boys entering the service must be provided. Only thus will an adequate supply of suitable male candidates be encouraged to enter the service. It is not enough that proper provision be made for the training of finished pupil-teachers in our normal schools—the question of primary importance is the securing of the right stamp of material to work upon. Neither is it adequate to make provision for liberal treatment in the matter of remuneration to pupil-teachers, the salaries of male assistants in our larger schools—the positions to which our pupil-teachers who have completed their course of training may reasonably be expected to aspire—should be substantially increased. The one defect in the colonial scale of salaries that stands out most prominently above all others is the insufficiency of the salary set down for the first (male) assistant in schools of Grade 9, and for the second (male) assistants in schools of higher grades. It is surely self-evident that, if a salary of £155 is considered not excessive for the first assistant of a school whose average attendance is from 201 to 250, then the salary of £80 per annum for a similar position in schools



of the next lower grade (151 to 200) is altogether inadequate. This glaring anomaly should at once be removed by a substantial increase being made to the salary attached to the last-mentioned position. The salary schedule claims to be a graduated scale of payments, but this example alone shows that it is far from perfect in this respect and a remedy should at once be applied, otherwise it is certain that the service will suffer. Scholarships.—On the 16th December last and following days the annual examination for scholarships was held. In all, 42 candidates were present, 17 being reckoned as belonging to the town, and 25 as belonging to the country. Of those sitting for the examination, 14—all of whom were country candidates—made over 60 per cent, of the total marks obtainable, to the first 7 of whom non-resident scholarships, tenable for two years, and of the annual value of £35 were awarded—the percentage of marks gained ranging from 75 to 65. For the examination for two extension scholarships there were four candidates. The Inspectors express the opinion that the indifferent quality of the work done by the town candidates is no doubt the natural consequence of the withdrawal of an incentive to work by the institution of free places in the secondary schools, and of the diverting of pupils' attention from scholarship subjects to handwork and physical and military drill, and suggest that handwork, in the form of drawing, should be substituted for history in this examination. During the now current year a revision of the scholarship regulations is contemplated. This is necessary in view of the anomaly produced by the separate regulations for "free-place " candidates and scholarship-holders for admission to the high schools. It is reasonable to suppose that.all winners of scholarships (the age being under fourteen) would be entitled to " free places " at the high school, and in respect of their attendance the High Schools Board would be entitled to claim from the Department capitation grant at the rate of £6 per annum. This being so, it is evident that the board could greatly extend the advantages Which the possession of a scholarship confers were its successful candidates admitted to free places in the secondary school. There were at the end of the year seventeen scholarship-holders, in respect of whom a sum of £170 per annum was paid to the High School Board as tuition fees. Were all these admitted to " free places," a sum ultimately sufficient to make provision for four or five extra country scholarships would be set free. The amount paid to scholarship-holders for the year, inclusive of tuition fees, was £534 55., the expenses of the examination amounting to £17 3s. 9d. District High Schools. —In this district, under the regulations issued in the year 1902, district high schools have been constituted at Gore, Riverton, and Winton respectively. In the first-mentioned district the experiment has been eminently successful. During the year as many as seventy-two pupils have been in attendance in the secondary department. At Riverton, while the success achieved has not been so pronounced, there were thirty-six secondary pupils on the roll at the close of the year. At Winton, however, the attendance so far has not been sufficient to justify the expenditure incurred in making the appointment of a qualified special assistant for secondary work. Though the District High School Regulations make fairly liberal provision for the support of such institutions, it is only by numbers that financial success can be secured. This statement is well illustrated by the fact that at Gore the available funds are ample, with a small surplus, to enable the Board to provide for payment of an efficient staff of special assistants for purely secondary work; while at Winton, owing partly to sparseness of population, and partly, no doubt, to its proximity to Invercargill, adequate provision cannot be made from the special revenue available for the efficient staffing of the secondary department. Moreover, it appears that the regulation governing district high schools makes no provision for utilising the surplus which may arise from the working of one district high school to meet the deficiency arising from limited attendance at another school of the same class. From this cause, the Boards ordinary finance suffered during the last two years to the extent of £54 16s. Id. The Board sees no reason why the general principle—the strong assisting the weak—which has governed the administration of the education system since its inception, should not also control the financial administration of district high schools. Manual and Technical Instruction.—lt is unnecessary that any lengthy reference should here be made to the work of manual and technical instruction as carried on under the Board's control, seeing that the Director of Technical Instruction will furnish a special report dealing with this subject. It will be sufficient to state that substantial progress has been made during the year in the various forms of work introduced under the provisions of the Manual and Technical Instruction Act and Regulations, and that the financial results of the year's operations, as shown in the Director's balance-sheet, have been quite satisfactory. In the early part of the year the Board undertook the erection of the first section of the proposed new Technical School—rooms for cookery and woodwork classes—at a cost of £557, such amount being received from the Government as a first instalment of the special vote promised for this purpose. The completion of the building will be amongst the most important works to be undertaken during the coming year. Sewing, Teaching of. —Taking advantage of the provisions of section 26 (e) of regulations made under the Manual and Technical Instruction Acts of 1900 and 1902, the Board early in the year made arrangements for the teaching of sewing in all schools where the average attendance did not exceed forty by the appointment of a sewing-mistress in cases where the school was in charge of a male teacher. Though in most instances the amount of fees to be earned (10s. per pupil in average attendance per annum) was not very enticing, still the Board succeeded in securing the services of fairly competent instructors for nearly all the positions advertised. There were during the year forty-three sewing-teachers employed, and to these the sum of £215 10s. 9d. was paid by

14—E, 1,



way of pro rata capitation earned during the last nine months of the year. The Board has for years past advocated the introduction of some system whereby the girls of all schools should receive tuition in this useful art, and notes with'satisfaction the consummation of its desire in the regulations framed under the Technical Acts above referred to. , Physical Training.—As required by the provisions of section 4of " The Physical Drill in Public and Native Schools Act, 1901," the Board has to report that considerable attention has been paid to the subject of physical instruction in the schools of the district during the past year. In the accomplishment of this end, the services of Instructor J. V. Hanna have been availed of to the fullest possible extent. Mr. Hanna, working under a systematic time-table, has devoted himself to the regular instruction of pupils attending the city and suburban schools; and, in addition, has paid periodical visits at stated intervals to the Board's schools in country districts. Mr. Hanna has also been in regular attendance at the teachers' drill classes, held in Invercargill and Gore respectively, and acting in conjunction with Drill-instructors Selby and Fraser, has given valuable instruction to upwards of 193 teachers who have visited these towns on Saturdays during the _ past winter and spring. In furtherance of this object the Instructor, with the approval and co-operation of the Board's Inspectors, prepared a set of elementary physical exercises, embodying in written form the personal instruction given to teachers and pupils. These were printed and distributed to all schools m the district, with an intimation that the Board had instructed its Inspectors to see that in all schools proper attention is given to physical training, and to state when reporting on schools the degree of efficiency attained in the exercises recommended. . _ Instruction of Teachers.—The Board has again to acknowledge the liberal provision made by your Department for the instruction of teachers in manual and technical subjects. _ The special vote of £150 made for this purpose was duly received. Saturday classes for teachers in woodwork and cookery were organized at Invercargill and Gore respectively, and the work of instruction prosecuted with vigour during a period of about eight months. The classes were, on the whole, well attended, and considerable was made, as is evidenced by the success achieved bv students from this district in the examinations conducted by the City and Guilds of London Institute, the record being as follows : In cookery, seven students were credited with first-class, and eighteen students with second-class passes. In woodwork, nine students passed in the examination prescribed for the first year, while three obtained a pass (with first-class honours) and two (with second-class honours) in the final examination. Teachers' Drill Classes.—By arrangement with, and at the request of your Department, classes were formed at Invercargill and Gore for the instruction of the teachers of the district m the subject of military drill. Messrs. C. W. G. Selby and Robert Fraser were appointed drillinstructors, the former for the Invercargill centre, the latter for the Gore centre. The classes were carried on for a period of forty weeks, and were well attended at both places, the total numbers who, for longer or shorter periods received instruction being 150 and forty-three at the respective'centres. Free passes by rail were obtained to enable those who attended to do so at a minimum of expense to themselves. Buildings.—During the year just ended the expenditure in respect of building operations has practically absorbed the whole of the revenue derived from various sources. The amounts to credit of this account at the beginning and end of the year were £659 17s. and £662 Os. 6d. respectively. The receipts were as follows : Ordinary building grant, £3,550 ; special grants for the erection of specified new schools and additions to schools, £1,413 175.; donations and proceeds of sale of old building and site at Flint's Bush, £194 17s. 3d.—making a total, including credit balance, of £5,818 lis. The expenditure was made up as follows: General maintenance, £1,836 19s. 6d.; new school buildings, additions, furniture, and sites, £3,319 lis. 3d.—a total of £5,156 10s. ; leaving a balance, as above stated, of £662 os. 6d. The principal works undertaken during the year were the erection of new schools in the districts of Morton Mains, Motu-Rimu, and Gladfieid ; additions to schools at Orepuki, Fortrose, Wendon, Maitland Village, Colac Bay, Waimatuku, Te Tua, Woodlands, Heddon Bush, and Mataura Island; the erection of a teacher's residence at Caroline, and additions to the teachers' residences at Mataura Island, Orepuki, and Kennington. The Board has to recognise that, but for the timely assistance of the Department in making special grants for the erection of schools in newly settled districts, and for additions to schools in localities where by reason of an increase of population, the number of children in attendance has outgrown the capacity of the building, it would have been simply impossible to overtake one-half the works specified in the preceding paragraph. Other important works in contemplation are the erection of additions to the school buildings at Gore and Tutu ra u, and the re-erection of the school at Greenvale recently destroyed by fire. For the first-mentioned of these works, a partial special grant has been promised by the Department, amounting to about one-half the actual cost of the work. It is hoped, however, that, in the light of fresh representations which have been made respecting the inadequacy of a less extensive addition than that proposed, and the gradual rise in the average attendance at the school since the partial grant was promised, the Department will now see its way to increase the vote to a sum sufficient to cover the actual cost of the work. With respect to the work at Tuturau, the necessity for the addition has been recognised, and a grant promised. For the reinstatement of the Greenvale School a grant equivalent to the value of the building destroyed is expected to be made. Finance and Accounts.—At no period of its history has the Board permitted its accounts to become embarrassed by indulging in unnecessary expenditure, and the past year's operations form no exception to this safe rule. The Board believes that, as a purely administrative department, the only prudent course to follow is to meet all legitimate demands that may arise so far as the funds at its command will permit, but on no account to allow its expenditure to exceed its actual



and prospective income. For the year just closed, the result of its operations financially has been quite satisfactory. The balance to credit of both the General and Building Accounts has increased, the latter, however, by only a few pounds. In the General Account the liabilities (and these do not include many contingent liabilities) amount to £1,198, while the assets in the form of grants due from the Government only reach an aggregate of £910 13s. sd. On the Building Account, the assets (exclusive of the ordinary 1904 grant) and liabilities just about balance one another. It may here be pointed out that the present allowance (lis. 3d. per pupil in average attendance", plus £250 per annum) is just sufficient to cover the cost of the administrative expenses of the Board, very little margin being available for contingent and unforeseen demands on the resources of the Board which may arise at any time. On the whole, however, the Board may congratulate itself on the soundness of its financial position, and at the same time note the fact that only by the exercise of prudence and forethought in the matter of its expenditure will its future prospects be equally hopeful and encouraging. By order of the Board. John Neill, Secretary. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of year— .. 1,518 7 0 Staff salaries and olerical assistance .. 1,393 4 0 Grants from Government for— Office contingencies .. ... . .. 1,156 10 7 Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and and allowances to pupil-teachers .. 27,013 1 6 allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. 30,696 0 4 Reserves revenue, primary education .. 3,473 14 8 Drill-instruction .. .. .. 12 10 0 Capitation at lis. 3d., and grant of Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 2,229 12 4 £250 .. .. .. .. 4,896 13 9 Scholarships, and expenses of examination 551 8 9 Capitation for relieving-teachers .. 206 10 9 Salaries of staffs of district high schools, Drill-instruction .. .. .. 12 10 0 paid out of special receipts .. .. 534 12 10 Receipts from other sources— Apparatus, Gore District High School .. 24 14 4 Interest on fixed deposit .. .. 80 0 0 Manual and technical instruction— Rents of sohool-sites .. .. 88 16 10 Instructors' salaries and expenses .. 348 14 3 Refunds—various .. .. .. 67 9 1 School classes .. .. .. 180 13 9 Grants from Government for— Special classes .. .. .. 156 1 6 Scholarships .. .. .. 604 14 8 Office salaries .. ..' .. 150 0 0 Distriot High Sohools .. .. 543 12 6 Maintenance of school buildings, &c. .. 1,836 19 6 Grants from Government for manual and House-allowances .. .. .. 210 0 0 technical instruction — New schools, additions, sites, &c. .. 3,319 11 3 Capitation on attendance at olasses .. 458 7 10 Buildings, class-rooms, furniture, &c, for Material for class-work .. .. 66 8 5 manual and teohnical purposes — Instruction of teachers .. .. 150 0 0 Sohool classes .. .. .. 128 7 3 Fees, £207 16s. 9d.; voluntary contri- Special classes .. .. .. 766 16 11 butions, £4 os. Bd. .. .. 211 17 5 Credit balance at end of year .. .. 1,867 16 9 Grants from Government for— Maintenance of school buildings, Ac. 3,550 0 0 House-allowanoes .. .. .. 218 6 8 New schools, additions, sites, &o. .. 1,413 17 0 Technical-school buildings, fittings, &o. 794 9 0 Other receipts— Donations to Building Acoount .. 35 6 6 Flint's Bush—sale of old school site and building .. .. .. .. 159 10 9 £45,563 14 4 £45,563 14^4 Thomas MacGibbon, Chairman. Invercargill,' 10th March, 1904. John Neill, Secretary and Treasurer.





Sir, — Office of the School Commissioners, Auckland, 3rd June, 1904. I have the honour to forward herewith the statement of the School Commissioners' accounts for 1903. The total income for the year was £4,347 13s. Bd., and the amounts paid over for primary and secondary education purposes respectively were £3,135 and £521 14s. lid. At the beginning of the year the whole of the unlet sections in the provincial district were advertised for lease, with the result that twenty-eight sections—town and suburban lands (32 acres 2 roods 36 perches) and forty-one sections of country lands (3,757 acres) —were taken up. The. annual rents from these and the increased rents obtained from seven sections relet on expiry of old lease will increase the revenue by £355 13s. 6d. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. R. Udy, Chairman.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903. I.—General Account.


Primary. Seconaary. Total. Receipts. 'o Balance at 31st December, 1902 Eents collected — Arrears, 1902, &c.... Due in 1903 Arrears, 1902, &c. ... Due in 1903 Gisborne SchoolArrears, 1902, &c.... Due in 1903 Interest account Miscellaneous account Lease deposits account £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. 154 19 3 899 3 2,558 17 3 4 } ■ 3,458 0 7 128 6 334 7 3 4 i 462 13 7 181 18 143 2 10 17 0 0 3 1 325 0 0 91 2 68 17 3 0 18 14 0 10 17 3 91 2 3 87 11 0 Total receipts ... 4,590 3 11 Expenditure ly Office salary Office expenses ... Legal expenses Crown-grant fees Bank interest ... ... ..^ Expenses of leasing ... Expenditure on reserves Paid Education Boards— Auckland ... • Hawke's Bay Paid secondary schools— Auckland District High School Thames High School Wanganui High School Gisborne High School Lease deposit paid out Balance in bank, 31st December, 1903 (less charges outstanding) £ s. 105 0 26 19 33 17 6 12 2 6 133 3 153 9 a. 0 4 3 1 6 9 2 £ s. d.' 35 0 0 8 19 8 6 11 3 £ s. a. 140 0 0 35 19 0 40 8 6 6 12 1 2 6 6 159 8 5 155 13 2 26 4 8 2 4 0 2,934 7 200 12 6 6 I 3,135 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 321 14 11 26 5 0 521 14 11 78 15 0 105 0 0 288 1 4 Total expenditure 4,590 3 11


General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903— continued. II.—Endowment Account.

H. N. Garland, Secretary.

TARANAKI. Sir, — School Commissioners' Office, New Plymouth, 13th July, 1904. I have the honour to transmit herewith the Commissioners' balance-sheet for the year 1903, including statement of receipts and expenditure. This was prepared, and passed by the Inspector of Audit, in January, but has had to be recast to meet the requirements of the Controller and Auditor-General, whose certificate has only just come to hand. It will be observed that the total income, including balance brought forward, was £4,272, and the costs of administion £357, which is equal to about 8J per cent., and of this 2J per cent, represents the cost of the very efficient system of inspection which has been adopted by the Board for many years past. The work of the trust has proceeded smoothly, and relations between the Board and its numerous tenants continue to be cordial and mutually satisfactory. This must largely be attributed to the great care displayed by my colleagues in thoroughly investigating all matters which come before them for consideration, and the interest taken in the Board's business by the Secretary and solicitor. The personnel of the Board remained unchanged during 1903, the members being Messrs. H. Faull and J. Wade, as the representatives of the Taranaki Education Board, and Messrs. J. Mackenzie (Commissioner of Crown Lands), E. G. Allsworth, and myself, appointed by the Crown. . I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education. R. Cock, Chairman.


Primary. Secondary. Total. Receipts. To Balance, 31st December, 1902 Cash from sale of timber £ s. 734 "4 d. j 0 ! £ s. d. 3H8 19 6 87 1 6 £ s. 388 19 821 5 d. 6 6 Total receipts ... 734 4 0 476 1 0 1,210 5 0 Expenditun ly Balance, 31st December, 1903 £ 734 s. 4 a. 0 £ 476 s. d. 1 0 £ s. d. 1,210 5 0 Total expenditure 734 4 0 476 1 0 1,210 5 0 III.—Statement op Assets and Liabilities. Assets. lank balance (General Account) ... ,, (Endowments Account) lents, 1901, unpaid „ 1902, „ „ 1903, „ £ s. 734 4 10 8 78 6 865 1 d. 0 9 8 1 £ a. 476 1 1 5 13 14 324 10 d. 0 0 4 2 £ a. d. 288 1 4 1,210 5 0 11 13 9 92 1 0 1,189 11 3 Total assets 2,791 12 4 Liabilities. lease deposits held Total liabilities £ s. 26 11 26 11 d. 0 0 £ 1 s. 1 d. 0 £ s. 27 12 d. 0 1 1 0 27 12 0


General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903.

Statement of Balances. £ s. a. £ s. a. & s. a. Primary Bduoation Aooount, Cr. 692 72. Bank of New Zealand Current Aooount .. 92 1 8 Secondary Eduoation Account, Dr. 522 16 6 Bank of New Zealand Fixed deposit .. 211 17 10 Primary Land Fund 1 - ~- . .. Unpaia cheque 117 b Secondary Land Fund f o '' " 351 i 6 Cash in office 28 6 7 Trust Aooount, Cr. .. .. 13 7 11 Credit balances .. 1,056 19 7 Debit balance .. 522 16 6 Net balance, Cr. .. £534 3 1 Net balance .. .. • • £534 8 1 New Plymouth, 30th January, 1904. R. Cock, Chairman. F. P. Corkill, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—J. K. Waeburton, Controller and Auditor-General.


Primary. i Secondary. Total. Receipts. ro Balance, 1st January, 1903 ... ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 618 1 11 Income— Bents from reserves ... Transfer fees Interest on fixed deposit ... ... 3,138 12 13 10 3 0 j —L 493 13 2 0 4 0 3,632 5 7 15 10 0 6 15 7 Total receipts ... 4,272 13 1 Expenditure. £ a. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. ly Office salaries, 1st January to 31st December, 1903 (including office provided by Secretary) Printing, advertising, stationery, stamps, and petties Travelling-expenses of Commissioners ... Inspection of reserves Law costs for year 1902 ... £36 11 2 Law costs for year 1903 ... £45 7 0 93 15 0 15 9 19 1 9 77 1 3 31 5 0 7 5 6 6 7 3 25 13 9 125 0 29 1 25 9 102 15 0 3 0 0 Labour on reserves ... Commission on sundry rents ... Arbitrations and valuations ... Bates, 6s. 5d.; survey, 5s. ... Fire insurance, £3 5s. 8d.; guarantee, £10 District Land Registrar, fees on titles ... Bank commission and exchanges Distribution from revenue — Taranaki Education Board... Wanganui Education Board New Plymouth High School Board ... Wanganui High School Board Purchase of school-sites Net balance, 31st December, 1903 62 3 6 0 19 0 7 16 0 0 11 5 10 1 6 5 11 6 0 9 4 19 14 8 0 3 0 0 18 6 5 15 0 3 4 2 0 3 2 81 18 1 2 8 14 5 15 0 11 13 5 5 11 0 12 2 0 6 0 5 8 6 6 2,118 17 6 881 2 6 211*17 8 88 2 4 3,000 0 0 300 0 38 14 534 3 0 0 1 I Total expenditure 4,272 13 1


WELLINGTON. Sir, — Wellington School Commissioners, Wellington, sth April, 1904. I have the honour to forward the report and statement of receipts and expenditure of the School Commissioners for the Provincial District of Wellington for the year ended 31st December, 1903. The following gentlemen are members of the Board of Commissioners : Mr. J. R. Blair (Chairman), Mr. A. W. Hogg, M.H.R., Mr. F. Y. Lethbridge, M.H.R., Mr. F. Pirani, and Mr. John Strauchon, Commissioner of Crown Lands. The total number of tenants now on the rent-roll is 445. During the year eight reserves set apart during former years, and comprising a total area of 1,481 acres 3 roods, were leased at annual rentals amounting in all to £47 lis. Bd. There were no reserves vested in the Commissioners during the year, owing to the reservations being approved by Parliament somewhat later than usual, but reserves amounting in area to 8,977 acres 1 rood 21 perches, comprising seventeen sections, appear in Gazette No. 1 of 6th January, 1904, as endowments for primary education, and these will be offered at auction for leasing during April, 1904. The Commissioners wish again to draw attention to the fact that they are still prevented by law from subdividing valuable endowments comprised in leases falling in from time to time—and which, if so dealt with, would produce a greatly increased revenue—through being barred by section 21 of " The Education Reserves Act, 1877," from spending any of the funds at their disposal on the making of roads required by "The Public Works Acts Amendment Act, 1900," and to point out that it is very desirable in the interests of the educational bodies for whom they act as trustees that they should have power to expend moneys at their disposal upon such works when they consider it necessary. With regard to the distribution of the revenue, it may be mentioned that up to November last a proportion of the funds derived from secondary education reserves was paid to district high schools for secondary educational purposes in response to applications made, but owing to the provisions of "The Secondary Schools Act, 1903," the Commissioners have since the passing of that Act apportioned those moneys to high schools only. I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington, J. R. Blair, Chairman,

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903.


Primary. Seconaary. Total. Receipts. Y> Balance on the 1st January, 1903 Receipts on account of previous years ... Receipts on account of year 1903 Receipts on account of year 1904 Receipts on account of year 1905 Preparation and registration of leases ... Legal expenses Discount on office supplies Interest and sinking fund on improvements £ s. a. 486 14 1 104 15 0 4,216 9 9 239 17 1 0 5 0 20 0 0 13 4 0 3 0 98 2 5 £ s. 9 17 773 18 0 0 d. 2 1 3 £ s. d. 496 11 3 104 15 0 4,990 7 10 239 17 4 0 5 0 20 0 0 13 4 0 3 0 98 2 5 Total receipts ... 5,167 9 8 783 15 6 5,951 5 2 Expenditw, ly Payments to educational bodies— Wellington Education Board Wanganui Education Board Wellington College Wellington Girls' High School Wanganui Girls'High School Palmerston District High School Masterton District High School Napier Boys' High School ... Salaries of officers ... Printing, stationery, and office contingencies Commissioners' travelling-expenses Commission on sales of leases Advertising sales of leases Fencing Preparation and registration of leases ... Crown-grant fees Travelling-expenses of Secretary Arbitration ... Law Surveys Bank balance ... ... £564 11 4) Cash in hand ... ... 5 1 11 j £ s. 2,757 1 1,492 18 260 7 101 0 18 6 2 2 50 12 66 16 7 10 34 2 5 16 11 14 1 3 17 2 a. 9 3 9 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 6 £ s. d. 1 - 107 19 101 107 19 10 87 11 6 87 11 6f 107 19 10 0 17 6J 39 12 3 15 7 4 £ s. a. 4,250 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 116 7 11 18 6 0 2 2 0 50 12 0 66 16 0 7 10 0 34 2 0 5 16 2 11 14 0 13 4 17 2 6 340 17 4 228 15 11 569 13 3 Total expenditure ... 5,167 9 8 783 15 6 5,951 5 2


General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903— continued.

J. H. W. Wardrop, Secretary and Treasurer. Examined and found correct. —J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General.

HAWKE'S BAY. Sir, — Office of the School Commissioners, Napier, sth May, 1904. I have the honour to forward herewith statement of the Commissioners' accounts for the year ended 31st December, 1903, duly audited, and to report as follows:— During the year two auction sales of leases were held, when one suburban and five rural lots were offered. Four of the rural lots were sold at an aggregate annual rental of £268 4s. 6d. The remaining rural lot (upon which there is a quantity of valuable timber) and the suburban lot were passed in. One of the rural lots, containing 990 acres, had previously been held under lease. The expense of keeping down rabbits has again been a serious charge on the revenue. The charge for fencing on Primary Reserve (£97 15s. Bd.) will be recovered from the new lessee, I have, &c, Eric C. Gold Smith, Chairman. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903.


ssets. lalance on the 31st December, 1903 .rrears of rents Total assets ... £ s. 340 17 86 17 427 15 a. 4 8 0 £ a. a. 228 15 11 0 2 2 228 18 1 £ s. a. 569 13 3 86 19 10 656 13 1 228 18 1 656 13 1 Liabilities. and Purchase Account £ s. a. 97 13 3 £ s. a. £ s. 97 13 a. 3

j Primary. Secondary. | Total. Receipts. 'o Credit balances on the 1st January, 1903 Arrears of revenue for previous years—viz., rents, issues, profits, or receipts from reserves Interest on overdue rents Revenues, viz.,— Rents, &c, of reserves for current year Other receipts for current year, viz.,— Rents collected by Receiver of Land Revenue Interest on fixed deposits £ a. d. 743 1 9 £ 1,662 s. 0 d. 8 £ s. d. 2,405 2 5 350 7 8 ■ I 25 15 2 38 1 8 1 0 6 388 15 8 26 16 8 2,515 1 11 759 9 8 •3,274 11 435 1 11 15 3 7 33" 0 0 i 435 1 11 48 3 7 Total receipts ... 4,084 12 0 2,493 19 10 j 6,578 11 10 I I Expenditun By Salaries and allowances to officers Printing, stationery, &c. Auctioneers' charges and travelling-expenses re sale of leases Advertising Rates Insurance ... ... ... Law charges Valuation fees Repairs to buildings ... Fencing (half-share)... Destroying rabbits ... Clearing blackberries Payments to Hawke's Bay Education Board Fees, board, and rail fares of pupils attending Napier High Schools Credit balances at the 31st December, 1903— Fixed deposits at Bank (£506 6s. at Post-Office Savings-Bank) ... Current Account Cash in hand ... ... ... £ a. 75 2 6 9 a. 0 5 £ s. a. 24 18 0 1 19 8 £ s. a. 100 0 0 8 9 1 3 15 23 3 34 18 1 12 18 7 5 5 2 18 97 15 114 16 6 11 2,900 0 2 4 0 6 5 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 7 10 4 4 3 93 7 1 10 0 3 5 13 3 4 3 0 27 7 7 128 5 1 11 12 9 24 0 8 5 5 0 122 10 10 99 3 2 114 16 0 6 11 0 2,900 0 0 119*12 10 17 6 670 11 1 670 11 1 506 6 218 1 69 11 0 5 1 1,400 0 0 161 18 1 1,906 6 0 379 19 6 ■ 69 11 1 Total expenditure 4,084 12 0 12,493 19 10 6,578 11 10


General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December 1903— continued.

Eric C. Gold Smith, Chairman. Edmd. P. A. Platford, Secretary. Examined and found correct. —J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General.

MARLBOROUGH. General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903.

15—E. 1.


I Primary. Secondary. Total. Assets. Balance of cash on the 31st December, 1903 Arrears due 31st December, 1903— Arrears of year 1902 ... Arrears of year 1903 ... £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,355 16 7 9 322 5 11 2 3 91*15 3 9 5 11 413 17 6 Total assets 331 8 2 91 15 3 2,779 0 0 Liabilities £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 506 20 s. d. 6 0 5 10 lwaiting appropriation in purchase of land lundry accounts . Total liabilities 526 11 10

I Primary. Secondary. Total. Receipts. To Balance on 31st December, 1902 Rents — Arrears ... Current ... £ s. a. | 124 13 11 ! £ s. d. 36 16 7 £ s. a. 161 10 6 118 4 0 133 1 6 11 5 0 27 10 0 129 9 0 160 11 6 Total receipts ... 375 19 5 75 11 7 451 11 0 Expendituri £ s. d. 300 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. a. 300 0 0 50 0 0 3 3 0 25 0 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 72 10 0 y Marlborough Education Board High School Board ... Law expenses Secretary's salary Bank fees ... Stationery and stamps Balance on 31st December, 1903 50 0 0 3 3 0 25 0 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 46 18 5 25*11 7 Total expenditure 375 19 -5 75 11 7 451 11 0 Assets. lash in bank ... lutstanding rents— Arrears Current ... ... £ 3. 46 18 18 6 139 13 d. 5 0 6 £ s. d. 25 11 7 9 0 0 £ s. d. 72 10 0 18 6 0 148 13 6 Total assets 204 17 11 34 11 7 239 9 6

E -i.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903 — continued. Liabilities. Nil.

Statement of Rent. £ s. d. Outstanding, 31st December, 1902 ... ... ... ... 147 15 0 Annual charges ... ... •■• ••• ••• ••• 309 «- 0 Cash received 290 0 6 Written off Outstanding rents, 31st December, 1903 ... ... ... 166 19 6 John Smith, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General.

NELSON. Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903.


Primary. Secondary. Total. Receipts. £ s. d. 115 9 7 £ s d. £ s. 115 9 d. 7 To Balance, 31st December, 1902 Bents of Beserves — Arrears ... Current ... Balance, 31st March, 1903 ... 82 14 6 703 0 0 62 16 263 1 59 18 3 6 6 145 10 966 1 59 18 9 6 6 Total receipts ... 901 4 1 385 16 3 1,287 0 4 Expenditm e. £ s. d. £ s. d. 68 16 1 £ s. 68 16 635 4 88 0 26 16 10 12 168 15 119 5 4 4 5 14 50 11 0 17 0 10 0 10 107 5 d. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 3 By Balance, 31st March, 1902 ... Nelson Education Board Grey Education Board North Canterbury Education Board Commissioners' travelling-expenses District high schools Nelson College Examiners' fees Advertising Secretary's salary, exchange, &c. Stationery Law costs ... Bank charge, keeping account Balance, 31st December, 1903 635 4 0 88 0 0 26 16 0 8 16 0 1 16 0 168 15 0 119 5 0 4 4 0 5 14 0 16 17 10 0 5 0 33 13 8 0 12 0 0 10 6 0 6 8 107 5 3 o" 3 4 Total expenditure 901 4 1 385 16 3 1,287 0 4 Statement of Assets ai id Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Balance, Union Bank, 31st December, 1903 ... Less unpresented cheques and overpaid £64 4 3 16 17 6 47 6 9 328 15 7 103 3 10 47 6 9 431 19 5 Bents outstanding Total assets ... 376 2 4 103 3 10 479 6 2


Statement of Assets and Liabilities— continued.

WESTLAND. General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903.

John Staines, Chairman. A. J. Morton, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General,


Liabilities. Nil. Statement of Eenti Arrears on 31st December, 1902. Yearly Rental. Cash Collected. Written off. Arrears on 31st December, 1903. 'rimary iecondary ... £ 8. d. 267 3 3 i 115 7 8 382 10 11 1 £ s. d. 857 16 10 324 17 7 .,182 14 5 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 785 14 6 10 10 0 325 17 9 11 3 8 £ s. d. 328 15 7 103 3 10 jl.182 14 5 1,111 12 3 21 13 8 431 19 5 Alpd. Thos. Jones, £ Secretary. Examined and found correct. —J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-Gecen il.

Primary. Secondary. Total. Receipts. To Credit Balance on the 1st January, 1903 Bent of reserves— Arrears ... Current ... Boyalties on timber, &c. Mining fees £ s. d. 3 16 10 £ s. d. 202 13 10 £ a. d. 206 10 8 7 10 0 9 10 0 50 0 0 4 0 0 188 14 6 20 10 0 7 10 0 13 10 0 238 14 6 20 10 0 Total receipts ... 70 16 10 415 18 4 486 15 2 Expenditurt By Grants to High School Boards Commission on royalties Legal expenses Advertising and expenses of sales Poisoning rabbits on reserves... Commissioners' travelling-expenses Secretary's salary Other expenses . Credit balance on the 31st December, 1903 £ s. d. 5 18 6 2 8 0 4 0 0 18 17 0 25 0 0 1 13 0 13 0 4 £ s. d. 300 0 0 10 1 6 10 "o 0 £ s. 300 0 10 1 5 18 12 8 4 0 18 17 25 0 1 15 108 15 d. 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 o'"2 0 95 14 10 Total expenditure 70 16 10 415 18 4 486 15 2 Assets. Sredit balance at Bank lents due £ s. d. 13 0 4 1 10 0 £ s. d. 95 14 10 19 15 0 £ s. d. 108 15 2 21 5 0 Total assets 14 10 4 115 9 10 130 0 2 Rents Du, ieserve 164 (part), Nolan, A. 131 „ Mallinson, G. „ 131 „ Stratford, B.... Ill „ Williams B. ... „ 115 „ Giffney, P. ... £ s. d. 0 10 0 £ 8. 3 15 10 0 6 0 d. 0 0 0 £ s. d. 0 10 0 3 15 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 Total rents due 1 10 0 19 15 0 21 5 0 Liabilitie, Nil.


CANTERBURY. Sib,-— Government Buildings, Christchurch, 6ch January, 1904. In accordance with Order in Council of date 17th September, 1878, I have the honour to forward the report of the School Commissioners for the Canterbury Provincial District for the year ending the 31st December, 1903, together with a copy of its accounts duly audited. The total area of the primary-education estate under lease on the 31st December, 1903, was 67,157 acres, producing an annual rental of £17,951 125.; of this area 23,300 acres is contained in Pastoral Run No. 5, which was obtained from the Crown in 1892 in exchange for agricultural land in the Waimate County, and as the lease of this run expires on the 29th February next it was submitted to public auction at Timaru during last year for a twenty-one years' lease from the Ist March, 1904, and it was secured at the upset rental of £700 per annum by the present lessees. The fixed deposit of £163 3s. 5d., which matured on the 22nd December last (and is only available for the purchase of land), has been renewed for one year. During the vear thirty-two farms were relet; of these nineteen of moderate area were renewed by arbitration under clause 244 of " The Land Act, 1892," to the old tenants who were satisfactory ones, and the remainder were let by public tender, after one which contained 564J acres being subdivided into two farms. I have, &c, John Rennie, Chairman. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903.


Primary Education Estate. Total. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. 2,368 13 1,961 18 d. 6 7 'o Balance brought down from the 31st December, 1902... Arrears of rent for 1902, from last account ... Moneys payable within the year 1903, and collected— On account of half-year's rent payable in advance on the 1st May, 1903 ... ... ... On account of half-year's rent payable in advance on the 1st November, 1903 8,836 14 5 7,403 3 8 16,239 18 1 Other receipts : Bank of New Zealand—Interest on £163 3s. 5d. placed on deposit for one year (see Statement of the 31st December, 1902) 4 17 9 Total receipts 20,575 7 11 Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Office expenses and management — Salary of steward (inclusive of all travelling-expenses) Stationery and postage School Commissioners, railage and expenses Bank exchange on cheques Bank exchange on remittances to the South Canterbury Education Board, Timaru 540 0 6 1 12 15 0 18 0 1 0 9 4 4 3 Expenses of leasing— Advertising and printing ... ... ... Share of arbitrators'and umpire's fees for assessing rentals of nineteen holdings, and auctioneer's fee for selling lease of Run No. 5 ... Cost of subdivisional survey of Reserve No. 1208 ... 563 19 1 23 9 0 18 15 35 0 0 0 77 4 0 Legal expenses for share of cost of arbitration deeds and other costs ... Contribution towards cost of extending culverts at Lake Taumutu to drain Reserve 1179 and contiguous land 18 13 2 30 0 0 Payments to Education Boards— North Canterbury South Canterbury 14,155 6 3,344 13 3 9 689 16 3 17,500 0 0 Balance in Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1903— At credit of current account On fixed deposit ... 2,222 163 8 3 3 5 18,189 16 3 2,385 11 8 Total expenditure ... 20,575 7 11


General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1903— continued.

John Rennie, Chairman. H. H. Pitman, Steward, Education Reserves. Examined and found correct. —J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General.

OTAGO. Sir, — Education Reserves Office, Dunedin, Ist August, 1904. In accordance with Order in Council of the 15th December, 1878, I have the honour to forward the report of the School Commissioners for the Otago Provincial District for the year ending the 31st December, 1903. In the course of the year the Commissioners leased 66 reserves for agricultural purposes, 19 for pastoral, and 26 township sections in various pares of the Provincial District. The area of the agricultural land was 5,029 acres, leased to forty-nine tenants at £977 3s. 4d. per annum, or an average of 3s. lOfd. per acre; the area of the pastoral land was 6,639 acres, leased to five tenants at £142 9s. 6d. per annum, or about per acre; and the area of the township sections 10$ acres, leased to thirty-six tenants at £72 10s. per annum. The Commissioners' rent-roll now contains 877 tenants. The total area of the endowments vested in the School Commissioners of Otago is 390,385 acres at an annual rental of £13,594, held as follows, viz.: Under pastoral lease, 258,671 acres at a rental of £1,828 2s. 7d.; under agricultural lease, 128,992 acres at a rental of £10,825 25.; under town and suburban lease, £2,722 acres at a rental of £940 18s. 2d. During the year the sum of £503 Is. lOd. was received as repayment of loans, and £1,660 was advanced on mortgage at 4-$ per cent, interest. Of the amount shown in the statement of receipts and expenditure as arrears of rent, &c, on 31st December, 1903, the sum of £2,908 4s. sd. has since been collected. The rents are debited half-yearly in advance; a great number of them, however, are not paid until after harvest in the following year, and can hardly be considered as being in arrear. Of the amount of £1,637 10s. shown in the statement of receipts and expenditure under the heading of expenses of management, I may explain that £51 lis. appears on the other side of the account under the following heads—viz., cash received for preparing leases by the Commissioners' office staff, £41 lis.; office rent, £10 ; and should be deducted from the expenses of management. The sum of £365 18s. 4d. was expended on permanent improvement of the reserves in the shape of tile-draining and river protective works. The sum of £96 os. 6d. was paid to the Government for train fares, stamps, telegrams, Crown grant fees, &c, £33 3s. of this amount representing the Commissioners' train fares attending monthly meetings at Dunedin. If the foregoing sums are deducted from the first-mentioned amount, it will be seen that the actual cost of management was £1,124 os. 2d., or £6 9s. IOJd. per cent, on the money collected during the year. I forwarded audited balance-sheet and statement of receipts and expenditure to your Department on the 19th May last. I have, &c, D. Barron, Chairman. The Right Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.


Primary Education Estate. Total. Assets. lash in bank, as above ients payable in advance, 1st May, 1903—Proportion uncollected ... ients payable in advance, 1st Nov., 1903—Proportion uncollected ... £ s. a. £ s. a. 2,385 11 8 54 16 10 1,656 17 1 1,711 13 11 Total assets 4,097 5 7 Liabilities. Iteward's salary, December, 1903 lwaiting appropriation in purchase of land Total liabilities £ s. a. £ 45 264 s. a. 0 0 5 11 309 5 11


General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ended the 31st December, 1903.


Primary. Secondary. Total. J Receipts. 'o Credit balances on the 1st January, 1903— Bank of New Zealand and in hand Bank of New Zealand, fixed deposit Arrears of revenue for previous years, viz.,— Rents of reserves ... Interest on mortgages Revenues, viz.,— Rents of reserves for current year Interest on mortgages Interest on fixed deposits Other receipts, viz.,— Net proceeds of land sales ... Repayment of loans Cash received for preparing leases Valuation for improvements collected from incoming tenants ... Office rent from Otago High Schools Board ... Deposit on contract £ s. a. 3,018 9 11 148 3 7 9,389 9 4 1,718 6 10 67 10 0 £ s. d. 180 0 10 519 0 9 £ s. a. 37 12 8 2,250 0 0 3,198 10 9 148 3 7 9,908 10 1 1,718 6 10 67 10 0 - 632 14 3 503 1 10 41 11 0 1,054 13 9 10 0 0 27 0 0 ... Total receipts ... 19,597 14 9 Expenditu •e. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. a. Sy Salaries and allowances to officers — Secretary, £300; clerk, £150; Southland agent, £250 ... School Commissioners' travelling-expenses attending meetings at Dunedin—Hon. A. Baldey— train fares, £5 17s.; hotel expenses, £16 10s. : Thomas MaeGibbon--train fares, £14 12s.; hotel expenses, £27 : Donald Borrie —train fares, £12 14s.; hotel expenses, £18: William Dallas—hotel expenses, £16 10s. Survey of reserves, office furnishing, typewriter ... Office rent, cleaning, fuel, and light Printing and stationery Incidentals Stamps and telegrams, £33 16s.; telephone, £7 Is. 6d. ... Legal expenses Expenses of leasing— Auctioneer's commission, &c. Advertising Inspection of reserves —Travelling-expenses and valuation fees Expenditure on reserves—Drainage and protection from river encroachment Insurance premiums Rates Interest, Bank of New Zealand Payment of valuations for improvements to outgoing tenants Amounts advanced on mortgage Payments towards primary education — Otago Education Board Southland Education Board Payments towards secondary education — Otago High Schools Board... Southland High Schools Board Waitaki High Schools Board Purchase of land Refund of deposit on contract Credit balances on the 31st December, 1903 1,637 10 0 111 3 0 21 10 0 118 0 5 22 14 3 15 14 2 40 17 6 41 6 4 53 16 5 55 16 0 59 19 2 700 0 0 365 18 4 12 0 6 1 19 8 16 14 3 1,054 13 9 1,660 0 0 9,090 19 10) 3,836 16 1) 12,927 15 11 323 11 204 8 161 15 § 689 15 4 37 14 9 2 0 0 37 14 9 2 0 0 1,588 5 0 Total expenditure 19,597 14 9



General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ended the 31st December, 1903— continued.

D. Barron, Chairman. C. Macandrew, Treasurer. Examined and found correct.—J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General.


Education Department, Wellington, 14th March, 1904. (Circular memorandum to Secretaries of Education Boards.) As some Education Boards have apparently been in doubt as to the correct reading of the terms first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year pupil-teachers in the First Schedule of the Public-school Teachers' Salaries Act, I am directed to inform you that the following reading must be strictly adhered to, viz.: First, second, third, and fourth years are the respective years of service. A first-year pupil-teacher is one who has not completed one year's service as a pupil-teacher, a second-year pupil-teacher if one who has completed the first year of service, but who has not completed the second year, and so on. Special provision has been made for the payment for one year only, where necessary, of pupil-teachers who have completed their fourth year of service, such pupil-teachers being referred to in the schedule of the Act quoted above as " fifth-year " pupil-teachers. G. Hogben, Secretary.

Education Department, Wellington, 21st March, 1904. The Secretary, Education Board, The sum of £ has been granted to your Board for distribution to School Committees of schools now in operation at the rate of 9d. per head on the yearly average attendance of each school for the year 1903, calculated in accordance with the regulations under "The Public-school Teachers' Salaries Act, 1901." As soon as you have distributed the amounts payable accordingly, please forward to this office a statement containing the list of schools, with the average attendance and the amount paid to each School Committee. Printed forms for this purpose will be forwarded to you shortly. G. Hogben, Secretary.

Education Department, Wellington, 29th March, 1904, The Secretary, Education Board, I am directed to inform you that, with a view of allowing every Junior National Scholar a full opportunity of eventually qualifying for a Senior Scholarship, it is desired that each one should have the option of attending a secondary school without regard to the consideration that it may be open to him to attend a district high school without leaving his home. Please take action hereunder if the arrangements made with the scholars in your district so require. E. O. Gibbes, Assistant-Secretary,

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o4. Price Ss.J

Primary. Seconaary. Total. Assets. Arrears on the 31st December, 1903, viz.— Arrears of rent due in and prior to 1900... Arrears of rent due in 1901 Arrears of rent due in 1902 Arrears of rent due in 1903 ... Arrears of interest due in 1903... Amount due on fixed deposit Amount of balance in bank and in hand ... Amount advanced on mortgage ... £ 3. 19 6 19 13 109 16 3,370 15 82 4 a. 6 6 0 1 0 £ s. a. 0 18 6 154 8 5 £ s. 19 6 19 13 110 14 3,525 3 82 4 1,000 0 3,018 19 40,554 13 a. 6 6 6 6 0 0 9 4 • Total assets ... 48,330 15 1 Liabilities. Due Primary : Apportionment to Education Boards... Due Secondary: Apportionment to High Schools Board and interest Rents overpaid Outstanding cheques Contractor's deposit £ a. 168 16 a. 5 £ s. a. ' £ 8. 168 16 d. 5 5 19 2,291 8 27 0 0 1 0 11 0 0 139 6 8 11 0 5 19 3,430 14 27 0 0 0 9 0 Total liabilities 3,643 10 2

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EDUCATION: TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-1, 1903.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, E-01

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EDUCATION: TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-1, 1903.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, E-01

EDUCATION: TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-1, 1903.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, E-01

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