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Laid before both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency the Governor.

The following is a synopsis of the annual reports of Domain Boards furnished to the Minister of Lands in accordance with the provisions of section 5 of " The Public Domains Act Amendment Act 1903 " :— Akaroa Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 10 acres. Work done during year : Maintenance only. Improvements : Fencing, macrocarpa hedge on inner side, large gate at main entrance, three smaller gates, summer-house, two footbridges, and small fountain. Planted with native and foreign trees, and connected with borough watersupply. Alexandra Domain, Otago Land District. Area :13 acres. Used for sports, football, picnics, and band concerts. Work done during year : Tree-planting. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, and water-supply. Alexandra Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 8 acres. Nil report furnished. Alfredton Domain, Wellington Land District. Area : 100 acres ; 99 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : Shed and fixtures, 12 chains of box drain, 8 acres fenced, and fence round whole area almost completed, one acre planted with trees. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Maintenance, additional planting and fencing, and eradication of Californian thistle. Apiti Domain, Wellington Land District. Area : 40 acres ; all leased. Improvements : Ring-fence. Land heavily timbered. Araroa Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area :16 acres ; all leased. Not much used by the public. Work done during year : Fencing and grassing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing ; gate erected ; 2 acres laid down in grass. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting and clearing scrub. Arowhenua Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :10 acres ; all leased.' Work done during year : Eradication of gorse and clearing creek. Land used only for cropping and grazing. Arundel Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 4 acres ; securely fenced. East end and corners at west end planted with ornamental trees and shrubs ; protected by fence of standards, wire, and wire netting. Ashhurst Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :46 acres ; 2J acres leased as part of racecourse ; 25 acres of native bush. Work done during year : Protecting river-bank, ploughing and grassing about 3 acres, fencing and maintenance. Improvements now on land : 120 chains of boundary-fencing, | chain of picket fence, and 12 rustic seats. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further protective works and tree-planting. Ashley Gorge Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :68 acres ; 63 acres leased. Used principally for picnics.

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Auckland Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 198 acres ; 77 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing ; portion used for cricket fenced off from remainder by iron fence and stone wall; pavilion in cricket-ground, superintendent's house, gardener's house, and caretaker's lodge. Used for grazing, pleasure, picnics, and athletic sports. Avondale Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :38 acres. All fenced except seaward side ; planted along boundary with Pinus insignis, 6 acres in grass, balance covered with tea-tree, scrub, and holes left by gum-diggers. Not used by the public, but will probably become popular in a few year's time on account of having frontage to harbour. Awhitu Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 9 acres. Nothing done ; no funds. Attempts to lease land unsuccsssful. Ashburton Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :72 acres ; 40 acres leased. Work done during year : Maintenance only. Improvements now on land : Curator's lodge, three sports' pavilions, swimming-bath, dressing-room, asphalt cyclingtrack, asphalt tennis-courts, bowling-green, water-supply, cricket-ground, artificial lakes, good plantations and gardens. Used for general recreation, sports, and picnics. Work proposed for ensuing year : General maintenance ; estimated cost, £300. Balclutha Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 1 acre. Used for bowling-green and tennis-court. Berwick Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 4 acres ; leased. Used for sports and picnics. Improvements comprise fencing, plantations, and embankments. It is proposed to expend £10 on embankments during ensuing year. BIRKENHEAD DOMAIN, AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT. Area: 112 acres; mostly in native bush and scrub. Partly fenced, and some trees planted. Britannia Heights Domain, Nelson Land District. Area :12 acres ; fenced and planted. Used for general recreation. Buffalo Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :18 acres ; small portion cleared, but still very rough. Used for sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing, levelling, and grass-sowing. Buller Domain, Nelson Land District. Area :33 acres ; 20 acres leased. Used for recreation. Work done during year : Forming and metalling 30 chains of footpaths and trimming hedges. Improvements on land : 52 chains of fencing, 20 chains pipe-drains, 5 chains open drains, 30 chains asphalt paths, 60 chains metalled paths, and a large number of ornamental trees and shrubs. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Trimming hedges, erecting seats, and asphalting paths. Bull's Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :45 acres ; 12 acres leased. Used for rifle-shooting, cricket, football, and picnics. Work done during year : Eradication of gorse. Improvements now on land :83 chains of boundary-fencing, 12 acres ring-fenced, ploughed, levelled, sown with grass, planted with ornamental trees, and containing gates, stiles, and a pump. Burkes Pass Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :46 acres ; all fenced. Contains 2 acres of plantation. Used for recreation and grazing. Work proposed for ensuing year : Eradication of scrub and gorse. Cambridge West Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 282 acres ; 251 acres leased. Work done during year : Making tennis-court; ploughing area used for recreation in order that it may be laid down in permanent pasture. Improvements now on domain: 23 acres permanent recreation-ground, tennis-court, plantation of 3 acres, and fencing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting and fencing. Cambridge Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 480 acres ; 358 acres leased. Work done during year : Maintenance and improvement of tennis-court, bowling-green, and pavilion ; levelling show-ground and planting it with trees and live fences ; and erecting grandstand (not yet completed). Domain contains recreation-grounds, bowling-greens, tennis-lawns, and seven acres of walks, lawns, ornamental trees, and borders. Work proposed for ensuing year : General maintenance.



Carleton Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :15 acres ; 14 acres leased. Improvements on domain : Pavilion, concrete cricket-pitch, fencing, plantations, and track for sports. Used for sports, cricket, lawn-tennis, and picnics. Proposed work for ensuing year : Erection of fencing and tree-planting. Cashmere Hills Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 189 acres ; 173 acres leased. Work done during year : 4,000 trees planted, principally oaks ; other trees cleaned and weeded ; stone gate pier, with memorial tablet erected. Improvements now on land : Ring-fenced, and fences erected round plantations, Victoria memorial (brick), house and nursery-house, and cowshed. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting. Chertsey Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :28 acres ; leased for grazing. Work done during year : Gorse hedge removed, standard and wire fence erected. Improvements now on domain :30 chains of fencing, belt of pines surrounding whole area, plantations of ornamental trees and shrubs, swimming-bath and dressing-room. Used for sports and picnics. Christchurch Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 495 acres ; 371 acres leased. Work done during year : General maintenance ; trees, &c, planted, grass mowed, plantations thinned and pruned, 524 trees cut out to make room for those remaining, gates repaired and painted. Improvements now on domain : Plantations, gardener's cottage, caretaker's cottage, hot-house, two bridges, fencing and gates, special trees, lawns, walks, and lake. Used for general public recreation, cricket, polo, football, hockey, picnics, model-yacht sailing, and review of volunteers. Clifton Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area :28 acres ; all leased. Used for grazing. Clyde Domain, Otago Land District. Area :64 acres ; fenced. Used for general recreation. Coalgate Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 28 acres ; 27 acres leased. Work done during year : Repairs to fences. Used for sports and grazing. The land is in English grass in good order. Conway Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :10 acres ; all leased. Used for grazing only. Courtenay Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :20 acres. No new work undertaken during year. Improvements now on land :68 chains of live and 12 chains of wire fencing ; about 7 acres of plantation twenty-two years old, and about 3 acres of plantation, three years old. Used principally for picnics ; unsuitable for football or cricket. The land consists of river- terraces, the northern portion being liable to overflow from the river, and in danger of being washed away. Trees grow well, and further planting operations will be undertaken as funds permit. Cromwell Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 231 acres. Completely overwhelmed with drifting sand, which has also covered a large portion of the borough to a depth in some places of 20 ft. £100 was spent during the year endeavouring to prevent the sand which covers the domain from travelling. 2 acres of the mining-reserve adjoining the borough is used for recreation. Casnell Island Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 7 acres. Used principally for picnics. Dannevirke Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area :40 acres ; 30 acres leased. Used for athletic sports, cycle-races, football, and cricket. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, pavilion, dressing-room, and cycle-track.. Proposed work for ensuing year : Erection of conveniences, caretaker's lodge, and improvements to pavilion. Darfield Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :10 acres. Improvements effected : Fencing, plantations, tennis-lawn, and a dressingroom. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Repairing fences and hedges. Denniston Domain, Nelson Land District. Area : 5 acres. Used for sports and picnics. Improvements effected : Draining and levelling. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further draining and levelling. Land of a rocky nature. Devonport Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :40 acres ; 20 acres leased. Used for general recreation, cricket, football, bowling, tennis, and croquet. Improvements comprise : fencing, drains, pavilions, and plantations. Proposed work for ensuing year : Top-dressing and levelling cricket-ground, and general maintenance.



Dipton Domain, Southland Land District. Area : 5 acres. Work done during year : Ploughing, harrowing, &c, and laying land down in permanent pasture ; mostly done by voluntary labour. Improvements now on domain : All fenced, portion planted with Pinus insignis, sheltershed erected, land in grass in good condition. Used generally for recreation purposes. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Gathering surface stones, rolling land, and planting trees. Dobson Domain, Westland Land District. Area : 8 acres. Used for cricket and football by school-children. Land is of no value at present. A sum was expended some years age in clearing and fencing ; the fence is now gone. Domett Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 9 acres ; all leased. Improvements effected : Fencing and plantations. Used for cricket, Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting. Dunedin Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 46 acres. Improvements effected : Fencing, with gates at four entrances, caretaker's house, two greenhouses, ponds, aviary for native birds, and band-rotunda. Used for botanic garden, picnics, concerts, football, cricket, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of Superintendent's house, propogating-houses, plant-frames, tool and potting shed ; eradication of broom, gorse, and rough grass ; formation of new nursery, rock garden, beds, and borders ; and general maintenance. Dunrobin Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 12 acres. Improvements now on land : Fencing, grassing, and a few trees. DUNSANDEL DOMAIN, CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT. Area :10 acres ; J acre leased. Used for cricket, football, tennis, bowling, and other sports. Improvements comprise fencing, pavilion, cottage, and plantations. Duntroon Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 80 acres. Used for picnics and grazing. Work done during year : Eradication of gorse and noxious weeds, and extermination of rabbits. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Planting willows and poplars, and fencing. Ealing Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :10 acres. Improvements effected : Area fenced, entrance-gates erected, and 8 acres ploughed and planted with gums, wattle, &c. Not much used by the public. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting. East Tamaki Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :18 acres. Used for grazing and picnics. Improvements effected : Fencing and plantations. Work done during year : Eradication of noxious weeds. Proposed work for ensuing year : Building dam and further tree-planting. Eketahuna Domain, Wellington Land District. Area : 6 acres ; leased. No improvements effected. Ellesmere Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 213 acres ; all leased. Used for racing, sports, and Volunteer encampments. Improvements effected : Plantation around domain, fencing, buildings, and windmill and pump. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Formation of a lake and erection of subdivisional fencing. Elsthorpe Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 13 acres ; leased. Improvements effected : Fencing and plantations. Not used by the public. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Preparing sports-grounds. Fairlie Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :30 acres ; 25 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, willow protective works, pond for swimming-bath, and plantations. Used for general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Construction of further protective works. Farndon Park Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area :20 acres ; all leased. Used for picnic and sports. Improvements now on the domain : Plantations, fencing, and grassing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of conveniences and repairs to fencing. Featherston Domain, Wellington Land District. Area : 88 acres ; 80 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, pavilion, bandrotunda, and seats. Used for picnics and general recreation. Work done during the year : General maintenance.



Fortrose Domain, Southland Land District. Area :10 acres ; 6 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, paths, and seats. Used for sports and picnics. Frasbrtown Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area :32 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, grassing, plantation of ornamental and shelter-trees, grandstand, and conveniences. Used for cricket, tennis, and other outdoor games ; sports and show ground. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Ploughing and levelling 10 acres, tree-planting, and erection of iron gates at entrance. Gate Pα Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :13 acres ; 7 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing. Not used by the public. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Eradication of gorse. Gisborne Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 7 acres ; all leased. Work done during the year : Levelling, grassing, and planting hedges. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and draining. Used for cricket and football. Glentunnel Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 103 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Formation of approach to domain, and fencing. Improvements now on land : Fencing and plantations. Used for sports and picnics. Governor's Bay Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 7 acres ; 4 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : Hall for socials and entertainments (including piano), fencing, gates, dwellinghouse of six rooms, stable, dairy, and plantations. Used for cricket and other sports, also picnics and social gatherings. Proposed work for ensuing year : Improvement of cricket-pitch, and general maintenance. Grasmere Domain, Southland Land District. Area :54 acres. Nil report furnished. Greendale Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :13 acres ; all leased. Used for grazing. Green Island Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 373 acres ; all leased. Work done during the year : Marram-grass planting on about 2 acres. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further sowing of grass and lupins. Greenwich Square Domain (Waihola), Otago Land District. Area : acres. Work done during the year : Eradication of noxious weeds by voluntary labour. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing and planting. Hamilton Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 409 acres ; 331 acres leased. Used for picnics, cricket, and general recreation. Work done during the year : Eradication of noxious weeds and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : 20 acres cleared and grassed ; cricket and football ground, cycle-track, pavilion, and plantation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Ploughing 20 acres. Hampden Bush Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 106 acres. Work done during the year : Fencing, tree-planting, and eradication of noxious weeds. Improvements now on the land : Fencing, plantations, and grassing. Used for grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further fencing and planting. Happy Valley Domain, Southland Land District. Area : 55 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and racecourse. Used for cricket, football, and race meetings. Hastwell Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :12 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on domain : Area fenced, felled, and grassed. Proposed work for ensuing year : Stumping 4 acres for recreation purposes. Havelock Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 5 acres ; 2 acres used for grazing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, and plantation.' Used for football and general recreation, also as playground for school-children. Havelock Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 5 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, and belt of macrocarpa trees. Used or cricket, football, and tennis.



Hawea Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 109 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing (wire and rabbit netting) and plantation. Used for sports and races. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting, erection of buildings, and formation of sports-track. Hawksbuey Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 450 acres ; 158 acres leased. Work done during year : General maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Canal, fencing, plantations, embankments, and bridges. Used for sports, picnics, races, and grazing. Helensville Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :39 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on domain : Baths, fencing, and grassing. Used principally for baths (hot springs). Heriot Domain, Otago Land District. Area :10 acres ; leased. Used for cricket, football, and sports. Work done during year : Maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and plantation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Construction of drains. Hinds No. 2 Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :10 acres ; 7 acres leased. Used for sports and tennis. Work done during year : Treeplanting and maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Plantation, fencing, and gates. Hororata Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 225 acres ; 200 acres leased. Work done during year : 5 acres tree-planting, formation and gravelling 20 chains of footpaths, trimming hedges, eradication of gorse, and erection of new gate. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, racecourse, saddling-paddock, stand, committee-rooms, judge's box, stables, plantations, footpaths, cycle-track, cricket-ground, and water-races. Used for sports, picnics, races, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting and other improvements. Howell's Point Domain, Southland Land District. Area :70 acres ; all leased. Used principally for picnics. Proposed work for ensuing year : Erection of fencing. Howick Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 8 acres ; 4 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, draining, plantation, and shelter-shed. Used for picnics and sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Eradication of noxious weeds, and trimming hedges. Huirangi Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area :10 acres ; all leased. Improvements in progress : Clearing, fencing, and grassing. HUNTERVILLE DOMAIN, WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT. Area : 9 acres ; 6 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : Area used for recreation ploughed, stumped, levelled, and grassed. Used for sports, picnics, and football. Hurunui Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :82 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Tree-planting, erection of gate, concrete water-trough, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Iron fence all round, plantations, and race-track. Used chiefly for horse-racing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting and fencing. Hyde Domain, Otago Land District. Area :80 acres ; leased. Used for sports, races, and rifle-range. Improvements now on domain : Fencing. Inglewood Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area : 3 acres. Used for sports and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing, planting, and general improvement of the ground. Island Bay Domain, Wellington Land District. Area : 8 acres. Nil report furnished. Kaikoura Domain, Marlbokough Land District. Area : 80 acres. Work done during year : Fencing and erection of entrance-gates. Improvements now on the land : two latrines, plantations and fencing. Used for athletic sports and horse-racing. Kaiapoi Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :15 acres. Work done during year : General maintenance, and erection of two retiringrooms. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, hedges, large pond for birds and fish supplied by artesian wells, two retiring-rooms, urinal, building with gable roof, 12-gallon copper boiler, and plan tation.



Kaitangata Domain, Otago Land Disteiot. Area : 59 acres; 50 acres leased. Work done during year : Fencing and draining. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, and drains. Used for general recreation of the public. Proposed operations for ensuing year : DrainingTand levelling 4 acres as ground for cricket, football, sports, and picnics. Kaitawa Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :15 acres ; all leased. Used for sports and grazing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, grassing, sports-ground, and plantations. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Clearing and grassing. Kaponga (Victoria Park) Domain, Taeanaki Land District. Area : 3 acres. Used for cricket and football. Work done during the year : Stumping, levelling, and grassing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, hedges, land stumped, levelled, and ploughed. Karitane Domain, Otago Land District. Area (including lighthouse reserve) :33 acres ;29 acres leased. Work done during the year : Erection of rabbit-proof fencing and tree-planting. Used chiefly for picnics. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and plantations. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Construction of protective works and further tree-planting. Kati Kati Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 185 acres. Used for picnics, summer games, sports, and regatta. Kawa Kawa Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :14 acres ; all leased. Used for sports and grazing. Work done during year : Eradication of gorse, ploughing and grassing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Clearing and grassing. Kihikihi Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :42 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on land : Fencing, grandstand, and plantation. Used for polo, football, cricket, picnics, and races. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Roofing grandstand. Kimberly Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :14 acres ; all leased. Work done during the year : Eradication of gorse and broom, and hedge-trimming. Improvements now on domain : 7 acres of plantation. Used for grazing and schoolchildren's sports. Kimbolton Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :43 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on domain : Felling, fencing, and grassing. Not used for purposes of recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Construction of swimmingbath and tree-planting. Kirwee Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :10 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, and cycletrack. Used for cricket, picnics, and sports. Knottingly Park Domain, Canterbury Land Disteict. Area: 169 acres; 73 acres leased. Used for picnics and general recreation. Work done during year : Preparation of nursery-site and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, drains, extensive plantation, caretaker's cottage, windmill, two ponds, pheasant-run, and a cook-house for the convenience of picnic parties. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Improvements to plantations. Kongutu Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 3 acres. Not used by the public. Kowai Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 247 acres ; 203 acres leased. Work done during year : Fencing and tree-planting. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, steward's and jockey's room and bar, also windmill and saddling-paddock. Used for horse-racing, sports, and picnics. Kowai Pass Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 100 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Eradication of gorse, repairs to fences, and tree-topping. Improvements now on land : Two tennis-courts, macrocarpa hedges, pavilion, cricket-ground, and plantations. Used for tennis, cricket, football, and other sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing, further eradication of gorse, and improvements to plantations. Lake Ellesmere Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :20 acres ;13 acres leased. Work done during year : Fencing, construction of horse-trough, and drain. Improvements now on land : Fencing, drains, well, horse-trough, and plantations. Used principally by anglers. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further fencing and tree-planting.



Lauder Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 200 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Erection of new grandstand, steward's room, and offices ; other buildings renovated and enlarged ; levelling, harrowing, and grassing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, entrance-gates, grandstand, steward's stand, totalisator-house, judge's box, and outhouses. Used principally for horse-races. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Installation of water-supply for irrigation. Leithfield Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area: 5 acres. Improvements now on land : Fencing and draining. Used for picnics and camping. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting and construction of drains. Levin Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :52 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Good sports-ground prepared and enclosed with post and wire fence ; erection of gates ; tree-planting; construction of two tennis-courts, shed, and racecourse. Used for football, hockey, cricket, tennis, picnics, sports, and races. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting and general maintenance. Limehill's Domain, Southland Land District. Area : 5 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on land : Fencing, levelling, and grassing. Used for cricket, football, and sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting and construction of drains Lincoln Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 8 acres. Work done during year : Eradication of gorse and broom. Improvements now on land : Fencing and plantation. Used for general recreation. Proposed work for ensuing year : Maintenance. Little River Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 62 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and grassing. Unsuitable for recreation-ground, being on face of a steep hill four miles from township. An endeavour is being made to obtain a more suitable ground, either by purchase or exchange. Loburn Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 25 acres ; 18 acres leased. Work done during year : Tree-planting and erection of entrancegate. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, small lake, and good iron entrance-gate. Used for sports and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Maintenance and tree-planting, if funds permit. Lumsden Domain, Southland Land District. Area : 19 acres ; 12 acres leased. Work done during year : Tree-planting. Improvements now on land : Fencing, building, and 5 acres of plantations, quarter-mile running track, and urinal. Used for sports and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Improvement to ground inside of runningtrack. Lyttelton and Heathcote Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 14 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : General maintenance. Improvements now on land : House and outbuildings, bridge and turnstiles, and seats. Used for camping and picnics. Lyttelton and Heathcote Recreation Trust Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :16 acres ; all leased. Used for picnics camps, and football. Work done during year : Maintenance and tree-planting. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, ten-roomed dwellinghouse, outbuildings, stable, &c. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting and eradication of weeds. Lyttelton Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 6 acres. Used for promenade. Work done during year : Fencing and maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, road, and seats. Maheno Domain, Otago Land District. Area :38 acres ; 2 acres leased. Work done during year : General maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, tennis-court, creamery, and dwellinghouse. Used for grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting. Mahurangi Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :64 acres. Used partially as a rifle-range. Mangatainoka Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :25 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Tree-planting, repairs to fencing, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Running-track, plantations, and shelter-shed. Used for sports and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Sinking well and erecting pump, and general improvements.



Makaraka Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area :48 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Eradication of briars. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, grassing, plantation, and drain. Used for grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting and further eradication of briars. Makarbwa Domain, Southland Land District. Area :13 acres. Improvements now on domain : 3 acres cleared, fenced, and drained. Not fit at present for purposes of recreation. Makotuku Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area :24 acres ; 19 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, buildings, plantations, and seats. Used for football, cricket, sports, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Painting seats and cutting grass. Makuri Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :36 acres ;12 acres leased. Used for sports and picnics. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, pavilion, tennis-court, and plantation. 10 acres of domain in Native bush. Mangapiko Domain, Auckland Land District. Area: 115 acres. Nil report furnished. Mangere Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 295 acres. Work done during year : Tree-planting, construction of tennis-courts, and extension of water-system. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, iron entrance-gates with concrete piers, zig-zag track to top of mountain, water-supply, and tennis-courts. Used for picnics and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Extension of roadway round mountain, and treeplanting. Manutahi Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area : 4 acres ; leased. Used for grazing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, hall, plantation, and grassing. Matamau Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 7 acres. No improvements effected. Land in its original and natural state. Mataura Domain, Southland Land District. Area :18 acres ; 13 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and plantations. Used for general recreation and grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting, and eradication of gorse. Maungatua Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 566 acres ; all leased. Used for picnics and grazing. Meanee Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area :92 acres ; all leased. Used for grazing. Mercer Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :80 acres. Work done during year : Grubbing and clearing 2 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and clearing. Used for sports, picnics, and grazing. Three-quarters of domain is undrainable swamp. Methven Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :28 acres ; 17 acres leased. Work done during year : Erection of new gates and formation of footpaths. Used for cricket, football, and swimming. Improvements now on domain : Water-race, swimming-baths, and 11 acres of plantations. Millerton Domain, Nelson Land District. Area :10 acres ; 3 acres leased. No improvements effected. Used for cricket, football, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : levelling ground. Monkey Face Domain, Marlborough Land District. Area : 333 acres ; all leased. Not fenced. Used for grazing only. Morven Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :60 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Eradication of gorse, erection of gates, stile, and notice-board. Used for sports and picnics. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, well and pump, gates, stile, and notice-board. Proposed operations for ensuing year : erection of gates, shed, fencing, urinal, also tree-planting. Motueka Domain, Nelson Land District. Area : 50 acres ; 43 acres leased. Work done during year : Ploughing 4 acres and sowing wattleseeds. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, and iron gates. Not much used by the public.

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Mount Bryon Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area : 5 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : General maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Plantation and fencing. Mount Eden Domain, Augkland Land District. Area :64 acres. Used for general recreation by residents of Auckland. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Thinning plantations, tree-planting, and general maintenance. I j Mount Hobson Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :23 acres ;18 acres leased. Work done during year : General maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, paths, and gates. Used for general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Eradication of noxious weeds, tree-planting, erection of seats, and general maintenance. Mount Richmond Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :33 acres. Used for grazing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, grassing, and small plantation. Used as a public resort. Mount Roskill Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :16 acres ; all leased. Used for grazing. Work done during year : Construction of drains. Improvements now on land : Drains. Mount St. John Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 7 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Track made to summit of hill, tree-planting, and fencing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, track to summit of hill, and small plantations. Used as resort for sightseers. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Installation of water-supply, tree-planting, and possibly a kiosk on top of hill for visitors. Mount Sombrs Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 122 acres ; 108 acres leased. Work done during year : Eradication of gorse, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, swimming-pool, grassing, racecourse, and buildings. Used for cricket, football, lawn-tennis, bathing, races, sports, and picnics. Mount Wellington Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :60 acres ; all leased. Used for picnics and recreation. Work done during year : Eradication of noxious weeds and removal of surface stones. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, and footpaths to top of Mount Wellington. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Construction of tennis-court. Naseby Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 120 acres. Used for races. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, grandstand, plantation, and racing-track. Nelson Domain, Nelson Land District. Area :22 acres. Used for general recreation. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, and band-rotunda. Newman Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :26 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Stumping, ploughing, and grassing 4 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fencing ; 18 acres felled and grassed ; 4 acres stumped, ploughed, and grassed. Used for sports and picnics. Newmarket Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :1J acres. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and a few trees planted ; too small to be of much use. Ngaroto Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 6 acres. Nil report furnished. Ngaruawahia Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 130 acres ; leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, cottage, and racecourse. Used for horse-races. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of fences. Normanby Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area :20 acres. Used for recreation and sports. Improvements now on land : Fencing, gates, and plantation. Norsewood Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 6 acres. Work done during year : Stumping and ploughing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, stumping, and ploughing. Northcote Domain, Auckland Land District, Area ; 3 acres. Nil report furnished,



Nukumaru Domain, Wellington Land District. Area : 1,220 acres. Leased as a small grazing-run before being brought under the provisions of " The Public Domains Act, 1881," ; lease not yet expired. Ocean Beach Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 280 acres. Work done during year : Planting of trees, marram-grass, and lupins. Used for the general recreation of the public. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Further planting of marram-grass, fencing, and formation of roads. Ohinewai Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :65 acres. Improvements now on domain : 3 acres of plantation. Used for picnics. Ohoka and Eyreton Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 200 acres ; all leased. Used for horse-racing. Improvements now on domain : Grandstand, cloak-room, fencing, horse-yard, plantation, and racecourse. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing, and improvements to grandstand. Omaka Domain, Marlborough Land District. Area : 242 acres; all leased. Used for general recreation, football, and playground for children. Work done during year : Fencing, erection of iron gates, posts, and wicket-gates; forming and gravelling entrance and footpaths. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and 4-roomed cottage. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting, levelling, and draining. One Tree Hill Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 127 acres (including 6J acres conveyed by Sir J. L. Campbell) ; 107 acres leased. Work done during year : Tree-planting, formation of new road through the domain, and erection of gates and seats. Used for driving, walking, golf, picnics, and general recreation. Improvements now on domain : Caretaker's lodge, gates, fencing, plantations, drives. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Metalling drives, and general maintenance. Opaheke Domain, Auckland District. Area :17 acres. No improvements effected. It is proposed to lease the land on improvement conditions. Opotiki and Waioeka Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 125 acres ; 115 acres leased. Work done during year : Levels taken for draining site of grandstand. Used for race-meetings and sports. Improvements now on domain : Drains, grandstand, ladies' rooms, lavatories, judge's box, and plantations. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Erection of shutters enclosing grandstand, draining grandstand-site, fencing, grassing, and tree-planting. Opunake Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area :15 acres ; 8 acres leased. Work done during year : Sand-grass planted and fences improved. Used for sports, football, cricket, and grazing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing plantation, hedges, and sports-ground. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting, and construction of drains. I'J Orari Park Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :14 acres. Work done during year : Erection of garden-seats, grassing, and maintenance ; 4 acres of the domain was cropped with oats. Ormond Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 128 acres ; 111 acres leased. Work done during year : Draining, stumping, eradication of weeds, and general maintenance. Used for grazing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, drain, and buildings. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Stumping, draining, and tree-planting. Ormondville Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 20 acres ;16 acres leased. Work done during year : Tree-planting, levelling, and grassing portion used for recreation. Used for sports and cricket. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, gates, and plantation. Otahuhu Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 5 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, draining, grassing, and few trees planted. Used for cricket, football, &c. Otau Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 2 acres. No improvements effected. It is proposed to lease the domain on improvement conditions. Otautau Domain, Southland Land District. Area :63 acres ; all leased. Used for grazing only. Improvements now on domain : Fencing.



Outram Domain, Otago Land District. Area :11 acres ; 6 acres leased. Work done during year : Eradication of weeds, clearing track, trimming hedges and trees, and general maintenance. Used for picnics, football, cricket, tennis, and bowls. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, drains, skating-pond, plantation, and hedges. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance and improvements. Owaka Domain, Otago Land District. Area :12 acres. Not used by the public. Board is unable to find a tenant. No improvements effected. Paeroa Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :16 acres ; 9 acres leased. Work done during year : J acre of land purchased and added to domain, marble fountain erected to the memory of the late Trooper Bradford, the first New Zealander killed in the South African War. Improvements now on land : Footpaths, flagstaff, and memorial fountain. Used for public recreation, and grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing, clearing, planting, and general improvements. It is proposed to raise a loan of £1,750 to be expended on the domain. Pahautanui Domain, Wellington Land District. Area : 105 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and draining. Used for cricket and other sports occasionally. Pakuranga Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :23 acres ; all leased. Used for picnics and amusements. Work done during year : Fencing) and erection of stiles and water-troughs. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, stiles, and water-troughs. Palmerston Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 3 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fencing. Used for cricket and football. Palmerston North Domatn, Wellington Land District. Area :13 acres. Used for pasturage only. No improvements effected. Land contains a small area of native bush, which is being conserved. Panmure Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 5 acres ; all leased. Enclosed on three sides by a stone wall, and on the fourth by water. Used for sports. Papakura Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 39 acres ; leased for grazing. Papanui Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 6 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : General maintenance. Used for cricket, football, and picnics. Improvements now on domain : Pavilion, outbuildings, fencing, gates, plantations, artesian well, and drains. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Painting buildings and gates, and repairs. Paremoremo Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 5 acres. Nil report furnished. Patea Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area :66 acres ; 38 acres leased. Work done during year : General maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, cricket-ground, tennis-court, cricket-pavilion, tennis-pavilion, and grandstand. Used for football, hockey, cricket, tennis, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting. Patutahi Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area :60 acres ;55 acres leased. Used for picnics. Work done during year : Fencing, construction of culverts, eradication of weeds, and maintenance. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further eradication of weeds, construction of new culverts, and gravelling. Pelorus Domain, Marlborough Land District. Area :22 acres. No improvements effected. Land not used. 9 acres of the domain is an island in the Pelorus River, subject to floods, and covered with scrub and noxious weeds ; the remaining 13 acres is in native bush. Pihama Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area :14 acres ; 11 acres leased. Work done during year :11 acres grassed. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, hedges, plantations, bowling-green, tennis-lawn, well, and windmill; until recently used for grazing only. Pipiriki Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :18 acres. Unsuitable for purposes of recreation. No improvements effected. Pohangina Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :10 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Burning off timber, and sowing grass-seed on burnt patches. Not sufficiently improved for recreation purposes. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Stumping and levelling about two acres.



Port Robinson Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 113 acres ;20 acres leased. Remainder, principally steep and rough precipices. Improvements now on domain : Plantations. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting and maintenance. PouKiORB Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :18 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, felling, and grassing. Too rough for recreation-ground at present on account of logs and stumps. Proposed operations fot ensuing year : Removal of stumps and logs. Prebbleton Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 11 acres; all leased. Used for picnics, sports, cricket, and football. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and plantation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting. Pukerau Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 4*acres. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, and 1 acre, of plantation. Used for cricket, football, and sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Ploughing and sowing the area in English grasses. Puketiritiri Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 12 acres ; 2 acres leased. Used for grazing. No improvements effected. PUNGAREHU DOMAIN, TaRANAKI LAND DISTRICT. Area: 10 acres. Used for cricket, football, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of fencing, and grassing. Puniu Domain, Auckland Land District. Area: 22 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, planting, and grassing, and pavilion. Used for sports and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting, and eradication of noxious weeds. Purangi Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area : 10 acres. Used for picnics. No improvements effected. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Formation of road to domain. Queen's Park Domain, Wellington Land District. Area : 20 acres ; 20 perches leased. Used for band concerts, and public park. Work done during year : Erection of iron fence, formation of drives, and grassing. Improvements now on domain : Bandrotunda, monument, museum, band-room, fencing, and plantations. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Formation of carriage-drive and approach to monument, also levelling and grassing. Raetihi Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :18 acres ; 3 acres leased. Used for sports and picnics. Work done during year : Footballground cleared. Improvements now on domain : 3 acres cleared and stumped, and 11 acres felled and grassed. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of 22 chains of fencing. Rangataua Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area :96 acres ; all leased. Used for grazing only. No improvements effected. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of boundary fence. Rangiora Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 95 acres ; 85 acres leased. Used for sports, cricket, football, hockey, cycling, picnics, and grazing. Work done during year : General maintenance and improvements. Rangitoto Island Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 5,664 acres. Used principally for picnics. Work done during year : Clearing paths. Improvements now on domain : Concrete tank, paths, seats, and fireplaces. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of shelter-sheds and improvements. Rangiwahia Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :10 acres. Used for sports, cricket, picnics, and football. Work done during year : Treeplanting and maintenance. Improvements now on land : Fencing and plantations. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting. Record Reign Domain, Otago Land District. Area :2| acres. Used for volunteer-encampments, sports, and picnics. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, and water laid on for irrigation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting and other improvements. Richmond Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 7 acres. Used for cricket, football, picnics, and general recreation purposes. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, pavilion, and two artesian wells.



Riverton Domain, Southland Land District. Area :10 acres ; 6 acres leased. Used for sports, picnics, football, cricket, and cattle-shows. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, dwellinghouse, caretaker's hut and ticket office. Roslyn Domain, Otago Land District. Area :13 acres ; all leased. Used for grazing only. Ross Domain, Westland Land District. Area : 3 acres. Used for cricket, football, and picnics. Improvements now on domain : Two sheds, fencing, and drains. Ruapuna Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :27 acres ; 23 acres leased. Work done during year : Removing stones, sowing grasses, and tree-planting. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, and plantation. Not used by the public. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting. Sandy Point Domain, Southland Land District. Area : 5,630 acres ; all leased. Nearly all sandhills. Work done during year : Sowing seeds. There is a dwellinghouse on the domain valued at £275. Scarborough Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area :12 acres ; all leased. Used for picnics and general recreation-ground. Improvements now on domain : All felled and grassed, 6 acres stumped and ploughed, 2 acres of plantations, and 50 chains of fencing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Clearing stumps and tree-planting. Scotsburn Domain, Otago Land District. Area :50 acres ; 40 acres leased. Used for grazing only. Work done during year :40 acres resown with English grasses. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and 10 acres of plantation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Construction of water-race. Seddon Domain, Marlborough Land District. Area :14 acres. Used for picnics, cricket, and football. Work done during year : Erection of 15 chains of fencing; 1J acres planted with trees. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and plantation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting. Sefton Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :15 acres ; all leased. Used for cricket, tennis, and picnics. Work done during year : Erection of flagpole, garden-seats, and conveniences. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, pump, garden-seats, tennis-courts, flagpole, and conveniences. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of pavilion. Sheffield Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 20 acres ; all leased. Used for picnics, cricket, football, and trotting-races. Work done during year : Construction of running-track and general maintenance. Improvements now on land : Fencing, pavilion, judge's box, seats, and 6 acres of plantation. South Invercargill Domain, Southland Land District. Area : 2 acres ; not used. Board is unable to find a tenant. South Rakaia Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 158 acres ; 114 acres leased. Used for sports, picnics, races, swimming, and general recreation. Work done during year : Removal of buildings to a more convenient position ; alterations to judge's box ; and fencing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, well and pump, pond, two dressingsheds, two-roomed building, concrete cricket-pitch, and 130 acres of plantations. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Renewal of fences, and other work not yet decided. Springston Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :10 acres ; all leased. Used for sports and picnics. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and plantation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance. St. Andrew's Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area: 24 acres ; 17 acres leased. Used for sports and picnics. Work done during year : General maintenance and erection of notice-board. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, drains, and plantation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting, erection of shelter-sheds, seats, &c. St. Bathan's Domain, Otago Land District. Area :23 acres ; all leased. Used for sports, picnics, football, and cricket. Work done during year : Eradication of broom. Improvements now on land. Fencing, artificial lake of 1J acres, and plantation.



Stratford Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area :86 acres ; 41 acres leased. Used for athletic sports, aquatic sports, picnics, and general recreation. Improvements now on domain : 4f miles of fencing, plantations, about 8 acres ; grandstand, running and cycle track, suspension-bridge, paths, and seats ; about 15 acres of native bush. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance. Taieri Lake Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 430 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Fencing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, and plantation of willows. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting and fencing. Takahanga Domain, Marlisorough Land District. Area :20 acres ;12 acres leased. Used for cricket and football. Work done during year : Formation of tennis-courts, and tree-planting. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, and plantation, Proposed operations for ensuing year : Construction of running-track, cricket and football ground, and drain. Takapuna Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 180 acres. Nil report furnished. Taneatua Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :10 acres. Not suitable for purposes of recreation ; nearly all subject to floods ; covered with water to a depth of 3 ft. three times recently. Tangihua Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :65 acres ;No improvements effected. Land is of poor quality and Board is unable to find a tenant. Tarata Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area : 8 acres. Used for sports, picnics, and lawn-tennis. Work done during year : Ploughing, sowing grass-seed, formation of tennis-courts, and erection of gate. Improvements now on domain : Sheep-proof fences, lawn-tennis courts, and plantation. Tauhoa Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :93 acres ; leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing and grassing. Taumata Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area :12 acres. Used for athletic gatherings and picnics. Work done during year : Erection of grandstand and fencing. Improvements now on domain : Dressing-shed, fencing, and plantation. Domain also contains some native bush. Tauranga Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :16 acres ; leased. High School site of 8 acres adjoining, of which Board has temporary use, is also leased. Used for football, cricket, and athletic sports. Work done during year : eradication of weeds, tree-planting, and maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, band-rotunda, and trees. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further eradication of weeds, tree-planting, and maintenance. Tauranga Racecourse Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 200 acres. Used for races and volunteer-encampments. Work done during year : Eradication of gorse. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, saddling-paddock, booth-building, and steward's room. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting. Te Awamutu Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :21 acres ; all leased. Improvements now on domain. Fencing, grassing, and plantation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting. Temuka Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 133 acres ; 96 acres leased (Waitohi Reserve No. 1561 containing 50 acres, is also leased by Board) ; Used for sports and picnics. Work done during year : 219 cords of firewood cut, of which 205 cords have been sold; iron entrance-gates as memorial to troopers who fell in South Africa erected. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, hedges, six wicket-gates, four double-gates for vehicles (three of iron and one of wood), caretaker's cottage, pavilion, tennis-shed, cloak-room, plantation, two tennis-courts, and cycle-track. Taihape Domain, Wellington Land District. Area : 107 acres : Used for sports, cricket, and football. Work done during year : Planting on area used for sports ; remainder of land is in native bush. Improvements now on domain : Fencing ; 5 acres stumped and levelled. Proposed operations for ensuingjyear : Fencing in the native bush.



Tk Puke Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :14 acres ; all leased. Used for camps, sports, and cricket. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, three tennis-courts, and plantation. Timaeu Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 8 acres ; all leased. Used for athletic sports and band contests. Improvements now on domain : Three sides fenced with iron fence; oval laid down as sports-ground and cycle-track. Tinwald Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 230 acres ; 163 acres leased. Used for picnics, sports, races, and general recreation. Work done during year : Tree-planting, draining, removing trees, erecting gates, and preparing cricket-ground. Improvements now on domain : Plantations, drains, water-races, small lake, and fencing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Formation of drives, fencing, and tree-planting. Tokanui Domain, Southland Land District. Area : 3 acres ; not used. Board unable to secure a tenant. No funds. Torbre Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :13 acres ; all leased. Not used by the public. Work done during year : Felling, grassing, and fencing ; money for this work is borrowed on the personal security of the members of the Board. Totara Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 4 acres. Used for sports. Improvements now on domain : Drains, water-gate erected, and cricket-ground formed. Trotter's Creek Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 183 acres ; all leased. Used for picnics. Work done during year : Erection of footbridge, formation of track, and maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Tracks and footbridge. Tuapeka Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 119 acres ;99 acres leased. Used for cricket, football, shows, and races. Tupua Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :10 acres. Occupied by New Zealand Mineral Springs Company. Used for grazing. Public have access, but land is unsuitable for sports of any kind. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, and grassing. Turanga Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :26 acres. Land is an island, which is unsuitable for a domain ; covered with salt water when tides are unusually high. Several kinds of trees have been planted, but will not grow. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Eradication of noxious weeds. Uawa Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area :35 acres ; all leased. Used for cricket, football, and picnics. Work done during year : Gate erected, well sunk and furnished with pump, grass-seed sown. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, well, pump, plantation, and grassing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of buildings. Urenui Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area :57 acres ;52 acres leased. Used for football, cricket, sports, and picnics. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, drains, sports-ground, and plantation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting, and fencing. Victoria Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 24 acres ; all leased. Work done during year : Construction of drains. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, and drains. A portion of the land has been stumped and ploughed. Waiau Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :40 acres. Used for picnics, football, and grazing. Work done during year : Erection of gate and fencing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and gate. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Formation of football and cricket ground, and eradication of scrub and briars. Waihemo Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 129 acres ; all leased. Used for grazing and picnics. Work done during year : Eradication of noxious weeds, repairs, and fencing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing. It is proposed to obtain the advice of the State Forester as to the best means of planting the domain with valuable timbers. Waihi Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 120 acres. Used for race-meetings. on domain : Fencing. Proposed operations for the ensuing year : Grassing and erection of fencing.


C — 10

Waihora Park Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 200 acres ; 164 acres leased. Used for picnics, sports, races, and general recreation. Work done during the year : Tree-planting, ploughing, erection of entrance-gates, and tank. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, eight gates, 50 chains of wire netting, plantation, garden, three artesian wells, windmill, cricket-pitch, athletic-track, and racecourse. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of fencing, tree-planting, ploughing and harrowing, and general maintenance. Waihou Domain, Auckland Land Distmct. Area : 107 acres ; all leased. Used for cricket, football, sports, and shows. Work done during year : Fencing, tree-planting, and maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, and drains. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further tree-planting, and construction of drains and flood-gates. Wai-iti Domain, Nelson Land District. Area : 6 acres ; all leased. Used for picnics and general pleasure resort. Improvements now on the domain : Fencing and plantation. Proposed operations for the ensuing year : Tree-planting and levelling. Waikiekie Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 60 acres : covered with native bush. Waikuku Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :80 acres ; leased. Used for picnics and camping parties. Work done during the year : Marram-grass and tree planting. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, artesian well, drain, and concrete drinking-trough. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting and sowing of marram-grass and lupins, shifting fences, and formation of sports-ground. Wainui Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 2 acres. Not used by the public. Work done during year : Eradication of rushes, stumps, and rocks, and drains constructed. Improvements now on domain : Drain. Proposed operations for the ensuing year : Erection of fencing, and ploughing and cropping. Waione Domain, Wellington Land District* Area : 6 acres ; all leased. Used for grazing. Improvements now on land : Fencing and grassing. Waiopehu Domain, Wellington Land District. Area :16 acres. All in native bush. Waipawa Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 4 acres. Used for picnics, band-concerts, and public garden. Improvements now on land : Fencing, plantation, lake, walks, seats, footpath, and foundation for band-rotunda. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Maintenance. Waipuku Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area]: 2J acres ; all leased. Used for grazing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing. - Waitakarei Domain, Auckland Land District. Area : 3,480 acres. Used for picnics. Work done during the year : Formation of tracks and fireplaces, and removal of dead logs. The domain is covered with dense bush. Waitaki North Domain, Otago Land District. Area :52 acres ; 40 acres leased. Used for grazing and cropping. Work done during the year : Tree-planting, timbering and concreting well, and erection of fencing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, well, trough, and plantation. Waitotara Domain, Wellington Land District. Area : 1 acre. Not used by the public. Improvements now on domain : Fencing. Waiuku Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :10 acres. Not used by the public. Work done during the year : Maintenance. Improvements now on land : Fencing, drains, clearing, and plantation. Proposed operations for the ensuing year : Cropping. Waiwera Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :12 acres. Nil report furnished. Wakefield Domain, Nelson Land District. Area : 4J acres ; all leased. Nil report furnished. Wanaka Islands Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 880 acres ; 850 acres leased. Used for picnics, athletic sports, sanctuary for flightless birds, ground-game, and general pleasure resort. Work done during the year : Formation of tracks, and




timber hewed for extension of wharf, erection of fencing, tree and marram-grass planting. Proposed operations for the ensuing year : Extension of wharf on Manakau Island, formation of tracks, and tree-planting. Wangaloa Domain, Otago Land District. Area :36 acres ; 34 acres leased. Used for picnics and sports. Work done during the year : Construction ot drain. Improvement now on the domain : Fencing, drains, plantation, and clearing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Construction of drains, planting, erection of fencing, and general improvements. Wanganui Eiver Trust Doma(n, Wellington Land District. Area : 33,000 acres. A resort for sightseers. Warea Domain, Taranaki Land District. Area :32 acres ; all leased. Used for sports and picnics. Work done during the year : Four acres cleared, stumped, ploughed, levelled, and sown with grass, trees planted, and fencing erected. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, grassing, and plantation. Weber Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area: 10 acres. ; all pleased. Proposed operations foi ensuing yeav: Removal of logs and formation of sports-track. Weedon Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :49 aces ; all leased. Used for cricket, sports, and picnics. Work done during year : Maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Bathing-shed and pond, fenc ; ng, and plantation. Wgstport Domain, Westland Land District. Area :38 acres. Used for football, cricket, and temvs. Wo-k done during yea-: Maintenance. Improvements now on dome ; n : Fencing, dvatos, portions clea ed aod levelled. It is proposed to raise £2,000 to be expended on improvements. Whaingaroa Domain, Auckland Land Distetct. Area: 364 acres; 348 acres leased. Used as a bathing resot. Wo>k done du'/'tig year: Const'action tennis-couvt. Improvements now on doma ; a : Feo.c ; og, buiicTagS, and plantations. Proposed operations for ensuing year : ConsfenciloQ o? aspba't teonis-cou'-t. _, Whananaki Domain, Auckland Land District. Area :29 acres ; 24 acres leased. Improvements now on domain : House and fencing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Sowing grass to check driving sands. Whangateau Domain, Auckland Land District. ! : Area : 15 acres ; leased. Used for picnics and camping pa ties. Work done during year : Improvements to hall and construction of tennis-court. Imp'ovemenis now on domain : Fencing, en-trance-gate, cricket-ground, tennis-court, plantation, and hall Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of water-tank. Whetukura Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area : 8 acres ; all leased. Not used by the public. Work done during year : Ploughing and cropping. Improvements now on the land : Fencing and cleaning. Proposed operations for the ensuing year : Tree-planting. Wills ft as Domain, Otago Land District. Area : 12 acres. Used for sports and picnics. Work done during year : Construction of road and fencing. Improvements now on the land : Fencing, and road. Proposed operations for the ensuing year : Ploughing and grassing, construction of drains, and erection of seats. Winchester Cricket and other Sports' Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area :12 acres. Used for cricket, footbaH, and other sports. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, dressing-room, and seats. Proposed operations for the ensuing year: Erection of new seats and general maiatenance. Winchester Domain, CanterburyJLand District. Area :30 acres ; 24 acres leased. Used for general public recreation. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, and windmill. Proposed operations for the ensuing year : General maintenance. Winton Domain, Southland Land District. Area :13 acres ; leased. Improvements now on domain : 8 acres stumped, drained, ploughed, harrowed, and filled up ; plantation, and fencing. Winton Town Belt Domain, Southland Land District. Area: 3 acres ; leased. Mot used by the public,



Woodbuey Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 127 acres ; 111 acres leased. Used for sports, picnics, bathing, tennis, and general recreation. Work done during the year : General maintenance. Improvements now on the land : Fencing, drains, pavilion, concrete baths, dressing-room, lavatory, tennis-court, seats, and plantations. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Improvements to plantations and erection of shooting-gallery. Woodbnd Domain, Canterbury Land District. Area : 6 acres. Used for sports, cricket, tennis, football, and picnic parties. Twenty-five acres of the domain consisted of drifting sands, which has .been successfully planted with marram-grass. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, cricket-pitch, tennis-court, seats, and about i\ acres levelled. Proposed operations for the ensuing year : Further planting of marram-grass, erection of seats, gates, and urinals, and general maintenance. Woodville Domain, Hawke's Bay Land District. Area :40 acres ; all leased. Not used by the public. Ten acres stumped, cleared, and ploughed. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, drains, dwellinghouse, outbuildings, and shelter-fence. Wyndham Domain, Southland Land District. Area : 13 acres ; all leased. Used as recreation resort. Work done during the year : Erection of rabbit-proof fences and construction of drain. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, drains, clearing, and grassing. Proposed operations for the ensuing year : Tree-planting.

The Boards controlling the undermentioned domains have not furnished reports for the year 1903 as required by section 5 of "The Public Domains Act Amendment Act, 1903."

Number of public domains subject to the provisions of " The Public Domains Act, 1881," and its amendments: 364. WM. C. KENSINGTON, Under Secretary for Lands.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation not given; printing 1,925 copies) £12 Is.

By Authority John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o4.

Price 9d.]

Land District. Name of Domain. Land District. Name of Domain. Arrowtown Ahaura Alford Forest Aratapu ... Bunnythorpe Clyde (Hawke's Bay) •Oust Clinton ... Croydon Bush Done Epsom Epsom and Mount Eden Geraldine ... Grey town... Gore Hirstfield ... Hinds Highbank ... Kelso .... Kumeroa ... Kawatiri ... Kopuru Kopuru Town Khandallah Lawrence ... Makakahi Island Mackenzie Mangaweka Mackaytown Makaka ... Manaia Moeraki ... Mount Manganui New Brighton Otago. Westland. Canterbury. Auckland. Wellington. Hawke's Bay. Canterbury. Ofcago. Southland. Canterbury. Auckland. Auckland. Canterbury. Otago. Southland. Southland. Canterbury. Canterbury. Otago. Hawke's Bay. Nelson. Auckland. Auckland. Wellington. Otago. Wellington. Canterbury. Wellington. Auckland. Taranaki. Taranaki. Otago. Auckland. Canterbury. Opotiki Town Oxford ... Otokia Onehunga Okotuku ... Opawa Pleasant Point Pokeno Patutahi Town Picton Parkville ... Pahi Parnell ... Pongaroa... Beef ton ... Eahotu ... Rawhiti ... South Malvern Spreydon and Halswell Templeton Tokomairiro ... ' Timaru Eacecourse Tuakau ... Te Ngutu o te Manu Taupo Taupiri ... Tane Utiku West Melton Waikaia ... Waverley... Whakatane Waimate ... Wairoa ... Auckland. Canterbury. Otago. Auckland. Wellington. Canterbury. Canterbury. Auckland. Hawke's Bay. Marlborough. Wellington. Auckland. Auckland. Wellington. Nelson. Taranaki. Canterbury. Canterbury. Canterbury. Canterbury. Otago. Canterbury. Auckland. Taranaki. Auckland. Auckland. Wellington. Wellington. Canterbury. Southland. Wellington. Auckland. Taranaki. Wellington,

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PUBLIC DOMAINS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, C-10

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PUBLIC DOMAINS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, C-10

PUBLIC DOMAINS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, C-10

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