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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of Hit Excellency.

The Hon. the Minister, of Marine to His Excellency the Governor. Inspection of Machinery Department, My Lord, — Wellington, 31st July, 1903. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Inspection of Machinery Department of the colony for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, His Excellency the Wμ. Hall-Jones, Right Hon. the Earl of Ranfurly, Minister of Marine. Governor of New Zealand.

The Chief Inspector of Machinery to the Hon. the Minister of Maeine. Inspection of Machinery Department, g IE> Queen's Chambers, Wellington, 20th May, 1903. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report on the operations of the Inspection of Machinery Department for the twelve months which ended the 31st March, 1903 : — Boilees. During the financial year 4,463 steam-boilers were inspected, and all the machinery driven by these boilers was examined at the same time. This shows a slight increase on former years, but numbers do not always represent the increase of work, as much longer journeys have now Co be made in the back portions of the various districts. This branch of the Department is, with the exception of some parts of the Auckland District, practically up to date, and I can bear testimony to the zeal displayed by all the officers in the performance of their arduous and varied duties. Accident to Life and Limb connected with Boilers. No accident occurred in New Zealand during the year whereby injury was caused to life or limb through a boiler explosion. This Department can congratulate itself on the result of another year free from accidents. Owing to the high pressures now in use, the greatest possible care has been taken, and strict instructions are given to each Inspector to particularly satisfy himself in all cases. In some cases where brick flues are used the work is not of a very pleasant nature, but dampness in brickwork oftentimes leads to serious deterioration of the plate resting on the damp portion of the brickwork. The only questions taken into consideration when granting a certificate for a boiler are, whether the boiler is safe for the intended working-pressure (no matter whether it is a high or a low one), and also whether the conditions under which the boiler is being worked are safe, more especially as regards the feed-water, as, if the latter is not attended to, serious defects may arise through pitting of the plates, and scale-formation on them. Defects also often occur through getting up steam too quickly from cold water, since some parts of the boiler are more readily heated than others, and unless great care is exercised, and sufficient time taken, unequal heating is bound to take place. It is equally injurious to blow off all the steam suddenly, empty the boilers, and open the dampers. The cooling influence operates much more rapidly upon the boiler itself than upon the brickwork seating. The better plan is not to blow off the steam, but to let the steam and water cool down, and then empty the boiler. The certificates for boilers issued during the year total 4,463, being an increase of eighty-four on the number issued last year. I—H. 15a.



Government Boilers and Machinery. All the boilers at Government institutions throughout the colony have been examined, and the new boiler installation designed by this Department for the Seacliff Asylum has now been in use for some time, and has been giving satisfactory results. Defects in Boilers and Fittings. These defects amounted to 388, and include defects in steam-gauges, water-gauges, blow-off connections, cracked and bulged plates, defective joints, leaky seams, &c. Some were serious, and if neglected would no doubt have caused trouble and accident. Owners, more especially in remote districts, are glad to have advice on these matters when the Inspector comes round, and all information is willingly given, and advice as to the best and least expensive way to remedy the. defect. New Boilers. The total number added to our list is 483, and totals 6,746-horse power. Of this number, 217 were made in the colony, and 266 were imported. A very large installation has been put in the power-house of the Auckland Tramway Company, Auckland, the whole of the machinery and boilers being imported. The boilers are of the Babcock and Wilcox pattern, water-tube, and are fitted with all up-to-date appliances. The boiler-work done in the colony is now of a very high order, and most of the engineering firms have adopted the latest appliances to minimise labour and to insure a well-finished article. All the makers of imported boilers have now, with very few exceptions, adopted our standard of strength required for a given pressure, and very little friction has arisen through pressures given. The only safe rule is to adopt the very best, and make it compulsory and uniform both to local manufacturers and to manufacturers from abroad. This system, I consider, has tended to our immunity from accident in the past, and should not be departed from in the future. Lifts, Gas- and Water-driven Machinery. Under this heading 209 hydraulic lifts, sixty-three lifts driven by gas, steam, and electricity, eighty-eight gas and hydraulic hoists and electric motors, 341 water-driven machinery, 584 gasengines, and 133 oil-engines were inspected during the year, making a total of 1,418. A considerable amount of fencing was required to make the motors and machinery driven by them safe for those in attendance, and also a number of new ropes and chains were fitted and repairs effected generally. Fencing of Machinery. A large number of written and verbal notices were issued to machinery owners to fence unguarded machinery, and little difficulty has been found in making all comply with the wishes of the Inspectors. Examination op Engine-dkivees. The examination for this class of certificate has now become a very important and everincreasing branch of the Department. No service certificates are now issued (except under section 45 of the Act of 1902), so that all applicants must come up for examination ; and, New Zealand being such a scattered colony, it has been necessary to hold examinations at numerous places. It is gratifying to know, however, that up to the present there are no arrears in this branch of the service, and that all demands have been met. Candidates generally show up much better in the oral examination, and this examination brings out the fact very clearly that the standard of knowledge connected with the engine and boiler work of the engine-driver is increasing, and that he has been reading up from standard works on the subject. This knowledge should be available to his employer and make the enginedriver something more than a mere machine : it should lend an interest to every branch of his work, and should help him to perform more efficiently his many duties with economy to .his employer and with more satisfaction to himself. There have been four examinations held at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, Timaru, and Nelson, extending over several days. Examinations have also been held at Gisborne, Hawera, New Plymouth, Stratford, Palmerston North, Napier, Dannevirke, Blenheim, Westport, Greymouth, Eeefton, Hokitika, Kumara, Lawrence, Roxburgh, Alexandra South, Cromwell, and Clyde. Altogether 685 candidates passed these examinations successfully—seven extra first stationary, 148 first stationary, 357 second stationary, 147 traction and locomotive, and twenty-six winding-engine drivers. Accidents. Forty-nine accidents to life and limb connected with machinery have been reported to me. In Tables Nos. 5 and 6 are set out the names and ages of the persons injured, and cause of accident in each case. Table No. 5 shows the non-fatal accidents, and Table No. 6 shows the fatal accidents_ Districts and Inspectoes. Two new district offices have been opened, one at Nelson and the other at Timaru, and both have been found to be most useful as centres, and have saved the expense of making long journeys from Wellington and Christchurch. Mr. McVicar, of the Canterbury District, was transferred to Nelson ; and Mr. Williamson, who had been stationed for a short time in Canterbury, took charge of the Timaru office. Mr. George Croll, who was the senior Inspector of Canterbury, retired on the 30th July, 1902, after twenty-six and a half years' service. He has borne an excellent character, both for ability and courteousness, combined with firmness, and during his long period of service no boiler explosion has occurred in his district. This speaks for the care and thoroughness of his work and method. His place has been filled by Mr. Carman, from Wellington. Two new appointments have been made, Mr. W. R. Douglas and Mr. N. D. Hood. They are at the present time both assisting in the Wellington District.



Offices should, in the near future, be opened at Wanganui and Napier, to save the long journeys now made from Wellington. Napier is now becoming a fairly busy shipping port, and numerous journeys have to be made to cope with the survey of steamers there, owing to the shipping facilities being limited. Postal and Police Authokities. This Department is much indebted to the Postal and Police authorities, who have rendered valuable assistance with reference to the boiler and machinery certificates. "Inspection of Machinery Act, 1902." By this Act the previous Inspection of Machinery Act of 1882 and the amending Acts of 1894, 1896, 1898. 1900, and 1901 were consolidated, and the principal sections were re-enacted. The provisions affecting boilers and machinery are practically the same, but it would be well for every steam-user to make himself thoroughly cognisant of the clauses of the Act. Maeine Engineers' Examinations. The examinations have been held in alternate centres throughout the year, and at the following places away from headquarters : Gisborne, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Napier, Blenheim, Westport, and Greymouth. Every year shows a marked improvement in the work of candidates who present themselves, and this is notably the case with the third-class applicants, who are again very numerous All the Examiners bear witness to the faithful reading of the young engineers from the workshop in matters pertaining to marine engineering, which is brought out very clearly in the oral examination held at these examinations. It is very gratifying to the Department to have such material to deal with, and, seeing so many of the promising boys take to engineering in the colony, no doubt this industry will be well able to hold its own as the colony gets more advanced. Table No. 17 gives a list of the successful candidates, and the various grades in which they passed, also the total number of applicants, the total fees payable, and the number who failed. During the year new regulations were compiled by me, which are now in conformity with the Board of Trade Regulations as far as they could be made for New Zealand. New additional elementary questions have been added, containing questions on electric-light installations, comprising all the different points about the dynamo, and defects that might arise with the whole installation, as might be found on board ship. Questions have also been added connected with hydraulic installations, feed-heaters, filters, refrigerating machinery, comprising cold air, ammonia, &c. All these subjects show that the education of the modern marine engineer must be a very varied one; and where, say, at freezing-works and electric-light installations on shore, a separate staff is employed, the engineer on a steamer must be master of all these different classes of machinery when placed under his charge in the ship. Every day adds to his duties, and the Admiralties of both Great Britain and America are waking up to the importance of placing the engineers in their navies on a much better footing. Survey of Ships. The work of this branch of the Department has been well kept up, and, with the exception of one or two of the outlying districts in Auckland, the surveys are practically up to date. At the ports of Auckland, Wellington, and Dunedin, special attention has been given to hulls and equipments of steamers, numerous surprise visits having been paid to steamers to examine their boats and equipments, but, as a rule, very little to find fault with has been discovered. This speaks volumes for the care and attention paid to these important matters of a ship's equipments which tend to the safety of the travelling public. Survey for Seaworthiness. Twenty-four special surveys for seaworthiness were made during the year, comprising cases of grounding, collision, &c, a detailed list of which is given in Table 19. In some of these cases where grounding took place on a fairly soft bottom, a diver was employed for the external examination of the hull, but in any case of doubt docking was insisted on, so that a thorough examination could be made. These investigations have been made at all hours, and the judgment displayed by surveyors has been very clearly shown in numbers of cases. The shipowners generally are always glad to have the tried opinion of the officers of our Department in these times of disaster, and they on their part have facilitated our work very much by help generously given on many occasions. The fees earned by such surveys amount to £74 Bs. Government Steamers. The following Government steamers were surveyed during the year—viz., the s.s. " Hinemoa," " Tutanekai," " Janie Seddon," " Lady Roberts," " Nile," " Gordon" (before sale), and the several torpedo boats, &c. Excursion Steamers. Seventy-five steamer excursions were allowed, representing the carriage of 26,017 passengers, and no trouble has arisen at any time throughout the year with any of these trips. These excursions have been scattered all over New Zealand, and are much appreciated by the public.



New Steamers. Thirty-three steamers have been added to our books during the year, and comprise some very fine vessels, notably the " Aparima," and "Moeraki." The first one is a fine specimen of the modern cargo-boat with limited passenger accommodation, and the latter an up-to-date passenger steamer. The names of these vessels are as follows : " Anna," " Aotea," " Aparima," " Balmain," " Claymore," " Emma Sims," " Gosford," "Gypsy," " Huia," " Kapiti," " Kapui," " Karoro," "Kotahi," "Lily," "Little Jack," " Mahuta," " Mascotte," "May Howard," " Meremere," "Moeraki," " Mokau," " Nambucca," "Narcissus," " Nene," " Parera," "Phantom," " Euru," " Tarakihi," " Tasman," " Tuiwiki," " Wave," " Whati," and " Yho." Survey op Steamers Eeturn. Table No. 18 gives a return of steamers surveyed in New Zealand during the year ended the 31st March, 1903, including the names of steamers, tons register, horse-power, nature of machinery, and propeller. The number of steamers surveyed was 238, the number of surveys made being 257. The fees payable in respect of such surveys amounted to £1,588 10s. Eeturns. Appended are the returns in detail, numbered from 1 to 20. (1.) Number and class of boilers inspected, and fees payable on these ; the machinery inspected, and the fees payable thereon ; and the classes and numbers of engine-drivers' certificates issued, and the fees payable therefor. (2.) Eeturn of defects found on inspection of boilers. (3.) Eeturn of notices given to repair boilers. (4.) Eeturn of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery. (5.) Eeturn of accidents which were not fatal. (6.) Eeturn of accidents which proved fatal. (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), and (16). Names of all persons to whom land stationary certificates of service and competency have been granted during the year. (17.) List of persons passed for marine engineers' certificates, with fees paid, during the year. (18.) Eeturn as to vessels surveyed during the year. (19.) Eeturn of vessels surveyed for seaworthiness, &c, during the year. (20.) Eeturn showing sums earned or received and amount expended during the financial year, for inspection of machinery, examination of engineers and engine-drivers, and survey of steamers. Eobert Duncan, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Principal Engineer Surveyor of Steamers, and Chief Examiner of Marine Engineers and Land Engine-drivers.



EETUENS. No. 1. (a.) Betukn showing the Number of Land Stationary Boilers and Machinery inspected for which Certificates are issued, for the' Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903. Boilers— Stationary—Five-horse power and under, 995 ; 10-horse power and over 5-horse power, 634 ; over 10-horse power, 1,237; digesters, 220: total, 3,086. Portable—Five-horse power and under, 147 ; 10-horse power and over 5-horse power, 1,035 ; over 10-horse power, 195: total, 1,377 : total boilers, 4,463. Machinery— Hydraulic lifts, 209; gas lifts, 41 ; gas and water lifts, 5; electric lifts, 17; gas and hydraulic hoists and electric motors, 88; water engines, water motors, and water wheels, 117 ; peltons, 51 ; turbines, 173; gas engines, 584; oil engines, 133 : total machinery, 1,418. Grand total, 5,881. (b.) Eeturn showing Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery and for the issue of Engine-drivers' Certificates during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903. Fees payable—On boilers, £5,014 10s.; on machinery, £205 17s. 6d. : total, £5,220 7s. 6d. ; for engine-drivers' certificates issued, £456 ss. : total, £5,676 12s. 6d. Government boilers and lifts inspected, but not charged, represent the further sum of £30. The cash actually received for fees for boilers and machinery and paid into the Public Account amounted to £5,329 ss. The difference is caused by boiler-owners paying late fees ; and the cash actually received and paid into the Public Account for engine-drivers' application fees amounted to £631 os. 6d. for the financial year ended 31st March, 1903. This amount includes fees for certificates not yet issued. (c). Eeturn showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding and Traction and Locomotivee Engine-drivers, and to Steam-stationary-engine Drivers, during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903. Steam winding : Service 3, fees 7s. 6d. ; competency 26, fees, £13 : total fees, £13 7s. 6d. Traction and locomotive: Service 8, fees £1 ; competency 147, fees £73 10s.: total fees, £74 10s. Steam stationary: Service—First class 176, fees £22; second class 101, fees £12 12s. 6d. ; restricted second 2, fees 55.: total service, 279; total fees, £34 17s. 6d. Competency— Extra first class 7, fees £7 ; first class 148, fees £148; second class 357, fees £178 10s. : total competency, 512; fees, £333 10s. : total fees, £368 7s. 6d. Summary of certificates issued: Service —Steam winding, 3: traction and locomotive, 8; stationary, 279: total, 290; total fees, service, £36 ss. Competency—Steam winding, 26 ; traction and locomotive, 147 ; stationary, 512 : total, 685; total fees, competency, £420. Totals: Steam winding certificates, 29 ; fees, £13 7s. 6d. Traction and locomotive certificates, 155 ; fees, £74 10s, Stationary certificates, 791; fees, £368 7s. 6d. Total certificates, 975; total fees, £456 ss.

No. 2.—Eeturn of Defects found on inspection of boilers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903. Three hundred and eighty-eight defects were found out, of which forty-two were dangerous. Seventy-five defective fittings were found on inspection, of which five were dangerous.

No. 3.—Eeturn of Notices given to repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903. Three hundred and fifty-three notices were given to repair boilers, and include boilers of the following types : Cornish, Lancashire, marine, portable, multitubular, semiportable, semitubular, traction, water-tube, and vertical flue.

No. 4.—Eeturn of Notices given to fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c, during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903. One hundred and thirty notices were given to fence dangerous parts of machinery, including fly-wheels, gearing, spindles, emery-wheels, driving-belts, ends of shafts, scutchers, and pulleys. Examples of Notices given. Compensating ring round sludge-door in fire-box, also sludge-door in smoke-box to be made good. (Sawmill.) Driving-belts of both engines, and circular saw to be securely fenced, and loose pulley fitted to saw. (Sawmill.) Steel-wire rope for hoist to be renewed. (Grocers' hoist.) Machinery to be securely fenced by substantial fencing as pointed out. A stud to be fitted in the top part of the framework of the lower doorway. (Butcher's.) Machinery to be securely fenced by substantial fencing as pointed out when inspecting, also new and substantial lips, say, 9in. by 3 in., to be fitted in the scutcher with an opening of not more than ljin. (Plaxmill.)



No. 5. —Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ending 31st March, 1903.

Name and Address o( Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Date and N-tture Person injured. of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Satherley Bros., Appleby Aulsebrook and Co., Christchuroh C'laff-cutter .. George Neuman; ageci 29 Cocoa- nibbing Charles Savage; machine aged 14 12th April, 1902: j hand taken off 14th April, 1902: | ends of second | and third! fingers on left band crushed 30th April, 1902: crushed tip of left-hand forefinger 10th May, 1902: thumb on right hand crushed 28 th May, 1902: out forehead I Hand caught by a string, which drew it through the rollers. Tips of fingers were caught in mitrewheels. Robertson and Co., Phoenix Foundry, Wellington Planing-macbine .. E. Eothe ; aged 17 Allowed finger to rest on end of steamchest, which was caught by tool. W. Cable and Co., Foundry, Wellington W. Cable and Co., Foundry, Wellington John Overend, Rolleston Street,' Wellington Island Block Golddredging Company, Miller's Flat Overhead travelling- ! H. Evans ; aged crane 16 Thumb caught in cogs of travellingcrane through carelessness. Winch .. .. W. Johnston; aged 17 Struck on forehead by handle of winoh through carelessness. Briokmaking- i AUxander Milmaohine ler ; aged 26 5th June, 1902 : arm injured Arm caught in cog-wheels of briokmaohine. Steam-winch .. Harold Williams ; aged 24 5th July, 1902 : crushed foot Standing on winoh when stopped to free stern-line. Enough steam was left to cause engines to make several revolutions. Foot drawn in between cogwheels. Putting hand inside oylinder while boring and being caught by tool. Robertson and Co., Phoenix Foundry, Wellington S. Luke and Co., Engineers, Wellington Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited), Wealth of Nations Mine, Reefton Turning-lathe .. C. S. Newson aged 24 Lathe .. .. Foster M a ynard; aged 18 Cyanide-works .. |E iri ngton Castle ; aged 19 15th July, 1902 : thumb on right' hand crushed 14th August, I 1902 : finger caught by tool and top of finger taken off 28th August, 1902 : fracture of both bones of the arm below elbow, break above elbow, and thigh broken 6th September, 1902: foot crushed 11th September, 1902 : thumb on right hand orushed 15th September, 1902 : injury j to head His having accidentally set the lathe in motion. Making short-cut across shaft of tailingswheel. Long overcoat caught in ooupling and wound him round the shaft. Timpany Bros., Sawmillers, Invercargill Aulsebrook and Co., Christohurch Hauling-engine .. Michael Dooley; aged 22 Carelessness in placing his foot on eoleplate of engine, which was struck by crank. Neglected to stop chain when olearing away starch. Thumb caught between ohain and wheel. Starch-buck .. George Henry Roseberry Wright; aged 18 Lift .. .. ! John Chapman; aged 51 Griffin and Sons (Limited), Confectioners, Nelson Mahinapua Sawmilling Company, Lake Mahinapua John Hammett, 63, S e 1 w y n Street, Addington Herbert Gardiner, Irwell Lift well fenced, but overbalanced reaching over well and fell over. Caused through his own carelessness. Sawmill .. .. Bichard Thos. [ Webb ; aged 54 17th September, 1902 : injury in groin Piece of wood flew off saw and struck Webb in groin. Circular-saw .. William Sykes ; aged 22 17th September, 1902: two fingers out off Hand slipped off pieoe of wood he was cutting on to saw. Water-wheel .. John Edwards; aged 23 19th September, 1902 : left arm torn off above elbow 20th September, j 1902: two fingers taken off and one crushed 25th September, 1902:crushed foot 6th October, 1902: right hand cut off. 7th October, 1902: top of little finger on left hand crushed 9th Ootober, 1902 : face cut Well proteoted. Edwards went inside and laid over shaft while wheel in motion to pick up chain in the water, and his clothes became entangled. Cleaning engine. End of waste caught in cogs and drew in hand. Premier Gold- ! dredging Company, Bu Her River Prinoe of Wales' Dredging Company, Ross W. Collingwood, Kaimata, Inglewood Robertson and Co., Phoenix Foundry, Wellington Stationary engine .. | Thomas Powiok ; aged 59 Dredge .. .. William Murray ; aged 24 Placed foot on frame of winch, when drum, slowly revolving, caught hie foot. Put hand on feed-box while looking around, and got hand in press. Chaff-outter .. W. Col lingwood; aged 55 Lifting-tackle .. J. Prenderville ; aged 18 Taokle slipping, and he did not notioe that his hand was in danger. Greenstone Creek Gold - dredging Company, via Kuntara Dredge .. .. T. Reynolds; aged 38 Repairing bucket pin, when an iron bar slipped and caught Reynolds on the face.



No. 5.—Return of Accidents not Fatal— continued.

Xame and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of , Date and Nature Person injured. of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. i I Stratford, Blair, and Co., Sawmillers, Greymouth James Maca'ister, Invercargill Sieam-winoh William Oorkill; aged 40 23rd Ootober, 1902: right thumb orushed Hand caught in winch-cogs. Emery-wheel D. W. Hursthouse ; aged 24 24th Ootober, 1902 : top of thumb ground off 1st November, 1902: top of finger taken off 20th November, 1902 : finger crushed and amputated from first joint 3rd December, 1902 ; top of finger crushed 22nd December, 1902: left elbow wounded 6th January, 1903: loss of arm 7th January, 1903: belt breaking Holding washers in his hands instead of in tongs. W. Cable and Co., Foundry, Wellington S. Luke and Co., Engineers, Wellington Lathe R. Priddey ; aged 19 Carelessness. Drilling-machine .. N. A. McLean ; aged 18 Wiping cog-wheels of machine in motion unknown to fireman. W. Cable and Co., Foundry, Wellington Bowron and Butoher, Flaxmill, Tuhara L. E. A v e r y, Spring Grove, Nelson Pro use Bros., Timber-mer-chants, Wellington Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Lithe R. Flint, ]ud. ; aged 19 Carelessness. Stripper .. Nepia Pet a; aged 21 Cover of stripper fell on elbow and cut it. Planing-machino .. Leonard Fowler; aged 31 Accidentally placed his hand on the knives. Mould ing-machine David Chapman; aged 16 Belt-fastener struck Chapman on cheek ; flesh wound only. Caramel-machine .. Edith Rogerson ; aged 20 12tli January, 1903 : crushed and cut right hand 13 th January, 1903: lose of three fingers 21st January, 1903: three fingers crushed! eaoh 21st January, 1903: cut on smaljl finger right hand 2 8 th January, 1903: flesh taken off fingers 20;h February, 1903 : arm broken 24th February, 1903: nail taken off finReaching over machine with left hand while right hand was feeding the dough into the machine ; right hand oaught between the rollers. Lost his balance, and put out his hand to prevent falling; his hand was caught in the knives. Working filter-press. Fingers crushed between spur and pinion of closinggear, though warned not to put their hands on wheel. Hands slipped on to saw. Strand Bros., Builders, Lower Hutt Waihi Gold-min-ing Company, Waihi Planing-machine .. Edwin Sptlman Filter-press Breaking-down bench A. Strom, ag~d 36; and B. Oonnell, aged 40 D. Stewart ; aged 28 Chapman, O'Neil, and Co., Sawmillers, Waitaha W. Cable and Co., Foundry, Wellington Drilling-machine .. H. Huteheson; aged 21 Whilst drilling a flange the flange slipped, and his fingers were caught. Carelessness. J. K. Christenson, Butter-factory, Rockville W. Cable and Co., Foundry, Wellington • Force-pump George Rowe ; I aged 17 Trying to pull off belt while in motion. Sleeve caught, and arm was drawn in between belt and pulley. Carelessness. Emery stone J. Smith ; aged 17 Griffin and Sons (Limited), Biscuit, &c, Manufacturers, Nelson Aulsebrook and Co., Christohurch Dough-roller G e o r go Ruff; aged 22 ger 24th February, 1903: hand crushed slightly Hand drawn into rollers. Chocolate-refiner .. ' Alfred George Linu ; aged 22 26th February, 1903: fore-fin-ger left hand crushed in cog- w heel s and a mputated at second joint 26th February, 19 0 3: two fin gers left hand cut off, second finger at middle, third at first joint 8th Match, 1903: scalded face, neck, hands, and one foot Taking tin from under right-hand side of machine with left hand instead of right hand. A. H. Webb, Builder, Montreal Street, Sydenham Surface-planer William Webb; aged 19 Planing-wood slipped, and took his fin gers on to knife. Waimumu Golddredging Company (Limited), Dunedin Dredge W. White; aged 29 Taking off manhole-door of boiler before pressure was gone.



No. 6.—Return of Accidents which proved Fatal in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903.

No. 7. —Beturn of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from Ist April, 1902, to 31st March, 1903. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 45. John Hayes .. .. .. .. .. December 5, 1902. 46. William Stirling McDonald 47. Bernard William Shea .. .. .. .. March 31, 1903.

No. B.—Return of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1902, to 31st March, 1903. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue 1902. 1902. 235. Melbourne Parry .. .. May 24 249. John Rodden .. .. .. Dec. 5 236. Henry Smith .. .. 24 250. Albert Ernest Brown .. .. 5 237. William George Mutton .. .. ~24 251. Joseph Bolitho .. .. .. » 5 238. Alfred George Strong.. .. 24 252. Henry Brennan Kerr .. .. 5 239. Patrick Joseph McCarthy .. .. ~24 253. William Skinner Strongman .. „ 5 240. Patrick Meehan .. .. Aug. 25 254. Frederick James Tattley .. , 5 241. William Brentnall, jun. .. .. ~25 1903. 242. Matthew Jensen .. .. ~25 255. James Harrison.. .. .. Mar. 31 243. Arthur Henry Ellis .. .. „ , 25 256. Daniel Crawford .. .. „ 31 244. James Edward Morilleau .. .. „ ' 25 257. Alfred Henry Trembath .. .. ~31 245. Richard Edmond Verran .. 25 258. Walter Cressy .. .. .. ~ 31 246. William John Atherton .. .. Deo. 5 259. John Findlay .. .. .. ~31 247. John Meehan .. .. .. „ 5 260. Herbert Gebbie .. .. .. ~31 248. Michael Moye .. .. .. „ 5

Name and Address Description of of Owner. Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date and Nature of-Accident. Cause of Accident, and Bemarks. _ A. Wilson and A. Threshing-mill Morris, Mayfield Excelsior Gold- Winoh dredging Company, Dunedio Arthur Prisby ; 2nd April, 1902 aged 22 James Cum 2nd May, 1902 : mings ; ageo winch broke, 27 and fragment of pinion struck deceased on head Conrad Dender 10th June, 1902: aged 5 fractureof skull William Frede- 20th June, 1902 : rick Bishop ; right arm, aged 31 with flesh and muscles of chest, torn off, and scalp wound Peter Muller; 30th October, age 24 1902: right leg cut o ff at knee, and the other broken at ankle Frederick Cook; 18th November, aged 32 1902 : carried round shaft David Curtain ; 7th January, aged 50 1903:arm torn off, and internal injuries Ernest Bis- | 31st January, setto ; aged 1903: drawn 39 round shaft Leaning against wheel just before it was started. Breaking of intermediate pinion on winch. J.C. Dender, Porl Gas-engine Butcher, Pal merston North Champion Gold- Steam-dredge mini ng Company (Limited), Beaumont Caught by clothes on shaft of fly-wheel. Clothes caught by a stud alongside the bevel pinion that drives the screen and pulled in. Golden Glen Gold- Gold-dredge dredging Company, Roxburgh Log breaking under ladder upon which it was resting, deceased caught in coils of ladder which he was coiling. Tiratu Sawmills i Planing-maehine .. Company, Dannevirke Clayton and Co., i Grindstone Gisborne Apron caught on intermediate shaft going up a ladder, where he had no right. Handling belt while in motion; drawn " round shafting. J. A. McLachlan, Intermediate shaft crushing-plant, Greenhills, Otago Riddle Bros., Intermediate shaft Plaxmill, Waimahaka Trying to put belt on while in motion against orders. Henry Smith ; 26th February, aged 57 1903 : whirled round . shaft, striking joists, and then thrown down Shifting belt while in motion loosely clothed.



No. 9.—Betuen of Traction and Locomotive-engine Dbivebs to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from Ist April, 1902, to 31st March, 1903. No and Name of Person. Date of Isaue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue 1902. 1902. 538. John Darlington Asbury .. .. May 24 542. Charles Henriok John Schroder .. Aug. 25 539. Arthur Stewart .. .. » 24 543. George Herbert Mends .. .. Deo. 5 540. James Dunsrauir .. .. July 17 544. Angus McGarviok .. .. „ 5 541. Charles Edward Triokett .. .. ~17 545. Henry Hamilton .. .. „ 5

No. 10. Betubn of Traction and Locomotive-engine Drivebs to whom Cebtipicates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1902, to 31st March, 1903. No and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. 1902. 740. Robert Simmers, jun. .. .. May 24 814. Thomas Duncan McLaohlan .. Deo. 5 741. James Niool MoColl .. .. ~24 815. Alfred John Smith .. .. „ 5 742. Thomas Stevenson, jun. .. .. ~24 816. Robert Beattie .. 5 743. William John Coburn .. .. ~24 817. Michael Dermondy .. .. „ 5 744. Jacob Walter Manning .. .. ~24 818. John Howe .. .. 5 745. Edwin James Brogden .. .. ~24 819. John Michael Soannell .. .. „ 5 746. Albert Henry Kimber .. .. ~24 820. James Thomas .. .. .. „ 5 747. John Charles Lee .. .. ~24 821. Robert George Paul .. .. „ 5 748. Andrew Swanston, jun. .. .. ~24 822. Thomas Walsh .. .. .. „ 5 749. Robert Drury .. .. .. 24 823. William Wood Biddiok .. .. „ 5 750. Charles Bradley.. .. • • -,24 824. William Hamilton .. .. „ 5 751. Augustus Stevens Hioks .. .. ~24 825. James Francis Kearney .. .. „ 5 752. Alexander Leslie .. .. ~24 826. Hugh Robert Ledgerwood .. .. „ 5 753. William McDowell .. .. ~24 827. William Maroh .. .. 5 754. William Robertson .. .. ~24 828. William Meharry .. .. „ 5 755. Edward Turley .. .. • ■ ~24 829. Leonard Herbert Philpott .. .. „ 5 756. James Hogan .. .. .. ~24 830. Henry Planta Todd .. .. „ 5 757. Alfred Craig .. .. •■ ~24 831. Alfred Alexander Wilson .. .. „ 5 7581 Charles Herbert Bycroft .. .. ~24 832. Henry WiUiam Zimmerman .. „ 5 759. Henry Hurley .. .. . • ~24 833. Hilary Francis Maindonald .. „ 5 760 l Richard Lyons Roe .. .. 24 834. Patrick Burke .. .. .. „ 5 761. Arthur Edward Harold Freeth .. July 17 835. John Cooper .. .. 5 762. Hanibal Thomas .. .. ~17 836. Archibald Edwards .. .. „ 5 763. Andrew Fitzgerald .. .. ~17 837. David Frew .. .. .. „ 5 764. John Ivanhoe Hayman .. .. ~17 838. John King .. .. 5 765. George Arthur Ryde .. • • ~17 839. Angus Neil Matheson .. .. „ 5 766 William Speirs .. .. ■• ~17 840. Albert Richard James Melvin .. „ 5 7671 James Manchester .. .. ~17 841. Roderick McDonald .. .. „ 5 768. Henry Caleb Kilgour .. .. ~17 842. James King Molntosh .. .. „ 5 769. Edward Michael Quinn .. .. ,17 843. Alexander McKay ~ .. „ .5 770. James Douglas Falconer .. .. Aug. 25 844. Hugh McKav .. .. ..„ 5 771. Gilbert McKay.. .. •• ~25 845. James Proudfoot .. .. „ 5 772! Norman George Green .. .. 25 846. James Hay Sceel .. .. „ 5 773. James Greenaway .. .. ~25 847. Peter Abernethy .. .. „ 5 774. Edward Jasper Levett .. .. ~25 848. James Henry Craig .. .. „• 5 775 Frank Newman Dixon .. .. ~25 849. William Kay .. .. ..„ 5 776. James Henry Naylor .. .. ~25 850. Henry John Charles King .. .. „ 5 777. John Henry Timms .. ■ • 25 851. David Henry Madill .. .. „ 5 778. John Anderson .. .. .. „ 25 1903. 779. Stephen Thompson .. .. ~25 852. Herbert Dutton Powdrell .. .. Mar. 31 780 l William Williams .. .. 25 853. James Leander Poulter .. .. 31 781 l Leonard Thomas Woodfleld .. 25 854. Percy Edge .. .. .. ~31 782 James Walker Strachan .. .. 25 855. Albert Hadley .. .. ~31 783 Andrew Albert Morris .. .. ~25 856. William Thomas Sadd .. .. ~31 784 Reginald Cameron .. • ■ ~25 857. William Reginald Sadgrove .. ~31 785 Robert Geddes .. .. 25 858. William Lewis Lnxford .. .. ~31 786' Duncan Turner McPhedran .. ,25 859. William Robert Aicken .. .. ~31 787' Frederick James Wooffindin .. ~25 860. Douglas Henry Shortcliffe Booth .. ~31 788' Walter Henry Batchelor .. .. ~25 861. James Bowring; .. .. .. ~31 789 S umiel Robinson .. .. ~25 862. John Carson .. .. 31 790' William Henry Collis .. .. ~25 863. Thomas William Griffin .. .. ~31 791' George David Nairn Glover.. .. ~25 864. David Ledgerwood .. .. ~31 792 Kennard Richers Snowden.. .. ~25 865. John Winter .. .. .. ~31 793' John A.tken .. .. .. „ 25 866. Frederick Holland .. .. ~31 794 George Victor Cross .. .. ~25 867. William Bruoe .. .. 31 795 Diederick Gerken .. .. „ 25 868. John Talbot Byers .. .. ~31 796 Alexander Rankin Jenkins .. .. ~25 869. John Fowler, jun. .. .. ~31 797' Alexander McKinnon .. .. ~25 870. Andrew Frame .. .. .. 31 798' Henry Payne .. .. .. ~25 871. Patrick Ledingham .. .. ~31 799' William Robertson .. .. .25 872. William Forbes .. .. .. „ 31 800 Thomas Neil .. .. • • ~25 873. Richard Bunton.. .. .. ~31 80l' James Patrick Ryan .. .. ~25 874. David William Maslin .. .. ~31 BO'> Robert Wylie .. .. .. „ 25 875. Robert Watson Mclntosh .. .. ~31 803 William John Ledgerwood .. .. Dec. 5 876. James Hart Smith .. .. ~31 804. Gilbert Huston .. .. .. „ 5 877. Louis Walker .. .. .. ~31 805 Thomas Henry Love .. .. „ 5 878. James Ritchie Williams .. .. ~31 806' Esau Lee .. .. „ 5 879. Charles Leslie Grant .. .. ~31 BO7' John Ruff .. .. .. „ 5 880. Philip John Dare .. .. ~31 808' John Smith .. .. .. „ 5 881. Edward Thorneycroft Frost .. „ 31 809' Fdward Williams .. .. ~ 3 882. Charles Alexander Brown Stewart .. ~31 8 iol Ernest Bezar .. .. .. „ 5 883. Roby Brighouse .. .. .. ~31 811 William James Lewis .. .. „ 5 884. Robert Henry Witt .. .. ~31 812. William MoLeod Ross .. .. „ 5 885. John Cuff ;;*»•,-" " " -} 813. Michael Healey.. ~ ~ „ 5 886. William George McDonald .. .. ~31 2—H. 15a.


No. 11. —Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from Ist April, 1902, to 31st March, 1903. No and Name of Person. Date of Issue. | No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. 1902. 1382. Walter Woodgrove Platt .. .. May 24 ■ "1471. Boland Thomas White .. .. Aug. 25 1383. Alexander Louden .. .. 24 1472. John Gowans .. .. •■ Dec 5 1384. George Paradise Nash .. .. ~24 1473. Wallace Greenhalgh .. .. . 5 1385. James George Olson .. .. ~24 1474. John Hayes .. .. .. „ 5 1386. Ole Anderson .. .. .. ~24 1475. Francis Henry.. .. •■ ~ 5 1387. Horatio Dixon .. .. .. ~24 1476. Hugh Munro .. .. .. „ 5 1388. Richard William Girven .. .. ~24 1477. Donald Mclntosh .. •■ » 5 1389. Arthur Lambert Dowden .. .. ~24 1478. Richard Page .. .. .. „ 5 1390. Arthur Harman .. .. 24 1479. John Samuel Robertson .. .. ~ 5 1391. Henry Reade Hodding .. .. ~24 1480. James Whyte .. .. .. „ 5 1392. Frank Lewis Harrison .. .. ~24 1481. Alexander Coutts .. • • ~ >> 1393. William Delahoyde .. .. 24 \ 1482. Henry Dustin .. .. .. .■ 6 1394. James Grimvvood .. .. ~24 1483. William Howley Entwistle .. ~ 5 1395. Edward Francis Kelly .. .. 24 ! 1484. Hugh Faulds .. .. .. „ 5 1396. Peter McLennan .. .. 24 i 1485. Kobert Flint .. .. .. „ 5 1397. William Frederick Rankin .. „ 24 j 1486. Augustus Stevens Hicks .. .. „ 5 1398. John Symon .. .. .. 24 1487. Gordon Hughan .. .. „ 5 1399. Charles Albert Thiede .. .. 24 I 1488. James Hur.ter .. .. .. » 5 1400. Frank Oldham White .. .. 24 1489. Michael John Mulholland .. „ 5 1401. John Thow .. .. .. 24 \ 1490. Robert, Robertson .. .. ~ 5 1402. James Graeme Adair .. .. ~24 1491. James Roy .. .. .. „ 5 1403. George Anderson .. .. ~24 1492. Andrew Wynd .. .. .. „ 5 1404. John Charles Theyers .. .. ~24 1493. William Bringans .. .. ~ 5 1405. Hugh Blaikie Rops Orozier .. ~24 1494. John Buchanan .. ..' ,- 5 1406. William Cowan Jamieson .. .. „ 2-1 1495. William James Dickens .. .. ~ 6 1407. Walter Ernest Potts .. .. ~24 1496. David Hepburn .. • • „ 5 1408. John Telford .. .. .. ~24 1497. Edward Hughes .. .. „ 5 1409. Peter Wilson .. .. .. ~24 1498. Joshua Mallett .. •• . 5 1410. Alexander Richard McNeil .. ~24 1499. Frederick William Meikle.. .. „ 5 1411. Thomas Andrew Simpson .. .. ~24 1500. John Harold Moody .. .. ~ 5 1412. Thomas Hartley .. .. ~24 1501. John Ovens .. .. .. » 5 1413. Sidney Charles Fache .. .. .24 150 J. Charles Treaton Price .. .. ~ 5 1414. Charles George Langham .. .. ~24 1503. Williaui Shiel .. .. .. „ 5 1415. Wil iam Henry Hughes .. .. 24 1504. Edwin Mugford Stentiford .. „ 5 1416. Charles Alexander Hudson .. ~24 1505. Joseph Bradeock .. .. ~ 5 1417. William David Jones .. .. ~24 1506. Harry Howard Gould .. . „ 5 1418. George Guild .. .. .. ~24 1507. Sydney Rich irds .. .. „ 5 1419. Woolsey Allen, jun. .. .. July 17 1508. Thomas George Smith .. .. ~ 5 1420. John Austin .. .. .. ~17 1509. Otto .. .. ~ 8 1421. William Thomas Barnsdale .. „ 17 1510. Edward Joun Hill .. .. „ 3 1422. Francis Falconer .. .. ~17 1511. Herbert Douglas Knight .. .. » 5 1423. Edward Holland .. .. „ 17 1512. Andrew Ernest Kunabs .. .. „ 5 1424. Jamis Christie Knowles .. .. „ 17 1513. R ibert David Gilmour Smith .. ~ 5 1425. Francis William Mowatt .. .. ~17 1514: Frank Ro'iert Brown .. .. „ 5 1426. William Henry Rodgers .. .. ~17 1515. John Schnles .. .. .. „ 5 1427. George Wallace .. .. ~17 1516. Edward Albert Williams .. .. » 5 1428. William West .. .. ~17 1517. Turnwell de Pringle Turner .. „ 5 1429. Edward White .. .. ~17 1518. Frank John Junker .. .. „ 5 1430. James Dunsmuir .. .. ~17 1519. Jolrn MeCortnick .. .. « 5 1431. Frederick Hill .. .. ~17 1520. Michael O'Halleran .. .. „ 5 1432. Jonas Nordloff .. .. ,17 1521. Joshua Han is .. .. .. . 5 1433. Herbert Arthur Boddington .. „ 17 1522. Francis Jones .. .. .. „ 5 1434. Edward Canavan .. .. ~17 1523. John Martam Nicolas Frater .. ~ 5 1435. Eugene Joseph Dramn .. .. ~17 1524. Michael Linigan .. .. ~ 5 1436. August Anton Lanppe .. .. ~17 1525. Adolphus John Park .. .. » 5 1437. Stephen W. sterman .. .. ~17 1526. Andrew Provan .. .. „ 5 1438. James Brown .. .. .. ,17 1527. Charles Tills .. .. 5 1439. Alfred John Morrow .. .. ,17 1528. E1 ward Hail Watson .. .. „ 5 1440. Donald Anderson Whyte .. .. ~17 1529. Edward Austin .. .. ~ 5 1441. James Brown .. .. .. ~17 1530. Percy Artuur Nield .. .. ~ 5 1442. Edward Caspar .. .. ~17 1531. George Plank .. .. .. „ 5 1443. John Jelly Halliday .. .. ~17 1532. John Morgan .. .. .. „ 5 1444. Alexander Campbell Perkins .. ~17 1533. John Luck .. .. .. „ 5 1445. John Alexander Wilson .. .. ~17 1903. 1446. Ewen McGregor .. .. ~17 1534. George Alfred King Ansell .. Mar. 31 1447. Cornelius Stubbs .. ... 17 1535. Nicolai Jacob Nilsen .. .. ~31 1448. John William Proctor .. .. 17 1536. Peter Rentoul .. .. .. 31 1449. Anhur Nathaniel Elliott .. .. ~17 1537. Jacob Eckhoff Simmers .. .. ~31 1450. Heotor McKenzie .. .. ~17 1538. John Vickerstafi .. .. 31 1451. Robert Archibald Crook .. .. 17 1539. George Parker .. .. .. ~31 1452. John Fraser .. .. .. Aug. 25 1540. Hugh Rooney .. .. .. 31 1453. Ralph Nield .. .. .. ~25 1541. Samuel Edgar Fraser .. .. .31 1454. Sidney Smith .. .. .. ~25 1542. Henry Hartley.. .. .. ~31 1455. William White .. .. ~25 1543. John O'Donohue .. .. 31 1456. John Walker .. .. .. ~25 1544. Norman Kenneth Sligo .. .. ~31 1457. Hugh Nelson .. .. .. ~25 1545. Richard Williams .. .. ~31 1458. Bernard Olof Anderson .. .. „ 25 1546. John Brokenshire .. .. ~31 1459. Ewen Butler .. .. .. ~25 1547. Robert Ross McDonald .. .. ~31 1460. Alonzo Thomas Deer .. .. ~25 J. 548. Arthur Bishop .. .. .. ~31 1461. George Easterbrook, jun. .. .. 25 1549. Joseph Henry George Davis .. ~31 1462. William Kitto, sen. .. .. ~25 1550. Joseph Barlow Copeland .. .. ~31 1463. Henry William Hales .. .. ~25 1551. William Langley Montague .. ~31 1464. John Moodie .. .. .. 25 1552. John Hume .. .. .. ~31 1465. Albion Edgar Charles Newick .. „ 25 1553. Alexander Johnston .. .. 31 1466. John Augustine Roggiero .. .. ~25 1554. John Robert Lindsay .. .. ~31 1467. Henry James Bright .. .. ~25 1555. Daniel James Mclntoßh .. .. ~31 1468. Hugh Campbell .. .. ~25 1556. John MoAlpine .. .. ~31 1469. Alexander Low .. .. ~25 1557. Richmond Frederick Wilson .. „ 31 1470. Dalton William Gambrill .. .. 25



No. 12. —Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from Ist April, 1902, to 31st March, 1903. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. 1902. 688. John Docherty .. .. .. May 24 739. Archibald Steel .. .. .. Aug. 25 689. Denis Kelly .. .. .. 24 i 740. Charles Palmer .. .. .. ~25 690. Henry Harold Batohelor .. .. 24 741. Ernest John Wotton .. .. 25 691. William Francis Hallina .. .. ~24 742. Henry Norris .. .. .. ~25 692. John Price .. .. .. ~24 743. Joseph Alexander Bower .. .. Dec. 5 693. John Kelly .. .. .. ~24 744. William Edlund.. .. .. „ 5 694. David Scott Bobertson .. .. ~24 745. John Gibbs .. .. .. „ 5 695. Samuel Manson .. .. .. ~24 746. Alexander Parker .. .. , 5 696 John Crawley .. .. .. 24 747. Samuel Phillips.. .. .. „ 5 697. Frederick Robins .. .. ~24 748. Eli Strawbridge .. .. .. „ 5 698. Edward Tovey .. .. .. ~24 749. Alfred Turner .. .. ... 5 699. Alexander Low .. .. .. 24 750. Frank Walker .. .. .. „ 5 700. Harry Child .. .. .. July 17 751. Joseph Walker .. .. 5 701. James Flowers .. .. .. ~17 752. Ernest Percy Fowler .. .. „ 5 702. Thomas Huckstep .. .. ~17 753. Christopher McDowell .. .. „ 5 703. Albert Muctagh .. .. .. 17 754. Frederick William Sohmetzer . . „ 5 704. Frederick Abiathar McAlpine .. „ 17 755. Frederick Harold Williams .. „ 5 705. Herbert Ernest Smith .. .. ~17 756. George William Hunter .. .. „ 5 706. Ernest Arthur Whittle .. .. ~17 757. Thomas Egerton .. .. „ 5 707. Martin Joseph Johanson .. .. ~17 758. James Guyton .. .. .. „ 5 708. Henry Lane .. .. .. ~17 759. James Hart .. .. .. „ 5 709. James Riordan .. .. .. ,17 760. Joseph Coulthard .. .. „ 5 710. Thomas Collings.. .. .. 17 761. Francis George Laurie .. .. „ 5 711. George Edward Ormond .. .. ~17 762. Peter Murray .. .. 5 712. Charles Edward Robins .. .. 17 763. James Strickett .. .. .. „ 5 713. William Henry Robins .. .. ~17 764. John Walter Longman .. .. „ 5 714. Walter Edwards.. .. .. ~17 765. George Williams .. .. „ 5 715. Edward Evans .. .. .. 17 766. John Adams .. .. .. „ 5 716. Wilfrid Henry Norris .. .. .17 767. James Dickson .. .. 5 717. John Gray .. .. .. ~17 768. William Murphy .. .. „ 5 718. Frank Cameron .. .. .. ~17 769. David Walsh .. .. .. , 5 719. Charles James Jackson .. .. ,17 770. John Carroll .. .. .. „ 5 720. John Maddock Kinaston .. .. 17 771. Alonzo Robert Kite Blinkhorne .. „ 5 721. John Shields .. .. .. ,17 772. Bertie Maitland .. .. ... „ 5 722. Alexander Stevenson .. ... ~17 773. John Butler .. .. .. „ 5 723. Sydney Terry .. .. .. ~17 774. Olof Magnus .. .. .. „ 5 724. Gustav Tetzlaff .. .. .. ~17 775. Joseph John Gyde .. .. „ 5 725. Richard Grose Varcoe .. .. ~17 776. Thomas Littleboy .. .. „ 5 726. John Andrews .. .. .. ~17 1903. 727. James Hislop .. .. .. ,17 777. Frederick Flan .. .. .. March 31 728. Albert Labes .. .. .. ~17 778. Shepley Hill .. .. .. ~31 729. Robert Marchbank .. .. ~17 779. Robert Kyle .. .. .. ~31 730. George Duthie Ritchie .. .. 17 780. Thomas Mcllroy .. .. ~31 731. Charles Ciark .. .. .. Aug. 25 781. George Holland .. .. .. ~31 732. Henry Ambrose Kitchen .. .. ~25 782. Charles Ferguson .. .. ~31 733. John Stuart .. .. .. 25 783. August Petersen .. .. ~31 734. John Alexander Thorburn .. .. ~25 784. Frederick Eiffelbein .. .. ~31 735. John Baker Thornton .. .. ~25 785. Ambrose George Burt .. .. ~31 736. John Brown .. .. .. 25 786. Samuel Flaharty .. .. 31 737. Edward Carter .. .. .. ~25 787. Julius Frederick Steenberg.. .. „ 81 738. James Leiland Gardner .. .. ~25 788. Benjamin Exell .. .. ~31

No. 13.—Return of Restricted Second-class Engine-drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from 1st April, 1902, to 31st March, 1903. No and Name of Person. Date of Issue, i No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue 1902. 1903. 1. Robert William Bdgeworth.. .. Dec. 5 l 3. Archibald Whiteford .. ... Maroh 31

No. 14.—Return of Extra First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1902, to 31st March, 1903. No and Name of Person Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. 1902. 12. Joseph Hopkirk .. .. .. May 24 16. Albert John Daniel .. .. Dec. 5 13. William Earnshaw, jun. .. .. Aug. 25 17. Robert Walker .. .. 5 14. William Hay .. .. .. „ 25 1903. 15. Robert Beok .. .. 25 18. John Buchanan .. .. .. March 31




No. 15. —Betukn of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1902, to 31st March, 1903. No. and Name ol Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. 1902 - --162. Edward Looney, jun. .. .. May 24 " 237. James Wilson MoKirdy .. ■• Deo. 5 163. Francis Clark .. .. , 24 238. John Meehan .. .. 5 164. Marston Colbeck Cuff .. .. ~24 239. Michael Moye .. .. ... 5 165. Henry Irvine .. .. .. ~24 240. John Robertson Simpaon .. . • „ 5 166. George Hardwiok Matterson .. ~24 241. William Herbert Thompson .. ~ 5 167. Richard James Murphy .. .. ~24 212. Robert Douglas Cox .. ■• „ 5 168. William Smaill .. .. .. 24 243. Alfred Marshall .. .. ... 0 169. Edward Martin Edkins .. .. ~24 244. John James Thompson .. .. ~ 5 170. Joseph Oliver .. .. .. ,24 245. Harold Willoughby Hoisted .. ~ 5 171. Stephen Tankersley .. .. ~24 246. William Lawrence Riordan .. ~ 5 172. Arthur Edward Sp'ooner .. .. 24 247. Thomas Christian Prank .. .. ~ 5 173. John Philip Hewitt .. .. ~24 248. James Joseph Mohan .. .. ~ 5 174. Rudolf Hindenach .. .. ~24 249. Robert Colligan.. .. .. ~ o 175. George Henry Baird .. .. 24 250. Charles Edward Clark .. .. ,- & 176. Robert William Barr .. .. ~24 251. Charles William Robinson.. .. „ 5 177. Graham Duncan .. .. ~24 252. Ernest Schafer .. .. .. „ 5 178. Herbert Ellis Duncan .. .. ~24 253. Alexander Reid .. .. .. . 5 179. Frank Finlay Keam .. .. ,24 254. Adam William Maclarn .. .. . 5 180. John Alexander Milne .. .. ~24 255. Arthur James Parker .. .. „ 5 181. Edward George Silk .. .. ~24 256. John George Snow .. .. ~ 5 182. James Young AUxander .. .. ~24 257. David Bruce .. .. .. „ 5 183. Walter Edwin Hughes .. .. ~24 258 Edward Allan Thomson .. .. „ 5 184. William Thwaites .. .. ~24 259. Peter Heywood Thomson .. .. . 5 185. Harry Etches Wilson .. .. ~24 260. Charles Edgar Wetherilt .. .. ~ 5 186. Edwin Smallman .. .. 24 261. Valentine Barrett .. .. „ 5 187. David Leach, jun. .. .. ,24 262. Henry Michael Dixon .. .. ~ 5 188. Harold William Mason .. .. ,24 263. George Moon, jun. .. .. , 5 189. George Morrison .. .. ~24 264. William Rose McKenzie .. .. „ 5 190. Francis William McCowan.. .. , 24 | 265. Ernest Samuel Smart .. .. ~ 5 191. Thomas Schofield .. .. ~24 266. Collin Threlkeld .. .. „ 5 192. James Alexander Robertson .. ~24 267. John Wallace .. .. .. „ 5 193. Thomas Leahy Begg .. .. July 17 268. Ernest Stoney Lewis Allan.. .. „ 5 194. Malcolm Archibald MacGoun .. ~17 269. Henry Joseph Boardman .. .. ~ 5 195. James Gillies Mcllraith .. .. ~17 270. Charles Olof Marklund .. .. „ 5 196. Daniel Joseph Kelleher .. .. ~17 271. John Mattson .. .. .. „ 5 197. Edgar Nelson .. .. .. ,17 272. Alfred Suter .. .. .. „ 5 198. William John Sweetman .. .. ~17 273. Albert White .. .. .. „ 5 199. Austin Frederick Warner .. .. ~17 1- 903---200. John Peter Everard Wick .. .. ~17 274. William Marslin .. .. Mar. 31 201. William Burns Souter Lindsay .. ~17 275. Robert Houliston .. .. ,31 202. Thomas Hugh Latimer .. .. ~17 276. David Dunwoodie .. .. ~31 203. Hugh McKay .. .. .. Aug. 25 277. Harry Ross Dix.. .. .. ~31 204. Frederick Gould Bale Sanders .. „ 25 I 278. Peter Duncan Russell .. .. ~31 205. Victor Alexander .. .. „ 25 [ 279.' James William Smith .. .. ~31 206. Alfred Edward Morgan .. .. 25 j 280. Alfred James Border .. .. ~31 207. Leonard Douglas Seldon Dale .. „ 25 281. Albert Errington Exley .. ... ~31 208. Edward Duckworth .. .. ~25 282. Harold Kemp .. .. .. ~31 209. Levi James .. .. .. ,25 283. Edward Barry .. .. .. ~31 210. David Richmond Fisher .. .. ,25 284. Samuel Pizzey .. .. .. ,31 211. James William Hamilton .. .. ,25 285. George Lindsay .. .. .. ~31 212. John Chantrey Woodward .. .. „ 25 286. Michael Francis Enright .. .. „ 3L 213. Thomas Stevenson, jun. .. .. ,25 287. Samuel Ernest Hubbard .. .. ,31 214. Norvle Butler Brown .. .. ~25 288. David Smith Jolly .. .. ~31 215. Norman Morris Russell .. .. ,25 289. James Holmes Straw .. ... „ 31 216. John Frederick Doull .. .. .25 290. Harry Graham Lever .. .. ,31 217. Henry Kenningham .. .. ,25 291. Frank Leonard East .. .. ,31 218. Preston Henry Hulton Harold Webber „ 25 292. John Alexander Stewart Aitken .. ,31 219. Jeremiah Bernie .. .. ,25 293. William Johnston .. .. ~31 220. John Duncan .. .. .. ,25 294. Jamee Mathieson .. .. ~31 221. Walter George Fraser .. .. ,25 295. Maloolm James McDonald.. .. ~ 31 222. Harry David Meßobbie James .. „ 25 296. Robert Frederick Hinton Aldworth .. „ 31 223. William Steele Kay .. .. ,25 297. Vincent Philip Aylward .. .. ~31 224. John Kelly .. .. .. ,25 298. Stanley Howard Empson .. .. ~31 225. Joel Barnett Moss .. .. ,25 299. Cecil Houghton .. .. .. ~31 226. Arthur Norman Wakefield .. .. ,25 300. Harry Tillman .. .. 31 227. Thomas Walker.. .. .. ,25 301. Reginald Seymour Williams .. ~31 228. Frederick Charles Davys .. .. ,25 302. Frederick Wolff.. .. .. ~31 229. Thomas Matthew Snow .. .. ~25 303. Walter Hugh Rudkin .. .. ,31 230. George William Bassett Martin .. ,25 304. John McArthur .. .. .. ,31 231. John James Vincent .. .. Deo. 5 305. Samuel Diokson .. .. ,31 232. Frank Jacobs .. .. .. „ 5 306. Philip George Marshall .. .. ,31 233. Joseph Henry Cronin .. .. „ 5 307. John Mcßean .. .. .. ,31 234. Alexander Collie .. .. „ 5 308. Thomas Patrick Walshe .. .. ,31 235. Emil Johannes Johansson .. .. „ 5 309. Allan Clyde Dickie .. .. ,31 236. William Kane .. .. 5



No. 16.—Retuen of Second-class Stationaby-engine Deivees to whom Cebtificates of Competency have been gkanted from Ist April, 1902, to 31st March, 1903. No. and Name of Person Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of lESue. 1902. 1902. 588. John Albert Irwin Pearson.. .. May 24 676. Andrew Lawson .. .. Aug. 25 589. Frank Augustus Pearce .. .. ~'24 677. James Maokie .. .. .. ~25 590. Samuel Bowman .. .. ~24 678. Henry Olson .. .. .. ~25 591. Charles Robert Hyde .. .. ~24 679. John Rickard, jun. .. .. ~25 592. George Horatio Kent .. .. 24 680. Alexander Charles Ross .. .. ~25 593. Thomas McLachlan .. .. ~24 681. John Simpson .. .. .. ,25 594. Alexander Reid .. .. ~24 682. William Thomas Taylor .. .. ~25 595. Walter Blackie .. .. .. ~24 683. Frank Charlton .. .. ~25 596. Thomas Falconer .. .. ~24 684. George Augustus Parrant .. .. ~25 597. Robert Hutton, jun. .. .. ~24 685. George Ross .. .. .. ~25 598. James Mclntosh .. .. ~24 686. Henry Edward Roberts .. .. ~25 599. Frederick Pearce .. .. ~24 687. John Rainforth .. .. .. ~25 600. James Sawers .. .. .. ~24 688. Hugh Joseph Sullivan .. .. ~25 601. William Shaw .. .. .. ~24 689. Arnold Septimus Staples .. .. ~25 602. John Law Smail .. .. ~24 690. William Ever Lange Langeson .. „ 25 603. Henry Smith .. .. .. ~24 691. Henry Blackmore .. .. ~25 604. John Alexander Stewart .. .. 24 692. Charles Elliott Layers .. .. 25 605. Thomas James Sherwood .. .. ~24 693. Adolf Otto Christian Poulsen .. 25 606. Robert Wright Todd .. .. ~24 694. Alfred James Shaw .. .. ~25 607. Emil Haming Johanson .. .. ~24 695. James Black .. .. .. ~25 608. William Lawson .. .. ~24 696. Alfred Brook .. .. .. ~25 609. Valdemar Axel Victor Winge .. ~24 697. Irwin Clearwater .. .. ~25 610. James Haswell Wood .. .. ~24 698. Arohibald Dickson .. .. ~25 611. Robert Barber .. .. .. ~24 699. Donald Henry .. .. .. ~25 612. Stephen Beer .. .. .. ~24 700. Duncan Charles Patrick Macarthur .. „ 25 613. James Breen .. .. .. ~24 701. Donald McKercher McDonald .. ~25 614. John Elder Gallic .. .. ~24 702. William Carson Patterson .. .. ~25 615. William Gunn .. .. .. ~24 703. Joseph Frederick William Roggiero .. „ 25 616! Henry Francis Kitto .. .. ~24 704. Neil Shaw .. .. .. „ 25 617. James Henderson Moir .. .. ~24 705. Charles Stevenson .. .. ~25 618. Donald McLeori Munn .. .. ~24 706. Charles McLaren Turnbull.. .. ~25 619. James Arthur Shirley .. .. ~24 707. Wallace Williamson .. .. ~25 620. William Stewart .. .. ~24 708. Charles William Stuart .. .. 25 621. John Young Thomson .. .. 24 709. Peter Andrew Thomas Webb .. „ 25 622. Peter Walker, jun. .. .. ~24 710. Robert William Moffitt .. .. ~25 623. Edmund Thomas Russell .. .. ~24 711. Albert Ernest Quertier .. .. ~25 624. William Tom Cooke .. .. ~24 712. Herbert Beynon Morris .. .. ~25 625. Frank Harrison .. .. ~24 713. Albert Edney Briggs .. .. ~25 626. William Brand .. .. .. ~24 714. William Alexander Nicholson .. „ 25 627. Albert Edward Gulliver .. .. ~24 715. Walter Aldiidge Gower .. .. ~25 628. Albert Charles Hill .. .. ~24 716. Frederick John Carnie .. .. ~25 629. Timothy Jones .. .. .. ~24 717. Charles Christopher Davia .. .. ~25 630. Ernest Munns .. .. .. ~24 718. Hugh Duffin .. .. .. ~25 631. Stuart Murphy .. .. ~24 719. Edward Thorneycroft Frost .. „ 25 632. William George Pearce .. .. ~24 720. John Owen Gardner .. .. 25 633. Charles Frederick William Walloscheck „ 24 721. Charles Henry Kirk .. .. ~25 634. Peroy Clifton Firth .. .. ~24 722. Thomas Long .. .. .. ~25 635. Charles Angus Shaw .. .. ~24 723. Frank Tufnell .. .. .. „ 25 636. Robert Buyers Haswell .. .. ~24 724. Franklin Henry Walker .. .. ~25 637. Francis McGowan .. .. ~24 725. Frank William Shultz .. .. ~25 638. George Arthur Tegg .. .. ~24 726. Robert Aitken Henderson .. .. ~25 639. Albert James Gallichan .. .. July 17 727. James Strang Paget .. .. ~25 640. Richard Twort .. .. .. 17 728. Alfred Sutton .. .. .. ~25 641. Donald Duncan .. .. ~17 729. William Webb .. .. .. „ 25 642. Henry Neale' .. .. ~17 730. August Richard William Boenicke .. „ 25 643. Gabriel Knudsen .. .. ~17 731. Alexander Edwards .. .. ~25 644. William Martin Collins .. .. ~17 732. Norman Marsh Elder .. .. ~25 645. John Stuart Dillon .. .. ~17 733. Thomas Ryan Jones .. .. ~25 646. Stanley Richardson Jaokson .. „ 17 734. William John McCulloch .. .. ~25 647. Alexander John Malcolm .. .. ~17 735. William McKegg .. .. ~25 648. Henry Sargent .. .. .. ~17 736. Andrew McKenzie .. .. ~25 649. James Daniel Discaciati .. .. ~17 737. John Macpherson .. .. ~25 650. Hugh Gilmer .. .. .. 17 738. James Scott .. .. .. ~25 651. John Hansbury .. .. .. ~17 739. Robert Carr Scott .. .. ~25 652. Joseph William Hansbury .. .. ~17 740. John Thomas Weatherall .. .. ~25 653. Robert Houliston, jun. .. .. ~17 741. John William Grant Mclntyre .. ~25 654. William Edwin Kennard .. .. ~17 742. William Bond .. .. .. ~25 655. James Ruthven.. .. .. ~17 743. Simon Fraser, juc. .. .. Dec. 5 656. Richard Williams .. .. ~17 744. Llewellyn Lloyd Blake .. .. „ 5 657. Albert Edward Wick .. .. ~17 745. William Henry Harkless Bunting .. „ 5 658. Joseph Dudley Raine .. .. 17 i 746. Andrew Melville .. .. „ 5 659. James Pearoe .. .. .. 17 j 747. James Middleton Taylor .. .. „ 5 660. Alexander Leitch .. .. ~17 748. Edward Cranage Goodson .. .. „ 5 661. James Pike Gage .. .. ~17 749. Charles Lewis Luke .. .. „ 5 662. Robert Glen .. .. .. ~17 750. Albert Ernest Meachen .. .. „ 5 663. James Geaney .. .. .. „ 17 751. James Smith .. .. „ 5 664. John William Horrack .. .. 17 752. Cara Pacey Dugdale .. .. „ 5 665. Andrew Potts .. .. .. 17 753. Fred. Harrison .. .. 7. „ 5 666. Edward James Butoher .. .. ~17 754. Sidney Clayton .. . .. .. „ 5 667. Michael Connors .. .. ~17 755. Samuel Alexander Lyttle .. .. „ 5 668. John Cargan .. .. .. 17 756. Alexander Mackie .. .. „ 5 669. Norman Mabin .. .. .. 17 757. Riohard Andrews .. .. „ 5 670. Stephen White .. .. .. ~17 758. Thomas Stevenson Drake .. .. „ 5 671. Bernard Ambrose Rogers .. .. 17 759. John Jarvie Gillies .. .. „ 5 672. Edward Milton Doree .. .. Aug. 25 760. Ernest Henry Runnerstrum .. „ 5 673. Aquila William Pearce .. .. ~25 761. James Arthur Adams .. .. ~5 674. Henry Ernest Harvey .. .. ~25 762. John Niohol Elliot .. .. „ 5 675. Aliste'r Harry Hunt .. .. 25 j 763. William McKay .. .. „ 5


No. 16.-—Eetuen of Second-class Stationary-engine Dbivebs —Competency— continued. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. 1902. 764. William James Barclay .. .. Dec. 5 855. George William Wallace .. .. Dec. 5 765. Joseph Rumble .. .. .. „ 5 -856. Thomas Cook .. .. 5 766. Thomas Walton Brown .. .. „ 5 857. Joseph Mitchell, juo. .. .. „ 5 767. Hugh Cameron Christie .. .. „ 5 858. William Alfred Body .. .. , 5 768. William Robert Robertson.. .. „ 5 1903. 769. John James Walker .. .. „ 5 859. Robert Weir .. .. .. Mar. 31 770. James Blaokwood Arnott .. .. „ 5 860. Archibald Arrol Stewart .. .. ~31 771. John Watson Coulson .. .. „ 5 861. William Weaver .. .. ~31 772. William Holloway .. .. „ 5 862. Thomas Francis Turner .. .. ~31 773. William Gunn .. .. 6 863. John Joseph McDonnell .. .. 31 774. William James Pearson .. .. „ 5 864. Thomas Edward Donovan .. .. ~31 775. John May .. .. 5 865. Owen O'Neill .. .. .. ~31 776. Benjamin Hansen „ 5 866. Henry Bunn .. .. .. ~31 777. Daniel Kane .. .. .. „ 5 867. Thomas Farish .. .. .. ,31 778. Robert Bruce .. .. .. „ 5 868. James Thomas Young .. .. ~31 779. Frederick William Jones .. .. „ 5 869. Hugh Campbell.. .. .. ~31 780. Joseph McCann.. .. .. „ 5 870. James R >bb .. .. .. ~31 781. James Gilbert Nioholl .. .. „ 6 871. James Allan .. .. .. ~31 782. George Livingstone Home .. .. „ 5 872. Percy William Armiger .. .. ~31 783. Daniel McCorkindale .. .. „ 5 873. John Graham .. .. .. ~31 784. John Joseph O'Brien .. .. „ 5 874. Magnus Flaus .. .. .. ~31 785. Ernest Albert Gardner .. .. „ 8 875. Harry Tait .. .. .. ~31 786. Richard James Allan .. .. „ 5 876. Walter Clifford .. .. .. ~31 787. Walter Fisher .. .. .. „ 5 877. Robert Houston .. .. ~31 788. George William Ericson .. .. „ 5 878. Benjamin John Ban , .. .. ~31 789. Thomas George Kitchingham .. „ 5 879. Mark O'Shaughnessy .. .. ~31 790. Axel Hoisted .. .. 5 880. Cyril Eaves .. .. .. ~31 791. Daniel Martin Byrne .. .. „ 5 881. Andrew Munro .. .. .. 31 792. Vincent James Pfeifer .. .. „ 5 882. John William Ross .. .. ~31 793. George Simpson .. .. „ 5 883. Albert Ruback .. .. .. ~31 794. Andrew John James Peebles .. „ 5 884. Arthur Henry Hale .. .. ~31 795. Frederick Albert Winter .. .. „ 5 885. Albert Peter Lapoehu .. .. ~31 796. James Gordon .. .. .. „ 5 886. Mark John Evans .. .. ~31 797. John Minehan .. .. 5 887. Andrew Dickson Crawford .. .. ~31 798. Simon Peter McLeod .. .. „ 6 888. Ernest' Alfred Hart .. .. ~31 799. John Patrick Burley .. .. „ 5 889. Cyril Hordern Macgeorge .. .. ~31 800. James Croawell .. .. 5 890. John Albert May .. .. ~31 801. Frank Charles Buchanan .. .. „ 5 891. John Mickeleon .. .. .. ~31 802. Thomas George Gear .. .. „ 5 892. Ernest Turner .. .. .. 31 803. Samuel Johnston .. .. „ 5 893. Adam Blair, jun. .. .. ~31 804. James Patrick Leonard .. .. „ 5 894. Albert Edward Olsen .. .. „ 31 805. Charles Edward Cain .. .. „ 5 895. Timothy Carlean .. .. ~31 806. John Craighead.. .. .. „ 5 896. Donald Fraßer Mackenzie .. .. ~31 807. George Burns, jun. .. .. „ 5 897. William Murray .. .. ~31 808. George Abbott .. .. .. „ 5 898.- Alexander Shaw .. .. ~31 809. Ernest Henry Schwass .. .. „ 5 899. John Nelson .. .. .. ~31 810. Bernard Molmeux Holt .. .. „ 5 900. Robert James Boyd .. .. ~31 811. Thomas Richard Miller .. .. „ 5 901. Charles Edward Chittenden .. ~31 812. Henry Priddey .. .. .. „ 5 902. Albert Coles .. .. .. „ 31 813. Thomas Killworth .. .. „ 5 903. Harry Collett .. .. .. ~31 814. William Frederick Herbert Lamborn .. „ 5 904. Thomas James Evans .. .. ~31 815. Frank Heinrich Stechmann .. „ 5 905. Edward James Lonsdale .. .. ~31 816. Tom Wakefield .. .. 5 906. John Grant .. .. 31 817. Robert McFarlane .. .. „ 5 907. Edward Pakenham .. .. ~31 818. Ralph Beaufort .. .. .. „ 5 908. Robert Sloane .. .. .. ~31 819. William George Gunton .. .. „ 5 909. Joseph William Tarry .. '.. ~31 820. John Hinde .. .. .. „ 5 910. George Timms Scotcher .. .. ~31 821. John Neill .. .. .. „ 5 911. Frederick William Charles Nees .. ~31 822. David Miller Pettigrew .. .. „ 5 912. Edward Legg Richards .. .. ~31 823. James Ross .. .. .. „ 5 913. Henry Edgeler .. .. .. 31 824. John McGown Stevenson .. .. „ 5 914. Harry Merson .. .. .. ~31 825. George Moffitt .. .. .. „ 5 915. James Joseph Enright .. .. ~31 826. William Thornton .. .. „ 5 916. William Harrison .. .. ~31 827. Thomas Ayling .. .. 5 917. George Robert Charlton .. .. 31 828. John Johnston .. .. 5 918. Carl Frederick Hansen .. .. ~31 829. Alexander Dove Pirie .. .. „ 5 919. Robert Jaokson Russell .. .. ~31 830. Edward Ryde .. .. .. „ 5 920. Carl Anderson .. .. .. ~31 831. Gideon Scott .. .. .. „ 5 921. Daniel Sutherland Smart .. .. ~31 832. Thomas Benjamin Smith .. .. „ 5 922. Joseph Allen .. .. .. ~31 833. Andrew Aitken .. .. .. „ 5 923. Parnell Cross .. .. .. ~31 834. Andrew Anderson .. .. „ 5 924. Charles Richard Davis .. .. 31 835. William Goldsmith Tyson .. .. „ 5 925. Thomas Dee .. .. .. ~31 836. Claude Ernest Burgees .. .. „ 5 926. William Findlay .. .. ~31 837. Peter Cussen .. .. .. „ 5 927. Matthew Guy .. .. .. ~31 838. William Alexander Dripps .. .. „ 5 928. John Joshua Horton .. .. 31 839. James Fitzgerald .. .. „ 5 929. Jens Peter Jensen .. .. ~31 840. William Grant .. .. .. „ 5 930. Hugh Johnson .. .. .. ~31 841. James Singleton Melvin .. .. „ 5 931. Dennis Finnigan .. .. 31 842. James "Wright Murray .. .. „ 5 932. Alexander William Lorimer .. „ 31. 843. William McCord .. .. „ 5 933. Daniel Joseph McCafferty .. .. ~31 844. Murdooh McDonald ' .. „ 5 934. Thomas Paterson .. .. ~31 845. Peter McLay .. .. .. „ 5 935. Michael Ryan .. .. .. ~31 846. Robert Patton .. .. .. „ 5 936. Henry Spencer .. .. .. ~31 847. Benjamin Alfred Albert Pearce .. „ 5 937. Richard Charles Webb .. .. ~31 848. Hugh Girvan Provan .. .. „ 5 938. William Martin.. .. .. ~31 849. John Phillip Andrew Artha .. „ 5 939. Thomas Edward Geohegan.. .. ~31 850. Thomas Joseph Cain .. .. „ 5 940. Denis James Mcßean .. .. ~31 851. John Edward Douglas .. .. „ 5 941. John Bond .. .. .. ~31 852. Pranois James Morrow .. .. „ 5 942. Guetave Martinus Eriokson .. „. 31 853. William MoKay.. .. .. „ 5 943. Samuel Patrick Chapman .. .. „ 31 854. Duncan Donald Thorburn .. .. „ 5 | 944. James Tannook.. .. .. ~31




No. 17. —Return of Applicants who passed their Examinations as Marine Engineers for the Year ending 31st March, 1903. First-class Marine Engineer. —John William Bird, Albert Coad, Robert Charles Green, James Hambelton, W. Johnston, Thomas Alexander Pain. Second-class Marine Engineer. —Charles Henry Gell, H. Hambelton, Frederick Lewis Harrison, William Jacobsen, Thomas Alexander Lawson, William Webb Luke, George Maxwell, James Powell, Kenneth Sinclair, William John Sutton. Third-class Marine Engineer. —Ralph Cleave Alexander, George Grey Andrews, Valentine Barrett, George H. Baird, John Fairley Bell, Arthur Hassaek Black, Harry Francis Blackie, Percy Edmond Brewer, Benjamin Henry Brown, Peter Nurse Brown, Malcolm Buckland, John Campbell, Lewis Cornelius Calnon, Henry Livingston Chandler, Leonard Douglas Seldon Dale, Walter William Daniel, Thomas Henry Davidson, Leslie Claude Davies, Frederick Charles Davys, Allan Clyde Dickie, Oscar Dillner, William Evans Dive, Harry Ross Dix, Henry Michael Dixon, Albert Errington Exley, Vincent Henry Faina, Charles Robert Furness, Robert Andrew Gibson, John Galbraith Hauibleton, John George Hand, Leonard Bushe Harris, Cecil Houghton, Robert George Huggius, George Mathew Humphreys, James Hull, William Patterson Hunter, John Johnson, Thomas Richavd Jones, Harold Kemp, William Kemp, Frank Robert Kilgour, Edward J. Looney, John Manson, Harold William Manson, Francis William McCowan, John McDonald, William Bell McKenzie, William Rose McKenzie, Ernest Herbert Noy, Arthur James Parker, John Paterson, Henry Borton Perry, William Peterson, George Robert Pirie, Francis James Welster Pope, Walter Stanley Rentoul, John Coutts Reynolds, Victor Robinson, Peter Duncan Russell, Walter Goodman Sandes, Frederick Mair Silver, James Henry Havelock Speedy, Alexander Murray Swhan, William George Teixeira, Edward Allan Thomson, Peter Heywood Thompson, Harry Tillman, William Robert Waters, Arthur Rennie Watson, Harry Weenink, John Weir, Charles Edgar Wetherilt, Alfred Joseph Williams, Reginal Seymour Williams. Biver Engineer. —Henry Alexander Butters, Thomas Joseph Cain, Herbert Christian, Joseph Cox, William Dawson, George Duthie, John Evans, Edward Thorneycroft Frost, George Archibald Green, Charles Hanningan, Thomas Harris Harrison, Christopher James Holford, George Mathew Humphreys, Arthur James, Thomas Long, Arthur Marychurch, Robert James McDonald, James McGlynn, John Neil, Percy Arthur Neild, Henry Nordstrum, Eugenio Charles Perano, Antonio Perez, Michael Rooney, James Patrick Ryan, Frederick James Tattley, George Thomas, John Wheeler, Surties John White. Marine engine Driver. —William Allan, Athol Ernest Sercom Foster, George David Nairn Glover, Charles Robert Hyde, Edmund James Lonsdale, Arthur Marychurch, William McFarlane, Horace Pope, William Alfred Ragg, William Henry Scoones, John Mollison Stewart, Gustav Tetzlaff, Peter John Walsh. First-class Engineer (Sea), Poivered Vessels other than Steam. —Henry Cornwall Christian, Edward Looney, Andres Henrich Schmidt. Second-class Engineer (Sea), Powered Vessels other than Steam. —Thomas Charles Barker, C. Barwell, Nathan Farrar Hall, Henry Ohio Ivey. River-limits Engineer, Powered Vessels other than Steam. —Horace Chadwick, Frank Henderson, Archibald Weir.

No. 18.—Return of Vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903, with Particulars of Tonnage, &c.

Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. fd TH-i- fl 03 — QO . O O 03 ft O Z i i-a.3 £S§£ c>3 « a tc I- o? X " £ _ -* "° a d a a • t0 ' s .- ts'Ss..:? •o a g«- a a ftS o o Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. o 0 4= ai $ Admiral Advance (Auokland) .. •Ahuriri (2) .. Akaroa Albany Alert (Thames) Alert (Auckland) Alexandra Anna Antrim Aorere Aotea (Auckland) Aotea (Kaipara) Aparima Awarua (Blenheim) .. Awarua (Auckland) .. Balmain Beatrice Bella Ben Lomond Birkenhead Blanche (Auckland) .. Britannia Brothers Canterbury .. 121 88 76 82 31 43 28 8 17 28 8 6 14 30 10 B.H.P. 17 164 15 B.H.P. 33 284 3 32 85 10 12 15 20 9 40 49 B.H.P. 24 Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. 144 10 High pressure Condensing High pressure 104 28 60 72 111 263 5,704 73 21 35 49 89 157 3,684 80 Paddle. 66-8 2,702 Oil-engine Condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple compound High pressure Condensing Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. 159 604 100 377 8 12 33 55 17 108 55 207 436 19 46 87 26 196 68 High pressure Compound S. condensing High presoure Paddle. Single.. Oil-engine High pressure Twin .. Note.—The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows the vessel to have been twice s.urve; ed.


No. 18.—Return of Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. Ol O U u 3 -to m 'Sj fl 5 70 ' OS! * ft 40 ft . *■-£■-a ftuoScc OS ia K £ "0 o3 05 £ OO _ joo ** a o a ™ 5 ■ a W.-K u as .3 <> ?» atJPoo „- 0 o:3 O o o3 fto z 'o!o Description of Machinery. CO 3 o o -■ ■o o a a p.2 o o Screw. Paddle. Charles Edward (2) .. Chelmsford Clansman Clara Claymore Clematis Clyde Comet Corinna (2) .. Coromandel Countess Countess of Ranf urly.. Cygnet Daphne (Hokitika) .. Despatch (Bluff) Dingadee Dot (Auckland) Duohess 245 103 591 145 70 336 48 24 90 24 54 8 40 24 141 25 28 90 B.H.P. 43 J 20 80 4 81 60 24 70 6 12 3 10 32 B.H.P. 5 16 4 35 25 15 6 30 94 85 12 59 6 B.H.P. 75 10 30 14 50 B.H.P. 88 34 104 35 85 36 B.H.P. 45 150 6 B.H.P. 23 10 B.H.P. 10 50 9 22 90 28 20 40 40 4 20 32 35 30 17 5 9 1 20 43 14 130 24 13 120 18 B.H.P. 213 61 527 Compound S. condensing Single.. 210 91 5 400 High pressure Triple expansion Compound S. condensing 130 Stern wheel. High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. 1,279 99 820 67 84 153 66 898 198 124 170 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing 88 640 24 393 439 Twin .. Single.. 308 130 99 219 62 26 53 138 4 13 High pressure Triple expansion Duco Durham Eagle Edina Effort Eliza Elsie Emma Sims.. Endon Energy Erin Erakine Express Fairy (Napier) Falcon Fanny Fingal Gairloch Gannett Gertie Gipsy Glenelg Goldfinch Gosford Gretchen Greyhound Haupiri Hauturu Hawea Heathcofce Herald Hercules (Auckland) .. Himitangi Hinemoa (C.G.S.) .. Huia (Auckland) Huia (Wellington) .. Huria Ida Invercargill Ithaca Jane Douglas (2) Janet Nicoll.. J.D.O John Anderson John Townley Kahu Kaipara Kanieri Kapanui Kapiti Kapui Karoro Kate Katikati Kauri Kawau Kennedy (2).. Kilmorey Kini Kiripaka Kopu Koputai Kotahi 21 '20 73 58 126 53 45 90 34 373 10 262 288 83 107 700 1,757 167 573 58 323 542 204 133 15 61 15 98 36 32 55 22 211 100 156 56 83 475 1,114 94 370 51 149 282 196 69 120 100 50 12 160 48 561 4±3 331 527 14 857 459 248 620 Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure .. Compound S. condensing Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple expansion Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Compound High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple expansion Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple expansion Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. Single.. Tw'in .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle. Paddle. 160 18 223 12 123 7 74 496 88 36 85 99 95 780 129 52 70 471 175 180 212 u . • Twin .. Single.. 202 110 208 58 76 115 75 80 30 51 160 239 High pressure Compound High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing 37 '26 99 188 88 124 188 Twin .. Single.. 1,122 105 702 75 18 5 9 680 100 High pressure Triple expansion Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Paddle. 153 12 441 Single.. Note.—The figure (2) after the name of a vessel showt ve«sel to have been twice surveyed.


No. 18.—Return of Vessels surveyed, &c. — continued.

3—H. 15a.


Name of Vessel. Tons ft mi [easure■nt. & £" "0 & rf oa S3 a ±a a s co efi „ 03 U CD ® tt- — KCC d w c6 eg £5" Jh , S»h a oc o o 03 fto Z »b2» ;o 4 S K ®£ 10 o 5 a " on'3 " °£ ° oi - £ ■a m S ■SoJwS - ft3 o o Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. ao O 5 h ■3 9 Kotiti Kotuku Kuaka Lady Barkly (2) Lena Lily Little George Little Jack .. Lyttelton (tug) (2) Mahuta Makarora (2) Mana Manakau Manapouri .. Manaroa Manchester (2) Mangaiti Manuwai Maori (Auckland) Maori (Dunedin) Mapourika .. Mararoa Mascotte Matuku May May Howard Meremere .. Minnie Casey Moa Moerangi Mokau M okoia Monowai Moss Rose .. Mountaineer (2) Moura Muritai Muritai (Horeke) Nambuoca .. Napier Naroissus Naurni Nautilus Nene (2) Ngapuhi Ngunguru .. Nile Noko No. 121 Ohinemuri .. Ohuru Omapere Onslow Opawa (2) .. Oreti Orewa Osprey Ovalau Paeroa Paiaka Pania (2) Pareora Parera Pelorus Penguin Petone Phantom Phoenix Piraki Plucky Poberua Presto Pukaki Queen of South Rakanoa Result (Napier) Result (Tauranga) Rita Rob Roy Rosamond .. Rose Rose Casey .. 58 1,054 45 55 42 662 33 39 14 112 90 B.H.P. 20 5 li 4 14 80 13 B.H.P. 13 25 20 220 24 160 6 25 8 60 130 530 613 Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Single.. 90 4 190 15 39 11 45 77 45 1,288 77 366 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. Paddle. 99 65 2,060 122 141 80 1,600 178 u H 107 25 173 1,208 2,598 75 17 118 718 1,380 High pressure Stern wheel Single.. 150 1,247 3,537 12 Compound S. condensing Triple expansion tt . • 4 3 High pressure 64 55 20 Quadruple surface Compound S. condensing 74 188 15 162 3,502 3,433 109 2,026 224 130 70 47 41 6 691 80 43 19 657 114 601 23 110 219 59 219 1,299 91 14 40 650 48 95 14 98 2,154 2,137 66 1,247 133 74 48 28 29 4 299 54 21 15 394 73 20 352 16 64 117 37 138 766 46 10 27 355 '14 20 33 274 B.H.P. 27 255 290 6 50 275 45 8 24 30 2 12 18 2 160 17 20 9 100 26 14 80 14 18 50 17 70 103 15 9 11 71 4 12 180 82 11 5 4 40 128 3 110 40 200 10 4 11 16 90 2 35 153 160 3,501 2,551 1,925 210 120 62 80 65 1,340 69 488 130 505 78 162 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple expansion High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Compound S. condensing High-pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Compound Triple expansion Compound S. condensing Compound High-pressure Compound S. condensing Quadruple expansion Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle. Paddle. 673 67 Quadruple expansion Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple expansion High pressure Single.. 45 428 25 836 708 44 8 18 517 388 18 6 10 29 749 711 544 140 Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Compound S. condensing High pressure 81 1,174 262 686 Compound S. condensing Triple expansion High pressure Quadruple expansion Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing 1,444 197 2,246 28 917 121 1,393 18 622 220 843 40 95 721 22 34 462 '55 411 2 High pressure 132 99 Note. —The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.


No. 18.—Return of Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel. Tons Mi mei lasureit. —'_ CO ~ AS oS3 w « u .a *« *« a -xi 9*. a °5 o o oj fto Z ao a a ao S°» s W 3 £ d ao u 2^°oi •a 2 2*h a a ft+o o o w Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle >s, o E a 3 * Rotokino .. .. 2,004 Rotomahana (Auckland) 1 183 Rotomahana (Dunedin) 1,763 Rotoiti .. .. 1,159 Ruru .. .. 31 Savaii .. .. 55 Seagull Sonoma Southern Cross (Lond'n) 291 Spray Stella .. .. [ 268 Stormbird (2) .. 217 Sumner .. .. 167 Swan .. .. 24 Tainui .. .. 80 Takapuna (Auckland).. 77 Takapuna (Dunedin).. 930 Talune .. .. 2,000 Tangaroa ., .. 189 Tangihua ... .. 31 Taniwha (Auckland) .. | 263 Taniwha (Timaru) .. , Tarakihi .. Tarawera .. .. 2,003 Tarewai .. .. 10 Tasman .. .. 178 Taviuni .. .. 1,465 Tawera (Gisborne) .. 52 Tawera (Lake Te Anau) Te Anau .. .. 1,652 Te Kapu .. .. 92 Terranora .. .. 349 Theodore Theresa Ward .. 195 Thistle .. .. 96 Thomas King .. 98 Timaru .. .. 479 Titiroa Toroa .. .. 388 Tuariki Tui Tuiwiki .. .. 3 Tuna (Gisborne) Tuianekai (C.G.S.) .. 811 Upolu .. ..1,140 Victoria .. .. 147 Vivid .. .. 21 Waabi Waihi .. .. 92 Waihora(2).. .. 2,003 Waikare .. .. 3,071 Waimana .. .. 151 Waimarie .. .. 245 Wainui .. .. 661 Waione .. .. 574 Waiotahi .. .. 278 Waipa Waipori .. .. 1,919 Wairere (Wanganui) .. Wairoa (Auckland) .. ! 99 Wairoa (Nelson) .. 70 Waitangi (Auckland).. 171 Waitara Waiwera (Dunedin) Waiwera (Lyttelton) .. i Waiwiri (Auckland) Wakatere .. .. 441 Wakatu .. .. 157 Wanaka (2) .. .. 2,421 Warrimoo .. .. 3,529 Wave Waverley .. .. 156 i Weka (Napier) (2) .. 89 Weka (Auckland) .. 127 Wellington (Auckland) 382 Westland (2) .. 133 Whangape (2) .. 2,931 Whati .. ., ! Winona .. .. | Yho .. 1,263 139 915 630 11 31 205 157 137 94 16 46 57 472 1,370 109 20 191 16 1,268 7 87 910 44 1,028 50 199 35 9 77 70 211 174 2 135 50 450 104 10 16 6 13 20 3 90 40 35 8 20 25 265 255 70 15 40 16 4 250 6 38 135 40 B.H.P. 14 250 25 94 25 95 90 B.H.P. 16 78 3 91 8 B.H.P. 64 6 14 205 120 40 13 5 20 250 229 18 48 95 40 56 14 180 80 24 20 62 12 7 8 7f 140 23 280 490 14 25 20 27 80 60 280 If 8 24 B.H.P. j 929 265 2,465 1,127 iie 5 183 226 1,221 1,842 90 254 10 1,543 240 1,025 1,249 113 232 399 324 • 482 1,145 733 200 ±72 1,509 2,352 100 206 626 399 862 240 50 368 698156 1,241 3,701 108 75 514 297 1,052 Quadruple expansion Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Compound Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensiug High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Compound S. condensing High preFSure .. Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Quadruple expansion Oilengine Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Oilengine High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple expansion Oil-engine High pressure Single.. Twin .. Single.. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle. Paddle. 412 692 92 6 Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Quadruple expansion Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil engine Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Paddle. Single.. 63 1,269 1,901 107 159 411 43 167 Triple expansion Quadruple expansion .. Compound S. condensing Twin .. Triple expansion Compound S. oondensing High pressure Triple expansion High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. 1,229 27 63 47 34 Single.. Paddle. Single.. High pressure Twin .. Single.. Compound S. condensing 157 95 1,572 2,076 Triple expansion Single.. Paddle. 93 52 86 279 35 1,900 it •. High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Triple expansion Compound Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Padd'le. Single.. 19 12 Twin .. Not: 1.—The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shi >ws vessel to have been twice surveyed.



No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, &c., from 1st April, 1902, to 31st March, 1903.

The fees for survey for seaworthiness amount to £74 Bs.

No 20. — Return showing the Revenue received from the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Engineers and Engine-drivers, and the Amount earned by the Survey of Steamers) during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903. £ s. d. Received under Inspection of Machinery Act ... ... 5,329 5 0 Fees for survey of steamers for the year ... ... ... 1,588 10 0 Fees for the survey of steamers for seaworthiness ... ... 7480 Received for examinations of marine engineers ... ... 177 0 0 Received for certificates for land-engine drivers ... ... 631 0 6 Recovered law costs ... ... ... ... ... 3 11 8 £7,803 15 2 Return showing the Ordinary Expenditure of the Inspection of Machinery Department (including Examination of Engineers and Engine-drivers and Survey of Steamers) during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903. £ s. d. Salaries ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,562 7 3 Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... ... 2,061 2 1 Rent, cleaning offices, and fuel ... ... ... ... 379 4 6 Contingencies ... ... ... ... ... ... 896 2 6 £7,898 16 4 Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (1,775 copies), £21 ss.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o3. Price 9d.}

Dates of Survey. Name ol Vessel. Where Surveyed. Nature of Casualty. 1902. lov. 3,4 )ec. 12 Lug. 11, 13 .. uly 2 Lug. 19, 27 .. uly 8 uly 15, 16 .. 1903. ?eb. 26 1902. uly 8 Lug. 20 1 Sept. 2 j )ct. 9 24 to 30 1903. ?eb. 27 ) tfar. 2 1902. )ot. 3 1903. ilar. 6, 7 1902. iug. 21 to 23 3ec. 17, 18 ) 1903. \ an. 5, 12, 19) an. 23 tfar. 4 1902. fuly 3, 4 12 uly 9 1903. Peb. 2 1902. uly 10 Aparima Athenic Beira Corinna Dingadee Herald Invercargill Kapanui Monowai Montrose Otago Pareora Penguin Auckland Wellington Wellington Dunedin Wellington Invercargill Inveroargill Auckland Invercargill Auckland Christchurch Wellington Wellington and Nelson Damage by fire. Took the ground in Wellington Harbour. Damage to boiler. Damage to hull through striking wharf pile Mishap to boiler. Collision with " Monowai." Stranded going up New River. Broke tail-shaft. Collision with " Herald." Break-down in air-pump. Survey for seaworthiness. Special survey for Lloyd's. Grounded off Waihi Point. Rimutaka Wellington Survey as to seaworthiness. Samuel Plimsoll Tarawera Dunedin Napier Survey to allow vessel to be towed to Australia, after being dismasted and otherwise injured. Grounded at Napier. Tavinni Wellington Tail-shaft broken. Tutanekai Waikare Wellington Dunedin Speoial survey for Lloyd's Grounded at Port Chalmers. Waimate Waiwera Wakatu Wellington Wellington Wellington Grounded at Rangitoto Channel. Branch of main steam-pipe tested. Grazed on something rounding Port Gibson. Wakatu Lyttelton Grounded off Kaikoura. Westralia Wellington Collision with Wellington Wharf.

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Bibliographic details

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1902-3., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, H-15a

Word Count

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1902-3. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, H-15a

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1902-3. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, H-15a

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