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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889."

I have the honour to submit my report on the operations of the Patents, Designs, and Trademarks Office for the year ended the 31st December, 1902. The returns for 1902 show the greatest increase in business that has taken pjace in a single year, the number of applications being 1,871, or 238 per cent, more than in 1901. In that year, although the amount of business was greater than in any previous year, I was obliged to record a slight falling-off in the revenue. The opinion I then expressed that the revenue would recover itself in 1902 has been fully sustained, the amount received being £3,999 3s. 3d. This is an increase of £602 65., or 177 per cent, over the fees received in 1900, hitherto the best year in this respect. The expenditure, which includes only the ordinary items, amounts to £1,344 17s. Id., as against £1,205 15s. 2d. for the previous year, leaving a balance of £2,654 6s. 2d. The surplus last year was £2,160 17s. 2d., the increase is therefore £493 9s. When it is borne in mind that the Patent Office is not intended for revenue purposes, this result must be considered satisfactory. It will be noticed on referring to Table A that out of a total expenditure of £1,344 17s. Id. £501 6s. 9d. was in respect of work done by the Government Printing Office. Patents. • The number of applications received was 1,431 —317, or 28-4 per cent., more than in the previous year. In former years the number of applications filed with provisional specifications corresponded very closely with those filed with complete specifications, but last year the provisional specifications were greatly in excess, 911 applications being accompanied by provisional specifications and 520 by complete specifications. While it is gratifying to notice this increase, it should be remembered that a provisional specification as a rule only conveys a general idea of an invention, and until it is seen how many of these ideas are developed and embodied in complete specifications it cannot be ascertained whether the actual increase in invention in the colony is as great as the figures appear to indicate. The number of complete specifications filed after provisional specifications was 205, as compared with 111 in 1901, an increase of 94. The number of patents issued and the renewal fees paid show an advance of 26 as regards the first, 544 as compared with 518 ; and as regards the renewal fees 172 for second-term fees, as compared with 143 for the previous year, and 45 thirdterm fees, as compared with 32 for 1901. Of the remaining principal items increases will also be noticed in the cases in which extensions of time were applied for and granted for (1) lodging complete specifications after provisional specifications (20 and 16 in 1902, as compared with 13 and 10 in 1901), and (2) paying fees (20 and 20 in 1902, as compared with 19 and 17 in 1901); and in the searches made and copies supplied, the number of searches made being 340 in 1902, as compared with 284 in 1901, and the amount received for copying being £47 17s. 3d., as compared with £36 lis. lOd. for last year. A falling-off took place in the number of applications to amend specifications, 7 in 1902 as compared with 13 in 1901, and in the number of assignments and licenses registered and certificates granted, being 85 and 55 respectively in 1902, and 120 and 109 in 1901. The total fees received from patents amounted to £3,439 2s. 3d. In 1901 £2,929 13s. lOd. was received from this source, and the increase is therefore £509 Bs. sd. i—H. 10.


Referring to the various classes of inventions, 10 applications were made in respect of advertising, as compared with 1 in 1901. Amusements increased from 27 to 45 (30 applications under this head being in respect of parlour games, as compared with 7 for the preceding year). Boilers (steam) were the subject of 24 applications, as compared with 13 in 1901. Spark-arresters and smoke-consumers, 18 in 1902, as compared with Bin 1901. Under the heading of " Boots," 39 applications were received in 1902, and 24 in 1901, an increase of 15. It is interesting to note with regard to this subject that no less than 16 applications were made by one American company for boot-manufacturing machinery in 1902, and sin 1901. In connection with bottles and bottling, 34 applications were lodged in 1902, 16 more than in the previous year. -Of these 34 applications, 14 were for non-refillable bottles, as compared with 4 in 1901. On referring to buildings I find a slight falling-off as regards windows and doors, 12 in 1902, as compared with 18 in 1901, and an increase in sash-fasteners, 14, as compared with 5. Closets —chiefly flushing-appliances—show an increase, 17 as compared with 6. Cooking-appliances (18) and kitchen utensils (16) show slight increases. Cultivating accounts for 35 applications, about the same number as in 1901. Seedsowers, 19, as compared with 12 in 1901. Cutting and sawing appliances, 22, an increase of 8. Under dredging I find that there has been a good deal of activity, 41 applications having been made, as compared with 30 for last year. General electric and magnetic apparatus show a fallingoff to 11 from 15 in 1901. Steam-engines, gas-engines, electric engines, and engine accessories form the subject of 16, 19, 14, and 10 applications, increases of 8, 13, 6, and 5 respectively on the figures for 1901. In firearms and explosives there is a decrease to 16 from 21 in 1901. Exterminating vermin, fencing, fibre-dressing, which some years ago were a prolific source of New Zealand inventions, account for 25, 30, and 8 applications respectively, as against 15, 16, and 5 in 1901. Fire alarms, escapes, and extinguishers show a reduction in the number of 14 —23 in 1902, 37 in 1901. Under the heading "Pood "14 applications were recorded last year, an increase of 10 on the preceding year. Furniture, &c, shows a substantial increase to 50 from 17 in 1901. Gas-manufacture, a reduction to 14 from 24. Harness and heating show slight increases, 24 and 15 in 1902, as compared with 23 and 9 in 1901. Under "Illuminating," which includes burners and lamps, candlesticks, &c, 36 applications were made in 1902, as compared with 20 in 1901. Indicating, registering, &c, shows a reduction to 28 in 1902 from 38 in 1901. Lifting, hauling. 17 in 1902 and 16 in 1901; locks and latches, 10 in 1902 and 3 in 1901; ships' boats, &c, 25 in 1902 and 19 in 1901; marking, 10 in 1902 and 7in 1901; medicines, 18 in 1902 and 15 in 1901, all show slight increases on the numbers for last year. Milking, churning, and the like amount to 32 in 1902, as compared with 29 in 1901 ; and there is a fallingoff in the number of applications for inventions relating to the treatment of minerals, 72 in 1902 from 94 in 1901. Under the heading of "Preserving" 10 applications are recorded in 1902, 8 in excess of those in 1901, and slight increases occur in the cases of roads and ways, 10 in 1902 and 5 in 1901 ; telephony and telegraphy, 12 in 1902 and 7in 1901; and sheep-shearing, 17 in 1902 and 7in 1901. The inventions under the latter heading are chiefly in respect of improvements in hand-shears. Fewer applications were received in 1902 than in 1901 under the following headings: " Printing and Photography," 13 in 1902 and 19 in 1901; " Pumps and Sprayers," 7in 1902 and 10in 1901 ; " Railways, &c," 28in 1902 and 37 in 1901; "Stationery, &c," 14 in 1902 and 18 in 1901; " Ventilating," 9 in 1902 and 10 in 1901. The number of applications recorded under the remaining headings show the following increases: " Tobacco, Pipes," 15 in 1902 from 3in 1901; " Tools," 21 in 1902 from 11 in 1901; " Valves and Cocks," 13 in 1902 from 9 in 1901; "Vehicles (not including cycles)," 32 in 1902 from 23 in 1901; " Washing-appliances," 20 in 1902 from 7 in 1901 ; and " Wearing-apparel," 54 in 1902 from 27 in 1901. Applications in respect of bicycles, which have been falling steadily in numbers during the last few years, are still on the decline, dropping to 31 in 1902 from 39 in 1901. It will be noticed that the increase in applications is almost wholly due to the number received from residents in the colony, who lodged 930 as compared with 658 in the preceding year, an increase of 272. The United Kingdom sent 117 (7 more than in the preceding year), the United States 129 (5 more than in 1901). The total number received from the Commonwealth was 215, as compared with 174 for last year, Victoria contributing 118, one more than Great Britain, and an advance on last year's figures of 47. , One petition for extension of the term of patent was granted during the year, a further period of seven years being allowed. Eleven applications for letters patent were made under the International Convention. One name was added to the register of patent agents. Notice of opposition was lodged in 9 cases, and 4 hearings took place. The system of granting letters patent adopted in this colony depends for its success very largely on the facilities offered to applicants for letters patents and the general public to become acquainted with inventions already patented, as well as with those in respect of which letters patent are being applied for. These facilities are, lam glad to say, being gradually extended, the latest step in this direction being the printing in the patents supplement to the Gazette of extracts from the drawings accompanying specifications. The "claims" or statement of the particular features sought to be protected, which have been printed in the supplement for some time past, will, with the drawings now inserted, enable a fair idea to be gathered of most of the specifications filed in the office. If further particulars are required, they can be obtained at the small cost of 3d. per folio of seventy-two words for copying specifications, and Is. a sheet for sun-prints of the drawings. The Neio Zealand Patents Gazette is now published on somewhat similar lines as the illustrated journal of the English Patent Office and the illustrated Gazettes of the Canadian and United States Patent Offices.



In addition to the Gazettes, the countries I have mentioned also print the full specification and drawings, and sell them at a low price. This is, no doubt, a great boon to the inventive and general public, but it is felt that the demand in this colony is not yet sufficient to justify the cost of such a step. With the object of facilitating reference to the records filed at this office, a rearrangement of one set of the specifications and drawings is being effected. When this work, which, with the present staff, will take some time, is completed, any one will be able with the help of the indexes in each volume to turn up specifications and drawings in the least possible time, a great advantage alike both to the public and the staff of the office. Designs. Thirty applications were received for registration of designs. The number, though small, is higher than that received in any previous year. Twenty-eight designs were registered—7 in class 1 (articles composed wholly or partly of metal), 4 in class 2 (jewellery), 5 in class 3 (articles composed wholly or partly of wood, bone, ivory, papier mache, or other solid substances), 1 in class 4 (articles composed wholly or partly of glass, earthenware, porcelain, bricks, tiles, or cement), 10 in class 5 (articles composed wholly or partly of paper), and 1 in class 12 (goods not included in other classes). The total amount of fees received under this heading was £15 in 1902, as compared with £9 lis. in 1901. Tkade-makks. Four hundred and twelve applications were received for the registration of trade-marks, 33 more than in 1901; and 336 marks were registered, 84 more than in 1901. There is a slight falling-off in the number of assignments registered. The fees, which are not properly due till end of this year, for renewal of trade-marks were paid in 36 cases in 1902, as compared with 7 in 1901; and 116 searches are recorded in 1902, as compared with 72 in 1901. The total fees received in respect of trade-marks amount to £528 13s. 6d. for the year, an increase of £120 3s. 6d. for 1901. In the principal classes there is an increase of 11 in the number of applications in respect oi medicinal preparations, of 6 in respect of clothing, 12 in respect of articles of food, 18 in respect of fermented liquors and spirits, 5 in respect of candles, washing-preparations, &c, and 10 in respect of miscellaneous goods. Marks for animal and mineral substances used in manufactures show a falling-off of 6, tobacco a falling-off of 11, horological instruments a falling-off of 12, metal goods not included in other classes a falling-off of 4, engineering and building contrivances a falling-off of 5, explosive substances a falling-off of 3. One hundred and ninety-eight applications were made by residents in the colony, 26 more than last year; 124 by United Kingdom, as compared, with 117 for previous year; 51 were received from United States of America, as compared with 47 for previous year; 30 from New South Wales, as compared with 20 for previous year. A further change has been made during the year in the practice of this office with regard to the class of trade-marks known as "invented words." In accordance with the decision of the English Courts it was formerly held that an invented word to be eligible for registration must not in any way be descriptive of the goods to which it is to be applied. The House of Lords, however, upset this view, holding that an invented word should not be debarred from registration because it contained an allusion to the goods, and the practice of this office was widened accordingly. The Supreme Court of New Zealand recently decided that certain words which did not appear to this office to come within the decision of the House of Lords were capable of registration, and this decision now governs the practice of the office. For some years past this office has been engaged at odd moments in classifying trade-marks on somewhat the same lines now being adopted with regard to patent specifications— i.e., in arranging the marks in their different classes, and copiously indexing each class. This work when completed will enable all the marks in a certain name or for a particular class of goods to be referred to in a few minutes, and will effect a very considerable saving in the time not only of the public who have occasion to refer to the records, but also to the staff of the office. Owing, however, to the great increase in the ordinary business of the office, the progress of this classification has been slow, and if, as appears so likely, the ordinary staff is not able to devote sufficient time to the work, other means of having it completed within a reasonable time should be adopted.



The Appendix hereto contains the following tables : — A. Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1902. B. Table showing Bevenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years. C. Particulars of Fees received from the Ist January to the 31st December. 1902. D. Staff of Officers, and Salaries. E. Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Begistration of Designs and Trade-marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1902 inclusive. F. Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c, under Act of 1889. G. Table showing, over a series of years, the Number of Patents that were considered of sufficient value to be kept alive by Payment of the Benewal Fees. H. Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1900, 1901, and 1902. I. Number of Applications for Begistration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1900, 1901, and 1902. J. Number of Applications to register Trade-marks, in the fifty different classes, in each of the Years 1900, 1901, and 1902. K. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Patents in the Year 1902. L. Alphabetical List of Titles of Inventions for which Letters Patent have been applied during the Year 1902. M. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Begistration of Designs during the Year 1902. N. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Begistration of Trade-marks during the Year 1902. F. Waldegrave, Begistrar. Patent Office, Wellington, 3rd April, 1903.


A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1902. Income. £ s. d. i Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 3,439 23 j Salaries ... «... ... 634 17 1 Design fees ... ... ... 15 00 I Clerical assistance ... ... 106 15 0 Trade-mark fees ... ... 528 13 6 ! Copying specifications ... ... 14 14 8 Sale of Gazettes, Acts, &c. ... 16 7 6 Fees to Patent Office Agents ... 45 2 6 Printing Patents Gazette* ... 348 0 0 Binding printed specifications, 67 5 6 &c, presented to office by other countries* Other printing and binding* ... 7388 Stationery ... ... ... 12 12 7 Telephone ... ... ... 7 0 0 Fees refunded ... ... 21 10 0 Incidental expenses ... ... 13 11 1 Balance for the year ... ... 2,654 6 2 £3,999 3 3 £3,999 3 3 * Printing and binding done by Government Printing Office.

B.-Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.


Year. Beceipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Year. Receipts. Expenditure. I Surplus. .895 .896 .897 .898 £ s. d. .. 2,170 9 6 .. 2,583 0 6 I .. 3,183 9 0 .. 2,824 9 0 £ s. d. £ p. d. 464 15 8 1,705 13 10 564 6 10 2,018 13 8 574 15 2 2,608 13 10 623 1 11 2,201 7 1 1899 1900 1901 1902 £ a. A. £ s. d. £ s. A. .. : 3,102 2 6 851 2 6 2,251 0 0 .. 3,396 17 3 1,027 5 8 2,369 11 7 .. 3,366 12 4 1,205 15 2 2,160 17 2 .. 3,999 3 3 1,344 17 1 2,654 6 2 Note. Printing, binding, and other items now debited to the office were not iu former years brought to charge.



C. —Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1902.

D. —Staff of Officers, and Salaries. £ s. d. Begistrar* ... ... ... ... ... Nil. Deputy Begistrar... ... ... ... ... 260 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... Vacant. Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... 130 0 0 Cadet... ... ... ... . . ... 65 0 0 Messenger ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Office-cleaner ... ... ... ... ... 11 14 0 * Also Under-Secretary for Justice. £616 14 0

Number. Fees. Bach. Amount received. Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications left after provisional specifications .. Applications to amend specifications Issue of letters patent Renewal fees before end of fourth year from date of patent Renewal fees before end of seventh year from date of patent Notices of opposition Hearing objections Applications for enlargement of time for deposit of oomplete specifications On grant of suoh enlargement Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees On grant of such enlargement Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against decisions of Registrar Searches Registration of assignments and licenses Certificates of such registration Copies of specifications and drawings Certifying copies Correction of clerical errors in specifications, &c. Registration of Patent Agent Miscellaneous 911 520 205 7 544 172 45 9 4 20 16 20 20 4 340 85 55 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 0 2 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 10 £ s. d. 455 10 0 260 0 0 102 10 0 7 0 0 1,088 0 0 860 0 0 450 0 0 4 10 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 16 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 4 0 0 17 0 0 42 10 0 27 10 0 47 17 3 0 8 0 2 0 0 110 5 6 0 8 8 1 0 1 0 5 1 1 Designs. Applications for registration of designs £3,439 2 3 30 0 10 £15 0 0 Tbade-mabks. Applications for registration of trade-marks Registration of trade-marks Registration of assignments Certificates of such registration Notioes of opposition Cancellation of trade-mark .. .. .. Certificate for use in legal proceedings Renewal of registration Copies and duplicate certificates Searches Advertisements : Cost of extra space in Gazette 412 336 29 7 1 1 36 0 5 1 0 £1 & 2s. 0 5 1 0 0 5 0 10 1 0 103 0 0 336 0 0 25 10 0 7 5 0 7 0 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 36 0 0 0 16 6 5 16 0 6 11 0 116 0 1 £528 13 6


E.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1902 inclusive.

F.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c., under Act of 1889.


Year. Patents. Patents. Designs. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 1 325 951 1894 756 15 347 1,118 1895 816 14 254 1,084 1896 992 27 279 1,298 1897 1898 1,093 1,021 13 10 361 1,467 343 1,374 1899 992 12 328 1,332 1900 1,009 15 348 1,372 1901 1902 1,114 1,431 18 28 379 1,511 412 1,871

E.—Total Numbee of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1902 inclusive. Year. Patents. Designs. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 . 616 5 160 781 * r~ifi* p* /~\j^ 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 1893 625 1 290 906 325 951 1894 756 15 347 1,118 1895 816 14 254 1,084 1896 992 27 279 1,298 1897 1,093 18 361 1,467 1898 1,021 10 343 1,374 1899 992 12 328 1,332 1900 1,009 15 348 1,372 1901 1,114 18 1902 1,481 28 379 1,511 412 1,871 F.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specificatic ons received, &c, under Act of 1889. Number § cations w: ►£ ! Complete cations . Number of Appli- Number of Appli- A^j£^ f for =a cations with which cations with which : f r, „ „_..,_ £ Complete Specifi- Provisional Specifica- ' s^^H^b cations lodged. tions lodged. of Appli- Number ith which cations w 3 Specifl- Provisional lodged. tions l< , ApEta£or , " ".' ; which Complete 1 Specifica- sub . oagea - sequently lodged. Number of Appli- J^ 0^ cations abandoned, Number of um t>« lapsed, or Patents sealed, i . ,. refused. j Applications. Numbe cations i laps rei c of Appliibandoned, Num sed, or Patent! 'used. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. 1890 242 207 107 60 27 17 1891 187 207 126 69 29 25 1892 202 191 160 53 40 16 1893 198 178 197 52 51 24 1894 278 166 251 61 69 16 1895 229 201 307 79 75 34 1896 299 275 318 100 68 33 1897 217 303 444 129 87 41 1898 199 305 419 98 102 29 1899 182 297 382 131 84 55 1900 160 321 441 87 97 36 1901 199 353 459 103 119 28 1902 163 357 767 144 * * N.Z. 1890 242 1891 187 1892 202 1893 198 1894 278 1895 229 1896 299 1897 217 1898 199 1899 182 1900 160 1901 199 1902 163 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 303 305 297 321 353 357 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 307 318 444 419 382 441 459 767 Foreign. 60 69 53 52 61 79 100 129 98 131 87 103 144 N.Z. 27 29 40 51 69 75 68 87 102 84 97 119 * Foreign. 17 25 16 24 16 34 33 41 29 55 36 28 # N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. 202 50 147 217 616 191 50 122 226 589 237 43 125 201 606 262 30 133 200 625 352 51 173 176 756 403 51 133 229 816 439 75 185 293 992 481 95 181 336 1,093 447 70 172 332 1,021 409 82 155 346 992 452 59 149 349 1,009 * * * * 1,114 * ♦ * * 1,431 N.Z. 202 191 237 262 352 403 439 481 447 409 452 * Foreign. 50 50 43 30 51 51 75 95 70 82 59 * N.Z. 147 122 125 133 173 133 185 181 172 155 149 Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 332 346 349 * * ♦ * * * r "hese figun is are neo< isarily inco: iplete, as the timi for proceeding further with th applici itions hai not yet lirei I.


G.—Table showing over a Series of Years the Number of Patents that were considered of sufficient Value to be kept alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees.

H.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1900, 1901, and 1902.

Notk.—A few applications were received from joint applicants resident in different countries; the figures will, therefore, total more than the actual number of applications received.


Year. Number of Applications received. Number of Letters Patent granted. Number of Patents on which Second-term Fee paid. Number of Patents on which Final Pee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 614 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 364 348 326 333 349 362 478 517 504 80 78 84 99 88 113 118 136 138 37 23 37 47 31 4 r>

1900. 1902. i 1900. I 1901. 1902. 1901. New Zealand Argentine Republic Austria Canada Cape Colony Ceylon Denmark Finland Prance 602 9 658 1 4 9 1 930 1 3 11 2 1 2 1 8 8 Norway Queensland Rhodeeia Russia South Afrioan Republic .. South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania Transvaal United Kingdom United States Victoria Western Australia 1 17 1 11 4 3 6 2 8 13 5 1 4 3 5 1 1 13 1 2 5 1 117 129 118 5 "7 "9 5 3 2 8 13 1 Germany Holland India Italy New South Wales 1 1 52 2 68 1 69 120 88 70 5 110 124 71 10


I.—Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1900, 1901, and 1902.

Note.—A few applications were received from persons giving addresses in two or more countries; the figures will, therefore total more than the actual number of applications received.

J.—Number of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1900, 1901, and 1902.


I.—Numbbb of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in Ne Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1900, 1901, and 1902. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1900. 1901. 1902. New Zealand Belgium Canada .. Ceylon .. Cuba .. Denmark France .. Germany Holland India 167 1 "l 172 1 2 10 1 198 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 New South Wales Philippine Islands Queensland South Australia Sweden Tasmania United Kingdom United States .. Victoria Western Australia 39 20 "X "l 1 2 3 1 1 2 95 117 12 I 47 29 21 2 30 1 2 5 "3 7 "2 1 124 51 23 1 Note.—A few applications were received from persons giving addresses in two or more countries; the figures will, therefore ;otal more than the actual number of applications received. J. —Number of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1900, 1901, and 1902. Classes. Classification ot Goods. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1 2 Chemioal substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary 9 19 10 9 1? 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 purposes Chemioal substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmaoy .. Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not inoluded in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, exoept agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such maohinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes; instruments and apparatus for teaohing Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medioated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge"-tools .. .. .. • Metal goods not inoluded in other olasses Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass .. .. Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 .. Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth .. .. .. Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery .. .. Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, inoluding ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matohes ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other olasses Miscellaneous 34 1 3 6 5 1 6 2 12 3 1 3 1 '7 1 1 35 7 8 7 4 4 12 2 3 12 2 1 3 9 "l 12 1 2 2 46 1 8 4 3 4 1 8 1 3 4 1 4 5 6 3 1 1 1 'a 2 i i 4 - 8 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 7 1 3 25 6 3 81 14 9 83 23 4 34 85 10 4 35 97 28 5 24 46 20 25 48 15 7 10 49 50 16 5 17 7 27

Slasses. Classification of Goods. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1 Chemioal substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemioal substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmaoy .. Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not inoluded in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, exoept agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such maohinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes; instruments and apparatus for teaohing Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge"-tools .. .. .. • Metal goods not inoluded in other olasses Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass .. .. Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton pieoe-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 .. Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stufls of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth .. .. .. Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery .. .. Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, inoluding ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matohes ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other olasses Miscellaneous 9 10 1? 2 19 9 11 3 4 34 1 35 7 46 1 5 6 3 6 8 7 8 4 7 8 5 1 4 3 4 9 10 11 6 4 12 2 1 12 13 14 2 12 3 12 2 *8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 9 3 4 1 4 "t h i i 12 1 2 2 5 6 3 1 1 1 *2 2 i i 4 - 8 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 7 1 3 25 6 3 81 14 9 83 23 4 34 85 10 4 35 97 28 5 24 46 20 25 48 15 7 10 49 50 16 5 . 17 7 27 I




I—H. 10.

[* Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The Patents, tesigns, an* Irai [e-mar] Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Adams, K. N., Dunedio, N.Z. Fastener for umbrella Adamson, L., Waihao Forks, N.Z. Perambulator Adamson, L., Waihao Forks, N.Z. Collecting rain-water .. Adoock, G., Ghristchurch, N.Z. Milk-strainer.. Ainsworth, J., Bolivia, N.S.W. (Sea A. M. White, No. 14827.) Airey, G. H., Paris, France. Loading vessels .. Aitken, W., Oamaru, N.Z. Water-wheel Alcock, H. U., Melbourne, Vio. Convertible billiard and dining table Alcock, H. U., Melbourne, Vio. Settee and billiard-table Alexander, H. A., Ormondville, N.Z. Extracting gnm from Phormium tenax Alexe, F., London, Bng. Barrel Allan, H., Newmarket, N.Z. Safety-tap Allgemeine Beleuchtungs und Heiz-Industrie Actien-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Incandescent gas-lamp. (P. Lucas) Allinson, J. T., and another, Warragul, Vio. Puttie-legging Allison, J., and others, Wanganui, N.Z. Tent.. Allison, J., and others, Wanganui, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Allman, G., Wellington, N.Z. Signalling state of tide Ailman, G., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Signalling state of tide Allnutt, G. T., and another, Cheltenham, Vic. Butter-cutting machine American Amalgamating Company, Boston, U.S.A. Amalgamating metals. (P. A. Knapp) American Machine Telephone Company (Limited), Brantford, Canada. Telephone exchange. (G. W. Lorimor) American Mineral-water Machine Company, New York, U.S.A. Making aerated beverages. (P. E. Malmstrom) Amerioan Tobacco Company, New York, U.S.A. Cigarette-wrapper and mouthpiece machine. (S. D. S. and S. S. D. Rakowitzky) Amerioan Tobacco Company, Now York, U.S.A. Machine for inserting cotton in cigarettetubes. (S. D. S. Rakowitzky) American Tobacco Company, New York, U.S.A. Machine for forming cigarette-tubes. (K. Harniech) Amerioan Tobacco Company, New York, U.S.A. Sealed can. (W. I. Tuttle) American Tobacco Company, New York, U.S.A. Cigarette-machine. (J. Wojciechowski) .. Amesbury, D. E., Feilding, N.Z. Caster Amesbury, D. E., Feilding, N.Z. Caster Amos, F. J., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Cycle-propelling meohanism Amos, F. J., and others, Christohurch, N.Z. Sustaining air-pressure in tires Andersen, C. A. E., Valby, Denmark. Centrifugal separator Anderson, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Plough Anderson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Trueing up surface of flax-stripper drum Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Printing-roller Anderson, J. H., London, Eng. Golf-practice apparatus .. Anderson, J. T. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Sewage-treating tank.. Anderson, J. T. N., Duncdin, N.Z. Water-filter Anderson, T., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Horse-cover fastening Andersson, C. O., Wellington, N.Z. Saw-set .. Andrew, N., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Utilising exhaust of gas-engine Andrewartha, J., and another, Moonta, S. Aust. (See H. V. McKay, No. 14746.) Andrewartha, J., and another, Moonta, S. Aust. (See H. V. McKay, No. 14746.) Andrews, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Bag-gripping apparatus Angus, E. A., Moonee Ponds, Vic. Railway-signalling Anscombe, H., and.another, Dunedin, N.Z. Water-sprinkling cart Anstice, H., Levin, N.Z. Fastening for tail-board of cart Archer, J., Manchester, Eng. Variable gear for motors .. Arlidge, W. B., Wellington, N.Z. Feeding flax to a scutcher Armour, J. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Chair and step-ladder Armour, J. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Combined chair, step-ladder, desk, and table Armour, J. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Making chairs, &c, collapsible Armstrong, J., Auckland, N.Z. Securing cords to sashes .. Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth, and Co. (Limited), Newoastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Shipping coal. (R. Wright) Arndt, A., Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. Chambers and Son, Limited, No. 14670.) Arragon, M., Adelong, N.S.W. Heating buildings Arthur, E. B., Wellington, N.Z. Coal-scuttle .. Arthur, E. B., Wellington, N.Z. Pie-dish Arthur, J., jun., Orepuki, N.Z. Shovel Arthur, J. W., Tβ Tua, N.Z. Poisoning grain .. Arthur, R., Auckland, N.Z. Discharging products of combustion Ashton, W. J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Leggings Ashworth, H., Wellington, N.Z. Street-watering Aston, V. S., Gisborne, N.Z. Extracting gum from fibre .. Atkin, W. H., Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-consumer, &o. August, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Closet-seat August, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Closet-seat lid .. August, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Water-closet .. Auldjo, L. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Air or gas compressor Auldjo, L. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Steam-boiler Aussel, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Underframe of vehicle .. Aussel, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Leg-holder for cows Aussel, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Transporting milk Austin, H., and others, Birmingham, Eng. Wool-cutting machine Austin, J., Petone, N.Z. Means for locking nuts Austin, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Woven-wire mattress Austin, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Water-tank .. .. •• •• Australian Manufacturing and Importing Company, Christchurch, N.Z. Standard tor pmgpong. (J. Clegs) 15789 15478 15657 15506 16 Deo. 6 Oct. 20 Nov. 13 Oct. 15609 15080 15259 15373 14496 15345 14579 14759 6 Nov. 1 July. 12 Aug. 6 Sept. 27 Jan. 3 Sept. 3 March. 17 April. 14788 14603 14774 15611 15776 14980 15152 14550 24 April. 10 March. 19 April. 6 Nov. 17 Dec. 10 June. 23 July. 21 Feb. 14804 29 April. 15071 2 July. 15072 2 July. 15073 2 July. 15246 15603 14397 14691 15433 15567 14775 15170 15185 15486 14706 15679 15756 15766 15115 15339 14 Aug. 5 Nov. 4 Jan. 1 April. 23 Sept. 28 Oct. 18 April. 25 July. 29 July. 4 Oct. 3 April. 22 Nov. 11 Deo. 15 Dec. 14 July. 1 Sept. 14S01 14406 15473 15754 14916 14923 15067 15287 15304 15449 15139 28 April. 8 Jan. 30 Sept. 12 Dee. 21 May. 26 May. 28 June. 20 Aug. 23 Aug. 26 Sept.. 17 July. 15436 15126 15127 15810 15549 14669 14506 15772 14718 15219 14680 15142 15294 14753 15102 14780 14826 14981 15644 14969 14679 15171 14725 24 Sept. 17 July. 17 July. 23 Dec. 16 Oot. 22 Maroh. 7 Feb. 17 Dec. 4 April. 2 Aug. 25 Marcb. 22 July. 21 Aug. 17 April. 10 July. 22 April. 3 May. 10 June. 19 Nov. G June. 1 April. 25 July. 8 April,




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Automatic Aerator Patents (Limited), London, Eng. Aeration and boiling of liquids. (F. G. Hampson) Ayson, A. R., Mosgiel, N.Z. Adjustable receptacle-handle.. Ayson, R. W., Kaihiku, N.Z. Drill for seed-sowing Ayson, W. S., Wyndham, N.7;. Washing-board Ayson, W. S., Wyndham, N.Z. Spreader for draught-chain Babcock and Wilcox (Limited), London, Eng. (See J. Chambers and Son, Limited, Nos. 14670-1, 2.) Baeitl, ¥., Zurich, Switzerland. Pressure-regulator for gas-burner .. Bain, W., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Castor Baird, J., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-arrester Baker, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Acetylene-generatnr Baker, T., Melbourne, Vic. Packing chemicals Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Gold-dredging machinery Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Distributing sewage on to filter-beds. (G. E. Ridgway) Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Self-fluehing time-valve. (G. E. Ridgway) Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Extracting zinc from ores. (G. D. Delprat) Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Extracting sulphide from their ores. (G. D. Delprat) Baldwin, T. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Creating and circulating cold air .. Baldwin, T. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Ballin, H. J., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Minufaoture of aerated waters. (E. P. Coulter) Ballinger, T., Wellington, N.Z. Skylight Ballinger, T., Wellington, N.Z. Skylight Ballinger, T., Wellington, N.Z. Earth closet .. Baltzer, W. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Reinforcement of plastic material Bamber, M. K., and another, Colombo, Ceylon. Obtaining nf tea Bamberg, G., London, Eng. Detergents Bamford, C. E., Hautapu, N.Z. Means for preventing children falling out of bed Band, A. S., Sydney, N.S.W. Clip for securing wires of fences Band, H. P., Sydney, N.S.W. Farm and stock gate .. .. - Banks, H., Wellington, N.Z. Table-cricket Bannister, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Lock Bardwell, A. F., Springfield, U.S.A. (See F. A. Bardwell, No. 14791.) Bardwell, F. A., Boston, U.S.A. Voting-machine. (A. F. Bardwell) Barnard, A. W. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Secateur Barney, G., Waitohi Flat, Temuka, N.Z. Plough Barningham, S., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-escape ladder Baron Cigarette - machine Company (Limited), London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 14733.) Baron, L. B., and another, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 14733.) Baron, L. B., London, Eng. Manufacturing cigarettes Barrett, R., Adelaide, S. Aust. Venetian-blind.. Bartle, W. M., Napier, N.Z. Water-closet flush-conductor Bartle, W. M., Napier, N.Z. Flushing water-olosets Barton, E. L., Hawera, N.Z. Electric conductor Barton, G. F., New York, U.S.A. (See Barwest Coaster-brake Company, No. 14437.) Barton, W., Featherston, N.Z. Delivering milk into cans Barwest Coaster-brake Company, Now York, U.S.A. Driving and braking mechanism. (G. F. Barton) Bary, de. (See under D.) Baseman, E., and another, Macedon, U.S.A. (See Bickford and Huffman Company, No. 15683.) Basley, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Electric belt. (M. A. McLaughlin) Basley, G. W,, Auckland, N.Z. Cash-carrier railway. (M.S.Giles).. Ba«ley, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Motion-transmitting mechanism. (H. Smith) .. Bate, M., Auckland, N.Z. Gold extractor and separator .. Bates, J., and another, North Melbourne, Vie. Washing copper Baux, H., Auckland, N.Z. Heating water Bayley, C. H., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15204.) Beal, L. O., Dunedin, N.Z. Range-finding and sighting appliance Beale, C, London, Eng. Food-preservative .. Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Sling and shackle Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Sack-mouth fastener Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Boot-fastener .. Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Dredge-bucket links Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Carrying a iunning line over a standing line Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Oil-feeding can Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Trouser-clip Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Sack-mouth fastener Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Button-hole Beaumont, G., Kaikorai, Dunedin, N.Z. Securing bradawl to handle Bedford, J., and another, Puriri, N.Z. Windmill Bedford, R. H., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-alarm Bell, G. W., Sydney, N.S.W. Road-sweeper Bell, H. R., Lyttelton, N.Z. Bottle and stopper Bell, J. H., and another, Thornbury, N.Z. Bucklo Bell, J. R., and another, Groper's Bush, N.Z. Lifting-jack Bellett, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic Lock-nut plate Benham, E., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Match-striker Benkel, B., London, Eng. Cigar-holder Benson, J., Hedgehope, N.Z. Combined collar and names Bergersen, C. A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. Berry, G. W., Melbourne, Vic. Soldering seams of can-bodies Bertinehaw, G. J., Wellington, N.Z. Ratchet nut-lock Best, J. F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-driving meohanism 15134 15110 15723 14970 15190 15645 15764 15638 15616 15699 14463 15417 15418 15681 15687 14502 14505 15555 14491 14604 15445 14900 15664 15045 14451 15013 14990 15477 15183 14791 15200 14508 15146 14811 15523 14468 14625 15804 16 July. 11 July. 2 Dec. 7 June. 29 July. 19 Nov. 15 Deo. 15 Nov. 7 Nov. 26 Nov. 22 Jan. 18 Sept. 18 Sept. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 4 Feb. 6 Feb. 25 Oct. 3 Feb. 11 March 25 Sept. 22 May. 18 Nov. 27 June. 20 Jan. 19 June. 12 June. 6 Oct. 24 July. 24 April. 30 July. 10 Feb. 19 July. 1 May. 16 Oct. 22 Jan. 14 March 23 Dec. 15460 14437 lOct. 16 Jan. 15001 15547 15724 15405 15692 15524 11 June. 20 Oct. 1 Dec. 13 Sept. 27 Nov. 14 Oot. 14787 15212 15507 15508 15533 15544 15630 15631 15668 15669 15797 15257 14541 15017 15397 14743 15258 15760 15623 14442 14503 15366 15406 14933 15055 14799 19 April. 2 Aug. 11 Oct. 11 Oct. 16 Oot. 21 Oct. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Dec. 12 Aug. 20 Feb. 17 June. 13 Sept. 15 April. 12 Aug. 15 Dec. 13 Nov. 17 Jan. 7 Feb. 3 Sept. 16 Sept. 29 May. 30 June. 26 April.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Bickford and Huffman Company, New York, U.SA. Furrow-opener. (J. S. Heath and E. Baseman) Bidatrup, N., Broadford, Vic. Fluid-register Bigelow, G. H., Auckland, N.Z. Hair-pin Bigelow, G. H., Auokland, N.Z. Hair-pin Bigelow, G. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Nut-lock Bigelow, G. H., Auckland, N.Z. Hair-pin Bigelow, G. H., Auckland, N.Z. Button-holes .. Bigelow, G. H., Auckland, N.Z. Nut-lock Biilin, C. K., Chicago, U.S.A. Stamp-mill. (W. S. McKinney) Bills, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Bottleholder Bills, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Device for picking up bal.s Bingham, E. G. H., and another, Broomwood, Eng. Magazine-gun .. Bizet, L. J., Paris, France. Keceptacle for liquids under pressure Bjornstad, M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Medicated sweetmeat .. Black, J., nnd others, Nelson, N.Z. Hot-house Black, R. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-trap Blanchard, A., London, Eng. (See E. Waters, juu., No. 15718.) Bland, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Elastic-fluid compression Blanks, G. W., Sydney, N.S.W. Hydraulic duplex oil-brake Boardmnn, G., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Flushing-cistern Bohm, E., London, Eng. Globe Bomford, J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Broom-handle Bonhain, J. S. C, Richmond, Vio. Pump Bonnaud, J. B. G., Dover, Eng. Nitro-cellulose compound Bonnington, F., Tinwald, N.Z. Damper-regulator Booth, H. C, London, Eng. (See Vacuum Cleaner Company, Limited, No. 15150.) Boreham, J., Kurow, N.Z. (See J. A. Boreham, No. 15553.) Boreham, J. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Sheep-shears. (J. Boreham) Borlase, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer Boilase, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Pot-cleaner .. .. .. .. Borlase, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-tightener .. .. .. B rlasc, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-fastener Borlase, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Spring hook Borlase, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wrench Borlase, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Shear-regulator .. Borlase, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Tongs Borlase, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal trap Born, A., Glasgow, Scotland. Removing oil, &c, from wool, &c. Bors, 0., Trundle, N.S.W. Sheep-shears Botting, W. J., Shannon, N.Z. Destroying blight Bowick, W. H., Hunterville, N.Z. Rubber lioel and sole .. ... Bowles, E., Hukanui, N.Z. Colander and eooking-utensil .. Bowman, O., and others, Perth, W.A. Cleaning tram-rails Bowmar, E., Gore, N.Z. Canister for sowing seeds Bowring, J. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Spark-arrester Boxall, li., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Butter-printing machine Boyd, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Knife-cleaner .. Boyens, W. H., Kaikoura, N.Z. Pump for drawing off liquids Boyens, W. H., Kaikoura, N.Z. Forco-pump .. Bradbury, S. W., Cape Town, Cape Colony. Wire-strainer Bradshaw, R. F., and another, Boulder, W.A. High-pressure tap for iilter-press Brady, W., San Francisco, U.S.A. Rock-drill .. Brain, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Using heavy oils in gas-engine Brain, W. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Using heavy oils in gas-engine Braithwaite, J. H., Barnsley, Eng. Variable speed-gearing for velocipedes, &c. Biassel, H. P., Alfredton, N.Z. Breaking or controlling vehicles Brasting, J., Christoburch, N.Z. Implement for breaking up ground .. Bremer, H., Neheim-on-the Ruhr, Germany. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 15786.) Brent, 0. D., Cromwell, N.Z. Boot-fastening .. Brett, R. D., and another, London, England. Smoke-consumer Briant, L., and another, London, Eng. (See the Conversion Company (Billing's Alaoninery and Process), Limited, No. 14720.) Bridges, C. L., Waneanui, N.Z. Incubator Bridgman, A. O., Dunedin, N.Z. Mat-fastener.. Bristow, C, Addington, N.Z. Hat-fastener Bristow, C, Addington, N.Z. Stretching trousers Brodie, P. S., Invercargill, N.Z. Horse-eovrr fastening Broinhead, S. S., and another, London, Eng. Reproducing and LrausmiUing sound Broflme, T. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-proofing composition Broome, T. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Compressed fuel .. .. . .. Brophy, C. M., Upper Manilla, N.S.W. Measuring skirts .. Brown, P. 0., and another, Komata, N.Z. Vessel for treating oies Brown, G. F, Hurstville, N.S.W. Tire-covering Brown, J. H. S., Woodville, N.Z. Siphon Brown, J. H. S., Pahiatua, N.Z. Siphon Brown, J. H. S., Auckland, N.Z. Heating fluids Brown, J. H. S., Auckland, N.Z. Combined cigarette and match box Brown, J. H. S., Auckland, N.Z. Window-lock Brown, J. P., Christchurch, N.Z. Button Brown, P. J., Little Kyeburn, N.Z. Closing leaks in &c. Brown, T. H., Wellington, N.Z. Artificial fuel Brown, T. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Branding-fluid Brown, T. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Branding-fluid Brownley, A. H , and another, Onehunga, N.Z. Seouring buttons to garments Brownley, A. H., Onehunga, N.Z. Hanging pictures Brownley, A. H., Onehunga, N.Z. Advertising parcel-grip.. 15683 14540 14532 14539 14626 14818 14844 14845 14728 15020 15058 14405 15043 15808 14435 15487 15581 15352 15694 ]5076 15594 14467 14642 15025 15553 14443 14517 14876 14967 14998 14999 15172 15488 15735 14989 15420 15538 15137 14557 14863 15604 15715 15543 15729 14396 15242 14431 15769 15329 15323 15323 15770 14602 15364 26 Nov. 19 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 12 March. 28 April. 1 May. 1 May. 10 April. 17 June. 27 June. 8 Jan. 27 June. 20 Dec. 15 Jan. 3 Ojt. 31 Oot. 4 Sept. 27 Nov. 3 July. 4 Nov. 24 Jan. 20 Much. 23 June. 23 Oct. 15 Jan. 10 Feb. 10 May. 4 Jline. 9 June. 9 June. 22 July. 3 Oct. 6 Dec. 12 June. 19 Sept. 22 Oct. 18 July. 24 Feb. 9 May. 5 Nov. 4 Dec. 23 Oct. 8 Dec. 3 Jan. 11 Aug. 14 Jan. 17 Dee. 26 Aug. 26 Aug. 26 Aug. 17 Dec. 10 March. 5 Sept. 15018 15229 20 June. 7 Aug. 15476 14822 14534 14805 14896 14572 14440 14651 15392 14883 15015 14678 14838 15141 15663 15696 15088 15135 14400 14668 14694 14856 14878 15570 6 Oct. 30 April. 15 Feb. 29 April. 16 May. 3 March. 17 Jan. 20 Maroh. 10 Sept. 12 May. 7 Nov. 27 Maroh. 5 May. 22 July. 18 Nov. 25 Nov. 7 July. 16 July. 6 Jan. 24 March. 3 April. 8 May. 15 May. 30 Oct.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Brummer, D., Vienna, Austria. Portable building Brundell, H. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire mattress Brunt, J. R., and another, Ohristchurch, N.Z. Pneumatic tire Buckingham, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Annular-chamber type of rotary engine Buekland, A., Auckland, N.Z. Door-fastener .. Buff, H. W., Siige, Switzerland. Coverings for the feet Buhlmann, G., Berlin, Germany. Incandescent mantle Burdett-Stuart, P. A., Chertsey, N.Z. Bird-trap Burge, J., Warragul, Vio. Rug for cows, &c. Burgon, H., Sheffield, Eng. Sheep shears Burgon, H., Sheffield, Eng. Sheep-shears Burman, E. S., Caulfield, Vic. Canning butter Burns, J., Cbristchurch, N.Z. Standard for table-tennis .. Burpee, F. W., and another, Vancouver, B.C. (See H. Peck, Nos. 14544, 14762, 14763, and 14764.) Burrell, T., and another, North Melbourne, Vic. Detachable boot-sole Burrell, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Packing rabbits Burren, G., Wellington, N.Z. Tip-dray Buit, A., jun., Dunedin, N.Z. Fluehing-tank .. Butler, A., Taralga, N.S.W. Fly-trap Butler, F. J. J., and another, Thornbury, N.Z. Buckle Cahoone, E. R., Newark, U.S.A. Stove Caldwell, R., Auckland, N.Z. Flap-attachment to wheels .. Callaghan, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See Mutual Benefit Bonus Company, Limited, No. 14580.) Callaghan, J. T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See Mutual Benefit Bonus Company, Limited, No. 14580.) Cameron, B. A., Queenstown, N.Z. Spark-arrester Campbell, A., Sutton, N.Z. Animal-trap Campbell, A. A., North Sydney, N.S.W. Water-heater Campbell, H. F., Boston, U.S.A. (See International Ore-separating Company, No. 15099.) Campbell, H. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Removable stove-flue .." Campbell, J., Newton, U.S.A. Barge for handling coal Campbell, J., Grove Bush, N.Z. Animal-trap .. Campbell, J. D., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Dredge-bucket Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electric generator. (B. G. Lamme) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Brake-shoe. (E. M. Herr) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electric-arc lamp. (G. Westinghouse) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Controller for electric motor. (H. E. Stuart) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electric-arc lamp. (H. Bremer) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Dynamo. (H. Chitty).. Canda, F. M., New York, U.S.A. Locking-device for cams, &c. . Carlyle, J., Waimate, N.Z. Feeding-trough Carrington, G., Tomoana, N.Z. Baoon-slicer Carrington, G., Tomoana, N.Z. Baoon-slicer .. Carruthers, J. A., St. James, Vic. Electric clock Carruthers, J. A., St. James, Vic. Electrio clock Cary, H. B., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Voting-machine Caselberg, L., Wellington, N.Z. Stopper for bottle Casgrain, L. A., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 14647.) Cassel, H. R., London, Eng. Extracting precious metals... Cassels, H. O., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Horse-collar Catt, G. H., Southampton, Eng. Boot-finishing machine wheels Cederman, A., Hokitika, N.Z. Dredge-bucket .. Chaffey, H. F., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Challis, G. C, High Cliff, Dunedin, N.Z. Stump-extractor Chalmers, E. K. C, Onehunga, N.Z. Wardrobe Chamberlain, J., Catford, Eng. Obtaining light from gases of low calorific power Chamberlain, W. E., Auckland, N.Z. Seed-sower Chamberlain, W. E., and another, Feilding, N.Z. Cooling cream, &o. Chambers and Son (Limited), J., Auckland, N.Z. Oil-separator. (Babcook and Wilcox, Limited—A. Arndt) Chambers and Son (Limited), J., Auckland, N.Z. Stoker for furnace. (Baboock and Wilcox, Limited—G. W. Thode) Chambers and Son (Limited), J., Auckland, N.Z. Stoker for furnace. (Babcock and Wilcox, Limited—G. W. Thode) Chambers, J. A., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Manufacture of glass articles. (J. H. Lubbers) Chambers, J. M., Auckland, N.Z. Compressing wheel-tires. (West's Patent Tire-setter Company, Limited— J. B. West) Chambers, R., New Plymouth, N.Z. Milk cooler and aerator Chambers, E., New Plymouth, N.Z. Attachment to pianos to hold music-book Ohannon, J., Hornsby, N.S.W. Lock for mail-bag. (J. J. Russell) .. Chapman, W., London, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 14879.) Chapman, W., and another, Teddington, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 15579.) Charlier, A. C. J., Glasgow, Scotland. Manufacture of lead pigments Cheney, S., Freeling, S. Aust. Eailway-brake .. Cherrie, M. J., Huntly, N.Z. Opening oysters Chitty, H., Slater, Eng. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 15822.) Church, E. J., Ashburton, N.Z. Wire-coiler Clamond, 0., Paris, France. (See The Kern Burner Company, Limited, No. 14546.) Clancy, J. C., Footscray, Vic. (See Clanoy White-lead Company Proprietary, Limited, No. 15542.) Clancy White-lead Company Proprietary (Limited), Footscray, Vic. White-lead. (J. C. Clancy) Clapham, G. H., St. Kilda, Vio. Gas-manufacture Clark, I. M., Compoc, Cal., U.S.A. Child's high chair Clark, J., Okato, N.Z. Manufacture of bricks .. 15651 15452 14408 15044 14737 14735 15160 15595 15624 15122 15682 15456 14915 23 Nov.,'01 26 Sept. 8 Jan. 27 June. 9 April. 9 April. 24 July. 4 Nov. 13 Nov. 17 July. 26 Nov. 1 Oct. 23 May. 15279 14466 15455 15562 15015 15258 14956 14941 21 Aug. 24 Jan. 30 Sept. 25 Oct. 19 June. 12 Aug. 5 June. 28 May. 15019 15791 15391 16 June. 16 Dec. 10 Sept. 15216 14798 15370 15437 14644 14887 15310 15785 15786 15822 15125 15412 14701 15012 15646 15647 14576 14476 lAug. 24 April. 9 Sept. 24 Sept. 20 March. 20 May. 27 Aug. 18 Dec. 18 Dec. 30 Dec. 17 July. 18 Sept. 2 April. 18 June. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 4 March. 27 Jan. 14814 14568 15350 15390 15396 14415 14453 15234 15806 15825 14670 1 May. 28 Feb. 4 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 Sept. 8 Jan. 21 Jan. 6 Aug. 23 Deo. 81 Dec. 25 Maroh. 14671 25 March. 14672 25 March. 14429 15078 14 Jan. 3 July. 14885 15188 15678 19 May: 29 July. 25 Nov. 14862 15566 15705 9 May. 29 Oct. 2 Dec. 15463 1 Oct. 15542 23 Oct. 15745 14520 15459 11 Dec. 13 Feb. 1 Oct.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Clarke, G. C Auckland, N.Z. Gate .. .. •• Glayden, A. W., and others, Nelson, N.Z. Hot-house Glaydon, G., Ghristchuroh, N.Z. Spark-arrester .. .. ■ Olaydon, G., Ghristohurch, N.Z. Supplying steam to furnaces Cleaver, A. E., Rongotea, N.Z. Fire-escape Clegg, J., Christchurch, N.Z. (See Australian Manufacturing and Importing Company, No. 14725.) Clegg, J., Christchureh, N.Z. Umbrella Clendinnen, Ede. (See under E.) Clennel, F., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Signalling state of tide Clere, F. de J., Wellington, N.Z. Insulating walls, &o. Coates, E. M , . R., and others, Matakohe, N.Z. Ditching-plough Goates, J. G., and others, Matakohe, N.Z. Ditching-plough Cochrane, D. L., Otahuhu, N.Z. Drain-excavator and road-grader .. Cochrane, D. L., Otahuhu, N.Z. Combined dray and scoop Cochrane, D. L., Otahuhu, N.Z, Dray-scoop .. Cochrane, D. L., Otahuhu, N.Z. Dray-scoop .. Cochrane, W. H., Otfthuiti, N.Z. Yoking horses Cockburn, J. A., and others, Lewisham, N.S.W. Spark-arrester Coe, H., Greymouth, N.Z. Plough .. Colborn, E. F., Salt Lake City, U.S.A. Explosive-engine. (A.Hayes) Colborn, E. F., Salt Lake City, U.S.A. Production of gas.. Coleman, W. E., New York, U.S.A. Electric fan Coleman, W. E., New York, U.S.A. Electric fan .. .. •• Collins, E., Invercargill, N.Z. Hedge-clipper .. Collins, J. J., and another, Christchureh, N.Z. Making stonework impervious to water Collins, W., Waiwera, N.Z. Animal-trap Collins, W. A., Waiiganui, N.Z. Cow-leg holder Collins, W. E., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Compressing ensilage .. Colonial Ammunition Company (Limited), Auckland, N.Z. Wad. (A. 0. Whitney) Coltman, K. H., Hunterville. N.Z. Silt-ej-.ctor for tank .. Combes, F. H., and another,'Auckland, N.Z. (See A. H. Nathan, No. 15403.) Conrad, F., Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 14611.) Conroy, E., Ballina, N.S.W. Propeller Constable, G. W., Queenstown, N.Z. Spark-arrester Constable, C. W., Queenstown, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Constable, J., Napier, N.Z. Siphon for water-closet Conversion Company (Billing's Machinery and Process), Limited, London, Eng. Manufacture of beer. (L. Briant and H. C. Rigaud) Conyers, E. A., Melbourne, Vic. Bed-pan Coogan, L., Rongotea, N.Z. Flax-dray Cook, J., Wellington, N.Z. Operating valves of cisterns Ooomber, 3. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Raising gold .. Cooley Development Company, Boston, U.S.A. Rotary fluid-engine. (J. F. Cooley) Cooley, J. F., Boston, U.S.A. (See Cooley Development Company, No. 15784.) Cooper, A., Wellington, N.Z. Wheel-look Cooper, A., Wellington, N.Z. Wheel-lock Cooper, F., Invercargill, N.Z. Cultivator Cooper, F., Christchureh, N.Z. Potato-planter.. Cooper, F., Christchureh, N.Z. Clod-crusher, &c. Cooper, H. A., Wellington, N.Z. Spark-catcher Cooper, K., Christchureh, N.Z. Preparation for the skin .. Cooze, C. J., Car.terton, N.Z. Fire-escape Cooze, C. J., Carterton, N.Z. Lock-nut Cooze, C. J., Carterton, N.Z. Fire-escape Copeland, L. D., and another, Los Angeles, U.S.A. Utilising heat from slag Corbett, J. C, Epsom, N.Z. Framing pictures Corbett, J. C., Epson), N.Z. Decorating picture-frames Cormack, J., Wyndham, N.Z. Coulter-centre .. Cormack, W., and another, Midlothian, Scotland. Gelatine Corrington, M., and another, New York, U.S.A. Railway-signalling.. Corrington, M., New York, U.S.A. Safety-valve Cossar, T., Govan, Scotland. Printing-machine Cosslett, R., Auckland, N.Z. Tap .. Cotton, A. H., Omanaia, N.Z. Mustard-pot Cotton, F., N.S.W. Carbonaceous liquids as fuel Cottrell and Sons Company, C. B., New York, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 14807.) Coucill, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Merry-go-round .. Coulsell, A. C, and others, North Melbourne, Vic. Water-column boiler Coulaell, F. F., and others, North Melb mrne, Vic. Water-column boiler Coulsell, H. W., and others, North Melbourne, Vic Water-column boiler Coulsell, L. B., and others, North Melbourne, Vic. Water-columu boiler Coulter, E. P., Melbourne, Vic. (See H. J. Ballin, No. 15555.) Coulthard, T. W., Mangapai, N.Z. Box for the carriage of eggs. (J. Fowler) Gouston, J., and another, Perth, W.A. Jointing iron plates Cowan, J., Edinburgh, Scotland. Water-tube boiler .. .. .. Cowan, J., Edinburgh, Scotland. Water-tube boiler Cowan, S. J., and another, Tingha, N.S.W. Starting horse-race Cowley, J. T., Lowell, U.S.A. (See Lamson Store Service Company, Limited, No. 14549.) Cowper-Coles and Company (Limited), S, London, Eng. Dep >sition of metal. (8. CowperColes) Cowper-Coles, S., London, Eng. (See S. Ciwper-Coles and Company, Limited, No. 14832.) Cowper, F. H. W., Gbristchurch, N.Z. Ping-pong Copper, F. H. W, Gnristohurch, N.Z. Damper for letter-copying. (T. N. Rayward) Cox, J., New Glenelg, S. Aust. Drilling and boring apparatus Coxhead, A. V., and another, Sydendam, N.Z. Toasting-appliance Cozens, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Closet 15434 14435 14528 15061 15532 14802 15776 1527S 15251 15251 14526 14578 15676 15712 15189 15107 15642 14427 14428 14903 15602 15231 14930 15255 15425 15376 15435 15281 15444 15485 15675 15670 14720 15416 15742 14880 15529 15784 23 Sept. 15 Jan. 14 Feb. 30 June. 18 Oct. 28 April. 17 Dec. 20 Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 14 Feb. 6 March. 19 Nov. 3 Dec. 29 July. 24 July. 17 Nov. 14 Jan." 14 Jan. 23 May. 5 Nov. 7 Aug. 29 May. 12 Aug. 19 Sept. 10 Sept. 24 Sept. 22 Aug. 25 Sept. 1 Oct. 19 Nov. 22 Nov. 8 April. 18 Sept. 10 Dec. 15 May. 14 Oct. 18 Dee. 14920 15232 14677 15737 15738 14530 15520 14594 14699 14700 J 5424 14527 14806 15680 157(17 14618 15820 15575 15202 14871 15318 26 May. 7 Aug. 22 March. 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 15 Feb. 15 Oct. 7 March. 3 April. 3 April. 19 Sept. 14 Feb. 28 April. 22 Nov. 17 Dec. 13 March. 30 Dec. 30 Oct. 30 July. 10 May. 28 Aug. 14869 15677 15677 15677 15677 7 May, 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 15404 14587 15148 15569 1571C 12 Sept. 6 March. 23 July. 30 Oct. 4 Deo. 14832 1 May. 14631 15431 15426 14742 15395 14 March. 23 Sspt. 16 Sept. 14 April. 13 Sept.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Craig, W., Auckland, N.Z. Ventilator Crawford, B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ventilator Creamer, J., Wellington, N.Z. Plane-iron. Croft, J. R., London, Eng. (See Valves, Limited, No. 14682.) Groll, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Life-saving raft Crook, J., Auckland, N.Z. Production of air-gas Cross, C, Waitangi, N.Z. Platform for bushfelling Crown Paper Company, Boston, U.S.A. Making carbon-paper. (P. B. How) Croxhead, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Lead-headed nail Cruickshank, C. M., Gore, N.Z. Tap for water-tank Cummins, T. D., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Dropper for wire-fencea Cunningham, C. S., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rowing-machine for physical exercise .. Currie, P., and another, Mt. Eden, N.Z. Snatch-block Currie, W., Hillsborough, N.Z. Ballast-spreading machine Curtis, C. L., and another, New York, U.S.A. Bottle-closure Curtis, R., Ongarue, N.Z. Suspender Cutten, F. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Securing bush to tumbler-shaft of bucket-dredge Dade, H. E., New York, U.S.A Binder for loose sheets of paper Dahl, C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Butter-mould. (G. Shailer) Dahlqvist, J. A., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. Separating fatty substances from emulsions Dale, G. P., Christchurch, N.Z. Scoring-apparatus for ping-pong, &c. Dale, G. P., Christchurch, N.Z. Date and score indicator Dalton, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Telescopic tap .. .. .. Dando, P. H., Whangarei, N.Z. Chamber-utensils ... Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Bending sheet-metal tubts Darby, S. C, and others, Wickford Junction, Essex, Eng. Implement for breaking up land Darby, T. A., and others, Wickford Junction, Essex, Eng. Implement for breaking up land Darby, T. C, and others, Wickford Junction, Essex, Erg. Implement for breaking up land Darling, P. J., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Sustaining air-pressure in tires Darrell, G., Melbourne, Vic. Advertising Davenport, E. P., Melrose, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company., No. 15203.) Davey, W. S., Featherston, N.Z. Milk cooler and filler .. Davidson, G., Hokitika, N.Z. Tripping-block for hauling logs Davidson, G., Hokitika, N.Z. Tripping-block for hauling logs Davidson, W. L., Cheviot, N.Z. Preventing extraction of letters from letter-box Davidson, W. L., Cheviot, N.Z. Non-refil)able bottle Davies, J. B., Malvern, Vic. (See C. P. Dunn, No. 15774.) Davis, A. P., San Francisco, U.S.A. Detachable hoot-heel. (M.L.Hansen) Davis, G. F. F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Plate Davy, K., Wanganui, N.Z. Umbrella Davy, K., Wanganui, N.Z. Umbrella Dawson, W., Auckland, N.Z. Remedy for cuts Dawson, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Table-game Deane, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Packing tea, &c. De Bary, A. T., Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic. Rod for wire-fencing De Lajard, C. P., Avignon, France. Power from waves of sea Delprat, G. D., Broken Hill, N.S.W. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, Nos. 15081 and 15687.) Demant, I. S., and others, East Orange, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 14809.) De Mole, L. E., Brighton, Vic. Automatically operating telephone exchange De Montalk, R. W., Auckland, N.Z. Constructing fireproof floors and ceilings .. Dent, G., Auckland, N.Z. Hairdressers'cabinet Derrett, E. A., Hawarden, N.Z. Fencing-dropper Desmond, W., Outram, N.Z. Lamp-bracket Dewar, J. L., and another, Bristol, Eng. Treating beer for bottling .. Dibdin, W. J., and another, London, Eng. Manufacturing gas Diddams, W. H., Greytown North, N.Z. Vehicle mud-guard Dimant, E., Melbourne, Vic. Divided sole for boots, &c. .. Dingwall, J., Melbourne, Vic. Canister for butter, &c. Dixon, H., Mataura, N.Z. Rat-trap Dixon, H., Mataura, N.Z. Rat-trap Dodd, W. G., San Francisco, U.S.A. Ore-concentrator Dodgson, P. L., and another, Rochester, U.S.A. Railway-signalling.. Dolier Electric Traction (Limited), London, Eng. Electric traction system. (H. Dolter) . . Dolter, H., Paris, France. (See Dolter Electric Traction, Limited, No. 15768.) Donald, D., Masterton, N.Z. Punching, shearing, and stamping machine Donald, D., Masterton, N.Z. Golf-bag Donaldson, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Catch-pit for street-drainage Donaldson, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Treating sewage Donkin, H., Wellington, N.Z. Collapsible butter, &c, box Donnelly, J. P., Peilding, N.Z. Preparation for the hair Donnelly, J. P., Peilding, N.Z. Preparation for the hair Douglas, A., Otahuhu, N.Z. Buckle-attachment to spring-hook Douglas, A., Otahuhu, N.Z. Candlestick Downing, H. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Saddle .. Droutlege, H., Auckland, N.Z. Registering and recording machine Droiitlege, H., Auckland, N.Z. Totalisator Druinra, T. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-extinguisher Duck, G. D. J., and others, Marton, N.Z. Sprayer Duke, R. W., London, Eng. Toy .. Dunbar, A., South Melbourne, Vic. Feed-water heater. (J. Macartney) Duncan, A. S, Invercargill, N.Z. Gate-hinge .. Duncan, G. S., Melbourne, Vic. Can-body making machine. (R.D.Hume) Dunli p, G. H., Melbourne, Vic. Linings for tunnels Dunn, C. P., Kew, Vic. Nail. (J. B. Davies) .. Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Hinge .. 14875 15481 15415 15672 14846 15450 14553 15214 14946 15755 15439 15252 14462 14655 15083 15180 15225 15035 15038 14945 15009 15592 15356 15382 15314 15314 15314 15567 15049 15539 14510 14558 15105 15554 15336 15130 15300 15545 14771 15458 15173 14730 15654 10 May. 3 Oct. 18 Sept. 22 Nov. 3 May. 26 Sept. 19 Feb. 31 July. 29 May. 13 Dec. 20 Sept. 12 Aug. 22 Jan. 21 March. 1 July. 25 July. 4 Aug. 24 June. 27 June. 31 May. 16 June. 30 Oct. 4 Sept. 9 Sept. 27 Aug. 27 Aug. 27 Aug. 28 Oct. 27 June. 22 Oot. 10 Feb. 24 Feb. 10 July. 27 Oct. 30 Aug. 18 July. 16 Aug. 22 Oct. 16 April. 1 Oct. 24 July. 10 April. 19 Nov. 15353 14752 14449 14439 15278 14833 14957 15297 15101 14486 15812 15813 14485 14618 15768 4 Sept, 17 April. 18 Jan. 17 Jan. 21 Aug. 1 May. 5 Jui e. 25 Aug. 10 July. 30 Jan. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 30 Jan. 13 March 15 Der. 14559 14835 14640 14660 15180 14592 15531 14454 15227 15556 14772 15814 14538 14707 15599 15157 14628 15491 15819 15774 15138 25 Feb. 5 May. 19 March 21 March. 29 July. 12 March 18 Oct. 21 Jan. 7 Aug. 27 Oct. 17 April. 22 Deo. 18 Feb. 5 April. 5 Nov. 24 July. 11 March 9 Oct. 30 Deo. 17 Dec. 17 July.




Name, Kesirience, and Invention. No. Date. Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutting machine Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutting machine Durey, J., Teddington, N.Z. Handles for knives, &o. Earle, M., Gisborne, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Eiisdown, R. H., Mount Maodonald, N.S.W. Mail-bag fastener Economic Hoisting and Ballast Company, San Francisco, U.S.A. Unloading vessels. (A. Mullan) Ede-Clendinneu, W. A., Glenferrie, Vic. Tobaoco-pipe Khrmann, M. B. L., and others, Pinkenba, Queensland. Joint for tin or can Elder, W. K., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Ditching plough Elliot, R. N., Lindfleld, N.S.W. (See Elliot's Patent Improved Domestic Pin Company, Limited, No. 14589.) Elliot, R. N., LindfielJ, N.S.W. (See Elliot's Patent Lock Envelope Company, Limited, No. 14931.) Elliot's Patent Improved Domestic Pin Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. Pin. (R. N. Elliot) Elliot's Patent Lock Envelope Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. Stationery envelope. (R. N. Elliot) Ellis, J., Warragul, Vic. Butter-box Ellis, J., Warragul, Vic. Securing horse-rugs .. Ellis, P., Wellington, N.Z. Rotary engine Ellison, T. R., Wellington, N.Z. Cycle parcel-carrier Klmore, A. S., London, Eng. Separating minerals Ensor, S. J., and another, Waihi, N.Z. Claw-hammer Eppler, A., Allston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15103.) Eriokaon, C. J., and others, Chicago, US.A. (See Strowger Automatic Telephone Exchange, No. 15422.) Eriokson, J., and others, Chicago, U.S.A. (See Strowger Automatic Telephone Exchange, No. 15422.) Escher, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-escape .. Espie, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-trap Ksse, C. E. A., Ormskirk, Eng. Inner tube of tire .. Evans, F. P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Removing coal from ships' holds Evans, J. P., Opotiki, N.Z. O.G. spouting Evans, W. J., and another, Montana, U.S.A. Roasting-furnace Evans, W. J., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Dredge-bucket Ewing, J, jun., Richmond, Canada. Life-preserver Ewing, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Renewing window-cords .. Fabrik fiir Meehanische Hirnholzmosaik Gesellschaft mit Beschranktor Haftung, Miinchen, Germany. Manufacturing fabric composed of wooden blocks. (J. Wehinger) Fagan, L., Mangapai, N.Z. Piano bracket-lamp Fahey, J. V., Roslyn Bush, N.Z. Sheaf-oarrier for harvester ... Fahey, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Broom, brush, &c. Fahey, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hair and hat pin and fastening Fahey, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-fastener.. Fairbanks, Morse, and Co., Chicago, U.S.A. Gas-generator. (F. G. Hobart) Fairweather, J., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Selvedge-stripping flax-drum Fairweather, W., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Selvedge-stripping flax-drum Fairweather, W., jun., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Selvedge-stripping flax-drum Falconer, J. M., Endaleigh, N.Z. Feed for grain-drill Farquhar, J. F. 0., Vaucluse, Sydney, N.S.W. Oil-lamp .. Federal Refining Company, Jersey City, U.S.A. Treating sugar. (C. A. Spreckels and C. A. Kern) Fennessy, T., Port Melbourne, Vic. Roller for swampy ground, &c. Ferrell, J. L., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Wood-preserving Ferrell, J. L., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Wood-preserving Ferrell, J. L., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Wood-preserving Ferrier, J., Geelong, Vio. (See Victorian Forage-pressing Company Proprietary, Limited, No. 14991.) Fessenden, R. A., Manteo, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., Noa. 15374, 15375, 15394.) Fiddes, J. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Propelling, &c, boats Findlay, A., jun., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Leggings Finlay, F., and another, Newtown, N.S.W. Checking-marker for games Firth, T., Wellington, N.Z. Wheel-look Firth, T., Wellington, N.Z. Wheel-look Firth, T., Wellington, N.Z. Wheel-lock Fisher, D. P., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Ventilating hails, &o. Flameless Gaslight Company (Limited), London, Eng. Incandescent-gas lighting. (W. Hooker) Flameless Gaslight Company (Limited), London, Eng. Gas-burner. (W. Hooker) Fleming, M. W., Milton, N.Z. Goods elevator .. Fleming, M. W., Milton, N.Z. Portable truck aud hoist .. Floyed, A. G., Gladstone, Tasmania. Apparatus for playing games .. Foley, M., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising Foot, F. J., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Gold-saving screen Foot, W. J., London, Eng. Fixing railway-track rails Forbes, W. C, Elsternwiok, Vic. Course-recorder for ships Ford, J., Cromwell, N.Z. Tap Ford, J., and another, Cromwell, N.Z. Perambulator Foreign McKenna Prooess Company, Milwaukee, U.S.A. Reshaping rolled products. (D. H. Lentz) Forno, C. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Forwood, H., aud others, Christchurch, N.Z. Seouring hat to head Fowler, J., Whangarei, N.Z. (See T. W. Coulthard, No. 15404.) Francis, A. A., Bergamo, Italy. Ore-concentrator Francis, J. F., Waltham, N.Z. Cramp for match-boarding 15176 15243 15G95 15235 15077 15749 23 July. 8 Aug. 25 Nov. 2 Aug. 3 July. 11 Deo. 15384 14614 15251 11 Sept. 13 March. 12 Aug. 6 March. 14589 14931 29 May. 14985 15811 15274 14779 14518 14478 7 June. 24 Dee. 20 Aug. 22 April. 13 Feb. 24 Jan. 14709 14767 15121 14861 14942 14888 15437 15809 15499 14577 7 April. 15 April. 17 July. 9 May. 24 May. 20 May. 24 Sept. 24 Dec. 10 Oct. 3 Maroh 15472 14637 14416 14828 15628 15442 15795 15795 15795 14489 14688 14739 4 Oct. 15 March 8 Jan. 2 May. 11 Nov. 25 Sept. 18 Dec. 18 Dec. 18 Dec. 27 Jan. 1 April. 11 April. 15075 14519 14726 14792 3 July. 13 Feb. 7 April. 24 April. 15432 14506 14820 15223 15369 15758 14952 15124 23 Sept. 7 Feb. 2 May. 6 Aug. 9 Sept. 15 Dec. 4 June. 17 July. 15578 15335 15408 14864 15184 15563 14426 15541 14560 14870 15327 30 Oct. 30 Aug. 13 Sept. 9 May. 25 July. 25 Oct. 14 Jan. 22 Oot. 24 Feb. 9 May. 26 Aug. 14794 15464 22 April. 29 Sept. 14545 15108 20 Feb. 11 July.




Name, Besidence, and Invention. No. Date. Fraser, J., Feilding, N.Z. Rheumatics cure Free, J., Brighton, N.Z. Artesian water-pipes .. Freeman, E. T., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Maohinery Company, No. 15205.) French, A. G. S., and another, Mitchelltown, N.Z. Washing and dressing flax Fresh Air and Safety Sash-fastener Company (Limited), Adelaide, S. Auet. Sash-fastener. (R. Williams) Friend, J. E., Gore, N.Z. Dredge-digger Frost, J. E. A., Albany, N.Z. Spindle-attachment for door-knob Fyfe, W. W., Middlesex, Eng. (See Metallic Compounds Separation Syndicate, Limited, No. 15572.) Galbraith, D. R. S., Remuera, N.Z. Utilising kauri-gum deposits Galbraith, D. R. S., Remuera, N.Z. Treating iron-oxides .. Galbraith, D. R. S., Remuera, N.Z. New milk food Galbraith, D. R. S., and another, Remuera, N.Z. Reduction of ironsand Galbraith, D. R. S., and another, Remuera, N.Z. Reduction of ironsand Gamman, W. A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Reversing rotation of shafting Gardiner, J. H., Cbristohurch, N.Z. Wool-washing Gardiner, W., Mataura, N.Z. Drill-rollers Gare, G. W., and another, Waipori, N.Z. Removing clay from dredge-bucket Gargurevich, M., North Carlton, Vic. Recovery of gold Garnham, R., Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillablo bottle Garrard, C. G., Birmingham, Eng, Cycle driving-gear Garratt, T. A., Lyttelton, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Garrett, W. A., Auckland, N.Z. Wire mattress Gascoyne, D., Auckland, N.Z. Lamp-wick Gates, S., Sydney, N.S.W. (See Lamson Store-service Company, Limited, Nos. 15573 and 15574.) Gaudet, F. M., Quebec, Canada. (See A. C. Whitney, No. 15029.) Gaudet, F. M., London, Eng. Target Gaudin, H. H. i and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Acetylene-lamp Gaulin, A., Paris, France. Mixing milk Gaze, W. H., Shepparton, Vic. Gas for lighting .. Gaze, W. H., Shepparton, Vic. Illuminating-gas Geary, W. G., Weraroa, N.Z. Martingale Geary, W. G., Weraroa, N.Z. Martingale Gee, J. E., London, Eng. Floor-wasbing apparatus Gentzsch, A., Vienna, Austria. Guttapercha substitute George, G., Rangiora, N.Z. Bottle Gibbons, R. P., Kopu, N.Z. High-pressure gauge-glass for steam-boiler Gibbons, R. P., Kopu, N.Z. Steam-boiler Gibbons, R. P., Kopu, N.Z. Steam-engine Gibbons, R. P., Kopu, N.Z. Steam-boiler Gibbons, R. P., Kopu, N.Z. Bottom and sides of kettle Gibbons, R. P., Kopu, N.Z. Auxiliary propeller Gibbs, G., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 15781.) Gibbs, R. W., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Truss Gibson, R. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cleaning cycle-tires Giesler, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Combination tool Gifford, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Wire-strainer Gifford, G. H., Lvnn, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15228.) Giles, F., St. Kilda, Vic Roofing nail and screw Giles, M. S., Sydney, N.S.W. (See G. W. Basley, No. 15547.) Gilfedder, T. J., and another, Gore, N.Z. Ferrule for tobacco-pipe, &c. Gillies, A., and another, Terang, Vic. Milking-machine Gillies, A., and another, Terang, Vic. Milking-machine Gillies, A., Terang, Vic. Milking-apparatus Godfrey, A., London, Eng. Wrapping and packing cigarettes Goltstein, E., Cologne, Germany. (See J. A. Landsberger, No. 15739.) Good, J. T., Glenthompson, Vic. Rabbit-trap .. Goosman, G., Mangere, N.Z. Shoulder-strap for bags, &c. Gordon, W. H., Ballarat, Vic. Hub for fastening machinery to shaft.. Gore, W. H., and another, Wingatui, N.Z. Apparatus for boiling eggs Goss, W. G., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Exhausting air Gossling, P. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Hairdressers'rack, &c. Gossling, P. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Cigar-cutter, matoh-holder, and advertising device Goucher, T., Ulverstone, Tasmania. Target Gough, F., Stafford, N.Z. Leg-holdor for cows .. Gowlland, G. L., Ontario, Canada. Prepayment and recording current-meter Graham, C. J. A., and another, Waihi, N.Z. Fire-grate Graham, J. M., Gore, N.Z. Fire-alarm Grainger, A. M., Wanganui, N.Z. Rafting logs Grass, H., Flowerdale, Vic. Dropper for pasty material Grattan, J. H., Avondale, N.Z. Saw, stripper, and regulator Grattan, J. H., Avondale, N.Z. Saw, stripper, and regulator Grauan, J. H., Avondale, N.Z. Gear for controlling horses .. .. Gray, A., Manapouri Station, N.Z. Claw-hammer and staple-drawer.. Giay, A., Manapouri Station, N.Z. Saddle tool-bag Gray, A., Manapouri Station, N.Z. File, wire-twister, and rule Grayson, L. W." and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rowing-machine for physical exercise Green, J., Bradford, Eng. Seed-sowing machine Greenacre, J., Huntly, N.Z. Log-sawing machine Greenhead, C. H., Waiuku, N.Z. Alarm-attachment for doors, &c. Grey, E. H., Morrinsville, N.Z. Road-plough .. Grindrod, C. E., and others, Kingston, N.S.W. Spark-arrester Grinlinton, H. G., Devonport, N.Z. Propulsion of cycles .. Griswold, N. W., Honolulu, Hawaii. Watering-trough ,. ., ,. ,. 15371 15701 14872 14493 14724 14927 14492 14769 15368 15661 15662 15684 15803 15605 15175 "15468 14750 15149 15326 15357 15743 15068 15218 15750 15565 15706 14664 14943 14656 14410 15192 14770 15497 15537 15614 15632 15640 9 Sept. 28 Nov. 13 May. 4 Feb. 9 April. 23 May. 31 Jan. 16 April. 6 Sept. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 26 Nov. 22 Deo. 3 Nov. 23 July. 3 Oct. 17 April. 23 July. 26 Aug. 3 Sept. 10 Dec. 2 July. 1 Aug. 11 Dec. 29 Oct. 2 Dec. 24 March 31 May. 21 March 10 Jan. 28 July. 14 April. 7 Oct. 18 Oct. 5 Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 15381 14877 14786 15253 8 Sept. 15 May. 21 April. 15 Aug. 15247 14 Aug. 14840 15597 15598 15652 15540 5 May. 5 Nov. 5 Nov. 19 Nov. 22 Oct. 14747 15196 14761 15303 15324 15217 15256 14565 14635 15100 14971 15407 15465 14758 14630 14873 14874 15265 15266 15267 15439 14543 14514 14973 14738 15167 14972 15089 14 April. 28 July. 17 April. 22 Aug. 29 Aug. 1 Aug. 12 Aug. 28 Feb. 7 March 10 July. 7 June. 17 Sept. 2 Oct. 17 April. 13 March 8 May. 8 May. 15 Aug. 15 Aug. 15 Aug. 20 Sept. 19 Feb. 11 Feb. 7 June. 12 April. 24 July. 7 June. 5 July.




2—H. 10.

Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. frb'nberg, A., Wasa, Finland. Furnace rubbins, G., and another, South Dunedin, N.Z. Bicycle-support rubbins, T., and another, South Dunedin, N.Z. Bioycle-support rundrie, W. W., South Norsewood, N.Z. Water-motor runn, H., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-stopper .. willim, D., Toorak, Vie. Indoor game [adaway, J. B., Brockton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15208.) [aines, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-extinguisher [am, H., Kumeroa, N.Z. Nightsoil-reccptacle [amilton, J. A., St. Peter's, U.S.A. Concentratingtable .. [ammond, H., Aratapu, N.Z. Preventing rubbish passing into tanks [ampson, F. G., Chelsea, Eng. (See Automatic Aerator Patents, Limited, No. 15134.) [anoock, J., and another, Centre Bush, Southland, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle .. [ancock, J. N., Centre Bush, N.Z. Envelope .. [ankin, H. G., Reefton, N.Z. Gold-saving [ankin, H. G., Reefton, N.Z. Grading auriferous spoil .. tanley, J., Gore, N.Z. Car-coupling [anna, D., Christchurch, N.Z. Pumping smoke [anneborg, O. B. H., Christiania, Norway. Excavator [ansen, M. L., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See A. P. Davis, No. 15336.) [ansen, O., Gisborne, N.Z. Closing gates farding, W. E., and another, Boulder, W.A. High-pressure tap for filter-press .. .. [are, W. W., London, Eng. (See Inverted Incandescent Gas-lamp Syndicate, Limited, No. 14612.) [arkin, P. A., Auckland, N.Z. Moulding confectionery [arman, R. D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Making stonework impervious to water .. [arnish, K., St. Petersburg, Russia. (See Amerioan Tobacco Company, No. 15073.) [arris, D., Ballance, N.Z. Aerating and cooling milk [arris, D., Ballance, N.Z. Securing wires of fence [arris, J., Wellington, N.Z. Securing dropper to wire [arris, R. D., London, Eng. Drill .. [arris, R. D., Sevensisters, Wales, Eng. Hat-grip [arrison, I., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fire-escape .. [arrison, J. R., Ballarat, Vic. Ore concentrator and amalgamator .. [arrison, R., Wellington, N.Z. Haematite, concrete, brick [arrison, W., Ashburton, N.Z. Lawn-weeding tool [arvey, W., Auckland, N.Z. Milk-straining pan [aeselbacb, E., Surrey Hills, Vio. Game [atton, F., Timarn, N.Z. Wheel-stopper for carriage, &o. [atton, T. C, Ontario, Canada. Carriage-spring [atton, W., Feilding. Holding target for shooting [aughton, R. S., Wellington, N.Z. Stop-cock .. .. ... [ayes, A., Salt Lake City, U.S.A. (See E. F. Colborn, No. 14427.) [ayes, F. W., Albury, N.S.W. Punkah for chairs [ayne, J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Pneumatic hub for vehicle-wheel [ayward, B. I , and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cleaning cycle-tires [ayward, C. E., jun., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-tightener [aywood, W. P., Los Angeles, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, No. 14584.) [azelden, F. H., and another, Hunterville, N.Z. Rat-trap [ealy, D. W., Nelson, N.Z. Military kit [eath, J. S., and another, Macedon, U.S.A. (See Bickford and Huffman Company, No. 15683.) [eatley, G. S., Morpeth, Eng. Bedstead and mattress [ebblewhite, C. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Checking-marker for gamee .. [ebers, A., Boston, U.S.A. (See H. B. Newton, No. 14523.) [effer, S. J., Wellington, N.Z. Candle-holder [ege, C. A., Salem, U.S.A. Cutting railroad cross-ties [endereon, F., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-screen .. [enderson, F., Auokland, N.Z. Electric ignition for engine [enderson, H. H., Wellington, N.Z. Cleaning walls, floors, &o. [enderson, H. W. G., Dannevirke, N.Z. Manufacture of water-gas [enderson, J. S., and another, Ramorine, N.Z. Catch for door [enderson, J. W., Wellington, N.Z. Earth-closet [enry, C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Combination tool [eppell, G. T., Hokitika, N.Z. Gold-saving screen and table [erbert, T., Auckland, N.Z. Ping-pong bat [erd, F. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Support for settee, &c. .. [erd, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Indicating length of roll of textile material [erdman, W., Chriatchurch, N.Z, Egg-beater., [err, E. M., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 14887.) [ioks, T. H., Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Separating mercury, &c, from ore pulp [icks, T. H., Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Recovering gold from refractory ores [icks, T. H., Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Separating mercury from amalgam [ioks, T. H., Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Ore-ooncentrator [icks, T. H., Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Single ball ore-pulveriser [iggie, T. M., Wanganui, N.Z. Sorubber [ill, J. J., Denver, U.S.A. Amalgamating-apparatus [ind, F. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Settee, couch, &o. [iss, N., New York, U.S.A. Traction machinery [obart, F. G., Beloit, U.S.A. (See Fairbanks, Morpe, and Co., No. 15442.) [odder, C. N., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Office ruler and blotting-pad [odge, A., and another, Oamaru. N.Z. Horse-cover [odge, C. E., Mercer, N.Z. Spark-arrester [ogg, B., and another, Whangamata, N.Z. Stirring auriferous material [olland, R., Flemington, N.Z. Elevator-chain [olland, S. J., Auokland, N.Z. Holding carriage-lamp in position .. [ollis, R., and others, Newtown, N.S.W. Spark-arrester .. 15268 14893 14893 15504 14859 15341 15 Aug. 16 May. 16 May. 10 Oct. 6 May. 2 Sept. 14857 15648 15421 15129 8 May. 19 Nov. 19 Sept. 18 July. 14596 15269 14564 14907 15289 15643 14536 6 Maroh. 18 Aug. 27 Feb. 23 May. 19 Aug. 17 Nov. 18 Feb. 15483 15769 4 Oct. 17 Deo. 15665 14930 21 Nov. 29 May. 15619 15620 15557 14575 14695 14650 15462 15673 15714 15299 15736 15720 15561 15725 15730 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 27 Oct. 3 March. 3 April. 20 Maroh. 1 Oct. 24 Nov. 3 Dec. 22 Aug. 6 Dec. 4 Dec. 25 Oct. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 15568 14850 14877 15590 30 Oot. 3 May. 15 May. 3 Nov. 15031 15482 23 June. 7 Oct. 15283 14820 22 Aug. 2 May. 15154 15691 15197 15525 14955 14654 14751 15686 14786 14608 15032 14512 15471 15400 23 July. 27 Nov. 29 July. 15 Oot. 5 June. 20 March. 17 April. 27 Nov. 21 April. 12 Maroh. 19 June. 11 Feb. 3 Oot. 12 Sept. 15092 15093 15094 15095 15096 15454 15753 14512 15782 10 July. 10 July. 10 July. 10 July. 10 July. 25 Oot. 10 Dec. 11 Feb. 18 Dec. 15128 14966 14633 14515 15024 14797 15167 14 July. 2 June. 18 March. 12 Feb. 23 June. 26 April. 24 July.




Name, Residence, and Invention. k>. ie. Holm, G. L., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. Separating fatty substances from emulsions Holmes, A., and others, Kensington, Vic. Bedstead Holmes, C, and others, Kensington, Vic. Bedstead Holmes, R. R., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Wire-strainer, &o. Holmes, S, and others, Kensington, Vic. Bedstead Hood, W. G., and others, Petone, N.Z. Marine governor .. Hooker, W., London, Eng. (Seo Flameless Gaslight Company, Limited, Nos. 15124 and 15578.) Hooley, T., Stockport, Eng. (See Linotype Company, Limited, No. 15414.) Hope, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing " racing " of marine engines Hopkins, E. H., Kensington, Eng. Obtaining zinc Hopkirk, J., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Support-bearing for shaft Hoppe, P., Berlin, Germany. Closing bulkhead-doors Hornbrook, R. H., and another, Canton, U.S.A. (Seo A. J. Park, Nos. 14986, 14987, 14988.) Hornby, P., Liverpool, Eng. Toy or eduoational device for the young Hosking, E., and another, Mount Gambier, S. Aust. Spark-arrester Hosking, W. V., Midhirst, N.Z. Bailing cows Hosking, W. V., Midhirst, N.Z. Cow-bailing apparatus Hoskins, G. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Joint for pipe .. Hoskins, G. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Machine for closing joints of iron pipes How, F. B., Boston, U.S.A. (See Crown Paper Company, No. 14553.) Howard, J. E., London, Eng. Compressed-fluid engine Hucks, W., jun., London, Eng. Dispensing aerated liquids Hudson, H. A., Wellington, N.Z. Wire-fencing staple Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Engine-shaft bearing. (C. Robinson) Hughfs, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical distribution. (B. G. Lamme) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Cigarette-packing machine. (Baron Cigarette-machine Company, Limited—L. B. Baron and E. T. Pollard) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Mechanical cashier. (The Mechanical Cashier Syndicate, Limited—I. S. Dement, F. J. Hull, and A. D. King) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Milking-machine. (D.R.Ross) .._ Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Treating ore. (E. H. Miller and C. Quennell) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Electric railway. (G. Gibbs) Huhn, G., Berlin, Germany. Metallio packing-ring Hull, F. J., and others, Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 14809.) Humble, W. H., Geelong, Vic. Valve for gas-compressor .. Hume, E. J., and another, Malmsbury, Vic. Harrow Hume, E. J., and another, Malmsbury, Vic Wire fence .. Hume, R. D., Oregon, U.S.A. (See G. S. Duncan, No. 15491.) Hume, W. R., and another, Malmsbury, Vic. Harrow Hume, W. R., and another, Malmsbury, Vic. Wire fence Humm, M. L., Waddington, N.Z. Fastening-device for dress-dollars.. Humm, M. L., Waddington, N.Z. Apparatus for table-billiards and table-croquet Humphrey, A. A., London, Eng. Compressing air Humphreys, A. W., Wellington, N.Z. Cycle, &c, brake Hunt, F. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Preservative for butter Hunter. (See Kidston-Hunter.) Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Electric-current indicator. (F.Conrad) Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Controller for electric motor. (T.S.Perkins) .. Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Track-construction for electrio railway. (W. Chapman) .. Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Eleotric motor. (B. G. Lamme) Hunter, J. Wellington, N.Z. Incandescent mantle. (Plaissetty Mantle Syndicate, Limited —A. M. Plaissetty) Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Electric-tram brake. (G. A. Trube and W. Chapman) Hunter, W. Y., Transvaal, South Africa. Tent, &c. Hupton, H. E., and another, Brighton, Eng. Stand for exhibition purposes Hurley, G. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving Hurley, G. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance.. Hutcheson, W. S., Wellington, N.Z. Snatch-block Hutchins, S., Blenheim, N.Z. Skirt Hutchinson, G. F., and another, Kapuni, N.Z. Kerosene-siphon Hutchinson, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fire-eseape Hutchinson, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fire-alarm Hutchinson, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fire alarm and escape Hyde, W. R., Ashburton, N.Z. Generating acetylene-gas Hylard, J., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Magazine-gun Hylard, J., St. Kilda, Vic. Deteoting and indicating gas in mine Hylard, J., St. Kilda, Vic. Deteoting and testing gas in mine Iggo, R. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Garment-suspenders Imray, O., London, Eng. Electro-magnetic couplings. (J. H. S. Onken) Inglis, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Glazing corrugated iron Inglis, H. M., Cheviot, N.Z. Index file or clip .. Innes, N. C, Awatuna East, N.Z. Running out barb-wire International Fuel Company, Chicago, U.S.A. Artificial fuel-briquettes. (W. A. Koneman) International Oro-separating Company, Boston, U.S.A. Separating ore pulp. (H. F. Campbell) Inverted Incandescent Gas-lamp Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. Gas-burner. (W. W. Hare) Irvine, J., Napier, N.Z. Fastener for wire rods.. Iwan, J. H., and another, Streator, U.S.A. Earth-augur .. Iwan, W. L., and another, Streator, U.S.A. Earth-augur .. Jackson, A. B., and others, Tuparoa, N.Z. Dust, &c, excluder for doors Jackson, G. C, and others, Tuparoa, N.Z. Dust, &o., excluder for doors Jackson, J. B., Motu, Gisborne, N.Z. Stand for timber-jack Jackson, K. C, Masterton, N.Z. Tram-rail clearer Jackson, K. C, and another, Masterton, N.Z. Stock-mark Jackson, K. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Target 15038 14689 14G89 15253 14689 15633 14511 15728 15147 15039 14407 14958 14566 15700 15386 15751 14448 14917 14593 14501 14049 14733 14809 15564 15780 15781 14412 15286 14816 14817 14816 14817 14968 14974 15521 15215 15295 27 June. 3 April. 3 April. 15 Aug. 3 April. 15 Nov. 10 Feb. 5 June.f 23 July. 27 June. 8 Jan. 5 June. 28 Feb. 29 Nov. 8 Sept. 9 Dec. 15 Jan. 21 May. 7 March 6 Feb. 20 March 10 April. 1 May. 29 Oct. 18 Doc. 18 Dec. 10 Jan. 20 Aug. 1 May. 1 May. IMay. 1 May. 5 June. 9 June. 16 Oct. 2 Aug. 25 Aug. 14611 14790 14879 15070 15312 13 March 24 April. 15 May. 2 July. 27 Aug. 15579 15707 15613 14401 15220 14800 14892 14951 14598 14599 14889 15606 14405 15320 15321 14834 14992 15637 14936 15191 15576 15099 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 4 Nov. 0 Jan. 5 Aug. 28 April. 21 May. 4 Juno. 10 March 10 March 20 May. 4 Nov. 8 Jan. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 1 May. 12 June. 15 Nov. 28 May. 29 July. 30 Oct. 10 July. 14612 13 March 14745 15790 15790 15222 15222 14399 14459 14666 14914 14 April. 16 Dec. 16 Deo. 5 Aug. 5 Aug. 6 Jan. 22 Jan. 21 March 24 May.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Jaokson, N. B., Masterton, N.Z. Wire strainer, holder, and cutter Jackson, N. E., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Stock-mark Jaekeon, N. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Target Jackson, R. B., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Razor-Btrop Jacob, I., and another, Rudolstadt, Germany. Manufactme of fibre from New Zealand flax Jacobsen, T. B., Auckland, N.Z. Attaching handle of door-lock Jacobsen, T. B., Auckland, N.Z. Securing door-knob to spindle Jacobsen, T. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Securing buttons to garments Jameson, J. M., Leicester, England. (See E. R. Jennings and others, No. 15653.) Jamieson, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Dre-sing and moulding limestone Jamieson, W. G., and another, Gbristchurch, N.Z. Dressing and moulding limestone Jaubert, R, Bulli, N.S.W. Brick .. Jay, J., Greymouth, N.Z. Furnace .. Jenkinson, W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Seats for vehicle Jennings, E., and others, Christchurcli, N.Z. Seouring hat to Ik ad .. Jennings, E. R., and others, London, Eng. Converting refuse into fuel. (J. M. Jameson) .. Jepsen, J. F., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Broom-handle Jepsen, J. S., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Broom-handle Jepsen, M., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Broom-handle .. Jepsen, N, and others, Wellington, N.Z. Broom-handle .. Jervis, G. L., Newark-on-Trent, Eng. Potato and seed planter Jesson, W. G., Ghristchurch, N.Z. Driving-mechanism for cycles Jewell, J. R., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Locking vehicle-wheels .. Jewell, W. H., and another, Northcote, Vic. Locking vehiole-wheels.. Jewiss, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Glazing corrugated iron Johns, J. T., Onehunga, N.Z. Fruit-preserving pan Johnson, F. W., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., N ■. 14984.) Johnson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Pneuma'.ic foot Johnson, J. T., Waipori, N.Z. Driving dredge by water-power Johnson, M. A., Wellington, N.Z. Lowering, raising, and fastening window-sashes Johnson, S. R., Petone, N.Z. Poultry-brooder.. Johnston, A., Devonport, N.Z. Electric-alarm thermjnieier ... Johnston, G. S., and another, Lyttelton, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle .. Jones, A. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Picture-frame Jones, D. R., and another, Eltham, N.Z. Preserving perishable produots Jones, F., Wellington, N.Z. Nail for boots, &c. Jones, F. A., and others, Perth, W.A. Appliance for cleaning tram-rails Jones, H. J., Stratford, N.Z. Liquid seal-cover.. Jones, H., Ascot Vale, Vic. Tobacco-cutting machine Jones, J. W., Sumner, N.Z. Racquet for table-games Jones, W., and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Horse-cover Juriss, W., Ghristchurch, N.Z. Building-brick.. Kay, W. S., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Oil-fuel boiler Keamy, E. N., Auckland, N.Z. Dumb-bell .. .. .. • • Keane, W., and another, Whangamata, N.Z. A machiue for stining auriferous mateiial .. Kee, E. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Utilising waste-heat from lamps Keith, A. E., and others, Chicago, U.S.A. (See Strowger Automatic TeLphone Exchange, No. 15422.) Keller, C. A., Paris, France. Electric blast-furnace Kelly, E. J., and another, Terang, Vic Milking-machine Kelly, E. J., and another, Terang, Vic. Milking-machine Kelly, J., Palmerston South, N.Z. Grain-r<el for binding-machines .. Kelly, J. D., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Ventilating halls Kelly, R. D., Pigeon Bay, N.Z. Outrigger draw-gear Kennedy, M., Timaru, N.Z. Washing-fluid Kennedy, R., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Milking-apparatua .. Kennedy, W. F., Saddle Hill, near Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer Keoghan, S. O., Bainham, N.Z. Releasing horse from stabla Keoghan, S. 0., Bainham, N.Z. Fastening ends of machinery-belts .. Keogban, S. O., Bainham, N.Z. Balancing window-sashes Keon, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-escape .. Keon, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Water-closet cistern Keon, W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Pipe-coupling .. .. .. •■ Kern Burner Company (Limited), London, Eng. Incandescent mantle. (C. Olamond) Kern, G. A., and another, New York, U.S.A. (See Federal Refining Company, No. 14739.) Kerr, J., Yering, Vic. Milk-strainer.. Kerr, J., Yering, Vic. Milk-cooler .. Ketteg, T., Otautau, N.Z. Seouring cover to horse Kettle, F., Roslyn, N.Z. Hat-fastener Kettle, F., Roslyn, N.Z. Hat-faster,er Keys, R. J., Oamaru, N.Z. Pattypan Kibblewhite, W., Wellington, N.Z. Enclosing frying-pans Kidd, C. C., Spring Hills, Southland, N.Z. Ditch-plough.. Kidston-Hunter, A. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Soluble extract of meat Kiernan, C. T., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Habbit-crate Kilburn, J. F., Toorak, Vio. Wire-strainer Killingsworth, P. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Boot-polishei Kinoaid, J. W., Cincinnati, U.S.A. Mechanical stoker King, A. D., New York. (Seo W. E. Hughes, No. 14809.) King, F. J., Croydon, England. Ore-separator.. .. •• •• •■ Kiugsland, W., London, England. Communicating slep-by-step motion to control electric switches Kirkland, E. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fire escape Kirkpatrick, J. S., Pukeuri Junction, N.Z. Locking and signalling at facuig-pomt* Klaerr, F., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Wire mattress. (A. Linaird) Klepetko, F., and another, Montana, U.S.A. Roasting-furnace Knapp P A Grantville, U.S.A. (See The American Amalgamating Company, No. 15152.) 14582 14666 14914 15732 15711 14652 14851 14856 6 March. 21 March. 24 May. 9 Dec. 29 Nov. 20 March. 6 May. 8 May. 14639 14639 14898 14632 15509 15464 15653 15594 15594 15594 15594 15453 15348 14645 14645 15637 14504 19 March. 19 Maroh. 22 May. 13 March. 9 Oct. 29 Sept. 19 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 25 Sept. 2 Sept. 20 March. 20 March. 15 Nov. 7 Feb. 15199 15086 14535 15492 15332 15053 14696 14586 15618 14863 14749 14617 14653 14966 15411 15489 15271 14515 15517 30 July. 3 July. 17 Feb. 9 Oct. 28 Aug. 27 June. 1 April. 6 March. 12 Nov. 9 May. 17 April. 18 March. 19 March. 2 June. 18 Sept. 3 Oct. 19 Aug. 12 Feb. 13 Oct. 14729 15597 15598 15667 14952 15254 14954 15151 14446 14673 14674 14675 15261 15262 15349 14546 10 April. 5 Nov. 5 Nov. 19 Nov. 4 June. 15 Aug. 4 June. 23 July. 15 Jan. . 25 March. 25 March. 25 March. 15 Aug. 15 Aug. 4 Sept. 20 Feb. 15292 15293 14708 14461 14470 15342 15607 15052 15798 14778 15123 15305 15783 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 4 April. 22 Jan. 22 Jan. 2 Sept. 6 Nov. 25 June. 19 Dec. 17 April. 17 July. 25 Aug. 18 Dec. 14810 14993 1 May. 12 June. 14650 14995 14419 14888 9,0 March. 9 June. 6 Jan. 20 May.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. 1 Knight, W. A., Auckland, N.Z. Stewing and preserving pan .. •■ ■• Knox, W. J., Edgewood Park, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (See G. Westinghouse, No. 14494.) Knox, W. J., Allegheny, U.S.A. (See G. Westinghouse, No. 15479.) Knutzen, H. P., Auckland, N.Z, Racing-hurdle.. Koneman, W. A., Chicago, U.S.A. (See International Fuel Company, No. 15576.) Koneman, W. A., Chicago, U.S.A. Pulverising-apparatua Kortlang, A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Extension-table Kortlang, L., sen., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Extension-table Kyle, T. D., Sydriey, N.S.W. Combustion of fuel in boiler-furnace .. Laffey, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire escape and extinguisher Laffey, J., and another, N.Z. Fire escape, extinguisher, and alarm .. Laidlaw, R. A. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Cycle-driving mechanism Lajard, De. (See under D.) Lake, W. E., and another, Cheltenham, Vic. Butter-cutting machine Lambert, F., Waikaremoana, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Tension-bridge Lambert, F., Waikaremoana, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Canal for barbour-bar removal Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. T. L. Travers, No. 14404.) Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 14644.) Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 14649.) Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 15070.) Lamson Store-service Company (Limited), London, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. Cash-carrier. (J. T. Cowley) Lamson Store-service Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W., and London, Eng. Pneumatic cash-and-parcel-cftrrier system. (S. Gates) Lamson Store-service Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W., and London, Eng. Wire-track cash-and-parcel-carrier system. (S. Gates) Lanauze, H. W. C, and another, Linwood, N.Z. Sporting-canoe Land, W. A., Canterbury, N.Z. Seed-sower Landsberger, J. A., Alameda, U.S.A. Jar-closures. (E. Goltstein) .. Lane, M. W., Auckland, N.Z. Propeller-hood .. Langford, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Ladder .. .. .._ Langstone, C. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Waterproofing-composition Langstone, C. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Preservative Langstone, C. W., Wellington, N.Z. Plug-brick Langstone, J. E., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Compressed fuel Lanigan, P., Auckland, N.Z. Stone-cutter Larritt, P. A., and another, Eltham, N.Z. Preserving perishable products Lashlie, C, Christehuroh, N.Z. Hat and clothes brush .. Law, A., and another, St. Kilda, Vio. Wire mattress Lawless. (See under Massey-Lawless.) Lawrenoe, W. H., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Milking-apparatus Leadbeater, H., jun., Auckland, N.Z. Hair-clipping machine ■ Lee, C. G., Whitianga, N.Z. Guttering for buildings Lee, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Breaking clay in sluice-boxes .. Legge, A. M., Wellington, N.Z. Safety-catch for brooch-pin Leitch, W., Malvern, Vie. Manufacture of sweetmeats Lemire, J., Quebeo, Canada. Milk-aerator Lentz, D. H., Joliet, U.S.A. (See Foreign MeKenna Process Company, No. 15327.) Letson, J. M. K., and another, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. (See II. Peck, Nos. 14544, 14762, 14763, and 14764.) Levinge, H. M., Wanganui, N.Z. Igniting and extinguishing street gas lamps .. Lightband, C. D., and another, Christehurob, N.Z. Sporting-canoe.. Lightband, C. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Cover for pneumatic tires Lightband, C. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Resilient leather heel Lightband, C. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Binocular-suspender Lightband, C. D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Leather and rubber composite Linaird, A., Balaclava, Vic. (See F. Klaerr and A. Law, No. 14419.) Lindsay, J., Burnside, N.Z. Rabbit-crate Linotype Company (Limited), London, Eng. Printing in gold, &c, powders. (T. Hooley).. Lion, A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Stamping and marking press Lister, M. J., Waikari, N.Z. Target Lister, M. J., Waikari, N.Z. Target Lobnitz, F., Renfrew, Scotland. Rock-cutting apparatus .. Lockhead, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Reflector for gas-lamps Lodge, O. J., and others, Birmingham, Eng. Receiver for wireless telegraphy .. Long, F. H., Chicago, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., Nos. 14661, 14062.) Longdin, G. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Buckle for mail-bags Longland, T. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Windmill .. Lorie, A. P. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-fastener Lorie, A. F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-faetener Lorie, A. F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash fastener Lorie, A. F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-fastener Lorigan, W., Wellington, N.Z. Certificates for trading purpose.! Lorimer, G. W., Piqua, U.S.A. (See American Machine Telephone Company, Limited, No. 14550.) Louat, P. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Generating steam Love, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Milk-can lid Lovegrove, H. W., Glen-iti, N.Z. Stand for buckets Lowe, T. S. 0., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Manufacture of coke.. Lowrey, L. E., and another, Auburn, Vic. Advertising attachment to incandescent lamp .. Lowson', J. G. F., and another, Midlothian, Scotland. Gelatine Lubbers, J. H., New Kensington, U.S.A. (See J. A. Chambers, No. 14429.) Lucas, P., Schoneberg, Germany. (See Allgemeine Beleuchtungs und Heiz-Industrie ActienGesellschaft, No. 14759.) Ludbrook, E. R., and others, Tuparoa, N.Z. Dust, &c, excluder for doors Ludington, F. J., Waterbury, U.S.A. (See United Cigarette-machine Company, No. 15249.) Lund, J. G. F., Christiania, Norway. Wall 14591 4 March. 15805 20 Dec. 15577 15775 15775 14693 15116 15155 14760 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 17 Dec. 3 April. 14 July. 21 July. 15 April. 14980 15238 15240 10 June. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 20 Feb. 14549 15573 30 Oct. 15574 30 Oct. 14481 15007 15739 15560 15596 14440 14781 15272 14651 14925 14586 15365 14419 27 Jan. 16 June. 10 Dec. 28 Oct. 3 Nov. 17 Jan. 22 April. 20 Aug. 20 March. 22 May. 6 March. 5 Sept. C Jan. 15151 15757 14910 15182 14912 15158 14634 23 July. 11 Dec. 21 May. 24 July. 24 May. 24 July. 18 March. 14667 14481 15495 15621 15622 15721 24 March. 27 Jan. 7 Oct. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 3 Dec. 15367 15414 14438 14413 14908 14950 15709 15383 8 Sept. 18 Sept. 16 Jan. 9 Jan. 23 May. 30 May. 29 Nov. 11 S< pt. 15054 14541 14529 14554 15050 15145 15671 27 June. 20 Feb. 12 Feb. 20 Feb. 24 June. 19 July. . 22 Nov. 14821 15250 14928 15494 15090 15767 2 May. 14 Aug. 24 May. 9 Oct. 10 July. 17 Dec. 15222 5 Aug. 15779 18 Dec.




Name, Kesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Luxford, E. H., Fitzroy, Vic. Combined mattress or bed and bolster .. Luxford, W. L., Dannevirke, N.Z. Traction on wooden rails Lyell, A., Lawrence, N.S.W. Cycle-carrier for railway-oar Lyell, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Race-starting gate Lyell, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Filter and butter-cooler Lyell, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Candlestick, match-box, and striker combined Lyell, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Portable race-starting gate Lyell, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Egg-cup Lyell, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Butter-dish Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower .. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower .. Maoalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Grain, turnip, and manure drill Macalister, J., Inveroargill, N.Z. Seed-sower .. Macartney, J., Sydney, N.S.W. (See A. Dunbar, No. 15157.) Macdonald, St. C. N. H., Auckland, N.Z. Rotary engine .. Mackie, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-extinguisher Mackie, J., Auckland, N.Z. Grate draught-regulator Maokley, J. F., Greymouth, N.Z. Boot-sole Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Kettle Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Shirt for holding studs securely Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Shirt-neck and collar-fastening Macky, J. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z, Nut-lock Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Button-holes Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Nut-lock MacLean, G. F. S., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Merchandise-conveyor Macpherson, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Delivering tailings from dredge MaoWilliam, H. G., New Roohelle, U.S.A. Braces Madden, W. A., Boulder City, W.A. Ore-roasting furnace Madill, W. H., Tuakau, N.Z. Pump .. .. .. Mahon, E. A., and another, Montreal, Canada. Engine .. Maindonald, F. J., Waimate, N.Z. Vaporising water .. .. - Maiden, A., and another, London, Eng. Agglomerating ore Maiden, W. J., and another, London, Eng. Agglomerating ore Mallett, J., Devonport, N.Z. Spark-arrester Malmatrom, P. E., New York, U.S.A. (See American Mineral-water Machine Company, No. 14804.) Manners, S. H., Norwood, S. Aust. Root-grubbing machine Manners, S. H., Norwood, S. Aust. (See H. Thatcher, No. 15317.) Manson, T. H., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Truss Maroard, F. T. H. M. J., Adelaide, S. Aust. Reoiprocatory motor Maroh, N., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Carriage-lamp Marchbank, J., Broadford, Vic (See N. Bidstrup, No. 14540.) Marconi, G., and others, London, Eng. Wireless telegraphy Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, and another, London, Eng. Wireless telegraphy .. Marisco, P., Invercargill, N.Z. Gold-dredging.. Marple, J. H., Opouriao, N.Z. Holding book for reading Marriott, W., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Match striker Martin, E., and another, London, Eng. Vehicle wheel and tire Maslin, E., Marseilles, France. Steam-boiler furnace Mason, A. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Nonrefillable bottle Mason, J. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Grading and concentrating-table Mason, J. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Driving dredge machinery Mason, J. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Concentrating-table Mason, J. J., Timaru, N.Z. Wash-tub and emptying same Mason, W. E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Non-reflilable bottle .. Massey, A. J., Gisborne, N.Z. New indoor game Massey-Lawless, H. J. K., and another, Wingatui, N.Z. Apparatus for boiling eggs Massie, J. G., Belleville, U.S.A. Illuminating-compound .. Masters, A. B., Clinton, N.Z. Water-gauge for steam-boilei Matheson, D., and another, Otakaia, N.Z. Animal-trap .. Matthews, E. T., Benmore, N.Z. Watch-pocket Matthews, F., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing horses running away with vehicle Matthews, F., Wellington, N.Z. Horse-stopper and wheel-lock Matthews, F., Wellington, N.Z. Brake for vehicle Maude, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Atomiser .. .. .. ... Maxted, T. D'A. C, Blenheim, N.Z. Closet-seat lid May, H., and another, Meningie, S. Auet. Sheep-shears May, H., and another, Meniugie, S. Aust. Sheep-shears Mayne, W., Mildura, Vic Engine-valve gear .. Mayo, B. F., Salem, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Macliinery Company, Nos. 14697, 15413, 15650.) Mayr, H., Auokland, N.Z. Safety-sash Mayson, T. W., Auckland, N.Z. Motor MoArthur, D. W., Paeroa, N.Z. Paper-feeder for typewriter McBride, J. C, Queenstown, N.Z. Indicating apparatus, &c. McCarthy, J. W., Wellington, N.Z. Dinner-plate McConachy, P. H., Gore, N.Z. Staple McCormack, T., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-escape ladder McCormick, M., Upper Waitohi, N.Z. Seed-sower McCormiok, M., Temuka, N.Z. Controlling propeller McCracken, A., Greensborough, Vic. Explosive McCurdie, W. D. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Bottle-corking McCurdie, W. D. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Marking survey pegs McDonald, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle-wheel McDonald, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Cuff-protector McDonough, T., Hobart, Tasmania. Lamp-extinguisher .. 15355 15056 14513 14744 14960 14961 14962 U968 14964 14495 14704 14705 14824 14977 15132 14538 15480 14658 14424 14482 I ir, I-.; 14626 14843 15280 14561 14460 15823 15516 14509 14768 14848 15514 15514 15315 15759 15381 15582 14756 15689 15689 1 I 10!) 14537 14442 146.19 15079 14782 L4420 14421 15372 15181 14782 15107 L5303 15233 15585 15505 14475 14913 14953 15792 15535 15409 14932 15161 15583 4 Sept. 30 June. 11 Feb. 15 April. 6 June. G June. G June. 6 June. 6 June. 1 Fob. 2 April. 2 April. 30 April. 31 May. 18 July. 18 Feb. 3 Oct. 21 March. 9 Jan. 24 Jan. 17 Feb. 12 Maroli. 2 May. 19 Aug. ■M Feb. 22 Jan. 30 Deo. 16 Oct. 10 Feb. 16 April. G May. 1G Oct. 1G Oct. 27 Aug. 15 Dec. 8 Sept. 31 Oct. 17 April. 3 May. 8 May. 10 Jan. 18 Feb. 17 Jan. 13 March. 3 July. 22 April. G Jan. 6 Jan. G Sept. 28 July. 22 April. 11 July. 22 Aug. 4 Aug. 31 Oct. 10 Oct. 23 Jan. 24 May. 4 June. 19 Dec. 20 Oct. 15 Sept. 29 May. 24 July. 31 Oct. 15591 15685 15430 15510 15008 15641 15146 14727 15548 14757 15793 15794 15389 15448 15496 30 Oct. 22 Nov. 23 Sept. 9 Oct. 16 June. 18 Nov. 19 July. 7 April. 1C Oot. 17 April. 17 Dec. 17 Deo. 12 Sept. 26 Sept. 9 Oct.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. McDougall, D., and anoth r, Wellington, N.Z. Removing ooal from ships' holds MeDougall, S., London, Eng. Lavatory-requisite McParland, S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Picture-frame McFarlane, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Fire-esoape McFarlane, A., Upper Hutt, N.Z. Butter and other boxes McFarlane, T., Auckland, N Z. Ascertaining co-ordinate of plane right-angled triangle* McFeely, R. P., Beverly, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 14547, 14698.; McGee, T., Asbburton, N.Z. Sheep-shears McGowan, H., Randwick, N.S.W. Electric lamp McGowan, H., East Melbourne, Vic. Linotype machine .. Mcllwraith, Q. A., Kaipara, N.Z. Uncoiling wire Mclntoeh, J., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Brake for vehicle Molntyre, C, and others, Wellington, N.Z. Ping-pong net Mclvor, J. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Preventing loss of dredge bucket on breaking of a conneotior McKay, H. V., Ballarat, Vic. Seed-drill. (J. and J. Andrewartha) McKay, J., Kilmore, Vic. Target-score indicator McKay, N. G., Epsom, N.Z. Tin bottle for drenching horse McKee, St. A., New York, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 14807.) McKenzie, A. W., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Opening bivalves MoKenzie, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Penholder McKenzie, J. B., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Opening bivalves MoKenzie, R., Invercargill, N.Z. Edged tools .. MoKenzie, W., and another, Isla Bank, N.Z. Lifting-jnck McKerrow, J. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Preservative McKinna, J., and another, Gore, N.Z. Ferrule for tobacco-pipe, &c. McKinney, W. S., Chicago, U.S.A. (See C. E. Billin, No. 14728.) McKinnon, J., Whareora, N.Z. Distance-indicator for train McLaughlin, M. A., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See G. W. Basley, No. 15001.) MoLean, J., Wellington, N.Z. Controlling-gear for reversing engine McLean, R., Ranfurly, Otago, N.Z. Animal-trap McLean, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Billiard-apparatus McLean, W. J., Waihi, N.Z. Pot-stick and washing-tongs .. - McLellan, N. B., Bannockburn, N.Z. Door-retainer McLennan, T. C, and another, Belfast, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle McLennan, T. C, and another, Belfast, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle .. McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Brand McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Game McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Branding-appliance McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Burner and heater McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Branding animals McLeod, F., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Compressed fuel McLeod, F., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle MoLeod, F., Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle McLeod, H. N., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Gold-dredgine MoLeod, H. N, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus McMeekin, J. P., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Packing rabbits McMiken, S. D., and another, Komata, N.Z. Vessel for treating ores McMillan, J. L., Iiion, New York. Rotary engine McMillan, J. L., Syracuse, New York, U.S.A. Rotary engine McMillan, T., Wylie's Crossing, N.Z. Window-blind McMullen, G., and others, Perth, W.A. Cleaning grooves of tram-rails McNarry, J., Oamaru, N.Z. Wire-strainer McNaught, T., Amberley, N.Z. Horse cover McNaught, W., Alexandra South, N.Z. Animal-f.rap McNeill, J. F., Melbourne, Vic. Seed-sower McNeill, J. K., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Compressing ensilage.. McPhee, J. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Nail extractor and culter McPhee, J. H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Separating magnetic materials McTear, B. F., Rainhill, Lancaster, Eng. Manufacture of steel tubes Mead, J., Auckland, N.Z. Bookcaso-fastener, &c. Mechanical Cashier Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. (See W. E., No. 14809.) Memory, A. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Settee, couch, &c. .. Mercer, F., and others, Marton, N.Z. Sprayer .. Mercer, T., and others, Stratford, N.Z. Sprayer Messenger, T. W., Quoin, S. Aust. Ear-trumpet Metallic Compounds Separation Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. Depositing fumes from ore. (W. W. Fyfe) Metcalfe, W. H., Marrickville, N.S.W. Manufacturing manure from waste animal material Metters, C. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Open fire grate Metters, J. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Open firegrate Michelli, W. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Window-fastening Miller, E. H., and another, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 15870.) Miller, P. A., Lawrence, N.Z. Table for invalids Miller, P. A., Lawrence, N.Z. Knife-cleaner .. Miller, P. A., Lawrence, N.Z. Lifting-jack Miller, W. O., and another, Roslyn, N.Z. Pire-escape Miller, W. O., and another, Roslyn, N.Z. Water-closet cistern Millie, J. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold saving apparatus Millis, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Milsom, E., and another, Rangiora, N.Z. Venetian-blind Mileom, E., and another, Rangiora, N.Z. Securing veil .. Mitchell, A. C, and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Peed-water heaterior boiler Mitchell, G., and another, Arizona, U.S.A. Utilising heat from slag .. Mitchell, T., Ballarat, Victoria. Poisoning rabbits Moate, J. T., Adelaide, S. Aust. Advertising .. Moflatt, H. L., and others, Motueka, N.Z. Signalling state of tide Moison, J. M., Ashburton, N.Z. Mechanical nurse 14861 15807 14696 14597 15063 14500 15066 15410 15717 15065 14894 15344 15082 14746 15354 14531 15239 15817 15239 15722 15760 14781 14840 15816 15802 14595 15649 14860 15428 15085 15106 14432 14450 14796 15498 15512 14651 14723 15030 14401 15220 14466 14883 14935 15610 15427 14863 14996 14685 15377 14567 15370 14997 14849 14403 15559 9 May. 22 Dec. 1 April. 6 March. 30 June. 6 Feb. 1 July. 18 Sept. 4 Dec. 27 June. 20 May. 3 Sept. 2 July. 14 April. 4 Sept. 13 Feb. 8 Aug. 30 Dec. 8 Aug. 2 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 April. 5 May. 29 Dec. 22 Dee. 7 March. 19 Nov. 9 May. 19 Sept. 5 July. 9 July. 13 Jan. 16 Jan. 25 April. 6 Oct. 9 Oct. 20 March. 8 April. 23 June. 6 Jan. 5 Aug. 24 Jan. 12 May. 29 May. 6 Nov. 20 Sept. 9 May. 10 June. 27 March. 8 Sept. 27 Feb. 10 Sept. 10 June. 3 May. 6 Jan. 23 Oof. 14512 14707 14707 14721 15572 11 Feb. 5 April. 5 April. 8 April. 30 Oct. 15313 15098 15098 15010 27 Aug. 10 July. 10 July. 17 June. 14600 14924 15388 15261 15262 14457 14457 14944 15062 14831 15424 15778 14812 15776 15484 10 March. 26 May. 12 Sept. 15 Aug. 15 Aug. 18 Jan. 18 Jan. 31 May. 30 June. 2 May. 19 Sept. 18 Dec. 1 May. 17 Dec. 6 Oct.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Mole, do. (See under D.) Montague, F., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire escape and extinguisher Montague, F., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire esoape, extinguisher, and alarm Montalk, De. (See under D.) Moore, F., Marriokville, N.S.W. Oil and grease separator Moore, J. C, New York, U.S.A. Sewing-machine Moore, J. J., and another, San Francisco, U.S.A. Explosive compound Moore, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Rabbit-crate.. Morgan, H. A., and another, Lyttelton, N.Z. Non-reflllable bottle Moroney, J., Hastings, N.Z. Combined girth and surcingle Moseley, M. K., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Stamping and marking ... Mobs, E., Ghristchurch, N.Z. Rotary motor Moss, J., Melbourne, Vic. Window-sash Moyes, J. A., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Support-bearing for shaft. Muirhead, A., and others, Shortlands, Eng. Receiver for wireless telegraphy Mullan, A., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See Economic Hoisting and Ballast Company, No. 15749.) Mullay, T. S., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Marine preserving-composition Munro, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Pctato-chipper Murdoch, H. H., Hastings, N.Z. Set-square Murison, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Bush for dredge-tumbler Murison, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Securing sleeve on lower tumbler-shaft of bucketdredge to tumbler Murphy, D., Tuamarina, N.Z. Plummer-block .. Murphy, J., Fordell, N.Z. Horse-cover Murphy, J. T., Blenheim, N.Z. Harness Murray, A. C, Cromwell, N.Z. Coal-scuttle Murray, A. C, Cromwell, N.Z. Can-handle Murray, A. C, Cromwell, N.Z. Tap.. Murray, A. C, and another, Cromwell, N.Z. Perambulator Murray, A. C, Cromwell, N.Z. (See A. J. Park, No. 15361.) Murray, J., Fairlie, N.Z. Clothes-line and clothes-peg Murray, R. L. H., Auckland, N.Z. Water-heater Mutton, T., and another, Brighton, Eng. Stand for exhibition purposes Mutual Benefit Bonus Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. Trade coupon and advertising method. (J. T. and J. Callaghan) Napier, T., Hawera, N.Z. Boot-polishing maohine Nathan, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Paoking tea, &c. (F. H. Combes and W. F. Tucker) Neagle, J., Dannevirke, N.Z. Lead-bag for racehorse Neagle, J., Dannevirke, N.Z. Horse-cover fastener Nees, H. F., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Elevating tailings Neilsen, H., and another, Blackball, N.Z. Gold-saving mat • .. Nelson, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Separating black sand in littoral deposits Nernet Eleotric Light (Limited), London, England. Nernst lamp. (G. S. Ram and E. G. Sheppard) Nethery, J. W., Indianapolis, U.S.A. (See H. L. Wallace, No. 15423.) Neustadt, M., Sydney, N.S.W. Delivering disinfectant to charge of water. (J. L. Wade) .. Newcomb, E. C, and another, Jamaica Plain, U.S.A. Generating steam Newman, G., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-escape Newman, G. F., Peel Forest, Canterbury, N.Z. Waterproof-composition Newton, H. B., Haverhill, U.S.A. Hand tacking-tool. (A. Hebert) .. Niccolls, A. E., Auckland, N.Z. Waste-converter Nichol, G. M., Campbelltown, N.Z. Bicycle-pedal Niohol, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Gratings in cooking-ranges.. Nichol, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Shears Nicholas, C. E., Matlock, Vic. Steam-condenser Nicholas, C. E., Launceston, Tas. Table-game of cricket Nicholas, R., Christohurch, N.Z. Windmill-mechanism Nichols, W., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Horse-cover fastening Nicholson, H. A., Bluff, N.Z. Oil and gas motor Nicol, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Sheep-shears Nicol, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Candlestick Nicol, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Candlestick .. Nicol, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-curler Nicol, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Candlestick Nicolson, S., Gore, N.Z. Knife cleaner and sharpener Nicolson, S., Gore, N.-Z. Tire-removing applianco Nightingale, A., Auckland, N.Z. Couch Noble, A. H. P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Rabbit-exterminator Norris, J. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Creating and circulating cold air North, T. W., Christchuroh, N.Z. Horse-oollar North, T. W., and others, Chrisichurch, N.Z. Securing hat to head Nuttall, G., Blackball, Westland, N.Z. Life-saving jacket Nuttall, W. T., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Dropper for wire fence Oakden, F., Dunedin, N.Z. Manufacturing cement .. .. .. O'Connell, E. T., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-escape ladder O'Conor, E., Westport, N.Z. Trusses, belts, &c. Odering, J. W., and another, Curistchurcb, N.Z. Connecting bicycles with trailed carriage Odering, J. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Motor-attachment to bicycles O'Donoghue, J., Waimate, N.Z Chaff-cutter and corn-crusher Ollerenshaw, W., and another, South Dunedin, N.Z. (See A. F. Roy, No. 15263.) Ollerenshaw, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Motor-atianhment to bicycles Olsen, O. M. J., Toongabbie, N.S.W. Construction-nails Onken, J. H. S., Berlin, Germany. (See O. Imray, No. 14992.) Ornstien, F. S., Kensington, Vic. Wheel tire cover Ornatien, F. S., Kensington, Vic. Shaping wheel-tire cover O'Rourke, T. M., and another, Matakitaki, N.Z. Dredge-screen and elevator 15116 15155 15762 14456 15048 14778 15053 1462'J 14438 14552 15821 15147 15383 14881 15402 15660 14683 14808 14891 15500 15658 14444 14445 14622 14870 14465 15536 15613 14580 15580 15403 14398 14854 15005 14422 15003 14732 14 July. 21 July. 12 Dec. 21 Jan. 27 Juno. 17 April. 27 June. 15 March. 16 Jan. 20 Feb. 30 Dec. 23 July. 11 Sept. 13 May. 16 Sept. 19 Nov. 25 March. 26 April. 19 May. 10 Oct. 20 Nov. 15 Jan. 15 Jan. 10 March. 9 May. 24 Jan. 16 Oot. 4 Nov. 6 March. 30 Oct. 16 Sept. 4 Jan. 7 May. 13 June. 11 Jan. 11 June. 10 April. 15210 14436 14717 15634 14523 15033 15140 14681 14938 14583 14819 14929 15766 15290 15002 15119 15179 15288 15308 15276 15659 15156 15057 14502 15380 15464 15761 15755 14605 15146 14839 15177 15306 14601 2 Aug. 7 June, 01 5 April. 17 Nov. 13 Feb. 24 June. 17 July. 27 March. 26 May. 6 March. 2 May. 27 May. 15 Dec. 19 Aug. 11 June. 11 July. 24 July. 18 Aug. 22 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Nov. 22 July. 28 June. 4 Feb. 11 Sept. 29 Sept. 15 Dec. 13 Dec. 8 March. 19 July. 5 May. 26 July. 25 Aug. 10 March. 15306 15518 25 Aug. 13 Oct. 15703 15704 15153 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 23 July.




Name, Kesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Orr, J., jun., Temuka, N.Z. Holding bags for filling Osmond, C. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Artificial minnow Osmond, O. H., Dunodin, N.Z. Attaching articles to line .. Over, W., Auckland, N.Z. Antiseptic dressing .. Owen, M. J., Toledo, U.S.A. (See Toledo Glass Company, No. 15522.) Oxlad'e, K., and another, Redfern, N.S.W. Electric telegraphy Page, C. E., Cbristchurch, N.Z. Extensible table Painter, F. W., Ohristohurcb, N.Z. Bicycle-holder Palothorpo, F. 0., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Ping-pong net Pallant, W. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Broom Pallant, W. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Cramping-tool .. Park, A. J., Ngaruawahia, N.Z. Delivering steam into steam heating appliance Park, A. J., Ngaruawabia, N.Z. Operating window-sashes Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Mirror .. Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Truck for street-cars. (R. H. Hornbrook and W. H. Woodcock) Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Trucks. (R. H. Hornbrook and W. H. Woodcock) Park, A. J., Dunodin, N.Z. Truck-bolster Jor street-cars. (R. H. Hornbrook and W. K. Woodcock) Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Chair. (A.C.Murray) Parker, A. W., Auckland, N.Z. Electric railway Parker, D. P., and another, Coromandel, N.Z. Acetylene generator .. Parker, J., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising Parkin, V., Dunedin, N.Z. Baconslicer.. Parkinson, R. W., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Gold-saving mat .. Parrott, E. J., Cbristchurch, N.Z. Making lime, artificial stone, &c... Parsons, Hon. C. A., Newcaetle-on-Tyne, Eng. Steam-turbine blade.. Parsons, Hon. C. A., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Marine steam-turbine blade Parsons, Hon. C. A., Newcastle, Eng. Condenser Paterson, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Road-sweeper ... - .. Paterson, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Vote-recorder Paterson, J., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Clothes-wringer Paterson, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Attachment to bicycle Patten, P., Christchureh, N.Z. Clothes-pocket.. Patten, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Nail Patten, P., Christchurcb, N.Z. Filter-trap for sewage Patten, P., Christohurch, N.Z. Ridges for roofing Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Centrifugal tailingsstacker Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Tailings-elevator Payne, J., Auckland, N.Z. Converting ordinary into a spring dumb-bell Payne, W., and another, Orange, N.S.W. Treating oopper-ores Pearce, R. W., Upper Waitohi, N.Z. Bicycle .. Pearson, G. L., Lincoln, Canterbury, N.Z. Boring and well-driving .. Pease B. L., Darlington, Eng. Structural arrangement .. Peck, H., Vancouver, B.C. Can-end soldering-machine. (J. M. K. Letson and F. W. Burpee) Peck, H., Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Can-washing machine. (J. M. K. Letson and F. W. Burpee) Peck, H., Vanoouver, B.C., Canada. Can-capping machine. (J. M. K. Letson and F. W. Peck, H., Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Die for forming can-ends. (J. M. K. Letson and F. W. Burpee) Peck, J. S., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. T. L. Travers, No. 14430.) Peek, T. G., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-escape Pegler, F., Greymouth, N.Z. Blackboard-easel.. Pegler, F., Greymouth, N.Z. Laundry iron-heater and support for cooking-utensils Pegler! F., Greymouth, N.Z. Ruler Pennington, H., and another, Ngaire, N.Z. Milk cooler and aerator Pennington, R. E., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Lock-nut plate Penny, C. W., Te Akatea, N.Z. Pearl-fishing boat Pepperell, J. W., and another, Belfast, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Pepperoll, J. W., and another, Belfast, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Percival, G., Narromine, N.S.W. Bioyele-crank Perdrian, E. C, and another, Melbourne, Vic. Boot-sole .. Perkins, T. S., Idlewood, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 14790.) Perks, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Attachment to range Perky, H. D., New York, U.S.A. Biscuit-making machine Perotti, G. J., Greymouth, N.Z. Amalgamator.. Perotti, G. J., Greymouth, N.Z. Amalgamator.. Perrin, S., Auckland, N.Z. Air and gas carburetter Perrin, S., Auckland, N.Z. Air and gas carburetter Peryer, M., Christchurch, N.Z. Composition for painted surfaces Peryeri M.'Christchurch, N.Z. Composition for painted surfaces Peters, H. C, Invercargill, N.Z. Clothing-grip.. Peterson, C, Dublin, Ireland. Pipe and cigar and cigarette holder .. Peterson, P., Timaru, N.Z. Life-saving appliance. (L. Rosengren) .. Pfaff, A., Melbourne, Vic. Preserving eggs Philips, L., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Delivering tailings Phillimore, A. E., Bath, Eng. Bedstead Phillips. J. M., Wharepapa, N.Z. Windmill .. Phillips, J. M., Wharepapa, N.Z. Windmill .. Philpott, T. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fire-escape Philpott, T. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fire-alarm Philpott, T. S., Wellington, N.Z. Oiling axles of vehicles.. Philpott, T. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fire alarm and escape Philpott, T. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Indicating lengths of rolls of textile material Philpott! t! S., Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Pierce, G. P., Melbourne, Vic. Calculating-apparatus Pifer, G. N., Cleveland, U.S.A. Photographic apparatus ., 15120 14684 14785 14533 14 July. 20 March. 21 April. 13 Feb. 14731 15006 15284 15344 15733 15734 14452 14455 14472 14986 14987 14988 10 April. 16 Jum. 22 Aug. 3 Sept. 9 Dec. 9 Dec. 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 7 June. 7 June. 7 June. 15361 15446 15616 15184 14837 14422 14866 14905 15351 15601 14823 15174 15474 15788 14555 14712 14713 14714 14636 15343 15639 15014 14507 14904 15740 14544 14762 5 Sept. 20 Sept. 7 Nov. 25 July. 5 May. 11 Jan. 7 May. 23 May. 4 Sept. 5 Nov. 30 April. 23 July. 1 Oct. 17 Dec. 2,1 Feb. 5 April. 5 April. 5 April. 15 March. 30 Aug. 14 Nov. 19 June. 8 Feb. 23 May. 10 Dec. 20 Feb. 18 April. 14763 18 April. 14764 18 April. 15387 14825 14847 14926 14556 15623 15275 15085 15106 14562 15279 8 Sept. 29 April. 28 April. 27 May. 24 Feb. 13 Nov. 20 Aug. 5 July. 9 July. 27 Feb. 21 Aug. 15136 15688 14464 14676 14853 15034 14441 14606 15502 15016 15338 15322 14460 15226 14516 15551 14598 14599 14609 14889 15471 15475 14865 15527 15 July. 27 Nov. 22 Jan. 26 March. 3 May. 20 June. 16 Jan. 10 March. 10 Oct. 19 June. 1 Sept. 28 Aug. 22 Jan. 7 Aug. 12 Feb. 25 Oct. 10 March. 10 March. 12 May. 20 May. 3 Oct. 6 Oct. 9 May. 25 Oct., '01




3—H, 10.

Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Pifer, G. N., Cleveland, U.S.A. Photographic plate Pifer, G. N., Cleveland, U.S.A. Coin-controlled machine Pike, A. S., Wellington, N.Z. Belt and rope tightener Pike, C. D., Wellington, N.Z. Fastener for door-mat, &c. Pinnock. J. M., Waikouaiti, N.Z. Malted food .. Pitt, G. W., and another, London, Eng. Vehicle wheel and tire Pitt, R. C, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Pneumatic tire Plaissetty, A. M., Paris, France. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 15312.) Plaissetty Mantle Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. (See J. T. Hur.ter, No. 15312.) Pledger, J. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Window-sash adjuster Plews, A. S., London, Eng. Manufacture of white oxide of antimony Plummer, I. A., Woollahra, N.S.W. Patterns for drafting garments .. Pollard, E. T., and another, Liverpool, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 14733.) Pomeroy, J., Invorcargill, N.Z. Hat-fastener Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Sheep-shears .. Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Bowl for oooking-pot Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Sheep-shears Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Lacing articles Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Sewing-thimble Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Sewing-palm .. Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Fountain-pen Pool, A. J., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Clothes-wringer Pope, J. H., Brockton, U S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 14789.) Porchere, P., Lyons, France. (See Porcherine, Limited, No. 14402.) Porcherine (Limited), London, Eng. Sweetening-liquid. (P. Porchere) Porritt, W., and another, Perth, W.A. Jointing iron plates Porter, A. H., and another, Waihi, N.Z. Fire-grate Porter, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer.. Porter, J. W., Williametown, Vic. Operating moving target Porter, T. R., Wellington, N.Z. Axe-head Porter, T. R., Wellington, N.Z. Billiard-cueB .. Porter, T. R., Wellington, N.Z. Seouring neokties .. Porter, T. R., Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle handle-grip Potter, F. S., Auckland, N.Z. Vehiole-spring .. Powell, J. H., Caulfield, Vic. Table-game Poynter, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Picking up balls Preddy, F. W., Rangiora, N.Z. Window-fastener Preston, H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Horse-collar.. Priest, S., jun., West Devonport, Tas. Hub-brake and free wheel Pritzkow, W., and another, Salzungen, Germany. Manufacture of fibre from New Zealand flax Prollius, O., Copenhagen, Denmark. Centrifugal machine Prouse, W. J., Wellington, N.Z. Bevelled rebated weatherboard Pruden, G. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Flooring-oramp Pulman, G., Drury, N.Z. Textile letter-tracing Purkiss, J., Halcombe, N.Z. Matchbox Purvis, J., and another, London, Eng. Artificial stone "Pyrojim" Syndicate (Limited), and another, London, Eng. Converting house-refuse into fuel. (J. M. Jameson) Queensland Meat Export and Agenoy Company (Limited), and another, Pinkenba and lownsville, Queensland. Joint for tin or oan Quennell, C, and another, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 15780.) Quertier, H., Gore, N.Z. Machine for filling gravel Quertier, H., Gore, N.Z. Excavating, washing, &c, ballast Quilter, T. F., and another, Waipori, N.Z. Removing day from dredge-bucket Quinby, W. C, and another, Alameda, U.S.A. Explosive Rabbidge P Sydney, N.S.W. Connecting alarm to telephone exchange Rakowitzky, S. D. S., and another, Vilna, Russia. (See Amerioan Tobacco Company, Rakowitzky, S. S. D., and another, Vilna, Russia. (See American Tobacco Company, Rakow°i'tzky, 8. D. S., Vilna, Russia. (See American Tobacco Company, No. 15072.) Ram G. S., and another, London, Eng. (See Nernst Electric Light, Limited, No. 14732.) Ramage, G., and another, Centre Bush, Southland, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Ramsay, J., Round Hill, N.Z. Gold-saving table Ramsay, J., Round Hill, N.Z. Gold-saving table Ramsay, K. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Stand for ping-pong Rankin, A., and others, Perth, W.A. Cleaning grooves of tram-rails Rauhoff, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Converting motion Rawnsley, E. G., Christohurch, N.Z. Table-tennis apparatus Rawson, P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Boot-polisher Ray, C, Christchurch, N.Z. Pneumatic tire .. Raymond, K., Invercargill, N.Z. Boot-laces .. Raymond, K., Invercargill, N.Z. Laces and stay-lacing Raymond, K., Invercargill, N.Z. Hat-fastener Raymond, K., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-curler .. Rayson, P., Elsternwick, Vic. Spanner-attachment Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Gold-dredging machinery Rayward, H. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Ping-pong raoquet .. .. .. • - .. Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Distributing sewage into filter-beds. (G. E. Rayward, W H H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Self-flushing time-valve. (G. E. Ridgway) Rayward H H and another, Wellington, N.Z. Extracting zinc from ores. (G. D. Delprat) Rayward', H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Extracting sulphide from ores. (G. D. N., London, Eng. (See F. H. W. Cowper, No. 15431.) Reardon, P. H., San Francisco, U.S.A. Pressure-regulator 15528 15731 15747 14524 15114 14C19 14408 25 Oct.,'01 13 Dec, '01 11 Dec. 13 Feb. 11 July. 13 March. 8 Jan. 15081 14643 14487 30 June. 20 March. 30 Jan. 14414 14590 14741 14829 14947 15059 150G0 15087 15474 8 Jan. 1 March. 9 April. 2 May. 29 May. 27 June. 27 June. 3 July. 1 Oct. 14402 14587 14971 14979 15230 14959 14982 14983 15674 15144 15224 15133 15026 14568 15042 15711 6 Jan. 6 March. 7 June. 9 June. 7 Aug. 6 June. 11 June. 11 June. 24 Nov. 17 July. 4 Aug. 18 July. 20 June. 28 Feb. 27 June. 29 Nov. 14918 14922 14948 14909 14621 15069 15653 21 May. 26 May. 30 May. 21 May. 14 March. 2 July. 19 Nov. 14614 13 Maroh. 15501 15586 15175 15048 14498 10 Oot. 31 Oct. 23 July. 27 June. 6 Feb. 14596 15656 15726 14795 14863 14641 14610 15305 14395 14906 14976 14994 15111 15159 14463 14793 15417 6 March. 17 Nov. 5 Deo. 22 April. 9 May. 20 March. 11 March. 25 Aug. 3 Jan. 19 May. 4 June. 6 June. 8 July. 24 July. 22 Jan. 22 April. 18 Sept. 15418 15681 15687 18 Sept. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 14638 15 March,




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. techt, F., and another, New York, U.S.A. Bottle-closures teece, W., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Seouring hat to head teeves, A. E., Mataura, N.Z. Scutching-machine teid, D., jun., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Separating black Band in littoral deposits teid, R. S., Timaru, N.Z. Window.. teid, W. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Secateur teilly, J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Marine governor teilly, J. G., South Melbourne, Vie. Window-sash fastener testorek, E. J., Richmond, Vic. Attaching woven wire to bednteads teynolds, W. H., Clareville, N.Z. Spreader for draught-ohains of vehicles lice, T., Feilding, N.Z. Clip for umbrella-ribs tiohardson, E., Hawthorn, Vic. Fittings of locomotive-boilers tichardson, E., Hawthorn, Vic Extracting gold, &o. tichardson, W. J. W., and another, Petersham, N.S.W. Electric telegraphy tiddell, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Butter-printer tiddell, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Butter-lifter tidgway, G. E., Brentwood, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, Nos. 15417 and 15418.) tigaud, H. C, and another, London, Eng. (See The Conversion Company (Billing's Machinery and Process), Limited, No. 14720.) tillstone, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Spark preventer .. tisstrom, E. O., Rushworth, Vie. Show-stand for axe, &o. tobb, G. M., Potts Point, N.S.W. (See A. K. Smith, No. 15393.) tobb, J., Ohingaiti, N.Z. Parcelling butter toberts, H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Lock toberts, L., Dunedin, N.Z. Dress-cutting chart loberts, T., Nelson, N.Z. Construction of windows toberte, T., Nelson, N.Z. Face-pivot hinge tobertson, C. M., Christohurch, N.Z. Hair-restorer tobertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Mail -marking maobine .. lobertson, J., and another, Lawrence, N.Z. Sowing seed., lobertson, J., Maheno, N.Z. Ditch-plough .. .. .. - tobertson, J. P., North Sydney, N.S.W. Fire-alarm tobertson, L. D., Sandymount, N.Z. Spurs ... tobertson, L. D., Sandymount, N.Z. Spring-hook tobertson, M. J., Geelong, Vic Cash-carrier .. tobertson, P. F. A., and another, Lawrence, N.Z. Sowing seed tobertson, R. E., Auokland, N.Z. Air-brake .. tobertson, T., Ballarat, Vic Rabbit-poisoning tobertson, T. S., and another, Sale, Vic. Puttie-legging .. lobinson, A. A.., and another, Moorooka, Queensland. Butter-printing machine tobinson, C, Edgewood Park, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (See W. K. Hughes, No. 14501.) tobinson, C, Auckland, N.Z. Destruction of vermin tobinson, E. E., and others, Birmingham, Eng. Receiver for wireless telegraphy tobinson, H. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire mattress and bedstead tobinson, S., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire mattress and bedstead tobinson, W., and another, Strathearn, N.Z. Catch for door tobson, J., Ngaire, N.Z. Sawing-maohine todier, W., Cobar, N.S.W. Rabbit-trap toger, J., and another, London, Eng. Obtaining extract of tea .. .. togers, F. E., and another, Mount Gambier, S. Aust. Spark-arrester logers, J. i and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Ruler and blotting-pad tooney, J. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-escape lose Gold Reclamation Company, and another, San Franoisoo. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 14984.) lose, J., Caversham, N.Z. Trap for liberating pigeons lose, J. F., Takaka, N.Z. Protection of river-banks lose, J. F., Takaka, N.Z. Protection of river-banks tosengren, L., Trilleborg, Sweden. (See P. Petersen, No. 15338.) toss, D. R., Brunswick, Vic (See W. E. Hughes, No. 15564.) toss, D. R., Brunswick, Vic. Milking-machine toss, F., Mohaka, N.Z. Cough-mixture toss, G. D., Glasgow, Scotland. Shifting points of tramway, &o., lines toss, H. I. M, Dunedin, N.Z. Double-current ventilator .. toss, M. L., Paris, Franoe. Burner.. toss, N., Halcombe, N.Z. Coupling-hook for chains louse, T., and another, Middlesex, Eng. Artificial stone toussell, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fastener touasell, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Oiling carriage-axles toussell, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Draught-preventer for door towe, W., Marrickville, N.S.W. Railway-traffic-control system towntree, A., South Rakaia, N.Z. Moustache-guard toy, A. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Horse-cover fastening .. ,,.. toy, A. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Waterproofing-oomposition. (J. Taylor and W. Ollerenshaw) .. tugg, J., Auckland, N.Z. Broom-rack lunge, W. C, London, Eng. Sound-trumpet of graphophone tussell, G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Water-sprinkling cart tussell, J. J., Milton, N.S.W. (See J. Channon, No. 15678.) tussell, T., Sydenham, N.Z. Street-sweeper .. tussell, T. G., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Rabbit-exterminator tutherford, J. S., Nelson, N.Z. Medicated biscuit tyan, F. L., Christohurch, N.Z. Table-tennis apparatus .. tyan, F. L., Christchurch, N.Z. Ping-pong apparatus iadlier, J., Waianiwa, N.Z. Wire-strainer lagnol, P. E., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Relief-valve ialinger, J., Auckland, N.Z. Operating air-brake on train.. lalinger, J., Auckland, N.Z. Operating air-brake on train.. .. . t 14655 15464 15710 15003 14867 15200 15633 15441 15168 1472-2 15513 14581 15000 1473.1 14473 14474 21 March 29 Sept. 29 Nov. 11 June. 10 May. 30 July. 15 Nov. 25 Sept. 24 Feb.* 8 April. 14 Oct. 6 March 13 June. 10 April. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 15112 15385 8 July. 11 Sept. 15713 15183 15241 1554G 15763 15194 1468G 15550 15588 15165 14975 1532H 15277 15550 15708 15778 14788 15543 3 Deo. 24 July. 6 Aug. 21 Oct. 16 Deo. 31 July. 1 April. 16 Oot. 29 Oct. 24 July. 5 June. 26 Aug. 21 Aug. 16 Oot. 2 Dec. 18 Dec. 24 April. 23 Oct. 1504 (> 15383 15333 15333 14751 15655 14934 15664 14958 15128 15037 27 June. 11 Sept. 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 17 April. 19 Nov. 29 May. 18 Nov. 5 June. 14 July. 23 June. 15001 14484 15113 13 June. 21 Jan. 12 July. 15626 15270 14588 14884 15347 15011 15069 14765 14766 14836 15316 14624 15021 15263 15401 15047 15473 15 Nov. 18 Aug. 6 Maroh 14 May. 3 Sept. 17 June. 2 July. 18 April. 18 April. 5 May. 28 Aug. 11 Maroh 17 June. 15 Aug. 11 Sept. 27 June. 30 Sept. 14921 15057 15074 14937 14949 15264 15719 14665 14748 26 May. 28 June. 2 July. 28 May. 30 May. 15 Aug. 4 Dec. 20 March. 18 April.




Name, Eesidenoe, and Invention. No. Date. Salmon, J. B., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Leggings .. .. •• •• 14506 Salmon, J. J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Leggings .. .. .. •• 14506 Salomo, H., Melbourne, Vic Supports for chairs .. .. •• •■ 15469 Sanders, R. D., Blackheath, Eng. Electro-deposition of metals .. .. •■ 14813 Saunders, M., Pleasant Point, N.Z. Harvesting-maohine .. .. .. •■ 15022 Sawyer, 0., Wellington, N.Z. Paint-brush binder .. .. ■• ■• 15319 Saxton, E., Nelson, N.Z. Cycling-gauntlet .. .. .. •• ■• 15028 Schmitt, E. D., Baltimore, U.S.A. (See Universal Seal and Stopper Company, Nos. 14886 and 14690.) Sohnetzer, K., Aussig-on-Elbe, Austria. Soap-moulding machine .. .. .. 15727 Schwartz, J. S., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Ping-pong net .. .. .. 15344 Scoringe, P., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Vehicle-brake ., .. •• •• 14894 Scoringe, P., Timaru, N.Z. Trouser-clip .. .. .. •• •• 15359 Scott, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tailing-elevator .. .. .. •• 15005 Soott, J. R , Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 15207.) Scott, R., Waipukurau, N.Z. Attachment to bedstead .. .. •• •• 15163 Searle, W. E., Oamaru, N.Z. Saddlery-keeper.. .. .. ■■ •• 1*777 Secor, J. A., New York, U.S.A. Explosion-motor .. .. ... •• 14571 Seliars, G. J., jun., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Toasting-appliance .. .. 14742 Sellars, W. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Nonrefillable bottle .. .. .. •■ 14710 Senior, A. I., Wellington, N.Z. Reversing motion of steam-engine .. .. ■• 15285 Severin, H., Achern, Germany. Manufacture of glass articles .. .. .. 15690 Seymour, D., Napier, N.Z. Siphon.. .. .. •■ •• •• 15302 Seymour, J. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-fastener .. .. •■ 14702 Seymour, J. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-faetener .. .. .. 14740 Shailer, G., Palmerston North, N.Z. (See 0. Dahl, No. 15035.) Shale, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging-ladder .. .. .. •• •• 14711 Sharp, J., jun., and another. Nelson, N.Z. Razor-strop .. .. .. •• 15732 Sharpies, D. T., West Chester, U.S.A. Mechanical milking .. .. •• 15309 Shattky, C. H., Hastings, N.Z. Securing spotting-discs on oanvas targets .. .. 14901 Shattky, C. H., Hastings, N.Z. Canvas or paper target .. .. .. •■ 14902 Shaw, S., East Richmond, Vic. Self-lighting gasfitting .. ... .. .. 14899 Shaw, W. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Tobacco-box .. .. .. •■ •• 15209 Shedd Electrio and Manufacturing Company, The, New York, U.S.A. Ventilator. (T. R. 15443 Weyant) Shepherd, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging machinery .. .. .. •• j«>a< Shepherd, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging machinery .. .. •• •• }^ZV Shepherd, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging machinery .. .. •• •• 15jO3 Shepherd, E. G., and another, London, Eng. (See Nernst Electric Light, Limited, No. 14732.) Shipway, C. J., and another, Meningie, S. Aust. Sheep-shears .. .. .. 14932 Shipway, C. J., and another, Meningie, S. Aust. Sheep-shears .. .. • • 15161 Siegfried, R., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. T. L. Travers, No. 14620.) Sievwright, W., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Marine composition" .. .. •• 14881 Sigley, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Weatherproof newspaper-box .. .. •• ■• jfj*? Sigley, J., Hokitika, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus .. .. • • • • ,™~ Sigley, J. R., Gisborne, N.Z. Concrete tank .. .. .. •• •■ jf. 3 ?; Silk, M. B., Sydney, N.S.W. Cloth-shrinking apparatus .. .. •• •• 15166 Simmonds, R., Coromandel, N.Z. Kerosene-tap .. .. •• ■■ 1*803 Simpson, F., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Attachment to screw-cutting lathe .. •■■ 15187 Simpson, G., Richmond, Vic. Sash-fastener .. .. .. •• •■ ]^°l Sinclair, D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Upright and extension for table-tennis .. 14783 Sinnet, R. H., Wellington, N.Z. Dredge-screen .. .. .. •■ 15325 Sivertsen, P., Dunedin, N.Z. Artificial fertilisation .. .. •• •• 14784 Slack E. A , Gisborne, N.Z. Dental suction-oells. (T. Slack) .. .. .. 1*521 Slack, T., Sheffield, Eng. (See E. A. Slack, No. 14521.) Slaok, W. F., Wellington, N.Z. Ventilator .. .. .. •• •• 1555^ Sleeper, F. H., and another, Westmount, Canada. Engine .. .. • ■ , 14*b« Slemitz, C, Wellington, N.Z. Washing copper .. .. •• •• 15064 Smaill, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Determining quantity of liquid in refngerating-apparatus 148dU Smaill' J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Inlet of suotion-pipo .. .. •• •• 153^ 4 Smart, A., iuu., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-esoape .. .. • • • • 15387 Smethurst, J., Wyalong, N.S.W. Tank .. .. .. ■ ■• jV 1*75* Smethurst W., Brynmair, Wales. (See The Smethurst Furnace and Ore-treatment byndicate, Limited, No. 14868.) Smethurst Furnace and Ore-treatment Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. Treatment of 148b8 substances with nascent oarbon-dioxide. (W. Smethurst) Smith, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Renewing window-cords .. .. .. 15499 Smith, A. A. S., Aberdeen, N.S.W. Mail-bag look .. .. •• ■■ lolbJ Smith, A. D., Edinburgh, Scotland. Buffer-ooupler ••„„;;, " " } 5 Jai Smith A. K., Sydney, N.S.W. Table-tennis, &c, scorer. (G. M. Robb) .. .. 15393 Smith, F. E., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus .. .. .. 1539t> Smith, G. C, St. Kilda, Vic. Screw .. .. .. • • • • 15201 Smith, H., Kew, Vic Decorating woodwork .. .. .. •■ ■• labia Smith, H., Coventry, Eng. (See G. W. Basley, No. 15724.) Smith, H. R., and another, Ohristohurch, N.Z. Sandal .. .. •• ■• 1»1J» Smith, J. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Hair-curler .. .. .. •• •• l«*j* Smith, J. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Food-plate .. .. •• •• ■• jjbi/ Smith, J. F., Cromwell, N.Z. Rope-grip .. .. • • • • • ■ '' Smith, R. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Window-sash fastener .. .. •■ •• "??*' Smith R. S., Ohristohuroh, N.Z. Attachment to leg of furniture .. .. .. lod/8 Smith, S., and another, Cbristchurch, N.Z. Sandal .. .. • • • • 15178 Smith T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Flushing-cistern .. .. •• iob94 Smith, W. N., Ballarat, Vic. Table-tennis net ... •• •• •• " }f.°°° Smyth, E., and another, Kennedy Bay, N.Z. Snatch-blook .. .. •■ 15^ Snapper, R., Albert Park, Vic Boot-fastener .. .. .. •• •• Soffe S., Wellington, N.Z. Reservoir-attaohment to wash-tank .. .. •• l*y°o Soper, F., Dunedin, N.Z. Bioycle-orank .. .. •• •• •• 15118 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 3 Oct. 1 May. 18 June. 28 Aug. 23 June. 3 Deo. 3 Sept. 20 May. 4 Sept. 13 June. 24 July. 19 April. • 3 Marob. 14 April. 7 April. 22 Aug. 27 Nov. 26 Aug. 4 April. 11 April. 9 Deo. 27 Aug. 17 May. 17 May. 22 May. 2 Aug. 25 Sept. 21 March. 10 July. 10 Oot. 29 May. 24 July. 13 May. 2 Aug. 5 Sept. 22 Aug. 24 July. 29 April. 29 July. 30 Aug. 21 April. 29 Aug. 12 April. 5 Feb. 25 Oot. 16 April. 30 June. 2 May. 30 Aug. 8 Sept. 17 April. 7 May. 10 Oot. 24 July. 14 Aug. 10 Sept. i3 Sept. 30 July. 20 May, '01* 25 July. 21 March. 4 Nov. 25 Jan. 19 June. 8 Sept. 25 July. 27 Nov. 6 Nov. 12 Aug. 2 Aug. 6 June. 14 July.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Sorensen, O., Paeroa, N.Z. Concentrator Soutter, A,, Buluwayo, South Africa. Non-refillable bottle Spreckels, O. A., and another, New York, U.S.A. (See Federal Refining Company, No. 14739.) Sprey, E., New Brighton, N.Z. Fastening for boots, &c. Stacey, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Medicated sweetmeat Stafford, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Dressing and washing flax Staples, J. E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Branding-fluid Staples, J. E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Branding-fluid Staples, L., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Ventilating boots Stedman, S. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Cultivator Steele, J. T., Surrey, Eng. Binding and holding sheets of paper Steele, T. J., Auckland, N.Z. Treating olay for road making Steenberg, J. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Butter-moulder Steer, W., Napier, N.Z. Boot or shoe heel Stopheneon, C. W., Wellington, N.Z. Patch for bicycle-tire Steuart, D. S. S., London, Eng. Pulveriser Steuart, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Reduction of ironsand, &o. Steuart, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Reduction of ironsand, &c. Stevenson, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Shaft-bush Stewart, H. F., Cobram, Vic. Wire-strainer Stewart, J., and another, Rangiora, N.Z. Venetian-blind Stewart, J., and another, Rangiora, N.Z. Securing veil Stewart, J. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Candlestick Stewart, J. H., and another, Inveroargil), N.Z. Candlestick Stewart, J. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Candlestick Stewart, J. K., Chicago, U.S.A. Shearing-tool.. Stewart, W., Albury, N.S.W. Fire-escape Stewart, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Copying-ink .. . .. Stewart, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Copying-ink Stiggins, E. A., Beverly, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 14548 and 14882.) Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Roller and cleaner .. .. Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed sower and hopper .. . ." Stortenbeker, H. C, and another, Tingha, N.S.W. Starting horno races Stretton, S. S., Ongaruhe, N.Z. Saucepan-lid .. Stringer, J. A., and others, Nelson, N.Z. Hot-house Strowger Automatic Telephone Exohange, Chicago, U.S.A. Automatic telephone exchange. (A. E. Keith and J. and J. C. Erickson) 14458 15346 15744 15808 14872 14668 14694 15399 15438 15741 15131 14919 14469 15109 14766 15661 15662 15419 15198 14944 15062 15119 15179 15308 15091 14418 14525 15530 25 Feb. 3 Sept. 11 Deo. 20 Dec. 13 May. 24 Maroh. 3 April. 12 Sept. 22 Sept. 10 Deo. 18 July. 21 May. 22 Jan. 11 July. 18 April. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 17 Sept. 29 July. 31 May. 30 June. 11 July. 24 July. 22 Aug. 10 July. 6 Jan. 11 Feb. 15 Oct. 14367 14423 15716 1566G 14435 15422 19 Deo. 8 Jan. 4 Deo. 21 Nov. 15 Jan. 19 Sept. Struthers, A. L. F., Whangarei, N.Z. Towel-rack Stuart, H. R., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 15785.) Stuart, Burdett. (See under B.) Suckling, R. L., Christchurch, N.Z. Lamp-wick .. .. .. Sudholz, F. W., Footscray, Vic. Attachment to plough Summerton, F. L., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Cycle-propelling mechanism Summerton, F. L., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Sustaining air-pressure in tiro Sutclifle, T., Stoke Newington, Eng. Aerating liquids Sutherland, A , Balclutha, N.Z. Wire-strainer.. Suttie, R. L., Onehunga, N.Z. Oiling axles .. .. .. .. ■ Swanell, C. T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Breaking clay in sluice boxes Swann, C. J., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Gold-saving screen Sweet, G., Brunswick, Vic. Hollow ware Swinburne, V. G., Auckland, N.Z. Divider compass Swinnerton, W:, Auckland, N.Z. Stand for ironing-board.. Symmane, G. W., and another, Taranaki, N.Z. Kerosene-siphon Tandy, C, Wellington, N.Z. Telescope-ladder Tandy, C, Wellington, N.Z. Tire for vehicle-wheel Tanner, F., and another, Waihi, N.Z. Claw-hammer Taplin, T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Raising liquids by compressed air Tas, H., Melbourne, Vic. Chair-silencer Tas, H., Melbourne, Vic. Bedstead.. Taylor, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Boot-sole Taylor, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Spring-hook Taylor, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wrench Taylor, D., and another, Otakia, N.Z. Animal-trap Taylor, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. (See A. F. Roy, No. 15263.) Taylor, J. H. R., Riverton, N.Z. Branding cheese Taylor, J. L , and another, Orange, N.S.W. Treating copper-ores Taylor, M., Paris, Franoe. Gas-engine Taylor, W., Sandiacre, Eng. Railway shunting-lever Taylor, W., and another, Sydenham, N.Z. Ventilating boots Temperley, E. A., Marton, N.Z. Incubator Thatcher, H., Hyde Park, S. Aust. Attachment to bioyoles, boats, &c, for a shade, pail, &c. (S. H. Manners) Thies, C. E., and another, Auburn, Vio. Advertising-attachment to incandescent lamp Thode, G. W., London, Eng. (See 3. Chambers and Son, Limited, Nos. 14671-2.) Thomas, H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Feed-water heater for boiler Thomas, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See the Mutual Benefit Bonus Company, Limited, No. 14580.) Thomas, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Hedge-cutter Thomas, W., Geraldine, N.Z. Printing process.. Thompson, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Carriage-lamp Thompson, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fastener to take place of bolt or nut Thompson, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Oiling carriage-axles Thompson, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Draught-preventer for door Thompson, C. W,, Johannesburg, South Africa. Rock-drill .. .. .. Thompson, D., Wanganui, N.Z. Capturing moths, &c. 14659 21 Maroh. 15307 15398 15433 15567 15824 14569 15818 15182 15563 14411 14490 15558 14951 14841 14842 14478 14939 14585 14613 14890 14998 14999 15505 25 Aug. 13 Sept. 23 Sept. 28 Oct. 31 Deo. 28 Feb. 30 Dec. 24 July. 25 Oct. 10 Jan. 31 Jan. 24 Oct. 4 June. 5 May. 5May. 24 Jan. 30 May. 6 March. 13 March. 20 May. 9 June. 9 June. 10 Oot. 14497 15014 15748 14499 15399 15211 15317 6 Feb. 19 June. 11 Dec. 6 Feb. 12 Sept. 2 Aug. 28 Aug. 15090 10 July. 14831 2 May. 14736 14607 14756 14765 14766 14836 15771 15195 9 April. 10 March. 17 April. 18 April. 18 April. 5 May. 17 Dec. 31 July.




Name, Residence, ana Invention. No. Date. Thompson, V., Wellington, N.Z. Culinary instrument Thomsen, W. A., Rotorua, N.Z. Securing hat to head Thomson, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Treating washdirt Thomson, J., Inveroargill, N.Z. Treating washdirt Thomson, J., Inveroargill, N.Z. Treating washdirt Thrum, J. A., Fernhill, Vie. Manure-planter Tipton, O., Carlton, Vio. Manure and seed sower Todd, A. B., Inveroargill, N.Z. Lime, manure, and seed scatterer Todd, R., Inveroargill, N.Z. Restoring overworked sponge in manufacture of bread Toledo Glass Company, Toledo, U.S.A. Gathering and shaping glass. (M. J. Owens) Tonkin, F. J., Eketahuna, N.Z. Rain-water filter Tonks, T., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Relief-valve Toogood, W., Featherston, N.Z. Fibre-waehing machine .. Topliss, H. J., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Utilising exhaust of gas-engine Tornaghi, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Governor for steam-engine Tosswill, R. D., and another, Upper Matakitaki, N.Z. Dredge screen and elovator Towgood, E. T., and others, Wanganui, N.Z. Tent Towgood, E. T., and others, Wanganui, N.Z. Tobaeco-pipe Towgood, E. T., Wanganui, N.Z. Measuring out liquids .. Towgood, E. T., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Rat-trap .. Towgood, Y. S., and others, Wanganui, N.Z. Tobacoo-pipe Towgood, Y. S., and others, Wanganui, N.Z. Tent Travern, W. T. L., Wellington, N.Z. Windings for electrical machine. (B. G. Lamme) Travers, W. T. L., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical distribution. (J. S. Peok) Travels, W. T. L., Wellington, N.Z. Collector-ring for electrical machine. (R. Siegfried) .. Travera, W. T. L., Wellington, N.Z. Metallic box-making machinery. (F. E. Wattne) Traves, J., Russell's Flat, N.Z. Soarifier Tripe, J. D., Wanganui, N.Z. Securing windows, &o. Tripp, E. J., and another, Bristol, Eng. Treating beer for bottling Trolley, R., Grantham, Eng. Straw-trussers, &c. Trotter, C. A., Opunake, N.Z. Range-finder for rifles Trubo, G. A., and another, London, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 15579.) . Trudgeon, W. G., and another, North Melbourne, Vic. Portable washiog-copuer Trumble, T. A., Haldane, N.Z. Staples for wire fence Tucker, W. F., and another, Auokland, N.Z. (See A. H. Nathan, No. 15403.) Tudehope, R., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ventilator .. Turnbull, T. 0., Kawhia, N.Z. Device for carrying children Turnbull, W., Wellington, N.Z. Pivoting-arrangement for faulighte, &c. Turner, G., Blenheim, N.Z. Lacing boots, &c. Tuttle, W. I., Baltimore, U.S.A. (See American Tobaooo Company, No. 15246.) Twemlow, H. H., Riverton, N.Z. Drain-tap Tyree, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Aoetylene-gas geoerator Tyrrell, J., jun., Queonstown, N.Z. Pump .. .. ■ .. Underwood, A., Wellington, N.Z. Game United Cigarette-machine Company, London, Eng. Cigarette-maohine. (F. J. Ludmgcon) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Lasting-machine. (R. F. MoFeely) .. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Lasting-machine. (E. A. Sliggins) .. United Shoe Machinery Company, Patersou, U.S.A. Machine for inserting fastenings. (L. A. Casgrain) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Heel-nailing machine. (B. F. Mayo) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Pulling-over machine. (R. F. McFeely) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Jack for heel-nailing machine. (J. H. Pope) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Lasting-maohine. (E. A. Stiggins) .. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Taming boots, &c. (A. Eppler) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Skiving-maohine. (E. F. Davenport) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Skiving-machine. (0. H. Bayley) .. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Inserting fastenings. (E. T. Freeman) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Welt-sewing machine. (E. E. Winkley) United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Leather-skiving machine. (J. R. Scott) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Stitch-separating maohine. (J. B. Hadaway) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Pressing-form for sole-laying machine. (G. H. Gifford) United Shoe Machinery Company, Patorson, U.S.A. Assorting nails. (B. F. Mayo) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for trimming boots, &o. (B. F. Mayo) Universal Seal and Stopper Company, Camden, U.S.A. Bottle-sealing machine. (B. D. Schmitt) Universal Seal and Stopper Company, Camden, U.S.A. Tool for forming bottle-neck. (B. D. Schmitt) Urquhart, D., Auckland, N.Z. Rowlock and grip-bracket.. Ussher, T., Auokland, N.Z. Table-bowls Vacuum Cleaner Company (Limited), London, Eng. Extracting dust from oarpeta. (H. C. Booth) Vaile, P. A., Auokland, N.Z. Explosive fire-alarm Valves (Limited), London, Eng. Hermetic sealing of tins. (J. R. Croft) Van Volkenburgh, P., and another, New York, U.S.A. Generating steam Vaughan, F. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Verity, C. H., Wellington, N.Z. Water-heater.. Vibert, J. P., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Closet Viotorian Forage-pressing Company Proprietary (Limited), The, Geelong, Vic. Forage-press. (J. Ferrier) Volkenburgh, Van. (See under V.) Vorbaoh, J., Renwicktown, N.Z. Potato-digger Wade, J. L., London, Eng. (See M. Neustadt, No. 15210.) Wainwright, H. S., Kent, Eng. Draught-producing and spark-arresting device for engine .. 14692 15461 15799 15800 15801 14488 15041 14417 15470 15522 15340 15719 14715 15339 14563 15153 14603 14774 14815 15031 14774 14603 14404 14430 14620 15164 15379 15244 14833 15600 14773 15692 15036 15481 14716 14978 15360 14897 15447 15451 15193 15249 14547 14548 14347 2 April. 1 Oct. 17 Deo. 18 Dec. 18 Dec. 30 Jan. 27 June. 8 Jan. 3 Oct. 16 Oct. 1 Sept. 4 Dec. 7 April. 1 Sept. 27 Feb. 23 July. 10 March. 19 April. 1 May. 23 June. 19 April. 10 March. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 13 March. 24 July. 8 Sept. 11 Aug. 1 May. 5 Nov. 19 April. 27 Nov. 23 June. 3 Oct. 7 April. 9 June. 5 Sept. 10 May. 26 Sept. 26 Sept. 30 July. 14 Aug. 20 Feo. 20 Feb. 20 March. 14697 14698 14789 3 April. 3 Airil. 24 April. 14882 15103 15203 15204 15205 15206 15207 15208 16 May. 10 July. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 15228 7 Aug. 15413 15650 18 Sept. 19 Nov. 14690 1 April. 14886 20 May. 15457 14911 15150 1 Oot. 21 May. 23 July. 14719 14682 14436 14723 15777 15395 14991 7 June,'01. 26 March. 7 June/01* 8 April. 30 Deo. 13 Sept. 12 June. 14734 2 April. 15617 7 Nov.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. 2 Wales, R,, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Broom, brush, &o. Walker, E., St. Albans, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Walker, E., St. Albans, N.Z. Potato-carrier .. Walker, H. R., New Brighton, N.Z. Carriages of bombs, &o. Walker, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Privy-reoeptaole Wall, A. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Shield for stay-busks Wall, W. C, Newtown, N.S.W. Washing-machine Wallace, H. L., Indianapolis, U.S.A. Valve. (J. W. Nethery) Waller, W. A. C., London, Eng. Building blook or plate Walters, W. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Produoing hydrooarbon-gas Ward, H. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Flushing-oistern Wardle, W., Burton-on-Trent, Eng. Preparing yeast Wardrop, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-fastener.. Wardrop, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-fastener .. Wardrop, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hair and hat pin and fastening Warring, J., jun., Marton, N.Z. Brake for traction-engine Warrington, A. E., Southbridge, N.Z. Advertising Wass, A. G., London, Eng. Printers' varnish and ink Waters, E., Melbourne, Vic. Manufacture of soap. (W. F, Hayward) Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vic Metallurgic filter. (F. H. Long) Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vie. Electrolytio converter. (F. H. Long) Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vic. Printing-plate. (C. B. Cottrell and Sons Company— M. A. McKee) Waters, E., jun., Melbourne. Vic. Gold-separator. (Rose Gold Reclamation Company— F. M. Johnson) Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vic. Transmission of power by electro-magnetic waves. (R. A. Fessenden) Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vic. Signalling by electro-magnetic waves. (R. A. Fessenden) Waters, E., jun , Melbourne, Vic. Signalling by electro-magnetic waves. (R. A. Fessenden) Waters, E., Melbourne, Vic. Hydrocarbon-vapour burners. (A. Blanchard) Waters, J. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Merchandise-conveyor Waters, W., Auckland, N.Z. Street-sweeper .. .. .. - Waters, W., Fitzroy, Vic. Rubber-pad for horseshoe Waters, W., Auckland, N.Z. Siphon Watson, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Kerosene-pump Watt, B., and another, Balolutha, N.Z. Hydrocarbon-gas generator Watt, 0. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Parallel ruler Watt, C. L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Driving dredge machinery Watt, C. L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Securing sleeve on dredge tumbler "Watt, J., and another, Balclutha, N.Z. Hydrocarbon-gas generator Watt, J. li., Timaru, N.Z. Freezing-room door Watt, N., Dunedin, N.Z. Spark-arrester Wattie, W., Worcester, U.S.A. Straw matting and loom for same Wattne, F. E., Stavanger, Norway. (See W. T. L. Travers, No. 15164.) Watts, W., Midland Junotion, W.A. Pivot blade-joint railway-crossing Waygood, J. E., Waikumete, N.Z. Gate or door hinge Weaver, A., Hastings, N.Z. Wool-washing Webb, J., East London, Cape of Good Hope. Wire-strainer Webster, F. A., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Leather and rubber composite Webster, W., Melbourne, Vie. Carbide-feeder Wehinger, J., Zurich, Switzerland. (See Pabrik fiir Mechanische Hirnholzmosaik Gesells ohaft mit Beschriinkter Haftung, No. 14577.) Wells, R. F., Invercargill, N.Z. Sheep-shears .. Wells, R. F., Melbourne, Vio. Sheep-shears Wessel, K., St. Paul, U.S.A. Mattrees-filling maohine West's Patent Tire-setter Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. M. Chambers, No. 15078.) West, J. B., Rochester, U.S.A. (See J. M. Chambers, No. 15078.) West, M. T., and another, Ngaire, N.Z. Milk cooler and aerator Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 15310.) Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Internal-combustion engine Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Treating copper-ore. (W. J. Knox) Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Lining of metallurgical vessel. (W. J. Knox) Weeton, J. S., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus .. Weyant, T. R., New York, U.S.A. (See The Shedd Electric and Manufacturing Company, No. 15443.) Wheeler, C. H., Short Hills, U.S.A. Cooling-tower Whelan, J. T., Addington, N.Z. Boot-cleaner .. Whishaw, W. M., and another, Feilding, N.Z. Cooling cream Whisker, N. H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-escape ... White, A. M., Bolivia, N.S.W. Ploughshare. (J. Ainsworth) White, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Game-apparatus White, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Opening soda-water bottles, &o. White, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Drill Whitehouse, J., Waihi, N.Z. Spark-arrester .. Whitelaw, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Potato-ohipper Whitfield, P. J., Geelong, Vic. Wool-compressing Whitham, F. E., Oxenhope, York, Eng. Stone, &o., pulveriser Whitley, J. J., and another, Ohristchurch, N.Z. Acetylene-gas lamp Whitney, A. C, Auckland, N.Z. Shooting at short range. (F. M. Gaudet) Whitney, A. C, Auokland, N.Z. (See Colonial Ammunition Company, Limited, No. 15435.) Whitney, A. C, Auokland, N.Z. Alarm-gun .. Whitney, F. L., San Franoisco, U.S.A. Wool-scouring machinery .. Whitson, R., Auckland, N.Z. Exhaust-oondenser, &o. Whittaker, H., Timaru, N.Z. Stifiener for boots Whittingham, R., Gore, N.Z. Aerial oar Wiokens, E. L., South Yarra, Vic. Rotary steam-eDgine .. 14416 15023 15571 15693 15084 14703 14755 15423 14447 15260 15363 14573 14702 14740 14828 14646 14855 15169 14584 14661 14662 14807 14984 15374 15375 15394 15718 14561 15143 15440 15702 14895 15330 14471 14421 14808 15330 15589 15362 15040 8 Jan. 18 June. 30 Oct. 27 Nov. 4 July. 4 April. 17 April. 19 Sept. 15 Jan. 16 Aug. 5 Sept. 3 March 4 April. 11 April. 2 May. 20 March 6 May. 22 July. 6 March 19 March 19 March 26 April. 7 June. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 10 Sept. 4 Dec. 24 Feb. 17 July. 20 Sept. 27 Nov. 19 May. 1 Sept. 22 Jan. 6 Jan. 26 April. 1 Sept. 3 Nov. 5 Sept. 27 June. 15493 14858 15519 14483 15721 15752 9 Oct. 8 May. 14 Oot. 27 Jan. 3 Dec. 10 Deo. 14551 15282 15298 18 Feb. 22 Aug. 26 Aug. 14556 24 Feb. 14434 14494 15479 15396 15 Jan. 4 Feb. 7 Oot. 13 Sept. 14574 15815 15825 15387 14827 15629 15697 15796 15429 15402 15773 14615 15218 15029 3 Maroh 29 Deo. 31 Dec. 8 Sept. 25 April. 11 Nov. 26 Nov. 19 Deo. 22 Sept. 16 Sept. 17 Dec. 13 Maroh 1 Aug. 23 June. 15627 15490 14425 15534 15787 15625 13 Nov. 9 Oot. 9 Jan. 18 Oot. 18 Deo. 13 Nov.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Wieda, E. P. W., Paterson, U.S.A. Mixingmaohine Wieder, H. G. A. I., and another, London, Eng. Reproducing and transmitting sounds .. Wiens, J. P., Milwaukee, U.S.A. Dustless brush Wiggins, F., Taooma, U.S.A. Clutch for pulley Wight, R. B., Auckland, N.Z. Cleaning iron plates, &c. .. Wilfley, A. E., Denver, U.S.A. (See Wilfley Ore-concentrator Syndicate, Limited, Nos. 14479-80.) Wilfley Ore-concentrator Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. Ore-concentrator. (A. R. Wilfley) Wilfley Ore-concentrator Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. Ore-concentrator. (A. R. Wilfley) Wilhelm, E. H., Marton, N.Z. Dooking lamb Wilkie, A., Fairton, N.Z. Distribution of carcase meat Wilkins, A. R., and another, Christchurcb, N.Z. Connecting bicycle with a trailed carriage Wilkins, A. R., and another, Christohuroh, N.Z. Motor attachment to bicycle .. Wilkinson, W. S., and othere, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising Williams, A., Wellington, N.Z. Wire strainer .. Williams, F. 0., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Plate .. Williams, H. G., Masterton, N.Z. Plough-attaohments .. Williams, J. L., Melbourne, Vic. Flushing latrines Williams, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Billiard-table Williams, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Billiard-table Williams, R., Malvern, S. Aust. (See Fresh Air and Safety Sash-fastener Company, Limited, No. 14493.) Williams, R., Petone, N.Z. Billiard-marker, &o. Williams, R., and others, Petone, N.Z. Marine governor .. Villiams, R., Taieri, N.Z. Siphon .. V'illiams, S., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Attachment to range Williamson, A., Cromwell, N.Z. Pipe-oleaner .. Williamson, P. R., and another, Christohuroh, N.Z. Upright and extension for table-tennis Wilson, C. R., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Cycle-driving mechanism Wilson, D., Feilding, N.Z. Acetylene-gaa generator .. ... Wilson, F. P., Wellington, N.Z. Printers'galley and chase Wilson, H. E., Auckland, N.Z. Bioyole-frame .. Wilson, J., and others, Newmarket, N.Z. Fire-escape Wilson, J. L., Kaitangata, N.Z. Injector Winepress, J., Brighton, Vic. Opening oysters Winkley, E. E., Lynn., Mass., U.S.A. (See United Shoe Maohinery Company, No. 15206.) Winters, J., Collingwood, Vic Tightening rims of wooden wheels Wiseman, J., Auckland, N.Z. Gaiter Witt, T. W., Wellington, N.Z. Bat for table-tennis Witty, R. J. L., Yatala, Queensland. Plant and seed setter Wix, N. V. G., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Ventilating halls • Wojcieehowski, J. (See American Tobacoo Company, No. 15603.) Wolff, A. C, Christchuroh, N.Z. Paoking-case Wolseley Sheep-shearing Machine Company (Limit( d), and another, Birmingham, Eng. Machine for cutting wool Woltereck, H. C, and another, London, Eng. Manufacturing gas Wood, I. P., and another, London, Eng. Smoke-consumer Wood, V. H. L., Auckland, N.Z. Curtain-support Woodcook, W. H., and another, Canton, U.S.A. (See A. J. Park, Nos. 14986, 14987, and 14988.) Woods, J. T., Melbourne, Vio. Coupling railway-trucks .. Wright, G. W., Melbourne, Vic Concentrating ores Wright, R., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. (See Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth, and Company, Limited, No. 15139.) Wycherley, C. W., Wellington, N.Z. Securing horse-cover Wylie, W., Greymouth, N.Z. Grab-hooks for dredge r oung, F. R., Wellington, N.Z. Saddle-oloth and ambulance etretoher 'oung, K., Timaru, N.Z. Bottle .. iobel, M., Mount Viotoria, N.S.W. Ore-agitation vat 15746 14572 15515 14522 15526 11 Dec 3 March. 16 Oct. 13 Feb. 14 Oct. 14479 11 Mar., '01 14480 29 Jan. 15117 15331 15177 15306 15184 15051 15130 15466 14687 15245 15291 14 July. 30 Aug. 26 July. 25 Aug. 25 July. 27 June. 18 July. 2 Oct. 1 April. 15 Aug. 23 Aug. 15237 15633 15698 15136 15587 14783 14799 15221 15635 15511 15387 15296 15467 18 Aug. 15 Nov. 26 Nov. 15 July. 29 Oct. 21 April. 26 April. 5 Aug. 17 Nov. 13 Oct. 8 Sept. 25 Aug. 2 Oct. 15584 14616 14852 15311 14952 31 Oct. 13 March. 6 May. 27 Aug. 4 June. 14433 15644 14 Jan. 19 Nov. 14957 15229 15636 5 June. 7 Aug. 17 Nov. 15104 15593 10 July. 31 Oot. 14623 14940 14570 15765 14627 14 March. 28 May. 3 March. 16 Dec 15 Maroh.




[• Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, anm< e-mar ot; Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Acetylene-gas generator. D.Wilson.. Acetylene-gas generator. W. Tyree Acetylene-gas generator. W. R. Hyde Acetylene-gas generator. J. Baker and D. P. Parker Acetylene-gas generator, Carbide-feeder for. W. Webster Acetylene-gas lamp. H. H. Gaudin and J. J. Whitley Adult's and ohild's ohair. A. J. Park Advertising. G. Darrell Advertising. M. Foley, J. Parker, and W. S. Wilkinson Advertising-attachment to oyole, boat, &o. H. Thatcher Advertising-attachment to gas-larap. C. E. Thies and L. E. Lowrey Advertising-device and hairdressers' rack. P. J. Gossling Advertising-device, &o. P. J. Gossling Advertising matter, Displaying. A. E. WarriDgton Advertising, Method of. J. T. Moate Advertising, Mutual Benefit Bonus Company (Limited) Advertising parcel-grip. A. H. Brownley Advertising, Stand for. T. Mutton and H. E. Hupton Aerated beverages, Making. American Mineral-water Machine Company Aerated liquid, Dispensing. W. Huoks, jun. Aerated water, Saving carbonic-acid gas in making. H. J. Ballin Aerating and bottling liquids. T. Sutcliffe Aerating liquids with gases. A. C. J. Charlier Aeration and bottling of liquids. Automatic Aerator Patents (Limited) Aerator. (See Milk-aerator, Milk cooler and aerator.) Aerial car. E. Whittingham Agglomerating finely divided ores. A. and W. J. Maiden Agitating auriferous material. W. R. Keane and B. Hogg.. Air and gas carburetter. S. Perrin Air and gas carburetter. S. Perrin Air-brake, Operating. J. Salinger .. .. .. .7 Air-brake, Operating. J. Salinger Air-brake, Railway. R. E. Robertson Air-compressing. A. A. Humphrey Air, Creating and circulating cold. J. B. Norris and T. M. Baldwin Air-exhausting apparatus. W. G. Goss Air-gas, Production of. J. Crook Air or gas compressor. L. C. Auldjo Air-pressure in tires, Sustaining. P. J. Darling, F. L. Summerton, and F. J. Amos Alarm, (See also Fire-alarm.) Alarm-attachment for doors, &o. C. H. Greenhead .. ■ Alarm-call connection to telephone exohange. P. Rabbidge Alarm-gun. A.C.Whitney Alarm thermometer, Electric-. A. Johnston Altitude-calculator. C. A. Trotter Amalgam, &c, Separating, from ore-pulp. T. H. Hicks Amalgam, Separating mercury from. T. H. Hicks Amalgamating-apparatus. E. Richardson Amalgamating-apparatus. J. J. Hill Amalgamating, &c, table. J. A. Hamilton Amalgamation of metals. Amerioan Amalgamating Company Amalgamator. G. J. Perotti Amalgamator. G. J. Perotti Amalgamator, &c. J.R.Harrison .. Ambulance-stretcher, saddle-cloth, and camp-bed combined. F. R. Young Ammonia-gas compressor, Valve for. W. H. Humble Ammunition-wad. The Colonial Ammunition Company (Limited) Animal feeding-trough. J. Carlyle Animal-trap. R. MoLean Animal-trap. A. J. Espie Animal-trap. W. Collins. Animal-trap. W. MoNaught Animal-trap. R. S. Black Animal-trap. D. Matheson and D. Taylor Animal-trap. W. Borlase Animal-trap. A. Campbell Anti-fouling composition. T. S. Mullay and W. Sievwright Antimony, Manufacturing white oxide of. A. S. Plews Antiseptio-dressing for wounds. W. Over Aro-lamp, Eleotric. J.P.Campbell.. Aro-lamp, Eleotric. J.P.Campbell.. Arrester. (See Spark-arrester, Spark-oatoher.) Artesian water-pipe. J. Free Artesian well-driving and boring. G. L. Pearson Artificial fuel. T. H. Brown Artificial fuel-briquettes. International Fuel Company Artificial stone. J. Purvis and T. Rouse Artifioial-stone making. E. J. Parrott Atomiser. T. Maude Augur, Earth-. W. L. and J. H. Iwan Auriferous material, Agitating. W. R. Keane and B. Hogg Auriferous material, Grading. H. G. Hankin Auriferous washdirt, Treating. J. Thomson Auriferous washdirt, Treating. J. Thomson Auxiliary propeller for vessel. R. P. Gibbons .. 15221 15447 15G0G 15616 15752 15218 15361 15049 15184 15317 15090 15217 15250 14855 14812 14580 15570 15613 14804 14917 15555 15824 14862 j 15134 5 Aug. 20 Sept. 4 Nov. 7 Nov. 10 Deo. lAug. 5 Sept. 27 June. 25 July. 28 Aug. 10 July. 1 Aug. 12 Aug. 6 May. 1 May. G March. 30 Oct. 4 Nov. 29 April. 21 May. 25 Oct. 31 Dec. 9 May. 1G July. 15787 15514 14515 14853 15034 14665 14748 15708 j 15521 ! 14502 15324 14846 14753 15567 18 Dec. 10 Oct. 12 Feb. 3 May. 20 June. 20 March. 18 April. 2 Dec. 10 Oct. 4 Feb. 29 Aug. 3 May. 17 April. 28 Oot. 14973 14498 15627 15332 14773 15092 15094 15000 15753 15421 15152 144C4 14676 15462 14570 15286 15435 15412 14595 14707 15255 15377 15487 15505 15735 15791 14881 14043 14533 15310 15786 7 June. GFeb. 13 Nov. 28 Aug. 19 April. 10 July. 10 July. 13 June. 10 Dec. 19 Sept. 23 July. 22 Jan. 26 Maroh. 1 Oot. 3 March. 20 Aug. 24 Sept. 18 Sept. 7 March. 15 April. 12 Aug. 8 Sept. 3 Oot. 10 Oct. 6 Dec. 16 Dee. 13 May. 20 March. 13 Feb. 27 Aug. 19 Deo. 15701 14904 14400 15570 15009 14866 15535 15790 14515 14907 15799 15800 15640 28 Nov. 23 May. 0 Jan. 30 Oot. 2 July. 7 May. 20 Oot. 16 Dec. 12 Feb. 23 May. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 13 Nov.




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Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Axe-head. T. R. Porter Axes, Show-case for. E. 0. Risstrom Axle of vehicle, Oiling. A. Thompson and J. Roussell Axle of vehicle, Oiling. B. L. Suttie Axles, Oiling. T. S. Philpott Bacon-slicer. V. Parkin Bacon and ham slicer. G. Carrington Bacon and ham slioer. G. Carrington Bag. (See Golf-bag, Lead-bag, Mail-bag, Saddle tool-bag, School-bag.) Bag for filling, Holding. J. Orr, jun. Bags, Gripping, on chaff-cutters. W.Andrews.. Bailing cows, Appliance for. W. V. Hosking Bailing cows. W. V. Hosking Balance. (See Window-sash balance.) Ballast, Excavating, &c. H. Quertier Ballast, Excavating, &c. H. Quertier Ballast spreading machine. W. Currie Balls, Device for picking up. G.Bills Balls, Device for picking up. J. B Poynter Bank. (See River-bank.) Bar. (See Harbour bar.) Barb-wire, Running out. W. C. Innes Barge for handling coal. J. Campbell .. .. .. Barrel. F. Alexe Bat for table-tennis. T. W. Witt Bat, Ping-pong. T. Herbert Bearing for engine-shaft. W. E. Hughes Bearing for shaft, Support-. J. A. Moyes and J. Hopkirk.. Bearings for centrifugal machine. O. Prollius Bed. (See Camp-bed.) Bed and bolster. E. H. Luxford Bed-pan, Frame for slipper. E. A. Conyors .. .. .. Bed, Preventing children falling out of. 0. E. Bamford Bedstead. H. Tas Bedstead. S., C, and A. Holmes Bedstead. A. E. Phillimore Bedstead and mattress. G. S. Heatley Bedstead, Attaching wire to. E. J. Restorck Bedstead, Attachment to. R. Scott Bedstead, Wire mattress and. H. A. and S. Robinson Beer, Manufacture of. The Conversion Company (Billing's Machinery and Process) (Limited) Beer, Treating, for bottling. J. D. Dewar and E. J. Tripp.. Belt. E. O'Conor .. .. Belt and rope tightener. A. S. Pike .. .. .. Belt-fastener. S. O. Keoghan Belt fur medical purposes, Electric. G. W. Baeley .. .. Bending sbeet-metal for tube-making. T. Danks Bicycle. R. W. Pearse Bicycle. (See also Cycle.) Bicycle, Attachment to, for carrying child, &c. J. Paterson .. '.. Bicycle, Attachment to, for use as sail, &c. H. Thatcher Bicycle-carrier for railway-car. A. Lyell .. .. .. Bicycle, Connecting, with trailed carriage, &c. A. R. Wilkins and J. W. Odering Bicycle crank. G. Percival .. Bicycle-driving mechanism. C. R. Wilson and J. F. Best Bicycle-driving mechanism. W. G. Jesson .. .. .. .. Bicycle-frame. H.E.Wilson .. .. .. .. .. Bicycle handle-grip. T. R. Porter .. Eioycle-holder. F. W. Painter Bicycle, Motor attachment for. A. R, Wilkins and J. W. Odcring Bicycle-pedal. G. M. Nichol .. Bicycle-support. G. and T. Gubbins "".. Bioycle-tire, Removing. S. Nicolson "'.. .. Bicycle-tire, Repairing-patch for. C. W. Stephenson Billiard-cue. T. R. Porter Billiards, Apparatus for. M. L. Humm Billiards, Parlour-. W. McLean Billiards, Recording score at. R. Williams .. Billiards, " Roulette." E. Hasselbaoh .. .. Billiard-table. J.P.Williams Billiard-table. J. P. Williams Billiard-table and settee. H. U. Alcock Billiard-table, Convertible. H. U. Alcock Binder for loose sheets of paper. H. E. Dade Binder, Paint-brush. C. Sawyer Binding sheets of paper. J. T. Steele Binocular-suspender. C. D. Lighiband Bird trap, Small-. F. A. Burdett-Stuart Biscuit. (See Modicated biscuit.) Biscuit making machine. H. D. Perky Bivalve, Opening. A. W. and 1. B. MoKenzie .. Blackboard-easel. F. Pegler Blades, Steam-turbine. Hon. C. A. Parsons Blight, Composition for. W. J. Botting Blind. (See Venetian-blind, Window-blind.) 14959 15385 14766 15818 14609 14837 14701 15012 15120 14801 14566 15700 15501 15586 14462 15058 15133 15191 14798 15345 14852 15032 14501 15147 14918 15355 15416 14451 14613 14689 15226 15283 15168 15163 15333 14720 14833 14839 15747 14674 15001 15382 14507 6 June. 11 Sept. 18 April. 30 Dec. 12 Maroh. 5 May. 2 April. 18 June. 14 July. 28 April. 28 Feb. 29 Nov. 10 Oot. 31 Oct. 22 Jan. 27 June. 18 July. 29 July. 24 April. 3 Sept. 6 May. 19 Juno. 6 Feb. 23 July. 21 May. 4 Sept. 18 Sept. 20 Jan. 13 March. 3 April. 7 Aug. 22 Aug. 24 Feb.* 24 July. 30 Aug. 8 April. 1 May. 5 May. 11 Dec. 25 March. 11 June. 9 Sept. 8 Feb. 15788 15317 14513 15177 14562 14799 15348 15511 15674 15284 15306 15140 14893 15659 15109 14982 14974 15649 15237 15736 15245 15291 15373 15259 15225 15319 15741 15622 15595 17 Deo. 28 Aug. 11 Feb. 26 July. 27 Feb. 26 April. 2 Sept. 13 Oct. 24 Nov. 22 Aug. 25 Aug. 17 July. 16 May. 20 Nov. 11 July. 11 June, 9 June. 19 Nov. 8 Aug. 6 Dec. 15 Aug. 23 Aug. 6 Sept. 12 Aug. 4 Aug. 28 Aug. 10 Dec. 7 Nov. 4 Nov. 15C88 15239 14825 14905 15538 27 Nov. 8 Aug. 29 April. 23 May. 22 Oot.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Blook. (See Partition wall-block, Plummerblook, Snatoh-blook, Tripping-block, Woodblock.) Blood, Treatment of. R. R. Donaldson Blotting-pad and ruler. C. N. Hodder and J. Rogers Board. (See Ironing-board, Washing-board.) Boat. (See Diving-boat.) Boat, Attachment to, for use as a sail or advertiser. H. Thatcher Boat, &c, Propelling and sustaining. J. A. Fiddes Boiler. (See Steam-boiler.) Boiler, Feed-water heater for. H. Thomas and A. C. Mitchell Boiler furnace, Steam-. E. Maslin Boiler, Multitubular water-column. F. F., L. B., A. C, and H. W. Coulsell Boiler, Oil-fuel. W.S.Kay Boiler, Removing corrosive matter from steam-. R.B.Wight Boiler, Water-gauge for. A. B. Masters Boiler, Water-tube. J. Cowan Boiler, Water-tube. J. Cowan Boiling eggs. W. H. Gore and H. J. K. Massey-Lawless .. Bolster. (See Truck-bolster.) Bombs, Carrying and mixing components of. H. R. Walker Book-holder. J. H. Marple Boot-cleaner. J. T. Whelan Boot-fastener. E. Sprey.. Boot-fastener. W. Beamish Boot-fastening. R. Snapper Boot-finishing machine. 6. H. Catt Boot-heel. A. F. Davis Boot-heel. W. Steer Boot, Insole for. A. Taylor Boot-laces. K. Raymond Boot-lacing. G. Turner Boot-nail. F. Jones Boot-polisher, or brush. F. H. Killingsworth and P. Rawson Boot-polishing machine. T.Napier.. Boot-sole. J. F. Mackley Boot-sole. E. Dimant Boot-sole. T. Burrell and E. C. Perdriau Boot-stiffener. H. Whittaker Boot-tread. E. Dimant Boot, Trimming sole of. United Shoe Machinery Company .. .. .. Boot, &c, Turning apparatus. United Shoe Machinery Company Boots. (See also Gum-boots.) Boots, Fastener for. C. D. Brent .. .. .. ... Boots, Shoes, &c, Sole for. J. F. Mackley Boots, Ventilating. L. Staples and W. Taylor Boring and artesian-well driving. G. L. Pearson Boring, &c, Earth-. J. Cox Boss for fastening machinery to a shaft. W. H. Gordon Bottle. G. George Bottle. (See Non-refillable bottle, Drenching-bottle.) Bottle and stopper. H. R. Bell Bottle, Brand-protector. K. Young Bottle-closures. F. Keoht and C. L. Curtis Bottle, Corking. • W. D. R. McCurdie Bottle, Forming neck of. Universal Seal and Stopper Company Bottle-holder. C. Bills Bottle-opener. S. White Bottle-stopper. L. Caselberg Bottles, Machine for sealing. Universal Seal and Stopper Company Bottles, Preventing refilling of. F. MoLeod and F. A. Vaughan Bottling and aeration of liquids. Automatio Aerator Patents (Limited) Bottling liquids, Aerating and. T. Sutoliffe Bottling, Treating beer for. J. L. Dewar and E. J. Tripp .. Bowden mechanism. G. W. Basley Bowl. (See Cooking-bowl.) Bowls, Table-game of. T. Ussher Box. (See also Butter-box, Cigarette-box, Collapsible-box, Egg-carrying box, Match-box, Newspaper-box, Seed-drill box, Sluioe-box, Tobacco-transporting box.) Box for packing rabbits. W. Moore and C. T. Kiernan Box-making machinery. W. T. L. Travers Braces. E. O'Conor Braces. H. G. MaoWilliam Braces, Clothing-grip for. H. C. Peters* Bracket. (See Grip-bracket, Lamp-bracket, Piano-bracket.) Bradawl, &c, to handle, Securing. G.Beaumont Brake. (See Air-brake, Cycle-brake, Electric brake or Railway-brake, Hydraulic duplex oil-brake, Traotion-engine brake, Vehicle-brake.) Brake-shoe. J. P. Campbell Braking-mechanism for wheels. Barwest Coaster-brake Company Brand for cattle, Fire-heated. A. McLeod Brand-protector bottle. K. Young Branding. A. McLeod Branding and marking appliance. A. MoLeod .. Branding cheese. J. H. R. Taylor .. Branding-fluid. T. H. Brown and J. E. Staples Branding-fluid. T. H. Brown and J. E. Staples Bread-toaster. G. J. Sellars, jun., and A. V. Coxhead 14660 15128 15317 15432 14831 15079 15677 15489 15526 15585 15148 15569 15303 15693 14537 15815 15744 15533 15213 15350 15336 14469 14890 14906 15360 15618 15305 15580 14658 15101 15279 15534 15101 15650 15103 15018 14658 15399 14904 15426 14761 15192 21 Maroh. 14 July. 28 Aug. 23 Sept. 2 May. 3 July. 25 Nov. 3 Oct. 14 Oct. 31 Oct. 23 July. 30 Oct. 22 Aug. 27 Nov. 18 Feb. 29 Dec. 11 Dec. 16 Oct. 2 Aug. i Sept. 30 Aug. 22 Jan. 20 May. 19 May. 5 Sept. 12 Nov. 25 Aug. 30 Oot. 21 March. 10 July. 21 Aug. 18 Oct. 10 July. 19 Nov. 10 July. 20 June. 21 March. 12 Sept. 23 May. 16 Sept. 17 April. 28 July. 14743 15765 14655 15793 14886 15020 15697 14476 14690 14723 15134 15824 14833 15724 15 April. 16 Dec. 21 Maroh. 17 Dec. 20 May. 17 June. 26 Nov. 27 Jan. 1 April. 8 April. 16 July. 31 Deo. 1 May. 1 Deo. 14911 21 May. 14778 15164 14839 15823 15502 17 April. 24 July. 5 May. 30 Deo. 10 Oct. 15257 12 Aug. 14887 14437 15512 15765 14432 14796 14497 14668 14694 14742 20 May. 16 Jan. 9 Oct. 16 Dec. 13 Jan. 25 April. 6 Feb. 24 Maroh. 3 April. 14 April.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Breaking stone, &c, Machine for. F. E. Whitham Breaking up ground, Implement for. J. Brasting Brick. L. Jaubert Brick, Building-. W. Juries Brickmaking. B. J. Parrott Brick, Perforated. J.Clark Brick, Plug-. C. W. Langstone Brick, Plug-, and hsematite concrete. B.Harrison Briokwork, Rendering, impervious to water. J. J. Collins and E. D. Harman Bridge, Tension-. F. Lambert Briquette, Artificial fuel-. International Fuel Company .. .. .^ Brooch-pin, Safety-catch for. A. M. Legge Brooder. (See Poultry-brooder.) Broom-handle to broom, Attaohing. N., J. S., J, F., and M. Jepsen and J. Bomford Broom or brush. R. Wales and W. H. Fahey Broom or brush. W. J. Pallant Broom, Rack for. J. Rugg Brush. (See Boot-brush, Hat and clothes brush, Paint-brush.) Brush, Dustless sweeping-. J. P. Wiens Brush or broom. R. Wales and W. H. Fahey Brush or broom. W. J. Pallant .. . < Bucket. (See Dredge-bucket.) Bucket carrier or wagon. H. W. Lovegrove Buckle. J. H. Bell and F. J. J. Butler Buckle-attachment to hook. A. Douglas Buokle for mail-bags. G. H. Longdin Buffer-coupler. A. D. Smith Building, Heating. M. Arragon Building, Portable. D. Brummer Buildings, Insulating. F. de J. Clere Bulk butter, Cutting. G. T. Allnutt and W. E. Lake Bulkhead-doors, Closing. P. Hoppe Burner. M. L. Ross Burner. (See also Gas-burner, Hydrocarbon-vapour burner, Inoandesoent gas-burner.) Burner and heater. A. McLeod Bush, and securing same on shaft. F. A. Cutten Bush for dredge-tumbler. J. Murison Bush, Removable shaft-. T.Stevenson Bushfelling, Stage for. C. Cross Butter, Apparatus for canning. E. S. Burman Butter-box. J. Ellis Butter-box. A. MoFarlane Butter, &o., box, Collapsible. H. Donkin .. .. ... Butter oanister or package. J. Dingwall Butter cooler and filter. A. Lyell Butter-cutting machine. G. T. Allnutt and W. E. Lake .. Butter, Cutting, weighing, &c. J. Robb Butterdish. A. Lyell Butter-lifter. W. Riddell Butter-mould. C. Dahl .. Butter-moulder. J. F. Steenberg Butter-preservative. F. M. Hunt .... Butter-printer. W. Riddell Butter, Tinning and printing. R. Boxall and A. A. Robinson Button. J. P. Brown Button-holes. J. J. Maoky Button-holes. G. H. Bigelow Button-holes for collar, &o. W. Beamish Buttons, Seouring to garment. A. H. Brownley and T. B. Jacobsen Cabinet. (See Hairdressers' cabinet, Musio-oabinet.) Cable system of cash-carrier. Lamson Store-service Company (Limited) Calculating altitude. (See Range-finder.) Calculating-apparatus. G. P. Pierce Calculating-apparatus. J. C. MoBride Camp-bed, saddle-cloth, and ambulance stretoher combined. F. R. Young Cams, &c, Locking-device for securing. F. M. Canda Can. (See also Milk-oan, Oil-feeding can.) Can-body making machine. G. S. Duncan Can-body, Soldering seam of. G. W. Berry Can capping maohine. H. Peok Can-ends, Die for forming. H. Peck Can-handle. A. C. Murray Can-joint. M. B. L. Ehrmann and Queensland Meat Export and Agency Company (Limited) Can, Sealed. American Tobacco Company Can-soldering maohine. H. Peck Can-washing machine. H. Peok Canal for harbour-bar removal. F Lambert Candle-holder. S. J. Heffer Candlestiok. A. Lyell Candlestick. J. H. Stewart and W. Nicol Candlestiok. J. H. Stewart and W. Nicol Candlestick. A. Douglas Candlestick. W. Nicol and J. H. Stewart Canister. (See Butter-canister.) Canister for turnip and other seeds. E. Bowmar Canning butter, Apparatus for. E. S. Burman.. Canoe. C. D. Lightband and H. W. C. Lanauzo 14615 15364 14898 15411 14866 15459 15272 15673 14930 15238 15576 14912 15594 14416 15733 15401 15515 14416 15733 14928 15258 14454 15054 15248 15436 15651 15273 14980 15039 15347 15498 15180 14683 15419 15450 15456 14985 15063 15186 14486 14960 14980 15713 14964 14474 15035 14919 15295 14473 15543 15088 14843 14844 15797 14856 13 Maroh. 5 Sept. 22 May. 18 Sept. 7 May. 1 Oot. 20 Aug. 24 Nov. 29 May. 8 Aug. 30 Oct. 24 May. 4 Nov. 8 Jan. 9 Deo. 11 Sept. 16 Oct. 8 Jan. 9 Deo. 24 May. 12 Aug. 21 Jan. 27 June. 14 Aug. 24 Sept. 19 Nov. 20 Aug. 10 June. 27 June. 3 Sept. 6 Oot. 25 July. 25 Maroh. 17 Sept. 26 Sept. 1 Oot. 7 June. 30 June. 29 July. 30 Jan. 6 June. 10 June. 3 Dec. 6 June. 23 Jan. 24 June. 21 May. 25 Aug. 23 Jan. 23 Oot. 7 July. 2 May. 1 May. 18 Dec. 8 May. 14549 120 Feb. 14865 15510 14570 15125 9 May. 9 Oot. 3 Mar. 17 July. 15491 14933 14763 14764 14445 14614 15246 14544 14762 15240 15154 14961 15119 15179 15227 15308 9 Oot. 29 May. 18 April. 18 April. 15 Jan. 13 Maroh. 14 Aug. 20 Feb. 18 April. 8 Aug. 23 July. 6 June. 11 July. 24 July. 7 Aug. 22 Aug. 15604 15456 14481 5 Nov. 1 Oot. 27 Jan.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Cans, Delivering milk into. W. Barton Caps, Applying, to cans. H. Peek Car. (See Aerial car.) Car-coupling. J. Hanley .. .. .. Carbide-feeder for acetylene generator. W. Webster Carbonaceous liquid as fuel, Using. P. Cotton.. ... Carbon-dioxide, Treating substances with naacent. Smethurst Furnace and Ore-treatment Syndicate (Limited) Carbonic-acid gas, Saving. H. J. Ballin Carbon-paper, Machine for making. Crown Paper Company Carburetted water-gas. H. W. G. Henderson Carburetter, Air and gas. S. Perrin .. .. .. .. ..... Carburetter, Air and gas. S. Perrin Carcase, Branding-fluid for. T. H. Brown and J. B. Staples Carcase-meat, Distribution of. A. Wilkie .. ...... Cargo from vessel, Unloading. Econoinio Hoisting and Ballast Company Carpet-fastener. C. D. Piko Carpets, Extraction of dust from. The Vacuum Cleaner Company (Limited) Carriage, Connecting bicycle with trailed. A. R. Wilkins and J. W. Odering .. ... Carriage-lamp. N. March and A. Thompson Carriage-lamp, Holding in position. S. J. Holland Carriage-spring. T. C. Hatton Cars, street-, Truok for. A. J. Park Cars, street-, Truck-bolster for. A. J. Park Cart-tailboard fastener. H. Anstice Cart, Water-sprinkling. H. Anscombe and G. Russell Carving wood. A. MoLeod Case. (See Glass-case, Packing-case.) Casements, Securing. J. D. Tripe Cash-carrier. M. J. Robertson .. .. .. .. ....... Cash-carrier, Cable system of. Lamson Store-service Company (Limited) Cash-carrier system. Lamson Store-service Company (Limited) Cash-carrier, Wire-track. Lamson Store-service Company (Limited) .. - Cash-railway, Single-wire system of. G. W. Basley Cashier, Mechanical. W. E. Hughes Castor. D. E. Amesbury Castor. D. E. Amesbury .. Castor. W. Bain .. .. ... Castor, Attachment to. R. S. Smith Castrating, &c, lambs. E. H. Wilhelm Catch. (See Brooch-pin catch, Door-catch.) Catch-pit drainage. R.. R. Donaldson Cattle-drenching bottle. N. G. McKay .. .. ... Cell. (See Dental suction-cell.) Cement. (See Portland oement.) Centrifugal machine, Bearings for. 0. Prollius Centrifugal separator. C. A. E. Andersen .. .. .. Certificate for co-operative trading. W. Lorigan .. .. .. Chafl-cutter and corn-crusher. J. O'Donoghue Chain, Elevator-. R. H. Plemington Chains. (See Draught-chains.) Chair, Adjustable-seat for. H. Salomo .. .. ... Chair, Adult's and child's. A. J. Park .. .. .. Chair and step-ladder. J. M. Armour Chair, &c, Collapsible. J. M. Armour Chair, Punkah for. P. W. Hayes Chair, Safety-attachment to. I.M.Clark Chair-silencer. H. Tas .. .. .. Chair, step-ladder, desk, &c. J. M. Armour .. ... .. Chalk, Carrying, for billiard-cue. T. R. Porter.. Chamber-utensil. P. H. Dando Chart for dresscutting. L. Roberts Checking-markers of games. J. P. Mclvor, F. Pinlay, and C. J. Hebblewhite Cheese, Branding. J. H. R. Taylor Chemical, Packing semi-solid. T. Baker Chemical reaction, Producing. The Smethurst Furnace and Ore-treatment Syndicate (Ltd.) Children, Device for carrying. T. O. Turnbull Children falling from bed, Preventing. C. E. Bamford Child's high chair, Safety-attachment to. I. M. Clark .. ... Cigar and cigarette holder. B. Benkel ... Cigar and cigarette holder. C. Peterson .. ... .. Cigar-cutter, &o. P. J. Gossling Cigarette-box, Match-striker for. J. H. S. Brown Cigarette-machine. United Cigarette-machine Company (Limited) Cigarette-machine. American Tobacco Company -... - .. Cigarette packing and wrapping machine. A. Godfrey ... Cigarette-wrapper machine. The American Tobacco Company Cigarette-wrapper tube machine. The American Tobacco Company Cigarette-wrapper tube machine. The American Tobacco Company Cigarettes, Machine for packing. W. E. Hughes Cigarettes, Manufacturing. L. B. Baron ... ... Cistern, Flushing-. H. W. Ward Cistern, Flushing-. T. Smith and G. Boardman .. Claw-hammer. S. J. Ensor and F. Tanner Claw-hammer and staple-drawer. A. Gray .. ... Clay, Breaking, in sluice-boxes. C. T. Swannell and W. Lee Clay, Manufacture of hollow ware from. G. Sweet 15460 14763 15289 15752 15318 14868 15555 14553 14654 14853 15034 14694 15331 15749 14524 15150 15177 14756 14797 15561 14986 14988 15754 15473 14432 15244 15277 14549 15573 15574 15547 14809 14397 14691 15764 15378 15117 14640 14531 lOot. 18 April. 19 Aug. 10 Dec. 28 Aug. 7 May. 25 Oct. 19 Feb. 20 March. 3 May. 20 June. 3 April. 30 Aug. 11 Dec. 13 Feb. 23 July. 26 July. 17 April. 22 April. 25 Oot. 7 June. 7 June. 12 Dec. 30 Sept. 13 Jan. 11 Aug. 21 Aug. 20 Feb. 30 Oct. 30 Oct. 20 Oot. 1 May. 4 Jan. 1 April 15 Dec. 8 Sept. 14 July. 19 March. 13 Feb. 14918 14775 15671 14601 15024 21 May. 18 April. 22 Nov. 10 March, 23 June. 15469 15361 15067 15304 15568 14520 14585 15287 14982 15356 15241 14820 14497 15699 14868 14716 14451 14520 14503 15016 15256 15663 15249 15603 15540 15071 15072 15073 14733 14811 15363 15694 14478 15265 15182 14411 3 Oct. 5 Sept. 28 June. 23 Aug. 30 Oct. 13 Feb. 6 March. 20 Aug. 11 June. 4 Sept. 6 Aug. 2 May. 6 Feb. 26 Nov. 7 May. 7 April. 20 Jan. 13 Feb. 7 Feb. 19 June. 12 Aug. 18 Nov. 14 Aug. 5 Nov. 22 Oot. 2 July. 2 July. 2 July. 10 April. 1 May. 5 Sept. 27 Nov. 24 Jan. 15 Aug. 24 July. 10 Jan.


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Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Clay, Treating, for road-making. J. T. Steele Cleaner. (See Boot-cleaner, Drill-roller cleaner, Knife-cleaner, Pot-cleaner, Tobacco-pipe cleaner, Tram-rail cleaner.) Cleaning and watering streets. H. Ashworth Cleaning bicycle-tire. B. I. Hayward and E. A. Gibson Cleaning corrosive matter from boilers, steamers, &c. R. B. Wight Cleaneing fat from wool. A. Born Cleansing painted surfaces. M. Peryer Cleaneing painted surfaces. M. Peryer Clip. (See also Trouser-clip.) Clip for broken umbrella-rib. T. Rice Clip for securing wires. A. S. Band .. Clipping. (See Hair-clipping, Hedge-clipping.) Clock, Electric. J. A. Carruthers Clock, Electric. J. A. Carruthers Clod crusher and pulveriser. F. Cooper Closet. J. P. "Vibort and G. Cozens Closet. (See also Earth-closet, Water-closet.) Closet-seat. H. August Closet-seat lid. H. August Closet-seat, Self-sealing. T. D'A. C. Maxted Closure. (See Bottle-closure, Jar-closure.) Cloth. (See Saddlecloth.) Cloth, Apparatus for shrinking. M. B. Silk Clothes brush, Hat and. C. Lashlie Clothes line and peg. J.Murray Clothes-pocket. P. Patten Clothes-wringer, Drainer for. J. Paterson and A. J. Pool .. .. .. Clothing-grip. H.C.Peters Clutches for pulleys. F.Wiggins Coal-handling, Lighter for. J. Campbell Coal, Removing, from ships'holds. F. P. Evans and D. McDougall .. Coal, Shipping and transferring. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth, and Ccr. (Limited) Coal-scuttle. A.C.Murray Coalscuttle. E.B.Arthur Cock. C. M. Cruiekshank Cock, Automatic stop-. R. S. Houghton Coiler. (See Wire-coiler.) Coin-controlled mechanism for producing photograph. G. N. Pifer Coke, Manufacture of. T. S. C. Lowe .. .. .. .. Colander and cooking-utensil. E. Bowles Cold air, Creating and circulating. J. B. Norris and T. M. Baldwin .. Collapsible butter, &c, box. H. Donkin .. .. ... Collapsible chair, crib, &c. J. M. Armour Collar. (See Horse-collar.) Collar and hames and traces. J. Benson Collar-fastener, Shirt-neck and. J. J. Macky Collar, Fastening-device for dress-. M. L. Humm Collar-stud holder for shirt. J. J. Maoky Collars, Button-hole for. W. Beamish Collector-rings for electrical machines. W. T. L. Travers .. Combustion-engine. (See Internal-combustion engine.) Commode, &c. H. August .. Compass. (See Divider-compass.) Composition, Waterproofing. A.F.Roy Compounded steam-engine. R. P. Gibbons Compressed air, Elevating liquids by. T. Taplin Compressed-fluid engine. J. E. Howard Compressed fuel. J. E. Langstone, F. MoLeod, and T. J. Broome Compressing air. A. A. Humphrey Compressing ensilage. J. K. McNeill and W. E. Collins .. Compressing forage, &c, into bales. P. J. Whith'eld .. .. .. Compressing wheel-tires. J. M. Chambers Compression, Elastic-fluid. H. Bland Compressor. (See Air or gas compressor, Ammonia-gas compressor.) Concentrating-apparatua. E. Richardson .. .. Concentrating littoral deposits. J. Nelson and D. Reid, jun. Concentrating-table. J. B. Mason .. .. .. .. .. .. Ooncentrating-table. J. B. Mason Concentrating, &c, table. J.A.Hamilton Concentrating washdirt containing gold. J. Thomson Concentrating washdirt containing gold. J. Thomson Concentrator. (See Ore-concentrator.) Concrete, Brick and hfematite. R. Harrison Concrete tank. J. R. Sigley Condenser. F. J. Maindonald Condenser. C. A. Parsons .. .. Condenser. (See Steam-condenser.) Condenser, Exhaust for motor-. R. Whitson .. .... ... .. Conductor, Electric-. E. L. E. Barton Conftctionery, Moulding. P. A. Harkin Consumer. (See Smoke-consumer.) Control system, Railway-traffic-. W. Rowe Controller for electrio motor. J. T. Hunter Controller for electrio motor. J. P. Campbell Controlling admission of steam, Valve-gear for. W. Mayne Controlling eleotrio switoh. W. Kingsland .. ... 15131 15772 14877 15526 14989 14441 14606 15513 15013 15646 15647 15738 15395 14680 15142 15409 15166 15365 14465 14555 15474 15502 14522 14798 14861 15139 14444 15126 14946 15730 15731 15494 14557 14502 15186 15304 18 July. 17 Dec. 15 May. 14 Oct. 12 June. 16 Jan. 10 March. 14 Oct. 19 June. 19 Nov. 19 Nov.. 24 Nov. 13 Sept. 25 March. 22 July. 15 Sept. 24 July. 5 Sept. 24 Jan. 21 Feb. 1 Oct. 10 Oot. 13 Feb. 24 April. 9 May. 17 July. 15 Jan. 17 July. 29 May. 8 Dec. 13 Dec, '01* 9 Oct. 24 Feb. 4 Feb. 29 July. 23 Aug. 15366 14542 14968 14482 15797 14620 3 Sept. 17 Feb. 5 June. 24 Jan. 19 Deo. 13 March. 15294 21 Aug. 15263 15537 14939 14448 14651 15521 15376 15773 15078 15581 15 Aug. 18 Oct. 30 May. 15 Jan. 20 Maroh. 16 Oct. 10 Sept. 17 Dec. 3 July. 31 Oct. 15000 15003 14420 15372 15421 15799 15800 13 June. 11 June. 6 Jan. 6 Sept. 19 Sept. 17 Dec. 18 Deo. 15673 15301 14848 15601 24 Nov. 22 Aug. 6 May. 5 Nov. 14425 15804 15665 9 Jan. 23 Deo. 21 Nov. 15316 14790 15785 15583 14993 28 Aug. 24 April. 18 Dec. 31 Oct. 12 June,




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Controlling-gear for steering engine. J. McLean Controlling horses, Purchase-gear for. J. H. Grattan Controlling steamboat-propeller. H. McCormick converter. (See Eleotrolytic converter, Waste-converter.) Conveyer for lowering eaees and merchandise. J. B. Waters and G. E\ S. MacLean Cooking-bowl. J. Pomeroy Oookirig-range attachment. S. Williams and J. Perks Cooking-range grating. H. Niohol Cooking utensil and colander. E. Bowles Cooking-utensil support. F. Pegler Cooler. (See Butter-cooler, Cream-cooling, Milk-oooler.) Cooling-tower. C. H. Wheeler Co-operative-trading oertifioate. W. Lorigan Co-ordinates of right-angled triangles, Ascertaining. T. McFarlane .. Copper. (See Washing copper.) Copper-ores, Treating. G. Westinghouse Oopper-ores, Treating. W. Payne and J. L. Taylor Copying-ink. W. Stewart Copying-ink for typewriter. W. Stewart Copying letters, Damping-apparatus for. F. H. W. Cowper Cords to window-sashes, Securing. J. Armstrong Corking bottle. W. D. R. McCurdie Corn-crusher and chaff-cutter. J. O'Donoghue.. Corrugated iron. Glazing. A. Jewiss and G. Inglis Corrugated iron, Nail for. C.F.Dunn Couch. A. Nightingale Couch-head. A. W. Memory and F. G. Hind .. Cough-mixture. F. Ross Coulter-centre. J. Cormack Coupler. (See Buffer-coupler.) Coupling. (See Car-coupling, Pipe-coupling.) Coupling hook for plough-ohain. N.Ross Coupling railway-trucks. J. T. Woods .. .. Couplings, Electro-magnetic. O. Imray Coupon. (See Trade coupon.) Course-reoorder for ship. W. 0. Forbes Cover. (See Frying-pan cover, Horse-cover, Liquid-seal cover, Tire-cover, Wheel-tire oover.) Coverings for the feet. H. W. Buff .. .. .. .. Cow-bail. W. V. Hosking Cow-bailing appliance. W. V. Hosking Cow-leg holder. F. Gough Cow-leg holder. W. A. Collins Cow-legs, Seouring. F. H. Aussel .. .. ... Cow-rug. J. Burge Cramp, Flooring-. G. E. Pruden Cramp for match-boarding. J. Francis Cramping-tool for building. W. J. Pallant Crank. (See Bicycle- orank, Cyole-orank.) Cranks of bioyoles. G. Percival Crate. (See Rabbit-crate.) Orate and cramp for rabbit-paoking. J. Lindsay Cream, &c, Cooling. W. M. Whishaw and W. E. Chamberlain Crib, &c, Collapsible. J. M. Armour Cricket, Table-. H. Banks Crioket, Table-game of. C. E. Nioholas Croquet, Table-, Apparatus for. M. L. Humm Crossing. (See Railway-croseing.) Cross-tie, Cutting railroad. C. Hege Crusher. (See Corn-crusher.) Crusher and pulveriser, Clod. F. Cooper Crushing. (See Pulverising.) Cue. (See Billiard-oue.) Cuff or sleeve protector. H. E. MoDonald Culinary instrument. V.Thompson.. Cultivating, &c, land. T. C, T. A., and S. C. Darby Cultivator. R. W. Ayson .. .. Cultivator for drill. S. R. Stedman .. .. .. Cultivator, Spring-tine. F. Cooper .. Cup. (See Egg-cup.) Curler. (See Hair-curler.) Current-meter, Prepayment and recording. G. L. Gowlland Curtain. (See Window-curtain.) Cutter. (See Butter-cutter, Chaff-cutter, Cigar-outter, Ham-cutter, Hedge-outter, Mitrecutter, Nail-cutter, Rock-cutter, Stone-cutter, Tobaooo-outter.) Cutter of shearing-machine, Transmitting motion to. J. K. Stewart .. Cutting hair or wool. Wolseley Sheep-shearing Maohine Company (Limited) Cutting, weighing, and parcelling butter. J. Robb Oyole. (See Bicycle.) Cycle-brake. A. W. Humphreys Cycle-crank. F. Soper Cycle-driving gear. C. G. Garrard Cycle-driving mechanism. R. A. C. Laidlaw Cycle-driving mechanism. C. R. Wilson and J. F. Best Cycle-gauntlet. E. Saxton Cycle hub-brake and free wheel. S. Priest, jun. Cycle, Parcel-carrier for. T. R. Ellison Cycle-propelling mechanism. F. L. Summerton and F. J. Amos .. .. .. 15802 14874 15548 22 Deo. 8 May. 16 Oct. 14561 14741 15136 14681 14557 14847 24 Feb. 9 April. 15 July. 27 March. 24 Feb. 28 April. 14574 15671 14500 3 March. 22 Nov. 6 Feb. 14494 15014 14525 15530 15431 15449 15793 14601 15637 15774 15156 14512 15270 15680 4 Feb. 19 June. 11 Feb. 15 Oot. 23 Sept. 26 Sept. 17 Dec. 10 Maroh. 15 Nov. 17 Dec. 22 July. 11 Feb. 18 Aug. 22 Nov. 15011 15104 14992 17 June. 10 July. 12 June. 15541 22 Oot. 14735 15700 14566 14635 15425 14826 15624 14948 15108 15734 9 April. 29 Nov. 28 Feb. 7 Maroh. 19 Sept. 3 May. 13 Nov. 30 May. 11 July. 9 Dec. 14562 27 Feb. 15367 15825 15304 15477 14819 14974 8 Sept. 31 Deo. 23 Aug. 6 Oot. 2 May. 9 June. 15691 27 Nov. 15738 24 Nov. 15448 14692 15314 15723 15438 14677 26 Sept. 2 April. 27 Aug. 2 Dec. 22 Sept. 22 Maroh. 15100 10 July. 15091 15644 15713 10 July. 19 Nov. 3 Dec. 15215 15118 15149 14760 14799 15028 15042 14779 15433 2 Aug. 14 July. 23 July. 15 April. 26 April. 23 June. 27 June. 22 April. 23 Sept.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Cycle-tire cleaner. B. I. Hayward and R. A. Gibson Cycles, Propulsion of. H. G. Grinlinton Cyclist's trouser-clip. W. Beamish Damper-regulator. F. Bonnington Damping-apparatus for letter-oopying. F. H. W. Cowper Date and score indioator. G. F. Dale Deoorating picture-frames, &o. J. O. Corbett Decorating woodwork. H. Smith Dental suotion-oell. E. A. Slack Destroying blight. W. J. Botting .. Detergent. G. Bamberg Detritus and sewage treating tank. J. T. N. Anderson Diaphragm for transmitting sound. H. G. A. I. Wieder and S. S. Bromhead Die for forming can-ends. H. Peck Digger. (See Dredge-digger, Potato-digger.) Digging and cultivating l&nd. T. C, T. A., and S. C. Darby Dining-table, Convertible. H. U. Aloook Dinner-plate. J. W. McCarthy Diseases, Medicated sweetmeat for chest-, &o. M. Bjornstad and J. Stacey Dish. (See Butter-dish, Pie-dish.) Disinfectant, Delivering. M. Neustadt Displaying advertising-matter. A. E. Warrington Distance, Ascertaining. (See Range-finder.) Distance-indicator for train. J. McKinnon .. .. .. Distanoe-reoorder for ship. W. C. Forbes Distributer. (See Feed-water heater and distributer.) Distribution of caroaae-meat. A. Wilkie Ditoh-plough. C. C. Kidd Ditch-plough. J. Robertson Ditching-plough. E. T. R. and J. G. Coates and W. K. Elder Divided sole for boot, &o. E. Dimant Divider-compass. V. G. Swinbourne Diving-boat for pearl-fishing. 0. W. Penny Docking lambs. E. H. Wilhelm Door. (See Bulkhead-door.) Door, Alarm-attachment for. C. H. Greenhead Door-catch. J. S. Henderson and W. Robinson Door, Draught-preventer for. A. Thompson and J. Roussell Door-fastener. A. Buckland Door for freezing-room, &c. J. R. Watt Door-handle, Attaching. T. B. Jaoobsen Door-hinge. J. E. Waygood Door-knob, Securing to spindles. T. B. Jaoobsen .. " .. Door-knob, Spindle-attachment to. J. E. A. Frost Door-look, Attaching handle of. T. B. Jaoobsen Door-mat fastener. C. D. Pike Door-retainer. N. B. McLennan Door, Securing. J. D. Tripe Drafting garments. I. A. Plummer Drain-excavator and road-grader. D. L. Cochrane Drain-trap. H. H. Twemlow .. Drainage-trap and oatch-pit. R.R.Donaldson.. Draining-apparatus for clothes-wringer. J. Paterson and A. -J. Pool .. Draught-ohains of vehicles, Spreader for. W. S. Ayson Draught-controlling apparatus and spark-arrester. J. C. Bowring Draught-excluder for door. E. R. Ludbrook, A. B. and G. C. Jackson Draught-inoreaser, &o. W. H. Atkin Draught-preventing attachment to door. A. Thompson and J. Roussell Draught-producer, &c. C. Rillstone Draught-promoter for looomotive. H. S. Wainwright Draught-regulator for grate. J. Maokie Draw-gear. A. D. Smith Draw-gear, Outrigger vehicle. R. D. Kelly Drawing instrument. (See Set square.) Dray. (See Flax-dray, Tip-dray.) Dray and sooop combined. D. L. Goohrane Dray-sooop. D. L. Cochrano Dray-scoop. D. L. Cochrane Dredge-buoket. A. Cederman Dredge-buoket. W. J. Evans and J. D. Campbell Dredge-buoket, Cheoking desoent of. J. F. Molvor Dredge-bucket link, Rebushing. W. Beamish Dredge-bucket, Removing clay from. T. F. Quilter and G. W. Gare .. Dredge-digger. J. E. Friend Dredge-ladder, Checking descent of buckets down a. J. F. Mclvor .. Dredge machinery, Driving. J. B. Mason and C. L. Watt.. Dredge maohinery, Driving. J. T. Johnson Dredge, Pick or grab for. W. Wylie Dredge screen and elevator. R. D. Tosswill and T. M. O'Rourke Dredge-soreen, Gold. R. H. Sinnet Dredge-tumbler, Bush for. J. Murison Dredge-tumbler sleeve. J. Murison and C. L. Watt Dredges, Delivering tailings from. J. Macpherson and L. Phillips Dredging. (See also Gold-dredging.) Dredging applianoe, Gold-. F. Marisco Dredging-ladder. T. Shale Dredging maohinery. J. Shepherd .. 14877 14972 15668 15025 15431 15009 14806 14648 14521 15538 15045 15679 14572 14764 15314 15259 15008 15808 15210 14855 15816 15541 15331 15052 15588 15251 15101 14490 15275 15117 14973 14751 14836 14737 15589 14652 14858 14851 14927 14652 14524 15428 15244 14487 14526 14897 14640 15474 15190 15715 15222 15219 14836 15112 15617 15480 15248 15254 15 May. 7 June. 19 Nov. 23 June. 23 Sept. 16 June. 28 April. 20 May,'01 5 Feb. 22 Oct. 27 June. 22 Nov. 3 March. 18 April. 27 Aug. 12 Aug. 16 June. 20 Deo. 2 Aug. 6 May. 29 Deo. 22 Oot. 20 Aug. 25 June. 29 Oot. 12 Aug. 10 July. 31 Jan. 20 Aug. 14 July. 7 June. 17 April. 5 May. 9 April. 3 Nov. 20 Maroh. 8 May. 6 May. 23 May. 20 Maroh. 13 Feb. 19 Sept. 11 Aug. 30 Jan. 14 Feb. 16 May. 19 Maroh. lOot. 29 July. 4 Deo. 5 Aug. 2 Aug. 5 May. 8 July. 7 Nov. 3 Oot. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 14578 15676 15712 15390 15437 15082 15544 15175 14724 15082 14421 15086 14940 15153 15325 14683 14808 14460 6 Maroh. 19 Nov. 3 Deo. 12 Sept. 24 Sept. 2 July. 21 Oot. 23 July. 9 April. 2 July. 6 Jan. 3 July. 28 May. 23 July. 29 Aug. 25 Maroh. 26 April. 22 Jan. 14409 14711 14657 10 Jan. 21 Maroh.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Dredging maohinery. J. Shepherd .. .. .. Dredging, Valve for suction-. J. Shepherd .. .. Drenching-botile for oattle. N. G. McKay Dresscutting chart. L. Roberts Drill. (See also Grain-drill, Rock-drill.) Drill. R. D. Harris Drill. R. W. Ayson Drill. S. White Drill, Cultivator for. S. R. Stedman Drill, Grain-, &c. J. Macalister Drill-roller, Gleaner for. W.Gardiner Drill, Seed-, and fertiliser. H. V. McKay Drilling machine, Rock-. C.W.Thompson Driving and braking mechanism. The Barwest Coaster-brake Company Driving-belt tightener. A. S. Pike .. Driving-gear. C. G. Garrard Driving-mechanism for bicycle, &c. W. G. Jesson Driving-mechanism for cycle. R. A. C. Laidlaw Driving-mechanism for cycle. O. R. Wilson and J. P. Best Dropper. (See Fencing-dropper.) Dropper for pastry material. H. Grass .. .. .. Dropper for wire-fencing. T. D. Cummins and W. T. Nuttall Dropper to wire, Securing. J. Harris Dumb-bell, Converting ordinary, into spring-grip. J. Payne Dumb-bell, Spring-grip. E. N. Keamy .. Duet, &c, excluder for door. B. R. Ludbrook and A. B. and G. C. Jackson Duet from carpets, Extraction of. The Vacuum Cleaner Company (Limited) Dust into fuel, Converting floor-. E. K. Jennings and " Pyrojim " Syndicate (Limited) Dusting floors, walls, &o. H. H. Henderson Dustless sweeping-brush. J. P. Wiens Dust-preventing attachment for door. A. Thompson and J. Rouseell Dynamo electrical machinery. J.P.Campbell.. .. .._ Dynamo electric generator. J. P. Campbell Ear-trumpet. T. W. Messenger .. .. Earth-augur. W. L. and J. H. Iwan Earth-boring. (See Boring.) Earth-closet. T. Ballinger Earth-closet. J. W. Henderson Easel. (See Blackboard-easel.) Edged tools. R. McKenzie .. .. Educational device for children. F. Hornby Egg-beater. W. Herdman .. .. .. .. .... Egg-cup. A. Lyell .. .. .. .. • .. Eggs, Box for carriage of. T. W. Coulthard Eggs, Boiling-apparatus for. W. H. Gore and H. J. K. Massey-Lawless Egge, Preserving. A. Pfafl .. .. .. .. ... Elaetio-fluid compression. H. Bland .. .. Electric-alarm thermometer. A. Johnston Electric arc-lamp. J. P. Campbell .. .. Electric arc-lamp. J. P. Campbell Electric belt, Medical. G. W. Basley Electric blast-furnace. C.A.Keller.. .. .. .. Electric clock. J. A. Carruthers Electric clock. ■ J. A. Carruthers Electric conductor. E. L. E. Barton Electrio-current circuits, Phase-relation indicator for polyphase. J. T. Hunter .. Electric fan. W. E. Coleman Eleotric fan. W. E. Coleman Eleotric generator. (See Dynamo electric generator.) Electric ignition for oil-engine. F. Henderson .. Electrio lamp, Fittings for. H. MoGowan Electric machine, Windings for. W. T. L. Travers Eleotric motor. J. T. Hunter Electrio-motor controller. J. T. Hunter Electric motor, Controller for. J. P. Campbell Electric railway. W. E. Hughes Electric railway, Three-wire overhead-system for. A.W.Parker Electric railway, Track-construction for. J. T. Hunter Electric switches, Communicating step-by-step motions for controlling. W. Kingsland Electric telegraphy, Audible. R. Oxlade and W. J. W. Richardson Electric-traction system, Surface-contact. The Dolter Electric Traction (Limited) Electric-tramcar brake. J. T. Hunter Eleotrical amalgamating-apparatus. E. Richardson .. .. Electrical distribution. W. T. L. Travers Electrical distribution. W.E.Hughes Electrical fire-alarm. J. P. Robertson Eleotrical machine, Collector-rings for. W. T. L. Travers Eleotrical maohinery, Dynamo. J. P. Campbell Electro-deposition of metals. R. D. Sanders Electrolytic oonverter. E. Waters, jun. Electro-magnetic couplings. O. Imray Electro-magnetic waves, Signalling by. E. Waters, jun. Electro-magnetic waves, Signalling by. E. Waters, jun. Electro-magnetic waves, Transmission of power by. E. Waters, jun... Elevator. (See Dredge screen and elevator, Goods-elevator, Tailings-elevator.) Elevator-chain. R. Holland .. .. .. .... Emulsion, Separating fats from. J. A. DablqviBt and C. L. Holm _.. 15097 15503 14531 15241 14575 15723 15796 15438 14824 15605 14746 15771 14437 15747 15149 15348 14760 14799 14758 15755 15557 15639 15271 15222 15150 15653 14955 15515 14836 15822 14644 14721 15790 15445 15686 15722 14407 15400 14963 15404 15303 15322 15581 15332 15310 15786 15001 14729 15646 15647 15804 14611 14903 15602 10 July. 10 Oot. 13 Feb. 6 Aug. 3 March. 2 Deo. 19 Dec. 22 Sept. 30 April. 3 Nov. 14 April. 17 Deo. 16 Jan. 11 Deo. 23 July. 2 Sept. 15 April. 26 April. 17 April. 13 Deo. 27 Oot. 14 Nov. 19 Aug. 5 Aug. 23 July. 19 Nov. 5 June. 16 Oot. 5 May. 30 Deo. 20 March. 8 April. 16 Deo. 25 Sept. 27 Nov. 2 Deo. 8 Jan. 12 Sept. 6 June. 12 Sept. 22 Aug. 28 Aug. 31 Oct. 28 Aug. 27 Aug. 18 Dec. 11 June. 10 April. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 23 Deo. 13 March. 23 May. 5 Nov. 15525 15410 14404 15070 14790 15785 15781 15446 14879 14993 14731 15768 15579 15000 14430 14649 15165 14620 15822 14813 14662 14992 15375 15394 15374 15 Oot. 18 Sept. 7 Jan. 2 July. 24 April. 18 Doc. 18 Dec. 20 Sept. 15 May. 12 June. 10 April. 15 Dec. 30 Oot. 13 June. 14 Jan. 20 March. 24 July. 13 March. 30 Dec. 1 May. 19 March. 12 June. 6 Sept. 10 Sept. 6 Sept. 15024 15038 23 June. 27 Juuo.




5—H, 10,

Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Engine. P. H. Sleeper and A. E. Mahon Engine. (See Compressed-fluid engine, Explosive engine, Gas-engine, Internal-combustion engine, Marine-engine, Oil-engine, Rotary engine, Traction-engine.) Engine-governor. A. Tornaghi Engine-shaft bearing. W. E. Hughes Engine-valve gear. W. Mayne Ensilage, Compressing. J. K. McNeill and W. E. Collins Envelope. J. N. Hancock Envelope, Stationery. Elliot's Patent Lock Envelope Company (Limited) Escape. (See Fire-escape.) Excavating, &c, gravel. H. Quertier Excavating, &c, gravel. H. Quertier Excavator. O. B. H. Hanneborg Exoavator. (See Drain-excavator.) Exchange, Automatio telephone. Strowger Automatic Telephone Exohange Exchange, Operating telephone. L. E. De Mole Exhaust-oondenaer for explosive motor. R. Whitson Exhaust from oil and gas engine, Utilising. H. J. Topliss and N. Andrew .. ».. Exhausting air, Hydraulio apparatus for. W. G. Goss Exhibition purposes, Stand for. T. Mutton and H. E. Hupton Explosive. E. Phillips .. Explosive. A. McCracken Explosive oompound. W. C. Quinby and J. J. Moore Explosive compound of shell, Carrying, &c. H. R. Walker Explosive engine. E. P. Colborn Explosion-motor. J. A. Seoor Explosive motor, Condenser for exhaust from Extension-table. L. Kortlang, sen., and A. Kortlang Exterminating rabbits. T. G. Russell and A. H. P. Noble Extinguisher. (See Fire-extinguisher, Gas-lamp lighting and extinguishing, Lamp-extin-guisher.) Extraot. (See Meat-extract.) Extractor. (See Nail-extraotor, Stump-extractor.) Fabric (See Wood-blook fabric) Pan, Eleotric. W. E. Coleman Pan, Electric. W. E. Coleman Fanlight, Pivoting-arrangement for. W. Turnbull Fastener. J. Roussell and A. Thompson Fastener. (See Belt-fastener, Boot-fastener, Carpet-fastener, Cart-tailboard fastener, Collarfastener, Door-fastener, Door-mat fastener, Hat-fastener, Horse-cover fastener, Matfastener, Sack-mouth fastener, Sash-faatener, Shirt-neck fastener, Umbrella-fastener, Window-fastener, Window-sash fastener, Wire-rod fastener.) Fastening. (See Boot-fastening, Leggings-fastening, Mail-bag fastening.) Fastening for glass show-case, &o. J. Mead Fastenings, Machine for inserting. United Shoe Machinery Company Fastenings, Maohine for inserting. United Shoe Machinery Company Patty subetanoes from emulsions, Separating. J. A. Dahlqvist and C. L. Holm.. Peed-mechanism for seed-drill. H. V. McKay Feed-water heater. H. Thomas and A. C. Mitchell Feed-water heater and distributer. A. Dunbar Feeding attachment to typewriting-machine, Paper-. D. W. Me Arthur Feet, Coverings for the. H. W. Buff Fence. (See Wire fence.) Fenoe, Clip for seouring crossed wires in. A. S. Band Fencing-dropper. E. A. Derrett Fencing-staple. H. A. Hudson Fenoing-wire, Uncoiling of. Q. A. Mollwraith.. Ferrule for pipe, &c. T. J. Gilfedder and J. McKinna Fertilisation, Artificial. P. Sivertsen Fertiliser-drill. H. V. McKay Fertiliser, Sowing seed with. P. F. A. and J. Robertson Fibre from New Zealand flax, Spinning. I. Jacob and W. Pritzkow Fibre-scouring machinery. F.L.Whitney Fibre-washing machine. W. Toogood Fibres, Extracting gum from. V. S. Aston Figure for advertising purposes. T. Mutton and H. E. Hupton Filament, Incandescent. J. T. Hunter File or clip for doouments. H. M. Inglis File, wire-twister, and rule. A. Gray Filter. (See Metallurgio filter.) Filter and butter-oooler. A. Lyell Filter-press, High-pressure tap for. R. P. Bradshaw and W. E. Harding Filter, Rain-water. P. J. Tonkin Filter-trap for sewage. P. Patten Filter, Water-. J. T. N. Anderson .. Fire-alarm. T. S. Philpott and R. Hutchinson Fire-alarm. P. A. Vaile Fire-alarm. R. H. Bedford Fire-alarm. J. M. Graham Fire alarm and escape. T. S. Philpott and R. Hutohinson Fire-alarm, Eleotrioal. J. P. Robertson Fire-escape. W. Stewart Pire-esoape. C. J. Cooze Fire escape. A. McParlane Fire-eeoape. T. S. Philpott and R. Hutohinson Pire-esoape. I. Harrison and E. L. Kirkland .. Fire-eacape. C. J. Cooze .. •. • i • • • • 14768 16 April. 14563 14501 15583 15376 15269 14931 27 Feb. 6 Feb. 31 Oct. 10 Sept. 18 Aug. 29 May. 15501 15586 14536 10 Oct. 31 Oct. 18 Feb. 15422 15353 14425 15339 15324 15613 14160 14757 15048 15693 14427 14571 14425 15775 15057 19 Sept. 4 Sept. 9 Jan. 1 Sept. 29 Aug. 4 Nov. 24 Oct. 17 April. 27 June. 27 Nov. 14 Jan. 3 March. 9 Jan. 17 Dec. 28 June. 14903 15602 14978 14765 23 May. 5 Nov. 9 June. 18 April. 15559 14647 15205 15038 14746 14831 15157 15430 14735 23 Oct. 20 March. 2 Aug. 27 June. 14 April. 2 May. 24 July. 23 Sept. 9 April. 15013 14439 14593 15065 14840 14784 14746 15550 15711 15490 14715 14718 15613 15312 14936 15267 19 June. 17 Jan. 7 March. 27 June. 5 May. 12 April. 14 April. 16 Oct. 29 Nov. 9 Oct. 7 April. 4 April. 4 Nov. 27 Aug. 28 May. 15 Aug. 14960 15769 15340 14713 15756 14599 14719 15017 15407 14889 15165 14418 14594 14597 14598 14650 14700 6 June. 17 Dec. 1 Sept. 5 April. 11 Dec. 10 March. 7 June,'0: 17 June. 17 Sept. 20 May. 24 July. 6 Jan. 7 March. 6 March. 10 March. 20 March. 3 April.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. 'ire-escape. H. G. Bsoher 'ire-escape. G. Newman 'ire-escape. J. W. Rooney "ire-escape. W. H. Keon and W. 0. Millar 'ire-escape. N. H. Whisker, A. Smart, jun., J. Wilson, and T. G. Peek 'ire-escape. A. E. Cleaver 'ire escape and extinguisher. F. Montague and J. Laffey ■"ire escape, extinguisher, and alarm. F. Montague and J. Laffey 'ire-escape ladder. S. Barningham, T. O'Connell, and T. McCormack 'ire-extinguisher. J. Mackie and T. J. Drnmra "ire-grate. A. H. Porter and C. J. A. Graham "ire-grate. J. T. and C. H. Metters 'ire-heated brand for cattle, Continuously. A. McLeod .. 'ireproof floor. R. W. De Montalk .. 'ish-plate, Preventing nuts loosening on. R. E. Pennington and J. Bellett 'lap-attachment to vehicles. R. Caldwell 'lax-dray. L. Coogan 'lax, Dressing and washing. G. Stafford and A. C. S. French 'lax-drum, Selvedge-stripping. W. Fairweather, J. Fairweather, and W. Fairweather, jiin. 'lax, Extracting gum from. H. A. Alexander 'lax, Extracting gum from. V. S. Aston 'lax, Feeding, to a scutcher. W. B. Arlidge 'lax, Scutching-machine for. A. E. Reeves 'lax, Spinning fibre from New Zealand. I. Jacob and W. Pritzkow .. 'lax-strippcr drum, Trueing-up surfaoe of. J.Anderson .. 'lax-stripper, Plummer-block for. D. Murphy 'loat in body of water as motor. T. W. Mayson 'loor. (See Fireproof floor.) 'loor washing and scrubbing apparatus. J. E. Gee 'looring-cramp. G. E. Pruden 'loors, walls, &c, Dusting. H. H. Henderson Mue, Stove-. H.W.Campbell 'luid. (See Washing-fluid.) 'luid compression, Elastic-. H. Bland 'luid-engine, Rotary. Cooley Development Company 'luid-heater. J. H. S. Brown 'luid-register. N. Bidstrup 'lush-conductor for water-closet. W. M. Bartle 'lush for water-closet. W. M. Bartle 'lushing-cistern. H. W. Ward 'lushing-cistern. T. Smith and G. Boardman .. 'lushing-tank, Syphon. A. Burt, jun. .. 'lushing urinals. J. L. Williams 'ly-trap. A. Butler 'lying-maohine. R. Whittingham .. 'ood. (See Malted food, Milk-food.) 'ood-plate. J. D. Smith 'ood, Preservation of. C. Beale 'oot, Pneumatic. J. Johnson 'orage, &c, into bales, Compressing. P. J. Whitfield 'orage-press. The Victorian Forage-pressing Company Proprietary (Limited) .. 'orce-pump. . W. H. Boyens 'oster-mother and incubator. C. L. Bridges 'oul gas in mine, Detecting. J. Hylard 'oul gas in mine, Testing. J. Hylard 'ountain-pen. J. Pomeroy 'rame. (See Picture-frame.) 'rame for slipper bed-pan. E. A. Conyers 'ree wheel and hub-brake, Cycle. S. Priest, jun'. 'ree wheel for velooipede, &o. J. H. Braithwaite 'reezing-room, Door for. J. R. Watt 'retwork. A. McLeod 'ruit-preserving pan. J. T. Johns 'ruit-trees, Destroying blight on. W. J. Botting 'rying-pan, Enclosing. W. Kibblewhite 'uel. (See Artificial fuel. Compressed fuel.) 'uel-briquette. International Fuel Company 'uel, Combustion of. T. D. Kyle .. .. .. .. .. 'uel, Converting floor-dust into. E. R. Jennings and " Pyrojim " Syndicate (Limited) 'uel-economizer and spark-arrester. E. A. Cameron .. .. .. 'uel-economizer, &c. W. H. Atkin 'uel, Using carbonaceous liquid as. F. Cotton.. 'umes from ore, Producing and depositing. The Metallic Compounds Separation Syndicate (Limited) 'urnace. J. Jay 'urnace. A. Gronberg 'urnace. (See Electrio blast-furnace, Ore-roasting furnace, Roasting-furnace, Steam-boiler furnace.) 'urnaoe, Supplying steam and air to. G. Claydon 'urniture. A. Nightingale \irniture-leg, Attachment to. R. S. Smith 'urrow-opener for seeding-machine. Bickford and Huffman Company laiter. J. Wiseman (alley. (See Printers' galley.) lame. A. McLeod iame. A. Underwood rame. (See Bowls, Ping-pong, Table-cricket, Table-croquet, Table-tennis.) 14709 14717 15037 15261 15387 15532 15116 15155 15146 14538 14971 15098 15512 14752 15623 14941 15742 14872 15795 14496 14718 14923 15710 15711 15185 14891 15685 14656 14948 14955 15216 15581 15784 15741 14540 14468 14625 15363 15694 15562 14687 15015 15787 7 April. 5 April. 23 June. 15 Aug. 8 Sept. 18 Oct. 14 July. 21 July. 19 July. 18 Feb. 7 June. 10 July. 9 Oct. 17 April. 13 Nov. 28 May. 10 Dec. 13 May. 18 Dec. 27 Jan. 4 April. 26 May. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 July. 19 May. 22 Nov. 21 March 30 May. 5 June. 1 Aug. 31 Oct. 18 Dec. 22 July. 19 Feb. 22 Jan. 14 March 5 Sept. 27 Nov. 25 Oct. 1 April. 19 June. 18 Dec. 15612 15212 15199 15773 14991 15242 16476 15320 15321 15087 4 Nov. 2 Aug. 30 July. 17 Dec. 12 June. 11 Aug. 6 Oct. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 3 July. 15416 15042 15770 15589 14432 14504 15538 15607 18 Sept. 27 June. 17 Dec. 3 Nov. 13 Jan. 7 Feb. 22 Oct. 6 Nov. 15576 14693 15653 15019 15219 15318 15572 30 Oct. 3 April. 19 Nov. 16 June. 2 Aug. 28 Aug. 30 Oct. 14632 15268 13 March 15 Aug. 15061 15150 15378 15683 14616 30 June. 22 July. 8 Sept. 26 Nov. 13 March 14450 15193 16 Jan. 30 July.




Invention, ana Name ol Inventor. No. Date. Game, Indoor. A. J. Massey Game, Indoor. J. H. Powell Game, Indoor. D. Gwillim Game-apparatus. S. White Game-marker. F. Finlay and C. J. Hebblewhite Game, New table-. W. Dawson .. .. .. .. .. .. Games, Memory-apparatus for. A. G. Floyed Garbage, Converting, into marketable substances. A. E. Niocolls Garment, Securing button to. A. H. Brownley and T. B. Jacobsen Garment-suspender. E. H. Iggo Garments, Patterns for drafting. I. A. Plummer Gas. (See Acetylene-gas, Air-gas, Ammonia-gas, Hydrocarbon-gas, Illuminating-gas, Watergas.) Gas and oil motor. H. A. Nicholson Gas-burner. S. Shaw Gae burner and mantle. (See Incandescent-gas burner and mantle.) Gas-burner, Inverted. Incandescent Gas-lamp Syndicate (Limit d) .. Gas, Carburetted water-. H. W. G. Henderson.. Gas-carburetter. S. Perrin Gas-carburetter. S. Perrin Gas-compressor, Valve for. W. H. Humble Gas, Detecting foul. J. Hylard Gas-engine and gas-produoer. M. Taylor Gas-engine, Electric ignition for. F. Henderson Gas from volatile hydrocarbon, Inflammable. G. H. Clapham Gas-generator. Fairbanks, Morse, and Co. Gas-lamp. (See also Acetylene-gas lamp, Incandescent gas-lamp.) Gas-lamp, Lighting and extinguishing. H. M. Levinge Gas-lighting. (See Incandescent gas-lighting.) Gas lighting and heating. W. H. Gaze Gas-manufacture. W. J. Dibdin and H. C. Woltereck Gas of low calorific power, Obtaining light from. J. Chamberlain Gas or air compressor. L. C. Auldjo Gas-pressure regulator. F. Baertl Gas, Producing. E. F. Colborn Gas, Testing. J. Hylard Gas under pressure, Receptacle for. L. J. Bizet Gases, Saturating liquids with. A. C. J. Charlier Gate. G. C. Clarke Gate. (See also Race-starting gate.) Gate, Automatically operating. O. Hansen .. .. .. Gate, Farm and stock. H. F. Band.. .. .. - .. Gate-hinge. A. S. Duncan Gate-hinge. J. E. Waygood Gathering and shaping glass. Toledo Glass Company Gauge for steam-boiler, Water-. A. B. Masters.. Gauge-glass for steam-boiler. R. P. Gibbons Gauntlet. (See Cycle-gauntlet.) Gear. (See Draw-gear, Driving-gear.) Gearing, Velocipede. J. Aroher .. .. .. Gelatine, Manufacture of. W. Cormack and J. G. F. Lowson Generating. (See Steam-generating.) Generator. (See Acetylene-gas generator, Dynamo electric generator, Gas-generator, Hydro-carbon-gas generator, Steam-generator.) Gig, &o., Movable mudguard for. W. H. Diddams Girth and surcingle. J. Moroney Glass articles, Hollow. H. Severin .. .. Glass articles, Manufacturing. J. A. Chambers Glass-case fastening. J. Mead Glass, Gathering and shaping. Toledo Glass Company Glazing corrugated iron. A. Jewiss and G. Inglis Globe for illuminating purposes. E. Bohm Gold and silver, Extraction of. M. Zobel Gold-dredge screen. R. H. Sinnet. Gold-dredging. H. N. McLeod and G. A. Hurley Gold-dredging. F. Marisoo Gold-dredging machinery. H. H. Rayward and E. S. Baldwin Gold, Extraction of. E. Richardson Gold extractor and separator. M. Bate Gold-ores, Vessel for treating. F. C. Brown and S. D. McMiken Gold, Raising, from crevices in rock below water. J. D. Coomber Gold, Recovering, from refractory ores. T. H. Hicks Gold-saving. ' H. G. Hankin Gold-saving. G. J. Perotti Gold-saving. H. G. Hankin Gold-saving apparatus. R. and J. H. Millis Gold-saving apparatus. T. M. Baldwin Gold-saving apparatus. H. N. McLeod and G. A. Hurley Gold-saving apparatus. J. Sigley Gold-saving apparatus. J. S. Weston, H. F. Chaffey, and F. E. Smith Gold-saving dredge-screen. G. T. Heppell Gold-saving mat. R. W. Parkinson and H. Neilaen Gold-saving soreen. F. J. Foot and C. J. Swann Gold-saving table. J. Ramsay Gold-saving table. J.Ramsay Gold-screen. F. Henderson .. .. .. .. .. .. Gold-separator. E. Waters, jun. .. .. .. 15107 15224 15341 15629 14820 15458 14864 15033 14856 14834 14487 15290 14899 14612 14654 14853 15034 15286 15320 15748 15525 15745 15442 14667 15565 14957 15234 14753 15645 14428 15321 15043 14862 15434 15483 14990 14628 14858 15522 15585 14770 11 July. 4 Aug. 2 Sept. 11 Nov. 2 May. 1 Oct. 9 May. 24 June. 8 May. 1 May. 30 Jan. 19 Aug. 22 May. 13 March. 20 March. 3 May. 20 June. 20 Aug. 28 Aug. 11 Dec. 15 Oct. 11 Dec. 25 Sept. 24 March. 29 Oct. 5 June. 6 Aug. 17 April. 19 Nov. 14 Jan. 28 Aug. 27 June. 9 May. 23 Sept. 4 Oct. 12 June. 11 March. 8 May. 16 Oot. 31 Oct. 14 April. 14916 15767 21 May. 17 Dec. 15297 14629 15690 14429 15559 15522 15637 15076 14627 15325 14401 14409 14463 15000 15405 14883 15529 15093 14564 14676 14907 14457 14505 15220 15358 15396 14608 14422 15563 15656 15726 15197 14984 25 Aug. 15 March. 27 Nov. 14 Jan. 23 Oct. 16 Oct. 15 Nov. 3 July. 15 March. 29 Aug. 6 Jan. 10 Jan. 22 Jan. 13 June. 13 Sept. 12 May. 14 Oct. 10 July. 27 Feb. 26 March. <&8 May. 18 Jan. 6 Feb. 5 Aug. 5 Sept. 13 Sept. 12 March. 11 Jan. 25 Oct. 17 Nov. 5 Dec. 29 July. 7 June.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Gold, Treating tailings for. M. Gargurevich Golf-bag. D. Donald Golf-practice apparatus. J. H. Anderson Goods-elevator. M. W. Fleming Gout cure. J. Praser Governor, Engine-. A. Tornaghi Governor, Marine. W. G. Hood, B. Williams, and J. Reilly Grab-hook for dredge. W. Wylie Grader. (See Road-grader.) Grading and concentrating table. J. B. Mason Grading and concentrating table. J. B. Mason Grading auriferous spoil. H. G. Hankin Grain-drill. J. Macalister Grain-drill, Peed for. J. M. Falconer Grain, Poisoning. J.W.Arthur Grain-reel for reaping-machine. J. Kelly Graphophone. W. 0. Runge Grate. (See Fire-grate.) Grate, Draught-regulator for. J. Mackie Grating. (See cooking-range grating.) Gravel, &c, Excavating, &c. H. Quertier Gravel, &o., Excavating, &o. H. Quertier Gravity and automatic concentrating-table. J. B. Mason Grease and oil separator. P. Moore Grinding. (See Pulverising.) Grinding lime, stone, &c, Machine for. P. E. Wbitham Grip. (See Clothing-grip, Hat-grip, Parcel-grip, Rope-grip.) Grip-bracket and rowlock. D. Urquhart Grubber. (See stump-grubber.) Guard. (See Moustaohe-guard.) Gum. (See Kauri-gum.) Gum-boots, Closing leaking holes in. P. H. Brown .. .. - Gum, Extracting, from flax. H. A. Alexander Gum, Extracting, from flax. V. S. Aston Gun. (See Alarm-gun, Magazine-gun.) Guttapercha substitute. A. Gentzsch Guttering for building. C. G. Lee .. Hair. (See Shearing hair.) Hair-bristles, Removing oil from. A. Born Hair-clipping machine. H. Leadbeater, jun. Hair-curler. J. D. Smith Hair-curler. K. Raymond Hair-curler. W. Nicol Hair, Preparation for the. C. M. Robertson Hair, Preparation for the. J. P. Donnelly .. ■ • • • Hair-restorer. J. P. Donnelly Hairdressers' cabinet. G. Dent Hairdressers' rack and advertising-device. P. J. Gossling Hairpin. G. H. Bigelow .. Hairpin. G. H. Bigelow Hairpin. G. H. Bigelow .. Hairpin. W. H. Fahey and W. Wardrop Halls, &c, Ventilating. J. D. Kelly, D. P. Fisher, and N. V. G. Wix Ham and bacon slicer. G. Carrington Ham and bacon slicer. G. Carrington Hames and collar and traces. J. Benson Hammer. (See Claw-hammer.) Handle. (See Bicycle-handle, Broom-handle, Can-handle, Door-handle, Knife-handle, Receptaole-handle.) Hanging pictures, Means for. A. H. Brownley Harbour-bar removal, Canal for. P.Lambert .. Harness for horse. J. T. Murphy Harrow, Stump-jumping. E. J. and W. R. Hume Harvester, Sheaf-binding. I. Trolley Harvester, Sheaf-carrier for. J. V. Fahey Harvesting-appliance. M. Saunders Hat and clothes brush. C. Lashlie Hat-fastener. J. Pomeroy Hat-fastener. F. Kettle Hat-fastener. F. Kettle Hat-fastener. C. Bristow Hat-fastener. J. H. Seymour and W. Wardrop Hat-fastener. J. H. Seymour and W. Wardrop Hat-fastener. W. Borlase Hat-fastener. K. Raymond Hat-fastener. W. H. Fahey Hat-grip. R. D. Harris Hat-pin and fastening. W. H. Fahey and W. Wardrop Hat, Securing to wearer's head. W. A. Thomsen Hats, Securing. T. W. North, E. Jennings, W. Reece, and H. Forwood Hauling logs, Tripping-block for. G. Davidson Hauling logs, Tripping-block for. G. Davidson Heat from lamp, Utilising waste. E. J. Kee Heat from slag, Utilising. G. Mitchell and L. D. Copeland Heater. (See Feed-water heater, Fluid-heater, Water-heater.) Heater and burner. A. McLeod Heater, Laundry-iron. F. Pegler 15468 14835 14706 15335 15371 14563 15633 14940 14420 15372 14907 14824 14489 15549 15667 15047 15480 15501 15586 15372 15762 14615 15457 15135 14496 14718 14410 14910 14989 15757 14663 15111 15288 15194 15531 14592 14449 15217 14532 14539 14818 14828 14952 14701 15012 15366 3 Oct. 5 May. 3 April. 30 Aug. 9 Sept. 27 Feb. 15 Nov. 28 May. 6 Jan. 6 Sept. 23 May. 30 April. 27 Jan. 16 Oct. 19 Nov. 27 June. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 31 Oct. 6 Sept. 12 Dee. 13 March 1 Oct. 16 July. 27 Jan. 4 April. 10 Jan. 21 May. 12 June. 11 Deo. 21 Maroh 8 July. 18 Aug. 31 July. 18 Oct. 12 March 18 Jan. 1 Aug. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 28 April. 2 May. 4 June. 2 April. 18 June. 3 Sept. 14878 15240 15658 14816 15600 14637 15022 15365 14414 14461 14470 14534 14702 14740 14967 14994 15628 14695 14828 15461 15464 14510 14558 15517 15424 15 May. 8 Aug. 20 Nov. 1 May. 5 Nov. 15 March 18 June. 5 Sept. 8 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 Jan. 15 Feb. 4 April. 11 April. 4 June. 6 June. 11 Nov. 3 April. 2 May. 10 Oct. 29 Sept. 10 Feb. 24 Feb. 13 Oct. 19 Sept. 15498 14847 6 Oct. 28 April.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. - Heating, Gas for. W. H. Gaze Heating of schoolrooms, &c. M. Arragon Heating water by steam. H. Baux Heavy oil, Using, in gas-engine. W. B. and E. Brain Hedge-clipping machine. B. Collins Hedge-cutter. J. H. Thomas Heel. (See Boot-heel.) Heel, Detachable boot-. A. F. Davis Heel-nailing machine. United Shoe Machinery Company Heel-nailing machine, Jack for. United Shoe Machinery Company .. Heel, Eesilient leather. G. D. Lightband Heel to boot, Attaching. W. H. Bowick High-pressure gauge-glass for ateam-boiler. R. P. Gibbons Hilling and breaking up ground, Implement for. J. Brasting Hinge. R.Dunne Hinge, Face-pivot. T. Roberts Hinge for gate, &c. A. S. Duncan Hinge, Gate and door. J. E. Waygood Hoist and truck, Portable. M. W. Fleming Hold-all or kit-valise. D. W. Healy Holder, (See Bicycle-holder, Book-holder, Bottle-holder, Candle-holder, Cigar and cigarette holder, Cow-leg holder, Newspaper-holder, Pen-holder, Wire-strainer holder.) Holding bag for filling. J. Orr, jun. Hollow-glass article. H. Severin Hollow ware, Manufacture of. G. Sweet Hook. (See Coupling-hook, Spring-hook.) Horse-collar. H. O. Cassels and H. Preston Horse-collar. T. W. North Horse-controlling gear. J. H. Grattan Horse cover. C. W. Wyoherley Horse-cover. T. McNaught Horse-cover. A. Hodge and W. Jones Horse-cover fastening. P. S. Brodie Horse-cover fastening. A. F. Roy Horse-cover fastening. T. Anderson and W. Nichols Horse-cover, Securing. F. Ketteg Horse-cover, Securing. C. W. Wycherley Horse cover, Securing front of. J. Murphy Horse-cover, Strapping for. J. Neagle Horse-race, Lead-bag for. J. Neagle Horse-race starting-machine. H. C. Stortenbeker and S. J. Cowan Horse-rug. J. Burge .. .. .. .. - .. Horse-rug, Securing. J. Ellis Horse-stopper. T. Firth Horse-stopper and wheel-lock. F. Matthews Horses, Releasing from stables. S. O. Keoghan Horses running away, Preventing. F. Matthews Horses, Yoking. W. H. Cochrane Horseshoe, Rubber pad for. W. Waters Hose, Closing holes in. P. H. Brown Hot-house. J. Black, J. A. Stringer, and A. W. Clayden Hub-brake and free wheel. S. Priest, jun. Hub for fastening machinery to a shaft. W. H. Gordon Hub, Pneumatic, for vehicle. J. R. Hayne Hurdle, Racing-. H. P. Knutzen Hydraulio apparatus for exhausting air. W. G. Goss Hydraulic duplex oil-brake. G. W. Blanks Hydrocarbon, Gas from. G. H. Clapham Hydrocarbon-gas generator. J. and B. Watt Hydrocarbon-gas, Production of. W. B. Walters Hydrocarbon-vapour burner, Liquid. E. Waters, jun. Igniting lamps. H. M. Levinge Illuminant. ' J. G. Massie.. Illuminating-gas. W. H. Gaze Illuminating-gas. W. H. Gaze Incandescence-gas or vapour lighting. Flameless Gaslight Company (Limited) .. Incandescence-mantle. Kern Burner Company (Limited) Incandescent filament and mantle. J. T. Hunter .. .. .. Incandesoent gas-burner. Flameless Gaslight Company (Limited) Incandescent gas-lamp. Allgemeine Beleuchtungs und Heiz-Industrie Acrien-Gesellsohaft, Incandeecent gas-lamp, Reflector for. R. Lockhead Incandescent lamp, Advertising-attachment to. C. E. Thies and L. E. Lowrey Incandescent mantle. G. Buhlmann Incubator. E. A. Temperley Incubator and foster-mother. C. L. Bridges Indestructible lamp-wick. R. L. Suckling Index file for documents. H. M. Inglis .. .. ... Indicating and calculating apparatus. J. C. McBride Indicating length of textile rolls. T. S. Philpott and T. Herd Indicator. (See Date-indicator, Distance-indicator, Phase-relation indicator, Score-indicator, Table-tennis score indicator, Target-score indicator.) Indoor game. (See Game.) Injector. J. L. Wilson Ink. (See Copying-ink.) Ink, Printer's varnish and. A. G. Wass Inlet of suction-pipe. J. Smaill Inserting fastenings. United Shoe Maohinery Company .. 15565 15436 15524 15323 15231 14736 29 Oct. 24 Sept. 14 Oct. 26 Aug. 7 Aug. 9 April. 15336 14697 14789 15621 15137 14770 15364 15138 15763 14628 14858 15408 15482 30 Aug. 3 April. 24 April. 7 Nov. 18 July. 14 April. 5 Sept. 17 July. 16 Deo. 11 March. 8 May. 13 Sept. 7 Oct. 15120 15690 14411 14 July. 27 Nov. 10 Jan. 14568 15380 14874 14623 14685 14966 14896 15021 15766 14708 14623 15500 14854 14398 15716 15624 15811 15758 14953 14673 14913 15189 15440 15135 14435 15042 14761 14850 15805 15324 15352 15745 15330 15260 15738 14667 15233 15565 15706 15124 14546 15312 15578 14759 15709 15090 15160 15211 15476 15307 14936 15510 15471 28 Feb. 11 Sept. 8 May. 14 March. 27 March. 2 June. 16 May. 17 June. 15 Dec. 4 April. 14 March. 10 Oct. 7 May. 4 Jan. 4 Dec. 13 Nov. 24 Dec. 15 Dec. 4 June. 25 March. 24 May. 29 July. 20 Sept. 16 July. 15 Jan. 27 June. t 17 April. 3 May. 20 Dec. ; 29 Aug. 4 Sept. I 11 Dec. I 1 Sept. I 16 Aug. ! 4 Dec. 24 March. 4 Aug. 29 Oct. 2 Dec. 17 July. . 20 Feb. 27 Aug. 30 Oct. i 17 April. 29 Nov. 10 July. 24 July. 2 Aug. 6 Oct. 25 Aug. 28 May. 9 Oct. : 3 Oct. 15296 25 Aug. 15169 15334 15205 22 July. 30 Aug. 2 Aug.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. [nsole for boot and shoe. A.Taylor.. insulating walls, &c. F. Dβ J. Clere internal-combustion engine. G. Westinghouse invalid's table. F. A. Miller iron. (See Corrugated iron, Plane-iron.) iron-heater and cooking-utensil support. F. Pegler iron, Oxidee, Treatment of. D. R. S. Galbraith tron plates, Jointing. J. Coustou and W. Porritt ironing-board, Stand for. W. Swinnerton ironsand, &c, Reduction of. D. R. S. Galbraith and W. Stewart ironsand, &c, Reduction of. D. R. S. Galbraith and W. Stewart Fack. (See Lifting-jack, Timber-jack.) (ack for heel-nailing machine. United Shoe Machinery Company racket, Inflatable life-saving. G. Nuttall Far-closure. J. A. Landsberger Foint for locking-bar type of pipe. G. J. Hoskina Foint for railway-crossing, Pivot-blade. W. Watts Foint for tin or can. M. B. L. Ehrmann and Queensland Meat Export and Agency Company (Limited) rointing iron plates. J. Couston and W. Porritt Kauri-gum dirt, Utilising deposits of. D. R. S. Galbraitb.. deeper, Saddlery-. W. E. Searle Kerosene in oil-engine, Use of. W. B. and E. Brain Kerosene-pump. F.Watson Kerosene-siphon. G. F. Hutchinson and G. W. Symmans Kerosene-tap. R. Simmonds Kettle. J. J. Macky Kettle, Bottom and sides for. R. P. Gibbons Kit valise or hold-all. D. W. Healy Kneading and mixing machine. E. F. W. Wieda Knife-cleaner. F. A. Miller Knife-cleaner. M. Earle .. .. .. .. Knife-cleaner. J. A. Boyd Knife cleaner and sharpener. S. Nicolson Knife-handle. J. Durey .. Laces and lacing stays. K. Raymond jaces, Boot-. K. Raymond Lacing articles, Means for. J. Pomeroy facing of boots, belts, &c. G. Turner Ladder. E. Langford .. .. ■ .. Ladder, Step-, and chair. J. M. Armour Ladder. (See Dredging-ladder, Fire-escape, Step-ladder, Telesoope ladder.) Ladies' skirta, Measuring. C. M. Brophy Lamb-docking, &c. E. H. Wilhelm Lamp. (See Acetylene-gas lamp, Aro-lamp, Carriage-lamp, Electric lamp, Gas-lamp, Inoandescent gas-lamp, Nernst-lamp, Oil-lamp.) Lamp-bracket. W. Desmond Lamp-extinguisher. T. McDonough.. Lamp, Piano bracket-. L. Fagan Lamp, Utilising waste heat from. E. J. Kee Lamp-wick. R. L. Suckling liamp-wick. D. Gaecoyne Lasting-machine. United Shoe Machinery Company .. ... Lasting-machine. United Shoe Machinery Company Lasting-machine. United Shoe Machinery Company Lathe, Screw-cutting, Attachment to. F. Simpson Latrines, Automatic flushing urinals and. J. L. Williams Lavatory-requisite. S. MoDougall Lawn-weeding tool. W. Harrison liead. (See White-lead.) Lead-bag for horse-race. J. Neagle .. Lead-headed nail. G. Croxford jead-pigments, &c, Manufacture of. A. C. J. Charlier Lead-sulphide from their ore, Extracting. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward Leather and rubber composite. C. D. Lightband and F. A. Webster Leather-skiving machine. United Shoe Machinery Company Leg-holder for cows. F. Gough Leg of cow, Holding. W. A. Collins Leggings. A. Findlay, jun., J. B. and J. J. Salmon, and W. J. Ashton Leggings, Fastening for. 0. D. Brent Leggings, Puttie-. J. T. Allinson and W. T. S. Robertson Legs, Securing cow-. F. H. Aussel .. Letter-copying, Damping-apparatus for. F. H. W. Cowper Letter-tracing, Textile. G. Pulman Letters, Preventing extraction of, from box. W. L. Davidson Lever lifting-jack. W. McKenzie and J. R. Bell Lid. (See Closet-seat lid, Milk-can lid, Saucepan-lid.) Life-preserver, Marine. J. Ewicg, jun. Life-saving appliance. P. Peterson .. Life-saving jacket, Inflatable. G. Nuttall Life-saving raft. G. Croll Liifting-jack. F. A. Miller Lifting-jack, Lever. W. McKenzie and J. R. Bell Lifting-jack, Shoe for. J. B. Jaokson Light from gas of low calorific power, Obtaining. J. Chamberlain Lighters for handling coal. J.Campbell Lighting, Incandescence gas-. Flameless Gaslight Company (Limited) 14890 15273 14434 14600 20 May. 20 Aug. 15 Jan. 10 March 14847 14769 14587 15558 15661 15662 28 April. 16 April. 6 March 24 Oct. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 14789 15761 15739 15386 15493 14614 24 April. 15 Dec. 10 Dec. 8 Sept. 9 Oct. 13 March. 14587 14492 14777 15323 14895 14951 14803 14424 15632 15482 15746 14924 15235 15729 15276 15695 14976 14906 14947 15360 15596 15067 6 Maroh 81 Jan. 19 April. 26 Aug. 1!) May. 4 June. 29 April. 9 Jan. 11 Nov. 7 Oct. 11 Dec. 2G May. 2 Aug. 8 Dec. 20 Aug. 25 Nov. 4 June. 19 May. 29 May. 5 Sept. 3 Nov. 28 June. 15392 15117 10 Sept. 14 July. 15278 15496 15472 15517 15307 15743 14547 14548 14882 15187 14687 15807 15714 21 Aug. 9 Oct. 4 Oct. 13 Oct. 25 Aug. 10 Doc. ,20 Feb. 20 Fβ , ). 16 May. 29 July. 1 April. 22 Dec. 3 Dec. 14398 15214 14862 15687 15721 15207 14635 15425 14506 15018 14788 14826 15431 14909 15105 15760 4 Jan. 31 July. 9 May. 27 Nov. 3 Dec. 2 Aug. 7 March. 19 Sept. 7 Feb. 20 June. 24 April. 8 May. 23 Sept. 21 May. 10 July. 15 Dec. 15809 15338 15761 15672 15388 15760 14399 15234 14798 15124 24 Dec. 1 Sept. 15 Dec. 22 Nov. 12 Sept. 15 Dec. 6 Jan. 6 Aug. 24 April. 17 July.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Lime, manure, and seed sower. A. B. Todd Lime, sand, bricks, &c, Making. E. J. Parrott.. jimestone-vvorking machine. J. J. and W. G. Jamieson .. line. (See Clothes-line.) Line, Attaching articles to. C. H. Osmond jine, Carrying running, over standing. W. Beamish Lining for tunnel, &c. G. H. Dunlop jining of vessel for metallurgical work. G. Westinghouse Linotype machine. H. McGowan jiquid, Determining, in refrigerating-apparatus. J. Smaill Liquid seal-cover. H.J.Jones Liquid, Siphon pump for drawing off. W. H. Boyens Liquid under pressure, Receptacle for. L.O.Bizet Liquids. (See also Aerated liquids, Sweetening liquids.) Liquids, Measuring predetermined quantities of. E. T. Towgood Liquids, Raising. T. Taplin -jittoral alluvial deposits, Concentrating. J. Nelson and D. Reid, jun. Loading and unloading vessels. G. H. Airey Loading photographic apparatus. G. N. Pifer Lock. H. Roberts and J. Bannister jock. (See Door-lock, Mail-bag lock, Nut-lock, Seal-lock, Vehicle-wheel lock, Wheel-lock, Window-lock.) Lock-nut. C. 3. Cooze Lock-nut. G. H. Bigelow Lock-nut. G. H. Bieelow Lock-nut plate. R. E. Pennington and J. Bellett Looking and signalling at faoing-points. J. S. Kirkpatrick Locking-bar joint of pipe. G. J. Hoskins Locking-bar type of pipe, Joint for. G. J. Hoskins Locking brake of vehicle. P. Matthews Locking-device for cams, &o. P. M. Canda Locking nuts, Means for. J. Austin .. .. Logs down a river, Kafting. A. M. Grainger Logs, Machine for sawing. J. Greenacre Logs, Tripping-block for hauling. G. Davidson Loom, Straw-matting. W. Wattie .. Loop, Boxed. W. E. Searle Hagazine-gun. J. Hylard and E. G. H. Bingham Magnetic from non-magnetic materials, Separating. J. H. A. McPhee Magnetic ore-separator. P. J. King Mail-bag, Buckle for. G. H. Longdin Hail-bag, Fastening. R. H. Easdown .. .. ■ .. Hail-bag seal-lock. A. A. S. Smith Hail-bag, Seal-lock for strap of. J. Channon Hail-marking machine. D. Robertson Halted food. J. M. Pinnock Hantle. (See Incandescent mantle, Incandescenoe mantle. J VIanure and seed sower. W. A. Land Manure and seed sower. 0. Tipton Hanure-distributing attachment to plough. P. W. Sudholz Hanure-drill. J. Macalister Hanure from waste products, Manufacture of. W. H. Metcalfe Manure, lime, and seed sower. A. B. Todd Manure-planter. J. A. Thrumm Manure, Preparing yeast as a. W. Wardle Manure-sower. R. W. Ayson Marine composition. T. S. Mullay and W. Sievwright Harine engine, Preventing racing of. E. Hope Marine governor. "W. G. Hood, B. Williams, and J. Reilly Harine life-preserver. J. Ewing, jun. Marine oil-engine discharge. R. Arthur Harine screw-propeller. E. Conroy .. Marine steam-turbine. Hon. C. A. Parsons Hark. (See Stock-mark.) Harker. (See Checking-marker.) Harking. (See Mail-marking.) Marking and branding appliances. A. McLeod Marking survey-pegs, &c. W. D. R. MoCurdie Martingale. W. G. Geary Martingale. W. G. Geary Hat. (See Gold-saving mat.) Hat-fastener. A. O. Bridgman Hatch-boarding, Cramp for. J. Francis Match-box. J. Purkiss Hatch-box and candlestick. A. Lyell Match-holder, &c. P. J. Gossling Hatch-striker. W. Marriott and E. Benham Match-striker for cigarette-box. J. H. S. Brown Matrices for printing-plates. E. Waters, jun. .. Hatting, Straw-. W. Wattie .. .. .. .. ,. " Hattress. F. Klaer and A. Law Mattress. (See also Wire mattress.) Mattress and bedstead. G. S. Heatley Mattress, bed, and bolster. E. H. Luxford Mattress-filling machine. K. Wessel Heasuring ladies' skirts. C. M. Brophy Measuring out liquids. E. T. Towgood ., ,. 14417 14866 14639 8 Jan. 7 May. 19 March. 14785 15630 15819 15479 15717 14830 14749 14396 1504S 21 April. 11 Nov. 30 Dec. 7 Oct. 4 Dec. 2 May. 17 April. 3 Jan. 27 June. 14815 14939 15003 15609 15527 15183 1 May. 30 May. 11 June. 5 Nov. 25 Oct.,'01 24 July. 14699 14844 14845 15623 14995 15751 15386 15792 15125 14969 15465 14514 14558 15040 14777 14405 14849 14810 15054 15077 15162 15678 14686 15114 3 April. 1 May. 1 May. 13 Nov. 9 June. 9 Dec. 8 Sept. 19 Dec. 17 July. 6 June. 2 Oct. 11 Feb. 24 Feb. 27 June. 19 April. 8 Jan. 3 May. 1 May. 27 June. 3 July. 24 July. 25 Nov. 1 April. 11 July. 15007 15041 15398 14824 15313 14417 14488 14573 15723 14881 14511 15633 15809 14669 15444 15351 16 June. 27 June. 13 Sept. 30 April. 27 Aug. 8 Jan. 30 Jan. 3 March. 2 Dec. 13 May. 10 Feb. 15 Nov. 24 Dec. 22 March. 25 Sept. 4 Sept. 14796 15794 14664 14943 25 April. 17 Dec. 24 March. 31 May. 14822 15108 14621 14961 15256 1444:4 15663 14807 15040 14419 30 April. 11 July. 14 March. 6 June. 12 Aug. 17 Jan. 18 Nov. 26 April. 27 June. 6 Jan. 15283 15355 15298 15392 14815 22 Aug. 4 Sept. 26 Aug. 10 Sept. IMay.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Meat, Distribution of. A. Wilkie Meat, Soluble extract of. A. G. Kidston-Hunter Mechanical milking. D. T. Sharpies Medicated biscuit. J. S. Rutherfurd Medicated sweetmeat for consumption, &o. M. Bjornatad and J. Staoey Medicinal compound. J. Fraser Medicines for cuts, bruises, &o. W. Dawson Memory-game, Apparatus for. A. G. Floyed Mercury, &c, from ore-pulp, Separating. T. H. Hioks Mercury from amalgam, Separating. T. H. Hioks Merry-go-round. A. Coucill Metal for pipe-making, Bending. T. Danks Metal tubes, Manufacture of. B. F. McTear Metallurgio filter. E. Waters, jun. .. Metallurgical work, Lining of vessels for. G. Westinghouse Metals, Deposition of. Sherard, Cowper, Coles, and Go. (Limited) Metals, Electro-deposition of. R. D. Sanders Metals, Extraction of. H. R. Cassel Metals, Prooess for obtaining. C. A. Keller Meter. (See Current-meter.) Military kit valise. D. W. Healy Milk-aerator. J. Lemire .. Milk-can lid. J. T. Love Milk-cooler. J. Kerr Milk cooler, aerator, and strainer. D. Harris Milk cooler and aerator. H. Pennington and M. T. West Milk cooler and filler. W. S. Davey Milk, Cooling and aerating. R. Chambers Milk-food. D. R. S. Galbraith Milk into cans, Delivering. W. Barton Milk, Measuring out. E. T. Towgood Milk, Mixing. A. Gaulin .. .. .. Milk-strainer. J. Kerr Milk, Straining. G. Adcock Milk-straining pan. W. Harvey Milk, Transporting. F. H. Aussel .. Milking-apparatus. W. H. Lawrence and R. Kennedy Milking-apparatus. A. Gillies Milking-apparatus, Mechanical. D. T. Sharpies Milking-machine. W. E. Hughes Milking-machine. A. Gillies and E. J. Kelly Milking-machine. A. Gillies and E. J. Kelly Milking-machine. D. R. Ross Mill. (See Stamp-mill.) Mineral substances by oil, Separating. A. S. Elmore Mines, Detecting foul gas in. J. Hylard Mines, Testing foul gas in. J. Hylard •Minnow, Artificial. C. H. Osmond Mirror. A. J. Park Mitre-cutting machine. R. Dunne Mitre-outting machine. R. Dunne .. Mixing-machine. E. F. W. Wieda .. Moths, Capturing, at night-time. D. Thompson Motion, Mechanism for converting. J. M. Rauhoff Motion of steam-engine, Reversing. A. I. Senior Motion-transmitting meohanism, Bowden. G. W. Basley .. Motive power. J. G. Massie Motor. (See Electric motor, Explosive motor, Oil and gas motor, Reciprocatory motor, Rotary motor, Water-motor.) Motor-attachment to bicycle. A. R. Wilkins and J. W. Odering Motor car, Free wheel for. J. H. Braithwaite Motor, Using float in water as a. T. W. Mayson Moulder. (See Butter-moulder.) Moulding confectionery. P. A. Harkin Moulding soap. K. Schnetzer Moustache-guard. A. Rountree Mud-guard for gig, &c, Movable. W. H. Diddams Multitubular water-column boiler. F. F., L. B., A. C, and H. W. Coulsell Music-books, Attachment to piano for holding. R. Chambers Mustard-pot. A. H. Cotton .. .. . • ■• Nail. P. Patten Nail. (See Boot-nail, Roofing-nail.) Nail extractor and cutter. J. A. McPhee Nail for corrugated iron. C. F. Dunn Nail, Lead-headed. G. Croxford Nail, spike, bolt, &o. O. M. J. Olsen Nails, Assorting. United Shoe Machinery Company Nascent carbon-dioxide, Treating substances with. Smetliurst Furnace and Ore-treatment Syndicate (Limited) Neck of bottle, Tool for forming. Universal Seal and Stopper Company Neckties, Means for securing. T. R. Porter Nernst lamp. Nernst Eleotrio Light (Limited) Net apparatus, Ping-pong. C. Mclntyre, F. C. Palethorpe, and J. S. Sohwartz .. Net, Table-tennis. W. N. Smith Newspaper-delivery box, Weatherproof. J. Sigley Newspaper-holder. J. H. Marple Nicotine-trap for tobacco-pipe. W, A, Ede-Clendinnen 15331 15798 15309 15074 15808 15371 14771 14864 15092 15094 14869 15382 14403 14GG1 15479 14832 14813 14814 14729 30 Aug. 19 Deo. 27 Aug. 2 July. 20 Deo. 9 Sept. 16 April. 9 May. 10 July. 10 July. 7 May. 9 Sept. 6 Jan. 19 Maroh, 7 Oct. 1 May. 1 May. 1 May. 10 April. 15482 14634 15250 15293 15619 14556 15539 14885 15368 15460 14815 15750 15292 15506 15299 14981 15151 15652 15309 15564 15597 15598 15626 7 Oct. 18 Maroh, 14 Aug. 23 Aug. 12 Nov. 24 Feb. 22 Oct. 19 May. 6 Sept. 1 Oot. 1 May. 11 Dec. 23 Aug. 13 Oct. 22 Aug. 10 June. 23 July. 19 Nov. 27 Aug. 29 Oot. 5 Nov. 5 Nov. 13 Nov. 14518 15320 15321 14684 14472 15176 15243 15746 15195 14641 15285 15724 15233 13 Feb. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 26 March, 23 Jan. 23 July. 8 Aug. 11 Dec. 31 July. 20 March, 22 Aug. 1 Dec. 4 Aug. 15306 15770 15685 25 Aug. 17 Deo. 22 Nov. 15665 15727 14624 15297 15677 15188 14871 14712 21 Nov. 3 Dec. 11 Maroh, 25 Aug. 25 Nov. 29 July. 10 May. 5 April. 14997 15774 15214 15518 15413 14868 10 June. 17 Deo. 31 July. 13 Oct. 18 Sept. 7 May. 14886 14983 14732 15344 15608 15236 14537 15384 20 May. 11 June. 10 April. 3 Sept. 6 Nov. 2 Aug. 18 Feb. 11 Sept.




6—H. 10.

Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Nightsoil-box seat. H. August .. .. Nightsoil-receptaole. H. Ham Nitre-cellulose compounds. J. B. G. Bonnaud Non-refillable bottle. W.L.Davidson .. .. .. \\ Non-refillable bottle. R. Garnham .. Non-refillable bottle. T. A. Garratt .. .. ., " Non-refillable bottle. J. Hancock and G. Ramage Non-refillable bottle. W. B. and A. J. Mason .. .. .. ,. Non-refillable bottle. T. C. McLennan and J. W. Pepperell Non refillable bottle. T. C. McLennan and J. W. Pepperell Non-refillable bottle. F. McLeod .. .. .. .. Non-refillable bottle. R. A. Morgan and 0. S. Johnston .! Non-refillable bottle. T. S. Philpott Non-refillable bottle. W. J. Sellars .. .. .. Non-refillable bottle. A. Soutter Non-refillable bottle. E. Walker .. .. .. .. \\ \\ Nozzle-appliance for cleaning grooves of tramways, 4c. F. A. Jones, 0. Bowman, G. McMullen, and A. Rankin Nurse for children, Mechanical. J. M. Moison Nut. (See Lock-nut.) Nut-look. G. J. Bertinshaw Nut-look. G. H. Bigelow Nut-look. J. J. Maeky and G. H. Bigelow .. .. .. \\ \\ Nut-lock. J. J. Macky .. .. .. .. . ,. .. .[ Oil and gas engine, Use of heavy oils in. W. B. and E. Brain Oil and gas engine, Utilising exhaust from. H. J. Topliss and N. Andrew Oil and gas motor. H. A. Nicholson Oil and grease separator. F. Moore Oil-brake, Hydraulic duplex. G. W. Blanks Oil-engine. (See Marine oil-engine.) Oil-engine, Discharging waste products of. R. Arthur Oil-engine, Electric ignition for. F. Henderson .. .. . '. Oil-feeding can. W. Beamish ... Oil-fuel boiler. W. S. Kay .. .. .. " Oil-lamp. J. F. G. Farquhar .. .. .. [[ \[ " Oil, Removing, from wool, &c. A. Born Oil-separator. J. Chambers and Son (Limited) Oiling axle of vehicle. T. S. Philpott .. .. .. .. Oiling axle of vehicle. R. L. Suttie .. .. .. .. \ , \\ Oiling carriage-axles. A. Thompson and J. Roussell .. .. .. .. Opening oysters. M. J. Cherrie Opening oysters. J. Winepress Opening soda-water, &c, bottle. S. White .. ., .. [[ \\ Ore, Agglomerating finely divided. A. and W. J. Maiden .. .. .. .. Ore-concentrator. W. G. Dodd Ore-concentrator. A.A.Francis Ore-concentrator, &c. J. R. Harrison Ore-concentrator. T. H. Hicks Ore-concentrator. O. Sorensen Ore concentrator. Wilfley Ore-oonoentrator Syndicate (Limited) Ore-concentrator. Wilfley Ore-concentrator Syndicate (Limited) Ore-concentrator. G.W.Wright .. .. Ore, Produoing and depositing fumes from. Metallic Compounds Separation Syndicate (Ltd.) Ore-pulp, Separating. International Ore-separating Company Ore-roasting furnace. W. A. Maddern Ore-pulveriser, Single-ball. T. H. Hicks Ore-separator. F. J. King Ore, Treatirig copper-. G. Westinghouse .. .. .. .. [[ Ore, Treating copper-. W. Payne and J. L. Taylor .. .. .. Ore, Treating refractory. W.E.Hughes Ores, Extracting metals from. H. R. Cassel Ottoman scroll. A. W. Memory and F. G. Hind Outrigger vehicle draw-gear. R. D. Kelly .. .. .. ,] Overhead system of eleotric railway. A. W.Parker Oxide of antimony, Manufacturing. A. S. Plews Oysters, Opening. M. J. Cherrie .. .. .. ., ,, [ ' Oysters, Opening. J. Winepress Packing-case. A. C. Wolff .. .. .. ., [[ j' Packing-oases applied to roofing, &c. E. L. Pease .. .. .. .. Packing-rings. G. Huhn.. .. .. .. ., .. " Packing semi-solid chemicals in small quantities. T. Baker Packing tea, &e. T. Deane Paoking tea, &c. A. H. Nathan .. .. .. .. '! [ _ Pad. (See Rubber pad.) Paint-brush binder. C. Sawyer Painted surfaces, Cleansing. M. Peryer .. .. .. .. [\ Painted surfaces, Cleansing. M. Peryer Palm, Sewing-. J. Pomeroy Pan. (See Bed-pan, Frying-pan, Fruit-preserving pan, Milk-straining pan, Patty-pan, Stewing-pan.) Paper, Binding sheets of. H. E. Dade Paper, Binding sheets of. J. T. Steele .. .. .. [ [ " Paper-feeding attachment to typewriter. D. W. McArthur Paraffine in oilengines, Using. W. and E. Brain Parallel ruler. C. L. Watt .. .. .. ... ,". ,, Parcel-carrier for cyole. T. R. Ellison Parcel-carrier system, Pneumatic. Lamson Store-service Company (Limited) 14680 15648 14642 15554 14750 15326 14596 14782 15085 15106 15030 15053 15475 14710 15346 15023 14863 15484 15055 14845 14626 15280 15323 15339 15290 15762 15352 14669 15525 15631 15489 14688 14989 14670 14609 15818 14766 15705 15467 15697 15514 14485 14545 15462 15095 14458 14479 14480 15593 15572 15099 15516 15096 14810 14494 15014 15780 14814 14512 15254 15446 14613 15705 15467 14433 15740 14412 15699 15173 15403 25 Maroh. 19 Nov. 20 March. 27 Oct. 17 April. 26 Aug. 6 March. 22 5 July. 9 July. 23 Juiip. 27 June. 6 Oct. 7 April. 8 Sept. 18 June. 9 May. 6 Oct. 30 June. 1 May. 12 Maruh. 19 Aug. 26 Aug. 1 Sept. 19 Aug. 12 Dec. 4 Sept. 22 Ma-ch. 15 Oct. 11 Nov. 3 Oct. 1 April. 12 June. 25 March. 12 March. 30 De-. 18 April. 2 Dec. 2 Oct. 26 Nov. 16 Oct. 30 Jan. 20 Feb. 1 Oot. 10 July. 25 Feb. 11 Mar.,'01 29 Jan. 31 Oct. 30 Oct. 10 July. 16 Oct. 10 July. 1 May. 4 Feb. 19 June. 18 Dec. 1 May. 11 Feb. 15 Aug. 20 Sept. 20 Maroh. 2 Dec. 2 Oct. 13 Jan. 10 Dec. 10 Jan. 26 Nov. 24 July. 16 Sept. 15319 14441 14606 15060 28 Aug. 16 Jan. 10 Maroh. 22 June. 15225 15741 15430 15323 14471 14779 15573 4 Aug. 10 Dec. 23 Sept. 26 Aug. 22 Jan. 22 April. 30 Oct.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Parcel-carrier, Wire-track. Lamson Store-service Company (Limited) Parcel-grip, Advertising. A. H. Brownley Parlour billiards. W. McLean .. Partition-wall block or plate. W. A. C. Waller Pattern. (See Garment-pattern.) Patty-pan. R. J. Keys Pearl-fishing, Diving-boat for. C. W. Penny Pedal. (See Bioycle-pedal.) Peg. (See Clothes-peg, Survey-peg.) Pen. (See Fountain-pen.) Penholder, Finger-guide for. D. McKenzie Perambulator. J. Ford and A. C. Murray Perambulator. L. Adamson Perforated brick. J.Clark Periehable products, Preserving. D. R. Jonea and P. A. Larritt Phase-relation indicator for polyphase electric-current circuits. J. T. Hunter Phormium tenax. (See Flax.) Photographic apparatus, Loading. G. N. Pifer Photographic likeness, Meohanism for automatically producing a. G. N. Pifer Photographic plate. G. N. Pifer. Physical exercise, Rowing-machine for. L. W. Grayson and C. S. Cunningham Piano bracket-lamp. L. Fagan Pianoforte, Music-holder attachment to. R. Chambers Picks for dredges. W. Wylie Picture-frame. J. C. Corbett Picture-frame. A. W. Jones and S. M. McFarland Picture-frame, Decorating. J. C. Corbett Pictures, Hanging. A. H. Brownley Pie-dish. E.B.Arthur .. Pigeon-trap. J. Rose Pigments, Lead. A. C. J. Charlier Pin. (See Brooch-pin, Hair-pin, Hat-pin.) Pin. Elliot's Patent Improved Domestic Pin Company (Limited) Ping-pong. F. H. W. Cowper Ping-pong apparatus. K.S.Ramsay Ping-pong apparatus. F. L. Ryan Ping-pong bat. T. Herbert Ping-pong net-apparatus. C. Molntyre, F. C. Palethorpe, and J. S. Schwartz Ping-pong racquet. H. H. Rayward Ping-pong scoring-apparatus. G. F. Dale Ping-pong, Standards used in. Australian Manufacturing and Importing Company Pipe. (See Artesian-well pipe, Suction-pipe, Tobacco-pipe.) Pipe, Closing locking-bar joint of. G. J. Hoskins Pipe-coupling. W. H. Keon Pipe-joint. G. J. Hoskins Pipe-making, Bending metal for. T. Danks Pivoting-arrangement for fanlights, &c W. Turnbull Plane-iron. J. Creamer Plant-setter. R. J. L. Witty .. .. .. .. ... Planter. (See Manure-planter, Potato-planter.) Planting potatoes. C. J. Jervis Plastic material, Reinforcement of. W. J. Baltzer Plate. G. F. F. Davis and F. C. Williams Plate. (See Dinner-plate, Food-plate, Lock-nut plate, Photographic plate, Printing-plate.) Plate for separating fine from coarse washdirt. J. Thomson Plates, Connecting iron. J. Couston and W. Porritt Plough. G.Barney Plough. J.Anderson Plough. (See Ditch-plough, Road-plough, Trenching-plough.) Plough-attachment. H. G. Williams Plough, Attachment to. F. W. Sudholz Plough-chain, Coupling-hook for. N.Ross Plough for breaking subsoil, Attachment to. H. Coe Ploughshare. A. M. White Plug-brick. 0. W. Langstone Plug-brick and haematite concrete. R. Harrieon .. Plummer-blook. D. Murphy Pneumatic cash-and-parcel-carrier system. Lamson Store-service Company (Limited) Pneumatic cushion-appliance. W. Stewart Pneumatic foot. J. Johnson Pneumatic hub for vehicles. J. R. Hayne Pneumatic inner tube of tire. E. E. A. Esse .. .. .. Pneumatic railway-signalling. M. Corrington Pneumatic tire. C. Ray Pneumatic tire. J. R. Brunt and R. C. Pitt Pneumatio-tire covering. C. D. Lightband Pneumatic-tire covering. G. F. Brown .. Pocket. (See Clothes-pocket, Watch-pocket.) Points. (See Railway and tramway points.) Points, Appliance for operating. W. Taylor Poisoning grain. J. W. Arthur Poisoning rabbits. T. Robertson Polishing-appliance for boot, &c. F. H. Killingsworth and P. Rawson Polishing-maehine. (See Boot-polishing machine.) Pollard, Dropper for phosphorized. H. Grass .. .. .. .. Portable building. D. Brummer .. .. .. .. ..... Portland cement. F. Oakden 15574 15570 15649 14447 15342 15275 15817 14870 15478 15459 14586 14611 15527 15731 15528 15439 15472 15188 14940 14527 14696 14806 14878 15127 15044 14862 14589 14631 14795 14949 15032 15344 14793 14945 14725 15751 15349 15386 15382 14978 15415 15311 30 Oct. 30 Oct. 19 Nov. 15 Jan. 2 Sept, 20 Aug. 30 Deo. 9 May. 6 Oct. 1 Oct. 6 March. 13 March. 25 Oct., 'Or 13 Dec,'01 ■ 25 Oct., '01 20 Sept. 4 Oct. 29 July. 28 May. 14 Feb. 1 April. 28 April. 15 May. 17 July. 13 June. 9 May. 6 March. 14 March. 22 April. 30 May. 19 Jure. 3 Sept. 22 April. 31 May. 8 April. 9 Dec. 4 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 9 June. 18 Sept. 27 Aug. 15453 14900 15130 25 Sept. 22 May. 18 July. 15801 14587 14508 15170 18 Dec. 6 March. 10 Feb. 25 July. 15466 15398 15011 15642 14827 15272 15673 14891 15573 14418 15199 14850 15121 14618 14395 14408 15495 15615 2 Oct. 13 Sept. 17 June. 17 Nov. 25 April. 20 Aug. 24 Nov. 19 May. 3 Oct. 6 Jan. 30 July. 3 May. 17 July. 13 March. 3 Jan. 8 Jan. 7 Oct. 7 Nov. 14499 15549 15778 15305 6 Feb. 16 Oct. 18 Dec. 25 Aug. 14758 15651 14605 17 April. 19 Nov. 8 March.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Pot. (See Mustard-pot.) Pot-cleaner. W. Borlase Pot-stick and wa«hing-tongs. W. J. McLean Potat) carrier. E. Walker Potato-chipping machine. J. Whitelaw and J. Munro Potato-digger. J. Vorbaoh Potato-planter. 0. L. Jervis Potato-planter. F. Cooper Potato-planting attachment to plough. P. W. Sudholz Poultry-brooder. S. R. Johnson Power by electro-magnetio waves, Transmission of. B. Waters, jun. .. Power from waves of sea. C. P. De Lajard Preparation for the hair. 0. M. Robertson Prepayment and recording current-meter. G. L. Go'.vlland Preservation of food. C. Beale Preservative composition. G. W. Langstone and J. C. McKerrow Preservative for butter. P. M. Hunt Preservative for eggs. A. Pfafi Preserving. (See Wood-preserving.) Preserving and stewing pan. W. A. Knight Preserving-composition. T. S. Mullay and W. Sievwright .. Preserving-pan. (See Fruit-preserving pan.) Preserving perishable products. D. R. Jones and P. A. Larritt Preserving skin, Preparation for. K. Cooper Press. (See Forage-press, Stamping and marking press.) Pressure-regulator. P. H. Reardon Printer. (See Butter-printer.) Printers' galley and chase. F. P. Wilson Printers' varnish and ink. A. G. Wass Printing in gold, &c, powders. The Linotype Company (Limited) Printing-machine. T. Cossar Printing-machine for butter, &c. R. Boxall and A. A. Robinson Printing-plates and matrices for same. E. Waters, jun. Printing-roller, Removable. J. Anderson Printing-surface, Production of. W. Thomas Privy-receptacle. J. Walker Propeller, Auxiliary. R. P. Gibbons.. Propeller, Controlling steamboat. M. McCormick Propeller-hood attachment. M. W. Lane Propeller, Marine screw-. E. Conroy Propelling and sustaining boat*. J. A. Fiddes Protecting bank of river, &c. J. F. Rose Protecting clothes from dust on wheels. R. Caldwell .. • .. Protector, Cuff or sleeve. H. E. MoDonald Pulley, Clutch for. F.Wiggins Pulling-over machine. United Shoe Machinery Company Pulveriser and clod-orusher. F. Cooper Pulveriser, Single-ball ore-. T. H. Hicks Pulverising-apparatus. W. A. Koneman Pulverising-machine. D. S. S. Steuart Pump. J. S. C. Bonbam .. Pump. W. H. Madill Pump. F.Wiggins Pump. (See Force-pump, Keroaene-pump, Siphon pump.) Pump for drawing offliquids. W. H. B:>yens .. Pump for low lifts. J. Tyrrell, jun. .. Pumping smoko or fumes. D. Hanna Punching-machine, Hand-power. D. Donald Punkah for chair, &c. F. W. Hayes Purchase-gear, Single and multi, for controlling horses. J. W. Grattan Puttie-legging. J. T. Allinson and W. T. S. Robertson Rabbit-crate. W. Burrell and J. P. McMeekin Rabbit-crate. W. Moore and C. T. Kiernan Rabbit destruction, Dropper for pasty material for. H. Grass Rabbit-packing, Crate and cramp for. J. Lindsay Rabbit poisoning. T.Robertson Rabbit-trap. C. C. Forno Rabbit-trap. W. Rodier Rabbit-trap. J. Campbell Rabbit-trap. C. W. Constable Rabbit-trap, Attachment to. J. T. Good Rabbits, Exterminating. T. G. Russell and A. H. P. Noble Race. (See Horse-race ) Racehorse, Head-bag for. J. Neagle Race-starting gate. A. Lyell Race-starting gate. A. Lyell Racing-hurdle. H. P. Knutzen Racing of marine engine, Preventing. E.Hope Rack. (See Broom-rack, Hairdressers' rack, Towel-rack.) Racquet for ping-pong. H. H. Rayward Raoquet for table games. J. W. Jones Raft. G. Croll Rafting logs, &c, down a river. A. M. Grainger Rail-cleaner. (See Tram-rail cleaner.) Railroad cross-tie, Cutting. C. A. Hege Rails. (See Railway-rails, Tramway-rails.) Railway. (See Cash-carrier railway, Electric railway.) 14517 14860 15571 15402 14734 15453 15737 15398 15492 15374 15654 15194 15100 15212 14781 15295 15322 14591 14881 14586 15520 14638 15635 15169 15414 15575 15543 14807 15486 14607 15084 15640 15548 15560 15444 15432 15113 14941 15448 14522 14698 15737 15096 15577 14776 14467 14509 14522 10 Feb. 9 May. 30 Oct. 16 Sept. 2 April. 25 Sept. 24 Nov. 13 Sept. 9 Oct. 6 Sept. 19 Nov. 31 July. 10 July. 2 Aug. 22 April. 25 Aug. 28 Aug. 4 March. 13 May. 6 March. 15 Oct. 15 March. 17 Nov. 22 July. 18 Sept. 30 Oct. 23 Oct. 26 April. 4 Oct. 10 March. 4 July. 13 Nov. 16 Oct. 28 Oct. 25 Sept. 23 Sept. 12 July. 28 May. 26 Sept. 13 Feb. 3 April. 24 Nov. 10 July. 30 Oct. 18 April. 24 Jan. 10 Feb. 13 Feb. 14396 15451 15643 14559 15568 14874 14788 14466 14778 14758 15367 15778 14794 14934 15370 15675 14747 15057 3 Jan. 26 Sept. 17 Nov. 25 Feb. 30 Oct. 8 May. 24 April. 24 Jan. 17 April. 17 April. 8 Sept. 18 Deo. 22 April. 29 May. 9 Sept. 19 Nov. 14 April. 28 June. 14398 14744 14962 15805 14511 4 Jan. 15 April. 6 June 20 Dec. 10 Feb. 14793 14653 15672 15465 22 April. 19 March. 22 Nov. 2 Oct. 15691 27 Nov.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Railway air-brake, Adjusting. R. B. Robertson Railway and tramway points, Shifting. G. D. Ross Railway-brake. S. Cheney, jun. Railway-oar bicycle carrier. A. Lyell Railway-crossing, Pivot blade-joint for. W. Watts Railway-rails, Fixing. W. J. Foot Railway-signalling, Pneumatic. M. Corrington and F. L. Dodgson Railway signals and points, Operating. W. Taylor Railway, Three-wire overhead system of electric. A. W. Parker Railway-traffic-control system. W. Rowe Railway-truck coupling. J. T. Woods Rain-excluder for door. E. R. Ludbrook, A. B. and G. 0. Jackson Rain-water, Collecting. L. Adamson Rain-water strainer. F.J. Tonkin.. Raising gold from crevices in rock below water. J. D. Coomber Range. (See Cooking-range.) Range-finder. C. A. Trotter Range-finder. L. O. Beal, jun. Rat-trap. E. T. Towgood and F. H. Hazelden Rat-trap. H. Dixon Rat-trap. H. Dixon Ratchet nut-lock. G. J. Bertinshaw Razor-strop. R. B. Jackson and J. Sharp, jun. Reading-desk. J. H. Marple Reaping-machine, Grain-reel for. J. Kelly Receiver for wireless telegraphy. G. Marconi and Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company (Limited) Receptacle. (See Nightsoil-receptacle, Privy-receptacle.) Receptacle for liquid under pressure. L.J.Bizet Receptacle-handle. A. R. Ayson Reciprocatory motor. F. T. H. M. J. Marcard Recorder. (See Billiard-score recorder, Course recorder, Distance-recorder, Vote-recorder.) Reducing stone, lime, &c. F. E. Whitham .. .. Reduction of ironsand, &c. D. R. S. Galbraith and W. Steuart Reduction of ironsand, &c. D. R. S. Galbraith and W. Steuart Reflector for incandescent gas-lamp. R. Lockhead Refractory ores, Extracting gold, &c, from. E. Richardson Refractory ores, Recovering gold from. T. H. Hicks Refractory ores, Treating. W.E.Hughes Refrigorating-appwatUF, Determining quantity of liquid in. J. Smaill Register. (See Fluid-register.) Register and recorder. W. E. Hughes Registering and recording maohine. H. Droutlege ... Registering-machine, &c. H. Droutlege Regulating intermittent squeeze and feed for closing joints of pipes. G. J. Hoskins Regulator. (See Damper-regulator, Draught-regulator, Gas-pressure regulator, Pressureregulator, Saw stripper and regulator, Shear-regulator.) Reinforcement of plastic material. W. J. Baltzer Relief-valve, Automatic. P. E. Sagnol and T. Tonke .. Remedy for cuts, &c. W. Dawson Removing coal from hold of ship. F. P. Evans and D. McDougall Removing tire of bicycle. S. Nicoleon Renewing window-cords. A. Smith and R. Ewing Repairing-patch for bicycle-tire. C. W. Stephenson Repairing rib of umbrella, Clip for. T. Rice Reservoir-attachment to washstand. S. Soffe Reshaping rolled products. Foreign McKenna Process Company Restoring overworked sponge. R. Todd Retainer. (See Door-retainer.) Reversing motion of steam-engine. A. I. Senior Reversing rotation of shafting. W. A. Gamman Revolving or stationary canvas target. C. H. Shattky Rheumatism, Medicinal compound for. J. Fraser Ridges for roofing. P. Patten Rifle-shooting at short range. A. C. Whitney Rims of wheels, Tightening. J. Winters Rings. (See Paoking-rings.) River-bank protection. J. F. Rose River-banks, Protecting. J.F.Rose.. River-bar removal, Canal for. F. Lambert River, Rafting logs down a. A. M. Grainger Road-grader. D. L. Cochrane Hoad-making, Treating clay for. J. T. Steele Road-plough. E. H. Grey Road-sweeper. F. W. Paterson .. .. Roasting. (See Ore-roasting.) Roasting-furnace. F. Klepetko and W. J. Evans .. .. .. Rock-cutting apparatus. F. Lobnitz.. Rock-drill. W.Brady Rock-drill. J. Cox Rock-drilling machine. C. W. Thompson .. Rod for wire fencing. A. T. De Bary Rolled-iron pipe, Joint for. G. J. Hoskins .. .. Rolled products, Reshaping. Foreign McKenna Process Company Roller. (See Drill-roller, Printing-roller.) Roller for swampy, &c, ground. T. Fennessy .. Rolling-vat, Agitation. M. Zobel 15708 145R8 15566 14513 15493 14426 14618 14499 15446 15316 15104 15222 15657 15340 15529 2 Dec. 6 March. 29 Oct. 11 Feb. 9 Oct. 14 Jan. 13 Maroh. 6 Feb. 20 Sept. 28 Aug. 10 July. 5 Aug. 20 Nov. 1 Sept. 14 Oct. 14773 14787 15031 15812 15813 15055 15732 14537 15667 15689 19 April. 19 April. 23 June. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 30 June. 9 Dec. 18 Feb. 19 Nov. 3 May. 15043 15110 15582 27 June. 11 July. 31 Oct. 14615 15661 15662 15709 15000 15093 15780 14830 13 March. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 29 Nov. 13 June. 10 July. 18 Deo. 2 May. 14809 14772 15814 15751 1 May. 17 April. 22 Deo. 9 Dec. 14900 15719 14771 14861 15659 15499 15109 15513 14965 15327 15470 22 May. 4 Dec. 16 April. 9 May. 20 Nov. 10 Oct. 11 July. 14 Oct. 6 June. 26 Aug. 3 Oct. 15285 15684 14902 15371 14714 15029 15584 22 Aug. 26 Nov. 17 May. 9 Sept. 5 April. 23 June. 31 Oct. 14484 15113 15240 15465 14526 15131 14738 14823 21 Jan. 12 July. 8 Aug. 2 Oct. 14 Feb. 18 July. 12 April. 30 April. 14888 14950 15329 15426 15771 14730 15386 15327 20 May. 30 May. 26 Aug. 16 Sept. 17 Dec. 10 April. 8 Sept. 26 Aug. 15075 14627 3 July. 15 March.




Invention, and Name of Inventor No Date. Roofing nail and screw. F.Giles Roofing, Ridges for. P. Patten Roofing, Structural arrangement applicable to. B. L. Pease Root-grubbing machine. S. H. Manners .. .. ... Rope-grip. J. F. Smith Hope-making, Extracting gum from fibres for. V. S. Aston Rope-tightener. S. W. Bradbury Rope-tightener. A. S. Pike Rotary engine. J. L. McMillan Rotary engine. W. Buckingham Rotary engine. St. 0. N. H. Macdonald Rotary engine. P.Ellis.. Rotary engine. J. L. McMillan Rotary fluid-engine. Cooley Development Company Rotary motor. E. Moss Rotary steam-engine. E. L. Wiokins Rotation of shafting, Reversing. W. A. Gamman " Roulette " billiards. E. Hasselbach Rowing-machine for exercise, &c. L. W. Grayson and C. S. Cunningham Rowlock and grip-bracket. D. Urquhart Rubber composite, Leather and. C. D. Lightband and F. A. Webster Rubber heel, Attaching, to boot. W. H. Bowick Rubber pad for horseshoe. W. Waters Rug for cows, &c. J. Burge Rug, Securing horse-. J. Ellis Rule, file, and wire-twister. A. Gray Ruler. F. Pegler Ruler. (See Parallel ruler.) Ruler and blotting-pad. C. N. Hodder and J. Rogers Saok-mouth fastener. W. Beamieh Sack-mouth fastener. W. Beamish Saddle. H. W. Downing Saddle-cloth, ambulance stretcher, or camp-bed. F. R. Young Saddle tool-bag. A. Gray Saddlery-keeper. W, E. Searle Sandal. S. and H. R. Smith Sash. (See Window-sash.) Sash adjuster, Window-. J. H. Pledger Sash-fastener. Fresh Air and Safety Saeh-fastener Company (Limited) Sash-fastener. A. F. W. Lorie S&sh-fastener. A. F. W. Lorie Sash-fastener. A. F. W. Lorie Sash-fastener. R. F. Smith .. .. .. ... Sash-fastener. A. F. W. Lorie Sash-fastener. G. Simpson Sash-fastener. J. G. Reilly Sash, Safety. H. Mayr .. Sash, Securing cord to. J. Armstrong Saucepan-lid. S. S. Stretton Saving. (See Life-saving appliance, Gold-saving.) Saw-set. C. O. Andersson Saw stripper and regulator. J. H. Grattan Saw stripper and regulator. J. H. Grattan Sawing logs, Machine for. J. Greenacre Sawing-machine, Vertical. J. Robson Scarifier. J. Traves School-bag, Shoulder-strap for. G. Goosman Schoolrooms, &c, Heating. M. Arragon Scoop and dray combined. D. L. Cochrane Sooop, Dray-. D. L. Cochrane Scoop, Dray-. D. L. Cochrane Score and date indicator. G. F. Dale Score-indicator for table-tennis, &c. A. K. Smith Score indicator, Target-. J. MoKay Score, Recording billiard-. R.Williams Scoring-apparatus for tennis, &c. G. F. Dale Scouting. (See Wood-soouring.) Screen. (See Dredge-screen, Gold-saving screen, Gold-screen.) Sorew. G. C. Smith Screw. C. F. Dunn Screw. (See Roofing-screw.) Screw-cutting attachment to lathe. F. Simpson Screw-propelled vessel, Propeller-hood for. M. W. Lane Screw-propeller. E. Conroy Scrubber. T. M. Higgie .. .. .. .. •■ Scrubbing. (See Floor washing and scrubbing.) Scutching-maehine, Feeding flax-fibre to. W. B. Arlidge Scutching machine, Flax-. A. E. Reeves Scuttle. (See Coal-scuttle.) Sea, Utilising power of waves of. C. P. De Lajard Seal-cover, Liquid. H. J. Jones Seal-lock for mail-bag. A. A. S. Smith Seal-lock for mail-bag. J. Channon Sealed can. American Tobacco Company Sealing tins. Valves (Limited) Seams of can-bodies, Soldering. G. W. Berry Searing lambs. E. H. Wilhelm , 15247 14714 15740 15759 14477 14718 14431 15747 14935 15044 15132 15274 15610 15784 14552 15625 15684 15736 15439 15457 15721 15137 15440 15624 15811 15206 14926 14 Aug. 5 April. 10 Deo. 15 Deo. 25 Jan. 4 April. 14 Jan. 11 Dec. 29 May. 27 June. 18 July. 20 Aug. 6 Nov. 18 Dec. 20 Feb. 13 Nov. 26 Nov. 6 Dec. 20 Sept. 1 Oot. 3 Dec. 18 July. 20 Sept. 13 Nov. 24 Dec. 15 Aug. 27 May. 15128 15508 15669 15556 14570 15266 14777 15178 14 July. 11 Oot. 19 Nov. 27 Oot. 3 Maroh. 15 Aug. 19 April. 25 July. 15081 14493 14529 14554 15050 15027 15145 15337 15441 15591 15449 15666 30 June. 4 Feb. 12 Feb. 20 Feb. 24 June. 19 June. 19 July. 30 Aug. 25 Sept. 30 Oct. 26 Sept. 21 Nov. 15115 14630 14873 14514 15655 15379 15196 15436 14578 15676 15712 15009 15393 15354 15237 14945 14 July. 13 March. 8 May. 11 Feb. 19 Nov. 8 Sept. 28 July. 24 Sept. 6 March. 19 Nov. 3 Deo. 16 June. 10 Sept. 4 Sept. 8 Aug. 31 May. 15201 15774 30 July. 17 Dec. 15187 15560 15444 15454 29 July. 28 Oot. 25 Sept. 25 Oct. 14923 15710 26 May. 29 Nov. 15654 14749 15162 15678 15246 14682 14933 15117 19 Nov. 17 April. 24 July. 25 Nov. 14 Aug. 26 March. 29 May. 14 July.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Seat. (See Chair-seat, Closet-seat, Vehiole-seat, Water-closet seat.) Secateur. A. W. A. Barnard and W. G. Reid Seed and manure sower. W. A. Land Seed broadcast, Drill for sowing. E. W. Ayeon.. Seed-drill box and feed-mechanism. H. V. McKay Seed, lime, and manure sower. A. B. Todd Seed-setter. R. J. L. Witty Seed-sower. J. Macalister Seed-sower. J. Green Seed-sower. J. F. McNeill Seed-sower. J. Macalister Seed-sower. J. Macalister Seed-sower. J. Macalister Seed-sower. O. Tipton Seed-sower. W. E. Chamberlain Seed sower and hopper, Agricultural. A. Storrie Seed-sowing apparatus. M. McCormick Seed-sowing canister. B. Bowmar Seed with fertiliser, Sowing. P. F. A. and J. Robertson Seeding-machine, Furrow-opener. Bickford and Huffman Company Selvedge-stripping flax-drum. W. Fairweather, J. Fairweafcher, and W. Fairweather, jun... Separating black sand from gold in littoral deposits. D. Reid, jun., and J. Nelson Separating fatty substances from emulsions. J. Dahlqvist and C. L. Holm Separating fine from coarse washdirt. J. Thomson Separating gold from alluvial wash. F. Hendersen Separating magnetic materials. J. H. A. McPhee Separating mercury, &c, from ore-pulp. T. H. Hicks Separating mercury from amalgam. T. H. Hicks Separating ore-pulp. International Ore-separating Company Separator. (See Gold-separator, Oil-separator.) Separator, Centrifugal. C. A. E. Andersen Separator, Magnetic ore-. F. J. King Separator, Oil and grease. F. Moore .. .. .. " Sec. (See Saw-set.) Set-square. H. H. Murdoch Settee, Adjusting. A. W. Memory and F. G. Hind Settee and billiard-table. H. U. Alcook Setter. (See Seed and plant setter.) Sewage distribution, Self-flushing time-valve for. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward Sewage, Filter-trap for. P. Patten Sewage on to filter-bed, Distributing. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward Sewage-treating tank, &o. J. T. N. Anderson Sewage treatment. R. R. Donaldson .. .. ... Sewing-machine. J. C. Moore .. .. .. - Sewing-machine, Vertical. J. Robson Sewing-machine, Welt. United Shoe Machinery Company Sewing-palm. J. Pomeroy Sewing-thimble. J. Pomeroy Shackle and sling. W. Beamish Shaft bearing, Engine-. W.E.Hughes Shaft-brush, Removable. T. Stevenson Shaft, Fastening machinery to. W. H. Gordon Shaft, Support-bearing for. J. A. Moyes and J. Hopkirk Shafting, Reversing. W. A. Gamman Shank-attachment for door-knobs. J. E. A. Frost Sharpener, Knife-. W. Borlase Sheaf-binding harvester, &c. I. Trolley Sheaf-carrier. J. V. Fahey Shear-regulator. W. Borlase Shearing hair or wool. Wolseley Sheep-shearing Machine Company (Limited) Shearing-maohine, Hand-power. D. Donald Shearing-tool, Transmitting motion to cutter of. J.K.Stewart Shears. H. Nichol Shears. (See Sheep-shears.) Sheep-sbeare. R. F. Wells Sheep-sheara. J. Pomeroy Sheep-shears. J. Pomeroy Sheep-shears. C. J. Shipway and H. May Sheep-shears. W. Nicol .. Sheep-shears. T. McGee Sheep-shears. H. Burgon Sheep-shears. C. J. Shipway and H. May Sheep-shears. R. Wells Sheep-shears. O. Bors Sheep-shears. J. A. Boreham Sheep-shears. H. Burgon Sheet-metal, Bending. T. Danks Shell, Carrying and mixing components of. H. R. Walker Shield for end of stay-busk. A. F. Wall Shipping and transferring coal. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth, and Company (Limited) Ship's bottom, Composition for. T. S. Mullay and W. Sievwright Ships, Distance and course recorder for. W. C. Forbes Ships, Removing coal from. F. P. Evans and D. McDougall Shirt-neck and collar fastening. J. J. Macky Shirts, Collar stud-holder for. J. J. Macky Shoulder-strap for school-bag, &c. G. Goosman Shovel. J. Arthur, jun. 15200 15007 15723 14746 14417 15311 14495 14543 14567 14704 14705 14977 15041 15806 14423 14727 15604 15550 15683 15795 15003 15038 15801 15197 14849 15092 15094 15099 14775 14810 15762 15660 14512 15373 15418 14713 15417 15679 14660 14456 15655 15206 15060 15059 15507 14501 15419 14761 15147 15684 14927 15172 15600 14637 15172 15644 14559 15091 14938 30 July. 16 June. 2 Deo. 14 April. 8 Jan. 27 Aug. 1 Feb. 19 Feb. 27 Feb. 2 April. 2 April. 31 May. 27 June. 23 Dec. 8 Jan. 7 April. 5 Nov. 16 Oct. 26 Nov. 18 Dec. 11 June. 27 June. 15 Dec. 29 July. 3 May. 10 July. 10 July. 10 July. 18 April. 1 May. 12 Deo. 19 Nov. 11 Feb. 6 Sept. 18 Sept. 5 April. 18 Sept. 22 Nov. 21 March 21 Jan. 19 Nov. 2 Aug. 27 June. 27 June. 11 Oct. 6 Feb. 17 Sept. 17 April. 23 July. 26 Nov. 23 May. 22 July. 5 Nov. 15 March 22 July. 19 Nov. 25 Feb. 10 July. 26 May. 14551 14590 14829 14932 15002 15066 15122 15161 15282 15420 15553 15682 15382 15693 14703 15139 14881 15541 14861 14542 14482 15196 15810 18 Feb. 1 March 2 May. 29 May. 11 June. 1 July. 17 July. 24 July. 22 Aug. 19 Sept. 23 Oct. 15 Feb.* 9 Sept. 27 Nov. 4 April. 17 July. 13 May. 22 Oct. 9 May. 17 Feb. 24 Jan. 28 July. 23 Dec.


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No. Invention, and Name of Inventor. Date. Show-case, Axe. E. 0. Risstrom .. .. .. .. .. .. 15385 Shrinking cloth, &o. M. B. Silk .. .. .. .. .. .. 15166 Shunting-appliancea. W.Taylor .. .. .. .. .. .. 14499 Shutter. (See Window-shutter.) Signalling. (See Railway-signalling.) Signalling at facing-points. J. S. Kirkpatrick .. .. .. .. .. 14995 Signalling by eleotro-magnetie waves. E. Waters, jun. .. .. .. .. 15374 Signalling by electro-magnetic waves. E. Waters, jun. .. .. .. .. 15375 Signalling by electro-magnetio waves. E. Waters, jun. .. .. .. .. 15394 Signalling state of tide. G. Allman .. .. .. .. .. .. 15611 Signalling state of tide. G. Allman, F. Clennell, and H. L. Moffatt .. .. .. 1577G Silt from tanks, Automatically ejecting. R. H. Coltman .. .. .. .. 15281 Silver-sulphide, Extracting, from ore. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward .. .. 15687 Single-ball ore-pulveriser. T. H. Hicks .. .. .. .. .. 15096 Siphon. J. H. S. Brown .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. 14678 Siphon. J. H. S. Brown .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14838 Siphon. D. Seymour .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15302 Siphon. R.Williams .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15698 Siphon. W. Waters .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15702 Siphon flushing-tank. A. Burt, jun. .. .. .. .. .. 15562 Siphon for water-closet. J. Constable .. .. .. .. .. 15670 Siphon pump for drawing off liquids. W. H. Boyens .. .. .. .. 14396 Siphon, Kerosene-. G. F. Hutchinson and G. W. Symmans .. .. .. 14951 Skin, Preparation for. K. Cooper .. .. .. .. .. .. 15520 Skirt. S. Hutchirs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14892 Skirt. (See also Ladies' skirt.) Skiving-machine. United Shoe Machinery Company .. .. .. .. 15203 Skiving-machine. United Shoe Machinery Company .. .. .. .. 15204 Skiving machine, Leather-. United Shoe Machinery Company .. .. .. 15207 Skylight. T. Ballinger .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14491 Skylight. T. Ballinger .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14604 Slag, Utilising heat of. G. Mitchell and L. D. Copeland .. .. .. .. 15424 Sleeve and means of securing to tumbler-shaft. J. Murison .. .. .. 14683 Sleeve of lower tumbler-shaft, Attaching. J. Muriaon and C. L. Watt .. .. 14808 Slicer. (See Bacon-slicer. Ham and bacon slioer.) Sliding-rod vehicle-wheel lock. T. Firth .. .. .. .. .. 15369 Sling and shackle. W. Beamish .. .. .. .. .. .. 15507 Sluice-box, Breaking elay in. C. T. Swanell and W. Lee .. .. .. .. 15182 Smoke-cooling attachment, &c, to tobacco-pipe. W. A. Ede-Clendinnen .. .. 15384 Smoke-consumer. W. H. Atkin .. .. .. .. .. .. I 15219 Smoke-oonsumer. R. D. Brett and T. P. Wood .. .. .. .. 15229 Smoke or fumes, Pumping. D. Hanna .. .. .. .. .. 15643 Smoke-stack, Spark-stopper for. H. Gunn .. .. ... .. .. 14859 Snatch-block. E. Smyth and F. Currie .. .. .. .. .. 15252 Snatch-block for steel ropes, &o. W. S. Hutoheson .. .. .. .. 14800 Soap-manufacturing. E. Waters .. .. .. .. .. .. 14584 Soap-moulding machine. K. Sohnetzer .. .. .. .. .. I 15727 Soda-water bottle, Opening. S. White .. .. .. .. .. 15697 Soldering. (See Can-soldering.) Soldering seams of can-bodies. G. W. Berry .. .. .. .. .. 14933 Sole. (See Boot-sole.) Sole-laying machine, Pressing-form for. United Shoe Machinery Company .. .. 15228 Sound reproducing and transmitting diaphragm. H. G. A. I. Wieder and S. S. Bromhead .. 14572 Sound-trumpet of graphophone. W. C. Runge .. .. .. .. .. 15047 Sower. (See Seed-sower.) Sowing seed with fertiliser. P. F. A. and J. Robertson .. .. .. .. 15550 Spanner-attachment. P. Rayson .. .. .. .. .. .. 15159 Spark-arrester. G. Claydon .. .. .. .. .. .. 14528 Spark-arrester. C. E. Hodge .. .. .. .. .. .. 14633 Spark-arrester. F. E. Rogers and E. Hosking .. .. .. .. .. 14958 Spark-arrester. E.A.Cameron .. .. .. .. .. .. 15019 Spark-arrester. R. Hollis, J. A. Cockburn, and C. E. Grindrod .. .. .. 15167 Spark-arrester. J. Mallett .. .. .. .. .. .. 15315 Spark-arrester. N. Watt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15362 Spark-arrester. J. Whitehouse .. .. .. .. .. .. 15429 Spark-arrester and draught-controlling apparatus. J. C. Bowring .. .. .. 15715 Spark-arrester for locomotive. H. S. Wainwright .. .. .. .. 15617 Spark-arrester for locomotive. J. Baird .. .. .. .. .. 15638 Spark-catcher. H. A. Cooper .. .. .. .. .. .. 14530 Spark-catcher. C. W. Constable .. .. .. .. .. .. 15485 Spark-extinguisher. C. W. Haines.. .. .. .. .. .. 14857 Spark-preventer. C. Rillstone .. .. .. .. .. .. 15112 Spark-stopper. H. Gunn .. .. .. .. .. .. 14859 Spindle attachment for door-knob. J. E. A. Frost .. .. .. .. 14927 Spindle, Seouring door-knob to. T. B. Jacobsen .. .. .. .. 14851 Sponge, Restoring overworked. R. Todd .. .. .. .. .. 15470 Spotting-disc for canvas target, Fixing. C. H. Shattky .. .. .. .. 14901 Spouting. J. P. Evans .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14942 Sprayer. F. and T. Mercer and G. D. J. Duok .. .. .. .. .. 14707 Spreader for draught-chains. W. H. Reynolds .. .. .. .. .. 14722 Spreader for draught-chains. W. S. Ayson .. .. .. .. .. 15190 Spreading liquid over given areas. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward .. .. 15417 Spring-grip dumb-bell. E. N. Keamy .. .. .. .. .. 15271 Spring-grip dumb-bell, Converting an ordinary into. J. Payne .. .. .. 15639 Spring-hook. W. Borlase and A. Taylor .. .. .. .. .. 14998 Spring-hook. L. D. Robertson .. .. .. .. .. .. 15328 Spring-hook, Buokle attachment to. A. Douglas .. .. .. .. 14454 11 Sept. 24 July. 6 Feb. 9 June. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 10 Sept. ONov. 17 Dec. 22 Aug. 27 Nov. 10 July. 27 March. 5 May. 26 Aug. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 25 Oct. 22 Nov. 3 Jan. 4 June. 15 Oot. 21 May. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. a Aug. 3 Feb. 11 March. 19 Sept. 25 Maroh. 26 April. 9 Sept. 11 Oct. 24 July. 11 Sept. 2 Aug. 7 Aug. 19 Nov. 6 May. 12 Aug. 28 April. 6 March. 3 Deo. 26 Nov. 29 May. 7 Aug. 3 March. 27 June. 16 Oct. 24 July. 14 Feb. 18 March. 5 June. 16 June. 24 July. 27 Aug. 5 Sept. 22 Sept. 4 Deo. 7 Nov. 15 Nov. 15 Feb. 1 Oct. 8 May. 8 July. 6 May. 23 May. 6 May. 3 Oct. 17 May. 24 May. 5 April. 8 April. 29 July. 18 Sept. 19 Aug. 14 Nov. 9 June. 26 Aug. 21 Jan.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Springs. (See Carriage-springs, Vehicle-springs.) Spur. L. D. Robertson Square. (See Set-square.) Stacker. (See Tailings-stacker.) Stage for bushfelling. G. Cross Stamp-mill. C. E. Billin Stamping and marking press. A. Lion and M. B. Moseley.. Stamping-maohine, Hand-power. D. Donald Stand for exhibition purposes. T. Mutton and H. E. Hupton Stand for ironing-board. W. Swinnerton Stand for ping-pong apparatus. K. S. Ramsay.. Standard for use in table-tennis. J. Burns Standard, Ping-pong. Australian Manufacturing and Importing Company Staple. (See Fencing-staple.) Staple-drawer and claw-hammer. A. Gray Staple-drawer, &c. E. Gifford and R. R. Holmes Staples for wire fences. T. A. Trumble Staples, Making. P. H. McConaoby.. Starter. (See Race-starter.) Starting-gate. A. Lyell Starting-gate. A. Lyell Starting-machine. (See Horse-race starting-machine.) Starting-machine, Horse-race. H. C. Stortenbeker and S. J. Cowan Stationery envelope. Elliot's Patent Lock Envelope Company (Limited) Stay-busk, Shield for ends of. A. F. Wall Stays, Lacing. K. Raymond Steam-boiler. L. C. Auldjo .: Steam-boiler. R. P. Gibbons Steam-boiler fittiDgs. E. Richardson Steam-boiler furnace. E. Maslin Steam-boiler, High-pressure gauge-glass for. R. P. Gibbons Steam-boiler, Vertical. R. P. Gibbons Steam-condenser. C.E.Nicholas .. .. .. .. - Steam-engine, Compound. R. P. Gibbons Steam-engine, Reversing motion of. A. I. Senior Steam-engine, Rotary. E. L. Wickinp Steam-generating, Utilising heat of slag for. G. Mitchell and L. D. Copeland .. Steam, Generation and utilisation of. P. C. Louat Steam-generator. E. C. Newcomb and P. Van Volkenburgh Steam-heating appliances, Delivering steam into. A. J. Park Steam, Heating water by. H. Baux Steam to furnace, Supplying. G. Claydon Steam-turbine blade, Marine. Hon. C. A. Parsons .. Steam-turbine blades. Hon. C. A. Parsons Steamer, Cleaning corrosive matter from. R. B. Wight Steel tubes, Manufacture of. B. F. McTear Steering engine, Controlling-gear for. J. McLean Step-by-step motions, Communicating. W. Kingeland Step-ladder and chair. J. M. Armour Step-ladder, desk, &c. J. M. Armour Stewing and preserving pan. W. A. Knight Stifiener for boot. H. Whittaker Stitch-separating machine. United Shoe Machinery Company Stock mark. K. C. and N. E. Jackson Stoker, Chain grate-, Mechanical. J. Chambers and Son (Limited) Stoker, Chain grate-, Mechanical. J. Chambers and Son (Limited) Stoker, Mechanical. J. W. Kincaid Stone. (See Artificial stone, Limestone.) Stone cutting and shaping machine. P. Lanigan .. .. .. Stop-oock, Automatic. R. S. Haughton Stopper. (See Bottle-stopper, Horse stopper, Spark-stopper, Vehicle-wheel stop.) Stopper, Bottle and. H. R. Bell Stopping and restarting windmill. J. M. Phillipps Stove. E. R. Cahoone Stove, Removable flue for. H. W. Campbell Strainer. F. H. Porter Strainer. (See Milk-strainer, Rain-water strainer, Wire-strainer.) Straining milk. (See Milk.) Straining-pan. (See Milk-straining pan.) Strappings for horse-cover. J. Neagle Straw-matting and looms for same. W. Wattie Straw-trusser, &c. I. Trolley .. .. .. ... Streets, Cleaning and watering. H. Ashworth Street-sweeper. T.Russell Street-sweeper. G. W. Bell Street-sweeping machine. W. Waters Stretcher. (See Trouser-stretcher.) Striker. (See Match-striker.) Stripper. (See Flax-stripper, Saw-stripper.) Strop. (See Razor-strop.) Structural arrangement applicable to roofing, &c. E. L. Pease Stud. (See Collar-stud.) Stump-extraotor. G. C. Challis Stump-grubbing machine. S. H. Manners Stump-jumping harrow. E. J. and W. R. Hume Subsoil, Plough for breaking. H. Coe Suction cell, Dental. E. A. Slaok .. . .. 14975 5 June. 15450 14728 14438 14559 15613 15558 14795 14915 14725 26 Sept. 10 April. 16 Jan. 25 Feb. 4 Nov. 24 Oct. 22 April. 23 May. 8 April. 15265 15253 15036 15641 15 Aug. 15 Aug. 23 June. 18 Nov. 14744 14962 15 April. 6 June. 15716 14931 14703 14976 15102 15497 14581 15079 14770 15614 14583 15537 15285 15625 15424 14821 14436 14452 15524 15061 15351 14905 15526 14403 15802 14993 15067 15287 14591 15534 15208 14666 14671 14672 15783 4 Dec. 29 May. 4 April. 4 June. 10 July. 7 Oct. 6 March. 3 July. 14 April. 5 Nov. 6 March. 18 Oct. 22 Aug. 13 Nov. 19 Sept. 2 May. 7 June,'01 21 Jan. 14 Oct. 30 June. 4 Sept. 23 May. 14 Oct. 6 Jan. 22 Deo. 12 June. 28 June. 20 Aug. 4 March. 18 Oct. 2 Aug. 22 March. 25 March. 25 March. 18 Dec. 14925 15730 22 May. 8 Dec. 14743 15551 14956 15216 14979 15 April. 25 Oct. 5 June. 1 Aug. 9 June. 14854 15040 15600 15772 14921 15397 15143 7 May. 27 June. 5 Nov. 17 Dec. 26 May. 13 Sept. 17 July. 10 Deo. 15740 14415 15759 14816 15642 14521 8 Jan. . 15 Deo. 1 May. 17 Nov. 5 Feb.



7—H. 10.


Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Suction dredging, Valve for. J. Shepherd Suction pipe, Inlet of. J. Smaill Sugar, Sugar-liquor, Treating. Federal Refining Company Sulphides, Extracting. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward Sulphides, Extracting. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward Support-bearing for shaft. J. A. Moyes and J. Hopkirk Support, Bicycle-. G. and T. Gubbins Supporting window-curtain. V. H. L. Wood Surcingle and girth. J. Moroney Survey pegs, Marking. W. D. R. MoCurdie Suspender. R. Curtis .. .. .. .... Suspender. (See Binooular-suspender, Garment-suspender, Trouser suspender.) Sweeper. (See Road-sweeper, Street-sweeper.) Sweeping. (See Street-sweeping.) Sweeping-brush, Dustlesa. J. P. Wiens Sweepings-carrying maohine. W. Waters Sweetening liquids. Poroherine (Limited) Sweetmeat for consumption, &c, Medicated. M. Bjornstad and J. Ssacey Sweetmeats, Manufacture of. W. Leitoh Switohes, Controlling electric. W. Kingeland Syphon. (See Siphon.) Table. (See Amalgamating-table, Billiard-table, Concentrating-table, Dining-table, Goldsaving table, Grading-table, Invalid's table.) Table-oricket. H. Banks Table croquet. M. L. Humm .. .. Table, desk, &c. J. M. Armour Table, Extensible. C. E. Page Table, Extension-. L. Kortlang, sen., and A. Kortlang ... Table for invalid. F. A. Miller Table-game. J. H. Powell Table-game, New. W. Dawson Table-game of bowls. T. Ussher Table-game of cricket. C. E. Nicholas Table tennis. E. G. Rawnsley Table-tennis, Apparatus for. F. L. Ryan Table-tennis, Apparatus for. F. L. Ryan Table-tennis, Bat for. T. W. Witt Table-tennis net. W. N. Smith Table-tennis, &c, Score-indioator for. A. K. Smith Table tennis, Scoring-apparatus for. G. F. Dale Table-tennis, Standard for. J. Burns Table-tennis, Upright and extension for. P. R. Williamson and D. Sinolair Taoking-tool, Hand. H.B.Newton .. .. ... Tailboard and seat for vehicle, Adjustable. W. Jenkineon .. Tailboard of cart, Fastening. H. Anatice Tailings, Delivering, from dredges. J. Maopherson and L. Philips Tailings, Elevating. J. Scott and H. F. Nees Tailings-elevator. F. W. Payne Tailings for gold, &c, Treating. M. Gargurevioh Tailings-etacker. F. W. Payne Tank. J. Smethurst Tank, Concrete. J. R. Sigley .. .. Tank, Ejecting silt from. R. H. Coltman Tank, elevator, and oleanser, Sewage-treating. J. T. N. Anderson Tank, Preventing refuse passing into. H. Hammond Tank, Siphon flushing-. A. Burt, jun. Tank, Water-. J. J. Austin Tap. H. Allan Tap. J. Ford Tap. A. C. Murray Tap. C. M. Cruickshank Tap. R. Cosslett Tap. (See Kerosene-tap.) Tap for filter-press, High-pressure. R. F. Bradshaw and W. E. Harding Tap, Telescopic. W. J. Dalton Target. M. J. Lister Target. T. Goucher Target. C. H. Shattky Target. M. J. Lister Target. N. E. and K. C. Jackson .. Target. F. M. Gaudet Target, Holding and plumbing. W. Hatton Target, Operating moving. J. W. Porter Target-soore indioator. J. MoKay Targets, Securing spotting-discs to. C. H. Shattky Tea. (See Packing tea, &c.) Tea, Soluble extract of. J. Roger and M. K. Bamber Team, Yoking horse-. W.H.Cochrane Telegraph wire, Uncoiling of. Q. A. Mollwraith Telegraphy. (See Electric telegraphy, Wireless telegraphy.) Telephone exchange, Alarm-call connection to. P. Rabbidge Telephone exchange, Automatic American Maohine-telephone Company (Limited) Telephone exchange, Automatic. Strowger Automatic Telephone Exchange Telephone exchange, Operating. L. E. De Mole Telescope ladder, Lock for. C.Tandy Telescopic tap. W. J. Dalton Temperature of oondensing water, Reduoing. C. H. Wheeler 15503 15334 14739 15681 15687 15147 14893 15636 14629 15794 15083 15515 15143 14402 15808 15158 14993 15477 14974 15287 15006 15775 14600 15224 15458 14911 14819 14610 14937 14949 14852 15608 15393 14945 14915 14783 14523 15509 15754 14460 15005 15343 15468 14636 14754 15301 15281 15679 15129 15562 15171 14579 14560 14622 14946 15202 10 Oot. 30 Aug. 11 April. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 23 July. 16 May. 17 Nov. 15 March 17 Deo. 1 July. 16 Oot. 17 July. 6 Jan. 20 Deo. 24 July. 12 June. 6 Oot. 9 June. 20 Aug. 16 June. 17 Dec. 10 March. 4 Aug. 1 Oot. 21 May. 2 May. 11 March. 28 May. 30 May. 6 May. 6 Nov. 10 Sept. 21 May. 23 May. 21 April. 13 Feb. 9 Oct. 12 Deo. 22 Jan. 13 June, 30 Aug. 3 Oct. 15 March. 17 April. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 22 Nov. 18 July. 25 Oot. 25 July. 3 March. 24 Feb. 10 March. 29 May. 30 July. 15769 15592 14413 14565 14902 14908 14914 15068 15725 15230 15354 14901 17 Dec. 30 Oct. 9 Jan. 28 Feb. 17 May. 23 May. 24 May. 2 July. 8 Deo. 7 Aug. 4 Sept. 17 May. 15664 15189 15065 18 Nov. 29 July. 27 June. 14498 14550 15422 15353 14841 15592 14574 6 Feb. 21 Feb. 19 Sept. 4 Sept. 5 May. 30 Oot. 3 Maroh.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Tennis. (See Table-tennis.) Tension bridge. F. Lambert Tent. E. T. and Y. S. Towgood and J. Allison.. TentB and valise accessories. W. Y. Hunter Testing foul gas of mines. J. Hylard Textile letter-traoing. G. Pulman .. Textile material in roll, Indicating length of. T. S. Philpott and T. Herd Thermometer, Electric-alarm. A. Johnston Thimble, Sewing-. J. Pomeroy Three-wire system of overhead construction. A. W. Parker Tide, Signalling state of. G. Allman .. .. Tide, Signalling state of. G. Allman, F. Clennell, and H. L. Moffatt.. Tightener. (See Wire-tightener.) Tightener, Belt and rope. A. S. Pike Tightening rim of wooden wheel. J. Winters .. Tightening wire fenoing. G. E. Hayward, jun.,. Timber-jack, Shoe for. J. B. Jackson Time-recorder. (See Clock.) Tine cultivator, Spring. F. Cooper Tinning machine, Butter-. R. Boxall and A. A. Robinson Tins, Sealing. Valves (Limited) Tip-dray. G. Burren Tire. G. W. Pitt and E. Martin Tire. (See Bicycle tire, Pneumatic tire, Wheel-tire.) Tire-cover. G. F. Brown Tire, Cover for pneumatic. C. D. Lightband Tire of bicycle, Removing. S. Nicholson Tires, Cleaning mud from. B. I. Hayward and R. A. Gibson Tires, Shaping covers of. F. S. Ornstien Tires, Sustaining air-pressure in. P. J. Darling, F. L. Summerton, and F. J. Amos Tires, Vehicle-wheel. C. Tandy Toaster. (See Bread-toaster.) Tobaoco-box, Transporting. W. E. Shaw .. .. Tobacco-cutter. H. Jones Tobacco-pipe. B. T. and Y. S. Towgood and J. Allison Tobacco-pipe. C. Peterson Tobacco-pipe cleaner. A. Williamson Tobacco-pipe, Ferrule for. T. J. Gilfedder and J. MoKinna Tobacco-pipe, Nicotine-trap, &c, for. W. A. Ede-Clendinnen Tongs. W. Borlase Tool. (See Cramping-tool, Lawn-weeding Tool, Tacking-tool.) Tool-bag, Saddle. A. Gray Tool, Combination. C. Henry and W. Giesler .. .. - .. Tool, Edged. R. McKenzie Tool for forming necks of bottles. Universal Seal and Stopper Company Totalisator. H. Droutlege Totalisator, Registering and recording maohine for use with. H. Droutlege Towel-rack. A. Le B. F. Struthers Toy. F.Hornby Toy. R. W. Duke Track-construction for electric railway. J. T. Hunter Traction. (See Electric traction.) Traction-engine brake. J. Warring, jun. Traction machinery. N. Hiss Traction on wooden tramways. W. L. Luxford Trade ooupon. Mutual Benefit Bonus Company (Limited) Trailed carriage, Connecting bicycle with. A. R. Wilkins and J. W. Odering Train, Distance-indicator for. J. McKinnon .. .. .. ' .. Trains and trams, Communication on. E. A. Angus Tramcar brake, Electric-. J. T. Hunter Tram-lines, Cleaning grooves of. F. A. Jones, O. Bowman, G. McMullen, and A. Rankin .. Tram-rail clearer. K. C. Jaokson Tramway-rails, Fixing. W.J. Foot.. Transmission of power, &c, by electro-magnetio waves. E. Waters, jun. Transmitting motion to cutter of shearing-machine. J. K. Stewart Transporting milk, Means for. F. H. Aussel Trap. (See Animal-trap Bird-trap, Drain-trap, Drainage-trap, Filter-trap, Fly-trap, Nicotine-trap, Rabbit-trap, Rat-trap.) Trap for liberating pigeons. J. Rose Tread, Divided, for boot, &c. E. Dimant Trenching-plough. E. T. R. and J. G. Coates and W. K. Elder Triangles, Ascertaining co-ordinates of right-angled. T. McFarlane Trimming soles of boots. United Shoe Machinery Company Tripping-block for use in hauling logs. G. Davideon Trough. (See Animal feeding trough, Watering-trough.) Trouser-clip. P. Scoringe Trouser-clip, Cyclists'. W. Beamish Trouser-suspender. H. G. MacWilliam .. .. .. .. '.. Trousers, Stretching. C. Bristow Truok. A. J. Park Truck and hoist, Portable. M.W.Fleming Truck-bolster for street-car. A. J. Park Truck-coupling. (See Railway-truck coupling.) Truck for street-cars. A. J. Park Trueing up surface of flax-stripper drum. J.Anderson Trumpet. (See Ear-trumpet, Sound-trumpet.) Truss. E. O'Conor 15238 14603 15707 15321 14909 15471 15332 15059 15446 1561L 15776 15747 15584 15590 14399 14677 15543 14682 15455 14619 15615 15495 15659 14877 15704 15567 14842 15209 14617 14774 15016 15587 14840 15384 15488 15266 14786 15722 14886 15814 14772 14659 14407 15599 14879 8 Aug. 10 March 2 Deo. 28 Aug. 21 May. 3 Oot. 28 Aug. 27 June. 20 Sept. 6 Nov. 17 Deo. 11 Deo. 31 Oot. 3 Nov. 6 Jan. 22 March 23 Oct. 26 March 30 Sept. 13 March 7 Nov. 7 Oct. 20 Nov. 15 May. 29 Nov. 28 Oot. 5 May. 2 Aug. 13 March 19 April. 19 June. 29 Oct. 5 May. 11 Sept. 3 Oct. 15 Aug. 21 April. 2 Dec. 20 May. 22 Dec. 17 April. 21 March 8 Jan. 5 Nov. 15 May. 14646 15782 15056 14580 15177 15816 14406 15579 14863 14459 14426 15375 15091 14981 20 March 18 Dec. 30 June. 6 March 26 July. 29 Dec. 8 Jan. 30 Oot. 9 May. 22 Jan. 14 Jan. 6 Sept. 10 July. 10 June. 15004 15101 15251 14500 15650 14558 13 June. 13 July. 12 Aug. 6 Feb. 19 Nov. 24 Feb. 15359 15668 15823 14805 14987 15408 14988 4 Sept. 19 Nov. 30 Dec. 29 April. 7 June. 13 Sept. 7 June. 14986 15185 7 June. 29 July. 14839 5 May.




Invention and Name of inventor. No. Date. Truss for rupture. R. W. Gibbs and T. H. Manson Tub. (See Wash-tub.) Tube of tire, Inner pneumatic. 0. B. A. Esse Tubes and pipes, Bending sheet metal for. T. Danks Tubes, Manufacture of metal. B. F. McTear Tumbler, Securing sleeve to. J. Murison and C. L. Watt Tumbler-shaft, Securing bush on. F. A. Cutten Tumbler shaft, Sleeve for. J. Murison Tunnel, Wall or lining for. G. H. Dunlop Turbine. E. Moss Turbine. (See Steam-turbine.) Turning boots, &c, Machine for. United Shoe Machinery Company Turnip-sowing attachment to machine. J. F. McNeill Typewriter, Copying-ink for. W. Stewart Typewriter, Paper-feeding attachment to. D. W. McArthur Umbrella. J. Clegg Umbrella. K. Davy Umbrella. K. Davy Umbrella-fastener. R. N. Adams Umbrella-rib, Clip for broken. T. Rice Urinals, Automatic flushing latrines and. J. L. Williams.. Valise. (See Kit valise.) Valise accessories, Tents and. W. Y. Hunter Valve. H.L.Wallace Valve-arrangement for suction dredging. J. Shepherd Valve for ammonia-gas compressor. W. H. Humble Valve-gear, Engine. W. Mayne Valve, Relief. P. E. Sagnol and T. Tonks Valve, Safety. M. Corrington Valve, Self-flushing time-, for sewage-distribution. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward Valves, Water-closet. J. Cook .. .. .. Vaporising water. F. J. Maindonald .. .. Vapour-burner. E. Waters, jun. Variable gearing for velocipedes. J. Aroher Variable speed-gearing for velocipedes. J. H. Braithwaite Varnish, Printers'ink and. A. G. Wass Vat. J. Smethurst .. .. .. Vat. (See Rolling-vat.) Vehicle, Adjustable seat and tailboard for. W. Jenkinson.. Vehicle, Attachment to, for use as a sail and advertiser. H. Thatcher Vehicle-brake. H. P. Braseel Vehiole-brake. J. Molntosh and P. Sooringe .. Vehicle, Flap-attachment to. R. Caldwell .. .. ' • .. Vehicle, Look for wheel of. F.Matthews Vehicle, Oiling axles of. T. S. Philpott Vehicle, Outrigger draw-gear for. R.D.Kelly.. Vehicle, Preventing horse running away with. F. Matthews Vehicle, Spreader for draught-chains of. W.H.Reynolds.. Vehicle, Spreader for draught-chains of. W. S. Ayson Vehiole-spring. F. S. Potter Vehicle, Tire for wheel of. C. Tandy ... Vehicle, Under frame of. F. H. Aussel Vehicle-wheel. H. E. McDonald Vehicle wheel and tire. G. W. Pitt and E. Martin Vehicle-wheel brake. F. Matthews Vehicle-wheel lock. J. R. and W. H. Jewell Vehiole-wheel lock. T. Firth Vehicle-wheel stop. F. Hatton Veil, Securing. E. Milsom and J. Stewart Velocipede, Free wheel, &c, for. J. H. Braithwaite Velocipede-gearing. J. Aroher .. .. .. ..• Venetian-blind. E. Milsom and J. Stewart Venetian-blind. R.Barrett Ventilating boots, &c. L. Staples and W. Taylor Ventilating halls, &o. J. D. Kelly, D. P. Fisher, and N. V. G. Wix Ventilating, Window for. F. Roberts Ventilator. W. Craig Ventilator. H. I. M. Ross Ventilator. The Shedd Electrio and Manufacturing Company Ventilator. R. Tudehope and B. Crawford Ventilator. W. F. Slack Vermin, Destruction of. O.Robinson Vessel for metallurgical work, Lining of. G. Westinghouse Vessel for treating gold-ores in. F. C. Brown and S. D. McMiken Vessel, Loading, &c. G. H. Airey Vessels, Unloading. Economic Hoisting and Ballast Company Vote-recorder. F. W. Paterson Voting-apparatus, Registering and recording machine for use with. H. Droutlege Voting-machine. F. A. Bardwell Voting-machine. H. B. Cary Wad. (See Ammunition-wad.) Wad for ammunition-loading. Colonial Ammunition Company (Limited) Wagon for oarrying bucket. H. W. Lovegrove Walking-stick, Ferrule for. T. J. Gilfedder and J. MoKenna Wall. (See Partition-wall.) Wall or lining for tunnel, &o. G. H. Dunlop .. Walling. E, L. Pease .... .. .. • • • • i'i 15381 15121 15382 14403 14808 15180 14683 15819 14552 15103 14567 15530 15430 14802 15300 15545 15789 15513 14687 15707 15423 15503 15286 15583 15719 15820 15418 14880 14848 15718 14916 15770 15169 14754 15509 15317 14602 14894 14941 14953 14609 15254 14913 14722 15190 15144 14842 14780 15389 14619 15792 14645 15758 15720 15062 15770 14916 14944 15523 15399 14952 15546 14875 14884 15443 15481 15552 15046 15479 14883 15609 15749 15174 14772 14791 14576 8 Sept. 17 July. 9 Sept. 6 Jan. 26 April. 25 July. 25 March. 30 Dec. 20 Feb. 10 July. 27 Feb. 15 Oot. 23 Sept. 28 April. 16 Aug. 22 Oct. 16 Deo. 14 Oot. 1 April. 2 Dec. 19 Sept. 10 Oct. 20 Aug. 81 Oct. 4 Dec. 30 Dec. 18 Sept. 15 May. 6 May. 4 Deo. 21 May. 17 Dec. 22 July. 17 April. 9 Oct. 28 Aug. 10 March. 20 May. 28 Mav. 4 June. 12 March. 15 Aug. 24 May. 8 April. 29 July. 17 July. 5 May. 22 April. 12 Sept. 13 March. 19 Dec. 20 March. 15 Dec. 4 Dec. 30 June. 17 De<\ 21 Mav. 31 Mav. 16 Oct. 12 Sept. 4 June. 21 Oct. 10 May. 14 May. 25 Sept. 3 Oct. 25 Oct. 27 June. 7 Oct. 12 May. 6 Nov. 11 Deo. 23 July. 17 April. 24 April. 4 Maroh. 15435 14928 14840 24 Sept. 24 May. 5 May. 15819 15740 30 Deo. 10 Deo.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Walls. J. G. F. Luna Walls, &c, Deadening or insulating. F. de J. Clere Walls, Dusting and cleaning. H. H. Henderson .. Wardrobe. E. K. C. Chalmers Washdirt, Plate for separating. J. Thomson .. Washdirt, Treating auriferous. J. Thomson Washdirt, Treating auriferous. J. Thomson Washing. (See Can-washing, Fibre-washing, Flax-washing, Wool-washing.) Washing-board. W. S. Ayson Washing copper. C. Slemitz Washing copper. J. Bates and W. G. Trudgeon Washing floors. J. E. Gee Washing-fluid. M.Kennedy Washing-machine. W. C. Wall Washing-tongs and pot-stiok. W. J. McLean Washstand, Reservoir attaohment to. S. Soffe Washtub. J. J. Mason Waste animal product, Manure from. W. H. Metoalfe Waste-oonverter. A. E. Nicoolls .. .. Waste heat from lamp, Utilising. E. J. Kee .. Waste products of oil-engine, Discharging. R. Arthur Watch-pocket. E. T. Matthews Water-closet, &o. H. August .. .. Water-oloset cistern. W. H. Keon-and W. O. Millar Water-closet cistern, Valve for. J. Cook Water closet flush-conduotor. W. M. Bartle .. .. .. ■ • Water-closet, Flush for. W. M. Bartle .. .. • • .. Water-closet seat. T. D'A. C. Maxted Water-closet, Siphon for. J. Constable Water-column boiler, Multitubular. A. C, H. W., F. F., and L. B. Coulaell .. Water-filter. J. T. N. Anderson .. .. .. .. Water-gas, Carburetter). H. W. G. Henderson .. .. .. - Water-gauge for steam-boiler. A. B. Masters Water-heater. A. A. Campbell Water-heater. R. L. H. Murray .. .. .. .. Water-heater. C. H. Verity .. .. ... Water-heater. (See Feed-water beater.) Water, Heating, by steam. H. Baux Water-motor. W. W. Gundrie Water-pipe, Artesian. J. Free Water-power utiliser. C. P. De Lajard .. .. .. Water-sprinkling cart. H. Anecombe and G. Russell .. .. Water-tube boiler. J. Cowan Water-tube boiler. J. Cowan Water-wheel. W. Aitken.. Watercourse protection. J.F.Rose.. Watering-trough, Animal. N. W. Griswold Waterproofing-compo8ition. C. W. Langstone and T. J. Broome Waterproofing-oomposition. A. F. Roy Waterproofing-oomposition. G. F. Newman Weatherboard. W. J. Prouse Weatherproof newspaper-delivery box. J. Sigley Weeding-tool, Farm. W. Harrison Well-driving. G. L. Pearson Welt sewing machine. United Shoe Machinery Company.. Wharf-pile composition. T. S. Mullay and W. Sievwright Wheel. (See Free wheel, Vehicle-wheel, Water-wheel.) Wheel and tire. G. W. Pitt and E. Martin Wheel driving and braking mechanism. Barwest Coaster-brake Company Wheel-hub. J. R. Hayne Wheel-look. A. Cooper Wheel-look. F. Matthews Wheel-look. T. Firth Wheel-lock. T. Firth Wheel lock, Vehicle-. J. R. and W. H. Jewell Wheel lock, Vehiole-. A. Cooper Wheel of boot-finishing machine. G. H. Catt Wheel of vehicles, Looking. J. R. and W. H. Jewell Wheel-rim, Tightening. J. Winters Wheel stop, Vehicle-. F. Hutton Wheel-tire oompressing-apparatus. J. M. Chambers Wheel-tire cover. F. S. Ornstien Wheel-tire cover, Shaping. F. S. Ornstien White-lead, Manufacture of. Clancy White-lead Company Proprietary (Limited) Wick, Lamp-. R. L. Suckling Wick, Lamp-. D. Gasooyne .. .. .. .. - .. Windings for electrical machine. W. T. L. Travers Windmill. J. Bedford and T. F. Longland Windmill, Mechanism for. R. Nicholas Windmill, Starting and stopping. J. M. Phillipps Windmill, Stopping and restarting. J. M. Phillipps Window. R. S. Reid Window-blind. T. MoMillan Window-cord, Renewing. A. Smith and R. Ewing Window-curtain, Supporting. V. H. L. Wood Window-fastener. F. W. Preddy Window-fastening, W. T. Miohelli ., .. 15779 15273 14955 14453 15801 15799 15800 18 Deo. 20 Aug. 5 June 21 Jan. 18 Deo. 17 Deo. 18 Deo. 14970 15064 15692 14656 14954 14755 14860 14965 15181 15313 15033 15517 14669 14475 15294 15262 14880 14468 14625 15409 15670 15677 15756 14654 15585 15391 15536 15777 7 June. 30 June." 27 Nov. 21 March. 4 June. 17 April. 9 May. 6 June. 28 July 27 Aug. 24 June. 13 Oct. 22 March. 23 Jan. 21 Aug. 15 Aug. 15 May. 22 Jan. 14 March. 15 Sept. 22 Nov. 25 Nov. 11 Dec. 20 March. 31 Oct. 10 Sept. 16 Oct. 30 Dec. 15524 15504 15701 15654 15473 15148 15569 15080 14484 15089 14440 15263 15634 14922 15236 15714 14904 15206 14881 14 Oct. 10 Oct. 28 Nov. 19 Nov. 30 Sept. 23 July. 30 Oct. 1 July. 21 Jan. 5 July. 17 Jan. 15 Aug. 17 Nov. 26 May. 2 Aug. 3 Dec. 23 May. 2 Aug. 13 May. 14619 14437 14850 14920 14953 15223 15369 14645 15232 15350 14645 15584 15720 15078 15703 15704 15542 15307 15743 14404 14541 14929 15551 14516 14867 15427 15499 15636 15026 15010 13 March. 16 Jan. 3 May. 26 May. 4 June. 6 Aug. 9 Sept. 20 March. 7 Aug. 4 Sept. 20 March. 31 Oct. 4 Deo. 3 July. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 23 Oct. 25 Aug. 10 Deo. 7 Jan. 20 Feb. 27 May. 25 Oct. 12 Feb. 10 May. 20 Sept. 10 Oct. 17 Nov. 20 June. 17 June.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Window for ventilating. T. Roberts Window-lock. J. H. S. Brown Window-sash, &o. J. Moss Window-sash adjuster. J. H. Pledger Window-sash balance. S. O. Keoghan Window-sash fastener. R. F. Smith Window-sash fastener. G. Simpson Window-sash fastener. J. G. Reilly Window-sashes, Operating. A. J. Park Window-sashes, Operating. M. A. Johnson Window-sashes, Securing cords to. J.Armstrong Window, Seouring. J. I). Tripe Window-swinging, Pivoting-arrangement for. W. Turnbull Wire, Attaching, to bedsteads. E. J. Restorck Wire bars, Manufacture of compound. R. D. Sanders Wire clip. A. S. Band .. .. .. .. .. .. ' .. Wire ooiler and uncoiler. Q. A. Mcllwraith Wire coiler, Plain and barb. E. J. Church Wire-cutter, &c. E. Gifford and R. R. Holmes Wire fence. E. J. and W. R. Hume Wire-fence dropper. T. D. Cummins and W. T. Nuttall Wire-fence staple. T. A. Trumble Wire-fence strainer. J. F. Kilburn .. .. .. .. .. Wire-fenoing, Rod for. A. T. De Bary Wire-fencing, Securing dropper to. J. Harris Wire-joining. D. Harris Wire mattress. F. Klaerr and A. Law Wire mattress. J. J. Austin Wire mattress. W. A. Garrett Wire mattress. H. J. Brundell Wire mattress and bedstead. H. A. and S. Robinson Wire-rod fastener. J. Irvine Wire, Running out barb-. N. C. Innes Wire, Securing dropper to. J. Harris Wire-strainer. S.W.Bradbury Wire-strainer. W. Borlase Wire-strainer. W. P. Kennedy Wire-strainer. J.Webb.. Wire-strainer. A.Sutherland Wire-strainer. F. H. Porter Wire-strainer. J. McNarry .. .. .. .. Wire-strainer. A. Williams Wire-strainer. H. F. Stewart .. .. .. • Wire-strainer. J. Sadlier .. .. .. .,. Wire-strainer. C. A. Bergersen Wire-strainer, &o. E. Gifford and R. R. Holmes Wire strainer, holder, and cutter. N.E.Jackson Wire-tightener. W. Borlase Wire-tightening appliance. C. E. Hayward, jun. Wire-track cash, &c, carrier. Lamson Store-service Company (Limited) Wire-twister, file, and rule. A. Gray Wireless telegraphy, Receiver for. Sir O. J. Lodge, A. Muirhead, and E. E. Robinson Wireless telegraphy, Receiver for. G. Marcooi and Marooni's Wireless Telegraph Company (Limited) Wire, Uncoiling of. Q. A. Mcllwraith Writing-desk, &e. J. M. Armour Wood-block fabric. Fabrik ftir Mechanische Hirnholzmosaik Gesellschaft mit Beechrankter Haftung Wood-preserving. J. L. Ferrell Wood-preserving. J. L. Ferrell Wood-preserving. J. L. Ferrell Wooden tramways, Traotion on. W. L. Luxford Woodwork, Decorating. H. Smith Wool (See Shearing wool.) Wool, Removing oil and fat from. A. Born Wool-scouring machinery. F. L. Whitney Wool-washing. A. Weaver Wool-washing and saving wool-grease. J. H. Gardiner Wounds, Antiseptio dressing for. W. Over Wrench. W. Borlase and A. Taylor Wringer. (See Clothes-wringer.) Yeast, Preparing, for food or manure. W. Wardle Yoking horee-team. W.H.Cochrane Zino, Process for obtaining, E. H. Hopkins Zinc-sulphide, Extracting. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward Zinc-sulphides from their ore, Extracting. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward 15546 15696 15821 15081 14675 15027 15337 15441 14455 14535 15449 15244 14978 15168 14813 15013 15065 15463 15253 14817 15755 15036 15123 14730 15557 15620 14419 14679 15357 15452 15333 14745 15191 15557 14431 14443 14446 14483 14569 14979 14996 15051 15198 15264 15406 15253 14582 14876 15590 15574 15267 15383 15689 21 Oct. 25 Nov. 30 Deo. 30 June. 25 March. 19 June. 30 Aug. 25 Sept.* 21 Jan. 17 Feb. 2G Sept. 11 Aug. 9 June. 24 Feb.* 1 May.' 19 June. 27 June. 1 Oct. 15 Aug. 1 May. 13 Dec. 23 June. 17 July. 10 April. 27 Oct. 12 Nov. 6 Jan. 1 April. 3 Sept. 26 Sept. 30 Aug. 14 April. 29 July. 27 Oct. • 14 Jan. 15 Jan. 15 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Feb. 9 June. 10 June. 27 June. 29 July. 15 Aug. 16 Sept. 15 Aug. 6 March. 10 May. 3 Nov. 30 Oct. 15 Aug. 11 Sept. 3 May. 15065 15287 14577 27 June. 20 Aug. 3 March. 14519 14726 14792 15056 14648 13 Feb. 7 April. 24 April. 30 June. 20 May,'01* 14989 15490 15519 15803 14533 14999 12 June. 9 Oct. 14 Oct. 22 Dec. 13 Feb. 9 June. 14573 15189 15728 15681 15687 3 March. 29 July. 5 June. 26 Nov. 27 Nov.





Name and Address. Number of Class. Number of Design. Date. Bacon, R. H., Brisbane, Queensland Ballantyne and Co., J., Christchurch, N.Z. Barry, S., Palmerston North, N.Z. Barry, S., Palmerston North, N.Z. Carolin, J. P., Melbourne, Vic. Devlin, A., South Dunedin, N.Z. Devlin, A., South Dunedin, N.Z. Eller and Son, Wellington, N.Z. Iceberg Butter-box Syndicate, Wellington, Eng. Jupp, W. J., Wellington, N.Z. Kirkman and Denison, Auckland, N.Z. Lever Broe. (Limited), Balmain, N.S.W. Lewis, J., Greytown North, N.Z. Nioholas, R., Christchuroh, N.Z. Ranger, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Ritohie, E. J., and another, Christchurcb, N.Z. Robinson, J., Christchuroh, N.Z. Ryan, F. L., Christchurch, N.Z. Schatz and Co., L., Wellington, N.Z. Schatz and Co., L., Wollington, N.Z. .. Spreckley and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Tait, J., Wellington, N.Z. .. Townshend, N., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. .. Turnbull, Hickson, and Gooder, Wellington, N.Z. .. 4 5 5 5 12 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 5 5 1 5 163 147 150 154 155 152 153 170 171 151 161 172 159 156 162 146 160 149 145 148 164-9 158 146 157 11 Jan. 10 March. 26Maroh. 18 April. 13 March. 7 March. 24 March. 23 Sept. 16 Oct. 26 March. 23 July. 18 Dec. 15 July. 29 May. 28 July. 7 Feb. 21 July. 24 March. 4 Feb. 22 March. 9 Oct. 24 June. 7 Feb. 6 June.

Name and Address. No. of Class. No. of Application. Date. Abraham and Co., P., London Adams and Co., J. (See J. Adams.) Adams, J., Auokland .. .. .. .. • .. Adams Star Cycle Company, Christchurch Ainslie and Co. (See J. Ainslie.) Ainslie, J., Leith Alaska Paokers' Association, San Francisco Alaska Packers' Association, San Franoisco Alexander and Co., Kaiapoi Allan, M., Mosgiel, N.Z. 42 3889 19 Aug. 38 40 3741 3796 10 April. 27 May. 43 42 42 44 2 3650 3897 3968-73 3692 4029 3806,9, 3810 3807,11 3808 3764 3997,8 3722 3780 3993 3866 3691 3783 3915 16 Jan. 22 Aug. 16 Oct. 5 March. 17 Dec. I 4 June. Allen and Hanburys (Limited), London Allen and Hanburys (Limited), London Allen and Hanburys (Limited), London American Tobacoo Company, New York American Tobaoco Company, New York Anderson and Shaw, Glasgow Anglo-Indian Importing Company, Christohuroh Aramoho Meat Company, Wanganui Armour, A. B., and another, Blaokstone Hill, N.Z. Ash ton and Parsons (Limited), London Ashton (Limited), T. A., Sheffield .. Ashwin, M. M. B., Waiheke Island, Auckland Auckland Butter Company. (See G. Campbell.) Aulsebrook and Co., Christchuroh Australian Explosives and Chemioal Company (Limited), Melbourne Australian Explosives and Chemical Company (Limited), Melbourne Australian Manufacturing and Importing Company, Christchurch .. Australian Manufactuiing and Importing Company, Christohuroh .. Australian Manufacturing and Importing Company, Christchurch .. Australian Manufacturing and Importing Company, Christchuroh .. Badham, 0. J., Christohuroh Ballantyne and Co., J., Christchuroh Ballantyne and Co., J, Christchurch Bamford, C. E., Hautapu, N.Z. Barker, G. H., Wellington Bartram and Son, J., Melbourne Bassett, T., Christchurch, Ashburton, and Dunedin Baxter and Co., C. B., Dundee Bayer and Co., C, London Beath, Schiess, and Co., Melbourne Beatty, J., Dunedin .. .. Bell, A. G., Wantwood, N.Z. Bell, C. S., and another, Christohurch Bennett, E.W., San Francisco Bennett, E. W., San Franoisoo Berry and Co., H., Christchuroh ., .. 13 I 42 50 45 45 43 42 42 47 3 37 42 4 June. 4 June. 17 April. 13 Nov. 21 March. 2 May. 11 Nov. 30 July. 3 March. 9 May. 1 Sept. 42 2 20 50 49 49 49 50 38 38 50 43 42 7 43 38 38 42 42 3 50 50 42 3979 3995 3996 3712 3713 3778 3785 3721 3697 3864 3886 3888 3982 3710 3655 3832-4 3950 4016 3690 3860 3885 3984 3788 22 Oct. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 March. 18 March. 1 May. 10 May. 21 March. 7 March. 26 July. 16 Aug. 18 Aug. 27 Oct. 14 March. 21 Jan. 24 June. 25 Sept. 28 Nov. 28 Feb. 24 July. 16 Aug. 28 Oot. 9 May,




Name and Address. No. of Class. No. of Application. Date. Bickerton, R. T., Christohuroh Biokmore Gall Cure Company, Old Town, U.S.A. Birks, W. H., Adelaide Black, I. (See I. Tchernegovski.) Blaokie, H. G., Auokland Blackmore, F., Greymouth Blyth and Platt, Watford, Eng. Borax Consolidated (Limited), London Breeze, E. G., and another, Christohuroh Briasco, J. D., Wanganui Brothwood, H. S., Petersham, N.S.W. Brown, Barrett, and Co. (See J. M. Geddes.) Brown, I., Hokitika Brown, W. W., Portsmouth Brunt, Pitt, and Co., Christohuroh Buchanan and Co., J. (See J. Buchanan.) Buchanan, J., London, Glasgow, and Glentauchers, Scotland Burgess, Fraser, and Co., New Plymouth Cameron and Co., R. W., Sydney .. Campbell, G., Auokland Campbell, W., Wellington Canterbury Dairy Company (Limited), The South. (See under South.) Carr Bros, and Ash (Limited), London Castle Tea Company, Wellington Cave's Solid Beer Syndicate (Limited), London Chapman, J. R., Christchuroh Chapman, J. R., Christchuroh Cholmondeley and Bosanquet, Adelaide Cholmondeley and Bosanquet, Adelaide Claridge, E., Papanui Clark and Co. (Limited), R. I., London and Sydney .. .. Clark and Sons (Limited), A., Auckland Clark and Sons (Limited), A., Auokland Clarke and Co., I. P., Leicester 20 2 48 3990 3837 3735 6 Nov. 27 June. 1 April. 42 44 50 1, 2, 3 3 50 3 3699 3985 4033 3850,1,2 3930 3684 4020 8 Maroh. 28 Oct. 18 Deo. 10 July. 12 Sept. 21 Feb. 4 Deo. 6 38 38 3760 3758 3668 14 April. 12 April. 31 Jan. 43 42 42 42 42 3717, 8 3686 4050 3821, 2 3946 20 March. 24 Feb. 30 Deo. 12 June. 24 Sept. 42 42 42 39 39 43 43 50 1 50 38 3878 3861 3740 3908 3949 3687 3688 3779 3792 4034 4035 3797- I 3801 j 4002 3825 3966 4030 3802 3898 14 Aug. 25 July. 7 April. 28 Aug. 25 Sept. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 1 May. 22 May. 19 Dec. 19 Deo. 23 { 28 May. Clarke and Co., I. P., Leicester Clayton, E. M., Auckland .. .. ... Clements, F. M., Petersham, N.S.W. Clipper Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited), Coventry Colegrove, G., and another, Wellington Colegrove, G. H., Wellington Colegrove Tea Company. (See G. H. Colegrove.) Commonwealth Portland Cement Company (Limited), London, and Portland, N.S.W. Connell and Co. Proprietary (Limited), J., Sydney Connell and Co. Proprietary (Limited), J., Sydney Connell>nd Co. Proprietary (Limited), J., Melbourne and Sydney Cook, J.' F. W., Auokland Cox (Limited), J. and G., Edinburgh Cremers, G. G. G. C, and another, Culemborg, Holland Criohton and Newman. (See J. Criohton.) Crichton, J., Wanganui .. Crosfield and Sons (Limited), J., Warrington, Eng. Crosfield and Sons (Limited), J., Warrington, Eng. Crucible Steel Company of America, Pittsburg Crucible Steel Company of Amerioa, Jersey City Cunningham, W., Auokland Curtis, F., Christchurch Curtis, S., and Harvey (Limited*, London Curtis, S., and Harvey (Limited), London Davis, E., and another, London and Sydney .. Dawson, P., Dufftown and Glasgow Dawson, W., Auckland .. Dawson, W., Auokland .. Dent and Co., C. S., London Dickenson and Co. (See F. Wolfgang.) Dobbs, J., Mangapuaka, N.Z. Donnelly, J. F., Feilding Downer, W. H, Christchuroh Dresden Pianoforte Manufacturing and Agenoy Company (Limited), Dunedin .. Driver, H., Thames, N.Z. Duerdin and Sainsbury. (See R. P. Francis.) Dunedin Operative Bootmakers' Co-operative Society, Dunedin Dutton, P., Dunedin Dutton, P., Dunedin Dutton, P., Dunedin Dutton, R. A., Auokland Eltham Co-operative Dairy Factory Company (Limited), Eltham, N.Z. Ferguson, A. G., Dunedin Ferguson and Co., J., Glasgow and Melbourne.. Ferguson and Co., J., Glasgow and Melbourne.. Force Food Company, Buffalo, U.S.A. Francis, R. P., Melbourne Fresh Food and Frozen Storage Company (Limited), Melbourne Frossard, Levic, and Co. (See F. Levic.) Fulford and Co., C. E. (See C. E. Fulford.) 23 42 3 2 42 42 20 Nov. 14 June. 14 Oct. 17 Deo. 29 May. 23 Aug. 17 1695 6 March. 42 42 42 3 42 43 3698 3876 3901 3884 3856, 7 3869 8 March. 13 Aug. 26 Aug. 16 Aug. 23 July. 2 Aug. 50 1 47 5 5 3 3 20 20 13 43 2 3 3 3817 3673 3920 3786 3787 4019 3715 3755 3928 3683 3674 3959 3960-2 3708 9 June. 6 Feb. 4 Sept. 9 May. 16 May. 2 Deo. 18 Maroh 12 April. 8 Sept. 17 Feb. 6 Feb. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 13 Maroh. 42 48 47 9 42 3986 3696 3931 3896 3848 30 Oct. 7 March. 12 Sept. 20 Aug. 8 July. 38 3 3 3 3 42 22 43 43 42 43, 44 42 3759 3774 3855 3914 3929 3828 3814 3868 4023 3975 3772, 3 3859 14 April. 25 April. 17 July. 1 Sept. 11 Sept. 17 June. 6 June. 2 Aug. 5 Deo. 16 Oot. 24 April. 24 July.




Name and Address. No. of Class. No. of Application. Date. j Fulford, C. E., Sydney .. G<ddes, J. M., Auckland.. Geddes, J. M., Auckland.. Germinal Sociedad Anonima, El Adinor Gerente, Manila.. Gerstendorfer Bros., New York Gilberd and Sons, J. B., Wanganui Gilbertson and Co. (Limited), W., Pontardawe, Wales Gilbey (Limited), W. and A., London Gill, i>., Wellington .. Gillman and Co., Dunedin Gillman and Co., Dunedin Golden Bay Co-operative Dairy Factory Company (Limited), Takaka, Nelaon, N.Z. Gollin and Co. Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne Gollin and Co. Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, and Wellington Goodley, H., and another, Tolaga Bay, N.Z. Grapes and Co., G. H., Paraparaumu, N.Z. Greening and Sons (Limited), N., Warrington, Eng. Griffiths Bros, and Co., London Hall and Sons, G., Norwood, S. Aust. Hamley Bros., London Hardy, T. M., Wellington Hartman, S. B., Columbus, U.S.A. .. Harvey and Sons, A., Auckland Hayward Bros. (Limited), Cbristchureh Hayward Bros. (Limited), Christchuroh Hayward Bros. (Limitei), Christchurch Hean, G. W., Wanganui.. Hean, G. W., Wanganui.. Hearne, W. G., Geelong .. Heather, Roberton, and Co., Auckland Hertzberg and Co., A. M., Brisbane .. .. .. Hoffnung arid Co. (1902), (Limited), S., London and Sydney Holdtnson, P. J., and another, Melbourne Hollins and Co. (Limited), W., Nottingham and London Horrockses, Crewdson, and Co. (Limited), London .*• .. ... Hoytema, Van. (See under V.) Hudson, G. I., Ipswich, Queensland Hudson, R. S. (See R. W. Hudson.) Hudson, R. W., Liverpool Iceberg Butter-box Syndicate, Wellington, Eng. Imperial Tobacco Company (Limited), Bristol Ingley, J., and another, Waipaiaki, N.Z. Inglis Bros. (See T. Inglis.) Inglis, T., Wellington Jansen, H., Langehaven, Holland .. .. .. .. .. Jenkinson and Co. (Limited), Wellington Jewell, Davis, and Co. (See E. Davis and S. H. Jewell.) Jewell, S. H., and another, Sydney and London Johnson and Nephew (Limited), R., Manchester Johnson and Nephew (Limited), R., Manchester Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealai d Drug Company (Limited), Chrstchurch, Wellington, Dunedin, Auckland Kincaid, T., and another, Christchurch Lane, D. G., Waikare, N.Z. Lanson, Pere, and Fils, Reims Laurie and Co., W. S. (See W. S. Laurie.) Laurie, W. S., Auckland.. Leman, A., Auckland Lever Bros. (Limited), Balmain, N.S.W. Lever Bros. (Limited), Balmain, N.S.W. Levio, F., Sydney Liebig's Extract of Meat Company (Limited), London and Antwerp Lightband, O. D., Christchurch Lightband, H., and another, Christchurch Linotype Company (Limited), The, London .. .. .. ..I Little and Co., A. E., Lynn, Massachusetts Little and Co., A. E., Lynn, Massachusetts Lloyd and Co., E. (See E. Lloyd.) Lloyd, E., Gore Locke, W,, Dunedin Lubriphite Company, The, New York .. ' .. Lucas and Co., W. F., London Luke, J. P., Wellington .. Lysnar, W. D., Gisborne Mackenzie Bros., Allness, Scotland.. Maori Remedies Company. (See W. Dawson.) Marriner and Co., Christchurch Marriner, H. J., Ohristchuroh Mazawattee Tea Company (Limited), The, Lindon McConnochie, W., and another, St. Bathan's, N.Z. McDougall, R. E. (See Aulsebrook and Co.) McTntyre and Co., D. 0., Christchurch McLean, D., Greymouth McLeod Bros. (Limited), Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. I Meadows, F. N. R., Wellington .. .. .. .. ... ; 3 42 42 45 1 47 5 43 3 38 38 42 43 42 3791 3932 4017 3858 3823 3846 3752 3838 4044 3653 3682 4001 3733 3789 22 May. 13 Sept. 29 Nov. 24 July. 12 June. 3 July. 10 April. 27 June. 30 Deo. 20 Jan. 14 Feb. 20 Nov. 1 April. 22 May. 3 42 13 1 43 49 1 3 13 42 42 42 3 3 3 43,44 3 8 42 34 24 3734 3793 4032 4048,9 3867 3795 3720 4039 3927 3724 3761-3 3769 3658 3989 3853 3742,3 4004 4036,7 4024 3646 3872 1 April. 22 May. 18 Deo. 30 Dec. 2 Aug. 24 May. 2 March. 24 Dee. 6 Sept. 24 March. 14 April. 24 April. 24 Jan. 6 Nov. 17 July. 10 April. 22 Nov. 19 Deo. 11 Deo. 14 Jan. 7 Aug. 3 3847 3 July. 47 50 45 42 3943,4 3976 3873 3956 19 Sept. 16 Oct. 7 Aug. 2 Oct. 22 43 22 3716 3877 3667 19 March 14 Aug. 30 Jan. 13 5 5 3 3683 3729 3776 4043 17 Feb. 27 March. 29 April. 29 Deo. 42 42 43 3802 3766 3656 29 May. 15 April. 21 Jan. 2 50 47 48 45 42 3813 4038 4012,4,5 4013 3824 3765 4022 3860 3923,4,5 3669,70 3671,2 6 June. 23 Dec. 27 Nov. 27 Nov. 12 June. 17 April. 4 Dec. 24 July. 4 Sept. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 3 5, 6, 13 40 50 42 3 47 38 3 42 43 3862 3936 3922 3790 3738 3947,8 3756,7 25 July. 15 Sept. 4 Sept 22 May. 3 April. 24 Sept. 12 April. 50 25 42 47 3958 3662 3661 3866 3 Oct. 29 Jan. 28 Jan. 30 July. 42 42 48 42 3863 3794 3883 3663 25 July. 23 May. 15 Aug. 29 Jan.



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Name and Address. No. of Class. ; No. of Application. Date. J Meadows, P. N. R., Wellington Melbourne Chilled Butter and Produce Company Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne Melbourne Chilled Butter and Produce Company Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne Molassine Company (Limited), London Mollet, D., Killara, Sydney Morris, H., and another, Birmingham Morris, Thomas and Ellis. (See H. Morris and B. Thomas.) Morrow, Bassett, and Co. (See T. Bassett.) Muntz's Metal Company (Limited), Smethwick, Eng. Muralo Company, The, New Brighton, U.S.A. Muralo Company, The, New York Mutual Co-operative Stores. (See J. Beatty.) Myers and Co., J., Wellington Nathan and Co. (Limited), J., Wellington Nathan and Co. (Limited), J., Wellington Nathan and Co. (Limited), J., Wellington Neill and Co. (Limited), Dunedin Nelson Bros. (Limited), Tomoana, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. 42 42 3994 3665 13 Nov. 30 Jan. 42 J 3666 30 Jan. 42 3 13 3843 3051 3645 2 July. 16 Jan. 14 Jan. 5 17 1 3879 3676 3841 14 Aug. 6 Feb. 2 July. 45 5 47 50 42 3839-40 3926 3991 3992 3981 3999- I 4000 I 4007, 8 3664 3675 3767 3874 3980 4024 3805 3775 3957 3987 3719 3770 3784 3812 3921 3880,1, 2 ] 3654 3900 4031 3739 4045,6,7 3642 3890-95 3945 3643 3657 3956 3652 3899 3649 3870 4009 3751 4027 3911 4025, G 3753 3933,4 3935 3835 3804 3709 3728 3988 3842 3768 3678 3693 3803 3711 3909-10 3916, 8 3917,9 3983 3700 4042 3826,7 3951 3952 3967 3737 4006 3942 3978 30 June. 5 Sept. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 24 Oct. 42 I 14 Nov. Nelson Bros. (Limited), Tomoana, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. New South Wales Creamery Butter Company (Limited), Sydney New South Wales Creamery Butter Company (Limited), Sydney New Sunlight Incandescent Company (1900), (Limited), London Nicol, R., Auckland Nield, D., Wellington .. Nielsen, A. J., and another, Melbourne Nimmo and Blair, Dunedin North New Zealand Packing Syndicate, Auckland Norton and Co., J. T., Lyttelton Oakes and Co. (Limited), Madras and London Ogden's (Limited), Liverpool Ogden's (Limited), Liverpool Ogden's (Limited), Liverpool and Sydney Ogden's (Limited), Liverpool and Sydney Ogden's (Limited), Liverpool Oppenheimer and Co., A., London .. Oruru-Fairburn Co-operative Dairy Factory Company (Limited), Peria, N.Z. .. Osborne, H., Ash burton .. Pacific Polish and Compound Company (Incorporated), San Franoisco Paraffine Paint Company, San Francisco Paris Medicine Company, St. Louis and London Parker, W., Wellington .. Partridge, H. E., Auckland Partridge, H. E., Auckland Patea Co-operative Poultry Company (Limited), Patea .. Patereon, Laing, and Bruce (1901), (Limited), Patea Patterson, J. J., and another, Waipatiki, N.Z. Pears (Limited), A. and F., London and Isleworth Peryer, M., Christchurch Pettifer and Sons, F., Malmesbury, Eng. Pidgeon and Co. (Limited), E. W., Ghristchurch Pilkington Bros. (Limited), St. Helens, Eng. .. Porter and Co. (Limited), R., London Porter and Co. (Limited), R., London Powley and Keast, Dunedin Preservaline Manufacturing Company, The, New York Preetwick, S. and J., Manchester .. Pretty and Sons (Limited), W., Ipswich, Eng. Pretty and Sons (Limited), W., Ipswich, Eng... Ramsbottom, Lyons, and Co. (Limited), London, Manchester, and Rochdale .. Rattray and Son, J., Dunedin Rawnsley, E. G., Christohurch Rawnsley, E. G., Christchurch Reid and Reid, Wellington Rice, W. S., New York .. Rigby, Battock, and Co., London Rimmer, S. L. P., Auckland Rimmer, S. L. P., Auckland Rodier, W., Cobar, N.S.W. Ross and Ansenne, Auckland Ross Antidote Company (Limited), Hampden, N.Z. Rudge, Whitworth (Limited), Coventry Rudge, Whitworth (Limited), Coventry Salmon and Gluckstein (Limited), London Salmon Bros., Dunedin Sandow's Grip Dumb-bell Company, London Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Auckland.. .. Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Wellington Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Wellington Sargood, Son, and Ewen, New Zealand Scott and Co. (Limited), P., Hawick, N.B. Sefton Mutual Dairy Produce Association (Limited), Sefton, N.Z. .. Sharland and Co. (Limited), Auckland and Wellington Sharland and Co. (Limited), Wellington 42 42 42 18 50 50 42 2 42 3 45 45 45 45 45 45 50, 40, 39 42 42 50 17 3 48 45 45 42 38 42 48 50 2 45 15 42 43 43 2 24 13 38 39 42 49 49 47 3 50 42 42 13 50 2 and 3 22 40 45 38 49 38 38 38 38 38 42 50 50 26 Nov. 29 Jan. 6 Feb. 19 April. 13 Aug. 24 Oct. 11 Dec. 23 June. 29 April. 3 Oct. 30 Oct. 20 March. 24 April. 9 May. 5 June. 4 Sept. 14 Aug. 20 Jan. 22 July. 17 Dec. 3 April. 30 Dec. 6 Jan. 21 Aug. 24 Sept. 10 Jan. 2:' Jan. 2 Oct. 16 Jan. 23 Aug. 15 Jan. 4 Aug. 26 Nov. 10 April. 17 Dec. 29 Aug. 11 Dec. 10 April. 13 Sept. 13 Sept. 24 June. 2 June. 14 March. 26 March. 1 Nov. 2 July. 21 April. 10 Feb. 6 March. 29 May. 14 March. 29 Aug. 4 Sept. 4 Sept. 27 Oct. 10 March. 24 Dec. 14 June. 26 Sept. 29 Sept. 14 Oct. 3 April. 26 Nov. 18 Sept. 21 Oct.




Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,435 copies), £80 7s. 6d,

Price Is. 6d.] By Authority : John Maokay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o3.

No. of Class. Xo. of Application. Name and Address. Date. Singer, I., Petone Slee, Slee, and Co. (Limited), London Smidth and Co., F. L., Copenhagen Smith and Goodley. (See C. E. Smith and H. Goodley.) Smith and Smith. (See R. P. Smith.) Smith, C. E., and another, Tolaga Bay, N.Z. Smith, R. P., Dunedin .. Snowdon, Sons, and Co. (Limited), London South Canterbury Dairy Company (Limited), Timaru Stratford Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited), Stratford, N.Z. Stratford Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited), Stratford, N.Z. Subritzky, J. A., Awanui, N.Z. Sydney Soap and Candle Company (Limited), Sydney Sykes, A. E., New Plymouth Taylor, T. E., Akaroa, N.Z. Tchernegovski, I., Wellington Tetlow, J., Philadelphia Thomas, B., and another, Birmingham Thomson, Bridge, and Co., Dunedin Tooth and Co. (Limited), Sydney Tracker Company. (See M. D. Wreathall and E. G. Breeze.) Tuoker, W. P., Auckland Tucker, W. P., Auckland 1 42 6 I 3644 3831 3875 14 Jan. 19 June. 13 Aug. 3 1 47 42 42 42 3 47 3 42 48 48 13 47 43, 44 3734 3714 3723 3660 3941 3955 4021 3689 4005 3940 4028 3707 3645 3659 4010,1 1 April, 18 March 21 March 28 Jan. 18 Sept. 1 Oct. 4 Dec. 27 Feb. 22 Nov. 16 Sept. 17 Dec. 13 March 14 Jan. 24 Jan. 27 Nov. 3 42 37 40 47 48 42 3 38 18 39 39 47 42 42 38 47 4 47 J I \ 3954 3965 [ 3902, I I 3,4,5 ] 3906 3844 3845 3937,8,9 3815 3640 3647,8 3725,6 3782 3754 4003 3836 4051 3974 3701, ) 2,3,5 J 3704 3964 30 Sept. 14 Oct. Tullis and Son (Limited), J., Glasgow 20 Aug. Tullis and Son (Limited), J., Glasgow Turnbull and Co., W. and G., Wellington Turnbull and Co., W. and G., Wellington Turnbull and Co., W. and G., Wellington ... Turner, D. L., Wellington Tyree and Co., A., Christohureh .. .. .. .. Tyree and Co., A., Christchureh Union Bag and Paper Company, Jersey City Union Bag and Paper Company, Jersey City Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited), Auckland Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited), Auokland United Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited), Palmerston North United Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited), Palmerston North United States Rubber Company, London Vacuum Oil Company, Rochester, Melbourne, Wellington, &c. 26 Aug. 2 July. 2 July. 16 Sept. 7 June. 3 Jan. 14 Jan. 24 March 8 May. 12 April. 21 Nov. 24 June. 30 Dec. 16 Oct. 13 March Vacuum Oil Company, Rochester, Melbourne, Wellington, &c. ' .. Vacuum Oil Company, Rochester, U.S.A. Van Hoytema and Co. (See D. Van Hoytema and G. G. G. C, Cremers.) Van Hoytema, D., and another, Culemborg, Holland Waldberg and Co., Berlin Walker, E. E., Waihi, N.Z. Ward and Co., J. G., Invercargill .. Warnock Bros., Auckland Watson and Co. (Limited), J., Dundee .. Watson and Co. (Limited), J., Dundee Watson and Co. jJLimited), J., Dundee Watson, Laidlaw, and Co., Glasgow Webendorfer Bros., Sydney Weingarten Bros., New York Weingarten Bros., New York Weingarten Bros., New York Weingarten Bros., New York Wellington Fresh Pood and Ice Company (Limited), Wellington Wells, I., Thames, N.Z. .. Welsbach Light Company of Australasia (Limited), The, London Wharton, G. E., Gore, N.Z. Whittome, Stevenson, and Co. (Limited), Auokland Wilcock and Co., J., Manchester Wiles, H. 0., Auckland Wiles, H. 0., Auckland Williams Company, T. C, Richmond, U.S.A. Wilson, Balk, and Co., Dunedin Winjecnia Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne Winterbottom Book-cloth Company (Limited), Manchester Wiseman and Son, J., Auokland Wolfgang, P., Wellington Woodhouse, A., Dunedin Woodyatt and Co., A. R., Guelph, Canada Wormald Bros. (See J. D. Wormald.) Wormald, J. D., Sydney.. Worrall (Limited), J. and J. M., Salford, England Wreathall, W. D., and another, Christchurch Wylie, W., Wellington .. 13 March 10 Oct. 43 8 47 42 47 43 43 43 7 19 38 38 38 38 42 48 18 3 42 50 1 1 45 42 3 39 37 42 3 7 3869 4040,1 3829 3887 ] 3865 3732 3771 3830 3694 3736 3677 3679,81 3706 3907 3913 3816 4018 3963 3953 3685 3727 3781 3854 3730 3641 3744-50 3818-20 3977 3777 3849 2 Aug. 24 Dec. 17 June. 18 Aug. 25 July. 1 April. 24 April. 19 June. 6 March 2 April. 8 Feb. 13 Feb. 13 March 27 Aug. 1 Sept. 7 June. 2 Dec. 9 Oct. 29 Sept. 21 Feb. 25 March 6 May. 21 July. 1 April. 6 Jan. 10 April. 10 June. 16 Oct. 30 April. 10 July. 6 24 3 42 3871 3731 3930 3912 5 Aug. 1 April. 12 Sept. 1 Sept.

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, H-10

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