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Me. Speaker,— In presenting the Railways Statement for the year ended 31st March, 1903, I am very much gratified to have to announce that the year's operations of our Railways have again been most satisfactory, and show a large increase on the business of the preceding financial year, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was a record one. The results of working may be summarised thus : — Year 1903. Year 1902. £ £ Total earnings ... ... ... ... 1,974,038 1,874,586 Total expenditure ... ... ... ... 1,343,415 1,252,237 Net profit on working ... ... ... 630,623 622,349 Net increase over previous year, £8,274. GENERAL. The mileage of track open for traffic at the end of the year was 2,291 miles, as against 2,235 miles open on 31st March, 1902. The average miles operated during the year was 2,262. The capital cost of lines open for traffic has increased from £18,170,722 last year to £19,081,735 for the year under review. The net revenue, £630,623, is equal to a return of 330 per cent, on the capital invested in the open lines. The Kawakawa and Nelson Sections have failed to pay working-expenses, the deficit of receipts on the former section being £834, and on the latter £533. The increase of 376,973 train miles run represents additional facilities afforded to meet the convenience of the travelling public and the demands of the increased business. The permanent additions made to time-tables represent 246,597 miles, and a cost of £60,622. The system of separating the goods and passenger services inaugurated two years ago has given satisfaction, and is being extended from time to time to meet the requirements of the traffic. Various alterations and improvements have been made in the train services throughout the colony. The principal of these has been the establishment of a daily express service between Auckland and Rotorua, extension of suburban service on Auckland North line to Henderson, and the acceleration by forty-five minutes of the Christchurch-Dunedin expresses. The latter trains now arrive at their termini at 8.15 p.m. instead of 9 p.m., the north-bound train running right alongside the connecting steamer for Wellington. On the Wellington-New Plymouth line the comfort and convenience of through passengers have been very materially increased by the arrangement entered into with the Wellington and Manawatu Railway Company, which permits of the cars of the Government and Company respectively going through to destination, thus avoiding the necessity which formerly existed for changing cars at Palmerston North. This' alteration has been greatly appreciated by through passengers.

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The average late arrivals of the principal trains was as follows :— Mins. Mins. For long-distance passenger trains ... ... 1*18 against 1 79 last year. For suburban trains ... ... ... ... O57 „ 0-78 „ For long-distance mixed trains ... ... 1'25 „ 171 „ The record is all the more remarkable by reason of the fact that it includes all delays, from floods, slips, and every other cause arising, throughout the year, and it furnishes a complete and effective answer to the statements that are frequently made anent the late running of the trains. The traffic continues to maintain that buoyancy for which it has become remarkable during the past few years, and has again very largely exceeded that of any previous year. Notwithstanding the heavy passenger traffic induced by the festivities occasioned by the visit of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales (then the Duke and Duchess of York), the departure of two South African contingents, and the occurrence of two Easter holiday periods in the fiscal year 190'2, the number of passengers carried last year exceeded that of 1902 by 219,254, and gave an increased revenue of .£832. The coaching and goods traffic also show large increases under each of the respective headings, grain alone excepted. This latter item shows a decrease of 94,969 tons. The increased revenue derived from coaching traffic amounted to £7,712, and from goods traffic to £87,061. A noticeable feature of the year's business has been the increase in livestock and mineral traffic; the increase in cattle being 19,003 head ; pigs, 6,685 head; sheep, 1,096,473 head; and minerals, 160,633 tons. The increase in sheep is unprecedented in the history of our railways. The rolling-stock has been increased by 10 locomotives, 45 bogie cars, 13 bogie brake-vans, 2 Fell incline brake-vans, 537 wagons, and 391 tarpaulins, all of which have been turned out of the Railway workshops. 221 locomotives, 437 carriages, 137 brake-vans, 3,804 wagons, and. 5 travelling cranes have now been supplied with Westinghouse brake, 636 vehicles with Pintsch gas, 373 second-class cars with cushions, and 232 cars with lavatories. The number of lavatory cars now in use represents 40 per cent, of the bogie-car stock, and further cars are being fitted. With- a view to meeting the demands of the traffic for greater tractive power on the Rimutaka Incline, two of the heavy goods-engines, Class B, have been converted to tank-engines, and, together with one Class W engine, have been placed on the run between Cross Creek and Summit. These engines have proved a great success on the incline. There are now nine locomotives available for use on that portion of the line —viz., 6 Fell, 2 We, and 1 W — which gives ample margin of haulage-power. The highest tonnage yet hauled up the incline in one day was 2,000 tons. This was taken without a hitch, and without calling the full available engine-power into play. The average number of men employed was 8,875, as against 8,313 for the previous year. During the year 164 members of the permanent staff resigned, 35 died, 66 were retired, 32 were dismissed, and 509 engaged. Two appeals against decisions of the Department were heard by the Railway Appeal Boards, one of which was allowed and one dismissed. The sum of £3,250 has been paid as compensation and compassionate allowances to members retired from the service and the relatives of deceased members of the service during the year. Eight members of the Second Division were promoted to the First Division during the year. Extensions of the railway system amounting to 56 miles were opened for traffic during the year. They comprised Mangaonoho-Mangaweka 9J miles, extension of Main Trunk line to Auckland; Waipara-Scargill 14J miles, and Riverlands-Seddon 13 miles, extensions of South Island Main Trunk line; Stratford to Toko Branch, 6| miles ; and Grisborne to Kaiteratahi, 13 miles. The opening of these lines has had a very beneficial effect on the localities served, and there are already indications that considerable traffic will ultimately result therefrom.




The gross revenue, £1,974,038, exceeded the estimate by £99,038, and the revenue of the previous year by £99,452. The net revenue, £630,623, was £8,274 in excess of that of the previous year. In estimating the revenue for the year under review I had to take into consideration the fact that a considerable portion of the earnings of the year ending 31st March, 1902, resulted from circumstances of a non-recurring character ; but, notwithstanding the exceptional circumstances pertaining to that year, and the large reductions made in passenger fares, wool, dairy produce, and artificial-manure rates, m October last the revenue has fully justified the opinion which I expressed m the concluding paragraph of my Statement last year. The receipts per tram mile have been 7s. 3d., as against 7s. 4fd. for the previous year. • Passenger revenue has £832, season ticket revenue by , coaching traffic (including mails) by £7,712, goods and live-stock by £78 526, rents and commission by £8,877 ; miscellaneous revenue has decreased by £342 : the net increase of revenue over previous year was therefore £99,452. EXPENDITURE. The total expenditure has been £1,343,415, an increase of £91,178. The expenditure for working has absorbed 68-05 per cent, of the revenue, an increase of 1-25 per cent, over the rate for the previous year. The amounts chargeable to working expenses on account ot the various branches of the service, and the ratio of expenses to revenue, are shown by the following figures :- BlDßnd iture. Per Cent, of Revenu.. 1901-1902. 1902-1903. 1901-1902. 1902-1903. £ £ Traffic ... 333,211 360,061 17-78 18-24 Locomotive" . ... 450,694 484,551 24-04 24-55 Locomotive > 3 . 30 2g . 32 Maintenance ... •■•• 4do,__/ Qft „ o. IQ Management 56,756 62,997 303 319 1,277,508 1,368,007 68-15 69-30 Less Credit Recoveries 25,271 24,592 1-35 £1,343,415 66-80 68-05 The expenditure for maintenance of the-lines, buildings, bridges, and other structures has increased from £436,847 last year to £460,398 for the year under review, and represents an average expenditure for maintenance of £204 per mile of railway open. The increased maintenance expenditure has been incurred on Kawakawa Section, £339; Wellington-NapieT--New Plymouth Section, £2 545 ; Hurunui-Bluff, £12,793 ; Westland, £1,136 ; Westport, £6,084 ; Nelson, £1,900; and Picton, £1,055. . ~,,■,«.• v. The cost of maintenance on Kaihu, Whangarei, and Auckland Sections has decreased by £714, £223, and £1,389 respectively £15,057 has been expended on additions and improvements to lines and structures, which might fairly have been debited to capital. £63,728 has been spent on bridge repairs and renewals of which the sum of £10,320 was debited to capital, and the balance, £53,408, to W ° r Thekioreased expenditure in the Traffic and Locomotive Branches is due principally to the additional train mileage and increased staff to meet requirements of the business, also to improvement of the wages and salaries under the Classification Act. The sum of £423,167 has been expended " Additions to Open lines " and charged to Capital Account. £157,877 has been expended in improvements to buildings, water services, respacmg sleepers, fencing, relaying, bridge strengthening, sidings, creosote plant for treating sleepefs, purchase of land, telegraph and telephone facilities, interlocking and safety appliances, wharves, and crossings ; £265,290 on rolling-stock, cranes, tarpaulins, lavatory accommodation in cars, Westmghouse brake, cushioning second-class cars, lighting of cars, lighting workshops by electricity, for workshops, and foot-warmers. The rolling-stock in connection with which the charges are made consist of 12 locomotives, 42 carriages, 17 brake-vans 21 bogie and 469 four-wheeled wagons, 391 tarpaulins and 3 cranes completed at



end of year; and 18 locomotives, 80 carriages, 8 break-vans, 114 bogie and 411 four-wheeled wagons, and 905 tarpaulins in hand, but incomplete on the 31st March. EESULTS OP WOEKING.

The following is a summary of results of working, for year ending the 31st March, 1903, as compared with 1902 : —


Year ended 31st March. Paeticulabs. 1903. i 1902. 'otal miles open for traffic 2,291 . 2,235 iverage miles open for year • 2,262 2,227 Capital cost of opened and unopened lines £20,214,935 £19,496,553 Capital cost of open lines £19,081,735 £18,170,722 Capital cost per mile of open lines ... £8,436 £8,159 Gross earnings £1,974,038 £1,874,586 Working-expenses £1,343,415 £1,252,237 NET PROFIT ON WORKING £630,623 £622,349 'ERCENTAGE INVESTED OF PROFIT TO CAPITAL 330 343 PERCENTAGE OF WORKING - EXPENSES TO EARNINGS 6805 6680 Earnings per average mile open £873 £842 Working-expenses per average mile open £594 £562 NET EARNINGS PER AVERAGE OPEN--MILE £279 £280 Earnings per train mile ... d. 87-00 d. 88-75 Working-expenses per train mile 59-23 59-32 NET EARNINGS PER TRAIN MILE l 2777 2943 'assengers, ordinary 7,575,390 7,356,136 ieason tickets 118,431 100,778 J-oods tonnage 3,730,394 3,529,177 jive-stock tonnage 187,867 137,862 ?rain mileage 5,443,333 5,066,360 jocomotives 372 362 'assenger cars 751 701 Vagons 12,992 12,444



In ascertaining the results of working, the capital cost of the open lines has been taken as £19,081,735, and the net earnings £630,623 gives a return of 3 - 30 per cent. The capital cost, as represented by the figures quoted, does not however include that portion of the lines now incorporated in the Westland and Nelson Sections, and which originally formed what was known as the Midland Railway Company's line. It has been ascertained that the capital cost to the colony of these lines was £576,413, and adding that amount to the £19,081,735 quoted above, gives a total of £19,658,148. The net earnings for the year— viz., £630,623 —give a return of 3 - 21 per cent, on the capital cost as ascertained in the manner indicated. Good progress continues to be made in connection with the installation of safety appliances. The electric tablet train-signalling apparatus has been fitted up at stations between Longburn and Turakina, Masterton and Featherston, Addington and Rolleston; and the interlocking of points and signals at Rolleston, Studholme Junction, Cattle-yards, Green Island Sidings, and Mosgiel; and a temporary scheme at the north end of Dunedin Station. The working of the appliances fitted at the stations named, and at other stations fitted during the preceding years, has been eminently satisfactory. The equipment of the lines with proper safety appliances of this nature tends greatly to increase the safety of the travelling public. It is therefore essential that this important work should be proceeded with as rapidly as possible. I am pleased to be able to record the fact that the employees are giving practical demonstration of their appreciation of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund Act, which was passed during the last session of Parliament, and came into operation on the Ist January last. Participation in the scheme was entirely optional as regards employees in the Railway Service at the time of the passing of the Act, and such persons were given a period of six months from Ist January last within which to determine whether they would become contributors or not; but, notwithstanding this fact, no less than 3,586 of the members of the service, representing 57 per cent, of the total permanent staff, had given their adherence to the scheme up to 31st March. By joining the fund thus early, those members have taken upon themselves a liability for 'the payment of contributions which they were not necessarily compelled to do. By so doing they, however, not only became entitled to the benefits derivable under the Act, but proved in a practical manner that a very considerable proportion of the staff was ready and willing, even at some personal sacrifice, to avail itself of the undoubted advantages afforded by the Act as a means of providing against want in old age, or compulsory retirement in consequence of infirmity or disablement by injury or sickness. In this connection I would again emphasise what I stated to the House last session, viz. : that as the Government has now placed on the statute-book a measure, "The Government Railways Superannuation Fund Act, 1902," which affords the members of the railway staff an opportunity of making proper provision for themselves, wives, and families, no payment of compassionate or other allowances will in future be made to them. It is therefore desirable that the employees should embrace to its fullest extent the opportunity which has been afforded them of securing themselves from want in case of old age, disablement, or sickness. The balance-sheet submitted to the House by the Board of Administration shows that the amount to the credit of the fund on 31st March was £7,056. In November last the Government acquired the steamers and plant of the Lake Wakatipu Steamship Company, and since that time the lake service has been run under the supervision of the Railway Department, and in conjunction with the train services. During the summer season, week-end rail and steamer excursions were run. These trips were much appreciated by the public, and will be reinstated next summer. The steamers at present running on the lake are somewhat out of date, and unequal to meet the requirements of the large passenger business which, I am confident, there will be on the lake at no distant date; and, in order that the business may be satisfactorily catered for, it will be necessary to procure a new steamer capable of carrying 1,000 passengers, and of steaming up to eighteen knots per hour.

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Collisions occurred at Hindon on the 21st April, at Port Chalmers on the 7th May, at Remuera on the 21st August, and at Mataura on the 13th December. The first resulted from train men disregarding instructions re crossing, two others through failure to observe signals, and the last through points being wrongly set by a porter at Mataura. Inquiries were held into each case, and suitable action was taken at the conclusion of same. I am happy to say that these accidents have been attended by no loss of life. Report on several of the accidents was presented to the House during the last session (D.-6, 1902). The phenomenal expansion of traffic which has taken place during the past eight-years will be readily understood by a perusal of the following figures, which give the traffic and percentage of increase under the various headings for the year ended the 31st March last, as compared with the traffic for the year ended 31st March, 1895 :— Comparison of the railway traffic and rolling-stock accommodation in 1895 and 1903 :— 31st March, 1895. 31st March, 1903. Increase. increase Passengers (number) ... 3,905,578 7,575,390 3,669,812 93 Season tickets (number) ... 28,623 118,431 89,808 314 Parcels „ ... 444,981 731,762 286,781 64 Horses „ .. 11,185 12,737 1,552 14 Carriages „ ... 750 1,646 896 119 Dogs ~ „ ... 23,517 34,202 10,685 45 Drays „ ... 705 1,921 1,216 172 Cattle „ ... 40,890 102,461 61,571 151 Sheep „ ... 1,519,921 3,821,333 2,301,412 151 Pigs „ ... 43,292 61,844 18,552 43 Chaff, lime (tons) ... ... 36,972 121,092 84,120 228 Wool „ ... . . 103,328 116,309 12,981 13 Firewood „ ... ... 85,102 100,498 15,396 18 Timber „ ... ... 198,578 436,008 237,430 120 Grain „ ... ... 388,556 718,376 329,820 85 Merchandise „ ... ... 377,938 633,685 255,747 68 Minerals ... 857,917 1,604,426 746,509 87 Total tonnage ... .. 2,048,391 3,730,394 1,682,003 82 Total revenue ... ...£1,150,851 £1,974,038 £823,187 72 Locomotives (number) ... 269 372 103 38 tractive power (lb.) 1,756,178 3,499,459 1,743,281 99 Passenger cars (number) ... 498 751 253 51 Passenger cars, seating accommodation ... ... 17,455 28,844 11,389 65 Brake-vans (number) ... 204 283 79 39 Sheep-trucks „ ... 390 719 329 84 Total trucks, all classes (number) ... ... 8,264 12,709 4,445 54 Truck-carrying capacity (tons) 50,861 89,057 38,196 75 Train mileage run ... ... 3,221,620 5,443,333 2,221,713 69 A study of the foregoing figures must convince even the most sceptical of the healthy and prosperous condition of the colony, and it will be at once apparent that, if our railways are to keep pace with the rapidly increasingdemands for quick, safe, and cheap transport of both the people and commerce of the country, ample provision must continue to be made to enable the relaying of the track and strengthening of bridges being pushed on at a greatly increased rate, in order that heavier engines and trains may be run on all the principal lines. Increasing the load of trains means economy and efficiency. These desiderata cannot, however, be secured until the heaviest type of engines can be used on any portion of the main trunk and principal branch lines, and until this can be done the ratio of working expenses to earnings must necessarily be high. I anticipate that the existing satisfactory commercial condition of the colony will be maintained throughout the financial year, and therefore estimate the revenue for the year ending 31st March, 1904, at £2,000,000, and the expenditure at £1,360,600. The usual reports and returns are attached hereto.




A. Report on Working Railways by Genuiral Manager. B. Repokt on the Working of the Locomotive Bbanch. C Report on Maintenance op New Zealand Railways. D. Report by Stores Manager. E. Report on Working op Traffic Branch.

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APPENDIX A. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GENERAL MANAGER OF NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS'. New Zealand Government Eailways, Head Office, Wellington, 24th June, 1903. I have the honour to report upon the working of the open railways for the financial year ended 31st March, 1903 :— The capital cost has increased from £18,170,722 to £19,081,735. The revenue has been £1,974,038, against £1,874,586, an increase of £99,452. The net revenue has been £630,623, against £622,349, an increase of £8,274. The expenditure has been £1,343,415, against £1,252,237, an increase of £91,178. The expenditure per cent, of revenue was £68-05, as compared with £66-80 last year. The rate of interest earned on capital was £3 6s. Id., as compared with £3 Bs. 6d. last year. The revenue per train-mile was 7s. 3d., and the cost per train-mile 4s. lid., as against 7s. 4fd. and 4s. lid. respectively last year. The following extensions have been opened during the year: — M. oh. Stratford to Toko ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 25 Mangaonoho to Mangaweka ... ... ... ... ... 9 20 Gisborne to Kaiteratahi ... ... ... ... ... 12 75 Eiverlands to Seddon ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 3 Waipara to Scargill ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 40 Total ... ... ... ... ... 56 3 The total mileage added to the system during the year under review was thus 56 miles 3 chains, making the total mileage open for traffic on 31st March 2,291 miles, as against 2,235 miles at the close of the previous year. 7,575,390 ordinary passengers, yielding a revenue of £576,529, were carried, and 118,431 season tickets, yielding a revenue of £49,169, were issued during the year, being an increase of 219,254 ordinary passengers and £832 revenue, and 17,653 season tickets and £3,847 revenue over the traffic under these heads in the previous year. In view of the adventitious circumstances which induced an abnormal passenger traffic during the year ending 31st March, 1902, the increased passenger business of the past year is all the more remarkable. 47,588 children and teachers and 41,555 adults travelled by school and factory excursions, yielding a revenue of £6,050, an increase of 3,193 passengers and £584 over the preceding year. 602,014 passengers travelled at holiday-excursion fares, the revenue derived therefrom being £103,279, as against 684,441 excursionists for £136,813 the preceding year. The decrease in the number of holiday-excursion,tickets is no doubt due to the fact that the occurrence of two Basters, the visit of Their Eoyal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales (then Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York), and the departure of the Eighth and Ninth Contingents for South Africa during the financial year ending 31st March, 1902, caused the issue of holiday-excursion tickets over a very considerably extended period of that year, whereas last year the issues were confined to the normal period and under normal conditions. The expansion of the traffic has again been very marked, grain alone showing a decrease. Increases. Coaching. —Parcels, 53,958 ; horses, 811 ; dogs, 3,798 ; carriages, 140. Eevenue, £7,712. Goods.— Cattle, 19,003 ; pigs, 6,685 ; sheep, 1,096,473; chaff and lime, 34,714 tons; wool, 14,431 tons ; firewood, 262 tons ; timber, 8,855 tons ; merchandise, 77,290 tons; minerals, 160,633 tons. Eevenue, £87,061. Total increased goods and live-stock tonnage, 251,222 tons. Decrease. Grain, 94,969 tons.

During the year there have unfortunately been a number of train accidents of a serious nature, but lam pleased to be able to record the fact that no loss of life has resulted therefrom. Exhaustive investigation was made into these immediately they occurred, and a report of result was printed and laid before Parliament during last session (see D.-6, 1902). These accidents emphasize the necessity for pushing on the equipment of the lines with safety appliances with all convenient speed. The Lake Wakatipu steamships and plant acquired by the Government in November, 1902, have since been run in conjunction with the railways with satisfactory results. Ten locomotives built in the New Zealand Eailway workshops have been added to the stock during the year. On 31st March, 1903, there were in the North Island 151 locomotives, 296 carriages, 117 brake-vans, 3,729 wagons, and 5 travelling cranes fitted with the Westinghouse air-brake. In the South Island 70 locomotives, 141 carriages, 20 brake-vans, and 75 wagons were similarly equipped. The equipment of the stock on the Auckland and Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Sections is practically completed, and the fitting of the remainder of the rolling-stock on the Hurunui-Bluff Section with the Westinghouse brake will be undertaken at an early date. Appended are the reports of the Chief Engineer, Chief Mechanical Engineer, Chief Traffic Manager, and Stores Manager. I have, &c., T. EONAYNE, To the Hon. Minister for Eailways. General Manager.



ANNUAL REPORT UPON THE WORKING OF THE LOCOMOTIVE BRANCH, 1902-3. Sir,— Chief Mechanical Engineer's Office, Wellington, 16th May, 1903. I have the honour to furnish the following report on the working of the Locomotive Branch for the year ending 31st March, 1903 : — The engines, rolling-stock, machinery, and plant have been maintained in good and efficient working-order. The locomotive stock has been increased during the year by ten new engines, built in New Zealand Eailway workshops, and comprised two heavy tender engines (Class B type) and eight tank engines; four of Class Fb type, two of Class La (replacing two old engines sold), and two Class Wa passenger engines. These additional locomotives increased the total tractive power by 123,696 lb., or 3-66 per cent. The new stock and new boilers in hand will still further increase the tractive power by 202,0851b., or 5-99 per cent. The replacing of old types of locomotives by those of more suitable design and greater tractive power is being done as expeditiously as practicable. To cope with the growth of traffic over the Eimutaka Incline two Class B engines were converted to Class We, and put into service between Cross Creek and Summit. These engines have done efficient work on the incline. There has been a large increase in the mileage run as compared with the preceding year, the increase in train-miles being 376,973, equal to 7-44 per cent., and engine-miles 629,863, equal to 9 per cent. The North Island contract for the equipment of rolling-stock on Auckland and Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Sections with the Westinghouse automatic air-brake is practically completed. The Westinghouse brake is now in regular use on all trains on both of these sections. A contract for equipping with the Westinghouse brake engines and rolling-stock on the Hurunui-Bluff Section has been entered into, and the Westinghouse Brake Company will commence the work at an early date. On 31st March, 1903, there were in the North Island 151 locomotives, 296 carriages, 117 brake-vans, 3,729 wagons, and five travelling cranes fitted with the Westinghouse air-brake. In the South Island 70 locomotives, 141 carriages, 20 brake-vans, and 75 wagons were similarly equipped. Boiler repairs and renewals are in a satisfactory position, the work being well up to date. The new work in hand at close of year consisted of one D, three F, one J, three X, two T, and one TJ, or a total of eleven locomotive boilers. During the year 1,223 car, van, wagon, and crane axles have been renewed. An. electric-lighting plant has been installed at Addington workshops, and a considerable proportion of the buildings are now equipped with arc and incandescent lamps. During the year twenty-nine cars were fitted with Pintsch gas, making a total of 636 vehicles fitted to date. The Pintsch gas manufactured at the five separate gasworks totalled 2,598,510 cubic feet, costing 2s. 3f d. per 100 cubic feet, the increased cost of production being due to repairs and renewals to plant and appliances, and the increased price of gas-oil. Small auxiliary plants are under erection at Christchurch and Dunedin for the purpose of producing acetylene-gas, it being intended to use a suitable admixture of oil and acetylene gas, and thus greatly increase the brilliancy of the light. The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to locomotives for the year:—


Particulars. | Number. I Type of Engine. Slumber passed through shops ... 395 160 tender engines, 187 tank engines, 30 . single Fairlies, 2 double Fairlies, 6 Fell engines, 8 engines for Public Works Department, and 2 engines for Castlecliff Eailway Company. 2 tender engines, 8 tank engines. 2 tender engines to tank engines. 8 tender engines, 22 tank engines, 2 single Fairlies, 1 Fell engine, and 1 engine for Public Works Department. 57 tender engines, 56 tank engines, 13 single Fairlies, 1 double Fairlie, 5 Fell engines, 4 engines for Public Works Department, and 2 for Castlecliff Eailway Company. 93 tender engines, 99 tank engines, 15 single Fairlies, 1 double Fairlie, and 3 engines for Public Works Department. 49 tender engines, 49 tank engines, 3 single Fairlies, 1 engine for Public Works Department, and 1 for Castlecliff Eailway Company. 27 tender engines, 32 tank engines, 4 single Fairlies, 1 engine for Public Works Department, and 1 for Castlecliff Eailway Com3uilt new Converted or rebuilt ... Dhoroughly overhauled 10 2 34 3eavy repairs 138 jight repairs . . 211 Painted and varnished... 103 touched up and revarnished 65 pany.


One Class B tender engine for heavy-goods traffic, one Class U engine, two Class Fβ tank engines, ten Class Wf tank engines, one Class L tank engine, and one Class Wα tank engine are under construction in New Zealand Railway workshops. The conversion of twelve tank engines—Class Pα to Class Fβ—is in hand. The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to locomotive boilers for the year: —

Eleven new boilers are in hand. The following new cars, brake-vans, wagons, and tarpaulins were completed and added to stock during the year—viz., forty-five bogie oars, thirteen bogie brake-vans, two Fell brakevans, 537 wagons, and 391 tarpaulins. The passenger-carriage seating accommodation has been further increased 7"71 per cent. The wagon-stock carrying capacity has been increased by 4,324 tons, or s'lo per cent. Carriage repairs and rebuilding: 1,520 carriages passed through shops, including forty-five cars built new, and twelve cars rebuilt or converted. The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to cars for the year : —

Sixty-eight bogie cars have had cushions fitted in second-class compartment, making a total of 373 cars fitted to end of year. The lavatory accommodation in cars has been materially augmented, forty-nine cars having been fitted with lavatories during the year. Total number of cars so fitted to end of year was 232, or nearly 40 per cent, of the bogie-car stock. The following new cars are in hand—viz., fifty-seven Class A 47^ft. bogie cars and three bogie refreshment cars. Brake-van repairs and rebuilding : The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to brake-vans for the year : —


Boilers Description. = 5 a j £ « ... 177 J 12 I ; *-l Cβ ■ r-l 1j s< i 65 100 CO 1) C CD H X & M ° • 3 o - . id O © <D 43 O ■ i 4J 9 ... 6 ! •a £ : "§ M 2 S .-S 2 J 49 47 16

Particulars. Number. Type of Gar. Number passed through shops 1,520 1,375 bogie cars, 109 six-wheelers, and 36 four-wheelers. 45 bogie ears. 12 bogie cars. 51 bogie cars, 10 six-wheelers, and 2 fourwheelers. 212 bogie cars, 5 six-wheelers, and 1 four-wheeler. 1,055 bogie cars, 94 six-wheelers, and 33 four-wheelers. 309 bogie cars, 13 six-wheelers, and 6 four-wheelers. 427 bogie cars, 2 six-wheelers, and 3 four-wheelers. Built new Converted or rebuilt Thoroughly overhauled ... 45 12 63 Heavy repairs 218 Light repairs 1,182 Wholly painted and varnished 328 Touched up and re varnished 432.

Description. 01 J3 •3 CO 1! I 3-5 ! 3 "3 a o 12 i «! ■s& . £ >1.2 <u a Cud > O o O 33 si > '3 M b(j 3 ■^3 a u o 3rake-vans ... ... ... 527 15 3 19 58 432 103 151 Wagon repairs and rebuilding : The followir 'ollowing ti ng ible gives pa: rticulars of the work fi ir the ear :— Description. I -si 13 2 a 3 I S > c o O II g '3 I w M a* CD QD 3 a '3 e< ! s ! "S l_ agons ... ! 12,117 100 ! 412 I 57 35 65 2,095 ! . i 9,3531,81314,320 I I Twenty-five four-wheel wagons were built under contract.


The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to tarpaulins for the year:—■

Stationary engines and cranes : The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to stationary engines and cranes for the year :—

The erection of two 10-ton hand and one 7-ton steam cranes was completed. The expenditure per train-mile has been as follows : —

The cost per train-mile is practically the same as it was the previous year. The usual returns are attached. I have, etc., A. L. Bbattie, Chief Mechanical Engineer. The General Manager, New Zealand Eailways, Wellington.


ANNUAL REPORT ON THE MAINTENANCE OF THE NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. Sm, — Chief Engineer's Office, Wellington, Ist April, 1903. I have the honour to submit the following report on the maintenance of the New Zealand Eailways for the year ending 31st March, 1903 : — Permanent-way. —The track has been maintained in good condition. During the year fifty-four miles of track have been relaid, 39-J miles with 701b. rails and 14-J miles with 561b. rails. The best of the second-hand rails taken up from the main lines have been used to relay lighter classes of track on the branch lines, thirteen miles having been so relaid. In my previous report I called attention to the necessity for increasing the rate of relaying, but I regret to say that this year, owing to the delay in obtaining rails, there was less done thaii for some three or four preceding years. The remarks I made in my last report in connection with relaying still apply. The track now being relaid is not unfit for traffic, but if the relaying be not pushed on faster the expenditure in the near future must be abnormally increased to keep our lines in a safe condition. The return of sleepers, attached to the Statement, shows that during the year we have relaid 384,469, of which 92,597 were imported hardwoods, and the balance, 291,872, native timbers. The expenditure on sleepers, exclusive of laying, was £76,888. I regret the decision to cease the use of hardwood sleepers, for the reasons given when I recommended their importation. Considerable delay has occurred in the delivery of the new creosoting plant for Woodville and repairing the plant at Invercargill, but a large number of sleepers have been procured in readiness for treatment and the work will be commenced early in the forthcoming year. During the year there has been expended on track-renewals £176,494, as against £170,473 in the previous year, although a less amount of track has been relaid. The difference is accounted for by balances of rails and sleepers carried over, having been received too late to lay during the year, and by relaying with second-hand rails on the branches.


Description, ... Number passed Manufactured Condemned i through Shops. New. and replaced, 8,278 391 642 Repaired. 7,245

Type. a. r& O a-3 O s : s so 5 « >' t si 3 c3 O 6 s O I 3 T3 ■I s CO M J I £ 2 I o H , pq Boiler•epairr*. rf} o5 s^ & ! cu : <u CJ l O ■ 7Z a I !5> i I M i 5 "l "7 I !." 3 8 ... ... I 4 .. Hand-cranes Steam-cranes Stationary engines Hoisting-engines Pile-drivers ... , 26 49 8 3 7 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 ! 15 1 1 3 19 30 6 2 2 3 6 1 1 2 ... ... . ... 2 1 1 1 ... 1 —

Cost in Pencr, Engine Mileage. n , m • 5 5 Branch, per Tram Mile. Coat in Pence, Car and Wagon Branoh, per Train Mile. Total. Year. Train Mileage. 902-3 901-2 5,443,333 5,066,360 7,626,628 6,996,765 16-69 1664 4-67 4-71 21-36 21-35


The material now in hand will enable us to continue relaying in the early periods of the ensuing year, which we have been unable to do in the past for lack of either rails or sleepers. The most serious interruption of traffic by floods occurred on the Foxton Branch, where washouts due to overflow of the Manawatu Eiver blocked the line for some ten days. Slips on the Otago Central extension continued more or less during the year, but with little interference to the traffic. The Gates stone-crushing plant erected in the Dunedin District has been fairly well employed, and the quantity of broken metal put through has been most satisfactory. In all districts during the year about 260,000 cubic yards of ballast have been laid, at a cost of £13,815. Bridges. —The bridges have been maintained in safe condition, and several of the larger structures have been strengthened to carry heavier engines. A new bridge has been built over the Hutt Eiver, at Silverstream, and the Mangatera steel viaduct has been completed. The total expenditure for repairs and renewals amounted to £63,728, as against £55,705 in the previous year. Signals, Interlocking, and Block-working. —Signal Engineer's report, which is attached, gives details of interlocking and block-working which have been carried out during the year. The working-results have been very satisfactory. Water-services. —These services have been maintained in efficient order. Wharves. —These structures have been kept in good repair. The facilities at Foxton have been improved by dredging, and considerable expenditure is being incurred for improvements at George Street Pier, Port Chalmers, by the removal of the central filling and renewal in timberwork. Buildings. —New station-buildings have been erected at New Plymouth and Tariki, and are in hand at Dannevirke, Kaiapoi, Dunedin, Bluff, and Fairfax. Considerable additions to meet the traffic requirements have been made at many other stations. The departmental offices in Wellington are not yet completed, and I anticipate the building will not be ready for occupation for four or five months. Miscellaneous Works. —A large number of additions and improvements to works have been made during the current year, amounting to £15,057, which has been charged to workingexpenses. Additions to Open Lines. —The principal works in hand were as follows : — Additions to Station-buildings and Station-yards : Mair, Auckland, Ellerslie, Mercer (completion), Frankton, Wharepoa Eoarl, New Plymouth (completion), Tariki (completion), Stratford, Eltham, Hawera, Eastown, Foxton, Summit, Dannevirke, Christchurch, Timaru (completion), Kaiapoi, Methven, Oamaru (land), Eavensbourne, Dunedin (foundations, &c), Balclutha, Invercargill (land), Bluff, Mandeville, Fairfax, and Wairio. Additions to Sidings: Auckland, Onehunga, Euakura, Morrinsville, four crossing sidings in Auckland District, Hawera, Hunterville, Addington, Timaru, Goodwood, Purakanui, Burkes, Cattle-yards, Barewood, Pukerau, Invercargill, Bluff, West Plains, Oporo, Thornbury, and between Waicola and Woodlaw. Creosoting Plants : Woodville (completion) and Kew (Invercargill). Bridges: Mangatera Viaduct (completion), Eiverton, and Teremakau (footway). Fencing: North of Palmerston North (completion), near Inchbonnie, and near Poerua (completion). Additions to Water-services : Wanganui District (completion), Ashburton, and Timaru. Additions to Workshops : Eastown (locomotive and maintenance), Petone, Hillside, and Invercargill (site, &c). Additions to Goods-sheds : Auckland (office), and Westport. New Dwellings and Additions to Dwellings: Frankton, Wanganui, Wellington, Ngapara, Gore, Greymouth, and Moana. Engine Turntables : Ngapara, Kurow, and Tokarahi. Purchase of Land : Petone, Christchurch, and Dunedin. Purchase of Buildings on Leaseholds: Waterloo Quay, Wellington; and No. 2 shed and plant, Lyttelton. Miscellaneous: Stockyards at Inglewood; new departmental offices at Wellington; crossing near Shag Point; George Street Pier, Port Chalmers; crane for Port Chalmers; lightening rock slopes on Otago Central Eailway; furnaces for heating foot-warmers in Dunedin and Invercargill Districts ; building six portable huts in Invercargill District; protective works at Otira ; filling in mud-flat at Nelson ; signals and interlocking; increased telegraph and telephone facilities ; blockworking ; strengthening track and bridges (proportion) ; and additional sleepers. The total cost of works under this heading charged to capital account amounts to £157,877. Expenditure. — The maintenance expenditure charged to revenue amounts to £457,757, or £202 per mile, as against £433,997, or £195 per mile, in previous year. The increase is due mainly to increases under renewals of track, and repairs and strengthening of bridges. As has been frequently remarked, our expenditure per mile is high compared with that of the other colonial railways, and an examination of the various returns shows that there is an increase under almost all heads, but more especially for renewals of track and bridges. Comparing our expenditure last year with that of the four principal Australian railways, I find that, on a mileage basis, we spent and charged to revenue for materials for renewals of track some £70,000, and on bridge structures and roads £45,000, more than the average for those railways. Mileage. —The total mileage open for traffic on 31st March, 1903, was 2,290 miles 64 chains, being an addition of about 56 miles opened during the year. Private Sidings. —-The number of private-siding rights at 31st March last was 273, with a total annual rental of £4,522. Fifteen new grants were issued during the year.



Leases. —At 31st March last there were 2,017 leases current, with a total annual rental of £21,879. Leases issued during the year numbered 362. Staff. —The working staff' was 2,707, and the office staff 91, making a total of 2,798 persons. I append the usual returns. I have, &c, John Coom, M.lnst.C.E., The General Manager, New Zealand Eailways. Chief Engineer.

ANNUAL SIGNAL AND ELECTRICAL REPORT. Sir,— Wellington, Ist April, 1903. I have the honour to submit the following report on the signals, interlocking, and blockworking, also the telegraph and telephone facilities, of the New Zealand Government Eailways for the year ending 31st March, 1903 : — Fixed Signals. During the past year twenty stations have been fitted with fixed signals, and the whole, with the exception of two or three stations, have now been fitted with interlocking plates. The expenditure for the year on new work was £854 15s. lid., and for maintenance £726 15s. Interlocking of Points and Signals. The signalling and interlocking has worked with the most satisfactory results. The following stations have been fully equipped during the year : Eollesfcon, Studholme, Dunedin (north end, temporary scheme), Cattle-yards, Gr.een Island sidings, and Mosgiel. The work has also been commenced and is well in hand at Summit, Burkes, Kensington, Caversham, Balclutha, Invercargill. The expenditure for the year on new work was £11,077 9s. 10d., and for maintenance £539 ss. 6d. Block-working. The electric train-tablet system of block-working on the sections where installed has worked with every satisfaction. During the year forty-two tablet instruments and seventy-seven miles of line have been fitted up and brought into operation, embracing the following sections : Turakina to Longburn, Masterton to Featherston, and Addington to Eolleston. The equipment of the sections from Palmerston North to Woodville, Wingatui to Ida Valley, Invercargill to Winton, Makarewa to Eiverton, and Greymouth to Ngahere is in progress. The staff-and-ticket system of block-working has been adopted on the Hunterville Branch. Telegraph and Telephone Facilities. During the year 250 miles of wire has been erected and brought into use, embracing a new through Morse wire from Invercargill to Dunedin; also various alterations and additions have been made to improve existing lines. Twenty-two additional Morse instruments and eighty-three telephones have been fixed and brought into operation ; also twelve additional connections have been made with public telephone exchanges and nine portable telephones brought into use. Twenty-four old-pattern telephones have been replaced by new and more modern ones. Greater facilities are still needed in some of the districts to suit the more pressing requirements. The expenditure on electric block-working, telegraph and telephone facilities for the year was : New work, £11,250 16s. lOd.; and maintenance, £6,949 12s. lOd. Electric Light. The signals fitted with electric light, also the electric arc lamps at Wellington, continue to give every satisfaction. I have, &c, H. J. Wynne, A.M.Inst.C.E., The Chief Engineer, Wellington. Signal and Electrical Engineer.

APPENDIX D. Sir,— Stores Manager's Office, Wellington, 12th May, 1903. I have the honour to report that the value of stores (purchased under the Eailway vote, on hand on 31st March, 1903, at the various depots amounted to £190,414 2s. 4d., as against £173,221 19s. 7d. on 31st March, 1902. The value of stores on hand on account of additions to open lines amounted on 31st March, 1903, to £37,114 ss. 2d., as against £43,151 4s. 4d. on 31st March, 1902. The stock is in good order, has been carefully and systematically inspected, and is value for the amounts stated. I have, &c, Geo. Felton, The General Manager, New Zealand Eailways. Stores Manager.




APPENDIX E. SiEj— Chief Traffic Manager's Office, Wellington, 15th June, 1903. I have the honour to report on the working of the Traffic Branch of the New Zealand Eailways for the year ending 31st March, 1903. Huruntd-Bhtff Section. The number of passengers carried during the year has fallen short of last year's traffic by 68,700 passengers, the Invercargill, Dunedin, and Christchurch Districts participating in the decrease. In goods traffic there were large increases in all classes, excepting grain, in which there was a large deficiency, the yield being considerably under the average, thus reducing the total increase in goods traffic to 11,914 tons, as against an increase of 45,220 tons last year. The sheep traffic was very heavy, 544,170 sheep being carried in excess of the traffic for last year. In the Christchurch District there are increases in all classes of traffic excepting grain, the increase in sheep being 316,048. The traffic in frozen meat has increased by 2,660 tons, 38,010 tons having been carried to Lyttelton and Timaru as against 35,350 tons last year. In the Dunedin District the traffic in practically all classes excepting grain shows a considerable increase. There is a large increase in sheep traffic, 147,304 more sheep having been carried than in the previous year. There is also a considerable increase in frozen meat, 202,416 carcases having been shipped at Oamaru and Port Chalmers, as against 163,189 carcases for last year. The quantity of cream carried to dairy factories amounted to 578,160 gallons, being an increase of 218,848 gallons. This class of traffic has made considerable strides during the past few years, having increased from 37,425 gallons in 1899-1900 to 578,160 gallons in the year under review. During the year creameries have been established at Kurow, Windsor, Totara, Maheno, Hyde, Balclutha, and Eomahapa. The recently discovered phosphate-rook deposits in the vicinity of Clarendon Station have been worked during the year, the output forwarded from that station being 2,494 tons. This industry should in time become of considerable importance. In the Invercargill District there are increases in chaff, wool, timber, merchandise, coal and other minerals, there being a decrease in grain and firewood. There is also a large increase in sheep traffic. The Christchurch-Dunedin express trains have been accelerated, forty-five minutes having been taken off the journey-time, the trains arriving at destination at 8.15 p.m. instead of 9 p.m. as formerly ; and arrangements have been made which enable the express train being run alongside the Wellington ferry steamer at Lyttelton, and also for a train for Christchurch to start from the wharf immediately on arrival of the ferry boat from Wellington. The journey-time of the morning train from Palmerston to Oamaru has been reduced, to give a better connection with the Oamaru markets. In the Invercargill District the journey-times of several mixed trains have been reduced, notably those between Invercargill and Clinton, Lumsden and Gore, Invercargill-Orepuki, Inver-cargill-Bluff, and Eiverton-Nightcaps. An extra passenger-train has been provided from Winton to Invercargill and back on Saturdays. The Eiverton-Nightcaps time-table has been improved by the running of the 10.5 a.m. Eiverton to Nightcaps and the 2 p.m. Nightcaps to Eiverton on Mondays in addition to Wednesdays and Fridays. Various other minor alterations have been made all over the Hurunui-Bluff Section. Increased mileage per annum : Passengers and mixed, 21,730 ; goods, 58,136 : total, 79,866. Various alterations and improvements of branch services are contemplated. Picton Section. The passenger traffic has increased largely, there being an increase of 14,104 passengers, and in revenue, including season tickets, of £808 2s. Id. The principal increases in goods traffic are in chaff, wool, grain, and merchandise. There is also a large increase in sheep traffic, 71,782 sheep having been carried, as against 38,149 last year. The total revenue for the section was increased by £2,371 14s. 10d., or over 21 per cent. Westland Section. ' The passenger business has fallen off slightly in this district, there being a decrease in passengers of 5,934 ; season tickets, 72 ; and in revenue of £68 9s. 3d. There has been a moderate increase in goods traffic, the principal increases being in chaff, firewood, and timber. The Greymouth-Hokitika time-table has been revised and improved. Increased mileage per annum, 7,488 miles. Westport Section. In passenger business there has been a moderate increase on this section. The goods traffic, however, has increased largely, the principal increase being in coal, close upon 88,000 tons more being carried than the previous year.

2 —D. 2.


Other increases are in chaff, grain, and general goods. The train service in this district has been entirely revised, and additional mixed trains provided. Increased mileage per annum, mixed, 23,920 ; decreased mileage per annum, goods, 9,048: net total increase, 14,872. Nelson Section. There is a decrease in the passenger business on this section of 9,808 passengers, and revenue (including season tickets) decreased £271 7s. Id. In goods traffic there is a small increase, principally in chaff, timber and grain. Total revenue has increased by £1,290 6s. lOd. Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Section The passenger business on this section has increased to a large extent, the increase over last year being 149,354 passengers and 5,877 season tickets, and in revenue of £6,012 14s. Bd. In goods traffic there are large increases in all classes, with the exception of firewood, in which there is a slight falling-off. The increase on the total goods traffic was close upon 12 per cent. In the Wellington-Napier District the principal increases are in grain, merchandise, coal and other minerals, there being also a large increase in sheep. In the Wanganui District there is a large increase in passenger traffic, and in goods traffic there are considerable increases, the principal of which are in chaff, wool, timber, grain, general merchandise, and coal. The sheep traffic has also increased to a large extent over the previous year. The large increase in the Sunday traffic has rendered it necessary to put on an additional train between Te Aro and Lower Hutt, and for the greater convenience of settlers the trains previously running between Palmerston and Foxton on Thursdays and Saturdays are now being run on Tuesdays also. Increased mileage per annum, 2,918 miles. Auckland Section. Passenger traffic in this district has increased during the year to a very large extent, there being an increase in ordinary passengers of 87,487 and in season tickets of 6,018, the revenue having increased to the extent of £4,399 Is. 9d. over the previous year's traffic. In the goods traffic there is also a large increase, the total tonnage for the year being 301,376 tons, as against 261,311 tons for the previous year, an increase of 40,065 tons, or over 15 per cent. There are increases in all classes of traffic, the principal being in chaff, timber, grain, general merchandise, and minerals. There was also an increase in sheep amounting to 57 per cent. The traffic in dairy-products still continues to increase, 400,309 gallons of cream having been forwarded, as against 360,502 for the previous year. The quantity of butter carried on the section was 4,350 tons, as against 3,550 for the previous year. There is, however, a slight decrease in cheese, the quantity being less than last year by 104 tons. The whole time-table has been rearranged, the most important improvements being the extension of the suburban trains to Henderson and the inauguration of a daily express train between Auckland and Eotorua. The improvements made give a faster and more regular service than formerly, and are greatly appreciated by the travelling public. During the current year it is proposed to place a refreshment-car on the Auckland-Eotorua express. Extra train mileage per annum : Passenger, 134,472 ; goods, 2,756. Gisborne Section. The Gisborne Section, 12 miles 65 chains, was opened on the 26th June, 1902. The total goods tonnage carried up to the 81st March, 1903, was 1,111 tons ; number of passengers, 39,183 ; total revenue, £1,787 19s. 2d. Kaihu Section. The traffic, both passenger and goods, has fallen off very considerably, there being a decrease,, compared with the previous year, of 3,008 passengers and 16,607 tons of goods; the principal drop is in timber, on which there is a decrease of 16,294 tons. Whangarei Section. The passenger business shows considerable development, 12,011 passengers having travelled in excess of the previous year, an increase of close upon 24 per cent. In goods traffic there is also a great improvement, the tonnage for the year being 95,485, as compared with 83,708 tons for the previous year, an increase of 11,777 tons, or over 14 per cent. There are increases in all classes of goods traffic, with the exception of grain, the heavier increases being in timber and coal.



The time-table has been improved by extending the running of the 12.35 p.m. train, Hukerenui— Whangarei, two days a week, making it a daily service instead of four days a week as formerly. Increased mileage per annum, 4,225 miles. Kawakawa Sectio?i. There is a moderate improvement in traffic for the year, both in passengers and goods, there being an increase of 1,741 passengers and 1,282 tons in goods traffic.

The outcome of the year's work is most satisfactory, and, compared with the previous year's, shows a large expansion of business. The total earnings for the year amounted to £1,974,037 15s. lid., as against £1,874,586 9s. 7d., an increase of £99,451 6s. 4d. There has been a large increase in the passenger traffic, 7,575,390 passengers having travelled, as against 7,356,136 last year, an increase of 219,254. There has also been a considerable increase in season tickets, 118,431 having been issued, an increase of 17,653 over the previous year. This advance in passenger business is all the more noticeable in view of the abnormal and exceptional passenger traffic induced by the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York to the colony, the despatch of troops for South Africa, and the occurrence of two Easters in the previous year, ending 31st March, 1902. Although, however, the growth of passenger business has been so satisfactory, the revenue derived therefrom has not, on account of the large reduction in the fares, increased to any extent, the passenger revenue for the year being £576,529 9s. 7d., as compared with the previous year £575,697 9s. 3d., there being therefore an increase of only £832 os. 4d. to represent the increased number (219,254) of passengers. The season tickets issued for the year (118,431), an .increase of 17,653, represent an increase in revenue of £3,846 16s. 3d. The revenue from excursion traffic was £109,329 19s. 9d. The goods traffic also shows a great improvement over the previous year, the tonnage for the year being 3,730,394 tons, an increase of 201,217 tons. Increases occur in all classes of traffic, except in grain, in which there is a large decrease, due to the deficiency in last year's harvest. There has been a phenomenal increase in sheep traffic, the number carried for the year being 3,821,333, as against 2,724,860 for last year, an increase of 1,096,473. The equivalent tonnage for the total live-stock traffic for the year shows an increase from 137,862 tons last year to 187,866 tons for the year under review, an increase of 50,004 tons. The revenue from goods and live-stock traffic amounted to £1,189,100, an increase over last year of £78,526. Grand total mileage of additional permanent trains per annum : Mixed and passenger, 194,753; goods, 51,844 : total, 246,597. The increase in goods mileage is due to the continued expansion of traffic and the acceleration of mixed trains. The large increase in passenger- and mixed-train mileage is chiefly due to the great improvement in the Auckland time-table. Appended is a comparative statement showing the average late arrivals of trains at destination for the year ending 31st March, 1903, and for the previous year. Express and mail train, 1-18, as against 1-79; long-distance and mixed trains, 1-25, as against 1*71; suburban trains, 0-57, as against 0-78.

Return showing Average Late Arrivals of Trains at Destination.


Pel •iod ending U •2 QJ 7-1 P ID I © a 5 a CO be CO S H o t> o ws i 3 u I Long-distani Long-t 1-57 ;e Fast Passenger T 0-48 042 0-57 0-88 0-rf5 i 0-47 I I Trains. 0-63 J O88 2-44 | 2-79 I 0-89 042 I 0-77 2-10 1-10 | 0-83 i I fear ending 31st March, 1903 ifear ending 31st March, 1902 1-08 1-40 1-40 J 1-57 1-09 2-44 1-14 1-18 1-14 3-01 1-96 1-96 ! 3-54 4-22 3-54 2-10 3-07 1-79 3-07 if ear ending 31st March, 1903 if ear ending 31st March, 1902 i Long-dii 1'57 J 2-18 1-07 ttance Mixed Trains 1-12 , 1-25 3'04 i 1-71 2-73 3'06 1-57 2-07 2-87 3'12 2'07 2-18 2>87 0-98 I 0-69 0-71 1-03 0-90 O79 0-86 0-82 MO j 1-20 1-27 0'79 1-02 i 1-27 i 0-94 1-36 1 fear ending 31st March, 1903 fear ending 31st March, 1902 1-17 Sμ 0-57 0'99 0'74 0'85 1-59 : 1-60 burban Trains 0-39 1 0-31 0-31 0-69 0-44 CK2 0-28 i 0-55 0-52 0'57 I 0-50 0'47 j 0-38 0-56 0-55 0-71 0-51 0-57 0-70 0-78 1-18 During the year a new agreement was entered into with the Wellington and Manawatu Bailay Company, in which provision was made for through booking of passengers on continuous ijleage and for the interchange of trains, the company's mail-train running through from Welling-


ton to New Plymouth, and the Government trains running through between New Plymouth and Wellington. This arrangement, obviating as it does the necessity for changing carriages at Palmerston North, has been much appreciated, and has given great satisfaction to the travelling public. The Westinghouse brake, which has now been introduced on the Auckland Section, is working satisfactorily, and has been found of great assistance in controlling trains on the steep grades in that district. Further extension of the electric tablet system has been completed during the year between Featherston and Masterton, Longburn and Turakina, Waitati-Port Chalmers-Mosgiel, Wingatui and Ida Valley, and Christchurch and Eolleston, adding greatly to the safe and expeditious working of the traffic. The system should be extended to other portions of the line as soon as possible, notably between Auckland, Newmarket, and Henderson; Newmarket and Frankton; and Addington and Eangiora. The Lake Wakatipu steamers were purchased by the Government and taken over by the Department on the Ist November last. The working of the steamers as an adjunct to the railways, at reduced fares and charges, has given general satisfaction throughout the southern districts. The percentage of traffic expenditure to revenue for the year is 18-24, previous year's percentage being 17-78. The increase is due to the large addition in the train mileage, caused by increase of traffic and improvements to the train services, increase in passenger business at low fares, and the increased salaries and wages paid to the staff under the Classification Act. The prospects for the ensuing year are most promising, and it may confidently be anticipated that there will be a considerable increase of business. I have, &c, The General Manager, W. H. Gaw, New Zealand Eailways, Wellington. Chief Traffic Manager.




No. 1. Summary of Revenue Accounts. 2. General Expenditure Account. 3. Details of Classified Expenditure. 4. Classified Expenditure and Revenue, and Proportion of each Class to Mileage and Revenue. 5. Comparative Statement of Passenger and Q-oods Traffic. 6. Cost of Construction, Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest on Capital. 7- Expenditure under Vote " Additions to Open Lines " charged to Capital Account. 8. Return of Revenue received by Railway Department from other Government Departments. 9. Statement of Season Tickets issued. 10. Classified Maintenance Expenditure. 11. Return of Passenger Bookings at Excursion Fares. 12. Revenue and Expenditure of Stations. 13. Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins. 14. Locomotive Stock. 15. Comparative Statement of Mileage, Capital Cost, Earnings, and Expenditure on Colonial Railways. 16. Comparative Statement of Mileage, Capital Cost, Earnings, Expenditure, and Traffic, New Zealand Q-overnment Railways. 17. Stores Contracts. 18. Weighing-machines, Weighbridges, Traversers and Turntables, Cranes, &c., and Water-services. 19. Renewals of Rails. 20. Renewals and Removals of Sleepers. 21. Number of Stations and Private Sidings. 22. Mileage of Railways open for Traffic and under Maintenance. 23. Weights of Rails in various Lines. 24. Particulars of Private-siding Traffic. 25. Sleepers Laid and Removed each Year. 26. Number of Employees. 27. Accidents. 28. Locomotive Returns. 29. Traffic from Coal-mines, Hurunui-Bluff. 30. Vessels Loaded and Discharged at Different Ports, Hurunui-Bluff. 31. Mileage of Track, Main Line and Sidings, Hurunui-Bluff. 32. Alterations and Additions in Scale of Charges.



RETURN No. 1. SUMMARY of REVENUE ACCOUNTS for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903. Db. & s. d. Cb. * ■• d- £ ■• d - To Cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1902 43.548 5 7 By Gross payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1903 ... 2,114,609 4 2 Passengers, parcels, goods, <_c, 31st March, 1903 ... ... ... ... 1,974,037 15 11 Less Refunds ... ... ... ■•• ■•• 13 2 ,3 2 5 9 9 #^ Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1903 ... ... ... ... 35>3 02 7 « £2,017,586 1 6 1 6 To Net amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1903 ... ... ... 1,982,283 14 sBy Expenditure to 31st March, 1903 ... ■•• ■■• ••• ••• 1,343,415 7 ' Less Cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1902 ... ... ... 43,548 5 7 Balance available for interest ... ... ... ... ... ••• 630,622 810 * Beceipts per Treasury ... ... ... ... £1,982,550 15 9 1,938,735 8 10 Balance Behind Account, 31st March, 1902 ... 11,402 17 9 1,993,953 13 6 . '•• Balance Befund Account, 31st March, 1903 ... 11,669 19 1 £1,982,283 14 5 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1903 ... ... ■ ... ... 35,302 7 1 £1,974,037 15 11 • £i,974,037 15 11 Betubn of Eevenue for Habbour Boards! &_., for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903. DB. £ s. d. : Ce. £ *■ d To Balance, 31st March, 1902 ... ... ... ... ... ... 11,40217 91 By Treasury payments to 31st March, 1903 ... ... ... ■•■ ... 132, °| S Wharfages, .&_., 31st March, 1903 ... ... ... ... ... 132,325 9 9 Balance due to Harbour Boards, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 11,669 19 1 £143,728 7 6 £i 43,7 2g \_J____ A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.



RETURN No. 2. GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the Twelve Months ending 3Lgt March, 1903. - Dk. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ - d £ s d To Balance brought forward :— By Payments outstanding on 31st March, 1902, brought forward ... Os 07 , '_, ,_ Outstanding accounts at ist April, 1902,— '..-■' 5 > y > & ... 95-97- 4 io Other Government departments, for stores, work done, &c. ... 7,877 3 5 Classified expenditure, as per Return No. 4 ,«-■„ _ T Personal accounts, for stores, work done, &c. ... ... 3,513 11 4 ' '" " Wll 3 ' n,390 14 9 Recoveries to credit of Vote 68 — Q , , •„ . , , Other Government departments, for stores, work done, &c. ... 160 iBq 12 10 btock of stores on hand at ist April, 1902 ... 173,22119 7 Personal accounts, for stores, work done, &c 3 7 Miscellaneous recoveries ... ... ... ... 24,591 15 4 Payments per Treasury to 31st March, 1903,— 217,47811 9 Vote 68* ... ... ... ... ... 1,571,6291011 Deposit on purchase of Lake Wakatipu" Shipping Company's 7(n n n Unauthorised ... . 3,23319 9 business and effects, &c. * ' "" 75 ° — 1,574,863 10 8 Ti •_ _ t. Deposit Account,— Deposit Account—Permanent-way material ... 2SjO0 o 0 o Cash with Agent-General 6,81110 4 Cash in Treasury ... ... ... ... ... 18,188 9 8 Payments outstanding on 31st March, 1903, carried forward ... ... 109,379 3 ° 25,000 o o Balance :— Outstanding accounts at 31st March, 1903,— * X -„ _ .„ r .- Other Government departments, for stores, work done, __c. in 201 A 1 * »otb.— Payments per Treasury ...£i,<ji,6_q 10 11 D , _ _ _ , j . »y>-=yi 4 J Recoveries „ ' ... 217,47811 9 Personal accounts, tor stores, work done, Ac. ... ... 1,533 17 9 Net charge to Vote 68 ...£1,354,150 10 2 2 °,825 2 O ™~~" Stock of stores in hand at 31st March, 1903 ... ... ~, 190 414 2 4. £1,893,855 8 o .£1,893,855 8 o. A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.



RETURN No. 3. CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURE for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903.

3-D, 2.

A. C. Fife. Railway Accountant.


I ill Maintenance of Way and. Works. Locomotive Power. Sections. j ~~ ~ ~ OWfl1a T ~~ ~f~ Carriages. Wagons. Traffic. Head Office. ; Dep^£® ntal Credit Total. , Permanent- Buildings . c Miscellaneous . general Total . | Fnei and Water. | Oil. TaHow, **%£ General Tota] . | ■ Becomes. | WAGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d 1 £ s. d. £ s. 4- £ s. d. | £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. .1. Kawakawa .. .. 436 10 10 178 17 11 ! 26 15 9 946 .. 651 9 o 291 12 1 Cr. 5 10 6 .. \ Cr. o 15 7 .. 285 60 16 15 1 161 14 2 814 55 19 3 2 256 16 9 , 218 o o 1,987 9 7 Whangarei .. .. i,545 *9 * 445 3 9 154 16 3 41 12 11 .. 2,187 * 2 o 1,084 56 64 9 4 .. 627 on .. *,775 *5 9 *33 *9 3 ! 3 2 5 10 10 i,95° 3 4 *93 *6 7 5°* 4 5 I ■ 91 11 8 6,976 10 6 Kaihu .. .. .. 1,158 65 40 1 8 3 13 10 .. .. 1,202 1 n 353 10 2 14 8 3 .. 294 17 3 .. 662 15 :i 8 13 4 ! 214 6 6 957 12 3 58 10 o 291 18 o 102 3 6 3,293 14 2 Auckland .. .. 25,339 10 2 7,048 19 3 2,504 82 714 5 8 .. 35,607 3 3 16,368 15 9 1,271 12 6 .. 5,961 15 8 .. 23,602 3 11 2,832 o 5 [ 4,491 6 o 33,°47 *6 8 2,276 13 o 5,392 15 * ! 1,696 15 5 ; 105,553 2 11 Gisborne-Karaka .. 13 23 1186 179 .. .. 16 86 327 87 30 19 8 .. Cr. 122 13 9 .. 235 14 ij 338! 3 17 o 293 73 17 9 10 128 24 .. 698 3 1 Wellington - Napier - New 52,503 17 8 19,097 8 5 6,906 n 6 j 1,763 17 9 .. 80,271 15 4 40,888 15 8 2,646 19 4 .. 19,110 10 8 .. 62,646 5 8 7,515 *o 8 9,301 8 9 76,899 17 o 5,009 17 5 ",156 19 4 3,043 13 1 [ 249,758 1 1 Plymoutli Hurunui-Blufi .. .. 107,212 4 10 25,164 3 7 11,260 4 7 : 3,454 8 6 .. 147,091 1 6 68,845 16 2 5,217 02 .. 28,947 * 6 4 •■ 103,010 12 1 9,051 12 3 I 22,128 7 10 173,992 3 5 11,618 8 C 5 19,438 7 n : 6,228 15 4 480,101 18 8 Westland .. .. 8,999 3 n 2,955 ** o 806 18 9 548 64 .. 13,310 o o 4,052 10 5 150 4 6 .. 2,120 17 o .. 6,323 n it 423 14 4 j 1,650 14 7 ",673 12 9 713 1 2 j 2,181 08: 141 15 n ! 36,133 19 6 Westport .. ., 4,158 4 5 3,129 13 7 317 17 6 1 940 97 .. 8,546 5 1 3,252 5 n 235 20 .. i,773 16 10 .. 5,261 4 } 64 3 9 ■ 2,334 19 8 8,258 9 6 748 12 8 : 1,805 18 2 87 14 6 26,931 19 1 Nelson .. .. .. 2,751 7 n 1,089 ro 3 182 17 6 25 15 7 .. 4,049 n 3 1,016 14 6 79 5 4 •• 7*7 12 1 •• 1,813 n n 115 9 4 289 19 9 3,398 9 8 137 12 3 519 6 10 213 19 4 10,110 1 8 Picton .. .. .. 2,287 18 10 757 16 n 80 2 4 33 10 6 .. 3,159 8 7 1,229 1 7 Cr. 106 54 .. 657 33 .. *3779 *9 5 76 16 10 232 8 n 2,157 2 9 126 6 9 405 2 10 23 18 1 7,913 8 1 Totals .. .. 206,406 6 4 59,909 4 10 22,245 13 11 7,531 " 4 .. 296,092 16 5 137,710 16 4 9,598 53 .. 60,088 08 .. 207,397 2 j 20,241 18 n 41,134 14 o 313,443 o o 20,919 n 3 j 42,077 12 4 :ii,848 6 10 929,458 8 4 ! ' ! : j l i I . STORES. Kawakawa .. .. 421 7 4; .. 27 18 5 18 o 9 .. 467 66 .. 58 1 3 19 9 6 127 931 .. 205 00 6 15 5 55 6'10 42 3 7 .. .. 2 17 6 773 14 10 Whangarei .. .. 341 19 8 ; 103 831 73 " 7 123 n 1 .. 642 10 7 .. 654 43 77 18 o 235 17: •• 967 3 i) 35 o n 301 2 6 132 6 10 .. .. 163 2,076 18 5 Kaihu .. .. .. 534 12 8 29 12 4 j 10 19 7 .. .. 575 47 .. o 14 3 15 7 7 50 17 1 .. 66 18 n 5 17 6 ! 160 98 62 36 .. .. 150 869 9 2 Auckland .. .. 12,128 19 6 2,930 n n 1,946 16 6 494 34 .. 17,500 n 3 .. ",763 19 2 885 12 9 3,445 7 5 •• 16,094 *9 4 i,"7 *5 1 2,402 o 3 2,791 12 11 ; .. .. 2,148 4 6 37,758 14 4 Gisborne-Karaka .. 2 14 1 o 18 o 262 .. .. 5 18 3 ... 229 17 4 17 10 1 52 5 5 .. 299 12 10 2 5 o 105 82 5 7 j .. .. .. 391 2 1 Wellington - Napier - New 3!,7 2 3 9 9 4,028 14 9 6,098 1 6 1,171 57 .. 43,021 n 7 .. 45,403 3 2 2,960 18 3 7,715 96 .. 56,079 10 n 2,409 14 2 ; 5,553 1 6 6,931 o 1 .. .. 4,867 6 5 109,127 n 10 Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff .. .. 60,255 6 n 12,195 19 5 5,752 18 2 3,767 15 7 .. 81,972 01 .. 60,913 17 o 3,916 6 5 13,647 14 6 .. 78,477 17 " 2,313 9 o 14,124 1 10 14,601 77! .. •• 5,o68 7 7 186,420 8 10 Westland .. .. 2,311 10 2 1,504 o 1 475 19 9 314 1 4 .. 4,605 n 4 .. 1,382 10 1 208 2 5 486 10 9 .. 2,077 3 3 219 12 10 t 993 14 6 1,239 *8 10 .. .. 30 13 6 9.105 7 3 Westport .. .. 2,825 *3 4 2,17613 5 178 9 5 1,563 56 .. 6,744 18 .. 1,162 18 1 178 12 o 811 16 3 .. 2,153 64 17 2 11 1,173 12 2 693 13 4 .. .. 254 17 8 10,526 18 9 Nelson .. .. .. 2,207 19 5 702 7 7 88 15 8 986 .. 3,008 n 2 .. 749 19 8 49 1 3 339 7 1 •• 1,138 8 $ 94 n 4 146 15 7 337 7 8 .. .. 269 5 1 4,456 8 8 Picton .. .. .. 1,385 5 10 324 57 27 9 o 9 19 1 .. 1,746 19 6 .. 704 19 2 66 6 5 326 8 10 .. 1,097 *4 1. *9 *4 3 *°5 ° 3 202 82 .. .. 99 5 o 3,072 n 7 Totals .. .. 114,138 18 8 23,996 n 4 14,683 5 9 7,471 10 9 .. 160,290 6 6 .. 123,024 3 5 8,395 4 8 27,238 78 .. 158,657 15 9 6,241 18 5 : 25,016 5 6 27,116 81.. .. 12,743 8 6 364,579 5 9 MISCELLANEOUS. Kawakawa. .. .. 080 .. .. .. 2 13 3 313 •• 028. .. 26 16 8 1 2 n ; 28 2 3 3 19 7 3 18 7 6 17 n .. .. .. 1 45 19 7 Whangarei .. .. 041 * 5 5 006 2 14 10 26 16 9 31 1 7 .. o 16 6 ! .. 44 6 1 n 9 7 ; 56 12 2 5 18 n 54 9 n 99 12 7 .. .. .. 247 15 2 Kaihu .. .. .. o 4 n .. .. .. 8 8 8 8 13 7 .. 034 .. 21 3 o 3 n 6 24 17 10 213 21 5 3 19 10 8 .. .. .. 76 8 7 Auckland .. .. 132 25 87 02 725 510 317 10 9 548 16 9 .. 10 15 7 .. 1,003 2 4 135 10 o 1,149 7 if 231 19 8 662 5 1 2,945 15 1 .. .. .. 5,538 4 6 Gisborne-Karaka .. .. .. .. .. 265 265 .. .. .. 6 19 4 121 815 0178 **5 55 *7 * •• •• •■ 68 40 Wellington - Napier - New 140 17 3 270 17 1 15 10 7 14 4 1 697 o 4 1,138 94 .. 17 6 6 .. 4,261 15 1 ; 299 4 3 4,578 5 10 2,183 * 3 3,°i3 8 9 4,505 72;.. .. .. 15,418 12 4 Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff .. .. 273 n 2 172 4 5 j n n 6 21 16 3 1,346 n 2 1,825 14 6 .. 14 n 4 .. 5,"5 12 1 570 17 9 ; 5,701 1 2 1,246 14 o 5,062 15 n 9,979 15 1 •• •• •• 23,816 o 8 Westland .. .-. 25 13 5 51 13 6 127073 98 14 10 177 n 7 .. n 18 o .. 309 n 5 41 17 3 363 68 20 16 10 316 1 9 938 o 10 .. .. .. 1,815 17 8 Westport .. .. 21 5 5 87 13 4 031 940 103 16 11 222 29 .. 21 11 10 .. 323 11 5 44 7 2 j 389 10 I; Cr. 16 o 10 447 12 4 691 10 11 .. .. .. I3734 *5- 7 Nelson .. .. .. 001 18 6 5 .. o o 8 | 19 3 5 37 10 7 --.-.-■- 1 n-10 .. 106 8 10 876! 116 82 14 7 8 32 15 7 135 *4 9 •• •• •■ 336 16 9 Picton .. .. .. 117 .. .. .. 17 17 10 18 19 5 .. .. .. 96 18 7 7 10 2 104 89 4 3 9 27 16 11 123 94... .. .. 278 18 2 Totals .. .. 595 8 4 689 04 35 10 8 53 8 1 2,641 o 4 4,014 79 .. 78 17 7 .. ",316 4 10 1,125 o 2 12,520 2 7 3,697 19 9 9,643 n 6 19,501 " 5 •• •• •• 49,377 13 o Grand totals .. 321,140 13 4 84,594 16 6 36,964 10 4 15,056 10 2 2,641 o 4 460,397 10 8 137,710 16 4 132,701 6 3 8,395 4 8 98,642 13 2 i 1,125 o 2 378,575 o 7 30,181 17 1 75,794 " o 360,060 19 6 ! 20,919 n 3 42,077 12 4 24,591 15 4 1,343,415 7 1 . ! j ; I 6 17 " 99 12 7 ig io 8 2,945 *5 * 55 17 * 4,505 7 2 I 9,979 15 * 938 o 10 691 10 11 *35 *4 9 123 9 4 19,501 11 5 45 19 7 247 15 2 76 8 7 5,538 4 6 68 4 o 15,4*8 12 4 23,816 0 8 1,815 17 8 i,734 15 7 336 16 9 278 18 2 49,377 13 o 360,060 19 6 I 20,919 11 3 42,077 12 4 24,591 *5 4 1.343.4*5 7 * I


RETURN No. 4. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue, for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903.


Mileage. Classified Exi >enditure. 'oporfcit >n of each Class of Expenditui ivenue. e to Mileage and Revenue. M =2 M . g-SS TrainMi m Mileage. L— C © -1 Total. Per Mile of Railway per Annum (Average). ©' '3 fc & u a Ph Maintenance Locomot ive w Power. Way. Repairs of Carriages and Wagons. Traffic Expenses. Dep offiS ental ' C^{t Recoveries. Main tenant :e. Let lomotive. Carriagf ,s and r agons. Traffic. !art Offic 'e. Departmental Offices. j Credit Recoveries. Total. Section. Head Office. Total. *% ■ =— A o . : o 3 II g|J o > «■= < *■£ H& * a, Cq JP <s Cu Ph a a '3 A *-<2 CM cm O . . © c a © g O > SM ft. rSg§ ! goi 3I5, Ha *'3< ! fefti x ] « « © I CM PM ft w Cm O . . <U og © © ©c§ ft. A iri Ph £ M HI Ph o . Ji ft. Va ©■« S ft. a a © PM cm O . . © og 5l CLi -SI'S Ph & '* A M © mH © ft. few |«5 1 (J flea 7mL>H £ © Om 2 £fl Sfti |«1 | s si S^ A £ ©' P m 1902-3. Kawakawa ... Whangarei ... Kaihu Auckland G-iiborne-Karaka Wellingto n-Napier - New Plymouth Hurunui-B luff Westland Westport Nelson ... Pieton 8 23 17 34i 13 466 1,213 112 5,084 46,666 13,901 741,589 12,728 1,611,738 2,701,401 142,734 80,944 44,467 42,081 £ 8. d. 1,972 18 n 20,009 1 8 6,H3 5 8 236,342 9 9 1,787 19 2 522,302 1 6 1,006,855 io 2 73,824 12 o 77,081 4 3 14,370 1 8 13,348 11 2 £ 8. d. 246 12 4 869 19 2 361 7 5 693 1 9 198 4 9 i,i39 5 11 837 8 5 659 3 o 2,486 9 10 435 9 2 494 7 10 s. d. 7 9 8 7 8 10 6 4i 2 9I 6 5f 7 5i 10 4 19 °i 6 Si 6 4 £ s. d. 1,121 16 9 2,861 4 2 1,786 o 1 53,656 11 3 24 13 2 124,431 16 3 230,888 16 1 18,093 2 11 15,512 9 6 7,095 13 O; 4,925 7 6 | £ 8. d. Sl8 8 3 2,799 II 9 7S4 12 5 40,846 11 2 543 8 9 123,304 2 5 187,189 11 9 8,764 1 10 7,804 1 6 3,068 8 1 2,982 2 8 £ s. d. 248 9 8 856 2 4 412 13 6 11,737 6 6 12 5 2 29,976 s 1 53,927 o 10 3,624 14 10 4,021 10 o 693 19 3 466 o 11 £ s. d. 863 6 11 2,182 2 9 1,039 6 5 38,785 4 8 431 9 11 88,336 4 3 198,573 6 1 13,851 12 5 9,643 13 9 3,871 12 1 2,483 0 3 £ s. d. 19 3 2 193 16 7 58 10 o 2,276 13 o 17 9 10 5,009 17 5 11,618 8 5 713 1 2 748 12 8 137 12 3 126 6 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 256 16 9 220 17 6, 2,807 4 o 501 45 92 17 11, 9,301 4 1 291 18 o 103 8 6 4,239 11 11 5,392 15 1 3,844 19 11 148,850 1 9! 128 24 ... 1,157 9 2 11,156 19 4 7,910 19 6374,304 5 3 19,438 7 11 11,297 2 11690,338 8 2 2,181 08 172 9 5 47,055 4 5 1,805 18 2 342 12 2 39,193 13 5 519 6 10 483 4 5 14,903 7 1 405 2 10 123 3 I: 11,264 17 10. £ 56-86 14-30 29-07 22-70 1-38 23-82 22-93 24-51 20-13 49'38j 36-90 £ d. 140-23:52-96 124-40'14-72 105-0630-84 IS7-3SI7-36 273; 0-47 271-4218-53 192-04 20-51 161-55 30-42 500-4045-99: '215-02,38-30 182-4228-09 £ 26-28 i3'99 1228 17-28 30'39 23-61 i8'59 11-87 I0'I2 2i'35 22-34 £ t a. £ 64-8024-47 12-59 12172.14-40 4-28 44-3913-03 6-72 119-7813-22, 4-97 60-25; 10-25' 0-69 I 268-96,18-36, 5-74 155-69:16-63 5-36 78-25; 1474 4-91 25I-7423-I4 5'22 92-9816-56 4-83 110-45'17-01 3-49 167-3816-69 5'37 1 1 £ 31-06 37-22 24-27 34'42 1-36 65-39 44-85 32-37 129-73 21-03 17-26 d. "73 4-40 7'12 3'8o 0'23 4'47 4-79 6-09 11-92 375 2-66 £ 437 6 | 1090 16-92 i6'4i : 24-13 16-91 19-721 18-76! 12-51 26-94 i8-6o| £ d. 107-924076 94-88 11'22 61-14:17-94 -II3-74! 12-55 47'84, 8-14 '192-69 13-15 1165-1617-64 123-6723-29 311-0928-60 117-32 20-90 91-9614-16 £ 097 0-97 o-95 o-97 0-98 0-96 i'i5 0-97 0-97 0-96 0-95; £ A. 2-39; 0-91 8-43 roo 3-44! roij 6-68 0-74 1-94 0-33! 10-93 0-751 9-66! 1-03; 6-37. 1'20' 24-15 2-22 4'i7i 0-74 4 - 68 0-72! I I ! £ £ 13-02 32-11 2-50 , 21-79 4'75 17-17 2-28 ; I5-8l 7-I7 j I4-2I 2-13 24-34 1-93 16-17 2-95 19-47 2-34 58-25 3'6i I574J 3'03 ; iS'oi i d. I2'I2 2- 5 8 S'04 1-74 2-41 i-66 i'73 3-67 S'35 2-80 2-31 £ 11-20 0-46 i-68 1-63 i'Si ri2 0-23 0-44 3'36 0-92 £ 27-61 4-04 6-08 11-27 17-26 9-40 i'54 11-05 14-64 4-56 d. 10-43 0-48 178 1-24 1-18 roo 0-29 i-oi 2'6l 0-70 £ 142-28 46-48 69-01 62-98 64-74 71-66 68-56 6374 50-85 103-71 84'39 £ 350-90! 404-40 249-39 436-51 128-33 816-47 574-I7 420-14 1,264-31 451-62 417-22 i d. |i32\52 47-84 73'20 48-17 21-83 5574 6i-33 79' 12 ll6'2I 8C44 64-25 31 33 34 Totals ... 42,077 12 424,591 IS 4'i,343,4iS 7 1 19-18 46-86 4-67 18-24! i'o6 1-85 1-25 10-87 ro8 68-05 2,291 5,443,333 1,974,037 IS " 872 15 7 3 460,397 10 81 [378,575 o 7 105,976 8 1 360,060 19 6 20,919 11 3 23-3 203-5, ; 20-3. 159-19.15-88 9-25 0-92 2-13 , i8-6o! 593'96 S9'23 1901-2. tawakawa ... Vhangarei ... [aihu Luekland ... Celling ton-Napier-New Plymouth [urunui-Bluff Vastland Vestport felson 'ieton 8 23 17 34i 3,888 42,829 16,755 693,589 £ s. d. 1,815 18 8 17,291 IS 6 9,878 15 10 214,353 3 8 £ s. d. 226 19 10 75i 16 4 581 2 1 628 12 o 8. d. 9 4 8 1 11 9i 6 2 £ s. d. 782 8 2 3,084 8 1 2,500 14 o S5,°4S 19 5 £ s. d. 293 19 3 2,294 18 9 1,263 iS 3 35,557 18 8 £ s. d. 286 1 9 1,129 16 1 347 n 8 10,696 6 8 £ a. d. 660 6 1 2,176 3 7 1,034 10 1 33,838 6 7 £ 8. d. 18 13 8 178 6 8 102 1 5 2,202 14 4 £ s. d. 212 9 2 383 9 io 1 387 5 4 4,825 io 2, £ s. d. 237 o 6\ 230 19 2; 121 19 3 3,138 12 4 £ s. d. i 2,016 17 7 ; 9,016 3 10 5,5i3 18 6 139,028 3 6 £ 43'09 17-84 2S32 25-68 £ 97-80 .134-11 147-10 161-43 d. 148-30 17-28 '35-82 ; 19-05 £ 16-19 13-27 12-79 16-59 £ 367S 99-78 74-34 104-27 d. I 18-15 12-86 1810 12-30 I £ 15-75 6'53 3-52 4-99 £ 3576 49-12 20-45 3i'37 d. 17-66 6-33 4-98 3-70 £ 36-36 12-59 10-47 15-78 £ i 82-54 94-62 60-85 99'23 d. 40-76 12-19 14-82 1171 £ 1-03 1-03 1 03 1-03 £ 2'33 7'75 6'oo 6-46 d. j i-i5 I "00 146 0-76 £ 11-70 2-22 3'92 2-25 £ 26-56 16-67 22-78 H'15 d. j "3'iii 2'i5; 5'55 1-67 i £ I3'0S ; 1 "34 1-23 1-46 £ 29-63 10-04 7-17 9-20 d. 14-63 1-29 1'75 ro8 £ iii'07 52'i4 55'82 64-86 £ 252-11 392-01 324-35 407-71 d. 124-50 50'52 78-98 48-11 45i 1,198 112 3i 33 21 1,445,690 2,573,i9i 136,983 74,375 47,022 32,038 481,650 10 5 986,670 17 3 73,052 8 1 65,816 9 o 13,079 14 10 10,976 16 4 1,067 19 3 829 3 9 652 5 1 2,123 2 3 396 7 1 522 14 1 6 8 7 8 10 8 17 8i 5 6f 6 ioi 121,886 n 1 218,095 12 8 16,957 o o 9,428 13 11 5,195 14 9 3,870 5 3 "4,339 2 o 178,105 o o 8,412 2 10 6,751 8 8 2,371 6 9 1,782 6 2 27>356 18 3 50,738 2 8 3,083 12 9 4,553 14 5 766 16 o S62 15 9 80,019 3 1 188,601 13 4 12,533 17 11 8,845 1 8 3,507 3 7 1,994 12 o 4,9i3 4 3 10,118 6 4 75i 14 o 682 4 o 133 4 6 IIO 17 2 9,755 4 4 17,516 14 7 2,012 2 6i 1,526 13 7; 468 o 3; 457 10 1 7,546 4 2 12,482 17 4 193 5 9 708 11 8 493 14 3 117 14 6 !35o,723 18 10 650,692 12 3 43,557 4 3 31,079 4 7 ii,948 11 7 8,660 11 11 25-31 22'10 23-2I 1433 39-72 35-26 270-26 ■83-29 151-40 304-15. IS745 184-30: 1 20'23 20-34 29-71 30-43 26-52 2899 23-74 18-05 11-51 10-26 18-13 16-24 253-52 149-68 7S-" 21779 71-86 84-87 1898 1661 14-74 21-79 1210 i3'35 S-68 5-i4 4-22 6-92 5'86 S'i2 6o-66 42-64 27-53 146-89 23-23 26-80 4'54 4'73 5-40 14-69 3-92 4'22 1661 19-12 17-16 I3'44 26-81 18-17 I77H3 158-50 hi 91 285-33 106-28 94-98 13-28 i7'59 21-96 28-54 17-90 14-94 1-03 1-03 1-03 1-03 I'02 10-89 8-50 6-71 22'0I 082 0-95; "'32 2'20 o-68: 0'8 3 2'02 I- 7 8 2'75 2-32 3'58 4-17 21-63 1472 17-97 49-25 14-18 21-79 1-62 163 3'52 4'93 2'39 3'43 i'57 I'27 0-26 ro8 3'77 1-07 16-73 10-49 1'73 22-86 14-96 5-6i 1-25 ri6 0'34 2-29 2-52 o-88 72-82 65'95 59-62 47-22 9 1'35 78-90 777-66 546-84 388-90 1,002-56 362-08 412-41 58-22 60-69 76-31 100-29 60-99 64-88 I'OI 4-04 5'28 Totals ... 99,521 16 19,211 6 4 23-30 196-17: 20-69 1873 15769 1664 S'3i 44-69 471 1778 149-63 i5'79 1-03 8-6 3 C91 2'00 16-86 178 1'35 11 '35 1'20 66-8o 562-32 59'32 2,235 5,066,360 1,874,586 9 841 15 8 ; 7 4* 436,847 7 4 351,171 18 4 333,210 17 11 37,544 19 10 '25,270 18 11 1,252,237 6 10 A. C. Fife, Railway .ccou: itant.


I) -2

RETURN No. 5. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Passenger and Goods Traffic for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903

4—l). 2.

a Passengers. Parcels, &c. Live-Stock, Goods, &c. Sections. u 3 First Class. Secoi id Class. Total. Total Season Tickets. Parcels. Horses. Carriages. Dogs. Total. D £T Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Total. Equivalent Tonnage for Live-Stock, &c. Chaff, Lime, &c. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals, Total. Grand Total Tonnage. 1902-3. Single. 389 6,202 358 51,888 I ,062 108,806 Return. Single. 2,609 22,829 7,195 342,979 8,877 525,"6 Return. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 3,636 1,251 160 238,947 36 1,583,100 No. No. Tons c. q. Tons c. q. Tons c. q. Tons c. q. Tons c. q. 552 18 O 27,529 5 o 20,903 8 o 36,105 11 o 73 2 o 140,947 8 o Tons c. q. 1240 1,727 19 O 407 13 o 44,667 7 O 352 16 O 78,512 18 o Tons c. q. 1,677 7 o 2,809 2 O I,144 II O 51,536 8 O 253 17 O 151,191 4 O Tons c. q. Tons c. q. 6,238 8 O 95,485 8 O 22,697 '5 o 301,376 II o 1,11016 O 560,195 14 o Tons c. q. 6,392 10 O 95,6i8 4 O 22,708 12 O 319,887 4 O 1,11213 0 636,841 17 o Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland... Gisborne-Karaka ... Wellington - Napier - New Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff Westland .. Westport Nelson Picton 8 23 17 34i 13 466 208 4,154 1,372 75-750 3,562 288,736 3,194 29,894 12,640 741,580 25 ,682 1,234,782 6,400 63,079 21,565 1,212,197 39,183 2,157,440 49 130 109 26,905 56 29,567 324 1,914 I ,220 76,956 434 223,035 51 15 17 1,287 5,227 5 8 1 62 1 606 59 120 *77 4,557 59 12,888 439 2,057 i,4i5 82,862 494 241,756 29 4 385 363 26 183 25-394 36,969 29 I 3,202 3 3-347 145 60 3,388 7 16,258 3,662 1,637 225 271,316 46 1,640,037 154 2 O 132 16 O 10 17 0 18,510 13 o 1 17 o 76,646 3 o 444 0 0 144 0 O 22,134 O O 108 O O 19,934 O O 45 *6 O 780 1,969 8 o 51 4 o 24,611 8 o 6 0 0 582 O O 132 O O 6,076 O O 180 O O 44, 144 O O 3,500 3 o 62, 693 2 O 102 15 O 138,887 17 O 91 17 o 100,854 16 0 1,213 112 31 33 34 141,233 8, 162 271 1,676 4,037 491,446 16,060 972 4,862 13,396 735,127 63,615 21,651 24,623 18,897 2,203,304 I52,9IO 66,284 57,142 49,858 3,571, no 240, 747 89,178 88,303 86,188 60,202 824 89 385 "5 401,037 15,486 4,846 4,573 1-937 5,601 357 9 47 126 897 30 2 14,897 675 168 311 291 422,432 16,548 5,025 4,961 2,358 1 ,043 58 4 10 25 30,199 559 7 18 20 2,441 5i 3 8 1 1,909,735 9,972 160 2,554 71,782 41,505 309 1,984,923 10,949 174 2,697 71,893 88,759 I0 ° 629 3 o 10 18 o 117 16 o 2,893 2 o 68,218 o o 1,S54 o o 1,194 O O 1,980 o o 5,382 o o 87,305 16 o 100 o o 33,852 O O 2,314 O o 4,692 o o 3,276 o o 5,244 o o 155,462 8 o 48,554 9 o 2,432 13 o 2,932 2 o 5i5 2 o 571,542 I o 5,964 19 o 1,950 12 O 5,212 II O 8,024 16 O 400,036 14 O 15,000 12 O 3,964 9 O 2,651 3 O 3,419 " o 535,226 13 o 212,113 8 o 542,645 13 o 3,539 13 0 4,770 2 o 1,851,643 12 O 285,601 8 o 556,879 7 o 20,033 17 o 29,131 3 o 1,940,403 2 0 286,230 II O 556,890 5 o 20,151 13 o 32,024 5 o 30 4 107 65 442 8 o 1,775 12 o Totals 2,291 324,084 900,518 i,773,5i8 4,577,270 7,575,390 118431 731,762 ■2,737 1,646 34,202 780,347 1,921 93-375 19,086 3,821,333 61,844 3,987,559 187,866 17 0 121,092 o o 116,309 o o 100,498 o o 436,008 6 o 718,375 16 o 633,684 18 o 1,604,425 19 0! 3,730,393 19 o 3,918,260 16 o 1901-2. Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu ... Auckland... Wellington- MapierNew Plymjutli Hurunui-Bluff Westland .. Westport Nelson Picton 8 23 17 34i 45i 259 4,953 91 44,832 95,385 216 3,214 1,306 72,568 268,932 1,854 19,141 2,972 282,930 433,667 2,330 23,760 20,204 • 724,380 I,210,102 4,659 51,068 24-573 1,124,710 2,008,086 25 83 103: 20, 887 23,690 250 1,954 I ,261 72,378 207,456 45 23 1, 189 4,964 5 4 68 463 48 81 171 4,045 ",259 348 1 2,035 1,459 77,680 224,142 2 46 6 322 339 II 266 20,474 28,408 24 3,206 i,952 3,924 948 262 i5i,934 1,154,211 92 3,219 15,755 3,937 1,376 268 *79,155 1,200,665 161 12 o 154 9 o 13 10 o 13,352 1 o 56,535 2 0 48 o o 54 o 0 24 o o 16,14.2 o o 18,360 o o 43 16 o 1,771 o o 23>773 o o 444 O O 270 O O 4,952 o o 46,298 o o 226 8 0 22,808 18 o 37,'97 IS o 31,625 6 o 137,460 4 o ; 2,093 " ° 98 17 0 38,065 10 o 69,694 1 o 1,385 16 o 2,692 4 o 1,626 3 o 43,566 16 o 124,117 4 o 3,252 13 o 55,6i5 15 o 87 15 o 125,188 17 o 82,286 7 o 4,956 13 o 83,708 8 o 39,304 10 o 261,311 9 o 501,988 16 o 5,"8 5 o 83,862 17 0 39,318 o o 274,663 10 o 558,523 18 o 1,198 112 31 33 21 130,488 7,456 213 i,592 3,053 486,970 16,668 1,068 5,546 ",376 664,572 62,483 '9,453 23,889 '3>799 2,357,780 160,074 65,620 67,084 43.856 13,639,810 j 246,681 86,354 98, in 72,084 54,457 896 116 370,852 14,356 4,001 I 4,096 1, 200 5,243 362 16 14 70 897 30 2 30 7 13,388 657 146 382 227 390,380 15,405 4,165 4.522 1,504 773 52 4 16 26, 778 634 6 25 9 1,581 77 1 3 3 1,365,565 7,986 103 i,778 38,149 35,287 608 1,429,984 9-357 114 i,936 38,249 65,425 13 0 584 19 o 840 92 3 o i,534 9 o 44,010 o 0 1,122 O O 528 O O 1,008 O O 5,082 O O 74,581 o o 54 4 o 33,358 o o 1,504 0 0 4,062 o o 3,876 o o 5,472 o o 149,463 8 0 42,767 15 o 2,715 1 o 2,534 1 o 354 7 o 685,216 1 o 5,569 7 o 1,620 4 o 4,710 8 o 6,276 13 o 358,009 13 o 16,472 3 o 3-333 17 o 3,002 19 o 2,187 *6 o 495,091 5 o ( 219,684 14 o 454,737 12 o| 3,932 2 o, 3,915 9 o 1,839,729 7 o 287,174 3 o 466,996 14 o 19,444 14 o 24,562 I o 1,905.155 o o 287,759 2 0 467,004 18 o 19,536 17 o 26,096 10 o 392j 129 "4 84 381 4 o 1,273 16 o 4 Totals -2,235 288,322 867,864 1,524,760 4,675,190 17,356,136 1-00778! 1677,804 11,926 1,506 30,404 721,640 1,564 76,611 6,847 2,724,860 55,iS9 2,865,041 137,862 2 0 86,378 o o 101,878 o o 100,236 o o 1427,153 3 o '813,344 12 o 1556,394 II o 1,443,792 9 °| '3,529,176 15 o 3,667,038 17 o Revenue. Mileage. Sections. Shunting and Ballasting. Ordinary Passengers. Season Tickets. Parcels, Luggage, and Mails. Total Coaching. Goods. Miscellaneous. Rents and Commission. Total Goods. Grand Total Revenue. Train. Total. 1902-3. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 57 16 1 171 19 7 103 18 11 10,774 12 10 57 7 6 27,913 4 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 68 13 5 158 13 3 174 18 5 985 17 o 7 1 8 6,829 " " £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,972 18 II 20,009 1 8 6,143 5 8 236,342 9 9 1,787 19 2 522,302 1 6 No. No. No. 8,442 61,919 20,268 968,534 16,817 2,256,807 Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland ... Gisborne-Karaka ... Wellington - Napier - New Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff Westland... Westport Nrlson Picton ... 352 11 5 2,705 1 10 1,027 1 8 85,495 7 9 i,434 19 1 180,165 I 9 29 4 o 160 18 n 103 o 6 7,504 8 8 71 17 9 13,308 1 8 439 " 6 3,038 o 4 1,234 1 1 103,774 9 3 1,564 4 4 221,386 7 9 1,424 I I o 16,592 7 7 4,627 17 10 127,648 18 8 184 3 1 280,588 7 4 40 3 o 220 o 6 106 8 4 3,933 4 10 32 10 1 13,497 H 6 i,533 7 5 16,971 1 4 4,909 4 7 132,568 o 6 223 14 10 300,915 13 9 5,084 46,666 13,9° 1 741,589 12,728 1,611,738 3.358 15,253 6,367 226,945 4,089 645,069 276,492 11 4 15,531 :6 9 4,397 9 5 4,363 9 10 4,563 18 9 26,686 10 8 696 1 2 126 8 9 324 7 8 157 10 10 45,438 o 7 1,659 16 4 324 5 2 486 10 6 284 18 11 348,617 2 7 17,887 14 3 4,848 3 4 5,174 8 o 5,006 8 6 621,194 18 8 53,073 1 2 68,834 13 7 7,553 4 o 7,378 10 10 15,247 17 6 2,151 3 " 3,025 1 1 660 17 n 650 911 21,795 11 5 712 12 8 373 6 3 981 11 9 3 ! 3 1 " 658,238 7 7 55,936 17 9 72,233 o II 9,195 13 8 8,342 2 8 1,006,855 I0 2 73,824 12 o 77,081 4 3 14,370 1 8 13,348 11 2 2,701,401 142,734 80,944 44,467 42,081 *,09I,7S5 76,799 86, 094 10,135 i7>43i 3,793,156 219,533 167,038 54,602 59,512 7,626,628 Totals 576,529 9 7 49,168 10 7 87,272 10 9 712,970 10 11 1,189,100 13 9 29,960 6 o 42,006 5 3 1,261,067 5 o 1,974,037 15 " 5-443-333 2,183,295 7,626,628 1901-2. Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland ... Wellington - Napier - New Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff Westland... Westport Nelson Picton 333 3 2 2,156 o 10 1,324 8 4 82,145 3 7 175,603 15 8 24 6 4 146 19 6 102 15 8 6,455 11 1 11,856 13 1 52 17 6 133 1 6 no 8 10 8,935 9 2 25,155 6 5 410 7 o 2,436 1 10 i,537 12 10 97,536 3 10 212,615 *5 2 1,362 i 3 14,501 18 2 7.886 5 4 112,778 3 8 253,598 14 5 17 9 5 164 1 8 34o 9 8 806 o o 5,693 14 3 26 1 o 189 13 10 114 80 3,232 16 2 9,742 6 7 1,405 11 8 14,855 13 8 8,34i 3 o 116,816 19 10 269,034 15 3 1,815 18 8 17,291 15 6 9,878 15 10 214,353 3 8 481,650 10 5 3,888 42,829 i6,755 693,589 1,445,690 2,491 12,625 9,046 193,651 543,932 6,379 55-454 25,801 887,240 1,989,622 286,135 15 o 15,539 o 5 4,113 2 4 4,584 5 1 3,762 14 10 25,311 11 6 757 6 9 140 18 3 374 19 6 150 12 8 42,419 13 5 1,814 i° o 275 1 10 445 16 o 218 6 5 353,866 19 11 18, no 17 2 4,529 2 5 5,405 o 7 4,131 13 " 597,419 8 8 52,250 18 8 58,232 9 2 6,797 l6 4 5,746 17 8 17,015 6 6 2,137 12 9 2,718 18 11 641 6 3 768 3 5 18,369 2 2 552 19 6 335 18 6 235 11 8 33° 1 4 632,803 17 4 54,941 10 11 61,287 6 7 7,674 14 3 .6,845 2 5 986,670 17 3 73,052 8 1 65,816 9 o 13,079 14 10 10,976 16 4 2,573,i9i 136,983 74,375 47,022 32,038 995,906 75,312 74,470 9,806 13,166 3,569,097 212,295 148,845 56,828 45,204 Totals 575,697 9 3 45,321 14 4 79,560 11 1 [700,579 14 8 1,"0,574 13 4 30,303 2 10 33,128 18 9 1,174,006 14 11 1,874,586 9 7 5,066,360 1,930,405 6,996,765 itant. A. C. F: :fe, Railw; y Accoui tant.


RETURN No. 6. Estimated Amount of Government Expenditure on Construction of Railways, Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.

5-D. 2.


Section. State of Line. Cost of Construction. Net Revenue. Rate of Interest. Kawakawa Whangarei Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened £ 94,106 29,594 175,932 10,022 69,634 2,677,615 388,660 75,110 3,412 4,649,346 248,813 42,116 24,760 5,169 9,986,178 253,882 127,234 ) 413,166 )' 23,559 1,090 220,773 | 14,111 j 170,737 12,537 345,679 £ -834 10,708 1,904 87,492 . "630 147,998 316 ] 517 26,769 37,887 -533 •2 j 084 £ -834 10,708 £ a. d 6 1 £ 2 14 g 3 5 4 0 16 9 3 3 8 3 3 £ 4 19 1 16 2 7 0 12 C £ a. d. 6 19 Kaihu Auckland .. .. .. 1,904 87,492 2 14 8 3 5 4 Gisborne-Karaka Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 630 147,998 0 16 9 3 3 8 Wellington-Foxton (private line) Surveys, North Island Miscellaneous Hurunui-BluH Opened Unopened Opened 316J517 3 3 5 Greymouth Harbour Works Westland 26,769 4 19 1 Ngahere-BIackball Westport Harbour Works Nelson Unopened Opened 37,887 16 2 7 Unopened Opened Unopened -533 Picton 2^084 0 12 0 Stock, permanent-way Stock, A.O.L. stores Surveys, Middle Island Miscellaneous Stock in suspense Opened 45,193 37,114 39,225 5,168 25,000 Opened Total opened Total unopened 19,081,735 1,133,200 630,622 3 6 1 Gross total 20,214,935 630,622 3 2 5 Note.—The amount stated as cost of construction of ture on railways. It does not include cost of Midland RaL on harbour works, &c. opened lines inch Iway nor expendi! Ldes the Provincial and General Government expendi ure by the Greymouth and Westport Harbour Boards



RETURN No. 7. Expenditure under Vote for Additions to Open Lines, charged to Capital Account, for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903.

'otal Expenditure. Eaterial on hand at 31st March, 1902 Ixpenditure charged to Vote 85_by Treasury £ s. d. 43,151 4 4 417,129 17 3 Less material on hand at 31st March, 1903 .. 460,281 1 7 37,114 5 2 Ixpenditure on Works, &o. — Way and Works Department Locomotive Department £157,877 0 7 265,289 15 10 £423,166 16 5 Way and Wobks Department : Particulars of Wobks, etc. Section. Work, &o. Amount. Total. Whangarei Additions and improvements to station buildings, platforms, and signals Respacing sleepers Bridge-strengthening .. .. .. .. .. ! £ s. d. 130 19 5 245 8 0 28 19 0 £ s. d. Auckland Additional works, water-servioes, &c, for Locomotive Department Additions and improvements to station buildings, platforms, and signals Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards, approaches, and crossings Additions to dwellings Fencing .. Reclamation-works Relaying Respacing sleepers Bridge-strengthening Telegraph and telephone facilities 261 12 4 405 6 5 3,815 6 0 1,361 8 3 173 1 10 40 0 0 10 18 6 1,181 17 6 1,189 4 0 809 15 8 26 0 1 8,869 4 2 Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Additional works, water-services, &c, for Locomotive Department Additions and improvements to station buildings, platforms, and signals Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards, approaches, and crossings Additions to dwellings .. .. .. Departmental offices, Wellington .. .. .. . Viaducts Creosoting plant Purchase of buildings, Wellington Land Additions to Eastown Workshops Fencing Relaying Respacing sleepers .. .. .. Bridge-strengthening Telegraph and telephone facilities Interlocking appliances Blockworking 490 2 6 16,638 1 5 1,799 17 2 560 7 10 16,516 11 8 1,051 3 5 4,763 0 7 3,012 0 0 1,100 0 0 260 10 2 201 6 11 6,941 17 6 3,765 18 0 4,669 12 2 81 14 7 928 14 11 2,063 8 6 64,844 7 4 Hurunui-Bluff— (Christchurch District) Additional works, water-services, &c., for Locomotive Department Additions and improvements to station buildings, platforms, and signals Sidings,loading-banks,stockyards, approaches, and crossings Land Relaying .. .. .. .. Respacing sleepers Bridge-strengthening.. .. .. .. .. Interlocking appliances Blockworking 591 8 3 6,221 15 4 544 13 9 1,650 0 0 5,520 12 6 1,929 12 0 453 0 0 1,926 19 9 1,652 13 7 (Dunedin District) 20,490 15 2 Additional works, water-services, &c, for Locomotive Department Additions and improvements to station buildings, platforms, and signals Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards,approaches, and crossings Additions to dwellings Land Additions to Workshops, Hillside .. .. ..I Pier-works and crane, Port Chalmers .. .. Lightening rock slopes, &c, Otago Central Railway Weighbridges Furnaces for heating foot-warmers Relaying 1,567 4 8 13,983 3 11 i 1,611 10 3 248 5 3 2,500 0 0 379 16 10 2,446 18 10 511 3 1 57 3 6 308 8 6 2,997 10 0 Carried forward 26,611 4 10 94,609 13 1

D.— 2.

RETURN No. 7- continued. Way and Works Department, etc. — continued.


Section. Work, &c, Amount. Total. [urunui-Bluff— ctd. Dunedin District— ctd. turunui-Bh Dunedin I luff-c Distrii etd. iot—i Brought forward .. Respacing sleepers .. .. .. .. -ctd. Bridge-strengthening Telegraph and telephone facilities Interlocking appliances Blockworking £ s. d. 26,611 4 10 : 1,084 10 0 2,019 0 0 687 6 7 5,954 14 6 3,165 14 9 £ s. d. 94,609 13 1 (Invercargill District) (Inveroarg gill Di istrii iot) I Additional works, water-services, &c, for Locomotive Department .. .. .. Additions and improvements to station buildings, platforms, and signals Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards, approaches, and crossingsAdditions to dwellings Land Furnaces for heating foot-warmers Fencing, &c... Creosoting plant Workshops, &c, Invercargill New bridge, Riverton Relaying Respacing sleepers Bridge-strengthening Telegraph and telephone facilities Interlocking appliances Blockworking 143 3 10 1,666 1 11 2,886 4 1 567 6 11 129 16 3 357 4 5 25 3 4 283 13 9 3,888 12 8 998 5 1 1,784 7 6 677 2 0 78 0 1 1,358 6 0 2,140 5 3 2,003 0 7 39,522 10 8 18,986 13 4 Vestland .. Additions and improvements to station buildings, platforms, and signals .. .. .. .. Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards, approaches, and crossing*Additions to dwellings Stop-bank above Otira Footbridge, Teremakau Fencing Respacing sleepers .. .. Telegraph and telephone facilities Interlocking appliances .. .. Blockworking 139 7 9 249 15 3 463 19 9 428 12 3 210 16 11 303 6 9 1,219 15 0 7 14 4 40 19 i 204 17 11 3,269 5 3 Felson .. Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards, approaches, and crossings, Filling-in mud-flat .. .. .. .. Respacing sleepers I Bridge-strengthening .. .. .. .. 33 17 8 533 6 0 336 18 0 433 18 3 1,337 19 11 150 18 0 'icton .. Respacing sleepers £157,877 0 7 i


RETURN No. 7 — continued. Locomotive Department: Particulars of Rolling-stock, etc.


Description of Stock ordered. Order. N »™' Completed Incomplete I Expenditure pleteon Completed Incomplete . in Y ear ended 1902 31 ' 31stMaroh,1903. I 31st March, 1903. j 31st March, 1903. Locomotives, Class B .. Carriages, conversion to bogie, Class A Wagons, four-wheel, Class L, highside .. Carriages, bogie, Class A .. Wagons, four-wheel, Class G, horse-boxes Class H, cattle-trucks „ „ Class J, sheep-trucks Class K, oovered goods Class L, high-side.. „ „ Class M, low-side .. „ „ Class N, timber-trucks bogie, Class T, cattle-trucks four-wheel, Class W, frozen-meat bogie, Class Z, oovered goods Locomotives, Class Fb .. Class Wa .. „ conversion from L to La Carriages, conversion to bogie, Class A .. Cranes, steam, 7-ton breakdown, 10-ton Brake-vans, conversions to bogie, Class F .. Wagons, four-wheel, Class W, frozen-meat Locomotives from Baldwin Co., U.S.A.: 4 Class N, 13 Class Q, and 6 Class Wa Locomotives from Brooks Co., U.S.A., Class U Richmond Co., U.S.A., Class U .. Wagons, 12-ton (balance of), from Great Britain, Class La Carriages, bogie, Class A Refreshment-cars, Class A Wagons, bogie, Class U, platform Wagons, four-wheel, Class La, from contractor Class M, low-side Locomotives, conversion, Class B to Class We Class Fa to Class Fb Carriages, bogie, Class A Class A Brake-vans, „ Class F four-wheel, Class F .. Wagons, four-wheel, 1902-1903 programme Wagons, bogie, . Tarpaulins Wagons, Class G Wagons, four-wheel, Class Q, ooal-hoppers Locomotive, Class U Fitting additional lavatory accommodation in carriages Fitting rolling-stock with Westinghouse brake wagons for passenger traffic „ seoond-olass compartments of bogie-oarriages with cushions Fitting gangways on carriages Compressed-gas lighting for carriages Lighting Addington shops electrically Machinery for workshops Foot-warmers for oarriages M 0 S—2 A—3 C -3 D—3 E—3 F—3 G—3 H—3 1—3 K—3 M—3 0—3 T-3 U—3 V—3 Y—3 G-4 J—4 K—4 M—4 3 20 20 28 10 15 68 326 87 5 6 10 2 20 28 10 15 68 149 21 5 6 10 1 20 177 66 £ s. d. 3,835 19 0 *2,051 11 7 238 9 7 12,609 12 8 911 18 8 1,332 19 8 f486 15 2 4,255 19 1 9,858 19 0 2,048 2 2 98 15 2 626 6 6 1,090 7 9 fl76 13 8 8,459 9 0 1,614 11 9 3,546 17 9 102 16 2 340 9 7 6 3 3 3 1 2 4 15 4 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 15 2 120 10 0 647 5 11 N—4 0—4 P—4 Q—4 {13,125 9 1 §265 18 9 J721 7 9 1,248 17 10 100 100 R—4 T—4 W—4 Z—4 A—5 B~5 C—5 D—5 E—5 F-5 G-5 H—5 J—5 K—5 L— 5 M-5 tf— 5 1 11 25 2 12 3 67 19 2 137 118 1,296 12 50 1 1 11 25 2 3 10 13 2 25 4 391 6 12 57 6 292 3 8 flOS 4 8 1,824 13 7 3,129 4 1 |75 0 7 1,990 19 7 379 14 7 2,028 7 5 22,760 0 4 6,572 14 2 631 14 5 8,389 17 3 9,595 2 1 1,235 14 3 505 8 7 464 4 2 733 14 0 112 114 905 6 50 1 2,456 11 8 127,764 4 11 17 1 7 446 6 0 76 0 8 604 12 8 1,696 9 0 400 8 8 1,000 0 0 Total |£265,289 15 10 Addition! ,1 Stock. Conve: •sions. Particulars. Nun uni Ore lber ler ler. Completed on 31st March, 1908. Incomplete on 31st March, 1903. Completed on 31st March, 1903. Incomplete on 31st March, 1903. Total locomotives carriages brake-vans wagons, bogie „ four-wheel tarpaulins oranes 30 122 25 135 880 1,296 3 8 42 15 21 463 391 3 5 57 6 114 405 905 4 2 6 13 23 2 6 * Proportion of cost. t Additional expenditi 31st March, 1902. i Represents 25 per cent, of cosi ire on ori i. § Ri lers E—3, C ipresents 10 1—3, T—4, am per cent, of c d A—5 broui lost. ;ht into stock year ending


RETURN No. 8. Return of Revenue received by Railway Department from other Departments of the Public Service during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903.


Department. Passengers. Season Tickets. Mails. Goods. Total. Defenoe Police Public Works Mines Agricultural Lands and Survey, Roads, &c. Customs Colonial Secretary Lunatic Asylums, &c. Marine and Machinery Prisons Audit Education Labour Land and Income Tax, &c. Native and Justice Tourist and Health Resorts, &c. Public Trustee Government Insurance Government Printer Legislative Registrar-General Stamps and Deeds Public Health Meteorological Postal and Telegraph Treasury £ s. d. 4,716 10 11 2,159 1 8 1,027 4 7 0 9 9 75 5 5 255 8 2 46 17 8 692 9 1 5 10 11 32 2 10 192 15 0 £ s. d. 559 6 0 224 0 ' 0 463 9 4 175 0 0 881 19 2 1,070 3 7 44 0 0 £ a. d. £ s. d. 1,791 2 10 233 5 3 8,990 4 9 122 15 3 1,561 18 7 321 17 6 3 19 10 2 10 3 640 17 5 40 13 10 128 16 4 £ s. d. 7,066 19 9 2,616 6 11 10,480 18 8 298 5 0 2,519 3 2 1,647 9 3 94 17 6 694 19 4 688 0 4 417 19 3 351 11 4 163 5 0 9,140 16 0 562 0 0 278 15 0 774 16 6 415 4 9 21 17 6 30 12 0 42 6 1 5 18 5 0 3 11 11 0 3 350 15 10 4 12 2 15,954 10 8 0 2 0 3,795 5 0 525 6 8 41 12 0 •345 2 7 30 0 0 163 5 0 5,251 5 8 30 0 0 278 14 0 541 9 0 11 10 0 21 17 6 30 12 0 94 5 4 6 13 4 0 10 18 12 10 347 2 10 214 14 8 56 11 11 42 6 1 5 18 5 1 19 8 11 7 3 4 12 2 1,325 11 10 7 10 0 311 11 0 0 3 11 1 10 7 27 17 7 283 9 0 12,527 14 9 1,817 15 1 0 2 0 Totals 15,145 3 7 10,765 15 10 12,527 14 9 16,194 12 5 54,633 6 7 A. C Fife, Railwa' .Vc jountant.


RETURN No. 9. Statement of Season Tickets issued for the Year ended 31st March, 1903.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.


Description. Number. Amount. Travellers' tickets, all lines... Travellers' tickets, North Island Travellers' tickets, Middle Island Eeporters' tickets Sectional tickets ... Tourists' tickets, North Island Tourists' tickets, Middle Island ... Tourists' tickets, all lines... Fifty-trip commutation ordinary tickets Fifty-trip commutation family tickets School tickets Teachers' Saturday tickets... Twenty-trip commutation tickets Twelve-trip workmen's tickets Weekly workmen's tickets ... All other season tickets ... ... I ... 1 ... ; 6 84 64 60 197 67 50 127 2,396 1,281 11,339 54 577 31,360 60,924 9,845 I i i i £ s. d. 382 0 0 3,049 0 0 3,297 0 0 597 12 0 5,318 10 0 341 0 0 303 0 0 1,031 0 0 1,645 6 0 1,884 5 7 6,121 7 7 66 10 0 418 19 4 4,284 18 6 6,102 13 3 14,325 8 4 Totals ... 118,431 118,431 49,168 10 7


RETURN No. 10. STATEMENT showing Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903.


Sections. Classification of Work. Kawakawa. ! W^? ga " 1 r ~ Kaihu. j Auckland. "EST! Christchurch. Westland. Westport. Nelson. Total. NapierNew Plymouth Dunedin. : Invercargill. Picton. 1 I " I Track-surfacing £ s. d.j s. d. £ s. ( £ s. d.| d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. £ s. d. £ s. a294 18 11 1,049 10 4 876 16 876 16 3 318,564 76 15 16 4; 18,564 7 6 34,972 14 6 29,295 2 11 28,796 12 9 20,450 15 7 6,258 7 o 3,258 7 02,912 2 51, 1,978 3 3 ,978 3 1,513 8 6 146,978 16 3 Track-renewals 495 4 6 669 11 3 745 19 745 19 1 114,642 87 14,642 8 7 41,354 7 5 32,764 11 1 24,7!7 J 4 4 15,306 5 1 4,037 17 3 1,037 17 33,754 9 02, 2,759 13 10 ,759 13 2,051 6 8 143,299 8 1 Ballasting 27 16 3 68 9 6 39 15 39 15 § 8 1,831 17 10 1,831 17 10 3,622 3 11 2,335 2 o 3,014 7 10 2,091 12 9 350 1 3 350 1 3 180 17 8 166 11 1 166 11 86 1 6 13,814 J 7 3 Banks, cuttings, ditches, tunnels 40 6 6 100 11 9 30 13 30 13 o o 2,561 18 2 2,561 18 2 4,418 18 10 2,211 2 6 5,071 19 8 1,685 16 5 690 2 o 690 2 o 157 14 1 54 19 3 54 19 23 9 7 17,047 11 9 Bridges, culverts, drains 152 12 II 378 12 5 22 3 I 22 3 10 10 5,496 6 11 1 12 o 5,496 6 n 15,385 1 5 12,976 15 10 5,847 9 4 5,405 19 6 3,934 6 6 5,934 6 62,623 2 4 401 5 11 401 5 782 14 5 53,4o8 3 4 Fences, gates, cattle-stops, hedges 25 2 9 43 14 o 4 8 4 8 7 7 1,655 48 o 19 o 1,655 4 § 3,911 1 2 1,502 12 5 2,529 12 5 1,440 2 10 231 7 8 23 1 78 57 7 10 218 11 6 218 11 71 11 2 11,691 16 o Roads, approaches, &c. .. j o 14 o 37 n 5 836 4 5 836 4 5 615 11 10 327 11 1 901 3 8 261 • 3 5 153 19 5 153 19 5 64 12 10 72 6 10 72 6 246 3,273 3 5 Water-services, signals, cranes, appliances o 8 3 33 5 11 4 10 4 IO 3 3 1,075 7 5 056 I ,°75 7 5 2,394 14 9 1 1 2,037 15 3 2,734 13 2 1,262 19 3 94 9 o 94 9 O I3I IO 2 80 16 5 80 16 55 1 8 9,905 17 o Wharves 56 13 8 38 11 38 11 4 4 1,003 7 XI 1,003 711 1,090 11 1 j 16 14 8 257 17 9 29 16 IO 97 2 o 97 2 02.517 7 21, 1,037 3 7 ,037 3 170 10 9 6,315 16 9 Buildings 54 14 2 228 8 4 14 13 14 13 5 5 4,458 71 3 13 11 4,458 7 1 13,020 3 7 7,530 15 o 5,263 14 o 4,230 5 3 1,284 : J [,284 1 1 496 IO o 271 13 2 271 13 107 11 4 36,964 10 4 Miscellaneous 27 5 3 167 18 10 1,213 100 1,213 10 o 2,949 7 5 2,227 8 2 1,909 15 8 3,106 16 6 862 14 11 862 14 11 2,512 19 1 35 4 9 35 4 43 9 7 15,056 10 2 General charges 2 13 3 26 16 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 317 10 9 265 317 10 9 697 o 4 520 13 8 442 4 7 383 12 n 98 14 10 98 14 10 103 16 11 19 3 5 19 3 17 17 10 2,641 o 4 Totals 1,121 16 9 2,86l 4 2 1, 1,121 16 9 l2,86l 4 2 1,786 o 1 ,786 o 153,656 11 3 24 13 2 53,656 11 3 124,431 16 3 | J93>74 6 4 7 81,487 5 2 55,655 6 4 18,093 2 11 15,512 9 6 7,095 13 o 4,925 7 6 460,397 IO Rate per mile opened 140 4 7 140 4 7 124 8 o 105 I 2 157 70 2 14 8 124 8 oj 105 1 2 157 7 o 271 8 5 201 17 11 206 5 11 162 5 2 161 10 11 500 8 o) 182 8 5! 203 II 215 o 5 i A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.


RETURN No. 11. STATEMENT showing Number of Passenger Tickets issued at Cheap Excursion Rates for Year ending 31st March, 1903.


Schools, Factoeies, and Friendly Societies. Holiday Excubsions. Geoss Total —School and Holiday Excubsions. Section. Schools, Factories, and Friendly Soc's. Children not exceeding 15 Years of Age. Schools only. Senior Scholars over 15 but not exceeding 23 Years of and Teachers. Schools, Factories, and Friendly Societies. Total. Revenue. 1st Class. 2nd Class. Total. Revenue. Number of Tickets. i Revenue. Adults. Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland Gisborne Wanganui W ellington-N apier Picton Nelson Westport Westland Christchurch Dunedin Invercargill No. 116 126 79 1,971 1,240 3,880 6,650 437 1,675 72 2,539 9,959 7,631 5,165 No. 3 29 454 82 697 1,172 52 269 7 223 1,486 958 616 6,048 5,736 No. 323 67 969 1,424 2,055 2,816 255 557 49 3,373 12,753 12,899 4,015 41,555 37,708 No. 439 196 108 3,394 2,746 6,632 10,638 744 2,501 128 6,135 24,198 21,488 9,796 £ s. a. 14 0 11 3 6 3 2 8 1 145 9 8 172 6 8 444 0 3 460 1 6 34 19 6 97 13 10 5 4 10 470 15 7 1,903 0 10 1,392 0 5 905 2 11 No. No. No. 31 626 657 26 496 522 46 501 547 2,543 98,234 100,777 654 ( 2,654 3,308 7,113 56,638 63,751 14,538 : 63,213 77,751 2,876 10,860 13,736 880 ; 5,564 6,444 19 3,323 3,342 1,742 22,166 23,908 32,790 i 136,176 168,966 17,304 79,310 96,614 3,886 ; 37,805 (. 41,691 £ s. d. 40 14 1 53 10 0 58 12 6 13,511 9 2 327 3 6 13,167 18 1 13,919 19 7 732 8 11 539 19 8 273 4 1 2,533 16 0 27,519 18 6 \ 20,359 15 10 10,240 18 7 £ s. a. "1,096 54 15 0 718 56 16 3 655 61 0 7 104,171 13,656 18 10 6,054 499 10 2 70,383 j 13,611 18 4 88,389 J 14,380 1 1 14,480 767 8 5 8,945 637 13 6 3,470 278 8 11 30,043 3,004 11 7 193,164 29,422 19 4 118,102 21,751 16 3 51,487 11,146 1 6 m 4. , (1903 ... Totals | 19(}2 41,540 42,506 89,143 85,950 6,050 11 5,466 16 3 9 84,448 517,566 602,014 103,279 95,628 ; 588,813 684,441 136,813 8 0 6 1 691,157 770,39 1 109,329 19 9 142,279 16 10 Increase Decrease 966 312 3,847 3,193 583 14 6 11,180 71,247 82,427 33,533 11 7 79,234 32,949 17 1 Total, year ending — 31st March, 1896 ... 31st March, 1897 ... 31st March, 1898 ... 31st March, 1899 ... 31st March, 1900 ... 31st March, 1901 ... 31st March, 1902 ... 31st March, 1903 ... 63,598 44,610 39,963 45,748 37,839 38,864 42,506 41,540 5,949 5,993 5,398 6,192 5,616 5,602 5,736 6,048 38,467 33,925 35,064 39,955 31,164 34,550 37,708 41,555 108,014 84,528 80,425 91,895 74,619 79,016 85,950 89,143 ; 7,246 5 9 5,616 2 8 5,569 18 1 6,215 11 8 4,752 3 10 5,234 16 8 5,466 16 9 6,050 11 3 50,511 58,464 66,012 70,531 81,528 87,544 95,628 84,448 239,164 ■■ 289,675 50,232 12 11 313,724 i 372,188 63,439 0 0 383,569 ; 449,581 ! 80,822 8 1 411,747 ( 482,278 ■ 84,794 15 6 501,176 582,704 (96,154 7 5 541,624 629,168 :102,932 10 9 588,813 I 684,441 136,813 0 1 517,566 | 602,014 103,279 8 6 397,689 456,716 530,006 574,173 657,323 '■ 708,184 j 770,391 691,157 57,478 18 i 69,055 2 f 86,392 6 ! 91,010 7 ! 100,906 11 ; 108,167 7 . 142,279 16 H 109,329 19 '



RETURN No. 12— continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903— continued.

ATellington-Napier-New Plymouth Section— continued. _ 8 - uBrought forward .. 188 27,507 0 91 i Mangatainoka .. 13£ 2 291 15 3 Through .... Woodville .. 15. 21 3,000 2 10 Through .... Dannevirko .. 13i 12 1,595 5 0 Through .... Makotuku.. -.12 2 302 0 2 Through .... Ormondville ..11 3 392 5 6 Through .... Takapau .. ■• 11 4 503 11 1 Through .... Waipukurau . • 12. 6 890 14 8 Through .... Waipawa .. .. 12J 3 431 19 8 Through .... .. j Kaikora .. .-13 2 300 10 8 Through .... TeAute .. ■■ 101 1 185 12 10 Through . ■ .. Hastings .. • ■ 1 . 10 i 1,503 16 0 Through .... Farndon .. ..12. 2 311 12 llj Through .. i .. - - i Napier .. .. 16 j 24 3,445 12 5 Through .... Spit .. •• 10* 6 959 12 9 Through .... Ashhurst .. -.12 2 290 9 5! Through .... Palmerston North .. 174 40 5,888 19 0 Through .... Longburn ■ ■ 14. 5 553 8 4 Through .. .. ... Himatangi .. 12J 11 56 16 1 Ponton .. -.13 5 I 1,544 13 10 Through .... .. ! .. ■ Bunnythorpe .. 13 1 69 12 0 Feikling .. --ll 8 1,255 15 0 Through .... Halcombe.. ..13 8 | 404 4 6, Through .... .. , Greatford.. ..llj 3 315 11 8 Through .... Marton .. ■ ■ 12 6 881 18 1 Through .... Hunterville ..14 4 562 11 6, Through .... .. j . ■ Mangaonoho .. 14 1 j 176 8 3 Through .. .. .. ! Ohingaiti .. .. 15J 2 j 197 8 10 Through .... .. . ■ _ Mangaweka .. 16 61 511 12 o Through .... Bonny Glen ..11} 1 I 72 4 2 Turakina .. -.11 - ' 297 6 3 Through .... Wangaehu .-9 1 125 17 0 Pordcll .. •• 1SS 3 407 15 11 Through .... Okoia .. •• 9 i 1 124 16 2 Aramoho .. .. 13| 5 707 14 1 Through .... Wanganui (Coach-' ing) Through ... 3(J 6 326 8 6 Wanganui (Goods) Through Wanganui (H. Office) .. .. .. Brunswick ..9 1 I 124 0 8 Kailwi .. •• 9} 1 175 6 9 Through .... Dkehu .. -.9 1 108 0 7 Nukumaru .. j 9 1 122 0 2 Waitotara ■ ■ j 10} 2 255 4 7 Through .. I .. Waverley .. -- I "J 2 290 0 0 Through .... Whenuakura .. i llj 1 133 10 4 Patea .. ..13} 5 1,092 18 3; Through .. i .. Manutahi ..14 1 104 6 0 Hawera .. ■• -g 18 2,749 0 8 Through .... Normanby -.13 2 274 8 11 Through .... Eltham .. .-12 - 889 6 10 Through .... .. •■ Stratford .. •■ ". 8 1,060 0 8 Through .... Midhirst .. • ■ H} I 2 241 5 7| Through ■ ■ Tariki :. ■■ 12 1 225 2 0 Through .... lnglewood • • 12J * 582 17 9 Through • ■ ■ ■. Sentry Hill "iff M 786 8 li Waitara .. .. 13f 5 ) Through .... New Plymouth \ (Coaehing)Through I 16 6 S8i is 1 New Plymouth (Goods) Through I Breakwater Accountant ■• ■• *■ „ •• J General .. • ■ •• I -- 9.529 11 5 Totals .- .. 522 88,336 4 3, Stations. Hours open. No. of Hands Traflic em- Expenditure, ployed. OUTWARD. — j— —I ""j I j Number of Tickets. Trucks Trucks , Parcels. Horse, «£. »-». D _T "__, Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. "S" F ?L- Grain. „.«,?£,.. Minerals. j $%?_. Parcels, _o. S*_-. °°°<"- „,.»£_„. <£__&. ..__r-e_ >»»'»' Horses. , D„ B s. »^' First- First- Second Second- Season nagcb. «_. chaff, Wool. H _.eet. s i class class class class Total. Tickets. & c . w "" u - Single, lleturn. Single. Return. ___ ! ' I 1 - —- j j Ts. c. Ts. 0. Ts. c. _ s. d. ! £ s. d. t s. d. £ s. d. _ s. d. _ s. d.l J. s. i. £ s. d, 28,664 81,541123,555 294,093 528,153! 25,092 109,936 1,15, 149 3,678 0B 1,455 0,054 873 652,531 4.07J 43,537 1,650,12,102,700 21,48113 61,440 J| 57,079 1 53,277 9 10 7,126 12 8 3,870, j 9,1,572 10 j 96.56J 15 J 939 17 6 3,263 16 » 170,6* J j 100,667 1,218 117 3,49g 53 2,205 i.44, 15;410 ft. 2s!o50 '.83 J*" W 8 "28 611 "l7 16,755 '_23 M74 296 7,944,400 _05 11 _H 558 2 4,207 19 5 2 3.2 jj 1 HIT <| H.SaJ j | i" _ 0 5 1 IT.gj i j 2,»| «"« sal " 8 2,5.3 1,969 22,_.4 14,0.5 40,00l" '-49 4,217! 131 "l5| 614 **8 "si. 260 "l9 57*053 "21! 3 'o70 475 4 j 14,901,600 188 11 822 9 15117! 5,78107 193 8 0 392 2 7! 98 5 3 24,207 14 10! 44 15 0 139 2 6 30,850 15 3 0,273 168 77 599 11 ' e , .,_ no 017! oon 4-t '_ 5 280 .. 593 .. .. -- o\), .00 .. 0 lo- .. ye b b .. * . J-U .. J-u* 10 i .. .. 101 jlu jljl hi q it i 223 259 2 890 2 580 5 952 "69 7.2 0 "2, 05 1 7 147 122 10,799 6! 512 499J' 1,737,500 46 3 123 3} 117 14 581 0 0 1 17 0 37 9 1 114 8 0,442 16 7 0 2 11 19 13 0 7,087 13 9, 1,520 8 2 80 3 c ' 1 "*' _ '7 >2 .. 24 .. ' ■■ •• •■ 0 5i .. l 2 I'd 5 .. 0 0 11 .. 4 18 3 .. .. 7 12 7 6 .. .. .... '343 22. 4,227 3,638 8,435 " 9 1,216 "lO "l 162 2 4% 41 0,098 454 279 815,700 172 19 285 16 37 14 .«» J 8 *"° « 1 10 4 19 8 10 11 116 0 8,1614 9 2,236 24 4 164 3 '572 "524 3,246 2,880 7,222 " 8 4 2,176 52 " 3 202 7. "o 80 36,843 1,228 3,189,000 309 10 118 j 7. 1,319 18 0 o'5 0 158 7 9 l6'l0 8 7,490 11 0 5 'l3 34'l4 6 9,019 118 2,781 "66 "ll 264 " 6 1,117 1,589 10,019 9,235 22,260 "i» 1,768 "ilS "? 335 "lO "ll '876 " 55,946 "7 4>18 "3 SslsOO Ml 4 282 J 'ie 12 3 1-6 0 183 2 1 19 10 7 3,312 17 11 2 10 3 600 13 0 6,743 3 1, 3,445 134 17 415 1 M38 1,41? 4,471 4,789 ll.W ". 2,174 " 7 8 "2 ' 2 34 "3 " 3 U8 7 20,..._ 7 Ao4 K 981,700 140 19 325 16 "o 10 2,228 6 4 2 8 0 177 3 4 W44 2,6201411 i'l511 li'lOO 6,061210 3,311 " 8 1 "20 '251 "3 320 512 2,003 2,863 5,698 "94 854 " 8 5 2 110 l! 16 258 .. 40,856 5 3,568 2 7,000 98 15 108 0 .. 760 7 10 34 2 9 06 15 11 8 12 5 1,562 12 6 6 3 11 16 4 2,156 15! 5 113 1 , 1 .... 738 .. 1,520 .. ; .. .. .. .. .. ■■ 0 0 0 .. .. .. -its m -i •. •• Ala 10 o .. .. , .. ■_70 "l78 748 Aov 2,751 "73 "661 "28 "2 88.... 1 133 .. 14,683 10 1,331 21 355,500 186 17 4S 16 13 18 366 6 2 3 14 9 54 3 6| 3 14 2 764 2 3 0 1 10 180 0 0 1,307 2 8 1,350 32 3 130 7 3 ;_32| 5,666 18",698 .9,713 ' 7 52 .W '.88 "32 ' 6 80 "l2 '_56 'l25 15,077 ' 3 82 " 8), i7,800 3,8285 593 9 -5 2 6,027 4 10 _0.'l4 3 7M 8 10J 6_' 5 5! 3,939 18 l! i'lll'l 23_'l0 0 11,34118 1, 4,273 299 "o 613 "6 I ' ... ' 1 - .0 n, ina 24 Ol 3 .. -- 165 18 1,431 .. .. •• •• 4 12 3 5 .. 69 0 8.. 20 14 8 .. --_ n - •• •• AUJ U O ._ S O .. 3.2! 685 2,599 5,978 9,-24 '272 404! 10 .. j 66 1 40 23 12 4*742 3, 4,112 .. 2,600 1,006 7 11,130 18 4 0 020 3 0 4113 81 36 7 5! 5 18 6 4,48114 lj Cr. 68 14 6 .. 5,123 2 2 480 6 .. 76 2 ' O'OOO 8*292 2_>24 20;515 62,491 '-77 l6>66 'i 7 9 "53 '592 " 9 "ll " 3 8 7 "l23 7. \ "l2 " 5 %,200 598 11 2,268 7J 1,705 0 11,068 15 2 882' 12 LOW W. 5 33_'l7 11 8,«»'gj «''« ' ' ji ' 50 H 5 '™j 'H " 8 X "' q. ik 1*. 07. -101 23 71 2 3 1 .. 7 .. .. ..... .. .. .. 1 17 .. 173 12 S .. ly 14 O .. D __ XI .. .. 1.J lj _ M, ... 10 87 i ld 1SA Bl •• 1 ,Si a. i 21 6 101 4 441 .. ' 497 2 78,800 1,014 14 4,446 0 9,02115 .. .. 70 6 5 .. 7,699 8 9 52 0 9 75 0 0 7,890 15 11 425 5 3 48 0 I •• ■■ •• 1 ' 1 2 8 I •• •■ 0 7 4 5.. .. .. 030 .. 1318 2 .. .. 14 12 3 1 "Jul "_«- Alia i'en. 'i 4RB "4 1341 "2li "3 76 "s "a 485 ' 1 '-,570 44ll 998 10 1,169,1001 90 16 140 15 49 0 787 5 2 10 4! 186 6 8 4 14 9 1,950 3 9 0 0 9 42 11 1 2,972 14 0 982! 53 5 66 3 'I .. 1. ' . . 80 189 6.4 ' 1 1 -. 16 .. 2 718 .. I 885 .. 35,000' 4 16 4 10 .. 14 11 3 .. 26 13 11 .. 122 0 8 ... .. 163 5 10 128 12 9 1 I Kuril .074 4(18.9 93 160 76 217 '.19 10 016 'lis' ""Jl 778 46 105 1,052 517 13,475 2,226 409 81 252,800 4,167 19 2,464 0 771 2 12,745 16 6 375 110 1,152 2 7 435 0 8 5,723 4 11 49 10 12,237 17 1 22,718 13 8 7,036 389 38 028 12 ' ,X> ' 10'-.8 4'945 19'_07 2.78 96 16 227 11 14 465 .. 7 042, 38 1,454 1 73,900 555 12 020 13 206 12 537 4 0 .. 96 4 2 .. 578 14 9 .. .. 1,212 3 5 4,876 94 18 218 S ■_3 •«__ o'»66 I'm l"'l "l" TO7 50 8 125 2 115 79 .. 1424 1,628 438 8 200| 2,343 16 218 18 62 10 310 5 3 2 0 0 88 16 4; .. 1,310 12 3 0 9 3 2 0 0, 2,214 3 1, 590 14 .. 43 .. 1 7,W7 3,7_5 IMS. ll'.31 -Mio . 14,802 330 79 559 16 18 1,836 196 SsioW 238 85 26 179,400! 2,838 1 9,310 3 45112 9,144 12 8 .. 1,03119 5 .. 6,319 3 10 2 5 1 .. , 16.498 1 0 8,191 375 30! 431 14 "9. "mi (''853 .258 i. 440 'lOi 1*211 "39 ". "67 "3 "88 "73 "l 'i,888 "lO iiliT- '-0 17,60o! 1,41119 3,258 19 1,559 15 1,808 10 2 _'o 0 ll.'l6 7 6 17 1 4,784 14 6 446 16 9 36 5 0 7,253 0 1 1,678 121. 18 137 25 523 811 0,8o3 9,253 17,440 104 1,-11 3J 4 6( _, __ , fl g ? Jg g __ ? ? __ g . __ g , J __ . __ ; 3 S i: SS'* :li: S8 ?« 1« "" X X « ". X Z.' m »:JS K _:£ " 1S '?:_. l « . -ii. VI 3 't X 50 n ° «£__ •.! 810 | SSSS 1 " 16 2 U5 n 3 l:± I l\ i:S X. "S 'ii *'i ffi o 2,M i:g i:g "5 8 3o IS . 67 "i 8 4 « « 12 » w , m », 13012 23210 371211 .. « A , 510 M «».. ,»., » H 0 w-u.. ..». g j oo 1 pin. 7.K 0 709 9 2.7 0 355 "o 1 556 "76 " 69 "2 69 74 ' .. 6*638 65 447 .. 400! 1,455 2 103 17 444 10 1,018 10 6 2 8 01 102 13 9 12 9 1 1,191 8 5 4 10 1 10 0 0 2,347 19 10 1,171 38 0, 95 1 s_ _ Io. 117 343 97 18 10 .. 116 .. 10 089 85 488 .. ' .. 10 14 9 5 .. 61 6 0 .. 13 19 0 .. 203 18 10 .. .. 339 4 10; 301 10 lj 1 .. 17.9 199. 6 977 5 308 15 232 82 "241 9,3 "s 213 '2 387 58 3 11,847 360 1,292 366 107,800 1,740 11 451 2! 304 14 2,340 7 2 17 6 01 339 12 3 71 2 3 2,610 15 13 14 8 19 10 0 5,414 14 2 2,052 01 3| 180 4 „._ .36 313 217 876 501 _ 8 .. 25 115, .. 26 193 .. 1,010 .. .. 13 0 20 21 .. 167 0 2 .. 20 17 0 .. 738 19 4 .. .. 920 16 0; ; 061 4 6 7 .. 1, 7 5 3, 2,4 2 6, "17 1,006 26 5 141 4 36 l,7j 60 6,084 141 3,444 408 984,300 434 10 216 4' 3018 2 2 10 0 9,10 8 3 14 10 2,618 7 20 21113 2,326 10 7 205 7 , I 3 2, 3,0 0,| "1 816 "ir- 2 88 "1 "2 32 "l Uuj.7. 358 285 ,78,700 27 6 124 19 10 887 17 2 100 4,00 305 1,258 0 7| 8119 2 3 00 2,227 , 4 1,0- U.. 98 4 ,?. .,,, „.? ,A .,,Z " 1 930 12 ' 30 " 7 17 7. 3/J04 7. 976 23' 185,900' 18 19 218 11 10 18 307 13 8 10 0 19 5 10 0 19 5 675 11 9 25 12 9 2 10 0 1,032 13 6! 393 3 1 24 2 ' " U n B on '49 'Im 6 " 3 .. 32 .. 10 658 .. 247 .. .. .. 3 9 .. 27 9 5 .. 0 10 0 .. 38111 1 .. .. 409 11 0. 32 inn 4.1 . n_ . T , 9 376 "3 _9 "ll ' 4 64 5 .. 44 3 1121 190 4, 163 1 44, 1,080,700 158 0 117 3 391 7 1,300 10 5 10 7 0 36 2 0! 8 18 0 2,891 4 1 198 8 3 0V 0 15 0 4,475 0 9; 812 32 8 131 18 ' 15 14 181 125 335 ,, "l -■ ■• 1 •• •• 10 •• .. 180 .. I 12,800' 5 5 19.. 85 3 0 .. 1 15 7 225 3 3 .. 312 1 10 j 148 .. .. 2 .. I '.07 "aaa iV,<) l'.)82 'i 477 1 "29 "471 "2I1 "l "73 7. "83 'l44 !! '.,438 "34 1*866 "2 600; 605 8 '-3 18 '60 o' 577 12 10 o'l3 0 50' 3 3 6*2 11 622.14 7 .'ll 11 7. 1,262 18 6 "l3 7. 77 "3 ?7 23 62 38 130 .. 669 6 .. 1 " .. 211 .. sigiS 1 9 .. .• .. 70 0 4 2 .. 3118 1 .. 57 13 2 .. 289 0 0 .. 378 11 3 85 .. 1 2 .. . '.Ql "o7R i'849 _'_12 '4 923 "lO i'lSO "08! "2 "73 "l "62 "22 "l 'i,833 160 ijoOO 'i'2 'i,100 720 19 '.6 13 "l 0 572 9 1 20*11 2 166*18 0 3 8 0 592 0 1: 0 11 .. 1,3512 11 1,019 29 2 80 4 S_ 22 59 23 138 .. 100 10 .. 2 •• ■• 13 .. ,'682 \ .. 110 .. 42 0 9 .. 11 1 9 .. 220 12 4! .. 273 14 10 55 5 \ i'7«i "'50 .'678 .'671 10 129 "64 "388 "33 "2 'il2 "4 "lO '255 7. "348 "l "l77 **8 '5,300 51.19 2,827 01 555 0 1,638 16 5 4.'l9 2 101*16 9 481 2 1,102 7 11 2 4 10 174 12 0 3,703 17 3 2,340 "34 2 81 "2 1 1,230 o50 5,678 2,671 10,129 04 000 oo LiA ; g _ 253 19 11 .. 8 19 2 .. 3113 0 .. .. 294 12 7 42 1 .. 4 .. . _£. _ n _ 9797. is 1.7 55 615 "93 12 536 299 "l3 432 .. .. .. ■- •■ •■ •• 3 4 7M 17 1 1,202 16 5 343 10 10 Cr. 74 1 0 1,109 1 2 1,008 8 9 14,776 16 7 4,723 329 27 494 .. .'?_ '__. ?'._ '010 -94- 580 47 3 36 •■ ■■ •• 1,5" 8 7 .. 85 18 11 .. Or. 8 6 8.. .. 1,5881510 1,075 64 7 07 .. .11,403 401 l,o21 31J 4,244 oou oo, .. ... .. 520,700 3,215 2 7,38117 6,137 0 .. .. .. .. 18,614 14 10 19110 8 .. 14,106 5 6 11 •• : •• ■■ ■• •■ " 387 .. ' 5,185 .. 17 17 78 18 .. .. .. .. .. 40112 0 .. .. 40112 0 ; .. " I •■ \ " 7. \ '.. .. .. .. .7 .. .. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ •• ■• ■■ Cr. 82 17 6 .. .. 209 0 0 .. 126 2 6 .. \ "J, ■-,-,, " SB . i'ri9 '9093 "7 "954 "19 " "72! "3 "23 "66 "57 '3,014 129 2*041 144 7. 366 8 *46 18 7. 216 1 5 i'lO 0 148*1 1 6' 2 6 lOl'll 4 1*8 9 6*12 0 769 13 7 "592 "a "2 48 **2j 3 5 J °2 yl ]' \ ' 15 .. 4 .. ;: 8 .. .. 242 .. 10*346 .. 0 11 4 16 5 0 7 5 .. 480 18 7 .. . .. 436 2 5 4 1 .. 6 .. 1 '_77 "170 _*142 2'044 '.,533 "si **794 "40 "l " 8 8 ! "l "0 'ioo "27 li,098 'i<J3 TO 7. 136 2 i.l 8 " 588 5 6 i'o 0 llj" 3 10 6*18 0 500' 2 10 2* 5 2 -10 0 1,267 0 101 "sil "ll "i| 'l07 "l 9 a on ' oa An 20 4 1 .. .. 199 .. 14,551 .. .. •• .. ■■ 3 5 .. 27 12 5 .. 7 2 10 .. 621 5 3.. .. 606 0 6; 34 .. 1 3 .. 1 ..7 907 9 65. 9 706 5 993 "'17 10.39 99 "o 104 : 2 11 196 24 10,462 335 1,472 3 7,900 826 13 315 0 10 5 1 1,043 11 3 5 10 0 190 15 11 12 6 6 1,045 14 1 7 9 1 .. 2,305 0 10 3,167 84 2 109 4 _. 19 68 52 156 . 71 1 .. 3 .. .. 625 .. 19,356 39 .. 6 12 .. 73 9 4 .. 5 1 11 .. 994 17 7 .. 1,073 8 10! 239 5 .. 7 .. \\ ■;„« •••«. .v.,,, „■„,,, ', r,, fi " <i i"l37 "39 "3 'l02 "lO "li '285 "ll 13,807 '-07 " 3 "7 128,300 104 13 4,441 3 6,0_6 11 1,167 9 0 2-15 0 112*11 11 20*7 1 1,850 6 4 243 18 9 _91 18 2 6,81.5 6 3 i,580! "31 "l 93 "l 1 1_ 17 '--- -04 2.8 .. 60 4 .. 3 .. .. 449 .. 27/385 59 6 2 6.. 145 17 11 .. 13 1 0 .. 1,384 14 2 .. .. 1,543 13 1 155 2 .. 4 .. 3 8*662 2 ;290 22394 19*800 48,036 "89 2,m '233, "0 's47 "l7 "90 i.'iaB ' '-00 35,132 '215 'l3 191,100 2,053 1 1,285 16 *36 0 6.448 18 4 47*116 521*19 7 135*4 1 8,729*7 9 K 5 0 la'oO 10,984 6 3 i'214 ' 2 50 ". 8 329 "l7 ' „_ ' r ,qn .Ql) 1 3'2fi 94 25 2 9 .. .. 2,985 .. 31,993| .. .. ■■ ■■ lb 15 9 11 .. 752 lb 6 .. 62 Li 10 .. J,449 lo 11 .. .. 3,_ib5 o O bl9 21 .. Jj .. 1 168 4,517 3,2?" -ill "l3 310 26 .. 100 2 17 247 180 11*016! 140 294 "2 400 1,1089 548 14 118 10 709 0 4 4111(1 380 919 10 0 3 15 3 19 10 0 1,696 15 1, 811 17 8 60 3 n . .1 •.(. 10 1 339 .. .. .. 1 10 1 10 .. 1H 6 X .. lib .. lj la u .. .. do lo 1 4o, .. *• " n 1017 H20 B 625 7 118' 18 180 "49 1231 "27 "li 113' 8 " 10 880 309 6,173 1,886 196-200 1,319,800 2,799 17 88117 41115, 2,279 10 5 . 17 10 0 97 7 5 38 5 0 2,719 13 5: 34 11 0 91 7 0 5,30811 3 : 3,760| 23 5 142 13 0 1J _ 3 o. 8 -o?i '224 .S.' 75 1 8 .. .. "45B 0 6 3 11 .. 327 3 8! . lfl 2 2 10 3 10 .. .. 377 9 8 2831 2 1. 7 .. ., 2 350 -_IH). 15 7-1 11,5- 32,.'* "a„2 2,1.., 71 9 297 0 12 1,025 IU 14,135 14 1,847 144 2,885,100: 8910 1,50718 50 3 4,053 16 1 19 14 0 20010 11 56 16 6 4.270 18 6; 122 18 722 16 11 9,453 0 10 4,786. 69 16 332 42 „., S1 ' .,.; - R ,| M70 7y i 15 .. .. 8 .. 5| .. .. ■■ .. 0 2 2 8 .. 563 16 .. 16 o 0 .. IU o A: .. .. o»y 1_ _| o3U| .. 1 in, 1 9« ■_. -All '16.. 7999 "30 420 3 30 .. 11.. .. 327 38 83, 2,890,700 79 2 444 2 40 010 1 3 1 12 0 110 7 1 089 1,987 88 0 16 4 550 2,72419 1. 9851 4 1 47 3 ' A 30 o 6 '..i d ',„ 7 'A " g ' 2 -• 0 12 114 .. 47 7 2 12 1.. 4 17 3 .. .. 53 0 6| 50' .. 1 4 .. - A 7% , .fi, ., „,, ...A "no on ", ' 13 "l " "s'J 10 1,688! .. 151 113 1,846,100 7 18 04 IS 4 10 280 10 2 0 10 0 8 9 10 0 5 0 1,13111 6 0 15 6 12 6 1,423 10 6 414! 2 1 17 8 0 oj oA 1,168 -,U71 3,340 aa jo v .. 0 1.. 22 7 0 .. 0 2 4.. 0 0 11 .. .. 2210 3! 41 o 1 ._ "qo! no.. 1 mi 19177 *i_0 1224 "'4 '*8 'l77 "s "l2 'ilSO "o 478 42 461 272, 1,955,200 72915 935 2 88411 2,010 70 20 3 1 88 12 0 22 8 11 2,063 52 262 24 17 0 4,232 0 4 2,775' 32 3 223 10 26 34 154 57 270 . 51 1 •• 2 .. ■'.. .. .. .. ■■ 0 1 0 11 .. 187 15 3 .. 6 5 4.. Cr. 0 0 5 .. 194 0 2 156 ; .. .. 4 .. l {l*203 i; 0 14 6 ;i72 eiseO: 15,255! *184 *611 "30 "2 'ill "l "eO ' i 5 2 "l 'l,201 '_46 "si **2 2oi,100 l.iij'd 2,818 8 3,738 4 1,48117 6 .15 6 57*5 2 7*19 3 7 10 " B 55 " 3 4 "l ' il3 ", ,io_a r nl? _c K. . 11 379! 93 ns. 'l74 7 962 'l68 "20 '266 " " •• ' " •• ■- •• 9,493 1 2 286*17 10 837 13 0 207*7 0 Cr. 68 5 3! 4*17 11 229*3 3 10,945 14 11 8,218 183 "9 308 7. ,'??_ _.K ?'_o.i '.la i'o. 946 33 1 25 •■ •- ■• 2,928 19 .. 153 6 9 .. Cr. 20 0 10; .. .. 3,00110 8! 910 1 20 .. 30 .. .1,160 326 1,197 048 3,021 .. 246 SS .. .. .. .. ■■ iM ? 11,983 10 1,604 6 '.. .. .. .. 8,687 4 3 495 3 10 .. ' 9,182 8 1 ; .. 9 ■• ! ■• •• •• •• ■• .. .. .. 19 18 .. .. .. .. .. 57 8 6 .. .. 57 8 6 .. ' 1 ■■ •• ■■ •■ •• " •■ j •• _ 587,800 1,881 8 14,709 12 3,695 14 .. .. .. .. 3,266 9 8 .. .. 3,266 9 8 .. •• -- om ■■ j j' m "slim '1O8 7 7. 7. 7. 7- 7. '.. 7 .. .. •• •■ ■■ ■■ •• 472 18 3 2,835 9 3 .. 3,375 12 2 Cr. 0 12 l 2,176 14 3 1,923 4 9 10,783 6 7.. 8 625,116 817,89l| 1,895,681 -dTm. 228,086 Til-. 606 12,888 368 36,989 8,847 1,588,100 16,258 128,067 7,867i 63,426,400 78,812 18 151,191 4\ 100,864 16 180,166 1 913,308 1 8 20,775 5 07,137 19 4-80,588 7 i\ 0,829 11 1113,497 14 6 522,302 1 0! 223,0351 5,227 -0-1 12,888 363 28,064 81,541 i 214 201 2,205 1,447 93 38 2,513 1,969 51 34 223 259 2 343 227 672 524 4 1 1,417 1,589 4 6 1,238 1,411 11 3 320 512 170 178 3*432| 5^666 24 15 362 685 0,600 8,292 87! 15 .. 851 353 19! 13 ! 6,911 5,271 2,712 1,852 806 662 7,107 3,715 '523 "sn 18 0 2,530 2,242 846 213 321 042 34 21 640 716 58 59 1,722: 1,225 210 136 713 536 31 15 461! 326 24' 19 115 110 9 9 490! 401 15, 14 1 INWARD. I " I I I Trucks Lime, : Cattle. i Calves. Sheep. Pigs. B w._., 0f w?J_, Superficial Grain. Chaff, Wool. Fire- F^ Trucks of Lime, Cattle. Chaff, &e. 1,575 9,935 6 333 14 1^078 11 165 j 1,580 16 62) 380 " 3 ; 140 "«_ "94 **24 1,340 2 6 ; 74 :: ! :: 31 1 155 5 1 1,097 7. 118 119 28 106 404 5 825 228 1,441 6 148 34 173 68 7,052 "SB 253 1 "lO I *892 67 63 ! 381 2 23 ! 72 2 3 ! 358 "88 202 .. 23 48 27 **2 28 4 53 i 137 .. ! 20 7 151 ■- 1 2 "2 ioo "ll *960 *231 i 1,288 9 "l *92 "l "92 2 196 " 6 412 "ll 469 20 1 87 1 20 262 6 90 184 6 12 I "6 :: 7? "24 : 109 8 888 ' ''31 034 36,909 Ts. c. Ts. el Ts e 796 985,569; 6,740 52,860 1,671* 20,944,000 27,679 I) 58,975 l(i 55,607 15 68 1,0751 3 .. 9 875,1001 187 5 249 9 42 12 .... 7 18 3 5 195 8,459 4,203 00 45 299,900. 917 H 1,239 0 440 13 10 .. 16 .. 21,900, 1 101 420 11 2951 3,570 5 .. 6 193,900 2,617 7, 3,281 11 501 11 • ■I •■ .. .. .. ' 100 14 61 379 111 11! 2,307 8 .. 5 38,500| 510 111 369 16 32 0 ■ ■ •■ .. .. .. | .. 3 0 24 11 85 322 .. .. .. 101,600' 495 151 600 16 9 5 ■■ I .. .. .. .. ! .. .. 6 9 1111 4,675 .. .. 174 90,800 722 17 003 14 02 12 ..').. .. .. .. | .. .. 9 2 2,031 .. .. 130.4 589,900 73118 752 6 447 1 •• ! ■■ .. .. ... .. 1 11 2 18 6| 970 40 .. 241}' 43,400 730 9 1,062 12 231 13 •• I •• i •• •■ 5 7 2! 1,130 10 .. 18 110,400 358 2 414 14 53 18 •• I .. .. .. .... .. 0 1 • • ' 210 .. .. 11 j 30,300 184 9 242 18 101 7 307 8,320 38 508 6_8 ■ 1,506,300 2,090 9 2,561 19 5,_3 9 .. j .. .. 4 8 • • I 67,010 .. I 455 244J' 258,400 135 2 186 0 137 18 •• .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 .. .. 891 12 130 390 2,031,400 390 141 729 6 1,803 3 1 0| 4 17 5! 59,365 .. 31,550, 205?, i.,110,700 1 2,713 181 11,749 15 48 9 .... .. .. .. .. 0 14 ..J 331 .. 52 74,900 510 8 407 8 168 11 6! 82 3 .. ... .. 8 4 139 11 111 25,472 263 60 300} 7,720,900 3,269 19 2,917 16 3,113 8 - •- 1,505 2 11 74,600| 1,866 2 5,080 18 229 6 37,502 23, .. 4 20,800 46 6 132 16 712 18 33 170,835' 185 10,308 15 310,400 1,346 4 1,113 161 379 18 57! 7,087 9 2,282 105S, 1,050,900 1,190 19 1,887 ol 1,886 17 •• ! •• .... 6 23,000 79 18 64 16! 63 8 100 3,053 199 31 0 1,878,300 1,528 9 1,440 7 922 0 5 13!) 18 .. .. 3,400 674 18 2,007 17! 118 7 7 095| 2 3 112,100 187 18 275 12. 171 4 130 .. .. .. .. 32 9 93 9! ■ • , 123 41 21 386,300 198 1 585 141 677 11 23 .. .. 4,400 85 15 105 7 4 809 .. 77 132 752,200 66114 1,216 15 1,103 16 90 .. .. .. 73 9 191 18; 15 3 35 805 38 1 10S, 02,900 874 5 952 12' 507 4 5 .. .. .. 47 5 92 2 20 348 .. 1 33,000 922 16 783 13 468 18 29 2 IB 188 .. .. 3,000| 150 12 184 13 334 4 7 9 1 850 .. .. .. 40,500! 1 , m0 8 1,340 10 321 11 2 0 59 12 Wellington _ Naiuek - New Plymouth Section— continued. Brought forward. Mangatainoka. Through. Woodville. Through. Dannevirke. Through. Makotuku. Through. Ormondville. Through. Takapau. Through. Waipukurau. Through, Waipawa. Through. Kaikora. Through. Te Aute. Through. Hastings. Through. Farndon. - Through. Napier. Through, Spit. Through. Ashhurst. Through. Palmerston North. Through. Longburn. Through. Himatangi. Poxton. Through. Bunnythorpe. Pcilding. Through. Halcombe. Through. Greatford. Through. Marton. Through. Hunterville. Through. Mangaonoho. Through. Ohingaiti. Through. Mangaweka. Through. Bonny Glen. Turakina. Through. Wangaehu. Fordcll. Through. Okoia. Aramoho. Through. Wanganui (Coaching). Through. Wanganui (Goods). Through. Wanganui (H.Offico). Brunswick. Kai Iwi. Through. Okehu. Nukumaru. Waitotara. Through. Waverley. Through. Whenuakura. Patea. Through. Manutahi. Hawora. Through. Normanby. Through. Eltham. Through. Stratford. Through. Midhirst. Through. Tariki. Through. lnglewood. Through. Sentry Hill. Waitara. Through. New Plymouth (Coaching) Through. Now Plymouth (Goods). Through. Breakwater. Accountant. General. Stations. 1 '_07 **829 17 23 291 278 84 22 1.230 550 165 60 0,089 4,094 j 1,408 401 10 . 765 31 254 56 179,600! 281 0 341 7 221 14 ■ .. .. 64 4 4 17 123 399 381 .. 49 246,100 339 16 418 16 223 14 20 .. .. .. .. .. 5 7| IS 38,383 257 12 100 349,600 152 0 327 e! 1,856 5 12 .. .. .. 1 10 10 15! 121 79,295 492 17,883 714,8 6,388,600 1,929 14 3,987 16 567 14 368 .. 1 | 10,500 2 15 155 9 "50 " 54 1 2 I i 177 170 12 4 337 297 17 19 665 651 39 17 12 252 .. .. 66} 259,000 170 12; 205 4 347 8 85 .. .. 0 4 21 1,694 8 .. '_2 105,900 266 10 377 11 125 19 46 2,839 .. 25 132 339,600! 604 5 574 9 791 0 65 .. .. j .. 59 19 16 13 32 901 .. 3,820 100 799,000! 2,287 _| 1,393 16 674 lit .. .. 11 18] 16 6 ! 1 ) i i ) 1 I ; i ' i ) 3,052 2,290 206 97 248 158 2 1 1,017 820 39 22 2,850 2,004 73 81 220 305 2 8 59 52 1 1 1,204 821 25j 34 14 4,985 159 .. 288 3,487,200' 1,881 1 4,038 19 5,162 2 179| 40 .. .. 84 9 113 0 277 15 170,200! 282 15 532 15 90 10 .. .. 20 0 5 18 1 1,951! 256 .. 2 : 711,800! 1,852 18 2,088 7 805 14 .. .. 1 10 46 11 2,156- 980 14 _ 211,500 2,196 3 3,-93 17 1,93111 6 2 70 6 2 209 .. 4 28,200! 447 5 704 01 209 1 2 18' 98 .. .. .. 78,100 00 10 131 1, 97 4 0 111 3 1,185 452 .. 13 512,500 1,550 9 1,996 2 1,054 8 .. .. .. .. 17 0 17 11 715 47,952 .. 2,485 128 504,500 1,784 11 893 10 84 19 11 10 8 2 0 3,471 1,061 1451 475 6,240,300 0,L_ 13 18,000 2 7,620 9 .. .. .. 3 10 38 3 0,022 4 1 1 .] i I 1,203 1,014 24! 15 (12,003: 5,031 I 1,150 326 'I :: :: ,10 " 8 284 5 269 1 ! 108,806 144,308 363 3,322j! ; ! 30,909 13,497 14 0 522,302 1 0 223,035 5,227 606' 12,888 363 3,322J 36,909 3,347 1,583,100 16,258 123,057 7,357i 03,426,100 78,512 18J 151,191 4 100,854 10 Totals. Westland Section— 80 721,300 304 19 6,426 14 1,164 6 Hokitika. 3 53,000 1,285 10 1,319 8 3,012 5 Kumara. 500 115 19,770,000 359 16 1,480 6 199,011 6 Greymouth. 150 85,900 639 12 579 18 8 11 Brunner. 4 24,300! 32 9 58 10 11 15 Stillwater. 12 209,400i 640 19 1,528 19 1,374 6 Ngahere. 500 364 20,806,900 3,323 5 11,399 11208,21119 Carried forward. Westland Section— Hokitika .. ..11 Kumara .. 10 Greymouth . ■ 14 Brunner .. ■ ■ ". Stillwater.. .. 11 Ngahere .. .. 11 1 5 667 2 10 2 332 3 3 34 8,518 10 8 5 998 12 11 1 103 11 1 2 368 16 1 1,246 581 3,401 215 161 477 1,302 488 3,751 307 197 439 7,892 10,701! 3,HI), 4,559; 29,785 30,563 3,,SIS 9,318 2,ill!) 1,158 3,697 1,799 21,206 9,525 07,500 13,718 3,835 9,112 112 1,112 8 234 553 10,536 46 270 . 9 301 16 297 26 2E 192 _ _ 6 3 8 1 2 10 2 2 2 88 32 42 21 43 I 33 5 16 i 6 62 I 9 160 319 1 "l8 ■■ 10| 1,900 1 160 2,968 103 5 119 "28 5,137 137 158 .. i 204,900 265 12 1,227 4 118 1 2,142 12 4 23 222 5,533,900 126 19 408 15 42 11 ! 791 0 5 10 1 758,700 4,987 15 11,894 0 901 6 5,974 2 1 6j 017,300 118 10 247 11 119,370 7 350 13 7 17 100 7,637,300 3 18 107 9 149 2 250 18 10 S 11 237,900 67 0 250 2 90,365 4 950 2 8 2061 319 ; 14,890,000 5,509 14 11,111 1 210,919 11 10,905 9 11 33 1 11 100 7 0 14 8 0 2 0 0 9 13 4 159 10 3 101 11 2 20 3 1 1,092 0 7 19 13 7 28 10 2 9 18 5 2,483 10 0 4 9 5 584 16 11 164 3 3 15,657 13 11 2,100 17 4 10 19 6 6 7 11 12,342 5 0 2 13 3 12 2 0 4 4 8 4,365 13 11 0 17 19 7 11 12 14 4 11,715 18 9 2 16 2 757 8 2 223 16 8 47,657 8 2 2,130 11 4 17 10 0 3,432 17 8 ; 1,347! 116 7 15 0 3,825 9 5! 1,382 23 510 2 8 25,092 3 2 1,833 81 25 5 O 13,258 12 3 ; 712] 23 13 6 4,658 15 01 20l! 2 0 0 12,712 13 2 1,917' 3 586 6 .2 62,4.0 10 8 7,152 22_l 3 98 1 34 10 194 46 24 1 53 15* 449 7. 1 43 1 1,112 42 22 6 3 307 14 14| 85 109 2 5,638 143 .. 11 9 .. 262 17 " 5 " 6 •• ■■ 156 4 20! 125 167 3 7,805 220 7. " 4 11 1 249 369 Carried forward . 51,408 01,103 125,190, 744| 1 2, 750. 250 10 501 49 159 10 3, 757 8 2 223 16 8 47,057 8 2 2,130 11 4 . I 49 11,049 2 10.1 6,08l| 6,544|


D.— 2.

RETURN No. 12. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903.

OUTWARD. IN' r ABD. StationE. Hours i open. 1 i No. of I Hands 1 employed. Traffic Expenditure. Number op ' First- First- Secondclass class class Single. Return. Single. ICKETS. Secondclass Return. Number SeaL Pl " oels ' Total. Tickets. Tl ' ucks I Trucks flnr !_.„.- of Bales iru-as Timuer . Horses. H ™_ Dogs. ' ul ?* s> ' Lime, Cattle. ' Calves. Sheep. Pigs. of ™J_ Superficial riages. _. clmfl Woo] lire- „,.., &c. wooa. ' I I I r • i 44i 1 27 .. 4 ! 22 .. 3,625 .. 229 .. | 76,300 71 4 32 .. 70 ! 4 .. 11 .. 1 j 172,500 """»' oh__se. L 1 Ts. c. Ts. c. 284 14 12 4 1,392 13 Minerals. Ts. c. 3,160 17 339 6! Ordinary l'asseugers. £ s. d, 201 5 7 113 7 10 7 18 0 11 i_ Season parcels __ Luggage, Tickets. Parcels, _c. Maife &c £ s. d. £ s. d. _ s. d. 0 11 6 24 9 0 0 4 8 10 10 0] 9 11 5 17 16 6l .. 23 11 0 I Goods. „ Mis - cellaueous. _ s. d. _ s. d. 581 14 8 0 16 8 842 16 4 06 16 5 10 4 1 II 1 1 Bents and Total Value i, al . P „] K n__ 0ftr " Iln.s Commission. forwarded. " Ml noises. rla -„ Dogs. I I I I Trucks "I?/" Lime, °»" le ' ' Calves. Sheep. sc ' Chaff, -EG. n i ~~ .. 70 4' .. 11 4 ; 22! .. 3,625 pj „. Bales of Flg8 ' Wool, T ™ ck8 Timber, I?;-.. Superficial Grain, wood. •**>«' j I Merchandise. Minerals. Stations. Kawakawa Section— £ s. d. Kawakawa ..9 4 431 17 11 Opua .. ..9 2 158 14 3 Head Office General 272 14 9 9 9 4 2 _ s. d. 431 17 11 158 14 3 272 14 9 863 6 11 215 174 49 1,727 55 882 848 689 60 2,839 1 213 1,800 48 111 60 £ s. d.l £ s. d. 809 2 1 111 7 1 32 14 18 9' 1,088 6 9 213 44 1 27 25 4 3 75 10 1 .. .. .. ] 7 j "229 1 172,500 76,300 Ts. c. 12 4| Ts. c. Ts. c. Kawakawa Section— 1,392 13 339 6 Kawakawa. 284 14 3,160 17 Opua. Head Office. General. Ts. c. 1,392 13 284 14 Ts. c. 339 6 3,160 17 .. •• Totals .. .. 6 863 6 11 6 104 2,609 1,597 4,699 49 324 39,594 108 1,249 6,341 21 665 120 li .. 324 51! 5 59 .. 74 26 3,686 .. 229 1 j 248,800 12 4 1,677 7 3,500 3 352 11 29 4 34 0 5 23 15 8 1,424 11 68 13 5 40 3 0] 1,972 18 11 324 61 5 59 71 3,631 .. 1 248,800] 12 4 1,677 7 3,500 3 Totals. 1,677 7 3,500 3 Whangarei Section — Whangarei ..13 11 1,467 13 4 Hikurangi ..9 3 374 18 1 Head Office General 339 11 4 13 9 11 8 1,467 13 4 374 18 1 0,005 197 1,942 20,242 135 2,587 11,405 3,422 120 15 7 I ' 85 141 2 87 4 35 15 22 ' 96 25 819 432 23] .. 5 ! 95,800 122 .. 92 i 12,292,100 1,307 4' 420 15 1,639 19 256 31 1,169 3 02,436 19] 2,227 16 4 402 9 0! 14 17 0! 90 7 11 5 10 0 65 1 0 58 9 2 20 5 3 13 9 2 1 15 0 78 1 0 1,548 7 -2 15,044 0 5 158 3 9 0 9 0 75 9 6 4,172 2 0 10 5 0 15,544 14 8 134 6 0 292 5 0 005 1,249 1 1 7 15 14 22 ' 2 i 96 87 25 4 432 819 122 23 92 12,292,400 5 95,800 420 15 1,307 4 Whangarei Section— 1,169 3 62,130 19 Whangarei. 1,639 19 256 3 Hikurangi. Head Office. General. 1,109 3 1,039 19 62,136 19 256 3 339*11 4 Totals .. .. 14 2,182 2 9 14 2,182 2 9 6,202 2,077 22,829 14,947 46,055 130 1,914 4,583 11,097 3 1,072 1,605 3,330 106 148 132 132 15 8 29 24 188 1,251 146 97 j 12,388, 1,727 19] 2,809 2 62,693 2 2,705 1 10 160 18 11 78 14 5 93 5 2 10,592 7 158 13 220 0 6 20,009 1 8] 1,914 1 8 120 29 24 183 29 1,251 145 97 ! 12,388,200 1,727 19 2,809 2 62,693 2 Totals. 2,809 2 62,693 2 Kaihu Section— Dargaville ..10 3 574 18 9 Kaihu .. • • 8 2 282 19 7 Head Office General .. 181 8 1 10 8 8 2 574 18 9 282 19 7 265 93 518 168 5,731 1,464 8 1 9 .. 113 64 3 1 1 11 "60 " 37 2 35,000 20 9,371,600 392 8l 15 51 563 14 580 17 13 I 89 ll 707 7 5 302 17 3 10 17 0 11 10 2 2 89 8 42 12 11 12 7 I 5 12 1; 43 7 0 1 482 17 7 4,145 0 8 172 0 2 17 13 5 0 1,435 5 7 72 7 4 4,537 11 7 20 16 0 170 8 6 148 ! 1,072 1 04 1 113 1 3 .. 1 100 60 37 20 i 9,371,000 15 5 2 I 35,000 392 8 Kaihu Section— 580 17 89 15 Dargaville. 563 14 13 0 Kaihu. Head Office. General. 580 17 563 14 89 15 13 0 181* 8 1 .. - Totals .. .. 5 1,039 6 6 60 37 22 9,406,600 60i 1,144 11 102 15 Totals. 1,039 6 5 7,195 0,320 14,551 109 1,2! 17 177 407 13| 1,144 11 102 1: 1,027 1 8 103 0 6 54 19 10 48 19 1 4,027 17 11 174 18 106 8 4l 6,148 5 8 I 1,22 17 177 10(1 37 22 9,400,000 407 l: 1,144 11 102 15 Gisbobne-Karaka Sec. — Gisborns .. 301 15 8 Head Office .. .. General .. .. .. .. 129 14 3 301 15 8 1,062 1,781 8,877 12,841 24,561 56 434 .. 1 59 .. : 18 .. 3 36 7 1,062 1,781 8,877 12,841 24,561 50 434 .. 1 59 .. 18 .. 3 36 7 1,373 752 17,881 9,025 29,031 255 1,194 46 2 122 4 158 1,204 26 30,260 302 295 364 6,732 6,622 14,013 3,067 1,126 10 .. 35 3 95 95 60 2,734 112 772 587 11,420 10,191 23,270 1,439 329 4 .. 110 .. 3 33 10 4,769 4,954 22,520 88,8891 70,632 2,851 1,724 30 9 302 8 4 8 4| 4 .. 122,553 16,791' 117,888 135,050| 292,282 7,755 28,387 197 1 1,027 .. .. .. i .. ! \ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 248 1 289 | 83 lj 33 35 1*626 ij-99 i*730 3170S 11,360 's27 224 **80 "2 "56 "l ■!! 1,793 '599! 17,074 526 812 2,239! 8,648 15,884' 27,583 2,091 289 184 .. 110 1 .. 9 .. ! 338 462| 3,949 4,791] 9,540 943 1,386 13 1 59 .. .. 165 51 667 11,283 3,461' 11,852 37,129 53,725 5,759 608 9 2 100 8 1 10 .. I 15,865 561 10,923 3,288 20,637 .. 158 4 2 162 13 22 11 42 168 362 626 5,361 6,375 12,724 1,113 4,798 24 .. 141 5 67 116 901 2,863 33 211 154 3,594 4,756 8,715 41 952 56 2 97 4, 33 388 332 7,414 5 146 108| 2,564 3,836 6,654 4 1,561 11 .. 79 3; 174 I 23 198! 8,318 45 313 277, 4,796 5,619 11,005 42 1,805 56 1 133 5! 446 ! 1,120 433' 0,251 118 118 113 3,380 4,260 7,871 35 1,706 37 1 83 4 91 441 159 1 8,031 3 66 80 1,583 2,052' 3,781 33 446 8 1 45 1 20 266 39! 1,619 400 444 7,444 8,077! 10,365 1 1,694 39 1 109 1 139 677 29 0,722 102 214 191 4,203 2,327 0,935 37 2,034 37 2 102 3 55 1,094 19 15,799 381 136 4,013 2,424 0.951 1 1,510 26 .. 104 3 47 217 117 4,028 3 1,302 518 11,249 0,461 19,5301 6 1,223 75 2 122 li 72 ] 2,563 166 9,723 86 945 470 0,672 3,271! 11,358! 4 5,034 62 8 132 12] 241 ! 1,855 40 20,761 380 264 225 1,968 1,996; 4,448! 16 3,288 63 2 97 6 471 ' 2,800 15 48,127 2 1,318 360 13,158 9,978 ! 24,811 79 1,913 38 3 151 3! 204 : 849 5 7,236 1,284 831 12,635 15,495 30,245 111 1,337 42 2 318 I61 205 . 671 129 224 575 297 9,264 5,162! 15,298 63 2,219 12 .. 157 ll 12 .. .. .. 6 708 274 13,964 8,571 23,517 47 855 7 1 84 .. 6 789 285 7,158 5,706 13,938 139 2,816 40 4 127 8 303 2,155 40 9,435 172 50 38 409 362: 859 31 932 7 1 12 .. 11 107 42 1,550 32 1,825 177 5,819 2,470 10,291 50 1,367 20 3 102 .. .. 331 .. 919 139 129 43; 1,379 835! 2,386 2 1,850 48 3 100 15 301 4,842 595 22,274 24 801 294 5,826 3,930: 10,851 5 2,101 52 6 143 13 219 1,468 Sj 6,239 1,095 1 464 2 2,153! 2,920 58 .. | .. .. .. .. I 1 51,888 37,875 342,979 370,790 803,532 26,905 76,956 1,287 62 4,557] 385 3,689 25,394 3,202' 238,947 3,388 3,996 14,836 13,870 55,772 88,174 5,462 8,365 .. .. 437 .. 18,865 30,105 37,434 75,091 151,495 3,705 28,161 239 101 587 .. .. .. .. I 1 .. .. .. .. .. 23 376 1,864 1 3,339 45 [ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i 48 397] 1,874 4,900 15,019 22,190 2,438 8921 5 .. 216 .. 1 ' 13 13 640 1*279! 9J70, 66*132 89,464 9*351 *966 "l6 .. 241 " 1 3 156 .. i,771 .. ! .. .. .. 1 25 3,293 11,897 10,621 37,448 63,259 3,590 41,852 182 2! 339 5 3 ' 65 1 675 li 27 .. i .. ' 1 .. 13 86 416 626 1,522 9,168 14,732' 199 10,400 18 .. 168 .. 6 18 _40 870 2 .... 1 24 98 409 626 1,157 1 1,499 4 .. lOOj .. .. 2 1*444 i*610 _]l45 11,24,1 "69 179 " 7 '253 " 3 "08 1,749 261 177,579; 1,587 .. 17 23 1 1 .. .. li .. 71 .. I *947 -J498 3*054 8,587 61 l,012\ "30 " 5 "o7 " "oO .. .. 5,146! 'll 7! .. .. 1 .. 1,1391 1,271 4,893 3,953 11,256 28l 1,450 51 3. 153 12 224 202 139 120,5241 100 .... 1 3 4 ., 4 8 .... I .. .. ...... 551 .. 4,472 3,393 19,138 14,377 11,380 64 4,270 196 19: 610 12 444 1,574 244 190,242 84 2 1 3 3 9 .. 27 3 l] 1! .. I 3 ! 61 .. 15 185! 185 1,339 3,199 1,858! 49 897 50 1! 101 1 237 1291 29 11,596 12 11...... 9 1: .. . 7111 620 3,905 3,315' 8,551 72! 3,462 53 3 168 7 1 18 143] 11 35,641 890 .. 1 .. .. .. .... 6 3 .. 31 .. : .. ..... 1,542. 1,238 5,484 3,459 11,723 3 2,009 75 0 242! 31 2 002 44l 07,817 1,400 2] 6 33 32 73! .. 59 1 .. ...... 12 .. 464 28,66l' 81,541 123,555 294,693 528,453J 25,092 109,936 1,159 149 3,678 68 1,455 6,051] 873J 652,531 4,079 , i ' ! I 1,062 1,781 8,877 12,841 24,561 56 434 1 7 256 30 32,900 352 16] 253 17 352 16] 253 17 91 17 91 17 1,434 19 1 71 17 9 15 2 5 42 5 1 184 3 1 7 1 8 32 10 1 1,787 19 2 434 1 59 18 18 45 451 258 ; 48 150 I 220 114 I 4 905 '744 18 ll'il9 2 233 5 3,256 25 6 48 18 42 374 11 138 1 53 588 224 ; 181 68 45 4 269 30 376 65 350 5 563 239 321 250 319 25 404 317 539 29 861 177 20 21 605 32 : 92 122 , 491 35 I 1,134 415 ! 1,577 3 36 7; 256 30 32,900 352 16 7 256 30 32,900 352 16 20 8 212,200! 2,561 0 60 37 148,1001 585 10 93 .. 91 114,900' 112 19 61 215,100 702 8 699 7* 615 95 8,668,400 9,825 7 l|948 7 7. 16,800 9 8 5} 34,900 01 12 2 149,400 20 7 42 29 8 20,100' 031 2 1 1,785,900] 3,153 8 3 .. 10 109,700 1,886 10 4 224,800] 1,345 5 8 03,7001 923 9 8 .. 4 342,8O0l 2,377 10 12 116,700 935 8 5 .. .. 37,600' 421 2 0 251,0001 399 0 6 .. 9 130,3001 1,215 5 7 101,400 899 2 1 .. 7 88,900 220 10 30 52 813,500! 2,410 7 30 222 114 431,000! 1,451 13 4 1,972 60 604,8O0| 652 7 27 5 222,300' 553 10 32 8 40,500 137 8 ! .. .. 2 18,900! 172 5 240 .. 115 1,354,200 2,822 6 1 12 00,100 3,020 9 30 .. 151 1,049,200 1,326 10 I 80 .. 49 445,400 1,108 16 24 8 60 364,900 2,712 4 Gisborne-Karaka Sec.— 253 17! 91 17 Gisbome. Head Office. General. 253 17 91 17 129 14 3 Totals .. .. j .. 431 9 11 1,062 1 7' 256 30! 32,900 ! 11— 352 16! 258 17 352 16! 253 17 91 17 91 17 1,434 19 1 71 17 9 15 2 5 42 5 l| 184 3 1 7 1 8 32 10 1 1,787 19 2 434 45 3 6 10,105 14 11 5,261 6 10 0 4,796 2 9 298 56 14 9 1,802 12 7 471 196 5 0 6,256 8 11 2,957 25 10 0 36,946 0 10 12,100 812 9 0 46,184 6 2 1,586 5 8 2,281 11 8 2 0 0 1,742 3 11 332] 3 5 0 1.836 11 0 668 3,325 8 7 217 15 0 0 4,365 5 7 807 4,238 4 7 1,709 7 16 0 2,954 14 6 580 4 0 0 1,782 18 10 1,376 1 10 0 1,712 2 4 1,214 11 0 0 4,003 13 0 1,619 5 1 0 2,158 16 9 1,821' 5 5 0 1,013 7 3 1,052 474 0 0 12,397 12 7 2,238| 15 10 0 19,378 5 6 3,166 5 0 0 2,819 13 11 6,408 16 5 0 5,310 3 5 509 57 5 0 5,939 11 10 3,833 47 10 0 6,050 0 8 1,500 68 16 0 4,306 8 5 2,475 55 14 0 6,230 1 9 3,146 2,224 3 0 562 8 12 0 3,021 9 1 1,274 15 3 4 4,776 11 10 3,379 37 10 0 4.318 14 3 3,442 124 9 6 5,685 12 9 4,451 3 16 0 3,531 15 6 1,370 76 17 8 7,438 7 3 3,726 114 2 5! 5,347 7 10 82 95 14 17 185 "60 55 15 3 27 9 53 28 8 21 55 41 43 65 43 68 68 25 11 60 11 33 28 57 1 59 3 36 I 253 17 91 17 253 17 91 17 Totals. Auckland Section — Helensville ..12 9 1,461 19 6 Avondale .. .. 12J 2 265 4 2 Mount Eden ..12 1 216 11 7 Newmarket .. 19 J 9 1,289 1 1 Auckland (Coaoh'g) ) n 6 „ - „ (Goods) } „ Head Office Remuera .. ..19 3 456 3 5 Ellerslie .. .. 18J 3 476 15 11 Penrose Junction .. 20 4 609 3 8 Onehunga J 16 - 2 20 i 6 i6 3 Otahuhu .. ..13J 2 266 10 3 Papakura .. .. 11 2 261 3 9 Drury .. .. 11 2 244 2 0 Pukekohe .. .. 12 5 567 2 6 Tuakau .. ..12 3 339 7 6 Pokeno .. ..14 1 183 14 7 Mercer .. ..15 8 938 3 2 Huntly .. • • 14 6 793 11 5 Ngaruawahia .. 13J 3 441 1 3 Frankton Junction .. ll| 13 1,393 1 6 Hamilton ..9 4 572 14 2 Morrinsvillc .. 9 1 5 566 7 2 Te Aroha .. .. 13i 5 521 4 5 Paeroa .. .. llj 5 637 7 10 Shortland.. ..10 1 131 8 6 Thames .. .. 10 4 610 19 10 Cambridge 9 5 574 1 4 Putaruru .. ..91 3 383 19 7 Rotorua .. ..13 6 975 16 2 Ohaupo .. ..9 2 282 3 4 Te Awamutu .. 10 4 717 0 10 Accountant General 5,295 16 0 Totals .. .. 253 38,785 4 8 1,373 295 772 4,769 122,553 1,626 812 338 J 1,283 15,865 362 211 146 313 118 2 9 302 1,820 81 ! 2,283,900 112 114 119 390,100 4 5,000 2 ! 21,700 35 11 j 6,098,500 526 .. 400 .. 300 929 .. 1,200 1 356,300 168 .. 01 27,500 33 131 .. 1,200 5 74 10}; 34,600 45 211 6 , 64,400 118 98 15 2,300 3 243 2 2,200 1 .. 59 1,500 102 700 0 774,400 1 .. 412 5 ] 303,500 I 3 144 12 i 345,100 I 86 73 2 I 380 450 18 i 17,800 2 2,066 15 8,400 i .. 63 5 ! 11,000 10 I 178,200 0 .. 1 30,700 .. 23,400 : 172 310 2 1,500 I 32 466 264 3,036,500 1 139 377 5 30,300 24 153 50 272,300 I 1,095 318 293 1,857,300 672 15] 3,048 11 308 0 641 7 485 1 21,893 11 93 2 142 14 1,828 6 92 4 1,154 Oi 1,121 19 24,385 13 29,050 3i 20,736 19 13 7, 34 8 7. 2 10 22 4 5 13 1,285 8 5,942 2 2,884 J 434 9 288 6 17 7 1,505 0 3,463 4 2,655 11 3,072 19 184 4 23 18 100 10 304 18 4 0 285 6 187 4 568 10 2,067 1 451 17 21 6 817 1 227 17 6 0 345 7 108 0 0 10 1,133 7 311 4 25,321 15 245 2 260 0 57,453 16 955 17 447 2 426 12 79 3l 305 2 11 4 1,712 11! 853 5 347 2 1,213 13 426 18 4 0 237 10' 446 11 191 5 197 19 546 4 59 3 69 11, 483 4 453 5 154 8 ! 932 16 018 3 770 0 347 19 21 18 96 18 94 1 5 0 140 18 200 0 795 19 794 2 217 3 632 17 1,002 3! 510 0 407 7 3,304 3 1 27 9 0 510 2 4 415 10 0 1,141 18 9 241 19 5 3,811 17 559 4 0 31,708 15 3 2,544 10 5 512 16 1 255 3 4 1,185 4 6 482 12 9 752 8 3 194 2 5 2,885 12 5 771 7 10 1,014 16 7 1,009 0 7 252 10 1 1,064 7 11 51 0 0 874 12 5 2 0 0 1,756 19 8 27 7 0 1,052 19 0 9 5 0 549 11 11 3 10 0 2,067 18 0 0 19 0 963 9 8 3 0 0 1,078 3 5 10 0 3,014 12 7 17 0 1,919 8 2 3 15 0 834 13 9 3,022 1 9 20 12 0 4,818 5 3 33 13 3 1,403 10 11 12 16 0 1,951 11 2 100 13 0 2,332 0 5 2 0 0 213 0 0 1,049 17 0 29 7 0 404 16 5 0 10 0 2,324 12 5 1,302 9 0 1,456 0 2 198 7 11 55 6 3 25 15 4 131 5 6 2,107 9 2 92* 7 10 125 0 8 68 5 2 43 15 10 41 12 3 240 3 2 91 12 6 111 0 0 124 9 8 103 6 0 56 1.5 2 172 17 9 121 0 4 87 17 2 150 17 0 409 9 10 344 10 2 284 18 4 139 13 7 151 14 9 70 1 0 255 10 3 55 8 3 157 15 3 269 17 7 452 14 2 6 18 10 6,341 13 5 1 13 9 3,805 0 8 3 16 9 332 3 7 17 13 11 1,532 8 6 656 8 7 0. 192 7 6 44,930 1 2 695 10 OCr. 0 4 0 13 0 877 14 8 3 2 7 36 16 8 1 16 3 2,308 2 0 10 0 9 637 11 1 9 1 9 3,172 18 9( 5 15 5 1,433 4 0 3 17 1 560 2 9 3 3 8 717 10 8 7 6 3 2,134 19 5 1 10 3 984 3 0 0 3 8 397 15 6 1 15 3 9,672 12 6 1 19 7 18,256 13 2 6 5 0 1,639 11 11 10 1 10 1,427 2 10 17 3 4 3,521 18 0 3 4 8 4,817 19 3 19 0 4 875 15 8 33 5 11 1,140 0 3 12 5 4 582 19 7 13 7 8 866 14 5 13 15 2 2,125 18 4 0 0 3 4,010 15 6 40 17 1 1,277 9 11 0 0 7 2,851 13 7 3 5 5 4,571 16 5 2,348 6 7 6"r. 6 10 0 181 19 2 1 13 9 0 4 0 8 10 5 35 8 11 441 16 0 1 0 19 0 0 8 10 0 14 0 1 17 8 ICr. 0 4 9 I 0 0 3 I 1 12 7 I 2 5 1 1 11 0 i 2 11 6 I 4 10 1 ! 13 12 9 1 10 5 1 84 17 2 1 10 12 6 ! 2 2 10 I 15 4 4 ! 9 3 6 0 10 5 4 9 10 1 12 4 i 1 19 9 5 10 0 0 9 4 . 9 12 I 137 19 2 82 95 14 17 185 3; 288 .. 104 43 ll 180 7 682 2 47 1 93 51 85 I ! i 1 I ) i ) i 1 5 ■ 159 1 65 1 147 1 116 4 208 2 77 2 59 1 108 162 2 129 62 8| 124 li 89 3 159 4] 307 .. ! 121 1 68 4 139 3 138 128 3 138 7 281 29 2 1 1 27 29 2 1 1 27 2 6 8 46 14 11 7 20 14 10 14 24 8 II 3 50 18 24 28 2 ■ 1,001 4,456 15 6,641 3,721 1 Z. i;197 150 92,023 .. , 0,732 61,171 2 8 6 9,633 12 1,146 9 61 115 4,834 81 2,447 1,474 89 761 3661 1,101 2041 324 .. ! 2,163 142 788 46! 662 61 911 6 5,995 1 0,569 302 08 1,114 4 837 20 1,941 199 12,260 698 5,372 93 699 l|948 "42 42 3 29 4,408 12 6,257 6 284 6 8,694 11 95 14 1,384 1 578 8 13,492 18 13,265 19 45,276 12 27 14 1,213 8 76 6 2,173 19 10 14 3,587 12 1,407 8 5,855 5 12,789 10 11,148 11 2,168 11 4,978 3 468 3 778 15 317 11 467 17 987 17 1,688 12 492 14 858 7 209 14 451 6 572 8 2,201 8 1,058 15 313 8 861 0 1,607 10 344 17! 147 12 1,865 16 2,929 12 421 6; 610 9 492 3! 1,163 4 1,283 17 1,900 3 180 11 1,110 16 160 10 1,301 15 1,749 19 3,079 0 715 10 447 0 1,536 181 1,777 6 504 19] 709 6 2,198 17, 4,651 19 Auckland Section— 4,108 12 6,257 6 Helensville. 284 6 8,694 11 Avondale. 95 14 1,384 1 Mount Eden. 578 8 13,192 18 Newmarket. .. Auckland (Coaching). 13,265 19 45,276 12 „ (Goods). HeadOffice. 27 14 1,213 8 Remuora. 76 6 2,173 19 Ellerslie. 10 14 3,587 12 Penrose Junction. 1,407 8 5,855 5 Onehunga. 12,789 10 11,148 11 „ Wharf. 2,108 11 4,978 3 Otahuhu. 468 3 778 15 Papakura. 317 11 467 17 Drury. 987 17 1,688 12 Pukekohe. 492 14 858 7 Tuakau. 209 14 451 6 Pokeno. 572 8 2,201 8 Mercer. 1,058 15 313 8 Huntly. 861 0 1,607 16 Ngaruawahia. 314 17' 147 12 Frankton Junction. 1,865 16. 2,929 12 Hamilton. 421 6; 610 9 Morrinsvillc. 492 3j 1,463 4 Te Aroha. 1,283 17 1,900 3 Paeroa. 180 11 1,110 16 Shortland. 160 10 1,301 15 Thames. 1,749 19 3,079 0 Cambridge. 715 10 447 0 Putaruru. 1,536 13| 1,777 6 Rotorua. 504 19] 709 6 Ohaupo. 2,198 17; 4,65119 Te Awamutu. Accountant. General. 5 6 1 30 30 4 27 32 222 1,972 11 3 3 r,n 240 11 18 24 28 30 80 24 1 8 57 3,388 9,847 1,012} 10,247,500 44,667 7 51,536 8 138,887 17 51,536 8 138,887 17 Totals. 44,667 7 51,536 8 138,887 17 85,495 7 9 7,504 8 8 6,819 10 4 3,955 2 6127,648 18 8 985 17 3,933 4 10 236,342 9 76,956 1,287 62 4,557 385! 3,689 25,394 3,202 238,947 3,388 II,.317 1.012S 16,247,500 44,667 7 51,536 8 138,887 1' Wellington - NapierNew Plymouth Sect ion— TeAro .. .. 16J 6 860 3 1 Wellington (Pass'rs.) ISocd-) 8 ' 18 » 94 13 - 383 15 6 Wharf Ngahauranga .. 17| 3 564 16 4 Through Petone .. ■ • -6J 6 901 8 9 Through Lower Hutt .. 16J 8 1,338 6 1 Through Hayward's ..12 1 116 14 6 Upper Hutt ..19 12 1,655 16 0 Through Kaitoke .. ..13 1 218 5 3 Through Summit .. .. 14J 2 301 15 0 Cross Creek ..18 10 1,493 4 9 Pigeon Bush .. 11| 1 111 2 2 Featherston ..15 7 1,133 13 3 Through .. .. 1 Woodside.. .. 12| 11 m s . Greytown .. .. 12$ 3 j Through Carterton .. .. 14 5 571 19 6 Through ..,..[ Masterton • • 1 _ ; 18 2,763 12 11 Through Mauriceville .. 13J 1 295 1 9 Through Eketahuna ..14 4 646 11 11 Through Pahiatua .. ..14 5 707 10 5 Through Carried forward .. .. 188 1 27,507 0 9 45 I 8,528 19 2 801 5 9 14,031 6 3 2,928 9 3 16,714 .. 404,700 15,710 1 22,669 8' 21,782 7 153,500 199 17 436 l! 7,037 3 8J .. 736 7 17,007 1! 30 0 820 10 7 323 18 1 1 .. 418 0 0 5].. 69,100 1,125 8 18,382 17 15 0 4,45115 8 1,597 8 2 55,200 172 0 13 llj 96 25 21,600 40 12 94 IO 1 25,155 13 3,894 4 2 1,168 0 0 3 9 8 12 126 19 137 253J 839,900 09 9 109 19 1,067 10 1,327 8 4 84 3 4 7 9,600 .. 1 14 362 114 2,600 9 17 28 5 4 0 157 17 ll 0 2 0 4 300 1 12 5,598 359 100 1,367 2 221 11 .. 2,367 14 l! 4 14 6 3 0 0 19 644 4 3 156 5 1 Cr. 12 16 10 Cr. 116 19 10 2,432 1 3 913 9 8 Cr. 10 1 10 38,129 11 3 359 14 5 51 1 l! 0 11 6 3,197 11 8 126 11 11 82 1 4; 43 14 9 4,394 2 7 0 0 9 .. 24 10 5 2,198 9 10 101 13 9 2,440 8 9 9 4 9; .. 27 19 7 926 3 0 20 8 0 721 17 8 0 14 .. 13 3 1 118 0 9 0 2 2 168 12 5 4 4 1 557* 1 1 4514 2 6,13212 8 22 19 11 .. 10 10 6 loi 1 3 20 8 5 1,131 0 6 0 13 10 .. 1 6 11 151 7 7 36 18 2 6,360 7 5 3 11 5 .. 5 11 1 543 1 6 146 5 3 12,278 16 10 6 12 l l .. 25 11 8 216 1 6! 7 3 2 4,185 19 6 18 2 .. 15 0 4 538 8 7 25 14 8 10,438 7 9 2 15 6 .. 9 0 0 266 1 11 48 1 3 5,185 13 8 2 19 1 .. 22 17 4 8,870 6 9 1,572 10 6 95,568 15 0 6 7 2 .. 10,124 4 7 41 6 10 .. 17,484 2 6 2 19 1 .. 3,332 8 2 774 1 8 2,052 0 8 40,955 13 2 359 14 5 0 5 0 .. 4,699 17 11 126 11 11 6 18 11 36 10 0 10,612 11 5 24 11 2 5 3 0 9 15 0 9,817 14 6 37 4 4 i'll 9 21*10 0 3,109 2 7 13 4 6 12 9 441 15 0 882 12 2 4 4 1 :: :: :: 2112 3I 1010 0 9,139 19 2 33 10 5 512 11 0 10 0 2,914 18 5 1 12 5 18 5 6 8 12 0 8,683 2 10 11 5 11 21 11 l: 561 0 0 22,043 18 5 86 0 8 6 1 10 24 13 10! 5,081 8 2 16 9 6 1 8 17 11 38 16 Oi 12,671 7 6 11 16 0 I 11 19 5 58 4 1 3,352 12 10 37 8 10 1 939 17 6 3,263 16 2 170,619 8 5 "448 7. 1,524 20 4 1 1,631 276 1 22 1,876 4 3 1,204 7 4*538 109 5 15 43,156 261401 ii 249 .. 7 535 .. 4 719 I 1,077 .. .. .. ! 1,810 53 .. 8 j 980 1 257 .. 75 1,005 1 I 3,528 4 332 .. 1 374 I 177 2 .. 3 2 247 .. 25 238 14 99 .. .. 4 10 447 " 9 105 "94 1 9 ) ) i i 1 16,878 1,118 258 320,753 "67 365,389 175 245,653 1,083 837 2,872 35,944 16,732 1,943 110 1,248 586 38 5 [ 887 14,729,300 11,598 15 ! .. 103,200 5,886 5 ) 12 124,700 17 17 I 118 3,583,700 503 9 3 13,600 253J 756,200 537 12 15 27,700 9 10 *3 114,400 859 9 7. 31,300 68 12 234 203,700 898 3 Wellington _ Napier - New Plymouth Section. Te Aro. Wellington (Pas'ng'rs) (Parcels). 38,695 18 28,872 5 „ (Goods). 7,597 18 823 11 „ Wharf. 287 2 6,606 17 Ngahauranga. 7 17 15 16 Through. 223 3 11,382 8 Petone. 15 12 4 8 Through. 170 1 1,899 0 Lower Hutt. 2 10 5 4 Through. Hayward's. 444 12 1,055 18 Upper Hutt. 0 7 .. Through. 100 0 34 10 Kaitoke. Through. .. ] Summit. .. ! Cross Creek. Pigeon Bush. 1,238 13; 581 8l Featherston. 3 11 .. Through. ! Woodside. 766 14, 221 10[ Greytown. 1 16' .. Through. 1,441 14, 490 3; Carterton. 5 18; .. Through. 4,094 3 2,051 4j Masterton. 3 0 .. Through. 221 13! 335 14| Mauriceville 0 7' .. Through. 1,358 5: 781 19] Eketahuna. 5 4, .. Through. 2,283 2! 446 0! Pahiatua. 11 16, .. Through. 58,975 161 55,607 15 Carried forward. 7. ' '4,334 452 17 558,900 533 7 210 9 8 0 1,602 2 10: 54 2 0 0 4] 0 19 .. ft. 0 8* 3,056 620 721,300 990 10 333 10 104 13 2,096 4 10. 11 7 4 1 16 .. 2 0 5 8,903 571j 1,064,600 1,753 6: 1,102 14 322 15 8,393 16 3 ! 90 7 0 4,700 3 17| 4 6 .. 3 16 11 1,499! 41 1,267,500 485 6! 79 11 1,017 18 629 5 1 12 3 3 16 0 15 18 0 3,936 77 5,982,900 292 1 296 4 27 15 1,612 11 7 8 11 0 4,000 .. 1 17 2,801 65 702,200 541 4 421 2 61 8 2,740 12 6! 30 0 0 1 .. 0 4 12 3 .. 11 12 5! 43,587 1,050| 12,402,700 24,484 13, 61,440 12 57,079 1 53,277 9 10 7,126 12 8 2,166 24 4 3,333 69 6 4 6,851 256 5 9 82H 23 1 3,059' 76 4,102 134 28j 1 10O,067J 1,218 " 6 *40 "l 7 30 5 164! "3 15 103 "20 525' "4 "63 437 .. I 2 .. I .. 3 2| 63| 3 26 60 "l8 182! "4 "38 125] 5 .. .. 8 41 287! 25 86 232 _■ A ■■ _i 117 3,490 53 1,575 9,935 I "27 " 188 33 1,775 .! 1 117 23,599 I .. 21 1 50 035 22 7. 7. "12 18 13 33 21 6,740 52,860 5 ii,500 893 15 "4 ioi.500 913 4 2 0 ! 40 501,300 2,523 11 76 72,700 308 4 23 245,400 1,352 1 200 1 3 263,600| 1,740 7 0 6 ) 1,6718 20,944,000 l 27,679 0 i] 7 865 1 I ! 60 2,612 1 790' 985,569 6—D. 2.



RETURN NO. 12- continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903— continued.

OUTWAED. I INWARD. IHours iopen.[ No. of I Hands em- 1 V-loye... Traffic Expenditure. Nu_ Firstclass Return. BEB OP 1 'icke-ts. _, . Number Second-' Season class Total. Tickets. Return. Trucks Trucks -,■ Parcels. Horses. -gjj Dogs, D "f- Lime, Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. "«' r ? r '.. SupSfjcial Gram. ___,. Minerals. £5,, &<2. I i I Season VnronU _. Luggage, Tickets. --roe. _c. Ma jJJ &c Goods. j | Mis- Bents and Total Value ! Pft - eels , Horses Cal> ! Does eellaneous. Commission. forwarded. __ceis. Horses. riages nogs. Trucks D S' S Lime, Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Chaff, &c. Trucks Bales of of Wool. Firewood. Timber, Superficial Feet. 0lai „. MeghanStations. Stations. Firstclass Single. Secondclass Single. Minerals. Vbstland Sec. —contd. Brought forward Ahaura Totara Flat Reefton Moana Otira Accountant General 10£ 10£ 12 8 8 ■■! _ s. d. .. 49 ! 11,049 2 10 10* 1 I 168 17 2 101 1 184 19 11 12 4 648 7 4i 8 1 187 1 1' 8 1 187 5 11 6,081 267 202 1,003 6,544 301 182 744 51,408 1,886| 1,184] 6,0161 9C9 3,212 61,163 2,856 1,449| 6,715 636 3,384 252 125,196 5,310 3,017 13,478 1,682 7,327 252 744 8 1 54 8 9 j . , ! Ts c I Ta. c. Ts c I £ s d 12,750 250 16 501 49 249 369 19 5,137 137 206 349 14,890,000 5,569 14.141 1 210,949 11 10,965 9 11 674 16 2 1 48 .. 8 1 1 1,603 10 34 8 19,600 64 18 : 318 7 63 5] 644 13 4 522 21 2 49 5 3 112 26 1,846 109 84 7 ' 794,100 285 11; 205 17 128 ll] 363 16 10 845 34 7 42 ll 4 10 5 272 52 108 .. ! 8,400 24 ll] 187 8 945 0] 2,368 0 4 571 6 1 25 2 .. 56 984 1 68 21|i 6,115,400 17 13 138 2 0 1 164 3 2 224 30 2 15 1 .. 11 180 .. ..I 22,000 2 9 9 17 27 0 993 19 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 14 0 12,750 674 522 845 571 224 250 16 21 34 6 30 16 501 49 2 43 .. 2 49 5 7 42 lj 1 25 2' 2 15 1 249 3 3 4 369 1 112 10 56 11 19 1 26 5 5,137 1,603 1,846 272 934 180 137 10 109 52 1 206 34 84 108 68 £ s. i. £ s. d, _ s. d. 159 10 3 757 8 2 223 16 8 47 2 17 6 44 7 1 5 19 11 0 10 0 81 11 0 6 7 3 29 8 10 113 8 4 25 10 0 700 26 15 0 1113 44 11 0 0 3 10; 490 14 7 .. 378 17 0 _ s. d. _ s. d. 223 16 8 47,657 8 2 5 19 11 193 12 4 6 7 3 692 8 5 25 10 0 499 7 7 1 1 1 3,990 11 3 0 3 10J 39 13 5 378 17 0 „ s. < 7,657 8 193 12 092 8 499 7 3,990 11 39 13 d. £ s. d. £ s. d. _ s. d. 2 2,130 11 4 586 6 2 62,480 10 8l 7,452 223 15 44 4 2 12 101 10 0 895 3 0; 1,061 13] 2 4 5 15 1 l| 60 0 0 1,169 14 10 1,458 ll| 5 6 7 5 12 10 12 0 0 8,053 7 11 2,087 94] 7 0 3 0 3 0 12 0 0 4,201 13 61 1,793 6 .. 1 5 0 2 0 8 0 0 1,086 9 5] 1,635 10 1 3 Or. 2 19 5 33 6 6 937 12 8 .. 7,452 1,061 1,458 2,087 1,793 1,635 223 15 13] 2 111 5 94] 7 6 .. 10 1 44'.) 4z 67 65 16 23] 1 26 2 I 125 1 116 6 ! 167 4 865 18 6 1 18 2 24 7,805 485 6 889 376 411 220 55 28 0 500 304 3 6 12J 20,866,900 24,700 136,700 730,000 42,900 48,800 Ts. c.| Ts. c. 3,323 5 11,399 14 257 7 346 2 182 7 355 17 1,666 7 2,345 13 311 14 353 14 223 19 199 12 208,211 19 1,451 14 570 1 1,157 0 532 9 190 5 Westland Sec— contd. Brought forward. Ahaura. Totara Flat. Reefton. Moana. Otira. Accountant. General. 81 528 7 7. 1,425 18 2 ■■ 212,113 6 Totals —-I 57 ! 8, 63,615 76,455 156,262 824 15,486 357 675 58] 259 559 i 68 4 131 5 66 .. 5 1 35 .. 03 1 51 9,972 309 385§ 21,849,500 10 211,600 726 . 615,400 46 267,700 5,964 19 15,000 12 212,113 8 15,531 16 9 690 1 2 1,018 0 7 641 15 9, 53,073 1 2 2,151 3 11 712 12 8 73,824 12 15,486 357 675 5S 259 559] 51 9,9721 50« 385$ 21,849,500] 5,904 19| 15,000 1: Totals. 13,851 12 5 8,162 Vestpokt Section— Westport .. Waimangaroa June. Granity Head Office General — 16 15 13j! 16 ; 25 15 ! 3 13J 3 8,034 17 1 451 17 8 424 12 10 166 55 50 322 40 12,887 5,616 3,248 18,035 7,177 7,678 252 31,410 12,788 11,100 262 77 10 2 3,054 1,588 204 8 2 1 1 1 160 1,539 15 3,128 9 300 2 584 18 50 15 251 2 :: :: 806 7 236,538 10 305,300 16j 2,384 5 9' 790 6 10! 1,192 1 10 30 15 0| 40 17 0! 10 18 1 3 8 0 71 5 8] 88 17 8 53 17 8 16 5 1 15 13 3' 3,479 11 3 0 6 5 26,634 18 0 . 0 12 lj 38,720 19 4 148 13 OlCr. 0 10 0 2,961 16 1 208 4 6 9,179 5 6 59 10 0 24 15 0 27,574 7 0 3 15 0! 24 19 4 39,962 0 8 J- 115 7 5 365 11 1 1,552 1,181 2,113 3! .. .. 6 | .. ' 49 54 05 2 192 5 2 12 148 476 50 256 390,200 210,500 494,000 Wustpobt Section— . 307 8! 486 18 540,825 0 Westport. 735 18 1,946 9 1,265 13 Waimangaroa June. 907 ll] 1,531 2 555 0 Granity. HeadOffice. General. 307 8l 735 13] 907 ll] 486 18 1,946 9 1,531 2 540,825 0 1,205 13 555 0 40 124 1 4 lj 732 6 2 9,643 13 9 .. 31 271 -1,30 33,142 55,550 89 4,846 •■ 3,025 1 1; 373 6 3 77,081 4 3 4,846 Totals 21,651 168 199 160 782 1,094,71 1,950 12 3,964 9 542,645 13 4,397 9 5 126 8 9 159 0 5 165 4 9 68,834 13 7 168 199 ] 100 732 1,094,71 1,950 12 3,964 9 512,645 13 Totals. 1,950 12 3,964 9 542,645 13 Kelson Section— Port .. , •• Nelson Richmond Wakefield.. Belgrove Motupiko Head Office General 9 9 _ lqj "J 9 10J "I 9 9 9 11 5 1 1 3 1 1,724 18 10 801 13 0 237 7 3 202 4 10 444 5 2 162 3 3 862 192 90 253 273 1,471 211 270 445 34 11,497 3,386 2,003 6,329 1,348 12,023 3,890 3,321 7,511 1,646 180 25,853 7,679 5,750 14,538 3,301 180 269 89 21 3 3,329 293 608 138 202 4 1 4 19 19 14 1 2 124 39 46 38 64 2 6 8 220 56 23 17 1 1 1 10 2 3 1 5 2 304 499 832 67 852 70 1 10 20 i ) 1 i 317 530 336 1,029 2 1 33 459 44 7 129,000 18,100 000 812,700 357,700 1,300 1,443 16; 512 13 2,548 17] 507 10 ' 143 8, 56 7 1,014 2 1,028 12 230 6 198 7 76 7 103 9 2,136 10 16 17 1.110 i 93 1 182 18 1,777 1 6 419 17 8 528 3 9 1,109 17 9 505 13 2 22 16 Oj 96 15 IC 45 1 7 13 19 6 2 10 C 166 0 . 0 16 127 15 10 12 9 8 22 11 10 16 14 9 31 1 1 7 16 11 72 1 4! 9 7 2 11 1 8: 0 13 4 0 3 5 174 9 0 3,998 16 8 I 1,021 0 4 839 13 1 j 1,052 2 11 398 13 7 260 6 7 Cr. 17 9 2 649 4 3 221 2 10 4,877 2 2 3 17 3 103 6 0 3,201 17 1 0 2 9 4 10 0 1,331 1 11 3 19 5 8 2 0 1,610 4 7 0 3 4 2 15 0 1,528 17 9 4 10 5 .. 804 4 8 Cr. 0 19 0 641 16 5 986 13 6 660 17 11 981 11 9 14,370 1 8 42 594 700 1,700 653 884 5 14 3 2 .. 18 1 22 12 9 95 60 56 33 58 1 1 1 146 166 2 11 13 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 162 885] 270 1 211] 12 l,01ll <; 45 55 1 2,082 114 10J 6 30 406 108 2 8,51 1,152,71 5,2( 13,6( 6,0( 133,41 Nelson Section— 1,260 14 289 6 201 14 Port. 1,970 10 613 7 2,747 3 Nelson. 446 1 235 16 329 13 Bichmond. 938 2 656 8 156 16 Wakefield. 212 0; 215 15 23 16 ■ Belgrove. 385 4 640 16 80 11 Motupiko. Head Office. General. 1,260 14 1,970 10 446 1 938 2 212 0 385 4 289 0 613 7 235 16 656 8 215 15 610 16 201 14 2,747 3 329 13 156 16 23 16 80 11 4 2 18 2 7 3 ' 1 298*19 9 4,573* 47 30 311 .. ! •• •■ Totals 3,871 12 1 1,670 2,431 24,623 28,571 57,301 4,573 17! 311 10 1130 IS 2,554 10' 2,212 546 1,319,100 5,212 11 2,651 3 3,539 13] 4,363 9 10 324 7 210 14 275 15 10 7,553 4 0 10 330 j 18 8 2,554 107 2,212l 546 1,319,400 5,212 ll| 2,651 3 5,212 111 2,651 3 3,639 13 Totals. 3,539 13 'icton Section— Picton Blenheim Head Office General 14 14 0 4 1,674 13 4 535 6 9 1,948 2,089 2,842 9,263 13,984 3,856 9,634 10,777 108 2,842 3,856 28,037 112 26,356 I 168 3 112 032 1,305 74 52 3 132 17 1 159 8 3 1 132 159 180 3 717 17 .1 5,924 29 1,911 864 65,858 36! 6,907 10 864 10 130,200 1,115 9 2,561 10 101,000 6,909 7 858 1 3,459 16 2,335 4 3 20 10 0 59 8 8 18 17 2 3,580 4 1 624 6 11 106 13 0 6,745 10 1 1,305 1,310 0 2,207 8 0 .. 80 14 10 22 4 3 3,798 6 9 26 4 1 202 15 11 6,337 13 10 682] 91 6 fi 136 11 10 103 14 0 .. Cr. 0 1 1 3 13 0 265 7 3 3,459 16 2,335 4 3 1,310 0 2,207 8 0 21 6 6 20 16 1 136*14 li 59 8 I 80 14 11 18 17 2 22 4 3 103 14 0 3,580 4 1 3,798 6 9 624 0 11 20 4 1 Cr. 0 1 1 100 13 0 202 15 11 3 13 0 6,745 10 1 0,337 13 10 265 7 3 1,305| 682 52 1 74 3 52 74 1 3 159 132 8 717 17 17 180 I 3 1 05,858' 56 5,924; 29 6,967! l,91l! 10 864 101,600 130,200 6,909 7 858 1 1,115 9 2,561 10 Picton Section— 6,909 7 858 1 1,310 6 Picton. 1,115 9 2,561 10 3,459 16 Blenheim. HeadOffice. General. 1,810 6 3,459 16 278 0 2 2,483 0 3 21 6 6 136 11 10 .. 103 14 0 .. Or. 0 1 1 3 13 0 205 7 3 •• ■• Totals Iurunui-Bluff Sec— Lyttelton (Coaching) (Goods) 1 as (Wharf) j _u Heathcote Woolston Opawa Christch. (Pass.) ! (Parcels) ) „ (Goods) as requ i (D. T: Mgr.) Addington Papanui Styx Belfast Kaiapoi Rangiora Cust Bennett's Oxford East West Sefton Amberley Waipara Waikari Culverden.. Hornby Prebbleton Lincoln Springston Ellesmere.. Doyleston Leeston Southbridge Little River Templeton Rolleston .. Kirwee .. •• Darfield .. ■ • : Sheffield .. Springfield Coalgate Burnham Selwyn -. Dunsandel Rakaia Methven Chertsey Ashburton - • j Tinwald .. • • Mt. Somers .. J Winslow .. Hinds .. • • Rangitata • • j Orari .. Winchester • • I Temuka .. •■ 18 re1 irod 1 _ 1 _ 13 18 1 ired 14 1 _ 12 12 12j 12 13 IS. "J 15 12 12} 13) 15 12 14 10 10J 10 10 11 11 12 I 1 _ 1 _ 14J 10J : 12 13 ' 14 1. 12 12 12 15 124 14 11. 12 10*. 10J 10J 11 10J I 111 13 16 69 3 3 1 68 89 10 2 1 2 6 5 2 I 1 4 1 3 4 5 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 4 1 3 2 4 1 1 1 2 8 2 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2,920 17 OJ 17,635 16 0 542 16 7 1 368 17 5 177 7 4 11,884 3 8 17,734 4 6 1,469 7 0 351 5 6 171 11 1 282 11 5 810 6 1 812 15 7 194 14 2 335 9 6 181 6 9l 555 19 10i 218 15 1 399 15 2 213 1 1 711 3 10 378 12 10 417 3 7 352 17 4 399 14 10 194 1 1 207 13 0 179 9 2 330 12 3 550 19 2 404 9 11 198 0 6 472 14 2 204 11 3 387 10 5 271 18 0 032 14 9 166 14 11 195 9 11 192 14 10 291 9 9 1,053 9 11 398 19 9 235 7 6 2,349 11 9 201 1 8 226 15 9 174 9 3 191 0 8 205 9 10 471 1 10 210 0 10 410 3 4 I -■ 488 482 964 I 30,050 885 2,220 247 293 1,066 1,668 161| 176' 138 313 91 518 235 1,429 4,037 17,809 ( .. 178] 92! 6,698 27,668 6,698 18,897 24,929 27,668 34,233 78,979 1,215 2,671 12,192 1,068 2,184 8,855 2,539 2,487 6,847 66,812! 89,717 161,470 963 5*881 4,269 1,666, 10,094 4,587 20 1,459 157 135] 4,346 1,573 1,339] 10,739 11,093 1,442 8,408 9,133 241 1,117 1,464 304] 1,610 2,186 208 1,348 1,288 29l] 2,279 2,738 204 1,140 1,298 680 2,194 2,786 147 1,162 972 1,101 5,761 5,263 404 2,027 825 199 3,235 5,283 82 1,226 1,267 428 2,045 2,023 160 1,128 1,415 107 398 531 155 890 1,801 359 1,684' 3,375 426 1,742 4,515 1,280 3,608 4,606 109 1,136 2,434 100! 1,262 1,402 324 976 1,628 570 2,683 3,360 61 1,012 1,014 7911 4,297 4,346 2291 846 1,413 189 427 1,359 41 315 798 29ll 1,369 3,102 701 3,573 4,687 318 2,293 2,466 107 1,123 1,595 2,7961 19,770 16,610 57] 2,254 646 127! 484 970 17' 632 344 265 1,454 1,802 155, 846 1,659 751 3,218 5,047 816] 1,653; 2,744 877 : 6,328 7,326 1,215 1,068 2,539 66,812' 1 54,561 115 1 158,689 4,567 ■ 16,561 1,334 ' 12,589 839 12,837 928 I 348,049 15,428 1 11,998 728 18,573 33 1,883 6,347 10 24,237 278 21,011 128 2,983 14 4,276 2 2,982 5 5,621 1 2,733 25 6,178 41 2,516 2 13,541 54 3,919 2 8,895 42 2,667 23 4,946 5 2,816 6 1,144 6 2,909 56 5,688 20 6,930 11 10,284 15 3,749 13 2,911 7 3,076; 54 7,091' 34 2,212' 5 g 10,479 2,634 120 2,048 11 1,163 89 4,925 23 9,225; 26 5,286] 25 2,872] 12 41,722 265 3,105] 54 1,672] 1,0171 50 3,641 6 2,663! 1 9,570] 57 5,022] 87 15,431 90 115 1,937 1,792 524 972 124 89*978 2,057 1,152 110 261 2,382 3,567 452 271 755 885 479 2,217 191 1,609 1,239 682 304 1,308 517 236 1,151 1,049 1,604 968 189 170 423 1,497 631 536 393 329 484 644 1,400 496 413 8,525 508 490 172 420 373 1,048 850 2,724 126 166 2 *510 *185 14 11 28 13 44 6 49 56 371 8 1!) 7 2 10 19 22 45 1 12 14 50 12 45 26] 10 6 49 56 ■071 57 ■1 4 291 25 1 555 . • 42 7 106 • • 19 • • 13 •• ; '222 1*597 •• 270 ' *26 385 16 5 171 9 •• 52 • ■ 5 101 3 4 278 0 1 37 •• ] 4 8 •■ ' 3 18 •■ 1 60 •• 4 60 •• 2 276 1 1 19 2 11 228 7 13 279 1 125 2 10 ■ ■ 3 25 2 39 1 14 •■ 23 •■ 100 •■ 65 2 21 82 ' 2 46 1 1 56 ■• 58 • ■ 4 77 ■ 6 1 71 •■ 2 91 2 6 55 ■• 48 • • 1 15 2 6 69 5 4 125 2 3 71 1 2 22 .. 11 346 14 4 46 2 2 52 ■• 3 23 3 1 37 3 3 61 ■• 2 98 .. 1 33 1 5 99 3 1 11 13 1 1 291 897 20 22 1,030 5 535 19 1 1 2 240 268 "39 1,892 19 8 51 2 87 80 230 49 110 315 39 3 79 12 11 89 63 39 28 65 281 9 45 65 228 6 1,178 34 51 216 161 61 68 28 95 77 120 59 44 72 57 01 666 163 15 36 38 37 55 205 92 136 44 74 ! 30 84 j 88 27 i 3 18 ! 91 58 310 320 ! 80 17 I 148 157 12 171 499 101 360 88 I 68 20 | 406 29 ] 32 22 26 19 I 23 2 I 26 19 ! 299 1 2 1 2 833 *58 **25 10 1 102 17 " 9 2 6 83 30 2 5 5 4 1 10 1 37 1 3 221 2 2 71,782 65 8,878 874 17,059 624 90,310 72 1,154 .. 7,440 126 48 10,164 58 53 28,451 3 34,849 9,689 "4 19 14 99 29 1,468 2,816 125 10,173 2 6,675 1,616 1,945 .. ! 16,880 2,092 1,788 15 8,730 106! 317 12,645 .. ! 573 20 20,694 176 320 133 236 644 3,720 208 243 78,224 338 2,980 8 67,279 20 1,171 72,200 8 4,682 75,459 .. 6,324 468 76 6,050 1 23 57 6 .. 23,918 870 879 64 1,639 1,582 112 12,891 406 409 3,961 333 151 12,175 5,063 314 17,898 1,209 415 78,701 1,065 699 249 142 230 37 778 53 101 6,379 158 462 10,720 83 903 12,491 153 1,185 182 2,181 21 1,721 207 17,335 33 607 7,047 120 218 5,174 225 144 22,105 439 653 81,418 571 3,472 1 45,424 235 2,417 1 17,970 29 4,603 16,110 597 2,486 2 74,121 1,311 2,645 1 10,200 .. 2,317 288 11,130 1,413 626 41,374 552 1,224 21,040 1 2,831 27 22,077 207 1,504 4 4,992 226 1,655 21 10,241 851 438 1 874 72 3 "4 231,800 8,021 16 3,419 11 25,103,200 59,315 15 99,052 13 2,328,900 2,733 17 9,130 10 917 18 40 5 156 15 4,270 2 0 13 0 2 2,049,100 10,675 6 31,341 1 398,300 16,379 13 996 7 3,730 10 92 15 2,345 12 13 4 113,800 5,581 11 12,022 18 74,800 14,315 1 289 4 60,100 4,941 4 431 1 1,010 5 42 5 300 1,537 5 23 12 4,400 262 17 45 2 357,500 398 3 53 6 2,218 15 109 19 50,800 616 17 1S6 19 9,300 519 0 73 14 6,300 1,618 12 641 10 5,200 168 1 137 3 1,100 2,289 0 17,089 3 5,479 0 17 9 6,700 5,489 2 103 4 2,079 11 38 18 800 3', 708 4 40 9 1,668 18 57 12 400 2,943 3 142 8 1,600 4,093 18 153 15 37,300 584 5 96 1 5,439 13 96 2 1,908 17 33 17 400 2,256 19 68 10 500 4,312 1 100 1 42,800 1,332 13 98 18 39,200 482 8 149 0 659 9 52 12 1,200! 2,330 11 32 12 593 19 12 13 ] 2,570 9 200 19 2,300] 14,949 18 244 11 700] 1,986 10 110 0 2,000 2,913 6 8,399 7 169,200 13,390 15 1,504 12 5,000 6,022 7 118 5 245,500 125 9 72 0 3,814 9 64 17 1,263 2 68 4 1,200 1,756 4 34 14 2,532 0 136 1 100 2,900 14 103 6 26,700 8,453 6 227 10 1,770 2 4,563 18 9 157 10 10 140 3 0 114 15 5 7,378 10 10 650 9 11 313 1 ll' 13,348 11 _ 1,937 10,493 8 6 1,162 19 2 277 18 5 113 1 OCr. 20 5 3 2 .7 81 21 17 6 12,051 7 0 7,194' 116,102 1 .. .. .. .. 78,080 2 3 6,744 12 4 597 15 8 85,422 10 3 6,132 6 .. .. .. .. 2,010 13 5 .. 520 13 11 2,531 7 4 728 14 551 10 10' 274 4 3 22 2 llj 8 9 6 337 5 4 0 18 3] 51 5 0 1,248 10 1 263 1,758 17 378 8 3 : 113 3 3 53 2 5] 0 2 5 1,689 7 9 12 9 25 0 0 2,200 6 10 153 392 8 1 198 19 6 7 6 51 .. Cr. 0 0 7 0 7 7 .. 599 1 0 167 1 44,268 16 8 5,970 8 0 .. 391 7 6 Cr. 129 10 10 20 4 5; 3,553 9 8 54,074 9 0 0,004 0 8 1,671 6 2 Cr. 52 1 4 2 4 6] .. 7,625 10 0 20,784 2,220 l! .. .. .. .. 27,061 5 0 607 14 6' 614 10 7 28,888 10 1 51 0 0 .. .. .. .. .. 51 0 0 414 0 1,362 0 7 100 11 5 247 4 11 87 5 5 6,301 15 10 135 5 1' 213 5 0. 8,397 14 3 5,972 1,925 15 11 32 0 0 07 15 6 44 3 5 967 11 5 17 2; 31 7 6! 3,070 1 5 533 65 4 2 .. 7 12 10] 15 3 031 12 11 0 13 0 12 6: 706 8 11 108 273 16 8 2 0 0 22 17 7 .. 7,084 10 1 0 1 10 78 5 Oi 7,461 11 2! 380 634 1 1,910 8 1 116 0 6 178 12 11 29 4 2 4,169 18 5 20 0 9 118 11 5] 6,542 16 3' 1,917 611 15 2,383 11 41 142 19 10 251 13 9 47 12 1 2,440 13 1 21 12 4 107 6 0 5,395 8 5 4,904 16 0 439 1 3 5 0 0 32 3 4' 6 8 3 549 0 11 4 9 5 3 10 0 1,039 13 2 1,885 447 2 3 2 0 0 18 11 3! .. 722 19 6 Oil 6 0 10 0 1,191 14 6 1,751 5 0 485 4 3] 2 15 0 114 1 11! 0 10 696 4 9 0 2 8 6 12 0 1,305 1 7 1,793 4 0 676 11 2' .. 96 2 0 0 3 4 1,314 41 0 17 6 663 2,091 4 4 1,946 326 16 8' 17 3 6 32 1 8 2 19 9 807 5 10 Oil 9 29 12 4 1,210 11 6! 1,115 53 0 968 18 1 21 11 6 130 17 0 21 1 6 2,183 14 8 0 19 0 127 7 10 3,454 9 7' 3,284 542 0 478 12 1 0 15 0 18 13 9 3 9 6 1,851 7 7 0 0 3 : 1 10 0 2,354 8 2; 1,150 2,390 17 7 13 5 0 134 7 1 13 6 6 3,494 8 0 0 10 2 48 12 6 6,095 6 10 4,840 4 5 1,276 4 2 2 0 0 171 8 10 22 2 0 4,141 4 3 17 12 1 19 5 0 5,649 16 10 7,160 5,552 12 606 11 11 63 15 0 499 9 1 4 7 0 7,719 4 2 2 17 6] 65 10 0 8,961 14 8 498 9 9 169 3 5 7 10 0 21 0 2 3 5 2 1,209 4 5 2 10 8 0 10 0 1,413 3 10 322 421 18 435 _ 4 4 2 6 120 1 0 10 9 3 2,018 11 2 0 17 2 39 5 1 2,628 8 6 962 18 16 279 0 11 10 0 100 10 1 5 17 10 681 16 6 0 8 9] .. 1,068 14 1 672 131 15 2 4 7 6 11 18 11 2 10 6 1,255 6 0 0 12! 7 10 0 1,413 9 8 972 6 8 407 10 0 22 17 6 168 19 3 7 4 9 709 17 3 0 2 0; .. 1,316 10 9, 1,265 22 0 828 11 8] 7 15 0 72 0 6 18 1 10 1,326 16 6 2 16 0 38 0 0 2,294 1 Ol 2,703: 9 16] 1,033 13 101 5 15 6 227 17 11: 15 2 1 1,798 13 2 2 9 0 25 2 6 3,108 14 0! 2,198 20 3 1,847 5 7 1 10 2 6 187 5 9| 113 8! 2,125 15 5 0 18 6 38 18 0 4,206 19 5! 3,813 315 10 0 6 0 0 11 8 7] 4 14 8 1,616 13 2 0 7 9 5 0 0 1,959 14 2 539 397 14 3 3 15 0 20 8 3! 8 8 3 569 4 4 1 18 7 2 7 0 1,003 15 8; 514| 8 9' 430 10 3! 24 15 6 27 12 8l 5 16 4 870 7 7 17 5' 4 0 0 1,304 9 9 1,432 9,027 4 1,048 111] 4 14 0 102 9 5 7 18 3 4,200 11 10 Cr. 0 9 2 28 18 8 5,392 4 11 3,408 580 2 277 13 ol 10 0 0 61 10 5! 0 9 11 1,342 17 6 14 6 22 12 6 1,716 7 10 2,011 1,198 7 1,812 6 2 .. 77 0 0 11 9 10 1,586 16 11 3 13 11 .. 1 3,49112 10 2,985 271 0 441 1 8 12 8 4 60 18 8 .. 827 15 3 0 0 8 14 10 61 1,357 0 8] 1,039 262 8 4 16 8 9 25 17 10 .. 714 1 9 0 0 10 .. 1,018 17 6l 895 154 6 7 3 5 0 81 0 7 0 0 2 267 17 9 0 10 16 3 0 523 0 ll 438 818 9 9 10 5 0 51 0 2 14 15 11 1,466 4 10 0 16 7 27 18 0; 2,389 10 3! 1,730 103 12 1,530 5 0 56 14 10 95 9 10 27 14 3! 8,346 2 5 17 15 11 96 15 0' 10,170 17 8 3,690 4 0 1,014 10 0 10 10 0 60 4 io! 0 10] 2,086 13 3 3 8 8 38 15 0 3,814 9 3] 3,349 42 18 394 16 10 8 18 9 33 7 6 5 9 5' 10,534 19 2 5 5 51 13 2 11,030 12 10' 1,136 515 9 8,036 19 2 82 5 4 659 0 5 217 2 10 8,329 19 7 27 5 0 1,516 6 4 18,S68 19 2, 13,041 339 4 172 7 6 25 10 0 02 5 5 0 1 11 5,400 12 10 1 16 5 44 10 6 5,767 4 7! 535 4,486 15 338 7 7 .. 64 14 1 0 1 11 2,537 10 4 0 13 7 3 12 8 2,915 0 2] 3,757 88 18 9 10 7 0 26 13 0 0 17 6 1,951 18 10 0 16 55 0 0 2,133 17 7! 428 6 10 476 4 1 0 10 0 34 6 4 4 4 9 1,595 09 0 10 0 050 2,111 1 5] 1,380 485 15 6 30 14 0 50 14 4 6 18 6 1,08114 7 1 4 10 200 1 6 1,857 3 3 1,473 0 17 1,760 9 5 24 6 1 96 17 4 30 10 6 1,269 11 1 2 13 11 1 10 0 3,185 18 4l 4,296 642 17 4 29 1 10 55 8 7 13 17 6 924 8 2 111 30 5 0 1,702 19 6 1,134 4 0 2,269 2 6 63 7 6 204 18 3 52 9 9 2,213 12 11 9 18 0 78 6 4 4,891 15 3 4,819 4,770 2 4,563 18 9 157 10 li 140 3 144 15 . 7,378 10 10 650 9 ll! 313 1 11 13,348 11 _ 1,937 126 4 168 11 ll •■ .. ! .. 1 .. 401 90 160 14 11 .. 2 7. 5 .. 72] 3 3 4 23 2 6] 1 10! 2 6| .. 591 2 15! 8 49| 14 75! 37 177 1 2 .. 4! 1 2 .. 2! .. 1 3 29 1 20 1 97 27 4! .. 15 2 54, .. 54] 12 12l 5 70 8 31 4 6 1 5 1 29 5 25 14 34 15 6 4 249 34 25 1 43 4 6 5 9 1 13 4 51 8 6 .. 30 9 126 735 "'75 8 7 1,449 288 101 3 35 66 160 37 29 27 28 69 193 60 244 659 50 14 25 34 11 40 78 55 106 37 27 88 100 53 141 45 38 28 51 109 105 15 301 22 103 11 53 61 108 16 9B 291 125 2,086 15' 2 .. : 4 1 42 32 986 1 133 .. i 18 .. I 5 7 3 153 0 233 3 4 3: "l 3 2 1 43 3, 36 3 8 14 15 22 .. : 15 1 3 2 7. 7 5 2 6 "7 2 1 3 14 1 4 7 4 13 4| 2 .. I 1 2 5, 4 10 2 27 4 7 40 85 2 5 7 22 1 2 1 5, 3 5 5 7 1 _411:4,000 25 897 738 30 7,369 469 341 .. 360 4 .. 25 a .. 23 285 3 213 "71 4,661 219 285,705. 17,433 14 ,. 1,396 8 .. 918 10 177 43 303,949 370 30 .. 1,422 188 112! .. 2,319 138 16 .. 1,401 9 .. 509 1 3 .. 897 10 1| • 43 11 .. I 298 4 97 39! 2,945 28 .. 1,828 .. ; 139 4 3,187 2 816 375 10,135 402 .. 302,476 ' 1,354 10 117 21 .. 561 152 21 87 761 5 .. 100 29 14 538 12 16 1 1,186 213 30 6 1,658 142 010 34 7,049 448 89 388 15,587 7,368 15 5 42 8 54 4 1,063 2 48 41 979 13 .94 1 1,683 93 2 382 37 .. 800 1 68 .. 859 64 8 .. 257 70 134 5 2,822 45 27 .. 14,123 65 5 2,508 19 19 1 44,971 7 392 3 22,258 102 230 .. 17,389 14 105 2 1,663 67 .. 9,147 77 356 .. 11,194 26 6 1 8,601 35 .. 7,476 18 .. 1,583 42 121 .. 3,416 502 10,788 1,227 1,107,494 30,151 '. 71,782' A, 266 76,916 6,313 ■• i 26,705 81331 234 1,586 1,295 1 866 5 2 •■ ' 10 "559 293 " 33 *802 195 211,412 8,878' I _ 76,916; 6^313 •• I 26,705 8! 331 234 1,586 1,295 1 866 5 2 '• I 10 "559 293 " 33 802 195 ■■ 8,878 ■• 874 231,800 11 2,541,700 39,700 4 32,800 24 233,000 659 19,581,600 139 , 2,495,800 56 34,300 8 452,700 69 807,900 109 353,600 4 40,100 77,300 39,200 .. ! 5,100 7 j 61,800 40 I 179,600 7 I 132,200 61 I 307,800 20 ] 492,200 22 197,300 3 I 9,500 44 1 124,900 8 23,600 1 21,200 3 ! 50,100 52 330,100 0 104,600 3 i 175,200 9 ; 487,500 11 29,300 8 ; 36,700 81 ! 75,000 26 37,800 86 186,600 4 18,000 4 ] 59,700 4 ■ 16,600 11 ! 66,300 20 116,200 8 170,800 2 50,500 199 1,779,600 47 78,600 5 ; 89,100 6 23,700 18 145,300 45,100 365,200 38,200 26 564,300 874 8,024 16; 3,419 11 4,770 2 Totals. __0„UNUI_B_UFF SECLyttelton (Coaching). 101,720 15; 62,556 12 11,267 18 „ Goods). 44,809 3! 6,861 9 246 2 „ (Wharf). 716 17 75 9 1,330 14 Heathcote. 1,035 0 10,110 3 4,574 5 Woolston. 1 12 0 13 .. Opawa. Christch. (Passengers). • • ■ • .. „ (Parcels). 13,254 16 81,824 1 71,168 13 „ (Goods). (D.T.Mgr). 16,626 1 736 6] 8,701 10 Addington. 2,587 15 62 1 5,224 17 Papanui. 74 2! 12 16' 108 5 Styx. 1,493 8 848 8 5,325 5 Belfast. 2,086 8 0,071 14; 4,636 1 Kaiapoi. 2,241 18, 1,053 13 3,144 1 Rangiora. 304 15: 175 16 433 2 Cust. 716 2] 228 10' 808 10 Bennett's. 251 19' 265 16 328 6 Oxford Bast. 188 18 222 5 101 18 „ West. 278 12 134 18| 819 9 Sefton. 694 17, 410 8! 718 5 Amberley. 96 19 676 15! 178 14 Waipara. 736 4 799 11, 1,363 13 Waikari. 1,039 16; 1,285 61 932 5 Culverden. 236 8: 1,414 0' 1,468 14 Hornby. 126 3! 75 14] 365 18 Prebbleton. 537 4 215 6! 1,127 13 Lincoln. 190 19| 172 5 434 2 Springston. 289 14] 58 0] 69 4 Ellesmere. 308 12] 266 7, 487 12 Doyleston. 288 18 453 18l 1,594 4 Leeston. 291 8 406 7' 683 17 Southbridge. 632 15 510 16 691 7 Little River. 1,853 10 720 Oi 6,667 11 Templeton. 229 2 77 7: 256 8 Rolleston. 604 12 239 7' 616 13 Kirwee. 555 11 416 9] 1,262 15 Darfield. 456 6 359 15] 442 6 Sheffield. 460 3 1,194 9] 1,357 8 SpringBeld. 234 41 213 9! 201 12 Coalgate. 140 2 95 10 178 16 Burnham. 231 3 81 15i 330 15 Selwyn. 461 2, 290 0 514 3 Dunsandel. 781 19, 706 9 1,301 14V Rakaia. 1,564 10, 807 13 1,378 15, Methven. 356 17l 261 14] 353 19I Chertsey. 4,899 10 4,597 0 10,955 7, Ashburton. 255 12 187 19 1,285 11! Tinwald. 1,049 11 795 5 369 4 Mt. Somers. 420 1 150 5 706 5: Winslow. 587 16 327 10 475 12] Hinds. 429 10 208 17 282 8 Rangitata. 732 2 880 11 1,415 18 Orari. 411 4 489 13 499 17] Winchester. 819 12 904 11 2,556 6 Temuka. 92; 450 113 108 00 13 3 60 270 247 890 70 147 148 478 125 1,045 146 73 9 10 1Q 19 oo 22 45 "21 1 12 1 14 50 12 45 26 in 4 1 2 6 10 9 163 264 47 2,540 148 91 24 120 103 9 25 30 19 15 192 35 34 12 10 27! 23l 17] 34' 1 6 4 3 2 11 4 2 3 1 3 2 1 5 Carried forward.. 376 70,565 11 4l 70,024| 120,835 264,814' 409,6461 865,319| 25,641] 141,4541 2,325, 6,356i 3,865 , 9,864 1,47! 1,010,5991 33,92l| 216,68l! 1,900 31,146,700, 239,833 16l 189,261 14 151,990 al 100,406 0 l! 8,789 18 10, 11,261 16 4 2,895 4 6226,172 2 1 7,674 19 5 8,631 11 0] 365,831 12 3 135,404 _ 359 6,295l 411 4,000 211,41! 1,880 33,485, 211,391 12 191,990 161,738 7, Carried forward.

3 2


RETURN NO. 12- continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903— continued.

No. ol Hands Traffic em- Expenditure, ployed. OUTWARD. INWARD. OUTWARD. [.runui-Bl__f Section — continued. Brought forward Washdyke -. 12 Pleasant Point .. 10 Albury .. •■ 10 Fairlie .. • ■ ' 13. Timaru (Coaching) 1 (Goods) \ 15 (Wharf) J St. Andrew's .. 12j Makikihi .. •• 10J Studholme ■ • 11 Waimate .. . - 12 Morven .. • • 10 Glenavy ■ - 12 Pukeuri Junction .. 121, Duntroon .. • • H Kurow .. •• 14 Oamaru (Coaching) 1 „ (Goods) 16 Breakwater J Waiareka Junction 16J Ngapara .. • • 1° Maheno .. •■ 1 _ Herbert .. •• H_ Hampden.. .. -1 Palmerston .. 211. Lime Quarry Dunback .. • ■ - Waikouaiti .. 14 Seacliff .. •• 14 Waitati .. .. __ Purakanui • • 14 Port Chalmers Upper 12 Sawyers' Bay .. 18_ P.Chalmers (Coch'g) | , R (Goods) | Burke's .. .. ] 18 Ravensboume .. ; 18 Pelichet Bay .. 18 Dunedin (Pass.) ) 24 (Parcels) f' (Goods) .. 9 (Traf. Supt.)j .. Caversham .. 19 Cattle-yards . - 19 Burnside • • 1 _ Abbotsford .. 20J Wingatui Junction 19 Middlemarch .. 11 Hyde .. •• 10 Ida Valley.. •• 15. Mosgiel .. • • 22 Outram .. .. 12 Allanton .. •• 1 _ Henley .. • ■ 18 Waihola .. .. 1 _ Milburn .. .. I 2 Milton .. •• 14 Waitahuna .. 15 Lawrence .. .. Io. Lovell's Flat .. 12 j Stirling .. •• 18 Balclutha.. .. 15 Clinton .. •• 17 Waipahi .. •• I 18J Tapanui .. .. 18 Kelso .. •■ 1_ Heriot .. •• l°i _• ukerau .. .. Hi Gore .. •• I 2 Riversdale .. 10 Balfour .. •■ 10 Mataura .. .. H Edendale .. . • 12, Wyndham .. 9 Woodlands .. 13 Invercargill (Coch'g) 1 18 (Goods) f (D. T. Mgr.) .. Waimahaka .. 104 Bluff .. ' 151 „ (Wharf) ( 5 Makarewa • • : 12 Thornbury ■ ■ 11 Riverton .. .. 12£ Orepuki .. - ■ 15$ Fairfax .. ■ ■ 9 Otautau .. 12_ Winton .. •■ 12| Centre Bush .. 11 Dipton .. • • 13_ Lumsden .. .. 16 Kingston .. .. ; 10 Lake Wakatipu .. ; Accountant .. j General .. ■ • ] Stations. Hours open. 876 1 2 1 I 3 38 1 1 3 4 1 4 1 2 4 38 . 2 1 8 2 2 11 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 18 2 2 2 92 106 2 6 3 3 3 2 2 8 13 4 2 1 1 1 9 3 9 1 6 18 10 3 1 ] 2 4 2 14 3 2 4 3 2 3 79 _ s. d. 70,565 11 4 179 7 2 257 8 11 172 6 2 419 11 2 7,890 17 1 250 5 10 194 8 5 352 13 2 585 9 8 185 3 0 489 1 4 177 8 9 251 3 10 622 15 11 I ■i 5,401 19 10 (l,113 6 3 327 8 5 187 11 7 360 17 0 251 4 1 306 5 3 1,448 5 4 225 13 2 373 15 0 249 12 0 310 14 10 194 10 2 169 8 10 492 16 4 5,276 19 10 344 17 6 386 1 2 389 13 7 14,369 16 2 16,301 13 6 449 11 5 709 9 8 427 1 3 476 1 9 445 0 8 284 13 1 272 5 1 1,082 4 9 1,520 1 3 521 18 3 273 13 6 218 17 8 169 11 9 194 2 9 1,043 7 4 344 9 6 1,240 3 3 182 6 8 715 5 0 1,459 9 3 1,529 11 8 401 2 8 177 14 9 278 6 5 600 8 5 245 15 0 1,872 17 9 398 9 11 306 8 1 535 7 9 379 11 5 277 6 3 383 12 1 (8,332 7 8 (5,190 0 5 1 Firstclass Single. 70,024 69 173 73 (4,597 122 115 594 1,132 15 f 3,129 171 487 578 (17,008 581 386 609 295 232 221 78 1,240 1,176 891 169 160 168 64 63 90 397 2,930 79 83 157 214 709 43 227 218 245 18 618 N01 Firstclass Return. 120,835 46 NUMBER OF Tl First- Second class class teturn. Single. 120,835 264,814 48 1,862 483 1,784 136 877 629 3,095 3,437 26,532 283 2,482 104 1,438 371 3,117 1,652 4,936 16 810 95 1,325 53 1,152 74 942 440 3,055 2,520 31,183 28 1,611 73 746 274 2,269 96 1,146 126 2,619 791 8,069 18 435 308 2,244 174 2,005 815 2,059 9 506 1,997 2,812 1,170 2,830 10,802 11,531 554 710 3,613 3,276 2,523 5,939 42,241 100,583 1,161; 5,956 1,213 3,159 3,343 3,179 1,482 2,893 353 2,643 151 953 31 913 469 4,649 2,590 9,357 331 3,902 138 1,746 280 1,126 177 1,106 97 1,223 1,045 6,927 98 1,510 817 5,849 104 1,444 483 4,169 920 12,986 556 7,649 156 1,449 239 1,494 133 1,060 167 1,414 36 1,023 1,911 11,829 304 2,185 244 1,238 348 3,108 590 3,065 18 327 275 2,415 12,092 67,602 181 62! 3,43! 104 371 1,652 16 63 74 440 2,520 28 28 73 274 126 791 18 I ■ ICKIiTS ' Number Tra f S Second- Season p >"»">- H » 8es - -file's. D °S»- T "rne, Cattle. Calves. class Total. Tickets. "S*"' Return. 409,646 865,319 25,641 141,454 2,325 389 6,356 409 8,865 9,864 1,475 845 2,824 31 593 17 .. 32 2 105 147 3,275 5,715 32 1,705 11 .. 71 4 13 10 1 1,308 2,394 4 1,718 16 2 60 1 2 200 1 .. 4,137 8,317 11 1,093, 37 4 116 1 1 33 20,161 54,727 499 16,021 194 27 441 .. 30 7 196 2 .. 25 2,824 5,711 221 4,552 11 3 74 1 39 12 1,848 3,505 44 624 7 1 27 .. 60 4 .. 1,754 5,836 58! 782 34 .. 89 1 18 394 11 5,714 13,434 29] 3,316 47 8 136 2 78 36 1 1,268 2,109 6 530 13 .. 19 .. 18 27 2,394 3,880 26 803 28 .. 68 .. 16 45 440 1,698 12 1,269 26 .. 35 .. 22 170 1,545 2,651 18 821 29 1 43 .. 14 76 4.491 8,383 7 1,071 19 2 127 1 12 372 22,081 58,714 438 17,972 153 100 638 .. ] .. 85 23 539 7 "392 2,110 "ll- ii605 "20 2 "59 1 305 161 13 1.180 2,082 32 631 6 .. 17 .. 11 13 2,583 5,283 51 1,253 28 1 54 2 186 390 2,331 3,609 29 080 8 .. 23 1 .. 43 2,280 5,239 86 1,256 40 3 66 .. 4 146 1 10,228 19,797 57 2,257 58 3 108 1 21 271 60 ] 41 292 788 12 208 10 .. 19 6' 29 14 1 2,422 5,201 47 856 33 .. 50 .. 37 547 32 2,651 5,048 145 1,144 11 .. 66 .. 7 54 2,487 5,106 54 619 25 1 78 .. .. 108 46 1.181 1,714 .. 352 .. .. 19 .. .. 21 12,975 18,402 1,409 967 1 .. 33 .. .. 164 29 7,117 11,763 1,048 99 2 1 26 .. .. 24 9 41,730 67,242 2,445 930 4 1 87 .. .. ] 3 33 17 3,188 4,626 864 25J .. .. 3 .. .. 1 23,166 30,542 3,492 82; .. .. 49 .. 16,210 25,250 3,061 270! .. .. 74 .. 135,938 295,770 7,186 .. .. .. 90,274 522 206 1,284 .. 191 364f 507 3 l6i735 18,433 1,689 i,041 .. .. 150 .. 3,993 8,751 911 120 1 1 98 6 7 l,294i 81 13,688 20,819 1,634 100 .. : .. 20 .. 97 11,509 16,179 1,945 283 1 .. 60 1 10 69 48 4,988 8,116 515 583 27 .. 81 2 169 456 1 701 2,026 38 1,116 40 6 120 2 112 504 43 397 1,419 .. 1,312 81 6 80 9 243 311 2 2,819 9,177 38 727 24 3 73 1 2 157 4 23,387 36,510 2,131 2,103 161 4 118 21 458 320 39 3,866 8,489 62 1,078 11 .. 41 2 50 16 2,732 4,785 47 820 22 .. 67 .. 197 116 26 2,561 4,077 4 931 18 2 5l! 3 40 ! 225 8 1,263 2,714 55 400 5 .. 87 1 79 19 949 2,333 48 191 2 1 13 .. 1,014 45 6 7,875 16,785 120 3,021 38: 3 259 4 390 248 2,363 4,083 52 427 11 1 25 1 15 77 0,074 13,042 44 2,305 44 6 96 11 14 113 3 1,866 3,461 43 261 15 .. 29 .. 20 29 1 5,181 10,220 08 1,575 9 4 67 .. 34 1,706] .. 13.072 1 27,998 115 5,356 114 15 300 15 423 1,065 84 6,627: 15,643 19 1,221 36 9 118 3 235 85 1 1,297 3,095 30 492 28 3 40 .. 120 64 1 1,261 3,294 .. 765 21 2 31 .. .. 27 1,726 3,003 6 374 13 1 11 4 19 46 1,459 3,226 7 219 16 .. 28 5 7 37 1 1,850 2,950 52 605 7 3 28 4 101 24 10,428 25,736! 119 6,562 178 14 448| 28 25 763 23 4,192 6,958 65 1,383 23 7 87 4 41 92 1,904 3,540 65 530 21 3 83 1 ■ 23 32 7,026 10,806 : 49 1,907 39 2 63 5 6 385 16 4,810 8,826 ! 101 1,845 60 .. 187 1 2 2,467 135 626 990' 12 535 19 1 17 .. 3 39 3,888 0,721 26 1,611 10 1 86 3 60 334 1 90,966 184,790 2,061 41,509 378 15 664 .. 157 304 1,431 50 ii865 8,027 3 1,136 16 1 18 1 18 595 4 15,995 26,303 839 1,552 13 .. : 94 3 586 56 *742 i,705 19 si035 28 .. 36 3 247 253 67 8,191 5,686 11 1,002 24 5 53 1 205 354 29 4,378 10,291 101 2,512 17 .. 79 4 94 104 11,183 21,853 14 1,216 32 1 82 3 8 129 54 226 460 3 89 1 .. 1 .. 23 59 1 9,951 17,170 58 1,548 69 7 122; 6 102 506 17 9,704 18,230 57 2,487 73 3 92 14 97 193 1,671' 3,026 94 765 27 1 26 2 225 84 3 1,520 2,597 43 1,395 9 1 44] 3 43 16 1 9,185 17,320] 112 1,847 29 2 172 0 14 540 2 3,764 8,612: 62 651 19 .. 93 1 53 7 .. 5,816 19,0821 .. 1,097 41 8 13 8 .. 76 9,000 9,547, 136 .. .. 607 1 1 iii : j j i Trucks irucks Sheep. Pig, 3 8 F ° r ' e . Grain. Mineral, £*£& «jj- Parcels, _. S,fc. Good, „»►,_ D , T Parcel, Horse, _££ J Dog, !£- X, : Cottl , Calves. Sheep. Pig, »---. Grain wood - to. ' 00 . peet _____ I _j ! Ts. c. Ts. c. Ts. c. _ s. d. _ s. d. £ s. d. _ s. d. _ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.] T 1,010,599 33,921 216,681 1,900 31,146,700 239,833 16 189,261 14 151,990 9 100,406 0 1 8,789 18 10 11,261 16 4 2,895 4 6220,172 2 1 7,674 19 5 8,631 11 0 365,831 12 3 135,404 2,244 359] 6,295 411 4,000 , 10,788 1.227 1 107 494 30 151 211 412 1 880 33 485 000 214 391 1 16,414 191 6,183 l 1 100 4,617 13! 16,838 11 37 0 10114 4] .. 45 8 11 0 2 1 6,437 0 10 0 0 11 20 7 0 0,064 14 1 395 67 .. 17 2 14 364 3 246 256 26 *80 ' '408*500 '_G7 2,488i 33 1,819 .. 100 3,742 4' 163 16 96 15 651 14 61 12 5 5 90 9 1 9 2 0 967 14 6 ! 0 17 2 17 6 1 1,749 8 9 1,836 9 3 46 2! 2 54 1 l'243 168 "4 115*200 769 1 7,982 87 1,699 .. 2,800 1,798 11 148 12 429 10 ; 418 7 8] 15 8 6 82 15 2 4 3 8 991 17 9 1 2 5 9 15 12 4 1,530 10 10 1,837 25 3 104 3! 1 41 .. '488 78 5 82*000 562 1 14,779 37 6,916 .. 1,000 1,356 11 117 15 ; 2 0 1,605 17 10 5 11 0 107 7 6 14 7 7 1,776 15 4| 2 10 10 62 7 0 3,574 17 1 4,106 40 9 150 9 4 51 1 689 9 ' 4 16 25e'ooo 1 082 ; 9,578 6 6 312 1111 1,009 15 3 350 2 6 Cr. 38 5 7: 4 4 6 52 5 0 11,269 0 1 19,547 147 35 374 .. .. .. ' ' 618 .. 43,422 3 1,212,200 43,936 9; 5,500 16 13,448 6] .. .. .. .. 15,120 15 2] 1,627 4 9 964 6 0 17,712 5 11 .. .. .. .. 82 214 '327 44 922 "l4 30362 162 2 957 900 46 4211 698 .. 2,387,800 1,122 is! 12,967 131 14,605 19 .. .. .. .. 2,669 8 7} .. 295 19 3 2,965 7 10 .. 6 .. 18 .. 'll2 4l'oi5 ' 10*600 34*830 1 10,095 60 1,781 4 7,600 4,93118 87 131 .. 659 IS 0 13 15 0 128 9 2 11 2 2 1,281 2 6, 0 8 6 16 5 0 2,111 0 4 1,818 8 3 53 5 2 10 1 10 420 107 *140 *i4 199*500 *585 1 20.938 76 712 5 6,600 3,432 2 77 0 128 8 497 19 1 14 1 8 37 16 9 9 14 9 1,372 19 11! 0 14 74 16 0 2,007 9 6 1,320 15 2 45 6; ,37 17 17 '502 7 153'mO 811 25,549 186 309 .. 800 3,949 7 101 4 441 0 761 1 0 2 0 0 72 4 7 19 12 5 2,086 2 10' 5 3 8 76 17 6 3,023 2 0, 889 9 5 87 l! 2 119 2 30 469 -68 ' 24 109*600 802 1 63,898 218 2,509 218 ' 45,400 4,452 16 342 5 146 11 2,379 15 6 17 13 10 255 16 10 45 14 4 3,809 3 5 3 2 10 115 0 0 6,626 6 9 6,359 69 14 197 11 10 68 25 s'o20 88 988*700 1 227 15,193 37 437 .. 6,300 4,543 11 83 9 6 12 289 12 3 .. 48 1 3 3 4 4 1,809 15 4 4 0 9 0 5 0 2,154 18 11 930 11 8 22 7! 1 20 1 l'o35 33 181*600 *390 14,627 118 805 2 1,000 2,807 5 90 2 6 0 558 4 8 4 10 8 76 6 10 8 17 8 1,196 5 81 2 14 9 3 17 6 1,851 3 9 1,748 6 7 63 .. 1 59 12*496 37 10 92*700 393 51,382 29 525 13 .. 5,154 9 1,448 9 100 14) 104 19 8 0 19 1 129 13 9 2 1 10 3,464 11 2! 0 17 9 10 12 0 3,713 15 6 489 32 1 31 2 12 140 5*149 '*66 28*900 1011 6,026 .. 765 .. .. 2,631 5; 105 10 8 0 433 9 10 4 10 0 71 6 11! 3 9 2 1,438 8 3! 0 3 11 5 0 0 1,956 8 1 3,611 14 4 72 5 2 50 1 *551 36 'il 185*000 509 1 11,956 .. 6,935 1 .. 1,198 19: 121 8 16 0 1,499 15 3 3 15 0 91 0 3 5 8 6 2,320 9 11 0 12 6 13 11 8 3,934 19 1 4,312 30 8 192 2 10 119 320 -'1 112*300 637 ! 9,056 16 1 181 8 1 1,298 7 9 325 3 ICr. 72 5 11 7 2 3 12 0 0 11,408 11 4 11,692 169 25 335 .... " " ' 8,034 205 14,237 9 435,100 19,589 4 4,290 1 538 0 .. .. .. .. 7,641 8 0 138 0 3 773 13 6 8,553 6 9 .. 26 104 '.82 1 7 905 362 9283 186 1708 600 14 igo 1 56 65 692,800 463 16 1,856 17 3,664 7 .. .. .. .. 750 12 4 605 1 11 81 3 1 1,430 17 7 .. 16 57 10 772 ll'o66 ' l'700 19*598 25,790 189 1,409 2 3,500 5,871 7 300 4 9,132 4 145 3 1 1 14 0 280 16 3 .. 5,389 81 03 11 150 5,824 10 4; 303 32 .. 26 2 12 ', 323 11 353 25 'il 55'l00 ' 89 15.840 61 191 .. 2,200 1,852 3 75 10 65 0 237 10 2 6 18 6 39 18 4 0 0 10 1,253 11 2 0 10 2 0 0 1,540 0 6 5,117 26 2 69 6 9 j 88 1 13 *690 100 " 31 282'l00 1 593 1' 27,133 95 680 14 2,100 4,299 6 303 12 357 3 640 14 10 6 14 6 296 14 11 6 13 11 3,371 08 030 5 12 6 4,330 14 4 1,907 11 2 31 2 4 1 64 3 6 924 62 **924 28 83*900 1*812 904 34 150 19 300 713 3 66 14 0 10 471 6 7 8 0 0 139 1 11 2 13 4 302 3 6 0 17 10 0 924 0 11 1,101 4 .. 27 8 6 i 31 ' 65 5 85*400 '290 1 3,784 .. 496 82 200 562 0! 297 18 13,709 12 716 6 0 21 10 2 225 15 2 12 9 11 4,157 1-5 8 19 11 25 18 9 5,168 1 4 3,108 7 1 82 3 15 114 2 1 559 "24 13 Uw'lOO 742 1 12,492 12 999 44 29,100 2,338 10: 571 0 10,816 7 2,601 15 6 44 8 6 254 9 8 32 13 5 3,707 6 9 1 13 4 342 10 0 6,984 17 2 4,553 55 12 164 5 13 173 1 l'o02 " 58 278*000 941 1 5 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 10 8 .. .. 30 10 8 .... .... .. ' 1 ' 50 0 0 1,480 .. 1,275 1 21,000 435 15 358 7 38 3 113 10 8 .. 26 17 9 .. 862 4 11 0 3 0 2 19 6 1,005 15 10 1,173 6 5 18 1 4 14 4 2 673 " " 25 77 200 1228 ' 10,873 20 618 13 '. 400 1,114 17 162 0 25 8 689 11 2 10 7 6 200 8 0 7 8 11 1,059 5 3 3 11 8 17 7 10 1,988 0 4 2,193 38 2 151 2 5 134, 1 66l! 9 64 183*000 '7I6 40 105 188 130 .. 208 1 225 4 10 0 592 2 10 118 1 6 209 3 6 0 6 2 400 14 4 0 3 0 2 10 0 1,323 1 4 2,120 8 2 102 1 33 49 1 702 1 97*800 568 li 368 32 80 88 .. 115 5! 105 8 88 0 530 17 0 20 8 6 94 8 10 3 18 4 239 11 3 0 10 4 10 0 896 14 3 1,003 19 1 64 .. 9 129 26 *603 4 62*600 301 1 0 14 28 18 .. 102 16 11 .. 13 9 6 0 3 4 19 13 0 0 2 6 .. 130 5 9 295 .. .. 43 .. .. 41 327 "95 la'ooo 120 1 74 20 10 1 .. 3 0] 24 3 .. 1,524 18 0 162 11 0 94 17 10 3 6 9 37 10 3 0 2 7 2 7 0 1,825 13 11 153 2 .. 44 .. 2 2 '151 38 1 .. .. 23 12, 515 13 631 13 527 6 1 182 2 8 10 2 5 0 2 8 224 10 0 10 7 .. 945 4 11 267 .. 29 .. 25 39 1 1 611 116 " 27 99 500 312 I 3,453 13 8 717 1 4 80 16 6 20 3 2 Cr. 1 8 10 1 12 6 .. 4,275 1 4 2,517 2 .. 129 .... 60 .. 484 .. 271,700 2,943 10 57,902 2 2,266 9; .. .. .. .. 13,206 10 1 1,846 12 2 77 11 0 15,130 13 3 .. .. .. : .. .. 124 '248 " 3 '4 532 **72 27015 'i8 782 800 6 537 4 .. .. 0 6 .. 158 5 5 190 4 11 1 15 8 0 3 4 2 7 11 0 13 .. 352 18 6 70 .. .. I 3 .. .. 2 2*800 2 .. 1 .. 0 l] 12 6 .. 663 1111 711 9 10 5 8 2 0 14 6 24 18 9 0 5 0 .. 1,406 11 2 201 .. .. 32 .. 16 " " 1 22*300 67 1 23 3,600 118 0 1 11.18 12,067 4 1,163 0 6 344 2 6 13 10 8 3 19 10 1,359 7 6 8 11 9 .. 2,892 12 9 221 .. .. 18 1 49 11 16ll'00O 4 395 1 48,199 4 6 4,776 4 2 .. 735 10 0 Cr. 196 2 5 16 4 9 2,72115 10 56,252 16 10 .. I .. .. ' 7,396 1 6 1,525 8 2Cr. 115 1 11 1 12 4 .. 8,808 0 1 30,193 524 57 1,015 .. 639 91 22,164 13 1,274,000 18,152 9 38,800 6 18,328 5 .. .. .. .. 59,901 10 6 613 18 4 644 0 0 61,159 8 10 .. 16 8,772 's67 8 4,689 ioo 3oil96 187 9,592,800 42,712 li ii ii ii ii ii *82 6 i76 6 154 18 1,522 9 1 270 13 0 59 8 7 19 7 3 321 16 0 3 2 5 5 0 0 2,2oil6 4 **899 *2 ii "63 ii "s5 " " " '40 I ii 000 291 12,956 773 535 .. 3,700 2,362 19 6,894 5 232 10 285 9 4 132 13 8 12 10 3 0 12 4 4,108 4 8 2 12 2 .. 4,542 2 5 170 4 1 33 2 71 6*224 _82 230 730 3 147 "279 030*500 700 1,812 1 3,300 700 0 005 4 26,886 16 791 11 9 395 0 10 5 19 11 4 18 8 2,990 9 8 0 3 9 28 0 0 4,216 4 7 392 2 .. 15 .. 2748 ' 71 o 671' 247 112 22 ! 161*000 2 510 li 132 212 .. 19 1 76 12 23,886 19 833 16 6 350 9 0 20 0 11 2 0 0 2,360 6 8 1 19 10! .. 3,568 18 11 339 5 .. 48 1 3~ 370 1*024 6 36*400 ' 52 1 5,634 26 1,287 .. ' 7,700 481 13 717 18 8,708 0 636 17 11 57 II 8 64 2 1 5 6 8 2,036 10 0 0 7 9; 5 18 4 2,806 14 11 367 69 1 66 .. 6 26 3*848' 172 8 19*000 346 1 15,660 70 1,012 2 6,900 726 7 399 3 4 0 438 9 9 4 10 0 201 1 6 5 14 2 1,410 16 3 0 2 10! 2 5 0 2,062 19 6 3,670 30 11 240 12 8 184 66 *84lj 92 36 156*800 538 ll 31,222 73 6,751 1 16,500 1,663 16 1,297 12 88 0 205 10 8 .. 226 4 10 0 2 10 6,667 19 5 0 5 6 9 10 0 6,109 13 3 983 12 8 62 3 8 29 1 699! 10 " 4 50*200 188 10,530 .. 2,340 .. 44,200 85 0 500 16 51 2 3,165 12 .. 133 3 2 13 1 1 2,157 17 10 8 1110 .. 5,472 15 1 7,853 85 45 203 26 9 239 64 1567! 10 30 689*700 1858 1 3,352 267 450 6 100 2,902 9 457 7 13,055 9 3,074 16 111 520 2 6 391 7 2 60 4 0 2,518 12 0 3 11 3 7 0 0 6,675 14 4 2,673 128 5 95 .. 17 469 1 1161' 1 61 18' 278*700 l'742 1 121 49 992 2 7,100 729 2 227 14 8 1 735 2 10 26 9 4 170 16 0 5 17 0 483 12 1 0 11 2 10 0 1,423 8 5 1,976 24 6 67 2 39 20 4 *346 5 2 350 18 300*100 '967 b 1,371 128 118 1 6,700 1,385 0 78 1 11 3 513 12 6 ; 4 10 0 114 5 1 5 3 7 517 4 8 0 0 11 .. 1,154 16 9 797 19 1 85 2 0 ' 647 42 1 3691 ' 10 86*300 244 1,465 176 306; 20 11,200 703' 1 132 0 6 0 573 3 3 1 15 0 110 8 9 4 5 7 430 14 11 0 15 0 25 0 0 1,152 3 0 1,593 11 4 72 4 10 , 55 24 710 12 9 95*900 677 li 1,439 2 172 3 .. 491 11 44 5 1,514 9 354 6 3 21 2 6 25 6 7 5 19 0 567 14 4 0 9 8 .. 974 18 4, 911 6 .. 81 1' .. 16 135 20 24*900 196 7,754 48 182! 2 .. 712 12 65 8 386 18 233 15 5 0 10 0 13 9 1 15 1 1,80115 4 0 12 .. 2,053 16 li 566 4 2 14i 4 .. 10 00 " 6 " 57 4l'6O0 318 36,374 82 l,037i 10 3,700 6,421 17 555 19 11,868 1 2,687 8 1 35 18 6 194 0 7 42 8 8 6,618 16 5 199 18 7 113 5 0 9,891 15 10' 4.142 46 9 192] 10 1 140 1 692 24 **712 58 468*200 3 061 17,374 4 455 .. 2,400 367 17 444 16 183 10 55116 7 16 19 0 38 15 8 3 11 2 1,147 13 2 8 14 6 5 9 0 1,772 19 1 1,690 13 2 48 4 1 15 1 266 3 2 7 80*600 *54G 4,913 23 2,000 .. 64,500 1,173 1 1,842 6 27 1 2,69117 4 67 3 0 238 5 9 19 3 1 3,578 14 8 9 2 10 21 0 0 6,625 0 8 6,586 84 16 105; 10 14 264 1 2 165 32 31 400*700 1223 5,387 .. 323 2 .. 1,310 10 70 11 20,066 7 407 4 4 2113 0 25 8 10 0 9 10 5,408 13 0 167 7 9 .. 6,030 16 9 938 5 1 28 .... 9 116 19 " 181 142*300 *332 1 10,254 381 272 .. 2,600 1,177 10 227 10 105,733 13 1,580 3 3 9 5 0 187 18 2 8 15 7 30,984 16 2 23 14 1 18 14 0 32,813 6 3 3,557 28 8 54 8 13 231 ! 9 42 181 354*000 953 1 47,604 83 4,058. 729 ' 1,415,700 5,368 2 1,452 8 271 3 4,073 7 8 64 8 8 592 1 5 44 10 6 9,511 4 5 11 1 0 17 7 9 14,314 1 5 7,205 85 26] 272 25 108 562 66 7 017 94 94 559*800 1 381 1 8,992! 53 921 87' 436,100 1,386 17 300 18 .. 2,323 5 10 20 10 10 99 6 10 23 12 2 2,097 18 7 0 19 1 112 18 0 4,678 1110 5,279 39 2l! 235 13 31 290 220 987! 4 49 146*100 1*692 13,176 .. 1,036 4 .. 1,869 8 270 18 1,602 18 464 1 2 11 14 4 55 6 0 4 13 3 2,204 14 8 011 7 42 4 8 2,783 5 8 739 9 ll 37! .. .. 4 120 ' " 12 40*500 '400 1 14,643 17 268 49 .. 1,070 17 194 7 1,866 13 672 9 10 .. 145 7 4 5 6 1 1,485 5 1 1 14 6 2 0 0 2,812 2 10 2.589 40 10 64' 3 4 50 12 3761 " 8 195*600 636 10,741 .. 924 .. 400 3,416 16 80 4 00 12 431 7 1 1 15 0 40 8 10 2 11 7 2,416 75 050 66 40 2,958 18 11 1,151 6 2 21 3 2 28 59 " 'il 182*800 1 139 23.841 .. 2,22a .. 15,700 2,170 9 342 18 .. 634 4 0 .. 30 9 5 3 0 8 2,930 9 8 4 11 5] .. 3,602 15 2 1,210 12 3 32 5 66 118 273 " 10 62 306*200 *486 1 3,598 12 600 1 1 500 2,811 7 219 1 1,073 14 344 2 5 5 17 9 34 10 10 10 0 1,402 16 9 0 2 3! 23 8 6 1,81118 6 764 9 3 41 3 .. 9 131 1 28 302*300 642 47,380 164 5,087 18 47,900 12,828 0 1,833 0 1,614 12 5,239 8 8 34 0 2 537 19 3 82 6 9 10,336 0 3 19 14 71 681 4 6 16,930 14 2 9,779 224 16 379 38 88 375 1 1111 "2 1363 100 1497*800 8 3911 17,683 148 1,266 .. 600 8,971 1 467 2 8 1 1,22110 1 11 13 5 93 13 5 1115 3; 4,864 6 11 25 2 3 60 10 0 6,288 11 4 4,487 26 5 132 17 14 51 .. 569 67 '610*200 1*513 1 8,471 .. 1,539 .. 2,500 5,330 17 245 7 20 2 648 11 8 5 7 6 48 16 2 3 14 0 3,112 18 3 1 17 3 27 0 0 3,848 4 10 2,345 26 7 91 13 9 35 . 307 60 236'000 l'496 1 2,455 87 535 3 30,900 2,128 13 3,987 11 8,637 0 1,542 13 9 40 11 6 149 7 10 17 3 11; 5,485 9 2 2 9 6 59 13 0 7,297 8 8 3,291 21 4 68 6 13 134 4 650 " 27 556*700 2*204 16.939 600 216 15 342,200 2,185 l] 505 14 10 19 1,479 18 7 4 10 0 163 2 8 14 19 2 996 15 6 0 9 6 5 5 0 2,665 0 5 2,242 60 .. 141 8 11 178 9 *869 "170 19 lls'sOO 1*278 1,757 243! 866 1 3,400 1,314 13 250 18 65 15 97 7 11 6 2 6 40 7 6 .. ; 2,993 16 0 16 0 5 0 0 3,143 19 11 1,868 21 .. 27 7 4 37 2] 144 4 317*100 '952 1 3,419 129; 580 28 3,046,900] 2,047 3 ' 781 14: 392 5 755 16 7 15 6 108 9 5 6 7 4 5,386 12 11 14 7 10 10 0 6,270 6 4 1,590 9 4 101 6 32 276 62 467 523 "564 20 53*500 1 529 .. | .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,255 4 4 2,070 1 7 2,280 4 8 294 17 0]Cr. 8110 7 20 18 3 .. 24,839 15 3 21,059 303 26 476 .. .. 19,446 449! 17,315 560 9,279,200! 16,447 14 20,013 31 5,051 6 .. .. .. .. 138,919 1 8 237 0 8| 1,009 14 10 40,165 17 2 .. .52 995 1470 10 40 171 1096 12110 887 2 987 900 15 978 .. j .. .. .. .. .. •■ •■ •■ 172 0 0 .. 10 0].. 173 0 0 .. .... .. ' ' ' 2,778 530 705 323 939,300: S10 1 256 19; 113 3 951 0 9 17 6 90 2 2 4 3 1; 1,525 8 4 4 13 8; 10 0 2,577 15 6 2,906 33 2 45 15 168 101 .. **889 1*844 *57 174 000 1365 1 409 193; 23,421! 523 1,204,600 50,853 7 16,949 17 12,692 4 2,297 8 11 188 7 6 108 17 0 16 11 4 17,831 0 7 1,128 13 9 496 19 2 22,062 18 3 5,353 39 1 100 6 215 961 16 61 894 *752 27*978 143 2 183*500 6l'716 1 .. I 62 .. 518,700 3,718 4 2,157 16 3,082 10 .. .. .. .. 687 11.. .. 687 11.. .. .. .. .. ! .. 23'l56 ' ll'oOO 37'9'Jl 12,125 45 1,257, 46 2,444,O0o| 6,564 19 764 1 6,764 14 120 2 0 1 17 6 221 6 9 0 7 10 7,430 18 7 1 17 O; 20 0 0 7,799 9 8 823 11 1 24 1 229 653 1 4 557 *246 ' 50 '32 18o'lOO ' 1*157 1 13,473 65 456; 8 741,500; 4,012 8 171 12 1,567 8 601 8 6 1 17 0 67 10 10 5 19 5 3,302 16 11 4 8 0 3 0 0 3,987 0 8 2,555 19 5 88 S 12 76 19 534 70 40 394600 1*189 386 9 97: 174 6,531,800 1,274 10 4G5 3 .. 1,280 10 10 88 7 10 154 6 4 15 16 10 11,753 6 2 3 10 2' 31 4 8 13,327 8 10 2,521 16 1 69 4 27 18 .. 1 124 101 76*800 l'o02 1 321 99 20 102 1,218,700 217 1 554 7 116 8 2,620 18 10 13 5 0 133 19 8 10 13 1 3,087 0 11 19 0 4 26 0 0 5,910 18 4 4,606 43 3: 89 19 70 70 49 2 545 346 91 100*900 *867 1 594 .. 249 2 215,900 193 11 18 18 418 0 58 9 8 1 17 6 3 8 9 0 18 10 488 7 5 3 11 6 .. 556 13 8 240 4 .. 16 1 22 8 .. 4 69*500 37 24,524 128 3,360 39 1,219,300 6,208 19 553 10 23,175 18 2,559 2 0 9 10 0 194 1 1 12 4 6 11,891 18 0 20 10 2; 62 14 0 14,749 19 9 6,480 71 18 145 38 7 226 51 1,149 127 ' 2 42 164*600 2 830 19,650 366 1,847 89 1,166,400 5,939 3 378 2 72 8 2,126 7 5 29 12 2 218 18 6 16 3 11 4,524 14 0 3 13 S ! 72 4 2 6,991 18 10 5,316 99 25 101 29 148 199 6 2,681 352 22 507*000 2*566 1 22,561 83, 1,032 86 1,169,200 3,615 16 222 10 12 2 391 18 0 18 6 56 4 2 2 11 3,280 12 8 3 2 8 1 2 10 0 3,737 17 1 1,737 22 2 50 13 11 65 3 932 195 2 00*100 *835 1 4,096 20, 742, 17 900 904 1 171 1 0 1 457 11 4 3 10 6 58 12 9 4 6 8 754 12 3 0 IS 5 11 7 2 1,285 1G 1 1,787 21 2! 36 15 4 45 2 186 ] 5 76*000 475 16,785 5 3,672 : 30 400 2,683 15 943 16 2 1 2,443 3 6 79 9 9 130 6 3 11 6 4 3,830 6 1 5 17 9 17 17 0 6,518 6 11 3,060 44 3' 166 11 25 39 27 1,375 1! 199 47 168*600 988 1 270 .. 3.144' .. 75,700 2,673 0 665 0 4 0 2,187 14 2 .. 107 8 9 0 12 11 3,752 13 2 66 13 7 45 10 0 6,160 12 7 3,818 43 13 202 14 13 79 29 3,301 9 22 407*700 888 324 .. 2.822 1 2 154,500 683 18 911 1 607 0 2,660 10 2 .. 62 17 5 231 5 0 1,437 11 11 4 14 2 4 10 0 4,401 8 8 1,097 41 8] 13 8 .. 76 .. 324 2 822 2 154*500 683 1 2,074 6 S 5,344 16 10 .. 5,689 9 0 .. 634 6 0 3,544 15 1 17,287 13 7 .. .. .. i .. .. .. .... I 2,244 869 6,295 411 4,000 , 10,788 67 .. 17 2 14 364 9 3 46 2! 2 54 25 3 104 3! 1 41 40 9 150 9 4 si 147 35 374 .. 32; 214 327 .... 6| .. 18 8 3 53 5 2 10 15 2 45 6; ,37 17 9 5 87 41 9. 119 69 14 197 11 10 68 11 8 22 7! 1 20 6 7 63 .. 1 59 32 1 31 2 12 140 14 4 72 5 2 50 30 8 192 2 10 119 169 25 835 .. 26 104 682 10 67 32 .. 26 2 12 , 323 26 2 69 6 9 88 1 11 2 31 2 4 04 4 .. 27 8 6 31 7 1 82 3 15 114 55 12 164 5 13 173 6 5 18 1 4 14 38 2 151 2 5 131 8 2 102 1 33 49 19 1 64 .. 9 129 43 .. .. 41 2 .. 44 .. .. 2 .. | 29 .. 25 39 2 .. 129 .. .. ! .. .. 124 248 3 .. 32 .. 16 18 1 49 524 *57 1,015 ii ii 16 3,772 867 2 .. 63 .. 85 4 1 83 2 71 6 224 2 .. 15 .. 2748 71 5 .. 48 1 $ 370 69 1 56 .. 5 25 30 11 240 12 8 181 12 8 62 3 3 29 85 45 203 26 9 239 128 5 95 .. 17 469 24 6 67 2 39 20 19 1 85 2 0 647 11 4 72 4 10 55 6 .. 81 1 .. 16 4 2 141 4 10 46 9 192] 10 1 140 13 2 43! 4 1 15 84 16 105; 10 14 204 5 1 28 .. .. 9 28 8 54 8 13 231 85 26 272 25 108 502 39 21] 235 13 31 290 9 ll 37! .. .. 4 40 10 64i 3 4 50 6 2 21 3 2 28 12 3 32 5 66 9 3 41 3 .. 9 224 16 879 38 88 375 26 5 132 17 14 51 26 7 91 13 9 35 21 4 68 6 13 134 60 .. 141 8 11 178 21 .. 27 7 4 37 9 4 101 6 32 276 303 26 476 .. .52 995 1,170 33 2 "45 15 168 ioi 39 1 100 6 215 961 25 2 2 1 12 5 2 2 1 10,788 1.227 364 3 54 1 41 51 327 18 10 1 17 17 119 2 68 25 20 1 59 140 50 1 119 082 1 67 10 323 88 1 13 64 3 31 114 2 173 1 14 4 134 1 49 129 26 41 2 39 1 *248 3 867 8 182 71 370 25 184 66 29 1 239 64 469 1 20 4 647 42 55 24 16 10 140 1 15 1 264 1 9 231 562 66 290 220 4 50 12 28 66 118 . 9 .. 375 1] 51 35 134 178 9 37 2; 276 62! 1470 10 ioi 961 16 653 " 1 76 19 18 70 49 8 226 51 199 6 65 3 45 2 39 27 79 29 76 30,199 2,441 1,107,494 30,151 211,412 246,256 26 80 1,243 .. 168 488 78 1,689 9 4 44,922 14 30,362 112 .. 41,015 10,420 107 140 502 30,409 168 5,020 1,035 12,496 37 5,149 .. 66 551 36 320 7,905 362 9,283 772 .. 14,066 11,353 25 690 100 6,924 52 924 65 1,559 24 1,002 2,673 ii Z. 66li 9 1,702 603 327 95 2 1,611 116 27 4,532 72 27* 015 4,689 ioo 30s 196 230,736 3,147 "279 2,671 247 112 1,024. 3,848, 172 841 92 699] 10 1,567! 10 1,161} 1 61 346 5 2,350 1,3691 710 12 135 66 6 .. 692 24 712 266 3 2 2,165 32 116 19 9 42 7,617 94 987] 4 120 ..' 3761 8, .. 59 ... 273 .. 10 181 1 1,111 . 2 1,363 569 807 4,650 i 869 170' i. .. 144 I 467 523 564 i 40,171 1,096 12*110 889 1*844 ii i 64,894 762 27,978 23,156 4,557 246 50 I 534 70 1 124 I 2,545 346] 1,149 127 ' 2 ) 2,681 352 i 932 195, '■ 186 .. f 1,375 l! 199 ) 3,301 9 324 ..i 2,822 1 1,909,735 41,505 436,529 1,880 4 5 16 162 14 7 24 38 33 10 ] ii 21 186 il 81 28 5 13 58 1 25 54 1 4 18 2 1 11 187 i | 40 j *22 i 6 3 36 4 30 18 18 10 9 20 57 58 7 31 181 181 94 49 12 11 62 28 100 67 60 27 19 4 20 887 *57 143 32 40 101 91 4 42 22 2 5 i 47 22 ! 2 > 5,642 Hueunui-Bluff Sectiom Ts. c. T, e. Te. c. — continued. 33,485,000 214,391 12 191,990 6 161,738 7 Brought forward 408,500 267 9 156 4 4,358 14 Washdyke. 115,200 769 18 366 17 1,189 11 Pleasant Point. 82,000 562 13 298 5 312 16 Albury. 256,000 1,082 2 679 9 1,323 10 Fairlie. Timaru (Coaching!. 2,957,900 46,421 16 31,190 17 16,121 3 „ (Goods). 10,600 34,830 12 696 4 89 10 „ (Wharf). 199,500 585 15 353 11 848 12 St. Andrew's. 153,000 811 4 384 3 933 6 Makikihi. 109,600 802 14 245 12 683 13 Studholme. 988,700 1,227 6 1,917 10 3,478 0 Waimate. 181,600 390 9 236 10 847 19 Morven. 92,700 393 8 306 0 761 14 Glenavy. 28,900 10113 35 2 347 19 Pukeuri Junction. 185,000 509 15 510 15 1,044 15 Duntroon. 1 112,300 637 0 670 8 1,377 15 Kurow. ' Oamaru (Coaching). 1,708,600 14,190 6 6,985 3 12,560 11 „ (Goods). 1,700 19,598 7 729 16 2,516 8 Breakwater. 55,100 89 2 42 9 1,000 8 Waiareka Junction, 282,100 1,593 17 723 18 2,998 3 Ngapara. 83,900 1,312 7 444 6 2,268 18 Maheno. 85,400 290 151 161 19 838 18 Herbert. 157,100 742 11 442 7 913 16 Hampden. 278,000 941 13 676 19 1,638 6 Palmerston. 500 0 3 5 14 980 9 Lime Quarry. 77,200 1,228 2 384 7 2,314 8 Dunback. 183,000 716 1 380 8 2,483 17 Waikouaiti. 97,800 568 10 ; 293 8 1,922 11 Seacliff. 62,600 301 6; 121 0 234 4l Waitati. 18,600 120 18] 42 10 35 1 Purakanui. 15 17 31 2 .. Port Chalmers Upper. 99,500] 312 4] 1,410 3 1,686 11 Sawyers'Bay. P.Chalmers (Coaching) 782,800 6,537 1 27,159 0 8,341 0 „ (Goods). 2,800 2 1 2 5] 4 1 Burke's. 22,300 67 12 22 3 1,238 8 Ravensboume. 160,000 4,395 16 186 19 16,542 7 Pelichet Bay. Dunedin (Passengers). „ (Parcels). 9,592,800 42,712 13 50,487 2 104,701 19 „ (Goods). (Traf. Supt.). 17,000 291 3 110 5 6,110 2 Caversham. 630,500 700 4 2,180 10 15,461 10 Cattle-yards. 161,000 2,510 10 619 0 3,292 2 Burnside. 36,400 52 11 131 12 77 0 Abbotsford. 19,000 346 0' 126 12 1,320 3 Wingatui Junction 156,800 538 10: 515 12! 1,951 4; Middlemarch. 50,200 188 11 222 8] 596 16 Hyde. . 689,700 1,868 141 4,660 2 2,549 3 Ida Valley. 278,700 1,742 0: 700 4 434 19 Mosgiel. 300,100 967 10| 787 2] 3,988 15 Outram. 86,300 244 8] 118 15 1,787 12 Allanton. 95,900 677 16 1 314 0 6,626 0 Henley. 24,900 196 8: 114 10 720 0 1 Waihola. 44,600 318 0 143 9 7,554 17 Milburn. 168,200 3,061 6 831 17 3,554 18 Milton. 80,600 546 2 434 9 5,330 1 Waitahuna. 400,700 1,223 9 2,988 1 11,282 15 Lawrence. 142,300 332 19 30115; 1,840 16 Lovell's Flat. 354,000 953 11, 966 lol 3,427 3 Stirling. 559,800 2,381 12l 1,770 5 4,912 13 Balclutha. 146,100 1,692 7 721 12 3,777 1 Clinton. 40,500 400 16 126 13; 617 2 Waipahi. 195,600 636 2 606 13 1,112 1 Tapanui. 182,800 1,139 7 226 11 1,400 2 Kelso. 306,200 486 17 353 1 1,169 17 Heriot. 302,300 642 0 490 13 1,445 18 Pukerau. 1,497,800 8,891 10 3,708 2 6,242 3 Gore. 610,200 1,513 17 1,238 8 3,749 4 Riversdale. 236,000 1,496 11 419 2 1,290 17 Balfour. 556,700 2,204 5 2,841 2 2,048 3 Mataura. 118,500 1,278 2 369 2 1,457 12 Edendale. 317,100 952 14 607 6 2,108 6 Wyndham. 53,500 1,529 7 1,164 15 2,730 12 Woodlands. Invercargill (Coaching). 2,987,900 15,978 2 14,212 9. 26,085 6 „ (Goods). (D.T.Mgr.). 174,000 1,366 141 545 18 2,963 14 Waimahaka. 2,183,500 61,716 13 17,240 6 8,904 4 Bluff. 11,000 37,991 0 6,125 14 326 6 „ (Wharf). 180,100 1,157 11 325 17 3,356 13 Makarewa. 394,600 1,189 4 445 9 2,637 5 Thornbury. 76,800 1,002 17 764 18, 1,694 14 Riverton. 100,900 867 12 1,225 7! 1,738 6 Orepuki. 69,500 37 4 42 16! 605 18 Fairfax. 164,600 2,830 7 1,646 12 2,915 12 Otautau. 507,000 2,566 18 1,671 14 4,236 14 Winton. 20,100 835 16 329 % 382 0 Centre Bush. 76,000 475 1 256 13 591 2 Dipton. 168,600 988 18 596 8 1,378 1 Lumsden. 407,700 888 0 2,067 1 8,856 5 Kingston. 154,500 683 18 911 1 607 0 Lake Wakatipu. Accountant. General. 69,958,100 571,542 1 400,036 14 535,226 18 Totals. Merenan- ... , diiie. Minerals. Hi e. Te. e. Tn. o. 12 191,990 6 161,738 7 9 156 4 4,358 14 18 366 17 1,189 11 13 298 5 312 16 2 679 9 1,323 10 16 81,-90 17 16,121 3 12 696 4 89 10 15 353 11 848 12 4 384 3 933 6 14 245 12 683 13 6 1,917 10 3,478 0 9 236 10 847 19 8 306 0 761 14 13 35 2 347 19 15 610 15 1,044 15 0 670 8 1,377 15 6 6,985 3 12,560 11 7 729 16 2,516 8 2 42 9 1,000 8 17 723 18 2,998 3 7 414 6 2,268 18 15 161 19 838 18 11 442 7 913 16 13 676 19 1,638 6 3 6 14 980 9 2 884 7 2,314 8 1 380 8 2,483 17 16l 293 8 1,922 11 6; 121 0 234 I 18 42 10 35 1 17 31 2 4] 1,410 3 1,686 11 1 27,159 0 8,341 0 1 2 5] 4 1 12 22 3 1,238 8 16] 186 19 16,542 7 13 50,487 2 104,701 19 3 iio 5 6,iio 2 1 4 2,180 10 15,461 10 i 10 619 0 3,292 2 11 131 12 77 0 0' 126 12 1,320 3 10: 515 12! 1,951 4; 1] 222 8] 596 16 14| 4,660 2 2,549 3 0; 700 4; 434 19 10| 787 2! 3,988 15 8] 118 15 1,787 12 16] 314 0 6,626 0 8: 114 10 720 0 0 143 9 7,554 17 6 831 17 3,554 18 2 434 9 5,830 1 9 2,988 1 11,232 15 19 301 15; 1,840 16 II 966 10 3,427 3 12l 1,770 5 4,912 13 7 721 12 3,777 1 16 126 13, 617 2 2 606 13 1,112 1 7 226 11 1,400 2 17 353 1 1,169 17 0 490 13 1,445 18 10 8,708 2 6,242 3 17 1,238 8 3,749 4 14 419 2 1,290 17 5 2,841 2 2,048 3 2 369 2 1,457 12 14 607 6 2,108 6 7 1,164 15 2,730 12 2 14,212 9! 26,085 6 III 545 18 2,963 14 13 17,240 6 8,904 4 0 6,125 14 326 6 11 325 17 3,356 13 4 445 9 2,637 6 17 764 18 1,694 14 12 1,225 7| 1,738 6 4 42 16 : 605 18 7 1,646 12 2,915 12 18 1,671 14 4,236 14 16 329 2! 382 0 1 256 13 591 2 18 596 8 1,378 1 0 2,067 1 3,856 5 18 911 1 607 0 [UBUNU — com Br Wasln Pleasi Albur; Fairl. Timar St. Ac Makik Studh Waim Morve Glena Pukeu Duntr Kurov, Oamai Break' Waiar Ngapa Maher Herbe Hamp Palme Lime Dunbs Waiko Seacli: Waita Purak: PortC Sawye P.Cha Burke Raven Pelich DuneCavers Cattle Burns: Abbots Wingo Middl. Hyde. Ida Vi Mosgit Outrai Allant Henle Waihc Milbui Miltor Waita Lawre Lovell Stirliri Balclt Clinto Waipn Tapan Kelso. Herioi Puker Gore. Riven Balfoi Matai Edenc Wynd Wood Invert Waim Bluff. Maka Thorn River Orepr, Fairfi Otaut Wintt Centr Dipto Lums King! Lake Aceoi Gene Stations. ui-Bluff S ,ti,__o_. irought forv idyke. lant Point, tyre. iru (Coachir (Goods). (Wharf), ndrew's. kihi. holme, nate. en. avy. uri Junctioi room] w. iru (Coachii (Goods), .water, reka Juncti ara. mo. ert. pden. erston. Quarry, tack, ouaiti. iff. ati. kanui. Chalmers U ers' Bay. aimers (Coai (G001 e's. nsbourne. het Bay. idin (Passen (Parcel! (Goods) (Traf. 8 :sham. e-yards. side, tsford. ;atui Juncti lemarch. 1. - 7 alley, iel. mi. ton. .• iola. int. m. ahuna. ence. IPs Flat. i_.utha. on. tahi. nui. .t. rau. isdale. lur. .ura. tdale. dham. Hands. fcargill (Coa (G001 (D. T, nahaka. (Wharf), arewa. nbury. rton. mki. fax. itau. ton. re Bush. .on. isden. jston. . Wakatipu mntant. eral. Se. wai »'• .n. ing! )• .ion __ ich: Dels) nge f Sut ;io_j nch _)ds) P.S. 11. 1CT U'tl ?)• n. ipe !ii_] . en ipt a hii _ 184 99 469 20 20 017 177 97 1,045 98 112 802 47 393 1,020 811 193 300 84 186 41 1,568 277 154 324 361 19 148 14,130 98 817 104 483 920 133 167 36 36 1,911 21 20 21 690 18 275 12,092 21 9 9 303 62] 10 8 403 11 3 162 I 1,097 1 •■ 56 *872 3,644 "872 _i628 3,644 5,567 2,906 5,353 33 39 33 39 *16 16 1 3 7 7 1 5 7 2 1 9 4 5,641 12 5 205 12 0 431 0 2 889 14 2 841 18 9 83 5 11 693 4 4 902 5 7 281 4 4 209 15 2 1,295 2 6 718 5 2 oo 156 482 3 8 531 514 68 41 180 862 725 20 20 667 828 80 2,159 4,482 9,463 211 6,018 7,190 1,207 769 6,876 3,809 2,090 823 2,555 2,521 4,606 240 0,480 5,316 1,737 1,787 3,060 3,818 1,097 ! i ) ) 11 19 15 43 4 71 99 22 21 44 43 41 11 1 24 1 229 653 19 5 88 8 12 76 15 1 69 4 27 18 43 3: 89 19 70 70 4 .. 16 1 22 8 71 18 145 38 7 220 99 25 101 29 148 199 22 2 50 13 11 65 21 2! 36 15 4 45 44 3 166 11 25 39 43 18 202 14 13 79 41 8] 13 8 .. 76 11 19 15 43 4 71 51 6 3 2 27 29 1 19 778 3,127 14 08 10-4 80 198 673 261 8,049 588 22,076 3 10 5,601 897 14,897 1,043 11,369} 80,199 2,441 Totals .. i ■■ .. 1,025 ;198,573 6 ]l41, 245,7! 736,127 1,101,65! 2,223,7351 60,20! 401,037 5,601 897 14,897 1,041 11,3098 30,199 2,441 1,909,735 41,505 486,529] 5,642 69,958,100 571,542 1 400,036 14 535,226 13 276,492 11 4 26,686 10 8 32,456 3 1012,981 16 9621.194 18 8 15,217 17 0 21,795 11 5 1,006,855 10 2 401,037 5,601 A. C. FIFE. Eailway Accountant.


RETURN No. 13. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1903.

B—D. 2.


Description. Class. rt 5 ri 4* rt irt H a p rt 3333 < V c X. 5 Szf •|.|E = 40 J. B T3 a d ao CL) is c 43. C/3 33 it 31 o -333 33 4S CC ccc o t. E rt H Carriages. Royal saloon, bogie, 44feet Gallery-cars, ,, 44 feet Saloon, bogie, 44 feet „ „ 41 feet ,, „ 394 feet „ „ 37* feet -■• „ 35 feet Befreshment-cars, bogie, 44 feet Corriaor, bogie, first claBS, 473jfeet... First class, bogie, 47J feet „ „ 44 feet ,, ,, 42iT feet ,, ,, 30 feet ,, 6-wheel „ 4-wheel ... :.. Corridor, bogie, composite, 47i feet Composite, bogie, 47I feet „ „ 46 feet, ,3 ,, 44 feet „ „ 424 feet „ 39c} feet ,, 33 3° feet ,, 6-wheel „ 4-wheel Corridor, bogie, second class, 47i feet Second class, bogie, feet ,, „ 44 feet ,, ,, 42i feet „ „ 39* feet „ 35 feet ,, 30 feet „ „ 30 feet „ 6-wheel ,, 4-wbeel Postal, bogie, 44 feet „ „ 39i feet „ „ 30 feet ,, composite, 44 feet... 39a feet A A A A A A A A A A A A B C D A A A A A A B C D A A A A A A B E C D A A B A A ... 2 1 3 1 4 1 4 3 48 I 2 6 2 3 3 6 2 1 1 3 6 66 13 4 15 1 1 5 1 4 7 4 7 6 8 4 5 4 18 2 12 106 30 9 2 2 1 5 3 5 1 9 14 2 3 7 '7 2 8 8 5 5 10 28 5 12 238 43 H 40 18 • 2 4 20 2 I 1 4 2 5 2 2 2 6 7 5 8 7 18 5 i34 7 5 3 8 8 4 23 5 27 1 72 6 7 3 2 3 3 3 1 8 5 i 3 3 2 2 "6 J 7 4 1 2 32 10 1 5 6 4 I 1 I 1 . 5 6 ,3 1 1 I Totals 3 12 5 no 4 196 379 19 10 75i Wagons, etc. Brake-vans, 4-wlieel ,, bogie Fell Horse-boxes Cattle-trucks Sheep-trucks Covered goods ... Sleeping-vans High-sides F F F G H J K K L La M N O P Q w X Y R S T U Ua TTg V z 2 2 4 2 2 «4 23 20 65 64 63 6 1 22 S3 7 66 71 247 87 15 1,210 62 69 7 1 171 306 315 48 3,999 1,100 724 ,67 5 5 4 3 3 i.S 3 112 3 3 4 3 1 1 2 18 122 154 7 163 319 638 500 73 6,103 1,225 1,165 557 4°3 105 3'3 127 222 1 2 1 6 I 3 1 12 6 3 4 12 4 633 125 63 70 6 47 64 Low-sides Timber Iron hopper Platform coal Movable iron hopper Frozen meat Cool Ballast hopper ... High-side, bogie Sheep-trucks, „ Cattle-trucks, ,, Platform-trucks, bogie Gas storeholders, ,, Horse-boxes, ,, ... ... Frozen meat, ,, Covered goods, „ 18 12 62 10 213 99 "64 36 243 24 33 160 12 8 21 4 10 72 22 83 313 1 2 27 55 40 53 8 8 25 30 100 50 84 37 «9 139 3 70 59 25 5i 36 15 42 5 6 9' 7 115 199 81 ... 2 42 42 250 8 6 67 28 28 39 17 11 Totals 45 20O 83 1,362 17 2,59i 7,397 544 553 So 120 12,992 Tarpaulins 8 22 14 1,670 6,347 66 9>32 2 925 IO 120 20 120



RETURN No. 14. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1903.

(33 5 Type. Cylinder. <*£>* J Ilia- o. , >. Ilia- ,, „_ . Stroke. ! No. „ . , No. meter. meter. rnck heels. rt iS rt rt rt IS! rt M rt -C ] A 3* ■ S = =,sS '5 a .2 433. < O 1 s X I I § 111 v c 'Eg c cd o _ 2 « 0- H Diameter. F Fa Fb G Tank Tender Tank >1 In. 8 16 9i 9! ioi 12 12 io| H 14 12 ioi 12 12 In. 15 22 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 4 8 4 4 6 6 6 Ft. in. 2 6i 3 6i 2 6± 3 o| 3 oi 3 oi 3 oi 3 oi 2 8 3 6i 4 oi 3 oi 3 9 3 6i 3 6| 4 15 4 1 3 oi 3 5 4 2 2 2 4 2 In. 30 18 18 24i 21 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 13 4 2 1 2 8 11 2 1 7 15 37 4 2 1 5 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 4 4 7 6 29 72 12 6 4 6 „ Fell Tender 4 4 6 30 24i 30i 24i 26i 26i 28i 28i 28i 28i 26i 30 ) 26 ) 36! 36i 25i 30 30 26| 30 30 26i 26i 28i 25 25 30 '" "6 8 15 6 K 1, La La M N Tank „ Midland „ N.Z.R. ... 20 20 18 18 18 20 20 20 18 20 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 8 8 2 4 2 4 6 6 4 4 2 9 2 1 5 32 8 1 5 9 4 6 4 4 4 6 I Tender 13 iS 15 15 15 4 "6 4 6 10 P 4 6 Q R S X V Ua Ub Ob Uc V W Wa Wb Wd We ,3 Single Fairlie ... 16 I2i '3 15 16 16 16 16 16 15 14 14 14 14 16 22 16 16 18 20 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 1 3 oi 3 oi 3 oi 4 6 4 1 4 ■* 4 1 4 1 4 is 3 oi 3 3* 3 3* 3 3i 3 6i 12 I 4 4 4 2 3 1 9 4 io 8 13 18 4 6 8 6 20 2 3, Tender „ N.Z.R. ,, English „ American "6 8 6 20 2 I ■•• 1 English Tank, N.Z.R. 20 20 22 22 20 20 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 8 ... 10 10 . I 10 10 2 10 1 1 ,, American 2 7 7 12 2 2 j ... 3 ,, ,, 20 20 22 2 4 12 18 2 Totals 48 101 180 12 10 4 5 372 3 5 2 2


RETURN No. 15. Comparative Statement of the Mileage opened, Capital expended, Earnings, Expenses, &c., of Railways in the following Colonies (taken from latest Official Records):—


Area in Square Miles. o a CD O to CO co CD > Gauge. Total Cost. SrA CD * 5 o Q 1 rT\\-Z 3° o Cost peiHead of Population. Train Miles run. : 6 g "rt Gross \, Earnings. 3 a j m CO Working- -j.| Fr 0 f * expenses, ig Working. !r 0> o a, i_, j 43 03 CC Q i C3J4-. 03 m£ > r , 03 03 C330 004-1 , OO fjD&a 0 9 03 4, rt M-r-•a" wS -" "> 3 a a o? cj.4 h h 8.9 3-go fc PMrt ? O CD c5 ft Passengers. Tonnage carried, of Goods. a CD o o &01 - a 03 rt rt > 03 a 03 O a © 03,-, 03; tc a rt 34 > X CD Wo "rS a <d o a ■ 'OCO 44 Or* -J H Expense o 03 13 ag «04 tr „ .a a i-i o ... 3 rtiC O'f- 4, 03 O §1Sa I a £ i rt rt > rr* i a' c a a a rt Year ending Colony. 1,206,749! 3,265 1,395,600| 2,953 Ft. in. £ £ 5 3 40,613,78412,298: I I ! £ s. a. 369 33 13 2: 473J 29 1 4: 48 6 2|: 182; 39 8 2 194=| 39 11 6 101J145 5 6 £ d. 3,367,843 71-62 I £ d. £ 2,072,374 44-07 1,295,469 i d. 27-55 3-191 £ s. d. 2 16 8 57,465,077 3,433,627. £ £ £ 1,031 635 396: £ ' d. 154J18-19 ] 19-02 2-21 542 16-05 2-64 518 1902. 30 June. Victoria .. 87,884 1.284,944 61-53 1,189 10,101! New South Wales 310,700 4 8J :40,565,073J13,407 - 1,649,059 3,668,686 75-58 2,267,369 46711,401,317 i 28-87 3-48i 61-80 2 12 7 30,885,214 6,467,552 15,433,7151,702,868 4,636,174 1,725,520 1,259 778 481 179 21-S3: 794 12,5141 1901. 31 Dec. 1902. 30 June. Cape of Good Hope 221,311 458,000 2,018 3 6 [22,125,085 10.524:: .0,388,468 3,852,871 89-00 1,382,179 58-50 2,875,57166-40 977,300! 22-60 4-42 74-60 8 S 3 1,909] 1,425 484 289J33-95: 16-71 462 535 757 8,445 Queensland .. 668,224 510,515; 2,801 3 6 ,20,119,1431 7,184 H a t 14,435,784 7,670 I 5 3J 5,666,058 992,751 42-00j 389,428: 724,166 41-12! 373,531! 16-50 1-94 71-83 2 14 2! 494: 354| 140 124116-30: 116-16 2-64 j 362 419 7,05s| South Australia .. 903,690 364,795 1,882 4,226,4131 |l,097,697 62-09 20-97 2-59 65-97 3 0 2| ! 9,500,9771,394,693 583[ 385| 198 104J19-69: 15-01 1-54 351| 438 6,525 1902. 31 Dec. 1902. 30 June. 1901. 31 Dec. Natal .. .. 20,461 63,821 635 208,325 1,356 3 6 9,271,691 14,601 4,450,557 2,046,116 110-34 I,434,023i77-33J 612,093: 88-01 6-60 70-08 32 1 2 2,805.392 j l,744,713 3,222j 2,258, 964 277 38-30: 159 35-70: 17-65 9-10 i 228 468 3,205 Western Australia 975,876 3 6 7,410,4261 5,465 154 35 11 5. 4,507,919 |l,521,429 8100 205,791 55-14 1,256,370|66-89| 265,059 14-11 3-58 82-58 7 6 1 8,158, 299 j 2,040,092 11,123 927 195 120-14 2-14 ! 274 260 _ 5,285 Tasmania .. 26,215 174,233 459 |? 3,799,098: 8,304 (o 6) ■ 380 21 16 1 895,682! 173.400J46-46! 32,391 8-70 0-85 184-20 13 7 777,445 14,628 : 448J 377 71 13017-04 1 19-99 4-27 71 171! j 1,4391 I - New Zealand .. 104,471 ■ 746,673 j 2,090! 3 6 16,404,076 7,849 i357 21 19 5 i 929,73756-22 539,928 : 4,955,553,2,624,059 712 450 262 S173J18-46 16-67 3-0 1899. 31 Mar. 1900. 31 Mar. 1901. 31 Mar. 1902. 31 Mar. 1903. 31 Mar. 3,968,708 1,469,665: 89-00 32-78 3-29 63-26 1 19 4 2,624,059 293; 550! 9,792; .. 104,471 758,016; 2,099! 3 6 16,703,887: 7,958 :361 22 0 5 4,187,893 1,623,891: 93-00 11,052,358 60-31 571,533 i l,127,848j58-58 599,388 32-69 3-42 64-80 2 2 10 I 5,468,284:3,127,824 :3,127,824 774 501 273 794 519 275 842 562 280 873 594 279 1188 21-32 1617 2-93 304 577! 10,295 .. 104,471 815,319 2,174 3 6 17,207,328: 7,915 1375 21 2 1 4,620,971 1,727,236 89-75 31-17 3-47 65-30 2 2 4 : 6,243,593 3,339,687 3,339,687 S196 19-99 17-15 209 306 603 10,868: .. 104,471 833,137 2,227 857,985 2,262 3 6 18,170,722 8,159 3 6 19,081,735 8,436 ia74| 21 16 2 5,066,360 1,874,586 88-75 i l,252,237|59-32j 622,349 29-43 3-43 66-80 2 5 0 ) 7,356,136 3,529,177 3,529,177 ,196 21-35 (204 21-36 17-78, 3-03 362 701 12,444 .. 104,471 1379 22 4 10 5,443,333 1,974,038 87-00 11,343,415 ! 59-23 630,623 27-77 3-30 68-05 2 6 0 ) 7,575,390 3,730,394 3,730,394 18-24: 319 372 751 12,992



RETURN No. 16. Return showing the Mileage, Capital Cost, Traffic, Revenue, and Expenditure of the New Zealand Government Railways from 1883 to 31st March, 1903. MILEAGE, CAPITAL COST, TRAFFIC, AND REVENUE.

Year. Miles. Capital Cost. Trainmileage. No. Passengers. Revenue. Season Tickets. No. Revenue. Horses. s 2f> Q.rt Coachin) Dogs. Revenue. r/l Cattle. Sheep. Pigs. Lime, Chaff. Wool. T3 O O fc o 34 ft Timber. Grain. 03 a rt A o 34 o> 8 Minerals. Total. Goods Revenue. CO f3 3 CD Si C33^ a 1.1 w c/3 «§ • a P3o Total Revenue. Revenui per Trainmile 34 a Parcels. £ £ £ No. No. No. No. £ No. No. No. No. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £ £ . £ £ d. 1882-83 .. 1,358 10,478,998 2,785,685 3,283,378 362,106 1 8,621 308,620 9,850 975 22,716 34,658 928 27,605 421,671 27,799 11,810 51,703 75,740 197,231 307,428 350,823 510,088 1,564,823 518,330 29,496 8,757 953,347 82-00 1883-84 .. 1,396 11,078,500 2,841,745 3,272,644 321,615 9,036 14,763 325,675 9,555 906 24,666 35,143 939 29,675 627,090 29,522 16,470 62,067 81,255 183,449 432,223 350,263 574,313 1,700,040 548,918 31,644 9,221 961,304 8100 1884-85 .. 1,477 11,810,194 2,882,422 3,232,886 348,628 8,999 16,406 313,047 10,358 793 24,020 35,592 756 32,738 666,522 30,268 17,030 68,523 86,670 178,909 414,590 365,623 618,511 1,749,856 611,504 23,160 10,422 1,045,712 87-00 1885-86 .. 1,613 12,472,814 3,020,550 3,362,266 346,895 10,717 16,482 317,242 9,518 653 22,668 33,271 660 36,634 781,470 40,558 14,985 74,778 80,280 202,571 413,847 368,225 669,081 1,823,767 622,810 16,732 11,229 1,047,419 83-00 1886-87 .. 1,727 13,017,567 3,008,949 3,426,403 339,255 11,821 16,998 341,634 9,165 689' 21,598 33,749 597 37,435 856,431 48,151 22,110 82,963 73,040 175,581 345,254 329,227 719,579 1,747,754 581,350 14,893 12,523 998,768 79-50 1887-88 .. 1,758 13,352,978 2,944,786 3,451,850 334,926 11,518 17,800 368,680 9,301 619 21,128 34,727 592 32,766 857,397 50,046 22,190 84,147 65,860 158,024 358,022 347,379 700,140 1,735,762 579,359 14,611 13,420 994,843 81-00 1888-89 .. 1,777 13,472,837 2,796,007 3,132,803 305,032 11,817 17,816 370,707 8,378 650 19,971 34,101 547 29,426 842,840 47,126 24,335 78,203 67,045 160,399 447,027 356,732 ■ 786,690 1,920,431 610,488 15,663 13,915 997,615 85-50 1889-90 .. 1,809 13,899,955 2,868,203 3,376,459 347,844 12,311 21,504 375,271 9,358 708 21,209 37,097 678 31,700 985,336 51,539 37,900 91,214 77,454 172,814 498,198 399,258 797,117 2,073,955 655,007 18,091 16,027 1,095,570 91-50 1890-91 .. 1,842 14,278,586 2,894,776 3,433,629 333,122 13,881 20,471 380,319 9,790 757 22,965 38,997 582 35,209 1,258,471 54,684 29,800 87,701 73,650 153,078 528,683 385,020 828,079 2,086,011 690,779 20,718 17,615 1,121,701 93-00 1891-92 .. 1,86914,656,691 3,010,489 3,555,764 342,563 16,341 22,054 393,407 11,370 819 25,439 41,795 653 36,248 1,067,614 49,639 26,605 85,888 87,834 170,520 442,277 379,768 873,899 2,066,791 671,469 19,388 18,163 1,115,432 88-75 1892-93 .. 1,886 14,733,120 3,002,174 3,759,044 307,594 16,504 23,025 420,610 12,993 921 26,780 44,801 796 33,597 1,321,046 38,814 34,314 96,841 88,186 108,910 523,637 397,411 884,031 2,193,330 707,786 18,830 19,486 1,181,522 94-50 1893-94 .. 1,948 15,137,036 3,113,231 3,972,701 378,480 17,226 23,540 448,770 12,350 793 25,667 45,206 831 39,223 1,356,434 38,022 38,610 101,340 84,658 183,192 411,191 377,116 864,538 2,060,645 686,469 18,563 20,535 1,172,793 90-25 1894-95 .. 1,993 15,352,613 3,221,620 3,905,578 360,243 28,623 24,906 444,981 11,185 750 23,517 43,270 705 40,890 1,519,921 43,292 36,972 103,328 85,102' 198,578 388,556 377,938 857,917 2,048,391 683,726 17,265 21,441 1,150,851 85-75 1895-90 .. 2,014 15,425,532 3,307,226 4,162,426 359,822 36,233 29,412 455,511 11,115 716 22,551 54,736 693 39,651 1,839,712 53,346 53,260 99,363 78,804 213,132 374,699 389,881 878,659 2,087,798 698,115 18,466 22,490 1,183,041 85-75 1896-97 .. 2,018 15,577,392 3,409,218 4,439,387 378,684 43,069 31,476 489,825 11,347 778 22,891 58,084 841 35,909 1,964,110 52,327 60,542 98,958 80,014 257,825 423,888 415,448 1,032,252 2,368,927 774,163 20,225 23,526 1,286,158 90-50 1897-98 .. 2,055 15,993,903 3,066,483 4,672,204 399,262 48,660 34,168 530,993 9,936 862 23,069 60,872 | 926 44,935 2,356,595 42,784 77,226 103,055 83,656 313,073 427,448 465,041 1,048,868 2,518,367 837,590 19,631 24,485 1,376,008 9000 1898-99 .. 2,090 10,404,076 3,968,708 4,955,553 438,367 55,027 37,186 589,372 10,348 998 24,963 66,418 1106 55,878 2,518,233 34,512 83,084 97,396 87,038 310,266 420,071 478,851 1,147,353 2,624,059 882,077 20,328 25,289 1,469,065 89-00 1899-1900.. 2,104 16,703,887 4,187,893 5,468,284 474,793 63,335 40,228 624,115 11,474 1159 27,066 68,488 1345 65,063 2,523,787 36,049 77,292 104,621 92,126 334,077 764,033 530,428 1,218,698 3,127,874 985,723 25,135 29,524 1,623,891 93-00 1900-1901.. 2,212 17,207,328 4,620,971 6,243,593 503,051 82,921 41,925 633,770 11,421 1336 30,658 72,712 1566 72,868 2,412,191 51,059 78,844 96,519 92,830 380,803 772,571 551,879 1,366,211 3,339,687 1,051,695 28,601 29,253 1,727,236 89-75 1901-1902.. 2,235 18,170,722 5,066,360 7,356,136 575,697 100,778 45,322 077,804 11,926 1506 30,404 79,561 1564 83,458 2,724,860 55,159 86,378 101,878 100,236 427,153 813,345 556,395. 1,443,792 3,529,177 1,110,575 30,303 33,129 1,874,586 - 88-75 1902-1903.. 2,291 19,081,735 5,443,333 7,575,390 576,529 118,431 49,169 731,762 12,737 1646 34,202 87,273 1921 102,461 3,821,333 61,844 121,092 116,309 100,498 436,008 718,376 633,685 1,604,426 3,730,394 1,189,101 29,960 42,006 1,974,038 87-00 i ex: -end: :tu: IE. Year. CO !h cD •£ a gft.S ft r H H g I Maintenance of Way. 11 § , . ft S a : Per Cent. Per Mile £ ""g ; Amount. of of Revenue. Railway. Maintenance of Way. Locomotive Power. Carriages and Wage ills. Traffic Head and Departmental Offices. General Charges and Sundries. Less Crc idit Recoveries. 03 3 Per Trainmile. Amount. Per Cent. Per of TrainRevenue, mile. Per Cent. Per Amount. of TrainRevenue, mile. Amount. Per Cent. of Revenue. Per Trainmile. I Per Cent. Per Amount, j of Trainj Revenue, mile. Per Cent. Amount. of Revenue. Per Trainmile. Amount. Per Cent of Revenue. Per Trainmile. o a ft X H d. £ £ £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ £ £ £ d. £ £ d. £ 1882-83 . . 51-07 62-18 209,823 22-01 155-54 18-08 153,607 16-11 13-23 38,887 4-08 3-35 156,334 16-40 13-47 34,170 3-58 2-94 592,821 1883-84 .. 55-40 68-24 233,936 24-34 169-29 19-76 162,558 16-91 13-73 51,304 5-34 4-33 166,848 17-36 14-09 41,345 4-39 3-49 655,990 1884-85 . . 57-45 65-99 254,329 24-32 176-87 21-18 166,576 15-93 13-87 56,245 5-38 4-68 171,822 16-43 14-30 41,055 3-93 3-42 690,026 1885-80 .. 54-85 65-91 247,566 23-64 160-32 19-67 162,860 15-55 12-94 55,303 5-28 4-40 180,352 17-22 14-33 44,259 4-22 3-51 690,340 1886-87 .. 55-76 69-99 252,530 25-28 149-85 20-14 106,407 16-66 13-27 59,107 5-92 4-72 177,825 17-80 14-18 43,203 4-33 3-45 699,072 1887-88 .. 56-02 69-09 246,340 24-76 14135 20-08 159,757 16-06 13-02 65,018 6-54 5-30 173,991 17-49 14-18 42,222 4-24 3-44 087,328 1888-89 .. 55-54 64-86 232,915 23-35 131-31 19-99 153,807 15-42 13-20 55,422 5-55 4-76 176,995 17-74 15-19 27,906 2-80 2-40 647,045 1889-90 .. 57-13 '62-32 242,075 22-10 134-70 20-26 159,180 14-53 13-32 67,211 6-13 5-62 182,427 16-65 15-27 31,894 2-91 2-66 682,787 1890-91 . . 58-09 62-47 241,330 21-51 132-27 20-01 172,064 15-34 14-26 66,228 5-91 5-49 193,461 17-25 16-04 27,622 2-46 2-29 700,703 1891-92 .. 56-32 63-34 245,163 21-98 131-41 19-54 177,156 15-88 14-12 57,723 5-17 4-60 198,654 17-81 15-84 27,822 2-50 2-22 706,517 1892-93 .. 58-53 61-97 262,600 22-23 140-18 20-99 183,774 15-55 14-69 53,962 4-57 4-32 202,153 17-11 16-16 29,653 2-51 2-37 732,142 1893-94 .. 56-69 62-70 268,451 22-89 140-35 20-70 177,833 15-16 13-71 56,470 4-82 4-35 201,166 17-15 15-51 31,440 2-68 2-42 735,359 1894-95 .. 54-54 63-62 272,718 23-70 138-57 20-32 175,758 15-27 13-09 50,949 4-43 3-79 201,641 17-52 15-02 31,095 2-70 2-32 732,160 1895-96 .. 54-53 63-51 282,593 23-89 141-45 20-51 185,669 15-69 13-47 54,692 4-62 3-97 207,253 17-52 15-04 37,979 321 2-76 16,818 1-42 1-22 751,368 1896-97 .. 55-55 61-35 301,981 23-48 149-77 21-26 190,543 14-82 13-41 65,825 5-12 4-64 213,914 16-63 15-06 39,072 303 2-75 22,280 1-73 1-57 789,054 1897-98 .. 56-11 62-30 327,987 23-84 160-53 21-47 209,289 15-21 13-70 65,344 4-75 4-27 232,646 16-91 15-23 41,062 2-98 2-69 19,137 1-39 1-25 857,191 1898-99 56-22 63-26 357,189 24-30 172-92 21-60 231,532 15-75 14-00 73,680 5-01 4-46 244,932 16-67 14-81 44,319 302 2-68 21,914 1-49 1-33 929,738 1899-1900 .. 60-31 64-80 394,619 24-30 187-99 22-61 295,542 18-20 16-93 76,555 4-71 4-39 262,552 16-17 15-05 47,717 2-93 2-74 24,627 1-51 1-41 1,052,358 1000-1901 .. 58-58 65 30 426,405 24-69 196-14 22-15 293,383 16-98 15-24 91,532 5-30 4-75 296,159 17-15 15-38 51,590 2-99 2-68 31,221 1-81 1-62 1,127,848 1901-1902 . . 59-32 66-80 436,847 23-30 196-17 20-69 351,172 1873 16-64 99,522 5-31 4-71 333,211 17-78 15-79 56,756 3-03 2-69 25,271 1-35 1-20 1,252,237 1902-1903 .. 59-23 68-05 460,398 23-32 203-55 20-30 378,575 19-18 16-69 105,976 5-37 4-67 360,061 18-24 15-8S 62,997 3-19 2-77 24,592 1-25 1-08 1,343,415 9—1 o


RETURN No. 17. Statement of Stores Contracts current during the Year ending 31st March, 1903.

10—D. 2,


Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. .8,000 gallons castor-oil ■8,000 1/3/1903 New Zealand Hardware Company Dalgety and Oo. 2/4| per gallon. 2/2J .00 tablet-slings 23/5/1902 H.M.Stephens 3/6 each. Horse-forage, at Christchurch „ Auckland 31/3/1903 Geo. Treleaven and Go. J. J. Craig As per tender. Steel castings, Auckland „ Wellington .. „ Christohuroh „ Dunedin Wilkinson, Callon, and Co. .. 4|d. lb. 4|d. „ 4|d. „ 4Jd. „ iron, Auckland 31/5/1903 C. and A. Collings 13/, 15/ per cwt loal-supply— Kaihu Valley, at Greymouth Auckland „ at Westport Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth 31/3/1903 Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. Taupiri Coal-mines (Limited) Westport Coal Company Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. Blackball Coal Company Westport Coal Company Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. Westport Coal Company Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. Blackball Coal Company Westport Coal Company Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. Westport Coal Company 14/ per ton. V 17/6 24/6 24/6 25/6 27/6 24/6 26/6 24/6 23/ 22/6 23/ 19/ 22/6 21/6 12/ 14/ 23/6 21/ 11/ 11/ 23/6 20/ 22/6 23/6 25/6 23/9 24/6 8/ 24/6 8/ 21/ 23/ 24/6 21/6 7/6 23/ 25/ 20/ 21/ 22/ Picton Nelson Westland Anchor Shipping and Foundry Company Lyttelton Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. Blackball Coal Company Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. Timaru Oamaru Dunedin-Gore John Deans Harry Leviek Blackball Coal Company Westport Coal Company Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. Blackball Coal Company .. Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. Blackball Coal Company Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. Fortification Railway and Coal Co. Blackball Coal Company .. ,, New Zealand Coal and Oil Company .. Westport Coal Company Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. Blackball Coal Company South of Gore Workshops, Auckland „ Wanganui „ Wellington .. „ Lyttelton Dunedin Nightcaps Coal Company .. J. J. Craig Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. .. a .a leneral stores — Auckland— General ironmongery Oils, colours, &o. Indiarubber goods Furnishing ironmongery Iron and steel Ship-ohandlery Brushware Drain-pipes Lime Cement Leather, &o. Iron, sheet, galvanised » 31/3/1905 John Burns and Co. As per tender. Briscoe and Co. J. J. Craig J Wilson and Co. Braoe, Windle, Blyth, and Co. Southern Cross Galvanised-iron Manufacturing Company Wellington— General ironmongery Furnishing ironmongery Ship-chandlery Drain-pipes Brushware Leather, &c. Iron and steel Oils, colours, &c. Cement Lime .. .. .. ,. Indiarubber goods Briscoe and Co. John Dutbie and Co. Smith and Smith Peter Hutson and Co. Milburn Lime and Cement Company .. A. R. Hislop



RETURN No. 17— continued. Statement of Stores Contracts current, etc.— continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Bate. General stores — continued. Ohristchuroh — General ironmongery Furnishing ironmongery Drain-pipes Cement Brushware Leather, &o. Iron and steel Oils, colours, &c. Ship-chandlery Lime Indiarubber goods 31/3/1905 Ashby, Bergh, and Co. As per tender. John Anderson Edward Reece and Sons Luke Adams W. J. Crawford Dunedin — General ironmongery Furnishing ironmongery Oils, colours, &c. Ship-chandlery Drain-pipes Leather, &c. Iron and steel Brushware Cement Lime Indiarubber John Edmond Briscce and Co. Milburn Lime arid Cement Company .. W. J. Crawford Uniform suits — Guards and porters Stationmasters .. Uniform caps—. Stationmasters Guards and porters A. Levy Jones and Ashdown 31/3/1904 Charles Hill and Sons 15/ each. 4/ . 4/ . 4/6 „ Hallenstein Bros, and Co. Drivers and firemen Native-timber supply— Christehurch Section Dunedin and Invercargill Sections.. 31/3/1903 William White and Co. Massey and Co. As per tender. Ironbark timber and piles 16/1/1903 E. D. Pike and Co. .. Murray, Arnold, and Co. Justin McSweeney Fraser and Co. II Tallow-wood timber 16/6/1902 E. D. Pike and Co. .. Murray, Arnold, and Co. Joseph Reid 26/ per 100 sup. ft. 23/3 25/ Freight on 60,000 birch sleepers,;Marlborough Sounds to Lyttelton 30/4/1905 Thomas Eckford 1/ each. 28,000 gallons dark axle-oil 10,500 gallons filtered valve-oil 1,700 gallons pale machine-oil 37,585 gallons oil for gas-making 31/3/1903 James Service and Co. lOJd. per gallon. 2/3 1/ 7£d. . New Zealand Coal and Oil Company .. Auckland District — 5-,200 fire-lumps 19,000 puriri sleepers 5,000 totara sleepers 495,000 sup. ft. kauri timber 7,300 sup. ft. kauri moulding 52,000 sup. ft. red-pine timber 74,000 sup. ft. totara timber 3,000 sup. ft. matai timber Wellington - Napier - New Plymouth District— 36,000 totara sleepers 33,500 sleepers for creoaoting 108 birch piles 1,130 lin. ft. house blocks 175,000 sup. ft. matai timber 186,000 sup. ft. kauri timber 28,000 lin. ft. red-pine moulding 757,000 sup. ft. red-pine timber 265,000 sup. ft. totara timber 63,000 sup. ft. white pine timber .. 1,000 sup. ft. clear-pine timber .. Ohristchurch District — 14,000 ft. mouldings 2,300 sup. ft. Baltic timber 6,700 sup. ft. blue-gum timber .. 3,300 sup. ft. clear-pine timber .. 148,000 sup. ft. kauri timber J. J. Craig Settlers Mills in district Mills and settlers in district it • - •. Greenwood and Whiteman W. G. Bassett Mills in district Merchants and mills in Auckland district Mills in district 4/ each. 2/6 to 4/3 each. 3/ to 3/6 5/ to 29/ per 100 s. ft. 6/ to 21/ per 100 ft. 5/ to 13/6 16/ to 17/ 14/ 3/6 each. 1/4 to 1/6 each. 5/ to 25/ 5d. per ft. 13/6 to 19/ per 100 s. ft 7/ to 35/ 6/6 to 40/per 100 lin. ft 6/ to 26/ per 100 s. fr. 16/6 to 26/ 6/ to 11/6 50/ to 55/ Stewart Timber Company Merchants in district 5/ to 20/ per 100 t. 38/ 18/ to 20/ 52/ to 62/6 11/5 to 25/3 „ a • . .. Merchants in district and merchants in Auokland district Merchants in district .. ., 9,000 sup. ft. totara timber 22/ to 22/6 ,


RETURN No. 17-continued. Statement of Stores Contracts current, etc. — continued.


Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. hinedin and Invercargill Districts — 75,000 sleepers for creosotirg 14,000 sup. ft. V.D.L. timber 8,000 sup. ft. droppers 1,300 sup. ft. clear-pine timber .. 4,000 sup. ft. deal timber 92,000 sup. ft. kauri timber 31/3/1903 Settlers in district Merchants in distriot 1/6 to 1/7 eaob. 17/to 17/6 per 100 ft. 17/7 50/ 37/6 to 42/6 20/ to 23/ Merchants in district and merchants in Auckland distriot Merobants in district 30,000 ft. red-pine moulding Westland District— 500 totara sleepers .. 127,000 silver-pine sleepers 108,000 sup. ft. silver-pine timber .. 99,000 sup. ft. red-pine timber 2,000 sup. ft. white-pine timber .. 5,000 sup. ft. totara timber 45,000 yellow-pine sleepers 161,000 sup. ft. red-pine timber 36,000 sup. ft. silver-pine timber .. 2,300 sup. ft. white-pine timber .. relson Distriot— 8,000 sup. ft. red-pine timber 3,000 sup. ft. white-pine timber 1,000 sup. ft. totara timber 2,200 lin. ft. birch piles 4,700 lin. ft. birch saplings 'icton District— 17,000 birch sleepers 1,400 sup. ft. birch timber .. 4,500 sup. ft. red-pine timber 7/ to 9/6 Settlers Mills in district 3/3 eaoh. 3/3 to 4/ each. 10/ to 20/ per 100 ft. 5/6 to 15/6 7/ to 17/6 15/ 3/3 to 3/11 each. 5/ to 14/ per 100 ft. 14/ to 29/ 8/6 to 15/ Settlers Mills in district 7/6 to 15/6 „ 9/ 12/ to 20/ 8d. per foot. 4d. Settlers in district Merchants in district 2/9 to 3/ each. 16/ per 100 ft. 11/ to 14/ per 100 ft.

D.— 2.

RETURN No. 18. Statement of Weighing-Machines, Weighbridges, Traversers, Turntables, Cranes, and Pumps for the Year ending 31st March, 1903.


Description. ri * rt 4.C rt 5 rt 43! 'v rt bo c rt 473 ■3 a rt C o -Q 5 is . 43 . Oj.3 a eg S rt X gzE to s '3 c s £ C rf 43 43 a. V B O 433 33 z a C3 CJ c H Weighing-machines : — 1 cwt. - 33 2i „ a* „ 3 .. 34 „ 4 „ 5 .. Si .. 6 ., 1 3 1 7 1 3 4 25 1 6 4 1 8 12 3° 1 5 2 6 2 21 1 7 .. 8 „ 9 ., 10 „ 1 1 1 2 1 20 -7 15 5 1 2 2 23 11 H 5 6 9 15 1 1 27 35 3 35 8 5 3 40 29 7 7 3 5 23 3 2 10 1 1 1 "6 3 74 60 3 68 19 12 4 66 48 9 12 11 1 1 2 12 „ 13 „ 14 „ 15 „ 16 „ 20 „ 21 „ 1 2 ... 5 4 9 3 2 3 11 36 7 2 2 1 1 1 22 „ 23 „ 27 „ 50 „ 60 „ ... ... Total 2 1 2 1 2 5_ 1 2 ... 12 4_ 2 1 2 5'5 63 117 278 22 Weighbridges : — 3 tons (cart) ... 6 „ „ I I 2 7 .. 8 „ „ IO „ (wagon) I 2 2 1 2 2 12 „ 14 ., 20 „ „ 30 ., Total 4 5 1 3 2 I 17 2 1 1 3 13 2 1 1 4 4 1 4 1 33 2 60 20 TB AVEBSEES 1 1 10 31 1 1 2 1 ID TUENTABLES : — 40-feet (engine) .. 50 „ „ ... 55 3> 3> 12 „ (wagon)... 8 8 I 3 1 1 1 47 1 13 „ „ ... 14 „ „ ... Total 3 6 6 4 3 1 8 1 1 2 4 41 16 no 1 11 20 76 Ceanes : — i-ton, stationary, hand... I „ ,. „ ... I« ») )J )) ■■■ j 3 >» >> " 4 -. ,. 3, •• 5 " " >> 7 .. .3 I. •» IO „ „ „ ... 6 4 4 29 5 1 7 13 11 4 23 5 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 6 J 3 5i 18 2 4 23 7 2 1 1 1 7 2 15 .. .3 3. - 20 „ „ „ ... 8 ,, „ hydraulic 2 „ travelling, hand .. 2 1 1 2 14 2 3 7 1 1 1 3 .3 .3 3. - 5 „ -3 3. •■ 6 „ „ „ ... 3 6 2 5 1 2 2 2 i 1 1 19 1 3 2 10 „ „ „ ... „ „ steam... 2 ,, „ „ ... 1 10 8 1 3 2 i 13 '3 1 3 3, „ ,3 ■■• 5 .. ,3 ,. 7 3. 3. 3, •■ 12 „ „ „ ... 2 1 i 2 1 1 7 2 1 3 9 226 1 i i 20 ,, „ „ ... Hoisting-engines, steam Pile-driving engines, ,, ... Total 2 1 3 2 3 1 i 1 8 6 2 19 60 1 11 11 Wateb-seevices : — Steam .. Hand ... Windmill Hot-air Hydraulic Oil Gravitation Gas-engine Total 1 1 1 1 1 I 5 17 2 2 8 3 1 5 28 '5 4 [8 3 25 i 14 70 45 13 13 3 22 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 29 ■25 69 22 1 2 4 9 1 " - 6 40 12 82 3 14 1 2 4 4 9 ! 380 47 99 180 17



RETURN No. 19. Statement of Rails relaid during the Year ending 31st March, 1903.

Weight. j i ci M rt t* ci 1 ci bD G ri s'rt i -0 G rt u 1 *; I .A I > z * G c ED s 3 G X T3 G ci v o a. CA c o at z c o rt c ElAIIfS BELAID : — 551b. steel 561b. steel 7olb. steel Total ... 254 88 ... ... 14 11 ... 4,038 292 922 5,688 ... 4,668 ... 396 88 ... ... 936 5,699 ... 8,960 292 396 ... 254 4,443 11,674 16,371 R TUR N N( VEB d ». 20. .ring the Tear en Statement of Sleepers belaid and BEMO ling 3 st March, 1903. Description, ri n ri 133 ri rt C3J3 G a 47. 0 -a 'rf -0 s rt cj C Q,£p. 43 z CU c o O S '3 c ffi T33 43 rf 15 o a, <n r5 a o 33 £ o S C •V 7, Sleepees belaid : — Black-pine ... Totara Birch Jarrah Silver-pine Puriri Kauri Rimu Creosoted Yellow-pine ... Karri Ironbark Mixed hardwoods Grey-gum Blue-gum "165 642 3 294 2,448 1,322 998 4,102 3,069 10,897 141 548 32,672 328 1,323 33,965 687 288 398 25,479 18,184 6,3! 3 5.363 96,707 2,078 18,611 212 17,607 14 533J3 157 6,167 4,563 29 1,56 2 15 1.75 53 29 59 26,027 56,896 II,2l8 9,755 159,788 17,750 432 398 18,611 752 134 10,789 24,096 44,821 3,002 384,469 165 134 4,73i 23,751 1,099 285 375 "283 3,86o 345 26,124 2,717 1,132 624 159 17,598 Total 810 2,742 2,320 36,090 100374 205,993 18,739 6,326 6,324 4,75i Sleepees behoved : — Black-pine ... Totara Birch Jarrah ... Silver-pine ... Puriri Kauri Karri Maire Blue-gum Rata Rimu Kamai Ironbark Mixed hardwoods Yellow-pine ... Creosoted Grey-gum "84 310 225 242 77 1,092 327 16 107 2,197 48 1,137 475 13,009 16,581 1,018 55,624 12,657 545 993 3,5oo 84 7 6 3 2,996 1,096 46 726 178 119 1,301 44,920 28,234 48,030 8,812 24,034 5,748 3,276 5,231 139 164 8,658 7 '7 1 12,200 1,305 3,619 2,253 105 494 3.076 2 12 4,040 204 46,093 85,844 83,622 9,358 29,341 23,766 22,690 763 2,996 6,327 292 1,087 8,836 151 1,318 1,226 4,827 1,492 107 180 17 25 4 1,222 709 82,360 4,827 783 I 182,880 Total 619 _J_,763 2,32c 3 I >357 13,523 5.872 _ 5,077 4,258 330,029 ETURr Pbivatj 31st Ma: o. 21. Return of Number of Stations and ; Si ■ch, DiNas on each Section for the Year ending 1903. Sections, Miles. Nui and iber of Stations Number of Private Siding Stopping-places on the rime-tables. At Stations. Out of Stations. Number of Private Sidings. Total. Kaw-akawa Whangarei ... ... Kaihu Auckland Gisborne Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff Westland Westport Nelson Picton 8 23 17 34i 13 466 1,213 112 3i 33 34 4 12 10 128 6 163 447 54 •5 14 IS 2 I 10 41 114 14 I 2 I 6 3 4 13 23 8 1 8 4 14 54 137 22 3 1 1 2 4 Total 868 188 59 247 2,291



RETURN No. 22. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Mileage of Railways Open for Traffic and under Maintenance on 31st March, 1903.

Section. Mileage open for Traffic on 31st March, 1902. Additional Lengths opened during Year. ; opened. Date of Opening. Reduced Mileage equivalent to Maintenance for Length whole Period - opened. I Length closeci during Year. Net Addition Net Addition to Mileage to Mileage open under for Traffic. Maintenance. Line. Length. Total Mileage open for Trallic on 31st March, ■ 1903. Equivalent Total Mileage maintained during Financial Year ended 31st March, 1903. Line opened. Date of Opening. Line. M. ch. M. ch. M. eh. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. Kawakawa 7 39 7 39 7 39 Whangarei 22 ,44 22 44 22 44 Kaihu 17 15 17 15 17 15 Auckland 34i 67 341 67 34i 67 Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth j 45i 14 { Stratford-Toko ... Mangaonoho-Mangaweka ... 9th Aug., 1902 ... 3rd Not., 1902 ... 6 25 9 20 4 5 3 62 \ 15 45 7 67 466 59 459 1 Gisborne ... I Gisborne-Ormond Ormond-Kaiteratahi 26th June, 1902 ... 10th Nov., 1902 ... 10 60 2 15 8 17 o 68 > 12 75 9 S 12 75 9 5 Hurunui-Bluff I.I9S 11 Waipara-Scargill 16th Dec, 1902 ... 14 40 4 17 14 40 4 17 1,209 Si 1,199 28 Ditto, Private Lines — Shag Point Branch 2 10 2 IO 2 10 Nightcaps Branch 2 24 2 24 2 24 Westland ... ,. ... 112 6 112 6 112 6 Westport 30 17 30 17 30 17 Nelson ... ... 32 12 32 12 32 12 Picton 20 42 Riverlands-Seddon 10th Oct., 1902 ... 13 3 6 14 13 3 6 14 33 45 26 56 Total 56 3 27 23 2,290 64 2,262 4 2,234 61 S6 3 27 23



RETURN No. 23. STATEMENT showing Weights of Rails in various Lines on 31st March, 1903.

Line. dOlb. Iron. 401b. Iron. 401b. Steel. 451b. Steel. 521b. Iron. 521b. Steel. 531b. Steel. 551b. Steel. 561b. Iron. I 561b. Steel. 641b. Iron. 701b. Iron. 701b. Steel. 721b Iron. Total. M. oh. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch.. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. Kawakawa Section — Opua-Kawakawa Whangarei Section — Opau Wharf-Hukerenui Kaihu Section — Dargaville-Kaihu Auckland Section — Auckland-Poro-o-tarao Auckland-Tahekeroa Penrose-Onehunga Frankton-Thames Cambridge Branch Morrinsville-Rotorua Wellington - Napier - New Plymou th Section — Longburn-Waitara Poxton Branch Hunterville Branch Aramoh o-Wanganu i Stratford-Toko Sentry Hill-New Plymouth Palmerston-Spit Wellington-Woodville Greytown Branch Gisborne Section — Gisborne-Kaiteratahi Hurunui-Bluff Section — Lyttelton-Bluff Addington-Culverden Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Waipara-Scargill Southbridge Branch Little River Branch Springfield Branch Whitecliffs Branch Rakaia Porks Branch Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Waimate Branch Waimate Gorge Branch Duntroon Branch Oamaru Breakwater Branch .. I - 0 2 14 27 0 42 7 59 ■• I 059 2 15 0 10 17 73 9 32 0 21 2 63 6 3 5 16 3 52 5 2 7 21 6 37 8'32 3 7 I 5 67 18 3 17 15 109 21 38 17 2 49 26 5 2 48 68 39 80 76 i 34 24 39 0 44 3 6 69 36 77 8 1 ?2 .. I " i - - •• 0 38 4 41 15 2 8 26 18' 77 51 49 7 26 2 9 0 22 35 72 18 50 •• 7 17 3 3 22 14 1 26 2 57 11 43 7 39 22 44 17 15 145 67 49 46 2 59 62 75 12 0 68 60 163 6 19 34 31 65 3 10 6 25 10 27 113 72 115 53 3 7 I 0 20 12 55 j - I 12 75 0 9 0 17 2 50 303 13 37 9 0 2 0 52 11 1 37 53 0 38 0 19 12 2 19 1 35 26 0 5 o"'3 392 1 67 57 33 45 20 11 14 40 25 39 22 48 35 38 11 46 22 20 27 36 36 13 4 46 8 21 37 41 0 63 I 16 73 13 28 4 20 6 19 12' 24 0 44 o'e 1 ■• I •• I - 14 40 1 0 0 34 11 3 8 42 1 34 1 4 5 13 14 33 1 26 5 2 •• I 1 59 8 38 i"o 6 15 028 4 57 4*60 24 43 4 8 26 55 4 46 23 28 9 38 22 20 - 821 4 55 I . •• 15 38 0 23 6 33 16 75 0 40 Carried forward : 98 42 111 18 6 62 39 11 24 70 919 21 5 60 12 65 ! 0 19 31 3 41 58 254 1 83 31 0 3 1,628 6'.



RETURN No. 23— continued. STATEMENT showing Weights of Rails in Various Lines on 31st March, 1903—continued.

Line. 301b. Iron. 401b. Iron. 40 lb. Steel. 451b. Steel. 521b. Iron. 521b. Steel. 531b. Steel. 551b. Steel. 561b. Iron. 561b. Steel. 641b. Iron. 701b. Iron. 701b. Steel. 721b. Iron. Total. Brought forward Hurunui-Bluff Section — continued. Ngapara Branch Livingston Branch Shag Point Branch Waihemo Branch Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch Fernhill Branch .. Otago Central Railway .. Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch Tapanui Branch Wyndham Branch Seaward Bush Branch Invereargill-Kingston Makarewa-Orepuki Thornbury-Nightcaps Forest Hill Branch Mararoa Branch Waimea Plains Railway Westland Section — Greymouth-Otira Greymouth-Hokitika Stillwater-Reefton Westport-Mokihinui Nelson-Motupiko Pieton-Seddon M. ch. 41 58 M. ch. 98 42 M. eh. Ill 18 M. eh. 6 62 M. ch. 39 11 M. ch. 24 70 M. ch. 919 21 M. ch. 5 60 M. ch. 12 65 M. ch. 254 1 M. ch. 0 19 M. ch. 31 3 M. ch. 83 31 M. ch. 0 3 M. ch. 1,628 64 4 60 11 75 0 22 6 64 3 45 I I [ 15 9 11 75 2 10 8 65 1 26 2 49 1 57 97 72 9 0 22 1 19 27 20 4 9 35 25 39 87 0 35 52 24 51 12 66 10 41 36 41 1 41 7 5 6'59 0 12 0 27 0 1 1 4 0 1 1 0 .. I o io 2~48 1 57 •• 5 58 0 18 119 65 73 0 26 1 31 19 2 0 51 9 35 1 66 0 44 15 50 1 3 31 79 1 57 14 76 5*86 I •• •••• 11 65 7' 6 6 25 6 42 •• " •• - 58 19 16 62 6 71 9 54 5 47 14 33 22 49 6'20 18 1 23 0 2 6'79 12 66 10 41 0 74 0 72 34 55 .. 0 70 13 9 10 24 0 36 1 0 1 28 39 16 21 17 37 13 22 72 8 30 2 35 11 32 3 8 4 47 6 47 16 20 1 32 50 48 24 25 37 13 30 17 32 12 33 45 3 6 3 18 Total 41 58 78 6 24 70 1,168 52 ! 11 16 12 65 372 58 0 19 49 28 84 73 0 3 2,290 64 232 15 207 19 6 62



RETURN No. 24. PARTICULARS of Private-Siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1903.

CLJ . — i Biz, | w« Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount Liquidated of Traffic Damages guaranteed or per Annum. Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1903. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. y KAWAKAWA SECTION. tC | " 823 R. 02/2358 .. Jan. 1,1902 John Oulley .. .. .. 6 79 Kawakawa .. I Govt, and | 5 years* .. grantees t £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. i £ s. d. 360 4 7 360 4 7 WHANGAREI SECTION. Premium.. 248 0 0 1 5 18 6 1,633 3 4 i 1,639 1 10 660 ; R. 97/4385 .. Oct. 26,1897 P. and W. G. Poote .. ..18 15 Whakapara .. Govt, and ; 10 years* .. grantees 726 R. 00/241 .. , April 1, 1900 Mander and Bradley .. .. 18 32 „ .. Grantees 5 „ * .. 793 R. 97/3107 .. Jan. 1, 1902 Kauri Timber Company (Limited) .. Mangahahum .. Govt. .. 5 „ * .. 798 R. 02/550 .. : Jan. 1, 1902 Mennie and Brown .. .. .. j Waro .. „ .. 5 „ * .. 799 R. 02/551 ...Jan. 1,1902 Hikurangi Coal Company (Limited) .. „ .. „ .. 5 „ *.. 824 R. 02/2569 ..July 1,1902 Northern Coal Company.. ..14 71 „ .. Govt, and 5 „ grantees t t t t 296 0 0 4 13 0 0 15 0 2 10 5 13 3 1 3 14 9 2,102 6 2 : 2,106 19 2 646 8 3 647 3 3 1,058 1 9 1,055 12 2 4,943 3 8 4,956 6 9 1,703 16 8 1,707 11 5 KAIHU SECTION. ) - 10 4 10 755 R. 00/2111 .. Nov. 1, 1900 Kauri Timber Company (Limited) ) , r , , „ 756 R. 00/2111 .. Nov. 1,1900 Mitohelson Timber" Company (Li- 1 13 62 Ahikiwi v*ovt. ana |0 years . mited) J I grantees (4 „ *.. 762 ! R. 00/2598 .. Jan. 1, 1901 James Trounson .. .. 14 2 „ .. Grantees 5 „ * .. 814 R. 96/2155 .. Jan. 1, 1902 Mitohelson Timber Company (Li- 16 79 Kaihu Booms .. Govt. .. 5 „ * .. mited) and James Trounson 833 R. 96/1763 .. Jan. 1,1902 John Harrison .. .. ..15 63 Kaihu .. | Grantees 5 „ *.. 1,450 2 6 1,460 7 4 13 62 14 2 16 79 t t 278 15 10 278 15 10 15 63 t 3 2 10 199 1 8 | 202 4 6 AUCKLAND SECTION. I 18 5 72 14 10 | 444 10 0 521 R. 93/3515 .. Oct. 1, 1893 Bank of New Zealand Estates Com- 18 5 Morrinsville .. Grantees I 10 years* .. pany (Limited) 527 R. 94/1533 .. Feb. 1, 1894 Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Com- 7 35 Westfield .. „ 10 „ * .. pany (Limited) 572 R. 95/4728 .. Oct. 1,1895 J. Wilson and Co. .. ..124 39 Te Kuiti .. Govt. .. I 10 „ *.. 598 R. 96/3698 .. July 1,1896 W. T. and E. T. Firth .. ..58 11 Ohmewai .. Govt, and! 8 „ *.. grantees I 641 R. 98/1868 .. May 1, 1898 Taupiri Coal-mines (Limited) .. 64 52 Huntly .. Grantees 5 „ * .. 706 R. 98/3564 .. Aug. 1, 1899 Auckland Freezing Company .. .. Auckland .. „ 5 „ * .. 713 R. 99/1294 .. Dec. 1,1899 J.J.Craig .. .. .. .. „ .. „ 5 „ *.. 717 R. 99/3007 .. June 1, 1899 Taupiri Coal-mines (Limited) .. 64 45 Huntlv .. „ 5 „ * .. 720 R. 00/107 .. Jan. 1, 1900 Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s 7 48 Westfield .. „ 10 „ * .. New Zealand Drug Company (Limited) 721 R. 99/1601 .. Jan. 1, 1900 Auckland Freezing Company 7 52 „ .. Govt. .. 10 „ * .. 7 35 124 39 58 11 64 52 Premium.. t t' t Premium.. 138 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £12 Extension, £118 Rental, £25 Extension, £134 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 236 0 0 160 0 0 Rental, £25 371 15 2 909 10 0 27 7 3 101 3 5 138 14 11 1,449 5 0 199 15 6 10 19 9 1,165 14 11 623 11 3 1,533 1 3 77 9 9 | 104 17 0 296 0 10 397 4 3 13,037 17 10 ! 13,176 12 9 614 4 6 2,063 9 6 205 14 0 405 9 6 1,305 18 0 1,316 17 9 1,114 3 5 2,279 18 4 64 45 7 48 7 52 t Alter'ns.. Premium.. 120 0 0 Rental, £25 175 0 0 Rental, £25 j 220 0 0 3,039 12 11 559 5 9 1,163 16 2 j 4,203 9 1 744 R. 00/668 .. July 1, 1900 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile 1 5 Hamilton .. Grantees 10 „ * .. Agency Company (Limited) 796 R. 00/2203 .. Nov. 1, 1901 Harrison's Taupiri Coal Company 64 51 Huntly .. „ 5 „ * .. (Limited) 829 R. 02/670 .. Oct. 1, 1902 Union Collieries (Limited) .. 44 33 Mercer.. .. „ 5 „ * .. 838 R. 00/613 .. Nov. 1, 1902 Avondale Brick and Pottery Com- 6 29 New Lynn .. „ 5 „ * .. pany (Limited) 1 5 124 16 6 684 2 3 64 51 189 19 6 189 19 6 44 33 6 29 565 0 0 411' 6 3 70 8 5 70 8 5 2,345 12 3 2,756 18 6 * Three months' notice. t Siding original! laid under old agreement.


RETURN No. 24— continued. PARTICULARS of Private-Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1903— continued.


<33 . I O o ?3.\ Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during Year ending 31st March, 1903. Id. Out. Total. welli: M. ch. 2 30 6 37 TOTON-NAPIER-: JEW PLY] MOUTH SEi 3TION. 24 221 iC.R. 75/845.. R. 80/1588 .. 1875 Dec. 13, 1880 Napier Gas Company Gear Meat-preserving and Freezing Company (Limited) Nelson Brothers (Limited) Price and Co. Wellington Meat Export Company (Limited) Taranaki Freezing-works Company (Limited) Robert Holt N. King Wellington Meat Export Company (Limited) Henry and Co. .. ! Murray, Roberts, and Co. Mitchell and Co. Napier Petone Govt. .. Grantees Undefined £ s. d. Premium .. 117 19 11 Rental, £25 t Rental, £25 Premium.. 539 0 0 f Rental, £25 Premium.. 275 0 0 Rental, £25 f Rental, £50 f Rental, £25 j Rental, £25 Premium.. 70 0 0 Rental, £25 „ .. 130 0 0 Rental, £25 t Premium.. 330 0 0 t • j Rental, £25 Premium.. I 188 0 0 Rental, £25 .. | 69 0 0 Rental, £25 £ s. d. 421 3 11 902 13 6 £ s. d. 41 15 8 4,330 8 2 £ s. d. 462 19 7 5,233 1 8 522 526 531 R. 93/3608 .. R. 94/504 .. R. 94/2089 .. Nov. 1, 1893 April 18, 1894 June 1, 1894 101 57 36 73 3 9 Tomoana Piripiri Ngahauranga 10 years*.. 10 „ * .. 10 „ * .. 1,649 1 7 90 15 6 1,207 7 3 4,051 10 10 3,230 1 5 3,001 17 5 5,700 12 5 3,320 16 11 4,209 4 8 575 R. 95/5462 .. Nov. 15, 1895 | I 9 40 Moturoa 10 , 1,596 3 1 932 13 1 2,528 16 2 580 614 617 R. 96/114 .. R. 97/2622 .. R. 97/2654 .. Jan. 1, 1896 May 1, 1897 Mar. 26, 1897 111 79 7 53 62 10 Napier New Plymouth .. Waingawa 10 „ * .. 10 „ }.. 10 „ * .. 1,938 15 11 526 17 11 2 0 11 1 7 11 I 82 11 0 1,056 2 9 I I 1,940 3 10 609 8 11 1,058 3 8 626 627 633 R. 97/1942 .. R. 97/4085 .. R. 97/4854 .. Aug. 1, 1897 Nov. 1, 1897 Dec. 1, 1897 93 35 113 72 147 45 Hukanui Spit Aramoho Govt". .. 6 „ * .. 10 „ * .. 10 „ * .. 860"2 9 367 15 0 179 14 7 99 6 2 796 19 5 179 14 7 959 8 11 1,164 14 5 637 R. 97/3534 .. Mar. 1, 1898 Levin and Co. (Limited) 65 45 Masterton Govt, and grantees Grantees 10 „ *.. 557 15 1 1,407 19 10 1,965 14 11 640 643 645 647 R. 98/1598 .. R. 97/4652 .. R. 98/3766 .. R. 98/3331 .. April 1, 1898 April 1, 1898 Jan. 1, 1899 Oct. 1, 1898 Kendrick Brothers W. F. Knight Dalgety and Co. (Limited) W. G. Bassett .. 147 56 35 32 113 64 2 14 Aramoho Mangatera Spit Wanganui 5 , *.. 5 „ * .. 10 „ * .. 29 17 1 64 2 10 490 5 4 2,226 13 3 77 13 8 3,237 18 1 15 6 9 5 10 8 107 10 9 3,302 0 11 505 12 1 2,232 3 11 656 R. 98/2734 .. Feb. 1, 1899 G. A. Gamman and Co. .. 87 39 Palmerston North 10 . " * .. 1,905 7 9 225 5 7 2,130 13 4 657 R. 99/1050 .. April 1,1899 ; New Plymouth Sash and Door Factory and Timber Company (Ltd.) G. and T. Prescott Wanganui Sash and Door Faotory and Timber Company (Limited) Bartholomew Brothers .. ■ 217 64 Ngaire Govt, and grantees Grantees Govt. .. 5 „ * .. t 95 15 10 95 15 10 667 672 I R. 98/4419 .. R. 99/1984 .. June 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 51 39 - 2 52 Kopua ; Wanganui 15 „ * .. 5 „ * .. Premium.. 112 6 0 t Rental, £25 7 5 0 5,999 12 10 403 13 11 171 6 5 410 18 11 6,170 19 3 705 R. 97/2271 .. Aug. 1, 1899 99 30 Feilding 10 . „ f Repairs, £2 Rental, £25 t Repairs, £8 t Premium.. 80 10 0 Rental, £25 190 0 0 t Premium.. 125 0 0 Rental, £25 t Rental, £25 f Repairs, £12 1,152 11 2 1,152 11 2 707 718 725 R. 98/3870 .. R. 99/3054 .. R. 99/854 .. Oct. 1, 1899 Dec. 1, 1899 Jan. 1, 1900 ; Manawatu County Council W. Nelson Waitara Freezing arid Cool Storage Company (Limited) Gamman and Co. Hawke's Bay Timber Company (Ltd.) Williams and Kettle (Limited) 13 34 44 36 i 246 53 Himatangi Makotuku Waitara Grantees 5 „ * .. 5 years* .. 10 „ * .. 97 17 3 130 4 7 56 8 5 15 13 11 228 1 10 56 8 5 15 13 11 730 734 735 R. 99/2616 .. R. 00/1286 .. R. 00/1180 .. Mar. 1, 1900 May 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 36 71 .) 42 62 113 55 Piripiri Makotuku Spit . 5 „ * .. 5 „ * .. 10 „ * .. 104 6 11 32 10 3 1,903 2 9 4,641 19 1 1,148 7 3 64 3 2 4,746 6 0 1,180 17 6 1,967 5 11 736 741 - 99 72 40 12 7 2 6 512 6 11 690 7 1 525 16 1 R. 00/1192 .. R. 99/3059 .. May 1, 1900 Aug. 1, 1900 R.Holt. Anderson and Jacobsen .. Hastings Matamau 10 „ * .. 5 „ * .. 683 4 7 13 9 2 „



746 1 : 748 I: 752 : R. 00/1403 .. A R. 00/2261 .. i R. 99/699 .. £ Aug. 1, 1900 j Palmerston North Sash, Door, and j 40 73 Matamau .. Grantees j 5 years* .. I Timber Company (Lim Aug. 1, 1900 , William Booth and Co. .. .. 57 30 | Carterton .. Govt. ... 5 „ * .. Sept. 1, 1900 j T. Price .. .. .. 6 66 ' Petone .. Grantees ! 10 „ *..[ Premium.. 260 0 0 t Premium.. 58 0 0 Rental, £25 72 0 0 Rental, £25 t Repairs, £15s. Rental, £25 Premium., i 200 0 0 t [ Repairs, £42 ; Rental, £25 35 16 3 30 7 1 1,081 9 2 218 3 4 372 2 1 794 16 233 6 1,425 3 9 1,461 0 0 855 16 10 886 3 11 42 8 1 1,123 17 3 753 j R. 99/2453 .. C Oct. 1,1900 Union Timber Company .. .. 214 76 ; Eltham .. „ 10 „ *.. 192 6 7 410 9 11 3 5 10 375 7 11 758 ■ R. 98/3937 .. ( Oct. 1, 1900 J. Garnett .. .. 99 71 Hastings .. „ 10 „ * .. 759 760 R. 99/2633 .. j R. 01/299 .. . April 1, 1901 j Henry Brown and Co. .. 235 43 j Inglewood .. „ 10 „ * .. April 1, 1901 ' Nelson Brothers (Limited) .. 96 17 Woodville .. „ 10 „ * .. 648 4 9 i 1,443 1 0 277 0 7 ! 510 6 8 770 771 777 780 781 786 788 R. 01/1231 .. , I R. 01/182 .. , I R. 01/1659 .. R. 01/2230 .. R. 00/2262 .. R. 96/5010 .. R. 01/886 .. I June 1,1901 Ellis Brothers .. .. .. 50 66 ; Kopua .. , 5 „ *.. June 1, 1901 W. A. Chote and J. Wright .. .. Silverstream .. „ 5 „ * .. Aug. 1, 1901 ' Totara Sawmill Company .. .. Oricgi .. „ 5 „ * .. Sept. 1, 1901 H. Carlson .. .. .. .. i Tamaki .. „ 5 „ * .. Oct. 1, 1902 : H. Judd .. .. .. 50 68 j Matarawa .. „ 2 „ * .. Oct. 1, 1901 i Napier Gas Company (Limited) .. .. Hastings .. „ 5 „ * .. Nov. 1, 1901 , West Coast Refrigerating Company .. : Patea .. „ 10 „ * .. (Limited) Nov. 1, 1901 : H. Brown and Co. .. .. .. Morley Street .. . 5 „ *.. Jan. 1, 1902 Nelson Brothers (Limited) .. 68 3 Waipukurau .. Govt. .. j 10 „ * .. April 1, 1902 Palmerston North Sash, Door, and .. Oringi .. .. Grantees 15 „ * .. Timber Company (Limited) Aug. 1, 1902 j Wilding and Co. .. .. 42 63 Makotuku .. „ 5 „ * .. July 1, 1902 : B. L. Knight .. .. ..9152 Newman .. Grantee 5 „ *.. Sept. 1, 1902 Waverley Co-operative Dairy Fac .. Aramoho .. Grantees 10 „ * .. fcory Company (Limited) Sept. 1, 1902 ! Williams and Kettle .. .. .. : Hastings .. „ 10 „ * .. Dec. 1, 1902 ' New Plymouth Sash and Door Fac- .. Tariki .. .. „ 5 „ *.. : tory and Timber Company (Ltd.) Nov. 1, 1902 I G. Syme .. .. .. .. Ngaire .. . 5 „ * .. t •• I Premium.. 380 0 0 90 0 0 t Repairs, £4 10s. t t Repairs, £3 6s. Premium.. 200 0 0 Rental, £25 156 0 0 Rental, £25 f Rental, £25 Premium.. 179 0 0 5 16 5 123 16 3 9 18 7 011 9 170 3 8 753 13 8 696 5 6 7 18 1 476 13 7 .482 10 0 470 0 5 593 16 8 2,258 16 2 2,268 14 9 910 3 0 910 3 0 83 13 7 84 5 4 10 1 8 180 5 4 92 19 6 846 13 2 789 i R. 01/2396 .. 696 5 6 792 811 R. 02/384 .. R. 02/231 .. 4 6 8 12 4 9 825 828 830 R. 02/1544 .. R. 02/2624 .. R. 02/2178 .. + t Premium.- 192 0 0 Rental, £25 t Rental, £25 t • 1 18 7 14 4 9 107 8 10 352 14 5 119 10 11 263 2 7 I 265 1 2 986 9 4 1,000 14 1 148 2 6 i 255 11 4 831 837 R. 92/1948 .. R. 03/478 .. 182 2 6 534 16 11 966 11 0 1,086 1 11 839 | 379 11 0 | 379 11 0 I R. 02/2734 .. I ! t I .. I 1 3 12 R. 81/1026 .. R. 88/1 107 .. P.W. 74/5224 HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. 628 10 0 364 14 2 535 15 0 j 1,164*5 0 364 14 2 13 20 32 33 37 P.W. 76/3501 P.W. 76/2946 R. 82/432 .. P.W. 76/823 P.W. 76/3721 April 28, 1866 J. T. Brown .. .. .. 7 39 Addington .. Grantees For ever .. . Dec. 28, 1870 Richard Allen .. .. .. 1 17 Ricearton .. „ „ June 2, 1875 Bank of New South Wales (used by 21 29 Leeston .. Govt. White and Co.) Dec. 18, 1874 Oamaru Harbour Board .. .. 157 77 Oamaru .. „ .. Undefined Dec. 11, 1875 Richard Evans .. .. .. 1 52 Wilson's Siding .. Grantees For ever .. . April 7, 1876 D. C. Turnbull aud Co. .. .. 105 54 Timaru .. Govt. April 22, 1876 J. Deans .. .. .. 8 75 Glentunnel July 18, 1876 Clark Bros. .. .. .. 166 27 Maheno .. „ .. Undefined Jan. 23,1878 Oamaru Harbour Board .. I Oamaru (1st didg.) | j 157 6o „ (2nd sidg.) j 1878 Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company 0 73 Mosgiel Township . Jan. 10,1882 Wigram Brothers .. ..10 71 South Malvern .. „ .. Forever .. . Mar. 24, 1882 S. Bailey „ ..' .. 15 0 Templeton .. Grantees 10 years* .. 1,989 3 8 227 18 4 812 1 3 34 11 1 159 8 11 1,721 12 7 3,710 16 3 452 4 7 680 2 11 501 11 11 1,313 13 2 1,748 12 6 1,783 3 7 261 15 11 421 4 10 120 P.W. 77/4412 300 0 0 50 0 0 2,046 15 6 1,249 11 3 3,296 6 9 178 258 266 R. 82/379 .. R. 82/554 . ■ Premium .. 15 ! 0 0 37 14 7 244 1 8 2 7 2 73 8 1 111 2 8 216 7 2 460 8 10 126 5 2 128 12 4 * Three months' notice. + Siding originally laid under o: d agreement. X One week's notice.



RETURN No. 24.— continued. PARTICULARS of Private-Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1903— continued.

33 \ ' O O 3-3E «£L Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. tion" Nearest Station. Position. Nearest Station. By whom j paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Tear ending 31st March, 1903. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. I | HURUNUI-BLUF1 SECTION — continued. " £ s. d. Grantees 10 years* .. t Rental, £50 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 Govt, and 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 grantees Grantees 10 „ * .. f Rental, £50 Govt, and 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 grantees Grantees 10 „ * .. f Rental, £50 514 515 529 R. 93/1824 .. R. 93/2140 .. R. 94/2207 .. May 1, 1893 May 1, 1893 May 6, 1894 lit. ch, Lyttelton Borough Council (Shaw- 0 0 Lyttelton Savill and Albion Co., and Kaye and Carter, tenants) Nichol Brothers.. .. ..139164 Bluff John Murdoch and Co. .. .. ;235 52 Dunedin £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,921 19 3 1,406 8 3 6,328 7 6 6,727 16 7 2,045 6 1 j 8,773 2 8 3,611 4 10 160 13 5 | 3,771 18 3 540 547 551 555 563 583 584 R. 94/3026 .. R. 94/3672 .. R. 94/3949 .. R. 94/4311 .. R. 95/2127 .. R. 96/383 .. R. 96/418 .. Feb. 1, 1894 Oct. 1, 1894 Dec. 1, 1894 Jan. 1, 1895 May 1, 1895 Jan. 1, 1896 Jan. 1, 1896 J.G.Ward .. .. .. 39143 BluS N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 236 10 Dunedin Company (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 374 55 Invercargill Company (Limited) Tothill. Watson, and Co. .. 391 65 Bluff G. McClatohie and Co. .. ..69 Christchurch Broad, Small, and Co. .. .. l374 46 ! Invercargill T. D. Ward (Mrs.) and M. Carr and 374 39 Co. (J. G. Ward and Co., Henderson and Batger, and the Southland Farmers' Co-operative Assn. may also use siding) T. Teschemaker.. .. .. [165 26 Teschemaker's .. James Macfie and Co. (Limited) .. [235 44 Dunedin Nelson Brothers (Limited) .. 12 0 Hornby 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 Govt. .. I 10 „ * .. - t Rental, £50 .. 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 Grantees 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 4,771 10 5 1,266 16 1 j 6,038 6 6 2,318 1 0 361 17 4 | 2,679 18 4 318 12 3 181 5 6 499 17 9 1,757 12 4 661 3 11 2,418 16 3 2,960 12 101 4 8 3,061 5 10 155 10 3 61 7 5 216 17 8 1,321 15 8 466 19 6 1,788 15 2 586 593 595 R. 99/2472 .. R. 96/3013 .. R. 96/2443 .. Nov. 1, 1902 July 1, 1896 July 1, 1896 Govt. ..!„*.. t Grantees 10 „ * .. f Rental, £50 10 „ * .. f Extension 350 0 0 Rental, £25 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 10 „ *.. Premium.. 45 0 0 Rental, £25 Govt. .. 10 „ * .. f Rental, £50 .. I 10 „ * .. t Rental, £25 Grantees 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 10 „ *■.. Premium.. 336 0 0 Rental, £50 Govt. .. 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 .. 5 „ * .. t Rental, £50 .. 10 „. * ... t Rental, £25 Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 680 0 0 Rental, £50 5 „ *.. t ! 5 „ * .. t Govt. .. 5 „ *... t Grantees 5 „ *.. t Rental, £25 10 ,, *.. t ! Rental, £50 1,689 6 1 54 12 8 j 1,743 18 9 7,633 2 5 5,445 16 5 ' 13,078 18 10 77 14 3 | 77 14 3 179 0 0 13 0 0 192 0 0 604 608 612 R. 95/2198 .. R. 97/1122 .. R. 97/671 .. Dec. 1, 1896 Mar. 1, 1897 Mar. 1, 1897 Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited) .. 103 70 j Smithfield D. N. Inwood .. .. .. 90 75 Winchester Bruce Woollen Manufacturing Com- -271 41 Milton pany (Limited) Timaru Milling Company (Limited) 1106 25 Timaru P. McGill .. .. .. 1271 42 Milton Evans and Co. (Limited) .. 1105 75 Timaru A. Moritzson and Co. .. .. 236 48 j Dunedin 630 631 634 636 R. 97/4426 .. R. 97/4377 .. R. 97/2966 .. R. 97/3139 .. Nov. 1, 1897 Oct. 1, 1897 Jan. 1, 1898 Feb. 1, 1898 1,469 11 4 496 6 2 j 1,965 17 6 714 14 5 1,261 5 0 I 1,975 19 5 1,111 0 0 890 12 2 ! 2,001 12 2 1,317 4 10 174 5 7 I 1,491 10 5 639 642 644 646 R. 98/1147 .. R. 98/2079 .. R. 98/2669 .. R. 98/4050 .. Jan. 1, 1898 May 1, 1898 Sept. 1, 1898 Sept. 1, 1898 John Deans .. .. .. 6 10 Christchurch J. Anderson .. .. .. 0 16 Lyttelton J. H. Lambert .. .. .. 237 2 j Kensington Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy 55 3 j Fairfield Produce Export Company (Ltd.) Oamaru Totara Tree Stone Company 163 12 Whiteeraig J. Gore .. .. .. 244 13 Wingatui J. Palmer .. .. .. 234 53 Pelicbet Bay .. J. Borgfeldt .. .. .. 3 31 Papanui N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 0 21 Lyttelton Company (Limited) 657 12 5 356 5 11 1,013 18 4 206 9 4 764 3 2 970 12 6 152 11 2 6 15 8 159 6 10 2,619 17 7 9,203 11 4 ! 11,823 8 11 648 650 651 654 655 R. 98/4223 .. R. 98/4318 .. R. 98/4319 .. R 99/263 .. R. 99/490 .. Oct. 1, 1898 Oct. 1, 1898 Dec. 1, 1898 Feb. 1, 1899 Jan. 1, 1899 6 12 3 1,591 0 11 1,597 13 2 209 7 9 1,247 16 4 1,457 4 1 6 2 8 1,330 12 7 1,336 15 3 196 3 3 23 3 1 219 6 4 787 11 7 391 15 7 1,179 7 2



658 661 R. 98/3247 .. R. 98/4524 .. April 1, 1899 April 1, 1899 Friedlander Brothers (Limited) .. New Zealand Collieries, Railways, and Oil Syndicate (Limited) J. Goss .. .. 16 40 35 29 16 40 Lyndhurst 35 29 Orepuki 6 62 Christchurch Lyndhurst Orepuki Grantees Govt, and grantees Govt. .. jrantees 10 years*.. j Rental, £25 Jovt. and 5 „ *.. t Repairs, £3810/ grantees jovt. .. 10 „ *.. t j Rental, £50 71 7 9 1,103 0 3 i 132 17 6 391 9 2 1,174 14 0 524 6 8 662 R. 99/1727 .. May 1, 1899 6 62 Christchurch 1,844 7 5 32 8 7 1.S76 16 0 663 R. 99/1738 .. May 1, 1899 Wigram Brothers 2 4 2 4 Heathcote Heathcote „ .. 10 „ * .. t Repairs, £6; Rental, £25 .. 10 „ *.. t Rental, £50 .. 10 „ * .. t Repairs, £22 ; Rental, £50 .. 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 .. 10 „ * .. Rental, £25 .. 10 „ * .. t Repairs, £6; Rental, £25 jovt. and 10 „ * .. ' t Rental, £50 grantees jrantees 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 10 „ * .. t Rental, £25 jovt. .. 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 „ .. 5 „ * .. f Repairs, £5 .. 10 „ *.. f Rental, £50 .. 5 „ * .. t jrantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 49 0 0 Rental, £50 jovt. .. 5 „ * .. t 3rantees 10 „ * .. Rental, £50 3ovt. .. 5 „ * .. t .. 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 .. 5 „ *.. t • ■ - 5 „ *.. t Govt, and 10 „ * .. t Rental, £25 grantees jrantees 10 „ * .. f Rental, £25 5 „ * .. + jovt. .. 10 „ * .. t Rental, £25 .. 5 „ *.. t 5 „ * .. f Repairs, £9 12s. 9d. Grantees 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 313 14 0 I 273 13 4 587 7 4 665 666 R. 99/1728 .. R. 99/1832 .. May 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 Dalgety and Co. (Limited) Belford Mills Company .. .. 1 6 45 106 8 6 45 Christchurch 106 8 Timaru Christchurch Timaru 2.896 7 9 406 4 9 801 4 4 632 11 7 3,302 12 6 1,433 15 11 668 669 670 R. 99/1922 .. R. 99/1936 .. R. 99/1934 .. May 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 Friedlander Brothers (Limited) .. Friedlander Brothers (Limited) Fleming and Gilkison .. .. 3 60 68 58 73 335 5 60 68 Tinwald 58 73 Ashburton 335 5 Gore Tinwald Ashburton Gore . . 85 12 2 981 9 8 566 9 2 3,056 7 10 1,001 10 8 1,186 11 0 1,067 1 10 3,622 17 0 2,188 1 8 671 R. 99/1935 .. May 1, 1899 J. B. Hobart 6 19 6 19 Christchurch Christchurch Govt, and grantees Grantees 1,046 17 0 306 12 1 1,353 9 1 673 674 675 676 677 679 680 R. 99/2066 .. R. 99/2065 .. R. 99/2092 .. June 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) |2 New Zealand Provision and Produce j Company National Mortgage and Agency Com- 3 pany of New Zealand (Limited) Lyttelton Borough Council Fleming and Gilkison .. .. 3 T. Hodgkinson Wright, Stephenson, and Co. .. 3 J236 32 j 7 2 374 56 2 65 374 5 6 44 375 11 236 32 Dunedin 7 2 Belfast 374 56 Invercargill 2 65 Heathcote 374 5 Elles Road 6 44 Lind's Bridge 375 11 Invercargill Dunedin Belfast Invercargill Govt. .. 679 3 4 120 15 6 556 9 8 451 13 6 707 8 6 659 2 2 ...... \ 799 18 10 1,008 3 2 1,366 10 8 36 16 11 261 17 8 143 3 9 1,878 19 9 R. 99/2096 .. R. 99/2174 .. R. 99/2218 .. R. 99/1120 .. Aug. 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 July 1, 1899 Heathcote Elles Road Lind's Bridge Invercargill 36 10 11 0 6 0 21 7 2 240 10 6 21 0 11 122 2 10 954 18 9 924 1 0 583 5 2 44 18 3 3,439 18 11 490 11 7 8 11 6 450 10 4 (Included with No. 669.) 10 7 0 765 19 3 237 14 3 9,444 5 2 7,610 11 3 . Grantees 882 683 684 686 687 690 691 R. 99/2313 .. R. 97/2821 .. R. 99/2343 .. R. 99/2422 .. R. 99/2392 .. R. 99/2394 .. R. 99/2406 .. Aug. 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 Invercargill Corporation Dalgety and Co. (Limited) .. 2 Smart and Son Friedlander Brothers (Limited) J. Freeman .. .. .. 2 B. C. Calverley .. .. .. 2 Christchurch Meat Company | (Limited) ( Canterbury Roller Flour-mills Company Oamaru Borough Council .. 1 W. Scott and Co. Walton Park Coal Company T. W. and A. Buxton 0 1 236 21 12 11 58 72 241 71 241 70 13 10 13 13 58 3 0 1 236 21 Dunedin 12 11 Hornby 58 72 Ashburton 241 71 Abbotsford 241 70 13 10 Islington (1st sc 13 13 „ (2nd 58 3 Ashburton 157 41 Oamaru 25 39 Southbridge 2 3 Walton Park 6 41 Lind's Bridge Dunedin Hornby Ashburton Abbotsford Govt. .. Grantees Govt. .. 628 3 5 3,930 10 6 459 1 10 776 6 3 237 14 3 17,054 16 5 Islington (lstsdg.)) (2nd „ )/ Ashburton Govt, and grantees Grantees 92 93 695 696 697 R. 99/2427 .. R. 99/2017 .. R. 99/1968 .. R. 99/2207 .. R. 99/2523 .. May 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 157 41 25 39 2 3 6 41 Oamaru Southbridge Walton Park .. Lind's Bridge Govt'. .. 375 18 4 877 1 6 65 12 5 303 11 8 379 10 3 29 2 1 1,094 16 9 25 8 2 148 0 7 1,252 19 10 65 12 5 683 1 11 1,123 18 10 173 S 9 698 R. 99/2537 .. June 1, 1899 New Zealand Refrigerating Com- 1 pany (Limited) New Zealand Shipping Company 3 (Limited) W. White and Co. Evans and Co. (Limited).. .. 2 W. Quinn .. .. .. 1 155 23 155 23 Eveline 391 47 Bluff 7 46 Addington 236 26 Dunedin 121 76 Otaio Eveline Grantees 54 3 7 25 7 9 79 11 4 699 R. 99/2042 .. Oct. 1, 1899 391 47 Bluff 10 „ * .. Premium.. 67 11 0 Rental, £50 3ovt. .. 10 „ * .. f Rental, £25 .. 10 „ * .. f Rental, £50 3ovt. and 4 „ *.. t Rental, £25 ccrantees 1,769 8 9 194 3 9 1,963 12 6 700 702 703 R. 99/2653 .. R. 99/1967 .. R. 99/2225 .. May 1, 1899 June 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 7 46 236 26 121 76 Addington Dunedin Otaio Govt. .. Govt, and grantees Grantees Govt. .. 2,433 16 1 397 3 4 1,073 13 9 11 14 4 102 18 10 243 10 10 2,830 19 5 1,085 8 1 346 9 8 704 708 R. 98/4221 .. R. 99/2801 .. Nov. 1, 1899 Sept. 1, 1899 Invercargill Corpora' ion N.Z. and Australian Land Com- 3 pany (Limited) 2 20 351 64 2 20 Waikiwi 351 64 Edendale Waikiwi Edendale grantees jrantees 5 „ * .. Premium.. 190 9 0 3ovt. .. 5 „ * .. t 55 13 11 33 0 6 394 16 0 496 8 2 88 14 5 891 4 2 I i i * Three months' notice. i Siding originally laid under old agreement.



RETURN No. 24— continued. PARTICULARS of Priv ate-Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1903-continued.

r. . 2 ° Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1903. In. Out. Total. URUNUI-BLUFF ! SECTION— continued. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency i Company (Limited) Lyttelton Harbour Board Bowron Bros. .. .. .. j !391 48 Bluff ■ „ .. | 10 years* .. £ s. d. Repairs, £3 ; Rental, £50 £ s. d. 2,702 14 7 £ s. d. 828 9 11 £ s. d. 3,531 4 6 709 R. 99/2416 .. Nov. 1, 1899 t 711 715 R. 99/2813 .. R. 99/1719 .. Nov. 1, 1899 Aug. 1, 1899 j 3 73 Lyttelton Woolston .. , 5 „ * .. Grantees 10 „ * .. t Premium.. 170 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 2,727 4 10 666 2 6 1.434 7 1 162 9 2 4,161 11 11 828 11 8 716 R. 99/2905 .. Oct. 1, 1899 Milburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited) Milburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited) H. Harraway 235 25 Dunedin 1 10 „ * .. t 967 7 9 268 19 7 1,236 7 4 719 R. 99/2731 .. j Aug. 1, 1899 267 44 Milburn Govt. .. i 5 „ * .. t I 839 0 7 1,024 13 10 1,863 14 5 722 R. 00/141 .. Jan. 1, 1900 0 14 Burnside Centre Bush Limehills Govt, and 10 „ * .. grantees | Grantees 5 „ * .. Govt. .. 5 „ * .. t Rental, £25 755 11 S 201 11 2 957 2 10 723 727 R. 99/2209 .. R. 00/992 .. Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 D. McGregor Milburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited) G. G. Stead and Co. Wright, Stepnenson, and Co. 25 31 ' 23 2 7 59 26 50 Premium.. r t Premium.. 80 0 0 Repairs, £7 5s. 11 14 7 582 4 4 347 2 1 283 6 11 48 2 10 319 2 5 1,484 6 10 283 6 11 59 17 5 729 731 R. 00/991 .. R. 99/3088 .. April 1, 1900 May 1, 1300 Addington Balfour Grantees 10 „ 10 „ * .. Rental, £25 79 14 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 901 6 9 1,831 8 11 732 739 R. 00/1193 .. R. 99/367 .. Mav 1, 1900 Feb. 1, 1900 J. and T. Meek N.Z. Farmers' Co-operative Association of Canterbury (Limited) J. Craig and Co. Christchurch City Council Lyttelton Harbour Board 158 18 59 4 Oamaru Ashburton Govt. .J 10 „ Grantees ! 10 „ * .. t t 315 17 2 798 3 11 278 11 7 1,087 17 10 594 8 9 1,886 1 9 740 742 743 745 749 751 R. 99/2357 .. R. 00/568 .. R. 00/1774 .. R. 99/2303 .. R. 00/2042 .. R. 00/1147 .. May 1, 1900 July 1, 1900 May 1, 1900 July 1, 1900 Oct. 1, 1900 Aug. 1, 1900 C. P. Sleeman D. Thomas Christchurch Gas, Coal, and Coke Company (Limited) Timaru Harbour Board (National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., and Mill and Co., tenants) (Otago Farmers' Co-operative Asso- 1 ciation of New Zealand (Ltd.) v Wright, Stephenson, and Co. ..) A. and D. McPherson and Co., and R. Meek and Co. Lyttelton Harbour Board Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Company (Limited), and H. Matson and Co. Timpany Brothers Tothill, Watson, and Co. 157 45 9 22 0 0 342 70 58 76 6 1 Oamaru Ch aney's Lyttelton Mataura Ashburton Christchurch Timaru Govt. .. 10 „ * .. Grantees 5 „ * .. Govt, and 5 „ * .. grantees Grantees 5 „ * .. 10 „ *.. Govt, and 10 „ * .. grantees Grantees 10 „ * .. t Premium.-. t Premium.. t t Rental, £50 485 0 0 195 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 1,744 16 1 669 18 0 (Included with 184 3 0 1,791 14 1 183 4 0 No. 711.) 926 10 10 1,030 0 11 32 8 7 1,928 0 1 669 18 0 926 10 10 1,214 3 11 1,824 2 8 754 R. 00/694 .. Oct. 1, 1900 ■105 74 Premium.. 95 0 0 1,018 4 5 396 18 0 1,415 2 5 757 R. 00/1040 .. Dec. 1, 1900 . Premium \ 550 0 0 ) Rental, each r £50 J 267 0 0 (1,180 13 10 (3,331 4 9 110 1 1 563 12 2 1,290 14 11 3,894 16 11 236 35 Dunedin ; 10 „ * . . 763 R. 00/2041 .. Feb. 1, 1901 7 22 I Fairfax 6 . •.. Premium.. 166 13 5 129 13 3 296 6 8 766 767 R. 01/1037 .. R. 00/478 .. Mar. 1, 1901 Feb. 1, 1901 0 15 7 60 Lyttelton Addington 5 „ * .. 8 „ * .. t t Rental, each £25 (Included with 1,287 8 3 No. 711.) 888 5 6 2,175 13 9 768 769 R. 01/1045 .. R. 01/776 .. April 1, 1901 May 1, 1901 14 72 Kapuka Gore 5 „ *.. 5 „ * .. t Premium.. 25**0 0 Rental, £25 15 7 7 149 3 5 1,834 18 10 147 16 9 1,850 6 5 297 0 2 .. 772 R. 01/1375 .. i i May 1, 1901 McCallum and Co. 15 0 i Kapuka 5 „ * .. t 1,023 19 7 87 12 1 1,111 11 8



R. 01/1837 .. i Sept. 1, 1901 , National Mortgage and Agency Co. 7 57 Addington .. „ 10 years* .. t of N.Z. (Limited) Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s 239 24 Cattle-yards .. „ 10 ., * .. t N.Z. Drug Company (Limited) Moir and Co. .. .. .. 16 69 Southbrook .. Govt. .. 10 „ * .. t W. Borlase ■ .. .. .. 228 62 Sawyers' Bay .. Grantees 5 „ * .. t Birt and Co. (Limited) .. .. 390 12 Ocean Beach .. „ 10 „ * .. t N.Z. Provision and Produce Co. .. .. Belfast .. „ 10 „ * .. f Wood Brothers (Limited) .. .. Addington .. „ 10 „ * .. t Otago Iron-rolling Mills Company .. Burnside .. „ 5 „ * .. t (Limited) Corporation of Invercargill .. .. Greenhills .. Govt. .. 5 „ * .. t D. H. Brown and Son .. .. 7 29 Addington .. Govt, and 10 „ * .. t grantees N.Z. Refrigerating Co. (Limited) .. 239 27 Cattle-yards .. Grantees 10 „ * .. t William Booth and Co. .. .. .. I Christchurch .. Govt. .. 2 „ * .. t Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative .. j Timaru .. Grantees 10 „ * .. f Association (Limited) McCallum and Co. .. .. 365 37 j Longbush .. „ 6 months * t I Rental, £25 | 391 1 6 389 12 10 j 780 14 4 775 R. 01/1661 .. July 1, 1901 Rental, £25 604 18 11 819 19 9 1,424 18 8 776 778 779 782 784 785 R. 01/1660 .. R. 01/1604 .. R. 00/1489 .. R. 95/1853 .. R. 01/2438 .. R. 99/2623 .. Aug. 1, 1901 July 1, 1901 Sept. 14, 1901 |Oct. 1, 1901 Oct. 1, 1901 Oct. 1, 1901 Rental, £25 562 12 4 513 5 8 1,075 18 0 .. , 63 15 0 63 15 0 Rental, £25 3,057 19 6 900 12 5 3,958 11 11 Rental, £25 307 7 10 189 14 496 9 2 Rental, £25 1,385 6 10 892 7 1 2,277 13 11 985 10 9 69 2 7 1,054 13 4 790 791 R. 99/2990 .. R. 01/2857 .. Jan. 1, 1902 Dec. 1, 1901 0 3 9 453 9 6 453 13 3 Rental, £25 864 12 9 417 10 3 1,282 3 0 795 801 809 R. 00/1690 .. R. 02/805 .. R. 99/2224 .. Jan. 1, 1902 Mar. 1, 1903 Feb. 1, 1902 Rental, £25 5,535 19 7 2,081 8 0 7,617 7 7 Rental, £50 318 2 7 2 0 0 320 2 7 Rental, £50 2,285 2 0 1,652 9 0 3,937 11 0 812 R. 01/862 .. Feb. 9, 1902 Rental, £1 par month 1,997 9 10 404 1 9 2,401 11 7 Rental, £25 30 14 10 170 2 8 200 17 6 Rental, £50 1,056 10 3 503 11 8 1.560 1 11 813 815 816 R. 98/3339 .. R. 96/1963 .. R. 92/806 .. April 1, 1902 Feb. 1, 1902 Mar. 1, 1902 Otago Dock Trust .. .. .. Port Chalmers .. Govt. .. 5 years* .. t W. Quinn .. .. .. .. Studholme .. Grantees 10 „ * .. f N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. Christchurch .. „ 10 „ *.. t Company (Limited) N.Z. Trust and Loan Co. (Limited) 257 62 Henley .. „ ; 5 „ *.. t Wright, Stephenson, and Co. .. .. Kelso .. .. „ I 10 „ * .. Premium.. 817 818 R. 97/2053 .. R. 01/2143 .. April 1, 1902 April 1, 1902 Rental, £25 26 7 9 43 9 11 69 17 8 207 0 0 220 11 2 912 19 9 1,133 10 11 Rental, £25 Repairs, £48; 747 19 10 2,288 10 3 3,036 10 1 Rental, £25 550 0 0 Rental, £25 (Included with No. 669.) Rental, £25 44 19 6 251 9 8 290 9 2 Rental, £50 642 7 8 24 3 3 666 10 11 219 11 1 3,000 6 0 3,219 17 1 Rental, £50 659 17 302 0 6 961 2 1 Rental, £50 3,31110 6 427 3 7 : 3,738 14 1 Rental, £25 62 5 8 135 18 0 198 3 8 (Included with No. 711.) Repairs, £7/6/4 2 18 4 352 9 9 355 8 1 Rental, £25 118 8 2 58 9 2 176 17 4 819 R. 92/1000 .. April 1, 1902 Southland Frozen Meat and Produce .. Mataura .. „ 10 „ * .. t Export Company (Limited) Christchurch City Council .. .. Sockburn .. „ 5 „ *.. Premium.. Friedlander Bros. (Limited) .. .. Ashburton .. „ 7 „ * .. 1 Mrs. E. M. L. Studholme .. .. Studholme .. „ 10 „ * .. t William White and Co. .. .. .. Christchuroh .. Govt. .. 1 „ * .. t LovelPs Flat Coal Company .. .. Lovell's Flat .. Grantees 1 „ * .. t N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. Timaru .. „ 10 „ * .. t Company (Limited) Donald Reid and Co. (Limited) .. .. Dunedin .. „ 10 „ *.. t . William H. Martyn .. .. .. Wetheral .. „ 10 „ * .. t Lyttelton Harbour Board .. .. Lyttelton .. Govt. .. 5 „ * .. Lischner and Drummond .. 4 72 Conical Hill .. Grantees 5 „ *.. t Canterbury Central Co-operative .. Addington .. „ 10 „ * .. t Dairy Company (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. Gore .. .. „ 10 . » *.. t Company (Limited) Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy- .. Belfast .. „ 10 „ * .. t produce Export Company (Limited) '..D.Ward. .. .. .. .. Bluff .. .. „ 10 „ *.. Premium.. 820 821 822 826 832 834 R. 01/1860 .. R. 01/1450 .. R. 96/1963 .. R. 92/672 .. R. 00/1544 .. R. 02/3673 .. July 1, 1902 Dec. 18, 1901 Feb. 1, 1902 Aug. 1, 1902 Sept. 1, 1902 j Nov. 1, 1902 835 840 841 842 843 R. 03/477 .. R. 02/3422 .. R. 02/754 .. R. 00/1107 .. R. 00/2781 .. Dec. 1, 1902 Jan. 1, 1903 ' Mar. 1, 1902 j Jan. 1, 1903 Jan. 1, 1903 844 R. 93/1075 .. Feb. 1, 1903 ! Repairs, £215s. 261 11 6 291 18 7 553 10 1 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 5,816 15 0 6,075 1 8 11,89116 8 846 R. 92/3855 .. Oct. 1, 1902 847 R. 02/3211 .. I Jan. 1, 1903 112 0 0 I Rental, £50 R. 86/2585 .. Aug. 20, 1886 Jan. 1, 1894 Oct. 1, 1898 Aug. 1, 1899 WESTLAND SECTION. 144 | i25 153 188 R. 94/1176 .. ; R. 98/2908 .. I R. 99/2391 .. I Westport Colliery Company .. 8 0 Brunner .. Greym'th Undefined Har. Bd. Stratford, Blair, and Co. .. .. 0 0 Greymouth .. Govt. .. 10 years* O.Butler .. .. .. 6 58 Cameron's .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. W. Morris .. .. .. 10 74 Kumara .. Govt. .. 5 „ * .. t 179 19 3 9,967 9 0 10,147 8 3 Rental, £25 1,009 6 7 41 8 10 1,050 15 5 103 7 5 32 14 10 307 13 3 340 8 1 8 7 2 276 6 0 284 13 2 * Three months' notice. t Sidinj ori} [inall; laid under old aj ■eement.

i>.- 2.


RETURN No. 24—continued. PARTICULARS of Private -Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1903— continued.

o o BZ Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed | per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1903. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. WESTLAND SECTION— continued. I I [ M. ch. • 689 ! R. 99/2393 .. Aug. 1, 1899 Westland Sawmilling Company 16 9 Awatuna .. Govt. .. 5 years* .. f (Limited) 710 R. 99/2778 .. Nov. 1,1899 G. Perotti .. .. .. 3 21 Nelson Creek .. „ .. 5 „ *.. t 712 R. 94/2445 .. Aug. 1,1899 T. W. Wilson (Stratford, Blair, and 2 52 Kaiata 5 „ *.. t Co., tenants) 714 R. 99/2900 .. i Nov. 1, 1899 Malfroy and Co. .. .. 21 63 Ho Ho .. Govt, and 5 „ *.. f grantees 724 | R. 00/197 .. j Jan. 1, 1900 j G. D. Wilson and Co. .. ..10 77 Kumara .. Ditto .. 5 „ *.. f 728 R. 99/1729 .. | Mar. 1, 1900 i Stratford, Blair, and Co. .. .. 4 38 Dobson .. Grantees 5 » *.. 764 R. 01/356 .. [ April 1, 1901 : Terawera Sawmill Company (Ltd.) .. Inchbonnie .. „ 5 „ *.. Premium.. 773 R. 00/2624 ..Aug. 1,1901 Despatch Foundry Company (Ltd.) .. Greymouth .. „ 5 „ *.. 787 R. 01/456 .. j Oct. 1, 1901 Jack Brothers .. .. .. .. Kotuku .. „ 5 „ * .. 802 R. 02/552 .. ; Oct. 1,1900 Blackball Coal Company (Limited) .. Ngahere .. Taken over 5 „ *.. with Midland Rly. 803 | R. 02/557 .. Oct. 1, 1900 I Stratford, Blair, and Co. .. .. .. Kokiri .. Ditto .. 5 „ *.. 804 j R. 02/555 .. Oct. 1, 1900 > Andrew Matheson ,. .. .. Ahaura 5 „ * .. 805 R. 02/556 .. Oct. 1, 1900 j Lake Brunner Sawmill Company.. .. Moana .. „ 5 „ * .. 806 R. 02/553 .. Oct. 1, 1900 Kotuku Sawmill Company ".. .. Kotuku .. „ .. 5„*.. 807 R. 02/558 .. Oct. 1, 1900 Baxter Brothers .. .. .. Kokiri .. „ 5 „ * .. 808 R. 02/554 .. Oct. 1,1900 Trustees of James Goss's Estate .. .. Moana .. „ .. 5 „ *... 827 R. 01/1152 ..June 1,1902 D.H.Roberts .. .. .. .. Baxter's .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. 836 , R. 02/2451 .. I Dec. 1, 1902 : Tyneside Colliery Company .. .. Brunner .. „ 5 „ * .. £ s. d. 163 0 0 185 0 0 Rental, £25 230 0 0 161 12 0 93 10 0 s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. 5 11 8 275 15 7 281 7 3 2 2 3 50 4 7 : .52 6 10 10 14 2 101 1 10 111 16 0 32 7 6 332 19 11 365 7 5 19 2 1 315 7 0 334 9 1 4 17 8 0 15 0 j 5 12 8 56 17 7 737 17 11 794 15 6 37 17 2 1-22 13 2 ; 160 10 4 65 3 9 739 11 7 804 15 4 11,393 0 8 | 11,393 0 8 34 19 0 629 6 10 664 5 10 138 13 9 138 13 9 54 11 5 1,756 7 6 1,810 18 11 54 9 8 950 16 2 i 1,005 5 10 37 2 1 676 19 8 714 1 9 8 8 2 1,190 4 1 1,198 12 3 13 11 11 308 2 0 321 13 11 9 9 9 51 4 2 60 13 11 WESTPORT SECTION. 810 i R. 00/2091 ..tMar. 1, 1902 | W. and J. Marris .. .. j 26 72 j Mokihinui ..'Govt. ..I 5 years* .. | f I I I 9 9 9 158 5 5 | .167 15 2 NELSON SECTION. 238 | R. 81/1947 .. | Aug. 31, 1881 | Neale and Haddow .. .. | 1 0 | Nelson .. | Grantees | Undefined | Premium.. | 150 0 0 I 180 10 9 | 4 10 8 | 185 5 PICTON SECTION. 519 R. 93/3737 .. Nov. 1,1893 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 17 62 [ Blenheim .. ! Grantee? 10 years* .. t Company (Limited) 794 R. 99/2880 .. Dec. 1, 1901 Christchurch Meat Company (Ltd.) 13 35 Spring Creek .. „ 10 „ * .. t 797 R. 01/2132 .. Feb. 1, 1902 Levin and Co. (Limited) .. .. 17 69 Blenheim .. „ 10 „ * .. t 800 R. 91/3490 .. Nov. 1,1901 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. j Picton .. „ 10 „ * .. t Company (Limited) t t Rental, £25 Repairs, £15 ; Rental, £25 Repairs, £9 ; Rental, £25 Repairs, £5; Rental. £25 90 12 4 340 1 0 430 13 15 12 10 36 12 5 5 5 3 245 1 3 325 2 6 570 9 175 14 1 62 9 5 238 3 6 t * Three months' notice. t Siding originally laid under old agreement.


RETURN No. 25. Statement showing approximately Sleepers laid and removed up to 31st March, 1903.

RETURN No. 26. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employees for March, 1902, and March, 1903.

12-D. 2.


Approxii nate Length opened each Year. I Middle Island. Total. SI 1 Laid during Construction. (2,100 per mile.) leepi 1 11-s. Eemoved during Maintenance. Year. North Island. 1867 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80* 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89. 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-igoi 1901-1902 1902-1903 M. ch. 10 55 61 19 69 23 64 24 103 76 27 19 26 33 68 39 1 22 67 2 2 22 19 56 o 43 26 58 72 11 47 18 31 11 57 28 21 M. ch. M. ch. 45 7° 45 7° 18 58 18 58 11 68 11 68 27 62 27 62 11 21 21 76 126 78 188 17 248 4 317 27 152 39 216 63 94 58 198 54 56 46 83 65 40 73 67 26 32 71 101 30 40 16 63 3 40 19 42 21 22 50 44 69 24 o 80 o 47 52 -9° 7 8 11 39 70 31 17 32 28 79 18 31 20 68 32 45 5 68 34 9 27 27 27 27 17 26 33 58 62 16 27 24 44 6 3 48 18 41 1 11 4 75 10 2 37 48 11 13 33 59 19 26 19 26 103 38 107 68 12 32 23 52 27 43 56 3 96,338 39,323 24,885 58,327 46,095 3953 246 666,409 455,254 417,217 176,006 141,382 212,888 132,379 88,751 94,211 168,000 191,048 147,814 60,874 42,814 68,381 71,636 57,408 35,3 8 2 130,620 92,558 38,876 10,37° 78,960 70,848 40,582 226,485 49,665 117,679 74,261 73,947 106,763 125,632 148,325 137,993 139,040 122,027 108,690 129,634 133,954 139,912 132,569 155,827 170,681 188,291 210,588 243,479 282,326 302,354 345,433 369,339 330,029 17 26 28 38 16 62 14 73 3 64 27 46 22 46 4 30 11 20 28 40 Totals .. 4,745,7" 4,171,094 fine months only. t Complete information not recorded until 1880-81.

Department. ci rt ci 'v rt a rt XL 'rt rt aj C o r^ 5 Hz '5 X a d o a. in > s o c" o 5 o 1902-3. General Traffic Maintenance Locomotive 7 7 5 i 7 9 295 20 8 335 '5 4 337 1 52 j 21 967 17 9 260 18 11 336 H ! 5 319 3 7 3 658 836 895 i,392 i,559 i,596 "84 121 82 58 7i 93 27 34 12 17 3S 1 1 222 2,567 3.033 3,05.3 8,8 75 Totals 19 13 2.389 j 4 ; 547 287 222 73 63 1901-2. 24 iS 35 I 26 15 9 ! G-eneral Traffic Maintenance Locomotive 6 6 3 620 ! 1,353 768 j 1,369 854 ! 1,529 "76 124 75 54 72 84 207 2,434 2,765 2,907 Totals ... 15 49 : 25 915 2,242 4,251 275 210 8,3'3 74 50


RETURN No. 27. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1903.


Section. Passengc or in; ;rs Killed ; Servants of tl jm-eci. Killed o From their own. From Causes Misconduct I beyond or Want of their own Caution. Control. ie Department ■ Injured. Persons Killed or Injured j . r while crossing ' ""Passers. at Level Crossings. i i Workshops, j Miscellaneous. T3 5 is rt « o c From Causes beyond their own Control. From their own Misconduct or Want of Caution. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Kaihu Auckland Bis borne WellingtonN'apier - New Plymoutli Hurunui-B 1 uff Westland Westport Nelson Picton Killed.I Injured. Killed. Injured.'Killed. Injured. i i ... ... ! 2 . 2 3 6 ! ... i ... Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed.! i ... Injured. Killed. Injured, Killed.I Injured. Killed.I Injured. ... j 25 16 73 ..... 2 I 32 20 1 I I 2 I 2 3 4 88 96 3 46 I 8 223 6 222 24 1 3 5 3 6 | io ... ; 58 ::: i "9 ::: ::: 3 3 12 '323 j " 8 i 17 20 6 ■■■ m 29 ; 7 2 ... ... 2 Totals ... ... 7 395 6 90 5 ... j 165 1 ,| 9 24 fc Sgo 4 11 2



RETURN No. 28. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1903.

OS Type, i g ' 'to c d J4 I a. I 1 to c j mH I Train. Shunting. | Ballast. Detail. Engine-Mileage. Coal. Quantity of Stores. Oil. Running. Wages Tallow. I Waste. J*£. rial Repairs. Stores. Fuel. ! Wages. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Peiue. Running. I Total. Stores. Fuel. Wages. \ Tt q ri' c Total. Wages and Material Total. KAWAKAWA SECTION. A D 1 j 12 1 j 12 I 3,188 1,896 1,280 801 1,780 4,224 6,248 6,921 Cwt. 930 1.155 Qt 99 138 lb. 30 18 lb. £ 35 I 2 57 j - 203 92 j 205 £ 6 £ 21 I 26 £ 178 159 £ 207 395 .08 I -23 -8o 7.04 "24 .90 3-73 -24 -86 ■80 .90 6-84 5-51 6-14 7'95 13-69 120 7 127 Total I 2 I ... 1 5,084 1 2,081 ■overable, mileage and ex13,169 4,727 2,085 i 237 48 - I 1 602 290 Less rei pendil, 6,004 4,727 13 ' 47 337 •86 10-97 2' 10 247 tire 8-8 7 5-85 General < charges 1.277 8,442 312 206 : 1 I i Total 518 ; I472 HAN -AREI SECTIO Fa Wb 2 17 16,836 2 17 29,830 4 ... 46,666 liarges... 5.317 9, 123 610 203 j 22,763 39,156 8,332 19.365 536 j 888 j 46 46 426 470 521 43S 30 48 220 497 369 716 : 1,089 4-96 '32 1,699 2-68 -29 2,788 3-52 -30 12 2-32 306 3-88 11-48 369 4'38 io'4i 450 4'2o 1080 I 819 —- *° 5 - 10-85 i •-• Total General < 14,440 813 61,919 1,424 j 92 947 j 908 ] 78 717 1,085 278 Total 2,800 j ! ... KAIH sect: ON. 1 C 1 15 2 15 3 - charges... 1.377 12,524 547 4,856 18 946 1,942 18,326 354 3,34o 46 293 I 12 88 14 123 1 22 36 197 310 219 346 " 73 i'73 643 r6i 716 1-63 39 ■13 2-71 •17 2-58 •16 2-59 4-45 4-06 9'02 24 8'42 270 9 13 Total G-eneral i 1 I3.90 1 5.403 964 20,268 3,694 339 10 100 137 -4 4-09 8-47 294 •47 8-94 ... ... I ... i ... Total ! j 755 _J I


RETURN No. 28—continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1903— continued.


1 v • Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. '5b 6 z Detail. Running. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. 33 CO C Type ri t. 33 V Train. Shunting. Ballast. Total. Coal, Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages t d e _ Stores. Fuel. Wages, j rial. Total. ... Total. Wages and Stores. Fuel. Wages. Material. AUCKLAND SECTION. Cwt. Qt. ib. ; lb. , 7--1,567 699 2,735 215 «95 947 773 310 39 296 283 8,830 £ £ £ £ 7 1 7,140 3,074 8,592 386 3,201 4,520 2,973 1,476 485 800 2,156 A 1 P 13 Fa 4 J 9 K 2 La 4 N 4 P 4 Q 3 R 1 Wa 1 Wd 2 12 20 20 25 25 25 25 18 25 20 99,573 90,882 202,359 4,256 81,854 107,861 70,913 28,592 8,980 7.735 38,584 100,246 11,588 26,931 1.292 r 53336 4,134 6,240 2,725 8,506 2,605 13,673 23,238 435 1,678 5,563 223,057 102,905 230,968 5,548 102,753 i",995 77,153 31,317 17.486 14,257 52,984 57,776 34,562 89,583 1,640 31,102 41,965 43,014 18,126 5,I3 6 6,641 34,734 4.677 2,340 4,952 133 2,448 2,234 1,968 1,235 357 604 2,548 404 146 364 131 130 134 44 25 34 95 1,886 889 2,552 66 812 923 852 418 169 242 696 178 89 197 5 90 86 76 41 14 22 1,406 834 2,699 99 842 2,489 1,044 641 130 176 823 11,183 3,989 1,4*52 2,961 67 1,374 998 1,080 484 302 306 957 I'69 1-63 2-84 9-3° 2'09 2-03 2'40 2-38 ■54 4-98 1-28 •19 •20 •20 •22 •21 •18 ■24 ■31 •19 ■37 ■42 1-51 1-94 280 4-28 1-97 5-34 3-24 4-91 177 2'g6 3-72 4-29 3'39 3-08 2-89 3-20 2-14 3-36 3-7i 4-15 5-15 4'34 7'68 I 7'i6 8-92 16-69 7'47 9-69 9-24 11-31 6-65 13-46 9-76 2,802 967 2,254 64 873 79i 694 348 189 216 605 20 20 3>9 J 7 727 93 891 Total I 48 Less recover: penditure 1 ible, 741.589I mileage 1 193,276 ,nd ex35,558 1,889 33,669 970,423 1,889 364,279 23,496 i,5i4 9-505 r 3>970 34.874 no 2'19 •22 276 3-45 8-62 •01 9.8o: General charge 968,534 34.764 6,083 40,847 8.61 1-50 IS ... ... I ... IO'II Total GISBORNE S cCTION. D I 2 I 12 I 12,728 I 4,089 4,009 cess recoverable, mileage and ex- 4,009 pendi.ure 20,826 4,009 16,817 2,562 478 24 207 79 16 219 299 613 189 424 119 •91 ■18 2-52 3-45 706 I'OI 306 6-05 1 69 eneral charges ... Totfll I 543 7'74



RETURN No. 28—continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1903—continued.

C33 «3 ." 13 • 4(j a. Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Type. E C/3 33 4. C333-E O CC fc. O 3, C3. 2 ; < Detail. Train. Shunting. Ballast. Detail. Total. Coal. Run Oil. Running. lining. Repairs. Running. Repairs, j Running. ! Wages I : Total. ~\ Total. Tallow. , Waste. -J"° ■ Stores, j Fuel. Wages. . and Stores. Fuel. Wages, rial [ j I ' Mat " ial " j Repairs. Runnir.g. Running, n in r% a welli: GTON-NAPIER-NE' PLY] 0UTH SECTION. A C D E F Fa J K L La M N O R S w Wa Wb We 1 12 2 15 8 IS 4* 20 II 20 2 20 6 6 8 20 -t 25 1 20 4 25 4 20 6 25 6 15 9 20 4 20 1 15 7 20 7 20 12 20 2 6 I,46l 21,029 31,221 97.797 25,415 31,989 219,588 1,207 887 22,824 64,987 201,123 86,082 126,725 83,885 3,746! 108,734 167,818 4,054 11,526 26,759 89,762 9,050 62,948 14,466 25,235 25,33' 839 4,563 15, I64 24,624 15,441 13,270 42,607 28,907 17,625 31,368 48,748 62,724 5,672 10 2,341 4,102 18,477 1,854 96 98 i,94S 12,740. 3,375 i,3i5 5i 11,526 28,230 "3.132 44,373 179,222 41,735 57,320 245,017 3,99i 18,190 41,363 90,926 216,620 99,352 185,960 H3,30i 21,371 H3,754 2 17,044 375,9 2 6 9,726 1,393 6,055 20,721 17,093 3S,4o8 8,858 64,883 74,524 1,083 3,437 12,126 28,922 63,359 41,518 56,496 30,940 7,755 49,943 83,671 1553536 12,186 Qr. 343 981 3,703 i,537 4,573 1,222 5.553 6,924 134 560 1,626 2,575 5,367 3,779 5,823 4,631 831 4,601 7,326 16,769 1,066 lb. 36 39 274 56 280 83 175 430 15 53 105 92 273 144 266 244 3 1 J 55 263 593 46 3,653 lb. 146 373 1,624 597 2,149 489 1,748 2,596 84 275 690 919 1,819 1,141 2,021 1,424 286 1,581 2,242 4,184 379 26,767 £ 23 60 1,149 43° 2,475 299 5,670 2,184 47 64 335 826 2,342 1,924 2,378 982 299 1,908 1,739 3,374 254 28,762 £ £ 12 67 31 395 123 1,147 50 1,105 151 2,293 4i 527 194 : 3,787 212 1 4,868 6 ! 63 22 , 192 59 1 736. 88 1 1,822 l8l : 3,840 120 2,419 187 3,352 161 1,799 31 435 145 3,398 227 5,383 562 9,377 37 7i7 2,640 47,722 £ 158 570 2,255 664 2,939 623 1,885 2,898 64 374 691 1,220 1,980 2,780 1,677 430 1,801 2,716 4,995 323 £ 260 1,056 4.674 2,249 7,858 1,490 ",536 1 o, 162 180 652 1,821 3,956 8,343 5,973 8,697 4,619 1,195 7,252 10,065 18,308 i,33' 111,677 73 ■48 -25 •50 -27 2-44 -26 2-32 -27 3-31 I -20 1-72 -24 23-74 "8i 2-14 ! -20 2-83 ; -36 •85 -29 i'95 : '34 2-18 ■ '23 2-59 ! '2o 4-65 j -29 3-07 I -24 2-08 j -34 3-36 -35 3-19 -24 I'92 '25 215 -36 6-26 -91 3'o6 -28 1'39 3-29 3'37 4-84 2-43 4-78 5-98 3'59 3'°7 3'94 3-03 3-58 15-86 7-89 4'77 2-84 3'79 3-84 2-53 4'93 4-27 4-00 4-81 3-22 4-26 2-19 5-84 3-65 4-32 3'59 3'8i 3-55 4-88 4-83 567 3-00 5-90 3-00 5-99 3-I9 17-70 7-97 5'07 3-46 5'4i 8-98 991 I2'l6 1052 8-57 4830 9'95 10-82 8-6o 10-56 10-44 9'24 H'43 n'22 9-78 i3'42 12-10 11-13 11-69 3284 283 395 1,644 467 2,201 443 1.075 1,844 54 257 574 755 1,207 9i5 !,779 1,078 244 1,908 3,i5o 207 16,628 509 3,65.2 478 1,885 Total j 105 1 ... 30verable, 3 and ex ire •barges... 1,611,894 156 1,611,-38 576,629 69.556 1,116 2,258,079 1,272 775,9i6 79,924 32,553 11-87 21,790 cess rei mileagi penditi reneral ( 68,440 2,256,807 ... 111,604 11,700 11-87 I'24 Total ■ I I3-" 123,304 * Writ ith Deci ir, 18! 16. Show] on Auckland section.



RETURN No. 28—continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1903— contin ued.

.— ! 03 . C333 Oi ,- Engine-3Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. I Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Type. C333 o. fcGel 13 0 I 2 ;; I Train. I Shunting. 1 Ballast. Z \< \ Detail. Total. Coal. Oil. Running. Tallow. , Waste. Repairs. Repairs. Running. . Repairs. 1 Wages Total. ... a Wa fr es lMate- Stores. Fuel. Wages. and ! Stores. rial. Material, j Running. lutaning, S Total. c Fuel. Watres. > Q H 0 K U N U I- B LI! F F S KCT 10 N. £ I £ . ; £ £ £ I 63 I 14 75 151 303 1-26 ! -27 2,521 i4 2 3,466 2,042 8,171 5-46 ' -31 737 204 2,046 5,938 8,925 -63 j -17 6,627 565 6,589 13,443 27,224 2-18 \ -19 1,431 61 868 1,156 3,516 575 ! -25 72 20 363 404 859 '77 J -21 287 6 89 189 571 7-58 j -16 3,244 3 l8 5,232 ' 5,338 14,132 2-04 -20 778 73 I3307 I 1,099 3,257 2-16 -20 32 15 150 [ 292 489 -48 -23 775 1 31 ; 22 829 ... -15 2,35° "3 2,040 1 1,656 6,159 S'4 1 '' '26 1,282 228 4,195 j 2,843 8,548 1-17 . -20 2,l6o 139 1,437 •■ 2,785 6,521 3-47 -22 3,582 113 2,282 1,621 7,598 8-36 -26 2,594 220 4,950 2,938 10,702 2-79 -24 3,428 I 383 9,602 5,548 18,961 2-10 -23 4,203 285 6,553 3.093 14,134 3-74 -25 2,226 283 7,254 3,571 13,334 i-9i -24 2,456 179 2,987 2,814 8,436 2-87.1 '21 293 21 320 385 1,019 3'6i '26 766 126 2,410 1,621 4,923 1-75 -29 A 16 B 7 20 D 15 18 F ; 36 20 Fa 4 20 Fb 2 20 G * 20 J 15 25 K 6 25 La 1 25 : O t 18 P 6 18 Q 10 20 R 8 20 T 6 18 U 8 30 Ua 16 30 Ue 12 30 ; Uc 10 30 y 10 25 Wa 2 20 Wd 4 20 12,005 100,412 10,179 20,896 249,904 3l6,8ll 339,403 28,713; 17,176 18,7201 3,502 237 : 8,848 335,772 44,58i 77,975, 8,243 12,145 3,563 1,477 86 80,203. 24,059 243,289! 18,788 83,381! 56,903 89,130 13,597 199,469 23,922 336,549 55,960 241,451 28,399 248,472 31,344 178,922 26,132 1 1,553 7,902 75,824 21,165 36 6,73i 70,286 1 3,833 102 803 196 237 68 156 8,703 48 152 112 2>5 i5S 2 75 23 8,061 12,005 I 10,627 2773531 726,500 59,722 22,324 9,085 381,156 86,414 15,945 1,563 104,330 262,233 148,987 102,775 223,543 302,621 270,065 279,971 205,329 19,478 105,050 Ccct. 1,280 61,591 46,294 162,028 19,463 6,145 1,702 163,533 27,464 2,579 545 44,622 166,966 52,410 40,907 87,605 170,585 "3,873 127,704 89,854 5,661 43,959 (Jr. 387 3,862 5,514 15,952 i,734 630 170 7,85i J,793 335 24 3,232 6,293 4,058 3,094 5,894 9,887 7,425 7,921 4,628 580 \ lb. l 3 141 287 584 64 I 27 4 427 97 21 1 i n>. £ j 164 63 j 1,689 2,521 2,658 737 5,758 6,627 649 1,431 180 72 57 j 287 4,284 ■ 3,244 963 I 778 333 I 32 19 775 i,?33 2,350 2,502 1,282 1,476 2,160 1,329 3,582 2,549 2,594 4,855 3,428 3,221 4,203 3,207 2,226 2,164 ; 2,456 303 ; 293 1,380 ' 766 40,973 41,907 £ 14 142 204 565 61 20 6 318 73 15 1 £ £ 75 I5 1 3,466 2,042 2,046 5,938 6,589 13,443 868 1,156 363 404 89 189 5,232 : 5,338 1,307 ; 1,099 150 j 292 31 | 22 2,040 j 1,656 4,195 i 2,843 1,437 ; 2,785 2,282 1,621 4,950 2,938 9,602 5,548 6,553 3,093 7,254 3,57i 2,987 2,814 320 385 2,410 1,621 64,-246 58,949 £ 303 8,171 8,925 27,224 3,5i6 859 57i 14,132 3,257 489 829 6,159 8,548 6,521 7,598 10.702 18,961 !3-334 8,436 1,019 4,923 168,611 1,427 1-50 3-02 : 605 : 277 7'5 2 4'43 17-72 1,144 i-77 5-13 , 7-70 3.877 2-18 4-44 . 8-99 8.625 3-49 4-64 ; 897 3'9' 4'34 '■ 9' 2 3 274 2-35 4-99 : IS-OS ' 85 3-29 ! 3-36 j 8-89 ; 3,656 3-63 ! 3-05 9-04 ■ 825 2-26 4-39 - 7-36 301 4-76 3-38 j 8-29 16 4-69 3-81 ! 14-17 1,022 3-84 2-6 1 : 7-82 1,939 2-32 4-49 ; 10-50 1,629 5'33 3'79 '• I7'74 ! I,IOO 5-31 I 3-15 11-49 1.825 5' 8 7 ; 3'39 11-59 3.569 5-82 I 2-75 12-56 2,187 6-21 3-07 n'43 2,189 3-49 3-29 9-86 : 1,806 3-94 4-74 1255 259 5'50 3'7° ii'24 1,086 93 267 153 106 211 435 296 284 212 "3 228 139 "3 220 . 383 285 283 179 21 126 23 98 Total 1179 I ... Less recoverable, mileage and expenditure General charges... 2,701,40111,005,661 209 110,192 23,889 3,8i7,2S4 24,098 1,436,770 94,774 I 3,844 41.907 3,509 64,-246 158,949 l68,6ll 2-63 I -22 3,509 4-04 3-71 I0-60 ; 38,588 •02 j 10-58 1-26 ! ... ... 1- ... 11-84 ... I ••■- i - ! I M27 I 1,005,452 86,303 3,793, '56 167,184 167,184 20,006 ... 1V3/,3.C3>4 2O,006 1 ! Total : ' ■•• Il87,190i 187,190 1 * Shown on Picton section. f Shown on Wellington-Naj iier-New PI mouth section.


RETURN No. 28—continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1903— continued.


■ I Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Detail. Train. Shunting. Ballast. Detail. Total. Coal. Run Oil. Running. u'uug- Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. Wages Total. ... i Total and Wages j LULeU . Tallow, j Waste. u &K Stores. Fuel. | Wages, i and Stores. Fuel. | Wages. I "rial. Material. Repairs. Running. Running. rt 33 yi Type. o J re ,_ Z i < WEST LAND SECTION. D F La W 1 5 5 1 20 20 10 15 115 21,376 144 52,330 21,147 11,409 ! 74,973 15,556 342 15,316 6,825 ■■• : 21,635 84,886 90,871 22,141 Cwt. 3,583 16,512 19,121 5,453 Qt. lb. 496! 71 2,542 ; 337 2,317 j 302 620 : 90 5,975 I 800 lb. 263 1,201 1,041 _3i8 £ 1 £ 113 , 16 632 j 76 1,672 j 70 127 I 20 2,544 j 182 £ 106 500 562 162 £ 464 1,516 1,424 410 3,8i4 £ 699 2,724 3.728 719 I 1-25 1-79 4-42 1-38 I •18 •21 •l8 1-41 1-48 '•75 I '~ I S-I5 7-75 4-29 77O 3-76 9-84 4-44 7'79 4-17 i 860 ■98 262 952 2 5 6 •22 Total General I 12 char; ;es 142,734 ! 64,904 11,895 ! 219,533 44,669 2,823 1,330 7,870 894 2-78 ' •20 i'45 2,583 ... ! Total 8764 958 WESTPORT SECTION. C F Fb Wb 2 3 2 3 12 I 743 37.027 15 25,092 13,282 15 27,277 10,946 20 27,832 11,376 3,349 9,854 ; 220 i 40 41,119 7,501 963 48,228 10,511 1,017 38,443 ",959 856 39,248 20,117 1,205 96 150 150 148 449 798 821 962 247 31 166 955 38 226 289 36 260 880 45 444 2,371 150 1,096 840 818 706 693 1,284 1'44 2,037 4-76 1,291 i-8o 2,062 ! 5-38 6,674 3-40 1,130 : •18 I -97 •l8 : 112 ■22 ! 1-62 •27 271 4-90 : 7-49 485 4-07 10-13 519 4-41 8-05 488 4-24 1260 443 4'39 9'58 1.935 .... I 1-63 Total General 1 tol .harg< ... I 80,944 72,631 is 13,463 j 167,038 50,088 j 4,051 544 3,030 3,o57 •22 j 1-57 Total 7.804 If2 1 NELSON SECTION. D 1 20 2,753 F 2 20 30,575 Fb 2 20 11,139 Total 5 ... 44,467 638! 5,228 2,221 I S.0S7 1,660 376 12 2,048 5,051 36,179 13,372 54.602 1,187 123 S 56 81 J . 5 65 124 275 3-85 j -23 3-09 5-89 13-06 86 8,232 786 58 450 970 : 31 551 662 2,214 6"44 ! -20 3-65 4-39 14-68 424 3,350 416 15 130 112 13 215 239 579 2-01 : -23 3-86 4-29 10-39 :56 12,769 1,325 81 636 j 1,163 __49 _ 1,025 3,068 5-11 I -22 3-65 4-50 13-48 666 44,467 S.0S7 2,048 I 54.602 PICTON SECTION. 77 j 366 216 I 408 1,062 j 2,361 I I 3 47 j 7'63 3'o8 I 6'42 2'6o 4-51 2-69 4-85 1 C i 15 ]) i 15 a 4 15 459 293 1,712 1,417 ; 39,910 13,085 j 1,669 4,949 3.463 2,421 615 8,078 1,831 56,458 10,852 99 280 1,664 4 12 46! 92 482 j 251 80 641 3 8 45 35 104 613 2-38 2'73 30 ■24 •19-11-40 I2'I2 40 136 611 49 ! IO-03 j Total 1 6 i .. Less recoverable, mileage and expenditure 42,081 14,795 : IO,o8l 7,445 2,636 66,957 13,298' 7,445 2,043 65 ... 620 972 ... 56 752 1,355 3.135 425 2,710 272 3-48 •20 I I'22 ■29 787 General charges 59,512 10-93 I'09 Total ' 2.982 I2'02



RETURN No. 29. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of Coat, Traffic from Local Mines during the Year ending 31st March, 1903.

RETURN No. 30. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of the Number of Vessels discharged and loaded at the Ports of Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, and Bluff, for the Year ending 31st March, 1903.

Mine. 1901-2. Increase. Decrease. 1902-3. Campbell's Mine, Springfield Springfield Coal Company, Springfield Clondesley, Springfield ... Brockley, Glentunnel St. Helen's, Whitecliffs ... Deans, J., Glentunnel ... Harris Brothers, Mount Somers ... Albury Waimate ... ... ... ... ... Kurow Gibson's Ngapara Shag Point Allandale Coal Company Walton Park ... Saddle Hill ... Fernhill Freeman's ... ... Mosgiel ... «... Taratu Mine, Lovell's Flat Burnweil Mine, Lovell's Flat Nelson's, Benhar Kaitangata Milton Andersen's, Stirling Conical Hills ... O'Hagan, C, Pukerau ... Orchard, E. C, Pukerau Smith, J., Gore McGibbon and Sons, Gore Sleeman, C. P., Mataura Beattie, J., Mataura Brown's, Mataura Muteh and Hurst, Mataura .... Reed, W., Nightcaps ... ... Nightcaps Coal Company, Nightcaps Quested, J., Nightcaps ... ... .3. Tinker and Alley, Nightcaps Kelly, Nightcaps Beadle, Nightcaps Clark, Nightcaps McBride, A., Nightcaps Smith A., Kingston Crossing New Zealand Coal and Oil Syndicate, Orepuki Tons. 25 33o . 170 84 1,188 7,161 3,953 449 16 4 97 18 55 23,697 ii,475 14,723 2,649 8,295 3,889 5,232 13,466 150 110,632 '4,103 43 3.288 258 Tons. Tons. Tons. 438 9 58 1,261 4,124 3,578 455 98 20 '63 53 7,777 I9.I97 10,664 14,580 2,794 8,094 6,931 25 ■■ -m 161 26 108 3.037 375 73 6 82 16 34 35 7,722 4,500 8n 143 201 145 5,232 3,042 14,764 760 104,432 6,084 81 3,026 313 60 262 10 5,048 1,677 834 6,200 8,019 262 1,298 610 38 55 60 i55 10 107 6,295 2,207 1,247 530 "834 78 752 39,38i 308 3 I > I 97 4 '7 65 507 78 444 8,184 9 4 8 65 507 8 6 8 6 26 310 26 215 95 Totals 274,388 249,979 39>52.3 15. "4

Fort. 1902-3. 1901-2. Increase, Decrease. )lSCHARGED ? — Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Bluff No. 1.564 261 149 208 62 No. 1,616 290 160 93 65 248 No. "5 No. 52 29 11 3 11 237 Totals 2,481 2,472 "5 106 jOADED : — Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Bluff 1,727 261 134 150 7 236 1,746 292 135 114 2 245 36 5 19 31 I O Totals 60 2,515 2.534 4'



RETURN No. 31. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Line and Sidings open for Traffic on 31st March, 1903, on the Hurunui-Bluff Railway and Branches.

RETURN No. 32. Statement of Alterations in and Additions to Scale of Charges during the Year ended 31st March, 1903.

PART I.—PASSENGERS. General Fares and Regulations. General reduction in ordinary tickets over fifty miles. Holiday-excursion tickets : Regulation extended, re issue to jockeys and trainers accompanying race-horses, and to exhibitors or attendants in charge of show exhibits, a week before general issue in connection with respective events. Workers' commutation tickets : Regulation inserted—" Holders to be charged full ordinary fare if travelling first class." Newspaper reporters' tickets : Regulation inserted re newspapers furnishing signatures of those authorised to issue certificates. Newsboys' tickets: Regulation inserted— : " Maximum weight of books, periodicals, and news papers catried free, 561b." School season-tickets : Free issue extended to pupils not exceeding nineteen . years of age attending district, high, or secondary schools, as defined by "The Manual and Technical Instruction Act, 1900," that have passed the Sixth Standard, or are holders of scholarships, exhibitions, or free places at such schools. School, factory, and friendly societies' fares: Reduced fares inserted for distances thirteen to twenty miles. Maoris special tickets to Native gatherings : Regulation extended to include Maori Councils. Theatrical, concert, and circus parties : Regulation slightly amended.

13—D. 2.

lain Line. Sidings. Total Equivalen' of Single Track. Line of Railway. Branches* Total Railway. Main Line. I Branches. Total. Single. Double. Ohbibtohuboh Division: — Main Line Rangiora-Sheffield and Eyreton Junction-Bennett's Waipara-Scargill ... Southbridge and Little River Branches Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches [Branch Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Waimate Branch M. ch. 211 57 M. ch. 6 28 M. ch. M. ch. 218 5 M. ch. 72 60 M. ch. M. ch. 72 60 M. ch. 290 65 58 16 53 56 4 40 14 40 48 7 1 2 5 49 15 42 53 56 47 4 ■262 3 5 o -25 64 52 4 22 20 27 36 36 13 12 67 2 70 1 70 2 57 2 16 25 10 29 26 38 70 15 3 Totals, Cliristehurch Division 211 57 6 28 262 3 480 8 72 60 25 64 98 44 578 52 Dunedin Division: — Main Line Duntroon Branch ... Oamarti-B reakwater B ranch NgaparacfcLivingston Branches Shag Point Branch ... Waihemo Branch ... Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch Fernhill Branch Otago Central Railway Outram Branch Lawrence Branch ... Catlin's River Branch 165 40 37 4i 0 63 27 4 2 10 8 65 1 26 165 40 -230 15 56 55 I 2 75 o 25 2 5 o 14 o 63 3 65 o 52 o 23 6 17 0 65 1 67 v 1 57 56 55 222 15 / 40 36 1 8 29 9 2 24 9 48 I 5 11 3 21 2 o 104 9 9 65 23 68 \ 2. 4 2 49 1 57 97 72 9 o 22 1 19 27 V21 48 Totals, Dunedin Division ... 165 40 230 15 395 55 56 55 21 48 78 23 473 78 iNVERCAKGlJ.T. DIVISION : — Main Line Tapanui Branch Waimea Plains Branch Wyndhtini Branch ... Seaward Bush Brunch Kingston Branch Makarewa-Orepuki Branch ... Thornbury-Wairio and WairioNightcaps Branches Forest Hill Railway Lumsden-Mararoa Branch ... 82 41 20 4 36 41 9 35 25 39 87 o 35 52 24 5i 82 41 20 65 2 4 2 73 o 45 2 o 8 35 5 5 2 76 20 65 103 26 ; 22 8 39 34 10 0 27 39 J 95 35 \ 4o 57 27 47 .262 9 ;-2 5 7 8 12 66 0 77 1 3 13 63 V 11 44 10 41 Totals, invercargill Division 82 41 262 9 344 5° 20 65 25 78 46 63 391 33 Grand Totals—Whole Line 459 58 6 28 '54 27 1,220 150 20 '3 22; I 1


Local Fares and Regulations. Kawakawa Section. Local passenger-fares reduced. Kaihu Section. Special local fares abolished. Auckland Section. Round-trip tickets reduced ; fares and workers' weekly tickets between Newmarket, Auckland, and Mount Eden and New Lynn, Waikumete, and Henderson inserted on extension of suburban area. Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Section. Fares between Goods Depot and Moturoa and Breakwater removed. Westport Section. Rates for season and school season tickets between stations, and those on Waimangaroa Branch inserted. Picton Section. Single fare reduced for through booking b.tween Wellington and Blenheim. Hurunui-Bluff Section. Through booking between Dunedin and Portobello inserted, fares to Hanmer Springs and Mount Cook reduced, Tuesday and Friday Oamaru-Dunedin fares inserted, Invercargill to Bluff and Ocean Beach Wednesday fares removed. The through tickets to Queenstown, Cold Lakes, and Otago Central round-trip tickets have twice been reduced—once at general reduction, and once on reduction of Lake Wakatipu steamer fares when steamers first came into hands of the Government. PART lI.—PARCELS, HORSES, ETC. Bicycles, tricycles, &c. : Regulation inserted saving Department from liability for delay or loss unless fully and legibly addressed, and handed in ten minutes before advertised time of train's departure. Bicycle crates : Rate reduced from 6d. to 3d. Horses: Rates inserted for horses carried by double-bogie trucks on mail and express trains. Free carriage of Volunteers' horses returning from military sports, and half-rates for ponies up to 14 hands inserted. Motor cars : Rates inserted. Mushrooms and New-Zealand-grown nuts classed as New Zealand fresh fruit. Stud stock for breeding purposes : Time of return extended to three months for all stock, and regulation inserted excluding stallions on circuit from free travel. Milk-cans, empty returns: Regulation inserted re free carriage solely at owners' risk, who must do all loading and unloading. PART lII.—GOODS : CLASSIFIED RATES. Wool, sheepskins, Ac, in bales : General reductions in Class H rates. GOODS: REGULATIONS. Cartage rate, 3d., for perishable parcels instituted at Wellington, and afterwards abolished. Manures : Minimum at Class E reduced. Mushrooms and New-Zealand-grown nuts in small lots classed as New Zealand fruit. Vegetable-marrows in truck-loads charged Class F. Furniture in furniture-vans : Regulation inserted. Mails, rates for trucks of, by express train inserted. Tarpaulins not to be provided for Class M goods, and regulation inserted for free return of private tarpaulins. Stud and Show stock : Rates for valuable stock inserted. Time for free return for stud stock -extended to three months. Cement imported : Reduced rates for lots of 2 tons and over. Tar for local bodies, Class N : Minimum, 5 tons inserted. Drovers travelling by goods train to sign indemnity. Circuses : Mileage rate per truck for material reduced. La wagons: Minimums provided for Classes F and Q, and general regulation inserted. Exhibitions : Regulations re Canterbury .Tubilee Exhibition and Western Australian Exhibition removed. Regulation re free carriage of exhibits to Feilding Industrial Exhibition inserted. PART IV.—GOODS : LOCAL RATES. Kaioakawa Section. General reduction of goods rates. Timber, regulations re unloading of, at Opua inserted. Whangarei Section. Log timbeir, Whakapara to Opau: Is. Id. per 100 superficial feet inserted. Kaihu Section. Local rates abolished re goods of Classes A, B, C, D, E, and H, and re Class P being charged as Class N. Auckland Section. Cartage terminal rate, Auckland, increased from Is. 6d. to 2s. 2d. per ton (contract price increase).



Coal-slack (native) for lime-burning, from Huntly or Kimihia to Te Aroha and Paeroa : Special rate removed. Coal-slack (native), Huntly or Kimihia to Komata, Thames, and intermediate stations: Special rate removed. Tinned fish, Tuakau to Auckland : Rate, 15s. a ton, inserted. Timber: Special rates inserted from Mangapeehi and Otorohanga to Auckland, Newmarket, and Mt. Eden ; from Ngatira to Tirohia, Thames, and intermediate stations; from Mamaku to Mt. Eden; from Ngatira to Mt. Eden, Newmarket, and Auckland ; and from Kanohi to Mt. Eden. Gisborne Section. Special rate, Bd., inserted for white-pine, Kaiteratahi to Gisborne. Wetting ton-Nap ier-Neiv Plymouth Section. Cartage contract, Is. 6d. per ton, delivery instituted at Wellington, and subsequently abolished. Wool, &c.: Special Class H rates abolished on account of general reduction. Timber : Special rate, Greytown to Wellington, removed. Meats (cased), tallow, &c, Petone and Ngahauranga to Wellington : Regulation inserted. Owners to load and unload. Westland Section. Timber : Special levy, Id.-per 100 ft. timber to drying-shed at Greymouth, abolished. Nelson Section. Wool &c. : Local rates removed on general reduction, Class H. Firewood : Local rates, Motupiko to Nelson and Port Nelson, removed. Cement: Local rates, Port Nelson to Belgrove, removed. Native bark : Rates reduced. Picton Section. Lime (gas-refuse) : Rate, 15s. per truck, inserted, Picton to Blenheim. Through booking Wellington and Port Nelson, rates reduced for produce—flour, wheat, chaff, Ac. Hurunui-Bluff Section. Cartage rates for delivery at Dunedin on goods of Classes A, B, C, D, E, and H abolished. Burnside-Dunedin : Special rate, Class E, oil, soap, &c, reduced from 3s. 7d. to 3s. per ton. Nightsoil : Rate inserted, Christchurch to Chaney's. Cranes : Rate inserted for use of 15-ton crane at Lyttelton. Wool, &c. : Local rate amended, and mostly removed on account of general reduction. PART V.—CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS, LIVK-STOCK, PARCELS, AND LUGGAGE. Class. Asbestos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... C Bacon, loose. Reduced from Class B ... ... ... ... ... ... G Bacon, packed. Reduced from Class C ... ... ... ... ... ... D Barley-meal, from New Zealand products. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... E Baskets, coal, supplejack, locally manufactured ... ... ... ... ... A Baskets, commercial travellers'. Empty, not returned empty ... ... ... ... A Bean-meal, from New Zealand products. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... E Benzine, not otherwise specified. Dangerous. Owners' risk. Double rate. Special goods A Bicycles, motor, packed in cases. Owners' risk. Special goods (if through parcels). Rate and a half ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A Butter, packed. Reduced from C ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Butter, packed. Minimum, 5 cwt. Rate and a half... ... ... ... ... E Calf-meal, from New Zealand products. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... E Carriages, set up or in pieces, unpacked. Owners'risk. Special goods ... Part 11. Carriages and gigs, in pieces, packed. Minimum, 15 cwt. per truck. Owners' risk ... A Removed : Previous rates re carriages and gigs. Cars, motor ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Part 11. Carts, daisy, in pieces, packed, total weight not exceeding 2_ cwt. Double rate. Owners' risk. (Or as carriages and gigs if cheaper ; if set up, to be charged as carriages, Part II.) A Carts, either set up or in pieces, unpacked ... ... ... ... .. Part 111. Carts, either set up or in pieces, packed. Minimum, 1 ton per truck ... ... ... G Removed : Previous rates re carts. Cement, not otherwise specified. Rate and a half. Minimum, 2 tons. Charges not to exceed Class D ... ... ... ... ... ... ... N Cheese, packed. Reduced from C ... ... ... ... .. ... ... D Cheese. Minimum, 5 cwt., from factories. Rate and a half ... ... ... ... E Cheese-boxes, in shooks, packed, not returned empty. Half-rate ... ... ... B Daisy-carts, in pieces, packed, total weight of each cart not to exceed 2-Jcwt. Double rate. Owners' risk. (Or as carriages and gigs if cheaper ; if set up, charge as a carriage, Part II.) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... A Removed : Previous classification of daisy-carts. Deer, dead. Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... C Drays, either set up or in pieces, unpacked ... ... ... ... ... See Part 111. Drays, either set up or in pieces, packed. Minimum, 1 ton per truck ... ... ... C Removed : Previous classification of drays. Removed : Previous classification of express-wagons. Eggs. Reduced from B. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... C



Class. Empties. Clause re "full cases being conveyed between same stations as empties " inserted. Express-wagons, either set up or in pieces, unpacked ... ... ... See Part 111. Express-wagons, either set up or in pieces, packed. Minimum, 1 ton per truck ... ... C Furniture, in furniture-vans. (See also Part III.) ... ... ... ... ... B Gas-water, in tanks. Owners'risk. Reduced from C ... ... ... ... D Gigs, either set up or in pieces, unpacked. Owners'risk. Special goods ... Part 11. Gigs, either set up or in pieces, packed. Minimum, 15 cwt. per truck. Owners'risk ... A Removed : Previous rates for gigs. Glue and glue-pieces, packed. Reduced from C ... ... ... ... ... D Grates, packed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A Hams, loose. Reduced from B ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 Hams, packed. Reduced from C ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Honey, extracted, packed, locally produced. Reduced from G ... ... ... D Removed: Honey, in 10-cwt. lots, D. Maize-meal, from New Zealand products. Owners' risk ... ... ... ... E Milk, preserved, packed, consigned direct from local factories, in lots of 10 cwt. and over. Reduced from B. Rate and a half ... ... ... ... ... ... E Milk, preserved, New Zealand manufacture, packed ... ... ... ... ... C Mushrooms, packed. Rate and a half. (See also Parts 11. and III.) ... ... ... E Removed: Mushrooms, A. Nuts, New-Zealand-grown, fresh, packed. Rate and a half. (See also Parts IL and III.) E Ostriches, living... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... M Pea-meal, from New Zealand produce ... ... ... ... ... ... E Pig-meal, from New Zealand produce ... ... ... ... ... E. Phosphate rock. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Q Poultry, dead. Owners' risk. Reduced from B ... ... ... ... ... C Poultry, living, in crates or cases. Owners'risk. Reduced from B ... ... ... C Poultry-meal, from New Zealand produce ... ... ... ... ... ... E Ranges, loose. Owners' risk. Special goods ... ... ... ... ... A Ranges, packed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A Rye-meal, from New Zealand produce. ... ... ... ... ... ... E Salt-pans, earthenware, New Zealand manufacture. Owners' risk ... ... ... N Shale, not otherwise specified ... ... ... ... ... ... ... N Shale, in 2-ton lots. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... D Shale-oil, New Zealand manufacture, not otherwise specified ... ... ... ... D Shale-oil, New Zealand manufacture, in 4-ton lots. Owners' risk. Half-rate ... ... B Shale-oil, in 2-ton lots, not otherwise specified. Owners' risk... ... ... ... D Removed : Previous rates for shale and shale-oil. Shavings, leather, for manufacture of manure ... ... .. ... ... E Sheep-dip, colonial manufacture. Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... I) Removed : Clause re sheep-dip being consigned from factory. Sheepskins, green or salted, in bundles not exceeding 1 cwt. each ... .. ... B Sheepskins, green or salted, loose, or in bundles exceeding 1 cwt. each. Owners to load and unload. (If loaded or unloaded by Railway Department, rate and a quarter.) Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... B Stoves and stovepipes, loose. Owners'risk. Special goods ... ... ... ... A Stoves and stovepipes, packed ... ... ... . . ... ... ... A Removed : Old regulation re stoves and stovepipes. Strawboard, packed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... B Sulkies to seat one person, with wheels removed, and not exceeding 1 cwt. per vehicle. Double rate. Owners' risk. (If wheels are not removed, to be charged as carriages, Part II.) ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... A Sulkies, in pieces, packed, not exceeding 2f cwt. per vehicle. Double rate. Owners' risk. (Or as carriage and gigs if cheaper; if set up, charge as a carriage as per Part II.) ... A Removed : Previous regulations re sulkies. Supplejacks for basket-making. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... F Surveyors'pegs and trig.-pipes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Tar for local bodies. 5-ton minimum. (See Part III.) ... ... ... ... N Tricycles, motor, packed in cases. Owners'risk. Special goods. (See also Part II.) ... A Tricycles, motor, unpacked. Owners'risk. Special goods as parcels ... ... See Part 11. Venison ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... C Wagons, express, either set up or in pieces, unpacked • ... ... ... See Part 111. Wagons, express, either set up or in pieces, packed. Minimum, 1 ton per truck ... ... C Removed : Old regulation re wagons. •PART VI.—WHARVES. Helensville Wharf. Rates on all goods not otherwise specified and transhipping charge reduced. Wanganui Wharf. Regulation allowing four days' free storage on goods waiting Customs examination inserted. Westport Wharf. charges increased. Coal for export free inserted. Nelson Wharf. . Rate sheep reduced. By Authority: John Mackav, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o3.




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Bibliographic details

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (21st July, 1903.) BY THE MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS. THE HON. SIR J. G. WARD, K.C.M.G., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, D-02

Word Count

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (21st July, 1903.) BY THE MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS. THE HON. SIR J. G. WARD, K.C.M.G. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, D-02

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (21st July, 1903.) BY THE MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS. THE HON. SIR J. G. WARD, K.C.M.G. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, D-02

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