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Presented to the House of Bepresentatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OF REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Tuesday, the Bth Day of July, 1902. Ordered, " That a Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to examine into and report upon questions relating to the railways ; with power to call for persons and papers; three to be a quorum: the Committee to consist of Mr. Flatman, Mr. Lawry, Mr. Massey, Mr. McGuire, Mr. R. McKenzie, Mr. Sidey, Mr. G. W. Russell, Mr. Tanner, Mr. J. W. Thomson, and the mover." —(Hon. Sir J. G. Ward.)


* 1901.

I—l. 6.

No. Name. Page. No. Name. Page. 160 Ashton, Mary A. 3 92 58 2 MeAlester, P., and others McCormick, P. McGregor, J., and others 3 2 2 296 Brinkley, Rebecca 3 360 63 383 384 85 48 Cague, W. . Carrick, M. .. Clarke, John, and others ; Cowan, F. T., and others Cronin, J. Cruickshank, A., and others (and 59 similar petitions) Culverden to Upper Waiau Ferry, Petitions in favour of 4 2 5 i 3 4 59 321 135 430 316 Neville, Margaret Nicholson, G. C, and others Nicholson, T. H., and others Patterson, T. .. Presbyterian Church Trustees 2 3 2 5 3 5 237 366 Rhodes, R. .. Roche, Ellen 3 4 46 Dean, W. H. and J. T... 2 20 1280 486 Faulkner, J. T. Ferguson, Wilhelmina FitzHenry, E. E., and others .. 2 5 5 454 Scrimgeour, W. J., and others (vide also I.-6A.) 5 247 Turner, W. H. 4 103 Glover, A. E. .. Gore to Waikaka Railway, Petitions in favour of Gray, J. .. .. .. .. J 3 4 107 Vaile, S. 2 233 4 86 396 Wallace, James Woodman, W. H., and others (and 28 similar petitions Wright, D. .. .. .. •2 5 253 Johnston, Margaret .. .. 3 302 3



No. 107. —Petition of Samuel Vaile, of Auckland. Petitioner states that he has for many years studied railway administration, and prays that his system, known as " Vaile's stage system," may be tried on the New Zealand Government railways. The Committee, having considered Mr. Vaile's petition, is of opinion that it should be referred to the Government. 24th July, 1902.

No. 86.—Petition of James Wallace, of Papatoitoi, Auckland. Petitioner, who is a farmer residing at Papatoitoi, Auckland, states that he has at various times sustained damage on his farm through fires caused by sparks from the railway locomotives, and prays for compensation for same. The Committee, having considered the petition, and also the report of Mr. J. W. Poynton, Commissioner, in which the latter stated that there was no doubt but that the fires causing the damage were started by sparks from the locomotives, and estimated the petitioner's loss at from £30 to £40, recommends that a sum of £30 be paid to the petitioner by way of compensation for loss sustained by him. 24th July, 1902.

No. 59. —Petition of Margaret Neville, of Lyttelton. Petitioner states that her husband, Nathan Neville, died while in the employment of the Railway Department as a shunter, and asks for a compassionate allowance. The Committee, having considered the petition, is of opinion that it should be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th August, 1902.

No. 63. —Petition of Michael Carrick, of Westport. Petitioner states that in May, 1901, his child, Josephine A. Carrick, was killed by the collapse of a heavy concrete pipe in the railway-yard at Westport, and asks that some compensation for her death be granted to him. The Committee, having considered the above petition, is of opinion that it should be referred to the Government. 12th August, 1902.

No. 58. —Petition of Patrick MuCormick, of Lyttelton. Petitioner states that he received injuries whilst attending to his duties on the Railway Wharf in Lyttelton, and asks that compensation may be granted to him for same. The Committee, having considered the petition, is of opinion that it should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and recommends that light employment should be found for the petitioner in the railway service. 12th August, 1902

No. 46. —Petition of W. 11. and J. T. Dean, of Pokeno, Auckland. Petitioners state that they have suffered loss from fires caused by sparks from the Government railway locomotives, and ask for compensation. I am directed to report that, in view of the report of Mr. Commissioner Poynton of March, 1900 (vide No. 86 above), on this matter, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th August, 1902.

No. 135. —Petition of T. H. Nicholson and Others, of Waitotara. Petitioners pray that a level crossing may be constructed at Kai Iwi, near the Puketotara Railwaybridge. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 15th August, 1902.

No. 2. —Petition of J. McGregor and Others, of Silverstream. Petitioners pray that the Fairlie Creek Railway may be extended to Silverstream. I am directed to report that, as the subject of this petition is a question of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th August, 1902.

No. 20.—Petition of John T. Faulkner, of Morrinsville, Auckland. Petitioner states that he was injured while in the Government railway service, and prays for a compassionate allowance or other relief. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 26th August, 1902.



No. 92. —Petition of P. McAlester and Others, Residents of the Bay of Islands District. Petitioners pray that the Opua-Kawakawa and Huketerenui-Whangarei sections of railway be connected as soon as possible. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition is a question of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th August, 1902.

No. 253.—Petition of Margaret Johnston, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that a level crossing may be put in to give access to her property between Henderson and Swanson. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government. 26th August, 1902.

No. 321. —Petition of G. C. Nicholson and Others, of Port Albert, &c. Petitioners pray that the Helensville Northwards Railway may be extended to Maungaturoto. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. • 27th August, 1902.

No. 103.—Petition of A. E. Glover, of Auckland. Petitioner states that his son, Arthur Glover, was injured by an accident while in the employ of the Government Railway Department, and prays for compensation for same. I am directed to report that the Committee, after hearing further evidence, and carefully considering the petition and departmental report, find that Arthur Glover met with the accident while employed in the railway service, that he received permanent injury which renders him incapable of becoming a competent blacksmith, and that he should be paid the sum of £150 in full compensation for all injuries sustained. sth September, 1902.

No. 296. —Petition of Rebecca Brinkley. Petitioner states that some land belonging to her was taken for railway purposes, and prays that compensation may be given to her for same. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. sth September, 1902.

No. 237.—Petition of R. Rhodes, of Mangaweka. Petitioner prays that sundry sleepers supplied by him to the Public Works Department may be paid for. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. sth September, 1902.

No. 160.—Petition of Mary Annie Ashton, of Sydenham, near Christchurch. Petitioner states that her husband, Richard Henry Ashton, met with an accident and contracted a severe cold, which led to his death, while in the service of the Government Railway Department, and prays for a compassionate allowance to be given to her. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. sth September, 1902.

No. 85.—Petition of John Cronin, of Wellington. Petitioner states that he met with an accident while in the service of the Railway Department, and asks that some compensation may be paid to him. I am directed to report that the Committee, having considered the subject-matter of the petition and the departmental report, has no recommendation to make. 18th September, 1902.

No. 302.—Petition of D. Wright, of Whangarei. Petitioner states that he suffered loss through the effect of classification in the matter of overtime, and asks that the amount alleged to be due may be paid to him. I am directed to report that the Committee, having fully considered the petition and also the departmental report, has no recommendation to make. 18th September, 1902.

No. 316.—Petition of the Presbyterian Church Property Trustees, Akaroa. Petitioners state that a piece of land belonging to them was taken for railway purposes, and ask that compensation should be paid for the land so taken. I am directed to report that the Committee, having fully considered the matter of the petition and the departmental report, recommends that a sum of £10 should be paid in full compensation for the land taken. ' 18th September, 1902.



No. 366.—Petition of Ellen Roche, of Wanganui. Petitioner states that her husband died from the effects of cold and exposure while in the service of the Railway Department, and asks for a compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that the Committee, having fully considered the petition, has no recommendation to make. 18th September, 1902.

No. 384.—Petition of F. T. Cowan and Others, of Kawakawa. Petitioners pray that the Opua-Kawakawa and Huketerenui-Whangarei sections of railway be connected as soon as possible. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition is a question of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th September, 1902.

No. 360.—Petition of William Cague, of Waiawakarua. Petitioner states that he has suffered loss and damage by flood-water dammed up by the railway formation adjoining his property, and prays for compensation for same. I am directed to report that, having fully considered the petition and also the departmental report, the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration , 29th September, 1902.

No. 233.—Petition of James Gray, of Fernhill. Petitioner asks for the refund of £506 95., being the amount of alleged overcharge in haulage of coal on the Abbotsville-Fernhill branch railway. I am directed to report that the Committee, having fully considered the subject-matter of the petition and the departmental report, has no recommendation to make. 19th September, 1902.

No. 247.—Petition of W. H. Turner, of Lyttelton. Petitioner states that he met with an accident while in the service of the Railway Department, and prays for a compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that the Committee, having considered the petition and the departmental report, recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 29th September, 1902.

No. 48. —Petition of A. Cruickshank and 14 Others, of Southland District (and 59 similar Petitions as per Schedule attached). Petitioners pray that provision may be made for the construction of a railway from Gore to Waikaka. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of the petitions is a question of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th September, 1902.

Schedule. No. 48.—A. Cruickshank and 14 others. No. 203.— T. Carmody and 14 others. „ 62.—A. Falconer and 12 others. „ 223.—A. W. Archibald and 12 others. 71. —F. Renshaw and 14 others. „ 224. —M. Domigan and 14 others. 82.- C. Davis and 6 others. „ 225.— W. Thompson and 14 others. 83. —P. F. Aitkin and 49 others. „ 226.—A. Johnston and 9 others. 84.— H. Anderson and 24 others. „ 227.— W. P. Crow and 14 others. 94.— G. R. Elder and 14 others. „ 228.— W. Bayne and 14 others. 95.— R. Keith and 14 others. „ 240.— R. McLintock and 14 others. „ 96.— J. P. Thorn and 10 others. „ 260.— T. Green and 84 others. „ 117.— W. Bain and 14 others. „ 261.-J. McKay and 13 others. „ 118.-A. Martin and 10 others. „ 265.— W. Young and 93 others. „ 123. —J. A. Rawlinaon and 14 others. „ 279.— J. H. Reed and 9 others. „ 125.—M. Mitchell und 12 others. „ 294.-W. Gee and 14 others. „ 136. —J. Annison and 10 others. „ 295.—C. Hartley and 14 others. „ 138.—P. Campbell and 14 others. „ 300. —S. E. Ferguson and 74 others. „ 139. —J. Milne and 13 others. „ 309.- J. Henderson and 8 others. „ 141. —W. Domigan and 14 others. „ 310.—A. A. Edge and 9 ethers. „ 142. —M. W. Lacey and 14 others. „ 311. —W. Cumming and 14 others. „ 144.—M. Scott and 14 others. „ 312. —M. Lynch and 13 others. „ 145. —B. Flanagan and 14 others. „ 319. —C. Robertson and 73 others. „ 146.— R. Burns and 14 others. „ 328.—C. Scott and 14 others. „ 147. —H. Robinson and 14 others. „ 333.— J. Turnbull and 45 others. „ 152.— W. Johnston and 14 others. „ 344.—D. McFarlane and 38 others. „ 153.— J. Crawford and 11 others. „ 346.—5. Collet and 44 others. „ 154.—A. Turnbull and 11 others. „ 347.— R. Reid and 6 others. - „ 189.— E. Moar and 120 others. „ 359.—A. Williams and 14 others. „ 190.—D. Smith and 6 others. „ 378.— J. E. Boraman and 36 others. „ 191.—M. L. Spratt and 14 others. „ 395.— H. Rankin and 11 others. „ 201.—8. Russell and 14 others. „ 442.— H. Woodworth and 14 others. „ 202.—D. McDougall and 14 others. „ 445.— J. Black and 6 others. Totals: 60 petitions ; 1,283 petitioners.



No. 1280 (1901). —Petition of Wilhelmina Ferguson, of Waikaka Valley. Petitioner states that she met with an accident owing to her horse being frightened by the smoke and noise of a railway-train, and asks for a compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that, having fully considered the petition and departmental report, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th September, 1902.

No. 430.—Petition of Thomas Patterson, of Invercargill. Petitioner states that he met with an accident owing to his dray colliding with a railway-train ; that a sum of £100 was recommended to be paid to him by the Government, of which he received £50, and prays that the balance of £50 may be paid to him. I am directed to report that, having fully considered the petition and the departmental report, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th September, 1902.

No. 396.— W. H. Woodman and 97 Others, of Glentunnel, Canterbury District (and 28 similar Petitions as per Schedule attached). Petitioners pray that provision may be made for the construction of a railway from Culverden to Upper Waiau Ferry. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of the petitions is a question of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th September, 1902.

Schedule. No. 396.— W. H. Woodman and 97 others. No. 417.— H. B. Catling and 23 others. „ 399.— G. Slater and 49 others. „ 418.— J. Banks and 35 others. , 400.—-J. Daley and 83 others. „ 419.— W. Clouston and 80 others. „ 401. —G. Granville and 16 others. „ 421.—A. Schlesmuger and 56 others. „ 402.— J. Jackson and 20 others. „ 422.— H. T. Widdowson and 118 others. „ 403.— W. Tucks and 50 others. ~ 423.— T. Smith and 17 others. „ 404.— J. McArthur and 88 others. „ 424.— T. Wilson and 9 others. „ 405 —J. Mundell and 66 others. „ 425. —J. A. Carmichael and 81 others. „ 406.—M. Cohen and 141 others. „ 426.— F. W. Ricketts and 85 others. „ 407. —H. G. Manning and 19 others. „ 434. —H. Atkinson and 25 others. „ 408.— J. C. H. Grigg and 160 others. „ 435.—8. M. Litchfield and 220 others. „ 413.—C. H. Bridge and 125 others. „ 436.— E. Page and 61 others. „ 414.— R. Cairns and 74 others. „ 437.— W. K. Macbeth and 89 others. „ 415.—M. Sandstein and 287 others. „ 438.— J. F. Sunckell and 130 others. „ 416.—A. B. Morgan and 172 others. Totals : 29 petitions; 2,476 petitioners.

No. 454.—Petition of W. J. Scrimgeour and Others, of Lawrence, &c, Otago. Petitioners pray that a railway may be constructed from Lawrence to Roxburgh. I am directed, to report that the Committee recommend that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration, and, together with the report and evidence, be printed; but, as the subject-matter of the petition is a question of public policy, the Committee has no further recommendation to make. (Vide also 1.-6 a.)

No. 486.—Petition of E. E. FitzHenry and Others, of Kaihu Valley. Petitioners pray that the Kaihu Valley Railway may be extended to Waima. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of the petition is a question of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. Ist October, 1902.

No. 383.—Petition of John Clarke and Others, of Wairuna. Petitioners pray that a goods-shed may be erected at Wairuna Railway-station. I am directed to report that the Committee, having considered the petition and the departmental report, is of opinion that the amount of traffic at Wairuna does not warrant the erection of a goods-shed, and therefore has no recommendation to make. Ist October, 1902. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,200 copies), £ 3 3s. 6d.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o2.

Price 6d.]

2—l. 6,


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Bibliographic details

REPORTS OF THE RAILWAYS COMMITTEE. (Mr. R. Mckenzie, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, I-06

Word Count

REPORTS OF THE RAILWAYS COMMITTEE. (Mr. R. Mckenzie, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, I-06

REPORTS OF THE RAILWAYS COMMITTEE. (Mr. R. Mckenzie, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, I-06

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