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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 30th October, 1901. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return showing the permanent appointments and promotions, giving names and salaries, made in all departments of the Government service since the Ist February, 1891, showing under separate headings those appointments or promotions which carry a salary of £400 and over, £300 and over, £200 and over, and £100 and over."—(Mr. Fisheb.)

Schedule op Departmental Ebtuens. Name of Department. Betiirn Name of Department. Legislative Council. (Nil return.) 16. Stamp. 1. House of Representatives. 17. Land and Deeds Registry. 2. Colonial Secretary. 18. Education. 3. Audit Office. 19. Lunaoy and Charitable. 4. Registrar-General. 20. Labour. 5. Printing and Stationery. ■ 21. Mines. 6. Public Health. Meteorological and Museum. (Nil return.) 7. Industries and Commerce. 22. Agriculture. 8. Tourist and Health Resorts. 23. Railways. 9. Treasury (including Friendly Societies). 24. Defence. Friendly Societies. (See Treasury Department.) 25. Police. Old-age Pensions Office. (Nil return.) 26. Lands and Survey. 10. Land and Income Tax (including Valuation and Valuation. (See Land and Income Tax.) Advances to Settlers). Land for Settlements. (Nil return.) 11. Justice. • 27. Public Trust. 12. Prisons. 28. Government Insurance. 13. Post and Telegraph. Advances to Settlers. (See Land and Income Tax.) 14. Customs. 29. Public Works. 15. Marine. 30. Roads.

PEEMANENT APPOINTMENTS AND PEOMOTIONS SINGE Ist FEBEUAEY, 1891. 1. Legislative Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—C. Wilson, £400. £300 and under £400.—L. M. Grace, £250 ;W. H. Eussell, £300 ;H. M.Gore, £300. £200 and under £300.— T. Bracken, £200; W. Fraser, £200; J. Gray, £250; A. M. Kay, £250; D. H. Cameron, £250; E. G. Thompson, £250; C. Eobinson, £250. £100 and under £200.— E. W. Kane, £150 ;D. Lynch, £170; M. P. Marks, £125 ;A. Wilby, £68 ; M. J. Dwyer, £110; A. F. Lowe, £150; A. B. Thompson, £140. Promotions. £400 and over.—H. Otterson, from £400 to £600; A. J. Butherfurd, from £350 to £400; S. Spragg, from £300 to £400. £300 and under £400.—A. P. Lowe, from £150 to £300; H. L. James, from £250 to £300. £100 and under £200.— J. J. Oostall, from £165 to £190 ; A. B. Thompson, from £140 to £160; P. McColl, from £75 to £90; F. Sampson, from £120 to £140. 2. Colonial Seceetaey's Depaetment. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—W. E. Gudgeon, £500; J. M. Mason, £800 (transferred to Public Health Department). £200 and under £300.— J. F. Andrews, £250 (transferred from Treasury) ; W. H. Hennah, £200. £100 and under £200.—M. Sullivan, £136 17s. 6d. (resigned); H. H. Hargood, £109 10s. (transferred to Lands and Survey Department) ; A. Pennifold, £109 10s. ; G. Ford, £109 10s. ; T. Eedmond, £109 10s.; C. Eobinson, £121; F. G. H. Mueller, £109 10s. (transferred to Lands and Survey Department); A. Gordon, £127 15s. (deceased) ; C. Burgess, £109 10s.; J. Gray,

I—H. 30.



£150; J. H. Foster, £120; G. Churches, £109 10s.; J. Longton, £136 17s. 6d. (transferred to Postal Department) ; J. Bell, £109 10s. ; B. Bern, £136 17s. 6d. ;G. Warren, £109 10s. ; H. Mason, £109 10s. ; M. Cashen, £109 10s. ; A. B. Kennedy, £180. Promotions. £400 and over.—H. Pollen, from £430 to £450. £300 and under £400.— E. F. Lynch, from £275 to £300; E. H. Govett, from £315 to £350 (retired). £100 and under £200.— A. B. Sampson, from £120 to £150; J. Huett, from £170 to £180 (retired). 3. Audit Department. Permanent Appointments. £200 and under £300.—C. P. Johnson, £200. £100 and under £200.— J. T. Dumbell, £150; E. A. Gray, £124. Promotions. £300 and under £400.—L. C. Eoskruge, from £320 to £350. £200 and under £300.— G. Baston, from £200 to £220 ;J. T. Dumbell, from £170 to £200. £100 and under £200.— J. H. Fowler, from £140 to £166; E. A. Gray, from £124 to £144. 4. Begistkak-Genebal's Department. Permanent Appointments. £200 and under £300.— F. W. Mansfield, £200 (transferred from Justice). £100 and under £200. —S. Coffey, £150 (transferred from Colonial Secretary's Department). Promotions. £400 and over.—E, J. yon Dadelszen, from £335 to £475. £300 and under £400.— G. Drury, from £200 to £325. £200 and under £300.— E. H. Lyons, from £180 to £225. 5. Printing and Stationeey Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.— J. Mackay, £400. £100 and under £200.— H. S. Mountier, £180; T. E. Barrer, £175; G. White, £156; A. Osborne, £156; J. Lankshear, £156; W. L. Gibson, £156 ; E. Jones, £156 ; H. Eoberts, £156 ; T. T. Youle, £156 (resigned); C. M. Jenkins, £156; G. McNamara, £156 (deceased); T. Silk, £140 (retired); A.Thompson, £100 (resigned); A. O'Malley, £100; A. Williams, £116; J. Fawcus, £175 (resigned); H. E. Webb, £160. Promotions. £400 and over.—S. Costall, from £250 to £400 (resigned). £200 and under £300.—8. B. Allen, from £200 to £220; J. Phillips, from £175 to £200. £100 and under £200.— J. F. Eogers, from £182 to £190 ;G. Tattle, from £172 to £180 ;,.K. Manley, from £140 to £160; J. W. Hall, from £120 to £140. 6. Public Health Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—Dr. J. M. Mason, £800; Dr. T. H. A. Valintine, £500; Dr. F. Ogston, £500; Dr. E. H. Makgill, £500; Dr. F. de Lisle, £400 (conditional appointment). £300 and under £400. r -Dr. M. Pomare, £300. £200 and under £300. —E. Horneman, £235 (transferred from Public Works Department). £100 and under £200. —W. Gore, 7s. 6d. per day (transferred from Colonial Secretary's Department). Promotions. £200 and under £300.—8. Horneman, from £210 to £235 (transferred from Public Works Department). 7. Industries and Commerce Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—T. E. Donne, £500. £100 and under £200.—5. Dimant, £145 ;H. Kirk, £150. Promotions. S. Dimant, from £145 to £155. 8. Tourist and Health Eesomts Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—G. G. Kenny, £500. £100 and under £200.—C. E. C. Eobieson, £150. Promotions. £100 and under £200.—C. E. C. Eobieson, from £150 to £175.


9. Teeasuey Depaetmbnt. Permanent Appointments. £200 and under £300.— J. F. Andrews, £250 (transferred to Colonial Secretary's Department) ; J. Driscoll, £240 (resigned); F. Hyde, £225 (transferred to Lands and Survey Department). £100 and under £200.— A. J. Morgan, £160; P. Mclntyre, £175 (now deceased). Promotions. £400 and over.—B. Mason, from £360 to £460. 10. Land and Income Tax, Advances to Settlers, and Valuation Depaetments. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—P. Heyes, £400. £200 and under £300.— J. W. Black, £250; J. Stevenson, £230. Promotions. £400 and over.— J. McGowan, from £450 to £900; G. F. Campbell, from £300 to £525. £300 and under £400.—D. Walmsley, from £250 to £375. 11. Justice Depaetment. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—E. S. Hawkins, £400; J. C. Martin, £450; T. Hutchison, £400; E. L. Stanford, £400 ;F. Fitchett, £650; J. W. Poynton, £400; S. B. McCarthy, £400 ; W. K. Haselden, £450 ; E. C. Blomfield, £400; G. Cruickshank, £400. £300 and under £400.— J. A. Wilson, £300. £200 and under £300.— F. J. W. Gascoyne, £230; E. S. Florance, £230. £100 and under £200.— W. T. Gale, £125; W. Martin, £120; B. M. Wilson, £150; J. M. Millar, £100; E. Finlay, £120; W. Kilgour, £100; G. Waddell, £120; H. Smith, £100; W. O. Garland, £100; F. A. Grantham, £120; F. S. Parker, £110. £100 and under £200.— W. H. Palmer, £140; J. N. Nalder, £100; J. P. Ward, £150 (resigned); J. F. Manning, £100; T. F. Hunt, £100; E. Villars, £100. Promotions. £400 and over.—W. J. Butler, from £340 to £500; H. F. Edger, from £300 to £400; F. Waldegrave, from £350 to £525; G. L. Greenwood, from £300 to £450; W. A. Barton, from £275 to £425 ; W. P. James, from £300 to £425 ; J. McEnnis, from £235 to £425; F. J. Burgess, from £300 to £425 ; F. Fitchett, from £650 to £1,000. £300 and under £400,-A. S. B. Forster, from £260 to £300; H. D. Johnson, from £170 to £350 ; H. H. G. Ealfe, from £200 to £300; A. D. Thomson, from £220 to £300; G. A. King, from £240 to £350 ; W. G. P. O'Callaghan, from £225 to £300; W. Martin, from £250 to £300. £200 and under £300.— F. J. D. Elmer, from £190 to £225 ;B. Harper, from £210 to £225 ; H. C. Jackson, from £166 to £200 ; J. W. Browne, from £166 to £200; E. W. Porritt, from £170 to £200; E. Buckle, from £166 to £200; J. Terry, from £185 to £240; F. W. Hart, from £165 to £200; E. Eawson, from £200 to £225; E. C. Sim, from £180 to £220; E. B. Mathias, from £200 to £240; A. M. Eyes, from £200 to £240; J. E. Colyer, from £210 to £250; A. H. Holmes, from £220 to £240; G. J. A. Johnstone, from £175 to £220; A. A. Mair, from £140 to £220; W. A. Thorn, from £200 to £225 ; E. P. Ward, from £190 to £220; C. A. Barton, from £250 to £270; A. Stubbs, from £190 to £220; J. M. Hickson, from £160 to £220; T. M. Lawlor from £170 to £225; P. Skerrett, from £180 to £200; J. J. Freeth, from £240 to £260; A. Askenbeck, from £105 to £200; J. Thomson, from £180 to £200; G. C. B. Jordan, from £250 to £250; T. W. Tayler, from £140 to £220 ; W. A. Hawkins, from £150 to £230; T. A. Moresby, from £130 to £200 ; J. Jordan, from £160 to £240; H. M. Lee, from £150 to £200. £100 and under £200.-0. J. Hinton, from £150 to £160; H. G. Herbert, from £120 to £140; A. G. Ashby, from £150 to £170 ; E. W. Cave, from £160 to £175 ; D. Banks, from £120 to £150; W. B. Evans, from £150 to £160 ; W. Martin, from £120 to £150; J. Turnbull, from £125 to £150; E. Finlay, from £120 to £160; W. B. Dodson, from £120 to £140; A. M. Pearson, from £95 to £120; W. Scale, from £140 to £150; H. H. Carr, from 9s. a day to £175; S. Tansley, from £120 to £160; J. C. Malfroy, from £105 to £140. 12. Prisons Depaetment. Permanent Appointments. £100 and under £200.—M. Eeilly, £125; A. J. McCluskey, £125; J. W. Pairman, £100; W. G. Brown, £125; A. J. Oliver, £125; J. S. Lacey, £125; W. B. Peebles, £125; F. E. Bust, £125; E. Prendergast, £125; H. J. Bennett, £125; W. J. Eaftery, £125; F. Garvey, £125 ; J. A. Smythe, £125; E. Houlahan, £125 ; J. C. Mahon, £125 ; J. O'Beilly, £125 ; C. M. Bartleman, £125; J. Teare, £100; W. E. Cook, £125; W. W. Murray, £125; D. T. Joseph, £125; J. H. Eosengrave, £125; H. H. Speight, £125 ; A. W. Eoberts, £125; J. J. O'Grady, £125; C. O'Brien, £125; E. Sweet, £125; J. Down, £125; J. Davies, £125; C. Price, £125; J. Lodge, £125; A. J. Quartermain, £125; J. Dickison, £125; H. E. Cook, £125; W. H. Martin, £125; W. J. Darby, £100; W. Eoberts, £125 ; J. O'Shea, £125 ; E. Ching, £125 ; P. McMillan, £125; W. Prendergast, £125; A. Juriss, £125; E. Byrne, £125; C. A. Dollemere, £125; J. Partington, £125; J. W, Coyle, £125; F. E. King, £125; T. Creedon, £125,



Promotions. £200 and under £300.—M. Flannery, from £180 to £200 ;T. E. Pointon, from £180 to £200. £100 and under £200.— T. Bell, from £150 to £180 ;A. Armstrong, from £150 to £180 ;T. Chilton, from £150 to £180 ; A. W. Ironside, from £150 to £160 ; J. C. Seanlan, from £145 to £160. 13. Post and Telegeaph Department. Permanent Appointments. £100 and under £200.— F. Ansdell, £155 ;D. S. Bagshaw, £130 ;W. J. Barclay, £125 ;E. J. Bowley, £125 ; H G. 0. Brock, £105 ; W. W. Brown, £125 ; W. Burrell, £105 ; H. Bussey, £130 ; G. Clare, £110 ; W. C. E. Cantelin, £140 ; J. G. Cooke, £105 ; M. Cossar, £105 ; A. Crawford, £125 ; C. B. Grichton, £110 ; E. Cropp, £125 ; J. de Courcy, £125 ; W. J. Ellison, £105 ; F. Ewbank, £105 ; T. Finch, £125 ; J. A. Findlay, £135 ; W. Findlay, £125 ; J. L. Gestro, £105 ; F. E. Gowing, £115; M. W. Hawthorne, £125; W. T. Hanrahan, £125; J. D. Hargood, £140; H. J. Harris, £105; W. Heiford, £105 ; W. S. Higginson, £105 ; A. Hodgen, £125 ; C. W. Hollis, £125; J. A. Hume, £125 ; D. Innis, £140; A. F. Lechner, £150 ;C. Lesse, £155 ; J. Louisson, £115 ;T. McMahon, £105; H. Macey, £115; J. McGrath, £130; P. J. Mcllvride, £125; H. McKenzie, £156; J. Milligan, £125; S. T. Mirams, £100 ; M. Moloney, £130; A. W. Morris, £100; H. C. Moseley, £140; H. H. Newson, £125; J. Packard, £110; t. Palmer, £130; F. G. Poole, £140; F. Quilicie, £125; W. H. Beeves, £105; T. Eeynolds, £110; S. B. Eosie, £135; G. E. Severne, £140; J. Smith, £155; W. H. Stephenson, £125 ; J. Stewart, £125; J. Stewart. £125; G. W. Sullivan, £105; L. Storey, £135; T. C. Tester, £105; E. S. yon Stunner, £140; L. P. yon Eotter, £125; J. Wait, £135; W. H. Wallis, £100; T. Whelan, £125; J. Wilkie, £110; S. Wilson, £125. Promotions. £100 and under £200.— F. J. Abercrombie, from £135 to £180 ;S. Ayling, from £115 to £180; J. G. Beswick, from £175 to £185; E. Brook, from £100 to £150; A. H. Brooks, from £120 to £145; F. A. F. Burnett, from £120 to £140; J. Burrow, from £140 to £150; J. Carlaw, from £100 to £180; S. F. Carter, from £105 to £130; F. W. Chapman, from £120 to £150; G. Churchill, from £100 to £180; W. Cooper, from £105 to £180; W. Coster, from £105 to £180; W. Cottingham, from £120 to £150; J. M. Dalgliesh, from £40 to £100; C. Deinpsey, from £100 to £160; C. H. Diamond, from £100 to £120; W. J. Edmonds, from£l3o to £140 : J. Faulks, from £120 to £145 ;H. Fisk, from £105 to £125 ; A. Fitchett, from £145 to £175; E. Fitzgibbon, from £150 to £170; M. B. Ford, from £115 to £180; A. J. Fyson, from £110 to £130 ; W. H. Good, from £120 to £140; B. V. M. Guinness, from £140 to £160; S. Hadfield, from £120 to £150; J. J. Harris, from £135 to £150; G. Hart, from £105 to £180; E. Hughes, from £135 to £180 ; M. Houchen, from £40 to £100 ; A. Kivell, from £120 to 125 ; F. Larcombe, from £120 to £130 ; W. J. Larcombe, from £100 to- £160 ; A. Leslie, from £120 to £170 ; A. A. Luckie, from £40 to £100 ; H. G. McCrea, from £105 to £180; A. J. McCurdy, from £150 to £180 ; O. T. McManaway, from £120 to £180; I. L. Macrae, from £40 to £100; P. D. Mansell, from £120 to £180; W. A. Mansell, from £100 to £160; C. W. Matheson, from £110 to £130; C. A. Mooney, from £105 to £130; E. E. Mortimer, from £115 to £180; H. J. Mulloy, from £105 to £110; C. G. O. Naumann, from £100 to £180 ; F. Ninnis, from £40 to £120 ; J. S. Nugent, from £140 to £180 ; A. E. Olliver, from £40 to £100; E. Peebles, from £115 to £180; G. A. Perry, from £135 to £180; J. E. Powell, from £105 to £180 ; L. A. Powell, from £40 to £100; G. B. Purdue, from £100 to £160; G. Eedmond, from £105 to £130; H. W. Eeeve, from £100 to £115; C. W. Eeid, from £120 to £170; J. H. Bichards, from £105 to £180; A. Boberts, from £105 to £180; H. Eolland, from £120 to £170; A. E. St. Clair, from £100 to £150; A. J. L. Scott, from £135 to £170; W. H. Seward, from £130 to £155; T. E. Shirley, from £115 to £180; A. Smith, from £135 to £150; M. J. Staunton, from £150 to £185; A. Sykes, from £120 to £180; A. E. Scully, from £40 to £100 ; H. M. Warner, from £150 to £160; J. H. Watts, from £100 to £150; J. A. Williams, from £120 to £160; J. Wilson, from £115 to £125. £200 and under £300.—A. Absolum, from £170 to £210; J. Aitken, from £170 to £220; T. Aitken, from £180 to £220; J. A. Algie, from £180 to £210; E. Atkinson, from £180 to £210; E. M. Baird, from £170 to £220; F. H. Barnard, from £180 to £210; G. C. Beale, from £190 to £220; A. Benner, from £175 to £210; W. Beswick, from £190 to £235 ; J. Black, from £220 to £275 ; E. C. Black, from £200 to £250; E. Booth, from £180 to £220 ;J. W. Brame, from £150 to £210; V. J. Brogan, from £160 to £220; J. Brown, from £175 to £210 ; T. Buckley, from £160 to £220; C. H. Burton, from £190 to £220 ;J. L. Bush, from £225 to £250; W. Callaghan, from £150 to £200; G. D. Cameron, from £200 to £250; H. W. Capper, from £260 to £275; G. C. Chapman, from £200 to £220 ; W. E. Chisholm, from £150 to £220 ; T. E. Clough, from £185 to £220 ; M. C. Corliss, from £200 to £220 ; H. Cornwall, from £125 to £200; W. Cowie, from £220 to £250 ; J. Crow, from £170 to £220 ; W. Crow, from £150 to £250 ; S. Cummings, from £170 to £220; W. F. Cuthbertson, from £200 to £235; J. C. Dale, from £210 to £235; B. D. Dansey, from £210 to £250; E. H. Davis, from £180 to £220; H. W. Dawson, from £185 to £250; B. C. Dean, from £200 to £235; J. H. Dearsley, from £190 to £220; J. Delany, from £200 to £250; W. H. Dempsey, from £190 to £220; S. Dewar, from £210 to £250; F. H. Dodd, from £190 to £220; W. C. Drake, from £200 to £250; A. P. Dryden, from £180 to £250; G. A. Empson, from £210 to £240 ; J. T. Fahy, from £150 to £200 ; E. G. Fowler, from £190 to £220 ; J. D. Fraser, from £220 to £250 ; G. F. Furby, from £210 to £250 ; E. C. Gannaway, from £190 to £250; F. G. Gannaway, from £220 to £250 ; W. Gee, from £160 to £250; J. Gell, from £235 to £275 ; H. E. Gilbert, from £180 to £210 ; H. A. Giller, from £200 to £220 ; H. Gourley, from £195 to £250 ; H. G. Greatbatch, from £160 to £210; C. C. Halliday, from £210 to £250 ; G. H. Harle, from £180 to £220; E. J. Harrington, from £180 to £220 ; S. F. Haszard, from £180 to £250; C. H. M. Hawk, from £220



to £250; F. C. Hawley, from £180 to £220; H. Hemus, from £235 to £275 ; C. L. Hertslet, from £190 to £220 ; T. Hester, from £210 to £250 ; C. Hill, from £210 to £250 ; S. C. Hill, from £170 to £220; E. F. Houlihan, from £200 to £250 ;G. V. Hudson, from £135 to £220; H. A. E. Huggins, from £150 to £220; S. Inder, from £195 to £250 ; W. Isbister, from £170 to £220; H. Jefferies, from £175 to £210; W. Jessup, .from £200 to £250; S. Johnston, from £250 to £300; E. Kaye, from £220 to £250; W. B. Keefe, from £120 to £200; E. Keele, from £185 to £230; B. H. Keys, from £235 to £275; J. King, from £175 to £220; H. Kissel, from £180 to £250; T. Lambie, from £180 to £210; T. W. Lecocq, from £175 to £210; L. J. H. Ledger, from £160 to £250; J. F. Long, from £225 to £250; A. W. Maoandrew, from £100 to £220; W. 0. McDermott, from £170 to £210; J. M. MacKenzie, from £200 to £250 ; A. W. Mann, from £220 to £250; C. B. Mann, from £150 to £220 ; G. Martin, from £200 to £220 ; B. N. Martin, from £220 to £250 ; C. B. May, from £220 to £250 ;W. W. Menzies, from £180 to £210; D. S. Millar, from £220 to £260; G. W. Moorhouse, from £150 to £210; E. B. Morns, from £190 to £260 ; C. E. Nicholas, from £215 to £250 ; W. H. S. Nicholls, from £215 to £290 ; C. J. Norton, from £150 to £250 ; J. Owens, from £175 to £240 ; F. Palmer, from £160 to £200; F. W. Pattle, from £195 to £250 ; F. Perrin, from £150 to £200 ; J. J. Pickett, from £220 to £260 ; H. Primmer, from £220 to £250 ; T. W. Eapley, from £180 to £250 ; T. Eeid, from £190 to £220 ; F. J. Eobertshaw, from £175 to £250 ; J. G. Eule, from £220 to £250 ; T. B. Salmon, from £190 to £250 ; W. T. Scully, from £180 to £220 ; E. A. Shrimpton, from £100 to £200 ; G. F. B. Smallbone, from £170 to £210 ; W. Smith, from £190 to £220 ; S. G. Stanton, from £175 to £210; F. S. Stokes, from £190 to £235; G. Storey, from £200 to £250; E. Sunley, from £170 to £220 ; J. Tait, fron £170 to £210 ; A. J. G. Talbot, from £170 to £220 ; C. Vine, from £190 to £220; J. A. Walker, from £190 to £220; W. J. Walsh, from £175 to £250 ;W. T. Ward, from £170 to £260; T. Ward, from £190 to £220 ;J. H. Wheeler, from £175 to £210 ;G. Whelan, from £195 to £260; G. L. White, from £165 to £210 ; P. P. White, from £220 to £250 ; G. J. Whitehead, from £195 to £220 ; J. C. Williamson, from £200 to £250; A. A. Winterburn, from £165 to £210; J. E. Woon, from £190 to £220; H. P. de'K. Wyatt, from £170 to £220; J. T. Wylie, from £175 to £210; W. Wylie, from £180 to £210. £300 and under £400.—C. J. Berry, from £355 to £385 ;J. Bull, from £325 to £350 ;E. A. Campbell, from £235 to £300; W. J. Chancy, from £240 to £300; A. E. Cresswell, from £260 to £325 ; P. Curtis, from £220 to £300 ; G. B. Dall, from £190 to £315 ; A. M. Uignan, from £200 to £300 ; W. St. G. Douglas, from £300 to £350; J. W. Gannaway, from £300 to £345 ; L. Halliwell, from £290 to £355 ;T. T. King, from £260 to £300; H. Logic, from £250 to £300; W. McHutcheson, from £230 to £355; D. Miller, from £250 to £370; E. T. Morshead, from £225 to £300; E, Northcroft, from £235 to £300 ; W. H. Eenner, from £250 to £300; D. St. George, from £255 to £300; G. W. Sampson, from £275 to £350; H. F. Seager, from £235 to £385; E. V. Senn.from £250 to £330; J. H. Sheath, from £300 to £350; J. H. Stevens, from £240 to £300; E. Tait, from £310 to £330; F. V. Waters, from £220 to £330. £400 and over.— J. G. Ballard. from £325 to £425 ;W. W. Beswick, from £320 to £425 ; E. H. Bold, from £465 to £500; H. Calders, from £350 to £425 ; E. Cook, from £415 to £500 ; D. Cuming, from £355 to £425 ; W. S. Furby, from £370 to £435 ; E. J. Goodman, from £400 to £425 ; G. Gray, from £315 to £500 ; W. Gray, from £650 to £700 ; H. W. Harrington, from £300 'to £425 ; J. Hoggard. from £385 to £400; F. D. Holdsworth, from £340 to £425; J. A. Huoton, from £385 to £425 ; S. J. Jago, from £370 to £165 ; E. Kirton, from £425 to £505; J. K. Logan, from £500 to £650; J. W. Mason, from £385 to £425; W. G. Meddings, from £415 to £500 ; W. E. Morris, from to £400 ; J. Orohiston, from £280 to £450 ; C. C. Eobertson, from £400 to £435; D. Eobertson, from £275 to £435; T. Eose, from £525 to £600; W. C. Smythe, from £350 to £400 ;S. P. Stevens, from £275 to £400; C. J. A. H. Tipping, from £300 to £400. 14. Trade and Customs Department. Permanent Appointments. £100 and under £200.— T. H. Hustwiok, £150 ;A. E. Carnie, £150. Promotions. £400 and over.—W. T. Glasgow, from £550 to £600; D. MoKellar, from £375 to £500 (retired). £300 and under £400.— W. Laing, from £325 to £375 (retired); J. Mills, from £325 to £350; E. E. C. Bowen, from £350 to £375; A. Hart, from £300 to £325 (retired) ; W. Sibbald, from £300 to £325 ; A. McDowell, from £325 to £350 ; E. Chilman, from £260 to £300 (deceased); E. Carter, from £315 to £350; H. Bedford, from £300 to £315 ; C. Colebrook, from £270 to £300 ; H. E. Spence, from £270 to £300 ; C. S. Nixon, from £350 to £375 ; A. Carter, from.£2so to £325; A. Elliott, from £250 to £300. £200 and under £300.— T. A. Murphy, from £200 to £230; J. Howie, from £165 to £270; A. B. Eeynolds, from £150 to £200 ; E. E.'Brabazon, from £160 to £200; F. J. Walker, from £170 to £200; E. T. W. Maclaurin, from £180 to £205; W. F. Dickey, from £250 to £290; J. P. Eidings, from £235 to £260 ; W. J. Hawley, from £170 to £280; j. H. Hempton, from £235 to £260; T. M. Cullen, from £165 to £280 ; E. B. D. Eyre, from £160 to £230; W. Eose, from £160 to £260; G. Pram, from £190 to £215 ; H. A. Jackman, from £170 to £245 ; E. Dignan, from £275 to £290 (retired) ; W. B. Montgomery, from £160 to £200. £100 and under £200.— W. H. Adams, from £90 to £170 ;E.H. S. Hill, from £150 to £175 (deceased) ; C. H. Smith, from £140 to £190; W. J. Wratt, from £170 to £190; E. G. Ecclesfield, from £106 to £170 ; A. V. Perm, from £180 to £190 ;Ti E. Herd, from £96 to £160; A. Sherratt, from £96 to £170 ; W. White, from £126 to £165 ; G. Craig, from £86 to £160; E. A. Eobertson, from £100 to £180; E. Martin, from £160 to £170; P. Doull, from £106 to £160; W. Howarth, from £130 to £150; J. Mclntosh, from £106 to £170; E. W. Carter, from £86 to £170; A.



Duncan, from £96 to £170; H. W. S. Euffell, from £96 to £170 ; F. Oxford, from £106 to £170; T. C. Rowe, from £95 to £105 ; V. E. S. Meredith, from £95 to £130; S. E. Harrop, from £90 to £160; F. C. Smith, from £95 to £150 (left service) ; F. Davies, from £80 to £100; B. Anderson, from £80 to £110; W. G. Grant, from £90 to £115 ; F. G. Fantham, from £95 to £100; A. Paul, from £95 to £105 ; J. Campbell, from £95 to £105 ; W. J. Stevenson, from £95 to £105 ; J. Hill, from £105 to £115 ; F. G. Matthews, from £85 to £115 ; A. Collie, from £115 to £125; C. H. Manson, from £95 to £105. 15. Mabine Depabtment. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over. —George Allman, £400 (left the service); Harold Sewallis Blackburn, £400. £300 and under £400.—Philip James Carman, £300; Collin Francis Post, £375; John Bollons, £300 ; Lake Falconer Ayson, £300. £200 and under £300.—Henry Wetherilt, £275 ; Frederic William Cox, £225 (now in seivice of Nelson Harbour Board) ; Alexander McVicar, £275; John Neale, £210 ; James Alfred Henry Marciel, £250; William Douglas Eeid, £250 ; George Gorden Smith, £250; Charles Edward Wisdom Fleming, £250; Alexander William Bethune, £275; Samuel Dalrymple, £275; Archibald Walker, £275 ; Arthur Calvert, £275; George McGregor, £275. £100 and under £200.—Eonald Pearce Milne, £165 ; Joseph Hugh McAlister, £180. Promotions. £300 and under £400.— W. M. Mowatt, from £325 to £350 (deceased); E. Duncan, from £325 to £375. £100 and under £200.—D. Dow, from £130 to £140; F. McGahey, from £130 to £140; A. F. S. Sandager, from £130 to £140; W. Colley, from £130 to £140; D. Lyall, from £130 to £140; W. Scott, from £130 to £140 ;H. A. Wakefield, from £130 to £140; J. Sinclair, from £130 to £140; T. J. Cox, from £130 to £140; D. Partington, from £130 to £140; E. Cathcart, from £130 to £140 ; E. H. Leighton, from £130 to £140. 16. Stamp Depabtment. Permanent Appointments. £100 and under £200.—V. Williston, £160; D. Mason, £100 10s. Promotions. £200 and under £300.— H. O. Williams, from £210 to £250. £100 and under £200.— W. G. Fletcher, from £130 to £150; W. G. Tait, from £120 to £130. 17. Land Tbansfeb Depaetment. Permanent Appointments. £300 and under £400.—V. G. Day, £300; H. Howorth, £300 ;H. Baxter, £200. Promotions. £400 and over.—G. G. Bridges, from £400 to £550; W. Stuart, from £400 to £500; T. Hall, from £200 to £500; W. Wyinks, from £265 to £400. £200 and under £400,—A. V. Sturtevant, from £150 to £265 ;J. A. Ambrose, from £225 to £250; E. Bayley, from £215 to £260 ; C. H. W. Dixon, from £195 to £250 ; C. Nalder, from £110 to £250 ; W.'W" de Castro, from £215 to £225. £100 and under £^00.— F. Baker, from £175 to £195 ;G. A. Pauling, from £150 to £175; F. Broughton, from £120 to £170 ; A. J. Gorman, from £140 to £160 ; W. Johnston, from £140 to £160; E. L. Orbell, from £130 to £150; A. E. Morling, from £120 to £130. 18. Education Depaetment. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—G. Hogben, £600. £300 and under £400.— E. C. Isaac, £350 ;M. H. Browne, £350. £200 and under £300.—C. W. Grace, £285 ;T. A. Walker, £250; W. W. Bird, £250; C. H. Brown, £250 ;G. C. J. Blaythwayt, £280; J. B. Lee, £224; Mr. and Mrs. Buttle, £200 (joint appointment). £100 and under £200.— H. W. Burgoyne, £184 ;G. M. Burlinson, £180 ;A. H. Cotton, £163 ; T. D. Hamilton, £160; M. Downey, £159; A. Thompson, £156; E. G Hyde, £156; A. Wilson, £151; C. C. Brown, £151 ; H. Young, £166; D. T. Hailey, £155; D. W. M. Burn, £150; Mrs. E. T. Branting, £150; H. A. W. Blathwayt, £149; Mrs. J. Beattie, £148; A. E. Welsh, £147; A. J. Logan, £144; A. E. Harris, £142; T. C. Stanton, £142; H. H. Eayner, £142; Miss M. Levert, £139; H. C. Cummins, £130; J. J. Maxwell, £132; C. A. Walter, £128; A. Anderson, £127; F. E. Wykes, £126; D. Cossgrove, £122; J. Mulhern, £126; E. P. Flood, £121; C. H. Lundon, £120; Miss I. Brown, £119 ; P. Crine, jun., £118 ; Miss A. L. Grant, £119 ;H. J. Barrett, £130 ; Miss I. Louch, £116 ; A. Gibson, £113 ;W. H. Comerford, £113; A. Mackenzie, £116 ;J. M B. Crawford, £130; Miss K. B. Lloyd, £111; Mrs. M. Tennent, £107 ; Miss J. Gordon-Jones, £103 ; E. Greensmith, £101; Mrs. L. M. Irvine, £100; H. W. Geissler, £100 ; J. C. Clarke, £100 ; C. T. McFarlane, £100; C. B. Wilding, £100; T. Wylie, £100; C. W. Abblett, £100; Mrs. S. M. C. Greensill, £100; Miss E. Gibbs, £100; J. H. Thompson, £100; T. F. Chambers, £100; Miss A. B. Cox, £100; Mrs. E. S. Dick, £100; A. Parlane, £100; P. Harvey, £100; W. Fraser, £100. Promotions. £300 and under £400.— E. O. Gibbes, from £375 to £390. £200 and under £300.— F. K. de Castro, from £280 to £290.



19. Lunacy and Charitable Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—W. B. Gow, £500. £200 and under £300.— J. H. Anderson, £208; H. Baraclough, £250; E. M. Beattie, £250W. E. Border, £200 (resigned); E. Bruce, £200 ;T. Burns, £250 (resigned); A. P. Goker, £260 ; G. Craig, £250 (resigned) ; A. Crosby, £250 ; A. E. Falconer, £250; E. A. Fox, £250 (resigned) ; E. Gane, £250 (resigned); W. C. Greig, £250 (resigned); T. E. King, £250 (retired); W. J. Mackie £200; W. Mill, £250 (resigned); G. Neill, £230; W. D. Perry, £250 (resigned); A G Talbuc £200 (resigned) ; W. Webster, £250 (resigned). vs. £100 and under £200.— T. Bailey, £110; W. Baird, £100 ; A. W. Carr, £100; J. W. Chirchfield, £100 (resigned); C. Dunbar, £110 ; H. A. Flatman, £100 (resigned) ; A. C. Idiens, £120 (resigned); C. Jones, £120; G. Macdonald, £166 (resigned); J. D. Muir, £100; C Newlyn £120A. Newport, £120; W. J. Newton, £100; W. Nisbet, £120 (resigned); J. Parlane, £100- A E* Eobertson, £100; L. Sjoberg, £120 (resigned); E. Tindall, £120 ; E. Tuersley, £100; T Voyce £100 (resigned); F. T. Whinam, £100 (resigned); G. Williams, £100. ' Promotions. £400 and over.—E. M. Beattie, from £250 to £550; T. Burns, from £250 to £400 (resigned) • E. E. Fooks, from £500 to £550 (resigned). X * '' £100 and under £200.— J. Adam, from £80 to £110 (resigned) ;G. Farran, from £100 to £130 • H. J. Farran, from £100 to £120; F. C. Hall, from £80 to £100; G. C. Holder, from £80 to £100; W. J. Thomas, from £80 to £120; A. Wells, from £100 to £120; G. Ward, from £150 to £180 (resigned). 20. Labour Department. Permanent Appointments. £300 and under £400.— E. Tregear, £315. £200 and under £300.— J. Mackay, £210. £100 and under £200.— H. Ferguson, £160; J. Shanahan, £160; J. Lomas, £160- T X Weldon, £160 (left the Department); Mrs. H. Neill, £160 (left the Department) • H Maxwell £160 (left the Department); V. L. Willeston, £160 (left the Department); Miss M. Scott (Mrs' Hawthorne), £160 ; D. L. Browett, £109 ; W. J. McKeown, £100 (left the Department) ■ J B Lindsay, £156 ; W. H. Hagger, £156; J. W. Collins, £120. ' • ~ Promotions. £200 and under £300.— J. Mackay, from £210 to £230. £100 and under £200.— F. Eowley from £100 to £110 ; la Mare, from £95 to £110. 21. Mines Department. • Permanent Appointments. £400 and over. —James Scott Maclaurin, £400. £200 and under £300.— E. Murray, £250 ;J. Hayes, £275 ;J. Coutts, £275; P. Galvin £250 • E. Tennent, £275; E. E. Green, £275. £100 and under £200.— F. B. Allen, £150; P. G. Morgan, £170; W. A McKay £100 • T Eyan, £150; W. A. McLeod, £170; A. H. Richards, £175; W. H. Baker, £170. Promotions. £400 and over.—G. Wilson, from £275 to £450 ;J. Hayes, from £275 to £450 £300 and under £400.— F. B. Allen, from £170 to £350. 22. Agricultural Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.— J. D. Ritchie, £500 ; J. A. Euddick, £400 (resigned); C. R Valentine £450 (resigned). ' £300 and under £400.— T. A. Fraser, £300; J. B. McEwan, £350 (resigned); J. Sawers £340 (resigned). £200 and under £300.— T. W. Kirk, £250; J. A. Gilruth, £250; C. J. Eeakes £300- A Crabb £250; D. H. Eait, £250; P. M. Edgar, £250; C. E. Neale, £250 (transferred to Defence) J E Charlton, £250 (now temporary at £250) ; C. J. Sanderson, £250 (transferred to Defence and since resigned); A. E. Young, £250 (transferred to Defence); E. Nelson, £250 (resigned: deceased)J. G. Clayton, £250 (transferred to Defence) ;D. Fleming, £225 ; D. Boss, £200; H E Collett £200; W. E. Eutherfurd, £200; J. F. McEachran, £250 (transferred to Defence) • J Harvey £200 : H. N. Hertslet, £200; F. E. Orbell, £200 (resigned); V. A. Huddleston, £200; J. W. Deem' £235 : J. C. Huddleston, £225 ; C. A. Cunningham, £200; C. C. Empson, £200 ; E A Field £225 •' G h' Jenkinson, £200 ; A. Ironside, £200; J. C. Miller, £200; J. L. Bruce, £250; D Kerr £200 (left the service); J. S. Nichol, £200 (left the service); J. A. Easton, £225 (left the service) • E I Gos £200 £ G s ic J Le°d n 3b £22s '*" Bm *' (de ° eaSed); H ' G ' J " Hul1 ' £25 ° (leased); A. Mills, v Jl°? a uu Und^£ 2 ?°- _J ; E - ?■ Spioer ' £180; F - S - P °P e ' £20 ° (transferred from Eailways) ; E. J. litzgibbon, £105 (transferred from Treasury); J. Longton, £175; W. C. Eobinson, £166. Promotions. £100 and under £200.—D. Sinclair, from £90 to £100. £300 and under £400.— J. F. McClean, from £150 to £300 (left the service) £400 and over.— J. A. Gilruth, from £350 to £425.



23. Government Railways Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—A. H. Johnson, £400; J. L. Scott, £1,000; H. J. Wynne, £400. £200 and under £300.— T. H. Barstow, £4 per week and house; A. H. Alabaster, £210; J. Cheeseman, £220. £100 and under £200.—5. Alpe, £180; J. Andrews, £120 ; W. R. B. Bagge, £140 ;J. T. Bain, £140; T. H. F. Bakewell, £150; H. W. Barbor, £180; H. J. H. Blow, £100; R. P. Bray, £130; A. E. Coomber, £120; W. B. Fisher, £180; W. W. Fry, £150; W. Haden, £130; W. J. P. Harvey, £120; T. Hendry, £170; R. C. Hollow, £140; D. F. Holland, £120; A. Howitt, £150; F. E. Hunt, £120 ; L. S. Knell, £120; W. A. Marshall, £120; W. J. Martin, £120; L. G. Porter, £150 ; C. W. Press, £120 ; J. W. Reay, £150; J. M. Robb, £150 ; M. Robson, £140 ; F. J. Rowden, £140; L. Reynolds, £150; P. C. Shirley, £120; T. R. Southall, £120; J. G. Steele, £120; B. M. Wilson, £190; T. H. Wilson, £150. Promotions. £100 and under £200.— R. Aekins, from £180 to £190; W. Aitken, from £130 to £160 and house; T. B. Allan, from 11s. per day to £190 per annum ;H. P. Andrews, from £140 to £160; G. Andrews, from £140 and house to £190 ; S. Andrews, from £150 to £160 ; M. Angus, from £140 to £190 ; F. W. Arnold, from £180 to £190 ; H. Arnold, from 7s. 6d. per day to £160 and house; T. M. Arthur, from £150 and house to £160 and £25 house allowance ; G. W. Atmore, from £150 to £140 and house; J. Austin, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum; G. Ayre, from £140 and house to £160 and house; W. R. B. Bagge, from £150 to £160; H. J. Baker, from £140 to £140 and house ; A. Bambery, from Bs. 6d. per day to £140 ; L. Barclay, from £150 to £140 and house; G. Barclay, from £140 to £190; W. J. Barker, from £140 to £190; A. H. Barnett from £150 to £140 and £25 house allowance; G. Basire, from £180 to £190; J. C. W. Bateman, from 10s. per day to £160 and house; C. Batten, from £180 to £190; A. J. Belworthy, from £140 to £160; C. Belworthy, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; P. Bell, from £140 to £150 ; T. J. Bell, from £140 to £140 and house ; G. Bennett, from £140 to £150 ; G. W. Bennett, from £150 to £140 and house; E. G. Bennett, from £150 to £140 and house; C. M. Benzoni, from £140 to £160 ; A. H. Blackburn, from £140 and house to £190; J. D. Blackmore, from £140 to £140 and house; E. Bourke, from £140 to £140 and house; W. Bourke, from £150 to £160; T. Bowden, from £150 to £160; A. E. Boyes, from £150 to £160 ; J. Bradley, from £150 to £160 ; H. P. Bridge, from £150 to £160; A. E. Bright, from £150 to £140 and house ; L. G. S. Brodie, from £150 to £140 and £25 house allowance ; E. P. Brogan, from £180 to £190; A. Brown, from 7s. 6d. per day to £140 and house ; W. A. Brown, from £150 and house to £160 and £25 house allowance ; A. F. Brown, from £150 to £140 and house ; E. 0. Brown, from £140 to £140 and house; A. Brown, from 11s. per day to £180 per annum ; P. Buck, from £150 to £160; W. C. Burd, from £150 to £160; D. C. Burns, from £150 to £160 ; H. E. Burr, from £140 and house to £160 and house ; H. R. Bush,from £150 to £140 and house ; W. H. Butterworth, from £180 to £190; A. S. Button, from £140 to £140 and house ; J. Cameron, from £150 to £140 and house ; A. A. Campbell, from £140 to £150; J. Carson, from 11s. per day to £190; O. Caygill, from £180 to £190; H. Chapman, from £150 to £160 ; P. A. Clark, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum; J. Clark, from £150 to £160 ; W. C. Clark, 11s. per day to £180; C. Cleverley, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum ;W. M. Cole, from £180 to £190; C. Conn, from £150 to £160; R. J. Oonnal, from £130 to £130 and house; A. Cook, from £140 to £150; H. Coop, from £150 to £140 and house ; G. H. Cottom, from £180 to £160 and house; P. Couch, from £180 to £190; T. Couper, from £140 to £190; J. Couper, from £140 to £160; E. J. Comer, from £150 to £160; W. H. Crawford, from £140 to £160; J. O. Croft, from £150 to £160; W. Croft, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; H. Cummings, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum ; H. Daniell, from £150 and house to £160 and house; H. D. Dansey, from £140 to £160 ; F. G. Davis, from £140 to £160 and house; E. A. Davis, from £140 to £140 and house; R. A. Davys, from £150 to £140 and house; F. S. Dawson, from £150 to £140 and house ; C. F. Day, from £140 to £190; J. L. Day, from £140 and £25 house allowance to £190; C. I. Denby, from £150 and house to £160 and house; A. Dobbie, from £140 to £150 ; F. Denby, from £150 to £140 and house; A. Donaldson, from £150 and house to £160 and house; J. O. Duff, from £140 and house to £190; G. Duncan, from £150 to £140 and house ; A. D. Duncan, from £150 to £160; T. Eager, from 9s. per day to £180 per annum ; R. Eagle, from 9s. 6d. per day to £160 per annum ; C. G. Edwards, from £150 to £160 ; C. E. Enderby, from £150 to £140 and house; A. T. Ennis, from £150 to £160; W. O. Ennis, from £150 to £160"; G. Falla, from £170 to £160 and £25 house allowance ; G. P. Faris, from £140 to £160 and house ; G. Fearn, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; T. L. Felton, from £140 to £140 and house; T. P. Firman, from £150 and house to £160 and £25 house allowance; J. Firth, from £140 to £190; E. J. Fleming, from £150 to £160 ; H. H. Ford, from £150 and house to £160 and house; J. T. Ford, from £150 to £160 ; J. Foster, from £150 to £140 and house; T. A. Foweraker, from £150 and house to £160 and house; J. Fraser, from £150 to £140 and house; H. Fraser, from £150 to £160 ; J. Fraser, from 11s. per day to £190 per annum ; W. H. Frethey, from £150 to £160; W. Fyfe, from £150 to £160; A. Gaw, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; C. T. Gayne, from £150 to £140 and £25 house allowance ; W. Gibb, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum ; W. H. Gifford, from £150 to £160; D. Gordon, from £140 to £140 and £25 house allowance; T. N. Grange, £150 and house to £160 and house; F. A. Grant, from £150 to £160 ; E. Greatbatch, from £150 to £140 and house; A. Grierson, from £140 and £25 house allowance to £160 and £25 house allowance; W. Haden, from £140 to £150 ; W. H. Hales, from £150 to £160; T. L. Hall, from £140 to £140 and £25 house allowance; L. C. E. Hamann, from £140 to £190; D. Handisides, from 9s. per day to £190 per annum ; J. Harming, from £150 and house to £160 and house; W. Harding, from £150 to £140 and house; J. P. Hard wick, from £140 and house to £160



and house; A. St. C. Harris, from £150 to £140 and house allowance; E. J. H. Harris, from £150 to £140 and house ; A. K. Harris, from £140 to £190 ; A. Harrison, from £140 to £140 and house; S. Harrison, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; J. E. Haslock, from £180 to £190; J. H. Hawkes, from £140 to £140 and house ; J. O. Hawkins, from £150 to £160 ; T. Hay, from £150 to £160 ; A. Hayward, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum ; A. S. Henderson, from Is. 6d. per day to £110 per annum; J. Henley, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum; A. A. Hesketh, from £140 and. house to £160 and house ;W. I. Hessell, from £140 to £140 and house; A. E. Heycook, from £150 to £160; J. E. Hill, from £150 to £140 and house; S. D. Hill, from £150 to £140 and £25 house allowance; A. Hislop, from £150 to £140 and house; J. Hislop, from £140 to £140 and house; J. Hislop, from £150 to £160; A. A. A. Hood, from £150 to £140 and house; C. Horsnell, from £140 to £140 and house; J. A. Hunt, from £150 to £160; A. H. Hunt, from £150 to £160; A. W. Hutchings, from £140 to £140 and house; C. H. lies, from £140 to £140 and £25 house allowance; E. E. Ingpen, from £150 and house to £160 and house; R. M. Isaacs, from £150 to £160; C. P. F. A. R. Isherwood, from £150 to £190; R. G. Jamieson, from £150 and house to £160 and house; A. E. F. Jarman, from £150 to £160; I. H. B. Jeffares, from £150 to £160; C. T. Jeffreys, from £150 to £160; C. H. Jenkins, from £150 to £140 and house; H. Jessup, from £150 to £160 ; C. W. Johnston, from £150 to £140 and house ; W. Johnston, from £140 to £190; R Johnston, from 11s. per day to £190 per annum ; J. W. Jones, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum ; W. Jones, from £140 to £140 and house ; H. Jones, from Bs. 6d. per day to £140 per annum ; J. Kay, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum ; R. Kearney, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; E. S. Kelly, from £150 to £160 ; I). T. Kelly, from £150 and house to £160 and house ;J. Kemp, from £150 to £140 and house ; A. Kennedy, from £180 to £190; W. Kerr, from £150 and house to £160 and house ;J. S. Kirkpatrick, from £150 to £140 and house; A. Kirkwood, from £140 to £140 and house; A. W. Kirton, from £105 to £160 and house ; R. O. Koch, from £140 to £150; W. Kydd, from 11s. per day to £190 per annum; H. W. Laing, from £150 to £160; F. W. Lash, from £150 to £160; H. W. Lawrell, from £150 and house to £160 and house; J. Lee, from Bs. per day to £180 per annum ; H. H. Leopard, from £150 to £160 ; E. H. Lewton, from £140 to "£l4O and house; R. J. Loe, from £150 to £160; F. W. London, from £140 to £140 and house; J. J. Louden, from £150 to £160; D, Low, from £150 and house to £160 and house; J. K. Lowe, from £140 to £160; H. M. Lund, from £150 and house to £160 and house; T. W. Lynch, from Bs. 6d. per day to £140 per annum; B. B. Mac Curdy, from £150 to £160; M. Maher, from £150 and house to £160 and house; B. A. Marris, from £150 to £160; W. H. Marshall, from £150 to £140 and house; T. Martin, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum; J. Martin, from £140 and house to £160 and house ; J. Mason, from £150 to £160; J. P Matheson, from £140 and house to £190; G. Matthewson, from £150 to £140 and house; W. R. G. Mearns, from £140 to £150; H. Mercer, from £150 and house to £160 and house; M. Miller, from £150 to £140 and house; A. G. Millward, from £140 to £190; J. H. Mills, from £150 to £140 and house; W. A. Mirams, from £150 to £160; A. R. Mitchell, from £140 to £140 and house; J. B. Mitchell, from £140 to £190; E. G. Monk, from £150 to £140 and house ; A. M. H. Monro, from £150 to £160; G. B. Monson, from £140 to £160 • and house; H. F. Mooney, from £140 and £25 house allowance to £160 and house; G. Mooney, from £140 to £140 and £25 house allowance; R. C. Morgan, from £150 to £140 and house; J. L. Morgan, from £140 to £140 and house; A. W. Morgan, from £140 to £190; W. J. Morton, from £150 to £140 and house ; J. A. D. Mulholland, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; J. Murdoch, from £150 and house to £170 and house; J. F. McCarthy, from £150 to £140 and house ; R. P. McCracken, from £150 to £140 and house; H. McDougall, from £150 to £140 and house; C. J. McEachen, from £150 to £160 ; D. McGregor, from £150 to £160 ; J. Mclntosh, from £140 to £150; A. A. McKinnon, from £180 to £190; N. McLeod, from £150 to £140 and house; W. McLeod, from £150 to £140 and house; M. K. McNicol, from £150 to £140 and house; A. M. McSwan, from £140 and £25 house allowance to £190 ; O. E. Naughton, from £140 to £190 ; R. H. Nicholson, from £150 to £160 ; E. R. Nicholson, from £150 to £160 ; S. Nicholson, from'lls. per day to £190 per annum ; L. P. Nicholson, from £L5O and house to £160 and house ; W. Noble, from £150 to £140 and £25 house allowance; J. H. Norris, from £140 to £140 and house ; J. Northcott, from Bs. per day to £180 per annum; M. O'Brien, from £150 to £160; J. M. O'Brien, from £140 to £160; J. O'Neill, from £140 to £160; J. J. O'Shea, from £150 to £160; A. Packman, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum; G. A. Parsons, from £140 to £160 and house; F. J. Parson, from £180 to £190; R. S. Pasley, from £150 to £140 and house; L. Payne, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; C. Peach, from £140 to £190; J. Pearson, from £150 to £140 and £25 house allowance; R. M. Peattie, from £150 to £140 arid house; G. Pedler, from £150 and house to £160 and house; J. Pedler, from £140 and house to £160 and house; D. W. Pemberton, from £150 to £140 and house; L. P. Pepperell, from £140 and house to £190; J. P. Petrie, from £150 to £140 and house; F. W. Phillips, from £150 to £160; A. G. Pickmere, from £150 to £160 ;G. Pilkington, from £150 to £140 and house; W. Pimm, from £150 to £140 and house ; F. S. Pope, from £140 to £150; J. J. Porter, from £140 to £150; J. H. Porter, from £150 to £140 and house ; W. T. Potter, from £140 to £140 and house ; J. T. Quin, from £140 to £160 and house ; E. Rackley, from £150 to £140 and house ; L. V. Rasmussen, from £150 to £140 and house ; W. Ray, from 9s. per day to £180 per annum ; J. Redpath, from 10s. per day to £156 10s. per annum ; J. W. Reed, from £140 to £190; J. J. Reid, from £140 to £150; W. W. Ridgley, £150 to £140 and £25 house allowance; W. S. Ridler, from £140 to £190; E. T. Roach, from £150 to £140 and house; A. J. Robertson, from £140 to £160 and house; G. F. Robertson, from £150 to £140 and £25 house allowance; G. A. C. Robieson, from £140 to £190; H. J. Roche, from £140 to £140 and £25 house allowance; J. P. Rodgers, from £150 and house to £160 and house ;J. A. Rodie, from £140 to £140 and house ; A. A. Rolfe, from £150 to £160; F. Y. Ross, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; H. W. Rowden, from £150 to £160; A. H.

2—H. 30.



Eudman, from £140 to £160 and house; C. Eussell, from £140 to £140 and house ;S. Sanders, from Bs. per day to £180 per annum ; T. H. Sandford, from £150 to £140 and house; J. W. Sohofield, from £140 and house to £160 and house ;G. A. Scott, from £140 to £140 and house; B. L. Scott, from £150 to £140.and house; A. Scott, from £150 to £160; J. Seaborn, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; H. E. G. Seager, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; B. H. Seager, from £150 to £160; B. A. Simons, from £.140 to £140 and £25 house allowance; J. Smart, from £140 to £150; A. Smellie, from Bs. 6d. per day to £130 per annum ;A. P. Smith, from £150 to £140 and house; C. S. Smith, from £140 to £160 and house; W. Smith, from Bs. per day to £140 per annum ; C. F. Somevfield, from £120 to £160 and house; H. M. Spencer, from £140 to £140 and house; W. F. Spindeler, from £150 to £160; W B. Stephens, from £140 to £140 and £25 house allowance; G. W. Stone, from £150 to £140 and house: W. J. Stringer from £140 to £160; A. Sfcubbs, from £150 to £160: T. H. Stubbs, from £150 to £160; J. L. Sullivan, from £150 to £160; J. E. Taylor, from £120 to £160; A. E. Taylor, from £140 to £160; H. Thacker, from £140' and house to £160 and house; W. V. Thiele, from £150 to £160; H. T. Thomas, from £140 to £190; E. T. Thompson, from £150 to £140 and £25 house allowance ;J. Tonge, from £150 and house to £160 and house; W. T. Tregurtha, from £140 to £160 ; J. A. Tripe, from £140 to £150 ; F. Truman, from £150 to £140 and house; M. C. Tully, from £140 and house to £160 and house ;I. W. Turner, from £105 to £160 and £25 house allowance; F. Unsworth, from £150 to £1.40 and house; W. J. Veal, from £150 and house to £160 and house; G. J. Walsh, from £150 and house to £160 and house; W. II- D. Warren, from £140 to £150; A. Watson, from £170 and house to £190; W. J. Watson, from 11s. per day to £190 per annum ; W. Watts, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; J. J. Weir,'from £150 to £160; D. D. Weir, from £150 to £160; H. P. West, from £150 to £160 ; G. W. White, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; W. J. White, from £140 to £140 and house ; A. S. Whitson, from £150 and £25 house allowance to £160 and £25 house allowance ; ,J. E. Widdop, from £150 to £160; F. C. Widdop, from £140 to £160; A. Williams, from £150 and house to £160 and house ; G. Wilson, from 10s. per day to £150 per annum ; W. S. Wilson, from £140 to £160 and house ; J. M. Wilson, from £150 to £160 ; T. H. Wilson, from £150 to £160; D. E. Wilson, from £140 to £140 and £25 house allowance ; J. W. Woodbury, from £140 to £140 and house ; T. Wright, from £140 and house to £160 and house ; S. Wright, from £150 to £160 ; H. A. Wright, from £140 to £140 and house; J. Young, from £120 to £160 and house. £200 and under £300.— G. G. Aickin, from £200 and house to £250 and house ;A. H. Alabaster, from £230 to £235 ; W. H. Alderton, from £160 and house to £180 and house; T. A. Aldridge, from £180 and house to £200 and house; A. Allan, from £220 to £230; E. J. Alpe, from £190 to £180 and house; E. J. Andrews, from £180 to £260; -J. T. Appleby, from £140 and house to £180 and house; J. E. Armstrong, from £180 to £260; A. M. Arthur, from £150 and house to £180 and house; J. Ballans, from £140 and house to £180 and house; W. Bass, from £175 and house to £220 and house; H. Baxter, from £250 to £275; P. E. Bean, from £140 and house to £180 and house; J. F. Bell, from £220 to £230; J. Bennett, from £200 to £210 ;H. Bennett, from £140 and house to £180 and £30 house allowance; J. Besant, from £140 to £23'; J. Bevin, from £'180 to £260; J. K. Bogle, from £150 and house to £180 and house; J. E. Boswell, from £150 and house to £180 and house ; W. Bowles, from £180 to £260; J. W. Bowles, from £140 and house to £180 and house ; G. Bowles, from 12s. per day to £235 per annum ; T. W. Brebner, from £200 and house to £250 and £50 house allowance ; A. G. Brebner, from £200 and house to £250 and house; T. J. Brownell, from £150 and house to £200 and £35 house allowance; G. Brownlee, from £180 to £230 ; J. Buck, from £150 and house to £180 and house ; E. G. C. Burge, from £151 to £180 and house ; G. Burnett, from £180 to £260 ; G. D. Cameron, from £170 and house to £180 and house ; E. Cameron, from £140 to £180 and house ; J. B. Campbell, from £140 to £180 and house ; J. C. Campbell, from £160 and house to £180 and house :E. M. Cole, from £250 to £260; B. Couborne, £175 and house to £220 and house; C. J. Cowan, from £140 and house to £180 and £30 house allowance; H. Craven, from £230 to £235 ;W. Crawley, from £150 and house to £180 and house; J. Crisp, from £230 to £335 ; S. P. Curtis, from £250 to £260; A. Davidson, from £175 and house to £190 and house ; J. H. Davies, from £250 to £260 ; E. Davy, from £220 to £230 ; F. J. Dawes, from £250 to £255; E. A. Dawson, from £140 and house to £180 and house; H. J. Day, from £175 and house to £220 and house; E. Dobbie, from £175 and house to £200 and house; A. Duncan, from £180 and house to £250 and £40 house allowance ; P. A. Duncan, from £220 to £250 and house ; T. S. Edwards, from £220 to £220 and £35 house allowance ; I. Faris, from £140 and house to £230; W. A. Fastier, from £150 to £260 ;G. F. Ffitch, from £220 to £230 ; T. B. Fleming, from £140 and house to £180 and house; F. Foote, from £150 and house to £180 and house ; J. Frame, from £175 to £200 and house ; E. E. Gillon, from £220 to £245 and house; I. W. Glenny, from £160 and house to £180 and house ; A. Graham, from £210 and house to £220 and £35 house allowance; J. Gray, from £225 to £230; J. T. B. Greatbatch, from £175 to £200 and house; J. Guy, from £150 and house to £200 and house ; W. Hannay, from £220 and house to £250 and £40 house allowance; J. E. Harte, from £170 and house to £180 and £30 house allowance; E. L. W. Haskins, from 11s. per day to £230 ; C. A. Heald, from £175 and house to £200 and houte ; A. M. Heaton, from £250 to £260 ; J. T. Henderson, from £220 to £230 ; W. P. Hicks, from £250 to £260; C. F. Hill, from £175 and house to £200 and house ; W. Hillier, from £170 and bouse to £180 and house ; A. Hislop from 12s. per day to £210 per annum ; E. Hislop, jun., from £160 and house to £230; J. Flolgate, from £285 t0"£290 ; J. S. Hutchinson, from £140 to £240 ; H. J. Jones from £140 and house to £180 and house ; J. P. Kelly, from £220 to £260; J. Kerr, from £130 to £180 and house; W. G. King, from £140 and house to £180 and house ; H. A. Lamb, from £180 to £200 and £50 house allowance; T. Lewis, from £140 and house to £180 and house; C. Lloyd, from £225 to £220 and £35 house allowance; C. L. Long, from £150 and house to £180 and house; C. Loveday, from £180 to £240; J. Macdonald,



from £140 to £230; J. May, from £160 and house to £200 and house; H. Meadowcroft, from £180 to £180 and house; A. H. Mellor, from £180 to £230; A. Morris, from £180 to £230 ; F. T. Murison from £240 to £275 ; G. McCartney, from £180 to £230 ; D. McKay, from 12s per day to £210; J. McKechnie, from £175 and house to £200 and house; B. McKenna, from £180 and house to £220 and house ;J. McLean, from £220 to £230; D. McLean, from £200 to £210; G. H. McMaster, from £180 to £230; A. Me Williams, from £180 to £230; A. H. O'Loughlen, from £140 and house to £230; W. J. Owen, from £260 to £290; J. T. Parsons, from £210 and house to £220 and house ; T. Paton, from £150 and house to £200 and house ; T. Pattle, from £150 and house to £180 and £35 house allowance; H. Pearce, from £140 and house to £180 and house; R. B. Peat, from £150 and house to £200 and house; E. Pye-Smith, from 12s. per day to £260; J. W. Richmond, from £195 (Public Works) to £275 (Railways); W. F. Rolfe, from"£180 to £230; M. C. Eowe, from £250 to £260; T. Scott, from 12s, per day to £210 per annum ; E. Simpson, from 11s. per day to £235 per annum ; J. Smith, from £150 and house to £200 and house; H. 0. Smith, from £175 and house to £220 and house; J. H. Smith, from £180 to £230; P. C. Smith, from £200 to £210; J. Stewart, from £170 and house to £180 and house; W. Sword, from £105 to £230; J. Treweek, from £200 to £210; G. A. Turner, from £200 to £210; E. T. Wainhouse, from £190 and house to £200 and house; G. Wellings, from 12s. per day to £210 per annum; J. Wells, from £150 and house to £200 and house; G. G. Wellsted, from £175 and house to £200 and house; W. Wesley, from £230 to £235; G. Wilcock, from £230 to £235 ; H. Williams, from £150 and house to £180 and house ; W. P. Williams, from £140 to £190; W. Williams, from £220 to £240; E. G. Wilson, from £175 and house to £220 and house; B. M. Wilson, from £220 to £230; W. A. Wood, from 10s. per day to £230; J. H. Woodhouse, from £180 to £190 and house ; G. Worsley, from £230 to £235; J. Young, from £220 to £230. £300 and under £400.— J. Ashley, from £250 and £50 house allowance to £300 and £50 house allowance ; T. H. Barstow, from £4 per week and house to £275 and house ; H. St. J. Christophers, from £275 to £325; W. Crombie, from £275 and £50 house allowance to £325 and house; H. Davidson, from £300 to £350; B. Dawson, from £325 to £325 and £50 house allowance ; H. B. Dobbie, from £275 to £300 ; T. E. Donne, from £225 and house to £300 and £50 house allowance ; J. Eden, from £325 to £350; S. P. Evans, from £220 to £300; G. Felton, from £300 to £350; J. H. Fox, from £225 to £325 ; C. W. Haines, from £250 to £300; T. Hay-Mackenzie, from £175 and house to £250 and house; T. S. Henderson, from £325 to £350; F. J. Jones, from £160 to £315 ; A. C. Koch, from £265 (Public Works) to £315 (Railways) ; S. J. Loring, from £275 to £375 ;H. Macandrew, from £225 (Public Works) to £365 (Railways); J. C. Macintyre, from £175 and house to £275 and £50 house allowance; C. A. Marcus, from £200 and house to £250 and house; J. F. McCarthy, from £250 to £300; A. J. McOredie, from £140 to £315; D. T. Mclntosh, from £250 to £365 ; E. W. McVilly, from £220 to £375 ; P. L. Payne, from £175 and house to £250 and house; G. A. Pearson, from £300 to £350; B. Pilkington, from £275 and house to £300 and house; J. W. Piper, from £200 and house to £250 and £50 house allowance; G. E. Eichardson, from £4 10s. per week to £315 per annum ; J. T. W. Stevenson, from £200 to £250 and house; E. Triggs, from £325 to £375; G. A Troup, from £180 to £315. £400 and over. —T. Arthur, from £250 and house to £550; A. L. Beattie, from £450 to £850; C. H. Biss, from £200 to £400; J. Burnett, from £400 to £500; H. Buxton, from £325 to £425; T. A. Peterkin.from £450 to £475 ; E. Carrow, from £500 to £525 ; W. E. Carruthers, from £400 to £425 ; J. Coom, from £540 to £900 ; A. C. Fife, from £525 to £600 ; W. H. Gaw, from £500 to £800; A. Grant, from £500 to £650; C. B. B. Hankey, from £400 to £425; C. Hudson, from £475 to £900; J. Lawson, from £350 to £400; J. H. Lowe, from £750 to £800; A. V. Z. Macdonald, from £550 to £575 ; F. W. Mac Lean, from £300 to £425; T. C. Maltby, from £400 to £450; C. A. Piper, from £300 to £425; E. G. Pilcher, from £400 to £475 ;T. Eonayne, from £500 to £1,250; T. F. Eotheram, from £750 to £850; T. W. Waite, from £250't0 £425; S. F. Whitcombe, from £300 to £425 ; H. H. Jackson, from £350 to £410. 24. Defence Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—Colonel F. J. Fox, £700; Colonel F. J. Fox, £600 (left the service); Colonel A. P. Penton, £700 (left the service) ; Captain F. Coyle, £400 ; Major St. L. M. Moore, £450. £300 and under £400.—Colonel S. Newall, £300 ; Major W. E. N. Madocks, £300 (left the service) ; Lieut.-Colonel J. H. Banks, £300 (left the service); Captain G. B. Mackenzie, £300 (left the servicej. £200 and under £300.—Major Sir A. P. Douglas, £250; Major N. L. d'A. Smith, £250; Lieut.-Colonel R. H. Owen, £275 ; Lieut.-Colonel J. G. Davis, £200 155.; Lieut.-Colonel T. W. Porter, £200 (left the service) ; Major A. G. E. Bingley, (left the service). £100 and under £200.—Major A. W. Robin, £100 ; Major E. H. Davies, £100 ; Captain J. Eeid, £190; Captain L. J. Joyce, £150 (left the service) ; A. E. Carnie, £150; T. H. Hustwick, £175; Master Gunner A. Duvall, £164 ss. ; Sergeant-major E. Carpenter, £127 155.; J. J. de M. d'Alkemade, £100; Sergeant-major J. E. W. Eolle, £170 2s. 6d. ; Sergeant-major F. W. Kibblewhite, £127 15s. ; Sergeant-major W. Fry, £127 15s (left the service); Sergeant-major D. Healey, £127 155.; Sergeant-major A. R. J. Dewar, £127 15s. (left the service); W. W. Dalby, £110; Sergeant-major J. H. Castles, £127 15s. (left the service); Sergeant-major G. Parrell, £127 155.; Sergeant-major G. E. Hopkins, £127 15s. (left the service); Sergeant-major J. Burbery, £156; Sergeant-major G. S. Richardson, £155 2s. 6d. ; Sergeant-major J. L. Mitchell, £127 15s. (left the service) ; Sergeant-major W. Hoar, £127 15s. ; Sergeant-major F. Farthing, £127 15s. ; Sergeantmajor W. Knee, £127 15s. ; Sergeant-major H. Taylor, £127 155.; Sergeant-major H. Cheator, £127 155.; Sergeant-major H. Peacock, £127 15s. ; Sergeant-major W. Sanderson, £127 15s. ; Sergeant-major J. Coleman, £127 155.; Sergeant-major H. W. Browne, £127 15s. ; Captain G. C.



B. Wolfe, £150 ; Sergeant-ma or E. Crespin, £127 155.; Sergeant-major 1.8.8 uc hanan £127 15s Armourer-Sergeant f. Hunter, £164 55.; Armourer-Sergeant B. Buckley, £164 5s q , Sergeant-major W A Morgan £127 155.; Sergeant J. P. Russell, £127 155.; Quartermaster- Sergeant J. Kean, fiVIS Sergeant-major S. H. Tuck, £127 155.; Sergeant-major T. Burr, £127 15s ; major G. Eogere, £127 15s. ; Sergeant-major E. Miller, £127 155.; Sergeant-major C. b. Colclough, £127 15s. ; Sergeant-major T. McDonald, £127 15s. Promotions. £300 and under £400 -Lieut.-Colonel W. B. Messenger, from £250 to £300; Colonel A. W. EobifZm£loot O £3oo; Colonel E. H. Davies, from £100 to £300 (lefc the service) ; Lieut.C iKS;S;TSIe, to- fiMO n to £240 (left the service) Cagain Z J Hume £185 to £200 ; J. O'Sullivan, from £195 to £250; Captain L. J. Joyce, from £150 to £270, 15, to £127 15s. (left the service); J. H. J^ltom to £183 ; Lieutenant W. P. Wall, from £50 to £150 Lieutenant M. Gardner from £50 to £150; Lieutenant J. Grant, from £127 15s to £175 (lett the seivicej , SaTnT Grant from £175 to £190 (left the service); Lieutenant F. Symon, from £60 to £150, J May from £140 E. Frederic, from £109 10s. to £120; Lieutenant H. B. Pilkington, from £50 to £150. • 25. Police Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.— J. B. Tunbridge, £500. Wb L y ThompL S cLmms y C. Brien, g E. Lannigan, A. H. Hyde, J. McConnell, M. ?'S C Kemp D Mahoney 0. Woodley, S. H. Tuck, W. Lane, C. T. Middleton, J Lander, H. J.igan jSlay, A &, J- N. Thomson, G. C. Olouston B Moriarity, G. H. Wilha.ns W.



Beaton, W. Southgate, C. E. Wotton, J. Kennedy, F. Pidgeon, D. Neil, C. J. King, C. E. Hyde, E. Larkin, W. Mclnnes, H. J. Cattanach, T. J. Burke, T. J. Brown, J. Doyle, H. Cox, J. Bagrie, A. L. Thoreau, S. H. Shaw, A. A. Mitchell, A. J. Pinkerton, J. B. Esson, F. J. Blake, H. M. Kirby, S. B. Tanner, H. H. Hancox, J. S. Eeid, P. H. C. Boulton, A. B. Murray, D. Mahoney, H. G. Carmody, H. Henderson, E. W. Scott, G. W. Wales, P. J. O'Hara, J. D. Lyons, C. S. Osborn, P. Boss, C. W. Lopdell, C. Lilley, J. Hughes, H. A. Datson, E. M. Thorn, J. B. Boyd, F. J. Paradine, J. Holmes, H. G. Tull, W. McLennan, G. Scandrett, J. McClinchy, J. Fitzgibbon, G. Learmouth, £127 15s. each. Promotions. £300 and under £400.— J. Pratt, from £191 12s. 6d. to £300; J. Cullen, from £191 12s. 6d. to £300 ;J. W. Ellison, from £200 15s. to £300; E. J. Gillies, from £200 15s. to £300; T. O'Brien, from £246 12s. 6d. to £300; E. Macdonell, from £200 15s. to £300. £200 and under £300. —N. Kiely, from £200 15s. to £250 ; E. Wilson, from £200 15s. to £250; A. J. Mitchell, from £164 ss. to £250; P. Black, from £200 15s. to £250 ; H. Green, from £200 15s. to £250. £100 and under £200.— F. Donovan, from £164 ss. to £173 7s. 6d. ;E. Mackay, from £164 ss. to £173 7s. 6d.; E. Marsack, from £127 15s. to £173 7s. 6d.; W. A. Bailey, from £127 15s. to £173 7s. 6d. ; G. Fitzgerald, from £146 to £173 7s. 6d. ; P. T. McMahon, from £127 15s. to £173 7s. 6d. ; F. Wild, W. Brennan, W. Walker, E. Stapleton, E. Darby, W. J. Phair, J. C. Mackenzie, W. Warring, P. Scully, T. King, T. Bourke, W. Murray, J. Siddells, J. Treanor, P. Bowman, J. O'Donovan, A. H. Wright, J. Johnston, W. H. Higgins, D. Gordon, W. H. Haddrell, J. Dougan, W. W. Smart, A. M. Moon, J. W. Forbes, from £164 ss. to £173 7s. 6d. ; J. Cooney, from £136 17s. 6d. to £173 7s. 6d.; T. W. B. Boddam, from £136 17s. 6d. to £173 7s. 6d.; W. B. Mcllveney, C. E. Broberg, J. Mcllveney, from £127 15s. to £173 7s. 6d. ; T. Griffith, A. Gruickshank, S. P. Norwood, F. Cullen, M. Walker, W. Folley, C. W. Hendrey, D. Latimer, C. Bowden, B. Sheenan, from £164 ss. to £173 7s. 6d. 26. Lands and Survey Department. Permanent Appointments. £300 and under £400.—C. C. Farr, £300. £200 and under £300.— H. Maitland, £200; C. T. H. Brown, £210; A. Nicholson, £210; G. Fannin, £200; F. Hyde, £285 ; E. A. Aitkinson, £250; H. Lundius, £250; B. P.Bayly, £250; E. S. McKerrow, £275 ; J. Smith, £200; W. B. Buckhurst, £250; W. H. Williams, £250; H. P. Kavanagh, £250. £100 and under £200.— H. F. Edgecumbe, £190 ;W. C. McAlister, £150 ;J. E. Vaile, £180 ; F. J. Halse, £135; J. D. Watt, £145; W. T. Nelson, £100; O. Mewhinney, £188; W. Eobertson, £120; E. O'Neill, £156; F. Ward, £156; H. H. Hargood, £115. Promotions. £400 and over.— J. W. A. Marchant, from £500 to £550; 0. W. Adams, from £500 to £500 ; G. J. Mueller, from £450 to £450 ; T. Humphries, from £475 to £475 ; J. Strauchon, from £375 to £450; D. Barron, from £375 to £475 ; E. C. Goldsmith, from £375 to £375 ; W. G. Murray, from £355 to £400 ; J. Hay, from £325 to £425. £300 and under £400.— G. J. Eoberts, from £300 to £300; S. Thompson, from £300 to £300 ; C. E. Pollen, from £275 to £300 ; W. G. Euncie, from £260 to £350 ;'" F. Bull, from £310 to £310; J. E. March, from £275 to £375; F. Simpson, from £325 to £325. £200 and under £300.— H. M. Skeet, from £275 to £290; F. A. Thompson; from £240 to £250; G. H. McClure, from £230 to £250; D. W. Gillies, from £250 to £270; L. O. Mathias, from £230 to £260; G. H. Bullard, from £230 to £250; D. M. Calder, from £230 to £250; H. D. M. Haszard, from £250 to £250; H. J. Lowe, from £250 to £250; W. J. Wheeler, from £230 to £250; T. K. Thompson, from £240 to £250; W. T. Neill, from £240 to £250; S. A. Dalziell, from £240 to £250; J. McKay, from £240 to £250; W. Armstrong, from £250 to £275; J. G. Clare, from £240 to £255 ; J. H. Boseawen, from £250 to £290; A. A.' McNab, from £200 to £210; T. M. Taylor, from £210 to £240; T. G. Waitt, from £250 to £250 ; H. L. Welch, from £230 to £230; A. A. Danby, from £200 to £200; G. P. Doile, from £175 to £200. £100 and under £200.— J. D. Thomson, from £100 to £110; D. A. I. Barron, from £100 to £150; W. T. Morpeth, from £100 to £150; A. Hodgkinson, from £80 to £150; J. E. Strachan, from £90 to £150; T. Brook, from £90 to £150; E. W. Watson, from £110 to £150; E. C. Eobinson, from £70 to £150; A. G. Muir, from £70 to £150; J. Mouat, from £100 to £150; D. Edwards, from £90 to £110; W. J. Munro, from £90 to £110; J. Thompson, from £90 to £100; G. E. Darton, from £90 to £100; J. C. Andersen, from £90 to £100; J. McDonald, from £70 to £100; G. W. Palmer, from £80 to £100 ; J. H. O'Donnell, from £60 to £100 ; D. Smith, from £80 to £100; F. J. Mouat, from £70 to £100; C. D. McNab, from £70 to £100; J. D. Hay, from £70 to £110; F. Sanford, from £70 to £110; P. J. Herlihy, from £70 to £100; J: W. Harvey, from £70 to £110; T. Tudehope, from £70 to £110; J. Y. Dixon, from £100 to £120; A. D. A. McFarlane, from £90 to £110; S. B. Smith, from £70 to £100 ; E. V. Parker, from £70 to £100; E. J. Crawford, from £70 to £110; C. E. Pfeifer, from £70 to £110. 27. Public Trust Office Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over. — J. K. Warburton, £650 (transferred from Postal Department); J. W. Poynton, £800 (transferred from Justice) ; J. C. Martin, £800 (transferred from Justice). ' £300 and under £400. —A. A, K. Duncan, £300 (transferred from Postal Department).

3—H, 30.



£200 and under £300.— F. Hyde, £200; T. W. Fisher, £228; F. H. Morice, £200 (transferred from Police Department); M. C. Barnett, £230 (transferred from Land and Income Tax Department) . £100 and under £200.—M. Townsend, £156 (now deceased); P. T. Fair, £156 ;P. J. Hervey, £156; B. C. Beeves, £156 ; E. G Hyde, £156; T. B. Saywell, £120 ;N. J. Levien, £120; B. P. Watkis, £150; O. Zachariah, £135 (transferred from Postal Department) ; J. C. Matheson, £156 ; W. A. Fordham, £125 (transferred from Government Life Insurance Department) ; W. S. W. McGowan, £120 (transferred from Bail way Department). Promotions. £400 and over.— J. K. Warburton, from £650 to £800. £300 and under £400.—A. A. K. Duncan, from £300 to £425. £200 and under £300.— J. J. M. Hamilton, from £250 to £375 (deceased) ; E. F. Warren, from £240 to £350; T. S. Bonaldson, from £240 to £350; M. C. Barnett, from £230 to £350; T. W. Fisher, from £228 to £300 ; F. H. Morice, from £200 to £275. £100 and under £200 —H. B. H. Oswin, from £155 to £200 ; A. J. Gross, from £104 to £175 ; T. D. Kendall, from £160 to £200 ; J. C. Matheson, from £156 to £180 (now deceased) ; M. Townsend, from £190 to £300 (now deceased). 28. Government Insurance Department. Permanent Appointments. £400 and over.—Dr. T. Cahill, £400. £100 and under £200. —H. H. Hargood, £109 10s. (transferred to Crown Lands Department); C. E. Galway, £160; A. de Castro, £120 (transferred from Public Trust); F. C. H. S. Baddeley, 6s. per day (resigned); H. Spackman, £175; J. J. Feeney, £110 (reappointment of returned trooper) ; J. Lepper, 7s. per day ; C. H. Gell, 7s. per day (resigned) ; C. J. Alexander, £156 10s. ; G. Webb, £173 ; A. W. G. Burnes, £157 ; F. W. Beale, £157 (resigned); H. L. Levestam, £140 ; J. B. Fraser, £120 (reappointment of returned trooper). Promotions. £400 and over.—G. Eobertson, from £300 to £500. £300 and under £400,— J. H. Dean, from £265 to £300 ;G. W. Barltrop, from £325 to £350. £200 and under £300.—C. Webb, from £225 to £250 (retired) ;A. P. Burnes, from £220 to £250; J. W. Kinniburgh, from £200 to £230; B. C. Niven, from £260 to £275 ; G. A. Kennedy, from £230 to £250; P. Muter, from £190 to £225 ; M. J. Hey wood, from £160 to £215 ; T. L. M. Barker, from £190 to £200. £100 and under £200.— J. Findlay, from £120 to £140; A. B. Gibson, from £105 to £130 (resigned); S. T. Wicksteed, from £100 to £140; B. V. Blacklock, from £160 to £180 (retired); A. H. Hamerton, from £160 to £180 ; G. Crichton, from £180 to £190; 0. H. Ralph, from £110 to £125 ;F. B. Bolt, from £170 to £190; A. E. Allison, from £125 to £150; H. S. Manning, from £160 to £170 ; A. Avery, from £170 to £185 ; A. W. G. Burnes, from £165 to £175. 29. Public Works Department. Permanent Appointments. £100 and under £200.—L. F. Tegner, £175; C. E. M. Horneman, £156; G. C. Schmidt £156. Promotions. £400 and over.—H. J. H. Blow, from £427 to £450; W. H. Hales, from £500 to £750; P. S. Hay, from £450 to £500; B. W. Holmes, from £400 to £425; C. B. Vickerman, from £340 to £450. £300 and under £400.— J. Campbell, from £315 to £340; W. A. Sham, from £250 to £350; W H. Gavin, from £235 to £300; H. Thompson, from £250 to £300. £200 and under £300.— W. D. Dumbell, from £225 to £275; W. G. Butherford, from £225 to £240; J. Young, from £200 to £210. 30. Boads Department. Permanent Appointments. £200 and under £300.— G. A. Kallender, £250; G. B. H. Ibbetson, £250; W. D. B. McCurdie, £250. Promotions. £400 and over.—C. W. Hursthouse, from £450 to £550. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,200 copies), flO 15s. 6cJ.

Bj' Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o2.

Price Gd.)


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THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE (APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS IN) SINCE FEBRUARY, 1891., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, H-30

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THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE (APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS IN) SINCE FEBRUARY, 1891. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, H-30

THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE (APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS IN) SINCE FEBRUARY, 1891. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, H-30

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