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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

My Lord, — Marine Department, Wellington, Bth July, 1902. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department of the colony for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, Wμ. Hall-Jones, His Excellency the Eight Hon. the Earl of Banfurly, Minister of Marine. Governor of New Zealand.

Sib, — Marine Department, Wellington, Ist July, 1902. I have the honour to make the following report on the work of this Department during the financial year ended the 31st March last: — Lighthouses. —All the lights have been maintained in an efficient manner. The cost of maintenance, exclusive of the cost of the attending steamer, was £16,394 Is. 7d. The work of inspection of the buildings and plants has been performed by Captain Bollons, of the s.s. " Hinemoa," when visiting the lighthouse with oil, stores, &c. Two keepers left the service, and one died during the year. Four appointments were made, three of them being to fill the vacancies caused by resignations and death, and the other to provide an additional keeper at Nugget Point, to enable the work of signalling vessels to be properly carried out. A sum of £200 was voted last year to provide fog signal-rockets for use at some of the lighthouses, and inquiries have been made through the Agent-General as to the use of this class of fog signals in the United Kingdom, with the result that it is found that rockets are not much used, mainly owing to the danger to the men firing them. Apart from sirens and reed horns, which are very expensive, the signals mostly used are cotton-powder signals similar to those used at Pencarrow Head, some of them being fired by similar automatic apparatus, and some from a jib fixed on the lighthouse. The apparatus fixed on to the lighthoiTse is the less expensive, but, as it requires the constant attention of a man when in use, it appears more economical to procure the automatic apparatus for Godley Head and Taiaroa Head, where it is proposed to make signals during fogs. A cable has been imported and is being laid to connect East Cape Lighthouse with the mainland, and the necessary land line to connect the lighthouse with the telegraph system of the colony is being erected. Arrangements have been made to exhibit storm-warning signals at this station, and to obtain daily weather reports from it. Being the most eastern station in the colony, the weather reports from it will be of considerable value in connection with weather forecasts. It will also be a signal-station for reporting vessels. At Farewell Spit new houses have been erected for the three keepers, as the old houses, which were built when the lighthouse was erected in 1870, were becoming unfit for habitation. The roofs of the houses at Cape Saunders have been renewed and other repairs effected there. A workshop has been erected at Cape Eginont, the material having been supplied by the Department and the work of erection performed by the keepers. The work of erecting a lighthouse at Kahurangi Point, between Westport and Farewell Spit, has been commenced. The lantern has reached the colony, and the apparatus is expected shortly. This light will be of great value to vessels trading to and from West Coast ports. The sum of £25,626 17s. 6d. has been collected for light dues during the year. The amount received during the previous year was £22,240 9s. 3d. Statements are annexed showing the cost of maintenance of the lighthouses during the year, and the cost of their construction.

I—H. 15.


Harbours.—The duties of the harbour staff at the ports under the control of this Department have been properly performed. The present arrangement, under which the Northern Union Steamboat Company is paid a subsidy of £340 a year for conveying the Harbourmaster at Kaipara about the harbour and for attending to the small buoys, is not satisfactory, as the vessel is not always available when required. As the harbour is of very large extent, and there is considerable oversea shipping trade to it, it is important that the Harbourmaster should have proper means of getting about, so as to keep himself acquainted with the depths of water and with the requirements of the various parts of the harbour. To enable him to do this, he should have a small steam or oil vessel at his disposal. Pouto, where he is stationed, is too far away from the shipping-places, and he would be in a much better position to carry out his duties properly if he were moved to Aratapu. At Manukau an oil-launch would be very useful to the Harbourmaster in connection with his harbour duties, and with the supervision of the oyster-beds, which are under his control as Inspector of Fisheries. Mr. S. G. Eobinson has resigned the position of Harbourmaster at Waitapu, and Mr. 8. B'ittall has been appointed to succeed him. The buoys at most of the ports under the control of this Department have been overhauled and cleaned by the " Hinemoa,'" and, with the exception of those at Ngunguru, they are in good condition and proper positions. At Ngunguru some of them have disappeared, owing, it is believed, to vessels colliding with them. These will shortly be replaced. A contract has been let to erect ten beacons to mark the channel leading to Havelock, and arrangements have been made for the erection of beacons to mark the entrance and the channel at West Wanganui. A by-law has been made providing that vessels must not use their propellers when turning at the Warkworth Wharf. This was necessary owing to the propellers forming a deep hole in the river at the wharf. The limits of the Port of Mokau have been defined. The sections of the Westport and Greymouth Harbour Board Acts which provide for a special rate of 3d. a ton on coal shipped at Westport and Greymouth have been brought into operation. A return showing the harbour-works authorised by the Governor in Council, and the licenses issued for occupation of foreshore, is appended hereto. The sum of £1,950 11s. 2d. has been collected for pilotage and port charges in respect of the harbours under the control of the Department. The amount collected during the previous year was £3,322 4s. 3d. The decrease is owing to Nelson Harbour now being under the control of a Harbour Board, which receives the pilotage and port charges collected at that port. Fisheries. —Shipments of salmon-ova have been received from Canada and Great Britain. The shipment from Canada consisted of 500,000 sockeye or blueback ova, which were supplied without charge by the Canadian Fisheries Department. The ova were sent from Canada to San Francisco, in charge of one of the Canadian Fishery officers. At San Francisco they were taken charge of by Mr. G. H. Lambson, an officer of the United States Fish Commission, who brought them to New Zealand. The shipment arrived in bad condition, owing to the mode of packing not being suitable for long-distance carriage. Only 160,000 ova were good when unpacked, and there was a large percentage of deformed fish amongst those hatched out. The ova from Great Britain came in two shipments—one of 150,000 by the " Gothic," and the other of 50,000 by the " Paparoa." They yielded about 50 per cent, of good ova, but amongst the fish hatched out a considerable number were deformed. The salmon at present in the hatchery at Hakataramea are as follow, viz. : Quinnat (seventeen months old), 20,000; sockeye or blueback (six months old), 20,000; Atlantic (S. solar)—" Gothic " shipment 51,200, "Paparoa" 25,500. During the year there have been liberated in the tributaries of the Waitaki Eiver 23,600 yearling quinnat and 5,000 sockeye fry, and in the streams flowing into Lake Ohau 91,200 sockeye fry. At the Hakataramea salmon-hatchery eight new rearing-ponds have been made, the race bringing the water for hatching purposes has been boxed from the springs to the hatching-shed, a high board fence has been erected round the ponds and buildings, a substantial wire fence has been erected round the reserve, a corTcrete floor has been put in the hatching-shed, and a tool-shed, workshop, cart-shed, and meat-house have been erected. Altogether, good progress has been made, and the Chief Inspector of Fisheries expresses himself well satisfied with the salmon-rearing experiments. Inquiries have been made in Great Britain and the United States as to the possibility of bringing the spawn or live specimens of some of the best market fish of Europe and America to the colony, and the information obtained has been submitted to the Portobeilo Marine Fish Hatchery Board for its suggestions thereon. The question of allowing trawling in the Hauraki Gulf and Frith of Thames was brought before Parliament last session, and the Chief Inspector of Fisheries was afterwards sent to Auckland and the Thames to make inquiries into the matter. He met persons interested and engaged in the fishing industry in both places, heard their statements, and submitted a report to the Department. After consideration of this report it was decided that for a time trawling should be prohibited in the Frith of Thames and in a portion of the gulf, and this has accordingly been done. The trawling industry at Napier has fallen off a good deal during the year, flounders not having been nearly so plentiful as formerly. H. C. Haywood, of Auckland, and Constable W. J. Campbell, of Wanganui, have been appointed Inspectors of Fisheries. The close season for seals, which has been in force since October, 1894, has been extended up to the 30th June, 1903. Oysters. —lt has been decided to keep the beds in the Hauraki Gulf closed during the present season, as they have not yet recovered from the way in which they were depleted when last open ; but it is anticipated that they will be in a proper condition for picking next season. The beds in



the northern subdivision of the Northern Oyster-fishery are open, but those in the middle and southern subdivisions are closed, as they require further rest. The other open beds in the North Island are those in the Tauranga Fishery, in Kaipara and Hokianga Harbours, and the leased areas in Manukau Harbour. It is found that in parts of the Hauraki Gulf rocks which have been denuded of oysters are becoming covered with barnacles and coral. The closing of the district will not remedy this, as oyster-spat will not fix on to the coral. The only way to make the rocks again fit for oysters is to clear the barnacles and coral off them just before the spatting season; and it would appear that the only way in which this can be done effectively is by leasing the foreshore in sections for oyster-culture. Some of the beds in Manukau Harbour have been reserved for the exclusive use of the Maoris for food, and steps are being taken to lease the remaining beds which are not now under lease. Under the present law the revenue derived from oyster licenses and leases is payable to the local bodies whose districts border on the foreshore in respect of which it is raised, whilst all expenses in connection with surveys, licenses, and leases, and the cost of the administration of the law relating to oysters, is borne by the Consolidated Fund. I think that the law in this respect should be altered, as ie is only reasonable that the authority which has to bear the cost of conserving and developing the oyster-fisheries should receive the revenue derived from those fisheries. Last session a vote of £160 was taken to test the Foveaux Strait oyster-beds, but so far the Department has not been able to arrange for the work. It is proposed, however, to put it in hand during the current year. There is very "little to report on the formation and cultivation of artifical beds by private persons. There are still a few in existence, but the owners have not been very successful with them. Proceedings have been taken against three persons for illegally taking oysters, and against two persons for attempting to export rock oysters. Conviction was secured in each case. Weather-reporting. —This work has been carried out' satisfactorily by Captain Edwin. A further supply of barographs and thermometers has been obtained from England. It is proposed to open a new reporting-station at East Cape Lighthouse. Inspection of Machinery. —The inspection of land boilers, engines, and machinery has been placed under the control of Mr. Duncan, the Chief Inspector. Survey of Steamers. —During the year certificates for 235 steamers and eighteen oil-engine vessels have been granted by this Department. A return of such vessels is appended hereto. Proceedings have been taken against the master of the "Lily" for carrying more passengers than allowed by the vessel's certificate, and against the master of the oil-launch " Rotokohu " for carrying passengers without a certificate. A fine was imposed in each case. Masters, Mates, and Engineers.—The examinations of masters and mates during the year are reported upon by the Chief Examiner in his report appended hereto. New regulations for the examination of engineers, based on the latest regulations issued by the Board of Trade, have been made. For certificates of competency 208 persons passed their examinations and ninety-four failed. Of those who passed, 134 were masters, mates, and steamship engineers of sea-going vessels, sixty-three were masters and engineers of steamships plying within restricted limits, seven were engineers of sea-going vessels propelled by oil, gas, &c, and four engineers of similar vessels plying within restricted limits. Proceedings were taken against the master of the oil-engine vessel "Toroa" for going to sea with an uncertificated engineer after engaging a certificated man to enable the ship to be cleared by the Customs, and he was fined £10 and costs. Prosecutions were also instituted against F. Hoskins and H. S. Hall for acting as engineers of the " Hauturu " and " May " without certificates, and they were fined 10s. and costs and £2 and costs respectively. Deck Cargo. —The regulations regarding the carriage of deck cargo have worked smoothly, and it has only been necessary to take proceedings for breach of them in one case. In this case the master of the "Te Anau " was fined £5 and costs for carrying more cargo on deck than allowed by his license. Engagement and Discharge of Seamen. —This work has been carried out satisfactorily. The issue of licenses to persons to procure seamen for vessels has been discontinued, and, so far as the Department is aware, the discontinuance has not caused inconvenience to masters of ships. Superintendents of Mercantile Marine render every possible assistance in obtaining the men required, and men wanting employment can obtain information at the shipping offices as to the vessels which need men. Proceedings have been taken against masters of vessels in five cases for employing and carrying men without putting them on articles, and in one case for not giving a proper discharge. A fine was imposed in each case. Wages and Effects of Deceased Seamen. —The estates of thirty-four seamen, amounting to £197 Is. 7d., were dealt with during the year. Of these ten were new estates. The sum of £170 18s. 10d. was paid to relatives and other claimants. Coastal Dangers.— H.M. surveying-ship "Penguin " has been engaged in surveying on the east coast of the Auckland District, including Poverty Bay, and various dangers have been surveyed by the Government steamers. The Surveyor-General has been asked and has agreed to instruct his officers who may be engaged in surveying on the coasts to determine by observations from land stations the positions of rocks marked " P.D." on Admiralty charts, and also of any others on which they may see breaks. The Department has issued a pamphlet giving information brought up to date concerning dangers, sailing directions, &c. It is proposed to publish a handbook annually containing information regarding the coasts and ports which will be useful to shipowners and mariners. Captain Blackburne, Nautical Adviser, is now preparing the information for publication this year. Wrecks and Casualties. —A table is attached showing the casualties to ships, and an analysis. Those on the coasts of the colony numbered forty-five, representing 28,020 tons, as against forty-



eight, representing 19,503 tons, in the previous year. The total wrecks within the colony were eight, of 3,948 tons, as against ten, of 1,309 tons, in the previous year. The number of lives lost was twenty-eight, as against fourteen last year. Of these, twenty-five were within the colony— viz., twelve from the " Lizzie Bell," one from the " Oban," four from the " Whakapai," one from the " Eoyal Tar," and seven from the " Linda Weber " (all hands). Government Steamers. —The " Tutanekai" has been fully employed during the whole of the year. She has been engaged on the following work, viz. : Service in connection with the Eoyal visit and in connection with troops going to and returning from South Africa; carriage of railway material, sleepers, &c. ; and conveying oil and stores to lighthouses while the " Hinemoa " was undergoing repairs. During the Eoyal visit the "Hinemoa" was employed on service in connection with it; but, apart from this, she has been principally engaged in attending to the lighthouses, and overhauling and cleaning coastal and harbour buoys, and attending to beacons. She has aiso visited the depots for castaways at the southern islands and at the Kermandecs. In February last a contract was let to Messrs. G. Fraser and Sons (Limited), of Auckland, for additions, alterations, and repairs, which included a new deck, bulkhead, captain's bridge, chart-house, house for steam steering-gear, enlargement of after hatch, fitting new winch, and installing the electric light. An order has been sent to England for steam steering-gear and new windlass. I have, &c, Geoege Allpoet, for Secretary.

The Peincipal Examiner of Mastees and Mates to the Sbceetaey, Maeinb Depaktmbnt. Office of the Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates, Lambton Quay, Sic,— Wellington, 14th May, 1902. I have the honour to inform you that the examination of masters and mates has been carried out by the Examiners at the four principal ports in a satisfactory manner. I have been unable to visit the Examiners during the past year owing to the difficulty of getting any one to relieve Captain Smith (the Superintendent of Mercantile Marine and Examiner of Masters and Mates in Wellington), and I have myself conducted all the examinations in Wellington for some time past. The same practice has been continued as was formerly pursued, of using only the examination papers of my own setting, and the utmost care has been taken to insure perfect accuracy and freedom from misprints. On the night of the 19th to 20th August, the examination-room and my office (both of which were close together, over the Wairarapa Farmers' Association Buildings) were almost completelydestroyed by fire. Temporary rooms were at once obtained, and the examinations were continued without interruption in them for three months and a half, when, after repairs had been effected, we again occupied the old rooms. The Shipmasters' Society very kindly lent their deviascope to the Marine Department, until another one could be obtained from England, for which we accord .them hearty thanks. Other instruments, models, &c, have been replaced, new charts having been ordered from England. There has been a decrease this year in the number of candidates who have presented themselves for examination, and, as was the case last year, the number of failures have exceeded the number of those who have successfully passed their examinations ; a good percentage, however, of the successful ones have passed very creditably. The following mentioned have passed their respective examinations without making a single mistake in their papers: Mr. John Christian, second mate ; Messrs. Harry Williams, W. N. Dutton, and David Eeid, first mates; and Mr. Hugh McDermid Young, master ordinary for foreign-going certificates ; also, Messrs. J. E. Sorensen and Andrew Carter for H.T. mate. Mr. A. E. Maxwell, for foreign-going master, worked very correctly and neatly except in one paper, and holds the record for quickness in the completion of all his work.

I have, &c, Hakold S. Blackbuene, Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates. The Secretary, Marine Department.




Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.

* Surveyed twice.

Name of Vessel. i 7r, M a p. is l 3 3" j ■ .2 D » a zoao Nature of Engines. of p£,pef ler , Class of Certificate. Remarks. Admiral 'Advance Ahuriri Akaroa Alert (Auckland) Alert (Thames) Antrim Aorere Aotea (Auckland) Aotea (Auckland) Aotea (Wanganui) Awaroa Awarua (Auckland) Awarua (Picton) Beatrioe Bella Ben Lomond Birkenhead Britannia Canterbury Ohelmsford Clansman Clara Clematis Clyde Comet Corinna Coromandel Countess Countess of Ranfurlv .. Cygnet Despatch (Bluff) Dispatch (Mokau) Dingadee Dolly Varden Doto Duchess Duoo Durham Eagle Bdina ■ Effort Eliza Elsie Endon Erin Ethel J. Express Fanny Fingal Florence Freetrader Gairlooh Gannet •Gertie Glenelg Goldfinch Gretchen 82 81 43 •• I 35 49 157 89 57 100 *8 12 33 55 108 70 336 5 820 B7 84 153 66 24 393 24 19 62 i 26 58 138 5 13 15 20 36 55 22 95 211 15 100 156 28 8 17 28 14 0 30 16 33 15 16 3 32 4 10 12 15 20 40 24 24 90 24 8 40 24 141 25 28 90 43 20 0 80 30 16 81 60 24 70 6 12 3 8 5 4 16 25 30 9 34 30 85 6 59 75 12 14 Compound Non-oondensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Non-condensing . .■ Compound .. j // • • Oil-engines Non-condensing .. Condensing Non-oondensing .. j Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Condensing Compound Condensing Compound Oil-engines Compound Screw Paddle '.'. Screw Paddle Stern wheel Paddle Screw Paddle Twin-screw .. Screw Stern wheel Screw River. Extended river. Home trade. River Extended river.. River. Home trade. River. Home trade. River. Home trade. Extended river.. River. Extended river.. Home trade. River Foreign trade. Extended river. River. Foreign trade .. Home trade. Extended river.. Rver Home trade. Launch. First survey. Towing and cargo. Cargo only. Fisliing-veasel. Cargo only. Launch. Launoh. Towing and cargo. First survey. Launch. First survey. Non-condensing .. Compound Oilengines Compound Fishing-vessel. Launch. Twin-screw .. Screw Fishing-vessel. Triple expansion .. Compound River. Extended river. Nob condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Paddle Screw Paddle Screw River. Fishing-vessel. Towing only. Extended river.. River Condensing Non-condensing .. Compound Extended river.. River Fishing-vessel. Towing. Home trade Fishing-vessel. Non-condensing .. River. ; Towing and cargo. Compound Condensing Stern whtel I Twin-screw .. Screw Twin-sorew .. Sorew Home trade. River. ' Home trade. Compound Non-oondensing .. ,, River. Extended river.. First survey; yacht. Greyhound Hamurana Haupiri Hauroto Hawea Heathcote Herald Hercules Himitangi Hinemoa Hirere Huia (Auckland) Huia (Wellington) Huria Inveroargill Iranui Irene Ithaca Janet Niooll J.D.O. 83 475 1,276 1,114 94 370 51 149 32 196 69 123 7 496 88 50 10 88 250 104 35 85 36 45 64 16 60 23 10 50 8 24 9 90 28 Oil-engines Non-condensing .. Compound Twin-screw .. I Screw Home trade. River. Home trade. Foreign trade. Triple expansion .. Compound ' Extended river.. Home trade. Extended river.. Home trade. River Hopper barge. Oil-engines Triple expansion .. ! Non-eondensing .. j Condensing ! Non-condensing .. j Compound Oilengines Compound Oil-engines i Non-condensing .. Compound // • • Cargo only. Twin-screw.. Screw Home trade. Launch. ,i Extended river. Home trade. Extended river.. River. Extended river.. Home trade. Extended river.. First survey. Fishing-vessel. Dredging and towing. John Anderson John Townley 36 85 25 40 Twin-sorew.. Home trade First survey; dredge. a Kahu Kaipara 99 40 20 \ Quadruple expansion Compound Screw Foreign trade. River First survey. nieri panui Katikati •Kawatiri (Westport) .. 115 75 27 20 32 8 24 Condensing Non-condensing .. Home trade. Extended river. Launoh. Screw River



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.

* Surveyed twice.

Name of Vessel. S Is '5b o III Sf|s ■32m g Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Remarks. a o Kawau Kia Ora .. Kilmorey Kini Kiripaka Koonya Kopu Kopuru Koputai Kotiti Kotuku Kuaka •Lily Little George Lyttelton Lyttelton Mahutu Mana (Wellington) *Mana (Westport) *Manapouri Manaroa Manchester Manukau Manuwai Maori Mapourika Mararoa Matuku May ♦Mere Mere Minnie Casey Miranda Moa Moana (Auckland) Moerangi 53 20 24 li 130 24 115 13 20 120 14 112 90 7 4 14 80 10| 25 90 300 24 160 20 25 8 130 530 4 3 3 20 4 38 18 27J Compound Non-condensing .. Screw Stern wheel Screw Extended river. River Formerly "Delta." Launch. 702 75 663 '28 5 42 662 33 23 4 Triple expansion .. Compound Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. u • • Paddle '.'. Screw Paddle Screw Foreign trade. Home trade. Foreign trade .. Extended river.. River. Home trade Extended river. Home trade Extended river.. First N.Z. survey. Cargo only. * . ■ Compound Tug. Triple expansion .. Oil-engines Compound Non-condensing .. Twin-screw .. Screw Twin-screw .. Paddle Screw First N.Z. survey. First survey. River. Tug. Towing only. 39 13 77 51 1,288 77 336 45 75 17 718 1,380 Compound Extended river.. River Home trade. Paddle '.'. Screw Foreign trade. Home trade. Extended river.. Tug. Dredge. Non-condensing .. Stern wheel Screw River. Triple expansion .. Home trade. Foreign trade. River Launch. Non-condensing .. 48 Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Oil-engines Extended river.. Fishing-vessel. 95 96 14 Home trade. Twin-screw .. Screw First survey; fish-ing-vessel. Mokoia Moss Rose Motara Moturoa Moura Muritai Napier "Nautilus Ngapuhi Ngaru Ngunguru Nina Noko No. 222 Ohinemuri .. Ohuru Omapere Onslow Opuatia ♦Oreti Orewa Osprey Ovalau Paeroa Paiaka Pareora Pearl Pelorus Petone 2,154 255 6 4 10 275 45 30 18 160 16 17 2 9 120 26 60 80 14 5 50 17 70 75 15 9 71 6 12 82 Triple expansion .. Condensing Non-condensing .. Foreign trade. River Fishing-vessel. Cargo only. Launch. 1,247 138 48 29 299 10 54 7 15 502 73 20 352 16 Triple expansion .. Compound Triple expansion .. Oil-engines Condensing Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Twin-sctew .. Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Foreign trade. Home trade. Ex tended river.. Home trade. River Extended river. Home trade First N.Z. survey. Yacht. Towing only. Condensing Compound Twin-screw .. Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Twin-screw .. Screw River." Home trade. River. Dredge. 117 37 138 767 46 10 355 9 18 388 Non-condensing .. Compound Home trade. Extended river. River. Foreign trade. Home trade, Extended river.. Home trade. River Launch. Quadruple expans'n Compound Paddle !. Screw Fishing-vessel. Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. First survey. Towing. Formerly " Gresham." Triple expansion .. Home trade Phoenix Pilot Piraki Planet Plucky Poherua Presto Progress Pukaki Queen of the South Rakanoa Result (Napier) Result (Tauranga) •Rimu Ringarooma Rita ■Rob Roy .. Rosamond .. *Rose Casey.. Rotoiti Rotokino Rotokohu 6 11 10 13 29 749 5 13 9 8 40 128 3 50 110 40 200 10 4 95 300 11 16 90 109 104 135 8 Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. River. Home trade. River. Tug. 200 917 121 1,393 18 Compound Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Compound Quadruple expans'n Compound Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Home trade Foreign trade. River. Home trade Foreign trade. Home trade. Foreign trade. Extended river.. Dredge. Fishing-vessel. 144 623 22 34 462 99 630 1,263 11 Triple expansion .. Compound Home trade Foreign trade. Home trade Extended river. Home trade. Extended river. Home trade. Foreign trade. Extended river..' Fishing-vessel. Triple expansion .. Quadruple expans'n Oil-engines Twin-screw .. Screw IFirstsurvey; cargo only. Rotomahana (Auckland) Rotomahana (Dunedin) 139 915 50 450 Compound Home trade. Foreign trade.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.

Name of Vessel. H a o H " 5Sfl° III ill g |h Nature of Engine.. o( $*»&„. ,— S h- 1 ■- eg tc d a> a> fl &*& Class of Certificate. Remarks. Rotorua Bavaii Seagull Snark Stella Sterling Stormbird Sumner Swan Sylph Taieri Tainui Takapuna Talune Tangaroa .. Tangihua Taniwha (Auckland) .. Taniwha (Timaru) Tarawera Tarewai Taviuni 576 172 8 6 10 90 39 40 35 10 8 155 20 165 255 70 15 40 L6 250 12 185 Compound Condensing Non-condensing .. Screw Home trade. Extended river.. River. Fishing-vessel. 12 157 26 137 94 16 5 1,071 46 377 1,370 109 20 L91 Compound Non-condensing .. Condensing Triple expansion .. Non-oondensing .. Compound Triple expansion .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Home trade. Extended river.. River Foreign trade. River. Home trade. Foreign trade. Extended river. River. Home trade. Extended river.. Foreign trade. River. Foreign trade. Hopper bargo. Fishing-vessel. Towing. Paddle Screw Twin-screw.. Screw Twin-screw .. Screw 1,268 7 ■ 910 Dredge. Quadruple expansion Oil-engines Towing and lightering. Tawera (Auckland) 44 40 Extended river.. Tawera (Te Anau) Te Anau Te Kapu Terranora Theresa Ward Thistle Thomas King Timaru Titiroa Tokatea 1,028 50 199 9 77 70 211 25 250 25 94 95 90 16 78 8 16 Non-condensing .. Compound River. Foreign trade. Home trade. Condensing Triple expansion .. Oil-engines Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Oil-engines Paddle Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Twin screw .. Screw First survey. 5 Extended river.. Home trade River Extended river.. Cargo. Tug. Launch. First survey; fish ing-vessel. Tongariro (Auckland) .. Tongariro (Taupo) Toroa Tuakau Tuna (Gisborne) Tuna (Kaipara) Upolu 62 25 8 91 2 14 3J 120 Non-condensing .. Compound Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Compound Paddle Screw River. 174 Twin-screw .. Screw Foreign trade. River Extended river. River Foreign trade. Launch. Towing. 692 Quadruple expansion Oil-engines Non-oondensing .. Vaite Victory Vivid Waahi Waiapu Waihi Waihora Waikare Waikato Waimana 98 30 4 13 5 15 20 250 229 14 18 River Towing.' 6 Cargo only. 61 G3 1,269 1,901 56 107 Oil-engines Compound Home trade. Foreign trade. Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Quadruple expansion Compound Paddle Sirew River. Home trade. Waimarie Wainui Waione Waiotahi Waipa 159 411 43 167 48 95 240 56 4 Twin-screw .. River Home trade. River First survey. Non-condensing .. Screw Towing ; formerly "Queenie." First survey. Waipori Wairere Wairiri Waitangi (Auckland) .. Waitara Waitoa Waiwera (Henley) Waiwera (Kaipara) Waiwera (Lyttelton) .. Wakatere Wakatu Wanaka Warkworth Warrimoo Waverley Weka (Auckland) Weka (Napier) Wellington Westland .. Whakapara Whangape Winona Zephyr 1,229 27 34 180 80 7J 62 12 16 6 6 15 140 30 280 10 490 25 27 20 90 64 2 280 8 12 Triple oxpansion .. Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound i Paddle I Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Foreign trade .. River. Extended river.. Home trade. River. Extended river. River First survey. 27 Launch. 157 95 1,572 21 2,076 93 86 53 279 35 Paddle !! Screw Home trade. Triple expansion .. Oilengines Triple oxpansion .. Compound Foreign trade. River. Foreign trade .. Home trade. River. Home trade. First N.Z. survey. Twin-screw .. Screw Greymouth tug. Yacht. 1,900 19 8 Condensing Compound Triple expansion .. Compound Non-condensing .. Paddle !! Screw Extended river.. Foreign trade. Extended river.. River Fishing-vessel. Towing.



Return showing the Number of Masters, Mates, and Engineers examined during the Year ended the 31st March, 1902, distinguishing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.

Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902.

Class of Certificate. Auckland. Wellington. <§ '3 : o «e 3 o (1, |3ci I H (1( [XI fr Lyttelton. IT I ft fe En Dunedi :n. Othi <8 a Places. I 1 1 I 'otals. I 1 t c E1 oreign - going masters and mates lome-trade masters and mates tiver-steamer masters iea-gcing engineers (steam).. „ (other rne- ; chanical power than steam) liver-steamer engineers liver engineers (other mechanical power than steam) farine-engine drivers 6 11 12 j'l 15 4 8 14 11 22 2 14 3 16 6 5 20 4 10 J 16 8 7 6 4 23 10 5 1 " I " 52 J 38 26 15 10 33 6 4 2 2 18 2 7 2 2 11 4 2 20 2 ■J 1 2: J , 1 8 i 31 2 12 1 8 *2 1 1 ii 2 9 24 21 21 89 7 31 4 31 20 6 25 1 8 55 41 27 114 8 39 4 1 11 2 13 1 1 11 3 14 Totals .. 78 90 28 11 39 9 38 ! I 21 5 26 ' 208 9-1 302 31 109 ; 29

Nature ol Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. Salaries of Head Office £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,243 11 7 £ s. d. 1,243 11 7 Harbours :— Manukau, — Salaries New light, main channel Contingencies Russell, — Contingencies Hokianga,— Salaries Contingencies Herekino — Surveying channel and laying buoys TCaipara,— Salaries Steamer subsidy Contingencies Mokau, — Salary Snugging river Opunake,— Salary Contingencies Rangitikei,— Salary Poxton, — Salary Contingencies Tauraviga,— Contingencies Wairau, — Salary Removing obstruction Contingencies Havelock, — Contingencies 274 0 0 14 11 11 446 0 0 35 4 8 80 4 4 415 0 0 340 0 0 23 15 4 30 0 0 101 15 (i 561 9 0 23 6 0 288 11 11 60 0 0 778 15 4 131 15 6 25 0 0 21 11 6 46 11 6 5 0 0 190 0 0 22 2 6 212 2 6 2 10 0 145 0 0 30 16 0 24 6 9 200 2 9 1 17 6 Nelson, — Statutory grant .. Motueka, — Salary Waitapu, — Salary Maintenance of lights Contingencies Collingwood,— Salary Contingencies ... Karamea, — Salary Signalman's house Contingencies Okarito, — Salary Removal of wreok of s.s. " Waipara " Contingencies 35 0 0 16 17 6 25 0 0 50 0 0 2 16 0 1,745 12 1 10 0 0 77 16 0 40 0 0 6 11 0 26 14 9 51 17 6 I 73 5 9 50 0 0 189 15 3 68 9 3 Okuru, — Sienalling and Contingencies Little \Vanc<anui, — Signalling aud Contingencies Waikawa, — Salary Contingencies Riwaka, — Maintenance of light 308 4 6 9 9 3 23 10 0 10 0 0 3 10 9 13 10 9 10 0 0 Lamps, repairs to buoys, and sundries .. 712 14 10 5,348 2 8


Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department— continued.

2--H. J5.


Hire o; ?xi>en< Hire. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. Lighthouses :— Salaries of keepers Oil, including freight and storage Stores and contingencies Keepers' travelling-expenses Lighthouse artificer Pension of widow of Keeper Deck Ni vv dwellings, Farewell Spit £ s. d. £ s. d. 9,338 12 11 2,712 8 9 5,396 5 4 38 18 0 210 0 0 24 0 0 1,790 15 0 £ s. d Superintendents of Mercantile Marine, — Salaries .. .. Contingencies 1,060 0 0 137 12 r> 19,511 0 0 1,197 12 5 Fisheries, — Protection of fish and oysters— Salaries.. Travelling-expenses Contingencies Wages of attendants, Hakataramea Hatchery 506 18 5 123 0 5 110 17 9 271 14 0 Collection and distribution of trout-ova Fish-hatcheries Hokitika hatcheries, £1 for £1 (grant) Import of salmon-ova from Canada .. .. . _ Import of salmon-ova from Great Britain Salmon-hatchery at Hakataramea .. .. ,. Supply of fish-ova and acclimatisation of fish, animals, &c. Experimental trawling 1,012 10 7 66 11 6 6 15 0 54 0 0 203 16 11 68 11 6 715 16 5 57 5 10 564 19 7 Weather-reporting,— Salary Contingencies 350 0 0 40 16 1 2,750 7 4 390 16 1 Less amount of credits to vote 30,441 10 1 2,292 7 1 Government steamers, — S.S. " Tutanekai " .. S.S. "Hinemoa" .. .. .. .. " 11,900 3 0 9,302 4 9 28,149 8 0 Less amounts received for freight, passages, &c. 21,262 7 9 7,981 13 7 13,280 14 2 Departmental travelling-expenses Expenses supervising excursion steamers Coastal buoys, beacons, and eurveys Charts Examination of masters and mates : Contingencies Inquiries into wrecks and casualties Expenses connected with survey of nnseaworthy ships Grant for prevention of encroachment of sea at Ocean Beach.. Relief of distressed seamen Grant for extension of Pembroke Wharf Compensation to master of ketch " Envy " for losses sustained through Magisterial inquiry Grant for survey to entrance of Clutha River Refreshments to guests of New Zealand Government at Sydney Further compassionate allowance to widow of late Captain Fairchild Gratuity to Eliza Doncliff on account of her husband, killed while in employment of Westport Harbour Beard Sundries 14 2 136 4 9 24 14 0 263 2 7 170 17 9 349 8 6 0 16 1 15 15 0 5 19 7 150 0 0 150 0 0 75 0 0 5 17 6 250 0 0 150 0 0 475 13 7 Less amount of credits to vote 2,224 13 6 350 14 6 1,873 19 0 Total .. 43,303 16 2


Return showing the Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Lighthouses, and the Quantity of Oil consumed at each, during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.


Oil 1. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Gallons consumed. Value. Stores and Contingeucies. Totals. Cape Maria van Diemen Moko Hinou Tiritiri Bean Rock Ponui Passage Cuvier Island East Cape Portland Island Napier Bluff Cape Palliser Pencarrow Head Somes Island Cape Egmont Manukau Head Manukau South Head leading-lights Manukau North Head leading-lights Kaipara Head Brothers Tory Channel leading-lights Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point Hokitika Cape Foulwind Farewell Spit Nelson Stephens Island French Pass Totals .. £ s. a. | .. ! 368 6 8 332 0 10 .. 280 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 330 0 0 352 17 6 ] 355 7 0 20 0 0 1 280 0 0 300 0 0 131 2 9 279 2 3 270 0 0 120 0 0 250 0 0 463 4 3 .. ! 90 0 0 270 0 0 271 0 5 280 0 0 268 15 10 261 0 3 248 2 3 350 0 0 268 16 10 348 4 5 350 0 0 365 4 6 12 0 0 280 0 0 353 6 8 280 0 0 380 0 0 210 0 0 .. 9,338 12 11 1,028 834 531 76 1,598 704 740 Gas 950 949 759 581 ' 504 142 176 568 671 160 555 501 568 488 531 : 646 865 672 I 804 870 864 Gas 571 678 240 1,787 126 £ a. d. 77 2 0 62 11 0 39 16 6 5 13 0 5 14 0 119 17 0 52 16 0 55 10 0 12 8 4 71 5 0 71 3 6 56 18 6 43 11 6 37 16 0 10 13 0 13 4 0 42 12 0 50 6 6 12 0 0 41 12 6 37 11 6 42 12 0 36 12 0 39 16 6 48 9 0 04 17 6 50 8 0 00 6 0 65 5 0 64 16 0 10 16 6 42 10 0 50 17 0 18 0 0 134 0 6 9 9 0 £ s. d. 127 3 8 189 2 11 66 17 7 23 12 10 15 16 6 158 17 6 182 0 8 147 6 4 83 8 1 01 3 10 85 13 9 108 1 5 41 13 8 4 12 2 327 6 5 114 18 2 136 2 4 5 5 5 96 11 11 69 11 7 117 12 8 63 12 1 59 0 11 173 10 11 273 0 8 81 15 9 98 7 4 109 1 0 127 0 11 0 5 6 37 7 3 1,883 1 1 27 9 4 148 12 5 90 14 3 £ s. d. 572 12 4 583 14 9 380 14 1 189 5 10 181 10 6 608 14 6 •587 14 2 558 3 10 32 8 4 434 13 1 432 7 4 273 15 0 430 15 2 349 9 8 15 5 2 f460 10 5 407 10 2 +649 13 1 107 5 5 408 4 5 378 3 6 440 4 8 368 19 11 §859 17 8 [470 2 2 '1687 18 2 401 0 7 506 17 9 584 0 0 •*557 7 5 23 2 0 360 3 9 t+2,287 4 9 325 9 4 662 12 11. +♦310 3 3 21,737 1,659 3 4 5,396 5 4 16,394 1 7 Note—This return does not include the cost of the periodical with oil, stores, and provisions. The proportion of the steamers e • Includes £76, cost of sending doctor to island. + Includes of provisions. § £7 18s. 5d. of this for repairs. II Include staff and repairs to house. •• Includes £15 for improving chanr and £17 15s. lid., repairs to tower. tl Includes £65 Is. 3d., lepa ,1 visits made expenses chai £298 Is. 6d., c ',s£72 9s. Id. I nei at landing lirs and addit e to the lighthoui rgeable to this ser lost of new beacon or repairs. H g. ++ Includes tions to house. ses by the Goveri :vice is about £5,01 is. t Includes Includes £182 6s. £1,790 15s., cost of nment steamers 00 a year. £56 lis. Id., cost 3d. for new flagf new dwellings;


Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Fees, &c., received under the Shipping and Seamen's Acts, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Sea-fisheries Acts, and for Pilotage and Port Charges, &c., during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.

Return showing the Amount of Light Dues collected during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, &c., collected during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.


Name o: lifil louse. 'osl Rree: :ion. Pencarrow Head Nelson Tiritiri Mana Island* Taiaroa Head God ley Head Dog Island Farewell Spit Nugget Point Cape Campbell Manukau Head Cape Foulwind Brothers Portland Island Moeraki Centre Island Puysegur Point Cape Maria van Diemen Akaroa Head Cape Saunders Cape Egmontf Moko Hinou Waipapapa Point Ponui Passage! Kaipara Head French Pass Cuvier Island Stephens Island Cape Pal User East Cape Cost of telegraph cable to Tiritiri Miscellaneous and unallocated t s. d. 0,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 t,923 11 11 4,705 10 4 10,480 12 8 6,139 11 8 6,597 3 7 5,019 2 6 4,975 2 4 0,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 11,1)58 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,150 6 5 0,000 6 3 3,353 17 11 8,186 5 0 5,969 18 11 5,571 8 0 1,427 17 5 7,406 16 11 9,349 9 11 6,243 16 1 7,594 8 8 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 Total .. £181,490 3 3 £181,490 3 3 * Light discontinued; moved to Cape Egm< + Cost of iron tower, lantern, and apparal moved from Mana Island, is not included in l Built by Provincial Government of A known in Marine Department. >nt. ;us, which were rethis. uckland; cost not

Nature of Receipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen's Acts :— Fees for shipping and discharge of seamen, and sale of forms Survey of steamers Measurement of ships Examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light dues Merchant Shipping Act Pilotage and port charges Sundry receipts under Harbours Acts Sea-fisheries Act Sundries £ s. d. 2,294 1G 0 1,474 10 0 23 16 0 268 2 6 25,026 17 6 203 7 4 1,950 11 2 350 7 6 160 0 0 158 C 10 Total .. 32,516 15 7

Port. . Amount collected. Auckland Onehunga P. rt Waikato Wliangarei Whangaroa Russell Mangonui Hokianga Kaipara Thames .. Coromandel Tauranga.. Poverty Bay Napier New Plymouth Waitara .. Wanganui Patea Wellington Wairau Picton Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika .. Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff and Invereargill i s. d. 8,183 7 0 144 4 2 4 8 8 99 13 8 1 17 10 23 7 8 7 15 4 9 9 8 293 18 6 80 1 2 15 8 f> ■20 2 0 428 1 0 687 3 1 •212 7 6 41 12 8 J28 13 11 10 16 10 5,951 14 10 15 11 7 '284 4 S 851 2 11 (127 5 5 233 12 2 2 15 6 2,528 0 11 477 17 8 420 3 8 1,808 7 10 2,517 17 3 Total £25,620 17 6

Name of Port. Pilotage. Port Charges, &c. Total. ! I £ s. d. £ s. d. 721 18 6 4,692 3 9 5 17 11 152 5 6 26 7 11 286 8 9 1,128 11 9 129 13 8 88 4 10 885 14 10 110 0 0; 4 2 0, 874 16 11 4,094 7 10; 67 9 9 162 5 1 85 11 11 91 9 01 466 16 10 43 9 3 10 1 0 195 5 4 456 14 1110,176 9 9| 155 14 0 1,720 12 4 478 3 6J +24 3 5, 7,963 15 0 5,568 8 8. 1,894 3 2 3,157 14 9J +2,097 13 5| 0,930 11 5 5,414 17 10l 11 9 10 4,206 12 9 1,751 1 2 1 Auckland* Onehunga Hokianga Kaipara Thames* Gisborne* Wairoa* Napier* New Plymouth* Waitara* Wanganui* .. Patea* Foxton Wellington* .. Wairau Nelson* Hokitika* Lyttelton* Timaru* Oamaru* Dunedin* Invercargill* .. Bluff* £ s. d. 5.414 2 3 158 3 5 26 7 11 1.415 0 6 129 13 8 973 19 8 114 2 6 4,969 4 9 229 14 10 177 0 11 466 16 10 53 10 3 195 5 4 10,633 4 8 155 14 0 2,198 15 10 24 3 5 13,531 18 8 5,051 17 11 2,097 13 5 12,345 9 3 11 9 10 ! 5,957 13 11 Totals .. 26,430 5 2 39,900 18 7 I 66,331 3 9 * Harbour Hi •ard revenue. t Tonnage rate on cargo.


Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.

Return of Licenses as Colonial Pilot issued in pursuance of Section 31 of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act Amendment Act, 1894," during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.

Return of Licensed Adjusters of Compasses in New Zealand.


Name of Seaman. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March, 1901. Amount received. A Amount paid. Amount paid Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March 1902. John Price Blaoklook C. Ostermau Alexander Smith William Robertson W. A. Hoey Antonio Morice .. R. J. Sanders D. Lang J. Perry Thomas Newman Walter Livesey .. Christopher Gordon Francis Glanov .. John Edward Johnson John Anderson .. John Olsen Gus Peterson James Miller H. J. Clark Richard Ryan .. G. McNab W. Anderson C. Stewart Christian Hansen James McKay Robert McKay .. Manuel Font J. McGee Frank Anderson M. Johnston Andrew Luping .. W. Jorenge Mikal Larsen Duncan Campbell I . . & s. d. 6 14 4 7 11 10 2 3 6 11 6 6 12 13 0 12 13 0 11 17 0 6 4 4 18 11 0 9 14 4 13 0 2 13 4 2 10 8 1 18 0 7 16 0 5 4 0; 6 15 8 3 16 0 7 8 4 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 6 2 10 2 16 2 a s. d. 1 18 4 12 8 0 13 0 3 11 6 4 15 0 4 5 6 16 2 16 2 4 18 7 4 9 6 2 0 4 12 0 0 5 12 0 £ S. (1. £ s. d. 2 3 6 11 19 6 3 11 6 4 15 0 4 5 6 16 2 8 10 0 0 4 0 12 0 0 5 12 0 ■12 13 0 12 13 0 11 17 0 6 4 4 18 11 0 9 14 4 13 0 2 13 4 2 10 8 1 18 0 7 16 0 5 4 0 6 15 8 3 16 0 7 8 4 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 6 2 10 2 16 2 £ s. d. 8 7 8 8 14 6 16 2 4 18 7 0 19 0 1 16 4 Totals 149 7 10 47 18 9 170 18 10 26 2 U

License. Bate of Issue. Name of Licensee. Name of Licensee. Port of Date of Expiry ol Residence. License. Port of Residence. Date of Expiry of License. >f 26 : 25 March, 1902 Prank Lawton 27 12 July, 1901 Richard Groombridgc Butt.. 28 9 Aug., „ Edward Wheeler .. 29 : 1 Oct., „ Gordon McKinnon 30 16 Nov., „ Hugh McLellan .. 31 i 28 Jan., 1902 Archibald Kennedy .. I Wellington .. 3 March, 1903. .. 20 July, 1902. .. 12 Aug., .. Port Chalmers .. i Sept., „ .. Lyttelton .. U Nov., .. Wellington .. 21 Dec,

Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Address. 9 April, 1896 15 „ 5 May, 26 Nov., 11 Dto., 1 Feb., 1897 27 April, 27 May, 27 July, 1 Sept., 13 Aug., 1898 26 April, 1899 26 June, 1900 27 July, 27 Nov., Frederick Macbeth Eobert Strang George Urquhart Thomson John Robertson William Bendall Hugh McLellan Frederic William Cox Thomas Fernandez Robert Hatchwell Arthur G. Gifford Herbert John Richardson Robert Heddleston Neville Charlea Frederick Sundstrom John Adamson Thomas Basire Dunedin. Onehunga. Wellington. Lyttelton. Nelson. Auckland. Lyttelton. Wellington. Dunedin. Auckland. Port Chalmers.


Return showing the Number of Notices to Mariners relating to Matters within the Colony issued by the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.

Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.


■on or [ace. ieo iioe. Kaipara Harbour Nugget Point Timaru Harbour Hauraki Gulf Poverty Bay Otago Harbour Nugget Point French Pasa Poverty Bay Hauraki Gulf and Rangitoto Channel Manukau Harbour Wellington Harbour Hauraki Gulf Napier Cook Strait Lyttelton Harbour Gisborne Poverty Bay West Coast, South Island.. Cape Foulwind Wellington Harbour Extension of shoals at entrance. Establishment of Lloyd's signal-station. Light on eastern extension of breakwater. Rook off Tiritiri Island. Positions of Tokomaru and Tomoana Rooks. Position of buoy off Boiler Point. Weather-signals exhibited. Alteration of position of Middle Bank buoy. Removal of buoys, Tokomaru and Tomoana Rooks. Sandbank in Rangitoto Channel and rook off Tiritiri Island. Leading-lights for main channel. Lights on Glasgow Wharf. Telegraph cable between Motuihi and Waiheke Islands. Alteration of position of signal-station. Caution as to passages off Jackson's Head. Dredging operations. Alteration of oolour of bank leading-light. Positions of rooks, and depths of water thereon. Rocks off Hunt's Beaoh and Makawiho Point. Height of light above sea-level. Extension of Falcon Shoal.

Name of Lighthouse. Order ot Apparatus. Period Description. ofl^ n v g olv - Light. Colour of Light, Towelbuilt of -ower Dwellings Date tirst uilt of built of lighted. Dwelling! built of Cape Maria van j Diemen ,,„„, !,,„„; f 1st order dioptric Cape Mana van j r Revolving 1' Fixed White Red, to show over Columbia Reef. White White, with rod arc over Flat Rock White and red White ; Timber imbcr Timber 24 Mar., 1879 Timber Diemen Moko Hinou Tiri'iri .. Moko Hinou .. 1st order dioptric Tiri'iri .. .. 2nd Flashing 10" Fixed Stone Iron tone Timber 18 Juno, 1883 on „ 1 Jan., 1865 Timber Ponui Passage .. Cuvier Island East Cape Portland Island i Ponui Passage .. 5th Cuvier Island .. 1st East Cape .. 2nd ( 2nd T>~,.4-l.,v*/l T.,!.,.,/! Revolving 30" Flashing 10" Revolving' 30" Fixed Timber Iron tmber „ 29 July, 1871 on „ 22 Sept., 1889 9 Aug., 1900 imber „ 10 Feb., 1878 Red, to show over Bull Rock. White Timber Portland Island j Cape Palliscr Pencarrow Head.. Cape Egmont Manukau Head .. Kaipara Head Brothers .. J { Cape Palliscr .. 2nd order dioptric Pencarrow Head.. 2nd „ Cape Egmont .. 2nd „ Manukau Head .. 3rd „ Kaipara Head .. 2nd f 2nd ...... Revolving * Fixed Iron on Timber 27 Oct., 1897 1 Jan., 1859 1 Aug., 1881 mber „ 1 Sept., 1874 1 Dec, 1884 24 Sept., 1877 Timber Timber Flashing 10" 10" Fixed Red, to show over Cook Rock. White Brothers .. J Cape Campbell .. Godley Head Akaroa Head Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders .. i Nugget Point .. 1 Waipapapa Point Dog Island \ Llape Campbell .. 2nd order dioptric o-odley Head .. 2nd Akaroa Head .. 2nd Moeraki .. 3rd „ Taiaroa Head .. j 3rd Gape Saunders .. I 2nd „ Nugget Point .. i 1st Waipapapa Point 2nd Dog Island .. 1st order catadioptric Oentro Island .. 1st order dioptric Revolving 1' Fixed Flashing 10" Fixed Timber Stone Timber mber Timber 1 Aug., 1870 one Stone 1 April, 1865 mber Timber 1 Jan., 1880 22 April, 1878 one Stone 2 Jan., 1865 mber Timber 1 Jan., 1880 one Stone 4 July, 1870 mber Timber 1 Jan., 1884 one Stone 1 Aug., 1865 Timber Stone Timber Revolving 1' Fixed Flashing 10" Revolving 30" Red .! .' '. White Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Centre Island Fixed White, with red arcs over inshore dangers White Timber mber Timber 16 Sept., 1878 Timber Puysegur Point .. Cape Foulwind .. Farewell Spit Puysegur Point .. 1st Dape Foulwind .. ; 2nd Farewell Spit .. 2nd Flashing 10" Revolving 30" 1' White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark limit of anchorage Red and white, with white light on beacon White Iron 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 >n „ 17 June, 1870 Nelson Sielson .. .. 4th Fixed 4 Aug., 1862 French Pass French Pass .. 6th „ 1 Oct., 1884 Stephens Island . .' Stephens Island ..' I 1st Group f flashing 29 Jan. 1894 * Plashing twice every half-minute, wi svery half-minute. ;h interval of three sei 1 Two flashes in quick succession :onds between flashes.


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.


Name ot Person. Kank. lass o: iertincal ;e. ;e o: Bsue. ' o. Duncan Cameron .. .. James Francis Crawford John Macdonald Etheridgc .. Carl Murrell Marris John Benton Peter John Ewing Frederick Stanley Waiuhouse William James Scott William Norton Dutton Donald Petrie Malcolm David Reid James Cowan Herbert Louis Barton Goertz Albert John Radcliffe Arthur James Charman Alfred Ernest Maxwell .. John Hampden Barton .. Hugh McGilvray John Christian Albert Ernest Young James Ramsay Harry Williams Frederick Julius George Schutze Walter Scott George Benjamin Corby John Teixeira William Allen Charles Vendore Foster James Taekaberry Andrew Carter .. Alfred Sandston John Johnson Hans Rudolph Jorgensen William James Scott Daniel McKenzie John Brown Arthur Ernest Burt David Alfred Scott Anton Petersen James McDonald Ludvig Syman Trevor Ernest Jones Charles Edwards Hargraves Arthur Seeley George Buckham Brown Oliver Powell Charles Headland John Thomas Alexander Leopold Williams Thomas Reynolds Thomas Lander Albert Stirling Henry Cooper Bradnoy Alexander Charles Low Edmond James Wann Eugenio Charles Perano George Matthew Bell Poppelwell Robert Allan Frederick John Cox James Godfrey Poole Henry Rishton Walker Horace Edward Norgrove Alfred Henry Hunt John Henry Hodgson Thomas Anderton Trevor Ernest Jones William Day Frederick Savage William Douglas Warden Thomas Mullan David Kilgour McDonald Kenneth Murdo Finlayson John Harrison Ballantine John Gall Lockie William Henry Judd Andrew Crawford Baird Seymour Beale Daniel Duncan William John Whiti Alphonsus Burton Robert Earl Lindsay Andrew Hamilton Reid Stobo Wishart Richard Spencer Fleming Herbert Samuel Derbidge Peter Alexander Coote Alfred Suter Master, ordinary First mate Master, ordinary .. Second mate First mate Second mate First mate • ■ j Master, ordinary .. I First mate Master, ordinary .. \ .. I Second mate Master, ordinary .. Second mate Master, ordinary .. First mate. Master, ordinary .. | Only mate Mate Master Mate Master Mate Master .. Mate Master Mate Master Foreign trade Home trade 16 April, 1901 .. 20 May, „ .. 3 June, 7 „ „ .. 15 „ . .. 16 July, „ .. 10 Aug., „ .. 26 Sept., 26 „ , .. 3 Oct., „ .. 15 „ „ .. 4 Nov., 4 „ „ •• 8 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. . 28 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 3 Dec, „ .. 13 Jan., 1902 .. 12 Feb., „ .. j 12 „ „ .. 6 March, „ 10 „ „ .. j 21 „ „ .. 1 April, 1901 .. I 18 „ „ .. 25 8 May, "„ '. .' 13 „ , .. 22 „ „ .. j 3 June, „ 3 Julv, „ .. 3 '„' „ .. I 17 Sept 17 „ „ 17 , „ .. 15 Oct., , .. 19 „ „ .. 4 Nov., 28 „ „ .. 10 Dec, „ .. 24 „ „ .. 24 Jan., 1902 .. 12 Feb., „ .. 25 „ „ .. 6 March, „ 1 April, 1901 .. 8 May, „ .. 7 June, 10 , , .. 3 July, , .. 3 „ „ .. 3 „ „ .. 3 „ „ .. 8 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 28 Aug., „ .. 24 Sept., „ .. 8 Oct., „ .. , 15 „ „ .. , 19 „ „ .. 4 Nov., . 4 „ „ .. . 3 Dec. . 24 „ „ .. . 27 Jan., 1902 .. . 12 Feb., „ .. . 16 April, 1901 .. . 16 „ „ .. . 16 „ „ .. . 16 „ „ .. . 13 May, „ .. . 13 „ , .. . 13 . „ .. . 13 „ „ .. 10 June, . 15 „ „ .. . 15 „ „ .. . 27 „ „ .. . 27 „ „ .. . 8 July, „ .. . 8 „ „ .. . 8 „ „ .. . 8 „ „ .. . 8 „ „ .. . | 623 900 901 871) 766 •902 903 904 810 905 906 f907 855 908 909 910 911 912 913 755 914 915 840 916 5470 5471 5472 5411 5473 5474 5475 5393 5476 5477 5478 5479 5413 5453 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 5458 5456 5418 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 ' 3331 3332 i 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 ! 3338 3339 3340 3341 i 3342 3343 3344 3345 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 404 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 River trade 3rd-olass engineer .. Foreign trade 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer .. * Benewal. + Steamship only.



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1902— continued.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. George John Stitt Arthur Clements Harrap James Buglass John Robertson.. Carl Henry William Deschler Martin Scott Herman Nielsen Thomas Matthew Fiulayson Charles John Styche Walter Nelson Aimers Allan Hugh Hunter Edward Turley George Richard Hale Peter Heywood Macdonald Arohie Edward Bruce Ward Tedbar Stanley Harper Malcom John Connor James John Jack Hugh Valdemar Johansen Harry Josiah Rogers Ernest Seldon Pyke Samuel Hosking Luke .. Frank Bycroft Keall Arthur Douglas Ensor William Earnshaw Frank Leonard Peterson.. William Fairweather William Lockwood Mitchell Henry Lionel Ziman John Jabez Hay Wishart Frederick Charles Jacobs Leonard John Stinson Theodore Delabere Barker Maxwell Devenish Meares John Miller George Edgar Harry Raymond Alexander McKenzie Arthur James Killip John Adam Glasgow James Somerville Don James Richardson Colin Turner Andrew Smaill .. Hugh Kirkland Edward Robson.. Hugh John Beck John Bedford McNaught James Lisle Francis Henry James Frederick Doull Duncan Turner John Thompson James Forester Mackley James Young Alexander Robert William Wallaoe John William Townsend .. Robert Lancelot Maclean Thomas Rogerson John Heath Johnston Frank Septimus Marchant James Glover David Robertson Edward George McDougall Arthur Edwin Coleman Frank Mellish Robert Cowan Aitken George Rodgers William McFarlane John Ernest Denton George Forbes Arthur John Ayers George Plank Joseph MoKnight William Innes Walter Richard Paltridgo George Matthew Bell Poppelwell .. Eustace Cleary Isaac Clough John McPherson Bernard Whiteford • .. John Edward Martin Herbert George Hool William Burns Souter Lindsay 3rd-class engineer .. j Foreign trade 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer.. 2nd-olass engineer.. 3rd-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. lst-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. lst-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer ... lst-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. .. I I .. 22 July, 1901 .. 22 „ » ■ • 1 Aug., „ .. 1 „ „ ■■ 8 „ „ •• 8 „ „ .. 8 . „ .. 8 „ „ .. 10 „ , .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 . „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 . „ .. 28 „ „ .. 28 , , .. 17 Sept., „ .. 17 , . •• 26 , „ .. 27 „ . .. 8 Oct., „ • • 8 ■ . „ ■■ 8 8 . „ ■■ 8 15 15 . „ ■• 15 „ „ ■■ 13 Nov., „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 13 „ „ .. 13 13 „ „ • ■ 13 „ „ .. 13 28 28 „ 13 Deo., „ • ■ 18 „ „ .. 13 „ „ •• 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 , „ .. 13 „ „ .. 18 Jan., 1902 .. 18 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 18 12 Feb., „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 17 „ „ .. 17 „ „ .. 17 „ „ .. 17 „ „ .. 17 „ „ ■■ 17 „ „ .. 12 March, „ .. 12 , „ .. 12 „ , .. 12 . „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 12 , „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 April, 1901 .. 8 May, „ .. 8 „ „ .. 13 . „ .. 13 , „ .. 3 June, 7 „ „ .. 7 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 27 . , .. 3 July, „ .. 22 „ „ .. 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 434 531 532 533 306 411 534 535 536 410 537 538 350 429 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 540 547 281 548 549 550 551 552 553 555 556 416 426 557 558 559 560 561 343 458 562 503 564 565 365 894 566 507 568 569 570 571 572 573 •1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 2nd-class engineer.. 3r<l-class engineer .. „ lst-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer lst-olass engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. " - • 1 " 2ud class engineer.. ; 3rd-elass engineer .. // • ■ « Engineer .. .. River trade " ine ral.


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1902— continued.


Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. William Stewart Herman Charles Henry Kellett George Sinclair Richard Perry Archibald Benjamin Badmin Percy Hugh Brown George Henry Reston Frank Herbert Bulford James Atkins Charles Olof Marklurd .. Ernest Augustus McConnel Adam Nixon Ernest John Ryan Robert Murray Ernest August Meyenberg Maunsell Frederick Hardinge Thomas Herbert Bezar Peter Edward Firth William James Evans Percy Wilfred Moss Richard Powell Morgan Henry Alexander Butters George Henry ReBton Charh s Henry Smythe Charles William White .. Henry Smith Hall Frederick Audley Alfred Krane Francis Hosking William Peacock Herbert Edward Sutton Arthur Edward Meikle James Young Kelly Thomas Herbert Barwell Athol Ernest Sircom Foster Thomas Herbert Barwell Douglas Edgar Edwin Giles George Tee William Burnet Jones Alfred Hebtr Chadwick .. James Reid George Smith Robb Karl Oskar Niuman .. Engineer .. " .. Marine-engine driver i, i, ■ ■ .. lst-class engineer* .. 2nd-class engineer* .. lBt-class engineer* * * .. 2nd-class engineer* .. Engineer* * River trade 1 Aug., 1901 .. 10 „ „ .. 4 Sept., „ .. 17 . „ .. 17 . „ .. 17 „ „ .. 17 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 8 Oct., „ .. 3 Dec, „ .. 10 , „ •■ 13 Jan., 1902 .. 13 „ , .. 13 „ „ •• 13 , „ .. 13 „ „ .. 18 . „ .. 1 Feb., . .. 17 „ „ .. 20 . „ .. 26 March, „ 13 May, 1901 .. 13 „ „ •• 13 . . •• 13 . „ .. 28 Aug., „ .. 17 Sept., „ .. 17 „ „ .. 17 „ „ .. 17 . „ •• 13 Jan., 1902 .. 25 Feb., „ .. •13 May, 1901 .. 17 Sept., „ .. 17 . „ ■■ 12 Feb., 1902 .. 12 . . .. 12 , „ .. 12 . . •• 13 May, 1901 .. 8 Oct., „ .. 8 „ „ .. 12 Feb., 1902 .. 1863 1864 1865 1860 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 8 9 10 9 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 Sea-going River trade power than steam. * For vessels propel lied by other mechanical


Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902.

3—H. 15,


Date oi Order. Purpose of Order. 1901. April 17 17 17 27 May 6 6 0 13 13 13 13 27 27 27 27 June 1 1 . 12 12 July 6 C 6 11 1C 1G 16 16 16 16 Aug. 5 H 14 14 14 14 22 22 Sept. 2 16 23 23 23 23 23 30 30 30 30 Oct. 10 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 ",. 28 28 28 28 28 Nov. 4 /. 4 4 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Dee. 4 4 4 11 18 18 1902. Jan. 20 24 20 20 20 31 Feb. 10 10 21 March 8 8 Approves of plans of W. Brown and Son's wharf, Wairoa River, Kaipara. Licenses W. Brown and Son to ocoupy foreshore for wharf-site. Approves of plan of widening of Live-stock Jetty, Lyttelton. Approves of plans of Kauri Timber Company's drawbridge over Aratapu Creek. Approves of plan of Kauri Timber Company's wharf-extension, Tβ Kopuru. Lioenses Kauri Timber Company to occupy foreshore for wharf-extension, Tβ Kopuru. Prescribes dues for use of Mitchelson Timber Company's wharves, Kaipara. Approves of plan of J. Brockland's boatshed, Horse-shoe Bay. Licenses J. Brockland to occupy foreshore for shed-site, Horse-shoe Bay. Approves of plan of Manasseh and Walscheger's boatshed, Horse-shoe Bay. Licenses Manasseh and Walscheger to occupy foreshore for shed, Horse-shoe Bay. Approves of plan of Mititai ferry-slip. Licenses Hobson County Council to occupy site for Mititai ferry-slip. Approves of plan of Northern Steamship Company's wharf, Hohoura. Licenses Northern Steamship Company to occupy foreshore for wharf-site, Hohoura. Makes general harbour regulations as to lights of vessels. Approves of plans of additions to No. 2 Jetty, Lyttelton. Approves of plan of extension of Main Eastern Wharf, Bluff. Revokes R. Thompson's license to occupy foreshore, New Brighton. Appoints members of Greymouth Harbour Board. Approves of plans of A. J. Lumley's boatshed, Otago Harbour. Licenses A. J. Lumley to oocupy site for boatshed, Otago Harbour. Appoints members of Westport Harbour Board. Approves of plan of J. D. Williams's shed, Waiharara River. Licenses J. t>. Williams to occupy site for shed, Waiharara River. Approves of plans of wharf, Okuru River. Lioenses Westland County Council to ocoupy wharf-site, Okuru River. Approves of plans of oounty wharf and ferry-slip, Wairoa River, Kaipara. I Licenses Hobson County Council to occupy site for wharf and ferry-slip. Approves of plans of additions to Railway Wharf, Auckland. Approves of Westport Harbour Board procuring wagons for railway. Approves of plans of breastwork and landing, Auckland Harbour. Revokes license to 0. Spooner to occupy foreshore at Waiwera. Revokes authority for construction of harbour-works, Auckland Harbour. Authorises construction of limber breastwork, Auckland Harbour. Approves of plans of Kauri Timber Company's booms, Waiwawa River. Lioenses Kauri Timber Company to occupy site for booms, Waiwawa River. Authorises construotion of bridge over tidal creek, Okain's Bay. Authorises construotion of bridge over tidal oreek, Orewa River. Approves of plans of G. and H. King's wharf and booms, Tangowahine, Kaipara. Lioenses G. and H. King to oocupy site for wharf and booms, Tangowahiue. Approves of plans of Butler Bros, and Co.'s wharf, Tokatoka, Kaipara. Licenses Butler Bros, and Co. to oocupy site for wharf at Tokatoka. Approves of plan of extension of low-level breastwork, Lyttelton. Makes a by-law for Mahurangi Harbour. Approves of plan of completion of reclamation and timber staging, Customhouse Quay, Wellington Approves of plan of new railway-approach to Bluff Harbour. Approves of plan of wharf on east side of Patea River. Prescribes dues for Cape Turnagain Jetty. Approves of plan of J. Smyth and Co.'s boom, Kennedy Bay. Licenses J. Smyth and Co. to occupy site for boom, Kennedy Bay. Approves of plans of J. A. Subritzky's wharf at Rangaunu Bay. Licenses J. A. Subritzky to occupy site for wharf at Rangaunu Bay. Approves of plan of landing-stage, New Brighton. Appoints a member of Greymouth Harbour Board. Prescribes harbour-light dues for Nelson. Approves of plans of New Zealand Portland Cement Company's wharf, Limestone Island, Whangarei Lioenses New Zealand Portland Cement Company to occupy wharf-site, Limestone Island. Approves of plan of J. Wigmore's booms, Manukau Harbour. Licenses J. Wigmore to ocoupy site for booms, Manukau Harbour. Approves of extension of wharf at Pembroke. Makes additional harbour regulations. Approves of plan of extension of concrete wall, Tβ Aro, Wellington. Approves of plans of extension of Hobson Street Wharf, Auckland. Approves of plans of Monowai Gold-mining Company's wharf, Waiomo, Thames. Lioenses Monowai Gold-mining Company to occupy wharf-site, Waiomo. Appoints D. B. Wallace licensee of Publio Hall, Kohukohu. Approves of plan of extension of Greymouth Breakwater. Approves of plans of New Zealand Timber Company's booms, Kouto Point, Hokianga. Licenses New Zealand Timber Company to oooupy site for booms, Kouto Point. Approves of plans of harbour-works at Nelson. Amends dues and regulations for Kaikoura Wharf. Vests management of Raupo Wharf in Otamatea County Counoil. Makes regulations and prescribes dues for Maungaturoto Wharf. Approves of plan of extension of No. 6 Jetty, Lyttelton. Approves of plans of wharf at Gisborne. Approves of plans of Kauri Timber Company's wharf, Whitianga. Lioenses Kauri Timber Company to ocoupy wharf-site, Whitianga. Approves of Westport Harbour Board procuring a suction dredging-pump. Appoints a member of Westport Harbour Board. Approves of plans of J. A. Subritzky's wharf, Rangaunu Bay. Licenses J. A. Subritzky to occupy wharf-site, Rangaunu Bay. Appoints W. W. Hales licensee of Cape Turcagain Landing-place. Prescribes dues for Waitapu Wharf. Approves of F. B. Farmar's oyster-bed, Balena Bay, Wellington. Revokes R. Mclntosh's licenses to ocoupy foreshore at Whangaroa. Validates election of Chairman of Mokau Harbour Board. Approves of plans of P. J. Sullivan's smokehouse, Carey's Bay, Otago Harbour. Lioenses P. J. Sullivan to ocoupy site for smokehouse, Carey's Bay.


Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1902.


Date of Name of Vessel, Port of Registry, Accident. and Official Number. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury : Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. _., , . ., i , Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Place where Accident occurred. Coroners Inquest held. !__ 1901. April 3 . 16 Jfay 4 6 June 15 July 4 5 ., 11 Cygnet, s.s., Lyttelton, 91893 .. Sarah and Mary, Invercargil), 52365 Invercargill, s.s., Dunedin, 84489 Cainphill, Liverpool, 96333 .. Wanaka, s.s., Dunedin, 95018 Hinemoa, s.s., Welhngon, 69016 Clyde, Lyttelton, 71793 Rotokino, s.s., Dunedin, 84499 James Ross, O.S. J. Christensen, mate .. Mons Monson, A.B. J. J. Klein, A. B. Oliver A. Nolan, A.B. .. George Cousins, chief cook James Cowan, mite and A.B. H. Robinson, chief steward Broken arm Bruised ankle Fatal Finger hurt Hand damaged Injury to foot Knee damaged Alongside wharf at Lyttelton O.S. James Ro3S, in getting on board ship at night, fell between wharf and ship into the water, breaking his arm in the fall. Alongside wharf, Dunedin .. In heaving up some timber it ran afc along the deck, and struck Christensen's foot, bruising the ankle severely. Alongside wharf, Waikawa .. While shifting a truck from goods-shed to ship Monson stood on the truck while the truck was being pushed along by the mate. On reaching the end of the wharf the truck ran off the line on to the ship's deck, and Monson in jumping off got his leg under the wheel. At sea : Lat. 38° 36' S. ; Whilst furling main topgallant-sail the man fell to the deck, long. 61° 43' E. and was instantaneously killed. Lyttelton .. .. Whilst clearing a derrick-fall the first finger of Nolan's right hand got jammed in the block, and was hurt severely. Palliser Bay, Cook Strait .. A sea breaking on board carried away the hook securing the galley door, which, swinging close to the lintel, to which the cook was holding, jammed his fingers, cutting off the top of the forefinger of his right hand and badly hurting the other fingers. Greymouth .. .. While taking in a cargo of timber a piece of the timber Cowan was handling slipped off the hatoh-coaming and struck him on the foot, injuring it. At sea .. .. .. The chief steward, walking along the deck at night while the ship was pitching, slippedon the timber stowed on deck, and damaged his right knee. At sea on voyage to Sydney- While coming down from aloft the man lost his hold by some means unknown, and fell on No. 2 hatch, a distance of 63 ft., breaking his arm and cutting his head badly. Lyttelton .. .. Wells was up the main rigging witbout permission, and in attempting to come down on the insida hand-over-hand lost his hold and fell to the deck. Off Gisborne .. .. While engaged in putting out one of the ship's boats the man fell off the skids, bruising his ribs and sustaining internal injuries. Lyttelton .. .. I). McRae was engaged scrubbing the ship's side from a punt, and in shifting the punt his fingers were caught between it and the steamer's side. Lat. 42° 51' S.; long. 122° While engaged in unbending the spanker the man was swept 15' E. overboard by the flapping of the sail and drowned. Lyttelton .. .. While engaged discharging railway-iron Jo3eph Salt, a labourer, jammed one of his fingers in the iron. Oruawharo River, Kaipara .. Accident caused through the boy getting legs entangled in the fore-boom guy-tackle fall while the foresail was being jibed. Queen's Wharf, Wellington The man fell from 'tween-decks into hold, receiving a severe shaking. „ 24 Monowai, s.s., Dunedin, 84497 Robeit James Sanders, O.S. Fatal „ 28 Rimutaka, s.s., Plymouth, 111355 W. C. Wells, saloon waiter Fracture of right thigh and forearm, and severe contusion of left elbow Aug. 8 Tutauekai, s.s. George Kennedy, A.B. Bruised ribs and internal injuries .. „ 27 Inveroargill, s.s., Dunedin, 84489 D. McRae, ship's boy .. Bruised fingers . 29 Isle of Erin, Liverpool, 70977 Thomas Newman, A.B. Fatal Sept. 9 Hinemoa, s.s., Wellington, 69016 Huia, Auckland, 102268 Joseph Salt, labourer .. George Morgan, boy Injury to left middle finger of left hand Both legs broken „ 14 Oct. 7 Paparoa, s.s., Plymouth, 111346 J. Riggs, boatswain Severe shaking



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, &c.-continued.

Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. * ! Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Place where Accident occurred. Coroner's Inquest held. Date of Lccident. Name of Vessel, Port of Registry, and Official Number. 1901. Oot. 12 John Harding, A.B. .. Injury from fall .. The man, in going down the hold to get deck-brooms, fell into the lower hold and injured himself. Corinna, s.s.,Dunedin, 79252 .. Wharf, Timaru Nov. 9 Kittawa, s.s., Dunedin, 106640 J. Hill, A.B. .. .. J Top of finger taken off Dunedin When " Kittawa " leaving wharf Hill was slacking away afterspring, and got his left hand caught between rope and bits, with result that top of third finger cut off. . 20 Wartimoo, Dunedin, 101901 .. James McKay, A.B. .. Injury to finger .. Port Chalmers The man was at boat-drill, getting out his boat (No. 2). When hoisting the boat he tried to clear the boat's fall from the roller which goes across the deck, and the fourth finger of his right hand got caught between the roller and the rope, injuring it badly. No blame was attributed Co any one in the matter. Invercargill, Glasgow, 68117 .. Lat.40°5' S.; long. 70°10'E. H. C. Sayers, apprentice, while engaged aloft furling sail, fell overboard, and was drowned. Dec. 6 H. C. Sayers, apprentice Fatal 1902. Feb. 7 Melville Island, Glasgow, 89998 William Hartley, O.S. .. L. Hay, deck-boy .. Injury to feet Wool Jetty, Wellington The man, while engaged on the main Iower-top3ail yard bending a sail, fell to the deck, and died in the hospital, where he was taken. Mar. 8 Sarah and Mary, Invercargill, 52365 Wharf, Dunedin .. While Hay was engaged discharging timber onto the wharf the sling became unhooked, causing the timber to strike and bruise his ankles severely.


Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902.


!asual ;ies on or near loasts of the Colony. Casualties outside the Colony. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total Number of Casualties reported. Total within Colony. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total outside Colony. Nature of Casualty. 3 o 6H 00 o <o a 00 '52 O <D «w ad > °"S Kg 0 c O 00 CO 03 a o EH SB o ® 0% S3 Cud «_ o H rl 0 o 03 ■ on O en a o •0 SB S2 O <U . CO O co 55.? be 3 o EH CO "82 - DO Stran dings, — Total wrecks Partial loss Slight damage No damage 6 4 4 4,599 4,723 2,370 11,692 ■■ 5 4 3,366 408 13 I 5 10 4 5 3,366 5,007 4,723 2,465 13 I •■ : '• •• •• •• •• •• •• 5 10 4 5 3,366 5,007 4,723 2,465 13 " "l "95 3,869| Total strandings 14 10 13 24 13 • I i 13 •• 15,561 24 •• i i 15,561 Foundered, — Total loss 1 | 114 7 ! ! 1 114 7 I ' ! ■I 1 114 ■■ 7 Capsized, — Total loss Partial loss i !• 67 132 4 1 1 2 67 132 4 1 I I - 1 2 67 132 4 1 •• •• ■• .. .. - ... Total capsized •• 3 1 199 1 5 3 199 ! I 5 \ — ! 3 199 .. ; .. .. _ 5 Collisions, — Partial loss Slight damage No damage 1 1 2 37 39 3,893 i! 155 61 •• 3 2 2 192 100 3,893 ! I I I 3 2 2 192 100 3,893 •■ i .. 1 I I • I - •• .. .. Total collisions.. 4 3,909 3 216 i 7 ! 4,185 1 I I I ! ■ ■• •• ' •• 7 4,185 ■■ Fires, — Total loss Partial loss I t 1 I r I "A | 3,629 - 1 1 401 1,058 1 2 401 4,687 " '" 1 2 401 4,687 •• - Total fires i 3,629 I 2 1,459 1 3 5,088 2,873 I I I I ! i— ! i : 3 I " I ■■ •• 5,088 5,497 •• Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas to hull and cargo, loss of masts, sails, &c, and breakdown of machinery 6 2,775 1 1 98 7 1 8,137 1 487 2 2,624 I 9 Total casualties to shipping Loss of life only 22,065 20 5,955 25 45 28,020 25 1 1 3 487 3,334 3,821 2 ! 3 ; 2,624 3,334 47 3 30,644 3,334 33,978 25 3 25 2,137 "3 3 •• - •■ __ Total number of casualties reported '25 22,065 20 5,955 25 45 28,020 25 1 2,137 J 4 3 ': 3 50 28 .. 5 i 5,958


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1901, to the 31st March, 1902.


Date of Name of Vessel, Casualty. Rig. '$ g> I Number of to c3 ■ j?g '■ I PassenNumber of Nature of Number Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. Lives lost. Direction. Cargo. Casualty. Force. 1901. March 26 (suppos'd) Linda Weber, 24 years Brigantine 114 Ballast.. Supposed foundered ; total loss Supposed 7; all hands Supposed off East Cape S.E. Gale Vessel left Gisborne for Hokianga on 23rd March, and was last seen off Tokomaru on26th March, thirty miles south of East Cape, during bad weather which prevailed on that and subsequent days. She is supposed to have foundered at sea, with loss of all hands On leaving Port Nicholson for Nelson vessel was struck by an exceptionally heavy sea, which swept the deck and flooded the engineroom and saloon Tail-shaft broke, without apparent cause, as vessel was entering Motueka Harbour An A.B. named J. J. Klein, whilst furling main topgallant-sail, fell to the deck and was killed Simon McKenzie. April 28 Mapourika, s.s., 3 years Schooner Deck swept by heavy sea Off Pencarrow Head .. John Grant. 717 ■10 5G General N.N.W. Fresh .. May 4 Te Kapn, s.s., 12 years Camphill, 11 years Schooner General Shaft broken.. Entrance to Motueka Harbour Lat. 38° 36' S., long. 61° 43' E. On voyage from Liverpool to Wellington Wellington Harbour .. Calm .. George Allman. I 50 10 6 Barque.. 1199 19 General Loss of life only i Moderate gale William Mayne. . 18 Omega, 65 years Hulk .. 401 Coal and kerosene Ballast.. Fire on board; total loss Stranded; total loss Cause of fire unknown. Joseph Roderigues. . 26 Cavalier, 7 years Ketch .. 36 Beef at entrance to Mason's Bay, Stewart Island Six miles W.S.W. of Coromandel Heads W.S.W. Gale .. Vessel broached-to through loss of sails during gale, and became unmanageable June 18 Rotomahana, s.s.. 25 years Sohooner 139 14 42 General Crank-shaft fractured N. Moderate gale Crank-shaft fractured for no apparent reason. Set sail for Thames, arriving there at 4 a.m. on 19th June Vessel left Newcastle on 22nd June, and arrived in Wellington on 23rd July. On the 30th June and subsequent days she met with a succession of heavy southerly gales, during which she shipped heavy seas, smashing in the deckhouse, injuring the mate and two of the crew, and losing her sails Rudder-tail carried away through stress of sea and heavy weather Robert Huia Gibbons. 30 and subsequently Genevie M. Tuoker, 31 years Barque.. 487 Coal .. Lose of sails, damage to deck - house, and leakage On voyage from Newcastle, N.S.W., to Wellington S.E. Gales .. William Edward Oliver. 12 Amelia Sims, 9 months Rudder-tail carried away Lat. 36° 38' S., long. 168° 32' E. On voyage from Sydney to Lyttelton A quarter of a mile outside Wairau Bar William Laird Whitby. July 4 Schooner 98 Coal .. S.S.W. Squally.. it 4 Pania, s.s., 5 years Ketch .. 37 Produce Tail-shaft broken and loss of propeller Stranded; no damage Stranded; partial loss w. Light .. Casualty cannot be accounted for, as vessel did not touch ground in crossing bar, or come in contact with any hard substance that could be seen The vessel went on the beach through the reversing-gear of the engines jamming Stranding caused by only man on deck thinking land was further off than it was, and not putting vessel on the other tack in time to clear the land Henry Fisk. Theresa Ward, s.s., 1 year Clyde, 14 years Cutter .. General The Neck, Paterson Inlet, Stewart Island Bushy Point, about 12 miles east of Bluff Harbour s.w. Light .. Charles Herbert Lovett. Karl F. Junge. m 10 9 9 25 22 Schooner 21 3 Fish .. E. Strong breeze


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department—continued.


Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. Rig. g S> i Number ol 1 Cargo. Natl] Nature of ure of Casualty. Number of Lives loat. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. & J ■*-■ Decision of Court of Inquiry, *c. Name of Master. g> g I Passen1901. uly 24 Lizzie Bell, 24 years Barque.. 1036 18 Ballast.. Stranded ; total loss 12 12 Waimate Reef, 1J miles south of Oeo River, South Taranaki Bight S.E. Fresh breeze Vessel was on voyage from Wellington to Newcastle, N.S.W,, in ballast, and at 8 p.m. the master set the course N.W. by W., Stephens Island light bearing S.E. by E., magnetic, so that Cape Farewell would be passed on the port hand about twenty-five miles distant ; but at 11.15 p.m. she struck on the reef and became a total wreck. The crew took to the lifeboat, which capsized twice, and twelve of them were lost. Losa of ves sel was caused by negligent navigation of master from taking his departure from Stephens Island and not verifying his distance when abeam by four-point bearing?. His certificate was suspended for twelve months, and he was ordered to pay £25 toward cost of inquiry Vessel touched on unoharted rook while at anchor off Gisborne No blame attached to master or chief officer.. John Rees. Alfred Child. 27 Tomoana, s.s., 2 years Jane Douglas, s.s., 25 years Sohooner 3905 General General Stranded; slight damage Stranded; partial loss Poverty Bay S.S-W. Light .. Aug. w 10 11 Ururoa,8 months Schooner Schooner 75 196 S Ballast.. Stranded; partial loss South Spit, Okuru River Poverty Bay, about two miles south of Breakwater E. Light .. Master was anxious to get out of bay owing to threatening aspect of weather, but wind fell off, and he was unable to get vessel about when close to shore Vessel struck on and passed over reef off Capo Campbeil, and, becoming waterlogged, crew were taken off by s.s. " Gulf of Ancud." Vessel was subsequently towed into Lyttelton by s.s " Cygnet." Master was guilty of error of judgment in miscalculating his distance from land, and he was ordered to pay cost of inquiry, £7 7s. Vessel, presumably unobserved by master, was set over to side of channel where rocks are, and her proximity thereto was not noted by master until too late to avoid oasualty An A.B., Thomas Newman, while engaged in unbending the spanker to replace it by another sail, was caught by the sail flapping, carried overboard and drowned Vessel dragged anchors and drove ashore while sheltering from storm The scow " Obau" was struck by a sudden squall, and, having no ballast, heeled over and could not recover herself, and capsized, a seaman named Andrew Anderson being drowned. No blame can be attached to the master Christian Theodore Julius Andersen. Charles Ludwig Olsen. S.E. Light .. •i 13 Jessie Niocol, 29 years Schooner Timber.. Stranded; partial loss Cape Campbell Road .. Gilbert Brown. 93 N.W. Light ... Elmville, s.s., 12 years Ballast .. . Stranded; partial loss Below Tokatoka, Wairoa River, Kaipara Harbour Robert Cooper. 19 Schooner 1173 24 Ballast .. N. Light .. 29 Isle of Erin, 26 years Barque.. 889 Superphosphates Superphosphates i- Loss of life only 1 1 Lat. 42° 51' S., long. 122° 15' E. On voyage from Port EUesmere, U.K., to Timaru Maori Bay, Pelorus Sound South entrance to Kitu Bay, Pelorus Sound Peter Sebire. 29 Falcon, 24 years Schooner 98 6 2 Timber.. Ballast.. Timber.. Stranded; partial loss Capsized; par tial loss N.N.E. N.W. Strong gale Light .. Peter Johnson. Sept. 11 Oban, 4 years .. Sohooner 39 3 Ballast.. Charles Bonner.

H.— 15


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department—continued.

Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. Bi| !§ Number of berof 'assengers. 1 Cargo. Nature of Natu ire of Number of Lives Casualty. lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Direction. ind. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. IS i Force. 1901. Sept. 16 . Ronga, 1J years Schooner 93 7 Off Fairy Bay, Pelorua j N.W. Sound Squall .. Vessel with all sail set was struck by sudden Otto Edward squall while practically becalmed. Master Peterson, committed error of judgment in not fully providing against such an accident, and he was ordered to pay £7 7s., costs of inquiry Calm .. Master mistook Horse-shoe Bay for proper Alexanderlnnes channel, grounding on soft papa rock in the Murray, endeavour to resume his proper course Squalls.. Vessel belonged to class known as scows. She i Charles Bonner. sustained some damage in landing her cargo on beach at Tokomaru Bay. Attempts were ] made to repair her, and being made, as sup posed, watertight, she left for Gisborne to j have proper repairs effected; but when three or four miles off shore the wind went round to the south, blowing hard, with considerable sea. Master endeavoured to make for Hick's Bay, to beach vessel; but she capsized, and four lives were lost. Errors in judgment on the part of the master, who was drowned, contributed largely to cause the casualty, though it is probable that if the weather had continued fine he would . have brought his vessel to port Calm .. Under special oircumstanoes of the case, Court ' j E^ td Jose P h did not feel justified in holding either master J .„.,,. am- „ ... responsible (J^ Court was of opinion that every precaution Theophilus had been taken by those on board the Trotter, steamer to avoid collision, and considered Moderate that the mate of the schooner, who held no -( breeze certificate, had shown great neglect and ! want of discretion in not calling the master i earlier; and he was ordered to pay £5 5s. ' Andrew Bloom, towards cost of inquiry Ballast.. Capsized; slight damage ■ 21 J Cygnet, s.s., 16 Schooner 66 10 ; years 29 I Whakapai, 5 Schooner 67 5 years Manure and salt Stranded; no damage Horse-shoe Bay, Tory Channel 10 None .. Capsized; total loss 4 OS East Cape, between S. East Cape and East Island Oct. 1 Patiki, p.s., 20 Cutter .. 37 4 I Netherton Reach, Paeroa River Patiki, p.s., 20 years Taniwha, s.s., 3 years Indradevi, s.s., 1 year, 100 Al Lloyd's Cutter .. 37 4 Gelignite Collision; partial loss Collision; no damage Collision; no damage years 1 Taniwha, s.s., 3 Schooner i 191 18 vpfl.ra Schooner | 191 18 10 General years 9 Indradevi, s.s.,1 Schooner ! 3702 60 year, 100 Al Lloyd's Schooner !3702 GO General > I 9 Lily, 27 years.. Schooner ' 84 5 [ 20 miles N.N.E. of S.E. f Godley Head Lily, 27 years.. Collision; partial loss Collision; slight damage Collision; slight damage Stranded; partial loss Ji Schooner 84 5 Produce 11 Lady Barkly, Cutter .. 39 7 H.S.. 4-ft vpflrs Lady Barkly, s.s., 40 years Emma Sims .. Cutter .. 39 7 Nil i j-mile outside outer j \y. f beacons off Collingwood Sunken rock at Cape j N.W. Stephens, Cook Strait Light .. The " Lady Bavkly " had the " Emma Sims " ( Ja Edwin in tow, and after casting off the tow-rope : J . , s \, n the vessels came into collision ,, ! \ Reynolds. Light .. Master not guilty of negligence under the cir- James Stewart oumstances ; the set of tide, and fog, com- Adams, bined to bring about a situation which master took only possible course to retrieve. No order made as to costs s.s., 40 years „ 11 Emma Sims .. Schooner 61 5 Schooner 61 5 Timber.. 15 I Poherua, s.s., 11 Schooner 749 23 Poherua, s.s., 11 years Schooner 749 23 Ballast..


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.


Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. » s Number of Cargo. Nature of Natu: ire of Casualty. Number _ of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurrec Wind. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. I Passes* Direction. Force. 1901. let. 17 Monowai, s.s., Schooner 10 years 2137 81 145 General Propeller - boss fractured and blades stripp'd Supposed that propeller struck floating log or Henry William wreokage. Vessel was towed back to Port Holbrook ChatChalmers by s.s. " Mokoia " field. Lat. 44° 45' S., long. 158° 18' E. On voyage from Bluff to Hobart Near wharf, Quarantine Island, Otago Harbour S.W. Moderate gale m 27 Tarewai, s.e., 11 Cutter .. years 7 2 None .. Stranded ; slight: damage N.W. Moderate gale In leaving wharf vessel was caught broadside Edward Mi all on by strong wind and tide, and driven Moss. against a rock about 50 ft. or 60 ft. from wharf Vessel broke her propeller -shaft while on Sydney Stringer. voyage from Dunedin to Westport, and was towed back to Dunedin by the s.s. "Te An&u " Course set from Pepin Island was too fine con- Frank Longsidering the weather Master ordered to pay bourne Vieker£3 3s. towards cost of inquiry man. Master, with a light ship and strong off-shore Bragadin Carlo wind, hugged the land too closely Monti. The hulk " Maria," in tow of launch " Canter- Patrick Darragh. bury," was driven by force of squall against "Southern Isle," causing damage to bulwarks, planks, and rigging of latter vessel Casualty was due to negligent navigation of Finlay Morrison. the master. His certificate was suspended for six months, and he was ordered to pay ■ costs of inquiry Casualty happened through concurrence of Samuel Kenfollowing conditions, viz.: An extra Btrong nedy. tide, a low-powered and badly steering vessel, with a very full cargo, and possibly a master who had not had sufficient opportunity of testing the power of his vessel under such conditions Vessel touched when coming up harbour be- Francis George tween dark - coloured buoy and Sterling Evans. Point. Master had no chart of harbour Fire broke out in the flax stowed in No. 4 Joseph John hold, between decks, but no evidence to Hamon. show how same originated 27 Pukaki, s.s., 14 Sohooner years 917 26 Ballast .. Propeller-shaft broken 35 miles off Timaru N.N.E. Moderate breeze * 31 Waverley, s.s., Sohooner 18 years 93 12 General Stranded; slight damage Schnapper Point, Boulder Bank, Nelson S.W. Strong .. 31 Antiooo Aooame, Barque .. 10 years Southern Isle, Schooner 6 months I 11086 I 14 Ballast .. Stranded; total loss Collision ; partial loss Off Danger Reef, Shag Point, Otago Gladstone Pier, Lyttel ton Harbour S.W. Strong .. breeze Squally Nov. 7 71 ! General N. 26 Royal Tar, 19 Barque .. years 598 13 Ballast .. Stranded; total loss 1 Shearer Rock, Tiritiri Island, Hauraki Gulf E.S.B. Moderate breeze 29 Kotuku, s.s., 1 Schooner year 662 22 Coal and timber Stranded ; partial loss Walker Rock, off Jackson's Head, Cook Strait S.E. Moderate Blackheath,s.s., 12 years 1719 Stranded; no damage Bluff Harbour Dec. 1 Ballast.. Calm .. 3 6 Waimate, e.s., Schooner 5 years Schooner Ship .. 3629 61 Flax, wool, tallow, & frozen meat General Fire on board; partial loss Napier Roadstead Light .. Invercargill, 27 Ship years 1246 Loss of life only 1 Lat. 40° 5' 8., long. 70° 10' E. N.W. Gale .. H. C. Sayers, an apprentice, while engaged Thomas Bowlaloft furling sail, fell overboard and was ing. drowned Casualty caused by breakdown of steam steer- Charles Moing gear Arthur. Casualty consisted of the low-pressure go-ahead Walter Manning, eccentric rod of the main engine bending 18 Eotorua, s.s., 25 Schooner years Botomahana, Schooner s.s., 22 years Schooner 576 56 Produce Stranded; no damage Breakdown of machinery 100 ft. N.W. of Beacon, French Pass 30 miles south of Cape Campbell N.W. Light .. 39 21 Schooner 915 54 207 General S.E. Light .. I


Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,625 copies) £26 17e. 9d. By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1902 Price Is.]

Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department—continued.

4—H. 15


Date Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. Rig § a Number of Nature of Number Place where Casualty occurret Wind. Decision of Court of Inquiry, <fec. | Passeu-, O I gers ' I Cargo. Casualty. Lives lost. Direction. Force. Name of Master. 1901. Deo. 30 Queen of the South, s.s., 25 years Schooner 121 12 1 Wool and flax Stranded ; partial loss Mouth of Waikanae River, Cook Strait S. Moderate The mate, John Smith Goudie, did not exercise due care in navigation of the vessel, and the general navigation of the vessel by the master was of a careless nature. Each officer was ordered to pay £2 12s. 6d., costs of inquiry Vessel took the Pass too early, instead of waiting till slaok water Vessel overrun her course and drifted out of course set by nearly one point, by which she missed Beeing Cape Foulwind light. She got too near inshore before position discovered, and ran on the rocks Vessel was coming up Bluff Harbour when she touohed aft as she was passing the lightship Not sufficient evidence to justify any finding as to how the fire originated Vessel crossed bar safely, but wind dying way she anohored, and an attempt was made to warp her in. One of the lines parted, and she grounded on the South Spit, but got off ■ on the following tide William Manley. 1902. fan. 2 Mapourika, s.s., 3 years Alexandra, 10 years, Danish vessel General Stranded; slight damage Stranded; total loss At Beacon, French Pass Schooner 718 44 79 Lionel Campbell Hugh Worrall. Peter Swarrer Ankerson. s.w. Light .. 18 Barque.. 610 12 Ballast.. Hatte's Beach, near Perpendicular Point, West Coast, South Island N.N.E. Moderate 'eb. 24 Westralia, s.s., 5 years, Al Lloyd's Jessie Osborne, 28 years Sir Henry, 14 years Schooner 65 93 General Stranded; partial loss Between wharf and lightship, Bluff Harbour Wool Jetty, Wellington Harbour South Spit, Hokitika River William Waller. 1819 lar. 5 Barque .. 1058 Wool and tow Oats and chaff Eire on board; partial loss Stranded; no damage Richard Cantley. 23 Brigantine 95 6 Calm William Rennie.


WRECK CHART 1st Aril,1901, to 31st March,1902, Compiled from Official Records in the Marine Department

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MARINE DEPARTMENT: ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1901-2., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, H-15

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MARINE DEPARTMENT: ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1901-2. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, H-15

MARINE DEPARTMENT: ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1901-2. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, H-15

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