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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in pursuance of " The Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act, 1893."

Decbee made by the Validation Court, at Wellington, in respect of the Lands known as Manawatu-Kukutauaki 4b No. 1. In the Validation Coubt of New Zealand, at Wellington. In the matter of " The Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act, 1893," and its amendments, and of the land known as Manawatu-Kukutauaki 4b No. 1. Tuesday, the 22nd day of July, 1902. Whereas Eopata Eanapiri, of Otaki, half-caste, is the registered proprietor, under the Land Transfer Act, of all that parcel of land known as Manawatu-Kukutauaki 4b No. 1, containing 134 acres and 32 perches, more or less: And whereas the said 134 acres and 32 perches is made up as follows —that is to say, 84 acres and 32 perches being the share of Moko Hikitanga in the said land, which said share was alleged to have been purchased by the said Eopata Eanapiri from the said Moko Hikitanga, and 50 acres being the estimated half-share of Manahi Paora in the said land, alleged to have been purchased by the said Eopata Eanapiri from the said Manahi Paora: And whereas by an interim decree of the Validation Court, made the 31st day of August, 1897, the Court declared the alleged sale by the said Moko Hikitanga to be void and of no effect, and the Court by its said decree validated the sale by the said Manahi Paora of one-half of his interest in the said land, and directed that the land to be allotted in respect of the said half-share should be ascertained by the Native Land Court : And whereas the Native Land Court has ascertained that the land to which the said Eopata Eanapiri is entitled in respect to the said half-share is 43 acres and 34 perches, and that the said Manahi Paora is entitled to the remaining 6 acres 3 roods 6 perches : And whereas, for the purpose of giving effect to the hereinbefore-recited decree of the Validation Court, it is necessary that the existing title to the said land should be annulled and a new title issued for the same, in accordance with the finding of the said Court : Now, therefore, it is hereby decreed and ordered— 1. That the order of the Native Land Court, dated the Ist day of November, 1890, declaring the said Eopata Eanapiri to be the sole owner of the said land be and the same is hereby annulled, and the District Land Eegistrar is hereby directed to cancel the registration thereof and any certificate of title issued thereon. 2. That the persons entitled to the said land are the said Eopata Eanapiri, the said Manahi Paora, and the said Moko Hikitanga, for an estate in fee-simple as tenants in common in the shares and proportions hereinbefore indicated. By the Court. G. B. Davy, Judge.

Decrees made by the Validation Covet, at New Plymouth, in respect of certain Shares or Interests in Native Reserves in the Taranaki District. In the Validation Covet of New Zealand. In the matter of "The Reserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of the Native reserves known as Eaiomiti, Purakau A, and Eatahaugae or No. 4; and in the matter of the application of William Humphries for the validation of a mortgage, dated the 7th day of March, 1893, from Karira Heta and Heta te Kauri to the applicant, and a transfer from the Eegistrar of the Supreme Court to the applicant, dated the 31st day of August, 1894, and of a transfer, dated the Bth day of December, 1896, from Te Pohe Makoare and Hone te Kekehu to the applicant. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Courthouse in New Plymouth on the 12th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, a Judge, and



Wi Neera te Kahae, an Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Weston, of counsel for the applicant, and Mr; P. J. Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the payments made as alleged by the applicant, and as stated in the abovementioned mortgage and transfers, were so made in reliance upon orders of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set forth in the preamble to section 48 of the abovementioned Act, or on supposed validation thereof by Act of the Legislature, and being further satisfied that the transactions evidenced by the said mortgage and transfers, and in respect of which such payments were made, are in all respects fair and reasonable, it is hereby ordered that the said transactions and the mortgage, dated the 7th day of March, 1893, from the said Karira Heta and Heta te Kauri to the said William Humphries, and the transfer, dated the 31st day of August, 1894, from the Eegistrar of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, at New Plymouth, to the said William Humphries, and the transfer, dated the Bth day December, 1896, from Te Pohe Makoare and Hone te Kekehu to the said William Humphries be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed, and it is hereby declared that the said Hone Kekehu was of the full age of twenty-one years when he signed the transfer lastly hereinbefore mentioned ; and, with the consent of the Public Trustee and the applicant, it is hereby further ordered that the interests of the owners in the lands comprised in the said mortgage and transfers shall be partitioned in manner following, that is to say : — As to the Native reserve known as Eaiomiti, to the said William Humphries, to be held by him for an estate in fee-simple : All that parcel of land, containing 3 acres 1 rood, more or less, being Section 158 in the Hua district; and also all that parcel of land, containing 2 acres or thereabouts, being part of Section 23 in the Pitzroy District, and to be known as Eaiomiti A, bounded as follows—Commencing at a point on the north-western boundary of the section (marked " A " in the tracing produced and filed in this Court), and proceeding thence in a north-easterly direction along the south-eastern boundary of the old Devon Eoad 100 links; thence in a south-easterly direction at right angles to the same road 125 links ; thence in a north-easterly direction along a line drawn parallel to the same road to the upper edge of a bluff or cliff at a point marked " B " on the tracing before referred to; thence in a north-easterly direction along the upper edge of the said bluff to the Waiwakaiho Eiver at the point marked "C" in the said tracing; thence in a southerly direction along the bank of the said river to a public road (unnamed) at the point marked " D " on the said tracing; thence by the said road and by Normanby Street to the starting-point. And to the Public Trustee the balance of the said Section 23, Pitzroy District, of which 14 perches, as defined in the said tracing, shall be held as a burial-ground, and shall be known as Eaiomiti B, and the residue shall be known as Eaiomiti C. As to the Native reserve known as Eatahangae or No. 4, to the said William Humphries, to be held, by him for an estate in fee-simple : All that parcel of land, containing 23 acres, to be known as Eatahangae 4a, bounded on the north and east by the boundaries of the reserve, on the west by the road intersecting the reserve, on the south by a line drawn from the said road to the eastern boundary of the reserve parallel to and so far distant from the northern boundary of the reserve as to give the required area ; and to the Public Trustee the balance of the said Native reserve, to be known as Eatahangae 4b, subject, however, as to part thereof to a lease from the Public Trustee to one William Campbell. As to the Native reserve known as Purakau or A, to the said William Humphries, to be held by him for an estate in fee-simple : All that parcel of land, to be known as Purakau A 2, being the whole of the said Native Eeserve A excepting part of the same, containing 5 acres, to be known as Purakau A'l, bounded as follows —Commencing at the south-eastern corner of the reserve, thence along the southern boundary of the reserve to the eastern side of a public road, thence along the eastern side of that road to a point from which a line drawn parallel to the southern boundary of the reserve for 300 links will include within the piece of land thereby cut off the house of one Tawhiri; from thence in a south-easterly direction along a line parallel to the road to a point from which another line drawn parallel to the southern boundary of the reserve as far as the northeastern boundary thereof, and thence along the north-eastern boundary to the commencing-point will include 5 acres, which piece of land is hereby awarded to the Public Trustee. By the Court. J. M. Bath am, Judge. In the Validation Court of New Zealand. In the matter of " The Eeserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of the application of George Jordan, of the Avenue Eoad, near New Plymouth, farmer, for the validation of a transfer from Eenata Hirini to the said George Jordan of Section 48a, in the Native reserve known as No. 3 or Puketotara, Taranaki District. . At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Courthouse in New Plymouth on the 10th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, a Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, an Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Weston, of counsel for the applicant, and Mr. P. J. Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the payment made as alleged by the applicant, and as stated in the said transfer, was so made in reliance upon an order of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set forth in the preamble to section 48 of the abovementioned Act, and on the apparent validation of the said order by " The Native Eeserves Act Amendment Act, 1895," and " The Native Eeserves Act Amendment Act, 1896," and, being further satisfied that the transaction in respect of which such payment was made is in all respects fair and reasonable, it is hereby ordered that the said transaction and the transfer, dated the 31st day of July, 1897, from the said Eenata Hirini to the said George Jordan be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed, subject nevertheless to Lease No. 4883. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge.



In the Validation Coubt of New Zealand. In the matter of "The Eeserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 "; and in the matter of the application of George Jordan, of the Avenue Eoad, near New Plymouth, farmer, for the validation of a transfer from Bina te Ahititi to the said George Jordan of a certain undivided share in the Native reserve known as N or Mangorei, in the Taranaki District. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Courthouse in New Plymouth on the 12th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, a Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, an Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Weston, of counsel for the applicant, and Mr. F. J. Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the payment made, as alleged by the applicant and as stated in the said transfer, was so made in reliance upon an order of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set forth in the preamble to the 48th section of the abovementioned Act, and on the apparent validation of the said order by " The Native Eeserves Act Amendment Act, 1895," and "The Native Eeserves Ace Amendment Act, 1896," and, being further satisfied that the transaction in respect of which such payment was made is in all respects fair and reasonable, it is hereby ordered that the said transaction and the transfer, dated the 23rd day of May, 1894, from the said Eina te Ahititi to the said George Jordan be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Coubt. In the matter of " The Eeserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of the application of one John Franklin Hooker, of New Plymouth, Customs agent, for the validation of a certain agreement for sale, dated the sth day of July, 1894, from one Meringa More and others to the said John Franklin Hooker of Native Eeserve X, Hua and Waiwakaiho, and a certain memorandum of transfer, dated the 19th day of June, 1897, from one Wharepuni to the said John Franklin Hooker of the said Native Eeserve X, Hua and Waiwakaiho. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House, New Plymouth, on the 10th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquiro, a Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, Esquire, Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Weston, of counse.l forthe applicant, the said John Franklin Hooker, and Mr. F. J. Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the consideration mentioned in the abovenamed agreement for sale and memorandum of transfer was paid by the applicant in reliance on an order of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set out in the preamble to section 48 of the abovementioned Act, and on the supposed validation of such order by " The Native Eeserves Act Amendment Act, 1895," and " The Native Eeserves Act Amendment Act, 1896," and, being further satisfied that the transaction evidenced by such agreement and transfer and in respect of which such payment was made is in all respects fair and reasonable, the Court doth hereby ratify and confirm the said transaction and the said agreement and memorandum of transfer; and the Court doth further order that the applicant, the said John Franklin Hooker, is entitled to an estate in fee-simple in all that piece of land situated in the Hua and Waiwakaiho District, containing by admeasurement fifty acres (50a. Or. Op.), more or less, being the section known as Native Eeserve X, and being the whole of the land comprised in an order of the Native Land Court bearing date the 11th day of June, 1887. Dated this 10th day of April, 1902. By the Court, J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Court. In the matter of " The Eeserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of an application by one Thomas Kingwell Skinner, of New Plymouth, surveyor, as successor in title, for validation of a memorandum of transfer from one Meringa More to Michael Cunningham of Allotment 1, part of Subdivision E of Moturoa Native Eeserve No. 1, Grey District (Paritutu Survey District), dated the Ist day of July, 1893, and registered in the Land Transfer Office at New Plymouth as of No. 6175. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House, New Plymouth, on the 9th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, Esquire, Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Weston, of counsel for the applicant, the abovenamed Thomas Kingwell Skinner, and Mr. Frederick John Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the consideration mentioned in the abovementioned memorandum of transfer, registered No. 6175, was paid by the purchaser therein mentioned in reliance upon an order of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set out in the preamble to section 48 of the abovementioned Act, and, being further satisfied that the transaction evidenced by such memorandum of transfer is in all respects fair and reasonable, the Court doth hereby ratify and confirm the said transaction and the said memorandum of transfer No. 6175. Dated the 9th day of April, 1902. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge.

G.— 2a


In the Validation Coukt. In the matter of " The Eeserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of an application by one Thomas Kingwell Skinner, of New Plymouth, surveyor, as successor in title, for validation of a memorandum of transfer from one Herewini to John Earp of one equal undivided half part or share in Subdivision D, part of Moturoa Native Eeserve No. 1, Grey District (Paritutu Survey District), dated the 7th day of July, 1893, and registered in the Land Transfer Office at New Plymouth as of No. 6171. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House, New Plymouth, on the 9th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, Esquire, Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Weston, of counsel for the applicant, the abovenamp-d Thomas Kingwell Skinner, and Mr. Frederick John Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the consideration mentioned in the abovementioned memorandum of transfer, registered No. 6171, was paid by the purchaser therein mentioned in reliance upon an order of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set out in the preamble to section 48 of the abovementioned Act, and, being further satisfied that the transaction evidenced by such memorandum of transfer is in all respects fair and reasonable, the Court doth hereby ratify and confirm the said transaction and the said memorandum of transfer No. 6171. Dated the 9th day of April, 1902. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Covet. In the matter of " The Reserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of an application by one Thomas Kingwell Skinner, of New Plymouth, surveyor, as successor in title, for validation of a memorandum of transfer from one Tanirau to John Earp of one equal undivided half part or share in Subdivision D, part of Motorua Native Eeserve No. 1, Grey District (Paritutu Survey District), dated the 9th day of September, 1893, and registered in the Land Transfer Office at New Plymouth as of No. 6242. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House, New Plymouth, on the 9th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, Esquire, Assessor, upon hearing Mr Weston, of counsel for-the applicant, the abovenamed Thomas Kingwell Skinner, and Mr. Frederick John Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the consideration mentioned in the abovementioned memorandum of transfer, registered No. 6242, was paid by the purchaser therein mentioned in reliance upon an order of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set out in the preamble to section 48 of the abovementioned Act, and, being further satisfied that the transaction evidenced by such memorandum of transfer is in all respects fair and reasonable, the Court doth hereby ratify and confirm the said transaction and the said memorandum of transfer No. 6242. Dated the 9th day of April, 1902. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Court. In the matter of " The Eeserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of an application by one Thomas Kingwell Skinner, of New Plymouth, surveyor, as successor in title, for validation of a memorandum of transfer from one Taniora to one Agnes Hooker of Sub-allotment 2, part of Subdivision E of Moturoa Native Eeserve No. 1, Grey District, dated the 15th day of June, 1893, and registered in the Land Transfer Office at New Plymouth as of No. 6096. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House, New Plymouth, on the 9th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, Esquire, Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Weston, of counsel for the applicant, the abovenamed Thomas Kingwell Skinner, and Mr. Frederick John Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the consideration mentioned in the abovementioned memorandum of transfer, registered No. 6096, was paid by the purchaser therein mentioned in reliance upon an order of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set out in the preamble to section 48 of the abovementioned Act, and, being further satisfied that the transaction evidenced by such memorandum of transfer is in all respects fair and reasonable, the Court doth hereby ratify and confirm the said transaction and the said memorandum of transfer No. 6096. Dated the 9th day of April, 1902. By the Court, J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Covet. In the matter of " The Eeserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of the application of William Courtney, of New Plymouth, commission agent, for the validation of the purchase effected by memorandum of transfer, dated the Ist day of March, 1901, of Native Eeserve 159 (" A," Te Puia), Hua District.



At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House at New Plymouth on the 9th day of April, ISO 2, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, a Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, an Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Kerr, of counsel for the applicant, Wiliam Courtney, and Mr. F. J. Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the applicant, William Courtney, in reliance on certain orders of the Native Land Court made in exercise of the jurisdiction supposed to have been conferred on the said Court by a certain Order in Council, dated the 4th day of March, 1887, purchased the said Native Reserve 159 (" A," Te Puia) in the Hua District, in the Paritutu Survey District, containing 76 acres (described in the said Act as being in the Fitzroy District, and containing 50 acres), and being the whole of the land comprised in a certificate of title recorded in the office of the District Land Registrar in Volume xxix., folio 40, and, it having been made to appear to this Court that the alienation by the Native on which such transaction is based was fair and reasonable, the Court, by consent, does hereby ratify and confirm such transaction and purchase and the title of the said William Courtney to the estate in fee-simple in the said Native Reserve 159 (" A," Te Puia) comprised in the said certificate of title. Dated at New Plymouth, this 15th day of April, 1902. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Covet. In the matter of " The Reserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of the application of Arthur Standish, of New Plymouth, solicitor, for the validation of his title to Native Reserve No. 24, Fitzroy District, being part of Section No. 30 on the map of the said district, containing by admeasurement two (2) roods. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House, New Plymouth, on the 3rd day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, a Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, Esquire, Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Kerr, of counsel for the applicant, the said Arthur Standish, and Mr. F. J. Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court' that the said Arthur Standish has acquired by purchase a valid title to the fee-simple estate in the said Native Reserve No. 24, being part of Section No. 30 on the map of the Fitzroy District, and this Court, being satisfied that the transaction between the Native owner and the European purchaser through whom the applicant claims was in all respects fair and reasonable, the Court doth hereby ratify and confirm the title of the said Arthur Standish to the fee-simple estate in the said Native Reserve No. 24, and doth hereby direct the District Land Registrar at New Plymouth to issue to the said Arthur Standish a certificate of title for the said Native Reserve No. 24. Dated this 3rd day of April, 1902. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Coubt of New Zealand, DISTEICT OP TaEANAKI. In the matter of " The Reserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901"; and the application of Elizabeth Emma Dempsey, of New Plymouth, wife of Hector Dempsey, of the same place, schoolmaster, for the validation of the certificate of title (Volume xxx., folio 202) to an undivided moiety of and in Subdivisions 35, 39, and 46 on the public map of Native Reserve No. 3, Puketotara, Grey District, subject to Lease No. 2197 to Sarah Jane Clegg. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Courthouse, New Plymouth, on the Bth day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Robert Clinton Hughes, of counsel for the applicant, and Mr. Frederick John Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the payment made, as alleged, which gave rise to the issue of the said certificate of title was so made in reliance upon an order of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set out in the preamble to section 48 of the abovementioned Act, and, being further satisfied that the transaction in respect of which such payment was made is in all respects fair and reasonable, it is hereby ordered that the said transaction and the said certificate of title shall be and is hereby ratified and confirmed; and it is further ordered that the interests of the whole of the owners of the abovementioned Subdivisions 35, 39, and 46 on the public map of Native Reserve No. 3, Puketotara, Grey District, shall be partitioned in manner following : — To the Public Trustee, the whole of the abovementioned Subdivisions Nos. 35 and 39, containing together twenty-one acres and thirty perches (21a. Or. 30p.), and part of the Subdivision No. 46. to contain eight acres three roods (Ba. 3r. Op.), the latter area being bounded as follows : On the west by the Mangorei Road; on the north by Section No. 45 ;on the east by the Waiwakaiho River ; and on the south commencing at a point on the Mangorei Road aforesaid about 633 links from the north-west corner of the said Section No. 46, thence in a line parallel to the northern boundary of the said section to a mound marked on sketch produced, " Graves," thence south at right angles 210 links, thence east at right angles 100 links, thence north about 100 links, and thence by a line drawn easterly and parallel with the northern boundary aforesaid till it reaches the Waiwakaiho River aforesaid, so as to include the said area: this subdivision to be known as to part 46 as 46a. To the abovenamed Elizabeth Emma Dempsey the remainder of the said Subdivision No. 46, containing twenty-seven acres one rood (27a. lr. Op.), more or less, and to be known as No. 46b., subject to the said Lease No. 2197 ; the said Elizabeth Emma Dempsey to take the share of rent reserved to Karena te Ha, her predecessor in title. Dated this Bth day of April, 1902. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge.



In the Validation Court. In the matter of " The Eeserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of the application of Jane Lock, of New Plymouth, for the validation of the purchase effected by memorandum of transfer No. 5901 from the Natives therein named to Jane Lock of the lands therein specified, being portion of Native Reserve No. 14 (known as Pukenui), Town of New Plymouth. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House at New Plymouth on the 9th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, a Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, an Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Roy, of counsel for the applicant, Jane Lock, and Mr. F. J. Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of this Court that the applicant, Jane Lock, in reliance on certain orders of the Native Land' Court made in exercise of the jurisdiction supposed to have been conferred on the said Court by a certain Order in Council dated the 4th day of March, 1887, paid to the Native owners thereof moneys for a valid title to the estate in fee-simple and for all those portions of Native Reserve Number Fourteen (14) (known as Pukenui), Town of New Plymouth, specified in memorandum of transfer registered as No. 5901 in the office of the District Land Registrar at New Plymouth, from such Native owners therein named .to the said Jane Lock,, and this Court, being further satisfied that the transaction in respect of which such payment was made is in all respects fair and reasonable, and, by consent, the Court does hereby ratify and confirm such transaction and purchase and the title of the said Jane Lock thereunder to the estate in fee-simple in the said lands in the said memorandum of transfer No. 5901 mentioned, being portion of Native Reserve Number Fourteen (14) (known as Pukenui), Town of New Plymouth. Dated at New Plymouth, this 9th day of April, 1902. By the Court, J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Covet. In the matter of " The Reserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of the application by Mary Mitchinson, of New Plymouth, widow, for the validation of the purchase effected by memoranda of transfer Nos. 5855 and 5987 from the Natives therein named to James Mitchinson of the lands therein specified, being portions of Native Reserve No. 14 (known as Pukenui), Town of New Plymouth. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House at New Plymouth on the 9th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, a Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, an Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Roy, of counsel for the applicant, Mary Mitchinson, in succession to James Mitchinson, now deceased, and Mr. F. J. Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that James Mitchinson, in reliance on certain orders of the Native Lands Court made in exercise of the jurisdiction supposed to have been conferred on the said Court by a certain Order in Council dated the 4th day of March, 1887, paid to the Native owners thereof moneys for a valid title to the estate in fee-simple in all those portions of Native Reserve No. 14 (known as Pukenui), Town of New Plymouth, specified in memoranda of transfer registered as Nos. 5855 and 5987 in the office of the District Land Registrar at New Plymouth, from the Native owners therein named to the said James Mitchinson, and this Court being further satisfied that the transaction in respect of which such payment was made is in all respects, fair and reasonable, and, by consent, the Court does hereby ratify and confirm such transactions and purchases and the title of the said James Mitchinson thereunder to the estate in fee-simple in the said lands in the said memoranda of transfer Nos. 5855 and 5987 mentioned, being portions of the Native Reserve No. 14 (known as Pukenui), Town of New Plymouth. Dated at New Plymouth, this 9th day of April, 1902. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Covet. In the matter of " The Reserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of the application of John Gollop Sampson, of Bell Block, farmer, for the validation of the title in the name of Charles Sampson to Section No. 154, Hua (Ruatangata), containing by admeasurement 5 acres, more or less. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House at New Plymouth on the 3rd day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, a Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, an Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Roy, of counsel for the applicant, John Gollop Sampson, and Mr. F. J. Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of this Court that Charles Sampson, formerly of New Plymouth, now deceased, prior to the 31st day of October, 1895 —namely, in or about 1860—purchased from the Native owners thereof, through one Nathaniel Reed, Section Number one hundred and fifty-four (154), Hua, known as Ruatangata, and which land the said Charles Sampson for many years past held in reliance upon an order of the Native Land Court made in exercise of the jurisdiction sup-



posed to have been conferred on such Court by a certain Order in Council, dated the 4th day of March, 1887, and, it having been made to appear to this Court that such transaction was fair and reasonable and by consent, the Court does hereby ratify and confirm such transaction and the title thereunder of the said Charles Sampson to the estate in fee-simple in the said Section Number one hundred and fifty-four (154), Hua, known as Ruatangata, and does hereby direct the District Land Registrar to issue, in the name of the said Charles Sampson, a certificate of title for the said Section Number one hundred and fifty-four (154), Hua, known as Ruatangata. Dated at New Plymouth, this 3rd day of April, 1902. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Coubt. In the matter of " The Reserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of an application by one Charles Richardson- Bayley, of Hawera, settler, for the validation of a succession order, dated the Ist day of April, 1890, in favour of the said Charles Richardson Bayley to the interest of one Ngahauporoaki in Section 156 2 , Hua. At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Courthouse, New Plymouth, on the 9th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, Esquire, Assessor, and. upon hearing Mr. Weston, of counsel for the applicant, and Mr. Frederick John Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the abovementioued succession order was made in reliance upon an order of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set out in the preamble to section 48 of the abovementioned Act, and being further satisfied that the said succession order was issued in fulfilment of a contract contained in a will which was in all respects fair and reasonable, it is hereby ordered that the said succession order shall be and is hereby ratified and confirmed; and, with the consent of the applicant and the Public Trustee, it is further ordered that the interests of the whole of the owners of the abovementioned Section 156 2 , Hua, shall be partitioned in manner following: — To the said Charles Richardson Bayley, to be held by him for an estate in fee-simple, all that parcel of land containing 4f acres, being part of the said Section 156 2 , to be known as 156 2n , bounded as follows—Commencing at the north corner of block, thence south-east 921.5 links by Section 4, thence south-westerly at right angles to the last boundary to a point from which a line drawn parallel to the north-east boundary to the public road will cut off 4f acres, thence north-east along the public road to the commencing-point. And to the Public Trustee the. balance of the said Section 156 2 , Hua, to be known as 156 2b . Dated this 9th day of April, 1902. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Covet. In the matter of " The Reserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 "; and in the matter of an application by one Thomas Wilson, of the Smart Road, near New Plymouth, farmer, as successor in title, for validation of a memorandum of mortgage from Ani Kanara Ruruhira Piti and Ngare Piti to one John William Foote of Native Reserve B 1, Hua District, dated the 16th day of March, 1894, and registered in the Land Transfer Office at New Plymouth as No. 4524. • At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House at New Plymouth on the 11th day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, Esquire, Assessor, upon hearing Mr. John Edward Wilson, of counsel for the abovenamed Thomas Wilson, the applicant, and Mr. Frederick John Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of this Court that the consideration mentioned in the said memorandum of mortgage, registered No. 4524, was paid by the mortgagee therein mentioned in reliance upon an order of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set out in the preamble to section 48 of the abovementioned Act, and, being further satisfied that the transaction evidenced by such memorandum of mortgage is in all respects fair and reasonable, the Court doth hereby ratify and confirm the said transaction and the said memorandum of mortgage No. 4524. Dated this 11th day of April, 1902. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge. In the Validation Coubt. In the matter of "The Reserves and Other Lands Sale, Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1901 " ; and in the matter of an application by one Charles Edwin Gledhill, of Mangorei, near New Plymouth, farmer, as successor in title, for validation of a memorandum of mortgage from Mere Tahana and Karena te Ha to one James Wells of Subdivisions 43 and 49 of Native Reserve No. 3, Puketotara, Grey District, dated the Ist day of May, 1894, and registered at the Land Transfer Office at New Plymouth as No. 4591.



At a sitting of the Validation Court, duly constituted, and held at the Supreme Court House at New Plymouth on the 3rd day of April, 1902, before James Meacham Batham, Esquire, Judge, and Wi Neera te Kanae, Esquire, Assessor, upon hearing Mr. Oliver Samuel, of counsel for the abovenamed Charles Edwin Gledhill, the applicant, and Mr. Frederick John Wilson, of counsel for the Public Trustee, and it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of this Court that the consideration mentioned in the said memorandum of mortgage, registered as No. 4591, was paid by the mortgagee therein mentioned in reliance upon an order of the Native Land Court made under the circumstances set out in the preamble to section 48 of the abovementioned Act, and, being further satisfied that the transaction evidenced by such memorandum of mortgage is in all respects fair and reasonable, the Court doth hereby ratify and confirm the said transaction and the said memorandum of mortgage No. 4591. Dated this 14th day of April, 1902. By the Court. J. M. Batham, Judge. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,200 copies), £3 Us.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o2. Price 6d.]

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NATIVE LAND VALIDATION COURT (DECREES MADE BY) AT WELLINGTON AND NEW PLYMOUTH., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, G-02a

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NATIVE LAND VALIDATION COURT (DECREES MADE BY) AT WELLINGTON AND NEW PLYMOUTH. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, G-02a

NATIVE LAND VALIDATION COURT (DECREES MADE BY) AT WELLINGTON AND NEW PLYMOUTH. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, G-02a

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