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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OP REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Tuesday, the 2nd Day of July, 1901. Ordered, " That a Native Affairs Committee, consisting of seventeen members, be appointed to consider all petitions, reports, returns, and other documents relating to affairs specially affecting the Native race that may be brought before the House this session, and from time to time to report thereon to the House; with power to call for persons and papers : five to be a quorum. The Committee to consist of Mr. E. G. Allen,'Mr. A. L. D. Fraser, Mr. Gilfedder, Mr. Hall, Mr. Heke, Mr. Houston, Mr. Kaihau, Mr. Monk, Mr. McGuire, Mr. O'Meara, Mr. Parata, Mr. Pere, Captain Russell, Mr. Steveus, Right Hon. R. J, Seddon, Mr. Willis, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Cabeoll.)


I—l. 3.

No. Petitioners, Blocks, &c. Page. No. Petitioners, Blocks, &c. Page. 1 167+ 280§ 193+ 453+ 73§ 429+ 454+ 917 431+ 209} 696 228 406+ 642+ 451+ 341+ 1245* 775 365+ 1244* 283*} 219 113} 34+ 458} 1210* Ahenata Putere and Others Ahu-o-Turanga Blook Ahuru and Others, Ngakakaho te Te Akaaka No. 4 Blook Te Akau Block Akenihi Keukeu (Interest of) I Anaru Kupe Tari Angelo, John Ani Paki and Another Te Ao Anaru and Others Aparima Block Apiata te Hame and Others Apiata te Hame and Others Apirana Pahina and Others Apirana Pahina and Others Arona and Others, Paora Aropawanui Block Atahira and Others, Parehuirore te Atarahi Tamakere and Others Ateraira Paremata Au-o-Waikato Blook Awarua 4c Block Awarua Blocks Awarua Blocks (Roads) Awhe and Others, Hekenui te .. 9 9 12 10 6 12 14 16 17 24 20 9 9 16 18 29 23 13 29 29 21 4 17 5 29 955 793* 118} 1213* 620* 321+ 237 1189* 241* 193+ 406+ 642+ 358*t| 381} 364+ 320+ 224+ 392+ 1178* 239§ 618 234+ 235+ 319 954 695 775 256} 113} 363+ D'Urville Island Ellison, T. R. Enoka Hohepa and Others Erana Perukino and Others Eru Maki and Others Eru Titi and Others Final Report Fraser and Others, T. .. Haenga Paretipua Hakiaha Tawhiao and Others .. Hakiriwhi te Purewa (Interest of) Te Hami and Others, Apiata Te Hami and Others, Apiata Hanikamu Ngawaina Hanikamu te Hiko and Another Hangatiki Blook Haora Rangirumaki Haora Tareranui Haora Tareranui Hape, P. Hapuku and Others, Irimina Tutua Harareketautoru Blook Harata Poiwa and Others Hare Noanoa and Others Harepeka and Another, Tapata Harepeka and Others, Tapata .. Hare Renata Hata te Kani and Others Haumoariki Block Hauiti te Whaaro Hauria Wahapu and Others 23 29 5 29 29 16 28 19 29 29 12 9 9 29 4 15 13 10 11 29 6 21 10 10 18 27 24 23 7 4 10 Bills:— Maori Lands Administration Amendment Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment 24 26 Craig and Home 17 34+ * Petitions undealt with. + 1900. {1899. § 1898. II1897,



INDEX— continued.

No. Petitioners, Blocks, &c. Page. No. Petitioners, Blocks, &c. Page. L210* 1195* 559+ 618 616 429} 36+ 37+ 441} 185 468} 657 532+ 73§ 118} 453+ 484} 430+ 342+ 519+ 383} L277* 245§ 1263 34+ 285} 337} 428 783 228 150* 783 285} 337} 535 538+ .119 Hekenui te Awhe and Others Hemirua Paeara and Another .. Hemi Takiwa and Others Henere Kahu Henare Korako Karetai and Others Henare and Others, Kia Heremia te Whatoko and Others Herena Ngawairama Himatangi Block Hirami Motukokako Hirani Nopera and Others Hirini Mohuia Hoani Tainui and Others Hoete, W. Hohepa and Others, Enoka Hohua Ruihana Hori Herehere and Others Honi Takina Hone Wharemako Hohepine Love Hori Herewini and Others Hori Ngatai and Others Hori Rewa Rangitikei and Others Hori Rewa Rangitikei and Others Home and Craig Horowhenua Horowhenua Horowhenua Block Horowhenua Blook Howell, George Hughey, John Hunia, Wirihana Hunia, Wirihana Hunia, Wirihana Hunt, W. J. .. Huriana Tamarangi Huruhuru No. 2 Block 29 29 11 21 26 7 11 12 5 18 8 24 22 6 5 10 9 10 11 18 17 29 6 28 17 4 4 26 27 20 29 27 4 4 19 14 25 646 424 425 946 1097 360+ 1187* 1188* 219} 342+ 218 193+ 256} 1239 429+ 91*+ 619* 350|| 392+ 1119 156} 644+ 657 256} 481} 1237 1263 954 458} 185 320+ 617 653 654 Manuaute Tuhaia and Others Maori Lands Administration Amendment Bill [ Maori Land Laws Maraekowhai Block .. .. ■ Maraekowhai Block Matua and Another, Tipene Matua and Another, Tipene Matua and Another, Tipene Matiu, H. Ruimakutu Matahiwi Block Maungatapu Maungatautari Block Mereana Matuarei Mereana Peka and Others Mihi Karaha Milner, William Miriama Kahukarewao M. K. Kapukai and Another Moehau Block Moehau 4a Block Mohaka Block Mohaka-Waikari Block Mohuia, Hirini Mokotunu te Haumoariki Block Motiti Block Motiti Block Motiti Block Motueka Lands Motukawa Blocks Motukako, Hiramai Murateahi Block Mutu and Others, G. P. Mutu and Others, G. P. Mutu and Others, G. P. 12 24 19 23 25 15 29 29 7 11 21 12 7 27 12 29 29 17 11 25 5 16 24 7 8 24 28 27 5 18 13 20 21 21 8 5 6 Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Bill Nelson " Tenths " Nelson " Tenths " Ngakakaho te Ahuru and Others Ngapaki and Others, W. Ngatai and Others, H. Ngatuere and Another, K. Ngawairama, H. Ngawaina, Hanikamu Nikau Block Ninihi and Others, Petera te Noanoa and Others, Hare Nopera and Others, Hirani 26 457} 458} 239§ Ihakara te Raro and Others Ihakara te Raro and Others Irimina Tutua Hapuku and Others 1239 1264 193+ 359} 1277* 1098 37+ 358[[* 532 481} 235+ 468} 27 27 12 7 29 25 12 29 22 8 10 8 36+ 958 118} 618 619* 644+ 645+ 359} 775 35+ 350| 1119 429 343+ 955 391+ 171} 139+ 647+ 362+ 693* 194 429} 1098 179+ 1185* 431+ 616 454+ 917 Kahotea Block Kahui Kararehe and Others Kahutara Block Kahu, Henere Kahukarewao and Others, M. Kahu, Wi te .. Kahu, Wi te .. Kaitangiwhenua Block.. Kani and Others, Te Hata te Kaokaoroa Block Kapukai and Another, M. K. Karauria Paaka Karaha, Mihi Karaha and Others, Rawiri Karepa te Whetu and Others Karioi Block Katikati Blook Te Kauri Block No. 2b Te Kauri Blook No. 2 .. Kaweroa, Rora Kaweroa, Rora Kekerione G Block Kia Henare and Others Kingi Ngatuere and Another Kipa te Whatanui Kipa te Whatanui Kiripaka Block Korako Karetai and Others, H. Kupe, Tari Anaru Kupe, Tari Anaru 11 23 5 21 29 16 16 7 23 13 17 25 12 13 23 13 8 15 15 14 29 19 7 25 22 29 16 26 14 22 500 185 140+ 209} 559 695 616 192+ 457} Onewhero (Lot 99) Opito Block Oriwia Tawbia and Others Oruomatua Kaimanawa No. 2 Block Otaane Block Otakawe No. 1 Blook Otakou " Tenths " Otaua Block .. .. Owhaoko D Blook 19 18 12 17 11 24 26 14 8 519+ Love, Hohepine .. ■ 18 1119 1195* 179 451+ 341+ 209} 431+ 389} 192+ 1245* 365+ 283}* 1189* 1239 35+ 1213* 1178* 237+ 451} 234+ 643+ 156} 344+ 1097 Paaka and Others, Karauria Paeara and Another, H. Pahianui Block Pahina and Others, Apirana Pahina and Others, Apirana Paki and Another, Ani .. Panapo Block Pango Peina and Others Paora and Another, Taharangi Paora Arona and Others Parehuiroro te Atahira and Others Paremata, Ateraira Paretipua, Te Haenga .. Peka and Others, Mereana .. Peni Tipuna and Others Perukino and Others, E. Peta Hape Peta Toto and Others Petera te Ninihi and Others Poiwa and Others, Harata Pohika and Others, Wiremu Porikupenga and Others, Rewi Potae and Others, Wiremu Potaka Block (Maraekowhia) 25 29 22 16 18 17 10 '4 14 29 13 29 29 27 13 29 29 18 8 10 16 5 10 25 538+ L201* L264 1276 245§ 350|| 360+ 321+ 234+ 468} 37+ Maaka, Rewi Maaka, Rewi Maaka, Rewi Maaka and Another, Rewi Manaia Block.. Manawatu Kukutauaki, Block 7d. Mangaangiangi Block .. .. ■ Mangahauini Blocks Mangahauini No. 7 Block Mangaorapa Block .. Mangorewa Kaharoa Block 14 29 27 28 6 17 15 16 10 8 12 * Petitions undealt with. t1900. } 1899. 1898. I! 1897.



INDEX— continued.

No. Petitioners, Blocks, &c. Page. No. Petitioners, Blocks, &c. Page. .097 235+ 343+ 642+ 192 167 Potango, Waiata Puatai Block Puatai Block Puatai Block Pukenui (Interest of) .. Putere and Others, Apiata 25 10 13 9 14 9 653 776 484 776 140+ 241* 218 381} 616 318+ 1150* 1237 360 1187* 1188* 35+ 1212* 321 237 152+ 654 237 226 646+ 139+ 647+ 1181* 224 239§ Taurutu Lagoon Tautane Reserve Tautane Reserve Tawhai Rangiwhaka Tawhia and Others, Oriwia Tawhiao and Others, H. Teni Tuhakaraina and Others "Tenths" "Tenths," Otakou Teone Tikao Wira and Others Teone Tikao Wira and Others Tiaki Rewiri and Others Tipene Matua and Another Tipene Matua and Another Tipene Matua and Another Tipuna and Others, Peni Tiria and Others, Ripeka Titi and Others, Eru Tokomaru Blook Toms, Thomas Torotoroa Lagoon Toto and Others, Peta Tucker, W. H. Tahaia and Others, Manuaute .. Tukorehu and Others, Waraki Tukorehu and Others, Waraki Tuoro and Others, Wi Warena Tuta Block .. Tutua Hapuku and Others, Irimina 21 9 9 22 12 29 21 4 26 18 29 24 15 29 29 13 29 16 18 15 21 18 20 12 15 15 29 10 6 363+ 140+ 782* 1211* 320+ 389} .282* 955 776 457} 458} 276§ 277§ 280§ 343+ 391+ 695 441} 69§ 171} 429} .263 245§ 156} .201* .264 .276 538 .237 319+ 428} .212* 207} 458} 424 425 362+ 693* 69§ 34+ 657 167+ 453+ 430+ 219} Rae o-te-papa Block Rakai ki teroa Block Rameka Takerua and Others Rangihaerepo te Wiremu and Others Rangirumaki Haora Rangitatau Block Rangitanga and Others, W. Rangitoto Block (D'Urville Island) Rangiwhakaewa, Tawhai Raro and Others, Ihakara te Raro and Others, Ihakara te Rautahi and Others, Tapapa Rautahi and Others, Tapapa Rautahi and Others, Tapapa Rawiri Karaha and Others Renai Taiko and Others Renata, Hare Renata Ropiha and Others Renata Tamehana and Others .. Reneti te Whauwhau and Others Te Reureu Blook Rewa Rangitikei and Others Rewa Rangitikei and Others Rewi Porikupenga and Others .. Rewi Maaka Rewi Maaka Rewi Maaka Rewi Maaka Rewiri and Others, Tiaki Rihi Taekata and Another Rihepete Tamaki and Others .. Ripeka Tiria and Others Rito and Another, Winiata te .. Roads through Awarua, &c. I Ropata Ranapiri and Others .. Rora Kaweora Rora Kaweora Rotomahana Parekarangi Block Rotokakahi Block Ruatangata No. 2 Blook Ruakituri Block Ruihana Hohua Ruihi Matatua (Succession to) .. Ruimakutu and Others, M. H. .. 10 12 29 29 13 4 • 29 23 22 8 5 6 6 9 13 13 24 5 7 8 7 28 6 5 29 27 28 14 24 17 26 29 8 5 194 319+ 1179 1262 Ura, Taare te .. Utanga Block .. Utanga Block Utanga Block 19 17 25 28 500 194 319 .179 .262 276 694 192+ 391+ 391+ 532+ 559+ l244* 277§ 428} 153+ 69§ 97} 280§ 276§ 277§ 954 319 441} 167 1098 454 917 224+ 392+ 365+ St. Clair, John Taare te Ura Taekata and Another, Rihi Taekata te Tokoihi Taekata te Tokoihi Tahoraiti Block Taiawhio te Tau and Others Taharangi Paora and Another .. Taiko and Others, R. .. Takina, Hone Tainui and Others, Hoani Takiwa and Others, Hemi Tamahere and Others Tamaki Blook Tamaki, Rihipete Tamati Waaka Tamehana and Others, R. Tamehana Tieke and Others Tapapa Rautahi and Others Tapapa Rautahi and Others Tapapa Rautahi and Others Tapata Harepeka and Others Tapata Harepeka and Others .. Tapuae Kotuku Block .. ,. Taramarama Blook Taratahi-Hikawera Block Tari Anaru Kupe Tari Anaru Kupe Tareranui, Haora Tareranui, Haora Taumatatotara Block 19 14 29 7 17 24 9 10 10 7 19 19 17 25 28 6 26 14 13 10 22 11 29 6 26 14 7 5 9 6 6 27 18 5 9 25 14 22 10 11 13 454+ 917 153+ 179 219} 363+ 1097 207} 364+ 153+ 318t 519+ 381} 139+ 647+ 1282* 391+ 113} 383} 226 429+ 406+ 97} 946 694 342+ 696 179 1185* 36+ 239§ 171} 955 646+ 207} 318 1150* 73§ 362+ 359} 344+ 643+ 1211* 337} 285} 783 644+ 645+ 1181* Waahi Block Waahi Block Waaka, Tamati Waerenga No. 7a Blook Wahakarere Block Wahapu and Others, Hauria Waiata, Potango Waihua Block (Wairoa purchase) Waikawhia and Others.. Wairewa Block Waituruati Pa-Orakipaoa Waiwhetu Lands Wakefield " Tenths " .. Waraki Tukorehu and Others Waraki Tukorehu and Others Wehi Rangitanga and Others Whanga, Te, part Karioi Block Whaaro, Hauiti te Whangape Block Whangara Block Whangara F and K Blocks Whangara Bl and B2 Blocks Whangawehi Block, No. 2 Wharawhara and Others Whareama Block Wharemako, Hone Wha.takai No. 197 Block (part Whareama) Whatanui, Kipa Whatanui, Kipa Whatoko and Others, Heremia te Whatuma Lake Whauwhau and Others, Te Reneti te Whetu and Others, Karepa te .. Whitireia Block Winiata te Rito and Another Wira and Others, Teone Tikao Wira and Others, Teone Tikao Wiremu Hoete Wiremu Kingi Matakatea (Estate of) Wiremu Ngapaki and Others Wiremu Potae Wiremu Pokiha and Others Wiremu and Others, Rangihaerepo te Wirihana Hunia Wirihana Hunia Wirihana Hunia Wi te Kahu Wi te Kahu Wi Warena Tuoru and Others .. 14 22 14 22 7 10 25 8 15 14 18 18 4 15 15 29 18 4 17 20 12 9 5 23 26 11 24 22 29 11 6 8 23 12 8 18 29 0 14 7 16 16 29 4 4 27 16 16 29 * Petitions undealt with. tl900. ; 1899. § 1898. 1897.

T 3


No. 113, 1899.—Petition of Hauiti tb Whaaeo. Petitioner prays for rehearing in connection with Awarua No. 4c Block. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 113, 1899.—-Pitihana a Hauiti tb Whaaro. E iNOi ana te kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Awarua No. 4c. Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 30 o Eurae, 1901.

No. 285, 1899.—Petition of Wirihana Hunia. Petitioner alleges that there has been a miscarriage of justice in the settlement of the Horowhenua disputes, and prays for reinvestigation. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 285, 1899.—Pitihana a Wirihana Hunia. E ki ana te kai-pitihana kihai i tika ki runga ki ta te ture te whakaotiotinga o nga tautohetohe mo Horowhenua, a c inoi ana kia whakawakia ano aua take. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 337, 1899.—Petition of Wirihana Hunia. Petitioner prays that the portion of Horowhenua No. 11 situate between Horowhenua No. 9 and the Hokio Stream be not included in the Ngatiraukawa title. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 337, 1899.—Pitihana a Wieihana Hunia. E inoi ana te kai-pitihana kia kaua te wahi o Horowhenua No. 11, c takoto nei i waenganui o Horowhenua No. 9 me te awa o Hokio, c whakaurua kite taitara mo te piihi a Ngatiraukawa. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 381, 1899.—Petition of Hanikamu tb Hiko and Another. Petitioners pray that they may be declared to be entitled to participate in the income derived from reserves known as the " Wakefield Tenths," Wellington District. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 381, 1899.—Pitihana a Hanikamu te Hiko me tetahi atu. E inoi ana raua kia whakataua to raua tika kia whiwhi ki etahi o nga moni c puta ana i nga rahui c mohiotia nei ko nga " Whakatekau o Wekipira," Takiwa o Werengitana. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 389, 1899.—Petition of Pango Peina and 252 Others. Petitioners pray for restitution of the Eangitatau Block, situate on the Waitotara Eiver. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 30th July, 1901. "

[Translation.] No. 389, 1899.—Pitihana a Pango Peina me etahi atu c rua rave rima tekau ma waru. E inoi ana kia whakahokia atu ki a ratou a Eangitatau Poraka, kei te taha o Waitotara awa taua whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 30 o Hurae, 1901.



No. 441, 1899.—Petition of Eenata Eopiha and 7 Others. Petitioners allege that the land between Tapuae-Kotuku and Himitangi Blocks, Manawatu district, has been wrongfully taken from them, and they pray for restitution. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 30th July, 1901.

[Tkanslation.] No. 441, 1899. —Pitihana a Renata Eopiha me etahi atu tokowhitu. E Xi ana nga kai-pitihana kua tangohia hetia i a ratou te whenua i waenganui o Tapuae-Kotuku me nga Poraka o Himatangi, takiwa o Manawatu, a c inoi ana kia whakahokia atu taua wahi ki a ratou. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 458, 1899.—Petition of Ihakaba te Eabo and 16 Others. Petitioners complain of the injustice done in connection with the taking of land for roads through the Awarua and Mo'tukawa Blocks, and from Moawhango to Te Horo, and pray for restitution. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the petitioners have a just cause of complaint, as the quantity of land taken for roading purposes appears to be most excessive ; it is therefore recommended that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 458, 1899.—Pitihana a Ihakaba te Eabo me etahi atu tekau ma ono. E tangi ana mo te he me te mate kua pa ki a ratou i runga i te tangohanga hei rori o etahi wahi whenua o nga Poraka o Te Awarua me Motukawa me etahi wahi whenua hoki timata i Moawhango tae noa ki Te Horo, a c inoi ana kia whakahokia atu aua wahi whenua ki a ratou. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti, c tika ana te whakahe a nga kai-pitihana, notemea hoki mehemea nei he rahi rawa atu te whenua i tangohia hei rori, na reira ka whai kupu te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 156, 1899. —Petition of Eewi Porikupenga and 13 Others. Petitioners pray that the areas allotted to them in Mohaka Block be cut off in one block, and situated in a certain part of the main block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 156, 1899. —Pitihana a Eewi Porikupenga me etahi atu teka.u ma toru. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana ko nga eka i whakaritea mo ratou i roto i Mohaka Poraka me huihui kia kotahi te poraka, a me wehe atu ki tetahi wahi o te poraka nui takoto ai. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 97, 1899.—Petition of Tamehana Tieke and 14 Others. Petitioners pray that they may be included in the title of Whangawehi No. 2 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 97, 1899.—Pitihana a Tamehana Tieke me etahi atu tekau ma wha. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakaurua ratou ki roto kite taitara o Whangawehi No. 2 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 118, 1899. —Petition of Enoka Hohepa and Others. Petitioners allege that the boundaries of the Kahutara Block as at present laid down do not agree with those in the deed of sale, and pray for readjustment. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.



[Translation.] No. 118, 1899. —Pitihana a Enoka Hohepa me etahi atu. B Xi ana nga kai-pitihana ko nga rohe o Kahutara Poraka, c takoto mai nei, kaore i te rite ki nga rohe i tuhituhia ki roto kite tiiti o te hoko o taua whenua, a c inoi ana kia whakatikatikaina aua rohe. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 277, 1898.—Petition of Tapapa Eautahi and 3 Others. Pbtitionees pray for rehearing in regard to Tamaki Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in connection with this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 277, 1898.—Pitihana a Tapapa Eautahi me etahi atu tokotoru. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Tamaki Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 276, 1898.—Petition of Tapapa Eautahi and 4 Others. Petitionbes pray that the boundary between Tahoraiti Nos. 1 and 2 Blocks may be readjusted. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 276, 1898.—Pitihana a Tapapa Eautahi me etahi atu tokowha. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakatikatikaina te rohe i waenganui i nga Poraka o Tahoraiti No. 1 me Tahoraiti No. 2. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 245, 1898. —Petition of Hoei Eewa Bangitikei and 9 Others. Petitionees pray that a rehearing may be granted in connection with Manaia Block, near Coromandel. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition, as it is their opinion that the petitioners have power to move for redress under subsection (10) of section 14 of " The Native Land Court Act, 1894." 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 245, 1898.—Pitihana a Hoei Eewa Eangitikei me efcahi atu tokoiwa. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Manaia Poraka c tata ana ki Karamaene. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana, notemea ki to ratou whakaaro c whai mana ana nga kai-pitihana kite tono kia whakaorangia to ratou mate i raro i wahanga-tekiona 10 o tekiona 14 o " Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, 1894." 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 239, 1898.—Petition of leimina Tutua Hapuku and 36 Others. Petitionees allege that the Whatuma Lake, near Waipukurau, was not included in the sale of the adjacent land, and pray that the title to the same may be vested in them. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901. —

[Teanslation.] No. 239, 1898. —Pitihana a leimina Tutua Hapuku me etahi atu c toru tekau ma ono. E ki ana nga kai-pitihana kaore te roto o Whatuma, c tata ana ki Waipukurau, i uru kite hoko o nga whenua, c piri ana ki taua roto, a c inoi ana me tau ki a ratou te taitara o taua roto. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 73, 1898.—Petition of Wieemu Hobtb. Petitionee prays for an investigation into the title of Te Akau Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.



[Translation.] No. 73, 1898.—Pifcihana a Wibemu Hobte. E INOI ana te kai-pitihana kia whakawakia te taitara o Te Akau Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 69, 1898.—Petition of Ebnata Tamehana and 6 Others. Petitioners pray that a rehearing may be granted in connection with Eotomahana-Parekarangi No. 6a, Section 2, Partitions 4 and 5. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 69, 1898. —Pitihana a Eenata Tamehana me etahi atu tokoono. E iNoi ana nga kai-pitihana, kia whakaaetia he whakawa tuarua mo Eotomahana-Parekarangi No. 6a, Tekihana 2, Wawahanga Nama 4 me Nama 5. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 429, 1899.—Petition of Kia Henare and 3 Others. Petitioners pray for readjustment of ownership of Te Eeureu Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 429, 1899. —-Pitihana a Kia Henare me etahi atu tokotoru. E INOI ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakatikatikaina nga hea me nga paanga o nga tangata i uru ki Te Eeureu Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei. kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 359, 1899.—Petition of Wiremu Ngapaki and 14 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing with regard to Kaitangiwhenua Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 359, 1899.—Pitihana a Wiremcj Ngapaki me etahi atu tekau ma wha. E INOI ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Kaitangiwhenua Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 256, 1899. —Petition of Mereana Matdarei. Petitioner prays for rehearing in connection with Mokotunu-te-Haumoariki Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 256, 1899.—Pitihana a Mereana Matuarei. E INOI ana kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Mokotunu-te-Haumoariki Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 219, 1899.—Petition of Matiu H. Euimakutu and 10 Others. Petitioners allege that Te Wahakarere Block, district of Kaitaia, has been wrongfully taken from them, and they pray for restitution. I am directed to report that the Commitcee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 219, 1899. —Pitihana a Matiu H. Euimakutu me etahi atu kotahi tekau. E ki ana nga kai-pitihana kua tangohia hetia i a ratou a Te Wahakarere Poraka, takiwa o Kaitaia, a c inoi ana ratou kia whakahokia atu taua whenua ki a ratou. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.



No. 207, 1899. —Petition of Winiata te Eito and Another. Petitioneks allege that a reserve was set aside for them at Waihua out of Te Wairoa purchase, and pray that the land may now be handed over to them. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 207, 1899. —Pitihana a Winiata te Eito me tetahi atu. B ki ana nga kai-pitihana i te wa i hokona ai a Te Wairoa, i ata wehea tetahi rahui mo ratou ki Waihua, a c inoi ana ratou kia hoatu taua whenua ki a ratou. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 171, 1899.—Petition of Te Eeneti te Whauwhau and 19 Others. Petitioners allege that the Katikati Block was sold to the Crown by Maoris who were not the rightful owners, and that they, the real owners, received no remuneration. They now pray for consideration. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 171, 1899.—Pitihana a Tβ Ebneti te Whauwhau me etahi atu tekau ma iwa. E ki ana nga kai-pitihana kaore nga tangata nana i hoko a Katikati Poraka kite Kawanatanga i tika ki taua wahi, a ko ratou, ko nga tangata tika ki reira, kihai i whiwhi utu mo taua whenua, a c inoi ana kia whakaarohia to ratou mate. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 457, 1899. —Petition of Ihakara te Eaeo and 13 Others. Petitioners protest against the Government claim for survey of the Owhaoko D Block, and pray for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 457, 1899. —Pitihana a Ihakaba te Earo me etahi atu tekau ma toru. B whakahe ana i nga moni c tonoa nei c te Kawanatanga mo te ruri o Owhaoko D Poraka, a c inoi ana kia whakaorangia to ratou mate. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 468, 1899.—Petition of Hieani Nopera and 3 Others. Petitioners pray for readjustment of ownership of the Mangaorapa Block, Porangahau district. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 468, 1899. —Pitihana a Hibani Nopera me etahi atu tokotoru. B inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakatikatikaina nga hea me nga paanga o nga tangata no ratou a Mangaorapa Poraka, takiwa o Porangahau. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 a Hurae, 1901.

No. 481, 1899.—Petition of Petera te Ninihi and 9 Others. Petitioners pray for inquiry into title of Motiti B Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 481, 1899. —Pitihana a Petera te Ninihi me etahi atu tokoiwa. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia uiuia te taitara o Motiti B Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.



No. 280, 1898.—Petition of Tapapa Eautahi and 3 Others. Petitioners allege that they did not sell or receive any payment for Te Ahu-o-Turanga Block, Woodville district, and pray for a grant of land in lieu thereof. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 280, 1898.—Pitihana a Tapapa Eautahi me etahi atu tokotoru. B Xi ana nga kai-pitihana kaore ratou i hoko i Te Ahu-o-Turanga Poraka, takiwa o Wurupere, a kaore hoki ratou i whiwhi i tetahi utu mo taua whenua, a c inoi ana kia hoatu he whenua mo ratou hei utu mo taua poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901.

No. 484, 1899.—Petition of Hoki Herehere and 2 Others. Petitioners object to the present holders of the title to the Tautane Eeserve, Hawke's Bay District, and pray for inquiry and admission to ownership. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th July, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 484, 1899.—Pitihana a Hori Herehere me etahi atu tokorua. E whakahe ana nga kai-pitihana ki nga tangata c noho mai nei i roto i te taitara o Tautane Eahui, Takiwa o Haaki Pei, a c inoi ana kia whakawakia a kia whakaurua ratou ki taua whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 30 o Hurae, 1901. No. 167, 1900.—Petition of Ahenata Putere and 24 Others. Petitioners pray that the interests of the owners of the reserves in the Euakituri and Taramarama Blocks may be allocated, or that the lands may be brought under the operation of the Native Land Court Act. 1 am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 167, 1900. —Pitihana a Ahenata Putere me etahi atu c rua tekau ma wha. E inoi ana kia whakataua nga paanga o nga tangata no ratou nga rahui i roto i nga Poraka o Euakituri me Taramarama, a kia tukua atu ranei aua whenua ki raro i te mana whakahaere o te Kooti Whenua Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 642, 1900.—Petition of Apiata te Hame and 6 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing in connection with Puatai Nos. 1, 2, and 4 Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 642, 1900.—Pitihana a Apiata te Hame me etahi atu tokoono. E inoi ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia nga Poraka o Puatai Nos. 1, 2, me 4. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 406, 1900. —Petition of Apiata te Hame and 6 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing in connection with Whangara Bl and B2 Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 406, 1900. —Pitihana a Apiata te Hame me etahi atu tokoono. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Whangara Bl me B2 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

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No. 235, 1900. —Petition of Hare Noanoa and 3 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing with regard to the Puatai Nos. 4, 2, and 3 Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[TRANSLATION.] No. 235, 1900.—Pitihana a Hare Noanoa me etahi atu tokotoru. B INOI ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia nga Poraka o Puatai Nos. 4, 2, me 3. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 234, 1900.—Petition of Harata Poiwa and 31 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing with regard to Mangahauini No. 7 (Kaingapipi) Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 234, 1900.—Pitihana a Haeata Poiwa me etahi atu c toru tekau ma tahi. E INOI ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Mangahauini No. 7 (Kaingapipi) Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 224, 1900. —Petition of Haora Taberanui. Petitioner prays for rehearing with regard to the Tuta Block, Thames district. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 224, 1900.—Pitihana a Haora Tareranui. E INOI a ana kia whakawhakia tuavuatia a Tuta Poraka, takiwa o Hauraki. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 453, 1900.—Petition of Hohua Euihana. Petitioner prays for readjustment of partition of Te Akaaka No. 4 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 453, 1900. —Pitihana a Hohua Buihana. E iNoi ana kia whakatikatikaina te wawahanga o Te Akaaka No. 4 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901. No. 430, 1900.—Petition of Hone Takina. Petitioner prays for rehearing in connection with succession to Euihi Mautatua (deceased), a late owner in certain lands in Poverty Bay. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 430, 1900.—Pitihana a Hone Takina. E iNoi ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia te whakatuunga o nga kai-riiwhi mo Euihi Mautatua, kua mate, i roto i etahi whenua kei Papati Pei. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 363, 1900.—Petition of Hauria Wahapu and 3 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing in connection with the Eaeotepapa North Block, Ohinemuri district. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.



[Tbanslation.] No. 363, 1900. —Pitihana a Haueia Wahapu me etahi atu tokotoru. E iNoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a te Baeotepapa Nota Poraka, takiwa o Ohinemuri. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 559, 1900.—Petition of Hbmi Takiwa and 26 Others. Petitionebs dispute the sale of a block of land called Otaane, near Patangata, Hawke's Bay District, and pray for restitution. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 6th August, 1901.

[Tbanslation.] No. 559, 1900.—Pitihana a Hemi Takiwa me etahi atu c rua tekau ma ono. B whakahe ana kite hokonga o tetahi poraka whenua ko Otaane te ingoa, c tata ana ki Patangata, Takiwa o Haaki Pei, a c inoi ana kia whakahokia taua whenua ki a ratou. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 342, 1900.—Petition of Hone Whabemako. Petitioneb prays for reinvestigation of title to the Matahiwi Block, Hawke's Bay District. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 342, 1900.—Pitihana a Hone Whaeemako. B inoi ana te kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia te Poraka o Matahiwi, Takiwa o Haaki Pei. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 392, 1900.—Petition of Haoea Taeeeanui and 9 Others. Petitionebs allege that when the Moehau Block was ceded to the Crown it was agreed that they should have a reserve of 1,856 acres set aside for them; they now find that this reserve (Moehau No. Ig, or Waiaro) contains 500 acres short of the area agreed upon, and they pray for restitution of the land, and compensation for the kauri timber taken therefrom, and for other losses. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th August, 1901.

[Tbanslation.] No. 392, 1900. —Pitihana a Haoea Taeeeanui me etahi atu tokoiwa. B ki ana nga kai-pitihana i te wa i tukua ai a Moehau Poraka kite Karauna, i whakaaetia me wehe he rahui mo ratou kia 1,856 nga eka, na i naianei kua kite ratou c 500 nga eka o taua rahui (o Moehau No. Ig, ara, Waiaro) kua ngaro, a c inoi ana kia whakahokia atu taua whenua a kia utua ratou mo nga rakau kauri kua pau te harihari atu i taua whenua, a kia utua ratou mo etahi atu mate kua pa ki a ratou. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 36, 1900. —Petition of Hebemaia te Whatoko and 18 Others Petitionees allege that certain persons have been wrongfully admitted into the title of the Kahotea Block, and they pray for readjustment. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 6th August, 1901."

[Tbanslation.] No. 36, 1900. —Pitihana a Hebemaia te Whatoko me etahi atu tekau ma waru. E ki ana nga kai-pitihana i uru he etahi tangata ki roto kite taitara o Kahotea Poraka, a c inoi ana kia whakatikaina taua he. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.



No. 37, 1900.—Petition of Heebna Ngawairua. Petitioner prays for restitution of land wrongfully included in the award to the Crown of the Mangorewa-Kaharoa Block. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 6th August, 1901.

[Tbanslation.] No. 37, 1900.—Pitihana a Heeena Ngawairua. E INOI ana te kai-pitihana kia whakahokia atu ki a ia tona whenua i uru he nei ki roto kite wahi o Mangorewa-Kaharoa Poraka i wehea ma te Karauna. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 429, 1900.—Petition of Mihi Kaeaha. Petitionee prays for rehearing in regard to succession to the interests of Akinihi Keukeu (deceased) in Whangara F and X Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 429, 1900.—Pitihana a Mihi Kaeaha. B iNOi ana te kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia te whakatuunga o nga kai-riiwhi mo nga hea o Akinihi Keukeu, kua mate, i nga Poraka o Whangara F me K. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 646, 1900.—Petition of Tβ Manuaute Tuhaia and 2 Others. Petitionees lay claim to the Whitireia Block, and pray that the same may be handed over to them. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 646, 1900. —Pitihana a Manuaute Tuhaia me etahi atu tokorua. B ki ana nga kai-pitihana no ratou a Whitireia Poraka, a c inoi ana kia tukua atu taua whenua ki a ratou. Kua whakahua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 193, 1900. —Petition of Ngakaho te Ahueu and 3 Others. Petitionees pray for a rehearing in connection with the succession to the interests of Hakiriwhi te Purewa (deceased) in Maungatautari and other blocks. I am directed to report that, as the Committee finds, from inquiries made, that the statements of the petitioners as to the proceedings of that Native Appellate Court are substantially correct, it is recommended that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 193, 1900. —Pitihana a Ngakaho te Ahueu me etahi atu tokotoru. E inoi ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia te whakatuunga o nga kai-riiwhi mo nga paanga o Hakiriwhi te Purewa (kua mate), ki Maungatautari me etahi atu poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, i te mea kua kitea c te Komiti i runga i te uiui c tika ana nga korero a nga kai-pitihana mo te ahua o te whakahaere a te Kooti Piira Maori, na reira ka whakataua me tuku atu te pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 140, 1900.—Petition of Oeiwia Tawhia and 3 Others. Petitioners pray for readjustment of relative interests of owners in Eakaikiteroa Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.



[TRANSLATION.] No. 140, 1900. —Pitihana a Oeiwia Tawhia me etahi atu tokotoru. E INOI ana kia whakatikatikaina te rahi me te iti o nga hea paanga o nga tangata no ratou a Bakaikiteroa Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 365, 1900. —Petition of Parehuihoro te Atahira and 30 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing in connection with the Taumatatotara Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Tbanslation.] No. 365, 1900. —Pitihana a Pakehuikoeo te Atahiba me etahi atu c toru tekau. B iNoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Taumatatotara Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 35, 1900.—Petition of Peni Tipuna and 2 Others. Petitionebs pray to be included in the titles to the Kaokaoroa and other blocks in Hawke's Bay as successors to Te Hoko, an original owner now deceased. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to mahe with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[TRANSLATION.] No. 35, 1900.—Pitihana a Peni Tipdna me etahi atu tokorua. E iNoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakaurua ratou ki roto ki nga taitara mo Kaokaoroa me etahi atu poraka i Haaki Pei, ara, kia whakaturia ratou hei kai-riiwhi mo Te Hoko (kua mate), tetahi o nga tangata i uru ki taua whenua i te tuatahi. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 320, 1900. —Petition of Eangieumaki Haoba. Petitionee prays for rehearing with regard to Murateahi Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Tbanslation.] No. 320, 1900. —Pitihana a Eangieumaki Haoba. E INOI ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Murateahi Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 343, 1900.—Petition of Eawiei Kabaha and 343 Others. Petitionees pray for rehearing with regard to Subdivision 3, Puatai Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901. —

[Tbanslation.] No. 343, 1900.—Pitihana a Eawiei Kaeaha me etahi atu c toru rave wha tekau ma toru. E INOI ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Wahanga 3 o nga Poraka o Puatai. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 391, 1900.—Petition of Eenai Taiko and 2 Others. Pbtitionebs pray for payment of balance of the purchase-money in connection with the Te Whanga, part Karioi Block, which they allege was held back in Sir Donald McLean's time. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Tbanslation.] No. 391, 1900.—Pitihana a Eenai Taiko me etahi atu tokorua. E INOI ana nga kai-pitihana kia utua nga toenga o nga moni hoko o Te Whanga, wahi o Karioi Poraka, c ki nei ratou i puritia i te wa c ora ana a Ta Tanara Makarini. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.



No. 538, 1900.—Petition of Bewi Maaka. Petitioner prays that an additional allowance may be made to an old woman at Porirua named Huriana Tamairangi. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 538, 1900. —Pitihana a Eewi Maaka. B INOI ana kia whakanuia ake te raihana kai c hoatu nei ki tetahi kuia, kei Porirua c noho ana, ko Huriana Tamairangi te ingoa. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 362, 1900.—Petition of Bora Kaweroa. Petitioner prays for rehearing in regard to the succession to Wiremu Kingi Matakatea, deceased. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 362, 1900.—Pitihana a Bora Kaweeoa. B iNOi ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia te whakatuunga o nga kai-riiwhi mo Wiremu Kingi Matakatea, kua mate. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 192, 1900.—Petition of Taharangi Paora and Another. Petitioners pray for inquiry into succession to Pukenui (deceased), late owner in Otaua Block (Lot 101, Waiuku West). I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 192, 1900.—Pitihana a Taharangi Paora me tetahi atu. E INOi ana nga kai-pitihana kia uiuia te riiwhitanga o Pukenui (kua mate) tetahi o nga tangata nona a Otaua Poraka (Bota 101, Waiuku West). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 153, 1900.—Petition of Tamati Waaka. Petitioner objects to certain persons who have been included in the title to Wairewa Block, and prays for reinvestigation. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 153, 1900.—Pitihana a Tamati Waaka. B WHAKAHE ana nga kai-pitihana ki etahi tangata kua whakaurua ki roto kite taitara o Wairewa Poraka, a c inoi ana kia whakawakia ano taua mea. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 454, 1900.—Petition of Tari Anaru Kupe. Petitioner prays for readjustment of succession to two deceased owners in Waahi Block, Sections 18 and 19, Waikato. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 454, 1900.—Pitihana a Tari Anaru Kupe. B inoi ana te kai-pitihana kia whakatikatikaina te whakatuunga o nga kai-riiwhi mo etahi tangata tokorua, kua mate, i uru ki Waahi Poraka, Tekihana 18 me 19, Waikato. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.



No. 152, 1900.—Petition of Thomas Toms. Petitioner, a half-caste, asks for restitution of rights to certain lands granted to his father, mother, and himself by the Ngatitoa Tribe, which lands have now passed into the possession of his father's family by a second wife, a European. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 152, 1900.—Pitihana a Tamati Tame (Thomas Toms). Hβ hawhe-kaihe te kai-pitihana, a c tono ana kia whakahokia atu ki a ia ona tika me ona mana ki etahi whenua i hoatu ki a ia me tona papa, me tona whaea, c te iwi o Ngatitoa, na ko aua whenua kua riro i te whanau a tona papa raua ko tana wahine tuarua, he Pakeha. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki c Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 360, 1900.—Petition of Tipene Matua and Another. Petitioners pray for rehearing in regard to Mangaangiangi Block. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 360, 1900.—Pitihana a Tipene Matua me tetahi atu. E iNoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Mangaangiangi Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 364, 1900.—Petition of Waikawhia and 3 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing in connection with the Hangatiki Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendatian to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 364, 1900.—Pitihana a Waikawhia me etahi atu tokotoru. E INOI ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Hangatiki Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 139, 1900.—Petition of Waraki Tukorehu and 3 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing in connection with Te Kauri No. 2b Block, Kawhia district. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation .] No. 139, 1900. —Pitihana a Waraki Tukorehu me etahi atu tokotoru. E INoi ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Te Kauri No. 2b Poraka, takiwa o Kawhia. Kua whakahaua kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 647, 1900. —Petition of Waraki Tukorehu and 3 Others. Petitioners allege that the Kauri No. 2 Block has been awarded by the Native Land Court to one John Ormsby, who has no right thereto, and they pray for restitution. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 647, 1900.—Pitihana a Waraki Tukorehu me etahi atu tokotoru. E ki ana nga kai-pitihana kua whakataua c te Kooti Whenua Maori a te Kauri No. 2 Poraka ki a Hone Omipi (John Ormsby), a i te mea kaore kau ona tika ki reira, c inoi ana ratou kia whakahokia atu taua whenua ki a ratou. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.



No. 644, 1900.—Petition of Wi te Kahu. Pbtitionbk alleges that there is a balance of purchase-money still due on the Mohaka-Waikari purchase, and prays that the same may be paid. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No 644, 1900.—Pitibana a Wi te Kahu. E Ei ana te kai-pitihana kei te toe ano tetahi taha o te moni o te hoko o Mohaka-Waikari a c inoi ana kia whakaputaina taua moni. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 645, 1900.—Petition of Wi te Kahu. Petitioner prays that certain persons may be included in ownership of the land where Te Kahuoterangi was buried at Te Heruotureia. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 6th August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 645, 1900.—Pitihana a Wi te Kahu. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakaurua etahi tangata ki roto kite taitara o te wahi whenua i Te Heruotureia i tanumia ai a Te Kahuoterangi. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 6 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 431, 1900.—Petition of John Angelo. Petitionee prays for compensation for alleged losses he has sustained through the partition of " Panapo," Kiripaka No. Iβ, No; 3, over which he held prospecting rights from the Native owners, and in which his prospectors had discovered valuable deposits of coal. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 22nd August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 431, 1900.— Pitihana a John Angelo. E inoi ana kia utua ia, notemea, c ki ana ia, kua pa he mate ki a ia i runga i te wawahanga o " Panapo," Kiripaka No. Iβ, No. 3, i te mea hoki he mea whakamana ia c nga Maori noratou taua whenua hei kimi i nga waro me nga kohatu utu nui o reira, a i kitea c ana kai-kimi pera etahi papanga waro utu nui i runga i taua whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 22 o Ahuhata, 1901.

Nos. 321, 344, 451, and 643, 1900.—Petitions of Eru Titi and 82 Others; Wiremu Potae and 3 Others; Apirana Pahina and 20 Others; Wiremu Pokiha and 54 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing in connection with the Mangahauini Blocks. I am directed to report that, as one of the principal parties interested (Colonel Porter) is absent from the colony, the Committee is of opinion that it is inadvisable to go into the merits of these petitions until his return, but in the meantime the Government should be asked to delay the issue of titles to the land in question, and for this purpose it is recommended that the petitions be referred to the Government. 22nd August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 321, 1900. —Pitihana a Eru Titi me etahi atu c waru tekau ma rua; No. 344,1900, a Wiremu Potae me etahi atu tokoturu ; No. 451, 1900, a Apirana Pahina me etahi atu c rua tekau ; No. 643, 1900, a Wiremu Pokiha me etahi atu c rima tekau ma wha. E inoi ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia nga Poraka o Mangahauini. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, i te mea kei te ngaro atu i te koroni tetahi o nga tino tangata (ara, a Kanara Poata) c whai take ana ki enei pitihana, na reira kite whakaaro o te Komiti kaore c tika kia whakahaerea i naianei nga take o enei pitihana engari me waiho kia hoki mai ra ano taua tangata, otira me tono atu kite Kawanatanga kia taria c whakaputa nga taitara mo aua whenua, a hei huarahi c taea ai tenei me tuku atu enei pitihana kite Kawanatanga. 22 o Akuhata, 1901.



No. 34, 1900. —Petition of Saeah Graig and Helen Hobne. Petitioners pray for compensation for losses sustained by their late husbands in connection with negotiations for the purchase of Botokakahi and Awarua Nos. 1 and 2 Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 22nd August, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 34, 1900.—Pitihana a Sarah Craig raua ko Helen Home. E iNoi ana kia utua raua mo nga ruihitanga o o raua tane, kua mate, i runga i te whakahaerenga i te hoko o Eotokakahi me Awarua No. 1 me No. 2 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 22 o Akuhata, 1901.

No. 319, 1900.—Petition of Bihi Taekata and Another. Petitioners pray that a rehearing may be granted in connection with the Te Utanga Block, Rotorua district. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government. 3rd September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 319, 1900.—Pitihana a Eihi Taekata me tetahi atu. E iNOi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakaaetia he whakawa tuarua mo Te Utanga Poraka, takiwa o Rotorua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga. 3 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 383, 1899.—Petition of Hori Herewini and Others. Petitioners complain that certain land of theirs at Whan gape, on the banks of the Waikato River, has been wrongfully taken from them, and they pray for restitution. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the land in question should be resurveyed in order that the petitioners may obtain their just rights, and it is recommended that this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 3rd September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 383, 1899. —Pitihana a Hori Herewini me etahi atu. E tangi ana nga kai-pitihana c ki ana ko to ratou whenua, kei Whangape, kei te taha o te Awa o Waikato, kua tangohia hetia atu i a ratou, a c inoi ana kia whakahokia atu ki a ratou. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me whakahau kia ruritia tuaruatia taua whenua, kia hoki atu ai ano ki nga kai-pitihana o ratou take tika, na reira ka whai kupu te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 3 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 350, 1897.—Petition of M. K. Kapukai and Another. Petitioners pray for legislation to enable them to proceed against certain parties for the recovery of an alleged balance of purchase-money of the Manawatu-Kukutauaki No. 7d Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 3rd September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 350, 1897.—Pitihana a M. K. Kapukai me tetahi atu. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia mahia he ture kia ahei ai raua kite whakahaere whakawa c hoki atu ai kia raua te toenga, c ai ki ta raua, o nga moni hoko o Manawatu-Kukutauaki No. 7d Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana 3 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 209, 1899.—Petition of Ani Paki and Another. Petitioners allege that the present lessee of the Oruamatua-Kaimanawa No. 2 Block obtained the lease at an unfairly low rental, and in an illegal manner. They pray that the Legislature may assist them in obtaining an adequate rent. I am directed to report that if, as the petitioners allege, the lease of the block referred to was obtained by fraud and intimidation it is clearly a case for the law-courts, and this Committee cannot deal with it, consequently there is no recommendation to make, 4th September, 1901.

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[Translation.] No. 209, 1899.—Pitihana a Ani Paki me tetahi atu. E Xi ana nga kai-pitihana i he te rironga o te riihi mo Oruamatua-Kaimanawa No. 2 i te tangata c riihi mai nei i taua whenua, i te Diea he iti rawa te moni reti, a i te mea hoki i riro taua riihi i runga i etahi tikanga c takahi ana i te ture, na reira ka inoi raua kia awhina te Paramete i a raua kia whiwhi ai raua i te moni reti tika. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, i te mea c ki ana nga kai-pitihana, i riro te riihi o taua poraka i runga i te tinihanga me te whakawehiwehi, he keehi tenei c tika ana kia hoatu ma nga Kooti Hara c whakawa a c kore tenei Komiti c ahei kite whakahaere i tenei pitihana, na reira kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti. 4 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 519, 1900.—Petition of Hohepine Love. Petitioneb prays for inquiry into ownership of certain lands at Waiwhetu, Hutt district. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has obtained an Order in Council enabling her to bring the matter before the Native Land Court, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 4th September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 519, 1900. —Pitihana a Hohepine Love. E inoi ana kia whakawakia kia kitea ai no wai ma etahi whenua kei "Waiwhetu, cakiwa o Hutt. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, i te mea kua whakaputaina he Ota Kaunihera kite kaipitihana c ahei ai ia kite hari atu i tenei putake kite aroaro o te Kooti Whenua Maori, na reira kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti. 4 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 319.—Petition, of Tapata Habepeka and Another. Petitioners protest against certain of their lands being vested in the Public Trustee. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 319.—Pitihana a Tapata Habepeka me tetahi atu. E whakahe ana mo te tukunga o etahi o o ratou whenua kite Kai-tiaki mo te Katoa. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 4 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 185.—Petition of Hibamai Motukokako. Petitioner prays for rehearing in connection with Opito Block, Bay of Islands. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 4th September, 1901. ——

[Translation.] No. 185. —Pitihana a Hibamai Motukokako. E inoi ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Opito Poraka, Peiwhairangi. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 4 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 318, 1900.—Petition of Teone Tikao Wira and 9 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing in connection with Waituruati Pa, Orakipaoa No. 883, Native reserve. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 4th September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 318, 1900.—Pitihana a Teone Tikao Wira me etahi atu toko iwa. E inoi ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Waituruati Pa, Orakipaoa No. 883, rahui Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 4 o Hepetema, 1901. '

Nos. 237 and 341, 1900.—Petitions of Peta Toto and 5 Others; Apibana Pahina and 12 Others. Petitionebs pray for rehearing in connection with Tokomaru X and B Blocks. I am directed to report that, as one of the principal parties concerned (Colonel Porter) is absent from the colony, the Committee is of opinion it would be inadvisable to go into the merits of the



case until his return, but in the meantime the Government should delay the issue of titles to the land in question, and for this purpose it is recommended that these petitions should be referred to the Government. 4th September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 237, 1900.—Pitihana a Peta Toto me etahi atu tokorima; No. 341, 1900, a Apieana Pahina me etahi atu tekau ma rua. B INOI ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia nga Poraka o Tokomaru X me B. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, i te mea kei te ngaro atu i te Koroni tetahi o nga tino tangata (ara, a Kanara Poata) c whai take ana ki enei pitihana, na reira kite whakaaro o te Korniti kaore c tika kia whakahaerea i naianei nga take o enei pitihana engari me waiho kia hoki mai ra ano taua tangata, otira me tono atu kite Kawanatanga kia taria c whakaputa nga taitara mo aua whenua, a hei huarahi c taea ai tenei me tuku atu enei pitihana kite Kawanatanga. 4 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 194.—Petition of Taaeb te Uea. Petitioner objects to the finding of the Native Appellate Court in regard to Kekerione 1q Block, Chatham Islands, and prays that the laws relating to alienation may be amended, and that he be granted a rehearing of his claims to the lands above mentioned. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government, with the recommendation that power be granted, by legislation, to refer the case to the Supreme Court. 4th September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 194.—Pitihana a Taaee te Uea. E whakahe ana te kai-pitihana kite whakatau a te Kooti Piira Maori mo Kekerione Iα Poraka, Wharekauri, a c inoi ana kia whakatikatikaina nga ture mo nga tuku whenua, a kia whakaaetia he whakawa tuarua mo ana kereeme ki taua whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga me te whai kupu atu me hanga he ture hei hoatu mana kia ahei ai te tuku atu o tenei keehi kite Hupirimi Kooti. 4 o Hepetema, 1901.

Nos. 424 and 425.—Petitions of Bopata Eanapibi and 283 Others. Petitioners pray that neither " The Maori Councils Act, 1900," nor " The Maori Lands Administration Act, 1900," may be brought into operation in the Baukawa district. I am directed to report that, as these petitions refer to matters of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 4th September, 1901.

[Translation.] Nos. 424 me 425. —Pitihana a Eopata Banapiri me etahi atu 283. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia kaua rawa " Te Ture Kaunihera Maori, 1900," me " Te Ture Wakahaere Whenua Maori, 1900," c pa atu kite takiwa o Baukawa. Kua whakahaua mai ahau kia ki penei, i te mea c pa ana enei pitihana ki nga tikanga whakahaere a te Kawanatanga, na reira kaore he kupu a te Komiti. 4 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 500. —Petition of John St. Claik. Petitioner prays, on behalf of the owners of Lot 99, Onewhero, that the law may be amended so as to allow them to grant valid leases to their lands. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. sth September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 500.—Pitihana a John St. Clair. E inoi ana, mo te taha ki nga tangata no ratou a Bota 99, Onewhero, kia whakatikatikaina te ture kia ahei ai ratou kite tuku riihi whai mana mo o ratou whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia. 5 o Hepetema, 1901. : . v.

No. 237.—Petition of T. Frasbr and 2 Others. Petitioners complain that certain statements by a Judge of the Native Appellate Court have caused a doubt as to the security of their leasehold titles held under orders of the said Court, and they pray that steps may be taken to assure them absolute security of tenure.



I am directed to report that the Committee recommends this petition should be referred to the Government in order that legislation may be passed to give the petitioners the relief they pray for. sth September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 237.—Pitihana a T. Fbaser me etahi atu tokorua. B Xi ana nga kai-pitihana, i runga i te putanga o etahi kupu a tetahi o nga Tiati o te Kooti Piira Maori, kua pa he awangawanga ki a rafcou kei te mana ranei kaore ranei nga taitara o a ratou riihi c puritia nei i raro i nga ota a taua Kooti, a c inoi ana ratou kia whakahaerea etahi tikanga hei tino whakapumau i nga tau o a ratou riihi. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga i runga i te tikanga me mahi he ture hei hoatu ki nga kai-pitihana i te ora c inoitia nei c ratou. 5 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 617.—Petition of G. P. Mutu and 171 Others. Petitioners pray that the ancient standard of Maori land may be retained as the standard of New Zealand. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. sth September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 617. —Pitihana a G. P. Mutu me etahi atu kotahi rave whitu tekau me tahi. E inoi ana kia mau tonu ko te kara tawhito o te iwi Maori hei kara mo Niu Tireni. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 5 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 535. —Petition of W. J. Hunt. Petitioner prays for compensation for losses in connection with timber lease over the Ngarara Block. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the A to L Petitions Committee. sth September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 535.—Pitihana a W. J. Hunt. B inoi ana kia utua ia mo nga mate i pa ki a ia i runga i te riihi mo nga rakau o te Ngarara Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te A to L Komiti o te Whare. 5 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 226.—Petition of W. H. Tucker. Petitioner prays that all leases given by the Receiver of the Whangara Block under authority of decrees of the Validation Court may be declared, by legislation, to be absolutely valid and registerable forthwith. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government in order that legislation may be passed to give effect to the prayer of the petitioner. 12th September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 226.—Pitihana a W. H. Tucker. E inoi ana ko nga riihi katoa i tukua c te Eeeeiver o Whangara Poraka i raro i te mana o nga whakatau a te Kooti Whakamana Take me ki, i runga i tetahi ture ma te Paremete c mahi, kei te tino mana a c ahei ana kia rehitatia i muri tonu iho i te paahitanga o taua ture. Kua whakahaua kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia mahi a ai he ture hei whakamana i te inoi a nga kai-pitihana. 12 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 228.—Petition of George Howell. Petitioner objects to alienations which have taken place in connection with Aparima No. 183, Block XXV. (near Eiverton), in which he alleges he should have been an owner. He prays for •consideration. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 12th September, 1901.



[TRANSLATION.] No. 228. —Pitihana a George Howell. B whakahb ana nga kai-pitihana ki nga tuku kua whakahaerea nei mo Apirama No. 183, Block XXV. (c tata ana ki Eiverton), ite mea eki ana ia c tika ana ia kia uru ki taua whenua. E inoi ana ia kia whakaarohia tona mate. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 12 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 618.—Petition of Heneeb Kahu. Petitioner prays that certain promises as to a road to Harareketautoru may be carried into effect. I am directed to report, as it appears steps have been taken to have the road in question formed, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 12th September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 618.—Pitihana a Henebe Kahu. E inoi ana te kai-pitihana kia tino mahia kia oti he rori ki Harareketautora. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, i te mea kua kitea kua whakahaua kia mahia taua rori, na reira kaore kau a te Komiti kupu mo runga i tenei pitihana. 12 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 653. —Petition of G. P. Mutu and 71 Others. Petitioners pray that the Taurutu Lagoon, near Eangiora, Canterbury, together with the surrounding land, may be set aside as a Native reserve. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 12th September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 653. —Pitihana a G. P. Mutu me etahi atu c whitu tekau ma tahi. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia wehea atu te roto i Taurutu, c tata ana ki Eangiora, Katapere, hui atu ki nga whenua o te tahatika o tauar roto, hei rahui Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia c ratou. 12 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 654.—Petition of G. P. Mutu and 74 Others. Petitioners pray that the Totoroa Lagoon, together with the surrounding land, may be set aside as a Native reserve. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 12th September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 654. —Pitihana a G. P. Mutu me etahi atu c whitu tekau ma wha. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia wehea atu te roto i Totoroa hui atu ki nga whenua i tona tahatika hei rahui Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia. 12 o Hepetema, 1901.

Nos. 218 and 219. —Petitions of Tbni Tuhakaraina and 7 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing in connection with Maungatapu and Te Au-o-Waikato Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee considers that an injustice has been done by the decisions of the Native Appellate Court against the descendants of Te Werewere, and recommends that the petitions be referred to the Government for the purpose of having legislation introduced to give the relief asked for. 20th September, 1901.

[Translation.] Nos. 218 me 219.—Pitihana a Teni Tuhakaraina me etahi atu tokowhitu. B inoi ana kia whakawakia tuaruatia nga Poraka o Maungatapu me Te Au-o-Waikato. Kua whakahaua ahau ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti kua pa he mate ki nga uri o Te Werewere i runga i nga whakatau a te Kooti Piira Maori, na reira ka whai kupu te Komiti me tuku atu enei pitihana kite Kawanatanga i runga i te tikanga me whakauru he Pire kite Paremete kia ahei ai te hoatu o te ora c tonoa nei. 20 o Hepetema, 1901.



No. 532, 1900.—Petition of Hoani Taintji and 2 Others. Petitionbbs pray that all moneys now in the hands of the Public Trustee in connection with Block 7, Native reserve, at Greymouth (Te Nikau), be paid over to the descendants of Wereta Tainui. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends this petition should be referred to the Government for the purpose of having legislation introduced enabling the Public Trustee to distribute the money in question amongst the legal owners. 24th September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 532, 1900.—Pitihana a Hoani Tainui me etahi atu tokorua. E iNOi ana ko nga moni katoa i puta i Poraka 7, rahui Maori, Greymouth (Te Nikau), c takoto nei i naianei i roto i te ringa o te Kai-tiaki mo te Katoa, me utu atu ki nga uri o Wereta Tainui. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga i runga i te tikanga me whakauru he Pire ki roto kite Paremete hei whakamana i te Kai-tiaki mo te Katoa kia ahei ai ia kite tuha i ana moni ki nga tangata c tika ana i runga i ta te ture. 24 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 179.—Petition of Kipa te Whatanui. Petitioner alleges that his lands—Pahianui No. 3 and Waerenga No. 7a Blocks, Otaki district— have been wrongfully taken from him under mortgage deeds the completion of which he denies. He now prays for restitution. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 24th September, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 179. —Pitihana a Kipa te Whatanui. E ki ana te kai-pitihana ko ana whenua, ara, ko nga Poraka o Pahianui No. 3 me Waerenga No. 7a, takiwa o Otaki, kua tangohia hetia atu i a ia i raro i etahi tiiti mokete, i te mea c ki ana ia kaore i tino oti aua tiiti te whakamana. E inoi ana ia kia whakahokia ona whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu ar te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 24 o Hepetema, 1901.

No. 776.—Petition of Tawhai Rangiwhakaewa. Petitioner alleges that the Tautane Reserve, Hawke's Bay, was wrongfully awarded to two persons only, and he prays for readjustment of ownership. I am directed to report that, as the persons represented by the petitioner had not an opportunity of being heard before the Native Land Court in 1898, the Committee is of opinion the Government should be recommended to introduce such legislation as will give all Natives claiming to have an interest in the reserve an opportunity to appeal. Ist October, 1901.

[Teanslation.] No. 776.—Pitihana a Tawhai Rangiwhakaewa. E ki ana te kai-pitihana c he ana te whakataunga kia tokorua tonu nga tangata mo te Rahui i Tautane, Haaki Pei, a c inoi ana kia whakaurua atu ano etahi o nga tangata c tika ana ki reira. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, i te mea kaore i tukua te hunga, c tv nei te kai-pitihana hei rnangai mo ratou, kia whakahaere i ta ratou keehi kite aroaro o te Kooti Whenua Maori i te tau 1898, na reira kite whakaaro o te Komiti me puta he kupu kite Kawanatanga kia paahitia he ture kia ahei ai nga Maori katoa c whai kereeme ana ki taua rahui kite tuku piira ma ratou. 1 o Oketopa, 1901.

No. 917.—Petition of Taei Anaeu Kupe. Petitionee prays for readjustment of succession to two deceased owners in Waahi Block, Sections 18 and 19, Waikato. I am directed to report that the Committee, having already this session reported on a similar petition to the above, has no recommendation to make. Ist October, 1901.

[Teanslation.] No. 917.—Pitihana a Taei Anaeu Kupe. E inoi ana te kai-pitihana kia whakatikatikaina te whakatuunga o nga kai-riiwhimo etahi tupapaku tokorua i uru kite Poraka o Waahi, Tekihana 18 me 19, Waikato. Kua whakahua ahau kia ki penei, i te mea kua oti i tenei tuunga o te Paremete te ripoata a te Komiti mo tetahi pitihana penei ano te ahua me tenei, na reira kaore kau ana kupu. 1 o Oketopa, 1901.



No. 958.—Petition of Kahui Kararehe and 10 Others. Petitioners testify as to the ability of certain persons to speak the Maori language and deal with Native affairs. 1 am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government. 2nd October, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 958. —Pitihana a Kahui Kararehe me etahi atu kotahi tekau. B whakaatu mai ana nga kai-pitihana i te mohio o etahi tangata kite korero Maori a kite whakahaere hoki i nga mahi c pa ana kite iwi Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga. 2 o Oketopa, 1901.

No. 775.—Petition of Te Hata te Kani and 40 Others. Petitioners, who are some of the owners of Aropawanui Block, Waikari district, Mohaka, object to the alienation by way of lease, which they allege was not executed by all of the owners ; also to the manner in which the land has been subdivided by the Native Land Court. They pray for readjustment. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 2nd October, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 775. —Pitihana a Te Hata te Kani me etahi atu c wha tekau. Ko nga kai-pitihana etahi o nga tangata no ratou a Aropawanui Poraka, takiwa o Waikari, Mohaka, c whakahe ana kite rironga o taua whenua i te riihi, i te inea c ki ana ratou kaore taua riihi i hainatia c nga tangata katoa no ratou taua whenua; a c whakahe ana hoki ratou kite ritenga i wawahia ai taua whenua c te Kooti Whenua Maori. E inoi ana ratou kia whakatikatikaina te ahua o aua wawahanga. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia. 2 o Oketopa, 1901.

No. 946. —Petition of Wharawhara and Others. Petitioners pray for revision of ownership in connection with portions of the Maraekowhai Block. I am directed to report the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for the purpose of having remedial legislation brought in to give effect to the prayer of the petitioners. 2nd October, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 946. —Pitihana a Wharawhara me etahi atu. E inoi ana kia whakawakia ano nga take o nga tangata ki etahi wahi o te Poraka o Maraekowhai. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia mahia he ture hei whakatutuki ite inoi a nga kia-pitihana. • 2 o Oketopa, 1901.

No. 955.—Petition of Karepa te Whetu and Others. Petitioners state that the person (Teo Denuku) who held land in trust for them at Eangitoto (D'Urville Island) is dead, and they pray that the land may now be vested in themselves. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government with a view to having legislation introduced to give effect to the prayer of the petitioners. 10th October, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 955.—Pitihana a Karepa te Whetu me etahi atu tokorima. E ki ana nga kai-pitihana ko tetahi tangata (ko Teo Uenuku), to ratou kai-tiaki mo etahi whenua o ratou kei Bangitoto (D'Urville Island), a kua mate taua tangata, a c inoi ana ratou kia whakataua aua wahi whenua ki a ratou. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia mahia he ture hei whakatutuki i te inoi a nga kai-pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1901.



No. 696.—Petition of Tβ Ao Anaku and 29 Others. Petitionees pray for return of a piece of land named Whatakai No. 197, part of Whareama Block, which they allege was wrongfully taken from their ancestors. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 696.—Pitihana a Tβ Ao Anaeu me etahi atu c rua tekau ma iwa. E IMOI ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakahokia atu ki a ratou tetahi piihi whenua, ko Whatakai No. 107 tona ingoa, ara, he wahi no Whareama Poraka, i te mea c ki ana ratou i tangohia hetia taua whenua i o ratou tupuna. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1901.

No. 1237.—Petition of Tiaki Eewiei and 54 Others. Petitionees pray that the Native Land Court may be empowered to decide the ownership of Motiti B Block. ' I am directed to report that, as this matter is being attended to by the Government, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 23rd October, 1901.

[Teanslation.] No. 1237. —Pitihana a Tiaki Eewiei me etahi atu c rima tekau ma wha. B iNOi ana nga kai-pitihana kai whakamanaia te Kooti Whenua Maori kite whakawa a lli te whakatau i nga tangata mo ratou a Motiti B Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, i te mea kei te whakahaerea c te Kawanatanga tetahi tikanga mo tenei putake, na reira kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti. 23 o Oketopa, 1901.

Maoei Lands Administbation Amendment Bill. The Native Affairs Committee, to whom was referred the above-mentioned Bill, has directed me to report that it has duly considered the same, and is of opinion that it should be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments made therein as shown on a copy of the Bill attached hereto. 23rd October, 1901.

[Teanslation.] Pire Whakatikatika i nga Whakahaeee Waenua Maoei. I tukuna mai kite Komiti mo nga Mea Maori te Pire c mau iho nei te ingoa, a kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kua ata whiriwhiria c te Komiti te Pire, a ki to ratou whakaaro me tuku kia whakahaerea i runga ano i nga menemana kua mahia c whakaaturia nei c te tauira o taua Pire kua whakamaua nei ki tenei ripoata. 23 o Oketopa, 1901.

No. 657. —Petition of Hieini Mohuia. Petitioner prays that the award of the Native Land Court, made upon partition of interests in Euatangata No. 2, may be corrected. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 24th October, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 657. —Pitihana a Hieini Mohuia. E iNOi ana te kai-pitihana kia whakatikaia te whakatau a te Kooti Whenua Maori i wehewehea ai nga paanga o nga tangata i Euatangata No. 2. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kia whiriwhiria c te Kawanatanga. 24 o Oketopa, 1901.

No. 695.—Petition of Haee Eenata. Petitionee disputes the right of one Kati Tauri to portion of Otakawe No. 1 Block, Piako district, and the sale of the same to the Crown. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 25th October, 1901,



[TRANSLATION.] No. 695. —Pitihana a Haeb Bbnata. E WHAKAHB ana te kai-pitihana kite urunga o Kati Tauri ki tetahi wahi o Otakawe No. 1 Poraka, takiwa o Piako, a c whakahe ana hoki ki Cβ hokonga o taua wahi kite Karauna. E inoi ana ia kia whakaorangia tona mate. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti mo runga i tenei pitihana. 25 o Oketopa, 1901.

No. 1097. —Petition of Potango Waiata. Petitioneb prays that a piece of land called Potaka, part of Maraekowhai Block, may be returned to the Maoris. I am directed to report that, as the land in question is within the West Coast confiscated territory, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 25th October, 1901.

[Tbanslation.J No. 1097.—Pitihana a Potango Waiata. E inoi ana te kai-pitihana kia whakahokia atu ki nga Maori tetahi piihi whenua ko Potaka te ingoa, he wahi no Maraekowhai Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, i te mea kei roto taua whenua i te rohe o te Eaupatu o te Tai Hauauru, na reira kaore kau he kupu a te Komiti. 25 o Oketopa, 1901.

No. 1119. —Petition of Karauria Paaka and 2 Others. Petitioners pray that a rehearing may be granted in connection with Huruhuru No. 2, or Moehau 4a. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 25th October, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 1119. —Pitihana a Karaueia Paaka me etahi atu tokorua,. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia a Huruhuru No. 2, tetahi ona ingoa ko Moehau 4a. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 25 o Oketopa, 1901.

No. 1179. —Petition of Taekata tb Tokoihi. Pbtitionbe prays that the Utanga No. 9 Block, Eotorua, may be vested in him. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 25th October, 1901. ■

[Translation.] No. 1179. —Pitihana a Taekata tb Tokoihi. E inoi ana te kai-pitihana kia whakataua ki a ia a Utanga No. 9 Poraka, Eotorua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 25 o Oketopa, 1901.

No. 1098.—Petition of Kingi Ngatueee and Another. Petitioners allege that when the Taratahi-Hikawera Block was sold to the Crown about 3,000 acres were reserved for the Maoris, whereas they now find only 1,056 acres are in their possession. They pray that the balance may be returned to them, or that compensation be paid in lieu thereof. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 30th October, 1901.

[Teanslation.] No. 1098.—Pitihana a Kingi Ngatuere me tetahi atu. E ki ana nga kai-pitihana i te wa i hokona ai a Taratahi-Hikawera Poraka kite Karauna, c 3,000 nga eka i rahuitia mo nga Maori, engari no naianei ka kite ratou 1,056 ano nga eka kei a ratou. E inoi ana ratou kia whakahokia atu ki a ratou o ratou eka kua ngaro, kia utua ranei ratou mo aua eka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 30 o Oketopa, 1901.

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Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Bill. The Native Affairs Committee, to whom was referred the above-mentioned Bill, has directed me to report that it has duly considered the same, and is of opinion it should be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments made therein as shown on a copy of the Bill attached hereto. 4th November, 1901.

[Translation.] Pike Whakaeiterite i nga Kereeme Whbnua Maori Whakatikatika hoki i nga Ture Maori. 1 tukuna mai kite Komiti mo nga Mea Maori te Pire c man iho nei te ingoa, a kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kua ata whiriwhiria c te Komiti te Pire, a ki to ratou whakaaro me tuku kia whakahaerea i runga ano i nga menemana c whakaaturia ana c te tauira o taua Pire kua whakamaua nei ki tenei ripoata. 4 o Noema, 1901.

No. 428, 1899.—Petition of Eihipeti Tamaki and Others. Petitioneks pray for an amendment in the law to enable them to obtain a readjustment of interests in the Horowhenua No. 11 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this matter should be referred to the Government for inquiry, and if after such inquiry it is found that a mistake has been made with regard to the ownership of the land in question the Government should bring in remedial legislation next session; but, on the other hand, if it is found no mistake has been made such steps should be taken as will finally dismiss the case. 7th November, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 428, 1899.—Pitihana a Eihipeti Tamaki me etahi atu. E iNoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakatikatikaina te ture kia whai mana ai ratou kite whakariterite i o ratou paanga ki Horowhenua No. 11 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei take kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia, a ma mutu taua uiuinga kite kitea kua he te whakatau i nga tangata mo ratou taua whenua, hei reira me whakauru he Pire c te Kawanatanga a tera tuu'nga o te Paremete hei whakaora i taua mate; otira kite kitea kaore ihe taua whakatau hei reira me whakahaere etahi tikanga hei tino whakakore i tenei keehi. 7 o Noema, 1901.

No. 616. —Petition of Henaee Korako Kaeetai and 9 Others. Petitioners pray that the " tenths " of the Otakou Block, or land of equal value, may be set apart for their people, and that further compensation may be granted for deprivation of their rights, for so many years. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 7th November, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 616.—Pitihana a Henare Korako Kabetai me etahi atu tokoiwa. E iNOi ana nga kai-pitihana ko nga " whakatekau " o Otakou Poraka, ko etahi whenua ranei c rite ana te wariu, me ata wehe hei whenua mo o ratou iwi, a ko tetahi me utu ratou mo te tangohanga o o ratou tika i roto i nga tau maha kua pahemo nei. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 7 o Noema, 1901.

No. 694.—Petition of Taiawhio te Tau and 52 Others. Petitioners dispute the sale of the Whareama Block to the Crown, and pray for restoration. I am directed to report that the Committee has not had the time at its disposal to fully consider this case, and would recommend that the petition be referred to the Government for further inquiry. 7th November, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 694. —Pitihana a Taiawhio te Tau me etahi atu c rima tekau ma rua. B whakahe ana nga kai-pitihana i te hoko o Whareama Poraka kite Karauna, a c inoi ana kia whakahokia taua whenua ki a ratou. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore te Komiti i whai taima kite tino whiriwhiri i tenei keehi, a ki to ratou whakaaro me tuku atu te pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia ano. 7 o Noema, 1901.


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No. 1239.—Petition of Mbreana Peka and 6 Others. Petitioners pray for rehearing in connection with succession to the estate of the late Maaka Tarapiki, an owner in the Nelson " Tenths." 1 am directed to report chat the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 7th November, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 1239. —Pitihana a Mbreana Peka me etahi atu tokoono. E INOI ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia te riiwhitanga o Maaka Tarapiko, kua mate, mo ana paanga ki nga " Whakatekau o Whakatu." Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 7 o Noema, 1901.

No. 783.—Petition of Wirihana Hunia. Petitioner objects to pare of Horowhenua No. 11 being included in Horowhenua No. 9, and prays that subsections (a) and (b) of clause 8 of " The Horowhenua Block Act, 1896," may be rendered void and of no effect. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this matter should be referred to the Government for inquiry and consideration, and if after such inquiry it be found that a mistake has been made with regard to the ownership of the land in question the Government should bring in remedial legislation next session ; but, on the other hand, if it is found no mistake has occurred such steps should be taken as will finally dismiss the claim. 7th November, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 783. —Pitihana a Wirihana Hunia. B WHAKAHB ana te kai-pitihana kite urunga o tetahi wahi o Horowhenua No. 11 ki roto o Horowhenua No. 9, a c inoi ana me whakakore atu temana o wahanga-tekiona (a) me (b) o tekiona 8 o " Te Ture mo Horowhenua Poraka, 1896." Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komici me tuku atu tenei take kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia, a ma mutu te whiriwhiri kite kitea kua he te whakatau i nga tangata mo ratou taua whenua, hei reira me whakauru he Pire c te Kawanatanga a tera tuunga o te Paremete hei whakaora i taua mate; otira kite kitea kaore i he taua whakatau hei reira me whakahaere etahi tikanga hei tino whakakore i tenei kereeme. 7 o Noema, 1901.

No. 954.—Petition of Tapata Harepeka and 13 Others. Petitioners pray that the Motueka lands, Nelson, may be exempted from the law relating to the Nelson "Tenths," and that power be given to the owner of such lands to have the lease of his section terminated by the Public Trustee. I am instructed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 7th November, 1901.

[Translation.] No. 954.—Pitahana a Tapata Harepeka me etahi atu tekau ma toru. E inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia kapea ki waho o nga ture c pa ana ki nga " Whakatekau o Whakatu" o ratou whenua i Motueka, Whakatu, a kia hoatu he mana kite tangata nona te whenua kia taea ai te whakamutu o te riihi o tona tekihana c te Kai-tiaki mo te Katoa. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 7 o Noema, 1901.

No. 1264.—Petition of Eewi Maaka. Petitioner alleges that certain persons have been omitted from the title to the Nelson " Tenths," and prays for their admission. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government fdr inquiry. 7th November, 1901.



[Tbanslation.] No. 1264.—Pitihana a Ebwi Maaka. E Xi ana te kai-pitihana kua mahue etahi tangata i roto i te taitara mo nga " Whakatekau o Whakatu," a c inoi ana kai whakauraa aua tangaca. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, ki cc whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 7 o Noema, 1901..

No. 1262.—Petition of Taekata Tokoihi. Petitioneb prays that Utanga No. 9 Block, Eotorua, may be returned to him. I am directed to report that this Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 7th November, 1901.

[Tbanslation.] No. 1262.—Pitihana a Taekata Tokoihi. E inoi ana te kai-pitihana kia whakahokia atu ki a ia a Utanga No. 9 Poraka, Botorua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, ki te whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki

No. 1263.—Petition of Hobi Rewa Bangitikei and 165 Others. Petitionbbs pray for inquiry into ownership of Motiti B Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make, as this matter is being dealt with by legislation now before Parliament. 7th November, 1901.

[Teanslation.] No. 1263. —Pitihana a Hobi Eewa Eangitikei me etahi atu kotahi rave ono tekau ma rima. B inoi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakawakia nga tangata mo ratou a Motiti B Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kaore kau he kupu a te Koraiti mo tenei take i te mea kei te whakahaerea he Pire mo tenei mea i naianei kite aroaro o te Paremete. 7 o Noema, 1901.

No. 1276. —Petition of Eewi Maaka and Another. Petitionees pray that provision may be made for certain members of the Ngatitoa Tribe who are landless. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 7th November, 1901.

[Teanslation.] No. 1276. —Pitihana a Eewi Maaka me tetahi atu. E inoi ana te kai-pitihana kia whakaritea tetahi oranga mo etahi tangata kore whenua o te iwi o Ngatitoa. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 7 o Noema, 1901.

Final Eepoet. I have the honour to report that the Native Affairs Committee held its final meeting yesterday. Including eighty-three petitions brought forward from last session, the Committee had before it 147 petitions. Of these, 120 were reported on; the remaining twenty-seven, as per schedule attached, are unavoidably held over. The Committee also had the Native Lands Administration Amendment Bill and the Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Bill referred to it, and duly considered and reported on the same.

[Tbanslation.] Eipoata Whakamutunga. E whai honore ana ahau kite ripoata no nanahi i tv ai te huihuinga whakamutunga o te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori. Hui atu ki nga pitihana c waru tekau ma toru i toe i tera tuunga o te Paremete, 147 nga pitihana i takoto kite aroaro ote Komiti. O enei, 120 kua ripoatatia; a ko'nga toenga c 27, c mau nei te rarangi, kua ata waiho.



Koia enei nga Pire i tukua mai kite Komiti kia whiriwhiria, ara te Pire Whakatikatika i nga Whakahaere Whenua Maori, me te Pire Whakariterite i nga Kereeme Whenua Maori Whakatikatika hoki i nga Ture Maori, a kua ata whiriwhiria kua ata ripoatatia enei Pire- kite Whare.

List of Petitions undealt with. Rarangi o Nga Pitihana kaore i Whakahaerea.

7th November, 1901. Approxima'e Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,200 copies), £17 17s.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ol.

Price 9d.]

s—l. 3.

No. Petitioners. By whom presented. 1897. 358 1899. 283 1900. 91 1901. 150 241 619 620 693 782 793 1150 1178 1181 1185 1187 1188 1189 1201 1210 1211 1212 1213 1244 1245 1195 1277 1282 Ngawaina Hanikamu Ateraira Parcmata William Milner John Hughey Hakiaha Tawhiao and 6 others Miriama Kahukarewao and 9 others Bru Maki and 3 others Rora Kaweora Katneka Takurua ind 4 others T. R. Ellison Teme Tikao Wira and 9 others Peta Hape Wi Warena Tuoru and 4 others Kipa te Whatanui Tipene Matua and 2 others Tipene Matua and 2 others Tβ Haenga Paretipua Rawi Maaka Hekenui te Awhe and 43 others Rangihaerepo te Wiremu and 16 others Ripeka Tiria and 9 others Erana Perukino and 3 others Te Atarahi Tamakere and 9 others Paira Arona and 8 others Hemirua Paeara and another Hori Ngatai and 83 others Wehi Rmgitanga and 45 others Mr. Parata. Mr. Kaihau. Hon. Mr. Carroll. Mr. Lethbridge. Hon. Sir G. M. O'Rorke. Mr. Kaihau. Mr. Kaihau. Mr. Kaihau. Mr. Wi Pere. Mr. Heke. Mr. Parata. Mr. Wi Pere. Mr. Kaihau. Mr. Kaihau. Mr. Wi Pere. Mr. Wi Pere. Mr. Wi Pere. Mr. Kaibau. Mr. Lang. Mr. Wi Pere. Mr. Wi Pere. Mr. Heke. Mr. Kaihau. Mr. Wi Pere. Mr. Heke. Mr. Kailiau. Mr. Lang.

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Bibliographic details

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA KUPU A TE KOMITI O TE RUNANGA MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. R.M. HOUSTON, CHAIRMAN.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, I-03

Word Count

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA KUPU A TE KOMITI O TE RUNANGA MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. R.M. HOUSTON, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, I-03

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA KUPU A TE KOMITI O TE RUNANGA MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. R.M. HOUSTON, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, I-03

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