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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

My Lord, — Marine Department, Wellington, 16th September, 1901. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department of the colony for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, Wm. Hall-Jones, His Excellency the Eight Hon. the Earl of Eanfurly, Minister of Marine. Governor of New Zealand.

The Secretary to the Minister of Marine. Sir, — Marine Department, Wellington, 13th September, 1901. I have the honour to make the following report on the work of this department during the financial year ended the Ist March last: — Lighthouses. —The cost of maintenance, exclusive of the cost of the attending steamer, was £13,573 10s. 9d. The efficiency of the lighthouses has been properly maintained and everything has worked smoothly. The new lighthouse on East Island, off East Cape, has been completed. This light was first exhibited on the 9th August last, and has proved to be of great service to shipping. The proposal to connect it with the telegraph system has not been carried out, as the most suitable route has not yet been ascertained; a further survey will be made shortly. Since the completion of the lighthouse, a large landslip has taken place, destroying part of the tramway, burying the landing store, and partly fiiling-up the landing place. The site for a lighthouse at Kahurangi Point, about sixty-five miles north of Westport, has been selected by the Marine Engineer and Nautical Adviser. A lantern and apparatus for a second-order fixed white light, to show a sector of 20° of red light over Stewart breaker, have been ordered through the Agent-General, and steps are being taken to proceed with the erection of the tower, dwelling-houses, and other necessary buildings. Pencarrow Head Lighthouse has been connected with the telegraph system of the colony. At Nugget Point a new flagstaff and a house for a third keeper have been erected. The flagstaff has been placed where it can be easily seen from passing vessels, and it has been arranged that one of the keepers is to be always on the look-out during the day, so that all vessels may be reported. A contract has been let for the supply of the timber required to renew the keepers' houses at Farewell Spit, and various minor repairs have been effected to the buildings at several stations. In consequence of the erection of East Cape Lighthouse, the coastal light dues at Gisborne and Tauranga have been altered, so as to provide that vessels visiting those ports and deriving benefit from the light shall contribute towards its maintenance. The work of inspecting the lighthouses has been performed by Captain Bollons, of the s.s. " Hinemoa." The sum of £22,240 9s. 3d. has been collected for light dues during the year, as compared with £20,996 Bs. 3d. during the previous year, being an increase of £1,244 Is. Harbours. — Last session Acts were passed to constitute Harbour Boards at Nelson and Mokau, and the Boards have been duly established, and have taken over the control of the harbours. The Governor in Council has declared that the Whakatane County Council shall exercise the powers of a Harbour Board in Whakatane Harbour. The buoys in the harbours under the control of the department have been overhauled and attended to by the Government steamers. One of the buoys at Nelson sank in consequence of the master of a cutter using it as a target for rifle practice. The offender was prosecuted and fined, besides having to defray the cost of recovering and repairing the buoy. The dredging near the wharf at Onehunga has been completed, and has very much improved the approach to the wharf. Shipowners are now urging that a shoal-patch below the wharf should be removed so that vessels may be able to leave at low water. The wreck of the " Waipara," which for some time obstructed the navigation of Okarito Eiver, has been blown up by Captain Falconer, of the Defence Department, and a party of his men, and the channel is now clear. I—H. 15.



Mr. H. W. Dawson, Postmaster at Akaroa, has been appointed Harbourmaster at that place, so as to give him power to license boats plying for hire in the harbour, and to prevent the indiscriminate removal of boulders, gravel, &c, from the foreshore. A return showing the harbour-works authorised by the Governor in Council and the licenses issued for the occupation of foreshore is appended hereto. The sum of £3,322 4s. 3d. has been collected for pilotage and port charges in respect of the harbours under the control of the department, as against £3,255 14s. during the previous year. The appended return shows the amount collected at each port. Fisheries. —Further experimental trawling has been carried out in the North Island, under the direction of Mr. L. F. Ayson, Inspector of Fisheries. The steam trawler "Doto" was again chartered for the work, which was commenced off the Mahia Peninsula at the beginning of February last and finished off at Taranaki at the commencement of May. As flounders were getting scarce in Hawke's Bay it was decided, after the work with the " Doto " was completed, to charter the trawler " Eita " for a week to test the grounds further out than those fished by the ordinary trawlers. The tests were made under the supervision of Mr. Ayson, who Will make a special report on the operations carried out both in the " Doto " and " Eita. " The proposed site for a fish-hatchery at Purakanui having been found to be unsuitable, a site has been selected in Otago Harbour, at the end of the Portobello Peninsula, and arrangements are now being made with the owners and lessees of the land abutting on the proposed site for the lease of the land required in connection with the hatchery. A salmon-hatchery has been constructed at Hakataramea. Early in January last a shipment of quinnat salmon-ova was received from California, having been supplied by the United States Fish Commission free of charge. The ova arrived in good condition, and as there was not room for the whole of it in the Hakataramea Hatchery, which was not then completed, a portion was sent up to Lake Ohau, where it has been successfully hatched. The United States Fish Commission allowed Mr. Lambson, its Californian Inspector, to come to New Zealand in charge of the ova without making any charge for his services, for which, and for the gift of the ova, the thanks of the department are due to the Commission. Arrangements were made to obtain a shipment of sockeye, or blueback salmon ova, from Canada, but owing to the season being a poor one the Canadian Fisheries Department was unable to obtain the ova; but a promise has been made that a shipment will be sent next season. Besides being used for salmon the hatchery will be useful in connection with obtaining and distributing trout ova. Arrangements have been made to obtain a supply of trout ova during the coming season for the Westland Acclimatisation Society and the Hobson County Council. Seals. —The close season for seals, which has been in force since October, 1894, has been extended up to 30th June, 1902. Oysters. —lt has been decided to keep the oyster-beds in the Hauraki Gulf closed this year, as inspection has shown that they require further rest before being fit for picking. When the Inspectors visited the beds just before the termination of the ordinary close season for the North Island they found that one person had picked a large quantity of oysters on Kawau Island, having obtained permission from the owner of the island to take them. It was the intention of the picker to have them in Auckland for sale on the first day of the open season, but, as it was illegal to pick and have them in possession during the close season, they and the vessel which was being used to take them to Auckland were seized. The vessel was, however, returned to the owner, but the oysters, forfeited in accordance with the Act, were sold by the department. The beds in the Northern and Southern Subdivisions of the Northern Fishery were opened on the Ist April last, but owing to the large number of pickers and to the Auckland Fishery and the Middle Subdivision of the Northern Fishery being closed, the beds in the Southern Subdivision have already had so many oysters taken from them that in order to prevent their being seriously injured it has been found necessary to close them again. With a view to the beds on Moturua and Motu Maire Islands, near Eussell, being reserved for the use of the Maoris, they have been closed for the present. The Tauranga Fishery has been declared open. In view of the way in which the beds are depleted in many places soon after they are opened, the question of restricting the quantity of oysters that may be taken by each licensed picker will have to be considered at an early date, and it may also be advisable to increase the present license fee of 10s. In order to make these alterations an amendment of the law will be required. Hitherto the department has not interfered with picnickers and others taking a few oysters for their own use, but it is found that some of the beds are so stripped by these persons as to be permanently injured. It is therefore a question whether the privilege should not be withdrawn. The formation of artificial beds by private persons, for which a good many licenses have been issued, especially in the Pelorus Sound and Tory Channel, has not proved a success, and several of the holders have surrendered their licenses. One company has expended a good deal of money in endeavouring to cultivate oysters in Porirua Harbour, but the venture has proved a failure. A communication has been received through the Agent-General from Mr. E. W. Streeter, of New Bond Street, London, asking whether the Government would grant him the sole concession to fish for oysters around the islands of New Zealand, and he has been informed that such a concession could not be given to any person. Weather-reporting. —Captain Edwin continues to make and circulate weather forecasts. A further supply of barographs and thermometers, and of the International Cloud Atlas, has been ordered from England. Inspection of Machinery. —The work done during the year is fully described in the Chief Inspector's report, which is appended hereto. The provisions of " The Inspection of Machinery Act Amendment Act, 1900," requiring the drivers of stationary engines and boilers above a certain



power to hold certificates, has considerably increased the work of the Chief Inspector's office and of the Inspectors. The increase of work from this and other causes has necessitated the appointment of an additional Inspector and the employment of additional clerical assistance. Mr. W. J. Jobson, who was one of the first Inspectors appointed after the passing of " The Inspection of Machinery Act, 1874," has retired from the service. He has been stationed in the Auckland District during the whole period of his service, and has been a valuable officer. Mr. Morrison, one of the Dunedin Inspectors, has resigned his position. Hitherto the work in Southland has been performed by one of the Inspectors stationed at Dunedin, but it is now sufficient to render it advisable to station an Inspector at Invercargill, and it has therefore been decided to make that place the headquarters of Inspector Bethune. Messrs. Dalrymple, Calvert, and Walker have been appointed Inspectors. Survey of Steamers. —The report of the Principal Engineer Surveyor is appended hereto. There has been one prosecution for a steamer carrying more passengers than allowed by her certificate, and a conviction was obtained. Examination of Masters, Mates, and Engineers. —The examinations during the year have been satisfactorily carried out. The only alterations made in the regulations have been to provide for the use of the new international code of signals, and to provide for the issue of provisional certificates to enable persons to enter and receive promotion in the Eoyal Naval Eeserve. For certificates of competency 169 persons passed their examinations, and 100 failed. Of those who passed 110 were masters, mates, and engineers of sea-going vessels, and 59 were masters and engineers of vessels plying within restricted limits. The reports of the Principal Examiners of Masters and Mates and of Engineers are appended hereto. Deck Cargo. —The necessity for the amendment of the regulations governing the carriage of deck cargo, especially as regards the carriage of timber on scows and other vessels, having become apparent, the Nautical Adviser has gone into the matter, and has drafted the amendments which he considers necessary. These are now under consideration. Convictions have been obtained against the masters of two vessels for carrying more cargo than allowed by their licenses, and against one for carrying timber on deck without a license. Engagement and Discharge of Seamen. —This work has been carried out in a satisfactory manner. Prosecutions have been instituted in some cases where masters have employed men without entering into agreement with them, and convictions secured. In one case a master has been fined for leaving port with two men short of the number of seamen required by law to be carried. It was found that some shipmasters whose vessels carried foreign articles, although trading nearly all their time on the coast, were giving their men discharges for foreign service for the whole of their time. As this practice was considered to be contrary to the regulations, instructions were issued to Superintendents that it must not be allowed, as the service to be shown in the discharges must be such as had actually been performed. At the same time, the Board of Trade was asked for its view of the matter, and the reply received confirms the action of the department. Government Steamers. —Both steamers have been kept fully employed during the year. The " Tutanekai " has been engaged in the following work —viz., repairing Cook Strait cable, laying a cable between Auckland and Motuihi Island, making a trip to the South Sea Islands, taking the Federal Contingent to Sydney for the Commonwealth celebrations, accompanying the " Britannic " with the Imperial troops round the colony, and in carrying railway rolling-stock, &c, and sleepers. The " Hinemoa " has, as usual, been principally employed in attending to the lighthouses and harbour buoys. She has also visited the Kermadec and the Southern Islands to search for castaways, and to inspect and replenish, when necessary, the provision-depots, and she has towed the Westport dredge from Onehunga to Westport. She will shortly require new decks, as the present ones are becoming worn-out. Wages and Effects of Deceased Seamen. —The estates of eleven seamen, amounting to £43 18s. 7d., were dealt with during the year. Of these, eight were new estates. The sum of £25 4s. 2d. was paid to relatives and other claimants. Wrecks and Casualties. —Tables showing the casualties to ships, and an analysis thereof, h appended hereto. Those on the coasts of the colony numbered forty-eight, representing 19,502 tons, as against forty-two, representing 10,146 tons in the previous year. The total wrecks within the colony were ten, of 1,309 tons, as against six, of 2,247 tons, in the previous year. The number of lives lost was fourteen, as against thirty-five last year. Of these, thirteen were within the colony —viz., seven from the " Wolverine " (all hands), and one each from the " Eliza Firth," " Nancy," " Eonga," " Tararawa," " Hermione," and " Grace Harwar." I have, &c, W. T. Glasgow, Secretary.

The Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates to the Secretary, Marine Department. Office of the Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates, Lambton Quay, Sir,— ' Wellington, 17th May, 1901. I have the honour to inform you that the examination of masters and mates has been carried out by the Examiners at the four principal ports in a satisfactory manner. I have the pleasure of again being able to express appreciation of the gentlemen who have been appointed as my colleagues in the examination work at the four principal ports, which I have visited during the year at different times. There has been a considerable increase in the number of candidates who have presented themselves for examination, especially at Wellington, where most of the examination work has been conducted during the last year, and during the last nine months examinations have been held here (with but few exceptions) in every week. Owing to this, and the difficulty of relieving



Captain Smith (the Marine Superintendent and Examiner for Wellington) on examination days, 1 have myself personally conducted all the examinations in Wellington since the middle of last July, only calling on Captain Smith for relief, and to examine in the viva voce part of the examination when necessary, to save a candidate being delayed. All the examina,tion-papers used are of my own setting, and a large number of papers have been printed, so that problems could be constantly varied. All the problems are worked out afresh after the printing, either by myself or by one of my colleagues (whose work I then again check), to insure perfect accuracy and freedom from misprints. I am disappointed to find that the number of failures have again exceeded the number of those who have successfully passed their examinations, though, on the whole, the work of candidates has decidedly improved. In a few instances candidates have passed exceedingly well at first attempt. Messrs. F. A. Worsley and William Mcßride, who passed the foreign-going masters' examination, and Mr. E. H. Guy, who passed the voluntary examination for the compass syllabus deserve especial mention for the very creditable manner in which they passed their examinations. I have, &c, H. S. Blackbtjrne, Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates. The Secretary, Marine Department.

The Chief Inspector of Machinery to the Secretary of the Marine Department. Office of the Chief Inspector of Machinery, Queen's Chambers, Sir,— Wellington, 4th April, 1901. I have the honour to submit my annual report on the working of the Inspection of Machinery Act of 1882 throughout New Zealand during the financial year ended the 31st March, 1901. A large amount of additional work has been added to this department through the legislation passed last session making it compulsory for land-engine drivers to hold certificates. By this new law all land-engine drivers who are in charge of land engines with cylinders over 144 circular inches, and boilers over 15-horse power have to hold certificates. Certificates are of three grades —extra first, first, and second class. Extra first and first-class certificates entitle the holder to take charge of any engine or boiler ; second-class certificates entitle the holder to take charge of any steam-boiler and of any steam-engine the cylinders of which do not exceed 200 circular inches. The extra first-class certificate is only for those who have served a proper apprenticeship as an engineer for five years, and the examination is a very rigid one, bringing out the education of the candidate in theory as well as practice, and has given great satisfaction to those who have never been to sea, as this certificate, outside the saline and propeller questions, is almost equal to a chief engineer's marine certificate. On the candidate's passing he is designated " engineer." The regulations for the new class of engine-drivers embrace also all other classes —viz., winding, traction, and locomotive —compiled in book form, and can be had at the offices of the Inspectors of Machinery in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, and at the office of the Chief Inspector of Machinery, Wellington. Until the 31st December, 1901, service certificates are granted to those who have been in charge of an engine or boiler for twelve months prior to the 31st December, 1900, of the class which requires a certificate. - The work in connection with granting these certificates—such as correspondence, perusal of applications and verification of same by testimonials, preparations for the holding of examinations, arranging papers generally, and for the Board meetings, making out and recording the certificates and distributing the same, and other incidental matters in connection with personal inquiries and general answers to inquiries as to the working of the Act—took up the whole time of three clerks and two Inspectors for nearly the first three months after the Act came into operation, and even at the present time the applications and inquiries are very numerous. Examinations for competency certificates have been held at numerous places all over the colony, and applicants have been met as far as possible with our limited staff. For the first four months nearly all the time of two Inspectors has been taken up on this work, and some of the regular inspection work has necessarily stood over. This examination work, comprising as it does no less than fourteen different classes of certificates (including marine) has now become a very big thing, and will now necessitate the constant employment of one Examiner under ordinary circumstances. The following certificates have been granted during the year: Competency certificates granted to land-engine drivers—Extra first-class stationary, 5 ; first-class stationary, 37; second-class stationary, 201 ; winding, 28; traction and locomotive, 133. Service certificates granted to land-engine drivers—first-class stationary, 794; second-class stationary, 393; winding, 2 ; traction and locomotive, 11 : making a total of certificates issued, 1,604. Boiler Inspection. —This class of work is extending all round, and some boilers are in very remote parts of the colony, necessitating long journeys at great expense for very little return. This is especially the case in Auckland, Otago, and some of the Wellington districts. The total number of inspections made, including lifts, water, gas, and oil engines for which certificates were issued, amounts to 4,238. Accidents in Connection with Boilers. —lt is with pleasure that I have again to announce that no accident arising from a boiler explosion has occurred during the financial year, which should prove to the general public not only the care with which the inspection of boilers is carried out, but the safety to the public themselves who live in the neighbourhood of steam-driven work. As manufactures and population increase in any centre, so assuredly will works of all sorts ; and were it not for the close inspection, not only of boilers but of the fencing and guarding of machinery in motion, many useful and valuable lives would be lost by accident.



Defects in Boilers and Fittings. —Four hundred and twenty defects in boilers and their fittings were discovered, of which forty-eight were dangerous. Some of these might have caused a serious accident, involving loss of life and property. New Boilers. —There were 402 new boilers started during the year, representing a total horsepower of 5,877 ; of these 127 were made in the colony and 275 were imported, including the following classes : Portable, semi-portable, traction, locomotive, Cornish, Cornish tubular, vertical cross-tube, vertical tubular, multitubular, Lancashire tubular, water tubular, and marine. Lifts and Water-driven Machinery. —There were 135 hydraulic lifts, twenty-eight lifts driven by gas, steam, electricity, &c, eight gas "and hydraulic hoists and motors, 169 water-driven machinery, 238 gas engines, and twenty-four oil engines inspected during the year. In sixteen instances new ropes were ordered for lifts, two new chains, and in twenty-one cases the chains were ordered to be annealed. With reference to the water-driven machinery, gas- and oil-engines, 135 notices were given to fence and guard machinery. Prosecutions. —A number of prosecutions has taken place during the year, which includes owners for working steam-boilers without having the proper certificate, and engine-drivers for driving and taking charge of an engine and boiler without having the proper certificate. In connection with the boiler-inspection fees, a month is given to the owner within which to take up his certificate, and an inducement is offered to him in the form of a rebate if taken up within the month, so that he not only saves money by prompt payment, but also avoids the chance of prosecution later on. Postal and Police Authorities. —This department is greatly indebted to the postal and police authorities for the very valuable assistance rendered by the former in promptly returning schedules ,of fees, showing whether owners had paid or not, thus enabling us to deal at once with defaulters ; and to the latter for their work, more especially connected with the non-lifting of boiler certificates, and prosecutions arising therefrom, and of persons driving engines or in charge of boilers without holding the proper certificates. In connection with the latter, I would call attention to the penalty incurred by all those who drive engines or have charge of boilers for which certificates are necessary, without holding certificates, and to the owners of such engines or boilers who employ noncertificated drivers for engines or boilers requiring certificated men to be in charge. By clause 12 of " The Inspection of Machinery Act Amendment Act, 1900," any person who, after the Ist January, 1901, acts in the capacity of engine-driver of any steam stationary engine the cylinders of which exceed 144 circular inches, or of a steam-boiler over 15-horse power, without a proper certificate, and every person who employs an uncertificated driver, are liable to a penalty not exceeding £5 for every day or part of a day during which such uncertificated driver so acts. Accidents in Connection with Machinery. —l regret to have to report some accidents (fatal and non-fatal) to persons employed about machinery, a detailed account of which is given in returns numbered. 6 and 7 attached. Districts and Inspectors. —Several changes have taken place with regard to districts and Inspectors during the year. Mr. Jobson, who had for the long period of twenty-six years been an Inspector in the Auckland District, retired from the service on the 15th January, 1901. During all this long term of public service he bore an excellent character for impartiality, fairness, and courtesy, combined with firmness. No faulty boiler inspection or defective steamer survey can be laid to his account, and during my term as Chief Inspector I can bear testimony to the correctness of his returns and to that carefulness in detail which characterized his work all through. Altogether his loss to the department has been a great one. His place has been filled by Mr. S. Dalrymple. Mr. A. McVicar has been transferred from the Wellington District and permanently appointed to the Canterbury District. Mr. A. Morrison retired from the service in Otago, and was succeeded by Mr. A. W. Bethune, lately of the Canterbury District. Mr. A. Walker was appointed an additional Inspector in the Otago District, and Mr. A. Calvert was appointed to the Wellington District, to fill the place of Mr. McVicar. Altogether three new appointments were made, two to fill vacancies caused by Inspectors retiring from the service, and the third as an addition to the staff. Returns. —Appended are the returns in detail, numbered from 1 to 16. (1.) Number and class of boilers inspected and fees payable on these, the machinery inspected and the fees payable thereon, and the classes and numbers of engine-drivers' certificates issued and the fees payable therefor. (2.) The different classes of work for which the boilers and machinery are used, showing the motive-power also used. (With reference to this return it should be stated that where there are more boilers than one used in the same class of work at the same works the total number of boilers is returned as one; thus, the large meat companies have, say, six boilers and six digesters boiling down—they are returned as one class only, and in the same way with other works). (3.) Eeturn of defects found on inspection of boilers. (4.) Eeturn of notices given to repair boilers. (5.) Eeturn of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery. (6.) Eeturn of accidents which were not fatal. (7.) Eeturn of accident which was fatal. (8.), (9.), (10.), (11.), (12), (13), (14.), (15), and (16.) Names of all persons to whom certificates of service and competency have been granted during the year. I have, &c, Eobert Duncan, The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. Chief Inspector of Machinery.

No. 1. (a.) Eeturn showing Number of Land Boilers and Machinery inspected for which Certificates are issued, for the Financial Tear ended 31st March, 1901. Boilers — Stationary—Five-horse power and under, 890; 10-horse power and over 5-horse power, 490 over 10-horse power, 1,004 ; digesters, 200 : total, 2,584.



Portable—Five-horse power and under, 131; 10-horse power and over 5-horse power, 759; over 10-horse power, 161: total, 1,051. Machinery— Hydraulic lifts, 135; gas lifts, 23; electric lifts, 3; steam and water lifts, 2 ; gas and hydraulic hoists and electric motors, 8; water engines, 56; water wheels, 60; Peltons, 14; tur-. bines, 39 ; gas engines, 238 ; oil engines, 24 : total, 602. Grand total, 4,237. (b.) Eeturn showing Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery and for the issue of Engine-drivers' Certificates during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1901. Fees payable on boilers, £4,021 10s. ; fees payable on machinery, £92 10s.; fees payable for engine - drivers' certificates issued, £373: total, £4,487. Government boilers and lifts inspected, but not charged for, represent the further sum of £16. (c.) Eeturn showing Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding-, Traction-, and Locomotive-engine Drivers, and to Steam Stationary-engine Drivers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1901. Steam winding: Service 2, fees 55.; competency 28, fees £14 : total fees, £14 ss. Traction and locomotive: Service 11, fees £1 7s. 6d.; competency 133, fees £66 10s.: total fees, £67 17s. 6d. Steam stationary: Service—First class 794, fees £99 55.; second class 393, fees £49 2s. 6d.: total service 1,187 ; total fees, £148 7s. 6d. Competency—Extra first-class 5, fees £5 ; first class 37, fees £37; second class 201, fees £100 10s.: total competency, 243; total fees, £142 10s. Summary of certificates issued: Service—Steam winding, 2; traction and locomotive, 11; stationary, 1,187: total service, 1,200; total fees, £150. Competency—Steam winding, 28; traction and locomotive, 133; stationary, 243 : total competency, 404; total fees, £223. Totals: Steam winding certificates, 30; fees, £14 ss. Traction and locomotive certificates, 144; fees, £67 17s. 6d. Stationary certificates, 1,430; fees, £290 17s. 6d. Total certificates, 1,604; total fees, £373. The cash actually received and paid into the Public Account for drivers' fees amounts to £469 14s. for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1901, and this includes fees for certificates not yet issued, &c.

No. 2.—Return of Boilers and Machinery inspected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1901, showing the Number of Factories, Workshops, &c., in which they are used, and the Power used.

Driven by Drive; by Description of Works. a CD -rt CD fl •£ h £0 rtirj co cd ra . ■ 03 rt 43 43 rrt >, O O g 03 d -.£%» 43 03 CO .rt m t> E> c8 o tJ'S Description of Works. a w CO CDfl-cO 44 CS!4. O-rH CD -rt . .3 pq .-o b> CD—i t> cs 2 cb -4 Abattoirs Agricultural implements Air-compressing Ammonia-works Ammunition-factory Asphalt-works Assaying Bacon-faotories Bakeries Barrel-stave making Bark-mill Basket-making Baths Bicycle-works Biscuit- and jam-faotories Biscuit and confectionery Biscuit and confectionery and jam Blacking-works Blacksmiths and wheelwrights Block- and pumping-works Boiling-down (excluding refrigerating and soap-works plant) Bone-mills Boot-factories Boring and drilling Box- and case-making Brass - foundries and coppersmiths Breweries Brick- and tile-works and briokand pipe-works Brush-works Builders' tools Cable tramways Cabinetmaking (including wood working, joinery, and turnery) 2 15 1 1 1 1 1 10 16 1 1 1 4 2 2 16 2 12 1 75 i 2 i i 6 1 Cement-mixing Cement- and lime-making Chaff-cutting Chaff-cutting and other work combined Chemical laboratory Chemioal-works and acid-mills Chicory-mill Cider-factory Clothing-factories Coach- and carriage-faotories .. Coal-mining (including pumping and winding) Coffee- and spice-works Confectionery Cooking, heating, steaming, warming, and laundry-work Copperages Cordial - factories (inoluding aerated - water works and mineral springs) Creameries Cutlery-work Dairy-factories Dentist Diamond drill Docks and slips Dredges (harbour-works) Drug-making Dye-works Electric-light plants Elevators Engineers' tools, engine-works, and smiths' shops Pellmongeries Eire-engines Firewood-cutting Fish-preserving 3 16 177 20 1 8 1 2 12 20 16 • 7 35 12 39 "i 40 2 1 4 8 2 4 6 5 2 14 278 1 11 2 3 4 5 237 6 1 20 1 2 i 6 4 1 8 19 2 2 11 58 49 1 3 8 8 8 6 6 54 1 2 2 45 2 2 14 20 61 7 1 5 27 *9 7


No. 2.—Return of Boilers and Machinery inspected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1901, &c.— continued.

No. 3,—Eeturn of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1901. Three hundred and forty-seven defects were found out, forty of which were dangerous. Seventy-three defective fittings were found on inspection, of which eight were dangerous.

No. 4.—Eeturn of Notices given to repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1901. Three hundred and thirteen notices were given to repair boilers, and include boilers of the following types: Cornish, Lancashire, marine, multitubular, portable, semiportable, semitubular traction, vertical flue, and water-tube.

No. 5. —Eeturn of Notices given to fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c, during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1901. One hundred and thirty-five notices were given to fence dangerous parts of machinery, and included fly-wheels, gearing, spindles, emery-wheels, driving-belts, ends of shafts, scutchers, and pulleys.


Driven by Drive] by Description of Works. a c3 CO 00 I'O % o CO 3 Oi "Il J.rC ©O || rh rt w 43 Description of Works. a cd CO 43 CO 9.0 CD 43 ceort co p rt CO c8 ooc5 rrtteU; ffl o cS'sh Flax-mills .. Flock-mills Flour-mills Foundries and ironworks Fruit-preserving Galvanised-iron works Gas-works Glass-grinding Glue-works Gold-mining (including all work thereat) Gold-dredging Hairdressing Harbour reclamation Hat-making Hauling (including log and road hauling) Heel- and toe-plate works Hosiery-factory Hoists (inoluding hydraulic plant for cranes, also winches and pile-driving) Instrument-making Iron-rolling mills Irrigation-works Jam-faotories Jam- and pickle-factories Knitting-factory Landing service Lapidary-works Laundries Lifts for goods Lifts for passengers Locomotives Machine-shops Malting Manure-works (including those attached to refrigeratingworks) Match-factories Mattress-making Meat-preserving Milk - condensing, preserving, and pasteurising Monumental mason Mortar-mills Oatmeal-mills Oil-, soap-, and candle-works .. Oleo-works Organ-blowing Organ-making Paint manufacture Paper-mills Pickle-factories Pig-feed boiling and grinding .. Pipe-making Plumbers Potteries 87 3 56 40 3 1 18 1 3 65 190 2 3 109 1 118 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 12 3 1 9 32 8 1 1 2 2 i Pottery and colliery Printing-works Pumice-works Pumping (including harbourworks, drainage-works, waterworks, and general pumping only) Quartz-reduction works Refrigerating-works Refrigerating-works and sausagemaking River-clearing Road-rollers.. Root-extraotor Rope- and twine-works Roundabouts Sailmaking Sash- and door-factories Sausage-making Sawmills and planing-mills Searchlight Seed-dressing Sheep-shearing Sheep-shearing and other work Shipbuilding-yards Shirt-factory Soap and sheep-dip factory Spinning Station work (general) Stone-crushing Stone-outting Stove-making Sugar-refinery Starch-works Tanneries Threshing (portable) Threshing and chaff-cutting (portable) Threshing and chaff-cutting and firewood-cutting (portable) Threshing (traction) Threshing and chaff-cutting (traction) Threshing and firewood-outting (traction) Tinsmiths' shops Tobaoco-outting Toy-faotories Tram-engines Varnish-works Venetian-blind works Vinegar-works Water-works (included in pumping). Well-sinking Woollen-mills Wool-pressing Wool-scouring 1 36 1 1 7 1 2 3 45 86 368 1 10 26 7 3 i 18 26 3 3 1 2 19 89 23 1 23 1 58 1 2 i 2 13 8 1 2 2 6 tt 49 2 'i 19 1 12 3 i i 2 124 11 26 38 42 1 15 *8 8 2 1 2 3 1 1 149 5 13 4 2 4 2 15 2 1 3 3 8 10 27 1 1 1 3 2 5 1 2 11 1 3 1 i i i 19 11 15 18 14



No. 6. —Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machineryduring the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Nature of Accident, and Date. Cause of Accident, and Rema.rks. W. Cable and Co., Wellington Drilling-machine .. George Forbes, aged 20 Top of finger cut off; 2nd June, 1900 Third finger right h and taken off; 12th July, 1900 Top o f fi nger t a k en off ; 6th August, 1900 Broken arm; 20th August, 1900 Arm broken in two places and b r u i sed about body; 3rd S e p t e mber, 1900. Thumb of right hand partly severed; 17th September, 1900 Right leg and arm broken ; 1st October, 1900 Finger caught in cogwheels of drillingmachine. John Anderson, Lyttelton Drilling-machine .. E. Demicheli ; aged 16 j Through cleaning machine while running, and allowing finger to get caught in cogwheels. W. Cable and Co., Wellington Ciroular-saw H. Levinsohn ; aged 15 While cutting piece of wood with cir-oular-saw. Waimumu Golddredging Company, Mataura Hart Udy, Petone Gold-dredge Ernest R. Collins ; aged 23 j Hand-winch handle flying round struck the arm. Planing and sawing Alexander Parker, aged 34 While leaning over the shaft to put on belt the key in the pulley caught his olothes, and he was oarried round several times, and stripped of his j clothes, and was thrown to the ground, distanoe about 8 ft. Hand slipped while saw was running, and was oaught by saw. Smith and Smith, Tuam Street, Christchurch Saw-bench Alfred Smith; aged 23 Geo. Fraser and Son, Auckland Facing lathe Charles Williams ; aged 30 : While lacing belt he allowed the belt to I rest on the revolving shaft. The belt caught on the shaft, and he became entangled in it, and was thrown up between the shaft and floor, and leg and arm broken. While attending eleotric engine, thumb and fore-finger were caught by the eccentric. Mitohell and Co., Wanganui Electrical Joseph Cronin aged 31 Thumb and forefinger cr'shed; 18th October, 1900 Right arm pulled off a few inches below shoulder; 5th November, 1900;; Five fingers taken off right hand; 5th De cem b e r, 1900 Finger crushed; 13th February, 1900 Two fingers taken off; 26th February, 1900 Left fore-arm broken ; 13th April, 1900 Right arm mangled to shoulder, amputated ; 20th April, 1900 Right hand severely crushed; 19th May, 1900 Lost little finger of right hand ; 31st March, 1900 End of finger taken off; 11th December, 1900 Eye injured; 12th December, 1900 Finger bruised; 12 th February, 1901 Lacerated forea r m and bruised thigh; 12th February, 1901 Flesh-wound on hand; 15th February, 1901 Injuries to face and loss of teeth; 20th March, 1901 Fingers on both hands cr'shed; 26th March, 1901 John Bunn, of Melbourne, at present at Christohurch Mitchell's Scroll Flour-mill Andrew Bunn; aged 16 While putting on belt while shaft was in motion the belt caught on pulley and shaft; his right arm was caught by bite of belt whioh jerked the arm olean off. G. Seifert, Oroua Bridge Flax-machine George Seifert; aged 28 Fingers were caught in the machine, and were taken off. Gifford and Heu- . son, Rongotea Flax-stripper G. J. Love; aged 24 Finger caught in between roller and mouthpiece of stripper. Gifford and Heuson, Rongotea Flax-scutcher Kuku; aged 26 Fingers caught in fibre while scutching. Rolling-stone Golddredging Company, Dunedin Rolling-stone Golddredging Company, Dunedin Gold-dredge Philip Duffy; aged 30 While winding forward mooring winchhandle slipped out of his hand and struck his arm. Through getting his right arm caught between top tumbler driving-wheel and pinion, while oiling friction gear. Gold-dredge John Robinson ; aged 37 John Anderson, Canterbury Foundry, Christchurch Hand-crane Ernest John Heal; aged 21 The hand caught in the oog-wheel through turning it with the hand instead of by the handle. Smith and Smith, Christchurch Circular-saw Daniel Savage; aged 28 Hand came in contact with saw while sawing a piece of timber. Robertson and Co., Wellington Punching-machine T. King ; aged 25 By carelessly putting b:s finger under punch. Robertson and Co., Wellington Expanding-mandril A. Hyde; aged 18 ' By a piece of steel flying off mandril and striking the eye. Webster and Co., Christchuroh Glazing-machine .. P. Cornford; aged 24 Carelessness of Cornford, Lucas Brothers, Kilmore Street, Christchurch Emery-wheel G. H. Williams; agfd45 Bursting of emery-wheel. Robertson and Co., Wellington Pneumatic-rivetter James Trask ; aged 39 Carelessness of Trask. Edmonds and Page, Christchurch Emery-wheel Edwin Edmonds ; aged 50 Bursting of emery wheel, Skelton, Frostick, and Co. (Limited), Christohurch Moulding-maohine.. Arthur Dunkley ; aged 47 Carelessness of Dunkley



No. 7.—Return of Accidents which proved Fatal in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1901.

No. B.—Eeturn of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from Ist April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. . ■- 1900. 1901. , 42. Walter Barrott .. ...... .. Deo. 28 43. Mark Longshan .. .. .. Feb. 6

No. 9. —Eeturn of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from Ist April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue 1900. 1900. 180. Henry MoLean .. .. ... May 16 195. George Donald Grieir Armour .. Deo. 28 181. William James Bonetti .. .. „ 16 196. Otho Scherff .'. ' .. .. „ 28 182. Samuel Glenn .. .. .. ~ 16 1901. 183. William John McQuillan .. .. „ 16 197. Nicholas Lawn .. .. .. Feb. 6 184. Alexander Glenn ... ~ 16 198. Charles Ernes Rillstone .. .. „ 12 185. Robert Murray .. > .. .. „ 16 199. Arthur James Roach .. .. „ 12 186. John Neil .. .. .. .. „ 16 200. Robert Bainbridge .. .. "'..' „ .12 187. Moses Barrowman .. .. .. „' 16 201. George Foote Mclnnes .. .. „ 12 188. Joseph Simpson Clout .. .. Aug. 20 302. Ralph Thompson Rayner .. .. 12 189. Joseph Hardie Robertson .. .. „ 20 203. George Gardner .. .. .. 12 190. Colin McDonald .. .. ■....'. „ 20 204. Walter Fisher ~ .. .. „ 12 191. William James Mitchell .. .. Dec. 28 205. Michael Johnston .. .. .. „ 12 192. James Willoughby '.. ".. .'. „ 28 206. Antoni Raphael Bonetti .. .. . Mar. 26 193. Thomas Harris Harrison .. .. „ 28 207. Gabriel Kerr .. '.. .. „ 26 194. John Hume .. .. . - „ 28

No. 10.—Eeturn of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from Ist April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue 1900. 1901. 513. George Albert Lishman .. .. May 16 519. James Hughes .. .. .. Jan. 21 514. John Hodge .. .. .. „ 16 520. John Leask .. .. .. „ 21 515. George Kenmer Douglas .. .. „ 16 -521. Frederick Sands .. .7.7 .. Mar. 26 516. John Blair.. .. .. .. Aug, 20 ,522. Samuel Harris .. .. .. ,26 517. John Henderson .. .. .. Dec 28 523. Frederick Thomas Johnston .. .. 26 518. William Ross Buchanan .. .'. „ 28

The Chief Examiner of Engineers to the Secretary of the Marine Department. Office of Chief Examiner of Engineers, Queen's Chambers, Sir,— Wellington, 4th April, 1901. I beg leave to submit my annual report for the year ended the 31st March, 1901. During the year 137 candidates applied to be examined, and fees amounting to £137 were received. The following classes of applicants applied : Chief engineers, second engineers, third engineers, river engineers, marine-engine drivers. General. —A considerable number of failures have taken place during the year, but on the whole I have to bear testimony to the many excellent examinations passed, and it is my opinion that we have just as good material here as is to be found anywhere in the engineering profession. I trust that after passing these examinations the applicants will not lay back on their freshly won laurels, but will continue to improve themselves, for the " plums " in life later on will be for those who very largely combine theory with every-day practice. Examinations away from Centres. —A number of examinations have been held away from the centres during the year, to save candidates' expenses in travelling, when Examiners were on their annual rounds of inspection of machinery work in the different districts. Examination-papers. —All the examinations are now uniform throughout. All examinationpapers are issued from my office in Wellington. This saves the Examiners' time, and leads to the better carrying-out of the work. Disputes. —No disputes or trouble of any kind have arisen during the year between either the department, Examiner, or candidate. And I can bear testimony to the zeal the ten Examiners throughout New Zealand have displayed in carrying-out the law to the letter. I have, &c, Eobert Duncan, Chief Examiner of Engineers. 2—H. 15.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Nam inj°ure" S0U Nature of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Ballance Co-oper-ative Dairy Company, Konini Shaft ing in dairy- James Fredfactory erick Gawith Body mangled Gawith was putting on belt with machinery working, when he was caught by belt and carried up and wound around shafting. The machinery had been re-erected since Inspector's visit, and had not been examined before resuming work.



The Principal Engineer-Surveyor of Steamers to the Secretary of the Marine Department. Principal Engineer Surveyor's Office, Queen's Chambers, Sir,— Wellington, 4th April, 1901. I have the honour to submit my annual report for the financial year ended 31st March, 1901. General. —During the year just closed a large amount of survey work has been overtaken, and the usual amount of repairs and defects discovered. In Auckland, Wellington, and Dunedin all the time of one surveyor at each of these ports is taken up with this work alone. In Auckland considerable relief has been afforded by having non-condensing boats surveyed once a year instead of twice, as was the custom. Mishaps. —Several mishaps have occurred during the year to vessels in New Zealand waters, the principal being the total loss of s.s. "Taupo" on Greymouth Bar. The crew, however, were all saved. Broken stern-shafts and other minor defects in the engine-room have shown up, but nothing so serious as to detain vessels under repairs for any lengthened time. Instructions. —Specific instructions have been issued from time to time to all the surveyors re alteration and improvement in methods of survey, and the latest Board of Trade requirements are adopted, so that nothing may be wanting to make our system of providing for the public safety as complete as possible. Special attention is paid to the periodical withdrawal of stern-shafts and the testing of main steam-pipes. The usual yearly survey of steamers is a very thorough one, and our efforts are ably assisted by the officers of the various vessels by their having all obstacles removed, and all parts, as far as possible, thoroughly clean and dry. Shipping. —The steam shipping has increased during the year, and the improvements in speed and outfit have been very marked in recent arrivals. Government Steamers. —Considerable structural additions and repairs have been made to several of our Government steamers. A new boat deck has been fitted with patent detaching gear for boats for the C.G.S. " Hinemoa," which has facilitated the work of transport at the different stations very largely. A launch has been supplied to this vessel, and also to the C.G.S " Tutaneki." The steamers, torpedo-boats, &c, belonging to the Defence Department, have all been attended to, the work connected with these surveys alone is considerable, and is all unremunerative work to this department. Government Transports. —Several Government transports have been surveyed, their boats, distilling apparatus, machinery, and equipments being specially seen to. Excursions. —Excursion steamers have carried their passengers without mishap during the year, and the deep-sea boats have nearly all carried their full complement. The following table shows the number of steamers engaged in the respective trades, their tonnage, horse-power, and fees payable for survey :—

Appended is a table giving returns of steamers to which certificates of survey were issued in New Zealand during the year ended 31st March, 1901, including the names of steamers, tons register, horse-power, nature of machinery and propeller, also trade in which employed. I have, &c, Eobert Duncan, Principal Engineer Surveyor. The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington.

No. 11.—Ebturn of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from 1st April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue 1900. 1900. 455. Joseph George Morton Maohon.. .. May 16 468. John Hugh Munro Hadler .. .. May 16 456. Victor Robert Howes .. .. .. „ 16 469. Charles Francis Hearn .. .. „ 16 457. Gavin Andrew Sneddon ... .. „ 16 470. John Thomas Kilworth ... .. „ 16 458. Karaitiana Panapa .. .. .. „ 16 471. James Christian Christensen .. .. 16 459. George Jamieson .. .. .. „ 16 472. James Barr .. .. .. .. „ 16 460. James Joseph Maloney .. .. „ 16 473. William Watson .. .. .. „ 16 461. Thomas Dawson .. .. .. „ 16 474. Frederick William Soppet .. .... „ 16 462. William Henry Camden Howard .. „ 16 475. Alexander Stewart .. .. .. „ 16 461. Edward Mossman Milburn .. .. „ 16 476. William Greig ... .. ■-.,■ Aug. 20 464. William Ashcroft .. .. .. „ 16 477. John Findlay Gibson .. .. ., 20 465. John Kelly .. .. •• .... 16 478. James Withey .. .. .. ,20 466. Harry William Mitchell .. .. „ 16 479. Charles Codd.. .. .. .. „ 20 467. Charles Robinson ,, .. .. „ 16 I 480. Charles Sutton ., ., ,, .20

Number of Steamers. Number of Certificates issued. Trade in whioh engaged. Aggregate Registered Tonnage. Registered Nominal Horse-power. Fees payable. 35 74 135 35 81 135 Foreign trade Home trade Eiver and extended river... 28,686 12,032 4,035 5,751 3,959 2,490i £ s. 431 10 527 10 454 0 d. 0 0 0 244 251 1,413 0 0



No. 11.—Eetorn of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted, &c. — continued. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. - 1900. 1900. 481. David Alwyn Morgan .. .. .. Aug. 20 535. Cornelius Stubbs .. .. .. Dec 28 482. John Hampton .. .. .. „ 20 536. Samuel Gibson .. .. .. „ 28 483. John Neil .. .. .. .. „ 20 537. Robert Amus Maw .. „ 28 484. Peter William Borrie .. .. .. „ 20 538. Robert Massey .. .. .. „ 28 485. William Frederick Bishop .. .. „ 20 1901. 486. Francis John Greenaway ... .. „ 20 539. Frank Hardy.. .. .. .. Jan. 21 487. Thomas Edwin Kilworth .. .. „" 20 540. John Kidd .. ., .. .. „ 21 488. Joseph Horgan .. .. .. ,.20 541. Walter Frederick Beazer .. .. Feb. 6 489. Ernest Augustus McConnel .. .. „ 20 542. Axel Fredrik Peterson .. .. 6 490. George Edward Whyte .. .. „ 20 543. Edmund Ira Simms .. .. .. „ 6 491. Thomas Lawson Hart.. .. .. „ 20 544. Richard Spencer Fleming .. .. 6 492. Pierce Power.. .. .. .. „ 20 545. Henry Thomas Hunt .. .. .. „ 6 493. Charles Charke .. .. .. „ 20 546. Francis Edward Moore .. .. „ 6 494. John Thomas Tuck .. .. .. „ 20 547. Alfred Preddy .. .. .. „ 6 495. Albert Edmond Snowdon .. .. » . 20 548. Alexander Charles Firth .. .. „ 6 496. Thomas Briggs Christie .. .. Deo. 28 549. George Julius Hall .. .. .. „ 6 497. William Muir .. .. .. „ 28 550. Charles Bennett .. .. .. „ 6 498. Andrew Balloch .. .. .. „ 28 551. Frederic Pierson .. .. .. 6 499. James Samuel Rose .. .. .. „ 28 552. William Templeton Gilmour .. .. 6 500. Willian Stanley Jones.. .. ,. „ 28 553. Charles Arthur Taylor.. .. .. 6 501. Alexander Petrie .. .. ., „ 28 554. Alexander Hunter' .. .. .. „ 6 502. Charles Muggeridge .. .. .. „ 28 555. William Albert Fisher .. .. „ 6 503. Frank Muggeridge .. .. .. „ 28 556. Samuel Rountree .. .. .. „ 6 504. Arthur Pollard ... .. .. „ 28 557. George Edward Lilley.. .. .. „ 6 505. James Greig .. .. .. .. „ 28 558. Charles John Clarke .. .. .. „ 12 506. Henry Irvine ... .. .. „ 28 559. Francis Geddes .. .. .. .,12 507. Sidney Victor Smith .. .. .. ,.28 560. William Cross .. .. .. „ 12 508. Harry Aloysius Lockington .. .. „ 28 561. Robert Aitken .. .. .. „ 12 509. Patrick Joseph Henley .. .. „ 28 562. James Patterson .. .. .. „ 12 510. Frederick Christain Sohwass .. .. „ 28 563. Daniel Forbes .. .. .. „ 12 511. John Hodgson ... .. .. „ 28 564. Walter Anderson .. .. .. „ 12 512. William Bainbridge .. .. .. „ 28 565. William Marshall .. .. .. „ 12 513. John Thome .. .. .. .. „ 28 566. James Kinloch .. .. .. „ 12 514. Hector McLeod .. .. .. „ 28 567. Samuel Turner .. .. .. „ 12 515. Thomas Lyon .. .. .. „ 28 568. John Denniston .. .. .. „ 12 516. John Mclntyre .. .. .. „ 28 569. Robert Hugh Craig .. .. .. „ 12 517. Herbert Ross.. .. .. .. „ 28 570. James Hannah .. .. .. „ 12 518. Ernest Woods Palmer .. .. „ 28 571. Thomas Rngers Clow .. .. .. ,,.12 519. William James Lyons.. .. .. „ 28 572. Andrew D mpster, jun. .. .. „ 12 520. William Henry Havman .. .. „ 28 573. James Primrose .. .. .. „ 12 521. John William Passman .. .. „ 28 574. Gabriel McElroy .. .. .. „ 20 522. John Adamson .. .. .. Dec. 28 575. William Levett .. .. .. „ 20 523. John Calder .. .. .. .. „ 28 576. Jos-ph Gledhill .. .. .. „ 20 524. Wallace Mills .. .. .. „ 28 577. Alexander Guise .. .. .. Mar. 26 525. Charles Henry Bitmead .. .. „ 28 578. William Arthur Milligan .. .. „ 26 526. John Hunt .. .. .. .. „ 28 579. William S. Adams .. .. .. „' 26 527. Francis Clement Websdale .. .. „ 28 580. Frank Newman .. .. .. „ 26 528. Jimes Manson .. .. .. „ 28 581. John Henry Ferguson.. • .. .. „ 26 529. Charles Cowan Kidd .. .. .. „ 28 582. Thomas Hugh Latimer .. .. „ 26 530. George Milne.. .. „ 28 583. George Albeit Soper .. .. .. „ 26 531. Henry Alfred Ladbrook .. .. „ 28 584. John Allan .. .. .. .. „ 26 532. John Shaw .. .. .. :. „ 28 585. John William Keith .. .. .. „ 26 533. Waiter Rule Dunstan.. .. .. „ 28 586. Charles George Thurston .. .. „ 26 534. William Henry Dunstan .. .. „ 28 587. Harry Eden .. .. .. .. ,26

No. 12.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from 1st April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue 1900. 1901. 1. William Allen .. Dec 28 31. Charles Hern .. .. .. Dec. 28 2. Edwin John Booth .. .. .. „ 28 32. George William Horn .. .. 28 3. James Bridgland .. .. .. 28 33. Arthur Wellington Howe .. .. .28 4. George Bolton .. .. .. 28 34. Frederick Stanley John Hutt ,, „ . 28 5. John Booth .. .. .. „ 28 35. Clarence William Irving ,, ,, „ 28 6. Peter Beard .. .. .. 28 36. Peter Jack .. .. ,, ,. 28 7. Henry Bainbridge .. .. .. 28 37. John King .. .. .. ,. 28 8. Louth Bycroft .. .. .. 28 38. David FitzHowell Jones .. .. „ . 28 9. Robert Boswell .. .. .. 28 39. David Rowlands Jones ., .. 28 10. Alexander Cochrane.. .. .. 28 40. John Kirkland .. .. .. „ 28 11. David Henry Clarkson .. .. 28 41. Mungo Kirkwood .. .. .. „ . 28 12. Peter Cruickshank .. .. .. „ 28 42. Adam Gibson .. .. .. „ .28 13. Walter Croton .. .. 28 43. Henry Alfred Ladbrook .. .. 28 14. Frederick John Chapman .. .. „ 28 44. John Leishman .. .. .. „ . 28 15. James Curtis .. .. .. „ 28 45. William F. Leonard.. .. .. „ 28 16. Thomas Henry Dawe .. .. „ 28 46. Thomas McKersey .. .. .. „ 28 17. Jonathan Dixon, jun. .. .. 28 47. William MoRae .. .. .. „ .28 18 William Gover Dudding .. .. „ 28 48. Frederick Charles McLure .. .. „ 28 19. George Edward Draper .. .. 28 49. Stephen Frederick Moulden .. .. „ 28 20. Joseph Davidson .. .. ,-'. 28 50. John Mclnness .. .. .. 28 21. James Murphy Foohey .. .. 28 51. Peter McColl .. .. .. „ 28 22. Jerry Foohey .. .. .. „ 28 52. Stewart McDonald .. .. .. 28 23. John Henry Furness .. .. 28 53. Thomas McAlpine .. .. .. * „ 28 24. Frank Lewin Gibbons .. .. 28 54. William Mather .. .. .. 28 25. Alfred Owen Grundy .. 28 55. Henry Newton Morrison .. .. ,,28 26. William George Hallaway .'; .. 28 56. Peter Murphy .. .. .. „ 28 27. Walter Hampton .. .. .. 28 57. David Mitchell .. .. .. 28 28. Walter James Harden .. .. „ 28 58. James Joseph Maloney .. .. 28 29. William Benniok Harding .. .. 28 59. John McConnell .. .. .. 28 30 Charlton Arthur Hedditeh .. .. „ 28 60. James Nixon .. .. .. 28


Eeturn of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers, etc. — continued. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1900. 1900. 61. George Murray Ness .. .. Dec. 28 148. James Lindsay .. .. .. Dec. 28 62. John Pringle .. .. .. „ 28 149. Kenneth McLennan.. .. .. „ 28 63. John Peterson .. .. .. „ 28 150. David Smart Meffan .. .. 28 64. John George Purvis .. .. .. 28 151. Francis William Niddrie .. .. 28 65. John Ruuch .. .. .. 28 152. Arthur James Roach .. .. 28 66. John Henry Curtis Roberts .. .. 28 153. Alfred Charles John Smith .. .. „ 28 67. Michael John Reardon .. .. „ 28 154. Edward Venning .. .. .. 28 67a. Robert Robertson '.. .. ... „ 28 155. David Watt .. .... „ 28 68. Griffith George Roberta .. .. 28 156. Watson Whitwell .. .. .. 28 69. Alexander Richard Smith .. .. 28 157. Matthew James Woodward .. .. 28 70. Reuben Shaw .. .. .. 28 158. James Ayton .. .. .. „' 28 71. Benjamin Schofield .. .. .. „ 28 159. John Wood Bell .. .. .. 28 72. George Scott .. .. .. 28 160. George Park Burns .. .. .. 28 73. George Henry Symons .. .. 28 161. Joseph Aylmer Biltcliff .. .. 28 74. Frederick George Stone .. .. „ 28 162. John Boag .. .. .. .. 28 75. Edmund Simmonds.. .. .. 28 163. Thomas Henry Broadbelt .. .. 28 77. Riohard John Speck .. 28 164. Archibald Campbell.. .. .. „ 28 78. John Allen Sloane .. .. .. 28 165. Patrick Crawford .. .. .. 28 79. Ernest James Sales .. .. .. 28 166. Walter Douglas Dalgliesh .. .. „ 28 80. Philip Scott .. .. .. 28 167. Herbert Alexander Dobson .. .. 28 81. George Covington Troy .. .. 28 168. Thomas Gage .. .. .. 28 82. James Milne Tough .. .. .. 28 169. Alfred Horaoe Hodge .. .. 28 83. William Tennent .. .. .. 28 170. Henry Ohio Ivey .. .. .. 28 84. George Thomas Tupp .. .. 28 171. Edward Bond Kennedy .. .. 28 85. William Robert Twigg .. .. 28 172 James King .. .. .. 28 86. John Tollan .. .. .. „ 28 173. Martin Edward George Riohard Lock.. Dec. 28 87. George Vause .. .. .. 28 174. John Mason .. .. .. 28 88. William David Wilkinson .. .. 28 175. William Mason .. .. .. 28 89. James Weir .. .. .. 28 176. Charles Walter Perry .. .. 28 90. Samuel Wood .. .. .. 28 177. Thomas Alexander Petrie .. .. 28 91. John Dawley Wood .. .. .. 28 178. Francis Pringle .. .. .. 28 92. Henry Wood .. .. .. 28 179. Peter Semmens .. .. .. „ 28 93. George Archibald Wills .. .. 28 180. Alexander Stevenson Sinclair .. „ 28 94. John Aitchison .. .. .. 28 181. Francis George Skilton .. .. „ 28 95. James Alexander Allen .. .. 28 182. James Smith ,. .. .. 28 96. John Dennerly .. .. .. 28 183. Francis Sprague .. .. .. 28 97. Benjamin Exell .. .. .. 28 184. Henry Steen .. .. .. 28 98. Alfred Craig Ferguson .. .. „ 28 185. Thomas Thompson .. .. .. 28 99. Edward Percy Willis Ford .. .. 28 186. John Adamson Wallace .. .. 28 100. John Gray .. .. .. .. 28 187. John Williams .. .. .. 28 101. William John Grundy .. .. „ . 28 188. Henderson Wilson .. .. .. 28 102. Godfrey Reece Gould .. .. 28 189. John Wilson .. .. .. 28 103. Niels Peter Green .. .. : .. „ 28 190. Thomas Robert Barrer .. .. „ 28 104. George Samuel Hall.. .. .. 28 191. Benjamin George Davis .. .. 28 105. Thomas Hampton .. .. .. 28 192. George Hardie .. .. .. 28 106. Archibald Keith .. .. .. 28 193. John Buchanan Hay .. .. 28 107. William Henry Kent .. .. 28 194. William Hay .. .. .. 28 108. Charles Mair .. .. .. 28 195. George William Hayden .. .. „ 28 109. John MoGill .. .. .. 28 196. William Hunter .. .. .. ' „ 28 110. Arthur Morris .. .. .. 28 197. James Miller .. .. .. „ 28 111. Charles Murphy .. .. .. 28 198. Charles Vining .. .. .. 28 112. James Nealis .. .. 28 199. James Thomas Cross .. :. „ 28 113. James Renshaw .. .. .. 28 200. Joseph Hicks .. .. .. 28 114. William Edwin Rixon .. .. 28 201. Thomas Hall Lukin.. .. .. 28 115. John Sinclair .. .. .. 28 202. John MoGill .. .. .. „ 28 116. John Stewart .. .. .. 28 ■ 203. George Albert Ritson .. .. 28 117. Augustus Thomas, jun. .. .. 28 204. John Colligan .. .. .. „ 28 118. James Robert Ward.. .. .. 28 205. John Colligan, sen. .. .. .. „ 28 119. John Williamson .. .. .. 28 206. Alexander James Pickering Connell .. „ 28 120. George Willis .. .. .. 28 207. William Crawford .. .. .. 28 121. Charles Wilson .. .. .. 28 208. Robert Elliott .. .. .. 28 122. Thomas James Wilson .. .. 28 209. James Gibson .. .. .. 28 123. Alfred Edward Percy Dyett .. .. 28 210. Samuel Glenn .. „ 28 124. David Wilson .. .. .. 28 211. Thomas Graham Niven .. .. 28 125. Alexander Thomas Blair .. .. 28 212. Thomas O'Brien .. .. .. „ 28 126. Walter Barfield Blizzard ., .. 28 213. Edmond Power .. .. .. 28 127. Eri Hardaker .. .. .. 28 214. Francis William Smith .. .. 28 128. Andrew McKerrow .. .. .. 28 215. Joseph Smith .. .. .. 28 129. David Caldwell McMath .. .. 28 216. Henry Edward Tandy .. .. 28 130. Charles Henry Monson .. .. 28 217. Alfred George Wright .. .. „ *28 131. John Lawrence Neilson .. .. 28 1901. 132. Francis Lee Nicholls .. .. 28 218. John Richard Baker .. .. Jan. 11 133. Alexander Ross .. .. .. 28 219. James Johnson Burns .. .. 11 134. Henry William Roy.. ... .. 28 220. Adolphie Ruff us Collier .. .. 11 135. John Stewart .. .. .. 28 221. Albert John Craig .. ,g, .. .. 11 136. Walter Williamson .. .. .. 28 222. Albert John Daniel .. .. .. „ 11 137. William Henry Anderson .. .. 28 223. James Joseph Drew .. .. .. „ 11 138. Edwin Barlow .. .. .. 28 224. John Dewar .. .. .. 11 139. William Finoher Coutts .. .. 28 225. James Dunstan .. .. .. 11 140. Richard Artis Cruiekshank .. .. 28 226. John Patriok Elwood .. .. „ 11 141. Samuel Dauson .. .. .. 28 227. Eric Gustaf Eriksson .. .. 11 142. Robert Nelson Ferguson .. .. 28 228. George Wellington Goodger .. .. 11 143. James Freeman .. .. .. 28 229. Walter Louis Grundy .. .. 11 144. Peter Gardiner .. .. .. 28 230. James Arthur Heir .. .. .. 11 145. Edward Granger .. .. .. „ 28 231. George Pow Henderson .. .. 11 146. Andrew Harper .. .. .. 28 232. John Fletcher Herbert .. .. 11 147. James Harper .. .. .. 28 233. George Renwiok Herriot .. .. „ 11



Return of First-class Stationery-engine Drivers, etc.— continued. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1900. 1901. 234. John Wallace King .. .. .. Jan. 11 323. Donald Gordon Fraser .. .. Jan. 11 235. Samuel George Langford .. .. 11 324. Thomas Aitken Gardyne .. .. »" 11 236. Robert Patrick .. .. .. 11 325. Robert Johnson .. .. .. 11 237. George Rewcastle .. .. .. 11 326. David John Morgan.. .. .. 11 238. James Rose .. .. .. „ 11 327. Hull Ingram Murphy .. .. U 239. John Henrv Stubbs .. .. .. 11 328. John McConneil .. .. .. ,7 -11 240. George Wallace .. ■ .. .. „ 11 329. George McKenzie .. .. .. H 241. Robert Ashley Westcott .. .. ,, - 11 330. Edmund Francis Noonan .. .. 11 242. Oscar Wilson .. .. .. „ 11 331. John Joseph O'Malley .. .. ,, 11 243. Henry Arthur .. .. .. 11 332. James Prentioe .. .. .. ,, H 244. William Bonetti .. .. .. ,,11 333. Thomas Jenkin Roaoh .. .. 11 245. Thomas Lennox .. .. .. „ 11 334. Thomas Rofi .. .. • • „ 11 246. George Francis Murch .. .. „ 11 335. Thomas Rose .. .. • • „ 11 247. Henry Lewis Stapley .. .. 11 336. Henry Sayring .. .. .. 11 248. Robert Bolton .. .. .. 11 337. Edward John Shields .. • • „ 11 249. Matthew Benjamin Brown .. .. 11 338. Albert John Stewart .. .. 11 250. John Alfred Collins .. .. .. ,,11 339. William Skinner Strongman.. .. „ 11 251. William Coutts .. .. .. „ 11 340. John Albert Turner .. .. .. „ 11 252. John Benjamin Denford .. .. 11 341. William Walker Wallis, jun... .. „ 11 253. Anders Bnok Eriksson .. .. 11 342. Alexander Cockburn Walker .. .. 11 254. George Harraway .. .. .. ,,11 343. George Warne .. .. .. ■ „ 11 255. Arthur James .. .. .. 11 344. James Watson .. .. .. 11 256. John Lord Mansfield .. .. 11 345. Robert Scott Watson .. .. 11 257. William Henry Martin .. .. 11 346. Fredrick Hugh Wilson .. .. „ 11 258. Thomas Moore .. .. .. ,,11 347. Robert Wishart .. .. .. 11 259. Harry Morrison .. .. .. 11 348. William Saunders Woodhouse .. „ 11 260. John McKenzie .. .. .. „ 11 349. William Wright .. - .. .. „ 11 261. John Hunter McLaren .. .. „ 11 350 William Beecroft .. .. _.. 11 262. James McMurtrie .. .. .. 11 351. John Blaoklock .. .. .. 11 263. John Nelson .. .. .. 11 352. John Burnip .. .. .. 11 264. William Miller Orr .. .. .. „ 11 353. Benjamin Davis .. .. • • „ 11 265. Samuel Patterson .. .. .. 11 354. William Clarke .. .. .. 11 266. Charles Foster .. .. .. „ 11 355. Patrick Cotter .. .. • • 11 267. William Jamieson .. .. .. 11 356. George Coup .. .. • • ,, 11 268. James George Powdrill .. .. 11 357. John Donn.. .. .. .. 11 269. Herbert Dawson Warin .. .. 11 358. Charles Alfred Barnes .. .. „ 21 270. Thomas Simson .. .. .. „ 11 359. Robert Beck .. .. .. „ 21 271. Robert Woodrow .. .. .. „ 11 360. John Bergin .. .. .. ,,21 272. David Ballintyne .. .. .. 11 361. William Henry Bevin .. .. 21 273. Robert Borthwick .. .. .. 11 362. John Boyle.. .. .. .. 21 274. George White Bradley .. .. „ 11 363. James Broome .. .. •. ,,21 275. Walter Broadley .. .. ... „ 11 364. Samuel Brown .. .. .. 21 276. Peter Brand .. .. - ■ 11 365. Richard William Bryant .. .. ,,21 277! Samuel Cameron .. .. .. 11 366. James Clarke '.. .. . • „ 21 278. Charles Ching .. .. .. „ 11 367. John Clements .. .. •. 21 279. Adam Sprott Borrowman Clark .. „ 11 368. Reuben Thomas Robert Conley .. „ 21 280. William Cook .. .. .. 11 369. Benjamin Charles Curno .. .. 21 281. Joseph Empen .. .. .. „ 11 370. Robert Donaldson .. .. .. 21 282. Walter Fisher .. .. .. „ 11 371. Michael Donovan .. .. .. 21 283. Alexander Fraser .. .. .. „ ■ 11 372. Michael Doyle .. .. .. 21 284. Edward Gray .. . • • • „ H 373. Edgar William Eaton .. .. 21 285. Maunsell Frederick Harding.. .. „ 11 374. Max Enter .. .. .. .. 21 286. Frank Harrison .. . • ■ ■ „ U 375. John Frederiok Alexander Evans .. „ 21 287! John Hind .. .. .. .. „ H 376. Charles Finlay .. .. • • 21 288. William Ingram .. .. • ■ „ - 11 377. William Ernest Frost .. .. 21 289. James Kellett .. .. .. „ 11 378. William Ernest Galbraith .. .. „ 21 290' George Miller .. .. • • „ 11 379. William Gallagher .. .. .. 21 291. Patrick Joseph McCarthy .. .. 11 380. David Gait.. .. .. .. 21 292. Ralph Rayner .. .. .. 11 381. Alexander Gillies .. .. .. „ 21 293. Joseph Stanton .. .. .. 11 382. Owen Glynn .. .. .. 21 294. Richard Jennison Ball .. .. „ -11 383. William Grant .. .. .. 21 295. James Begg .. .. • • • • H 384. Andrew Hedley .. .. .. 21 296. Arthur George Fraser .. .. 11 385. Ernest Herbert Hobday .. .. 21 297. Charles Chapman .. .. .. 11 386. Joseph Hunter .. .. .. 21 298. Sampson Gillespie .. .. .. „ -11 387. Edward Augustus Johnston .. .. 21 299. John Glessing ..... .. „ 11 388. Walter Lewis .. .. .. 21 300. George Hayes .. . • • • 11 389. John Thomas Manning .. .. 21 301. Robert McGeorge Hay .. .. 11 390. Nathaniel Murphy .. .. .. 21 302. Richard Jenkins .. .. •. „ -11 391. John McArthur .. .. .. 21 303. John Kerr .. .. -. ■ • 11 392. Bernard McCrory .. .. .. 21 304. Edward Tague Kitto .. .. ; 11 393. Coline Gunn McDonald .. .. 21 305. Max Kliess.. .. .. ■ • 11 394. Peter McVicar .. .. .. ,,"21 306 Henry Laver .. .. .. „ -11 395. John McKenzie .. .. .. 21 308. Thomas William Lee .. .. „ 11 396. Hugh Yorstjn McWhirter .. .. 21 309. Robert Lindsay .. .. . • „ 11 397. James Edmondston Nairn .. .. 21 310. Alfred Edwin Maitland .. .. 11 398. James Nixon .. .. .. 21 311. John Marks .. .. • • „ 11 399. Samuel Pearce .. .. .. 21 312. Joseph Morgan .. .. .. 11 400. George William Poulter .. .. 21 313. James Parker McCrae .. .. 11 401. James H. Rivers .. .. .. 21 314. Donald Marshall .. .. .. 11 402. John Taylor .. .. .. 21 315 William John McCullogh .. .. 11 403. John Robertson ... .. .. „ 21 316. Daniel Holliday Renkin .. .. 11 404. William John Rodgers .. .. 21 317. Edward Shoatt .. .. • • „ 11 405. Matthew Gardner Scott .. .. 21 318. George Thorn .. .. • • 11 406. Thomas Smith .. .. .. 21 319. John Marshall .. .. .. 11 407. Alexander Taylor .. .. .. 21 320. William Marshall .. .. .. 11 408. Duncan Urquhart .. .. .. 21 321. George Henry Richard Bardsley .. „ 11 409. Julius Herman Von Haast .. .. 21 322. Neil Bradley .. ■ • • • „ • 11 410. John Watt .. .. .. - .-. 21



Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers, etc.— continued. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue 1901. 1901. 411. Charles Watkinson .. .. .. Jan. 21 508. Frederick T. Going .. .. .. Eeb. 12 412. James White .. .. . ■ 21 509. John Marquis Graham .. .. 12 413. Frederick Arthur Williams .. .. 21 510. William Henderson .. .. .. 12 414. Alfred Louis Wiscombe .. .. „ 21 511. Benjamin Hill .. .. .. 12 415. Albert Wood .. •. 21 512. Hugh Jones .. .. .. 12 416. John Dyke Aeland .. .. .. 21 513. Walter H. Charles Langdon .. .. 12 417. Abednego Allen .. .. .. 21 514. Donald McAfier .. .. .. 12 418. Robert John Allen .. .. .. 21 515. Colin Campbell Ballantyne .. .. 12 419. Edwin Edmund Aymes .. ,. 21 516. William Barnett .. .. .. ,,12 420. George Anderson .. .. .. „ 21 517. Arthur Barrett .. .. .. 12 421. Thomas Armstrong .. .. ■- 21 518. Walter Brooker .. .. .. 12 422. James Austin .. .. • • „ 21 519. William Harrigan .. .. .. 12 423. Charles Ball .. .. • • ,,21 520. William Francis Janus .. .. 12 424. Thomas Barry .. .. • ■ 21 521. Gabriel Kerr .. .. .. 12 425. George Bartlett .. .. •■ „ 21 522. Cornelius Leary .. .. .. 12 426. John Daniel Bently .. .. •• ,, 21 523. Edward McKee .. .. .. 12 427. William Frederick Bishop .. .. 21 524. Wm. Montgomery Passmore .. .. 12 428. Charles Henry Bowman .. .. 21 525. George Richard Wylde .. .. 12 429. Stephenson Boyd .. .. • • 21 526. Neil Raby Wylie .. .. .. 12 430. John Bourke, jun. .. .. ■• ,,21 527. Francis John Cherry .. .. 12 431. Joseph Brokenshire .. .. .. 21 528. William Millburn .. .. .. „ . 12 432. Elias Buchanan .. .. .. 21 529. John Thomas .. .. .. 12 433. Henry Fox Chafley .. „ 21 530. Thomas George Bean .. .. 12 434. Henry Augustus Dando .. .. 21 531. Thomas Betts .. ■ • .. ,,12 435. Adam Davidson .. .. .. 21 532. George Alexander Buchan .. .. 12 436. Matthew Dixon .. .. ,'. 21 533. John Butcher .. .. .. 12 437. Daniel Henry Edmonds ... .. 21 534. David Craig .. .. •. ,,12 138. James Edwards .. .. .. „ 21 535. Thomas Hibbs .. .. .. ,,12 439. Stephen Eltringham.. .. .. 21 536. John White .. .. •• ,,12 440. Ernest Pearson Graham .. .. 21 537. Brainerd Moore .. .. .. 12 441. John Hamilton .. .. • ■ 21 538. James Roseman .. .. • • „ 12 442. William Thomas Hanley .. .. 21 539. William John Sanders .. .. 12 443. John Duncan Huston .. .. 21 540. John Owen Skilton .. .. .. 12 444. Thomas Gibson Jefferson .. 21 541. James Murray .. .. .. ,,12 445. Edwin Alexander Jolly .. 21 542. Thomas McClune .. .. .. 12 446. James Lees.. .. .. .. 21 543. Frederick MeDowall.. .. ., 12 447. Robert Lindsay .. .. .. 21 544. James McGlynn .. .. . ■ ,,.12 448. George Frederick Laurie .. .. 21 545. Charles Allen Nicholson .. .. 12 449. John Maxwell .. .. .. „ 21 546. William Pressley .. . • • • „ 12 450. Hugh McGregor .. ... .. ,,21 547. James Ramsay .. .. ■• „ 12 451. Adam Nelson .. .. .. 21 548. James Patrick Ryan.. .. .. 12 452. James Nelson .. .. .. 21 549. George James Buck .. • • • • ,,20 453. George Partington .. .. .. 21 550. Walter Gibb .. . • • • 20 454. William Patterson .. .. .. 21 551. James Winton Noble .. .. 20 455. John Pet>rson .. ".. .. „ 21 552. Henry Roche .. •■ ... „ 20 456. Alfred Richard Pook ' ... .. „ 21 553. James Hugh Scott .. .. • • 20 457. Thomas Sanders .. .. .. 21 554. John William Shanley .. .. 20 458. John Robertson .. .. .. 21 555. John Frederick Smith .. .. 20 459. John Robert Smith .. t .. .. „ 21 556. James Ansley .. .. • • „ 20 460. John Welsh .. .. .. 21 557. Wiliam Dawson .. .. ■• „ 20 461. Thomas Wilkinson .. .. .. 21 558. James Frame .. .. • • 20 462. Thomas Williams .. .. .. 21 559. William Fitzpatrick.. .. .. 20 463. Thomas Winter .. ..-- .. „ 21 560. Arthur Frederick Gammon .. .. 20 464. Thomas Marsh .. .. .. 21 561. John Archibald Jeffries .. . • , „ 20 465. James A. Milne .. .. .. 21 562. Francis Johnston .. .. .. 20 466. John William McLean .. .. 21 563. Peter Kelly.. .. ■• •• 20 467. Thomas Ourrie McLennan .. 21 564. Alexander Lockie .. .. •• 20 468. John Willis .. .. .. 21 565. Thomas Henry Ma'lin . • • • „ 20 469 John J, seph R ughan .. .. „ . 21 566. James Edward Morilleau .. .. 20 470. John William Shirley .. .. 21 567. William McAnultv .. .. •• 20 471. Alexander Thomson .. .. .. 21 568. George Grey McGregor .. .. 20 472. Frank Buddie .. .. .. 21 569. Ernest William Neumann .. .. 20 473. Walter Cressey .. .. .. 21 570. Thomas Summerton.. .. .. 20 474. Joseph Dunn .. .. .. 21 571. George Robert Beecroft .. .. 20 475. Albert Edwin Edmonds .. .. 21 572. Charles Jones Broomfield .. .. 20 476. Lewellyn Geo. Denton James .. „ 21 573. John B. Crowley .. .. . • . 20 477. William Plummer Johnson .. .. 21 574. Rd. John Albert Gordon .. .. 20 478. John Rees Jones .. .. .. 21 575. George Alexander Gray .. .. 20 479. Edward Morrison Mackie .. .. „ 21 576. Arthur William Lufi . • •. ,,20 480. Charles Mossman Milburn .. .. 21 577. James Samuel .. .. .. ,,20 481. Madget Murray .. .. .. 21 578. William Henry Steele .. , .. „ 20 482. Daniel McLennan .. .. .. 21 579. Alfred Wearn .. •■ •• 20 483. William McMillan .. .. .. 21 580. Thomas Thomas .. .. • ■ „ 20 484. John Teer Patterson.. .. .. „ 21 581. Thomas Asquith .. .. •■ ,,20 485. George Roberts .. .. .. „ 21 582. James Wilson Bower .. .. 20 486. George Claydon .. .. .. 21 583. William Barnsdale .. .. . ■ 20 487. James Lowe .. .. • • 21 584. William Lovell Gregg .. ■. 20 488. Joseph McArthur .. „ 21 585. Donald Mcintosh .. .. • • 20 489. William Cain .. .. .. Feb. 6 586. Frederick Williams .. .. .. 20 490. George Adams Cairns .. .. „ 6 587. John Bridgman .. .. • ■ 20 491. John Dale .. .. .. .. „ 6 588. Charles Black .. .. • • 20 492. Charles Fenn .. .. „ 6 589. Joel Stubbs.. .. •• •• ,,20 493. David Golding .. .. .. „ 6 590. Walter Smith Thorn. .. .. 20 494. William Alexander Grogan .. .. „ 6 591. Daniel Gow .. .. • ■ 20 495. Ernest Middleton .. .. .. „ 6 592. Archibald Lindsay .. .. .. 20 496. Joseph Shore .. .. .. „ 6 593. Ebenezer Lindsay .. .. • ■ 20 497. Russell Weeks .. .. .. „ 6 594. Charles Edward Maee .. .. 20 498. Henry Albert Alexander .. .. 12 595. George Pettigrew .. .. • ■ ,,20 499. Rene Beautrais .. .. .. 12 596. Thomas James Smith .. .. 20 500. Charles Blaok .. .. .. 12 597. Charles Arthur Smith .. .. 20 501. Peter Bone .. .. .. 12 598. Robert Williamson .. .. ■ • • „ 20 502. Samuel Campbell .. .. . , 12 599. James Thompson .. .. ■ • 20 503. George Frederick Clarke .. 12 600. Robert Troughear .. .. •• ,,20 504. Martin Thos. Downing Cole .. „ 12 601. James Coutts .. .. ■ • .20 505. Alexander William Doran .. .. „ 12 602. John Wheeler .. .. ■ ■ 20 506. John Alexander .. .. 12 , 603. William Robert Young .. .. ,,20 507. Thomas Davies .. .. .. 12 j 604. John Gibson .. .. ... , 20



Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers, etc. — continued. No and Name of Person. Date of Issue. , No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue 1901. 1901. 605. James Diok.. .. .. .. March 20 700. Thos. Augustus lllingham .. .. Maron 26 606. Joseph Adcock Rilling .. .. 20 701. Ge .rge Ciarkson .. .. .. 26 607. John Crabb Galloway .. .. 20 702. Jo-eph Downes .. .. .. ,,26 608. James Leander Poulter .. .. 20 703. William Spence .. .. .. 26 609. William Sim , .. .. „ 20 704. Samuel Stevens .. .. .. 26 610. Frederiok Chas.. Bunyard .. .. 26 705. Henry Turner .. .. .. 26 611. John Copeland .. .. .. 26 706. Geo. Brotherston Thompson Brunton .. „ 26 612. John Cousins ... .. .. „ 26 707. Andrew Cathey .. .. .. 26 613. Thomas Donnelly .. .. .. 26 708. John Lyons .. .. .. .. 26 614. Robt. Thos. Theodore Davis .. 26 709. William Moyle .. .. .. 26 615. John Lewis Hughes .... ..- .. „ 26 710. James McGregor .. .. .. 26 616. James Edward Jefcoate .. .. 26 711. Thomas McMath .. .. .. 26 617. William Keig .. .. .. 26 712. John William Passman .. .. 26 618. William Henry French .. .. „ 26 713. George Robertson .. .. .. 26 619. George Hardin .. „ 26 714. Charles Henry Smith .. .. 23 620. Arthur Lett .. .. 26 715. Daniel Ross Saunders Smith .. .. 26 621. Joseph Lowden .. .. .. 26 716. Edward Smith .. .. .. „ 26 622. George Alfred Lord .. .. .. 26 717. Henry Sparrow .. .. .. 26 623. Isaac Maslin .. „ 26 718. Thomas Wilkinson .. .. .. 26 624. Thomas Maynard .. .. .. „ 26 719. Laurence Young .. .. .. 26 625. Archibald Hale Monro .. .. 26 720. William Weir Tannock .. .. 26 626. James MoArthur .. .. .. 26 721. James Hewitt Cheshire .. .. 26 627. Arthur John Wm. Middrie .. .. 26 722. Henry Roper Porter .: .. .. 26 628. Frederick Charles Osborne .. .. 26 723. William Lang Thorburn .. .. 26 629. John Paterson .. .. .. 26 724. Alexander Wishart .. .. .. 26 630. Riohard Perry .. .. .. 26 725. Edward Greenhalgh .. .. .. „ 26 631. Alex. Felicien Rocard .. .. 26 726. David Johnston .. .. .. 26 632. William Shearer .. - .. .. „ 26 727. Adam Anmerell Mathers .. .. 26 633. Alexander Niblooh Shore .. .. 26 728. William Henry McFarlane .. .. 28 634. James Maekay Simpson .. .. „ 26 729. Robert Clark MoKay MoLeod .. „ 28 635. Frederick Snowling .. .. .. 26 730. John Neil .. .. .. .. 28 636. Ronald Sutherland .. .. .. 26 731. William Henry Rodgers .. 28 637. Andrew Watson .. .. .. 26 732. Henry Herbert Smith .. .. 28 638. John Stuart White .. .. .. 26 733. John Vincent Stewart .. .. 28 639. James William Wilson .. .. 26 734. William Turner .. .. .. 28 640. William James Wilson .. .. 26 735. Angus Wallace .. .. .. 28 641. Frederick Ziegler .. .. .. 26 736. William Harkins .. .. .. 28 642. Robert Bruee .. .. .. 26 737. Henry James Curtis .. .. .. „ 28 643. Michael Dalton .. .. .. „ 26 738. Cuthbert Leathart .. .. .. 28 644. George W. Edwards .. .. .. 26 739. John Walding .. .. .. 28 645. Alexander Glenn .. .. .. 26 740. Albert Edward Young .. .. „ 28 646. Claudius Albion Hooper .. .. 26 741. Peroy Edmund Bonney .. .. 28 647. Thomas Mulholland.. .. .. 26 742. William Hansen .. .. .. 28 648. Alexander McLean .. .. .. 26 743. Thomas Johnson .. .. .. 28 649. Jesper Henry Bright .. .. 26 744. Allan William Stuart King .. .. 28 650. Jeremiah Davern .. .. .. 26 745. Richard Harvey Michelle .. .. 28 651. Robert Haworth .. .. .. 26 746. James McKenzie .. .. .. 28 652. James Howie .. .. .. 26 747. William John McQuillan .. .. 28 653. Thomas Dewes Jamieson .. .. 26 748. Peter Peterson .. .. .. 28 654. Frederick George Knight .. .. 26 749. William George Reeve .. .. 28 655. Harry McCord .. .. .. 26 750. Alexander Smith .. .. .. 28 656. Benjamin Officer .. .. .. „ 26 751. William Nichol Wilson .. .. „ 28 657. Per Otto Peterson .. .. .. 26 752. James Wingham .. .. .. 28 658. Hugh Rankin .. .. .. 26 753. Robert Nash .. .. .. 28 659. Tnomas Leonard Roberts .. .. 26 754. James W. Sunderland .. .. „ 28 660. John Robinson .. .. .. 26 755. Thos. Jas. Hamilton Wallaoe .. .. 28 661. Harry Tom Smith .. .. .. 26 756. Stephen Laurence Wilson .. .. 28 662. Henry Smith .. .. .. 26 757. Albert Crumpton .. .. .. 28 663. William John White .. .. 26 758. Francis Wm. Gilzean Evans .. .. 28 664. Thomas Worthiogton .. .. 26 759. John McDonald .. .. .. „ 28 665. Edward Mossman Milburn .. .. 26 760. George William Nioholl .. .. 28 666. Charles Thomas Austin .. .. 26 761. Robert George Ralph .. .. 28 667. Alfred Bruoe Coghlan .. .. 26 762. James Vincent .. .. .. 28 668. Richard Fallowfield .. .. .. 26 763. John Sanders .. ..-.-, • ■ „ 28 669. Samuel Cullen Fallwell .. .. 26 764. Charles James Waugh .. .. „ 28 670. Charles Oscar Fisoher „ 26 765. William James Chur»tain .. .. „ 28 671. Herbert Gaby .. .'. .. 26 766. William Henry Kitto .. .. 28 672. Thomas Hodgen .. .. .. „ 26 767. Robert Henry Liddiooat .. .. 28 673. Alfred James .. .. .. 26 768. Henry Isaac Woodward .. .., „ 28 674. Edwin A. McDonald .. .. 26 769. Sidney Man Youmans .. .. 28 675. George MoKnight .. .. .. 26 770. Jonathan Harrison .. .. .. „ 28 676. Hugh McQuillan .. .. .. 26 771. Archibald Lenkie McGill .. .. 28 677. John Sproul Rankin .. .. 26 772. Herbert Power Sanders .. .. 28 678. Philip Reeder .. .. .. „ 26 773. Charles Simmonds .. .. .. 28 679. William Henry Redfern .. .. 26 774. Thomas Richard Smith .. .. „ 28 680. Richard John Tremain .. .. 26 775. James Thomson .. .. .. 28 681. William Albert Walters .. .. 26 776. Alfred Thomas Welsh .. .. 28 682. Jaketh Joseph Wearne .. .. 26 777. Pnilip William Wickham .. .-. „ 28 683. G-o. Henry Sutclifie .. .. 26 778. John Wilis .. .. .. .. 28 684. William Archibald .. .. .. 26 779. George Calder .. .. .. 28 685. Edward Ross Campbell .. .. 26 780. George Greenaway .. .. .. 28 686. John Carter ... .. .. „ 26 781. V.etor Ulric Ernest Vandy .. .. 28 687. John Henry Cook .. .. .. „ 26 782. Patrick O'Keefe .. .. .. „ 28 688. John Thomas Cornish .. .. „ 26 783. Charles James Aickin .. .. 28 689. Alexander Gibson ... .. .. „ 26 784. Robert Reid Cameron .. .. 28 690. Richd. Herbert Harrison .. .. 26 785. Daniel Carlin ... .. .. „ 28 691. Duncan McGregor .. .. .. 26 786. James Carruthers .. .. .. 28 692. William Niool .. .. .. 26 787. Charles Henry Harris .. .. „ 28 693. Albeit Christie Pengelly .. .. „ 26 788. Gavin McVie ... .. .. „ 28 694. Al xander Sinclair .. .. .. „ 26 7d9. James Paterson .. .. .. „ 28 695. Edwin Harvey Tremain .. .. 26 790. James Ruston .. .. .. „ 28 696. George Williamson .. .. .. 26 791. George Stevenson .. .. .. 28 697. Thomas Woodhill .. .. .'. 26 792. Thomas Telfer .. .. .. „ 28 698 Donald McDonald .. .. .. 26 793. William Arthur Turner .. .. 28 699. Robert Scott .. .. .. .26 794. Edward Wilson, jun. .. .. 28




No. 13.—Eeturn of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from Ist April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. aud Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1900. 19,00. 1. Arthur Adsett .. .. .. Dec. 28 87. Robert Smith .. .. .. Dec. 28 2. William Brickley .. .. .- „28 88. Robert Colligan .. .. .. 28 3. Edward Bentley .. .. •. ~28 89. Thomas Ghristain Frank .. .. „ 28 4. William Brunsden .. .. .. 28 90. Thomas Hazeldine .. .. .. 28 5. Hugh Galder .. .. .. 28 91. Richard James Murphy .. .. ~ 28 6. Thomas Gopnall .. .. .. 28 92. William Alfred Ralph .. .. ~ 28 7. James Alexander Clarke .. .. „28 93. Joseph Saunders .. .. .. 28 8. Joseph Henry Chancy .. .. 28 94. Thomas Saunders .. .. .. ~28 9. William Olampitt ....... 28 1901. ■0. James Charleston .. .. .. 28 95. William Adsett .. .. •• Jan. 11 11. Andrew George Dreaver .. .. 28 96. Charles Allen .. .. .. 11 12. William Geo. Drysdale .. .. 28 97. John Hollow Goad .. .. .. „ 11 13 John Dent .. .. .. .. ~28 98. Walter Ernest Potts .. .. 11 14! John Duncan .. .. 28 99. Burr Gould St. John .. ...... -U 15. Ernest Hooper Dyer .. .. 28 100. Alexander Smith .. .. .. „ 11 16. Albert George Eagle .. .. 28 101. Arthur Ernest Welsey Elton .. ... 11 17. James Ferris .. .. .. 28 102. Charles Flavell .. .. •• „ 11 18. William Foubister ... .. .. „28 103. Wilfred Arthur Lankshear .. .. 11 19. David Duke Gibb .. .. .. 28 104. Benjamin Bateson .. „ 11 30. George Gibson .. .. .. „28 105. Hy. Charles Alfred Christensen .. „ 11 2l! Frederick Golding .. .. .. „28 106. Alexander George Currie .. .. 11 22. Thomas George Govan .. .. 28 107. George Drummond .. .. .. ~. H •23. Frank Gordon .. .. .. ~28 108. Victor Osborne Richardson .. ... „ 11 24! James Grant. .. ■• .. 28 109. James Dunwoodie .. .. .. „ 11 25. John Wall Hartwell .. .. 28 110. John Cowie Gow .. I 1 36. William Hiscox .. .. .. „28 111. Edmund Bolton Jones .. •• ..,, 11 il. Hy. Wm. Cawood Henderson .. „28 112. David Kilpin .. • • • • 11 28. David Daniel Jenkins .. .. 28 113. James Maoandrew Maoandrew .. „ 11 29. John William Jenkins .. .. 28 114. Charles McKenny .. .. ... .- .7U 30. Thomas Michael King .. .. 28 115. John George Paull .. .. .. „ 11 81. William Christie Lawrence .. .. 28 116. William George Pullar .. ... „ 11 32. Malcolm McCorkindale .. .. 28 117. Hugh Biaikie Ross Crozier .. .. "■ \\ 33. William Henry Melvin .. .. 28 118. Henry James Gums.. .. • • 11 34. Robert James Montgomery .. .. „28 119. William Dempster .. .. .. 11 35. Alexander Neason .. .. .. 28 120. Thomas Fraser .. .. ■ - 11 36. Benjamin Offioer .. .. .. „■ 28 121. William Anderson .. .- ■■ " i] 37. William Pope .. .. .. 28 122. Stewart Campbell .. .. ■. „ 11 jg Alfred Pay .. .. .. .. 28 123. William Robert Leach Bird .. .. ~11 )9. James William Reynolds .. '.'. I 28 124. Thomas George Govan 11 *0. Fiedenck Seager .. .. .. 28 125. Joseph Herbert .. .. .. » 11 41. Robert Stevenson .. .. .. „28 126. Thomas Inglis .. ... •■ » 11 42. James Scott .. .. .. 28 127. William Jones .. „ 11 43. William Smaill .. .. .. .28 128. James Junk .. .. •• „ 11 44. John Thomas May Smith .. .. 28 129. James Larking .. .. •. .11 '45. Stephen Tankersley .. .. .. 28 130. Henry Jos. Mathers .. ... ... „ 11 46. Thomas Tonkin .. .. .. „28 131. Walter Montgomery.. .. .. '■ j 1 47. William Warren .. .. .. „ 28 132. Frank Percy Moren .. .. .. 11 48. Charles Adams .. .. .. 28 133. Sydney Morris .. .. .. 11 49. William Ernest Aston .. .. 28 134. Maurice Moore .. .. .. „ '.. 11 50. Henry Boman .. .. .. 28 135. John MoOoll .. „ 11 51. Thomas Henry Brack .. .. 28 136. Charles McGough .. .. .. 11 52. Alexander Broadfoot .. .. 28 137. William McKirdy •• . U 53. Joseph Day .. .. .. 28 138. Murdoch McKenzie .. .. .. „.11 54. James Forster Davidson .. .. 28 139. William Graham McKenzie .. .. "11 55. Peter Dandie .. .. .. 28 140. John Pender ... ■.. •• ~ 11 56. George Farquharson .. .. 28 141. Alexander Rattray .. .. .. 11 57. Nathaniel Grindrod .. .. .. 28 142. Alexander Robertson .. .. " t 1 58. Jabez Hay .. .. .. .. 28 143. Alexander Robertson .. .. 11 59. James Hay .. .. .. .. 28 144. Jack Robson .. .. •. '„ U 60. Hans Hendriksen .. .. .. 28 145. James Rooney .. „ 11 61 William Hill .. .. .'. 28 146. Albert Sohnardorff .. .. .. 11 62. Henry Martin Hume .. .. 28 147. Joseph Shore .. .. IJ 63. James Mancer .. .. .. 28 148. Edwin Smallman ■•*• •• •• » 11 64. Andrew Maxwell .. .. .. 28 149. Stevenson •■ •• •• 11 65. James McArthur .. .. .. 28 150. Francis Stewart ... .. .. „ U 66. Wildam Taylor McKenzie .. .. 28 151. Robert Taylor .. „ 11 67. George McVicker .. .. .. 28 152. Hugh Tone,\chffe .. .. .. „ 11 68. J< hn Murray .. .. .. 28 153. Frederick George Tonks •• .. „ IJ 69 Frederick Joseph Olds .. .. 28 154. Andrew Wedderspoon .. .. IJ 70. Joseph Oliver .. .. .. 28 J55. George Wallace .. .. .. 11 71. Josuua Oliver .. .. .. 28 156. James Wathew .. „ II 72. Alexander Rhynd .. .. .. 28 J57. Robert Warrington .. .. .. ~ II 73. Samuel Robinson .. .. .. .28 JSB. James Watts .. .. . .... ~ II 74 John Joseph Rj an .. .. .. 28 J59. Thomas Woodward .. .. .. * 11 75 George Scoles .. .. .. 28 160. Daniel Young .. .. .. „ II 76. Henry Mills Stowe Scon .. .. 28 16J. John William Bench .. .. ~'ll 77. Thomas Richard Smith .. .. 28 162. John Hislop Biaikie.. .. .. „ 11 78. Alexander Stewart .. .. .. 28 163. Walter Baker .. .. .. Jan. 21 79. Francis Stitson .. .. .. 28 164. Hugh Biaikie .. .. .. » 21 30. Alexander Campbell .. .. .. 28 165. Ed. Henry George Bhck .. .. 21 ai. Reuben Blakeley Heppleston .. „28 166. Jeremiah Callaghan .. .. ... „ 21 82. Philip Lopes .. .. .. 28 167. John Campbell .. .. .. 21 83. Arthur Miller .. .. .. 28 168. David Carson .. .. .. 21 84. Karl Percy Bismark Retter .. .. 28 169. Latimer Clark .. .. .. 21 85. James Kearney .. .. .. „28 170. Ed. Cornish .. .. ... i 21 86. Thomas William King .. .. „28 171. William Morrison Fraser .. .. . „ 21

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1900. 87. Robert Smith .. .. .. Dec 28 88. Robert Colligan .. .. .. 28 89. Thomas Christain Frank .. .. „ 28 90. Thomas Hazeldine .. .. .. 28 91. Richard James Murphy .. .. ~ 28 92. William Alfred Ralph .. .. 28 93. Joseph Saunders .. .. .. „ 2.8 94. Thomas Saunders .. .. .. „ 28 1901. 95. William Adsett .. .. •• Jan. 11 96. Charles Allen .. .. .. H 97. John Hollow Coad .. .. .. „ 11 98. Walter Ernest Potts .. .. 11 99. Burr Gould St. John .. ..... 11 100. Alexander Smith .. .. .. „ 11 101. Arthur Ernest Welsey Elton .. ....-■'. 11 102. Charles Flaveli .. .. • • . 11 103. Wilfred Arthur Lankshear .. .. 11 104. Benjamin Bateson .. ... .. ~ 11 105. Hy. Charles Alfred Christensen .. „ 11 106. Alexander George Currie .. .. 11 107. George Drummond .. .. .. „ 11 108. Victor Osborne Richardson ... ... „ 11 109. James Dunwoodie .. .. • • „ 11 110. John Cowie Gow .. ■ • • • ~11 111. Edmund Bolton Jones .. •• ... 11 112. David Kilpin .. .. .. 11 113. James Macandrew Maoandrew .. „ 11 114. Charles McKenny .. .. ', .. ~11 115. John George Paull .. .. • • „ H 116. William George Pullar .. ... „ 11 117. Hugh Biaikie Ross Crozier .. .. ~ 11 118. Henry James Curds .. .. .. .11 119. William Dempster .. .. .. .11 120. Thomas Fraser .. ... • ■ 11 121. William Anderson .. .... „ 11 122. Stewart Campbell .. .. ■. „.11 123. William Robert Leach Bird .. .. .11 124. Thomas George Govan ~ 11 125. Joseph Herbert .. .. • • ~ 11 126. Thomas Inglis .. ~ • ■ .11 127. William Jones .. ~ 11 128. James Junk .. .. .. „ 11 129. James Larking .. .. ■. .11 130. Henry Jos. Mathers .. .. ■ • » 11 131. Walter Montgomery.. .. .. i 11 132. Frank Percy Moren .. .. .. » 11 133. Sydney Morris .. .. .. .11 134. Maurice Moore .. .. • • 11 135. John MoColl .. „ 11 136. Charles McGough .. .. .. '„ 11 137. William McKirdy ...... .. . 11 138. Murdoch McKenzie .. .. .. ~.11 139. William Graham McKenzie .. .. .11 140. John Pender ... ■ .. •• ~ 11 141. Alexander Rattray .. .. .. 11 142. Alexander Robertson .. .. „ 11 143. Alexander Robertson .. .. .11 144. Jack Robson .. .. •. „ 11 145. James Rooney .. ... „ 11 146. Albert Sohnardorff .. .. • • H 147. Joseph Shore .. .. .. ■„ 11 148. Edwin Smallman ..' .. .. „ 11 149. Geoige Stevenson .. .. .. ~ 11 150. Francis Stewart ... .. •. „ 11 151. Robert Taylor .. .. .. .11 152. Hugh Tone\clifie .. .. .. „ 11 153. Frederick George Tonks .. .'. , „ 11 154. Andrew Wedderspoon .. .. 11 155. George Wallace .. .. .. 11 156. James Watbew .. ... .. „ 11 157. Robert Warrington .. .. .. .11 158. James Watts .. .. .. ~11 159. Thomas Woodward .. .. .. „ 11 160. Daniel Young .. .. .. „ 11 161. John William Bench „ 11 162. John Hislop Biaikie.. .. .. „ 11 163. Walter Baker .. .. .. Jan. 21 164. Hugh Biaikie .. .. .. „ 21 165. Ed. Henry George Blick .. .. 21 166. Jeremiah Callaghan .. „ 21 167. John Campbell .. .. ... .21 168. David Carson .. .. .. 21 169. Latimer Clark .. .. .. 21 170. Ed. Cornish .. .. . .. 21 171. William Morrison Fraser .. .. „ 21



Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers, etc. — continued.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 1901. 172. Samuel John Gare .. .. .. Jan. 21 260. John Nyberg .. .. .. Feb. 12 173. Christian Gartner .. .. .. „ 21 261. William Redpath .. .. .. ,,12 174. Richard Glanville .. .. .. 21 262. William Collins .. .. .. 20 175. Michael Glynn .. .. .. 21 263. Frederick Thomas Gilbert .. .. 20 176. George William Greenbrook .. .. 21 264. William Stubbles .. .. .. 20 177. Francis Hesketh Kevey .. .. 21 265. Richard Nelson Warin .. .. 20 178. James Lawford .. .. .. 21 266. Edward Chew .. .. .. 20 179. John Montgomery .. .. .. „ - 21 267. George Bowler .. .. .. 20 180. John Mitchell .. .. .. „ 21 268. William Morris Cook .. .. 20 181. Henry McCarthy .. .. .. 21 269. James Glass .. .. .. 20 182. Andrew McKean .. .. .. 21 270. William Henry Gore .. .. 20 183. Archibald McNeil .. .. .. 21 271. Wallace Greenhalgh .. .. 20 184. John Meynard Prebble .. .. „ 21 272. Henry Hall .. .. .. 26 185. George Ronnie .. .. .. „ 21 273. William James Larcombe .. .. „ 20 186. James Richardson .. .. .. 21 274. Pascoe Spriddle Marks .. .. 20 187. Charles Taylor .. .. .. 21 275. David Mitchell .. .. .. 20 188. James Oxenbury Vercoe .. .. 21 276. James Muir .. .. .. 20 189. Christian Alberthsen .. .. 21 277. William McKenzie .. .. .. 20 190. John Austin .. .. .. .. 21 278. John W. McRae .. .. .. 20 191. Henry William Bobin .. .. 21 279. David Ness .. .. .. 20 192. Charles Brown .. .. .. 21 280. Thomas Samuel .. .. .. 20 193. Lewis Howard Currin .. .. 21 281. Walter H. Stanton .. .. .. 20 194. William Alexander Dick .. .. 21 282. Laurits Friis .. .. .. 20 195. Peter Dow .. .. .. .. 21 283. John Amies .. .. .. 20 196. Charles Joseph Drain .. .. 21 284. Benjamin Duthie .. .. .. 20 197. Albert Pearson Gardner .. .. 21 285. William Glenn .. .. .. 20 198. Charles Hannigan .. .. .. 21 286. Horace Ray Newitt .. .. .. 20 199. Samuel Henry Hollows .. .. 21 287. Henry Charles Reeves .. .. 20 200. William James Inwood .. .. 21 288. Charles Rose .. .. .. 20 201. George Edward Jones .. .. 21 289. Logan Wilson .. .. .. 20 202. William Magneill .. .. .. 21 290. Herbert Allan Wise .. .. .. 20 203. Charles Edward Montague .. .. 21 291. Herbert Henry Evans .. .. 20 204. John McLeod .. .. .. „ 21 292. Andrew Carr Shore .. .. .. 20 205. Robert McLeod .. .. .. 21 293. Walter Burnside .. .. .. 20 206. Edgar Nelson .. .. .. 21 294. Walter H. Dixon .. .. .. 2o 207. William Slater .. .. .. 21 295. Charles Fletcher Hewitt .. .. 20 208. William Thwaites .. .. .. 21 296. Arthur Irvine .. .. .. 20 209. Charles Francis Tronsdell .. .. 21 297. Michael O'Reilly .. .. .. 20 210. Albert White .. .. .. 21 298. John Trembath .. .. .. 20 211. Cecil Bertie Williams .. .. 21 299. John Lord Wylde .. .. .. 20 212. Jess Herbert Wood .. .. .. 21 300. Eugene Joseph Draffin .. .. 20 213. W. R. Wood .. .. .. 21 301. William Harcus .. .. .. 20 214'. Edwin Salter Cole .. .. .. 21 302. John Black .. .. .. March 26 215. Charles Maddren .. .. .. 21 303. Henry Bosher .. .. .. 26 216. James Maddren, junr. .. .. 21 304. William George Goss .. .. 26 217. Samuel Harvey Maddren .. .. 21 305. Moses Hampton .. .. .. 26 218. William John Maddren .. .. „ 21 307. William Martin .. .. .. 26 219 Thomas Stead .. .. .. 21 308. Robert Agnew McCallum .. .. „ 26 220. Arthur Norman Wakefield .. .. 21 309. William George MoGee .. .. 26 221. George Anderson .. .. .. 21 310. Matthew Patterson .. .. .. 26 222. William Chalmers .. .. .. 21 311. William John Purdue .. .. „ 26 223. Edward Austin .. .. .. Feb. 6 312. Alexander Riddell .. .. .. 26 224. Charles A. Baigent .. .. • • „ 6 313. Antonio Rizzi .. .. .. 26 225. Riohard Blackburn .. .. .. „ 6 314. James C. Robertson .. .. .. 26 226. Antoni Raphael Bonetti .. .. „ 6 315. James Ruston .. .. .. 26 227. Malcolm Coubrough .. .. .. „ 6 316. William Henry Scott .. .. „ 26 228. William John Downie ... .. „ 6 317. Turner Smith .. .. .. 26 229. James Friar .. .. • - „ 6 318. Arthur Walker Stuckey .. .. 26 23o! Charles Frederick Gardner .. .. „ 6 319. Gilbert Suiter .. .. .. 26 231 Walter Charles Gellender .. .. „ 6 320. Frederick Dalgety Sutherland .. „ 26 232. Andrew B. Gilder .. .. .. „ 6 321. George Thorn .. .. .. 26 233. Charles Grace, jun. .. .. .. „ 6 322. John Thomson 26 234 Alfred Leeming .. .. . • „ 6 323. Robert Jame3 Trimble .. .. 26 235! John Pumphry „ 6 324. William Cook „ 26 236. Hugh Rooney .. .. • • ,, 6 325. James Purse Gamble .. .. 26 237! Alexander Paterson Stivens .. .. „ 6 326. John Carroll .. .. .. 26 238. John Henrv Wallaoe .. .. „ 6 327. William James Crozier .26 239. Benjamin Ward .. .. • • „ 6 328. Walter Dickerson .. .. .. „ 26 240. Fredrick John Brown .. .. „ 6 329. John Fitzgerald „ 26 241. Thomas Chapman 6 330. William Holt .. .. .. „ 26 242. Adam Cooper „ 6 331. Thomas Long „ 26 243. John Anderson 6 332. Ed. Whittaker „ 26 244. Walter Hannan „ 6 333. Archibald Williamson 26 245 George Hesford .. .. •• „ 6 334, Lawrence Lord .. .. .. 26 246*. Arthur J. Knapp „ 6 335. Charles Henry Duffill .. .. „ 26 247 Birger Johannes Lohrbairer Lynneberg „ 6 336. Randle John Montgomery .. .. 26 248' Lorenz Lynneberg 6 337. Robert Archibald Denmston .. .. „ 26 249. Joseph Triplow 12 338. James Frederick Ray .. .. „ 26 250. Robert Gemmell „ 12 339. Matthew Tweedie „ 26 251. Gardiner Thomas Gilbert 12 340. George Watson „ 26 252. John Luck „ 12 341. Alfred Watts „ 26 253. James Andrew Mahoney 12 342. William Alfred Weaver .. .. „ 26 254. Harry Kerreson \ 12 343. William Williams „ 26 255. Thomas Bredbury 12 344. Riohard Armstrong „ 26 256. Walter Moorcraft .. .. .. „ 12 345. Charles Mawkes „ 26 257. Edward Rainsford „ 12 346. John Charles Conroy .. .. „ 26 258. James Barmby Marris .. .. „ 12 347. W.lham Drys da ie .. .. . 26 259 Henry William McDonnell .. .. „ 12 348. George Williams Loughton .. .. „ 26 3—H. 15.



Eeturn of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers, etc. — continued. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person, Date of Issue* 1901. 1901. 349. William Oliver .. .. .. Maroh 26 372. George Page .. .. .. March 26 350. Jos. James Palmer .. .. .. 26 373. William Cummock .. .. .. .26 351. George Pannell .. .. .. 26 374. Edward Henry Gilberd .. .. „ 26 352. Charles Simmonds .. .. .. 26 375. Alfred Smith .. .. .. 26 353. Herbort Wells .. .. .. 26 376. Edwin John Barton .. .. .. 26 354. Frederick John Newsham West .. „ 26 377. George Bryan .. .. .. 26 355. David Blyth .. .. .. 26 378. Alexander McDonald .. .. 26 356. Charles Roby Coles .. .. .. 26 379. Charles Main McNicholl .. .. 26 357. Charles Geddes .. 26 380. William Price .. .. .. .26 358. James G. Irvine .. .. .. 26 381. John Shaw .. .. .. 26 359. Jos. Thomas Levien.. .. .. 26 382. Isaac Smith .. .. .. 26 860. Michael O'Halleran .. .. .. 26 383. Joseph Philip Uren .. .. .. .26 361. Albert Salter .. .. .. 26 384. William Augustus Pascoe .. .. 26 362. Edward Walsh .. .. .. 26 385. Clement Tate Brown .. .. .26 363. Henry William Barnes, jun. .. .. „ 26 386. William Renshaw, jun. .. .. 26 364. Thomas Thompson .. .. .. 26 387. James Shaw Laurie .. .. „ 26 365. William James Spedding .. .. 26 388. Donald Sutherland .. .. .. .26 366. Henry Archibald Going .. .. 26 389. Charles Head .. .. .. „ 26 367. Robert O'Leary .. .. .. 26 390. Charles Heath .. .. .. 26 368. Hugh Smith Bruce .. .. .. 26 391. James Irvine, jun. .. .. .. '„ 26 369. Dennis Kirby Talbot .. .. 26 392. Thomas Henry Lamb .. .. 26 370. Charles John Hall .. .. .. 26 393. Peter Henry Nightingale .. .. 26 371. George McHattie .. .. .. 26 394. James Black Maclea .. .. 26

No. 14.—Eeturn of Extra First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue--1901. 1901. 1. Thomas James Wilson .. .. Jan. 21 4. Peter McGoll .. .. .. Mar. 26 2. Joseph Hicks .. .. .. Feb. 6 5. Joseph Edwards .. .. .. .26 3. James Verran .. .. .. „ 12

No. 15. — Eeturn of First-Class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. I No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1900. 1901. 1. Charles Edward Bold.. .. .. Dec. 28 24. James Sydney Faulkner .. .. Feb. 12 2. Alexander Walker .. .. ... „ 28 25. John Allan .. .. .. .. „ 12 3. John Dunstan .. .. .. „ 28 26. William Dougal Campbell .. .. „ 12 4. David Anderson .. .. .. .28 27. George Burgess .. .. .. „ 20 5. James Cook Young .. .. .. „ 28 28. Robert Walker .. .. .. March 26 6. Frank Slade .. .. .. „ 28 29. Henry Birch .. .. .. „ 26 7. William Laird Cooke .. .. .. „ 28 30. George William Fiddes .. .. „ 26 1901. 31. James McLelland .. .. .. „ 26 8. William Robert Ross .. .. .. Jan. 11 32. Henry Simson .. .. .. .26 10. Frederick Seager .. .. .. „ 21 33. Percy Wm. Sowden .. .. .. „ 26 15. Joseph Edwards .. .. .. „ 21 34. Charles Elliot Bell .. .. .. „ 26 16. Harold Hay Gavin .. ■■■ ... „ 21 35. Arthur Charles Carman .. .. .26 17. Edward Erskine Collins .. .. .21 36. Charles Duncan .. .. .. „ 26 18. William Kidd .. .. .. Feb. 6 37. William Henderson .. .. .. „ 26 19. Charles Edward Turner .. .. 6 38. Robert M. Martin .. .. .. „ 26 20. Charles George Silvester .. .. 6 39. Colin James McDonald .. .. „ 26 21. Carl Julius Petersen .. .. .. „ 6 40. Alexander Murray Swhan .. .. „ 26 22. William John Huggins .. .. „ 12 41. Horace Atto Scott .. .. .. „ 26 23. George Thomas Slade .. .. „ 12 42. Arthur James Killip .. .. .. „ 26

No. 16.—Eeturn of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issu 1900. 1900. 1. James Edward Carr .. .. Deo. 28 27. William Bringans .. .. .. Dec. 28 2. Herbert Charles Orford .. .. „ 28 28. David Brittain Cameron .. .. .28 3. Malcolm James McDonald .. .. 28 29. John T. McMath .. .. .. „ 28 4. Henry Sneyd .. .. .. 28 30. Frederick Excell .. .. .. .28 5. Charles John Evenstrom .. .. 28 31. John Mitchell Kilgour .. .. „ 28 6. Roby Brighouse .. .. .. 28 32. John Moodie .. .. .. „ 28 7. John Ax .. .. .. 28 33. Andrew Campbell .. ~ .. „ 28 8. Robert McCulloch .. .. .. 28 34. John Brenssell .. .. .. „ 28 9. Robert Symons .. .. .. 28 35. Bertram Edgar Lucy .. .. „ 28 10. Robert Kelly .. .. .. .28 36. Peter Wilson .. .. .. „ 28 11. Charles H. Pearson .. .. .. 28 37. William James Masters .. .. .28 12. William Garett Brennan .. .. 28 38. Donald Hunter .. .. .. „ 28 13. James Grimwood .. .. .. 28 39. George Blair .. .. .. „ 28 14. Arthur Frederick Martin .. .. 28 40. John Alexander Bruce .. .. „ 28 15. John Stewart .. .. .. 28 41. William Jolly Swan .. .. .28 16. Dudley Harris .. .. .. 28 42. John Scobie Ritchie .. .. „ 28 17. Arthur Herbert Webb .. .. 28 43. Daniel Gibson .. .. .. „ 28 18. John Allan .. .. .. .. 28 44. Frank George Whinyeates .. .. „ 28 19. Frederick Hall .. .. .. 28 45. William Kane .. .. .. „ 28 20. Harold Willoughby Holstead.. .. „ 28 46. George Parker .. .. .. „ 28 21. Edwin Chapman .. .. .. „ 28 47. James Renshaw .. .. .. .28 22. Charles Henry Kellett .. .. 28 48. Charles Kesley .. .. .. „ 28 23. Hugh Connel MoKechnie .. .. 28 49. Alexander Aitken .. .. .. „ 28 24. Herbert Arthur Boddington .. .. 28 50. Henry John Pink .. .. .. „ 28 25. John Martin Nicholas Frater .. „ 28 51. Dugal Stewart .. .. .. „ 28 26. John Morgan .. .. .. 28 52. William Cummings .. .. „ 28


No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1900. 1901. 53. Thomas Gillespie .. .. .. Dec. 28 127. James Ross .. .. .. Feb. 20 54. Arthur Lister .28 128. Thomas Whitfield 20 55. Francis William Mowatt .. .. „ 28 129. William Herbert Craig .. :•„",£> 56 Percy Wilfrid Moss .. .. .. ~28 130. Randolph Leslie Miller .. .: March 2b 57.' John Kitto .. .. .. .. „ 28 131. Riohard Vince .. .. .. 26 58. Peter Hamilton „ 28 132. David Burson „ 26 59. David Rowe .. .. .. 28 133. Alfred James Hose .. .. .. 2b 60. William Lawrenoe Riordan .. .. 28 134. George Robert Holmes .. . - 26 1901. 135. John Nix .. .. .. - - 26 61. Frederiok Hill .. .. - .. Jan. 11 136. Bernard Whiteford .. .. .. 26 62. Thomas McGovern .. .. .. „ 21 137. Ihaka Ranapiri .. .. .. 26 63. Andrew Compton, jun 21 138. William Maule Henderson .... „ 26 64. Alexander Bowie Farmer .. .. 21 139. Walter George Fraser .. .. „ 26 65 Ole Larsen .. .. .. „ 21 140. Robert Houlis Houliston .... „ 2b 66! Joseph Henry Cronin' '.'. '.'. I 21 141. William Houston .. ..';.. „ 26 67. Thomas Kellett .. .. .. „ 21 142. John Imne.. .. .. ... „ 2b 68. Thomas Dix .. .. .. 21 143. Frank Fmley Keam.. .. .. 2b 69. John Gillies „ 21 144. Alan Mair Jackson . .. .. „ -2b 70. Robert William Barr .. .. 21 145. Charles Olof Marklund .. .. „ 2b 71. George Ripa Christmas .. .. 21 146. Arthur Edward Moss .. .. „ 2b 72. Thomas Nicol Don „ 21 147. Alexander McConnell .. . .. „ 26 73. Stephen Collier Francis .. .. 21 148. George Herbert Royse .. .. „ 2b 74. Francis Sydney Russell .. .. „ 21 149. William Wilson " „« 75. Horace Edward Stevens .. .. 21 150. James Hay Campbell .. .- 2b 76. James Francis Ballantyne 21 151. Edward Duckworth .. .. •• „. 26 77. Alexander Gait 21 152. John Talbot „ 26 78 Allan Gait .. .. . - „ 21 153. Gustave Ernest Anderson .. .. 2b 19. John Hansen '.'. '.'. '.'. „ 21 154. Edgarßissell .. .. -- „ 26 80. John Henry Perry „ 21 155. Samuel Diokson .. .. „ 2b 81. Thomas Stevenson, jun 21 156. Henry Campbell Greene .. .. „ 2b 82. Martin Wellbrock .. .. .. 21 157. Charles Frederick Johnston .. .. 2b 83. John Tyrell Weekes Feb. 6 158. Edwin Cardigan Williams .. .. „ 26 84. Francis Albert Smith 6 159. Thomas John Tudor Williams .. „ 26 85. William Dunn, jun. .. .. .. „ 6 160. James McGlements .. .. .. 2b 86. Eneir Christian List 6 161. William Annan . .. . - „ jb 87 Peter Eddy .. .. -. ~ 6 162. Richard Sydney Barber Glarks .. „ 2b 88. William Tonka '.'. 6 163. Hugh Faulds .. -- •- „ 26 80. Alfred Edwards 6 164. Thomas Hartley .. .. .. „ 2b 90. Basil William Henning .. .- „ 6 165. Ormond Hughes .. .. - - " fl 91. David Absalom „ 6 166. Leonard Marsh .. .. .- „ 2b 92. Daniel Forno 6 167. Hugh Munro .. .. .. „ J> 93 Henry Broad . .. 12 168. Alexander McKenzie .. ■ .. ~ 2b 94! Roger Clements „ 12 169. Albion Edgar Charles Newick .. „ 26 95. Alexander Camegy : .12 170. William Sutherland.. .. _ ... „ 2b 96. John Graham „ 12 171. Andrew Williamson .. .. ~-■.» 26 97. Bernard Reid 12 172. Louis Lawrence Anderson .. .. „ 26 98. Alexander Alexander 12 173. Glaude George Lovell Greig .. :. „ 26 99. George Gilder 12 174. Jeremiah Pritchard „ 2b 100. John Owen Harold Broome .. .. „ 12 175. Frederick George Shury .. .. „ 2b 101. Henry Brennan Kerr .. .. „ 12 176. John Robertson Simpson .. .. „ 2b 102. William James Noble .. .. „ 12 177. Stanley Austin .. .. -- „ f 103. James Scott Nicol 12 178. John Meehan .. .. - - „ 2b 104. Richard Norrie „ 12 179. Francis Carter .. - - - - . 2b 105. John Chrysostom Reidy .. .. „ 12 180. Thomas Ed. Kerswell French .. „ 26 106. John Roughan 12 181. Albert Edward Silcock .. -. „ 2b 107. Alexander Sharp .. .. ■ .. „ 12 182. William John Sweetman .. .. „ 26 108. Cecil Stratford Fleming .. .. „ 12 183. William Delahoyde .. .. .. ~ jb 109. Henry Dimond 12 184. William Richardson .. „ 2b 110. John Peter Everard Wick .. .. „ 12 185. William Aitken .. .. ■- „ 2b 111. Henry McArtney 12 186. William Bell .. .- -• . * 112. Arthur Patrick Malthus 12 187. Henry Joseph Boardman .. -. ~, jb 113. Marston Colbeck Guff .. .. „ 12 188. Alexander Forbes .. .. -- » jb 114. Robert James Burrell .. .. „ 12 189. Henry Powell Grieve .. -- ~ f> 115. William Buxton Austin .. .. „ 12 190. Charles Robert Hubbard .. - • „ # 116. Alfred Marshall J2 191. William Johnston 2b 117. Frank Mellish „ 12 192. Frederick P. Bedford Kenyon .. „ 2§ 118. William Spencer Nairn 12 193. Henry McDonald .. .. -■ » jb . 119. Andrew McLuckie 12 194. Horace Pope .. -. -■ » 4b 120. Albert Cook „ 20 195. Charles Stewart Shanks .. -- ~ 26 121. William Bishell „ 20 196. George Tomlmson .. .. „ jb 122. Bruce Charles Goudie .. .- „ 20 197. George James Barker 2b 123. Robert Ernest Bradley Boyd 20 198. Peter Bland Bartholomew .. -• „ 2b 124. Charles Vagg 20 199. Allen Owen Bishop .. .. -- „ 2b 125. Richard Thomas Edwin Lord .. „ 20 200. Arthur James, jun .. .- • • „ fo 126. William Williamson .. . - ~20 201. Arthur Willie Walter Hodge .. .. ~ 2b



Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1901.


Name of Vessel. rH CD 13 CO '5b o M CQ fl O H s§te i a -?<a g'fig'a o a rt fl M CO O CO a « co° alio Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. I j Remarks. Admiral Advance Ahuriri *Akaroa Albany Alert Alexandra Alice Antrim Aorere Aotea (Auckland) Aotea (Auckland) Aotea (Wanganui) Awaroa 82 31 43 8 28 8 17 28 8 li 30 4 30 16 33 15 16 3 Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Screw Extended river. River Extended river. Home trade. River First survey. Non-condensing .. Launch. 73 3 35 49 157 89 57 Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Ferry-steamer. Compound Oil-engines Non-condensing .. Home trade. River. Home trade. River First survey. Towing and cargo only. Fishing-vessel. Tug. Fishing-vessel. Paddle Sternwheel .. Awarua (Blenheim) Awarua (Bluff) Beatrice Bella Ben Lomond .. Birkenhead .. "Blanche Britannia Brothers Brunner Canterbury •Charles Edward Chelmsford .. Clansman Clara Clematis Corinna Coromandel .. Countess Cygnet Delta Despatch (Bluff) Despatch (Mokau) Dingadee Dolly Varden.. Doto Duchess Duoo Durham Eagle •Effort Eliza Elsie •Endon Energy Erin Ethel J. •Express Fairy •Falcon . Fanny Fingal Flora Freetrader .. 100 8 12 33 55 18 108 55 333 145 70 336 5 820 67 84 66 24 3 32 10 12 15 20 9 40 50 95 24 48 24 90 n 8 141 25 28 43 24 20 6 80 30 16 81 60 24 70 12 3 8 5 16 4 16 25 15 6* 30 9 180 30 Condensing Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Oil-engines Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Compound Condensing Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Oil-engines Compound Screw Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Sternwheel .. Screw Sternwheel .. Screw Home trade Extended river.. River. Extended river. River. Home trade. Foreign trade. Extended river.. Home trade. River Foreign trade. Extended river. River Home trade River Extended river.. River Home trade. Ferry-steamer. Launch. Launch. Towing and cargo. First survey. First N.Z. survey. Towing and cargo. Fishing-vessel. Launch. 393 24 19 62 26 53 138 13 Triple expansion .. Compound Twin-screw.. Screw River. Extended river.. Fishing-vessel. Tug. Paddle River Extended river.. River Ferry-steamer. Towing only. Non-condensing .. Screw 15 Condensing Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Extended river.. Home trade. Rivor Fishing-vessel. 15 20 36 32 Towing only. Non-condensing .. Home trade Extended river. Fishing-vessel. 55 22 838 95 Compound Home trade. Non-condensing .. Sternwheel .. Foreign trade. River Towing and cargo only. Gairloch Gertie Glenelg Goldfinch Gresham Greyhound Hamaraoa Haupiri •Hauroto Hauturu Hawea Herald Himitangi Hinemoa •Hirere 211 100 156 85 59 75 12 82 50 10 88 250 6 104 85 45 6* 16 Compound Condensing Compound Non-condensing .. Triple expansion .. Oil-engines Non-condensing .. Compound Twin-screw .. Home trade. Screw First N.Z. survey. 388 83 River. Home trade 475 1,276 Twin-screw.. Screw River. Home trade. Foreign trade. River Foreign trade. Home trade. Non-condensing .. Triple expansion .. Compound Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Condensing New launch. 1,114 370 149 First N.Z. survey. Launch. River 32 Twin-screw .. * Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel. rt CO 43 CD 'Bb CO M 03 a o EH Ml • Pico o co 4.9 o a £ a « o o a 5 aHi gioO .S »r!4«W SS£° u o*H A ° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Remarks. Huia (Auckland) Huia (Wellington) Huria 'Ida .. Invercargill .. Irene Ithaca Jane Douglas Janet Nicoll .. J.D.O. 90 8 23 10 10 50 2* 9 22 90 28 Non-condensing .. Compound Oil-engines Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Screw River Home trade. Extended river. Launch. 12 123 Home trade. River. Extended river.. Home trade. Foreign trade. Extended river.. Fishing-vessel. - 7 75 496 88 Dredging and towing only. John Anderson Kahu Kaituna Kanieri Kapanui Katikati Kauri Kawau Kawau Kennedy Kia Ora Kilmorey Kini Kiripaka Kopu Kopuru Koputai Kotiti 'Lady Barkly .. Lena Lily Little George.. Lyttelton Lyttelton Mahuta Makarora Mana (Wellington) Manapouri Manama Manchester .. 36 99 25 40 4 20 32 8 14 20 43 65 130 24 13 20 120 14 20 5 12 4 14 80 IOJ 13 25 300 24 160 Foreign trade. River Home trade. Extended river. 115 75 27 Towing only. 37 53 124 150 Condensing Non-condensing .. Compound River Foreign trade. Extended river. Home trade. Foreign trade. River Foreign trade. Home trade. Extended river.. River. Home trade Extended river. Home trade. Extended river.. Yaoht. Twin-screw .. 702 75 Non-condensing .. Triple expansion .. Compound Non-condensing .. Screw Launch. Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Cargo only. 28 5 42 39 Compound Tug. 20 4 Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Twin-screw.. Screw Twin-screw .. Paddle Screw Towing only. River. Tug. Towing only. 39 13 45 77 1,288 77 336 Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Extended river.. River Home trade. Foreign trade. Home trade. Extended river.. Mangaiti Manukau Manuwai Mapourika Mararoa 'Mawhera May Medora Mere Mere Minnie Casey Miranda Moa .. Moana (Auckland) Moss Rose Motara Moturoa Mountaineer .. Moura Muritai Ngunguru 'Nile Noko No. 121 No. 222 Ohinemuri Omapere Onslow Opawa Opuatia Oreti Orewa Osprey Ovalau Paeroa 6 20 25 130 530 75 3 20 3 20 4 33 18 6 4 10 50 275 45 17 20 9 100 120 26 80 14 18 5 50 17 70 75 15 Non-condensing .. ■ Compound Non-condensing .. Triple expansion .. River Extended river. River. Home trade. Foreign trade. First N.Z. survey; dredge. Towing only. 45 75 718 1,380 346 Sternwheel .. Screw Compound Non-condensing .. Oil-engines Non-oondensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Oil-engines Condensing Non-condensing .. Launch. 67 River Home trade. River Extended river.. Towing only. Fishing-vessel. 48 109 96 Home trade. Twin-screw .. Screw Fishing-vessel. Cargo only. Launch. River 66 1,247 133 54 21 15 394 502 73 352 16 64 Compound Triple expansion .. Compound Condensing Non-condensing .. Compound Paddle Twin-screw .. Screw Paddle Screw Twin-screw.. Foreign trade .. Home trade. River. Extended river. First N.Z. survey. Auckland dredge. Dunedin dredge. Home trade Screw 117 37 138 767 46 Non-condensing .. Compound Twin-screw .. Screw River. Home trade. River Home trade. Extended river. River. Foreign trade. Home trade. Launch. Quadruple expans'n Compound Paddle Screw • Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel. 34 CO rt m 'ra CO W CC a o H HClS u S a to gcs £ . O w o tfi co .5 3..a "ragra n a rt a 3 CO o CO W o.tJ-jA a corCOm 9CC rt o-rtffl X, ° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate, . Remarks. Paiaha •Pania Pareora Patiki Pelorus Pilot Piraki Planet Poherua Presto Pukaki Queen of the South Rakanoa Result (Napier) Result (Tauranga) Riro Riro Rita Rob Roy Rosamond Rose.. .. 10 27 355 37 18 11 10 13 749 9 11 71 15 12 13 9 8 128 3 110 40 200 10 4 4 11 16 90 2 Compound Screw Extended river.. Home trade. Fishing-vessel. Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Paddle Screw River. Home trade. River. Towing only. Compound Non-condensing .. 917 121 1,393 18 Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Quadruple expans'n Compound Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. trade. River. Foreign trade. Home trade. Foreign trade. Extended river.. Fishing-vessel. 22 34 462 Compound River Extended river.. Towing only. Fishing-vessel. Non-condensing .. Home trade. River Yacht; first survey. Rotoiti Rotokino Rotomahana (Auckland) Rotomahana (Dunedin) Rotorua Savaii Seagull Snark Southern Cross (London) Stella Sterling Stormbird Surprise Sylph Taieri Tainui Takapuna (Auckland) .. Takapuna (Dunedin) .. Talune •Tangaroa Tangihua Taniwha (Auckland) .. Taniwha (Timaru) Tarewai Taviuni Tawera Te Anau Tekapu. .. Terranora Theodore Thistle Thomas King Timaru Titiroa Tongariro (Taupo) Toroa (Auckland) Toroa (Napier) Tui (Port Chalmers) .. •Tui (Ngunguru) Tuna Tuna 630 1,263 139 901 576 31 12 205 157 26 137 64 5 1,071 46 58 377 1,370 109 20 191 104 135 50 450 172 8 6 10 19 90 39 40 50 8 155 2020 165 255 70 15 40 16 12 135 25 250 25 94 25 90 16 78 3 8 50 91 5 6* 14 31 Triple expansion .. Quadruple expans'n Compound Condensing Non-condensing .. Compound. Oil-engines Condensing Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Compound Triple expansion .. Compound ' Non-condensing .. Compound Twin-screw .. Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Paddle Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Home trade. Foreign trade. Home trade. Foreign trade. Home trade. Extended river.. River Foreign trade .. Home trade. Extended river.. River Foreign trade. River. Home trade. Foreign trade. Extended river. River. Home trade. Extended river.. River. Foreign trade. River. Foreign trade. Home trade. Fishing vessel. Missionary vessel. First survey. Towing only. Ferry-steamer. Dredge. 7 910 Quadruple expans'n Non-eondensing .. Compound 1,028 50 199 35 77 70 211 Condensing Paddle Twin-screw .. Screw Twin-screw .. Screw River. Home trade. Extended river.. Home trade River Cargo only. Tug. Launch. Oil-engines Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Oil-engines Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. 133 174 Foreign trade. River Extended river. First survey. Compound Twin-screw.. Screw Formerly "Flower of Kent." River •Upolu Uta .. Vaite Victoria Victory Vivid Waiapu Waihi , Waihora Waikare Waikato Waimana Waimarie Wainui 692 98 92 6 61 63 1,269 1,901 56 107 159 411 120 50 30 50 4 13 15 20 250 229 14 18 48 95 Quadruple expans'n Oil-engines Non-condensing .. Oil-engines Compound Paddle Screw Foreign trade. River. Foreign trade. River. Home trade. Towing only. Foreign trade. Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Quadruple expans'n Compound . Paddle Sorew River. Home trade. * Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c. — continued.

Return showing the Number of Masters, Mates, and Engineers examined during the Year ended 31st March, 1901, distinguishing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.


Name of Vessel. rH CO ra CD CD a o EH S'S rt f 3 ® -HCO O CO JJfo? glooO .5 CO ,33 44 a 4? CO O W rt 044CQ r^O^ Nature of Engines. of P^fler. Class of Certificate. Remarks. Waiotahi Wairere .. * .. Wairoa (Auckland) Wairoa (Nelson) Waitangi Waitara Waitoa Waiwera (Kaipara) Waiwera (Lyttelton) Wakatere Wakatu Wasp 167 27 63 48 31 56 80 24 20 62 12 16 6 15 140 30 1 Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Condensing Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Twin-screw .. Paddle Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Home trade. River. Home trade. Towing only. 27 River. Extended river.. River. 157 95 Paddle Screw Home trade. Launch. Non-condensing .. River To wing and family use. Waverley Weka Wellington ;. Westland Westralia Whakapara Whangape "Winona Yankee Doodle Zephyr 93 86 279 35 1,819 25 27 90 64 500 2 280 8 12 12 Compound Twin screw .. Screw Paddle Screw Home trade. River. Home trade. 1,900 19 6 8 Condensing Triple expansion .. Compound Triple expansion .. Compound Non-condensing .. Foreign trade .. Extended river,. Foreign trade .. Extended river.. River Greymouth tug. First N.Z. survey. Yacht. First survey. Fishing-vessel. Towing only. Paddle Screw * Surveyed twice.

Class of Certificate. Auckland. *% • 00 CO r4 c .-Ci 03 CO 44 43 cs cS O FM Ph Eh Wei llington. L; ■ttelton. Dunedin. Other Places. Total: »rj 00 CD 03 Ph rc3 . ! Ii © rrt CD rrt 03 DO ■rt 43 ! CD o3 O o3 h j EH Ph rrj . ° "c3 44 43 CO O rrt EH ■3 rrj 03 § r-, CD rrt 03 C/3 —4 43 cd CO O Ph rrt EH 13 * CO CO rH CO m 03 CO 4H -P cS CO O Ph rrt EH o o CO rrt 03 c3 Ph trt 43 O EH 'oreign - going masters and mates lome-trade masters and mates liver-steamer masters lea-going engineers (steam).. „ (other mechanical power than steam) liver-steamer engineers liver engineers (other mechanical power than steam) larine-engme drivers 3 7 10 11 25 36 5 8 13 2 4 6 21 44 65 5 8 10 4 9 4 3 2 14 12 13 6 16 4 17 1 10 "i 26 4 21 1 5 1 4 1 2 i 7 1 5 1 1 2 19 1 1 3 5 2 5 24 1 5 1 6 27 22 15 7 55 14 7 i 2 49 22 69 9 6 5 11 3 1 2 5 1 2 2 5 1 6 10 10 26 I 8 1 j .. 34 1 9 3 12 1 1 1 1 6 6 17 3 169 100 20 Totals 45 78 54 41 95 19 11 30 30 14 21 1 22 33 44 269



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,195 3 10 £ s. d. 1,195 3 10 Salaries of Head Office Harbours: — Manukau, — Salaries Contingencies Dredging approach to wharf Russell, — Contingencies Hokianga,— Salaries Contingencies Kaipara,— Salaries Subsidy to steamer for harbour-work Erection of North Sand Point beacon. Contingencies 426 0 0 54 5 7 5,341 11 0 • 5,821 16 7 9 15 9 274 0 0 5 12 279 1 2 415 0 0 170 0 0 145 5 6 54 10 0 784 15 6 Mokau,— Salary Snagging Contingencies Opunake, — Salary Contingencies Rangitikei,— Contingencies Foxton, — Salary .. .. • .. Contingencies Tauranga, — Contingencies Wairau, — Salary Contingencies Havelock, — Contingencies Nelson, — Salaries C. Napier Bell's report on harbour Contingencies Motueka, — Salary .. .. Waitapu,— Salary Contingencies Collingwood,— Salary Contingencies Karamea, — Salary Contingencies Okarito, — Salary Removal of wreck of s.s. " Waipara " Contingencies Okuru, — Signalling and Contingencies Little Wanganui,— Signalling and Contingencies Waikawa, — Salary Riwaka, — Maintenance of light Herekino, — Contingencies Stewart Island, — Half-moon Bay : Wharf repairs Cape Turnagain : Landing jetty Chain, lamps, repairs to buoys, and sundries 554 0 0 285 0 2 99 8 6 25 0 0 57 18 8 190 0 0 39 6 0 145 0 0 50 9 10 30 0 0 29 15 0 1 10 0 25 0 0 22 1 2 61 5 0 47 1 2 18 11 6 229 6 0 2 0 0 195 9 10 12 4 7 938 8 8 10 0 0 82 18 8 30 0 0 20 19 4 50 19 4 43 6 8 16 1 0 59 7 8 35 0 0 71 10 0 39 16 11 146 6 11 61 7 11 16 12 3 10 0 0 10 0 0 4 8 0 250 0 0 187 0 0 643 10 9 9,932 7 3 Lighthouses: — Salaries of keepers Oil, including freight and storage Stores and contingencies Keepers' travelling-expenses Lighthouse artificer Pension of widow of keeper Deck Erection of flagstaff and house at Nugget Point New light on Somes Island 9,224 0 8 1,097 6 6 2,756 16 9 141 10 5 210 0 0 24 0 0 238 12 7 99 12 4 13,791 19 3



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department— continued.

4—H. 15.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. Departmental travelling-expenses Bxpenses supervising excursion-steamers inquiries into wrecks and casualties Jnseaworthy ships Iharts .. .. .. .. .. Sundries ielief of distressed seamen £ s. d. £ s. d. 33 11 9 126 1 4 189 4 7 3 3 0 55 6 5 279 11 9 14 9 0 £ s. d. 701 7 10 Veather Forecasts, — Salary Contingencies 350 0 0 0 9 0 Inspection of Machinery and Survey of Steamers, — Salaries Travelling-expenses Rent, cleaning offioes, and fuel Contingencies 350 9 0 350 9 0 3,736 19 9 1,619 9 0 175 6 0 357 9 11 5,889 4 8 5,889 4 8 Examination of Masters and Mates, — Contingencies 90 4 2 superintendents of Mercantile Marine, — Salaries Contingencies 1.000 0 0 140 8 1 1,140 8 1 1,230 12 3 risheries, — Protection of fish and oysters : Salaries.. Contingencies Expenses, fish-hatcheries Hakataramea Salmon-hatchery Import of salmon ova Grant to Hokitika Fish-hatchery Experimental trawling 456 19 4 128 0 7 4 3 6 281 5 3 160 9 4 46 0 0 762 5 2 1,839 3 2 1,839 3 2 Less amount of credits to vote 34,930 7 3 314 5 7 crovernment Steamers, — S.S. " Tutanekai " .. S.S. " Hinemoa " 10,321 5 8 8,472 16 3 34,616 1 8 Less amount received for freight, passages, &c. .. 18,794 1 11 3,659 18 4 15,134 3 7 15,134 3 7 Total .. 49,750 5 3



Return showing the Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Lighthouses, and the Quantity of Oil consumed at each, during the Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Note.—This return does not include the cost of the periodical visits made to the lighthouses by the Government steamer with oil, stores, and provisions. The proportion of the steamer's expenses chargeable to this service is about £5,000 a year. * Lighted for the first time on 9th August, 1900. + Includes £28 Us. 2d., cost of repairs. § Includes £il lis. 3d., cost of repairs. t Includes £5i 43. 9d., cost of provisions for keepers. || Includes £0 9s. 7d., cost of repairs. IT Includes £Q5 4s. 7d., cost of repairs. ** includes £61 16s. 3d., cost of repairs.

Oil. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Gallons consumed. Value. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Cape Maria van Diemen Moko Hinou Tiri-Tiri Bean Rock Ponui Passage Cuvier Island East Cape* Portland Island Napier Bluff Cape Palliser Pencarrow Head Somes Island Cape Egmont Manukau Head Manukau South Head leading-lights Manukau North Head leading-lights Kaipara Head Brothers Tory Channel leading-lights Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Moeraki .. .. Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders.. Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point Hokitika .. Cape Foulwind Farewell Spit Nelson Stephens Island French Pass £ s. d. 349 7 0 344 11 8 280 0 0 160 0 0 160 0 0 345 8 4 268 15 5 392 6 3 20 0 0 277 11 0 300 0 0 144 13 0 270 0 0 268 11 5 1,041 820 510 90 76 1,380 462 762 £ s. d. 75 18 2 59 15 10 37 3 9 7 16 6 5 10 10 100 12 6 33 13 9 55 11 3 12 12 5 70 0 0 66 15 10. 63 19 0 38 10 0 £ s. d. 101 6 6 153 11 0 58 0 7 34 0 10 7 17 1 117 0 10 105 18 6 111 3 2 15 3 9 66 9 9 41 9 6 133 17 11 76 4 8 £ s. d. 526 11 8 557 18 6 375 4 4 201 17 4 173 7 11 563 1 8 408 7 8 559 0 8 47 16 2 414 0 9 408 5 4 342 9 11 384 14 8 120 0 0 247 5 0 467 3 5 90 0 0 270 0 0 270 0 0 280 0 0 286 16 8 263 14 9 247 2 4 280 0 0 250 6 11 343 6 8 392 1 3 354 3 4 12 0 0 280 0 0 318 16 3 280 0 0 380 0 0 210 0 0 Gas 960 916 877 528 529 159 151 546 686 163 553 500 575 498 533 647 884 657 783 866 905 Gas 544 046 240 1,837 123 1 50 3 6 11 0 3 39 16 3 50 0 5 11 17 9 40 6 6 36 9 2 41 18 6 36 6 3 38 17 3 47 3 6 64 9 2 47 18 2 57 1 11 63 3 0 65 19 9 14 18 6 39 13 4 47 2 0 17 10 0 133 19 0 8 19 4 +91 10 8 51 11 11 111 6 9 §98 15 4 8 5 7 65 3 1 75 10 5 50 7 2 55 10 4 40 3 2 {158 6 7 63 2 11 ||113 1 6 114 5 7 66 15 0 89 14 0 25 17 6 34 19 5 122 1 7 16 7 3 H200 0 4 ••81 16 7 410 5 7 182 12 2 398 8 0 615 19 2 110 3 4 375 9 7 381 19 7 372 5 8 378 13 3 342 15 2 452 12 5 407 12 1 411 6 7 514 14 2 521 19 3 509 17 1 52 16 0 354 12 9 487 19 10 313 17 3 713 19 4 300 15 11 Totals 9,224 0 8 21,447 1,592 13 4 2,756 16 9 13,573 10 9



Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Fees, &c., received under the Shipping and Seamen's Acts, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Sea-fisheries Acts, the Inspection of Machinery Acts, and for Pilotage and Port Charges, &c., during the Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Return showing the Amount of Light-dues collected during the Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, &c., collected during the Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Name of Lighthouse. Cost of Erection. Pencarrow Head Nelson Tiri-Tiri .. Mana Island* Taiaroa Head Godley Head Dog Island Farewell Spit Nugget Point Cape Campbell Manukau Head Cape Foulwind Brothers Portland Island Moeraki Centre Island Puysegur Point Cape Maria van Diemen Akaroa Head Cape Saunders Cape Egmontt Moko Hinou Waipapapa Point Ponui Passage* Kaipara Head French Pass Cuvier Island Stephens Island Cape Palliser East Cape Cost of telegraph cable to Tiri-Tiri Miscellaneous and unallocated £ s. d. 6,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 4,923 14 11 4,705 16 4 10,480 12 8 6,139 11 8 6,597 3 7 5,019 2 6 4,975 2 4 6,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 9,958 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,150 6 5 6,066 6 3 3,353 17 11 8,186 5 0 5,969 18 11 5,571 8 0 1,427 17 5 7,406 16 11 9,349 9 11 6,243 16 1 7,594 8 8 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 Total .. £181,490 3 3 * Light discontinued; moved to Cape Egmi •|- Cost of iron tower, lantern, and apparanoved from Mana Island, is not included in ■ I Built by Provincial Government of A mown in Marine Department. out. bus, which were rethis. .uckland; cost not

Nature of Receipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen's Acts :— Fees for shipping and discharge of seamen, and sale of forms Survey of steamers Measurement of ships Examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light-dues Merchant Shipping Act Pilotage and port charges Sundry receipts under Harbours Acts Sea-fisheries Act Inspection of Machinery Acts Sundries £ s. d. 2,050 11 6 1,314 10 0 6 18 6 221 5 0 22,240 9 3 88 14 0 3,322 4 3 258 16 6 152 10 0 4,556 4 0 147 2 10 Total 34,359 5 10

Port. Amount collected. Auckland Onehunga Whangarei Whangaroa Russell Mongonui Hokianga Kaipara Thames Coromandel Tauranga.. Poverty Bay Napier New Plymouth Waitara Wanganui Patea Wellington Wairau Picton Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff and Invercargill £ s. d. 6,432 6 1 119 17 0 97 0 4 7 13 9 22 5 4 4 7 4 8 16 6 188 2 1 82 16 4 16 13 2 19 12 7 442 13 11 738 2 7 180 8 10 49 19 7 145 16 0 10 14 11 5,184 9 8 15 0 5 261 13 0 310 6 1 419 6 7 216 13 11 3 3 2 2,473 11 2 408 10 8 3G5 10 0 2,023 12 9 1,991 5 6 Total £22,240 9 3

Name of Port. Pilotage. Port Charges, &c. Total. Auckland* Onehunga Hokianga Kaipara Thames* Gisborne* Wairoa* Napier* New Plymouth* Waitara* Wanganui* Patea* Foxton Wellington* .. Wairau Nelson Hokitika* Lyttelton* Timaru* Oamaru* Dunedin* Invercargill* .. Bluff* Riverton* £ s. d. 865 3 2 17 5 0 26 16 7 194 17 8 123 6 4 91 12 5 194 6 8 913 3 2 107 14 0 87 11 2 486 12 9 42 9 1 161 15 2 728 16 9 149 14 8 1,099 3 6 £ s. d. 4,083 17 6 163 6 3 948 2 10 36 10 10 976 18 9 5 10 0 3,977 0 10 200 15 0 103 5 1 11 9 6 £ s. d. 4,949 0 8 180 11 3 26 16 7 1,143 0 6 159 17 2 1,008 11 2 199 16 8 4,890 4 0 308 9 0 190 16 3 486 12 9 53 18 7 161 15 2 10,192 11 1 149 14 8 1,660 6 1 31 14 3 12,426 1 10 ■4,607 18 4 2,203 7 3 11,286 16 0 18 12 8 5,077 8 1 0 12 0 9,46314 4 7,619' 3 8 1,622 15 0 561 2 7 f31 14 3 4.806 18 2 2,985 3 4 +2,203 7 3 4,931 11 0 18 12 8 1,607 11 2 0 12 0 6,355' 5 0 3,46916 11 Totals .. 24,357 8 8| |37,117 3 4 I 61,474 12 0 * Harbour Board revenue. + Tonnage rate on cargo.



Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," during the Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Return of Licenses as Colonial Pilot issued in pursuance of Section 31 of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act Amendment Act, 1894," during the Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Return of Licensed as Adjusters of Compasses in New Zealand.

Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March, 1900. Amount received. Amount paid. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March, 1901. Name of Seaman. \ £ s. d. 2 12 0 3 2 8 0 11 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2 12 0 £ s. d. A. Weibe Jens Hansen John Tait Frederick Turnbull John Gilroy Thomas Perry .. Joseph Metcalfe.. James Mclnnes .. Alexander Smith John Crawford .. William Robertson 0 11 3 0 5 9 1 10 6 8 6 1 1 11 1 3 9 0 2 10 8 2 15 6 5 6 5 11 6 6 o'l6 11 8 6 1 1 11 1 3 9 0 2 10 8 0 12 0 5 6 5 313 11 1 10 6 2 "3 6 ll"6 6 Totals 6 5 10 -37 12 9 25 4 2 18 14 5

No. of License. Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Port of Residence. Date of Expiry of License. 27 28 29 30 31 26 2 Aug., 1900 Richard Groombridge Butt.. 11 „ „ Edward Wheeler 4 Sept., „ Gordon McKinnon 13 Nov. „ Hugh McLellan 30 Jan., 1901 Archibald Kennedy 7 March, „ Frank Law ton .. Wellington .. 20 July, 1901. .. 12 Aug. .. Port Chalmers .. 4 Sept., „ .. Lyttelton .. 11 Nov., .. Wellington .. 21 Dec, .. 3 March, 1902.

Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Address. 9 April, 1896 15 „ 5 May, 26 Nov., HD.c, 1 Feb., 1897 27 April, 27 May, 27 July, 1 Sept., 13 Aug., 1898 26 April, 1899 26 June, 1900 27 July, 27 Nov., Frederick Macbeth Robert Strang George Urquhart Thomson John Robertson William Bendall Hugh McLellan Frederic William Cox Thomas Fernandez Robert Hatchwell Arthur G. Gifford Herbert John Richardson Robert Heddleston Neville Charles Frederick Sundstrom John Adamson Thomas Basire Dunedin. Onehunga. Wellington. Lyttelton. Nelson. Auckland. Lyttelton. Wellington. Dunedin. Auckland. Port Chalmers.


Return showing the Number of Notices to Mariners relating to Matters within the Colony issued by the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.


Port or Place. Subject of Notice. Auckland Harbour East Cape iaipara Harbour Cermadeo Islands tlahia Peninsula ■lanukau Harbour tlilford Sound 3 ort Lyttelton .. Vaikato River 3-eneral.. Submarine cable, Motuihi-Auckland. Dolphin for mooring rafts, Freeman's Bay. Exhibition of light on East Island. Buoys on Tory Shoal (two notices). Position of Wolverene Rock. Caution against seeking shelter at Long Point Anchorage. Dredging operations near Onehunga. Position, &c, of mooring-buoy. Dredging operations. Leading beacons at entrance (two notices). New international code of signals. Location of position of shipping casualties.

Name of Lighthouse. Order of Apparatus. Description. Period ofRevolving Light. Colour of Light. Tower built of Dwellings built of Date first lighted. Cape Maria van j Diemen Moko Hinou Tiri-Tiri.. 1st order dioptric 1st order dioptric 2nd Revolving Fixed Flashing Fixed 1' 10" White Red, to show over Columbia Reef. White White, with red arc over Flat Rock White and red White Timber Stone Iron Timber Timber 24 Mar., 1879 18 June, 1883 1 Jan., 1865 Ponui Passage .. Cuvier Island East Cape Portland Island - 5th 1st 2nd 2nd Revolving Flashing Revolving Fixed 30" 10" 30" Timber Iron 29 July, 1871 22 Sept., 1889 9 Aug., 1900 10 Feb., 1878 Red, to show over Bull Rock. White Timber Cape Palliser ;. Pencarrow Head.. Cape Egmont Manukau Head .. Kaipara Head Brothers 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd Revolving Fixed * Iron Timber 27 Oct., 1897 1 Jan., 1859 1 Aug., 1881 1 Sept., 1874 1 Dec, 1884 24 Sept., 1877 10" 10" Timber Flashing Fixed Red, to show over Cook Rock. White Timber Stone Timber Timber Stone Timber 1 Aug., 1870 1 April, 1865 1 Jan., 1880 '22 April, 1878 2 Jan., 1865 1 Jan., 1880 4 July, 1870 1 Jan., 1884 1 Aug., 1865 Cape Campbell .. Godley Head Akaroa Head Moeraki , t Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders .. Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 2nd 1st order catadioptric 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed Flashing Fixed 1' i6" Revolving Fixed Flashing Revolving i ; Red White Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone i6" 30" Centre Island Fixed White, with red arcs over inshore dangers White Timber Timber 16 Sept., 1878 Puysegur Point .. Cape Foulwind .. Farewell Spit 1st 2nd 2nd Flashing Revolving 10" 30" V White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark limit of anchorage Red and white, with white light on beacon White .. Iron 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 17 June, 1870 Nelson 4th Fixed 4 Aug., 1862j ■"' v- <■ ago UlOct., ;1884"" 29 Jan. 1894' French Pass 6th Stephens Island .. 1st Group flashing t * Flashing twice every half-minute, wii every half-minnute. ;h interval 01 three sei jondsbetween flashes. I Two Hashes in [uick succession



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. A^L Alexander Stuart Reginald Cor.rtenay Willis Frank Arthur Worsley William Ernest Crotty John Benton Douglas Kirke F urton Finlay Morrison John Abraham Bergquist Horatio Charnock Hayward Reginald Trelevan Charles Watchlin Henry Edgar Adamson Daniel Henderson Thomas Henry Lippitt Henry O'Neil Daniel McKenzie John Baptist Allsop William McBride Ernest Dean Blackburn Thomas Henry Malcolm Herbert Russell Jackson.. Reginald George Pardoe Gerald Edgccumbe Senior John Kemp Mitchell Helmar August Dillner Robert Guthrie Hunkin George Buckharo Brown.. Patrick Darragh Arthur Seeley Charles Bonner William Paul Thompson.. Thomas Walker Cook Duncan Cameron John Carlson William John Paine Charles Watchlin Robert Isaac Fletcher Arthur Henry Fisk Arthur Jaques Blaokmore Walter Scott James Irvine John MeNeilage .Isaac Samuel Fletcher Martin Petersen .. David Mclntyre.. Benjamin Chellew Robert Albert Grono Philip Gibboas William Gray John Hoffey Thomas William John Crang Bowden Anthony Keane James McKenzie Matthew Scott Ernest August Meyenberg George Jacob Mercer Francis Moss Boord George Edwin Whelch William Allan Agostino Perano Denis George Mason Herbert Ross Mucdonald Qharles William Wallis Groves Percy Wilfred Moss James Olark Reginald Edward Smallbone Malcolm Richmond Donald McDonald David Miller Samuel Carson Cecil Callaway Yeoland John Eugene McGes Joseph Steel Camille Michel Malfroy Thomas Edward King John Wilson Brown Kenneth Sinclair .. Frederick Lewis Harrison George Maxwell.. Alexander Andrew Nicholson James Holmes .. Henry Horner Sanderson John McLean George Richard Skinner Thomas Melville First mate Master, ordinary .. Only mate First mate Second mate Master, ordinary .. Second mate First mate Second mate Master, ordinary .. First mate Master, ordinary .. Second mate Master, ordinary .. First mate Master, ordinary .. Master Mate Master Mate Master Mate Master Mate Master Mate Master Mate Master Foreign trade Home trade 1 May, 1900 .. 17 „ „ .. 8 June, „ 21 „ „ .. 14 July, „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 27 „ „ .. 10 Aug., „ .. 20 Sept., „ .. 11 Oct., , .. 13 Dec, „ .. 20 , „ ".. 11 Jan., 1901 .. 30 „ „ .. 4 Feb., „ .. 4 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 27 „ „ .. 6 March, „ 12 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 25 , „ .. 12 April, 1900 .. 29 May, „ .. 29 , „ .. 29 „ „ .. 19 June, 27 „ „ .. 30 „ „ .. 4 July, , .. 5 Sept., 5 „ „ .. 3 Oct., „ .. 3 „ „ .. 11 „ „ .. 18 „ 15 Nov., 23 „ „ .. 23 „ , .. 5 Dec, „ .. 10 , „ .. 13 „ „ .. 2 Jan., 1901 .. 30 „ „ .. 7 Fob., „ .. 21 , „ .. 12 March, „ 15 „ „ .. 25 „ „ .. 9 April, 1900 .. 9 „ ,, .. 19 , „ .. 17 May, „ .. 8 June, „ 4 July, , .. 14 „' „ .. 5 Sept., 6 „ „ .. 24 Oct., „ .. 23 Nov.. „ .. 18 Dec, „ .. 20 „ „ .. 15 Jan., 1901 .. 15 „ „ .. 9 April, 1900 .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 26 May, „ .. 26 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 15 June, „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ '.. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 14 July, „ .. 11 Aug., „ .. 15 „ .. 15 „ „ .. *881 852 882 883 766 884 885 *886 *887 888 *889 890 +891 892 893 863 894 865 895 *896 897 898 899 5425 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462 5415 5463 •5404 5445 5465 5426 5466 5433 5449 5432 5410 5467 5468 5397 5446 5469 5436 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 392 380 459 460 461 462 463 464 369 333 371 465 466 467 468 469 424 •470 290 317 Mate Master River trade 2nd class engineer.. 1st class engineer .. 3rd class engineer .. Foreign trade 2nd class engineer.. 3rd class engineer .. 2nd class engineer.. 3rd>class engineer .. 2nd class engineer.. ,, ".44,321=2'.. 3rd class engineer .. 1st class engineer .. 2nd class engineer.. * Renewals t Foreign-going steamship only.


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1901 — continued.


Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Henry Robert Tucker Robert Ainslie Thomas Alexander Lawson Alexander Wishart Thomas Raymond Jones.. Frank McConville James Cameron Murray John Gordon Robert Andrew Lendrum George McCullough Laird James Willasey Stevenson Charles Henry Gell Elias Lemuel Baggstrom Archibald Campbell McDiarmid .. Albert Coad Frederick Gould Bale Sanders Robert Yorke Neville Edwin Alexander Guthrie Harry Newton Stevenson George Ross Frederick William Bennett Emmanuel John Kelly James Gibson Bannatyne James McAlpine John William Bird Austin Frederick Warner William Dougal Campbell Fredererick James Ritson George Archibald Wills Thomas Wetherilt Henry William Robinson Robert Parr Arthur Charles Carman Horace Atto Scott Robert McCadames John Stuart White Joseph Steel Arthur James Merrifield Alfred Larkins Walter Wesby McKelvey Michael O'Halleran John Northey ■ James Purdis George Henry Sutcliffe .. Edward Bidd'le .. John Henry Wright David James 0 Donnell Ge roe Ki id Askin William Robert Twigg Eustace Cleary Iver Austad Thomas D uglas Sinclair.. Alexander R-id GcO'ge Alfred Lord Frank Percy Moren Ruland William Hunt .. Will am Joseph Heciley .. Basil Wi liam Henning Charles Fiaser George Alfred Friers William Wallace Louis Clifford Goffe Gurr Gould St. John Alexander Lockie Agostino Perano Eugenio Charl- s Perano John William Bailey Joseph Ri ger Hynes George William Coates Walter Cobourne William Henry Butler Thomas William Lapwood Richard Neville Reid Lindsay Alexander Allen George Aaron Wood Edward Sherroch Arthur Edgar Segar William Frederic Meyeuboig Palmer Otto Spry John Robert Lindsay Alfred Harris William John Huggins Ernest August Meyenberg Louis Eugene Nees George Jacob Mercer 3rd class engineer .. a • • 1st class engineer .. 3rd class engineer .. 1st class engineer .. 3rd class engineer .. 2nd class engineer.. 3rd class engineer .. 2nd class engineer.. 3rd class engineer .. 2nd class engineer.. 3rd class engineer .. 1st class engineer .. 2nd class engineer.. 3rd class engineer .. Engineer Foreign trade River trade 15 Aug., 1900 .. 15 ,, „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 14 Sept., „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 13 Oct., „ .. 20 „ „ .. 17 Nov., „ .. 17 „ „ .. 8 Jan., 1901 .. 11 „ „ .. 11 „ „ .. 11 „ „ •■ 11 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 11 Feb., „ .. 11 „ „ .. 11 „ „ .. 11 ,, „ .. 11 „ „ .. 11 „ „ .. 6 March, „ .. 12 „ . „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 15 , „ .. 15 „ „ .. 12 April, 1900 .. 26 May, „ .. 26 „ „ .. 15 June, „ 15 Aug., „ 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 27 „ ... 27 „ „ .. 14 Sept., „ .. 14 „ „ .. 24 Oct., „ .. 6 Nov., „ 17 „ „ .. 17 ,, „ .. 29 „ „ .. 2 Jan., 1901 .. 2 . „ .. 8 „ „ .. 11 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. i Fob., „ .. 11 ",, "„'■'. 25 March, „ 26 May, 1900 .. 20 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 8 June, 14 Julv, „ .. 14 Sept., „ .. 24 Oct., „ .. 6 Nov., „ .. 17 „ „ .. 15 Jan., 1901 .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 13 Feb., „ .. - 6 March „ .. 11 „ „ .. 8 June, 1900 .. 14 Sept., „ .. 14 „ „ .. 8 Oct., „ .. 16 Nov., „ 29 „ „ .. ; 11 Jan., 1901 .. | 27 June, 1900 .. 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 381 485 486 357 487 488 489 490 342 395 439 491 492 493 494 277 401 495 496 497 1823 1824 1825 1826 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 *1839 1840 1S41 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1819 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Marine-engine driver 2nd class engineer + t 1st class engineer + 2nd class engineer + 1st class engineer + 2nd class engineer + t Engineer f Sea-going River trade •Renewal. t For vessels propelled by other lechanical power than steam;



Return showing the Certificates of Service issued to Engineers of Oil-engine Vessels during the Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1901.

Name of Person. Rank. j Class of Certificate. J Date of Issue. No. Villiam Lund 'homas Henry Quarterman Jfred John Hyder Verrall .. Engineer .. .. Home trade .. River trade .. 8 June, 1900 .. .. 30 „ , .. .. 27 Aug., „ .. 1 2 3

late of Order. Purpose of Order. 1900. April 9 May 11 Vests management of wharves in Rodney County Council, and prescribes dues. Approves of Greymouth Harbour Board agreeing to contribute £1 for £1 for prospecting coal on Brunner Mine lease. Approves plans of W. T. Masefield's wharf in Clova Bay, Pelorus Sound. Licenses W. T. Masefield to occupy foreshore, Clova Bay, as site for wharf. Licenses R. Mcintosh and others to occupy foreshore at Whangaroa. Approves plans of wharves at Miramar, Karaka Bay, and Seatoun. Approves plan of embankment in Auckland Harbour. Authorises construction of embankment in Auckland Harbour. Revokes order approving plans of embankment in Auckland Harbour and special order authorising its construction. Approves plan of Caldwell and Sons' wharf at Pakawau. Licenses Caldwell and Sons to occupy foreshore at Pakawau as wharf-site. Approves plans of J. Evans's wharf, Waipapakauri River. Licenses J. Evans to occupy foreshore, Waipapakauri River, as wharf-site. Revokes order licensing Swain and Lonneker to occupy foreshore, Ryan's Creek. Declares Whakatane County Council shall exercise powers of a Harbour Board in Whakatane Harbour. Approves plan of rubble embankment in Auckland Harbour. Authorises construction of rubble embankment by Auckland Harbour Board. Approves plans of proposed diversion of Waiarohia Creek into Hoey's Creek, Whangarei. Prescribes lighthouse dues for Gisborne and Tauranga. Approves plans of Tangiteroria Bridge, Wairoa River, subject to certain modifications. Approves plan of Otamatea County Council's wharf, Paparoa River. Licenses Otamatea County Council to occupy foreshore, Paparoa River, as a site for wbarf. Approves plans of extension of Mitchelson Timber Company's wharf at Aoroa, Kaipara. Licenses Mitchelson Timber Companv (Limited) to occupy foreshore, Aoroa, for wharf-extension. Prescribes dues and rates for W. T. Erskme's wharf, Bolton Bay, Mahau Sound. Approves plans of protective works, Motueka Harbour. Approves Westport Harbour Board procuring suction dredging-pump. Appoints time and places and Returning Officer for first election of Mokau Harbour Board. Consents to Tnames Harbour Board licencing New Moanatairi Gold-mining Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore for mining purposes. Approves plans of proposed extension of Gisborne Training-wall. Approves plans of proposed widening, Clyde Quay, and erection of public baths, Wellington Harbour. Appoints time and ilace of first meeting of Mokau Harbour Board. Vests management of Le Ben's Bay Wharf, in Le Bon's B-iy Road Board. Revokes order licensing M. Davies to occupy foreshore, Coromandel, as site for baths. Approves plan of Otamatea County Council's wharf at Maungatnroto. Licenses Otamatea County Council to occupy foreshore, Maungaturoto, as site for wharf. June 7 7 Aug. 13 13 13 13 20 20 20 27 27 31 31 Sept. 10 10 10 26 26 Oct. 4 4 15 15 15 Nov. 22 26 26 29 Dec. 5 15 22 22 22 22 22 1901. Jan. 14 17 31 31 31 31 Feb. 7 7 15 25 „ 25 25 March 12 18 18 18 27 27 Authorises Waimea County Council to construct protective works for Motueka Harbour. Approves plans of land moorings at Westport. Approves plans of Te Puna Road Board's landing-shed, Tauranga. Licenses Te Puna Road Board to occupy foreshore, Tauranga, as site for landing-shed. Approves plans of National Mortgage and Agency Company's wharf extension, Tatarariki, Kaipara. Licenses National Mortgage and Agency Company to occupy foreshore, Kaipara, as site for wharf extension. Approves plans of R. Ostern's shed, Waiharara River. Licenses R. Ostern to occupy foreshore, Waiharara River, as site for shed. Prescribes dues and rates for Coastal Steamship Company's wharf, Mahurangi River. Approves plans of W. J. Bray's boa'shed site, Mangonui. Licenses W. J. Bray to occupy foreshore, Mangonui, as site for boatshed. Vests management of Coromandel Wharf in Coromandel County Council, and prescribes dues. Revokes order authorising erection of Mokau Wharf. Prescribes dues for wharves at Miramar, Karaka Bay, and Seatoun, Wellington Harbour. Approves plans of Waitemata County Council's wharf, Arkle's Beaoh. Licenses Waitemata County Council to occupy foreshore, Arkle's Beach, as wharf-site. Approves plans of extension to Victoria Wharf, Otago Harbour. . Authorises Kauri Timber Company to occupy foreshore, Oruaiti, Waihou, Kaeo, Pupuke, and Tairua Rivers as a site for booms. Approves plans of New Zealand Timber Company's Proprietary (Limited) wharf, Hokianga. Licenses New Zealand Timber Company's Proprietary (Limited) to ocoupy foreshore, Hokianga, as site for wharf. 27 27



Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1901.

5—H. 15

Casualties on or near the Coasts of the Colony. Casualties outside the Colony. Nature of Casualty. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total within Colony. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total outside Colony. of Casualties reported. cm xn <Z CD > CO CD ra ! 44 o 03 Or4 03 . co o , Sz;.E. =*-, 0Q °1d A co 03 OX) 03 a a o CD ~- xa 44 02 O CD 00 ra 03 O EH CD 44 O . CD •Z..S. hi ED . on So o to . OS O OJ 14-1 xii r^r? CO a a o OQ "S3 hH 44 «j O CD r5r? 00 CC o cH xa O CD »4 £ o oo ■ CD O CD AS> CO ci 03 a a o ■rJ • OQ rtl Strandings, — Total wrecks Partial loss Slight damage No damage l 2 3 468 907 ■■ ! 6 8 3 111 787 229 8 11 3 t 2 j 1,245 i 1,694 229 847 ■■ ■■ •• •• •• •• 8 11 3 2 1,245 1,694 229 847 .. I •• I 2 847 - ! .. .. .. Total strandings* 7 ! 2,222 ! , -i 17 1,793 24 4,015 - 1 ! I •• ! ! j I I 24 4,015 Foundered, — Total loss .. .. .. i , 1 I ! i 1 1 l .. 2 64 2 ! 64 2 8 64 Collisions, — Partial loss Slight damage No damage i ' i I I I I ! 3 3 4 2,264 5,296 2,286 9,846 - 1 2 51 1,963 •• - 4 5 4 2,315 7,259 2,286 •• 4 5 4 2,315 7,259 2,286 I I I - I .. . - i .. Total collisions.. 10 i 1 i ! 3 2,014 I 13 ; ; 11,860 [ i I 13 11,860 Fires, — Partial loss .. .. .. .. i J 1 ' '< .! i i " ■• - 1 J2.190 i I l 2,190 1 2,190 ! ■ Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas j to hull and cargo, loss of masts, sails, &c, breakdown of machinery. Total casualties to shipping Loss of life only Total number of casualties reported j 231 I 4 414 , i I i I I |_ I I I I 2 183 2 \ 414 i .12,251 24 5 4,102 3,149 8 5 16,353 3,149 8 5 2,190 1,227 44 6 18,543 4,376 19 43 5 '" 1 1 ' 1 i i i 12,190 11,227 8 6 12,251 29 13 19,502 13 i 2 3,417 1 2 3,417 50 22,919 19 7,251 48 ■■ •■ • • 14


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1900, to the 31st March, 1901.


™„4 „*■ Name of Vessel, Datb of als0 Casualty. Age and class CC- CO Number of .ture of Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. j| PassenO ! gers ' Cargo. Casualty. Direction. Force. 1899. Nov. 3 (about) Wolverine, new vessel Schooner 42 9,000 ft. sawn timber Capsized; total loss 7; all hands Supposed off Cape Saunders, on voyage from Whangaroa to Bluff S.W. Heavy gale Vessel left Whangaroa on 21st October for Bluff, and, having met with heavy weather, put into Akaroa for water and stores. She was last seen off Cape Saunders on 3rd November, on evening of which day a heavy S.W. gale sprang up, and it is supposed that the vessel was struck by a squall, and that her cargo shifted owing to loose stowing, which would prevent her righting in a sea. On 28th December the s.s. "Nairnshire" came upon her as a derelict in lat. 43° 27' S., long. 177° 55' E., lying on her port side, both masts standing, no spars lost, and submerged from bows to main, having her after - rail about 20 ft. above water. Deck was at such an angle that it was not safe to board her Findlay McArthur. 1900. May 5 Warrior, 2 years Schooner 73 Kauri logs Stranded; partial loss Two miles north of Ninepin Rock, North Head, Mantxkau Off West Coast, North Island, on voyage from Kaipara to Lyttelton Wind suddenly failed when vessel attempted to cross Manukau Bar John H e n r y Rochfort. 8 Eliza Firth, 31 years Brigantine 143 Timber.. Loss of life only 1 E.N.E. Strong breeze, with squalls AnA.B. named Frederick Turnbull was washed overboard by a heavy sea during a squall, and, owing to the rough sea and darkness of the night, nothing could be done to save him Master took bar in rough weather, heavy sea, and against signals, in preference to remaining outside and keeping to sea Joseph Murray. 11 Nautilus, s.s., 14 years Schooner 29 4 Cattle, fruit, butter, and sleepers Shingle Stranded; slight damage Near end of West Wall, BuUer Bar W. Moderate Samuel Alexander Leech. 11 Nancy, 27 years Cutter .. 22 2 Capsized and foundered ; total loss Between Pahiki Island and mainland en-, trance to Auckland Harbour Off Kaikoura, on voyage from Mercury Bay to Lyttelton N.W. Squall Vessel was anchored without taking in sails, when a squall struck her, and she capsized and foundered. The master was drowned Richard Bloomfield. Ronga, 1 year.. Schooner Timber.. Loss of life only N.N.E. Moderate gale An A.B., Peter Olsen, was engaged in making mainsail fast, when vessel gave heavy lurch. He lost his footing, and before he could recover himself a heavy sea broke on board and washed him overboard. Owing to bad weather nothing could be done to save him Edward Petersen. 20 93 Margaret Galbraith, 32 years, Al Lloyd's Zealandia, s.s., 1 year, Al Lloyd's Collision; slight damage Outer anchorage, Bluff Harbour (Andrew Culbert. Alfred Henry Thorpe. 23 Ship .. 841 23 Wool and tallow - Vessels came into collision while swinging at their anchors 23 Schooner 1736 72 General Collision; slight damage W. Light 07



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. CO CD Number of dmre of Number Wind. Date of Casualty. Place where Casualty occurred. Direc " Force tion. Jiorce. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. CD o CD rt Passengers. Lives lost. Cargo. Casualty. 1900. June 1 Lady St. Aubyn, 29 years Schooner 150 Timber.. Stranded; slight damage Petone Beach, Wellington Harbour S.E. Strong gale Vessel's mooring-lines parted while moored to Petone Wharf, and she drifted on to adjacent beach Vessel was moored to wharf when gale came on. Moorings parted, and she could not get away from wharf, which was exposed to full force of wind and sea Casualty caused through vessel being unhandy to steer, and being taken on starboard quarter by ground swell while entering Patea River, slightly touching bar, and refusing to answer helm. No blame attached to master The vessels' courses were at right angles, and, being both small vessels, could not see, one another until they cleared the wharf, which was between them, when it was too late to avert collision Casualty caused through striking piles, which are out of original position owing to scour by recent floods Casualty caused by crooked channel on bar, and vessel not answering her helm quick enough The death of A.B. Sydney A. Cormack arose through deceased accidentally falling from the maintopsail-yard, and not through any defect in the rigging, tackle, or appliances of the ship, and that no blame is attached to any person in respect thereof Vessel encountered heavy weather, when her bulwarks were damaged and vessel strained. Master took best course possible in bringing his vessel to Port of Wellington. His costs ordered to be paid Considering exposed situation of anchorage, more care might have been taken in keeping anchor watch by using lead; otherwise every precaution taken for safety of vessel. No order as to costs, and certificates of master and mate returned to them Vessel anchored under Long Point for shelter, but, finding anchors to be dragging, master slipped cables and put to sea to save her from stranding D. Savident. 1 Sarah and Mary, 34 years Schooner 145 Guano .. Stranded; partial loss Petone Wharf, Wellington Harbour S.E. Strong gale William Rennie. 12 Huia, s.s. Schooner General Stranded; partial loss Entrance to Patea River S.W. Light .. Alfred Haynes Sargent. 70 11 18 Plucky, s.s , 20 years Collision ; no. damage IHoratioGordon. Edward Miall Moss. Samuel Clarke. Cutter .. 29 Nil :| Koputai Bay, Port Chalmers 18 Tarewai, s.s., 9 years Opawa, s.s., 3 years 7 Nil Collision; slight damage Loss of propeller 2 23 Ketch .. 64 12 5 Produce Woolshed Bend, Opawa River Calm .. 25 Moa, s.s., 37 years Schooner 110 13 Coal .. Stranded; no damage Bar of Wanganui River E. Light .. William Henry Sawyers. „ 30 John o' Gaunt Barque .. 1227 General Loss of life only i Lat. 30° 14' S., long. 5° 25' W. On voyage from Liverpool to Wellington John Christian Cannell. 24 July 3 Fairy Rock, 41 years Brig .. 192 Timber.. Bulwarks damaged and vessel strained Off Cape Palliser, on voyage from Mercury Bay to Dunedin S.S.E. Whole gale Thomas Christian Peter Bissell. 4 Elizabeth Price, 27 years Barquentine 98 Old iron Stranded; total loss Long Point, Mania Peninsula S.S.W. Gale .. Thomas Hughes. Aratapu, 23 years Brigantine Loss of anchor and cable Long Point, Mahia Peninsula William Gilmer. 122 Sawn timber S. Gale



uly 16 Taupo, s.s., 15 years Schooner 408 22 Coal and timber Stranded; total loss Outside North Tip Head, Greymouth Vessel broke away from her moorings at the wharf during heavy fresh in river, and, drifting out to sea, stranded outside North Tip Head. Casualty caused through the windlass breaking. No blame attached to master, officers, or crew Heavy sea broke on board while attempting to cross bar off Mokau River, and water getting into the stokehold and engine-room lowered steam - pressure from 701b. to 501b., and rendered her unable to contend against seas rolling in. A coir tow rope washed overboard, also fouled the propeller. No blame to any one on board When getting under weigh the vessel did not wear as smartly as anticipated, and when nearing the beach-side of channel the anchor, which was not hove high enough, caught the ground, and the ebb tide shot the vessel up the beach Casualty caused through vessel not answering her helm, or helm not being put hard a-star-board by man at the wheel when the order was given Casualty solely attributable to error of judgment on part of second officer in keeping too far to the westward after passing the snout, having been deceived by the shadow. All certificates returned, and costs of inquiry, £2 14s., ordered to be paid by second officer, Frederick William Baron The master fell overboard while intoxicated, and was drowned Charles Brophy. 30 Douglas, s.s., 18 years Ketch .. 60 5 4 Coal .. Stranded; total I; loss I: North Spit, Mokau River S.W. Light .. Alfred Jones. Lark, 19 years Stranded; partial loss Abreast Heads Anchorage, Kaipara Harbour N.E. Niel McDonald. ,ug. 3 Barquentine 139 Timber.. Moderate breeze Falcon, 23 years Schooner Stranded; partial loss About 150 yards from north side of entrance to Timaru Harbour N.W. Strong breeze Edward Petersen. 17 98 Timber.. 23 Mapourika, s.s., 2 years Schooner 718 44 22 General Stranded; partial loss Mabel Island, off Picton, Queen Charlotte Sound Calm .. David Spence. Tararawa, 15 years Loss of life only One mile S.W. of Tiri Tiri Light, Hauraki Gulf Nine miles south of Chasland's Mistake, Foveaux Straits Bar of Waimakariri River John Nelson. lept. 6 Ketch .. 44 Ballast.. 1 S.W. I 14 Hermione, 23 Ship .. 1120 23 General Loss of life only I 1 N.E. Fresh breeze An A.B., Daniel Bowen, fell from the upper foretopsail-yard to the deck, and was killed instantaneously Casualty caused through shifting bar. Vessel touched and lost way, and tiuen grounded out of channel Casualty caused by stress of weather. Master did everything he could to save vessel, and showed great judgment in beaching her as he did, thereby saving lives of his crew Master held responsible for wreck of vessel, and ordered to pay £8 14s., costs of ipquiry John James Alson. years E. 25 Rock Lily, 13 years Ketch .. 50 4 Timber.. Stranded; slight damage Moderate breeze William T. Taylor. 29 Schooner 62 Timber.. Stranded; total loss Opposite Lake Ellesmere, Ninety - mile Beach S.S.E. Storm Charles Watchlin. Glencairn, 15 years 5 )ct. 2 Lord of the Isles, 19 years Barquentine 8 Bonedust and coal Stranded; total loss North side of Northern Sandspit, entrance to Kaipara Harbour Two miles north of East Cape S.W. Fresh breeze Robert Armit. 208 21 Linda Weber, 23 years Brigantine 114 Stranded; partial loss S.S.E. Fresh gale Vessel touched shallow sunken patch, causing hole in her bottom, and, as water gained on pumps, master decided to run into Hicks Bay, and beach vessel Casualty caused through heavy sea striking vessel on bar, causing her to touch ground, and lose steering-way Vessel ran stern on to pile-head of wharf; sternway not checked in time Simon McKenzie. 7 Coal .. 24 Gertie, s.s., 9 years Schooner 119 14 Coal .. Stranded; partial loss Bar of Waitara River.. W.N.W. Fresh N George Archibald Simpson. 25 Rosamond, s.s., 16 years Schooner 462 20 Timber., Collision; partial loss Wharf No. 7, Lyttelton S.W. Strong breeze - | Alexander Sutherland.


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

6—H. 15


Date of Name of Vessel, Casualty. . al ?9,, Age and Class. en o3 Number of Nature of e of Casualty. Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. log I iPassenW EH : g | gers. Cargo. Direction. Force. 1900. Nov. 6 Tarawera, s.s., 18 years „ 14 j Coralie, 26 years Schooner 1269 50 | 74 General Collision ; no damage Queen's Wharf, Wellington S.W. Light .. Vessel ran stem on to wharf. Error of judgment by master, who was new to vessel, in not going astern sooner when approaching her berth. Damage to wharf estimated at £100 Casualty caused through cable parting during a heavy sea and strong wind When vessel was going up river to berth, s.s. " Taieri " was leaving, and while swinging to get clear of berth came into collision with " Kennedy," causing considerable damage to upper portion of bridge, but very little damage below deck-line. Master of " Kennedy " admits that he underrated the current, as the " Taieri" swung round much faster than he expected When the " Selkirkshire " was approaching the Port of Napier the tug " J.D.O.," with pilot on board, in coming alongside ran into her amidships, cracking two angle - irons and starting the butt-straps Vessel met with very heavy weather off Portland Island, and, shipping a very heavy sea, was thrown on her beam ends. An O.S., Cornelius Eskhard, while endeavouring to get to a safer place, was washed overboard and lost Richard Daniel Watson. Cutter .. 29 Schooner 127 Ballast.. Stranded ; total loss Collision ; partial loss Waikokopu, Hawke's Bay Between buoy and Staitbs, Buller River Strong .. Henry Hardwick. Edward Graham. 3 I S.S.E. Dec 3 Kennedy, s.s., 35 years I 14; 2 General Calm ! 20 J.D.O., s.s., 7 years 87 5 1122 I 20 1749 .. 3 Ballast.. | Ballast.. Collision ; no damage 20 j Selkirkshire, 22 years „ 26 Grace Harwar, 11 years Barque.. Ship .. Collision; slight damage Loss of life only Near Napier, Hawke's Bay Off Portland Island .. S.W. by, S. S.E. ■' Gale /Benjamin B. j Creagh. I James Hough- \ ton. John Graham Briscoe. 1 . ' 1901. Jan. 8 \ Lizette, 20years Ketch .. 39 3 Ballast .. Stranded; partial loss Te Arai Beach, three miles south of Mangawai River N. Vessel missed stays twice, and, the wind dropping somewhat, the swell or rollers caught her on the bows; and, although anchors were let go, she went on the beach Master of " Kestrel " blamed for leaving vessel in charge of uncertificated mate during a night-watch, when another man who could have acted as look-out was available as lookout ; also, for failing to show bright or flare light when green light of "Rotomahana" was seen. He was ordered to pay costs of inquiry Vessel was lying at anchor in shelter when cable parted, and she went ashore While steaming on voyage from Foxton to Westport the propeller-blades of port engine were suddenly stripped ; cause unknown William Jones. „ 23 Rotomahana, s.s., 22 years Schooner -0| 80 General Collision ; no damage "I .Walter Manning. 4" 901 50 - 33 miles north of Godley Head N.W. Moderate 23 Kestrel, 32 years Feb. 3 Argus, 47 years Schooner Ketch .. 51 36 4 3 1 Ballast.. Firewood and pigs Ballast .. Collision ; partial loss Stranded ; partial loss Loss of propel-ler-blades Croixelles Harbour Light .. Patrick Darragh. Samuel Westrupp. George Archibald Simpson. N.W. „ 5 Gertie, s.s., 10 years Schooner 119 14 12 miles S.W. of Farewell Spit S.W. Light ..


By Authority: John Maokat, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1901. Price Is. 6d.]

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,626 copies), £88 12s. Od.


11 Takapuna, B.s., 18 years Schooner 377 43 General Stranded; no damage Middle Bank, French Pass N.W. Moderate breeze Court fonnd that casualty was a pure accident. No blame attachable to master, officers, or crew, and recommend that new survey of locality should be made The "Karamea" incoming up to the wharf ran into the "Elingamite," which was berthed at the wharf; but the Court could not say how the accident occurred, and could not, therefore, attach blame to any one in the matter Master committed error of judgment in overestimating distance from lighthouse. The lead should have been used when heading in for the land Master committed grave error of judgment in not letting go anchor when vessel was drifting on to Spit, and he was ordered to pay half costs of inquiry Fire supposed to have been caused by spontaneous combustion of scoured wool shipped in a damp state. Vessel put into Port Chalmers for assistance Master guilty of grave error of judgment in not wearing his ship a mile or two sooner than he did. His certificate was suspended for three months, and he was ordered to pay £15 15s. towards cost of proceedings John Grant. 14 Karamea, s.s., 2 years Schooner 3553 76 74 General Collision; slight damage Queen's Wharf, Wellington Gale 1 George Burton. William J. Wyllie. Gilbert Brown. "1 14 Elingamite, s.s., 13 years Eliza Firth, 32 years Schooner 1675 58 General Collision ; partial loss Stranded; partial loss "j N.N.W. 22 Brigantine 143 8 Produce About three miles north of North Sandspit, Kaipara E.S.E. Gale 25 Lady St. Aubyn 29 years Schooner 150 Ballast.. Stranded; total loss North Spit, entrance to Kaipara Harbour Light airs and calm Alexander McDonald. Mar. 21 Strathgryfe, 10 years Ship .. [2190 30 Wool, wheat, and tallow None .. Fire on board ; partial loss Lat. 48° 48' S., long. 170° 40' E. On voyage from Sydney to London About a mile and a half south of Waitaki River Daniel McRitchie. 24 Ariadne, 27 years Schooner Stranded; total loss S.S.E. Half a gale George Mumford. 230 11

New Zealand Wreck Chart 1st April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901, Compiled from Official Records in the Marine Department

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1900-1., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, H-15

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1900-1. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, H-15

MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1900-1. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, H-15

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