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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."

I have the honour to submit; the report on the operations of the Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Office for the year ended the 31st December, 1900. There has been a small increase in all classes of the business of the office during the year, and the revenue still maintains its elasticity. The actual revenue received was £3,396 17s. 3d., while the expenditure amounted to £1,027 ss. Bd., leaving a surplus of £2,369 lis; 7d. Full particulars are given in Tables B and C. The total number of patents applied for was 1,009, an increase of seventeen over the previous year. There was no marked increase in any particular class of invention, but the largest number of applications were made for inventions under the following headings : viz., boilers, &c, 29 (including 14 spark-arresters); building, 33; dredging, &c, 51 (including 28 for dredges and parts thereof); engines, &c, 46 (including 12 electric motors); illuminating, 46 (including 17 electric illuminating appliances); minerals, 105 (including 52 for saving and extracting gold); railways, 37 (including 11 coupling and draught appliances) ; and road vehicles, 55 (including 27 relating to cycles). There were also five applications in respect of linotype machines. As usual the large majority of the applications came from inventors resident in New Zealand, of whom there were 616. The United Kingdom came next with 120; the United States, 88; Victoria, 70 ; and New South Wales, 52. There were 10 women inventors all in New Zealand. There were thirteen applications under the International Convention, by which a right of priority is secured in those countries which are parties to the Convention. A change has been made in the method of sending out the English specifications supplied to this office through the kindness of the Comptroller-General of Patents, London. These have hitherto been retained at the publishers until several volumes were collected, when they were bound and sent out, a considerable time thus elapsing, in some cases two years or more, between the date of the publishing of a specification and of its receipt in the colony. The specifications are now sent out every month in small lots, and as soon as received are available for inspection. When a sufficient number of volumes have come to hand they can be bound in the colony equally as well as the work has been done in London at rather less cost. The following table is of interest as showing the number of patents that were considered of sufficient value to be kept alive by payment of the renewal fees: —

The Appendix hereto contains the following tables : — A. Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1900. B. Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years. C. Particulars of Fees received from the Ist January to the 31st December, 1900. D. Staff of Officers and Salaries.

Year. Number of Applications received. Number of Letters Patent granted. Number of Patents on which Second-term Fee paid. Number of Patents on whioh Final Fee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 614 589 606 625 756 816 992 364 348 326 334 349 362 478 80 78 84 99 88 113 118 37 23 37 47



E. Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c, under Act of 1889. F. Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs, and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1900 inclusive. G. Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1898, 1899, and 1900. H. Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1898, 1899, and 1900. I. Number of Applications to Register Trade Marks in the fifty different classes, in each of the Years 1898, 1899, and 1900. J. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Patents in the Year 1900. K. Alphabetical List of Titles of Inventions for which Letters Patent have been applied during the Year 1900. L. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Designs during the Year 1900. M. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks during the Year 1900. F. Waldegrave, Registrar. Patent Office, Wellington, 6th August, 1901.


A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1900. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d Patent fees ... ... ... 2,899 99 j Salaries ... ... ... 604 16 7 Design fees ... ... ... 711 0 ! Copying specifications, &c. ... 24 16 0 Trade-mark fees ... ... 488 16 6 j Fees to Patent Office Agents ... 39 0 0 Sale of Acts, &c. ... ... 10 0 1 Printing and stationery from Government Printing Office ... 39 15 11 Printing Patents Gazette ... 242 0 0 Binding, freight, &c, of British specifications and abridgments 59 15 11 Telephone ... ... ... 512 2 Fees refunded ... ... 200 Incidental expenses ... ... 991 Balance for the year ... ... 2,369 11 7 £3,396 17 3 £3,396 17 3

B. —Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.

Year. Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. 1893 .. 2,150 2 0 396 8 3 1,753 13 9 1894 .. 2,477 7 0 536 6 11 1,941 0 1 1895 .. 2,170 9 6 464 15 8 1,705 13 10 1896 .. 2,583 0 6 564 6 10 2,018 13 8 1897 1898 1899 1900 Year. £ s. d. £ s. ._. £ s. d. .. 3,183 9 0 574 15 2 2,608 13 10 .. 2,824 9 0 623 1 11 2,201 7 1 .. ■ 3,102 2 6 851 2 6 2,251 0 0 .. 3,396 17 3 1,027 5 8 2,369 11 7 Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus.



C. —Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1900.

D.—Staff of Office and Salaries. £ Registrar* ... ... ... ... ... ... Nil. Deputy-Registrar ... ... ... ... ... 250 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... 140 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... 105 Messenger ... ... ... ... ... ... 120 * Also Under-Secretary for Justice. £615

Number. Fees. Each. Amount received. Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications left after provisional specifications Issue of letters patent Issue of duplioate letters patent .. Applications to amend specifications Second-term fees, payable before end of fourth year.. Third-term fees, payable before end of seventh year.. Notices of opposition Hearing objections Applications for enlargement of time for deposit of complete specifications On grant of such enlargement Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees On grant of such enlargement Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against decisions of Registrar Searches .. .. .. .. .. .. Registration of assignments and licenses Certificates of such registration Copies of specifications and drawings Certifying copies Correction of clerical errors in specifications, &c Alteration of address on Register Registration of Patent Agents Miscellaneous 529 482 155 536 1 7 120 43 12 6 8 7 15 15 6 222 96 83 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 2 0 2 0 1 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 10 £ s. d. 264 10 0 241 0 0 77 10 0 1,072 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 600 0 0 430 0 0 6 0 0 12 0 0 4 0 0 7 0 0 7 10 0 15 0 0 6 0 0 11 2 0 48 0 0 41 10 0 39 19 9 0 11 0 1 15 0 0 10 0 2 2 0 2 10 0 il 7 o"i 0 5 "a l"l Designs. Applications for registration of designs Searches £2,899 9 9 1,5 1 0 10 0 1 7 10 0 0 10 Tbade Marks. Applications for registration of trade-marks Registration of trade-marks Registration of assignments .. Certificates of such registration .. .. .. .; Notices of opposition .. .. .. .. .. :. Altering address on Register .. Request correct clerical error Renewal of registration .. .. .. .. .... Searches .. .. Advertisements : Cost of extra space in Gazette Certified extracts from Register Duplicate certificate of trade mark ■ .. Block .. £7 11 0 354 315 78 6 3 3 4 69 0 5 1 0 £1 & 2a. 0 5 1 0 0 5 0 5 1 0 0 1 88 10 0 315 0 0 43 6 0 19 10 0 6 0 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 4 0 0 3 9 0 6 17 0 0 10 0 0 2 0 0 2 6 £488 16 6


E.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c., under Act of 1889.

F.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1900 inclusive.

G.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1898, 1899, and 1900.

Note.—A few applications were received from joint applicants resident in different countries; the ng» res wil l> therefore total more than the actual number of applications received.


Number c. cations w: {* Complete cations of Appli- Number ith which cations w: 3 Specifi- Provisional lodged. tions li ith which £££!£* Specifica- s £™£, nber of , T . tZle-e' "3K Complete , ations sub- *) tly lodged. rel r of Applitbandoned, Num' sed, or Patents iused. Total ,er of Nu ™ ber seaIed ' Applications. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 N.Z. 242 187 202 198 278 229 299 217 199 182 160 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 303 305 297 321 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 307 318 444 419 382 441 Foreign. 60 69 53 52 61 79 100 129 98 131 87 N.Z. 27 29 40 51 69 75 68 87 102 84 * Foreign. 17 25 16 24 16 34 33 41 29 55 N.Z. 202 191 237 262 352 403 439 481 447 Foreign. 50 50 43 30 51 51 75 95 70 N.Z. 147 122 125 133 177 133 185 181 172 Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 332 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 !l,093 1,021 992 jl,009 * i fhese figuri ss are necessarily incomplete, as ;he tinn for proc& ling furtl ier with th' applici .tions hai not yet expirei a.

Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 1 325 951 1894 756 15 347 1,118 1895 816 14 254 1,084 1896 992 27 279 1,298 1897 1,093 13 361 1,467 1898 1,021 10 343 1,374 1899 \ 328 992 12 1,332 1900 1,009 15 348 1,372

1898. 1899. 1900. 1898. 1899. 1900. New Zealand Austria Belgium Canada Cape of Good Hope Denmark France Germany Holland Hungary India Italy New South Wales Nicaragua 616 1 5 3 1 5 11 9 563 4 3 7 10 5 15 3 2 1 602 "9 7 9 5 Norway Queensland Russia South African Republic .. South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States Uruguay Victoria Western Australia 7 "_8 2 5 131 58 1 85 5 8 2 3 8 2 99 109 1 17 1 11 4 3 6 120 88 ;*) 5 '.8 1 1 52 .8 9 65 1


H.—Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1898, 1899, and 1900.

Note.—A few applications were received from persons giving addresses in two or more countries; the figures will, therefore, total more than the actual number of applications received.

I.—Number of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1898, 1899, and 1900.

2—H. 10.


1898. 1899. 1900. 1898. 1899. 1900. Slew Zealand 3elgium Canada .. jeylon Denmark France .. Germany Hungary India Jew South Wales 175 180 167 1 Norway Queensland South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States .. Victoria 4 "2 11 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 21 1 1 "l 1 3 "3 7 4 1 97 34 11 "l 87 23 13 1 95 12 29 15 1 39

ilasses. Clas.incation of Goods. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1 Chemioal substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmaoy Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not inoluded in other olasses Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, exoept agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes; instruments and apparatus for teaohing Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes Goods of preoious metals (inoluding aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &c) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Glass 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 . .-** Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods .. .. Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing .. Silk piece-goods .. .. Other silk goods not inoluded in Glasses 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair .. .. Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth .. .. •• _'.,__:" Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not included in other olasses Articles of olothing .. ■• Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding .. Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits .. .. • • • • Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes .. .. ,,.••. Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matohes ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap ,.,-_-,-; .u 1 Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other olasses Miscellaneous 8 8 9 2 11 17 19 3 4 41 3 26 i 34 1 5 6 '2 8 1 3 6 7 8 2 2 5 1 9 10 11 '. 6 12 13 14 2 5 3 5 2 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1 '3 3 5 7 7 3 1 4 1 I '_ '_ 3 1 3 1 7 1 1 2 i 1 2 3 3 5 i 2 1 i i 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 24 7 9 7 4 1 90 15 9 35 1 26 7 1 3 96 17 6 15 2 29 83 23 4 34 46 48 22 22 15 49 50 1 8 1 8 16




[t >eno ;es a prior .ate urn ler section 106 o: a 'atents, tesigns, an Trai le-mar, :s Act, 1889."] Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Aalborg, C, and another, Wilkensburg, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 13100.) Abell, E. G., and others, Brisbane, Queensland. Acetylene-generator. .. Adams, A., Blenheim, N.Z. Clothes-strainer ... Adams, W,, Lawrence, N.Z. Gold-saving table .. Adams, W., Lawrence, N.Z. Amalgamating-maohine Adlard, G. E., Invercargill, N.Z. Core-extractor for apples .. Airey, H., and others, Mataura, N.Z. Envelope-opener Aitchison, S., Heriot, N.Z. Horse-shoe Aitken, A., and another, Kumara, N.Z. Sinking shafts Aitken, J., Geelong, Vic. Rotary pump Aitken, R. M., and another, Reefton, N.Z. Sinking shafts .. Allen, C. W., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Envelope Allen, F. B. C, Auckland, N.Z. Incinerator Allen, G., Masterton, N.Z. Branding sheep Allen, G., Masterton, N.Z. Securing shelves to walls Allen, T. W., Otapiri Gorge. N.Z. Tailer, castrator, and ear-marker for sheep Alley, H. J., Huirangi, N.Z. Seed-sowing machine .. Allison, E., and another, Zeehan, Tasmania. Electro-magnetic separator Allison, S. P., Galveston, Texas, U.S.A. Separating fibres of plants American Cigar Maohinery Company, Sharon, U.S.A. Cigar-machine. (O. Tyberg, R. L. Patterson, and G. Arents, jun.) American Dunlop Tire Company. (See G. H. Scott, No. 12609.) Ampere Electro Chemical Company, Jersey, U.S.A. Production of camphor. (N. Thurlow) .. Anders, G. L., Surrey, Eng. Adaptation of the telephone to electric-bell pushes .. Andersen, A. C., and another, Odense, Denmark. Producing constant pressure in pneumatic tires Andersen, L. S., and another, Odense, Denmark. Producing constant pressure in pneumatic tires Anderson, A., and others, Mataura, N.Z. Gold-saving mat .. Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Cream-temperature controller.. Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Appliance for sprinkling butter with salt.. Anderson, W., Pyrmont, Sydney, N.S.W. Sheep-truck Andersson, S. P. A., Odeshog, Sweden. Churn Andrew, G., and another, Melbourne, Vic Cash register and indicator.. Andrew, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging Andrews, O., Levin, N.Z. Horse-stopper Andrews, W., Wellington, N.Z. Bail-cook Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Chaff-outting machinery Archer, W. G., sen., and others, Wallendbeen, N.S.W. Harvesting-maohine Arents, G., jun., and others, Now York, U.S.A. (See American Cigar Maohinery Company, No. 12763.) Armstrong, J., London, Eng. Obtaining zinc from ores Arnaboldi, J., Auokland, N.Z. Hobble Arnold, E., Wellington, N.Z. Wire-woven spring mattress .. Ashcroft, E. A., and another, London, Eng. Treatment of sulphide ores Ashcroft, R. W., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Rim for milk-can lid Ashworth, T. R., and another, Melbourne, Vic Cash register and indicator Atkin, E. R., Auckland, N.Z. Vehicle-seat Atkins, G. J., Middlesex, Eng. Manufacture of gas Aucher, A. C, Toowong, Queensland. Corkscrew.. Aucher, A. 0., Toowong, Queensland. Vaporised-oil burner Aucher, A. E., Toowong, Queensland. Gas-igniter Aucher, A. C, Toowong, Queensland. Gas-engine igniter Auoher, A. C, Toowong, Queensland. Gas-lighting Audiger, E., and another, Paris, France. (See Electrio Lighting Boards, Limited, No. 13050.) August, H, Invercargill, N.Z. Packing cans to render them air-tight .. Awdry, T., London, Eng. Label-holder Ayson, A. R., Wyndham, N.Z. Gold-Baving Bagby, W., Kohimarama, N.Z. Horse-oover Baillie, D., Pahiatua, N.Z. Candlestick Baird, A. R., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Aerial machine .. Baker, J., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Motorpictoroscope .. Baker, J., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Generation of acetylene gas Baldwin, E. S., Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving screen Baldwin, T. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Barnes, J. O, Brisbane, Queensland. (See A. D. Graham, No. 12466.) Barry, J. H. L., Mataura, N.Z. Wire-strainer Basstian, E., Invercargill, N.Z. Emptying washing-tubs, &c. Baxter, W. H., Leeds, Eng. Machinery connections .. ... Beal, C. A., and another, North-east Valley, Dunedin. Refuse-bin Beaton, A., Barrington, N.S.W. Corn-husking maohine Beavan, T. N., Poole, Eng. Treating ores. (E. Petersson) .. .. .. .'. Beaven, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Chaff-cutting maohinery .. .-. Beaumont, H. H., and others, Milwaukee, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12996.) Beehi, De. (See under D.) Bedell, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-braoket Bedell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Lead-heading nails Bedell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-closet siphon .. .. .. Beebe, M. C, and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Nernst lamp .. .. Beeman, J. S., London, Eng. Automatio feed apparatus .. .. .. .. Beeman, J. S, London, Eng. Applying tips to cigarettes .. .. .. " Belanger, V., Marshfield, U.S.A. Spinning-maohine .. .. .. " Belfield, R,, and others, Westminster, Eng. (See British Westinghouse Eleotric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 12884.) 13119 12861 13075 13079 12569 12960 13065 13040 13162 13040 13209 12629 12442 12636 12556 12386 12447 12674 12763 13192 12633 13165 13165 12582 12274 13214 13120 12754 13069 12580 13154 12757 12523 13070 13019 12303 13140 12282 13111 13069 12682 12804 13240 13241 13242 13243 13244 31 Oct. 11 Aug. 13 Oct. 15 Oct. 25 April. 7 Sept. 12 Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Nov. 1 Oct. 4 Dec 16 May. 6 March. 23 May. 18 April. 13 Feb. 6 March. 12 June. 5 July. 28 Nov. 22 May. 15 Nov. 15 Nov. 3 May. 3 Jan. 1 Dec. 31 Oct, 2 July. 15 Oct. 3 May. 14 Nov. 3 July. 10 April. 15 Oct. 27 Sept. 8 Jan. 7 Nov. til July, '99 29 Oct. 15 Oct. 11 June. 21 July. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 12605 13278 12440 12297 13036 13210 12920 13187 13068 13005 10 May. 28 Dec. 27 Feb. 8 Jan. 4 Oct. 4 Dec. 21 Sept. 23 Nov. 15 Oct. 22 Sept. 13207 12508 12950 12749 12544 12723 12523 3 Dec. 6 April. 4 Sept, 8 June. 20 April. 22 June. 10 April. 13027 12811 13015 12911 13256 13276 12277 29 Sopt. 25 July. 27 Sept. 23 Aug. 14 Dec. 28 Dec 4 Jan.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Belk, J. A. Feilding, N.Z. Driving mechanism for steamship Bell, G. W., and another, Sydnoy, N.S.W. Computing-machine Bell, P. W., and another, Piaka, N.Z. Flax-scraper Bell, T., Ellerslie, N.Z. Packing staroh .. Bellingham, S. R., and others, Glen Hill, N.S.W. Receptacle for discrete materials Bellingham, S. R., Glenhill, N.S.W. (See W. R. Fry, No. 12934.) Benedict, C. L., Ontario, Canada. Book or tablet Bennett, A. H., and another, Richmond, Vic. System of gas-lighting .. Bennett, E., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Nernst lamp Bennett, J. F., Sheffield, Eng. Motor Bentley, B. J. F., Surrey, Eng. Cleaning, drying, and polishing forks, &c. Besley, W., Nelson, N.Z. Horse-cover Bice, W. P., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Fastening for leggings. (W. Taylor.) Bickerton, H. N., and another, Ashton-under-Lyne, Eng. Oil- or gas-engine Bickerton, R. T., and another, New Brighton, N.Z. Means for signalling at night.. Bidstrnp, N, and others, Broadford, Vic. Boot-sole Blackwell, A. G., Wynyard, Tasmania. Oar-coupling Blackwell, E. O., Wynyard, Tasmania. Curative and fertilising compound Blackwell, E. O., Wynyard, Tasmania. Door-stop Bloomfield, H., Orepuki, N.Z. Tire for wagons, &c. Blythe, W. R., Napier, N.Z. Shirt Boagey, J. J., Pahiatua, N.Z. vVindow-fastener .. Bale, W. A., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (Sea J. P. Campbell, No. 13255.) Bole, W. A., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W..E. Hughes, No. 13257.) Bourbaud, J. L. E., Stawell, Vic. Tobacco-outter Bowman, J., Petersburg, S.A. Railway-brake Bowman, T., Liverpool, Eng. (See C. Lawson, No. 12867) Boyco, F., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Gas-generator .. Boyd, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Securing cycle handle-bars .. Boyens, W. H., Kaikoura, N.Z. Candle-holder .. Boyens, W. H., Kaikoura, N.Z. Branding carcases Boyens, W. H., Kaikoura, N.Z. Fountain pen .. Boyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Branding-mixture Boyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Branding wool-bales Boyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Marking sheep Boyer, J., St. Louis, U.S.A. (See New Taite Howard Pneumatic Tool Company, Limited, No. 12722.) Boyle, Sophia, Sookburn, N.Z. Clothes-wringer Braby, H., Ayr, Queensland. Steam-generator .. Braby, H., and another, Ayr, Queensland. Fire-lighter Bradley, C. S., and another, New York, U.S.A. Manufacture of nitrogen compounds Bradley, H. W., and another, Ashton-under-Lyne, Eng. Oil- or gas-engine Bradley, W., Ascot Vale, S.A. Acetylene-generator Bragge, J., Gamberwell, Vic. Carriage truok for railways Branson, C. B. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Saddle-cover.. Braun, F. W., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Burner. (H. B. Cary) Braun, F. W., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Cupel compressing-machiue. (A. O. Calkins).. Brebner, A., London, Eng. Group-flashing apparatus for lighthouse Brenkley, IL, Frasertown, N.Z. Dressing flax .. Brigham, D. Auckland, N.Z. Horse-collar rolls .. Brigham, F. G., New York, U.S.A. Spading harrow Bright, F. W., Kansas, U.S.A. Cooling and rinsing cans Bristow, C, Marton, N.Z. Seed-feeding device .. .. .. Bristow, 0., Palmerston North, N.Z. Preserving-can Brietow, C, Christchurch, N.Z. Envelope-opener Bristow, G , Palmerston North, N.Z. Seed-sowing apparatus Bristow, C, Grovely, Marton, N.Z. Seed-feeding device Bristow, C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Pneumatic expander Bristow G Christchurch, N.Z. (See New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, No. 13051.) British Motor Traction Company (Limited), London, Eng. Motor vehicle. (0. Jarrott) British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Eleotric motor. (B. G. Lamme) British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Dynamo electric machine. (B. G. Lamme) .,.,__. T _ _, British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, ling. Controller for electric motor. (T. S. Perkins) '„._.'_;_ British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Lightning-arrester. (A. J. Wurts) British Westinghouse Eleotric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Dynamo electric machine. (B. G. Lamme) -.'.'.,_,- ■, British WeR.inghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Internalcombustion engine. (E. Ruud) .-.__.. r _ „, _,, . • British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. JLlectnc railway. (R. C. Parsons, R. Belfield, and W. Chapman) _ British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Eleotric generator. (N. W. Storer) ..... T - _, British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Electrical distribution. (C. I. Young) ,-.._., t . British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Indicating speed of electric generator. (R. D. Mershon) British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, ling. Alter-nating-current induction motor. (B. G. Lamme) British Westinghouse Eleotric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, ihng. bystem of electrical distribution. (B. G. Lamme) British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited), Loudon, ling. _.leotrioal distribution, (C. I. Young) 12281 12871 12852 12895 13141 12391 13239 12911 12712 12568 12536 12913 12293 12514 12944 12462 12333 12451 12872 13028 13072 12548 13122 13153 13004 12285 12579 12612 12286 12287 12611 12294 12324 13174 12526 12293 13123 12949 12676 12614 12356 12936 12378 12932 12803 13094 12309 12566 12639 12703 12309 13271 4 Jan. 14 July. 8 Aug. 28 Aug. 7 Nov. 16 Feb. 13 Dec. 23 Aug. 22 June. 11 April. 18 April. 23 Aug. 10 Jan. 6 April. 3 Sept. 16 March. 23 Jan. 10 Maroh. 15 Aug. 28 Sept. 15 Oct. 20 April. 31 Oot. 8 Nov. 22 Sept. 8 Jan. 5 May. 14 May. 8 Jan. 8 Jan. 14 May. 8 Jan. 18 Jan. 17 Nov. 12 April. 10 Jan. 31 Oct. 4 Sept. 12 June. 14 May. 1 Feb. 31 Aug. 18 Dec '99, 28 Aug. 20 July. 26 Oct. 16 Jan. 26 April. 23 May. 18 June. 16 Jan. 27 Dec. 13245 12444 13 Deo. 7 Mar. 12448 9 Mar. 12557 24 April. 12560 24 April. 12599 12 May. 12744 29 June. 12884 17 Aug. 12902 22 Aug. 12903 22 Aug. 12926 29 Aug. 12969 12 Sept. 12977 14 Sept. 13018 27 Sept.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. British Westinghouse Eleotric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Generating electro-motive force. (J. E. Miller) British Westinghouse Eleotric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Insulating support for electrio conductor. (G. Wright and C. Aalborg) British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Protecting electric apparatus from abrupt changes in static potential. (P. H. Thomas) British Westinghouse Eleotric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Induction motor. (B. G. Lamme) British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Electrical distribution. (N. W. Storer) British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Protecting electrical apparatus from abrupt changes in stalic potential. (P. H. Thomas) British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Coil for electrical machine. (J. P. Mallett) British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. Electrical distribution. (H. R. Kent) Broad, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Cloth-damping apparatus and composition for press-copying .. Broad, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Gas-heated iron .. _ .. Bromiley, W.. Dunedin, N.Z. Insect-killing composition Bromiley, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Vessel for containing material for killing moths Brown, H., and and another, Wairoa, N.Z. Railway-coupling Brown, J., Earlston, Violet Town, Vic. Wire-strainer Brown, R., Lyttelton, N.Z. Socket for earthenware drain-pipes Brown, R., Sydney, N.S.W. Wire-strainer Brown, R. W., Auckland, N.Z. Attachment to bicycle Brown, S. G., Bournemouth, Eng. Telegraphic apparatus Browne, F., and another, Mataura, N.Z. Gold saving screen Brownlees, G., Naracoorte, S.A. Gate-fittings Brownley, A. H., Onehunga, N.Z. Seouring serviettes Bruhn, W., Berlin, Germany. Fare-indicating device Brul, Du. (See under D.) Bryant, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for prospeoting gold Bryant, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Pump or dredge Bryant, T. E., Kinloch, N.Z. Harness fastening Bryant, T. M., Whangarei, N.Z. Easy chair .. Buchanan, J. Y., Edinburgh, Scotland. Electrio cable Buck, H. A., London, Eng. Generating steam in steam-engines Buck, H. A., London, Eng. Rotary engine Buddie, J. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Brick Burns, J., Melbourne, Vic. Pump Burrell, T., Melbourne, Vic. Cyole-tire ... Burrell, T., Melbourne, Vic Handcuff Burrell, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic Rabbit-orate Burridge, C, and another, Wairoa, N.Z. Railway-coupling.. Butt, G. W., and another, Littlehampton, Eng. Carving-machine Buttolph, J. G. H, Ryal Bush, N.Z. Wire-strainer Byron, A. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Aerial maohine Caesar, P. J., and another, St. Louis, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, No. 12780.) Gairney, W. D., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Explosives Caithness, D., Mataura, N.Z. Breaking up and removing clay from shoots of dredges Caldwell, R., Auckland N.Z. Milking instrument Calkins, A. C, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (See F. W. Braun, No. 12356.) Callahan, J., and others, Milwaukee, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12996.) Cameron, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Gold-dredging table Cameron, D., Greytown, N.Z. Rifle Cameron, D., and others, Exeter, Eng. (See W. Parker, Nos. 12624, 12625, and 12626.) Cameron, E. A., Queenstown, N.Z. Spark-arrester and fuel-economiser Cameron, E. A., Queenstown, N.Z. Spark-arrester Cameron, J. B., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Safety-device for mining-cage. (H.Turner) Campbell, A., Chioago, U.S.A. Refrigerating-apparatus Campbell, H., Dannevirke, N.Z. Straining wire round cheese-cases Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Igniting-apparatus. (W. A. Bole) .. Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Current-collector for electrical machine. (B. G Lamme).. Carder, G., and others, Auokland, N.Z. Sink and drain Carder, W., and others, Auokland, N.Z. Sink and drain Carpentier, L. L., Paris, France. Preserving alimentary products Carrington, G., Tomoana, H.B., N.Z. Wall-bracket Carter, A., Oropi, Tauranga, N.Z. Splitting timber Carter, E., Woolston, N.Z. Street fire-alarm box .. Cary, H. B., Los Angeles, U.S.A. (See F. W. Braun, No. 12614.) Gasgrain, L. A., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 12837) Gaspers, H., Albury, N.S.W. Vebiole-wheel Cassel, E. F., Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. Hydraulic motor Chamberlain, W. E., Feilding, N.Z. Seed-sower .. Chambers, R., New Plymouth, N.Z. Friction hoist Chapman, A. H., Kurow, N.Z. Treating frozen meat Chapman, W., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Eleotric railway Chapman, W., and others, Westminster, Eng. (See British Westinghouse Eleotric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 12884.) Chatfield, R. P., Auckland, N.Z. Spur-attachment Cheal, P. E., Auckland, N.Z. Caster Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. Oil-lamp burner Christchurch Press Company (Limited) and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Production of overlays in illustration-printing Christensen, H. V. Copenhagen, Denmark. (See C. Dahl, No. 12873.) Christy, S. B., Berkeley, U.S.A. (See F. A. Rich, No. 12535.) Churoh, A., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-arm sight 13021 28 Sept. 13100 26 Oot. 13101 26 Oot. 13102 26 Oot. 13103 26 Oot. 13112 29 Oct. 13168 16 Nov. 13189 23 Nov. 12979 12982 12891 12892 13057 12968 12571 12369 12990 12562 12475 12970 12481 12463 13 Sept. 13 Sept. 17 Aug. 17 Aug. 12 Oct. 12 Sept. 28 April. 8 Feb. 14 Sept. 24 April. 16 March. 12 Sept. 6 April. 16 March, 13078 12553 13201 12706 12720 12445 12468 12583 13088 12415 12742 12334 13057 12577 13177 13210 18 Oct. 20 April. 28 Nov. 29 June. 22 June. 7 Maroh, 19 March 4 May. 23 Oct. 22 Feb. 29 June. 23 Jan. 12 Oct. 4 May. 19 Nov. 4 Dec. 12388 12666 12596 16 Feb. 1 June. 9 May. 12353 12808 29 Jan. 24 July. 12422 13178 12840 13093 12423 13255 12397 12774 12774 12476 13280 12622 13083 23 Feb. 19 Nov. 2 Aug. 26 Oct. 27 Feb. 14 Dec. 16 Feb. 11 July. 11 July. 19 March. 28 Dec. 17 May. 22 Oct. 13183 12602 13129 12635 12545 12492 23 Nov. 12 May. 2 Nov. 22 May. 20 April. 30 Maroh. 13006 12593 12752 12821 22 Sept. 8 May. 2 July. 28 July. 12989 14 Sept.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Church, A., Auckland, N.Z. Rifle-sight Clamond, G., Paris, France. Gas-stove Clancy, J. C, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Elimination of zinc from ores, and reoovery of gold, &c, therefrom Clapcott, B., Auckland, N.Z. Knife-holder Clark, A. G., Cincinnati, U.S.A. Treating zinc-bearing ores. (B. Sadtler) Clark, A. G., Cincinnati, U.S.A. Retort. (B. Sadtler) Clark, A. G., Cincinnati, U.S.A. Manufacturing retorts. (B. Sadtler)*.. Clark, A. J., and others, Denver, U.S.A. Rock-drilling machine Clark, E., Abbotsford, Vic Horse-collar Clark, R. O., jun., Hobsonville, Auckland, N.Z. Foundation-pile for buildings Clarke, J., Orangeville, Canada. Preservation and purification Clarke, T. P. Waihi, Auckland, N.Z. Crushing-die and mortar-box Claude, F. R., Papatoitoi, N.Z. Knife-shield Claydon, G., Rakaia, N.Z. Whipple-tree Claydon, G., Rakaia, N.Z. Tea-infusing appliance Claydon, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Applying forced draught to furnaoes .. Cleene, De. (See under D.) Clokey, W. J., and others, Toronto, Canada. (See Massey-Harris Company, Limited, No. 12436.) Coates, J., Ottawa, Canada. Measuring and mixing gas and air. (G. R. Cottrell) Coates, W., and others, Queonsport, Queensland. Preserving meat Coe, J. A., Brisbane, Queensland. Extracting gold and silver Coleman, S. E. G., Auokland, N.Z. Combined knife, fork, and spoon Coles, G. A., Auokland, N.Z. Military boot Collett, A. W., and another, Dannevirke, N.Z. Stump-jack.. Colley, H., and others, Kiama, N.S.W. Nightsoil-cart Collins, E. E., Mataura, N.Z. Clearing sluioe-boxes Collis, J. J., Te Aroha, N.Z. Step-ladder Colville, J. A., Masterton, N.Z. Gate-or door-fastener Combret, R., Paris, France. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 12680.) Commin, F. J., and others, Exeter, Eng. (See W. Parker, Nos. 12624, 12625, and 12626.) Conrad, F., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 11829.) Constable, C. W., and another, Queenstown, N.Z. Spark-extinguisher.. Cook, J. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Fastening for hamper Cooke, J. H., and another, Bairnsdale, Vic Tire Cooper, E. K, Thames, N.Z. Ore-crusher Cocze, C. J., Carterton, N.Z. Generating acetylene-gas Cooze, O. J., Carterton, N.Z. Clothes-washing appliance Cooze, C. J., and another, Carterton, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vic Manufacturing lead carbonate Corbett, F. J,, South Yarra, Vic Manufacturing lead carbonate Corbett, J., Orepuki, N.Z. Prospecting-machine .. Corbett, J., Orepuki, N.Z. Ditcher .. .. .. .. Corbett, J., and another, Orepuki, N.Z. Gold-saving Corby, C. I., and others, Washington, U.S.A. Making dough for bread Corby, W. S., and others, Washington, U.S.A. Making dough for bread.. Corriok, J. F., Havelook, N.Z. Conveyor or elevator Corson, W. L., San Francisco, U.S.A. Exhaust mechanism for explosive engine Cotton, A. H., Waipu, N.Z. Mechanical toy Cottrell, G. R., New York, U.S.A. (See J. Coates, No. 12401.) Coulson, W., Tokatea, Coromandel, N.Z. Retort.. Goulthard, T. W., Mangapai, N.Z. Spring ohair Coupal, P. A., and another, Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 12372.) Gourcy, De. (See under D.) Couston, J., and another, Perth, W.A. Pipe-joint-oaulking machine Coutts, C:, and another, Ayr, Queensland. Fire-lighter Craig, H., and others, San Francisco, U.S.A. Manufacture of brooms from New Zealand flax.. Crane, J., and others, Hobart, Tasmania. Removing barnacles from hulls of vessels Crawford, R. and another, Belfast, Ireland. Flax scutching and cleaning machinery Gruickshank, 0. M., Kelso, N.Z. Cock for water-tank Crump, T. B., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Bridle-bit Cuff, W. H., Braintree, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (See MoKay Shoe Machinery Company, No. 12162.) Cullimore, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Flat-iron for billiard-table Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Branding animals Cummings, A. L., Auckland, N.Z. Furniture-oaster Cummings, A. L., Auckland, N.Z. Caster Cusdin, T., and another, Armadale, Vic. Horse-shoe Cutler, T. E., and another, Addington, Canterbury, N.Z. Candle shade and reflector Cutten, F. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Saving gold Cyclone Woven-wire Fenoe Company, The, Michigan, U.S. 4. (See S. W. Shaw, No. 12405.) Dahl, C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Horse-cover .. Dahl, C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Milk-strainer. (H. V. Christensen).. Daily, J. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Boot or shoe Dall, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Brand for meat Dall, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Hair-pin Dall, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Candle-holder Dally, C. Y., Apiti, N.Z. Oil-cap for axles of vehicles Dally, C. Y., Apiti, N.Z. Combination saw and bench Dalton, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Rolling metal tubes Dalton, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Combined stopper and tap .. Dalziell, R., Tuapeka West, N.Z. Hoe Daniels, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Advertising-apparatus. (A. Manners) Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. High-pressure boiler Dannhardt, F. H., and another. Richmond, Vic Earth- or rock-drill Darling, J., Rutherglen, Scotland. Railway, (fee, windows .. 12919 12834 13196 12938 12425 12426 12427 12387 12828 12336 13172 12688 12732 12454 12455 12751 12401 12417 12546 12588 12702 12858 13250 12677 13179 13003 12859 12937 13121 12963 12377 13082 12650 12613 12864 12827 13269 13126 12335 12335 13234 13142 12516 24 Aug. 2 Aug. 28 Nov. 29 Aug. 1 Maroh. 1 Maroh. 1 Maroh. 16 Feb. 2 Aug. 24 Jan. 13 Nov. 14 June. 21 June. 9 Maro 9 Maro 29 June 20 Feb. 22 Feb, 20 April. 8 May. 16 June. 10 Aug. 11 Dec. 8 June. 19 Nov. 22 Sept. 7 Aug. 29 Aug. 31 Oct. 8 Sept. 12 Feb. 19 Oct. 29 May. 14 May. 13 Aug. 28 July. 21 Dec. 29 Oct. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 10 Dec 7 Nov. 5 April. 13223 12432 4 Dec. 28 Feb. 12603 13174 13030 13249 12339 13191 12809 12 May. 17 Nov. 27 Sept. 13 Deo. 25 Jan. 28 Nov. 24 July. 12765 12362 12433 12687 12796 12769 12795 6 July. 16 Feb. 28 Feb. 16 June. 16 July. 7 July. 13 Julv. 12500 12873 13230 12658 12361 12846 12661 12850 12331 13000 13236 13222 12330 12464 13064 3 April. 16 Aug. 20 Deo. 29 May. 31 Jan. 1 Aug. 2 June. 27 Aug. 20 Jan. 17 Sept. 11 Deo. 3 Dec. 19 Jan. 16 March. t3 March.




fame, ;esi< lence, ani [nvem jion. Io, ;e. Darling, J., and another, London, Eng. (See Darling's Patent Automatic Coupling, Limited, No. 12389) Darling, J., jun., and another, Rutherglen, Scotland. (See Darling's Patent Automatic Coupling, Limited, No. 12389) Darling's Patent Automatic Coupling (Limited), Glasgow, Scotland. Railway-coupling. (J. Darling and J. Darling, jun.) Dashwood, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Bot-fly destroyer Davies, M., Coromandel, N.Z. Cutting wool or hair Davies, M, Auckland, N.Z. Reducing temperature of buildings Davis, I., Brookley, Kent, Eng. Heating and purifying feed-water Davy, W. J., and another, East Finchley, Middlesex, Eng. Electric arc lamp Dawson, J., and another, Carterton, N.Z. Wiring or hooping cases .. Day, J., Coleraine, Vic. Goods-elevator De Bechi, G., London, Eng. (See General Metal Reduction Company, Limited, Nos. 12830 and 12831) De Gleene, L. S., Palmerston North, N.Z. Flooring-cramp .. De Courcy, E. J., and another, Belfast, Ireland. Flax scutching and cleaning machinery Deegan, J. W., Winton, N.Z. Scoop De Montemas, H. M., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Crematory for destroying refuse Dempster, J., Ashburton, N.Z. Acetylene-generator De Sarigny, C., and another, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. (See H. J. Finn, No. 13225) Dessau, M., Copenhagen, Denmark. Centrifugal machine liner Devoy, H., Lyttelton, N.Z. Boot-protector Dewhirst, J. A., Herbertville, N.Z. Branding-instrument Dineen, T. B., Auckland, N.Z. Rotary engine Dineen, T. B., Auckland, N.Z. Fuel-economiser.. Diploek, B. J., Middlesex, Eng. Traction-engine.. Dixon, C., Masterton, N.Z. Grip for securing clothes to line Dixon, G., Masterton, N.Z. Gripper for wire-strainer Dodd, W. G., San Francisco, U.S.A. Concentrating-table Dodgson, F. L., Coboes, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 13182.) Donald, D., Masterton, N.Z. Eccentric journal lever Donisthorpe, A. R., Leicester, Eng. Saddle-pad .. Donkin, H., Wellington, N.Z. Safety pocket Donkin, H., Wellington, N.Z. Pocket for wearing-apparel Dornbusch, A., Whangamomona, N.Z. Coupling.. Douglas, J. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving screen .. .. .. Dresser, S. R., Bradford, U.S.A. Pipe-coupling .. Drew, H. G., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. V-slide for back-sights of military rifles Droutlege, H., Auckland, N.Z. Ballot-box Droutlege, H., Auckland, N.Z. Electoral registering machine Du Brul, N., Cincinnati, U.S.A. Cigarette-machine Dudson, W. S., Carterton, N.Z. Wool-press Dudson, W. S., Carterton, N.Z. Wool-press Dunoan, P. and D. (Limited), Christchurch, N.Z. Street-watering cart. (J. Keir) Dunn, J., Otamita, N.Z. Root-cutter Dunn, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fumigating buildings, __o. Dunstan, W. S., Castlemaine, Vic. Eleotric alarm Durand, H. S., Rochester, U.S.A. Stuffing-box .. Durand, H. S., and another, Rochester, U.S.A. Stuffing-box Dyson, H. J., and others, Hobart, Tasmania. Removing barnacles, A.c, from hulls of vessels .. Ealam, W. J., and another, Cheviot, N.Z. Ploughshare Earle, Eliza E., Wanganui, N.Z. Butter-cooler .. East, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Flax-scutching bar Edwards, D., Melbourne, Vic Target Electric Lighting Boards (Limited), London, Eng. Contact appliance for electric glow-lamp. (E. Greil and E. Audiger) Electrio Lighting Boards (Limited), London, Eng. Oonduotor and contact for eleotric glowlamp. (J. A. Halford) Ellerm, F. S., Feilding, N.Z. Wire-netting fence Ellershausen, F., London, Eng. (See Sulphides Reduction (New Process), Limited, No. 12467.) Elliott, A., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Cash-book Elliott, J. P., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Envelope Ellis, J. A., Surrey Hills, Vic Milk-aerator Ellis, P., Wellington, N.Z. Bearing and shaft for dredge-tumbler Ellis, P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Valve .. Ellis, W. A., Stratford, N.Z. Branding-fluid Ellison, T. R., Wellington, N.Z. Cycle Elmore, F. E., Leeds, Eng. Treating ores Enrico, G., Turin, Italy. (See A. Griffith, No. 12574.) Ernsberger, A. M., and another, New York, U.S.A. Amalgamating-machine Eustace, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Refuse-bin. Evans, J. E., Wellington, N.Z. Legging Evans, W. H, Obristchurch, N.Z. Bioycle-support Ewing, J. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Window-sash fastener By, G., Paddington, N.S.W. (See Victor Motor Company, Limited, No. 12914.) Eyres, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Shearing or clipping wool or hair Fagan, Lucy, Mangapai, N.Z. Hair-curler Fairhall, S. L., Hawera, N.Z. Horse-collar Fairhead, W, Palmerston North, N.Z. Hanging sashes .. Falconer, J. M, Endsleigh, N.Z. Wire strainer and cutter .. Faulkner, J. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving screen Fell, D., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Receptacle for discrete materials Ferguson, C. D., and others, Brisbane, Queensland. Acetylene-generator Ferguson, J., Auckland, N.Z. Washing-fluid Finch, C. E., and another, Paeroa, N.Z. Sooop for cleaning cess-pits .. 12389 13206 12879 13200 12900 12373 12586 12967 12918 12339 13014 12669 12904 13049 13085 12411 12618 12841 12881 12685 12457 13115 12367 13259 13233 12694 12814 12368 12563 13203 13002 12941 12590 12870 12986 12972 13043 12598 12315 12735 12734 13249 13029 12341 12662 12842 13050 16 Feb. IDec 7 Sept. 28 Nov. 22 Aug. 8 Feb. 7 May. 12 Sept. 27 Aug. 25 Jan. 26 Sept. 6 June. 21 Aug. 8 Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Feb. 11 May. 30 July. 17 Aug. 15 June. 14 Maroh. 26 Oot. 7 Feb. 20 Dec. 10 Dec. 19 June. 18 Aug. 6 Feb. 24 April. IDec 18 Sept. 30 Aug. 10 May. 14 Aug. 14 Sept. 11 Sept. 7 Oct. 10 May. 18 Jan. 26 June. 26 June. 13 Dec. 1 Oct. 23 Jan. 31 May. 3 Aug. 8 Oct. 13061 12 Oot. 12885 17 Aug. 12343 13055 12798 12851 12307 12621 12472 12452 23 July, '9£ 11 Oct. 20 July. 8 Aug. 15 Jan. 16 May. 20 March. 10 March. 12665 12749 12773 12522 12924 6 June. 28 June. 10 July. 10 April 29 Aug. 13198 12511 12273 12458 13125 12961 13141 13119 12786 12503 28 Nov. 7 April. 3 Jan. 14 March. 30 Oct. 6 Sept. 7 Nov. 31 Oct. 11 July. 4 April.




Name, Eesidenee, and Invention. No. Date. Finch, T., and another, Paeroa, N.Z. Scoop for oleaning cess-pits Finlayson, J., and another, Perth, W.A. Pipe-joint-caulking maohine .. Finlayson, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Producing photographic enlargements Finn, H. J., Gisborne, N.Z. Concentrator. (C. de Sarigny and A. J. Onus) Firth, B. T., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pumice insulator Firth, T., "Wellington, N.Z. Brake-strap Firth, W. T., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pumice insulator Fischer, H., Adelaide, S.A. Brake-block Fisher, A. H., Melbourne, Vic. Window Forbes, J., Opotiki, N.Z. Ship's davit Ford, A. S., Auckland, N.Z. Ships' davits Ford, A. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Collar-stud grip .. Ford, G. S. C, Wellington, N.Z. Glazing shirt-fronts, &c. .. Forsyth, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Treating flax Foster, G., Heriot, N.Z. Gold-saving mat Foster, J., Oamaru, N.Z. Boot-and knife-cleaner Fowler, J. W., Whangarei Heads, N.Z. Cleaning ships' bottoms Fowler, T. 0., and another, Canterbury, Vic. Eailway signalling Fox, E., jun., Adelaide, S.A. Igniting fuse Francis, J. A., Norwood, S.A. Insect-trap Franckel, M., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Crematory for destroying refuse Franklin, R., Essex, Eng. Ventilation of ships Franklin, W., and ethers, Auokland, N.Z. Gas-generator Fraser and Chalmers (Limited), London, Eng. Pump. (J. Stumpf) Fraser, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Revolving vacuum filter for treating slimes, &c. Fraser, S. E., and another, Waikino, N.Z. Revolving vacuum filter for treating slimes, &c. .. French, A. G., and others, Thames, N.Z. Cleaning kauri-gum Friend, J. E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Governor Friend, J. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cycle-propelling mechanism Fry, H. A., Riwaka, N.Z. Maohine for rolling fleeces Fry, W. R., Ashfield, N.S.W. Receptacle for containing tea. (S. R. Bellingham) Fryer, P. W., Prebbleton, N.Z. Counter shaft regulator Fullagar, H. F., and others, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Ring of blades for steam-turbine Gage, E. C, and another, Wanganui, N.Z. V-slide for back-sights of military rifles Gale, F., and another, Lancefield, Vic. Attachment to plough Galloway, W. B., Palmerston, Otago, N.Z. Standard for carrying rails upon which to hang rabbits Gamman, G. A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Cutter and cutter-head for wood-planing machine Garard, G. E., Oamaru, N.Z. Tire Gardner, O., and another, Piaka, N.Z. Flax-scraper Gardner, W., and another, Gloucester, Eng. Scalper, grader, and dresser for flour-mill Gare, T., New Brighton, Eng. Elastic tire Garnham, R., Wellington, N.Z. Valve for water-cistern .. .. ... Gascoyne, F. J. W., and another, Hastings, N.Z. Separating gold Gates, E., Chevy Chase, U.S.A. Separating materials Gates, B., Chevy Chase, U.S.A. Separating granular substances Gates, E., Chevy Chase, U.S.A. Separating granular substanoes Gates, B., Chevy Chase, U.S.A. Separating granular substances Gaut, J., Leichhardt, Sydney, N.S.W. Photographic camera Gaut, J., Leiohhardt, Sydney, N.S.W. Camera .. Gaut, J., Leiohhardt, Sydnoy, N.S.W. Camera .. .. Gaut, J., and another, Leichhardt, Sydney, N.S.W. Camera Gay, J. H., Oamaru, N.Z. Stone-sawing machine Gee, W. C, Christchuroh, N.Z. Check action for Venetian blind Gell, J., Wakapuaka, N.Z. Tin General Metal Reduction Company (Limited). Treating ores. (G. de Bechi) General Metal Reduction Company (Limited). Production of zinc oxide. (G. de Bechi) Germot, A., Paris, France. Treating lead-ores Germot, A., Paris, France. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 12789.) Gibbon, E. A., Blenheim, N.Z. Hackling tow from flax-mill.. Gibbs, R. W., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Bicycle-tire Gibson, J. J., Oamaru, N.Z. Cycle-gear Girdler, E., Green Hills, Southland, N.Z. Jaws for stone-crusher Girdler, G. T., Auckland, N.Z. Generating electricity Girdler, G. T., Auckland, N.Z. Generating electricity Gitsham, J., and another, Richmond, Vic. Making zino oxide Gladstone, W. E., Inveroargill, N.Z. Hair-pin Gladstone, W. B., Invercargill, N.Z. Pin Gladstone, W. E., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance Glendining R., Dunedin, N.Z. Coat-adjustment. (D. Nable) Glennie, J. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Mud-gua.rd for oycle Glitsch, W., Zurich, Switzerland. (See W. B. Hughes, No. 13247 and 13248.) Goddu, G., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 12947.) Godfrey, O. L., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Bath-heater Godward.E. R , Invercargill, N.Z. (See E. B. McKay, No. 12645.) Godward, E. R, Invercargill, N.Z. Lid for oans, &c. Goldsworthy, R. H., Mullet Point, N.Z. Hoe-blade holder Goodwin, W. H., Toronto, Canada. Chart-blank .. Gordon. C. O. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Spark-extinguisher .. Gordon, N. R., Melbourne, Vic. Rotary engine Gordon, N. R., Melbourne, Vio. Aerial machine .. Goss, A., Patorson, U.S.A. Warp twisting-in machine Gough, G. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging Govett, W. B., Brisbane, Queensland. Bioycle-brake Gow, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Butter-presser Grace, T. S., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Fire-esoape ladder 12503 12603 12379 13225 13086 12354 13086 12708 12616 13170 13133 13226 12946 12689 12985 12509 12813 12868 12347 13033 12669 12541 13153 12760 13224 13224 13146 12344 12664 12519 12934 12608 12495 13203 13156 12531 12346 13007 12852 12493 13262 12755 13134 13277 12897 12898 12900 12520 13158 12355 12561 13108 12513 12537 12830 12831 12761 4 April. 12 May. 13 Feb. 7 Dec. 20 Oct. 1 Feb. 20 Oct. 22 June. 14 May. 15 Nov. 20 Nov. 28 Dec. 3 Sept. 15 June. 14 Sept. 5 April. 25 July. 13 Aug. 31 Jan. 3 Oct. 6 June. 20 April. 8 Nov. 5 July. 4 Deo. 4 Dec. 8 Nov. 30 Jan. 6 June. 10 April. 31 Aug. 12 May. 31 Maroh. 1 Dec. 15 Nov. 10 April. 31 Jan. 21 Sept. 8 Aug. 30 March. 20 Dec. 3 July. 2 Nov. 28 Deo. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 11 April. 15 Nov. 1 Feb. 24 April. 22 Oct. 6 April. 18 April. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 5 July. 12428 13147 13025 12527 12917 12875 12728 12364 12342 12713 12502 12501 2 Maroh. 8 Nov. 25 Sept. 9 April. 21 Aug. 13 Aug. 23 June. 2 Feb. 27 Jan. 22 June. 3 April. 3 April. 12683 12 June. 12338 12485 12370 13032 12716 12966 13261 12580 13118 12543 13044 25 Jan. 23 March. 8 Feb. 3 Oct. 22 June. 12 Sept. 20 Dec. 3 May. 31 Oct. 20 April. 9 Oct.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Graham, A. D., Brisbane, Queensland. Sharpening cutters of machine sheep-shears. (J. C. Barnes) Graham, F. L., Narten, Vic. Penholder Graham, J., Nelson, N.Z. Manufacture of bricks.. Grant, A., Auckland, N.Z. Method of disinfection Grant, C. M., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Milking-bucket .. .. .. .. Grant, J., and another, Wallacetown, N.Z. Drag-point for grain-coulter Grant, E. P., Swannanoa, N.Z. Gleaning water-races Gray, R. K., London, Eng. Electrio cable Green, G. W., Woywoy, N.S.W- (See T. B. W. Noyes, No. 13034.) Gregory, R., Sydney, N.S.W. (See D. Marks, No. 13039.) Greig, W. 0., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Branding-apparatus Greil, E., and another, Paris, France. (See Electrio Lighting Boards, Limited, No. 13050.) Grenier Art Company, New York, U.S.A. Coloured photographs. (P. M. C. Grenier) Grenier, P. M. C, New York, U.S.A. (See Grenier Art Company, No. 12829.) Gresham, H. E., Salford, Eng. Actuating brakes for railway-wagons Griffith, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Cycle. (G.Enrico) Griffiths, F. 0., New Plymouth, N.Z. Chimney-top. Griffiths, W. P,, Bradford, Eng. Separating wool from skins Grundy, T., Thames, N.Z. Feed-water heater and condenser Guinnes3, E. F., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Grab Gulliver, H., and another, South Yarra, Vio. Railway signalling Gundrie, W. W., Dannevirke, N.Z. Fodder-holder Gunn, H., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-stopper Guthridge, A. H., and another, Melbourne, Vio. Fastening for leggings. (W. Taylor) Gwynneth, A. de 0., St. Kilda, Vic. Extension foot or boot .. Gye, 0., and others, Mataura, N.Z. Envelope-opener Hadley, P. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Colour-printing Hagerty, J., and others, Invercargill, N.Z. Wheel Hagerty, W., and others, Invercargill, N.Z. Wheel Haigh, H. B., Brooklyn, U.S.A. Elastic heel for shoes Hair, J., Oamaru, N.Z. Breeching-staple and swingle-tree end Halcrow, L. P., Daere, N.Z. Spark-arrester Halford, J. A., London, Eng. (See Eleotric Lighting Boards, Limited, No. 13061.) Hall, A. P., Coraki, N.S.W. Pasteurising milk Hall, Blanche R., Timaru, N.Z. Heating hair-curlers Hall, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Barb-wire-cutting attachment to rifle Hamilton, A., Winton, N.Z. Wire-strainer Hamilton, Augusta M., Medindie, S.A. Filter Hamlin, E. A. G-, Reefton, N.Z. Silt-separator for dredge Hamlin, E. A. G., Reefton, N.Z. Marking meat .. Hammond. J. S. H., and another, Sale, Vio. Cycle-tire Hankins, J. H., and others, Palmerston North, N.Z. Hoist ... .. Hanks, M. W., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Terminal connection and support for Nernst lamp Hanks, M. W., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Terminal for Nernst lamp glower Hanks, M. W., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Starting-apparatus and cut-out for Nernst lamp Hanley, M., and others, Gore, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance .. Hanna, G. A., and another, Hartington, U.S.A. Liquid-weigher Hanneborg, O. B. H., Christiania, Norway. Collecting and oonveying light or heat to cellars, &c. Harden, H. S., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nightsoil-cart Hardy, F. E., Eltham, N.Z. Horse-cover Harris, C. A., Levin, N.Z. Force-pump Harris, C. A., Levin, N.Z. Cricket-stumps Harris, J. J., and another, London, Eng. Saddle Harrison, I., Wellington, N.Z. Bottle-labelling machine Harrison, J., and another, Pukerau, N.Z. Suction dredging.. Harrison, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Saving gold and silver Hart, Esther, Dunedin, N.Z. Securing hat to head Hart, F. B,, Manchester, Eng. Rail-joint Hartley, W. H., and another, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12349.) Hartrick, A. S., Heyfield, Vic. Clump-sole for footwear Hausmann, A. T., Maeterton, N.Z. Bridle Hausmann, A. T., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Bridle-bit Hawes, T., and another, Thames, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher.. Hawke, T., Auckland, N.Z. Attachment to plough Hay, J., Ballance, N.Z. Clothes-washing appliance Hayward, G. 0., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Reoeptacle-cover and cooking-utensil Hayward, J. R., and another, Christehurch, N.Z. Receptaole-oover and cooking-utensil Healey, W., Timaru, N.Z. Slop-bucket and night-commode.. Healey, W., Timaru, N.Z, Cess-pan Heir, W., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Rabbit-orate Hemingway, J., Spearfish, U.S.A. (See Universal Fuel Company, No. 12280.) Hemphill, J., and another, Lancefield, Vio. Attachment to plough Henderson, A. C, and others, Invercargill, N.Z. Wheel Henderson, J., Hawera, N.Z. Shaft-tug Henderson, J., Pareora, N.Z. Mounting of horse-trees Hendy, A. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-grate Henley, P. J., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Envelope Henning, H. H v Brisbane, Queensland. Pump for pneumatic-tired wheels Henrikson, J. H., Te Kopuru, N.Z. Obtaining oil and oharcoal from kauri timber Henrikson, J. H., Te Kopuru, N.Z. Obtaining oil from timber Herbert, A., Perth, W.A. Extracting gold Hewer, C. H., Crioklade Wilts., Eng. Railway-coupling Hewitt, G. F. J., and others, Brisbane, Queensland. Preserving meat Hewitt, P. 0., New York, U.S.A. Electric lighting Hewitt, W., and others, Trenton, New Jersey, U.S.A. (See S. W. Shaw, No. 12405.) 12466 16 March. 12927 13176 12470 13175 12375 12711 12721 29 Aug. 21 Nov. 15 March. 20 Nov. 6 Feb. 21 June. 22 June. 13150 10 Nov. 12829 2 Aug. 12350 12574 12775 12835 13270 12998 12868 12691 12507 12913 12292 12960 13012 13232 13232 12392 12955 12730 31 Jan. 4 May. 7 July. 2 Aug. 21 Deo. 14 Sept. 13 Aug. 19 June. 29 March. 23 Aug. 10 Jan. 7 Sept. 24 Sept. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 16 Feb. 3 Sept. 21 June. 12866 12953 12419 13022 12585 12729 12610 13121 12486 12910 13 Aug. 3 Sept. 20 Feb. 25 Sept. 7 May. 25 June. 14 May. 31 Oct. 27 March. 23 Aug. 12906 12909 12739 12810 12601 13250 12352 12477 12480 12279 12767 12641 12956 13227 12788 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 27 June. 25 July. 12 May. 11 Dec. 31 Jan. 21 Maroh. 22 March. 4 Jan. 7 July. 22 May. 3 Sept. 8 Dec. 16 July. 13098 12578 12809 12597 13220 12360 12606 12606 12437 12438 12487 26 Oct. 4 May. 24 July. 9 May. 3 Deo. 2 Feb. 12 May. 12 May. 28 Feb. 28 Feb. 27 March. 13156 13232 13272 12905 13229 13055 12482 12505 12974 12446 12646 12417 12912 15 Nov. 10 Dec. 27 Dec. 18 Aug. 6 Dec. 11 Oct. 23 Maroh. 4 April. 21 July. 8 March. f24June,'99 22 Feb. 23 Aug.




3—H. 10.

Name, Besidenoe, and Invention. No. Date. Hiokson, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Drying varnished labels Hide, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Machine for coiling wire-netting Higgins, Elizabeth, Gisborae, N.Z, Trunks or drawers for infants or invalids Hight, A. E., Brookside, N.Z. Gleaning watercourses Hill, E. R., Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Electro-pneumatic controlling apparatus Hill, E. B., Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12395.) Hirst, H., Orepuki, N.Z. Railway- and road-grader Hobson, R. F., Ghristohurch, N.Z. Envelope-opener Hockin, W., and another, South Yarra, Vic. Gravity wheel Hoffmann, B., Paris, France. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 12886.) Hogg, W., and another, Lawrence, N.Z. Dredge-shoot oleaner Hogg, W. M., and another, Lawrence, N.Z. Dredge-shoot cleaner Holden, L., Feilding, N.Z. Feeding-trough for animals Rollings, P. L., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Holman, W. A., Auokland, N.Z. Spouting-strap Holman, W. A., Auckland, N.Z. Spouting-strap .. Holmes, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fire-escape ladder Holmes, W., Wellington, N.Z. Gauge for tabulated work on linotypes Holt, B. M., Wellington, N.Z. Bunk-tray Homes, J. L., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Fire-escape ladder. (J. and T. Patchett) Hood, T., and and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Preparation for preventing iron-rust Horman, W., Waikiwi, N.Z. Scoop for removing stack-butts, &c. Hosking, A., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Packing-case Hoskins, C. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Metal-pipe-forming machine Hoskins, G. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Up-setting edges of metal plates Hoskins, G. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Making core for cylindrical castings .. Hoskins, G. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Metal-pipe-forming machine House, H., Oamaru, N.Z. Window-shade adjuster Hughan, G., and another, Carterton, N.Z. Wiring or hooping cases Hughes, F. G., Melbourne, Vic. Bandoleer. (J. Hylard) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Treating glycerine. (0. Ives) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Ore-roasting furnace. (W. A. Koneman and W. H. Hartley) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Electrio lighting of railway-vehicles. (E. R. Hill) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Electric brake. (E. M. Tingley) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Cork-extractor. (One-hand Cork-puller Company, Limited —H. H. Beaumont, J. Oallahan, and M. Kaysen) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Manufacture of oement. (B. B. Lathbury and H. S. Spackman) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Concrete-mixer. (S. P. McKelvey) .. Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Burner. (W. Glitsch) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Lighting and heating apparatus. (W. Glitsch).. Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Gasifier for internal-oombuation engine. (W. A. Bole and E. Ruud) Hulme, A. I., Richmond, Canterbury, N.Z. Copper Humphreys, R. C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Butter-mould Hunter, W. E., Maungakaramea, N.Z. Catch for window-sash Hurley, E. N., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Direot-acting engine Hurry and Seaman's Patents (Limited), London, Eng. Refraotory lining o£ rotary cementfurnace. (E. H. Hurry and H. J. Seaman) Hurry and Seamen's Patents (Limited), London, Eng. Manufacture of cement. (E. H. Hurry and H. J. Seaman) Hurry and Seaman's Patents (Limited), London, Eng. Manufacture of cement. E. H. Hurry and H. J. Seaman) Hurry, E. H., and another, Bethlehem, U.S.A. (See Hurry and Seaman's Patents, Limited, Nos. 12381, 12382, and 12383) Husson, A., and another, Porentruy, Switzerland. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 12725.) Hutchinson, J., Orakau, Waikato, N.Z. Preventing " raoing " of steamship screws Hutchison, Nepean-. (See under N.) Hylard, J., St. Kilda, Vic. (See F. G. Hughes, No. 13060.) Illinois Reduction Company, Chicago, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 12679.) Imschenetzky, A., St. Petersburg, Russia. Manufacture of fire-resisting materials Innes, G. P., Sydney, N.S.W. Device for holding bottles International Chemical Company, New Jersey, U.S.A. Manufacture of silioides. (C. B. Jacobs) International Metal Extraction Company, Denver, U.S.A. Treating ores. (M. Seligsohn) International Postal Supply Company of New York, New York, U.S.A. Mail-marking machine. (F. G. Jahn) Ireland, R., Hunterville, N.Z. Boot or shoe fastening Irwin, P. S., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging Ives, C, East Molesey, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12348.) Jackson, A. G., and others, Brisbane, Queensland. Acetylene-generator Jackson, M. C, and others, Denver, U.S.A. Rock-drill Jacobs, C. B., and another, East Orange, U.S.A. Manufacture of nitrogen compounds Jacobs, C. B., New Jersey, U.S.A. (See International Chemical Company, No. 13017.) Jacobs, F., Apiti, N.Z. Threshing-apparatus Jahn, F. G., New York, U.S.A. (See International Postal Supply Company of New York, No. 13016.) James, T., sen., Pahiatua, N.Z. Raising and lowering window-sashes James, W. F., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Jamieson, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Separating ores Jarrott, C, London, Eng. (See British Motor Traction Company, Limited, No. 13245.) Jennings, W. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Printers'galley Jensen, D., Palmerston North, N.Z. Abdominal belt Jensen, H. C, Stanway, N.Z. Stump-jack Jensen, N., Mauriceville, N.Z. Wire-straining applianoe Johnson and Company (Limited), S. H., Stratford, Eng. Extracting metals from ores. (S. H. Johnson and H. L. Sulman) Johnson, J. T., Waipori, N.Z. Dredge 12782 12359 12594 12863 12632 12 July. 2 Feb. 9 May. 11 Aug. 22 May. 13235 12845 12717 6 Dec. 2 Aug. 22 June. 12534 12843 12672 12650 12686 12733 13044 12681 12889 12407 12363 12319 12869 12726 12727 13251 12726 12312 12586 13060 12348 12349 12395 12396 12996 11 April. 3 Aug. 11 June. 29 May. 12 June. 21 June. 9 Oct. 14 June. 20 Aug. 19 Feb. 3 Feb. 15 Jan, 13 Aug. 22 June. 22 June. 11 Deo. 22 June. 15 Jan. 7 May. 12 Oct. 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 16 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 Sept. 13145 8 Nov. 13139 13247 13248 13257 7 Nov. 13 Dec. 13 Deo. 14 Dec. 12971 12737 12855 12317 12383 11 Sept. 27 June. 10 Aug. 18 Jan. 15 Feb. 12381 15 Feb. 12382 15 Feb. 12570 April. 12290 12652 13017 13058 13016 10 Jan. 30 May. 27 Sept. 12 Oct. 27 Sept. 12412 12406 21 Feb. 20 Feb. 13119 12387 12526 31 Oct. 16 Feb. 12 April. 12337 25 Jan. 12783 12301 13211 13 July. 11 Jan. 4 Deo. 12272 12400 12289 13228 12327 3 Jan. 16 Feb. 10 Jan. 8 Dec. 20 Jan. 13026 6 Aug.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Johnson, S. H., and another, Stratford, Eng. (See S. H. Johnson and Co., Limited, No. 12327.) Johnson, W. B., Liverpool, Eng. Ventilator Johnston, J. Y., London, Eng. Printing-press Johnston, J. Y., London, Eng. Inking-apparatus for printing-press Johnston, J. Y., London, Eng. Removing ink from dies of printing-press Johnston, J. Y., London, Eng. Means for holding paper in printing-press Johnston, J. Y., London, Eng. Dies and inking devices of printing-press Johnston, J. Y., London, Eng. Printing- or embossing-press Johnston, J. Y., London, Eng. Sterilising liquids Jones, F., Wellington, N.Z. Bioycle-tire Jones, F., Wellington, N.Z. Cycle-tire cover Jones, G. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Trousers for cyclists Jones, H., Sydney, N.S.W. (See A. MoDonald and E. E. Turner, No. 12834.) Jones, H. J., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Motorpiotoroscope Jones, H. J., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Generation of acetylene gas.. Jones. I., and another, Zeehan, Tasmania. Electro-magnetic separator Jones, J., Buckland, N.Z. Hanging gates Jones, J., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Making zinc oxide Jones, L. M., and others, Toronto, Canada. (See Massey-Harris Company, Limited, Nos. 12435 and 12436.). Jones, S., and another, Moonee Ponds, Vic. Gas-lighting Jordan, T. R., New York, U.S.A. Separating ores Jordan, T. R., New York, U.S.A. Amalgamating-apparatus .. Jordan, T. R., New York, U.S.A. Crushing-machine Joyce, J. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Colour-printing .. Joyce, W., and another, Halkett, N.Z. Preventing marine-engines from " racing " Kaysen, Matilda, and others, Milwaukee, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12996.) Kee, D. 0., Hilton, Canterbury, N.Z. Kerosene-tin bucket frame Keir, J., Christchurch, N.Z. (See P. and D. Duncan, Limited, No. 12972.) Kelly, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Furnace-kiln Kent, H. R., New York, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 13189.) Kerr, J., jun., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Dredging-scoops Kerry, R. A. C, Onehunga, N.Z. Clothes-washer.. Kershaw, B., Manchester, Eng. Fabric for covering meat Kielberg, C. J., Hillerod, Denmark. Making articles from cement, mortar, clay, &c. Kimman, H. J., Chicago, U.S.A. Pneumatic drill Kimman, H. J., Chicago, U.S.A. Pneumatic riveting-apparatus Kimman, H. J., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Direct-acting engine Kingsland, W., London, Eng. Eleotrical traction Kingsland, W., London, Eng. Studs for electric traction Kingsland, W., London, Eng. Controlling electric switch Kingsland, W., London, Eng. Electrio-switch operator Kingsland, W., London, Eng. Box for containing switches Kinsella, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Milk-can Kirby, P. H., Fitzroy, Vic. Boot-sole Kirkbride, J. L., Auckland, N.Z. Window-sash fastener Kirkbridge, J. L., Auckland, N.Z. Tappet-head ... Kirkby, E. H., Melbourne, Vic Fire-alarm Kirkpatrick-Picard, H. F., London, Eng. Treating sulphide ores Kirkpatrick-Picard, H. F., London, Eng. Treating ores Kissell, W. J., Westport, N.Z. Closing openings of corrugated-iron roofing Kitson, A., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Vapour-burning lamp Kitson, A., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Vapour-burning lamp Knight, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Printers' galley Knocks, A. J., Otaki, N.Z. Medicine for horses, &c. Knocks, A. J., Otaki, N.Z. Bot-fly lotion Knowles, A. J., Brantford, Canada. Controlling apparatus for oil- or spirit-engine .. Knox, T., Ohaeawai, N.Z. Horse-cover attachment Koeck, M., Oskosh, Wis., U.S.A. Fabric Koneman, W. A., and another, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12349.) Kunzelmann, C, Sackengen, Baden, Germany. Safety lock.. Laak, Van. (See under V.) Ladd, S. W., Beverley, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 12791.) Lamberg, J., and another, Kilbirnie, Wellington, N.Z. Rat-trap Lambert, F., Parkhurst, H.B., N.Z. Bridge Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 12397.) Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, Nos. 12599, 13102, 12444, 12448, 12969, 12977.) Lancaster, E. W., and another, Westminster, Eng. (See E. Waters, No. 12725.) Land, W. A., Styx, N.Z. Manure-and seed-sower Lane, C, and others, Michigan, U.S.A. (See S. W. Shaw, No. 12405.) Lane, 0. T., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Fire-escape ladder. (J. and T. Patohett) Lane, J., and others, Michigan, U.S.A. (See S. W. Shaw, No. 12405.) Lane, T. E., and others, S. Kensington, Eng. Bottle Lange, H., Vesteras, Sweden. Soldering of aluminium Lanham, W., Woolston, N.Z. Clothes-rack Lanston, T., Washington, U.S.A. (See Lanston Monotype Machine Company, No. 13275.) Lanston Monotype Machine Company, Washington, U.S.A. Preparing perforated record strips of type-forming machine. (T. Lanston) Latham, A., and others, Gore, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance Lathbury, B. B., and another, Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 13145.) Latta, R., Kokiri, N.Z. Harness fastening Laurie, W. S., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of brooms from New Zealand flax Lavery, A., Waipukurau, N.Z. Staple-extractor .. 12792 12696 12697 12698 12699 12700 12701 13188 12443 12854 12631 12920 13187 12447 12940 12728 13239 13193 13194 13195 13012 13067 12771 12549 12942 12759 12414 12793 12276 12456 12317 12393 12394 12836 13163 13164 12498 12807 12693 12731 12542 12933 13160 13023 12653 12654 12272 12776 13157 12781 13219 12490 16 July. fl9July,'99. tl8July,'99. t20July,'99. J20July,'99. t20July,'99 t20July,'99 t26Nov.,'99 7 March. 8 Aug. 19 May. 21 Sept. 23 Nov. 6 March. 1 Sept. 23 June. 13 Dec. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 24 Sept. 15 Oct. 7 July. 20 April. 28 Aug. 2 July. 22 Feb. 16 July. 4 Jan. 12 March. 18 Jan. 16 Feb. 16 Feb. 2 Aug. 15 Nov. 15 Nov. 30 March. 23 July. 19 June. 25 June. 20 April. 31 Aug. 15 Nov. 26 Sept. 30 May. 30 May. 3 Jan. 11 July. 15 Nov. 12 July. 3 Dec. 30 March. 12510 7 April. 12584 13217 7 May. 4 Dec. 28 July. 12822 12407 19 Feb. 12491 12995 13052 30 March. 20 Sept. 8 Oct. 13275 28 Dec. 12739 27 June. 13047 13030 12928 6 Oct. 27 Sept. 28 Aug.




Name, Eesidenoe, and Invention. No. Date. Lawler, G., Auckland, N.Z. Boot-making tool Lawson, Caroline, St. Kilda, Vic. Lamp. (T. Bowman) Leach, W., and others, Bradford, Eng. Eecovering grease from the wash-liquora of wool Leatherbarrow, J. B., and another, Manchester, Eng. Harvester Lee, G., and another, Waikaka, N.Z. Gold-saving , Lee, J. H., Deckham, Surrey, Eng. Treating orea Leech, G., Nelson, N.Z. Saving gold Leonard, J. H., Mofcueka, N.Z. Horse-cover Lewington, T. M., Lyttelton, N.Z. Fly-paper holder Lewis, J. H. H., Parkside, S.A. Teapot Lewis, W. E., Auckland, N.Z. Jug-lid.. Lichtenberg-Madsen, D., Odense, Denmark. Reproduction of cliohes, stamps, &c, in cellulose Linotype Company (Limited), London, Eng. (See E. Waters, jun., Nos. 13263,13264, and 13265.) Lintoa, W. J., Woodstock, Canada. Hydraulic air-oompressor Lisle, W., Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. Cart-jack Lissau, S. M., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Concentrating ores Ljungstrom, B., Stockholm, Sweden. (See E. Waters, No. 12478.) Lochhead, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Boiler-flange Lonergan, W., and another, North Waratah, N.S.W. Preventing the " racing " of propellers .. Long, J., Springfield, U.S.A. Bench-vice Look, L., Los Angeles, U.S.A, (See E. Phillips, No. 13020.) Loudon, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Devioe for preserving fold in orown of soft hat Louisson, J., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Packing-case Lovegrove, G., Napier, N.Z. Box for shipping horses Lowe, G. I., Hastings, N.Z. Flooring- and ceiling-cramp Lueaa, E\, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Sanitary receptaole Lucas, G. N., and another, Ohristchurch, N.Z. Sanitary receptacle .. .. .. Luke, S. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging Luxford, W. L., and others, Palmerston North, N.Z. Hoist.. Lying, M. H., and another, Republic, Washington, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 12679.) Macaliater, J,, Invercargill, N.Z. Disc-ridger Macindoe, A. E., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Miners' candle-holder Macindoe, A. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fuse-cutter and cap-fastener Maok, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Food for calves .. Mackay, D. W., Mataura, N.Z. Planing-machine Mackay, D, W., Mataura, N.Z. Sawing, planing, and printing timber Mackenzie, G. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Spark-arrester Mackenzie, G. H., Wellington, N.Z. Eleotric gold-saver Mackenzie, G. H., Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving table Mackenzie, G. H., Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving table Mackenzie, J. B., New Brighton, N.Z. Housemaid's knee-pad Mackenzie, J. B., New Brighton, N.Z. Housemaid's knee-pad MacLean, W. J., Te Aroha, N.Z. Advertising on candles MacMeikan, N. H., Melbourne, Vic. Rabbit-crate Maconochie, A. W., London, Eng. Conneoting tins Madden, A. J., Melbourne, Vic Filter Madsen, Lichtenberg-. (See under L.) Mailer, M., and another, Carlton, Vio. Earth- or rook-drill Main, J. P., Ballarat, Vic. Ventilating mines Mainland, H. L., Burke's, N.Z. Hair-pin Mainland, H. L., and another, Burke's, N.Z. Suction dredging Malfroy, 0. M., Hokitika, N.Z. Snatch-block Mallett, J. P., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Eleotrio and Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 13168.) Manners, A., Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. Daniels, No. 13222.) Manton, C. E., and another, Menzies, W.A. Treating gold. .. Marchant, F. W., Timaru, N.Z. Dredge-bucket .. Marchant, F. W., Timaru, N.Z. Gold-saving dredge Marchbank, J., and others, Broadford, Vic. Boot-sole Marconi, G., London, Eng. (See Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, Nos. 13097 and 13213.) Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company (Limited), London, Eng. Reoeiver for eleotrical oscillation. (G. Marconi) Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company (Limited), Eng. Wireless telegraph. (G. Marconi) .. Margetts, T. B., and another, Flowerdale, Tasmania. Harvester Marks, D., Sydney, N.S.W. Treating auriferous wash. (R. Gregory) Maries, H., and another, East Ham, Essex, Eng. Carving-maohine Marshall, H., Port Melbourne, Vio. Head-rest for ohairs Marshall, H., Port Melbourne, Vic. Boot-sewing maohine Marsland, L. W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Elimination of zino from ores, and recovery of gold, &c, therefrom Martin, A. J., and others, Exeter, Eng. (See W. Parker, Nos. 12624, 12625, 12626.) Massey-Harris Company (Limited), Toronto, Canada. Self-binding harvester. (L. M. Jones, C. MoLeod, and F. D. Meroer) Massey-Harris Company (Limited), Toronto, Canada. . Mower. (L. M. Jones, W. J. Clokey, and 0. MoLeod) Matheson, J., Middlemarch, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-poison Matthews, W., Peak Hill, N.S.W. Earth-scoop Maxwell, E., Opunake, N.Z. Maintaining tension on wire ropes Maxwell, J., and another, Mataura, N.Z. Gold-saving screen Maxwell, J. S., Auckland, N.Z. Silt-punt Mayer, T. J., and others, Washington, U.S.A. Making dough for bread Maylard, M. W., London, Eng. Indicator and time-check Maylard, M. W., London, Eng. Indicator for firearms Maylard, M. W., London, Eng. Detecting abnormal conditions of the air Mayr, H., Auokland, N.Z. Sash and frame combination .. • .. ., 12951 12867 12762 12714 13132 13099 12747 13273 12283 12547 12839 12390 5 Sept. 13 Aug. 5 July. 22 June. 29 Oct. 26 Oct. 28 June. 27 Dec. 5 Jan. 20 April. 2 Aug. 16 Feb. 13062 13013 12882 12 Oct. 24 Sept. 17 Aug. 12450 12604 13260 5 March. 12 May. 20 Dec. 12398 12869 12358 13077 12987 12987 12406 12486 16 Feb. 13 Aug. 30 Jan. 20 Oct. 13 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Feb. 27 March. 12299 13151 13152 12984 12887 12518 12794 13252 13253 13254 12295 12365 13001 12418 12724 12673 6 Jan. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 14 Sept. 17 Aug. 10 April. 12 July. 14 Dec. 14 Dec. 14 Deo. 8 Jan. 3 Feb. 18 Sept. 22 Feb. 22 June. 12 June. 12464 13096 12310 12641 12308 16 March. 26 Oct. 13 Jan. 22 May. 16 Jan. 13161 12592 12595 12944 15 Nov. 10 May. 11 May. 3 Sept. 13097 26 Oot. 13213 12714 13039 12577 12715 12964 13196 5 Dec. 22 June. 4 Oct. 4 May. 22 June. 11 Sept. 28 Nov. 12435 3 Maroh. 12436 3 Maroh. 12690 12576 12718 12475 13080 12335 13184 13185 13186 13084 19 June. 4 May. 22 June. 16 March. 15 Oct. 23 Jan. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 20 Oct.




rame, lesii fence, am tnveni jion. r o. ;e. Mazey, G. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Door-latch MoAlpine, G. G., Auokland, N.Z. Rope-olip .. .. .. .. McCarthy, J. F., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-arrester McCaul, G., Auckland, N.Z. Chimney-top McCombie, J., Auckland, N.Z. Compound for consolidating roads, &c McCombie, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Miners' candle-holder McCombie, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fuse-cutter and cap-fastener MoConchie, W., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Butter-churn McCullooh, T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Ventilating-cowl McCreath, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Draught-increaser and spark-extinguisher McDonald, A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Tobacco-outting maohine. (H. Jones) McDonald, D., Yarraville, Vic Acetylene-generator McDonough, J., and others. Denver, U.S.A. Rook-drill McElligott, J., Kawarau Gorge, N.Z. Saving gold MoFeely, R. F., Beverly, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 12790.) McGaffin, R., Hastings, N.Z. Disc harrow McGaffin, R., Hastings, N.Z. Disc harrow McGregor, E., Mangaonoho, N.Z. Dredging and transporting earth MoGregor, E., Mangaonoho, N.Z. Excavating and dredging earth Mclnnes, J., Kaurihohore, N.Z. Dressing flax .. ... McKay, E. B., Invercargill, N.Z. Fire-alarm and temperature-indicator. (E. R. Godward) .. McKeegan, W., Wellington, N.Z. Dredge McKegg, J., Goodwood, N.Z. Fire-kindler McKelvey, S. P., Chicago, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 13139) McKinnon, J., Whareora, N.Z. Buckle McLellan, R. K., and another, Rochester, U.S.A. Stuffing-box McLeod, C., and others, Toronto, Canada. (See Massoy-Harris Company, Limited, Nos. 12435 and 12436.) McLeod, R. A., Kaihu, Auckland, N.Z. Winoh .. McNeil, A. H., Coromandel, N.Z. Mine-ventilator McNeil, A. H., Coromandel, N.Z. Mine-ventilator MoNeill, A. M., Wanganui, N.Z. Staple-extractor McPhee, J. H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus McRae, Emma S., Prebbleton, N.Z. Effervescing drink McRae, Emma S., Prebbleton, N.Z. Embrocation McRae, J., and others, London, Eng. Bottle Mead, J., sen., Auckland, N.Z. Show-case bracket Mence, L. W., Greymouth, N.Z. Photographio camera Mendham, C. F., London, Eng. Closing sheet-metal boxes Meroer, F. D., and others, Toronto, Canada. (See Massey-Harris Company, Limited, No. 12435.) Mershon, R. D., New York, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 12926.) Merton, T. D., Spottiswoode, Vie. Ore-roasting furnace 'Metzger, V., Bluff, N.Z. Gate-hinge Meyer, H. P., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Grass-seed-dressing apparatus Millar, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Working water-wheels Miller, C, Nelson, N.Z. Cribbage-board Miller, Jessie, Arrowtown, N.Z. Stoker for steam boiler Miller, J. E., Edgewood Park, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 13021.) Miller, K., London, Eng. Rendering ore friable .. Mills, A. E., Branxholme, Vic. Car-coupling Milne, C. W., and another, London, Eng. Electrio arc lamp Milner, W., Warrington, Eng. Tool for closing and opening fence-dropper tongues Mitchell, J., Liverpool, Eng. Preservative covering for hams, &o. Mitchell, J. W., and another, Mosgiel, N.Z. Branding carcases Mitchell, T., Tairua, N.Z. Rat-trap .. .. Moate, J. T,, Adelaide, S.A. Book-leaves Moffett, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Gold-saving Moller, O. A., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Branding-apparatus Montemas, De. (See under D.) Moore, D. M., Newark, U.S.A. (See Moore Electrical Company, No. 12550.) Moore Electrical Company, The, New York, U.S.A. Vacuum-tube lighting. (D. M. Moore) .. Moorhouse, M. L., and others, Hobart, Tasmania. Removing barnacles, ___., from hulls of vessels Moorhouse, T. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Electrioal oonnector for trains Morgan, J., Greymouth, N.Z. Gold-amalgamator Morgan, J., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Dredging-scoops Morgan, J., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Grab for lifting stones, &c... Morgan, J. A., and another, Opawa, N.Z. Signalling at night Morgan, J. D. P., Hautapu, Waikato, N.Z. Converting wood, straw, &c, into charcoal Morgan, W. J., Wellington, N.Z. Method of giving instruction in measurement of timber Morgan, W. R., Wanganui, N.Z. Staple-drawer .. Morice, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Buckle for harness Morran, J. M., and others, Auokland, N.Z. Cleaning kauri-gum Morris, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Refuse-bin Morris, L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Temperature-indicator Morrow, A., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-extinguisher .. Morton, J. S.. Oakland, California, U.S.A. Pump.. Mosher, L. E., and another, Los Angeles, U.S.A. Building-construction Mouat, Mary, Dunedin, N.Z. Game Mouat, W. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Rope coupling Mower, E. F., and another, Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 12372.) Moyer, E. N., Toronto, Canada. Chart-drawing instrument .. Muir, W. J., Poowong East, Vic Bucket-support Mullay, T. S., Invercargill, N.Z. Marine composition for destroying the ship-worm 12800 13149 12525 12607 13258 13151 13152 12345 12915 12517 12384 13038 12387 12806 13059 13114 12923 12340 12329 12645 12675 13274 12489 12734 12659 12529 12318 12746 12623 13204 13205 12491 12931 13137 13010 13218 12999 12797 13127 13053 12777 19 July. 8 Nov. 9 April. 12 May. 13 Dec 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 27 Jan. 23 Aug. 10 April. 15 Feb. 4 Oct. 16 Feb. 23 July. 11 Oct. 27 Oot. 29 Aug. 25 Jan. 23 Jan. 25 May. 12 June. 28 Dec. 28 March 26 June. 30 May. 17 April. 18 Jan. 26 June. 15 May. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 30 March 28 Aug. 5 Nov. 24 Sept. 6 Dec. 18 Sept. 19 July. 29 Oct. 8 Oct. 7 July. 12431 12461 12373 12649 12600 12402 12494 12880 13126 13150 1 March 16 March 8 Feb. +30 March, 12 May. 19 Feb. 29 March, 17 Aug. 29 Oct. 10 Nov. 12550 13249 20 April. 13 Dec. 12357 13216 12942 12998 12514 12558 12311 12823 12802 13146 12651 12316 13197 12849 12709 12988 13215 30 Jan. 29 Nov. 28 Aug. 14 Sept. 6 April. 24 April. 16 Jan. 26 July. 19 July. 8 Nov. 30 May. 18 Jan. 27 Nov. 4 Aug. 22 June. 14 Sept. 4 Dec. 12374 12424 13171 8 Feb. 28 Feb. 16 Nov,




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Murdoch, H. H., and another, Hastings, N.Z. Separating gold Murray, R. L. H., Auckland, N,Z. Increasing illuminating-power of gas Murrell, E., Cromwell, N.Z. Saving gold Nable, D., Redfern, N.S.W. Gleaning rails of tramways .. .. .. Nable, D., Redfern, N.S.W. (See R. Glendining, No. 12502.) Nable, D., Redfern, N.S.W. (See Ross and Glendining, Limited, No. 12848.) Naismith, J. C, Taieri, N.Z. Straw-elevator for thresher Neave, J. S., and others, Gore, N.Z. Gold-saving applianoe .. Nepean-Hutchison, W., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nighteoil-cart Nevill, F. A., Portland, Vic. Steam cooker New Taite Howard Pneumatic Tool Company (Limited), The, London, Bng. Pneumatic hammer. (J. Boyer) New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), Christchurch, N.Z. Potatodigger. (C. Bristow) Newall, J. W., Ongar, Essex, Eng. Cutting hair and wool Nicol, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Valve .. Nielsen, L. C, Copenhagen, Denmark. Oil-lamp burner Nielsen, L. C, and another, Copenhagen, Denmark. Foam-remover for pasteurising-apparatus Nightingale, R. E., Christehurch, N.Z. Briok Nightingale, R. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Brick Noble, J., and others, Broadford, Vic. Boot-sole .. Norris, F. M., Hunterville, N.Z. Distributing oil on a heavy sea Northey, J., Thames, N.Z. Washing-paste Norton, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Wire-straining appliance Noy, H., sen., Dunedin, N.Z. Spark-extinguisher Noyes, T. E. W., Sydney, N.S.W. Incubator. (G. W. Green) Nuttall, W.T., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Seed-dressing machine .. Nuttall, W. J., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Seed-dressing machine .. Oakden, P., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Furnace-kiln Ockenden, A. G., Auckland, N.Z. Music-carrier .. Odling, F. J., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Separating ores .. Ogden, S., Rangiora, N.Z. Securing window-sashes Ohlsson, 0., Sodertelje, Sweden. Separator Olsen, F. C. J., Invercargill, N.Z. Twine-holder .. .. .. ... Olsen, F. J., Invercargill, N.Z. Water-closet seat Olsen, F. J., Invercargill, N.Z. Water-filtering apparatus .. Olsen, F. J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Filtering water Olsen, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Water-bicycle Olund, E., and another, St. Louis, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, No. 12780.) One-hand Cork-puller Company (Limited), Liverpool, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12996.) Onus, A. J., and another, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. (See H. J. Finn, No. 13225.) Orr, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Ventilating-cowl Osborne, J., Doyleston, Canterbury, N.Z. Sinking artesian wells ... Osborne, J., Doyleston, Canterbury, N.Z. Sinking artesian wells Over, W., Auckland, N.Z. Piano-escapement Overend, A., Brisbane, Queensland. Suction dredge for gold-saving Owen, D. A., Christchuroh, N.Z. Bath-tub or scullery-sink Owen, E., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Yard-sink and outdoor drain Oxenham, S., Makuri, N.Z. Spouting-hopper Page, F. T., Pahiatua, N.Z. Wire-grip Page, W. C, Eltham, N.Z. Axle-box fastening .. Painter, W., Hinds, Canterbury, N.Z. Skeith-regulating attachment to plough .. Palmer, P., Dunedin, N.Z. Appliance for cutting pockets Palmer, W. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Drying varnished labels Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-dredging appliance Parker, W., Melbourne, Vic. Treatment of sewage. (D. Cameron, F. J. Commin, and A. J. Martin) Parker, W., Melbourne, Vic. Generating gas from sewage. (D. Cameron, F. J. Commin, and A. J. Martin) Parker, W., Melbourne, Vic Valve for regulating discharge of sewage into tidal waters. (D. Cameron, F. J. Commin, and A. J. Martiu) Parmenter, C, and another, Pleasant Point, N.Z. Generating electricity Parmenter, J., and another, Saltwater Creek, Timaru, N.Z. Generating eleotricity. Parson?, C. A., and others, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Ring of blades for steam-turbine Parsons, H. W., and another, Waikaka, N.Z. Gold-saving.. Parsons, R. 0., and others, Westminster, Eng. (See British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 12884.) Pasco, A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Rabbit-trap fastener Patchett, J., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. (See J. L. Homes and C. T. Lane, No. 12407.) Patchett, T., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. (See J. L. Homes and O. T. Lane, No. 12407.) Patterson, R. L., and others, New York, U.S.A. (See American Cigar Machinery Company, No. 12763.) Pearce, W. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Burner for Primus heating-lamp Pearse, T. H., Boston, U.S.A. Cotton-gin and wool-burrer. (M. Prior).. Pearson, G. A., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Safety draw-pin and catch for railway vehiole .. Pearson, G. S., Hamilton E., N.Z. Wire strainer and splicer .. .. ;. Peat, O., Parnell, Auckland, N.Z. Chair Peddle, F. W., Potutu, N.Z. Candlestick Pell, W., Flemington, Vic (See I. Wheeldon, No. 12539.) Pellew, W. F., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Butter-churn Pelton, J. C, and another, New York, U.S.A. Building-construction Penney, G. W., Gore, N.Z. Turnip shawer and lifter Perkins, T. S., Idlewood, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 12557.) Perrott, J., Gardiner, Vic. Cash-registering machine Perry, J. H., Melbourne, Vic. Oxygen-generator.. Perry, J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Power-winch for gold-dredge .. .. .. ., 13134 12663 12817 12465 2 Nov. 6 June. 27 July. 16 March. 12496 12739 13250 12434 12722 28 March. 27 June. 11 Dec. 3 March. 22 June. 13051 8 0ot. 12896 12307 12753 12314 12506 13231 12944 13279 12954 12555 12640 13034 12797 12797 12549 13221 13211 12890 12351 12320 12430 12453 12404 13136 22 Aug. 15 Jan. 2 July. 18 Jan. 4 April. 8 Dec. 3 Sept. 28 Dec. 3 Sept. 18 April. 19 May. 3 Oct. 19 July. 19 July. 20 April. 3 Dec. 4 Dec 17 Aug. 31 Jan. 15 Jan. 1 March. 9 Maroh. 20 Feb. 3 Nov. 12915 12704 13173 12820 12634 12521 12774 12376 13266 12824 13024 12819 12782 12581 12624 23 Aug. 19 June. 15 Nov. 26 July. 22 May. 19 April. 11 July. 12 Feb. 20 Dec 31 July. 27 Sept. 27 July. 12 July. 3 May. 18 May. 12625 18 May. 12626 18 May. 13155 13155 12495 13132 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 31 March. 29 Oct. 12756 3 July. 12538 12825 12671 12559 13031 13117 18 April. 31 July. 11 June. 24 April. 27 Sept. 31 Oct. 12345 12709 12856 27 Jan. 22 June. 9 Aug. 12779 12540 12589 12 July. 20 April. 7 May.




Name, Besidence, and Invention. No. Date. Perry, W. B., Hokitika, N.Z. Eocking-horse Petersen, A., Copenhagen, Denmark. Lock Petersen, A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Bath-heater Petersen, P. V. F., and another, Copenhagen, Denmark. Foam-remover for pasteurisingapparatus Peterason, B., Brussels, Belgium. (See T. N. Beavan,-No. 12723.) Pettitt, H., Kaikorai, N.Z. Package-filling machine .. .. Phillips, E., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-concentrator. (L. Look) .. Philp, J. A. P., Sydenham, N.Z. Guard for bioyole-chain Pieard, Kirkpatrick-. (See under K.) Pieper, N., Liege, Belgium. (See C. P. Webendorfer, No. 13166.) Pinches, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Candlestick Pinches, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Batten for wire fenoing Pinny, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Artificial limb Pocock, A. C, and another, Dannevirke, N.Z. Aoetylene-generatcr Pomeroy, J. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Joining ends of and bracing rails together Potter, A., Auckland, N.Z. Powder for destroying insects .. .. .. Potter, H. N., Pitisburg, U.S.A. Ballast-resistance and cut-out for Nernst lamp Potter, H. N., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Starting-apparatus and cut-out for Nernst lamp Potter, H. N., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Nernst lamp Powers, W. H. and another, Denver, U.S.A. (See Trommlitz Vote - register Company, No. 12591.)' Poynter, J. B., Bluff, N.Z. Fireplace Price, J. V., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Production of overlays in illustration-printing .. Prior, M., Watertown, U.S.A. (See T. H. Pearse, No. 12825.) Pritchard, C, and another, South Preston, Vic. Draught-excluder for doors Purser, H. A., Wanganui, N.Z, Billiard-table cushion Purves, W. T., Edinburgh, Scotland. Carburetter Pyke, H. A., Whangarei, N.Z. Sand-soap powder Quaife, F. W., Halswell, Canterbury, N.Z. Hermetically sealing perishable substances Quertier, H., Mataura, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance .. ... Quin, J. D., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Cash-book Quinn, J., and others, Young, New South Wales. Harvesting-machine.. Rabbidge, P., Sydney, N.S.W. Switching-appliance for telephone Eabbidge, P., Sydney, N.S.W. Magneto-telephone Babe, H., and another, Thames, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher .. Eamage, J., Balclutha, N.Z. Acetylene-gas gentrator Band, J. D., and another, Eulong, N.S.W. Non-reflllable bottle Eanger, H. J., Christchuroh, N.Z. Road-eleaning machine. Ranieb, H., Wellington, N.Z. Billiard-cushion .. Ransom, B. A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Horse-cover fastener Baper, A. E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-bucket oleaner and gold-saver Eaper, A. E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Drop-plate for gold-dredge .. Raper, F., jun., Dunedin, N.Z. Railway speed-indicator Rapson, J., and another, Kakanui, N.Z. Wire-strainer Bapson, J., and another, Kakanui, N.Z. Wire-strainer Rasmussen, H. P., and others, Winton, N.Z. Wheel Rayfield, J. W., and another, Menzies, W.A. Treating gold .. Raymond, F. V., Inveroargill, N.Z. Keeping brushes moist.. Raymond, F. V., and another; Invercargill, N.Z. Shirts, and means of securing cuffs and collars thereto Raymond, F. V., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Fastener for shirt-collar Raymond, F. V., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Securing shirt collars, cuffs, &c.. Rayward, H. H., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Gold-dredging Reeves, H. J., and another, Dunedia, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Reeves, L. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Pontoon for gold-dredge Reeves, L. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Pontoon Reeves, L. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Smoke-oonveyor and spark-extingaisher.. Reisler, H., Auokland, N.Z. Clothee-peg ReDner, G., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Branding wool-bales Renner, G., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Branding-mixture Renner, G., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Marking sheep Bennie, B. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Flooring- and lining-cramp Reynolds, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Calculating-apparatus Reynolds, H., Christoburoh, N.Z. Cyole mud-guard .. ... Bioe, J. W., and another, Armadale, Vic. Horse-shoe Rich, F. A., Karangahake, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear Rich, F. A., Karangahake, N.Z. Recovery of gold and silver. (S.B.Christy) Rich, F. A., Karangahake, N.Z. Velocipede driving-gear Richards, A., Auckland, N.Z. Woven-wire mattress Bichards, N. P., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Receptacle for discrete materials Richardson, E., Moonee Ponds, Vic. Spark-extinguisher Richardson, G. J. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Separating gold Richardson, G. J. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Spark-extinguisher.. Richardson, G. J. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Caster Richardson, G. J. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Caster Riohardson, G. J. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Caster Rigg, H. T., Bunbury, W.A. (See H. L. Spring, Nos. 12409, 12410.) Biley, J. C, and another, Dannevirke, N.Z. Stump-jack Bimoldi, A. P., and another, Forbes, N.S.W. Non-refillable bottle .. .. Bitehie, E. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Cigarette Ritchie, G. T., Sydney, N.S.W. Destructor Ritchie, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Grate and ash-pit Ritson, G. A.,- Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-pot Robb, J., Gore, N.Z. Gold-saving box and tumbler Roberts, B., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge elevator Roberts, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Cable dummy-car gripper 12785 12865 12683 12314 11 July. 13 Aug. 12 June. 18 Jan. ,12321 13020 12441 16 Jan. 28 Sept. 1 Maroh. 12983 12567 12532 13267 12620 13202 12907 12909 12911 13 Sept. 25 April. 10 April. 21 Feb.,'01 12 May. 27 Nov. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 13104 12821 26 Oct. 28 July. 13138 12488 12745 12853 12980 12644 12343 13070 12298 12957 12597 12554 12575 12801 12812 12748 13110 13190 12738 12787 12787 13232 13161 13045 12473 7 Nov. 27 Maroh. 29 June. 8 Aug. 13 Sept. 23 May. 23 July,'98 15 Oct. 8 Jan. 3 Sept. 9 May. 20 April. 4 May. 21 July. 25 July. 30 June. 26 Oct. 19 Nov. 25 June. 14 July. 14 July. 10 Deo. 15 Nov. 5 Oct. 20 Maroh. 12474 12504 12533 12301 12459 12657 13089 12939 12287 12286 12611 13076 13180 12619 12796 12296 12535 13056 12471 13141 12930 12572 13105 12857 12860 12973 20 Maroh. 4 April. 11 April. 11 Jan. 12 Maroh. 26 May. 19 Oct. 29 Aug. 8 Jan. 8 Jan. 14 May. 15 Oct. 20 Nov. 14 May. 16 July. 8 Jan. 12 April. 8 Oct. 16 Maroh. 7 Nov. 30 Aug. 30 April. 22 Oct. 6 Aug. 8 Aug. 6 Sept. 12858 12575 12766 12952 12512 12524 13169 12497 13046 10 Aug. 4 May. 5 July. 5 Sept. 6 April. 12 April. 16 Nov. 30 Maroh. 6Oo1;,




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Bobertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope Eobertson, G. R., Sydney, N.S.W. Fastening for hoop-irons Robertson, J., Glasgow, Scotland. Furniture Eoberison, J., Halcombe, N.Z. Moistening adhesive surfaces Robertson, J. W.,'Cromwell, N.Z. Pump .. ... .. .. .. Eobinson, G., Pahiutua, N.Z. Slasher Rodgers, H. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rat-trap .. .. ... Rogers, J. J. E. C, Balmain, Sydney, N.S.W. Electro-magnet Eose, H., and another, South Yarra, Vic. Gravity wheel Eoss, J., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Explosives .. Boss, W., and others, Mataura, N.Z. Gold-saving mat Ross and Glendining (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Coat-adjustment. (D. Nable) Eothschild, W., and others, London, Eng. Ammunition-box Rothwell, C. F. S., and another, Manchester, Eng. Photographic film Rouse, J. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Photographic camera Ruddenklau, J. G., Moeraki, N.Z. Turnip-cutter.. Eugg, P., Auckland, N.Z. Spectacle-attachments Bugg, D., Auckland, N.Z. Crutch for invalid Eussell, H. S., London, Eng. Lining casks, &o. .. Ruud, E., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 12744.) Euud, E., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 13257.) ' Sadtler, B., Denver, U.S.A. (See A. G. Clark, Nos. 12425, 12426, and 12427.) Sale, G. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge concentrator.. Sarigny, De. (See under D.) Sawers, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Governor Sawers, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cycle-propelling mechanism Scammell, S., and another, North Waratah, N.S.W. Preventing the " racing" of propellors .. Schmidt, W., Wilhelmshb'he, Germany. Drying and superheating wet steam Schmidt, W., Wilhelmshoe, Germany. Regulating superheated steam in compound engines.. Schmidt, W., Wilhelmsho'he, Germany. Compound machine Schutze, G., Melbourne, Vic. Travelling rug or bed Scott, G. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Cycle-tire cover. (American Dunlop Tire Company) .. Scott, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Bedding, padded sleeping-wrappers, &c. Scott, J. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Dust-and rain-excluder for doors Seaman, H. J., and another, Catasauqua, U.S.A. (See Hurry and Seaman's Patents, Limited, Nos. 12381, 12382, 12383.) Seitz, E., Melbourne, Vic. Centrifugal-pump Seligsohn, M., Denver, U.S.A. (See International Metal Extraction Company, No. 13058.) Seque, E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Drop-plate for gold-dredge .. .. ... Seque, E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-bucket cleaner and gold-saver Shand, A. M., and others, Queensport, Queensland. Preserving meat .. Shaw, H., Leeston, N.Z. Fastening for horse-cover Shaw, H., Wellington, N.Z. Knife-cleaning machine Shaw, H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Window-sash fastener Shaw, S. W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Fence. (The Cyclone Woven-wire Fence Company— W. Hewitt and J. and 0. Lace.) Shepherd, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Pulley-block Sheriff, A. A., Wanganui, N.Z. Batten for wire fencing Sheriff, A. A., Wanganui, N.Z. Batten for wire fencing Sherrin, Vaugban-. (See under V.) Sim, W., Wallacetown, N.Z. Milk feeder and heater Sim, W., and another, Wallacetown, N.Z. Milking-machine .. Simmonds, E., Coromandel, N.Z. Candle-holder Simon, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Boot .. ... Simon, J. P., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Boot Simpson, C, Springvale, N.Z. Garden-rake Simpson, H. V., London, Eng. Treatment of wood to render it non-flammable .. Simpson, R. A., Wright's Bush, Southland, N.Z. Hat-pin Singer, I., Taita, Wellington, N.Z. Churn Skelton, R., Dublin, Ireland. Cycling-skirt Skillicorn, A., Gisborne, N.Z, Wool-press Smaill, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Wbippletree Smallbone, E., Nelson, N.Z. Horse-cover Sloan, H. R., Hawera, N.Z. Cog-wheel trap-set adjuster .. Smart, A. K., and others, Stratford, N.Z. Milk-aerator Smart, G., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Eim for milk-can lid Smart, G., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Milking-bucket Smart, G., and others, Stratford, N.Z. Milk-aerator Smart, H., and others, Statford, N.Z. Milk-aerator Smethurst, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Fence-dropper Smith, A., Onehunga, N.Z. Tips for racehorses Smith, E. A., and another, Republic, Washington, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 12679.) Smith, G. E., St. Kilda, Vic. Window-fastener Smith, G. D., and others, London, Eng. Ammunition-box Smith, G. T., and another, Gloucester, Eng. Scalper, dresser, and grader for flour-mill Smith, H., and another, South Preston, Vic Draught-excluder for doors Smith, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fumigating buildings, &c. Smith and Sons (Limited), J., and another, Bradford, Eng. Eecovering grease from the washliquors of wool Smyth, J. J., Suffolk, Eng. Manure-distributing machine .. Smythe, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus So'rensen, S. S., London, Eng. Golf-club Spackman, H. S., and another, Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 13145.) Spear, F. N., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Fuel-feeder Speight, J., Kirwee, N.Z. Still-water motor Speight, J., and another, Kirwee, N.Z. Preventing marine engines from " raoing " 13131 12385 13071 12740 12770 12705 12584 13092 12717 12388 12582 12848 13095 13159 12561 13066 12878 12958 12925 2 Nov. 12 Feb. 15 Oct. 28 June. 7 July. 21 Juna. 7 May. 23 Oct. 22 June. 16 Feb. 3 May. 4 Aug. 26 Oct. 16 Nov. 24 April. 12 Oct. 13 Aug. 3 Sept. 29 Aug. 23 April. 12565 12344 12664 12604 12304 12305 12306 12945 12609 12484 13268 30 Jan. 6 June. 12 May. 13 Jan. 13 Jan. 13 Jan. 3 Sept. 14 May. 22 March. 18 Deo. 12994 20 S8pt. 13190 13110 12417 12479 13116 12924 12405 19 Nov. 26 Oct. 22 Feb. 20 Maroh. 30 Oot. 29 Aug. 20 Feb. 12587 12551 12552 8 May. 18 April. 18 April. 12719 12736 12275 13246 13246 13041 12291 12399 13208 12328 12323 12628 12741 13135 13087 13111 13175 13087 13087 13128 12408 22 June. 26 June. 3 Jan. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 3 Oct. f31 May, '99 15 Feb. 3 Dec. t4April,'99 17 Jan. 16 May. 29 June. 5 Nov. 2 Nov. 29 Oct. 20 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 31 Oot. 6 Feb. 12655 13095 12493 13138 12598 12762 30 May. 26 Oct. 30 March. 7 Nov. 10 May. 5 July. 12805 13005 12573 21 July. 22 Sept. 1 May. 12799 13091 13067 20 July. 29 Oct. 15 Oot.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Spencer, W. E., New Plymouth, N.Z. Separating gold Spiller, W. H., and another, Melbourne, Vio. Burner for Primus heating-lamp Spink, E. A., Chicago, U.S.A. (See Spink Liquor Company, No. 13181.) Spink Liquor Company, Chicago, U.S.A. Treating liquors. (E. A. Spink) Spiritine (Limited), Westminster, Eng. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 12886.) Spring, H. L., Perth, W.A. Amalgamation of ores. (H. T. Eigg) Spring, H. L., Perth, W.A. Ball-cradle for crushing ores. (H. T. Eigg) Stanley, C, San Francisco, U.S.A. Air-ship Stevens, K., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Device to prevent false alarms of fire Stewart, J., Campbelltown, N.Z. Bottle Stewart, J. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Milking-machine Stirling, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Drop-plate for dredge Stokes, W., jun., New Brighton, N.Z. Cycle-brake Stokes, W. J. C, New Brighton, N.Z. Rooket signalling Stoney, G. G., and others, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Ring of blades for steam-turbine Stonyer, J. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Plough Stonyer, J. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Multi-furrow plough Storer, N. W., Allegheny, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company, Limited, Nos. 12902 and 13103.) Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Eidge-drill Storrie, A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Drag-point for grain-coulter Story, J. W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rabbit-crate Streeter, D. C, Halswell, N.Z. Steam-pressure regulator Stumpf, J., Berlin, Germany. (See Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, No. 12760.)' Sturtevant, G., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Cleaning kauri-gum Sulman, H. L., and another, London, Eng. (See S. H. Johnson and Company, Limited, No. 12327.) Sulphides Reduction (New Process), Limited, The, London, Eng. Treating ores. (F. Ellershausen) Sutherland, P. R., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Safety device for mining-oage. (H.Turner) .. Suttie, C, Onehunga, N.Z. Crushing-or grinding-mill Suttie, C, Onehunga, N.Z. Sole-leather-rolling machine Suttie, W. B., Onehunga, N.Z. Legging-boot Swanson, T. A., and another, Hartington, U.S.A. Liquid-weigher Swinburne, J., and another, London, Eng. Treatment of sulphide ores.. Symons, O. W., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Coiling and uncoiling wire Tabard, G., Lyon, France. Acetylene-gas generator Tait, A. L. J., Richmond, Vic. Clothes-peg Taite-Howard Pneumatic Tool Company (Limited), The New. (See under New.) Talbot, A. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Contrivance for securing shelving in position Taucher, J., Lower Hutt, N,Z. Leg-holder for cows Taylor, C. H., Montreal, Canada. Rotary engine Taylor, F. C, New York, U.S.A. Colour-printing process Taylor, J. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Collar-stud grip Taylor, W., Ballarat, Vio. (See W. P. Bice and A. H. Guthridge, 12913.) Taylor, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Rabbit-trap fastener Taylor, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance Taylor, "W. O., Princeton, Canada. Rotary engine. (E. B. Tree) Temple, G. T., and others, London, Eng. Bottle Tennant, J., Oroua Bridge, N.Z. Flax-stripper chair Thomas, J.., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Computing-machine Thomas, P. H., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, Nos. 13101 and 13112.) Thomas, V., Paris, France. Filament for electric incandescence lamp Thompson, A. F., Hunter's Hill, N.S.W. Mail-bag buckle .. Thompson, A. G., North Brighton, Vic. Harness saddle Thomson, D., Winton, N.Z. "Wire-tightener Thomson, E., Brisbane, Queensland. Horse-collar Thomson, H,, Armadale, Vic. Motor-car Thomson, J., Inveroargill, N.Z. Saving gold Thornton, J. E., Altrincham, Eng. Photographic film Thurlow, N., Newark, U.S.A. (See Ampere Electro Chemical Company, No. 13192.) Thurlow, W., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Joining backs of boot-uppers Tierney, T. F., New York, U.S.A. Churn Tilley, W. G., Wanganui, N.Z. Ruling-machine.. Tindill, A., Blenheim, N.Z. Heel-pad. (G. Wood) .. ... Tingley, E. M. Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12396.) Todd, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Sheep-dip powder Toft, E., and another, London, Eng. Saddle Tomline, R., and others, Christohurch, N.Z. Branding-apparatus Toms, E., Wellington, N.Z. Cowl Toms, E., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Acetylene-generator .. Topliss, C, Addington, N.Z. Butter-working machine Townsend, G. A. P., Masterton, N.Z. Legging Townshend, G. F., Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. Saucer Townshend, N., Leeston, N.Z. Smoothing-iron .. Trefle, C. B., Temora, N.S.W. Equaliser for yoking any number of horses Trefle, C. B., Temora, N.S.W. Equaliser for yoking six or three horses.. Tree, E. B., Woodstock, Canada. (See W. O. Taylor, No. 12948.) Trembath, W., and others, Gore, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance Trevor, S. C. E., Mangawhare, N.Z. Extracting spirits and oil from kauri refuse Trevurza, S., Ashburton, N.Z. Self-acting skeith.. Treweek, F., Wbenuakura, N.Z. Rat-trap Treweek, F., and another, Whenuakura, N.Z. Preparation for preventing iron-rust Tripe, J. D., Wanganui, N.Z. Window-sash fastener Trommlitz, G. W., and another, Denver, U.S.A. (See Trornmlitz Vote-register Company, No. 12591.) 13237 12538 8 Deo. 18 April. 13181 23 Nov. 12409 12410 13124 13074 12421 12736 12483 12660 12670 12495 12439 12638 21 Fob. 21 Feb. 31 Oct. 16 Oct. 21 Feb. 26 June. 22 March. 31 May. 9 June. 31 March. 3 March. 21 May. 12284 12375 12334 12695 4 Jan. 6 Feb. 23 Jan. 16 June. 13146 8 Nov. 12467 19 March. 12840 12642 12643 12630 12810 12282 13144 12469 13037 2 Aug. 23 May. 23 May. 19 May. 25 July, til July, '99 5 Nov. 19 March. 2 Oct. 12322 12959 12371 12818 13226 17 Jan. 7 Sept. 8 Feb. 27 July. 8 Dec. 12756 12713 12948 12491 12413 12871 3 July. 22 June. 4 Sept. 30 March. 22 Feb. 14 Aug. 12768 13073 13081 12627 12278 12615 12816 13159 6 July. 17 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 May. 4 Jan. 14 May. 23 July. 16 Nov. 12965 12707 13109 12894 8 Sept. 22 June. 25 Oct. 20 Aug. 12460 12279 13150 12380 13267 12893 12778 12530 13107 12667 12668 16 March. 4 Jan. 10 Nov. 15 Feb. 21 Feb.,'01 17 Aug. 12 July. 9 April. 24 Oct. 8 June. 8 June. 12739 12647 13238 13011 12363 12764 27 June. 23 May. 13 Dec. 24 Sept. 3 Feb. 2 July.




4—H. 10.

Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Trommlitz Vote-register Company, The, Denver, U.S.A. Voting-machine. (G. W. Trommlitz and W. H. Powers) Tropenas, A., Paris, France. Manufacture of steel .. .. .. • • • Tropenas, A., Paris, Prance. Manufacture of steel Trotter, 0. A., Opunake, N.Z. Ascertaining distances Trotter, C. A., Opunake, N.Z. Cramp Tuck, G. E. T., Auckland, N.Z. Hoisting-gear Tucker, F. H., InvercargUl, N.Z. Brush for wetting paper Tunnioliffe, H. S., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Tire Turiand, J. H., and others, Young, N.S.W. HarvestiDg-machino Turnbull, R., Wellington, N.Z. Conveying electrical energy to dredges.. Turner, E. E,, and another, Sydney, N.S.W., and Melbourne, Vic. Tobacco-cutting machine. (H. Jones) Turner, H., Blaokwood, Vic. (See J. B. Cameron and P. R. Sutherland, No. 12840.) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Flexible-rim wheel. (E. Olund and P. J. Csesar) .. Twidle, A., Whangarei, N.Z. Sheet-metal shears .. Tyberg, O., and others, New York, U.S.A. (See American Cigar Machinery Company, No. 12763.) Tychsen, E. A., Oruawharo, N.Z. Cycle-driving mechanism.. Tyree, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Aoetylene-generator .. Tyree, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Acetylene-lamp Tyrrell, J., jun., Queenstown, N.Z. Gold-saving ripples Tj'rrell, J., jun., and another, Queenstown, N.Z. Sp-irk-extinguisher .. United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Stitch-forming and finishing machine. (E. F. Mower and P. A. Coupal) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Pulling-over machine. (R. P. McPeely) United Shoe Machinery Compauy, Paterson, U.S.A. Lasting-machine. (S. W. Ladd) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Boot and fastening. (L. A. Gasgram) _ .. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for forming screw-threaded wire. (G. Goddu) Universal Fuel Company, Chicago, U.S.A. Making ooke. (J. Hemingway) Valentine, T., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Gas-generator Van Laak, L., and others, San Francisco, U.S.A. Manufacture of brooms from N.Z. flax Vaughan-Sherrin, J., Westminster, Eng. Manufacture of varnish, &o. .. Venables, W. J., Christchuroh, N.Z. Bicycle-muff Verey, W. A., Oamaru, N.Z. Railway-road lever .. Victor Motor Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. Igniter for gas-engine. (G. Ey) Vincent, A , Normanby, N.Z. Ointment Vine, H. G., Wanganui, N.Z. Cash-book Vivian, T., Auckland, N.Z. Means for keeping salt in powdered state .. Voelker, W. L., London, Eng. Incandescing electric lamp .. Voelker. W. L., London, Eng. Incandescing electric-lamp filament Voelker W. L., London, Eng. Incandescing eleetrio-lamp filament Wales, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Rope-coupling .. .. .. •• Wales, R., and auother, Invercargil), N.Z. Shirt, and means of seounng oufis and collars thereto Wales, R., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Fastener for shirt-collar .. ... Wales, R., and another, Invercargill, N.Z.. Securing shirt collars, cuffs, &c. Walker, H. R., New Brighton, N.Z. Operating semaphores Walker, H. R., New Brighton, N.Z. Coupling-gear Walker, H. R., New Brighton, N.Z. Spark-arrester Walker, J. H., Charters Towers, Queensland. Syringe and reservoir Walsh, T., Kuri Bush, N.Z. Toothache cure Walton, H., and others, Mataura, N.Z. Gold-saving mat .. Ward, A., and another, New York, U.S.A. Amalgamating-maohine Ward, 0. H., Melbourne, Vic. Treating ores Ward, H., Camberwell, Vic. Door-closing mechanism Ward, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Waschatz, O., Richmond, Vic. Coffin Waterman, C. H., Pompton Plains, U.S.A. Process of enamelling Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vic Steam-engine. (B. Ljungstrom) .. .. .;. Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vic. Extracting precious metals from their ores. (Illinois Reduction Company—E. A. Smith and M. H. Lyng) Waters E iun , Melbourne, Vic. Tanning and treating hides and skms. (R. Gombret) Waters', e'., jun.. Melbourne, Vic. Acetylene-generator. (A. Husson and E. W. Lancaster) .. Waters'e!! iuu., Melbourne, Vic. Treating sulphides. (A. Germot) .. Waters E iun Melbourne, Vic. Fuel for spirit-stove. (Spiritine, Limited—B. Hofiman) .. Waters' e!' iun., Melbourne, Vic. Railway-switch and semaphore apparatus. (F. L. Dodgson) Waters' E ' jun , Melbourne, Vic. Linotype machine. (Linotype Company, Limited—W. H. Lock P. O. Lawless, F. C. Dolby, tt. C. Elliott, and C. Holliwell) , . .,. , Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Vic. Mould for linotype machine. (Linotype Company, Limited Waters E jun., Melbourne, Vic. Matrices for linotype maohine. (Linotype Company, Limited—W. H. Lock, M. Barr, W. J. Lewis, and G. W. Hughes) Watkins, J. E., Tinwald, Canterbury, N.Z. Crane and friction-hoist for traction-engine Watson 'g. A., Inveroargill, N.Z. Tin-opener Watson G. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Securing tops, &c, to tins Watson, G. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Ventilating ridge-capping Watt J. B. C, Mataura, N.Z. Separating gold Watts, B. E., Wellington, N.Z. Displaying photos .. ■• •• Wearn, J. S., and another, Aldington, Canterbury, N.Z. Candle shade and reflector Webb, A. J., Healesville, Vic. Label .. • • • • Webendorfer, C. P., Sydney, N.S.W. Breaoh-loading small-arm. (N. Pieper) Webster, G., Parrama'tta, N.S.W. Extracting gold Weir, G., Adelaide, S.A. Ore-dressing machine Welsbv J and another, Wellington, N.Z. Lead-heading nails Welsby J and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-oloset siphon 12591 10 May. 13063 12429 13042 12916 12874 12784 13147 13070 13113 12384 12 Oct. 1 March. 5 Oct. 23 Aug. 16 Aug. 9 July. 8 Nov. 15 Oct. 29 Oat. 15 Feb. 12780 13035 12 July. 2 Oct. 12515 13008 13009 13090 12859 12372 6 April. 24 Sept. 24 Sept. 20 Oct. 7 Aug. 8 Feb. 12790 12791 12837 12947 17 July. 17 July. 2 Aug. 4 Sept. 12280 13153 13030 12326 12564 12449 12914 13054 12962 12403 12832 12833 12922 13215 12473 4 Jan. 8 Nov. 27 Sept. 20 Jan. 24 April. 6 March. 23 Aug. 11 Oct. 7 Sept. 20 Feb. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 29 Aug. 4 Deo. 20 March. 12474 12504 12862 12975 12976 12838 12692 12582 12665 12901 12416 13106 12300 12325 12478 12679 20 Maroh 4 April. 11 Aug. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 2 Aug. 19 June. 3 May. 6 June. 22 Aug. 22 Feb. 23 Oct. 11 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 March. 13 June. 12680 12725 12789 12886 13182 13263 13 June. 22 June. 16 July. 17 Aug. 23 Nov. 20 Deo. 13264 20 Dec. 13265 20 Dec. 12888 12921 12943 12929 12678 12366 12769 12710 13166 12313 12935 12811 13015 18 Aug. 24 Aug. 30 Aug. 28 Aug. 8 June 5 Feb. 7 July. 22 June. 15 Nov. 18 Jan. 31 Aug. 25 July. 27 Sept.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Weny, W., Bendigo, Vic. Steam-engine .. .. .. •■. ■■ Wesley, C, Greymoutb, N.Z. Preventing wearing of dredge-buckets Wesley, J. A. B., Gawler, S.A. Concentrating-table Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Draught appliances and couplings for railroad cars Whatman, H. M., and another, Cheviot, N.Z. Plough-share Wheeldon, I., Melbourne, Vic. Rifle. (W. Pell) Wheeler, O. L., Ohristchureh, N.Z. Reducing wheat to flour White, C. P., Morvi, Bombay, India. Coupling-gear Whiting, A. E., Hexbam, Vic L"g-rope for cows Whitmore, B. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Filtering water Wiggins, W., Wellington, N.Z. Leggings Wildbore, C. B., and another, Pobangina, N.Z. Device for feeding pigs with liquid food Wildbore, F. L., Taonui, N.Z. Locking bicycles .. Wildbore, F. L., and another, Pohangina, N.Z. Device for feeding pigs with liquid food Wilding, J. A., and others, London, Eng. Ammunition-box.. Wilkinson, H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Converting nigbtsoil into manure Wilkinson, W., and another, Aucklaud, N.Z. Converting nightsoil into manure .. Willett, J. W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Spark-ex , inguisher Williams, A., Fitzroy, Vic. Boot or shoe Williams, A., Wellington, N.Z. Means for preventing horses from bolting .. Williamson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Drift-diverting attachment for dredge-buckets Willison, J., Derby, Eng. Railway couplers and. buffers Wilson, D., Mataura, N.Z. Keeping weeds clear of suction-pipes of dredges Wilson, H. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Wire-strainer .. .. Wilson, R. A., Bulls, N.Z. Grass-seed-cleaning machine Wilson, R. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Fowl-feeder .. Wilson, W. H., Bulls, N.Z. Fencir.g-atandard Winter, F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Water-bicycle Wise, R., Waikouaiti, N.Z. Wire-atrainer Wood, F. P.. Auckland, N.Z. Tire Wood, F. P., Auckland, N.Z. Shield for tire Wood, G., Burnley, Bng. (See A. Tindill, No. 12894.) Wood, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Hair-pin Woodbury, G. E., San Francisco, U.S.A. Ore concentrating machine Woodhead, J., Brisbane, Queensland. Cramp Woods, P., Kawakawa, N.Z. Convertible saddle Woods, P., Kawakawa, N.Z. Riding-saddle Wright, G., and another, Wilkmsburg, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited,, No. 13100.) Wright, J., and another, Mosgiel, N Z. Branding carcases Wrigley, F. H., Opaki, N.Z. Lifting-jack Wurts, A. J., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 12560.) Wurts, A. J., Pittsburg, U.S.A. System of lighting by Nernst lamps •Wurts, A. J., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Starting-apparatus and cut-out for Nernst lamp .. Wurts, A. J., and another Pittsburg, U.S.A. Terminal connection and support for Nernst lamp Wurts, A. J., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Nernst lamp Wylds, A. H., and others, Palmerston North, N.Z. Hoist .. W\lie, J., Maheno, Otago, N.Z. Bag-ring for chaff cutting and bagging machine .. Yager, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Whippletree Young, C. I., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, Nos. 12903 and 13018.) Young, D. J., Patea, N.Z. Shower-bath Young, P., and another, Lawrence, N.Z. Dredge-shoot cleaner Young, P., and another, Lawrence, N.Z. Dredge-shoot cleaner Young, P. C. K., Lawrence, N.Z. Raising water Young, P. K., and others, Mataura, N.Z. Envelope-opener Young, R., and another, Danedin, N.Z. Temperature-indicator Young, W. B., Fortroso, N.Z. Wire-strainer Ziele, H. L., Chriatchurch, N.Z. Advertising-bracket 13167 12991 12993 12656 13029 12539 12844 12815 12978 12404 12617 12826 12750 12826 13095 13148 13148 13032 13048 12992 12499 13212 12684 13743 12332 12758 12648 13136 12847 12876 12877 16 Nov. 17 Sept. 20 Sept. 30 May. 1 Oct. 19 April. 2 Aug. 26 July. 14 Sept. 20 Feb. 14 May. lAug. 2 July. 1 Aug. 26 Oct. 6 Nov. 6 Nov. 3 Oct. 8 Oct. 18 Sept. 29 March. 5 Deo. 12 June. 29 June. 23 Jan. 3 July. 29 May. 3 Nov. 7 Sept. 13 Aug. 13 Aug. 12420 12772 13143 12981 12637 24 Feb. 9 July. 7 Nov. 13 Stpt. 23 May. 12402 12288 19 Feb. 8 Jan. 12908 12909 12910 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 12911 12486 12528 12883 23 Aug. 27 March. 12 April. 17 Aug. 13130 12534 12843 12302 12960 12316 13199 12997 2 Nov. 11 April. 3 Aug. 11 Jan. 7 Sept. 18 Jan. 26 Nov. 18 Sept.




[t Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-mar .ct, 188! '."] Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Abdominal belt. D. Jensen Acetylene-generator. W. Bradley Acetylene-generator. C. J. Cooze Acetylene-generator. J. Dempster Aoetylene-generator. A. G. Jackson, C. D. Ferguson, and E. G. Abell Acetylene-generator. H. J. Jones and J. Baker Acetylene-generator. D. McDonald Acetylene-generator. A. C. Pocock and E. Toms .. .. .. Acetylene-generator. J. Ramage Acetylene-generator. G. Tabard Acetylene-generator. W. Tyree Acetylene-generator. E. Waters, jun. Acetylene-lamp. W. Tyree Adhesive surface moistener. J. Robertson Advertising-apparatus. J. Daniels Advertising-bracket. H. L. Ziele Advertising candle. W. J. MacLean Advertising-envelope. R. F. Hobson Aerator. (See Milk-aerator.) Aerial machine. A. H. Byron and A. R. Baird ... Aerial machine. N. R. Gordon Air-and-gas mixer. J. Coates Air-compressor. W. J. Linton Air, Means for detecting abnormal conditions of. M. W. Maylard Air-ship. C. Stanley Alarm. (See Fire-alarm, Railway-crossing alarm.) Alimentary substances, Preservation of. L. L. Carpentier Altitude-calculator. C. A. Trotter Aluminium, Soldering. H. Lange Amalgamation of ores, Filtro-. H. L. Spring Amalgamator. W. Adams Amalgamator. A. M. Ernsberger and A. Ward Amalgamator. T. R. Jordan Amalgamator. J. Morgan Ammunition-box. W. Rothschild, G. D. Smith, and J. A. Wilding Antifouling composition. T.S. Mullay Antimony-ores, Treating. T. N. Beavan Apparel, Infants'. E. Higgins Apple-core extractor. G. E. Adlard Arrester. (See Lightning-arrester, Spark-arrester, Spark-extinguisher, Spark-stopper.) Arsenic ores, Treating. T. N. Beavan Artesian well, Apparatus for sinking. J.Osborne.. Artesian-well-sinking method. J. Osborne Artificial limb. H. Pinny .. Ashpit and grate. J.Ritchie Atmosphere, Detecting abnormal conditions of. M. W. Maylard Auriferous wash, Treating. D.Marks Axle-box fastening. W. C. Page Axle, Oil-cap for. C. Y. Dally Bag-ring for chaff cutter and bagger. J. Wylie Bale-fastening. G. R. Robertson Ball-cock. W. Andrews Ballast-resistance and cut-out for lamp. H. N. Potter Ballot-box. H. Droutlege .. • Bandolier. F. G. Hughes .. .. .. Barnacle-removing appliance. M. L. Moorhouse, H. J. Dyson, and J. Crane Barrels, &o., Lining. H.S.Russell Bath. (See Shower-bath.) Bath-heater. A. Petersen and C. L. Godfrey Bath-tub. D.A.Owen Batten. (See Fencing-batten.) Battery, Gold-saving. E.K.Cooper ... ... Bearing and shaft for dredge-tumblers. P. Ellis Bed. G. Schiitze .. Bedding for invalids. J. Soott Belt. (See Abdominal belt, Cartridge-belt.) Bench and saw combination. C. Y. Dally Bicycle-brake. W. B. Govett Bicycle-chain guard. J. A. P. Philp Bicycle-driving gear. F.A.Rich Bicycle-locking device. F. L. Wildbore Bicycle-muff. W. J. Venables Bicycle-support. W.H.Evans Bicycles. (See also Cycle, Tire, Velocipede, Water-bicycle.) Billhook. G. Robinson .. .. . • Billiard-cushion. H. A. Purser .. Billiard-cushion. H. Ranish .. Billiard-table flat-iron. F. W. Cullimore Bin. (See Refuse-bin.) Bit. (See Bridle-bit.) Blade. (See Hoe-blade.) Blight-destroyer. E. O. Blaokwell Blind, Venetian. W. C. Gee Block. (See Brake-block, Pulley-block, Snatch-block.) 12400 13123 12377 12904 13119 13187 13038 13267 12554 12469 13008 12725 13009 12740 13222 12997 13001 12845 16 Feb. 31 Oct. 12 Feb. 21 Aug. 31 Oct. 23 Nov. ■ 4 Oct. 21 Feb., '01 20 April. 19 March. 24 Sopt. 22 June. 24 Sept. 28 June. 3 Dec. 18 Sept. 18 Sept. 2 Aug. 13210 12966 12401 13062 13186 13124 4 Dee. 12 Sept. 20 Feb. 12 Oct. 23 Nov. 31 Oct. 12476 13042 12995 12409 13079 12665 13194 13216 13095 13171 12723 12594 12569 19 March. 5 Oct. 20 Sept. 21 Feb. 15 Oct. 6 June. 28 Nov. 29 Nov. 26 Oct. 16 Nov. 22 June. 9 May. 25 April. 12723 13173 12704 12532 12512 13186 13039 12824 12681 12528 12385 12757 12907 13002 13060 13249 12925 22 June. 15 Nov. 19 June. 10 April. 6 April. 23 Nov. 4 Oct. 31 July. 2 June. 12 April. 12 Feb. 3 July. 23 Aug. 18 Sept. 12 Oct. 13 Dec. 29 Aug. 12683 12521 12 June. 19 April. 12963 12851 12945 12484 8 Sept, 2 Aug. 3 Sept. 22 March. 12850 13118 12441 12296 12750 12564 12522 27 Aug. 31 Oct. 1 March. 8 Jan. 2 July. 24 April. 10 April. 12705 12488 12812 12765 21 June. 27 March. 25 July. 6 July. 12333 12513 23 Jan. 6 April.




Invention, ana Name of Inventor. No. Date. Boiler, Draught-increaser for. J. McOreath Boiler-flange. R. Lochhead Boiler. (See also Cooking-range boiler, Washing-boiler.) Book. C. L. Benedict Book holder and carrier. A. G. Ockenden Book. (See also Cash-book.) Book-leaf. J. T. Moate Boot. G. A. Coles Boot. J. J. Daily Boot. J. P. and J. Simon Boot. W. B. Sufctie Boot and fastening. United Shoe Maohinery Company Boot-and shoe-sewing maohine. H. Marehall Boot-cleaner. J. Foster .. .. .. Boot, Extension. A. de C. Gynneth Boot-fastener. R. Ireland Boot-heel connecting attachment. P. H. Kirby Bootmaker's tool. G. Lawler Boot or shoe. A. Williams Boot-protector. H. Devoy Boot pulling-over machine. United Shoe Machinery Company Boot-sole plate. N. Bidstrup, J. Marohbank, and J. Noble Boot-uppers, Joining backs of. W. Thurlow Boring-tool hoisting-gear. G. E. T. Tuck Bot-fly destroyer. J. Dashwood Bot-fly lotion. A. J. Knocks Bottle. T. E. Lane, G. T. Temple, and J. McRae Bottle-holder. G. P. Innes Bottle-labelling apparatus. I. Harrison Bottle, Non-refillable. A. P. Rirnoldi and J. D. Rand Bottle, Non-refillable. C. J. Cooze and D. L. Hollings Bottle, Non-refillable. J. Stewart Box. (See Ammunition-box, Axle-box, Ballot-box, Crate, Electrio-switch box, Fire alarm box, Gold-saving box, Horse-box, Metal box, Mortar-box, Sluice-box, Stuffing-box.) Bracket. H. L. Ziele Bracket. J. Mead, sen. Bracket. (See also Spouting-bracket, Wall-bracket.) Bracket-fastener. G. Allen Brake. (See Bicycle-brake, Cycle-brake, Electric brake, Propeller-brake, Railway-brake.) Brake-block. H. Fischer Brake-strap. T. Firth Brand. W. Dall Branding. G. Allen Branding. W. II. Boyens Branding. J. Wright and J. W. Mitchell Branding-apparatus. A. J. Cuming Branding appliance. G. Renner and W. H. Bovens Branding-fluid. W. A. Ellis Branding-instrument. J. A. Dewhirst Branding-mixture. G. Renner and W. H. Boyens Branding-, stamping-, and embossing-apparatus. 0. B. Moller, R. Tomline, and W. C. Greig Branding. (See also Marking.) Breeching-staple and swingletree-end. J. Hair Breaoh-loading small-arm. C. P. Webendorfer Brick. J. W. Buddie Brick. R. E. Nightingale Brick. R. E. Nightingale Bricks, Manufacturing. J. Graham Bridge. F. Lambert Bridle. A. T. Hausmann Bridle-bit. T. B, Crump and A. T. Hausmann Brooms. (See Brushes.) Brush. F. H. Tucker Brush-moistener. F. V. Raymond Brushes, Manufacturing, from flax. L. Van Laak, H. Craig, and W. S. Laurie Bucket. (See Dredge-bucket, Milking-bucket, Slop-bucket.) Bucket cleaner, Dredge-. E. Seque and A. E. Raper Bucket-frame. D. C. Kee Bucket-support. W. J. Muir .. .. .. .. Buckle. J. McKinnon Buckle, W. Morioe .. .. Buckle. (See also Sealing-buckle.) Buffer. (See Railway buffer, Railway coupler and buffer.) Buggy-seat. E. R.Atkin .. .. .. .. .. Building-construction. J. C. Pelton and L. E. Mosher Building-cooling composition. M. Davies Building-pile. R. 0. Clarke, jun. Bunk-tray. B. M. Holt Burner. A. C. Aucher .. .. • Burner. F. W. Braun .. .. .. ... Burner. W.E.Hughes Burner. L. C. Nielsen Burner. W. T. Pearce and W. H. Spiller Burner, Lamp-. H. S. Chipman .. Burrer. (See Wool-burrer.) Butter, Appliance for sprinkling salt on. J. Anderson Butter-oooler. E. E. Earle 12517 12450 12391 13221 12880 12702 13230 13246 12630 12837 12964 12509 12292 12412 12807 12951 13048 13085 12790 12944 12965 12874 13206 13157 12491 12652 12767 12575 12650 12421 12997 12931 12636 12708 12354 12658 12442 12579 12402 12362 12287 12621 12411 12286 13150 10 April. 5 March. 16 Feb. 3 Dec. 17 Aug. 16 June. 20 Dec. 13 Dec. 19 May. 2 Aug. 11 Sept. 5 April. 10 Jan. 21 Feb. 23 July. 5 Sept. 8 Oct. 19 Oot. 17 July. 3 Sept. 8 Sept. 16 Aug. 1 Deo. 15 Nov. 30 March. 30 May. 7 July. 4 May, 29 May. 21 Feb. 18 Sept. 28 Aug. 23 May. 22 June. 1 Feb. 29 May. 6 March. 5 May. 19 Feb. 16 Feb. 8 Jan. 16 May. 21 Feb. 8 Jan. 10 Nov. 12955 13166 12583 13231 12506 13176 13217 12578 12809 3 Sept. 15 Nov. 4 May. 8 Deo. 4 April. 21 Nov. 4 Dec. 4 May. 24 July. 12784 13045 13030 9 July. 5 Oct. 27 Sept. 13110 12771 12424 12489 12802 26 Oot. 7 July. 28 Feb. 28 March. 19 July. 12682 12709 13200 12336 12889 13241 12614 13247 12753 12538 12752 11 June. 22 June. 28 Nov. 24 Jan. 20 Aug. 13 Dec. 14 May. 13 Dec. 2 July. 18 April. 2 July. 13214 12341 1 Deo. 23 Jan.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Butter-mould. R. C. Humphreys Butter-presser. W. Gow Butter-working machine. C. Topliss Gable. (See Electric cable.) Cable-car gripper. E. Roberts Oable-way tension-maintainer. E. Maxwell Cage. (See Mining-cage.) Calculating altitudes. C. A. Trotter Calculating and indicating apparatus for totalisator. H. Reynolds Calf-food. J. B. Mack Camera. J. Gaut Camera. J. Gaut Camera. J. Gaut .. • Camera. J. Gaut and J. J. Rouse .. Camera. L. W. Mence Camphor, Producing. Ampere Electro-Chemical Company .. Can. H. August Can. C. F. Mendham Can. (See also Box, Milk-can, Preserving-can.) Can-lid. E. R. Godward Can-lid rim. G. Smart and R. W. Ashcroft Cans of food, Cooling and rinsing. F. W. Bright Candle, Advertising-. W. J. MaoLean .. Candle-extinguisber. H. Rabe and T. Hawes Candle-holder. W. H. Boyens Candle-holder. W. Dall Candle-holder. J. McCombie and A. E. Macindoe Candle-holder. R. Simmonds Candle shade and reflector. J. S. Wearn and T. E. Cutler .. Candlestick. D. Baillie Candlestick. F. W. Peddle Candlestick. W. Pinohes Cap. (See Oil-cap.) Cap-fastener and fuse-cutter. J. McCombie and A. E Macindoe Capping. (See Ridge-capping.) Car. (See Cable-car, Motor-car.) Carbine, Wire-cutter for. W. Hall Carburetter. W. T. Purves Car-coupling, A. G. Blackwell Car-coupling. Darling's Patent Automatic Coupling (Limited) Car-coupling. A. E. Mills Carriage-truok. (See Railway-carriage truok.) Cart. (See Garbage-cart, Street-watering cart.) Cart-jack. W. Lisle Cartridge-belt. F. G. Hughes Carving-machine. H. Maries and G. W. Butt Case. (See Packing-case.) Case-hooping instrument. J. Dawson and G. Hugban Caah-book. H. G. Vine Cash-register. J. Perrott Cash register and indicator. G. Andrew and T. R. Ashworth Casks, Lining. H. S. Russell Caster. P. E. Cheal Caster. A. L. Cummings Caster. A. L. Cummings Caster. G. J. A. Richardson Caster. G. J. A. Richardson Caster. G. J. A. Richardson Castings. G. J. Hoskins Castings, Manufacture of steel. A. Tropenas Castrator, tailer, and ear-marker. T. W. Allen Catoh, Window-sash. W. E. Hunter Cattle-medicine. A. J. Knocks Caulking machine, Pipe-joint-. J. Couston and J. Finlayson.. Cement, Manufacture of. W. E. Hughes Cement, Manufacture of. Hurry and Seaman's Patents (Limited) Cement, Manufacture of. Hurry and Seaman's Patents (Limited) Centrifugal maohine, Liner for. M. Dessau Centrifugal pump. E. Seitz Centrifugal separator. O. Ohlsson Cess-pan. W. Healey Cess-pit scoop. T. and C. E. Finch • Chaff cutter. W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven .. ;. Chaff-cutter bag-ring. J. Wylie Chain-guard, Cycle. J. A. P. Philp Chair. T. M. Bryant Chair. T. W. Coulthard Chair: O. Peat Chair head-rest. H. Marshall Charcoal. J. D. P. Morgan Charcoal, Obtaining, from kauri. J. H. Henrikson Charcoal, Obtaining, from kauri. J. H. Henrikson Chart-blank. W.H.Goodwin Chart-drawing instrument. E. N. Moyer Check. (See Time-check.) Cheese-case wire-strainer. H. Campbell Chimney-cowl. E.Toms ,, ., 12737 12543 12893 27 June. 20 April. 17 Aug. 13046 12718 6 Oct. 22 June. 13042 13180 12984 12355 12520 13158 12561 13137 13192 12605 13010 5 Oct. 20 Nov. 14 Sept. 1 Feb. 11 April. 15 Nov. 24 April. 5 Nov. 28 Nov. 10 May. 24 Sept. 12338 13111 13094 13001 12597 12285 12846 13151 12275 12769 13036 13117 12983 25 Jan. 29 Oct. 26 Oct. 18 Sept. 9 May. 8 Jan. 1 Aug. 8 Nov. 3 Jan. 7 July. 4 Oct. 31 Oct. 13 Sept. 13152 8 Nov. 12419 12745 12462 12389 12461 20 Fab. 29 June. 16 March. 16 Feb. 16 Maroh. 13013 13060 12577 24 Sept. 12 Oct. 4 May. 12586 12962 12779 13069 12925 12593 12433 12687 12857 12860 12973 13251 13063 12556 12855 12776 12603 1314.5 12381 12382 13049 12994 12351 12438 12503 12523 12528 12441 12706 12432 13031 12715 12558 12505 12974 12370 12374 7 May. 7 Sept. 12 July. 15 Oot. 29 Aug. 8 May. 28 Feb. 16 June. 6 Aug. 8 Aug. 6 Sept. 11 Dec. 12 Oct. 18 April. 10 Aug. 11 July. 12 May. 8 Nov. 15 Feb. 15 Feb. 8 Oct. 20 Sept. 31 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 April. 10 April. 12 April. 1 March. 29 June. 28 Feb. 27 Sept. 22 June. 24 April. 4 April. 21 July. 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 12423 12380 27 Feb. 15 Feb.




Invention, and Name of Invention. No. Bate. Chimney-pot. G. A. Ritson Chimney-top. F. C. Griffiths Chimney-top. G. MoOaul Churn. S. P. A. Anderson Churn. W. F. Pellew and W. McConchie Churn. I. Singer .. Churn. T. F. Tierney Cigar-machine. American Cigar Machinery Company Cigarette. E. J. Ritchie Cigarette-machine. N. Du Brul Cigarette-tips, Applying. J. S. Beeman Cistern-valve. R. Garnham Clay-moulding apparatus. C. J. Kielberg .. ,. .. - Cleaner. (See Boot-cleaner, Dredge-shoot cleaner, Fork-cleaner, Knife-cleaner, Ship-cleaner, Tram-rail cleaner, Watercourse-oleaner, Water-race cleaner.) Cliche or stamp, Celluloid. D. Lichtenberg-Madsen Clip. (See Rope-clip, Rope-coupling.) Clipper. (See Horse-clipper.) Closet. (See Water-closet.) Closet-seat cover. F. J. Olsen Cloth-damping apparatus and composition. F. Broad Clothes-line grip. C. Dixon Clothes-peg. H. Reisler .. Clothes-peg. A. L. J. Tait Clothes-rack. W. Lanbam Clothes strainer. A. Acfams .. Clothes-washer. R. A. C. Kerry Clothes-washing appliance. J. Hay .. Clothes-washing machine. C. J. Cooze Clothes-wringer. S. Boyle Club. (See Golf-club.) Clump-sole. A. H. Hartrick Coat-adjustment. R. Glendining Coat-adjustment. Ross and Glendining (Limited) Cock, Ball. W. Andrews Cock or faucet. C. M. Cruickshank Coffin. O. Waschatz Coil for electrical machine. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufa".hiring Company (Limited) Coiler, Wire-netting. A. Hide Coke-making process. Universal Fuel Company Collar. (See Horse-collar, Shirt-collar.) Collar-stud grip. A. S. Ford and J. H. Taylor Coloured photographs. Grenier Art Company .. .. .. .~ Colour-printing. P. C. Taylor Colour-printing machine .. Combs, Sharpener for sheep-shear. A.D.Graham Commode and slop-bucket. W. Healey Compound engine. W. Schmidt Compressor. (See Air-compressor, Cupel compressor.) Computing-maohine. J. Thomas and G. W. Bell .. Concentrating-table. W. G. Dodd Concentrating-table. J. A. B. Wesley Concentrator. G. G. Sale Concentrator. H. J. Finn Concentrator, Gold-saving rocker and. G. Leech Concentrator. (See also Ore-concentrator.) Concrete-mixer. W.E.Hughes Condenser, Water-. T. Grundy Connector for trains, Electrical. T. E. Moorhouse Contact appliance for electric glow-lamp. Electric Lighting Boards (Limited) Contacts for electric glow-lamp. Electric Lighting Boards (Limited) Contaot-stud for electric traction. W. Kingsland .. Controller. (See Electric-motor controller, Electro-pneumatic controller, Temperature-con-troller.) Conveyor or elevator. J. F. Corrick Cooker, Steam. F. A. Nevill Cooking-range boiler. T. Datiks Cooking-utensil and receptacle-cover combined. J. R. and G. C. Hayward Cooler. (See Butfcer-oooler.) Cooling and rinsing oans of food. F. W. Bright Copper, Portable. A. J. Hulme Core-extractor. (See Apple-core extractor.) Cores for pipes and castings. G. J. Hoskins Cork and tap combined. W. J. Dalton Cork-extractor. W. E. Hughes Corksorew. A. C. Aucher Corn-husking maohine. A. Beaton Corrugated roofing, Closing openings of. W.J. Kissell .. .. .. .. Cotton-gin. T. FT.Pearse Coulter, Drag-point for grain-. J. Grant and A. Storrie Countershaft speed-regulator. P. W. Fryer Coupling. (See Car-coupling, Pipe-coupling, Railway-oar coupling, Rope-ooupling.) Cover. (See Closet-seat cover, Horse cover, Jug-cover, Meat-cover, Provision-cover, Receptaclecover, Saddle-cover, Tire-cover.) Cowl. (See Chimney-cowl, Ventilator-cowl.) Cows, Leg-holder for. J. Taucher 12524 12775 12607 12754 12345 13208 12707 127G3 12766 12590 13276 12755 12793 12390 12430 12979 12685 12939 13037 13052 12861 12759 12360 13082 12294 13098 12502 12848 12757 13191 12300 13168 12359 12280 13226 12829 12818 13012 12466 12437 12306 12 April. 7 July. 12 May. 2 July. 27 Jan. 3 Dec. 22 June. 5 July. 5 July. 10 May. 28 Dec. 3 July. 16 July. 16 Feb. 1 March. 13 Sept. 15 June. 29 Aug. 2 Oct. 8 Oct. 11 Aug. 2 July. 2 Feb. 19 Oct. 8 Jan. 26 Oct. 3 April. 4 Aug. 3 July. 28 .Nov. 11 Jan. 16 Nov. 2 Feb. 4 Jan. 8 Dec. 2 Aug. 27 July. 24 Sept. 16 March. 28 Feb. 13 Jan. 12871 13115 12993 12565 13225 12747 14 Aug. 26 Oct. 20 Sept. 23 April. 7 Dec. 28 June. 13139 13270 12357 13050 13061 12394 7 Nov. 21 Dec. 30 Jan. 8 Oct. 12 Oct. 16 Feb. 13234 12434 12330 12606 10 Deo. 3 March. 19 Jan. 12 May. 13094 12971 26 Oct. 11 Sept. 13251 13000 12996 13240 12544 13023 12825 12375 12608 11 Dec. 17 Sept, 20 Sept. 13 Dec. 20 April. 26 Sept. 31 July. 6 Feb. 12 May. 7 Sept, 12959




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Cows, Leg-rope for. A. E. Whiting Cramp. L. S. De Cleene Cramp. G. I. Lowe Cramp. R. H. Rennie Cramp. . 0. A. Trotter Cramp. J. Woodhead ... Crane and friction-hoist for traction-engine. J. E. Watkins Crate. (See Rabbit-crate.) Cream receiving and weighing can. J. A. Kiusella Cream-temperature controller. J. Anderson Crematory, Garbage. H. H. de Montemas and M. Franckel .. Cribbageboard. G. Miller Crioket stumps. C.A.Harris Crossing. (See Railway-crossing.) Crusher. (See Ore-crusher, Stone-crusher.) Cn)shing-die and mortar-box. T. P. Clarke Crushing-machine. T. R. Jordan ... Crushing-mill. C. Suttie Crutch. D. Rugg Cuff-fastener. R. Wales and F. V. Raymond Cuff. (See also Shirt-cuff.) Cupel compressor. F. W. Braun Cure, Toothache. T. Walsh Curler. (See Hair-curler.) Current-collector for electric machine. J.P.Campbell Cut-out for Nernst lamp. (See Nernst lamp.) Cutter. (See Chaff-cutter, Fuse-cutter, Hair-cutter, Pipe-cutter, Planing-machine outter, Pocket-cutter, Root-cutter, Tobacco-cutter, Turnip-cutter, Wire-cutter, Wool-cutter.) Cutter, castrator, tailer, and ear-marker. T.W.Allen Cutters, Sharpener for sheep-shear. A. D. Graham Cyanide solutions, Gold recovery from. F. A. Rich .. .. .. . .. Cyanide treatment of ores, Filter for. G. and S. E. Fraser Cycle. T. R. Ellison Cycle. A. Griffith Cycle. (See also Bicycle, Tire, Velocipede, Water-bicycle.) Cycle-brake. W. Stokes, jun. Cycle-chain guard. J. A. P. Philp Cycle-driving mechanism. E. A. Tychsen Cycle-gear. J. J. Gibson Cycle handlebars, Securing. T. Boyd Cycle lever attachment. R. W. Brown Cycle mud-guard. J. W. Glennie Cycle mud-gua,rd. H. Reynolds Cycle-propelling mechanism. J. E. Friend and J. Sawers Cycle-tire. T. Burrell Cycle-tire. F. Jones Cycle-tire cover. F. Jonea .. .. .. Cycle-tire cover. G. H. Scott Cycling skirt. R. Skelton Cycling trousers. G. D. Jones Cylinders, Sinking. A. and R. M. Aitken Cylindrical articles, Moulding. C. J. Kielberg Damping-apparatus and composition for letter-copying. F. Broad Damping-brush. F. H. Tucker .. Davits. (See Ship's davit.) Destructor. (See Garbage destructor.) Diamagcetic materials, Separating. E. Gates Die. (See Crushing-die, Printing-die.) Digger. (See Potato-digger.) Digger-attachment to plough. T. Hawke Dip. (See Sheep-dip.) Direct-acting engine. H. J. Kimman and E. N. Hurley Disc harrow. R. McGaffin Disc harrow. R. McGaffin Disc ridger. J. Macalister Diecrete materials, Container for. S. R. Bellingham, D. Fell, and N. P. Richards.. Discrete materials, Measurer for. W. R. Fry Disinfecting, Method of. A. Grant i Displaying device, Photo-. B. E. Watts Distance-calculator. C. A. Trotter Ditcher. J. Oorbett Door-closing mechanism. H. Ward Door, Draught-exoluder for. C. Pritohard ar d H. Smith Door, Dust, draught-, and rain-excluder for. J.H.Scott Door-fastener. J. A. Colville Door-stop. E. 0. Blaokwell Dough-making apparatus and process. W. S. and C. I. Corby and T. J. Mayer Draft appliance, Railway. G. Westinghouse Drag-point for grain-coulter. J. Grant and A. Storrie Drain-pipe socket. R. Brown Drain, Sink and. E. Owen and G. and W. Carder Draught-excluder for door. C. Pritchard and H. Smith Draught-excluder for door. J. H. Scott Draught, Furnace-. G. Claydon Draught-increasing device for boilers. J. McCreath Draw-pin and catch, Railway. G. A. Pearson Dredge. F.W.Bryant 12978 12918 13077 13076 12916 13143 12888 12498 12274 12669 13053 12480 12688 13195 12642 12958 12504 12356 12692 12397 12556 12466 12535 13224 12472 12574 12660 12441 12515 13025 13004 12990 12501 12619 12664 12415 12443 12854 12609 12328 12631 13040 12793 12979 12784 14 Sept. 27 Aug. 20 Oct. 15 Oct. 23 Aug. 7 Nov. 18 Aug. 30 March. 3 Jan. 6 June. 8 Oct. 22 March. 14 June. 28 Nov. 23 May. 3 Sept. 4 April. 1 Feb. 19 J'une. 16 Feb. 18 April. 16 March. 12 April. 4 Deo. 20 March. i May. 31 May. 1 March. 6 April. 25 Sept. 22 Sept. 14 Sept. 3 April. 14 May. 6 June. 22 Feb. 7 March. 8 Aug. 14 May. f4 April,'99 19 May. 1 Oct. 16 July. 13 Sept. 9 July. 13277 28 Dec. 13220 3 Dec. 12317 13059 13114 12299 13141 12934 12470 12366 13042 13269 12416 13138 13268 13003 12451 12335 12656 12375 12571 12774 13138 13268 12751 12517 12671 12553 18 Jan. 11 Oct. 27 Oot. 6 Jan. 7 Nov. 31 Aug. 15 March. 5 Feb. 5 Oot. 21 Dec. 22 Feb. 7 Nov. 18 Dec. 22 Sept. 10 March. 23 Jan. 29 May. 6 Feb. 28 April. 11 July. 7 Nov. 18 Dec 29 June. 10 April. 11 June. 20 April.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Dredge. J. T. Johnson .. .. Dredge. F. W. Marcbant Dredge. W. McKeegan Dredge. A. Overend Dredge-bucket. F. W. Marchant Dredge-bucket and links. C. Wesley .. - ' .. Dredge-bucket cleaner. B. Seque and A. E. Rarer Dredge-bucket, Drift-diverting attachment for. J. Williamson Dredge concentrator. G. G. Sile Dredge, Drop-plate for. G. Stirling. Dredge, Drop-plate for gold-. E. Seque and A. E. Raper Dredge elevator. E. Roberts Dredge, Gold-saving appliance for. H. Quertier Dredge, Gold-separator for. H. H. Rayward Dredge pontoon. L. G. Reeves Dredge pontoon. L. G. Reeves Dredge-scoops. J. Morgan and J. Kerr, jun. Dredge-screen. F. Browne and J. Maxwell Dredge-screen. J. W. Faulkner Dredge-shoot, Breaking and removing clay from. D. Caitbness Dredge-shoot cleaner. P. Young and W. Hogg Dredge-shoot cleaner. W. M. Hogg and P. Young Dredge, Silt-separator for. E. A. G. Hamlin Dredge suction-pipe, Keeping dear of weeds. D. Wilson Dredge-tumbler bearing and shaft. P. Ellis Dredges, Conveying electrical, energy to. R. Turnbull Dredging. P. S. Irvvin and S. J. Luke Dredging- and transporting-apparatus. E. McGregor Dredging-apparatus. G. W. Gough and R. Andrew Dredging-apparatus. H. L. Mainland and J. Harrison Dredging-apparatus. E. McGregor Dredging appliance. A. J. Park Dredging, Appliance for use in gold-. J. B. G. Watt .. .. Dredging screen, Gold-. F. Browne and J. Maxwell Dresser, grader, and scalper. G. T. Smith and W. Gardner .. Dresser. (See Seed-dresser.) Dressing flax. (See Flax.) Drift-diverting attachment to dredges. J. Williamson Drill. (See Earth-drill Pneumatic drill, Ridge-drill, Rock-drill.) Drill-attachment to seed-sower. H. J. Alley Driving-gear. (See Bicycle-driving gear, Cyole-driving mechanism, Velooipede-driving gear.) Driving mechanism, Steamship-. J. A. Belk Drop-plate (or gold-dredge. E. Seque and A. E. Drop-plate for gold-dr6dge. G. Stirling Dropper. (See Fence-dropper.) Dryer, Steam-. W. Schmidt Drying-apparatus. (See Label-drying apparatus.) Drying-oils. J. Vaughan-Sherrin Dust-excluder for door. J. H. Scott Dynamo-driving power, Obtaining from the sea. O. and J. Parmenter .. Dynamo-electrio machine. British Westirjgbouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Dycamo-electric machine. British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Ear-marker, castrator, and tailer. T. W. Allen Earth-drill. F. H. Dannh&rdt and M. Mailer Earth-scoop. W. Matthews Economizer. (See Fuel-economizer.) Effervescing drink, Medicinal .. . Egg-tray for incubator. T. E. W. Noyes Electoral registering-machine. H. Droutlege Electrio arc lamp. W. J. Davy and C. W. Milno Electric brake. W. E. Hughes Electrio cable. J. Y. Buchanan Electric cable. R. K. Gray Electric-current collector. J. P. Campbell .. .. Electric distribution. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited).. Electric distribution. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Oomiany (Limited).. Electrio distribution. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited).. Electric distribution. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited).. Electrio distribution. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited).. Electric generator. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited) .. Electric glow-lamp, Conductor and contacts for. Electric Lighting Boards (Limited) Electric glow-lamp, Contact appliance for. Electric Lighting Boards (Limited) Electric gold-saver. G. H. Mackenzie Electric ignition of engines. A. C. Aucher Electric lamp. W. L. Voelker Eleotric lamp. (See also Electric arc lamp.) Electric-lamp filament. V. Thomas Electric-lamp filament. W. L. Voelker Electric-lamp filament. W. L. Voelker Electrio lighting. P. C. Hewitt. Electrio lighting of railway-vehicles. W.E.Hughes Electric machine, Coil for. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Electric machine. (See also Dynamo-electrio machine.) Electric motor. British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited) 13026 12595 12675 12634 12592 12991 13110 12499 12565 12483 13190 12497 12644 12533 12459 12657 12942 12475 12961 12666 12534 12843 12729 12684 12851 13113 12406 12923 12580 12641 12340 12581 12678 12475 12493 6 Aug. 11 May. 12 June. 22 May. 10 May. 17 Sept. 26 Oct. 29 March. 23 April. 22 March. 19 Nov. 30 March. 23 May. 11 April. 12 March. 26 May. 28 Aug. 16 Maroh. 6 Sept. 1 June. 11 April. 3 Aug. 25 June. 12 June. 8 Aug. 29 Oct. 20 Feb. 29 Aug. 3 May. 22 May. 25 Jan. 3 May. 8 June. 16 March. 30 March. 12499 29 March. 12386 13 Feb. 12281 13190 12483 4 Jan. 19 Nov. 22 March. 12304 13 Jan. 12326 13268 13155 12448 20 Jan. 18 Dec. 12 Nov. 9 March. 12599 12 May. 12556 12464 12576 18 April. 16 May. 4 March. 13204 13034 12941 12373 12396 12720 12721 12397 12903 12977 13018 13103 13189 12902 13061 13050 13252 13243 12832 29 Nov. 3 Oct. 30 Aug. 8 Feb. 16 Feb. 22 June. 22 June. 16 Feb. 22 Aug. 14 Sept. 27 Sept. 26 Oct. 23 Nov. 22 Aug. 12 Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Dec. 13 Dec. 2 Aug. 12768 12833 12922 12912 12395 13168 6 July. 2 Aug. 29 Aug. 23 Aug. 16 Feb. 16 Nov. 12444 7 March.




5—H. 10,

Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Eleofcrio motor. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Electrio-motor controller. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Electric railway. British Wesfcinghouse Eleotrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Eleotric railway. W. Chapman Eleotrio-speed indicator. British Westinghouse - Eleotric and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Eleotric-switch box. W. Kingsland Eleotric-switch box. W. Kingsland Electrio-switoh controller. W. Kingsland Electric switch, Operating. W. Kingsland Electric traction. W. Kingsland Electrio traotion, Contact-stud for. W. Kingsland Electrical apparatus, 'Protecting, from abrupt changes in static potential. British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Electrical apparatus, Protecting, from abrupt changes in static potential. British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Electrical conduotor, Insulating support for. British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Electrical connector for trains. T. E. Moorhouse.. Eleotrical energy to dredge, Conveying. E. Turnbull Electrical oscillations, Receiver for. Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company (Limited) Electricity, Generating. G. T. Girdler Electricity, Generating. G. T. Girdler Electricity, Generating, by aea-power. C. and J. Parmenter.. Electro-magnet. J. J. R. C. Rogers Eleotro magnetic separator. I. Jones and E. Allison Eleatro-motive force, Generating. British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Electro-pneumatio controlling-apparatus. E. R. Hill Elevating-apparatus. E. McGregor Elevator or oonveyor. J. F. Corrick .. . .. •• ■■ •• Elevator. (See also Dredge elevator, Goods-elevator, Loadmg-elevator, Straw-elevator, Tailingselevator.) Embossing-press. J. Y. Johnston Embossing-press. J. Y. Johnston . • • • • • • • . ■ ■ Embossing-, branding-, and stamping-apparatus. O. B. Moller, R. Tomline, and W. C. Greig.. Embrocation. E. S. McRae Enamelling prooess. O. H. Waterman Enamel paint. J. Vaughan-Sherrin Engine. (See Compound engine, Direct-acting engine, Explosive engine, G-ag-engine, Internal-combustion engine, Marine engine, Oil-engine, Rotary engine, Steam-engine, Traction-engine.) Envelope. C. W. Allen Envelope. J. P. Elliott and P. J. Henley Envelope. D. Robertson Envelope-opener. H. Airey, P. K. Young, and C. Gye Envelope-opener. C. Bristow Envelope-opener. R. F. Hobson Equaliser for yoking horses. C. B. Trefle Equaliser for yoking three or six horses. C. B. Trefle Escapement. (See Piano-escapement.) Excavating- and transporting-apparatus. E. McGregor Excavating-apparatus. E. McGregor Exhaust mechanism for explosive engine. W. L. Corson Expander for boots, shoes, &a. C. Bristow Explosive. J. Ross and W. D. Cairney Explosive engine exhaust mechanism. W. L. Corson .. .. .. .. Extinguisher. (See Candle-extinguisher, Spark-arrester, Spark-oxtinguisher, Spark-stopper.) Extracting gold, &c. (See Gold, Metals.) Extractor, Apple-core. G. E. Adlard .. ■•' •• ■• •• Extraotor. (See Staple-extractor.) Fabric. M. Koeck Fabrics for meat-covers. B. Kershaw Fabrics, Pocket-cutter for. P. Palmer .. Fare-indioator. W. Bruhn • • • • • ■ • • • > Fastener (See Axle-box fastening, Boot-fastening, Bracket-fastener, Cap-fastener, Catch, Chain-fastener, Cuff-fastener, Door-fastener, Gaiter-fastening, Gate-fastening, Hamperfastening Harness-fastening, Hoop-iron fastening, Horse-cover fastening, Legging-fastening, Rabbit-trap fastener, Sash-fastener, Serviette-fastener, Shirt-collar fastener, Shoe-fastening, Spur-fastener, Window-fastener.) Fastening-apparatus for windows, doors, &c. G. C. Smith Faucet. C. M. Cruickshank Feed apparatus, Automatic. J. S. Beeman .. Feed-water heater and condenser. T. Grundy Feed-water, Heating and filtering. I. Davis .. .. ■ • • • Feeder. (See Fowl-feeder, Fuel-feeder, Milk-feeder, Pig-feeder, and Seed-feeder.) Feeding-trough. L. Holden Fenoe. S.W.Shaw •■ •• Fence-dropper. E. Smethurst Fence, Wire-netting. F. S. Ellerm Fencing-batten. W. Pinohes Fenoing-batten. A. A. Sheriff Fencing-batten. A. A. Sheriff Fenoing-dropper. W.H.Wilson •■ •• •• •• Fencing-standard. W.H.Wilson Fenoing-tool. W. Milner 12902 12557 22 Aug. 24 April. 12884 12492 12926 17 Aug. 30 Match. 29 Aug. 12492 13164 12836 13163 12393 12394 13101 30 Maroh. 15 Nov. 2 Aug. 15 Nov. 16 Feb. 16 Feb. 26 Oot. 13112 29 Oct. 13100 26 Oct. 12357 13113 13097 12875 12917 13155 13092 12447 13021 30 Jan. 29 Oot. 26 Oot. 13 Aug. 21 Aug. 12 Nov. 23 Oot. 6 March. 28 Sept. 12632 12340 13234 22 May. 25 Jan. 10 Deo. 12696 12701 13150 13205 12325 12326 fl9 July,'99 (-20 July, '99 10 Nov. 29 Nov. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 13209 13055 13131 12960 12639 12845 12667 1266S 4 Deo. 11 Oct. 2 Nov. 7 Sept. 23 May. 2 Aug. 8 June. 8 June. 12923 12340 13142 13271 12388 13142 29 Aug. 25 Jan. 7 Nov. 27 Deo. 16 F«b. 7 Nov. 12569 25 April. 12490 12414 12819 12463 30 Maroh. 22 Feb. 27 July. 16 Maroh. 12655 13191 13256 13270 12900 30 May. 28 Nov. 14 Dao. 21 Dec. 22 Aug. 12672 12405 13128 12885 12567 12551 12552 12648 12648 12649 11 June. 20 Feb. 31 Oct. 17 Aug. 25 April. 18 April. 18 April. 29 May. 29 May. f30 Marob.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. s Date. Fertilizing-compound for trees. E. 0. Blaokwell .. Fibre-treating machine. S. B. Allison Fibre-treating machine. J. Forsyth Fibre. (See also Flax.) Filament. (See Electric-lamp filament.) Film. (See Photographic film.) Filter. A. M. Hamilton Filter. A. J. Madden Filter. F. J. Olsen Filter. F. J. Olsen and E. H. Whitmore Filter for treatment of slimes, &c. G. and S. E. Fraser Filtering feed-water, Heating and. I. Davis Filtro-amalgamation of ores. H. L. Spring Finishing machine, Stitch-. United Shoe Machinery Company Finishing machine, Timber-. D. W. Mackay Fire-alarm. E. H. Kirkby Fire-alarm. E. B. McKay Fire-alarm box, Street. E. Garter Fire-alarms, Preventing false. E. Stevens Fire-escape ladder. J. L. Homes and C. T. Lane.. Fire-escape ladder. J. Holmes and T. S. Graoe Fire-grate. A. M. Hendy .. .. .. Fire-kindler. J. MoKegg Fire-lighter. H. Braby and 0. Coutts .. Fire-resisting material. A. Imsohenetzky Firearm-sight. A. Church Firearm-sight. A. Church .. .. Firearms, Indicator for. M. W. Maylard Fireplace. J. B. Poynter Flange for washing-boiler. R. Lochhead Flat-iron for billiard-table. F. W. Cullimore Flax-dresser. J. Mclnnes Flax-dust stuffing for mattresses, &o. J. Soott Flax, Extracting gum from. H. Brenkley Flax, Manufacturing brushes, &c, from. L. Van Laak, H. Craig, and W. S. Laurie Flax-scraper. O. Gardner and P. W. Bell .. .. Flax-scutcher. E. J. de Courcy and B. Crawford.. Flax-stripper chair. J. Tennant Flax-treatment. J. Forsyth Flax. (See also Fibre, Tow.) Fleeoe-rolling machine. H. A. Fry Flour-mill grader and dresser. G. T. Smith and W. Gardner Flour, Reducing wheat to. C. L. Wheeler Fly-paper holder. T. M. Lewington .. .. Fly-trap. J. A. Francis Foam-remover for fluid-pasteuriser L. C. Nielsen and P. V. F. Petersen Fodder-holder. W. W. Gundrie Food for calves. J. B. Mack Foot, Extension. A. de 0. Gwynneth Fork-cleaner. B. J. F. Bentley Fork, knife, and spoon combined. S. E. G. Coleman Foundation for buildings. B. 0. Clark, jun. Fountain pen. W. H. Boyena .. .. .. Fowl-feeder. R. D. Wilson Frozen meat, Treating, during thawing. A. H. Chapman Fuel. E. Waters, jun. Fuel-economizer. E. A. Cameron Fuel-economizer. E. A. Cameron .. .. Fuel-economizer. T. B. Dineen Fuel-feeder. F. N. Spear Fumigation. W. Smith and W. Dunn Furnace. (See Ore-furnaoe.) Furnace-draught. G. Claydon Furnace-kiln. J. Kelly and F. Oakden Furnace lining. Hurry and Seaman's Patents (Limited) Furniture. J. Robertson Fuse-outter and cap-fastener. J. McCombie and A. E. Macindoe Fuse-igniting appliance. E. Fox, jun. Gaiter. (See Legging.) Gaiter- or legging-fastening. W. P. Bice and A. H. Guthridge Galley, Printers'. J. Knight and W. A. Jennings Game. M. Mouat .. .. Garbage-cart. W. Nepean-Hutchison, H. S. Harden, and H. Colley Garbage-crematory. H. M. de Montemas and M. Franckel Garbage-destructor. G. T. Ritchie Garment-pocket. H. Donkin Gas and air measuring and mixing apparatus. J. Coates Gas-burner, Lighting. A. H. Bennett and S. Jones Gas-engine. H. N. Bickerton and H. W. Bradley Gas-engine igniter. Victor Motor Company (Limited) .. .. ■ .. Gas-generation from eewage. W.-Parker Gas-generator. F. Boyce, W. Franklin, and T. Valentine Gasifier for internal-combustion engine. W.E.Hughes Gas-igniter. A. 0. Aucher .. ... Gas-engine igniter. A. C. Aucher .. .. Gas, Increasing illumination of. R. L. H. Murray Gas-lighting, A. C. Auoher .. ... 12333 12674 12689 12585 12673 12453 12404 13224 12900 12409 12372 12887 12542 12645 13083 13074 12407 13044 13229 13274 13174 12290 12919 12989 13185 13104 12450 12765 12329 12484 12378 13030 12852 12339 12413 12689 12519 12493 12844 12283 13033 l≥314 12691 12984 12292 12568 12588 12336 12612 12758 12545 12886 12422 13178 12841 12799 12598 23 Jan. 12 June. 15 June, 7 May. 12 June. 9 March. 20 Feb. 4 Dec. 22'Aug. 21Eeb. 8Feb. 17 Aug. 20 April. 25 May. 22 Oct. 16 Oct. 19 Feb. 9 Oct. 6 Dec. 28 Dec. 17 Nov. 10 Jan. 24 Aug. 14 Sept. 23 Nov. 26 Oot. 5 March. 6 July. 23 Jan. 22 March. 18 Dec.,'99 27 Sept. 8 Aug. 25 Jan. 22 Feb. 15 June. 10 April. 30 March. 2 Aug. 5 Jan. 3 Oct. 18 Jan. 19 June. 14 Sept. 10 Jan. 11 April. 8 May. 24 Jan. 14 May. 3 July. 20 April. 17 Aug. 23 Feb. 19 Nov. 30 July. 20 July. 10 May. 12751 12549 12383 13071 13152 12347 29 June. 20 April. 15 Feb. 15 Oct. 8 Nov. 31 Jan. 12913 12272 12988 13250 12669 12952 12694 12401 13239 12293 12914 12625 13153 1.3257 13242 13243 12663 13244 23 Aug. 3 Jan. 14 Sept. 11 Dec. 6 June. 5 Sapt. 19 June.. 20 Feb. 13 Dec. 10 Jan. 23 Aug. 18 May. 8 Nov. 14 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Deo. 6 June. 13 Dec.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Gas-manufacture. G. J. Atkins Gas-stove. G. Olamond Gate-fastener. J. A. Colville Gate-fittings. G. Brownlees Gate-hanging device. J. Jones Gate-hinga. V. Metzger .. " Gauge for linotypes, Justification-. W. Holmes Gear, Cycle and motor-car. J. J. Gibson Generating electricity. G. T. Girdler Generating electricity. G. T. Girdler Generating electro-motive force. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Generator. (See Acetylene-generator, Blectrio-generator, Gas-generator, Oxygen-generator, Steam-generator.) Gin. (See Cotton-gin.) Glazing shirt-fronts, &c. G. S. C. Ford Glower. (See Lamp-glower.) Gold-bearing material, Breaking up. J. Oorbett and J. Mofiett Gold-dredging screen. F. Browne and J. Maxwell Gold-extracting machine. G. Webster Gold-extraction. A. Herbert Gold-extraction process. J. A. Coe Gold from sand, Separating. G. J. A. Eichardson Gold from tailings, Separating. F. J. W. Gascoyne and H. H. Murdoch Gold-precipitate smelting process. C. E. Manton and J. W. Rayfield Gold-prospecting apparatus. F. W. Bryant Gold-recovering. F. A. Rich Gold, &c, Recovering, from ores. W.H.Harrison Gold-saver. E. Seque and A. E. Raper Gold-saver, Electric. G. H. Mackenzie .. ■ ■ . Gold-saving. E. Murrell Gold-saving apparatus. J. H. A. McPhee Gold-saving apparatus. J. Smythe and T. M. Baldwin Gold-saving apparatus. G. Leech Gold-saving apparatus. W. F. James and H. J. Reeves Gold-saving appliance. A. R. Ayson Gold-saving appliance. A.Campbell Gold-saving appliance. J. Corbett and J. Mofiett.. Gold-saving appliance. W. E. Gladstone and W. Taylor Gold-saving appliance. G. Lee and H. W. Parsons Gold-saving applianoe. J. McElligott Gold-saving appliance. J. S. Neave, A. Latham, W. Trembath, and M. Hanley Gold-saving appliance for battery. E. K. Cooper.. Gold-saving appliance for dredge. H. Quertier Gold-saving box and table. J. Robb Gold-saving mat or screen. G. Foster Gold-saving, Method of. J. Thomson Gold-saving method and apparatus. F. A. Cutten Gold-saving ripples. J. Tyrell, jun. Gold-saving ripple-mat. A. Anderson, W. Ross, and H. Walton Gold-saving rocker and concentrator. G. Leech Gold-saving screen. E.S.Baldwin Gold-saving screen. F. Browne and J. Maxwell Gold-saving soreen. J. D. Douglas Gold-saving screen. J. W. Faulkner Gold-saving table. W. Adams Gold-saving table. G. H. Mackenzie Gold-saving table. G. H. Mackenzie Gold-eaving-table. J. Eobb Gold, Separating, from sand, &o. W. E. Spenoer.. Gold-separation. F. J. W. Gascoyne and H. H. Murdoch Gold-separation. J. G. A. Richardson Gold-separator. H. H. Rayward Gold-separator. J. B. C. Watt Golf-olub. S. S. Sorensen Goods-elevator. J. Day Governor. J. E. Friend and J. Sawers Grab, Lifting-. J. Morgan and E. F. Guinness .. Grader, dresser, and scalper for flour-mill. G. T. Smith and W. Gardner Grader. (See also Railway- and road-grader.) Grass-seed dresser. W. T. and W. J. Nuttall and H. P. Meyer Grate. (See Fire-grate.) Grate and ashpit. J. Ritchie Gravity wheel. H. Rose and W. Hockin .. .. _.■'.. , :,; T T , " Grease from wash-liquors of wool, Recovering. J. Smith and Sons (Limited), and W. Leach .. Grinding-mill. C. Suttie • • • • • • Grip. (See Clothes-line grip, Collar-stud grip, Rope coupling or grip, Wire-grip.) Gripper, Cable-car. E. Roberts Group-flashing apparatus for lighthouse. A. Brebner Guard, Cyole-chain. J. A. P. Philp Gum, Extracting, from flax. H. Brenkley Gum. (See Kauri-gum.) Guttapercha-like substance, Manufacture of a. W.E.Hughes Guttering, Seouring, to houses. H. G. Bedell Hackler, Tow-. E. A. Gibbon Hair-curler. L. Fagan Hair-curler, Heating. B. R. Hall 12804 12834 13003 12970 12940 12999 12681 13025 12875 12917 13021 21 July. 2 Aug. 22 Sept. 12 Sept. 1 Sept. 18 Sept. 14 June. 25 Sept. 13 Aug. 21 Aug. 28 Sept. 3 Sept. 12946 13128 12475 12313 12446 12546 12572 13134 13161 13078 12535 12956 13110 13252 12817 12623 13005 12747 12301 12440 12353 13126 12713 13132 12806 12739 12963 12644 13169 12985 12816 12795 13090 12582 12747 13068 12475 12368 12961 13075 13253 13254 13169 13237 13134 12572 12533 12678 12573 12967 12344 12998 12493 29 Oct. 16 March. 18 Jan. 8 March. 20 April. 30 April. 2 Nov. 15 Nov. 18 Oct. 12 April. 3 Sept. 26 Oct. 14 Dec. 27 July. 15 May. 22 Sept. 28 June. 11 Jan. 27 Feb. 29 Jan. 29 Oct. 22 June. 29 Oot. 23 July. 27 June. 8 Sept. 23 May. 16 Nov. 14 Sept. 23 July. 13 July. 20 Oct. 3 May. 28 June. 15 Oct. 16 March. 6 Feb. 6 Sept. 13 Oct. 14 Dec. 14 Dec. 16 Nov. 8 Dec. 2 Nov. 30 April. 11 April. 8 June. 1 May. 12 Sept. 30 Jan. 14 Sept. 30 Marob. 12797 19 July. 12512 12717 12762 12642 6 April. 22 June. 5 July. 23 May. 13046 12936 12441 12378 6 Oot. 31 Aug. 1 March. 18 Dec,'99 12348 13027 12428 12511 12953 31 Jan. 29 Sept. 2 March. 7 April. 3 Sept.




Invention, and Name of Inventor No. Date. Hair-outter. M. Davies Hair-cutter. J. W. Newall Hair-pin. W. Dall Hair-pin. W. B. Gladstone Hair-pin. W.E.Gladstone Hair-pin. H. L. Mainland Hair-pin. W. Wood Hair, Eemoving, from skina. W. P. Griffiths Hammer, Pneumatic. H. J. Kimman and E. N. Hurley Hammer, Pneumatic. New Taite-Howard Pneumatic Tool Company (Limited) Hamper fastening. J. W. Cook Handcuff. T. Burrell Handle-bars. (See Cycle handle-bars.) Handles, Securing, to tins. G. A. Watson Hanging sashes. W. Fairhead Harness-buckle. W. Morice .. .. ... Harness-fastening. T. B. Bryant Harness-fastening. R. Latta Harrow. (See Disc harrow, Spading-harrow.) Harrowing, ploughing, sowing, manuring, &c. F. Gale and J. Hemphill Harvester. H. J. Kimman and E. N. Hurley Harvester. J. B. Leatherbarrow and T. B. Margetts Harvester. Massey-Harris Company Harvester, Stripper and. J. Quinn, J. H. Turland, and W. G. Archer, sen. Hat-fold preserving device. J.Loudon Hat-pin. R. A. Simpson Hats, Securing ladies'. E. Hart Hauling-ropes, Preventing breaking of. C. Wesley .. .. Head-rest for chair. H. Marshall Head, Tappet-. J. L. Kirkbride Heat collecting and conveying apparatus. O. B. H. Hanneberg Heater, Bath-. A. Petersen and C. L. Godfrey Heater, Water-. T. Grundy Heating and filtering feed-water. I. Davis Heating and lighting apparatus. W. E. Hughes Heating and pasteurising fluids, Foam-removing apparatus for. L. C. Nielsen and P. V. F. Petersen Heating hair-curlers. B. R. Hall Heel. (See Boot-heel.) Heel for shoes. H. B. Haigh Heel-pad. A. Tindill Hides, Tanning. E. Waters, jun. Hinge. (See Gate-hinge.) Hobble. J. Arnaboldi 'Hoe. R. Dalziell Hoe-blade holder. R. H. Goldsworthy Hoe, Drag-point for. J. Grant and A, Storrie Hoe. (See also Horse-hoe.) Hoist. R. Chambers Hoist. W. L. Luxford, A. H. Wylds, and J. H. Hankins Hoist for traotion-engine, Crane and friction-. J. E. Watkins - .. Hoisting-gear. G. E, T. Tack Hold. (See Ship's hold.) Holder. (See Bottle-holder, Candle-holder, Flypaper-holder, Fodder-holder, Hoe-blade holder, Knife-holder, Label-holder, Leg-holder, Music-holder, Paper-holder, and Twine-holder.) Hoop-iron fastening. G. R. Robertson Hooping instrument, Case-. J. Dawson and G. Hughan Hopper. (See Spouting-hopper.) Horse. (See Rocking-horse.) Horse-box. G. Lovegrove Horse-clipper sharpener. A. D. Graham Horse-collar. E.Clark Horse-collar. S. L. Fairhall Horse-collar. B.Thomson' .. .. .. .. Horse-collar roll. D. Brigham .. .. ... Horse-cover. W. Bagby Horse-cover. W. Besley Horse-cover. C. Dahl Horse-cover. F. E. Hardy .. .. ;. Horse-cover. T. Knox Horse-cover. J. H. Leonard Horse-cover. E. A. Ransom Horse-cover. E. Smallbone .. .. Horse-cover fastening. H. Shaw Horse-medicine, Cattle-and. A.J. Knocks Horse-shoe. S. Aitchison Horse-ehoe. T. Cusdin and J. W. Rice Horse-stopper. O. Andrews Horse-tree mountings. J. Henderson Horses, Preventing bolting of. A. Williams Horses, Racing-tips for. A. Smith Horses. (See Yoking horses.) Hull. L. G. Beeves Hull. L. G. Reeves Hulls, Appliance for removing barnacles from. M. L. Moorhouse, H. J. Dyson, and J. Crane.. Husking. (See Corn-husking.) Hydraulic motor. E. F. Cassel 12879 12896 12361 12342 12364 12310 12420 12835 12317 12722 12937 12742 7 Sept. 22 Aug. 31 Jan. 27 Jan. 2 Feb. 13 Jan. 24 Feb. 2 Aug. 18 Jan. 22 June. 29 Aug. 29 June. 12943 12458 12802 13201 13047 30 Aug. 14 March. 19 July. 28 Nov. 6 Oct. 13156 12317 12714 12435 13070 12398 12399 13227 12991 12715 12731 12601 12683 13270 12900 13248 12314 15 Nov. 18 Jan. 22 June. 3 March. 15 Oct. 16 Feb. 15 Feb. 8 Dec. 17 Sept. 22 June. 25 June. 12 May. 12 June. 21 Deo. 22 Aug. 13 Deo. 18 Jan. 12953 3 Sept. 12392 12894 12680 16 Feb. 20 Aug. 13 June. 12303 13236 12485 12375 8 Jan. 11 Deo. 23 Maroh. 6 Feb. 12635 12486 12888 12874 22 May. 27 March. 18 Aug. 16 Aug. 12385 12586 12 Feb. 7 May. 12358 12466 12828 12273 12278 12932 12297 12536 12500 12352 13219 13273 12748 12741 12479 12776 13065 12796 13154 12905 12992 12408 30 Jan. 16 March. 2 Aug. 3 Jan. 4 Jan. 28 Aug. 8 Jan. 18 April. 3 April. 31 Jan. 3 Dec. 27 Dec. 30 June. 29 June. 20 March. 11 July. 12 Oot. 16 July. 14 Nov. 18 Aug. 18 Sept. 16 Feb. 12459 12657 13249 12 Maroh. 26 May. 13 Dec. 12602 12 May.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. - No. I Date. Hydrocarbon motor. J. F. Bennett .. • ■ • • • ■ Igniter. (See Gas-igniter, Gas-engine igniter.) Igniting-apparatus for combustion-engine. J. P. Campbell Illuminating-power of gaa, Increasing. B. L. H. Murray Illustration-printing. Christchureh Press Company (Limited) and J. V. Price Incinerator. F. B. C. Allen Incubator egg-tray. T. E. W. Noyes .. .. • • - • Indicator. (See Cash-indicator, Fare-indicator, Firearms-indicator, Temperature-indicator, Totalisator.) Indicator and time-check. M. W. Maylard .. .. .. ... Induction motor. British Weutinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Induction motor. British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Infants' apparel. E. Higgins Ingot-iron, Manufacture of. A. Tropenas Injector. (See Quicksilver-injector.)' Injector and reservoir combined. J. H. Walker Ink. (See Printing-ink.) Ink, Removing, from printing-dies. J. Y. Johnston Inking-apparatus for printing-press. J.Y.Johnston Inking devices for printing-press. J.Y.Johnston.. Insecticide. W. Bromiley Insecticide. A. Potter Insecticide. J. Vaughan-Sherrin Insecticide, Vessel for. W. Bromiley Insect-trap. J. A. Francis Insulating composition. M. Davies .. ■ • • ■ Insulating support for electrical conductor. British Westinghouse Electrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Insulator, Pumice. W. T. and B. T. Firth .. .. ■ • Internal-combustion engine. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Internal-combustion engine, Gasifier for. W. E. Hughes Internal-combustion igniting-apparatus. J. P. Campbell Iron. (See Flat-iron, Ingot-iron, Laundry-iron, Smoothing-iron.) Jack. (See Lifting-jack, Stump-jack.) Jaws for stone-crusher. E. Girdler Joint. (See Pipe-joint, Kail-joint.) Jug-lid. W. E. Lewis Justification-gauge for linotype machine. W. Holmes .. .. ■ ■ Kauri-gum, Cleansing. G. Sturtevant, J. M. Morran, and A. G. Frenoh Kauri, Obtaining charooal and oil from. J. H. Henrikson Kauri, Obtaining oil and charcoal from. J. H. Henrikson Kauri refuse, Extracting oil from. S. C. R. Trevor Kerosene-tin bucket frame. D. C. Kee Kiln. J. Kelly and F. Oakden Kindler. (See Fire-kindler.) Knee-pad, Housemaid's. J. B. Mackenzie Knee-pad, Housemaid's. J. B. Mackenzie Knife-oleaner. J. Foster Knife-cleaner. H. Shaw Knife, fork, and spoon combined. S. E. G. Coleman Knife-holder. B. Clapcott Knife-shield. F. R. Claude Label. A. J. Webb Label-drying apparatus. W. Hickson and W. L. Palmer Label-holder. T. Awdry Labelling apparatus, Bottle-. I. Harrison Ladder. (See Fire-escape ladder, Step-ladder.) Lamp. A. Kitson Lamp. A. Kitson Lamp. C. Lawson ■ • Lamp. (See also Acetylene-lamp, Electrio lamp, Nernst lamp.) Lamp-glower. M. W. Hanks Lasting-machine. United Shoe Machinery Company Latch. G. A. Mazey Laundry-iron. F. Broad Lead carbonate, Manufacturing. F. J. Corbett .. .. • • Lead carbonate, Manufacturing. F. J. Corbett Lead-heading nails, Machine for. J. Welsby and H. G. Bedell Lead-ores, Treating. A. Germot .. .... Lead-orea, Treating. General Metal Reduotion Company (Limited) Leaf. (See Book-leaf.) Leather-rolling machine. C. Suttie .. Leg-holder for cows. J. Tauoher .. •• •• Legging. J. E. Evans Legging. G. A. P. Townsend • • • • . Legging. W. Wiggins Legging-fastening. W. P. Bice and A. H. Guthridge Leg-rope for oows. A. E. Waiting Letter-copying. F. Broad Lever. D. Donald Lever attachment, Cycle. R. W. Brown Lever, Railway-road. W. A. Verey Lid. (See Can-lid, Jug-lid.) Lifting-grab. J. Morgan and E. F. Guinness .. .. Lifting-jack. F. H. Wrigley Lifting-jack. W. Lisle 12712 13255 12663 12821 12629 13034 13184 12969 13102 12594 13063 12838 12698 12697 12700 12891 13202 12326 12892 13033 13200 13100 13086 12744 13257 13255 12527 12839 12681 13146 12505 12974 12647 12771 12549 22 June. 14 Deo. 6 June. 28 July. 16 May. 3 Oct. 23 Nov. 12 Sept. 26 Oct. 9 May. 12 Oct. 2 Aug. t20 July, '99 118 July, '99 t20Jul/,'99 17 Aug. . 27 Nov. 20 Jan. 17 Aug. 3 Oct. 28 Nov. 26 Oct. 20 Oct. 29 June. 14 Dee. 14 Deo. 9 April. 2 Aug. 14 June. 8 Nov. 4 April. 21 July. 23 May. 7 July. 20 April. 12295 12365 12509 13116 12588 12938 12732 12710 12782 13278 12767 8 Jan. 3 Feb. 5 April. 30 Oct. 8 May. 29 Aug. 21 June. 22 June. 12 July. 28 Deo. 7 July. 12653 12654 12867 30 May. 30 May. 13 Aug. 12906 12791 12800 12982 12613 12864 12811 12761 12830 23 Aug. 17 July. 19 July. 13 Sept. 14 May. 13 Aug. 25 July. 5 July. 2 Aug. 12643 12959 12773 12778 12617 12913 12978 12979 12367 12990 12449 23 May. 7 Sept. 10 July. 12 July. 14 May. 23 Aug. 14 Sept. 13 Sept. 7 Feb. 14 Sept. 6 March. 12998 12288 13013 14 Sept. 8 Jan. 24 Sept.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Light "collecting and conveying apparatus. O. B. H. Hanneborg Lighter. (See Fire-lighter.) Lighthouse, Group-flashing apparatus for. A. Brebner Lighting. (See Electric lighting.) Lighting and heating apparatus. W. E. Hughes .. Lighting, Gas-. A. C. Auohet .. - .. Lighting gas-burners. A. H. Bennett and S. Jones Lighting system, Nernst lamp. A. J. Wurts Lighting, Vacuum-tube. Moore Electrical Company Lightning-arrester. British Westinghouse Bleotrio and Manufacturing Company (Limited) .. Limb, Artificial. H. Pinny Liner for oentrifugal machine. M. Dessau Lining casks, barrels, &c. H. S. Eussell Lining. (See Furnace-lining.) Link. (See Dredge-bucket link.) Linotype justification-gauge. W. Holmes .. • • Linotype machine. E. Waters, jun. Linotype-machine mould. E. Waters, jun. Linotype matrix. E. Waters, jun. Liquid-weigher. G. A. Hanna and T. A. Swanson Liquids, Sterilising. J. Y. Johnston Liquors, Treating. Spink Liquor Company Loading cableway, Maintaining tension on. E.Maxwell Lock. C. Kunzelmann Lock. A. Petersen Looking device, Bicycle-. F. L. Wildbore Machinery, Means for imparting motion to. W. H. Baxter Magnet. (See Electro-magnet.) Magnetic. (See Diamagnetic, Paramagnetic.) Magnetic-sand extraction. J. H. A. McPhee .. Magnetic separation of ores. F. J. Odling and W. Jamiesoc Magneto-telephone. P. Eabbidge Mail-bag, Sealing-buckle for. A. F. Thompson Mail-marking machine. International Postal Supply Company of New York Manure, Converting nightsoil into. H. and W. Wilkinson Manure-distributor. J. J. Smyth Manure-sower. W. A. Land Manuring, and harrowing, Ploughing, sowing. F. Gale and J. Hemphill Marine-engine governor. J. E. Friend and J. Sawers Marine engines, Preventing, from " racing." J. Speight and W. Joyce .. Marine growths, Composition for preventing, on ships, &o. T. S. Mullay Marking, Method of. E. A. G. Hamlin Marking sheep, &c. G. Eenner and W. H. Boyens Mat. (See Gold-saving mat, Ripple-mat.) Ma'trix, Linotype. E. Waters, jun. Mattress. E. Arnold Mattress. (See also Wire mattress.) Measurement of timber, Method of instructing in. W. J. Morgan Measuring and mixing gas and air, Apparatus for. J. Coates Measurer. (See Tea receptacle and measurer.) Meat-covers, Fabric for. B. Kershaw Meat, Preservation of. W. Coates, A. M. Shand, and G. F. J. Hewitt Meat. (See Frozen meat.) Medicinal effervescing drink. E. S. McEae Medicine, Cattle- and horse-. A. J. Knocks Metal boxes, Closing. C. F. Mendham Metal pipe, Closing locking-bar of. G. J. and C. H. Hoskins.. Metal-pipe-forming maohine. G. J. Hoskins Metal plates, Up-setting edges of. G. H. Hoskins.. Metals, Extracting. E. Waters, jun. Metals, Extraction of. S. H. Johnson and Company (Limited) Metals. (See also Gold, Ores.) Metal-tube roller. H. Dalton Milk-aerator. J. A. Ellis Milk-aerator. E. S. McEae Milk-aerator. G. H. and A. K. Smart Milk-can. J. A. Kinsella Milk-oan lid, Rim for. G. Smart and E. W/Ashcroft Milk feeder and heater. W. Sim Milk-pasteuriser. A. P. Hall Milk-strainer. C. Dahl Milking-bucket. G-. Smart and C. M. Grant Milking-bucket. G. Smart and E. W. Ashcroft .. Milking instrument. E. Caldwell Milking-machine. W. Sim and J. H. Stewart Mill. (See Flour-mill, Grinding-mill.) Miners' candle-holder. J. McCombie and A. S. Mclndoe Mine-ventilator. A. H. McNeil Mine-ventilator. A. H. McNeil Mining-cage safety-device. J. B. Cameron and P. E. Sutherland Mixer. (See Concrete-mixer.) Moistener, Adhesive-surface. J. Eobertson Moietener, Brush-. F. V. Raymond Mortar-box, Crushing-die and. T. P. Clarke Motion to machinery, Means for imparting. W. H. Baxter Motor. (See Electric motor, Hydraulic motor, Hydrocarbon motor, Induction motor, and Water motor.) 12601 12 May. 12936 31 Aug. 13248 13244 13239 12908 12550 12560 12532 13049 12925 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 23 Aug. 20 April. 24 April. 10 April. 8 Oct. 29 Aug. 12681 13263 13264 13265 12810 13188 13181 12718 12510 12865 12750 12950 14 June. 20 Dec. 20 Dec. 20 Dec. 25 July. f 26 Nov.,'99 23 Nov. 22 June. 7 April. 13 Aug. 2 July. 4 Sept. 12623 13211 12957 13073 13016 13148 12805 12822 13156 12344 13067 13171 12610 12611 15 May. 4 Deo. 3 Sept. 17 Oct. 27 Sept. 6 Nov. 21 July. 28 July. 15 Nov. 30 Jan. 15 Oct. 16 Nov. 14 May. 14 May. 13265 13140 20 Dec. 7 Nov. 12311 12401 16 Jan. 20 Feb. 12414 12417 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 13204 12776 13010 12726 12727 12727 12679 12327 29 Nov. 11 July. 24 Sept. 22 June. 22 June. 22 June. 13 June. 20 Jan. 12331 12798 13204 13087 12498 13111 12719 12866 12873 13175 13111 12596 12736 20 Jan. 20 July. 29 Nov. 2 Nov. 30 March. 29 Oct. 22 June. 13 Aug. 16 Aug. 20 Nov. 29 Oct9 May. 26 June. 13151 12318 12529 12840 8 Nov. 18 Jan, 17 April. 2 Aug. 12740 13045 12688 12950 28 June. 5 Oct. 14 June. 4 Sept.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Motor-car. H. Thomson Motor-oar gear. J. J. Gibson Motor vehicle. British Motor Traction Company (Limited) .. Motorpictoroscope. H. J. Jones and J. Baker Mould. (See Butter-mould, Linotype-machine mould.) Moulding apparatus, Clay-. G. J. Kielberg Moulding machine, Timber-. D. W. Mackay Mower. Massey-Harris Company (Limited) Mud-guard, Cycle. J. W. Glennie Mud-guard, Cycle. H. Beynolds .. .. • • Muff, Bicycle-. W. J. Venables Music-holder. A. G. Ockenden Mussel blight. (See Blight-destroyer.) Nails, Lead-heading. J. Welsby and H. G. Bedell Nernsfc lamp. A. J. Wurts, H. N. Potter, E. Bennett, and M. C. Beebe.. .,. Nernst lamp ballast-resistance. H. N. Potter Nernst lamp glower. M. W. Hanks Nernst lamp-lighting system. A. J. Wurts Nernst lamp-starting apparatus. A. J. Wurts, H. N. Potter, and M. W. Hanks Nernst lamp terminal coiinections. A. J. Wurts and M. W. Hanks Nightsoil-cart. W. Nepean-Hutchison, H. S. Harden, and H. Collier Nightsoil, Converting, into manure. H. and W. Wilkinson .. Nightsoil-destructor. G. T. Ritchie .. Nitrogen compounds, Manufacture of. O. S. Bradley and C. B. Jacobs .. Non-rerillable bottle. O. J. Cooze and P. L. Hollirgs Non-refillable bottle. A. P. Bimoldi and J. D. Rand Non-refiilable bottle. J. Stewart Oil. J. Vaughan-Sherrin Oil and oharooal, Obtaining, from kauri. J. H. Henrikson Oil-cap for axle. C. Y. Dally .. Oil, Distributing,at sea. F. M. Norris Oil-engine. H. N. Bickerton and H. W. Bradley Oil-engine. A. J. Knowles Oil-engine, Igniting. A. C. Aucher Oil from kauri refuse, Extractine. S. C. R. Trevor Oil from kauri timber, Obtaining. J. H. Henrikson Ointment. A. Vincent Opener. (See Envelope-opener, Tin-opener.) Ordnance indicator. M. W. Maylard Ore, Concentrating. S. M. Lissau Ore-concentrator. E. Phillips Ore-concentrator. G. E. Woodbury Ore-crusher. B. K. Cooper Ore-crushing cradle. H. L. Spring Ore-dressing machine. G. Weir Ore-furnace. W. E. Hughes Ore-furnace. T. D. Merton Ore-furnace. C. H. Ward Ores, Extraction of metals from. S. H. Johnson and Company (Limited) Ores, Extraction of metals from. E. Waters, jun. Ores, Filtro-amalgamation of. H. L. Spring Ores, Obtaining zinc from. J. Armstrong Ores, Recovering gold from. W. H. Harrison Ores, Rendering, friable. K. Miller .. .. .. .. • Ores, Retort for reducing. A. G. Clark Ores, Separating. T. R. Jordan Ores, Separating. F. J. Odling and W. Jamieson .. Ores, Separation of metals from. F. E. Elmore Ores, Treating. International Metal Extraction Company Ores, Treating. J. H. Lee Ores, Treating. Sulphides Reduction (New Process), Limited Ores, Treating. C. H. Ward Ores, Treating lead-. A. Germot .. .. ■ Ore?, Treating sulphide. J. C. Clancy and L. W. Marsland Ores, Treating sulphide. H. F. Kirkpatrick-Picard Ores, Treating sulphide. H. F. Kirkpatrick-Picard Ores, Treating sulphide. J. Swinburne and B. A. Ashcroft Ores, Treating sulphurous. T. N. Beavan Ores, Treating zinc-. A. G. Clark Ores, Treating zinc- and lead-. General Metal Reduction Company (Limited) Oxide. (See Zinc-oxide.) Oxygen-generator. J. H. Perry Package-filling machine. H. Pettitt Packing-oase. J. Louisson and A. Hosking .. .. Pad. (See Heel-pad, Knee-pad, Saddle-pad.) Paint, Enamel. J. Vaughan-Sherrin Pan. (See Cess-pan.) Paper-holder for printing-press. J. Y. Johnston Paramagnetic materials, Separating. E. Gates Paste. (See Washing-paste.) Pasteuriser. A. P. Hall Pasteurising-apj.aratus, Foam-remover for. L. C. Nielsen and P. V. F. Petersen .. Peg. (See Clothes-peg.) Pelts, Removing wool from. W. P. Griffiths Pen. (See Fountain-pen.) Penholder. F. L. Graham Phormium teiiax. (See Flax.) 12615 13025 13245 12920 14 May. 25 Sept. 13 Dec. 21 Sept. 12793 12887 12436 12501 12619 12564 13221 16 July. 17 Aug. 3 March. 3 April. 14 May. 24 April. 3 Deo. 12811 12911 12907 12906 12908 12909 12910 13250 13148 12952 12520 12650 12575 12421 12326 J 2974 12661 13279 12293 12781 13243 12647 12505 13054 25 July. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 11 Deo. 6 Nov. 5 Sept. 12 April. 29 May. 4 May. 21 Feb. 20 Jan. 21 July. 2 June. 28 Deo, 10 Jan. 12 July. 13 Deo. 23 May. 4 April. 11 Oct. 13185 12882 13020 12772 12963 12410 13019 12349 13218 12901 12327 12679 12409 13019 12956 12431 12426 13193 13211 12452 13058 13099 12467 12901 12761 13190 12933 13160 12282 12723 12425 12830 23 Nov. 17 Aug. 28 Sept. 9 July. 8 Sept. 21 Feb. 27 Sept. 31 Jan. 6 Deo. 22 Aug. 20 Jan. 13 June. 21 Feb. 27 Sept. 3 Sept. 1 March. 1 March. 28 Nov. 4 Dec. 10 March. 12 Oot. 26 Oct. 19 March. 22 Aug. 5 July. 28 Nov. 31 Aug. 15 Nov. |lljuly,'99, 22 June. 1 March. 2 Aug. 12540 12321 12869 20 April. 16 Jan. 13 Aug. 12326 20 Jan. 12699 13277 f20July,'99 28 Dec. 12866 12314 13 Aug. 18 Jan. 12835 2 Aug. 12927 29 Aug.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Photo-displaying devioe. B. E. Watts Photographic enlargements. J. H. Finlayson Photographic film. J. B. Thornton and C. F. S. Rothwell Photographs, Producing coloured. Grenier Art Company Piano-escapement. W. Over .. .. .. Pig-feeder. C. E. and F. L. Wildbore .. - Pile-driver hoisting-gear. G. E. T. Tuck Pile, Foundation-. B. O. Clark, jun. Pin. W. E. Gladstone Pin. (See Draw-pin, Hair-pin, Hat-pin.) Pipe-coupling. S. R. Dresser Pipe-cutter. J. Oouston and J. Finlayson Pipe-joint-caulking machine. J. Couston and J. Finlayson Pipe. (See also Drain-pipe, Dredge suction-pipe, Metal pipe, Tobacco-pipe.) Pipes and castings, Corea for. G. J. Hoskins Planing-machine. D. W. Mackay Planing-machine attachment. D. W. Mackay Planing-machine cutter. G. A. Gamman Plate. (See Drop-plate.) Plough. J. W. Stonyer Plough. J. W. Stonyer Plough, Digger-attachment to. T. Hawke Plough, Skeith-attachment for. W. Painter Ploughing, sowing, manuring, and harrowing. F. Gale and J. Hemphill Plough-share. H. M. Whatman and W. J. Ealam Pneumatic drill. H. J. Kimman Pneumatic expander. C. Bristow Pneumatic hammer. H. J. Kimman and E. N. Hurley Pneumatic hammer. New Taite-Howard Pneumatic Tool Company (Limited) Pocket. H. Donkin Pocket-outter for fabrics. P. Palmer Pocket, Garment-. H. Donkin Poison. (See Rabbit-poison.) Pontoon. L. G. Reeves Pontoon, Dredge. L. G. Reeves Pot, Chimney-. G. A. Ritson Potash from wash-liquors of wool, Recovering. J. Smith and Sons and W. Leach .. Potato-digger. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Poultice. J. Scott Power, Obtaining, from the sea. C. and J. Parmenter Preservation of alimentary substances. L. L. Carpentier Preservation of meat. W. Coates, A. M. Shand, and G. E\ J. Hewitt Preservative covering for hams, &o. J. Mitchell Preserving and purifying. J. Clarke Preserving-can. C. Bristow Preserving composition. F. W. Quaife Press. (See Embossing-press, Printing-press, Wool-press.) Press-copying. F. Broad Presser, Butter-. W. Gow Primus lamp burner. W. T. Pearce and W. H. Spiller Printers' galley. J. Knight and W. A. Jennings Printing-dies and inking devices. J. Y. Johnston Printing-dies, Removing ink from. J. Y. Johnston Printing, Illustration-. Christehurch Press Company (Limited) and J. V. Price Printing-ink. F.C.Taylor PrintiDg-machine. P. A. Hadley and J. J. Joyoe Printing machine, Timber-. D. W. Mackay Printing-press. J.Y.Johnston .. .. .. ... Printing-press. J. Y. Johnston Printing-press inking-apparatus. J. Y. Johnston Printing-press paper-holder. J. Y. Johnston .. .. .. Propeller. (See Screw.) Propeller-brake. W. Lonergan and S. Scammell Propelling mechanism, Cycle-. J. E. Friend and J. Sawers Prospecting apparatus, Gold-. F. W. Bryant .. .. ... Prospecting-machine. J. Corbett Prospecting shaft or cylinder, Sinking. A. and R. M. Aitken Protector. (See Boot-proteotor.) Provision covering, Preservative. J. Mitchell Pulley-block. J. Shepherd Pulling-over machine for bootmaking. United Shoe Machinery Company Pulverised substances, Separating. E. Gates Pulverised substances, Separating. B. Gates Pulverised substances, Separating. E. Gates Pump. J. Aitken Pump. F. W. Bryant Pump. J. Burns ... Pump. Fraser and Chalmers (Limited) Pump. O. A. Harris Pump. J. S. Morton Pump. J. W. Robertson Pump. E. Seitz Pump, Tire-. H. H. Henning Punt. (See Silt-pump.) Purifying and preserving. J. Clarke Rabbit-oarrying appliance. W. B. Galloway Rabbit-o-ate. W. Burrell and J. W, Story 12366 12379 ! 13159 I 1282912820 12826 12874 12336 12342 5 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Nov. 2 Aug. 26 July. 1 Aug. 16 Aug. 24 Jan. 27 Jan. 12563 12603 12603 24 April. 12 May. 12 May. 13251 12518 12887 12346 11 Dec. 10 April. 17 Aug. 31 Jan. 12439 12638 13220 13024 13156 13029 12276 13271 12317 12722 13233 12819 12694 3 March. 21 May. 3 Dec. 27 Sept. 15 Nov. 1 Oct. 4 Jan. 27 Dec. 18 Jan. 22 June. . 10 Dec. 27 July. 19 June. 12459 12657 12524 12762 13051 12484 13155 12476 12417 12600 13172 12566 12980 12 March. 26 May. 12 April. 5 July. 8 Oct. 22 March. 12 Nov. 19 March. 22 Feb. 12 May. 13 Nov. 26 April. 13 Sept. 12979 12543 12538 12272 12700 12698 12821 12818 13012 12518 12696 12701 12697 12699 13 Sept. 20 April. 18 April. 3 Jan. f20 July, '99 \20 July, '99 28 July. 27 July. 24 Sept. 10 April. 119 July, '99 l 20July, '99 tl8July,'99 f20July, '99 12604 12664 13078 12827 13040 12 May. 6 June. 18 Oct. 28 July. lOct. 12800 12587 12790 12897 12898 12899 13162 12553 13088 12760 12477 12849 12770 12994 12482 12 May. 8 May. 17 July. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 15 Nov. 20 April. 23 Oct. 5 July. 21 March. 4 Aug. 7 July. 20 Sept. 23 March. 13172 12531 12334 13 Nov. 10 April. 23 Jan,




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Rabbit-orate. W. Heir Rabbit-orate. N. H. Maomeikan Rabbit-poison. J. Matheson Rabbit-trap fastener. W. Taylor and A. Pasoo " Racing " of marine engines, Preventing. J. Speight and W. Joyce .: " Racing " of steamship propellers, Preventing. W. Lonergan and S. Soammell " Racing " of steamship screws, Preventing. J. Hutohinson.. Raoing-tips for horses. A. Smith Rack. (See Clothes-rack.) Rail cleaner, Tramway-. D. Nable Rail-joint, F. B. Hart Rails, Joining. J. H. Pomeroy Railway. (See Electrio railway.) Railway- and road-grader. H. Hirst Railway-brake. J. Bowman .. .. Railway-brake. H. E. Gresham Railway buffer and coupling-gear. 0. P. White Railway-oar coupling. A. G. Blackwell Railway-car coupling. Darling's Patent Automatio Company (Limited) Railway-carriage truck. J. Bragge Railway coupler and buffers. J. Willison Railway coupling. C. Burridge and H. Brown Railway coupling. C. H. Hewer .. .. ... Railway coupling. G. Westinghouse Railway ooupling-gear. A. Dornbusch Railway coupling-gear. H. R. Walker Railway-crossing alarm. W. S. Dunstan Railway draught appliances. G. Weatinghouse Railway draw-pin and catoh. G. A.Pearson Railway-road lever. W. A. Verey Railway speed-indicator. F. Riper, jun. Railway switch and semaphore apparatus. E. Waters, jun. Railway-trains, Telephonic and signal communication for. H. Gulliver and T. C. Fowler Railway-vehicles, Electric lighting of. W. E. Hughes Rain-exoluder for door. J. H. Soott Raiser, Water-. P. C. K. Young Rake. C. Simpson Range-finder for rifle. C. A. Trotter Rat-trap. T. Mitchell Rat-trap. H. J. Rodgers and J. Lamberg Rat-trap. F. Treweek Receiver for electrical oscillations. Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company (Limited) Receptacle. S. R. Bellingham, D. Fell, and N. P. Riohards Reoeptacle. F. and G. N. Lucas Receptacle and measurer. W. R. Fry Receptacle-cover and cooking-utensil combined. J. R. and G. C. Hayward Record-strips for type-forming machine. Lanston Monotype Machine Company .. Reflector. (See Candle shade and reflector.) Refrigerator. A. Campbell Refuse-bin. C. A. Beal and J. Eustace Refuse-bin. J. Morris • • Register. (See Cash-register.) Registering-maohine, Electoral. H. Droutlege Regulator. (See Steam-regulator, Steam-pressure regulator.) Reservoir and syringe combined. J. H. Walker Retort. A. G. Clark Retort. W. Coulson Retort-manufacturing process. A. G. Clark Revolver. I. Wheeldon Ridge-capping, Ventilating. J. Watson Ridge-drill. A. Storrie Ridger, Disc. J. Macalister Riding-saddle. P. Woods Rifle. I. Wheeldon Rifle, Dummy. D.Cameron Rifle range-finder. C. A. Trotter Rifle-sight. A. Church Rifle-sight. E. C. Gage and H. G. Drew Rifle, Wire-cutter for. W. Hall Rim for milk-oan lid. G. Smart and R. W. Ashoroft Ring. (See Bag-ring.) Ripple. (See Gold-saving ripples.) Ripple-mat, Gold-saving. A. Anderson, W. Ross, and H. Walton Riveting-apparatus. H. J. Kimman Road-cleaner. H. J. Ranger Road coating composition. J. McCombie Road-grader. H. Hirst Rook-drill. F. H. Dannhardt and M. Mailer Rock-drill. M. C. Jaokson, J. McDonough, and A. J. Clark Rocker and concentrator, Gold-saving. G. Leeoh.. Rocket signalling. W. J. C. Stokes Rocking-horse. W. E. Perry Roller. (See Feed-roller.) Rolling maohine, Leather-. C. Suttie Rolls, Horse-collar. D. Brigham Roofing, Closing the openings of corrugated. W. J. Kissell ., 6—H. 10. [ 12487 12418 12690 12756 13067 12604 12570 12408 27 March. 22 Feb. 19 June. 3 July. 15 Oct. 12 May. 26 April. 16 Feb. 12465 12788 12620 16 Marob. 16 July. 12 May, 13235 13122 12350 12815 12462 12389 12949 13212 13057 12646 12656 12814 12975 12315 12656 12671 12449 12738 13182 12868 12395 13268 12302 13041 13042 12494 12584 13011 13097 13141 12987 12934 12606 13275 6 Dec. 31 Oot. 31 Jan. 26 July. 16 March, 16 Feb. 4 Sept. 5 Dec. 12 Oct. 124June,'99 30 May. 18 Aug. 12 Sept. 18 Jan. 30 May. 11 June. 6 Maroh 25 June. 23 Nov. 13 Aug. 16 Feb. 18 Dec. 11 Jan. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 29 March. 7 May. 24 Sept. 26 Oct. 7 Nov. 13 Sept. 31 Aug. 12 May. 28 Dec. 13093 12749 12651 26 Oct. 28 June. 30 May. 12941 30 Aug. 12838 12426 13223 12427 12539 12929 12284 12299 12637 12539 12808 13042 12919 13203 12419 13111 2 Aug. 1 Maich. 4 Dβ.". 1 March. 19 April. 28 Aug. 4 Jan. 6 Jan. 23 May. 19 April. 24 July. 5 Occ". 24 Aug. 1 Dec. 20 Feb. 29 Oot. 12582 12456 12801 13258 13235 12464 12387 12747 12670 12785 3 May. 12 March. 21 July. 18 Dec. 6 Deo. 16 March. 16 Feb. 28 June. 9 June. 11 July. 12643 12932 13023 23 May. 28 Aug. 26 Sept.




Invention, and Name of Inventor No. Date. Root cutter or slicer. J. Dunn Hope. (See Hauling-rope.) Eope-clip. G. G. MoAlpine Rope coupling or grip. W. G. Mouat and R. Wales .. .. .. . ■ ■ Rotary disc ridger. J. Macalister Rotary engine. H. A. Buck .. , Rotary engine. T. B. Dineen .. Rotary engine. N. R. Gordon .. Rotary engine. G. H. Taylor Rotary engine. W. O. Taylor .. .. .. .. ■ .. Rotary engine. E. Waters, jun. Rubber-like substance, Manufacturing. W. E. Hughes Rug. G. Schiitze Ruling-maohine. W. G. Tilley .. .. .. .. Rust, Prevention of. T. Hood and F. Treweek Saddle. J. J. Harris and E. Toft Saddle. A. G. Thompson Saddle. P. Woods Saddle, Convertible. P. Woods Saddle-cover. G. B. M. Branson Saddle-pad. A. R. Donisthorpe Salt, Method of keeping, in a powdered state. T. Vivian Salt-sprinkler. J. Anderson Sand-extraction. (See Magnetic sand.) Sand, Separating gold from. W. E. Spencer Sand, Separating gold from black. G. J. A. Richardson Sand-soap powder. H. A, Pyke Sanitary receptacle. F. and G. N. Lucas Sash. (See Window-sash.) Sash-and-frame combination. H. Mayr Sash-fastener. J. L. Kirkbride Sash-fastener. J. D. Tripe Sash-fastener. (See also Window-fastener.) Sashes, Hanging. W. Fairhead Saucer. G. F. Townshend Saving gold. (See Gold.) Saw-andbench combination. C. Y. Dally Sawingmaehine. D. W. Mackay Sawing. (See also Stone-sawing.) Scalper, grader, and dresser. G. T. Smith and W. Gardner Scoop. W. Horman Scoop. (See also Cesspit-scoop, Dredge-scoop, Earth-sooop, Stack-scoop.) Scraping flax. (See Flax.) Screen. (See Dredge-screen, Gold-dredging screen, and Gold-saving screen.) Screw, Preventing "racing" of steamer's. J. Hutchinson .. Screw-threaded wire, Machine for forming. United Shoe Machinery Company Scutcher. (See Flax-soutcher.) Soutcbing-bar. J. East Sea, Distributing oil at. F. M. Norris Sea, Obtaining power from. O. and J. Parmenter.. Sealing-buokle for mail-bag. A. F. Thompson .. .. .. • • ... Sealing perishable substanoes. F. W. Quaife Seat. J. J. Harris and E. Toft Seat-adjuster for trap. H. R. Sloan .. .. ... Seat adjuster, Vehicle-. E. R. Atkin Seed- and manure-sower. W. A. Land Seed-cleaner. R.A.Wilson Seed dresser, Grass-. W. T. and W. J. Nuttall and H. P. Meyer Seed-feeder. C. Bristow Seed-sower. O. Bristow Seed-sower. W. E. Chamberlain Seed-sower, Drill-attachment to. H. J. Alley Semaphore. E. Waters, jun. Semaphore. H. R. Walker SeparatiDg gold from sand. W. E. Spenoer Separating gold from black sand. G. J. A. Richardson Separating ores. T. R. Jordan .. .. .. .. Separating paramagnetic materials. E. Gates Separating pulverised substances. E. Gates .. .. .. ... Separating pulverised substances. E. Gates .. .. • • * • Separating pulverised substances. E. Gates Separator. (See Centrifugal separator, Electro-magnetic separator, Gold-separator, Siltseparator.) Servittte-fastener. A. H. Brownley .. .. .. Sewage-discharge valve. W. Parker Sewage-treating apparatus. W.Parker Sewage-treating apparatus. W.Parker Sewing-machine. (See Boot- and shoe-sewing machine.) Shade adjuster, Window-. H. House Shade. (See also Candle-shade.) Shaft for dredge-tumbler. P. Ellis Shaft-tug. J. Henderson Shafts or cylinders, Sinking prospecting. A. and R. M. Aitken Sharpener, Sheep-shears. A. D. Graham Shawer. (See Turnip-shawer.) Shearing-machine. W. H. Eyres Shears. (See Sheep-shears, Sheet-metal shears.) 13043 7 Oct. 13149 13215 12299 12468 12618 12716 12371 12948 12478 12348 12945 13109 12363 12279 13081 12637 12981 12676 13259 12403 13214 8 Nov. 4 Dec. 6 Jan. 19 March 11 May. 22 June. 8 Feb. 4 Sept. 21 March 31 Jan. 3 Sept. 25 Oct. 3 Feb. 4 Jan. 16 Oct. 23 May. 13 Sept. 12 June. 20 Dec. 20 Feb. 1 Dec. 13237 12572 12853 12987 8 Deo. 30 April. 8 Aug. 13 Sept. 13084 12693 12764 20 Oct. 19 June. 2 July. 12458 12530 14 Maroh, 9 April. 12850 12518 27 Aug. 10 April. 12493 12319 30 March, 15 Jan. 12570 12947 26 April. 4 Sept. 12662 13279 13155 13073 12980 12279 13135 12682 12822 12332 12797 12309 12703 13129 12386 13182 12862 13237 12572 13193 13277 12897 12898 12899 31 May. 28 Dec. 12 Nov. 17 Oct. 13 Sept. 4 Jan. 5 Nov. 11 Juue. 28 July. 23 Jan. 19 July. 16 Jan. 18 June. 2 Nov. 13 Feb. 23 Nov. 11 Aug. 8 Deo. 30 April. 28 Nov. 28 Dec. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 12481 12626 12624 12625 6 April. 18 May. 18 May. 18 May. 12312 15 Jan. 12851 13272 13040 12466 8 Aug. 27 Deo. 1 Oct. 16 Maroh 13198 28 Nov.




Invention, and Name of Inventor No. Date. Sheep-dip. W. Todd Sheep-shears sharpener. A.D.Graham Sheep-truck. W. Anderson Sheet-metal boxes, Closing. 0. F. Mendham .. .. • • Sheet-metal shears. A. Twidle Shelf-securing device. A. F. Talbofc Shelves, Fastener for. G. Allen Shield, Knife-. F. R. Claude Ship. (See Air-ship, Hull, Vessel.) Ship-bottoms, Apparatus for cleaning. J. W. Fowler Ships, Composition for preventing marine growths on. T. S. Mullay Ships' davits. J. Forbes Ships' davits. A. S. Ford Ships' holds, Method of destroying vermin in. A. Grant Ships, Ventilating. R. Franklin Shirt. W. R. Blythe Shirt. F. V. Baymond and R. Wales Shirt-collar fastener. F. V. Raymond and R. Wales Shirt-collar fastener. E. Wales and F. V. Eaymond Shirts, Glazing. G. S. C. Ford Shoe-fastener. R. Ireland Shoe-heel. H. B. Haigh Shoe or boot. A.Williams Shoe. (See also Boot, Horse-shoe.) Shoot. (See Dredge-shoot.) Shop-window braoket. J. Mead, sen. Shower-bath. D. J. Young Sight. (See Firearm-sight, Rifle-sight.) _ Signal communication on railway-trains. H. Gulliver and 1. U Howler .. Signalling. R. T. Bickerton and J. A. Morgan Signalling, Rocket. W. J. C. Stokes Silicidea, Manufacturing. International Chemical Company Silt-punt. J. S. Maxwell Silt-separator for dredge. E. A. G. Hamlin Silver. (See Gold.) Silver-extraction. F. A. Rich • • • • • • Silver-extraction process. J. A. Coe Sink. D.A.Owen •• •• •• •• Sink. (See also Yard-sink.) Sinking prospecting shafts or cylinders. A. and R. M. Aitken Skeith. S. Trevurza ■• Skeith attachment for plough. W. Painter .. • • ••■"•. Skins, Removing wool from. W. P. Griffiths Skins, Tanning. E. Waters, jun. •• •• ■■ Skirt. (See Cycling-skirt.) Slasher. G. Robinson Slimes, Filter for treatment of. G. and S. E. Fraser Slop-bucket and night-commode. W. Healey Sluice-box-elearing apparatus. E.E.Collins Sluicing, Appliance for use in. J. B. C. Watt Small-arm, Breech-loading. C. P. Webendorfer .. ••„,, Smelting and purifying process. C. E. Manton and J. W. Rayneld Smoke-conveyor and spark-extinguisher. L. G. Reeves Smoothing-iron and heater. N. Townshend Snatch-block. C. M. Malfroy Soap-powder. H. A. Pyke Socket. (See Drain-pipe socket.) Soldering aluminium. H. Lange Sole. (See Boot-sole, Clump-sole). Sole-leather-rolling machine. C. Suttie .. • • • • • • • < Sower. (See Seed-sower, Seed and manure-sower.) Sowing, manuring, and harrowing in combination with ploughing. F. Gale and J. Hemphill Spading-harrow. F. G. Brigham • • • • • t Spark-arrester. E.A.Cameron Spark-arrester. L. P. Halcrow • • Spark-arrester. J. F. McCarthy Spark-arrester. G.H.Mackenzie Spark-arrester. H. R. Walker Spark arrester and extinguisher. E. Richardson .. Spark arrester and extinguisher. J. W. Willett and C. O. H. Gordon Spark-arrester and fuel-economiser. E.A.Cameron Spark-arrestar and fuel-economiser. E.A.Cameron Spark extinguisher. C. W. Constable and J. Tyrrell, jun. Spark-extinguisher. J. McCreath Spark-extinguisher. A. Morrow Spark extinguisher. H. Noy Spark-extinguisher. L. G. Reeves Spark-extinguisher. G. J. A. Richardson Spark-stopper. H. Gunn Spectacle attachment. D. Rugg Speed-indicator, Railway. F. Raper, jun. Speed-regulator for countershafts. P. W. Ftyer .. Spelter, Manufacturing. General Metal Reduction Company (Limited) Spinning-machine. V. Belanger Spirit-engine. A. J. Knowles Spirits from kauri refuse, Extracting. S. C. Trevor Splitter. (See Timber-splitter.) 12460 12466 13120 13010 13035 12322 12636 12732 16 Maroh. 16 March. 31 Oct. 24 Sept. 2 Oct. 17 Jan. 23 May. 21 June. 12813 13171 13170 13133 12470 12541 13028 12473 12474 12504 12946 12412 12392 13048 25 July. 16 Nov. 15 Nov. 20 Nov. 15 March. 20 April. 28 Sept. 20 March. 20 March. 4 April. 3 Sept. 21 Feb. 16 Feb. 8 Oofc. 12931 13130 28 Aug. 2 Nov. 12868 12514 12670 13017 13080 12729 13 Aug. 6 April. 9 June. 27 Sept. 15 Oct. 25 June. 12535 12546 12521 12 April. 20 April. 19 April. 13040 13238 13024 12835 12680 1 Oct. 13 Dec. 27 Sept. 2 Aug. 13 June. 12705 13224 12437 12677 12678 13166 13161 I 13089 13107 12308 12853 21 June. 4 Dec. 28 Feb. 8 June. 8 June. 15 Nov. 15 Nov. 19 Oot. 24 Oct. 16 Jan. 8 Aug. 12995 20 Sept. 12643 23 May. 13156 12803 12422 12730 12525 12794 12976 12930 13032 12422 13178 12859 12517 13197 12640 13089 13105 12507 12878 12738 12608 12831 12277 12781 12647 15 Nov. 20 July. 23 Feb. 21 June. 9 April. 12 July. 12 Sept. 30 Aug. 3 Oct. 23 Feb. 19 Nov. 7 Aug. 10 April. 27 Nov. 19 May. 19 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 March. 13 Aug. 25 June. 12 May. 2 Aug. 4 Jan. 12 July. 23 May.




Invention, and Name oJ Inventor. No. Date. Spoon, knife, and fork oombined. S. E. G. Coleman Spouting-bracket. H. G. Bedell Spouting-hopper. S. Oxenham Spouting-strap. W. A. Holman Spouting-strap, W. A. Holman Spouting. (See also Guttering.) Sprinkler, Salt-. J. Anderson Spur attachment. E. P. Ghatfield Stack-butt scoop. W. Horman Stack scoop. J. W. Deegan Stamp, Celluloid. D. Lichtenberg-Madsen Stamping, branding, and embossing apparatus. O. B. Moller, B. Tomline, and W. C. Greig .. Standard. (See Fencing-standard.) Staple. (See Breeching-staple.) Staple-drawer and wire-cutter combined. W. B. Morgan Staple-extractor. A. Lavery Staple-extractor. A. M. McNeill Starch, Packing. T. Bell Steam-cooker. F. A. Nevill Steam dryer and superheater. W. Schmidt .. Steam-engine. E. Waters, jun. Steam-engine. W. Werry .. .. ... Steam-generator. H. Braby Steam-generator. H. A. Buck Steam-pressure regulator. D. O. Streeter Steam-regulator for compound engine. W. Schmidt ... Steamship-driving mechanism. J. A. Belk Steamship propellers, Preventing " racing " of. W. Lonergan and S. Scammell Steamship screws, Preventing " racing " of. J. Hutchinson Steam-turbine, Bing of blades for. C. A. Parsons, G. G. Stoney, and H. F. Fullagar Steel, Manufacturing. A. Tropenas Steel, Manufacturing. A. Tropenas Step-ladder. J. J. Gollis .. .. .. Sterilising liquids. J. Y. Johnston Stitch-forming machine. United Shoe Machinery Company.. Stoker for steam-boiler. J. Miller Stone crusher jaws. E. Girdler Stone-sawing machine. J. H. Gay Stop. (See Door-stop). Stopper arid tap combined. W. J. Dalton Stove. C. Clamond .. .. Strainer. (See Clothea-strainer, Milk-strainer, Wire-strainer.) Strap. (See Brake-strap, Spouting-strap.) Strap-coil for electrical machine. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Limited) Straw-elevator for thresher. J. C. Naismith Street-watering cart. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) Street. (See also Boad.) Stripper and harvester. J. Quivm, J. H. Turland, and W. G. Archer, sen. Stud. (See Collar-stud.) Stuffing-box. H. S. Durand Stuffing-box. H. S. Durand and B. K .McLeilan.. Stump-jack. A. W. Collett and J. C. Biley Stump-jack. H. C. Jensen Stumps. (See Crioket-stumps.) Suction-pipe. (See Dredge suction-pipe.) Sulphide ores, Treating. J. C. Clancy and L. W. Marsland .. Sulphide ores, Treating. H. F. Kirkpatrick-Pioard Sulphide ores, Treating. H. F. Kirkpatrick-Picard Sulphide-ore treatment. J. Swinburne and E. A. Ashcroft Sulphides, Treating. E. Waters, jun. Sulphurous ores, Treating. T. N. Beavan Support. (See Bicycle-support.) Swingle-tree. (See Whipple-tree, Yoking horses.) Swingle-tree end. J. Hair Switch. (See Electric switch, Railway switch, Telephone switob.) Syphon. J. Welsby and H. G. Bedell Syringe and reservoir combined. J. H. Walker Table. (See Billiard-table, Ooncentrating-table, Gold-saving table.) Tablet. C. L. Benediot Tailer, castrator and ear-marker. T. W. Allen Tailings, Separating gold from. F. J. W. Gascoigne and H. H. Murdoch Tanning hides and skins. E. Waters, jun. .. .. Tap and stopper combined. W. J. Dalton Taps, Securing to tins. G. A. Watson Tappet-head. J. L. Kirkbride Target. D, Edwards Teainfuser. G. Claydon Teapot. J. H. H. Lewis Tea receptacle and measurer. W. R. Fry Telegraphio apparatus. S. G. Brown .. .. .. ... Telegraphy, Wireless. Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company (Limited) Telephone. P. Rabbidge Telephone and oall-bell system. G. L. Anders Telephone-switch. P. Babbidge Telephonic communication for railway-trains. H. Gulliver and T. 0. Fowler Tellurium, Treating ores containing. T, N. Beavan 12588 13027 12376 12686 12733 8 May. 29 Sept. 12 Feb. 12 June. 21 June. 13214 13006 12319 13014 12390 13150 1 Deo. 22 Sept. 15 Jan. 26 Sept. 16 Feb. 10 Nov. 12823 12928 12746 12895 12434 12304 12478 13167 12324 12445 12695 12305 12281 12604 12570 12495 12429 13063 13179 13188 12372 12777 12527 13108 26 July. 28 Aug. 26 June. 28 Aug. 3 March. 13 Jan. 21 March. 16 Nov. 18 Jan. 7 March. 16 June. 13 Jan. 4 Jan. 12 May. 26 April. 31 March. 1 March. 12 Oct. 19 Nov. +26 Nov.,'9< 8 Feb. 7 July. 9 April. 22 Oct. 13000 12834 17 Sept. 2 Aug. 13168 16 Nov. 12496 12972 28 March. 11 Sept. 13070 15 Oct. 12735 12734 12858 12289 26 June. 26 June. 10 Aug. 10 Jan. 13196 12933 13160 12282 12789 12723 28 Nov. 31 Aug. 15 Nov. fll July, '9< 16 July. 22 June. 12955 3 Sept, 13015 12838 27 Sept. 2 Aug. 12391 12556 13134 12680 13000 12943 12731 12842 12455 12547 12934 12562 13213 12957 12633 12298 12868 12723 16 Feb. 18 April. 2 Nov. 13 June. 17 Sept. 30 Aug. 25 June. 3 Aug. 9 March. 20 April. 31 Aug. 24 April. 5 Dec. 3 Sept. 22 May. 8 Jan. 13 Aug. 22 June.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Temperature controller, Cream-. J.Anderson Temperature-indicator. E. B. McKay Temperature-indicator. L. Morris and R. Young Temperature-reducing composition. M. Daviea Teneion on loading cableways, Maintaining. E. Maxwell Teredo-navalis, Composition for destroying. T. S. JMullay Terminal. (See Nernst lamp terminal.) Thawing, Treating meat while. A. H. Chapman Thinner. (See Turnip-thinner.) Thresher, Straw-elevator for. J. C. Naismith Threshing-apparatus. P. Jacobs Ticket-holder. T. Awdry Timber, Instructing in measurement of. W.J.Morgan Timber-dressing attachment to planing-machines. D. W. Mackay Timber sawing, planing, and printing maohine. D. W. Mackay Timber-splitter. A. Carter Time check and indicator. M. W. Maylard Tin. H. August Tin. J. Gell Tin bucket frame, Kerosene-. D. C. Kee Tin-opener. G. A. Watson Tins, Connecting. A. W. Maconochie Tins, Securing taps to. G. A. Watson Tip. (See Cigarette-tip.) Tips for racehorse. A. Smith Tire. (See also Cycle-tire.) Tire. T. Burrell Tire. J. H. Cooke and J. S. H. Hammond Tire. G. E. Garard Tire. T. Gare Tire. R. W. Gibbs and H. S. Tunniclifie Tire. F. Jonea Tire. F. P. Wood Tire. H. Bloomfield Tire cover, Cycle-. P.Jones Tire cover, Cycle-. G. H. Scott Tire, Producing air-preseure in. A. C. and L. S. Andersen Tire-pump. H. H. Henning Tire-shield. F. P. Wood Tobacco-outter. J. L. E. Bourbaud Tobaooo-cutter. A. MoDonald and E. E. Turner Tobacco-pipe. J. Ward .. ... Tool. (See Bootmaker's tool, Pencing-tool.) Toothache-cure. T.Walsh Top. (See Chimney-top.) Totalisator, Calculating and indicating apparatus for. H. Reynolds Tow-hackler. E. A. Gibbon Toy. A. H. Cotton Traotion, Contact-etud for electric. W. Kingsland Traction, Electric. W. Kingsland Traotion-engine. B. J. Diplock Traction-engine, Crane and friction-hoist for. J. E. Watkins Trains, Electrical connector for. T. E. Moorhouse Tram-rail cleaner. D. Nable Tramway rope-dip. G. G. McAlpine Transporting apparatus. E. McGregor Transporting apparatus, Dredging and. E. MoGregor Trap. (See Ply-trap, Rabbit-trap, Rat-trap.) Trap seat adjuster. H.R.Sloan Traversing hoist. W. L. Luxford, A. H. Wylds, and J. H, Hankins Tray. (See Bunk-tray, Egg-tray.) Trough, Feeding-. L, Holden Trousers, Cycling. G. D. Jones Truok. (See Railway-carriage truck, Sheep-truck.) Tub, Bath-. D.A.Owen Tub-emptying device. E. Basstian .. Tube roller, Metal-. H. Dalton Tug. (See Shaft-tug.) Tumbler. (See Dredge-tumbler.) Turbine. (See Steam-turbine.) Turnip-and rape-sower. W. E. Chamberlain .. .. .. .. Turnip-cutter. J. G. Ruddenklau Turnip shawer and iifter. G. W. Penney Turnip-thinner. J. Macalister Twine-holder. P. C. J. Olsen Twisting-machine. V. Belanger Twisting. (See Warp-twisting.) Type-forming machine, Record-strips for. Lanston Monotype Maohine Company .. Tyre. (See Tire.) Upper. (See Boot-upper.) Utensil. (See Cooking-utensil.) Vacuum-tube lighting. Moore Electrical Company Valve. J. Nicol and P. Ellis Valve for sewage discharge. W. Parker Valve for water-cistern. R. Garnham Varnish. J. Vaughan-Sherrin Vehicle. (See Auto-vehicle, Motor-vehicle, Seat-adjuster.) 12274 12645 12316 13200 12718 13171 3 Jan. 25 May. 18 Jan. 28 Nov. 22 June. 16 Nov. 12545 20 April. 12496 12337 13278 12311 12887 12518 12622 13184 12605 12537 12771 12921 12724 12943 28 March. 25 Jan. 28 Dee. 16 Jan. 17 Aug. 10 April. 17 May. 23 Nov. 10 May. 18 April. 7 July. 24 Aug. 22 June. 30 Aug. 12408 16 Feb. 12415 13121 13007 13262 13147 12443 12876 12872 12854 12609 13165 12482 12877 12548 12384 13106 22 Feb. 31 Oct. 21 Sept. 20 Dec. 8 Nov. 7 March. 13 Aug. 15 Aug. 8 Aug. 14 May. 15 Nov. 23 March. 13 Aug. 20 April. 15 Feb. 23 Oct. 12692 19 June. 13180 12428 12516 12394 12393 12881 12888 12357 12465 13149 12340 12923 20 Nov. 2 Maroh 5 April. 16 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Aug. 18 Aug. 1 Feb. 16 March. 8 Nov. 25 Jan. 29 Aug. 13135 12486 5 Nov. 27 March. 12672 12631 11 June. 19 May. 12521 12508 12331 19 April. 6 April. 20 Jan. 13129 13066 12856 12299 12320 12277 2 Nov. 12 Oot. 9 Aug. 6 Jan. 15 Jan. 4 Jan, 13275 28 Dec. 12550 12307 12626 12755 12326 20 April. 15 Jan. 18 May. 3 July. 20 Jan.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Vehicle-loader. J. Day Velocipede driving-gear. F. A. Bich .. .. .. •■ Velocipede. (See Bicycle, Cycle, Tire, Water-bioycle.) Ventilating-cowl. J. Orr and T. MeOulloch Ventilating-machine. J. P. Main .. . • • Venetian blinds, Check action for, W. 0. Gee Ventilating ships. R. Franklin Ventilator. W. B. Johnson Ventilator. (See also Mine-ventilator.) Ventilator-brick. J. W. Buddie Ventilator-brick. R. E. Nightingale Ventilator-brick. R. E. Nightingale Ventilator-cowl. E.Toms Ventilator-top. G. McCaul Vermin-destroying method. A. Grant Vessel. (See Hull, Ship.) Vessel for insecticide. W. Bromiley .. .. Vice. J. Long ■ • • • Voting-machine. Trommlitz Vote-register Company Wall-bracket. G. Carrington Warp twisting-in machine. A. Goss Wash. (See Wool-wash.) Washer. (See Clothes-washer.) Washing appliance, Clothes-. J. Hay Washing-boiler-emptying devioe. E. Basstian Washing-boiler flange. R. Loohhead Washing-fluid. J. Ferguson Washing machine, Clothes-. C.J. Cooze Washing-paste. J. Northey .. • • • • ■ • Wattr-bioyole. F. Winter and J. Olsen .. .. Water-closet-flustaiDg cistern. J. M. Taylor and H. Oakley Water-closet seat-cover. F. J. Olsen Water-closet syphon. J. Welsby and H. G. Bedell Watercourse-cleaner. A. E. Hight Water heater and condenser. T. Grundy Watering. (See Street-watering.) Water-motor. J. Speight Water-purifying. (See Filter.) Water-race cleaner. R. P. Grant Water-raising. P. C. K. Young Water-wheel. R. Millar Weigher. (See Liquid-weigher.) Weighing can, Milk-. J. A. Kinsella Weight. (See Sash-weight.) Well sinking, Artesian-. J. Osborne Well sinking, Artesian-. J. Osborne Wheat to flour, Reducing. C. L. Wheeler Wheel. H. Caspers Wheel. W. and J. Hagerty, H. P. Rasmussen, and A. C. Henderson Wheel. G. G. Turri Wheel, Automatic. H. Eose and W. Hockin Wheel, Water-. R.Millar Whippla-tree. G. Claydon Whipple-tree. J. Smaill Whipple-tree. A. Yager Winoh. E. A. McLeod Winch. J. R. Perry Window. J. Darling Window. A. H. Fisher Window-fastener J. J. Boagey Window fastener or grip. G. C. Smith ... Window-sash catch. W. E. Hunter Window-sash, Holding device for. S. Ogden .. .. .. _ ■• Window sash opening, closing, and fastening apparatus. H. Shaw and J. J. Ewmg Window-sash-seouring device. J. D. Tripe Window-sashes, Means of raising and lowering. T. James, sen. Window-shade adjuster. H. House Window. (See also Sash.) Wire coiler and uncoiler. C. W. Symons Wire-cutter and staple-drawer combined. W. R. Morgan Wire-cutter for rifle. W. Hall Wire cutter, strainer, and key combined. J. and J. Rapson .. Wire-formiag maohine, Screw-threaded. United Shoe Machinery Company Wire-grip. F. T. Page Wire mattress. A. Richards • ■ Wire-netting ooiler. A. Hide Wire-netting coiler. C. W. Symons Wire-netting fence. F. S. Ellerm Wire-strainer. J. H. L. Barry Wire-strainer. J. Brown Wire-strainer. R. Brown Wire-strainer. J. G. H. Buttolph Wire-etrainer. A. Hamilton Wire-strainer. N.Jensen Wire-strainer. W. H. Norton Wire-strainer. H. A. Wilson Wire-strainer. R. Wise . . •• •• . 12967 13056 12 Sept. 8 Oct. 12915 13096 12513 12541 12792 23 Aug. 26 Oct. 6 April. 20 April. 16 July. 12583 12506 13231 12380 12607 12470 4 May. 4 April. 8 Dec. 15 Feb. 12 May. 15 March. 12892 13260 12591 13280 13261 17 Aug. 20 Dec. 10 May. 28 Dec. 20 Deo. 12360 12508 12450 12786 13082 12954 13136 12234 12430 13015 12863 13270 2 Feb. 6 April. 5 March. 11 July. 19 Oct. 3 Sept. 3 Nov. 12 Dec. 1 March. 27 Sept. 11 Aug. 21 Dec. 13091 29 Oct. 12711 12302 13127 21 June. 11 Jan. 29 Oct. 12498 30 March. 12704 13173 12844 13183 13232 12780 12717 13127 12454 12628 12883 12659 12589 13064 12616 13072 12655 12855 12890 12924 12764 12783 12312 19 June. 15 Nov. 2 Aug. 23 Nov. 10 Dec. 12 July. 22 June. 29 Oct. 9 March. 16 May. 17 Aug. 30 May. 7 May. t3Mar.,'0( 14 May. 15 Oct. 30 May. 10 Aug. 17 Aug. 29 Aug. 2 July. 13 July. 15 Jan. 13144 12823 12419 12787 12947 13266 12471 12359 13144 12885 13207 12968 12369 13177 13022 13228 12555 12743 12847 5 Nov. 26 July. 20 Feb. 14 July. 4 Sept. 20 Dec. 16 March. 2 Feb. 5 Nov. 17 Aug. 3 Deo. 12 Sept. 8 Feb. 19 Nov. 25 Sept. 8 Dec. 18 April. 29 June. 7 Sept.






Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Wire-strainer. W. B. Young "Wire strainer and cutter. J. M. Falconer Wire strainer and splicer. G. S. Pearson Wire-strainer for cases. H. Campbell Wire-strainer grip. G. Dixon Wire-tightener. D. Thomson .-. .. .. Wireless telegraphy. Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company (Limited) Wiring and hooping cases. J. Dawson and G. Hughan Wood, Treatment to render, non-flammable. H. V. Simpson Wool-burrer. T. H. Pearse .. .. Wool-cutter. M. Davies Wool-cutter. J. W. Newall .. .. Wool from skins, Removing. W. P. Griffiths Wool-press. W. S. Dudson Wool-press. W. S. Dudson Wool-prese. A. Skillicorn Wool-wash. J. Vaughan-Sherrin Wool-washes, Removing grease and potash from. J. Smith and Sons and W. Leach Wrapper, Sleeping-, J.Scott Wringer. (See Clothes-wringer.) Yard-sink. E. Owen and G. and W. Carder Yoke-mountings. J. Henderson Yoking horses, Equaliser for. C. B. Trefle Yoking three or six horses, Equaliser for. C. B. Trefle Zinc- and lead-ores, Treating. General Metal Reduction Company (Limited) Zino from ores, Obtaining. J. Armstrong Zinc-ores, Treatment of. A.G.Clark Zinc-oxide-making process. J. Gitsham and J. Jones Zinc-oxide, Producing. General Metal Reduction Company (Limited) .. 13199 13125 12559 12423 12457 12627 13213 12586 12291 12825 12879 12896 12835 12870 12986 12323 12326 12762 12484 26 Nov. 30 Octal April. 27 Feb. 14 March. 16 May. 5 Dec. 7 May. t81 May, '99 31 July. 7 Sept. 22 Aug. 2 Aug. 14 Aug. 14 Sept. . 17 Jan. 20 Jan. 5 July. 22 March. 12774 12905 12667 12668 12830 13019 12425 12728 12831 11 July. 18 Aug. 8 June. 8 June. 2 Aug. 27 Sept. 1 March. 23 June. 2 Aug.

Name and Address. Number of Class. Number of Design. Date. Barratt, F., and another, Shannon, N.Z. British and Continental Stamp Company, The, Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch Tramway Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Collins, A., and another, Carlton, Vic. George, J., and another, Carlton, Vic. Hutson and Co., P., Wellington, N.Z. .. Mansfield, J. B., Christchurch, N.Z. ... Metzler, A. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Milner, A. H., Greymouth, N.Z. Newman, F. A., Melbourne, Vic. Newman, F. A., Melbourne, Vic. Better, J. C, and another, Shannon, N.Z. Robinson, J. H., Wellington, N.Z. Ross, G. S., Lower Riccarton, N.Z. Russell, I., Dunedin, N.Z. Tydeman, F., Wellington Tydeman, F., Wellington 1 1.2 3 3 3 4 3 10 2 5 5 1 2 1 5 1 1 117 112 116 120 120 123 122 119 121 124 125 117 118 114 126 113 115 4 May. 5 Jan. 12 March. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 6 Nov. 8 Oct. 24 April. 6 Oct. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 4 May. 7 June. 29 Jan. 10 Sept. 5 Jan. 29 Jan.

Name and Address. No. of Class. No. of Application. Date. Abbott, Oram, and Co., Wellington and Auckland Abel Morrall (Limited), Redditch .. Adams Star Cyole Company, Wellington Adams Star Cycle Company, Wellington Adler, P., Luisenhof, Germany Adrianoe, Piatt, and Co., Poughkeepsie, U.S.A. Aerators (Limited), London Aerators (Limited), London Aickin, G., Auckland American Steel Hoop Company, New York American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), Auckland American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), Auckland Anti-Kalsomine Company, Grand Rapids, U.S.A. Arnold, M. N., North Abington, U.S.A. Arnoldson, L., and others, Auckland .. Badham, G. J., Christchurch Bartram and Son, J., Melbourne Batkin, E. 0., Wellington ,, ., 38 13 22 22 2 7 13 44 3 5 45 45 17 38 45 2 42 45 3200 2944-5 3159 3246 3038 3047-8 3112 3257 3021 2973 3037 3249 3126 3078 3052-5 2936 3255 2916 3 Oct. 8 Feb. 3 Sept. 7 Deo. 16 May. 22 May. 1 Aug. 28 Dec. 27 April. 8 March. 15 May. 11 Dec. 17 Aug. 29 June. 26 May. 30 Jan, 20 Dec. 5 Jan.




Name and Address. No. of Class. No. of Application. Date. Batkin, E. C, Wellington Beale, O. O, Annandale, N.S.W. .. Bechstein, 0. (See E., O, and H. Bechstein.) Beohstein, C, and others, Berlin and London .. Bechstein, E., and others, Berlin and London .. Beohstein, H., and others, Berlin and London.. Benjamin, D., Dunedin Bergheim, S., London Berry and Co., H., Christchurch .. .. .. Berry Diamond Oil-blacking Works, W., Manchester Best and Co., S. J., Auckland Best and Co., S. J., Auckland Best and Towne, Christchurch Blundell, Spence, and Co. (Limited), London and Hull Bodenhausen, Von. (See under V.) Bovine (Limited), London Briscoe and Co., A., Dunedin .. Brooks and Co., H., London Broome, T. J., Wellington Brown and Son (Limited), D., Donaghmore .. Brown Bros, and Geddes, Auckland Brown, J., Earlston, Vic. Cambridge Dairy Association. (See G. Watts and J. Hally, No. 3184.) Cameron Bros, and Go. Proprietary (Limited), W., Melbourne Campbell and Ehrenfried Company (Limited), The, Auckland Campbell and Ehrenfried Company (Limited), The, Auckland Campbell and Ehrenfried Company (Limited), The, Auckland Celluloid Company, The, Newark and New York Centaur Company, The, New York Century Cigarette Company. (See E. H. Chainey.) Chainey, E. H., Christchurch .. .. Chappell, Allen, and Go. (Limited), Redfield, Eng. Chipman, H. S., Sydney Chipman, H. S., Sydney .. .. ... Chipman, H. S., Sydney Chipman, H. S., Sydney Claridge, F. J., St. Kilda, Vic Claris, W. H., Opunake, N.Z. Clarke's Pyramid and Fairy Light Company (Limited), Cricklewood, London .. Collins, J. W., and another, London .. .. .. Colman (Limited), J. and J., London Colombo Commercial Company (Limited), Colombo Cook and Go. (Limited), E., London Cook and Go. (Limited), E., London Coronno,.D., Wellington .. Coster, J., Auckland Crane, Moir-. (See under M.) Creavan, M., Bunnythorpe, N.Z. Creavan, M., Bunnythorpe, N.Z. Crown Ironworks Company (Limited), Christchurch Dalgety and Co. (Limited), Christchurch Dalton, J. H., Auckland Davy Hill and Son, Yates, and Hioks, Southwark and London Dodgshun, N., Brightwater, Nelson Dodgshun, N, Brightwater, Nelson.. .. .. •• v Doyle, H., Paddington, N.S.W. Eagle Cigarette Company. (See W. Gregg and Co., Limited.) Edmond, J. F., Dunedin Edmonds, W. F., Dunedin Eglington, E. H., Wallsall, Stafford Eglington, F. (See E. H. Eglington.) Ellison, H. A., Auokland .. .. • • Emerson Drug Company, Baltimore Efasmio Company (Limited), The, Warrington, Eng. Evans, S J., Dunedin Farquhar and Gill, Aberdeen Fear, F. J. W., Wellington Fear, F. J. W., Wellington Findlay and Battle, London Fitzgerald, W. C, Wellington Fletcher, Humphreys, and Co., Christchuroh Flockton, E. E., Wellington Flockton, E. E., Wellington Ford, G. S. C, Wellington ..... Fowler (Limited), D. and J., London Fremy, Fils. (Seo L. Fremy.) Fremy, L., Chalons-sur-Loire Frossard Levic and Co. (See F. Levic.) Gatenby, R. M., Wanganui .. •• Gifford, Plowman, and Co., Napier .. Gilberd and Sons, J. B., Wanganui Gilberd and Sons, J. B., Wanganui Gilberd and Sons, J. B , Wanganui Glover and Co. (Limited), W. T., Manchester and Westminster Godfrey and Co., H. C, Christchurch Gorrie, W., Mungaroa, N.Z. Gregg and Co. (Limited), W., Dunedin ., ., ., 45 9 2927 3156 15 Jan. 31 Aug. 9 9 9 45 42 42 50 1 1 22 1 3155 3155 3155 3189 2937 2932 3019 3013 3067 3039 3036 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 18 Sept. 31 Jan. 18 Jan. 24 April. 24 April. 15 June. 16 May. 12 May 42 47 50 42 47, 48 42 13 2970 2923 3070 2985 3023-4 3132 3190 1 Maroh. 15 Jan. 22 June. 21 March. 30 April. 21 Aug. 19 Sept. 45 43 43 42, 43 50 3 3134-7 3125 3153 3175-6 2941 3035 22 Aug. 10 Aug. 28 Aug. 7 Sept. 31 Jan. 10 May. 45 38 42 42 6 6 42 42 13, 47 - 3 47 42 47 48 38 3 2974 3029 3216 3223 3232 3256 3089-90 3154 3182-3 3028 3163-72 2942 3113,5 3114,6 3221 3204 6 Maroh. 4 May. 26 Oct. 31 Oct. 15 Nov. 21 Dec. 16 July. 29 Aug. 12 Sept. 4 May. 4 Sept. 7 Feb. 1 Aug. 1 Aug. 1 Nov. 9 Oct. 42 42 18 47 38 3 24 42 43 3095 3122 3057 3061 3208 2971 3110 3152 3162 20 July. 3 Aug. 31 May. 8 June. 20 Oct. 1 March 31 July. 24 Aug. 5 Feb. 47 47 13 3086 3092 3069 11 July. 16 July. 22 June. 3 3 48 2 1 6, 13, 22, 40 1 5 48 43 3 3 47 42 3109 3007 2991 3102 2948 2960-3 3085 3020 3186-7 3158 3201 3210 3188 3011 30 July. 11 April. 30 March. 23 July. 14 Feb. 24 Feb. 9 July. 24 April. 14 Sept. 31 Aug. 5 Oct. 23 Oct. 17 Sett. 19 April. 43 3179 12 Sept. 3 8, 42, 44, 48 47 50 47 50, 8 42 42 45 2979 3043-6 2964-7 2968 2969 3244-5 3108 3230 2946 12 March. 19 May. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 6 Dec 27 July. 8 Nov. 12 Feb.



7—H. 10.


Name and Address. No. of Class. No. of Application. Date. Grove, E., Palmerston North Hadley and Co., P. A., Auckland Haig and Haig (Limited), London Hall, T. H., Auckland Hall and Co., T..H. (See T. H. Hall.) Hally, J., and another, Cambridge, N.Z. Hantke, T. J. C, Adelaide Harper and Co. Proprietary (Limited), R., Melbourne Harrowby and Knight, Wanganui .. .. Hayman and Co., P., Auckland Hayman and Co., P., Auckland Hayward Brothers, Christchurch Hendy, A. M., Dunedin Hemus, J. W., Auckland Hight, A. E., Brookside, N.Z. Hondai Lanka Tea Company. (See G. T. K. McKenzie.) Hopkins, C., Westport Hough, W. E., Auckland Ichthyol-Gesellschaft Gordes Hermanni and Co., Hamburg Invercargill Dairy Supply Company, The, Invercargill Jonkopings Tandsticksfabriks Aktie Bolag, Jonkoping, Sweden Joshua Brothers Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne Kay Brothers (Limited), Stockport Kelpion Company. (See J. W. Collins and S. Lambert.) King, W., London Kureasma Company, The. (See E. E. Flockton, No. 3201.) Lambert, S., and another, London Lane and Fitte, London Langstone, C. W., and another, Wellington .. Langstone, J. E., and another, Wellington Lavers Manufacturing Company, The, Sydney Lever Brothers (Limited), Balmain, N.S.W. Lever Brothers (Limited), Balmain, N.S.W. .. Levic, F., Sydney Levinsohn, M., Wellington Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Company (Limited), London Liohtenstein, M., and others, Auckland Liebig's Extract of Meat Company (Limited), London and Antwerp.. Lowry, A., and another, Christohuroh Lozier Manufacturing Company, The, Toledo, U.S.A. Ludski, E., and others, Auckland .. Ludski, I., and others, Auckland Major and Co. (Limited), Wincolmlee, Eng. Major and Co. (Limited), Wincolmlee, Eng. .. Malcolm and Co., R., ChriBtohuroh Manson and Barr, Palmerston North Manson and Barr, Palmerston North Matson, L., Christchurch Marasma Company, The. (See E. E. Flockton, No. 3210.) Marshall's Chemical Company (Limited), Dunedin Ma-uru Company, The, Wanganui McKenzie, G. T. K, Dunedin McLean, D., Greymouth McLean, W., Windsor, Vic, McLean, W., Windsor, Vic McLean, W., Windsor, Vic McLeod, C, and another, Nelson .. McLeod, R , and another, Nelson Mennie and Dey, Thames and Auckland Merwanjee Poonjiajee and Sons, Bombay Milne, G., and another, Christchurch Moir-Crane and Co., P., Manchester Morgan Crucible Company (Limited), The, London Morrall (Limited), A. Murray and Co. (Limited), W. T., Auckland ... Murray and Co. (Limited), W. T., Auckland .. Murray, Roberts, and Co., Wellington Murray, Roberts, and Co., Wellington Nathan and Co. (Limited), J., Wellington Needham, A.,.jun., Longburn, N.Z. Neill and Co. (Limited), Dunedin Neill and Go. (Limited), Dunedin Neill and Co. (Limited), Dunedin Neill and Co. (Limited), Dunedin Newell and Combes, Ngaruawahia, N.Z. Newton and Son, J., Kaiwarra, N.Z. New Zealand Coai and Oil Company (Limited), Dunedin.. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), Wellington Northern Roller Milling Company (Limited), Auokland Ogden's (Limited), Liverpool and Sydney Ogden's (Limited), Liverpool and Sydney Ogden's (Limited), Liverpool and Sydney Ogden's (Limited), Liverpool and Sydney Ogden's (Limited), Liverpool and Sydney Ohlhaver Gebriider, Hamburg Omega Chemical Company, The, Boston Paling and Co. (Limited), W. H., Sydney 42 1 43 42 3195-6 3193 3138 3030 27 Sept. 24 S'pt. 22 Aug. 8 May. 42 1 42 2 9 9 42 48 39 18 3184 2940 3157 3233 3006 3025-6 3041 3050 3124 3076 14 Sept. 31 Jan. 31 Aug. 16 Nov. 10 April. 1 May. 18 May. 25 May. 7 Aug. 27 June. 2 3 3 42 47 43 2 2943 3192 3072-3 3062 3063-5 2988-9 3217 7 Feb. 21 Sept. 22 June. 11 June. 11 June. 23 March. 27 Oct. 50 3107 1 Aug. 3 50 2 2 2 47 48 45 45 40, 50 45 42 22 22 45 45 2, 3, 47, 48 2, 3, 47, 48 25 7 12 42 3028 2914 2934 2934 3129-30 2928.30 2929.31 3235 3077 3118-9 3052-5 3120 3107 2915 3052-5 3052-5 3080-3 3096-9 3074 3219 3229 2917 4 May. 4 Jan. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 18 Aug. 18 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Nov. 28 June. 1 Aug. 26 May. 1 Aug. 25 July. 4 Jan. 26 May. 26 May. 2 July. 20 July. 26 June. 29 Oot. 8 Nov. 5 Jan. 3 3 42 42 2, 3, 43, 47 2, 3, 43, 47 2, 3, 43, 47 47 47 42 42 22 47 16 13 42 42 42 42 42 2 42 42 42 42 44 3 47 7 42 45 45 45 45 45 7 3 9 3222 3100 3059 2978 3139-42! 3143-6 j 3147-50! 2957 2957 3202 3106 3107 2995 3258-60 2944-5 3103-4 3105 3209 3238 3250 3203 2952-5 31 Oct. 23 July. 4 June. 12 March. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 7 Oct. . 25 July. 25 July. 31 March. 28 Dec. 8 Feb. 23 July. 24 July. 22 Oct. 1 Dec. 12 Dec. 9 Oct. 15 Feb. 2 April. 12 April. 15 Oot. 18 May. 23 Aug. 29 June. 13 June. 13 Feb. 2 July. 12 Sept. 2 Oct. 26 Oct. 19 Nov. 16 Feb. 13 Dec. 22 Feb. 2998-3004 3008-10 3205-6 3040 3151 3079 3066 2947 3084 3178 3199 3211-5 3234 2956 3251 2958



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By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ol. Price Is.]


Name and Address. No. of Class. No. of Application. Date. Parker, W., Wellington Partridge and Co., H. E. (See H. E. Partridge.) Partridge, H. E., Auckland Partridge, H. E., Auckland .. .. .. - Patent Borax Company (Limited), The, Birmingham Phoenix Company (Limited), Dunedin .. .. .. . .. Pidgeon and Co. (Limited), E. W., Christchurch Player and Sons (Limited), J., Nottingham .. .. ' .. Player and Sons (Limited), J., Nottingham Pommery. (See Veuve, Pommery, Fils and Co.) Portal, Dingwall, and Norris, London Queensland Meat Export and Agenoy Company (Limited), Brisbane and Townsville Reckitt and Sons (Limited), Sydney and Hull.. Reckitt and Sons (Limited), Sydney and Hull. . Reeves and Co., E., Wellington Renboy Syndicate, The, Auokland .. .. .. ..... Roberts, G., Auckland Roberts, J. D., Auokland Robins, A., and another, Auckland .. .. .. Ronuk (Limited), Brighton Roseman, S. G., Auckland Rubber Tire Manufacturing Company (Limited), Birmingham Rutty, M., Sydney Salmon and Gluckstein (Limited), London Salmon and Gluckstein (Limited), London Salt Union (Limited), The, Liverpool .. ... Salter and Co., G., West Bromwich Sandeman, Sons, and Co., G. G., Sydney Sanitarium Health Food Company, Cooranbong, N.S.W. Sanitarium Health Food Coinjany, Papanui, N.Z. Sanitarium Health Foods Company, Papanui, N.Z. Scott, J., Invercargill .. .. .. •• Scoular and Co., W., Dunedin Sextie, C, Auckland Simmonds, R., Coromandel Simmonds, R., Coromandel .. .. .. Singer, Maddox, and Co. (Limited), Wellington Smith, E. C, Auokland Societe Anonyme de la Distillerie de la Liqueur Benedictine de 1'Abbaye de Fecamp, Fecamp, France Spooner and Co. (Limited), A., Richmond, Vic. Squire and Sons, London Stock', W., Hastings Stohwasser and Company, London Sydney Soap and Candle Co. (Limited), Sydney Sydney Soap and Candle Company (Limited), Sydney Tallerman, Kniebusch, and Co., Sydney Teed, D., New Plymouth Thompson and Hills, Auckland .. .. .. ... Thompson and Hills, Auckland Thompson and Hills, Auckland Toby, E. F., Christchurch .. .. Turnbull and Co., W. and G., Wellington Turnbull and Co., W. and G., Wellington Tyree and Go., A., Christchurch Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited), Auokland Usher and Co., A., Edinburgh Vass Chemical Company, Danbury, U.S.A. Veuve Pommery, Fils and Co., Reims Vinolia Company (Limited), London Vinolia Company (Limited), London Virginia Tobacco Company. (See I. and E. Ludski, M, Lichtenstein, and L.- Arnoldson.) Virol (Limited), London.. Von Bodenhausen, Dr. F. E., Berlin Wai Wai Mineral Water Company. (See E. C. Smith, No. 3231.) Walsh, T., Kuri Bush, N.Z. Wardell Brothers and Co., Wellington Warnock Brothers, Auckland Warnock Brothers, Auckland Waters, T. F., Wanganui .. .. Watson and Co. (Limited), J., Dundee Watt, G., and another, Cambridge, N.Z. .. .. • Webendorfer Bros., Sydney Wertheim, H., Melbourne .. .. .. .. ... Whiteeross Company (Limited), The, Warrington, Eng. Whiteman, J., Upper Hutt, N.Z. '.. Wight, F., Akaroa .. .. ... ... Wight, F., Akaroa .. .. . ... .. Wilkie, Scott, aud Co., Mosgiel and Dunedin Williams Company, T. C, Richmond, Va., U.S.A. Wilson and Co., R., Dunedin Wilson, Williams, and Co. (Limited), Hobart .. Wyllie and another, A. R., Auckland 48 3251 25 May. 45 48 1,2,3,47,48 42 22 45 45 2959 3088 3014-8 3207 3111 2938-9 3180 23 Feb. 16 July. 24 April. 18 Oct. 30 July. 31 Jan. 12 Sept. 43 42 47 50 42 1 6 42 50 50 50 40 • 45 45 45 42 13 43 42 42 42 3, 4 42 38 13 13 3, 42 44 43 3.160 3243 2975 3056 3194 3220 2997 2996 3123 3191 3197 3071 3181 2922 3198 3005 3218 3252-4 2924-6 3031-4 3173 2986-7 3101 2994 3027 3068 3247-8 3231 2972 4 Sept. 6 Dec. 10 March. 29 May. 27 Sept. 29 Oct. 31 March. 31 March. 7 Aug. 19 Sept. 28 Sept. 22 June. 12 Sept. 9 Jan. 2 Oct. 7 April. 26 Oct. 13 Dec, 15 Jan. 9 Mav. 5 Sect. 23 March. 23 July. 31 March. 1 May. 19 June. 10 Dec. 15 Nov. 3 March. 2, 3, 47, 50 3 42 38 47 48 12, 18, 13 3 42 42 42 37 3 42 2 47 43 3 43 47 2, 47 2918-21 3058 3094 2983 2980 2990 3225-7 3012 2984 3060 3093 3075 3174 3177 3242 3131 3240-1 2935 3237 3239 3127-8 9 Jan. 2 June. 19 Julv. 19 March. 12 March. 26 Match. 8 Nov. 21 April. 19 March. 10 Aug. 16 July. 27 June. 5 Sept. 10 Sept. 6 Dec. 21 Aug. 5 Dec. 23 Jan. 28 Nov. 4 Dec. 17 Aug. 42 42 3121 2992-3 2 Aug. 30 March. 33 42 47 47 50 43 42 13, 19 6 5 42 50 50 42 45 3 42 50 3228 2933 3133 3236 3087 2949-51 3184 2976-7 2981-2 3091 2913 3022 3049 3042 3161 3185 3224 3123 8 Nov. 19 Jan. 21 Aug. 8 Dec. 13 July. 14 Feb. 14 Sept. 12 Maroh. 16 March. 16 July. 3 Jan. 27 April. 25 May. 18 May. 4 Sept. 14 Sept. 31 Oct. 7 Aug.

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, H-10

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