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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."

I have the honour, as required by " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889," to present my report on the business of the Patent Office for the year ended the 31st December, 1898. Patents. The total number of applications received during the year was 1,021, as against 1,093 in the preceding year. The decrease is partially attributable to the falling-oil of applications in respect of cycles, only 84 having been lodged during 1898. There was a rapid growth in this class of application during the years 1896 and 1897—130 in 1896, and 164 in 1897—and the sudden drop seems to indicate that the activity of inventors in this industry has reached its highest point, and may now be expected to decline. With regard to the trend of invention, it is interesting to notice that, coincidently with the expansion of an industry, there seems to be a stimulation of the inventive faculty in respect of that particular industry. The most striking recent instance is that of cycles, the figures relating to which are given in the preceding paragraph; but similar effects may be witnessed in connection with other industries, though in a minor degree. Thus there is a distinct increase in the applications connected with the acetylene, rabbit, and dredging industries, the figures for the past three years being as follow :— 1896. 1897. 1898. Acetylene ... ... ... .. ... 4 11 23 Crates for packing and carrying rabbits ... 2 7 Dredging... ... ... ... ... ... 10 7 12 Passing events also seem to have an influence on the course of invention. As an illustration, I quote the increase in the applications in respect of fire-escapes since the disastrous fire in Wellington in December, 1898. In 1896 there were no applications in this class; in 1897, 1; in 1898, 3; while for the first six months of 1899 there have been no less than 10. As usual, the larger proportion of applications came from inventors resident in New Zealand, of whom there were 616. The United Kingdom contributed 131; Victoria, 85 ; New South Wales, 65 ; and the United States, 58. No other country has contributed as many as 20. Six applications were made under section 106 of the Act, all from the United Kingdom. Applications under this section have a priority over other applications of a similar character, as the protection granted takes effect from the date of filing the application in the country in which it originated. Thirty applications from women inventors were lodged during the year. Five of these had reference to articles connected with dress. The first petition for an extension of the term of letters patent ever presented in this colony was received during the year. It was duly referred to the Supreme Court, which reported that the patentees had been inadequately remunerated by their invention, and that the term of their patent should be extended for a further term of seven years. His Excellency the Governor was thereupon pleased to extend the term for a further period of seven years. Designs and Trade Marks. Ten applications for registration of designs, and 343 applications for registration of trade marks, were lodged during the year. The fees under these heads amounted respectively to £5 and £385 14s. General. Some additional rules were made by Order in Council in May last, and will be found in the Appendix to this report. The only alteration to which attention need be called is the lessening of the fees payable on obtaining extensions of time in which to file a specification or make certain payments. I—H. 10.



A new departure has been initiated this year by the publication in the Patent Office Gazette of the " claims " made in the specifications of inventions. It has long been the desire of the office to render available to the public particulars of the inventions for -which applications for patents have been made. The most satisfactory way would be to print the specifications in full, but thi3 has been found to be impracticable owing to the cost. The " claims," however, as published, give a fair abstract from which a general idea of the novel features of the invention may be gathered, and any one interested is then able to obtain full particulars from the office. I believe the new departure has been appreciated by the public, and I notice that it has been followed in one of the Australian Colonies. The office staff, though small, is highly efficient. The presentation of this report has been delayed by the length of time occupied in the preparation and printing of the returns and tables in the Appendix. P. Waldegeave, Eegistrar. Patent Office, Wellington, 20th September, 1899.




A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1898. Income, £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 2,431 4 6 Salaries ... ... ... 412 10 0 Design fees ... ... ... 500 Copying specifications, &c. ... 22 1 5 Trade-mark fees ... ... 385 14 0 Fees to Patent Office Agents ... 42 17 6 Acts, &c. ... ... ... 206 Printing and stationery from GoOther receipts ... ... 010 0 vernment Printing Office ... 45 5 9 Binding, freight, &c, of British specifications and abridgments 74 12 10 Conveying books to and arranging them in new library... ... 19 12 6 Fees refunded ... ... 3 0 0 I Incidental expenses ... ... 3 111 Surplus for the year ... ... 2,201 7 1 £2,824 9 0 £2,824 9 0

B. —Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the last Eight Years.

C. —Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1898.

I Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Receipts. Expenditure. I Surplus. 1891 1892 1893 1894 £ s. d.i .. 1,759 3 6 .. 1,825 0 0 .. 2,150 2 0 ! .. 2,477 7 Q.i £ s. d. £ s. a. 391 11 3 1,367 12 3 361 18 10 ! 1,463 7 2 396 8 3 1,753 13 9 536 6 11 J 1,941 0 1 1895 1896 1897 1898 £ s. d. .. 2,170 9 6 .. 2,583 0 6 .. 3,183 9 0 .. 2,824 9 0 £ a. d, £ s. d. 464 15 8 1,705 13 10 564 6 10 2,018 13 8 574 15 2 2,608 13 10 623 1 11 2,201 7 1

Number. Fees. — Amount received. Each. Patents. £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 2 0 1 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 10 £ s. d. 254 0 0 254 0 0 72 0 0 990 0 0 4 0 0 440 0 0 210 0 0 3 10 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 14 0 0 48 0 0 2 0 0 10 0 13 14 0 34 10 0 19 10 0 49 3 6 17 0 0 15 0 110 2 14 0 Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications left after provisional specifications Issue of letters patent .. .. Applications to amend specifications Second-term fees payable before end of fourth year Third-term fees payable before end of seventh year Notices of opposition Hearing objections Applications for enlargement of time for deposit of complete specifications Grant of such enlargement Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees Grant of such enlargement Presenting petition for extension of term Notice of appeal to Supreme Court against decision of Registrar Searches "Registration of assignments and licenses Certificates of such registration Conies of specifications, drawings, &c. Certifying such copies Correction of clerical errors in specifications, &c. Registration of Patent Agent Miscellaneous 508 508 144 495 4 88 21 7 2 2 2 14 16 1 1 274 69 39 27 3 1 0 1 0 5 1 1 Designs. £2,431 4 6 Applications for registration of designs 10 0 10 5 0 0 £5 0 0 Tbade-mabks. Applications for registration of trade-marks Registration of trade-marks .. Registration of assignments .. ' .. Certificates of such registration .. Notices of opposition Cancellation of registration of trade-mark Request for correction of clerical error Searches .. Advertisements : Cost of extra space in Gazette 341 27 7 2 2 127 0 5 £1 & 5s. £1 & 2s. 0 5 1 0 0 5 0 5 0 1 85 5 0 237 10 0 27 8 0 6 15 0 7 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 6 7 0 14 9 0 £385 14 0


D.—Staff of Officers and Present Salaries. £ Registrar* ... ... ... ... ... ... Nil. Deputy-Registrar ... ... ... ... ... 220 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... 120 Cadet • ... ... ... ... ... ... 85 * Also Under-Secretary for Justioe. £425

E.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c., under Act of 1889.

F.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trademarks recorded for the Years 1890 to 1898 inclusive.

G.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1896, 1897, and 1898.

NOTE.—la 1898, three applications were received from joint applicants resident in different countries; the figures for that year will, therefore, total three more than the actual number of applications received.


u>. o Number of Appli- Number cations with which cations w Complete Speoifi- Provisiona cations lodged. tiona 1 mber of nations for Complete ;ations subLtly lodged. Number of Applications abandoned, lapsed, or refused. Num Patent! Total" Lber of ! Number s sealed. A , faa _ tions. ; 1890 [1891 J1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 N.Z. 242 187 202 198 278 229 299 217 199 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 303 305 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 307 318 444 419 Foreign. 60 69 53 52 61 79 100 129 98 N.Z. 27 29 40 51 69 75 68 87 Foreign. 17 25 16 24 16 34 33 41 N.Z. 202 191 237 262 352 403 439 481 Foreign. 50 50 43 30 51 51 75 95 N.Z. 147 122 125 133 177 133 185 181 Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 * 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 * These figun expired. ss are necesi larily incoi iplete, as the time for proceeding further with thi applici btions ha: notjyet

Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 1 325 951 1894 756 15 347 1,118 1S95 816 14 254 1,084 1896 992 27 279 1,298 « 1897 1,093 13 361 1,467 1898 1,021 10 343 1,374

1896. 1897. 1898. 1896. 1897. i 1898. New Zealand Argentine Republic Austria Belgium Canada Cape of Good Hope Denmark Prance Germany India Italy Natal New South Wales Nicaragua 619 1 1 2 2 2 8 12 661 1 2 3 12 2 11 10 1 2 1 65 G16 1 5 3 1 5 11 9 Norway Ottoman Empire Queensland Russia South African Republic .. South Australia Spain Sweden Tasmania United Kingdom United States Uruguay Victoria Western Australia 1 8 1 3 17 4 5 106 51 2 13 10 18 1 2 5 127 56 1 87 3 7 'is 2 5 131 58 1 85 5 "l '72 65 1 '82 i


H.—Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1896, 1897, and 1898.

Note. —In 1898, five applications were received from persons giving addresses in two countries and six from persons giving addresses in three countries; the figures for that year will, therefore, total seventeen more than the actual number of applications received.

I.—Number of Applications to register Trade Marks, in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1896, 1897, and 1898.

2—H. 10,


1896. 1897. 1898. i| 1896. 1897. 1898. New Zealand Belgium.. Canada .. Ceylon .. Cuba .. Denmark Egypt .. France .. Germany Holland Hungary 156 3 "6 167 1 1 5 4 1 175 1 1 "3 India New South Wales Norway Queensland South Australia .. Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States .. Victoria Western Australia 14 1 1 77 10 11 1 25 1 3 2 2 1 21 . 4 1 ' 4' 1 97 34 11 6 2 2 "3 2 124 33 22 1 1

Classes. Classification ol Goods. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1 Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use_ in medicine and pharmacy Haw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes ; instruments and apparatus for teaching Musical instruments .. .. ... .. Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass .. Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, a"nd building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances .. Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages i Cotton yarri and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not inoluded in Classes 23, 24, and 38 .. Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and Jiemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not inoluded in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. .. Jute yarns fend tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, |thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not inoluded in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair .. .. .. . ■ .. ... Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair .. .. .. ... Woollen ana worsted and hair goods not inoluded in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not included in other classes Articles of olothing .. • • •_• Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding .. .. Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not included in other classes.. Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food .. .. .. Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured .. " Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes Miscellaneous .. ..."•.. •• •• •• •• 9 5 8 2 13 12 11 3 4 24 7 40 7 41 3 5 6 1 2 3 4 2 7 8 3 1 2 9 10 11 1 1 12 13 14 3 1 4 6 2 2 5 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 3 1 1 i 6 1 1 3 3 2 5 14 1 28 2 2 1 7 7 '2 2 i 2 1 4 1 i 4 1 2 3 3 5 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 19 3 1 14 6 1 24 7 84 12 7 14 2 21 91 22 11 27 1 29 96 17 6 15 2. 29 ! 48 6 9 22 49 50 1 11 1 13 8 ;



J.—ALPHABETICAL LIST OF APPLICANTS FOR PATENTS IN THE YEAR 1898. [Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade-Marks Act, 1889."]

Name, Besidence, and Invention. fo. late. Abbott, T. B., Sale, Vic. Handle for kerosene-tin .. .. .. .. Abercrombie, Luendah B., Bichmond, Christohuroh, N.Z. Abdominal support .. .. Abtien Gesellschaft fur Treber Trooknung and another, Oassel, Germany. (See E. F. Liohtner, No, 10436.) Acton-Adams, H. W., Tipapa, Canterbury, N.Z. Castrating-and tailing-instrument Adams, Acton-. (See under Acton.) Adams, H. H., Auckland, N.Z. Treating ore or quartz Adams, J. P., and another, Taplow, Buckinghamshire, Eng. Blind Adams, B. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Machine for securing together leaves of pamphlets, <fec. Adams, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-tumbler Adams, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Starting horse-races. (J. E. Harries) Addie, B., and another, Llansamlet, South Wales. (See The Smelting Corporation, Limited, No. 11219.) Ah. Pat, Inglewood, Taranaki, N.Z. Velocipede-orank Ah Pat, Inglewood, Taranaki, N.Z. Bicycle-gearing Aitken, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Measuring liquids Aitken, E. P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Fish-sealer Aitken, E., aEd another, Wellington, N.Z. Fish-sealer Albatross Mining and Prospecting Company (Limited), The, Adelaide, S.A. Lamp-wick. (A. G. Saunders) Alders, J., Taralga, N.S.W. Sheep shearing or clipping machine Alexander, T. B., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear Alexander, W. J., of Totara N., Whangaroa, N.Z. Sash-hanger and raok Alexander, W. J., of Totara N., Wbangaroa, N.Z. Sash-fastener Allan, J. S., Gisborne, N.Z. Cooler and preserver for dairy produoe Allan, J. S., Gieborne, N.Z. Water-filter Allan, J. S., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Candlestick Allan, M. J., Collingwood, Vic. Checking cash-payments Allan, B., Melbourne, Vic. Window-lock Allan, B., Melbourne, Vio. Window-lock Allen, A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Appliance to be attaohed to tram-cars for clearing the rails Allen, G., Masterton, N.Z. Horse-shoe attachment to prevent horses cutting their hocks Allen, J. B., Auckland, N.Z. Begister and indicator for cricket umpire .. Ambjorn, P., Comte de Sparr, New Cross, Kent, Eng. Elastic tire and rim for wheel Amos, G. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Steam cooker Anderson, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Motor Anderson, C, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-sling .. Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Siphon oil-lubricator Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Flange for copper washing-boiler Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Liquid-measurer Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Curd-cutter Anderson, J. L., Wellington, N.Z. Tree-stump extractor Anderson, T., Auckland, N.Z. Scutcher attachment Anderson, W., Pyrmont, Sydney, N.S.W. Paving streets and roadways Andre, G. G., and another, Glenlean, Scotland. Explosive .. Andrew, T., Sydney, N.S W. Window-sash- and blind-balanoe Andrews, W., Wellington, N.Z. Flushing-valve Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning maohinery Andrews, W. S., and another, Woodside, Manning Biver, N.S.W. Spring balance and ready reokoner Angell, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Music-cabinet stool .. .. .. ... Anglo-Colonial Chemical Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Produoing artificial soent. (C. Schmidt) Anketell, C, Wellington, N.Z. Potato-planter Appleton, A. E., Tewkesbury, Eng. Nail Arnaboldi, C. A., Matawhero, Poverty Bay, N.Z. Mountings of swingle-trees for ploughs, <fcc. Arnaboldi, J., Auckland, N.Z. Dynamite shell Arnold, A., Camperdown, N.S.W. Combination tool Ashworth, H., Wellington, N.Z. Washing and drying wool Ashworth, W. J., and another, Dursley, Gloucester, Eng. (See E. A. Lister and Co., Limited, No. 10671.) Askin, G. K., and another, Ashburton, Canterbury, N.Z, Bicycle-support Asmus, W., Albert Park, Vie. Ventilating mines Aston, V. S., Gisborne, N.Z. Handle to enable kerosene-tins to be used as buckets Astral Incandescent Lighting Company (Limited), The, Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacturing incandestible subjects. (J. L. Schmidt and H. Caspers) Atkin, A. C, Auckland, N.Z. 'Bus or car name-indicator lamp Austin, G. B. H., Armadale, Vic. Propulsion of cycles Austin, T. H., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Spur-gearing for driving bicycle Automatic Gas Lighting and Extinguishing Company (Limited). The (Hoare and Kennedy's Patent), Perth, W.A. Lighting and extinguishing gas-jets. (H. Hoare and M. J. Kennedy) Axten, C. J., and another, Middlesex, Eng. Meat-and provision-safe .. Ayles, A. M., and another, Fremantle, W.A. Thin metal piping Bacon, W., and another, Paddington, Sydney, N.S.W. Eotary wool-cutting machine Baddeley, C., and another, London, Eng. (See J. H. Decent, No. 10366) Bagnall, A. E., Turua, Thames, N.Z. Eailway-line defect-indicator Bagnall, A. E., Turua, Thames, N.Z. Extension-plate attachment to ploughshare Bailey, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Depilating hides and skins Bain, A. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Turning over leaves of music, &o. Bain, A. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Music-turner Bain, W., Casino, Eichmond Biver, N.S.W. Composition for destroying white ants, &c. Baird, N. L., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Advertising-signs Baker, C. P., and another, Eltham, Taranaki, N.Z. Instrument for levelling and determining positions 11111 10909 10407 10474 10814 10378 10954 11090 10709 10957 10899 10608 10608 10785 10511 11209 10664 10665 10433 10613 10955 10979 10724 11041 10762 10501 11245 11266 10490 10528 10398 10334 10412 10935 11033 10951 10903 10973 10489 10950 10803 11149 11118 31 Oct. 24 Aug. March. 29 March. 26 July. 22 Feb. 3 Sept. 20 Oct. 21 June. 9 Sept. 23 Aug. 20 May. 20 May.18 Julj, 14 April. 1 Deo. 8 June. 8 June. 15 March. 18 May. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 27 June. 10 Oct. 7 July. 12 April. , 16 Dec. 23 Dec. 7 April. 22 April. 1 March 31 Jan. 1 March 30 Aug. 1 Oct. 8 Sept. 17 Aug. 15 Sept. 7 April. 8 Sept. 22 July. 10 Nov. 2 Nov. 11084 10672 17 Oct. 10 June. 10925 11177 10717 10971 11081 10347 30 Aug. 23 Nov. 22 June. 10 Sept. 20 Oot. 9 Feb. 10718 10323 10463 11056 22 June. 27 Jan. 21 March. 13 Oct. 10812 10619 10967 10822 21 July. 26 May. 7 Sept. 28 July. 10790 10640 10699 18 July. 1 June. 18 June. 10674 10697 10307 10548 10946 10789 10465 11155 7 June. 13 June. 21 Jan. 29 April. 5 Sept. 14 July. 7 April. 14 Nov.




[time, lesii lence, am Invent iion. k>. ;e. Baker, F., Caulfield, Vio. Shield or guard for handles of axes, &a. Baker, F., Caulfield, Vio. Spike and holdfast for securing rails, decking, platforms, &c. Baker, F., and another, Caulfield, Vic. Securing axe-, hammer-, and pick-heada to handles .. Baker, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear Baker, J., Winton, Southland, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear ., .. .. .. Balfour, J. W., Sydneyi N.S.W. Driving-gear for cycles, &c... Ballinger, A. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-closet seat. (W. C. Robison) Ballinger, W. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-closet seat. (W. C. Robison) Ballinger, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Clip-bracket for spouting Barber, E. H., Gisborne, N.Z. Saving potash from suint or yolk of fleeoea Barklie, J., Geraldine, N.Z. Mattrass.. Barlass, W., Wellington, N.Z. Siphon for water-closet cistern .. Barnes, G., Melbourne, Vic. (See W. W. Cabena, No. 10390.) Barningham, S., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Cooking-range .. Bartlett, E., Hawera, N.Z. Vehicle-brake Barugh, J., and another, Kerikeriroa, Waikato, N.Z. Multi-tine mouldboard for plough Baaley, F. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Finger-oirclet to carry pencil Basley, P. H., Auckland, N.Z. Window-aash for preventing catch on same being opened from outaide Baetard, S. S., Auckland, N.Z. Treating flax Bastard, S. S., Auckland, N.Z. Treating flax Bates, P. A. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Pavement composition Batten, A., Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. Appliance for shifting and draining clothes in the process of washing Baylifi, T. D., and others, Birkenhead, Eng. Animal-, fish-, or vermin-trap Bayliff, W., and others, Birkenhead, Eng. Animal-, fish-, or vermin-trap Beadle, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Converting range- or stove-fireplaoe into open fireplaoe Beale, J. B., Palmerston North, N.Z. Branding instrument.. Beardsley, A., and another, Christohuroh, N.Z. Envelope Beaudry, Z., Lynn, Masaachusetts, U.S.A. (See Xpedite Machine Company, No. 11138.) Beaven, A. W., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning machinery Bechi, De. (See under D.) Becker, E., Temora, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machine Bedell, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Cycle-pedal and toe-clip Bedell, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Beading-spouting dies Bedell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Skylight Bedell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Raiaing water Bedell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-closet siphon Bedell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ball-cock for water-cisterns Bedell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Valve for flushing water-closets and drawing off liquids Beeche, H. J., Paeroa, N.Z. Remedy for indigestion, constipation, &c. Beeman, J. S., London, Eng. Putting up tobacco .. Beeman, J. S., London, Eng. Tipping cigarettes Beeman, J. S., London, Eng. Machinery for providing cigarettes with reinforcement or mouthend Beeman, J. S., London, Eng. Machinery for finishing end of cigarette Beeman, J. S., London, Eng. Coating and applying machine Beere, G. B., Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. Silt-punt Belk, J. A., Feilding, N.Z. Eyelet-fastener for boot or shoe .. Belk, J. A., and another, Feilding, N.Z. Marking or branding meat Belk, M., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Marking or branding meat Bell, E. T. D., Wellington, N.Z. Pneumatic tire. (R. Wapshare) Bell, J. R., and another, Halfway, Sheffield, Eng. (See J. S. Smith, No. 11220.) Benedict, A. J., London, Eng. Galvanic battery. (W. S. Doe) Bennett, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Plough Bennett, H., and another, London, Eng. Tool for removing and replacing cover of pneumatic tire Bennett, T., and another, London, Eng. Tool for removing and replacing cover of pneumatic tire Berg, J. A., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Conveying attachment for reaper-and-binde,r Bergin, A., Wellington, N.Z. Dressing flax Bergin, A., Wellington, N.Z. Dressing flax .. ■ ... .. .. .. Bergman, V., and another, Mysia, Vic. Boot fastening or clasp Best, F., Stratford, Taranaki, N.Z. Pipe-wrench .. ... ., Bett, P. S. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Coal, peat, or wood fire-box Betts, G. J., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Puncture-closing composition for pneumatic tire. (E. Thurlow and P. N. Hignett) Bickerton, A. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Carbo-celluloid building Biokerton, W. H., Christchurch. N.Z. Effervescing drink Bigelow, J. A., North Richmond, Vic. (See G. E. Spicer, No. 10530.) Bindon, J. W., Ohaeawai, Bay of Islands, N.Z. Recording score in cricket-match.. Binns, J. H., and another, Pyrmont, Sydney, N.S.W. Flooring. (A. M. Nelson) Birch, W. H., Footscray, Melbourne, Vie. Screen and draught-increaser for firegrate. (J. Rees) Bishop, R. H., and another, Middlesex, Eng. Meat-and provision-safe .. Blaok, T. A., and another, Fendalton, Christchurch, N.Z. Applying forced draught to furnaces Blackhall, T. N., and another, Eltham, Taranaki, N.Z. Instrument for levelling and determining positions Blackwood, J. H., Onehunga, N.Z. Ventilating ridging for building Blaker, W., and others, Brighton, Eng. Indicating or recording distanoe, time, and fare for vehicles, &c.; also applicable as an advertising medium Blantern, T. W., and others, Birmingham, Eng. Attaching wire fabrics to bedsteads, &c. .. Blaxland, F., and another, Cooma, N.S.W. Operating mechanism for wool-press ... Blenkinsop, G. H., Swansea, South Wales. Smelting ores containing lead and zinc Book, P., Wellington, N.Z. Reolining-ohair .. Boidin, A., and another, Seolin (Nord), France. Manufacture of alcohoj 10880 10919 10260 10825 11147' 10458 10840 10840 10956 11116 10771 10371 17 Aug. 29 Aug. 5 Jan. 26 July. 11 Nov." 23 March. i Aug.: 4 Aug. 9 Sept." 29 Oct. I 11 July. 19 Feb. 10462 11251 11168 11223 10913 21 Maroh. 20 Deo. 15 Nov. 6 Deo. 23 Aug. 10482 11184 10300 10477 31 Maroh. 21 Nov. 20 Jan. 4 April. 11058 11058 10631 10844 10557 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 26 May. 22 Nov. 3 May. 11149 10 Nov. 11197 10361 10915 10761 11045 11095 11096 11231 28 Nov. 16 Feb. 29 Aug. 8 July. 10 Oct. 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 13 Deo. 11004 10441 10447 10727 28 Sept. 18 March. 19 March, 27 June. 10728 10755 10337 10345 10333 10333 10998 27 June. 7 July. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. lFeb. lFeb. 23 Sept. 10266 10576 11192 5 Jan. 9 May. 25 Nov. 11192 25 Nov. 10364 10324 11034 11042 11233 10819 10507 28 Feb. 27 Jan. 6 0ot. 10 Oct. 9 Dec. 23 July. 14 April. 10695 11225 16 June. 8 Dec. 11055 10821 10505 13 Oct. 28 July. 14 April. 10790 11252 11155 11024 10754 18 July. 19 Dec. 14 Nov. 26 Sept. 7 July. 10388 11113 10332 11005 11131 28 Feb. 31 Oct. 31 Jan. 28 Sept. 7Nov,




fame, ;esii lence, am [nveni iion. fo. Sβ. Boiclin, A., and another Seclin (Nord), France. Manufacture of alcohol Bond, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Compressing air for motive purposes Boock, J., and another, Woodside, Manning River, N.S.W. Spring balance and ready reckoner Booker, F., Charlton, Kent, Eng. (See Siemens Brothers and Co., Limited, No. 11047.) Bower, F. T., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Puncture-closing composition for pneumatic tire. (E. Thurlow and P. Hignett) Boyd, H., Tamworth, Eng. Explosive.. .. .. .. .. Boyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Sheep-brand Boyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Sheep-brand Boyle, W. G., and another, Mysia, Vic. Boot fastening or clasp .. .. Bradley, C. S., New York, U.S.A. Electric furnace Bradley, J. R., and others, North Unley, S.A. Machine for labelling tins, jars, bottles, &o. Braid, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. Brain, W. B., Auckland, N.Z. Machine for cleansing and bleaching garments or extracting oleine from milk Brainard, A., Hartford, U.S.A. Paper-bag machine. (E. E. Claussen) Braly, L., Lyons, France. Auto-luminous composition Breese, W. G., Christehurch, N.Z. Chaff-cutter .. Brewer, W. J., and another, London, Eng. Auto-motor carriage or vehicle Brewerton, S. R., Wai-iti, Nelson, N.Z. Belt-fastener Brierley, W., Nelson, Lancaster, Eng. Railway-signalling apparatus Brinsley, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Coal, peat, or wood fire-box Bristow, C, Marton, N.Z. Tin-opener Brittin, H. E., Kent Town, S.A. Filtering apparatus for beer Broad, A., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Scrubbing-, shoe-, or stove-brush Bromiley, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Apparatus and composition for destroying moths, larvae, and the like Brooks, T., and another, Freemantle, W.A. Metal piping Brown, D. G., North Fitzroy, Vic. Method of and book for checking sales of goods Brown, J., Wellington, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear .. Brown, J. F., Auckland, N.Z. Machine for painting Venetian blinds .. Brown, J. L., jun., Bowenfels, N.S.W. Instrument for measuring limited lengths and calculating fractional parts thereof Brown, J. L., jun., Bowenfels, N.S.W. Horse-shoe attachment Brown, J. R., and another, Harrison Hot Springs, B.C., Canada. Rock-cruiher Brown, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Draught-increasing device for fireplace Bryant, T. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Mode of and apparatus for extracting edible fat and meatjuices from animal carcases Bryant, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Music-turner Buckland, A. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Preserving-pan Buckland, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Fencing-tool Bucklano, H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Preserving pan Burden, J. A., jun., New York, U.S.A. Fire-extinguisher. (G. H. Downing) Burnet, E., Chorley, Lancashire, Eng. (See W. Burnet, No. 10536.) Burnet, W., Wellington, N.Z. Electric battery. (E. Burnet) Burns, T. B., and another, Bristol, Eng. Target .. Burrows, P. F. M., Hunterville, N.Z. Reel for wire-straining Burrows, P. F. M., Hunterville, N.Z. Ratchet and lever-key for operating wire-strainers Burrows, P. F. M., Hunterville, N.Z. Wire-strainer Burrows, P. F. M., Hunterville, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. Burton, F. P., Dargaville, Auckland, N.Z. A game Burton, G. D., Boston, U.S.A. Electric furnace .. Burton, W. H. i and another, Tokatoka, Auckland, N.Z. Rotary engine Burton, W. H., and another, Tokatoka, Auckland, N.Z. Rotary engine Burton, W. H., and another, Tokatoka, Auckland, N.Z. Method of compressing air for motive purposes Burton, W. H., and another, Tokatoka, Auckland, N.Z. Rotary steam-, gas-, or oil-engine Bush, E. D., Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacturing and securing metal sheets for fireproof structures Buskirk, Van. (See under V.) Butcher, J. W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Incandescent oil-lamp burner .. .. Butler, G. P., and another, New York, U.S.A. Maohine for stemming tobacco-leaves Butler, W. H., and another, New York, U.S.A. Machine for stemming tobacoo-leaves Button, H. L. W., Launoeston, Tas. Nail Byers, T., Essendon, Bourke, Vic. Furniture-castor .. .. .. .. Cabena, W. W., Melbourne, Vic. Shoe-fastener. (G. Barnes) Cabena, W. W., Melbourne, Vic. Bootlace-fastening. (A. Menesdorffer) Cahill, T., Washington, U.S.A. Typewriting-maohine .. .. .. .. Cain, G. H., Sale, Vic. Corset attachment for supporting skirts Caithness, D., Mataura, N.Z. Governor Cameron, A., jun., Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. Box or can, with means for opening same Campbell, H., Dannevirke, N.Z. Curd-cutter attachment to curd-mills Campbell, J., Te Aroha, Auckland, N.Z. Process for producing illuminating and heating ooalgas Carbone, T. L., Monte Video, Uruguay. Apparatus for making sheet-metal boxes Carder, G., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Earthenware nightsoil-pan Carder, W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Earthenware nightsoil-pan .. Carlson, O. F., Stockholm, Sweden. Explosive .. .. .. Carreer-Dilger, E., and another, Bruges, Belgium. Acetylene-gas generator Carter, T. E., Auckland, N.Z. Vamping-chart .. .. .. .. .. Caspers, H., and another, Albury, N.S.W. (See the Astral Incandescent Lighting Company, Limited, No. 11056.) Castle, F., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-alarm Cavell, A. T., and another, Havelook, N.Z. Driving-gear for velocipede.. .. Chambers, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Candle-holder .. .. .. .. Chambers, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Tongue-and-socket connection for holding lantern to miner's billy 11132 10995 11118 7 Nov. 20 Sept. 2 Nov. 10507 14 April. 11018 10328 11228 11042 11187 10305 10346 10614 29 Sept. 28 Jan. 12 Dec. 10 Oct. 25 Nov. 21 Jan. 8 Feb. 19 May. 11158 10326 10625 11229 10644 10303 10819 10706 11237 10526 10720 14 Nov. 27 Jan. 23 May. 12 Dec. 1 June. 21 Jan. 23 July. 21 June. 15 Dec. 21 April. 25 June. 10640 10275 10681 10911 11015 1 June. 11 Jan. 13 June. 23 Aug. 29 Sept. 11014 10264 11247 11221 29 Sept. 6 Jan. 19 Dec. 8 Dec. 10734 10835 10832 10835 10924 29 June. 2 Aug. 30 July. 2 Aug. 30 Aug. 27 April. 13 May. 18 Aug. 29 Aug. 29 Aug. 23 Nov. 25 Nov. 4 Jan. 4 March 1 April. 20 Sept. ; 10536 10585 10883 10922 10923 11180 11200 10268 10419 10481 10995 11238 10949 13 Dec. 8 Sept. 10529 10881 10881 10340 11261 10390 11080 10700 11205 10527 10524 10455 10905 25 April. 17 Aug. 17 Aug. 4 Feb. 22 Deo. 28 Feb. 20 Oct. 20 June. IDec. 21 April. 19 April. 23 March, 28 Sept. 10587 10367 10367 10800 10779 10290 12 May. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 July. 18 July. 15 Jan. 10661 10416 10359 10360 4 June. 8 March. 9 Feb. - 9 Feb.




[ame, ] Lesii lence, an* !nvem jion. o. ;e. Chapman, R. W., and another, Christehuroh, N.Z. Dropper for wire-fencing Chapman, W. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Ciroular billiard-table Christie, A., Newcastle, N.S.W. Butter-printing and weighing machine Christophersen, J., and others, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Bicyole- or tricyole-orank Christophersen, M., and others, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Bicycle- or trioyole-crank .. Chubbin, C. J. E., Hunterville, N.Z. Fencing-staple Clancy, J. C, Glasgow, Scotland. (See T. J. Denny, No. 10509.) Glapcott, F. B., Auckland, N.Z. Bed- and foot-warmer Clark, E. L., and another, Henderson, Auckland, N.Z. Table for brick-making Clark, G. H., Boston, U.S.A. Pneumatic wheel-tire Clarke, 0., West Oxford, N.Z. Hoeing and combination seed- and manure-drill, cultivator, and furrower Clarke, J., Boston, U.S.A. Warp-drawing machine. (M. F. Field) Claussen, E. E., Hartford, U.S.A. (See A. Brainard, No. 11158.) Claydon, G., Addington, Christohuroh, N.Z. Force ejector for oil-can Claydon, G., Addington, Christchurch, N.Z. Oil-can for lubricating with force ejecting-pump Claydon, G., and another, Addington, Christohurch, N.Z. Applying forced draught to furnaces Clayton, C, Gore, Southland, N.Z. Regulating draught in open fireplace Clements, T., Launceston, Tasmania. Potato moulder and cultivator Clere, F. de J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Expansion pipe-joint .. Clutterbuck, W. A., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Feed device for fertiliser-drill Coates, G., Ngaire, Taranaki, N.Z. Wire-strainer Coates, G., Ngaire, Taranaki, N.Z. Fencing-wire strainer Cochrane, D. M. B. H., London, Eng. Velocipede-saddle Cockerell, J. and another, South Yan Yean, Vic. Potato-plough Cockerell, B., Dunedin, N.Z. Lifting and direoting battery-stampa for orushing quartz, &c. .. Cockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Puddling-and screening-machine Cole, D., Mordialloc, Vic Preserving flowers, fruit, &o. Coles, Cowper-. (See under Cowper.) Collette, A., fils, and another, Seclin (Nord), France. Manufacture of aloohol Collette, A., fils, and another, Seclin (Nord), France. Manufacture of alcohol Collins, N., and another, London, Eng. (See The Empire Cash Register, Limited, No. 11270.) Colman, F. A., Hawera, N.Z. Washing-machine.. .. .. .. .. ColquhounThomson, J., Walhalla, Vie Crushing and classifying quartz and other ores Comte de Sparr. (See under D.) Congreve, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Stove Cook, G. H., Russell, Auckland, N.Z. Whale-net.. Cook, J., jun., Pleasant Point, Canterbury, N.Z. Plough Cook, J., jun., Pleasant Point, Canterbury, N.Z. Cutting-knife or blade for chaff-cutter Cooke, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rabbit-crate. (T. Durkin and A. Smillie) Cooke, J., and another, Melbourne. Vic. Tray for use in refrigeration of rabbits and hares Cooper, F., and another, Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. Point or switch for overhead rails Cooper, G. J., Herbert, Oamaru, N.Z. Trap-tongue protecting platform for rabbit-trap Cooper, Harriet, Wellington, N.Z. Washing-board and dolly combined.. Cooper, J. E., and another, Withernsea, York, Eng. Auto-motor carriage or vehicle Cooper, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Air-cooler Cooper, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Lever Cooper, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Cutting-bar for use in hard ground in fencing Cooper, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Wire-strainer Cope, H. S., Melbourne, Vic. Amalgamator Corbett, C. H. B., Sydney, N.S.W. Peg cut-off mechanism for boot-sole-pegging machine. (M. G. Witham) Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vic. Fire extinguisher Cornet, P., Verviers, Belgium. Explosive .. .. .. Cornwell, J., Auckland, N.Z. Soutching-machine.. Corrick, Elizabeth, Wellington, N.Z. Clothes-washing appliance Corrick, H., Wellington, N.Z. Cycling-boot or shoe .. .. Corrick, H., Wellington, N.Z Cycling- or walking-shoe .. Corrigan, M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Potato peeler and cleaner.. Cosslett, R., Devonport, Auokland, N.Z. Venetian blind, cornice, and curtain-pole Cotton, A. H., Kaihu, Dargaville, Auckland, N.Z. Mustard-pot Cotton, A. H., Kaihu, Dargaville, Auckland, N.Z. Inch and quarter-of-ineh measurement on straps of braces Cotton, A. H., Kaihu, Dargaville, Auckland, N.Z. Hair-comb and cleaner attachment Cotton, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Hospital mattress Cottrell, J., Surrey, Eng. Wheel-rim and means of seouring pneumatio tube-cover thereto Coubrough, A., Wellington, N.Z. Extracting titanic aoid or titanium from ironsand Cowper-Coles, S. O., London, Eng. Treating zinc-bearing ores Cranston, T. J., Bingfield, Hereford, Eng. (See The "Era" Incandescent Oil Lamp Company, Limited, No. 11274.) Crawshaw, S., Oamaru, N.Z. Pipe-scraper for cleaning out accumulations formed in metal pipes Crean, G. J., Montreal, Canada. Magnetic ore-separator Cren, Le. (See under L.) Cressonnieres, Des. (See under D.) Croll, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Boiler for hot-water system Crolly, C. G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Scrubbing-, shoe-, or stove-brush Cronin, F., Auokland, N.Z. Pneumatio igniting-gear for oil- or gas-engine Crook, J., Auckland, N.Z. Producing gas from gasolene or other hydrooarbons Crook, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Machine for sewing mouths of bags or sacks when full Crossley, Eliza A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Spoke-flange for holding wheel-spokes in position Orossley, W. G., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Spoke-flange for holding wheel-spokes in position Cullen, G. J., and another, Eltham, N.Z. Branding composition .. .','■' Cuming, A. J., Ghristohurch, N.Z. Travelling-band Cuming, A. J., Christohuroh, N.Z. Preventing puncture of pneumatic tire 10829 10522 10746 10291 10291 10414 28 July. 16 April. 5 July. 18 Jan. 18 Jan. 8 March. 10806 10610 10486 10270 15 July. 16 May. 7 April. 29 Deo., '9: 10431 IS March. 10430 10759 11252 10867 11203 11079 10945 10394 10589 10261 10975 10580 11152 11009 12 Maroh. 6 July. 19 Dec. 12 Aug. 1 Dec. 20 Oct. 5 Sept. 1 Maroh. 14 May. 5 Jan. 15 Sept. 29 April. 10 Nov. 28 Sept. 11131 11132 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 10930 10659 31 Aug. 7 June. 10289 10647 10769 11108 10620 10621 10397 11086 10890 11229 10327 10429 10498 10499 10373 11114 13 Jan. 28 May. 9 July. 25 Oct. 26 May. 26 May. 1 March. 17 Oct. 19 Aug. 12 Deo. 24 Jan. 7 Maroh. 7 April. 7 April. 19 Feb. 31 Oct. 10575 10573 10721 11119 10992 11136 10714 10723 10525 10629 10 May. 10 May. 21 June. 2 Nov. 22 Sept. 10 Nov. 23 June. 22 June. 16 April. 21 May. 11129 11249 10284 11036 11017 INov. 16 Deo. 13 Jan. 7 Oct. 29 Sept. 10476 2 April. 10424 10 Maroh. 11497 10526 10500 10891 10906 11150 7 April. 21 April. 6 April. 13 Aug. 20 Aug. 8 Nov. 11150 10853 10309 10352 8Nov; 8 Aug. 19 Jan. 12 Feb.




[nine, leBit Lence, an< Inveni lion. io. ;e. Guming, A. J., Christchuroh, N.Z. Fibre-dressing machinery Cuming, A. J., Christehurch, N.Z. Pneumatic tire Cuming, A. J., Ohristohurch, N.Z. Bioyole-stand Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle-stand Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Branding apparatus Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Branding apparatus Curtis, C. H., and another, London, Eng. Explosive Dahl, 0., Palmerston North, N.Z. Horse-cover Daily, J. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Coffin D'Albites, H. E., Carlton, Vie. Medicated aperient edible Dalley, W., Oamaru, N.Z. Knife-cleaning machine .. .. .. Dallimore, J. Warrnambool, Vic. Number- and weight-registering apparatus Dalton, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Brand for soap, confectionery, &c. Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Hot-water or steam-boiler Dannhardt, F. H., and another, Bethanga, Vic. Earth-boring machine Darling, J., Rutherglen, Newark, North Britain. (See the Gem Needle-threader Company, Limited, No. 11263.) Darragh, F. S., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-escape Darvall, G. W., Wellington, N.Z. Eoof Davey, A. J., Springfield, Canterbury, N.Z. Lining-cramp .. Davies, M., Goromandel, N.Z. Single-line tramway Davies, M., Coromandel, N.Z. Cattle-, sheep-, and horse-brand Davison, C. W., Minneapolis, U.S.A. (See J. H. Moore, No. 11054.) Dawson, B., Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. Fungoid specifio Day, J. F., and others, Fowler's, N.Z. Liquid sheep-, cattle-, or horse-brand Daylight Incandescent Mantle Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Fluid for impregnating fabrics, &c, for incandescent lighting. (G. B. Puchmiiller) Dean, C. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Hinge for truck-door Dean, C. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Window-stop Dearsley, C. L., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-bell Deavoll, D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Mouse- and rat-trap De Bechi, G., Paris, France. Treating complex ore for recovery of copper, zinc, and lead Decent, J. H., Burwood, N.S.W. Apparatus for imparting a spiral motion to steam, water, &c, under pressure. (H. R. Romney and C. Baddeley) Deeble, J. J., Bendigo, Vic. Decanting solutions from auriferous ores De Giinzburg, U., Vitry-sur-Seine, France. Preserving and tawing skins De Lery, J. B., New York, U.S.A. Incandescent gas-burner Dennes, H. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Station-indioator for railway-carriage Dennes, W. C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Station-indicator for railway-carriage Dennison, F. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Cyole driving-gear Denny, T. J., Westminster, Middlesex, Eng. Treating slimes and tailings. (J. C. Clancy) De Rechter, F., and another, Brussels, Belgium. Preserving anatomic, entomologic, &c, specimens De Rechter, G., and another, Brussels, Belgium, anatomic, entomologic, &c, specimens Des Cressonnieres, A., and another, Brussels, Belgium. Manufacturing soap Des Cressonnieres, E., and another, Brussels, Belgium. Manufacturing soap Desmond, H., Oamatu, N.Z. Ambulance stretcher .. De Sparr, Comte. (See P. Ambjorn.) De Tunzelmann, G. W., London, Eng. Composition of carbons for electric welding, brazing, &c. Dewar, P. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Piston-wheel rotary steam-, gas-, or oil-engine .. Dewar, P. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Piston-wheel rotary steam-, gas-, or oil-engine .. Day, A., and another, Pollokshields, Scotland. Time-recorder Dey, J., and another, Syracuse, New York, U.S.A. Time-recorder Diamond Match Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Feeding match-splints. (J. P. Wright) Dickinson, A. Y., and another, Manilla, N.S.W. Non-refillable bottle Dilger, Carreer-. (See under C.) Dillberg, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Treatment of calcium-carbide Dillberg, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Protective coverings for compressed cakes of granulated calciumcarbide Dillberg, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Generating acetylene gas Dillberg, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Acetylene-gas generator Dinsmore, Elizabeth R., St. Kilda, Vic. Starch mixture Dixon, T. S. E., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Operating steam- or air-turbine Dixson, H. R., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Pipe or conduit for fermented or corrosive liquids Dobson, A. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Pasteuriser or heater for milk Dodd, J. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Preserving eggs. (I. W. Poor) Dodd, Margaret B., and another, Durham, Eng. Hermetically sealing or closing jars Dodd, T. H., and another, Durham, Eng. Hermetically sealing or closing jars Doe, W. S., Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See A. J. Benedict, No. 10266.) Donald, D., Masterton, N.Z. Timber-jack Donald, D., Masterton, N.Z. Wire-strainer Donald, Elizabeth, Makuri, Pahiatua, N.Z. Medioinal pastille Donald, J., Auckland, N.Z. Collision-mat and repairing-gear for preventing vessels from foundering Donaldson, Maria F., Dunedin, N.Z. Cure for rheumatism Doney, T., Hastings, Hawke's Bay. Gas engine or motor Donisthorpe, A. R., and another, Leicester, Bng. Producing ooloured yarns Downing, G. H., New York, U.S.A. (See J. A. Burden, jun., No. 10924.) Downs, J., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Ear-mark Draeger, 0., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Telltale-clock attachment .. .. .. Draper, B., and others, Liverpool, Eng. Animal-, fish-, or vermin-trap .. Dreaver, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Drever, W., Kaurihohere, Whacgarei, N.Z. Washing-machine Drew, H. W., and another, Carlton, Vic. Photographing on china, porcelain, &c. Driver, T. H., Malvern, Vic. Corkscrew .. .. .. .. .. Droutlege, H, Auokland, N.Z. Lottery-box 10376 10549 10677 10760 10885 11025 10489 10545 10439 11248 10335 10701 11077 10742 10707 11277 11182 10466 10972 11102 10267 10838 10506 10408 11171 11224 10963 11226 10366 10687 10534 11157 11037 11037 10602 10509 11214 11214 19 Feb. 25 April. 11 June. 6 July. 16 Aug. 26 Sept. 7 April. 29 April. 18 March 21 Dec. 31 Jan. 20 June. 11 Oct. 30 June. 21 June. 30 Dec. 24 Nov. 24 March 14 Sept. 27 Oct. 6 Jan. 15 Sept. 14 April. 5 March 21 Nov. 8 Dec. 10 Sept. 10 Deo. 17 Feb. 13 June. 27 April. 14 Nov. 7Oot. 7 Oct. 17 May. 14 April. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 10448 10448 11243 19 Maroh. 19 March. 14 Dec. 11195 10813 10912 11272 11272 11160 11275 26 Nov. 21 July. 23 Aug. 29 Dec. 29 Dec. 15 Nov. 29 Dec. 10747 10748 5 July. 5 July. 10749 10917 10314 10561 10304 10586 10339 11198 11198 5 July. 29 Aug. 19 Jan. 5 May. 21 Jan. 13 May. 4 Feb. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 11028 11122 10805 11151 1 Oct. 14 Nov. 12 Aug. 8 Nov. 10824 10438 10897 ■26 July. 15 March 22 Aug. 10579 10802 11058 10958 11244 10879 10437 10869 9 May. 22 July. 13 Oct. 9 Sept. 15 Dec. 17 Aug. 18 March. 10 Aug.




arne, ionii [ence, am [nvention. iO. Iβ. Drummond, J., Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Stump-extractor .. .. Drummond, J., and others, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Bicycle- or tricyole-orank Dudley, U., Drake, N.S.W. Clip or binder Dunoan, G. S., Tarnagulla, Vio. Separating gold- and silver-bearing solutions from ores or slimes Dunoan, H. E., Christohurch,N.Z. Ventilating- and cooling-screen for dairies, &c. Duncan (Limited), P. and D., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Levers and riding-gear for ploughs Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Clip for securing pump to velocipede. (F. Sinclair and J. Gooding) Dunlop, S., and another, Clydevale, Otago, N.Z. Mud-guard for pneumatic tire Dunn, D., Lincoln, Canterbury, N.Z. Vamping appliances .. Durkin, T., and another, Newport, Melbourne, Vio. (See J. B. Zander and J. Cooke, No. 10620.) Durward, J., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Hose-connection Durward, J., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Hose-coupling or union.. Easton, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Flax-dressing machine Edgerton, W., Melbourne, Vio. Wire-fencing Edison, T. A., Llewellyn Park, Essex, U.S.A. Concentrating iron-ores and brioking same Edison, T. A., Llewellyn Park, Essex, U.S.A. Breaking rook Edison, T. A., Llewellyn Park, Essex, U.S.A. Rolls Edison, T. A., Llewellyn Park, Essex, U.S.A. Elevator and conveyor Edison, T. A., Llewellyn Park, Essex, U.S.A. Forming pulverised iron-ore, coal, &o., into briquettes Edison, T. A., Llewellyn Park, Essex, U.S.A. Dryer for drying pulverised iron-ore Edwards, E., and another, Paeroa, Auckland, N.Z. Finger-circlet to carry pencil Effront, J., Brussels, Belgium. Fermenting worts Elder, W. K., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Swingle-tree Elder, W. K., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Multi-tine mouldboard for plough Eldred, Grace M., Christchuroh, N.Z. Attaching dress material, &o., to photographs Electric Reduction Company (Limited), London, Eng. Electrically heating materials in closed chambers. (W. T. Gibbs) Ellershausen, F., London, Eng. Condensing and collecting fumes obtained in the treatment of ores Ellershausen, F., London, Eng. Treating refractory sulphide ores Ellershausen, F., London, Eng. Treating precipitated lead-fumes and zinciferous lead-ores .. Elliott, E. H., Temuka, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator and gasometer Ellis, P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Toy cinematograph Ellis, P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Calculating slide-valves Elmore, R. P., Chicago, U.S.A. Bock-drilling machine Elworthy, H. S., Havre-des-Pae, Jersey. Manufacturing carbonic acid.. Empire Cash Register (Limited), The, London, Eng. Cash-register. (0. J. Fauvel and N. Collins) Enright, T. C, Westport, N.Z. Gate-fastener Ensor, C. H., Christohurch. N.Z. Wire strainer and splioer " Era " Incandescent Oil Lamp Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Burner for incandescent oil-lamp. (T. J. Cranston) Erson, W. R. C, Onehunga, N.Z. Pneumatio hernia-truss Erson, W. R. C, Onehunga, N.Z. Hernia-truss .. Etothene Gas Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. Illuminating and heating gas. (E. Tooth) Etothene Gas Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacture of calcium-carbide. (E. Tooth) Evans-Jackson, J. E., London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 10306.) Evans, T. F., Wellington, N.Z. Horse-oover Evens, E. L., Malvern, S.A. Window-sash Ewen, J. M., Chioago, U.S.A. Prism lights and mountings, and framings therefor. Ewen, J. M., Chioago, U.S.A. Prism lights and frames, and mountings for same. (F. C. Soper and F. L. Wright) Fairhead, W., Palmerston North, N.Z. Blackboard Fairweather, R., Fremantle, W.A. Key and key-bed for wheel Fairweather, W., Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-stripper, beating-bar, and feed-mouth Fairweather, W., Blenheim, N.Z. Roller washing-machine for flax, &c. Falvey, T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Circular billiard-table Fancourt, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Kitchen-range Farley, J., Hertford, Eng. Joint for earthenware pipes Farrington, R., and another, Midldesex, Eng. (See W. H. Hand, No. 10725.) Fauvel, C. J., and another, London, Eng. (See The Empire Cash Register, Limited, No. 11270.) Ffrost, J. W., Christchuroh, N.Z. Reproducing photographs Field, M. F., Boston, U.S.A. (See J. Clarke, No. 10431.) Fink, M., St. Kilda, Vic. Exhausting air and producing a vacuum Finkler, D., Bonn, Germany. Preparation and extraction of albuminous substances from animal or vegetable products Fitzgerald, C. E., and another, Dublin, Ireland. Packing food Fitzgerald, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Expansion-joint for pipes Fleming, Le. (See under L.) Foley, H. J. K., Christchurch, N,Z. Valve-regulator for register-grate Folkerts, J. H., London, Eng. Production of yeast Ford, A., Pyrmont, Sydney, N.S.W. Travelling-trunk fastener Fosbery, G. M., and another, Melbourne, Vio. Rotary pulveriser and riddle Foster, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Hand driving- and steering-gear for velocipede . Fraser, A., Yelta, Parramatta, N.S.W. Explosive Fry, G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Rotary pulveriser and riddle Fry, G. H., and another, Eltham, N.Z. Branding composition Fry, H. E., and another, London, Eng. (See The Smelting Corporation, Limited, No. 1-1219.) Fullwood, H., Carlton, Vic. Door-stop Furlonge, F. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Wrapper or bag for preservation of froz?n, &c, produce.. Fyfe, S., Melbourne, Vio. Tin labelling and wrapping machine Fyfe, S., Melbourne, Vio. Bottle-labelling machine Fyfe, S., and another, Port Melbourne, Vic. Tin labelling and wrapping machine.. 10981 10291 11217 10741 17 Sept. 18 Jan. 8 Deo. 30 June. 10592 10715 10386 13 May. 21 June. 26 Feb. 10568 11107 5 May. 31 Oct. 10520 11032 10318 10374 11068 11069 11070 11071 11072 15 April. 3 Oct. 25 Jan. 19 Feb. 17 Oot. 17 Oot. 17 Oot. 17 Oot. 17 Oot. 11073 11223 11066 10788 11168 10402 10638 17 Oot. 6 Deo. 17 Oot. 12 July 15 Nov. 2 Match. 28 May. 10902 23 Aug. 10933 11022 11153 10627 11211 11104 10901 11270 1 Sept. 29 Sept. 12 Nov. 27 May. 5 Deo. 29 Oot. 23 Aug. 28 Deo. 10938 10382 11274 31 Aug. 21 Feb. 29 Deo. 10980 11106 10421 10422 13 Sept. 26 Oot. {10'March. lO'Maroh. 10308 10859 10479 10480 21 Jan. 10 Aug. 5 April. 13 April. 11117 10705 10518 10519 10522 10312 10583 INov. 20 June. 15 April. 15 April. 16 April. 24 Jan. 13_May. 10356 11 Feb. 10772 10596 14 July. 17 May. 10965 11079 12 Sept. 20 Oot. 10521 10757 11142 10976 10379 11011 10976 10853 15 April. 7 July. 10 Nov. 15 Sept. 22 Feb. 28 Sept. 15 Sept. 8 Aug. 10920 10485 10443 10444 10669 29 Aug. 7 April. 18 March. 18 March. 10 June.




Name, Residence, and Invention. to. ;e. Fyfe, S., and another, Port Melbourne, Vio. Bottle-labelling maohine Galbraith, D. R. S., Bemuera, Auckland, N.Z. Compound for ooating steam-pipes and boilers Galbraith, D. R. S., Remuera, Auckland, N.Z. Butter-making Galbraith, D. R. S., Remuera, Auckland, N.Z. Butter-making Galbraith, D. R. S., ana another, Auckland, N.Z. Gold- and silver-extraction Galbraith, D. R. S., Remuera, Auckland, N.Z. Butter-making Galbraith, D. B. S., Remuera, Auckland, N.Z. Candle composition Galbraith, J., Waihi, Ohinemuri, N.Z. Monocycle skate Galbraith, J., Waihi, Auckland, N.Z. Enoycle .. Gallup, G. B., Greenville, New Jersey, U.S.A. Cycle-pump operatable by ooin-freed mechanism Gamman, G. A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Feed-gear for saw-bench Garde, J. B., Melbourne, Vic. (See W. C. Peacock, No. 10942.) Garde, J. B., Melbourne, Vic. (See W. C. Peacook, No. 11012.) Gardiner, C. L., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Hat Gardiner, O. L., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Sewing-thimble Gardiner, J. H., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Manufacturing candles Gardiner, T. H. R., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Hat .. .. .. Gardiner, T. H. R., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Sewing-thimble Garland, T., Wellington, N.Z. Handle and ears for milk-pail Gaut, J., Leiohharat, Sydney, N.S.W. Bicycle .. Gaut, J., Leiohharat, Sydney, N.S.W. Eleotrio fire-alarm Gaut, J., Leichhardt, Sydney, N.S.W. Electric fire-alarm .. .. Gaut, J., Leichhardt, Sydney, N.S.W. Eleotric fire-alarm Gaut, J., Leiohhardt, Sydney, N.S.W. Electrio fire-alarm .. Geades, L. A., Arnoliff, Sydney, N.S.W. (See G. S. Mackenzie, No. 10405.) Gee, P. S., Auckland, N.Z. Gearing for hand-lift Gell, J., Wakapuaka, Nelson, N.Z. High-pressure boiler and flue Gelly, J. C, Paris, France. Hydraulic apparatus for raising liquids and producing motivepower Gem Needle-threader Company (Limited), The, Glasgow, North Britain. Needle-threader. (J. Darling) Gettings, G., and others, Auokland, N.Z. Rail coupling or joint Gibbs, Carrie, Southsea, Hants, Eng. Cycling-skirt Gibbs, W. T., Buckingham, Canada. (See Electrio Reduction Company, Limited, No. 10638.) Gibson, H., Ngaire, N.Z. Branding composition Giles, H., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Labelling tins, jars, bottles, &o. .. Gill, E. R., Englewood, New Jersey, U.S.A. Means for controlling motors Gilles, H. W., Darlinghurst, Sydney, N.S.W. Waiting-tray .. Gillilana, E. T., Westohester, U.S.A. Mouth-piece cigarette .. .. . Gilliland, E. T., Westohester, U.S.A. Cigarette-machine .. Gillman, T. R., Onehunga, N.Z. Dressing New Zealand flax Gillow, E., and another, Marrickville, N.S.W. (See A. H. Nathan, No. 10657.) Gilmour, J. A., and another, Leon, Nicaragua, Central America. Treating ores for recovery of metals Gold-extraction Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. Precipitating precious metals from cyanide solutions. (M. B. Zerener) GoHing, A., Canterbury, Vic. Cycle-tire Golding, R. U., Melbourne, Vic. Gold-saving amalgamator Gooding, J., and another, Coventry, Eng. (See the Dunlop Pneumatio Tire Company, Limited, No. 10386.) Goodwin, R., Dublin, Ireland. Gas plant and system for producing acetylene and oarbonioaoid gas combined Gordon-Jones, J., Taheke, Hokianga, N.Z. Apparatus for sowing seeds and applying manure Gouia, C. H., Melbourne, Vio. (See G. H. Hope, No. 10895.) Gouia, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Label-fastener .. Gouia, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Label Gouia, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Label Goulding, R., Taradale, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Protective covering for plant Graoe, A. A., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Buckle-fastener .. .. .. Grace, T. S., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Buckle-fastener.. Graetz, M., Berlin, Germany. Oil-burner Graham, S., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Paoker for reaper-and-binder Graham, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Paoker for reaper-and-binder .. .. Grant, J., Auckland, N.Z. Silt-punt diecharging-bottom Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Plough Green, B., London, Eng. Velocipede Green, W. R., and another, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Method of and apparatus for converting energy of fuel ana an expansion medium into power Greengrass, P. W., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-indioating device.. Greenhill, J., Colac, Vio. Nail for securing corrugated iron Greenslade, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Supplementary dresser for seed-dressing machine Greenslade, J., Prebbleton, Christohurch, N.Z. Continuous crank or eccentric lubricator-con-ductor Greenville, W. S., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Rail coupling or joint Greig, W. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Clothes-peg Greig, W. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Cotton-reel holder Greig, W. 0., Christohurch, N.Z. Hanger for wire-fenoing .. Greig, W. C, Christohurch, N.Z. Device for preventing guttering of candle Greig, W. C, and another, Christohuroh, N.Z. Means of securing fencing-wires to standards.. Greig, W. C, and another, Christohuroh, N.Z. Manufacturing candles Greig, W. C, ana others, Fowler's, N.Z. Liquid brand Gress, G. V., Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Phonograph Grey, W. H., and another, Duneain, N.Z. Device for checking and stopping machinery Grey, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge Griffin, J., Riverheaa, Aucklana, N.Z. Plough .. Griffith, A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Pump .. .. Grimwood, G. E., Rangiora, Canterbury, N.Z. Inflating-valve 10670 10276 10649 10983 11242 11267 11268 10877 10940 10852 10830 10 June. 7 Jan. 4 June. 17 Sept. 17 Deo. 28 Deo. 23 Deo. 12 Aug. 27 Aug. 8 Aug. 30 July. 10730 10744 11040 10730 10744 10288 10321 10370 10399 10468 11260 27 June. 4 July. 7 Oct. 27 June. i July. 17 Jan. 27 Jan. 19 Feb. 1 Maroh 30 Maroh 22 Deo. 10787 10780 11048 12 July. 18 July. 10 Oct. 11263 23 Deo. 10343 10570 lFeb. 6 May. 10523 10305 10934 10745 10508 10560 10641 18 April. 21 Jan. 1 Sept. 5 July. 14 April. 5 May. 8 June. 11010 38 Sept. 10563 5 May. 10801 11006 22 July. 28 Sept. 10974 15 Sept. 10855 9 Aug. 10262 10263 10850 10797 10316 10316 10622 10287 10287 10615 11193 11110 11258 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 8 Aug. 21 July. 25 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 May 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 19 May. 23 Nov. 31 Oct. 20 Deo. 11273 11044 10495 11216 29 Deo. 10 Oct. 7 April. 5 Deo. 10343 10411 10653 10863 10962 10467 11040 10838 11134 10685 10686 10735 11234 11001 1 Feb. 5 March 2 June. 10 Aug. 10 Sept. 24 Maroh 7 Oct. 15 Sept. 10 Nov. 13 June. 13 June. 24 June. 14 Dec. 20 Sept.




3—H. 10.

ame, :.csi [ence, am :nven1 lion. rrognet, F., Nanterre, France. Process for obtaining sterilised raw meat in condition of powder rrognet, F., Nanterre, France. Process for preparing skins rrosvenor, C., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Rail coupling or joint trundy, T., Thames, N.Z. Safety releasing device rundry, W. H., and another, Christehurcb, N.Z. Cost-indicating, registering, and weighttotalling apparatus for weighing-machine rundry, W. L. D., and another, Ohristchurch, N.Z. Cost-indioating, registering, and weighttotalling apparatus for weighing-machine runn, J. O., San Francisco, U.S.A. Explosive. (W. W. McCormick) .. riinzburg, De. (See under D.) rutteridge, W. R., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Milk cooler and aerator rutteridge, W. R., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Appliance for drawing off liquids .. [all, Constance C. A., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for sealing fish [all, Constance C. A., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing trousers fraying at heel [all, Constance C. A., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing trousers bagging at knees [all, G., Lepperton, Taranaki, N.Z. Ear-mark .. [all, J., Leeds, Eng. Machinery for treating skins, hides, leather, &c. [all, J., Leeds, Eng. Machinery for treating skins, hides, leather, &o. [allett, J., Taradale, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Rein-holder [allett, J., Taradale, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Rein-holder [alstead, W., Pleasant Point, Canterbury, N.Z. Window-sash [amilton, H. T., Prahan, Vic. Washing-board .. [ampson, W., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Enumerating-machine [amrick, H. M., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Burner .. .. .. .. .. [amrick, H. M., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Burner [amrick, H. M., and another, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Burner [ancock, H. L., and another, Moonta Mines, S.A. Rock-drill [ancock, H. R., and another, Moonta Mines, S.A. Rock-drill [and, W. H., Richmond, Surrey, Eng. Gas- and oil-lighting. (M. H. Hawes and R. Farrington) [andley, W. C, Stratford, N.Z. Horse-collar [ardcastle, J., Timaru, N.Z. Charging reservoir-pens [arper, W. C, and another, Melbourne, Vic. Potato-plough [arries, J. E., Gisborne, N.Z. (See W. Adams, No. 11090.) [arris, J. N., S. Norwood, Surrey, Eng. (See C. H. Izard, No. 11183.) [arris, J. P., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Bicycle-rest [arris, J. P., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Lamp-wick [arris, J. P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-support [arrison, I., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for suspending drapery goods [arrison, J., Marton, N.Z. Filling kerosene-lamps from tins [arrison, J., Te Aroha, Auckland, N.Z. Roasting and drying quartz [arrison, W. H. C, Woodville, S.A. Combination brace and bits [arrison, W. H. C, Woodville, S.A. Brace and bits [arrow, J., Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. Tap or valve [art, W., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-woven mattrass.. [artley, W. H., and another, London, Eng. Ore-roasting furnace [artley, W. H., and another, Middlesex, Eng. Ore-roasting furnace [arvey, A., Auckland, N.Z. Attaching vessels of milk-aerator to frame of same [arvey, A., Auckland, N.Z. Milk-tap [arvey, A., Auckland, N.Z. Combination hoop and handle for milk-can [arvey, G., Invercargill, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. [askin, S. E., Westminster, Eng. Apparatus for use in treating wood .. [athaway, R. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Damper for moistening adhesive surfaoes .. [athaway, R. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Device for moistening adhesive surfaces .. [awes, M.'h., and another, Middlesex, Eng. (See W. H. Hand, No. 10725.) [awke, T., Auckland, N.Z. Horse-cover fastening [awkins, W. J., and another, Partington, Chester, Eng. Means of advertising [awliczek, J. L., and another, Liverpool, Eng. Gold-extraction by cyanide process [ayes, E., Rough Ridge, Otago, N.Z. Gold creviee dredge-bucket [azlett, W. K., Invercargill, N.Z. Plough .. .. .. .. [eath, M. A., Providence, U.S.A. Metallic bale-covering [eckler, J. F., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Driving-gear for velocipede [emus, S., Auckland, N.Z. Boot-, shoe-, or slipper-upper .. [enderson, G., Rata, Rangitikei, N.Z. Wire-strainer [enry, F., Invercargill, N.Z. Wire-strainer [enry, G. T., Warrnambool, Vic. Produce-box .. [epburn, C. G., Sydney, N.S.W. Treating and cooling heated fats and oils with air [iokling, R., and another, Paddington, Sydney, N.S.W. Oyster-opener [ickman, G. S., Chr'stchurch, N.Z. Registering, numbering, and dating apparatus ticks, W., and another, Waverley, Sydney, N.S.W. Oyster-opener [iggins, H., Cambridge, Eng. Treatment of separated milk [ignett, P. N., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. (See G. J. Betts and F. T. Bower, No. 10507.) [ill, H. T., Waiuku, Auckland, N.Z. Mixture for repelling horse-flies [itchcoek, H., Kaikoura, N.Z. Horse-collar and saddle [oare, H., and another, Perth, W.A. (See The Automatic Gas Lighting and Extinguishing Company, Limited (Hoare and Kennedy's Patent), No. 10822.) [oare, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Spouting .. [oare, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Spouting-gutter or valley [odgson, Mary J., Wellington, N.Z. Preserving composition for butter, eggs, fruit, &e. [odsdon, H., Brisbane, Queensland. (See the Hodsdon Patent Totaliser and Enumeratingmachines Company, Limited, No. 11038.) [odsdon Patent Totaliser and Enumerating-machines Company (Limited), Brisbane, Q. Enumerating-machine. (H. Hodsdon) [offmann, B., Paris, France. Telegraphic transmitting and receiving apparatus [olliday, R., Edgerton, York, Eng. Acetylene-gas lamp [olliday, T., Huddersfield, Eng, Acetylene earriage, cycle, or motor-ca,r lamp 11161 15 Nov. 11162 10343 10423 11144 15 Nov. 1 Feb. 10 March. 10 Nov. 11144 10 Nov. 10535 27 April. 11173 11174 10452 10351 10660 10268 10646 11202 10516 10517 10874 10841 10388 11190 11191 11189 10775 10775 10725 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 22 March. 3 May. 8 June. 10 Jan. 2 June. 1 Dec. 16 April. 16 April. 16 Aug. 4 Aug. 19 Aug. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 14 July. 14 July. 27 June. 10750 10588 10975 6 July. 12 May. 15 Sept. 10752 10753 10892 10281 10550 10989 11165 11276 10847 10914 11019 11185 10996 11167 10997 10692 10457 10601 10793 5 July. 5 July. 19 Aug. 13 Jan. 2 May. 21 Sept. 16 Nov. 29 Deo. 5 Aug. 23 Aug. 29 Sept. 25 Nov. 20 Sept. 14 Nov. 20 Sept. 10 June. 23 March. 18 May. 19 July. 10856 11227 11264 11212 10626 10842 10758 10381 10400 10616 11271 10854 10784 10948 10784 10726 4 Aug. 10 Dec. 23 Dec. 1 Dec. 25 May. 5 Aug. 7 July. 17 Feb. 3 March. 21 May. 29 Dec. 8 Aug. 18 July. 6 Sept. 18 July. 27 June. 10338 10342 lFeb. 4 Feb. 10969 11091 10396 9 Sept. 19 Oct. 2 March. 11038 7 Oct. 10459 10834 10425 23 March. 30 July. 10 March,




Name, Eesidence, ana Invention. ■o. ;e. Hooker, Lucy, Sydney, N.S.W. Incandescent illuminating apparatus .. Hope, G. H., South Yarra, Vic. Smoke-consumer and fuel-economiser. (C. H. Gould) Hopkins, J., Timaru, N.Z. Sparrow-trap Hopkinson, J., Bradford, York, Eng. (See Lanosoap, Limited, No. 11016.) Horton, C. A., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Bicycle driving-gear Horton, O. A., and others, Brunswick, Vic Bicycle driving-gear House, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Grain and seed cleaning and separating machine Howard, A., San Francisco, U.S.A. Motive engine Howard, A., San Francisco, U.S.A. Induction-valve for motive engine .. Howard, A., San Francisco, U.S.A. Shearing-machine Howard, A., San Francisco, U.S.A. Propeller Howard, A., and another, San Francisco, U.S.A. Converting energy of fuel and an expansion medium into power Howard, T. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Eotary engine Howard, T. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Eotary engine Howden, T. G., Kew, Melbourne, Vie. Speed-governor and clutch-gear Howe, C. S., and another, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Leak-repairing composition for pneumatic tire Howe, G., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Blackboard-stand Howell, F., Dunedin, N.Z. Leaf-holder .. .. ■• •• •■ Hudson, J., and another, Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. Point or switch for overhead rails .. Hughes,' W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Leaf-stemming machine. (J. E. Evans-Jackson) Hughes! W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Fertiliser-distributor for seed-drill. (J. G. Turton) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Artificial fuel. (The Petolite Fuel Syndicate, Limited, and J. W. Leadbeater) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Constructing floors. (E.Jensen) .. Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Manufacturing concrete pipes. (E. Jensen) Hull, F., Auckland, N.Z. Shipping boat-rudders .. Hull, F., Auckland, N.Z. Shipping boat-rudders .. Hulls, A. E., Moonee Ponds, Vio. Eubber tire Humble, T. S., Geelong, Vic. (See W. Humble and W. Nicholson, No. 10690.) Humble, W., and another, Geelong, Vic. Monkey-plate and ram for baling-press. (T. S. Humble) Humphreys, E. C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Bench-cramp or work-holder Humphreys, W. H., Wavertree, Lancaster, Eng. Tire Hunter, A. G. K., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Flax-dressing machine.. Hupton, H. E., and others, Brighton, Eng. Indicating and reoording distance, time, and fare for vehicles Hutcheson, J., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-escape ladder Hutton, G. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Soap-holder Hutton, G. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Clothes-peg Inder, A. E., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Machine-belt fastener Inder, C. J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Machine-belt fastener Internationale Hydro-Press-Gas Compagnie Gesellschaft mit Beschrankter Haftung, Hamburg, Germany. Gas-oompressing and pressure-regulating apparatus for incandescent lighting. (G. Eothgiesser) Iorns, C. R., and another, Stoke Newington, London, Eng. Blind Isitt, F., Leichhardt, Sydney, N.S.W. Illuminating appliance to be used with a Bunsen or other burner ves, C., East Molesey, Surrey, Eng. Forming rubber- or guttapercha-like substance from gelatine Ives] H. L., and another, St. Albans, Christchurch, N.Z. Advertising-signs Izard, 6. H., Wellington, N.Z. Treating animal fats. (J.N.Harris) .. Jaek,A., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Milk cooler and aerator Jack'A., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Drawing off liquids .. .. Jackson, Evans-. (See under E.) Jackson, J. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Cigar or oigarette Jacobsen, T. B., Thames, Auckland, N.Z. Safety-grip for lifts, &c. James, U. S., Helena, Montana, U.S.A. (See Parke and Lacy Company, No. 10991.) James, W. F.. Wellington, N.Z. Totalisator .. .. .. ... Jameson, S. G., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Enumerating-machine Jamieson, E. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Acetylene-gas generator .. .. .. .. Jamieson, W., Melbourne, Vic. Separating ores from gangue JamieBon, W., Melbourne, Vic. Separating ores from gangue Jandus, W., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Arc lamp .. Jenkins, D. C, Ballarat, Vic. Draw-off tap for kerosene-tins, &c. Jennet, J., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Appliance for cleaning the rails of tram-cars Jennings, W., Beechworth, Vic. Eaising gravel, &c. Jensen, E., Copenhagen, Denmark. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11156.) Jensen, E., Copenhagen, Denmark. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11163.) Johnson, F. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Torch-lamp Johnson, I., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Torch-lamp Johnston, A., Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. Lifting liquid by means of a partial vacuum Johnston, Kent-. (See under K.) .,,.,, Johnston, P. C, Marrickville, N.S.W. Treating leather to render it less liable to puncture .. Jonaa, Florence N., and another, Fitzroy, Vic. Photographing on china, &o. Jonasen, M. P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Jonasen, M. P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Jones, A. E., Drummond, Invercargill, N.Z. Tallow-lamp .. Jones, Gordon-. (See under G.) Jones! H., and another, Marrickville, N.S.W. (See A. H. Nathan, No. 10657.) Jones, W., Footscray, Vic. Cartridge-wad JurisB, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Spanner for hose-coupling .. Kay, A., Salford, Manchester, Eng. Generation and storage of acetylene gas Ken', J., Christchurch, N.Z. Feed for agricultural drills and sowers .. Kellie, J., Woolston, Canterbury, N.Z. Tire Kellogg J H., Battle Creek, U.S.A. Alimentary product ; .. Kelly, J., jun., Bell Block, Taranaki, N,Z. Grain reels or beaters for reaping-and-binding machinery 11057 10895 10999 13 Oct. 20 Aug. 24 Sept. 10532 11053 11088 11254 11255 11256 11257 11258 27 April. 11 Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Deo. 20 Dec. 20 Deo. 20 Deo. 20 Deo. 10419 10481 10533 10330 10941 10731 10397 10306 10921 11013 4 March. 1 April. 27 April. 31 Jan. 3 Sept. 24 June. 1 1 March. J 21 Jan. 29 Aug. 28 Sept. 11156 11163 10696 10846 10953 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 13 June. 2 Aug. 8 Sept. 10690 14 June. 11166 10584 10318 10754 17 Nov. 13 May. 25 Jan. 7 July. 11279 10269 10313 10633 10633 10799 31 Dec. 31 Dec.,'9 , ; 17 Jan. 30 May. 30 May. 21 July. 10814 10597 26 July. 17 May. 10900 10465 11183 11173 11174 4 Feb.* 7 April. 25 Nov. 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 11109 10796 27 Oct. 20 July. 11103 10888 10435 11143 11218 10322 11031 10762 10574 29 Oct. 19 Aug. 18 March. 10 Nov. 8 Deo. 27 Jan. 5 Oct. 7 July. 10 May. 10988 10988 10391 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 25 Feb. 11141 10879 10383 10765 10547 10 Nov. 17 Aug. 21 Feb. 8 July. 29 April. 11043 10358 10764 10916 10763 10617 10453 10 Oct. 12 Feb. 8 July. 26 Aug. 7 July. 26 May. 19 March.




Name, Residence, and Invention. o. .e. Kelly, P. G., Coromandel, N.Z. Wedge-grip for shaft-cages, &o. Kemp, G. H., Brunswick, Vic. Branding composition Kempthorne, A. H. O., Opunake, Taranaki, N.Z. WindmiH Kennedy, M. J., Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. Cycle attachment for carrying a child, parcels, &o. Kennedy, M. J., and another, Perth, W.A. (See the Automatic Gas Lighting and Extinguishing Company, Limited (Hoare and Kennedy's Patent), No. 10822.) Kennerley, J., Waikumete, Auckland, N.Z. Preventing the rattling of window-sashes Kent-Johnston, A. G., Sydney, N.S.W. Lighting and extinguishing street-lamps Kern, 0., Paris, Franoe. Incandescence gas-burner Kettridge, S., Dunedin, N.Z. G-sharp mechanism for olarionet Kilminster, S. G., Perth, W.A. Manufacture of cement, artificial stone, &o. Kilworth, T. E., Ashburton, Canterbury, N.Z. Cambridge roller King, J., Paranui, Poxton, N.Z. Hoe.. .. .. .. •■ _ •• Kingscote, E., London, Eng. Manufacture of material to be used in plaoe of wood, iron, leather, &o. Knight, J. I., Auckland, N.Z. Covering seat of saddle-tree .. Knight, R. G., Wellington, N.Z. Horse-cover Knocks, A. J., and another, Otaki, Wellington, N.Z. Botfly-exterminator Knudsen, I. P. B., Copenhagen, Denmark. Separator Kohler, T., Limbach, Germany. Roofing-tile, and press for making same Koneman, W. A., and another, London, Eng. Ore-roasting furnace Koneman, W. A., and another, London, Eng. Ore-roasting furnace Kriehauff, H. S., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Spark-arrester Kron, G., Copenhagen, Denmark. Burner for petroleum-lamp Labram, G., Kimberley, Cape of Good Hope. Separating diamonds from earthy matters Lahey, J. W., and another, Brisbane, Q. Fastening window-sashes Lambert, G., Pleasant Point, Timaru, N.Z. Brand for sheep, bales, &c. Lambert, G., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Kerosene-can .. .. ... Lamplough, F., London, Eng. (See Volenite, Limited, No. 11074.) Landin, J., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. Extracting metals from oxide-ores or oxygen compounds Lane, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-bell Lane, D. G., Waikare, Bay of Islands, N.Z. Wire whaling-net Lange, H., Wellington, N.Z. Picture-frame Langley, J. W., and another, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Leak-repairing composition for pneumatic tire Lanosoap (Limited), Bradford, York, Eng. Treating wool-grease, soapsuds, &c. (J. Hopkinson) Larcomb, E., Palmerston North, N.Z. Locking ferrule-joint .. Larcomb, E., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Blackboard-stand.. La Roche, C. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Gate-hinge Laurie, J. S., and another, Henderson, Auckland, N.Z. Wire-cutting side-delivery table for brickmaking Lay W F., New York, U.S.A. Mining placers Leadbeater, J. W., Leeds, York, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11013.) Leather, J., Liverpool, Eng. Ventilating appliance Leather Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Wheel-tires, and fastenings therefor. (C. E. Squier and F. Windham) Le Oren, W. J., and another, Miller's Flat, Otago, N.Z. Dredge-bucket link Le Fleming, A., Herbert, Oamaru, N.Z. Brake for training horses to harness Legg, A. W., Balclutha, Otago, N.Z. Coulter for plough Leonard, Florence J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Soap-holder Leonard, Florence J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Clothes-peg Leonard, Florence J., Auckland, N.Z. Cutting paper for water-closet purposes .. Lery, Dβ. (See under D.) Lester G. H., Auckland, N.Z. Office-return clock-face indioator Levinge, H. M., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Bicycle attachment ,to prevent lubrioants soiling rider's apparel Levinge H. M., Feilding, N.Z. Making potash and caustic potash Levinge, Jessie, and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Bioycle attaohment to prevent lubricants soiling rider's apparel Lewis, T., Wellington, N.Z. Paper-holder .. .. .. •• Lichtner, E. F., Sydney, N.S.W. Treating animal carcases to obtain fat, glue, and manure. (F. Otte and Aotien Gesellschaft fiir Treber Trocknung) Light A H., Auckland, N.Z. Pedal-gearing for sewing-machine Lister and Company (Limited), R. A., Dursley, Gloucester, Eng. Bowl or drum for centrifugal separator. (W. J. Ashworth and T. Stevinson) Lloyd, Perreur-. (See under P.) Lloyd, W. J., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Driving-gear for bicycles, &o. Lobnitz, F., Renfrew, Scotland. Breaking up or cutting rooks Lochhead, J., Dunsandel, Canterbury, N.Z. Plough Lockhart, W. S., London, Eng. Hydraulic separator for treating minerals Locking, B., Napier, N.Z. Bicycle-brake Lockwood, A. A., London, Eng. Amalgamator Lodge, T. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Boot-fastening.. Lohmann, 0. F. C, Northcote, Melbourne, Vic. Rotary motor Lorden, F. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Tobacco-cutting machine Lorden, F. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Mirror-and-watch combination Lorenz, G., Darmstadt, Germany. Preparation for rendering swine proof against swine-fever.. Love, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Steam cooker Lovell, G., Opitonui, Auckland, N.Z. Slash or billhook Lowry, G. A., Chicago, U.S.A. Press for cotton, wool, hair, &o. Loxton, F. W., Melbourne, Vic. (See Silenette Proprietary, Limited, No. 10952.) Lucas, W. B., Sydney, N.S.W. Refrigerating apparatus Luttrell, A. E., and another, Launceston, Tasmania. Pump.. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Tip-tank and truck for use with digesters, &c. .. Macdonald, F. A., Rakaia.N.Z. Castrating, tailing, and ear-marking instrument 10868 10387 11051 11148 2 Aug. 26 Feb. 11 Oct. 8 Nov. 11164 10986 10538 10624 10472 10484 11278 11265 11 Nov. 19 Sept. 27 April. 26 May. 1 April. 5 April. 31 Dec. 23 Dec. 10722 10937 11259 10491 10843 11019 11185 10818 10440 10510 10719 10565 10487 21 June. 2 Sept. 22 Dec. 7 April. 5 Aug. 29 Sept. 25 Nov. 27 July. 18 March. 14 April. 24 June. 6 May. 7 April. 10302 21 Jan. 11224 11052 10540 11330 8 Dec. 7 Oct. 27 April. 31 Jan. 11016 11000 10941 10964 10610 29 Sept. 26 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 16 May. 10279 13 Jan. 11008 10635 28 Sept. 30 May. 11078 11085 10357 10269 10313 10698 19 Oct. 17 Oct. 14 Feb. 31 Dec,'91 17 Jan. 14 June. 10712 10395 17 June. 1 March. 10926 10395 27 Aug. 1 March. 10766 10436 11 July. 18 Maroh. 10554 10671 27 April. 10 June. 10456 10977 10751 10809 10299 10740 10362 10889 10737 11094 10932 10637 11115 10786 21 March. 15 Sept. 4 July. 25 July. 20 Jan. 28 June. 14 Feb. 19 Aug. 1 July. 25 Oct. 1 Sept. 31 May. 27 Oct. 19 July. 10310 11234 10866 11026 18 Jan. 14 Deo. 10 Aug. 27 Sept.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Maodonald, S.> Christchuroh, N.Z. Securing single-tube pneumatic tire in rim Macgregor, J., Auckland, N.Z. Instrument for polishing boots, &o. Mackay, A., and others, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Bicycle- or tricycle-crank Mackay, A. R., and another, Marton, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Mackay, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Mackay, J., and another, Waihola, Otago, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe .. .. '' ... Mackenzie, G. S., Sydney, N.S.W. Extracting marketable commodities from waste liquors of meat-preserving works. (L. A. Geddes) Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Sun-blind Maclachlan, H., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Fastening window-sashes .. MacLulich, J. M., Gortmore, Ireland. Tire and tire-cover .. .. .. Madder, W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Door-sill Magnus, 0., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Motor Mailer, M., and another, Carlton, Vic. Earth-boring machine Malcolm, Catherine, Wellington, N.Z. Sleevelet Male, Winifred, Wellington, N.Z. Chart for setting out bodice-patterns Mann, T. H., Waimate, Canterbury, N.Z. Attaching battens to reaper and-binder canvases .. Mansill, G. E., Wellington, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Mant, T., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Split pulley Marks, H. J., Toowoomba, Queensland. Egg-holder Marshall, J. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Barrel-or cask-racking apparatus Mason, W. N. E., Wellington, N.Z. Tilt for casks, &c. Mather, W., and another, Newark-upon-Trent, Eng. Cultivator Matherson, J., Bourke, N.S.W. Broom Matheson, J., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Conveying attachment for reaper-and-binder Mathias, D. R., Christehurch, N.Z. Sorting potatoes .. .. Mathias, D. R., Christchuroh, N.Z. Seed-sowing implement May, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-alarm .. May, T. W., Auckland, N.Z. Submarine telesoope McArtney, J. A., Nelson, N.Z. Paint .. McCaul, G., Auckland, N.Z. Bath McCormack, T., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Cooking-range .. McCormick, W. W., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See J. 0. Gunn, No. 10535.) McCutcheon, C. 0., Christehurch, N.Z. Transmitting-horn for phonograph McDermntt, L. L., Auckland, N.Z. Cess-pan McDonald, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Plough McDougall, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Nut and wrench McDougall, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Saucepan and lid McEwen, E., Masterton, N.Z. Wool-press McFarland, R. S., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Bicycle-support .. Mclnnes, D., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Headstall-halter Mclnnes, L., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Headstall-halter Mclntyre, D. A., and another, Inverell, N.S.W. Non-reflllable bottle .. .. McKay, W. A., Wellington, N.Z. Can-handle McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Billiard- and dining-table combined McKnight, G, Dunedin, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator McLean, D. W., Methven, Canterbury, N.Z. Holder and cutter for cotton-reels, &c. McLennan, D., and another, Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. Envelope .. McLeod, A., Melbourne, Vic. (See McLeod Improved Sheep-shears Company, Limited, No. 10470.) McLeod Improved Sheep-shears Company (Limited), Melbourne, Vio. Operating machine sheep-shears. (A. McLeod) McLeod, R. A., Kaihu, N.Z. Saw-bench gauge .. McRae, J. R., Napier, N.Z. Convertible bicycle .. .. .. ... McWilliams, R. A., Minneapolis, U.S.A. (See J. H. Moore, No. 11054.) Meacock, 0. J., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Rotary cutting-maohine Meikle, W., and another, Mercury Bay, Auckland, N.Z. Candle-holder Meikle, W., and another, Mercury Bay, Auckland, N.Z. Tongue-and-sooket connection for holding lantern to miner's billy Melchior, A., Camperdown, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machine Melchior, A., Camperdown, N.S.W. Sharpening and setting cutters of sheep-shearing machine Melville, J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Threshing-mill .. Menesdorfler, A., Northcote, Vic. (See W. W. Cabena, No. 11080.) Menesdorfier, Esther J., Northcote, Vic. Jug lid or cover .. Mentiplay, W., Melbourne, Vie. Gold-saving device Mercer, J., Christehurch, N.Z. Safe .. Metallurgische Gesellschaft, Frankfort-on-Main, Germany. Magnetic separation. (J. P. Wetherill) Metzger, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Rabbit-orate Mikoz, J., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Spur-gearing for driving bicycle Millard, E. C, London, Eng. Tea-kettle .. Miller, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Movable body for two-wheeled vehicle Miller, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Method of eroding metals .. .. .. ■ .. Miller, J., Mosgiel, N.Z. Pedal .. .. .. .. .. .. I Miller, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer Miller, J., Mosgiel, N.Z. Preparing metal plates for printing copies of photographs Miller, W., Auckland, N.Z. Box for holding billiard-pool marbles Miller, W. S., and another, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Burner Milligan, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bracket for spouting Millington, W., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Dampening, folding, and sealing envelopes Mills, J. H., and another, InvercargOl, N.Z. Cycle speed-gear Mitchell, J. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-fastener .. Mitchell, J. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-fastener.. .. Moens, Quatannens-. (See under Q.) Mond, L., London, Eng. Obtaining nickel from nickel-carbonyl ".-.- .. 10496 10628 10291 10393 10427 10393 10405 10315 10719 10810 10285 10528 10707 10776 10865 10630 10833 11222 11208 10987 11246 11172 10711 10364 10623 10743 10873 10655 10778 11239 10462 11194 10978 10604 10277 10311 10966 10718 10317 10317 11275 10836 10994 10341 11100 10557 7 April. 21 May. 18 Jan. 1 Maroh. 12 March. 1 March. 4 Maroh. 20 Jan. 24 June. 27 Nov.,'97* 15 Jan. I 22 April. 21 June. 16 July. 12 Aug. 27 May. 30 July. 8 Dec. 2 Dee. 19 Sept. 19 Dec. 21 Nov. 16 June. 28 Feb. 23 May. ! 1 July. 12 Aug. 1 June. 15 July. 13 Deo. 21 March. 24 Nov. 6 Sept. 20 May. 11 Jan. 24 Jan. 13 Sept. 22 June . 25 Jan. 25 Jan. 29 Dec. 2 Aug. 19 Sept. 4 Feb. 25 Oct. 3 May. 10470 31 March. 10827 10676 27 July. 13 June. 10606 10359 10360 19 May. 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 11206 11207 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 10684 13 June. 10702 10539 10377 10594 20 June. 27 April. 18 Feb. 17 May. 11240 10967 11186 11215 10258 10544 10732 10781 11023 11189 10956 10831 10514 10493 10680 12 Dec. 7 Sept. 25 Nov. 2 Dec. 4 Jan. 27 April. 29 June. 15 July. 24 Sept. 25 Nov. 9 Sept. 30 July. 13 April. 12 April. 13 June. 10403 i Maroh.




[lime, losic lence, an< [nveni ;ion. 0. 30. Montgomerie, J. C, Dalmore, Stair, Scotland. Extracting metals from metallic solutions Montgomerie, J. 0., Dalmore, Stair, Scotland. Filter-press and cloth Montgomery, G. A., Springfield, Canterbury, N.Z. Horse-cover fastening Moodie, R., London, Eng. Washing and leaching apparatus Moore, D. M., Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. (See Moore Electrical Company, No. 10773.) Moore, D. M., Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. (See Moore Electrical Company, No. 10774.) Moore Electrical Company, New York, U.S.A. Vacuum-tube lighting. (D.M.Moore) Moore Electrical Company, New York, U.S.A. Vacuum-tube lighting. (D. M. Moore) Moore, Helen G., Ngaionui, Masterton, N.Z. Fla,t-iron Moore, J. H., Hawthorn, Vic. Bottle, and seal therefor. (R. A. McWilliams and C. W. Davison) Morris, C. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Spring axle for bicycles Morris, J., Wellington, N.Z. Stretcher-bed and bedstead Morris, J. G., Wellington, N.Z. Door-fastener Morris, T. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Velocipede-brake .. Morrison, H., London, Eng. Pneumatic handle for bicycle Morrison, T., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Dry-earth closet.. Morton, A. 0., and another, Otaki, N.Z. Bot-fly exterminator Muir, R., Grantham, Hawera, N.Z. Ploughing couchy and other grass land Murgatroyd, J., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Removing hair and wool from skins Murie, R. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Rotary engine Murphy, D., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Dampening, folding, and sealing envelopes Murphy, F. H., and another, New York, U.S.A. Bicycle-gear Murphy, W., and another, Caulfield, Vic. Bicycle driving-gear Murray, H. B., Mataura, Southland, N.Z. Paper-feeder for paper-bag machines, printingpresses, &c. Murray, R. L. H., Wellington, N.Z. Coin-freed actuating mechanism Mutton, T., and others, Brighton, Eng. Indicating or recording distance, time, and fare for vehicles Nable, D., Parkes, N.S.W. Coat-adjustment Nankivell, W. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Plough Nathan, A. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Tobacco-cutting machine. (E. Gillow and H. Jones) Naumann, F. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Potato peeler and cleaner Neilson, J. P., Timaru, N.Z. Concave bars Nelson, A. M., Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. H. Binns and A. C. Saxton, No. 10821.) Nelson, M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Water-heater Nernst, W., Gottingen, Germany. Electrical incandescent lamp Newall, J. W., Sydney, N.S.W. Cutting hair or wool Newman, A. M., Auckland, N.Z. Packing-case for fruit Newman, A. M., Auckland, N.Z. Fruit-case Newman, G. F., Rangitata, Canterbury, N.Z. Waterproofing composition Newson, G. W., Nelson, N.Z. Lamp-wick Newson, G. W., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Bicyole-rest Newson, G. W., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Lamp-wiok Newson, G. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-support Nicholas, A. M., Bulong, W.A. Filtering apparatus for separating solutions from tailings, &c. Nicholls, B. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cooking-range Nioholls, J. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cooking-range Nicholson, E. H., and another, Newark-upon-Trent, Eng. Cultivator Nicholson, W., and another, Geelong, Vic. Monkey-plate and ram for baling-press. (T. S. Humble) Niehterlein, W. H., Dimboola, Vic. Generating wood-gas Nieolson, S., Gore, Otago, N.Z. Horse-cover Nielsen, C. A., Melbourne, Vic. Deep-sea or shoal fishing-gear Nielsen, N. A., Tikokino, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Toasting-fork.. Nisbet, W. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Slack-adjuster for brake-gear of railway rolling-stock Norton, E., Maywood, U.S.A. Canning food Norton, E., Maywood, U.S.A. Sheet-metal seaming-machine Norton, J. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Compound for use in making yeast, baker's dough, &c. Norton, J. T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Mouse- and rat-trap Oakley, H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Oatway, Amy A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Saving alluvial gold Oatway, G. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Agitating crushed quartz.. Oatway, G. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Saving alluvial gold Oatway, G. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Mud-guard for pneumatic tire Oatway, G. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Safety appliance for acetylene-gas generator or reservoir Oatway, Mary Jan6, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Agitating crushed quartz O'Brien," W., jun., Waipori, Otago, N.Z. Working gold-dredge by water-pressure O'Connell, E. T., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Cooking-range O'Conor, M. M. J. O., Inisfale Island, Leitrim, Ireland. Raising sunken ships, &e. O'Conor, M. M. J. O., Inisfale Island, Leitrim, Ireland. Apparatus for ascertaining position of and raising sunken wrecks, and for use as a floating-dock O'Conor, M. M. J. O., Inisfale Island, Leitrim, Ireland. Dredging apparatus Okey, F. W., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Ear-mark Olivecrona, C. J., Belmont, Hutt, N.Z. Wool-drying appliance ... Oliver, J. W., Greenstreet, Canterbury, N.Z. Wheel-hub Ottaway, F., Mangaweka, N.Z. Coupling railway metals Otte, F., and another, Altona, Germany. (See E. F. Lichtner, No. 10486.) Ovenden, F. B., Gisborne, N.Z. Preparation for cleaning and polishing linoleums, &c. Owen, E., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Earthenware nightsoil-pan Oxenham, S., Makauri, N.Z. Water-strainer for tank Oxenham, S., Makauri, N.Z. Silt-ejector for tank Oxenham, S., Makauri, N.Z. Spouting-guard .. .. ... Page, F., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Marking meat 10756 11188 10736 10704 7 July. 25 Nov. 29 June. 20 June. 10773 10774 11128 11054 14 July. 14 July. 5 Nov. 11 Oct. 10673 10409 11139 10682 10278 10675 11259 10662 10716 10894 10831 10703 11053 11087 7 June. 5 March. 10 Nov. 13 June. 11 Jan. 7 June. 22 Deo. 8 June. 22 June. 20 Aug. 30 July. 20 June. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 10445 10754 18 March. 7 July. 10947 10612 10657 10714 10344 5 Sept. 21 May. 7 June. 23 June. 4 Feb. 10434 10595 10599 10578 10795 10483 10643 10752 10753 10892 11049 10729 10729 11172 10690 9 March. 17 May. 17 May. 7 May. 20 July. 4 April. 31 May. 5 July. 5 July. 19 Aug. 10 Oct. 27 June. 27 June. 21 Nov. 14 June. 10828 10494 10404 10927 11112 27 July. 12 April. 4 March. 31 Aug. 31 Oct. 10503 10984 10970 10963 10886 10273 10272 10273 10568 10648 14 April. 17 Sept. 13 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Aug. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 5 May. 31 May. 10272 10320 10462 11124 11125 24 Jan. 27 Jan. 21 March. 18 Nov.,'97* 11 Dec.,'97 , 11201 10579 10693 10365 10319 2 June.* 9 May. 16 June. 15 Feb. 27 Jan. 10432 10367 1O804 10816 10817 11092 15 March. 14 Feb. 20 July. 22 July. 21 July. 21 Oct.




ame, legi. lence, am Invent iion. to. :e. Page, F. T., Pahiatua, Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer Paige, J. W., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Operating pteam- or nir-turbine Painter, F. W., Christohureh, N.Z. Apparatus for use in learning to ride a bicycle Pallant, W. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Horse-cover Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Mirror Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Can Parke and Lacy Company, San Francisco, U.S.A. Ore-feeding machine. (W. S. James) Parker, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Driving sheep-shearing machine Parker, A., Wellington, N.Z. Motor for driving shearing-machine Parker, F. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Airtight closet-pan Parker, J. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Swingle-tree Parker, W., Glorit, Kaipara, N.Z. Clothes-trunk.. Parker, W., Glorit, Kaipara, N.Z. Wash-tub Parnall, W., and another, Bristol, Bug. Target .. Parnell, Elizabeth B., Carshalton, Surrey, Eng. Treating ores Parsons, F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Water-heater Parsons, H. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Checking and stopping machinery .. Parsons, H. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge Parsons, J. A., Christchurch, N.Z. (See the Pulsator Milking-machine Company, Limited, No. 10542.) Parsons, J. A., Christchurch, N.Z. (See the Pulsator Milking-machine Company, Limited, No. 10543.) Parsons, J. A., Ohristchurch, N.Z. (See the Pulsator Milking-machine Company, Limited, No. 10666.) Pat, Ah. (See Ah Pat.) Paterson, G., London, Eng. Velocipede Paterson, G., London, Eng. Velocipede Paterson, G., London, Eng. Military tricycle Paterson, G., London, Eng. Military bicycle Paterson, G., London, Eng. Folding bicycle Paterson, R. A., and another, Mokau, Taranaki, N.Z. Preparing ironsand for smelting Payne, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Boot.. Peacock, W. C, Melbourne, Vic. Lifting and adjusting disos of rotary disc-ploughs. (J. B. Garde) Peacock, W. 0., Melbourne, Vic. Disc for rotary diso-ploughs. (J. B. Garde) Peacock, W. C, and another, Melbourne, Vic. Tin labelling and wrapping machine Peacock, W. C, and another, Melbourne, Vic. Bottle-labelling machine Peake, C. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Panoramic apparatus for exhibiting advertisements Pearce, L., Fremantle, W.A. Altering gauge of railway rolling-stock Pearson, J., Wellington, N.Z. Hand signalling-lamp Pearson, R., London, Eng. Automatic code-telegraph fire-alarm apparatus Peck, W., Wellington, N.Z. Gold-dredging apparatus Pender, J., Brunswick, Vio. Motor and mechanism for vehicle Penn, H., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Rotary cutting-machine Pennal, T., Flemington, Canterbury, N.Z. Production of oatmeal Penney, G. W., Gore, N.Z. Attaching horses to vehicles Perreur-Lloyd, M., London, Eng. Electro-deposition of copper on rotary cathodes Peters, A., Copenhagen, Denmark. Primary battery Petersen, E., London, Eng., and Kertch, Russia. (See G. Scott, No. 10823.) Petolite Fuel Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11013.) Pickup, W., Waikouaiti, Otago, N.Z. Pruning or cutting fruit-trees, &c. Pickup, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Pruning trees .. .. ... Pierce, M. R., and another, New York, U.S.A. Bicyole-gear.. Pietzcker, J. A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Incandescent oil-lamp burner Pigott, Alice, St. Leonard's, Sussex, Eng. Treatment of lead-ores Pole, B. C, London, Eng. Motive-power engine Poll, G., London, Eng. Raising material from river-beds Pomeroy, J., and another, Invercarglll, N.Z. Thimble, or seaman's palm Pomeroy, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Cricket-pads .. Pomeroy, J. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Pomeroy, J. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Rendering bottles liable to destruction after use Poor, I. W., Chicago, U.S.A. (See G. H. Umfreville and J. H. Dodd, No. 10339.) Porter, J. W., Williamstown, Vic. Target-carrying frame and indicator Postle, J. D., Sydney, N.S.W. Door-brake .. .. .. Pott, G., and another, Mokau, N.Z. Preparing ironsand for smelting .. Potter, A., Mount Eden, Auokland, N.Z. Dressing flax Powell, E. A., Clifton Hill, Vic. Preventing wind, rain, &c, entering beneath doors Powell, F. C, Adelaide, S.A. Advertising cycle Powers, C. T., Brisbane, Queensland. Typewriting-machine.. Prescott, G., and another, Dublin, Ireland. Packing food Preston, J. E., London, Eng. Treating refractory ores Pretot Motor Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. Speed- and reversing-gear for motorcarriages, &c. (V. E. Pretot) Pretot Motor Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. Motor road-vehicle. (V. E. Pretot) .. Pretot, V. E., Paris, France. (See the Pretot Motor Syndicate, Limited, No. 11020.) Pretot, V. E., Paris, France. (See the Pretot Motor Syndicate, Limited, No. 11021.) Price, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Copper-stick Priest, W., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Driving-gear for bicycles, tricycles, &c. ' .. Priest, S., and another, West Devonport, Vic. Cycle-brake .. Priest, S., jun., and another, West Devonport, Vic. Cycle-brake Priestley, H., Kaihu, N.Z. Spectacle for timber-jack Puchmuller, G. B., Schoeneberg, Germany. (See the Daylight Incandescent Mantle Company, Limited, No. 10506.) Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Pulsating milkingmachine. (J. A. Parsons) 10293 10294 10295 10296 10297 10667 10603 10942 11012 10669 10670 10708 10710 10770 11269 11241 10406 10606 11101 10355 10331 11176 10546 10561 10837 10329 11060 11204 11235 10991 10611 10733 10688 10788 10392 10577 10585 10513 10434 10685 10686 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 9 June. 19 May. 5 Sept. 28 Sept. 10 June. 10 June. 21 June. 21 Juue. 12 July. 28 Dec. 17 Dec. 2 March 19 May. 27 Oct. 14 Feb. 31 Jan. 17 Nov. 29 April 5 May. 1 Aug. 31 Jan. 14 Oct. 1 Dec. 13 Dec. 21 Sept. 21 May. 29 June. 8 June. 12 July. 25 Feb. 6 May. 13 May. 14 April. 9 March 13 June. 13 June. 10298 10552 10703 10529 10460 10593 10353 10694 10385 10464 10566 19 Jan. 3 May. 20 June. 25 April. 23 March. 14 May. 12 Feb. .3 June. 23 Feb. 22 March. 4 May. 11007 10658 10667 11262 10882 10282 11140 10965 10446 11020 28 Sept. 7 June. 9 June. 19 Dec. 17 Aug. .3 Jan. 10 Nov. 12 Sept. 19 March. 29 Sept. 11021 29 Sept. 11061 10456 10875 10875 10878 13 Oct. 21 March. 16 Aug. 16 Aug. 13 Aug. 10542 26 April.




Fame, 'ri;ii lence, am Inveni jion. [o. ;e. • Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Pulsating teat-cup for milking-machine. (J. A. Parsons) Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Pulsating teat-cup for milking-machine. (J. A. Parsons) Quatannens-Moens, R., and another, Dixmude, Belgium. Producing acetylene gas Quertier, H., Mataura, N.Z. Force-feed for manure-distributor Quertier, H., Mataura, N.Z. Dredge tumbler and tine combined Eabe, H., Thames, Auckland, N.Z. Grip-brake for mining-cage, &c. Eamsey, W. A., Rangiora, N.Z. Preventing horses attached to vehicles from running away .. Ranger, W. J. T., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Dry-earth closet Raymond, M. G., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Thimble, or seaman's palm Rayner, H. E. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Fencing-standard Rechter, De. (See under D.) Rees, J., Brunswick, Vic. (See W. H. Birch, No. 10505.) Renner, G., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Sheep-brand Renner, G., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Sheep-brand Rentoul, W. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Torch Reynolds, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Propeller Reynolds, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Steam-ejector for exterminating weeds, garden-pests, &c. Reynolds, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Clock for use in starting races Reynolds, L. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-dredging machinery Reynolds, L. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Clutches for dredge-winch .. Reynolds, L. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Pontoon construction for gold-dredge Richardson, G. J. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Freezing meat Richardson, P. E., and another, Makaraka, Poverty Bay, N.Z. Candlestick Ridge, J., and others, Brighton, Eng. Indicating and recording distance, time, and fare for vehicles Ridley, W. H. J., Onehunga, N.Z. Ore-furnace .. .. .. Ridley, W. H. J., Auckland, N.Z. Furnace for making wrought-iron direct from ironsand or ore Riecken, H., London, Eng. Electrolytical treatment of ores.. Ritchie, S., Auckland, N.Z. Umbrella-stand Roach, P., Timaru, N.Z. Standard for wire-fencing Roberts, B., and another, Brunnerton, Greymouth, N.Z. Chimney-top Roberts, B., and another, Brunnerton, Greymouth, N.Z. Rocking-cap for chimney Roberts, B., and another, Brunnerton, Grevmouth, N.Z. Chimney-top Roberts, E., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Pipe or conduit for fermented or corrosive liquids .. Roberts, J. C. E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z, Depilating hides and skins Roberts, J. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Chalking billiard-cues Robertson, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Horse-cover Robertson, A. T., Forbes, N.S.W. Cricket-stumps Robertson, G. S., Wellington, N.Z. Cycle handle-bar Robertson, G. S., Wanganui, N.Z. Refrigerating process and apparatus Robertson, J., New Brighton, N.Z. Window-lock Robertson, J., Opitonui, Auckland, N.Z. Miner's pick Robertson, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Damper for moistening adhesive surfaces Robertson, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Moistening adhesive surfaces Robertson, J. P., Sydney, N.S.W. Toaster Robertson, J. P., Sydney, N.S.W. Tray attachment to bottle Robin, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Trap-and buggy-spring Robinson, G., Pahiatua, Wellington, N.Z. Fire-tongs Robinson, J., Rosedale, Vic. Clothes-peg Robison, W. C, Wellington, N.Z. (See A. S. and W. H. Ballinger, No. 10840.) Robison, W. C, and others, Wellington, N.Z. Hat Robison, W. C, and others, Wellington, N.Z. Sewing-thimble Roche, D., London, Eng. Raising and lowering fire-escape Roche, D., London, Eng. Crane Roche, La. (See under L.) Roland, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Fastening and locking travelling-trunks, boxes, &c. Roland, J., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Hanging and fastening wmdow-saslies, &c. Romney, H. R., and another, London, Eng. (See J. H. Decent, No. 10366.) Rose, T., and another, Cobden, Greymouth, N.Z. Chimney-top Rose, T., and another, Cobden, Greymouth, N.Z. Rocking-cap for chimney Rose, T., and another, Cobden, Greymouth, N.Z. Chimney-top Roseman, S. G., Aramoho, Wanganui, N.Z. Brush Roseman, S. G., Aramoho, Wanganui, N.Z. Protective device for brush Roseman, S. G., Aramoho, Wanganui, N.Z. Reversible brush Ross, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Drying wool, flax, &c. Ross, A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Skutching-and heckling-machine Ross, A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Preparing Phormium tenax and manufacturing it into fibre Ross, A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Manufacturing yarns from flax Ross, A., and another, Sutton, Surrey, Eng. Indicating and recording apparatus Ross, A. Y., Gisborne, N.Z. Appliance for opening and closing gates Ross, A. Y., Gisborne, N.Z. Hoe Roes, A. Y., Gisborne, N.Z. Sunshade for windows and doors Ross, A. Y., Gisborne, N.Z. Faucet- or tap-filter .. .. Ross, A. Y., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Hanging and fastening window-sashes, &o. Ross, H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Self-acting supply and ejector system Ross, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Skutching-and heckling-machine Ross, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Preparing Phormium tenax and manufacturing it into fibre Ross, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Manufacturing yarns from flax Rothgiesser, G., Berlin, Germany. (See Internationale Hydro-Press-Gas Compagnie, Gesellschaft mit BeschrSnkter Haftung, No. 10799.) Rousay, R. J., and another, Edinburgh, North Britain, Cutting paper into strips or shavings.. 10543 10666 10779 11029 11065 10807 10907 10675 10694 10683 10328 11228 10413 10369 10896 10884 10368 10515 10569 11127 10955 10754 10864 10939 10848 11199 11210 10581 10582 10876 10304 10307 10410 10450 10849 10372 10982 11105 11232 10601 10793 10461 10656 11169 10475 11082 26 April. 6 June. 18 July. 29 Sept. 13 Oct. 18 July. 23 Aug. 7 June. 13 Juno. 13 June. 28 Jan. 12 Dec. 7 March. 15 Feb. 18 Aug. 29 Aug. 15 Feb. 13 April. 5 May. 14 Dec. 5 Sept. 7 July. 9 Aug. 27 Aug. 6 Aug. 24 Nov. 2 Dec. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 5 March. 19 March, 8 Aug. 19 Feb. 17 Sept. 26 Oct. 13 Dec. 18 May. 19 July. 23 March, 7 June. 19 Nov. 5 April. 20 Oct. 10730 10744 10415 11083 27 June. 4 July. 8 March. 21 Oct. 11035 10473 5 Oct. 28 March. 10581 10582 10876 10418 11097 11098 10590 10591 10605 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 9 March. 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 12 May. 13 May. 20 May. 10650 10449 10607 10860 11120 11133 10473 11253 10591 10605 3 June. 19 March. 11 May. 3 Aug. 29 Oct. 18 Nov. 28 March. 19 Dec. 13 May. 20 May. 10650 3 June. 10471 31 March,




Name, Residence, and Invention fo. e. Rowbotham, W., London, Bng. Primary electric-battery Eowe, Katherine, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Hose-connection .. Rowe, Katherine, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Hose-coupling or union Koyds, C, and another, St. Bathan's, N.Z. Velocipede driving-gear Rudolphs, J., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. Extracting metals from oxide-ores or oxygen compounds Rufus W., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Spark-arrester Russell, G. E., and another, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, U.S.A. Manufacturing gas Russell' W .H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Panoramic apparatus for exhibiting advertisements Russell! W. H., and another, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, U.S.A. Manufacturing gas Rutherford, J., Pungarehu, Taranaki, N.Z. Flax-washer Sanderson, F. V., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Machine for labelling tins, jars, &o. .. Sangster, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Prospecting-dredge SauSders, A. G., Adelaide, S.A. (See Albatross Mining and Prospecting Company, Limited, Saxton," A. C, and another, Pyrmont, Sydney, N.S.W. Flooring. (A. M. Nelson) Scarr J. S., Hobart, Tas. Paperhangings Schmid, C, Brussels, Belgium. (See the Anglo-Colonial Chemical Company, Limited, No. 10672.) Schmidt H R., and another, New Brighton, Christchurch, N.Z. Rail-joint Schmidt, J. L., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See the Astral Incandescent Lighting Company, Limited, No. 11056.) Schmoll, E., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Cycle-driving mechanism Schmoll, L., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-driving mechanism Schnackenberg, E. H., Raglan, Auckland, N.Z. Wire-strainer and fence-repairer Schwartz, G. G., Wellington, N.Z. Rusticated board Scott D., Dunedin, N.Z. Speed-increasing device for velooipede-riders.. Scott! G., Sydney, N.S.W. Tubulous boiler. (E. Petersen) Scott, H. W., Stratford, N.Z. Liquid cattle-brand Scott W. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Chain-gear brake Seabrook, B. R., and another, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Rock-crusher Searle, W. G., West Eyreton, Canterbury, N.Z. Castrating and tailing instrument Seaton, d! M., San Francisco, U.S.A. Thread-carrier for loom Seaton', D. M., San Franoisco, U.S.A. Loom Sedcole, H., Wellington, N.Z. Wool-press ... .. .. Sell A Colac, Vic. Lifting, loading, unloading, and stacking goods or merchandise Selley, F. W., and another, Enmore, Sydney, N.S.W. Slack-adjuster for brake-gear of railway Shadgett" Elizabeth, Petone, Wellington, N.Z. Draught-concentrator and smoke-preventer for Shanasy 5 E P., Manaia, Taranaki, N.Z. Securing the legs of cows whilst being milked Shepherd, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Spark-extinguisher and smoke-consumer Shepherd, J., Wellington, N.Z. Steering apparatus for traction-engine or steamhoat Shury, A.'h'.', Ashburton, N.Z. Gold-saving ripples .. .. .. .. Shuttleworth J. J., Byde, Sydney, N.S.W. Stopper and fastening for bottles, jars, casks, &c... Siemens Brothers and Company (Limited), London, Eng. Electric arc lamp. (F. Booker) .. Sigley, G., Wanganui, N.Z. Gig-spring .. .. .. Silenette Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Vic. Powder-mtrodueing appliance for curative or surgical purposes. (F. W. Loxton) Silley J H., and another, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Eng. Rotary wool-cutting machine .. Simso'n D C New Plymouth, N.Z. Composition for cure of asthma ... Sinclair, F., and another, Coventry, Eng. (See the Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company, Limited, No. 10386.) , . Sinclair W G and another, Edinburgh, North Britain. Cutting paper into strips or shavings Skelton'F.O., Taradale, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Cattle-stop for railways .. Smaill, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Pump.. .. .. .. •■ - Smelting Corporation (Limited), The. Recovery of zinc from slags or residues. (H. E. Fry Smethurst' E., Christchurch, N.Z. Railway or tramway rolling-stock .. Smethurst E. Christchurch, N.Z. Hanging dropper for wire-fencing Smethurst, E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Dropper for wire-fencing QrviefVinrst E and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Securing fencing-wires to standards Smillie A' and another, North Williamstown, Vic. (See J. B. Zander and J. Cooke, No. 10620.) Smith A., Upper Shotover, N.Z. Recovering gold from beds of rivers, &c. Smith,' C. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Invoice-form holder Smith' D. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Slip-sole Smith' D. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lasting-pliers Smith' F W and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Slip-sole Smith'H B H., Melbourne, Vic. Hand-hook for handling cargo Smith' J.,' and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Machine-belt fastener Smith' j' A Brisbane, Queensland. Cycle-handle Smith! j! Si,' Wellington, N.Z. Mangling- or wringing-machlne. (J. R. Bell and W. Woods, Smith W Wellington, N.Z. Matchbox Smith', w'.'k. S., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Circular frame for holding bicycle so that it shall run oonSnape" 1 and another, Aberystwith, Cardigan, Wales. Gold-extraction by cyanide process c;nffp 8 Wellington, N.Z. Fastening sash-lines Soper, F. 0., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10480.) Sparre, De. (See under D) Speed, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-tire .. Speight J., Kirwee, Canterbury, N.Z. Bicycle-crank SDeieht J Kirwee, Canterbury, N.Z. Spark-extinguisher for engines Speight', j'.', Kirwee, Canterbury, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear Spicer G E Prahran, Vic. Velooipede-tire. (J. A. Bigelow) Sprey,'E.', Dunedin, N.Z. Watertight boot-sole .. .. . .. .. Spriggs W M., and others, Birmingham, Eng. Attaching wire fabrics to bedsteads 10537 10520 11032 10416 10302 10818 10280 10708 10280 10668 10305 10384 10821 10990 10791 11039 11089 10691 10531 10636 10823 10857 10567 10264 10451 10502 10512 10738 10929 11112 10815 10609 10872 11236 11230 11179 11047 10893 10952 27 April. 15 April. 3 Oct. 8 March 21 Jan. 27 July. 13 Jan. 21 June. 13 Jan. 8 June. 21 Jan. 17 Feb. 28 July. 21 Sept. 18 July. 20 Oot. 20 Oct. 10 June. 26 April. 30 May. 28 July. 9 Aug. 2 May. 6 Jan. 19 March. 14 April. 14 April. 1 July. 31 Aug. 31 Oct. 26 July. 20 May. 15 Aug. 13 Dec. 10 Dec. 23 Nov. 10 Oct. 18 Aug. 8 Sept. 10699 10259 18 June. 5 Jan. 10471 10928 10469 11219 31 March. 31 Aug. 28 March. 8 Dec. 10375 10898 10829 10467 19 Feb. 19 Aug. 28 July. 24 March 10870 11003 10862 10380 10862 10442 10633 10488 11220 15 Aug. 26 Sept. 10 Aug. 22 Feb. 10 Aug. 18 March 30 May. 7 April. 8 Dec. 10679 10598 13 June. 12 May. 11264 10351 23 Dec. 12 Feb. 11213 10265 10348 10782 10530 10363 10388 6 Dec. 6 Jan. 11 Feb. 18 July. 25 April. 12 Feb. 28 Feb.




4—H. 10.

Name, Besideuce, and Invention. to. ;e. Squier, C. E., and another, London, Eng. (See the Leather Pneumatio Tire Company, Limited, No. 10635.) Squire, Marie L., Fairview, Timaru, N.Z. Cure for toothache Standfield, E. R., Melbourne, Vic. Dish-cover Stanley, J. C. W., Kensington, Middlesex, Eng. Treating cotton-seed .. Stephenson, F. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Mirror-and-watch combination Stevinson, T., and another, Gloucester, Eng. (See B. A. Lister and Co., Limited, No. 10671.) Stewart, D. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Cycle speed-gear Stewart, J., and another, Pleasant Point, Canterbury, N.Z. Kerosene-oan Stewart, J. F., Wellington, N.Z. Cycle-brake Storrie, A., Invernargill, N.Z. Manure-distributer Streeter, D. C, Haiswell, N.Z. Check-valve for pump Strong, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Composition for destroying moths, larvse, &o. Sully, W., London, Eng. Ore-furnace.. Sutherland, J., and another, New Brighton, Christchurch, N.Z. Bail-joint Sutherland, J., and another, Cbristchurch, N.Z. Toast-making apparatus Sutton, O. L., Oamaru, N.Z. Hay-knife S\d-)S, G., West Oxford, Canterbury, N.Z. Horse-cover Svkes, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Mounting toilet-mirrors Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Wash-tub Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Boat-propeller Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Appliance for use in teaching cycling, swimming, skating, &c. .. Tait| A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Funnel and spark-catcher Tait! A. L. J.. Dunedin, N.Z. Washing-machine.. Titit, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Clothes- or fibre-washing machine Tate, G., and another, Wellington, N Z. Driving-gear for velocipede Taylor, C. H., Montreal, Canada. Hydraulic air-compressor .. Taylor, E. F., Sheffield, York, Eng. Collapsible receptacle made from paper Taylor, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Crate for packing rabbits Taylor J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Gite-hinge Taylor, J. E., Mangere, Auckland, N Z. Hydraulic or aerostatic self-registering weighing-machine Ta\lor! J. M., and another, Chri-tohiuoh, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Taylor! J. W. C, Stratford, T-iranaki, N.Z. Tin for carrying liquids Taylor, W. H., Dannevirke, N.Z. Preventing rain driving under window-sash Taylor,' W. H., Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Preventing rain driving under doors Telfer,'R. P. A., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Saving fine gold Temperley, J., and another, London, Eng. Ba'sing, lowering, and transporting loads Temperley', J. R-, and another. London, Eng. Baising, lowering, and transporting loads Terry, A., jun., Sydney, N.S.W. Barrel-siave protector and bung-hole bushing Thompson, B. V., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Bicycle driving-gear .. .. .. Thompson! K. V., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Bicycle driving-gear Thompson, W. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Babbit-crate Thompson W. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Babbit-crate Thompson, W. J., Kogarah, Sydney, N.S.W. Bicycle-driving mechanism Thomson, Colquhoun-. (See under 0.) Thurlow, E., and another, Melbourne, Vic (See G. J. Betts and F. T. Bower, No. 10507.) Tidd T. H., Auckland, N.Z. Lever-pedal for bicycle Tillb'rook, S., and another, Monarto, S.A. Feed device for fertiliser-drill Timewell, A. T., Chicago, U.S.A. Filled-saek sewing-machine Tolleth, T. E., Wellington, N.Z. War-balloon Tomkies, A. G., Brunnerton, N.Z. Foot-grip for bicycle-pedal .. .. Tomline, B., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Hvdraulie ram Tomline! B., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Tonkin W J., Dunediu, N.Z. Babbit-crate Tooth E Bedfern, Sydney, N.S.W. (See Etothene Gas Company, Limited, No. 10421.) Tooth' E., Bedfern, Sydney, N.S.W. (See Etothene Gas Company, Limited, No. 10422.) Trackson,' J., Brisbane. Q. Acetylene-gas generator for lighting railway-carriages, &o. Travis, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-cover fastening .. Trengr'ove, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Meat-marker Trerig'ove, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Driving belt Trengrove, W. H., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Marking meat Treseder, P., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. C'gar or cigarette Trevor B. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Manufacturing varnish from kauri-gum Trevor' R. C.',' Cnristchurch, N.Z Extracting oil and spirit from kauri-gum refuse Trollop'e, H. C, and another, Wellington, N Z. Tobacco-cutting machine Tullis, J.' K., Glasgow, North Britain. Treating hides and skins Tunze'lmann, De. (See un-'er D.) _ Turnbull, W., Wellington, NZ. Drawing off fixed quantities of liquids Turnbull'W Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for drawing . fi fixed quantities of liquids Tnrton, J. Melbourne, Vic. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 10921.) Tyers W. M., Wellington, N.Z. Device for securing an article to a stand Tyree'A.', and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lasting-pliers .. .. .. .. Tyree,' W., Nelson, N.Z. Acetylene table-, bicycle-, or carriage-lamp Tvree! W., Nelson, N.Z. Acetylene lamp T^ree! W., Nelson, N.Z. Acetylene-generator Tyree W., Nelson, N.Z. Acetylene lamp and generator Tvree'W Nelson, N.Z. Acetylene lamp and generator T\son' J., and another, Bo. gahere, Otagi, N.Z. Dredge-bucket link .. Uhlmann E., Westchester, U.S.A. Manufacturing non-intoxicatmg beverage Umfreville, G. H., and another, Wellington. N.Z. Preserving eggs. (LW. Poor).. Voider H Wellington, N Z. Overweight in ucator Van Bu«kirk S , South Yarra, Vio. Briole and bit for horses Vernon C. E., and another, Plaisfnw, Essex, Eng. Indicating and recording apparatus Verschoyle, W. D.. Christchurch, N.Z. Chain-wheel and chain for cycles Vickery, f! W., London, Eng. Self-feeder for ruling, printing, rolling, and lithographic machines 11059 10943 10562 11094 10514 10487 11130 10600 10961 10720 10301 10791 11062 10960 10632 11175 10428 10663 10783 11063 11064 11146 10758 10283 10325 10271 10964 11093 10886 11002 10678 10767 10541 10808 10808 10820 10532 11053 10401 11099 11137 13 Oct. 5 Sept. 5 May. 25 Oct. 13 April. 7 April. 5 Nov. 18 May. ?S Sept. 25 June. 20 Jan. "18 July. 13 Oct. 6 Sept. 27 May. 22 Nov. 4 March. 1 June. 15 July. 11 Oct. 11 Oct. 10 Nov. 7 July. 13 Jan. 27 Jan. 8 Jan. 3 Sept. 21 Oct. 17 Aug. 23 Sept. 27 June. 12 July. 23 Apiil. 25 July. 25 July. 28 July. 27 April. 11 Oct. 26 Feb. 21 Oct. 10 Nov. 11039 10945 10794 10792 10871 10383 10765 10985 4 Oct. 5 Sept. 19 July. 19 July. 15 Aug. 21 Feb. 8 July. 17 Sept. 11135 10652 10349 10350 11092 11109 10426 11181 10737 10918 10 Nov. 1 June. 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 21 Oct. 27 Oct. 9 Murch. 22 Nov. 1 July. 29 Aug. 10558 10959 5 Hay. 9 Sept. 10555 10380 10417 10478 10571 10572 10768 11078 11067 10339 10492 10120 10449 10936 10504 4 May. 22 Feb. 7 March. 4 April. 6 May. 6 M*y. 12 July. 19 Oct. 17 Oct. 4 Feb. 12 April. 10 March. 19 March. 31 A'.g. 14 April.





Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Vidal, H. E., Paris, France. Process for manufacturing alkaline cyanides and cyanated products Villiers, S. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Tell-tale clock attachment Vincent, A., Normanby, N.Z. Preserving apples .. Volemte (Limited), London, Eng. Method and apparatus for vulcanising and oxidizing fibrous materials for insulating purposes. (F. Lamplough) Von Welsbaeh, G. R. A., Vienna, Austria. Incandescence electric lamp Voyce, W. E., Gisborne, N.Z. Egg-lifter Wall, Wong Young. (See Wong Young Wah.) Wales, J., Newport, Vic. Apparatus for collecting and sedimenting auriferous slimes Walker, A. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Gold- and silver-extraction Walker, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Fencing-post Walker, H. R., New Brighton, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle .. Walker, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Safety appliance for acetylene-gag generator Walker, J. J. F., and another, Ctiristcburch, N.Z. Toast-making apparatus Walker, T. B., Leytonstone, Eng. Manufacture of folding boxes Walker, T. B., Leytonstone, Eng. Cardboard box Waller, G. A., and another, Zeenan, Tas. Peroussion-table Waller, R. F., and another, Zeehan, Tas. Percussion-table .. Wallman, J., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Mode of marking meat Walters, W. B., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for concentrating milk .. Wapshare, E., Narramore, Devonshire, Eng. (See E. T. D. Bell, No. 10998.) Warren, J. G., Gravesend, Kent, Eng. Golf-practice apparatus Waterhouse, W., and others, Birmingham, Eng. Attaching wire fabrics to bedsteads, &c. Waters, A. M., Gore, N.Z. Potato digger, bagger, and separator Watson, W. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Reproducer for graphophone .. Waugh, E., and another, Denver, U.S.A. Dry-ore concentrator and separator Waugh, E. E., and another, Denver, U.S.A. Dry-ore concentrator and separator Weanie, J. E., Waihi, Auckland, N.Z. Mining-cage extension-frame for shaft-sinking Weber, M., Adelaide, S.A. Stamper-battery .. .. .. .. Weeka, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Method of producing a plurality of half-tone printing-blocks of the same object Welch, C. K., Coventry, Eng. Pneumatic tire Welch, C. K., Coventry, Eng. Wheel-tire .. .. .. .] Welch, C. K., Coventry, Eng. Wheel-rim .. .. ,. ,. Weld, S., Christchureh, N.Z. Medicinal compound Wells, A. G., London, Eng. Grinding-mill Wells, A. G., London, Eng. Ore-furnace Welsbaeh, Von. (See under V.) Welsby, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Skylight Welsby, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for raising water Welsby, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-closet siphon Welsby, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ball-cock for water-cistern.. Welsby, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Valve for flushing water-closets and drawing off liquids Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Rotary motor or pump Wetherill, J. P., South Bethlehem, U.S.A. (See Metallurgist Gesellschaft, No. 10594.) Wetherwax, C, Best, N.Y., U.S.A. Process of removing gummy matters from vegetable fibres Whitburn, D., Kuaotunu, A., N.Z. Combined knife, detonating-cap and fuse clinch, and cartridge-punch, for use in blasting operations Whitburn, D., Auckland, N.Z. Scale attachment to compasses for defining distances between points of legs Whitburn, S., Te Aroha, N.Z. Tack-holder White, G., and another, Leicester, Eng. Producing coloured yarns .. " "White" Patent Rail Fastening Company (Limited), The, Adelaide, S.A. Rail-fastening' (R. A. White) 5 ' White, R. A., Adelaide, S.A. (See the "White" Patent Rail Fastening Company Limited No. 10851.) Whitefield, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Airtight closet-pan Whitehead, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Machine for sewing mouths of bags or sacks when full Whitelaw, A. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Toy cinematograph .. Whitelaw, A. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for calculating slide-valves Whitney, A. C, Auckland, N.Z. Granulated gas-check for cartridge Whittaker, A. J., Hawera, N.Z. Doormat-fastener Wildey, E. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Invoice-form holder .. " Wildey, E. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Bicycle-brake .. Wilkins, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Piston-wheel rotary steam-, gas-, or oil-engine Wilkins, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Piston-wheel rotary steam-, gas-, or oil-engine Wilkins, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Eotary steam-, gas-, or oil-engine Wilkinson, R., Auckland, N.Z. Toe-plate Williams, C, Masterton, N.Z. Wire-grip for fencing Williams, 0., Christchureh, N.Z. Machine for peeling and washing potatoes turnips &c Williams, H. E. B , Wellington, N.Z. Indigestion cure .. .. .. ' WilliamB, H. G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Brush Williams, H. W., Onehunga, N.Z. Cleans-ing polish .. .. " Williams, W. F., London, Eng. Elastic tire .. .. .'. Williams, W. F., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Cricket-pads Williamson, G. H., Worcester, Eng. Cover and cutter for hermetically sealed metallic box Williamson, W. A. S., Camberwell, Vic. Rabbit-trapping fence Willmott, W., and another, Cooma, N.S.W. Operating mechanism for wool-press.. Wili-on, H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Split pulley .. Wilson, T. C. Sydenham, N.Z. Gas-stove Wilson, W. R., Narandera, N.S.W. Cultivator .. Windham, F., and another, London, Eng. (See the Leather Pneumatic Tire Oornnan'v" Limited, No. 10635.) r ■" 10798 10802 10454 11074 11159 10931 10689 11242 10887 11027 10648 11062 10618 10968 11170 11170 11092 11196 10634 10388 11154 10910 10559 10559 10654 11178 10639 10811 11075 11076 10861 10739 10845 10761 11045 11095 11096 11231 21 July. ' 22 July. 23 March. 17 Oct. 14 Nov. 25 Aug. 14 June. 17 Deo. 17 Aug. 28 Sept. 31 May. 13 Oct. 26 May. 14 Sept. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Oct. 26 Nov. 30 May. 28 Feb. 14 Nov. 26 Aug. 5 May. 5 May. 6 June. 22 Nov. 31 May. 6 Oct., '97* 4 May, '98* 5 July, '98* 10 Aug. 28 June. 3 Aug. 8 July. 10 Oct. 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 13 Deo. 10564 5 May. 10993 10904 22 Sept. 17 Aug. 11145 7 Nov. 10858 10897 10851 5 Aug. 22 Aug. 8 Aug. 10688 10906 8 June. 20 Aug. 10627 11211 10556 10642 11003 11050 10813 10912 11238 10826 10553 10839 11250 10526 10713 10651 10385 10292 11046 11113 11222 10274 10336 27 May. 5 Dec. 29 April. 2 June. 26 Sept. 10 Oct. 21 July. 23 Aug. 13 Deo. 25 July. 8 May. 2 Aug. 19 Dec. 21 April. 22 June. 1 June. 23 Feb. 17 Jan. 10 Oct. 31 Oct. 8 Dec. 7 Jan. 3Feb,




ALPHABETICAL LIST OF TITLES OF INVENTIONS FOR WHICH LETTERS PATENT HAVE BEEN APPLIED DURING THE YEAR 1898. [Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."]

Name, Kesiclence, and Invention. No. Date. Witham, M. G., Lynn, Mass., U.S.A. (See G. H. B. Corbett, No. 11114.) Wix, A. M., Nelson, N.Z. Trouser-protector for use of cyclists Wong Young Wah, Orepuki, Wallace, N.Z. Fastener for affixing hose-piping to nozzles Woodcock, W. H., West Norwood, Surrey, Eng. Roller-bearings Woodford, A. J. 0., Ohristohuroh, N.Z. Cycle-brake Woods, W., jun., and another, Sheffield, Bng. (See J. S. Smith, No. 11220.) Worland, R., Warrnambool, Vic. Band or hoop for milk-cans, &c. Wortbington, C. C, Irvington, N.Y., U.S.A. Steam-engine .. Wrenn, T. A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-sling.. Wright, F. L., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10480.) Wright, G. M., Wellington, N.Z. Utensil for grilling meat, toasting bread, &c. Wright, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-fastener Wright, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-fastener Wright, J. P., New Haven, U.S.A. (See Diamond Match Company, Limited, No. 11160.) Wright, R. H., and another, Partington, Chester, Eng. Means of advertising Wyett, R. W., Melbourne, Vic. Apparatus for delivering measured quantities of milk, &c. Wynne, A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Means for securing hammer-, axe-, and pick-heads to handles Wynne, W. P., Ballarat, Vic. Roller-mill for crushing quartz Xpediie Machine Company, Lynn, Mass., U.S.A. Heel-finiehing machine. (Z. Beaudry) Young, C. E., and others, Fowler's, N.Z. Brand .. Young, H. S., and another, Leon, Nicaragua. Treating ores for the recovery of metal Young, Wah Wong. (See under W.) Zander, J. B., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Method of and crate for packing rabbits and hares. (T. Durkin and A. Smillie) Zander, J. B., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Tray for use in refrigeration of rabbits and hares Zerener, M. B., Middlesex, Eng. (See the Gold-extraction Syndicate, Limited, No. 10563.) 10354 11126 10389 11121 10645 11030 10398 10908 10680 10493 11227 11123 10260 12 Feb. 31 Oct. 28 Feb. 31 Oct. 2 June. 4 Oct. 1 March. 25 Aug. 13 June. 12 April. 10 Dec. 3 Nov. 5 JaD. 10944 11138 10838 11010 5 Sept. 10 Nov. 15 Sept. 28 Sept. 10620 26 May. 10621 26 May.

Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Abdominal support. L. 18,. Abercrombie Acetylene and carbonic-acid gas combined, Gas plant and system for producing. R. Goodwin Acetylene carriage, cycle, or motor-car lamp. T. Holliday Acetylene gag, Apparatus for generation and storage of. A. Kay Acetylene gas for private and public lighting, Machine for producing. R. Quatannens-Moens and B. Carreer-Dilger Acetylene-gas generator. G. McKnight Acetylene-gas generator. R. H. Jamieson Aoetylene-gas generator. G. E. Mansill Acetylene-gas generator. J. M. Taylor and H. Oakley Acetylene-gas generator. G. Dillberg .. .. .. Acetylene-gas generator and gasometer. E. H. Elliott Acetylene-gas generator for lighting railway-carriages, &c- J. Trackson Acetylene-gas generator or reservoir, Safety appliance for. J. Walker and G. H. Oatway Acetylene-gas lamp. R. Holliday Acetylene-gas lamp. W. Tyree Acetylene gas, Mafcns for using calcium-carbide for purpose of generating. G. Dillberg Acetylene gas, Treatment of calcium-carbide for conversion of same into. G. Dillberg Acetylene-generator. W. Tyree ... .. .. Acetylene lamp. W. Tyree Acetylene lamp and generator. W. Tyree .. .. .: Acetylene lamp and generator. W. Tyree Acetylene table-, bicycle-, or carriage-lamp. W. Tyree Acid or titanium from ironsand, Process and apparatus for extracting titanic. A. Coubrough Acid, Process for manufacturing carbonic. H. S. Elworthy Actuating mechanism, Coin'freed. R. L. H. Murray Adhesive surfaces, Device for moistening. R. M. Hathaway and J. Robertson Adhesive surfaces, Devioe for moistening. R. M. Hathaway and J. Robertson Advertisements, Panoramic apparatus for exhibiting. W. H. Russell and C. H. Peake Advertising cycle. P. C. Powell Advertising, Means of. W. J. Hawkins and R. H. Wright Advertising medium, Apparatus for indicating or recording distance, time, and fare for vehicles; also applicable as an. W. Blaker, J. Ridge, T. Mutton, and H. E. Hupton Advertising-signs. N. L. Baird and H. L. Ives Aerator Method of attaching vessels of milk-, to frame of same. A. Harvey Milk cooler and. W. R. Gutteridge and A. Jack .. .. .. Aerostatic self-registering weighing-machine, Hydraulic or. J.E.Taylor. Agitator for crushed quartz. G. H. and M. J. Oatway Agricultural drills and sowers, Feed for. J. Keir Air, Apparatus for exhausting, and producing a vacuum. M. Fink .. .. Air, Apparatus for treating and cooling heated fats and oils with. C. G. Hepburn Air-compressor, Hydraulic. C.H.Taylor .. .. .. .. < .. Air-cooler. W. Cooper .. .. .. .. .. .. • Air for motive purposes, Method of compressing. E. Bond and W. H. Burton Air-turbine, Method of operating steam-or. J. W. Paige and T. S, E. Dixon Alarm annunciator, Fire-. C. May .. .. .. .. .. Alarm apparatus, Automatic code-telegraph fire-. R.Pearson 10909 10974 10425 107G4 10779 10341 10435 10833 10886 10917 11153 11135 10648 10834 10417 10749 10747 10571 10478 10572 10768 10417 11036 10901 10445 10601 10793 10708 10282 11227 10754 24 Aug. 15 Sept. 10 March. 8 July. 18 July. 4 Feb. 18 March. 30 July. 17 Aug. 29 Aug. 12 Nov. 10 Nov. 31 May. 30 July. 7 May. 5 July. 5 July. 6 May. 4 April. 6 May. 12 July. 7 March. 7 Oct. 23 Aug. 18 March. 18 May. 19 July. 21 June. 13 Jan. 10 Dec. 7 July. 10465 I 10996 11173 11093 10272 10916 10772 10854 10283 10327 10995 10561 10873 11269 7 April. 20 Sept. 22 Nov. 21 Oct. 24 Jan. 26 Aug. 14 July. 8 Aug. 13 Jan. 24 Jan. 20 Sept. 5 May 12 Aug. 28 Dec,




:nvem ;ion and fame o; [nven" ior. No. ;e. Alarm, Electric fire-. J. Gaut Alarm, Electric fire-. J. Gaut Alarm, Electric fire-. J. Gaut Alarm, Electric fire-. J. Gaut Alarm, Fire-. F. Castle Albuminous substances from animal or vegetable products, Process for preparation and extraction of. D. Finkler Alcohol by saccharification and fermentation by mucedineao, Manufacture of. A. CoUette, fils, and A. Boidin Alcohol by saccharification and fermentation by mucedineae, Manufacture of. A. Collette, fils, and A. Boidin Alimentary product. J. H. Kellogg Alkaline cyanides and cyanated products, Process for manufacturing. H. B. Vidal Alluvial gild, Saving. G. H. and A. A. Oatway Alluvial ground, Damming back water from, to facilitate hydraulic elevating and sluicing. A. Smith Amalgamator. H. S. Cope Amalgamator. A. A. Loukwood .. .. .. .. .. Amalgamator, Gold-saving. B. U. Golding Ambulance stretcher. H.Desmond Anatomic, entomologic, &c, specimens, Process for preserving. F. and G. de Bechter Animal fats, Treating. C. H. Izard Animal-, fish-, or vermin-trap. W. and T. D. Bayliff and B. Draper Annunciator, Fire-alarm. C.May Ants, &c, Composition for destroying white. W. Bain Aperient edible, Medicated. H. E. D'Albites Apples, Preserving. A. Vincent Aic lamp. W. Jandus Arc lamp, Electric. Siemens Brothers and Co. (Limited) Arrester, Spark-. H. S. Krichauff and W. Bufus Artificial fuel. W.E.Hughes .. .. .. • Artificial stone. S. G. Kilminster Artillery purposes, Dynamite-shell for. J. Arnaboldi Asthma cure. D. C. Simson Auriferous ores, Mode of and apparatus for decanting solutions from. J. J. Deeble Auriferous slimes, Apparatus for collecting and sedimenting. J. Wales Auriferous washes, crushed quartz, &c, Agitating. G. H. and M. J. Oatway Auto-luminous composition. L. Braly Auto-motor carriage or vehicle. W. J. Brewer and J. E. Cooper Axe-, hammer-, and pick-heads to handles, Means for securing. F. Baker and W. Wynne Axes, &c, Shield or guard for handles of. F. Baker Axle for use with solid or rubber tires on bicycles, &c, Spring. C. C. Morris Bag for preservation of frozen, fresh, &c, produce, Wrapper or. F. A. Furlonge .. Bag machine, Paper-. A. Brainard .. .... Bagger, and separator, Potato digger. A. M. Waters Bagging, Preventing trousers. C. C. A. Hall Bags or sacks, Machine for sewing mouths of. J. Crook and E. Whitehead Bags, facks, bales, &c, Brand for sheep. G. Lambert Baker's dough, &c, Compound /or use in making yeast. J. T. Norton Balance and ready reckoner, Spring. W. S. Andrews and J. Boock Balance, Window-sash end. T. Andrew Bale-covering. M. A. Heath Baling-press, Monkey-plate and ram for. W. Humble and W. Nicholson Ball-cock for water-cisterns. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby .. .. •'* ., Balloon, War-. T. E. Tolleth .. .. .. .. " Band or hoop for milk-cans, &c. B. Worland Band, Travelling-. A. J. Cuming .. .. Bar for cycles, Handle-. G. S. Bobertson Barrel-or cask-racking apparatus. J.J.Marshall Barrel-stave protector and bung-hole bushing. A. Terry, jun. Bars, Concave. J. P. Neilson • Bath. G. McCaul Battens, Method of attaching, to reaper-and-binder canvases. T. H. Mann Battery, Galvanic. A. J. Benedict Battery-stamps for crushing quartz, Lifting and directing. B. Oockerell Battery. (See Electric battery, Primary battery, Stamper battery.) Beading-spouting dies. H. G. Bedell .. Bearings, Boiler-. W. H. Woodcock .. .. .. .. ,. i _ Beaters for reaping-and-binding machinery. J. Kelly, jun. .. Beating-bar and feed-mouth for flax-stripper. W. Fairweather Bed and bedstead, Stretcher-. J. Morris Bed-and foot-warmer. F. B. Clapcott.. .. .. .. Bedstead, Stretcher-bed and. J. Morris Bedsteads, &c, Attachment of wire fabrics to. W. M. Spriggs and W. Waterhouse Beer, &c, Filtering apparatus for. H. E. Brittin Bell, Cycle-. C. L. Dearsley and A. W. Lane Belt, Driving-. W. H. Trengrove Belt-fastener. S. B. Brewerton Belt fastener, Machine-. C. J. and A. E. Inder and J. Smith Bench-cramp or work-holder. B. C. Humphreys Bench, Feed-gear for saw-. G. A. Gamman .. .. Beverage, Manufacturing non-intoxicating. E. Uhlmann Bicycle. J. Gaut Bicycle, Apparatus for use in learning to ride a. F. W. Painter Bicycle attachment to prevent lubricants soiling rider's apparel. H. M. and J. Levinge Bicycle-brake. B. Locking .. .. .. .. Bicyole-brake. E. M. Wildey .. .. .. .. .. ).) 10370 10399 10468 11260 10661 10596 11131 11132 10617 10798 10273 10870 10373 10740 11006 11243 11214 11183 11058 10873 10789 11248 10454 10322 11047 10818 11013 10472 10971 10259 10687 10689 10272 10326 11229 10260 10880 10673 10485 11158 11154 10660 10906 10565 10970 11118 10950 10842 10690 11096 10792 10645 19309 10372 10987 10820 10344 11239 10630 10266 10580 19 Feb. 1 March 30 Maroh 22 Deo. 4 June. 17 May. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 26 May. 21 July. 24 Jan. 15 Aug. 19 Feb. 28 June. 28 Sept. 14 Dec. 8 Dec. 25 Nov. 13 Oct. 12 Aug. H July. 21 Deo. 23 March 27 Jan. 10 Oct. 27 July. 28 Sept. 1 April. 10 Sept. 5 Jan. 13 June. 14 June. 24 Jan. 27 Jan. 12 Dec. 5 Jan. 17 Aug. 7 June. 7 April. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 8 June. 20 Aug. 6 May. 13 Sept. 2 Nov. 8 Sept. 5 Aug. 14 June. 25 Oct. 19 July. 2 June. 19 Jan. 19 Feb. 19 Sept. 28 July. 4 Feb. 16 Deo. 27 May. 5 Jan. 29 April. 10915 10389 10453 10518 10409 10806 10409 10388 11237 11224 10350 10644 10633 11166 10830 11067 10321 10837 10395 10299 11050 29 Aug. 28 Feb. 19 March 15 April. 5 March 15 July. 5 March 28 Feb. 15 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Feb. 1 June. 30 May. 19 Nov. 30 July 17 Oct. 27 Jan. lAug. 1 March. 20 Jan. 10 Oct.




[nveni jion am fame oi [nven ior. I No. Date. Bicycle, Circular frame for holding, so that it shall run in a circle. W. R. S. Smith Bicycle, Convertible. J. R. McRae Bicycle-crank. J. Speight Bicycle driving-gear. R. V. Thompson and C. A. Hoiton Bicycle driving-gear. W. J. Lloyd and W. Priest Bicycle driving-gear. J. Speight Bicycle driving-gear. R. V. Thompson, C. A. Horton, and W. Murphy Bicycle driving-gear. T.R.Alexander.. Bicycle-driving mechanism. W.J.Thompson Bicycle, Folding. G. Patersoa Bicycle-gear. M. R. Pierce and F. H. Murphy Bicycle-gearing. Ah Pat .. .. .. .. .. .. .-. Bicycle-lamp, Acetylene. W. Tyree Bicycle, Lever-pedal for. T. H. Tidd .. .. .. .. .. .' ° Bicycle, Military. G. Paterson Bicycle- or tricycle-crank. A. Mackay, J. Drummond, and J. and M. Christophersen Bicycle-pedal, Foot-grip for. A. G. Tomkies Bicycle, Pneumatic handle for. H. Morrison Bicycle rest. G. W. Newson and J. P. Harris Bioycle, Spur-gearing for driving. T. H. Austin and J. Mikoz .. .. " Bicycle, Spring axle for use with solid or rubber tires on. C. G. Morris .. Bicycle-stand. A. J. Cuming ■ Bicycle-stand. A. J. Cuming Bicycle-support. R. S. -McFarland and G. K. Askin Bicycle-support. G. W. Newson and J. P. Harris Bicycle-tire. J. B. Speed Bicycle. (See also Cycle, Encycle, Monocyclo, Tire, Tricycle, Velocipede, Wheel ) Billhook, Slasher or. G. Lovell Billiard- and dining-table combined. D. McKenzie Billiard-cues, Apparatus for chalking. J. S. R 'berts Billiard-pool marbles, Box for holding. W. Miller Billiard-table, Circular. W. H. Chapman and T. Falvey Binder or clip. U. Dudley Binder. (See Reaper-and-binder.) Bit for horses, Bridle and. S. van Buskirk Bit, Method of joining brace and. W. H. C. Harrison Bits, Combination brace and. W. H. C. Harrison Blackboard and stand. W. Fairhead .. Blackboard-stand. G. Howe and E. Larcomb Blasting operations, Combined knife, detonating-cap and fuse clinch, and cartridge-punch for use in. D. Whitburn Bleaching cotton, &c, Machine for. W. B. Brain.. Blight and mildew on trees, Mixture for destroying. B. Dawson Blind. J. F. Adams and C. R. Iorns .. .. .. .. .. ■ ' Blind-balance, Window-sash- and. T. Andrew Blind, Bamboo sun-. J. J. Macky Blind, cornice, and curtain-pole, Venetian. R. Cosslett .. .. .. \ " Block. (See Printing block.) Board and dolly combined, Washing-. H. Cooper Board, Rusticated. G. G- Schwartz .. .. .. .. .. [] Board, Washing-. H. T. Hamilton Boat-propeller. A. L. J. Tait Boat-rudder, Method of shipping. F. Hull Boat-rudder, Method of shipping. F.Hull .. .. .. .. \\ Bodice-patterns, Chart for setting out. W. Male Boiler and flue, High-pressure. J, Gell Boiler, Flange for copper washing-. J. Anderson .. .. ... .. ] Boiler for hot-water system. G. Croll Boiler, Hot-water or steam. T. Danks Boiler, Tubulous. G. Scott Boilers and steam-pipes, Compound for ooating. D. R. S. Galbraith Boiling-down works, Extraction of marketable commodities from waste liquors of. G. S. Mackenzie Book for goods-sales, Check-. D. G. Brown Boot. W.H.Payne Boot-fastening. T. S. Lodge .. .. .. ... Boot fastening or clasp. V. Bergman and W. G. Boyle .. .. .. .. Boot-lace fastening. W. W. Cabena Boot or shoe, Cycling. H. Corrick Boot or shoe, Eyelet-fastener for. J. A. Belk .. .. .. .. '' Boot-polisher. J. Macgregor Boot-, shoe-, or plipper-upper. S. Hemus Boot-sole-pegging machine, Peg cut-off mechanism for. C. H. B. Corbett Boot-sole and its connection to upper. E. Sprey Boring machine, Earth-. F. H. Dannhardt and M. Mailer Bot-fly exterminator. A. C. Morton and A. J. Knocks .. .. '' Bottle, and seal therefor. J. H. Moore .. .. .. .. - Bottle-labelling machine. S. Fyfe .. .. .. Bottle-labelling machine. S. Fyfe and W. C. Peacock Bottle, Non-refillable. J. H. Pomeroy .. Bottle, Non-refillable. H. R. Walker .. .. .. .. \' t Bottle, Non-refillable. D. A. Mclntyre and A. Y. Dickinson Bottles, jars, casks, &c, Stopper and fastening for. J. J. Shuttleworth .. Bottles liable to destruction after use, Means for rendering. J. H. Pomeroy Bottles, &c, Machine lor labelling tins, jars. J. R. Bradley, H. Giles, and F. V. Sanderson Bottles, Tray attachment to. J. P. Robertson Bowl or drum for centrifugal separator. R. A. Lister and Co. (Limited) .. .[ 10598 10676 10265 10532 10456 10782 11053 11209 11137 10297 10703 10957 10417 11039 10296 10291 10871 10278 10752 10967 10673 10677 10760 10718 10892 11213 12 May. 13 June. 6 Jan. 27 April. 21 March. 18 July. 11 Oct. 1 Deo. 10 Nov. 19 Jan. 20 June 9 Sept. 7 March. 4 Oct. 19 Jan. 18 Jan. 15 Aug. 11 Jan. 5 July 7 Sept. 7 June. 11 June. 6 July. 22 June. 19 Aug. 6Dao. 11115 10994 10410 11023 10522 11217 27 Oct. 19 Sept. 5 March. 24 Sept. 16 April. 8 Dec. 11420 11276 11165 11117 10941 10904 10 March. 29 Dec. 16 Nov. INov. 3 Sept. 17 Aug. 10614 10267 10814 10950 10315 10723 19 May. 6 Jan. 26 July. 8 Sept. 20 Jan. 22 June. 10890 10531 10841 10663 10696 10846 10865 1078Q 10412 10497 10742 10823 10276 10405 19 Aug. 26 April. 4 Aug. 1 June. 13 June. 2 Aug. 12 Aug. 18 July. 1 March. 7 April. 30 June. 28 July. 7 Jan. 4 March. 10275 10603 10362 11042 11080 10992 10345 10628 10381 11114 10363 10707 11259 11054 10444 10670 10464 11027 11275 11179 10566 10305 10656 10671 11 Jan. 19 May. U Feb. 10 Oct. 20 Oct. 22 Sept. 8 Feb. 21 May. 17 Feb. 31 Oct. 12 Feb. 21 June. 22 Dec. 11 Oct. 18 March. 10 June. 22 March. 28 Sept. 29 Dee. 23 Nov. 4 May. 21 Jan. 7 June. 10 June.




Invention and Name of Inventor. 10. Se. Box, Apparatus for making sheec-metal. T. L. Oarbone Boxes, Manufacture of folding. T. B. Walker Boxes, &c. Method of fastening and locking travelling-trunks. J. Roland Box for holding billiard-pool marbles. W. Miller Box or can, with means for opening same. A. Cameron, jun. Box or case, Cover and cutter for hermetically sealed. G. H. Williamson Box. (See also Case ; Coal, peat, or wood fire-box; Collapsible cardboard box, Lottery-box, Match-box, Produce-box, Trunk.) Brace and bit, Method of joining. W. H. 0. Harrison Brace and bits, Combination. W. H. C. Harrison.. .. . • Braces. A. H. Cotton ... Bracket for spouting, Clip-. T. Ballinger and W. Milligan Brake for mining-cage, &c. H. Rabe Brake for training horses to harness. A. le Fleming Brake-gear of railway rolling-stock, Slack-adjuster for. F. W. Selley and W. H. Nisbet Brake. (See also Bicycle-brake, Chain-gear brake, Cycle-brake, Door-brake, Vehicle-brake, Veiocipede-brake.) Brand, Cattle-, sheep-, and horse-. M. Davies. .. Brand for branding sheep, bales, &c. G.Lambert.. Brand for soaps, confectionery, &c. J. H. Dalton Brand, Liquid cattle-. H. W. Scott Brand, Liquid sheep-, cattle-, or horse-. 0. E. Young, W. C. Greig, and J. F. Day Brand, Sheep-. G. Renner and W. H. Boyens Brand, Sheep-. G. Rermer and W. H. Boyens Branding apparatus. A. J. Cuming Branding apparatus. A. J. Cuming Branding composition. G. H. Kemp Branding composition. H.Gibson Branding composition. G. H. Fry and G. J. Cullen Branding instrument. J. B. Beale Branding meat, Device for marking or. M. and J. A. Belk Brazing, &c, Composition of carbons for electric welding. G. W. de Tunzelmann Breaking rock, Method of and apparatus for. T. A. Edison Breaking up or cutting rocks, &c, Apparatus for. F. Lobnitz Bricking ores, Process of and apparatus for concentrating and. T.A.Edison Brickmaking, Wire-cutting side-delivery table for. J. S. Laurie and E. L. Clark Bridle and bit for horses. S. van Buskirk .. .. _ • • . Briquettes, Machine for forming pulverised iron-ores, coal, &c, into. T. A. Edison Broom or brush. J. Matherson Brush or broom. J. Matherson Brush, Protective device for. S. G. Roseman Brush, Reversible. S. G. Roseman Brush, Scrub-. S. G. Roseman Brush, Scrubbing-, shoe-, or stove-. H. G. Williams, A. Broad, and C. G. Crolly .. Bucket, Gold crevice dredge-. E.Hayes Bucket, Handle to enable kerosene-tin to be used as. V. S. Aston Bucket link, Dredge-. W. J. Le Cren and J. Tyson Buckle-fastener. A. A. and T. S. Grace Buggy-spring, Trap- and. J. Robin Building, Carbo-oelluloid. A. W. Bickerton Building, Ventilating ridging for. J. H. Blaekwood Bung-hole bushing, Barrel-stave protector and. A. Terry, jun. Burner. H. McM. Hamrick and W. S. Miller Burner. H. McM. Hamrick .. Burner. H. McM. Hamrick Burner for inoandesence oil-lamp. The " Era " Incandescent Oil Lamp Company (Limited) .. Burner for petroleum-lamp. G. Kron .. .. .. •• •• Burner, Illuminating appliance to be used in connection with Bunsen or other. F. Isitt Burner, Incandescence gas-. O. Kern Burner, Incandescent gas-. J.B. deLery Burner, Incandescent oil-lamp. J. W. Butcher and J. A. Pietzcker Burner. (See also Oil-burner.) Bus or car name-indicator lamp. A. C. Atkin Bushing, Barrel-stave protector and bung-hole. A. Terry, jun. Butter-making. D. R. S. Galbraith Butter-making. D. R. S. Galbraith Butter-making. D. R. S. Galbraith Butter-preserving composition. M. J. Hodgson Butter-printing and weighing machine. A. Christie Cabinet stool, Music-. W. Angell .. .. ■ • • • Cage extension-frame for shaft-sinking, Mining-. J. E. Wearne Cage, Grip-brake for mining-. H. Rabe Cages, &c, Safety-brake for lifts, elevator-cars. T. B. Jacobsen Cages, lifts, &c, Wedge-grip for shaft of. P. G. Kelly Calcium-carbide for generating acetylene gas, Means for using. G. Dillberg Calcium-carbide, Manufacture of. Etothene Gas Company (Limited). Calcium-carbide, Protective coverings for compressed cakes composed of granulated. G. Dillberg Calcium-carbide, Treatment of, whereby conversion of same into acetylene gas may be retarded without the aid of mechanical devices. G. Dillberg Calculating slide-valves, Apparatus for. P. Ellis and A. A. Whitelaw .. Cambridge roller. T. E. Kilworth ;. .. , .. Can. A. J. Park.. Can, Combination hoop and handle for milk-. A. Harvey Can, Force ejector for oil-. G. Claydon .. -. •• .. Can-handle. W. A. McKay.. 10587 10618 11035 11023 10524 10292 12 May. 26 May. 5 Oct. 24 Sepi. 19 April. 17 Jan. 11276 11165 10629 10956 10807 11085 11112 29 Deo. 16 Nov. 21 May. 9 Sept. 18 July. 17 Oct. 31 Oct. 11102 10565 11077 10857 10838 10328 11228 10885 11025 10387 10523 10853 10844 10333 11195 11069 10977 11068 10610 10420 11072 10711 10711 11097 11098 10418 10526 11212 10463 11078 10316 11169 10695 11024 10820 11189 11190 11191 11274 10440 10597 10538 11157 10529 27 Oct. 6 May. 11 Oct. 9 Aug. 15 Sept. 28 Jan. 12 Dec. 16 Aug. 26 Sept. 26 Feb. 18 April. 8 Aug. 22 Nov. 1 Feb. 26 Nov. 17 Oct. 15 Sept. 17 Oct. 16 May. 10 March. 17 Oct. 16 June. 16 June. 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 9 March, 21 April. 1 Dec. 21 March 19 Oct. 25 Jan. 19 Nov. 16 June. 26 Sept. 28 July. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 29 Dec. 18 March. 17 May. 27 April. 14 Nov. 25 April. 10812 10820 10649 10983 11267 10396 10746 11084 10654 10807 10796 10868 10749 10422 10748 21 July. 28 July. 4 June. 17 Sept. 28 Dec. 2 March. 5 July. 17 Oct. 6 June. 18 July. 20 July. 2 Aug. 5 July. 10 March. 5 July. 10747 5 July. 11211 10484 11235 10997 10430 10836 5 Dec. 5 April. 14 Dec. 20 Sept. 12 Maroh 2 Aug.




inveni iion am :ame o] [nveni ior. o. Can, Kerosene-. G. Lambert and J. Stewart Can with force ejecting-pump, Oil-. G. Claydoa Can, with means for opening same, Box or. A. Cameron, jun. Cans, &c, Band or hoop for milk-. R. Worland .. Cans. (See also Tins.) Candle composition. D. R. S. Galbraith Candle, Device for preventing guttering of. W. C. Greig Candle-holder. W. Meikle and J. Chambers Candles, Manufacturing. W. C. Greig and J. H. Gardner Candlestick mechanism. P. E. Richardson and J. S. Allan Canning food, Process of. E. Norton Cap for chimney, Rocking-. B. Roberts and T. Rose .. . * Carbide of calcium, Manufacture of. Btotheno Gas Company (Limited) Carbo-ce!luloid building. A. W. Bickerton Carbonic-acid gas, Gas plant and system for producing acetylene and. R. Goodwin Carbonic acid, Process for manufacturing. H. S. Elworthy .. Carbons for electric welding, brazing, &c, Composition of. G. W. de Tunzelmann Carbonyl, Process and apparatus for obtaining metallic nickel from nickel-. L. Mond Cardboard box, Collapsible. T. B. Walker Carriage-lamp, Acetylene. W. Tyree Carriage-lamp, Acetylene. T. Holliday Carriage or vehicle, Auto-motor. W. J. Brewer and J. E. Cooper .. • .. Carriage, Station-indicator for railway-. W. C. and H. M. Dennes .. .. Carrier for loom, Thread-. D. M. Seaton Car name-indicator lamp, Bus or. A. C. Atkin Cars, cages, &c, Safety-grip for lifts, elevator-. T. B. Jaeobsan Cart-saddle. H. Hitchcock Cartridge, Granulated gas-check for. A.C.Whitney Cartridge-punch for use in blasting operations, Combined knife, detonating-cap and fuse clinch, and. D. Whitburn Carttidge-wad, and process of manufacturing same. W. Jones Case, Cover and cutter for hermetically sealed box or. G. H. Williamson .. ' Case, Fruit-. A. M. Newman ... Case or box for fruit, &c, Packing. A. M. Newman Cash-payments, Machine for cheeking. M. J. Allan Cash-rcgiNter. The Empire Cash Register (Limited) Cask-racking apparatus, Barrel- or. J. J. Marshall .. .. Cask-tilt. W. N. E. Mason.. Casks, &c, Stopper and fastening for bottles, jars. J. J. Shuttleworth Castor, Furniture-. T. Byers Castrating and tailing instrument. H. W. Acton-Adams .. .. Castrating and tailing instrument. W. G. Searle.. Castrating, tailing, and ear-marking instrument combined. F. A. Macdonald Cathodes, Electro-deposition of copper on rotary. M. Perreur-Lloyd Cattle-brand, Liquid. H.W.Scott Cattle-, or horse-brand, Liquid sheep-. C. E. Young, W. C. Greig, and J. F. Day .. Cattle-stop for railways. F. O. Skelton Caustic potash and potash, Making. H. M. Levinge ' Celluloid building, Carbo-. A. W. Bickerton Cement, artificial stone, and suchlike, Compound for manufacture of. S. G. Kilrninster Centrifugal separator, Bowl or drum for. R. A. Lister and Co. (Limited) Cess-pan, Airtight. L. L. McDermott Chaff-cutter, Cutting-knife or blade for. J. Cook, jun. Chaff, Method of and apparatus for cutting. W. G. Breese Chain for cycles, Chain-wheel and. W. D. Verschoyle Chain-gear brake. W. A. Scott Chain-wheel and chain for cycles. W. D. Verschoyle Chair, Reclining-. P. Bock .. Chalking billiard-cues, Apparatus for. J. S. Roberts Chart for setting out bodice-patterns. W. Male Chart, Vamping-. T. E. Carter Check for cartridge, Granulated gas-. A. C. Whitney Check-valve for pump. D. C. Streeter Checking and stopping machinery, Device for. W. H. Grey and H. W. Parsons Checking cash-payments. Machine for. M. J. Allan Checking sales of goods, Method of and book for. D. G. Brown Chimney, Rocking-cap for. B. Roberts and T. Rose Chimney-top. B. Roberts and T. Rose Chimney-top. B. Roberts and T. Rose China, porcelain, &c, Process for photographing on. H. W. Drew and F. N. Jonas Cigar or cigarette. P. Trt-seder and J. A. Jackson Cigarette, Cigar or. P. Treseder and J. A. Jackson Cigarette-machine. E. T. Gilliland Cigarette, Machinery for finishing end of. J. S. Beeman Cigarette, Machinery for providing, with reinforcement or mouth end. J. S. Beeman Cigarette, Mouth-piece. E. T. Gilliland Cigarettes, Tipping. J. S. Beeman Cinematograph, Toy. P. Ellis and A. A. Whitelaw Cistern, Ball-cock for water-. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Cistern, supply and ejector. H.A.Ross Cistern, Silt-ejector for tank or. S. Oxenham Cistern, Siphon for water-closet. W. Barlass .. .. .. ■ .. Clarionet, G-sharp mechanism for. S. Kettridge .. .. Clasp, Boot fastening or. V. Bergman and W. G. Boyle ., ,, 10487 10759 10524 10645 11268 10962 10359 11040 10955 10503 10582 10422 10695 10974 10901 11195 10403 10968 10417 10425 11229 11037 10502 10812 10796 10342 10556 10904 11043 10292 10795 10578 10979 11270 10987 \1246 11179 11261 10407 10451 11026 10331 10857 10838 10928 10926 10695 10472 10671 10978 11108 10625 10936 10567 10936 11005 10410 10865 10290 10556 10961 10685 10979 10275 10582 10581 10876 10879 11109 11109 10560 10728 10727 10508 10447 10627 11096 11253 30816 10371 10624 11042 7 April. 6 July. 19 April. 2 June. 23 Dec. 10 Sept. 9 Feb. 7 Oct. 5 Sept. 14 April. 10 Aug. 10 March. 16 June. 15 Sept. 23 Aug. 26 Nov. 4 March. 14 Sept. 7 March. 10 March. 12 Dec. 7 Oct. 14 April. 21 July. 20 July. 4 Feb. 29 April. 17 Aug. 10 Oct. 17 Jan. 20 July. 7 May. 12 Sept. 8 Dec. 19 Sept. 19 Dec. 23 Nov. 22 Deo. 3 March. 19 March. 27 Sept. 31 Jan. 9 Aug. 15 Sept. 31 Aug. 27 Aug. 16 June. 1 April. 10 June. 6 Sept. 25 Oct. 23 May. 31 Aug. 2 May. 31 Aug. 28 Sept. 5 March. 12 Aug. 15 Jan. 29 April. 5 Sept. 13 June. 12 Sept. 11 Jan. 10 Aug. lO.Aug. 10 Aug. 17 Aug. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 5 Mav. 27 June. 27 June. 14 April. 19 March. 27 May. 25 Oct. 19 Dec. 22 July. 19 Feb. 26 May. 10 Oct.




Invention and Name of Inventor. fo. ;e. Classifying apparatus for quartz and other ores, Crushing and. J. Colquhoun-Thomson Cleaner and peeler, Potato. F. W. Naumann and M. Corrigan Cleaning and polishing floor-cloths, &c, Preparation for. F. B. Ovenden Cleaning machine, Knife-. W. Dalley Cleaning out accumulations formed in metal pipes, Pipe-scraper for. S. Crawshaw Cleaning. (See also Seed-cleaning, Seed-dressing.) Cleansing and bleaching materials and extracting oleine from milk, Machine for. W. B. Brain Cleansing polish. H.W.Williams Clip-braeket for spouting. T. Ballinger and W. Milligan Clip, Cycle-pedal and toe-. H. G. Bedell Clip for securing pump to velocipede. The Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited) Clip or binder. U. Dudley Clipping machine, Sheep-shearing or. J. Alders .. Clock attachment, Tell-tale. O. Draeger and S. J. Villiers .. ..■ .. .. Clock-face indicator, Office-return. G.H.Lester.. Clock for use in starting races. H. Reynolds .. .. Closet cistern, Siphon for water-. W. Barlaes Closet, Dry-earth. T. Morrison and W. J. T. Ranger .. .. Closet-pan, Airtight. J. Whitefield and F. S. Parker Closets, Apparatus for cutting paper for water-. F. J. Leonard .. Closet seat, Water-. A. S. and W. H. Ballinger .. Closet siphon, Water-. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Closets, Valve for flushing water-. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Clothes, Appliance for shifting and draining, in the process of washing. A. Batten Clothes-or fibre-washing machine. A. L. J. Tait .. Clothes-peg. F. J. Leonard and G. B. Hutton Clothes peg. W. C. Greig .. Clothes-peg. J. Robinson .. Clothes-trunk. W.Parker .. Clothes-washing machine. E. Corrick Clothes-washing machine. A. L. J. Tait Clutch-gear, Speed-governor and. T. G. Howden Clutches for dredge-winch. L. Reynolds Coal, &c, Machine for forming pulverised iron-ore, into briquettes. T. A. Edison Coal! peat, or wood fire-box. R. Brinsley and P. S. B. Bett .. Coat-adjustment. D. Nable Coating and applying machine. J. S. Beeman Cock for water-cistern, Ball-. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Coffin. J. J. Daily Coin-freed actuating mechanism. R. L. H. Murray .. Coin-freed mechanism, Cycle-pump operatable by. G. B. Gallup Collapsible cardboard box. T. B. Walker Collapsible receptacle made from paper. E. T. Taylor Collars and saddles, Improvements in horse-. H.Hitchcock.. Collar. (See Horse-collar.) Collision-mat and repairing-gear for preventing vessels from foundering. J. Donald Coloured yarns, Production of. R. Donisthorpe and G. White Comb and cleaner attachment, Hair-. A. H. Cotton Compasses, Scale attachment to, for denning distances between points of. D. Whitburn Compressing air for motive purposes, Method of. E. Bond and W. H. Burton Compressor, Hydraulic air-. C. H. Taylor Concave bars. J. P. Neilson Concentrating iron-ores and bricking same, Process of and apparatus for. T. A. Edison Concentrating milk, Apparatus for. W. B. Walters .. .. ... Concentrator and separator, Dry-ore. R. E. and E. Waugh Concentrator and smoke-preventer for register grates, Draught-. E. Shadgett Contrete pipes, &c, Method of and machine for manufacturing. W. E. Hughes Conduit for fermented or corrosive liquids, Pipe or. E. Roberts and H. R. Dixson Confectionery, &c, Brand for soaps. J. H. Dalton Constipation, &c, Remedy for indigestion. H. J. Beeche Consumer and fuel-economizer, Smoke-. G.H.Hope Consumer, Spark-extinguisher and smoke-. J. Shepherd Conveying attachment for reaper-and-binder. J. A. Berg and J. Matheson Conveying loads, Apparatus for. J. and J. R. Temperley Conveyor, Elevator and. T.A.Edison.. Cooker, Steam. G. A. Amos Cooker, Steam. J. T. Love .. Cooking-raDge. S. Barningham, E. T. O'Connell, and T. McCormack .. Cooking-] ange. B. S. and J. H. Nicholls Cooking-stove. W. Congreve Cooking-stove, Gas. T. C. Wilson Cooler and aerator, Milk. W. R. Gutteridge and A. Jack Cooler end preseiver for dairy and other produce. J.S.Allan Cooling heated fats and oils with air, Apparatus for treating and. C. G. Hepburn Cooling. (See also Freezing, Refrigerating, Ventilating.) Copper on rotary cathodes, B'.lectro-deposition of. M. Perreur-Lloyd Copper-stick, Washing. J. H. Piice Copper washing-boiler, Fla,nge for. J.Anderson .. .. -.. Copper, zinc, and lead, Treating complex ore for recovery of. G. de Bechi Corkscrew. T. H. Driver Cornice and curtain-pole, Venetian blind. R. Cosslett Corrosive liquids, Pipe or conduit for fermented or. E. Roberts and H. R. Dixson Corrugated iron, Nail for securing. J. Greenhill .. Corset attachment for supporting t-kirts. G. H. Cairn Cost-indicet ng, registering, and weight-totalling apparatus for weighing-machine. W. H. and W. L. D. Gundry 10659 10714 10432 10335 10476 7 June. 23 June. 15 March. 31 Jan. 2 April. 10614 10713 10956 10361 10386 11217 10511 10802 10712 10884 10371 10675 10688 10698 10840 11095 11231 10477 11146 10313 10411 11082 10392 11119 11146 10533 10515 11072 10819 10947 10755 11096 10439 10445 10852 10968 10325 10342 19 May. 22 June. 9 Sept. 16Feb. 26 Feb. 8 Deo. 14 April. 22 July. 16 June. 29 Aug. 19 Feb. 7 June. 8 June. 14 June. 4 Aug. 25 Oct. 13 Deo. 4 April. 10 Nov. 17 Jan. 5 March, 20 Oct. 25 Feb. 2 Nov. 10 Nov. 27 April. 13 April. 17 Oct. 23 July. 5 Sept. 7 July. 25 Oct. 18 March. 18 March 8 Aug. 14 Sept. 27 Jan. 4 Feb. 11151 10897 11129 11145 10995 10283 10344 11068 11196 10559 10815 11163 10304 11077 11004 10895 10872 10364 10808 11071 10490 10637 10462 10729 10289 10274 11173 10433 10854 8 Nov. 22 Aug. 1 Nov. 7 Nov. 20 Sept. 13 Jan. 4 Feb. 17 Oct. 26 Nov. 5 May. 26 July. 15 Nov. 21 Jan. 11 Oct. 28 Sept. 20 Aug. 15 Aug. 28 Feb. 25 July. 17 Oct. 7 April. 31 May. 21 Marcli. 27 June. 13 Jan. 7 Jan. 22 Nov. 15 March. 8 Aug. 10331 11061 10412 11226 10437 10723 10304 11044 11205 11144 31 Jan. 13 Oct. 1 March. 10 Dec. 18 March. 22 June. 21 Jan. 10 Oct. 1 Dec. 10 Nov.




' 5-H. 10.

Invention and Name of Inventor. to. ;e. Cotton-cutter and reel-holder. D. W. McLean .. Cotton-reel holder. W. C. Greig Cotton-seed, Treatment of. J. C. W. StanleyCotton, wool, or hair, Press for. 6. A. Lowry Couchy land, Method of and apparatus for ploughing. Q. Muir Coulter for plough. A. W. Lpgg .. .. .. Coupling or joint, Rail. G. Gettings, C. Grosvenor, and W. S. Greenville Coupling or union, Hose-. J. Durward and K. Rowe Coupling railway metal. F. Ottaway Couplings, Spanner for hose-. W. Juriss .. ... Cover and cutter for hermetically sealed metallic box or case. G. H. Williamson Cover of pneumatic tire, Tool for removing and replacing. T. and H. Bennett Cover of pneumatic tube to rim, Holding. J. Cottrell Cover, Tire and Tire-. J. M. MacLulich Cover. (See also Bale-cover, Dish-cover, Horse-cover, Jug-cover.) Covering for growing plant, Protective. R. Goulding .. .. -, . Cows, Holder for legs of. E. P. Shanasy Cramp, Lining-. A. J. Davey Cramp or work-holder, Bench-. R. C. Humphreys Crane. D. Roche Crank, Bicycle-. J. Speight .. . • • • • • Crank, Bicycle- or trioycle-. A. Mackay, J. Drummond, and M. and J. Chnstophersen Crank,' Velocipede-. Ah Pat Crate. (See Rabbit-crate.) Cream-vessel, Fastening for. R. Worland Cricket-match, Recording soore in. J. W. Bindon Cricket-pads. J. Pomeroy and W. F. Williams Cricket-stumps. A. T. Robertson Cricket umpire's register and indicator. J. B. Allen Crusher, Rock-. B. R. Seabrook and J. R. Brown Crushing and classifying apparatus for quartz and other ores. J. Colquhoun-Thomson Crushing quartz, Roller-mill for. W. P. Wynne .. Cues, Apparatus for chalking. J. S. Roberts Cultivator. W. R. Wilson Cultivator. E. H. Nicholson and W. Mather .. .. < .. .. Cultivator, and furrower, Hoeing and combination seed- and manure-drill. O. Clarke Cultivator'Potato moulder and. T.Clements .. .. .. • • , v Cup for milking-machine, Pulsating. The Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited) Cup for milking-machine, Pulsator teat-. The Puleator Milking-machine Company (Limited) Curative or surgical purposes, Powder-introducing appliance for. Silenette Proprietary (Limited) Curd-cutter. J. Anderson .. .. . ■. Curd-cutter attachment to curd-mills. H. Campbell Cure for asthma. D. C. Simson Cure for rheumatic afieotions. M.F.Donaldson.. Cure for toothache or neuralgia. M. L. Squire .. .. .. Cure (See also Medicine, Remedy.) Curtftin-pole, Venetian blind, cornice, and. R. Cosslett •• ■• Cutter and cover for hermetically sealed metallic box or case. G. H. Williamson Cutter, Curd-. J.Anderson.. .. •• _•;;•_ Cutter for cotton, &c, reels, Combined holder and. D. W. McLean Cutter, Knife or blade for chaff-. J. Cook, jun. .. .. ;• •■ Cutters of sheep-shearing machine, Method of sharpening or setting. A. Melohior Cuttine-bar for use in hard ground in fencing. W. Cooper Cutting chaff, Method of and apparatus for. W. G. Breese Cutting fruit-trees, Appliance for pruning or. W. Pickup Cutting hair or wool, Machine for. J. W. Newall.. .. .._ ., Cutting-machine for sheep-shearing purposes, Rotary. O. J. Meacock and H. Perm Cutting-machine for wool-cutting and other purposes, Rotary. J. H. Silley and W. Bacon .. Cutting maohine, Tobacco-. A.H.Nathan .. - .. Cutting machine, Tobacco-. F. L. Lorden and H. C. TroUope Cutting paper for water-closet purposes. Apparatus for. F J. Leonard Cutting paper into strips or shavings. R. J. Rousay and W.G. Sinclair Cyanide process, Gold-extraction by. J. L. Hawhczek and H. L Snape . •• ;• Cyanide solution, Precipitating precious metals from. The Gold-extraction Syndicate CyanidTsolution, Treatment of ore with. H. H. Adams .. .. Cyanides and cyanated products, Process of manufacturing. H. R. Vidal ii. J. Kennedy " ". V. Cycle-bell. C. L. Dearsley and A. W. Lane Cvcle-brake. S. Priest and S. Priest, ]un. Cycle-brake. A. J. C. Woodford Cycle-brake. J.F.Stewart.. Cycle driving-gear. J. Baker .. ». Cycle driving gear. J. Baker Cycle driving-gear. J. W. Balfour Cycle driving gear. J. Brown . • • • • • Cycle driving-gear. F. R. Dennison .... Cycle-driving mechanism. L, and E. Schmoll Cyole-handle. J. A. Smith .. Cycle handle-bar. G.S.Robertson .. Cycle-lamp, Acetylene. T.Holliday .. Cycle-pedal and toe-clip. H. G. Bedell Cvcle-propelling mechanism. G. B. H. Austin .. •• Cycle-pump oplratable by coin-freed mechanism. G. B. Gallup Cycle speed gear. D. A. Stewart and J. H. Mills .. 11000 10653 10562 10786 10662 10357 10343 11032 10319 10358 10292 11192 10284 10810 25 Oot. 2 June. 5 May. 19 July. 8 June. 14 Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Oot. 27 Jan. 12 Feb. 17 Jan. 25 Nov. 13 Jan. 27 Nov.'97* 10797 10609 10466 11166 11083 10265 10291 10709 21 July. 20 May. 24 March. 17 Nov. 21 Oot. 6 Jan. 18 Jan. 21 June. 10645 11055 10385 10849 11245 10264 10659 10944 10410 10336 11172 10270 11203 10543 10666 10952 2 June. 13 Oot. 23 Feb. 8 Aug. 16 Dec. 6 Jan. 7 June. 5 Sept. 5 Maroh. 3 Feb. 21 Nov. 29 Dec,'97 1 Dec. 26 April. 6 June. 8 Sept. 11033 10455 10259 10824 11059 1 Oct. 23 Maroh. 5 Jan. 26 July. 13 Oot. 10723 10292 11033 11100 11108 11207 10498 10625 10298 10599 10606 10699 10657 10737 10698 10471 11264 10563 22 June. 17 Jan.1 Oot. 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 1 Deo. 7 April. 23 May. 19 Jan. 17 May. 19 May. 18 June. 7 June. 1 July. 14 June. 31 March. 23 Dec. 5 May. 10474 10798 10282 11148 11224 10875 11121 11130 10825 11147 10458 10681 10602 11089 10488 10372 10425 10361 10619 10852 10514 29 March. 21 July. 13 Jan. 8 Nov. 8 Dec. 16 Aug. 31 Oct. 5 Nov. 26 July. 11 Nov. 23 March. 13 June. 17 May. 20 Oct. 7 April. 19 Feb. 10 Maroh. 16 Feb. 26 May. 8 Aug. 13 April,




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. ;e. Cycle-tire. A. Golding Cycle. (See also Bicycle, Eneycle, Monooycle, Tire, Tricycle, Velocipede, Wheel.) Cycles, Chain-wheel and chain for. W. D. Verschovle Cycles, Mechanism for assisting in the propulsion of. G. B. H. Austin Cycling boot or shoe. H. Gorrick Cycling- or walking-shoe. H. Corrick .. Cycling-skirfc. C. Gibbs .. .. .. ■ • Oyclingj swimming, and skating, Appliance for use in teaching. A. L. J. Tait Cyclist, Trouser-protector for. A. M. Wix Cyclist, Trouser-protector for. H. M. and J. Levinge Dairy and other produce, Cooler and preserver for. J.S.Allan .. .. ■■ Damming back water from alluvial ground to facilitate hydraulio elevating and sluicing. A. Smith Damper for envelopes, &o. D. Murphy and W. Millington Damper for moistening adhesive surfaces. R. M. Hatha.way and J. Robertson Dating apparatus, Registering, numbering, and. G. S. Hickman .. ... Decanting solutions from auriferous ores, Mode of and apparatus for. J. J. Dsoble Defect-indicator, Railway-line. A. E. Bagnall Delivering measured quantities of milk, Apparatus for. R. W. Wyett .. Depilating hides and skins, Process of and apparatus for. J. C. E. Roberts and J. Bailey Detonating-cap and fuse clinch, and cartridge-punch for use in blasting operations, Combined knife. D. Whitburn Diamonds, Method and apparatus for separating, from earthy matters. G. Labram Dies, Beading-spouting. H. G. Bedell Digesters, &c, Tip-tank and truck for use with. J. Macalister Digger, bagger, and separator, Potato. A. M. Waters Dining-table, Combined billiard- and. D. McKenzie Disc for rotary disc-ploughs. W. C. Peacock Disc-ploughs, Lifting and adjusting discs of rotary. W. C. Peacock Dish-cover. E. R. Standfield Distributer for seed-drill, Fertiliser-. W. E. Hughes Distributer, Force-feed for manure-. H. Quertier Distributer, Manure-. A. Storrie .. .. .. Dock, Apparatus for raising sunken vessels and for use as a floating-. M. M. J. 0. O'Conor Dolly and washing-board combined. H. Cooper Door-brake. J. D. Postle Door-fastener. J. G. Morris, jun. Doormat-fastener. A. J. Whittaker .. .. .. Door of truck, Hinge for. C. E. Dean Door-sill. W. Madder Door-stop. H. Fullwood .. .. .. ■. Doors, Appliance for preventing rain driving under. W. H. Taylor Doors, Appliance for preventing wind and rain entering beneath. E. A. Powell Doors, Sunshade for windows and. A. G. Ross Dough, Compound for use in making yeast or baker's. J. T. Norton Drain-plough. W. K. Hazlett Drapery goods, Apparatus for suspending. I. Harrison Draught-concentrator and smoke-preventer for register grates. B. Shadgett Draught-increaser for fire-grate, Screen and. W. H. Birch .. Draught-increasing device for fireplace. W. Brown Draught in open fireplace, Regulation of. C. Clayton Draught to furnaces, Apparatus for applying forced. G. Claydon and T. A. Black Draw-ofi tap for kerosene-tins. D.C.Jenkins Drawing off fixed quantities of liquids, Apparatus for. W. Turnbull Drawing off fixed quantities of liquids, Apparatus for. W. Turnbull Drawing off liquids, Appliance for. W. R. Gutteridge and A. Jack Drawing off liquids, Valve for flushing water-closets and for. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Dredge. W. H. Grey and H. W. Parsons Dredge-bucket, Gold crevice. E.Hayes Dredge-bucket link. W. J. Le Cren and J. Tyson.. Dredge by water-pressure, Working gold-. W. O'Brien, jun. .. .. " .. Dredge, Pontoon construction for gold-. L. H. Reynolds Dredge, Prospecting-. A. Sangster Dredge-tumbler. W.Adams Dredge tumbler and tine combined. H. Quertier Dredge-winch, Clutches for. L. H. Reynolds Dredging apparatus. M. M. J. 0. O'Conor Dredgi.ig apparatus, Gold-. W. Peck .. Dredging machinery, Gold-. L. H. Reynolds Dresser, Seed-. J. Greenslade .. .. .. ... Dresses, Support for skirt of. G. H. Cain Dressing fibre or flax. (See Fibre, Flax.) Drill, cultivator, and furrower, Hoeing and combination seed- and manure-. C. Clarke Drill, Feed device for fertiliser-. S. Tillbrook and W. A. Clutterbuck Drill, Fertiliser-distributer for seed-. W.E.Hughes .. ... ■-.. Drill, Rock-. H. R. and H. L. Hancock Drilling machine, Rook-. R. P. Elmore Drills and sowers, Feed for agricultural. J. Keir Drink, Effervescing. W. H. Bickerton .. . ... ... Driving-belt. W. H. Trengrove Driving gear or mechanism. (See Cycle driving gear or mechanism, Velocipede driving gear or mechanism.) Driving sheep-shearing maohine, Method of. A. Parker Dropper for wire-fencing. E. Smethurst and R. W. Chapman Dropper for wire-fencing, Hanging. E. Smethurst Drum for centrifugal separator, Bowl or. R. A. Lister and Co. (Limited) Dry-earth closet. T. Morrison and W. J. T. Ranger 10801 22 July. 10936 10619 10992 11136 10570 10783 10354 10395 10433 10870 31 Aug. 26 May. 22 Sept. 10 Nov. 6 May. 15 July. 12 Feb. 1 March. 15 March. 15 Aug. 10831 10601 10948 10687 10674 11123 10307 10904 30 July. 18 May.. 6 Sept. 13 June. 7 June. 3 Nov. 21 Jan. 17 Aug. 10510 10915 10866 11154 10994 11012 10942 10943 10921 11029 10600 11125 10890 10658 11139 10642 10408 10285 10920 10767 10882 11120 10970 10626 10281 10815 10505 11247 10867 11252 11031 10558 10959 11174 11231 10686 11212 11078 10320 10569 10384 10954 11065 10515 11201 11241 10368 10495 11205 14 April. 29 Aug. 10 Aug. 14 Nov. 19 Sept. 28 Sept. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 29 Aug. 29 Sept. 18 May. llDec'97* 19 Aug. 7 June. 10 Nov. 2 June. 5 March. 15 Jan. 29 Aug. 12 July. 17 Aug. 29 Oct. 13 Sept. 25 May. 13 Jan. 26 July. 14 April. 19 Dec. 12 Aug. 19 Dec. 5 Oct. 5 May. 9 Sept. 22 Nov. 13 Dec. 13 June. 1 Dio. 19 Oct. 27 Jan. 5 May. 17 Feb. 3 Sept. 13 Oct. 13 April. 2 June.* 17 Deo. 15 Feb. 7 April. 1 Deo. 10270 10945 10921 10775 11104 10916 11225 10350 29 Dec.,'97 5 Sept. 29 Aug. 14 July. 29 Oct. 26 Aug. 8 Dec. 9 Feb. 10611 10829 10898 10671 10675 21 May. 28 July. 19 Aug. 10 June. 7 June.




Invention and Name of Inventor. ;o. ;e. Dryer for drying pulverised iron-ore. T. A. Edison Dr3ing flax, wool, &c, Apparatus (or. A.Ross Drying quartz, &c, Boasting and. J. Harrison .. Drying wool. (See Wool.) Dust-stop for doors, Wind-and. E.A.Powell Dynamite-shell for artillery purposes. J. Arnaboldi .. .. *• Ear-mark. G. Hall Ear-mark. P. W. Okey and J. Downs .. .. • • r ~'iia" Ear marking instrument, Combined castrating, tailing, and. F. A. Macdonald Ears and handle for milk-pail. T. Garland Earth-boring machine. P. H. Dannhardt and M. Mailer Earth closet, Dry-. T. Morrison and W. J. T. Ranger Earthenware nightsoil-pan. G. and W. Carder and E. Owen Earthenware pipe-joint. J. Farley Economizer, Smoke-consumer and fuel-. G.H.Hope .. .. ... •• Edible fat and meat-juices from animal carcases, Mode of and apparatus for extracting. 1. H. Bryant Edible, Medicated aperient. H. E. D'Albites Effervescing drink. W. H. Bickerton .. .. Egg-holder. H. J. Marks Egg-lifter. W. B. Voyce Egg-preserving composition. M. J. Hodgson .. .. • • Eggs, Apparatus for use in preserving. G. H. Umfreville and J. R. Dodd Ejecting-pump, Oil-can with force. G. Claydon Ejector cistern, Supply and. H.A.Ross Ejector for oil-can, Force. G. Claydon Ejector for tanks and cisterns, Silt-. S. Oxenham .. •• Ejector, Steam-, for exterminating weeds, garden-pests, &c. A. Reynolds Elastic tire. W.F.Williams Elastic tire and rim for wheel. P. Ambjorn, Comte de Sparre Electric arc lamp. Siemens Brothers and Co. (Limited) Electric battery. W. Burnet Electric battery, Primary. W. Rowbotham Electric fire-alarm. J. Gaut Electric fire-alarm. J. Gaut Electric fire-alarm. J. Gaut Electric fire-alarm. J. Gaut Electric furnace. G. D. Burton Electric furnace. C. S. Bradley Electric lamp, Incandesence. C. R. A. von Welsbach .. .. Electric welding, brazing, &c, Composition of carbons for. G. W. de Tunzelmann Electrical incandescent lamp. W. Nernst .. •■ •• • • •„." Electrically heating materials in closed chambers, Method of and apparatus for. Jileetric Reduction Company (Limited) Electro-deposition of copper on rotary cathodes. M. Perreur-Lloyd ■■.._•-• Electro-mechanical indicating and recording apparatus. C. E. Vernon and A. Boss .. Electrolytical treatment of ores and slimes for the recovery of metals therefrom. i±. Kiecken Elevating, Damming rivers to facilitate hydraulic. A. Smith Elevator and conveyor. T. A. Edison .. .. Elevator-oars, cages, &c, Safety-grip for lifts. T. B. Jacobsen Bncvcle. J. Galbraith .. •• •• •■ •• . ■■ . " Engine. (See Gas-engine, Motive-engine, Motor, Oil-engine, Rotary-engme, Steam-engine, Traction-engine.) . _ ,. Entomologic, Ac, specimens, Process for preserving anatomic. F. and Cγ. de Kecnter Enumerating-machine. S. G. Jameson and W. Hampson .. ._. •« Enumerating-machine. The Hodsdon Patent Totaliser and Enumerating-machines Company (Limited) Envelope. D. McLennan and A. Beardsley .. •• ■ ■ . _ ■■ Envelopes, Apparatus for dampening, folding, and sealing. D. Murphy and W. Millmgton .. Eroding metals, Method of. J. Miller Escape, Fire-. S. F. Darragh Escape ladder, Fire-. J. Hutcheson .. Escape, Method of raising and lowering fire-. D.Roche .. •. •■ •■ Expansion medium into power, Method of and apparatus for converting energy of fuel and an. A. Howard and W. R. Green Explosive. G. G Andre and C. H. Curtis Explosive. J. O. Gunn Explosive. P. Cornet Explosive. O. F. Carlson .. .. • • • • ■ ■ • Explosive. A. Fraser Explosive. H. Boyd .. . • ,• • Extinguisher and smoke-consumer, Spark-. J . bnepnera Extinguisher, Fire-. F. J. Corbett Extinguisher, Fire-. J. A. Burden, jun. Extinguisher for engines, Spark-. J.Speight .. •• ,,;■,. . , ." . Extinguishing gas-jets, Lighting and. The Automatic Gas Lighting and Extinguishing Company, Limited (Hoare and Kennedy's Patent) Extinguishing lamps, Means for lighting and. A. G. Kent-Johnston Extracting gold, &c. (See Gold, Lead, Metals, Ore, Zinc.) Extracting oleine from milk, Machine for. W. B. Brain Extractor, Stump-. J. Drummond Extractor, Tree-stump. J. L. Anderson Evelet-fastener for boot or shoe. J. A. Belk .. ■• • ■ 'V^. Fastener (See Belt-fastener, Boot-fastener, Buokle-fastener, Door-fastener, Doormat-fastener, Evelet-fastener, Gate-fastener, Hat-fastener, Horse-oover fastener, Label-fastener, Lacefastener, Nozzle-fastener, Rail-fastener, Sash-fastener, Shoe-fastener, Trunk-fastener, Window-sash fastener.) 11073 10590 10989 17 Oct. 12 May. 21 Sept. 10882 10971 10286 10579 11026 10288 10707 10675 10367 10583 10895 11221 17 Aug. 10 Sept. 10 Jan. 9 May. 27 Sept. 17 Jan. 21 June. 7 June. 14 Feb. 13 May. 20 Aug. 8 Dec. 11248 11225 11208 10931 10396 10339 10759 11253 10430 10816 10896 10651 11266 11047 10536 10537 10370 10399 10468 11260 10268 11187 11159 11195 10595 10638 21 Dec. 8 Dec. 2 Dec. 25 Aug. 2 Mar. 4 Feb. 6 July. 19 Dec. 12 March. 22 July. 18 Aug. 1 June. 23 Dec. 10 Oct. 27 April. 27 April. 19 Feb. 1 March. 30 March. 22 Dec. 4 Jan. 25 Nov. 14 Nov. ' 26 Nov. 17 May. 28 May. 10331 10449 10848 10870 11071 10796 10940 31 Jan. 19 March. 6 Aug. 15 Aug. 17 Oct. 20 July. 27 Aug. 11214 10888 11038 8 Dec. 19 Aug. 7 Oct. 10557 10831 10258 11277 11279 10415 11258 3 May. 30 July. 4 Jan. 3 Dec. 31 Dec. 8 March. 20 Dec. 10489 10535 10573 10800 11011 11018 10872 10575 10924 10348 10822 7 April. 27 April. 10 May. 21 July. 28 Sept. 29 Sept. 15 Aug. 10 May. 30 Aug. 11 Feb. 28 July. 10986 19 Sept. 10614 10981 10951 10345 18 May. 17 Sept. 8 Sept. 8 Feb.




[nveni iiou am fame o] :nvem ,or. o. iO. Fastening and looking travelling-trunks, boxes, &c, Method of. J. Boland Fastening device or clip for securing pump to velocipede, &c. The Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited) Fastening for bottles, jars, casks, &o., Stopper and. J. J. Shuttleworth Fastening for milk, cream, and other vessels. R. Worland Fastening for wheel-tire. The Leather Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited) Fat and meat-juices from animal carcases, Mode of and apparatus for extracting edible. T. H. Bryant Fat, glue, and manure, Treating animal carcases to obtain. E. F. Lichtner Fats and oils with air, Apparatus for treating and cooling heated. C. G. Hepburn Fats, Treating animal. C. H. Izard .. .. .. ,. Faucet- or tap-filter. A. Y. Ross Feed for agricultural drills and sowers. J. Keir Feed for fertiliser-drill. S. Tillbrook and W. A. Clutterbuok Feed for manure-distributer, Force-. H. Quertier Feed for paper-bag machines, &c. H. B. Murray Feed-gear for saw-bench. G. A. Gamman .. .. .. Feeding match splints, Mechanism for. Diamond Match Company (Limited) Fence for trapping rabbits, Wire-netting. W. A. Sweetingham Fence-repairer, Wire-strainer and. E. H. Schmackenberg .. .. Fencing, Cutting-bar for use in hard ground in. W. Cooper.. Fencing, Dropper for wire-. E. Smethhurst and R. W. Chapman Fencing, Hanger for wire-. W. C. Greig Fencing, Hanging dropper for wire-. E. Smethurst Fencing-post. E. Walker .. .. .. Fencing-standard. H. E. R. Rayner Fencing standard, Wire-. P. Roach Fencing-staple. C. J. E. Chubbin .. .. .. Fencing-tool. H. Buckland Fencing, Wire-. W. Edgerton .. .. .. .. Fencing, Wire-grip for. C. Williams .. FenciDg-wire strainer. G. Coates Fencing-wire strainer. G. Coates .. .. .. .. Fencing wires to standards, Means of securing. E. Smethurst and W. C. Grnig Fermented or corrosive liquids, Pipe or conduit for. E. Roberts and H. R. Dixson Fermenting worts, Process for. J. Effront Ferrule-joint, Locking. E. Larcomb .. .. .. Fertiliser-distributer for seed-drill. W. E. Hughes Fertiliser-drill, Feed device for. S. Tillbrook and W. A. Clutterbuok Fibre-dressing machinery. A. J. Cuming Fibre fit for weaving, Process for rendering. W. and A. Ross Fibre for weaving, Manufacture of yarns from flax. W. and A. Ross Fibre-waehing machine, Clothes- and. A. L. J. Tait Fibres, Process of removing gummy matters from. C. Wetherwax Fibrous materials, Method and apparatus for saturating, &c, for insulating purposes. Volenite (Limited) Fibrous plants, Process for dressing flax and other. A. Bergin Filter, Faucet-or tap-. A. Y. Rnss .. .. .. Filter-press and cloth. J. C. Montgomerie Filter, Water-. J. S. Allan Filtering apparatus for beer. H. E. Brittin Filtering apparatus for stparating solutions from tailings, slimes, &o. A. M. Nioholas Finger-circlet to carry pencil. E. Edwards and F. E. Basley Fire-alarm. (See Alarm.) Fire-box, Coal, peat, or wood. R. Brinsley and P. S. B. Bett Fire-escape. S. F. DarragK Fire-escape ladder. J. Hutcheson Fire-escape, Method of raising and lowering. D. Roche Fire-extinguisher. F. J. Corbett Fire-extinguisher. J. A. Burden, jun. Fire-grate, Screen and draught-increaser for. W. H. Birch Fire-indicating device. F. W. Greengrass Fireplace, Converting range or stove fireplace into open. C. Beadle Fireplace, Draught-increasing device for. W. Brown Fireplace, Regulating draught in open. C. Clayton Fireproof structures, Manufacturing and securing metal sheets for. E. D. Bush Fire-tongs. G. Robinson Fish, Apparatus for scaling. C. C. A. Hall Fish-, or vermin-trap, Animal-. W. and T. D. BaylifJ and B. Draper Fish-preserving composition. M. J. Hodgson Fish-sealer. R. and E. P. Aitken Fishing-gear, Deep-sea or shoal. C. A. Nielsen Flange for copper washing-boiler. J. Anderson Flat-iron. H. G. Moore Flax and other fibrous plants, Process for dressing. A. Bergin Flax, Dressing. A. Potter .. .. .. .. ... Flax-dressing machine. A. G. K. Hunter and R. Easton Flax, Method of manufacturing yarns from. W. and A. Ross Flax, Process for dressing. T. R. Gillman Flax, Process for dressing. A. Bergin .. .. .. Flax, Roller washing-machine for. W. Fairweather ... Flax-stripper, beating-bar, and feed-mouth. W. Fairweather Flax, Treating. S. S. Bastard .. ... ... .. Flax, Treatment of. S. S. Bastard .. .. . ,- ; Flax-washer. J.Rutherford .. .. . .,;, Flax, wool, &c, Apparatus for drying. A. Ross Flax. (See also Fibre, Phormium tenax.) 11035 10386 11179 10645 10635 11221 10436 10854 11183 11133 10916 10945 11029 11087 10830 11160 11046 10691 10498 10829 10863 10898 10887 10683 11210 10414 10832 10374 10553 10394 10589 10467 10304 11066 11000 10921 10945 10376 10605 10650 11146 10993 11074 5 Oct. 26 Feb. 23 Nov. 2 June. 30 May. 8 Deo. 18 March. 8 Aug. 25 Nov. 18 Nov. 26 Aug. 5 Sept. 29 Sept. 18 Oct. 30 July. 15 Nov. 10 Oct. 10 June. 7 April. 28 July. 10 Aug. 19 Aug. 17 Aug. 13 June. 2 Deo. 8 Maroh, 30 July. 19 Feb. 3 May. 1 March, 14 May. 24 March, 21 Jan. 17 Oct. 26 Sept. 29 Aug. 5 Sept. 19 Feb. 20 May. 3 June. 10 Nov. 22 Sept. 17 Oct. 10324 11133 11188 10613 11237 11049 11223 27 Jan. 18 Nov. 25 Nov. 18 May. 15 Dec. 10 Oct. 6 Dec. 10819 11277 11279 10415 10575 10924 10505 11273 10631 11247 10867 10949 10475 10452 11058 10396 10608 10404 10412 11128 10324 11262 10318 10650 10641 11034 10519 10518 11184 10482 10668 10590 23 July. 30 Deo. 31 Deo. 8 Maroh. 10 May. 30 Aug. 14 April. 29 Deo. 26 May. 19 Dec. 12 Aug. 8 Sept. 5 April. 22 March 13 Oct. 2 Maroh 20 May. 4 March 1 March 5 Nov. 27 Jan. 19 Deo. 25 Jan. 3 June. 8 June. 6 Oct. 15 April. 15 April. 21 Nov. 31 March 8 June. 12 May.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. I Date. Fleeces, Saving potash from suint or yoke of. E. H. Barber Floor-cloths, linoleums, floors, &c, Preparation for cleaning and polishing. F. B. Ovenden .. Flooring. A. C. Saxton and J. H. Binns Floors, Method of constructing. W. E. Hughes .. .. Flowers, fruit, &c, Process of preserving. D. Cole .. .. .. .. Flue, High-pressure boiier and. J. Gell .. Fluid for impregnating fibres, fabrics, or bodies for incandescent lighting. The Daylight Incandescent Mantle Company (Limited) Fluid under pressure, Apparatus for imparting a spiral motion to. J. H. Decent Flushing-valve. W. Andrews .. Fly exterminator, Bot-. A. C. Morton and A. J. Knocks Flyproof dish-cover. E. R. Stanfield .. .. Folding bicycle. G. Paterson .. .. .. ■ Folding boxes, Manufacture of. T. B. Walker Food, Method of packing. C. E. Fitzgerald and G. Prescott... ■ • Food, Process of canning. E. Norton .. .. Foot-grip for bicycle-pedal. A. G. Tomkies .. .. Foot-warmer, Bed- and. F. B. Clapoott .. .. .. ;. Fork, Toasting-. N. A. Nielsen Foundering, Mat and gear to prevent vessels. J. Donald Frame for holding bicycles. W. R. S. Smith Frame, Picture-. H. Lange Freezing meat, Method of. £r. J. A. Richardson .. .. .. .. .. Freezing. (See also Cooling, Refrigerating.) Frozen-produce wrapper. F. A. Furlonge Fruit-case. A.M.Newman.. .. .. .. .. .. Fruit-preserving composition. M. J. Hodgson Fruit, &c, Process for preserving flowers. D. Cole Fruit-trees, Appliance for pruning or cutting. W. Pickup .. Fuel, Artificial. W.E.Hughes .. .. .. Fuel-economizer, Smoke-oonsumer and. G. H. Hope .. .. Fumes obtained in treating ores, Condensing and collecting. F. Ellershausen Fungoid specific. B. Dawson Funnel and spark-catcher. A. L. J. Tait .. .. .. Furnace, Electric. G. D. Burton Furnace, Electric. C. S. Bradley Furnace for making wrought-iron direct from ironsand or ore. W. H. J. Ridley Furnace, Ore-. W. Sully .. .. ... Furnace, Ore-. A. G. Wells Furnace, Ore-. W. H. J. Ridley Furnace, Ore-roasting. W. H. Hartley and W. A. Koneman Furnace, Ore-roasting. W. H. Hartley and W. A. Koneman Furnaces, Apparatus for applying forced draught to. G. Claydon and T. A. Black Furniture-castor. T. Byers .. .. .. Furrower, Hoeing and combination seed- and manure-drill, cultivator, and. C. Clarke Fuse-clinch, and cartridge-punch for use in blasting operations, Combined knife, detonatingcap and. D. Whitburn Galvanic battery. A. J. Benedict Game. F. P. Burton .. .. .. .. Gangue, Machine for separating ores from. W. Jamieson Gangue, Method of separating ores from. W. Jamieson Garments, Waterproof composition for. G. F. Newman .. .. Gas-and oil lighting. W. H. Hand .. .. .. Gas, Apparatus for producing, from gasolene or other hydrocarbons. J. Crook Gas-burner, Incandesence. O. Kern Gas-burner, Incandescent. J. B. de Lery .. .. .. Gas-check for cartridge, Granulated. A. C. Whitney Gas-compressing and pressure-regulating apparatus for incandescent gas-lighting. Internationale Hydro-Press-Gas Compagnie Gesellschaft mit Beschrankter Haftung Gas-engine or motor. T. Doney Gas-engine, Pneumatic igniting gear for oil- or. F. Cronin Gas, Generation of wood-. W. H. Nichterlein .. .. Gas, Illuminating and heating. Etothene Gas Company (Limited) Gas-jets, Lighting and extinguishing. The Aufcomatio Gas Lighting and Extinguishing Company, Limited (Hoare and Kennedy's Patent) Gas, Manufacture of. W. H. and G. E. Russell .. .. .. Gas-, or oil-engine, Piston-wheel rotary steam-. P. M. Dewar and J. Wilkins Gas-, or oil-engine, Piston-wheel rotary steam-. P. M. Dewar and J. Wilkins Gas-, or oil-engine, Rotary steam-. J. Wilkins and W. H. Burton Gas plant and system for producing acetylene and carbonic acid gas combined. R. Goodwin .. Gas, Process for producing illuminating and heating, from Waikato coal. J. Campbell Gas-stove. T. C. Wilson .. .. .. .. Gas. (See also Acetylene.) Gasolene or other hydrocarbons, Apparatus for producing gas from. J. Crook Gasometer, Acetylene-gas generator and. E. H. Elliott Gate-fastener. T. C. Enright Gate-hinge. J. Taylor and C. A. La Roche Gates, Method and appliance for opening and closing. A. Y. Ross Gauge for gauging size of timber, Saw-bench. R. A. McLeod Gear for ploughs, Levers and riding-. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) .. .. .: Gearing for hand-lifts. P. S. Gee Gelatine, Process for obtaining rubber-like substance from. C. Ives .. .. Generator. (See under Acetylene, Gas.) Gig-spring. G. Sigley .. .. .. .. .. ... Glue, and manure, Treating animal carcases to obtain fat. E. F. Lichtner Gold- and silver-bearing solutions from ores or slimes, Apparatus for separating. G. S. Duncan Gold- and silver-bearing solutions from tailings, &c, Filtering apparatus for separating. 11116 10432 10821 11156 11009 10780 10506 29 Oct. 15 March. 28 July. 14 Nov. 28 Sept. 18 July. 14 April. 10366 10803 11259 10943 10297 10618 10965 10503 10871 10806 10927 11151 10598 10540 11127 17 Feb. 22 July. 22 Deo. 5 Sept. 19 Jan. 26 May. 12 Sept. 14 April. 15 Aug. 15 July. 31 Aug. 8 Nov. 12 May. 27 April. 14 Dec. 10485 10795 10396 11009 10298 11013 10895 10902 10267 11063 10268 11187 10939 10301 ! 10845 10864 11019 11185 11252 11261 10270 10904 7 April. 20 July. 2 March. 28 Sept. 19 Jan. 28 Sept. 20 Aug. 23 Aug. 6 Jan. 11 Oct. 4 Jan. 25 Nov. 27 Aug. '■ 20 Jan. 3 Aug. 9 Aug. 29 Sept. 25 Nov. 19 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Dec,'97 17 Aug. 10266 11200 11218 11143 10483 10725 10891 10538 11157 10556 10799 5 Jan. 25 Nov. 8 Deo. 10 Nov. 4 April. 27 June. 13 Aug. 27 April. 14 Nov. 29 April. 21 July. 10438 10500 10828 10421 10822 15 March. 6 April. 27 July. 10 March. 28 July. 10280 10813 10912 11238 10974 10905 10274 13 Jan. 21 July. 23 Aug. 13 Deo. 15 Sept. 28 Sept. 7 Jan. 10891 11153 10938 10964 10607 10827 10715 10787 10900 13 Aug. 12 Nov. 31 Aug. 3 Sept. U May. 27 July. 21 June. 12 July. 4 Feb.* 10893 10436 10741 11049 18 Aug. 18 March. 30 June. 10 Oct.




Invention and Name of Inventor. :o. Gold- and silver-extraction. D. B. S. Galbraith and A. S. Walker Gold crevice dredge-bucket. E. Hayes Gold-dredge by water-pressure, Working. W. O'Brien, jun. Gold-dredge, Pontoon construction for. L. H. Reynolds Gold-dredging apparatus. W. Peck Gold-dredging machinery. L. H. Reynolds Gold-extraction by cyanide process. J. L. Hawliczek and H. L. Snape Gold, Saving alluvial. G. H. and A. H. Oatway .. Gold-raving amalgamator. B. U. Golding Gold-saving apparatus. A. J. Park Gold-saving device. W. Mentiplay Gold, Saving fine. B. Parker Gold-saving ripples. A. H. Shury .. .. .. ... Gold, silver, nickel, &c, ores, Treating refractory. J. E. Preston Golf-practice apparatus. J. G. Warren Goods, Method of and book for checking sales of. D. G. Brown Governor. D. Caithness Governor and clutoh-gear, Speed-. T. G. Howden.. Grain and seed cleaning and separating machine. H. House Grain reels or beaters for reaping-and-binding machinery. J. Kelly, jun. Granulated gas-check for cartridge. A. C. Whitney Graphophone, Reproducer of. W. W. Watson Graie, Draught-concentrator and smoke-preventer for register. E. Shadgett Grate, Screen and draught-increaser for fire-. W. H. Birch Grate, Valve-regulator for register. H. J. K. Foley Gravel, &c, Method of and apparatus for raising. W.Jennings Grease, soapsuds, distilled greaee, &c, Treating wool. Lanosoap (Limited) Grilling meat, toasting, &c., Utensil for. G. M. Wright Grinding-mill. A. G. Wells Grip-brake for mining-cage. H. Rabe Grip for bicycle-pedal, Foot-. A. G. Tomkies Grip for fencing, &c, Wire-. C.Williams Grip for lifts, elevator-cars, cages, &c, Safety-. T. B. Jacobsen Grip ior shaft-cages, lifts, &c, Wedge-. P. G. Kelly Guard for handles of axes, &c, Shield or. F. Baker Guard for house-spouting. S. Oxenbam Guard for tire, Mud-. S. Dunlop and G. H. Oatway Gum, Process of manufacturing varnish from kauri-. B. C. Trevor Gummy matters from vegetable fibres, Process of removing. C. Wetherwax Guttapercha-like substance, Process for forming a rubber- or. C. Ives Hair and wool from skins, Machinery for removing. J. Murgatroyd Hair-comb and cleaner attachment. A. H. Cotton Hair or wool, Machine for cutting. J. W. Newall Hair, &c, Press for cotton, wool. G. A. Lowry Hair, Shearing. (See Shearing.) Halters, Method of manufacturing headstall-. L. and D. Mclnnes Hammer-, axe-, and pick-heads to handles, Means for securing. F. Baker and A. Wynne Hand driving- and steering-gear for velocipedes. J. Foster Hand-hook for handling cargo. H. B. H. Smith Hand-lift, Gearing for. P. S. Gee Hand signalling-lamp. J. Pearson Handle and ears for milk-pail. T. Garland Handle-bar for cycles. G. S. Robertson Handle, Can-. W. A. McKay .. .. .. .. ■ •• Handle, Cycle-. J. A. Smith Handle for bicycle, Pneumatic. H. Morrison Handle for kerosene-tin. T.B.Abbott Handle for milk-can, Combination hoop and. A. Harvey Handle to enable kerosene-tins to be used as buckets. V. S. Aston Handles, Means of securing axe-, hammer-, and pick-heads to. F. Baker and A. Wynne Handles of axes, &c, Shield or guard for. F. Baker Hanger and rack, Sash-. W.J.Alexander Hanger for wire-fencing. W. C. Greig Hanging and fastening window-sashes, shutters, &o. A. Y. Boss and J. Roland Hanging dropper for wire-fencing. E. Smethurst Hangings, Paper-. J. S. Scarr Harness, Brake for training horses to. A. le Fleming Hat. W. C. Robison and C. L. and T. H. R. Gardiner Hat-fastener. J. Wright and J. W. Mitchell Hat-fastener. J. Wright and J. W. Mitchell Hay-.knife. 0. L. Sutton Headstall-halters, Method of manufacturing. L. and D. Mclnnes Heater or pasteuriser, Milk. A. D. Dobson Heater, Water-. F. Parsons and M. Nelson Heater. (See also Foot-warmer.) Heating and illuminating gas. Etothene Gas Company (Lim'ted) Heating gas from Waikato coal, Process for producing illuminating and. J. Campbell Heating materials in closed chambers, Method of and apparatus for electrically. Electric Beduction Company (Limited) Heckling-machine. W. and A. Ross .. Heel-finishing machine. Xpedite Machine Company Hermetically closing jars. T. H. and M. B. Dodd .. Hermetically sealed metallic box or case, Cover and cutter for. G. H. Williamson.. Hernia-truss. W. R. 0. Erson Hernia-truss, Pneumatic. W. R. C. Erson .. .. .. Hides and skins, Process of and apparatus for depilating. J. C. E. Roberts and J. Bailey Hides and skins, Treating. J. K. Tullis 11242 11212 10320 10569 11241 10368 11264 10273 11006 11204 10539 10541 11230 10446 10634 10275 10527 10533 1108H 10453 10556 10910 10815 10505 10521 10574 11016 10908 10739 10807 10871 10553 10796 10868 10880 10817 10568 10426 10993 10900 10716 11129 10599 10786 17 Deo. 1 Deo. 27 Jan. 5 May. 17 Dec. " 15 Feb. I 23 Dec. 24 Jan. 28 Sept.; 1 Dec. 27 April. 23 April. 3 0 Dec. 19 March, 30 May. 11 Jan. 21 April. 27 April. 19 Oct. 19 March 29 April. 26 Aug. 26 July. 14 April. 15 April. 10 May. 29 Sept. 25 Aug. 28 June. 18 July. 15 Aug. 3 May. 20 July. 2 Aug. 17 Aug. 21 July. 5 May. 9 March. 22 Sept. 4 Feb.* 22 June. 1 Nov. 17 May. 19 July. 10317 10260 10379 ]0442 10787 10770 10288 10372 10836 10488 10278 11111 10997 10463 10260 10880 10664 10863 10473 10898 10990 11085 10730 10493 10680 10960 10317 10586 10434 25 Jan. 5 Jan. 22 Feb. 18 March 12 July. 12 July. 17 Jan. 19 Feb. 2 Aug. 7 April. 11 Jan. 31 Oct. 20 Sept. 21 March. 5 Jan. 17 Aug. 8 June. 10 Aug. 28 March, 19 Aug. 21 Sept. 17 Oct. 27 June. 12 April. 13 June. 6 Sept. 25 Jan. 13 May. 9 March. 10421 10905 10638 10 March. 28 Sept. 28 May. 10591 11138 11198 10292 10980 11106 10307 10918 13 May. 10 Nov. 28 Nov. 17 Jan. 13 Sept. 26 Oct. 21 Jan. 29 Aug.




Invention and Name of Inventor. [o. ;e. Hides, leather, &c, Machinery for treating skins. J. Hall Hides, leather, &c, Machinery for treating skins. J. Hall High-pressure boiler and flue. J. Gell.. .. .. .. Hinge for truck-door. C. E. Dean Hinge, Gate-. J. Taylor and C. A. La Roche Hocks, Attachment to horse-shoes to prevent horses cutting. G. Allen Hoe. J. King Hoe, Weeding-. A.Y.Ross Hoeing and combination seed- and manure-drill, cultivator, and furrower. C. Clarke Holdtr and cutter for cotton, &c, reels, Combined. D. W. McLean Holder. (See also Cotton-reel holder, Candle-holder, Egg-holder, Invoice-form holder, Leafholder, Paper-holder, Rein-holder, Tack-holder.) Holdfast for securing rails, decking, platforms, &c, Spike and. F. Baker Hook for handling cargo, Hand-. H. B. H. Smith Hook, Slash or bill-. G. Lovell Hoop and handle for milk-can, Combination. A. Harvey Hoop for milk-cans, &c, Band or. R. Worland Horn for phonograph, Transmitting-. C. O. McCutcheon Horse-brand, Liquid sheep-, cattle-, or. C. E. Young, W. C. Greig, and J. P. Day.. Horse cloth or cover. R. G. Knight Horse-collar. W. C. Handley Horse-coilars and saddles, Improvements in. H. Hitchcock Horse cover. T.P.Evans .. Horse-cover. A. Robertson Horse-cover. S. Nicolson .. Horse-cover. C. Dahl Horse-cover. G. Sydes Horse-cover fastening. W. H. Travis Horse-cover fastening. G. A. Montgomery Horse-cover fastening. T. Hawke Horse cover or cloth. R. G. Knight Horse-flies, Mixture for repelling. H. T. Hill Horse-or cow-cover. W. J. Pallant Horse-shoe attachment. J. L. Brown, jun. Horse-shoe attachment to prevent horses cutting their hocks. G. Allen .. Horse-sling. C. Anderson and T. A. Wrenn Horses attached to vehicles, Means for preventing, from running away. W. A. Ramsey Horses, Bridle and hit for. S. van Buskirk Horses, Brake for training, to harness. A. le Fleming Horses to vehicles, Attachment of. G. W. Penney Hose-connection. K. Rowe and J. Durward Hose-coupling or union. J. Durward and K. Rowe Hose-oouplings, Spanner for. W. Juries Hose-piping, Fastener for affixing, to nozzles. Wong Young Wah Hospital mattress. A. H. Cotton Hot-water or eteam boiler. T. Danks Hot-water system, Boiler for. G. Croll Hub, Wheel-. J.W.Oliver.. Hydraulio air-compressor. C. H. Taylor Hydraulic apparatus for raising liquids and producing motive-power. J. C. Gelly Hydraulic elevating and sluicing, Damming back water from alluvial ground to facilitate. A. Smith Hydraulic or aerostatio self-registering weighing-machine. J. E. Taylor Hydraulic ram. R. Tomline and M. P. Jonasen .. Hydraulic ram. M. P. Jonasen and R. Tomline .. .. .. Hydraulic separator for treating minerals. W. S. Lockhart Hydrocarbons, Apparatus for producing gas from gasolene or other. J. Crook Igniting-gear for oil-engines. P. Cronin Illuminating and heating gas. Etothene Gas Company (Limited) Illuminating and heating gas from Waikato and similar coal, Prooess for producing. J. Campbell Illuminating apparatus, Incandescent. L. Hooker Illuminating appliance for use with Bunsen burner. F. Isitt Incandesence electric lamp. C. R. A. von Welsbach Incandescent bodies, Oil-burners for heating. M. Graetz Inoandesence gas-burner. O. Kern Incandescent gas-burner. J. B. de Lery Incandescent gas-lighting, Gas-compressing and pressure-regulating apparatus for. Internationale Hydro-Press-Gas Compagnie Gesellschaft mit Besohrankter Haftung Incandescent illuminating apparatus. L. Hooker Incandescent lamp, Electrical. W. Nernst Incandescent lighting, Fluid for impregnating fabrics for. The Daylight Incandescent Mantle Company (Limited) Incandescent oil-lamp burner. J. W. Butcher and J. A. Pietzcker Incandescent oil-lamp burner. The " Era " Incandescent Oil Lamp Company (Limited) Incandescible subjects, Manufacturing. The Astral Incandesoent Lighting Company (Limited) Indicating and recording apparatus, Electro-mechanioal. C. E. Vernon and A. Ross Indicating device, Fire-. F. W. Greengrass .. .. Indicating or recording distance, time, and fare for vehicles, &c, also applicable as an advertising medium, Apparatus for. W. Blaker, J. Ridge, T. Mutton, and H. E. Hupton Indicating, registering, and weight-totalling apparatus for weighing-machine, Cost-. W. H. and W. L. D. Gundry Indicator for cricket-umpire, Register and. J. B. Allen Indicator for railway-carriage, Station-. W. C. and H. M. Dennes .. .. ... Indicator lamp, Bus or car name-. A. C. Atkin Indicator, Office-return clock-face. G.H.Lester.. Indicator, Overweight-. H. Valder 10646 11202 10780 10408 10964 10501 11278 10860 10270 11100 2 June. 1 Dec. 18 July. 5 March. 3 Sept, 12 April. 31 Dec. 3 Aug. 29 Dec,'91 25 Oct. 10919 10442 11115 10997 10645 11194 10838 11937 10750 10342 10308 10450 10494 10545 10632 10652 10736 10856 10937 10338 10329 11014 10501 10398 10907 10420 11085 10355 10520 11032 10358 11126 11249 10742 10497 10365 10283 11048 10870 29 Aug. 18 Maroh. 27 Oct. 20 Sept. 2 June. 24 Nov. 15 Sapt. 2 Sept. 6 July. 4 Feb. 21 Jan. 19 March. 12 April. 29 April. 27 May. 1 June. 29 June. 4 Aug. 2 Sept. 1 Feb. 31 Jan. 29 Sept. 12 April. 1 March. 23 Aug. 10 March. 17 Oct. 14 Feb. 15 April. 3 Oot. 12 Feb. 31 Oct. 16 Dec. 30 June. 7 Aoril. 15 Feb. 13 Jan. 10 Oct. 15 Aug. 11093 10383 10765 10809 10891 10500 10421 10905 21 Oct. 21 Feb. 8 July. 25 July. 13 Aug. 6 April. 10 Maroh. 28 Sapt. 11057 10597 11159 10622 10538 11157 10799 13 Oot. 17 May. 14 Nov. 26 May. 27 April. 14 Nov. 21 July. 11057 10595 10506 13 Oot. 17 May. 14 April. 10529 11274 11056 10449 11273 10754 25 April. 9 Dec. 13 Oct. 19 Maroh. 29 Dec. 7 July. 11144 10 Nov. 11245 11037 10812 10712 10492 16 Dec. 7 Oct. 21 July. 17 June. 12 April.




Invention and Name of Inventor. "o. ;«, Indicator, Railway-line defect-. A. E. Bagnall .. .. Indicator, Target-carrying frame and. J. W. Porter .. .. <•. Indicator. (See also Signalling.) Indigestion, constipation, &c, Remedy for. H. J. Beeche .. Indigestion cure. H. E. B. Williams .. .. .. ' • • Induction-valve for motive engine. A. Howard Inflating-valve. G. E. Grimwood .. .. . • • • • • Insects, Compostion for destroying noxious. W. Bain .. .. •• Instrument for levelling and determining positions. T. N. Blackhall and C. P. Baker Insulating purposes, Method and apparatus for vulcanising and oxidizing fibrous material for. Volenite (Limited) Invoice-form holder. 0. B. Smith and E. M. Wildey Iron, Flat-. H.G.Moore .. .. .. •• -.<:•• Iron from ironsand or ore, Furnace for making wrought-. W. H. 1. Kidley Iron-ore, coal, &c, into briquettes, Machine for forming pulverised. T.A.Edison.. Iron-ore, Dryer for pulverised. T.A.Edison .. .. .• • • Iron-ores and bricking same, Process of and apparatus for concentrating. T. A. Edison Ironsand, Process and apparatus for extracting titanic acid or titanium from. A. Coubrough Ironsand for smelting, Process for preparing. R. A. Paterson and G. Pott Jack, Spectacle for timber-. H.Priestley .. .. •■ ■• Jack, Timber-. D. Donald .. .. • • • • • • Jars, bottles, &c, Machine for labelling tins. J. R. Bradley, H. Giles, and F. V. Sanderson .. Jars, &c, Sealing or hermetically closing. T. H. and M. B. Dodd .. .. .. Jars, casks, &c, Stopper and fastening for bottles. J. J. Shuttleworth .. Joint for pipes, Expansion-. F. de J. Clere and G. Fitzgerald .. .. Joint for earthenware pipes. J. Farley .. .. • • Joint, Locking ferrule-. E. Larcomb.. ' ■ ■ • • • • Joint or union, Piping for. T. Brooks and A. M. Ayles .. Joint Kail-. J. Sutherland and H. R. Schmidt .. Joint, Rail coupling or. G. Gettings, C. Grosvenor, and W. S. Greenville .. Jug lid or cover. E. J. Menesdorffer .. " .. •■ •• ••■ ■ •• Kauri gum, Process of manufacturing varnish from. R. C. Trevor Kauri-gum refuse, Process and apparatus for extracting oil and spirit from. R. C. Trevor Kerosene-can. G. Lambert and J. Stewart .. .. ■■ •• - •• Kerosene-lamps, Filling, from tins. J. Harrison , .. Kerosene-tin handle. T. B. Abbott Kerosene-tin handle. V. S. Aston .. Kerosene-tins, Draw-off tap for. D. C. Jenkins Kettle, Tea-. E. C. Millard .. •• •• •• Key and key-bed for wheel. R. Fairweather Key for operating wire-strainer, Ratchet and lever-. P. F. M. Burrows .. .. Kitchen-range. H. Fancourt Knife-cleaning machine. W. Dalley .. " .. ., •• ••. •• Knife, detonating-cap and fuse clinch, and cartridge-punch, Combined, for use in blasting operations. D. Whifburn Knife, Hay-. 0. L. Sutton .. .. .. " ■■ • • Label. J. B. Gould .. ' • • Label. J.B.Gould .. .. " •• •• •• •■ •- Label-fastener. J.B.Gould .. . •• •• •• •• Labelling and wrapping machine, Tin. S. Fyfe.. .. Labelling and wrapping machine, Tin. S. Fyfe and W. G. Peacock .. Labelling machine, Bottle-. S. Fyfe .. Labelling machine, Bottle-. S. Fyfe and W. C. Peacock •• • • • • Labelling tins, jars, bottles, &o., Machine for. J. R. Bradley, H. Giles, and F. V. Sanderson .. Lace fastening Boot-. W. W. Cabena .. .. •• •• Ladder, Fire-escape. J. Hutcheson Lamp, Acetylene carriage, oycle, or motor-car. T. Holliday Lamp, Acetylene table-, bicycle-, or carriage-. W. Tyree Lamp and generator, Acetylene. W. Tyree .. . • Lamp, Arc. W. Jandus .. .. •• Lamp, Burner for petroleum-. G. Kron .. .. . Lamp burner, Incandescent oil-. J. W. Butcher and J. A. Pietzcker , ... Lamp, Tallow-. A. R. Jones .. • • • • ..".•• '.';■■ Lamp, Torch-. I. and F. A. Johnson .. .. . ■ • ■ • • Lamp-wick. G. W. Newson • • • ■ . Lamp-wick. G. W. Newson and J. P. Harris .. .... Lamp-wick. Albatross Mining and Prospecting Company (Limited) .. Lamps, Filling kerosene-, from tins. J.Harrison.. .. •; Lamps Means for lighting and extinguishing street-. A. G. Kent-Jotmston .. Lamp. (See also Acetylene-lamp, Arc lamp, Bus-lamp, Electrio lamp, Incandesence, Incandescent lamp, Oil-lamp, Signalling-lamp.) - Lantern to miner's billy, Tongue - and - socket connection for holding. W. Meikle and J. Chambers Lasting-pliers. D. E. Smith and A. Tyree Leaching apparatus, Washing and. R. Moodie .. ••,.•• -,."•' Lead and zinc, Smelting minerals and ores containing. G. H. Blenkinsop Lead fumes and zinciferous lead-ores, Treatment of precipitated. F. Ellershausen Lead-ores, Treatment of. A. Pigott .. .. ''.'••-'„ ,"„ ,. Lead, Treatment of complex ore for recovery of copper, zinc, and. G. de Bechi Leaf-holder. F. Howell .. .. • • • • Leaf-stemming machine. W.E.Hughes .. .. _ •■ Leak-repairing composition for pneumatic tire. C. S. Howe and J. W. Langley Learning to ride bicycle, Apparatus for use in. F. W. Painter .. .. ... Leather, &c, Machinery for treating skins, hides. J. Hall .. Leather, &c, Machinery for treating skin?, hides. J. Hall .. .. .. Leather to render it less liable to puncture, Treating. P. C. Johnston Leaves, Machine for stemtning tobacco-. G. P.' and W. H'. Butler .. .. . ' \ 10674 11007 7 June. 28 Sept. 11004 11250 11255 11001 10789 11155 11074 28 Sept. 19 Deo. 20 Dec. 20 Sept. 14 July. 14 Nov. 17 Oct. 11003 11128 10939 11072 11073 11068 11036 10667 10878 11028 10305 11198 11179 11079 10583 11000 10640 10791 10343 10702 10426 11181 10487 10550 11111 10463 11031 11186 10705 10922 10312 10335 10904 26 Sept. 5 Nov. 27 Aug. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 June. 13 Aug. 1 Oct. 21 Jan. 28 Nov. 23 Nov. 20 Oct. 13 May. 26 Sept. 1 June. 18 July. 1 Feb. 20 June 9 March. 22 Nov. 7 April. 2 May. 31 Oct. 21 March, 5 Oct. 25 Nov. 20 June. 29 Aug. 24 Jan. 31 Jan. 17 Aug. 10960 10263 10850 10262 10443 10669 10444 10670 10305 11080 11279 10425 10417 10572 10322 10440 10529 10547 10988 10643 10753 10785 10550 10986 6 Sept. 5 Jan. 8 Aug. 5 Jan. 18 March. 10 June. 18 March, 10 June. 21 Jan. 20 Oct. 31 Deo. 10 March, 7 Maroh 6 May. 27 Jan. 18 March, 25 April. 29 April. 20 Sept. 31 May. 5 July. 18 July. 2 May. 19 Sept. 10360 9 Feb. 10380 10704 10332 11022 10460 11226 10731 10306 10330 10837 10646 11202 11141 10881 22 Feb. 20 June. 31 Jan. 29 Sept. 23 March, 10 Dec. 24 June. 21 Jan. 31 Jan. lAug. 2 June. 1 Dec. 10 Nov. 17 Aug.




6—H. 10.

[nvem iion am fame oi [nveni ior. [o. ie. Leaves of music, &c, Apparatus for turning over. A. M. Bain Leaves of pamphlets, &c, Machine for securing together. E. N. Adams Levelling and determining positions, Instrument for. T. N. Blackhall and C. P. Baker Lever. W. Cooper Lever-pedal for bicycle. T. H. Tidd Levers and riding-gear for ploughs. P. and D. Dunoan (Limited) Lid or cover, Jug. B. J. Menesdorffer .. .. .. .. Lid, Saucepan and. J. W. McDougall Lift, Gearing for hand-. P. S. Gee .. .. .. .. -. ... Lifter, Egg-. W. B. Voyce Lifting and directing battery-stamps for crushing quartz, &c. R. Cookerell Lifting liquid by means of a partial vacuum. A. Johnston Lifting, loading, unloading, and stacking goods or merchandise, Apparatus for. A. Sell Lifts, elevator-cars, oages, &c, Safety-grip for. T. B. Jacobsen Lifts, &c, Wedge-grip for shaft-cages. P.G.Kelly - Lighting and extinguishing gas-jets. The Automatic Gas Lighting and Extinguishing Company, Limited (Hoare and Kennedy's Patent) Lighting and extinguishing street-lamps, Means for. A. G. Kent-Johnston Lighting, Apparatus for vacuum-tube. Moore Electrical Company Lighting, Fluid for impregnating fabrics for. The Daylight Incandescent Mantle Company (Limited) Lighting, Gas- and oil-. W. H. Hand Lighting, Gas-compressing and pressure-regulating apparatus for incandescent gas-. Internationale Hydro Press-Gaa Compagnie Gesellschaft mit Beschrankter Haftung Lighting, System of vacuum-tube, and apparatus for use therein. Moore Electrical Company Lines, Fastening sash-. S. Soffe Lining-cramp. A. J. Davey Link, Dredge-bucket. W. J. Le Cren and J. Tyson .. .. Liquid, Apparatus for drawing off fixed quantities of. W. Turnbull Liquid, Lifting, by means of a partial vacuum. A. Johnston Liquid-measurer. J. Anderson Liquids and producing motive-power, Hydraulio apparatus for raising. J. C. Gelly Liquids and registering quantity measured, Apparatus for measuring. A. Aitken Liquids, Apparatus for drawing off fixed quantities of. W. Turnbull .. Liquids, Appliance for drawing off. W. R. Gutteridge and A. Jack Liquids, Filtering apparatus for beer and other. H. E. Brittin Liquids, Pipe or conduit for fermented or corrosive. E. Roberts and H. R. Dixson Liquids, Tin for carrying. J. W. C. Taylor Liquids, Valve for flushing water-closets and drawing off. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Liquids, Weight-registering apparatus usable for delivery of. J. Dallimore Liquors of meat and boiling-down works, Extraction of marketable commodities from. G. S. Mackenzie Lithographic machines, Self-feeder for ruling, printing, rolling, and. P. W. Vickery Loading, unloading, and stacking goods or merchandise, Apparatus for lifting. A. Sell Loads, Apparatus for raising, lowering, and transporting. J. and J. R. Temperley Lock, Window-. R.Allan .. Lock, Window-. R. Allan Lock, Window-. J.Robertson Locking ferrule-joint. E. Larcomb Locking travelling-trunks, boxes, &c, Method of fastening and. J. Roland Loom. D. M. Seaton Loom, Thread-carrier for. D. M. Seaton Lottery-box. H. Droutlege .. .. .. .. Lubricating purposes, Oil-can for. G. Claydon Lubricator-conductor, Continuous crank or eccentric. J. Greenslade Lubricator, Siphon oil-. J. Anderson Luminous composition, Auto-. L. Braly Magnetic ore-separator. G. J. Crean .. .. .. .. Magnetic ores, Process of and apparatus for concentrating and bricking. T. A. Edison Magnetic separation, Method of and apparatus for. Metallurgische Gesellschaft Mangling- or wringing-machine. J. S. Smith Manure, Apparatus for sowing seeds and applying. J. Gordon-Jones Manure-distributer. A. Storrie Manure-distributer, Force-feed for. H. Quertier .. Manure-drill, cultivator, and furrower, Hoeing and combination seed- and. C. Clarke Manure, Treating animal carcases to obtain fat, glue, and. E. P. Lichtner Marbles, Box for holding billiard-pool. W. Miller Mark, Ear-. G. Hall Mark, Ear-. F. W. Okey and J. Downs ... Marker, Meat-. W. H. Trengrove Marking instrument, Combined castrating, tailing, and ear-. F. A. Macdonald Marking meat, Mode of. F. Page, W. H. Trengrove, and J. Wallman Marking or branding meat, Device for. M. and J. A. Belk .. .. Match-box. W. Smith Match-splints, Mechanism for feeding. Diamond Match Company (Limited) Material to be employed in place of wood, iron, leather, &c, Manufacture of. E. Kingscote .. Mattress. J. K. Barklie .. .. .. .. ... ... Mattress, Hospital. A. H. Cotton Mattress, Wire-woven. W. Hart Measured quantities of milk, &c, Apparatus for delivering. R. W. Wyett Measurer, Liquid-. J. Anderson Measuring limited lengths and calculating fractional parts thereof, Instrument for. J. L. Brown, jun. Measuring liquids and registering quantity measured, Apparatus for. A. Aitken .. Meat- and provision-safe. R. H. Bishop and C. J. Axten Meat, Device for marking or branding. M. and J. A. Belk .. ... 10548 1O3Y8 11155 10429 11039 10715 10702 10311 10787 10931 10580 10391 10929 10796 10868 10822 29 April. 22 Feb. 14 Nov. 7 March. 4 Oct. 21 June. 20 June. 24 Jan. 12 July. 25 Aug. 29 April. 25 Feb. 31 Aug. 20 July. 2 Aug. 28 July. 10986 10774 10506 19 Sept. 14 July. 14 April. 10725 10799 27 June. 21 July. 10773 10351 10466 11078 10558 10391 10935 11048 10899 10959 11174 11237 10304 11002 11231 10701 10405 14 July. 12 Feb. 24 Marcb. 19 Oct. 5 Maj. 25 Feb. 30 Aug. 10 Oct. 23 Aug. 9 Sept. 22 Nov. 15 Dec. 21 Jan. 23 Sept. 13 Dec. 20 June. 4 March. 10504 10929 10808 10724 11041 11105 11000 11035 10512 10502 10869 10759 11216 10334 10326 10424 11068 10594 11220 10855 10600 11029 10270 10436 11023 10286 10579 10349 11026 11092 10333 10679 11160 11265 10771 11249 10914 11123 10935 11015 14 April. 31 Aug. 25 July. 27 June. 10 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Sept. 5 Oct. 14 April. 14 April. 10 Aug. 6 July. 5 Dec. 31 Jan. 27 Jan. 10 March. 17 Oct. 17 May. 8 Deo. 18 May. 29 Sept. 29 Dec,'97 18 March. 24 Sept. 10 Jan. 9 May. 9 Feb. 27 Sept, 21 Oct. lFeb. 13 June. 15 Nov. 23 Dec. 11 July. 16 Dec. 23 Aug. 3 Nov. 30 Aug. 29 Sept. 10899 10790 10333 23 Aug. 18 July. IPeb.




Invention and Name ol Inventor. to. ;e. Meat in condition of powder, Prooess for obtaining sterilised raw. F. Grognet Meat-juices from animal carcases, Mode of and apparatus for extracting edible fat and. T. H. Bryant Meat-marker. W. H. Trengrove Meat, Method of freezing. G. J. A. Bichardson Meat, Mode of marking. F. Page and W. H. Trengrove Meat-preserving works, &c, Process and apparatus for extracting marketable commodities from waste liquors of. G. S. Mackenzie Medicated aperient edible. H. E. D'Albites Medicinal compound. S. Weld .. .. ... Medicinal pastille. E.Donald Medicine for cure of indigestion. H. E. B. Williams Medicine. (See also Cure, Remedy.) Metal plates for printing copies of photographs, Process for preparing. J. Miller Metal sheets for fireproof structures, Manufacturing and securing. E. D. Bush Metal, Treatment of ores for the recovery of. J. S. Gilmour and H. S. Young Metallic bale-covering. M. A. Heath Metals, Apparatus for extracting, from slimes and tailings. T. J. Denny Metals, Means applicable for use in extracting, from metallic solutions. J. C. Montgomerie .. Metals, Method of eroding. J. Miller Metals, Method of extracting, from oxide-ores or oxygen compounds. J. Budolphs and J. Landin Metals, Precipitating precious, from cyanide solutions. The Gold-extraction Syndicate (Limited) Metals, Recovery of, from ores and slimes by electrolytical treatment. H. Riecken Mildew and blight on trees, Mixture for destroying. B. Dawson Military bicycle. G. Paterson Military tricycle. G. Paterson Milk-aerator to frame of same, Method of attaching vessels of. A. Harvey Milk, Apparatus for concentrating. W. B. Walters .. .. Milk-oan, Combination hoop and handle for. A.Harvey Milk-cans, &c, Band or hoop for. R. Worland .. Milk, &c, Apparatus for delivering measured quantities of. B. W. Wyett Milk cooler and aerator. W. R. Gutteridge and A. Jack Milk heater or pasteuriser. A. D. Dobson Milk, Machine for extracting oleine from. W. B. Brain Milk-pail, Handle and ears for. T. Garland Milk-tap. A. Harvey Milk, Treatment of separated, for obtaining milk proteids and their utilisation for alimentary purposes. H. Higgins Milk-vessel, Fastening for. R. Worland Milking-machine, Pulsating. The Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited) Milking-machine, Pulsating teat-cup for. The Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited) Milking-machine, Pulsating teat-cup for. The Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited) Mill for quartz-crushing, Roller-. W.P.Wynne .. Mill, Grinding-. A. G. Wells Mill, Threshing-. J. R. Melville Minerals and ores containing lead and zino, Smelting. G. H. Blenkinsop Minerals, Hydraulic separator for treating. W. S. Lockhart Miner's billy, Tongue-and-socket connection for holding lantern to. W. Meikle and J. Chambers Miner's pick. J. Robertson Mines, Apparatus for ventilating. W. Asmus Mining-cage, &c, Brake for. H. Rabe Mining-cage extension-frame for shaft-sinking. J. E. Wearne Mining placers, Method and apparatus for. W. F. Lay Mirror. A. J. Park Mirror-and-watch combination. F. L. Lorden and F. C. Stephenson Mirrors, Method of mounting toilet-. D. Sykes Moistening adhesive surfaces, Damper for. B. M. Hathaway and J. Robertson Moistening adhesive surfaces, Device for. R. M. Hathaway and J. Robertson Monkey-plate and ram for baling-press. W. Humble and W. Nicholson Monocycle skate. J. Galbraith Moths, larvae, and the like, Apparatus and composition for destroying. W. Bromiley and W. Strong Motive engine. A. Howard Motive engine, Induction-valve for. A.Howard .. Motive-power engine. B.C.Pole Motive-power, Hydraulic apparatus for raising liquids and producing. J. C. Gelly Motive purposes, Method of compressing air for. E. Bond and W. H. Burton Motor. A. Anderson and 0. Magnus .. .. .. ■• Motor and mechanism for vehicle. J. Pender Motor-car lamp, Acetylene. T. Holliday Motor carriage or vehicle, Auto-. W. J. Brewer and J. E. Cooper Motor-carriages, &c, Speed- and reversing-gear for. The Pretot Motor Syndicate (Limited) .. Motor for driving shearing-machine. A. Parker Motor, Gas-engine or. T. Doney Motor or pump, Botary. G. Westinghouse .. .. ... Motor road-vehicle. The Pretot Motor Syndicate (Limited) Motor, Botary. C. F. C. Lohmann Motors, Means for controlling. E.R.Gill Mouldboard for plough. J. Barugh and W. K. Elder Moulder and cultivator, Potato. T.Clements Mountings of swingle-trees for ploughs, &c. C. A. Arnaboldi Mouse- and rat-trap. J. T. Norton and D. Deavoll Mouth-piece cigarette. E. T. Gilliland Manufacture of alcohol by saocharification and fermentation by. A. Collette, fils, and A. Boidin 11161 11221 10349 11127 11092 10405 11248 10861 10805 11250 10781 10949 11010 10842 10509 10756 10258 10302 10563 10848 10267 10296 10295 10996 11196 10997 10645 11123 11173 10586 10614 10288 11167 10726 10645 10542 10543 10666 10944 10739 10684 10332 10809 10360 11232 10323 10807 10654 10279 11060 11094 11175 10601 10793 10690 10877 10720 15 Nov. 8 Dec. 9 Feb. 14 Dec. 21 Oct. 4 March 21 Deo. 10 Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Dec. 15 July. 8 Sept. 28 Sept. 5 Aug. 14 April. 7 July. 4 Jan. 21 Jan. 5 May. 6 Aug. 6 Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 20 Sept. 26 Nov. 20 Sept. 2 June. 3 Nov. 22 Nov. 13 May. 19 May. 17 Jan. 14 Nov. 27 June. 2 June. 26 April. 26 April. 6 June. 5 Sept. 28 June. 13 June. 31 Jan. 25 July. 9 Feb. 13 Dec. 27 Jan. 18 July. 6 June. 13 Jan. 14 Oct. 25 Oct. 22 Nov. 18 May. 19 July. 14 June. 12 Aug. 25 June. 11254 11255 10593 11048 10995 10528 10406 10425 11229 11020 10733 10438 10564 11021 10889 10934 11168 11203 10717 10963 10508 11131 20 Dec. 20 Dec. 14 May. 10 Oct. 20 Sept. 22 April. 2 March 10 March 12 Dec. 29 Sept. 29 June. 15 March 5 May. 29 Sept. 19 Aug. 1 Sept. 15 Nov. 1 Dec. 22 June. 10 Sept. 14 April. 7 Nov.




Invention and Name of Inventor. ro. ,0. Mucedinese, Apparatus for the manufacture of alcohol by sacoharification and fermentation by. A. Oollette, file, and A. Boidin Mud-guard for pneumatic tire. S. Dunlop and G. H. Oatway Multi-tine mouldboard for plough. J. Barugh and W. K. Elder .. .. -• Musk-like substance, Method of producing an artificial scent or. The Anglo-Colonial Chemical Company (Limited) * Music-cabinet stool. W. Angell Music-leaves, Apparatus for turning over. A. M. Bain Music-turner. W. H. Bryant Music-turner. A. M. Bain Mustard-pot. A. H. Cotton .. .. .. •. Nail. H. L. W. Button Nail. A. E. Appleton Nail for securing corrugated iron. J. Greenhill Name-indicator lamp, Bus or car. A. C. Atkin Name- or number- and weight-registering apparatus. J. Dallimore Needle-threader. Gem Needle-threader Company (Limited) .. •• •• Net, Whale-. G. H. Cook Net, Wire whaling-. D. G. Lane .. Neuralgia-cure, Toothache-or. M. L. Squire Nickel, Process and apparatus for obtaining, from nickel-carbonyl. L. Mond Nightsoil-pan. G. and W. Carder and E. Owen .. Non-intoxicating beverage. E. Uhlmann Non-refillable bottle. J. H. Pomeroy Non-reflllable bottle. H. R. Walker Non-refillable bottle. D. A. Mclntyre and A. Y. Dickinson .. Nozzle-fastener for hose-piping. Wong Young Wah Number-and weight-registering apparatus. J. Dallimore Numbering, and dating apparatus, Registering. G. S. Hickman Nut and wrench. J. W. McDougall Oatmeal. T. Pennal Office-return clock-face indicator. G. H. Lester .. Oil- and gas-lighting. W. H. Hand Oil and spirit, Process and apparatus for extracting, from kauri-gum refuse. R. C. Trevor Oil-burner for production of non-luminous flame. M. Graetz Oil-can for lubricating purposes, with force ejecting-pump. G. Claydon Oil-can, Force ejector for. G. Claydon Oil-lamp burner, Incandescent. J. W. Butcher and J. A. Pietzcker Oil-lamp burner, Incandescent. The " Era " Incandescent Oil Lamp Company (Limited) Oil-lubricator, Siphon. J.Anderson .. Oil-, or gas-engine, Piston-wheel rotary steam-. P. M. Dewar and J. Wilkins Oil-, or gas-engine, Piston-wheel rotary steam-. P. M. Dewar and J. Wilkins Oil- or gas-engine, Pneumatic igniting-gear for. F. Cronin Oil- or gas-engine, Rotary steam-. J. Wilkins and W. H. Burton Oil-protector for cyclists. H. M. and J. Levinge .. Oils with air, Apparatus for treating and cooling heated fats and. G. M. Hepburn Oleine from milk, Machine for extracting. W. B. Brain Opener, Oyster-. W. Hicks and R. Hickling Opener, Tin-. C. Bristow Opening gates, Method and appliance for. A. Y. Ross Ore coal, &<=•, briquettes, Machine for forming pulverised iron-. T. A. Edison Ore'concentrator and separator, Dry-. R. E. and E. Waugh Ore, &c, Dryer for pulverised iron-. T. A. Edison Ore-feeding machine. Parke and Lacy Company .. . . Ore, Treating complex, for recovery of copper, zinc, and lead. G. de Bechi Ore-furnace. W. Sully Ore-furnace. A. G. Wells Ore-furnaoe. W. H. J. Ridley .. ,_••'. Ore, Machine for separating, from gangue. W. Jamieson .. Ore or quartz, Treating. H. H. Adams __ .. v Ore roasting furnace. W. A. Koneman and W. H. Hartley Ore-roasting furnace. W. H. Hartley and W. A. Koneman .. Ore-separator, Magnetic. G. J. Creau ■•.-_•• Ores and slimes, Electrolytical treatment of. H. Biecken .. .... Ores Condensing and collecting fumes obtained in the treatment of. F. Ellerahausen Ores'containing lead and zinc, Smelting minerals and. G. H. Blenkmsop .. Ores Crushing and classifying apparatus for quartz and other. J. Colquhoun-Thomson Ores'for recovery of metals, Treating. J. A. Gilmour and H. S. Young Ores, Method of separating, from gangue. W. Jamieson .. .. •• Ores Mode of and apparatus for decanting solutions from auriferous. J. J. Deeble .. Ores or oxygen compounds, Method of extracting metals from oxide-. J. Rudolphs and Ores J Apparatus for separating gold- and silver-bearing solutions from G. S. Duncan Ores, Process of and apparatus for concentrating iron-, and bricking same. T. A. Edison Ores! Treating. E. B. Parnell ■_••_•• Ores, Treating refractory gold-, &c. J. iL. Preston Ores, Treating refractory sulphide. F. Bllershausen Ores, Treating zinc-bearing. S. O. Cowper-Coles Ores, Treatment of lead-. A. Pigott Overweight-indicator. H. Valder .. ■• •• •■ •• Oxide-ores or oxygen compounds, Methods of extracting metals from. J. Rudolphs and material for insulating purposes, Method and apparatus for vulcanising and. Volenite (Limited) , ,._.,, , Oxygen compounds, Method of extracting metals from oxide-ores or. J. Rudolphs and J. Landin Oyster-opener. W. Hicks and R. Hickling 11132 7 Nov. 10568 11168 10672 5 May. 15 Nov. 10 June. 11084 10548 10734 10946 10525 10340 11177 11044 10812 10701 11263 10647 11052 11059 10403 10367 11067 10464 11027 11275 11126 10701 10948 10277 11101 10712 10725 11181 10622 10759 10430 10529 11274 10334 10813 10912 10500 11238 10395 10854 10614 10784 10706 10607 11072 10559 11073 10991 11226 10301 10845 10864 11218 10474 11019 11185 10424 10848 10902 10332 10659 11010 11143 10687 10302 17 Oct. 29 April. 29 June. 5 Sept. 16 April. 4 Feb. 23 Nov. 10 Oct. 21 July. 20 June. 23 Deo. 28 May. 7 Oct. 13 Oct. 5 March. 14 Feb. 17 Oct. 22 March. 28 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 Oct. 20 June. 6 Sept. 11 Jan. 27 Oct. 17 June. 27 June. 22 Nov. 26 May. 6 July. 12 March. 25 April. 29 Dec. 31 Jan. 21 July. 23 Aug. 6 April. 13 Deo. 1 March. 8 Aug. 19 May. 18 July. 21 June. 11 May. 17 Oct. 5 May. 17 Oct. 21 Sept. 10 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Aug. 9 Aug. 8 Dec. 29 March. 29 Sept. 25 Nov. 10 March. 6 Aug. 23 Aug. 31 Jan. 7 June. 28 Sept. 10 Nov. 13 June. 21 Jan. 10741 11068 10513 10446 10933 11017 10460 10492 10302 30 June. 17 Oct. 14 April. 19 March. 1 Sept. 29 Sept. 23 March. 12 April. 21 Jan. 11074 17 Oct. 10302 21 Jan. 10784 18 July.




[nveni ion am fame 01 inveni :or. [0. ;e. Pack-saddle. H. Hitohoock.. Packer for reaper-and-binder. W. and S. Graham Paoking case or box for fruit, &c. A. M. Newman Packing food, Method of. 0. E. Fitzgerald and G. Prescott Pad, Cricket-. J. Pomeroy and W. F. Williams .. Pail, Handles and ears for milk-. T. Garland Paint. J. A. McArtney Painting Venetian blinds, Machine for. J. F. Brown Palm, Thimble or seaman's. J. Pomeroy and M. G. Eaymond Pamphlets, &c, Machine for securing together leaves of. R. N. Adams Pan, Airtight cess-. L. L. McDermott.. Pan, Airtight closet-. J. Whitefield and F. S. Parker Pan, Earthenware nightsoil-. G. and W. Carder and E. Owen Pan, Preserving-. H. and A. J. Buckland .. .. : Panoramic apparatus for exhibiting advertisements. W. H. Russell and C. H. Peake Paper-bag maohine. A. Brainard .. .. .. Paper, Collapsible receptacle made from. E. T. Taylor Paper-feeder for paper-bag machines, printing-presses, &c. H. B. Murray Paper-hangings. J. S. Scarr Paper-holder. T. Lewis Paper into strips or shavings, Cutting. R. J. Rousay and W. G. Sinclair Parcel-carrying attachment to bicycles. M. J. Kennedy Pasteuriser or heater for milk. A. D. Dobson Pastille, Medicinal. E. Donald Pavement composition. P. A. C. Bates Paving streets and roadways, Method of. W. Anderson Payments, Machine for checking cash-. M. J. Allan Peat, or wood fire-box, Coal. R. Brinsley and P. S. B. Bett Pedal. J. Miller.. Pedal and toe-clip, Cycle-. H. G. Bedell.. Pedal, Foot-grip for bicycle-. A. G. Tomkins Pedal for bicycles, Lever-. T. H. Tidd.. Pedal-gearing for sewing-machine. A. H. Light .. Peeler and cleaner, Potato. F. W. Naumann and M. Corrigan Peeling and washing potatoes, turnips, &c, Machine for. C. Williams Peg, Clothes-. F. J. Leonard and G. B. Hutton .. Peg, Clothes-. W. C. Greig Peg, Clothes-. J. Robinson Pegging machine, Peg cut-off mechanism for boot-sole-. C. H. B. Corbett Pencil, Finger-circlet to carry. E. Edwards and F. E. Basley Pens, Method of and apparatus for charging reservoir-. J. Hardcastle Percussion-table. R. F. and G. A. Waller Petroleum-lamp, Burner for. G. Kron Phonograph. G. V. Gress Phonograph, Transmitting-horn for. C. 0. McCutcheon Phormium tenax, Process for preparing'and manufacturing, into fibre. W. and A. Ross Phormium tenax. (See also Fibre, Flax.)" Photographing on china, porcelain, &c, Process for. H. W. Drew and F. N. Jonas Photographs, Attaching dress material, &c, to. G. M. Eldred Photographs, Method of reproducing. J. W. Ffrost Photographs, Process for preparing metal plates for printing copies of. J. Miller .. Pick-head to handle, Means for securing. F. Baker and A. Wynne Pick, Miner's. J. Robertson .. .. .. .. ... Picture-frame. H. Lange Pipe-joint, Expansion. F. de J. Clere and G. Fitzgerald Pipe, Joint for earthenware. J. Farley Pipe or conduit for fermented or corrosive liquids. E. Roberts and H. R. Dixson .. Pipe scraper, Metal-. S. Crawshaw Pipe, Tobacco-. A. R. and J. Mackay Pipe, Tobacco-. J. Mackay .. Pipe-wrench. F. Best Pipes, &c, Method of and machine for manufacturing concrete. W. E. Hughes .. Piping, Thin metal. T. Brooks and A. M. Ayles Piston-wheel rotary steam-, gas-, or oil-engine. P. M. Dewar and J. Wilkins Placers, Method of and apparatus for mining. W. F. Lay .. Plant, Protective covering for. R. Goulding Planter, Potato-. C. Anketell Plate, Toe-. R.Wilkinson .. Pliers, Lasting-. D. E. Smith and A. Tyree Plough. F. Bennett Plough. F. J. McDonald Plough. W. J. Nankivell Plough. J. Griffin Plough. J. Lochhead Plough. J. Cook, jun. Plough. J. Gray Plough-coulter. A. W. Legg .. .. .. - .. ... Plough, Drain-. W. K. Hazlett Plough, Multi-tine mouldboard for. J. Barugh and W. K. Elder Plough, Potato-. J. Cockerell and W, C. Harper Ploughing couchy and other grass land, Method of and apparatus for. Q. Muir Ploughs, Disc for rotary disc-. W. C. Peacook Ploughs, Levers and riding-gear for. P. and D. Dunoan (Limited) Ploughs, Lifting and adjusting the discs of rotary disc-. W. C. Peacock Ploughs, &o., Mountings of swingle-trees for. 0. A. Arnaboldi Ploughshare, Extension-plate attachment to. A. E. Bagnall Pneumatio handle for bicycle. H. Morrison 10342 10287 10578 10965 10385 10288 10778 10911 10694 10378 10978 10688 10367 10835 10708 11158 10325 11087 10990 10766 10471 11148 10586 10805 10300 10973 10979 10819 10544 10361 10871 11039 10554 10714 10839 10313 10411 11082 11114 11223 10588 11170 10440 11134 11194 10605 4 Feb. 10 Jan. 7 May. 12 Sept. 23 Feb. 17 Jan. 15 July. 23 Aug. 13 June. 22 Feb. 6 Sept. 8 June. 14 Feb. 2 Aug. 21 June. 14 Nov. 27 Jan. 18 Oct. 21 Sept. 11 July. 31 Marcl 8 Nov. 13 May. 12 Aug. 20 Jan. 15 Sept. 12 Sept. 23 July. 27 April. 16 Feb. 15 Aug. 4 Oct. 27 April. 23 June. 2 Aug. 17 Jan. 5 Marcl 20 Oct. 31 Oct. 6 Dec. 12 May. 21 Nov. 18 Marcl 10 Nov. 24 Nov. 20 May. 10879 10402 10356 10781 10260 11232 10540 11079 10583 10304 10476 10393 10427 11233 11163 10640 10912 10279 10797 10925 10826 10380 10576 10604 10612 10735 10751 10769 11193 10357 10626 11168 10975 10662 11012 10715 10942 10717 10697 10278 17 Aug. 2 Marcl 11 Feb. 15 July. 5 Jan. 13 Dec. 27 April. 20 Oct. 13 May. 21 Jan. 2 April. 1 Marcl: 12 Marol 9 Dec. 15 Nov. 1 June. 23 Aug. 13 Jan. 21 July. 30 Aug. 25 July. 22 Feb. 9 May. 20 May. 21 May. 24 June. 4 July. 9 July. 23 Nov. 14 Feb. 25 May. 15 Nov. 15 Sept. 8 June. 28 Sept. 21 June. 5 Sept. 22 June. 13 June. 11 Jan.




Invention am lame 01 ;nvem ;or. o. as. 'neumatie hernia-truss. W. R. 0. Brson 'neumatic hernia-truss. W. B. C. Ersou 'ueumatic igniting-gear for oil- or gas-engine. P. Gronin 'neumatic inflating-valve. G. B. Grimwood : neumatic tube to rim, Holding cover of. J. Gottrell 'neumatic tire. A. J. Guming 'neumatic tire. G. K. Welch 'neumatic tire. B. T. D. Bell 'neumatic tire in rim, Securing single-tube. S. Maodonald 'neumatic tire, Leak-repairing composition for. G. S. Howe and J. W. Langley 'neumatic tire, Means for preventing puncture of. A. J. Cuming 'neumatic tire, Puncture-closing composition for. G. J. Betts and F. T. Bower 'neumatic tire, Tool for removing and replacing cover of. T. and H. Bennett 'neumatic tire, Unpuncturable single-tube. J. Kellie 'neumatic wheel-tire. G. M. Clark 'oint or switch for overhead rails. J. Hudson and F. Cooper 'olish. Cleansing. H. W. Williams 'olishing boots and other articles, Instrument for. J. Maegregor 'olishing floor-cloths, &c, Preparation for cleaning and. F. B. Ovenden • 'ontoon construction for gold-dredge. L. H. Reynolds 'orcelain, &c, Process for photographing on china. H. W. Drew and F. N. Jonas.. 'ositions, Instrument for levelling and determining. T. N. Blackhall and G. P. Baker 'ost,. Fencing-. E.Walker •ot, Mustard-. A. H. Cotton 'otash and caustic potash, Making. H. M. Levinge 'otash from suint or yolk of fleeces, Saving. E. H. Barber 'otato digger, bagger, and separator. A. M. Waters 'otato moulder and cultivator. T.Clements 'otato peeler and cleaner. F. W. Naumann and M. Gorrigan 'otato-planter. C. Anketell 'otato-plough. J. Cockerell and W. G. Harper 'otatoes, Apparatus for sorting. D. R. Mathias .. 'otatoes, turnips, &c, Machine for peeling and washing. C. Williams .. 'owder-introducing appliance for curative or surgical purposes. Silenette Proprietary (Limited) 'ower, Method of and apparatus for converting energy of fuel and an expansion medium into. A. Howard and W. G. R. Green 'recipitating precious metals from cyanide solutions. The Gold-extraction Syndicate (Limited) 'reservation of frozen, fresh, &c, produce, Wrapper or bag for. F. A. Furlonge .. 'reserver for dairy and other produce, Cooler and. J. S. Allan 'reserving anatomic, eutomologic, &o., specimens, Process for. F. and G. de Rechter 'reserving and boiling-down works, Process and apparatus for the extraction of marketable commodities from the waste liquors of meat-. G. S. Mackenzie 'reserving and tawing skins, Method of. U. de Gunzburg 'reserving apples. A. Vincent .. .. .. 'reserving composition for butter, eggs, fruit, &c. M. J. Hodgson 'reserving eggs, Apparatus for use in. G. H. Umfreville and J. R. Dodd 'reserving flowers, fruit, &c, Proeess of. D. Cole 'reserving meats and other foods, Refrigerating apparatus for. W. B. Lucas J reserving-pan. H. and A. J. Buckland 'ress and cloth, Filter-. J. G. Montgomerie 'ress for cotton, wool, hair, &c. G. A. Lowry 'ress for making roofing-tile. T. Kb'hler 'ress, Monkey-plate and ram for baling-. W. Humble and W. Nicholson ... 'ress, Operating mechanism for wool-. F. Blaxland and W. Wilmott .. 'ress, Paper-feeder for printing-. H.B.Murray .. 'ress, Wool-. H. Sedcole 'ress, Wool-. E. Ewen 'rimary battery. A. Peters .. .. .. .. 'rimary electric battery. W. Rowbotham 'rinting-blocks of same object, Method of producing a plurality of half-tone. H. J. Weeks .. 'rinting copies of photographs, Method for preparing metal plates for. J. Miller .. 'rinting-presses, &c, Feeder for paper-bag machines. H. B. Murray 'rinting, rolling, and lithographic machines, Self-feeder for ruling. F. W. Vickery 'rinting. (See also Butter-printing.) 'rism lights and frames, and mountings for same. J. M. Ewen 'rism lights and mountings, and framings therefor. J. M. Ewen 'ropeller. A. Reynolds 'ropeller. A. Howard 'ropeller, Boat-. A. L. J. Tait 'ropulsion of cycles, Mechanism for assisting in the. G. B. H. Austin .. 'rospecting-dredge. A. Sangster 'roteotive covering for plant. R. Goulding 'rotective devioe for brush. S. G. Boseman .. .. .. 'rotector, Barrel-stave. A. Terry, jun. 'rotector, Cyclist's trouser-. A. M. Wix 'rovision-safe, Meat- and. R. H. Bishop and G. J. Axten 'runing or cutting fruit-trees, Appliance for. W. Pickup .. .... 'runing trees, Appliance for. W. Pickup 'uddling- and screening-machine. R. Cockerell 'ulley, Split. H. Wilson and T. Mant 'ulsating milking-machine. The Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited) 'ulsating teat-cup for milking-machine. The Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited).. 'ulsating teat-cup for milking-machine. The Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited).. 'ulveriser and riddle combined, Rotary. G. M. Fosbery and G. Fry 'ulveriser. (See also Crusher, Crushing, Grinding, Stamper-battery.) 'ump. J. Smaill .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 'ump. A. E. Luttrell and A. Griffith 10980 11106 10500 11001 10284 10549 10811 10998 10496 10330 10352 10507 11192 10763 10486 10397 10713 10628 10432 10569 10879 11155 10887 10525 10926 11116 11154 11203 10714 10925 10975 10623 10839 10952 11258 13 Sept. 26 Oct. 6 April. 20 Sept. 13 Jan. 25 April. 6 Oct,'97 23 Sept. 7 April. 31 Jan. 12 Feb. 14 April. 25 Nov. 7 July. 7 April. 10 March. 22 June. 21 May. 15 Maroh. 5 May. 17 Aug. 14 Nov. 17 Aug. 16 April. 27 Aug. 29 Oct. 14 Nov. 1 Dec. 23 June. 30 Aug. 15 Sept. 23 May. 2 Aug. 8 Sept. 20 Dec. 10563 10485 10433 11214 10405 5 May. 7 April. 15 March. 6 Dec. 4 March. 10534 10454 10396 10339 11009 10310 10835 11188 10786 10843 10690 11113 11087 10738 10966 11176 10537 10639 10781 11087 10504 27 April. 23 March. 2 March. 4 Feb. 28 Sept. 18 Jan. 2 Aug. 25 Nov. 19 July. 5 Aug. 14 June. 31 Oct. 11 Oct. 1 July. 13 Sept. 17 Nov. 27 April. 31 May. 15 July. 18 Oct. 14 April. 10480 10479 10369 11257 10663 10619 10384 10797 11097 10820 10354 10790 10298 10552 11152 11222 10542 10543 10666 10976 13 April. 5 April. 15 Feb. 20 Dec. 1 June. 26 May. 17 Feb. 21 July. 25 Oct. 28 July. 12 Feb. 18 July. 19 Jan. 3 May. 10 Nov. 8 Dec. 26 April. 26 April. 6 June. 15 Sept. 10469 11234 28 March. 14 Deo.




Invention am fame o: [nventor. :o. Jβ. Pump, Oheck-valve for. D. C. Sfcreeter.. Pump, Clip for velocipede-. The Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company Pump, Oil-can with force ejecting-. G. Claydon Pump operatable by coin-freed mechanism, Cycle-. G. B. Gallup Pump, Rotary motor or. G. Westinghouse " Puncture-closing composition for pneumatic tire. G. J. Betta and F. T. Bower Puncture of pneumatic tire, Means for preventing. A. J. Cuming Puncture, Treating leather to render it less liable to. P. C. Johnston Punt, Self-discharging bottom for silt-. J. Grant.. Punt, Silt-. G. B. Beere Quantity-registering apparatus, Name- or number- and. J. Dallimore Quartz and other ores, Crushing and classifying apparatus for. J. Colquhoun-Thomson Quartz, auriferous washes, &c, Agitating crushed. G. H. and M. J. Oatway Quartz or ore, &c, Wet method of treating. H. H. Adams Quartz, &c, Roasting and drying. J.Harrison .. Quartz, Roller-mill for crushing. W. P. Wynne .. Rabbit-crate. J. Taylor Rabbit-crate. W. A. Thompson Rabbit-crate. J. B. Zander and J. Cooke Rabbit-crate. W. J. Tonkin Rabbit-crate. W. A. Thompson Rabbit-crate. J. Metzger Rabbit-trap. A. Dreaver Rabbit-trap, Trap-tongue protecting platform for. G. J. Cooper Rabbits and hares, Tray for use in refrigeration of. J. B. Zander and J. Cooke Rabbits, &c, Wire-netting fence for trapping. W. A. S. Williamson Races, Apparatus for starting horse-. W. Adams Races, Clock for use in starting. H. Reynolds Raok, Sash-hanger and. W. J. Alexander Racking apparatus, Barrel- or cask-. J. J. Marshall Rail coupling or joint. G. Gettings, C. Grosvenor, and W. S. Greenville Bail-fastening. The " White " Patent Rail Fastening Company (Limited) Rail-joint. J. Sutherland and H. R. Schmidt Rails, Appliance to be attached to tram-cars for clearing the. J. Jennett and A. Allen Rails, Point or switch for overhead. J. Hudson and F. Cooper Railway-and traction-engines, Spark-extinguisher for. J.Speight Railway-carriage, Station-indicator for. W. C. and H. M. Dennee Bailway-carriages, &c, Acetylene-gas generator for lighting. J. Trackson Railway-line defect-indicator. A. E. Bagnall Railway metals, Coupling. F. Ottaway Railway or tramway rolling-stock. B. Smethurst Railway rolling-stock, Means for altering gauge of. L. Pearce Railway rolling-stock, Slack-adjuster for brake-gear of. F. W. Selley and W. H. Nisbet Railway signalling apparatus. W. Brierley Railways, Cattle-stop for. F. 0. Skelton Raising gravel, &c, Method of and apparatus for. W. Jennings Raising liquids and producing motive-power, Hydraulic apparatus for. J. C. Gelly Raising loads, Apparatus for. J. and J. R. Temperley .. Raising mud, &c, from river-beds, Apparatus for. G.Poll .. Raising sunken ships, &c, Apparatus for. M. M. J. 0. O'Conor Raising water, Apparatus for. J. Welsby and H. G. Bedell .. Ram for baling-presp, Monkey-plate and. W. Humble and W. Nicholson Ram, Hydraulic. R. Tomline and M. P. Jonasen Ram, Hydraulic. M. P. Jonasen and R. Tomline Range, Cooking-. B. S. and J. H. Nioholls Range, Cooking-. S. Barningham, E. T. O'Connell, and T. McCormack Range, Kitchen-. H. Fancourt Range or stove fireplace into open fireplace, Converting. C. Beadle Range. (See also Stove.) Rat-trap, Mouse- and. J. T. Norton and D. Deavoll Reaper-and-binder canvases, Method of attaching battens to. T. H. Mann Reaper-and-binder, Conveying attachment for. J. Matheson and J. A. Berg Reaper-and-binder, Packer for. S. and W. Graham Reaping-and-binding machinery, Grain reels or beaters for. J. Kelly, jun. Receiving apparatus, Telegraphic transmitting and. B. Hoffmann Receptacle, Collapsible, made from paper. E.T.Taylor Reckoner, Spring balance and ready. W. S. Andrews and J. Boock Reclining-chair. P. Bock .. Recorder, Time-. J. and A. Dey Recording apparatus, Electro-mechanical indicating and. C. E. Vernon and A. Ross Recording distance, time, and fare for vehicles, &c, Apparatus for indicating and. W. Blaker, J. Ridge, T. Mutton, and H. E. Hupton Recording score in cricket-match. J. W. Bindon Reel for wire-straining. P. F. M. Burrows Reel holder, Cotton-. W. C. Greig Reels, Combined holder and cutter for cotton-. D. W. McLean Refrigerating apparatus. W. B. Lucas Refrigerating process and apparatus. G. S. Robertson Refrigerating. (See also Cooling, Freezing.) Refrigeration of rabbits and hares, Tray for use in. J. B. Zander and J. Cooke Register and indicator for cricket umpire. J.B.Allen Register, Cash-. The Empire Cash Register (Limited) Register grate, Draught-concentrator and smoke-preventer for. E. Shadgett Register grate, Valve-regulator for. H. J. K. Foley Registering, and weight-totalling apparatus for weighing-machine, Cost-indicating. W. H. and W. L. D. Gundry Registering apparatus, Number- and weight-. J. Dallimore .. .. .. .. 10961 10386 10759 10852 10564 10507 10352 11141 1C615 10337 10701 10659 10272 10474 10989 10944 10271 10401 10620 10985 11099 11240 10958 11086 10621 11046 11090 10884 10664 10987 10343 10851 10791 10762 10397 10348 11037 11135 10674 10319 10375 10710 11112 10303 10928 10574 11048 10808 10353 11124 11045 10690 10383 10765 10729 10462 10312 10631 5 Sept. 26 Feb. 6 July. 8 Aug. 5 May. 14 April. 12 Feb. 10 Nov. 19 May. lFeb. 20 June. 7 June. 24 Jan. 29 March 21 Sept. 5 Sept. 8 Jan. 26 Feb. 26 May. 17 Sept. 21 Oct. 12 Deo. 9 Sept. 17 Oct. 26 May. 10 Oct. ,20 Oct. '29 Aug. 8 June. 19 Sept. lFeb. 8 Aug. 18 July. 7 July. 1 March. 11 Feb. 7 Oct. 10 Nov. 7 June. 27 Jan. 19 Feb. 21 June. 31 Oct. 21 Jan. 31 Aug. 10 May. 10 Oct. 25 July. 12 Feb. 18Nov,'97 ! 10 Oct. 14 June. 21 Feb. 8 July. 27 June. 21 March. 24 Jan. 26 May.' 10963 10630 10364 10287 10453 10459 10325 11118 11005 11272 10449 10754 10 Sept. 27 May. 28 Feb. 10 Jan. 19 March. 23 March. 27 Jan. 2 Nov. 28 Sept. 29 Dec. 19 March. 7 July. 11055 10883 10653 11100 10310 10982 13 Oot. 18 Aug. 2 June. 25 Oct. 18 Jan. 17 Sept. 10621 11245 11270 10815 10521 11144 26 May. 16 Dec. 28 Dec. 26 July. .5 April. 10 Nov. 10701 20 June.




Invent iion am fame oi [nveni ior. k>. ;e. Registering, numbering, and dating apparatus. G. S. Hiokman Registering quantity measured, Apparatus for measuring liquids and. A. Aitken .. Regulating draught in open fireplace. C. Clayton Regulator for register grate, Valve-. H. J. K. Foley Rein-holder. J. Hallett Rein-holder. J. Hallett Releasing device, Safety. T. Grundy Remedy for indigestion, constipation, &c. H. J. Beeohe Remedy. (See also Cure, Medicine.) Reservoir, Safety appliance f"r acetylene-gas generator or. J. Walker and G. H. Oatway Rheumatism, Cure for. M. F. Donaldson Riddle, Combined rotary pulveriser and. G. M. Fosbery and G. Pry Ridging for building, Ventilating. J. H. Blackwood Riding-gear for ploughs, Levers and. P. arid D. Duncan (Limited) Riding-saddle. H. Hitchcock Rim for wheel, Elastic tire and. P. Ambjorn, Comte da Sparre Rim, Holding cover of tube to. J. Cottrell Rim, Seouring single-tube pneumatio tire in. S. Maodonald Rim, Wheel-. C. K. Welch Ripples, Gold-saving. A. H. Shury River-beds, Apparatus for raising mud, &c, from. G.Poll .. .. .. Roadways, Method of paving streets and. W.Anderson Roasting and drying quartz, &c. J. Harrison Roasting furnace, Ore-. W. A. Koneman and W. H. Hartley .. Rock, Method of and apparatus for breaking. T. A. Edison.. Rock-crusher. B. R. Seabrook and J. R. Brown Rock-drill. H. R. and H. L. Hancock Rock-drilling machine. R. P. Elmore .. .. .. Rocking-cap for chimneys. B. Roberts and T. Rose Rocks, &c, Apparatus for breaking up or cutting. F. Lobnitz Roller-bearings. W. H. Woodcock .. .. .. Roller, Cambridge. T. E. Kilworth .. Roller-mill for crushing quartz. W. P. Wynne Roller washing-machine for flax, &c. W. Fairweather Rolling, and lithographic machines, Self-feeder for ruling, printing. F. W. Vickery Rolling-stock, Means for altering gauge of railway. L. Pearce Rolling-stock, Railway or tramway. E. Smethurst Rolling-stock, Slack-adjuster for brake-gear of railway. F. W. Selley and W. H. Nisbet Rolls. T. A. Edison Roof. G. W. Darvall Roofing-tile, and press for making same. T. Kohler Rooms, Air-cooler for lowering temperature of. W. Cooper Rotary cutting-machine for sheep-shearing purposes. 0. J. Meacock and H. Penn Rotary cutting-machine for wool-cutting and other purposes. J. H. Silley and W. Bacon Rotary engine. T. B. Howard and W. H. Burton Rotary engine. T. B. Howard and W. H, Burton Rotary engine. R. M. Murie Rotary motor. C. F. C. Lohmann Rotary motor or pump. G. Westinghouse Rotary pulveriser and riddle. G. M. Fosbery and G. Fry Rotary steam-, gas-, or oil-engine. J. Wilkins and W. H. Burton Rotary steam-, gas-, or oil-engine, Piston-wheel. P. M. Dewar and J. Wilkins Rotary steam-, gas-, or oil-engine, Piston-wheel. P. M. Dewar and J. Wilkins Rotary wool-cutting machine. J. H. Silley and W. Bacon Rubber- or guttapercba-like substance, Process for forming a. C. Ives Rubber tire. W.H.Humphreys Rubber tire. A. E. Hulls Rudder, Method of shipping boat-. F. Hull Rudder, Method of shipping boat-. F.Hull Ruling, printing, rolling, and lithographic machines, Self-feeder for. F. W. Vickery Rusticated board. G. G. Schwartz Sack sewing-machine, Filled-. A. T. Timewell Sacks or bags when full, Sewing-machine for sewing mouths of. J. Crook and E. Whitehead .. Saddle for velocipede. D. M. B. H. Cochrane Saddle-tree, Method of covering seat of. J. I. Knight Saddles, Improvements in horse-collars and. H. Hitohcock Saddle. (See also Seat.) Safe. J. Mercer Safe, Meat- and provision-. R. H. Bishop and C. J. Axten Safety appliance for acetylene-gas generator or reservoir. J. Walker and G. H. Oatway Safety-grip,for lifts, elevator-cars, cages, &c. T. B. Jacobsen .. .. Safety releasing device. T. Grundy Salea of goods, Method of and book for checking. D. G. Brown Sash-fastener. W. J. Alexander Sash fastener, Window-. H. Maclachlan and J. W. Lahey Sash fastener, Window-. A. Y. Ross and J. Roland Sash-hanger and rack. W. J. Alexander .. .. Sash-lines, Fastening. S. Soffe Sash, Preventing rain driving under. W.H.Taylor Sash. (See also Window-sash.) Saucepan and lid. J. W. McDougall .. .. .. ..; Saving gold. (See Gold.) Saw-bench, Feed-gear for. G. A. Gamman Saw-bench gauge for gauging size of timber. R. A. McLeod Scale attachment to compasses for defining distances between points of legs. D. Whitburn Sealer, Fish-. R. and E. P. Aitken 10948 10899 10867 10521 10516 10517 10423 11004 10648 10824 10976 11024 10715 10342 11266 10284 10496 11076 11230 10353 10973 10989 11019 11069 10264 10775 11104 10582 10977 10389 10484 10944 10519 10504 10710 10375 11112 11070 11182 10843 10327 1060*) 10699 10419 10481 10894 10889 10564 10976 11238 10813 10912 10699 10900 10584 10953 10696 10846 10504 10531 10794 10906 10261 10722 10342 6 Sept. 23 Aug. 12 Aug. 15 April. 16 April. 16 April. 10 Maroh. 28 Sept. 31 May. 26 July. 15 Sept. 26 Sept. 21 June. 4 Feb. 23 Dec. 13 Jan. 7 April. 5 July.* 10 Dec. 12 Feb. 15 Sept. 21 Sept. 29 Sept. 17 Oct. 6 Jan. 14 July. 29 Oct. 10 Aug. 15 Sept. 28 Feb. 5 April. 5 Sept. 15 April. 14 April. 21 June. 19 Feb. 31 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Nov. 5 Aug. 24 Jan. 19 May. 18 June. 4 March. 1 April. 20 Aug. 19 Aug. 5 May. 15 Sept. 13 Dec. 21 July. 23 Aug. 18 June. 4 Feb.* 13 May. 8 Sept. 13 June. 2 Aug. 14 April. 26 April. 19 July. 20 Aug. 5 Jan. 21 June. 4 Feb. 10377 10790 10648 10796 10423 10275 10665 10719 10473 10664 10351 10678 18 Feb. 18 July. 31 May. 20 July. 10 March. 11 Jan. 8 June. 24 June. 28 March. 8 June. 12 Feb. 27 June. 10311 24 Jan. - 10830 10827 11145 10608 30 July. 27 July. 7 Nov. 20 May.




Invention and Name of Inventor. ro. ;e. Scaling fish, Apparatus for. 0. 0. A. Hall Scent or musk-like substance, Method for producing an artificial. The Anglo-Colonial Chemical Company (Limited) Soore in cricket-match, Eeoording. J. W. Bindon .. .. Scraper, Metal-pipe. S. Crawshaw .. .. .. .. .. Soreen and draught-increaser for fire-grates. W. H. Birch Screen, Ventilating- and cooling-, for malthouses, dairies, &c. H. B. Duncan Screening-machine, Puddling- and. R. Cockerell Scrubbing-, shoe-, or stove-brush. H. G. Williams, A. Broad, and 0. G. Crolly Scrub-brush. S. G. Roseman Scutcher attachment. T. Anderson .. .. .. .. .. ■ Scutching-machine. J. Cornwell Seal, Bottle and. J. H. Moore Sealing or hermetically closing jars, &c. T. H. and M. B. Dodd Seaman's palm, Thimble or. J. Pomeroy and M. G. Raymond Seaming-machine, Sheet-metal. E. Norton Seat applicable as a velocipede-saddle, Yielding. D. M. B. H. Cochrane Seat of saddle-tree, Method of covering. J. I. Knight Seat, Water-closet. A. S. and W. H. Ballinger Securing an article to a stand, Device for. W. M. Tyers Securing cow's leg whilst being milked. E. P. Shanasy Securing rails, decking, platforms, and the like, Spike and holdfast for. F. Baker Seed- and ma,nure-drill, cultivator, and furrower, Hoeing and combination. C. Clarke Seed cleaning and separating machine, Grain and. H. House Seed-cleaning machinery. W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven .. Seed-dressing machine. Supplementary dresser for. J. Greenslade Seed-drill, Fertiliser-distributee for. W.E.Hughes Seed-sowing implement. D. R. Mathias Seed and applying manure, Apparatus for sowing. J. Gordon-Jones Seed, Treating cotton-. J. C. W. Stanley Separated milk for obtaining milk proteids, and their utilisation for alimentary purposes, Treatment of. H. Higgins Separation, Method of and apparatus for magnetic. Metallurgische Gesellschaft Separator. I. P. B. Knudsen Separator, Bowl or drum for centrifugal. R. A. Lister and Co. (Limited) Separator, Dry-ore concentrator and. R. B. and E. Waugh Separator for treating minerals, Hydraulic. W. S. Lockhart.. Separator, Magnetic ore-. G. J. Crean.. .. ' .. Separator, potato digger, bagger, and. A. M. Waters Setting cutters of sheep-shearing machine, Method of sharpening or. A. Melchior Sewing-machine, Filled-sack. A. T. Timewell Sewing-machine, Pedal-gearing for. A. H. Light .. .. Sewing mouths of bags or sacks when full, Machine for. J. Crook and E. Whitehead Sewing-thimble. W. C. Robison and C. L. and T. H. R. Gardiner Shaft-sinking, Mining-cage extension-frame for. J. E. Wearne Sharpening or setting cutters of sheep-shearing machine, Method of. A. Melehior.. Shearing-machine. A. Howard Shearing-machine, Method of sharpening or setting cutters of. A. Melchior Shearing-machine motor. A. Parker Shearing machine, Sheep-. E.Becker.. Shearing machine, Sheep-. A. Melchior Shearing or clipping machine, Sheep. J. Alders Shears. (See Sheep-shears.) Sheep, bales, &c, Brand for branding. G. Lambert Sheep-brand. G. Renner and W. H. Boyens Sheep-brand. G. Renner and W. H. Boyens Sheep-branding composition. G. H. Kemp Sheep-, cattle-, or horse-brand. C. E. Young, W. C. Greig, and J. F. Day Sheep-shearing machine. E.Becker .. Sheep-shearing machine. A. Melchior.. Sheep-shearing machine, Method of driving. A. Parker Sheep-shearing machine, Method of sharpening or setting cutters of. A. Melohior.. Sheep shearing or clipping machine. J. Alders Sheep-shearing, Rotary cutting-machine for. O. J. Meacock and H. Penn Sheep-shears, Method of and apparatus for operating machine. McLeod Improved Sheepshears Company (Limited) Sheet-metal box, Apparatus for making. T. L. Carbone Sheet-metal seaming-machine. E.Norton Shell for artillery purposes, Dynamite-. J. Arnaboldi Shield or guard for handles of axes, &c. F. Baker Shipping boat-rudder, Method of. F. Hull Shipping boat-rudder, Method of. F. Hull Ships, Means for raising sunken. M. M. J. O. O'Conor Shoe, Cycling-or walking-. H. Corrick ... Shoe-fastener. W. W. Cabena Shoe-fastener. W. W. Cabena Shoe. (See also Boot, Horse-shoe, Slipper.) . Shoe-, or stove-brush, Scrubbing-. H. G. Williams, A. Broad, and C. G. Crolly Shutters, Hanging and fastening. A. Y. Ross and J. Roland Signalling apparatus, Railway. W. Brierley Signalling-lamp, Hand. G. A. Pearson Signs, Advertising-. N. L. Baird and H. L. Ives Sill, Door-. W. Madder Silt-ejector for tanks and cisterns. S. Oxenbam .. Silt-punt. G. B. Beere .. .. .. . • • • 10452 10672 22 March. 10 June. 11055 10476 10505 10592 11152 10526 10418 10903 10721 11054 11198 10694 10984 10261 10722 10840 10555 10609 10919 10270 11088 11149 10495 10921 10743 10855 10562 10726 13 Oct. 2 April. 14 April. 13 May. 10 Nov. 21 April. 9 Maroh. 17 Aug. 21 June. 11 Oct. 28 Nov. 13 June. 17 Sept. 5 Jan. 21 June. 4 Aug. 4 May. 20 May. 29 Aug. 29Dec-,'97 19 Oct. 10 Nov. 7 April. 29 Aug. 1 July. 9 Aug. 5 May. 27 June. 10594 10491 10671 10559 10809 10424 11154 11207 10794 10554 10906 10744 10654 11207 11256 11207 10733 11197 11206 10511 17 May. 7 April. 10 June. 5 May. 25 July. 10 March. 14 Nov. 1 Dec. 19 July. 27 April. 20 Aug. i July. 6 June. 1 Dec. 20 Deo. 1 Dee. 29 June. 28 Nov. 1 Dec. 14 April. 10565 10328 11228 10387 10838 11197 11206 10611 11207 10511 10606 10470 6 May. 28 Jan. 12 Dec. 26 Feb. 15 Sept 28 Nov. 1 Deo. 21 May. 1 Deo. 14 April. 19 May. 31 March. 10587 10984 10971 10880 10696 10846 11124 11136 10390 11080 12 May. 17 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Aug. 13 June. 2 Aug. 18Nov,'97* 10 Nov. 28 Feb. 20 Oct. 10526 10473 10303 10770 10465 10285 10816 10337 21 April. 28 March. 21 Jan. 12 July. 7 April. 15 Jan. 22 July. 1 Feb.




7—H. 10.

[nvem :ion am [ame ol [nven; ior. o. :e. Silt-punt, Self-discharging bottom for. J. Grant Silver. (See Gold and Silver.) Siphon for water-closet cistern. W. Barlass .. .. .. Siphon O'1-lubrieator. J. Anderson .. .. .. Siphon, Water-closet. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Skate, Monocyole. J. Galbraith Skating, Eneycle for road-, J. Galbraith ., .. ,., Skating, Appliance for use in teaching cyoling, Bwimming, and. A. L. J. Tait Skins, hides, leather, &o., Machinery for treating. J. Hall .. Skins, hides, leather, &c, Machinery for treating. J. Hall Skins, Machine for removing hair and wool from. J. Murgatroyd Skins, Method of preserving and tawing. U. de Gunzburg Skins, Process for preparing. F. Grognet Skins, Process of and apparatus for depilating hides and. J. C. E. Roberts and J. Bailey Skins, Treating hides and. J. K. Tullis Skirt, Cycling-. 0. Gibbs Skirt-supporting attachment to corsets. G. H. Gain Skutching- and heckling machine, Water. W. and A. Ross Skylight. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Slack-adjuster for brake-gear of railway rolling-stock. F. W. Selley and W. Holmes Slags or residues, Recovery of zinc from. The Smelting Corporation (Limited) Slash or billhook. G. Lovell Sleevelet. C. Malcolm Slide-valve, Apparatus for calculating. P. Ellis and A. A. Whitelaw Slimes and tailings for precious metals, Treating. T. J. Denny Slimes, Apparatus for collecting and sedimenting auriferous. J. Wales Slimes, Eleotrolytical treatment of. H. Rieoken Slimes, &c, Filtering apparatus for separating solutions from tailings. A. M. Nioholas Sling, Horse-. C. Anderson and T. A. Wrenn Slip-sole. D. E. and F. W. Smith Slipper. (See Boot.) Sluicing, Damming back water from alluvial ground to facilitate hydraulic elevating and. Smith Smelting minerals, ores, &c, containing lead and zinc. G. H. Blenkinsop Smelting, Process for preparing ironsand for. R. A. Paterson and G. Pott Smoke-consumer and fuel-economizer. G.H.Hope Smoke-consumer, Spark-extinguisher and. J. Shepherd Smoke-preventer for register grate, Draught-concentrator and. E. Shadgett Soap, Appliance for holding, while dissolving. F. J. Leonard and G. B. Hutton .. Soap, Process and apparatus for manufacturing. A. and C. des Cressonnieres Soapsuds, distilled grease, &o., Treating wool-grease. Lanosoap (Limited) Soaps, confectionery, &c, Brand for. J. H. Dalton Sole, Slip-. D. E. and F. W. Smith .. Sole, Watertight boot-. E. Sprey Solutions from auriferous ores, Mode of and apparatus for decanting. J. J. Deeble Sorting potatoes, Apparatus for. D. R. Mathias Sowers, Feed for agricultural drills and. J. Keir Sowing implement, Seed-. D. R. Mathias Sowing seeds and applying manure, Apparatus for. J. Gordon-Jones Spanner for hose-couplings. W. Juriss Spark-arrester. H. S. Krichauff and W. Rufus Spark-catober, Funnel and. A. L. J. Tait Spark-extingnisher and smoke-consumer. J. Shepherd Spark-extinguisher for engines. J. Speight Sparriw-trap. J. Hopkins Spectacle for timber-jack. H.Priestley Speed-governor and clutch-gear. T. G. Howden .. S need-increasing device for velocipede-rider. D.Scott Spike and holdfast for securing rails, decking, platforms, &o. F. Baker Spirit from kauri-gum refuse, Process and apparatus for extracting oil and. R". C. Trevor Splicer, Wire strainer and. C. H. Ensor Split pulley. H. Wilson and T. Mant Spoke-flauge for holding wheel-spokes in position. W. G. and E. A. Crossley Spouting. T. Hoare Spou ing, Clip-bracket for. T. Ballinger and W. Milligan Spouting dies, Beading-. H. G. Bedell Spouting guard, House-. S. Oxenham.. Spouting-gutter and valley. T. Hoare Spring ba'ance and ready reckoner. W. S. Andrews and J. Boook Spring, Gig-. G. Sigley Spring, Trap- and buggy-. J. Robin .. .. .. .. ... Spur-gearing for driving bicycle. T. H. Austin and J. Mikoz Stacking goods or merchandise, Apparatus for lifting, loading, and. A. Sell Stamper battery. M.Weber Stamps for crushing quartz, Lifting and directing battery-. R. Oookerell Stand, B : oycle-. A. J. Cuming .. .. .. Stand, Blackboard-. G. Howe and E. Larcomb .. .. ... Stand, Device for securing an article to. W. M. Tyers Stand, Umbrella-. S.Ritchie .. Standard, Fencing-. H. E. R. Rayner.. Standard for wire-fencing. P. Roach Standards, Means of securing fencing-wires to. E. Smethurat and W. C. Greig Staple, Fencing-. C. J. E. Chubbin Starch mixture. E. R. Dinsmore Starting horse-races, Apparatus for. W.Adams .. .. .. .. i Starting races, Clock for use in. H. Reynolds A. 10615 19 May. 10371 10334 11095 10877 10940 10783 10646 11202 10716 10534 11162 10307 10918 10570 11205 10591 10761 11112 11219 11115 10776 11211 10509 10689 I 10848 I 11049 10398 10862 19 Feb. 31 Jan. 25 Oct. 12 Aug. 27 Aug. 15 July. 2 June. 1 Deo. 22 June. 27 April. I 15 Nov. 21 Jan. 29 Aug. 6 May. 1 Deo. 13 May. 8 July. 31 Oct. 8 Deo. 27 Oct. 16 July. 5 Dec. 14 April. 14 June. 6 Aug. 10 Oct. 1 March. 10 Aug. 10870 15 Aug. 10332 10667 10895 10872 10815 10209 10448 11016 11077 10862 10363 10687 10623 10916 10743 10855 10358 10818 11063 10872 10348 10999 10878 10533 10636 10919 11181 10382 11222 11150 10969 10956 10915 10817 11091 11118 10893 11169 10967 10929 11178 10580 10677 10941 10555 11199 10683 11210 10467 10414 10314 11090 10884 31 Jan. 9 June. 20 Aug. 15 Aug. 26 July. 31 Deo.,'97 19 March. 29 Sept. 11 Oct. 10 Aug. 12 Feb. 13 June. 23 May. 26 Aug. 1 July. 9 Aug, 12 Feb. 27 July. 11 Oot. 15 Aug. 11 Feb. 24 S pt. 13 Aug. 27 April. 30 May. 29 Aug. 22 Nov. 21 Feb. 8 Deo. 8 Nov. 9 Sept. 9 Sept. 29 Aug. 21 July. 19 Oot. 2 Nov. 18 Aug. 19 Nov. 7 Sept. 31 Aug. 22 Nov. 29 April. 11 June. 3 Sept. 4 May. 24 Nov. 13 June. 2 Deo. 24 March. 8 March. 19 Jan. 20 Oot. 29 Aug.




[nven: sion am lame o: !nven1 ior. ■o. ;e. Station-indicator for railway-carriage. W. C. and H. M. Dennes .. .. Stave protector and bung-hole bushing, Barrel-. A. Terry, jun. .. .. Steamboat, Steering apparatus for traction-engine or. J. Shepherd Steam boiler, Hot-water or, T. Danks Steam cooker. G. A. Amos .. Steam cooker. J. T. Love Steam-ejector for exterminating weeds, garden-pests, &o. A. Reynolds Steam-engine. C. C. Wortbington Steam-engine, Governor for. D. Caithness Steam-, gas-, or oil-engine, Piston-wheel rotary. P. M. Dewar and J. Wilkins Steam-, gas-, or oil-engine, Piston-wheel rotary. P. M. Dewar and J. Wilkins Steam-, gas-, or oil-engine, Rotary. J. Wilkins and W. H. Burton Steam- or air- turbine, Method of operating. J. W. Paige and T. S. E. Dixon Steam-pipes and boilers, Compound for coating. D. R. S. Galbraith Steam, water, &c, under pressure, Apparatus for imparting a spiral motion to. J. H. Decent Steering apparatus for traction-engine or steamboat. J. Shepherd Steering-gear for velocipedes, Hand driving- and. J. Fester Stemming machine, Leaf-. W. E. Hughes .. .. .. ... Stemming tobacco-leaves, Machine for. G. P. and W. H. Butler Sterilised raw meat, Process for obtaining, in condition of powder. F. Grognet Stick, Copper-. J. H. Price.. Stock, Railway or tramway rolling-. E. Smethurst Stone, &c, Compound for manufacture of .cement. S. G. Kilminster Stool, Music cabinet. W. Angell Stop, Door-. H. Fullwood Stopper and fastening for bottles, jars, casks, &o. J. J. Sbuttleworth Stopping machinery, Device for checking and. W. H. Grey and W. H. Parsons Stove. W. Congteve .. .. ,. Stove-brush, Scrubbing-, shoe-, or. H. G. Williams, A. Broad, and C. G. Crolly Stove, Gas-. T. G. Wilson .. .. .. .. .. Stove. (See also Range.) Strainer for tank, Water-. S. Oxenham Strainer. (See Fencing, Wire-strainer.) Streets and roadways, Method of paving. W. Anderson Stretcher, Ambulance. H. Desmond .. Stretcher bed and bedstead. J.Morris Stripper, beating-bar, and feed-mouth, Flax-. W. Fairweather Stump-extractor. J. Drummond Stump extractor, Tree-. J. L. Anderson Stumps, Cricket-. A. T. Robertson Submarine telescope. T.W.May Substitute for wood, iron, &c. E. Kingscote Suint of fleeces, Saving potash from. E. H. Barber Sulphide ores, Treating refractory. F. Ellershausen Sun-blind, Bamboo. J. J. Macky Sunshade for windows and doors. A. Y. Ross .. .. .. .. ., Sunken ships, &c, Means for raising. M. M. J. O. O'Conor Support, Abdominal. L. E. Abercrombie Support, Bicycle-. R. S. McFarland and G. K. Askin Suppoit, Bicycle-. G. W. Newson and J. P. Harris Surgical purposes, Powder-introducing appliance for curative and. Silenette Proprietary (Limited) Suspending drapery goods, Apparatus for. I. Harrison Swimming, and skating, Appliance for use in teaching cycling. A. L. J. Tait Swine, Preparation for rendering, proof against swine-fever. G. Lorenz Swingle-tree. W. K. Elder and J. J. Parker Swingle-trees for ploughs, Mountings of. C. A. Arnaboldi Switch for overhead rails, Point or. J. Hudson and F. Cooper Table, Circular billiard-. W. H. Chapman and T. Falvey Table combined, Billiard-and dining-: D. McKenzie Table for brickmaking, Wire-cutting side-delivery. J. S. Laurie and E. L. Clark .. Table-lamp, Acetylene. W. Tyree Table, Percussion-. R. F. and G. A. Waller .. Ta,ck-holder, for holding tacks while being driven. S. Whitburn Tailing, and ear-marking instrument, Combined oastrating. F. A. Macdonald Tailing instrument, Castrating and. W. G. Searle Tailing instrument, Castrating and. H. W. Acton-Adams Tailings, slimes, &c, Filtering apparatus for separating solutions from. A. M. Nicholas Tailings, Treating slimes and, for precious metals. T. J. Denny Tallow-lamp. A. R. Jones Tank and truck for use with digesters, &c, Tip-. J. Maoalister Tank or cistern, Silt-ejector for. S. Oxenham .. ., Tank, Water-strainer for. S. Oxenham Tap-filter, Faucet- or. A. Y. Ross Tap for kerosene-tins, Draw-off. D.C.Jenkins .. Tap, Milk-. A.Harvey Tap or valve. J. Harrow Target. W. Parnall and T. B. Burns .. .. .. " .. ., \\ Target-carrying frame and indicator. J. W. Porter Tftwing skins. Method of preserving and. U. de Gunzburg Teakettle. E C. Millard .. .. .. .. .. ,. , _ Teat-cup for milking-machine, Pulsating.. The Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited) Teat-cup for milking-machine, Pulsating. The Pulsator Milking-machine Company (Limited) Telegraph fire-alarm apparatus, Automatic code for. R.Pearson Telegraphic transmitting and receiving apparatus. B. Hoffmann Telesoope, Submarined T. W. May .. ' .. .. \\ ,, ... \\ 11037 10820 11236 10742 10490 10637 10896 11030 10527 10813 10912 11238 10561 10276 10366 11236 10379 10306 10881 11161 11061 10375 10472 11084 10920 11179 10685 10289 10526 10274 10804 10973 11243 10409 10518 10981 10951 10949 10655 11265 11116 10933 10315 11120 11124 10909 10718 10892 10952 7 Oct. 28 July. 13 Deo. 30 June. 7 April. 31 May. 18 Aug. 4 Oct. 21 April. 21 July. 23 Aug. 13 Dec. 5 May. 7 Jan. 17 Feb. 13 Deo. 22 Feb. 21 Jan. 17 Aug. 15 Nov. 13 Oct. 19 Feb. 1 April. 17 Oct. 29 Aug. 23 Nov. 13 June. 13 Jan. 21 April. 7 Jan. 20 July. 15 Sept. 14 Deo. 5 March. 15 April. 17 Sept. 8 Sept. 8 Aug. 1 June. 23 Deo. 29 Oct. 1 Sept. 20 Jan. 29 Oct. 18 Nov.,'97' 24 Aug. 22 June. 19 Aug. 8 Sept. 10281 ■10783 10932 10788 10717 10397 10522 10994 10610 10417 11170 10858 11026 10451 10407 11049 10509 10547 10866 10816 10804 11133 11031 11167 10847 10585 11007 10534 11186 10543 10666 11269 10459 10655 13 Jan. 15 July. 1 Sept. 12 July. 22 June. 1 March. 16 April. 19 Sept. 16 May. 7 March. 21 Nov. 5 Aug. 27 Sept. 19 March. 3 March. 10 Oct. 14 April. 29 April. 10 Aug. 22 July. 20 July. 18 Nov. 5 Oct. 14 Nov. 5 Aug. 13 May. 28 Sept. 27 April. 25 Nov. 26 April. 6 June. 28 Deo. 23 March. 1 June.




jiveni ;ion am Fame o] :nvem ;or. o. :e. Tell-tale clook attachment. O. Draeger and S. I. Villiers .r Temperature of rooms, &c, Air-cooler for lowering. W. Cooper Thimble, or seaman's palm. J. Pomeroy and M. G. Raymond .. .. ■■. Thimble, Sewing-. W. G. Robison and C. L. and T. H. R. Gardiner .. Thread-carrier for loom. D. M. Seaton Thread-cutter and reel-holder. D. W. McLean Threader, Needle-. The Gem Needle-threader Company (Limited) Threshing-mill. J. R. Melville .. Tile, and press for making same, Roofing-. T. Kohler Tilt for casks, &a. W. N. B. Mason Timber-jack. D.Donald Timber-jack, Spectacle for. H. Priestley Timber, Saw-bench gauge for gauging size of. R. A. McLeod Time-recorder. J. and A. Dey Tin for carrying liquids. J. W. C. Taylor Tin handle, Kerosene-. T. B. Abbott Tin labelling and wrapping machine. S. Fyfe Tin labelling and wrapping machine. S. Fyfe and W. C. Peacock Tine, Combined dredge tumbler and. H. Quertier .. Tin-opener. C. Bristow Tins, &c, Draw-off tap for kerosene-. D. C. Jenkins Tins, Filling kerosene-lamps from. J. Harrison Tins, jars, bottles, &c, Machine for labelling. J. R. Bradley, H. Giles, and F. V. Sanderson .. Tip-tank and truck for use with digesters, &o. J. Macalister Tipping cigarettes. J. S. Beeman Tire. W. H. Humphreys Tire and rim for wheel, Elastic. P. Ambj6rn, Comte de Sparre Tire and tire-cover. J. M. MacLulich Tire and tire-cover, Cycle-. A. Golding Tire, Bicycle-. J. B. Speed Tire, Elastic. W. F. Williams Tire in rim, Securing single-tube pneumatic. S. Macdonald Tire, Leak-repairing composition for pneumatic. C. S. Howe and J. W. Langley Tire, Means for preventing puncture in pneumatic. A. J. Cuming Tire, Mud-guard for pneumatic. S. DunJop and G. H. Oatway Tire-pump. G.B.Gallup.. Tire, Puncture-closing composition for pneumatic. G. J. Betts and F. T. Bower Tire, Tool for removing and replacing cover of pneumatic. T. and H. Bennett Tire, Unpuncturable single-tube pneumatic. J. Kellie .. Tire. (See also Pneumatic tire, Rubber tire, Velocipede-tire, Wheel-tire.) Tires, and fastenings therefor, Wheel-. The Leather Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited) Tires on bicyles, Spring axle for use with solid or rubber. C. C. Morris Titanic acid or titanium, Process and apparatus for extracting, from irorisand. A. Coubrough Toast-making appliance. J. J. F. Walker and J. Sutherland Toaster. J. P. Robertson Toasting bread, grilling meat, &c, Utensil for. G. M. Wright Toasting-fork. N. A. Nielsen Tobacco-cutting machine. A. H. Nathan Tobacco-cutting machine. F. L. Lorden and H. C. Trollope Tobaoco-leaves, Machine for stemming. G. P. and W. H. Butler Tobacco-pipe. A. R. and J. Mackay .. .. .. ... Tobacco-pipe. J. Maokay .. .. .. Tobacco, Putting up. J. S. Beeman .. .. .. .. .. Toe-clip, Cycle-pedal. H. G. Bedell Toe-plate. R. Wilkinson Toilet articles, &c, Trunk for. W. Parker Toilet-mirrors, Method of mounting. D. Sykes Tongs, Fire-. G. Robinson Tool, Combination. A. Arnold Tool, Fencing-. H. Buckland Tool for handling tire-covers. T. and H. Bennett Toothache- or neuralgia-oure. M. L. Squire Top, Chimney-. B. Roberts and T. Rose Top, Chimney-. B. Roberts and T. Rose Torch. W. S. Rentoul Toroh-lamp. I. and F. A. Johnson Totalisator. W. F. James Toy cinematograph. P. Ellis and A. A. Whitelaw Traction-engine or steamboat, Steering apparatus for. J. Shepherd Traction-engines, Spark-extinguisher for railway- and. J. Speight Training horses, Brake for. A. le Fleming Tram-cars, An appliance to be attached to, for clearing the rails. J. Jennett and A. Allen Tramway rolling-stock, Railway or. E. Smethurst Tramway, Single-line. M. Davies Transmitting and receiving apparatus, Telegraphic. B. Hoffmann Transmitting-horn for phonograph. C. O. McCutcheon Transporting loads, Apparatus for raising, lowering, and. J. and J. R. Temperley Trap- and buggy-epring. J. Robin .. .. .. .. .. Trap, Animal-, fish-, or vermin-. W. and T. D. Baylifi and B. Draper Trap, Mouse- and rat-. J. T. Norton and D. Deavoll Trap, Rabbit-. A. Dreaver Trap, Sparrow-. J.Hopkins .. .. .. .. .. .' Trap-tongue protecting platform for rabbit-trap. G. J. Cooper .. .. ;. ... Trapping rabbits, &c, Wire-netting fence for. W. A. S. Williamson .. ... Travelling-band. A. J. Cuming Tray attachment to bottle. J.P.Robertson .. .. .. .. .. 10802 10327 10694 10744 10502 11000 11263 10684 10843 11246 11028 10878 10827 11272 11002 11111 10443 10669 11065 10706 11031 10550 10305 10866 10447 10584 11266 10810 10801 11213 10651 10496 10330 10352 10568 10852 10507 11192 10763 22 July. 24 Jan. 13 June. 4 July. 14 April. 25 Oct. 23 Deo. 13 Juno. 5 Aug. 19 Deo. 1 Oct. 13 Aug. 27 July. 29 Deo. 23 Sept. 31 Oct. 18 March. 10 June. 13 Oct. 21 June. 5 Oct. 2 May. 21 Jan. 10 Aug. 19 March. 13 May. . 23 Dec. 27 Nov.,'97* 22 July. 6 Dec. 1 June. 7 April. 31 Jan. 12 Feb. 5 May. 8 Aug. 14 April.- . 25 Nov. 7 July. 10635 10673 11036 11062 10461 10908 10927 10657 10737 10881 10393 10427 10441 10361 10826 10392 11175 10475 11081 10832 11192 11059 10581 10876 10413 10988 11103 10627 11236 10348 11085 10762 10375 10972 10459 11194 10808 11169 11058 10963. 10958 10999 11086 11046 . 10309 10656 30 May. 7 Juno. 7 Oofc. 13 Oct. 23 March. 25 Aug. 31 Aug. 7 June. 1 July. 17 Aug. 1 March. 12 March. 18 March. 16 Feb. 25 July. 25 Feb. 22 Nov. 5 April, 20 Oct. 30 July. 25 Nov. 13 Oct. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 7 March. 20 Sept. 29 Oct. 27 May. 13 Dec. 11 Feb.. 17 Oct. 7 July. 19 F.eb. 14 Sept. 23 March. 24 Nov. 25 July.. 19 Nov. 13 Oct. J.0 Sent :9 Sept. 24 Sept.-. •• 17 Oct. •' .10 Oct....• 19 Jan. " 7 June,




Invention an< 'ame oi [nveni ;or. ;o. ie. Tray for use in refrigeration of rabbits and hares. J. B. Zander and J. Gooke Tray, Waiting-. H. W. Gilles Treating wood, Apparatus for use in. S. E. Haskin Tree-stump extractor. J. L. Anderson Trees, Appliance for pruning. W. Pickup Trees, Appliance for pruning or cutting fruit-. W. Pickup Tricycle-crank, Bicycle- or. A. Mackay, J. Drummond, and M. and J. Christophersen Tricycle, Military. G. Paterson Trouser-protector for cyclist. A. M. Wix Trousers bagging at knees, Preventing. C. C. A. Hall Trousers fraying at heel, Preventing. G. C. A. Hall Truck for use with digesters, &c, Tip-tank and. J. Macalister Truck, Hinge for door of. G. E. Dean.. Trunk, Clothes-. W. Parker Trunk fastener, Travelling-. A. Ford .. Trunks, boxes, &c, Method of fastening and locking travelling. J. Boland Truss, Hernia-. W. E. 0. Erson Truss, Pneumatic hernia-. W. E. G. Erson Tub, Wash-. A. L. J. Tait Tub, Wash-. W. Parker Tubes to rims, Holding covers of pneumatic. J. Cottrell Tubulous boiler. G. Scott Tumbler and tine oombined, Dredge. H. Quertier Tumbler, Dredge-. W. Adams Turbine, Method of operating steam- or air-. J. W. Paige and F. S. E. Dixon Turner, Music-. W. H. Bryant Turner, Music-. A. M. Bain Turnips, &c, Machine for peeling and washing potatoes. C. Williams Twines, Method of manufacturing from flax yarns suitable for. W. and A Boas Tyne. (See Tine.) Typewriting-machine. T. Cahill Typewriting-machine. C. T. Powers Tyre. (See Tire.) Umbrella-stand. S. Bitohie Umpire's register and indicator, Cricket. J. B. Allen Union, Hose-coupling or. J. Durward and K. Bowe Upper, Boot-, shoe-, or slipper-. S. Hemus Upper, Connection of boot-sole to. E. Sprey Utensil for grilling meat, toasting bread, &o. G. M. Wright Vacuum, Apparatus for exhausting air and producing a. M. Fink Vacuum, Lifting liquid by means of a partial. A. Johnston.. Vacuum-tube lighting, Apparatus for. Moore Electrical Company Vacuum-tube lighting, System of, and apparatus for use therein. Moore Electrical Company.. Valve, Flushing-. W.Andrews Valve for flushing water-closets and drawing off liquids. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Valve for motive engine, Induction-. A. Howard .. .. .. Valve for pump, Check-. D. C. Streeter Valve, Inflating-. G. E. Grimwood Valve-regulator for register grate. H. J. K. Foley Valve, Tap or. J. Harrow Valves, Apparatus for calculating slide-. P. Ellis and A. A. Whitelaw Vamping appliance. D.'Dunn Vamping-cbart. T. E. Carter Varnish, Process of manufacturing, from kauri-gum. B.C.Trevor .. Vegetable fibres, Process of removing gummy matters from. 0. Wetherwax Vehicle, Auto-motor carriage or. W. J. Brewer and J. E. Cooper Vehicle-brake. E. Bartlett.. Vehicle motor and mechanism. J. Pender Vehicle, Motor road-. The Pretot Motor Syndicate (Limited) Vehicle, Movable body for two-wheeled. H. Miller Vehicles, Attaching horses to. G. W. Penney Vehicles, Means for preventing horses attached to, from running away. W. A. Bamsey Velocipede. B. Green Velocipede. G. Paterson Velocipede. G. Paterson Velocipede-brake. T. C. Morris Velocipede, Clip for securing pump to. The Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited) Velocipede-crank. Ah Pat .. .. Velocipede driving-gear. A. T. Cavell and C. Boyds Velocipede driving-gear. G. Tate and J. F. Heckler Velocipede, Hand driving- and steering-gear for. J. Foster Velocipede-riders, Speed-increasing device for. D.Scott Velocipede-saddle. D. M. B. H. Goohrane Velocipede-tire. G. E. Spicer Velocipede. (See also Bioyole, Cycle, Encyole, Monocyole, Tire, Trioycle, Velocipede, Wheel.) Venetian blind, cornice, and curtain-pole combined. B. Cosslett Venetian blinds, Machine for painting. J. F. Brown Ventilating- and cooling-screen for malthouses, dairies, &c. H. E. Dunoan Ventilating appliance. J. Leather Ventilating mines, Apparatus for. W. Asmus .. .. Ventilating ridging for building. J. H. Blackwood .. Ventilation, Improvements in window-sashes for. E. L. Evens Vermin-trap. W. and T. D. Bayliff and B. Draper Vessels from foundering, Collision-mat and repairing-gear for preventing. J. Donald Vuloanising and oxidizing fibrous materials for insulating purposes, Method and apparatus for. Volenite (Limited 10621 10745 10457 10951 10552 10298 10291 10295 10354 10660 10551 10866 10408 10392 11142 11035 11106 10980 10428 10577 10284 10823 11065 10954 10561 10734 10946 10839 10650 26 May. 5 July. 23 March 8 Sept. 3 May. 19 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 12 Feb. 8 June. 3 May. 10 Aug. 5 March 25 Feb. 10 Nov. 5 Oct. 26 Oct. 13 Sept. 4 March 6 May. 13 Jan. 28 July. 13 Oct. 3 Sept. 5 May. 29 June. 5 Sept. 2 Aug. 3 June. 10700 11140 20 June. 10 Nov. 11199 11245 11032 10381 10363 10908 10772 10391 10774 10773 10803 11231 11255 10961 11001 10521 10847 11211 11107 10290 10426 10993 11229 11251 10406 11021 11215 10355 10907 11110 10293 10294 10682 10386 10709 10416 10758 10379 10636 10261 10530 24 Nov. 16 Dec. 3 Oct. 17 Feb. 12 Feb. 25 Aug. 14 July. 25 Feb. 14 July. 14 July. 22 July. 13 Dec. 20 Dec. 5 Sept. 20 Sept. 15 April. 5 Aug. 5 Dec. 31 Oot. 15 Jan. 9 March 22 Sept. 12 Dec. 20 Deo. 2 March 29 Sept. 2 Dec. 14 Feb. 23 Aug. 21 Oct. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 13 June. 26 Feb. 21 June. 8 March. 7 July. 22 Feb. 30 May. 5 Jan. 25 April. 10723 10911 10592 11008 10323 11024 10859 11058 11151 11074 22 June. 23 Aug. 13 May. 28 Sept. 27 Jan. 26 Sept. 10 Aug. 13 Oct. 8 Nov. 17 Oct.




Invention and Name of Inventor. o. ;e. Wad, and process of manufacturing same, Cartridge-. W.Jones .. Walking-shoe, Cycling- or. H. Corrick War-balloon. T. E. Tolleth Warmer, Bed- and foot-. F. B. Clapcott Warp-drawing machine. J. Clarke Wash-tub. A. L. J. Tait Wash-tub. W. Parker Washer, Flax-. J. Rutherford Washing and drying wool, Apparatus for. H. Ashworth Washing and leaching apparatus. R. Moodie Washing appliance, Clothes-. E. Corrick Washing, Appliance for shifting and draining clothes in process of. A. Batten .. Washing-board. H. T. Hamilton .. .. Washing-board and dolly combined. H. Cooper .. Washing-boiler, Flange for copper. J. Anderson Washing-machine. F. A. Colman Washing-machine. A. L. J. Tait Washing-machine. W. Drever .. Washing-machine. A. L. J. Tait Washing-machine for flax, &c, Roller. W. Fairweather Watch, Combination mirror and. F. L, Lorden and F. C. Stephenson Water, Apparatus for raising. J. Welsby and H. G. Bedell .. .. Water-cistern, Ball-cock for. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Water-closet cistern, Siphon for. W. Barlass Water-closet purposes, Apparatus for cutting paper for. F. J. Leonard Water-closet seat. A. S. and W. H. Ballinger Water-closet siphon. H. G. Bedell atid J. Welsby Water-closets, Valve for flushing, and for drawing off liquids. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby .. Water-filter. J. S. Allan Water-heater. F. Parsons and M. Nelson Waterproofing composition. G. F. Newman Water skutching- and heckling-machine. W. and A. Ross Water-strainer for tank. S. Oxenham .. .. Watertight boot-sole. E. Sprey Water under pressure, Apparatus for imparting a spiral motion to steam or. J. H. Decent Weaving, Method of manufacturing from flax yarns suitable for twines or. W. and A. Ross .. Wedge-grip for shaft-cages, lifts, &c. P. G. Kelly Weeding-hoe. A. Y. Ross Weeds, garden-pests, &c, Steam-ejector for exterminating. A. Reynolds Weighing-machine, Cost-indicating, registering, and weight-totalling apparatus for. W. H. and W. L. D. Gundry Weighing-machine, Hydraulic or aerostatic self-registering. J. E. Taylor Weight-registering apparatus, Number- and. J. Dallimore Welding, brazing, &c, Composition of carbons for electric. G. W. de Tunzelmann Whale-net. G. H. Cook Whaling-net, Wire. D. G. Lane Wheel and chain for cycles, Chain-. W. D. Verschoyle Wheel, Elastic tire and rim for. P. Ambjdrn, Comte de Sparre Wheel-hub. J.W.Oliver .. Wheel, Key and key-bed for. R. Fairweather Wheel-rim. 0. K. Weloh Wheel-rim and means of securing pneumatio tube-cover thereto. J. Cottrell Wheel-spokes in position, Spoke-flange for holding. W. G. and E. A. Crossley Wheel-tire. G.H.Clark .. Wheel-tire. C. K. Welch Wheel-tires, and fastenings therefor. The Leather Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited) White ants, &c, Composition for destroying. W. Bain Wick, Lamp-. G. W. Newson Wick, Lamp-. G. W. Newson and J. P. Harris Wick, Lamp-. Albatross Mining and Prospeoting Company (Limited) Winch, Clutches for dredge-. L.A.Reynolds Wind-and dust-stop for doors. E.A.Powell Windmill. A. H. O. Kempthorne Window-lock. R. Allan Window-look. R.Allan Window-lock. J. Robertson Window-sash. W. Halstead .. .. Window-sash- and blind-balance. T. Andrew Window-sash, Apparatus for fastening. H. Maclachlan and J. W. Lahey Window-sash for preventing catch on same being opened from outside. P. H. Basley Window-sash, Preventing rain driving under. W. H. Taylor Window-sashes, Device for preventing rattling of. J. Kennerley Window-sashes for ventilation, Improvements in. E. L. Evens Window-sashes, Method and apparatus for hanging and fastening. A. Y. Ross and J. Roland Window-stop. C. E. Dean Windows and doors, Sunshade for. A. Y. Ross Wire-outting side-delivery table for brickmaking. J. S. Laurie and E. L. Clark Wire fabrics to bedsteads, &c, Attachment of. W. Waterhouse, T. W. Blantern, and W. M. Spriggs Wire-fencing. W. Edgerton Wire-fencing. (See also Fencing.) Wire-fencing, Dropper for. E. Smethurst and R. W. Chapman Wire-fencing, Hanging dropper for. E. Smethurst .. .. .. , . Wire-grip for fencing. C. Williams .. .. .. .. Wire-netting fence for trapping rabbits. W. A. S. Williamson Wire-stwainer. A. Braid 11043 11136 10792 10806 10431 10428 10577 10668 10347 10704 11119 10477 10841 10890 10412 10930 11064 11244 11H6 10519 11094 11045 11096 10371 10698 10840 11095 11231 10613 10434 10483 10591 10804 10363 10366 10650 10868 10860 10896 11144 10 Oct. 10 Nov. 19 July. 15 July. 15 March, 4 March 6 May. 8 June. 9 Feb. 20 June. 2 Nov. 4 April. 4 Aug. 19 Aug. 1 March 31 Aug. 11 Oct. 15 Dec. 10 Nov. 15 April. 25 Oct. 10 Oct. 25 Oct. 19 Feb. 14 June. 4 Aug. 25 Oct. 13 Dec. 18 May. 9 March 4 April. 13 May. 20 July. 12 Feb. 17 Feb. 3 June. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 18 Aug. 10 Nov. 11093 10701 11195 10647 11052 10936 11266 10365 10705 11076 10284 11150 10486 11075 10635 10789 10643 10753 10785 10515 10882 11051 10724 11041 11105 10874 10950 10719 10913 10678 11164 10859 10473 11171 11120 10610 10388 21 Oct. 20 June. 26 Nov. 28 May. 7 Oct. 31 Aug. 23 Dec. 15 Feb. 20 June. 5 July.* 13 Jan. 8 Nov. 7 April. 4 May.* 30 May. 14 July. 31 May. 5 July. 18 July. 13 April. 17 Aug. 11 Oct. 27 June. 10 Oct. 26 Oct. 16 Aug. 8 Sept. 24 June. 23 Aug. 27 June 11 Nov. 10 Aug. 28 March, 21 Nov. 29 Oct. 16 May. 28 Feb. 10374 19 Feb. 10829 10898 10553 11046 10346 28 July. 19 Aug. 3 May. 10 Oct. 8 Feb.





Invention ani ame oi invent ;or. :o. ;e. Wire-strainer. G. Coates Wire-strainer. G. Henderson Wire-strainer. W. Cooper Wire-strainer. F. T. Page Wire-strainer. G. Goates Wire-strainer. F. Henry Wire-strainer. G. Harvey Wire-strainer. J. Miller Wire-strainer. P. F. M. Burrows Wire-strainer. D. Donald Wire-strainer. P. F. M. Burrows Wire-strainer and fence-repairer. E. H. Scbnackenberg Wire strainer and splicer. C. H. Ensor Wire-strainer, Eatchet and lever-key for operating. P. P. M. Burrows Wire-straining, Eeel for. P. F. M. Burrows Wire whaling-net. D. G. Lane Wire-woven mattress. W. Hart .. .. .. ... Wood, Apparatus for use in treating. S. E. Haskin Wood fire-box, Goal, peat, or. E. Brinsley and P. S. B. Bett Wood-gas, Generating. W. H. Nichterlein Wood, iron, &c, Substitute for. E. Kingscote Wool and hair from skins, Machinery for removing. J. Murgatroyd Wool, Apparatus for washing and drying. H. Ashworth Wool-cutting machine, Eotary. J. H. Silley and W. Bacon .. Wool-drying, Appliance for use in. C. J. Olivecrona Wool, flax, &c, Apparatus for drying. A. Eoss Wool-grease, soapsuds, distilled grease, &c, Treating. Lanosoap (Limitfd) Wool, hair, &c, Press for cotton. G. A. Lowry Wool, Machine for cutting hair or. J. W. Newall .. Wool-press. H. Sedcole Wool-press. E. McEwen Wool-press, Operating mechanism for. F. Blaxland and W. Willmott Wool-shearing. (See Shearing.) Worts, Process for fermenting. J. Effront Wrapper or bag for preservation of frozen or fresh produce. F. A. Furlonge Wrapping machine, Tin labelling and. S. Fyfe Wrapping machine, Tin labelling and. S. Fyfe and W. C. Peacock Wrecks, Apparatus for ascertaining position of and raising sunken, and foruse as a floating-dock. M. M. J. O. O'Conor Wrench and nut. J. W. McDougall .. Wrench, Pipe-. F. Best Wringing-machine, Mangling- or. J. S. Smith Yarns for weaving, Eendering flax fibre ready to make into. W. and A. Eoss Yarns from flax, Method of manufacturing. W. and A. Eoss .. Yarns, Producing coloured. A. E. Donisthorpe and G. White Yeast, baker's dough, &c, Compound for use in making. J. T. Norton Yeast, Production of, and apparatus therefor. J. H. Folkerts Yolk of fleeces, Saving potash from. E. H. Barber Zinc, and lead, Treating complex ore for recovery of copper. G. de Bechi Zinc-bearing ores, Treating. S. O. Cowper-Coles .. Zinc, Eecovery of, from slags cr residues. The Smelting Corporation (Limited) Zinc, Smelting minerals and ores containing lead and. G. H. Blenkinsop Zinciferous lead-ores, Treating precipitated lead fumes and. F. Ellershausen 10394 10400 10499 10546 10589 10616 10692 10732 10923 11122 11180 10691 10382 10922 10883 11052 10914 10457 10819 10828 11265 10716 10347 10699 10693 10590 11016 10787 10599 10738 10966 11113 1 March. 3 March. 7 April. 29 April. 14 May. 21 May. 10 June. 29 June. 29 Aug. 14 Nov. 23 Nov. 10 June. 21 Feb. 29 Aug. 18 Aug. 7 Oct. 23 Aug. 23 March. 23 July. 27 July. 23 Dec. 22 June. 9 Feb. 18 June. 16 June. 12 May. 29 Sept. 19 July. 17 May. 1 July. 13 Sept. 31 Oct. 11066 10485 10443 10669 11125 17 Oct. 7 April, i 18 March. ! 10 June. 11 Dec.,'97* 10277 11233 11220 10605 10650 10897 10970 10757 11116 11226 11017 11219 10332 11022 11 Jan. ! 9 Dec. 8 Dec. 20 May. 3 June. 22 Aug. 13 Sept. 7 July. 29 Oct. 10 Dec. 29 Sept. 8 Dec. 31 Jan. 29 Sept.

Name and Address. Number of Class. Number of Design. Date. Forbes, Elizabeth, Auckland, N.Z. Grady, F., Wellington, N.Z. Grazzini, C. E., Wooloomooloo, N.S.W. ... Grrazzini, W., Wooloomooloo, N.S.W. Hepburn, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Hepburn, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Parkinson, W., Auckland, N.Z. ... Parkinson, W., Auckland, N.Z.... Shilton, G. T., Greymouth, N.Z. Whitaker, A., Ohristchurch, N.Z. I ... j ... ... 3 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 5 9b 97 90 98 91 92 94 95 99 98 18 March. 20 June. 13 January. 6 September. 21 January. 21 January. 18 February. 18 February. 27 September. 15 February.




Name and Address. No. of Application. Date. A. and A. News Company, Neutral Bay, Sydney, N.S.W. (See A. E. Berrill, No. 2293.) Aguet, G., and others, London, England ; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland .. Aguet, G., and others, London, England ; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland .. Aguet, G., and others, London, England ; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland .. Aguet, G., and others, London, England ; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland .. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Franoisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. .. .. .. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Albatross Mining and Prospecting Company (Limited), Adelaide, S.A. American Cereal Company, The, Chicago, U.S.A. American Cereal Company, The, Chicago, U.S.A. Anderson and Son, D., Wellington, N.Z. Anderson and Son, D., Wellington, N.Z. Antikamnia Chemical Company, The, St. Louis, U.S.A. .. Apenta Actien-Gesellschaft, Buda-Pest, Hungary Australasian Incandescent Gaslight Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Australia Puzzle Company, The, Christchurch, N.Z. Bagley, A., Dunedin, N.Z. ■ Bagley, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Baillie, J., Carterton, N.Z. Baker Brothers, Wellington, N.Z. (See W. and E. Baker, Nos. 2334, 2385, 2561, 2562.) Baker, E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Baker, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Baker, E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Baker, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Baker, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Baker, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Baker, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. .. .. .. .. Baker, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Banks Peninsula Canning Company, The, Akaroa, N.Z. .. Bartram and Son, J., Melbourne, Vic. Bartram and Son, J., Melbourne, Vic. .. ., Bartram and Son, J., Melbourne, Vic. Bates, Sise, and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. Bates, Sise, and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. Beeche, H. J., Paeroa, N.Z. Bernard and Co., Leith, Scotland .. Bernard and Co., Leith, Scotland .. .. .. .. Berrill, A. E., Neutral Bay, Sydney, N.S.W. .. Bishop and Sons (Limited), A., London, Eng. .. .. .. Black, E. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Bodega Company (Limited), The, London, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester, Eng. Bostock, E., Stafford, Eng. Bradbury and Co., E. A., Christchurch, N.Z. .. Brown, Barrett, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Brown, Barrett, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Brown, Barrett, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Bugg, E. H., Hautere Cross, Wellington, N.Z. Burt (Limited), A. and T., Dunedin, N.Z. Canning, W. E., Melbourne, Vic. Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Company (Limited), Christchurch, N.Z. Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Company (Limited), Christchurch, N.Z. Carter and Co., J., London, Eng. " Carters," London, Eng. (See J. Carter and Co., No. 2318.) Central Glenlivet Bonding Company, Carron, Strathspey, Scotland .. Central Glenlivet Bonding Company, Carron, Strathspey, Scotland Challoner, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Challoner, jun., W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Chappell, Allen, and Co., Bristol, Eng. Charlton, J. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Chaytor, J. C, Marshlands, Blenheim, N.Z. Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. .. Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. .. Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. .. Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. .. Chrystall and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. Chrystall and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. Chrystall and Co., Christehurch, N.Z. .. ;. ... .. .. Clark and Co. (Limited), Paisley, Scotland .. .. .. .. Clark and Co. (Limited), Paisley, Scotland ., ., .; 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 47 42 42 42 42 3 44 18 49 47 3 3 44 43 44 42 44 43 44 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 3 43 43 39 3 42 43 38 38 42 42 42 42 18 13 42 46 42 2574 2575 2576 2577 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2327 2338 2339 2350 2360 2446 2467 2468 2395 2396 2512 2294 2330 2337 2509 2510 2381 2334 2561 2562 2385 2334 2561 2562 2385 2444 2347 2379 2380 2349 2536 2559 2372 2373 2293 2292 2257 2284 2249 2405 2581 2582 2583 2484 2366 2463 2290 2291 2318 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 2.3 Dec. 23 Dec. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Ftb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 31 March. 14 April. 14 April. 27 April. 10 May. 19 Aug. 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 21 June. 21 June. 29 Oct. 10 Maroh. 4 April. 13 April. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 2 June. 7 April. 22 Dec. 22 Doc. 7 June. 7 April. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 7 June. 17 Aug. , 21 April. 2 June. 2 June. 25 April. 2 Dec. 19 Dec. 30 May. 30 May. 10 Maroh. 9 March. 7 Feb. 28 Feb. 21 Jan. 27 June. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 22 Sept. 17 May. 5 Sept. 8 March. 8 March. 23 March. 43 43 3 3 38 2 4 7 42 22 42 42 42 42 23 23 2259 2260 2540 2540 2547 2452 2429 2496 2527 2532 2566 2490 2491 2492 2308 2309 21 Feb. 21 Feb. 7 Deo. 7 Dec. 10 Deo. 24 Aug. 4 Aug. 29 Sept. 21 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Dec. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. : 28 Sept. 21 Maroh. 21 March-




Name and Address. No. oi Application. Date. Clark and Co. (Limited), Paisley, Scotland Clark and Co. (Limited), Paisley, Scotland Clark and Co. (Limited), Paisley, Scotland Clark and Co. (Limited), Paisley, Scotland Clark and Co. (Limittd), Paisley, Scotland Clark and Sons (Limited), A., Auckland, N.Z. .. Clark and Sons (Limited), A., Auckland, N.Z. .. Clayton, C. J., Christchureh, N.Z. .. Clerk, D. E., Auckland, N.Z. Colombo Commercial Company (Limited), The, Colombo, Ceylon Cooke and Co., 8., Melbourne, Vic. (See S. Cooke, No. 2258.) Cooke, S., Melbourne, Vic. Cooper, H., Wellington, N.Z. Cowie and Co., Caversbam, Dunedin, N.Z. Craigellachie-Glenlivet Distillery Company (Limited), Craigellachie, Scotland Craven and Co., J., Wellington, N.Z. (See J. Craven, No. 2517.) Craven, J., Wellington, N.Z. Crease and Son (Limited), E. H., Wellington, N.Z. Crosfield and Sons (Limited), J., Warrington, Lancashire, Eng. Crosfield and Sons (Limited), J., Warrington, Lancashire, Eng. Crosfield and Sons (Limited), J., Warrington, Lancashire, Eng. Crosfield and Sons (Limited), J, Warrington, Lancashire, Eng. Cross, A. F., Oamaru, N.Z. .. .. .. Crumpton, C., Reefton, N.Z. Curtis, F., Dunedin, N.Z. Dahl, C, Palmerston North, N.Z. .. Dailuaine-Glenlivet Distillery (Limited), Carron, Strathspey, Scotland Daisy (Limited), Leeds, York, Eng. Daisy (Limited), Leeds, York, Eng. Daisy (Limittd), Leeds, York, Eng. Dennison, F. R., Christchureh, N.Z. De Renzy, J., Auckland, N.Z. De Renzy, J., Auckland, N.Z. De Renzy, J., Auckland, N.Z. De Renzy, T. G., Auckland, Dunedin, Christehurch, and Wellington Docker, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Doutreband, C. F., and another, Ballimore, near Dubbo, N.S.W.. Dubonnet Freres, Paris, Prance Dunn Company, T. B., Rochester, New York, U.S.A. Dunn Company, T. B., Rochester, New York, U.S.A. .. Dutton, P., Dunedin, N.Z. Dutton, P., Dunedin, N.Z. Eagle Cigarette Company, The, Dunedin, N.Z. Eagle Cigarette Company, The, Dunedin, N.Z. Eagle Cigarette Company, The, Dunedin, N.Z. Enterprise Manufacturing Company, The, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Enterprise Manufacturing Company, The, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Faris, 1., and another, Napier, N.Z. Faulkner, E. R., Sydney, N.S.W. .. Firth and Sons (Limited), T. F., Brighouse, Yorkshire, Eng. Firth and Sons (Limited), T. F., Brighouse, Yorkshire, Eng. .. Firth and Sons (Limited), T. F., Brighouse, Yorkshire, Eng. Fisher and Co., Sydney, N.S.W. (See W. M. Stevenson, No. 2371.) Fletcher, C. A., Christohurch, N.Z. .. .. .. .. Flora Soap and Chemical Works, I. Singer and Co., The, Petone, Wellington, N.Z. Flora Soap and Chemical Works, I. Singer and Co., The, Petone, Wellington, N.Z. Flora Scap and Chemical Works, I. Singer and Co., The, Petone, Wellington, N.Z. Flora Soap and Chemical Works, I. Ringer and Co., The, Petone, Wellington, N.Z. Flora Soap and Chemical Works, I. Singer and Co., The, Petone, Wellington, N.Z. Flora Soap and Chemical Works, I. Singer and Co., The, Petone, Wellington, N.Z. FoPttr-McClellan Company, Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. Foster-McClfllan Company, Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. .. Francis, S. E.. Wellington, N.Z. Gaslight and Coke Company, The, London, Eng. Gibbs and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Gilberd and S'ns, J. B., Wanganui, N.Z. Gilb. rd and Sons, J. B., Wai ganui, N.Z. Gibert, A.. Sydney, N.S.W. Gilmore, Younghusband, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Gilmore, Yonnghusband, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Giimore, Youngbushand, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Gilpin, Senior, and Co. (Limited), W., Cannock, Staffordshire, Eng. .. Gilpin, Senior, and Co. (Limited), W., Cannoek, Staffordshire, Eng. Glasgow Manufacturing Company, The, Wellington and Auckland, N.Z. (See Williamson and Son. No. 2415.) Godber, J., Wellington, N.Z. Goodisson, R, Dunedin, N.Z. Goi-nell ann Co., J., London, Eng. .. Go'tfried, Von. (See unt'er V.) Greig, W. C, Christchureh, N.Z. .. Grove, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Grove, J. B., Willington, N.Z. Gunern and Co., W., Wellington, N.Z. (See W. Gunson, No. 2414.) Gnnson, W., Auckland, N.Z. Haig and Haig (Limited), London, Eng. 23 23 23 23 33 38 88 38 42 42 13 50 43 43 46 42 -17 48 47 47 42 48 3 37 43 3 3 3 22 1 1 1 89 1 44 43 42 3 3 42 45 45 45 6 12 39 4 35 36 50 2310; 2311" 2312. 2313 2399 2370' 2422: 2384" 2454 2333 2258 2526 2336 2354 2517 2453 2374 2375 2376 2377 2256 2255 2400 2355 2263 2250 2403 2413 2472 2332 2390 2391 2438 2552 2324 2565 2480 2481 2382 2383 2522 2523 2558 2477 2478 2242 2482 2554 2555 2556 21 March. 21 March. 21 March. 21 March. 22 June. 28 May. 18 July. 6 June. 25 Aug. 6 April. 14 Feb. 21 Nov. 12 April. 30 April. 5 Nov. 24 Aug. 30 May. 30 May. 30 May. 30 May. 3 Feb. 3 Feb. 22 June. 4 May. 21 Feb. 21 June. 23 June. 5 July. 8 Sept. 6 April. 15 June. 15 June. 13 Aug. 14 Dec. 26 March. 23 Dec. 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 3 June. 3 June. 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 19 Dec. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 4 Jan. 19 Sept. 15 Dec. 15 Dec. 15 Dec. 48 ■17 ■18 47 ■18 47 48 3 3 38 1 4-7 47 00 3 42 42 42 12 13 2387 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2419 2420 2246 2404 24119 2268 2323 2329 2243 2244 2451 2315 2316 11 June. 15 April. 15 April. 15 April. 15 April. 15 April. 15 April. 18 July. 18 July. 13 Jan. 25 June. 30 f-ept. 23 Feb. 19 March. 1 April. 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 22 Aug. 23 March. 23 March. 42 3 48 2535 2548 2457 2 Dec. 9 Dee. 1 Sept. 3 22 22 2362 2493 2520 13 May. 27 Sept. 8 Nov. 2 43 2414 2543 7 July. 8 Deo.



B—H. 10.


Name and Address. 'AO No. of Application. Date. Haig and Haig (Limited), London, Eng. .. .. .. ' ...'', Harper and Company Proprietary (Limited), B., Melbourne, Vic. .. "..... ,--,,.; Hatfield, G., and another, London, Eng. .. .. .. .. : .. Hatfield, G., and another, London, Eng. .. .. .. Hatfield, G., and another, London, Eng. Hatfield, G., and another, London, Eng. .. .. .. .. Hatfield, G., and another, London, Eng. .. .. .. ... Hatfleld, G., and another, London, Eng. .. .. .. Hatfield, G., and another, London, Eng. .. .. .. ..,,.. Hatfield, G., and another, London, Eng. Hatfield, G. E., and another, London, Eng. Hatfield, G. E., and another, London, Eng. .. .. .. ... Hatfield, G. E., and another, London, Eng. .. .. .. Hatfield, G. E., and another, London, Eng. Hatfield, G. E., and another, London, Eng. Hatfield, G. E., and another, London, Eng. Hatfield, G. E., and another, London, Eng. Hatfield, G. E., and another, London, Eng. .. .. Hawkins, C. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Heather, Roberton, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. .. Heering, P. P., Copenhagen, Denmark. (See P. N. Heering, Nos. 2265, 2266, 2411.) Heering, P. N., Copenhagen, Denmark Heering, P. N., Copenhagen, Denmark Heering, P. N., Copenhagen, Denmark Heron, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Hetherington, S., Thames, Auckland, N.Z. Hildebrand and Co., A., Greymouth, N.Z. Hildebrand and Co., A., Greymouth, N.Z. .. .. .. ... Hildebrand and Co., A., Greymouth, N.Z. Hondai-Lanka Tea Company, Dunedin, N.Z. (See G. T. K. McKenzie, No. 2283.) Hutchinson, G., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Hutton, J. C. Melbourne, Vic. (See W. and S. A. Hutton, No. 2412.) Hutton, S. A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. .. Hutton, W., and another, Melbourne, Vie. Imperial Glenlivet Distillery Company, The, Carron, Strathspey, Scotland Irvine and Stevenson, Dunedin, N.Z. (See W. Stevenson, No. 2335.) Jephson, C. P. H., Wellington, N.Z. .. .. .. ... Jeyes' Sanitary Compounds Company (Limited), London, Eng. Johnston and Co., Wellington, N.Z. .. .. .. Kearns, Younghusband, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Kearns, Younghusband, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Kearns, Younghusband, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Kearns, Younghusband, and Co. (Limited), Auokland, N.Z. Kearns, Younghusband, and Co. (Limited), Auckland, N.Z. Kemp, A. E., Gore, Otago, N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited), Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, and Auckland, N.Z. Kenderdine and Kirkup, Auckland, N.Z. Kenderdine and Kirkup, Auckland, N.Z. Kirkcaldie and Stains, Wellington, N.Z. Kirkwood, W., Hastings, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. .. Knight, J., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Knight, J. I., Auckland, N.Z. .. .. .. .. .. Knight, J. I., Auckland, N.Z. Knight, J. I., Auckland, N.Z. .. .. .. .. .. Laurie, C. G. F., Auckland, N.Z. .. Leighton and Son, J. F., Auckland, N.Z. (See F. W. Leighton, No. 2459) Leighton, P. W., Auckland, N.Z. Lever Brothers (Limited), Birkenhead, Eug., and Sydney, N.S.W. .. Lever Brothers (Limited), Birkenhead, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. Lever Brothers (Limited), Birkenhead, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. .. .. ' Lever Brothers (Limited), Birkenhead, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. .. Lever Brothers (Limited), Birkenhead, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. Lewis, A. A., and others, Gisborne, N.Z. Lewis, H. F., and others, Gisborne, N.Z. Lewis, M. S, and others, Gisbome, N.Z. Liebmann, H. B., Sydney, N.S.W. Lincoln, Bennett, and Co. (Limited), London, Eng. Linde British Refrigeration Company (Limited), The, London, Eng... Loasby's Wahoo Manufacturing Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Loasby's Wahoo Manufacturing Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Lucas and Co., W. P., London, Eng. Madill and Collier, Tuakau, Auckland, N.Z. Male, W., Wellington, N.Z. .. .. .. . ■ " Marshall's Chemical Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. .. Marshall's Chemical Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. .. Marshall's Chemical Company (Limited), Ducedin, N.Z. .. Marshall's Chemical Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Mason, F. W., and another, Napier, N.Z. .. .. ■• ■• ■■ Mason, Struthers, and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. Maungakaramea Dairy Association, Maungakaramea, Auckland, N.Z. Mayor, A., and others, London, Eng. ; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland Mayor, A., and others, London, Eug.; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland Mayor, A., and others, London, Eng.; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland Mayor! A., and others, London, Eng. ; Christiania, Norway ; and Vovey, Switzerland 43 42 45 48 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 47 47 43 43 43 34 38 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 3 2 42 42 42 42 42 42 44 2 2544 2369 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2449 2245 2265 2266 2411 2286 2443 2525 2521 2539 2426 2412 2412 2264 2288 2251 2314 2430 2440 2455 2518 2519 2483 2252 8 Dec. 26 May. 21 March. 21 March, 21 March. 21 March. 21 Match. 21 March. 21 March. 21 March. 21 March. 21 March. 21 March. 21 March. 21 March. 21 March. 21 March. 21 March. 22 Aug. 10 Jan. 21 Feb. 21 Feb. 5 July. 5 March. 17 Aug. 15 Nov. 10 Nov. 3 Dec. 27 July. 5 July. 5 July. 21 Feb. 7 March. 21 Jan. 21 March. 5 Aug. 15 Aug. 26 Aug. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 19 Sept. 24 Jan. 47 50 38 2 42 37 37 37 42 2529 2530 2353 2511 2426 2287 2410 2442 2297 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 29 April. 27 Oct. 27 July. 5 March. 2 July. 17 Aug. 19 March. 39 48 47 48 47 48 42 42 42 34 38 6 3 2 38 2 39 42 3 2 3 39 22 42 42 42 42 42 2459 2394 2502 2508 2541 2542 2393 2393 2393 2367 2427 2476 2450 2475 2456 2580 2428 2319 2331 2435 2461 2242 2504 2508 2574 2575 2576 2577 3 Sept. 21 June. 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 7 Dec. 7 Dec. 18 June. 18 June. 18 June. 26 May. 28 July. 15 Sept. 22 Aug. 15 Sept. 29 Aug. 28 Doc. 4 Aug. 23 March. 5 April. 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 4 Jan. 14 Oct. 26 Oct. 23 Deo. 23 Deo. 23 Deo. 23 Dec.




Name ana Address. . ™ O =3 553 I No. of Appli cation. ; Date. Maypole Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. .. .. McClellan Company, Foster-. (See under P.) MoParlane, A. and J., Dunedin, N.Z. McGill and Co., Dr. J. A., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. A. MoGill, No. 2346.) MoGill, J. A., Chicago, U.S.A. TYCcIntosh, M., Auckland, N.Z. Molntyre and Co., D. C, Christchuroh, N.Z. .. Mdntyre and Co.. D. C, Christchuroh, N.Z. .. McKenzie, G. T. K., Dunedin, N.Z .. McLeod, 0., and another, Nelson, N.Z. MoLeod, J., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Mellor and Co., Worcester, Eng. .. ... Mellor and Co., Woroester, Eng. Menzies and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. (See T. Menzies, No. 2425.) Menzies, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Miles, Stapleton, and Co., Melbourne, Vic. (See W. Challoner, jun., and J. Challoner, No. 2540.) Monkwell Street Warehouse Company, London, Eng. Monkwell Street Warehouse Company, London, Eng. Monnerat, J., and others, London, Eng.; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland Monnerat, J., and others, London, Eng. ; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland .. Monnerat, J., and others, London, Eng.; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland .. Monnerat, J., and others, London, Eng. ; Christiania, Norway; and Vevey, Switzerland .. Monopole Cycle and Carriage Company (Limited), The, Coventry, Eng. Montgomerie, R., Stratford, N.Z. .. Moore, H. G., Glenburn, Masterton, N.Z. Morgan, J., and another, Ballimore, near Dubbo, N.S.W. Morley, J. and R., London, Eng. Morley, J. and R., London, Eng. Morley, J. and R., London, Eng. Morley, J. and R., London, Eng. Morley, J. and R., London, Eng. Morley, J. and R., London, Eng. Morley, J. and R., London, Eng. Morton-Pringle Gas-heating Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Muralo Company, The, New Brighton, New York, U.S.A. Muralo Company, The, New Brighton, New York, U.S.A. Native Mineral and Aerated Water and Cordial Company, The, Auckland, N.Z. Needham, jun., A., Longburn, N.Z. Neil, J., Dunedin, N.Z. .. Neil, J. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Nelson, Moate, and Co. (Limited), Wellington, N.Z. Nesbitt, H., Coromandel, N.Z. Nestle, H., London, Eng.; Christiania, Norway; and Vevey, Switzerland. (See G. Aguet, J. Monnerat, E. L. Roussy, and A. Mayor, Nos. 2574-77.) Newton and Son, J., Wellington, N.Z. New Zealand Provision and Produce Company, The, Christchurch, N.Z. (See W. Wood and Gibbs, No. 2499.) Nichols and Co., H., Birkenhead, Auckland, N.Z. Nobel's Explo3ives Company (Limited), Glasgow, Scotland Nobel's Explosives Company (Limited), Glasgow, Scotland Nobel's Explosives Company (Limited), Glasgow, Scotland Nobel's Explosives Company (Limited), Glasgow, Scotland .. '.. Nobel's Explosives Company (Limited), Glasgow, Scotland Norton, J. T., Christchurch, N.Z. .. Oakes and Co. (Limited), Madras, India Parker and Lawson, Dunedin, N.Z. Peabody and Co., H. W., New York, U.S.A.; London, Bing. ; and Sydney, N.S.W. Peabody and Co., H. W., New York, U.S.A.; London, Eng.; and Sydney, N.S.W. Peacock and Brother, W. C, Melbourne, Vic .. Pearson and Co., Hamilton, Waikato, N.Z. Pearson and Co., Hamilton, Waikato, N.Z. Portland Cement-fabrik Hemmoor, Hemmoor, Germany Pringle, Morton-. (Sse under M.) Purdie and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. Purdie, No. 2474.) Purdie, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Rangiwaliia-Ruahine Dairy Company (Limited), The, Rangiwahia, Feilding, N.Z. Reading, 0. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Reece and Sons, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Renzy, De. (See under D.) Rewa Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited), Rewa, N.Z. Robert, P., Palmerston, N.Z. Roussy, B. L., and others, London, Eng.; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland .. Roussy, E. L., and others, London, Eng.; Christiania, Norway ; and Vevey, Switzerland .. •Roussy, E. L., aud others, London, Eng.; Christiania, Norway; and Vevey, Switzerland .. Roussy, E. L., and others, London, Eng.; Cbristiania, Norway; and Vevey, Switzerland .. Rover Cycle Company (Limited), The, Coventry, Eng._ Royal Cigarntte Company, The, Wellington, N.Z. Russell, E. T., Auckland, N.Z. Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Auckland, N.Z. Scoular and Co., W., Dnnedin, N.Z. Scoular and Co., W., Dunedin, N.Z. Sooular and Co., W., Dunedin, N.Z. .. .. .. ... Sebley, W. H., Waipawa, N.Z. Shapcott, M., Wellington, N.Z. .. .. ,. .. .. . .. 50 42 3 48 42 42 ■12 47 47 42 42 42 38 38 42 12 42 42 22 42 18 44 88 88 38 38 88 38 38 18 17 17 44 3 3 48 42 48 2304 2507 2340 2439 2407 2423 2283 2400 2400 2300 2307 2425 2401 2402 2574 2575 2576 2577 2289 2253 2510 2324 25G7 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2295 2494 2495 2584 2549 2352 2325 2515 2209 17 May. 21 Oct. 18 April. 13 Aug. 29 June. 23 July. 25 Feb. 28 June. 28 June. 21 March. 21 Maroh. 26 July. 23 June. 23 June. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 8 March. 27 Jan. 5 Nov. 20 March. 23 Dec. 23 Die. 23 Dae. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 18 March. 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 30 Dec. 13 Dec. 27 April. 28 March. 31 Oct. 11 Feb. 47 2458 2 Sept. 3 20 20 20 20 20 42 15 37 1 1 7 2 47 17 2378 2409 2447 2448 2404 2465 2173 2368 2538 2267 2397 2262 2505 2537 2434 17 June. 1 July. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 10 Sept. 26 May. 2 Dec. 21 Feb. 21 June. 21 Feb. 17 Oct. 2 Dec. 8 Aug. 15 4-2 '15 '17 2474 2531 2432 2348 12 Sept. 23 Nov. 8 Aug. 21 April. 42 2 42 42 •12 42 22 45 48 35 42 42 42 48 45 2501 2398 2574 2575 2576 2577 2248 2408 2406 2533 2416 2417 2418 2534 2290 11 Oct. 22 June. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 19 Jan. 30 June. 7 Sept. 23 Nov. 14 July. 14 July. 14 July. 25 Nov. 18 March.




Name and Address. 7,O No. of Application. Date. Bharland and Co. (Limited), Auckland, N.Z. .. .. Sharp, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Silenette Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Vic. Silenette Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Vic. .. .. .. ... Simpson, J., London, Eng. Simson, D. C, New Plymouth, N.Z. .. .. Singer and Co., I. (See the Flora Soap and Chemical Works, Noa. 2340-45.) Skabcura Dip Company, The, Chicago, U.S.A. .. Smaill, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Smaill and Sons, Dunedin, N.Z. (See A. Smaill, No. 2320.) Smeeton, H. M., Auckland, N.Z. Smeeton, H. M., Auckland, N.Z. .. ■ .. .. Sraeeton, H. M., Auckland, N.Z. .. ... .. .. .. Smeeton, H. M., Auckland, N.Z. Smeeton, H. M., Auckland, N.Z. .. .. .. .. Smith, T. and W., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Bng. Snowdon, Sans, and Co. (Limited), London, Eng. Snowdon, Sons, and Co. (Limited), London, Eng. Societe Comnierciale et Industrielle de Naphte Caspienne et de la Mer Noire, Paris, France Squire, M. L., Fairview, Timaru, N.Z. Standard Oil Company of New York, New York, U.S.A. Standard Oil Company of New York, New York, U.S.A. .. Staples antl Co., W. and J., Wellington, N.Z. .. Staples and Co., W. and J., Wellington, N.Z. .. Staples and Co., W. and J., Wellington, N.Z. .. Stephenson, S. T., Liverpool, Eng. .. .. .. .. ... Stevenson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Stevenson, W. M., Sydney, N.S.W. .. Storey, W. M., Leicester, Eng. Sutton and Co., Sydney, N.S.W. (See C. H. Reading and E. L. Sutton, No. 2432.) Sutton, E. L., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. .. Taddy and Co., London, Eng. (See G. and G. E. Hatfield, Nos. 2298-2305.) Taddy and Co., J., London, Eng. (See G. and G. E. Hatfield, Nos. 2298-2305.) Talisker Distillery (Limited), The, Carbost, Isle of Skye, Scotland Tate and Sons (Limited), H., London and Liverpool, Eng. Tibbies' ViCocoa (Limited), Dr., London, Eng. Tidman and Son (Limited), London, Eng. Todd and Son, J. H., Victoria, B.C., Canada .. Towler, E., Forbury, Dunedin, N.Z. Trudgeon, W. T., Auckland, N.Z. Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited), Auckland, N.Z. Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited), Auckland, N.Z. United Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited), The, Palmerston North, N.Z. Valentine, C. R., Lee, Kent, Eng. .. Vereinigte PinselFabriken, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany Vincent, S., Christchureh, N.Z. Vincent, S., Christchurcb, N.Z. Vinolia Company (Limited), London, Eng. Vinolia Company (Limited), London, Eng. Vinolia Company (Limited), London, Eng. Vinolia Company (Limited), London, Eng. .. Volenite (Limited), London, Eng. Von Gottfried and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. (See J. Knight, I. von Gottfried, and G. Hutchinson, No. 2426.) Von Gottfried, I., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Vuillard and Strauss, St. Claude, Jura, France .. .: Waimarino Dairy Factory Company, The, Wanganui, N.Z. Wairau Freezing Company (Limited), Blenheim, Marlborough, N.Z. Walker, J. J. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Wallace and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. (See C. A. Fletcher, No. 2387.) Walton, R., Auckland, N.Z. Webber, W., Launceston, Tasmania Wedge, L. A., Rislyn, Dunedin, N.Z. Weld, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Wilkie and Co., J., Dunedin, N.Z. Williamson and Son, Wellington and Auckland, N.Z. Willis, A. J., Dunediu, N.Z. Wilson, J. F., Auckland, N.Z. Wilton, G. W., Wellington, N.Z. Wilton, G. W., Wellington, N.Z. .. Wood, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Woodward and Co., H., Oaversham, Dunedin, N,Z. Woodward and Co., H., Caversham, Dunedin, N.Z. Worthington and Co., A. J., Leek, Staffordshire, Eng. Worthington and Co., A. J., Leek, Staffordshire, Fjng. .. .. .. 3 3 8 11 42 3 2 1 3 89 42 47 '18 13 1 47 47 3 47 47 38 38 38 4 47 3 23 45 '13 42 42 3 42 3 48 47 47 42 42 50 3 4B 3 48 3 48 50 2270 2560 2469 2470 2328 2471 2247 2320 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2361 2550 2551 2436 2365 2358 2359 2351 2578 2579 2524 2335 2371 2497 2432 2261 2421 2285 2317 2326 2460 2441 2321 2322 2557 2254 2553 2356 2357 2513 2514 2545 2546 2506 24 Feb. 20 Dee. 8 Sept. 8 Sept. 31 March. 8 Sept. 13 Jan. 23 March. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 23 Sept. 28 Sept. 13 May. 8 Dec". 8 Dee. 10 Aug. 10 May. 9 May. 9 May. 28 April. 23 Deo. 23 Dec. 14 Nov. 12 April. 28 May. 29 Sept. 8 Aug. 21 Feb. 18 July. 28 Feb. 28 March. 28 March. 5 Sept. 17 Aug. 25 March. 25 March. 17 Dec. 28 Jan. 15 Dec. 7 May. 7 May. 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Oct. 42 50 42 42 3 2426 2433 2445 2431 2363 27 July. 8 Aug. 17 Aug. 6 Aug. 13 May. 38 3 48 3 39 42 '17 4 2 48 50 47 86 36 30 30 2389 2424 2528 2437 2392 2415 2479 2500 2386 2498 2499 2388 2462 2563 2564 15 June. 26 July. 21 Nov. 11 Aug. 17 June. 11 July. 1C Sept. 10 Oct. 9 June. 29 Sept. 30 Sept. 14 June. 5 Sept. 23 Dec. 23 Dec.



Additional Patents Regulations.

RANFURLY, Governor. By his Deputy, JAMES PRENDERGAST. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-ninth day of April, 1899. Present: His Excellency the Govebnob in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in him by " The Patents, Designs, and Trademarks Act, 1889," His Excellenoy the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following additional regulations for regulating the practice of registration under the said Act, and generally for regulating the business of the Patent, Offioe —namely : — REGULATIONS. Repeal. 1. Regulations Nos. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 30 of the regulations made by Order in Council dated the 2nd day of October, 1889, and Regulations Nos. 3, 5, and 6 of the regulations made by Order in Council dated the 12th day of January, 1891, are hereby repealed. Statement of Address. 2. Every petition, application, notice, and other document left at the Patent Office shall contain or be accompanied by a statement of an address to which all communications may be made by the Registrar, and such statement shall be binding upon the applicant until a substituted statement of address shall be furnished by him. The Registrar may in any particular case require that the address mentioned in this rule be within the Colony of New Zealand. Size, etc., oi . Documents. 3. Every application, specification, and copy thereof shall be legibly printed or written upon strong paper of foolscap size, with a margin on left hand part thereof. The copy of the complete specification shall be on one side only of the paper, and shall be certified by the applicant or his agent to be a true copy. Drawings. 4. One copy of the drawings must be on blue transparent linen or tracing-cloth, and the other copy either on that material, or on drawing-paper or linaura fabric. The sheets on which the drawings are made to be either 13 in. by 8 in. or 13 in. by 16 in., with a margin of at least 1 in. All the lines must be absolutely black, Indian ink of the best quality being used, and the same strength of colour of the ink maintained throughout the drawing. Any shading must be in lines clearly and distinctly drawn, and as open as is consistent with the required effect. Section-lines should not be too closely drawn. No colour must be used for aDy purpose upon the linen or cloth copy of the drawing. AH letters and figures of reference must be bold and distinct. The drawings must be signed. They must not be folded, but must be delivered at the Patent Office either in a perfectly flat state or rolled upon a roller or in a stiff case, so as to be free from creases or breaks. Application foe Separate Inventions in One Specification. 5. Where a person making application for a patent includes therein by mistake, inadvertonco, or otherwise, more than one invention, he may, after the refusal of the Registrar to accept such application, amend the same so as to apply to one invention only, and may make application for separate patents for each such invention accordingly. Every such application shall, if the applicant notify his cesire to that effect to the Registrar, bear the date of the first application, and shall, together therewith, be proceeded with in the manner prescribed by the said Act and by these rules, as if every such application had been originally made on that date. Extension of Time. 6. An application for extension or enlargement of time shall be in writing, and shall state in detail under what circumstances and upon what grounds such extension is applied for; and the Registrar may require the applicant to substantiate such statement by such proof as the Registrar may think necessary. Notice of Appeal. 7,' Notice of every appeal from any decision of the Registrar shall, within ten days of the time when such decision was given, be served in writing upon the person in whose favour such decision was given. International and Intercolonial Aebangements. 8. The term "foreign application " shall mean an application by any person for protection of an invention in the

United Kingdom, or any foreign State with the Government of which Her Majesty has made an arrangement under section 103 of the Imperial Act called " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1883," or any British possession with which arrangements have been made in pursuance of section 107 of the Act of the Legislature of New Zealand intituled "The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889," and, if more than one foreign application has been made as regards the same invention, and by the same person, means the first of such applications. An application in New Zealand for a patent in respect of whioh a foreign application has been made shall contain a statement that such foreign application has been made, and the official date and number thereof respectively, and shall be signed in the manner prescribed by the said Act and these regulations with respect to ordinary applications. The application in New Zealand shall be mado in the form in the Schedule hereto, and, in addition to the usual requirements of the said Aot and regulations, must be accompanied by a copy of the foreign application, including specification and drawings, if any, bearing the official date of such application, and duly certified by the oftioial chief or head of the Patent or other office in which such application was filed, or otherwise verifiod to the satisfaction of the Registrar, and, if required by the Registrar, a statutory declaration as to the identity of the invention in respect of which the application is made with the invention in respect of which the foreign application was made; and, if the doouments be in a foreign language, a translation thereof shall be annexed to and verified by such statutory declaration. Such application shall be entered in the Register of Patents as on the date on wbioh the foreign application was made, and the payment of renewal-fees and the expiration of the patent shall be reckoned as from the date of the foreign application. Amendment of Table of Fees. 9. The fees set out in the Second Schedule to " The Patents, Designs, and Trade marks Act, 1889," are hereby amended as follows :— The fees— £ s. d. On application for enlargement of time for deposit of specification .. ..100 On obtaining such enlargement of time, in addition to or otherwise payable .. 5 0 0 On lodging application for enlargement of time of any payment .. ..100 On obtaining enlargement of time, in addition to fee otherwise payable .. 3 0 0 Search and inspection : For each book or specification .. .. ..010 Copy or extract from register under seal.. 010 0 Copy or extract of any writing, per com-mon-law folio .. .. ..006 are hereby abolished, and the following fees are substituted therefor: — £ h d On application for any enlargement or ex- ' tension of time .. .. .. 010 0 On obtaining such enlargement or extension, in addition to fee otherwise payable 10 0 For each search or inspection not exceeding one hour .. .. ..010 For each subsequent hour or fraction of hour .. .. .. ..010 For copies of extracts of- any writing, per folio of seventy-two words .. ..003 For certificate of Registrar .. ..050 For certifying office-copies, for each copy 0 10 10. These regulations, with the exception of Regulation No. 4, shall come into force on the 11th day of May next; and Regulation No. 4 shall come into force on the Ist day of September next. schedule:. Application fob Letters Patent under International AND INTEBCOLONIAL AeRANGEMENTS. I [or We], [Insert name or names in full] , of [Insert address and calling} , declare that in possession of an invention for [Insert title of invention], that the true and first inventor thereof, that first mado application (No. ) for the protection of the same in , that the official date of such application is , and that such invention was not in use in the Colony of New Zealand by any other person or persons before the , to the best of knowledge and belief; and request that a patent, bearing date as of the said , may be granted to for the said invention, as described in tho specification herewith. Dated this day of , 18 . .„.' [Signature.} Witness to signature— ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not j,'iven; printing (1,475 copies), ±'59 7s.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington. —1899, Price Is. 3d.

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. TENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. TENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. TENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, H-10

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