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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in compliance with Section 39 of " The Land for Settlements Act, 1894."

The Land Purchase Insfectob to the Hon. the Minister op Lands. Sib, — Department of Land for Settlements, Wellington, 20th June, 1899. I have the honour to report on the transactions under " The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," for the twelve months ending the 31st March, 1899. There were twenty-two meetings of the Boards held during the year for business in the following land districts—viz., Auckland, 1; Hawke's Bay, 2; Marlborough, 5; Nelson, 1; Westland, 1; Canterbury, 8 ; Otago, 4. Fifty-one estates, of a total area of 534,682 acres, were offered during the year. Of that area, 47,192 acres were declined, not recommended, or withdrawn, leaving 487,490 acres, of which an area of 271,905 acres is under consideration, and an area of 215,580 acre* was recommended for purchase. Including with this latter area part of the land offered in the previous year, twenty-four estates were recommended for purchase, with the result that the offers were accepted for thirteen, of an aggregate area of 102,204 acres, for the sum of £582,115. Of the other eleven estates, the owners of three declined the prices offered; the owners of five have the offers made them under consideration; and in the case of three estates no offers have yet been made. The names of the estates purchased are:—Karapiro, Willows, Mahora, Starborough, Bichmond Brook, part of Flaxbourne, Waikakahi, Tamai, E.S. 20184, E.S. 2682, E.S. 36228,''E.5. 36469, and part of Elderslie. With the exception of Bichmond Brook, Tamai, and Elderslie, now under survey, possession of all was given within the year under review. The total purchases under the Land for Settlements Act since its commencement are sixtytwo estates, containing an area of 256,829 acres, at a cost of £1,250,647 for land, and £53,862 for road formations, surveys, and administration. In all, a total of £1,304,509. The limit of appropriation fixed by statute, which expires on 31st March, 1900, is £2,000,000. There is therefore a balance of £695,491 available for additional purchases up to that date, after which no new business can be entered on. Eecently there have bee/i several large estates offered, which if purchased will, together with the price to be paid for Hatuma Estate, and the offers to purchase now under consideration by several landowners, if accepted, absorb the greater portion of the above sum. Appended hereto are details in tabular form, viz:— Table A.—Eeturn of all lands offered to the Government, and how dealt with, from the Ist April, 1898, to the 31st March, 1899. Table B.—Eeturn of lands recommended for purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners to the 31st March, 1899. Table C.—Statement of lands acquired to the 31st March, 1899. Eeport of the Surveyor-General on the " Condition and Settlement " of lands acquired. I have, &c, James McKebbow, Chairman of Board of Land Purchase Commissioners, and Land Purchase Inspector. The Hon. Minister of Lands.

I—C. 5.


TABLE A.—Return of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," and how dealt with, from 1st April, 1898, to 31st March, 1899.


Land District where Land situated. Area offered. Price asked per Acre. Area declined without going to Board. Area not recommended by Board. Area recommended by Board. Offer accepted ! or rejected by Vendor. Remarks. Auckland .. A. R. P. 16,152 0 0 2,495 0 0 118,046 0 0 2,271 0 0 6,746 0 0 £ s. d. 6 15 0 A. R. P. 16,152 0 0 2,495 0 0 A. H. P. A. R. P. - Land not suitable. 118,046 acres under consideration. Purchase completed. Vendors would not accept price offered. 4 0 0 4 0 0 • 2,271 0 0 6,746 0 0 Accepted Declined Total 145,710 0 0 18,647 0 0 9,017 0 0 118,046 acres under consideration. Hawke's Bay 775 0 0 1,134 0 0 Accepted. 1,005 acres under consideration. 775 0 0 1,134 0 0 1,005 0 0 2,914 0 0 19 0 0 28 5 0 Total 1,909 0 0 1,005 acres under consideration. Wellington , 2,050 0 0 10,000 0 0 100 0 0 1,741 0 0 1,700 0 0 745 0 0 4 19 4 10Q 0 0 2,050 acres under consideration. 10,000 Not suitable for purposes of Aot. 1,741 acres under consideration. 1,700 745 • 16 0 0 Total 16,336 0 0 100 0 0 16,236 acres under consideration. Marlborough / Accepted 5,827 0 0 404 0 0 8,000 0 0 14,231 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 5,827 0 0 404 0 0 Purchase of 5,827 acres not quite complete. Purchase complete. 8,000 acres under consideration. •■ • Total 6,231 0 0 8,000 acres under consideration. Westland .. ■ 627 0 0 2 15 0 627 0 0 Land not suitable. Total 627 0 0 627 0 0



TABLE A.—Return of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," and how dealt with, from 1st April, 1898, to 31st March, 1899— continued.

Land District where Land situated. Area offered. Price asked per Acre. Area declined without going to Board. I Area not recommended I by Board. Area recommended by Board. Offer accepted or rejected by Vendor. Remarks. A. R. P. 7 0 0 7,000 0 0 215 0 0 41 0 0 1,812 0 0 57,518 0 0 29,155 0 0 15,834 0 0 1,030 0 0 8,147 0 0 £ s. d. A. R. P. A. R. p. A. R. P. 7 0 0 Canterbury 5 10 0 19 0 0 65 0 0 Accepted Purchase completed. 7,000 acres under consideration. Land too high priced. Purchase completed. Withdrawn. Owner refused price offered. 215 0 0 4i' 0 0 Accepted 4 4 0 57,518 0 0 29,155 0 0 15,834 0 0 Rejected 7,759 0 0 60 0 0 1,631 0 0 1,834 0 0 7,132 0 0 4 0 0 33 0 0 • 60 0 0 8,147 0 0 7,759 0 0 1,631 0 0 1,834 0 0 7,132 0 0 15,834 acres under consideration by Cabinet. 1,030 acres under consideration. Offer made by Government to purchase, under consideratioi by vendors. Ditto. Land not suitable. 1,631 acres under consideration by Cabinet. 1,834 „ „ » Offer made by Government to purchase, under consideratioi by vendors. 5,244 acres under consideration. 8,000 Land not suitable. Purchase completed. Offer made by Government to purchase, under consideratioi by vendors. • 11,375 acres under consideration. Purchase not quite complete. * 5,244 0 0 8,000 0 0 500 0 0 47,866 0 0 9,900 0 0 6 15 0 2 10 0 500 0 0 47,866 0 0 9,900 0 0 Accepted 11,375 0 0 101 0 0 155 0 0 16 0 ioi 0 0 155 0 0 Total 222,316 0 0 J 775 0 0 ■• 187,080 0 0 32,649 acres under consideration ; 1,812 acres withdrawn. Otago 4,800 0 0 148 0 0 200 0 0 64,769 0 0 11,200 0 0 1,950 0 0 24,000 0 0 7,200 0 0 114,267 0 0 I 148 0 0 Accepted • 4,800 0 0 Purchase not quite complete. Land not suitable. 64,769 acres under consideration. Owner accepted price offered. Land too high priced. 24,000 acres under consideration. 7,200 •• •• 200 0 0 710 0 11,200 0 0 Accepted 1,950 0 0 .. .. . 1 2,150 0 0 95,969 acres under consideration. Total 4,800 0 0 11,348 0 0


TABLE A.—Return of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," and how dealt with, from 1st April, 1898, to 31st March, 1899— continued.



Land District. i Number of I Offers. Area offered. Area declined without going; to Board, j Area not •eeomroended by Board. Area recommended by Board. Under Consideration. Withdrawn. Totals. Totals. Auckland Hawke's Bay Wellington Marlborough Westland .. Canterbury Otago Southland 5 3 6 8, 1 23 • 8 2 1 Acres. 145,710 2,914 16,336 14,, 231 627 222,316 114,267 18,281 Acres. 18,647 100 Acres. '* - Acres. 9,017 1,909 6,231 i Acres. Acres. 118,046 ! 1,005 ! 16,236 i 8,000 ; Acres. 145,710 2,914 16,336 14,231 627 222,316 115,300 17,248 • 627 775 2,150 18,281 4^800 187,080 11,348 32,649 ! 1,812 95,969 j - - Grand totals 51 534,682 40,580 4,800 215,585 271,905 1,812 534,682 51 534,682

Land District where Land situated. Area offered. Price asked per Acre. Area declined without going to Board. Area not recommended by Board. Area recommended by Board. Offer accepted or rejected by Vendor. Remarks. A. R. P. 17,248 0 0 1,033 0 0;. £ s. d. A. R. P. 17,248 0 0 1,033 0 0 A. R. P. A. R. P. Southland Land not suitable. Total 18,281 0 0 i 18,281 0 0 I Grand total 534,682 0 0 4,800 0 0 215,585 0 0 271,905 acres under consideration ; 1,812 acres withdrawn. 40,580 0 0 I



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners under the above Act up to 31st March, 1899.

[Note. —Wherever the land-tax value is absent, tl e tax value f the property offered cannot b< separated fro: the rest of tl e estate.] Name of Seller and Locality. Area offered by Vendor. Price asked. Tax Value. Price offered for Land. Total Price iaid to Seller. Cost of Reading, Administration, &c, to Date. Total Cost to Date. Date of Deed. Bern arks. Per Acre. | . Per Acre. Per Acre. Auckland Land District. A. R. P. 4,738 0 0 1,358 0 0 3,546 0 0 6.746 0 0 2,711 0 0 1,028 0 0 3,100 0 0 1,734 0 0 21,319 0 0 2,865 0 0 6,375 0 0 ' 4,150 0 0 1,100 0 0 1,322 0 0 2,244 0 0 380 0 0 1,748 0 0 1,051 0 0 1,451 0 0 2,785 0 0 2,089 0 0 5,919 0 0 7,604 0 0 4,004 0 0 2,271 0 0 93,638 0 0 £, s. d. 4 10 0 6 12 6 4 0 0 4 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Owner refused price offered. 3 15 0 3 10 0 1 18 0 2 15 0 2 17 6 % 310 0 Negotiations pending. ■• . Assets Realisation Board, " Okauia " .. Gould, J., " Opouriao " Assets Realisation Board, "Rangiatea" „ » „ "Karapiro" 3 10 0 4 0 0 4 9 4 0 14 0 3 4 0 3 10 0 4 0 0 4,143 12 1 24,261 3 3 14,014 0 0 8,364 4 6 594 8 10 1,505 6 8 190 4 10 79 12 0 4,738 0 11 25,766 9 11 14,204 4 10 8,443 16 6 : 25/5/98 21/9/96 8/8/98 ' Purchase complete. (See report attached/ I Purchase complete. Total .. 53,152 12 2 I 50,782 19 10 2,369 12 4 Hawse's Bay Land District. ! Owner could not complete title. I Owner refused price offered.Bruce, George, " Waimarie " .. Donner, Mrs. E., " Pouparae " Murray, Roberts, and Co., " Elsthorpe " Williams, J. H., " Raureka Williams, J. H., " Tomoana " .. Bank of New Zealand, " Willows " Williams, J. N., " Mahora " .. 6,964 0 0 1,472 0 0 8,000 0 0 430 0 0 338 0 0 10,293 0 0 427 0 0 111 0 0 776 0 0 1,134 0 0 5 15 0 5 3 4 3 0 0 25 0 0 • 6 0 0 27 0 0 3 5 9 2 0 0 5 - 'o 0 23 1 5 4 0 0 3 12 6 2 15 0 20 0 0 23 0 0 4 10 0 24 0 0 8,608 15 0 7,768 16 6 45,878 10 0 10,260 0 0 171 3 5 36 13 1 1,761 2 3 222 16 8 16 12 3 23 4 9 112 15 10 8,779 18 5 7,805 9 7 47,639 12 3 10,482 16 8 16 12 3 14,757 14 9 31,290 18 4 120,773 2 3 21/7/96 23/2/97 16/3/96 30/3/96 13/4/99 30/3/99 Purchase complete. (See report attached.] Exchange completed. Purchase complete. 19 0 0 28 0 0 19' 0 0 27 10 0 14,734 10 0 31,178 2 6 Total .. ■ • 29,945 0 0 • ■ 118,428 14 0 2,344 8 3



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners— continued.

Name of Seller and Locality. Area offered by \7 0~.. Price asked. Tax Value. ™£g££* Cost, of Roading, Administration, &c, to Date Total Price paid to Seller. Total Cost to Date. Date of Deed. Remarks. Per Acre. Per Acre. Per Acre. Wellington Land District. A. R. P. 4,236 0 0 745 0 0 1,090 0 0 6,690 0 0 323 0 0 £ s. d. 5 15 0 9 15 0 10 15 0 £ a. A. £ s. d. 5 10 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 6 0 0 12 0 0 £ a. d. £ s. d. '" £ s. d. Withdrawn by vendor. •• I - -..' I ..- Owners would not accept price offered. Purchase complete. Drake, W., " Paparangi " 15 0 0 3,875 8 0 2,705' 6 2 2,705 6 2 6,580 14 2 6,580 14 2 3/8/97 13,084 0 0 1 Total 3,875 8 0 Marlborough Land District. 9,600 0 0 6,500 0 0 4,950 0 0 5,020 0 0 3,898 0 0 320 0 0 32,386 0 0 5,827 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 4 10 0 3 10 0 2 15 9 2 10 0 Owner refused price offered. Fell, C. Y., " Blind River " Goulter, C. F., " Omaka " Parsons, J. A., " Puhi Puhi Beaumont's Trustees, " Starborough " .. Richmond, F. H., "Richmond Brook " 1 10 0 3 7 0 2 17 0 3 0 0 2 15 9 10 0 14,678 10 5 10,865 13 6 320 0 0 99,350 0 0 21,921 10 0 •• •• 2,260 12 7 403 2 6 3 16 0 1,355 4 6 37 19 0 •• 16,939 3 0 11,268 16 0 823 16 0 100,705 4 6 21,959 9 0 2/8/94 4/5/96 22/4/97 Purchase complete. (See report attached.) * u 5 'o 0 42 0 ' It Purchase complete (part only, 5,139 acres). (See report attached.) Purchase not quite complete. (See report attached.) Clifford, Sir G., part " Flaxbourne " .. 404 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 i 4,060 14 7 1151,196 8 6 Total .. 68,905 0 0 I I 147,135 13 11 I •• Westland Land District. I 16/1/96 Clark, C, " Poerua ".. 4,868 0 0 3,230 0 0 8,098 0 0 3 0 0 j 15 0 3 0 0 12 6 3,634' 1 6 1,31312 5 4,947' 13 11 Owner's decision not yet known. Purchase complete. (See report attached.) j Total .. 3,634 1 6 1,313 12 5 4,947 13 11 Canterbury Land District. 100 0 0 177 0 0 200 0 0 416 0 0 75 0 0 448 0 0 125 0 0 360 0 0 711 0 0 261 0 0 79 0 0 97 0 0 100 0 0 35 0 0 75 0 0 40 0 0 300 0 0 409 0 0 > 4,810 0 0 95 0 0 23 0 0 11 0 0 14 0 0 17 10 0 75 0 0 8 17 6 Owner refused price offered. 0 14 0 0 17 0 0 10 0 0 13 0 0 12 0 0 50 0 0 6 0 0 19 0 0 7 0 0 5 15 0 21 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 28 0 0 28 0 0 60 0 0 27 0 0 28 0 0 17 0 0 5 15 0 52 10 0 Negotiations fell through. Owner refused price offered. I n » " 6 10 0 25 0 0 45 0 .0 50 0 0 45 0 0 50 0 0 85 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 I •• 6 15 0 Carried forward .. I 8,913 0 0 I I


G.— s

"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners— continued.

Name of Seller and Locality. Area offered by Vendor. Price asked. Tax Value. Price offered for Land. Total Price paid to Seller. Per Acre. Cost of Roading, Administra- Total Cost to tion, Date. &c, to Date. Date of Deed. Remarks Per Acre. Per Acre. Canterbury Land District — contd. \ a. r. p. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ». a. Brought forward .. 8,913 0 0 184 0 0 218 0 0 20 0 0 1,967 0 0 39 0 0 494 0 0 3,802 0 0 1,360 0 0 400 0 0 57,518 0 0 29,155 0 0 15,834 0 0 1,631 0 0 8,147 0 0 7,759 0 0 ; 1,834 0 0 7,132 0 0 9,900 0 0 Assets Realisation Board, " Albury " .. 19,341 0 0 "Rakitairi" 3,526 0 0 "Waiapi" .. 1,125 0 0 "Wharenui" 73 0 0 Boag, W., * Braco" .. .. .. 28 0 0 " Otarakaro" .. .. 40 0 0 Brown, M. I., " Highbank" .. .. 9,120 0 0 Copland, A., "Otaio" . .* .. 377 0 0 Gould, Beaumont, and Co., " Ashley ( 718 0 0 Gorge" \ 448 0 0 Heath Trust, " Horsley Down" .. 4,004 0 0 Hoare, R., " Kereta " .. .. 106 0 0 Menzies, C, ".Pawaho "- .. .. - 17 0 0 Meyer, J., " Epworth " .. .. 21 0 0 Midland Railway Company, " Patoa ".. 7,347 0 0 Moore, G. H., "Omihi Stock Reserve".. : 20 0 0 N.Z. and A. Land Co., "Pareora" .. 621 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 7 10 0 25 0 0 5 5 0 4 13 2 10 10 0 5 0 0 4 4 0 3 16 6 2 10 0 80 0 9 10 0 6 5 0 20 0 0 3 - io 0 8 10 0 3'io 0 5 15 0 2 7 6 3 7 6 5 10 0 8 10 0 65 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 6 10 0 11 0 0 5 10 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 f 45 0 0 \ 15 0 0 12 0 0 0 18 0 12 0 0 I 65,294 11 8 19,362 7 6 9,553 2 3 4,765 6 3 1,375 0 0 1,990 6 3 59,209 12 7 4,143 11 3 1,084 1 3 339 10 7 106 6 1 228 19 5 44 10 3 83 18 11 1,267 17 6 126 7 3 66,378 12 11 19,701 18 1 9,659 8 4 4,994 5 8 1,419 10 3 2,074 5 2 60,477 10 1 4,269 18 6 30/3/97 30/3/97 30/3/97 6/1/97 19/8/95 15/10/96 27/5/96 2/4/95 16/11/95 Owner refused price offered. Negotiations. stopped. Owner refused price offered. Offer made under consideration by Cabinet. m tt ' » vendors. * tt m . „ Cabinet. , „ vendors. Purchase oomplete. (See report attached.) 55 0 0 53 0 0 6 17 6 13 0 0 58 i4 0 6 5 0 7 10 0 5 4 0 20 0 0 !- 4,855 19 6 20,022 5 8 1,584 0 0 265 8 9 492 15 4 31 16 0 5,121 8 3 20,515 1 0 1,615 16 0 12/1/97 8/10/95 9 11 0 l 45 0 0 ]- 1,823 12 6 118 12 9 1,942 5 3 29/4/98 15 0 0 10 0 15 0 0 I 10 16 0 to ( 12 12 0 7 0 0 12 10 0 25 0 0 3 0 0 9 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 0 15 0 252 4 6 6,612 10 3 240 0 0 ! 10 4 1 250 5 6 25 16 9 262 8 7 6,862 15 9 265 16 9 22/10/95 13/3/96 23/3/96 ! 11 12 0 7,198 14 10 113 5 11 7,312 0 9 29/9/93 Peter's Trustees, " Hekeao" .. ..; 2,209 0 0 Pringle, W., "Rosebrook" .. ..! 600 0 0 Quinn and Rooney, " Orakipaoa " .. ! 384 0 0 R.S. 1862 (R.S. 36469) .. .. 20 0 0 Studholme's Trustees, " Kapua " ..j 574 0 0 Studholme's Trustees, " Studholme ! 108 0 0 Junction " Tonks, Norton, and Co., " Roimata" .. 49 0 0 Wason, J. C, " Marawiti" .. .. 2,029 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 12 0 0 10,545 5 0 5,984 4 8 7,683 17 6 60 0 0 4,594 5 0 1,291 5 6 928 11 10 74 0 1 106 7 0 4 3 0 279 12 2 161 5 8 11,473 16 10 6,058 4 9 7,790 4 6 64 3 0 4,873 17 2 1,452 11 2 30/3/98 6/5/95 1/4/96 2/2/97 2/2/94 3/11/93 50 0 0 7 5 0 47 9 6 45 0 0 7 0 0 2,200 6 7 | 14,200 18 10 ; 620 9 4 272 16 1 2,820 15 11 14,473 14 11 21/8/95 7/6/97 Carried forward .. ..'208,347 0 0 -• J254.843 8 1 j 7,037 1 6 261,880 9 7 !



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners— continued.

Name of Seller and Locality. Area offered Price asked. Tax Value Price offered lax value. for La nd. Total Price paid to Seller. Cost of Roading, Administra- Total Cost to "jw. nf two, tion, Date. uate ot ueecl - &c, to Date. Remarks. Per Acre. Per Acre, j Per Acre. Canterbury Land District — contd. Brought forward Rutherford, J. S. (R.S. 2682) .. McLean, A., " Tamai " „ " Waikakahi " .. Douglas, J. (R.S. 20184) Rhodes, R. H. (R.S. 36228) Rowe, Peter (R.S. 36469) A. R. P. 208,847 0 0 7 0 0 41 0 0 47,865 0 0 37 0 0 101 0 0 155 0 0 £ s. d.j .. 65 0 0 8 0 0 11 0 0 £ s. d. .. £ s. d.| ! 65 0 0 6 15 0 : 10 0 0 2 5 0 £ s. d. 254,843 8 1 105 0 0 2,662 11 3 323,090 9 7 366 7 6 £ s. d. 7,037 1 6 ! 4 13 0! 1,693' 10 9 £ s. d. 261,880 9 7 109 13 0 2,662 11 3 324,784 0 4 366 7 6 9/1/99 5/4/99 30/3/99 Purchase complete. I Purchase not yet complete. Total .. • 256,553 0 0 581,067 16 5 8,735 5 3 589,803 1 8 •■ -- Otago Land District. 8 0 0 30 0 0 2 17 6 7 0 0 6 0 0 6 10 0 2 10 0 3 10 2 0 0 7 0 0 14 10 0 Owner refused price offered. • Borton, J., " Maerewhenua " .. Cochrane, J., " Puketapu " .. Douglas, J.,'" Pomahaka " Kitchener, A. B., " Makareao " Kitchener, A. B., " Makareao Extension " McMaster, A. A., " Tokarahi " Meek, W., " Teaneraki" N.Z. and A. Land Co., " Ardgowan " .. Stringer, George, " Tahawai ".. Thomson, W., " Momona " .. Reid, John, " Elderslie " 14 0 0 158 0 0 14,000 0 0 277 0 0 11,151 0 0 509 0 0 7,463 0 0 2,368 0 0 2,536 0 0 11,052 0 0 348 0 0 4,241 0 0 69 0 0 219 0 0 11,200 0 0 35 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 10 0 3 10 0 3 5 0 3 5 0 7 5 0 15 0 0 11 0 0 is o o ; 7 10 0 6 11 0 8 3 0 2 2 6 i I I 66,905 17 0 3,308 14 10 18,656 17 10 7,168 3 8 5,071 10 0 77,360 17 10 5,044 0 6 34,600 0 0 622 1 4 3,608 19 3 i 2,630 0 0 240 8 10 4,305 2 0 I 6,884 3 4 •• 69,535 17 0 3,549 3 8 22,961 19 10 19,123 17 0 j 8/8/95 23/8/95 10/10/93 j 20/5/96) 1 14/12/96 f 9/5/99 17/11/93 6/10/98 9/5/95 5/5/97 Negotiations fell through. Owner refused price offered. Purchase complete. (See report attached. 9 0 0 16 10 0 7 0 0 2,840 1 4 544 12 9 4,212 15 11 10 19 4 76 17 7 80,200 19 2 5,588 12 6 38,812 15 11 633 0 8 3,685 16 10 * 9 - 1222,347 2 3 21,745 0 4 - 244,092 2 7 Owner accepted offer. Purchase not com plete. Total 65,605 0 0 Southland Land District. Owner refused price offered. No offer to purchase made. 1,907 0 0 1,207 0 0 600 0 0 832 0 0 1,460 0 0 1,732 0 0 9,998 0 0 6,043 0 0 4 5 0 4 10 0 10 "o 0 2 10 0 2 5 0 ■•■ 5 10 0 3 10 0 2 10 0 15 0 j 2 12 6 t 1 10 0 ■■ Owner refused price offered. Elder, Smith, and Co., " Merrivale " .. Menzies and Batger, " Otahu " 10 0 0 4 0 0 17 6 3 "o 0 •• | 24,995 0 0 7,555 4 6 3,009 17 8 685 18 6 28,00417 8 8,241 3 0 5/4/95 9/8/97 Purchase complete. (See report attached. Purchase complete. Stevens, W., " Beaumont " 4,328 0 0 3 0 0 110,482 11 3 43,032 15 9 73 16 8 10,556 7 11 10/1/98 Total .. 28,103 0 0 • - 3,769 12 10 46,802 8 7 Total area recommended to 31st March, 1899 I i ! Total area purchased from 1st April, 1898, to 31st March, 1899 1563,931 0 0 j 102,204 0 0 Total amount paid to sellers to 31st March, 1899 Total amount to be paid to Fellers at 31st March, 1899 Total cost of estates purchased to 31st March, 1899, inclusive of departmental expenses 1,170,304 11 8 I 80,342 0 0 I " | 1,224,167 0 0



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1899, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2). of Section 39 of the said Act.

2—C. 5.

Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whom it was bought or acquired. to Seller to 31st March, 1899. Report and Valuation of Board. Report on Conditions and : Valuation Settlement , of Board. of the Land. Report of Board. Auckland Land District — Karapiro A. R. P. 2,270 3 9 Block X., Cambridge Survey District Soil a choclatecoloured light alluvial, overlaying a bed of pumice, sand, and gravel Partly flat and partly undulating fern and bush land Deep, alluvial soil, of good quality Assets Realisation Board £ s. d. 8,364 4 6 The land is good and suitable for settlement in farms of from 50 to 500 acres each. The Board recommends Government to purchase £ s. d. 3 10 0 See Report attached. I Okauia 5,919 1 30 l Part of Matamata Estate, east of Waihou River Assets Realisation Board 4,143 12 1 Land suitable for settlement. The Board recommends Government to purchase 0 14 0 See Report attached. Opouriao 7,604 0 0 Blocks V., IX., XIII., Whakatane, and Block II., Waimana Survey District Gould's Trustees .. 24,261 3 3 The land is excellent in quality, and suitable for subdivision into farms of from 100 to 400 acres. That, from inquiries made, there is a considerable demand in the Bay of Plenty district, and the Government is therefore recommended to purchase the land Land suitable for settlement. The Board recommends Government to purchase 3 4 0 See Report attached. Bangiatea 4,004 0 0 Blook XVI., Waitoa Survey District, and Block IV., Maungakawa Survey District Soil a fluviatile deposit generally, with clayey subsoil in places Assets Realisation Board 14,014 0 0 3 10 0 See Report attached. Total 19,798 0 39 50,782 19 10 Hawke's Bay Land Dist. — Elsthorpe Mahora | *9,740 0 0 Blocks III., VII., and XII., Oero Survey District Lot 139, of Lot 2, Subdivision D, Heretaunga Block, in Block XV., Heretauaga Survey District, and Lot 140, of Lot 2, Subdivision D, Heretaunga Block, in Block XV., Heretaunga Survey District Block I., Turanganui Survey District, and Block I., Waimata Survey District Block III., Te Mata Survey District Soil and situation good, suitable for mixed farms Buchanan's Trustees Williams, J. H. 45,878 10 0 31,178 2 6 The Board believes the land could be profitably occupied in mixed farms ; that there is a fair demand in the district for such class of holdings ; and the purchase is therefore recommended The land is good, and suitable for settlement in farms of from 40 to 50 acres each. The Board recommends Government to purchase the land 4 10 0 27 10 0 See Report attached. See Report attached. 1,133 3 9 Rich alluvial land, soil not worked out Pouparae 337 3 4 427 2 0 All very deep alluvial flat land E. Donner Williams, J. H. 7,768 16 6 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There is a demand for this class of land, and the Board recommends its acquisition The land is good, and suitable for settlement in small farms. The Board believes there is a demand for such land in the district ; the Board therefore recommends the purchase 23 0 0 24 0 0 See Report attached. Raureka .. Rich al luvial soil [ 10,260 0 0 See Report attached. Tomoana Waimarie 110 2 16 430 1 30 Near Hastings Blocks I. and VIII., Waimata Survey District Rich ailuvial soil .. Level alluvial land Williams, J. H. Bruce, G. 8,608 15 0 103,694 4 0 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. A demand exists in the district for this class of land, and the Board therefore recommends the purchase thereof 22 0 0 Carried forward .. 12,180 0 19 I * Corrected area— 553 acres having been exchanged for 110 acres 2 roods 16 perches at Tomoana.

6.— 5


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1899, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 39 of the said Act— continued.

Name of Person or Report and Valuation of Board. Report on Conditions and! Settlement of the Land. Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. to Seller to 31st March, 1899. it was bought or acquired. Report of Board. Valuation of Board. Brought forward.. Hawke's Bay — continued. Willows A. R. P. 12,180 0 19 j £ s. d. 103,694 4 0 775 2 0 Blocks II., V., and VI., Turanganui Survey District All flat and ploughable, soil not exhausted Bank of New Zealand 14,734 10 0 £ s. d. 19 0 0 The land is good, and suitable for settlement in farms 19 0 0 of from 20 to 50 acres each. The Government recommends the acquisition of the property See Report attached. Total 12,955 2 19 118,428 14 0 Wellington Land District — Paparangi 322 3 32 Block XII., Belmont Survey District Soil of fairly good quality, with strong clay subsoil' Mi 0.8 Drake, C. S. 3,875 8 0 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There 12 0 0 is a demand for this land in the district, and the Board therefore recommends the acquisition of the property > 12 0 0 See Report attached. Total 322 3 32 3,875 8 0 Marlborough Land Dist.— Blind River Flaxbourne (part) Omaka 5,020 0 0 404 0 0' I 3,898 0 0 Blocks XII. and XIV., Clifford Bay Survey District Block XIV., Clifford Bay Survey District Block VI., Avon Survey District, and Block I., Taylor Pass Survey District Sections 50 and 51, Puhipuhi Survey District Agricultural and pastoral lands Loamy soil, all ploughable Good agricultural land Fell, C. Y. Clifford, Sir G. Goulter, Charles .. I 14,678 10 5 1,212 0 0* I 10,865 13 6 In the belief that a demand exists in the district, 3 5 0 the Board recommends the purchase The Board approves of an exchange of certain Crown 3 0 0 lands on Stonyhurst for an area of freehold land on Flaxbourne. The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There 2 15 9 is a demand for such land in the district, and the Board therefore recommends the purchase The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There 10 0 is a demand for such land in the district, and the Board therefore recommends the purchase The land is good, and suitable for settlement; and 4 5 0 the Board recommends the purchase 4 14 0 i in n 3 5 0 3 0 0 2 15 9 See Report attached. See Report attached. See Report attached. Puhipuhi 320 0 0 Parsons, J. A. 320 0 0 10 0 Richmond Brook i 5,827 0 0 32,385 3 15 Awatere Valley, contiguous to Starborough Alluvial flats and rolling downs I Richmond, F. H. Beaumont's Trustees 21,921 10 0 4 5 0 4 14 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 to 4 15 6 | See Report j attached. 1 See Report j attached. Starborough In Clifford Bay, Taylor Pass, Cape Campbell, and Blue Mountain Survey Districts Good flats, terraces, and rolling downs; soil of excellent quality ; the whole area in good heart 99,350 0 0 The land is good and suitable for settlement in farms 1 10 0 of from 200 to to 500 acres, and from 2,000 to 5,000 to acres each, and the Board recommends the acquisi- 4 15 6 tion of the whole property Total — 1 147,135 13 11 47,854 3 15 Westland Land District — Poerua 3,230 1 6 Blocks X. and XIV., Te Kinga Survey District Mica-schist silt on shingle J j Clark, C. .. 3,634 1 6 To meet the strong desire for land on the part of the 12 6 people residing in the district, that Mr. Clark be offered £1 2s. 6d. an acre as a final price, and that the proposed road and other expenditure on the land be si total expenditure on which rental will be charged does not i acre on an average See Report attached. Total ... uch that the exceed £2 an 3,230 1 6 3,634 1 6 * To be paid for after 31st March, 1899.


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1898, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 39 of the said Act— continued.


Report and Valuation of Board. Report on Conditions aud Settlement of the Land. Name of Person or Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. to Seller to 31st March, 1899. it was bought or acquired. Valuation of Board. Report of Board. Canterbury Land District — Albury A. R. P. 19,340 3-38 Blocks XI. and XV., Tengawai Survey District, and Blocks II. and III., Opawa Survey District Land of various qualities : limestone, rolling downs, and a margin of stony flats Land of various qualities Assets Realisation Board £ s. d. 65,294 11 8 £ s. d. The Board recommends the acquisition of the estate, 3 7 6 See Report and also recommends the purchase of some 30 acres, attached, being R.S. 18020, to avoid keeping open an unnecessary road Arowhenua (Rakitairi and Waiapi) 4,651 0 12 Blocks I. and II., Arowhenua Survey District, Blocks XI., XII., XV., and XVI., Opihi Survey District, and Block IX., Geraldine Survey District Blocks III., IV., and XVI., Ashley Survey District, and Block IV., Oxford Survey District Assets Realisation Board 28,915 9 9 The " Downs" Block (now known as " Waiapi " 8 10 0 See Report Settlement) is good and suitable for settlement. attached. The "Upper" Block (now known as " Rakitairi" 5 10 0 Settlement) is fair ridgy land, which would do well in areas of from 250 to 500 acres each. The Board recommends the acquisition of both blocks That tbe-land known as the " Homestead Block " is 5 10 0 See Report good and suitable for settlement. There is a attached. demand for land in the district. The Government is recommended to purchase this block and 185 acres in addition at a price of £5 10s. an acre. With regard [ 2 0 0 to the 440-acre block near the Ashley Bridge, as this case comes under subsection (3) of section 4 of the Act it is considered advisable to acquire this land, as low-lying country necessary for the working of the high pastoral country behind belonging to the Crown, at a price of £2 an acre.. The land is good, and suitable for division into small 50 0 0 See Report lots of from 1 acre upwards. The Board believes attached. there will be a demand for such lands. The Board therefore recommends Government" to purchase. The land is suitable for subdivision into smaller areas. 12 0 0 See Report There is a demand for land in this district. The attached. Board recommends the Government to acquire the land The land is good, and suitable, for settlement. The 5 0 0 See Report Board believes there will be a demand for this land attached. in the district, and therefore recommends its acquisition 1,166 0 24 Deep marshy soil on flats; the hill land fair pasture Gould, Beaumont, and Co. (Ellis's Trustees) 4,855 19 6 Ashley Gorge Braeo 27 2 0 Block X., Christchurch Survey District Level land, good soil, suitable for marketgardens Boag, W. .. 1,375 0 0 Epworth 21 0 3 Block II., Arowhenua Survey District Loamy soil on banks of stream Meyer, J. 252 4 6 Hekeao 2,209 0 8 Blocks III. and VII., Shepherd's Bush Survey District Good, level, and undulating agricultural and pastoral land; good black soil, with a subsoil of deep loamy clay All flat land, soil good Peter's trustees .. 10,545 5 0 Highbank 9,119 3 2 Blocks I. and II., Corwar Survey District, Blocks IV. and VIII., Spaxton Survey District Blocks II., III., and IV., Waipara Survey District, and Block V., Waitohi Survey District Brown, M. I. 59,209 12 7 The land is good, and suitable for settlement in 6 10 0 See Report various-sized farms. There is a demand for this attached. land in the district. The Board recommends the acquisition The land is good, and suitable for farms of various 5 0 0 See Report sizes. There is a demand in the district; there- attached. fore the Board recommends the purchase. 6 10 0 Horsley Down 4,004 1 33 Good arable land .. Heath Stock Trust 20,022 5 8 5 0 0 Carried forward .. 40,540 0 0 190,470 8 8 ••

C— 5


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1899, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 39 of the said Act— continued.

Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whom it was bought or acquired. to Seller to 31st March, 1899. Report and Valuation of Board. Report on Conditions and Valuation Settlement of Board, of the Land. Report of Board. A. R. P. 40,540 0 0 £ s. d. 190,470 8 8 £ s. d. \ Brought forward.. Canterbury Land District— continued. Kapua 574 1 5 Blocks I. and II., Waitaki Survey District All first-class land; partly reclaimed swamp The New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Limited) Hoare, R. 4,594 5 0 Kereta 105 2 16 Block IX., Arowhenua Survey District Alluvial swamp land 1,584 0 0 The quality and position of the land are excellent, 7 16 9 See Report and, from inquiries made, the Board believes there attached, is a demand for small farms in the district, and therefore recommends the purchase of the block The land is good, and suitable for subdivision into sec- 15 0 0 See Report tions from 20 acres upwards. The Board believes attached, there is a demand for a few sections in the neighbourhood. The Board recommends the Government to purchase the land The land is good, and suitable for settlement. The 7 0 0 See Report Board believes there will be a demand for the land, attached, and therefore recommends its acquisition Marawiti 2,028 2 33 Blocks II., III., IV., V., Corwar Survey District Land of fair quality, soil good, and in most places of fair depth Arable land Wason, J. C. 14,200 18 10 Omihi Stock Reserve .. 20 0 0 Block XVIII., Waikari Survey District Moore, G. H. 240 0 0 The Board recommends Government to acquire 20 12 0 0 See Report acres out of Mr. Moore's " Glenmark " Estate, attached, situated on Waipara-Cheviot Road The land is good, and suitable for settlement in eight 20 0 0 See Report or ten allotments of from 5 to 10 acres each, and attached, the rest of the estate, approximately, as at present fenced. There is a demand in the district. The Board recommends the acquisition of the property The land, is good, and suitable for settlement in eight 20 0 0 See Report or ten allotments of from 5 to 10 acres each, and; attached, the rest of the estate, approximately, as at present I fenced. There is a demand in the district. The 1 Board recommends the acquisition of the property That the block is very suitable for subdivision into 12 0 0 See Report small farms ; that there is an unsatisfied demand attached, for land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase The quality and position of the land are excellent, 11 12 0 See Report and, from inquiries made, the Board believes there attached, is a demand for small farms in the district, and therefore recommends the purchase of the block That part of the land is fairly suitable for settlement; 0 18 0 See Report that a demand exists for this block on the part of attached, the Hurunui special settlers and others. The Board recommends Government to arrange the acquisition of the block. The Board is also of opinion that there is a prospect of some part of the block not being selected for other than pastoral purposes, or, perhaps, not at all; but, in view of the great necessity that exists for providing extensions to the holdings of the Hurunui settlers, without which —they inform members of the Board —their present holdings must be abandoned, the Board thinks Government should be prepared to face this loss (if any) rather than that an industrious class of bond fide settlers should be obliged to abandon their homes. Orakipaoa 384 0 31 Blocks III. and VII., Arowhenua Survey District Rich alluvial soil .. Quinn and Rooney.. 7,683 17 6 Otarakaro 39 3 9 Block X., Christchurch Survey District Open, flat, grass land; soil deep and of good quality. Boag, W... 1,990 6 3 Otaio 376 2 30 Blocks XII. and XVI., Otaio Survey District Open, flat land Copland, A. 4,143 11 3 Pareora 620 2 13 Block XII., Otaio Survey District, and Block IV., Patiti Survey District Open, level, agricultural land of good quality New Zealand and Australian Land Co. (Limited) 7,198 14 10 Patoa 7,347 0 38 Waipara and Waitohi Survey Districts Pastoral country .. New Zealand Midland Railway Company (Limited) 6,612 10 3 Carried forward .. 52,037 0 15 238,718 12 7


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1898, prepared in terms of Subsection (2) of Section 39 of the said Act— continued.


Report and Valuation of Board. Report Name of Person or Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. it was bought or acquired. Seller to 31st March, 1899. and Settlement of the Land. Report of Board. Valuation of Board. 52,037 015 £ s. d. 238,718 12 7 £ s. d. Brought forward.. 'Canterbury Land District — continued. Pawaho 51 3 18 Block XVI., Christchurch Survey District Flat agricultural land; good soil on clay subsoil. Hill sections on fairly steep slope ; soil fairly good on clay Menzies, Charles .. 1,823 12 6 Land good and suitable. Board believes there will be a demand for the land for workmen's homes, and therefore recommends the purchase 45 0 0 and 15 0 0 See Report attached. R.S. 20184 (Waikakahi) 36 2 22 Waitaki and Elephant jHill Survey District Douglas, J. 366 7 6 The Board recommends the purchase of this land for the purpose of giving further access to W 7 aikakahi Board recommends that negotiations be entered into for purchase, as an addition to Mr. A. Adamson's holding, Lot 58, Albury Settlement Purchased as a homestead site for R.S. 36/469, Carrington. 10 0 0 See Report attached. R.S. 2682 (Albury) 6 2 4 Block II., Opawa Survey District Part very good ; part much broken Rutherford, J. S. 105 0 0 105 0 0 See Report attached. R.S. 36469 (R.S. 1862), Carrington 20 0 0 Block IV. ,S Nimrod Survey District New Zealand and Australian Land Co. (Limited) Trustees of estate of late Sir Henry Parkes 60 0 0 Roimata 48 3 37 Blocks XV. and XVI., Christchurch Survey District Good flat land, dark, rich, alluvial soil 2,200 6 7 The land is good level agricultural land suitable for small allotments. That the Board believes there is a demand for this class of settlement in the district. The Board therefore recommends the purchase The land is suitable for farms of about 50 aores each. That there is a demand for such land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase of the land The quality and position of the land are excellent, and, from inquiries made, the Board believes there is a demand for small farms in the district, and therefore recommends the purchase of the block The land is suitable for subdivision into half-acre up to two-acre lots, and the Board therefore recommends the purchase 45 0 0 See Report attached. Rosebrook 600 1 ,8 Block XVI., Pareora Survey District Open, flat, and undulating down lands Pringle, W. 5,984 4 8 10 10 0 See Report attached. Studholme 107 2 17 Blocks XV. and XVI., Waimate Survey District Flat . agricultural land of good quality Studholme's Trustees 1,291 5 6 12 0 0 See Report attached. Tamai 40 3 34 Block XII., Christchurch Survey District Flat suburban land of good quality, suitable for workmen's homes Ranging from firstclass agricultural land to light, shingly land; soil not exhausted Land of good quality, with a strong clay subsoil McLean, A. 2,662 11 3 65 0 0 See Report attached. Waikakahi 47,865 1 1 Waitaki and Elephant Hill Survey Distriots McLean, A. 323,090 9 7 The land is good, and suitable for farms of from 100 acres to 640 acres each, and the Board recommends the acquisition of the property 6 15 0 See Report attached. { Wharenui 73 1 10 Part of R.S. 85 Assets Realisation Board 4,765 6 3 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. The Board believes there will be a demand for this land, and therefore recommends its acquisition 65 0 0 See Report attached. Total Il00,888 2 6 581,067 16 5



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1899, prepared in terms of Subsection (2) of Section 39 of the said Act— continued.

Nima of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whom it was bought or acquired. Price paid to Seller to 31st March, 1899. Report and Valuation of Board. Report on Conditions and Settlement of the Land. Report of Board. Valuation of Board. 'tago Land District — Ardgowan 4,241 .0 0 Blocks I. and II., Oamaru Survey District Good agricultural land, the whole of which may be ploughed New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Limited) £ s. d. 34,600 0 0 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. That there is a demand for land in the district. The Board recommends Government to acquire the land at a price not exceeding £7 an acre. (Taken by arbitration — Award of Compensation Court, £34,600, or £8 3s. an acre) That the land is good, and suitable for settlement; that the offering of such a property to the public would create a demand from outside in addition to a limited demand in the district. The Board recommends purchase at a price not greater than £6 an acre The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There is a demand for land in the district. The Board recommends the purchase of 2,368 acres of the land at £3 Is. an acre £ 8. d. 7 0 0 Maerewhenua .. 11,150 3 36 Block III. and part of Block II., Awamoko, and Block III. and part of Block IV., Maerewhenua Survey Districts Low-lying downs and flats Borton, J. 66,905 17 0 6 0 0 See Report attached. Makareao 2,367 3 31 Blocks VII., IX., XII., XV., Moeraki Survey District, and Block IV., Dunback Survey District Limestone hill land and arable flats along banks of Shag River Kitchener, A. B. 7,168 3 8 See Report attached. 3 10 Makareao Extension 2,535 3 0 Blocks VIII., XII., and XIV., Moeraki Survey District Limestone formation; pastoral tussock hills Soil partly river deposit ; subsoil of open porous clayey nature Mostly agricultural land Kitchener, A. B. 5,071 10 0 ■ The land is good, and suitable for mixed grazingruns and farms. There will be a demand for this land, and the purchase is therefore recommended The land is good, and suitable for settlement in small farms. There is a demand for land in the district: and that the purchase is therefore recommended 2 0 0 See Report attached. Momona 218 2 36 1 Block IV., Maungatua Survey District Thomson, W. 3,608 19 3 17 0 0 Pomahaka 7,462 3 1 Blocks X., XL, XIII., and XIV., Pomahaka Survey District Douglas, J. 18,656 17 10 We have ascertained the value and suitableness for settlement of the lands, and respectfully recommend the purchase of the same at a price not exceeding £2 10s. an acre The land is good, and suitable for settlement. The Board believes there is a demand in the district. The Government is recommended to purchase the land at £6 10s. an acre, conditionally on the title to parts of Sections 4 and 7, Block I., Hawkesbury, being completed That the character of the land is such as to render it suitable for settlement in small lots; that there is a demand for land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase at £9 per acre We recommend purchase at a price of £14 per acre, and, in the event of this offer not being accepted, we are of opinion that £15 an acre would not be too high a price to pay for such land The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There will be demand for this land in the district, and the purchase of the property is therefore recommended 2 10 0 See Report attached. Puketapu 509 0 6 Block IV., Moeraki Survey District Good hill-slopes, all ploughable Cochrane, J. 3,308 14 10 6 10 0 See Report attached. Tahawai 69 0 19 Block I., Kurow Survey District Open, level ground; deep, rich, alluvial silt Stringer, G. 622 1 4 See Report attached. 9 0 0 Teanaraki 347 3 18 Block XII., Oamaru, and Block VIII., Awamoko All rich agricultural land Meek, W. 5,044 0 6 15 0 0 See Report attached. Toka-rahi 11,051 2 9 Blocks II., VI., VII., and VIII., Maerewhenua Survey District First-class table-land and low-lying ridges on limestone formation McMaster, A. A. 77,360 17 10 7 0 0 See Report attached. Total .. 39,954 2 36 222,347 2 3 ••



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1899, prepared in terms of Subsection (2) of Section 39 of the said Act— continued.

Name of Settlement. Report and Valuation of Board. Report Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whom it was bought or acquired. Price paid to Seller to 31st March, 1899. Valuation of Board. and Settlement of the Laud. Report of Board. Southland Land District — Beaumont 4,322 3 20 9,998 0 0 6,044 0 29 20,365 0 9 245,370 1 2 A. r. p. 4,322 3 20 Aparima Valley, Wairaki Survey District Waiau Survey District Waiau Survey District The flat land is good Stevens' Trustees .. quick soil, well adapted for grain and root crops. The ridges are composed of a strong clay soil on rough gravel bottom Mixed agricultural Elder, Smith, and and pastoral; deep, Co. rich, free soil The land on ridges Menzies and Batger and along their I base is good, but thinner towards t river; sections well watered by runn'g streams. Splendid timber available for fencing and building on pro- | perty j £ s. d. . I £ s. d. 10,482 11 3 That the land is suitable for settlement, and is a j 2 8 6 continuation and extension of the area for agri- j cultural farms up the Aparima Valley £ s. d. 10,482 11 3 See Report attached. I Merrivale I i I Otahu 9,998 0 0 6,044 0 29 24,995 0 0 That the land is good, and suitable for settlement; 2 10 0 that the Board believes there is a demand for this class of land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase 7,555 4 6 That the land is suitable for settlement, and is 15 0 practically an extension of the Merrivale and Waiau Valley Settlements, to whicfrit is adjacent 2 10 0 15 0 See Report attached. See Report attached. ! , i Totals .. ■I ...... i 48,032 15 9 Grand totals 1,170,304 11 8 i



REPOET OF THE SUEVBYOR-GENEEAL TO THE MINISTER OF LANDS. Sir, — Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, sth June, 1899. I have the honour to furnish the following report on " the condition and settlement" of the lands acquired under " The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," and its amendments, in terms of section 39 (2) of the Act. The report refers to lands which have been handed over to this department for administration up to the 31st March last. There have been fewer estates dealt with during the year ended the 31st March last than in the previous period, the number for 1899 being seven, containing an area of 90,708 acres 1 rood 4 perches, whilst that for 1898 was fourteen, of a total area of 58,691 acres 1 rood 31 perches. The following table shows the new estates which have been handed over to this department and dealt with during the year, and the attached table shows various particulars respecting them, and also of all the estates that have been dealt with since the policy of acquiring estates from private owners was initiated in 1894.

Estates offered for Selection during the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1899.

Since the 31st March, the greater part of the area of 11,663 acres unseleeted at that date has been taken up. In addition to the foregoing figures there have been thirty-five selections in the estates acquired prior to 31st March, 1898. Of the four estates at that date which showed the largest amount of unseleeted land, viz.: Okauia, Pomahaka, Otahu, and Beaumont (total, 12,896 acres), 7,592 acres have been selected during the year, which, together with other selections, only leaves in the hands of the Government an area of 4,759 acres. Details of all the selections will be found in the accompanying table. The forfeitures for non-compliance with the conditions of the leases, together with surrenders, amounted to thirty, the area so forfeited being 2,643 acres, 3 roods, 20 perches, let for a rental of £463 9s. 4d. Most of the forfeited sections have been relet. The arrears of rent on the 31st March amounted to £2,938 6s. 9d., which was owing by 134 lessees, or an average of £22 per selector. The reports of the Commissioners on the different estates will be found in the Annual Eeport of the Lands and Survey Department of this year, and from these it will be seen that considerable progress has been made on each estate. The effects of the dry weather of last year, together with some high winds when the crops were coming on this year, were still felt at the date of the reports, and the arrears of rent are in large measure due to those causes, which are, however, only temporary in their operation. The number of estates acquired under the Act, and which have been offered for selection, is fifty-six, containing an area of 243,947 acres (in which are included 3,112 acres of Crown land, being leases held by the former owners but now surrendered and dealt with as part of the estates). On these estates, at the 31st March last, there were 3,077 persons residing, the number of houses being 813, whilst the value of the improvements on the estates amounted to £129,133 18s. 9d. & The total cost of the estates purchased to 31st March, 1899 == .. 1,170,305 Cost of roads, surveys, administration, and preliminary expenses ... 53,862 1,224,167 Less cost of Richmond Brook Estate, not yet selected .. ... 21,921 £1,202,246 The lands disposed of are let at an annual rental of ... ... £57,747 The lands unlet (exclusive of roads, unlet reserves, &c.) are valued at a rental of ... ... ... . ... ... 4,503 £62,250

Land District and Name of , , „ , ,„ Number of Area unselected, ' nnual en a A^ Selectors. 31st March, 1899. of Seised. Date opened for selection. Auckland—■ Eangiatea ... Karapiro Hawke's Bay — Mahora Willows Canterbury— Pawaho Waikakahi ... Marlborough — Starborough (leasehold surrendered, 1,625 ac.) 4,004 2,270 1,133 775 R. P. 0 0 3 9 3 0 1 36 17 13 27 16 753 69 268 190 R. P. ! 0 o ; 1 o 1 27 1 0 £ s. d. 564 6 2 394 15 0 1,260 1 8 573 10 4 June 22,1898. Oct. 21,1898. Mar. 22,1899. Mar. 22,1899. 52 48,248 0 18 0 21 21 139 7 6,426 0 22 ; 2 11 108 14 6 14,838 14 10 April 5, 1898. Mar. 20,1899. 34,224 0 0 43 3,949 0 0 I 4,893 10 10 Mar. 13,1899. Totals ... 90,708 1 41 276 11,663 2 20 £22,633 13 4!



of 5-17 Sr cent ™ > ' >~ * let ' the rentals W ° uld brin 8 in a retura rth« h£d the'renr f ? m T eSt ,? d n the 6StateS that have been offered for selection. On the I vested [As m Z h , a f Ua ly l6t a P bringing in a return of 4 ' B P er cent - on *c amount a the time o 2 " T6t the 31st March has sillce been disposed of, the rentals at the time of writing are actually bringing m over 5 per cent, on the capital sunk m them. for th™T a 1 1 Y Payabl6 f ° r mtereSt ' calculated as for the 31st March, on the money raised toi the purchase of _these estates was £42,497 3s. 5d., as against a rental of £57 747 Maka^LT,tr iOn ° f , the railwa y or tram-line to give access to the limekilns on the whS Zwok nf 1 ln i^ a ,^ 6 P u UbliC W ° rks De P art ment, and is approaching completion ; Sni;tZLfhi^S g uft c o SsisrMa^h" 6611 ° OramenCed - A ° f £4 6 85 9s ' S. Pekcy Smith, TT nn wtt nt a i.- „• ■ Surveyor-General and Secretary for Crown Lands. -tlon. W. Hall-Jones, Acting Minister of Lands.

3—C, o.


Table D. —Return of Lands disposed of under the Land for Settlements Acts for the Year which ended 31st March, 1899.

Estate acquired but not dealt with at 3lst March, 1899.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation not given; printing (1,425 copies), £23 6s. 6d.

a fi c By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB99. 4 — {J* O. price 9d.\


Name of Estate. Date when Land opened for Selection. Ar i 3 lf,^, U^ ea ' Area occupied including by Roads ascertained nn d Reserves Surplus or .JX?" Deficiency. unIet - Area of Land Unlet, including Land Forfeited, Surrendered, or Resumed and not Relet, and also Land not yet goffered for Selection. New Selections and Addition to Holdings during the Year. No. of Selectors. Total Lands Leaeed at Date. Area. Annual Rent now payable. Yearly Value of Unlet Land at 31st March, 1899. No. of Houses Value of w I on Holdings. Improvements. N °- Occupied Land. Arrears on 31st March, 1899. Area. Rent in Arrear. Rent and other Payments received during the Year. Total Receipts from Inception to 31st March, 1899. No. of Selectors. Area. Annual Rent payable. Auckland — Opouriao Okauia Rangiatea Karapiro Hawke's Bay— Raureka ■ • Elsthorpe Waimarie Pouparae Mahora Tomoana Willows.. Wellington — Paparangi Marlborough — Blind River Leasehold surrendered Omaka Puhipuhi Starborough, part Flaxbourne, and Exchange Crown Leasehold surrend'd Canterbury— Pareora.. Studholme J unction Kapua Rosebrook Otaio Patoa The Peaks Roimata Kereta Braco .. Epworth Ashley Gorge Omihi Valley Orakipaoa Highbank Otarakaro . . s Wharenui Rakitairi Waiapi Horsley Down Albury R.S. 36469, Cannington .. (R.S. 1862) Marawiti Hekeao.. Waikakahi Pawaho Otago— Pomahakaf Teanarakif Tahawaif Maerewhenuaf Puketapu Ardgowanf Makareaof Makareao Extensionf Momonaf Tokarahif Southland — Merrivale Otahu Beaumontf Westland — Poerua A. R. P. 7,604 0 0 5,920 0 0 4,004 0 0 2,270 3 9 A. r. p. 264 2 0 1,606 2 0 149 3 0 90 1 30 A. R. P. 384 1 21 747 2 0 753 0 0 69 1 0 1 5 17 13 A. R. P. 0 2 0 2,715 0 0 3,101 1 0 2,111 0 19 £ s. d. 10 0 115 7 10 564 6 2 394 15 0 64 7 17 13 A. R. P. 6,955 0 19 3,566 0 0 3,101 1 0 2,111 0 19 £ s. d. 1,390 15 8 135 3 10 564 6 2 394 15 0 £ s. d. 45 11 2 149 14 0 147 16 0 19 12 0 56 * 199 £ s. d. 11,942 0 0 18 A. R. P. 1,398 0 39 £ s. d. 98 14 4 £ s. d. 931 11 6 49 19 5 348 13 10 ♦197 18 1 £ s. d 3,379 15 7 59 17 5 348 13 10 {197 18 1 Feb. 12, 1896 Feb. 21, 1898 June 22, 1898 Oct. 21, 1898 May 6, 1896 June 24, 1896 Sept. 9, 1896 April 21, 1897 Mar. 22, 1899 Mar. 2, 1898 Mar. 22, 1899 427 2 0 9,740 0 0 430 1 30 337 3 4 1,133 3 0 111 3 38 775 1 36 11 1 2 192 0 20 4 2 16 1 1 32 21 1 5 1 3 35 i 3 20 20 36 18 9 27 13 16 416 0 38 9,543 0 0 425 3 14 336 1 12 844 0 8 110 0 3 585 0 36 543 2 0 2,302 13 0 463 0 0 405 8 0 1,260 1 8 135 2 0 573 10 4 5 16 0 17 23 15 8 84 92 60 27 1,821 5 0 5,836 17 0 1,413 18 0 786 15 0 2 ~2 112 1 1 18 0 26 64 15 6 10 1 0 561 8 6 2,218 6 6 424 14 6 346 3 0 546 11 7 60 9 0 286 15 2 1,420 19 5 6,665 4 0. 998 1 6 635 19 0 546 11 7 128 0 0 286 15 2 268' 1 27 27 844' 0 8 1,260" 1 8 371 11 0 34 1,314 15 0 9 190 1 0 16 585' 0 36 573'10 4 184 19 10 Feb. 28, 1898 322 3 32 24 2 31 12 3 20 13 72 3 31 89 14 4 32 285 1 21 284 11 6 22 10 0 23 92 1,347 0 0 1 11 3 7 5 6 2 169 18 9 312 0 10 j Jan. 16,1895 June 24, 1896 Feb. 25, 1897 [Mar. 13,1899 5,020 0 0 487 0 0 3,898 0 0 320 0 0 344 0 0 ) 19 5,163 0 0 888 10 11 16 95 4,201 15 6 14 4,114 0 0 701 5 9 §712 9 0 §2,170 0 6 60 1 0 320 0 0 13 3,837 3 0 589 6 8 1610 0 12 55 3,348 15 0 4 1,059 0 0 97 8 2 294 7 11 8 5 0 1,405 4 7 33 0 0 34,224 0 0 1,625 0 0 608 0 0 3,949 0 0 1 43 31,292 0 0 4,893 10 10 43 31,292 0 0 4,893 10 10 928 10 4 3 215 0 0 2,371 6 1 2,371 6 1 Jan. 18, 1894 Jan. 18, 1894 Jan. 24, 1894 June 26, 1895 June 26, 1895 Nov. 27, 1895 Aug. 1, 1895 Aug. 14, 1895 Dec. 4, 1895 Nov. 27, 1895 Nov. 27, 1895 Dec. 4, 1895 Dec. 29, 1897 June 22, 1896 June 24, 1896 Mar. 24, 1897 Mar. 24, 1897 Mar. 22, 1897 Mar. 22, 1897 May 31, 1897 April 12, 1897 April 12, 1897 620 2 13 109 0 7 574 1 22 600 1 8 373 3 14 4,535 3 14 2,811 0 9 48 3 37 105 2 29 27 2 4 21 0 3 1,165 3 6 20 C 0 384 0 31 9,121 3 8 39 3 9 73 1 10 3,526 1 16 1,124 2 36 3,982 3 35 19,539 1 24 26 2 24 8 2 38 4 1 39 2 0 0 28 4 12 14 9 4 12 26 4 14 2 10 611 3 15 104 2 8 572 1 22 600 1 8 367 0 33 4,517 3 28 2,799 0 9 44 2 23 105 2 29 27 2 4 21 0 3 1,161 1 2 396 18 6 73 4 6 270 3 4 307 13 6 216 14 8 170 16 6 196 12 6 138 10 0 82 18 0 72 8 4 13 11 2 258 1 0 26 3 12 14 9 2 1 26 4 13 1 11 105 13 40 63 25 5 1 115 27 36 4 46 1,950 4 6 257 18 0 1,102 5 0 1,667 17 6 842 14 6 813 0 0 1,142 0 0 3,406 0 0 523 5 6 773 0 0 80 0 0 2,405 0 0 143 3 9 46 1 7 348 0 3 68 1 1 213 8 6 230 7 0 188 17 8 1,743 0 1 353 10 3 1,154 8 10 1,064 6 2 738 4 6 517 10 4 609 18 1 492 13 6 280 3 0 232 19 5 34 17 11 900 15 6 0 4 2 3 181 1 29 106 3 9 135 2 17 97 9 4 25 18 3 41 15 9 6 2 21 17 3 26 12 0 0 4 1 14 293 0 0 14 13 0 j 579 5 8 149 2 0 72 18 0 80 6 6 6 15 7 279 9 10 42 4 20 0 0 13' 5 0 86' 3 3C 16' 0 0 20 0 188 2 0 3 27 72 7 25 21 15 25 74 1 384 0 31 9,024 3 18 39 3 9 71 1 10 3,333 3 34 1,124 2 36 3,946 1 19 19,190 2 24 20 0 0 397 10 8 3,039 3 4 111 18 0 285 2 8 1,009 7 6 518 19 10 1,072 3 0 3,434 2 0 3 7 4 5 0 0 612 0 52 8 2 13 62 7 18 15 15 24 49 70 214 35 66 68 55 76 184 1,363 18 0 9,323 17 0 770 0 0 1,444 0 0 2,535 10 6 2,278 19 7 7,508 0 0 9,226 13 6 2 5 2 2 2 34 1 20 342 1 38 12 2 31 17 0 0 453 3 0 8 10 9 44 17 2 11 3 5 10 13 10 60 12 1 372 0 1 2,326 3 11 92 14 8 233 19 2 728 14 11 487 16 2 1,088 12 6 2,510 19 1 3 7 4 1,137 3 7 8,668 13 5 161 16 5 465 2 6 1,787 6 10 1,006 16 0 2,515 10 0 5,500 18 2 5 10 o" 2 4 3315 0 3' 3 22 36 2 16 128 3 2 219 - 3 38 6 2 24 37 3 2 11 11 10 11 7,016 2 20 256 15 6 May 7, 1897 Mar. 9, 1898 Mar. 20, 1899 April 5, 1898 2,028 2 33 2,254 2 11 48,248 0 21 52 0 18 2 0 0 68 1 26 744 3 19 1 3 14 30 0 0 6,426 2 11 7 0 22 1 139 21 10 0 0 41,076 2 31 43 0 22 3 0 0 14,838 14 10 108 14 6 13 10 139 21 2,026 2 33 2,156 0 25 41,076 2 31 43 0 22 748 15 10 617 0 2 14,838 14 10 108 14 6 9 0 0 1,922 6 10 6 10 4 13 5 64 24 1,743 9 0 1,718 5 6 1 25 0 0 5 6 3 494 12 5 313 0 1 7,434 9 5 90 12 5 1,239 14 3 620 0 2 7,434 9 5 90 12 5 "7 14 385 10 0 1 i 0 22 2 4 10 Feb. 20, 1894 Feb. 7, 1894 Aug. 21, 1895 Sept. 10, 1895 Mar. 18, 1896 May 12, 1896 June 26, 1896 April 14, 1897 May 10, 1897 May 11, 1897 7,478 2 2 351 0 39 70 1 35 11,163 3 31 509 0 6 4,268 3 28 2,383 0 4 2,573 3 6 224 0 15 11,259 2 36 234 3 39 6 3 9 1 3 21 250 2 3 12 3 10 106 0 24 259 1 3 3 0 37 5 0 0 473 3 13 323 3 17 30 0 0 2 626 3 2 86 7 0 26 20 8 70 11 63 31 4 14 51 6,919 2 26 314 1 30 68 2 14 10,910 1 28 493 0 36 4,143 2 15 2,123 3 1 2,570 2 9 219 0 15 10,781 2 36 1,375 7 8 267 9 10 35 14 4 3,550 4 0 213 16 0 1,894 19 8 378 19 6 296 15 4 210 3 0 4,114 5 2 48 13 0 -27 5 0 23 15 8 59 8 50 15 3 14 39 75 54 29 221 23 199 55 6 49 116 4,751 18 0 1,117 0 0 667 0 0 9,764 5 9 763 8 7 7,009 19 1 1,494 11 9 596 10 0 1,808 12 6 6,665 14 6 6 10 1,436 0 28 135 3 35 126 3 4 97 8 4 2,080 6 10 194 17 5 33 15 4 1,990 8 10 159 14 6 1,257 4 11 4,131 18 3 1,131 15 1 119 15 1 10,587 19 5 509 18 6 4,888 17 1 873 0 10 296 15 4 398 11 6 5,679 12 0 30 0 6'15 0 5 948 0 0 295 15 4 19* 0 29 9 11 10 i 15 33 0 6 578 2 1 11 4 0 102 4 4 j 396 14 4 i 0 27 3 3 0 20 3* 2 6 3 16 10 i 10 6 0 37 2,726 1 3 0 13 0 564 10 4 186 12 10 2,880 18 7 Dec. 18, 1895 Nov. 4, 1897 Jan. 26, 1898 9,998 0 0 6,044 0 29 4,322 3 20 543 2 20 128 2 25 21 1 5 479 1 20 1,668 1 36 2,019 0 3 3 4 2,748 1 3 1,502 1 3 236'10 4 210 6 0 42 6 6 8,975 0 0 4,247 0 8 2,282 2 12 1,362 7 8 306 5 2 339 7 4 51 15 2 100 7 10 229 10 0 33 2 4 132 5 10 6,422 0 0 318 15 0 433 0 0 7 1 1,332 1 0 554 1 0 140 19 3 6 18 6 1,171 10 10 201 6 6 145 19 3 4,549 19 7 264 3 11 210 9 11 June 26, 1896 3,230 1 6 101 3 6 639 2 0 16 2,489 0 0 195 14 6 75 0 8 8 15 1,836 15 0 1 87 0 0 3 10 8 182 7 11 558 12 1 Totals .. • • 243,947 2 8 6,664 2 17 18,796 3 35 311 87,031 3 19 23,421 10 2 1,304 218,485 3 36 57,747 18 5 4,503 3 0 813 3,077 129,133 18 9 134 23,027 3 18 J2,938 6 9 38,804 10 2 93,916 7 11 * Note.— When thi numbers in occupation and the amount of improvements are not given the lee <5 £46 5s. 3d, excess oredi iseholds halt in this est ve not been inspei tate; will beadjus oted or the quanti ited following yea: iies are nil. II' 1 Old closec 'his was resumed 1 roads and small along with run li . areas of Crown If :o. 126, Marlboroui inds added. <h, and 240 acres J £7 17s. 9d. addit fere relet in May, rional received, bi ,1899. it not redited to estate; will be adjuji ;ed following year,

Marlborough— Riohmond Brook Canterbury— R.S. 2692 . i Acres. 5,158 7

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Bibliographic details

"LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894" (REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, C-05

Word Count

"LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894" (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, C-05

"LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894" (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, C-05

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