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• 1899-1900.






Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Page. 1899-1900. Summary of Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund. EEVENUE ACCOUNT. £ £ 3 4 6 Permanent Appropriations— Civil List Interest and Sinking Fund Under Special Acts of the Legislature 25,700 1,768,992 503,842 2,298,534 9 11 17 20 30 37 43 46 49 52 53 55 58 74 Annual Appropriations— Class I. —Legislative Departments Class II. —Colonial Secretary's Department Class TIL —Colonial Treasurer's Department Class IV.—Justice Department Class V. —Postal and Telegraph Department Class VI. —Customs and Marine Departments Class VII. —Stamps and Deeds Department Class VIIL —Minister of EducationEducation Department Lunacy and Charitable Department Department of Labour Class IX.—Mines Department Class X.—Department of Agriculture Class XL —Working Bailways Department ... Class XII. —Public and School Buildings and Domains Class XIII. —Defence Department Class XIV.—Police Department ... Class XV.—Department of Lands and Survey Class XVI.—Valuation Department Class XVII. —Bates on Crown Lands 21,541 99,859 47,858 127,295 395,695 85,079 26,072 455,834 61,721 7,479 17,551 64,860 1,026,728 76 81 83 *9 90 43,435 149,020 119,791 133,141 20,858 1,350 2,905,167 Total Eevenue Account 5,203,701 91 STATE FOEESTS ACCOUNT 6,375 92 CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT 100 93 LAND FOE SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT 3,300 94 PUBLIC TBUST OFFICE ACCOUNT 20,561 95 GOVEBNMENT INSUEANCE ACCOUNT ... 52,855 96 GOVEBNMENT ACCIDENT INSUEANCE ACCOUNT 3,000 97 GOVEBNMENT ADVANCES TO SETTLEES OFFICE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT 76,355





Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ lis Excellency the Governor .. 5,000 ... 5,000 Che Judges 7,700 7,700 Establishment of the General Government ... 5,000 1,000 6,000 ?or Native Purposes 7,000 7,000 Total Civil List 17,700 8,000 ! 25,700 TOTAL CIVIL LIST £25,700




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

18991900. £ £ Interest and Sinking Fund. Sew Zealand Loan Act, 1863— Interest on £266,800 @ 5 per cent., 15 July and 15 January Sinking Fund on £266,800 @ 1 per cent., 15 July and 15 January ... 13,340 2,668 16,008 Public Debts Act, 1867— Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862— Interest on £16,000 @ 6 per cent., 30 June and 31 December Sinking Fund on £16,000 „ 1 per cent. ... 960 160 l,12i Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 (London issue) — Interest @ 5 per cent, on £429,000,. outstanding Bonds, 3 months, 15 April Interest @ 5 per cent, on £389,900, outstanding Bonds, 9 months, 15 July. 15 October, and 15 January 5,362 14,622 19,98 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 (Colonial issue) — Interest on £13,000 @ 4 per cent., 15 April and 15 October 52' Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 — Interest on £25,000 @ 4| per cent., 30 June and 31 December Interest on 75,000 „ 4 per cent., 15 April and 15 October 1,125 3,000 4,12. £100,000 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 — Interest on £27,900 @ 4-j per cent., 15 April and 15 October Interest on 363,100 „ 4 per cent., 15 April and 15 October Interest on 200,000 „ 4 per cent., 1 June and 1 December Interest on 400,000 „ 4 per cent., 1 June and 1 December Interest on 400,000 (say) 1,256 14,524 8,000 16,000 1,000 £1,391,000 40,780 Sinking Fund on £1,000,000, @ 2-4 per cent., 13 March and 13 September 24,000 64,78i General Purposes Loan Act, 1873— Interest on £54,700 @ 5 per cent., 15 May and 15 November Interest on 18,500 „ 4 per cent., 15 April and 15 October Interest on 12,300 „ 4 per cent., 15 May and 15 November 2,735 740 492 3,967 £85,500




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

18991900. • Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. £ £ New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877 — Interest @ 4 per cent., payable 1 May and 1 November — On £3,000,000 New Zealand Loan Act, 1882 On 1,500,000 New Zealand Loan Act, 1884 On 1,567,800 New Zealand Loan Act, 1886 On 1,000,000 North Island Main Trunk Bailway Loan Act, 1882 On 1,000,000 New Zealand Loan Act, 1888 On 5,371,200 First series of Conversions On 6,263,811 Second series of Conversions On 4,688,444 Third series of Conversions On 4,557,047 Sixth series of Conversions On 202,000 expenses of Conversions 120,000 60,000 62,712 40,000 40.000 214,848 250,553 187,538 182,282 8,080 1,166,013 £29,150,302 Interest @ 34 per cent., payable 1 January and 1 July — On £2,768,000 Fourth series of Conversions On 717,068 Fifth series of Conversions On 1,036,000 Seventh series of Conversions On 1,640,099 Eighth series of Conversions 96,880 25,097 36,260 57,404 215,641 £6,161,167 Interest @ 3 per cent., payable 1 April and 1 October — On £1,500,000 Government Advances to Settlers Loan On 500,000 Government Advances to Settlers Loan (second issue) On 500,000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Loan ... On 335,000 for Conversion, Aid to Public Works, &c. On 2,807,336 for Conversions On 19,784 ! for expenses On 1,100,000 for further Conversions (say) 45,000 15,000 15,000 10,050 84,220 594 17,000 £6,762,120 Amount to be recovered from Government Advances to Settlers Office Account 186,864 60,000 126,864 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 (Colonial issue) — Interest payable 1 March and 1 September — On £54,300 @ 3| per cent. On 50,400 „ 3| per cent, (say) 1,900 1,275 3,175 £104,700 District Bailways Purchasing Acts, 1885 and 1886 — Interest on £97,100 @ 4 per cent., 1 April and 1 October Interest on 40,000 „ 6 per cent., 1 April and 1 October Interest on 47,000 „ 5 per cent., 1 April (half-year) 3,884 2,400 1,175 7,459 i £184,100 Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886 — Interest on £327,100 @ 3| per cent., 1 March and 1 September Interest on £21,500 „ 34 per cent., issued since 31 March, 1899, and to provide for further issue of Debentures during the financial year (say) Sinking Fund (say) ... ... 11,448 3,000 20,000 34,448 Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Act, 1892 — Interest on £27,226 @ 44 per cent., 30 April and 31 October 1,225




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

18991900. • Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. Native Land Purchases Act, 1892 — Interest on £9,700 @ 5 per cent., 30 April and 31 October Interest on 140,000 „ 44 per cent., 30 April and 31 October £ 485 6,300 £ 6,785 £149,700 Land for Settlements Acts, 1892 and 1894— Interest on £45,276 @ 44 per cent., 30 April and 31 October Interest on £134,100 @ 4 per cent., 80 April and 31 October Interest on £605,990 „ 34 per cent., 30 April and 31 October Interest on £349,000 ,, 3f per cent., 1 October (half-year) Interest @ 34 per cent., to provide for further issue of Debentures during the financial year (say) 2,037 5,364 21,210 6,544 3,000 Amount to be recovered from the Land Settlements Account 38,155 38,155 New Zealand Consols Act, 1894— Interest on £385,925 @ 34 per cent., 1 February and 1 August Interest on £51,915 ., 34 per cent., deposited since 31 March, 1899, and to provide for further Deposits during the financial year (say) 13,507 2,200 15,707 Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act, 1894— Interest on £283,000 @ 4 per cent., 31 March and 30 September Interest on £117,000 „ 34 per cent., 31 March and 30 September 11,320 4,095 15,415 £400.000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Acts, 1896, 1897, and 1898 — Interest on £250,000 @ 3J per cent., 1 February and 1 August ... Interest on £500,000 „ 34 per cent., 15 February and 15 August Interest on £165,000 „ 34 per cent. Interest on temporary advances 8,750 17,500 5,775 731 32,756 Treasury Bills — Interest on Bills issued during the year, 30 June and 31 December (say) 33,000 Total Interest and Sinking Fund 1,768,992 Under Special Acts of the Legislature. Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 — Pensions and Allowances 350 Civil Service Act, 1866— Pensions, Compensation, and Gratuities 30,000 .Military Pensions Act, 1866— Pensions and Allowances . ..... 1,600 Legislative Officers' Salaries Act, 1867— Legislative Council — Speaker Chairman of Committees ... Clerk 600 300 400 House of Representatives — Speaker Chairman of Committees Clerk Clerk-Assistan* ■■: I 600 400 600 400




Appropriations far Consolidated Fund Services.

18991900. Under Special Acts of the Legislature— continued. £ New Zealand Institute Act, 1867— Director of Geological Survey 800 Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868 — Salary of Secretary to the Commissioners, and expenses ... 52 Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869— Mrs. Ellen Ann Hewett 50 Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870 — Mrs. E. Hamlin 50 'Schafer, McGuire, and Others Pension Act, L872— Mrs. Charlotte Schafer Mrs. Ellen McGuire William Bussell 30 18 18 New Zealand University Act, 1874— Contribution to University 8,000 Supreme Court Judges Act, 1882— Superannuation Allowance 750 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877 — Charges and expenses 17,100 Auckland University College Act, 1882 — Grant in aid 4,000 Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884 — Endowment ... ... ... 11,500 Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884— Endowment 29,500 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act 1880 Amendment Act, 1886 — Subsidies payable during 1899-1900 76,500 Local Bodies' Finance and Powers Act, 1885— Subsidies oayable to Local Authorities 77,000 « Rabbit Nuisance Act 1882 Amendment Act. 1886 — Expenses connected with the destruction of rabbits 2,500 Australasian Naval Defence Act, 1887— Proportional part of the cost of the maintenance of the Australasian Naval Squadron 20,924




SUMMAET. 1899-1900. £ Interest and Sinking Fund ... ... ... 1,768,992 Under Special Acts ... ... ... 503 812 TOTAL PEEMANENT OHABGES ... ... £2.272,834

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

ioyy- * 1900. Under Special Acts of the Legislature— continued. £ Public Revenues Act, 1891— Controller and Auditor-General Assistant Controller and Auditor Claims repavable under Sections 9 and 76 Expenses under Section 91 1,000 800 500 25 Hamerton Pension Act, 1891 — Bobert C. Hamerton 250 Payment of Members Act, 1892— Payment to Members of both Houses 22,000 Victoria College Act, 1897— Grant in aid 4,000 Old-age Pensions Act, 1898— Pensions 150,000 Stock Act Amendment Act, 1898— Compensation for stock destroyed 4,000 Land Acts — Proportion payable to Local Bodies and to Deposit Accounts 37,400 New Plymouth Harbour Board Fndowment Act, 1874 — One-fourth of proceeds of Sales, &e, payable to Harbour Board 4,800 Bemission of Penalties 25 Total under Special Acts 503,842




2—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Vote 1. —Legislative Council ... Vote 2.—House of Bepresentatives Vote 3.—General Expenses ... £ 1,870 1,070 5,103 £ 3,500 9,998 £ 1,870 4,570 15,101 TOTAL OF CLASS I. 3,498 21,541 8,043 item. 1899-1900. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. £ £ VOTE No. 1. Salaries and Other Charges 1,870 Total —Vote No. 1 ... 1,870 HOUSE OF EEPEESENTATIVES. 1 ' 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 5 VOTE No. 2. Salaries— Second Clerk-Assistant Serjeant-at-Arms ... ... ... Beader and Clerk of Bi% and Papers Interpreter Messenger 300 200 150 250 170 300 200 150 250 170 1,070 1.400 1,070 2 3 4 5 6 7 Other Charges— Extra Clerks and extra Committee Beporters Extra Messengers and Police during Sessior. Extra messengers and nightwatchmen during recess Charwomen Office furniture, telephones, &c. . Contingencies 1,400 1,800 100 50 80 70 1,800 100 50 80 70 3,500 4,570 3,500 Total —Vote No. 2 ...




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

item. 1899-1900. GENEEAL EXPENSES. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 23 £ VOTE No. 3 Salaries — Librarian Assistant Librarian Second Assistant in Library Temporary Assistant Attendant Messenger Mailman during Session 400 250 165 130 120 75 50 1,190 Beporters — Hansard Staff — Chief Beporter 9 Beporters: 6 at £300, 3 at £270 Hansard Supervisor (also Reader, Government Printing Office, £205) Clerk Messenger Beporting, Select Committees Custodian, Parliament Buildings Night-watchman Assistant Night-watchman 400 2.610 125 25 50 150 275 168 110 3 4 5 3,913 5,103 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Other Charges— Passages of Members Printing of Hansard Library Gas, Fuel, and Electric Lighting Passages and Expenses of Witnesses attending Committees of both Houses Translating Acts into Maori Electrician's Assistant Compassionate allowance to the widow of late messenger Mooney Additional staff required for housing and classification of books in new library Printing and binding Supplementary Library Catalogue Bookbinding necessary for Assembly Library (in excess of ordinary work) Gratuities to Messengers and Permanent Militia employed during session Charwomen Cleaning up building after alterations Newspapers for library, and cartage of books Washing towels, &c. Winding and repairing clocks, &c. Contingencies 750 4,600 600 1,200 620 25 * 100 50 500 150 15 16 413 17 140 450 100 100 50 50 100 18 19 20 21 22 23 15,101 Total —Vote No. 3 ... 9,998 TOTAL OF CLASS I. £21,641




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 4. —Minister's Salary 400 400 „ 5. —Clerk of Executive Council 50 50 ,, 6—Colonial Secretary's Office 1,545 1,545 „ 7. —Ministers'Secretaries 650 650 „ 8. —Messengers and Office-keepers ... 4,321 4,321 „ 9. —Electoral Department 700 25,500 26,200 „ 10.—Audit Office 3,484 2,700 6,184 „ 11. —Eegistrar-General's Department 3,830 550 4,380 „ 12. —Agent-General's Department ... 3,050 1,300 4,350 „ 13. —Printing and Stationery 24,676 1,500 26,176 „ 14. —Miscellaneous Services 25,603 25,603 TOTAL OF "CLASS II. 42,706 57,153 99,85' [tem. 18 '9-1900. MINISTER'S SALARY. VOTE No. 4. Salary of a member of the Executive Council, representing the Maori race ... £ 400 £ Total—Vote No. 4 400 CLERK OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 1 VOTE No. 5. Clerk of Executive Council (also Secretary to Cabinet, £450) 50 Total—Vote No. 5 50 COLONIAL SECEETABY'S OFFICE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 6 VOTE No. 6. Salaries— Under-Secretarv Chief Clerk Shorthand- and Tvpe-writer (also Private Secretary, £25) 2 Clerks: 1 at £240, 1 at £180 Cadet 450 325 285 420 65 Total—Vote No. 6 1,545




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1899-1900. MINISTEES' SECBETAEIES. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 9 VOTE No. 7. Salaries— Secretary to Cabinet (also Clerk of Executive Council, £50) 8 Private Secretaries to Ministers at £25 each £ £ 450 200 650 Total —Vote No. 7 MESSENGEES AND OFFICE-KEEPEES. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... SS 2 3 4 5 f> 7 '8 VOTE No. 8. Salaries— Messengers — Officer in Charge (also Fire Inspector, £50) 17 Messengers: 1 at £180, 1 at £130,6 at £120, 6 at 6s. 6d. per diem, 3 at 6s.*per diem 5 Night-watchmen at 7s. 6d. per diem Office-keepers, 8fc. — Custodian £100, and Housekeeper £50, Government House, Auckland Auckland—1 at £141, 1 at £114 New Plymouth Gisborne ... - Nelson—Office-keeper £150, Messenger £50 Blenheim Christchurch —2 Office-keepers: 1 at £52 (also Messenger, Survey Office, £ll0), 1 at 4s. 6d. per diem 1 Watchman at 6s. 6d. per diem Dunedin—Office-keeper £110, Office-cleaner £104, and Watchman £45 225 2,070 684 150 255 75 30 200 120 134 119 !) 259 t Total—Vote No. 8 ... ELECTORAL DEPARTMENT. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 24 4,321 2 3 4 VOTE No. 9. Salaries — For payment of Registrars who do not hold other appointments in the Civil Service Other Charges— Expenses of General Election Expenses of By-elections Licensing Poll under " The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1895" Preparation and printing Rolls Contingencies 700 18,000 400 26,200 5 6 5,000 2,000 100 Total—Vote No. 9 ... 25,500 AUDIT OFFICE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 27 VOTE No. 10. Salaries — Chief Clerk 13 Clerks: 2 at £275, 2 at £250, 3 at £220, 1 at £190, 1 at £156, 1 at £115, 1 (Shorthand- and Typewriter) at £102, 1 (extra) at 15s. per diem, 1 (extra) at 10s. per diem 350 2,657




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. AUDIT OFFICE— continued. £ £ VOTE No. 10— continued. Salaries — continued. Cadette Clerk, Audit of Local Bodies, &c. (also Secretary Public Debts Sinking Funds Commissioners, £50) 10 Travelling Inspectors: 1 at £375, 3 at £270, 2 at £255, 1 at £245, 2 at £235, 1 at £235 (9 months) . Audit Officer in London (also £200 charged AgentGeneral's vote) 40 350 2,587 200 6,184 2 3 4 5 Other Charges— Inspection of Public Trust and other Offices Bailway Season Tickets Travelling-expenses of Audit Inspectors ... Contingencies 420 220 1,960 100 2,700 j Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" 8,884 2,700 Total—Vote No. 10 6,18 R BGISTEAB-GENEEAL'S DEPARTMENT. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 12 VOTE No. 11. Salaries — Head Office— Eegistrar-General Chief Clerk 4 Clerks: 1 at £210, 1 at £180, 1 at £160,1 at £100 Cadet Begistrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages for the several Begistration Districts: — A uckland — Registrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Clerk Wellington — Eegistrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Christchurch — Eegistrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Dunedin — Eegistrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Begistrars of Births, &c , paid by fees only 450 300 650 85 200 120 2 3 200 1 225 5 (> 200 1,400 7 8 9 Other Charges— Clerical assistance, Year-book, &c. Diagrams, &c, Year-book Contingencies 3,830 370 50 130 550 Total —Vote No. 11 ... 4,380 AGENT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 9 VOTE No. 12. Salaries — Agent-General in London Secretary Accountant (also £200 charged to Audit) Clerks and Messengers 1,250 700 200 1,050 • 3,200




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

tern. 1899-1900. A GENT- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— continued. 2 3 4 VOTE No. 12—continued. Other Charges— Rent, Office-cleaning, Fuel, and Light Stationery and Publications Contingencies £ 730 140 430 1,300 Less — Contribution from Public Trust and Government Insurance Funds 4,500 150 Total —Vote No. 12 . 4,350 PRINTING AND STATIONERY. » 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 222 VOTE No. 13. Salaries— Government Printer, Manager of Stationery Office, and Controller of Stamp Printing Superintending Overseer Chief Clerk and Accountant ... 5 Clerks : 1 at £200, 1 at £190, 1 at £170, 1 at £160, 1 at £114 2 Warehousemen : 1 at £165, 1 at £150 ... 4 Overseers : 2 at £260, 1 at £225, 1 at £200 3 Sub-overseers: 1 at £220, 1 at £205, 1 at £200 4 Readers : 1 at £230, 1 at £205 (also Hansard Supervisor, £125), 1 at £205, 1 at £180 Tvpe Storeman 18 Compositors: 6 at £180, 6 at £172, 5 at £164, 1 at £156 11 Book-finisher, Bookbinders, and Paper-rulers : 1 at £195, 1 at £180, 1 at £177, 2 at £172, 5 at £164 ... 7 Machinemen, Pressman, &c. : 1 at £175, 1 at £165, 2 at £164, 1 at £160, L at £145, 1 at £120 3 Stamp Printers: 1 at £260, 1 at £195, 1 at £125 ... 2 Engineer and Stoker: 1 at £195, 1 at £145 2 Stereotyper and Electrotyper: 1 at £325, 1 at £150 1 Copperplate printer Forewoman, Girls' Boom 460 320 280 834 315 945 625 820 185 3,088 1,716 1,093 580 340 475 390 110 Folders, Sewers, and Machine-workers (females) Apprentices, Machine Boys, Beader Boys, Errand Boys, Perforators, and Summers Piecework amd Occasional Hands (including Contract Work for Eailways, Insurance, and Public Trust Departments) 12,576 1,750 2 3 1,750 4 8,600 24,676 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.3 Other Charges— Stationery, Paper, Parchment, &c. Stores, Bookbinding Material, Printing Ink Freight, Packing, Insurance, Wharf Labour, &c. Machinery, Type, and Printing Material... Binding Statutes for Public Libraries Overtime Fuel, Gas, and Lighting Water-rates Contingencies 12,000 1,500 1,250 1,650 100 , 400 250 150 200 17,500 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 42,176 16,000 26,176 Total — Vote No. 13




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;em. 189' 1-1900 MISCELLANEOUS SEEVICES. £ £ I 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 VOTE No. 14. Analysts under the Adulteration Prevention Acts, 3 at £100 Bonus for discovery of coprolites Bonus for discovery of mineral manure under approved regulations Bonus to aid flax industry ... Bonus for felt industry Cleaning Offices ... ... Clerical Assistance and extra Messengers ... Compensation to messenger T. Malley on his retirement from service Compensation to owners of barque " Lothair," for detention at Nelson Compassionate allowance to the widow of the late H. E. Webb, compositor and reader, Government Printing Office Contribution to Brussels International Customs Bureau for publication of Customs Tariffs Contribution to Sir George Grey Memorial Fund Cost of Work to be done by Surveyor-General's Department Cost of special trains for His Excellency the Governor and party, Manawatu and Midland Bailways Expenses under " The Public Health Act, 1876 " Expenses under "The Fine Arts Copyright Act, 1877 " Expenses of Assessment Courts under " The Bating Act, 1894" Fire-brigade delegates to demonstration, Paris Friendly Societies' Beserve, Dunedin, Bent of Gas and water for various Government Buildings, &c. Grant to Nelson City Council in aid of construction of Bocks Boad Grant in aid of Fire-brigades' Annual Conference, 1900 Grant to Swimming Associations for encouragement of swimming ... ... ... Grant to Westland Acclimatisation Society for fishbreeding Grant to defray expenses of Hon. J. McKenzie's visit to England Grant to defray expenses of Private Secretary accompanying Hon. J. McKenzie to England Grant towards the expenses ofthe Canterbury Industrial Jubilee Exhibition Grant to Lady Vogel and daughter Humane Society of New Zealand, Grant in aid House-allowance to Hon. Mr. Carroll Imperial Institute Expenses Index Kewensis, New Zealand Synopsis ... Investigation of accounts of Cook Islands by Audit officer (salary and travelling-expenses) .. Legal expenses in connection with the Porirua School grant New Zealand Flora New Zealand Moths and Butterflies, Hudson's Work on (100 copies) New Zealand Institute, Grant to ... ... Obtaining, preparing, and forwarding to England samples of New Zealand timber for interior fittings of the new Boyal yacht Pension of late Provincial Government, Nelson—Mrs. Bobinson's three daughters ... ... ... 299 200 500 2,500 100 1,100 2,500 331 100 82 100 100 50 44 2,300 10 20 250 25 500 22 23 204 250 24 200 25 100 26 500 27 250 28 29 30 31 32 3:1 1,000 1,500 100 100 150 24 75 34 35 36 169 200 37 38 100 500 20 39 100




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 189 L1900. £ £ MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES—continued. 40 41 42 43 44 VOTE No. 14— continued. Payment to Beuter's Telegram Company for special telegrams Betiring-allowance to J. C. Jackell, bookbinder, Government Printing Office Betiring-allowance, J. B. Henderson, caretaker, Government House, Auckland Salary of Eesident, Earotonga, Cook Islands Subsidy, £1 for £1, on amount subscribed by Acclimatisation Societies for the introduction of Virginian quail, &c. Sir George Grey's statue Sir George Grey's scholarship to each University (subjects —physics, astronomy, and geology) Travelling-expenses of His Excellency Lord Glasgow in Urewera Country Telegrams beyond the Colony ... General Contingencies 300 293 100 500 250 1,000 45 46 200 47 7 2,500 3,800 48 19 t Total —Vote No. 14 .. 25,603 TOTAL OF CLASS II. £9 ( 859




3—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 15. —Treasury Department 7,555 7,555 „ 16.—Friendly Societies' Begistry Office 630 600 1,230 „ 17. —Old-age Pensions Office 250 2,000 2,250 „ 18. —Land- and Income-tax Department 5,080 • 21,516 26,596 „ 19. —Treasury : Miscellaneous Services 10,227 10,227 TOTAL OF CLASS III. 13,515 14,343 47,858 .tern. 18 1-1900. TEEASUEY DEPAETMENT. £ 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 35 VOTE No. 15. Salaries— Secretary to the Treasury, Eeceiver- and PaymasterGeneral (also Eegistrar New Zealand Consols, £50) Accountant to the Treasury (also Secretary Civil Service Officers Guarantee Board, £50) Corresponding Clerk Cashier 23 Clerks: 1 at £340, 1 at £305, 2 at £260, 2 at £250, 1 at £240, 2 at £230, 1 at £225, 1 at £220, 1 at £215, 1 at £195, 2 at £190,1 at £185, 3 at £180, 1 at £170, 1 at £150, 1 at £122,1 at £115 5 Cadets : 1 at £105, 2 at £95, 1 at £75, 1 at £65 ... 2 Binders: 1 at £3 10s. and 1 at £3 per week 1 Messenger 700 500 320 260 4,882 435 338 120 Total—Vote No. 15 ... 7,555




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900. FEIENDLY SOCIETIES EEGISTBY OFFICE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 3 VOTE No. 16. Salaries — Eegistrar and Actuary (also Eegistrar of Old-age Pensions, £100) ' Eevising Barrister (also Assistant Law Officer, £550) Clerk £ 350 50 230 Other Charges— Cost of valuations, sickness returns, and statistical cards Extra clerical assistance ... Contingencies 630 2 3 4 300 250 50 Total—Vote No. 16 ... 600 1,230 OLD-AGE PENSIONS OFFICE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 4 VOTE No. 17. Salaries — Eegistrar (also Eegistrar and Actuary, Friendly Societies, £350) Deputy Begistrars — Auckland (also Eegistrar of Electors, £100) Christchurch (also Eegistrar of Electors, £50) Dunedin (also Deputy Eegistrar of Births, <fec.) 100 50 50 50 250 2 3 4 5 Other Charges— Clerical assistance Contribution to Post Office to pay Salaries of Officers employed on Old-age Pensions Work Old-age pensions forfeited and accrued instalments Travelling-expenses of Stipendiary Magistrates and ' Police Constables, and Interpreters' Fees Contingencies 1,000 350 300 6 300 50 Total—Vote No. 17 ... 2,000 2, 250 LAND- AND INCOME-TAX DEPABTMENT. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 21 VOTE No. 18. Salaries— Commissioner (also Superintendent, Advances to Settlers Office, £200; and Valuer-General, nil) ... Deputy Commissioner (also Deputy Superintendent, Advances to Settlers Office, £50, and Deputy ValuerGeneral, £50) Chief Clerk (also Advances to Settlers Office, £50) Accountant (also Advances to Settlers Office, £50) 15 Clerks : 1 at £280, 1 at £270, 2 at £250, 1 at £240, 4 at £230, 1 at £220, 2 at £210,1 at £170, 1 at £70; 1 at Invercargill at £130 2 Cadets : 1 at £60, 1 at £50 ... Messenger (also Valuation Department, £50, and Advances to Settlers, £20) 650 400 300 350 3,220 110 50 5,080




Appropriations Jor Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900. LAND AND INCOME-TAX DEPABTMENT— contd. £ £ 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 VOTE No. IS—continued. Other Charges— Advertising Contribution to Valuation Department Contribution to Valuation Department, remitted to Local Bodies ... Extra clerical assistance Law-costs (including Dilworth Case, £660) Payment to Postal Department Travelling-expenses Contingencies 100 11,218 6,868 1,800 860 370 200 100 21,516 Total—Vote No. 18 ... 26,59i TEEASUEY: MISCELLANEOUS SEBVICES. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 19. Administration of "The New Zealand Consols Act, 1894 "— Salary of Eegistrar of Consols (also Secretary to the Treasury, £700) Discount and Stamp Duty on Eemittances to London... Expenses attending the annual " drawing " of Debentures issued under "The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" Exchange and Commission Extra clerical assistance Fee to Trustee of the Sinking Fund of the Loan of 1863, and Agent under " The Lost Debentures Act, 1886" Preparation of new Government code Befund of amount paid Consolidated Fund for maintenance of Jane Bamsay (a lunatic), and applied to benefit of her husband ... Eefund of moneys paid into the Consolidated Fund on account of "The Eating Act, 1882," claimed by owner of property Befund to the Public Trustee for payment to next-of-kin of amounts paid into the Consolidated Fund in respect of intestate estates — William McElroy Francois Bayer Salary of Secretary, Civil Service Officers' Guarantee Board (also Accountant to the Treasury, £500) .. Wages of Assistant Binder Subsidies on separate rates ... ... - Contingencies 50 4,500 250 3,500 500 300 157 27 11 10 375 1 11 50 156 150 400 12 13 14 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 10,427 200 Total—Vote No, 19 ... 10,22 TOTAL OF CLASS III. £4' ,858




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Vote 20. —Department of Justice £ £ £ 1,890 v 1,890 „ 21. —Crown Law Office ... 2,425 2,425 „ 22.—Supreme Court 4,431 1,800 6,231 „ 23. —Bankruptcy 2,645 1,702 4,347 24. —District, Magistrates', and Wardens' Courts 33,233 11,770 45,003 ,, 25. —Native Land Court... 7,250 5,800 13,050 (| 26.—Validation of Native Titles 650 100 750 „ 27. —Criminal Prosecutions 15,000 15,000 ,, 28—Coroners 4,250 4,250 ,, 29. —Prisons .. 18,921 9,830 28,751 (i 30. —Office of Industries and Com- • 300 625 merce 325 „ 31.—Miscellaneous Services 4,973 4,973 TOTAL OF CLASS IV. 71,770 5,525 127,295 [tern. 189 1-1900. £ £ DEPABTMENT OF JUSTICE AND PATENT OFFICE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 9 VOTE No. 20. Salaries — Under-Secretary (also Eegistrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks, nil) Translator 3 Clerks: 1 at £240, 1 (also Private Secretary to Minister, £25) at £200, 1 at £120 Cadet 2 Clerks, Patent Office: 1 at £240, 1 at £130 Cadet 475 300 560 90 370 95 Total—Vote No. 20 l,89i




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 189! 1-1900. CEOWN LAW OFFICE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 4 VOTE No. 21. Salaries— Solicitor-General Assistant Law Officer (also Bevising Barrister, Friendly Societies, £50) Law Draftsman and Assistant Law Officer Clerk 1,000 550 650 225 Total —Vote No. 21 2,425 SUPBEME COUET. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 29 VOTE No. 22. Salaries— Auckland — Eegistrar and Sheriff Deputy Eegistrar Cadet Crier, Messenger, and Office-cleaner Assistant Office-cleaner 400 230 65 157 10 2 Wellington — Eegistrar, Sheriff, and Eegistrar Court of Appeal Deputy Eegistrar Clerk Crier and Messenger Messenger and Office-cleaner, and Office-cleaner to Official Assignee and Magistrate's Court 2 Assistant Office-cleaners 400 220 120 140 125 77 3 Napier — Clerk Office-cleaner 180 25 Christchurch — Eegistrar and Sheriff Deputy Eegistrar ... - Cadet Crier and Messenger Office-cleaner Assistant Messenger 400 190 75 127 50 65 Dunedin — Eegistrar and Sheriff Deputy Eegistrar Cadet Crier, Messenger, and Office-cleaner 4.00 230 95 150 6 5 Clerks to Judges at £100 500 4,431 7 Other Charges— Travelling-expenses of Judges, and other expenses of Circuit Courts and Court of Appeal Proportion of fees to be refunded to Sheriffs 1,750 50 8 1,800 Total—Vote No. 22 6.231




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

Item. 1899-1900. BANKBUPTCY. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 9 £ £ VOTE No. 23. Salaries — Auckland — Official Assignee Clerk Cadet 450 200 85 2 Wellington — Official Assignee Clerk 450 160 3 Christchurch — Official Assignee Clerk 450 200 Dunedin — Official Assignee (also Stipendiary Magistrate) Clerk 450 200 Other Charges— Advertising Commission to Deputy Assignees Office-cleaning Postages Bent, Dunedin Travelling-expenses Contingencies 2,645 5 6 7 8 9 Lo 11 150 1,000 32 215 120 85 100 Total—Vote No. 23 ... ... 1,702 4,34' DISTBICT, MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 150 VOTE No. 24. Salaries— Auckland — Magistrate 4 Clerks: 1 at £300, 1 at £200, 1 at £150, 1 at £120 ... Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Messenger Magistrate's Court, Stamp Office, and Eegistrar of Deeds Office; and Office-cleaner 500 770 160 120 120 Papakura, Pukekohe, Mercer, Waiuku, Hamilton, Newcastle, Cambridge, Baglan, Huntly, and Te Awamutu — Magistrate and Coroner (fees) Clerk and Eegistrar of Births, &c. 400 225 3 Onehunga, Otahuhu, Whangarei, Dargaville, Helensville, Warkworth, Maungaturoto, Port Albert, Waipu, and Paparoa — Magistrate, Coroner (fees), and Commissioner Native Land Court Clerk at Whangarei (Beceiver of Gold Eevenue, &o.)... Clerk at Maungaturoto, Paparoa, and Waipu 400 150 55 Bussell, Mangonui, Whangaroa, Kaitaia, Hokianga, Waimate, Kaikohe, and Kawakawa — Magistrate, Coroner (fees), and Commissioner Native 400 Land Court




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900 DISTBICT, .MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENSCOURTS — continued. £ £ 5 VOTE No. 24— continued. Salaries — continued. Thames, Coromandel, Te Aroha, Paeroa, and Mercury Bay — Magistrate and Warden Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, &c. ... Clerk Cadet Bailiff Interpreter Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, &c, at Paeroa ... Cadet Clerk and Receiver of Gold Eevenue, &c, at Coromandel Cadet Clerk and Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue, &c, at Te Aroha 450 220 160 85 150 150 190 95 200 85 120 6 Tauranga, Botorua, Taupo, Maketu, Opotiki, and Whakatane — Magistrate, Coroner (fees), and Commissioner Native Land Court Clerk and Interpreter, and Eegistrar of Births, &c. Bailiff 400 200 50 Gisborne, Tolago Bay, and Awanui — Magistrate, Commissioner Native Land Court, and Coroner (fees) Clerk, also Eegistrar Supreme Court, Sheriff, and Eegistrar of Births &c. Clerk, also Clerk Native Land Court Cadet Bailiff 475 300 175 75 140 8 New Plymouth, Opunake, Stratford, Inglewood, Eltham, and Waitara — Magistrate (also District Land Eegistrar, Eegistrar of Deeds, Eegistrar Supreme Court, Commissioner Native Land Court, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps) Clerk (and Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court) Cadet ... ... ... Bailiff and Office-cleaner, and Crier to Supreme Court 450 240 75 130 9 Wanganui — District Judge (Masterton, New Plymouth, Hawera. Wanganui, and Pal merston), Eegistrar Supreme Court, Magistrate, and Coroner (fees) Clerk, Sheriff, and Deputy Eegistrar Supreme Court ... Cadet Bailiff, and Crier Supreme Court 550 270 95 140 10 Hawera, Patea, Manaia, and Waverley — Magistrate Clerk at Hawera, also Eegistrar of Electors, &c. Bailiff 450 200 100 11 Wellington, Hutt, and Upper Hutt — Magistrate Clerk 3 Clerks: 1 at £180, 1 at £165, 1 at £120 . Cadet Bailiff Assistant Bailiff 500 300 465 95 160 120 12 Palmerston North, Feilding, Foxton, Otaki, Marton, Bull's, Hunterviile, and Mangaweka — Magistrate Clerk, also Eegistrar of Electors Cadet Bailiff Clerk at Marton, Hunterviile, and Bull's ... 450 210 100 100 230




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900 DISTBICT, MAGISTEATES', AND WARDENS* COURTS— continued. £ £ 13 VOTE No. 24— continued. Salaries — continued. Masterton, Carterton, Greytown, Featherston, Tenui, Fketahuna, Pahiatua, and Woodville — Magistrate, Sheriff, and Coroner (fees) Clerk, also Registrar of Electors Bailiff Clerk and Bailiff at Pahiatua, and Eegistrar of Births, &c. 500 225 100 85 * 14 Napier, Hastings, Waipawa, Ormondville, Dannevirke, and Wairoa — Magistrate, Eegistrar Supreme Court, and Commissioner Native Land Court Clerk Clerk and Interpreter Bailiff Clerk and Bailiff at Hastings ... Cadet Clerk, Interpreter, and Bailiff at Wairoa ... Clerk and Bailiff at Dannevirke 500 240 200 140 200 75 200 160 15 Nelson, Brightwater, Motueka, Collingwood, and Takaka — District Judge, Magistrate, Eegistrar Supreme Court, District Land Eegistrar, Examiner of Titles, and Eegistrar of Deeds Clerk, Deputy Eegistrar Supreme Court, and Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue, &c. Bailiff, and Crier Supreme Court Messenger and Office-cleaner, Magistrate's and Supreme Court 550 300 100 52 16 Blenheim, Picton, Havelock, and Cullensville — Magistrate, Warden, and Eegistrar of Supreme Court, District Land Eegistrar, and Coroner (fees) Clerk (also Sheriff), and Eegistrar of Electors Bailiff .... ' ... Clerk and Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue at Havelock and Cullensville 450 275 120 150 17 Christchurch, Lyttelton, Leeston, and Southbridge — District Judge, Canterbury, Westland, and Otago Magistrate and Coroner (fees) 3 Clerks: 1 at £300, 1 at £190, 1 at £140 Cadet Bailiff 2 Assistant Bailiffs: 1 at £125, 1 at £60 ... Clerk and Eegistrar of Births, &c, at Lyttelton 900 550 630 65 160 185 230 18 Kaiapoi, Bangiora, Amberley, Oxford, Darfield, Culverden, Kaikoura, Akaroa, and Little Biver — Magistrate and Coroner (fees), and Commissioner Native Land Court Clerk, Kaiapoi and Bangiora, also Eegistrar of Electors Clerk and Bailiff at Darfield, also Eegistrar of Electors 450 225 100




4—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

[tern. 1899-1900 DISTBICT, MAGISTBATES', AND WAEDENS' COUETS — continued. £ 19 VOTE No. 24— continued. Salaries— continued. Timaru, Temuka, Ashburton, Geraldine, and Bakaia — Magistrate, Coroner (fees), and Sheriff Clerk (also Eegistrar of Electors) Cadet * ... Bailiff Clerk, Ashburton Bailiff 450 275 85 110 200 100 20 Greymouth, Beefton, Ahaura, Westport, Charleston, Lyell, and Murehison — Magistrate, Warden, and Coroner (fees) ... Clerk and Beceiver of Gold Eevenue at Greymouth, and Eegistrar of Births &c. Clerk Bailiff Clerk and Beceiver of Gold Eevenue, Beefton ; Sheriff, Land Officer, and Eegistrar of Births, &c. Cadet Bailiff Clerk and Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue, Westport, Eegistrar of Electors, Local Land Officer, and Clerk to Agent Colliery Beserve Bailiff Office-bov Clerk and Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue, &c, Ahaura 450 250 160 110 275 95 110 250 130 26 120 21 Hokitika, Boss, Stafford, Goldsborough, Kumara, and Okarito — Magistrate and Land Officer Clerk and Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue, and Eegistrar of Electors Cadet Messenger and Office-cleaner, Magistrate's Court and Stamp and Deeds Offices Clerk and Beceiver of Gold Revenue, Kumara, and Eegistrar of Births, &c. Bailiff 400 250 75 110 235 100 22 Dunedin, Outram, Mosgiel, and Port Chalmers — Magistrate and Coroner (fees) 2 Clerks: 1 at £300, 1 at £200; 2 Cadets: I at £95, 1 at £70 Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Clerk and Bailiff at Port Chalmers, and Eegistrar of Births, &c. 550 665 140 120 190 23 Oamaru, Palmerston, Hawksbury, Hampden, Waimate, Kurow, and Livingstone — Magistrate and Coroner (fees) ... ... Clerk at Oamaru, Eegistrar of Births &c, and Eegistrar of Electors ... ... Cadet Bailiff 475 250 75 120 24 Invercargill, CampbeUtown, Wyndham, Lumsden, Biverton, Otautau, and Winton — Magistrate, Warden, and Coroner (fees) ... Clerk, also Sheriff 2 Cadets : 1 at £95, 1 at £65 ... 450 240 160




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

Item. 1899-1900. DISTRICT, MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS— continued. 24 25 VOTE No. 24— continued. Salaries — continued. Invercargill, CampbeUtown, Wyndham, Lumsden, Biverton, Otautau, and Winton —continued. Bailiff, and Crier, &c, Supreme Court Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, Riverton, and Eegistrar of Births &c. Cadet Clyde, Alexandra, Cromwell, Roxburgh, Arrow, Queenstown, and Pembroke — Magistrate, Warden, and Coroner (fees) ... Clerk and Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue at Clyde and Alexandra ... "... Cadet ... ... Clerk, Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue, Eegistrar of Births, &c, at Cromwell Cadet Clerk and Beceiver of Gold Eevenue at Queenstown ... Cadet Naseby, Black's, St. Bathan's, Hamilton's, Hyde, Middlemarch, and Macrae's —> Magistrate, Warden, and Coroner (fees) ... Clerk and Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue Bailiff and Assistant Clerk Lawrence, Gore, Milton, Balclutha, Kaitangata, Waikaia, Tapanui, and Clinton — Magistrate, Warden, and Coroner (fees) ... Clerk and Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue at Lawrence, and Begistrar of Births &c, also liegistrar of Electors ... Cadet Clerk at Gore Bailiff at Gore .... Chatham Islands — Magistrate, Customs Officer, Postmaster, &c. £ 155 150 65 425 250 85 240 65 250 65 £ 26 425 200 150 27 475 225 65 150 50 28 230 29 94 Police-constables acting as Clerks of Courts : 91 at £10, 2 at £30, 1 at £15 985 30 Relieving Clerk 160 33,233 31 32 33 34 Other Charges— Travelling Expenses and Allowances Mileage-fees to be refunded to Bailiffs Rents Office-cleaners 5,750 4,250 320 1,450 11,770 Total —Vote No. 24 45,00? NATIVE LAND COUET. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 27 VOTE No. 25. Salaries — Chief Judge (also Chief Judge Validation Court, and Begistrar-General of Land, nil) 7 Judges: 3 at £550, 1 at £500, 2 at £400, 1 at £350 4 Clerks and Interpreters: 1 at £180, 3 at £170 3 Clerks: 1 at £160, 2 at £120 Clerk to Chief Judge Auckland — Eegistrar 2 Clerks: 1 at £200, 1 at £185 2 Cadets: 1 at £105, 1 at £85 800 3,300 690 400 170 220 385 190




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

Item. 1-1900. 189 NATIVE LAND COURT—continued. VOTE No. 25— continued. Salaries — continued. Wellington — Eegistrar Clerk Clerk and Interpreter Cadet Gisborne — Eegistrar Clerk £ 220 200 175 100 240 160 Other Charges— Payment of Assessors, Extra Clerks, and Interpreters... Travelling Allowances and Expenses Bent Contingencies 7,250 5 6 7 8 1,850 3,500 250 200 Total—Vote No. 25 5,800 13,05i VALIDATION OF NATIVE TITLES. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 1 VOTE No. 26. Salaries — Judge under " The Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act, 1893" 650 Other Charges— Assessors, Travelling Expenses and Contingencies 100 Total—Vote No. 26 75> CBIM1NAL PBOSECUTIONS. 1 2 3 VOTE No. 27. Fees to Crown Solicitors and Prosecutors ... Expenses of Witnesses Payment of Jurors under " The Juries Act, 1880 " 3,500 7,500 4,000 Total—Vote No. 27 15,00i "COEONEES ACT, 1867." 1 2 VOTE No. 28. Fees and Expenses on Inquests Payment of Jurors ... ... 2,500 1,750 Total—Vote No. 28 4,250 PEISONS. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 124 VOTE No. 29. Salaries — Inspector's Office — Inspector of Prisons Clerk Auckland — Gaoler Surgeon Matron 3 Principal Warders at £180 .. 18 Warders: 9 at £150, 2 at £145, 4 at £140, 3 at £135 Assistant Matron 700 225 400 100 110 540 2,605 75




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

Item, 1899-190 PEISO N S— continued. 3 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 29— continued. Salaries — continued. New Plymouth — Gaoler Surgeon Matron 4 Warders: 2 at £145, 2 at £135 Wellington Prisons — Gaoler Surgeon • ... Matron 3 Principal Warders at £180 ... 19 Warders: 6 at £150, 9 at £145, 2 at £140, 1 at £135, 1 at £125 Assistant Matron Wanganui — Gaoler Surgeon Matron 2 Warders: 1 at £150, 1 at £140 Napiei — Gaoler Surgeon ... Matron 4 Warders: 3 at £150, 1 at £135 Westport — Gaoler Picton — Gaoler Lyttelton — Gaoler Surgeon Matron 3 Principal Warders at £180 ... 15 Warders: 7 at £150, 2 at £145, 1 at £140, 4 at £135,1 at £125 Assistant Matron Hokitika — Gaoler Surgeon (also Lunatic Asylum £150) Matron 2 Warders: 1 at £140, 1 at £135 Dunedin — Gaoler Surgeon (also Industrial School £50) Matron 1 Principal Warder 9 Warders: 3 at £150, 2 at £145, 1 at 140, 2 at £135, 1 at £125 Assistant Matron Invercargill — Gaoler Matron 3 Warders: 1 at £150, 1 at £135, 1 at £125 Medical Attendance "... Timaru — Gaoler £ 300 50 40 560 400 100 105 540 2,745 70 180 50 40 290 245 50 40 585 156 156 i) 400 100 105 540 2,145 70 10 215 50 50 275 11 400 100 105 180 1,275 70 12 260 40 410 50 13 156 14 Oamaru — Gaoler Clyde — Gaoler Naseby — Gaoler 156 15 156 16 156




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

Item. 189 1-1900. PBISO N 8— continued. VOTE No. 29— continued. Other Charges— Lodging Allowances Eations, Fuel, &c. Clothing, Bedding, Furniture, Ac. Gas and Water Other Necessaries Medicines and Medical Comforts Tools and Materials for Prison Labour, Ac. ... Coals and Materials for Brick-making Travelling-expenses, and conveyance of Prisoners Gratuities to Prisoners on discharge Uniforms for Prison Officers Temporary Officers Subscriptions to Telephones Contingencies ... ... £ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 800 5,000 1,200 700 300 530 400 600 600 500 400 100 100 100 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 11,330 1,500 28,751 Total—Vote No. 29 9,830 OFFICE OF INDUSTEIES AND COMMEECE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 1 VOTE No. 30. Salaries — Clerk (also Private Secretary to Minister of Education, £25) Other Charges— For promotion of sale of New Zealand produce in the United Kingdom Contingencies ... ... . ... 325 2 100 200 3 Total—Vote No. 30 300 MISCELLANEOUS SEBVICES. VOTE No. 31. Advertising, purchase of books, &c. Expenses of Urewera Commission Extra Clerical Assistance, copying, interpreting, <fcc. Fees to Patent Agent Fidelity Guarantee premiums Fuel, Light, Water, and Cleaning Gratuity to Bailiff P. A. Conolly on retirement Payment to Survey Department for lithographing, preparation of plans, &c. Purchase of Beports and Treatises for Crown Law Office Purchase of MSS. of Colenso's " Maori Lexicon" Befund to Westland Law Society, of costs, &c, of prosecution under Law Practitioners Act Subscriptions to Telephone Exchanges Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies 625 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 150 250 900 50 200 1,200 100 f 9 10 11 750 50 300 12 13 14 23 300 200 500 4,973 Total —Vote No. 31 TOTAL OF CLASS IV. £12 ,295




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ ote 32. —Postal and Telegraph Salaries ... 230,254 230,254 „ 33.—Telegraph Cable Subsidies 1,430 1,430 „ 34. —Conveyance of Mails by Sea 50,281 50,281 „ 35. —Conveyance of Inland Mails *. 38,900 38,900 „ 36. —Carriage of Mails by Eailway ... 14,061 14,061 „ 37. —Maintenance of Telegraph and Telephone Lines ... 19,000 19,000 „ 38. —Miscellaneous Services 41,769 41,769 TOTAL OF CLASS V. 230,254 165,441 395,695 No. of Officers. * tern. Classification under Act. 18' '9-1900. 1899-1900. POSTAL AND TELEGBAPH SALABIES. £ £ VOTE No. 32. First Division. 700 650 600 1 1 1 Secretary Superintendent of Electric Lines Assistant Secretary and Inspector... 1,950 3 Clerical Division. First Class, First Grade. —From £470 to £500, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each. 3 at £500 1,500 2 First Glass, Second Grade. —From £420 to £450, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each. 1 at £450, 1 at £435 3 885 10 Second Class.— From £370 to £400, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each. 10 at £400 4,000 6 Third Class.— From £315 to £355, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 3 at £355, 1 at £345, 1 at £325. 1 at £315... 2,050




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

No. of Officers. 1899-190 Item. 1899-1900. POSTAL AND TELEGBAPH SALAEIES— continued. VOTE No. 32— continued. £ £ Clerical Division— continued. Fourth Class.— From £260 to £300, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 8 at £300 2,400 28 Fifth Class, First Grade.— -From £235 to £250, by One Annual Increment of £15. 27 at £250, 1 (also Private Secretary to the Premier, £25) at £250 7,000 44 Fifth Class, Second Grade.— From £190 to £220, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each. 35 at £220, 9 at £200 9,500 489 Sixth. Class.— From £115 to £180, by Three Annua] Increments of £15 each and Two of £10 each. Officers in this class with more.than twenty years' service receive Two Annual Additional Increments of £10 each. Postal: 93 at £180, 7 at £170, 14 at £160, 6 at £150, 1.5 at £145, 1 at £140, 9 at £130, 8 at £115 ..' Telegraph: 1 at £210, I at £200. 243 at £180, 15 at £170, 13 at £160, 1 at £156, 2 at £150, 31 at £145, 16 at £130, 13 at £115 Sixth Class. —Special section for Senior Officers of more than twenty years' service, two increments of £10, but without promotion from the class. 72 at £20, 1 at £15, 30 at £10 ... 25,475 57,306 10 1,755 11 175 Cadets.— From £40 to £100, by One Annual Increment of £10, One of £15, One of £20, and One of £15, with Lodging-allowance of £26 a Year for the First Two Years and £13 the Third when Cadet stationed from Home. 95 at £100, 57 at £85, 11 at £65,12 at £50... 15,660 12 • 3 Chief Postmasters, First Grade. —From £445 to £500, by Two Annual Increments of £20 each and One of £15. 3 at £500 1,500 8 Chief Postmasters, Second Grade. —From £370 to £425, by Three Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 6 at £425, 1 at £415, 1 at £400 13 3,365 14 • Chief Postmasters, Third Grade. —From £310 to £350, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 3 at £350, 2 at 340 1,730 15 13 Postmasters, First, Grade.— From £260 to £300, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 10 at £300, 3 at £290 3,870 16 26 Postmasters, Second Grade. —From £220 to £250, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each. 1 at £260, 19 at £250, 3 at £240, 3 at £230 6,420




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

No. of Officers. POSTAL AND TELEGBAPH SALARIES— continued. 189 1-1900. Item. 1899-1900. * VOTE No. 32— continued. £ Clerical Division — continued. 17 21 Postmasters, Third Grade. —From £185 to £210, bv One Annual Increment of £10 and One of £15. 17 at £210, 4 at £195 4,350 18 45 Postmasters, Fourth Grade. —From £140 to £175, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and One of £15. 1 at £200, 2 at £190, 9 at £180, 27 at £175, 1 at £160, 2 at £150, 3 at £140 7,805 Non-clerical Division. 19 29 Cadettes.— From £40 to £120, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each, One of £15, and Seven of £5 each ; with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year, £20 the Second, £15 the Third, and £10 the Fourth Year, when Cadette stationed from Home. 7 at £120, 1 at £115, 4 at £110, 3 at £100, 7 at £95, 2 at £90, 3 at £70, 1 at £60, 1 at £50 2,860 20 118 Cadettes (Telephone Exchange).—From £40 to £80, by Four Annual Increments of £10 each; with Lodging-allowance of £20 for the First Year. £l0 the Second, and £5 the Third Year, when Cadette stationed from Home. 92 at £80, 11 at £70, 6 at £60, 9 at £50 ... 8,940 21 53 Linemen, First Grade. —From £130 to £140, by Two Annual Increments of £5 each. 4 at £155, 2 at £150, 4 at £145, 37 at £140, 6 at £130 7,460 22 13 Linemen, Second Grade. —From £110 to £125, by Three Annual Increments of £5 each. 13 at £125 1,625 33 Letter-carriers, First Grade. —From £ 130 to £140, by Two Annual Increments of £5 each. 22 at £140, 7 at £135, 4 at £130 23 4,545 41 Letter-carriers, Second Grade. —From £95 to £120, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and One of £5. 25 at £120, 10 at £115, 3 at £105, 3 at £95 24 4,750 25 110 Letter-carriers, Third Grade. — From £50 to £85, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Three of £5 each. 36 at £85, 7 at £80, 22 at £75, 22 at £70, 23 at £60 8,190 26 11 Post Office Messengers, First, Grade. —From £85 to £120, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Three of £5 each. 7 at £120, 1 at £115, 1 at £105, 1 at £100, lat£95




s—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

No of Officers. 1899-1900 Item. 1899-1900. POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH SAL ABIES— continued. £ £ VOTE No. 32— continued. Non-clerical Division— continued. 27 22 Post, Office Messengers, Second Grade. —From £50 to £80, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Two of £5 each. 1 at £85, 2 at £75, 4 at £70, 13 at £60, 1 at £50, 1 at £39 1,384 28 Counter Clerks (Telegraph). —From £110 to £150, by Four Annual Increments of £10 each. 3 at £150, 2 at £140, 2 at £130... 990 9 Assistant Counter Clerks (Telegraph).—From £50 to £100, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Six of £5 each. 3 at £100, 1 at £90, 1 at £75, 2 at £70, 2 at £60 29 725 30 3 Assistant Exchange Clerks. —From £130 to £150, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each. 2 at £150, 1 at £130 430 32 Junior Exchange Clerks. —From £60 to £120, by Four Annual Increments of £ 10 each and Four .of £5 each. 9 at £120," 4 at £115, 1 at £110, 3 at £105, 4 at £90, 5 at £80, 3 at £70, 3 at £60 .. 31 ' •■ 3,115 32 21 Assistant Despatch Clerks. —From £50 to £100, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Six of £5 each. 1 at £130, 2 at £120, 1 at £115, 4 at £100, 1 at £95, 2 at £90, 2 at £85, 3 at £80, 2 at £75, 1 at £70, 1 at £50, 1 at £40 ... 1,880 33 27 Distributors. —From £50 to £80, by One Annual Increment of £10 and Four of £5 each. 9 at £70, 11 at £65, 7 at £60 ... 1,765 5 Post-office Boy Messengers. —From £2S to £36, by One Annual Increment of £5, One of £3, and One of £2. 1 at £36, 2 at £34, 2 at £31 ... 34 166 35 Telegraph Message Boys, Supernumerary Class. — 'From £41 to £56, by Three Annual Increments of £5 each. 1 at £46, 2 at £41 128 36 314 Telegraph Message Boys. —From £26 to £36, by Increments of £5, £3, and £2. Message Boys 10,767 219,498 37 Contribution to Eailway Department for combined Post-Telegraph-Eailway Offices 9,200



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services


JNO. ot No. of Officers. Item. Officers. POSTAL AND TELEGBAPH SALARIES— 1899-1900. continued. 1899 •-1900. 1899-1900. VOTE No. 32— continued. £ £ 38 39 Non-clerical Division — continued. 1,350 Country Postmasters New Stations, Telegraphists, Cadets, and Mes12,200 sengers 1,000 13,200 Less proportion of increases to Salaries provided for, but not payable during current year 241,896 1,702 —: Less estimated credits under section 41 of 1,740 "The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 240,194 9,940 j Total—Vote No. 32 230,25 TELEGRAPH CABLE SUBSIDIES. 1 2 VOTE No. 33. Contingent Subsidy Proportion payable on account of reduction of intercolonial and European rates 230 1,200 Total—Vote No. 33 ... 1,430 CONVEYANCE OF MAILS BY SEA. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 VOTE No. 34. Bluff and Stewart Island Services Invercargill, Cromarty, and Te Oneroa ... Chatham Islands Service Blind Bay Service San Francisco Service ... ... ... Cost of Transit from San Francisco to New York and from New York to Queenstown of Homeward Mails Interprovincial Service (San Francisco Service) Suez Services Mail Agents and Travelling-allowance Auckland Steam Services Hokitika and Southern Ports and Westport and Karamea Services ' Fiji Service New Zealand and Pacific Islands Service ... Great Barrier Service Vancouver "Service (to cover payments not made within financial year) Wellington and Pelorus Sound Service ... Salary, Eesident Agent, San Francisco ... ... Postal Union Transit Charges ... ... | Gratuities for the conveyance of letters and printed matter 300 360 300 125 22,500 6,016 4,000 4,650 1,000 900 12 13 14 15 800 1,690 1,200 250 16 17 ' 18 19 1,500 260 30 900 20 21 Conveyance of Inland Mails .. Contingencies (landing and shipping mails) 13,700 700 300 Less estimated credits —San Francisco Service ... 61,481 11,200 Total—Vote No 34 ...




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

tern. 1899 1-1900. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 L6 17 CONVEYANCE OF INLAND MAILS. VOTE No. 35. < Auckland Thames New Plymouth Napier Gisborne Wanganui Wellington Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Christchurch Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill £ 5,400 1,600 1,100 ■ 2,700. 700 2,800 5,000 850 2,400 350 1,300 1,100 4,000 1,000 400 5,900 2,300 £ Total —Vote No. 35 CARRIAGE OF MAILS BY RAILWAY. VOTE No. 36. Carriage of Mails by Special Trains Conveyance of ordinary Mails by Railway £31,612 0 0 Less cost of Postage, Telegrams, Telephone Exchange connections, Postoffice box-rents, &c. ... ... 19,051 0 0 38,900 1 2 1,500 Total —Vote No. 36 12,561 14,061 MAINTENANCE OF TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINES. • 1 2 3 4 5 VOTE No. 37. Travelling-expenses of Inspectors and Linemen Extra Labour Material for repairs Telephone-exchange Instruments (to replace old ones) Subsidy to Marine Department for s.s. " Tutanekai " for cable-laying and repairing 4,500 12,400 2,500 3,000 1,000 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 23,400 4,400 19,000 Total—Vote No. 37 1 2 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 38. Stationery, &c. . ... ... ... Special allowance to Telegraph Messengers during their first year's service Gas and Water Telephone Fees to Non - permanent Postmasters and Telephonists Compassionate allowance to widow of the late H. Smith, Electrician (equal to six months' salary) 6,000 600 2,500 3 4 5 8,500 150




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tern. 1899-1900. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. £ i £ 6 7 8 VOTE No. 38— continued. Compensation to Mrs. Donaghue, Maketu, recommended by Public Petitions Committee Deficiency, Post-office, Te Whariki Compassionate allowance at the rate of 7s. 6d. per week for the support of the child of the late F. Quilicie, lineman, Telegraph Department Representatives of the late F. Quilicie, lineman, Telegraph Department 50 36 25 33 10 Miscellaneous— Advertising and Printing Carriage of Private Bags ... ... ... Cleaning and Scavenging Money-order and Savings-Bank Fees to Country Postmasters Allowances to Tellers for Calculation of Savings-Bank Interest, to Clerks in Travelling Post-offices, Houseallowances, Forage, &c. Postal Inspectors' Travelling-expenses Lighting and Fuel (except Gas) ... Overtime ... - Parcel-post Expenses Repairs, Fittings, New Buildings, &c. Contingencies Travelling- and Believing-expenses Uniform Clothing Temporary Letter-carriers aud Messengers 860 300 2,115 525 3,350 1,000 1,500 1,150 2,400 2,075 2,650 4,000 1,200 2,500 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" ... ... ... 43,519 1,750 Total—Vote No. 38 41.7* 41,76: fif TOTAL OF CLASS V. £395 695




Appropriations for Consolidated, Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. oie 39. —Customs Offices and Services £ £ £ 28,702 5,258 33,96i ,, 40. —Customs: Miscellaneous Services 340 8,084 8,42. „ 41. —Marine and Harbours... 17,328 15,887 33,21i „ 42.—Marine : Miscellaneous Services 9,480 9,48( TOTAL OF CLASS VI. 46,370 18,709 85,079 Item. 18E 99-1900. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SEEVICES. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 139 £ £ VOTE No. 39. " Salaries— Head Office — •Secretary and Inspector of Customs, and Secretary, Marine Department Chief Clerk 2 Clerks : 1 at £150, 1 at £120 Clerk (Audit) Writer (Audit) (including extra-duty pay) 2 Cadets : 1 at £95, 1 at £75 ... Messenger and Storeman Customs Expert Auckland — Collector Landing Surveyor First Clerk 3 Clerks: 1 at £200, 1 at £160, 1 at £100 5 Cadets: 1 at £95,1 at £90,1 at £85,1 at £80,1 at £50 Clerk and Warehouse Keeper ... 7 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers : 2 at £270, 1 at £225, 1 at £220, 1 at £230, 1 at £210, 1 at £180 Tide Surveyor and Examining Officer 5 Lockers :' 1 at £160, 1 at £150, 1 at £149, 2 at £141 3 Lockers (Writers), at £187 ... Messenger at 6s. 6d. per day Boatman at 8s. per diem Whangarei — Coastwaiter (also Postal Officer) Whangaroa — Coastwaiter Thames — Coastwaiter New Plymouth — Collector and Examining Officer Cadet Wanganui — Collector and Examining Officer ... Clerk and Landing Waiter Cadet 650 350 270 270 270 170 140 800 550 350 290 460 400 210 1,605 220 741 561 119 146 3 50 4 50 5 50 6 325 95 340 220




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1891 1-1900. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES—continued. £ £ 10 11 12 VOTE No. 39— continued. S al arie s— continued. Wellington — Collector Landing Surveyor First Clerk 3 Clerks: 1 at £160, 1 at £140, 1 at £115 3 Cadets : 1 at £95, 1 at £85, 1 at £75 ... Tide Surveyor Clerk 6 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers : 1 at £270, 1 at £260, 1 at £240, 1 at £200, 1 at £190, 1 at £180 2 Lockers (Writers) at £187 4 Lockers at 8s. per day 1 Boatman at 7s. 6d, per day, and 1 Messenger at 7s. per day Napier — Collector and Surveyor Landing Waiter and Locker 2 Clerks: 1 at £140, 1 at £120 Cadet Poverty Bay — Collector and Examining Officer Cadet Wairau — Collector and Examining Officer Nelson — Collector and Surveyor (also Magistrate and Sheriff and Warden) Landing Waiter and Examining Officer 1 Clerk and Locker at £150, 1 Clerk at £110 Westport — Collector and Examining Officer Greymouth — Collector and Examining Officer Locker and Messenger Hokitika — Collector and Examining Officer Bluff Harbour — Officer in Charge Invercargill — Collector and Surveyor Clerk and Warehouse Keeper Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Dunedin — Collector Landing Surveyor First Clerk 1 Clerk 4 Cadets: 1 at £95, 1 at £90, 1 at £85,1 at £50 5 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers : 1 at £275, 1 at £270, .2 at £260, 1 at £180 4 Lockers: 2 at £180, 2 at 8s. per day 4 Lockers (Writers) at £187 ... Messenger at 7s. per day Port Chalmers — . Tide Surveyor and Examining Officer 525 375 260 415 255 180 180 1,340 374 500 266 400 250 260 85 350 85 290 425 220 260 13 350 14, 350 180 15 300 16 210 17 400 140 270 18 550 350 390 140 320 1,245 610 748 128 19 300 20 Oamaru — Collector and Examining Officer 280 21 Timaru — Collector and Examining Officer Cadet 350 80




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund. Services.

Item. 1899-1900. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES— continued. 22 VOTE No. 39— continued. Salaries — continued. Lyttelton and Christchurch — Collector Landing Surveyor First Clerk 2 Clerks : 1 at £140, 1 at £100 4 Cadets : 1 at £85, 1 at £80, 2 at £75 ... Tide Surveyor 3 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers : 1 at £245, 1 at £225, 1 at £200 3 Lockers (Writers) at £187 ... 2 Lockers: 1 at £140, 1 at 8s. per day Boatman Messenger at 7s. per day Contribution to other Votes— Marine and Harbours Postal and Telegraph Working Railways £ £ 525 325 280 240 315 250 670 561 265 145 128 23 24 25 85 80 70 Other Charges— Cadets' Lodging-allowances Cost of Instruments Expenses connected with Customs and Excise Convictions and Seizures Expenses of Head Office and Local Offices... Hire of Boats and Launches ... Local Chemical Analysts Preventive Officers Rewards, &c, Prevention of Smuggling and Illicit Distillation Telephones Tidewaiters, Extra Clerical and other Assistance Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies 28,702 26 27 28 50 50 29 30 31 32 33 350 750 50 325 120 34 35 30 37 500 130 1,500 1,500 150 Less contributions from Defence and Police Departments ... 5,475 217 Total—Vote No. 39 ... 5,258 33 f)Rti 33,960 CUSTOMS: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1899-1900. Total number of officers , ... 2 VOTE No. 40. Salaries — Quarantine Keepers —Wellington, £156 (also Lightkeeper) ; Port Chalmers, £110 ... ... £266 Contribution to Stock Department Vote ... 110 376 Less contribution from Marine Vote 36 340 2 3 4 5 Other Charges— Quarantine Contingencies Further compassionate allowance to the widow of the late D. Logan, writer, Dunedin Bonus on Exportation of Canned and Cured Fish Refund of Customs Duty on Monument to the victims of the Brunner Coal-mine disaster, Stillwater Refund of Customs Duty on private supplies imported by His Excellency the Governor 100 50 750 0 30 350




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900. CUSTOMS : MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES-continued. A r OTE No. 40— continued. Other Charges— continued. ' Refund of duty on trophy presented to the Taranaki Agricultural Society 8 Refund of duty on machinery for Calliope Dock, Auckland 9 ! Refund of duty on machinery for New Zealand Wax Vesta Company, Dunedin 10 ; Eefund of duty on headstone for grave of the late A. S. Paterson 11 Eefund of duty on cabinet for Chamber of Commerce, Wellington 12 Befund of duty on machinery for Biverhead Papermills, Auckland 13 Refund of bonded warehouse duty, appointment of warehouse having been revoked £ £ 20 5,500 39 3 5 1,200 37 Total —Vote No. 40 ... 8,084 8.4! 8,42' MABINE AND HABBOUBS. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 120 VOTE No 41 Salaries — I Marine Head Office — Chief Clerk Clerk Clerk Cadet Nautical Adviser, Inspector and Surveyor of Ships, and Examiner of Masters and Mates (9 months at £400) 320 240 140 75 300 Harbours — 2 Manukau — Harbourmaster and Pilot Signalman Boatman at £8 per month Lightkeeper at Heads ... ... ... 3 Auckland, — Bean Bock Lightkeeper 4 Hokianga — Harbourmaster and Pilot and Coast Waiter 2 Boatmen at £6 per month... 5 Kaipara — Harbourmaster and Pilot and Customs Officer 2 Signalmen (also Lightkeepers) Chief Boatman at £10 per month 1 Boatman at £7 10s. per month 6 Mokau — Signalman 7 Opunake — Signalman 8 Rangitikei — Acting Signalman 9 Foxton — Harbourmaster and Pilot 10 Wellington — Assistant Lightkeeper, Somes Island ... • 11 Napier Bluff Lighthouse — Lightkeeper 12 Wairau — Signalman 13 Nelson — Harbourmaster and Pilot 2 Boatmen at £10 per month Signalman 1,075 200 130 96 120 3 160 4 140 144 5 250 30 120 90 0 30 7 25 8 36. 9 190 10 120 11 20 12 145 13 240 240 39




6—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

Item. MABINE AND HAEBOUES— continued. 1899-1900 14 15 VOTE No. 41 — continued. Salaries — continued. Harbours —continued. Waitapu, — Harbourmaster Collingwood — Lightkeeper Karamea — Signalman Okarito — Harbourmaster .... £ £ 25 25 16 40 17 35 Less contributions from Customs Vote 2,690 85 Lighthouses — 28 Principal Keepers: 2 at £180, 13 at £160, 5 at £150, 8 at £140 39 Assistant Keepers: 2 at £130. 17 at £120, 4 at £110, 5 at £100, 10 at £90, and 1 at £50 3 Keepers for East Cape (3 months) Artificer 2,605 18 4,310 4.190 90 210 Examiners of Masters and Mates — Auckland: 1 at £75 (3 months), and 1 at £25 Lyttelton (3 months) Weather-reporting Officer and Examiner of Masters at Wellington ... 8,800 19 44 6 20 350 Superintendents of Mercantile MarineIt each at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin, at £250 a year (10 months) 400 21 833 • Inspection of Machinery and Survey of Steamers — Salaries — Chief Inspector of Machinery and Principal Engineer Surveyor 9 Inspectors of Machinery and Engineer Surveyors of Steamers : 4 at £325,'2 at £300, 3 at £275 2 Clerks: 1 at £200 (also Private Secretary, £25), 1 at £190 Cadet • 22 425 2,725 390 75 Other Charges — Travelling allowance and expenses Rent, cleaning offices, and fuel... Boiler-certificate Fees short-paid Contingencies 3,615 23 24 25 26 1,400 225 2 150 1,777 5,392 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Other Charges— Addition to wharf at Waitangi, Chatham Islands Beacon, North Sand Point, Kaipara Construction of embankment, Karamea Harbour Compensation to Captain T. C. Tilly for loss of office . ■ Expenses connected with Inquiries into Wrecks, Belief of Distressed Seamen, and Survey of Dnseaworthv Ships Grant towards cost of jetty at Cape Turnagain Fish Expert, salary Fish Expert, Travelling-expenses of Fish-hatcheries and expenses and travelling-allowance of Expert Ayson to Europe, Canada, and America ... Improvement of Somes Island Light (to be refunded by Wellington Harbour Board) 25 120 100 157 350 100 300 40 1,050 36 800




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900. MABINE AND HARBOURS— continued. 37 38 30 in 41 42 43 4! 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 VOTE No. 41— continued. Other Charges— continued. Improvements —Onehunga Wharf approach Iron Buoys Marine Commission— Expenses of Commission Solicitors' costs and expenses, Captains Jones and Allman Crown Solicitor's charges in connection with prosecution of Captains Allman, Von Shoen, and Jones ... Maintenance of Waitapu Leading Lights ... Passages of Nautical Adviser and family from England Pension to late Lightkeeper, P. A. Deck Pension to J. Heberley, late Pilot at Queen Charlotte Sound Protection of Oysters Protection of Fish, &c ... .. • . Repairs to Lighthouses, Dwellings, &c. Repairs to the wharf at Mongonui Repairs to the wharf at Marsden Point Repairs to Half-moon Bay Wharf, Stewart Island Report on channel at Onehunga by Mr. Napier Bell ... Report on Nelson Harbour by Mr. Reynolds Repairing fence and clearing burial-ground of persons drowned in the s.s. " Tararua " Removal and re-erection of Kaipara Flagstaff Snagging the Mokau Biver Subsidy to Steamer for Kaipara Harbour Work Wharf at Pembroke, extension Experimental trawling, recommended by Fish Expert ... Harbours — Buoy-chain, stores, and oil Wages and rent Buoys and beacons, and gas for lights Contingencies Lighthouses — Oil and stores Keeper's station and travelling-allowances... Wages of temporary keepers Carriage of mails Contingencies General Expenses — Charts and books Bent and expenses connected with examinations, &e. ... Checking overcrowding of steamers and legal expenses Contingencies £ 500 500 1,209 185 195 50 165 24 50 200 200 350 50 100 250 23 105 55 56 57 58 50 50 250 72 340 150 500 60 01 62 63 550 300 150 300 64 65 60 67 68 2,500 350 350 120 380 69 70 71 72 100 200 200 150 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 14,210 100 14,110 Total—Vote No. 41 MAEINE: MISCELLANEOUS SEEV1CES. 9 VOTE No. 42. Government steamers, Working expenses .. £14,000 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " ... 6,000 33,215 2 3 Working-expenses, s.s. " Tutanekai," on special trips to Samoa Compassionate allowance to the son of the late W. Brown, chief officer of the " Hinemoa "... 8,000 1,300 180 9,480 Total —Vote No. 42 TOTAL OF CLASS VI. ... £81 3,079




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Vote 43. —Stamp Department £ 4,685 £ 3,927 £ 8,612 „ 44.—Land and Deeds Begistry 9,160 8,300 17,460 TOTAL OF CLASS VII. 13,845 .2,227 26,072 Item. 18 '9-1900. STAMP DEPABTMENT. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 25 VOTE No. 43. Salaries— Head Office— Secretary, Controller Legacy Duties, Deputy Commissioner, and Eegistrar Joint-stock Companies Chief Clerk and Accountant Custodian and Issuer of Stamps Clerk Chief Stamper Clerk (also Private Secretary to Commissioner of Stamps, £25) 6 Stampers : 1 at £110, 2 at £105, 1 at £100, 1 at £60, lat£50 Messenger AucklandClerk Clerk Wellington — Clerk Cadet Cadet Hawke's Bay — Clerk Canterbury — Clerk Cadet Otago — Deputy Commissioner Cadet Cadet £ 550 280 240 180 225 2('0 530 120 200 130 £ 170 65 65 4 95 5 200 95 285 100 40 7 8 Invercargill — Clerk' Contributions to Votes — " Land and Deeds Begistry " ... 130 785 4,685 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Other Charges— Auditing stamps Cleaning offices Compassionate allowance to widow of C. E- White Costs of appeal to Privy Council in re Dilworth, deceased Extra assistance Gas and water Legal expenses New issue of Stamps Postage-stamp and other paper Special envelopes for registered letters ordered from London ... Travelling allowances and expenses ... ... Contingencies 80 20 100 300 300 20 300 1,750 600 19 20 77 . 300 80 Totai—Vote No. 43 ... ... 3,927 8,612




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

.tem. 1899-190 LAND AND DEEDS REGISTRY. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 40 VOTE No. 44. Salaries— Auckland — District Land Registrar Examiner of Titles and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Deputy Registrar of Deeds and Chief Clerk Draughtsman 3 Clerks : 1 at £160, 2 at £125 550 300 265 250 410 Taranaki — Assistant Land Registrar and Deputv Registrar of Deeds Clerk Cadet ... ... 260 150 75 Wellington— District Land Eegistrar Examiner of Titles Chief Clerk Deputy Registrar of Deeds and Assistant Land Eegistrar Clerk" Messenger 550 315 185 300 160 110 Hawke's Bay — District Land Eegistrar and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds and Chief Clerk Clerk 500 260 110 Poverty Bay — Assistant Land Eegistrar, Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps 250 Nelson — Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Clerk 250 130 Marlborough — Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds and Deputy Commissioner ofStamps 225 Canterbury — District Land Eegistrar Eegistrar of Deeds, Assistant Land Eegistrar, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Chief Clerk 3 Clerks: 1 at £175, 1 at £150,1 at £140 550 450 250 465 Westland — District Land Eegistrar, Eegistrar Supreme Court, Sheriff, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Clerk (and for Stamp and Supreme Court Offices) 300 125




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1899-1900. LAND AND DEEDS REGISTRY— continued. £ £ 10 VOTE No. 44— continued. Salaries— continued. Otago — District Land Registrar Assistant Land Registrar and Chief Clerk ... 2 Clerks : 1 at £195, 1 at £160 Office-cleaner 550 265 355 40 11 Southland — District Land Registrar, Deputy Commissioner of Stamps, and Registrar Supreme Court ... Assistant Land Registrar and Chief Clerk Clerk Cadet 500 260 150 80 Less Contributions from Stamp Department 9,945 785 Other Charges— Advertising Binding books Cleaning offices Draughtsman's Work performed by the Survey Department ... ... ... Fuel, light, and water Contract work for recording, &c. Extra assistance Rent Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies 9,160 12 13 14 15 400 75 60 16 17 18 19 20 21 3,000 150 2,300 ; 1,800 375 110 30 Total —Vote No. 44 ... ... 8,300 17,461 > TOTAL OF CLASS VII. £2' 1072




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. . Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Education Department. £ £ £ Vote 45.—Head Office 2,470 800 3,270 ,, 46. — Public Schools ... 409,172 409,172 „ 47.—Native Schools ... 14,300 3,900 18,200 „ 48. —Industrial Schools 2,198 11,485 13,683 ,, 49.—School for Deaf-mutes 1,668 1,820 3,488 „ 50.—School for Blind . 360 360 „ 51. —Technical Instruction 2,510 2,510 „ 52. —Miscellaneous Services 5,151 5,151 Lr/NACV AND CHARITARLE DEPARTMENT. 20,636 435,198 455,834 Vote 53. —Lunatic Asylums 28,620 25,931 54,551 „ 54.—Charitable 413 5,284 5,697 „ 55. —Botorua Sanatorium 1,248 225 1,473 30,281 ,440 61,721 Department oe Labour. Vote 56.—Department of Labour 2,380 .,099 7,479 TOTAL. OF CLASS VIIL ... 53,297 47 ,737 525,034 Item. 18 '9-1900. EDUCATION DEPABTMENT. HEAD OFFICE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 10 £ VOTE No. 45. Salaries — Secretary and Inspector-General Assistant-Secretary Chief Clerk, Inspection Branch 7 Clerks: 1 at £280, 1 at £230, 1 at £200, 1 at £130, 1 at £135, 1 at £75, and 1 at £65 600 400 355 1,115 2,470 2 3 4 5 Other Charges— Clerical Assistance Travelling-expenses ' ... Telephone subscriptions Contingencies 500 250 30 20 800 Total —Vote No. 45 3,270




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. VOTE No. 46. Capitation Grants — 113,800—average attendance—at £3 15s. £426,750 Less Eevenue from Eeserves ... 37,000 £ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Scholarships ... Towards Cost of Inspection ■ ... Examinations (Teachers' and Civil Service) Training of Teachers ... .... ... Rebuilding and Furnishing of Schools destroyed by Fire Railway-fares of School-children Drill in Public Schools —model rifles Schools at Chatham Islands Scholarships for Maori pupils in public schools Grant in aid, Educational Institute Preparation of Standard Test-questions in Arithmetic ... Text-book in Botany and Agriculture Contingencies 389,750 8,400 4,000 800 600 1,827 3,200 575 400 100 70 25 25 200 409,972 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 800 Total —Vote No. 46 409,17: NATIVE SCHOOLS 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 166 VOTE No. 47. Salaries — Organizing Inspector Salaries of Masters, &c, for Village Schools 450 13,850 14,300 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1) 10 11 12 13 Other Charges— Boarding-school Charges, Apprenticeship, and Higher Education of Native Youths... Books, Sewing Material, and other Eequisites Travelling-expenses (including removals of teachers) ... Repairs and small Works Auckland Education Board for Inspection... ... Special Allowances to Teachers in isolated districts Ferrying Children Planting Sites Expenses of Magic Lanterns ... Carriage of School Furniture ... Bents Contingencies 1,950 550 500 550 150 100 20 20 25 20 15 150 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" 4,050 150 Total—Vote No. 47 3,900 18,20i INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 33 VOTE No. 48. Salaries— Auckland — Matron Sub-matron and Seamstress ... Burnham — Manager at £180, and Matron at £60 ... Schoolmaster at £150, and Schoolmistress at £100 . Servants 100 66 240 250 491




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tern. INDUSTBIAL SCHOOLS— continued. 1899-1900. 3 VOTE No. 48— continued. Salaries — continued. Caversham — Manager at £ 180, and Matron at £60 . Surgeon (also Gaol £100) .. Schoolmaster at £180, and 1 Assistant at £110 Servants Eeformatory for Girls: Matron at £150, and Attendants at £150 (three months) £ £ 240 50 290 396 75 Other Charges— Boarding-out of Children Maintenance of Government Schools Maintenance, Furnishing,&c. (Eeformatory for Girls)... Maintenance of Children in Private Industrial Schools, viz.: St. Mary's, Auckland; St. Joseph's, Wellington ; St. Mary's, Nelson ; St. Vincent de Paul's, Dunedin Maintenance of Inmates in other Institutions Bent, Auckland Technical instruction Contingencies 2,198 5 6 7 8 7,200 5,600 425 9 10 11 12 3,400 440 120 100 200 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 17,485 6,000 Total—Vote No. 48 LI,485 13.6! 13,683 SCHOOL FOE DEAF-MUTES. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 16 VOTE No. 49 Salaries — Director 5 Teachers: 1 at £190; 1 at £175 ; 1 at £140; 1 at £125; 1 at £100 Steward and Matron Sub-matron Servants 450 730 200 52 236 Other Charges— Eent Maintenance 1,668 470 1,550 2 3 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public B,evenues Act, 1891 " 2,020 200 1,820 Total—Vote No. 49 3,488 SCHOOL FOE BLIND. 1 2 VOTE No. 50. Maintenance: 14 pupils at £25 per annum each Bail way-fare of Instructor 350 30 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 380 20 Total—Vote. No. 50 360 1 2 3 TECHNICAL INSTEUCTION. VOTE No. 51. Manual and Technical Instruction Technical Education Eeport Contingencies (including Examinations for South Kensington and City and Guilds of London) 2.100 210 200




7—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 189' 1-1900. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 3 4 5 VOTE No. 52. Grey High School —Grant-in-aid Grey Education Board—Costs on deeds ... Marlborough High School—Grant in aid of building ... Marlborough School Commissioners, for secondary education, in lieu of endowments Subsidies to Public Libraries, on basis of voluntary contributions ... ... ... Subsidy, £1 for £1, towards Bainham Library restoration, building destroyed by fire Victoria University College—Befund of amount deducted from grant under section 37 of " The Victoria College Act, 1897 " Westland and Kumara High Schools—Grant-in-aid £ 200 75 1,000 400 3,000 £ 6 7 100 176 200 Total—Vote No. 52 5,15 LUNACY AND CHAEITABLE DEPABTMENT. LUNATIC ASYLUMS. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 317 VOTE No. 53. Salaries— Head Office — Inspector of Lunatic Asylums (also Charitable £200)... Assistant Inspector of Asylums Female Inspector of Asylums (also Charitable £153) .... Clerk (also Charitable £60) ... Auckland — Eesident Medical Superintendent Assistant Medical Officer Clerk and Storekeeper ... Matron .... Official Visitor ... 48 Attendants and Servants — 26 Male Attendants: 1 at £125, 8 at £100, 2 at £85, 7 at £80, 6 at £75, 2 at £70; Farm Manager at £120 ; Cook at £80 ; Gardener at £100 ; Farm Gardener at £100 ; Carpenter at £100; Engineer at £100; 14 Female Attendants: 2 at £60,1 at £52 10s, 2 at £50, 1 at £45, 3 at £42 10s., 5 at £40; Laundress at £55 ; Cook at £52 10s. 1,000 750 87 190 550 250 100 80 25 3,597 3 Wellington — Eesident Medical Superintendent Believing Medical Officer for Asylums and Assistant Medical Officer Clerk and Storekeeper .. ... Matron Official Visitor 33 Attendants and Servants — 16 Male Attendants: 1 at £115, 4 at £100, 2 at £90, 1 at £85, 3 at £80, 3,at £75, 2 at £70 ; Cook at £100; 2 Carpenters: 1 at £1L0, lat£80; Fireman at £90; 12 Female Attendants: 2 at £60, 1 at £52 10s., 1 at £50, 1 at £45, 1 at £42 10s.. 6 at £40 ; Laundress at £55 500 250 120 85 13 2.370 Porirua — Eesident Medical Superintendent Clerk and Storekeeper Head Attendant Matron Engineer Assistant Engineer Official Visitor 600 120 120 85 208 105 25




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

[tern. 1899-1900 LUNATIC ASYLUMS— continued. £ £ VOTE No. 53— continued. Salaries— continued. Porirua —continued. 39 Attendants and Servants— 19 Male Attendants: 3 at £100, 1 at £95, 5 at £90, 1 at £85, 3 at £80, 4 at £75, 2 at £70; Farm Manager at £110 ; 16 Female Attendants: 1 at £60, 1 at £52 10s., 3 at £50, 1 at £45, 3 at £42 10s., 7 at £40; Laundress at £50 ; Cook, at £60 ; Assistant Cook at £50 2,595 Nelson — Visiting Medical Officer Superintendent Matron Official Visitor 15 Attendants and Servants — 7 Male Attendants: 3 at £100, 4 at £80; 7 Female Attendants: 1 at £60, 3 at £45, 1 at £42 10s., 2 at £40; Cook at £45 ... Christchurch — Eesident Medical Superintendent Assistant Medical Officer Clerk and Storekeeper Assistant Clerk and Storekeeper Matron Official Visitor 53 Attendants and Servants — 26 Male Attendants: 1 at £125, 2 at £110', 4 at £100, 3 at £90, 9 at £80, 2 at £75, 5 at £70 ; Engineer at £200; Assistant Engineer at £100; Cook at £100 ; Baker at £80; Farm Bailiff and Caretaker at £110; Messenger and Caretaker at £80; 21 Female Attendants: 1 at £60, 2 at £52 10s. ; 3 at £50, 4 at £45, 4 at £42 10s.. 7 at £40 Hokitika — Visiting Medical Officer (also Prisons £50) Superintendent Matron Official Visitor 13 Attendants and Servants — 8 Male Attendants : 1 at £125, 1 at £110, 2 at £100, 3 at £90, 1 at £82 10s.; Farm Labourer at £65 ; 4 Female Attendants at £50 Seacliff — Eesident Medical Superintendent Assistant Medical Officer Clerk and Storekeeper Assistant Clerk and Storekeeper Matron Official Visitors 75 Attendants and Servants — 38 Male Attendants : 1 at £135,1 at £115, 1 at £110, 3 at £100, 3 at £95, 3 at £90, 2 at £85, 9 at £80, 6 at £75, 9 at £70; Farm Manager and Gardener at £150 ; Engineer at £90; Farm Hand at £60 ; Baker at £32 10s.; Caretaker at £52 ; 29 Female Attendants : 2 at £60, 1 at £57 10s., 2 at £50, 10 at £45, 4 at £42 10s., 10 at £40; Cook at £65 ; 2 Laundresses : 1 at £60,1 at £45 Increase of Salaries 200 200 75 13 982 600 250 190 80 95 13 3,850 150 300 85 13 1,052 600 250 180 80 100 50 5,037 350 28,620




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

Item. 1899-1900. LUNATIC ASYLUMS—continued. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 VOTE No. 53 — continued. Other Charges— Fees to Medical Witnesses Bations Fuel and Light Bedding and Clothing Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, &c. Necessaries Farm Uniforms for Attendants Amount required to allow of a month's leave tor recreation to all persons in attendance on patients, and to allow an extra day's holiday every fortnight Bonus to Organist, Nelson Asylum Expenses, transfer of attendants and patients, &c. Grant to Alfred White, late Attendant, Nelson Asylum, in lieu of leave of absence Law-costs, cab-hire, Deputy Inspectors, &c. Betiring-allowance to A. W. Leys, late Head Attendant, Auckland Asylum Subscriptions to medical periodicals, telephone, advertising, &c. Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies £ £ 800 17,000 3,750 4,800 450 125 8,500 2,500 600 800 10 120 20 21 22 23 24 25 50 25 121 26 27 50 180 50 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891"" 39,931 14,000 Total—Vote No. 53 25,931 54,551 54.5J CHAE1TABLE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 3 VOTE No. 54. Salaries — Inspector of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions (also Lunatic Asylums, £1,000) Assistant Inspector (also Lunatic Asylums, £87) Clerk (also Lunatic Asylums, £190) 200 153 60 Other Charges— Additional subsidy towards erection of new ward, Southland Hospital Blind Asylum, Auckland Burial Expenses of Destitute Persons Compassionate Allowances — Widow and Family of Denis Phelan Widow of E. J. Deighton David Armstrong Grant to Thames and Coromandel United Charitable-aid Board towards cost of additions to Old-men's Home... Grant to Benevolent Societies' Work .., Grant for Eefuge Work Grant to Door of Hope Association (home for friendless and fallen women) Inebriate Homes Maintenance of destitute persons from Thermal Springs district Nursing poor subsidy, £1 for £1 Befund of amounts paid by police in connection with destitute persons Salvation Army Prison-brigade Work Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies 413 2 500 500 100 3 4 5 6 7 8 52 30 52 9 10 11 100 100 1,750 12 13 100 1,000 14 15 100 250 16 17 1.8 50 250 250 100 Total —Vote No. 54 5,284 5,69'




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

Item. 1899-1900. EOTOBUA SANATOEIUM. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 14 £ £ VOTE No. 55. Salaries— Eesident Medical Officer Matron 9 Bath Attendants : Bath Attendant and Wife at £155, Bath Attendant and Wife at £100, 1 at £78, 2 at £48, 2 at £40 Wardsman 2 Servants : 1 at £52, 1 at £40 500 95 509 52 92 Other Charges— Bations Fuel and Light Bedding, Furniture, and Crockery Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, &c. Bepairs, &c. Contingencies 1,248 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 350 100 75 50 10 40 100 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 725 500 Total —Vote No. 55 225 1.47 1,473 DEPABTMENT OF LABOUB. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 80 VOTE No. 56. Salaries — Secretary and Chief Inspector of Factories Chief Clerk Clerk Shorthand-writer and Typist ... 4 Inspectors of Factories (Male), at £200 Inspector of Factories (Female) Inspector of Factories, Napier... Inspector of Factories, Invercargill Inspector of Factories, Wanganui Cadet 410 310 150 120 800 160 130130 100 70 2,380 2 3 Other Charges— Expenses of Bureau ... ... -■ Expenses in connection with " The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1894 " State Farm 3,000 299 4 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" 5,899 800 Total—Vote No. 56 5,099 7,47' ,ASS VIIL £525,034




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ ote 57.—Mines Department... 5,360 5,360 „ 58. —Meteorological and Museum Department 251 440 691 „ 59. —Miscellaneous Services 11,500 11,500 TOTAL OF CLASS IX. 5,611 11,940 17,551 Item. 18 '9-1900. MINES DEPABTMENT. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 20 VOTE No. 57. Salaries— Under-Secretary Inspecting Engineer 3 Inspectors of Mines at £275... 2 Assistant Inspectors of Mines at £175 Chief Clerk (also Secretary, Board of Examiners under Coal-mines Act. £50 ; and Private Secretary to the Premier, £25) Clerk Cadet Secretary, Board of Examiners under Coal-mines Act (also Chief Clerk, Mines Department, £320; and Private Secretary to the Premier, £25) ... Secretary, Mining Bureau ... ... Analyst Clerk and Curator, Meteorological Observer, and Statistical Clerk Government Geologist Assistant Geologist Draughtsman 3 Lecturers and Instructors, Schools of Mines : 1 at £350, 1 at £200, and 1 at £170 Cadet, Inspector of Mines Office, Dunedin £ 550 . 450 825 350 320 205 70 50 300 400 350 365 125 230 720 50 Total—Vote No. 57 5,860




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item.i 1899-1900. METEOBOLOGICAL AND MUSEUM DEPABTMENT. £ I £ Total number of offioere ... 1899-1900. 2 VOTE No. 58. Salaries — Messenger and Keeper Taxidermist, at 8s. a day 125 126 Other Charges— Chemicals Cleaning windows, &c. Fixing two Seismometers Fuel, Light, and Water Instruments Meteorological Stations and Time Ball Observatorv Wages, Assistant Keeper Contingencies 251 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 55 50 30 40 125 95 25 Total—Vote No. 58 440 691 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 VOTE No. 59. Clerical Assistance, Wages, &c. Cost of collecting Goldfields Revenue Expenses of Board of Examiners for Mine Managers' certificates Field Surveys and Expenses, Geological Surveys and Explorations Inspecting Timber-areas Legal Expenses Maintenance and Management of Water-races— Waimea-Kumara Mount Ida Office Bents Otago University (subsidy, £1 for £1) Preparation of map ofthe Thames-Hauraki Goldfields by the Survey Department ... Payment in full of survey charges of Charles Lewis, as recommended by Goldfields and Mines Committee Payment in full to B. McBae of claim in connection with proclamation of Wangapeka River as a watercourse for deposit of tailings Eefunds of rent, section 127, " Mining Act, 1898 " Eebate of duty on cyanide of sodium imported for mining purposes only Beports on Accidents Schools of Mines Subscriptions to Newspapers and Advertising Travelling Allowances and Expenses of Mining Inspectors ... ... ... Contingencies 275 200 250 400 125 100 3,000 1,400 40 250 60 12 100 13 250 200 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 200 50 2,800 100 20 1,400 300 Total —Vote No. 59 ll,50i ■ . 'OTAL OF CLASS IX. 17,551




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Vote 60.—Department of Agriculture £ £ £ 27,468 :7,392 64,860 TOTAL OF CLASS X. 27,468 ;7,392 64,860 Item. 1899-1900. £ £ DEPABTMENT OF AGEICULTUEE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 137 VOTM No. 60. Salaries— Secretary and Chief Inspector . Produce Commissioner, England Assistant Chief Inspector Chief Clerk Biologist Assistant Entomologist 5 Clerks : 1 at £190, 1 at £175, 2 at £156, 1 at £130... Cadet 13 Veterinary Surgeons: 1 (Chief) at £425, 1 at £310, 1 at £300,'6 at £250, 4 (for four months) £300 3 Dairy Instructors : 1 (Chief) at £400, 1 at £275, 1 at £275 3 Fruit Experts at £200 Poultry Expert 2 Nurserymen : 1 at £150, 1 at £130 Farm Overseer Analyst 2 Caretakers for Quarantine Islands at £110 Inspector of Stock (relieving) Assistant at Veterinary Laboratory Fruit Inspector and assistant to Biologist ... Fruit Inspector and Clerk Messenger 550 250 300 300 310 150 807 100 2,835 950 600 225 280 145 300 220 225 156 156 156 120 Auckland District — Salaries — 5 Inspectors : 1 at £310, 1 at £245, 2 at £240,1 at £220 Clerk ... ... . " ... Babbit Agent 9,135 I 2 1,255 156 160 Destruction of Babbits upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. ... 1,571 3 3,000 4,571




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900 £ £ DEPABTMENT OF AGBICULTUEE— continued. VOTE No. 60— continued. Napier District — Salaries— 5 Inspectors: 1 at £300, 1 at £260, 1 at £240, 1 at £225,1 at £215 Clerk Babbit Agent 1,240 156 160 Destruction of Babbits 1,556 100 Wellington-West Coast District — Salaries— 7 Inspectors : 1 at £310,1 at £260, 2 at £250, 2 at £240, 1 at £225 2 Clerks at £156 6 Babbit Agents 1,656 6 1,775 312 1,000 Destruction of rabbits upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. ... 3,087 700 Marlborough, Nelson, and West Coast District — Salaries— 4 Inspectors : 1 at £270,1 at £250,1 at £235,1 at £180 Clerk 2 Babbit Agents 3,787 935 156 250 Destruction of rabbits upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, <fec. ... 1,341 200 1,541 10 Canterbury-Kaikoura District — Salaries — 8 Inspectors: 1 at £260, 4 at £250, 1 at £240,1 at £235, 1 at £220 5 Caretakers of South Canterbury rabbit-fence 7 Babbit Agents 1,955 450 1,200 Destruction of rabbits upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, <fcc. ... 3,605 11 500 Otago District — Salaries — 14 Inspectors : 1 at £260, 7 at £250, 1 at £240, 1 at £230, 3 at £225, 1 at £150 2 Clerks at £156 Fruit Inspector and Clerk 20 Babbit Agents 4,105 12 3,305 312 156 3,400 Destruction of rabbits upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. ... 7,173 13 3,500 10,673




B—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1899-1900. DEPABTMENT OF AGRICVLTVRE—continued. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VOTE No. 60— continued. Other Charges— Advertising, printing, &c. Bicycles and repairs Buildings and expenses in connection with inspection of fruit Collection of Agricultural Statistics Compassionate allowance to the widow of the late B. Bree, Inspector of Stock Compassionate allowance to the widow of late W. G. Bees, Inspector of Stock Cool-storage for dairy-produee Dairy requisites, experiments, &c. Encouragement of Dairying Industry Encouragement of the Poultry Industry ... Establishment of Dairy Schools Experimental Fruit-station Experimental Stations Expenses of three Quarantine Stations ... . Expenses in connection with testing of stock and meatinspection Freights and carriage General rates for sections being a portion of the Experimental Station at Momohaki Grading dairy produce Inspection of vineyards and treatment and eradication of phylloxera Inspection of imported bones and manures Legal expenses: prosecutions for breaches of Stock, Babbit, and other Acts Purchase of books, newspapers, periodicals, and other publications Purchase of tuberculin, and other expenses in connection with Veterinary, Analytical, and Biological Laboratories Bemoval expenses Bents, fuel, lighting, cleaning offices, furniture, insurances, &c. Befund of railway-fares to judges of best-kept-f'arm competition, and to delegates attending conferences . Bepairs to fences and buildings on stock and dip reserves, and trees for planting and grass-seeds ... Seeds and plants for distribution Subsidies to local bodies for destruction of the kea Subscriptions to telephones Travelling-expenses (including cost of bringing out Veterinary Surgeons from Europe, and expenses in connection with engaging same) Travelling-expenses of Produce Commissioner Contingencies 75 150 300 4,000 200 225 8,000 200 200. 500 1,000 .500 3,000 1,500 150 100 12 1,700 33 34 1,000 150 200 35 200 36 700 500 37 38 500 39 50 40 650 200 50 70 41 42 43 44 8,755 100 455 45 46 35,392 70,860 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" 6,000 Total—Vote No. 60 64,86TOTAL OF CLASS X. £64,860




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Total. £ Vote 61.—Working Eailways 1,026,728 TOTAL OF CLASS XL 1,026,728 Gross Eevenue..: Estimated. £1,475,000 Item. 1899-1900. 2,116 Miles. WOEKING EAILWAYS. Total Number of Members, as per D.-3,1899 ... ... 4,784 VOTE No. 61. 1 Head Office — General Manager, £900 ;* Assistant General Manager, £800 Accountant, £600 ; Stores Manager, £380 ; 45 Clerks : 1 at £400, 1 at £350, 2 at £280, 1 at £270, 1 at £265, 2 at £250, 4 at £230, 2 at £220 (1 also Private Secretary to Minister, £25), 3 at £190, 10 at £180, 3 at £160, 4 at £150, 8 at £140, 2 at £130, 1 at £120; 18 Cadets: 1 at £110, 1 at £95, 8 at £50, 5 at £40, 3 at £30; 4 Audit Inspectors: 1 at £300, 2 at £285, 1 at £250; 4 Storekeepers : 1 at £250, 2 at £230, 1 at £220 £ 1,700 12,580 2 Departmental Offices — Maintenance — Chief Engineer, £650; Inspecting Engineer, £500; 7 District Engineers: 1 at £400, 1 at £365, 3 at £350,1 at £335,1 at £315 ; Signal Engineer, £400; Assistant Engineer, £275 ; Inspector of Iron Structures, £220; 44 Clerks and Draughtsmen: 1 at £335, 1 at £300, 1 at £280, 3 at £250, 2 at £230, 1 at £220, 2 at £210, 1 at £190, 1 at £180, 12 at £150, 13 at £140, 5 at £130, 1 at £120; 21 Cadets: 3 at £95, 3 at £60, 6 at £50, 7 at £40, 2 at £30; Lodging allowance: 1 at 10/, 3 at 8/, 6 at 5/ per week 14,280 13,306




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

Item. 1899 2,116 -1900. Miles. WOEKING RAILWAYS— continued. VOTE No. 61— continued. Departmental Offices— continued. Locomotive — Locomotive Superintendent, £650 ; 5 Locomotive Engineers: 1 at £475, 1 at £420, 1 at £400,1 at £375, 1 at £300 ; Locomotive Inspector, £325 ; Believing Officer £220; 19 Clerks and Draughtsmen: 1 at £350, 1 at £300, 1 at £250, 1 at £230, 3 at £220. I at £210, 3 at £180, 1 at £170, 1 at £150, 5 at £140, 1 at £130; 20 Cadets : 4 at £95, 4 at £50, II at £40, 1 at £30 ; Lodging allowance: 2 at 8/, 1 at 5 / per week 7,960 Traffic— 10 District Managers: 2 at £550, 2 at £445,1 at £400, 1 at £385, 1 at £355, 1 at £325, 1 at £275, 1 at £265; 3 Stationmasters-in-charge: 1 at £250, 1 at £220, 1 at £180; 36 Clerks: 1 at £300, 1 at £280, 1 at £250, 1 at £230, 3 at £220, 1 at £190, 5 at £180, 2 at £170, 1 at £160, 4 at £150, 9 at £140, 3 at £130, 4 at £120 ; 12 Cadets : 1 at £110, 1 at £60, 7 at £50, 3 at £40; Lodging allowance: 2 at 8/, 1 at 5/ per week Total Head and Departmental Offices... 11,380 32,646 # 46,926 Kawakawa Section, 1899-1900 —8 miles. Maintenance — 1 Inspector (part time) at £180 per annum 1 Ganger at 8/ per day 3 Platelayers at 6/6 per day 45 125 305 Locomotive — 1 Engineman at 11/ per day 1 Fireman at 8 / per day (part time) 475 172 63 235 Traffic — 1 Clerk at £140 per annum 1 Guard at 10/ per day House Allowance 1 Labourer at 6/6 per day 2 Porters: 1 at 7/6, 1 at 5/6 per day 140 156 25 102 203 626 Whangarei Section, 1899-1900 —21 miles. Maintenance— 1 Inspector (part time) at £180 per annum 3 Gangers at 8/ per day 9 Platelayers: 7 at 6/6, 1 at 6/, 1 at 4/ per day 1,336 90 376 868 Locomotive — 1 Engineman at 12 per day 3 Firemen: 1 at 9/ and 11/, 2 at 8/ per day 2 Cleaners: 1 at 6/, 1 at 4/ per day 1,334 188 406 157 Traffic— 1 Stationmaster at £170 per annum House Allowance 1 Clerk at £140 per annum 1 Cadet at £40 per annum 751 170 35 140 40




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tem. 1899 2,116 1-1900 > Miles. WOEKING BAILWAYS— continued. VOTE No. 61— continued. Whangarei Section— continued. Traffic —continued. Lodging Allowance: 1 at 8/ per week 1 Guard at 8/6 per day 1 Storeman at 7/6 per day 1 Porter and Acting-Guard at 7/6 and 8/ per day 3 Porters: 1 at 6/6, 1 at 5/6, 1 at 4/ per day £ 21 133 117 125 250 £ 1,031 Kaihu Section, 1899-1900—17 miles. Maintenance — 1 Inspector (part time) at £180 per annum 2 Gangers: 1 at 8/, 1 at 7/6 per day 8 Platelayers: 6 at 6/6,1 at 6/, 1 at 2/6 per day 3,116 45 243 743 1,031 Locomotive — 1 Engineman at 11/ per day 1 Fireman at 8/ per day 1 Cleaner at 4/6 per day 172 125 70 Traffic — 1 Stationmaster at £140 per annum House Allowance 1 Clerk at £130 per annum 2 Porters and Acting-Guards at 7/6 and 8/6 per day ... 1 Porter at 4/ per day 367 140 25 130 266 63 624 Auckland Section, 1899-1900 —327 miles. Maintenance — 3 Inspectors : 1 at £230,1 at £200,1 at £180 per annum 1 Foreman of Works at £230 per annum ... 1 Bridge Inspector at £190 per annum 43 Gangers; 2 at 9/, 36 at 8/, 5 at 7/6 per day 139 Platelayers: 4 at 7/, 128 at 6/6, 1 at 6/, 1 at 5/6, 1 at 5/, 1 at 4/6, 2 at 4/, 1 at 3/6 per day 2,022 610 230 190 5,375 13,967 Locomotive — 1 Bunning-shed Foreman at £310 per annum 1 Car and Wagon Inspector at £240 per annum 1 Clerk at £140 per annum 23 Enginemen: 13 at 12/, 1 at 11/6, 9 at 11/ per day 27 Firemen: 1 at 9/ and 11/,9at 9/and 10/6, 2 at 8/6, 15 at 8/ per day 23 Cleaners : 6 at 6/6 and 8/, 1 at 7/, 1 at 6/ and 8/, 1 at 6/, 4 at 5/, 8 at 4/6, 2 at 4/ per day 20,372 310 240 •140 4,171 3,674 1,995 Traffic — 29 Stationmasters : 1 at £250, 2 at £210,1 at £200,1 at £190, 2 at £180, 8 at £170, 2 at £160, 1 at £155, 9 at £150, 2 at £140 per annum 2 Believing Clerks : 1 at £180, 1 at £150 per annum ... 1 Traffic Inspector at £200 per annum 19 Clerks: 1 at £220, 2 at £180, 1 at £170, 1 at £150, 12 at £140, 2 at £130 per annum 31 Cadets: 6 at £110, 6 at £95, 10 at £50, 6 at £40, 3 at £30 per annum Lodging Allowance: 9 at 5/, 3 at 8/ per week 10,530 4,885 330 200 2,840 2,060 179




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900 2,116 Miles. WOBKING EAILWAYS— continued. 6 VOTE No. 61— continued. Auckland Section — continued. Traffic —continued. 2 Foremen : 1 at £180, 1 at £160 per annum 19 Guards: 3 at 10/, 1 at 9/6, 15 at 8/6 per day 4 Signalmen : 1 at 9/, 3 at 8/6 per day 2 Storemen: 1 at 9/, 1 at 8/6 per day 1 Horse-driver at 7/6 per day 8 Shunters: 1 at 9/6, 2 at 8/, 4 at 7/6, 1 at 5/ per day 1 Crane-driver at 9 / per day 1 Nightwatchman at 42/ per week 2 Crossing-keepers at 6/ per day 1 Female Waiting-room Attendant at 30/ per week 7 Porters and Acting-Guards: 5 at 7/6 and 8/6, 2 at 7/6 and 8/per day 51 Porters: 8 at 7/6, 26 at 6/6, 1 at 6/, 2 at 5/6, 2 at 5/, 2 at 4/6, 2 at 4/, 8 at 3/6 per day £ 340 2,614 540 274 117 947 141 110 188 78 916 4,711 21,470 Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Section, 1899-1900 —451 miles. Maintenance — 5 Inspectors: 1 at £260, 1 at £235, 2 at £230, 1 at £200 per annum 3 Foremen of Works: 2 at £230, 1 at £200 per 52,372 1,155 annum 1 Bridge Inspector at £190 per annum 76 Gangers: 5 at 9/, 1 at 8/6, 65 at 8/, 5 at 7/6 per day 244 Platelayers : 11 at 7/, 227 at 6/6, 2 at 5/6, 1 at 5/, 1 at 4/6, 1 at 4/, 1 at 2/6 per day 660 190 9,563 24,719 Locomotive — 6 Eunning-shed Foremen: 1 at £310, 1 at £235, 4 at £210 per annum 2 Car and Wagon Inspectors : 1 at £230, 1 at £200 36,287 1,385 per annum ... 2 Clerks : 1 (part-time) at £150, 1 at £140 per annum 1 Labourer at 4/6 per day 53 Enginemen: 1 at 13/, 13 at 12/, 4 at 11/6, 34 at 11/, 1 at 10/6 per day 77 Firemen: 5 at 9/ and 11/, 18 at 9/ and 10/6, 3 at 9/, 10 at 8/6, 41 at 8/per day 46 Cleaners: 1 at 7/ and 8/, 3 at 6/6 and 8/, 4 at 6/ and 8/, 1 at 6/, 1 at 5/6 and 8/, 7 at 5/6, 7 at 5/, 13 at 4/6, 9 at 4/per day 430 215 70 9,382 10,415 3,724 Traffic— 53 Stationmasters : 1 at £250, 4 at £220, 1 at £210, 4 at £200, 6 at £190, 4 at £180, 8 at £170, 5 at £160, 11 at £150, 9 at £140 per annum House Allowance : 1 at £30, 4 at £25 per annum... 2 Traffic Inspectors: 1 at £210, 1 at £200 per annum 5 Believing Officers: 3 at £180, 2 at £140 per annum 66 Clerks: 1 at £210, 3 at £180, 3 at £170, 5 at £160, 4 at £150, 34 at £140, 10 at £130, 6 at £120 per 25,621 9,070 130 410 820 annum 70 Cadets: 5 at £110, 7 at £95, 19 at £50, 22 at £40, 17 at £30 per annum ... Lodging Allowance: 16 at 5/, 14 at 8/, 3 at 10/ per week 9,440 3,555 577




Appropriations for Services.

Item. 1899-1900. 2,116 Miles. WOEKING EAILWAYS— continued. VOTE No. 61— continued. Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Section— contd. Traffic —continued. 5 Foremen : 3 at £160, 2 at £140 per annum 1 Timber-checker at £160 per annum 40 Guards : 8 at 10/, 7 at 9/6, 1 at 9/, 24 at 8/6 per day 4 Signalmen : 2 at 8/6, 2 at 7/6 per day ... 16 Porters and Acting-Guards: 5 at 7/6 and 8/6, 11 at 7/6 and 8/ per day 17 Shunters: 2 at 8/6, 9 at 8/, 6 at 7/6 per day 141 Porters: 13 at 7/6, 14 at 7/, 73 at 6/6," 3 at 6/, 5 at 5/6, 7 at 5/, 12 at 4/6, 6 at 4/, 7 at 3/6,1 at 3/ per day 8 Storemen: 2 at 8/, 6 at 7/6 per day 1 Crossing-keeper at 6/ per day 1 Watchman at 42/ per week (half-wages) 1 Female Waiting-room Attendant at 30/ per week ... £ 760 160 5,626 501 2,042 2,097 13,396 955 94 55 78 49,766 111,674 Hurunui-Bluff Section, 1899-1900 —1,185 miles. Maintenance — 11 Inspectors: 2 at £266, 4 at £260, 2 at £230, 1 at £200, 2 at £190 per annum 3 Foremen of Works : 2 at £260, 1 at £200 per annum 4 Bridge Inspectors: 3 at £190, 1 at £180 per annum 174 Gangers: 4 at 10/, 7 at 9/, 95 at 8/, 66 at 7/6, 2 at 7/ per day 540 Platelayers : 3 at 8/, 14 at 7/, 493 at 6/6, 9 at 6/, 4 at 5/6, 3 at 5/, 4 at 4/6, 4 at 4/, 6 at 3/6 per day ... 2,612 720 750 21,472 54,343 79,897 Locomotive — 5 Bunning-shed Foremen: 3 at £310, 2 at £210 per annum 4 Car and Wagon Inspectors: 2 at £230, 2 at £200 1,350 per annum 3 Clerks : 2 at £180, 1 at £150 per annum 1 Cadet at £40 per annum Lodging Allowance : 1 at 8/ per week 3 Labourers at 6/6 per day 108 Enginemen: 2 at 13/, 58 at 12/, 4 at 11/6, 44 at 11/ per day 126 Firemen ■ 11 at 9/ and 11/, 38 at 9/and 10/6,1 at 9/ and 10/, 17 at 8/6, 59 at 8/per day 101 Cleaners : 2 at 7/ and 8/, 2 at 7/, 9 at 6/6 and 8/, 1 at 6/6, 9 at 6/ and 8/, 2 at 6/, 1 at 5/6 and 8/, 6 at 5/6, 22 at 5/, 33 at 4/6, 14 at 4/ per day 860 510 40 21 305 19,594 17,317 8,294 Traffic— 120 Stationmasters: 2 at £300, 4 at £250, 1 at £230, 3 at £220, 6 at £210, 1 at £200, 7 at £190, 6 at £180, 22 at £170, 14 at £160, 34 at £150, 20 at £140 per annum House Allowance: 2 at £50, 1 at £40, 2 at £35, 6 at £25 per annum 3 Traffic Inspectors: 1 at £225, 1 at £220, 1 at £190 per annum 8 Believing Officers: 1 at £220, 1 at £200, 1 at £180, 4 at £150, 1 at £140 per annum 48,291 20,240 360 635 1,340




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900 2,116 Miles WOEKING BAILWAYS— continued. VOTE No. 61— continued. Hurunui-Bluff Section — continued. Traffic —continued. 2- Goods Agents at £300 per annum House allowance, 2 at £50 147 Clerks: 2 at £250, 1 at £230, 2 at £220,1 at £200, 3 at £190, 9 at £180, 5 at £170, 6 at £160, 1 at £156/10/, 21 at £150, 69 at £140, 15 at £130, 12 at £120 per annum 101 Cadets: 15 at £110, 8 at £95, 8 at £60, 24 at £50, 35 at £40, 11 at £30 per annum ... Lodging Allowance: 4 at 10/, 25 at 8/, 18 at 5/, 7 at 3/6 per week 15 Foremen: 3 at £187/16/, 3 at £180, 2 at £164/6/6, 5 at £160, 2 at £150 per annum I Timber-checker 73 Guards: 26 at 10/, 14 at9/6,6 at9/, 27 at 8/6 per day 27 Signalmen : 8 at 9/, 8 at 8/6, 2 at 8/, 9 at 7/6 per day 15 Storemen : 7 at 8/6, 5 at 8/, 3 at 7/6 per day 66 Shunters: 2 at 10/, 5 at 8/6, 3 at 8/, 43 at 7/6, 12 at 7/, 1 at 6/per day 7 Shunters and Acting-Guards: 1 at 7/6 and 8/6, 6 at 7/6 and 8/ per day II Borters and Acting-Guards: 1 at 8/, 4 at 7/6 and 8/6, 6 at 7/6 and 8/ per day 1 Porter and Signalman at 7/6 and 8/ per day 1 Porter and Storeman at 7/6 and 8/ per day 1 Porter and Cranedriver at 7/6 and 8/ per day 1 Horsedriver at 7/6 per day 1 Cranedriver at 9/ per day 186 Porters:. 1 at 8/, 42 at 7/6, 8 at 7/, 75 at 6/6, 2 at 6/, 4 at 5/6,8 at 5/,19 at 4/6,15 at4/, 12 at3/6 per day 6 Nightwatchinen at 42/ per week 21 Crossing-keepers at 6/ per day 4 Bridgekeepers at 6/ per day 2 Labourers at 8/ per day 1 Female Waiting-room Attendant at 30/ per week ... £ 600 100 21,726 5,820 923 2,532 160 10,587 3,498 1,909 7,809 885 1,409 125 125 125 117 141 17,653 657 1,972 376 250 78 102,152 Wharves — 1 Piermaster 1 Wharfinger 6 Clerks : 2 at £180,1 at £170, 2 at £150, 1 at £130 70 160 per annum ... ■ 1 Guard at 10/ per day 1 Storeman at 8/6 per day 3 Horse-drivers : 2 at 8/6, 1 at 8/ per day 2 Shunters at 8/6 per day 4 Porters and Crane-drivers: 1 at 8/ and 9/, 1 at 7/6 and 9/, 2 at 7/6 and 8/per day 13 Porters and Storemen at 7/6 and 8/ per day 3 Porters and Horse-drivers, at 7/6 and 8/6 per day ... 13 Porters: 11 at 7/6, 2 at 6/6 per day ... 1 Lamplighter 960 157 133 391 266 532 1,628 399 . 1,495 60 6,251 236,591 Greymouth Section, 1899-1900 —32 miles. Greymouth-Brunner Line — Maintenance — 1 Inspector (part time) at £230 per annum 1 Foreman of Works (part time) at £204 per annum ... 2 Gangers at 9/ per day 5 Platelayers at 6/6 per day 29 34 282 509 854




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

Item. 1899-1900 2,116 Miles. £ £ WOEKING EAILWAYS— continued. 9 VOTE No. 61— continued. Greymouth Section — continued. Greymouth-Brunner Line — continued. Locomotive — 3 Enginemen : 1 at 12/, 2 at 11/ per day ... 2 Firemen : 1 at 9/ and 11/, 1 at 8/6 per day 3 Cleaners: 1 at 6/6 and 8/, 1 at 4/6, 1 at 4/ per day... 532 290 246 1,068 Traffic— 1 Stationmaster at £180 per annum 3 Clerks : 1 at £180, 1 at £130, 1 at £120 per annum .. 2 Cadets at £110 per annum 1 Wharfinger at £187 16/per annum 1 Assistant Wharfinger at £160 per annum 1 Foreman at £160 per annum 1 Guard (half-time) at 8/6 per day 2 Shunters and Acting-Guards: 1 at 7/6 and 8/6, 1 at 7/6 and 8/per day 4 Porters: 2 at 6/6, 1 at 4/6, 1 at 4/ per day 1 Storeman at 7/6 per day 1 Shunter at 7/ per day 2 Horse-drivers: 1 at 8/6, 1 at 8/ per day... 2 Crane-drivers at 9/ per day 1 Labourer at 9/ per day 180 430 220 188 160 160 67 258 336 117 110 258 282 141 2,907 10 Greymouth-Hokitika Line— Maintenance — 1 Inspector (part time) at £230 per annum 1 Foreman of Works (part time) at £204 per annum... 3 Gangers at 9/ per day 9 Platelayers: 7 at 7/, 2 at 6/6 per day ... 29 34 423 915 1,401 Locomotive — 1 Engineman at 11/ per day 2 Firemen : 1 at 8/6, 1 at 8/per day 172 258 Traffic — 2 Stationmasters : 1 at £170, 1 at £150 per annum 2 Clerks : 1 at £150, 1 at £120 per annum 2 Guards: 1 at 8/6, 1 at 8/6 (half-time) per day 3 Porters : 2 at 6/6, 1 at 4/ per day ... 430 320 270 200 266 1,056 7,716 11 Westport Section, 1899-1900—31 miles. Maintenance — 1 Inspector (part time) at £230 per annum 6 Gangers: 1 at 10/, 5 at 8/ per day 16 Platelayers at 6/6 per day 58 783 1,629 2,470




9—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

Item.j 1899-1900. 2,116 Miles. 11 WOBKING EAILWAYS— continued. VOTE No. 61— continued. Westport Section — continued. Locomotive — 6 Enginemen : 1 at 12/, 4 at 11/, 1 at 10/6 per day ... 7 Firemen : 1 at 9/ and 10/6, 6 at 8/ per day 4 Cleaners: 1 at 7/, 1 at 6/, 2 at 5/ per day £ 1,041 904 300 Traffic— 3 Stationmasters: 1 at £160, 2 at £140 per annum 4 Clerks: 1 at £150, 1 at £140, 1 at £130, 1 at £120 2,305 440 per annum 1 Cadet at £40 per annum Lodging allowance: 1 at 8/ per week 3 Wharfingers : 2 at £187/16/, 1 at £160 per annum . 3 Guards :"1 at 10/, 2 at 8/6 per day ... ' ... 1 Shunter and Acting-Guard at 7/6 and 8/ per day ... 2 Shunters at 7/6 per day 6 Porters : 1 at 7/6, 3 at 6/6, 2 at 4/6 per day 1 Nightwatchman at 42/ per week •540 40 21 536 423 125 235 563 110 3,033 12 Nelson Section, 1899-1900—23 miles. Maintenance — 1 Inspector (part time) at £230 per annum 4 Gangers: 1 at 8/,2 at 7/6,1 at 7/6 (part time) per day .12 Platelayers: 9 at 6/6, 3 at 6/6 (part time) per day 7,808 57 419 1,068 Locomotive — 1 Engineman at 12/ per day 4 Firemen: 1 at 9/ and 11/, 1 at 9/ and 10/6, 2 at 8/ per day 1,544 188 559 Traffic— 4 Stationmasters: 1 at £212, 1 at £170, 1 at £160, I at £140 per annum House Allowance 2 Clerks: 1 at £150, 1 at £140 per annum 1 Cadet at £50 per annum 1 Guard at 10/ per day 2 Porters and Acting-Guards: 1 at 7/7 and 8/6, 1 at 7/6 and 8/per day 1 Storeman at 7/6 per day 3 Porters: 2 at 6/6, 1 at 3/6 per day 747 682 25 290 50 157 258 117 258 1,837 13 Picton Section, 1899-1900—21 miles. Maintenance — . 1 Inspector (part time) at £230 per annum 1 Foreman of Way and Works at £190 per annum 3 Gangers: 1 at 8/, 2 at 7/6 per day 9 Platelayers : 8 at 6/6, 1 at 4/ per day ... 4,128 57 190 360 876 1,483




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 189* 2,1H 1-1900. i Miles. WOEKING RAILWAYS— continued. £ 13 VOTE No. 61— continued. Picton S kction — continued. Locomotive — 1 Engineman at 11/ per day 1 Fireman at 9/and 11/ per day 2 Cleaners : 1 at 6/6 and 8/, 1 at 5/ per day 172 156 192 Traffic — 1 Stationmaster at £160 per annum House allowance 1 Clerk at £120 per annum 1 Wharfinger at £160 per annum 1 Guard at 8/6 per day 1 Porter and Acting-Guard at 7/6 and 8/ per day 2 Porters: 1 at 7/6, 1 at 7/ per day 520 160 25 120 160 133 125 227 950 2,953 Head Office — Contingencies Compensation allowance, E. P. Brogan 476,642 14 1,069 125 1,794 15 Departmental Offices— Compensation allowance, J. H. Lowe 960 16 Kawakawa Section, 1899-1900—8 miles. Maintenance — Wages—Structures Stores—Bails, &c. „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings ,, Miscellaneous 150 25 105 175 20 25 / 500 Locomotive — Wages, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive . ,, „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive n „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Contingencies 90 210 10 175 45 10 25 505 Traffic— Stores and Stationery Miscellaneous 46 28 74 1,139




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

[tern. 189! 2,11' '-1900 1 Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. £ £ 17 VOTE No. 61— continued. Whangarei Section, 1899-1900 —21 miles. Maintenance — Wages—Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores—Bails, &c. ,, Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous 395 62 *25 100 345 480 70 50 1,527 Locomotive — Wages, Benewals and Eepairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive „ ,, „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Contingencies 642 892 550 740 320 40 49 Traffic— Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Stationery Miscellaneous Compassionate allowance, A. Cole 3,233 361 95 83 42 581 5,341 18 Kaihu Section, 1899-1900—17 miles. Maintenance — Wages—Structures ... „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores—Bails, &c. „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous 97 43 126 25 406 70 25 100 Locomotive — Wages, Benewals and Eepairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Contingencies ...; ... 892 400 450 170 250 3C0 20 43 1,633 Traffic— Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Stationery Miscellaneous ... 126 60 20 206 2,731




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

[tern. WOBKING EAILWAYS— continued. 1899 2,116 -1900. Miles. 19 VOTE No. 61— continued. Auckland Section, 1899-1900—327 miles. Maintenance — Wages—Structures, „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores—Bails „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Permanent-way material £ 4,713 1,958 2,836 2,414 6,625 2,500 1,100 1,500 1,134 £ Locomotive — Wages, Benewals and Bepairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, ,, ,, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Contingencies 24,810 4,450 4,949 3,500 4,000 4,100 450 896 Traffic— Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Stationery Miscellaneous Compensation allowances— F. W. Loudon J. T. W. Stevenson Compassionate allowance, Mrs. Wainhouse 22,345 3,430 2,000 1,100 76 216 150 6,972 20 Welltngton-Napier-New Plymouth Section, 1899-1900 —451 miles. Maintenance — Wages—Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores—Bails „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Permanent-way material Beinstatement of Aramoho Station (part cost) Compassionate allowance, Mrs. C. A. Bapley 54,127 9,128 3,731 8,073 14,673 14,835 11,079 2,960 2,271 7,186 550 100 Locomotive — Wages, Benewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon Final payment of 25 percent, on four new locomotives '.. Three new locomotives Compassionate allowance, James McGee ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Contingencies 74,586 14,149 9,948 13,500 9,000 1,675 9,450 25 21,188 1,500 967 81,402




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tern. 1899 2,116 -1900 Miles. WORKING EAILWAYS— continued. £ 20 VOTE No. 61— continued. Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Section— contd. Traffic— Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Stationery Miscellaneous Compassionate allowance, H. Payne (further) 4,874 5,700 3,200 50 13,824 169,812 I 21 Hurunui-Bluff Section, 1899-1900—1,185 miles. Maintenance — Wages —Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores—Bails, &c. „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Permanent-way material Compassionate allowances— W. Sanders E. Gilchrist Mrs. S. Purdon Geo. Turner W. Wallis Mrs. E. Grainger 20,190 9,385 11,620 8,874 32,088 11,160 4,178 3,500 11,680 25 25 50 25 25 25 112,850 Locomotive— Wages, Benewals and Bepairs, Locomotive „ ,, „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Contingencies Bakaia accident, claims and expenses Compassionate allowances — D. Niall F. G. Partridge 18,857 19,857 14,500 16,050 30,453 2,200 1,292 25,000 25 35 128,269 Traffic— Casual Labour and Overtime Fuel, Lighting, and General Stores Stationery and Printing ... ..,[ Miscellaneous Bents — Shed (5) at Lyttelton ... £1,250 „ Port Chalmers ... 100 Yard at Sawyer's Bay ... 11 21,797 j 9,600 4,539 1,361




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 189! 2,11' 1-1900. i Miles. 1 1 WOBKING EAILWAYS— continued. £ 21 VOTE No. 61— continued. Hurunui-Bluff Section— continued. Traffic— continued. Compensation allowances — B. Dawson H. S. Brown J. Tonge Compassionate allowances — Mrs. B. J. Smith Mrs. E. W. Thomson C. F. Vince 153 153 83 50 50 50 37,836 22 Greymouth Section, 1899-1900—32 miles. Greymouth-Beunner Line— Maintenance — Wages—Structures ,, Buildings „ Miscellaneous • ... Stores—Bails „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous 278,955 398 100 46 218 25 320 40 50 1,197 Locomotive — Wages, Benewals and Bepairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive ,, „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Contingencies 992 542 530 420 305 40 83 2,912 Traffic— Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Stationery Miscellaneous 2.043 450 400 2,893 23 Greymouth-Hokitika Line— Main ten ance — Wages—Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores—Bails „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous 409 100 157 361 38 375 40 50 1,530




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 189< i-]900 5 Miles. 2,1L £ WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. 23 VOTE No. 61— continued. Greymouth Section — continued. GREyMouTH-HoKiiiKA Line — continued. Locomotive — Wages, Benewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Contingencies 370 550 2C0 250 120 20 60 1,570 Traffic— Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Stationery Miscellaneous 94 125 125 344 10,446 24 Westport Section, 1899-1900—31 miles. Ma mtenan ce — Wages—Structures „ Miscellaneous Stores—Rails ... „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Compassionate allowance, Mrs. P. Ancell ... 1,232 302 1,910 750 1,600 70 20 25 5,909 Locomotive — Wages, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Contingencies 1,096 2,596 600 1,600 600 100 95 6,687 Traffic— Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Stationery Miscellaneous 2,667 450 150 3,267




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

Item. 1899-1900 2,116 Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. 25 VOTE No. 61— continued. Nelson Section, 1899-1900—23 miles. Maintenance — Wages—Structures ,, Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores — Bails ,, Sleepers „ Structures ,, Buildings „ Miscellaneous £ 1,604 150 266 1,748 633 2,250 65 106 £ 6,822 Locomotive — Wages, Benewals aud Repairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores „ „ Locomotive „ ,, „ Carriage and Wagon Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Contingencies 210 550 250 350 540 3( 2; 1,95' Traffic— Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Stationery Miscellaneous 970 300 53 1,323 26 Picton Section, 1899-1900—21 miles. Maintenance — Wages —Structures „ Miscellaneous Stores —Bails „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous 10,098 692 3:3 912 500 775 40 150 Locomotive — Wages, Benewals and Bepairs, Locomotive „ „ ,, Carriage and Wagon . Stores „ „ Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Contingencies 3,392 380 520 260 450 380 20 66 Traffic— Casual Labour and Overtime .... Stores and Stationery ... Miscellaneous 2,076 350 160 40 550 6,018




10— B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 189$ 2,1L 1-1900. 3 miles. WOBKING BAILWAYS— continued. VOTI No. 61— continued. M suellaneous — Insurance of casual hands against accidents Cost of hearing Appeal Board cases Increase of 6d. per day for all employes in receipt of 6s. 6d. per day; for junior platelayers in relaying gangs; and for the following members of the Second Division in Class 3, Maintenance, in receipt of 7s. per day:— Bridgemen, Sub-class 1 ; Sub-gangers, Sub-class 5, Grade 6; Platelayers in relaying gangs, Subclass 6, Grade 2; and Labour-gangers, Sub- ,- class 7, Grade 4 increase of 6d. per day to gangers in receipt of 7s. 6d. per day, and to platelayers on special lengths, from 1st January, 1900 £ 27 28 29 425 30C • 11,887 30 190 12,802 feess estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 1,046,728 20,000 Total—Vote No. 61 1,026,728 TOTAL OF CLASS XL £1,026,728




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. » Salaries. | Othflr Charges. Total. Vote 62. —Public Buildings ... £ £ £ 675 16,660 17,335 „ 63.—School Buildings, Furniture, and Sites 25,000 25,000 „ 64.—Government Domains 1,100 ! 1,100 TOTAL OF CLASS XII. ... 43,435 675 42,760 tern. 1899-1900. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 3 VOTE No. 62. Maintenance, Improvements, Fittings, Furniture,&c. — Salaries — Architect Clerk Fire Inspector (also Officer in charge Departmental Buildings, £225) 390 235 50 Other Charges — Government Houses — Auckland Wellington Parliamentary Buildings Government Buildings throughout the Colony— Departmental Buildings Courthouses Gaols Poiice-stations Customhouses Post and Telegraph Offices ... Lunatic Asylums Quarantine Stations Industrial Schools Buildings not specified Fuel, Light, Water, and Cleaning for Official and Eeception Booms and Outbuildings, Government House ... Water supplied to Government House Stables, Wellington, &c. 675 2 3 4 200 900 1,000 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4,500 1,700 200 1,500 200 2,000 1,200 300 300 700 200 16 60




Appropriations for Consolidated, Fund Services.

Item. ]899-1900. PUBLIC BUILDINGS— continued. £ £ 17 18 19 20 21 22 VOTE No. 62— continued. Other Charges —continued. Inspectors' Wages Travelling-expenses Freight, Cartage, <fcc. Advertising Annual Services Contingencies 800 250 100 50 200 300 16,660 Total—Vote No. 62 17.335 17,335 SCHOOL BUILDINGS, FURNITURE, AND SITES. VOTE No. 63. Public and Native Schools 25,000 25,000 Total —Vote No. 63 I GOVERNMENT DOMAINS. L 2 VOTE No. 64. Wellington and Auckland Contingencies 950 150 Total —Vote No. 64 l,10i TOTAL OF CLASS XII. ... £4,435




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. ote 65.—Defence Department £ £ £ 1,685 960 2,645 ,, 66.—Permanent Militia and Volunteer: 39,079 39,140 78,219 ,, 67. —Stores and Magazines 2,207 1,025 3,232 ,, 68. —South Africa Contingent 35,000 35,000 ,, 69. —Miscellaneous Services 29,924 29,924 TOTAL OF GLASS XIII. ... 42;971 106,049 149,020 Item. 199-1900. DEFENCE DEPABTMENT. Total number of offioera 1899-1900. 5 VOTE No. 65. Salaries— Head Office — Under-Secretary for Defence... Clerk Cadet 425 210 50 685 ■ Military Staff — Commander of Forces Staff Officer l 700 300 1,000 3 4 5 Other Charges— House and Forage Allowances Travelling-expenses Contingencies 260 600 100 960 Total —Vote No. 65 2,645




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

Item.! 1899-1900. PEEMANENT MILITIA AND VOLUNTEERS. 1899-1900. Total number of officers .. 321 VOTE No. 66. Salaries— 1 No. 1 Service Company — 1 Major ... ... .;. 3 Captains : 1 at £300 and 2 at £225 per annum ... 3 Lieutenants : 1 at £175 and 2 at £150 per annum 3 Military Cadets : 1 at £50 and 2 at £40 per annum 2 Master Gunners : 1 at 10s. and 1 at 9s. per day 4 Sergeants-Major at 8s. 6d. per day ... 8 Sergeants at 8s. per day ... 2 Artillery Instructors at 8s. 6d. per day 8 Corporals at 7s. 6d. per day 8 Bombardiers at 7s. 3d. per day 12 Artificers at 8s. per day ..." 27 Gunners at 6s. 6d. per day ... ' 81 Gunners at 6s. per day ... ... ... 28 Gunners at 5s. 6d. per day 20 Gunners at 5s. per day ... 5 Trumpeters at 3s. per day 300 750 475 130 347 621 1,168 311 1,095 1,059 1,752 3,203 8,870 2,811 1,825 274 I 24,991 I ■ 2 I No. 2 Service Company— 2 Captains : 1 at £400 and 1 at £350 per annum ... 1 Military Cadet 1 Submarine Mining Instructor at 8s. per day 4 Sergeants-Major at 8s. 6d. per day 4 Sergeants at 8s. per day ... 4 Corporals at 7s. 6d. per day 4 Bombardiers, at 7s. 3d. per day 10 Sappers at 7s. per day 26 Sappers at 6s. per day 8 Sappers at 5s. 6d. per day 12 Sappers at 5s. per day 750 50 146 621 584 548 530 1,278 2,847 803 1,095 3 Salary of Medical Officer, Permanent Militia ... Other Charges— 4 Clothing 5 ; Freight, Cartage, &c. 6 I Fuel and Light 7 Gas and Water 8 House Allowance ... .... 9 ' Hospital Charges 10 Maintenance and Eepairs of Torpedo-boats, Boat-sheds, Launches, &c. 11 Military Books, Maps, &c. 12 Miscellaneous Stores 13 Medical Attendance and Medicine ... ... 14 Bepairing, painting, &c., Buildings 15 Stores for Maintenance of Guns and Batteries 16 Scavenging ... ..." 17 Telephone Connections 18 Travelling-expenses ... ... ... 19 Volunteer Instruction 20 Working-pay, Crews of Launches 21 Contingencies ... ... ."••■• 9,252 50 600 450 200 250 450 70 1,000 60 150 350 200 700 50 20 600 300 150 350 =as — 5,950 40,243




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900 PEEMANENT MILITIA AND VOLUNTEERS— contd. £ £ 22 23 24 VOTE No. 66— continued. Salaries— Auckland — Officer Commanding District ... Adjutant 3 Drill Instructors at 7s. per day Wellington — Officer Commanding District... Adjutant 4 Drill Instructors at 7s. per day Nelson — Officer Commanding Adjutant 2 Drill Instructors at 7s. per day Canterbury — Officer Commanding District ... ..., Adjutant Officer Commanding Sub-district 3 Drill Instructors at 7s. per day Otago — Officer Commanding District... Adjutant 2 Officers Commanding Sub-districts at £50 per annum 4 Drill Instructors at 7s. per day 300 190 384 350 ! 275 511 50 75 256 25 300 275 50 384 26 300 275 100 511 4,586 27 Staff-officers for instruction of Mounted Bine Volunteers — North Island South Island ... 100 100 200 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Other Charges— Forage and Travelling-allowances — Auckland Wellington Nelson ... ... ■ v ... Canterbury Otago Advertising .. Allowance to Cadets Capitation Allowance Daylight Parades Drill- and Boat-shed Extensions and Bepairs, &c. ... Efficiency Fees for Volunteers Extra Clerical . ;.• ... ... ... Freight and Cartage Guards of Honour, Escorts, &c. Gun-cleaning allowance, Field Batteries ... House-allowance, Bent of Offices, Fuel, Light, &c. ... Horses for Guns, &c. ... ... ... Labour, delivering Cargo ... ... Naval Artillery Volunteers, Purchase, Bepair, &c, of Boats Prizes for Bifle-shooting, &c. ... ... ... Purchase of Ammunition, Freight, and Insurance Charges ... a.. ... Printing Army List Bent, Purchase, Repair, &c, of Bifle-ranges Bailway Fares for Defence Forces 200 500 225 350 365 250 700 18,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 150 600 150 50 500 60 50 43 44 350 1,000 45 46 47 500. 50 ■ 1,000 1,000




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

tem. 189 1-1900. PEEMANENT MILITIA AND VOLUNTEEBS— contd. £ £ 48 49. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 VOTE No. 66— continued. Other Charges— continued. Bepairs to Tents ... Befund Customs Duty, Colonial Ammunition Company Bepairs to Accoutrements Tram and Ferry Tickets for Volunteers ... Telephone Connections Miscellaneous Stores Volunteer Encampments Cleaning Offices Contingencies 60 100 50 100 250 350 4,000 30 700 35,190 Less estimated Credits under section 41 of "The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" 2,000 33,190 Total—Vote No. 66 ... 78,219 STORES AND MAGAZINES. 1899-1900. Total number of officers .. 21 VOTE No. 67. 1 2 Salaries.— , Auckland — 2 Magazine Keepers: 1 at £150, 1 at £120 Wellington— Storekeeper (also Police Storekeeper) .... Assistant Storekeeper Clerk Storeman Armourer Armourer's Assistant 2 Arms Cleaners at £120 2 Magazine Keepers : 1 at £120, 1 at £110 Otago — . Caretaker, Powder Hulk ... Other Districts — 8 Magazine Keepers 270 365 225 195 130 201 156 240 230 8 120 4 75 2,207 5 6 7 Other Charges— Bepairs to Magazines, Hulks, and Store Buildings ... Arms Cleaners, Labourers, &c. Contingencies 350 600 100 Less Contributions from other Departments 1,050 25 3,232 Total—Vote No. 67 ... 1,025 SOUTH AFBICA CONTINGENT. VOTE No. 68. South Africa Contingent— Salaries, Horses, Expenses and Contingencies of Transport, Equipment, &c. 35,000 1 35,000 Total—Vote No. 68 ...




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900. MISCELLANEOUS SEBVICES. £ £ 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 5 0 7 Vote No. 69. Boring Cylinders for HP. Mountings, B.L. Guns Compassionate Allowance to the Children, of late Torpedoman Heighton at the rate of £1 per week Compassionate Allowance to ex-Torpedoman Cornwall for injuries received at the Shelly Bay explosion, at 15s. per week Compassionate allowance to the widow of the late Sergeant O. Olive, killed at Mahanga Bay explosion, at the rate of 15s. per week Compassionate allowance to the widow and three children of the late Corporal H. Blick, killed at the Mahanga Bay explosion, at the rate of £1 10s per week Compassionate allowance to the widow of the late Sapper W. A. Teague, killed at the Mahanga Bay explosion Compassionate allowance '(7s. 6d. per week) to child of late Sapper W. A. Teague, killed at the Mahanga Bay explosion ... ... Compassionate allowance to widow of late Corporal John Gauntlet, Permanent Militia (additional) Compensation to Sergeant-Majors on retirement from service Expenses in connection with " Explosives Act Amendment Act, 1897 " Expenses, Rifle-shooting Competitions ... Expenses in connection with the gun-cotton explosion at Mahanga Bay ... •■• ■■■ Expenses towards rebuilding the Sea-wall of the Military Cemetery at Tauranga, Moiety of Gymnasiums for Volunteers ... Headstones for graves of men killed at the Mahanga Bay explosion Passages and Expenses of two Military Cadets sent to England for Instruction Passages from England of three officers and seven noncommissioned officers as Instructors Pension to Mrs. Elizabeth Ford Pension of late F. G. Bawson, continued to his Widow Pension to Aperahama Tahumirangi for wounds received while in the service of the New Zealand Government Pensions to Becipients of N.Z. Cross Proportion of Salaries of two' Inspectors of Explosives Proportion of Salary and Expenses of Imperial Officer in London as Inspector of Warlike Stores Purchase of vessel for submarine mining ... Purchase, &c, of Medals Purchase of Small-arms Ammunition Eepairs, &c, to Military Graveyards Bepairs to Machinery and Hulls of Steam-launches and Torpedo-boats Bepairs to Jetty at Shelly Bay Special Allowance to ex-Constable Packer, for serious permanent injuries received in the service Special Allowance to ex-Constable Miles Leighton, for serious permanent injuries received in the service... Subsidy to Dannevirke drill-shed Volunteer Camps of Instruction Wairau Massacre Monument (improvement of grounds) 300 52 39 26 54 300 20 68 300 300 700 100 75 300 50 16 400 17 650 46 45 18 19 20 10 170 109 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 190 6.000 150 14,000 100 1,000 100 29 30 40 31 30 1.50 4,000 50 32 33 34 Total —Vote No. 69 ... 29,924 TAL OP CLASS XIII. £149,020




11— B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. ote 70.—Police Department ... Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ 94,808 £ 23,872 1,111 £ 118,680 1,111 „ 71.—Miscellaneous Services TOTAL OF CLASS XIV. 94,808 !4,983 119,791 Item.j 1899-1900. POLICE DEPABTMENT. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 596 VOTE No. 70. Salaries— Commissioner 3 Clerks: 1 at£265,1 at£250.1 at £114; Cadet, £50... 7 Inspectors: 4 at £400, 1 at £325, 2 at £300 4 Sub-Inspectors at £250 2 Sergeants-Major at lis. 6d. per day 54 Sergeants: 25 at lis., 3 at 10s. 6d., 1 at 10s., 25 at 9s. 6d. per day 498 Constables: 141 at 9s., 58 at 8s. 6d.. 39 at 8s., 81 at 7s 6d., 179 at 7s. per day 6 Probationers at 6s. per day ... 20 Detectives: 6 at 14s. 6d., 3 at 13s. 6d., 1 at 12s. 6d., 1 at lis. 6d., 1 at 10s. 6d., 8 at 9s. 6d. per day Native Constables 19 District Constables Extra Pay to 15 Constables doing plain-clothes duty, and 10 District and Assistant Clerks, at Is. per day Female Searchers 4 Matrons at £100 Constable at Chatham Islands (and Clerk Eesident Magistrate's Court, and Clerk Post Office) 4 Constables acting as Magazine-keepers: 3 at £5, 1 at £10 Contribution to Salaries of Inspectors under Explosives Act, 1 at £58, 1 at £50 4 Surgeons (1 at each centre), £100 each £ 550 679 2,525 1,000 420 10,110 71,805 657 4,344 400 866 456 50 400 38 25 108 400 Less contributions from other Departments 94,833 25 94,808 ;—




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services

Item. 1899-1900. POLICE DEPARTMENT— continued. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 19 20 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 VOTE No. 70— continued. Other Charges— Clothing Gas and Water Freight and cartage Forage House Allowances, 6 Inspectors at £50, 4 Sub-Inspectors at £36 Lodging-allowance to married men of over three years' service who are unprovided with quarters —17 Sergeants at Is. 6d., 113 Constables at Is. per day Police Prosecutions Purchase of Horses Retiring Allowances Bepairing, painting, and improving Police premises Eations for Prisoners, Fuel, and Light Bent of Out-stations Saddlery Scavenging and chimney-sweeping Shoeing horses Stores and supplies Telephone subscriptions Travelling-expenses and Transport of Prisoners Medical expenses and medicines Contingencies £ 1,000 900 500 2,000 444 2,528 1,000 250 1,250 500 1,000 2,000 100 200 300 500 450 9,500 200 350 £ 24,972 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 1,100 Total—Vote No. 70 23,872 l 2 3 4 MISCELLANEOUS SEBVICES. VOTE No. 71. Expenses attending the detection of sly grog-sellers ... Expenses in connection with extradition of Joseph Myers Eewards for conviction in sly-grog cases ... Special allowance to ex-Constable Stewart for serious permanent injuries received in the service Compassionate allowance (equal to one year's salary) to widow of Constable Worthington Further compensation to James McAuliffe, for injuries received while assisting police 300 500 300 118,680 40 5 146 6 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 25 1,311 1,111 200 Total—Vote No. 71 ■ I TOTAL OF CLASS XIV. ... TOTAL OF CLASS XIV. ... £11J ,791




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Totals. ote 72.—Department of Lands and Survey £ £ £ 61,905 51,600 113,505 „ 73.—Miscellaneous Services 19,636 19,636 TOTAL OF CLASS XV. 61,905 ,236 133,141 Item. 18 i9-]900. f £ DEPABTMENT OF LANDS AND SUEVEY. £ . 1899-1900. Total number of officers and artisans... 285 VOTE No. 72. Salaries— Head Office — Surveyor-General and Secretary for Crown Lands Assistant Surveyor-General and Under-Secretary for Crown Lands 8 Draughtsmen: 1 (Chief) at £365, 1 at £290, 2 at £275, 1 at £270, 1 at £260, 1 at £250, 1 at £225 ... 9 Clerks : 1 (Chief; at £350, 1 at £280, 1 at £250, 1 at £240, 1 at £225, 1 at £215, 1 at £180, 1 at £130, 1 at £100 Shorthand-writer and Typist ... 2 Accountants : 1 (Chief) at £350, 1 at £245 Foreman Lithographer and Photographer 8 Lithographic Printers, &e.: 2 at £163, 6 at £160 Photographer's Assistant 1 Map-mounter at £156 ; 1 Stone-grinder at £135 9 Cadets: 1 at £70, 1 at £60, 5 at £50, 2 at £40 3 Eoad Surveyors: 1 at £400, 1 at £310, 1 at £270 ... Auditor of Land Eevenue Superintendent of Settlements... Caretaker, Hanmer Hot Springs Caretaker, Mount Cook Hermitage Manager, Hanmer Sanatorium ... ... 750 650 2,210 1,970 285 595 270 .1,286 175 291 460 980 350 375 220 120 120 11,107




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 189 »-190i DEPABTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY—continued. VOTE No. 72— continued. Salaries — continued. Auckland District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 5 District Surveyors: 1 at £340, 2 at £300, 2 at £260 4 Assistant Surveyors: 1 at £240,1 at £230, 1 at £160, 1 at £150 Road Survevor 10 Draughtsmen : 1 (Chief) at £365, 1 at £300, 1 at £270, 2 at £250, 1 at £240, 1 at £225, 1 at £220, 1 at £210, 1 at £185 10 Clerks : 1 (Receiver of Land Eevenue) at £300,1 at £290, 1 at £235,1 at £200,1 at £190, I at £170, 1 at £160, 1 at £110, 2 at £100 ... 6 Cadets : 1 at £90,1 at £70,1 at £60,2 at £50, 1 at £40 4 Eaugers: 1 at £260, 1 at £250, 2 at £210 Messenger 500 1,460 780 325 2,515 1,855 360 930 120 8,845 Hawke's Bay District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 3 District Survevors: 1 at £375, 1 at £325, 1 at £250 3 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £240, 1 at £220, 1 at £190 7 Draughtsmen: 1 (Chief) at £325, 1 at £325, 1 at £260, 1 at £250, 1 at £240, 1 at £180, 1 at £110 ... 3 Clerks: 1 (Eeceiver of Land Eevenue) at £3.10, 1 at £190, 1 at £160 2 Cadets : 1 at £60, 1 at £50 ... 2 Bangers: 1 at £275, 1 at £250 450 950 650 1,690 660 110 525 Taranaki District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 2 District Surveyors: 1 at £300, 1 at £260 2 Assistant Surveyors at £230 Boad Surveyor 6 Draughtsmen : 1 (Chief) at £300, 1 at £270, 1 at £240, 1 at £220, 1 at £205, 1 at £110 ... 3 Clerks: 1 (Eeceiver of Land Eevenue) at £225, 1 at £220, 1 at £140 4 Cadets: 1 at £70, 1 at £60, 1 at £50, 1 at £40 Banger ! 5,035 475 560 460 315 | 1,345 585 220 275 Wellington District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 3 District Surveyors : 1 at £325, 1 at £300, 1 at £260 . 2 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £240, 1 at £190 ... Boad Surveyor 10 Draughtsmen : 1 (Chief) at £350, 1 at £325, 1 at £300, 1 at £250,1 at £225,3 at £220, 1 at £210,1 at £110 4 Clerks: 1 at £300, 1 (Beceiver of Land Eevenue) at £250, 1 at £210, 1 at £140 7 Cadets: 2 at £70, 1 at £60, 3 at £50, 1 at £40 4 Bangers: 2 at £275, 2 at £250 Messenger 4,235 550 885 430 285 2,430 900 390 1,050 115 7,035




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

.tern. 1899-1900 DEPABTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY—continued. VOTE No. 72— continued. Salaries — continued. Nelson District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Grown Lands 3 District Surveyors : 1 at £355, 1 at £300, 1 at £290 2 Assistant Surveyors at £230 8 Draughtsmen : 1 (Chief) at £340, 1 at £275, 1 at £270, 1 at £260, 1 at £230, 1 at £195, 2 at £110 ... 3 Clerks: 1 at £240, 1 at £220, 1 at £100 Cadet £ £ 475 915 460 1,790 560 70 Marlborough District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands ... 2 District Surveyors : 1 at £325, 1 at £270 2 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £230, 1 at £220 4 Draughtsmen : 1 (Chief) at £275, 2 at £220, 1 at £210 Clerk Cadet Banger 4,300 500 595 450 925 195 70 100 Westland District — Chief Surveyor and Gommissioner of Crown Lands Eoad Surveyor Assistant Surveyor 3 Draughtsmen : 1 (Chief) at £300,1 at £155,1 at £135 Clerk 2 Cadets : 1 at £70, 1 at £50 ... 2 Rangers : 1 at £220, 1 at £75 2,835 400 315 230 590 100 120 295 Canterbury District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 3 District Surveyors : 1 at £300, 1 at £290, 1 at £270 Assistant Surveyor ... ... ... 10 Draughtsmen: 1 (Chief) at £350, 1 at £325,1 at £265 3 at £240, 1 at £230, 1 at £225, 1 at £205, 1 at £100 4 Clerks : 1 (Eeceiver of Land Eevenue) at £275, 2 at £210, 1 at £140 4 Cadets : 1 at £70, 3 at £50 ... 2 Bangers: 1 at £260, 1 at £250 2 Messengers: 1 at £112, 1 at £110 2,050 9 500 IS60 110 2,420 835 220 510 222 5,677 10 Otago District — Commissioner of Crown Lauds... Chief Surveyor 3 District Surveyors : 1 at £325,1 at £305, 1 at £260 2 Assistant Surveyors: 1 at £250, 1 at £240 9 Draughtsmen : 1 (Chief) at £325, 1 at £325, 1 at £285, 2 at £275, 1 at £230, 1 at £200, 1 at £160,1 at £110 8 Clerks : 1 (Beceiver of Land Eevenue) at £350, 1 at £330, 1 at £270, 1 at £225, 1 at £156, 1 at £150, 1 at £110, 1 at £100 4 Cadets : 1 at £80, 1 at £60, 2 at £50 ... 3 Bangers: 1 at £285, 2 at £275 Curator, Eesolution Island 500 400 890 490 2,185 1,691 240 835 125 7,356




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900. DEPABTMENT OF LANDS AND SUEVET— continued. £ 11 VOTE No. 72— continued. Salaries — continued. Southland District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands Assistant Surveyor 6 Draughtsmen: 1 (Chief) at £280, 1 at £275, 1 at £270, 1 at £240, 1 at £205, 1 at £200 ... 4 Clerks : 1 at £245, 1 at £230,1 at £140, 1 at £120... 4 Cadets : 3 at £70, 1 at £50 ... 2 Bangers : 1 at £260, 1 at £10 475 220 1,470 I 735 260 270 3,430 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS Other Charges— Equipment and Wages (Staff) Temporary Surveyors and Parties Contract and Schedule Surveys Surveys: Landless Natives, &c. Native Land Purchase Surveys Travelling-expenses Instruments, Machinery, Paper, and other Office Bequisites Advertising, Printing, and Binding Bent of Offices Commission on Money-orders ... Temporary assistance Cadets' lodging-allowance Fuel, light, &c. Contingencies 61,905 18,000 20,000 1,500 2,000 2,000 5,000 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3.000 1,200 500 400 12,815 500 400 1,285 68,600 Less estimated Credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " ... .:. 130,505 17,000 Total—Vote No. 72 113,505 MISCELLANEOUS SEBVICES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VOTE No. 73. Accommodation-house, Conway Accommodation-house, Waikaremoana Assistance to invalids —Passages to hot springs Assistance to maintain accommodation-house at Lake Manapouri Balnealogist and expenses Board of Examiners of Surveyors Bridgewater Becreation-ground contribution Cottage Hospital, Tatakopa Compensation to G. Watson on account of injuries on East Boad Works Compensation to Mrs. Bate for resumption of Sections 5 and 6, Block XL, Takaka, for a road Compensation for injuries to employes while in discharge of their duties, medical and other attendance during illness, and contingent expenses in connection with 500 400 20 50 1,000 50 100 250 10 5 11 13 150 same




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES—continued. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 VOTE No. 73—continued. Compensation to M. Tansey for alteration of road through Section 10, Block IX., Hautapu Denniston Domain—Improvements Expenses of inquiries, &c. Expenses of removal of temporary officers... Featon's " Flora," 200 copies ... Fees to Members of Waste Lands Boards ... Fencing, &c, Klairoa and Whakarewa Pas (Taranaki Scenery Preservation Society) Guide, Milford Sound (D. Sutherland) Grass-seed for Crown lands Grass-seed to settlers whose crops have been destroyed by natural disaster Grant to T Dollman for services as a naval officer (further) Interest on £2,000, part purchase-money of Stewart Island Lyell Cemetery, clearing Linwood Becreation-ground (purchase of land), £1 for£l ' Mount Cook Hermitage expenses Mount Cook Hermitage equipment Magnetic Observatory and expenses Native townships —Expenses of administration (roading and other works to be repaid) Paraparaumu — Felling and Fencing Forest Beserve boundary Purchase and maintenance of Mokihinui Coal-mine, and arrears of rent due Government Purchase of recreation reserve for Pukekohe Purchase of recreation-ground, Wilsher Bay, Otago Purchase of recreation-ground, Eltham (subsidy, £1 for £1) Purchase of recreation-ground, Matakana (subsidy) Purchase of Section 39, Karangahape —Scenery preservation Purchase of land, Makuri Gorge, and resumption of section under lease, for preservation of scenery Payment to T. Lawrence of value of improvements, Section 3, Block VIIL, Puketoi. Payment in respect of rent received by Public Trustee on Pariroa Beserve, Patea, pending settlement of title to such rent Eefund to William Hanger of penalty incurred for nonpayment of rent Eefunds on account of lands disposed of, short acreage. &c. Befund of rent, Ashburton Bridge Beserve, to be paid to County Befund of portion of survey-fee to W. F. Boese Eefunds for improvements effected Eefund of royalty on gravel to Tarata Domain Board and Clifton County (equal shares) Befund of royalty on timber charged under new regulations, in consequence of contracts having been entered into previous to the date of such regulations Eefund to Mrs. G. D. Maxwell of arrears of rent, deducted from payment for improvements, Section 8, Block XIV., Pomahaka Estate Befund of rent on Bun No. 3, East Bay, Marlborough... Eefund of survey-fee deposited by John Elliot, Section 2, Block V., Awakino Bemission of rent to J. T. Doherty, Highbank £ 66 50 100 250 150 1,500 50 50 1,000 10 10 500 20 100 800 200 500 400 300 1,300 50 100 £ 35 36 175 50 37 501 38 270 39 4S 560 40 5 41 42 300 43 44 45 26 17 330 16 26 172 47 109 10 48 49 50 75 . 84




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1899-1900. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. £ £ 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 VOTE No. 73— continued. Remission of rent to settlers, Highbank, whose crops were destroyed by natural disaster Remission of rent to settlers, Raureka Settlement, on account of flood-damage Remission of rent, &c, omitted to be collected by Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland—Section 3, Block XVI., Waitoa Remission of rent and interest, W. Brown, Section 56, Block VIIL. Mangahao Bemission of Bent to John Hunt, Lot 5, Beserve 1126, Wainono S.D. Bepayment of survey-fee deposited by J. Alderson Belief Fund, fire and flood, grant-in-aid Boyalty on timber cut from Awarua Block, Subdivisions 2, C, Nos. 15, 18, and 19 (with interest), to be refunded by North Island Main Trunk Eailway Account Sanatorium Expenses — Hanmer, Maintenance Hanmer, Additions to Nuhaka, Maintenance Eotorua, Maintenance Tokaanu, Maintenance Te Puia, Maintenance Subsidy for steamer on Lake Manapouri ... Subsidy to doctors in outlying districts Subsidy to Doctor, Hanmer Hot Springs ... Subsidy to Doctor, Te Aroha Springs Subsidy to Auckland Institute for conservation of Little Barrier Island Subsidy for steamer, Lake Te Anau Subsidy for steamer, Lake Wanaka Subsidy for steamer, Wanganui Biver Scenery advertisement and promotion of tourist traffic Supply of fish-ova and acclimatisation offish, animals, &c. South Westland mail-steamer subsidy, monthly service Tongariro National Park—Hut and expenses of Board Village-homestead settlers' arrears In satisfaction of 110 naval and military claims recommended for payment in Commissioner's Report, H.-13. 1898 i 500 i 54 5 7 2 10 240 108 800 1,500 100 200 100 100 50 400 100 50 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 200 200 50 478 300 300 250 200 100 430 Total Vote No. 73 19.63f 19,63 TOTAL OF CLASS XV jei3 ,141




12— B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ ote 74. —Valuation Expenses ... 10,208 10,650 20,858 TOTAL OF CLASS XVI. 10,208 0,650 20,858 Item. 18 '9-1900. VALUATION EXPENSES. 1899-1900. Total number of officers .. 45 VOTE No. 74. Salaries— Deputy Valuer-General (also Deputy Commissioner of Taxes, £400, and Deputy Superintendent Advances to Settlers Office, £50) 6 Clerks: 1 at £280, 1 at £180, 1 at £130, 1 at £110, 2 at £90 4 Draughtsmen: 1 at £220, 3 at £156 6 Supervising Valuers at £500 22 District Valuers at £200 ... 5 Clerks: Dunedin, 1 at £250; Auckland, 1 at £225; Christchurch, I at £180, 1 at £175; Invercargill, 1 at £210 2 Cadets : Dunedin, 1 at £50 ; Christchurch, 1 at £50... Messenger (also Land- and Income-Tax, £50, and Advances to Settlers, £20) 50 880 688 3,000 4,400 1,040 100 50 Other Charges— Advertising Clerical Assistance: Auckland, £600; Wellington, £3,000 ; Christchurch, £650 ; Dunedin,£500 ; Invercargill, £150 Correction of Maps (payable to Survey Department) .. Legal expenses, Assessment Court expenses, Fees to Valuers Bent Travelling-expenses Contingencies 10,208 2 3 100 4,900 1,500 4 5 6 7 8 500 350 3,000 300 Total —Vote No. 74 10,650 20,858 TOTAL OF CLASS XVI. £20, 58




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 75.—Bates on Crown Lands 1,350 1,350 TOTAL OF CLASS XVII. 1,350 1,350 Item. 1899-1900. • BATES ON CEOWN LANDS. VOTE No. 75. Payable under the Crown and Native Lands Eating Acts, including full amounts payable in respect of security given by local bodies for loans — For current year, including arrears 1,350 Total —Vote No. 75 1,350 TOTAL OF CLASS XVII. £1,350




Minister of Lands.

Appropriations for the State Forests Account.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ ote 116.-—State Forests Branch of the Lands and Survey Department 840 5,535 6,375 TOTAL OF CLASS XVIII. ... 840 ,535 6,375 Item. 1-1900. 18 STATE FOEESTS BEANCH OF THE DEPABTMENT OF LANDS AND SUE VET. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 5 VOTE No. 116. State Forests Branch oe the Lands and Survey Department— Salaries— Chief Forester 4 Assistant Foresters and Nursery Overseers 240 600 Other Charges — Clearing, &c, plantations, Albury Estate ... Fencing, Buildings, Planting, Material, &c. — Eweburn Nursery ... , ... £1,100 Tapanui Nursery ... ... 1,000 Botorua Nursery ... ... 1,100 New Plantations ... ... 1,800,; 840 50 2 3 Planting reserves, Mackenzie County (from rents of reserves) State Forests Beserve, Makuri, &c, fencing, &c. Travelling allowances and expenses Wanaka Island Domain improvements 5,000 4 190 70 200 25 5 6 7 5,535 Total — Vote No. 116 ... 6,375 TOTAL OF CLASS XVIII. £ ,375




Minister of Lands.

Appropriations for the Cheviot Estate Account.

1899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ ote 117.—Cheviot Estate Expenses 100 100 TOTAL OF CLASS XIX. 100 100 Item. 18 1-1900. £ CHEVIOT ESTATE EXPENSES. VOTE No. 117. Expenses not chargearle under the Permanent Act — Bonus for discovery of marketable coal in sufficient quantity on Cheviot Estate ioo Total —Vote No. 117 ... 100 TOTAL OF CLASS XIX. £100




Minister of Lands.

Appropriations for the Land for Settlements Account.

899-1900. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ ote 118.—Land for Settlements Expenses 800 2,500 3,300 TOTAL OF CLASS XX. . 800 2,500 3,300 Item. 18' 9-1900. LAND FOE SETTLEMENTS EXPENSES. 1899-1900. Total number of officers .. 1 VOTE No. 118. Salaries— Land-Purchase Inspector £ 800 Other Charges— Preliminary expenses 2,500 3,300 Total—Vote No. 118 ... TOTAL OF CLASS XX. £■■: i,300




Appropriations for the Public Trust Office Account.

Item.! 1899-1900. • Chargeable on the Public Trust Office Account. COLONIAL TEEASUEEE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 VOTE No. 120. Salaries — Public Trustee Deputy Public Trustee (£25), and Chief Clerk (£400) ... Solicitor Assistant Chief Clerk Accountant 14 Clerks : 1 at £300, 1 at £220, 3 at £195, 1 at £185, 1 at £165, 1 at £156, 2 at £150, 2 at £135, 2 at £100 4 Shorthand-writers and Typists: 2 at £135, 1 at £100, 1 at £60 8 Cadets: 5 at £80,1 at £70, 1 at £50, 1 at £40 Eeserves Agent, New Plymouth Clerk, Beserves Agency District Agents : Christchurch Auckland Dunedin Greymouth ... ... ... Nelson Clerks and Cadets at Agencies— Christchurch, 1 at £150, 1 at £120, 1 at £40 Auckland, 1 at £145, 1 at £100 Dunedin, 1 at £100, 1 at £70 Local Audit, £240; London Agency, £75... 800 425 500 350 300 2,381 430 560 275 180 375 340 265 190 150 16 1.7 18 19 310 245 170 315 8,561 20 Other Charges— New premises, Wellington, for Public Trust Office: Purchase of site, erection of building, furnishing, &c. . . 12,000 20,561 Total—Vote No. 120 ... BLI TKUST OFFICE ACCOUNT £2i 561




Appropriations for the Government Insurance Account.

;em. 1899-1900 Chargeable on the Government Insurance Account. COLONIAL TBEASUEEE. 1899-1900. Total number of officers .. 95 VOTE No. 121. Salaries— Head Office — Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Actuary Secretary Chief Medical Officer ... ... ... Accountant Assistant Actuary Chief Clerk Second Assistant Actuary Office Examiner 46 Clerks : 1 at £250, 2 at £230, 1 at £220, 6 at £200, 1 at £195, 2 at £180, 1 at £175, 4 at £170, 3 at £165, 4 at £160, 1 at £150, 1 at £140, 7 at £130, 8 at £120, 3 at £110, 1 at £100 ... 5 Cadets : 2 at £70, 1 at £60, 1 at £50, 1 at £40 ... For auditing accounts .Chief Messenger Messenger 800 500 600 550 400 375 300 300 285 250 7,265 290 240 180 140 Local Offices — Wellington Agency— District Manager (and Supervisor of New Business) 3 Clerks : 1 at £235, 1 at £160, 1 at £120 Cadet 12,475 500 515 40 Auckland Agency— District Manager 3 Clerks: 1 at £220, 1 at £160, 1 at £100 1,055 450 480 930 Christchurch Agency— District Manager 2 Clerks : 1 at £235, 1 at £130 Cadet 450 365 50 865 Dunedin Agency— District Manager 3 Clerks : 1 at £210, 1 at £140, 1 at £120 450 470 920 Napier Agency — Eesident Agent Clerk 300 115 415 Wanganui Agency — Eesident Agent Clerk ... 215 110 Blenheim Agency — Agency Clerk 325 8 165





Appropriations for the Oovernment Insurance Account.

Item. 189 1-1900. COLONIAL TREASURER—continued. 9 VOTE No. 121— continued. Salaries— continued. Local Offices —continued. Nelson Agency— Eesident Agent Clerk £ 250 100 10 Timaru Agency— Eesident Agent Cadet ... ..< 350 190 95 11 Oamaru Agency— Eesident Agent Clerk 285 175 100 12 Invercargill Agency — Eesident Agent Clerk 275 225 100 13 Greymouth Agency — Eesident Agent Clerk 325 195 100 London—Agent-General's Office — Half Salary of one Clerk 295 14 75 Other Charges— Extra Clerical Assistance Commission Medical Fees Travelling-expenses Advertising, Printing, and Stationery Postage and Telegrams Triennial expenses Contingencies Alterations to Head Office Building 6,280 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1,600 14,000 5,000 1,000 2,000 2,500 2,000 5,000 1,000 Total—Vote No. 121 ... 34,100 52,855 GOVERNMENT INSUEANCE ACCOUNT £5 :,855

Item. Chargeable on the Government Accident Insurance Account. 1899-1900. GOVEBNMENT ACCIDENT INSUEANCE BEANCH. £ £ VOTE No. 122. Preliminary Expenses and Contingencies ... 3,000 3,000 Total—Vote No. 122 ... GOVERNMENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE ) „„ ACCOUNT j id ' 100




By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB99. Price Is. 9d.'\ IS—B. 7.

Appropriations for the Government Advances to Settlers Office.

;em. 189' 1-1900. Chargeable to the Government Advances to Settlers Office Management Account. MINISTEE OF LANDS. 1899-1900. Total number of officers ... 24 VOTE No. 123. Salaries— Superintendent (also Commissioner of Taxes, £650, and Valuer-General, nil) Deputy Superintendent (also Deputy Commissioner of Taxes, £400, and Deputy Valuer-General, £50) Chief Clerk (also Chief Clerk, Land- and Income-tax Department, £300) Inspecting Accountant (also Land- and Income-tax Department, £350) 14 Clerks: 1 at £250, 1 at £180, 1 at £175, 1 at £170, 1 at £160, 4 at £156, 1 at £135,1 at £130, 1 at £110, 1 at £90; 1 at Auckland at £80 4 Cadets: 1 at £50, 1 at £45, 1 at £40; 1 at Invercargill at £70 Member of the Board not in Civil Service ... Messenger (also Land- and Income-tax, £50, and Valuation Department, £50) 200 50 50 50 2,104 205 163 20 2,842 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Other Charges— Interest on Loan ... Interest on Temporary Advances Printing and Stationery Advertising Contribution to Post Office ... ... ... Contribution to Valuation Department Proportion of Audit expenses ... Interest on Advances from Consolidated Fund Fire-insurance Premiums temporarily advanced to prevent Policies lapsing Interest on Amounts deposited against Loans Befund Valuation-fees on Loans not entertained Contingencies 67,500 1,463 200 50 700 2,500 200 300 11 12 13 50 150 150 250 Total—Vote No. 123 73,513 76,35 GOVERNMENT ADVANCES TO SETTLERS OFFICE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT ... £1~ :,355

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APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND AND OTHER ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH, 1900., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, B-07

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APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND AND OTHER ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH, 1900. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, B-07

APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND AND OTHER ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH, 1900. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, B-07

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