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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of "The Patents Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."

In pursuance of the provisions of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889," I have the. honour to present the annual report on the business of the Patent Office for the year ending the 31st December, 1897. The returns and tables printed in the Appendix to this report show that the business of the office still continues to increase. The total number of applications received during the year was 1,492. and the total revenue £3,183 9s. The surplus of revenue over expenditure was £2,608 13s. 10d. P. Waldegrave, Patent Office, Wellington, 20th September, 1898. Eegistrar.

APPENDIX. A. —Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1897. Income. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 2,751 1 6 Salaries ... ... ... 375 0 0 Design fees ... ... ... 740 Copying specifications, &c. ... 32 7 1 Trade-mark fees ... ... 423 11 0 Pees to Patent Office Agents ... 50 10 0 Acts... ... ... •■• 160 Printing and stationery from GoOther receipts ... ... 0 6 6 vernment Printing Office ... 50 6 9 Binding, freight, &c, of British specifications ... ... 38 1 2 Fees refunded ... ... 25166 Incidental expenses ... ... 213 8 Surplus for year ... ... 2,608 13 10 £3,183 9 0 £3,183 9 0

B. —Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the last Seven Years.

I Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. .891 .892 .893 894 £ s. d. .. 1,759 3 6 .. 1,825 6 0 ! .. 2,150 2 0 .. 2,477 7 0 £ s. a. £ s. d. 391 11 3 1,367 12 3 361 18 10 1,463 7 2 396 8 3 1,753 13 9 536 6 11 1,941 0 1 1895 1896 1897 £ s. d. .. 2,170 9 6 .. 2,583 0 6 .. 3,183 9 0 £ s. d, £ s. d. 464 15 8 1,705 13 10 564 6 10 2,018 13 8 574 15 2 2,608 13 10 1—H. 10.



C.—Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1897.

* Some of the applications included in this year's total were paid for last year, and this will account for the figures her© differing from those given in other places. ■f Chiefly odd amounts sent for fees, partly paid in 1806, or not due till present year. D.—Staff of Officees and Peesent Salabies. £ Eegistrar* ... ... ... ... ... ... Nil. Deputy-Eegistrar ... ... ... ... ... 210 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... 110 Cadet ... ... ... ... ... ... 65 * Also Under-Seoretary for Justice. £385

E. —Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c., under Act of 1889.

Fees. Number. Each. Amount received. Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications* Applications for patents with complete specifications* Applications for patents with specifications described neither as " provisional " nor "complete " Complete specifications left after provisional specifications Issue of letters patent Applications to amend specifications Second-term fees payable before end of fourth year Third-term fees payable before end of seventh year Notices of opposition Hearing objections Applications for extension of time for filing complete specifications Grant of such extension .. .. .. .. .. .. Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees .. .; Grant of such enlargement Searches Registration of assignments and licenses Certificates of such registration Copies of specifications, drawings, &c. Certifying copies not made by office Applications to correct clerical errors in specifications, &c. Registration of Patent Agents Miscellaneous! 575 521 2 110 503 5 101 41 6 2 2 1 18 15 260 66 51 & s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 2 0 1 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 10 0 10 £ s. d. 287 10 0 260 10 0 10 0 55 0 0 1,006 0 0 5 0 0 505 0 0 410 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 18 0 0 45 0 0 13 0 0 33 0 0 25 10 0 59 7 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 2 2 0 10 2 6 10 2 2 0 1 0 5 1 1 £2,751 1 6 Designs. Applications for registration of designs Copies of certificates of registration 14 4 0 10 0 1 7 0 0 0 4 0 £7 4 0 Teadb-mabks. Applications for registration of trade-marks* Registration of trade-marks (including two " series ") Registration of assignments .. Certificates of registration of assignments Notices of opposition Cancellation of registration of trade-mark Correction of register Request for correction of clerical error Certificate of refusal to register a mark Copies of documents Searches Advertisements : Cost of extra space in Gazette Miscellaneous! 369 *51 5 3 2 2 1 0 5 £1 & 5s. £1 & 2s. 1 0 0 5 0 10 0 5 1 0 92 5 0 261 15 0 31 1 0 9 12 0 5 0 0 0 15 0 10 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 5 10 0 10 19 0 3 4 0 iio o"i £423 11 0

CD Number cations w: Complete cations of Appliith which 3 Specifilodged. Number of Appli- . N ," r cations with which A PPV c nber of >ations for Complete ations subtly lodged. Numbei cations s laps ref c of Appliibandoned, sed, or lused. Num Patents Total iei of j Nu ™ ber seaIed - Applications. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 N.Z. 242 187 202 198 278 229 299 217 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 303 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 307 318 444 Foreign. 60 69 53 52 61 79 100 129 N.Z. 27 29 40 51 69 75 68 Foreign. 17 25 16 24 16 34 33 * N.Z. 202 191 237 262 352 403 439 * Foreign. 50 50 43 30 51 51 75 N.Z. 147 122 125 133 177 133 185 Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 * i ?hese figun is are necesi iarily incomplete, as the time for proceeding further with tri< applici itions has not yet )ire< ..


F.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trademarks recorded for the Years 1890 to 1897 inclusive.

G.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1895, 1896, and 1897.

Note.—ln 1897, three applications were received from joint applicants resident in different countries; the figures for that year will, therefore, total three more than the actual number of applications received.

H.—Number of Applications for of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1895, 1896, and 1897.

Note.—ln 1897, twelve applications were received from persons giving addresses in two countries and ten from persons giving addresses in three countries; the figures for that year will, therefore, total thirty-two more than the actual number of applications received.


Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 1 325 951 1894 756 15 347 1,118 1895 816 14 254 1,084 1896 992 27 279 1,298 1897 1,093 13 361 1,467

1895. 1896. 1897. 1895. 1896. 1897. New Zealand Argentine Bepublio Austria Belgium Canada Denmark France Germany India Italy Natal New South Wales Norway 547 2 2 2 6 8 619 1 1 2 2 2 8 12 661 1 2 3 12 2 11 10 1 2 1 65 2 Ottoman Empire Queensland Russia South African Republic .. South Australia Spain Sweden Tasmania United Kingdom United States Uruguay Victoria Western Australia 2 "5 "6 71 38 76 1 1 8 1 3 17 4 5 106 51 13 10 18 1 2 5 127 56 1 87 3 "2 "l 43 72 82 4

1895. 1896. 1897. 1895. 1896. 1897. Sew Zealand 3elgium.. Canada .. juba Sgypt .. ?ranoe .. Germany Holland India Stew South Wales 124 1 "3 6 2 1 156 3 *6 6 2 2 167 1 "l 5 4 1 i i! 25 Norway Queensland South Australia.. Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States Victoria Western Australia 1 79 13 5 1 , 1 1 77 10 11 1 a 2 2. 124 33 22 1 '22 H


I. —Number of Applications to register Trade Marks, in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1895, 1896, and 1897.


Classes. Classification of Goods. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ■24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not includedin other classes TJnwroughfc and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes ; instruments and apparatus for teaching Musical instruments Horological instruments .. .. .. Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes .. .. .. Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 .. Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing .. Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not included in other classes.. Furniture and upholstery .. .. .. .. ... Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits.. Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes Miscellaneous 8 14 24 1 2 4 1 1 4 1 3 1 "i '2 1 9 13 24 7 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 14 1 5 12 40 7 3 4 1 i 4 6 2 3 1 6 1 1 28 2 2 1 2 a i 1 i 4 1 i 2 *3 i 4 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 14 1 19 3 1 14 6 1 1 75 14 10 18 2 26 84 12 7 14 2 21 91 22 11 27 1 29 48 9 6 9 49 50 6 1 11 1 13



J.—ALPHABETICAL LIST OF APPLICANTS FOR PATENTS FOR THE YEAR 1897. [Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade-Marks Act, 1889."]

Name, Residence, and Invention. No. ! Date. Abel, R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Holder for checkbooks Acton, J., Pleasant Point, Canterbury, N.Z. Sack elevator Acton, J., Pleasant Point, Canterbury, N.Z. Fencing standard Adams, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Flying-machine Adams, F., Sydney, N.S.W. Advertising medium .. Adams, H. H., Thames, N.Z. Stamps and stamper-dies for reducing ores, &c. Adlard, G. B., Auckland, N.Z. Egg-cup Aitchison, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Portiere-rods Aitken, W., Oamaru, N.Z. Hame-hook for horse-collars Aitkens, G., Hawera, N.Z. Cycle Aitkens, G., Hawera, N.Z. Freezing meat Aitkens, G., Hawera, N.Z. Confectionery-box Aitkens, G., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Collapsible box Aitkens, G., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Window-sash fastener Aitkens, G., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Bucket-handle Aitkens, G., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Distending mouths of bags, <fcc. Aitkens, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Aitkens, G., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Branding-composition Aitkens, G., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Distending mouths of bags, &c. Albrecht, F., Melbourne, Vic. Lamp-or candle-holder Aldridge, C. W. G., and another, London, Eng. Fire-escape Alexander, A., and another, Normanby, N.Z. Ploughing and harrowing implement Alexander, J., Wellington, N.Z. Milk-cooler or -heater Allan, J. F., Adelaide, S.A. (See H. Bowen, No. 9967.) Allen, E. T., Rangiora, N.Z. Harness-cleaning composition .. Allsop, J. T., Timaru, N.Z. Fixing shares to tines of cultivators American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Cigarettearranging mechanism. (D. B. Strouse) American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Machine for making cigarette-fillers. (J. A. Bonsaok) American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Cigarette-maohine. (N. J. Evans) American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Cigarette-machine. (D. J. Campbell) American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Elliptical cigarette. (D. J. Campbell) American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Box-making machine. (W. H. Butler) Ancel, J., Paris, France. Ore-sorter Anderson, C, Rangiora, N.Z. Horse-cover Anderson, 0., Bangiora, N.Z. Securing harness-traces Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Hot-water circulating cistern Andreoli, E., London, Eng. Becovering gold .. .. .. .. •• Andrew, G. E., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Export crate for rabbits Andrews, F., and another, London, Eng. (See Andrews Patent Bottle Lock Stopper Syndicate, Limited, No. 9294.) Andrews Patent Bottle Lock Stopper Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. Stoppering bottles, jars, &c. (F. and W. Y. Andrews) Andrews, W., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Begistering votes at elections Andrews, W. Y-, and another, London, Eng. (See Andrews Patent Bottle Lock Stopper Syndicate, Limited, No. 9294.) Angas, J. H., Adelaide, S.A. Press .. .. .. •• . ■• Anglo-French Motor-carriage Company (Limited), The, Birmingham, Eng. Self-propelling vehicle. (E. Boger) Anglo-French Motor-carriage Company (Limited), The, Birmingham, Eng. Botary motor or pump. (E. Boger) Anglo-French Motor-carriage Company (Limited), The, Birmingham, Eng. Horseless carriage. (E. Gascoine, jun., C. D. Courtois) Argall, P., Denver, U.S.A. Boasting and drying ores Armstrong, J., London, Eng. Treating ores Arnaboldi, J., Auckland, N.Z. Tire Ashoroft, E. A., Newcastle, N.S.W. Treatment of zinc-ore .. .. Ashwell, A. T., Nottingham, Eng. Duplicate printing apparatus. (W. H. Pike, jun.) Ashwell, A. T., Nottingham, Eng. Printing-attachment for calculating-machine. (W. H. Pike, iun.) Ashworth, H., Wadestown, Wellington, N.Z. WooLdrying Ashworth, H., Wadestown, Wellington, N.Z. Wool-washing .. Askin, G. K., Christchurch, N.Z. Gate-fastener Atkinson, E., London, Eng. Non-refillable bottle. (J. Creasy) Austin W. L., Denver, U.S.A. Tuyere for furnace Austin, W. L., Denver, U.S.A. (See E. Hall, No. 9577.) Avedyk, O., and another, Brussels, Belgium. Converting grain into dough Ayson, T., Wyndham, Otago, N.Z. Force-feed for drills, &c. .. Babba'ge, A. W., Wanganui, N.Z. Bicycle Backstrom, C. A., Pittsburgh, U.S.A. Botary Steam-engine .. Baggstro'm, E., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Screw-propeller blade Baker, E. P., Dunedin, N.Z. Drench for horses, &c. Baker, J. B., New Jersey, U.S.A. Bailway-carriage journal-bearings Baker, L. G., Wellington, N.Z. Displaying-bracket Baldwin, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Composition for cleaning fabrics .. Baldwin, W. I., Freeman's Reach, N.S.W. Calculating-machine Ball, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Milk-safe Balneaves, D., Hawera, N.Z. Mud-mat or scraper .. Barnes, J. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Branding-machine Barnes, W. W., Harrington, Eng. Furnace Barnett, T., Melbourne, Vic. Milk-BtrainiDg appliance 2—H. 10. 9346 9439 9961 10027 9590 9813 9998 9623 10196 9184 9237 9398 9412 9429 9430 9517 9902 9978 9567 9797 9572 10110 9224 13 March. 12 April. 29 Sapt. 21 Oct. 3 Juno. 17 Aug. 12 Oct. 18 June. 6 Deo. 11 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 March. 7 April. 10 April. 10 April. 12 May. 13 Sspt. 9 Oct. 26 May. 16 Aug. 28 May. 10 Nov. 25 Jan. 9515 9467 9337 7 May. 22 April. 9 March. 9367 19 March. 9407 6 April. 9459 22 April. 9460 22 April. 9774 11 Aug. 10063 9501 9736 9266 9313 9376 28 Oct. 5 May. 31 July. 9 Feb. 1 March. 25 March. 9294 24 Feb. 10233 20 Dec. 9631 9251 24 June. 5 Feb. 9252 5 Feb. 9309 1 March. 10102 9559 9718 9809 10054 10055 5 Nov. 22 May. 30 June. 20 Aug. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 9226 9329 9302 10103 9509 26 Jan. 6 March. 24 Feb. 5 Nov. 10 May. 9165 10145 9G16 9254 9373 9408 9699 10213 9180 10235 10065 9778 9476 9310 10255 4 Jan. 20 Nov. 17 June. 5 Feb. 20 March. 6 April. 19 July. 14 Deo. 19 Nov. '96 22 Dec. 27 Oct. 31 July. 26 April. 1 March. 29 Dec.




Name, Kesidence, and Invention. No. Date, Barton, E. L'E., Wellington, N.Z. Velocipede .. .. .. ■ ..■■■ Barton, M. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Bepairing punctures in tires .. Barton, M. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Bicycle-frame Basley, G. W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Cross-arms balance for maintaining equilibrium of vehicles Basley, G. W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Bearings and ends for balance for ends of undercarriages of vehicles Basley, G. W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Heating-pan, steam-genorator, and furnace combined Basquin, O. H., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10008.) Basquin, 0. H., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10016.) Basquin, 0. H., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10017.) Basquin, O. H., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10014) Bassett, T., and another, Christchureh, N.Z. Rotary divider for reaper-and-binder Bate, M, Auckland, N.Z. Dust-collecting screen for batteries, &c. Bates, A. J., Joliet, Illinois, U.S.A. Woven-wire fence Baxter, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer Baxter, G., London, Eng. Cycle-brake Bayley, E. S., New Plymouth, N.Z. Plant-protector Baynes, F. W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Beproducing phonographic records B.C.P. Powder Syndicate (Limited), and others, London, Erjg. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 10059.) Beaumont, G. E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Checking mechanism for looms Beaumont, G. K., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Driving mechanism for velocipedes Beaumont, G. E., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Pedal-crank for velocipedes Beaumont, G, E., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Pedal-crank for velocipedes Becker, B., Eupen, Germany. Extracting precious metals Bedell, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Torpedo Bedell, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Beebe, J. D., Portland, U.S.A. (Seethe Beebe Patent Svndicate, No. 9784.) Beebe Patent Syndicate, The London, Eng. Tire. (J. D. Beebe) Beere, G. B., and another, Thames, N.Z. Loading-platform for aerial tramway Beere, W. 0., Wellington, N.Z. Magnetic motor .. Begg, K. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Absorbent plug for tobacco-pipe BeFcher, H., and others, Beeston, Eng. Cycle-frame joints Belcher, H. F., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10018.) Belcher, H. P., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10011.) Belk, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Velocipede driving-gear .. Belk, J. A., Feilding, N.Z. Tin-opener Belk, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Motor .. Belk, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Raising sunken vessels Belk, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Propeller.. Belk, J. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Marking meat Belk, M., Wellington, N.Z. Ready reckoner .. .. .. .. Belk, M., Palmerston North, N.Z. Ready-reckoner Belk, M., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Marking meat Bell, T. D., York, Eng. (See J. J. Shannessy, No. 9253.) Bellemey, C, and another, Wollahra, N.S.W. Wheel Bellemey, R. T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Wheel Bennie, J., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Feeding bottle heater and foot-warmer Bergin,' A., Wellington, N.Z. Flax-dressing process.. Berry, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Checking mechanism for looms .. Best, J. F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle-pedal Bielefeldt, M., Wittenberg, Germany. (See the British and Colonial Colliery Supply Association, Limited.No. 10177.) Billett, L., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Tuyere for forge .. .. .. Billing, F., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Joining tubing to sockets .. Black, J. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Extracting gold Black, J. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Extracting gold Blacke, D. E., Invercargill, N.Z. Spark-extinguisher Blacke, D. E., Invercargill, N.Z. Blotter and ruler combined Blacket, O., Sydney, N.S.W. Ore-concentrator Blackmore, S. P., and others. Johannesburg, South African Republic. Rock-drill .. Blahnik, A., Paris, France. (See the British Blahnik Arc Light Company, Limited, No. 9539.) Bland, H. Waverley, N.S.W. (See J. Martin, No. 9789.) Blanton, E. A., jun., Wallingford, U.S.A.. Securing cams upon shafts Bluck, M. T. N., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electric ignition for engines Bluck, M. T. N., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Valve gearing for engines Bluck, M. T. N., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Vaporizer for oil- or spirit-engine Bluck' M. T. N., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Oil, gas, or internal-combustion engine Bock, A., Copenhagen, Denmark. Candle-lantern .. Body, A. J. B., Melbourne, Vic. Torpedo-boat Body, M., Brussels, Belgium. (See Societe Anonyme de Traitement de 1'or Combine, No. 9686.) Boidin, A., and another, Seclin, France. Extracting alcohol .. Bond, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Rotary engine Bones, G. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Cycle racing or exercising machine Bonnin, A., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Bootlace-fastener Bonsack, J. A., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See the American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, No. 9367.) Booth, G. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Double-acting pump Booth G. T., and another, Christchnrch, N.Z. Reducing temperature of storage-chambers Booth! J., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Cycle driving gear Borsum, J., Lillehammer, Norway. Threshing-machine Boucher, G. W., and others, London, Eng. Wheel. Bowen, E., Kotandra, Vic. Wire-strainer and -splicer Bpwen, H., Kensington, S.A. Buggy. (J.F.Allan) .-. ■ .. ... .. . . -.- .. 9236 9433 9493 9557 29 Jan. 6 April. 3 May. 18 May. 9664 3 July. 9818 20 Aug. 9824 9640 9336 9518 9383 10041 9265 23 Aug. 24 June. 6 March. 12 May. 25 March. 19 Oct. 12 Feb. 9453 9199 9345 9644 9371 9404 10061 22 April. 14 Jan. 13 March, 30 June. 23 March. 5 April. 28 Oct. 9784 9267 10121 9588 10242 13 Aug. 10 Feb. 13 Nov. 4 June. 23 Dec. 9636 9984 10122 10123 10124 9384 9260 9688 9384 26 June. 12 Oct. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 24 March 11 Feb. 14 July. 24 March. 9213 9213 10079 9963 9453 9615 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 6 Sept. 7 Oct. 22 April. 17 June. 9534 9166 9648 9763 9597 10133 9483 9245 19 May. 4 Jan. 30 June. 9 Aug. 4 June. 12 Nov. 1 May. 3 Feb. 9585 9748 9749 9750 10231 9642 10254 3 June. 29 July. 29 July. 29 July. 15 Dec. 30 June. 29 Dec. 10164 9678 9955 9298 26 Nov. 8 July. 2 Oct. 25 Feb. 9983 9201 9268 10241 9198 9886 9967 11 Oct. 14 Jan. 13 Feb. 23 Dec. 14 Jan. 9 Sept. 7 Oct.




fame, ;esii lenoe, am [nvem aon. ro. :e. Bowick, T. G., London, Eng. Recovering gold, &c. .. Bowron, G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Washing-board .. Boyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Cycle-pedal Boyling, P., Brisbane, Queensland. (See 0. L. Garland and A. Ogden, No. 9511.) Brab, M., Solingen, Germany. Electro-motor. (A. Knoohe) .. Bradbury, R. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Indicating cost of goods sold by lineal measurement Brake, A., Wellington, N.Z. Drawing ofl aerated waters and mixing same with syrups Brake, A., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Drawing off aerated waters and mixing same with syrup Braly, A., and another, Paris, France. Preventing refilling of bottles Braly, A., and another, Paris, France. Guarantee label Braly, L., and another, Paris, France. Preventing refilling of bottles Braly, L., and another, Paris, France. Guarantee label Bremer, F. A., Hawera, N.Z. Hurdle Brett, E. S., Coventry, Eng. Power hammer Brian, B. M., Auckland, N.Z. Essence of tea Brisbane, D., Ararimu South, Auckland, N.Z. Skeith-carrying attachment for plough Brissenden, E. M., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Pulverising-machine. (E. T. Brissenden) Brissenden, E. T., Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. S. Lane and E. M. Brissenden, No. 9883.) Bristow, C, Wellington, N.Z. Device for locking nuts Bristow, 0., Wellington, N.Z. Cycliste's skirt-attachment Bristow, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Drilling-attachment for coulters, &c. Bristow, G., Mataura, N.Z. Ball-bearing plough-wheel British and Colonial Colliery Supply Association (Limited), The, London, Eng. Explosive. (M. Bielefeldt) British Blahnik Aro Light Company (Limited), The, Westminster, Eng. Electric arc lamp. (A. Blahnik) British Blahnik Arc Light Company (Limited), The, Westminster, Eng. Electric arc lamp. (P. S. Worsley) Brokensha, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Anti-refilling bottle Bromet, M., and another. Machine for cutting cloth Bromley, W., and others, London, Eng. Velocipede Brook, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Cricket-bat handle Brookes, H. R., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Treatment of tailings containing gold, &c. Brown, E. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Securing horse-covers Brown, E. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Harness-saddle Brown, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Plough .. .. .. Brown, J., Wellington, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear Brown, J. H., Wellington, N.Z. Colouring photographs Brown, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Milk-pail holder Brownley, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Door-check Brownley, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Automatic gate. (H. Withey) Bruce, J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Registering votes at elections Brul, Du. (See under D.) Brunton, J., Thames, N.Z. Stamper battery Buaas, P. I., Aalborg, Denmark. Sterilising milk, &c. .. . k Buchan, H. J., and another, Redfern, N.S.W. Generating acetylene gas Buckeridge, G. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Egg-preservative Budge, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Compression pump Bunting, S., Birmingham, Eng. Tire Burges, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Lifting-jack .. Burgon, F., Sheffield, Eng. (See H. Hall, No. 9916.) Burrell, D., and another, Windsor, Vic. Cycle roundabout Burton, W. H., and another, Tokatoka, N.Z. Rotary engine .. .. Burton, W. H., and another, Tokatoka, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Bush, W., and another, Gympie, Queensland. Saving gold, &c. Butel, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Damper for steam-boiler Butel, J., jun., Dunedin, N.Z. Generating and forcing fumes into rabbit-burrows, <fec. Butler, J., and another, Kokiri, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear Butler, J., and another, Kokiri, N.Z. Coasting-and brake-attachment for bicycle Butler, W., and another, Kokiri, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear Butler, W., and another, Kokiri, N.Z. Coasting- and brake-attachment for bicycle Butler, W. H., Harrison, U.S.A. (See the American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, No. 9774.) Cameron, A. M., Daylesford, Vic. Cyanide process of extracting gold Cameron, D., and others, Exeter, Eng. Treating sewage Cameron, D., and others, Exeter, Eng. Treating sewage Cameron, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Hurdle Campbell, D. J., New York, U.S.A. (See the American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, No. 9459.) Campbell, D. J., New York, U.S.A. (See the American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, No. 9460.) Campbell, G. M., Auckland, N.Z. Treating metal for roofing, &c. .. .. ... Campbell, M. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Hoist Campbell, R. H., San Francisco, U.S.A. Hydraulic gravel-elevator Campbell, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Campbell, W. C, Wanganui, N.Z. Baking-tin Cane, H., and another, Hobart, Tasmania. Match-box holder .. Cantwell, E. L,, Calcutta, India. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 9790.) Carbone, T. L., Monte Video, Uruguay. Sheet-metal box Carder, G., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Channel and kerb for roads, &c. .. Carder, W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Channel and kerb for roads, &c. Cargill, E. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Candle-adjuster Carringtnn, G., Tomoana, N.Z. Cleaning bottles, &a. Carter, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Mail-bag fastener Caahion, A., Hastings, N.Z. Hurdle .. .. ., .. ... 9769 10251 9015 9297 9275 9238 95G9 9542 9543 9542 9543 9502 9889 9679 10130 9883 9484 9491 9468 9755 10177 9539 10243 9667 9311 9168 9307 9581 9486 10147 9513 9888 9221 10062 9394 9405 10233 11 Aug. 23 Dec. 17 June. 25 Feb. 13 Feb. 30 Jan. 27 May. 19 May. 19 May. 19 May. 19 May. 7 May. 10 Sept. 9 July. 12 Nov. 9 Sept. 1 May. 4 May. 21 April. 3 Aug. 2 Dec. 19 May. 23 Dec. 9 July. 1 March. 5 Jan. 26 Feb. 31 May. 29 April. 20 Nov. 10 May. 9 Sept. 23 Jan. 28 Oct. 19 Feb. 6 April. 20 Dec. 10100 9437 10252 9865 9575 9892 9703 5 Nov. 9 April. 29 Dec. 6 Sept. 25 May. 10 Sept. 19 July. 9880 9678 10044 9835 10185 9358 10188 10189 10188 10189 9 Sept. 8 July. 23 Sept. 28 Aug. 4 Dec. 14 March. 2 Dec. 2 Dec. 2 Dec. 2 Dec. 10174 9419 9420 9659 2 Dec. 8 April. 8 April. 28 June. 10067 9276 9627 9966 10043 10088 26 Oct. 13 Feb. 24 June. 7 Oct. 20 Oct. 4 Nov. 10071 9606 9606 9837 9516 9957 9431 30 Oct. 10 June. 10 June. 24 Aug. 10 May. 2 Oct. 8 April.




ame, lesli lence, and [nveni iion. k>. M. Caspers, H., and others, Young, N.S.W. Producing and distributing acetylene gas Cassell, H. R., and another, New York, U.S.A. Extracting gold Cassels, R. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Filler or funnel .. Cato, T. A., Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Preventing dropping of candle-grease Cave, H., Papanui, N.Z. Potato-digger .. Cavell, A. T., and another, St. Bathan's, N.Z. Cycle-gearing Chalmers, G. W., Footseray, Vic. Incandescent burner Chambers, J. S., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Burner for oil-stoves. (B. A. Hjorth) Chapman, A. J., Coburg, Vic. Mail-fastening device Chapman, A. J., Coburg, Vic. Mail-fastening device Charleton, R. H., Dovercourt, Eng. Hat-grip Charlton, J. J., and another, Barraba, N.S.W. Toilet-powder ejector Cherry, H., and another, Ballarat, Vic. (See C. D. Lightband, No. 9977.) Chillingworth, R., Ostbahnhof, Germany. Truing up tubes, &c. Chillingworth, R., Ostbahnhof, Germany. Manufacturing hubs for wheels Chisholm, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gas-or oil-engine .. Christie, R. L., Waikaka Valley, Otago, N.Z. Traction-engine gripper-key Christophersen, J., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear Cbristophersen, M., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear Christy, H. A., Chicago, U.S.A. Bicycle-seat Clapperton, P., Melbourne, Vic. Cycle handle-bar Clark, E. L,, Auckland, N.Z. Surface-propeller .. - .. Clark, E. L., Auckland, N.Z. Boat Clark, E. L., Auckland, N.Z. Saw-frame .. .. .. Clark, E. L., Auckland, N.Z. Tube engine Clark, W. C, and another, London, Eng. Fire-escape Clark, W. W., and another, Essex, Eng. Crushing and grading ore, &c. Clarke, G. T., and another, Lyttelton, N.Z. Lever-attachment to pliers .. .. Clarke, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Treating dust from stamper-boxes Clay, W. R., and another, Bolton, Eng. Support for gas-burner Claydon, G., Addington, N.Z. (See the Wood and Claydon Automatic Stoker, Coal crusher, Self feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company, Limited, No. 9182.) Clemoe, W. G., Eltham, Taranaki, N.Z. Horse-shoe Clemoe, W. G., Eltham, Taranaki, N.Z. Horse-shoe Olemoe, W. G., Normanby, N.Z. Brand Olendinnen, F. J., and another, Hawksburn, Vic. Coin-operated telephone instrument Clerc, C. P. F., and another, Paris, France. Electric propulsion Clerihew, G. W., Toronto, Canada. Can .. Coats, J., jun., and others, Glasgow, Scotland. Honeycombing-attachment for sewing-machine Cobb, R., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Changing courses of rivers Cochrane, R. M., and another, Kalgoorlie, W.A. Extracting metals from ores Cochrane, T., Pollok Settlement, Auckland, N.Z. Knife harrow Cockerel!, J., and another, South Yan Yean, Vic. Axle and box for disc coulters, &a. Cockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Stamper battery Cody, M. S., Stockton, U.S.A. Mail-bag fastener Collette, A., jun., and another, Seclin, France. Extracting alcohol Collier, J. B., and others, Bournemouth, Eng. Manufacture of calcium-carbide Colling?, E. Z., and another, Laurel Springs, U.S.A. Guard for bicycle-tire Collins, W. G., Caramba, N.S.W. Prospecting-dish.. Colvin, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Railway-truck Colwell, W. S., Chicago, U.S.A. Rotary engine Commin, F. J., and others, Exeter, Eng. Treating sewage Commin, F. J., and others, Exeter, Eng. Treating sewage Consolidated and McKay Lasting - machine Company, Boston, U.S.A. Lasting - machine. (S. W. Ladd and R. F. McFeely.) Cope, H. S., Melbourne, Vic. Amalgamator Corbett, J. C, Melbourne, Vic. Water-filter Corbett, J. C, Melbourne, Vic. Foundation for drawn-thread stitches Corbett, J. 0., Melbourne, Vic. Making flax-rugs, &c. Corfe, W., Liverpool, Eng. Printing-machine Cork, C. F., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Egg-preservative .. .. .. Coubrough, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Preparing ironsand for smelting .. .. ., Coubrough, A., Wellington, N.Z. Preparing ironsand for smelting Coubrough, A., Wellington, N.Z. Furnace for smelting ironsand Coubrongh, A., Wellington, N.Z. Smelting ironsand Coull, P., Christohurch, N.Z. Washing-board Courtois, C. D., and another, Laon, France. (See the Anglo-French Motor-carriage Company, Limited, No. 9309). Oowles, E., Richmond, Nelson, N.Z. Projectile Cowles, E., Richmond, Nelson, N.Z. Tooth-brush .. Covvles, E., Richmond, Nelson, N.Z. Furniture Cowper, F. R., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Tuyere for forge .. Cowperthwaite, W. T., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Marine-speed acceleration Coxen, J. H., Johannesburg, South African Republic. Washing fabrics, wool, &a. Coxon, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Laundry-iron Craig, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Preventing drains blocking and gas escaping Craven, G. J., London, Eng. Nail Craved, J., Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic. Manufacturing matches .. Crawford, B., Auckland, N.Z. Ventilator Crawford, E. H. K., Walcha, N.S.W. Cooling-chamber and filter combined Creasy, J., London, Eng. (See E. Atkinson, No. 10103.) Creech, D. J. T., Wellington, N.Z Rail-joint Crehore, A. C, and another, Hanover, U.S.A. Controlling electric currents Crerar, P. D., and another, Hamilton, Canada. (See E. Waters, No. 9549.) Crerar, P. D., and another, Hamilton, Canada. (See the Doherty Iron-castiugs Process, Limited, No. 9630.) 10127 9357 9283 9904 9274 9319 10037 9579 9214 10246 9698 9197 10 Nov. 16 March 1 Fob. 14 Sept. 12 Feb. 3 March 21 Oct. 31 May. 21 Jan. 23 Dec. 19 July. 14 Jan. 9618 9674 9451 9684 10168 10168 9787 9547 9661 9962 9969 10026 9572 9695 9426 9650 10138 18 June. 12 July. 9 April. 12 July. 27 Nov. 27 Nov. 13 Aug. 19 May. 28 June. 30 Sept. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 28 May. 17 July. 5 April. 30 June. 18 Nov. 9395 9552 9982 10250 9386 9540 10221 10033 9457 9814 9545 9555 9207 10164 9306 9620 10126 9551 10161 9419 9420 9854 8 March, 20 May. 14 Oct. 24 Dec. 27 March, 19 May. 17 Dec. 21 Oct. 22 April. 21 Aug. 19 May. 30 April. 20 Jan. 26 Nov. 26 Feb. 18 June. 10 Nov. 15 May. 25 Nov. 8 April. 8 April. 2 Sept. 9546 10050 10118 10119 9538 9865 9177 9492 10225 10226 9974 19 May. 25 Oct. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 19 May. 6 Sept. 7 Jan. 4 May. 17 Dec. 17 Dec. 27 Sept. 9271 9272 9305 9534 9473 L0057 9713 9779 9503 9954 10053 9988 13 Feb. 13 Feb. 13 Feb. 19 May. 6 April. 27 Oct. 22 July. 10 Aug. 8 May. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 14 Oct. 9929 9541 25 Sept. 19 May.




fame, losi. lence, am [nveni Dion. o. ;e. Cronin, F. B., Albert Park, Vio. Extracting gold .. Crow, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging Crowden, 0. T., Beeston, Eng. Making tubular joints Cuming, A. J., Ghristchurch, N.Z. Trouser-clip .. .. .. • • • • • Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing puncture of pneumatic tires Cuming, A. J., Cbristchurch, N.Z. Cycle-frame Cuming, A. J., Cbristchurch, N.Z. Locking nuts on bolts Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle head-lock Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Pump for inflating tires Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-frame .. ... Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle handle-bar Cuming, A. J., Cbristchurch, N.Z. Tube-bending machine Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Hub and bearing for vehicles Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Indicating form of bicycle suitable for a rider Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle crank spindle and bearing Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle-frame Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Propelling vehicles Cuming, A. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Treating flax.. Cuming, A. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Utilising tow from flax-mills Cuming, A. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Treating flax.. Cunningham, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Purifying fish-oil Cunnington, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Pulsator for milking-machine Cunnington, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Pulsating milking-machine Curran, E. J., Bathurst, N.S.W. Drafting garment patterns Curties, W. W., Christchurcb, N.Z. Cycle-driving mechanism.. Ourtis, E., and another, Windsor, Vic. Cycle roundabout Cutten, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Clutch for winch .. .. Cutten, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Driving-gear for winch Cutten, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Clutch for winch.. Cutten, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Driving-gear for winch Dacombe, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Draught-plate for register-grate Dalton, B. S., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Reproducing phonographic records Dalton, W., Stratford, N.Z. Ear for bucket Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Closet Danks, T., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Davidson, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Refining fats and oils Davidson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Plough Davies, , 0. I/., and another, Kirwee, N.Z. Floor- and lining-cramp Davies, C. L., and another, Kirwee, N.Z. Floor- and lining-cramp Davies, G. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Beverage Davies, P., Southfields, Eng. Ball-bearing Davis, H. L., London, Eng. Bicycle-support Davis, I., London, Eng. Wheel .. .. .. Davis, P. Z., Lometa, U.S.A. Wheel Davis, R., Christehurch, N.Z. Preventing draught in chimneys Dawes, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Butter-box fastener Dawson, T., Maraekakaho, N.Z. Sharpening blades of chaff-cutter Day, A. J., Exeter, S.A. Dial Decker, W., and another, Mittweida, Germany. (See G. G. Turri, No. 10091.) Deep-sea Diving Company (Limited), Brisbane, Queensland. Diving-dress. (W. McQuillan) .. De Ksteve-Llatas, C, Paris, France. Manufacturing steel .. Dellow, S., and another, Charters Towers, Queensland. Amalgamating-pan De Montalk, R. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Denehy, J. J., Brunswick, Vic. Draught-preventer for door Dennes, H. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Railway-station indicator .. Dennes, W. C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Railway-station indicator .. Dennison, T. C, and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear De Schodt, P. G., Namur, Belgium. Gas-lighting and -heating system Desgoffe, A., and another, Paris, France. Converting grain into dough Devy, S., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Ventilating mines De Wolf, G., and others, Vancouver, British Columbia. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 10059.) Dexter, R. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear Dickinson, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Driving mechanism for velocipedes Dickinson, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Pedal-crank for velocipedes Dickinson, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Pedal-crank for velocipede Dickinson, W., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Pedal-crank for velocipede Dobbie, J., Caversham, N.Z. Hand signal-lamp Dodge, A. P., New York, U.S.A. Steam motor Dodgshun, J. E., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Shirt-collar attachment Doherty Iron-castings Process (Limited), The, London, Eng. Melting iron. (T. Doherty, P. D. Crerar) Doherty, T., and another, Sarnia, Canada. (See E. Waters, No. 9549.) Doherty, T., and another, Sarnia, Canada. (See the Doherty Iron-castings Process, Limited, No. 9630.) Dolbel, C, Wellington, N.Z. Veterinary mixture .. .. ... Dolton, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Carbonated aerated drinks Donnelly, H. W., Auckland, N.Z. Match-box striker Doolittle, P. E., Toronto, Canada. Bicycle-brake Dose, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Cask or vat .. Dougherty, J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Trapping rabbits .. Douglas, E. J., Melbourne, Vic. Bath-heater .. .. .. ... Downing, H. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-collar Pownton, H. G., and another, Croydon, N.S.W. Destroying night-soil, &o. ., '9877 9591 9261 9333 9452 9477 9500 9530 9576 9638 9670 9671 9776 9794 9827 9851 9901 9948 10190 9174 9340 10109 9649 9257 9826 9277 9316 9880 10236 10238 10236 10238 9614 9265 9414 9285 9399 9469 9512 9634 9522 9932 10051 9292 9370 9167 9390 9734 9343 9896 9361 9 Sept. 7 May. 12 Feb. 5 March. 15 April. 28 April. 5 May. 15 May. 29 May. 25 June. 8 July. 8 July. 10 Aug. 14 Aug. 23 Aug. 31 Aug. 10 Sept. 30 Sept. 2 Dec. 5 Jan. 22 Feb. 3 Dec. 30 June. 6 Feb. 23 Aug. 17 Feb. 1 March. 9 Sept. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 15 June. 12 Feb. 14 April. 18 Feb. 29 March. 23 April. 10 May. 25 June. 22 May. 25 Sept. 26 Oct. 23 Feb. 23 March. 5 Jan 27 March. 30 July. 11 Feb. 8 Sept. 18 March. 9362 9891 9711 10044 9853 9866 9866 10042 9863 9165 9708 18 March. ♦16Dec.,'96, 22 July. 23 Sept. 2 Sept. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 18 Oct. 4 Sept. 4 Jan. 22 July. 9997 9199 9345 9644 9644 9895 9700 9204 9630 12 Oct. 14 Jan. 13 March. 30 June. 30 June. 6 Sept. 19 July. 19 Jan. 24 June. 9232 9279 10230 9537 9919 9318 9900 10086 9884 28 Jan. 17 Feb. 13 Dec. 19 May. 21 Sept. 25 Feb. 13 Sept. 2 Nov. 9 Sept,




Name, Besidence, and Invention. o. ;e. Drake, A., Wellington, N.Z. Driving-belt Draper, T. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Extracting liquid from slime, &c. Dredge, J., Newtown, Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. Welsh, No. 9212.) Drewitt, F. M., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle-pedal Drewitt, F. M., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Bioyole-pedal attachment Drummocd, C. S., London, Eng. Bicycle-saddle Drummond, B. O. G., and others, Johannesburg, South Africa. Bock-drill Du Brul, N., Cincinnati, U.S.A. Cigar- and cigarette-wrapper cutting machine Dudson, W. S., Carterton, N.Z. Root-uplifter Duncan, D. J. B., London, Eng. Jointing mains, pipes, &o. Duncan, G. O., and another, Perth, W.A. " X-radiscope " .. Duncan, O. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Tobacco-cutter and-rubber Dunn, G., Fitzroy, Vic. Stamper battery Dunn, G., and another, Fitzroy, Vic. Gold-saving machine Dunnett, F. E., Wellington, N.Z. Knife-oleaner Dunnett, F. E., Wellington, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Duryea, J. F., Springfield, U.S.A. Motor-vehicle Duryea, J. F., Springfield, U.S.A. Gas-engine Dyhrberg, L. N., Ashburton, N.Z. Brake-gearing for cycle Dykes, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Holder for check-books Easom, F., and others, Beeston, Eng. Joints for cycle-frame .. Edwards, A. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Cycle driving-gear Edwards, T., Ballarat, Vio. Ore-roasting furnace Edwards, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Hand signal-lamp EickhofJ, G., and another, Copenhagen, Denmark. (See Maskinforretningen Interessentskabet Daawrud, No. 9264.) Ekengren, E., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Fumigator or generator Elder, W. K., Auckland, N.Z. Attachment to plough Eldon, B. H., and another, Toronto, Canada. Botary engine Elkington and Company (Limited), Birmingham, Eng. Soldering-pan. (H. T. Fellows) Ellershausen, F., London, Eng. Treating ores .. .. .. Ellershausen, F., London, Eng. Treating ores Elliott, F., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacture of inflammable gas.. Elliott, G. C, and another, New York, U.S.A. Book typewriter Elliott, J. P., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Babbit-trap Ellis, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Fluid motor Ellis, W. A., Stratford, N.Z. Begistering votes at elections Elston, B. S., jun., Christchurch, N.Z. Envelope Endean, J. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pencil, rubber, and tape-measure combined Erie, J. P., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Motor-vehicle Esmond, F. C, Brooklyn, U.S.A. Supporting bicycle-saddles .. Esteve-Llatas, C. De. (See under D.) Etard, A., Paris, France. Gold-dissolvent Evans, H. M., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Cigar- and tobacco-cutter, match-delivering device and indicator combined Evans, N. J. Hugh, Charlotte County, U.S.A. (See the American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, No. 9407.) Evans, S. P., Caversham, N.Z. Screw-attachment for signal-lamp Evens, E. L., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Bootlace-fastener .. Ewen, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Lighting basements, &c. (J. G. Pennycuick) Ewen, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Window-lights and prismatic glass for windows. (F. C. Soper) .. Ewen, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Vault- and canopy-lights and prismatic glass. (0. H. Basquin) .. Ewen', J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Basement-lights and -lighting. (F. C. Soper) Ewen, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Electro-glazing for joining glass, tiles, &c. (W. H. Winslow) Ewen, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Glazing prismatic glass sections, &c. (W. H. Winslow, H. F. Belcher) Ewen, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Mounting paving-tiles, &o. (W. H. Winslow) Ewen, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Framing window-lights, &c. (W. H. Winslow) Ewen, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Prismatic window-plates. (W. H. Winslow and 0. H. Basquin).. Ewen, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Mounting prism-lights and tiles. ' (W. H. Winslow) .. Ewen| J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Prismatic window-lights. (0. H. Basquin) Ewen, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Prismatic canopy for window. (O. H. Basquin) Ewen, J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Ornamental and prism lights for windows. (H. F. Belcher) Ewen! J. M., Chicago, U.S.A. Prisms for windows.. Eynon, T., Melbourne, Vic. (See G. Haley, No. 9342.) Eyre, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Hosepipe connection Fader, S., Vancouver, Canada, (See Massey-Harris Company, Limited, No. 9446.) Paris, I., and another, Napier, N.Z. Producing embossed or bas-relief photographs Farmar, F. B., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Distending mouths of bags, &c. Faulds, J. P., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Driving mechanism for velocipedes Fauldsj J. P., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Pedal-crank for velocipedes Feasey, B., Palmerston North, N.Z. Employing steam-engines for fire-extinction, &c. Fellows, H. T., Worcester, Eng. (See Elkington and Company, Limited, No. 9203.) Ferguson, J., Auckland, N.Z. Bailway-crossing electric alarm Ferguson, J., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Lithographic machine Ferguson, M., Melbourne, Vic. Forming dovetail edges for rivetless pipes Ferguson, M., Melbourne, Vic. Closing the locking-bar used in construction of certain pipes Ferguson, P., Auckland, N.Z. Amalgamator Ferguson, P., Auckland, N.Z. Pulveriser Ferguson, P., Auckland, N.Z. Electrolytic precipitating-box Ferguson, P., Auckland, N.Z. Agitating-and settling-vat Ferguson, P., Auckland, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver Fergusson, F. D., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for facilitating calculations Ffrost, J. E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Beverage Pinch, C. A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Generating acetylene gas Pink, M., and others, St. Kilda, Vic. Puncture-resisting shield for pneumatic tire ,, 10136 9878 18 Nov. 9 Sept. 9281 9288 9478 9245 9693 10202 9544 10244 9230 9989 9246 9765 9840 9341 9740 9301 9346 10242 10172 9777 9798 15 Feb. 3 Feb. 28 April. 3 Feb. 17 July. 9 Deo. 19 May. 23 Dee. 26 Jan. 14 Oct. 3 Feb. 11 Aug. 30 Aug. 11 March 2 Aug. 24 Feb. 13 March 23 Dec. 1 Deo. 12 Aug. 16 Aug. 9931 9820 9595 9203 9586 9941 10160 9890 9966 9775 10200 9231 10208 9475 9354 25 Sept. 21 Aug. 13 Aug. 19 Jan. 3 June. 30 Sept. 25 Nov. 10 Sept. 7 Oct. 10 Aug. 9 Dec. 26 Jan. 7 Deo. 26 April. 13 March. 9402 9489 22 March. 3 May. 9859 9298 9864 10007 10008 10009 10010 10011 30 Aug. 25 Feb. 4 Sept. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 10012 10013 10014 10015 10016 10017 10018 10019 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 9633 24 June. 10108 9567 9199 9345 9753 5 Nov. 26 May. 14 Jan. 13 March. 5 Aug. 10097 10084 10114 10115 10021 10022 10023 10024 10025 9322 10051 10252 9325 2 Nov. 3 Nov. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 4 March. 26 Oct. 29 Dec. 4 March,




Name, Besidence, and Invention. No. Date. Firth, H., Auckland, N.Z. Bicycle-brake Firth, T., Wellington, N.Z. Joining drain-pipes Fish, Oil, ana Guano Syndicate (Limited), The, Dublin, Ireland. Treating fish-offal, &o. (J. 0. W. Stanley) Fisher, C. E., Islington, N.Z. Meat-marker Fleming, J. H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Heating-pan, steam-generator, and furnace combined Floyd, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Bicycle driving-gear Ford, A. S., Coromandel, N.Z. Lantern.. Ford, A. S., Goromandel, N.Z. Steam-or air-whistle Ford, J. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Cooking-range .. Forester, H. C. B., Swansea, South"Wales. (See the Patent Aggloment Fuel Syndicate, Limited, No. 10032.) Foreman, M., Gordon Settlement, N.Z. Lotion Forsman, M., Te Aroha, N.Z. Lotion Forsyth, E., and another, Willoughby, N.S.W. Bicycle-support Foster, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Roller-tooth variable gear Fourchotte, M. C. A., Paris, France. Generating acetylene gas Fox, E. M., London, Eng. Treatment to render wood uninflammable Francis, S. E., Wellington, N.Z. Cycling-skirt Freed, E. H., Caversham, N.Z. Inspirator for raising heated water Freed, E. H., Cavershatn, N.Z. Water-inspirator .. Fuchs, F. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Trouser-guard for oyolist Furley, J. F., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Bicycle-support .. • Furlonge, F. A., Hawera, N.Z. Transport-case Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Butter-making Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Method of horse-control Galtraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Stamp cancellation Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Tire-guard Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Butter-making Galbraith, D. R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Marine-speed acceleration Galbraith, D. R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Boot-last Galbraith, D. R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Applying oil for sea-calming purposes Galbraith, M. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Embrocation Garde, J. B., Melbourne, Vic. (See W. C. Peacock, No. 10247.) Gardner, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Hot-air apparatus for warming rooms Garland, C. L., Sydney, N.S.W. Cycle driving-gear.. Garland, C. L., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Enamel paint. (F. Boyling) Garland, C. L., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Amalgamator and separator .. ■ .. Garnham, H., and another, Napier, N.Z. Water-closet Garside, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Spray-pump Gascoigne, C. J., Marton, N.Z. Preventing horse running away with vehicle Gascoigne, C. J., Marton, N.Z. Preventing horse running away with vehicle Gascoine, E., jun., and another, Maidstone, Eng. (See the Anglo-French Motor-carriage Company, Limited, No. 9309.) Gaut, J., Leichhardt, N.S.W. Bicycle Gaut, J., Leichhardt, N.S.W. Air-pump for tires .. Gaut, J., Leichhardt, N.S.W. Bicycle luggage-carrier Gee, G. F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cover for jugs, &c. Gee, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Blind head-board and cornice-pole Gee, W. C, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Covet for jugs, &o. Gehlen, Von. (See under V.) General Gold-extracting Company (Limited), The, and another, London, Eng. Treating goldand silver-ores Genu, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Cleaning driving-chains of cycles Gibbins, G., and another, Footseray, Vic. Plough Gibbons, E., Auckland, N.Z. Wash-board Gibbons, N., Manurewa, N.Z. Steam-pontoon Gibbs, L. T., New York, U.S.A. Air-engine Gibson, L. D., and another, Creswick, Vic. Controlling gases in mines Gibson, L. M., Urenui, N.Z. Insecticide solution .. Gibson, L. M., Urenui, N.Z. Insecticide powder Gilbert, G., Dannevirke, N.Z. Boiler for use with colonial oven Glennon, W. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Aerating and sterilising beer Glennon, W. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Filling bottles, &c. Goldie, G. N., Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. Silt-punt Golding, A., Canterbury, Vic. Cycle-tire or tire-cover Gomess, A. F. B., London, Eng. Treating vegetable fibre Goodfellow, J., Leyton, Eng. Manufacturing nutritious products from yeast Goodman, R. J., Taradale, N.Z. Weighing, cheese-cutting, and cash-registering apparatus Goodsir, A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Breaking up submarine rock Goodwill, A. F. W., Otahuhu, N.Z. Life-buoy Goodwin, G., and another, Ottawa, Canada. Marine vessel Goodwin, T., Otahuhu, N.Z. Balance-lever for equalising weight in carts, &c. Goold, W. J., and another, Toronto, Canada. Bicycle Gordon-Jones, J., Taheke, Hokianga, N.Z. Photographic rocker and wa3her Gorell, H., Auckland, N.Z. Rope-fastener Gossler, F., Korrumburra, Vic. Tire Gould, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Clamp .. .. Gover, E. A., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Figure-reducing belt Gover, W. R., and another, Auckland. N.Z. Figure-reducing belt Grace, A. A., Nelson, N.Z. Buckle-fastener Grace T., Darlington, N.S.W. Velocipede-driving mechanism .. Grady, H. S., Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-crank Graham, J. C, Gisborne, N.Z. Wire-straining grip for fencing Graham, S., Invercargill, N.Z. Attaching and detaching mud-climps for traction-engine Graham, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Draught-preventer for doors .. 9527 9330 9970 22 April. 6 March. 8 Oct. 9829 9818 9269 9347 9613 9533 24 Aug. 20 Aug. 13 Feb. 19 Feb. 12 June. 22 Sept. '96 9432 10256 10035 9836 9418 9388 9910 9205 9403 9607 10035 9391 9821 9834 9921 9949 9952 9473 9906 9912 9548 18 March. 20 Dec. 21 Oct. 28 July. 8 April. 27 March. 16 Sept. 12 Dec.'96. 29 March. 11 June. 21 Oct. 29 March. 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 22 Sept. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 6 April. 14 Sept. 18 Sept. 19 May. 9719 9448 9511 9632 9909 9663 9714 9761 23 July. 24 April. 10 May. 24 June. 15 Sept. 1 July. 23 July. 7 Aug. 9425 9766 9767 9528 9796 9528 8 April. H Aug. 11 Aug. 14 May. 13 Aug. 14 May. 10222 17 Dec. 9175 9882 10214 9624 9583 9401 9560 9561 10099 9646 9047 9911 9918 9471 10223 9338 10116 9872 9510 10000 9291 9917 10207 9553 10183 10082 10082 9350 9508 10109 10064 9668 9637 23 Dec.'96. 9 Sept. 11 Dec. 16 June. 3 June. 1 April. 25 May. 25 May. 8 Oct. 30 June. 30 June. 13 Sept. 21 Sept. 26 April. 17 Dec. 10 March. 11 Nov. 3 Sept. 10 May. 9 Oct. 23 Feb. 21 Sept. 7 Dec. 20 May. 4 Dec. 28 Oct. 28 Oct. 4 March. 10 May. 10 Nov. 29 Sept. 6 July. 24 June,




Names, Residence, an< [nveni ;ion. lo. ie. Graham, W. A. D., and another, Owen Sound, Canada. Tire Grave, E., Oamaru, N.Z. Horse-cover fastener Graves, H., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Oollapsible-box Graves, H., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Window-sash fastener Graves, H., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Bucket-handle Graves, H., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Distending mouths of bags, &c. .. Graves, H. P. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Distending mouths of bags, &c. Graves, H P. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Graves, H. P. H., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Cattle-branding composition Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Reversing clutch Gray, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Diving-dress.. Greaves, C. H., and another, Leeds, Eng. Tire Greaves, G., and another, Leeds, Eng. Tire Green, E. F., New York, U.S.A. Gas-burner .. .. Green, R. E., St. Alban's, N.Z. Boiler for kitchen ranges Green, W. M., Melbourne, Vic. Venetian-blind Greenhill, J., Colac, Vic. Nail Greeiishields, W., Auckland, N.Z. Suspenders Greig, W. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Securing fencing-wire to standards Greig, W. C, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Washing-board Gricej W., and others, Grantham, Eng. (See R. Hornsby and Sons, Limited, No. 9315.) Griffin, B. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising medium Griffin, B. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Folding arm-chair Griffin, S. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising medium .. ■ .. Grimwood, G. E., Rangiora, N.Z. Horse-collar Grimwood, G. E., Rangiora, N.Z. Horse-collar Grimwood, G. B., Rangiora, N.Z. Air-valve Grist, C. J., London, Eng. Waterproof-coating composition .. Grono, H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Freezing meat Gross, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Pump for inflating tires Gross, A., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Cycle driving-gear Growden, H. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Laying rabbit-poison Guattari, C, London, Eng. Generating motive-power Gundry, W. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cost-indicating, registering, and weighttotalling apparatus Gundry, W. L. D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cost-indioating, registering, and weighttotalling apparatus, Gunn, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Corset jacket Gunner, L. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Tire .. Gutenaohn, A., London, Eng. Recovering metals Gutbridge, W. P., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Screw propeller-blade Gwatkin, C. E. T., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Bicycle handle-bar .. Hack A. F., Prahran, Vic. Arch for promoting combustion in furnace Haley, G., South Yarra, Vic. Steam-boiler and steam-generator. (T. Eynon) Hall, C. C. A., Wellington, N.Z. Caudle-stick Hall, C. C. A., Wellington, N.Z. Tire .. Hall, E., Stanthorpe, Queensland. Charging smelting-furnaces. (W. L. Austin) Hall,' H.', Wellington, N.Z. Shearing-machine. (F. Burgon) Hallet, T., Hawkeston, Napier, N.Z. Sheep-dip Hallett, W., Auckland, N.Z. Heel-tip for boot or shoe Halligan, J. C, and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Lithographic machine Hamann! A., Dunedin, N.Z. Saving pastry from burning while cooking .. Hamilton, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Drench for cattle, &c. . Hamilton, H. R. W., Little Akaloa, N.Z. Milking-machine Hamilton, J. P., Dunedin, N.Z. Soldering apparatus Hamlin, G., Reefton, N.Z. Folding seat for sewing-machine .. Hamlin, R. H. J., Napier, N.Z. Raising sunken vessels Hampe, W., Hanover, Germany. Manufacturing zinc pigments Hann, T., and others, London, Eng. Velocipede Hanna, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Life-saving jacket Hannett, A., and another, Feilding, N.Z. Sash-fastener Hanscorn, W. W., and another, San Francisco, U.S.A. Electrical or storage battery Hansen, 6., Gisborne, N.Z. Balloting at elections Hanson, J. T., London, Eng. (See Hanson's Fire-proof Floor Syndicate, Limited, No. 9387.) Hanson's Fire-proof Floor Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. Constructing Fire-proof walls, &c. (J. T. Hanson) Hardaker, E., and another, Islington, N.Z. Electric meat and goods marker HardiiHiam, G. G. M., London, Eng. Rotary engine. (H.L.Webster) .. Hardingham, G. G. M., London, Eng. Cycle-driving mechanism Hare, J. R., and another, Kaeo, Auckland, N.Z. Bicycle driving gear Hare, L. M.. Wanganui, N.Z. Saucer .. Harman, R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Support for bicycle .. Harper, R. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Axle and box for disc coulters, &c. Harris,' A. r'., and others, Tamaki, Auckland, N.Z. Cross-arms balance for maintaining equilibrium of vehicles Harris A. R., and others, Tamaki, Auckland, N.Z. Bearings and ends for balance for undercarriages of vehicles Harris, W., Nelson, N.Z. Target for range-firing .. Harrison, J., Marton, N.Z. Siphon Harrison, L. S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Connecting cyclists' shoe to pedal Harrison, L. S., and another, Cbristchurcb, N.Z. Tire Hart, A., and another, Fitzroy, Vic. Export crate for rabbits .. Hart,'L. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Cycle racing or exercising machine Hartley, W. H., and another, London, Eng. Treating ores .. .. ... Hartley, W. H., and another, London, Eng. Separating liquid from bodies mingled with same.. Hartley', W. H., and another, London, Eng. Ore-concentrator.. 10137 9604 9412 9429 9430 9517 i 9567 9902 9978 9639 9992 110240 ,10240 9655 10104 9737 9991 9945 10201 j10251 9273 10075 9273 9727 9870 10194 9334 9786 10034 9268 9485 ! 9568 9847 9847 9721 9507 9482 9373 9427 10199 9342 9443 9722 9577 9916 10253 9780 10084 9554 9379 9795 9946 9935 9947 9498 9168 9532 9973 9741 10131 18 Nov. 8 June. 7 April. 10 April. 10 April. 12 May. 26 May. 13 Sept. 9 Oct. 22 June. 14 Oct. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 1 July. 4 Nov. 2 Aug. 14 Oct. 18 Sept. 8 Dec. 23 Dec. 15 Feb. 1 Nov. 15 Feb. 19 July. 4 Sept. 2 Dec. 6 March 13 Aug. 21 Oct. 13 Feb. 7 April. 25 May. 27 Aug. 27 Aug. 26 July. 7 May. 1 May. 20 March. 6 April. 9 Dec. 11 March, 13 April. 27 July. 31 May. 20 Sept. 30 Dec. 10 Aug. 3 Nov. 15 April. 26 March, M Aug. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 29 Sept. 5 May. 5 Jan. 18 May. 8 Oct. 2 Aug. 12 Nov. 93S7 27 March. 9747 9314 10257 9997 10186 9375 9545 9557 12 July. 1 March 31 Dec. 12 Oct. 12 Oct. 22 March, 19 May. 18 May. 9664 3 July. 9598 9677 9564 9565 9376 9955 9389 9942 |l0058 4 June. 13 July. 21 May. 21 May. 25 March, 2 Oct. 8 April. 30 Sept. 27 Oct.




'ame, Insii leuoe, ani :nvem ;ion. js k>. ] :e. Hartley, W. H., and another, London, Eng. Pulverising apparatus Hartt, J., and another, Perth, W. A. " X-radisoope " Harvey, A. R., and another, Liverpool, Eng. Eleotrolyser Harvey, G., Inveroargill, N.Z. Wire-strainer Harvey, J., Sydenham, N.Z. Wool-press Harvey, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Letters, figures, and designs for educational purposes Harvey, W. H., Westminster, Eng. (See the Incandescent Fire-mantel and Stove Company, Limited, No. 10249.) Harvey-Metcalf, J., Melbourne, Vie. Dickey Haslam, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Silt-punt Hatch, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Lifting-jack Hatch, W. P., and another, New York, U.S.A. Book type-writer Hatfield, B., Dunedin, N.Z. Horse-collar Haviland, F. H., and another, Bournemouth, Eng. Acetylene-gas generator Haviland, F. H., and others, Bournemouth, Eng. Manufacture of oalcium-carbide .. Hawke, T,, Remuera, N.Z. Skeith-attachment to ploughs Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, Otago, N.Z. Wheel Hazard, J. J., London, Eng. Preservation of organic matters.. Healy, M. C, Hughenden, Queensland. Raising water Heberlein, F., and another, Pertusola, Italy. Treating sulphide ores of lead Heck, J., Stawell, Vic. Hand sheep-shears Hedge, H., Ghristchurch, N.Z. Fire-alarm Hedley, T. A., and another, Yackandandah, Vic. Centrifugal pump Heenan, D. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Tool for boring holes in ground for posts ... Heighten, A. L., Wellington, N.Z. Fencing-standard Heighton, A. L., Wellington, N.Z. Stencil-case for branding .. Heighton, A. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear Henderson, F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electric ignition for engines Henderson, F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Valve-gearing for engines Henderson, F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Vaporizer for oil-or spirit-engine Henderson, F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Gas, oil, or internal-combustion engine Henderson, J. A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Composition for railway-sleepers, &c. Henry, F., Riverton, N.Z. Wire-strainer Henry, W., Auckland, N.Z. Combined earth-scoop and cart .. Hepburn, C. G., Sydney, N.S.W. Treating fats and oils Hepburn, C. G. and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Refining fats and oils Herdman, W. H., Warragul, Vic. Compressing wool, &c. Heskett, T. J., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Manufacturing steel Hesp, J. W., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Boot- or shoe-protector Hicks, G. H., Mosgiel, N.Z. Blight-and insect-killer Higgins, H., Cambridge, Eng. Treating " separated " milk Hill, H., Westport, N.Z. Fish-plate Hill-Jones, T., and another, London, Eng. Alimentary extract Hilton, G. P., and another, Thames, N.Z. Plant-protector Hinman, B. C., and another, New York, U.S.A. Extracting gold Hitch, W., Chriatchurch, N.Z. Milk-strainer Hitchen, T., Sydney, N.S.W. Oven Hitchings, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Burnishing ink for leather.. Hjorth, B. A., Stockholm, Sweden. (See J. G. Seymour and J. S. Chambers, No. 9579.) Hodsdon, H., Brisbane, Queensland. <Totalisator or enumerating machine Hogan, T., Wanganui, N.Z. Bridle Hogan, T., Wanganui, N.Z. Saddle .. .. .. .. • .. Hogg, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Steam-engine Hogg, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Fruit-picking apparatus.. Holliday, T., Edgerton, Eng. Producing, storing, and utilising acetylene gas Hollis, J., London, Eng. Bicycle-brake Holloway, A., and others, Bournemouth, Eng. Manufacture of calcium-carbide Holmes, P. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Door-check Homes, H. S. D., Mangorei, N.Z. Plough Hooker, L., Newtown, Sydney, N.S.W. Incandescent gaslight tassel Hooker, L., Newtown, Sydney, N.S.W. Solution for making incandescent tassels, &c. Hooper, W. C, and others, Adelaide, S.A. Boot-or shoe-protector Home, L., Blenheim, N.Z. Cycle chain-grip Hornsby and Sons (Limited), R., Grantham, Eng. Plough. (J. Hornsby, J. Money, and W. Grice) Hornsby, J., and others, Grantham, Eng. (See R. Hornsby and Song, Limited, No. 9315.) Horsley, R. C. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Child's carriage Horsley, R. C. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Pipe-or cigarette-holder.. .. Hoskins, C. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Joint for metal pipes Hoskins, G. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Joint for metal pipes Hough, A., and another, San Francisco, U.S.A. Electrical or storage battery Houston, J., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Ploughing and harrowing implement .. Howden, T. G., Kew, Vic. Lighting an incandescent electric lamp Howe, J. H., Cbristchurch, N.Z. Cycle-driving mechanism Howe, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Gear-wheel .. " .. Hudson, F. M., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Tire Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Wheel and axle. (E. L. Cantwell) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Blasting-powder. (B.C.P. Powder Syndicate, Limited, G. de Wolf, B. C. Pettingell) Hullett, A. C, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle-pedal Hullett, A. C, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle-pedal attachment Hume, R. D., Gold Beach, Oregon, U.S.A. Can-making machine Huntington, T., and another, Pertusola, Italy. Treating sulphide ores of lead Hyde, W., Wellington, N.Z. Jug-cover .. Imperial Writing-machine Company (Limited), The, Montreal, Canada. Typewriting-machine. (W. P. Kidder) Incandescent Fire-mantel and Stove Company (Limited), London, Eng. Fireplace devices. (W. H. Harvey) 3—H. 10. 10179 10244 10094 9848 9289 9654 9566 9726 10093 9890 9240 9455 9306 9617 9374 10030 9953 9421 10159 10154 10165 10146 9331 10195 9227 9748 9749 9750 10231 9235 9660 9303 10171 9512 10204 9770 9965 9397 9445 9479 9971 9812 9357 10167 9803 9218 3 Dec. 23 Dec. 4 Nov. 27 Aug. 20 Feb. 1 July. 25 May. 24 July. 4 Nov. 10 Sept. 22 Dec'96, 22 April. 26 Feb. 15 June. 3 March. 21 Oct. 2 Oot. 8 April. 25 Nov. 23 Nov. 26 Nov. 22 Nov. 8 March. 7 Dec. 26 Jan. 29 July. 29 July. 29 July. 15 Dec. 28 Jan. 30 June. 24 Feb. 1 Dec. 10 May. 9 Dec. 11 Aug. 7 Oct. 27 March. 14 April. 5 April. 8 Oct. 4 Aug. 16 March. 25 Nov. 18 Aug. 20 Jan. 10229 9728 9930 10028 10106 9308 9381 9306 9287 9903 9707 10176 9965 10187 9315 18 Dec. 23 July. 25 Sept. 16 Oct. 14 Oct. 27 Feb. 26 March. 26 Feb. 17 Feb. 20 Aug. 21 July. 2 Dec. 7 Oct. 3 Dec. 1 March. 9521 9605 9771 9771 9741 10110 10046 9849 9850 9507 9790 10059 10 May. 8 June. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 2 Aug. 10 Nov. 23 Oct. 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 7 May. 13 Aug. 27 Oct. 9281 9288 9673 9421 9846 10089 15 Feb. 3 Feb. 12 July. 8 April. 1 Sept. i Nov. 10249 23 Dec.




Name, Residence, and Invention. [0. ,a. Ingraham, C. A., Wabigoon, Canada. Rotary engine Jack, B., Rutherglen, Vic. Fruit-case .. .. .. .. Jack, R., Rutherglen, Vic. Paper-bag Jack, R., Rutherglen, Vic. Opening mouths of paper-bage Jackson, F. H., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Rat trap .. Jacobsen, T. B., and another, Thames, N.Z. Brake for cages used in shafts, &c. James, A., Glasgow, Scotland. Precipitation of gold and silver from cyanide solutions Jay, C. E., Adelaide, S.A. Affixing umbrellas, &c, to cycles Jefferson, M. G. B., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Centrifugal pump Jennings, W., and another, Beechworth, Vic. Centrifugal pump Jennings, W., and another, Beechworth, Vic. Mining pump .. .. .. ... Jickell, S., Nelson, N.Z. Working ships'boats Johns, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Boot-attachment for cutting sods for laying rabbit-poison Johns, J. T., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Heating-pan, steam generator, and furnace combined Johnson, F., and others, London, Eng. Wheel Johnson, T.,'and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Keyless lever-lock for box .. Johnson, T., and another, Chrisfcehurch, N.Z. Clothes washing-machine .. Johnson, T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Draught-preventer for doors Johnston, A., Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. Tie-fastener Johnston, A., Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. Roller-typographer.. Johnstone, P., and another, Gympie, Queensland. Saving gold, &c. Jolly, R. W., and others, Fiztroy, Vic. Amalgamator and concentrator .. Jolly, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Axle-box for ploughwheels, &c. Jones, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Tallow-lamp Jones, E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Reducing temperature of storage-chambers Jones, H., and another, Ascot Vale, Vic. Amalgamator Jones, H., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Manufacturing steel Jones, J., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Treatment of tailings containing gold, &c. Jones, L., and another, Bolton, Eng. Spray-brush Jones, M. L., and another, Bolton, Eng. Spray-brush Jones, Gordon. (See under G.) Jones, Hill. (See under H.) Joyce, B., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Drawing off aerated waters and mixing same with syrups Joyce, L., Kaikoura, N.Z. Tine-harrow Joyce, L., Halkett, N.Z. Toy Juhl, P. E. T., and another, Copenhagen, Denmark. (See Maskinforretningen Interreasentskabet Daawrud, No. 9264.) Juniper, A. S., New Barnet, Eng. Export crate for rabbits Jury, H. R., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pencil, rubber and tape-measure combined Kapteyn, A., London, Eng. Valves for pneumatic railway-brakes Kavanagh, M. T. J., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Sauce Kay, J. H., and another. Swamp Oak, N.S.W. Toilet-powder ejector ,, Kee, D. 0., Pleasant Point, Canterbury, N.Z. Milk-can Keene, C. B., Gurley, N.S.W. Wire-strainer Kehle, E., and another, Newark, U.S.A. Photographic camera Keith, J. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Horse-collar and names combined Kelly, H. J. S., Thursday Island, Queensland. Diving-dcess Kemble, R. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. Kenealy, W. D., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Retaining a door in position Kenealy, W. D., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Potato-peeler .. .. Kerry, R. A, C, Auckland, N.Z. Pest-exterminator Kidder, W. P., Boston, U.S.A. -(See the Imperial Writing-machine Company, Limited, No. 10089.) Kiernan, 0. T., Invercargill, N.Z. Easy chair Kingston, G. H., and another, Geraldine, N.Z. Destroying rabbits Kingston, T., and another, Geraldine, N.Z. Destroying rabbits .. .. Kirby, E. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Keyless lever-lock for box Kirby, E. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Clothes washing-machine Kirby, E. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Draught-preventer for doors Kirkbride, J. L., Wellington, N.Z. Crushing rolls .. Kirkbride, J. L, Auckland, N.Z. Feeder for stamper battery .. .. .. Knapp, F. A., and another, Prescott, Canada. Marine vessel Knoche, A., Elberfeld, Germany. (See M. Brab, No, 9297.) Koneman, W. A., Chicago, U.S.A. Separating slime or gas from bodies containing same Koneman, W. A., and another, London, Eng. Treating ores Koneman, W. A., and another, London, Eng. Separating liquid from bodies mingled with same Koneman, W. A., and another, London, Eng. Ore-concentrator Koneman, W. A., and another, London, Eng. Pulverising apparatus Kressel, E. C. L., and another, London, Eng. Alimentary extract Ladbrook, H. A., Invercargill, N.Z, Bicycle-crank Ladd, S. W., and another, Beverley, U.S.A. (See Consolidated and McKay Lasting-machine Company, No. 9854.) Lake, F. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Tin or canister Lake, F. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Envelope Lamb, R. B., and another, Camden, U.S.A. Bicycle tire-guard Landells, W. H., Ashburton, N.Z. Cycle Landells, W. H., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Extension-rod for bicycle-crank Landin, J., Stockholm, Sweden. (See A. F. Lundstrom, No. 10049.) Lane, J. S., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Pulverising-machine. (E. T. Brissenden) Lane, M. W., Auckland, N.Z. Cycle-gearing Lang, A. T., Melbourne, Vic. Shutting off heat from oven or stove Langhans, R., Berlin, Germany. Producing oxides of earth-metals and incandescing media Langley, A. E., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Propeiler-blade .. Langstone, J. E , and another, Greytown, N.Z. Composition for coating butter-boxes Langstone, J. E. and another, Greytown, N.Z. Enamel for lining butter-boxes Lanigan, p., Auckland, N.Z. Means of working under for gold, &o. ,. 10048 9228 9229 9414 9504 9927 9435 10060 9744 9744 9745 9800 9293 9818 9198 10072 10073 10074 9304 9752 9835 9299 9584 10085 9201 9169 9770 9581 9964 9964 23 Oct. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 8 April 7 May. 20 Sept. 8 April. 26 Oct. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 6 Aug. 23 Feb. 20 Aug. 14 Jan. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 24 Feb. 31 July. 28 Aug. 25 Feb. 3 June. 3 Nov. 14 Jan. 5 Jan. 11 Aug. 31 May. 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 9569 9839 10166 27 May. 28 Aug. 24 Nov. 10219 10208 10220 9428 9197 9234 9519 9193 10083 9447 9993 10149 10150 9980 17 Deo. 7 Deo. 17 Dec. 27 Marcli 14 Jan. 28 Jan. 12 May. 14 Jan. 30 Oct. 14 April. 14 Oct. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 4 Oct. 10068 9526 9526 10072 10073 10074 9760 10052 9510 18 Oct. 15 May. 15 May. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 6 Aug. 21 Oct. 10 May. 9187 9389 9942 10058 10179 9971 10134 11 Jan. 8 April. 30 Sept. 27 Oct. 3 Dec. 8 Oct. 15 Nov. 9348 9669 9620 9217 9731 20 Feb. 7 July. 18 June. 20 Jan. 27 July. 9883 9685 10090 9209 9373 9186 9610 9981 9 Sept. 12 July. 4 Nov. 21 Jan. 20 Marcl 11 Jan. 14 June. 7 Oct.




Name, Residence, and Invention. o. ;e. Lansell, G., Bendigo, Vie. Mining-pump .. .. ■• Lanston Monotype-machine Company, Washington, U.S.A. Machine for preparing perforated record-strips for type-forming machines. (T. Lanston} Lanston Monotype-machine Company, Washington, U.S.A. Type-casting and composingmachine. (T. Lanston) Lanston, T., Washington, U.S.A. (See Lanston Monotype-machine Company, Nos. 10005 and 10006). Lavell, J. E., Ontario, Canada. Sulky-plough. (W. H. Perrin) Lawrence, H. E., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Bicycle head-lock .. Lawrence, H. E., Ghristchurch, N.Z. Bicycle head-lock Lawson, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge Leach, P., Angaston, S.A. Pneumatic tire .. .. .. •• •■ Lee, F., Adelaide, S.A. Boot-nailing machine Lee, G. W., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacture of inflammable gaa Legg, A., and another, Allendale, U.S.A. Sewing-machine Legg, A. W., Balclutha, N.Z. Fuel-economizer Leslie, F., and another, London, Eng. Cloth-cutting machine Leslie, G. J. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Door-check Leslie, G. J. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Door-check Leslie, G. J. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Potato-peeler Lever, H. G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Folding arm-chair Levinge, J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Sun-dial Levinge, H. M., Palmerston North, N.Z. Overcoat.. Liardet, J. E., London, Eng. Electric storago battery Lightband, C. D.; Christohurch, N.Z. Legging-fastening. (H. Robins and H. Cherry) Linnemann, C. J. E., Hokitika, N.Z. Railway-signals Linton, F. R., Palmerston North, N.Z. Self-feeding brand Llatas, C. de Esteve. (See under D.) Lloyd, B., Wellington, N.Z. Steam-trap Lloyd, B., Auckland, N.Z. Leaching ores Lloyd-Owen, E., Ipswich, Queensland. Amalgamator Locking, B., Napier, N.Z. Cycle-brake .. Lohmann, C. F. C, Northcote, Vic. Rotary motor Loudon, R., Balmain, N.S.W. Head for butter-box Love, W. W., Northcote, Vic. Window sash Lucas, J., sen., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rail-fastening Lucas, J., jun., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rail-fastening Lundstro'm, A. F., Stockholm, Sweden. Gold-extracting process. (J. Landin) Lyoett, E. W., Melbourne, Vic. Lubricator and wire rope cleaner. (W.H.Richards) Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Disc ridger MacDonald, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Peed for seed-drills, &c. .. Macdonald, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-driving mechanism Macdonald, S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Means of connecting cyclist's shoe to pedal .. Macdonald, S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Single-tube tire MacDonnell, D. G., and another, Thames, N.Z. Loading-platform for aerial tramway Mackay, A., and others, Dannevirke, N.Z. Cycle-driving gear .. Mackenzie, J., Hastings, N.Z. Apparatus for lifting sunken vessels Mackenzie, J., Auckland, N.Z. Table with bread-crook, bins, kneading-board, &c, combined .. MacNair, D., Wellington, N.Z. Boiler .. MaoSwinney, G. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Optical toy .. Macvean, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Strap-fastener Madder, W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Vehicle-brake Madder, W., Waitara, N.Z. Vehicle-brake Maitland, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Apparatus for obtaining power .. Makin, E., jun., Manchester, Eng. Steam-ger.erator or water-heater Mann, W. A., Pukekohe, N.Z. Skeith-attachment to ploughs Manning, S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Means of conserving rivers Mant, T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Split pulley .. .. .. Manvers, A., and others, Northcote, Vic. Puncture-resisting shield for pneumatic tire Mareoni, G., Middleton, Eng. (See the Wireless-telegraph and Signal Company, Limited, No. 9925.) Marks, H. J., Toowoomba, Queensland. Railway-oar coupling.. Marks, P., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Egg-preservative .. .. Marple, J. H., New Plymouth, N.Z. Horse cover .. Marriott, F., Auckland, N.Z. Air-float for raising sunken vessels Marsden, J., Standish, Eng. Marking out cloth for cutting, embroidering, &c. Marsden, M. W., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Corn product Marsh, J., Melbourne, Vic. Flushing siphon-cistern Marshall, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Butter-worker Martin, A. J., and others, Exeter, Eng. Treating sewage Martin, A. J., and others, Exeter, Eng. Sewage-treating apparatus Martin, E. C, Toorak, Vic. Bicycle seat support .. Martin, J., Melbourne, Vic. Means for supplying hot air, &c, to furnaces Martin, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Machine sheepshearg. (H. Bland) Maskinforretningen Interessentskabet Daawrud, Stavanger, Norway. Machine for printing cylindrical objects. (G. Eiokhoff and P. E. T. Juhl) Mason, F. W., and another, Napier, N.Z. Process of producing bas-relief photographs Massey-Harris Company (Limited), Toronto, Canada. Bicycle-brake and foot-rest. (S. Fader).. Masters, V. E., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Cycle driving-gear .. Mather, J., and another, Otakeho, N.Z. Composition for covering steam-pipes, boilers, &o. Mawson, J. K., and another, Papanui, N.Z. Divider for reaper-and-binder May, E., Vienna, Austria. Composition for preserving articles of food May, E., Vienna, Austria. Preservative material for protecting food-substances May, T. W., Auckland, N.Z. Automatic engine McCallum, C, London, Eng. Collapsible box McCallum, D., and others, London, Eng. Wheel MoCornack, H., West Chester, U.S.A. (See P. M. Sharpies, No. 9602.) 9920 10005 21 Sept. 18 Oct. 10006 18 Oct. 10182 9191 9192 9243 9365 9653 10160 9312 9185 9311 9287 10149 10150 10075 9704 10212 10135 9977 9999 10228 3 Deo. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 1 Feb. 19 March. 1 July. 25 Nov. 1 March. 4 Jan. 1 March. 17 Feb. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 1 Nov. 20 July. 13 Deo. 17 Nov. 7 Oct. 4 Oct. 17 Deo. 9317 9905 9773 10151 9612 9520 9985 9262 9262 10049 9788 9202 9339 9563 9564 9565 9267 10168 9862 10107 9178 10248 10141 9830 9344 9881 9754 9717 9979 10210 9325 1 March. 11 Sept. 11 Aug. 23 Nov. 16 June. 12 May. 9 Sept. • 12 Feb. 12 Feb. 23 Oct. 13 Aug. 8 Jan. 10 March. 21 May. 21 May. 21 May. 10 Feb. 27 Nov. 31 Aug. 8 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 Dec. 17 Nov. 26 Aug. 18 Feb. 9 Sept. 4 Aug. 20 July. 8 Oot. 10 Deo. 4 March. 9535 9865 9603 9937 10152 9171 9461 9842 9419 9420 9368 9462 9789 9264 19 May. 6 Sept. 12 June, 25 Sept. 24 Nov. 5 Jan. 22 April. 31 Aug. 8 April 8 April. 18 March, 22 April, 13 Aug. 12 Feb, 10108 9446 9268 10215 9824 9621 9622 9928 9219 9198 5 Nov., 14 April, 13 Feb. 5 Dee. 23 Aug, 18 June. 18 June. 23 Sept. 23 Jan. 14 Jan.




Name, Eesidenee, and Invention. o, ;e. McDonald, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Bicycle-brake McDonald, H. E., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Fumigator .. McDonald, M., Chines, Vic. Hame-hook McDougall, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle McDougall, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle McDougall, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Tire .. McDougall, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Pneumatic tire McFarlane, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Horse-cover McFeely, R. F., and another, Beverly, U.S.A. (See Consolidated and McKay Lasting-machine Company, No. 9854.) McGee, W. G., Nelson, N.Z. Pneumatic tire-protector McGill, E. S., Gore, N.Z. Road-grader .. McGregor, A. 1C, Wellington, N.Z. Brake for velocipede McGrevy, T., Opotiki, N.Z. Trace-fastening McGrevy, T. S., Auckland, N.Z. Repairing chape Mclnnis, D., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Method of manufacturing head-stad halters Mclnnes, L., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Method of manufacturing head stall halters McKee, R. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Method of and apparatus for drawing aerated waters and mixing same with syrup McKenzie, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Rudder for auxiliary screw-vessel McLeod, A., Auckland, N.Z. Bicycle speed-altering gear McLeod, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Horse-collar McLeod, 0.| Melbourne, Vic. Cultivator and seed-drill combined McLeod, P., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Horse-collar McLeod, H. N., Wellington, N.Z. Device for securing ends of twine around parcels, &c. McLeod, W. M., Cape Poulwind, N.Z. (See F. Sonrgen, No. 9349 ) McManus, W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Cross-arms balance for under carriage of vehicles .. McManus, W., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Bearings arid ends for under-carriage balance of vehicles McMeekin, J. P., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Milk-pail holder McNeil, H. M., Wanganui, N.Z. Vehicle lamp-holder McQuillan, W., Balmain, N.S.W. (See Deep-sea Diving Company, Limited, No. 9362.) McRae, J , Cnristchurch, N.Z. Wire-fencing apparatus Menesdorffer, A., and others, Northcote, Vic. Amalgamator and concentrator. Mercer, W. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Boot-stretcher, -tree, or -last Mercer, W. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Method of applying oil for sea-calming purposes .. Merriam, H. P., and another, New York, U.S.A. Air-compressor for vehicle-brake ... Merrillees, E., Melbourne, Vic. Belt-or body support for cyclist Metcalfe, J. Harvey-. (See under H.) Miller, H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Two-wheeled vehicle or gig .. .. . .. Miller, W. H. B., Melbourne, Vic. Clothes-line prop-head Mills, E. J., Glasgow, Scotland. Forming soluble colloids of the gelatine clasd Minchin, H. E. A., Christclmrch, N.Z. Self-feeding machine for removing the soil from twitchsods Mirfin, G., Melbourne, Vic. Oil-cistern or receptacle Mitchell, J., Auckland, N.Z. Holdfast for wood framing Mitchell, J. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Measuring-apparatus for liquids Mohr, B., Hampstead, Eng. Treating sulphide ore for separating zinc from the lead, &a. Moir, J. B., Invercargill, N.Z. Washing-boiler Money, J., and others, Grantham, Eng. (See R. Hornsby and Sons, Limited, No. 9315.) Monk, W., and another, Nottingham, Eng. Degreasing leather Montalk, R. W., De. (See under D.) Montgomerie, J. C, and another, Stair, Scotland. Treating gold- and silver-ores Moorhouse, W. H. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-brake Morey, E, and another, Ballarat, Vie. Apparatus for ventilating mines .. Morgan, D., Launceston, Tasmania. Rotary engine, usable as pump or motor Morgan, D., Launceston, Tasmania. Cycle-wheel .. Moriarty, W., Wellington, N.Z. Shop-window Morris, C. C, Riverton, N.Z. Tea-urn and teapot .. .. Morris, C. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Window-sash regulator and lock combined Morris, J., Wellington, N.Z. Clothes-line standard Morton, R. i London, Eng. Gas-stove .. Morton, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Screening auriferous wash-dirt Morton, W,, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Morton, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Screen for auriferous wash-dirt Moss, E., Cnristchurch, N.Z. Spanner Moss, E,, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear.. Motz, E., and another, Chesterfield, U.S.A. Electrolytic apparatus Mudros Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. Apparatus for extracting metal from ore. (J. J. Shedlock) Muirhead, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Twitch-grubber .. .. .. ., ,. Mulholland, C. A., and another, Bathurst, N.S.W. Extracting metals from ores by solvents and electrolysis Mumm, D. P., Mokihinui, N.Z. Nautical sounding-apparatus Munro, D., Waitara, N.Z. Trouser-rack and -stretcher Murch, W. H., and others, Bournemouth, Eng. Manufacturing calcium-carbide Murch, W. H., and another, Cradley Heath, Eng. Acetylene gas-generator Murdoch, H. H., Hastings, N.Z. Hack-saw Murgatroyd, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Apparatus for shearing skins Murison, C. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Bicycle driving-chain Murphy, D., and others, Otahuhu, N.Z. Cross-arms balance for vehicle .. Murphy, D., and others, Otahuhu, N.Z. Bearings and ends for cross-arms balance for vehicle .. Murphy, P. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Annealing iron-and steel-castings Murray, A. 0., Dunedin, N.Z. Velocipede-brake Murray, J. i Christchurch, N.Z. Tubular auger Murray, J,, and others, Cowra Creek, N.S.W. Amalgamator and separator ,. 10234 9931 10117 9220 9366 9570 9702 9481 20 Dec. 25 Sept. 11 Nov. 23 Jan. 19 March 27 May. 19 July. 29 April. 9233 10227 9705 9263 9811" 9450 9456 9569 27 Jan. 17 Dec. 20 July. 12 Feb. 20 Aug. 22 April. 22 April. 27 May. 9907 9359 9871 9215 9871 9441 9 Sept. 27 Feb. 18 Aug. 21 Jan. 18 Aug. 13 April. 9557 9664 18 May. 3 July. 10062 9665 28 Oct. 5 July. 9697 9299 9906 9912 9652 9985 16 July. 25 Feb. 14 Sept. 18 Sept. 1 July. 14 Oct. 9505 10125 9924 9658 21 April. 15 Nov. 24 Sept. 28 June. 9290 9409 9635 9710 9804 23 Feb. 2 April. 25 June. 22 July. 2 Aug. 9417 8 April. 9643 9867 9708 9550 10036 10132 9360 10087 9666 9474 9592 9593 10112 9529 9898 10178 9768 30 June. 6 Sept. 22 July. 19 May. 21 Oct. 16 Nov. 3 Maroh 3 Nov. 9 July. 26 April. 31 May. 31 May. 8 Nov. 14 May. 9 Sept. 3 Dec. 11 Aug. 9825 9457 23 Aug. 22 April, 9611 9556 9306 9455 9487 9887 9372 9557 9664 9321 9701 9494 9632 14 June, 18 May, 26 Feb. 22 April, 30 April. 6 Sept. 23 March 18 May. 3 July. 1 March, 19 July. 4 May. 24 June.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Murray, S. E., and others, Cowra Creek, N.S.W. Amalgamator and separator Murray, W. A., Oappeedee, N.S.W. Affixing and adjusting cycle-handles .. Murray, W. T., Wallacetown, N.Z. Concentrated milk .. .. .. Myers, F. G., Johannesburg, South African Republic. Machine for forging, &c, metal articles .. Myers, F. G., Johannesburg, South African Republic. Machine for cutting and sharpening rockdrills . . .„ Myers, F. G., Johannesburg, South African Republic. Machine for forging and sharpening rock-drills Myers, J., and another, Nnmarkah, Vic. Multi-furrow plough.. Nagel, E., Wellington, N.Z. Producing bas-relief photographs Nairn, W. S., Wallingford, N.Z. Wire-strainer Nash, J. G., Adelaide, S.A. Sheep3hearing-machine .. .. •• . •• Nelson, W., Tomoana, N.Z. Refrigerating apparatus Newman, C, Adelaide, S.A. Bicycle-tire Newman, W. T., Toronto, Canada. Separating ores Nicholl, W. S. C, Wellington, N.Z. Sleeping-bag .. Nicholls, W. H., and another, Croydon, N.S.W. Apparatus for destruction of noxious matters, &c. Nightingale, H. E., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Rat-trap Nooten, Van. (See under V.) Norgrove, W., Wellington, N.Z. Rotary engine Norton, H. P., and another, Auckland N.Z. Rudder Norton, W. H., and another, Ghristchurch, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear Noy, G. W., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Feeding-bottle heater or foot-warmer Noy, H. G., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Feeding-bottle heater or foot-warmer .. .. j Noy, M. E., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Feeding-bottle heater or foot-warmer Nunan, J. F., Melbourne, Vic. Bedstead and mattress Oakley Stone Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. Artificial stone. (W. A. Oakley) Oakley, W. A., Sydney, N.S.W. (See Oakley Stone Company, Limited, No. 10224.) Oastler, A. Y., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Aerating and sterilising beer Oastler, A. Y., and another, Melbourne, Vie. Filling bottles .. Oates, J. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer Oatway, G. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance Oatway, G. H., Dunedin N.Z. Appliance for precipitating gold on dredge-tables Oatway, G. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance for dredge O'Connell, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Shaft tug for vehicle Officer, C. G. W., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Treating tailings containing gold, &c. Ogden, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Pneumatic tire .. •• •• •. Ogden, A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Enamel paint and mode of applying same, (t. Boyling) Olivecrona, C. J., and others, Wellington. Fumigator O'Meara, P., Pietermaritzburg, Natal. (See E. Waters, No. 9323.) O'Neill, H., Leichhardt, N.S.W. Rabbit trap Oppermann, E. L., London, Eng. Amalgamating and extracting gold from ores Ormond, J. H., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Filtering water .. .. Orr, A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Elevator-frame for reaper-and-binder Osborne, J. Doyleston, N.Z. Shoe for bottom of pipes for artesian wells Osmond, C. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving table for dredge Owen, E., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Channel and kerb for roads, crossings, &c. .. Owen, E. Lloyd-. (See under L.) Page, W., Winchester, N.Z. Wire-strainer Pallant, W. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Bottle Papprill, S., Westport, N.Z. Gold-saving table Parker, J. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Preserving fruit, eggs, &c. Parker, J. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Cycle-tire .. Parker, J. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Metal batten for wire fencing • Parker, W., Kaipara, N.Z. Hook-nail for fastening fencing-wire Parker, W., and another, Kaipara, N.Z. Batten for wire fencing Parkerson, R. K., and another, Ealing, N.Z. Cycle-propelling mechanis n Parkes, H., and another, Dulwich, Eng. Treating gold- and silver-ores Partridge, W. E., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Joining tubing to sockets Pascoe, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Window-sash fastener Patent Agglomant Fuel Syndicate (Limited), The, Swansea, South Wales. Artificial fuel. (H. C. B. Forester) Pateson, H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Freezing meat Payne, W. S., Invercargill, N.Z. Drain-plough Peacock, W. C, Melbourne, Vie. Rotary disc-plough. (J. B. Garde) Pease, E. L., Stockton-on-Tees, Bng. Structural arrangement Peez, O. K., Opawa, N.Z. Connecting-rod for cycles Pegley, G. B., New Brighton, N.Z. Ventilated box .. Pelatan, L., and others, Paris, France. Treating gold- and silver-ores Pemberton, C. F. Sefton, N.Z. Earth-closet .. .. •• '•• Penney, G. W., East Gore, N.Z. Tine-harrow .. .. •. Pennington, E. J., Coventry, Eng. Machine-gun .. Pennycuick, J. G., Toronto, Canada. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 9864.) Perkins, A. T., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Smart, No. 9464.) Perkins, A. T., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Smart, No. 9465.) Perkins, J. F, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Bicycle friction-gear Perkins, J. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear Perrin, W. H., Ontario, Canada. (See J. R. Lavell, No. 10182.) Petrie, T. A., and another, Islington, N.Z. Electric meat-and goods-marker Pettingell, B. C, and others, Victoria, British Columbia. (See W. E. Hughes, Nβ. 10059.) Phillips, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Medicine .. Phillips, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-gearing Philp, W. J., Timaru, N.Z. Wire-fastening Piedfort, A., Calais, France. Telegraphic receiver Piercy J Kuaotunu, N.Z. Motive-power machine and grinder .. ;, Pike iun., W. H., St. Louis, U.S.A. (See A. T. Ashwell, No. 10054.) Pike, jun., W. H., St. Louis, U.S.A. (See A. T. Ashwell, No. 10055.) • 9632 10175 9320 9781 9782 24 June. 2 Deo. 3 March. *22 Oct. '96, *22 Oct. '96, 9783 9882 9994 10080 10039 10170 10031 9609 10038 9884 9504 •22 Oct. '96, 9 Sept. 14 Oct. 2 Nov. 21 Oct. 26 Nov. 21 Oct. 14 June. 21 Oct. 9 Sept. 7 May. 9324 9907 9975 10079 10079 10079 9743 10224 4 March. 9 Sept. 6 Oct. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 2 Aug. 17 Dec. 9646 9647 9993 10209 10218 10197 9730 9581 10153 9511 9931 30 June. 30 June. 14 Oct. 9 Dec. 13 Deo. 3 Dec. 26 July. 31 May. 24 Nov. 10 May. 25 Sept. 9424 9328 10232 9874 9897 9758 9606 8 April. 5 March. 14 Dec. 8 Sept. 8 Sept. 6 Aug. 10 June. 9939 9352 9805 9574 10129 9801 9725 9801 9720 9643 9166 9729 10032 29 Sept. 15 March. 20 Aug. 29 May. 15 Nov. 13 Aug. 24 July. 13 Aug. 23 July. 30 June. 4 Jan. 28 July. 21 Oct. 9786 9791 10247 9923 ,9657 9247 10222 9959 9950 9422 13 Aug. 10 Aug. 23 Dec. •26 Sep.'96, 28 June. 26 Nov.'96, 17 Dec. 2 Oct. 1 Oct. 8 April. 9410 9411 5 April. 5 April. 9747 12 July. 9751 10120 9255 9196 9393 30 July. 11 Nov. 27 Nov.'96, 14 Jan. 12 Feb.




Name, Residence, and Invention. [0. :e. Pinches, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Concrete structures Pinches, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Weather-or sheathing-boards .. Pingault, A. G., and another, Paris, France. Electric propulsion Plant, E. H. T., and another, Charters Towers, Queensland. Amalgamating-pan Poole, J., Ooolgardie, W.A. Treating ores, &c. Port, 0. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Spade Porter, A., Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-brake .. .. .. .." Porter, B., Napier, N.Z. Corset Porter, T. C, Eton, Eng. Apparatus for viewing stereoscopic pictures Potter, A. L., St. Kilda, Vic. Branding-composition Preddy, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Frictional surface for lining seed-machinery Price, J., and others, London, Eng. Velocipede Price, W. H., Sydenham, N.Z. Drip cup for sprayer-nozzle Priestley, H., Northern Wairoa, N.Z. Jaw for spear of timber-jack Pringle, R., and another, London, Eng. Gas-stove Pringle, R., Blackheath, Kent, Eng. Gas-stove Pritchard, A. F., Sydney, N.S.W. Tie for hollow or cavity walls Pritchett, P. H., Little River, Canterbury, N.Z. Cooking-utensil Pulbrook, A., West Kensington, Middlesex, Eng. Tire Pullman, W. W., Matapouri, N.Z. Catamaran Purdy, J. R., Hutt, Wellington, N.Z. Opening aerated-water bottles Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Belt-fastener Quick, S. P., Johannesburg, South Africa. Forging and sharpening rock-drills Quinlivan, T., Coghell's Creek, Vic. Steering multi-furrow ploughs Rabe, H., and another, Thames, N.Z. Brake for cages used in shafts, &c. Rainbow, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Apparatus for teaching infants to walk Raky, A., Strasbourg, Germany. Boring apparatus .. Ranger, H. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear Rawling, W. J., Adelaide, S.A. Hand-pump Rawlins, W., Palmerston North, N.Z. Milk-and cream-can .. Rawson, R., Launceston, Tasmania. Manufacturing fertilisers Ray, L., Wavertree, Eng. Appliance for correcting nasal deformity Rayner, H. E. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Fencing-standard Rayner, H. E. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Tool for holding fencing-standards while being driven Read, C, and another, Trangie, N.S.W. Cycle driving-gear Read, T., Wanganui, N.Z. Cycle two-speed gear Reading, S., Carlton, Vic. Barbed wire.. Reece, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Floor-and lining-cramp Reece, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Floor- and lining-cramp Reid, T. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Reeves, H. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Bread-knife and-fork Reynolds, H. D. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Pot-cleaner Reynolds, L. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge for recovering gold Reynolds, L. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold saving appliance for dredge Rhodin, J. G. A., and another, Eccles, Eng. Electrolyser Richard, G. A., Mount Morgan, Queensland. Roasting-furnace Richards, W. H., Ballarat, Vic. (See E. W. Lycett, No. 9788.) Richards, W. J. H., Lewisham, N.S.W. Hanging window-sashes Richardson, D., and another, Gore, Otago, N.Z. Double door .. Richardson, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Hernia, truss Ritchie, J'., Dunedin, N.Z. Exploding blasting material .. .. • Ritchie, T., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Filtering water Roberts, A., London, Eng. (See Steelotile Manufacturing Company, Limited, No. 10181.) Roberts, B., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Cap for chimney-top Roberts, J., Auckland, N.Z. Cricket-stumps Roberts, P. A., Adelaide, S.A. Envelope Roberts, W., jun., Papanui, N.Z. Attaching wire to standards Roberts, W., jun., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Attaching wire to standards Robertson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Flexible connection for cycle gear-wheeU Robertson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-wheel Robertson, J., Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer Robertson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear Robertson, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear Robins, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Bicycle friction-gear Robins, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear.. Robins, H., and another, Ballarat, Vic. (See C. D. Lightband, No. 9977.) Robinson, J., Christchuroh, N.Z. Shaft-tug for vehicle ... Robinson, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Tire .. .. Robison, W. W., Kihikibi, N.Z. Thimble and thread-cutter combined Roger, E., Paris, France. (See the Anglo-French Motor-carriage Company, Limited, No. 5251.) Roger, E., Paris, France. (See the Anglo-French Motor-carriage Company, Limited, No. 9252.) Roland, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Combination-lock Roope, L. G. ( and another, InVercargill, N.Z. Smoke-consumer and spark-catcher Rose, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Race-starting machine .. .. .. ., . Rose, T., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Cap for ohimney top Rosenthal, J. H., London, Eng. Feed-water purifier for steam-generator Ross, F. V., Hampden, Otago, N.Z. Blood-poisoning antidote.. Ross, T. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Cigar- and tobacco-cutter, match-delivering device, and indicator combined > Rowley, J. H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle driving gear .. Rowley, T., Manchester, Eng. Tire Royds, C. J., and another, St. Bathan's, N.Z. Cycle-gearing Russell, A., Lochiel, N.Z. Drain-plough plug Russ-ell, T. G., and another, Christchurcb, N.Z. Means of conserving rivers Ruxion, W., and others, Glasgow, Scotland. Honeycombing-attachment for sewing-machine .. R,>ley, W., and another, South Yarra, Vic. Extracting liquid from slime .. 9938 10004 9386 9711 9894 9696 9822 9706 9742 9415 9172 9168 10070 9514 9474 9926 9987 9816 9675 9179 9181 9733 9793 9986 9927 9282 9628 9898 9377 9936 9858 9244 9802 10076 9463 9472 9308 9522 9932 9951 10217 9378 9599 10197 10094 10245 25 Sept. 14 Oct. 27 March. 22 July. 10 Sept. 14 July. 25 Aug. 20 July. 2 Aug. 8 April. 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 29 Oct. 6 May. 26 April. 22 Sept. 14 Oct. 20 Aug. 12 July. 4 Deo. '96 9 Jan. 28 July. 14 Aug. 14 Oct. 20 Sept. 16 Feb. 24 June. 9 Sept. 25 March. 28 Sept. 2 Sept. 3 Feb. 17 Aug. 1 Nov. 22 April. 8 April. 15 Sept. 12 May. 25 Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Dec. 26 March. 8 June. 8 Dec. 4 Nov. 23 Dec. 9817 9176 10069 10155 10232 24 Aug. 7 Jan. 28 Oct. ' 19 Nov. 14 Dec. 9738 9353 9810 9434 9601 9326 9327 9531 9976 9975 9410 9411 28 July. 11 March. 20 Aug. 7 April. 7 June. 4 March. 4 March. 18 May. 6 Oct. 6 Oct. 5 April. 5 April. 9536 10140 10020 17 May, 17 Nov. 15 Oct. 9396 9940 9480 9738 9844 9823 9489 16 March, 24 Sept. 26 April, 28 July, 1 Sept, 16 Aug. 3 May, 9227 9300 9319 10045 9979 10221 ; 9878 26 Jan, 25 Feb. 3 March, 19 Out. 8 Oct. 17 Dec. 9 Sept,




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. [o. be. Saleniua, E. G. N., Stockholm, Sweden. Manufacturing butter Sanche, H., New York, U.S.A. Utilising dynamic energies of matter Sanderson, G. J., and another, Thames, N.Z. Plant-protector Sanderson, T. O., London, Eng. Manufacture of white-lead Sandilands, W. A., and another, Feilding, N.Z. Sash-fastener.. Sandlant, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Window-frame and -sash Sandlant, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Candle-guard Sargent, I., Ashburton, N.Z. Drill for sowing seed with manure Saunders, A., Brighton, Eng. Cheese-cutting apparatus Saville, R. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Advertising medium in form of a tricycle Sayles, F. D., Akaroa, N.Z. Horse-cover Scarth, J. W., and another, Pudsey, York, Eng. Generating acetylene gas Sohaef, A. W., Greymouth, N.Z. Producing bas-relief photographs Schatz, L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Anti-refilling bottle Schloesser, R., Melbourne, Vic. Ventilating mines Schmidt, A. P., Woodlands, Southland, N.Z. Milk-can lid Schmidt, J. L., and others, Young, N.S.W. Producing and distributing acetylene gas Schmoll, E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-propelling mechanism Schmoll, L., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-propelling mechanism Schodt, P. G. De. (See under D.) Schoeneberg, F. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Registering votes at elections Schoenfelder, E. P., and another, Newark, U.S.A. Photographic camera Scofield, R. J., Manchester, Eng. Locating punctures in tires .. Scott, H. J. 0., Hawera, N.Z. Carving wood Scott, J. L., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Indicating cost of goods sold by lineal measurement Scott, J. W., Albionville, Queensland. Curing hides Scott, M., Opawa, N.Z. Cycle propelling gear .. .. .. .. Scott, M., Opawa, N.Z. Cycle propelling-gear Scott, M., Rangiora, N.Z. Water-filter .. Scott, M., Opawa, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear Scott, M., Opawa, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear Scott, M., Opawa, N.Z, Double-seated bicycle Scott, R. M., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Breaking up submarine rocks Scull, W. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Lasting-pliers Scull, W. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Boot-last Searle, C, and another, Bridgewater, Tasmania. Match-box holder Seelye, J. C, Wellington, N.Z. Churn .. Sellenger, W. R., Geelong, Vic. (See S. M. Smith, No. 9363.) Seymour, J. G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Burner for oil-stoves. (B. A. Hjoith) Shailer, G. W., Wellington, N.Z. Mail-bag fastener Shannessy, J. J., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Closing punctures in tires. (T. D. Boll).. Sharpies, P. M., West Chester, U.S.A. Separating liquids. (H. McCornack.) Sharpneck, W. S., Chicago, U.S.A. Cycle-propelling mechanism Shedlock, J. J., London, Eng. (See Mudros Syndicate, Limited, No. 9767.) Shenstone, J. N., and another, Toronto, Canada. Tire Shepard, G. B., Ogdensburg, U.S.A. Rotary machine Shepherd, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Hauling block Shepherd, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Smoke-consumer and spark-catcher .. Sheppard, F. J., Palmerston North. Milk-pail Sheppard, F. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Vessel for boiling milk Sheppard, H. A. D., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Puncture-resisting shield for pneumatic tire .. Sheppard, J. M., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Sauce .. ... Sherriff, D., Christchurch, N.Z. Windmill Sherrin, H. H., and another, Ramsgate, Eng. Secondary battery Sherrin, Vaughan. (See under V.) Sicklemore, S., Launceston, Tasmania. Doorstep-whitener Simeon, H. R., Gisborne, N.Z. Mixture for cure of piles Simes, H. W., Wellington, N.Z. Motor. Simmons, J. P., San Francisco, U.S.A. Hydraulic giant Simpson, A. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Wash-boiler Skeates, W., Auckland, N.Z. Igniting blasting material Skeet, R. C, and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Extracting gold Skeet, R. C, and another, Oaraaru, N.Z. Extracting gold Skeet, R. C, and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear Skelton, F. O., Taradale, N.Z. Shaft-tug for vehicle Smaill, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Windmill Smale, B., and another, Featherston, N.Z. Bicycle mudguard Smart, J. M., Melbourne, Vic. Preserving perishable substances. (A. T. Perkins) Smart, J. M., Melbourne, Vic. Preserving perishable substances. (A. T. Perkins) Smart, T., Hawera, N.Z. Window-ventilator Smellie, P., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Measuring-apparatus for liquids Smethurst, E., Ohristehurch, N.Z. Cover for cooking-utensil .. Smith, A., Christohurch, N.Z. Measuring and cost-indicating machine .. Smith, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Carrying eggs, fruit, &c. Smith, A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Indicating cost of goods sold by lineal measurement Smith, C, Casterton, Vic. Office-indicator Smith, C. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Holder for invoice-forms, &c. .. Smith, D. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Attachment to lasting-plie s Smith, D. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lasting-pliers.. Smith, F. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Wire-mattress .. Smith, G. F., Sydney, N.S.W. Extracting metals .. Smith, H. T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Two-wheeled vehicle or gig .. Smith, J. R., Bluff, N.Z. Fish-cleaning apparatus .. .. : Smith, P., Wellington, N.Z. Saddle-cloth Smith, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Heel for boot or shoe ,, ... 9442 9875 9812 9972 9973 9746 9764 9651 9497 9400 10003 10158 10156 9667 9857 9996 10127 9488 9488 14 April. 8 Sept. 4 Aug. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 3 Aug. 11 Aug. 7 June. 6 May. 24 March. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. 18 Nov. 9 July. 2 Sept. 28 Sept. 10 Nov. 1 May. 1 May. 10233 9193 9211 10148 9256 20 Dec. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Nov. 4 Feb. 9249 9241 9242 9332 9562 9594 10211 10116 9438 9828 10088 9934 4 Feb. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 5 March. 21 May. 2 June. 11 Dec. 11 Nov. 9 April. 24 Aug. 4 Nov. 27 Sept. 9579 9216 9253 9602 9625 31 May. 21 Jan. 5 Feb. 10 June. 19 June. 10137 9739 9838 9940 9913 9914 9325 9428 10205 9785 18 Nov. 2 Aug. 26 Aug. 24 Sept. 18 Sept. 18 Sept. 4 March. 27 March. 8 Dec. 13 Aug. 9757 10142 9868 9843 9683 10206 9648 9763 10042 9356 9960 9831 9464 9465 10001 9635 9523 9183 9958 9256 9876 9454 9295 9687 9296 9578 9505 10198 10143 9173 6 Aug. 1 17 Nov. 6 Sept. 1 Sept. 12 July. 7 Dec. 30 June. 9 Aug. 18 Oct. 16 March. 4 Oct. 26 Aug. 22 April. 22 April. 16 Oct. 25 June. 13 May. 9 Jan. 13 Sept. 4 Feb. 9 Sept. 21 April. 16 Feb. 15 July. 23 Feb. 31 May. 21 April. 6 Dec. 19 Nov. 4 Jan,




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Smith, S. M., Geelong, Vic. Tire. (W. R. Sellenger) Smith, T. B., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle handle-bar Smith, W. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Garment .. Smythe, J., Fendalton, Canterbury, N.Z. Marking carcases .. Snell J T and another, Adelaide, S.A. Composition for pneumatic tires Soeiete Anonyme de Traitement de l'or Combine (Procede Body), Brussels, Belgium. Treating ores. (M. Body) 3ontgen, F., Westport, N.Z. Stocking. (W. M. McLeod) .. .. •. • J Soper, F. C, Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10007.) Soper, F. C, Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10009.) Speight, B., Kirwee, N.Z. Cycle gear Spencer, B., San Francisco, U.S.A. Window-screen Sprey, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Means for recording promise of marriage Sprey, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Supplying air to mines .. Squier, G. O., and another, Virginia, U.S.A. Controlling electric currents Squire, M. M., Westaeombe, Canterbury, N.Z. Cure for toothache Stairmand, H., and another, Napier, N.Z. Water-closet Standfield, E. R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Support for bicycle .. Standfield, E. R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Trouser-guard for cyclist .. .. Stanley, J. 0. W., London, Eng. (See the Fish-oil and Guano Syndicate, Limited, No. 9970.) Stavely,' R., Wycheproof, Vic. Tire Steel, F. H., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Seat-fastener for gig Steel, H. R., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Seat-fastener for gig .. .. ■• Steelotile Manufacturing Companv (Limited), London, Eng. Substitute for tiles. (A. Roberts) Steenson, W. H., Oamaru, N.Z. Bicycle hand-gear.. Stephen, F. S., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Time-table for railways, &c. Stephens, D. G., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Sauce Stephenson, A. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacturing inflammable gas Stephenson,. E. N., Boston, U.S.A. Mattress-stuffing machine.. Stevenson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Soldering tins .. .. • • Stewart, E. J., London, Eng. Dyeing .. Still, W. M., and another, London, Eng. Gas-lamp.. St. John, F., Nelson, N.Z. Bicycle saddle-attachment Storrier, J., Timaru, N.Z. Field-roller .. .. Strang, P., Charters Towers, Queensland. Manufacturing zinc-shavmgs Streatf'eild, F. W., London, Eng. Extracting metals Street, F., Ruatangata, N.Z. Hinge for gate or door Strong R. F., London, Eng. Treating minerals for smelting Strouse, D. B., Salem, U.S.A. (See the American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, No.' 9337.) Struwe, Von. (See under V.) Sturgess, G. W., Sydenham, N.Z. Connecting pump to cask .. Sully W London, Eng. Ore-roasting furnace .. ■ Summerton, T., jun., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lever-attachment to pliers Sutton, O. L., jun., Dunedin, N.Z. Fencing-standard Swallow, J. C, Wellington, N.Z. Belief-colour stamping- or embossing-press Swan, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gas-or oil-engine Swift, J., Goulburn, Vic. Bicycle-support Syme, G., Wellington, N.Z. Sash-fastener Symes, H., Alexandra South, N.Z. Velocipede-driving mechanism Symes, H., Alexandra South, N.Z. Propelling vehicles Symes, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Mirror for use on bicycle raillefer, F., San Sebastian, Spain. Preserving meat, &a. .. ■■ ■■ rait, A. L. J., Caversham, N.Z. Protecting candle-sticks from grease fait, A. L. J., Caversham, N.Z. Clothes-peg Eait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Wash-board rait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Baking-tin rarrant, H., Melbourne, Vic. Explosion-motor ratham, A. F. S., London, Eng. Ball-bearings ratham, G., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacture of inflammable gas Eaylor, A., Fairfax, N.Z. Spanner Taylor, A., Fairfax, N.Z. Spanner Taylor, J., Tomago, N.S.W. Holder for cigar, &c. .. ravlor, J. W., and another, Otakeho, N.Z. Composition for covering steam-pipes, boilers, &c. .. Pay lor,' L. R., Newton Abbot, Bng. Bobbin or reel for cotton, &c. relfer,'A. H., and another, Gore, N.Z. Double rempler, F., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Boot- or shoe-protector rextile-cleaning Company (Limited), The, Nottingham, Eng. Degreasing wool, &c. (F. N. Turney) rheobald, W. C. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-collar Thomas, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Bicycle-brake Phomas, T. O. J., and another, London, Eng. Gas-lamp rhomas, W., Woodville, N.Z. Feed-and dust-stopper for stamper battery Thompson, C. H., Teignmouth, England. Manufacturing fertilising materials rhompson, H., New Brighton, N.Z. Cycle-gear rhompson, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Nail.. rhompson, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Attaching rider's feet to pedals of cycles Thompson, H., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Vamping-device Thompson, R., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Vamping-device Thompson, R. H., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Vamping-device Thompson, T., Coolgardie, W.A. Stamper-box Thompson, W. E., and others. Christchurch, N.Z. Vamping-devioe Thompson, W. J., West Kogarah, N.S.W. Bicycle driving-gear Thomson, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Life-saving jacket Thomson, G. L., Otahuhu, Auckland, N.Z. Covering stacks of grain, &c. .. Thomson, J. 0., and another, Dunedin, N.Z, Butter-worker ., ,. ,, 9363 9427 9223 9580 9672 9686 18 March. 6 April. 25 Jan. 31 May. 12 July. 16 July. 9349 25 Feb. 9258 9873 9762 10029 9541 10193 9909 9375 9607 8 Feb. 8 Sept. 22 April. 18 Oct. 19 May. 6 Deo. 15 Sept. 22 March. 11 June. 9278 9995 9995 10181 10191 9833 9428 9856 9416 9450 9841 9596 9490 10047 9879 9496 9189 9922 17 Feb. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 3 Dec. 2 Dec. 27 Aug. 27 March. 2 Sept. 8 April. 20 April. 31 Aug. 5 June. 29 April. 8 Oct. 9 Sept. 6 May. 1 Dec'96, 23 Sept. 10139 9280 9426 9899 10092 9451 9845 9759 9222 9413 9355 9656 9506 9681 9806 10077 9852 9382 10160 9392 9440 9990 10215 9385 9176 9965 9709 15 Nov. 17 Feb. 5 April. 11 Sept. 4 Nov. 9 April. 1 Sept. 6 Aug. 19 Feb. 7 April. 16 March. 1 July. 7 May. 10 July. 17 Aug. 1 Nov. 2 Sept. 26 March. 25 Nov. 29 March. 12 April. 14 Oot. 15 Dec. 27 March. 7 Jan. 7 Oct. 22 July. 9190 9170 9596 9724 9495 9S64 9436 9861 9807 9807 9807 9662 9807 10203 9532 10128 9842 11 Jan. 5 Jan. 5 June. 19 July. 6 May. 16 Jan. 8 April. 2 Sept. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 3 July. 18 Aug. 9 Dec. 18 May. 8 Nov. 31 Aug.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Thomson, T. C, Christchuroh, N.Z. Banjo Thornton, W. A., and another, Wetherby, York, Eng. Generating acetylene gas Throckmorton, 0., Singleton, N.S.W. Burner for oil-lamp Thunderbolt, E., Oarlton, Vio. Governor Toogood, W., Featherston, N.Z. Fibre-cleaner .. .. •• Toogood, W., Featherston, N.Z. Fibre-eleaner Toogood, W., and another, Featherston, N.Z. Bicycle mud-guard Toomey, J, M., and others, Young, N.S.W. Producing and distributing acetylene gas Townshend, N., Mataura, N.Z. Implement for thinning turnips Tree, E. B., and another, Woodstock, Canada. Eotary engine Tregurtha. T., Ballarat, Vio. Lift-pump.. Treloar, H. W., Maldon, Vic. Roller-mill for crushing ores, &c. Tremearne, J., Creswick, Vic. Desk attachable to chair, &c. .. Trench, J. T., Kenmare, Ireland. Tire .. Trendall, E. A., Auckland, N.Z. Cycle-gear Tripe, J. D., Wanganui, N.Z. Bicycle-brake Trist, C. A. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-cover fastenings Trudgeon, W. T., Coromandel, N.Z. Hair-wash Turati, V., Milan, Italy. Colour printing-machine Turnbull, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Tobacco-canister Turnbull, J., Fitzroy, Vic. Furnace for recovering gold from charooal, &c. Turner, D. L., Wellington, N.Z. Pneumatic power-accumulator Turner, D. L., Wellington, N.Z. Safety releasing-tackle Turner, D. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bicyole-brake .. .. •• Turney, F. N., Nottingham, Eng. (See the Textile-cleaning Company, Limited, No. 9709.) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Eleotrical battery. (W. Decker and G. von Struwe) Tyree, A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Attachment to lasting-pliers Tyree, A., and another, Christohuroh, N.Z. Lasting-pliers Tyree, W., Wellington, N.Z. - Acetylene-gas generator Tyree, W., Wellington, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Tyree, W., Wellington, N.Z. Aeetylene-gas generator Tyson, J., Rongahere, Otago, N.Z. Gold-saving and self cloth-washing machine Ure, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Elevator-frame for reaper-and-binder Vaile, E. B., Auckland, N.Z. Cycle driving-gear Vaile, E. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Envelope or wrapper Vaile, E. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Candle-wick .. .. •• Vaile, E. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Method of indicating presence of a person m a B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Wad-mouthpiece for filtering tobacco-smoke Vaile, P. A., Auckland, N.Z. Bearings for bicycles, tricycles, &c. Vaile, P. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Envelope or wrapper Vaile, P. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Candle-wick .. .. • ■ _ • • Vaile, P. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Method of indicating presenoe of a person in a building „ . ". . Vaile, P. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Wad-mouthpiece for filtering tobaoco-amoke Valentine, C. R., Lee, Kent, Eng. Capsuling food-extracts, &c. Vallance, H., Wellington, N.Z. Receptacle for washing-blue, dyes, &c. .. Van Nooten, J. H. V. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Gold-saving machine Vaughan-Sherrin, J., and another, Ramsgate, Eng. Secondary battery .. _ Viokery H J., Tauranga, N.Z. Bracket for erection of galvanised-iron spoutmg Vincent, J. C, and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Changing courses of rivers Von Gehlen, P. W., Ploen, Germany. Producing benzine-gas .. .. Von Struwe, G., and another, Mittweida, Germany. (See G. G. Turn, No. 10091.) Wade, J. W., Gisborne, N.Z. Rose for watering-pot Wah, Y., Orepuki, N.Z. Nozzle-fastener.. Wakefield, C. C, Streatham, Eng. Sight feed-lubricator Walker, E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Composition for railway-sleepers Walker, R., and another, Camberwell, Vic. Amalgamator Wallace, J. A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Mining-pump Wallace, J. A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Centrifugal pump Waller, W. A. 0., London, Eng. Tile Walmsley, B., and another, Bolton, Eng. Support for gas-burner Walsh, J. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer Walsh, J. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer Walters, W. B., Wellington, R.Z. Spiral-ripple for gold-saving Walton, F., London, Eng. Manufacturing mosaic floorcloth .. Ward, G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Shirt-collar attachment Warry, J. J., Birkenhead, Eng. Tire .. •• •• •• ,-o'X.tvj- \" Waters, E., Melbourne, Vic. Preventing accumulation of sand in harbours, &o. (-f. U Meara) .. Waters) E.'| Melbourne, Vic. Melting iron. (T. Doherty and P. D. Crerar) Waterworth, T., Napier, N.Z. Manufacturing asphalt Waterworth, T., Napier, N.Z. Sewer-trap Watson, G. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Milk-strainer.. Watson H. C. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Telephone-dial switch .. Watson, J., and another. Invercargill, N.Z. Milk-strainer .. .. Watt J , and another, Balclutha, Otago, N.Z. Generating hydro-oarbon or water-gas Watt, J., and another, Balolutha, Otago, N.Z. Generating hydro-carbon or water-gas Way, E. J., Johannesburg, South Africa. Cam and oam-shaft for stamp-mills Way, E. J., Johannesburg, South Africa. Cam and cam-shaft for stamp-mills Way', E. J., and others, Johannesburg, South Africa. Rock-drill.. Way, H. F., Thames, N.Z. Respirator for use in dry crushing, &o. Weatherall, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Destroying rabbits .. Weaver, A. S., and another, Hamilton, Canada. Bicycle Weber, M., Adelaide, S.A. Stamper battery .. .. ,, T - " oo-m \ " Webster, H. L., Klerksdorp, South Africa. (See G. G. M. Hardmgham, No. 9314.) Webster, H. L., Klerksdorp, South Africa. Diamond core-drill . • Wedenby, C. S., Wellington, N.Z. Breakwater Wedler, A. H. W., Adelaide, S.A. Hose-union and-ooupling .. 9626 10153 9950 10157 9188 9832 9831 10127 9239 9595 9712 10096 9470 9164 9250 1009S 9608 9406 9629 9286 10095 9524 9525 9867 18 June. 25 Nov. 2 Oct. 25 Nov. 12 Jan. 27 Aug. 26 Aug. 10 Nov. 10 Dec. '96 13 Aug. 22 July. 4 Nov. 26 April. 4 Jan. 28 Jan. 1 Nov. 11 June. 6 April. 24 June. 19 Feb. 4 Nov. 15 May. 15 May. 6 Sept. 10091 9295 9687 9582 9799 9869 10192 9874 9466 9691 9692 9715 4 Nov. 16 Feb. 15 July. 2 June. 16 Aug. 6 Sept. 6 Dec. 8 Sept. 15 April. 17 July. 17 July. 20 July. 9716 9600 9691 9692 9715 20 July. 5 June. 17 July. 17 July. 20 July. 9716 9933 10111 9246 9785 9723 10033 9619 20 July. 27 Sept. 10 Nov. 3 Feb. 13 Aug. 28 July. 21 Oct. 18 June. 10163 9915 9641 9235 9169 9745 10165 9558 10138 9587 9756 9732 9351 9204 9194 9323 9549 9380 9645 10066 9680 10066 9449 9449 9208 10056 9245 9968 10216 9291 9458 26 Nov. 17 Sept. 30 June. 28 Jan. 5 Jan. 2 Aug. 26 Nov. 22 May. 18 Nov. 4 June. 6 Aug. 29 July. 12 Maroh. 19 Jan. 14 Jan. 4 March. 19 May. 26 March. 30 June. 27 Oct. 28 June. 27 Oct. 20 April. 20 April. 20 Jan. 27 Oct. 3 Feb. 30 Aug. 15 Dec. 23 Feb. 22 April. 9792 9682 9943 14 Aug. 15 July. 30 Sept, 4—H. 1 ).




fame, ;esi( lence, am [nveni iion. fo. ;o. Weaier, A. H. W., Adelaide, S.A. Shower-bath Weeks, H. J., Cbristohurch, N.Z. Order-tablet for housekeepers Welch, C. K., Coventry, Eng. Air-valve for pneumatic tire Welch, C. K., Coventry, Eng. Wheel Welch, H. P., and another, Charleston, U.S.A. Electrolytic apparatus Welsh, J., Newcastle, N.S.W. Cycle-driving mechanism. (J. Dredge) Wesley, C., Reefton, N.Z. Saving gold .. Wesselmann, B., Gottingen, Germany. Drilling-or boring-tool Wessels, E. J., and another, New York, "U.S.A. Air-compressor for vehicle-brake Westbury, H. V., Wellington, N.Z. Cyclists' home-trainer Weston, 0. W., and another, New York. U.S.A. Sewing-machine .. Weston, G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Corset-jacket Westwood, P., and others, Birmingham, Eng. Joints for cycle-frame Wethered, E. R., Lee, Kent, England. Controlling horses without bit or curb Weymouth, G. A. P., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Coin-operated telephone-instrument White, C. S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Treating flax .. White, C. S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Utilising tow from flax-mills White C. S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Treating flax White, T., Rangiora, N.Z. Barrow-wheel White, T. E., and another, Trangie, N.S.W. Cycle driving-gear Whitelaw, A. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Billiard-cue tip-fastening Whitelaw, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Billiard-cue tip-fastening Whittle, T., Boston, Eng. Locomotive-engine Whyte, D. M., Sydney, N.S.W. Postal letter-box .. Whyte, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Time-table for railways, &o. Wichmann, C, London, Eng. Extracting gold Wicks, P., Esher, Surrey, Eng. Type-founding apparatus Wight, P., Akaroa, N.Z. Lawn-tennis scoring-machine Wight, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Wigzell, E. E., London, Eng. Steam-boiler Wildey, E. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Holder for invoice-forms, &c. Wilfley, A. R., Denver, U.S.A. Concentrator Wilks, G., Feilding, N.Z. Insecticide-dressing for fruit-trees Williams, J. D., and another, Creswick, Vic. Controlling gases in mines Williams, W. P., London, Eng. Bicycle.. Williams, W. P., London, Eng. Cycle driving-gear .. Wilson, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-collar .. Wilson, P. P., and others, Pahiatua, N.Z. Increasing power of bicyole-crank Wilfon, G. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-fastener Wilson, G. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Velocipede driving-gear Wilson, H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Split-pulley Wilson, H., and others, Mangatainoka, N.Z. Increasing power of bicycle-crank Wilson, H. L., and others, Mangatainoka, N.Z. Increasing power of bicycle-crank .. Wilson, J., and others, Pitzroy, Vic. Amalgamator and concentrator Wilson, W. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Life-belt Wilson, W. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Cleanser Winch, P. J., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Composition for pneumatio tires Winkelmann, H., Auckland, N.Z. Umbrella Winslow, W. H., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10010.) Winslow, W. H., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10012.) Winslow, W. H., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10013.) Winslow, W. H., and another, Chioago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10014.) Winslow, W. H., Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10015.) Winslow, W. H., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. (See J. M. Ewen, No. 10011.) Wireless-telegraph and Signal Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Transmitting electrical impulses and signals. (G. Marconi) Wishart, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Preparing wool for scouring Withey, H., Hastings, U.S.A. (See A. H. Brownley, No. 9405.) Wolf, Dβ. (See under D.) Wood, A., and others, Glasgow, Scotland. Honeycombing-attachment for sewing-machine Wood, P. H., and another, Greytown, N.Z. Composition for coating butter-boxes Wood, P. H., and another, Greytown, N.Z. Enamel for lining butter-boxes Wood, H. J., Christehurch, N.Z. Label-attaching device Wood, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Dial for weight and cost-indicating sales Wood, J., and another, Essex, Eng. Crushing and grading ore, &c. Wood and Claydon, Automatic Stoker, Coal-crusher, Self-feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Stoking, smoke-consuming, and fuel-economizing apparatus for steam-boilers. (G. Claydon) Woodcock, W., Oamaru, N.Z. Automatio finger for removing labels from damping-machine Woodhouse, J. S., Papanui, N.Z. Stopper for bottles Worland, R., Warrnambool, Vic. Milk-transit can .. Worsley, P. S., Charlton, Eng. (See the British Blahnik Arc Light Company, Limited, No. 10243.) Wren, E. J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Perambulator-brake .. ., Wren, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Perambulator-brake Wright, G. E., and another, Nottingham, Eng. Degreasing leather Wrigley, P. H., Wellington, N.Z. Lever-mechanism for lifting-jacks, &c. Wyatt, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Window-fastener .. Wynn, J., Cardiff, Wales. Controlling supply of gas to stove .. Yates, P. S., Masterton, N.Z. Puzzle .. .. .. .. .. " Young, P. C. K., Lawrence, Otago, N.Z. Varying length of tread on bieyele-crank .. Young Wah. (See under W.) Zaionskowski, J., and another, Marton, -N.Z. Wool-press Zajonskowski, J. L., and another, Marton, N.Z. Wool-press .. Zander, H., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Cycle-propelling mechanism .. Zander, H., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Extension-rod for bicycle-crank Zerener, M. B., London, Eng. Precipitating motals from cyanide solutions Ziele, C. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Pocket-knife 9944 10002 ' 9210 , 9893 10178 9212 9259 9571 9652 9589 9312 9721 10242 9676 10250 9174 9310 10169 9815 9463 :10237 10237 9694 10173 9833 9335 9855 9248 9499 9423 9454 10101 9206 9401 9689 9G90 10086 10081 10078 10184 10210 10081 10081 9299 10239 9772 9672 9819 30 Sept. 15 Oct. 21 Jan. 10 Sept. 3 De"c. 21 Jan. 8 Feb. 28 May. 1 July. 4 June. 1 March 26 July. 23 Dec. 12 July. 24 Dec. 5 Jan. 22 Feb. 3 Dec. 13 Aug. 22 April. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 17 July. 1 Dec. 27 Aug. 6 March 2 Sept. 1 Feb. 5 May. 8 April. 21 April. 5 Nov. 20 Jan. 1 April. 14 July. 14 July. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 1 Nov. 4 Dec. 10 Dec. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 25 Feb. 21 Dec. 11 Aug. 12 July. 20 Aug. 21 Sept. 9925 9270 2 Feb. 10221 9186 9610 9735 9808 9695 9182 17 Dec. 11 Jan. 14 June. 30 July. 18 Aug. 17 July. 8 Jan. 9284 9860 10040 17 Feb. 1 Sept. 21 Oct. 9573 9573 9417 9225 10144 10140 9369 10105 25 May. 25 May. 8 April. 25 Jan. 18 Nov. 3 Dec. 22 March. 5 Nov. 10113 10113 9720 9731 9195 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 23 July. 27 July. 14 Jan.



K.—ALPHABETICAL LIST OF TITLES OF INVENTIONS FOR WHICH LETTERS PATENT HAVE BEEN APPLIED DURING THE YEAR 1897. [*Denotes a prior date under section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."]

Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Acetylene gas. Apparatus for generating. C. A. Pinch and H. J. Buohan Acetylene gas, Apparatus for producing, storing, and utilising. T. Holliday Acetylene gas, Apparatus for the generation of. J. W. Scarth and W. A. Thornton Acetylene-gas generator. F. H. Haviland and W. H. Murch .. Acetylene-gas generator. W. Tyree Acetylene-gas generator. W. Tyree .Acetylene-gas generator. W. Tyree Acetylene-gas generator. W. Tyree Acetylene gas, Method of and apparatus for generating. M. C. A. Fourchotte Acetylene gas, Method of and apparatus for producing and distributing. J. L. Schmidt, H. Caspers, and J. M. Twomey Acetylene or other gas burner. E. P. Green Acid, Obtaining sulphurous. T. Huntington and P. Heberlein Advertising medium. S. P. and B. P. Griffin Advertising medium. P.Adams Advertising medium in form of tricycle. E. E. Saville Aerated drinks. Tablets for production of carbonated. A. Dolton Aerated-water bottles, Appliance for opening. J. R. Purdy Aerated waters and mixing same with syrup, Method of and apparatus for drawing. A. Brake, J. R. McKee, and B. Joyce Aerated waters, Method of and apparatus for drawing and mixing with syrups. A. Brake Aerating and sterilising beer, Apparatus for. W. J. Glennon and A. Y. Oastler Aerial-, marine-, and land-navigation boat combined. E.L.Clark Agitating- and settling-vat. P. Perguson Air-compressor for vehicle-brake. B. J. Wessels and H. P. Merriam Air-engine. L. T. Gibbs .. .. .. - .. Air in mines to control gases, Method and apparatus for treating. J. D. Williams and L. D. Gibson Air-pump. (See Pump.) Air to mines, &o., Means of supplying. E. Sprey Air-valve for pneumatio tire. 0. K. Welch Alarm, Pire. H. Hedge Alarm, Railway-crossing electric. J. Perguson Alcohol, Process and apparatus for extracting. A. Collette, jun., and A. Boidin Alimentary extract. E. C. L. Kressel and T. Hill-Jones Amalgam, gold or quicksilver, Apparatus for saving. P. Johnstone and W. Bush Amalgamating and extracting gold from ore, Apparatus and process for. E. L. Oppermann Amalgamating-pan. E. H. T. Plant and S. Dellow Amalgamator. H. Jones and R. Walker Amalgamator. H. S. Cope Amalgamator. E.Lloyd-Owen Amalgamator and concentrator. A. Menesdorffer, R. W. Jolly, and J. Wilson Amalgamator and separator. C. L. Garland, and J. and S. E. Murray Amalgamator, electrolytic. P. Perguson Amalgamator. (See also Concentrator, Gold, Metals, Ores.) Annealing iron and steel castings. P. D. Murphy. Antidote for blood-poisoning. P. V. Ross. Arc-lamp, Electric. The British Blahnik Arc Light Company (Limited) Arc-lamp, Electric. The British Blahnik Arc Light Company (Limited) Arch for promoting combustion in locomotive-furnace. A. P. Hack Armohair, Folding. B. P. Griffin and H. G. Lever.. Artesian-well pipes, Shoe for bottom of. J. Osborne Asphalt and recovering by-products of tar, Process of manufacturing. T. Waterworth Auger, Tubular. J. Murray Auriferous wash-dirt or sand, Screening. W.Morton Auriferous wash-dirt, Screen for. W. Morton Automatic engine. T. W. May Auto-vehicles. (See Motors, Vehicles.) Awner of grain- or seed-machine, Prictional surface for lining. G. Preddy Axle and box for disc-coulters, plough-wheels, &c. J. Cockerell and R. H. Harper Axle and wheel. W.E.Hughes Axle-box for plough-wheels, &c. W. Jolly Axle-cooling, fire-extinction, &c, Means of employing locomotive or other steam engines for. R. Peasey Axle. (See also Vehicle.) Bag. (See Mail-bag, Paper bag, Sleeping-bag.) Bags and sacks, Device for distending mouths of. G. Aitkens, H. P. H. Graves, and P. B. Farmar Bags or sacks, Appliance for distending mouths of. H. Graves and G. Aitkens Baking-tin. A. L. J. Tait Baking-tin. W. C. Campbell Balance for undercarriages of vehicles, Bearings and ends for. D. Murphy, W. McManus, A. R. Harris, and G. W. Basley Balance for vehicles, Cross-arms. D. Murphy, W. McManus, A. R. Harris, and G. W. Basley .. Balance-lever for equalising weight in carts and other vehicles. T.Goodwin Ball-bearing plough-wheel. G. Bristow Ball-bearings. P. Davies Ball-bearings. A. F. S. Tatham Balloting. (See Voting.) Banjo. T.C.Thomson Banks of rivers, Conserving. J. 0. Vincent and R. Cobb Bar. (See Handle-bar.) Barbed wire. S. Reading 10252 9308 10158 9455 9582 9799 9869 9951 9418 10127 29 Dec. 27 Feb. 25 Nov. 22 April. 2 June. 16 Aug. 6 Sept. 15 Sept. 8 April. 10 Nov. 9655 9421 9273 9590 9400 9279 9181 9569 1 July. 8 April. 15 Feb. 3 June. 24 March. 17 Feb. 9 Jan. 27 May. 9238 9646 9962 10024 9652 9583 9401 30 Jan. 30 June. 30 Sept. 15 Oct. 1 July. 3 June. 1 April. 10029 9210 10154 10097 10164 9971 9835 9328 9711 9169 9546 9773 9299 9632 10021 18 Oot. 21 Jan. 23 Nov. 2 Nov. 26 Nov. 8 Oct. 28 Aug. 5 March. 22 July. 5 Jan. . 19 May. 11 Aug. 25 Feb. 24 June. 15 Oct. 9321 9823 9539 10243 10199 10075 9897 9380 9494 9592 10112 9928 1 March. 16 Aug. 19 May. 23 Dec. 9 Dec. INov. 8 Sept. 26 March. 4 May. 31 May. 8 Nov. 23 Sept. 9172 9545 9790 9584 9753 5 Jan. 19 May. 13 Aug. 3 June. 5 Aug. 26 May. 9567 9517 L0077 10043 9664 12 May. 1 Nov. 20 Oct. 3 July. 9557 0000 9755 9292 9382 18 May. 9 Oct. 3 Aug. 23 Feb. 26 March. 9626 10033 18 June. 21 Oct. 9908 15 Sept.




Inveni iion arj' fame o: [nvem :or. 'o. ie. Barrow-wheel. T. White Basement lights and lighting. J. M. Ewen Basements and dark rooms. Devices for lighting. J. M. Ewen Bas-relief or embossed photographs, Process of producing. I. Paris and F. W. Mason Bas-relief photographs, Method of producing. C. Nagel Bas-relief photographs, Process of producing. A. W. Schaef Bat handle, Cricket-. W. Brook Bath-heater. E. J. Douglas Bath, Shower-. A. H. W. Wedler Batten for wire fencing, Metal. W. and J. J. Parker. Batteries, Screen dust-collector for. M. Bate Battery for pulverising ore in a dry state, Stamper. M. Weber Battery. (See also Electrical battery, Secondary battery, Stamper battery, Stamper-box, Storagebattery.) Bearing and hub for vehicles. A. J. Ouming Bearing, Cycle crank-spindle and. A. J. Cuming Bearings, Ball-. P. Davies Bearings, Ball-. A. P. S. Tatham Bearings of bicycles, tricycles, &c. P. A. Vaile Bearings, Railway-carriage journal-. J. R. Baker Bedstead and mattress. J. F. Nunan Beer, Apparatus for aerating and sterilising. W. J. Glennon and A. Y. Oastler Belt, Driving.- A. Drake Belt-fastener. H. Quertier Belt. (See Cyclists' supporting-belt, Figure-reducing belt, Life-belt.) Benzine-gas, Apparatus for producing. P. W. von Gehlen Beverage. J. E. Ffrost and G. W. Davies Bicycle. H. Floyd Bicycle. J. Gaut Bicycle. A. W. Babbage Bicycle and tricycle interchangeable gearing. A. T. Cavell and 0. J. Royds Bicycle, Apparatus for operating. J. Maitland Bicycle, Automatic extension-crank for. H. A. Ladbrook Bicycle brake. J.Thomas Bicycle-brake. J. Hollis Bieyole-brake. H. Firth Bicycle-brake. P. E. Doolittle Bicycle-brake. A. Porter Bicycle-brake. W. H. Moorhouse and D. L. Turner Bicycle-brake. G. McDonald .. Bicycle-brake and foot-rest. Massey-Harris Company (Limited) Bicycle, Brake for. J. D. Tripe Bicycle, Coasting- and brake-attachment for. W. and J. Butler Bicycle-crank and hanger. H. S. Grady Bicycle-crank, Extension-rod for. W. H. Landells and H. Zander Bicycle-crank, Increasing power of. H., H. L., and F. P. Wilson Bicycle-crank, Varying length of tread on. P. C. K. Young Bicycle, Double-seated. M. Scott Bicycle driving-chain. C. M. Murison Bicycle driving-gear. A. L. Heighten and J. H. G. Rowley Bicycle driving-gear. H. Floyd Bicycle driving-gear. J. F. Perkins and A. Robins Bicycle driving-gear. W.F.Williams Bicycle driving-gear. W. H. Norton, and J. Robertson Bicycle driving-gear. J. Robertson Bicycle driving-gear. R. A. Dexter and J. R. Hare Bicycle driving gear. T. C. Dennison and R. C. Skeet Bicycle driving-gear. W. and J. Butler .. Bicycle driving-gear. W. J. Thompson Bioycle-frame. M. E. Barton Bicycle-frame. A. J. Cuming Bicycle friction-gear. J. F. Perkins and A. Robins Bicycle-gear, Chainless. B. Speight Bicycle, Hand-gear for. W. H. Steenson Bicycle handle-bar. C. E. T. Gwatkin and T. B. Smith Bicycle head-lock. H. E. Lawrence Bicycle head-look. H.E.Lawrence Bicycle head-lock. A. J. Cuming Bicycle luggage-carrier. J. Gaut Bicycle, Mirror for use on. H. Symes .. .. .. ... Bicycle mud-guard. W. Toogood and B. Smale Bicycle or tricycle driving-gear. E. B. Vaile Bicycle or tricycle two-speed gear. T. Read Bicycle-pedal. F. M. Drewitt and A. C. Hullett Bicycle-pedal attachment. F. M. Drewitt and A. C. Hullett Bicycle propelling-gear. M.Scott Bicycle propelling-gear. M. Scott Bicycle-propelling mechanism. W. S. Sharpneck Bicycle-saddle attachment, Cradle and rocker. F. St. John Bicycle-saddles, Means of supporting. F. C. Esmond Bicycle-saddle or -seat. C. S. Drummond Bicycle-seat. H. A. Christy Bicycle-seat support. E. C. Martin Bicycle, Sociable. W. F. Williams Bioyole speed-altering gear. A. McLeod Bicycle, Spring-frame. A. J. Cuming ., ,, ,. ,, ., 9815 10009 9864 10108 9994 10156 9307 9900 9944 9801 9640 9458 9827 9901 9292 9382 9600 9699 9743 9646 10136 9733 9619 10051 9269 9425 9616 9319 9881 10134 9170 9381 9527 9537 9822 9867 10234 9446 10098 10189 10109 9731 10081 10105 10211 9372 9227 9269 9411 9690 9975 9976 9997 10042 10188 10203 9493 9948 9410 9258 10191 9427 9191 9192 9530 9767 9355 9831 9466 9472 9281 9288 9241 9242 9625 9490 9354 9478 9787 9368 9689 9359 9794 13 Aug. 19 Oct. 4 Sept. 5 Nov. 14 Oct. 18 Nov. 26 Feb. 13 Sept. 30 Sept. 13 Aug. 24 June. 22 April. 23 Aug. 10 Sept. 23 Feb. 26 March. 5 June. 19 July. 2 Aug. 30 June. 18 Nov. 28 July. 18 June, 26 Oct. 13 Feb. 8 April. 17 June. 3 March. 9 Sept. 15 Nov. 5 Jan. 26 March. 22 April. 19 May. 25 Aug. 6 Sept. 20 Dec. 14 April. INov. 2 Dec. 10 Nov. 27 July. 2 Nov. 5 Nov. 11 Dec. 23 Mar. 26 Jan. 13 Feb. 5 April. 14 July. 6 Oct. 6 Oct. 12 Oct. 18 Oct. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 3 May. 30 Sept. 5 April. 8 Feb. 2 Dec. 6 April. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 15 May. 11 Aug. 16 March. 26 Aug. 15 April. 8 April. 15 Feb. 3 Feb. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 June. 29 April. 13 March. 28 April. 13 Aug. 18 March. 14 July. 27 Feb. 14 Aug.




Invem ;ion am arne o: :or. o. ;e. Bioycle suitable for a rider, Apparatus for indicating form of. A, J. Cuming Bicycle-support. H. L. Davis Bicycle-support. E. R. Standfleld and T. de R. Harman Bicycle-support. J. Swift .. .. .. .. .. Bicycle-support. J. F. Furley and E. Forsyth Bicycle-tire. (See Tire.) Bicycle, Two side-seated. A. S. Weaver and W. J. Goold Bicycles and tricycles, Appliance for cleaning driving-ohains of. P. Genn Bicycles, tricycles, &o., Bearings of. P. A. Vaile Bicycles, tricycles, &c, Handle-bar for. P. Clapperton Bicycles, tricycles, &c, Pedal for. W. H. Boyens and J. F. Best Bicycle-wheel. E. Hayes Bicycle-wheel. D. Morgan .. ... Bicycle. (See also Brake, Cycle, Driving-gear, Motor, Pedal, Saddle, Seat, Tire, Tricycle, Velocipede, Wheel.) Billiard-cue, Tip-fastening for. A. A. and J. Whitelaw Binder. (See Reaper-and-binder.) Biscuit- or confectionery-box. G. Aitkens Bit or curb, Means for controlling and driving horses without. E. R. Wethered Blasting material, Means of exploding. J. Ritchie Blasting material, Method of igniting. W. Skeates .. Blasting-powder. W. E. Hughes Blight- and insect-killer, Non-poisonous. G. H. Hicks .. .. .. - .. Blight-dressing. G. Wilks Blight-exterminator. R. A. C. Kerry Blind head-board and oornice-pole. W. Gee Blind, Venetian. W. M. Green Block, Lifting- or hauling-. J. Shepherd Blood-poisoning antidote. F. V. Ross Blotter and ruler combined. D. E. Blacke Blower, Rotary engine applicable as a. G. G. M. Hardingham Board. (See Washboard, Weatherboard.) Boat, Combined aerial-, marine- or land-navigation. E. L. Clark Boat, Torpedo-. A. J. B. Body Boats and ships, Propeller for. J. A. Belk Boats, Apparatus for working ships'. S. Jiokell Bobbin or reel for thread, cotton, &o. L. R. Taylor.. Body-support or belt for cyclist. E. Merrillees .. .. Boiler. D. MaoNair .. .. Boiler for kitchen-range, High-pressure. R. E. Green Boiler for use with colonial oven or on open fireplace. G. Gilbert Boiler. (See also Steam-boiler, Waahing-boiler, Water-heater.) Boilers, -pipes, &c, Composition for covering steam-. J. W. Taylor and J. Mather Boiling milk, Vessel for. F. J. Sheppard.. Bolts, Means of locking nuts on. A. J. Cuming Bolts. (See also Nut-locking.) Book holder, Check-. R. S. Abel and J. Dykes Book typewriter. G. C. Elliott and W. P. Hatch Boot- and shoe-nailing machine. F. Lee Boot-attachment for outting sods for laying rabbit-poison. 0. Johns Bootlace-fastener. E. L. Evens and A. Bonnin Boot or shoe, Heel for. S. Smith Boot or shoe, Heel-tip for. W. Hallett Boot- or shoe-last. W. R. Scull .. .. .. .... Boot- or shoe-protector. J. W. Hesp, F. Templer, and W. C. Hooper Boot-stretcher, -tree, or -last. W. A. Mercer and D. R. S. Galbraith Boring apparatus. A. Raky Boring holes in ground for posts, Tool for. D. J. Heenan Boring-or drilling-tool. B. Wesselmann.. Bottle. W. J. Pallant Bottle heater and foot-warmer, Feeding-. M. E., G. W., and H. G. Noy and J. Bennie Bottle. (See also Anti-refilling bottle, Non-refillable bottle.) Bottles, Appliance for opening aerated water. J. R. Purdy Bottles, decanters, &c, Machine for cleaning. G. Carrington .. .. .. ■.. Bottles, &c, Means for preventing refilling of, and for verifying genuineness of contents. A. and L. Braly Bottles, &c, Method of and apparatus for filling. W. J. Glennon and A. Y. Oastler Bottle, &c, stopper. Andrews Patent Bottle Lock Stopper Syndicate (Limited) Bottles, Stopper for. J. S. Woodhouse .. Box, Collapsible. G. Aitkens and H. Graves Box, Collapsible or folding. C. McCallum Box fastener, Butter-. A. Dawes Box, Keyless lever-lock for. T. Johnson and E. E. Kirby Box-making machine, Cutting and printing mechanism for. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Box, Ventilated. G. P. Pegley Box. (See also Axle-box, Biscuit-box, Butter-box, Folding-box, Match-box, Postal-box, Precipi-j tating-box, Sheet metal box, Stamper-box.) Bracket, Displaying. L. G. Baker Bracket for erection of galvanised-iron spouting. H. J. Vickery Brake, Air-compressor for vehicle-. E. J. Wessels and H. P. Merriam Brake- and coasting-attachment for bicycle. W. and J. Butler Brake and foot-rest, Bicycle-. Massey-Harris Company (Limited) Brake for cages used in shafts, &c, T. B. Jacobsen and H. Rabe Brake-gearing for cycle. L. N. Dyhrberg 9851 9370 9375 9845 10035 31 Aug. 23 March. 22 March. 1 Sept. 21 Oct. 9291 9175 9600 9547 9615 9374 10036 23 Feb. 23 Dec,'96 5 June. 19 May. 17 June. 3 March. 21 Oct. 10237 22 Dec. 9398 9676 10155 10206 10059 9397 9206 9980 9796 9737 9838 9823 10133 9314 31 March. 17 July. 19 Nov. 7 Dec. 27 Oct. 27 March. 20 Jan. 4 Oct. 13 Aug. 2 Aug. 26 Aug. 16 Aug. 12 Nov. 1 March. 9962 10254 10124 9S00 9385 9985 9178 10104 10099 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 13 Nov. 6 Aug. 27 March. 14 Oct. 7 Jan. 4 Nov. 8 Oct. 10215 9914 9500 15 Dec. 18 Sept. 5 May. 9346 9890 9653 9293 9298 9173 9780 9828 9965 9906 9628 10146 9571 9352 10079 13 Maroh. 10 Sept. 1 July. 23 Feb. 25 Feb. 4 Jan. 10 Aug. 24 Aug. 7 Oct. 14 Sept. 24 June. 22 Nov. 28 May. 15 March, 6 Sept. 9181 9516 9542 9 Jan. 10 May. 19 May. 9647 9294 9860 9412 9219 9343 10072 9774 30 June. 24 Feb. 1 Sept. 7 April. 23 Jan. 11 Feb. 1 Nov. 11 Aug. 9247 26 Nov.'96. 10213 9723 9652 10189 9446 9927 9301 14 Dec. 28 July. 1 July. 2 Dec. 14 April. 20 Sept. 24 Feb.




[nvem jion am [ame oi Invem ;or. io. ■e. Brake. (See also Bicycle-brake, Cycle-brake, Perambulator-brake, Vehicle-brake, Velocipedebrake.) Brakes, Triple valve for pneumatic railway. A. Kapteyn .. Brand. W. G. Olemoe Brand, Self-feeding. P. R. Linton Branding boxes, &c, Stencil-case for. A. L. Heighton Branding-composition. A. L. Potter Branding composition, Cattle-. G-. Aitkens and H. P. H. Graves Branding machine. J.A.Barnes Branding. (See also Marking.) Brazing-table or pan. Elkington and Co. (Limited).. Bread-knife and -fork. H. J. Reeves .. .. Breakwater. C. S. Wedenby .. .. Bridle or headstall. T. Hogan Brush. (See Spray-brush, Tooth-brush.) Bucket-handle. G. Aitkens and H. Graves .. .. .; Buokec, Lug or ear for. W. Dalton Buckle-fastener. A.A.Grace.. .. .. Buggy. H. Bowen Building, Method of indicating presence or absence of person in any part of. B. B. and P. A. Vaile Building. (See Concrete, Roofing, Structural arrangement.) Bungs, taps, &c, Stopper applicable to. J. S. Woodhouse Buoy, Life-. A. F. W. Goodwill Burner for acetylene and other gas. E. F. Green Burner for benzine-gas. P. W. von Gehlen Burner for oil-lamp. O. Throckmorton Burner for petroleum- and other oil-stoves. J. S. Chambers and J. G. Seymour Burner, Incandesoent. G. W. Chalmers .. .. Burner, Support for incandescent gas-. W. R. Clay and B. Walmsley Burning of pastry. Preventing. A. Hamann .. .. .. Burnishing-ink for leather. E. Hitchings Butter-box, Composition for coating. F. H. Wood and J. E. Langstone Butter-box fastener. A. Dawes .. .. Butter-box, Head for. R. Loudon .. Butter-boxes, Enamel for lining. F. H. Wood and J. E. Langstone Butter-making. D. R. S. Galbraith Butter-making. D. R. S. Galbraith Butter-manufacture and churn therefor. E. G. N. Salenius Butter-worker. J. Marshall and J. G. Thomson Butter. (See also Churn.) Cages used in shafts, &c, Brake for. T. B. Jacobsen and H. Rabe Calcining- or roasting-furnace, Ore. G. A. Richard Calcium-carbide, Apparatus for generating acetylene gas from. C. A. Finch and H. J. Buchan .. Calcium-carbide, Method and apparatus for the manufacture of. F. H. Haviland, A. Holloway, J. B. Collier, and W. H. Murch Calculating-machine. W. J. Baldwin Calculating-machine, Printing-attachment for. A. T. Ashwell.. Calculating. (See also Cash-registering, Cost-indicating, Dial, Enumerator, Indicating, Readyreckoner, Time-indicator, Weighing.) Calculations, Apparatus for facilitating. F. D. Fergusson Cam and camshaft for stamp-mills. E. J. Way Cam and camshaft for stamp-mills. E. J. Way Cams upon shafts, Means of securing. E. A. Blanton, jun. .. .. Camera, Photographic. E. P. Schoenfelder and E. Kehle Can. G. W. Clerihew Can-making machine. R. D. Hume Can. (See also Canister, Milk-can, Tin.) Canals, harbours, &c, Means for preventing accumulations of sand, &c, in. E. Waters. Caadle-adjuster. E. B. Cargill. Candle-grease, Preventing dropping of. T. A. Cato .. Candle-guard. W. Sandlant Candle-lamp or -lantern. A. Bock Candle- or lamp-holder. F. Albrecht Candlestick or holder. C. C. A. Hall .. .... Candlesticks from grease, &c, Instrument for protecting. A. L. J. Tait .. Candle-wick. E. B. and P. A. Vaile Canister or tin. F. J. Lake Canister, Tobacco-. A. H. Turnbull Canopy- and vault-lights and prismatic glass. J. M. Ewen Canopy for window, Prismatic. J. M. Ewen Cap for chimney top. B. Roberts and T. Rose Capsuling food-extracts, medicine, &c. C. R. Valentine Car coupling, Railway-. H. J. Marks Carbonated aerated drinks, Tablets for production of. A. Dolton Carriage, Child's. R. C. W. Horsley Carriage, Horseless. The Anglo-French Motor-carriage Company (Limited) Cart- and gig-seats, Seat-fastener for. F. H. and H. R. Steel Cart, Combined earth-scoop and. W. Henry Cart or spring-dray saddle. T. Hogan Carts and other vehicles, Balance-lever for equalising weight in. T. Goodwin Carving wood, Method of. H. J. C. Scott Case, Fruit. R.Jack Case or crate for rabbits, &c, Export. A. Hart and G. E. Andrew .. Case, Transport. F. A. Furlonge Case. (See also Box.) 10220 9982 10228 10195 9415 9978 9476 9203 10217 9682 9728 9430 9444 9350 9967 9715 9860 9872 9655 9619 9956 9579 10073 10138 9554 9218 9186 9343 9520 9610 9821 9952 9442 9842 9927 10245 10252 9306 17 Dec. 14 Oct. 17 Dec. 7 Dec. 8 April. 9 Oct. 26 April. 19 Jan. 15 Dec. 15 July. 23 July. 10 April. 14 April. 4 March 7 Oct. 20 July. 1 Sept. 3 Sept. 1 July. 18 June. 2 Oct. 31 May. 21 Oct. 18 Nov. 15 April. 20 Jan. 11 Jan. 11 Feb. 12 May. 14 June. 25 Aug. 2 Oct. 14 April 31 Aug. 20 Sept. 23 Dec. 29 Dec. 26 Feb. 10235 10055 22 Dec. 27 Oct. 9322 9208 10056 9585 9193 9540 9673 4 March. 20 Jan. 27 Oct. 3 June. 14 Jan. 19 May. 12 July. 9323 9837 9904 9764 9642 9797 9443 9506 9692 9348 9286 10008 10017 9738 9933 9535 9279 9521 9309 9995 9303 9930 10000 10148 9228 9376 9391 4 March. 24 Aug. 14 Sept. 11 Aug. 30 June. 16 Aug. 13 April. 7 May. 17 July. 20 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 28 July. 27 Sept. 19 May. 17 Feb. 10 May. 1 March. 15 Oct. 24 Feb. 25 Sept. 9 Oct. 22 Nov. 27 Jan. 25 March. 29 March.




[nven' jion ani fame o: [nven: sor. :o. ie. Cash-registering, cheese-cutting, and weighing apparatus. R. J. Goodman Cask, Appliance for connecting pump to end of. G. W. Sturgess Cask or vat. H. Dose Casting and -composing machine, Type-. Lanston Monotype-machine Company Castings, Annealing iron- and steel-. P. D. Murphy Catamaran, Steam-. W. W. Pullman Cattle-branding. (See Branding.) Cattle and horses, Drench for. E. P. Baker Cattle, horses, sheep, &c, Drench for. A. Hamilton Cavity or hollow walls, Tie for. A. F. Pritchard Centrifugal amalgamator and separator. C. L. Garland and J. and S. E. Murray Centrifugal machine for separating liquids. P. M. Sharpies .. .. .. Centrifugal pump. W. Jennings and M. G. B. Jefferson Chaff-cutter, Machine for sharpening blades of. T. Dawson Chain, Bicycle-. C. M. Murison Chain-grip, Cycle. L. Home Chain. (See also Driving-chain.) Chainless bicycle-gear. B. Speight Chainless driving-gear for bicycle. K. A. Dexter and J. Hare Chainless driving-gear for cycle. C. L. Garland Chair, Easy. C. T. Kiernan Chair, Folding arm-. B. F. Griffin and H. G. Lever Chamber and filter combined, Cooling-. E. H. K. Crawford Channel and kerb for roads, crossings, &o. G. and W. Carder and E. Owen Chape, Repairing-. T. S. McGrevy Charcoal, &c, Furnace and precipitating apparatus for recovering gold from. J. Turnbull Check-book holder. R. S. Abel and J. Dykes Check. (See Door-check.) Checking mechanism for looms. J. Berry and G. E. Beaumont Cheese-cutting apparatus. A. Saunders .. Cheese-cutting, weighing, and cash-registering apparatus. R. J. Goodman Child's carriage. R. C. W. Horsley Chilling and freezing meat, Process of and means for. H. Grono and H. Pateson Chilling. (See also Cooling, Freezing, Meat, Refrigerating.) Chimney-pot or ventilator. B.Crawford.. .. .. • Chimney-stacks, engines, &c, Smoke-consumer and spark-catcher for. L. G. Roope and J. Shepherd Chimney-top, Cap for. B. Roberts and T. Rose Chimneys, Apparatus for preventing down draught in. R. Davis Chlorination, Apparatus for extracting metals by. G. F. Smith Churn. E. G. N. Salenius Churn. J. C. Seelye. Churn. (See also Butter.) Cigar- and tobacco-cutter, match-delivering device, and indicator combined. T. H. Ross and H. M. Evans Cigar- or cigarette-holder. J. Taylor Cigar-or cigarette-wrapper cutting-machine. N. du Brul Cigarette arranging mechanism. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) .. Cigarette, Elliptical. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cigarette-fillers, Machine for making. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cigarette-machine. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cigarette-machine. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cigarette- or cigar-holder. J. Taylor .. .. .. ..... Cigarette- or pipe-holder. R. C. W. Horseley Cistern, Flushing siphon-. J. Marsh Cistern, Hot water circulating. J.Anderson Cistern or -receptacle, Oil-. G. Mirfin Clamp for making picture-frames. J. B. Gould Clamp. (See also Cramp.) Cleaner. (See Fibre-cleaner, Knife-cleaner, Pot-cleaner, Wire-rope cleaner.) Cleaning bottles, decanters, &c, Machine for. G. Carrington Cleaning fabrics, Composition for renovating and. C. Baldwin Cleaning harness, Composition for. E. T. Allen Cleanser. W. J. Wilson Clip, Trouser-. A. J. Cuming Closet, Earth-. C. F. Pemberton Closet or night-commode, Sanitary or inside. T. Danks Closet, Water-. H. Stairmand and H. Garnham Cloth for cutting, embroidering, &c, Marking out. J. Marsden Cloth for fabrics, Machine for cutting. F. Leslie and M. Bromet Cloth, Saddle-. P. Smith Clothes-line prop-head. W. H. B. Miller Clothes-line standard. J. Norris Clothes-peg. A. L. J. Tait Clothes-washing machine. T. Johnson and E. E. Kirby Clutch for winch. W. and W. H. Cutten Clutch, Reversing-. J.. Gray .. Coasting- and brake-attachment for bicycle. W. and J. Butler Coat. (See Overcoat, Waterproof-coat.) Codlin-moth exterminator. R. A. C. Kerry Coin-operated telephone instrument. F. J. Clendinnen and G. A. P. Weymouth Collapsible box. C. McCallum Collapsible box. G. Aitkens and H. Graves Collar. (See Horse-collar, Shirt-collar.) Colloids of the gelatine class, Forming soluble. E. J, Mills .. ,. 9338 10139 9919 10006 9321 9179 10 March. 15 Nov. 21 Sept. 18 Oct. 1 March. 4 Deo.'96 9408 9379 9987 9632 9602 9744 9896 9372 10187 6 April. 26 March. 14 Oct. 24 June. 10 June. 2 Aug. 8 Sept. 23 March. 3 Dec. 9258 9997 9448 10068 10075 9988 9606 9811 10095 9346 8 Feb. 12 Oct. 14 April. 18 Oct. 1 Nov. 14 Oct. 10 June. 20 Aug. 4 Nov. 13 March. 9453 9497 9338 9521 9786 22 April. 6 May. 10 March. 10 May. 13 Aug. 10053 9940 9 Oct. 24 Sept. 9738 9734 9578 9442 9934 28 July. 30 July. 31 May. 14 April. 27 Sept. 9489 3 May. 9990 9693 9337 9460 9367 14 Oct. 17 July. 9 March. 22 April. 19 March. 9407 9459 9990 9005 9461 9266 9290 10183 6 April. 22 April. 14 Oct. 8 June. 22 April. 9 Feb. 23 Feb. i Dec. 9516 9180 9515 9772 9333 9959 9399 9909 10152 9311 10143 10125 9666 9681 10073 10236 9639 10189 10 May. 19 Nov. '96 7 May. 11 Aug. 5 March. 2 Oct. 29 March. 15 Sept. 24 Nov. 1 March. 19 Nov. 15 Nov. 9 July. 10 July. 1 Nov. 22 Dec. 22 June. 2 Dec. 9980 10250 9219 9412 4 Oct. 24 Dec. 23 Jan. 5 April. 9924 24 Sept.




[nveni iion an' fame ol !nveui ;or. No. Date Colouring photographs, Method of. J. H. Brown Colour-printing machine. V. Turati .. .. .. .. .. .. Colour-stamping or embossing press. J. C. Swallow Comber, Fibre. W. Toogood Commode or -closet, Night-. T. Danks .. .. .. .. .. Composing machine, Type-casting and. Lanston Monotype-machine Company Composition for cleaning harness. E. T. Allen Compressing wool, hay, etc., Apparatus for. W. H. Herdman Compression-pump for refrigerating purposes. J. Budge Concentrated milk. W. T. Murray Concentrator. A. R. Wilfley Concentrator and amalgamator combined. A. Menesdorffer, R. W. Jolly, and J. Wilson Concentrator, Ore-. O. Blacket Concentrator, Ore-. W. A. Koneman and W. H. Hartley .. .. .[ .. Concentrator. (See also Amalgamator, Gold, Metals, Ores.) Concrete structure. W. Pinches Confectionery- or biscuit-box. G. Aitkens Connecting-rod for cycles. O. K. Peez Conserving banks of rivers. J. C. Vincent and R. Gobb .. .. .. .' Conserving rivers, Means of. S. Manning and T. G. Russell .. .. .. .. Cooking-range. J. F. Ford Cooking-utensil. P. H. Pritchett .. .. .. .. .. [\ Cooking-utensils, Cover for. E. Smethurst Cooler or -heater. Milk-. J. Alexander Cooling-chamber and filter combined. E. H. K. Crawford .. .. .. " Cooling. (See also Freezing, Milk-cooler, Refrigerating.) Cord- or rope-fastener. H. Gorell Cornice-pole and blind head-board. W. Gee Corn-product, and process of and apparatus for making same. M. W. Marsden Corrugated iron, Nail for securing. J. Greenhill Corset. B. Porter .. .. .. .. .. ., \[ Corset-jacket. G. Weston and W. Gunn .. .. .. .. .. " Coseys,-rugs, &c, Method of making flax-. J. C. Corbett .. .. .'.' .'] Cost-indicating and measuring machine. A. Smith Cost-indicating, registering, and weight-totalling apparatus for weighing-machine. W. H. and W. L. D. Gundry Cost-indicating scales, Dial for weight and. H. J. Wood Cost-indicator. (See also Calculating, Cash-registering, Dial, Enumerator, Indicating, Readyreckoner, Time-indicator, Totalisator, Weighing.) Cost of goods sold by lineal measurement, Apparatus for indicating. J. L. Scott and A. Smith Cost of goods sold by lineal measurement, Apparatus for indicating. R. A. Bradbury Cotton-waste, wool, &c, Apparatus for degreasing. The Textile Cleaning Company (Limited) .. Coulter attachment to plough, Skeith and skim-. W. K. Elder.. Coulters, &c, Drilling-attachment for. G, Bristow Coupling and union for hose. A. H. Wedler Coupling, Railway-car. H.J.Marks Courses of rivers, Apparatus for changing. J. C. Vincent and R. Cobb .. .. .. Cover for cooking-utensils. E. Smethurst Cover for jugs, &c. W. C. and G. F. Gee .. .. Cover for jugs, &c. W. Hyde.. .. .. .. ., .. " Cover. (See also Butter-box head, Horse-cover.) Cradle and rocker bicycle-saddle attachment. F. St. John Cramp. (See Clamp, Flooring- and lining-cramp.) Crank and hanger, Bicycle-. H. S. Grady Crank, Extension-rod for bicycle-. W. H. Landells and H. Zander .. .. .. Crank for bicycle, Automatic-extension. H. A. Ladbrook Crank for velocipede, Pedal-. J. P. Faulds, J. Dickinson, and G. E. Beaumont Crank for velocipede, Pedal-. G. E. Beaumont and J. and W. Dickinson Crank, Increasing power of bicycle-. H., H. L., and F. P. Wilson Crank spindle and bearing, Cycle-. A. J. Cuming .. .. .. ,\ Crank, Varying length of tread on bicycle-. P. O, K. Young .. .. ." '' Crate or case for rabbits, Export. G. E. Andrew and A. Hart .. .. .. Crate for export of rabbits, &c. A. S. Juniper Cream. (See Churn, Milk.) Cricket-bat handle. W. Brook Cricket-stumps. J. Roberts .. .. .. .. ., '' Crushing and grading ore, quartz, &c, Apparatus for. J. Wood and W. W. Clark .. .. Crushing quartz, ores, &c, Roller-mill for. H. W. Treloar Crushing-roll. J. L. Kirkbride .. .. .. ,. \[ Crushing-rolls, &c, Automatic feeder for. J. L. Kirkbride .. ■ Crushing. (See also Ore, Pulveriser, Stamper battery.) Cue tip-fastening, Billiard-. A. A. and J. Whitelaw Cultivator and seed-drill, Combined. C. McLeod .. .. .. .' Cultivator, &c, Attachment for fixing shares to tines of. J. T. Allsop Cup, Egg-. G. E. Adlard .. .. .. .... " Cup for sprayer-nozzle, Drip-. W. H. Price Cure for toothache and neuralgia. M. M. Squire .. .. .. V Cure for piles and hemorrhoids, Mixture for. H. R. Simeon .. .. .. Curing hides or ekins. J. W. Scott .. .. .. ., \[ Cutter and thimble combined, Thread-. W. C. Robison Cutter, Cheese-. A Saunders Cutter. (See Cigar-cutter, Tobacco-cutter, Wrapper-cutter.) Cutting and printing mechanism for box-making machine. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cutting and sharpening rock-drills, Machine for. F. G. Myers Cutting cloth or fabrics, Machine for. F. Leslie and M. Bromet . 9221 . 9629 , 10092 9188 9399 10006 9515 10204 9575 9320 10101 9299 9483 10058 9938 9398 9057 10033 9979 9533 9816 9523 9224 9988 10207 9796 9171 9991 9706 9721 10119 9183 9847 9808 9250 9275 9709 9820 9468 9943 9535 10033 9523 9528 9846 23 Jan. 24 June 4 Nov. 12 Jan. 29 March. 18 Oct. 7 May. 9 Deo. 25 May. 3 March. 5 Nov. 25 Feb. 1 May. 27 Oct. 25 Sept. 31 March. 28 June. 21 Oct. 8 Oct. 22 Sep.,'96 20 Aug. 13 May. 25 Jan. 14 Oct. 7 Dec. 13 Aug. 5 Jan. 14 Oct. 20 July. 26 July. 13 Nov. 9 Jan. I 27 Aug. 18 Aug. 4 Feb. 13 Feb. 22 July. 21 Aug. 21 April. 30 Sept. 19 May. 21 Oct. 13 May. 14 May. 1 Sept 9490 29 April. 10109 9731 10134 9345 9644 10081 9901 10105 9376 10219 10 Nov. 27 July. 15 Nov. 13 March. 30 June. 2 Nov. 10 Sept. 5 Nov. 25 March. 17 Dec. 9307 9353 9695 10090 9760 10052 26 Feb. 11 March. 17 July. 4 Nov. C Aug. 21 Oct. 10237 9215 9467 9998 10070 10193 10142 9249 10020 9497 22 Dec. 21 Jan. 22 April. 12 Oct. 29 Oct. 6 Dec. 17 Nov. 4 Feb. 15 Oct. 6 May. 9774 11 Aug. 9782 9311 22Oct.'96.* 1 March,




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Cutting sods for laying rabbit-poison, Boot-attachment for. O.Johns Cyanide process of extracting gold. A. M. Cameron Cyanide solutions, Electric precipitation of gold and silver from. A. James Cyanide solutions, Precipitating metals from. M. B. Zeroner Cyanide solutions, Recovering gold, &c, from. E. Andreoli Cycle. G. Aitkens Cycle. W. H. Landells Cycle. A. J. Cuming Cycle- and motor-frames, Junctions for. F. Billing and W. E. Partridge Cycle-brake. G. Baxter .. .. .. .. .. Cycle-brake. B. Locking Cycle-brake gear. L. N. Dyhrberg Cycle-chain grip. L. Home Cycle crank-spindle and bearing. A. J. Ouming Cycle, Device for attaching rider's feet to pedals of. H. Thompson Cycle driving-gear. A. Gross, V. E. Masters, and J. Booth Cycle driving-gear. C. L. Garland Cycle driving-gear. T. E. White and C. Read Cycle driving-gear. E. B. Vaile Cycle driving-gear. M. Scott Cycle driving-gear. M. Scott Cycle driving gear. J. Brown .. .. .. .. Cycle driving-gear. E. Moss and H. J. Ranger Cycle driving-gear. T. C. Dennison and R. C. Skeet Cycle driving-gear. M. and J. Christophersen and A. Mackay Cycle drivirjg-gear. A. H. Edwards Cycle-driving mechanism. J.Welsh Cycle-driving mechanism. S. Macdonald .. .. .. ... Cycle-driving mechanism. J. H. Howe Cycle-driving mechanism. G. G. M. Hardingham .. Cycle-driving mechanism, Lever-arm for. W. W. Curties Cycle, Flexible connection for gear-wheels of. J. Robertson Cycle-frame. A. J. Cuming Cycle-frame. A. J. Cuming Cycle-frame joints. H. Belcher, F. Easom, and F. Westwood Cycle-gear. E. A. Trendall Cycle-gear. H. Thompson Cycle-gearing. M. W. Lane Cycle-gearing. J. Phillips Cycle-gear wheels, Flexible connection for. J. Robertson .. .. Cycle handle-bar. A. J. Cuming Cycle-handles, Affixing and adjusting. W. A. Murray Cycle-propelling mechanism. L. and E. Schmoll .. .. .. .. Cycle-propelling mechanism. R. K. Parkerson and H. Zander Cycle-racing or -exercising machine. G. J. Bones and L. H. Hart Cycle-roundabout. D. Burrell and C. Curtis Cycle, Trouser-guard for. E. R. Standfield and F. J. Fuchs Cycle two-speed gear. T. Read Cycle-tire. (See Tire.) Cycle-tires, Automatic pump for inflating. A. Gross Cyole-wheel. (See Wheel.) Cycle. (See also Bicycle, Brake, Driving-gear, Motor, Pedal, Propelling, Saddle, Seat, Tire, Tricycle, Vehicle, Velocipede, Wheel.) Cycles, Affixing umbrellas, &c, to. C. E. Jay Cycles, Connecting-rod for. 0. K. Peez .. .. .. .. ■ Cycling-skirt. S.E.Francis .. Cyclist, Belt or body-support for. E. Merrillees Cyclistes' skirt-attachment. C. Bristow Cyclists' home-trainer. H. V. Westbury Cyclist's shoe to pedal, Means of connecting. S. Macdonald and L. S. Harrison Cylindrical objects, Machine for printing. Maskinforretningen Interessentskabet Daawrud Damper for steam-boiler. G. Butel Damping-machine, Automatic finger for removing labels from. W. Woodcock Degreasing leather, Method of and machine for. G. E. Wright and W. Monk Degreasing wool, cotton-waste, &c, Apparatus for. The Textile Cleaning Company (Limited) .. Designs, letters, and figures for educational purposes. J.Harvey Desk or stand attachable to chair, bed, &c. J. Tremearne .. .. .. :. Dial and universal time-indicator. A. J. Day Dial for weight and cost-indicating scales. H. J. Wood Dial, Sun-. J. Levinge Dial switch, Telephone-. H. C. M. Watson Diamond core-drill. H.L.Webster Dickey, and means of attaching to shirt. J. Harvey-Metcalfe .. Digger, Potato-. H. Cave .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Dip, Sheep-. T. Hallett Disc-coulters, plough-wheels, &c, Axle and box for. J. Cockerell and E. H. Harper Disc-plough, Rotary. W. C. Peacock Dish, Prospecting-. W.G.Collins Disc-ridger. J. Macalister Dissolvent, Gold-. A. Etard Divider for reaper-and-binder, Rotary T. Bassett and J. K. Mawson Diving-dress. Deep Sea Diving Company (Limited) Diving-dress. H. J. S. Kelly Diving-dress. J. W. Gray Door-check. G. J. A. Leslie and F. E. Holmes Door-check. A. H. Brownley .. .. ,. .. • ■ 5—H. 10. 9293 10174 9435 9195 9313 9184 9S17 9670 9166 9383 10151 9301 10187 9901 9861 9268 9448 9463 9466 9562 9594 9888 9898 10042 10168 10172 9212 9563 9849 10257 9316 9326 9477 9638 10242 9250 9364 9685 10120 9326 9671 10175 9488 9720 9955 9880 9607 9472 23 Feb. 2 Dec. 8 April. 14 Jan. 1 March. 11 Jan. 20 Jan. 8 July. 4 Jan. 25 March. 23 Nov. 24 Feb. 3 Dec. 10 Sept. 2 Sept. 13 Feb. 14 April. 22 April. 15 April. 21 May. 2 June. 9 Sept. 9 Sept. 18 Oct. 27 Nov. 1 Dec. 21 Jan. 21 May. 31 Aug. 31 Dec. 1 March. 4 March. 28 April. 25 June. 23 Deo. 28 Jan. 16 Jan. 12 July. 11 Nov. 4 March. 8 July. 2 Dec. 1 May. 23 July. 2 Oct. 9 Sept. 11 June. 8 April. 10034 21 Oct. 10060 9657 9910 9985 9491 9589 9564 9264 10185 9284 9417 9709 9654 9470 9361 9808 9704 9680 9792 9566 9274 10253 9545 10247 10126 9202 9402 9824 9362 9447 9992 9287 9394 26 Oct. 28 June. 16 Sept. 14 Oct. 4 May. 4 June. 21 May. 12 Feb. 4 Dec. 17 Feb. 8 April. 22 July. 1 July. 26 April. 18 March. 18 Aug. 20 July. 28 June. 14 Aug. 25 May. 12 Feb. 30 Dec. 19 May. 23 Dec. 10 Nov. 8 Jan. 22 March. 23 Aug. 18 March. 14 April 14 Oct. 17 Feb. - 19 Feb.




Invention and Name ol Inventor. [o. ;e. Door-check. G. J. A. Leslie and W. D. Kenealy Door, Double. A. H. Telfer and D. Richardson Door, Draught preventer for. J. J. Denehy Door, Draught-preventer for. W.Graham Door, Draught-preventer for. T. Johnson and E. B. Kirby Door-hinge. F. Street Door-step whitener. S. Sicklemore Double-seated bicycle. M. Scott Dough, Process and apparatus for converting grain into. O. Avedyk and A. Desgofie Dovetail edges for rivetless pipes, Machine for forming. M. Ferguson Drainpipes, Joining. T. Firth Drain-plough. W. S. Payne Drain-plough plug. A. Russell .. .. .. Drains blocking and gas escaping, Gully for preventing. J. J. Oraig Draught-plate for register-grate. T. Daoombe Draught-preventer for door. W. Graham Draught-preventer for door. J. J. Denehy Draught-preventer for door. T. Johnson and E. E. Kirby Dredge. S. Lawson Dredge, Appliance for precipitating gold on tables of. G. H. Oatway Dredge for recovering gold. L. H. Reynolds Dredge, Gold-saving appliance for. L. H. Reynolds and G. H. Oatway Dredge, Gold-saving table for. G. H. Osmond Dredging, Method of and apparatus for. S. Crow Drench for cattle, horses, &c. A. Hamilton Drench for horses and cattle. E. P. Baker Dress. (See Diving dress.) Dressing flax. (See Flax.) Drill, Force-feed for. T. Ayson .. Drill for sowing grain with manure. I. Sargent Drill. (See also Diamond core-drill, Rock-drill, Seed-drill.) Drilling-attachment for coulters, &c. G. Bristow Drilling, excavating, and breaking up submarine rock, Apparatus for. R. M. Scott and A. Goodsir Drilling-or boring-tool. B. Wesselmann.. Drinks, Tablets for production of carbonated aerated. A. Dolton Drip-cup for sprayer-nozzle. W. H. Price Driving-belt. A.Drake Driving-chain for bicycle. C. M. Murison Driving-chains of bicycles and tricycles, Appliance for cleaning. P. Genn Driving-gear for motor-cars, cycles, &c. T. G. Dennison and R. 0. Skeet.. Driving gear for winch. W. H. and W. Cutten Driving-gear. (See Bicycle driving-gear, Cycle driving-gear, Velocipede driving-gear.) Driving-wheel, Locomotive. P. Z. Davis .. .. . Drying ore, Apparatus for roasting and. P. Argall Drying wool. (See Wool.) Dust-collecting screen for quartz-crushing batteries, &c. M. Bate Dust from stamper-boxes, Method of and apparatus for collecting and treating. W. H. Clarke .. Dust-stopper for stamper battery. W. Thomas Dyeing. E. J. Stewart Dyes, washing-blue, &c, Receptacle for. H. Vallance Dynamic energies of matter, Means of utilising. H. Sanche Dynamite and other blasting material, Method of igniting. W. Skeates Dynamo for lighting incandescent electric lamps, Combined air-pressure turbine and. T. G. Howden Ear or lug for bucket. W. Dalton Earth-closet. C. F. Pemberton Earth-metal oxides. (See Oxides.) Earth-scoop and cart combined. W.Henry Easy-chair. C. T. Kiernan Educational purposes, Letters, figures, and designs for. J. Harvey Egg-cup. G. E. Adlard Egg-preservative. G. H. Buckeridge, P. Marks, and C. F. Cork Eggs, fruit, &c, Method of and apparatus for carrying. A. Smith Eggs, fruit, &c, Method of preserving. J. A. Parker Ejector, Toilet-powder. J. J. Charlton and J. H. Kay Elections, &c, Apparatus for recording and registering votes at. W. A. Ellis Elections, Apparatus for registering votes at. W. Andrews, J. Bruce, and F. H. Schoeneberg .. Elections, Process and apparatus for recording votes at. O. Hansen Electric alarm, Railway-crossing. J.Ferguson Electrical battery for light and power purposes, Regenerative. G. G. Turri Electrical impulses and signals, Apparatus for transmitting. The Wireless-telegraph and Signal Company (Limited) Electrical or storage battery. W. W. Hansoom and A. Hough Electric arc-lamp. The British Blalmik Arc Light Company (Limited) Electric arc-lamp. The British Blahnik Arc Light Company (Limited) Electric currents and signals, Controlling. A. C. Crehore and G. O. Squier Electric ignition for gas, oil, and internal-combustion engine. F. Henderson and M. T. N. Bluck Electric lamp, Combined air-pressure turbine and dynamo for lighting an incandescent. T. G. Howden Electric meat-and goods-marker. E. Hardaker and T. A. Petrie Electrio propulsion, Apparatus for. C. P. F. Clerc and A. G. Pingault Flectric storage battery. J. E. Liardet .. Eleotro-glazing and mechanical methods of mounting prism-lights and -tiles. J. M, Ewen Electro-glazing for joining glass, tiles, &c. J. M. Ewen .. .. .. Eleotrolyser, J. G. A, Rhodin and A. -B. Harvey ,. ., ., 10149 9176 9853 9637 10074 9189 9757 10211 9165 10114 9330 9791 10049 9779 9614 9637 9853 10074 9243 10218 9599 10197 9758 9591 9379 9408 18 Nov. 7 Jan. 2 Sept. 24 June. 1 Nov. 1 Deo., '96 6 Aug. 11 Deo. 4 Jan. 11 Nov. 6 March. 10 Aug. 19 Oct. 10 Aug. 15 June. 24 June. 2 Sept. 1 Nov. IPeb. 13 Deo. 8 June. 3 Deo. 6 Aug. 7 May. 26 March. 6 April. 10145 9651 20 Nov. 7 June. 9468 10116 9571 9279 10070 10136 9372 9175 10042 10238 21 April. 11 Nov. 28 May. 17 Feb. 29 Oct. 18 Nov. 23 March. 23 Dec,'96 18 Oct. 22 Dec. 9390 10102 27 March. 5 Nov. 9640 9650 9724 9841 10111 9875 10206 10046 24 June. 30 June. 19 July. 31 Aug. 10 Nov. 8 Sept. 7 Dec. 23 Oct. 9444 9959 14 April. 2 Oct. 9303 10068 9654 9998 9865 9958 9574 9197 10200 10233 10131 10097 10091 9925 24 Feb. 18 Oct. 1 July. 12 Oct. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 29 May. 14 Jan. 9 Dec. 20 Dec. 11 Dec. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 21 Sept. 9741 9539 10243 9541 9748 2 Aug. 19 May. 23 Dec. 19 May. 29 July. 10046 23 Oct. 9747 9386 10135 10015 10010 10094 12 July. 27 March. 17 Nov. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 4 Nov.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Electrolysis and solvents, Method of extracting metala from ores by. C. A. Mulholland and E. M. Cochrane Electrolysis, Glazing prismatic glass sections, tiles, &c, together by. J. M. Ewen Electrolytic amalgamator. P. Ferguson Electrolytic and leaching treatment of zinc-ores. E. A. Ashcroft. Electrolytic apparatus. E. Motz and H. P. Welch Electrolytic precipitating-box. P.Ferguson Electro-motor. M. Brab Elevator-frame for reaper-and-binder. A. Orr and J. Ure Elevator, Hydraulic gravel-. R.H.Campbell Elevator, Sack-. J. Acton Elliptical cigarette. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Embossed or bas-relief photographs, Process for producing. I. Faris and F. W. Mason Embossing or stamping press, Colour-. J. C. Swallow Embrocation. M. A. Galbraith Enarnel for lining butter-boxes. F. H. Wood and J. E. Langstone Enamel paint and mode of applying same. A. Ogden and C. L. Garland Engines, chimney-stacks, &c, Smoke-consumer and spark-catcher for. L. G. Roope and J. Shepherd Engine. (See Air-engine, Automatic engine, Gas-engine, Hydro-carbon engine, Locomotiveengine, Oil-engine, Rotary engine, Steam engine, Spirit-engine, Traction-engine, Tubeengine, Motors, Power.) Enumerating-machine or totalisator. H. Hodsdon Envelope. R. S. Elston, jun. Envelope. F. J. Lake Envelope. P.A.Roberts Envelope or wrapper. E. B. and P. A. Vaile Escape, Fire-. C. W. G. Aldridge and W. C. Clark Essence of tea. B. M. Brian .. Evaporating-pan, steam-generator, and furnace combined. J. T. Johns, J. H. Fleming, and G. W. Basley Excavating and breaking-up submarine rock, Apparatus for drilling. R. M. Scott and A. Goodsir Exercising machine, Cycle-racing or. G. J. Bones and L. H. Hart Exploding blasting material, Means of. J. Ritchie Explosion-motor. H. Tarrant Explosive. The British and Colonial Colliery Supply Association (Limited) Extension-crank for bicycles, Automatic. H. A. Ladbrook Extension rod for bicycle-cranks. W. H. Landells and H. Zander Extinguisher, Spark-. D, E. Blacke Extract, An alimentary. E. C. L. Kressel and T. Hill-Jones .. Extracting gold. (See Gold, Metals, Ore, Zinc.) Eye for ends of harness-traces, Loop and. C. Anderson Fabrics and cloth, Machine for cutting. F. Leslie and M. Bromet Fabrics, Composition for renovating and cleaning. C. Baldwin Fabrics, wool, &c, Apparatus for washing. J. H. Coxen Fastener. (See Belt-fastener, Bootlace-fastener, Buckle-fascener, Butter-box fastener, Cordfastener, Cue-tip fastener, Gate-fastener, Horse-cover fastener, Legging fastener, Mail-bag fastener, Nozzle-fastener, Rail-fastener, Rope-fastener, Sash-fastener, Seat-fastener, Strapfastener, Tie-fastener, Trace-fastener, Twine-fastener, Window-fastener, Wire-fastener.) Fats and oils, Apparatus for refining. J. Davidson and C. G. Hepburn Fats and oils, Apparatus for treating. C. G. Hepburn Feed- and dust-stopper for stamper battery. W. Thomas Feeder for stamp-batteries, Ac, Automatic. J. L. Kirkbride Feed for drills, &c, Force-. T. Ayson .. .. .. ... Feed for seed-drills, &c. H. E. MacDonald .. Feed-water purifier for steam-generator. J. H. Rosenthal Feeding-bottle heater and foot-warmer. H. G., M. E., and G. W. Noy and J. Bennie Fence, Woven-wire. A. J. Bates Fencing apparatus, Wire-. J. McRae Fencing-posts, railway-sleepers, &c, Process of and composition for manufacturing. E. Walker and J. A. Henderson Feneing-standard. A. L. Heighton Fencing-standard. H. E. R. Rayner Fencing-standard. O. L. Sutton, jun. Fencing-standard. J. Acton Fencing-standards, Tool for driving. H. E. R. Rayner Fencing-wire, Hooknail for fastening. W.Parker .. Fencing, Wire-straining grip for. J. C. Graham Fencing-wire to standards, Means of seouring. W. C. Greig Fencing. (See also Gate-post, Standard, Wire-fencing, Wire-strainer.) Fertilised and fertilising materials, Manufacturing. C. H. Thompson Fertilisers, Manufacturing. R. Rawson .. Fibre-cleaner. W. Toogood Fibre-cleaner. W. Toogood Fibre, Treating vegetable. A. F. B. Gomess Fibre. (See also Flax.) Field-roller. J. Storrier Figure-reducing belt. E. A. and W. R. Gover Figures, designs, and letters for educational purposes. J. Harvey Filler or funnel. R. A. Cassels Fillers, Machine for making cigarette-. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Filter and cooling-chamber combined. E. H. K. Crawford Filter for tobacoo-smoke. E. B. and P. A. Vaile Filter. (See also Water-filter.) Finger for removing labels from damping-machine, Automatic. W. Woodcock 9457 10011 10021 9809 10178 10023 9297 9874 9627 9439 9460 10108 10092 9548 9610 9511 9940 10229 9231 9669 9810 9691 9572 9679 9818 10116 9955 10155 9852 10177 10134 9731 9597 9971 9736 9311 9180 10057 22 April. 19 Oct. 15 Oct. 20 Aug. 3 Dec. 15 Oct. 25 Feb. 8 Sept. 24 June. 12 April. 22 April. 5 Nov. 4 Nov. 19 May. 14 June. 10 May. 24 Sept. 18 Dec. 26 Jan. 7 July. 20 Aug. 17 July. 28 May. 9 July. 20 Aug. 11 Nov. 2 Oct. 19 Nov. 2 Sept. 2 Dec. 15 Nov. 27 July. 4 June. 8 Oct. 31 July. 1 March. 19 Nov.'96 27 Oct. 9512 10171 9724 10052 10145 9339 9844 10079 9336 9697 9235 10 May. 1 Dec. 19 July. 21 Oct. 20 Nov. 10 March. 1 Sept. 6 Sept. 6 March. 16 July. 28 Jan. 9331 9802 9899 9961 10076 9725 10064 10201 8 March. 17 Aug. 11 Sept. 29 Sept. 1 Nov. 24 July. 29 Sept. 8 Dec. 9495 9858 9188 9832 9471 6 May. 2 Sept. 12 Jan. 27 Aug. 26 April. 10047 10082 9654 9283 9367 8 Oct. 28 Oct. 1 July. lFeb. 19 March. 9988 9716 14 Oct. 20 July. 9284 17 Feb.




Invention and Name o] 'nventor. ro. :e. Fire-alarm. H. Hedge Fire-escape. C. W. G. Aldridge and W. 0. Clark Fire-extinction, axle-cooling, &c, Means of employing locomotive- and other steam-engines for. R. Feasey Fireplace devices. The Incandescent Fire-mantle and Stove Company (Limited) Fire-proof floors, walls, &c, Method of constructing. Hanson's Fire-proof Floor Syndicate (Limited) Fires, mines, &c, Means of supplying air at. E. Sprey Fish-cleaning apparatus. J. R. Smith Fish, meat, &c, Preserving. F. Taillefer Fish-offal, &c, Treating. The Fish Oil and Guano Syndicate (Limited) Fish-oil, Method of purifying. A.J.Cunningham .. Fishplate for railways. H. Hill .. .. .. ... Flax and similar fibres, Method of and machinery for treating. C. S. White and A. J. Cuming.. Flax and similar fibres, Method of and machine.ry for treating. C. S. White and A. J. Cuming.. Flax-dressing process. A. Bergin .. .. .. ... Flax-mills, Utilising tow and waste fibres from. C. S. White and A. J. Cuming Flax rugs, coseys, &c, Method of making. J. C. Corbett Flax. (See also Fibre.) Float for raising sunken vessels, Air-. F. Marriott .. .. .. ... Floor-and lining-cramp. W. Reece and C. L. Davies Floor- and lining-cramp. W. Reece and C. L. Davies Floorcloth, Mosaic. F. Walton .. .. .. ... Fluid from bodies containing same, Separating. W. A. Kbneman Fluid-motor. P. Ellis Flushing siphon-cistern. J. Marsh Flying-machine. A. Adams Fly-screen. R. Spencer Folding arm-chair. B. F. Griffin and H. G. Lever Folding-box. C. McCallum Food, Preserving. (See Preserving.) Food. (See also Corn-product.) Foot-rest and brake for bicycle. Massey-Harris Company (Limited) Foot-warmer, Feeding-bottle heater and. H. G., M. E., and G. W. Noy and J. Bennie Force-feed for drills, &c. T. Ayson Forge, Tuyere for. L. Billett and F. R. Cowper Forging and sharpening rock-drills, Machine for. F. G. Myers Forging and sharpening rock-drills, Machine for. S. P. Quick Forging-furnace. W. W. Barnes Forging, swaging, or hammering metal articles, Machine for. F. G. Myers .. ... Fork, Bread-knife and. H. J. Reeves Frame. (See Bicycle-frame, Cycle-frame, Elevator-frame, Picture-frame, Saw-fiame.) Frames, Improvements in junctions of cycle- and motor-. F. Billing and W. E. Partridge Framing prism-lights and -tiles, Electro-glazing and mechanical methods of. J. M. Ewen Framing window-lights, tile sections, &o., Devices for mechanically. J. M. Ewen Freezing and chilling meat, Process of and means for. H. Grono and H. Pateson Freezing and thawing meat, Process in. G. Aitkens Freezing or refrigerating apparatus. W. Nelson Friction-gear for bicycles, &c. J. F. Perkins and A. Robins Fruit-case. R. Jack Fruit, eggs, &c, Method of and apparatus for carrying. A. Smith Fruit, eggs, &c, Method of preserving. J. A. Parker Fruit-picking apparatus. J. Hogg Fuel, Artificial. The Patent Aggloment-fuel Syndicate (Limited) .. ... , .. Fuel-economizer. A. W. Legg Fuel-economizing apparatus for steam-boilers, Stoking, smoke-consuming, and. The Wood and Claydon Automatic Stoker, Coal-crusher, Self-feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company (Limited) Fumes for destroying rabbits, Generator for. J. Butel, jun. Fumigator or generator. E. Ekengren, C. J. Olivecrona, and H. E. McDonald Funnel or filler. R. A. Cassels .. .. .. .... Furnace and precipitating apparatus for recovering gold from charcoal, &c, Combined. J. Turnbull Furnace, Arch for promoting combustion in locomotive-. A. F. Hack Furnace for smelting ironsand. A. Coubrough Furnace, Heating- or forging-. W. W. Barnes Furnace, Ore-roasting. T. Edwards .. .. .. Furnace, Ore-roasting. W. Scully Furnace, Ore-treating. J.Armstrong Furnace, Roasting-or calcining-. G.A.Richard Furnace, steam-generator, and heating-, evaporating-, or preserving-pan combined. J. T. Johns, J. H. Fleming, and G W. Basley Furnace, Tuyere for.. W.L.Austin .. .. ., Furnaces, Means for supplying hot air, gases, &c, to. J.Martin. Furnaces, Method of and apparatus for charging smelting-. E. Hall .. ., Furniture. E. Cowles Garment. W. A. Smith .. .. .. .. .. Gas burner, Atmospheric-. E. F. Green .. ... Gas escaping, Gully for preventing drains blocking and. J.J.Craig Gas from bodies containing same, Separating. W. A. Kbneman Gas generator, Acetylene-. (See Generator.) Gas-lamp. T. C. J. Thomas and W. M. Still Gas-lighting, Incandescing media for use in. R. Langhans Gas-light tassel, Incandescent. L. Hooker Gas, mineral-oil, &c, Lighting and heating system by means of. P. G. de Schodt Gas, oil, or internal combustion-engine. F. Henderson and M. T. N. Bluck Gas, oil, or internal-combustion engine, Electric ignition for. F. Henderson and M. T. N. Bluck 10154 9572 9753 23 Nov. 28 May. 5 Aug. 10249 9387 23 Deo. 27 March. 10029 10198 9656 9970 9649 9479 9174 10169 9963 9340 10119 18 Oct. 6 Dec. 1 July. 8 Oct. 30 June. 5 April. 5 Jan. 3 Dec. 7 Oct. 22 Feb. 13 Nov. 9937 9522 9932 9351 9187 9775 9461 10027 9873 10075 9219 25 Sept. 22 May. 22 May. 12 March. 11 Jan. 10 Aug. 22 April. 21 Oct. 8 Sept. INov. 23 Jan. 9446 10079 10145 9534 9783 9793 9310 9781 10217 14 April. 6 Sept. 20 Nov. 19 May. 22Oct.'96.* 14 Aug. 1 March. 22Oct.'96.* 15 Dec. 9166 10015 10013 9786 9237 10170 9410 9228 9958 9574 10106 10032 9185 9182 4 Jan. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 13 Aug. 30 Jan. 26 Nov. 5 April. 27 Jan. 13 Sept. 29 May. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 4 Jan. 8 Jan. 9358 9931 9283 10095 14 March. 25 Sept. 1 Feb. 4 Nov. 10199 10225 9310 9777 9280 9559 10245 9818 9 Dec. 17 Dec. 1 March. 12 Aug. 17 Feb. 22 May. 23 Dec. 20 Aug. 9509 9462 9577 9305 9223 9655 9779 9187 10 May. 22 April. 31 May. 13 Feb. 25 Jan. 1 July. 10 Aug. 11 Jan. 9596 9209 9707 9863 10231 9748 5 June. 21 Jan. 21 July. 4 Sept. 15 Dec. 29 July.




Invention and Name of Inventor. fo. :e. Gas, oil, or internal combustion-engine, Valve-gearing for. F. Henderson and M. T. N. Bluck .. Gas or hydro-carbon engine. J. F. Duryea Gas-or oil-engine. J. Swan and J. Chisholm .. .. .. •• Gas, Process and apparatus for the manufacture of inflammable. G. W. Lee, F. Elliott, and G. Tatham Gas, Process of and composition for manufacturing inflammable. A. A. Stephenson Gas-stove. R. Morton and R. Pringle Gas-stove. R. Pringle Gas to stove, Means for controlling supply of. J. Wynn Gas. (See also Acetylene, Benzine, Hydro-carbon.) Gases in mines, Method and apparatus for treating air to control. J. D. Williams and L. D. Gibson Gate, Automatic. A. H. Brownley Gate-fastener. G. K. Askin Gate-hinge. F. Street Gear, Chainless bicycle-. B. Speight Gear for cycles, motor-cars, &o. E. A. Trendall Gearing, Cycle-. J.Phillips .. Gearing for bicycles, tricycles, &c. A. T. Cavell and C. J. Royds Gear, Roller-tooth variable. T. Foster Gear-wheel. J.H.Howe Gelatine colloids, Forming soluble. E. J. Mills Generator. (See Acetylene-gas generator, Motive-power generator, Steam-generator, Water-gas generator.) Generator or fumigator. C. J. Olivecrona, H. E. McDonald, and E. Ekengren Giant, Hydraulic. J.P.Simmons Gig. H. T. Smith and H. Miller Gig-and cart-seats, Seat-fastener for. F. and H. R. Steel Glass sections, tiles, &c, Glazing together by electrolysis. J. M. Ewen Glass tiles, &c, Electro-glazing for joining. J. M. Ewen Glass, Vault- and canopy-lights, and prismatic. J. M. Ewen Glass, Window-lights, and prismatic. J. M. Ewen .. Glazing for joining glass tiles, &c, Electro-. J. M. Ewen Glazing prismatic glass sections, tiles, &c, together by electrolysis. J. M. Ewen Gold, A means of working under water for. P. Lanigan Gold and silver from cyanide solutions, Electric precipitation of. A. James Gold and silver from ores, Process of and apparatus for extracting. P. Ferguson Gold- and silver-ores, Means for treating. J. 0. Montgomerie and H. Parkes Gold- and silver-ores, Treating. The General Gold Extracting Company (Limited) and L. Pelatan Gold, Appliance for saving. G. H. Oatway Gold, Cyanide process of extracting. A. M. Cameron Gold dissolvent. A. Etard Gold, Dredge for recovering. L. H. Reynolds Gold from charcoal, &c, Furnace and precipitating apparatus for recovering. J. Turnbull Gold from cyanide solutions, Recovering. E. Andreoli Gold from dry ore, Apparatus and process for amalgamating and extracting. E. L. Oppermann Gold from ore, Extracting. C. Wichmann Gold from ore, Process and apparatus for extracting. H. R. Cassel and E. C. Hinman Gold from oros, &c, Process for extracting. J. G. Black and R. C. Skeet Gold from ores, Process for extracting. J. G. Black and R. C. Skeet Gold from ores, &c, Process for extracting. A. F. Lundstrom .. .. • • Gold from tailings, sludges, &c, Process and apparatus for extracting. F. B. Cronin Gold in rivers, &c, Saving. C.Wesley .. Gold on tables of dredges, Appliance for precipitating. G. H. Oatway .. ■ Gold ores, Process for treating. A. Etard Gold, quicksilver, or amalgam, Apparatus for saving. P. Johnstone and W. Bush Gold, Recovering. T. G. Bowick ... .. .. .. ' Gold-saving and self cloth-washing machine. J. Tyson Gold-saving apparatus. W.Morton Gold-saving appliance for dredge. L. H. Reynolds and G. H. Oatway Gold-saving machine. G. Dunn and J. H. V. H. van Nooten .. .. Gold-saving, Spiral ripple for. W. B. Walters Gold- saving table. S. Papprill Gold-saving table for dredge. C.H.Osmond Gold, silver, &c, Apparatus for treating tailings, &c, containing. H. R. Brookes, C. G. W. Officer, and J. Jones Gold. (See also Amalgamating, Metals, Ore, Pulveriser, Quartz.) Goods marker, Electric meat-and. E. Hardaker and T. A. Petrie Governor, Machinery. E. Thunderbolt .. Grader, Road-. E. S. McGill Grading. (See Ore.) Grain and seed machinery, Frictional surface for lining. G. Preddy Grain or seed and manure sowing-drill. I. Sargent Grain, Process and apparatus for converting into dough. A. Desgoffe and O. Avedyk Grain, &c, Roofing or covering stacks of. G. L. Thomson Grate, Draught-plate for register-. T. Dacombe Gravel-elevator, Hydraulic. R. H. Campbell Grinder, Self-generating motive-power machine and. J. Piercy Grinding-rolls. J. L. Kirkbride .. •.. Grip. (See Cycle-chain grip, Hat-grip, Wire-grip.) Gripper-key, Traction-engine. R. L. Christie Grubber, Twitch-. P. Muirhead Guard. (See Candle-guard, Mud-guard, Tire-guard.) Gun, Machine-. E. J. Pennington .. .. Hack-saw. H. H. Murdoch .. .. .. ... Hair-wash. W. T. Trudgeon .. ... 9749 9740 9451 10160 29 July. 2 Aug. 9 April. 25 Nov. 9856 9474 9926 10180 2 Sept. 26 April. 22 Sept. 3 Deo. 9401 1 April. 9405 9302 9189 9258 9250 10120 9319 9836 9850 9924 6 April. 24 Feb. 1 Dec. '96 8 Feb. 28 Jan. 11 Nov. 3 March. 28 July. 31 Aug. 23 Sept. 9931 9843 9505 9995 10011 10010 10008 10007 10010 10011 9981 9435 10025 9643 10222 10209 10174 9402 9599 10095 9313 9328 9335 9357 9648 9763 10049 9877 9259 10218 9402 9835 9769 10192 9593 10197 9246 9732 9805 5758 9581 25 Sept. 1 Sept. 21 April. 15 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 7 Oct. 8 April. 15 Oct. 30 June. 17 Dec. 9 Dec. 2 Dec. 22 March. 8 June. 4 Nov. 1 March. 5 March. 6 March. 16 March. 30 June. 9 Aug. 23 Oct. 9 Sept. 8 Feb. 13 Dec. 22 March. 28 Aug. 11 Aug. 6 Dec. 31 May. 3 Dec. 3 Feb. 29 July. 20 Aug. 6 Aug. 31 May. 9747 10157 10227 12 July. 25 Nov. 17 Dec. 9172 9651 9165 10128 9614 9627 9393 9760 5 Jan. 7 June. 4 Jan. 8 Nov. 15 June. 24 June. 12 Feb. 6 Aug. 9684 9825 12 July. 23 Aug. 9422 9487 9406 8 April. 30 April. 6 April.




tnvem ;ion am Fame o1 [nveutor. o. ;e. Halters, Method of manufacturing head-stall. L. and D. Molnnea Hame-hook and similar traoe-oonneotiona. M, McDonald Hame-hook for horse-collars. W. Aitken Haraes and horse-collar combined. J. A. Keith Hammering, forging, or swaging metal articles, Machine for. P. G. Myers Hammer, Power-. E.S.Brett Hand-gear for bicycle. W. H. Steenson Handle-bar, Bicycle. 0. E. T. Gwatkin and T. B. Smith Handle-bar for bicycles, tricycles, &c. P. Clapperton Handle bar for cycle. A. J. Ouming Handle. (See Bat-handle, Bucket-handle, Cycle-baudle.) Hand signal-lamp. T. Edwards Hand signal-lamp. J. Dobbie Hanger, Bicycle-crank and. H. S. Grady Harbours, canals, &c, Means for preventing accumulations of sand, &c, in. E. Waters Harness-cleaning composition. E.T.Allen Harness-saddle, Pneumatic. E. H. Brown Harness-traces, Loop and eye for ends of. C. Anderson Harrowing and ploughing implement combined. A. Alexander and J. Houston Harrow. (See Knife-harrow, Tine-harrow) Hat-grip. R. H. Gharleton Hauling logs, Steam pontoon for. N. Gibbons Hauling- or lifting-block. J. Shepherd Hauling timber, &o. Catamaran for. W. W. Pullman Hay, wool, &c. Apparatus for compressing. W. H. Herdman Headlock for bicycle. H. E. Lawrence Headlock for bicycle. H.E.Lawrence .. Headlock for bicycle. A. J. Cuming Headstall-halters, Method of manufacturing. L. and D. Mclnnes Headstall or bridle. T. Hogan Heater and foot-warmer, Feeding-bottle. G. W., M.E., and H. G. Noy and J. Bennie Heater. (See Bath-heater, Milk-heater.) Heating and lighting system by means of gas, mineral-oil, &c. P. G. de Schodt Heel for boot or shoe. S. Smith Heel-tip for boot or shoe. W. Hallett Hemorrhoids, Mixture for cure of piles and. H. R. Simeon Hernia-truss. R. Richardson Hides or skins, Curing. J. W. Seott Hinge for gate or door. F. Street Hinge. (See Door-hinge, Gate-hinge) Hoist. M. S. Campbell Holder. (See Candle-holder, Check-book holder, Cigarette-holder, Invoice-form holder, Matchbox holder, Milk-pail holder, Pipe-holder, Vehicle-lamp holder.) Holdfast for wood framing. J. Mitchell .. .. Hollow or cavity walls, Tie for. F. Pritchard Home-trainer for cyclist. H. V. Westbury Honeycombing-attachment for sewing-machine. A. Wood, W. Ruxton, and J. Coats, jun. Hook-nail for fastening wire. W. Parker Horse-collar. W. C. T. Theobald Horse collar. B. Hatfleld Horse-collar. A. and F. McLeod Horse-collar. H. W. Downing and A. E. Wilson Horse-collar and hames combined. J. A. Keith Horse-collar, Pneumatic. G. E. Grimwood .. .. .. Horse-collar, Pneumatic. G. E. Grimwood Horse-collars, Hame-hook for. W. Aitken Horse-control, Method of. D. R. S. Galbraith Horse-cover. J. McFarlane Horse-cover. C.Anderson Horse-cover. J. H. Marple Horse-cover. F. D. Sayles Horse-cover fastener. E. Grave .. .. ... Horse-cover fastenings. C. A. E. Trist .. Horse-covers, Method of securing. E. H. Brown Horseless carriage. The Anglo-French Motor Carriage Company (Limited) Horse running away with vehicle, Means of preventing. C. J. Gascoigne Horse running away with vehicle, Means of preventing. C. J. Gascoigne Horse-shoe. W. G. Clemoe Horse-shoe. W. G. Clemoe Horse and cattle, Drench for. E. P. Baker Horses without bit or curb, Means for controlling and driving. E. R. Wethered Hose-pipe connection, Automatic. C. Eyre Hose-union and -coupling. A. H. W. Wedler Hot-air apparatus for warming rooms. J. H. Gardner Housekeepers' order tablet. H. J. Weeks Hub and bearing for vehicles. A. J. Cuming .. .. Hubs for velocipede and other wheels, Method of and apparatus for manufacturing. R. Chillingworth Hurdle. A. Cashion Hurdle. F. A. Bremer Hurdle. R. Cameron Hydraulic giant. J. P. Simmons Hydraulic gravel-elevator. R. H. Campbell Hydraulic ram. T. Danks .. .. .. .. .. Hydraulic ram. T. Danks Hydrocarbon or gas engine. J. F. Duryea .. .. .. .. 9456 10117 10196 10083 9781 9889 10191 9427 9547 9671 9798 9895 10109 9323 9515 10147 9736 ,10110 9698 9624 9838 9179 10204 9191 9192 9530 9456 9728 10079 9863 9173 9780 10142 10069 9249 9189 9276 9409 9987 9589 10221 9725 9190 9240 9871 10086 10083 9727 9870 10196 9834 9481 9501 9603 10003 9604 9608 9486 9309 9714 9761 9395 9552 9468 9676 9633 9943 9719 10002 9827 9674 22 April. 11 Nov. 6 Dec. 30 Oct. 22 Oct.'96* 10 Sept. 2 Dec. 6 April. 19 May. 8 July. 16 Aug. 6 Sept. 10 Nov. 4 March. 7 May. 20 Nov. 31 July. 10 Nov. 19 July. 16 June. 26 Aug. 4 Dec.'96. 9 Dec. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 15 May. 22 April. 23 July. 6 Sept. 4 Sept. 4 Jan. 10 Aug. 17 Nov. 28 Oct. i Feb. 1 Dec.'96. 13 Feb. 2 April. 14 Oct. 4 June. 17 Dec. 24 July. 11 Jan. 4 Dec.'96. 18 Aug. 2 Nov. 30 Oct. 19 July. 4 Sept. 6 Dec. 25 Aug. 29 April. 5 May. 12 June. 18 Oct. 8 June. 11 June. 29 April. 1 March. 23 July. 7 Aug. 8 March. 20 May. 6 April. 12 July. 24 June. 30 Sept. 23 July. 15 Oct. 23 Aug. 12 July. 9431 9502 9659 984b 9627 9285 9469 9740 8 April. 7 May. 28 June. 1 Sept. 24 June. 18 Feb. 23 April. 2 Aug.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Hydro-carbon or water-gas, Generating. J. and J. Watt Igniting dynamite or other blasting material. W. Skeates Ignition for oil, gas, or internal-combustion engine, Electric. F. Henderson and M. T. N. Bluck Incandescent burner. G. W. Chalmers Incandescent gas-burner, Support for. W. E. Clay and B. Walmsley Incandescent gas-light tassel. L. Hooker Incandescent light, Burner for use with benzine-gas to produce. P. W. von Gehlen .. Incandescent tassels, mantles, &c, Solution for making. L. Hooker Incandescing-media for gas-lighting. E. Langhans Index-cutting and printing machine. W. Corfe Indicating form of bicycle suitable for a rider, Apparatus for. A. J. Cuming Indicating presence of a person in a building, Method of. E. B. and P. A. Vaile Indicating. (See Calculating, Cash-registering, Cost - indicating, Dial, Measure-indicating, Eeckoning, Totalisator, Weighing.) Indicator. (See Number indicator, Office-indicator, Eailway-station indicator.) Inductive force of matter, Means of utilising. H. Sanche Infants to walk, Apparatus for teaching. W. Eainbow Inflammable gas, Process and apparatus for the manufacture of. G. W. Lee, F. Elliott, and G. Tatham Inflating tires, Mode of. J. Eobertson Ink for leather, Burnishing-. E. Hitchings Insecticide. G. Wilks .. .. .. .. .. - Insecticide powder. L. M. Gibson Insecticide solution. L. M. Gibson Insect-killer, Non-poisonous blight- and. G. H. Hicks Inspirator for raising heated water. E. H. Freed Inspirator for raising heated water. E. H. Freed Insulating. (See Boilers, Pipes.) Invoice-forms, &c, Holder for. C. B. Smith and E. M. Wildey Iron- and steel-castings, Annealing. P. D. Murphy Iron, Laundry-. J. Coxon .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. Iron, Process of melting. E. Waters Iron, Process of melting. The Doherty Iron Castings Process (Limited) Ironsand for smelting, Chemical process for preparing. A. Coubrough Ironsand for smelting, Process and apparatus for preparing. A. Coubrough Ironsand, Furnace for smelting. A. Coubrough Ironsand, Process of smelting. A. Coubrough Jack, Jaw for spear of timber-. H. Priestley Jack. (See also Lifting-jack.) Jacket, Corset-. G. Weston and W. Gunn Jacket, Life-saving. J. Hanna and A. Thomson Jar-stopper. Andrews Patent Bottle Lock Stopper Syndicate (Limited) Jaw for spear of timber-jack. H.Priestley Joining drain-pipes. T. Firth Joint, Apparatus for making tubular. C. T. Crowden Joint for metal pipes. G. J. and C. H. Hoskins Jointing mains, pipes, &c, Means of. D. J. E. Duncan Joints for cycle-frame. H. Belcher, F. Easom, and F. Westwood Journal-bearings for railway-carriage. J. E. Baker Jug-cover. W. Hyde Jugs, jam-pots, &c, Cover for. W. C. and G. F. Gee Junctions of cycle- and motor-frames, tubing, &c. F. Billing and W. E. Partridge Kerb and channel for roads, crossings, &c. W. and G. Carder and E. Owen Kerosene-pump. W. J. Bawling Key, Traction-engine gripper-. E. L. Christie Keyless lever-lock for box. T. Johnson and E. E. Kirby Kidney, stomach, and liver complaints, Medicine for. H. Phillips Knife and -fork, Bread-. H. J. Eeeves Knife-cleaner. F. E. Dunnett Knife-cleaner. F. E. Dunnett Knife-harrow. T. Cochrane Knife, Pocket-. C. W. Ziele .. Label-attaohing device. H. J. Wood Lace fastener, Boot-. E. L. Evens and A. Bonnin ., Label or voucher for guaranteeing authenticity and origin. A. and L. Braly Labels from damping-machine, Automatic finger for removing. W. Woodcock Lamp. (See Candle-lamp, Electric arc-lamp, Gas-lamp, Inoandescent electric lamp, Oil-lamp, I Signal-lamp, Tallow-lamp, Vehicle-lamp.) Lamp-or candle-holder. F. Albrecht Land-, aerial-, or marine-navigation boat combined. E. L. Clark Lantern. A. S. Ford Lantern or-lamp, Candle-. A. Bock Last. (See Boot-last.) Lasting-machine. Consolidated and McKay Lasting Machine Company .. Lasting pliers. D. E. Smith and A. Tyree Lasting-pliers, Attachment to. D. E. Smith and A. Tyree Lasting-pliers or pincers. W. E. Scull Laundry-iron. J. Coxon Lawn tennis scoring-machine. F.Wight .. .. .. .. .. Leaching and electrolytic treatment of zinc-ores. E. A. Ashcroft Leaching ores, Apparatus for. B. Lloyd Lead of high density, Process for manufacture of white-. T. C. Sanderson Lead, Treating sulphide ores of. T. Huntington and F. Heberlein Lead, &c, Treatment of sulphide ores for separation of zinc from. B. Mohr Leather, Burnishing-ink for. E. Hitchings Leather, Method of and machine for degreasing. G. E. Wright and W. Monk 9449 10206 9748 10037 10138 9707 9619 10176 9209 9538 9851 9715 9875 9282 10160 9327 9218 9206 9561 9560 9397 9205 9403 9454 9321 9713 9549 9630 9177 9492 10225 10226 9514 9721 9532 9294 9514 9330 9261 9771 9544 10242 9699 9846 9528 9166 9606 9377 9684 10072 9751 10217 9765 9840 9814 9200 9735 9298 9543 9284 20 April. 7 Dec. 29 July. 21 Oct. 18 Nov. 21 July. 18 June. 2 Dec. 21 Jan. 19 May. 31 Aug. 20 July. 8 Sept. 16 Feb. 25 Nov. 4 March. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 25 May. 25 May. 27 March. 12 Dec.'96 29 March. 21 April. 1 March. 22 July. 19 May. 24 June. 7 Jan. 4 May. 17 Dec. 17 Dec. 6 May. 26 July. 18 May. 24 Feb. 6 May. 6 March. 12 Feb. 11 Aug. 19 May. 23 Dec. 19 July. 1 Sept. 14 May. 4 Jan. 10 June. 25 March. 12 July. 1 Nov. 30 July. 15 Dec. 11 Aug. 30 Aug. 21 Aug. 12 Jan. 30 July. 25 Feb. 19 May. 17 Feb. 9797 9962 9347 9642 16 Aug. 30 Sept. 19 Feb. 30 June. 9854 9687 9295 9438 9713 9248 9809 9905 9972 9421 9710 9218 9417 2 Sept. 15 July. 16 Feb. 9 April. 22 July. 1 Feb. 20 Aug. 11 Sept. 8 Oct. 8 April. 22 July. 20 Jan. 8 April,




Invention and Name o: inventor. [o. te. Leech, codlin-moth, &c, exterminator. B. A. G. Kerry Legging-fastening. O. D. Lightband Letterbox, Postal. D. M. Whyte .. .. .. Letters, figures, and designs for educational purposes. J. Harvey Lever-arm for cycle-driving mechanism. W. W. Curties Lever-attachment to pliers. G. T. Clarke and T. Summerton, jun. Lever for equalising weights in carts and other vehicles, Balance-. T. Goodwin Lever-lock for box, Keyless. T. Johnson and E. E. Kirby Lever mechanism for lifting-jacks, wool-presses, &c. F. H. Wrigley Lid and strainer, Milk-pail with. F. J. Sheppard Lid, Milk-can. A. P. Schmidt Life-belt. A. F. W. Goodwill Life-belt. W. G. Wilson Life-buoy. A. F. W. Goodwill Life-saving jacket. J. Hanna and A. Thomson Lift for raising sunken vessels, Pneumatic. R. H. J. Hamlin .. Lift-pump for mines. T. Tregurtha Lifting-jack. A. Burges Lifting-jack. J. Hatch .. .. .. Lifting-jack or wool-press, Lever mechanism for. F. H. Wrigley Lifting- or hauling-block. J. Shepherd Lifting sunken vessels, Apparatus for. J. Mackenzie Light and power purposes, Regenerative electrical battery for. G. G. Turri Lighting and heating system by means of gas, mineral-oil, &c. P. G. de Schodt Lighting an incandescent electric lamp, Combined air-pressure turbine and dynamo for. T. G. Howden Lighting basements and dark rooms, Devices for. J. M. Ewen Lights and -lighting, Basement-. J. M. Ewen Lights and -tiles, Framing prism-. J. M. Ewen Lights and prismatic glass, Window-. J. M. Ewen Lights for windows, Combining ornamental and prism. J. M. Ewen Lights, Method of mounting paving-tiles and vault. J. M. Ewen Lights, Prismatic window-. J. M. Ewen Lights, tile secbions, &c, Devices for mechanically framing window-. J. M. Ewen Light.' (See also Acetylene, Burner, Electric, Gas, Incandescent, Lamp, Lantern.) Line. (See Clothes-line.) Lineal measurement, Apparatus for indicating cost of goods sold by. J. L. Scott and A. Smith .. Lineal measurement, Apparatus for indicating cost of goods sold by. R. A. Bradbury Lining-cramp, Floor- and. W. Reece and C. L. Davies Lining-cramp, Floor- and. W. Reece and C. L. Davies Liquid from bodies mingled with same, Separating. W. A. Koneman and W. H. Hartley Liquid from solvent-treated slime, sand, &c, Process and apparatus for extracting. T. T. Draper and W. Ryley Liquids, Apparatus for measuring. J. W. Mitchell and P. Smellie Liquids, Centrifugal machine for separating. P. M. Sharpies .. .. .. Lithographic machine. J. C. Halligan and J. Ferguson .. Liver, stomach, or kidney complaints, Medicine for. H. Phillips Lock, Combination-. J. Roland Lock, Combined window-sash regulator and. C. C. Morris Lock for box, Keyless lever-. T. Johnson and E. E. Kirby Lock. (See also Headlock.) Locking nuts, Device for. C. Bristow Locking nuts on bolts, Means of. A. J. Cuming Locomotive- and other steam-engines for fire-extinction, axle-cooling, &c, Means of employing. R. Feasey Locomotive driving-wheel. P. Z. Davis Locomotive-engine. J. Whittle .. .. _.. Locomotive-furnace, Arch for promoting combustion in. A. F. Hack Looms, Checking mechanism for. J. Berry and G. E. Beaumont Loop and eye for ends of harness-traces. C.Anderson Lotion. M. Forsman Lotion. M. Forsman Lubricator and wire-rope cleaner. E. W. Lycett Lubricator, Sight-feed. C. C. Wakefield Lug or ear for bucket. W. Dalton Luggage-carrier for bicycles, &c. J. Gaut . Machine-gun. E. J. Pennington Magnetic motor. W. O. Beere Mail-bag fastener. M.S.Cody Mail-bag fastener. G. W. Shailer Mail-bag fastener. W. H. Carter Mail-fastening device. A. J. Chapman Mail-fastening device. A. J. Chapman .... Mains, pipes, &c, Means of jointing. D. J. R. Duncan Manure and grain or seed-sowing drill. I.Sargent •• Marine- aerial-, or land-navigation boat combined. Hi. 1j. Uark Marine-speed acceleration. W. T. Cowperthwaite and D. R. S. Galbraith Marine vessels. F. A. Knapp and G. Goodwin Marker. (See Meat-marker, Meat- and goods-marker.) Marking carcases, Apparatus for. J. Smythe .. Marking out cloth for cutting, embroidering, &c. J. Marsden Marking. (See also Branding.) Marriage, Means of recording promise of. E. bprey Match-box and -striker. H. W. Donnelly Matoh-box holder. C. Searle and H. Cane .. •■ ., .. .. .. Match-delivering device, tobacco- and cigar-cutter, and indicator combined, T, H. Kosa and H. M. Evans 9980 9977 10173 9654 9316 9426 10000 10072 9225 9913 9996 9872 10239 9872 9532 9947 9712 9703 10093 9225 9838 9862 10091 9863 10046 4 Oct 7 Oct. 1 Dec. 1 July. 1 March 5 April. 9 Oct. 1 Nov. 25 Jan. 18 Sept. 28 Sept. 3 Sept. 21 Dec. 3 Sept. 18 May. 29 Sept. 22 July. 19 July. 4 Nov. 25 Jan. 26 Aug. 31 Aug. 4 Nov. 4 Sept. 23 Oct. 9864 10009 10015 10007 10018 10012 10016 10013 4 Sept. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 9256 9275 9522 9932 9942 9878 4 Feb. 13 Feb. 12 May. 25 Sept. 30 Sept. 9 Sept. 9635 9602 10084 9751 9396 10087 10072 25 June. 10 June. 3 Nov. 30 July. 16 March, 3 Nov. 1 Nov. 9484 9500 9753 1 May. 5 May. 5 Aug. 9390 9094 10199 9453 9736 9432 10256 9788 9641 9444 9767 9422 10121 9207 9216 9957 9214 10246 9544 9651 9962 9473 9510 27 March 17 July. 9 Dec. 22 April. 31 July. 18 March, 20 Dec. 13 Aug. 30 June. 14 April. 11 Aug. 8 April. 13 Nov. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 2 Oct. 21 Jan. 23 Dec. 19 May. 7 June. 30 Sept. 6 April. 10 May. 9580 10152 31 May. 24 Nov. 9762 10230 10088 9489 22 April. 13 Dec. 4 Nov. 3 May,




[nveni iion am fame oi inveni ior. !o. Date. M *ches without phosphorus, Process for manufacturing. J. Craveri Mat or scraper, Mud-. D. Balneaves Mattes, ores, &c, Treating. J. Armstrong Mattress or bedstead. J. P. Nunan Mattress-stuffing machine. E. N. Stephenson Mattress, Wire-. F. W. Smith ' .. Measure, pencil, and rubber combined, Tape-. H. E. Jury and J. A. Endean Measuring and cost-indicating machine. A. Smith Measuring liquids, Apparatus for. J. W. Mitchell and P. Smellie Meat- and goods marker, Electric. E. Hardaker and T. A. Petrie Meat, Device for marking. M. and J. A. Belk Meat, fish, &c, Preserving. F. Taillefer Meat-marker. C. E. Fisher Meat, Process of and means for freezing and chilling. H. Grono and H. Pateson Mf at, Process in freezing and thawiDg. G. Aitkens Medicine for stomach, liver, and kidney complaints. H. Phillips Medicine. (See also Lotion, Neuralgia-cure, Toothache-cure, Veterinary mixture.) Melting iron, Process of. E. Waters Melting iron, Process of. The Doherty Iron Castings Process (Limited) Metal articles. Machine for forging, swaging, or hammering. F. G. Myers Metal for roofing, &c, Treating. G. M. Campbell Metalliferous slime, sand, &c, Process and apparatus for extracting liquid from solvent-treated. T. T. Draper and W. Eyley Metals by ehlorination, Apparatus for extracting. G. P. Smith Metals, Extracting precious. B. Becker Metals from cyanide solutions, Precipitating. M. B. Zerener Metals from cyanide solutions, Recovering. E. Andreoli ... Metals from ore, Apparatus for extracting. Mudros Syr dicate (Limited) .. Metals from ores, Extracting. F. W. Streatfield Metals from ore or sand, Recovering. A. Gutensohn Metals from ores, Method of extracting, by means of solvents and electrolysis. C. A. Mulholland and R. M. Cochrane Metal shears. J. A. Belk Metals, Producing incandescing-media from oxide of earth- R. Langhans Metals. (See also Gold, Iron, Lead, Ore, Steel, Zinc, &c.) Milk- and cream-can. W. Rawlins Milk-can. D. C. Kee Milk can lid. A.P.Schmidt .. Milk, Concentrated. W. T. Murray Milk-cooler or heater. J.Alexander Milk, cream, &c, Apparatus for sterilising. P. I. Buaas Milking-machine. H. R. W. Hamilton .. Milking-machine, Pulsating. H. J. Cunnington Milking-machine, Pulsator for. H. J. Cunnington .. Milk-pail holder. W. Brown and J. P. McMeekin Milk-pail with lid and strainer. F.J. Sheppard Milk-receptacles, Detachable strainer for. W. Hitch .. .. Milk-safe. J. Ball .. Milk-strainer. J. and G. A. Watson Milk-straining appliance. T. Barnett Milk-transit can. R. Worland Milk, Treating and using in food-stuffs " separated." H. Higgins Milk, Vessels for boiling. P. J. Sheppard Milk. (See also Butter, Churn.) Mill for crushing ores, &c, Roller-. H. W. Trcloar .. Mills, &c, Automatic feeder for ball-. J. L. Kirkbride Mill. (See also Stamp-mill.) Mineral-oil, gas, &c, Lighting and heating system by means of. P. G. de Schodt Minerals for smelting, &c, Treating. R. F. Strong Mines, Apparatus for ventilating. S. Devy and E. Morey Mines, Lift-pump for. T. Tregurtha Mines, &c, Means of supplying air to. E'. Sprey Mines, Method and apparatus for treating air to control gases in. J. D. Williams and L. D. Gibson Mines, System of and apparatus for ventilating. R. Schloesser Mine, Torpedo destroyer. H. G. Bedell .. Mining-pump. W. Jennings and J. A. Wallace Mining-pump. G. Lansell .. .. .. .. _.. Mirror for use on bicycle. H. Symes Mixture, Veterinary. C. Dolbel Mooring, &c, Means for. J.Ritchie Mosaic floorcloth, and apparatus for manufacturing same. F. Walton Motive-power, Generating. C. Guattari .. .. .. .. Motive-power machine and grinder, Self-generating. J. Pierey Motor. H. W. Simes Motor. J. A. Belk Motor- and cycle-framts, Improvements in junctions of. P. Billing and W. E. Partridge Motor-car, Driving-gear for. T. C. Dennison and R. C. Skeet Motor or pump, Rotary engine usable as. D. Morgan Motor, Rotary engine applicable as a. G. G. M. Hardingham Motor. (See also Explosion-motor, Fluid-motor, Magnetic-motor, Rotary-motor, Steam-motor, Power.) Motor-vehicle. J. F. Duryea Motor-vehicle J. P. Erie Mounting paving-tiles and vault-lights, Method of. J. M. Ewen Mouthpiece for filtering tobacco-smoke. E. B. and P. A. Vaile l≥ TT 1 A 9954 9778 9559 9743 9416 9296 10208 9183 9635 9747 9384 9656 9829 9786 9237 9751 9549 9630 9781 10067 9878 9578 9371 9195 9313 9768 9496 9482 9457 9984 9209 9936 9234 9996 9320 9224 9437 9795 9826 9257 10062 9913 10167 10065 10066 10255 10040 9445 9914 2 Oct. 31 July. 22 May. 2 Aug. 8 April. 23 Feb. 7 Dec. 9 Jan. 25 June. 12 July. 24 March. 1 July. 24 Aug. 13 Aug. 30 Jan. 30 July. 19 May. 24 June. 22 Oct.,'96* 26 Oct. 9 Sept. 31 May. 23 March. 14 Jan. 1 March. 11 Aug. 6 May. 1 May. 22 April. 12 Oot. 21 Jan. 28 Sept. 28 Jan. 28 Sept. 3 March. 25 Jan. 9 April. 14 Aug. 23 Aug. 6 Feb. 28 Oct. 18 Sept. 25 Nov. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 29 Dec. 21 Oct. 14 April. 18 Sept. 10096 10052 4 Nov. 21 Oct. 9863 9922 9708 9712 10029 9401 4 Sept. 23 Sept. 22 July. 22 July. 18 Oct. 1 April. 9857 9404 9745 9920 9355 9232 10155 9351 9568 9393 9868 10122 9166 10042 9550 9314 2 Sept. 5 April. 2 Aug. 21 Sept. 16 March. 28 Jan. 19 Nov. 12 March. 25 May. 12 Feb. 6 Sept. . 13 Nov. 4 Jan. 18 Oct. 19 May. 1 March. 9341 9475 10012 9716 11 March. 26 April. 19 Oct. 20 July. fi TT 10.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Mud-climps for traotion-engine, Attaching and detaching. S. Graham Mud-guards for bicycles, &c. W. Toogood and B. Smale Mud-mat or scraper. D. Balneaves Multi-furrow plough. J. Myers and G. Gibbins Nail. G. J. Craven Nail for fastening fencing-wire, Hook-. W.Parker.. Nail for securing corrugated iron. J. Greenhill Nail, Split-. H.Thompson .. Nailing machine, Boot- and shoe-. F. Lee Nasal deformity, Appliances for correcting. L. Kay Netting. (See Wire netting.) Neuralgia- or toothaohe-cure. M. M. Squire Night-commode or closet. T. Danks Night-soil, &c, Prooess and apparatus for destruction of. H. G. Downton and W. H. Nioholls .. Non-refillable bottles. (See Bottles.) Noxious matters, night-soil, &c, Prooess and apparatus for destruction of. H. G. Downton and W. H. Nioholls Nozzle, Drip-cup for sprayer-. W. H. Price Nozzle-fastener. Y. Wah Nut-locking device. C. Bristow Nutritious products from yeast, Manufacturing. J. Goodfellow Nuts on bolts, Means of locking. A. J. Cuming Office-indicator. G. Smith Oil-cistern or -receptacle. G. Mirfin Oil-film marine-speed acceleration. W. T. Cowperthwaite and D. R. S. Galbraith Oil for sea-calming purposes, Method of applying. W. A. Mercer and D. R. S. Galbraith Oil, gas, or internal-combustion engine. F. Henderson and M. T. N. Bluck Oil, gas, or internal-combustion engine, Eleotric ignition for. F. Henderson and M. T. N. Bluck Oil, gas, or internal-combustion engine, Valve-gearing for. F. Henderson and M. T. N. Bluck .. Oil-lamp, Burner for. C. Throckmorton Oil, Method of purifying fish-. A. J. Cunningham Oil- or gas-engine. J. Swan and J. Chisholm. Oil- or spirit-engine, Vaporizer for. F. Henderson and M. T. N. Bluck Oils and fats, Apparatus for treating. C. G. Hepburn Oils, Apparatus for refining fats and. J. Davidson and C. G. Hepburn Optical toy. G. H. MacSwinney Orchard-pest exterminator. R. A. C. Kerry Order-tablet for housekeepers. H. J. Weeks Ore, Apparatus and process for amalgamating and extracting gold from dry. E. L. Oppermann Ore, Apparatus for extracting metals from. Mudros Syndicate (Limited) Ore, Apparatus for leaching. B. Lloyd Ore, Apparatus for roasting and drying. P. Argall .. Ore, Apparatus for treating complex sulphide. F. Ellershausen Ore, Cam and cam-shaft for apparatus for reduction of. E. J. Way Ore-concentrator. O. Blacket Ore-concentrator. W. A. Koneman and W. H. Hartley Ore, Cyanide process of extracting gold from. A. M. Cameron Ore-dust from stampers, Method of and apparatus for collecting and treating. W. H. Clarke .. Ore, Electrolytic and leaching treatment of zinc-. E. A. Ashcroft Ore, Extracting gold from. C. Wichmann Ore, Extracting gold from. H. R. Cassel and B. C. Hinman Ore, Extracting metals from. F. W. Streutfield Ore for separation of zinc from the lead, &c, Treating sulphide. B. Mohr ... Ore, Means for treating gold- and silver-. J. C. Montgomerie and H. Parkes Ore, Method of and apparatus for separating. W. T. Newman Ore, Method of extracting metals by means of solvents and electrolysis from. C. A. Mulholland and R. M. Cochrane Ore or sand, Recovering metals from. A. Gutensohn Ore, Process for extracting gold from. J. G. Black and R. C. Skeet Ore, Process for extracting gold from. J. G. Black and R. 0. Skeet Ore, Process for extracting gold from. A. F. Lundstrom Ore, Process for treating gold-. A. Etard Ore, Process of and apparatus for extracting gold and silver from. P. Ferguson Ore, quartz, &c, Apparatus for crushing and grading. J. Wood and W. W. Clark Ore-reducing machinery, Automatic feeder for. J. L. Kirkbride Ore-roasting furnace. W. Scully Ore-roasting furnace. T. Edwards Ore-roasting or -calcining furnace. G. A. Richard Ore, &c, Roller-mill for crushing. H. W. Treloar Ore, Treating. W. A. Koneman and W. H. Hartley Ore, Treating gold- and silver-. The General Gold Extracting Company (Limited) and L. Pelatan Ore-sorter. J. Ancel Ores, tailings, &c, Apparatus for treating. J. Poole Ore, Stamper battery for pulverising. M. Weber Ore, Stamps and stamper-dies for reduction of. H. H. Adams Ore-treating, and furnace therefor. J. Armstrong Ore, Treating complex sulphide. F. Ellershausen Ore, Treating sulphurous. Societe Anonyme de Traitement de l'Or Combine (Procede Body) Ores of lead, Treating sulphide. T. Huntington and F. Heberlein .. .. *V. Ores. (See also Amalgamator, Concentrator, Gold, Metals, Minerals.) Ornamental and prism lights for windows, Combining. J. M. Ewen Oven. T. Hitchen Oven, Boiler for use with colonial. G. Gilbert Oven or stove, Shutting off heat from. A. T. Lang Overcoat. H. M. Levinge Oxides of earth-metals and incandescing-media, Producing. R. Langhans .., 9668 9831 9778 9882 9503 9725 9991 9436 9653 9244 6 July. 26 Aug. 31 July. 9 Sept. 8 May. 24 July. 14 Oct. 8 April. 1 July. 3 Feb. 10193 9399 9884 6 Dee. 29 March 9 Sept. 9884 9 Sept. 10070 9915 9484 10223 9500 9876 9290 9473 9912 10231 9748 9749 9956 9649 9451 9750 10171 9512 10248 9980 10002 9328 9768 9905 10102 9941 9208 9483 10058 10174 9650 9809 9335 9357 9496 9710 9643 9609 9457 29 Oct. 17 Sept. 1 May. 17 Dec. 5 May. 9 Sept. 23 Feb. 6 April. 18 Sept. 15 Dec. 29 July. 29 July. 2 Oct. 30 June. 9 April. 29 July. 1 Dec. 10 May. 23 Dec. 4 Oct. 15 Oct. 5 March 11 Aug. 11 Sept. 5 Nov. 30 Sept. 20 Jan. 1 May. 27 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 June. 20 Aug. 6 March 16 March 6 May. 22 July. 30 June. 14 June. 22 April. 9482 9648 9763 10049 9402 10025 9695 10052 9280 9777 10245 10096 9389 10222 10063 9894 9458 9813 9559 9586 9686 9421 1 May 30 June. 9 Aug. 23 Oct. 22 March 15 Oct. 17 July. 21 Oct. 17 Feb. 12 Aug. 23 Dec. 4 Nov. 8 April 17 Dec. 28 Oct. 10 Sept. 22 April. 17 Aug. 22 May. 3 June. 16 July. 8 April. 10018 9803 10099 10090 10212 9029 19 Oct. 18 Aug. 8 Oct. 4 Nov. 13 Dec. 21 Jan.




Invention and Name of Inventor. o. :e. Pail holder, Milk-. W. Brown and J. P. MoMeekin Pail with lid and strainer, Milk-. F. J. Sheppard Paint, and mode of applying same,- Enamel-. C. L. Garland and A. Ogden Paint, Damp-resisting. A. L. Potter Pan, Amalgamating-. E. H. T. Plant and S. Dellow Pan or -table, Soldering- or brazing-. Elkington and Co. (Limited) Pan, steam-generator, and furnace combined, Heating-, evaporating-, or preserving-. J. T. Johns, J. H. Fleming, and G. W. Basley Paper bag. R. Jack Paper bags, Device for opening mouths of. R. Jack Pastry from burning while cooking, Saving. A. Hamann Patterns, Method of and apparatus for drafting garment-. E. J. Curran Paving-tiles and vault-lights, Method of mounting. J. M. Ewen Pedal attachment, Bicycle-. F. M. Drewitt and A. C. Hullett Pedal, Bicycle-. F. M. Drewitt and A. C. Hullett .. Pedal-crank for velocipede. J. P. Faulds, J. Dickinson, and G. E. Beaumont Pedal-crank for velocipede. G. E. Beaumont, and J. and W. Dickinson Pedal for cycles. W. H. Boyens and J. F. Best P.edal, Means of connecting cyclists' shoe to. S. Macdonald and L. S. Harrison Pedal mechanism for propelling bicycles. W. S. Sharpneck Pedals of cycles, Device for attaching riders' feet to. H. Thompson Peeler, Potato-. G. J. A. Leslie and W. D. Kenealy Peg. (See Clothes-peg.) Pencil, rubber, and tape measure combined. J. A. Endean and H. R. Jury Perambulator-brake. J. and E. J. Wren Pest exterminator, Orchard-. R. A. C. Kerry Phonographic records, Machine for reproducing. F. W. Baynes and R. S. Dalton Phormium tenax. (See Flax.) Phosphorus, Process for manufacturing matches without. J. Craveri Photographic camera. E. P. Schoenfelder and E. Kehle Photographic rocker and washer. J. Gordon-Jones Photographs, Method of colouring. J. H. Brown Photographs. (See also Bas-relief photographs.) Picking fruit, Apparatus for. J. Hogg Pickling sauce. M. T. J. Kavanagh, D. G. Stephens, and J. M. Sheppard .. Picture-frames, Clamp for making. J. B. Gould Pictures, Apparatus for viewing stereoscopic. T. C. Porter Pigments, Manufacturing zinc. W. Hampe Piles and hemorrhoids, Mixture for cure of. H. S. Simeon Pinchers, or -pliers, Lasting-. W. R. Scull Pipe, Absorbent plug for tobacco-. K. S. Begg Pipe connection, Automatio hose-. 0. Eyre Pipe for artesian well, Shoe for bottom of. J. Osborne Pipe- or cigarette-holder. R. C. W. Horsley Pipe, Tobacco-. J. Taylor Pipe, Tobacco-. W. H. Burton and R. W. de Montalk Pipes, boilers, &c, Composition for covering steam-. J. W. Taylor and J. Mather Pipes, Joining drain-. T. Firth Pipes, Joint for metal. G. J. and C. H. Hoskins Pipes, Machine for forming dove-tail edges for rivetless. M.Ferguson Pipes, Machine for closing the locking-bar used in construction of rivetless. M. Ferguson Plant-protector. C. J. Sanderson and G. P. Hilton Plant-protector. E. S. Bayley Plates, Prismatic window.- J. M. Ewen.. .. .. •• •• Platform for aerial tramway-system, Automatic loading.- G. B. Beere and D. G. MaoDonnell .. Pliers, Attachment to lasting-. D. E. Smith and A. Tyree Pliers, Lasting-. D. E. Smith and A. Tyree Pliers, Lever-attachment to. G. T. Clarke and T. Summerton.jun. Pliers or -pinchers, Lasting-. W. R. Scull Plough. R. Hornsby and Sons (Limited) Plough. J. Brown Plough. W. Davidson Plough. H. S. D. Homes Plough, Apparatus for steering multi-furrow. T. Quinlivan Plough, Skeith-carrying attachment for. D. Brisbane .. Ploughing and harrowing implement combined. A. Alexander and J. Houston Plough, Rotary eubsoiler skeith-attachment to. T. Hawke Plough, Skeith and skim-coulter attachment to. W. K. Elder Plough, Skeith-attachment for. W. A. Mann Plough-wheel, Ball-bearing. G. Bristow .. .. ■• •• Plough. (See also Drain-plough, Diso-plough, Multi-furrow plough, Sulky-plough.) Plough-wheels, &c, Axle-box for. W. Jolly .. .. •• Plough-wheels, disc-coulters, &c, Axle and box for. J. Cockerell and R. H. Harper Plug, Drain-plough. A. Russell Plug for tobacco-pipe, Absorbent. K. S. Begg Pneumatic power-acoumulator. D.L.Turner .. •• •• •• •• Pneumatio tire. (See Tire.) Pocket-knife. C. W. Ziele Poison, Appliance for laying rabbit-. H. H. Growden Poison, Boot-attachment for cutting sods for laying rabbit-. C. Johns Poison-antidote. F. V. Ross Portiere-rods. J. Aitohison Postal letter-box. D. M. Whyte Pontoon, Steam-. N. Gibbons Posts, Tool for boring holes in ground for. D. J. Heenan Post. (See a'so Fencing-post.) 10062 9913 9511 9415 9711 9203 9818 28 Oct. 18 Sept. 10 May. 8 April. 22 July. 19 Jan. 20 Aug. 9229 9414 9554 9277 10012 9288 9281 9345 9644 9615 9564 9625 9861 10150 27 Jan. 8 April. 15 April. 17 Feb. 19 Oct. 3 Feb. 15 Feb. .13 March. 30 June. 17 June. 21 May. 19 June. 2 Sept. 18 Nov. 10208 9573 9980 9265 7 Dec. 25 May. 4 Oct. 12 Feb. 9954 9193 9917 9221 2 Oct. 14 Jan. 21 Sept. 23 Jan. 10106 9428 10183 9742 9498 10142 9438 9588 9633 9897 9605 9990 10044 10215 9330 9771 10114 10115 9812 10041 10014 9267 9295 9687 9426 9438 9315 9513 9634 9903 9986 10130 10110 9617 9820 9717 9755 14 Oct. 27 March. 4 Dec. 2 Aug. 5 May. 17 Nov. 9 April. 4 June. 24 June. 8 Sept. 8 June. 14 Oct. 23 Sept. 5 Dec. 6 March. 11 Aug. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. i Aug. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 10 Feb. 16 Feb. 15 July. 5 April. 9 April. 1 March. 10 May. 25 June. 20 Aug. 14 Oct. 12 Nov. 10 Nov. 15 June. 21 Aug. 20 July. 3 Aug. 9584 9545 10045 9588 9524 S June. 19 May. 19 Oct. 4 June. 15 May. 9200 9485 9293 9823 9623 10173 9624 10146 12 Jan, 7 April. 23 Feb. 16 Aug. 18 June. 1 Dec. 16 June. 22 Nov.




Invention am ame 01 jiveni ior. o. ;e. Pot cleaner. H. D. A. Reynolds .. .. .. .. .. .. Potato-digger. H. Gave Potato-peeler. G. J. A. Leslie and W. D. Keaealy .. Pot, Rose for watering-. J. W. Wade Pot, Tea-urn and tea-. G.C.Morris Powder, Blasting-. W. E. Hughes .. .. .. .. Powder ejector, Toilet-. J. J. Gharlton and J. H. Kay Powor-aooumulator, Pneumatic. D. L. Turner Power, Apparatus for obtaining. J. Maitland Power, Generating motive-. G. Guattari.. Power-hammer. E. S. Brett Power purposes, Regenerative electrical battery for light and. G. G. Turri Power. (See also Engines, Motors, &c.) Precipitating apparatus and furnace for recovering gold from charcoal, &o. J. Turnbull Precipitating-box, Electrolytic. P. Ferguson Precipitating gold on tables of dredges, Appliance for. G. H. Oatway Precipitation. (See also Gold, Metals, Ores.) Preservation of organic matters, and apparatus for use therein. J. J. Hazard Preservative, Egg-. G. H. Buekeridge, P. Marks, and G. F. Cork Preservative material for protecting food-substances. E.May.. Preserving apparatus. J. M. Smart Preserving apparatus and process. J. M. Smart Preserving articles of food, Composition for. E. May Preserving fruit, eggs, &c, Method of. J. A. Parker.. Preserving hides or skins. J. W. Seott Preserving meat, fish, &c. F. Taillefer Preserving-pan, steam-generator, and furnace combined. J. T. Johns, J. H. Fleming, and G. W. Basley Press. J. H. Angas .. .. .. Press, Relief-colour stamping- or embossing-. J. C. Swallow Press. (See also Wool-press.) Printing and cutting mechanism for box-making machines. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Printing apparatus, Duplicate. A. T. Ashwell Printing-attachment for calculating-machine. A. T. Ashwell .. Printing circulars, &c, Roller typographer for. A. Johnston Printing cylindrical objects, Machine for. Maskinforretningen Interessentskabet Daawrud Printing-machine, Colour. V. Turati Printing-machine, Index-cutting and. W. Corfe PriBinatic canopy for window. J. M. Ewen Prismatio glass, Vault- and canopy-lights and. J. M. Ewen Prismatic glass, Window-lights and. J. M. Ewen Prismatic window-lights. J. M. Ewen Prismatic window-plates. J. M. Ewen Prism lights and-tiles, Framing. J. M. Ewen .... Prism lights for windows, Combining ornamental and. J. M. Ewen Prisms for windows. J. M. Ewen Projectile. E. Cowles Promise of marriage, Means of recording. E. Sprey Propelling mechanism. (See Bicycle propelling-gear, Cycle-propelling mechanism, Screw-pro-peller, Ship- and boat-propeller, Surface-propeller.) Propelling vehicles, Means for. A. J. Cuming Propelling vehicles, Method of and mechanism for. H. Symes Prop-head, Clothes-line. W. H. B. Miller Propulsion, Apparatus for electric. C. P. F. Clerc and A. G. Pingault Prospecting-dish. W. G. Collins Protector. (See Boot- or shoe-protector, Plant-protector.) Pulley, Split. H. Wilson and T. Mant Pulsating milking-machine. H. J. Cunnington Pulsator for milking-maohine. H. J. Cunnington Pulvei iser. P. Ferguson .. Pulverising apparatus. W. A. Koneman and W. H. Hartley .. Pulverising-machine, Rotary. E. M. Brissenden and J. S. Lane Pulverising. (See also Crushing, Grinding, Ore, Stamper battery.) Pump or motor, Rotary engine usable as. D. Morgan Pump, Rotary engine applicable as a. G. G. M. Hardingham Pump. (See also Centrifugal pump, Cycle-tire pump, Double-acting pump, Hand-pump, Liftpump, Mining-pump, Refrigerating compression-pump, Rotary-pump, Spray-pump.) Pump to end of cask, Appliance for connecting. G. W. Sturgess Puncture in pneumatic tire, Appliance for locating. R. J. Scofield Puncture of pneumatic tires, Means of preventing. A. J. Cuming Puncture-proof, Method and composition for making pneumatic tires. P. J. Winch and J, T. Snell Puncture-resisting shield for pneumatic tire. A. Manvers, M. Fink, and H. A. D. Sheppard Punctures in pneumatic tire, Means for automatically closing. J. J. Shannessy Punctures in pneumatic tires, Repairing. M. E. Barton .. .. .. • Punt, Self-discharging. (See Silt-punt.) Purifying fish-oil, Method of. A. J. Cunningham .. .. .. Puzzle. F. S. Yates Quartz, ore, &c, Apparatus for crushing and grading. J. Wood and W. W. Olark Quartz, ores, &c, Koller-mill for crushing and grading. H. W. Treloar Quicksilver, amalgam, or gold, Appartus for saving. P. Johnstone and W. Bush Rabbit-burrows, &c, Apparatus for generating and forcing fumes into. J. Butel, jun. Rabbit-poison, Appliance for laying. H. H. Growden .. ., Rabbit poison, Boot-attachment for cutting sods for laying. C. Johns Babbit trap. J. Dougherty .. .. .. ., .. .. 9378 9274 10150 10163 9360 10059 9197 9524 9881 9568 9889 10091 26 March 12 Feb. 18 Nov. 26 Nov. 3 March 27 Oct. 14 Jan. 15 May. 9 Sept. 25 May. 10 Sept. 4 Nov. 10095 10023 10218 4 Nov. 15 Oct. 13 Dec. 10030 9865 9622 9465 9464 9621 9574 9249 9656 98.18 21 Oct. 6 Sept. 18 June. 22 April. 22 April. 18 June. 29 May. 4 Feb. 1 July. 20 Aug. 9631 10092 24 June. 4 Nov. 9774 11 Aug. 10054 10055 9652 9264 9629 9538 10017 10008 10007 10016 10014 10015 10018 10019 9271 9762 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 31 July. 12 Feb. 24 June. 19 May. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 13 Feb. 22 April. 10190 9413 10125 9386 10126 2 Dec. 7 April. 15 Nov. 27 March 10 Nov. 10210 9826 9257 10022 10179 9883 10 Deo. 23 Aug. 6 Feb. 15 Oct. 3 Dec. 9 Sept. 9550 9314 19 May. 1 March 10139 9211 9452 9672 15 Nov. 21 Jan. 15 April. 12 July. 9325 9253 9433 4 March 5 Feb. 6 April. 9649 9369 9695 10096 9835 9358 9485 9293 9318 30 June. 22 Maroh 17 July. 4 Nov. 28 Aug. 14 March 7 April. 23 Feb. 25 Feb.




Invent lion am lame ol ;nveni ;or. ■o. :e. Eabbit-trap. H. O'Neill Rabbit trap. W. Campbell and J. P. Elliot Rabbits, Destroying. T. and G. H. Kingston Rabbits, Export case or crate for. A. Hart and G. E. Andrew Babbits, hares, &c, Orate for export of. A. S. Juniper Rabbits, Means for destroying. H. Weatherall Race-starting machine. J. Rose Racing or exercising machine, Cycle-. G. J. Bones and L. H. Hart Rack and -stretcher, Trouser-. D. Munro . " Radiscope, X-." J. Hartt and G. O. Duncan Rails, Fastening ends of railway-. J. Lucas, sen., and J. Lucas, jun. Rail joint. D. J. T. Creech .. Railway-brakes, Triple valves for pneumatic. A. Kapteyn Railway-car coupling. H. J. Marks Railway-carriage journal-bearings. J. R. Baker Railway-crossing electric alarm. J.Ferguson Railway-fishplate. H. Hill Railway-rails, Method of fastening ends of. J. Lucas, sen., and J. Lucas, jun. Railway-signals. C. J. E. Linnemann Railway-sleepers, fencing-posts, &c, Process of and composition for manufacturing. E. Walker and J. A. Henderson Railway station indicator. W. C. and H. M. Dennes Railway time-table. F. S. Stephen and J. Whyte Railway-waggon or -truck. J. Colvin Raising water, Means of. M. C. Healy Ram. (See Hydraulic ram.) Range, Boiler for kitchen-. R. B. Green Range, Cooking-. J. F. Ford Range-firing, Self-marking electric target for. W. Harris .. Rat-trap. H. E. Nightingale and F. H. Jackson Ready-reckoner. M. Belk Ready-reckoner, Attachment for affixing cylinders for. M. Belk Reaper and-binder, Elevator frame for. A. Orr and J. Ure Reaper-and-binder, Rotary divider for. T. Bassett and J. K. Mawson Receiver, Telegraphic. A. Piedfort Reckoner. (See Calculating, Cash-registering, Enumerator, Indicating, Ready-reckoner, Registering, Totalisator, Weighing.) Recording and registering votes at elections, Apparatus for. W. A. Ellis Record-strips for type-forming machine, Machine for preparing. Lanston Monotype Machine Company Reel or bobbin for thread, &c. L. R. Taylor Refining fats and oils, Apparatus for. J. Davidson and C. G. Hepburn Refrigerating and freezing apparatus. W. Nelson L . Refrigerating purposes, Compression pump for. J. Budge Registering and recording votes at elections, Apparatus for. W. A. Ellis Registering, cost-indicating, and weight-totalling apparatus for weighing-machine. W, L. D. and W. H. Gundry Registering votes at elections, Apparatus for. W. Andrews, F. H. Sohoeneberg, and J. Bruce .. Releasing-taokle, Safety. D. L. Turner Renovating and cleaning fabrics, Composition for. C. Baldwin Respirator for use in dry crushing, &c. H. F. Way Revolving screw-attachment for signal-lamp. S. P. Evans Ridger. (See Disc-ridger.) Ripple for gold-saving, Spiral. W.B.Walters Rivers, Apparatus for changing courses and conserving banks of. J. C. Vincent and R. Cobb .. Rivers, Means of conserving. S. Manning and T. G. Russell Rivers, Saving gold in. C. Wesley Rivetless pipes, Machine for forming dovetail-edges for. M. Ferguson Rivetless pipes, Machine for closing the looking-bar used in construction of. M. Ferguson Road-grader. E. S. McGill Roasting and drying ores, Apparatus for. P. Argall.. Roasting or -calcining furnace, Ore-. G. A. Richard Rock, Apparatus for drilling, excavating, and breaking up submarine. R.M. Scott and A.Goodsir Rook-drill. S. P. Blackmore, R. O. G. Drummond, and E. J. Way Rock-drills, Machine for cutting and sharpening. F. G. Myers Rock-drills, Machine for forging and sharpening. F. G. Myers Rock-drills, Machine for forging and sharpening. S. P. Quick Rocker and washer, Photographic. J. Gordon-Jones Rod for bicycle-crank, Extension-. W. H. Landells and H. Zander Rod for cycles, Connecting-. O. K. Peez Rods, Portiere-. J. Aitchison .. .. .. .. .. .. Roller, Field-. J. Storrier Roller-mill for crushing ores, &c. H. W. Treloar Roller-tooth variable gear. T. Foster Rolls, Automatic feeder for crushing-. J. L. Kirkbride .. .. Rolls, Crushing-. J. L, Kirkbride Roofing, &c, Treating metal for. G. M. Campbell Roofing or covering stacks of grain, &c. G. L. Thomson Rooms and basements, Devices for lighting. J. M. Ewen .. .. .. Rooms, Hot-air apparatus for warming. J.H.Gardner Root-uplifter, tauhinu, or scrub-puller. W. S. Dudson Rope cleaner and lubricator, Wire-. E. W. Lycett Rope- or cord-fastener. H. Gorell Rose for watering-pot. J. W. Wade Rotary divider for reaper-and-binder. T. Bassett and J. K. Mawson Rotary engine. 6. G. M. Hardingham .. .. .. .. ., 9424 9966 9526 9376 10219 10216 9480 9955 9556 10244 9262 9929 10220 9535 9699 10097 9479 9262 9999 9235 8 April. 7 Oct. 15 May. 25 March. 17 Deo. 15 Dec. 26 April. 2 Oct. 18 May. 23 Dec. 12 Feb. 25 Sept. 17 Dec. 19 May. 19 July. 2 Nov. 5 April. 12 Feb. 4 Oct. 28 Jan. 9866 9833 9551 9953 6 Sept. 27 Aug. 15 May. 2 Oot. 10104 9533 9598 9504 9260 9688 9874 9824 9196 i Nov. 22 Sept.'96 4 June. 7 May. 11 Feb. 14 July. 8 Sept. 23 Aug. 14 Jan. 10200 10005 9 Dec. 18 Oct. 9385 9512 10L70 9575 10200 9847 27 March. 10 May. 20 Nov. 25 May. 9 Dec. 27 Aug. 10233 9525 9180 9968 9859 20 Dec. 15 May. 19 Nov.'96. 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 9732 10033 9979 9259 10114 10115 10227 10102 10245 10116 9245 9782 9783 9793 9917 9731 9657 9623 10047 10096 9836 10052 9760 10067 10128 9864 9719 10202 9788 10207 10163 9824 9314 29 July. 21 Oct. 8 Oot. 8 Feb. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 17 Dec. 5 Nov. 28 Dec. 11 Nov. 3 Feb. 22 Oct.'96* 22 Oct.'96* 14 Aug. 21 Sept. 27 July. 28 June. 18 June. 8 Oct. 4 Nov. 28 July, 21 Oct. 6 Aug. 26 Oct. 8 Nov. 4 Sept, 23 July. 9 Dec. 13 Aug. 7 Dec. 26 Nov. 23 Aug. 1 March,




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Eotary engine. W.Norgrove.. Rotary engine. B. B. Tree and E. H. Eldon Kotary engine. W. H. Burton and B. Bond Eotary engine. O. A. Ingraham Rotary engine. W. S. Oolwell Rotary engine usable as pump or motor. D. Morgan Rotary machine. G. B. Shepard Rotary motor. 0. F. C. Lohmann Rotary motor or pump. The Anglo-Frenoh Motor Carriage Company (Limited) Rotary pulverising-machine. B. M. Brissenden and J. S. Lane Rotary steam-engine. C. A. Biickstrom .. Roundabout, Cycle. D. Burrell and E. Curtis Rubber, pencil, and tape measure combiner!. H. R. Jury and J. A. Bndean Rudder for auxiliary screw vessel. G. McKenzie and H. P. Norton Rugs, coseys, &c, Method of making flax-. J. C. Corbett Ruler and blotter combined. D. E. Blacke " Runaways," Means of preventing. C. J. Gascoigne Sack-elevator. J. Acton .. .. .. .. • • • • Sacks and bags, Device for distending mouths of. G. Aitkens, H. P. H. Graves, and F. B. Farmar Sacks or bags, Appliance for distending mouths of. G. Aitkens and H. Graves Saddle attachment, Cradle and rocker bicycle-. F. St. John .. Saddle, Cart or spring-dray. T. Hogan Saddlecloth. P. Smith Saddle or seat for bicycle. C. S. Drummond Saddle or seat, Supporting bioycle or other. F. C. Esmond Saddle, Pneumatic harness-. E. H. Brown Saddle. (See also Seat.) Safe, Milk-. J. Ball Sand, &c, in canals, harbours, &c, Means of preventing accumulations of. E. Waters Sanitary closet. T. Danks Sash and-frame, Window-. J. Sandlant.. Sash-fastener. (See Window-sash fastener.) Sash regulator and lock combined, Window-. C. C. Morris Sashfs, Method and apparatus for hanging window-. W. J. H. Richards .. Sauce. M. T. J. Kavanagh, D. G. Stephens, and J. M. Sheppard Saucer. L. M. Hare Saving gold. (See gold.) Saw-frame, Lateral and vertical. E.L.Clark Saw, Hack-. H. H. Murdoch Scales, Affixing cylinders for ready-reckoner attachable to spring-balance. M. Belk Scales, Dial for weight- and cost-indicating. H. J. Wood Scoop and -cart, Combined earth-. W. Henry Scoring-machine, Lawn-tennis. F.Wight Scouring wool. (See Wool.) Scraper or mat, Mud-. D. Balneaves Screen dust-collector for quartz crushing batteries, &c. M. Bate Screen. (See Fly-screen, Washtub-screen, Window-screen.) Screw-attachment for signal-lamp, Revolving. S. P. Evans Screw propeller blade. E. Baggstrom, W. P. Guthridge, and A. E. Langley Scrub-puller, root-uplifter, or tauhinu. W. S. Dudson Scutcher, Fibre-. W. Toogood Sea-calming purposes, Method of applying oil for. W. A. Mercer and D. R. S. Galbraith Seat-fastener for gig- and cart-seats. F. H. and H. R. Steel Seat for bicycle. H. A. Christy Seat or saddle for bicycles, &c. C. S. Drummond Seat-support for bicycles, &o. E.C.Martin Seat. (See also Saddle.) Secondary battery. J. Vaughan Sherrin and H. E. Sherrin Seed-drill, Combined cultivator and. C. McLeod Seed-drills, &c, Feed for. H. B. MacDonald Seed machinery, Frictional surfaoe for lining grain and. G. Preddy Seed-or grain-and manure-sowing drill. I.Sargent .. .. •• Self-cleaning, smoke-consuming, steam and hot-air utilising tube-engine. C. L. Clarke Self-generating motive-power machine and grinder. J. Piercy .. Self-propelling vehicle. The Anglo-French Motor-carriage Company (Limited) Separating liquid from bodies mingled with same. W. A. Koneman and W. H. Hartley Separating liquids, Centrifugal machine for. P. M. Sharpies Separating ores, Method of and apparatus for. W.T.Newman Separating slime or gas from bodies containing same. W. A. Koneman Separator or amalgamator. C. L. Garland and J. and S. E. Murray Settling-vat, Agitating- and. P. Ferguson Sewage, Apparatus for treating. J. Poole .. .. Sewage, Apparatus for treating. D. Cameron, F. J. Commin, and A. J. Martin Sewage, Treating. D. Cameron, F. J. Commin, and A. J. Martin Sewer-trap. T. Waterworth Sewing-machine. A. Legg and C. W. Weston Sewing-machine, Honeycombing-attachment for. A. Wood, W. Ruxton, and J. Coats, jun. Sewing-machine, Folding seat for. G. Hamlin Shafts, Means for securing cams upon. E. A. Blanton Shaft-tug for vehicle. F. O. Skelton Shaft-tug for vehicle. J. Robinson Shaft-tug for vehicle. P. O'Connell Shares to cultivators, Attachment for fixing. J. T. Allsop Sharpening and cutting rock-drills, Machine for. P.G.Myers.. .. <■ Sharpening and forging rock-drills, Machine for. F. G. Myers .. 9324 9595 9678 10048 10.1.61 9550 9739 9612 9252 9883 9254 9880 10208 9907 10119 10133 9714 9439 9567 4 March. 13 Aug. 8 July. 23 Oct. 25 Nov. 19 May. 2 Aug. 16 June. 5 Feb. 9 Sept. 5 Feb. 9 Sept. 7 Deo. 9 Sept. 13 Nov. 12 Nov. 23 July. 12 April. 26 May. 9517 9490 9930 10143 9478 9354 10147 12 May. 29 April. 25 Sept. 19 Nov. 28 April. 13 March. 20 Nov. 10065 9323 9399 9746 27 Oct. 4 Maroh. 29 March. 3 Aug. 10087 9817 9428 10186 3 Nov. 24 Aug. 27 March. 12 Oct. 9969 9487 9688 9808 9303 9248 1 Oot. 30 April. 14 July. 18 Aug. 24 Feb. 1 Feb. 9778 9640 31 July. 24 June. 9859 9373 10202 9188 9912 9995 9787 9478 9368 30 Aug. 20 March. 9 Dec. 12 Jan. 18 Sept. 15 Oct. 13 Aug. 28 April. 18 Maroh. 9785 9215 9339 9172 9651 10026 9393 9251 9942 9602 9609 9187 9632 10024 9894 9420 9419 9645 9312 10221 9935 9585 9356 9536 9730 9467 9782 9783 13 Aug. 21 Jan. 10 Maroh. 5 Jan. 7 June. 15 Oct. 12 Feb. 5 Feb. 30 Sept. 10 June. 14 June. 11 Jan. 24 June. 15 Oct. 10 Sept. 8 April. 8 April. 30 June. 1 March. 17 Dec. 28 Sept. 3 June. 16 March. 17 May. 26 July. 22 April. 22 Oct.'96* 22 Oot.'96*




Invention and Name of Inventor. o. ;e. Sharpening blades of chafi-cutter, Machine for. T. Dawson Sharpening rock-drills, Machine for forging and. S. P. Quick Shavings, Manufacturing zinc. P.Strang Shearing-machine. H. Hall Shearing skins, Apparatus for. J. Murgatroyd Shears for cutting tin, brass, &c. J. A. Belk Sheathing or weatherboard. W. Pinches.. Sheep- and package-branding machine. J. A. Barnes Sheep-dip. T. Hallett Sheep-shearing machine. J. G. Nash Sheepshears, Hand-. J. Heck Sheepsheara, Machine. J. Martin Sheet-metal box. T. L. Carbone Sheller casings, Frictional surface for lining. G. Preddy Shield for tires. A. Manvers, M. Fink, and H. A. D. Sheppard Ships and boats, Propeller for. J. A. Belk Ships' boats, Apparatus for working. S. Jickell Shirt-collar attachment. G. Ward and J. B. Dodgshun Shirt, Dickey and means of attaching to. J. Harvey-Metcalfe Shoe for bottom of pipe for artesian well. J. Osborne Shoe. (See also Boot, Horse-shoe.) Shop-window. W. Moriarty Shovel. 0. A. Port Shower-bath. A. H. W. Wedler Signal-lamp, Hand. T. Edwards Signal-lamp, Hand. J. Dobbie Signal-lamp, Revolving screw-attachment for. S. P. Evans Signals, Apparatus for transmitting electrical impulses and. The Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company (Limited) Signals for railway, Danger-. 0. J. E. Linnemann Signals or messages by electric currents, Transmitting. A. G. Crehore and G. O. Squier Silt-punt. J. J. Haslam Silt-punt. G. N. Goldie .. ' .. Siphon. J. Harrison Siphon cistern, Flushing. J. Marsh Skeith and skim-coulter attachment to plough. W. K. Elder Skeith-attacbment for plough. W. A. Mann Skeith attachment to ploughs, Botary subsoiler. T. Hawke Skeith-carrying attachment for plough. D. Brisbane Skin-shearing apparatus. J. Murgatroyd Skins or hides, Curing. J. W. Scott Skirt-attachment for cyclistes. C. Bristow Skirt, Cycling-. S.E.Francis .. .. ■. ■■ •• •• Sleepers, Process of and composition for manufacturing posts and railway-. E. Walker and J. A. Henderson Sleeping-bag. W. S. C. Nicholl .. .. Slime from bodies containing same, Separating. W. A. Ko'neman Slime, sand, &c, Process and apparatus for extracting liquid from solvent-treated. T, T. Draper and W. Ryley Smelting-furnaces, Method of and apparatus for charging. E. Hall Smelting ironsand, Furnace for. A. Coubrough Smelting ironsand, Process for. A. Coubrough Smelting ironsand, Process of. A. Coubrough Smelting, Process and apparatus for preparing ironsand for. A. Coubrough Smelting, Treating minerals for. R. F. Strong Smoke-consumer and spark-catcher for engines, chimney-stacks, &c. L. G. Roope and J. Shepherd Smoke-consuming, fuel-economizing, and stoking apparatus for steam-boilers. The Wood and Claydon Automatic Stoker, Coal-crusher, Self-feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company (Limite i) Smoke-consuming, self-cleaning, steam and hot-air utilising tube-engine. E. L. Clark Sock or stocking. F. Sontgen .. .. ■■ Sods, Machine for removing soil from. H. E. A. Minchin Soldering apparatus. J. P. Hamilton Soldering-table or -pan. Elkington and Company (Limited) Soldering tins, Machine for. W. Stevenson Solvents and electrolysis, Extracting metals from ores by means of. C. A. Mulholland and R. M. Cochrane Solvents, Treating gold- and silver-ores with. J. C. Montgomerie and H. Parkes Sorter, Ore-. J. Ancel Sowing seeds with manure, Drill for. I. Sargent Sowing. (See also Seed-drills.) Sounding apparatus, Nautical. D. P. Munn Spade. C. A. Port Spanner. A. Taylor Spanner. A. Taylor Spanner. E.Moss.. Spark-catcher and smoke-consumer for engines, chimney-stacks, &c. L. G. Roope and J. Shepherd Spark-extinguisher. D. E. Blacke Spindle and bearing, Cycle crank-. A. J. Cuming Spirit- or oil-engine, Vaporiser for. F. Henderson and M. T. N. Bluck Split pulley. H. Wilson and T. Mant .. .. Spouting, Bracket for erection of galvanised-iron. H. J. Vickery Spray-brush. L. and M. L. Jones .. .. .. ■ • • ■ • Sprayer-nozzle, Drip-cup for. W. H. Price .. .. ■ ■ . • • Spray-pump. J. Garside Spring-dray or cart saddle. T. Hogan Spring-frame bicycle. A. J. Cuming ., ., 989G 9793 9879 9916 9887 9984 10004 9476 10253 10039 10159 9789 10071 9172 9325 10124 9800 9204 9566 9897 8 Sept. 14 Aug. 9 Sept. 20 Sept. 6 Sept. 12 Oct. 14 Oct. 26 April. 30 Dec. 21 Oct. 25 Nov. 13 Aug. 30 Oct. 5 Jan. 4 March 13 Nov. 6 Aug. 19 Jan. 25 May. 8 Sept. 10132 9696 9944 9798 9895 9859 9925 16 Nov. 14 July. 30 Sept. 16 Aug. 6 Sept. 30 Aug. 21 Sept. 9999 9541 9726 9911 9677 9461 9820 9717 9617 10130 9887 9249 9491 9910 9235 4 Oct. 19 May. 24 July. 13 Sept. 13 July. 22 April. 21 Aug. 20 July. 15 June. 12 Nov. 0 Sept. 4 Feb. 4 May. 16 Sept. 28 Jan. 10038 9187 9878 21 Oct. 11 Jan. 9 Sept. 9577 10225 9177 10226 9492 9922 9940 9182 31 May. 17 Dec. 7 Jan. 17 Dec. 4 May. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 8 Jan. 10026 9349 9658 9946 9203 9450 9457 15 Oct. 25 Feb. 28 June. 28 Sept. 19 Jan. 20 April. 22 April. 9643 10063 9651 30 June. 28 Oct. 7 June. 9611 9696 9392 9440 9529 9940 14 June. 14 July. 29 March 12 April. 14 May. 24 Sept. 9597 9901 9750 10210 9723 9964 10070 9663 9930 9794 4 June. 10 Sept. 29 July. 10 Dec. 28 July. 7 Oct. 29 Oct. 1 July. 25 Sept. 14 Aug.




Invention and Name of Inventor !o. ;e. Stacks of grain, &o., Roofing or covering. G. L. Thomson Stamp-battery, Automatic feeder for. J. L. Kirkbride Stamp cancellation, Indelible. D. R. S. Galbraith Stamper battery. E. Cockerel) Stamper battery. G. Dunn Stamper battery. J. F. Brunton Stamper battery for pulverising ore in a dry state. M. Weber Stamper battery, Pneumatic feed and dust-stopper for. W. Thomas Stamper-box. T. Thompson Stampers, Method of and apparatus for collecting and treating dust from. W. H. Clark Stamping or embossing press, Colour-. J. C. Swallow Stamp-mills, Cam and cam-shaft for. E. J. Way Stamp-mills, Cam and Cam-shaft for. E. J. Way Stamps and stamper-dies for reduction of ores, &c. H. H. Adams Stand attachable to chair, &c, Book-. J. Tremearne Standard. (See Clothes-line standard, Fencing-standard.) Standards, Contrivance for attaching wire netting to. W. Roberts, jun. .. Standards, Device for attaching wire and wire netting to. W. Roberts, jun. Standards, Fastening wire on. W. J. Philp Standards, Tool for driving fencing-. H. E. R. Rayner Standards, Means of securing fencing wire to. W. C. Greig Starting machine, Race-. J. Rose Station indicator, Railway-. W. C. and H. M. Dennes Steam and hot-air utilising tube-engine, Smoke-consuming, self-cleaning. E. L. Clark Steam-boiler, Damper for. G. Butel Steam-boiler or steam-generator. G. Haley Steam-boilers, Stoking, smoke consuming, and fuel-economizing apparatus for. The Wood and Claydon Automatic Stoker, Coal-crusher, Self-feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company (Limited) Steam-boiler, Water tube. E. E. Wigzell Steam-engine. A. Hogg Steam-engine, Rotary. C. A. Biickstrom.. Stoam-generator, Feed-water purifier for. J.H.Rosenthal Steam-generator, furnace, and heating-, evaporating , or preserving-pan combined. J. T. Johns, J. H. Fleming, and G. W. Basley Steam-generator, super-heater, or water-heater. E. Makin, jun. Steam-motor for street-car service. A. P. Dodge Steam-pontoon for hauling logs, &c. N. Gibbons Steam-trap. B. Lloyd Steel and iron castings, Annealing. P. D. Murphy .. Steel, Manufacturing. T. J. Heskett and H. Jones Steel, Manufacturing. C. de Esteve-Llatas Stencil-case for branding boxes and bales. A. L. Heighton Stereoscopic pictures, Apparatus for viewing. T. C. Porter Sterilising and aerating beer, Apparatus for. W. J. Glennon and A. Y. Oastler Sterilising milk, cream, &c, Apparatus for. P. I. Buaas Stocking or sock. F. Sontgen Stoking, smoke-consuming, and fuel-economizing apparatus for steam-boilers. The Wood and Claydon Automatic Stoker, Coal-crusher, Self-feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company (Limited) Stomach, liver, or kidney complaints, Medicine for. H. Phillips Stone, Method of manufacturing artificial. Oakley Stone Company (Limited) Stopper for bottles, also applicable to taps, bungs, &c. J. S. Woodhouse Stoppering-bottles, -jars, &o. Andrews Patent Bottle Lock Stopper Syndicate (Limited) Storage battery, Electric. J. E. Liardet Storage chambers, Means of and apparatus for reducing temperature of. G. T. Booth and E. Jones Storage or electrical battery. W. W. Hanscom and A. Hough Stove, Burner for petroleum-or other oil-. J. S. Chambers and J. G. Seymour Stove, Means for controlling supply of gas to. J. Wynn Stove or oven, Shutting off heat from. A.T.Lang .. Stove. (See also Gas-stove.) Strainer. (See Milk-strainer, Wire-strainer.) Strap-fastener. A. Macvean Street-car service, Steam-motor for. A. P. Dodge .. .. .. Stretcher, Boot-. W. A. Mercer and D. R. S. Galbraith Stretcher, Trouser-rack and. D. Munro.. Striker, Matchbox ana. H. W. Donnelly Structural arrangement. E. L. Pease .. .. .. Structure, Concrete. W. Pinches Stumps, Cricket-. J. Roberts Submarine rock, Apparatus for drilling, excavating, and breaking up. R. M. Scott and A. Goodsir Submarine telegraphy, Receiver for. A. Piedfort Sulky-plough. J. R. Lavell Sulphide ores, Apparatus for treating complex. F. EUershausen Sulphide ores for separation of zinc from the lead, &c, Treating. B. Mohr Sulphide ores of lead, Treating. T. Huntington and F. Heberlein Sulphurous ores, Treating. Societe Anonyme de Traitement de 1'Or Combine (Procede Body) .. Sulphide ores, Treating complex. F. EUershausen Sulphurous acid, Obtaining. T. Huntington and F. Heberlein Sun-dial. J. Levinge .. .. .. • • • • Sunken vessels, Air-float for raising. F. Marriott Sunken vessels, Apparatus for lifting. J. Mackenzie Sunken vessels, Means .of raising. J. A. Belk Sunken vessels, Pneumatic lift for raising. R. H. J. Hamlin Super-heater, water-heater, or steam-generator. E. Makin, jun. Support. (See Bicycle-support, Cyclists' body-support, Incandescent gas-burner support.) Suspenders. W. Greenshields .. .. ., 10128 10052 9921 9555 9989 10100 9458 9724 9662 9650 10092 9208 10056 9813 9470 8 Nov. 21 Oct. 22 Sept. 30 April. 14 Oct. 5 Nov. 22 April. 19 July. 3 July. 30 June. 4 Nov. 20 Jan. 27 Oct. 17 Aug. 26 April. 9434 9601 9255 10076 10201 9480 9866 10026 10185 9342 9182 7 April. 7 June. 27 Nov.'96. INov. 8 Dec. 26 April. 6 Sept. 15 Oct. 4 Dec. 11 March. 8 Jan. 9423 10028 9254 9844 9818 8 April. 16 Oct. 5 Feb. 1 Sept. 20 Aug. 9754 9700 9624 9317 9321 9770 9891 10195 9742 9646 9437 9349 9182 4 Aug. 19 July. 16 June. 1 March. 1 March. 11 Aug. 16 Dec'96" 7 Dec. 2 Aug. 30 June. 9 April. 25 Feb. 8 Jan. 9751 10224 9860 9294 10135 9201 9741 9579 10180 10090 30 July. 17 Dec. 1 Sept. 24 Feb. 17 Nov. 14 Jan. 2 Aug. 31 May. 3 Dec. 4 Nov. 10141 9700 9906 9556 10230 9923 9938 9353 10116 9196 10182 9941 9710 9421 9686 9586 9421 9704 9937 9862 10123 9947 9754 17 Nov. 19 July. 14 Sept. 18 May. 13 Dec. 26 Sept'96* 25 Sept. 11 March. 11 Nov. 14 Jan. 3 Dec. 3 Sept. 22 July. 8 April. 16 July. 3 June. 8 April. 20 July. 25 Sept. 31 Aug. 13 Nov. 29 Sept. 4 Aug. 9945 18 Sept.




Invention and Name of Inventor. to. se. Swaging, forging, and hammering metal articles, Maohine for. F. G. Myers Switch, Telephone-dial. H. C. M. Watson Syphon. (See Siphon.) Syrups, Apparatus for drawing and mixing aeratad waters with. A. Brake Syrups, Apparatus for drawing and mixing aerated waters with. A. Brake, B. J. MoKee, and B. Joyce . Table for dredge, Gold-saving. C.H.Osmond Table, Gold-saving. S. Papprill Table or -pan, Brazing- or soldering-. Blkington and Co. (Limited) Table with bread-crock, bins, kneading-board, &c, combined. J. Mackenzie Tablet for housekeepers, Order-. H. J. Weeks Tablet for production of carbonated aerated drinks. A. Dolton Tackle, Safety-releasing. D. L. Turner .. .. .. .. • • _ . —- ■. ■ Tailings, &c, containing gold, &o., Apparatus for treatment of. H. R. Brookes, C. G. W. Officer, and J. Jones Tailings, ores, &c, Apparatus for treating. J. Poole Tailings, sludges, &c, Prooess and apparatus for extracting gold from. F. B. Cronin Tallow-lamp. A. R. Jones .. .. .. • • Tape measure, pencil, and rubber combined. H. R. Jury and J. A. Endean Taps, bungs, &c, Stopper applicable to. J. S. Woodhouse Target for range-firing, Self-marking electric. W. Harris Tar, Process of manufacturing asphalt and recovering by-products of. T. Waterworth Tassel, Incandescent gas light. L. Hooker Tauhinu, root-uplifter, or scrub-puller. W. S. Dudson Tea, Essence of. B. M. Brian Tea-urn and teapot. C.C.Morris Telegraphic receiver. A. Piedfort Telephone-dial switch. H. C. M. Watson Telephone instrument, Coin-operated. F. J. Clendinnen and G. A. P. Weymouth Temperature of cool-storage chambers, Means of and apparatus for reducing. G. T. Booth and E. Jones Tennis scoring-machine, Lawn-. F. Wight Thawing and freezing meat, Process in. G. Aitkens.. Thimble and thread-cutter combined. W. 0. Robison Thread, Bobbin or reel for carrying. L.R.Taylor .. Thread-cuttor and thimble combined. W. C. Robison Thread stitches, Foundation for drawn-. J. C. Corbett Threshing-machine. J. Borsum Tie-fastener. A. Johnston Tie for hollow or cavity walls. A. F. Pritchard Tile. W. A. C. Waller .. .. .. • • • • Tile sections, &c, Devices for mechanically framing window-lights. J. M. Ewen Tiles and vault-lights, Method of mounting paving-. J. M. Ewen Tiles, A substitute for. Steelotile Manufacturing Company (Limited) Tiles, &c, Electro-glazing for joining glass. J. M. Ewen .. Tiles, Framing prism-lights and. J. M. Ewen Tiles, &c, Glazing together by eleotrolysis glass sections. J. M. Ewen Timber-jack, Jaw for spear of. H. Priestley Time-indicator. A. J. Day Time-indicator. (See also Sun-dial.) Time-tables for railways, tramways, &c. F. S. Stephen and J. Whyte Tine-harrow. L. Joyce Tine-harrow. G. W. Penney .. .. ■ • • • Tin-opener or shears. J. A. Belk Tin or canister. F. J. Lake Tin-soldering machine. W. Stevenson Tin. (See also Baking-tin, Tobacco-tin.) Tire. L. E. Gunner and F. M. Hudson .. Tire, Air-valve for pneumatic. C. K. Welch .. Tire, Apparatus for actuating pump for inflating. A. J. Cuming Tire, Appliance for locating puncture in pneumatic. R. J. Scofield Tire, Bicycle-. F. Gossler Tire, Bicycle-. C. Newman Tire, Cycle-. J.A.Parker Tire, Cycle-. W. Robinson Tire Cycle-. C. H. and G. Greaves Tire guard, Bicycle-. R. B. Lamb and E. Z. Collings Tire-guard, Pneumatic. D. R. S. Galbraith Tire, Link-. J. Arnaboldi .. .. _ • • • • • • Tire, Means for automatically closing punctures in penumatic. J. J. bnannessy Tire' Means for preventing puncture of pneumatic. A. J. Cuming Tire! Mode of inflating pneumatic. J. Robertson .. .. .. ' Tire'or tire-cover for cycles, &c. A. Golding Tire, Pneumatic. J. T. Trench Tire, Pneumatic. J. J. Warry .. • • ■ • ■ ■ • Tire, Pneumatic. R. Stavely Tire, Pneumatic. T. Rowley .. .. .. • • Tire, Pneumatic. S. M. Smith Tire, Pneumatic. F. Leach .. .. • • • • • • . Tire, Pneumatic. J. W. McDougall Tire Pneumatic. A. Pulbrook Tire, Pneumatic. J. W. McDougall Tire' Pneumatic. 0. G. A. Hall Tire, Pneumatic. The Beebe Patent Syndicate Tire' Pneumatic. S. Bunting Tire Pneumatic. W. A. D. Graham and J. N. Shenstone .. ,. ... ' ' 7—H. 10, 9781 9680 22 Oot.'96« 28 June. 9238 9569 30 Jan. 27 May. 9738 9805 9203 10107 10002 9279 9525 9581 6 Aug. 20 Aug. 19 Jan. 8 Nov. 15 Oct. 17 Feb. 15 May. 31 May. 9894 9877 10085 10208 9860 9598 9380 9707 10202 9679 9360 9196 9S3O 10250 9201 10 Sept. 9 Sept. 3 Nov. 7 Deo. 1 Sept. 4 June. 26 March. 21 July. 9 Deo. 9 July. 3 March. 14 Jan. 28 June. 24 Deo. 14 Jan. 9248 9237 10020 9385 10020 10118 10241 9304 9987 9558 10013 10012 10181 10010 10015 10011 9514 9361 lFeb. 30 Jan. 15 Oot. 27 March. 15 Oot. 13 Nov. 23 Deo. 24 Feb. 14 Oot. 22 May. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 3 Deo. 19 Oot. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 6 May. 18 March. 9833 9839 9950 9984 9348 9450 27 Aug. 28 Aug. 1 Oct. 12 Oct. 20 Feb. 20 April 9507 9210 9576 9211 9553 10031 10129 10140 10240 9620 9949 9718 9253 9452 9327 9918 9164 9194 9278 9300 9363 9365 9570 9675 9702 9722 9784 9892 10137 7 May. 21 Jan. 29 May. 21 Jan. 20 May. 21 Oct. 15 Nov. 17 Nov. 23 Deo. 18 June. 1 Oct. 30 June. 5 Feb. 15 April. 4 March. 21 Sept. 4 Jan. 14 Jan. 17 Feb. 25 Feb. 18 March. 19 March. 27 May. 12 July. 19 July. 27 July. 13 Aug. 10 Sept. 18 Nov.




Invention and Name of Inventor. :o. ;e. Tire, Pneumatic. A. Ogden .. .. .. .. .. .. Tire-proteotor. W. G. MeGee Tire-pump. J. Gaut .. .. Tire puncture-proof, Method and composition for making pneumatic P. J. Winch and J. T. Snell Tire, Puncture-resisting shield for pneumatic. A. Manvers, M. Fink, and H. A. D. Sheppard Tire, Repairing puncture in pneumatic. M. E. Barton Tire, Single-tube. S. Macdonald and L. S. Harrison Tobacco- and cigar-cutter, match-delivering device, and indicator combined. T. H. Ross and H. M. Evans Tobacco-cutter and-rubber, Pocket. O.E.Duncan.. Tobacco-pipe. W. H. Burton and R. W. de Montalk Tobacco-pipe, Absorbent plug for. K. S. Begg Tobacco-pipe, cigar- or cigarette-holder. J. Taylor Tobacco-smoke, Wad or filter for filtering. E. B. and P. A. Vaile Tobacco-tin or -canister. A. H. Turnbull Toilet-powder ejector. J. J. Charlton and J. H. Kay Tool, Boring- or drilling-. B. Wesselmann Toothache- and neuralgia -cure. M. M. Squire Toothbrush. E. Cowles Torpedo and torpedo destroyer mine. H. G. Bedell Torpedo-boat. A. J. B. Body .. .. .. .. ... Totalisator or enumerating machine. H. Hodsdon .. Tow and waste fibres from flax-mills, Utilising. 0. S. White and A. J. Cuming Toy. L. Joyce Toy, Optical. G. H. MacSwinney Trace-connections, Hame-hook and similar. M. McDonald Traces, Fastening for. T. McGrevy Traces, Loop and eye for ends of harness. O.Anderson Traction-engine, Attaching and detaching mud-climps or spuds for. S. Graham Traction-engine gripper-key. R. L. Christie Tramway, Automatic loading-platform for aerial. G. B. Beere and D. G. MacDonnell Tramway time-table. F. S. Stephen and J. Whyte Tramway. (See also Railway.) Transmitting electrical impulses and signals, Apparatus for. The Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company (Limited) Transmitting signals by and controlling electric currents. A. C. Crehore and G. O. Squier Trap. (See Rabbit-trap, Rat-trap, Sewer-trap, Steam-trap.) Tree, Boot-. W. A. Mercer and D. R. S. Galbraith Trees, Insecticide-dressing for fruit-. G. Wilks Tricycle, Advertising medium in form of a. R. E. Saville Tricycle or bicycle, Appliance for cleaning driving-chain of. P. Genn Tricycle or bicycle interchangeable gearing. 0. J. Royds and A. T. Oavell .. ... Tricycle. (See also Cycles.) Trouser-clip. A. J. Cuming Trouser-guard for cycle. E. R. Standfield and F. J. Fuchs Trouser-rack and -stretcher. D. Munro Truck or-wagon, Railway-. J. Colvin Truss, Hernia-. R.Richardson Tube-bending machine. A. J. Cuming Tube-engine, Smoke-consuming, self-cleaning, steam, and hot-air utilising. E. L. Clark Tubes, tubular unions, &c, Apparatus for truing up. R. Chillingworth .. Tubing to sockets, Mode and means of joining. F. Billing and W. E. Partridge Tubular auger. J.Murray Tubular joint-and apparatus for making same. C. T. Crowden Turbine and dynamo for lighting incandesoent electric lamp, Combined air-pressure. T. G. Howland Turnips, Implement for thinning. N. Townshend Tuyere for forge. L. Billett and F. R. Cooper Tuyere for furnace. W. L. Austin Twine holding together parcels, &c, Device for securing ends of. H. N. McLeod Twitch-grubber. P. Muirhead Twitch-sods, Self-feeding machine for removing soil from. H. E. A. Minchin Type-casting and -composing machine. Lanston Monotype-machine Company Type-forming machines, Machine for preparing perforated record-strips for. Lanston Monotypemachine Company Typefounding apparatus. F. Wicks Typewriting-machine. The Imperial Writing-machine Company (Limited) Typewriting machine, Book. G. C. Elliott and W. P. Hatch Typographer, Roller-. A. Johnston Tyre. (See Tire.) Umbrella. H. Winkelmann Umbrellas, &c, to cycles, Affixing. C. E. Jay Undercarriages of vehicles, Cross-arms balance for. D. Murphy, W. McManus, A. R. Harris, and G. W. Basley Undercarriages of vehicles, Bearings and ends for balance for. D. Murphy, W. McManus, A. R. Harris, and G. W. Basley Uninflammable, Treatment to render wood. E. M. Fox Union and coupling for hose. A. H. W. Wedler Urn and teapot, Tea-. C. C. Morris Utensil, Cooking-. P. H. Pritchett Utensil, Cover for cooking-. E. Smethurst Valve-gearing for gas, oil, or internal-combustion ergine. F. Henderson and M. T. N. BluckValve. (See also Air-valve, Triple-valve.) Vamping-device. R., H., W. E., and R. H. Thompson Vaporizer for oil- or spirit-engine. F. Henderson and M. T. N. Bluck Variable gear, Roller-tooth. T. Foster .. .. .. .. .. .. 10153 9233 9766 9672 9325 9433 9565 9489 24 Nov. 27 Jan. 11 Aug. 12 July. 4 March. 6 April. 21 May. 3 May. 9230 10044 9588 9990 9716 9286 9197 9571 10193 9272 9404 10254 10229 9340 10166 10248 10117 9263 9736 9668 9684 9267 9833 26 Jan. 23 Sept. 4 June. 14 Oct. 20 July. 19 Feb. 14 Jan. 28 May. 6 Deo. 13 Feb. 5 April. 29 Deo. 18 Deo. 22 Feb. 24 Nov. 23 Dec. 11 Nov. 12 Feb. 31 July. 6 July. 12 July. 10 Feb. 27 Aug. 9925 21 Sept. 9541 19 May. 9906 9206 9400 9175 9319 14 Sept. 20 Jan. 24 March. 23 Deo. 3 March. 9333 9607 9556 9551 10069 9776 10026 9618 9166 9494 9261 10046 5 March. 11 June. 18 May. 15 May. 28 Oct. 10 Aug. 15 Oct. 18 June. 4 Jan. 4 May. 12 Feb. 23 Oct. 9239 9534 9509 9441 9825 9658 10006 10005 10 Dec,'96 19 May. 10 May. 13 April. 23 Aug. 28 June. 10 Oct. 18 Oct. 9855 10089 9890 9752 2 Sept. 4 Nov. 10 Sept, 31 July. 9819 10060 9557 20 Aug. 26 Oct. 18 May. 9664 3 July. 9388 9943 9360 9816 9523 9749 27 March. 30 Sept. 3 March. 20 Aug. 13 May. 29 July. 9807 9750 9836 18 Aug. 29 July. 28 July.




Invent iion am fame oi [nveni tor. !o. iO. Vat, Agitating- and settling-. P. Ferguson Vat or cask. H. Dose Vault- and canopy-lights and prismatic glass. J. M. Ewen Vault-lights, Method of mounting paving-tiles and. J. M. Ewen Vehicle-brake. W. Madder Vehicle-brake. W. Madder Vehicle-hub and-bearing. A. J. Cuming.. Vehicle lamp holder. H. M. McNeill Vehicle, Means of preventing horse running away with. C. J. Gascoigne .. Vehicle, Means of preventing horse running away with. C. J. Gascoigne Vehicle, Motor-. J. F. Duryea Vehicle, Motor-. J. P. Erie .. .. .. .... Vehicle or gig, Two-wheeled. H. Miller and H. T. Smith Vehicle-propelling mechanism. H. Symes Vehicle, Self-propelling. The Anglo-French Motor-carriage Company (Limited) Vehicle, Shaft-tug. F. O. Skelton .. .. .. .. .. • Vehicle, Shaft-tug. J.Robinson Vehicle, Shaft-tug. P. O'Connell Vehicles, Balance-lever for equalising weights in carts and other. T. Goodwin Vehicles, Bearings and ends for cross-arms balance for undercarriages of. D. Murphy, W. MoManus, A. R. Harris, and G. W. Basley Vehicles, Cross-arms balance for maintaining equilibrium of. D. Murphy, W. McManus, A. R. Harris, and G. W. Basley Vehicles, Means for propelling. A. J. Cuming Vehicle. (See also Axle, Bicycle, Brake, Carriage, Cart, Cycle, Gig, Halter, Hatnes, Harness, Locomotive, Motor, Perambulator, Saddle, Seat, Shaft-tug, Street-car, Velocipede, Wheel.) Velocipede. J. Price, T. Hann, and W. Bromley Velocipede. E. L'E. Barton Velocipede and other wheels, Method of and apparatus for manufacturing hubs for. R. Chillingworth Velocipede-brake. A. C. Murray Velocipede-brake. A. K. McGregor .. .. .. .. .. Velocipede driving-gear. J. A. Belk Velocipede driving-gear. G. R. Wilson Velooipede-driving mechanism. J. P. Faulds, G. E. Beaumont, and J. Dickinson Velocipede-driving mechanism. H. Symes Velooipede-driving mechanism. T.Grace Velocipede, Pedal-crank for. J. P. Faulds, J. Dickinson, and G. E. Beaumont Velocipede, Pedal-crank for. J. and W. Dickinson and G. E. Beaumont Velocipede. (See also Bicycle, &c.) Venetian-blind. W. M. Green Ventilating mines, Apparatus for. S. Devy and E. Morey Ventilating mines, System of and apparatus for. R. Schloesser Ventilator or chimney-pot. B.Crawford Ventilator, Window-. T. Smart Vessel for boiling milk. F. J. Sheppard Vessel, Marine. F. A. Knapp and G. Goodwin Vessels, Means of raising sunken. J. A. Belk Vessel, Rudder for auxiliary-screw. G. McKenzie and H. P. Norton Vessels, Air float for raising sunken. F.Marriott Vessels, Apparatus for lifting sunken. J.Mackenzie Vessels, &c, Pneumatic lift for raising sunken. R. H. J. Hamlin Vessel. (See also Boat, Marine, Propeller, Rudder, Ship.) Veterinary mixture. G. Dolbel .. .. .. Votes at elections, &c, Apparatus for recording and registering. W. A. Ellis Votes at elections, Apparatus for registering. W. Andrews, F. H. Schoeneberg, and J. Bruce Votes at elections, Process and apparatus for recording. O. Hansen Voucher or label for guaranteeing authenticity and origin. A. and L. Braly Wad-mouthpiece or filter for filtering tobacco-smoke. E. B. and P. A. Vaile Wagon or-truck, Railway-. J. Colvin Walls, Tie for hollow or cavity. A. F. Pritchard Wash-board. A. L. J. Tait .. Wash-board. E. Gibbons .. .. .. .. .. Wash-dirt or sand, Screening auriferous. W.Morton Wash-dirt, Screen for auriferous. W. Morton .. .. .. .. .. Washer, Photographio rocker and. J. Gordon-Jones .. .. Wash, Hair-. W. T. Trudgeon Washing-blue, dyes, &c, Receptaole for. H. Vallanoe .. .. Washing-board. P. Coull Washing-board. G. Bowron and W. C. Greig Washing-boiler. A. H. Simpson .. .. .. .. .. ., Washing boiler. J. B. Moir .. .. .. .. .. .. ■ Washing fabrics, wool, &c, Apparatus for. J. H. Coxen .. .. ., .. Washing-machine, Clothes. T. Johnson and E. E. Kirby .. .. .. .. Washing wool, Apparatus for. H. Ashworth Water-closet. H. Stairmand and H. Garnham .. .. .. ,, Water-filter. M. Scott Water-filter. J. C. Corbett Water filtering. J. H. Ormond and T. Ritchie Water gaa, Generating hydro-carbon or. J. and J. Watt Water-heater, super-heater, or steam-generator. E. Makin, jun. Watering-pot, Rose for. J. W. Wade Water-inspirator. E. H. Freed Water, Inspirator for raising heated. E. H. Freed .. .. .. ,, Water, Means of raising. M. 0. Healy .. .. .. ., Water, &c, Means of supplying air under. E. Sprey .. ., ,, 10024 9919 10008 10012 9344 9830 9827 9665 9714 9761 9341 9475 9505 9413 9251 9356 9536 9730 10000 9664 15 Oct. 21 Sept. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 18 Feb. 26 Aug. 23 Aug. 5 July. 23 July. 7 Aug, 11 March. 26 April. 21 April. 7 April. 5 Feb. 16 March. 17 May. 26 July. 9 Oct. 3 July. 9557 18 May. 10190 2 Dec. 9168 9236 9674 5 Jan. 29 Jan. 12 July. 9701 9705 9636 10184 9199 9222 9508 9345 9644 19 July. 20 July. 26 June. 4 Dec. 14 Jan. 19 Feb. 10 May. 13 March. 30 June. 9737 9708 9857 10053 10001 9914 9510 10123 9907 9937 9862 9947 2 Aug. 22 July. 2 Sept. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 Sept. 10 May. 13 Nov. 9 Sept. 25 Sept. 31 Aug. 29 Sept. 9232 10200 10233 10131 9543 9716 9551 9987 9806 10214 9592 10112 9917 9406 10111 9974 10251 9683 9804 10057 10073 9329 9909 9332 10050 10232 9449 9754 10163 9403 9205 9953 10029 28 Jan. 9 Dec. 20 Dec. 12 Nov. 19 May. 20 July. 15 May. 14 Oct. 17 Aug. 11 Deo. 31 May. 8 Nov. 21 Sept. 6 April. 10 Nov. 27 Sept. 23 Deo. 12 July. 2 Aug. 27 Oct. INov. 6 Maroh. 15 Sept. 5 March, 25 Oct. 14 Deo; 20 April. 4 Aug. 26 Nov. 29 March. 12 Dec'96. 2 Oct. 18 Oot.




Invention and Name of Inventor. [o. ;e. Water, Means of working for gold, &c, under. P. Lanigan Waterproof coat. H. M. Levinge .. .. .. .. Waterproof-coating composition. C. J. Grist Weather- or sheathing-board. W. Pinches Weighing, cheese-cutting, and cash-registering apparatus. R. J. Goodman Weighing-machine, Cost-indicating, registering, and weight-totalling apparatus for. W. H. and W. L. D. Gundry Weight and coat-indicating scales, Dial for. H. J. Wood Wheel. I. Davis Wheel. G. W. Boucher, D. McCallum, and F. Johnson Wheel. R. T. and C. Bellemey Wheel and axle. W. B. Hughes Wheel, Ball-bearing plough-. G. Bristow Wheel, Barrow-. T. White .. Wheel, Bicycle-. E. Hayes Wheel, Cycle-. J. Robertson Wheel for bicycles, &c. D. Morgan Wheel, Gear-. J. H. Howe Wheel, Locomotive-driving. P. Z. Davis .. .. .. Wheel, Pneumatic. C. K. Welch Wheel, Vehicle-. P. Z. Davis Wheels, &c, Axle-box for plough-. W. Jolly Wheels, disc coulters, &c, Axle-box for plough-. J. Cockerell and R. H. Harper Wheels of cycles, Flexible connection for gear-. J. Robertson Wheels, Method of and apparatus for manufacturing hubs for velocipede and other. R. Chillingworth Whistle, Steam- or air-. A. S. Ford White-lead of high density, Process for manufacture of. T. C. Sanderson Whitener, Doorstep-. S. Sicklemore Wick, Candle-. E. B. and P. A. Vaile Winch, Clutch for. W. and W. H. Outten Winch driving-gear. W. H. and W. Cutten Windmill. J. Smaill Windmill. D. Sherriff Window-fastener. H. Wyatt Window-frame and -sash, Automatic. J. Sandlant .. Wiudow-lights and prismatic glass for windows. J. M. Ewen Window-lights, Prismatic. J. M. Ewen Window-lights, tile sections, &c, Devices for mechanically framing. J. M. Ewen Window-plates, Prismatic. J. M. Ewen .. Window, Prismatic canopy for. J. M. Ewen .. .. .. Window-sash. W. W. Love Window-sashes, Method and apparatus for hanging. W. J. H. Richards Window-sash fastener. G. Aitkens and H. Graves Window-sash fastener. A. Pascoe Window-sash regulator and lock combined. C. C. Morris Window-screen. R. Spencer Window, Shop-. W. Moriarty Window-ventilator. T. Smart Windows, Combining ornamental and prism lights for. J. M. Ewen Windows, Prisms for. J. M. Ewen Wire and wire netting to standards, Device for attaching. W. Roberts, jun. Wire, Barbed. S. Reading Wire, Hook-nail for fastening fencing-. W. Parker Wire-fastening for fixing wire on standards. W. J. Philp Wire fence, Woven-. A. J. Bates Wire-fencing apparatus. J. McRae Wire-fencing, Metal batten for. W. and J. J. Parker Wire mattress. F. W. Smith Wire netting to standards, Contrivance for attaching. W. Roberts, jun. Wire-rope oleaner and lubricator. E. W. Lyoett Wire-strainer. A. Baxter Wire-strainer. C. B. Keene Wire-strainer. J. Robertson .. .. .. .. • Wire-strainer. J. D. Walsh Wire-strainer. F. Henry Wire-strainer. J.D.Walsh .. Wire-strainer. G. Harvey Wire-strainer. W. Page Wire-strainer. J. G. Oates and R. G. Kemble Wire-strainer. W. S. Nairn Wire-strainer and -splicer. E. Bowen .. Wire-straining grip for fencing. J. C. Graham Wire to standards, Means of securing fencing-. W. C. Greig .. Wood-carving, Method of. H. J. 0. Scott .. .. .. .. Wood uninflammable, Treatment to render. E. M. Fox Wool, &c, Apparatus for washing fabrics. J. H. Coxen Wool, cotton-waste, &c, Apparatus for degreasing. The Textile-cleaning Company (Limited) .. Wool-drying, Apparatus for use in. H. Ashworth Wool for scouring, Process for preparing. D. Wishart Wool, hay, &c, Apparatus for compressing. W. H. Herdman .. Woolly-blight, codlin-moth, &c, exterminator. R. A. C. Kerry Wool-prees. J. Harvey .. .. .. .. .. Wool-press. J. H. Angas .. .. .. .. .. ... Wool-press. J. L. and J. Zajonskowski .. Wool-press or lifting-jack, Lever mechanism for. P. H. Wrigley .. 9981 10212 9334 10004 9338 9847 7 Oct. 13 Deo. • 6 March. 14 Oct. 10 March. 27 Aug. 9808 9167 9198 9213 9790 9755 9815 9374 9327 10036 9850 9392 9893 9390 9584 9545 9326 9674 18 Aug. 5 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 13 Aug. 3 Aug. 13 Aug. 3 March. 4 March. 21 Oct. 31 Aug. 27 March. 10 Sept. 27 March. 3 June. 19 May. 4 March. 12 July. 9613 9972 9757 9692 10236 10238 9960 10205 10144 9746 10007 10016 10013 10014 10017 9885 9817 9429 9729 10087 9873 10132 10001 10018 10019 9601 9908 9725 9255 9336 9697 9801 9296 9434 9788 9518 9519 9531 9587 9660 9756 9848 9939 9993 10080 9886 10064 10201 10148 9388 10057 9709 9226 9270 10204 9980 9289 9631 10113 9225 12 June. 8 Oct. 6 Aug. 17 July. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 4 Oct. 8 Dec. 18 Nov. 3 Aug. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 9 Sept. 24 Aug. 10 April. 28 July. 3 Nov. 8 Sept. 16 Nov. 16 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 7 June. 15 Sept. 24 July. 27 Nov.'96 6 March. 16 July. 13 Aug. 23 Feb. 7 April. 13 Aug. 12 May. 12 May. 18 May. 4 June. 30 June. 6 Aug. 27 Aug. 29 Sept. 14 Oct. 2 Nov. 9 Sept. 29 Sept. 8 Dec. 22 Nov. 27 March. 27 Oct. 22 July. 26 Jan. 2 Feb. 9 Dec. 4 Oct. 20 Feb. 24 June. 11 Nov. 25 Jan





Invention and Name of Inventor. No, Date. Wool-washing, Apparatus for. H. Aahworth Wrapper cutting-machine, Cigar- or -cigarette. N. du Brul Wrapper or envelope. E. B. and P. A. Vaile " X-radiscope." J. Hartt and G. O. Duncan Yeast, Manufacturing nutritious products from. J. Goodfellow Zinc from the lead, &c, Treating sulphide ore for separation of. B. Mohr Zinc-ores, Electrolytic and leaching-treatment of. E. A. Ashcroft Zinc pigments, Manufacturing. W. Hampe Zinc shavings, Manufacturing. P. Strang 9329 9693 9691 10244 10223 9710 9809 9498 9879 6 March. 17 July. 17 July. 23 Dec. 17 Dec. 22 July. 20 Aug. 5 May. 9 Sept.

Name and Address. No. ot Application. Date. Adams and Co., J., Auckland, N.Z. .. Adams, H. T., Ghriatchurcb, N.Z. Adelaide Wine Company (Limited), The, Adelaide, S.A. Ablfeld Brothers and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. Allen and Sons (Limited), S., Townsville, Queensland Allen and Sons (Limited), S , Townsville, Queensland Allen, R., Biccarton, Canterbury, N.Z. Allison, Taylor, and Co., London, England American Cereal Company, The, Chicago, U.S.A. American Cereal Company, The, Chicago, U.S.A. American Tobacco Company, The, New York, U.S.A. American Tobacco Company, The, New York, U.S.A. American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Anglo-New Zealand Cycle Company, Dunedin, N.Z. (See I. S. de Beer, Nos. 2087 and 2199.) Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company, Cham, Switzerland ; Hamar, Norway ; London, Bng. Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company, Cham, Switzerland, and London, England Austral Cycle Agency (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vic; Coventry, Eng.; Sydney, N.S.W. .. Austral Cycle Agency (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vic; Coventry, Eng.; Sydney, N.S.W. .. Austral Cycle Agency (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vic; Coventry, Eng.; Sydney, N.S.W. .. Austral Cycle Agency (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vic.; Coventry, Eng.; Sydney, N.S.W. .. Austral Cycle Agency (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vic ; Coventry, Eng.; Sydney, N.S.W. .. Austral Cycle Agency (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vic; Coventry, Eng.; Sydney, N.S.W. .. Austral Cycle Agency (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vic; Coventry, Eng.; Sydney, N.S.W. .. Austral Cycle Agency (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vic; Coventry, Eng.; Sydney, N.S.W. .. Austral Cycle Agency (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vic; Coventry, Eng.; Sydney, N.S.W. .. Baker, E. P., Dunedin, N.Z. Barclay, G. C, New York, U.S.A. .. Barclay, G. C, New York, U.S.A. Barclay, G. 0., New York, U.S.A. .. Barclay, G. 0., New York, U.S.A. Barclay, G. C, New York, U.S.A. .. Barnett Company, G. and H., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Barnett, W., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Barnett, W., Le Bon's Bay, Canterbury, N.Z. Batkin, E. C, Wellington, N.Z. Beer, De. (See under D.) • Bennett and Beady, Wellington, N.Z. Beril Manufacturing Company, Wellington. (See Ffrost, Davies, and Co., No. 2194.) Birss, A. W. Bangiora, N.Z. Bishop and Gardner, Christchurch, N.Z. Bishop and Gardner, Christchurch, N.Z. Bishop and Gardner, Christchurch, N.Z. Bliss Company, A. O., Washington, U.S.A. Blondeau et Cie., London, Eng. Booth, Macdonald, and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. Brace, Windle, Blyth, and Company (Limited), Dunedin and Auckland, N.Z., and Walsall, Eng. Bradbury and Co., B. A., Christchurch, N.Z. .. .. ., Bradley and Cohn, London, Eng. Braithwaite, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Braithwaite, J., Dunedin, N.Z, .. .. .. .. .. Braithwaite, J., Dunedin, N.Z, .. .. ., Braithwaite, J., Dunedin, N.Z. .. .. .. .. .. Braithwaite, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Burke (Limited), E. and J., Dublin, Ireland, and Liverpool, Eng. Burke (Limited), E. and J., Dublin, Ireland, and Liverpool, Eng. Burton, H. J., Hastings, N.Z. .. .. .. Bycroft and Company (Limited), J., Auckland, N.Z. By croft and Company (Limited), J., Auckland, N.Z. Bycroft and Company (Limited), J., Auckland, N.Z. .. .. ,. Callard and Bowser, London, Eng. .. .. .. .. Cameron, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Cameron, A., Sydney, N.S.W. .. .. .. .. .. .. Cameron, A., Sydney, N.S.W. .. .. 42 22 43 13 43 43 42 5 42 42 45 45 45 45 45 45 42 42 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 2 48 48 3 3 48 12 3 42 45 1896 2061 2091 2183 1960 2080 1966 2232 2046 2053 2066 2069 2001 2002 2070 2071 2023 2067 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2036 1925 1926 2048 2049 2050 2231 1970 2104 2182 25 Jan. 20 July. 18 Aug. 18 Oct. 14 April. 6 Aug. 26 April. 17 Dec. 1 July. 24 July. 24 July. 29 July. 29 May. 29 May. 29 July. 29 July. 10 June. 27 July. 20 Sapt. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 20 Sept.. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 24 June. 4 March. 4 March. 1 July. 1 July. 1 July. 17 Dec. 3 May. 30 Aug. 16 Oct. 44 2063 22 July. 44 42 47 50 3 48 6 27 1965 1920 1921 1922 2085 1911 2176 2207 26 April. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 13 Aug. 13 Feb. 14 Oct. 8 Nov. 88 22 16 89 15 14 50 43 43 39 42 42 42 42 45 45 45 2013 1945 2058 2059 2068 2114 2115 2179 2180 1994 2100 2148 2150 1980 1882 1968 2163 10 May, 29 March. 13 July. 13 July. 29 July. 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 20 May. 28 Aug. 22 Sept, 28 Sept. 10 May. 5 Jan. 28 April. 2 Oct.




Name and Address. S5O No. of Application. Date. Cameron and Cameron, Richmond, U.S.A. Cameron and Cameron, Richmond, U.S.A. Cameron and Cameron, Richmond, U.S.A. Cameron, J. K., Waihi, Hawera, N.Z. Cammell and Company (Limited), 0., Sheffield, Eng. Cammell and Company (Limited), O., Sheffield, Eng. Cammell and Company (Limited), C, Sheffield, Eng. Cammell and Company (Limited), C, Sheffield, Eng. Cammell and Company (Limited), C, Sheffield, Eng. Cammell and Company (Limited), C, Sheffield, Eng. Carnall, R., Auckland, N.Z. Carnall, R., Auckland, N.Z. Charlewood, W. T., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Charlewood. W. T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. .. .. ... Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. Chong, C, New Plymouth, N.Z. Christy and Company (Limited), London, Eng. Chrystall and Co , Christchurch, N.Z. Chrystall and Co., Chriatchurch, N.Z. Chrystall and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. Clarke and Company (Limited), J., Belfast, Ireland Clement et Cie., Valence, Drome, France Clement Gladiator and Humber, France (Limited), The, Paris, France, and London, Eng. .. Coats (Limited), J. and P., Paisley, North Britain Coats (Limited), J. and P., Paisley, North Britain Cole, H. A., Liverpool, Eng. Golegrove, G. H., Auckland, N.Z. Colegrove, G. H., Auckland, N.Z. Colegrove and Co. (See G. H. Colegrove.) Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. .. Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. .. Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. .. Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. .. Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. .. Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. .. Colman (Limited), J. and J., Norwich and London, Eng. .. Comragnie du Vin de St. Raphael, Valence. (See Clement et Cie., No. 1957.) Comstock Company (Limited), W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Comstock Company (Limited), W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Connor, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Cook and Co., E., London, Eng. Cook and Co., E., London, Eng. Corry and Co., J. J., Blenheim, N.Z. Corry and Co., J. J., Blenheim, N.Z. Crespin, E. B., Wellington, N.Z. Crown Ironworks Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. .. ... Crown Ironworks Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Crystal Lager Brewery Company, Townsville, Queensland. (See S. Allen and Sons, Limited, Nos. 1960, 2080.) Cussen, E., Auckland, N Z. De Beer, I. S., Dunedin, N.Z. De Beer, I. S., Dunedin, N.Z. - *. Derby, H., Bunnythorpe, N.Z. Diastase Flour Company, The, Needham, Suffolk, Eng. Distillers Company (Limited), The, Edinburgh, Scotland Donnelly, G. P., Crissoge, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Dumper, W. W., Auckland, N.Z. Dunlop, D., Petersburgh, Virginia, U.S.A. Dunville and Company (Limited), Belfast, Ireland Durie and Co., A., Dunedin, N.Z. Durie and Co., A., Dunedin, N.Z. .. Durie and Co., A., Dunedin, N.Z. Dutton, P., Dunedin, N.Z. Eagle Pencil Company, The, New York, U.S.A. Edmond, J., Dunedin, N.Z. .. .. Egmont Boot and Shoe Company, New Plymouth, N.Z. Empire Company, The, Wellington, N.Z. (See W. and G. Turnbull and Co., No. 2145.) Empress Tea Company, Wellington, N.Z. (See E. B. Crespin, No. 1977.) Evans, S, J., Naseby, N.Z. Excursion Washer Company (Limited), Bradford, Eng. Farbwerke, vorm. Meister, Lucius and Bruening, Hoeehst-on-the-Main, Germany Farbwerke, vorm. Meister, Lucius and Bruening, Hoechst-on-the-Main, Germany Ferguson and Go., J., Melbourne, Vic. Ffrost, Davies, and Co., Wellington, N.Z. Finn, Chisholm, and Co., Wellington, N.Z. Finn, Chisholm, and Co., Wellington, N.Z. Finn, Chisholm, and Co., Wellington, N.Z. Finn, Chisholm, and Co., Wellington, N.Z, Finn, Chisholm, and Co., Wellington, N.Z. .. ,. .. .• <• Firth, J. 0., Auckland, N.Z. 45 45 45 42 5 6 12 5 6 12 2 3 43 48 7 42 i-2 38 42 42 42 3 43 22 23 23 24 42 42 1913 2010 2202 2106 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2146 2147 1905 1906 1932 2215 1883 1964 1908 1989 2181 1930 1957 2020 2190 2241 2084 2055 2132 15 Fob. 3 June. 3 Nov. 1 Sept. 31 May. 31 May. 81 May. 31 May. 31 May. 31 May. 22 Sept. 22 Sept. 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 11 March. 25 Nov. 7 Jan. 26 April. 4 Fob. 19 May. 15 Oct. 11 March. 8 April. 9 June. 23 Oct. 30 Dec-. 13 Aug. 10 July. 18 Sept. 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2172 2186 2187 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Sent. 30 Sept. 8 Oct. 21 Out. 21 Oct. 3 3 42 17 48 4 4 42 18 18 2021 2022 2096 2031 2032 2174 2175 1977 2200 2201 9 June. 9 Juno. 24 Aug. 18 June. 18 June. 12 Oct. 12 Oct. 7 May. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 15 22 22 42 42 43 3 42 45 43 42 42 42 3 39 47 38 2227 2087 2199 2092 1923 2033 1897 2196 1937 2000 2018 2019 2239 2086 2034 2097 2143 15 Deo. 16 Aug. 1 Nov. 19 Aug. 1 March. 18 June. 28 Jan. 29 Oct. 16 March. 25 May. 9 June. 9 June. 24 Dec. 13 Aug. 18 June. 24 Aug. 21 Sept. 3 47 3 3 43 42 42 42 42 42 42 4 2173 2120 2109 2110 2236 2194 1950 2025 2026 2079 2198 2209 11 Oct. 9 Sept. 2 Sept, 2 Sept. 21 Dec. 26 Oct. 6 April. 14 June. 14 June. 6 Aug. 30 Oct. 12 Nov.




Name ana Address. No of Application. Date. Fisher and Co., Sydney, N.S.W. (See W. M. Stevenson, Nob. 2037 and 2105.) Fletcher, P. W., London, Eng. Fletcher, F. W., London, Eng. Fletcher, Humphreys, and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. (See Or. Humphreys and W. T. Oharlewood, Nos. 1905 and 1906.) Foerderer, R. H., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Foerderer, R. H., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Fox and Company (Limited), S., Sheffield, Eng. Freyberg, J., Wellington, N.Z. Furness and Co., R., Auckland, N.Z. (See R. Furness, No. 1924.) Furness, R., Auckland) N.Z. Furness, R., Auckland, N.Z. Gilberd and Sons, J. B., Wanganui, N.Z. Gilbey (Limited), W. and A., London, Eng. Gilbey (Limited), W. and A., London, Eng. Gorman, T., Nelson, N.Z. Green, W. J., Croydon, Sydney, N.S.W. .. .. Griffin and Co., T. P., London, Eng. (See T. P. Griffin, No. 1981.) Griffin, T. P., London, Eng. .. .. .. . .. Griffiths Cycle Corporation (Limited), J., Dublin, Ireland, and Coventry, Eng. Griffiths Cycle Corporation (Limited), J., Dublin, Ireland, and Coventry, Eng. Griffiths Cycle Corporation (Limited), J., Dublin, Ireland, and Coventry, Eng. Griinwald, O., Perth, W. A. Hallam and Son (Limited), F., Burton-on-Trent, Eng. Hartford Cycle Company, The, Hartford, U.S.A. Hartford Rubber Works Company, The, Hartford, U.S.A. .. Henderson, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. .. Higgin and Co., T., Liverpool, Eng. .. Hoare, Miller, and Co., Calcutta, India .. .. .. • • . • Hoboken, Van. (See under V.) Hondai Hanka Tea Company, Dunedin, N.Z. (See G. T. K. McKenzie, No. 2062.) Hondai Hanka Tea Company, Dunedin, N.Z. (See G. T. K. McKenziss, No. 2093.) Humphreys, G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Humphreys, G , and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Jadoo (Limited), Exeter, Eng. Jameson, Andereon, and Co., Christchurcb, N.Z. Jameson and Son (Limited), J., Dublin, Ireland Jeyes's Sanitary Compounds Company (Limited), London, Eng. Jeyes's Sanitary Compounds Company (Limited), London, Eng. Jeyes's Sanitary Compounds Company (Limited), London, Eng. Jeyes's Sanitary Compounds Company (Limited), London, Eng. Joll Brothers, Waitara, N.Z. Joseph, A. L., Upper Riccarton, Canterbury, N.Z. .. .. Joshua Brothers (Limited), Melbourne, Vic. Joyce and Company (Limited), F., London, Eng. Joyce and Company (Limited), F., London, Eng. Kavanagh, M. T. J., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Keen, Robinson, and Company (Limited), London, Eng. Keesing. H. M., Auckland, N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited), Christchurch, N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limitedj, Christchurch, N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited), Christchurch, N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited), Ohristchurch, N.Z.. Kutnow and Company (Limited), S., London, Eng. Kutnow and Company (Limited), S., London, Eng. Kutnow and Company (Limited), S., London, Eng. Lambert and Butler, London, Eng. .. .. Lambert and Butler, London, Eng. Lambert and Butler, London, Eng. Lambert and Butler, London, Eng. Lane and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. Larney, N. A., Lauriston, N.Z. Larney, N. A., Lauriston, N.Z. Laurens, E., Alexandria, Egypt, and Paris, France Laurie, 0. G. F., Auckland, N.Z. Laurie, C. G. F., Auckland, N.Z. Le Bon's Bay Dairy Company, Le Bon's Bay, N.Z. (See W. Barnett, No. 2104 ) Lever Brothers (Limited), Birkenhead, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. Lever Brothers (Limited), Birkenhead, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. Levin and Company (Limited), Wellington, N.Z. Lewis, A. M., Wellington, N.Z. Liebig's Extract of Meat Company (Limited), London, Eng. Lightband, 0. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Lightband, C. D., Christohurch, N.Z. Live-stock Remedy Company, Lauriston, N.Z. (See N. A. Larney, No. 1886.) Live-stock Remedy Company, Lauriston, N.Z. (See N. A. Larney, No. 1936.) Lyle and Sons (Limited), A., London, Eng. .. ..• Maconochie Brothers, London and Lowestoft, Eng. MarkwaW, H., Wellington, N.Z. Marsden, W. H., Salisbury, S.A. Marshall's Chemical Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. .. Marshall's Chemical Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. May Brothers, Ponsonby, Auckland, N.Z. May, W. R., Riohmond, Nelson, N.Z. Maypole Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Maypole Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. 37 50 13 3 42 42 47 43 43 44 3 43 13 13 22 13 42 22 40 42 42 i 3 43 43 43 2 42 43 2 2 2 3 42 42 43 19 20 42 42 50 2 3 2 3 3 3 44 45 45 45 45 42 2 2 45 42 42 2216 2217 2121 2122 2065 1891 1895 1924 2184 1987 1988 2030 1956 1981 1902 1903 2057 2218 1940 1998 1999 2233 1952 1995 1905 1906 2237 1939 1979 1935 2042 2043 2044 2060 2219 2197 1912 1918 1971 2162 2116 2014 2015 2016 2017 1941 1942 1943 1973 1974 1975 1976 2072 1886 1936 1898 2117 2223 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 9 Sept. 9 Sept. 22 July. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 2 Maroh. 19 Oct. 19 May. 19 May. 18 June. 8 April. 10 May. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 July. 1 Dec. 25 March. 25 May. 25 May. 18 Dec. 8 April. 20 May. 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 23 Dec. 25 March. 10 May. 12 March. 30 June. • 30 June. 30 June. 15 July. 2 Dec. 29 Oct. 13 Feb. 23 Feb. 5 May. 2 Oct. 4 Sspt. 7 June. 7 June. 7 June. 7 June. 27 March. 27 March. 27 March. 6 May. 6 May. 6 May. 6 May. 30 July. 11 Jan. 15 March. 3 Feb. 8 Sept. 8 Dec. 47 48 42 44 42 37 37 2118 2119 1927 2226 1931 2128 2129 8 Sept. 8 Sept. 5 March. 14 Dec. 11 March. 10 Sept. 10 Sept. 42 42 50 38 3 3 42 42 1 4 2089 1961 2171 2189 1909 1944 2185 2235 2228 2229 16 Aug. 20 April. 8 Oct. 21 Oct. 10 Feb. 27 March. 20 Oot. 21 Dec. 17 Dec. 17 Deo.




Name and Address. No. of Application. Date. Maypole Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. MeGill, J. A., Chicago, U.S.A. Molntyre and Co., D. C-, Christohurch, N.Z. .. Molntyre Brothers, Melbourne, Vic. .. McKenzie, G. T. K., Dunedin, N.Z. .. McKenzie, G. T. K., Dunedin, N.Z. .. McNaughton, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Menzies, and Co., T., Dunedin, N.Z. (See T. Menzies, No. 2039.) Menzies, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Mexican Bot-fly Company, Timaru, N.Z. Middlebrook and Stone, Sydney, N.S.W. Mills, B. J., Glasgow, North Britain Moreau and Co., H., Sydney, N.S.W. (See H. Moreau, No. 2224.) Moreau, H., Sydney, N.S.W. .. ... Moseley and Sons, D., Manchester, Eng. Muratti, Sons, and Company (Limited), B., Manchester, Eng. Muratti, Sons, and Company (Limited), B., Manchester, Eng. Muratti, Sons, and Company (Limited), B., Manchester, Eng. Muratti, Sons, and Company (Limited), B., Manchester, Eng. National Cigarette Company of Australasia Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Vic. National Cigarette Company of Australasia Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Vie. Nesbitt, H., Coromandel, N.Z. New York Condensed Milk Company, New York, U.S.A. .. ... New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agenoy Company (Limited), The, Wanganui, N.Z. Nimmo and Blair, Dunedin, N.Z. N. K. Fairbank Company, The, Chioago, U.S.A. N. K. Pairbank Company, The, Chicago, U.S.A. Norsewood Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited), South Norsewood, N.Z. Northern Eoller Milling Company (Limited), Auckland, N.Z. Norton and Co., Aramoho, N.Z. Norton and Co., Aramoho, N.Z. Norton and Co., Aramoho, N.Z. Noton and Son, H. H., Auckland, N.Z. (See H. H. and W. Noton, No. 1907.) Noton Brothers, Auckland, N.Z. (See W. and R. Noton, No. 2107.) Noton, H. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Noton, B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Noton, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Noton, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ogden (Limited), T., Liverpool, Eng. Ovonden, P. B., Gisborne, N.Z. Ovenden, P. B., Gisborne, N.Z. Overman Wheel Company, The, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Overman Wheel Company, The, Massachusetts, U.S.A. .. .. Oxine (Limited), London, Eng. Parfumerie Lubin, Paris, France. (See P. Prot, No. 1892.) Parfumerie Oriza, Paris, Prance. (See A. Raynaud and Co., No. 2041.) Parker and Lawson, Dunedin, N.Z. Paterson, W., Melbourne, Vic. Perfumery Oriza, Paris, Prance. (See A. Raynaud and Co., No. 2041.) Phillips and Son, Dunedin, N.Z. (See H. W. and W. J. Phillips, No. 1938.) Phillips, H. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. .. Phillips, W. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Phcenix Oil Mill Company. (Limited), The, Liverpool, Eng. Plummer, K., Gisborne, N.Z. Pope Manufacturing Company, Hartford, U.S.A. Potter, A. L., Melbourne, Vic. Pownall and Co., A. B., Wellington, N.Z. Pretty and Son, W., Ipswich, Eng. .. Pretty and Son, W., Ipswich, Eng. .. Pretty and Son, W., Ipswich, Eng. .. Prismatic Electro Glazing Company, The, Chicago, U.S.A. Prot et Cie., P., Paris, Prance. (See P. Prot, No. 1892.) Prot, P., Paris, Prance .. Queensland Meat Export and Agency Company (Limited), Brisbane and Townsville, Queensland Raleigh Cycle Company (Limited), The, Nottingham, England Raynaud and Co., A., Paris, Prance .. Reckitt and Sons (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W., Hull and London, Eng. Reece and Sons, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Reece and Sons, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Robertson, Sanderson, and Company (Limited), Leith, North Britain Robjohns, Hindmarsh, and Co., Napier, N.Z. .. Robjohns, Hindmarsh, and Co., Napier, N.Z. .. .. .. .., . Ross and Sons (Limited), W. A., Belfast, Ireland Rylands and Sons (Limited), Manchester, Eng. Rylands and Sons (Limited), Manchester, Eng. .. .. Rylands and Sons (Limited), Manchester, Eng. Rudge-Wbitworth (Limited), Coventry, Eng. Salt Union (Limited), The, London and Liverpool, Eng. Scott Brothers, Christchurch, N.Z. Scott Brothers, Chrihtchurch, N.Z. Scott Brothers, Christchurch, N.Z. Scott Brothers, Christchurch, N.Z. .". Scoular and Co., W., Dunedin, N.Z. Scoular and Co., W., Dunedin, N.Z... Scoular Brothers and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. 47 3 3 42 42 42 42 42 2 42 1 43 6 45 45 45 45 45 45 48 42 42 46 50 50 42 42 47 48 50 42 42 42 42 45 50 1 22 49 42 2230 1887 1946 1910 2062 2093 2012 2039 2133 1948 2177 2224 1967 2203 2204 2205 2206 1947 2035 2214 1919 2081 2011 2111 2112 1901 2090 1914 1915 1916 1907 2107 1907 2107 2052 1917 1959 1983 1984 1881 17 Dec. 13 Jan. 1 April. 13 Peb. 21 July. 20 Aug. 7 June. 28 June. 18 Sept. 1 April, 14 Oot. 9 Dec. 26 April. 5 Nov. 5 Nov. 5 Nov. 5 Nov. 1 April. 24 June. 22 Nov. 25 Feb. 9 Aug. 7 June. 4 Sept. 4 Sept. 5 Feb. 17 Aug. 19 Feb. 19 Peb. 19 Peb. 9 Peb. 2 Sept. 9 Feb. 2 Sept. 1 July. 23 Feb. 9 April. 11 May. 11 May. 5 Jan. 37 3 2082 2178 6 Aug. 14 Oct. 44 44 4 47 22 1 22 38 38 13 15 1938 1938 1982 2170 1997 2083 2131 1890 2151 2152 2113 22 March. 22 March. 11 May. 6 Oct. 25 May. 13 Aug. 14 Sept. 14 Jan. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 4 Sept. 48 42 1892 2009 19 Jan. 31 May. 22 43 47 12 14 43 42 42 44 24 36 38 22 42 18 18 18 18 42 42 42 1985 2041 2208 1899 1900 2144 2038 2073 1951 1953 1954 1955 2238 1996 1990 1991 1992 1993 1884 1885 2045 13 May. 30 June. 11 Nov. 4 Peb. 4 Peb. 21 Sept. 25 June. 21 July. 8 April. 8 April. 8 April. 8 April. 23 Dec. 22 May. 19 May. 19 May. 19 May. 19 May. 8 Jan. 8 Jan. 1 July.



B—H. 10.


Name and Address. No. of Application. Date. Sharland, W. C, Auckland, N.Z. .. Shaw, H. J., Christchuroh, N.Z. Sheppard, J. M., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Shirley and Co., G., Sydney, N.S.W. Simon, J., Westport, N.Z. Simpson, C, Northampton and Liverpool, Eng. Singer and Co., Coventry, Eng. (See G. Singer and J. C. Stringer, No. 2220.) Singer Cycle Company (Limited), Coventry and London, Eng. Singer, G., and another, Coventry, Eng. Skelton, Prostick, and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. .. .. .. . Skelton, Frostiok, and Co., Christohurch, N.Z. Skelton, Frostiok, and Co., Christehurch, N.Z. Skelton, Frostick, and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. .. .. .. Smith and Co., S., London, Eng. .. .. .< .. Smith and Co., S., London, Eng. Smith and Smith, Dunedin, N.Z. Smith, H. J., Auckland, N.Z. Soppet, W. H., Auckland, N.Z. Springfield Cycle Company (Limited), The, Sandiacre, Nottingham, Eng. Standard Biscuit Company, San Francisco, U.S.A. Staples and Co., W. and J., Wellington, N.Z. Staples and Co., W. and J., Wellington, N.Z. Star Cycle Company (Limited), The, Wolverhampton, Eng. Stephens, D. G., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Stevenson, W. M., Sydney, N.S.W. .. Stevenson, W. M., Sydney, N.S.W. .. Strike, Kroupa, and Co., Wellington, N.Z. Stringer, J. C., and another, Coventry, Eng. Sutherland, J. F., Wellington, N.Z. Sykes, A. E., New Plymouth, N.Z. .. Taunton, L. M., New Plymouth, N.Z. Taunton, L. M., New Plymouth, N.Z. Taylor, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Terezol Company (Limited), The, Manchester, Eng. Thompson and Hills, Auckland, N.Z. Toda and Son, J. H., Victoria, B.C. Tonkinson and Co., R. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Turnbull and Co., W. and G., Wellington, N.Z. Turnbull and Co., W. and G., Wellington, N.Z. Tyree, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Vacuum Oil Company, The, Rochester, U.S.A.; London, Eng.; Melbourne, Vic Vacuum Oil Company, The, Rochester, U.S.A.; London, Eng.; Melbourne, Vic. Valentine, C. R., London, Eng. Valentine, C. R., London, Eng. Valentine, C. R., London, Eng. Van Hoboken and Co., A., Rotterdam, Holland .. Vereinigte Pinsel-Fabriken, Nuremberg, Germany Vereinigte Pinsel-Fabriken, Nuremberg, Germany Vickers, G., London, Eng. .. .. ..» Victoria Date Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Vincent, S., Sydenham, N.Z. Vinolia Soap Company, London, Eng. (See Blondeau et Cie., No. 1911.) Walker, J. J. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Wardell Brothers and Co., Wellington, N.Z. Wardell Brothers and Co., Wellington, N.Z. Wardell Brothers and Co., Wellington, N.Z. Waterbury Watch Company, The, Waterbury, Connecticut, U.S.A. Wharton, G. E., Gore, Otago, N.Z. .. Whitcombe and Tombs (Limited), Wellington, N.Z. Whitcombe and Tombs (Limited), Wellington, N.Z. White, G. R., Boston, U.S.A. White (Limited), A. J., London, Eng. White (Limited), A. J., London, Eng. Wilkie, J., Auckland, N.Z. Wilkins and Field, Wellington, N.Z. Wilkins and Field, Wellington, N.Z. Wilkinson, Heywood, and Clark (Limited), London, Eng., and Melbourne, Vic. .. Wilkinson, Heywood, and Clark (Limited), London, Eng., and Melbourne, Vic. .. Wilkinson, Heywood, and Clark (Limited), London, Eng., and Melbourne, Vic. .. Wilson, Balk, and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. Wilson, Balk, and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. Wilson, Balk, and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. Wilson, Balk, and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. Wilton, G. W., Wellington, N.Z. Woodberry Manufacturing Company, Baltimore, U.S.A. .. Young, T. and W., Wellington, N.Z. (See T. W. Young, No. 2040.) Young, T. W., Wellington, N.Z. 3 50 42 2 42 47 22 22 38 38 38 38 3 43 15 3 42 22 42 38 38 22 42 3 3 44 22 3 3 42 42 42 50 42 42 22 47 47 38 47 47 47 42 42 42 43 50 50 39 42 3 2149 2213 1971 2064 1962 1904 2221 2220 2125 2126 2127 2222 2123 2124 2047 2211 2195 2024 1893 2098 2099 2240 1971 2037 2105 2076 2220 2056 2075 2164 2165 1978 2108 2225 2210 1894 1949 2145 2212 2130 1933 1934 2101 2102 2103 2051 2094 2095 1986 2054 1963 28 Sept. 22 Nov. 5 May. 22 July. 21 April. 5 Feb. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Sept. 10 Sept. 10 Sept. 6 Dec. 10 Sept. 10 Sept. 1 July. 19 Nov. 29 Oct. 14 June. 20 Jan. 25 Aug. 27 Aug. 29 Dec. 5 May. 24 June. 1 Sept. 2 Aug. 3 Deo. 12 July. 2 Aug. 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 10 May. 2 Sept. 13 Dec. 16 Nov. 21 Jan. 6 April. 21 Sept. 22 Nov. 11 Sept. 11 Marcb.. 11 March. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 1 July. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 13 May. 3 July. 24 April. 3 42 42 42 10 48 39 39 3 3 3 44 22 22 1 4 47 42 42 42 42 3 25 1958 2191 2192 2193 2188 2234 2077 2078 2088 1928 1929 1972 1888 1889 2027 2028 2029 2166 2167 2168 2169 1969 2074 8 April. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 21 Oct. 20 Dec. 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 16 Aug. 10 March. 10 March. 5 May. 14 Jan. 14 Jan. 16 June. 16 June. 16 June. 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 29 April. 2 Aug. 4.5 2040 28 June.




Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,510 copies) £41 15b. 6d. By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9B. Price Is. 3d.

Name and Address. rt IB Is No. of Application. Date. Birnbaum and Son (Limited), B., London, Eng. Cousins and Atkin, Auckland, N.Z. Cousins and Atkin, Auckland, N.Z. .. Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Gee, G. P., Christchurch, N.Z. Hatchard, E., Christchuroh, N.Z. .. Hement, T. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Kohn, S., Wellington, N.Z. Miller, J., Auckland, N.Z. Moses, H., Avondale South, Auckland, N.Z. Reynolds, H. D. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Suckling Brothers, Christchurch, N.Z. Wedler, A. H. W., Adelaide, S.A. .. • •. 10 3 3 1 1 5 1 2 3 3 5 10 1 87 83 86 81 79 77 78 82 85 84 80 89 88 21 Aug. 6 July. 11 Aug. 6 April. 18 March. 20 Feb. 20 March 31 May. 17 July. 14 July. 11 March, i Oct. 30 Sept.

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. (NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. (NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. (NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, H-10

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