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[In continuation of E.-6, Sess. 11., 1897.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency.

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Otago to His Excellency the Governor. Your Excellency,— University of Otago, Dunedin, 1898. Incompliance with the provisions of "The Otago University Ordinance, 1869," I have the honour to forward to your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the University of Otago for the year ending the 31st day of March, 1898 : — The classes have this year been attended by an increased number of students, and the following table shows a steady rate of increase for the last few years:— , Males , , Females , Matriculated. Not Mat. Total. Mat. Not Mat. Total. Grand Total. 1894 ... 140 31 171 36 4 40 211 1895 .. 141 40 181 44 1 45 226 1896 174 27 201 32 1 33 234 1897 ... 177 34 211 46 ... 46 257 The degrees and scholarships granted by the New Zealand University since last report were as follows :— Master of Arts : William Newlands. Senior Scholarships: Leslie E. Williams, in Latin; George E. Thompson, in English and French ; Henry Fawsitt Skey, in physics ; Thomas A. Hunter, in mental science. The John Tinline Scholarship : Miss Annie Bauchop. M.B. and Ch.M.: William A. Logan, Alfred E. Falconer, 8.A., B.Sc.; Charles North, 8.A., B.Sc.; George P. Brown, John H. Neil. LL.B. : James B. Nichol, Neil Paterson. Bachelor of Science : Henry Fawsitt Skey, Sheddan T. Brugh. Bachelor of Arts : Helen Baird, Annie Bauchop, Flora Campbell, Linda C. Fenwick, Charlotte E. MacGregor, Marion B. Thompson, Andrew John Crawford, John E. Bertram, Frank W. Dunlop, Albert J. Ferguson, Thomas A. Hunter, Alexander Marshall, Andrew G. C. Miller, Stuart A. Moore, Eeginald Moore, George E. Thomson, Leslie E. Williams, Henry F. Wilson, C. L. Wyllie. Stuart Prize. —The Stuart Prize for the year was awarded to D. McKee Wright, for a poem: Queen Victoria, 1837-97. Endowments. —The tenancy of the endowments is the same as last year, and the rentals have been duly received, with the exception of a small amount, since arranged, on a small section of the Barewood Eun. Loan. The loan for the improvement of a portion of the University site in Castle Street has now being raised, and plans are being prepared for a substantial retaining wall and earth-filling, which will enable a number of valuable building sites to be offered for lease. A Bill has been introduced into Parliament for the purpose of amending the powers of leasing over the block. School of Mines. —Practically no work has been received from the country districts for the crushing plant, but, in view of the large number of applications for admission to the school, the Council have had to authorise the expenditure of a large sum to rebuild the assay furnaces, so as to accommodate the increased number of students. The assay laboratory has been entirely rearranged, and much more complete fittings have been provided, including new work-benches and lockers' The report of the Director, appended herewith, gives full details of the work of the year. ' I—E. 7.


The Council have received from the Dean of the Medical Faculty a report on the work of the Medical School, which is also appended, together with a report from the Acting Curator of the Museum. The University suffered a serious loss by the death of Professor Thomas Jeffery Parker, D.Sc, F.E.S., who for many years filled the office of Professor of Biology and Curator of the Museum. The following resolution was placed on the minutes of the Council at the first meeting after the Professor's death: " That this Council record its profound sense of the loss which the University has sustained in the death of Professor T. J. Parker, who has been cut off while at the height of his powers and usefulness; and its appreciation of the good services which he has rendered to the University as an able teacher, a skilful organizer, and indefatigable scientific worker during the seventeen years and a half in which he held the position of Professor of Biology in the University and Curator of the University Museum." The Council have to thank the Government for permission to avail themselves of the services of the Agent-General in the selection of the new Professor, and to thank the Agent-General for the manner in which the necessary arrangements were made in London. The three Commmissioners who acted for the Council in London were Professors Lancaster, Howes, and Vines. These gentlemen selected Dr. William Blaxland Benham, D.Sc, Lond., whose testimonials are extremely satisfactory, and who will arrive in the colony about the end of April. Arrangements have been made to carry on the classes until the arrival of the new Professor. Attached to the report is an obituary notice of the late Professor Parker, which appeared in Nature, January, 1898, No. 1471, written by G. B. Howes, F.E.S. E. B. Cargill, Vice-Chancellor.

Annual Eeport on the Otago School of Mines. I have the honour to submit the following report on the School of Mines regarding attendance of students, results of the annual examinations and of the work done during the past session, and future requirements. The attendance number of students was fifty, the largest since the establishment of the school. Forty-six of this number were regular students for the full course, while the other four only attended classes in one or more of the three special subjects,—general geology, metallurgy, and assaying. The number of old students returning for continuing or completing their studies was twenty, and that of the new entries twenty-six. Amongst the old students returned were two who had devoted the previous year to practical mining work, and one of the old students stayed away for the same purpose, though with the intention of returning next session. Of three other old students who did not come back, two have left the country, and one has given up the intention of going through the course. Two of the eight students who left last year on the completion of their studies —namely, W. A. MacLeod, 8.A., and H. E. Stephens—had not been engaged for the stipulated twelve months' practical work in mines, but they afterwards submitted certificates of having fulfilled this condition and thus become entitled to diplomas of associate in mining, which were accordingly granted. The attendance at the different classes throughout the session by the forty-six regular students was very satisfactory, only a few having missed lectures. One of the old students was unfortunately compelled, through serious illness, to miss all the lectures after the midwinter vacation. As he is now getting restored to health he will, no doubt, continue his studies next session. The present status of the forty-six regular students is as follows: Of the twenty-six new students, sixteen passed successfully through the first year's course, including three—one an M.A.— who, on account of previous passing in general university subjects, were enabled to attend the classes and pass in several special subjects of the second and third years' courses. The other ten new students failed in or did not attend mathematics ; two failed besides in theoretical chemistry, and three in mining geology, and one did not attend general geology. Nine students completed the second year's course, while two failed in mineralogy, one of these failing also in mathematics, and the other in theoretical mechanics and practical physics. Nine students—one of five, one of four, and seven of three years' standing—finished their studies during the past session, and are leaving the school, having been successful in passing the examinations in all the subjects prescribed for two of the divisions—namely, of mining and assaying. These students are : — H. Sergeant: He passed well in all the special subjects of the mining and assaying courses, gaining five first and three second classes in the recent examinations, and he is the student before mentioned as of five years' standing; but two of these years he devoted to practical mining work, which entitled him to claim, in addition to the certificate of metallurgical chemist and assayer, the diploma of associate in mining, and this deploma he has received. As he had shown special interest and ability in mirferalogy and petrography I was very glad, by permission of the Council, to be able to engage him as assistant demonstrator for both these classes, which require special instruction to be given to each student, especially in crystallographic and microscopic examinations ; and I have pleasure in stating that he fulfilled his duties to my entire satisfaction. P. J. Macleod, B.A: He passed examinations in all the* subjects of the mining and assaying division, distinguishing himself in the recent examinations by gaining first classes in all the five subjects he attended. He is entitled to claim the certificate of metallurgical chemist and assayer; but requires to spend several months more in practical mining work before he can claim the diploma of associate in mining. G. Bray : Having successfully passed the examinations in all the subjects of the mining and assaying divisions, he is entitled to claim the certificate of metallurgical chemist and assayer; but not having spent full twelve months in practical work in mines, he is not as yet qualified to obtain




the diploma of associate in mining. In the recent examinations he obtained two first and four second classes in the subjects he attended. A. E. Graham : He passed all the examinations of the mining and assaying divisions, which qualifies him to claim the certificates of metallurgical chemist and assayer. For obtaining the diploma of associate in mining he has yet to engage for several months more in practical mining work. He gained two first and four second classes in the recent examinations. E. Graham : Having passed the prescribed examinations in all the subjects of the mining and assaying divisions, he is entitled to claim the certificate of metallurgical chemist and assayer ; but for gaining the diploma of associate in mining he has yet to do several months' practical mining work. H. Graham : He passed all the prescribed examinations of the mining and assaying divisions, which qualifies him for claiming the certificate of metallurgical chemist and assayer ; but he requires to engage for several months more in practical mining work to entitle him to claim the diploma of associate in mining. H. Black: Having passed the examinations in all the subjects of the mining and assaying divisions, he is entitled to claim the certificate of metallurgical chemist and assayer ; but, being several months in arrear in practical mining work, he is not yet qualified for claiming the diploma of associate in mining. H. E. Butterworth: Through passing the prescribed examinations in all the subjects of the mining and assaying divisions, he is entitled to claim the certificate of metallurgical chemist and assayer; but for obtaining the diploma of associate in mining he has yet to engage for several months more in practical mining work. He was successful in gaining four first and three second classes in the recent examinations. A. C. Street: He passed the prescribed examinations in all the subjects of the mining and assaying divisions, which entitled him to claim the certificate of metallurgical chemist and assayer; in order to be granted the diploma of associate in mining he requires yet to do several months' practical work in mines. The following table shows the. numerical attendance at all the classes and the results of the recent annual examinations :—

On account of the large number of new students who required to take the evening class for " First aid," increased by several older students who had not taken that class before, the hon. secretary of the St. John Ambulance Association, Mr. W. L. Logic, very considerately arranged a special class for mining students, which was held in the large lecture-room of the Mining School. The attendance at this class was twenty-seven, and twenty-two of these passed the examination entitling them to receive certificates of " First aid."

Subjects. Attendance. Entered for Examination. Results of Examinations. 1st Class. 2nd Class. 3rd Class. Failures. leneral (University)— Mathematics ... Theoretical mechanics ... Theoretical physics Practical physics Theoretical chemistry ... Practical chemistry Quantitative chemical analysis ... Theoretical biology 24 12 9 6 25 22 6 1 20 11 9 6 25 22 6 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 3 2 3 7 5 2 14 6 6 2 14 13 2 4 1 i 2 Special (School of Mines) — Mining, second course ... Mining geology General geology Mineralogy Petrography ... General metallurgy Special metallurgy Assaying, first course ... Assaying, second course Blowpipe analysis Applied mechanics ... Surveying, first course ... Surveying, second course Model-drawing Practical plane geometry Solid geometry Machine-drawing 20 26 26 14 7 13 12 8 9 12 5 8 7 25 25 12 12 20 26 26 13 7 13 12 8 9 12 5 8 7 25 25 12. 12 3 3 8 3 3 3 7 4 1 2 12 8 13 2 3 1 3 4 2 6 3 2 7 9 8 5 5 12 5 9 4 9 6 1 3 2 2 1 4 8 13 1 12 6 2 4 2 2 2 Totals ... 80 111 127 19



The number of students who have to engage in practical work in mines during the vacation is forty-five, comprising nineteen second and third years' students, and the twenty-six new ones who entered this year. Owing to this large increase, as compared with former years, combined with the great depression in mining in the fiauraki Goldfields, where a considerable number found remunerative and instructive employment last year, it will be rather difficult for some to quickly secure working places in this colony. Several have, to my knowledge, already departed for previously fixed places in mines in the Coromandel and Waihi districts, a number of others have found work in the Westport, Kaitangata, and Shag Point Coal-mines, and two or three have promises of early employment in the quartz-mines of Preservation Inlet; but there are still a good number without any definite prospects, and I am afraid that, in order to secure work here, they will have to be satisfied with lower daily wages than those generally earned by students in former years. They would, in my opinion—as I have told several—have better chances of obtaining remunerative work, and would gain more varied and extended mining experience, in the Australian Colonies, especially Tasmania, where at the present time a large number of copper, lead, and other ore mines are in the stage of active development, and miners not over-plentiful. A good example was set in this respect a few years ago by several students, who tried their luck in that colony, and easily found work in tin and other mines. Grateful acknowledgments are due to the Union Steamship Company for granting this year, as they did also last year, a liberal reduction in the price of return steamer-fares to students travelling for working purposes. Eegarding the number of students likely to attend the school next year a reliable forecast is scarcely possible, considering that, as our experience shows, but little reliance can be placed upon applications for entry long in advance of the session. Last session, for instance, there were forty applicants on the list, but only twenty-six of these actually attended. As up to the present nine new intending students have sent in applications for admission to the registrar, while on the other hand nine students who have finished their studies are leaving the school, and eleven old students (requiring to attend only one more session) and the twenty-six who have gone through the first year's course may with tolerable certainty be expected to return, the prospective attendance number for next year's session would turn out the same as for the past session— i.e., forty-six, not counting upon any additional applications for entry or the possible staying away of any of those who have already applied. Without any increase in the attendance, however, not only will the resources of the school regarding space, apparatus, collections, &c, during the next session be taxed to the utmost in the assaying, surveying, mineralogy, and petrography classes, but some additions, as well as assistance, will be necessary. Eegarding the assaying classes, the two new furnaces erected during the midwinter vacation and the converting of one of the little rooms off the furnace-room into a small laboratory have enabled the lecturer (Mr. Stephens) to get through the session without the two assaying classes (first and second course), which have to go on concurrently, seriously interfering with each other. For next year's session, however, the number of students entitled to take these classes will be so much larger that more new furnaces, together with certain alterations in the arrangements of the working-benches, as sketched out by Mr. Stephens and the registrar, are indispensable. Mr. Stephens will also require an assistant demonstrator for properly carrying on the two classes, which together may count from twenty to twenty-five students. Another serious deficiency Mr. Stephens has for some time been labouring under, in both the assaying and metallurgy classes, is the lack of a variety of larger samples of raw ores of the principal metals, as silver, copper, lead, zinc, &c, as well as of such metallurgical products as matte, speiss, slags, &c. Mr. Wilkinson, from one of his journeys through the Australian Colonies some years ago, brought back with him a considerable supply of these necessaries, and subsequently—during Mr. Fitzgerald's time—Mr. James Park, then director of the Thames School of Mines, kindly presented us for the assay laboratory with a number of samples of refractory auriferous ores from the Hauraki Goldfields; but owing to the larger number of students since, all this stock is now nearly exhausted, and the assaying classes cannot efficiently be carried on during next session without a further supply. As Mr. Stephens, on his present journey through Victoria, South Australia, and perhaps Tasmania, will have excellent opportunities for selecting and bespeaking the required samples, he intends availing himself of them, trusting that the Council will authorise the purchase of the samples on his return. The expense to be incurred in this way would certainly be less, and the selection far more satisfactory, than if the supply were obtained from Europe or Australia on a written order. With regard to the surveying classes, the lecturer (Mr. Begg) informed me that he thought he might be able to accommodate a theoretical class (first course) of not over fourteen to sixteen students in his present lecture-room. For a larger number the room would, however, be too small —so far as drawing and plotting surveys was concerned—and, as there was no other lecture-room suitable, the only way out of the difficulty would be the temporary use of the library. As to the practical class (second course), Mr. Begg considered that if its attendance exceeded seven or eight students, the provision of another levelling instrument and theodolite would be almost necessary for efficient instruction in outdoor work. In my own classes of mineralogy and petrography, which will both have a larger attendance than last session, I could not possibly carry on without such assistance from a demonstrator as the Council sanctioned for the past session. For the class in mineralogy a long-felt want is the provision of a good systematic collection of specimens of the principal metallic and earthy minerals, permitting easy access and close examination at any time between lectures, which is not well possible with the large collection in the museum. In the petrography class the students were during the past session much troubled with the rock-section grinding-machine —now nineteen years in use—frequentlybecoming unworkable on account of wornout bearings, and proving for the use of all quite insufficient. The provision of a new machine and a thorough repairing of the old one—which is practicable and could be done at moderate expenseare therefore necessary requirements.



The class in general geology was, during the past session, conducted by the lecturer (Dr. Don) with at least the same enthusiasm as in former years, and afforded the students both excellent instruction and pleasure, owing to Dr. Don having, at his own expense, provided the necessary gas apparatus and fittings, room - darkening arrangements, &c, for the use of limelight in connection with his fine optical lantern, arranged for illustration of some five hundred photographic slides of interesting geological features and phenomena in various parts of the world. His private outlay on all these appliances and apparatus has so far been over £80, and I feel it a duty to him to state that, owing to his fine illustrative mode of teaching general geology, students are greatly aided in a clearer understanding of many somewhat difficult parts of my much drier subject of mining geology. As in former sessions, Dr. Don made with his students three excursions for field - instruction during the recent session, the first of which was to the Harbour Cone and Sandymount, for the purpose of studying the volcanic rocks of these districts. During the second excursion of one day a visit was made to the Wairongoa Mineral Springs, and the highly interesting deposit of auriferous green sand in the vicinity of these springs underwent close examination ; while, on the return journey, the party were conducted through Freeman's coal-mine, in the Green Island coal measures. The third excursion of the class was to the Oamaru district, and extended over three days. During the first day, on the way to Oamaru, the Hampden beds, enclosing the celebrated Moeraki boulders, were visited; whilst the second day was devoted to an inspection of the recently discovered auriferous quartz-reefs on the Balruddery Estate, about fifteen miles from Oamaru ; and on the third day the party went out exploring the fossiliferous beds of the Devil's Bridge and the pitchstone and bedded volcanic tuffs of the Oamaru Cape. It needs scarcely to be pointed out that, whilst affording the students great enjoyment, these excursions are of special value to them on account of the interest created in, and the practical instruction received by ocular demonstration of, geological features and occurrences. Dr. Don, on behalf of himself and the students, expresses thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Beid, of Elderslie, for hospitality shown to them on the visit to Balruddery; to Mr. A. Thomson, proprietor of the Wairongoa Springs ; to Mr. J. Green, manager of Freeman's coal-mine, for kindly conducting them through the mine ; and to Mr. Crombie, Stationmaster at Dunedin, for seeing their large party comfortably settled for the journey to Oamaru. Through the appointment of Mr. F. B. Stephens, one of our distinguished past students, as lecturer in metallurgy and assaying, this department of the school has been well kept up to its past high level of efficiency, as Mr. Stephens, through practice for several years as metallurgical chemist and assayer for some of the largest gold-mining companies in the Transvaal, proved to be an excellent instructor in these branches; and, owing to the intimate connection of the positions he there occupied with the management of crushing and cyanide establishments—the latter, perhaps, the largest and most perfect at present extant—he not only thoroughly understands their construction, but is also specially qualified for instructing students in the best modes and ways of working the cyanide process under varying conditions. In the construction of our testing plant he finds defects, and recommends improvements and alterations in several parts, as detailed in a letter to me as follows : " (1.) The battery as at present arranged is not by any means a good amalgamator. I should recommend the addition of amalgamated apron-plates and deep-drop ripples, as you yourself suggested. (2.) The speeds of the pulleys have all been miscalculated, and will have to be altered. This is the most important matter, as the pump will not work at the low speed, and the engine is very much strained. (3.) A connection should be made from the top cyanidesolution vat to the pump for the purpose of priming it. (4.) The overflow from the berdan should be enlarged, as it runs on to the floor at present. (5.) The pipe connections on the cyanide plant want altering to make the affair at all workable. (6.) A covering for the gas-engine is necessary, as the building is very dusty, and the bearings will soon become ruined." With the exception of a small lot of tailings treated by the cyanide process and the berdan close towards the end of the past session, the testing plant was not in request by the public for many months—quite in contrast to its nearly continuous employment during the previous year. The chief cause of this unsatisfactory state of affairs is doubtless the boom in gold-dredging enterprises, in consequence of which quartz-mining and prospecting for auriferous quartz-reefs, for which testing of samples is nearly exclusively required, have suffered to a great extent. There is, however, another circumstance that certainly contributed to it —viz., the general opinion amongst Otagomining men that our charges for treatment are much too high. Mr. Stephens has, indeed, evidence that several parties, after ascertaining our charges (which are on a par with the Thames School of Mines), send their test samples to Sydney, New South Wales, where there is a Government testing plant, and that the treatment charges per ton there made, together with all expenses for transport, &c, came to less than our charges for treatment only would have come to for the same samples. It is therefore a matter for consideration by the mining committee of the Council whether our charges per ton might not, without loss, be so far reduced as to equalise them with the total expenses entailed by having samples tested in Sydney. Begarding past students of whose careers I have received reliable information, mostly by letters from the respective past students themselves, I may mention the following: P. Fitzgerald, our former lecturer in metallurgy, is in a good position as travelling expert for a mining syndicate at Kalgoorlie, Western Australia; Edward Paterson, formerly in a good position in the Transvaal, is now consulting expert for an English mining syndicate in Auckland, New Zealand; D. Matheson and H. C. Boydell are in charge of large gold-reduction works at Tamworth, New South Wales _ P. Morgan has received the appointment of director of the Waihi School of Mines, while his former position of assistant lecturer at the Thames School of Mines has been obtained by W. A. MacLeod, one of the students who left our school last year. Of other students who left last year, H. Stephens and A. Mosley have been successful in obtaining well-paying, responsible positions in gold-reduction works in New South Wales; while Thomas B. Wayne, D. V. Allen, F. D. H. Ulrich, and Murray



Eussell hold in this country positions of assayers and assistants to managers, with moderate salaries but with great advantages in learning and management. S. T. Brugh, who continued his studies for the B.Sc. degree in the New Zealand University, will probably attain this coveted honour before long, as he has already passed the first section of that degree. Thomas Esdaile is manager of cyanide-works at the South Star Mine, Ballarat, Victoria, where, by profitable, judicious treatment of very poor quartz tailings, he is making quite a name for himself. In a recent letter to me he states that he treated 3,503 tons of 20-2 grains average contents of gold per ton by assay, and extracted therefrom 120 oz. 8 dwt. of gold, equal to 82 per cent. ; value, at £4 Is. per ounce, £487 ; expenses, £260, or about Is. sfd. per ton, leaving a profit of £227. In the foregoing reference is made to only fifteen associates of the school, while twenty-nine are registered in the University Calendar, thus leaving fourteen unnoticed. Of some of these mention is made in my last year's report, while of the others no reliable news is extant. This want and, in fact, a record of the progress in their professions of all our associates, may soon, however, be supplied by the recently formed Otago School of Mines Association, whose aims and objects were commended in an article in the Otago Daily Times ; for, as a preliminary to inviting all past and present students to join the association, their addresses and positions will be ascertained, and thereafter, by communication with the secretary, a correct register will be kept of them, as time goes on ; and as one of the objects of the association is mutual assistance regarding information as to available positions, and generally on mining prospects in this country and the Australian Colonies, there is good reason for hoping that the difficulty before alluded to, of students finding working places during the vacations, may be materially lessened. The work done for the public during the year by Mr. A. Mosley, and since his arrival by Mr. F. B. Stephens, in assays and analyses, and with the testing plant by Professor Ulrich in the determination of minerals and rocks, is given in detail. From these it appears over a hundred and eighty assays, analyses, and examinations were made ; seven parcels of auriferous ore were treated by the testing plant, and detailed reports, including results of assays and cyanide tests, forwarded to the parties interested ; while sixteen lots (some comprising as many as fifteen samples) were submitted to determine minerals and rock specimens. Donations to our Mining Museum. A considerable number of specimens of minerals and rocks—some specially interesting and valuable—have during the year been presented to our collections, by many kind donors, as under :— Mr. James Park: Several specimens of rhyolite-pitchstone from Tairua; peculiar quartz specimens, resembling stalactites, from a cavity in the Eimu Eeef, Puru Mine, Thames; typical specimens of hypersthene and augite andesites from the Waihi and Thames districts; one specimen of quartz rich in auriferous silver orte from the Great Barrier Mine, Great Barrier Island; seven pieces of rhyolite, some of which show very fine spherulitic structure, the others finely laminated structure, from Te Paru, Tairua Eiver; also, from same locality, a very finely crystallized specimen of gypsum (selenite). Mr. Murray Eussell: A large, finely crystallized druse of calcite from the Skipper's Creek district, Otago. Mr. Thomas Esdaile: One specimen of finely crystallized wulfenite, one of smithsonite on psilomelene; one of rhodonite and one of pyromorphite from the Broken Hill Proprietary Mine, New South Wales; also, one piece of auriferous quartz from Lake Austin Mining District, Western Australia. Mr. P. Fitzgerald : Two specimens of richly auriferous quartz, containing zinc-blende and galena, from the Croesus Eeef, Greymouth. Mr. J. McNeil: A number of rock specimens, comprising amphibolite and varieties of granite, from the Divide between Lake Te Anau and George's Sound. Mr. Hone Heke, M.H.E. : Sample of zircon sand from Victoria. Mr. Wallace : One fine specimen of turquoise from the King Eiver Mine, Victoria; a sample of heavy black sand, containing grains of sapphire, tourmaline, rutile, zircon, &c, from Tasmania ; also, two pieces of smelted tin from Tasmania Smelting-works. Mr. F. B. Stephens: One specimen of auriferous banket and one of strongly pyritous slickensided banket from the Transvaal, South Africa. Mr. Colin Campbell: Quartz-druse from the Amaranth Eeef, Waihi district. Mr. A. Hamilton (the .Registrar): Several large fine specimens of crystallized quartz, crystals with amethystine tops, associated with chabasite and calcite ; also a specimen of agate, all from geodes in melaphyre, Oberstein, Bavaria; also a specimen of pisolitic limestone from Napier. Mr. G. Neale : A collection of specimens from the St. Agnes Ming and neighbourhood, Norseman, Western Australia, comprising calcite, lithomarge, large fine gypsum crystals, jasper, and pieces of felsite and calcareous fine-grained sandstone impregnated with iron pyrites. Mr. D. V. Allen : A number of specimens illustrating the rhyolite rocks of Broken Hills, Tairua, North Island; also, from same locality, two specimens of crystallized gypsum, one specimen of opal rock showing small particles of precious opal, and several specimens of jasper obsidian. Mr. E. C. White : Sample of alluvial native silver and specimens of magnetite, caloite, pyrrhotite, iron mica-schist, and fossiliferous sandstone from the Gold-dredging Company's Claim, Skipper's, Otago. Editor of Otago Witness : Fine gypsum crystals from auriferous greensand claim, Livingstone, Maerewhenua. Mr. H. Buckland : Several specimens of common opal, and a piece of quartzite with an opalline crust from the Otago Central Eailway, near Hyde,



Mr. E. Edwards : Three specimens, one of galena and siderite, one of zincblende and galena, and one of galena and siderite, showing the interesting cocade or ring-structure of these two minerals ; also six samples of products of ore-dressing operations, all from the Great Western Galena Mine, Zeehan, Tasmania. Mr. Edward Trythall: Seven boxes containing several hundredweight of mixed ores from the Hercules Gold- and Silver-mining Company's Mine, Mount Eeid, Tasmania. This is a very valuable present to the school, not only intrinsically, but also regarding illustrations in the metallurgy classes and the purposes of the assay laboratory. A number of the new specimens enumerated have been labelled and placed in their proper places m the collection, which, in the new glass-covered wall-cases, is now of more instructive benefit to the students than formerly. Owing to the large number of students who had access to the specimens for close inspection, it was unavoidable that considerable disarrangement amongst them and displacement of the labels should take place during the last session. These defects will have to be remedied during the vacation. As there are a number of finely crystallized and valuable, mostly larged-sized, specimens (real show pieces) included in the collection liable to suffer greatly in value through careless handling, the provision of a special new glass wall-case, in which these and any similar new specimens could be preserved for exhibition, would be very advisable. The Chancellor, University of Otago. G. H. F. Ulrich, F.G.S., Director.

Eeport on the Museum for the Year ending 31st March, 1898. Sir — The Museum has suffered a great loss by the death of the Curator, Professor T, J. Parker, whose labours for nearly eighteen years have done so much to carry out the modern methods and ideas of museum-work in the collection under his charge. The arrangement of a collection of typical fossils in the table-cases of the middle gallery was completed by him just before his death, and nearly all the spirit-specimens have been examined and relabelled. Since then the taxidermist has completed the mounting of several skeletons, and a few bird-skins, not represented in the collections, have been set up. During the vacation, the whole of the teaching-specimens have been examined and attended to where found necessary. The store-rooms have also been thoroughly cleaned out, and a quantity of old material arranged. It will be advisable to have the outside woodwork painted at the first opportunity, as it has not been done for many years. The principal additions during the year have been as follows : Specimens of Begalecus (purchased) preserved as a skeleton ; and almost complete skeletons of Emeus ponderosus, Haipagorus morrei, and Fulica extinct birds of New Zealand, deposited by A. Hamilton. I have, &c, The Chancellor, Museum of Otago. A. Hamilton, Acting-Curator.

Eeport of the Dean of the Medical School. Sir, — University of Otago, Dunedin, 28th June, 1898. I have the honour to submit the following report on the condition and work of the School of Medicine: — 1. Graduates. —The following have completed their course of study, and, having passed the final examination in January of this year, were admitted to the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery at the meeting of the Senate of the University of New Zealand held in February: William Archibald Logan, James Hardie Niel, Charles North, 8.A., George Patrick Brown, Alexander Eobertson Falconer, 8.A., B.Sc. Messrs. Logan and Brown are now acting as Eesident Surgeons to the Dunedin Hospital, Mr. Niel is one of the Eesident Surgeons to the Auckland Hospital, Mr. Falconer is Assistant Medical Officer at the Government Lunatic Asylum, Seacliff, and Mr. North has gone to England to continue his studies. 2. Undergraduates . —Eighty-three students are now attending the school, as against seventythree in 1897 and sixty-five in 1896. Of these, nine have passed the second professional examination of the New Zealand University, and are now in their last year of study; thirteen have passed the first professional examinations ; and twenty have passed the intermediate examination. The following is the class attendance for 1897 and for the present session : — 1897. 1898. 1897. 1898. Physics .. .. .. ..19 18 Practical pathology .. .. ..11 11 Practical physics .. .. 18 18 Surgery .. .. .. 22 29 Biology .. .. .. ..21 18 Operative surgery .. .. ..14 28 Practical biology .. .. 19 18 Clinical surgery .. .. 39 40 Chemistry .. .. .. 21 19 Practice of medicine .. .. 20 23 Practical chemistry .. .. ..18 21 Clinical medicine .. ... ..12 20 Organic chemistry .. .. ..21 17 Medical jurisprudence and public health.. 8 11 Anatomy .. .. .. ..33 42 Midwifery and diseases of women ..21 25 Practical anatomy .. .. 31 43 Diseases of the eye .. .. 12 9 Physiology .. .. .. 25 26 Insanity .. .. .. 12 8 Practical physiology .. .. ..15 17 Materia mcdi a, .. .. ..19 15 Pathology .. .. ..' ..12 11 3. Dunedin Hospital. —An additional pavilion containing two large wards is now being built. It is intended to use this as the children's department. Additional accommodation for students is, however, still urgently required. I have, &c, The Chancellor, University of Otago. John H. Scott.



THE LATE PROFESSOR PARKER. (From Nature.) Thomas Jeffrey Parker was the eldest son of the late William Kitchen Parker, F.R.S., the world-renowned comparative osteologist. . . . Parker was of a distinctly artistic temperament, aesthetic, musical, well read, and possessed of marked literary ability, which asserted itself to a conspicuous degree in his little book upon his father, published in 1893, an altogether ideal filial biography—a good work by a good man. He early cultivated the critical faculty, as a direct result of the study of Matthew Arnold, whose writings he knew by heart; and with the great power of application and strength of character which he displayed during active work there can be little doubt that he would have succeeded in any of the higher walks of life. He would have made a mark in literature, and as a caricaturist draughtsman would have achieved renown ; and there is little doubt that his choice of biology for his life's calling was largely due to the charm and influence of his father's career, and to his early association with Huxley, who knew him from childhood, and became the object of his veneration. Both as a teacher and investigator Parker was untiring and thoroughly trustworthy. Though easily roused to enthusiasm, he rarely became excited, and his cool deliberation came welcomely to the aid of the troubled student, to whom, if in earnest, his attention knew no bounds. His published papers exceed forty in number, and, though mostly zoological, they embody important work and observations in botany. Parker was the first appointed of the little band of biological professors sent out from Home in the eighties, who now fill the Australian and Novozelandian chairs, and his second paper published in New Zealand dealt with a new species of Holothurian (Ghirodota dunediensis) , as it were in anticipation of the later determination by himself and his contemporaries at the Antipodes to devote their attention to the indigenous fauna rather than to refinements in histology and the like, which could be better studied at Home. The work already achieved by this body of investigators, with Parker at their head, is now monumental, and none of it more so than Parker's monographs, " On the Structure and Development of Apteryx " and " On the Cranial Osteology, Classification, and Phylogeny of the Dinornithidae," in themselves sufficient to have established his reputation. His lesser writings, though they deal with a wide range of subjects, show interesting signs of continuity of ideas, as, for example, in the association of his early observances on the stridulating organ of Palinurus, made in London in 1878, with those upon the structure of the head in certain species of the genus (one of the most charming of his shorter papers), made on the voyage to New Zealand, and upon the myology of P. edwardsii, which, in co-operation with his pupil Miss Josephine Gordon Rich (now Mrs. W. A. Haswell), he in 1893 contributed to the Macleay memorial volume. And the same may be said of his work on the blood-vascular system of the Plagiostomi. Soon after his arrival at the Antipodes Parker instituted a series of " Studies in Biology for New Zealand Students," and, chiefly with the aid of his pupils, these have been continued, either in their original form or in that of theses for the higher degrees of the University of New Zealand, as contributions to the publications of the Museum and Geological Survey Department of that colony. Botanical as well as zoological topics were thus taken in hand, the series, like that of a companion set of "Notes from the Otago University Museum," which he from time to time contributed to the pages of Nature, containing important observations of general biological interest. Of Parker's books, it is sufficient to recall his " Lessons in Elementary Biology," now in its third edition, and recently translated into German, undoubtedly the most important and trustworthy work for the elementary student which has appeared since Huxley and Martin's epoch-marking " Practical Instruction in Elementary Biology," published in 1875. Parker's book, in sharp contrast to his previous "Zootomy," which is a severely didactic and somewhat uneven laboratory treatise, is a book for the study, beautifully balanced, and poetic in idea. It has a charm peculiarly its own, and to ponder over it is to appreciate to the full the honest, loving, sympathetic temperament of its author, and the conviction which he was prone to express that in the progress of scientific education there lies the panacea for most human ills, mental and corporeal. Great though the merits of these books, Parker five years ago essayed a more formidable task in the resolve to prepare, in conjunction with his friend Professor W. A. Haswell, F.E.S., of the Sydney University, a general text-book of zoology. This work of 1,400 pages, in two volumes, will be noteworthy for the large number and excellence of its original illustrations, and from a passing knowledge of its contents I am of opinion that it will do much towards relieving English text-book writers of the opprobrium begotten of a too frequent content with mere translation and continental methods. And when we consider that Parker was not spared to see this great work in circulation, it is heartrending to relate that, though ailing and weak, he had since arranged with his co-author and publishers for the publication of a shorter text-book to be based upon it, and had prepared the preliminary pages of yet another elementary treatise to have been entitled "Biology for Beginners" ; while as a next subject of research he had begun to work out, in conjunction with Mr. J. P. Hill, Demonstrator of Biology in the Sydney University, a series of emu chicks, including those collected by Professor E. Semon during his expedition into the Australian bush. The thoroughness of Parker's best work was its most distinctive character, and when tempted to generalise he always did so with extreme caution and consideration for others, fairly presenting all sides of an argument. As he remarked of himself with characteristic modesty, in a letter written in 1894 commenting upon his chances of securing a chair of zoology at Home then vacant, " I don't profess to be brilliant, but I am vain enough to think that I have the gift of exposition, and can do a straightforward research so long as it does not involve anything about the inheritance of acquired characters." Far-reaching generalisation and random rhetoric had no charm for him, nor was he tempted into over-ambition and haste, so oft productive of slipshod and ill-conditioned results. As



a writer and lecturer he was always logical, cautious, temperate, content could he but spread,, extend, and help and systemize our knowledge of observed facts, convinced that if this be done properly their ultimate teachings become self-evident. His work is of that order which marks the growth of real knowledge and the consequent bettering of mankind, and the thought that there has thus early passed from the ranks one so good and earnest, so well fitted by nature for the responsible task of training the young and susceptible, fills us with sorrows. Parker matriculated at the London University in June, 1868. He was an active member of the New Zealand Institute, to which he communicated several papers, and he became in turn secretary and president of its Otago branch. Before these bodies, and elsewhere in New Zealand, he delivered addresses which will linger in the memory of his hearers and those who have read them. There may be especially mentioned an address delivered before the Otago University Debating Society on the 17th September, 1892, upon " The Weak Point in our University System," in reality an eloquent appeal for post-graduate study. Proceeding to classify an average assemblage of students into " the able, the mediocre, and the stupid," he remarked that " the only duty of members of the University towards the third class appeared to be that of imposing a sufficiently severe entrance examination to keep them from wasting their own time and their parents' money in the vain attempt to train to purely intellectual pursuits an organism which nature intended to make its way by virtue of muscle and mother wit." A more ingenious defence of an examination system could hardly be imagined. It is preceded by the shrewd remark that " the republic of science and letters is an aristocratic, not a democratic, republic." Parker was evidently of opinion that what the world terms breeding and feeling count for a great deal in the end, and the whole context of his address is apposite to the share he took in the work of organization of the University of New Zealand, which led at least to a humanising of its syllabus in biology. . . . The keynote of Parker's life-work is his connection with Huxley, and in testimony to his devotion to his great chief (" The General," as he loved to call him) there remains the delightful dedication of his " Lessons in Elementary Biology." Parker entered Huxley's service as demonstrator in biology at South Kensington in 1872, immediately after the conclusion of the memorable course of instruction there given, now historical as having marked the introduction of rational methods into the teaching of natural science. In the conduct of that course Huxley, as is well known, secured the aid of leading British biologists of the time. It was, however, reserved for Parker to fill the more important role of lieutenant in the development of the Huxleian system, and to assist in carrying it beyond the experimental stage. At the time of his appointment laboratory appliances were lacking, and a practical teaching museum, based on the type system, was a desideratum. Under instruction to supply these needs, Parker in due course entered upon the task with a will, his only materials a free hand and an early set of proofs of Huxley and Martin's " Elementary Biology " (with the final revision of which he was largely intrusted, since the junior author was leaving for Baltimore) ; and in carrying the task to a successful issue he founded the first practical biological museum or teaching collection on the now generally adopted type system, the prototype of all those subsequently established at Home and abroad, in some cases even to the measurements of the furniture. The Huxleian method of laboratory instruction, in the course of its development at headquarters, has witnessed no change on the zoological side at all comparable to the inversion in the order of the work originally prescribed— i.e., the substitution of the anatomy of a vertebrate for the microscopic examination of a unicellular organism as the opening study, and this we owe entirely to Parker. As one privileged at the time to play a minor part, I well recall the determination in Parker's mind that the change was desirable, and in Huxley's that it was not. Again and again did Parker appeal in vain, until at last, on the morning of the 2nd October, 1878, he triumphed. Dyer and Vines were Parker's more immediate associates in the early work of development of the Huxleian laboratory system; and among the persons who studied under him as it progressed, now occupying prominent positions in the biological world, may be named F. E. Beddard, A. G. Bourne, G. C. Crick, J. J. Fletcher, Patrick Geddes, Angelo Heilprin, C. H. Hurst, C. Lloyd-Morgan, Daniel Morris, B. D. Oldham, F. H. Osborn, W. B. Scott, T. W. Shore, Oldfield Thomas, and H. Marshall Ward. Parker's first paper ("On the Stomach of the Freshwater Crayfish ") and his first book (" Zootomy ") were alike a direct outcome of the undertaking, and the scheme for his " Lessons in Elementary Biology," formulated while still he was in London, was similarly begotten of his experience during its development, which oft formed the topic of conversation as he and I in the late seventies sat working side by side. Nor must it be forgotten that Parker rendered Huxley commendable aid in the production of his wonderful book on " The Crayfish." I venture to think that, in recognition of all this, Parker has established a claim to distinction in connection with the educational work of his great master second to that of none other; and when it is remembered that the unparalleled activity among botanists and zoologists during the last two decades has rendered it impossible for one man to efficiently teach the two subjects from a professorial chair in the manner originally laid down under the Huxleian dispensation, Parker's name will occupy a unique position in the history of this as that of the only man prominently associated with its inception who taught both subjects to the end of his career. To the task of founding the Huxleian teaching collection, moreover, is due Parker's interest in the work of the preparator, which led to his being the first person to successfully prepare and mount in a condition fit for prolonged display cartilaginous skeletons in a dry state. Under Parker's curatorship the Otago Museum advanced by leaps and bounds, and while to his reputation as a teacher and an investigator he thus added distinction as a conservator and administrator in zoology, he attained also a reputation in botany, both as a manipulator and discoverer, He came upon the botanical platform at a time when Alfred Bennett and Dyer were at work upon the English translation of the third edition of Sach's monumental " Lehrbuch der Botanik," and when the methods of that great man, already introduced into Britain by McNab, were by these botanists and

2—E. 7.



their associates becoming established. For Parker, however, carrot-drill had little charm; while to his aesthetic nature glycerine and gold-size were messy and distasteful. He was at the time repeating the work of Nicholas Kleinenberg on " Hydra," busy with osmic acid and cocoa-butter, and the well-known results of his labours led him to apply the method to the treatment of plant tissues, with the result that through a short paper communicated to the Eoyal Microscopical Society in March, 1879, he ranks as the first to apply the modern dry methods of micro-chemical technique to vegetable histology. As a discoverer in botany he will remain memorable for having first directed attention to the existence of sieve-tubes in the marine algae (macrocystic) in a short •communication to the " Transactions of the New Zealand Institute " for 1881. Truly his is a great record, worthy of his noble character and his association with a Huxley; but, while the world will cherish his memory for that which he achieved, those who knew him feel that by his death something more than a link with the historic past has gone, and that they have lost a true friend, a noble man, an example. In the autumn of 1892 Parker came Home on a visit. Soon after his return his wife died, and this event probably helped to bring on an illness which showed itself formidably about two years ago. Eecurrent attacks of influenza, the last of which rendered him prostrate for three months, told severely upon his health and strength, but despite all, following the example of his beloved father, he worked on whenever he could, patient under suffering and affliction, the like of which has killed many a man ; beautiful in his unselfishness and lack of ostentation, loving and sympathetic. On the 26th October last he had recovered sufficiently to start on a journey of some forty miles to visit a friend at Shag Valley, in company with his eldest sister, who for several years had lovingly shared his anxieties and administered to the needs of his three boys. While half-way onwards he became so prostrate that a halt was necessary, his friends deeming it advisable to take him towards home again. He reached only as far as Warrington, where he became weaker and comatose, and passed peacefully away on Sunday, 7th November, at 1 a.m. He was buried two days later in the presence of sorrowing friends, a few among the many by whom he was universally beloved.

Balance-sheet of the University of Otago for the Year ending March 31, 1898. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance forward from 31st March, 1897 .. 1,346 10 6 Salaries— Rent of Reserves — Professors .. .. .. .. 4,933 6 8 Burwood and Mararoa .. .. 1,300 0 0 Lecturers .. .. .. .. 1,375 0 0 Barewood .. .. .. .. 900 0 0 Registrar .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Benmore .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Attendants .. .. .. .. 396 7 1 Forest Hill .. .. .. .. 53 10 4 ApparatusCastle Street house .. .. .. 30 10 0 Chemistry laboratory .. .. .. 30 19 7 Leith Street house .. .. .. 28 8 0 Physical laboratory .. .. .. 20 4 8 Professors' houses .. .. .. 225 0 0 Biological laboratory .. .. .. 22 19 3 Church Board of Property .. .. 1,800 0 0 Medical School .. .. .. 49 18 4 Fees— Fees—Professors and lecturers .. .. 2,315 2 6 Professors' .. .. .. .. 2,506 2 6 \ Repairs and alterations .. .. .. 57 10 10 College .. .. .. .. 246 9 0 j Library .. .. .. .. 42 6 0 Interest on fixed deposit.. .. .. 42 0 7 I Insurance .. .. .. .. 51 16 8 Goldfields revenue .. .. .. 342 15 0 | Water, fuel, and light .. .. .. 181 8 0 Incidental receipts .. .. .. 31 810 Printing, advertising, &c. .. .. 69 6 6 Burwood timber account .. .. 18 19 3 j Incidentals .. .. .. .. 31 7 5 Transferred from Museum Accouli .. 170 2 7 Interest on loan .. .. .. 720 0 0 Expenses, Leith Street house .. .. 11 13 6 „ Castle Street house .. .. 6 6 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. .. 1 10 6 Advance to Richardson Scholarship .. 20 0 0 Fencing, Forest Hill .. .. .. 510 0 Return of fees .. .. .. .. 7 17 6 Transferred to School of Mines Account .. 16 12 0 Balance, 31st March, 1898 .. .. 1,424 13 7 £12,041 16 7 £12,041 16 7 School of Mines Account. £ s. d. Expenditure— £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1896 .. .. 07 18 11 School of Mines .. .. .. 587 10 11 ReceiptsGovernment grant, School of Mines .. 500 0 0 Battery return .. .. . . 3 0 0 Transferred from General Account .. 16 12 0 £587 10 11 £587 10 11 Museum Account. Receipts— £ s. d. | Expenditure— £ s. d. Rent of reserve .. .. .. 550 0 0 Maintenance and salaries .. .. 498 7 2 Goldfields revenue .. .. .. 118 9 9 Transferred to General Account .. 170 2 7 £668 9 9 £668 9 9



Richardson Scholarship Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1897 .. .. 759 1 10 Expenditure—Payment to holder .. 40 0 0 Interest on fixed deposit .. .. 510 7 Investment on mortgage.. .. .. 600 0 0 i> ■:>-„ mortgage .. .. .. 21 0 0 „ fixed deposit .. .. 163 19 8 From' General Account .. .. .. 20 0 0 Bank balance, 31st March, 1898 .. .. 1 12 9 £805 12 5 £805 12 5 Sir Walter Scott Scholarship Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1897 .. •• 289 8 5 Expenditure—Holder .. .. .. 710 0 Interest on fixed deposit.. .. .. 919 6 Balance, 31st March, 1898, fixed deposit .. 285 0 0 Bank balance, 31st March, 1898 .. .. 6 17 11 £299 7 11 £299 7 11 Taieri Scholarship Account. £ s d. £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1897 .. .. 250 3 5 Expenditure—Nil Interest on fixed deposit .. .. 8 14 3 Balance, 31st March, 1898, fixed deposit .. 19118 11 ; Fixed deposit 66 18 9 £258 17_ 8 £258 17 8 Women's Scholarship Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1897 .. .. 531 17 9 Expenditure—Nil Interest on fixed deposit.. .. .. 10 2 3 Balance, 31st Maroh, 1898, fixed deposit .. 288 15 0 8 13 7 „ „ « 257 0 4 Current Account .. .. .. 4 18 3 £550 13 7 £550 13 7 Macandrew Scholarship Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1897 .. •• 732 14 5 Expenditure—Nil Interest on fixed deposit.. .. .. 13 9 Balance, 31st March, 1898, fixed deposit .. 663 10 2 23 4 1 ,„ „ „ .. 35 14 7 Current Account, 31st March, 1898 .. 57 17 6 £757 2 3 £757 2 3 Macgregor Prize Fund Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1897 .. •• 109 4 1 Expenditure-Nil Interest on fixed deposit.. .. •• 310 0 Balance, 31st March, 1898, fixed deposit .. 100 4 1 Bank, Current Account .. .. .. 12 10 0 £112 14 1 ' £112 14 1 i Stuart Prize Fund Account. £ s. d. I £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1897 .. • • 106 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1898— In Dunedin Savings-Bank .. .. 100 0 0 Bank balance, Bank of New Zealand .. 6 0 0 I £106 0 0 £106 0 0 Interest Account.—Loan No. 3 (Building Purposes, 1882), £15,000, and £1,000 Reclamation, at 4-| per cent. £ s. d. ; £ s. d. From General Account .. .. • • 720 00 ! Interest paid on £15,800 .. .. 720 0 0 Debenture Sales Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Two Debentures issued, of £100 each, at i\ Transferred to Reclamation Loan Account 200 0 0 percent 200__0_0 ,==« Reclamation Works Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1897 .. •• 800 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1898 .. .. 1,000 0 0 From Debenture Sales Account .. .. 200 0 0 £1,000 0 0 £1,000 0 0



Balances. Cr. £ s. d. Cr. £ a. d.. General Account .. .. .. 1,424 13 7 General Account, Bank of New Zealand .. 1,463 9 5 Riohardson Scholarship Account.. .. 765 12 5 Richardson Scholarship Account.. .. 1 12 9 Sir Walter Scott Scholarship Account .. 29117 11 Sir Walter Scott Scholarship Account .. 617 11 Taieri Scholarship Account .. ... 258 17 8 Macandrew Scholarship Account.. .. 37 17 6 Women's Scholarship Account .. 550 13 7 Women's Scholarship Aocount .. .. 418 3 Macandrew Scholarship Account.. .. 757 2 3 Macgregor Prize Fund Account .. .. 12 10 0 Maogregor Prize Fund Aocount .. .. 112 14 1 Stuart Prize Fund Account .. .. 6 0 0 Stuart Prize Fund Account .. .. 106 0 0 Mortgage .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Reclamation Works Account .. .. 1,000 0 0 Fixed deposit (Riohardson) .. .. 163 19 8 Dunedin Savings-Bank .. .. .. 100 0 0 Scott Scholarship .. .. .. 285 0 0 Women's Scholarship .. .. .. 288 15 0 General Account, &o. .. .. .. 2,758 12 4 £5,729 12 10 Outstanding cheques .. .. 462 1 4 £5,267 11 6 £5,267 11 6. A. Hamilton, Registrar. Examined and found correct, J. K. Warburton. Controller and Auditor-General. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1.575 copies), £H (is. 3d.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9B. Price r>d.]

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EDUCATION: THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, E-07

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EDUCATION: THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, E-07

EDUCATION: THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, E-07

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