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Presented to Parliament in 215 of •''The Public Works Act, 1894," on the 24th June, 1898.

I— D. 4,



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Rental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. KAIHU SECTION. From 17th mile .. .. Kaihu .. A piece of railway land at Kaihu Station 0a. Or. 96p. Prom year to year; terminable on three months' notice Mrs. S. A. Larkin, of Kaihu, settler 1/4/98 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Tβ Aroha Branch — 41st and 42nd miles Paeroa .. Privilege of using railway sidetrenehes near Paeroa About 62 chs. long AUCKLAND SECTION. J. L. Scott, Paeroa Private treaty. Indefinite ; subject to section 33, "Public Works Act, 1894 " Indefinite ; department may withdraw permission at any time Prom year to year ; terminable on three months' notice Fifteen months 27/8/97 Nil .. 37th mile .. ... Mangaiti .. Right to use railway side-pit near Mangaiti Station 40 chains in length J. Brown, of Waitoki, settler 17/12/97 Nil .. Private treaty. 1st mile .. .. Hamilton West Coal- and timber-site, No. 1, Auckland -Te Kuiti Hamilton West Station Railway — 1st mile .. .. Auckland .. Eight to keep a bookstall at Auckland Station 20 ft. frontage C. Harwood, of Hamilton West, coal merchant 1/1/93 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender. R. Spreckley, of Auckland 1/1/98 £48 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. 8th mile .. .. Westfield .. Right-of-way, with private level crossing, over railway-line at Westfleld Station 115th mile .. Otorohanga .. A piece of railway land at Otorohanga Station Te Aroha Branch, 30th Te Aroha .. Part of Sections 83 and 87, mile Block IX., Te Aroha Survey Auckland - Te Kuiti District Railway — 115th mile .. Otorohanga .. Apiece of railway land at Otorohanga Station 10 ft. wide Five years Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co., Auckland 1/1/98 Private treaty. 0a. lr. 17p. Five years Mark Cowley, of Otorohanga, sawmill hand Alfred Bossons, of Te Aroha, village settler 1/1/98 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st Oct. £1 10s. per an- Yearly, on 1st Jan. num Public tender. lla. 2r. 12p. Five years 1/1/98 Private treaty. 0a. Or. 24p Five years; terminable on either side on six months' notice Five years; terminable on either side on six months' notice Five years; terminable on either side on six months' notice Five years ; terminable on either side on six months' notice Five years ; terminable on either side on six months' notice From year to year ; tenancy terminable at any time on three months' notice R. Green and P. A. Colebrook, of Otorohanga, storekeepers J. W. Ellis, of Otorohanga, storekeeper 1/1/98 £7 10s. per an- Half-yearly, on 1st num Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 115th mile .. Otorohanga .. Apiece of railway land at Otorohanga Station 0a. Or. 16p. 1/1/98 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. aud 1st July Private treaty. 115th mile .. Otorohanga .. A piece of railway landat Otorohanga Station 0a. Or. 24p. P. McDonnell, of Otorohanga, storekeeper 1/1/98 £7 10s. per an- Half-yearly, on 1st num Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 115th mile .. Otorohanga .. A piece of railway land at Otorohanga Station 0a. Or. 8p. J. W. Ellis and P. McDonnell, of Otorohanga, storekeepers C. J. Johnson, of Otorohanga, storekeeper 1/1/98 £2 10s. per an- Half-yearly, on 1st num Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 115th mile .. Otorohanga .. A piece of railway land at Otorohanga Station 0a. Or. 24p. 1/1/98 £7 10s. per an- Half-yearly, on 1st num Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 115th mile .. Otorohanga .. A piece of railway land at Otorohanga Station 0a. 3r. 6-6p. J. Cribb, of Otorohanga, carpenter 1/1/98 £1 per annum .. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender.

I).— 4:


Auckland-Te Kuiti Railway, 20th mile Papakura A piece of railway land at Papakura 17a. lr. 32p. Twenty-one years; department having right to reenter on an area not exceeding 5 acres at end of fourteen years From year to year; terminable at any time on three months' notice on either side Indefinite ; terminable by department on one month's notice Papakura Town Board, Papakura 1/1/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Onehunga Branch, 3rd mile Onehunga A piece of railway land on the foreshore of Onehunga Harbour 3a. 3r. 20p. Onehunga Borough Council, Onehunga 1/2/98 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty Te Aroha Branch, 31st mile Auckland-Te Kuiti Railway — 3rd mile Tβ Aroha A site for a coffee-stall at Te Aroha Station 15 ft. by 15 ft. Pietro Faes, of Te Aroha, boardinghouse-keeper 1/3/98 £1 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st March and 1st Sept. Private treaty. Newmarket Allotment No .11, Newmarket Station Right of access from approachroad to railway-station Portion of Allotment 104 in the railway reserve at Mount Eden Right-of-way over railway land, with subway under line at Huntly Station Lot 10 and pare of Lot 4, Section 27, Town of Onehunga A piece of railway land under railway-bridge, Parnell Store-site in Rotorua Stationyard for storing sulphur-ore 0a. Or. 37p. Indefinite ; terminable at any time on seven days' notice From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice Three years The Telegraph Department G. G. Gilmore, of Auckland, tea merchant G. Robinson, of Auckland, livery - stable keeper Ralph's Taupiri Coalmines (Limited), Auckland W. J. Parker, of Auckland, merchant H. McVeigh, of Parnell, hotelkeeper L. D. Nathan and Co., of Auckland, merchant 15/3/98 Nil .. Private treaty. 1st mile Auckland 12 ft. gate , 1/4/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Public tender. Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 2nd mile Mount Eden .. la. Or. 13p. 1/4/98 £2 5s.per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Auckland-Te Kuiti Railway, 65th mile Huntly About 665 links long From year to year; terminable at any time on three months' notice From year to year; terminable on three months' notice From year to year; terminable on one month's notice Three years, and thereafter from year to year; terminable on three months' notice 1/4/98 £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Onehunga Branch, 2nd mile Auckland-Te Kuiti Railway, 1st mile Rotorua Branch, 69th mile Auckland-Te Kuiti Railway — 54th mile Onehunga la. 3r. lip. 1/4/98 £6 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. Auckland 0a. 3r. 30p. 1/4/98 £1 per annum.. Public tender. Rotorua 60 ft. by 60 ft. 1/4/98 £7 10s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Wairangi A piece of railway land at Wairangi Station 40 ft. by 90 ft. Three years and a half Department of Agriculture, Wellington 1/4/98 £5 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 126th mile Te Kuiti A piece of railway land at Te Kuiti Station Right to keep a bookstall at Rotorua Station 0a. lr. 5-6p. Twenty years Police Department, Wellington F. F. Watt, of Rotorua 1/7/98 £2 per annum Private treaty. Rotorua Branch, 66th mile Auckland-Te Kuiti Railway — 126th mile Rotorua I Eleven months and twentyone days 11/4/98 £1 per annum from 1/10/98 Quarterly, on 1st Oct. and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Tβ Kuiti A piece of railway land in To Kuiti Station-yard A piece of railway land near Huntly Right-of-way over railway-line near Te Papapa 45 ft. by 25 ft. From year to year; terminableon threemonths'notice From year to year; terminable on three months'notice From year to year; terminableon threemonths'notice E. Perry, of Te Kuiti, boardinghouse-keeper Ralph's Taupiri Coalmines (Ltd.), Auckland J. Gallagher, of Auckland, hotelkeeper 1/7/98 One peppercorn per annum £5 per annum Private treaty. 65th mile Huntly 0a. Or. 10p. 1/7/98 Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Onehunga Branch, 1st mile Te Aroha Branch — 44th mile Te Papapa 6 ft. wide 1/7/98 £1 per annum Private treaty. Paeroa A piece of railway land at Paeroa A piece of railway land at Paeroa Sole right of displaying automatic weighing-machine at Auckland Station 0a. Or. 10-Sp. From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice From year to year; terminable on three months' notice Three yeai'S James McAndrew, of Paeroa, timber merchant William Forrest, of Paeroa, contractor G. L. Denniston, of Dunedin, Lloyd's agent 1/7/98 £5 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July • Private treaty. 44th mile Paeroa 0a. Or. ll'2p. 1/7/98 £5 per annum.. Private treaty. Auckland-Te Kuiti Railway, 1st mile Auckland 1/1/99 £4 per annum.. Private treaty.



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Hileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Rental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. Longburn -Waitara Railway — 148th mile WELLINGTi la. Or. 27Jp. )N-NAPIER-NEW PLYM01 Ten years ; terminable on three months' notice by department Five years TH SECTION. T. Mitchell, of Wanganui, butcher From 1/12/97 Private treaty. Aramoho A piece of railway land at Aramoho £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st Dec, 1st Mar., 1st June, and 1st Sept. Yearly, on 1st Jan. 223rd and 224th miles Stratford Pieces of railway reserve near Stratford A piece of railway land in the Town of Wanganui 5a. 2r. 39'6p. John Moore, of Stratford, farmer Thain and Co., of Wanganui, ironmongers 1/1/98 £2 2s. per annum £6 per annum.. Private treaty. Wanganui Branch, 3rd mile Longburn-Waitara Railway — 88th mile Wanganui 0a. Or. 12-6p. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice 1/1/98 Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Publio tender. Palmerston N. Right to keep a bookstall at Palmerston North Station Fifteen months Isabella Essex, of Palmerston North 1/1/98 6s. 6d. per week Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender. 204th mile Hawera Right to keep a bookstall at Hawera Station Fifteen months D. N. Scott, of Hawera 1/1/98 £8 per annum.. Public tender. New Plymouth Branch, 8th mile New Plymouth Right to keep a bookstall at New Plymouth Station Fifteen months C. O. Hawke, of New Plymouth 1/1/98 £4 per annum.. Private treaty. Foxton Branch, 20th mile Foxton A piece of railway reserve at Poxton 0a. 2r. 8p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice From year to year; terminable on one month's notice Seven years C. T. Austin and H. Austin, of Poxton, flaxmillers C. A. Wilkinson, of Eltham, merchant R. G. Hughes, of New Plymouth, solicitor 1/1/98 £5 per annum.. Private treaty. Longburn-Wai tara Railway, 215th mile New Plymouth Branch, 8th mile Wanganui Branch — 3rd mile .. , Eltham Gate in railway fence at Eltham Station Portions of Town Allotments 719 and 720, Town of New Plymouth Piece of railway land near Wa nganui Station, being Sections 257 and 256, Town of Wanganui Part of Section 259, Town of Wanganui 1/1/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. New Plymouth 0a. lr. 25p. 1/1/98 £2 5s. per an-Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July. Private trea'y. num Wanganui 0a. lr. 10p. Five years; terminable on three months' notice S. F. Reynolds, of Wanganui, porter 1/1/98 £13 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Public tender. 3rd mile Wanganui 0a. Or. 16-3p. Three years ; terminable on three months' notice H. Longstaff, of Wanganui, railway porter 1/1/98 £10 8s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Public tender. Longburn-Wait ara Railway — 211th mile Te Roti A piece of railway reserve near Te Row A piece of railway land near Midhurst A piece of railway land near Fielding A piece of railway land at Feilding Station A piece of railway land at Patea 3a. lr. Op. Five years Chew Chong, of Eltham, storekeeper G. Perrett, cf Midhurst, farmer Frank Owen, of Feilding, surveyor Bartholomew Brothers, of Feilding, sawmillers George Williams, of Patea, coal merchant 1/4/98 £1 12s. 6d. per Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. 224 th mile Midhurst 0a. 2r. 3p. Five years 1/4/98 annum 15s. per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 99th mile Feilding 2a. lr. 14p. Five years 1/4/98 £2 Is. per annum £10 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 100th mile Feilding Oa. 2r. 9p. Seven years 1/4/98 Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Public terder. 186th mile Patea 20 ft. by 20 ft. Prom year to year; terminable on three months' notice 1/4/98 £10 per annum Public tender.



215th mile Eltham A piece of railway reserve near Eltham Two pieces of railway reserve at Inglewood Station 2a. 2r. 5p. Five years G. W. Tayler, of Eltham, draper Inglewood Town Board, Inglewood 1/4/98 £1 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 235th mile Inglewood Oa. 3r. 8p. Indefinite ; terminable by either side on three months' notice From year to year; terminable on one month's notice Three years 1/4/98 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. New Plymouth Branch, 8 th mile Marton-Rangatira Branch, 12th mile Long burn-Wai tar a Railway — 188th mile New Plymouth Two strips of railwav land in the Town of New Plymouth A pieca of railway land at Silverhope Station Oa. Or. 33p. Taranaki Scenery Preservation Society A. G. White, of Silverhope, bookmaker 1/4/98 One peppercorn per annum £3 10s. per annum Private treaty. Silverhope Oa. 2r. 8p. 1/7/98 Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Hukatere Portion of railway reserve near Hukatere Right-of-way across railway land near Waipuku 4a. 3r. 20p. Five years; terminable on three months' notice From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice W. Gadsby, of Patea, gentleman George Syme, sen., of Hawera, timber merchant William Fever, of Neil Road, farmer G. L. Dennistou, of Dunedin, Lloyd's agent 1/7/98 £2 5s. per annum £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st July Public tender. 226th mile Waipuku About 2 chains 1/7/98 Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 214th mile Eltham A piece of railway reserve at Neil Road Sole right of displaying automatic machine at Palmerston North Station Refreshment-rooms at Woodville Station 2a. 2r. 14p. Five years 1/7/98 £1 15s. per an-Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender. 88th mile P a 1 m e r s t o n - Napier Railway — 18th mile Palmerston N. Three years 1/1/99 num £4 per annum Private treaty. Woodville One year and nineteen days T. Fairhurst, of Palmerston North, licensed victualler W. F. Greenaway and M. Henderson, of Dannevirke, sawmillers George Robert Palmer, of Napier 13/12/97 £338 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender. 36th mile Mangatera Coal- and timber-site, No. 3, Mangatera Station 70 ft. frontage From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice on either side Fifteen months 1/1/98 £3 10a. per anPrivate treaty. num 112th mile Napier Right to keep a bookstall at Napier Station 1/1/98 £8 10s. for the term Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. 100th mile Hastings Right to keep a bookstall at Hastings Station Fifteen months H. H. Hunt, of Hastings 1/1/98 £1 per annum.. Public tender. 100th mile Hastings A piece of railway land at Hastings A piece of railway land at Mangatera Station A piece of railway reserve near Ashhurst Oa. Or. 9-7p. Seven years; terminable on three months' notice From year to year; terminable on three months' notice Five years Hastings Borough Council The Tiratu Sawmill Company, Dannevirke William Akers, of Palmerston North, sheepfarmer Wm. Rathbone, of Waipawa, merchant 1/4/98 £2 per annum.. Private treaty. 36th mile Mangatera Oa. 3r. 8p. 1/4/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 10th and 11th miles Ashhurst 30a. 2r. Op. 1/7/98 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Public tender. 74th mile Wellington - Woodville Railway — 94th mile .. Waipawa Privilege of a right-of-way at Waipawa Station 20 ft. wide From year to year; terminable on one months' notice 1/7/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Hukanui Tramway, With crossing over railway- line, at 93 miles 34 chains 86 links 3 chains long From year to year ; terminable at any time on three months' notice on either side Two years Henry and Co., of Hukanui, sawmillers 1/7/97 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 74th mile Kopuaranga .. A piece of railway land at Kopuaranga Station Oa. Or. 16p. The Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) B. de Malmanche, of Mangatainoka, settler 1/10/97 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 110th and 111th miles Mangatainoka Three pieces of railway land near Mangatainoka 12a. 3r. lip. Indefinite; terminable by the department at any time after one year on three months' notice 1/12/97 £2 19s. 2d. per annum Yearly, on 1st Dec. Public tender.



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. ■Eental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. Wellington - Woodville Railway — 109th and 110th miles WI Mangatainoka A piece of railway land near Mangatainoka ILLINGTON-] la. 3r. lip. APIER-NEW PLYMOUTH SECTION— continued. Indefinite; terminable by the | Samuel Wilson, of Madepartment at any time ngatainoka, settler' after one year on three months' notice Indefinite; terminable by the G. Woodham, of Mangadepartment at any time tainoka, settler after one year on three I months' notice Indefinite; terminable by the Wilfred Woolf, of Madepartment at any time ngatainoka, settler after one year on three j months' notice Three years; terminable at P. O'Brien, of Scarany time on three months' borough, farmer notice on either side Prom year to year ; termin- | A. Quinlan, of Mangaable on three months' no- j tainoka, timber mertice chant Prom year to year ; termin- j M. McMahon, of Eketaable on three months' notice huna, platelayer Seven years; terminable on j Star Boating Club, Weithree months' notice by ; lington department if land required for railway.purposes Five years .. .. J. Newton and A. W. Newton, of Kaiwarra, manufacturers Prom year to year; termin- James Andrew, of Hukaable at any time on three i nui, sawmiller months' notice on either side Prom year to year; termin- ! John Brown, of Hukaable at any time on three j nui, sawmiller months' notice on either side Prom year to year; termin- j Albert Salter, of Hukaable at any time on three nui, sawmiller months' notice on either side Fifteen months .. .. J. P. Elliot, of Masterton Prom 1/12/97 5s. 6d. per annum Yearly, on 1st Deo. Public tender. 110th mile la. lr. 18p. 1/12/97 Yearly, on 1st Dec. ;~~1r Mangatainoka A piece of railway land near Mangatainoka 4s. 9d. per annum Public tender. 110th and 111th miles Mangatainoka Two pieces of railway land near Mangatainoka lla. 2r. 12p. 1/12/97 £2 6s. 4d. per annum Yearly, on 1st Dec. Public tender. 106th and 107th miles Pahiatua .. A portion of railway reserve near Pahiatua 4a. lr. 38p. 1/1/98 £1 5s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. 109th mile Mangatainoka A piece of railway reserve near Mangatainoka 5a. lr. Up. 1/1/98 £3 Is. 4d. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender. 88th mile Eketahuna .. A piece of railway land at Kketahuna Station Kaiwarra .. A piece of railway land at Kaiwarra 2a. Or. 32p. 1/1/98 £3 10s. per annum £1 per annum Half yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. 2nd mile .. 0a. Or. l-8p. 1/1/98 Private treaty. 2nd mile Kaiwarra .. A piece of railway land at Kaiwarra 0a. Or. 4Jp. 1/1/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 94th mile Hukahui .. Two pieces of railway reserve near Hukanui Station 0a. 2r. 28'8p. 1/1/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 94th mile Hukanui .. Two pieces of railway reserve near Hukanui Station 0a. 3r. 2-7p. 1/1/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 94th mile Hukanui .. Two pieces of railway reserve near Hukanui Station 0a. 2r. 334p. 1/1/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 1st mile Wellington .. Right to keep a bookstall at Wellington Station Masterton .. Right to keep a bookstall at Masterton Station 1/1/98 £22 10s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Public tender. 66th mile Fifteen months .. .. j J. P. Elliot, of Masterton 1/1/98 £4 12s. per anPublic tender. num



108th and 109th miles .es Mangatainoka A piece of railway land at Mangatainoka 2a. 2r. 29-4p. Three years ; terminable on j three months' notice Henry Firmston, of Maugatainoka, dairyfarmer Wm. McCabe, of Kopuaranga, platelayer Mrs. J. Keys, of Upper Hutt, farmer James McGardle, of Pahiatua, stock, dealer 1/4/98 1/4/98 £2 13s. 8d. per annum Half-yearly, on. 1st April and 1st Oct. Public tender. 74th mile Kopuaranga .. A piece of railway reserve at Kopuaranga Station Kight-of-way over railway land near Upper Hutt Station A piece of railway land near Pahiatua 0a. 3r. 36p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice Seven years 1/4/98 1/4/98 £2 per annum.. H>i,l f-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. 21st mile Upper Hutt .. About 7J ch. long 12a. Or. 13p. 1/4/98 1/4/98 £1 per annum.. Private treaty. 105th and 106th miles Pahiatua Five years; terminable at any time on three months' notice Five years; terminable at any time on three months' notice Five years ; terminable by three months' notice on either side at any time From year to year; terminable on three months' notice by department Three years; terminable on three months' notice Five years 1/4/98 1/4/98 £7 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Public tender. 105th mile Pahiatua A piece of railway land near Pahiatua 9a. 2r. Op. T. A. Eagle, of Scarborough, carpenter 1/4/98 1/4/98 £2 per annum.. Public tender. 95th mile Hukanui A piece of railway land near Hukanui Station la. lr. 12-8p. J. Ammunson, of Hukanui, labourer 1/4/98 1/4/98 £1 5s. per annum Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. 91st mile Newman A piece of railway land near Newman Station 2a. lr. 7p. Thomas Price, of Newman, sawmiller 1/4/98 1/4/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. -78th mile Mauriceville .. A piece of railway land near Mauriceville Station A portion of railway land near Hayward's A piece of railway land near Petone Station Water - supply from railway water-service at Mauriceville Station A piece of railway land at Petone 0a. lr. 14-7p. Alexander Gill, of Mauriceville, labourer K. J. Kells, of Cross Creek, farmer J. H. Edlin, of Petone, shop-engineman Hoffeins Brothers, of Mauriceville, hotelkeepers James Gaynor, of Petone, wood and coal merchant August Brown, of Mauriceville, labourer G. L. Denniston, Dunedin, Lloyd's agent 1/4/98 1/4/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 15th and 16th miles Hayward's 2a. Or. 5p. 1/4/98 1/4/98 1/4/98 £1 10s. per annum £3 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. 7th mile .. Petone 0a. 3r. 20-7p. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice Indefinite ; terminable on one month's notice on either side From year to year; terminable on one month's notice 1/4/98 Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 78fch mile .. Maurioeville .. 1/7/98 1/7/98 £2 per annum.. Private treaty. 7th mile Petone 0a. lr. 4p. 1/7/98 1/7/98 £4 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Public tender. 78th mile Mauriceville .. A piece of railway reserve near Mauriceville Sole right of displaying automatic weighing-machine at Wellington Station 0a. 3r. 17p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice Three years 1/7/98 1/7/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Public tender. 1st mile Wellington 1/1/99 1/1/99 £4 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Pic ton-Blenheim Railway — 7th mile Portions of railway land near Para Station PICTON SECTION. John Brown, of Para, settler Yearly, on 1st Oct. Para.. 5a. Or. Op. Indefinite ; terminable on either side on three months' notice Five years 1/10/97 £1 per annum.. Private treaty 18th mile 18th mile Blenheim Blenheim A piece of railway land, Blenheim A piece of railway land at Blenheim, with old Stationmaster's house thereon A piece o£ railway land near Grovetown A piece of railway land at Blenheim 0a. lr. Up. la. Or. 10p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice Frank Shaw,' of Blenheim, chemist P. Eeardon, of Blenheim, labourer 1/1/98 1/4/98 £1 6s. per annum £10 lOs.'per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. Public tender. 16th mile .. Grovetown 0a. 2r. 28p. From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice George Head, of Grovetown, farmer Alexander McKenzie, of Blenheim, livery-stable keeper 1/4/98 £2 per annum.. Public tender. 18ih mile Blenheim la. 3r. Op. 1/7/98 £3 5s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty.



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Rental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. Belgrove NELSON SECTION. From 1/7/98 Nelson-Belgrove Railway, 23rd mile Two pieces of railway land at Belgrove 2a. lr. lp. Four years Charles Davies, of Belgrove, farmer One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. Westport - Ngakawau Eailway — 25th and 2Gth miles Mokihinui A piece of railway reserve near Mokihinui Station 0a. 2r. 36p. 0a. lr. 6£p. 0a. 3r. 2p. WESTPORT SECTION. From year to year; terminable on three mon ths' notice on either side From year to year; terminable on three months' notice From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice John Morris, of Mokihinui, miner £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 1/1/98 1st mile Westport A piece of railway reserve at Westport A piece of railway land near Waimangaroa Junction Mrs. M. O'Brien, Westport, charwoman R. Pollock, of Waimangaroa, bushman 1/1/98 £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 12th mile .. Griffiths 1/4/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Lyttelton-Bluff Railway — 245th mile Wingatui Right to keep a refreshmentstall at Wingatui Station HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTIO 'N. 1/9/97 Nil; lessee undertaking to keep station buildings clean £3 10s. 8d. per annum £2 5s. per annum Private treaty. 14 ft. 3 in. by 8 ft. 9 in. Indefinite; subject to removal at any time on one month's notice E. G. Shier, of Wingatui 49th, 50th, 51st, and 52nd miles North line, 21st mile.. Chertsey Portions of railway reserve between Chertsey and Dromore Sections 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 330, and 331, Town of Ashley Part of Rural Section 4225, Arowhenua A piece of railway reserve at Waikaka A piece of railway reserve in the Town of Gore 35a. lr. 15p. Seven years John Gough, of Dromore, farmer J. McLaggan, of Ashley, platelayer 1/10/97 Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender. Ashley 2a. lr. 32p. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice 1/1/98 Public tender. Lyttelton-Blufl R'ly— 97th mile .. Arowhenua 9a. Or. 24p. 2a. 2r. Op. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice Seven years John Holwell, of Arowhenua, farmer David Telfer, of Waikaka, settler John O'Neil, of Gore, farmer 1/1/98 £3 10s. per annum £1 5s. per annum £1 11s. per an-Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st, July Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. 333rd mile Waikaka 1/1/98 Private treaty. Waimea Plains Branch, 1st mile Gore 0a. lr. 22p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice 1/1/98 Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. num Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Lyttelton - Blufi Railway, 343rd mile Mataura Part of railway quarry reserve and Section 21 at Mataura 0a. lr. 14p. Twenty-one years .. Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Company (Limited) Horace Harris, of Greenpark, farm-labourer James Long, of Sheffield, platelayer 1/1/98 ' £33 per annum Public tender. Little River Branch, 6th, 7th, & 8th miles Rangiora - Oxford Branch, 32nd, 33rd, and 34th miles Duntroon Branch, 23rd and 24th miles Rabbit Island.. A piece of railway land between Greenpark and Rabbit Island Portions of railway land near Sheffield 16a. Or. 7p. Seven years 1/1/98 £4 16s. 3d. per annum £5 per annum Public tender. Private treaty. Sheffield 24a. lr. Op. Seven years 1/4/98 Duntroon Privilege of taking water-races across railway reserve and under line at 22 m. 34ch. 421k. and 23 m. 32 oh. 401k. 2 ft. 6 in. culverts Fourteen years; subject to termination at any time Alexander Nicol, of Oamaru, flourmiller 1/1/98 Nil .. Private treaty.


2—D. 4.


Ly telton- Bluff Railway, 219th mile Waitati Right-of-way at Waitati Seven years; terminable at any time on three months' notice Five years John Colehan, of Waitati, hotelkeeper /1/98 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. Port Chalmers Branch, 2nd mile Tapanui Branch, 16th mile Lyt telton- Bluff Rail- j way, 327th mile Port Chalmers A piece of railway land at Port Chalmers A piece of railway land at Kelso Station Site for rabbit-packing shed in Pukerau Station-yard Oa. Or. 3-2p. Workmen's Club, Port Chalmers F. Falconer, of Kelso, commission agent P. A. Vyner, of Pukerau, rabbit-exporter 1/1/98 Is. per annum Private treaty. Kelso Oa. Or. 18-3p. Seven years 1/1/98 £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Pukerau 25 ft. by 20 ft. Prom year to year; terminable on either side on one month's notice Seven years 1/1/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Makarewa-Ore puki Branch, 32nd mile Waihemo Branch, 9th mile Pahia Pieces of railway reserve near Pahia A piece of railway reserve at Dunback Station 3a. 3r. Op. A. Cameron, of Dalmore, farmer T. W. Ward, of Dunback, labourer 1/1/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. Dunbaek Oa. 3r. 2-4p. Prom year to year; terminable on three months' notice Seven years 1/1/98 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Lyttelton - Blufi Railway, 147th mile Waifcaki South Privilege of taking water-race across railway land at Waitaki South Eight to keep a bookstall at Christchurch Station Hon. J. McLean, of Redcastle, Oamaru 1/4/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Lyttelton -Blufi Railway, 7th mile Christchutoh .. One year and seventy-four days Charles Yates Wall, of Christchurch 17/1/98 £55 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oot. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender. Addington -Hurunui Railway, 29th mile Lyttelton - Bluff Railway — 106th mile Balcairn Portions of Reserve 1920, near Balcairn Ya. 3r. Op. Seven years Charles Sellars, of Balcairn, railway ganger 1/1/98 £4 os. per anPublic tender. num Timaru Right to keep a bookstall at Timaru Station Fifteen months P. W. Hutton and Co., Timaru 1/1/98 £35 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. 59th mile Ashburton Right to keep a bookstall at Ashburton Station Fifteen months John Marsden, of Ashburton 1/1/98 £15 10s. per annum Public tender. 236th mile Dunedin Right to keep a bookstall at Dunedin Station Fifteen months G. W. Geddes, of Dunedin 1/1/98 £91 per annum Public tender. 158th mile Oamaru Right to keep a bookstall at Oamaru Station . ■ Fifteen months W. F. Meldrum, of Oamaru 1/1/98 £6 per annum.. Private treaty. Otago Central Railway, 60th mile Capburn Privilege to carry water-race across railway reserve and under railway bridge at 59J miles Right to keep a bookstall at Invercargill Station Fourteen years Taieri Gold - sluicing Company (Limited) 1/1/98 I £1 per annum.. Private treaty. Lyitelton - Bluff Railway, 375th mile Inveroargill .. Fifteen months Rodgers Brothers, of Invercargill 1/1/98 £6 for the term Quarterly, on 1st Jan., let April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Public tender. Little River Branch, 23rd mile Lyttelton- Bluff Railway — 289th mile Little River .. Coal- and timber-site, No. 6, Little River Station 50 ft. frontage, 40 ft. depth From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice R. H. Wood and P. A. Laurie, of Christch'ch, timber merchants 1/1/98 £6 5s. per annum Private treaty. Balclutha Right to sell newspapers and fruit at Balclutha Station One year; terminable at any time by department on one month's notice Seven yeara; terminable by department on three months' notice John Finn, of Balclutha, newsagent 1/1/98 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender. 238th mile Caversham Patt of Section 10, Block VI., town district Oa. Or. 20p... Dunedin Suburban Gas Company (Limited) 1/1/98 £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty.



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public — continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HUR JNUI-BLUFF SECTION— cc itinued. From 1/1/98 Lyttelton -Bluff Bailway, 59th mile Ashburton Water - supply from railwaytanks at Ashburton Station From year to year ; termin-! able on either side by one month's notice From year to year; terminable on either side by one month's notice Postal Department £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Seaward Bush Branch, 6th mile Waimatna Privilege of taking tramway across railway at Waimatua About 4 J ch. long J. D. Wohlers, of Invercargill, tailor, and G. Anderson and J. Harper, of Waimatua, sawmillers A. Battersby, of Dunback, factory-manager 1/1/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Waihemo Branch, 9th mile Lyttelton -Blufi Railway — 375th mile Dunback Cottage No. 28, at Dunback, with land Oa. Or. 24p. Indefinite; after six months terminable on two weeks' notice 14/2/98 5s. 6d. per week Four-weekly Private treaty. Inveroargill .. House No. 41, at Invercargttl.. After first year indefinite, and terminable by four weeks' notice on either side From year to year; terminable on either side at any time J.B.Moir, of Invercargill, tinsmith 21/2/98 12s. per week .. Four-weekly Private treaty 153rd mile Pukeuri Junction Right to lay water-race on railway land between 152 miles 29 chains and 152 miles 32 chains Right to deposit rubbish on railway land, Ravensbourne Parts of railway reserve, Block VII., Waipahi District About 3 ch. long Waitaki County Council 1/3/98 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty 233rd and 234th miles Ravensbourne la. Or. 37p. One year West Harbour Borough Council, Ravensbourne William Suttie, of Waipahi, labourer 2/3/98 Nil .. Private treaty. 320th and 321st miles Addington - Hurunui Railway — 13th and 14th miles.. Waipahi 39a. lr. Op. ) Seven years 1/4/98 £17 13s. 3d. per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. Kaiapoi A piece of railway land near Kaiapoi Pieces of railway land near Waikari Oa. 2r. 14p. Five years .. M. E. Hiatt, of Kaiapoi, farmer G. Dallara, of Waikari, platelayer 1/4/98 £1 Is. per annum 10s. per annum Public tender. 50th mile Waikari la. Or. Op. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice Seven years ; terminable on six months' notice by the department Five years .. 1/4/98 Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Little River Branch, 23rd mile Little River .. A piece of railway land at Little River Station Oa. Or. 16p. J. Breslin, of Little River, blacksmith 1/4/98 £4 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Catlin's River Branch, 18th mile Lyttelton - Bluff Railway — 331st and 332nd miles Owaka A piece of railway land at Owaka Oa. Or. 21p. Post and Telegraph Department 1/4/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Otikerama A piece of railway land near Otikerama Station A piece of railway land at Mataura Station 7a. Or. Op. Seven years Hugh Smith, of Waikaka, farmer Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Company (Limited) Southland County Council Southland County Council 1/4/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. 343rd mile Mataura Oa. lr. 35p. From year to year; terminable on three months'notice 1/4/98 £4 4s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Public tender. Kingston Branch — 3rd mile West Plains .. A piece of railway land at West Plains Station Right to lay tramway on railway land at West Plains Station Oa. Or. 31p. From year to year; terminable on three months'notice From year to year; terminable on one month's notice 1/4/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 3rd mile West Plains .. About 1 chain long 1/4/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty.



Waihemo Branch, 8th mile Lyttelton-Bluff B'l'y— 1st mile Dunback A piece of railway land near Dunback 3a. lr. Op. Prom year to year; terminable on three months' notice Mary Ann Foden, of Inch Valley, boarding-house-keeper Mrs. A. Clarke, of Lyttelton, fruit- and oysterstall keeper The Sailors' Rest, Timaru 1/4/98 £1 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Public tender. Ly Helton A piece of railway land at Lyttelton 0a. Or. 0-6p. From year to year; terminable on either on one month's notice Ten years 1/4/98 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 106th mile Timaru A piece of railway land at Timaru A piece of railway land in Riversdale Station-yard 0a. Or. 12p. 1/4/98 One peppercorn per annum £1 per annum Private treaty. WaimeaPlains Branch, 18th mile Riversdale 0a. Or. lp. From year to year; terminable on either side on one month's notice Fourteen years T. R. Tanner, of Riversdale, commiation agent 1/4/98 Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Kaiapoi-Bennett's Branch, 13th and 14th miles Waimate Gorge Branch, 1st mile Lyttelton-Bluff Railway, 58th mile Albury Branch, 33rd mile West Eyreton A piece of railway land near West Eyreton, Reserve No. 1634 A piece of railway reserve at Waimate A piece of railway reserve near Ashburton Railway Reserve 6192, and parts of Reserve 6191, Tengawai Survey District Part of Rural Section 243a, near Belfast Site for rabbit-receiving shed at Kurow Station la. Or. 29p. W. Chapman, of West Eyreton, farmer 1/4/98 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Waimate 3a. Or. 24p. Five years; terminable on six months' notice Seven years W. H. Tregoning, of Waimate, blacksmith Edward McKee, of Ashburton, engine-driver Gillingham Brothers, of Fairlie Creek, farmers 1/4/98 £5 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. Ashburton la. 3r. Op. 1/4/98 £2 per annum Public tender. Winscombe .. 38a. 3r. 20p. Seven years 1/4/98 £5 5s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Public tender. Addington - Hurunui Railway, 7th mile Duntroon Branch, 37th mile Lawrence Branch — 16th mile .. Belfast 4a. 2r. Op. Seven years James Johns, of Belfast, farmer Tonkin and Co., of Dunedin, rabbit-shippers 1/4/98 £1 5s. per annum £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. Kurow 24 ft. by 16 ft. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice 1/4/98 Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Waitahuna Site for rabbit-receiving shed at Waitahuna Station Site for rabbit-receiving shed at Lawrence Station Part of Reserve 1892, near Sutherlands Goal- and timber- sites, Nos. 3 and 5, Little River Station 24 ft. by 16 ft. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice From year to year; terminable on one month's notice Five years Tonkin and Co., of Dunedin, rabbit-shippers Tonkin and Co., of Dunedin, rabbit-shippers Jas. Shepherd, of Sutherlands, farmer Win. White, jun., of Addington, timber merchant James Dale, of Gore, carpenter Thomson, Bridger, and Co., of Dunedin C. R. Howden, of Warrington, settler 1/4/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 22nd mile Lawrence 24 ft. by 16 ft. 1/4/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Albury Branch, 16th and 17th miles Little River Branch, 23rd mile Sutherlands .. Little River .. 12a. Or. 20p. lOOft.frontage by 40ft. deep From year to year; terminable on three months' notice 1/4/98 1/4/98 £3 per annum.. £12 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Public tender. Private treaty. Waimea Plains Railway, 1st mile Catlin's River Branch, 19th mile Lyttelton-Bluff Railway, 216th mile Gore Pieces of railway land in the Town of Gore A piece of railway land at Owaka Station Water-supply from overflow from railway-tanks at Warrington Station Part of Rural Section 3160, near Springston Site for rabbit-packing shed in Riversdale Station-yard Part of railway reserve in Block XIII., Waipahi Survey District Part of Reserve 676, near Makikihi Site for rabbit-packing shed at Otautau Station la. Or. 18p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice From year to year; terminable on two weeks' notice From year to year; terminable on one month's notice 1/7/98 £1 6s. per annum £1 10s. per annum 10s. per annum Public tender. Owaka 5J perches 1/7/98 Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Warrington .. 1/7/98 Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Southbridge Branch, 13th mile Waimea Line, 18th mile Springston 3a. 3r. 5p. Five years P.WillcoXjOf Springston, farmer F. J. Lawrence, of Riversdale, rabbit-exporter John Cumming, of Waipahi, farmer 1/7/98 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Riversdale 20ft. by 14ft. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice Seven years 1/7/98 £1 per annum.. Private treaty. Lyttelton-BluS Railway, 322nd and 323rd miles Lyttelton-Bluff Railway, 123rd mile Thornbury-Wairio Branch, 12th mile Arthurton Makikihi 109a. Or. Op. 7a. 2r. 18p. Seven years Thomas Harris, of Makikihi, farmer F. J. Sullivan, of Bluff, commission agent 1/7/98 1/7/98 £14 10s. per annum £5 6s. 6<3. per annum £1 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st July arid 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Public tender. Public tender. Otautau 25 ft. by 25 ft. From year to year ; terminable on one month's notice 1/7/98 Private treaty.



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

I Cβ Cβ £ S Cβ Cβ > > ■a 'S P4 PM CD ■a a a> o 3 3 Ph t a> 5 •c CM CD a o> 1 Ph i i I 3 Ph i 1 -S Cβ > 'SH Ph (j> Cβ o> -la 1 >■ E >1 Cβ I o> Cβ > Ph "S 2 1 > •5 Ph Cβ 2 I 3 S o> 43 Cβ E> Ph "3 2 1 Ph o> 40 Cβ t> Ph f>. "5 S Cβ > Ph t to o > P4 * ri 0 i-j h= . a: y: b a ... p o . i? ■£• H 'TIS Cβ CD 0) 2 3 a^ C3 "rt Sβ r< gs! is! M (h W X m>-, w>! 03 >» co >4 m i>i h^ W 3 ,H '5 3 °% 9% o-g „!-+ m rH ,1—I ,tH --H ,r-( -rH ■ ' d 4C! Wβ Mfl H fl g -^ Co HH . CQ Co Co Co CQ _ F j Cα j» cSHj c8 1-5 cet-j <a 1-= Cβ l-a Cβ l"= S W W . W W M W K >< rH 1 CD l>1 43 flh, °"g " a i>. >, cel-» W I I a 3 a p Cβ a 3 CI a Cβ g o r-f a 3 a a c3 u O4 rH =8 S 3 55 a 3 a a Cβ hi OJ Si t«S a a a Cβ & 3 CD & a a s Cβ OJ & a 3 a =1 I a, 35 a 3 I L| CO C14 a 3 a Cβ 1-1 a) p< a 3 a 9 u a 3 a a Cβ u 0 a 3 a 1=1 p< a 3 a a c3 u s< 55 a a a Cβ fD c< cq il d co 00 §21 21 rv, — * —- CO 00 CO CO O U Ol Oi t^ - t^" 01 in" 1—( CD CD 1—I rH 1—( I—I CD CD 1—I rH~" CO rH CO CD • 00 i—t s I o — >& o H O CQ ID M g I 1 1 r . 5S SS OS § | S | . S 4 -*->■" 6» L,°S OM OftD O to Oμ O00 O«) O&O 2 2 °&$% :- % o||§ g -2 g2 g -2 g« g-s g- g-2 |o |o &11 aC-sgJi:- It ft fii II If. || |§e1Sb S Sβ g |5alI"--S § a § J § J ,..3 3.31 .S a § «.|.a e -«|>a| g I Q J ft q O q R a ftp Rα R a '§ B | § H | *% *i *•$ *i *i 1mI1(3| hh iS »? . m eh ts 6 6 d 6 d d iQt© ... . . . . . . . ' <D ' © q _o fl o ; • ■ . . . . . . . . p o & a a"" 1 '3 '3 '■£ "3 -^ o q o ■ a o fl o ■ -"a "-3d ■ 5 -5 SaSI ••••,• • ' §g §g >>a >>g s»a s § 1 2 s 1 1 i i 1 i . i 1 sf 's*j w S « >» >> t»> >i 1*> f-> >> i^.oi>->o d- d d a; <o o> <d o> o> id a ,2arf NN I'j'js;-! 1 ;J. J J I I -J fs ; 'P fr fR EH &H EH EH B EH B fe 13 '3 r-n O S -^ Cβ CO I rCD i§ § a §td - " M '« g o © -S g 1§ .2 m a es II P3 B 1C 1—( rt °. *h rHt Pμ m Cβ "S Cβ c3 CO O t~ rH <n co a '3 p< S co CM o 60 oo a £ o o O Cβ d J I i—i § f w .ra o c3 ™ 5 ■8 « § § •S 1 n .l'g 8 £ IS .2 ° .2 § S , g $ -2 S ?S|S q«g*g«-J isg-g -Ja^i-S'S- £ 3 g,.S «!§^S«5°| pa Ph P-i Pn (i< Ph ig § § § § ig i§ § § § m "I I g>1 j?l a , ! s>1 ilflffl a , ! J^ 1*^1.1 , ffo g'S'i.i'g'-J.S'i'Sf ffifg'g I- J5i ■o '53 'Sb ° "« 03 ° £ o '3 d ° -8 3 ° - S g o - 5 g= g. g -a I a,S| a^|aS| a-3| as Ji>f & ° I 3 e M s o> P3 a o 33 Cβ no Cβ Ph I DO izi d O M CD J "si Ph a o "S> .a Cβ & g 4 l 3 f J I 1 § M - CO t-H M 3 U Cβ o a o> a 3 P o 43 <D 43 i>> 2 CQ a S »H 3 ,a CQ <1 a 1 Ph Cβ i Ph rfl : « _3 Ph ° g^1 "3 &co CD 1 S rH CM S 1 i 5 I : a g Eg . " cm cQ " ■+* a *1h OD a I OD 3 3 CO .3 CO rrj J Sp-g __j t_ p= . < M h1 o> a S3 CO 10 rH CD a ■5 I <0 1 no CD a Q a JO CD 1O ! U3 0 _0> g a O .g I CO o> 1 r co ■isl-a rH c3 CQ CD a I CD a



QDU1HJ11. Cambridge Branch, 12th mile Cambridge Coal- and timber-site, No, 3, Cambridge Station 50 ft. frontage Indefinite; three months' notice J. B. S. Richardson, of Cambridge, farmer 1/7/98 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Auckland- , Pe Kuiti Railway, 44th mile Te Aroha"Branch, 44th mile Auckland - Te Kuiti Railway, 2nd mile Mercer Portion of railway reserve near Mercer Water-pipes on railway reserve at Paeroa Station A piece of railway land at Parnell tunnel la. Or. 4p. Iudefinite ; three months' notice Indefinite ; one month's notice Indefinite; three months' notice Mrs. J. Hodge, of Mercer, settler Ohinemuri County Council J. Gannon, of Parnell, gardener 1/7/98 £1 per annum.. Public tender. Paeroa About 8 ch. long 2a. lr. 31p. 1/7/98 One peppercorn per annum £9 2s. per annum Private treaty. Newmarket 1/8/98 Quarterly, on 1st Aug., ist Nov., 1st Feb., and 1st May Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. Kaipara Branch, 31st mile Auckland-Te Kuiti Rai 62nd mile Woodhill A piece of railway land at Woodhill 7a. lr. 10p. Seven years B. Pengelly, of Woodhill, railway platelayer 1/10/98 • Public tender. lway — Ohinewai £1 2s. 6d. per annum A piece of railway reserve near Ohinewai Coal- and timber-site, No. 5, at Ohaupo Station A piece of railway reserve at Pokeno la. 2r. 7p. Five years George Waugh, of Huntly, settler Wm. Souter and Co., of Cambridge, seedsmen J. McGill, jun., of Pokeno, flaxmiller 1/10/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 94th mile .. Ohaupo 30 ft. frontage by 40 ft. depth 0a. 2r. 20p. Indefinite; three months' notice Fi*e years; after first year terminable by twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; three < months' notice Indefinite; three months' notice 1/10/98 £1 10s. per annum £5 5s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Publio tender. 40th mile Pokeno 1/10/98 Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 47th mile Eotorua Branch, 55th mile Auckland-Te Kuiti Bai 23rd mile Makarau A piece of railway reserve at Makarau Station Tram-crossing over railway-line near Mamaku 0a. Or. 7-2p. T. Naughton, of Makarau, storekeeper Mountain Rimu Timber Company (Limited), Mamaku S. Collard, of Drury, farmer James Dalziel, of Pukekohe, medical practitioner John Mohr, of Otorohanga, baker Otorohanga Lawn Tennis Club 1/10/98 £l per annum.. Private treaty. Mamaku About 1J ch. long 1/10/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. lway — Bunoiman Gate in railway fence at Bunciman Station Piece of railway land at Pukekohe Station Five years 1/10/98 One peppercorn per annum £5 per annum.. Private treaty. 31st mile Pukekohe 0a. Or. 7|p. Three years 1/10/98 Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. 115th mile Otorohanga A piece of railway land at Otorohanga Station A piece of railway land at Otorohanga Station 0a. Or. 8p. Four years and a quarter; six months' notice Indefinite; three months' notice 1/10/98 Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. £2 .10s. per annum £1 per annum.. Private treaty. 115th mile Otorohanga 0a. Or. 36p. 1/10/98 Private treaty. Longburn -Waitara Railway — 97th mile Taonui A piece of railway land at Taonui A piece of railway land at Taonui Privilege of water - supply at Marton Station Bight of access to Marton Station A piece of railway land at Marton A piece of railway reserve near Bata WELLINGTi la. Or. 24p. DN-NAPIEB-NEW PLYM01 Indefinite; three months' notice Indefinite; three months' notice Indefinite; two months' notice Twenty-one years fTH SECTION. 1/4/98 £1 15s. per annum One peppercorn per annum £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. 97th mile 117th mile 117th mile Taonui Marton Marton 0a. Or. 4-7p. J in. pipe 66 ft. wide August Hasse, of Taonui, labourer John Jones, of Taonui, settler Samuel Gibbons, of Marton, hotelkeeper Samuel Gibbons, of Marton, hotelkeeper Samuel Gibbons, of Marton, hotelkeeper J. B. Pybus, of Bata, storekeeper 1/4/98 1/7/98 1/7/98 One peppercorn per annum £47 per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 117th mile Marton 0a. 3r. Op. Fourteen years 1/7/98 Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Publio auction. Marton - Bangatira Branch, 11th mile Lon g<burn - Waitara Railway— 152nd mile .. | Bata 0a. 3r. 8p. Five years 1/7/98 £1 2s. 6d. per annum Public tender. Brunswick Gate in railway-fence at Brunswick Station Indefinite; three months' notice John Wilkie, of Brunswick, farmer 1/7/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty.



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. LeBsee. Date of Lease. Rental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. we: JLINGTON-N, lPIER-NEW PLYMOUTH SECTION-conimaed. Longburn - Waitara 229th mile R'l'y— Tariki Road .. Tramway on railway land at Tariki Road Station About 3 ch. long Indefinite; one month's no- Messrs. H. Brown and tice Co., of New Plymouth, timber merchants Five years .. .. Frederick Fohrman, of Ngaire, labourer Fourteen years .. .. William Ritchie, of Wanganui, merchant From 1/7/98 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. 217th mile Ngaire Portions of railway reserve near Ngaire Store site on railway land near Wanganui Station 4a. lr. 13p. 1/7/98 £2 14s. 2d. per annum £100 per annum Half-yearly, on [1st July and 1st Jan. Quarterly, on 1st Aug., 1st Nov., 1st Feb., and 1st May Public tender. WEnsanui Branch, 3rd mile Long burn-Wai tar a Railway — 222nd and 223rd miles Wanganui 0a. Or. 22p. 1/8/98 Public tender. Stratford A piece of railway reserve at Stratford A piece of railway reserve at Neil Road A piece of railway reserve near Waipuku Station A portion of railway reserve near Durham Road A part of railway reserve at Carnarvon 5a. 2r. 12p. Seven years .. .. G. W.Gedge, of Stratford, farmer Five years .. .. W. P. Simmonde, of Te Roti, farmer Indefinite; three months' John Sattler, of Waipuku, notice farmer Five years; one month's no- Robert Swann, of Ingletice wood, railway ganger Five years .. .. Thomas Olune, of Carnarvon, farmer 1/10/98 £7 10s. per annum £6 10s. per annum £1 Is. per annum 12s. 6d. per annum £20 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 214th mile Eltham 8a. Or. 30p. 1/10/98 Public tender. 228th mile Waipuku 2a. lr. Op. 1/10/98 Public tender. 233rd mile Durham Road.. 2a. 2r. 0-4p. 1/10/98 Yearly, on 1st Oot. Public tender. Foxton Branch, 13th and 14th miles Longburn-Waitara 223rd mile Carnarvon Stratford 137a. 3r. 15p. 1/10/98 Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Yearly, on 1st Oot. Private treaty. 223rd mile 100th mile 211tb and 212th miles Foxton Branch, 20th mile Stratford Feilding Te Roti Foxton Level crossing over railway near Stratford A piece of railway land near Stratford Portions of railway reserve at Feilding A piece of railway reserve near Te Roti A portion of railway reserve between Main and Harbour Streets, Town of Foxton, subject to a right-of-way A portion of railway reserve near Wanganui A piece of railway reserve at Wanganui Station 0a. 2r. 21p. 2a. Or. 8p. 6a. 2r. 35p. la. lr. 10p. Indefinite ; three months' Messrs. Longley and Co., notice of Stratford Indefinite; three months' Messrs. Longley and Co., notice of Stratford Five years .. .. R. F. Haybittle, of Feilding, carrier Five years .. .. William Cleaver, of Te Roti, farmer Indefinite; three months' A. E. Shadbolt,of Foxton, notice butcher 1/10/98 1/10/98 1/10/98 1/10/98 1/10/98 £1 per annum.. £1 per annum.. £2 5s. per annum £3 15s. per annum £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. Private treaty. Public tender. Public tender. Public tender. Wanganui Branch — 3rd mile Wanganui 0a. lr. l-3p. Three years .. .. George Evans, of Wanganui, settler One year and ten months .. M. Hogan and Co. (Limited), of Wanganui 1/10/98 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 4th mile .. L o n g b u r n-W a i t a r a Railway — 218ch and 219th miles Wanganui 0a. Or. l-3p. 1/10/98 £15 per annum Private treaty. Ngaire Portions of railway reserve near Ngaire A piece of railway reserve at Tariki Road Station Portion of railway reserve near Terrace End A p\ece of railway reserve near Tariki Road 8a. lr. 5p. Five years .. .. George Sparks, of Ngaire, farmer Five years .. .. Mrs. S. A. Jemison, of Tariki Road, farmer Seven years .. .. J. H. Anderson, of Terrace End, storekeeper Five years .. .. J. Davidson, of Tariki Road, farmer 1/10/98 £2 15s. per annum £1 2s. 6d. per annum £2 Is. 7d. per annum £1 2s. 6d. per annum Public tender. 229th mile Tariki Road .. 3a. 3r. 20p. 1/10/98 Public tender. 91st mile Terrace End .. 3a. Or. 32p. 1/10/98 Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 228th and 229th miles Tariki Road .. 4a. Or. 22p. 1/10/98 Public tender.



Palmerston -Napier Railway — 100th mile Hastings .. Lot 3, railway reserve at Hastings Station 0a. Or. 14-3p. Eight yaars Mrs. E. Hayes, wife of 1/4/1911 £20 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Private treaty. T. A. Hayes, Hastings, April, 1st July, 1st commission agent Oct., and 1st Jan. Agnes Westh, of Wood- 1/4/98 £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st Private treaty. ville April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. A. Pickering, of Te Aute, 23/5/98 Is. per week .. Four- weekly .. Private treaty refreshment- room keeper Badley Brothers and Co., 1/7/98 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. of Dannevirke, store- July and 1st Jan. keepers W. L. Aitken, of Wei- 1/7/98 £8 for the term Quarterly, on 1st Public tender. lington July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. 18th mile Woodville .. Right to keep a bookstall at Woodville Station One year 86th mile Te Aute .. A piece of railway land at Te Aute Dannevirke .. Tramway on railway land at Dannevirke Station About 4 chains long From month to month; terminable on one month's notice Indefinite; one month's notice 34th mile 112th mile Napier .. Right to keep a bookstall at Napier Station Nine months Wellington - Woodville Railway — 77th mile Mauriceville .. A piece of railway land at Mauriceville Mauriceville .. Tramway over railway land and under railway bridge at 77 miles 26-37 chains, Wellington Section Pahiatua .. Portions of railway reserve near Pahiatua Mangatainoka A portion of railway reserve near Mangatainoka Mangatainoka A portion of railway reserve near Mangatainoka 0a. 2r. 24p. About 3 chains long 10a. Or. Op. 5a. 3r. 12p. 2a. 2r. 19p. Three years; three months' notice Five years; three months' notice Four years and three-quartets Three years; three months' notice Three years; three months' notice G. F. Lehmstedt, of 1/7/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Public tender. Mauriceville, farmer T. F. Brenchley, of 1/7/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Mauriceville, lime merchant 78th mile 104 th and 105th miles T. A. Eagle, of Soar- 1/7/98 £2 5s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Public tender. borough, carpenter July and 1st Jan. Max Kayser, of Manga- 1/7/98 £5 16s. 6d. per Half-yearly, on 1st Public tender. tainoka, farmer annum July and 1st Jan. Charles Anderson, of Ma- 1/7/98 £2 12s. 4d. per Half-yearly, on 1st Public tender. ngatainoka, carpenter annum July and 1st Jan. 107 th and 108th miles 108th mile Palmerston-Napier Railway — 20th and 21st miles 19th and 20th miles Wellington - Woodville Railway — 95th mile Victoria .. Portions of railway land near Woodville Woodville .. Portions of railway land near Woodville lla. lr. 37p. 12a. lr. 27p. Five years Indefinite ; three months' notice John O'Brien, of Wood- 1/10/98 £4per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Public tender. ville, labourer Oct. and 1st April Frederick Balchin, of 1/10/98 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. Woodville, labourer . Oct. and 1st April 76th mile 112th and 113th miles Hukanui .. A piece of railway land near Hukanui Station Mauriceville .. A portion of railway reserve near Mauriceville Ngawapurua .. Portions of railway reserve near Ngawapurua Bridge Upper Hutt .. A portion of railway land near Upper Hutt Pahiatua .. A portion of railway reserve near Pahiatua la. Or. 22p. la. 2r. 34p. 9a. Or. 13p. 0a. lr. 9p. 2a. 3r. Op. Five years; three months' notice Three years; three months' notice Five years ; three months' notice Five years ; one month's notice Five years ; three months' notice John Ammunson, of Hu- 1/10/98 15s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. kanui, labourer Mrs. E. Dorset, of Mau- 1/10/98 £1 Is. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. riceville, settler Henry James Pease, of 1/10/98 £4 10s. per an- Half-yearly, on 1st Public tender. Woodville, bootmaker num Oct. and 1st April Mrs. A. Southee, of Upper 1/10/98 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. Hutt, settler Oct. and 1st April D. O'Brien, of Soar- 1/10/98 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Public tender. borough, road contrac- Oct. and 1st April tor 21st mile 105th mile Picton-Blenheim Railw i 3rd and 4th miles .. 15th mile ly— Mount Pleasant A portion of railway reserve near Mount Pleasant Spring Creek .. A piece of railway land at Spring Creek 7a. 2r. Op. la. Or. 8p. PIOTON SECTION. Ten years Seven years Albert Western, of Picton, 1/10/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. settler Charles Sheridan, of 1/10/98 £2 10s. per an- Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Spring Creek, farmer num



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee.. Date of Lease. Kental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. Picton-Blenheim Railway- . PI0T0N SECTION-continued. From 19th mile (abandoned Blenheim .. I Section 567 and part of Section Oa. 2r. 36p. Five years .. .. i Marlborough Lawn Ten- 1/10/98 £7 10s. per an- Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. line) 568, Town of Blenheim nis Club num Oot. and 1st April Omaka Extension, ! Blenheim .. j Aporfcionof railwayreservenear 0a. 2r. 6p.J Indefinite; three months' Joseph Gridley, of River- 1/10/98 £lperannum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 20th mile Blenheim notice I lands, farmer Nelson-Belgrove Railway- NELSON SECTION. 5th and 6th miles .. Stoke .. A strip of railway reserve near 2a. lr. 8p. Indefinite; three months' J. L. Adams, Esq., of 1/7/98 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Stoke notice Stoke S3rd mile .. .. Belgrove .. A piece of railway land at Bel- la. 3r. 29p. Five years ; three months' William Biddle, of Bel- 1/1/98 £1 10s. per an- Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. grove notice grove, fireman num Westport-Ngakawau Railway- WESTPORT SECTION. 17th and 18th miles Granity Creek.. Railway reserve near Granity 9a. 2r.,0p. Five years .. .. R. T. Watson, of Granity 1/7/98 One peppercorn .. Private treaty. Creek Creek, &awmiller per annum 13th mile.. .. Griffiths .. A portion of railway reserve on 2a. Or. Op. Indefinite; three months' G. Griffiths, of Waima- 1/10/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. west side of line at Griffiths' notice ngaroa, sawmiller Station GRETMOUTH SECTION. Greymouth - Hokitika Chesterfield .. Water-race across railway-line 1 ch. long Indefinite; three months' Messrs. Furlong and 1/7/98 Is. per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July | Private treaty. Railway, 15th mile near Chesterfield Station notice party, of Awatuna, Greymouth - Brunner miners Railway — 2nd mile .. .. Omotu .. A piece of railway land at 0a. 2r. 20p. Fourteen years .. .. The Trustees of the Grey- 1/7/98 £5 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. Omotu . mouth racecourse July and 1st Jan. 2nd mile .. .. Omotu .. Water-supply from railway .. Indefinite; one month's The Trustees of the Grey- 1/7/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. tank near Omotu Station notice mouth racecourse Greymouth - Hokitika Hokitika .. Right of access over railway .. Indefinite; three months' Joseph Mandl, of Hoki- 1/7/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Railway, 24th mile land at Hokitika Station notice tika, brewer Midland Railway, Still- Kairnata .. Privilege of using telephone at .. Indefinite; one month's Stratford, Blair, and Co., 1/7/98 £2 per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. water - Jackson line, Kaimata Station notice of Kaimata 7th mile Greymouth - Hokitika Awatuna .. Cottage No. 6 at Awatuna .. .. Indefinite; one month's A. Black, of Awatuna .. 14/10/98 5s. 6d. per week Four- weekly .. Private treaty. Railway, 17th mile I notice Lyttelton-Blufi Railway- HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. 330th mile .. Otikerama .. A piece of railway reserve near 3a. lr. Op. Five years .. .. A. B. McDonald, of 1/1/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. Otikerama Station Limehills, limeburner ■ 375th mile .. Invercargill .. Right to sell fruit, &c, at In- .. Ten months; one month's D. M. Arthur, of Inver- 1/6/98 5s. per week .. Quarterly, on 1st Public tender. vercargill Station notice cargill June, 1st Sept., 1st Dec, and 1st March Addington - Hurunui Kaiapoi .. Southern half of coal-site No. 20 ft. frontage Three months .. .. John Sims, of Kaiapoi, 6/6/98 £1 5s. for the .. Private treaty. Railway, 12th mile 2, Kaiapoi Station coal merchant term


3-D. 4.


Lyttelton-Bluff R'l'y— 95th mile Temuka .. \ Portions of railway reserve at Temuka Station 12a. lr. Op. Five years Edward Cutten, of Temuka, land and estate agent Messrs. McGoverin and Hardie, of Hook, farmers James Whelan, of Temuka, hotelkeeper John Anderson, of Chriatchurch, iron merchant T. H. Gibbs, of Darfield, labourer James Gibson, of Chertsey, farmer 1/7/98 £18 7s. 6d. per Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Public tender. annum 126th mile Hook Part of railway reserve between Makikihi and Hook Rivers 16a. 2r. 19p. Seven years 1/7/98 £8 14s. 6d. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Public tender. 95th mile Temuka Portion of railway reserve at Temuka Bight to take water from Lyttelton tunnel Part of Reserve 1332, between Darneld and Hawkins Portions of railway reserve between Chertsey and Drola. lr. 18p. Indefinite ; three months' notice Indefinite; six months' notice Five years 1/7/98 £1 10s. per annum £7 10s. per annum £3 11s. 10d. per annum £3 10s. 8d. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Public tender. 1st mile Lyttelton .. i 2 in. pipes 1/7/98 Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Whitecliffs Branch, 2nd mile Lyttelton-Bluff Railway, 49th, 50th, 51st, and 52nd miles Kingston Branch, 35th ami 36th miles Walton Park Branch, 3rd mile Lyttelton-Bluff R'l'y— 105th and 106th miles Hawkins 5a. 3r. Op. 1/7/98 Public tender. Chertaey 35a. lr. 15p. Seven years 1/7/98 Public tender. Dipton more Portion of railway reserve near Dipton Three coal-loading stages at Saddle Hill Station 5a. 2r. 38p. Seven years Mrs. E. McDonald, of Dipton, settler Loudon and Howorth, of Walton Park, coalmine proprietors The Christchurch Meat Company (Limited) James Harper, of St. Andrew's, butcher and farmer William Watson, of Limehills, sawmill hand Post and Telegraph Department 1/7/98 £1 10s. per annum £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Public tender. Saddle Hill .. ; 20 ft. by 7 ft. Five years 1/7/98 Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Timaru Right-of-way over railway land near Timaru Right-of-way over railway line near St. Andrew's About 62 ch. long 15 ft. wide Indefinite; three months' notice Indefinite ; three months' notice 1/7/98 One peppercorn per annum £1 per annum.. Private treaty. 116th mile St. Andrew's .. 1/7/98 Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Kingston Branch, 24th mile Lyttelton-Bluff Railway, 196th mile Limehills Portion of railway reserve near Limehills Water - supply from railway water-service at Palmerston Station A piece of railway reserve at Wilson's Siding A piece of railway reserve at Mount Allan Laying J in. pipe under railwayline near Queen's Plat 2a. 2r. 38p. Seven years 1/7/98 £1 10s. per annum £l per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Public tender. Palmerston Indefinite; two months' notice 1/7/98 Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Kaiapoi - Bennett's Branch, 2nd mile Otago Central Brand), 13th and 14th miles Ngapara Branch, 14th mile Wilson's Siding Oa. lr. 18p. Indefinite; three months' notice Three years F. Pearce, of Wilson's Siding, flourrniller R. Gibson, of North Taieri, farmer E. Menlove, of Windsor Park, Windsor, sheepfarmer G. W. Lilley, of Kapuka, tally-clerk 1/7/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Mount Allan .. 56a. 3r. 20p. 1/7/98 £5 5s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Public tender. Queen's Flat .. Indefinite ; one month's notice 1/7/98 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. Seaward Bush Branch, 14th mile Lyttelton-Blufi R'l'y— 48th mile Kapuka Gate in railway fence at Kapuka Station Indefinite; three months' notice 1/7/98 2s. 6d. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Chertsey A piece of railway land at Chertsey Station Oa. 3r. 23p. Indefinite; three months' notice New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Charles Trusler, o£ Arthurton, farmer 1/7/98 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 323rd mile Arthurton A piece of railway reserve opposite Section 3, Block XIII., Waipahi District Warehouse-site on railway reserve at Lyttelton 8a. Or. 30p. Five years 1/7/98 £1 5s. per anYearly, on 1st July Private treaty. num 1st mile Lyttelton Oa. lr. 5p. Fourteen years New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited), Christchurch Robert Craig, of Glenham, farmer John Cowan, of Darfield, builder and contractor 1/9/98 £225 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Sept., 1st Dec, 1st Mar., and 1st June Four-weekly Public tender. Edendale - Toitois Branch, 10th mile Malvern Branch, 16th mile Glenham Cottage No. 37, at Glenham .. After first four weeks indefinite ; one week's notice Indefinite; three months' notice 5/9/98 6s. per week .. Private treaty. Darfield A piece of railway reserve at Darfleld 5a. 2r. 21p. 1/10/98 £1 19s. 4d. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Public tender.



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date ol Lease. Rental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HURT JNUI-BLUFF SECTION— cc Uinued. Lyttelton-BluffRTy— 57th mile .. .. Ashburton A piece of railway reserve near Ashburton A piece of railway reserve near Studholme Junction Right-of-way over railway land near Longbush Station A piece of railway land at Bluff Station Crossing over railway at Port Chalmers for foot-passengers onlv Site No. 47 at Ashburton Station 13a. 3r. 4p. [ Five years John O'Kane, of Ashburton, contractor R. Matthews, of Studholme Junction, settler John Colwill, of Longbush, farmer J. P. Roberts, of Bluff, fish merchant Union Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited) David Thomas, of Ashburton, auctioneer 1/10/98 £1 14s. 6d. per annum £1 17s. 6d. per annum 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 133rd and 134th miles Studholme June I tion 367th mile ... j Longbush 3a. 2r. 39p. Three years 1/10/98 Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 15 ft. wide Ten years 1/10/98 Private treaty. 392nd mile .. Bluff 0a. Or. 6-4p. Indefinite ; one month's notice Seven years 1/10/98 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Port Chalmers Branch, Port Chalmers 2nd mile Lyttelton-Bluff RTy— 59th mile : Ashburton 12 ft. wide 16 ft. frontage Indefinite ; three months' notice 1/10/98 1/10/98 £1 per annum.. £4 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Private treaty. 149th and 150th miles j Hilderthorpe .. ■ Seaward Bush Branch, ' Gorge Road 17th mile Part of Section 58. Block IV., Papakaio Survey District 81a. lr. 3p. 2 chains long | j Seven years W. H. Dennison, of Hilderthorpe, blacksmith 1/10/98 £8 12s. per annum Public tender. Private treaty. Tramway crossing over railwayl:ne ac 16 miles 2680 chains, Seaward Bush Branch A piece of railway land at Palmerston Tramway crossing over railwayline near Mokotua Portion of railway reserve at WaiKaka Station Right-of-way over railway land near Tinwald Indefinite ; three months' notice Messrs. Collins and Roff, of Invercargill, sawmillers Palmerston Borough Council, Palmerston Thomas Martin, of Mokotua, sawmiller Edward Smith, of Invercargill, rabbit- exporter The Upper Ashburton Road Board 1/10/98 £1 per annum.. Lyttelton-Bluff Bail- Palmerston .. way, 196th mile Seaward Bush Branch, Mokotua 11th mile Lyttelton- Bluff Rail- Waikaka way, 333rd mile Mount Somers Branch, Tinwald 1st mile 50 links wide j 0a. Or. 17p. i About 2chains ; long 2a. lr. Op. Twenty - one years ; three months' notice Indefinite ; three months' notice Seven years 1/10/98 1/10/98 One peppercorn per annum £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Private treaty. 1/10/98 £2 7s. 6d. per annum One peppercorn per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Public tender. About 2£ chains; long Twenty-one years; subject to right of revocation in accordance with section 33 of " The Public Works Act, 1894 " Seven years 1/10/98 Private treaty. M a k a r e w a - 0 r e puki Branch — 25th mile .. .. I Colac Portion of railway reserve at Colac Portion of railway reserve at Colac Charles Hopgood, of Colac Bay, butcher T. R. Anderson, of Colac Bay, storekeeper 1/10/98 £1 5s. per anYearly, on 1st Oct. 0a. 3r. 2p. Public tender. 25th mile .. .. Colac 0a. Or. 9Jp. ! Indefinite; three months' notice 1/10/98 num £10 2s. 6d. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Half-yearly, 1st Oct. and 1st April Public tender. Addington -Ho rju n u i Amberley Railway, 33rd mile Store-site No. 1, Amberley Station 30 ft. frontage Five years W. H. Rhodes, of Amberley, commission agent Samuel Ballagh, of Leeston, farmer 1/10/98 £20 per annum Private treaty. Southbridge Branch, Hill's Road .. 24th mile Lyttelton-Bluff RTy— 133rd mile .. Willowbridge .. Right - of - way under railway bridge near Hill's Road About 50 links long Seven years 1/10/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. A piece of railway reserve at Willowbridge Portion of railway reserve at Waiwera Station 0a. Or. 28p. Seven years P. A. Henderson, of Waihao, blacksmith C. F. Stromquist, of Waiwera, bootmaker 1/10/98 £2 per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 304th mile .. Waiwera 0a. lr. Op. Seven years; three months' notice 1/10/98 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty.



Eakaia and Ashburton Oairnbrae .. A portion of railway reserve at 0a. 3r. 18p. Indefinite ; three months' Mrs. K. Tomlinson, of Forks Branch, 20th Cairnbrae Station notice Cairnbrae, settler mile Lyttelton-Blufi RTy— | 324th and325th miles Arthurton .. A piece of railway reserve near 6a. Or. Op. Seven years .. .. William Stephenson, of Artliurton Arthurton, farmer 60th mile .. .. Ashburton .. Coal and timber site 38, railway 40 ft. frontage Indefinite; three months' Collins and Co., of Ashreserve, at Ashburton Station notice burton, timber merchants 60th mile .. .. Ashburton .. Coal and timber site 51, railway 50 ft. frontage Indefinite; three months' Collins and Co., of Ashreserve, at Ashburton Station notice burton, timber merchants Kingston Branch, 25th Centre Bush .. A piece of railway reserve at 14a. Or. 20p. Seven years .. .. James Stewart, of Centre and 26th miles Centre Bush Bush, farmer Lyttelton-Blufi |Bail- Timaru .. A piece of railway land abut- 0a. Or. 15p. Five years ; six months' The Timaru Terrace way, 106th mile ting on Sections 117 and 123, notice Tennis Club Rhodes Town, Timaru 1/10/98 5s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 1/10/98 j £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. (Private treaty. 1/10/98 I £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Private treaty. Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July 1/10/98 £12 10s. per an- Quarterly, on 1st Private treaty. num Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July 1/10/98 £8 9s. 6d. per an- Quarterly, on 1st Public tender, num Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July 1/10/98 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. Oct. and 1st April • [In continuation of return forwarded on 1st October, 1897.] KAIHU VALLEY SECTION. 17th mile .. .. Kaihu .. I A piece of railway land near 0a. Or. 7'2p. From year to year; termin- Messrs. A. Grey and Kaihu Station able at any time on three T. J. Bunyan, of Kaihu months' notice on either I side 1/10/97 £1 10s. per an- Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. num AUCKLAND SECTION. Te Aroha Branch, 44th Paeroa .. Railway wharf at Paeroa, with .. From year to year ; termin- William Forrest, of mile use of railway siding able at any time on three Paeroa, 'contractor months' notice on either side Auckland -Te Kuiti Ohaupo .. Coal and timber site, No. 4, 50 ft. frontage From year to year; termin- J. T. Prince, of Ohaupo, Railway, 94th mile ' Ohaupo Station able at any time on three blacksmith months' notice on either side Rotorua Branch, 20th Matamata .. A piece of railway land at Mata- 0a. 2r. 23p. From year to year; termin- Assets Realisation Board, mile mata Station able at any time on three Wellington months' notice on either side Kaipara Branch, 15th Swanson .. Cottage, No. 71, Swanson .. .. Indefinite ; department can G. Lippiatt, of Swanson, mile resume occupation at any school-teacher Te Aroha Branch — time 30th and 31st miles Te Aroha .. Part of Section 68, Block IX., 8a. lr. 21p. Five years .. .. R. Harris, of Te Aroha, Te Aroha Survey District storekeeper 44th mile .. .. Paeroa .. Shed at Paeroa .. .. .. From year to year; termin- W. Forrest, of Paeroa, able at any time on either contractor side on one month's notice Eotorua Branch, 20th Matamata, Ti- Railway goods-shed at Mata- 60ft. by 30 ft. Five months and nineteen J. McCaw, of Matamata, and 31st miles rau mata Station and engine- Standard size days estates superintendent shed at Tirau Station 1/10/97 £13 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Public tender. Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July 1/7/97 £1 Is. per an- Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty, num 1/10/97 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. Oct. and 1st April 7/10/97 6s. per week .. Four-weekly .. Private treaty. 1/1/98 £4 3s. 10d. per Half-yearly, on 1st Public tender. annum Jan. and 1st July 1/10/97 £15 12s. per an- Quarterly, on 1st Public tender, num Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July i 12/11/97 £10 for the term .. Private treaty.



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Eental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. WANGANUI SECTION. Ijonghurn-Waitara Rail 216oh mile way — EHham A piece of railway land near Eltham A piece of railway land near Eltham Five years £1 13s. per annum £1 5s. per annum 2a. 3r. 33p. J. Costello, of Eltham, labourer W. Bosley, of Ngaire, settler 1/10/97 Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 217th mile Eltham 2a. lr. 3p. From year to year; terminable at any time on either side on three months' notice From year to year ; terminable at any time on either side on three months' notice From year to year ; terminable at any time on either side on three months' notice Five years 1/10/97 Private treaty. 248th mile Waitara Sections 1, 2, and 3, Block XLVII., Town of Waitara East 0a. 3r. 15p. J. D. Watson, of Waitara, brewer 1/1/98 £1 2s. 6d. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Toxton Branch, 20th mile Foxton Portion of railway reserve between Main Street and Harbour Street, Foxton (subject to right-of-way) Part of Section 32, Block V., Whenuakura Survey District A piece of railway reserve at Lepperton la. lr. 10p. P. L. Harnett, of Foxton, hotelkeeper 1/10/97 £2 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Public tender. Longburn-Waitara Eail 183rd mile way — Whenuakura .. 6a. 3r. lip. A. Palmer, of Patea, settler 1/10/97 £4 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. 242nd and 243rd miles Lepperton 4a. Or. 34p. From year to year ; terminable at any time on either side on three months' notice Five years J. Phelan, of Sentry Hill, platelayer 1/10/97 £1 Is. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. New Plymouth Branch, 8th mile Longb urn-Waitara Railway, 227th mile New Plymouth Branch, 8th mile Elliot Street .. Waipuku Part of Sections 983 and 984, Town of New Plymouth A piece of railway land near Waipuku Station A piece of railway land at New Plymouth 0a. Or. 38'6p. 4a. 2r. 8p. Seven years W. Webber, of New Plymouth, merchant G. J. A. Fenwick, of Waipuku, farmer R. C. Hughes, of New Plymouth, solicitor 1/10/97 1/10/97 £1 5s. per annum £1 14s. per anYearly, on 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. Private treaty. New Plymouth 0a. Or. 0-6p. Indefinite; terminable by notice from the department at any time 29/9/97 num Nil .. Private treaty. Longburn-Waitara Rail 91st mile .. way — Terrace End .. A piece of railway reserve at Terrace End Right-of-way over railway land at Okoia Station A piece of railway reserve at Terrace End Railway refreshment - rooms, Hawera Station 5a. Or. 8p. Seven years 0. Hawkins, of Palmerston North, cattle-dealer J. R. Somerville, of Wanganui, farmer J. H. Anderson, of Terrace End, storekeeper W. Evans *of Hawera, compositor 1/10/97 £3 3s. 2d. per annum £1 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 143rd mile Okoia About 44Jch. long 4a. 3r. 22p. Seven years 1/10/97 Private treaty. 90th and 91st miles Terrace End .. Seven years 1/10/97 £3 3s. 6d. per annum £6 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Quarterly, on 1st Nov., 1st Feb., 1st May, and 1st Aug. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. 204th mile Hawera One year 1/11/97 Private treaty. 229th and 230th miles Tariki Road .. Pieces of railway reserve near Tariki Road Station 2a. Or. 22p. Five years New Plymouth Sash and Door Factory and Timber Company (Limited) Mrs. C. Brown, of Ngaire, sawmiller J. Perham, of Midhurst, farmer 1/1/98 £1 2s. 6d. per annum Private treaty. 218th mile Ngaire A piece of railway reserve at Ngairs A piece of railway reserve near Waipuku 2a. 2r. 26p. Five years 1/11/97 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Nov. Private treaty. ■226th and 227th miles j Waipuku 3a. 2r. 24p. Five years; terminable at any time on three months' notice by the department 1/1/98 £1 Is. per anYearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. num



Palmerston-Napier Rail 110th mile NAPIER SECTION. way— Awatoto .. Right-of-way on railway land at Awatoto 14 ft. wide From year to year ; terminable at any time on either side on three months' notice From year to year ; terminable at any time on either side on three months' notice Eight years and five months W. Ward, of Awatoto, builder 1/10/97 I £1 per annum.. 1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 110th mile Awatoto .. Right-of-way on railway land at Awatoto 14 ft. wide W. H. Leevers and T. J. Leevers, of Awatoto, fellmongers Mrs. E. Hobson, of Takapau, sheep-farmer J. Christiansen, of Dannevirke, builder 1/10/97 £1 per annum.. 1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 54th and 55th miles Nelson's Siding Portion of railway land between Kopua and Takapau Dannevirke .. Portions of railway reserve at Dannevirke 8a. Sr. 32p. 1/10/97 £2 per annum.. 1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 35th mile la. 3r. 6p. Seven years; terminable by the department on three months' notice Seven years ; terminable by the department on three months' notice Seven years; terminable by the department on three months' notice Seven years; terminable by the department on three months' notice Seven years ; terminable by the department on three months' notice Seven years; terminable at any time by department on three months' notice Seven years ; terminable at any time by department on three months' notice Seven years; terminable at any time by department on three months' notice Seven years 1/10/97 £1 10s. per an1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 35th mile num Dannevirke .. Portions of railway reserve at Dannevirke la. Or. 23p. W. Rose and T. McCallum, of Dannevirke 1/10/97 £1 2s. 6d. per annum 1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 35th mile Dannevirke .. Portions of railway reserve at Dannevirke la. Or. 27p. D. Guy, of Dannevirke, solicitor 1/10/97 £1 2s. 6d. per 1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 35th mile annum Dannevirke .. Portions of railway reserve at Dannevirke Oa. 3r. 32p. J. Brown, of Dannevirke, .carter 1/10/97 £1 per annum.. 1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 35th mile Dannevirke .. Portions of railway reserve at Dannevirke Oa. 3r. 25p. D. Guy, of Dannevirke, solicitor 1/10/97 £1 per annum.. 1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 34th mile Dannevirke .. Portion of railway reserve at Dannevirke la. Or. Op. W. F. Knight, of Dannevirke, labourer 1/10/97 £1 per annum.. 1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 34th mile Dannevirke .. Portion of railway reserve at Dannevirke Oa. Or. 35p. J. Crowley, of Dannevirke, merchant 1/10/97 £1 per annum.. 1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 35th mile Dannevirke .. Portion of railway reserve at Dannevirke Oa. 2r. lip. A. B. Cole, of Dannevirke, butcher 1/10/97 £1 per annum.. 1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 16th mile ■ la. lr. 31p. 1/10/97 £1 2s. per annum 1/4/97 £7 per annum.. 1/10/97 Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 36th mile Woodville .. A piece of railway reserve near Woodville Station Mangatera .. Coal- and timber-sites, 1 and 2, Mangatera Station 140 ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on either side on three months' notice Mrs. M. S. Read, of Woodville, settler W. F. Greenaway and M. Henderson, of Dannevirke, sawmillers 1/4/97 Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. April and 1st Oct. Wellington-Woodville I 1st mile .ailway — Wellington .. ] A piece of railway land in Wellington Station-yard Oa. Or. 6-2p. WELLINGTON SECTION. Wellington Meat Export Company (Limited), Wellington C. W. Turner, of Christchurch, merchant 1/10/97 £8 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Private treaty. Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Quarterly, on 12th i Private treaty. Oct., 12th Jan., j 12th April, and ' 12th July Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 1st mile Wellington .. Coal-site in Wellington Stationyard Oa. Or. 17|p. From year to year; terminable at any time on either side on one month's notice Three years ; subject to termination on either side on three months' notice 12/10/97 I £15 and £50 per annum; siding right 94th mile Hukanui .. A piece of railway reserve near Hukanui Station Oa. 2r. Op. Indefinite; terminable at any time on either side on one month's notice Seven years C. R. Blake, of Hukanui, sawmill hand 92nd mile 15 ft. wide 1/10/97 I £1 per annum 1/10/97 £1 per annum Newman , ,1 Level crossing over line at 91 miles 66 chains 30 links, I Wellington Section S. Dawson, of Newman, farmer Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty.



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public -continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. "Lessee. Date of ! Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. "Wellington-Woodville B 91st mile .. I 107th mile Railway — Newman Pahiatua WELLINGTON SECTION— conti Right to lay tramway on rail- About 30 chainaj From year to year; terminway land at Newman Station long able at any time on either side on three months' notice Eight to carry waterpipe under 2 in. pipe j From year to year ; terminline at 108 miles 28 chains, able at any time on either Wellington Section side on one month's notice i inued. From T. Price, of Newman, 1/1/98 sawmiller Crown Dairy Factory 1/10/9T Company, Woodville £2 per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Pioton-Blenheim Bailwi 19th mile ay — Blenheim Spring Creek .. Tuamarina Blenheim J Picton PICTON SECTION. Portions of Sections 50, 52, 54, i ]a. lr. 38p. Five years 56, 57, 58, and 59 of Section 46, Opawa, Town of Blenheim Part of Section 49, Cloudy Bay 2a. 2r. Op. Five years Survey District i A piece of railway laud at 0a. Or. 33p. From year to year; termin- : Tuamarina Station able at any time on either side on three months' notice Portion of railway reserve at 0a. 2r. 17p. Five years Blenheim A piece of railway land at 0a. Or. 6'6p. Indefinite; terminable at Picton any time on one month's ' notice W. Carr, of Blenheim, 1/10/97 ironmonger W. Robinson, of Grove- 1/10/97 town, carter D. Duggan, of Tuama- 1/10/97 rina, labourer G. Brenchley, of Blen- 1/10/97 heim, labourer J. E. Chappie, of Picton, 1/1/98 captain, Royal Navy £3 10s per an- Half-yearly,- on 1st Public tender, num Oct. and 1st April 15th and 16th miles £2 10s. per an- Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. num £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 13th mile 18th mile £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 1st mile .. £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. ' 1 "Westport-Ngakawau Ea 13th mile jlway — Griffiths Griffiths Waimangaroa Griffiths Mokihinui WESTPORT SECTION. i Portion of railway reserve on 2a. Or. Op. One year .. west side of line at Griffiths Station : Portion of railway reserve on 2a. Or. 16p. From year to year; termineast side of line at Griffiths able at any time on either Station side on three tnonths'notice A piece of railway land at Wai- 0a. lr. 4p. From year to year; terminmangaroa Station able at any time on either aide on three months' notice Right to lay tramway on rail- About 2Jch. From year to year; terminway land, with crossing over long able at any time on either line at 12 m. 63 ch. 401k., side on three months' notice Westport Section . A piece of railway reserve near Oa. lr. 24p. From year to year ; terminMokihinui Station able at any time on either side on three months' notice G. Griffiths, of Waima- 1/10/97 ngaroa, sawmiller E. Griffiths and J. 1/10/97 Griffiths, of Waimangaroa, sawmillers T. O'Brien, of Waima- 1/10/97 ngaroa, settler G. Griffiths, of Waima- 1/10/97 ngaroa, sawmiller J. H. Patz, of Mokihinui, 1/1/98 farmer £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 1/10/97 13th mile 1/10/97 £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 10th. mile 1/10/97 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Public tender. Oct. and 1st April 13th mile . '. 1/10/97 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 1/1/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 25th mile




Grey - Brunner Rail- Greymouth way, 1st mile .. • Coal-shoots, Nos. 4 and 5, Grey- I mouth Station 10 ft. frontage | Prom year to year; termineach able on three months' notice J. T. Skoglund, of Greymouth, coal dealer 1/10/97 [ £20 per annum I I Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Private treaty. Lyttelton -Bluff Bail- I Gore way, 336th mile Waimate Branch, 4th j Waimate mile Ljttelton-Bluff RTy— 30th and 31st miles.. Dunsandel 272nd mile .. Milton Right to sell fruit on railway platform at Gore Station A piece of railway reserve beween High Street and Dobson Street, Town of Waimate Reserve 267, Selwyn District .. i HURUNUI-BLTJFF SEOTIC N. £12 10s. per an- | Half-yearly, on 1st Aug. and 1st Feb. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. j Two years T. Spear, of Gore, fruiterer J. Ruby, of Waimate, labourer Public tender. 1/8/97 2a. Or. 18p. Seven years 1/7/97 num £1 10s. per anPublic tender. num 40a. Or. Op. Seven years F. Wright, of Selwyn, farmer R. Robertson, of Milton, bookseller 1/7/97 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Private treaty. Right to keep a bookstall at Milton Station years and three months 1/10/97 £5 per annum.. Public tender. Duntroon Branch, 1st ] Pukeuri Junemile ! tion Lyttelton-Blufi R'l'y— 181st mile .. Hampden Right to lay box-culvert across railway land at 22 chains 81 links, Duntroon Branch A piece of railway land, Town I of Hampden 6 in. by 4 in. Indefinite ; subject to revocation at any time The Waitaki County. Council 1/10/97 One peppercorn per annum Private treat} , . 2a. 2r. Op. i From year to year ; terminable at any time on either side on one month's notice Mrs. M. Quinn, of Hampden, settler 1/1/98 I £2 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. ■ 1/10/97 Public tender. 52nd and 53rd miles Dromore A piece of railway reserve near Dromore Station Portions of railway land at Tinwald Portion of railway reserve at i Winchester Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, and part Sections 3 and 8, Block VII., ; Town of South Rangitata A piece of railway land at j Dunsandel Station A piece of railway land at Dunsandel Station A piece of railway land at i Dunsandel Station ! Part Reserve 1769 and part of j 3-chain-wide railway reserve, Cnertsey A piece of railway reserve near Tinwald 13a. lr. 8p. j Seven years T. Blackburn, of Dromore, contractor J. Robinson, of Tinwald, storekeeper C. Taylor, of Winchester, agricultural labourer ■ G. Winter, of Rangitata, farmer £1 13s. 3d. per Yearly, on 1st Oct. 60th and 61st miles Tinwald 9a. lr. Op. Seven years 1/10/97 annum £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 92nd mile .. .. Winchester la. 2r. 15p. I Seven years 1/10/97 £1 5s. per an- j num £2 2s. 10d. per j annum Public tender. Slst mile .. .. Rangitata 31st mile .. .. Dunsandel 6a. Or. 19p. Seven years 1/10/97 Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Public tender. 0a. Or. 35p. i Seven years D. Sheat, of Dunsandel, blacksmith H. Skinner, of Dunsandel, shoemaker J. Gemmell, of Dunsandel, farmer G. McOlean, of Chertsey 1/10/97 £2 10s. per anYearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. 31st mile .. .. Dunsandel 31st mile .. .. Dunsandel 0a. Or. 19-2p. ! Seven years .. 0a. Or. 155p. Seven years 1/10/97 1/10/97 num £1 5s. per annum £1 10s. per annum £2 for the term Yearly, on 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. Public tender. 48th mile .. .. Chertsey 32a. lr. 36p. One month 4/10/97 On 4th Oct. Private treaty. 62nd mile .. .. Tinwald 2a. Or. Op. Prom jear to year; terminable at any time on either side on three months' notice la. Or. 28'7p. From year to year; terminable at any time on either side on three months' notice 5a. lr. 7p. ! Seven years W. Bradshaw, of Tinwald, butcher 1/1/98 £1 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 240th mile .. Cattle-yards .. A piece of railway land at Burnside Agricultural Department, Wellington 1/10/97 £2 15s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. "Whiteclifis Branch, Hawkins 2nd and 3rd miles Malvern Branch, 13tb, Darfield 14th, 15th, and 16th miles Part Reserve 1332, near Hawkins's River Portions of Reserve 1332, near Darfield 22a. lr. 24p. j Seven years W. J. Gibbs, of Darfield, labourer H. Butler, of Darfield, farmer 1/10/97 1/10/97 £2 per annum.. £4 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Public tender. Public tender. h



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Rental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION— c, mtmued. Lawrence Branch, 23rd mile Kingston Branch, 19th mile Lyttaton-Blufi RTy— 81st mile Lawrence Sections 21 and 32, Town of Lawrence Portion of railway reserve at Wmton 0a. Or. 12p. I Fourteen years J. C. Arbuckle, of Lawrence, auctioneer The Police Department, Wellington 1/10/97 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, cjn 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Winton 0a. lr. 2p. Prom year to year; terminable at any time on either side on three months' notice 90a. Or. Op. Seven years 1/10/97 £1 Is. per annum Private treaty. Rangitata I Portion of Reserves 1925 and 2810, Rangitata Supply of water from railway artesian well, Christchurch Station A piece of railway reserve near Benmore Station A piece of railway reserve near Kaiajoi J. Wharton, of Rangitata, farmer Christchurch City Council, Christchurch 1/10/97 £7 10s. per annum 1/1/97 One peppercorn per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Public tenuer. 7th mile Christchurch .. 4 in. pipe Indefinite ; terminable on eitlier side on one month's notice 16a. Or. Op. Five years Private treaty. Kingston Branch, 33rd and 34th miles Addington - Huiunui line, 13th mile Little River Branch — 6th, 7th, & 8th miles Bsnmore E. Matthews, of Benmore, rabbiter J. Merrin, of Kaiapoi, farmer 1/10/97 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Publio tender. Kaiapoi 0a. lr. 35p. Seven years 1/10/97 £1 2s. 6d. per annum Public tender. Rabbit Island.. Portion of railway reserve near Rabbit Island, north side of line Portion of railway reserve near Rabbit Island, north side of line Goal- and timber-site, No. 4, Little River Station 16a. Or. 7p. Six years .. G. McLean, of Greenpark, farmer 1/10/97 £4 0s. 3d. per Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. annum 8th mile Babbit Island.. 5a. 2r. Op. Six years.. E. W. R. Goodwin, of Rabbit Island, farmer 1/10/97 £1 7s. 6d. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 23rd mile Little River .. 50 ft. frontage, From year to year; termin40 ft. depth able at any time on either side on three months' notice 4a. 3r. lip. Saven years R. H. Wood and P. A. Laurie, of Christchurch, timber merchants 1/10/97 £6 5s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Private treaty. Lyttelton- Bluff Railway, 333rd mile Seaward Bush Branch, 6th mile Waikaka A piece of railway land at Waikaka Station Right to lay tramway on railway land at Waimatua T. R. Johnston, of Waikaka, labourer S. Jenks, A. H. Jenks, and J. B. Jenks, of Waimatua, labourers W. O'Neill, of Cave, farmer 1/10/97 £2 15s. per annum 1/10/97 j £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Publio tender. Waimatua Cave.. About 6 ch. Indefinite; terminable at any long time on either side on three months' notice 6a. Or. 16p. Seven years 1/1/98 ! £7 12s. 4d. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Albury Branch, 18th mile Ly ttelton-Bluff RTy— 137th mile Portions of Reserve 1895, near Cave Public tender. Waihao Portions of railway reserve at Waihao Station Privilfge of gate in railwayfence at Studholme Railway reserve 268, near Selwyn Station A piece of railway land at Maerewhenua Sration 2a. Or. 23p. Seven years P.Henderson, of Waihao, blacksmith J. Foley, of Studholme, farmer J. Sowden, of Dunsandel, farmer New Zealand Co-opera-tive and Agency Company (Limited), Dunedin T. Martin, of Mokotua, sawmiller 1/4/98 J £8 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Yearly, oa 1st Jan. Private treaty. 131st mile Studholme Indefinite ; terminable on three months' notice 44a. Or. Op. Seven years 1/1/98 I 10s. per annum Private treaty. 30th and 31st miles Selwyn 1/1/08 £15 8s. per annum 1/1/98 i £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Duntroon Branch, 22nd mile Maerewhenua.. 0a. lr. 27p. Fourteen years Private treaty. SeawardBush Branch — 11th and 12th miles Mokotua Right to lay tramway on railway reserve at Mokotua About 26 J ch. From year to year; terminlong able on either side by three months' notice at any time Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 1/1/98 I £1 per annum..



Railway Department, Head Office, T. Ronaynb, Wellington, 21st December, 1898. General Manager. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,325 copies), c£32 ss. By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1898. Price 9d.}

4—D. 4

Seaward Bush Branch, 12th mile Mokotua \Io! Site for loading timber at Mokotua Station Oa. Or. 16Jp. Prom year to year; terminable on either side by three months' notice at any time Prom year to year; terminable on either side by three months' notice at any time Indefinite ; terminable at one month's notice Seven years T. Martin, of Mokotua, sawmiller 1/1/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Lyttelton-Blufi Kailway, 131st mile Studholme Junction Strip of railway land at Studholme Junction Oa.'Or. 0-3p. W. Quinn, of Makikihi, farmer 1/1/98 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Waimate Branch, 5th mile Rangiora - Sheffield Branch, 22nd mile Lyttelton-Blufi R'l'y— 392nd mile Waiinate West Oxford .. Privilege of using railway sidedrain, Waimate A piece of railway reserve at West Oxford Station About 8 chains long la. 2r. 24p. Waimate Borough Coun- | oil, Waimate G. A. White, of West Oxford, mail contractor 1/1/98 1/1/98 One peppercorn per annum £1 Is. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Publics tender. Blufi Privilege of a right-of-way at Bluff 35 links wide Prom year to year; terminable at any time on either side on one month's notice Five years .. .. Gampbelltown Borough Council, Oampbelltown D. Porter, of Otikerama, farmer 1/1/98 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. 329th mile Otikerama "T. A piece of railway reserve near Otikerama 6a. lr. 8p. 1/1/98 £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty.

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LEASES OF RAILWAY PROPERTY (PARTICULARS OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, D-04

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LEASES OF RAILWAY PROPERTY (PARTICULARS OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, D-04

LEASES OF RAILWAY PROPERTY (PARTICULARS OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, D-04

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