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H .—3B

I—H. 88.

Sam. 11.—1897. NEWj ZEALAND.


Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 27th October, 1897. Ordered, "That thore bo laid before this House a return showing—(l) The number of men appointed to the Permanent Artillery from the Ist January, 1890, to the Ist January, 1897, both dates inclusive ; (2) the districts in which such persons were residing at the date of their appointment; (3) the names of persons transferred from the Permanent Artillery to the Police Force during the above-mentioned poriod, also length of sorvico previous to their transfer to the Police Force."—(Mr. Kelly.)

Names of Men appointed to the Permanent Mihtia from the I hfc January, 1890, to the 1st January, 1897, both Dates inclusive. Date ol Appointment. 1 Districts in which such Persons were residing at the Dato of their Appointment. ,'f. OJ C3 Q CD 8 p -e •- ° o -a S o g>« 7, Date of Transfer to the Police Force. Length of Service previous: to their Transfer to the Police Forco. Yrs. mos. dys. Thornton, William .. Keep, George Moore, Charles John Cox, William Benjamin Welman, Wellesley .. Donnelly, Marshall John Purvis, Alexander Vickeis, Herbert James Brophy, Edward Campbell, William James Gore, Thomas Moffatt, James Kelly, Charles William Martin, Joseph Harris, Henry Alfred Moore, Patrick Quirke, Thomas Lowry, William Robert Lacey, John Sarsficld Peebles, William Buchanan .. Campbell, Henry Archibald .. Jones, William Marshall Powell, William Eyre Hewlett, Charles Howard Reidy, David Bailey, John Foley, John Timothy Hunt, Henry George Pry, Joseph James Hay, John Wildermouth, Michael J. Lorrigan, William P. Jackson, David Thompson, Samuel Ryan, James McGoldrick, William.. Stokes, Robert Bishop, Frank Joseph Gibson, Allan John McElwaine, George Joseph Dennohy, Edmond James Willis, Joseph Charles S. Bennett, Herbert John Driver, Richard Lawrence, William James Isherwood, James G. R. Houlahan, Edvvurd .. 3 Jan., 1890.. 6 Jan., 1890.. 9 Jan., 1890.. 15 Jan., 1890.. Taranaki Hamilton East Pukekohs Brunnerton Martinborough Wellington 9 Oct., 1891.. 19 Sept., 1890.. 1 9' 8 0 8 10 17 Jan., 1890.. 20 Jan., 1890.. 25 Feb., 1890.. 22 Mar., 1890.. 24 April, 1890.. 5 May, 1890.. 1 June, 1890.. 2 June, 1890.. 3 June, 1890.. 5 June, 1890.. 6 June, 1890.. 14 Juno, 1890.. 17 June, 1890.. 23 June, 1890.. Asbburton Dunedin Wellington Palmerston North .. Christohurch Goldsborough Onohunga Wellington 19 Sept'.,' 1890.. 4 Mar., 1895.. 24 Aug., 1892.. 14 Nov., 1891.. 0 5' 28 4 9 3 2 2 22 1 5 11 31 Oct., 1892.. 25 Aug., 1892.. 31 Aug., 1891.. 2 4 25 2 2 11 1 2 14 Auckland Christohurch Dunedin Auckland Lyttelton Auckland Christohurch 31 Aug.," 1892.. 1 July, 1890.. 2 July, 1890.. 5 July, 1890.. 12 July, 1890.. 28 July, 1890.. 29 July, 1890.. 5 Aug., 1890.. 7 Aug., 1890.. 12 Aug., 1890.. 2 1 30 Lyttelton Wellington Waimate Wellington Christohurch Wellington 15 Sept., 1890.. 22 Deo., 1892.. 27 Dec, 1892.. 10 Aug., 1891.. 16 Jan., 1892.. 0 2 3 2 4 24 2 4 28 1 0 5 15 9 20 Aug., 1890.. 8 Sept., 1890.. 9 Sept., 1890.. 15 Sept., 1890.. 25 Aug., 1892.. 3 Aug., 1893.. 4 April, 1892.. 2 0 13 2 11 14 1 6 27 Washdyke Blenheim Wellington 2 3' 8 23 Deo., 1892.. 1G Sept., 1890 .. 19 Sept., 1890.. New Plymouth Wellington 7 Sept., 1892.. 1 li' 19 23 Sept., 1890.! Charleston Waitotara Geraldine Port Chalmers Lyttelton Palmerston North ,. Wellington 25 Sept., 1890.. 11 Nov., 1893.. 3 3' 17 26 Sept., 1890.. 31 April, 1893.. 2 7' 5 2 Oct", 1890.. 9 Oct., 1890..



Names of Men appointod to the Permanent Militia from the l&t January, 1890, to the 1st January, 1897, both Datos inclusive. Date of Appointment. Districts in which such Persons were residing at the Date of their Appointment. PHI •Solo 'vi _g Date of Transfer to the Police Forco. Length of Service previous to their Transfer to the Police Force. McPhee, Archibald Warneford, Charles H. McDonough, John Joseph O'Grady, Thomas Burch, James McOallum, S. W. Hogan, John James .. McDonald, Donald .. Dale, William Crawford, Alexander Bishop, Frederick Ernest Millard, Edwin Thomas Ellis, Frederick Joseph S. Mulhern, Edward John Beck, William Henry Willis, Frank MoMahon, Peter Thomas Green, Francis Glover, John Turner, John Henry Palmer, James William Ashby Fisher, William George Wrigley, Thomas Dale Hodder, Thomas John Lennox, John Charlton, James William Densem, John King, William Connell, John Duff, Alexander Murray B. Quinn, William John Whitmore, Henry John Swindley, Robert William Cairns, James Parker, Robert William Macgregor, Alick E. C. M. Lynd, Andrew Armstrong, Robert Evendon, Thomas A. Eastgate, Henry McAllum, Frederick .. Eade, Edward Eales, Edwin Bosworth, Edward Thomas Fitzgerald, Patrick T. Smith, James Healy, David Kingsbeer, Jonas W. Oliphant, Robert Leith, Samuel Pellett Bullock, George Gilbert Butler, William John Heather, Alfred George Carter, Thomas Smyth, John Andrew Quinn, Thomas ODonnell, David J. .. Nixon, Hiram Hay, Peter Stewart .. Munro, Donald Littlewood, Herbert P. Miller, Robert Wainbouse, John Thomas Osmers, John Hyde, George William Valentine, Hammond F. Martin, William Henry Webber, Eli.. McGlone, Robert V. .. Mcllverney, William Bernard.. Coady, Edward Patrick Davis, William Smith, Thomas H. B. Howell, Edward Thomas Ferguson, James Cook, William Ainsworth, William .. Blanehett, George Powell Perry, William Nicholson, William Campbell.. 10 Oct., 1890.. 20 Oct., 1890.. 12 Nov., 1890.. 13 Nov., 1890.. Kanieri Auckland Ghristchurch Oamaru .. H.M.S."Curaeoa".. Kaiwara Dunedin .. Ashburton Hokitika Denniston New Plymouth Gerald ine Auckland Wellington Auckland Palmerston North .. Kumara Wellington 31 July, 1892.. 3 Aug., 1893.. Yrs. mos.'dys. 1 9 21 2 9 14 5 July',' 1893.. 2 7 24 21 Nov., 1890.. 8 Dec, 1890.. 9 Dec, 1890.. 20 Dec, 1890.. 31 Dec, 1890.. 6 Jan., 1891..13 Jan., 1891.. 19 Jan., 1891.. 7 Feb., 1891.. 5 Mar., 1891.. 11 Mar., 1891.. 12 Mar., 1891.. 23 April, 1891.. 27 April, 1891.. 1 May, 1891.. 11 May, 1891.. 21 July, 1891.. 25 July, 1891.. 5 Aug., 1891.. 5 July," 1893.. 10 Feb., 1893.. 7 Jan., 1895.. 2 6 27 2 i' 10 3 li' 25 28 Oct., 1892.. 1 7' 16 Christohurch Wellington 29 Sept., 1891.. 1 April, 1891.. Port Chalmers 10 Oct", 1891.. 13 Oct., 1891.. Wellington Nelson Wellington 11 Dee., 1893.. 2 31 11 July, 1893.. 1 8 28 20 Oct., 1891.. 22 Oct., 1891.. 24 Oct., 1891... Coromandel Timaru Christohurch Wellington Thames Oamaru Wellington Auckland Sydenham Ashburton Wellington Christohurch Ashburton Manukau Wellington 26 Oct., 1892.. 102 29 Oct., 1891.. 4 Nov., 1891.. 11 Nov., 1891.. 30 Dec, 1891.. 6 Jan., 1892.. 3 Aug., 1893.. 27 July, 1893.. 24 June, 1893.. 6 Deo., 1893.. 28 Feb., 1894.. 24 Mar., 1893.. 16 Mar., 1893.. 11 July, 1893.. 8 Dec, 1893.. 28 June, 1893.. I 8 30 1 8 16 1 5 25 1 11 0 2 1 22 1 2 17 12 8 16 3 1 10 20 1 4 16 7 Jan., 1892.. 8 Jan., 1892.. 14 Jan., 1892.. 19 Jan., 1892.. 12 Feb., 1892.. 16 Feb., 1892.. 20 Feb., 1892.. 24 Feb., 1892.. 25 Feb., 1892.. 27 Feb., 1892.. 29 Feb., 1892.. 25 Mar., 1892.. Palmerston North .. Dunedin Wanganui Wellington Palmerston North .. Wellington 7 May, 1894.. 2 2 13 20 Dec, 1893.. 20 July, 1893.. 1 9 21 1 4 1 28 Mar., 1892.. 6 July, 1892.. 13 July, 1892.. 28 July, 1892.. 28 Sept., 1892.. 17 0ot., 1892.. Auckland Dillmanstown Wellington 9 Dec, 1893.. 22 April, 1895.. 1 i 11 2 6 25 19 Oct., 1892.. 24 Oct., 1892.. 25 Oct., 1892.. 27 Oct., 1892.. w • . Nelson Kumara Palmerston North .. 8 Dec, 1893.. 16 Feb., 1895.. 20 Dec, 1893.. 1 1 19 2 3 23 1 1 25 29 Oct, 1892 '.. Sydenham Christohurch Kumara 8 Dec, 1893.. 11 Dec, 1893.. 1 1 10 1 1 12 1 1 12 1 Nov., 1892.. 8 Nov., 1892.. 11 Nov., 1892.. 15 Nov., 1892.. 24 Nov., 1892.. 25 Nov., 1892.. Stafford Wellington Gisborne New Plymouth Dunedin Westport Greymouth Wellington Auckland Wellington 16 May, 1894.. 14 June, 1894.. 7 Feb., 1895.. lFeb., 1895.. 1 6 15 1 7 13 2 2 30 2 2 21 28 June, 1894.. 14 May, 1894.. 1 7 4 1 5 19 10 Deo", 1892..



Names of Men appointed to the Permanent Militia from the .st January, 1890, to the 1st January, 1897, both Dates inclusive. Date of Appointment. Districts in which such Persons were residing at the Date of their Appointment. .}. O « Q> QJ Pill jlij* ,„ tu a & .9.2 a ®?q£& fc Date of Transfer to the Police Force, Length of Service previous to their Transfer to the Police Force. Moynahan, Arthur Isherwood, A. J. R. .» Wainhouse, Edward Johnston, Andrew Connor, Gerald Parker, Robert William Bradley, Frederick B. Speight, Harold H. .. Howell, Alfrod E. Douthett, Andrew G... Swindley, John Brien, Charles Wetherilt, Henry Moss, Jesse Bush, James Bailoy Kowish, William Quayle Cassells, John James Whitehouse, Edwin James Quartermain, Arthur G. Bush, Georgo Griffiths, James Coghlan McGilligan, Bartholomew Cassin, Mark Joyce, Edmond M. .. McQuire, John Patrick H. Barrett, George Cecil.. Flavell, Samuel Murphy, Michael Joseph Fairlcy, James Bezar, Frederick William Moffitt, Henry Edward Poland, James Henry Toomey, Jeremiah Price, Thomas Henry Dempster, Charles Hyland, Michael John Martin, Albert Tonkin, Walter Adams, William Leith Andrew, James Broberg, Charles Robert Quinn, Thomas Henry Groves, Charles W. W. O'Reilly, James Mcllveney, James Grahame, Percy Hannifin, David Crean, Patrick Taplin, Thomas Kells Hammond, Alfrod Brosnan, Jeremiah Lett, Arthur Haslett, Samuel Baird Miller, William Maddison, Frank Samuel Tomkies, Ernest Austen Coles, Clement Waldron Honry, Francis Hammond, Thomas Frederick Pavitt, Edward C. Andrews, Herbert J. .. Hawkey, John Frederick Cox, Fane Strange McCauley, James Thomas O'Brien, Thomas John Sharpe, Edward McManus McBrearty, Denis Shadbolt, A. Edmond Aldridge, Charles Edmond Brennan, Michael Canner, William Hope, George Kennedy, Harry Patrick Pauling, Thomas Surgenor, Thomas Wilson, Thomas Bryce Wohlmann, Ward George McGuire, Thomas B. H, Simpson, James Kerr Hugh .. Weyburne, John Joseph 9 Feb., 1893.. Wellington 12 Nov., 1895.. 26 Feb., 1894.. Yrs. mos. dys. 2 9 3 1 0 17 11 Feb., 1893.. 17 Feb., 1893.. 20 Feb., 1893.. Hamilton Dunedin .. Christohurch Papanui .. Auckland.. Wellington Westport .. Coromandol Sumner .. Mornington Wellington Auckland .. Dunedin .. 2 Oct., 1894.. 8 Feb., 1897.. 1 7* 16 3 11 19 20 July, 1894.. 150 24 Sept., 1894.. 2 Feb., 1897.. 1 7* 4 4 11 13 22 Fob., 1893.. 14 April, 1893.. 6 May, 1893.. 23 May, 1892.. 27 July, 1893.. 17 April," 1896.. 3 l' 26 Christohurch 17 May, 1894.. 4 Mar., 1895.. 0 9 20 1 7 5 29 July," 1893.. Auckland .. Wellington Christchuroh 11 May, 1894.. 11 Dec, 1894.. 3 Aug., 1894.. 0 9 12 1 4 12 10 3 31 July" 1893.. Otautau .. Wellington Westport .. Auckland .. ■Wellington Port Chalmers Wellington Vogeltown Auckland .. Wellington 3 Aug., 1893.. 12 May,' 1894.. 0 99 5 Aug.. 1893.. 9 Aug., 1893.. 11 Aug., 1893.. 4 Mar., 1895.. 1 6 15 Aug., 1893.. 17 Aug., 1893.. 21 Aug., 1893.. 28 Aug., 1893.. 8 Sept., 1893.. 18 Dec, 1893.. 19 Dec, 1893.. 11 Jan., 1890.. 6 June, 1895.. 6 Nov., 1894.. 4 July, 1894.. 3 Oct., 1894.. 26 Oct., 1895.. 2 5 0 1 9 22 1 2 20 0 10 13 115 1 1 18 Kumara .. Wellington Shag Point Auckland .. Wellington Karori Wellington Kumara .. Wellington 6 Feb., 1895.. 1 1 18 20 Dec, 1893.. 22 Dec, 1893.. 3 Jan., 1894.. 23 Feb., 1894.. 26 Feb., 1894.. 6 Feb., 1895.. 4 Jan., 1895.. 18 April, 1895.. 1 1 15 10 1 1 1 26 15 Feb., 1895.. 0 11 20 1 Mar." 1894.. 6 Feb., 1895.. 4 Mar., 1895.. 22 Jan., 1896.. 30 April, 1895.. 0 11 5 0 11 30 1 10 16 1 1 24 5 Mar." 1894.. 6 Mar., 1894.. Manakau .. Wellington Christchurch Wellington 8 Mar." 1894.. Kawakawa Mangare .. Doyleston Brunnorton Christchurch Otautau .. Christchurch 12 Nov., 1895.. 1 8 94 9 Mar., 1894.. 14 April, 1894.. 7 May, 1894.. 9 May, 1894.. 23 Aug., 1894.. 8 Nov., 1894.. 18 April, 1895.. 4 Mar., 1895.. 104 0 9 24 Napier Wellington 10 Nov., 1894.. Auckland .. Wellington Clyde Grey mouth Sydenham East Oxford Reefton Christchurch Temuka .. Dunedin .. Ashburton Rimu Wellington Otautau .. Kokira Oamaru .. Wellington 9 Nov., 1895.. 11 Jan., 1896.. 25 Oct., 1895.. 10 1 12 1 0 11 15 0 11 12 13 Nov., 1894.. 16 Nov., 1894.. 17 Nov., 1894.. 19 Nov., 1894.. 9 Nov., 1895.. 0 11 21 9 Nov., 1895.. 26 Oct., 1895.. ' 0 11* 21 0 11 7 9 Nov., 1895.. 0 11' 21 21 Nov." 1894.. 9 June, 1895.. 0 6 19



Names of Moll appointed to the Permanent Militia from the .St January, 1H90, to the 1st January, 1897, both Dates inclusive. Date of Appointment. Districts in which such Persons were residing at the Date of their Appointment. Mi if I a pl 3P13-2 2 S3 Ph „» a.fl.s.2 fl<wO.«>3 Ph 3 fc Dato of Transfer to the Police Force. Length of Sorvice previous to their Transfer to the Police Force. Yrs. mos. dys. O'Donohue, John Jones, James Edward McDonald, Duncan John Trehy, Edmond Charles McKay, Hector Finch Felton, Reginald A. J. Rings, George Ludwig Dickison, James Busby, Arthur G. Hydo, Alfred Hammond Mark, George Ready, Henry Kennedy, Edward Lawson, Hamilton D. Warren, Waltor Fredorick King, Charles Bigley .. Harvey, Peter Miller, John Paton .. Macleod, Kenneth Dungan, George A. .. McDonald, Thomas W. McKitterick, John Smith, Joseph Juriss, Henry Bailey, John McLoughlan, John .. Bensemann, Edward 0. Sawle, Egbert Henry McKelvey, Walter Wesby Findlay, Charles Giles, Henry Robert C. Hopkins, Georgo Edward Ching, Ernest McCrorie, Hugh Donovan, Robert Dyson, John W. Lanigan, Richard Arnold, Fredorick Traill, William Fitzgerald, John Meiklejohn, Walter W. O'Malley, James Patrick Sutherland, C. R. Ferguson, Thomas Maslon, Elijah Hamilton, L. R. MoAuliffo, Michael R. Teaguo, William Albert Ashbolt, William George Eccles, William Hennah, William Stewart Johnston, R. B. Woods, Joseph Martin, John Peter .. Clarke, Clemont A. .. Gaffney, Michael MoNoely, William .. McGregor, John Walker, Arthur Joseph Irvine, Robert O'Sullivan, John Warren, Georgo Richard Burrows, Robert William Ching, John Harris .. Rock, James Thomson, John Fletcher, Samuel Thomas Murray, Edwin Maxwell, William Park Meikle, Hugh F. Ross, Richard Thompson, Samuel .. Kidd, Samuel McGrath, Patrick N... Mitchell, Michael James Quirko, Gerald Joseph Dalton, David Hargravos, Henry W. Lynch, Thomas O'Kane, John 21 Nov., 1894.. 23 Nov., 1894.. 26 Nov.. 1894.. 28 Nov., 1894.. 1 Dec, 1894.. 7 Dec, 1894.. Christchurch Wellington Lakeside Brunnerton Wollington Ashburton Lyttelton Dunedin Parnoll Palmerston North .. Manawatu Wellington Groerton Wellington 21 Juno, 1895.. 12 Nov., 1895.. 11 Nov., 1895.. 0 6 26 0 11 17 0 li' 4 8 Doc, 1894.. 10 Dec, 1894.. 21 Dec, 1894.. 27 Dec, 1894.. 3 Jan., 1895.. 11 Feb., 1895.. 21 Feb., 1895.. 22 Mar., 1895.. 20 April, 1895.. 20 April,' 1896.. 12 Nov., 1895 .. 1 i' 10 0 10 22 16 April, 1896.. 0 li 27 0 11 27 22 April, 1895.. Napier Wellington 25 April, 1895.. 30 April, 1895.. Christchurch Lyttelton Thames Wellington Hinds Dunedin Hampden Christchurch Palmorston North .. Stoke Fairfiold .. Dunedin Wellington 1 May, 1895.. 2 May, 1895.. 0 9 4 3 May, 1895" 6 Feb., 1896.. 4 May, 1895.. 0 8 11 15 Jan., 1896.. 6 May, 1895!! 17 April, 1896.. 0 li' 11 10 May, 1895.. 13 May, 1895.. 23 May, 1895.. 29 May, 1895.. Koputarua Lyttolton Napier Wellington Groymouth Kelso Wellington Carterton Rangiwahia Stafford Wellington 16 April, 1896.. 0 li 6 5 June, 1895:. 22 June, 1895.. 25 June, 1895.. 2 July, 1895.. 9 July, 1895.. 19 Dec, 1895.. 27 Jan., 1896.. 28 Jan., 1896.. 30 Jan., 1896.. 3 Feb., 1896.. 14 Jan., 1896.. 14 Jan., 1896.. 0 6 23 0 65 5 Feb'!, 1896!! 5 Feb'!, 1896!! 6 Feb'!, 1896.. Tinwald Christchurch Sydenham Addington Auckland Dunedin Manukau Auckland Wellington Makakahi Glonite Christchurch Wollington Weber Port Chalmers Lyttelton Dunedin Blonheim Greymouth Hokitika Stafford Wellington Auokl and Wellington Otautau Wellington 19 May',' 1897.. 8 Feb.',' 1897.. 1 3' 16 10 3 0 li' 30 5 Feb., 1897.. 7 Fob'!, 1896'.! 6 Feb.,'1897.. 0 11 30 8 Feb'!, 1896!! 10 Feb'!, 1896.!



Aethuk P. Douglas, Major, Defence Office, Under-Secretary for Defence Wellington, 3rd November, 1897.

Approximate Cost of Pa/per.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,250 copies), £1 ss.

Price 6d.] By Authority : John Maokay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB97.

2—H. 38.

Names of Men appointed to the Permanent Militia from the 1st January, 1890, to the 1st January, 1897, both Dates inclusive. Date of Appointment. Districts in which such Persons were residing at the Date of their Appointment. j, o d o a 3*1 II a a s v 3 S-S.2 £ ft III Z Date of Transfer to the Police Forco. Length of Service previous to their Transfer to the Police Force. Yrs. mos. dys. O'Grady, John Joseph Miller, John Neighbour, Alfred B. Duff, William Hiokey, Timothy Hallett, James William Robson, Alfrod E. McGill, Charles E. .. Juriss. Alexander Pitt, William Wright, Sydney Evelyn Lipscombe, Joseph Hamptom, William John Keeshan, Patrick Cleary, George M. Ziegler, Gottlieb A. .. Raynes, Joseph A. Strain, William R. Haslett, Samuel Baird Marshall, William Kidd, John Lewis Bowling, W. A. Hollida\, Alfred E. .. Porteous, Harry G. .. McGlone, G. H. Griffith, Rowland Poppelwell, E. M. B... Braddell, George W. .. Hickey, Daniel A. Williams, James Mahony, Thomas Fordyoe, Robert Doyle, Myles O'Connor, Patrick McGuigan, Owen P. .. Morris, John Thomas Smith, James Head, Joseph Arthur Roberts, Alexander William .. Rowe, Edward John Kett, William Fox, Robert Roberts, Weymouth Bradley, William 0. .. Ingram, John Bartlett Mitchell, Alfrod A. .. Hutchison, Peter Williams, Frederick Mackenzie, William Hislop Phipps, William West Barnhill, Hugh Fahey, John White, Charles William lies, George Doyle, Thomas Morgan, Richard P. .. Ainsworth, William .. Morgan, J. T. P. McDonald, John F. .. Southgate, J. 0. P. .. Kiely, Michael Coffey, Michael J. 11 Feb., 1896.. 12 Feb., 1896.. 13 Feb., 1896.. 14 Feb., 1896.. 15 Feb'!, 1896.. 17 Feb., 1896.. 19 Feb., 1896.. 21 Feb., 1896.. 22 Feb., 1896.. 24 Fell., 1896.. 27 Feb., 1896.. 3 Feb., 1896.. 2 Mar., 1896.. 4 Mar., 1896.. 6 Mar., 1896.. 7 Mar., 1896.. 9 Mar., 1896.. 11 Mar., 1896.. 7 Mar., 1896.. 14 Mar., 1896.. 21 Mar., 1896.. 23 Mar., 1896.. 24 Mar., 1896.'. 27 Mar., 1896!! Temuka Auckland.. Tauranga Wollington Auckland Addington Christchurch Poverty Bay Wellington Matata Wellington Kumara .. Dargaville Wellington Kawakawa Wellington Greymouth Caversham Auckland Palmerston South .. Kumara .. Makakahi Kaitoke Ashburton Christchurch Masterton Wanganui Dunedin Southbridge Hokitika Kanieri 5 Feb.,'1897.. 6 Feb.," 1897.. 5 Feb.','1897.. 5 Feb., 1897.. 0 11 22 0 11 15 0 11 8 0 10 22 8 April, 1896!! 14 April, 1896.. 15 April, 1896.. 21 April, 1896.. 22 April, 1896.. 28 April, 1896.. 29 April, 1896.. 8 May, 1896.. Waimate Kanieri Lyttelton Wellington Waimate Caversham Christchurch Wellington Ahaura Hastings Wellington 12 May, 1896.. 13 May, 1896.. 16 May, 1896.. 21 May, 1896.. Auckland 28 May, 1896.. Dunganville Milton Wellington 8 Feb., 1897.. 0 8 11 4 June, 1896.. 6 Aug., 1896.. 7 Aug., 1896.. 14 Aug., 1896.. 29 Aug., 1896.. 1 Sept., 1896.. 7 Nov., 1896.. 11 Nov., 1896.. Greenstone Christchurch Hanmor Plains Hokitika .. Wellington Lincoln

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Bibliographic details

PERMANENT ARTILLERY (APPOINTMENTS TO THE, AND TRANSFERS FROM TO THE POLICE FORCE, FROM 1st JANUARY, 1890, TO 1st JANUARY, 1897)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1897 Session II, H-38

Word Count

PERMANENT ARTILLERY (APPOINTMENTS TO THE, AND TRANSFERS FROM TO THE POLICE FORCE, FROM 1st JANUARY, 1890, TO 1st JANUARY, 1897). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1897 Session II, H-38

PERMANENT ARTILLERY (APPOINTMENTS TO THE, AND TRANSFERS FROM TO THE POLICE FORCE, FROM 1st JANUARY, 1890, TO 1st JANUARY, 1897). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1897 Session II, H-38

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