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Sess. 11.—1897. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889."

I have the honour, in compliance with the provisions of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889," to furnish the Eighth Annual Eeport on the Patent Office. The usual returns showing the business transacted by the office during the year ended the 31st December; 1896, will be found in the Appendix. These returns show the steady growth of the office year by year. Over thirteen hundred applications were received during the period covered by this report, being the largest number received during any one year since the foundation of the office. The large increase over the preceding year in applications for patents, may in part no doubt, be attributed to the expansion of the bicycle trade, no less than 130 applications in connection with bicycles having been filed. The table given below shows the revenue and expenditure for the past six years, and also the annual surplus. The progress of the office is very well illustrated by these figures, which exhibit a steady increase of revenue, from £1,759 3s. 6d. in 1891 to £2,583 os. 6d. in 1896. The apparent fall in 1895 is due to the fact that a large number of renewal-fees became payable in the preceding year, thus raising the receipts for that year above the average.

I am glad to be able to state that the new offices in the building now being erected for the Government Printing Office are nearing completion. The accommodation provided consists of a Eegistrar's Office, 16 ft. 6 in. by 16 ft. 6 in. ; a public office, 20 ft. by 22 ft.; and a library, 31 ft. 6 in. by 22 ft., together with a strong-room. The new offices, though situated at some distance from the business portion of the city, will relieve much of the inconvenience from which the public and the officials have suffered so long, and will also permit of the valuable library now buried in the Museum being made available for its proper purposes. P. Waldegbave, Patent Office, Wellington, 2nd October, 1897. Eegistrar.

A. —Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditube for the Year ending 31st December, 1896. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 2,209 3 0 Salaries ... ... ... 318 12 4 Design fees ... ... ... 14 1 0 Clerical assistance ... ... 15 5 0 Trade-mark fees ... ... 357 11 6 Copying specifications, &c. ... 50 5 9 Sale of Acts, &c. ... ... 2 5 0 Pees to Patent Office Agents ... 55 12 6 Printing and stationery from Government Printing Office ... 75 0 0 Binding, freight, &c, of British specifications ... ... 19 17 0 Pees refunded ... ... 1700 Incidental expenses ... ... 12 14 3 Surplus for year ... ... 2,018 13 8 £2,583 0 6 £2,583 0 6

I—H. 10.

Beceipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Eeceipts. Expenditure. Surplus. .891 .892 .893 £ s. a. 1,759 3 6 1,825 6 0 2,150 2 0 £ s. d. 391 11 3 361 18 10 396 8 3 £ s. a. 1,367 12 3 1,463 7 2 1,753 13 9 1894 1895 1896 £ s. a. 2,477 7 0 2,170 9 6 2,583 0 6 s s. a. 536 6 11 464 15 8 564 6 10 £ s. d. 1,941 0 1 1,705 13 10 2,018 13 8



B.-Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1896.

C.—Staff of Officees and Peesent Salabies. £ Registrar ... ... ... ... ... ... Nil. Deputy-Eegistrar ... ... ... ... ... 200 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 Cadette ... ... ... ... ... ... 40 £340

D. —Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications Received, &c., under Act of 1889.

Number. Fees. Bach. Amount received. Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications left after provisional specifications Issue of letters patent Issue of duplicate letters patent Applications to amend specifications Second-term fees payable before end of fourth year Third-term fees payable before end of seventh year .. Notices of opposition Hearing objections Applications for extension of time for filing complete specifications Grant of such extension Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees Grant of such enlargement Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against Registrar's decisions Searches Registration of assignments and licenses Certificates of such registration Copies of specifications, drawings, &c. Certifying copies of specifications, &c, not made by office Applications to correct clerical errors in specifications, &c. Registration of Patent Agents Miscellaneous 425 591 113 438 1 11 91 6 8 6 9 7 9 9 4 -337 41 32 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 2 0 2 0 1 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 10 £ s. a. 212 10 0 295 10 0 56 10 0 876 0 0 2 0 0 11 0 0 455 0 0 60 0 0 4 0 0 12 0 0 9 0 0 35 0 0 9 0 0 27 0 0 4 0 0 16 17 0 20 10 0 16 0 0 75 0 6 1 14 0 1 10 0 7 7 0 1 14 6 34 6 7 0 1 0 5 1 1 £2,209 3 0 Designs. Applications for registration of designs Searches 28 1 0 10 0 1 14 0 0 0 10 Tbade-maeks. £14 1 0 Applications for registration of trade-marks Registration of trade-marks (including one " series ").. Notices of opposition Registration of subsequent proprietors Certificates of such registration Renewal of registration of trade-mark Cancellation of registration of trade-mark Request for correction of clerical error Certifying copies Searches Advertisements : Cost of additional space in Gazette Miscellaneous 296 243 5 16 14 1 2 1 2 100 0 5 £1 & 5s. 1 0 £1 & 2s. 0 5 1 0 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 1 74 0 0 242 5 0 5 0 0 15 2 0 3 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 5 0 0 9 16 0 0 13 6 £357 11 6 ——I

Number of Applications with which Complete Specifications lodged. Number of Applications with which Provisional Specifications loagea. Number of Applications for which Complete Specifications subsequently lodgea. Numbe: cations i laps rei r of Appliibandoned, sed, or iusea. Nurr. Patent and at in I tber of ;s sealea Present Total Number of Applications. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 N.Z. 242 187 202 198 278 229 299 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 307 318 Foreign. 60 69 53 52 61 79 100 N.Z. 27 29 40 51 69 75 Foreign. 17 25 16 24 16 34 N.Z. 202 191 237 262 352 403 Foreign. 50 50 43 30 51 51 N.Z. 147 122 125 133 177 133 Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 * L'hese figun i is are neoesi sarily inco: iplete, as the time for proceedi ing further with tb applici jtions has not yet lire. i.


E.—Number of Applications to register Trade-marks, the Number advertised, and the Number registered, in the Fifty different Classes in each of the Years 1894, 1895, and 1896.


1894. 1895. 1896. to o 1 0 Classification of Goods. !§ 5 u % II 1 Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy .. Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes ; instruments and apparatus for teaching Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes.. .. .. , Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britanniametal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding.. Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including gingerbeer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents ; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils ; matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes Miscellaneous 10 9 7 8 7 5 9 8 4 2 8 10 9 14 10 5 13 13 12 3 4 45 4 36 3 22 6 24 24 25 24 7 23 5 20 5 5 6 2 5 3 5 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 i 7 2 2 1 4 4 3 3 3 3 8 1 1 9 10 11 1 'i 1 1 1 12 13 14 1 5 1 1 5 2 3 6 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 '4 1 3 1 3 1 3 15 16 17 3 3 18 19 20 21 22 '23 25 26 27 28 29 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 "2 2 *2 1 1 3 1 7 6 3 14 1 12 1 11 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 30 31 82 33 34 35 i 1 1 1 i 1 i i i 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 36 37 '3 ~2 2 2 1 2 l 2 1 1 3 3 3 38 39 40 28 1 27 25 1 1 14 1 13 1 8 1 19 3 1 17 3 1 16 3 1 'i 41 i'2 43 44 123 12 5 112 11 5 90 12 4 1 75 14 10 1 65 11 9 1 36 8 84 12 7 74 10 5 58 10 4 45 46 47 33 2 21 23 2 20 21 1 20 18 2 26 17 2 25 17 3 8 14 2 21 13 2 18 13 2 15 5 6 6 5 5 18 5 2 9 [9 >0 17 18 1 9 'h "o 9 1 11 1 11 1 11 Note.—For the total number see Tabl G.


F.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade-marks recorded for the Years 1890 to 1896 inclusive.

G.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and othe Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1894, 1895, and 1896.

Note.—ln 1896, ten applications were received from joint applicants resident in different countries; the figures for that yea will, therefore, total ten more than the actual number of applications received.

H.—Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1894, 1895, and 1896.

Note,—ln 1896, ten applications were received from persons giving addresses in two countries; the figures for that year will, therefore, total ten more than the actual number of applications received.


Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 90 1893 625 1 325 951 1894 756 15 347 1,118 1895 816 14 254 1,084 1896 992 27 279 1,298

1894. 1895. 1896. 1894. 1895. 189 . New Zealand Argentine Republic Austria Belgium Canada Denmark France Germany Italy ' .. New South Wales Ottoman Empire 527 547 619 1 1 2 2 2 8 12 1 72 1 Queensland Russia South African Republic .. South Australia Sweden Tasmania United Kingdom United States Victoria Western Australia 6 2 8 1 3 17 4 5 106 51 82 4 "l 1 * 8 2 2 2 6 8 2 43 12 1 1 75 .17 55 3 "5 6 71 38 76 1 - 51

1894. 1895. 1896. i 1894. 1895. 1896. few Zealand ielgium.. 'anada .. 'eylon .. iuba )enmark France .. Germany lolland 219 124 1 156 3 New South Wales Norway Sweden Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States .. Victoria Western Australia 14 1 1 22 14 "2 1 1 1 1 77 10 11 "l 3 "3 "6 66 30 11 79 13 5 1 6 2 1 6 2 2 "l




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Abel, J. W. B., Sydney, N.S.W. Treatment of animal bones and flesh. (M. J. Dempsey and J. J. Stone) Abel, R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Holder for books Adams, R. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Imprinting-machine Adams, R. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Machine for insetting newspapers, &c. Adams, S. H., London, Eng. (See W. Tyree, No. 8978.) Adcock, J., Richmond, Christchurch, N.Z. Driving-wheel for bicycle carriages Adolph, J. A. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Clothes-washing machine Adolph, O. E., Bodal, Denmark. Stacking apparatus Agar, W., Beaconsfield, W.A. Increasing and transmitting applied motive-power Aitken, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Hoe .. .. .. .. .. .. Aitken, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Obtaining gold from river-beds Aitkens, G., Hawera, N.Z. Telegraph tape-perforator Aitkens, G., Hawera, N.Z. Bicycle Albrecht, F., Melbourne, Vic. Securing tubes or rods to plates Allpress, A. E., Spreydon, N.Z. Washing-fluid Alternate Current Electro-motor Syndicate (Limited), The, Middlesex, Eng. Electro-motor and transformer. (W. Langdon-Davies) Altham, G. J., Swansea, U.S.A. Oil-engine American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Aucklana, N.Z. Cigarette machine. (H. Bilgram) American Tobacco Company of New Zealana (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Cigarette machine. (J. A. Bonsack) American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Cigarettetube machine. (J. A. Bonsack) American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Cigarette machine. (M. Kirshner) American Tobacco Company of New Zealana (Limitea), The, Aucklana N.Z. Cigarette wrapper. (D. B. Strousej American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Cigarette machine. (K. H. Carper) American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Cigarette machine. (D. B. Strouse) Amesbury, D. E., Feilding, N.Z. Filter Amora, J. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Tarring and delivering wood blocks for paving roadways Amos, G. A., Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. M. Brown, N. A. Joubert, No. 8882.) Anderson, A. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Threshing-machine. (R.Thorpe) .. Anderson, A. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing collapse of inflated tires when punctured Anderson, J, Dunedin, N.Z. Gratings for use in furnace-cases Anderson, J. D., Auckland, N.Z. Gold-saving process Andrew, T., Sydney, N.S.W. (See C. L. Garland, No. 9050.) Andrews, O., Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-dressing machine .. Angus, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Pump Apostoloff Automatic Telephone Parent Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. System of automatic telephone exchange. (S. Berditschewsky) Arenas, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Indicating temperature of a refrigerating-chamber Armstrong, W., Auckland, N.Z. Eradication of codlin-moth .. Arnold, A., Sydney, N.S.W. (See K. E. Edge, No. 8190.) Arnold, C. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Pulley or belt-rest .. .. Arthur, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Lock-nut.. Arundel, E., Mosgiel, Otago, N.Z. Bicycle-tool bag Arzt, H., London, Eng. Generator of electricity Ashcroft, E. A., Newcastle, N.S.W. Treatment of solutions containing zinc Ashcroft, E. A., Newcastle, N.S.W. Treatment of solutions containing zinc Ashcroft, E. A., Melbourne, Vic. Treatment of ores containing zino Ashcroft, E. A., Newcastle, N.S.W. Propulsion of bicycles, &c. Ashcroft, E. A., Melbourne, Vic Treatment of metalliferous ores Ashworth, H., Wadestown, Wellington, N.Z. Pressing and draining wet wool Ashworth, H., Wadestown, Wellington, N.Z. Machine for washing wool Ashworth, H., Wadestown, Wellington, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Ashworth, H, Wadestown, Wellington, N.Z. Washing wool .. Ashworth, H., Wadestown, Wellington, N.Z. Appliance for arying wool .. Ashworth, H., Waaestown, Wellington, N.Z. Tire-protector .. Aston, V. S., and others, Gisborne, N.Z. Boot-protector Atkins, G. J., Stamford Hill, Middlesex, Eng. Chloro-cyanide salts or compounds Atkinson, W., Yongala, S.A. Bioycle .. .. .. . .. . .. Austin, H., Fitzroy, Vic. Motors ana mechanism of vehicles .. Bach, A., Auckland, N.Z. Measure for liquids Bailey, R. D., and another, Gloucester, Eng. Utilisation of brewers' " araff " or " spent " grains Baker, C. A., ana another, New York, U.S.A. Cigar machine ... Balfour, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Ball, C. J., Sussex, Eng. Obtaining material from river-beds .. Ballantine, W. B., Ashgrove, Ayr, Scotland. Puzzle Balls, P. T., Melbourne, Vic. Knife attachment for linotype machines .. Bannister, M. O, Liverpool, Eng. Insulating hot or cold chambers Barber, E. H., and another, Tamaki, Auckland, N.Z. Driving-gear for cycles Barber, E. H., and another, Tamaki, Auckland, N.Z. Billiard-table Barber, E. H, and another, Tamaki, Auckland, N.Z. Driving-gear for motors Barber, E. H, and another, Tamaki, Auckland, N.Z. Driving-gear for cycles Barker, A., London, Eng. Vaporiser for oil-engine Barlow, G. H., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Driving-gear for cycles, &c. Barlow, W. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Propelling-gear for bicycles Barnes, G., and another, Melbourne, Vic Combined postal-wrapper and letter-sheet Baron, B., New York, U.S.A. Cigarette machine .. 8942 19 Oct. 8400 8681 8778 11 April. 2 July. 29 July. 8933 8610 8670 8918 8412 9000 8971 9163 8508 8690a 8609 10 Oct. 27 June. 22 July. 7 Oct. 20 April. 4 Nov. 26 Oct. 31 Dec. 19 May. 28 July. 27 June. 8613 8306 2 July. 29 Feb. 8307 29 Feb. 8308 29 Feb. 8309 29 Feb. 8492 13 May. 8493 13 May. 8494 13 May. 8363 8724 25 March. 12 Aug. 8854 8856 11 Sept. 12 Sept. 8608 8299 25 June. 22 Feb. 8771 8855 9020 8538 21 Aug. 11 Sept. 7 Nov. 27 May. 9142 8348 17 Dec. 12 March. 8832 9057 8497 8642 8677 8697 8786 8805 8955 8239 8240 8423 8463 9022 9117 8365 8220 8435 8868 9069 8481 8319 8678 8378 8944 8628 8182 8408 8473 8602 8603 8389 8818 8813 8788 8393 15 Aug. 17 Nov. 12 May. 14 July. 22 July. 31 July. 24 Aug. 1 Sept. 23 Oct. 3 Feb. 3 Feb. 24 April. 4 May. 10 Nov. 14 Dec. 25 March. 27 Jan. 28 April. 18 Sept. 28 Oct. 12 May. 2 March. 21 July. 31 March, 19 Oct. 6 July. 10 Jan. 17 April. 4 May. 22 June. 22 June. 8 April. 3 Sept. 1 Sept. 24 Aug. 8 April,




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. o. ;e. Bartlett, J. V., Campbelltown, N.S.W. Amalgamating gold .. Barton, E. L'E., Wellington, N.Z. Velocipedes Barton, E. L'E., Wellington, N.Z. Firearms Barton, J., Hokitika, N.Z. Castings of stampers for quartz-crushing machinery Bavay, De. (See under D.) Beale, J. A., Auckland, N.Z. Forcing obstacles out of the way of bicycle-wheels Beale, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Needle for embroidery-work Beaven, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seea-dressing machine Beck, J., and another, Tauranga, N.Z. Wire-strainer coiler and uncoiler Beckman, C. E., Brisbane, Queenslana. Velocipeae Bedell, H. G., jun., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-dies Bedell, L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-dies Beecher, E. B., ana another, Westville, Connecticut, U.S.A. Machine for making matches Beeman, J. S., Camberwell, Vic. Means for removing superfluous molten paraffin from articles aippea therein Beere, G. B., and another, Thames, N.Z. Drum for aerial wire-tramway systems Belk, J. A., Feilding, N.Z. Joining the rails of railways Belk, M., Christchurch, N.Z. Ready-reckoner Belk, M., Palmerston North, N.Z. Brake for vehicles Bennett, E. H., and another, New Jersey, U.S.A. Rotary electric fan Berditschewsky, S., London, Eng. (See The Apostolofi Automatic Telephone Parent Syndicate (Limited), No. 8538.) Bergin, A., Auckland, N.Z. Toffy .. .. •. Berrenberg, A., and another, Upper Norwood, Surrey, Eng. Motor engine Biggs, F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Detergent soap Biggs, F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Bilgram, H., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See The American Tobacco Company of N.Z. (Limited), No. 8306.) Billcliff, A., Addington, Christchurch, N.Z. Subdividing butter Billens, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Wick-adjusting device for oil-lamp Billens, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Flatne-spreader Billens, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Securing corks in bottles Bilton, K. J. I., and another, Malvern, Vic. Scraping the interior of water-pipes Bilton, H. J. I., and another, Malvern, Vic. Thimble and hatch-box for water-pipes Bingham, H., and another, Ascot Vale, Vic Tire .. Black, H, Wanganui, N.Z. Bicycle alarm-bells Black, J., Nelson, N.Z. Fruit-tree sprayer Black, J., Nelson, N.Z. Pneumatic sprayer Black, J., Nelson, N.Z. Nozzle for spraying-machine Black, J. G., Melbourne, Vic. Incandescent gas-lamp Blacke, D. E., Invercargill, N.Z. Preventing the escape of sparks from chimneys .. Bland, H., Waverley, Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. Martin, No. 8712.) Bollee, L., Le Mans, France. Self-propelled vehicle Bonnin, A., ana another, Adeiaide, S.A. Fastening device for suspending garments Bonsack, J. A., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See The American Tobacco Company of N.Z. (Limited), No. 8307.) Bonsack, J. A., Philaaelphia, U.S.A. (See The American Tobacco Company of N.Z. (Limited), No. 8308.) Booth, G. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Disc harrow Booth, G. T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-propelling mechanism Booth, G. T., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Driving mechanism of bicycles Bowman, C. W., New York, U.S.A. (See Eagle Pencil Company, No. 8289.) Bowman, A. S., Strathfield, N.S.W. Wheel Boyd, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Washer for lock-nuts Boyd, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Bearings of cycles Boyens, W. H., Kaikoura, N.Z. Bicycle.. Bradbury, R. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Apparatus for indicating cost of goods sold by lineal measurement Bradbury, T. H., Johannesberg, South Africa. Sharpening rock-drills Brake, A., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for dowelling, tenoning, ana aovetailing Brake, C, ana another, Lincoln, N.Z. Drenching cattle and horses Bramwell, C. A,, ana another, Melbourne, Vic. Butter-box Branton, T., Blenheim, N.Z. Cleaning flax Brew, W., ana another, Christchurch, N.Z. Apparatus for securing hat to hea3 Bricknell, A. L., Surrey, Eng. Bicycle Brittin, F. G. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Foot-rest bracket for fireplaces Brittin, F. G. M., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Freezing meat Bromwell, T. A., Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer.. Bromwich, W. A., and another, London, Eng. Shaft3 of vehicles Broome, G. H, and another, Seddonville, N.Z. Haulage-clip Broome, W., Bourke, N.S.W. Chilling and curing meat Brown, A. G., Manchester, Eng. Producing metal castings Brown, J., Carterton. N.Z. Hoe Brown, J., Carlton, Vic. Spiral-spring Brown, J. N., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Apparatus for proaucing ice-cream. (G. A. Amos) Brown, J. R., ana another, New Westminster, Cana3a. Gold-amalgamator Brown, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Road-scoop handle .. Brownlee, W. R., Wellington, N.Z. Pulleys for hauling logs .. Brownley, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Preventing doors from slamming Brownley, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Gate. (H. Withey) Brunton, W. H., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Iron and handle attachment Bryan, G., Colac, Vic. (See W. Humble, W. Nicholson, No. 8560.) Buckland, W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer Buckley, J. W., Wellington, N.Z. Making use of disused kerosene-tins as boilers Buckley, J. W., Wellington, N.Z. Soap-box Buckley, J. W., Wellington, N.Z. Deck and floor-scrubbers .. Bullard, J. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Lasting-machine .. ., .. .. .. 8213 8351 8357 9119 23 Jan. 18 March 20 March 10 Nov. 8922 8625 8855 8540 8531 9065 9065 8828 8189 3 Oct. 4 July. 11 Sept. 30 May. 27 May. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 7 Sept. 10 Jan. 9035 8354 8456 8573 9157 11 Nov. 30 March 2 May. 12 June. 29 Dec 8346 9148 8262 8498 9 March. 23 Dec. 6 Feb. 13 May. 8959 8592 8891 8895 8720 8807 8643 9124 8648 8883 9125 8861 9058 7 Oct. 19 June. 24 Sept. 26 Sept. 7 Aug. 1 Sent. 14 July. 14 Dec. 27 July. 23 Sept. 16 Dec. 12 Oct. 19 Nov. 8747 8880 17 Aug. 23 Sept. 8506 8735 9130 15 May. 12 Aug. 15 Dec. 8675 8455 8910 8703 22 July. 1 May. 3 Oct. 4 Aug. 9155 8253 8536 8970 8340 8422 8228 8317 9115 9071 8662 8251 8450 8386 8814 8313 8478 8882 8458 9087 8676 8474 8509 8198 23 Dec. 6 Feb. 29 May. 24 Oct. 11 March. 22 April. 30 Jan, 2 March 9 Dec. 24 Nov. 21 July, 4 Feb. 2 May. 7 April. 3 Sept, 28 Feb, 12 May. 23 Sept. 4 Mav. 27 Nov. 22 July. 5 May. 15 May. 10 Jan. 8171 8223 8264 8364 8483 3 Jan, 29 Jan. 10 Feb. 26 March 12 May,




Name, Eesidence, an. !nven ion. [o. 16. Surrows, P. F. M., Wellington, N.Z. Folding easy-chair iutler, J. S., Hamilton, Vic. Extracting gold by means of mercury. (J. W. Butler) Sutler, J. W., Blaekheath, Kent, Eng. (See J. S. Butler, No. 8633.) Sutterfield, J. C, Westminster, Eng. Treatment of the blue stone and other sulphurised ores .. Jahoone, E. R., Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. Stove lairns, J. C, Norsewooa, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Preserving fooa lairns, J. O, Norsewood, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Cover for pneumatic tires !aldwell, R., Auckland, N.Z. Governor for gas-engines laldwell, R., Auckland, N.Z. Governor for gas-engines laldwell, R., Auckland, N.Z. Igniting gas-engines lampbell, J., Waikaka, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap .. Jampbell, J., Randwick, Sydney, N.S.W. Treatment of gold- and silver-bearing ores larper, K. H., Salem, U.S.A. (See The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, No. 8493.) larse, J. B., Chicago, U.S.A. Gas-engine. (E.J.Pennington) 'arson, W., Lancaster, Eng. Nail larter, G. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Pot-cleaner larter, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Explosive compound. (J. G. Murray) Jarter, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Concrete and cement-mortar buildings and manufactures. (G. A. Wayss) larter, J. W., Brooklyn, U.S.A. Ore-separator iassel Gold Extracting Company (Limited), The, Glasgow, Scotland. Obtaining precious metals from solutions. (J. S. MacArthur) lastle, J. G. A., Petone, N.Z. Soldering-machine .. !ave, H., Papanui, Canterbury, N.Z. Horse-shoe with pneumatic cushion lhalmers, W., Milburn, N.Z. Lime-spreader lhamberlain, E. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Filter for water-tanks lhambers, J., Mokopeka, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Electrical radiator Jhambers, J., Mokopeka, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Electrical boiler 'hambers,.J. S.,. anal another, Melbourne, Vic. Oven lhambers, R., Cambriage, Aucklana, N.Z. Reel for win3ing skeins of wool !hampness, J. H., ana another, Yarrock, Vic. Railway rolling-stock Jharleston, J., Mataura, N.Z. Fumigator for rabbit poisoning Ihenhall, D., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Extracting gold Jhilds, H., Ashburton, N.Z. Clamp for flooring and lining Ihurches, J., Pahiatua, N.Z. Fire-guard Hark, E. L., Aucklana, N.Z. Saw-frame Hark, H. M., Sydney, N.S.W. Wire-strainer. (D. Moritz) Hark, J., and another, Kihikihi, Auckland, N.Z. Spring for the poles of vehicles Hay, W. R., Farnworth, Lancashire, Eng. Burners used for incandescent gas-lighting Haydon, G., Addington, Christchurch, N.Z. (See the Wood and Claydon Automatic Stoker, Coalcrusher, Self-feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company, Limited, No. 8826.) Haydon, G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Stoking, smoke-consuming, and fuel-economizing apparatus attached to steam-boilers Hayton, 0. P., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Extracting precious metals from ores Hements, J., London, Eng. Apparatus applicable to motor-carriages, cycles, &c for automatically signalling when a predetermined speed is attained Hements, S. P., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for operating Venetian blinds Hements, T., Launceston, Tas. Horse-collar Here, F. de J., Wellington, N.Z. Window-sash and -frame Herici, F., and another, Milan, It. Obtaining precious metals from ores Jockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Driving-gear for pumps Jockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Force-pump !ockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Relief-valve in force-pumps .. .. .. Jockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Stamper-guide for quartz-crushing and-grinding Jockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Perforated table for saving gold, silver, &c. .. Jole, T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Coffin !oles, Cowper-. (See under, Cowper.) lollins, E., Mataura, N.Z. Windmill lollins, E. E., Mataura, N.Z. Landing-net lombined Weight- and Cost-indicating Scale Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Costindicating apparatus. (W. Rollitt) Jonquer, H, Auckland, N.Z. Water-heater !ook, J., Hawthorn, Vic. Ploughshare .. !ooper, C, Mangorei, Taranaki, N.Z. Milk-aerator and-cooler looper, C. F., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Milking-bucket Jopeland, H. M., and another, Palrnerston North, N.Z. Brake for carriages, &c Jopeland, J., ana another, Wanganui, N.Z. Velocipede brake Jopeland, J., and another, Palrnerston North, N.Z. Brake for carriages, &c. Joppen, E. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Filter for water-tanks !orre, A. G., Cincinnati, U.S.A. Type-writing machine. (B.Granville) .. Jorrick, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Court shoe or golosh constructed of canvas Jousins, R. J., and another, Shaftesbury, Dorset, Eng. Corking-machine Joward, W. H., Kent, Eng. Concentrating, grading, or classifying crushed ore Jowper-Coles, S. 0., London, Eng. Producing sheets of metal by electro-deposition Jrosby, D. J., Kadina, S.A. Connecting-rods applicable to reapers, &c. .. Jrosby, D. J., Kadina, S.A. Belting for transmitting power .. iroxford, C. L., ana others, Duneain, N.Z. Water-heater Jroxford, C. S., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Water-heater Iroxford, G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Water-heater !rum, A., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Driving mechanism for bicycles Juming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Non-refill able bottle luming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Prop for bicycles Juming, A. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Obtaining and dressing fibre from N.Z. Phormium tenax luming, A. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Dressing flax Junningham, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Life-buoy line 8266 8633 8841 8717 8794 8889 8544 8566 8876 8401 8898 8244 8318 8587 8211 9147 8524 8185 8283 9107 9077 8199 8871 8934 8352 8860 8708 8180 9027 8518 8526 8297 8673 8607 8913 8605 8715 9136 11 Feb. 8 July. 14 Sept. 7 Aug. 18 Aug. 21 Sept. 2 June. 10 June. 21 Sept. 20 April. 22 Sept. 3 Feb. 2 March. 8 June. 23 Jan. 23 Dec 23 May. 10 Jan. 19 Feb. 8 Dec 25 Nov. 13 Jan. 17 Sept. 12 Oct. 20 March. 17 Sept. 6 Aug. 4 Jan. 11 Nov. 22 May. 26 May. 21 Feb. 22 July. 23 June. 5 Oct. 24 June. 6 Aug, 17 Dec. 8776 8691 8692 8252 8475 8542 8853 9047 9098 8451 22 Aug. 30 July. 30 July. 6 Feb. 11 May. 1 June. 16 Sept. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 28 April. 8292 9127 8446 18 Feb. 10 Dec. 29 April. 8193 9043 9094 8698 8804 8800 8804 8199 9015 8887 9016 8218 8459 8617 8618 8574 8574 8574 8235 8961 9095 8964 6 Jan. 17 Nov. 2 Dec. 31 July. 1 Sept. 24 Feb.'97 1 Sept. 13 Jan. 7 Nov. 24 Aug. 7 Nov. 25 Jan. 4 May. 2 July. 2 July. 12 June. 12 June. 12 June. 1 Feb. 21 Mar. '97 2 Dec. 22 Oct. 9114 8986 9 Dec. 31 Oct.




Name, Eesidence, am inveni iion. 10. :e. Cunnington, H. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Milking-machine Currie, J., Riversdale, Otago, N.Z. Thinning turnips Curties, W. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Driving mechanism of bicycles Curties, W. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle gear Curties, W. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Brake apparatus for bicycles Curties, W. W., ana others, Christchurch, N.Z. Driving mechanism for bicycles Cutlan Patent Sew-rouna Machine Synaicate (Limited), The, Lonaon, Eng. Sewing-machine. (P. Tracy.) Cutler, B., Auckland, N.Z. Form of suspending trousers Cutten, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-tailings elevator Cutten, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Winch for dredges Dahl.O, Palrnerston North, N.Z. Water-and rot-proof dressing Daily, J. J., Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. Pneumatic-tire protector Daily, J. J., Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. Tire .. Daily, J. J., Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. Crate for bicycles Daily, J. J., Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. Folding legs or stand for bicycles Daily, J. J., Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. Tire .. Daily, J. J., Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. Tire protector Daily, J. J., Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. Tire Daily, J. J., Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. Tire .. Dall, W , Dunedin, N.Z. Driving-gear for cycles Dalton, W., Stratford, N.Z. Oil-box for axles of vehicles Dalton, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Eucalypti cigar Dalton, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Ore-grinder and -crusher Dalton, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Ore-crusher Dalton, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Sash-fastener Dalziel, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Securing the nut of plough-wheel bearings Daniel, C. L.„Feilding, N.Z. Edge-tool sharpener .. Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Repairing broken wires in fences Danks,T.,-Christchurch, N.Z. Tightening wire fencing Darby, I., and others, London, Eng. Incandescent oil-burner .. Darby, W., and others, London, Eng. Incandescent oil-burner Darke, D., Wellington, N.Z. Window-shade Davidson, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacture of fatty matter from fatty animal tissues Davidson, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sanitary-paper holder Davidson, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sanitary-paper holder Davies, E., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Tire-protector Davies, E., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Driving-gear for cycles Davies, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Soldering-iron.. Davies, L., Christchurch, N.Z. Milking-machine .. Davies, Langdon-. (See under L.) Davies, R., Maxwelltown, Wanganui, N.Z. Ointment Davison, W. J., Timaru, N.Z. Steam wool-drier Davy Electrical Construction Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Electric lamp. (W. J. Davy) Davy, W. J., London, Eng. (See The Davy Electrical Construction Company, Limited, No. 8242.) Dawick, W. T,, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Game Dawson, S. H., Dargaville, N.Z. Railway ambulance-stretcher carrier Dear, W., Wellington, N.Z. Construction of concrete erections De Bavay, A. J. F., Melbourne, Vic. Aerating and cooling milk Deeble, J. J., Bendigo, Vic. Extracting gold Deere and Company, Illinois, U.S.A. Disc-plough. (S. D. Poole) De Laval, C. G. P., Stockholm, Sweden. Pressure-reducing apparatus De Laval, C. G. P., Stockholm, Sweden. Regulating motors De Morgenstern, B. F., and another, London, Eng. Galvanic battery .. ... Dempsey, M. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. W. B. Abel, No. 8942.) Denham, E., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Cooling and aerating milk Denman, E. W., and others, Wandsworth, Surrey, Eng. Wire fencing .. Denman, J. H., and others, Overton, Hants, Eng. Wire fencing Denman, H. A., and others, Overton, Hants, Eng. Wire fencing Detrick, J. S., Baltimore, U.S.A. Cigarette machine De Wolf, T. A., Sydney, N.S.W. (See W. H. Moseley, No. 8512.) Dickerson, E. N., and another, New York, U.S.A. Producing and liquefying acetylene gas Diehl, H. L., ana another, Hamburg, Germany. Recovery of goia and silver from their solutions Diehl, P., and another, New Jersey, U.S.A. Rotary electric fan Dillberg, G., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Gold-saving machine Dimick, W. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Horse-cover Dixson, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Device to prevent refilling of bottles. (J. D. Midson, F. W. Schroeder) Doda, J., ana another, Nottingham, Eng. (See J. Thompson, C. Everara, No. 8926.) Dodge, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Press for trussing straw Dodge, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Baling-press D< ggett, H. W. T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus to prevent horses from running away Dolbey.T. H., London, Eng. Window-blind. (K. A. Frosell).. Donald, D., Wellington, N.Z. Instrument for dehorning calves Donald, D., Masterton, N.Z. Chain-gripping lever .. Donald, D., Masterton, N.Z. Stumping and heavy-weight-lifting machine Down, E. R., Gillingham, Dorset, Eng. Curing bacon and hams Down, E. R., Gillingham, Dorset, Eng. Cylinder or vessel for curing bacon and hams, &c. Drabsch, A. W. R., and others, Mannum, S.A. Driving-gear for cycles, &c Drake, E. D., Wellington, N.Z. Sash-fastener lock Drummond, J., Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Gate-hinge Dryland, F., Auckland, N.Z. Heels of boots and shoes Duff, C. B., and another, Balclutha, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Duff, J. N., ana another, Balclutha, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Duflou, L. J., Wanganui, N.Z. Evaporating-kiln for fruits, vegetables, &c. Dumoulin, E., Paris, Fr. (See F. H. Snow, No. 8254.) Dungey, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Preventing the sickening of mercury 8801 8303 8330 8515 8593 8235 9017 27 Aug. 22 Feb. 4 March. 20 May. 19 June. lFeb. 7 Nov. 8234 8196 8214 8248 8846 8847 8848 8849 8850 8851 8911 9010 9033 8488 8277 8293 8294 8336 8722 8250 9060 9061 9143 9143 8245 8915 8838 9038 8582 8930 8179 8263 30 Jan. 10 Jan. 18 Jan. 4 Feb. 16 Sept. 16 Sept. 16 Sept. 9 Sept. 11 Sept. 16 Sept. 3 Oct. 3 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 May. 17 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 5 March 8 Aug. 5 Feb. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 19 Dec. 19 Dec 3 Feb. 5 Oct. 12 Sept. 16 Nov. 16 June. 10 Oct. 9 Jan. 8 Feb. 8426 8311 8242 28 April. 28 Feb. 3 Feb. 9063 8249 8967 8819 8225 8316 8431 8432 9018 23 Nov. 1 Feb. 24 Oct. 3 Sept. 29 Jan. 2 March, 28 April. 28 April. 7 Nov. 8943 8479 8479 8479 8267 19 Oct. 12 May. 12 May. 12 May. 11 Feb. 8174 8973 9157 9001 8557 8226 6 Jan. 26 Oct. 29 Dec. 4 Nov. 4 June. 29 Jan. 8367 8781 8938 8979 8664 8888 8924 8750 8751 8818 9141 8627 8989 8507 8507 8287 25 March, 20 Aug. 16 Oct. 28 Oct. 21 July 3 Sept. 9 Oct. 17 Aug. 17 Aug. 3 Sept. 21 Dec. 4 July. 31 Oct. 18 May. 18 May. 19 Feb. 8356 20 March




2—H. 10.

ame, iesii .ence, an< [nveni jion. o. ;e. Dunkin, J. H, Carlton, Sydney, N.S.W. (See C. Waaey, A. W. Thomas, No. 8672.) Dunn, D., and others, Lincoln, Canterbury, N.Z. Oil-lamp .. .. .. .. Durie, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Airtight canister-cover .. .. ,. Durston, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Tin for preserving butter, meat, &c. .. .. • -.. Dyhrberg, L. N., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Driving-mechanism for bicycles .. .. Dykes, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Holder for books .. .. .. .. Eagle Pencil Company, New York, U.S.A. Pencil. (C.W.Bowman) .. -..-, Economic Refrigerating Company, The, Chicago, U.S.A. Refrigerating apparatus. (G. F. Knox and E. F. Sharpneck) Edge, K. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Tool. (A.Arnold) .. Edgerton, W., Melbourne, Vic. Apparatus for effecting the more perfect combustion of fuel in furnaces Edwards, A. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Driving-gear for cycles Egestorff, J. F., London, Eng. Holder for delivering laundry-blue, &c. .. Ellershausen, P., London, Eng. Treatment of complex sulphide-ores .. .. .. Ellershausen, F., London, Eng. Treatment of complex sulphide-ores Ellis, D. S., and another, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Vic. (See The Folk-Ellis Patent Marine Governor and Safety Cut-off Company, Limited, No. 8597.) Ellis, G., Hastings, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Sprayer Ellis, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Propelling-gear for cycles Ellis, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Undergear of rolling-stock .. .. .. Ellis, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Candle-holder Ellis, P., Christchurch, N.Z, Combined tobacco-cutter, match-box, and pipe-cleaner Elston, R., Ashburton, N.Z. Wool-working needle .. Embleton, D., Leeds, Eng. Pneumatic stamps for crushing ores Erlwein, G., and another, Berlin, Germany. Production of zinc from its ores Eustace, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Airtight cover for tins .. Eustace, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Lid-measurer Eustace, J. F.', Okato, Taranaki, N.Z. Carrying reels of barbed fencing-wire Evans, A., Gore, Otago, N.Z. Attachment of endless belts Evans, A., and another, Gore, Otago, N.Z. Drying wool Evens, E. L., Malvern, S.A. Velocipedes Evens, E. L., and another, Malvern, S.A. Fastening device for suspending garments Everard, C, and another, Peterborough, Northampton, Eng. Bicycle. (J. Dodd and J. Harrison) Evinof, J., London, Eng. Locking-nut Fairweather, W., Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-scraping machine Fairweather, W., Blenheim, N.Z. Beating-bar for flax-strippers Falconer, W. S., Wellington, N.Z. Tire.. Featon, E. H., and others, Gisborne, N.Z. Boot protector Fenby, J. B., and another, Warwick, Eng. (See E. Waters, No. 8548.) Fennah, W., and another, Kensington, Vic. Driving-gear for cycles Ferguson, M., Melbourne, Vic. Joining the edges of metal plates Finch, C. A., Sydney, N.S.W. (See H. J. Ingle, No, 8419.) Firth, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Coal-distributor Fisher, C. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Machine for printing and measuring the material employed in making bags Fisher, H. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing horses from bolting Fisher, J. D., Melbourne, Vic. Advertising directory table Fleming, A. S., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Condensed-milk products Fleuss, H. A., Middlesex, Eng. (See Fleuss Pneumatic Tire Syndicate, Limited, No. 8326.) Fleuss Pneumatic Tire Syndicate, Limited, London, Eng. Pneumatic tires. (H. A. Fleuss) Florey, J., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Tire Flower, J. W., and another, Shaftesbury, Dorset, Eng. Corking-machine.. Floyd, C. A., and another, London, Eng. Shafts of vehicles .. .. Flynn, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Cutting butter Folk-Ellis Patent Marine Governor and Safety Cut-off Company (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vic Preventing the " racing " of marine engines. (D. S. Ellis, S. M. Polk) Folk, S. M., and another, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Vic. (See the Folk-Ellis Patent Marine Governor and Safety Cut-off Company, Limited, No. 8597.) Foote, G. W. M., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Extracting precious metals from ores Ford, E. J. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Writing-tablet and door for telephone instruments Ford, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Sanitary shield for urinals Ford, L. P., and another, London, Eng. Utilisation of brewers' " draff " or " spent" grains Forsman, M., Te Aroha, N.Z. Lotion Foster, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Propelling bicycles Fox, A. S., Sumner, Canterbury, N.Z. Boots and shoes Frankel, S., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Branding sheep Frasch, H, Cleveland, U.S.A. Mining gold Fraser, J., Brighton, Vic. Fuse-lighter .. Frewen, M., and another. (See A. W, Meeks, No. 8255.) Freyberg, J., Wellington, N.Z. Extracting essential properties of bark of trees Friend, J". E., Christchurch, N.Z. (See the Motive-power and Light Company, Limited, No. 8822.) Friend, J. E., Christchurch, N.Z. (See the Friend's Steam-generator and Imporous Butter-box Company, Limited, No. 8995.) Friend, J. E., Wellington, N.Z. Steam-boiler Friend, J. E., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Driving mechanism of bicycles Friend's Steam generator and Imporous Butter box Company (Limited), The, Ashburton, N.Z. Composition for coating butter-boxes. (J. E. Friend) Frith, H., Waitekauri, Auckland, N.Z. Protecting workers in stamper-batteries from the dust.. Frolich, O., Berlin, Germany. Extracting metals from ores .. .. .. .. Frosell, K. A., Smyrna, Ottoman Empire. (See T. H. Dolbey, No. 8979.) Frost, G., Auckland, N.Z. Wheel- and roller-attachment for carriages Fuller, G. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Wool-washing machine .. .. .. .. Fuller, H. F., Chicago, U.S.A. (See Pettibone, Mulliken, and Co., No. 8937. Furlonge, F. A., Hawera, N.Z. Preserving meat Furlonge, F. A., Hawera, N.Z. Thawing frozen produce .. .. .. ■... 8896 9054 9082 8235 8400 8289 8522 8190 8590 8382 8668 8843 8916 8894 8763 8780 8909 9011 8960 9161 8338 8517 8525 8579 9064 8413 8305 8880 8926 9024 8575 9080 8987 8365 8881 8904 8585 8792 26 Sept. 14 Nov. 1 Dec. 1 Feb. 11 April. 21 Feb. 23 May. 10 Jan, 19 June, 1 April. 22 July. 14 Sept. 6 Oct. 27 June. 17 Aug. 20 Aug. 1 Oct. 3 Nov. 8 Oct. 31 Dec. 11 March. 19 May. 21 May. 11 June. 17 Nov. 22 April. 28 Feb. 23 Sept. 10 Oct. 11 Nov. 12 June. 28 Nov. 81 Oct. 25 March. 23 Sept. 30 Sept. 13 June. 24 Aug. 8415 8550 8912 21 April. 3 June. 5 Oct. 8326 8461 9016 8251 8484 8597 4 March. 4 May. 7 Nov. 4 Feb. 12 May. 24 June. 8715 8300 8696 8481 8543 9046 8591 8434 8741 8830 6 Aug. 25 Feb. 29 July. 12 May. 2 June. 17 Nov. 18 June. 28 April. 15 Aug. 9 Sept. 9126 16 Dec. 9075 9130 8995 28 Nov. 15 Dec 30 Oct. 9122 8782 25 Nov. 24 Aug. 8933 9074 5 Oct. 26 Nov. 8753 9029 17 Aug. 12 Nov.




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. 10. ;e. Furness, A. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Disinfecting box .. Fyfe, P., and another, Glasgow, Scot. Wheel Gahb, C. B., New Plymouth, N.Z. Milk-aerator Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Advertising medium Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Soap-powaer .. Galbraith, D. R. S., Aucklana, N.Z. Furnace Galopin, H., Melbourne, Vic. Cock .. .. .. .... Garlana, C. L., Sydney, N.S.W. Driving gear for cycles. (T.Andrew) Garlana, T., Wellington, N.Z. Washing-boiler Garnier, J., Paris, Fr. Concentrating and amalgamating gold-ores Gaut, J., Hastings, N.Z. Race-recorder Gaut, J., Hastings, N.Z. Starting-machine Gaut, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Time- and position-recorder for races Gaut, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Match-striker Gaut, J., Leichhardt, Syaney, N.S.W. Driving mechanism of bicycles Gee, J. E., ana another, York, Eng. Machine for washing floors Gee, W. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Operating Venetian blinas Gee, W. O, ana another, Christchurch, N.Z. Bat-blade protector Gee, W. J., and another, York, Eng. Machine for washing floors Genn, P., Linwood, Christchurch, N.Z. Seea-drill .. Gibbons, N., Manurewa, Auckland, N.Z. Roller-slip for launching timber logs Gibson, B. M., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Tarring and delivering wood blocks for paving roadways Gibson, H., Ngaire, N.Z. Branding cattle, &c. Gichard, E. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rabbit-trap .. Gill, A. B., and another, Kent, Eng. Lighting, heating, and ventilating railway-carriages, &c. .. Gilmour, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Curing meat Gilmour, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Freezing meat Gilmour, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Tanning bides and skins Gilmour, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Weighing and grading the carcases of sheep and lambs Glass, B. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Freezing meat Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Convertible perambulator and cradle Gooder, N. I., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Liquid motive-power applicable to bicycles, <fco. .. Gopner, C. W. H., and another, Hamburgh, Germany. Recovery of gold and silver from their solutions Gordon-Jones, J., Taheke, Hokianga, N.Z. Photographic washer and rocker Gough, J. G., and another, Young, N.S.W. Driving-gear for cycles Goulding, R., Taradale, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Vessel and means for propelling same .. Goyder, A. W., Hillgrove, N.S.W. Discharge-shoots for feeding ore to stamp-batteries ■ .. Graham, J. C, Gisborne. N.Z. Wire-straining grip Grannes, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Buckle or fastener for shoes Granville, B., Cincinnati, U.S.A. (See A. G. Corre, No. 9015.) Grapes, G. H., Wellington, N.Z. Hoe .. Grapes, G. H., Paraparaumu, Wellington, N.Z. Bottle tell-tale Grapes, G. H., Paraparaumu, Wellington, N.Z. Collar-stud .. Gray, B., Wollongong, N.S.W. Saving gold Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Deepening adjust for ploughs Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Disc-harrow Gray, J., Wellington, N.Z. Cultivator .. Greaves, W. H. G., Cradock, Cape Colony. Plough Greenbalgh, R., London, Eng. Marking and arranging patterns or sections of garments, &o. Greenslade, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Threshing-machine Gresham, E. G., Invercargill, N.Z. Wire strainer .. Griffith, A. H, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Pump Griffiths, P. 0., Melbourne, Vic. Securing doors of railway-carriages, &c Grilli, R., Sumscaia, Russia. Bicycle Gross, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Boots and shoes .. .. ... Gualter, A. F., Napier, N.Z. Guff-guard.. Guilleaume, M., Mulheim-on the-Rhine, Germany. Electric cables Gutensohn, A., Limehouse, Middlesex, Eng. Disintegration of quartz Hall, F. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-hanger Hall, J., Leeds, Eng. Treating skins, hides, <fco. Hall, J. W., and another, Toorak, Vic. Steam-shovel Hamann, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Bucket Hamilton, G. W. N., Albert Park, Vic. Enamel paint Hamilton, H. R. W., and another, Little Akaloa, Canterbury, N.Z. Milking machine Hamlin, G., Greymouth, N.Z. Film-carrier for magic-lantern Hamlin, G., Greymouth, N.Z. Wire-net spring bea ana couch Hampe, W., and another, Hanover, Germany. Manufacture of zinc-oxide Hannam, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Shower-bath apparatus Hansen, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Draught-preventing apparatus for doors and windows Hansen, C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Draught-preventing apparatus for doors and winaows Harding, W. E., and another, Young, N.S.W. Driving gear for cycles Hardley, S., Ashburton, N.Z. Seed-sower Hare, A., and another, Kaeo, Whangaroa, N.Z. Electric bath Hare, J. R., and another, Kaeo, Wbangaroa, N.Z. Electric bath Harman, T. de R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Supporting-attachment for bicycles Harman, T. de R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Device for employment upon the handle-bar of cycles Harper, J. H., Wanganui, N.Z. Separator Harper, J. H., Wanganui, N.Z. Rain-water separator Harper, J. H., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Flax-scraping machine Harper, W. A., Sydney, N.S.W. (See W. H. Moseley, No. 8513.) Harris, A., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Fiax-scraping machine Harris, J., and another, Petersham, Sydney, N.S.W. Boots and shoes Harris, J. P., Nelson, N.Z. Day-book ,, 9149 9088 8968 8237 8331 8424 8370 9050 9013 8503 8528 8529 9068 9086 9108 8392 8621 8963 8392 8467 9160 8724 24 Dec 24 Nov. 9 Oct. 6 Mar. 6 March. 24 April. 28 March 18 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 May. 26 May. 26 May. 26 Nov. 2 Dec. 10 Dec. 9 April. 2 July. 21 Oct. 9 April. 6 May. 23 Dec. 12 Aug. 9105 8375 8377 8811 8859 8855 9153 9071 8941 8798 8973 27 Nov. 31 March 31 March 31 Aug. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 30 Nov. 24 Nov. 12 Oct. 29 Aug. 26 Oct. 9103 8869 8953 9089 8754 8905 7 Dec. 18 Sept. 21 Oct. 3 Dec 12 Aug. 30 Sept. 8362 8626 8952 8619 8571 8921 8561 9135 8615 8344 8931 S465 8S09 8981 8784 8596 8376 8749 8469 9131 9116 8261 8716 8801 8232 8993 8767 8291 8772 24 March. 4 July. 22 Oct. 2 July. 10 June. 3 Oct. 8 June. 17 Dec. 2 July. 11 March. 7 Oct. 4 May. 2 Sept. 28 Oct. 24 Aug. 22 June. 31 March. 17 Aug. 5 May. 17 Dec. 10 Dec. 4 Feb. 6 Aug. 27 Aug. 29 Jan. 27 Oct. 21 Aug. 21 Feb. 22 Aug. 8772 8869 8796 8449 8449 8983 8984 22 Aug. 18 Sept. 10 Aug. 29 April. 29 April. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 8396 8950 8227 8 April. 20 Oct. 28 Jan. 8227 8729 8320 28 Jan. 12 Aug. 3 March




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. fo. ;e. Harris, W. H., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Filter Harris, W. H., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Oil-lamp Harrison, A., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Tire-protector Harrison, A., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Driving-gear for cycles Harrison, J., and another, Stamford, Lincoln, Eng. (See J. Thompson, C. Everard, No. 8926.) Harrow, J., Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. Combined stench-tight commode and water-flush pump Hart, A., ana another, Melbourne, Vic. Butter-box Hart, C. H., Eastbourne, Sussex, Eng. Cycling-skirt Hart, J. R., Ashburton, N.Z. Horse-collar Hart, L. H, Melbourne, Vic. Self-acting stereopticon .. .. .. •• Hartitzsch, Von. (See unaer V.) Harvey, J. G., Rakaia, Canterbury, N.Z. Furrow-cutter for ploughs Harwood, P. G., Wanganui, N.Z. Clock for timing sports, &c Hathaway, A. H, Timaru, N.Z. Device for aiding persons to play piano accompaniments Hathaway, A. H., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Raising stool Hatton, W., Caversham, N.Z. Confection Haub, R., Perth, W.A. Railway-carriage coupling .. Haughton, R. S., Wellington, N.Z. Tire Hawkins, G. F., Palrnerston North, N.Z. Type-writing machine Hawkins, S. M., Kew, Vic. Sheep-shears Hayes, L., Rough Ridge, Otago, N.Z. Pollard-poison cutter .. Hean, L. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Corsets Hedge, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Locking the wheels of vehicles Hedge, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Locking the wheels of vehicles Heiden, O. C, Wellington, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver Heighton, A. L., Wellington, N.Z. Bottle Hement, T. C. Washing-board Henderson, J.,-Hawera, N.Z. Safety-breeching Henneberg, W., and another, Hamburgh, Germany. Grading and removing dust from pulverised ore Henoch'sbe'rg, J.] and another, London, Eng. Extracting gold Henry, J. H., Wellington, N.Z. Book-blotter Henry, R. J., Ashburton, Canterbury, N.Z. Horse-collar Henwood, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Hibberd, C, South Yarra, Vic. Life-boat Hickson, T. W., Brighton, Vic Handle and support for cans Higgins, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge Higgins, M., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Wheel and axle Hildyard, R. J. L., Cue, W.A. Axles of vehicles. (J. Tagell) Hill, A. G., and another, Havelock, N.Z. Hauling-cage Hill, C. J., Upper Riccarton, Canterbury, N.Z. Propelling bicycles, &c, by manual power Hill, C. J., Upper Riccarton, Canterbury, N.Z. Propelling cycles by manual power Hill, E. J., and another, Westminster, Eng. Supporting sash-windows .. Hill, V. W., and another, Hull, Eng. Supporting sash-windows Hillman, J., Ballarat, Vic. Gear for mining-cages .. Hindley, M., Christchurch, N.Z. Hooks and eyes .. Hinson, W., Melbourne, Vic. Clip for bicycles Hobday, H. S. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing collapse of inflated tires when punctured Hodge, T. H., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Rein Hogg, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Method of working steam-engine Hoiland, E., and another, Kuaotunu, Auckland, N.Z. Extracting gold .. Holford, G., Auckland, N.Z. Davits for ships'boats Holloway, G. T., and another, London, Eng. Smelting auriferous antimony ores Holroyd, L. J., Wellington, N.Z. Stand for holding bicycles .. .. .. Hooker, L., Brisbane, Queensland. Gas-burner Horn, G. W., and another, Kuaotunu, Auckland, N.Z. Extracting gold .. Horn, G. W., and another, Kuaotunu, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver .. Horneman, C. W., Brisbane, Queensland. Saving gold Hosking, A., Palrnerston North, N.Z. Cultivator Houston, D., Brisbane, Queensland. Soldering the joints of tin vessels Howard, J., and another, Surbiton, Surrey, Eng. Motor-engine Howden, T. G., Kew, Vic Electric lamp for cycles Howe, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Polish for boots, &c .. .. Howland, A. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Fastening for gloves, shoes, &c .. Howson, W., Stratford, N.Z. Sash-fastener Howson, W., Stratford, N.Z. Hanging-sashes Howson, W., Stratfora, N.Z. Tin-opener Huggins, H. A. R., Wellington, N.Z. Device for calculation of interest .. Hughes, C. W., Lonaon, Eng. Hair-pin.. Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Treatment of zinc- and copper-bearing ores. (W. J. Koehler) Humble, W., and another, Geelong, Vic. Clothes-washing machine. (G. Bryan) .. ., Hunt, J. S., Hughenden, Queensland. Water-tank.. .. .. .. .. Hunter, F. E., Melbourne, Vic. Box-iron .. .. .. .. .. Huntington, A. K., London, Eng, Manufacture of hydrocyanic acid Hutson, P., Wellington, N.Z. Connections for drainage-pipes ., Hutton, R. W., Wellington, N Z. Back-support for cyclists Hyatt, W. H., and another, Surrey, Eng. Extracting gold Ingle, H. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Regulating the supply of gas. (C. A. Finch) Ingle, H. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Liquid composiiion. (A. A. Stephenson) Innes, D. T. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cricket wickets Isaacs, D., Pahiatua, Wellington, N.Z. Advertisement Isherwood, J. C. R., Palrnerston North, N.Z. Telephones Jack, R., Rutherglen, Vic. Apparatus for bagging and weighing fruit, &c Jackson, J. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Lighting cigars and cigarettes Jackson, J. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Lighting oigars and cigarettes Jackson, W. W., Geelong, Vic. Polish for metals .. .. .. ,..-.... 8634 8896 8582 8930 6 July. 26 Sept. 16 June. 10 Oct. 8793 25 Aug. 8340 9049 8640 8783 11 March. 18 Nov. 9 July. 24 Aug. 8761 8554 8414 8551 8349 9137 8765 8192 8547 8641 8366 8206 8516 8462 9145 8965 9085 9106 8359 8282 8864 8452 8418 8391 8491 8556 8500 8797 8371 8477 8824 8824 8998 8276 8304 8856 17 Aug. 4 June. 22 April. 2 June. 14 March. 17 Dec. 20 Aug. 10 Jan. 3 June. 14 July. 25 March. 16 Jan. 20 May. 4 May. 23 Dec. 17 Mar.,'91 4 Nov. 7 Dec. 23 March. 18 Feb. 17 Sept. 30 April. 24 April. 9 April. 9 May. 4 June. 13 May. 29 Aug. 27 March. 9 May. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 4 Nov. 14 Feb. 28 Feb. 12 Sept. 8658 9121 8545 8653 8870 8897 8439 8545 8271 8310 8940 8438 9148 9026 9159 8476 8301 8360 8406 8181 9019 8844 8560 8674 8327 8719 8660 8948 8359 8419 8229 9052 8427 8341 9109 8650 8723 8972 20 July. 9 Dec. 2 June. 15 July. 18 Sept. 29 Sept. 28 April. 2 June. 11 Feb. 2 March. 16 Oct. 28 April, 23 Dec 11 Nov. 23 Dec. 8 May. 26 Feb. 25 March. 21 April. 9 Jan. 10 Nov. 15 Sept. 6 June. 22 July. i March, 7 Aug. 21 July. 21 Oct. 23 March, 24 April. 30 Jan. 20 Nov. 28 April. 11 March, 10 Dec. 14 July. 11 Aug. 26 Oct,




Name, Eesi< ience, am [liven'. don. fo. ;e. Jacob, C, Wellington, N.Z. Cycle-saddle James, H. B., and another, Melbourne, Vic Tire .. James, W. H., and another, London, Eng. Extracting precious metals from their ores Jeffcoat, F. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Amalgamator and concentrator Jenkins, C. D., Boston, U.S.A. Pulverising ores Jenkins, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Jenkins, W. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wheel Jensen, H. C, Manawatu, N.Z. Stump-jack Jensen, J. H, Wellington, N.Z. Harrow and cultivator Jensen, J. H., Wellington, N.Z. Harrow and cultivator Jewell, W. A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Bafc-blade protector Jeyes' Sanitary Compounds Company (Limited), and another, London, Eng. Sheep-dipping powders Johnson, H. G., and another, Birchip, Vic. Clothes-washing machine Johnson, M. A., Palrnerston North, N.Z. Tire Johnson, M. A., Featherston, N.Z. Tub-drainer and clothes-protector Johnston, E. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Colander Jones, A., sen., Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Wire-strainer Jones, A. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Burglar alarm Jones, A. W., Melbourne, Vic. Cess-pan and cover Jones, Gordon-. (See under G.) Jones, Moore-. (See under M.) Jordan, A., London, Eng. Disintegrating hard substances Joubert, N. A., a,nd another, Sydney, N.S.W. Apparatus for producing ice-cream. (G. A. Amos) Joynson, F. E. B., and another, Richmond, Vic. Sheep-shearing machine Keating, R. M., Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Bicycle Keetley, T. E., Fernside, Canterbury, N.Z. Furrow-slicer for ploughs Kellogg, J. H., Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S.A. Radiant-heat bath Kellogg, J. H, Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S.A. Alimentary product Kemp, C. 0.-, Sydney, N.S.W. Cycle-handle and steering-bar .. Kent, A. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Carriage-lamp Keyes, F. R., and another, New York, U.S.A. Cigar machine .. Keymer, W., Auckland, N.Z. Funnel attachment for box-iron Kiernan, E., Havelock, N.Z. Machine for forcing water or air Kindermann, F. J. A., Melbourne, Vic. Driving mechanism of bicycles .. King, K, Sydney, N.S.W. Pneumatic-tired wheel King, W. R., and another, New York, U.S.A. Forming calcium carbide .. Kinkead, J. H., Virginia, U.S.A. (See Kinkeaa Mill Company, No. 8616.) Kinkeaa Mill Company, San Francisco, U.S.A. Rock-crushing and -grinding apparatus. (J. H. Kinkead) Kirk, G. A., and another, Victoria, Canada. Gold-amalgamator Kirk, H. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Separating and supporting telegraph- and telephonewires Kirkbride, J. L., Wellington, N.Z. Cam for lifting stamps of stamp batteries Kirkbride, J. L., Wellington, N.Z. Cam for lifting stamps of stamp batteries Kirkbride, J. L., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing window-sashes from rattling Kirkpatrick, J. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Interlocking block semaphore Kirshner, M., Salem, Virginia, U.S.A. (See The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, No. 8309.) Kitchingman, E. L., Cowra Creek Goldfleld, N.S.W. Marine vessel Knapp, E. A., and another, Motueka, Nelson, N.Z. Music-leaf turner Knott, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Combined gasometer, purifier, stand and case for limelight apparatus Knox, E. B. J., Johannesburg, South Africa. Treatment of ores Knox, G. F., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. (See The Economical Refrigerating Company, No. 8522.) Koch, A. O, Auckland, N.Z. Duplex spanner for railways Koehler, W. J., Broken Hill, N.S.W. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 8844.) Kohlsaat, P. N., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Kiln Krause, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope and wrapper Kreissig, M., Wellington, N.Z. Ice-safe.. Lamb, J. G., Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-gear Lamb, J. R., Waikato, N.Z. Wire-clip and-splicer Lambe, W., Papatoitoi, Auckland, N.Z. Harness-breeching .. Lambert, F., Parkhurst, Wairoa, N.Z. Potato-digger and-bagger .. .. ' .. Landells, W. H, and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Wire-staple .. Landells, W. H., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Cutting holes in wood, metal, <Sse. .. Landells, W. H., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Cutting holes in wood, metal, &c. Langdon-Davies, W., West Kensington, Eng. (See The Alternate Current Electro-motor Syndicate, Limited, No. 8609.) Lansell, G., Bendigo, Vic. Pump Lansell, G., Bendigo, Vic Apparatus for counterbalancing haulage-ropes in mines Larsen, P., Invercargill, N.Z. Corking bottles Laurie, B. A., Auckland, N.Z. Race-starting machine .. .. Laval, De. (See under D.) Lawless, T. G., ana others, Gisborne, N.Z. Boot-protector Lawrence, H. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Wheel-lock for bicycles Lawrence, S., Melbourne, Vic. Marine propulsion .. Lawson, L., Sydney, N.S.W. Buckle ana fastener for mail-bags Layman, H. D., New York, U.S.A. (See W. Wiggins, No. 8636.) Lee, G., Duneain, N.Z. Hydraulic elevator or mining-pump .. .. .. Lee Lamp [Parent] Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. (See E. Waters, No. 8548.) Leech, G. J., Rangiora, Canterbury, N.Z. Flax-stripping machine Lees, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. Lees, S. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Polish for boots, &c Legg, A. W., Balclutha, Otago, N.Z. Furrow-skimmer Legg, A. W., Balclutha, Otago, N.Z. Pulverising attachment for ploughs .. ... Legge, A. M., Auckland, N.Z. Candle-holder 8852 8785 8713 8951 8929 8375 9088 8177 8200 8387 8963 8867 8610 8353 8635 8385 8447 9023 9111 8632 8882 8648 9151 8638 8429 8430 8588 8495 8319 9012 8222 8810 8787 8744 8616 8458 8246 8576 8775 9062 8466 16 Sept. 24 Aug. 6 Aug. 22 Oct. 10 Oct. 31 March, 24 Nov. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 7 April. 21 Oct. 18 Sept. 27 June. 20 March 10 July. 7 April. 30 April. 23 Oct. 10 Dec. 8 July. 23 Sept. 14 July. 24 Dec. 11 July. 28 April. 28 April. 19 June. 12 May. 2 March 3 Nov. 28 Jan. 2 Sept. 24 Aug. 17 Aug. 2 July. 8 May. 3 Feb. 15 June. 22 Aug. 23 Nov. 7 May. 8421 8489 8762 8629 24 April. 12 May. 17 Aug. 6 July. 8347 11 Maroh 8817 8194 8825 8398 8274 8656 8611 8496 8731 8873 3 Sept. 11 Jan, 5 Sept. 14 April. 13 Feb. 17 July. 30 June. 12 May. 11 Aug. 19 Sept, 8212 9045 8394 8962 23 Jan. 17 Nov. 8 April. 21 Sept. 8365 9129 8502 9081 25 March, 15 Dec. 18 May. 25 Nov. 8639 15 June. 8779 8332 9159 8651 8834 8541 20 Aug. 7 March, 23 Dec. 15 July. 10 Sept. 27 May.




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. 'o. ;e. Legge, A. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Preservative for fruit, eggs, &c Legge, E. N., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Preservative for fruit, eggs, cfco. Lehmann, F. D. T., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Kiln Lever, S., Paddington, Sydney, N.S.W. Securing neckties, bows, &c Lewington, T. M, Lyttelton, N.Z. Ventilator for water-closets .. Lewington, T. M , Lyttelton, N.Z. Sanitary ventilator Lewis, I., Reefton, N.Z. Dredging auriferous rivers Lewis, I., Reefton, N.Z. Ore-roasting furnace Lewis, I., Reefton, N.Z. Candle-holder .. Lewis, I., Reefton, N.Z. Wheel Lewis, I., Reefton, N.Z. Removing large stones Lewis, I., Reefton, N.Z. Heating apparatus Lewis, T. W., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Filter Lewis, T. W., and others, Lyttelton, N.Z. Oil-lamp Leyden, J. B., Melbourne, Vic. Toy Leyden, T., and another, Trentham, Vic. Horse-race starter .. Light, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Menu-and wine-card stand .. Lightband, C. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Apron for reapers and binders Lightband, C. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Attachment for belt-stitching machine Lightband, G. W. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Step-ladder Lightfoot, T. B., London, Eng. Cooling air Lindsay, A. McK., and another, Wainawa, Otago, N.Z. Condensing and sterilising milk Lindsay, R. C, and another, Wainawa, Otago, N.Z. Condensing and sterilising milk Linlev, J. A., London, Eng. Pieserving frozen meat Litchfield, E. M., Greymouth, N.Z. Tea-infuser Ljun°strom, B., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. Cycle Ljungstrom, F., Stockholm, Sweden. Heating or evaporating apparatus .. Ljungstrom, F-, and another, Stockholm, Sweden. Cycle Lloyd, J. F., Woolston, Canterbury, N.Z. Coupling for driving-belts Lob, J. L.| and others, Adelaide, S.A. Driving gear for cycles, &o. Lockwood, A. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Treating ores Longridge, C. C, and another, Leigh, Essex, Eng. Smelting auriferous antimony ores Lorenz, R. 0., Gottingen, Ger. Apparatus for producing zinc and lead Lovegrove, H. W., Geraldine, N Z. Sulky Lundon, D., and another, Tauranga, N.Z. Wire-strainer,-coiler, and-uncoiler Lungwitz. E. E., Brooklyn, U.S.A. Smelting ores .. Luplan, W., South Yarra, Vic. Aeration of milk .. Luttrell, A. E., and another, Launceston, Tasmania. Pump .. Luttrell, G. S., Launceston. Tasmania. Pump Luxford, W. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cultivator Luxford, W. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Marking sheep, &c. Luxford, W. L, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bottle-stopper Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Turnip sower Macalister, J, Invercargill, N.Z. Lime and ashes distributor .. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Ridger for making raised drills MacArthur, J. S., Renfrew, Scot. (See The Cassel Gold-extracting Company, Limited, No. 8185.) Macdonald, C. A , Sydney, N.S.W T . Cooling air for freezing purposes Macdonald, C. R., Otahuhu, Auckland, N.Z. Hot-air engine Macdonald, C. R., Otahuhu, Auckland, N.Z. Hot air engine .. Macdonald, D., Wellington, N.Z. Wood-splitting machine Macdonald, R. M, Christchurch, N.Z. Cost-indicating apparatus Macdonald, R. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle MacDonnell, D. G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Drum for aerial wire-tramway systems Maclaren, W. P., and another, Glasgow, Scot. Condensed-milk products .. ... Mactear, J., London, Eng. Extracting precious metals from their ores .. Majert, W., Falkenberg, Ger. Extracting gold Mallandine, W., and another, Ngaruawahia, N.Z. Pressing fat Mander, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Vote-recording machine .. Mann, T. H., Waimate, Canterbury, N.Z. Bootlace-fastener .. Mansfield, J. E., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Milking-bucket Manttan. J., Wellington, N.Z. Venetian blind Manttan, J., Wellington, N.Z. Venetian-blind lathe Marsh, A., New Plymouth, N.Z. Seed-drill Marsh, A., New Plymouth, N.Z. Attachment for seed-drill Marshall, J. J,, Sydney, N.S.W. Driving-gear for cycles Marshall, L,, and another, London, Eng. Starting-machine for races Martin, A., Wellington, N.Z. Photographs Martin, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Sheep-shears. (H.Bland) Massey-Harris Company (Limited), Toronto, Canada. Steering the wheels of ploughs. (C. McLeod) Matchptt, R., Melbourne, Vic. Reducing the pressure of liquids and gases May, K. A., London, Eng. Extracting gold and silver from their ores Mayer, D., London, Eng. Stringed instruments ., McAdams, L. C, Oakland, Alameda, U.S.A. Engine McAlpine, G. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Tackle-releasing snatch-block ... McCarthy, P. F., Melbourne, Vic. Advertising apparatus McChesney, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus to prevent horses from running away McClatchy, J., Timaru, N.Z. Propelling boats McColl, J. L., Auckland, N.Z. Engine .. McConechy, J., Glasgow, Scot. Wheel .'. McCreath, J., Gore, Otago, N.Z. Drying wool .. .. .. .. McCreath, J., Gore, Otago, N.Z. Drying wool McCreath, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Drying wool McCreath, J., and another, Gore, Otago, N.Z. Drying wool .. McDermott, M. P., Auckland, N.Z. Burglar alarm.. .. .. .. McDonald, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Traction-engine .. .. .. McDonald, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Pneumatic stuffing for furniture McDonald, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Head-covering, pad, or glove 9034 9034 8817 8806 8580 8704 8278 8279 8280 8334 8343 8553 8634 8896 8902 8269 8221 8444 8537 8552 8339 8599 8599 8460 8402 8288 9014 8288 9078 8818 8302 8870 8.191 8985 8540 8480 8917 8465 9156 8685 8686 8687 8584 9007 9028 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 3 Sept. 1 Sept. 12 June. 31 July. 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 5 March. 7 March. 28 May. 6 July. 26 Sept. 30 Sept. 10 Feb. 27 Jan. 29 April. 27 May. 2 June. 11 March. 25 June. 25 June. 4 May. 20 April. 21 Feb. 7 Nov. 21 Feb. 27 Nov. 3 Sept. 26 Feb. 18 Sept. 10 Jan. 24 Sept. 30 May. 12 May. 6 Oct. 4 May. 29 Dec. 27 July. 27 July. 27 July. 12 June. 15 Oct. 6 Nov. 8714 8803 8827 9021 8454 8702 9035 8912 8752 8380 8657 9154 9139 8698 8314 9099 8693 8694 8530 8901 8946 8712 8420 9152 9102 8928 8974 8994 8879 8938 9036 8296 8203 8457 8535 8734 8413 8890 8759 8836 8907 6 Aug. 27 Aug. 2 Sent. 10 Nov. 30 April. 31 July 11 Nov. 5 Oct. 17 Aug. 31 March. 20 July. 3 Dec. 11 Dee. 31 July. 2 March. 5 Dec 27 July. 27 July, 27 May, 25 Sept, 20 Oct, 6 Aug. 24 April, 24 Dec, 7 Dec. 10 Oct. 26 Oct. 29 Oct. 23 Sept, 16 Oct, 16 Nov. 21 Feb. 15 Jan. 4 May. 29 May. 11 Aug. 22 April. 25 Sept. 19 Aug. 29 Aug. 17 Sept.




fame, ;esi. ience, an< liven:ion. ;o. ie. McDonald, A. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. .. McDougall, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Tire .. McDougall, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Bottle.. McGeorge, J. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Saving gold McGeorge, J. C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Obtaining complete delivery in dredge-buckets .. McGill, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Tram-car McGrath, M. T., Wellington, N.Z. Cycling clothing McKaskell, W., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Cricket-wicket McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Billiard- and dining-table McKenzie, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Violin McKie, H. D., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Driving-gear for cycles McLauchlan, E. M., Springhills, Southland, N.Z. Pulverising attachment to ploughs McLeod, A. M., and another, Edinburgh, Scot. Tire McLeod, 0., Melbourne, Vic. (See Massey-Harris Company, Limited, No. 8420.) McLeod, C, Melbourne, Vic. Cultivator and seed-drill .. .. .. ... McLeod, H. N., Wellington, N.Z. Enclasping mailable matter McLeod, R., jun., and another, Edinburgh, Scot. Tire McManus, W. J., Picton, N.Z. Working the figures on a steam riding-gallery McNae, A., and another, Lincoln, N.Z. Drenching cattle and horses McPherson, W., Greymouth, N.Z. Hatch-covering.. McVicar, A., and another, Western Spit, N.Z. Refrigerating-machine McWilliam, A., Mangatoki, Taranaki, N.Z. Butter-box .. .. -.. Meeks, A. W., Sydney, N.S.W. Disinfectant and bleaching fluid. (M. Prewen, A. E. Woolf) .. Meers, W. F., and another, Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. Raising stool.. Mergenthaler, O., Baltimore, U.S.A. Linotype machine Mergenthaler, O., Baltimore, U.S.A. Linotype machine Metzenthin, R. J. E., Richmond, Nelson, N.Z. Boot-repairing last Metzer, J., Campbelltown, N.Z. Driving-gear for bicycles Metzer, J., Bluff, N.Z. Bird-exterminator Middleton, F. L., and another, Washington, U.S.A. Making leather articles. (A. L. Swee) Midson, J. D., and another, North Botany, N.S.W. (See H. Dixson, No. 8226.) Miles, A. C, and another, Woodstock, Oxford, Eng. Galvanic battery .. Millington, J. P., Picton, N.Z. Projectile Mirfin, G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Gear-case for velocipedes .. .. Moffatt, W. J., and another, Motueka, Nelson, N.Z. Music-leaf turner .. Moller, B. H., Nelson, N.Z. Wheelbarrow Mond, L., London, Eng. Treating nickel ores Moore Electrical Company, New York, U.S.A. Electric illumination. (D. McF. Moore) Moore, D. McF., New Jersey, U.S.A. (See Moore Electrical Company, No. 8215.) Moore, J. C, Eastbourne, Sussex, Eng. Reaping-machine Moore-Jones, D., Auckland, N.Z. File for papers .. Morgans, A. E., London, Eng. Extracting precious metals Morgenstern, De. (See under D.) Morison, D. B., Hartlepool, Eng. Stamping apparatus for crushing ores Montz, D., Sydney, N.S.W. (See H. M. Clark, No. 8673.) Morris, C. N., St. Kilda, Vic. Cabinet for cycles Morrison, H., Stratford, Essex, Eng. Machine for breaking up surfaces of roads Morrison, H., London, Eng. Wheel Morrison, H., London, Eng. Brake for vehicles .. ... Morton, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Morton, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Screening auriferous sand .. Morton, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Generating acetylene gas Morton, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Generating acetylene gas Moseley, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacture of zinc-oxide. (T. A. de Wolf) Moseley, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Extracting silver. (W.A.Harper) Motive Power and Light Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Hydrocarbon motor. (J. E. Friend) Muirhead, A., London, Eng. Submarine-telegraph cables Muirhead, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Cutting butter Mullay, T. S., Bluff, N.Z. Fish-splitter and-cleaner Mulvihill, P., Te Moana, South Canterbury, N.Z. Coulters of grain-drills Munro, D., Melbourne, Vic. Converting skim-milk into a marketable commoaity Munro, N. R., Mansfield, Vic. Generating poisonous fumes and forcing them into rabbit-burrows Munro, N. R., Mansfield, Vic. Depositing poisoned grain in furrows Murdoch, H. H., Hastings, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Shorthand typewriter Murdoch, J., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Filter Murie, R., Invercargill, N.Z. Driving-gear for bicycles Murie, R., Invercargill, N.Z. Pneumatic spring for bicycles .. .. .. Murphy, J. G., Middletown, Connecticut, U.S.A. Extracting gold Murray, J. G., Gosford, N.S.W. (See J. Carter, No. 8211.) Musson, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Drawbridge Myers, J., Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-seat Naismith, J. O, Dunedin, N.Z. Seed- or manure-sower .. .. ., Nankivell, W. J., Waikouaiti, Otago, N.Z. Life saving raft Newall, J. W., Sydney, N.S.W, Machine for cutting hair or wool Newland, T., Wellington, N.Z. Tire-protector Nicholas, R., Sydenham, N.Z. Windmill Nicholson, W., ana another, Geelong, Vic. Clothes-washing machine. (G. Bryan) Nicol, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Electric-time hanaicap-starter .. Nicolson, N., St. Bathan's, Otago, N.Z. Extracting iron from ironsand Noble, A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Billiard cue and tip Noffke, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Axe .. Nolan, M. J., New York, U.S.A. Non-filiable bottle Norgrove, W., Wellington, N.Z. Wheel Norris, C. J., and another, London, Eng. Extracting precious metals from their ores Oates, N., Christchurch, N.Z. Bending the handle-bar of cycles O'Brien, M., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Attachment to gaiters .. .. .. 9158 8945 8975 8738 9030 9053 8265 9128 8840 8383 8881 8992 9113 8 Feb.,'97 20 Oct. 26 Oct. 23 Aug. 10 Nov. 14 Nov. 11 Feb. 15 Dec. 10 Sept. 1 April. 23 Sept. 1 Oct. 17 Dec 8487 8939 9133 8270 8970 8578 8207 8858 8255 8551 8815 8842 8690 8272 8835 9101 12 May. 16 Oct. 17 Dec. 12 Feb. 24 Oct. 11 June. 17 Jan. 15 Sept. 6 Feb. 2 June. 3 Sept. 14 Sept. 25 July. 12 Feb. 29 Aug. 7 Dec. 9018 8845 8725 8489 9055 8209 8215 7 Nov. 16 Sept. 12 Aug. 12 May. 20 Nov. 23 Jan. 22 Jan. 8669 8839 8175 22 July. 9 Sept. 7 Jan. 8982 27 Oct. 9150 8707 9072 9073 8562 8563 8773 8799 8512 8513 8822 24 Dec. 6 Aug. 27 Nov. 27 Nov. 5 June. 5 June. 18 Aug. 31 Aug. 22 May. 22 May. 3 Sept. 8324 8484 9059 8652 8268 8768 8769 8820 8634 8700 8791 8746 4 March. 12 May. 19 Nov. 15 Julv. 11 Feb. 21 Aug. 21 Aug, 2 Sept. 6 July. 28 July. 21 Aug. 17 Aug, 8172 8980 9070 8404 9002 8877 9031 8560 8286 9100 8490 8410 8631 8333 8713 8683 8374 3 Jan. 28 Oct, 23 Nov, 20 April. 4 Nov. 22 Sept. 10 Nov. 6 June. 17 Feb, 1 Dec, 11 May, 16 April. 8 July. 7 March, 6 Aug, 3 July. 28 March, •




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. O. 16. O'Connell, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Canvas folding-boat Oppermann, E. L., London, Eng. Apparatus for use with a mercury vapour process .. Osborn, A. H. O., and another, Johannesburg, South African Republic. Recovering precious metals from slimes Osborn, S. S., ana another, Johannesburg, South African Republic. Recovering precious metals from slimes Osborne, G., Willowby, Canterbury, N.Z.- Combined plough, hoe, ana drill Osborne, J., Doyleston, Canterbury, N.Z. Sinking artesian wells Osmona, F. J., Moseley, Eng. Hubs and bottom brackets of cycles, &c .. Osmond, F. J., Moseley, Eng. Driving-mechanism of cycles, &c Oswald, A. H., and another, Johannesburg, South African Republic. Recovering precious metals from slimes Ottawav, F., Rangitikei, N.Z. Railway-fastening .. .. .. Otton, S. O, Paddington, Sydney, N.S.W. Tire Otway, A E., Invercargill, N.Z. Pneumatic privy-seat Otway, A. E., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Table Otway, A. E., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Folding cabin-table Owen, W., Brixton, Surrey, Eng. Manufacture of artificial stone Owen, W., and another, Petersham, Sydney, N.S.W. Boot or shoe Owen, W. T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Composition applicable to permanent - way of railways Packe, J. G., and another, Burnley, Melbourne, Vic. Sheep-shearing machine Packer, J. A., Nelson, N.Z. Artificial limb Paddy, J., and another, Ngaruawahia, N.Z. Pressing fat Page, C. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Propelling-gear for bicycles Page, F. W., Chertsey, Canterbury, N.Z. Grass-seed stripper .. Page, F. W., Chertsey, Canterbury, N.Z. Fencing-staple Page, W., Winchester, Canterbury, N.Z. Wire-strainer Page, W. C, Ashburton, N.Z. Flooring-and lining-cramp Painter, F. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Apparatus for attachment to cycle to assist instructor in teaching a person to ride Pallant, W. J., Palrnerston North, N.Z. Repairing-last Pallant, W. J., Palrnerston North, N.Z. Seamless boot Pape, H, and another, Hamburg, Ger. Grading and removing dust from pulverised ore Papprill, S., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Extracting precious metals from their ores Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Finger-protector for use when sewing by hand Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Candle Park, H, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging apparatus Park, J., and another, Kuaotunu, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver Park, J., and another, Thames, N.Z. Obtaining gold and silver from ores Parke and Lacy Company (Limited), The, Sydney, N.S.W. Furnace Parke and Lacy Company, San Francisco, U.S.A. Furnace. (A. Ropp) Parker, T., Toronto, Canada. Pulveriser Parry, A. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Figure-support .. Parsons, A., Armadale, Vic. Boot-or shoe-protector Parsons, W. B., Melbourne, Vic. Cyclists'valise Passmore, F. W., and others, London, Eng. Sheep-dipping powders Pattisson, S., Kensington, Middlesex, Eng. Saddle for velocipedes Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Preventing accidents to cable-cars Payne, F. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Obtaining complete delivery in dredge-buckets Payne, J., New Plymouth, N.Z. Tire-protector Peacock, T., Auckland, N.Z. Levelling-bead for tripods of theodolites Peake, H. L., Wanganui, N.Z. 'Tightening wires in fences Pease, E. L., Stockton-on-Tees, Eng. Structural arrangement for flooring, walling, &c Peck, W., Wellington, N.Z. Thawing frozen meat .. Peck, W., Wellington, N.Z. Thawing frozen meat .. Pelatan, L., and another, Paris, Pr. Obtaining precious metals from ores Penman, J. J., Pukekohe, Auckland, N.Z. Trap-seat Pennington, E. J., Racine, Wisconsin, U.S.A. (See J. B. Carse, No. 8244.) Penny, J. T., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Preventing the sickening of mercury Perkins, A. T., Alameda, U.S.A. (See J. M. Smart, No. 8173.) Perkins, J. F., Auckland, N.Z. Appliance for turning ships Perry, A. M., Buckland, Auckland, N.Z. Manure- and seed-distributor Petersen, E., London, Eng. (See G. Scott, No. 8256.) Petersen, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Gear-case for velocipedes Petre, F. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Automatically registering instructions given to driver of locomotive Pettibone, Mulliken, ana Co., Chicago, U.S.A. Gas-generator. (H. F. Fuller) Pfeiff, A. T., Copenhagen, Denmark. Sterilising milk Pfleger, J., Kaiserslautern, Ger. Obtaining gold and silver from their solutions .. , Phillips, C, Melbourne, Vic. Ore-dressing and gold-separating apparatus Pickering, P., Wellington, N.Z. Bench-stop Pickering, P., Wellington, N.Z. Toy Pickett, E. F., and another, Buffalo, U.S.A. Tire .. Pielsticker, C. M., Auckland, N.Z. Antiseptic Pielsticker, C. M., Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of steel and iron Pielsticker, C. M., Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of a substitute for emery wheels Piercv, J., Kuaotunu, N.Z. Amalgamator Poll, G., Wellington, N.Z. Dredge Poll, G., Wellington, N.Z. Dredge Pontin, E., Williamstown, Vic. Lining for butter-boxes Pool, J., Milparinka, N.S.W. Ink-bottle Poole, S. D., Illinois, U.S.A. (See Deere and Co., No. 8316.) Potter, A., Auckland, N.Z. Drapea photographs and pictures Potter, H. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Branding sheep Potts, W. F., Wellington, N.Z. Laundry-strainer .. Powell, E, A., Melbourne, Vic Blind-roller ., .. •• ....... 8802 8906 8816 27 Aug. 30 Sept. 3 Sept. 8816 3 Sept. 8996 8612 9112 9113 8816 30 Oct. 30 June. 8 Dec 8 Dec 3 Sept. 8247 9138 8373 8329 8342 8903 8729 8201 4 Feb. 17 Dec. 25 March. 29 Feb. 6 March. 30 Sept. 12 Aug. 13 Jan. 8648 8321 8657 8813 8577 8654 8900 8205 8920 14 July. 28 Feb. 20 July. 1 Sept. 13 June. 14 Aug. 30 Sept. 16 Jan. 5 Oct. 8403 8705 9106 9162 8601 9076 8472 8271 8281 8808 9048 8532 8655 8679 9066 8867 8523 8969 9030 9009 8908 8555 8519 8568 8736 8252 8298 20 April. 4 Aug. 7 Deo. 31 Dec 26 June. 28 Nov. 8 May. 11 Feb. 14 Feb. 1 Sept. 18 Nov. 28 May. 15 July. 23 July. 26 Nov. 18 Sept. 23 May. 22 Oct. 10 Nov. 3 Nov. 4 Sept. 29 May. 23 May. 11 June. 15 Aug. 6 Feb. 22 Feb. 8356 20 March. 8231 8407 27 Jan. 22 April. 8725 8217 12 Aug. 23 Jan. 8937 9037 8187 8671 9039 9040 8405 8520 8521 8947 9144 8958 9083 8742 8436 16 Oct. 14 Nov. 10 Jan. 22 July. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 20 April. 23 Mav. 23 May. 21 Oct. 17 Dec. 23 Oct. 1 Dec. 15 Aug. 28 April. 8395 8434 8966 8644 8 April. 28 April. 24 Oct. 14 July.




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. \o. ;e. Powell, F. F., Methven, Canterbury, N.Z. Driving-mechanism for cycles Powick, T., ana another, Waikakaho, N.Z. Hauling-cage Pratt, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Applying invigorating liquids to the hair .. Preiss, A., Norwood, S.A. Secondary or storage battery Preston, E. J., and another, Kent, Eng. Lighting, heating, and ventilating railway-carriages, &c Preston, W. D. V., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Wire-staple Price, J., Belgrove, Nelson, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. • Price, W. H., Sydenham, N.Z. Spray-pump .. .. Pringle, A., Wellington, N.Z. Device for facilitating swimming Prior, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Wedding-cake box Prior, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Fastening door-latches .. Pritchett, P. H., Little River, Canterbury, N.Z. Pump Pritehett. P. H, Little River, Canterbury, N.Z. Tire Proctor, W. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Tire Pnllbrook, A., Middlesex, Eng. Tire Punchard, J. H., and others, London, Eng. Incandescent oil-burner Purdy, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-saddle Purser, E., Blenheim, N.Z. Bricks for lining smelting-furnaces Rabbidge, P., Sydney, N.S.W. Indicator for telephone switch-boards Ragot, G., Brus'sels, Belgium. Producing acetylene gas Rainbow, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Apparatus for supplying horse-feed to mangers .. Rainbow, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Marking cattle, &c. Raine, O'C, Richmond, Christchurch, N.Z. Tire .. Ralph, H. J., Kew, Vic. Brake for bicycles, &c Raschen, J., Liverpool, Eng. (See United Alkali Company, Limited, No. 8224.) Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Cricket-stumps Raymond, F. V., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Table Raymond, F. V., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Folding cabin-table Read, J. C. O, and another, London, Eng. (See E. Waters, No. 8548.) Reeves, R. H. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Extracting precious metals from their ores Reid, J. S., Maraekakaho, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Wire-winder .. Renz, G., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Extracting gold Reyburn, R., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Cooling and aerating milk Reynolds, H. D. A., Dunedia, N.Z, Sleeve-link Reynolds, R., Purakanui, Dunedin, N.Z. Keeping fencing-wire in proper position .. Richard, G. A., and another, Mount Morgan, Queensland. Steam-shovel.. Bichard, G. A., and another, Mount Morgan, Queensland. Steam-Bhovel.. Richards, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Wire-strainer Richardson, F., Wellington, N.Z. Driving-gear for cycles Richardson, J., Onehunga, Auckland, N.Z. Knife attachment to cultivators Richardson, T., Ngapara, N.Z. Horse-cover Richardson, W. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Apparatus for cancelling and affixing stamps Riordan. P., Bathurst, N.S.W. Appliance for cure of toothache Rising, W. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Violin Ritson, G. A., Wellington, N.Z. Rotary-engine Roberts, J. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Grip for hydraulic lifts, &c. .. Robertson, G., Wellington. N.Z. Supporting attachment for bicycles Robertson, J., Hampden, Otago, N.Z. Plough Robertson, J. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Robins, J. S., and another. Stockton, California, U.S.A. Plough Robinson, C. J., Bourke, Vic. Milk-aerator Robinson, G., Levin, N.Z. Fire-tongs .. Robinson, S., Newport, Salop, Eng. Steam-engine.. Rollitt, W., Christchurch, N.Z. (See The Combined Weight and Cost Indicating Scale Company, Limited, No. 8446.) Rollitt, W., and another, Hororata, Canterbury, N.Z. Cost-indicating device Ropp, A., Selby, California, U.S.A. (See Parke and Lncy Company, No. 9048.) Rosenthal, S. A., London, Eng. (See The Sussmann Electric Miners' Lamp Company, Limited, No. 9042.) Rowan, T., London, Eng. Gas lighting .. Rowell, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Employing telephone systems for burglar-alarm purposes Rowley, J., London, Eng. Cricket-stumps Rowntree, F., Hobart, Tas. Wire-strainer .. .. ..... Royds, T. S., Invercargill, N.Z. Paper-cabinet Royds, T. S., Waikiwi, Southland, N.Z. Paper-cabinet Russell, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Press for compressing shavings for fuel .. Rutherford, R. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Lighting cigars and cigarettes Rutherford, R. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Lighting cigars and cigarettes Rvding, F., Melbourne, Vic. Fastening for leggings Salkeld, T., Moorabool, Vic. Gate Salvador, M., Lyttelton, N.Z. Key for lever-lock .. Sando, J. A., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Tire Sands, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Machine for punching pipes and cylinders Sands, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Joint for wrought-iron pipes Saulez, E. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Pencil scribe Saunders. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Protecting from wear the concave bars of threshing-mills Scarr, J. S., Hobart, Tas. Lantern-lamp Schlesinger, W. M., 1 ondon, Eng. Case for velocipede-pump .. ... Scblicht, P. J., New Jersey, U.S.A. Apparatus for producing combustion Schmidt, A., Cassel, Ger. Distillation of wood, wood waste, &c. Schmoll, L., Linwood, Christchurch, N.Z. Picture-frame crump Schnabel, C, and another, Hanover, Gtr. Manufacture of zinc-oxide Schroeder, F. W., Sydney, N.S.W. (See Schroeder's Ball-bearing Company, Limited, No. 9090.) Schroeder', F. W., and another, Newtown, N.S.W. (See H. Dixson, No. 8226.) Schroeder's Ball-bearing Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. Ball-bearings. (F. W. Schroeder) Scott, A., Bluff, N.Z. Hinge.. 8758 8797 8441 8727 8377 8496 8932 8688 8875 8295 9005 8564 8695 8785 8257 9143 9041 8689 9092 8482 8721 8886 8600 8622 19 Aug. 29 Aug. 27 April. 12 Aug. 31 March 12 May. 11 Sept. 25 July. 21 Sept. 20 Feb. 5 Nov. 3 June. 27 July. 24 Aug. 6 Feb. 19 Dec. 17 Nov. 24 July. 3 Dec. 12 May. 7 Aug. 22 Sept. 26 June. 3 July. 9008 8329 8342 31 Oct. 29 Feb. 6 March. 9162 8471 9027 8943 8379 8533 8355 9116 8718 8764 9097 8795 9006 8637 8383 8464 8892 9140 8399 8470 9084 8831 8178 8534 8586 31 Dec. 8 May. 11 Nov. 19 Oct. 31 March. 23 May. 20 March. 10 Dec. 6 Aug. 20 Aug. 2 Dec. 14 Aug. 5 Nov. 11 July. 1 April. 5 May. 24 Sept. 19 Dec. 14 April. 6 May. 1 Dec. 8 Sept. 8 Jan. 28 May. 15 June. 8443 27 April. 8204 8445 9051 8866 8372 8468 8565 8650 8723 8358 8595 8732 8461 8485 9110 8862 9120 8829 9104 83S0 8549 8812 8767 15 Jan. 28 April, 18 Nov. 17 Sept. 24 March. 4 May. 8 June. 14 July. 11 Aug. 23 March 24 June. 11 Aug. 4 May. 12 May. 10D ( c 16 Sept. 11 D. c. 7 Sept. 7 Dec. 9 April. 3 June. 1 Sept. 21 Aug. 9090 8411 3 Dec. 10 April.


ft—l 6


ame, iesii am 'nvenl lion. 'o. late. Scott, A. de C, London, Eng. Treating ores Scott, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Boiler. (E.Petersen) .. Scott, W., ana another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-propelling mechanism Scott, W., ana others, Christchurch, N.Z. Driving-mechanism of bicycles Scott, W. H., ana another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hat-hanger Scully, A. A., ana another, Dunedin, N.Z. Automatically registering instructions given to driver of locomotive Sears, F. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Book-protector ana -marker Sefton, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Window-retaining device Sefton, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Solving vulcanised indiarubber Seigle, A., Paris, Fr. Treating liquids Seigle, A., Paris, Fr. Treating hydrocarbons Selfe, N., Sydney, N.S.W. Compressors for air and gases Selwood, H. T., and another, Parrawa, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Seymour, J. G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Oven Shailer, G. W., Wellington, N.Z. Receptacle for beer, &c. Shailer, G. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cultivator Shailer, G. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Marking sheep, &c. Shailer, G. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bottle-stopper.. Shanly, W. I., Hastings, N.Z. Spraying fruit-trees, &c Sharpington, W. H., London, Eng. Tool Sharpneck, E. F., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. (See The Economical Refrigerating Company, No. 8522.) Sherman, W. C, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. Bottle .. Sherrin, Vaughan-. (See under V.) Shewan, J., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Tie-fastener Shields, F. G., Wanganui, N.Z. Bicycle saddle Shipman, S. A., Penshurst, Syaney, N.S.W. Butter-churn and egg-beater. (T. Shipmau) Shipman, f., Penshurst, Sydney, N.S.W. (See S. A. Shipman, No. 8511.) Shurman, F. W., and another, Kaniva, Vic. Railway rolling-stock Silcock, G. J., Wanganui, N.Z. Horse-cover Silver, W., Tarnworth, N.S.W. Car-couplings Silver, W., Tamworth, N.S.W. Railway-axle lubricators Simpson, T. M., and another, Stawall, Vic Extracting precious metals from slimes.. Simson, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Device for holding neck and legs of carcases of sheep for freezing purposes Skinner, G. R., Caversham Rise, Otago, N.Z. Tea-flask Smallfield, P. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Trigger for pistols, &c Smart, A. W., and another, South Camberwell, Melbourne, Vic Valve for facilitating inflation of pneumatic tires Smart, G., Wellington, N.Z. Cooling or heating milk Smart, J. M., Melbourne, Vic. Preserving fresh fruits, &e. (A. T. Perkins) Smethurst, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Means for turning a vessel Smethurst, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Stopping and turning vessels Smethurst, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Apparatus for manoeuvring ships Smith, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Marking meat Smith, E. M., New Plymouth, N.Z. Fuel for smelting Smith, E. M., New Plymouth, N.Z. Smelting ironsand Smith, E. M., New Plymouth, N.Z. Process for utilising ironsand Smith, S. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sanitary paper-holder Smith, S. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sanitary paper-holder Smythe, J., Wellington, N.Z. Marking the carcases of animals Snow, F. H., Adelaiae, S.A. Manufacture of metal tubes by electrolysis. (E. Dumoulin) Snow, F. H., Adelaide, S.A. Generating gaseous fuel. (B. H. Thwaite) .. Soffe, S., Wellington, N.Z. Candlestick Spalding, G., and another, Stockton, California, U.S.A. Plough Sparling, E., and another, Syaney, N.S.W. Liquia composition for increasing illuminating power of gas. (A. A. Stephenson) Spear, E., ana another, Washington, U.S.A. Making leather articles. (A. L. Sweet) Speedy, J. H., Sandon, Manawatu, N.Z. Dray-loading crane Speight, J., Kirwee, Canterbury, N.Z. Lever pedal for cycles .. Speight, J., Kirwee, Canterbury, N.Z. Driving-gear of cycles .. Speight, J., Kirwee, Canterbury, N.Z. Driving-gear of cycles Speight, J., Kirwee, Canterbury, N.Z. Driving-gear of bicycles Speight, J., Kirwee, Canterbury, N.Z. Chainless gear for bicycles Spooner, L. H, Dunedin, N.Z. Box for holding cards, &c. Sprey, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal- and bird-trap Springer, G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Coffin .. Standfield, E. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Standfield, E. R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Apparatus for securing hat to head Standfield, E. R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Soap Standfield, E. R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Supporting attachment for bicycles Standfield, E. R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Device for employment upon the handlebar of cycles Startup, G. J., Wellington, N.Z. Butter-box .. ;, St. Clair, R. W., Auckland, N.Z. Letter-file .. .. Stecken, G., Ostend, Belgium. Soap Steed, W. H. N., Adelaide, S.A. Scoring board for cycling sports, &c. Steinbach, R., Magdeburg, Buckau, Ger. Apparatus for sorting grain Stent, P., Dunedin, N.Z. Apparatus for frosting glass, &c. .. Stephenson, A. A., Darlinghurst, N.S.W. (See E. Sparling, H. J. Ingle, No. 8229.) Stephenson, J. F., Hawthorn, Vic. Removing solid matter from liquids Stern, E., Paris, Fr. Charging vessels with gases .. Stern, E., Paris, Fr. Filling and closing metal capsules Stevens, F. P., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Combined postal wrapper and ietter-sheet Stevenson, G., Riversdale, Otago, N.Z. Elevator for distributing straw on to stacks Stoddart, W., Waitara, Taranaki, N.Z. Preserving meat 3—H. 10. 8510 8256 8735 9130 8469 8217 8699 8730 8863 8416 8417 9044 8558 8352 8501 8685 8686 8687 8397 8243 8428 8273 8857 8511 8708 8624 8188 8325 8997 8893 8233 8701 9025 8977 8173 8259 8335 8760 8680 8709 8710 8711 8838 9038 8663 8254 8570 8899 8831 8229 21 May. 6 Feb. 12 Aug. 15 Dec. 5 May. 23 Jan. 31 July. 10 Aug. 16 Sept. 24 April. 24 April. 17 Nov. 6 June. 20 March. 16 May. 27 July. 27 July. 27 July. 9 April. 3 Feb. 28 April. 13 Feb. 14 Sept. 21 May. 6 Aug. 4 July. 10 Jan. 4 March. 4 Nov. 26 Sept. 28 Jan. 29 July. 11 Nov. 27 Oct. 3 Jan. 6 Feb. 6 March. 17 Aug. 22 July. 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 12 Sept. 16 Nov. 21 July. 6 Feb. 12 June. 29 Sept. 8 Sept. 30 Jan. 9101 8777 8285 8312 8345 8666 8739 8837 8195 8451 8872 8228 8262 8983 8984 7 Dec. 11 Aug. 20 Feb. 2 March. 13 March. 22 July. 17 Aug. 12 Sept. 9 Jan. 28 April. 18 Sept. 30 Jan. 6 Feb. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 8216 8409 8384 8956 9134 8999 25 Jan. 17 April. 7 April. 23 Oct. 17 Dec. 4 Nov. 8667 8567 8646 8788 8790 9123 22 July. 11 June. 14 July., 24 Aug. 20 Aug. 16 Dec,




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. o. :e. Stone, J. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See J. W. B. Abel, No. 8942.) Btorrie, A., Mataura, Canterbury, N.Z. Regulating the width of turnip-drills 3torrier, J., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Wheel and axle 3trangeward, F. E., Stawell, Vic. Cleaning the ball-bearings of cycles, &c Strouse, D. B., Salem, U.S.A. (See The American Tobacco Company of N.Z., Ltd., No. 8492.) Strouse, D. B., Salem, U.S.A. (See The American Tobacco Company of N.Z., Ltd., No. 8494.) 3uckert, J. J., ana another, New Jersey, U.S.A. Producing and liquefying acetylene gas Sulman, H. L., Dav Dawn, The Murchison, W.A. Recovering precious metals from their solutions iussmann Electric Miners' Lamp Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Active material for secondary battery-plates. (S. A. Rosenthal) Sweet, A. L., Norwich, Connecticut, U.S.A. (See E. Spear, F. L. Middleton, No. 9101.) Taber, F. A., San Francisco, U.S.A. Embossed photographs ragell, J., South Yarra, Vic. (See R. J. L. Hildyard, No. 8500.) Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Cleaning cooking-utensils rait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Clothes-peg Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Cycle rait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-trap .. .. .. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-trap Tait, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Liquid motive-power applicable to bicycles, Ac. Tarves, W. A., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Extracting gold .. Tasker, J., Wellington, N.Z. Boot or shoe Tatham, E., Kent, Eng. Means for obtaining light and heat Taylor, A., and another, Papanui, Christchurch, N.Z. Billiard cue and tip Taylor, H. A.. London, Eng. Telegraph transmitters Taylor, H. E., and another, Havelock North, N.Z. Churning cream and milk Taylor, R., Adelaide, S.A. Concentrator and amalgamator Taylor, W., Brisbane, Queensland. Bicycle driving-gear Teed, F. L., and another, Middlesex, Eng. Regulation devices for gas-burners Teed, H. W., and another, Camberwell Grove, Surrey, Eng. Regulation devices for gas-burners Templer, P., Adelaide, S.A. Disinfecting closets, drains, &c .. Tennant, J. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Waterproof garments Thatcher, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Composition applicable to permanent-way of railways rhomas, A. W., and another, West Kogarah, Sydney, N.S.W. Lock for mail-bag straps. (A. W. Thomas and J. H. Dunkin) Thomas, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Bicycle-brake Thomas, E. G. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Churn Thompson, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Horse-cover Thompson, C, Grantham, Eng. Apparatus for conveying grain, &o. Thompson, F., Sydney, N.S.W. Tram-guide and directory rhompson, J., and another, Peterborough, Northampton, Eng. Bicyole. (J. Dodd and J. Harrison) rhompson, T. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Clothes peg rhomson, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Sowing manure and seeds rhomson, H. J., Gisborne, N.Z. Postage-, price-, and weight-indicator .. Thomson, H. J., Gisborne, N.Z. Price-or weight-indicator .. Thomson, J., Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-seat rhomson, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Paint Thomson, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Weight- and cost-indicating apparatus Thorpe, R., Christchurch, N.Z. (See A. H. Anderson, No. 8854.) Thwaite, B. H, London, Eng. (See F. H. Snow, No. 8570.) Timmins, T., and another, Malvern, Melbourne, Vic. Scraping the interior of water-pipes Timmins, T., and another, Malvern, Melbourne, Vic. Thimble and hatch-box for water-pipes .. Timmis, I. A., Westminster, Middlesex, Eng. Food Tindall, C, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Hydraulic ram .. Tisdall, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Gun-sling Todd, W., and another, Seddonville, Westport, N.Z. Haulage-clip Tomline, R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Pump Topp, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Stove Torres, J. B., London, Eng. Extracting precious metals Townsend, W. R., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing explosions in mines Tracy, P., London, Eng. (See The Cutlan Patent Sew-Round Machine Syndicate, Limited, No. 9017.) Tregurtha, T, and another, Ballarat, Vic Treating auriferous metal Tregurtha, T., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Concentrating-machine Trendall, E. A., Auckland, N.Z. Cycle-gear .. .. .. .. Trengrove Improved Cycle-frame Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Annealing steel. (W. H. Trengrove) Trengrove, W. H, Christchurch, N.Z. (See The Trengrove Improved Cycle-frame Company, Limited, No. 8197.) Trengrove, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Propulsion of cycles Trengrove, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-frame.. Trevithick, F. R., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Driving-gear for cycles .. Trevithick, F. R., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Billiard-table Trevithick, F. R.,. and another, Auckland, N.Z. Driving-gear for motors .. Trevithick, F. R., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Driving-gear for cycles .. Drew, G. F., and another, Gore, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Tripe, J. D., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Velocipede-brake Troup, A. B., Invercargill, N.Z. Crank for bicycles .. Tuck, J., Leichhardt, Sydney, N.S.W. Bicycle-brake Tuck, W. A., Nelson, N.Z. Wire-strainer Turner, E. F., Adelaide, S.A. Treating argentiferous sulphide ores Turner, E. F., Adelaide, S.A. Elevator for corrosive liquids Turner, E. F., Adelaide, S.A. Treating zinciferous ores Turney, F. N., Nottingham, Eng. Cleaning wool .. Tyers, W. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cricket-wickets Tyree, W., Nelson, N.Z. Raising sewage. (S. H. Adams) 9096 8556 8620 8174 8770 9042 8559 8448 8604 8682 8766 8925 8798 9027 8442 8726 8490 8328 8337 9067 8914 9146 9146 8957 8219 8201 8672 8504 8878 9118 8381 8583 8926 8789 8184 8821 9004 8988 8505 8361 2 Dec. 4 June. 2 July. 6 Jan. 21 Aug. 17 Nov. 6 June. 23 April. 22 June. 9 July. 17 July. 30 June. 29 Aug. 11 Nov. 27 April. 12 Aug. 11 May. 4 March. 10 March. 26 Nov. 5 Oct. 23 Dec 23 Deo. 23 Oct. 22 Jan. 13 Jan. 22 July. 14 May. 19 Sept. 14 Dec. 1 April. 16 June. 10 Oct. 24 Aug. 4 Jan. 4 Sept. 5 Nov. 31 Oct. 15 May. 25 March. 8720 8807 8954 8498 8569 8450 9020 8238 8210 8874 7 Aug. 1 Sept. 23 Oot. 13 May. 12 June. 2 May. 7 Nov. 3 Feb. 23 Jan. 21 Sept. 8486 8589 8757 8197 12 May. 19 June. 21 July. 10 Jan. 8659 8949 8408 8473 8602 8603 8558 8800 8737 8706 8740 8598 8647 8649 8645 9052 8978 18 July. 19 Oct. 17 April. 4 May. 22 June. 22 June. 6 June. 24 Feb.'97. 10 Aug. 6 Aug. 17 Aug. 24 June. 14 July. 14 July. 14 July. 20 Nov. 27 Oot.




fame, esii tence, am [nveni ;ion. fo. ;e. Tyson, J., Rongahere, Otago, N.Z. Gold-saving machine United Alkali Company (Limited), The, Liverpool, Eng. Manufacture of cyanides. (J. Raschen) Unwin, H. J., Featherston, N.Z. Winding up fencing-wire Vaile, P. A., Auckland, N.Z. Strap for cyclists Vaughan, A., Ashfield, N.S.W. Incandescent gas-light fittings.. Vaughan-Sherrin, J., Ramsgate, Kent, Eng. Dynamos and the driving of same Vause, A. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Preserving milk by sterilisation Vautier, P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Game.. Veazie, H. A., New Orleans, U.S.A. Tire Villar, C. L., Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic. Preserving meat Voigt, M., and another, Berlin, Ger. Production of zinc from its ores Von Hartitzsch, O., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Clothes-peg Vorbach, J., and another, Renwicktown, N.Z. Horse-race starter Waddell, W. A., Wellington, N.Z. Joint for rusticated weatherboarding Wadey, O, and another, Melbourne, Vic. Lock for mail-bag straps. (A. W. Thomas and J. H. Dunkin) Walker, J. A., Auckland, N.Z. Actuating sliae-valves Walker, J. A., Syaney, N.S.W. Wheel .. Walker, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Hot-water apparatus Walker, J. T., Wanganui, N.Z. Wire-strainer Walker, W., Waipu Cave, Marsaen, N.Z. Pulveriser Walker, W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Gold-saving machine Wallace, J. A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Tire Walter, O., Christchurch, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Walters, W. B., Wellington, N.Z. Amalgamating-machine Walters, W. B., Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Walters, W. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Amalgamator and concentrator Warner, F., Wednesbury, Staffora, Eng. Horse-collar Warnock, J., Nelson, N.Z. Machine for transcribing shorthand Warnock, J., Nelson, N.Z. Appliance to assist in drawing lines in mapping, &o. Warson, M. L., and another, Buffalo, U.S.A. Tire.. Waters, E., Melbourne, Vic. Lamp. (The Lee Lamp [Parent] Company, Limited, J. B. Fenby and J. C. C. Read) Watts, E. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Extracting precious metals from their ores Way, H. F. W., ana another, Aucklana, N.Z. Trigger for pistols, &c Wayss, G. A., Vienna, Austria. (See J. Carter, No. 9147.) Webb, J. F„ St. Louis, U.S.A. Obtaining goia .. .. .. Webb, W., Marohema, Upper Waitotara, N.Z. Wire-strainer Werner, L. C, Broad Brook, Connecticut, U.S.A. Non-fillable bottle Werry, F. S. H., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Iron and handle attachment Werry, F. S. H., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Tie-fastener Weston, R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Attachment to gaiters Westwood, A., Horseley Heath, Staffora, Eng. Supporting the enas of girders Wheelband, W., Temuka, Canterbury, N.Z. Cleansing trees from parasites Whimp, C. A., ana another, Thames, N.Z. Split link for chains Whimp, T. H., ana another, Thames, N.Z. Split link for chains Whitaker, E. H., ana another, Thames, N.Z. Obtaining goia ana silver from ores White, C. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-boot or -paa White, C. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-collar paa.. White, C. S., ana another, Christchurch, N.Z. Obtaining ana dressing fibre from New Zealand Phormium tenax White, C. S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Dressing flax White, D., and another, Stawell, Vic. Extracting precious metals from slimes White, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Saving gold .. .. .. White, F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Paint White, W. K., and another, Napier, N.Z. Refrigerating-machine Whiteman, C, Rugby, Warwick, Eng. Gate-fastener Whitney, A. N., Melbourne, Vic. Metallic cartridges Wiggins, W., Wellington, N.Z. Rubber pneumatic boat. (H. D. Layman) .. ' Wigzell, E. E., London, Eng. Steam-engine Wiig, M. E., Napier, N.Z. Oilskin coat Williams, P. J., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Tire Williams, R. B., St. Kilda, Melbourne, Vic. Machine for washing wool, &c Williams, W. S., Doncaster, Vic. Mixing kerosene and water and spraying same Williamson, J. B, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Starting-machine for races Willis, A. D., Wanganui, N.Z. Postal wrapper Willis, A. D., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Book-protector and -marker Wilson, C. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle Wilson, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Valve for facilitating inflation of pneumatic tires Wilson, T., and another, Kihikihi, Auckland, N.Z. Spring for the poles of vehicles Withey, H., Hastings, Michigan, U.S.A. (See A. H. Brownley, No. 8509.) Wolf, De. (See under D.) Wood and Claydon Automatic Stoker, Coal-crusher, Self-feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Automatic stoking, smoke-consuming, and fueleconomizing apparatus. (G. Claydon) Wood, H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Stoking, smoke-consuming, and fuel-economizing apparatus attachea to steam-boilers Wood, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Measuring-instruments .. ... Wood, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Pneumatic pad for hats, &c .. Wood, H. J., Christchurch, NZ. Nut-lock Wood, H. J., ana another, Christchurch, N.Z. Weight- ana cost-indicating apparatus Woodcock, W. H., West Norwood, Surrey, Eng. Roller-bearings Woodhouse, J. S., Papanui, Canterbury, N.Z. Cycle-wheels Woodhouse, J. S., Papanui, Canterbury, N.Z. Rail-joint Woodhouse, J. S., Papanui, Canterbury, N.Z. Cost-finder Woodhouse, J. S., Papanui, Canterbury, N.Z. Bolt and nut .. Woodhouse, J. S., Papanui, Canterbury, N.Z. Lock-nut 8936 8224 8594 8369 9079 8927 8433 9063 8661 8176 8338 8789 8269 8630 8672 21 Sept. 29 Jan. 23 June. 25 March. 27 Nov. 10 Oct. 28 April. 23 Nov. 21 July. 4 Jan. 11 Maroh. 24 Aug. 10 Feb. 8 July. 22 July. 8260 9091 8499 8976 9003 9001 8643 8236 8322 8437 8951 8748 8183 8258 8405 8548 3 Feb. 3 Dec. 13 May. 21 Oct. 28 Oct. 4 Nov. 14 July. 1 Feb. 4 March. 28 April. 22 Oct. 17 Aug. 10 Jan. 7 Feb. 20 April. 3 June. 9162 8701 31 Dec. 29 July. 8990 8884 8614 8198 8273 8374 8743 8935 8202 8202 8281 8774 8823 8964 28 Oct. 23 Sept. 2 July. 10 Jan. 13 Feb. 28 March. 17 Aug. 13 Oct. 13 Jan. 13 Jan. 14 Feb. 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 22 Oct. 9114 8997 9056 8505 8207 8745 8546 8636 8733 8756 8461 8728 8623 8901 8919 8699 8350 9025 8607 9 Dec. 4 Nov. 17 Nov. 15 May. 17 Jan. 17 Aug. 2 June. 8 July. 13 Aug. 18 Aug. 4 May. 12 Aug. 3 July. 25 Sept. 7 Oct. 31 July. 16 March. 11 Nov. 23 June. 8826 4 Sept. 8605 24 June. 8368 8425 8440 8361 9132 8453 8572 8606 8991 9032 25 March. 22 April. 27 April. 25 March. 17 Dec. 30 April. 11 June. 25 June. 28 Oot. 10 Nov





Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Woodhouse, J. S., and another, Papanui, Canterbury, N.Z. Cost-indicating device Woolf, A. E., and another, New York, U.S.A. (See A. W. Meeks, No. 8255.) Woolford, J., London, Eng. Extracting precious metals from ores Woolley, G., Goulburn, N.S.W. Bicycle-support Wratten, G., Wellington, N.Z. Wire-fencing splicer Wratten, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Wire fencing .. Wratten, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Wire fencing Wright, F., London, Eng. Coin-freed fluid-meter apparatus Wright, J. P., New Haven, U.S.A. Machine for making matches Wright, J. P., and another, New Haven, U.S.A. Machine for making matches Wright, R., Whakatane, N.Z. Producing power by hydraulic process Wright, S. H, and another, Monmouth, Eng. Churning cream and milk Wurster, C, London, Eng. Combustion of carbo-hydrates Wyatt, P., and another, New York, U.S.A. Forming calcium carbide .. .. Wyett, R. W., Yarram Yarram, Vic. Tire Wylds, A. H., Palrnerston North, N.Z. Sash-lock .. Wynne, W. P., and another, Ballarat, Vic Treating auriferous material.. Wynne, W. P., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Concentrating-machine Yates, J. E., Auckland, N.Z. Cowl Young, A. V., Koln, Ger. Pulverising-mill Young, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Separating and supporting telegraph- and telephonewires Young, P. C. K, Timaru, N.Z. Rabbit-gate Young, P. 0. K., Dunedin, N.Z. Testing flour and meal Young, R., Sydney, N.S.W. Amalgamator Youngman, E., Rangiora, N.Z. Go-carriage Zander, H., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Cutting holes in wood, metal, &c Zander, H, and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Cutting holes in wood, metal, &c. 8443 27 April. 8865 8388 8323 8315 8315 8186 8755 8828 8514 8337 8241 8744 9093 8527 8486 8589 8665 8290 8246 17 Sept. 8 April. 4 March. 2 March. 2 March. 10 Jan. 18 Aug. 7 Sept. 22 May. 10 Maroh. 3 Feb. 17 Aug. 3 Deo. 27 May. 12 May. 19 June. 22 July. 21 Feb. 3 Feb. 8284 8833 8581 8275 8731 8873 17 Feb. 5 Sept. 16 June. 14 Feb. 11 Aug. 19 Sept.

Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Accompaniments on piano or organ, Device to assist in playing. A. H. Hathaway Acetylene-gas generator. W. Morton Acetylene-gas generator. W. Morton Acetylene gas, Process ana apparatus for proaucing ana liquefying. E. N. Dickerson and J. J. Suckert Acetylene gas, Process and apparatus for producing and utilising. G. Ragot .. - .. Acid, Hydro cyanic. A.K.Huntington .. Address-holder for mail-bag straps. C. Wadey and A. W. Thomas Advertising apparatus. D. Isaacs Advertising apparatus. P. F. McCarthy Advertising directory-table. J. D. Fisher Advertising medium. D. R. S. Galbraith Aerators. (See Milk-aerators.) Air, Apparatus for cooling and producing dry warm. T. B. Lightfoot Air-compressor. N. Selfe Air-engine. C. R. Macdonald Air-engine. C. R. Macdonald Air, Mode of and apparatus for cooling, purifying, and drying, for chilling and freezing purposes. C. A. MacDonald Air or water, Machine for forcing. E. Kiernan Air-pump. (See Pumps.) Alarm. (See Bicycle alarm, Burglar alarm.) Alimentary product. J. H. Kellogg Amalgamating, concentrating, and classifying gold ores simultaneously, Process and apparatus for. J. Gamier Amalgamating gold, &c, Process and apparatus for. J. V. Bartlett Amalgamating, Pump for. (See Pumps.) Amalgamator. 0. W. Horneman Amalgamator. W.B.Walters Amalgamator. J. R. Brown and G. A. Kirk .. .. .. Amalgamator. J. Piercy Amalgamator and concentrator. W. B. Walters and F. H. Jeffcoat Amalgamator and concentrator. R. Taylor Amalgamator, Dry. R. Young Amalgamator. (See also Concentrator, Gold, Mercury, Metals.) Ambulance stretcher-carrier, Railway. (See Railway.) Anatomical hygienic figure-support. A. G. Parry Animal-and bird-trap. E. Sprey .. ,, ,. ,. ., 8414 8773 8799 8174 22 April. 18 Aug. 31 Aug. 6 Jan. 8482 8719 8672 8427 8879 8550 8237 12 May. 7 Aug. 22 July. 28 April. 23 Sept. 3 June. 6 March. 8339 9044 8803 8827 8714 11 March. 17 Nov. 27 Aug. 2 Sept. 6 Aug. 8222 28 Jan. 8430 8503 28 April. 14 May. 8213 23 Jan. 8310 8322 8458 9144 8951 9067 8581 2 March. 4 March. 4 May. 17 Dec. 22 Oct. 26 Nov. 16 June. 8655 8195 15 July. 9 Jan.




'nvention am fame o] [nveni ior. to. ;e. Animal-trap. J. H. Jenkins and E. B. Gichard Animal-trap. A. L. J. Tait .. .. .. .. .. .. Animal-trap, Springless. A. L. J. Tait .. .. .. Animal-trap. (See also Rabbit-trap.) Annealing steel and iron castings, Method of. The Trengrove Improved Cycle-frame Company (Limited) Antimony ores, Plant and process for smelting auriferous. C. C. Longridge and G. T. Holloway Antimony, Process for extracting metals from ores by means of, and for recovering the antimony employed. J. Woolford Antiseptic. C. M. Pielsticker .. Antiseptic preservative of fruit, vegetables, eggs, &c. E. N. and A. M. Legge Aphis, Eradicating woolly. W. Armstrong Apron, Feeder, for reapers and binaers, &c (See Reapers.) Arc-lamp, Electric. (See Lamps.) Artesian wells, Appliances for sinking. J. Osborne Artificial limb. J. A. Packer Artificial-stone. W.Owen \shes-distributor. J. Macalister Auriferous deposits, &c. (See Gold.) Auto-vehicles. (See Motors, Vehicles.) Axe. F. W. Nofike Axle and-wheel, Plough-. M. Higgins and J. Storier Axle, axle-tree, and axle-box of vehioles. R. J. L. Hildyard Axle lubricator, Railway-. W. Silver Axle oil-box. W. Dalton Axle-tree, -box. (See also Vehicles.) Bacon. (See Curing.) Bag, Bicycle-tool. E.Arundel Bagger. (See Potato-digger and -bagger.) Bagging and facilitating weighing or measuring of fruit, groceries, &c, Apparatus for. R. Jack.. Bags, Machine for printing and measuring the material employed in making. 0. E. Fisher Baling-press. S. Dodge Ball-bearings. Schroeder's Ball-bearing Company (Limited) Ball-bearings of bicycles, Method of and contrivances for cleaning. F. E. Strangward Ball. (See Billiard-ball.) Balloon, Propelling, by manual power. C. J. Hill Balloting. (See Vote-recording.) Bar, Cycle steering-. (See Cycle.) Bark, Extracting essentials of tree-. J. Freyberg Bas-relief photograph. (See Photographs.) Basting-colander. E.C.Johnston Bat-blade protector. W. A. Jewell and W C. Gee Bath, Apparatus for portable shower-. W. H. Hannara Bath, Electric medical. J. R. and A. Hare Bath, Radiant-heat. J. H. Kellogg Battery, Galvanic. A. C. Miles and B. F. de Morgenstern Battery-plates, Active material for secondary. The Sussmann Electric Miners' Lamp Company (Limited) Battery, Secondary or storage. A. Preiss Battery. (See also Stamp-battery.) Beams and girders, Mode and means for supporting ends of. A. Westwood Bearings. (See also Ball-bearings, Cycle-bearings, Plough-wheel bearings, Roller-bearings.) Beaters for wool-washing. H. Ashworth Bed, Spring. G.Hamlin Beer-cask. G. W. Shailer Belt, Adjustable coupling for driving-. J. F. Lloyd Belt, Attachment of endless. A. Evans Belting. D. J. Crosby Belt-rest or idler pulley. 0. A. Arnold .. .. .. Belt-stitching machine, Rivet-bending attachment for. C. D. Lightband Bench-stop. P. Pickering Bicycle. C.R.Wilson Bicycle. R. M. Macdonald Bicycle. J. Thompson and C. Everard Bicycle. R. Grilli Bicycle. R. M. Keating Bicycle. G. Aitkens Bicycle-alarm. H. Black Bicycle, Alternative gear for. J. G. Lamb Bicycle, Appliance for cleaning driving-chain of. P. Genn Bicycle, Attachment to assist in propulsion of. J. Foster Bicycle, Concussion propelling-gear for. C. E. Page and W. J. Barlow Bicycle-brake. J. Tuck Bicycle-brake. E. Thomas Bicycle-brake for certain form of driving mechanism. W. W. Curties Bicycle-cabinet. C. N. Morris Bicycle carriage, Driving-wheel. J. Adcock Bicycle, Cbainless gear for. J. Speight Bicycle-clip. W. Hinson Bicycle, Clutch-crank for. A. A. Troup Bicycle-crate. J. J. Daily Bicycle driving-gear. R. Murie Bicycle driving-gear. J. Metzger Bicycle driving gear. W. W. Curties Bicycle driving-gear. J. Speight Bicycle driving-gear. W. Taylor 8375 8925 8766 8197 8870 8865 8520 9034 8348 8612 8321 8903 9007 8410 8556 8500 8325 8488 8497 9109 8792 8781 9090 8620 8371 9126 8385 8963 8291 8449 8429 9018 9042 31 March. 30 June. 17 July. 10 Jan. 18 Sept. 17 Sept. 23 May. 11 Nov. 12 March. 30 June. 28 Feb. 30 Sept. 15 Oct. 16 April. 4 June. 13 May. 4 March. 12 May. 12 May. 10 Dec 24 Aug. 20 Aug. 3 Dec. 2 July. 27 Maroh. 16 Deo. 7 April. 21 Oct. 21 Feb. 29 April. 28 April. 7 Nov. 17 Nov. 8727 12 Aug. 8743 17 Aug. 8463 8993 8501 9078 9064 8618 8832 8537 9039 8350 8702 8926 8981 9151 9163 9124 8398 9175 9046 8813 8706 8504 8593 9150 8933 8739 8304 8737 8848 8700 8272 8330 8666 8914 4 May. 27 Oct. 16 May. 27 Nov. 17 Nov. 2 July. 15 Aug. 27 May. 16 Nov. 16 Mar. 31 July. 10 Oct. 28 Oct. 24 Dec. 31 Dec. 14 Dec. 14 April. 23 Dec. 17 Nov. 1 Sept. 6 Aug. 14 May. 19 June. 24 Dec. 10 Oct. 17 Aug. 28 Feb. 10 Aug. 16 Sept. 28 July. 18 Feb. 4 March. 22 July. 5 Oct.




Invention am Name o] [nven ;or. to. le. Sioycle driving-gear. E. Davies and A. Harrison Sicycle driving mechanism. F. J. A. Kindermann Sicycle driving mechanism. L. N. Dyhrberg, W. W. Curties, and A. Crum licyole driving mechanism. J. Gaut Sicycle driving mechanism. G. T. Booth, W. Scott, and J. E. Friend Sicycle, Liquid motive power to be applied to. R. Tait and N. I. Gooder .. ,. Sicycle, Method of and contrivances for cleaning ball-bearings of. F. E. Strangward Sicycle or tricycle. A. L. Bricknell Sicycle or tricycle. W. Atkinson Sicycle or tricycle. W. H. Boyens Sicycle, Pneumatic spring for. R. Murie Sicycle-prop. A. J. Cuming Sicycle propelling-gear. E. A. Ashcroft Sicycle-saddle. J. R. Purdy Sicycle-saddle. F. G. Shields Sicycle-seat. J. Myers Sicycle-seat. J. Thomson Sicycle-stand. L. J. Holroyd.. Sicycle stone-guard for forcing stones out of way of wheel. J. A. Beale Sicycle-support. G. Woolley Sicycle-support. G. Robertson Sicycle-support. J. J. Daily Sicycle-support. E. R. Standfield and T. de R. Harman Sicycle tool-bag. E. Arundel Sicycle, Water. R. Goulding Sieycles, tricycles, &c, Hubs, bottom brackets, &c, of. F. J. Osmond Sicycles, tricycles, &c, Driving mechanism of. F. J. Osmond Sicycle or tricycle, Mechanism for propelling, by manual power, C. J. Hill Sicycle, Wheel-lock for. H. E. Lawrence Sicycle. (See also Cycles, Driving-gear, Pedals, Saddle, Seat, Strap, Tires, Tricycles, Velocipedes.) Silliard- and dining-table. D. McKenzie Silliard-ball. F. R. Trevithick and E. H. Barber Silliard cue and tip. A. Noble Silliard-cue tip. F. R. Trevithick and E. H. Barber Silliard-table,-balls, and-cue tip. F. R. Trevithick and E. H. Barber ... .. . .. Sinders. (See Reapers and binders.) Sird- and animal-trap. E. Sprey Sird-exterminator, Electric. J. Metzger .. .. .. .. .. Sleaching, medicinal, and disinfectant fluid. A. W. Meeks Slind lathe, Venetian-. J. Manttan Slind-roller and apparatus for forming same. E.A.Powell Slind, Venetian. J. Manttan.. .. .. .. .. .. Slind, Venetian, Apparatus for operating. S.P.Clements Slind, Venetian, Method of and apparatus for operating. W. C. Gee Slind, Window-. T. H. Dolbey Slotter, Book-. J. E. Henry Sluestone and other sulphurised ore, Treatment of. J. C. Butterfield Soats, Appliance for propelling. J. McClatchy Soat, Canvas folding-. P. O'Connell Soats, Davits for ships'. G. Holford Soat, Pneumatic. W.Wiggins Soat, Propelling, by manual power. C. J. Hill toilers, Appliance for utilising disused tins for. J. W. Buckley Soiler, Water-tube. G. Scott Soilers. (See also Steam-boilers, Spark-catcher, Washing-boiler, Water-boiler.) Solt and nut. J. S. Woodhouse Solting, Appliance to prevent horses. H. A. Fisher Solts. (See Locking, Lock-nuts.) Sones and flesh, Treating animal. J. W. B. Abel .. Sook-blotter. J. E. Henry Sook, cash check-, Holder for. R. S. Abel and J. Dykes Sook, Day-. J. P. Harris .. .. .. .. .. .. ., Sook-protector and -marker. F. W. Sears and A. D. Willis Sootlace-fastener. T. H. Mann Soot or-pad, Horse-. C.S.White Soot or shoe. J. Tasker Soot or shoe. A. S. Fox Soot or shoe. W. Owen and J. Harris Soot or shoe. A. Gross Soot or shoe, Heel for. F. Dryland Soot- or shoe-protector. A. Parsons Soot-polish. A. Howe and S. H. Lees Soot-protector. V. S. Aston, E. H. Peaton, and T. G. Lawless Soot, Seamless. W. J. Pallant Soot. (See also Shoe.) Sottle. A. L. Heighton iottle and stopper therefor. J. W. McDougall Sottle, Apparatus for corking. P. Larsen Sottle, Device for securing corks in. A. Billens Sottle, Non-fillable. W. C. Sherman Sottle, Non-fillable. L. C. Werner Sottle, Non-fillable. M. J. Nolan Sottle, Non-refillable. A. J. Cuming .. .. ' .. Sottle-stopper. G. W. Shailer and W. L. Luxford Sottle, Stoppering device to prevent refilling of. H. Dixson Sottle tell-tale. G. H. Grapes 8930 8810 8235 9108 9130 8798 8620 8317 8435 8703 8791 9095 8805 9041 8857 8980 8988 8897 8922 8388 8399 8849 8983 8497 8953 9112 9113 8477 9129 10 Oct. 2 Sept. 1 Feb. 10 Dec. 15 Dec. 29 Aug. 2 July. 2 March. 28 April. 4 Aug. 21 Aug. 2 Dec. 1 Sept. 17 Nov. 14 Sept. 28 Oct. 31 Oct. 29 Sept. 3 Oct. 8 April. 14 April. 9 Sept. 27 Oct. 12 May. 21 Oct. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 May. 15 Dec. 8840 8473 8490 8473 8473 10 Sept. 4 May. 11 May. 4 May. 4 May. 8195 8835 8255 9099 8644 8314 8776 8621 8979 8282 8841 9036 8802 8653 8636 8371 8223 8256 9 Jan. 29 Aug. 6 Feb. 5 Dec. 14 July. 2 March. 22 Aug. 2 July. 28 Oct. 18 Feb. 14 Sept. 16 Nov. 27 Aug. 15 July. 8 July. 27 March. 29 Jan. 6 Feb. 8991 8415 28 Oct. 21 April. 8942 8282 8400 8320 8699 9139 8774 8442 8591 8729 8784 8989 8679 9159 8365 8705 19 Oct. 18 Feb. 11 April. 3 March. 31 July. 11 Dec. 20 Aug. 27 April. 18 June. 12 Aug. 24 Aug. 31 Oct. 23 July. 23 Dec. 25 March. 4 Aug. 9145 8975 8394 8895 8428 8614 8631 8961 8687 8226 8626 23 Deo. 26 Oct. 8 April. 26 Sept. 28 April. 2 July. 8 July. 29 Mar.,'91 27 July. 29 Jan. 4 July.




Invention and Name of Inventor. ;o. be. Box, Butter-. G. J. Startup Box, Butter-. A. McWilliam .. Box, Export butter-. A. Hart and C. A. Bramwell Box, Wedding-cake. A. Prior Box for laundry-blue, &c. J. 0. Egestorff Box for playing-cards, soap, cigars, &c. L. H. Spooner Box-iron. F. E. Hunter Box-iron, Funnel attachment for charcoal. W. Keymer Box, Lining for butter-. E. Pontin Box, Soap . J. W. Buckley Box. (See also Cabinet, Disinfecting-box, Match-box, Oil-box.) Boxing-glove. A. R. McDonald Brake for bicycle. E. Thomas Brake for bicycle. W. W. Curties Brake for bicycle. J. Tuck Brake for carriages, machinery, and velocipedes. H. M. and J. Copeland Brake for pneumatic tire. H. J. Ralph Brake for vehicle. H. Morrison .... Brake for velocipede. J. D. Tripe and J. Copeland Brake for wheeled vehicles. M. Belk Brake for wheeled vehicles. H. Hedge Branding cattle, horses, and sheep, Composition for. H. Gibson Branding sheep, &c, An appliance for. H. W. Potter and S. Frankel Branding. (See also Marking.) Breeching. W. Lambe Breeching. J. Henderson .. .. .. Bnck for smelting-furnace. E. Purser .. Bridge. (See Drawbridge.) Brokerage, Apparatus for determining amount of. J. S. Woodhouse and W. Rollitt Bucket. A. Hamann .. .. .. .. .. ... Bucket, Milking-. C. F. Cooper and J. E. Mansfield Bucket, Dredge-. J. C. McGeorge Buckle, Mail-bag. L. Lawson Buckle, Shoe-. J. Grannes Bulletin. (See Mercantile Bulletin.) Building. (See Concrete, Structural arrangement.) Buoy. (See Life-buoy.) Burglar-alarm. M. P. McDermott Burglar-alarm. M. P. McDermott Burglar-alarm. A. W.Jones .. Burglar alarm, Means of employing telephone systems as. F. Rowell Burner for incandescent gas-lighting. W.R.Clay .. Burner, Chemical device for use with Gas-. L. Hooker Burner, Combustion of carbo-hydrates in incandescent. C. Wurster Butter-box. G. J. Startup Butter-box. A. McWilliam .. Butter-box, Composition for coating inside of. The Friend's Steam-generator and Imporous Butter-box Company (Limited) .. ... Butter-box, Export. A. Hart and C. A. Bramwell Butter-box lining. E. Pontin.. Butter, butterine, or lard, Apparatus for subdividing. A. Billcliff Butter, Machine for moulding and cutting. J. Flynn and W. Muirhead Butter. (See also Churn.) Cab. (See Vehicle, Wheel.) Cabin-table. F. V. Raymond and A. E. Otway Cabinet, Bicycle-. C. N. Morris Cabinet, Paper-. T.S. Royds.. Cabinet, Paper-. T. S. Royds Cable-car. A. McGill Cable-cars, Safety-catch for. F. W. Payne Cable, Electric. M. Guilleaume Cable. (See also Telegraph-cable.) Cage, Hauling-. T. Powick and A. G. Hill Cages, Safety-gear for mining and other travelling. J. Hillman Calcium-carbide, Apparatus and process for forming. W. R. King and F. Wyatt Calculating device, Interest-. H. A. R. Huggins Calculating device, Interest-. J. S. Woodhouse and W. Rollitt Calculating device, Rent-. J. S. Woodhouse and W. Rollitt Calculating. (See also Cost-finding, Indicating.) Calves. (See Dehorning.) Cam for lifting stamps of stamp batteries. J. L. Kirkbride Cam for lifting stamps of stamp batteries. J. L. Kirkbride Candle. A. J. Park Candle-holder. I. Lewis Candle-holder. P. Ellis Candle-holder and save-all. A. M. Legge Candlestick. S. Sofie .. .. .. .. .. .. Cans, Machine for soldering. J. G. A. Castle Cans and cases, Handle and support for. T. W. Hickson Cans. (See also Tins.) Canister-cover. A. Durie .. .. .. .. ■• Capsules, Apparatus for filling and closing metal. E. Stern Carbohydrates of high boiling-point, Combustion of, in incandescent burners. C. Wurster Carcases of sheep and lambs, Appliance for weighing and grading. J. Gilmour Carcases of sheep for freezing, Device for straightening neck and forelegs of. T. Simson Carcases, Marking. (See Branding, Marking.) Car-coupling. W. Silver 8216 8858 8340 8295 8668 8837 8327 9012 8742 8264 8907 8504 8593 8706 8804 8622 9073 8800 8573 8510 9105 8434 8656 9085 8689 8443 8261 8698 9030 9081 8905 8208 8890 9023 8445 8913 8439 8241 8216 8858 8995 25 Jan. 15 Sept. 11 March. 20 Feb. 22 July. 12 Sept. 4 March. 3 Nov. 15 Aug. 10 Feb. 23 Sept. 14 May. 19 June. 6 Aug. 1 Sept. 3 July. 27 Nov. 24 Feb.,'97 12 June. 20 May. 27 Nov. 28 April. 17 July. 4 Nov. 24 July. 27 April. 4 Feb. 31 July. 10 Nov. 25 Nov. 30 Sept. 3 Dec.'95 25 Sept. 23 Oct. 28 April. 5 Oct. 28 April. 3 Feb. 25 Jan. 15 Sept. 30 Oct. 8340 8742 8959 8484 11 Mar. 15 Aug. 7 Oct. 12 May. 8342 9150 8372 8468 9053 8969 8376 6 March. 24 Dec. 24 Mar. 4 May. 14 Nov. 22 Oct. 31 March. 8797 8998 8744 8181 8443 8443 29 Aug. 4 Nov. 17 Aug. 9 Jan. 27 April. 27 April. 8576 8775 9076 8280 8909 8541 8899 8283 8391 15 June. 22 Aug. 28 Nov. 18 Feb. 1 Oct. 27 May. 29 Sept. 19 Feb. 9 April. 9054 8646 8241 ' 9153 8893 14 Nov. 14 July. 3 Feb. 30 Nov. 26 Sept. 8188 10 Jan.




Invention and Name of Inventor. [o. ;e. Car. (See also Cable-car.) Carriage, Brake for. H. M. and J. Copeland Carriage-lamp. (See Lamp.) Carriage. (See also Go-carriage, Vehicles, Railway-carriage, Rein.) Cartridge, Metallic. A. N. Whitney Case. (See Cans, Gear-case, Pump-case.) Gash check-books, Holder for. R. S. Abel and J. Dykes Cask for beer, &c G. W. Shailer Castings, Metal. A.G.Brown Castings, Method of annealing. The Trengrove Improved Cycle Frame Company (Limited) Castings of stampers. J. Barton Cattle, horses, &c, Appliance for drenching. C. Brake and A. McNae Cattle, horses, &c, Composition for branding. H. Gibson Cattle, horses, sheep, or pigs, Method and means of marking or labelling. W. Rainbow Cement. (See Concrete.) Cess-pan and cover. A. W. Jones Chain. (See Link.) Chain driving-wheel. H.Morrison Chair, Folding easy-. P. F. M. Burrows Check, Door-. A. H. Brownley Checking apparatus for preventing horses from running away. H. W. T. Doggett and J. McChesney Check-rein for carriage-horse. T.H.Hodge Chilling. (See Cooling, Freezing, Meat.) Chlorinating-furnace. (See Furnace.) Chlorine, Process for extracting metals from pyritic ores by means of. O. Frolich Chloro-cyanide salts or compounas. G. J. Atkins Chronograph, Electro-magnetic P. G. Harwood Churn and .egg-beater, Combined. S. A. Shipman .. Churn, Centrifugal. E. G. T. Thomas .. Churning. S. H. Wright and H. E. Taylor Cigar-box. L. H. Spooner Cigar, Eucalypti. W. J. Dalton Cigarette and cigarette-machine. B. Baron .. .. .. Cigarette, Means for lighting. R. W. Rutherford and J. A. Jackson Cigarette, Means for lighting. R. W. Rutherford and J. A. Jackson Cigarette-machine. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cigarette-machine. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cigarette-machine, Filler-forming mechanism for. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cigarette-machine. J. S. Detrick Cigarette, Machine for making conical. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cigarette, Machine for making conical. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cigarette tubes, Machine for making. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cigarette wrappers, Machine for securing seams of. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Cigar-machine. F. R. Keyes and C. A. Baker Cigar or cigarette, Lighting. R. W. Rutherford and J. A. Jackson Cigar or cigarette, Lighting. R. W. Rutherford and J. A. Jackson Clamp for flooring and lining. H. Childs .. .. .. Clamp. (See also Cramp.) Classifying, concentrating, and amalgamating gold-ores simultaneously, Process and apparatus for. J". Gamier Classifying, concentrating, and grading ore, Apparatus for. W. H. Coward Cleaner. (See Flax-cleaner, Knife-cleaner, Pot-cleaner.) Clip. (See Bicycle-clip, Haulage-clip, Wire-clip.) Closets, Method of aisinfecting. F. Templer Closet, Ventilator for pan. T. M. Lewington Closet-ventilator. T. M. Lewington Closet. (See Deoaorising, Disinfecting, Water-closet.) Closing vessels and charging them with liquefied or compressed gases, Apparatus for. (E. Stern) Clothes-peg. A. L. J. Tait Clothes-peg. T. J. Thompson and O. von Hartitzsch Clothes-protector ana tubaraincr. M.A.Johnson .. Clothes-washing machine. W. Humble and W. Nicholson .. .. ... Clothes-washing machine. J. A. H. Adolph and H. G. Johnson Clothing for cyclists, &c. M. T. McGrath Clutch-crank for bicycle. A.A.Troup .. Coal-distributor, Automatic, for use when loading vessels with coal to prevent spontaneous combustion of coal. J. C. Firth Coat. (See Oilskin.) Cook. H. Galopin Codlin-moth, woolly aphis, and root-fungus, Eradicating. W. Armstrong Coffin. T. Cole and G. Springer Coiler, Wire-. (See Wire-strainers.) Coin-freed fluid-meter apparatus. F. Wright Colander, Basting-. E. C. Johnston Collar-paas for protecting sores on horses' shoulders. C. S. White Collar-stud. G. H. Grapes Collar. (See Horse-collar.) Combustion of carbo-hydrates of high boiling-point in incandescence burners ana apparatus therefor. C. Wurster Combustion of fuel in furnaces, Method of and apparatus for effecting the. W. Edgerton Combustion, Producing. P. J. Schlicht 8804 8546 8400 8501 8814 8197 9119 8970 9105 8886 9111 9072 8266 8474 8938 8658 8782 8220 8554 8511 8878 8337 8837 8277 8393 8650 8723 8309 8494 8493 8267 8306 8307 1 Sept. 2 June. 11 April. 16 May. 3 Sept. 10 Jan. 10 Nov. 24 Oct. 27 Nov. 22 Sept. 10 Sept. 27 Nov. 11 Feb. 5 May. 16 Oct. 20 July. 24 Aug. 27 Jan. 4 June. 21 May. 19 Sept. 10 March 12 Sept. 17 Feb. 8 April. 14 July. 11 Aug. 29 Feb. 13 May. 13 May. 11 Feb. 29 Feb. 29 Feb. 8308 29 Feb. 8492 13 May. 8319 8650 8723 8518 2 March 14 July. 11 Aug. 22 May. 8503 14 May. 8218 25 Jan. 8957 8704 8580 23 Oct. 31 July, 12 June. 8567 8604 8789 8635 8560 8610 8265 8737 8585 11 June. 22 June, 24 Aug. 10 July. 6 June. 27 June. 11 Feb. 10 Aug. 13 June. 8370 8348 8451 28 March. 12 March 28 April. 8186 8385 8823 8952 10 Jan. 7 April. 3 Sept. 22 Oct. 8241 3 Feb. 8590 8390 19 June. 9 April.




I—H. 10.

Invention and ame of Inventor. No. Date. Commission, Apparatus for determining amount of. J. S. Woodhouse and W. Rollitt Commode and water flush-pump combined. J. Harrow Compositor or imprinting machine, Mechanical. R.N.Adams Compressor for air or gas. N. Selfe - ..- Concave bars of threshing-mills, Means for protecting from wear. G. Saunders Concentrating, classifying, and amalgamating gold ores simultaneously, Process and apparatus for. J. Gamier Concentrating, classifying, and grading ore, Apparatus for. W. H. Coward Concentrating-table. W. P. Wynne and T. Tregurtha Concentrator. (See also Amalgamator, Classifying, Gold, Grading, Metals, Ores.) Concentrator and amalgamator. W. B. Walters and P. H. Jeffcoat Concentrator and amalgamator. R. Taylor Concentrator or separator, principally applicable to the treatment of pyrites. W. P. Wynne and T. Tregurtha Concrete and cement-mortar building, &c. J. Carter Concrete erections. W. Dear Condensed-milk products. W. F. Maclaren and A. S. Fleming Condensing and sterilising milk, Apparatus for and process of. R. C. and A. M. Linasay Confection. W. Hatton Confectionery advertising-medium. (See Advertising.) Connecting device for securing tubes or rods to mains, plates, &c. F. Albrecht Connecting-roa. D.J. Crosby .. .. .. .. Connections for arain-pipes. P. Hutson Conveying grain, minerals, &c, Apparatus for. C. Thompson Cooking-utensils, Instrument for cleaning. A. L. J. Tait Cooling air and producing dry warm air, Apparatus for. T. B. Lightfoot Cooling, purifying, and arying air for chilling ana freezing purposes, Moae of and apparatus for. C. A. MacDonald. Cooling. (See also Air-compressor, Freezing, Ice-making, Milk-cooling, Preserving.) Copper-and zin-c-ores, Treating. W.E.Hughes Copper tubes. (See Tubes.) Corking bottles, Apparatus for. P. Larsen Corking-machine. J. W. Flower and R. J. Cousins Corks, Device for securing, in bottles. A. Billens .. .. " '-■-. '. .. Corrosive and other liquids, Elevator for. E. F. Turner Corset. L. A. Hean Cost- and weight-indicating apparatus for spring-balance scales. (H. J. Wood and W. Thomson) Cost-finder. 5. S. Woodhouse .. .. .. .. Cost-indicating apparatus for lever-platform, steelyard, &c, weighing-machines. The Combined Weight- and Cost-indicating Scale Company (Limited) Cost-indicating apparatus for weighing-machine. R. M. Macdonald .. Cost-indicator. (See also Calculating device, Postage-, Price-, Ready-reckoner.) Cost of articles, amounts of commission, interest, &c, Device for determining. J. S. Woodhouse and W. Rollitt Cost of goods sold by lineal measurement, Apparatus for indicating. R. A. Bradbury. Cotton-waste, Cleansing, degreasing. F. N. Turney Couch, Spring-, G. Hamlin Coulter of grain-drill. P. Mulvihill .. .. .. ,. ,. Coupling. (See Car-coupling, Railway.) Cover. (See Canister-cover, Hatch-cover, Horse-cover, Tin-cover, Tire-cover.) Cowl, Ventilating-. J.E.Yates .. . ,. ... Cradle and perambulator, Convertible. E. R. Godward .. .. .. ... Cramp, Flooring- and lining-. . W. C. -Page- -.. ...... ' .. .. Cramp, Picture-frame. L. Schmoll .. .. .. .. .. Cramp. (See also Clamp.) Crane, Dray-loading. J. H. Speedy .. .. .. .. Crank, .Clutch-, for bicycle. A. A. Troup Crank for cycle, Double-centre. J.Speight Crank-lever for cycle, Non-rotating. J. Speight Crankless driving-gear for motors used on land and sea. F. R. Trevithick and E. H. Barber Crate for cycles. J. J. Daily Cream. (See Churns, Milk, Ice-cream.) Creosoting wood, Cylinder for. (See Cylinder.) Cricket-stumps. F. V. Raymond Cricket-stumps. J. Rowley Cricket-wicket. W. M. Tyers and D. T. C. Innes .. Cricket-wicket, Alarm. W. McKaskell Crusher and grinder for ore. W. J. Dalton .. .. ... Crusher and grinder for ore, Portable. W. J. Dalton Crusher and grinder for rock. Kinkead Mill Company Crushing and pulverising ore, Apparatus for. C.D.Jenkins. ...... Crushing ores, Apparatus for. D. B. Morrison Crushing, • (See also Disintegrating, Pulverising.) Cue ana tip. A. Noble Cue-tip. F. R. Trevithick ana E. H. Barber .. .. ...... Cuff-guard. A. F. Gualter .." .. .. .. ....... Cultivator. J.Gray .. .. ........ .. . .. .. Cultivator. A. Hosking .. .. .. .. .. .. Cultivator ana harrow. J. H. Jensen .. .. .. .. .. Cultivator and seed-drill. C. McLeod Cultivator, Hand-power. G. W. Shailer and W. L. Luxford. .. ...... Cultivator, Knife attachment for. J.Richardson .... .." . . .. Cultivator or harrow. J.H.Jensen .. .. .. ..'..'.-■' .. .. Cure pf toothache, Appliance for. P. Riordan .. .... ..,..". Curing bacon, creosoting wood, &c, Cylinder for. E. R. Down .. . . i". .. Curing bacon, hams, &o. E.R.Down .. .. .. .. .. Curing meat, Process for. W. Broome .. 8443 8793 8681 9044 9120 8503 27 April. 25 Aug. 2 July. 17 Nov. 11 Dec. 14 May. 8218 8486 25 Jan. 12 May. 8951 9067 8589 22 Oct. 26 Nov. 19 June. 9147 8967 8912 8599 8349 23 Dec. 24 Oct. 5 Oct. 25 June. 14 March. 8508 8617 8660 8381 8448 8339 8714 19 May. 2 July. 21 July. 1 April. 23 April. 11 March. 6 Aug. 8844 15 Sept. 8394 9016 8895 8647 8366 8361 8606 8446 8 April. 7 Nov. 26 Sept. 14 July. 25 March. 25 March. 25 June. 29 April. 8454 30 April. 8443 27 April. 9155 8645 8993 8652 23 Dec. 14 July. 27 Oct. 15 July. 8665 8941 8205 8812 22 July. 12 Oct. 16 Jan. 1 Sept. 8777 8737 8345 8312 8602 8848 11 Aug. 10 Aug. 13 March. 2 March. 22 June. 16 Sept. 9008 9051 9052 9128 8293 8294 8616 8929 8982 31 Oct. 18 Nov. 20 Nov. 15 Dec. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 2 July. 10 Oct. 27 Oct. 8490 8473 8596 8561 8940 8200 8487 8685 9097 8387 8637 8751 8750 8386 11 May. 4 May. 22 June. . 8 June. 16 Oct. 13 Jan. 12 May. 27 July. 2 Deo. 7 April. 11 July. 17 Aug." 17 Aug. 7 April.




Invention and Name of Inventor. o. ie. Curing meat, Process for. J. Gilmour .. Cutter. (See Pollard-cutter, Tobacco-cutter.) Cutting holes in wood, metal, &c, Apparatus for. W. H. Landells and H. Zander Cutting holes in wood, metal, &c, Apparatus for. W. H. Landells and H. Zander Cyanide process of extracting gold, Improvement in. E. Hoiland and G. W. Horn Cyanides and ferro-cyanides, Manufacturing, from sulpho -cyanides. The United Alkali Company (Limited) Cycle. B. and F. Ljungstrom .. .. '.,. Cycle. A. L. J Tait .. .. .. .... Cycle, Apparatus for assisting an instructor in teaching a person to ride. F. W. Painter Cycle, &c, Apparatus for automatically signalling when a predetermined speed is attained on motor-carriages. J. Clements Cycles, Apparatus for bending handle-bars of. N. Oates Cycle, Arrangement of mechanical parts for propulsion of. W. H. Trengrove Cycle ball-bearings. Schroeder's Ball-bearing Company (Limited) Cycle-bearings. T. Boyd Cycle-cabinet. C.N.Morris.. Cycle-chain bolts, Washer for locking nuts on. T. Boyd Cycle, Chainless driving-gear for. C. L. Garland Cycle-crate. J. J. Daily Cycle, Non-rotating crank-lever for. J. Speight Cycle, Device for holding lever of, when brake is applied. E. R. Standfield and T. de R. Harman Cycle, Double centre-crank for. J. Speight Cycle driving-gear. J. Speight Cycle driving-gear. J. Speight Cycle driving-gear. A. H. Edwards Cycle driving-gear. J. J. Marshall Cycle driving-gear. F. Richardson Cycle driving-gear. J. L. Lob, G. H. Barlow, and A. W. R. Drabsch Cycle driving-gear. J. G. Gough and W. E. Harding Cycle driving-gear. ' W. Fennah and H. D. McKie .. Cycle driving-gear. E. Davies and A. Harrison Cycle driving-gear. W. Dall Cycle driving-gear. F. R. Trevithick and E. H. Barber Cycle driving-gear. F. R. Trevithick and E. H. Barber .. Cycle driving-mechanism. F. F. Powell Cycle, &c, driving-mechanism. J. Gaut Cycle driving-wheel carriage. J. Adoook Cycle, Electric lamp for. T. G. Howden Cycle-frame. W. H. Trengrove Cycle-gear. E. A. Trendall Cycle-handle and steering-bar. C. O. Kemp Cycle, Lever-pedal for. J. Speight Cycle propelling-gear. P. Ellis Cycle propelling mechanism. G. T. Booth and W. Soott Cycle propelling-gear. E. A. Ashcroft Cycle-saddle. C. Jacob Cycle-saddle. F. G. Shields Cycle, Sprocket-wheel for. J. A. Walker Cycle-tires. (See Tires.) Oyole-wheel. (See Wheel.) Cycles, Means of conserving power expended in overcoming obstacles by. W. W. Curties Cycles, Propelling, by manual power. C. J. Hill Cycles. (See also Bicycle, Brake, Clips, Driving-gear, Propelling, Saddle, Seat, Tricycle, Wheel, Velocipede.) Cycling and other sports, Scoring-board for. W. H. N. Stead Cycling-clothes. M. T. McGrath Cycling-skirt. C. H. Hart Cyclists, Back-support for. R. W. Hutton Cyclist's valise. W. B. Parsons Cylinaer for curing bacon, creosoting wood, &c. E. R. Down Dairy-produce. (See Preserving.) Davit-stopper for ships' boats. G. Holfora Day-book for bankers, &c J. P. Harris Deepening adjust for ploughs. (See Ploughs.) Deck-scrubber. (See Scrubber.) Degreasing wool. (See Wool.) Dehorning calves, Instrument for. D. Donald Deodorising closets, &c, Method of. F. Templer Desulphurising-furnace. (See Furnace.) Dies. (See Spouting-dies.) Differential pressure-reducing apparatus. C. G. P. de Laval Digger. (See Potato-digger.) Dining- and billiard-table. D. McKenzie Dip. (See Sheep-dip.) Directory-table, Advertising. J. D. Fisher Directory. (See also Mercantile Direotory.) Discharge-shoot for feeding ore to stamp battery. A. W. Goyder .. .. Disc harrow. (See Harrow.) Disc plough. (See Plough.) Disc ridger. (See Ridger.) Disinfectant, medicinal, and bleaching fluid. A. W. Meeks Disinfecting and deodorising closets, &c, Method of. F. Templer Disinfecting-box for closets, &c. A. E. Furness Disintegrating hard substances, Apparatus for. A. Jordan Disintegrating quartz, &c, Process and means for. A. Gutensohn Disintegrating. (See also Crushing, Pulverising.) 8811 31 Aug. 8731 8873 8545 8224 11 Aug. 19 Sept. 2 June. 29 Jan. 8288 8682 8920 9136 21 Feb. 9 July. 5 Oct. 17 Dec. 8683 8659 9090 8910 9150 8455 9050 8848 8312 8984 8345 8312 8345 8382 8530 8764 8818 8869 8881 8930 9033 8603 8408 8758 9108 8933 9026 8949 8757 8588 8285 8763 8735 8805 8852 8857 9091 3 July. 18 July. 3 Dec. 3 Oot. 24 Dec. 1 May. 18 Nov. 16 Sept. 2 March, 27 Oct, 18 March, 2 March. 13 March. 1 April. 27 May. 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 18 Sept. 23 Sept. 10 Oct. 11 Nov. 22 June. 17 April. 19 Aug. 10 Deo. 10 Oct. 11 Nov. 19 Oct. 21 July. 19 June. 20 Feb. 17 Aug. 12 Aug. 1 Sept. 16 Sept. 14 Sept. 3 Dec. 8515 8371 20 May. 27 March 8956 8265 9049 8948 9066 8751 23 Oct. 11 Feb. 18 Nov. 21 Oot. 26 Nov. 17 Aug. 8653 8320 15 July. 3 March, 8664 8957 21 July. 23 Oot. 8431 28 April. 8840 10 Sept. 8550 3 Juno. 9089 3 Deo. 8255 8957 9149 8632 8749 6 Feb. 23 Oct. 24 Dec. 8 July. 17 Aug.




Invention and Name of Inventor. to. ;e. Distributor. (See Coal-distributor, Lime-distributor,,) Door, Anti-rattler and sash-fastener for window or. W. J. Dalton Door-check to prevent slamming. A. H. Brownley Door-latch, Device for fastening. A. Prior Door or window, Draught preventing apparatus for attachment to. A. H. and C. Hansen Door. (See also Railway.) Dovetailing, dowelling, and tenoning, Method of and apparatus for. A. Brake Dowelling, tenoning, and dovetailing, Method of and apparatus for. A. Brake Drainage-pipe connections. P. Hutson .. Drain-plough. (See Plough.) Draining wet wool. (See Wool.) Draught-preventer. (See Door, Window.) Drawbridge. J. Musson Drawing lines, Appliance to assist in. J. Warnock Dray-loading crane. J. H. Speedy Dredge. G. Poll Dredge. G. Poll .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • • Dredge-buckets, Method of and apparatus for obtaining complete delivery in. J. G. Mctreorge and F. W. Payne Dredge, gold-saving apparatus for. J. C. McGeorge Dredge, Suction-. G. Higgins Dredge, Tailings-elevator for. W. Cutten Dredge, Winch for. W. Cutten Dredge, Rotary ariving-gear for. R. Cockerell Dreaging auriferous rivers, Method and means of. I. Lewis Dredging for precious metals, Apparatus for. H. Park Dressing and threshing. (See Threshing, Seeds.) Dressing for textile and fibrous materials. C. Dahl. Drenching cattle and horses, Appliance for. C. Brake and A. MoNae Drill, Attachment to seed-. A. Marsh Drill, Coulter of grain-. P. Mulvihill Drill, plough, and hoe combined. G. Osborne Drill, Process and apparatus for sharpening rock-. T.H.Bradbury Drill, Seed-. A. Marsh Drill, Turnip-seed. P. Genn .. .. .. Drill, Turnip-seed. A. Storrie Drills. (See also Cultivator and Ridger.) Driving-gear for bicycle. J. Metzger Driving-gear for bicycle. W. W. Curties.. Driving-gear for bicycle. J. Speight Driving-gear for bicycle. R. Murie Driving-gear for bicycle. W. Taylor .. .. Driving-gear for bicycle. (See also Bicycle.) Driving-gear for cycle. J. Speight Driving-gear for cycle. J.Speight Driving-gear for cycle. A. H. Edwards Driving-gear for cycle. G. L. Garland Driving-gear for cycle. F. R. Trevithick and E. H. Barber Driving-gear for cycle. J. J. Marshall Driving-gear for cycle. F. R. Trevithick and E. H. Barber Driving-gear for cycle. F. Richardson Driving-gear for cycle. J. L. Lob, G. H. Barlow, and A. W. R. Drabsoh Driving-gear for cycle. J. G. Gough and W. E. Harding Driving-gear for cycle. W. Fennah and H. D. McKie .. .. Driving-gear for cycle. E. Davies ana A. Harrison Driving-gear for cycle. W. Dall Driving-gear for motors, Crankless. F. R. Trevithick and E. H. Barber .. Driving-gear for pumps, dredges, &c, Rotary. R. Cockerell Driving-mechanism for bicycle. L. N. Dyhrberg, W. W. Curties, and A. Crum Driving-mechanism for bicycle. F. J. A. Kinaermann Driving-mechanism for bicycle. J. Gaut .. .. •• Driving-mechanism for bicycle. G. T. Booth, W. Scott, and J. E. Friend Driving-mechanism for bicycle. F.J.Osmond Driving-mechanism for cycles. F. F. Powell Driving-wheel chain. H. Morrison Drum. (See Skeleton-drum, Tins.) Dry distillation of wood, &c, Apparatus for. A. Sohmidt Drying. (See Air, Wool.) Dynamo. J. Vaughan-Sherrin Easy-chair, Folding. P. F. M. Burrows Edge-tool sharpener. C.L.Daniel Egg-beater and churn combined. S. A. Shipman Eggs. (See Preserving.) Electrical radiators and hot-plates. J. Chambers Electrical radiators and water-boilers. J. Chambers Electric apparatus for marking meat. A. Smith Electric arc-lamp. (See Lamp.) Electric bird-exterminator. J. Metzger Electric cable. M. Guilleaume Electric fan, Rotary. P. Diehl and E. H. Bennett, jun. Electric illumination, Phosphorescent. Moore Electrical Company Electric-lamp. (See Lamp.) _ • Electric-lighting and -heating of railway-oarnages, &c E. J. Preston and A. H. Uill Electric medical bath. J. R. and A. Hare Electric motor. (See Motors.) Electric photographic time- and position-recorder. J. Gaut .. .. •-•■.' Electricity-generator, H. Arzt .. . ■ .. • • •'• 8336 8474 9005 8772 8536 8536 8660 8172 8258 8777 8958 9083 9030 8738 8491 8196 8214 8475 8278 8472 8248 8970 8694 8652 8996 8253 8693 8467 9096 8272 8330 8666 8700 8914 8312 8345 8382 9050 8408 8530 8603 8764 8818 8869 8881 8930 9033 8602 8475 8235 8810 9108 9139 9113 8758 9072 5 March. 5 May. 5 Nov. 22 Aug. 29 May. 29 May. 21 July. 3 Jan. 7 Feb. 11 Aug. 23 Oct. 1 Dec. 10 Nov. 23 Aug. 9 May. 10 Jan. 18 Jan. 11 May. 18 Feb. 8 May. 4 Feb. 24 Oct. 27 July. 15 July. 30 Oct. 6 Feb. 27 July. 6 May. 2 Dec. 12 Feb. 4 March. 22 July. 28 July. 5 Oot. 2 March. 13 March. 1 April. 18 Nov. 17 April. 27 May. 22 June. 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 18 Sept. 23 Sept. 10 Oct. 11 Nov. 22 June. 11 May. 1 Feb. 2 Sept. 10 Dec. 15 Dec. 8 Dec. 19 Aug. 27 Nov. 8549 3 June. 8927 8266 8250 8511 10 Oct. 11 Feb. 5 Feb. 21 May. 8871 8934 8680 17 Sept. 12 Oct. 22 July. 8835 8376 9157 8215 29 Aug. 31 Maroh. 29 Dec 22 Jan. 8377 8449 31 Maroh. 29 April. 9068 8642 26 Nov. 14 July




tnveni ;ion am fame o! iventor. fo. ;e. Electric race-recorder. J. Gaut .. .. ... ... .. Electric starting-machine. J. Gaut .. .. .. .. Electric time-handicap starter. (See Starter.) Electro deposition. (See Lead, Metal, Tubes, Zinc.) Electrolytic precipitation of gold and silver from solutions, Means and apparatus for. J. Pfleger Electromagnetic chronograph. P. G. Harwood Electro-motor and transformer. The Alternate Current Electro-motor Syndicate (Limited) Elevator for automatic distribution of straw on to stacks. G. Stevenson Elevator for dredge-tailings. W. Cutten .. .. .. .. ., Elevator for corrosive and other liquids. E. F. Turner Elevator, Hydraulic. G. Lee .. .. .. .. .... Embossed photograph. A.Martin Embossed photograph. F. A. Taber .. .. - .. Embroidery. (See Needle.) Emery wheel, Substitute for. C. M. Pielsticker Enamel paint. G. W. N. Hamilton .. .. .. .. Endless belts, Attachment of. A. Evans Engine. L. C. McAdams .. ... ........ Engine, Rotary. G. A. Ritson ... .. Engine, Tidal and river automatic lock-. J. L. McOoll Engine. (See Air-engine, Gas-engine, Hot-air engine, Marine-engine, Oil-engine, Steam-engine, Traction-engine.) Envelopes, &c, Seal for. A. H. Krause Eucalypti cigar. W. J. Dalton Evaporating-kiln for fruit, &c L. J. Duflou .. .. Evaporating or heating apparatus. F. Ljungstrom .. .'.." .. .. Exchange. (See Telephone Exchange.) Explosive compound. J. Carter .. .. .. Explosions in mines, Process of preventing. W. R. Townsend Exterminator, Electric bird-. J. Metzger Extracting essential properties of the bark of trees and shrubs and concentrating same in solid form. J. Freyberg Extracting gold, metals, &c (See Gold, Metals, Ore.) Eye, Hook and. M, Hindley .. Fan, Rotary electric. P. Diehl and E. H. Bennett, jun. Fastener. (See also Bootlace-fastener, Door-fastener, Garments, Gate-fastener, Latoh-fastener, Legging-fastener, Sash-fastener, Shoe-fastener, Tie-fastener, Wire-fastener.) Fastening for gloves, shoes, leggings, gaiters, &c. A. G. Howland Fastening for rails. F. Ottaway .. .. .. .. Fat-press. J. Paddy and W. Mallandine.. .. ,. .. '.. .. Fatty matter from fatty animal tissues, Manufacturing. J. Davidson Feeder-apron for reapers and binders, &c C. D. Lightband Feeaing horses, &c, Appliance for. W. Rainbow Fencing-staple. F.W.Page .. .. .. ... .. ... Fencing, Swinging standards for wire-. G. and G. Wratten Fencing. (See also Gate, Wire-fencing, Wire-strainer.) Ferro-cyanides. (See Cyanides.) Fertilizing. (See Manuring.) Fibre. (See Flax.) Figure-support, Anatomical hygienic. A. G. Parry .. .... File, Letter-. R. W. S. Clair .. .. .. .. .. ... File, Paper-. D.Moore-Jones Filling and closing metal capsules or containers submitted to great internal pressure, and having fine necks with small inlet-apertures, Apparatus for. E. Stern Film-carrier for magic-lantern. G.Hamlin .. .. .. Filter. J. Murdoch, T. W. Lewis, and W. H. Harris .. .. Filter for water-tanks. E. J. Coppen and E. H. Chamberlain .. .. .. ,, Filter, Tank. D. E. Amesbury .. .. .. '. .. Finger-protector for use when sewing by hand. A. J. Park Firearm. E.L.Barton Firearm. (See also Projectile, Trigger.) Fireplace, Adjustable foot-rest bracket for. F. G. M. Brittin Fireplace, Foot-rest for. F. G. M. Brittin Fire-guard. J. Churches .. .. .. .. .. ... .. Fire-tcngs. G.Robinson .. .. .. .... Fish-splitter and-cleaner. T. S. Mullay .. Fish. (See Preserving.) Flame-spreader and smoke-consumer for oil-lamp. D. Dunn, T. W. Lewis, and W. H. Harris .. Flame spreader for kerosene candle-substitutes. A. Billens Flask. (See Tea-flask.) Flax and similar fibres, Process of and apparatus for dressing. C. S. White and A. J. Cuming .. Flax-Cleaning process. T. Branton Flax, Machine for scraping. W. Fairweather Flax (Phormium tenax), Method of obtaining and dressing fibre of New Zealand. A. J. Cuming and C. S. White Flax-scraping machine. J. H. Harper and A. Harris . .. Flax-stripping machine. G. J. Leech, jun. .. .. .. ,. Flax stripper, Yielding beating-bar for. W. Fairweather .. .... , .. . Flooring- and lining-clamp. H. Childs .. .. ... ... Flooring and lining,. Lever-cramp for. W.C.Page .. .. .'/., . Floor-scrubber. S. J. W. Buckley ., .,..,... .. .... .. Flour-tester. P. C. K. Young Fluid-meter apparatus, Coin-freed... F.Wright ... .. ..... Fluid, Washing-. (See Washing.) Folding easy-chair. P. F. M. Burrows .. .. .. .. ...;.. Food. I. A. Timmis .. .. .. .:..-,. ..... ,. Food, (See also Alimentary, Preserving.) 8528 8529 26 May. 26 May. 8187 8554 8609 8790 8196 8647 8639 8946 8559 10 Jan. 4 June. 27 June. 20 Aug. 10 Jan. 14 July. 15 June. 20 Oct. 6 June. 8947 8716 9064 8974 8464 8296 21 Oct. 6 Aug. 17 Nov. 26 Oct. 5 May. 21 Feb. 8194 8277 8287 9014 11 Jan. 17 Feb. 19 Feb, 7 Nov. 8211 8874 8835 9126 23 Jan. 21 Sept. 29 Aug. 16 Deo. 8276 9157 14 Feb. 29 Deo. 8476 8247 8657 8915 8444 8721 8654 8315 8 May. 4 Feb. 20 July. 5 Oct. 24 April. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 2 March, 8655 8409 8839 8616 15 July. 17 April. 9 Sept. 14 July. 8232 8634 8199 8363 8601 8357 29 Jan. 6 July. 13 Jan. 25 March 26 June. 20 March, 9115 9115 8526 8534 9059 9 Dec 9 Dec. 26 May. 28 May. 19 Nov. 8896 8891 26 Sept. 24 Sept. 9114 8422 8575 8964 9 Dec. 22 April. 12 June. 22 Oot. 8227 8779 9080 8518 8205 8364 8833 8186 28 Jan. 20 Aug. 28 Nov. 22 May. 16 Jan. 26 March 5 Sept. 10 Jan. 8266 8954 11 Feb. 23 Oot.




Invention and Name of Inventor. 'o. le. Foot-rest for fireplace. F. G. M. Brittin _ .. .. .. •■,..-. Forcing water or air, Machine for. E. Kiernan Fowling-piece. .(See Rifle.) Freezing, Device for straightening carcases for. T. Simson .. .. Freezing meat, Method of and apparatus for. F. G. M. Brittin and B. W. Glass Freezing meat under pressure. J. Gilmour ... Freezing. (See also Air-compressor, Cooling, Ice-making, Preserving, Refrigerating.) Frosting glass, metals, &c, Apparatus for. F. Stent .. .. .. Frozen produce, Method of thawing. F. A. Furlonge ... Fruit-evaporating kiln. L. J. Duflou Fruit. (See Preserving.) Fruit-tree sprayer. (See Sprayers.) Fuel. E. M. Smith .. .. .. • • . • • Fuel-economizing apparatus for steam-boilers, Automatic stoking, smoke-consuming, and. G. Claydon and H. Wood Fuel-economizing apparatus for steam-boilers, Automatic stoking, smoke-consuming, and. The Wood and Claydon Automatic Stoker, Coal-crusher, Self-feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company (Limited) Fuel, Gaseous. (See Gas.) Fuel, Method of and apparatus for effecting combustion of, in furnaces. W. Egerton Fuel, Press for compressing shavings for. J. Russell .. .. .. ... Fumes, Machine for generating and forcing into rabbit-burrows. N. R. Munro Fumigator. (See Rabbit-poisoning.) Fungus, Eradicating root-. W. Armstrong ... Furnace, Brick for smelting-. E. Purser .. .-. .. Furnace-cases, Gratings for use in. J.Anderson Furnace, Ore-roasting. I. Lewis Furnace, Ore-treatment gas-shaft. D. R. S. Galbraith .. Furnace, Roasting- and oxidizing-. Parke and Lacy Company Furnace, Roasting , chlorinating-, and desulphurising-. Parke and Lacy Company (Limited) .. Furnace. (See Fuel.) Furniture, Stuffing for. A. R. McDonald .. .. •• _ •• Furrow-cutter and packer for plough. J. G. Harvey Furrow, Machine for making and depositing poisoned grain therein. N. R. Munro Furrow-skimmer. A. W. Legg Furrow slicer for ploughs. T. E. Keetley Furrow-wheel. (See Wheels.) Fuse-lighter. J. Fraser Gaiters, Fastening for. A. G. Howland .. .. .. .. •■ •■ Gaiters and spats, Attachment to. M. O'Brien and R. Weston Galvanic battery. A. C. Miles and B. F. de Morgenstern Game. P. Vautier and W. T. Dawick Garments, Fastening device for suspending. E. L. Evens and A. Bonnin.. Garment, Waterproof. J. H. Tennant .. Gas, Apparatus for regulating supply of and enriching same, and composition therefor. H. J. Ingle Gas-burner, Chemically-impregnated device for use with Bunsen. L. Hooker Gas-burner, Incandescent. W. R. Clay Gas-burner, Regulation device for. F. L. and H. W. Teed Gas-compresser. N. Selfe .. .. • • • • • • Gas-engine and method of mixing and volatilising gases in same. J. B. Carse Gas-engine governor. R.Caldwell Gas-engine governor. R. Caldwell Gas-engines, Method of igniting. R. Caldwell Gaseous fuel, Generating and applying to motive-power purposes. F. H. Snow Gas-furnace. (See Furnace.) Gas-generator. Pettibone, Mulliken, and Co. Gaslight-fittings, Incandescent. A. Vaughan Gas-lighting, Burner for incandescent. W.R.Clay Gas-lighting, Method of and apparatus for. T.Rowan Gas, Liquid composition for increasing illuminating and heating powers of, and apparatus for 'utilising same. E. Sparling ana H. J. Ingle Gasometer. (See Lime-light Apparatus.) Gas. (See Acetylene, Lamp, Liquia, Oil-gas.) Gases, Apparatus for charging vessels with compressed. E. Stern Gases, Apparatus for reducing pressure of. R. Matchett Gate and actuating apparatus therefor. T. Salkeia .. .. .. ... Gate. A. H. Brownley Gate-fastener. C. Whiteman .. .. ... •• •• Gate-hinge. A.Scott ... .. ... •■ •• Gate-hinge, Automatic-shutting. J. Drummona Gear-case for velocipedes. G. Mirfin and W. Petersen Gate, Self-setting rabbit-. P. 0. K. Young .. .. .. .. .. Generating gaseous fuel. (See Fuel.) _ ,*-,.-. „ „ „„ Generating poisonous fumes and forcing them into rabbit-burrows, Machine for. N. R. Munro .. Generator of electricity. (See Electricity.) Generator. (See Acetylene-gas, Gas.) Girders and beams, Mode and means for supporting ends of. A. Westwood Glass, Apparatus for frosting. F. Stent.. Glossing-iron and handle attachment. W. H. Brunton and F. S. H. Werry Gloves, Fastening for, A. G. H° wla nd Gloves for cricket or boxing. A. R. McDonald Go-carriage and protector combined. E. Youngman Gold accumulator, Float-. C. W. Horneman Gold-amalgamating process and apparatus. J. V. Bartlett Gold amalgamator. J. R. Brown and G. A. Kirk .. .. .. •'♦"+,-■'* Gold and silver, Means and apparatus for electrolytic precipitation of, from solutions. J. PHeger Gold and silver, Method and apparatus for extracting, from ores. O. 0. Heiden ,, , .. 9115 8222 8893 9071 8859 8999 9029 8287 8709 8605 8826 8590 8565 8768 8348 8689 8608 8279 8424 9048 8808 8836 8761 8769 8651 8638 8830 8476 8374 9018 9063 8880 8219 8419 8439 8913 9146 9044 8244 8544 8566 8876 8570 9 Dec. 28 Jan. , 26 Sept. 24 Nov. 15 Sept. 4 Nov. : 12 Nov. I 19 Feb. 6 Aug. 24 June. 4 Sept. 19 June. 8 June. 21 Aug. 12 March. 24 July. 25 June. 18 Feb. 24 April. 18 Nov. 1 Sept. 29 Aug. 17 Aug. 21 Aug. 15 July. 11 July. 9 Sept. 8 May. 28 March. 7 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Sept. 22 Jan. 24 April. 28 April. 5 Oct. 23 Dec. 17 Nov. 3 Feb. 2 June. 10 June. 21 Sept. 12 June. 8937 9079 8913 8204 8229 16 Oct. 27 Nov. 5 Oct. 15 Jan. 30 Jan. 8567 9152 8595 8509 8745 8411 8627 8725 8284 11 June. 24 Dec. 24 June. 15 May. 17 Aug. 10 April. 4 July. 12 Aug. 17 Feb. 8768 21 Aug. 8743 8999 8198 8476 8907 8275 8310 8213 8458 8187 8462 17 Aug. 4 Nov. 10 Jan. 8 May. 17 Sept. 14 Feb. 2 March. 23 Jan. 4 May. 10 Jan. 4 May.




Invention and Name of Inventor. [o. ,e. Gold and silver, Process for extracting, from ore. K. A. May Gold and silver, Process for extracting, from slimes by leaching. J. Park and G. W. Horn Gold and silver, Process for obtaining, from ores. J. Park and E. H. Whitaker Gold and silver, Recovering, from solutions. C. W. H. Gopner and H. L. Diehl Gold- and silver-ores, Process and apparatus for treating. A. de C. Scott Gold and similar metals, Mining. H. Frasch Gold, Apparatus for extracting. W. H. Hyatt and J. Henochsberg Gold, Apparatus for extracting, by means of mercury. J. S. Butler Gold, Apparatus for obtaining, from river-beds. W. Aitken, jun. Gold, Apparatus for saving. B. Gray Gold, Extracting from ores. W. Majert Gold, Machine for extracting by solvents. J. J. Deeble .. .. .. .. Gold, Machine for saving by aid of mercury. G. Dillberg and W. Walker Gold, Method of obtaining. J. F. Webb Gold, Mining. H. Frasoh Gold, Process for saving from refractory ores. F. White Gold, Process of and apparatus for extracting from ores. J. G. Murphy Gold, Process of and apparatus for mining and extracting from auriferous deposits. G. Renz, W. A. Tarves, and D. Chenhall Gold, Process of extracting. E. Hoiland and G. W. Horn Gold saving, Alluvial-. C. W. Horneman Gold-saving apparatus. W. Morton Gold-saving apparatus. J. W. Robertson Gold-saving apparatus for rivers. W.B.Walters Gold-saving, Hydro-chlorine process of. J. D. Anderson Gold-saving machine. C. W. Horneman.. Gold-saving machine. J. Tyson Gold-saving, Method of and apparatus for, especially useful for dredges. J. C. McGeorge Gold-separating, Apparatus for and dry process of. C. Phillips Gold, silver, &c.,- Table for saving. R. Cockerell Gold. (See Amalgamating, Ore, Pulveriser, Quartz.) Golosh. (See Shoe.) Governor applicable to gas-engines, &c R. Caldwell Governor applicable to gas-engines, &c R. Caldwell Grading, concentrating, and classifying ore, Apparatus for. W. H. Coward Grading ore, &c. H. Pape and W. Henneberg Grain, Apparatus for sorting and removing dust from. R. Steinbaoh Grain-conveying apparatus. C. Thompson Grain-drill. (See Drill.) Grains, Utilising brewers' " spent." R. D. Bailey and L. P. Ford Grass-seed stripper. F. W. Page Gratings for use in furnace-cases. J. Anderson Grinder, Ore-. (See Crusher.) Grip, wire straining. J.C.Graham Guide for wool-washing. (See Wool.) Guiding-pulleys for hauling logs, &c W. R. Brownlee Gun-sling. W. H. Tisdall Hair, Apparatus for applying liquids to roots of. F. Pratt Hair or wool, Machine for cutting. J. W. Newall Hairpin. C. W. Hughes Handicap starter, Electric time . (See Starter.) Handle and support for cans and cases. T. W. Hickson Handle, Cycle-. (See Cycle.) Harness and shafts of vehicle. (See Vehiole.) Harness breeching. W. Lambe Harness-polish. A. Howe and S. H. Lees Harrow and cultivator. J. H. Jensen Harrow, Disc. J. Gray Harrow or cultivator. J. H. Jensen Harrow, Reversible disc G. T. Booth Harvester, Reaper and. J. C. Moore Hat, bonnet, &c, Apparatus for securing. E. R. Standfield and W. Brew Hat-hanger. F. R. Hall and W. H. Scott Hat, Pneumatic pad for. H. J. Wood Hatch-box. (See Thimble.) Hatch-covering. W. McPherson Hauling-cage. T. Powick and A. G. Hill Haulage-clip, Holding together the two jaws or cheeks of. G. H. Broome and W. Todd Haulage-ropes in mines, Method of and apparatus for counterbalancing. G. Lansell Head-covering. A. R. McDonald Heat bath, Radiant-. (See Bath.) Heating apparatus. I.Lewis.. Heating or evaporating apparatus. F. Ljungstrom Heating. (See Gas, Liquids, Milk, Stove, Water-heater.) Heel for boot or shoe. F. Dryland Hematite pulverizer. W.Walker Hemp. (See Flax.) Hides, &c, Machinery fur treating. J. Hall Hides. (See also Tanning.) Hinge for gate. A.Scott Hinge for gate, Automatic-shutting. J. Drummond Hoe. J. Brown Hoe. J. Aitken Hoe, Hand push-. G. H. Grapes Hoe and plough. (See Ploughs.) Holder for cash check-books. R. S. Abel and J. Dykes .. ,. Holder, Sanitary paper-. W. Davidson and S. G. Smith 9102 8271 8281 8973 8510 8741 8359 8633 9000 8619 8380 8225 9001 8990 8741 9056 8746 9027 8545 8310 8562 9084 8437 8299 8310 8936 8738 8671 9098 8544 8566 8218 9106 9134 8381 8481 8577 8608 8754 7 Dec. 11 Feb. 14 Feb. 26 Oct. 21 May. 15 Aug. 23 March 8 July. 4 Nov. 2 July. 31 March 29 Jan. 4 Nov. 28 Oct. 15 Aug. 17 Nov. 17 Aug. 11 Nov. 2 June. 2 March, 5 June. 1 Dec 28 April. 22 Feb. 2 March, 21 Sept. 23 Aug. 22 July. 20 Nov. 2 June. 10 June. 25 Jan. 7 Dec. 17 Dec. 1 April. 12 May. 13 June. 25 June. 12 Aug. 8676 8569 8441 9002 9019 22 July. 12 June. 27 April. 4 Nov. 10 Nov. 8391 9 April. 8656 9159 8200 8921 8387 8506 8669 8228 8469 8425 17 July. 23 Dec. 13 Jan. 3 Oct. 7 April. 15 May. 22 July. 30 Jan. 5 May. 22 April. 8578 8797 8450 9045 8907 11 June. 29 Aug. 2 May. 17 Nov. 17 Sept. 8553 9014 28 May. 7 Nov. 8989 9003 31 Oot. 28 Oot. 9131 17 Deo. 8411 8627 8313 8412 8362 10 April. 4 July. 28 Feb. 20 April. 24 Maroh 8400 8838 11 April. 12 Sept.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Holder, Sanitary paper-. W. Davidson and S. G. Smith Holes, Apparatus for cutting. W. H. Landells and H. Zander.. Holes, Apparatus for cutting. W. H. Landells and H. Zander.. Hook and eye. M. Hindley .. .. .. .. .. Horse checking apparatus. H. W. T. Doggett and J. McChesney Horse-collar. J. R. Hart .. Horse-collar. F. Warner Horse-collar, False. T.Clements Horse-collar pad. C.S.White Horse-collar, Pneumatic. R. J. Henry Horse-cover. W. A. Dimick .. Horse-cover. G. J. Silcock Horse-cover. T. Richardson Horse cover. A.Thompson .. Horse- or cattle-feed, Apparatus for automatically supplying to a manger at any set time, and simultaneously supplying water to a drinking-vessel. W. Rainbow Horse-pad or -boot. C. S. White Horse race starter. (See Starters, Starting-machine.) Horse-shoe. A. R. McDonald Horse-shoe, Nailless. H. Cave Hose-nozzle. J. Black Hot-air engine. C. R. Macdonald Hot-air engine. C. R. Macdonald Hot-plates and electrioal radiators. J. Chambers Hot-water apparatus for household purposes. J. H. Walker Hubs, &c, Cycle-. F.J.Osmond Hydraulic elevator or mining pump. (See Pumps.) Hydraulic, Process of producing power. R. Wright Hydraulic ram. C. Tindall and F. Biggs Hydrocarbon, lamp, E. Waters Hydrocarbon motor. The Motive Power and Light Company (Limited) .. Hydrocarbons and water, Appliance for mixing and spraying. W. S. Williams Hydrocarbons, Apparatus for treating by means of heat. A. Seigle Hydrocarbons. (See also Incandescent.) Hydrochlorine process of gold-saving. J. D. Anderson Hydrocyanic acid. A. K. Huntington Hygienic figure-support, Anatomical. A. G. Parry .. Ice-cream, &c, Apparatus for producing. J. M. Brown and N. A. Joubert Ice-making machine. (See Refrigerating.) Ice-safe. M. Kreissig Idler-pulley or belt-rest. C. A. Arnold Illuminating. (See Gas, Lamp.) Illumination, Phosphorescent electric. Moore Electrical Company Imprinting machine. R. N. Adams Incandescent gaslight-fittings. A. Vaughan Incandescent gas-lighting, Burner for. W. R. Clay Incandescent gas-lamp. J. G. Black Incandescent lighting, Chemically-impregnated device for use in conjunction with Bunsen gasburners for. L. Hooker Incandescent oil-burner, Burning liquid hydrocarbons in conjunction with an incandescent hood to produce. W. and I. Darby and J. H. Punchard Indiarubber, Process for solving and reintegrating vulcanised. E. Sefton Indicating cost of gooas sola by lineal measurement, Apparatus for. R. A. Bradbury Inflatable wheel-tire. (See Tires.) In f user, Tea-. E.M.Litchfield Ink-bottle, with pen, pencil, and stamp-pouch, Pocket. J. Pool Insetting-and trimming-machine combinea. R.N.Adams Insulating chambers or vessels, Means for. M. C. Bannister Instructions to engine-drivers, Means for registering. F. W. Petre and A. A. Scully Interarterial method of preserving meat. C. L. Villar Interest. (See Calculating device.) Iron. (See also Box-iron, Glossing-iron, Ironsand, Soldering-iron, Steel.) Ironsand, Manufacturing steel and iron from. C. M. Pielsticker Ironsand, Process for extracting iron from. N. Nicolson Ironsand, Process for increasing product of iron or steel from. E. M. Smith Ironsand, Process for smelting. E. M. Smith Isolating telegraph- and telephone-wires. (See Telegraph.) Jack. (See Stump-jack.) Jacket. (See Oilskin.) Joining edges of metal plates, &c, useful in manufacture of pipes, Means for. M. Ferguson Joint for metal pipes. J. Sands Joint for rail. (See Rails, Railways.) Joint for rusticated weatherboarding W. A. Waddell Kerosene and water, Appliance for spraying. W. S. Williams Key for lever-lock. M. Salvador Kiln, Continuous. F. D. T. Lehmann and P. N. Kohlsaat Kiln, Fruit evaporating. L. J. Duflou .. •. .. .. • ■ Knife attachment for scarifier or cultivator. G. Richardson .. Knife-cleaner. E. R. Standfield Knives, Apparatus for cleaning. O. Walter Ladder, Step-. G. W. W, Lightband Lamp. E. Waters Lamp. J. S. Scarr Lamp, Carriage-. A. E. Kent Lamp, Electric arc. The Davy Electrical Construction Company (Limited) Lamp, Electric, for cycle. T. G. Howden .. .. ■• •• •■ Lamp, Flame-spreader and smoke-consumer for. D. Dunn, T. W. Lewis, and W. H. Harris 9038 8731 8873 8276 8938 8640 8748 8691 8823 8864 8557 8624 8795 9118 8721 8774 8907 9107 9125 8803 8827 8871 8499 9112 8514 8498 8548 8822 8623 8417 8299 8719 8655 8882 8825 8832 8215 8681 9079 8913 8861 8439 16 Nov. 11 Aug. 19 Sept. 14 Feb. 16 Oot. 9 July. 17 Aug. 30 July. 3 Sept. 17 Sept. 4 June. 4 July. 14 Aug. 14 Dec 7 Aug. 20 Aug. 17 Sept. 8 Dec. 16 Dec. 27 Aug. 2 Sept. 17 Sept. 13 May. 8 Dec. 22 May. 13 May. 3 June. 3 Sept. 3 July. 24 April. 22 Feb. 7 Aug. 15 July. 23 Sept. 5 Sept. 15 Aug. 22 Jan. 2 July. 27 Nov. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 28 April. 9143 19 Dec. 8863 9155 16 Sept. 23 Dec. 8402 8436 8778 8182 8217 8176 20 April. 28 April. 29 July. 10 Jan. 23 Jan. 4 Jan. 8521 9100 8711 8710 23 May. 1 Dec 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 8904 9110 30 Sept. 10 Dec. 8630 8623 8732 8817 8287 9097 8872 8236 8552 8548 8829 8495 8242 9026 8896 8 July. 3 July. 11 Aug. 3 Sept. 19 Feb. 2 Dec. 18 Sept. lFeb. 2 June. 3 June. 7 Sept. 12 May. 3 Feb. 11 Nov. 26 Sept.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No Date. Lamp, Incandescent gas-. J. G. Black Lamp, Wick-adjusting device for carriage-. A. Billens Landing-net, Telescopic. E. E. Collins Lantern, lamp, or other light, Improvement in. J. S. Scarr Lantern. (See also Lime-light, Magic-lantern.) Lard, Apparatus for subdividing. A. Billcliff Last. W. J. Pallant Last. R. J. E. Metzenthin Lasting-maohine. J. E. Bullard Latch-fastener. A. Prior Lathe, Venetian-blind. J. Manttan Laundry-blue, &c, Box for. J. O. Egestorff Laundry-strainer. W. F. Potts Leaching, Process for extracting gold and silver from slimes by. J. Park and G. W. Horn Lead and zinc, Process and apparatus for the production of, by electrolysis of melted chlorides. R, O. Lorenz Leaf turner, Music-. W. J. Moffatt and E. A. Knapp Leather articles, Machine for making. E. Spear and F. L. Middleton Leather, Machinery for treating. J. Hall Leggings, Fastening for. F. Ryding Leggings, Fastening for. A. G. Howland Letter-file. R. W. S. Clair Letter-sheet and -wrapper combined. G. Barnes and F. P. Stevens Levelling-head for tripod of theodolite. T. Peacock .. .. Lever, Chain-gripping. D. Donald Lever-cramp for flooring and lining. W. C. Page Lever for cycle, Crank-. J.Speight Lever-pedal for cycle. J. Speight Lid-measurer. J. Eustace Life-boat. • C. Hibberd .. Life-buoy line. D.Cunningham .. ... Life-saving raft. W. J. Nankivell .. .. .. Lifting machine, Weight-. D.Donald .-. Lifts, Life-grip for hydraulic. D. Robertson Light. (See Acetylene, Burner, Electric, Gas, Incandescent, Lamp, Lantern.) Light. Means for obtaining. E. Tatham Lighting cigars, &c, Means for. R. W. Rutherford and A. Jackson Limb, Artificial. J. A. Packer Lime and ashes distributor. J. Macalister Lime-light apparatus, Combined gasometer, purifier, lantern-stand, and packing-case for. J. Knott Lime-spreader. W. Chalmers Lineal measurement, Apparatus for indicating cost of goods sold by. R. A. Bradbury Lines, Appliance to assist in drawing. J. Warnock Lining- and flooring-clamp. H. Ghilds Lining and flooring, Lever-cramp for. W. C. Page Lining for butter-box. E. Pontin Link, Sleeve-. H. D. A. Reynolds .. .. .. •• Link, Split, for repairing and lengthening chains. C. A. and T. H. Whimp Linotype machine. O. Mergenthaler Linotype machine. O. Mergenthaler Linotype machine, Two-line letter knife attachment for. P. T. Balls Liquid-measure. A.Bach Liquid motive-power. (See Motive-power.) Liquids and gases, Apparatus for reducing pressure of. R. Matchett Liquids, Apparatus for treating, by heat. A. Seigle.. .. .. .. Liquids, Elevator for. E.F.Turner Lock-engine, Tidal and river automatic. (See Engine.) Lock for bicycle-wheel. H.E.Lawrence .. .. .. Lock for mail-bag straps. C. Wadey and A. W. Thomas Lock for sash-fastener. E.D.Drake Locking-nut. J. Evinof Locking nuts on bolts, Means for. H.J.Wood .. .. .. .. Locking nuts on cycle-chain bolts, Washer for. T.Boyd Locking'wheels of vehicles, Apparatus for. H. Hedge .. .. .. , Locking wheels of vehicles, Apparatus for. H. Hedge Lock-nut. J. S. Woodhouse Lock-nut. J. Arthur Lock, Sash-. A. H. Wylds .. .. .. .. . • • ■ Locomotive or other wheeled vehicle, Means for registering instructions to driver of. F. W. Petre and A. A. Scully Logs, Slip for launching. N. Gibbons Lotion. M. Forsman .. - .. .. .. • • . • • Lubricator, Railway-axle. W. Silver .. .. *.. Machinery, Brake for. H. M. and J. Copeland .. "".".', Machine, Sheep-shears. (See Sheep-shears.) Magic-lantern, Film-carrier for. G.Hamlin Mailable matter and mail receptacles, Instrument for enclasping. H. N. McLeod Mail-bags, Buckle and fastener for. L. Lawson .. Mail-bag straps, Lock for. 0. Wadey and A. W. Thomas Mains, &c, Connecting device for. F. Albrecht .. .. •. Mains or pipes, Appliance for scraping interior of water or other. H. J. I. Bilton and T. Timmins Mains or pipes, Thimble and hatch-box for. H. J. I. Bilton and T. Timmins Manganese pulveriser. W. Walker Manure and seeds, Apparatus for sowing. A.Thomson .. .. .. .....' Manure-and seed-sower. J. C. Naismith .. .. '■'• : ' ■ : - ;■- . '-.•- Manure-and seed-distributor. A.M.Perry .. .. .. •• Marble, Artificial. W.Owen.. .. v ' .. ■• 8861 8592 9127 8829 8959 8403 8690 8483 9005 9099 8668 8966 8271 8191 8489 9101 9131 8358 8476 8409 8788 8908 8888 8205 8312 8285 8525 8418 8986 8404 8924 9140 8726 8723 8321 9007 8762 9077 9155 8258 8518 8205 8742 8379 8202 8815 8842 8628 9069 12 Oct. 19 June. 10 Dec. 7 Sept. 7 Oct. 20 April. 25 July. 12 May. 5 Nov. 5 Dec. 22 July. 24 Oct. 11 Feb. 10 Jan. 12 May. 7 Dec 17 Dec. 23 March 8 May. 17 April. 24 Aug. 4 Sept. 3 Sept. 16 Jan. 2 March 20 Feb. 21 May. 24 April. 31 Oct. 20 April. 9 Oct. 19 Dec. 12 Aug. 11 Aug. 28 Feb. 15 Oct. 17 Aug. 25 Nov. 23 Dec. 7 Feb. 22 May. 16 Jan. 15 Aug. 31 Maroh 13 Jan. 3 Sept. 14 Sept. 6 July. 28 Oct. 9152 8416 8647 24 Dec. 24 April. 14 July. 9129 8672 9141 9024 8440 8455 8026 8516 9032 9057 8527 8217 15 Dec. 22 July, 21 Dec 11 Nov. 27 April. 1 May. 16 Jan. 20 May. 10 Nov. 17 Nov. 27 May. 23 Jan. 9160 8543 8325 8804 23 Dec. 2 June. 4 Maroh 1 Sept. 8232 8939 9081 8672 8508 8720 8807 9003 8184 9070 8407 8903 29 Jan. 16 Oct. 25 Nov. 22 July. 19 May. 7 Aug. 1 Sept. 28 Oct. 4 Jan. 23 Nov. 22 April. 30 Sept,




5-H. 10.

[nvem ;ion am fame oi [nven ,or. [o. ;e. Marine-engines, Method of and electrical apparatus for automatically cutting off steam from and thus preventing "racing" of. The Folk-Ellis Patent Marine Governor and Safety Cut-off Company (Limited). Marine propulsion, Mechanism for and mode of. S.Lawrence., Mark, Book-. F. W. Seals and A. D. Willis Marking carcases of animals, Apparatus for. J. Smythe Marking cattle, &c, Method and means of. W. Rainbow Marking meat, Electric apparatus for. A. Smith Marking sheep, &c., Apparatus for. G. W. Shailer and W. L. Luxford Marking sheep, &c, Appliance for. H. W. Potter and S. Frankel Marking. (See also Branding.) Mash-tun " araff " or " spent grains," Utilisation of brewers' and distillers'. R. D. Bailey and L. P. Ford Match-box, tobacco-cutter, and pipe-cleaner, Combined. P.Ellis Matches, Machine for making. J. P. Wright Matches, Machine for making. E. B. Beecber and J. P. Wright Match-striker. J. Gaut Meal- or flour-tester. P. C. K. Young Measure for liquids, to be screwed on mouth of tap. A. Bach Measurer, Lid-. J. Eustace Measuring-tape. H. J. Wood .. .. Measuring. (See also Bags, Bagging.) Meat and produce, Apparatus for and method of thawing frozen. W. Peck Meat and produce, Apparatus for thawing frozen. W. Peck Meat, Electric apparatus for marking, stamping, searing, burning, or cutting. A. Smith Meat, Extract of. J. W. B. Abel Meat, Freezing, under pressure. J. Gilmour Meat, Means for preserving frozen. J. A. Linley Meat, Method of and apparatus for freezing. F. G. M. Brittin and B. W. Glass Meat, Process and means for chilling aud curing. W. Broome.. Meat, Process for curing. J. Gilmour Meat, Process for preserving frozen. F. A. Furlonge Meat, &c, Process and apparatus for preserving. J. C. Cairns.. Meat. (See also Preserving.) Medical bath, Electric. J. R. and A. Hare Medicinal, disinfectant, and bleaching fluid. A. W. Meeks Medicine. (See Lotion, Toothache-cure.) Menu- or wine-card stand. A. H. Light Mercantile bulletin, tram-guide, and directory. F.Thompson.. Mercury, Apparatus for extracting gold by means of. J. S. Butler Mercury, Machine for saving gold by aid of. G. Dillberg and W. Walker Mercury, Process for preventing sickening of, in amalgamators. J. T. Penny and J. Dungey Mercury vapour process, Apparatus for use with a. E. L. Oppermann Metal castings, moulds, and tubular castings. A. G. Brown Metal-shearing machine. J. Sands Metalliferous ores, Process for treating. E. A. Ashcroft Metal-polish. D.W.Jackson.. Metals, Apparatus for extracting precious. J. B. Torres Metals, Apparatus for and method of extracting, from ores. W. G. M Foote and 0. P. Clayton .. Metals, Apparatus for obtaining precious, from ores. L. Pelatan and F. Clerici Metals, Apparatus for recovering, from solutions. H. L. Sulman Metals, Dredging apparatus for. H. Park Metals, Extracting. W. H. James and C. J. Norris Metals, Extracting, from ores. J. Mactear Metals, Extracting precious, and producing materials to be used for that purpose. A. E. Morgans Metals, Method and apparatus for extracting precious, from slimes, &c. D. White and T ,M. Simpson Metals, Method of and apparatus for recovering, from slimes and tailings. S. S. and A. H. 0. Osborn Metals, Obtaining precious, from solutions. The Cassel Gold-extracting Company (Limited) Metals, &c, Apparatus for frosting. F. Stent Metals, Process for extracting, from ores. S. Papprill, E. J. Watts, and R. H. J. Reeves Metals, Process for extracting, from ores by means of antimony. J. Woolfocd Metals, Process for extracting, from pyritic ores by means of chlorine. O. Frolich Metal strips or sheets, Means for use in the production of, by electro-deposition. S. 0. CowperColes Metals. (See also Gold, Ores, Zinc, &c) Meter. (See Coin-freed meter.) Milk aerator. C. J. Robinson Milk aerator. 0. B. Gabb Milk aerator and cooler. C. Cooper Milk and cream, Apparatus for cleansing, cooling, and aerating. R. Reyburn and E. Denham .. Milk and food, Process and apparatus for preserving, by sterilisation. A. J. Vause Milk, Apparatus for and process of aerating, pasteurising or sterilising, and cooling. A. J. F. de Bavay Milk, Apparatus for and process of condensing and sterilising. R. C. and A. M. Lindsay Milk, Apparatus for and process of converting into a marketable commodity skim-. D. Munro .. Milk, Apparatus for cooling or heating, G. Smart Milk, Apparatus for sterilising, by means of steam. A. T. Pfeiff .. Milk, &c, Apparatus for use in aeration of. W. Luplau Milking-bucket. C. F. Cooper and J. E. Mansfield .. Milking-machine. H. J. Cunnington and H. R. W. Hamilton Milking machine, Teat-tube connections for. L. Davies .. .. Milk products, Condensed-. W. F. Maclaren and A. S. Fleming .. Milk. (See. also Churns, Cream.) Mill; Pulverising. A, V. Young .. .. .. .. .. .-.' Mills. (See also Windmill.) 8597 8502 8699 8663 8886 8680 8686 8434 8481 9011 8755 8828 9086 8833 9069 8525 8368 8568 8736 8680 8942 8859 8460 9071 8386 8811 8753 8794 8449 8255 8221 8583 8633 9001 8356 8906 8814 8485 8955 8972 8210 8715 8252 8770 8472 8713 8752 8175 8997 24 June. 18 May. 31 July. 21 July. 22 Sept. 22 July. 27 July. 28 April. 12 May. 3 Nov. 18 Aug. 7 Sept. 2 Dec. 5 Sept. 28 Oct. 21 May. 25 March. 11 June. 15 Aug. 22 July. 19 Oct. 15 Sept. 4 May. 24 Nov. 7 April. 31 Aug. 17 Aug. 18 Aug. 29 April. 6 Feb. 27 Jan. 16 June. 8 July. 4 Nov. 20 March. 30 Sept. 3 Sept. 12 May. 23 Oct. 26 Oct. 23 Jan. 6 Aug. 6 Feb. 21 Aug. 8 May. 6 Aug. 17 Aug. 7 Jan. 4 Nov. 8816 3 Sept. 8185 8999 9162 8865 8782 8459 10 Jan. 4 Nov. 31 Dec. 17 Sept. 24 Aug. 4 May. 8178 8968 9094 8943 8433 8819 8 Jan. 9 Oot. 2 Dec. 19 Oct. 28 April. 3 Sept. 8599 8268 8977 9037 8917 8698 8801 8263 8912 25 June. 11 Feb. 27 Oct. 14 Nov. 6 Oct. 31 July. 27 Aug. 8 Feb. 5 Oct. 8290 21 Feb. ■




invention and Name 01 tnventor. to. ie. Minerals, &c, Apparatus for conveying. C. Thompson Mines, Method of and apparatus for counterbalancing haulage-ropes in. G. Lansell Mines, Process for preventing explosions in. W. R. Townsend.. Mining-cage. (See Cage.) Mining, Gold-, &c (See Gold.) Mining-pump. (See Pumps.) Mixing kerosene, &c, and water and spraying same, Appliance for. W. S. Williams.. Mixture for cleansing trees from parasites. W. Wheelband Motive-power, Hydraulic apparatus for increasing and transmitting applied. W. Agar Motive-power, Liquid. R. T. Clark and N. I. Gooder Motor, Electric. J. Vaughan-Sherrin Motor-carriages, -cycles, &c, Apparatus for automatically signalling when a predetermined speed is attained on. J. Clements Motor-carriage, Propelling-gear for. E. A. Ashcroft Motor, Crankless driving-gear for. F. R. Trevithick and E. H. Barber Motor-engine, applicable to propulsion of auto-ears, &c A. Berrenberg and J. Howard Motor, Hydro-carbon. The Motive-power and Light Company (Limited) .. Motors and mechanism of auto-vehicles. H. Austin Motors, Means for regulating. C. G. P. de Laval Motor-wheel. (See Wheels.) Moulding butter. (See Butter.) Moulds for metal castings. A.G.Brown.. Mower, Connecting-rod for. D. J. Crosby Musical instruments. (See Pianoforte. Violin.) Music-leaf turner. W. J. Moffat and E. A. Knapp Nail. W. Carson Necktie, bow, &c, Method of securing. S. Lever Needle, Tufting-, for embroidery-work. W. H. Beale Needle, Woolworking-. R. Elston Nickel-ores, Apparatus for treating, with carbon-monoxide. L. Mond Non-refillable bottle. (See Bottles.) Nozzle for spraying-machine. J. Black Nut for bolt. J. S. Woodhouse Nut, Locking-. J. Evinof Nut, Lock-. J. S. Woodhouse Nut, Lock-. J. Arthur Nut of plough-wheel bearings, Means for securing. J. Dalziel Nuts on bolts, Means for locking. H. J. Wood Nuts on cycle-chain bolts, Washer for locking. T. Boyd .. .. Oil-box for axles. W. Dalton .. .. Oil-engine. G. J. Altham Oil-engine, Vaporiser for. A. Barker Oil-gas, Apparatus for distillation of. A. Seigle Oilskin coat or jacket. M. E. Wiig Ointment. R. Davies, sen. Ore, Apparatus for concentrating, classifying, and grading. W. H. Coward Ore, Apparatus for crushing and pulverising. C. D. Jenkins Ore, Apparatus for grading and removing dust from pulverised. H. Pape and W. Henneberg .. Ore-crusher and -grinder. (See Crushers.) Ore-dressing and gold-separating, Dry-process of and apparatus for. C. Phillips Ore, Extracting gold from. W. Majert Ore, Extracting metals from. J. Mactear Ore, Extracting precious metals from. W. H. James and C. J. Norris Ore, Method of and apparatus for extracting metals from. W. G. M. Foote and O. P. Clayton .. Ore, Method of and apparatus for extracting gold and silver from. O. C. Heiden Ore, Method of and apparatus for treating refractory gold- and silver-. J. Campbell Ore, Plant and process for smelting auriferous antimony-. C. C. Longridge and G. T. Holloway Ore, Process and apparatus for reducing or smelting. E. E. Lungwitz Ore, Process and apparatus for treating gold- and silver-. A. de O. Scott Ore, Process and apparatus for extracting gold from. J. G. Murphy Ore, Process for electrolytic production of zinc from. G. Erlwein and M. Voigt Ore, Process for extracting metals from. S. Papprill, E. J. Watts, and R. H. J. Reeves Ore, Process for extracting metals from, by means of antimony. J. Woolford Ore, Process for extracting metals from, by means of chlorine. O. Frolich Ore, Process for extracting goia and silver from. K. A. May Ore, Process for obtaining gold and silver from. J. Park and E. H. Whitaker Ore, Process for saving gold from refractory. F. White Ore, Process for treating metalliferous. E. A. Ashcroft Ore, Process for treating refractory. A. L. Lockwood Ore, Process for treating zinciferous. E. T. Turner Ore, Regenerative process for treatment of argentiferous sulphide. E. F. Turner Ore-roasting furnace. I. Lewis .. Ore-separator. J. W. Carter Ore, Treating. E. B. J. Knox .. .. Ore, Treating complex sulphide. F. Ellershausen Ore, Treating sulphide. F. Ellershausen .. .. .. Ore, Treating sulphurised. J. C. Butterfield .. Ore, Treating zinc-. E. A. Ashcroft .. .. .. ... Ore, Treating zinc-. E. A. Ashcroft .. .. .. .. ... Ore, Treating zinc-. E. A. Ashcroft. Ore, Treating zinc- and copper-. W. E. Hughes Ore-treatment gas-shaft furnace. (See Furnaces.) Ores. (See also Classifying, Concentrator, Disintegrating, Gold, Grading, Metals, Nickel, Reducing rock.) Organ, Device to assist in playing accompaniments on piano or. A. H. Hathway Oven. J. S. Chalmers and J. G. Seymour .. .. .. .. Oxide. (See Zinc) 8381 9045 8874 1 April. 17 Nov. 21 Sept. 8623 8935 8918 8798 8927 9136 3 July. 13 Oct. 7 Oot. 29 Aug. 10 Oct. 17 Dec. 8805 8602 9148 8822 8868 8432 1 Sept. 22 June. 23 Dec. 3 Sept. 18 Sept. 28 April. 8814 8617 3 Sept. 2 July. 8489 8318 8806 8625 8960 8209 12 May. 2 Maroh 1 Sept. 4 July. 8 Oct. 23 Jan. 9125 8991 9024 9032 9057 8722 8440 8455 8488 8613 8389 8417 8756 8426 8218 8929 9106 16 Dec. 28 Oot. 11 Nov. 10 Nov. 17 Nov. 8 Aug. 27 April. 1 May. 12 May. 2 July. 8 April. 24 April. 18 Aug. 28 April. 25 Jan. 10 Oct. 7 Dec 8671 8380 8752 8713 8715 8462 8898 8870 8480 8510 8746 8338 9162 8865 8782 9102 8281 9056 8955 8302 8649 8598 8279 8524 8629 8916 8843 8841 8677 8697 8786 8844 22 July. 31 March 17 Aug. 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 4 May. 22 Sept. 18 Sept. 12 May. 21 May. 17 Aug. 11 March 31 Dec. 17 Sept. 24 Aug. 7 Dec. 14 Feb. 17 Nov. 23 Oct. 26 Feb. 14 July. 24 June. 18 Feb. 23 May. 6 July. 6 Oct. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 22 July. 31 July. 24 Aug. 15 Sept. 8414 8352 22 April. 20 March.




Invention and fame o: Inventor. Io. ;e. Oxidizing-furnace. (See Furnaces.) ( Pad for hats, &c H. J. Wood Pad, Horse-. C. S. White Pad, Horse-collar. C. S. White Pads for cricket, football, or boxing. A. R. McDonald Paint, Enamel. G. W. N. Hamilton Paint. F. White and J. Thomson Pan-closet. (See Closet.) Paper-cabinet. T. S. Royds Paper-cabinet. T. S. Royds .. .. .. Paper-file. D. Moore-Jones Paper-holder, Sanitary. W. Davidson and S. G. Smith Paper-holder, Sanitary. W. Davidson and S. G. Smith Paper-tubes, Machine for securing seams of. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) Paraffin, Means for removing superfluous, from articles dipped therein. J. S. Beeman Pasteurising milk. (See Milk.) Patterns upon materials, Method of marking and arranging. R. Greenhalgh Paving roadways, Method of tarring and delivering wood blocks for. B. M. Gibson and J. H. Amora Pedal for cycle, Lever-. J. Speight Peg. (See Clothes-peg.) Pencil. Eagle Pencil Company Pencil-scribe. E. F. Saulez Perambulator and cradle, Convertible. E. R. Godward Perforator for perforating tape used in the Wheatstone automatic-telegraph system. G. Aitkens Phormium tenax. (See Flax.) Phosphorescent electric illumination. Moore Electrical Company Photograph or picture, Draped. A. Potter Photograph', Embossed. F. A. Taber Photograph, Embossed or bas-relief. A.Martin ... Photographic rocker and washer. J. Gordon-Jones Photographic time and position race-recorder, Electric. J. Gaut Pianoforte and stringed instruments. D. Mayer Piano or organ, Device to assist in playing accompaniments on. A. H. Hathaway Pick and shovel, hoe, or like tool, Combined. W. H. Sharpington Picture-frame cramp. L. Schmoll Picture, Draped. A. Potter Pin. (See Hairpin.) Pipe-cleaner, tobacco-cutter, and match-box, Combined. P.Ellis Pipe, Tobacco-. E. Henwood.. Pipes, appliance for scraping interior of water-. H. J. I. Bilton and T. Timmins Pipes, thimble and hatch-box for. H. J. I. Bilton and T. Timmins Pipes, Joint for metal. J. Sands Pipes, Junction or connection for drainage-. P. Hutson Pipes and cylinders, Machinery for punching and riveting. J. Sands Pipes, Means for joining edges of metal. M. Ferguson Pistol. (See Rifle, Pistol, &o.) Plates, means for joining. M. Fergusson .. .. Plough. W. H. G. Greaves Plough, Adjustable furrow-cutter and packer for. J. G. Harvey Plough, Combined riding-, horse-hoe, and single-row drill-. G.Osborne .. Plough, Disc-. Deere and Co. Plough, Double.action deepening-adjust for. J. Gray Plough, Furrow-slicer for attachment to. T. E. Keetley Plough, Lever drain-. J.Robertson Plough, Mechanism for adjusting and steering furrow-wheels of. Massey-Harris Company (Limited) Plough, Pulverising attachment for. A. W. Legg Plough, Pulverising attachment to. E. M. McLauchlan Plough, Rotary disc-. G. Spalding and J. S. Bobbins Ploughshare, Plate-metal. J. Cook Plough-wheel and -axle. W. Higgins and J. Storrier .. Plough-wheel bearings, Means for securing adjusting-nut of. J. Dalziel Pneumatic boat. W. Wiggins Pneumatic pad for hat, &c H. J. Wood Pneumatic privy-seat. A. E. Otway .. Pneumatic spring for bicycle. (See Bicycles.) Pneumatic stuffing for carriages and furniture. A. R. McDonald Pneumatic tire. (See Tires.) Pocket tea-flask. G. R. Skinner Poison. (See Rabbit-poison.) Poisoned grain, Machine for depositing, in furrows. N. R. Munro Polish for boots, harness, &c, Waterproof. A. Howe and S. H. Lees Polishing compound for metals. D. W. Jackson .. .. .. Pollard-poison cutter. L. Hayes Postage price- and weight-indicator. H. J. Thomson Postage price- or weight-indicator for weighing-machines. H. J. Thomson Postaf-wrapper. A. D. Willis Postal-wrapper and letter-sheet, Combined. G. Barnes and F. P. Stevens Potato-digger and -bagger. F. Lambert Pot-cleaner. A. L. J. Tait Pot-cleaner. G. J. Carter Power, Method for producing, by hydraulic process. R. Wright Precious metals. (See Metals.) Precipitation. (See Gold, Metals, Ores, Silver.) Preserving dairy-produce, eggs, fruit, meat, fish, &c, Process and apparatus for, J. C, Cairns .. 8425 8774 8823 8907 8716 8505 8372 8468 8839 8838 9038 8492 8189 8615 8724 8285 8289 8862 8941 8971 8215 8395 8559 8946 9103 9068 8928 8414 8243 8812 8395 9011 8452 8720 8807 9110 8660 8485 8904 22 April. 20 Aug. 3 Sept. 17 Sept. 6 Aug. 15 May. 24 Maroh. 4 May. 9 Sept. 12 Sept. 16 Nov. 13 Mav. 10 Jan. 2 July. 12 Aug. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 16 Sept. 12 Oct. 26 Oct. 22 Jan. 8 April. 6 June. 20 Oct. 7 Dec. 26 Nov. 10 Oct. 22 April. 3 Feb. 1 Sept. 8 April. 3 Nov. 30 April. 7 Aug. 1 Sept. 10 Dec. 21 July. 12 May. 30 Sept. 8904 9135 8761 8996 8316 8571 8638 8470 8420 30 Sept. 17 Dec. 17 Aug. 30 Oct. 2 March 10 June. 11 July. 6 May. 24 April. 8834 8992 8831 9043 8556 8722 8636 8425 8373 10 Sept. 1 Oct. 8 Sept. 17 Nov. 4 June. 8 Aug. 8 July. 22 April. 24 March. 8836 29 Aug. 8233 28 Jan, 8769 9159 8972 8641 8821 9004 8919 8788 8611 8448 8587 8514 21 Aug. 23 Dec 26 Oct. 14 July. 4 Sept. 5 Nov. 7 Oct. 24 Aug. 30 June. 23 April. 8 June. 22 May. 8794 18 Aug.




Invention and Name of Inventor. [o. ;e. Preserving frozen meat, Means for. J. A. Linley Preserving frozen meat and produce, Process for. F. A. Furlonge Preserving fruit, Composition for. The Friend's Steam - generator and Imporous Butter-box Company (Limited) Preserving fruits, &c, Process for. J. M. Smart Preserving meat, &c, in a vacuum, Process for. W. Stoddart Preserving meat, Method of. C. L. Villar Preserving meat. (See also Meat.) Preserving milk, &c, by sterilisation, Process and apparatus for. A. J. Vause Preserving rails and sleepers, composition for. W. T. Owen and T. Thatcher Preserving. (See Antiseptic.) Preserving-tin. J. Durston Press, Baling-. S. Dodge Press for compressing shavings for fuel. J. Russell .. Press for trussing straw. S. Dodge Pressing and draining wet wool. (See Wool.) Pressing fat. J. Paddy and W. Mallandine Pressure of liquids and gases, Apparatus for reducing. R. Matchett Pressure-reducing apparatus, Differential. C. G. P. De Laval Price-indicator. H.J.Thomson Price-indicator. H.J.Thomson .. .. .. .. .. Printing and measuring the material employed in making bags, Machine for. C. E. Fisher Printing. (See Imprinting, Insetting and trimming, Linotype.) Privy-seat, Pneumatic. A. E. Otway Projectile. J. P. Millington Prop for bicycle. A. J. Cuming Propelling bicycles and tricycles by manual-power, Mechanism for. C.J.Hill Propelling boats, Appliance for. J. McClatchy Propelling cycles, boats, carriages, and balloons by manual power. C. J. Hill Propelling. (See also Cycles, Driving-gear.) Propulsion, mode of marine. S.Lawrence Protector. (See Bat-blade-Protector, Book-protector, Boot-protector, Clothes-protector, Fingerprotector, Fire-protector, Go-carriage-protector.) Pulley, Guiding-, for hauling logs, &c W. R. Brownlee Pulley-or belt-rest. C.A.Arnold .. Pulveriser. T. Parker Pulveriser for reducing manganese, hematite, &c W. Walker Pulverising-mill. A. V. Young Pulverising. (See also Crushing, Disintegrating, Ore, Plough, &c) Pump. R. Cockerell Pump. P. H. Pritchett Pump. R. Tomline and W. Angus Pump and commode combined, Water-flush. J. Harrow Pump, Air- and water-. A. E. Luttrell and A. H. Griffith Pump, Case for velocipede-. W. M. Schlesinger Pump, Connecting-rod for. D. J. Crosby Pump for mining, &c G. Lansell Pump, Hydraulic-elevator or mining-. G.Lee Pump, Relief-valve in. R. Cockerell Pump, Rotary-. G. S. Luttrell Pump, Rotary driving-gear for. R. Cockerell Pump, Spray-. W.H.Price .. Punching and riveting pipes and cylinders, and shearing metal, Machine for. J. Sands Puzzle. W. B. Ballantine, jun. .. .. .. .. .. Quartz, &c, Process and means for disintegrating. A. Gutensohn Rabbit-burrows, Machine for generating and forcing fumes into. N. R. Munro Rabbit-gate, Self-setting. P. C. K. Young Rabbit-poisoning, Fumigator for. J.Charleston Rabbit-trap. J. Campbell Rabbit trap. H. Ashworth Rabbit-trap. C. B. and J. N. Duff Rabbit-trap. H. T. Selwood and G. F. Trew Rabbit, &c, trap. J. H. Jenkins and E. B. Gichard Race-recorder, Electric. J. Gaut Race recorder, Electric. J. Gaut Race-starting machine, Pedestrian. B. A. Laurie Race-starting. (See also Starters, Starting-machine.) Radiant-heat bath. J. H. Kellogg Radiators. (See Electrical radiators.) Raft. W. J. Nankivell Rail-joint. J. S. Woodhouse .. Rails, Method of joining. J. A. Belk Rails, Spanner for screwing or unscrewing gang-bolts connecting sleepers to. A. C. Koch Railway ambulance-stretcher carrier. S. H. Dawson Railway-axle lubricator. W. Silver Railway-carriage coupling. R. Haub Railway-carriages, &c, Electric lighting and heating and ventilation of. E. J. Preston and A. B. Gill Railway-carriages, Apparatus for securing doors of. P.O.Griffiths Railway-carriage sash-windows, Means of supporting. E. J. and V. W. Hill Railway rolling-stock. F. W. Shurman and j~. H. Champness Railways, Composition for destroying vegetation on and preserving timber and rails of permanent way of. W. T. Owen and T. Thatcher Rail-fastenings. F. Ottaway .. .. ... Railways, Method of joining rails of. J. A. Belk Railway-train, Means for registering instructions to driver and indicating position of. F, W, Petre •and A, A, Scully 8460 8753 8995 4 May. 17 Aug. 30 Oct. 8173 9123 8176 3 Jan. 16 Dec. 4 Jan. 8433 8201 28 April. 13 Jan. 9082 8781 8565 8367 1 Deo. 20 Aug. 8 June. 25 March. 8657 9152 8431 8821 9004 8792 20 July. 24 Dec. 28 April. 4 Sept. 5 Nov. 24 Aug. 8373 8845 9095 8477 9036 8371 25 March 16 Sept. 2 Dec. 9 May. 16 Nov. 27 March 8502 18 May. 8676 8832 8532 9003 8290 22 July. 15 Aug, 28 May. 28 Oct. 21 Feb. 8542 8564 9020 8793 8465 9104 8617 8212 8639 8853 9156 8475 8688 8485 8944 8749 8768 8284 8180 8401 8423 8507 8558 8375 8528 3068 8962 1 June. 3 June. 7 Nov. 25 Aug. 4 May. 7 Dec 2 July. 23 Jan. 15 June. 16 Sept. 29 Dec. 11 May. 25 July. 12 May. 19 Oct. 17 Aug. 21 Aug. 17 Feb. 4 Jan. 20 April. 24 April. 18 May. 6 June. 31 March 26 May. 26 Nov. 21 Sept. 8429 28 April. 8404 8572 8354 8347 8249 8325 9137 8377 20 April. 11 June. 20 March, 11 March, 1 Feb. 4 March 17 Dec. 31 March 8809 8824 8708 8201 2 Sept. 3 Sept. 6 Aug. 13 Jan. 8247 8354 8217 4 Feb. 20 March 23 Jan,




Invent jion am lame ol [nvem sor. fo. >at ie. Rain-water separator. J. H. Harper .. .. .. ,. .. Rain-water separator. J. H. Harper Ram, Hydraulic. C. Tindall and F. Biggs .. .. .. ;. Range or stove. B. R. Cahoone .. .. .. .. .. '., Rape-and turnip-sower. J. Macalister .. .. .. .. .. .. Ready-reckoner for scales. M. Belk —... ,. ... Reaper and binder, Feeder-apron for. C. D. Lightband .. .. .. Reaper and harvester. J.C.Moore .. .. .. .. Reaper, Connecting-rod for. D. J. Crosby .. .. .. - .. Receptacle for beer, &c G. W. Shailer .. . . — .. -.." .. Recorder for races, &c, Electric photographic time-and position-. J. Gaut Recorder, Electric race-. J. Gaut . . .. ., .. Reducing ores. (See Ores.) Reducing or disintegrating hard substances, Apparatus for. A. Jordan .. .. Reel for skeins of wool, &c R.Chambers .. .. .. '- Refilling of bottles, &c, Preventing. (See Bottles.) Refractory ores. (See Ores.) Refrigerating and ice-making machine. A. McVicar and W. K. White .. .. Refrigerating apparatus. The Economical Refrigerating Company Refrigerating chamber, Apparatus for indicating and registering every time a given maximum or minimum temperature is reached in. F. Arenas .-. -..-■■ Refrigerating. (See also Air compressor, Cooling, Freezing, Ice-making, Preserving.) Rein, Carriage-horse check-. T.H.Hodge .. -.. .. - Removing solid matter from water, &c, Apparatus for automatically. J.F.Stephenson Rent. (See Calculating device.) Ridger, Rotary disc-. J. Macalister Ridging-plough. (See Plough.) Riding-clothes. M. T. McGrath .. .. .. .. Riding-gallery, Working figures on steam. W. J. McManus .. .. .. Rifles, pistols, and fowling-pieces, Thumb-trigger and thumb-trigger guard for. P. S. Smallfield and F. H. Way River automatic lock-engine, Tidal and. (See Engines.) River-beds, Apparatus for obtaining gold from. W. Aitken, jun. River-beds, Submergible apparatus for obtaining material from. C. J. Ball Rivers, Gold-saving apparatus for. W.B.Walters .. Rivers, &c, Method and means of dredging. I. Lewis Rivet bending attachment for belt-stitching machine. C. D. Lightband .. Riveting pipes. (See Punching.) Road scoop handle. W.Brown Roads, Machine for breaking up surfaces of. H. Morrison .. Roadways. (See Paving.) Roasting- and oxidizing-furnace. (See Furnace.) Rock-crushing and grinding apparatus. Kinkead Mill Company Rock-drills, Method of and apparatus for sharpening. T. H. Bradbury Rod, Connecting-. D. J. Crosby Rods, Device for securing, to plates. F. Albrecht Roller-bearings. W. H. Woodcock Roller, Blind-. E.A.Powell .. Roller-slip or way for launching timber logs into the sea over exposed beach. N. Gibbons Rolling stock. (See also Railway.) Rolling-stock, Under-gear of. P. Ellis Rotary driving-gear for pumps, dredges, &c. R. Cockerell Rotary engine. G. A. Ritson .. .. .. .. .. ... Rotary motor-wheel. (See Wheels.) Rot-proof dressing for textiles. (See Waterproof.) Rusticated weather-boarding, Joint for. W. A. Waddell Saddle, Cycle-. C.Jacob .. .. .. .. .. .. Saddle, Cycle-. F. G. Shields.. Saddle for bicycle. J. R. Purdy Saddle for velocipede. S. Pattisson Saddle. (See also Seat.) Safe, Ice-. M. Kreissig Safety-gear for mining-cages. J. Hillman Safety life grip for lifts, &c. D.Robertson Sanitary-paper holder. W. Davidson ana S. G. Smith Sanitary-paper holder. W. Davidson and S. G. Smith Sash and frame, Window. F. de J. Clere Sash-fastener. W. Howson .. .. .. .. .. .. Sash-fastener, Anti-rattler and. W. J. Dalton Sash-fastener. (See Window.) Sash-fastener lock. E. D. Drake Sash-lock. A. H. Wylds Sashes, Method and means of banging. W. Howson Saving gold. (See Gold.) Saw-frame, Rocking. E. L. Clark Scales, Ready-reckoner for. M. Belk Scales, Weight- and cost-indicating apparatus for spring-balance. H. J. Wood and W. Thomson.. Scarifier or cultivator, Knife attachment to. J. Richardson Scoring-board for cycling and other sports. W. H. N. Steed .. .. .. ».. Scraping flax. (See Flax.) Screening auriferous sand or washdirt. W. Morton Scrubber, Deck-and floor-. J.W.Buckley Scrubbing floors. Machine for washing, cleansing, and. J. E. and W. J. Gee Seal for envelopes, &c A. H. Krause Seamless boot. W. J. Pallant .. .. .. Seamless loops and other leather articles, Machinery for making. E. Spear and F. L, Middleton Seams of paper tubes, especially adapted for cigarette-wrappers, Machine for securing. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) 8396 8950 8498 8717 8584 8456 8444 8669 8617 8501 9068 8528 1 April. 20 Oct. 13 May. 7 Aug. 12 June. 2 May. 29 April. 22 July. 2 July 16 May. 26 Nov. 26 May. 8632 8860 8 July. 17 Sept. 8207 8522 17 Jan. 23 May. 9142 17 Dec. 8658 8667 20 July. 22 July. 9028 6 Nov. 8265 8270 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 8701 29 July. 9000 8378 8437 8278 8537 4 Nov. 31 March. 28 April. 18 Feb. 27 May. 9087 8707 .27 Nov. 6 Aug. 8616 8253 8617 8508 9132 8644 9160 2 Julv. 6 Feb. 2 July. 19 May. 17 Dec. 14 July. 23 Dec. 8780 8475 8464 20 Aug. 11 May. 5 May. 8630 8852 8857 9041 8523 8 July. 16 Sept. 14 Sept. 17 Nov. 23 Mav. 8825 8998 9140 8838 9038 8692 8301 8336 5 Sept. 4 Nov. 19 Dec. 12 Sept. 16 Nov. 30 July. 26 Feb. 5 March. 9141 8527 8360 21 Dec. 27 May. 25 Maroh. 8297 8456 8361 9097 8956 21 Feb. 2 May. 25 March. 2 Dec. 23 Oct. 8563 8364 8392 8194 8705 9101 8492 5 June. 26 March. 9 April. 11 Jan. 4 Aug. 7 Dec 13 May.




Inveni .ion am ame o: Invent lor. o. ;e. Seat for bicycle. J. Myers Seat for bicycle. J.Thomson.. Seat, Pneumatic privy-. A. E. Otway Seat, Trap-. J. J. Penman Seat. (See also Saddle.) Secondary-battery plates, Active material for. The Sussmann Electric Miners' Lamp Company (Limited) Secondary-or storage-battery. A. Preiss Seed- and manure-sower. A. Thomson Seed-dressing machine, Portable. W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven Seed-drill. A. Marsh Seed-drill, Attachment to. A. Marsh Seed-drill, Cultivator and. C. McLeod Seed drill, Turnip-. P. Genn Seed- or manure-distributor. A. M. Perry Seed- or ma.nure-sower. J. C. Naismith .. .. .. Seed-sower. S. Hardley, sen. .. .. .. .. .. .. Seed, Grass-, stripper. F.W.Page Semaphore. J. S. Kirkpatrick Separator. (See Ore-separator, Rain-water separator, Telegraph-wire separator.) Sewage, Method of and apparatus for raising. W. Tyree Sewing, Finger-protector for use when. A.J.Park.. Sewing-machine. The Cutlan Patent Sew-round Machine Syndicate (Limited) Shade for window. D. Darke Shafts for vehicle, and harness to be used therewith. W. A. Bromwich and C. A. Floyd Share. (See Ploughshare.) Sharpener, Edge-tool. C. L. Daniel Sharpening rock-drills. (See Rock-drills.) Shearing metal, Machine for, J. Sands .. Shears. (See Sheep-shears.) Sheep. (See Branding, Marking.) Sheep, &c, Apparatus for marking. G. W. Shailer and W. L. Luxford Sheep, &c, Appliance for branding. H. W. Potter and S. Frankel Sheep, Device for straightening and holding neck and forelegs of carcases of. T. Simson Sheep-dip powders. P. W. Passmore and Jeyes' Sanitary Compounds Company (Limited) Sheep-shearing machine. J. G. Packe and F. E. B. Joynson Sheep-shears, Machine. S. M. Hawkins Sheep-shears, Machine, and motive-power connected therewith. J. Martin Sheep-shears. (See also Hair-cutting.) Sheets, Means for joining edges of metal. M. Ferguson Shield for urinals. J. Ford Ship, Apparatus for manoeuvring. E. Smethurst Ship. (See also Boat, Propelling, Steamship, Vessel.) Shoe. (See also Boot or shoe, Horseshoe.) Shoe, &c, buckle and fastener. J. Grannes Shoe, Fastening for. A. G. Howland Shoe or golosh, Canvas. H. Corrick Shoot. (See Discharge-shoot.) Shorthand. (See Transcribing- and Translating-machine, Typewriter.) Shovel, Metallurgical steam-. G. A. Richard Shovel, Combined pick and. W. H. Sharpington Shovel, Steam-. J. W. Hall and G. A. Richard Shower-bath apparatus. W. H. Hannam Silica pulveriser. W.Walker.. Silver, Extracting. W. H. Moseley Silver. (See Gold and Silver, Leaching.) Skeleton drum for aerial wire tramway systems. G. B. Beere and D. G. MacDonnell Skimmer, Furrow. A. W. Legg Skim-milk. (See Milk.) Skins, hides, leather, &c, Machinery for treating. J. Hall Skins. (See Tanning.) Skirt, Cycling-. C. H. Hart Sleeve-link. H. D. A. Reynolds Slide-valves, Means for actuating. J. A. Walker Slimes, Extracting gold, &c, from. (See Gold, Metals.) Sling. (See Gun-sling.) Smelting fuel. E.M.Smith .. Smelting ironsand, Process for. E. M. Smith Smelting. (See also Furnace, Ironsand, Ores.) Smoke-consuming appliance for oil-lamps. D. Dunn, T. W. Lewis, and W. H. Harris Smoke-consuming, stoking, and fuel-economizing apparatus to be attached to steam-boilers, Automatic G. Claydon and H. Wood Smoke-consuming, stoking, and fuel-economizing apparatus for steam boilers. The Wood and Claydon Automatic Stoker, Coal crusher, Self-feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company (Limited) Snatch-block, Tackie releasing. G. G. McAlpine Soap. E. R. Standfield and F. Biggs Soap. G. Stecken .. .. .. Soap-box. J. W. Buckley Soap powder. D. R. S... Galbraith Soldering cans, &c, Machine for. J. G. A. Castle .. Soldering-iron. J. Davies .. .. .. .. .. .. Soldering joints of tin vessels, Machine for. D. Houston Solutions, Obtaining metals from. (See Metals, Gold, &c) Sorting grain and removing dust therefrom, Apparatus for. R. Steinbach .. .. Sower. (See Manure-sower, Rape-sower, Seed-sower, Turnip-sower.) Spanner, Duplex. A. C. Koch Spark-catcher. D. E. Blacke.. .. 8980 8988 8373 8298 9042 8727 8184 8855 8693 8694 8487 8467 8407 9070 8796 8577 8466 8978 8601 9017 8245 8251 8250 8485 8686 8434 8893 8867 8648 8547 8712 8904 8696 8760 8905 8476 8887 28 Oct. 31 Oct. 25 Maroh 22 Feb. 17 Nov. 12 Aug. 4 Jan. 11 Sept. 27 July. 27 July. 12 May. 6 Mav. 22 April. 23 Nov. 10 Aug. 13 June. 7 May. 27 Oot. 26 June. 7 Nov. 3 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 May. 27 July. 28 April. 26 Sept. 18 Sept. 14 July. 3 June. 6 Aug. 30 Sept. 29 July. 17 Aug. 30 Sept. 8 May. 24 Aug. 8355 8243 9116 8291 9003 8513 20 March 3 Feb. 10 Dec. 21 Feb. 28 Oct. 22 May. 9035 8651 11 Nov. 15 July. 9131 17 Dec 9049 8379 8260 18 Nov. 31 Maroh 3 Feb. 8709 8710 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 8896 8605 26 Sept. 24 June. 8826 4 Sept. 8994 8262 8384 8264 8331 8283 8179 8438 29 Oct. 6 Feb. 7 April. 10 Feb. 6 Maroh 19 Feb. 9 Jan. 28 April. 9134 17 Dec. 8347 9058 11 March. 19 Nov.




Invention and Name of Inventor. to. ;e. Spats and gaiters, Attachment to. M. O'Brien and R. Weston Spiral-springs, Attachment for. J. Brown Spiicer for wire fencing. G. Wratten Splicer, Wire. O. AndrewB Splitting wood. (See Wood.) Spool. (See Wire spool.) Spouting-dies. H. G. and L. Bedell Spray-pump. W. H. Price Sprayer and mixer, Combined. G.Ellis.. Sprayer, Pneumatic. J. Black Spraying fruit-trees and vinos, Machine for. W. I. Shanly Spraying kerosene and water, Appliance for. W. S. Williams Spraying-machine, Nozzle for. J. Black Spraying-machine, Pneumatic. J. Black .. .. .. .. Spreader. (See Lime-spreader.) Springs, Attachment for spiral-. J. Brown Spring, Pneumatic, for bicycles. R. Murie Spring, Sustaining-, for poles of vehicles. T. Wilson and J. Clark Spring balance scales, Weight- and cost-indicating apparatus for. H.J. Wood and W. Thomson Sprocket-wheel for chain gearing. J.A.Walker Stacking apparatus. O. E. Adolph Stacks, Elevator for automatic distribution of straw into. G. Stevenson Stamp-battery, Cam for lifting stamps of. J. L. Kirkbride Stamp-battery, Cam for lifting stamps of. J. L. Kirkbride Stamp-battery, Discharge-shoot for feeding ore to. A. W. Goyder Stamper-battery, Appliance for protecting workers in, from dust. H. Frith Stamper-guide. R. Cockerell Stamp, Pneumatic, for crushing ores. D. Embleton Stampers, Making castings of. J. Barton Stamping-apparatus for crushing ores, &o. D. B. Morison Stamping meat, Electric apparatus for. A. Smith Stamps, Apparatus for cutting, cancelling, and affixing adhesive. W. E. Richardson Stand for bicycle. L. J. Holroyd Stand, Menu and wine-card. A. H. Light Standards, Swinging-, for wire fencing. G. and G. Wratten Staple, Fencing-. F. W. Page Staple, Wire. W. H. Landells and W. D. V. Preston Starter, Electric time-handicap. W. Nicol Starter, Horse-race. T. Leyden and J. Vorbach Starting-machine, Electric. J. Gaut Starting-machine, Pedestrian-race. B. A. Laurie Starting-machine for races of all kinds. L. Marshall and J. B. Williamson Steam-boiler. J. E. Friend .. Steam-boilers, Automatic stoking, smoke - consuming, and fuel - economizing apparatus to be attached to. G. Claydon and H. Wood Steam-boilers, Automatic stoking, smoke - consuming, and fuel - economizing apparatus to be attached to. The Wood and'Claydon Automatic Stoker, Coal - crusher, Self-feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company (Limited) Steam-engine. E. E. Wigzell.. .. .. .. Steam-engine, Method of working a. A. Hogg Steam or fluid-pressure engine. S.Robinson Steamships, Appliance for turning. J. F. Perkins Steamships. (See Boat, Marine, Propelling, Ship, Vessel.) Steam-shovel for emptying and filling leaching- and lixiviation-vats used in metallurgical operations G. A. Richard Steam-shovel for emptvi ng and filling leaching- and lixiviation-vats used in metallurgical operations J. W. Hall and G. A. Richard Steam wool-drier. (See Wool.) Steel- and iron-castings, Method of annealing. The Trengrove Improved Cycle-frame Company (Limited) Steel, Manufacturing, from ironsand. C. M. Pielsticker Steering-bar, Cycle. C. O. Kemp Step-ladder. G. W. W. Lightband Stereopticon. L. H. Hart Sterilisation, Process and apparatus for preserving milk and food by. A. J. Vause Sterilising and condensing milk, Apparatus for and process of, R. C. and A. M. Lindsay Sterilising milk by steam, Apparatus for. A. T. Pfeiff Sterilising milk, Process and apparatus for. A. J. F. de Bavay Stock. (See Railway, Rolling-stock.) Stoking, smoke-consuming, and fuel-economizing apparatus to be attached to steam-boilers, Automatic. G. Claydon and H. Wood Stoking, smoke-consuming, and fuel economizing apparatus to be attached to steam-boilers. The Wood and Claydon Automatic Stoker, Coal-crusher, Self-feeder, and Smoke-consumer Company (Limited) Stone-guard for bicycle. J. A. Beale .. .. .. •. •• Stone, marble, &c, Manufacturing artificial. W.Owen Stones, Method for removing large. I. Lewis ■ .... .. ... Stool, Raising-. A. H. Hathaway and W. F. Meers Stop. (See Bench-stop.) Stopper for bottle. G. W. Shailer and W. L. Luxford Stopper for bottle. J. W. McDougall Stoppering device to prevent refilling of bottles. H. Dixson Stopwatch. P. G. Harwood Storage or secondary battery. A, Preiss .. , .. .. .. •• ■• Stove or range. E. A. Cahoone .. .. .. • • Stove for heating two rooms. J. B. Topp.. Strainer. (See Laundry-strainer, Wire-strainer.) 8374 8478 8323 8771 28 March. 12 May. 4 March. 21 Aug. 9065 8688 8894 8883 8397 8623 9125 8684 25 Nov. 25 July. 27 June. 23 Sept. 9 April. 3 July. 16 Dec. 27 July. 8478 8791 8607 8361 9091 8670 8790 8576 8775 9089 9122 9047 9161 9119 8982 8680 9006 8897 8221 8315 8654 8496 8286 8269 8529 8962 8901 9075 8605 12 May. 21 Aug. 23 June. 25 Maroh. 3 Dec. 22 July. 20 Aug. 15 June. 22 Aug. 3 Dec. 25 Nov. 13 Nov. 31 Dec. 10 Nov. 27 Oct. 22 July. 5 Nov. 29 Sept. 27 Jan. 2 March. 14 Aug. 12 May. 17 Feb. 10 Feb. 26 May. 21 Sept. 25 Sept. 28 Nov. 24 June. 8826 4 Sept. 8733 9121 8586 8231 13 Aug. 9 Dec. 15 June. 27 Jan. 8355 20 March. 9116 10 Dec. 8197 10 Jan. 8521 8588 8552 8783 8433 8599 9037 8819 23 May. 19 June. 2 June. 24 Aug. 28 April. 25 June. 14 Nov. 3 Sept. 8605 24 June. 8826 4 Sept. 8922 8903 8343 8551 3 Oct. 30 Sept, 7 March. 2 June. 8687 8975 8226 8554 8727 8717 8238 27 July. 26 Oct. 29 Jan. 4 June, 12 Aug. 7 Aug. 3 Feb.




Invention am ame ol riven' ;or. o. ie. Strap to enable bicycle- and tricycle- riders to obtain greater power over pedals when riding. P. A. Vaile Straw, Elevator for automatic distribution of, on to stacks. G. Stevenson Straw. (See also Press.) Stretcher-carrier, Railway ambulance. (See Railways.) Stringed instruments. D. Mayer Stripper. (See Flax, Seed.) Structural arrangements. E. L. Pease Stud for collar. G. H. Grapes Stuffing, for horse, carriage, and domestic furniture. A. R. McDonald Stump-jack. H. C. Jensen Stumping and heavy-weight lifting machine. D.Donald Stumps. (See Cricket-stumps.) Submarine cable. (See Cables, Telegraph.) Submergible apparatus. (See River-bed.) Suction-dredge. G. Higgings Sulky. H. W. Lovegrove Sulphide ores, Treatment of complex. F. Ellershausen Sulphide ores, Treating complex. F. Ellershausen .. Sulpho-cyanides. (See Cyanides.) Sulphurised ores, Treatment of. J. C. Butterfield Support, Anatomical hygienic figure-. A. G. Parry .. Support for bicycle. G. Woolley Support for bicycle. G. Robertson Support for bicycle. J. J. Daily Support for bicycle. E. R. Standfield and T. de R. Harman .. Supporting telegraph- and telephone-wires. (See Telegraph.) Suspending trousers, form of. B. Cutler Suspending garments, Fastening-device for. E. L. Evens and A. Bonnin Swimming', Device for facilitating. A. Pringle Swinging-standards for wire fencing. G. and G. Wratten Switchboard. (See Telephone.) Table, Adjustable, folding, cabin-. F. V. Raymond and A. E. Otway Table, Attachable, collapsible, and concealable. F. V. Raymond and A. E. Otway Table for saving gold, silver, &c. R. Cockerell Table. (See Advertising-table, Billiard-table, Concentrating-table, Diuing-table, Directory-table.) Tackle-releasing snatch-block. G. G. McAlpine .. Tailings-elevator for dredge. W. Cutten Tailings. (See also Gold, Metals.) . . Tank-filter. D. E. Amesbury .. Tank-filter. E. J. Coppen and E. H. Chamberlain Tank, Water-. J.S.Hunt Tanning hides and skins under internal pressure. J. Gilmour Tape, Measuring-. H.J.Wood Tarring. (See Paving.) Tea-flask, Pocket. G. R. Skinner Tea-infuser. E.M.Litchfield Teat-tube connections for milking-machine. L. Davies Telegraph- and telephone-wires, Device for separating, isolating, and supporting. H. B. Kirk and J. Young Telegraph tape-perforator. G. Aitkens Telegraph-transmitter. H.A.Taylor Telegraph-cables, Transmission of signals through submarine-. A. Muirhead Telegraph-wires, Straining. (See Wire-strainer.) Telegraph. (See also Cable.) Telephone. J. C. R. Isherwood Telephone- and telegraph-wires, Device for separating, isolating, and supporting. H. B. Kirk and J. Young Telephone exchange, Automatic. The Apostoloff Automatic Telephone Parent Syndicate, (Limited) Telephone instruments, Combined writing-tablet and door for. E. J. T. Ford Telephone switch-boards, &c, Indicator or signal for. P. Rabbidge Telephone systems, Means of employing, for burglar-alarm purposes. F. Rovvell Temperature of refrigerating chambers, Apparatus for indicating. F. Arenas Tenoning, dowelling, and dovetailing, Method of and apparatus for. A. Brake Testing flour and meal, Method of and apparatus for. P. C. K. Young Thawing frozen meat and produce, Apparatus for and method of. W. Peck Thawing frozen meat and produce, Apparatus for. W. Peck Thawing frozen produce, Method of. F. A. Furlonge Theodolite, Levelling-head for tripod of. T. Peacock Thimble and hatch-box to facilitate using of scrapers in mains and pipes. H. J. I. Bilton and T. Timmins Thinning turnips, Implement for. T.Balfour Thinning turnips, &c, Machine for. J. Currie Threshing-machine, Dressing apparatus of. J. Greenslade Threshing-machine, Dressing apparatus of. A.H.Anderson .. Threshing-mills, Means of protecting from wear the concave bars of. G, Saunders .. Tidal and river automatic lock-engine. (See Engines.) Tie-fastener. J. Shewan and P. S. H. Werry Tightener. (See Wire-strainer, -tightener.) Timing races, &c, Watch for. P. G. Harwood Tin, and method of filling and sealing same. J. Durston .. Tin, Cover for. J. Eustace Tin-opener. W. Howson .. .. .. .. .. .. Tin or drum, Appliances for making use of disused kerosene-, paint-, Ac. J. W, Buckley Tins, Machine for soldering. D. Houston Tire. M. L. Warson and E. F, Pickett .. 8369 8790 8928 8519 8952 8836 8177 8924 8491 8985 8843 8916 8841 8655 8388 8399 8849 8983 8234 8880 8875 8315 8342 8329 9098 8994 8196 8363 8199 8674 8885 8368 25 March 20 Aug. 10 Oot. 23 May. 22 Oct. 29 Aug. 6 Jan. 9 Oot. 9 May. 24 Sept. 14 Sept. 6 Oot. 14 Sept. 15 July. 8 April. 14 April. 9 Sept. 27 Oct. 30 Jan. 23 Sept. 21 Sept. 2 March, 6 March. 29 Feb. 20 Nov. 29 Oct. 10 Jan. 25 March. 13 Jan. 22 July. 22 Sept. 25 Maroh. 8233 8402 8263 8246 28 Jan. 20 April. 8 Feb. 3 Feb. 8971 8328 8324 26 Oct. 4 March. 4 March. 8341 8246 11 Maroh, 3 Feb. 8538 27 May. 8300 9092 8445 9142 8536 8833 8568 8736 9029 8908 8807 25 Feb. 3 Dec. 28 April. 17 Dec. 29 May. 5 Sept. 11 June. 15 Aug. 12 Nov. 4 Sept. 1 Sept. 8678 8303 8344 8854 9120 21 July. 22 Feb. 11 March 11 Sept. 11 Dec. 8273 13 Feb. 8554 9082 8517 8406 8223 8438 8405 4 June. 1 Dec. 19 May. 21 April. 29 Jan. 28 April. 20 April.




6—H. 10.

Invention am lame ot Inven' lor. [o. ie, Tire. W. S. Falconer .. .. .. .. .. .. Tire. J. J. Daily Tire, Bicycle-. M.A.Johnson Tire, Bicycle-. H. Bingham and J. A. Wallace Tire, Cover for pneumatic. J. C. Cairns Tire, Fabric. H. B. James and W. J. Proctor .. .. .. Tire for bicycles, &c, Pneumatic shield-. O'C. Raine Tire for cycles, &c J. J. Daily Tire for cycles, &c. J. J. Daily Tire for cycles, &c. J. J. Daily Tire for cycles. S. C. Otton Tire, Inflation of pneumatic. K.King .. Tire, Inflatable wheel-. A. Pulbrook Tire, Means for preventing collapse of punctured. H. S. E. Hobday and A. H. Anderson Tire, Means for protecting and increasing traction-power of pneumatic H. Ashworth Tire, Pneumatic. Fleuss Pneumatic Tire Syndicate (Limited) .. Tire, Pneumatic. J. Florey, J. A. Sando, and P. J. Williams Tire, Pneumatic H. A. Veazie Tire, Pneumatic. P. H. Pritchett Tire, Pneumatic. R. S. Haughton, jun. .. Tire, Pneumatic. J. W. McDougall .. .. . • Tire, Pneumatic. R. W. Wyett Tire, Pneumatic. R. and A. M. McLeod Tire-protector. E. Davies and A. Harrison Tire-protector. T. Newland Tire-protector. J. Payne Tire-protector, Pneumatic. J. J. Daily Tire-protector, Pneumatic. J. J. Daily Tire, Valve for inflation of double-tube. A. W. Smart and J. Wilson Tobacco-cutter, match-box, and pipe-cleaner, Combined. P. Ellis Tobacco-pipe. E. Henwood Toffy. A. Bergin Tongs, Fire-. G.Robinson ' .. .. .. .. .. Tool-bag for bicycles. E.Arundel .. .. .. .. Tool-combination. K. E. Edge Tool, Combination. W. H. Sharpington .. .. Tool sharpener, Edge-. C.L.Daniel .. .. .. .. .. Toothache, Appliance for cure of. P. Riordan .. .. Toy. P. Pickering.. .. .. .. .. .. Toy. J. B. Leyden .. Traction-engine. A. McDonald Tram-car, Street. A. McGill Tram-guide, Mercantile bulletin, directory, and. F. Thompson Tramway. (See Cable-cars, Railways, Skeleton-drum.) Transcribing shorthand and translating languages, Machine to assist in. J. Warnock Transformer, Electro-motor and. The Alternate Current Electro-motor Syndicate (Limited) Transmitter. (See Telegraph.) Transport over unmade roads, Means of. G. Frost Trap-seat. J. J. Penman .. .. .. Trap, Springless animal-. A. L. J. Tait Traps. (See Animal-trap, Bira-trap, Rabbit-trap.) Treating animal bones and flesh, Process and apparatus for. J. W. B. Abel Trees, Mixture for cleansing from parasites. W. Wheelband Tricycle, Bicycle or. A. L. Bricknell .. .. .. .. - Tricycle, Bicycle or. W. Atkinson .. .. .. .... Tricycle, Bicycle or. W. H. Boyens Tricycles. (See also Cycles, Velocipedes.) Trigger and trigger-guard for rifles, &o. P. S. Smallfield and H. F. Way Trimming and insetting machine, Combined. R. N. Adams Trousers, Form of suspending. B. Cutter Trussing straw, Press for. S. Dodge .. .. .. Tub-drainer and clothes-protector. M. A. Johnson Tubes, Cigarette-. (See Cigarettes.) Tubes, Device for securing, to mains. F. Albrecht Tubes, sheets, &c, Making copper- and other, by electrolysis. F. H. Snow Tubular casting. (See Casting.) Tubular tank-filter. D. E. Amesbury Tubulous boiler. G. Scott .. .. .. • • ..... Turnip-and rape-sower. J. Macalister .. .. .. •• Turnip-drills, -thinners, &c, Apparatus for regulating width of. A. Storrie Turnip seed-drill. P. Genn Turnips, Implement for thinning. T. Balfour .. Turnips, Machine for thinning. J. Currie .. ... Typewriter. G. F. Hawkins .. .. .. .. . • Typewriter, Shorthand-. H.H.Murdoch .. '•'.'. Typewriting-machine. A. G. Corre .. .. .. Tyre. (See Tire.) Urinal, Shield for, J. Ford .. .. . • • • • • • • . Valise, Cyclists'. W. B. Parsons .. .. .. ... Valve for facilitating inflation of double-tube tire. A. W. Smart and J, Wilson Valves,-Means for actuating slide-. J.A.Walker .. .. .. Valve, Pump-. R. Cockerell Vaporiser for oil-engine. A. Barker .. .. .. •• ■• Vats, Steam-shovel for leaching-. J. W. Hall and G. A. Richard .. Vegetation on railway, Composition for destroying. W. T. Owen and T. Thatcher' '.. '■-'-" Vegetables. (See Preserving.) Vehicle, Apparatus for locking and braking wheels of. H. Hedge : .. '.. ; ■ 8987 9010 8353 8643 8889 8785 8600 8847 8850 8911 9138 8787 8257 8856 9117 8326 8461 8661 8695 8765 8945 9093 9133 8582 8877 9009 8846 8851 9025 9011 8452 8346 8534 8497 8190 8243 8250 8637 9040 8902 8759 9053 8583 31 Oct. 3 Nov. 20 March. 14 July. 21 Sept. 24 Aug. 26 June. 16 Sept. 11 Sept. 3 Oct. 17 Dec. 24 Aug. 6 Feb. 12 Sept. 14 Dec. 4 March. 4 May. 21 July. 27 July. 20 Aug. 20 Oot. 3 Dec. 17 Dec 16 June. 22 Sept. 3 Nov. 16 Sept. 16 Sept. 11 Nov. 3 Nov. 30 April. 9 March. 28 May. 12 May. 10 Jan. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 11 July. 16 Nov. 30 Sept. 19 Aug. 14 Nov. 16 June. 8183 8609 10 Jan. 27 June. ,8928 8298 8766 5 Oct. 22 Feb. 17 July. 8942 8935 8317 8435 8703 19 Oot. 13 Oot. 2 Maroh, 28 April. 4 Aug. 8701 8778 8234 8367 8635 29 July. 29 July. 30 Jan. 25 March. 10 July. 8508 8254 19 May. 6 Feb. 8363 8256 8584 9096 8467 8678 8303 8192 8820 9015 25 March. 6 Feb. 12 June. 2 Dec. 6 May. 21 July. 22 Feb. 10 Jan. 2 Sept. 7 Nov. 8696 9066 9025 8260 8853 8389 9116 8201 29 July. 26 Nov. 11 Nov. 3 Feb. 16 Sept. - 8 April. 10 Dec ■'• 13 Jan, 8516 20 May.




Invention am 'ame 01 Inventor. fo, :e. Vehicle, Appliance for preventing bolting of horse attached to. H. F. Fisher Vehicle, Auto-, Motors and mechanism of. H.Austin Vehicle, Axle, axle-tree, and -box of. R. J. L. Hildyard Vehicle, Brake for. M. Belk Vehicle, Brake for. H. Morrison Vehicle, Oil-box for axles of. W. Dalton.. .. .. .. .. Vehicle, Self-propelled. L. Bollee Vehicle, Shafts for, and harness to be used therewith. W. A. Bromwich and C. A. Floyd Vehicle, Sustaining-spring for poles of. T. Wilson and J. Clark Vehicle-wheel. A.S.Bowman Vehicle. (See also Axle, Bicycle, Brake, Cable-car, Car, Carriage, Checking-apparatus, Electric, Harness, Locking, Locomotive, Perambulator, Shafts, Sulky, Trap-seat, Wheel.) Velocipede. E. L. Evens Velocipede. E. L. Barton Velocipede. C. E. Beckman Velocipede, Brake for. H. M. and J. Copeland Velocipede, Detachable gear-case for. G. Mirfin and W. Petersen Velocipede-pump, Case for. W. M. Schlesinger Velocipede, Saddle for. S. Pattisson Velocipede. (See also Bicycle, Brake, Cycle.) Venetian-blind. J. Manttan .. Venetian-blind lathe. J. Manttan Venetian-blinds, Apparatus for operating. S.P.Clements Venetian-blinds, Method of and apparatus for operating. W. C. Gee Ventilating-cowl. J.E.Yates Ventilating railway-carriages, &c. E. J. Preston and A. B. Gill Ventilator for water-closets. T. M. Lewington Ventilator for pan-closets. T. M. Lewington Vessel, Apparatus for closing and charging, with gases. E. Stern Vessel and means for propelling same, applicable to construction of water-bicycles. R. Goulding Vessel, Marine-. E.-L. Kitchingman Vessel, Means for turning. B. Smethurst Vessel, Method of and apparatus for stopping and turning. E. Smethurst Vessel. (See Boats, Coal, Marine, Propelling, Ships, Steamships.) Vine-sprayer. (See Spraying.) Violin. W. McKenzie and W. W. Rising Volatilising gas in gas-engine. J. B. Carse Vote-recording machine. J. H. Mander Vulcanised indiarubber. (See Indiarubber.) Washdirt or auriferous sand, Screening. W. Morton Washer for locking nuts on cycle-chain bolts. T. Boyd Washing and forking wool. (See Wool.) Washing-board. T. C. Hement Washing-boiler. T. Garland Washing-fluid. A. E. AUpress Washing machine, Clothes-. W. Humble and W. Nicholson .. Washing machine, Clothes-. J. A. H. Adolph and H. G. Johnson Washing, scrubbing, and cleaning floors, Machine for. J. E. and W. J. Gee Washing wool, cotton-waste, &c, Machine for. R. B. Williams Watch, Electrically-controlled stop-. P. G. Harwood Water- and rot-proof dressing, and process for applying same to textile and fibre materials. C. Dahl Water, Apparatus for automatically removing solid matter from. - J. F. Stephenson Water-bicycle. R. Goulding Water-boiler. J. Chambers .. .. .. .. .. Water-closet, Ventilator for. T. M. Lewington Water-filter. (See Filter.) Water-heater. H. Conquer Water-heater. C. L., C. S., and G. Croxford Water or air, Machine for forcing. E. Kierman Waterproof garment. 3. H. Tennant Waterproof and rot-proof dressing for textiles. C. Dahl Water-pump. (See Pump.) Water-tank. J. S. Hunt .. .. .. .. .. .. Water-wheel or windmill. E. Collins Weather-boarding, Joint for rusticated. W. A. Waddell Wedding-cake box. A. Prior .. .. .. ... Weighing fruit, &c, Apparatus for. R.Jack Weighing and grading carcases of sheep and lambs, Automatic appliance for. J. Gilmour Weighing-machino. (See Cost-indicating apparatus.) Weight- and cost-indicating apparatus for spring-balance scales. H. J. Wood and W. Thomson.. Weight indicator. H. J. Thomson Weight-indicator. H. J. Thomson Well, Appliances for sinking artesian-. J. Osborne Wheel and axle for ploughs, &o. M. Higgins and J. Storrier Wheel- and roller-attachment for carriages. G. Frost Wheel, Cycle. J. S. Woodhouse Wheel for cycles, cabs, &c J. McConeohy Wheel for vehicle. A. S. Bowman .. .. Wheel for vehicle. W. G. Jenkins and P. Fyfe .. .. .. ... Wheel-lock for bicycles. H.E.Lawrence .. .. .. .. .. Wheelbarrow. B. H. Moller Wheel, Chain-driving. H. Morrison Wheel, Motor-. I. Lewis .. .. ..... Wheel, Rotary motor-. W. Norgrove- • .. .. ..'.' Wheel-sprocket. J. A. Walker .. .. .. .. .. Wheels of ploughs, Mechanism for adjusting and steering furrow-. Massey-Harris Company, (Limited) 8415 8868 8500 8573 9073 8488 8747 8251 8607 8675 8305 8351 8531 8804 8725 9104 8523 8314 9099 8776 8621 8665 8377 8580 8704 8567 8953 8421 8259 8335 8383 8244 9154 8563 8455 8965 9013 8690a 8560 8610 8392 8728 8554 8248 21 April. 18 Sept. 13 May. 12 June. 27 Nov. 12 May. 17 Aug. 4 Feb. 23 June. 22 July. 28 Feb. 18 Maroh 27 May. 1 Sept, 12 Aug. 7 Dec. 23 May. 2 Maroh 5 Dec. 22 Aug. 2 July. 22 July. 31 March. 12 June. 31 July. 11 June. 21 Oct. 24 April. 6 Feb. 6 March, 1 April. 3 Feb. 3 Deo. 5 June. 1 May. 17 Maroh, 7 Nov. 28 July. 6 June. 27 June. 9 April. 12 Aug. 4 June. 4 Feb. 8667 8953 8934 8580 22 July. 21 Oct, 12 Oct. 12 June. 8193 8574 8222 8219 8248 6 Jan. 12 June. 28 Jan. 22 Jan. 4 Feb. 8674 8292 8630 8295 9109 9153 22 July. 18 Feb. 8 July. 20 Feb. 10 Dec. 30 Nov. 8361 8821 9004 8612 8556 8923 8453 8203 8675 9088 9129 9055 9072 8334 8333 9091 8420 25 March, 4 Sept. 5 Nov. 30 June. 4 June. 5 Oct. 30 April, 15 Jan. 22 July, 24 Nov. 15 Deo. 20 Nov. 27 Nov. 5 March, 7 March 3 Dec. 24 April.




:nvem ;ion am "arne ol Inveni ;or. r o. ;e. Wheels of vehicles, Apparatus for locking. H. Hedge Wheels of vehicles, Apparatus for locking. H. Hedge Wheels. (See also Plough-wheel, Tires, Water-wheel.) Wick-adjusting device for lamp. A. Billens Wickets. (See Cricket-wickets.) Winch for dredge. W. Cutten Windmill or water-wheel. E. Collins Windmill with ball-bearings. R. Nicholas Window-blind. T. H. Dolbey.. Window, Draught-preventer for. A. H. and C. Hansen Window or door, Anti-rattler and sash-fastener for. W. J. Dalton Window-retaining device. E. Sefton Window-sash and -frame. F. de J. Clere Window-sashes, Device for preventing, from rattling. J. L. Kirkbride Window. (See also Blind, Railway, Sash-fastener, Sashes, Shade.) Wine-card stand. A. H. Light Wire-clip and -splicer. J. R. Lamb Wire fencing. H. A., J. H., and E. W. Denman Wire-fencing splicer. G. Wratten Wire-fencing stiffener. R. Reynolds Wire fencing, Swinging-standards for. G. and G. Wratten Wire fencing, Tightening. T. Danks Wire in fences, Repairing broken. T. Danks Wire-net spring bed or couch. G. Hamlin Wire-splicer. O.Andrews Wire spool. J.F.Eustace .. .. .. .. .. Wire Btaple. W. H. Landells and W. D. V. Preston Wire-strainer. W. H. Buckland Wire-strainer. R. Lees .. .. .. .. .. Wire-strainer. A. Jones Wire-strainer. T. A. Bromwell Wire-strainer. H. M. Clark Wire-strainer. J. Richards Wire-strainer. W. A. Tuok .. Wire-strainer. F. Rountree Wire-strainer. J. S. Roberts Wire-strainer. W. Page Wire-strainer. E. G. Gresham Wire-strainer. J. Price Wire-strainer. J. T. Walker Wire-strainer. A. T. McDonald Wire-strainer and -fastener. W. Webb .. .. .. Wire-strainer and-splicer. O.Andrews .. .. .. .. .. . .. Wire-strainer, -coiler, and -uncoiler, Combined. D. Lundon and J. Beck Wire-straining grip. J. C. Gresham Wire-tightener. H. L. Peake Wire-winder. J. S. Reid Wire-winder. H. J. Unwin Wires, Supporting- and separatmg-device for telegraph-. H. B. Kirk and J. Young Wood blocks. (See Paving.) Wood, Creosoting. (See Cylinder.) Wood-splitting machine. D. MaoDonald Wood, wood-waste, &c, Apparatus for dry distillation of. A.Schmidt Wool, Appliance to curtail carrying and save labour during process of drying. H. Ashworth Wool, cotton-waste, &c, Degreasing and cleansing. F. N. Turney Wool-dryer, Steam. W. J. Davison .. .. .. .. .. Wool-drying. J. McCreath Wool-drying. J. McCreath Wool-drying process. J. McCreath .. .. .. .. Wool-drying, Process for. A. Evans and J. McCreath Woolly aphis, Eradicating. W. Armstrong Wool, Machine for washing and forking. H. Ashworth Wool or hair, Machine for cutting. J. W. Newall Wool, Process for pressing and draining wet. H. Ashworth Wool-washing, Guide and beaters for. H. Ashworth Wool-washing machine. R.B.Williams Wool-washing machine. G. A. Fuller Wool-working Needle. R. Elston .. .. .. Working the figures on a steam riding-gallery. W. J. McManus Wrapper and letter-sheet, Postal. G. Barnes and F. P. Stevens Wrapper, Postal. A.D.Willis Writing-tablet and door for telephone instruments, Combined. E. J. T. Ford Zinc-and copper-ores, Treating. W.E.Hughes Zinc and lead, Process and apparatus for the production of, by electrolysis of the melted chlorides. R. O. Lorenz Zinc, Process for electrolytic production of. G. Erlwein and M. Voigt Zinciferous-ores, Process for treating. E. F. Turner Zinc-ores, Treating. E. A. Ashcroft Zinc-oxide, Manufacture of. W. Hampe and C. Schnabel Zinc-oxide, Process for manufacture of. W. H. Moseley Zinc, Treating solutions of ores containing. E. A. Ashcroft .. .. Zinc, Treating solutions of ores containing, for recovery of the zinc as oxide. E. A. Ashcroft 8206 8516 VBW 8592 oOi.8.8 8214 8292 9031 8979 8772 8336 8730 8692 9062 16 Jan. 20 May. 19 June, 18 Jan. 18 Feb. 10 Nov. 28 Oct. 22 Aug. 5 March. 10 Aug. 30 July, 23 Nov. 8221 8274 8479 8323 8533 8315 9061 9060 8993 8771 8579 8496 8171 8332 8447 8662 8673 8718 8740 8866 8892 8900 8931 8932 8976 9158 8884 8771 8540 8754 8555 8471 8594 8246 27 Jan. 13 Feb. 12 May. 4 March. 23 May. 2 March. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 27 Oct. 21 Aug. 11 June. 12 May. 3 Jan. 7 Maroh. 30 April. 21 July. 22 July. 6 Aug. 17 Aug. 17 Sept. 24 Sept. 30 Sept. 7 Oct. 11 Sept. 21 Oct. 8 Feb. 23 Sept. 21 Aug. 30 May. 12 Aug. 29 May. 8 May. 23 June. 3 Feb. 9021 8549 9022 8645 8311 8457 8734 8535 8413 8348 8240 9002 8239 8463 8728 9074 8960 8270 8788 8919 8300 8844 8191 10 Nov. 3 June. 10 Nov. 14 July. 28 Feb. 4 May. 11 Aug. 29 May. 22 April. 12 March. 3 Feb. 4 Nov. 3 Feb. 4 May. 12 Aug. 26 Nov. 8 Oct. 12 Feb. 24 Aug. 7 Oct. 25 Feb. 15 Sept. 10 Jan. 8338 8649 8786 8767 8512 8677 8697 11 Maroh. 14 July. 24 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 May. 22 July. 31 July.




Name and Address. o» No. of jj s3 Applly t O cation. Date. Ahlfeld Brothers and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. Alloock and Co., S , Redditch, Eng. (See Allcock, S.; Williams, A.; Leaoh, G. E., No. 1764.) Allcock, S., and others, Redditch, Erg. American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. American Wringer Company, The, New York, U.S.A. Anderson and Co., W., Dunedin, N.Z. Andrews and Co., Newman, N.Z. Angier Chemical Company, Boston, U.S.A., and London, Eng. Anglo-New Zealand Cycle Company, The, Dunedin, N.Z. (See De Beer, I. S., No. 1696.) Armstrong, W., TeUka, Raglan, N.Z. Aston and Co., London, Eng. (See Edwards, F. A., No, 1868.) Australasian Novelty Company, The, Wellington, N.Z. Austral Cycle Agency (Limited), The, Coventry, Eng. Austral Cycle Agency (Limited), The, Coventry, Eng. Australian Drug Company (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. Bannatyne and Co., W. W., Wellington, N.Z. .. Barry's Bay Co-operative Dairy Factory Company (Limited), Barry's Bay, Canterbury, N.Z. Beale. (See Dunnett and Beale.) Beer, De. (See under D, No. 1696.) Bell's Asbestos Company (Limited), London, Eng. Bell's Asbestos Company (Limited), London, Eng. Bell's Asbestos Company (Limited), London, Eng. Bell's Asbestos Company (Limited), London, Eng. Bennett, C. W., Sydney, N.S.W. .. .. .. ... Bennett, J., Awahuri, Manawatu, N.Z. Berry and Co., H., Christchurch, N.Z. Besson and'Company (Limited), London, Eng. Biggs, F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Billens, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Billows, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Bishop, A., and Sons (Limited), London, Eng. .. Blyth, W., Auckland, N.Z. Blyth. (See also Brace, Windle, Blyth, and Co.) Boake, A., and others, London, Eng. Boake, A., and others, London, Eng. Boake, A., and others, London, Eng. .. .. .. ... Boake, E. J., and others, London, Eng. Boake, E. J., and others, London, Eng. Boake, E. J., and others, London, Eng. Boake, Roberts, and Co., A., London, Eng. (See Boake, A.; Roberts, F. G. A.; Boake, E. T., No. 1666.) Boake, Roberts, and Co., A., London, Eng. (See Boake, A.; Roberts, F. G. A.; Boake, E. T., No. 1667.) Boake, Roberts, and Co., A., London, Eng. (See Boake, A.; Roberts, F. G. A.; Boake, E. T., No. 1672.) Brace, Windle, Blyth, and Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Brace, Windle, Blyth, and Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Brake, A., and others, Wellington, N.Z. .. .. .. ... Briscoe and Co., A., Dunedin, N.Z. .. Brodie, J. H, Sydney, N.S.W. Buchanan and Co., J., London, Eng., and Glasgow and Leith, Scotland. (See J. Buchanan and Co., No. 1604.) Buchanan, J., London, Eng., and Glasgow and Leith, Scotland Burgon and Wilkinson (Limited), Sheffield, Eng. Burns and Co., J., Auckland, N.Z. .. Carter, J. (See Carter and Co., J., No. 1698.) ' Carter and Co., J., London, Eng. " Carter's," London, Eng. (See Carter and Co., J., No. 1698.) Cederman, G., Aorere, Nelson, N.Z. .. Cerebos (Limited), Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Chambers, J. S., and another, Melbourne, Vic .. Chambers and Seymour, Melbourne, Vic (See Chambers, J. S.; Seymour, J. G., No. 1823.) Champion and Co., London, Eng. .. .. .. .. .. . .. Champion and Co., London, Eng. Champion and Co., LoncTbn, Eng. .. .. .. Chemische Fabrik von Heyden Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung, Radebeul, Dresden, Ger. Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. .. Chong, C, New Plymouth, N.Z. Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N Z. Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. ... Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. ... .... Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. .... .. Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch,;N.Z. ...... Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. ~ .. '".."" Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Cbiistchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch Meat Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. 12 49 45 6 42 42 3 2 7 22 22 15 47 42 1 47 50 50 22 42 42 9 47 7 3 3 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 1789 1764 1628 1722 1838 1841 1832 1741 1839 1873 1874 1828 1835 1654 1855 1856 1857 1858 1729 1853 1651 1782 1655 1851 1647 1709 1792 1666 1667 1672 1666 .1667 1672 22 Aug. 6 Aug. 3 Feb. 22 June. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 22 Oct. 9 July. 2 Nov. 23 Dec 23 Dec. 16 Oot. 28 Oct. 11 March. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 24 June. 20 Nov. 2 March. 12 Aug. 11 Maroh. 14 Nov. 18 Feb. 6 June. 31 Aug. 30 March. 30 March. 30 March. 30 March. 30 March. 80 March. 27 27 15 42 42 1761 1796 1837 1849 1717 3 Aug. 3 Sept. 29 Oot. 11 Nov. 19 June. 43 12 7 1604 1786 1754 6 Jan. 12 Aug. 27 July. 46 1698 23 May. 42 42 18 1850 1820 1823 14 Nov. 5 Oct. 9 Oct. 42 42 42 42 1783 1784 1785 1733 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 2 July. 42 42 42 37 42 47 37 47. 37 42 47 4 50 4 50 4 50 1878 1613 1675 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 29 Deo. 13 Jan. 10 April. 18 July. 18 July. 18 July. 18 July. 18 July. 18 July. 18 July. 18 July. . 30 July. " 30 July. 30 July. 30 July. 30 July. 30 July.




Name and Address. ■g g j No. of 6 § ! Appli;Jo : cation. Date. Clarke, J. H, Dunedin, N.Z. Clark, G. B., Wellington, N.Z. Clarkson, W. B., Hornby, Canterbury, N.Z. Clay and Bock and Co. (Limited), H., London, Eng., and Havanna, Cuba Clay and Bock and Co. (Limited), H., London, Eng., and Havanna, Cuba Clay and Bock and Co. (Limited), H., London, Eng., and Havanna, Cuba Clay and Bock and Co. (Limited), H, London, Eng., and Havanna, Cuba Clay and Bock and Co. (Limited), H., London, Eng., and Havanna, Cuba Clay and Bock and Co. (Limited), H., London, Eng., and Havanna, Cuba Colman, J. and J., London and Norwich, Eng. .. .. .. .. Colman, J. and J., London and Norwich, Eng... Colman, J. and J., London and Norwich, Eng... Coltman, W.,'Wellington, N.Z. Cook, F. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Coventry Machinists'Company (Limited), The, Coventry, Eng. Curtiss and Harvey, London and Hounslow, Eng. (See Curtis, C. W., No. 1622). Curtis, C. W., London and Hounslow, Eng. Cycle Components Manufacturing Company (Limited), The, Birmingham, Eng. Cycle Components Manufacturing Company (Limited), The, Birmingham, Eng... Cyclene Manufacturing Co., The, Wellington, N.Z. (See Gore, R. ; Sanderson, E. V., No. 1700.) De Beer, I. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Distillers Company (Limited), The, Edinburgh, Scotland Distillers Company (Limited), The, Edinburgh, Scotland Dolbel, C, Napier, N.Z. .. Donald, J., Featherston, N.Z. Donnelly, G. P., Crissoge, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Dulcemona Tea Company, The, London, Eng. (See Edwards, F. A., No. 1868.) Dunlop Cycle Company, The, Dublin, Ireland, and Coventry, England. (See J. Griffiths' Cycle Corporation, Limited, No. 1788.) Dunnett and Beale, London, England. (See J. Carter and Co., No. 1698.) Durston, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Dutoict and Co., P., Brussels, Belgium Dutoict and Co., P., Brussels, Belgium Dutoict and Co., P., Brussels, Belgium Edwards, F. A., London, England .. Ehrenfried Brothers, Auckland, N.Z. (See Ehrenfried, L., No. 1623.) Ehrenfried, L., Auckland, N.Z. Ekenberg, C, and another, Muswellbrook, N.S.W. Elliman Sons and Co., Slough, Buckingham, England English Diastastic Malt-extract Company (Limited), The, Mistley, Essex, England Entrican and Co., A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Evans, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Excelsior Boot-manufacturing Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Excelsior Boot-manufacturing Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Excelsior Boot-manufacturing Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Excelsior Boot manufacturing Company (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Farrow Fountain Aerated-water Company, The, Wellington, N.Z. (See Joyce, B. ; McKee, R. J. ; Brake, A., No. 1837.) Featon, E. J., Auckland, N.Z. Field. (See Wilkins and Field.) Fitton and Son, S., Macclesfield, Eng. (See Smith, R., No. 1791.) Fox Brothers and Co., Wellington, Somersetshire, Eng. Frossard and Co., J. Sydney, N.S.W. Gifford, Plowman, and Co., Napier, N.Z. Gifford, Plowman, and Co., Napier, N.Z. Gifford, Plowman, and Co., Napier, N.Z. Gifford, Plowman, and Co., Napier, N.Z. Gillett, E. W., Chicago, U.S.A. Gilmore, Younghusband, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Gilmore, Younghusband, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Globe Packing Co., The, Wellington, N.Z. (See Clark, G. B., No. 1711.) Gore, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Grant, J. L., Liverpool, Eng. Graziers' Meat Export Co. of N.S.W. (Limited), The, Sydney, N.S.W. Greno. (See Pommery and Greno.) Grey Valley Co-operative Dairy Factory Co. (Limited), The, Totara Flat, Westland, N.Z. .. Griffiths Cycle Corporation (Limited), J., Dublin, Ireland, and Coventry, Eng. Gunther, C, Masterton, N.Z. Hall and Son (Limited), J,, London, Eng. Hallenstein and Co. (Limited), M., Melbourne, Vic Hall, E. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Harper and Co., R., Melbourne, Vic... Harris, J. H, Auckland, N.Z. Hart, J., Auckland, N.Z. .. Hatfeild, G., and another, London, Eng. Hatfeild, G. E., and another, London, Eng. Hatrick, A., Wanganui, N.Z. .. .. Hatton, W., Caversham, N.Z. .. Hatton, W., Caversham, N.Z. ... .... Hatton, W., Caversham, N.Z. Hawera Co-operative Dairy Factory Co. (Limited), The, Hawera, N.Z. Hawkins, C. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Hayman and Co., P., Dunedin, N.Z. Hayman and Co., P., Dunedin, N.Z. 38 47 42 45 45 15 45 45 45 42 42 42 50 42 22 20 13 22 22 43 43 2 42 3 42 1806 38 ; 1712 38 1713 38 1714 42 1868 42 38 88 38 42 44 1623 42 1732 3 1848 42 1836 42 1723 42 1829 38 1616 38 1617 38 1668 38 1669 44 42 3 42 42 42 88 38 88 88 1846 1711 1682 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1766 1767 1768 1793 1809 1866 1622 1817 1818 1696 1629 1630 1813 1840 1753 5 Nov. 17 June. 24 April. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 6 Aug. 6 Aug 6 Aug. 1 Sept. 17 Sept. 7 Dec. 23 Jan. 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 18 May. 3 Feb. 3 Feb. 3 Oct. 2 Nov. 27 July 14 Sept. 18 June. 18 June. 18 June. 7 Dec. 29 Jan. 25 June. 7 Nov. 28 Oct. 22 June. 16 Oct. 17 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 March. 81 March. 38 38 1731 30 June. 34 1876 45 1773 15 1678 39 1679 44 1680 50 | 1681 42 1770 42 1864 42 1865 24 Dec. 10 Aug. 24 April. 24 April. 24 April. 24 April. 7 Aug. 4 Dec. 4 Dec. 50 1700 42 1631 2 1752 30 May. 3 Feb. 22 July. 42 1633 22 1788 3 1671 20 1834 23 1812 3 1805 42 1843 42 1736 3 1735 45 1807 45 i 1807 47 ; 1618 42 ! 1662 42 j 1689 42 i 1690 42 1626 2 1699 45 1703 45 1704 4 Feb. 17 Aug. 2 April. 26 Oct. 30 Sept. 9 Sept. 4 Nov. 8 July. 3 July. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 18 Jan. 28 Maroh. 29 April. 29 April. 29 Jan. 30 May. 2 June. 2 June.




Name and Address. £0 No. of Application. Date. Hindmarsh. (See Robjohns, Hindmarsh, and Co.) Hobbs, R., Auckland, N.Z. Hoboken. (See Van Hoboken.) Hollins and Co. (Limited), W., Nottingham, Eng. Holzapfel's Compositions Co. (Limited), Newcastle on-Tyne, Eng. Holzapfel's Compositions Co. (Limited), Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Holzapfel's Compositions Co. (Limited), Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Jackson and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. Jameson and Son (Limited), J., Dublin, Ireland Jeyes' Sanitary Compounds Co. (Limited), London, Eng. .. .. .. Jeyes'. Sanitary Compounds Go. (Limited), London, Eng. Joyce, B., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Co. (Limited), The, Christchurch, N.Z. Koko Maricopas Co. (Limited), London, Eng. .. Konig, M., Christchurch, N.Z. .. .. .. .. .. Kurruwa Association, The, London, Eng. Laidlaw and Sandeman, Galashiels and Leith, Scotland. (See Sandeman, A. F., No. 1632.) Laurie, W. S., Auckland, N.Z. .. .. .. .. .. .. Laurie, W. and S., Auckland, N.Z. (See Laurie, W. S., No. 1676.) Leach, G. E., and two others, Redditch, Eng. .. .. .. Leicester, H., Wellington, N.Z. Lever Brothers (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W., and Birkenhead, Eng. Lever Brothers (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W., and Birkenhead, Eng. Lever Brothers (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. Lister and Co., J. E., Christchurch, N.Z. London Dairy, Auckland, N.Z. (See J. H. Harris, No. 1736.) Mack, J. B.,'Kaiwarawara, Wellington, N.Z. Manning and Co., S., Christchurch, N.Z. Marriott Cycle Company (Limited), The, London and Birmingham, Eng. Marshall's Chemical Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. .. Marshall's Chemical Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Marshall's Chemical Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. .. Mason, Struthers, and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. .. Maypole Soap Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. .. .. .. .. Maypole Soap Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. Maypole Soap Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. McFarlane, A. and J., Dunedin, N.Z. McFarlane, A. and J., Dunedin, N.Z. McFarlane, A. and J., Dunedin, N.Z. McFarlane, A. and J., Dunedin, N.Z. McFarlane, A. and J., Dunedin, N.Z. McKee, R. J., and two others, Wellington, N.Z. McLeod Brothers (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. .. .. Mildenhall, J., Auckland, N.Z. Milner's Safety Cycle Company (Limited), London, Eng. .. Mitchell and Co., D., Sydney, N.S.W. Moffett and Co., Invercargill, N.Z. .. .. .. .. Montgomerie and Co. (Limited), Lanark, Scotland Morgan Crucible Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. .. Muinm and Co., G. H, Rheims, France Mumm and Co., G. H, Rheims, France .. .. .. .. National Starch Manufacturing Company, The, Covington and New York, U.S.A. National Starch Manufacturing Company, The, Covington and New York, U.S.A. Neill and Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. .. Nelson, Moate, and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. Nelson, Moate, and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. Nelson, H., Christchurch, N.Z. ... Nelson, H, Christchurch, N.Z. New Ormonde Cycle Company (Limited), The, Romford and London, Eng. Newton, J., Kaiwarra, N.Z. .. .. New Zealand Candle Company, The, Wellington, N.Z. New Zealand Farmers'Dairy Union (Limited), Wellington, N.Z. New Zealand Farmers'Dairy Union (Limited), Wellington, N.Z New Zealand Farmers' Dairy Union (Limited), Wellington, N.Z. New Zealand Farmers'Dairy Union (Limited), Wellington, N.Z. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), The, Wellington, N.Z. Nind, Ward, and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. Nind, Ward, and Co., Christchurch, N.Z. Northern Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company (Limitea), The, Aucklana, N.Z. Ormonde Cycle Company (Limited), The New, Romford and London, Eng. Owl Yeast Company, The, Chicago, U.S.A. (See E. W. Gillett, No. 1770.) Pearce, E., Wellington, N.Z. .. .. .. .. .. Penwarden, D., Omato, Taranaki, N.Z. Pinet, F., Paris, France .. Pinet, F., Paris, France Plowman. (See Gifford, Plowman and Co.) Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited), The, Dublin, Ireland Pommery and Greno, Reims, France. (See Veuve Pommery Fils, et Cie, No. 1779.) Pommery and Greno, Reims, France. (See Veuve Pommery Fils, et Cie, No. 1780.) Prest.E., and another, London, Eng. Prest, E., and another, London, Eng. .. .. .. Price's Patent Candle Company (Limited), Battersea, Eng. Price's Patent Candle Company (Limited), Battersea, Eng. Price's Patent Candle Company (Limited), Battersea, Eng. ... .... 38 34 1 1 1 45 43 2 2 15 38 38 48 38 42 2 49 2 47 42 47 44 47 43 22 47 3 4.7 47 1 4 47 42 42 42 42 42 15 48 2 22 42 44 42 50 43 43 42 47 42 42 42 42 42 22 48 47 42 42 42 42 42 6 22 38 22 1657 1819 1797 1798 1799 1844 1810 1863 1869 1837 1660 1661 1800 1603 1648 1676 1764 1833 1614 1615 1765 1821 1718 1710 1867 1701 1702 1775 1763 1624 1625 1658 1737 1738 1739 1740 1845 1837 1814 1730 1861 1830 1871 1697 1605 1725 1726 1859 1860 1762 1634 1635 1637 1638 1685 1677 1650 1824 1825 1826 1827 1808 1794 1795 1852 1685 14 March. 5 Oct. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 4 Nov. 18 Sept. 3 Dec. 20 Nov. 29 Oct. 25 March. 25 March. 3 Sept. 3 Jan. 21 Feb. 17 April. 6 Aug. 23 Oct. 15 Jan. 15 Jan. 6 Aug. 6 Oct. 19 June. 11 June. 7 Dec. 30 May. 30 May. 10 Aug. 3 Aug. 29 Jan. 29 Jan. 29 Jan. 8 July. 8 July. 8 July. 8 July, 4 Nov. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 30 June. 26 Nov. 17 Oot. 14 Oct. 21 May. 6 Jan. 24 June. 24 June. 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 3 Aug. 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 11 Feb. 11 Feb. 28 April. 22 April. 29 Feb. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 15 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 18 Nov. 28 April. 38 42 38 38 1684 1847 1879 1880 27 April. 6 Nov. 29 Dec. 29 Deo. 40 1663 30 March. 50 50 3 47 48 1652 1653 1706 1707 1708 4 March. 4 March. 3 June. 3 June. 3 June,




Name and Address. "o g No. Of 6 a Appligo cation. Date. Rainbow, W., Christchurch, N.Z. .. .. .. .. .. Rattray and Son, J., Dunedin, N.Z... Rattray and Son, J., Dunedin, N.Z... Rattray and Son, J., Dunedin, N.Z... Reynolds, M. H, Christchurch, N.Z. Rheinisch Westfalische Thomas Phosphat Fabrikenactien-Gesellschaft, Cologne-on-the - Rhine, Germany Riverina Frozen Meat Company (Limited), The, Melbourne, Victoria Riverina Frozen Meat Company (Limited), The, Melbourne, Victoria Riverina Frozen Meat Company (Limited), The, Melbourne, Victoria Roberts, F. G. A., and others, London, Eng. Roberts, F. G. A., and others, London, Eng. Roberts, F. G. A., and others, London, Eng. .. .. .. .." Robjohns, Hindmarsh and Company, Napier, N.Z. Robjohns, Hindmarsh and Company, Napier, N.Z. Robjohns, Hindmarsh and Company, Napier, N.Z. Robjohns, Hindmarsh and Company, Napier, N.Z. Robjohns, Hindmarsh and Company, Napier, N.Z. Rowlands, E., Sydney, N.S.W. Rowlands, E., Sydney, N.S.W. Russ, C, Neuchatel, Switzerland. Russ, Suchard and Company, Neuchatel, Switzerland. (See Russ, C, No. 1659.) .. . Russell, E. R. N., Auckland, N.Z. .. Salt Union (Limited), The, London and Liverpool, England Sandeman, A. F., Galashields and Leith, Scotland. Sanderson, E. V., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Scarborough, Nephew, and Company, Halifax, Eng. Schmidt, C. W'. Stratford, Eng. Seymour, J. G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Sharland and Company (Limited), Auckland, N.Z. Sharland and Company (Limited), Auckland and Wellington, N.Z. .. Sharland and Company (Limitea), Aucklana and Wellington, N.Z. Sharland, W. C, Auckland, N.Z. .. Smith and Ekenberg, Muswellbrook, N.S.W. (See Smith, W. H.; Ekenberg, C, No. 1732.) Smith, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Smith, R., Macclesfield, Eng. Smith, W. H., and another, Muswellbrook, N.S.W. Sorrell, W. E., Christchurch, N.Z. .. Spencer, C, Auckland, N.Z. Standfield, E. R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Strange and Company, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Strange and Company, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Strange and Company, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Strange and Company, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Stubbs, C, Kumara, N.Z. Sutton Brothers, Melbourne, Vic Sutton Brothers, Melbourne, Vic. Sydney Gristing Company, The, Sydney, N.S.W. (See Brodie, J. H., No. 1717.) Taddy and Co., London, Eng. (See Hatfeild, G.; Hatfeild, G. E., No. 1807.) Taddy and Co., J., London, Eng. (See Hatfeild, G. ; Hatfeild, G. E., No. 1807.) Thompson, E., Nottingham, Eng. Thomson, A., Duneain, N.Z. .. .. .. .. .. .. Thomson and Co., Dunedin, N.Z. (See Thomson, A., No. 1646.) Townend, W. P., Christchurch, N.Z. Triumph Cycle Co. (Ltd.), Coventry, Eng. Tucker and Co., C. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Turnbull and Co., W. and G., Wellington, N.Z. Tumbull and Co., W. and G., Wellington, N.Z. Tyree, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited), Auckland Van Hoboken and Co., A., Rotterdam, Holland Van Hoboken and Co,, A., Rotterdam, Holland Vanner and Prest, London, Eng. (See Vanner, H. T. ; Prest, E., No. 1652.) Vanner and Prest, London, Eng. (See Vanner, H. T. ; Prest, E., No. 1653.) Vanner, H. T., and another, London, Eng. Vanner, H. T., and another, London, Eng. Veuve Pommery, Fils, et Cie, Reims, France .. Veuve Pommery, Fils, et Cie, Reims, France Vincent, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Vincent, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Vincent, S.. Sydenham, N.Z. Vincent, S., Sydenham, N.Z. Vogeler Company, The Charles A , London, Eng., and Baltimore, U.S.A. Volcanic Pumice Soap Company, The, Wanganui, N.Z. (See A. Hatrick, No. 1618.) Wairarapa Farmers Co-operative Association (Limited), The, Masterton, N.Z. Waiotahi Co-operative Dairy Factory Company (Limited), The, Tuamarina, Marlborough, N.Z. Ward. (See Nind, Ward, and Co.) Warkwald, H., Melbourne, Vic Warkwald, H., Melbourne, Vic. Warkwald, H., Melbourne, Vic Warrick Bros., London, Eng. Webber, W., Launceston, Tas. Wellington Meat Export Company (Limited), The, Wellington, N.Z. White's Non-corrosive, Preserving, and Fire-resisting Paint Company (Limited), Christchurch, N.Z. 3 42 42 47' 42 2 42 2 4 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 44 14 42 2 42 43 50 34 1 18 42 3 3 3 2 12 12 39 1 47 33 34 35 38 3 22 22 1612 1771 1776 1815 1877 1720 1636 1664 1665 1666 1667 1672 1686 1687 1688 1695 1875 1727 1728 1659 1741 1639 1632 1700 1816 1769 1823 1656 1801 1802 1705 1649 1791 1732 1831 1719 1655 1642 1643 1644 1645 1774 1751 1811 11 Jan. 7 Aug. 10 Aug. 5 Oct. 24 Dec. 20 June. 10 Feb. 30 March. 30 March. 30 March. 30 March. 30 March. 29 April. 29 April. 29 April. 11 May. 24 Dec. 24 June. 24 June. 23 March. 9 July. 11 Feb. 3 Feb. 30 May. 5 Oct. 6 Aug. 9 Oct. 11 March. 4 Sept. 4 Sept. 3 June. 25 Feb. 25 Aug. 25 June. 23 Oct. 19 June. 11 March. 13 Feb. 13 Feb. 13 Feb. 13 Feb. 10 Aug. 22 July. 18 Sept, 3 44 1781 1646 12 Aug. 17 Feb. 3 22 42 42 12 38 47 43 43 1822 1750 1683 1691 1692 1721 1602 1693 1694 9 Oct. 22 July. 24 April. 6 May. 6 May. 20 June. 3 Jan. 7 May. 7 May. 50 50 43 43 48 3 3 8 3 1652 1653 1779 1780 1772 1787 1803 1804 1872 4 March, 4 March. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 8 Sept. 8 Sept. 17 Dec. 42 42 1627 1790 31 Jan. 24 Aug. 1 4 4 3 8 42 1 1619 1620 1621 1724 1670 1870 1854 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 June. 1 April. 11 Dec. 24 Nov.




Approximate Coat of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,485 copies), £44.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB97. Price, Is.]

Name and Address. u CD d.5 No. of Application. Date. Wilkins and Field, Wellington, N.Z. Wilkins and Field, Wellington, N.Z. Williams, A., and two others, Redditch, Eng. .. Williams Company, T. C, Richmond, U.S.A. .. Williams Company, T. C, Richmond, U.S.A. Wimble and Company, F. T., Sydney, N.S.W. .. Wimble, F. T., Sydney, N.S.W. (See F. T. Wimble and Company, No. 1842.) Windle. (See Brace, Windle, Blyth, and Co.) Woodberry Manufacturing Company, Baltimore, U.S.A. .. Woodberry Manufacturing Company, Baltimore, U.S.A. Worthy, E. T. B., Hawera, N.Z. Worthy, E. T. B., Hawera, N.Z. Wright, Stephenson, and Company, Dunedin, Invercargill, and Gore, N.Z. Zealandia Soap and Candle Company (Limited), The, Woolston, N.Z. 5 12 49 45 45 39 1715 1716 1764 1640 1641 1842 1777 1778 1673 1674 1862 1734 18 June 18 June 6 Aug. 11 Feb. 11 Feb. 4 Nov. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 9 April. 9 April, 1 Dec. 3 July. 25 25 2 3 46 47

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1897 Session II, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1897 Session II, H-10

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