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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thuksday, the 25th Day of June, 1896. Ordered, " That Standing Order No. 211 be suspended, and that a Goldfields and Mines Committee, consisting of fifteen members, be appointed, to which shall be referred all matters relating to mining, and all Bills relating to mines; five to be a quorum: the Committee to consist of Mr. Allen, Mr. Carncross, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Fraser, Mr. Guinness, Mr. W. Kelly, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Mackintosh, Mr. McGowan, Hon. Mr. J. McKenzie, Mr. R. McKenzie, Mr. Mills, Mr. O'Regan, Hon. Mr. Seddon, and the Mover."—(Hon. Mr. Oadman.)

Friday, the 17th Day of July, 1896. Ordered, " That the Goldfields and Mines Committee have power to call for persons and papers."


No. 73. —Petition of John Galway, of Grey District, West Coast. Petitioner claims compensation for damage done to his farm and grazing-land through the action of sludge from mining workings. The Committee, having given careful consideration to the matters involved in the petition of John Galway, recommend that the said petition be referred to the favourable consideration of the ■Government. 9th July, 1896.

Jo. Sions, 1C. 'age. fo. 'etitions, ;o. 'age. 5G A. Alexander, Samuel c. Coal-minea Act Amendment Bill .. Collins, James, and Others Chapman, Isaac .. 2 2 2 2 205 424, &o. M. Moffitt, S. L., and Others .. Mining Act Amendment Bill. (Vide also Appendix I.-4a.) Mining Act Amendment Bill (Petitions in favour of) Mining Companies Act Amendment Bill McGregor, James Moore, Frederick, and Others. (Vide Appendix I.-4A.) 2 3 3 123 96 3 4 D. Dawson, W., and Others 3 520 250 172 P. 274 P. Payn, Phillip 3 .10 Fraser, Simon 504 R. Rogers, William, and Others G. 3 73 54 Galway, John Gisborne Gold-mining Company .. 1 2 494 365 497 s. 3 4 4 Smith, G. F. Stitt, Mary Ann .. Sowerby, Henry .. H. 329 Holmes, James 507 w. Waihi and 42 other Gold-mining Companies, Auckland Westport-Cardifl Coal Company Weeks, K. W., and Others .. 4 14(1, L. League for the Promotion and Development of Gold-mining 106 364 2 4 fco.



No. 56.—Petition of Samuel Alexandee, of the Thames, Miner. Petitionee prays that some consideration be extended to him on account of the services he rendered the colony in 1867 by directing attention to the fact that the Thames was a quartzmining rather than an alluvial goldfield, and in developing the quartz-mining industry on that field. The Committee, having carefully considered the facts embodied in the petition of Samuel Alexander, recommend that the Government pay to petitioner a small compassionate allowance in recognition of the services he has rendered in the development of the Thames Goldfield. 10th July, 1896.

No. 110.—Petition of Simon Feasee, of Mangatapu, Whangarei, Settler. Petitioned prays that a reward may be granted to him for the discovery of new goldfields. The Committee, having had under consideration the matters involved in the petition of Simon Fraser, have the honour to report that, having dealt with the claims of petitioner during last session, they have now no recommendation to make. 16th July, 1896.

No. 106.—Petition of the Westpobt-Cardiff Coal Company, and William Heney Haegeeaves,. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the said Company. Petitionees pray that the deficiency clauses of "The Westport-Ngakawau Eailway Extension Act, 1890," may be repealed, and that they may be relieved from liability for payment of accrued rates thereunder. The Committee, having had the petition of the Westport-Cardiff Company under consideration, have the honour to recommend that it be referred to the Eailways Committee. 17th July, 1896.

' No. 54.—Petition of the City of Gisbobne Gold-mining Company. Petitionees claim the right to be allowed to mine on the lands held by the Kauri Timber Company, and pray for the substantial assistance of the Crown in seeking to enforce that right. The Committee, having given their best consideration to the matters involved in the petition of the City of Gisborne Gold-mining Company, have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make. 21st July, 1896.

The Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to whom was referred the above-mentioned Bill, have the honour to report that they are of opinion the proposed amendment of the Coal-mines Act will not be serviceable to all classes of coal-mines, and therefore they recommend that the said Bill be not allowed to proceed. The Committee further recommend that the question of the classification of bituminous and brown coal mines be referred to the Minister, with a view to the introduction of legislation applicable to these two classes of mines separately. 23rd July, 1896.

No. 123.—Petition of James Collins and 120 Others, Miners, of Charleston and Brighton. Petitionees pray that the Main Totara Eiver, the Branch Totara Eiver, the Nile Eiver, and the Pour-mile Eiver may be proclaimed sludge-channels, in order that the gold-mining industry may be fostered and encouraged in their districts. The Committee, having considered the matters involved in the petition of James Collins and others, have the honour to recommend that the Government issue the usual Gazette notices in regard to the proclamation of the Eivers Main Totara, Branch Totara, Nile, and Four-mile, as referred to in the prayer of your petitioners. 30th July, 1896.

No. 96.—Petition of Isaac Chapman, of Larrikin's, Westland, Storekeeper and Gardener. Petitioner prays that compensation may be granted to him for damage done to his property through the deviation of a road. The Committee, having bestowed careful attention upon the subject embraced in the petition of Isaac Chapman, have the honour to report that in their judgment the matter which forms the subject of petitioner's complaint lies between the petitioner and the Westland County Council. The Committee, therefore, have no recommendation to make. 30th July, 1896.

No. 205.—Petition of S. L. Moffitt and 43 Others, Miners, Eesidents, and Settlers, of Karamea. Petitionebs pray that for the encouragement of the mining industry in their district the Mangapeka Eiver may be proclaimed a sludge-channel. The Committee have the honour to report that, as the Government appear now to have the matter of the proclamation of the Mangapeka Eiver as a sludge-channel in hand, they have no recommendation to make. 30th July, 1896.



Nos. 246, 345, and 461. —Petitions from the League for the Pbomotion and Development of Gold-mining, West Coast, South Island (Westport Branch, Charleston Branch, and Hokitika Branch). Petitioners pray that the rents payable on mining leases may be reduced from 10s. per acre to 2s. 6d. per acre. The Committee, in view of the fact that the Mining Act Amendment Bill now before Parliament deals with the question of the rents payable on mining leases, have no recommendation to make. 14th August, 1896.

Mining Act Amendment Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to whom was referred the above-mentioned Bill, have the honour to report that, having duly considered the same, they recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments shown on a copy of the Bill attached. (Vide also Appendix 1.-4 A.) 18th September, 1896.

No. 272.—Petition of W. Dawson and Others. Petitioners pray for the recognition of their right to seek and mine for gold on lands alienated from the Crown, and in the beds of creeks and rivers. The Committee, in view of the fact that the Mining Act Amendment Bill now before Parliament deals with the question involved in the prayer of the petition, have no recommendation to make. 22nd September, 1896.

Nos. 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 460, 489, 490, and 491.—Petitions of W. Paltbidge and Others, T. Wood and Others, A. Bruce and Others, T. J. Moyle and Others, C. H. Whitehead and Others, P. Sullivan and Others, J. Warren and Others, C. J. Wood and Others, J. H. Eae and Others, J. Lang and Others, F. Skelton and Others, A. W. Sawyer and Others, A. Campbell and Others, J. Windsor and Others, Hugh Mackie and Others, J. Callaghan and Others, G. Comer and Others, J. Stubley and Others, S. Chbistib and Others, J. Smith and Others, and W. J. Hill and Others. Petitioners pray that the Mining Act Amendment Bill, giving the Government power to resume land for mining purposes, may be passed into law during the current session ; also, that the sections of the principal Act which make it penal for any one to act as a mine-manager without a certificate may be repealed. The Committee, in view of the fact that the questions involved in the prayer of petitioners are dealt with in the Mining Act Amendment Bill now before Parliament, have no recommendation to make. 22nd September, 1896.

No. 274.—Petition of Philip Payn, of Preservation Inlet, Miner. Petitioner prays that a reward may be granted to him as the first discoverer of a payable goldfield at Preservation Inlet. The Committee, having considered the evidence tendered as to the first discoverer of gold at Preservation Inlet, are of opinion that it is of a very conflicting nature; they therefore have the honour to recommend that the Warden be requested to investigate and report on all claims, and that the evidence and information before the Committee be forwarded to the Warden. 25th September, 1896.

No. 504.—Petition of William Eogers and 65 Others. Petitioners pray that such an alteration may be made in the law as will render available for mining purposes private lands believed to contain rich deposits of gold and silver in their districts. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, in view of the fact that the Mining Act Amendment Bill, which proposes to afford the relief the petitioners desire, is now under the consideration of the House, have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make. 25th September, 1896.

Mining Companies Act Amendment Bill. The Committee, to whom was referred the above-mentioned Bill, have the honour to report that, having carefully considered the provisions of the same, they recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed. 29th September, 1896.

No. 494.—Petition of George Frederick Smith, of Christchurch. Petitioner prays that a reward may be granted to him as the discoverer of a payable goldfield on the Ninety-mile Beach, between the outlet of Lake Ellesmere at Taumuka and the Eiver Eakaia. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that, having carefully considered the claim of George Frederick Smith, they have no recommendation to make. 2nd October, 1896.



No. 365.—Petition of Mary Ann Stitt, of Westport. Petitioner prays that reasonable compensation be allowed to her for very serious damage likely to be caused to her property through the proclamation of Bradshaw's Creek as a sludge-channel. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having carefully considered the facts embodied in this petition, are of opinion that Mrs. Stitt is equitably entitled to the compensation she seeks; they therefore have the honour to report that the Government be recommended to pay to petitioner such compensation as the circumstances of her case demands. 2nd October, 1896.

No. 520.—Petition of James McGregob, Miner and Mining Prospector, Coromandel. Petitionee alleges that in September, 1890, he was engaged in searching for gold on a part of the Kuaotunu No. 3 Block, and that in October following he found gold at a depth of 20ft. from the surface; that because of the Kauri Timber Company claiming to hold a lease of the block he was unable to obtain a prospecting license ; that by the Proclamation of the 9th July, 1896, the Kuaotunu No. 3 Block was declared free to be dealt with as Crown lands ; that he was unaware of such Proclamation for some time afterwards; that though he had worked upon and discovered payable gold on this block in 1890, and had been persistent in agitating for its being thrown open, the Warden had recommended the application of Mr. H. R. Cook for a special claim. Petitioner prays for a restoration of his rights. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that they recommend the petition of James McGregor to the favourable consideration of the Government. 2nd October, 1896.

No. 364. —Petition of E. W. Weeks and 155 Others, Miners, in the District of Takaka, Provincial District of Nelson. Petitionees pray that the Rivers Anatoki and Takaka may be proclaimed sludge-channels. The Committee, having ascertained that action is being taken to meet the views of petitioners, have the honour to report upon this petition that they have no recommendation to make. 2nd October, 1896.

No. 497.—Petition of Henry Soweeby, of Denniston, Carpenter. Petitioner states that although he has certificates for eight or nine years' mining service, supplemented by a certificate from England for eighteen months' mining service, and has been in the employment continuously of the Westport Coal Company since 1888, yet he has been refused a first-class certificate by the Board of Examiners, notwithstanding the fact that he had, in 1892, passed their examination with the highest number of marks ever recorded in New Zealand. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that they recommend that the petition and certificates of Henry Sowerby be referred to the Board of Examiners for further consideration. 6th October, 1896.

No. 529. —Petition of James Holmes, of Kumara, Mine-owner. Petitioner complains that the Government has violated the agreement entered into with him under which he was entitled to have been consulted before the price for water was reduced from £2 to £1 10s. per head, whereby the value of his property was depreciated about 25 per cent.; also, that a section of land (40 acres) purchased by him to provide a tailings-site, at a cost of £600, was now baing used by the miners using the Government water. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having carefully considered the facts recited in the petition of James Holmes, have the honour to report that in their opinion inquiries should be instituted as to whether the section of land purchased by petitioner is required by miners using Government water, and, if such should prove to be the case, they recommend that it be purchased by the Government. sth October, 1892.

No. 507. —Petition of the Waihi and 42 other Gold-mining Companies, Auckland. Petitioners pray that the scope of the definition of the words " mining purposes" be enlarged to meet the exigencies of recent mining operations; also, that gold-mining companies be exempted from the payment of an annual license-fee so long as they do not actually enter upon any business outside that of mining. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, in view of the fact that the questions involved in the prayer of the Waihi and other gold-mining companies have quite recently been under the consideration of your honourable House, have the honour to report upon this petition that they have no recommendation to make. sth October, 1892.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,250 copies), £2 Hβ.

Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB96.

Price 3d.]

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GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF). JAMES McGOWAN, CHAIRMAN., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, I-04

Word Count

GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF). JAMES McGOWAN, CHAIRMAN. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, I-04

GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF). JAMES McGOWAN, CHAIRMAN. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, I-04

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