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Presented to the House of Representatives pursuant to "The Representation Act, 1887."

BEPOBT OF THE NORTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSION. To His Excellency the Eight Honourable David, Earl of Glasgow, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please your Excellency,— We, the undersigned, appointed by Commission bearing date the 20th day of July, 1896, issued under your Excellency's hand and sealed with the seal of the colony, sitting as the North Island Eepresentation Commission, for the purposes of "The Eepresentation Act, 1887," and the Amendment Act, 1896, having ascertained the figures resulting from a census of the population of the colony taken on the 12th day of April, 1896, together with the numerical value of the quota of population required for each electorate, as defined in the Acts referred to above, and the number of members for each island as determined by the Joint Commission, now respectfully submit for your Excellency's consideration the following results of our proceedings. The North Island Commission met at Government Buildings, Wellington, on the 27th July, 1896, and, having obtained the information referred to above, proceeded to consider the rearrangement of the electoral districts on the basis of the census returns above referred to. It was found that the nominal population of the North Island amounted to 400,153, and the quota to 11,848, whilst the proportional number of members due to the aforesaid nominal population of the North Island was 34. The Commission sat each day up to the 7th day of August, when, having finished the readjustment of boundaries, it adjourned until the 14th September, 1896, in order to allow time for the receipt of objections. The proposed boundaries were published in a Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, of the 12th August, 1896, copies of which, with plans, were distributed throughout the colony to each local body, and to members of Parliament, and notice given that objections would be received up to the 14th September, 1896. The Commission reassembled at the same place on the 14th September, and found that twelve communications had been received from different parts of the North Island. After careful consideration the Commission were able to partially comply with some of the suggestions, but several were found to involve alterations that would affect considerable bodies of electors in an objectionable manner, and could not therefore be entertained. The Commission respectfully call your Excellency's attention to the advisability of making an alteration in the present law in the direction of increasing the margin allowed so that it shall vary with the population. The number by the Act is 750, and it is found in practice that it does not allow of sufficient latitude in arranging boundaries on the basis of a community of interests. When the Act was first passed the margin was about 10 per cent, of the quota; it is now only 7f per cent. We would suggest that the margin be fixed at 10 per cent, of the quota, which would make it self-regulating. Authenticated maps and descriptions of the boundaries of the electoral districts, a schedule containing the populations within the same, together with another showing the objections, are attached herewith. Given under our hands and seals, this 16th day of September, 1896. (1.5.) S. Percy Smith, Chairman. (1.5.) J. Giles, (1.5.) Wμ. A. Eichardson. (1.5.) Gerhard Mueller, (1.5.) John Strauchon. I—H. 21.



Bay op Islands. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the ocean from North Cape to Helena Bay; thence towards the south-east generally by Township Reserve and Sections Nos. 2 and 1, Block 1., Opuawhanga Survey District, to the north-western corner of the latter section ; thence by the boundary-line between Native land and Crown land (the said boundary-line being part of the north-west boundaryline of Whangarei County) to the Taparahaia River ; thence by a right line to Trig. Station 18, on Tarai-o-Rahiri ; thence again towards the north-east by a right line in the direction of Trig. Station 41, on Tangihua, as far as the Wairoa River ; thence again towards the south-east generally by the said Wairoa River to Section No. 8, Block V., Tokatoka Survey District ; thence by the said Section No. 8, the crossing of a road, by Section No. 22, the crossing of a road, by Sections Nos. 39 and 47, all of the said Block V., to the road at the south-eastern boundary of the last-mentioned section ; thence by the road fronting Sections Nos. 106, 107, 119, and and 120 of the said Block V., and by that road continued through Section No. 95 of the said Block V. ; and through Section No. 94, Block V., Kopuru Survey District, and along the north-western boundary-line of Section No. 93 ; thence by a right line being the production of the northwestern boundary-line of the said Section No. 93 to the ocean ; towards the south-west by the ocea,n ; and towards the north by the ocean : including Moturoa, Cavalli, and all adjacent islands. Mabsden. This district is bounded towards the east generally by the ocean from the northernmost corner of a township reserve, situate at Helena Bay, in Block 1., Opuawhanga Survey District, to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 91, Parish of Waipu, Mangawai Survey District, at Bream Tail; thence towards the south generally by the south-eastern boundary-line of that section to its south-eastern corner; thence by a right line to the Kapawhiti Range at the point where the road from Mangawai to McKenzie's Cove crosses it ; thence by a right line to Trig. Station H, Mangawai Survey District; thence by a right line to Trig. Station B, Waipu Survey District ; thence by Section No. 235, Block XII., of the said Waipu Survey District, and the Marunui Block to the Piroa Stream ; thence by the left bank of the said Piroa Stream to the north-eastern boundaryline of Section No. 137, Parish of Wairau ; thence by that section and Section No. 136 to the Great North Road; thence by the south side of that road to the north-western boundary-line of Section No. 105, Parish of Wairau ; thence towards the south-east generally by the said Section No. 105, and Sections Nos. 306 and 100, and the north-western boundary-line of the last-mentioned section produced across the road which forms the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 152, Parish of Paparoa ; thence by that road -and its continuation to the south-eastern boundary-line of Section No. 151, Parish of Paparoa ; thence by that boundary-line to the road at the northern boundary of Section No. 91, Parish of Wairau ; thence by that road and by the said Section No. 91, and by Section No. 93, the crossing of a road, by Sections Nos. 78, 79, and 80, Parish of Wairau, the crossing of a road, and by Section No. 84, Parish of Wairau, to its western corner ; thence again towards the east by the Pahi River and the Arapaoa River ; thence again towards the south-east by the Otamatea River to the Wairoa River ; thence towards the south-west and south by the said Wairoa River to a point in line with the northern boundary-line of Te Kuri Parish ; thence by a right line across the said Wairoa River to the northernmost corner of the said Te Kuri Parish; thence towards the north-east by the Wairoa River aforesaid to the Kaipara Entrance ; thence again towards the south by the said Kaipara Entrance ; again towards the south-west by the ocean to a point in line with the northern side of the road forming the north-western boundary of Section No. 93, Block V., Kopuru Survey District; and towards the north-west generally by the Bay of Islands Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Helena Bay, the place of commencement: including Mokohinau Lighthouse. Waitemata. This district is bounded towards the west and north generally by the Marsden Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Kaipara Entrance on the west coast to Bream Tail; thence towards the east generally by the ocean to a point in line with the northern boundary-line of Section No. 260, Parish of Takapuna, Block IV., Waitemata Survey District, in Long Bay; thence towards the south-east generally by a right line to the north-eastern corner of that section; thence by the said Section No. 260 and Sections Nos. 262 and 263 of the said parish to the road which forms the western boundary of the last-mentioned section; thence by that road and its continuation passing Section No. 265 to Section No. 186; thence by that section to the road forming the

south-eastern boundary of Section No. 258; thence by that road and its continuation passing the said Section No. 258 and Section No. 259 of the said parish, and Sections Nos. 168 and 169, Parish of Paremoremo, to Section No. 171; thence towards the south-west generally by the said Section No. 171 and Sections Nos. 170, 176, 33, and 36 of the said Parish of Paremoremo, to the northwestern corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by a right line to the easternmost corner of Section No. 305, Parish of Pukeatua; thence towards the south-east by the eastern boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 305, 301, 300, and 299, Parish of Pukeatua, to Lucas's Greek; thence by Lucas's Greek to the Waitemata River, at the southernmost point of Section No. 125, Parish of Paremoremo; thence by a right line to the northernmost point of Herald Island; thence by the eastern and southern shores of that island to its southernmost point; thence by a line due south to the mainland; thence by Waitemata Harbour and the VVhau Estuary to Section No. 90, Parish of Waikomiti; thence by the said Section No. 90 to the Oratia Stream (Ganty's Greek) ; thence by that stream to Section No. 6, Parish of Waikomiti; thence by the said Section No. 6 and Sections Nos. 7, 8, and 10 of Waikomiti Parish to the westernmost corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence by a right line to the northernmost corner of Section No. 368; thence by that section and Sections Nos. 93 and 94 of the said Parish of Waikomiti, Sections Nos. 36, 74, 73, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42,43, 44, and 82, all of the Parish of Karangahape, to the ocean ; thence again towards the south-west by the ocean ; towards the north by the Kaipara Entrance ; and again towards the north-east and west by the Kaipara River and the Wairoa River to the place of commencement: including the islands of Great and Little Barrier, Kawau, Motuhora, and Tiritiri, and other islands adjacent thereto. Eden. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Waitemata Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the north-western corner of Section No. 82, Karangahape Parish, on the west coast, to Long Bay on the east coast; thence towards the north-east by the Hauraki Gulf to the North Head of Waitemata Harbour ; thence towards the south by Waitemata Harbour to the Victoria Wharf at Devonport; thence towards the south-east by a right line across the said Waitemata Harbour to the north-eastern corner of the City of Auckland ; thence again towards the south generally by lines 1800, 1059, 1171, 852, 758, 250, 82, 1735, 4300, 270, 700, 1225, 300, and 50 links to the original high-water mark of Freeman's Bay, at the middle of Franklin Street, City of Auckland (the said lines being the northern boundary-lines of the said City of Auckland), and by the southern shore of Waitemata Harbour to Motion's Creek ; thence again towards the north-east generally by the right bank of Motion's Creek to the north-western boundaryline of Allotment No. 13 of Section No. 9, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence by the north-western boundary-line of that allotment to Allotment No. 12 of the said section No. 9 ; thence by the said Allotment No. 12 to the northernmost corner of Allotment No. 17 of the said Section No. 9; thence by the north-eastern boundary-line of the last-mentioned allotment and by that boundary-line produced to the southeastern side of the Old Great North Road; thence towards the north generally by the Old Great North Road to its junction with King Street, Arch Hill; thence again towards the north-east by a line along the middle of King Street to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary-line of Allotment No. 121, Arch Hill; thence again towards the north-west by a right line to the south-western corner of the said Section No. 121, and thence by the south-eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 121 aforesaid, 122,123, and 124, Arch Hill to Niger Street; thence by the south side of Niger Street to Alexander Street, Eden Terrace ; thence again towards the north-east by the east side of the said Alexander Street to Aitken Terrace ; thence by a right line across Aitken Terrace ; thence again towards the north-west by the south side of Aitken Terrace aforesaid to Greenwood Street; thence again towards the north-east by the west side of the said Greenwood Street to the New North Road; thence again towards the southeast by the north side of the said New North Road to Mount Roskill Eoad; thence towards the east by the west side of Mount Roskill Road to Section No. 125 of Section No. 10, Suburbs of Auckland; thence towards the south by that section ; again towards the east by the said Section No. 125 and Sections Nos. 124, 123, and 122 to Mount Albert Road; thence towards the south-west by the west side of the said Mount Albert Road to the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 50, Parish of Titirangi ; thence again towards the south-east generally by the south side of that road to its intersection by the north-eastern boundaryline of Section No. 51; thence by the north-eastern and south-eastern boundary-lines of the said Section No. 51 to the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 94; thence by the western side of that road and the western side




of the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections Nos, 66 and 67; thence by that road to the easternmost corner of the latter section; thence by the south-eastern boundaryline of Section No. 67 aforesaid and by Section No. 72 to the eastern side of the road forming the eastern boundary of Sections Nos. 78 and 77 ; thence by the eastern side of that road and across another road to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 75 ; thence by the eastern boundary-line of the last-mentioned section to Manukau Harbour, near the Wairaki Stream ; and thence again towards the south-east generally by the said Manukau Harbour to the ocean ; and again towards the south-west by the ocean to the place of commencement : including Bean Rock. City of Auckland. This district is bounded towards the north-west and north-east generally by the Eden Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Motion's Creek to the north-eastern corner of the City of Auckland; thence towards the southeast generally by a line, 1500 links, to The Strand ; thence by The Strand, 50 links ; thence to and by Suburban Section No. 96; thence by a line at right angles to the western boundary-line of that section to and along the east side of Stanley Street to the Government Domain ; thence by the said Government Domain and the Hospital Reserve to the road known as Park Road ; thence by the northern side of the said Park Road to a point in line with the eastern boundary-line of Allotment No. 22 of Section No. 3 of the Suburbs of Auckland ; thence by a right line to, and thence by the said eastern boundary-line and its production to, the south side of Carleton Gore Road; thence by the south side of that road to the western boundary-line of Subdivisional Lot No. 37 of original Allotment No. 4 of Section No. 3 of the Suburbs of Auckland ; thence by the said Lot No. 37, and by Lots Nos. 55, 56, 65, 66, 75, 76, 85, 86, 95, 96,105,106, 115,116, and 13, all of the original Allotment No. 4 of the said Section No. 3, and by the western boundary-line of the said Lot No. 13 produced to the southern side of the Kyber Pass Road; thence by that road to the eastern side of the road leading to the Mound Eden Stockade ; thence by the eastern side of the last-mentioned road to the Main North Railwayline ; thence towards the south-east and south by the said Main North Railway-line to Shaddock Street, Eden Terrace ; thence again towards the north-west by Shaddock Street to Mount Eden Road, at the easternmost corner of Allotment No. 2 of Section No. 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence again towards the south-west by the said Section No. 2 to its northernmost corner-; thence by a right line across the New North Road to the north side of Basque Road at its intersection with the said New North Road ; thence by the said Basque Road and by original Allotments Nos. 1, 3, and 4 of Section No. 5, Suburbs of Auckland; thence again towards the south-east by the last-mentioned allotment and original Allotments Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 14 of the said Section No. 5 to King Street, Arch Hill; thence again towards the south generally by the Eden Electoral District aforesaid to the place of commencement. Pabnell. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Waitemata Harbour, from the easternmost corner of the City of Auckland to Resolution Point; towards the east generally by Hobson Bay to Slaughterhouse Greek ; thence towards the south-east generally by Slaughterhouse Greek to the south-eastern corner of Allotment No. 23 of Section No. 4, suburbs of Auckland ; thence towards the south generally by the southern boundary-line of the said Allotment No. 23 to the north-eastern corner of the Public Hall site ; thence by the eastern and southern boundary-lines of that site to Epsom Road ; thence again towards the east by the eastern side of that road to a point in line with the northern boundary-line of Allotment No. 23a (educational endowment), opposite the Junction Hotel; thence again towards the south-west by a right lino to the north-eastern corner of the said Allotment No. 23a ; thence by that allotment to Gillies Avenue; thence again towards the south-east by the eastern side of the said Gillies Avenue to a point in line with the northern side of Owen's Road; thence by a right line across Gillies Avenue aforesaid to the said Owen's Road ; and thence by that road to the south-eastern corner of Subdivision No. 1 of Allotment No. 57 ; thence again towards the south by the southern boundary-line of the said Subdivision No. 1 to original Allotment No. 11 of Section No. 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence again towards the south-west by the said Allotment No. 11 to Oaklands Road; thence again towards the south by that road to Mount Eden Road ; thence by a line across the latter road to Valley Road ; thence again towards the south-west generally by the said Valley Road to Mount Roskill Road, at the Eden Electoral District; thence towards the west by the Eden Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; and again towards the north and north-west by the City of Auckland Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the place of commencement.

Manukau. This district is bounded towards the north and north-east generally by Hobson Bay, Waitemata Harbour, and the Hauraki Gulf respectively to Maungamaungaroa Greek; thence towards the east generally by the left bank of that creek to a point in line with the southern boundary-line of Section No. 23, Parish of Pakuranga; thence by a right line to the southernmost corner of that section ; thence by the road which forms the eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 80, 116, and 98 of the said parish to Section No. 239; thence by Sections Nos. 239, 240, and 241 of the said parish, and the road which forms the eastern boundary of Section No. 104 to the road which forms the western boundary of Section No. 174; thence by that road and its continuation passing Sections Nos. 217, 270, 271, 273, and 275, Parish of Pakuranga, to Section No. 192 ; thence by the abuttal of a road and Sections Nos. 274, 117,131,178,177, and 138, Parish of Pakuranga, to the northernmost corner of Section No. 153, Parish of Manurewa ; thence by the said Section No. 153, and Sections Nos. 96 and 95 to the road which torms the south-western boundary of Section No. 94, Parish of Manurewa; thence towards the south-west by that road and its continuation passing Sections Nos. 94, 93, 92, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 27a, 33, 32,30, 40, 39, 38,12, and 11, all of the said Parish of Manurewa, to Section No. 13; thence by the road intersecting Sections Nos. 13, 10, and 9, Parish of Manurewa, and its continuation across the Tamaki Eiver to the western shore thereof; thence towards the north-west and south by the western shores of the said Tamaki Biver to the Tamaki Portage Road; thence towards the south generally by that road to Manukau Harbour ; thence by the said Manukau Harbour to the Eden Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at Section No. 75, near the Wairaki Stream; and thence again towards the north-west generally by the said Eden Electoral District and the Parnell Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Hobson Bay : including the islands of Motutapu, Motuihi, Eakino, Rangitoto, and Brown's. Fbanklin. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by Manukau Entrance, Manukau Harbour, and by the Manukau Electoral District, hereinbefore described; towards tha north generally by the Hauraki Gulf; towards the east by the Firth of Thames to the Puwhenua Stream; thence towards the south by the southern boundary-line of the Wharekawa No. 4 Block (No. 1473) to its south-western corner; thence again towards the east by the eastern bound-ary-lines of Sections Nos. 102, 103, 55, and 57, Block IV., Opaheke Survey District, to the Waikaka Block (No. 1656); thence by that block, and the Mangatangi, Poupipi, and Wharekawa No. 2 Blocks respectively, to Section No. 48a (timber reserve), Block XII., Opaheke Survey District; thence again towards the south generally by the said Section No. 48a to its north-western corner; thence by a right line to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 12, Parish of Otau ; thence by the eastern boundary-line of the lastmentioned section, and the eastern and southern boundarylines of Section No. 13, to the road which forms its western boundary; thence by that road and its continuation northerly, passing Sections Nos. 13, 12, and 11, to the westernmost corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by the road which forms part of the north-western boundary of Section No. 130 to Section No. 129, Parish of Opaheke ; thence by that section to the road at its north-western boundary ; thence by that road and its continuation, passing Sections Nos. 129 and 131, to Section No. 117; thence by the said Section No. 117 and the road forming the northeastern boundary of Section No. 118 to the northernmost corner of that section ; thence by the said Section No. 118 and Sections Nos. 115, 245, and 246, Parish of Opaheke, to the road forming the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section No. 172; thence by that road to Section No. 171; thence by that section and Sections Nos. 169 and 166 to the road which forms the western boundary of the last-mentioned section; thence by that road and its continuation, passing Sections Nos. 22, 198, 218, and 163, Parish of Opaheke, and on to the Great South Road intersecting Sections Nos. 49 and 50, Parish of Opaheke ; thence towards the north-east by the Great South Road to the Mangatawhiri River; and thence by that river to the Waikato River; thence again towards the south and towards the south-east generally by the left bank of the said Waikato River to the ocean ; and towards the west by the ocean to Manukau Entrance, the place of commencement: including the islands of Waiheke, Ponui, Pahiki, Rotoroa, Puketutu, and adjacent islands, and the islands in Manukau Harbour. Thames. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the ocean, from Gape Colville to the North Head of Tairua Harbour ; towards the south-west by a right line drawn in a north - westerly direction from the north head of Tairua Harbour in the direction of the source of the



Waikawau River as far as the Waiwawa River; thence towards the south-east generally by the said Waiwawa River and its tributary the Taitoko Stream to the source of the latter ; thence by the Waiwhakaurunga and Mangarehu Blocks (formerly timber leases of 14,186 acres and 1,825 acres respectively) to the Mangakirikiri No. 1 Block (No. 3387 a) ; thence by that block to its southernmost corner; thence by the summit of the range leading to the northern boundary-line of Section No. 2, Block V., Thames Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 2, the Karaka South. No. 1 Block (No. 2597), and the left bank of Karaka Creek to the eastern boundary-line of the Borough of Thames (aa described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 16, 7th February, 1896); thence by the eastern boundary-lines of the said Borough of Thames to the south-eastern corner of that borough ; thence towards the south, and again towards the south-west and towards the north respectively by the southern, south-western, and northern boundary-lines of the said borough of Thames to Rocky Point; and thence towards the west generally by the Firth of Thames : including Great Mercury, Cuvier, and adjacent islands. Ohinemuri. This district is bounded towards the north-west and northeast by the Thames Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the southern boundary of the Borough of Thames at the Firth of Thames to the northern head of Tairua Harbour ; thence towards the east by Tairua Harbour and the ocean to the Waihi River ; thence towards the south-east by a right line in the direction of the summit of Te Aroha Mountain as far as the summit of the main range between the Thames River and the Bay of Plenty ; thence towards the north-east by the summit of the said range to a point due east of the northernmost corner of Section No. 29, Block XII., Aroha Survey District; thence towards the south by a right line to that corner ; thence again towards the south-east by the said Section No. 29 and Section No. 28 to the Thames River ; thence towards the south-west by the said Thames River to a point due west of the summit of Te Aroha Mountain ; thence again towards the south by a line due west to the Confiscation boundary-line (the last-mentioned line being the boundary between the Counties of Piako and Waikato) ; thence ttwards the west by the said Confiscation line, running northerly to where it last crosses the Waitakaruru Stream ; thence again towards the north-west by the said Waitakaruru Stream to the Firth of Thames; and thence by the Firth of Thames to the southern boundaryline of the Borough of Thames : including Slipper Island. Waikato. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Franklin Electoral District hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Waikato River to the Firth of Thames ; thence towards the east generally by the Firth of Thames to the mouth of the Waitakaruru Stream ; thence by the Ohinemuri Electoral District hereinbefore described and the Confiscation boundary-line respectively to Pukemoremore Trig. Station (No. 50) ; thence by a right line in the direction of Opuhau Trig. Station as far as a point due east of the north-eastern corner of Section No. 173, Parish of Hautapu; thence towards the south generally by a right line to the said corner ; thence by the said Section No. 173, and Sections Nos. 172, 171, 174, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 77, 76, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, and 98, all of the Parish of Hautapu, to the westernmost corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence towards the south-east by the abutment of a road, and by Sections Nos. 155, 153, 152, 151, 150, 148, and 147, of the Parish of Hautapu, to the Waikato River ; thence again towards the north-east by the said Waikato River to the western boundary-line of Section No. 20, Parish of Pukekura; thence again towards the south-east by that section and the road forming the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 23 and 28 to the road intersecting Sections Nos. 108, 107, 106, 105, 109, 104, and 103 of the said Parish of Pukekura ; thence by that road and its continuation southerly intersecting Section No. 225 to Section No. 133, Parish of Puniu; thence again towards the north-east by Section No. 225, Parish of Pukekura, to the Mangapiko Stream; thence by that stream to Section No. 156, Parish of Puniu; thence by part of the north-western boundary of Section No. 156 and the whole of the north-eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 156, 157, and 158 of the said Parish of Puniu to the easternmost corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence again towards the south-east by Subdivisions Nos. Ig, Ih, Ij, Ik, and 1l of the Puahue Block, and by the Puahue No. 2 Block, the Ngamako No. 2 Block, and the Ngamako Block to the Puniu River; thence again towards the east generally by the said Puniu River to its source; thence by a right-line to Ranginui Trig. Station (No. 1386) ; thence by a right-line to the source of the Mokau River; thence by the boundary-line between the Land Districts of Auckland and Taranaki to the Ongaruhe River ; thence by the said Ongaruhe River to its confluence

with the Wanganui River near Taumarunui; thence again towards the south-west generally by a right-line through the Ohura South Block and the Ratatomokia Block to the confluence of the Watohena Stream with the Hapurua; thence by the former-mentioned stream to its source ; thence by the summit of the watershed and by the leading spur to the Mokau-iti River near Paparata; thence by the said Mokau-iti River to its confluence with the Mokau River; thence by the said Mokau River to its confluence with the Mangaotaki River ; thence by the last-mentioned river to its source; thence by a right-line to Maungamangero Trig. Station (No. 1657); thence by the summit of the range leading to the sea-coast at Tirua Point; and thence towards the west generally by the ocean to the Waikato River aforesaid. Bay of Plenty. This district is bounded towards the north generally by Ohinemuri Electoral District hereinbefore described from the Confiscation boundary-line to the Bay of Plenty ; thence by the Bay of Plenty to Cape Runaway; thence towards the east by a right line to the summit of Mount Hikurangi; thence towards the south-east by right lines from hill to hill along the summit of the watershed between the Bay of Plenty and the east coast to Trig. Station No. 139 a ; thence by a right line over Trig. Station No. 140 to the Motu River; thence by the right bank of the said Motu River to the north-western boundary-line of the Motu Block ; thence by that block to its westernmost corner at the Koranga River; thence again towards the north-east by the right bank of the said Koranga River to its source ; thence by a right line to Maungatapere Trig. Station; thence again towards the south-east by a right line to Maungapohatu; thence again towards the north-east by a right line to Trig. Station No. 93 (Nga Pakira) ; thence again towards the south-east by a right line to the most northerly point of Waikaremoana ; thence by a right line to the junction of the Rangitaiki River with the main road from Napier to Taupo ; thence by a right line to the eastern boundary-line of the Tauhara South Block to a point where it is crossed by the Taharua River; thence again to the north-east by the said Taharua River to its confluence with the Mohaka River ; thence by the said Mohaka River to a line being the production of a right line drawn between Trig. Station No. 65a, Kaweka Survey District, and Trig. Station No. 68a ; thence by a right line to the said Trig. Station No. 65a ; thence towards the south by a right line to Trig. Station No. 26, Tawheketewhango ; thence by a right line to Trig. Station No. 27; thence by a right line to Trig. Station No. 28, Kaimanawa Survey District; thence by a right line to the summit of Ruapehu Mountain ; thence towards the west by lines from peak to peak to the summit of Tong'ariro Mountain; thence towards the south-west by a right line to the eastern corner of the Kirikau Block; thence by the north-eastern boundary-lines of that block to the Wanganui River ; thence again towards the west generally by the said Wanganui River to the confluence of the Ongaruhe River with that river ; and thence by the Waikato Electoral District hereinbefore described : including Motiti and Whale Islands. Waiapu. This district is bounded towards the north by the ocean from Cape Runaway to East Cape ; towards the east by the ocean to Hawke Bay; thence towards the south by the said Hawke Bay to the mouth of the Mohaka River; thence towards the south-west by the said Mohaka River to its confluence with Te Hoe River; thence by Te Hoe River to the south-east boundary-line of Heruiwi No. 4 Block; and thence by the said Heruiwi No. 4 Block to the Bay of Plenty Electoral District hereinbefore described ; and thence towards the north-west generally by the said Bay of Plenty Electoral District to Cape Runaway: including Portland Island. Hawke's Bay. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Waiapu Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the south-western boundary-line of the Heruiwi No. 4 Block to Hawke Bay; thence towards the east by Hawke Bay to a point in line with the northern boundary-line of Section No. 107, Western Spit, Napier ; thence towards the south by a right line to the northernmost corner of the said Section No. 107; thence by that section andits northern boundary-line produced across the Main North Road to the eastern shore of the inner harbour; thence again towards the north-east by the eastern shore of the inner harbour to the Petane Bridge; thence by the said bridge to West Quay, Borough of Napier; thence towards the south-east generally by West Quay to Battery Point: thence by the eastern shore of Ahuriri Harbour to the bridge at Goa Bay; thence by the road leading from the said bridge, across the Mud Flats, and passing Blocks Nos. 124 and 125 to a point in line with the southeastern boundary-line of Block No. 96; thence by a right line to the south-eastern boundary-line of the said Block



No. 96 ; thence by that block and the southern shore of the said Ahuriri Harbour to the northern boundary-line of Section No. 40, Meanee Suburban Section; thence by the said Section No. 40 and Sections Nos. 1 and 2, and Block No. 94; thence by Sections Nos. 41, 43, 60, 61, 62, 63, and 64, Meanee Suburban Sections, and by Block 1., Puketapu, to its south-western corner ; thence towards the north generally by the left bank of the Tutaekuri Eiver to a point in line with the northern boundary-line of Section No. 15, Papakura; thence by a right line across the said Tutaekuri River to the said northern boundary-line ; thence by the said Section No. 15 and Section 16, the crossing of a road, and Sections Nos. 8 and 9, Papakura, to the south-eastern corner of the said Section No. 9 ; thence by a line due east across the Wftitangi River to the left bank thereof; and thence by the left bank of the said Waitangi River to Hawke Bay ; thence by Hawke Bay to Cape Kidnappers; thence again towards the south-east by the ocean to the northern bound-ary-line of Block No. 40, in the Pourerere Survey District: thence towards the south-west generally by the said Block No. 40 ; and Blocks Nos. 39, 38, 37, and 36, all in the said Pourerere Survey District, and Blocks Nos. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29, all in the Oero Survey District, to the Mangarara Stream; thence by that stream to its confluence with the Tukituki River ; thence again towards the south-east and south-west by the said Tukituki River to the new course of the Waipawa River ; thence again towards the north-west by the new course of the Waipawa Eiver to the Waipawa and Taumumu Eoad; thence again towards the south-west by that road to the junction of the Patangata and Taumumu Eoads ; thence by a right line to the easternmost corner of Block 14; thence by the north-eastern boundary-line of that block to the Main South Road ; thence by a line across that road to the southern boundary-line of Block 49, Waipukurau Survey District; thence by that block and Blocks Nos. 23,18, 179, 144, 20, and 27 of Waipukurau Survey District to the Manga-o-nuku Eiver ; thence towards the west by that river to its confluence with the Waipawa Eiver; thence again towards the south-west by the said Waipawa Eiver to its confluence with the Makaroro Eiver; thence by the north branch of the said Waipawa River to its source ; thence by a line due west to the summit of the Euahine Eange ; thence by the summit of the Euahine Range to Trig. Station No. 9; thence by a right line to the confluence of the Kaianu Stream with theTaruarau River ; and thence by the said Taruarau River to the Ngawaiwhetu Stream ; thence by that stream to a right line joining Trig. Stations Nos. 65a and 26 ; and thence again towards the north-west generally by the Bay of Plenty Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the southwestern boundary-line of the Heruiwi No. 4 Block aforesaid. Napieb. This district is bounded towards the north and east by Hawke Bay; towards the south generally by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; and towards the west and north-west generally by the said Hawke's Bay Electoral District. Waipawa. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; towards the south-east by the ocean to the southern boundary-line of the Arataura Block at Arataura, on the seacoast ; thence towards the south-west generally by the southern boundary-line of the said Arataura Block to its southwestern corner; thence by Blocks Nos. 19, 49, 26, 50, 21, 30, 55, 56, 59, and 58, all in the Tautane Survey District, to Section No. 4, Block 1., Tautane Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 4 and Sections Nos. 3 and 2 of the said Block I. to the northernmost corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence by the following sections—viz., Nos. 3 and 2, Block XII., Weber Survey District; Sections Nos. 2 and 1, Block XI., Weber Survey District; Section No. 1, Block X., Weber Survey District; and Section No. 1, Block 11., of Weber Survey District —to the Dannevirke- Weber Eoad ; thence by that road to the Mangatoro Stream ; thence by that stream to the Manawatu Eiver; thence again towards the south-east generally by the right bank of the Manawatu Eiver to the Oruakapetahi Stream ; thence by that stream to the main Woodville Eoad; thence by the main road to Woodville to the road which branches off about half a mile north of the Napier Borough Eeserve, and runs northwesterly through the Oringi Waiaruhe Block; thence by that road to Section No. 13, Block 111,, Woodville Survey District; thence by the road which forms the northern boundaries of Sections Nos. 13, 14, and 15, Block 111., Woodville Survey District; and by the road which forms the northern boundaries of Sections Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 15, Block 11., Woodville Survey District, and its continuation, passing Sections Nos. 3 and 4, Block XV., Woodville Survey District, to the northernmost corner of the last mentioned section; thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 6 (Maharahara Mining Lease) ; thence by the

said Section No. 6 and Sections Nos. 5 and 4 (mining leases) to the westernmost corner of the latter section ; and thence by a line due west to the summit of the Euahine Bange; thence towards the north-west, by the summit of the Euahine Eange, to the Hawke's Bay Electoral District aforesaid. Pahiatua. This district is bounded towards the north and north-east generally by the Waipawa Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Euahine Eange to the ocean at Arataura; thence towards the south-east by the ocean to a point about a mile and three-quarters north of the Whakataki Kiver, being the north-eastern corner of the Whakataki Native Eeserve ; thence towards the south-west generally by the said Whakataki Native Eeserve to the Tinui Eiver ; thence by the right bank of the Tinui Eiver to Section No. 236, Block 1., Castlepoint Survey District; thence by that section, and the western boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 471, 472, and 473 of the said Block 1., and the western boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 474, 475, 476, and 477, Block XIII., Aohanga Survey District, to the Pakowhai Stream ; thence by the left bank of that stream to the northeastern corner of Section No. 42 ; thence by Sections Nos. 42 and 817 to the road intersecting the northern boundaryline of Section No. 818 ; thence by that road and its continuation through the said Section No. 817, across and along the left bank of the Makoura Stream, through Section No. 221, Block XII., Puketoi Survey District, to Section No. 222 ; thence by the said Section No. 222 and Sections Nos. 70, and 66 of the said Block XII., and Sections Nos. 71 and 67 of Block VIII., Puketoi Survey District, to the Waihoki Eoad ; thence by that road passing Burling's Homestead to Section No. 48, Block VII., Puketoi Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 48 and Sections Nos. 20, 50, and 23 of the said Block VII. to the Puketoi Eoad ; thence by that road to Section No. 2, Block 111., Puketoi Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 2 and Sections Nos. 19, 20, 21, and 24 to the Kuware Eoad; thence by that road to the stock road along the top of the Puketoi Eange ; thence by that road to Section No. 10, Block 11., Puketoi Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 10 and Sections Nos. 15 (E.E.) and 7 of the said Block 11. to the Pori Eoad ; thence by the said Pori Eoad to Section No. 12, Block V., Puketoi Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 12 and Section No. 13 to the road forming the south-western boundary of Section No. 6 ; thence by the south side of that road, and by Section No. 61, Block VIII., Mangaone Survey District, and Section No. 175 of the said Block VIII., to the Pa Valley Eoad; thence by the said Pa Valley Road to its junction with the Mangaone Valley Eoad ; thence by part of Section No. 12, Block IV., Mangaone Survey District, to the Mangaone Eiver; thence by that river to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary-line of Section No. 31a of of the said Block IV.; thence by a right line to the easternmost corner of the said Section No. 31a. ; thence by that section and Sections Nos. 31, 29, 9, 8, 7, and 6, Block 111., Mangaone Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 25, 20a, and 20, Block 11., Mangaone Survey District, to the Makakahi Eiver; thence by a right line across the Makakahi Eiver to the easternmost corner of Section No. 96, Block XIV., Mangahao Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 96 to the main road, Masterton, to Pahiatua; thence by a right line across that road to the easternmost corner of Section No. 97; thence by that section and Sections Nos. 100, 111, and 81 of the said Block XIV. to Central Eoad; thence by the said Central Eoad to Section No. 77, Block XIII., Mangahao Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 77 to the Mangahao Eiver; thence by a right line across that river to the easternmost corner of Section No. 10 of the said Block XIII. ; thence by that section and Sections Nos. 9, 8, 13, and 21 to the northernmost corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by a right line through the Forest Eeserve to Arawaru Trig. Station ; and thence towards the north-west by the summit of theTararua Eange and the leading spur to the Manawatu Eiver at The Gorge ; thence by a line across that river to the spur leading to the Euahine Eange ; and thence by that spur and the summit of the Euahine Eange to the Waipawa Electoral District aforesaid. Mastebton. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Pahiatua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Tararua Eange to the north-eastern corner of the Whakataki Native Eeserve on the East Coast; thence towards the south-east by the ocean to the Whareama River ; thence towards the south-west generally by the said Whareama River to the confluence of the Mangapokia River with the said Whareama Eiver; thence by the said Mangapokia Eiver to Section No. 240, Block 111., Eewa Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 240, and Sections Nos. 260, 261, 739, 620, 619, and 618, all of the said Eewa Survey District,



to the Mangapakeha Stream ; thence by that stream and by Sections Nos. 617, 522, 521, and 520, the southern boundaryline of Section No. 518, Block XIII., Mangapakeha Survey District, and by Section No. 524 of the said Rewa Survey District ; thence by Section No. 523, Block IV.,Otahoua Survey District, the south-western boundary-line of Section No. 866 of the said Mangapakeha Survey District, and the southern boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 98 and 97, Kopuaranga Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 92 and 96, Block IV., Otahoua Survey District, to the Taueru River ; thence by the right bank of the said Taueru River to the Teroterowetu Creek ; thence by that creek to the Bideford Road ; thence again towards the south-east by that road as far as the Wangaehu River; thence by the said Wangaehu River to its confluence with the Ruamahanga River; thence by the said Ruamahanga River to its confluence with the Waingawa River; thence again towards the south-west by the said Waingawa River to its source ; thence by a line due west to the summit of the Tararua Range ; and thence towards the north-west by the summit of the Tararua Range to the Pahiatua Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement. Waieabapa. This district is bounded towards the north-east and north generally by the Masterton Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Tararua Range to the Whareama River on the East Coast; thence towards the south-east and south-west by the ocean to Cape Turakicae ; and thence towards the north-west by the summit of the Rimutaka Range and the- summit of the Tararua Range to the Masterton Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement. Egmont. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Waikato Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Tirua Point, on the West Coast, to the confluence of the Ongauuhe River with the Wanganui River ; thence towards the south-east by the said Wanganui River to the first bend south of the confluence of the Tangarakau River with the said Wanganui River; thence by a right line to Whakaihuwaka Trig. Station ; thence by lines from hill to hill along the summit of the western watershed of the Wanganui River to a point in line with the northern boundary-line of Section No. 24, Block XII., Ngaire Survey District; thence towards the south generally by a right line to the northern boundary-line of that section ; thence by the said Section No. 24, Sections Nos. 23, 22, 19, and 17 of the said Block XII., Sections Nos. 41, 36, 35, and 34, Block XI,, Ngaire Survey District, and Section No. 14, Block VII., of the said Survey District to the northernmost corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by the said Section No. 14 and Cheal Road to Skinner Road ; thence by the west side of Skinner Road to the northern boundary-line of Section No. 32, Block VI., Ngaire Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 32 and Sections Nos. 33, 34, and 31 to Sole Road ; thence by Sole Road to the Mountain Road ; thence by the said Mountain Road to Climie Road; thence by the south side of Climie Road, crossing the railway-line, and on to the western boundaryline of Section No. 21, Block V., Ngaire Survey District; thence by that section to the Waingongoro : thence by the right bank of the Waingongoro to the western boundary of Section No. 79 of the said Block V.; thence by the said Section No. 79 to Pinnerty Road ; thence by Einnerty Road to Hastings Road ; thence by the west side of Hastings Road to the northern boundary-line of Section No. 32, Block VIII., of Kaupokonui Survey District; thence by that section and Sections Nos. 31, 29, 30, and 33 of the said Block VIII. to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by Sections Nos. 107, 103, 81, and 80, Block XI., Kaupokonui Survey District, and Section No. 79, Block X., to the north-western corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence towards the west by Sections Nos. 1, 16, 13, and 11, Block VI., Kaupokonui Survey District, to the northernmost corner of the said Section No. 11; thence by a right line to the summit of Mount Egmont; thence towards the northwest generally by a right line to the source of the Waiwakaiho ; thence by the Waiwakaiho to Section No. 164 (E.R.), Hua and Waiwakaiho ; thence by that section and Section No. 5 to the Mangaoraka Stream thence by that stream to Section No. 142, Tarurutangi; thence by the said Section No. 142 and Sections Nos. 144, 145, 146, and 147, Tarurutangi to the Waiongona; thence by that stream to Section No. 110, Moa; thence by the said Section No. 110 to Windsor Road; thence by Windsor Road to Junction Road; thence by Junction Road to the Waiongona-iti; thence by that stream to a point in line with the northern side of Humphries Street, in the Town of Inglewood ; thence by a right line to the north side of the said street; thence by the north side of Humphries Street aforesaid to tho Wanganui-New Plymouth Railway-line ; thence by the western side of that railway-line to Section No. 203, Huirangi; thence by Sec-

tions Nos. 203, 127, and 115, Huirangi, Paritutu Survey District, and Sections Nos. 116, 20G, 207, 133, 134, 148, 208, 209, and 211, Huirangi, Waifcara Survey District, to the easternmost corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence towards the west by the said Section No. 211 and Sections Nos. 210, 166, 165, and 164, all of Huirangi, Waitara Survey District, to Roddy Road; thence by that road to Clarke Road; thence by Clarke Road to Te Arei Road; thence by Te Arei Road to Section 179 (Native reserve), and thence by that Section to the Waitara River; thence towards the south-west by the left bank of the said Waitara River to Brooke's Terrace, Town of Waitara; thence by the said Brooke's Terrace, Nelson Road, Stafford Street, Camngton Road, and Battiscombe Terrace, all in the said Town o£ Waitara, and the northern boundary-line of the said Town of Waitara, to the Waitara River; and thence by the said Waitara River to the ocean; and thence towards the west generally by the ocean to Tirua Point aforesaid. Taeanaki. This district is bounded towards the south-east generally by the Egmont Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Waitara River to Mount Egmont; thence by a right line to the easternmost corner of Section No. 12, Block VIII., Opunake Survey District; thence by the south-ea,stern boundary Jine of that section, and the south-eastern boundary lines of Sections Nos. 11 and 10 of the said Block VIII., to the Taungatara River ; thence by the said Taungatara River to the ocean; and thence towards the south-west and north-west by the ocean to the mouth of the Waitara River aforesaid. Hawbba. This district is bounded towards the north-west by the Taranaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Taungatara River to Mount Egmont; thence towards the north generally by the Egmont Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the easternmost corner of Section No. 41, Block XI., Ngaire Survey District; thence towards the east by Sections Nos. 17, 12, and 11, Block XII., Ngaire Survey District, to Anderson Road ; thence towards the south generally by the south side of Anderson Road and Horoi Road to the western boundary line of Section No. 48 of the said Block XI.; thence by the said Section No. 48 and Sections Nos. 51 (E.R.) and 2 of the said Block XI. to Manga,whero Road ; thence by that road to the Mountain Road ; thence towards the east generally by the said Mountain Road to Austin Road ; thence by Austin Road to Section No. 164, Block VI., Hawera Survey District; thence by Section No. 4, Block VI., Hawera Survey District, to the Tangahoe River; thence by the said Tangahoe River to the ocean ; and thence towards the south-west by the ocean to the mouth of the Taungatara River aforesaid. Patea. Thia district is bounded towards the west generally by Hawera Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Tangahoe River to the easternmost corner of Section No. 41, Block XL, Ngaire Survey District; thence towards the north-west generally by the Egmont Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the northern boundary of the Kirikau Block at the Wanganui River ; thence towards the north-east generally by the Bay of Plenty Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Trig. Station No. 28, Kaimanawa Survey District; thence towards the east generally by a right line to Trig. Station No. 24 ; thence by a right line to Trig. Station No. 17 ; thence by a right line to Trig. Station No. 16 ; and thence by a right line to Trig. Station No 32 ; thence towards the south by a right line in the direction of the confluence of the Panemango a,nd Tamakomako River to the western side of the Marton-Murimotu Road ; thence again towards the east by that road to its junction with the Hautapu-Murimotu Road ; thence again towards the northeast by the latter road to Section No. 36, Block XV., Tiriraukawa Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 36 and Sections Nos. 35, 25, 26, 27, and 28 of the said Block XV., and the southern boundary-line of the last mentioned section produced to the Rangitikei liiver; thence towards the south-east by the Rangitikei River to the south-western corner of Native Reserve (173 acres), Block IV., Rangitoto Survey District; thence by part of the western boundary of that reserve to the easternmost corner of Section No. 8, Block 111., Rangitoto Survey District; thence towards the south-west generally by the said Section No. 8, and Section No. 38, to the Tutaenui Stream ; thence by the right bank of that stream to the northern boundary-line of Section No. 38, Block XV., Wangaehu Survey District; thence by that section and Sections Nos. 80 and 64, to the south-western corner of Section No. 66, Block XIV., Wangaehu Survey District; thence by the western boundary-line of that section to tho road intersecting Section No. 67; thence by that road andjits continuation along the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 71 and 195, and through Section No.



194, to Section No. 11 of 54; thence by that section and Sections Nos. 7 of 54 and 41, Block XIII., Wangaehu Survey District, to the Turakina River; thence by the left bank of the Turakina River to the northernmost corner of Section No. 38, Block XV., Ikitara Survey District; thence by a right line to the easternmost corner of Section No. 250, Block XI., Ikitara Survey District; thence towards the.west generally by the said Section No. 250 to the northern trunk railwayline ; thence by the said railway-line to the northern bound-ary-line of Section No. 197, Block VII., Ikitara Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 270 and 209, of the said Block VII., and Sections Nos. 201, 204, and 369, Block 111., Ikitara Survey District, and Sections Nos. 367, 334, 335, and 336, Block IV., Ikitara Survey District; thence by Section No. 347, Block XVI., Waipakura Survey District, to the Makirikiri Stream ; thence by that stream to the Matatara Block ; thence by that block and the Matataranui Block to the Matatara road-line ; thence by that road-line to and across the Upokongaro Stream to the Upokongaro Road ; thence by that road to the Upokongaro Blook; and thence by that block to the Wanganui River; thence towards the south generally by a line due north to the right bank of the said Wanganui River; thence by the said Wanganui River to the Tunahaere Block ; thenco by that block to the Kaiiwi Stream ; thence by the said Kai-iwi Stream to its confluence with the Mangaone Stream; thence by the lastmentioned stream to the northern boundary-line of the Koatanui and Kaiwhatu Block ; thence by that block to the Kai-iwi Block; thence by the said Kai-iwi Block to its north-western corner; thence by Sections Nos. 12, 76, 9, 8, and 5, Block X., Nukumaru Survey District, to the northwestern corner of the last-mentioned section; thence again towards the south-east by the said Section No. 5 and Sections Nos. 6, 15, and 39 of the said Block X., and by the Town of Maxwelltown to the Northern Trunk Rail-way-line ; thence by a right line to the north-western corner of Section No. 58, Block XIV., Nukumaru Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 58 to the ocean ; and thence again towards the south-west by the ocean to the mouth of the Tangahoe River aforesaid. Wanganui. This district is bounded towards the west, north, and east generally by the Patea Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the south-west corner of Section No. 58, Block XIV., Nukumaru Survey District, on the sea-coast, to the eastermost corner of Section No. 250, Block XI., Ikitara Survey District, on the right bank of the Wangaehu River; thence towards the south-east by the Wangaehu River to the ocean; and thence towards the south-west by the ocean to the western boundary-line of Section No. 58 aforesaid. Rangitikei. This district is bounded towards the north by the Bay of Plenty Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Trig. Station No. 28 to the Ngawaiwhetu Stream; thence towards the east generally by the Hawke's Bay and the Waipawa Electoral Districts respectively, hereinbefore described, to a point on the summit of the Ruahine Range due west of the westernmost corner of Section No. 4 (mining lease), Maharahara; thence by the summit of the said Ruahine Range to a point due east of the southernmost corner of Section No. 13, Block 11., Gorge Survey District; thence toward the south-west by a right line to the southernmost corner of the said Section No. 13, and thence by the southwestern boundaries of Sections Nos. 13,12, 10, and 9, Malton Special Settlement, Block 11., Gorge Survey District, and Sections Nos. 5, 4, and 3, and the western boundary-lines of Section No. 1, Block 11., Gorge Survey District, and 27 and 39, Block XIV., Pohangina Survey District, to the Pohangina River; thence by a line across the said Pohangina River to the easternmost corner of Section No. 11, Block XIII., Pohangina Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 11, and Sections No. 12, 13, 18, 17, 16, and 15 of the said Block XIII., and by Section No. 52, Block XII., Oroua Survey District, to the northernmost corner of the last-mentioned section; thence towards the east generally by the said Section No. 52 and Sections Nos. 53 and 54 to Valley Road ; thence by that road to Midland Road, and by the south side of Midland Road to Section No. 12, Block XVI., Oroua Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 12 and Sections No. 2, 10, and 8 of the said Block XVI., and by Sections Nos. 7 and 1, and the Eeilding Road to Section No. 19, Block IV., Kairanga Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 19 to Section No. 15 ; thence again towards the south-west generally by the said Section No. 15, and Sections Nos. 70, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35,34, 33, and 32, Block 111., Kairanga Survey District; thence by the railway-line to and over the Oroua River, and on to Section No. 149 (Native reserve); thenoe by that section, Section No. 86, Block XIV., Oroua Survey District, and that portion of Sections Nos. 85 and 132 of the said Block XVI. lying to the west of a line bearing 354° 11' magnetic from a

point on the northern boundary-line of the said Section No. 86 distant 796 links from Awahuri Road ; thence by a road and Section No. 130 of the said Block XIV. to Mount Taylor; thence by the said Section No. 130 and Sections Nos. 129 and 125, Block XIV., Oroua Survey District, Sections Nos. 124, 119, 118, and 112, Block IX., Oroua Survey District, and Section No. 111, Block XII., Rangitoto Survey District, to Mount Biggs; thence by Section No. 101, the southern boundary-line of Section No. 144 (Native reserve), and the eastern and southern boundary-lines of Section No. 99, Block XII., Eangitoto Survey District, and the said southern boundary-line produced to tho right bank of Rangitikoi River; thence again towards the west by the right bank of the said Rangitikei River to the south-western corner of the Native reserve (173 acres), Block IV., Rangitoto Survey District; and thence by the Patea Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Trig. Station No. 28 aforesaid. Palme rston. This district is bounded towards the north-west and northeast generally by the Rangitikei Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the railway-bridge over the Oroua River to the summit of the Ruahine Range ; thence towards the south-east by the Pahiatua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Arawaru Trig. Station ; thence towards the south-west by the south-western boundary-line of the block formerly known as the Township of Fitzherbert Block (part of the northern boundary of Horowhenua County) to the Manawatu River; thence towards the south generally by the said Manawatu River to its confluence with the Oroua River; thence towards tlje west by the said Oroua River to the railway-bridge over the Oroua River aforesaid. Manawatu. This district is bounded towards the north-west by the Wanganui Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Wangaehu River to the easternmost corner of Section No. 250, Block Xl.,lkitara Survey District; thence towards the nortn-east by the Patea Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the Rangitikei River ; thence towards the east generally by the Rangitikei and the Palmerston Electoral Districts respectively, hereinbefore described, to Arawaru Trig. Station on the Tararua Range ; thence by the summit of the Tararua Range to Mairakau Trig. Station ; thence by a right line to the easternmost corner of Section No. 1, Block XL, Arawaru Survey District; thence by the eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of the said Block XI. to the Mangahao River ; thence by tho right bank of the Mangahao River to the north-eastern boundary-line of Section No. 4, Blook IV., Waiopehu Survey District to the easternmost corner of that section; thence by the southeastern boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 4 and 5 of the said Block IV. to subdivision No. 12 of the Horowhenua Block ; thence towards the south-west generally by the said Subdivision No. 12 and original Subdivisions Nos. 5, 4, and 3 of the Horowhenua Block to the Arapaepae Road; thence by the said Arapaepae Road to Subdivision No. G (40 acres 3 roods 8 perches) of the original Subdivision No. 3 of the said Horowhenua Block ; thence by Subdivisions Nos. G, B, A, and 3d, No. 1 of original Subdivision No. 3 aforesaid, to the northernmost corner of the last-mentioned subdivision ; thence by a right line across the railway-line and road to the easternmost corner of the Horowhenua Village Settlement; thence by the Horowhenua Village Settlement and the State farm to the northernmost corner of the said farm; thence by the road passing the southern shore of Horowhenua Lake and proceeding westerly through Raumatangi to the Horowhenua River; and thence by the said Horowhenua River to the ocean ; and thence towards the west by the ocean to the mouth of the Wangaehu River aforesaid. Otaki. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Manawatu Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Horowhenua River to the easternmost corner of Subdivision No. 3. of the Horowhenua Block; thence towards the south-east generally by the Masterfcon and the Wairarapa Electoral Districts respectively, hereinbefore described, to Cape Turakirae; thence towards the southwest by Gook Strait; towards the west generally by Port Nicholson to a point in line with the eastern boundary-line of Section No. 8, Block XIII., Belmont Survey District; thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of the said Section No. 8; thence by that section to White's Road; thence towards the south by White's Road to the extension of the road which forma the north-western boundary of Alicetown; thence towards the north-west by that extension, and by the said road to the Hutt River ; thence by the right bank of the Hutt River to the Lower Hutt Bridge; thence again towards the west generally by the south side of the road leading from the Lower Hutt Bridge (Bridge Street) to the Wellington-Eketehuna Railwayline ; thence by that railway-line to a point in line with



the western side of the Belmont Road; thence by a right line across the railway and road to the west side of the said Belmont Eoad; and thence by the western side of that road to the north-western boundary-line of Section No. 28, Block VIII., Belmont Survey District, on the western boundaryline of the Borough of Lower Hutt; thence again towards the south-east by the north-western boundary-line of the said Section No. 28, and the north-western boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 24 and 20 (Native reserve), to Section No. 79, Block VIII., Belmont Survey District; thence towards the south and south-west generally by the said Section No. 79, and Sections Nos. 78 and 7, to the road forming the western boundary of the last-mentioned section ; thence by that road to the Johnsonville-Horokiwi Eoad; thence by the lastmentioned road to Section No. 10, Block XII., Belmont Survey District at the Johnsonville Town District boundary ; thence by lines so as to include the Johnsonville Town District to the road at the north-western boundary of Section No. 91, Block XI., Belmont Survey District; thence by that road and its continuation passing the said Section No. 91, and Section No. 89, to Section No. 13; thence by the said Section No. 13, and Sections Nos. 16 and 19, Block 1., Port Nicholson Survey District, and Sections Nos. 22, 25, and 60, Block VI., Belmont Survey District and Sections Nos. 59 and 110, Block 1., Port Nicholson Survey District, to the ooean; and thence towards the west by the ocean; including the Islands of Kapiti and Mana. City of Wellington. This district is bounded by a line commencing at Port Nicholson, at the boundary between the City of Wellington and the Borough of Onslow, and proceeding thence westerly along the boundary-line between the said City of Wellington and the Borough of Onslow to Tinakori North Native Reserve; thence along the eastern boundaries of Native Reserves, Tinakori North, Tinakori South, and Orangi-Kaupapa, to the junction of Boundary Road and Grant Road; thence along the southern side of Boundary Road to Tinakori Road ; thence across the Tinakori Road to the eastern side thereof; thence along the eastern side of Tinakori Road and Karori Road to the western boundary of the Botanical Gardens Reserve ; thence to the north-western corner of Section No. 28 (Upland Farm), Karori District; thence along the northern boundary of said Section No. 28 (Upland Farm) to the boundary of the City Reserves in the Terrace District; thence southerly along the western boundaries of the reserves in the said district to the south-eastern corner of the said Section No. 28 (Upland Farm) ; thence westerly along the southern boundary of the said Section No. 28 to the north-western corner of Section No. 11 of the City Reserves ; thence southerly along the western boundary of the City Reserves; thence easterly along the northern boundary of Section No. 11, Ohiro, to the western side of Epuni Street; thence across Epuni Street; thence southerly along the eastern side of Happy Valley Road to the southern boundary-line

of City Reserve No. 41 ; thence easterly along the southern boundary of that reserve to its south-eastern corner; thence southerly along the western boundaries of City Reserves Nos. 38 and 37, and thence easterly along the southern boundary of the said Reserve No. 37, and southerly along the western boundaries of Reserves Nos. 35, 34, and 33 to the southwestern corner of the last-mentioned reserve ; thence easterly along the southern boundary of the said Reserve No. 33, and along the western boundary-line of City Reserve No. 32 to its south-western corner; thence easterly along the southern boundary-line of the last-mentioned reserve and the southern boundary-line of Town Section No. 934 to Adelaide Road; thence southerly along the west side of Adelaide Road to a point in line with the north side of Stokes Street; thence easterly across Adelaide Road and along the north side of Stokes Street to Rintoul Street; thence northerly along the west side of Rintoul Street to Riddiford Street ; thence southerly along the west side of Riddiford Street to a point in line with the north side of Constable Street; thence easterly across Riddiford Street to Constable Street, and along the north side of that street and the north side of Travers Street to Wellington Road at the western boundary of the Township of Kilbirnie; thence northerly along the western boundary of the Township of Kilbirnie to the northern boundary line of that township; thence easterly along the northern boundary-line of the said Township of Kilbirnie, and that line produced across the Evans Bay Road to Evans Bay; thence northerly along the shore of Evans Bay to Point Jerningham; thence south-westerly and northerly along the shore of Lambton Harbour to the eastern boundary of the land granted to the Corporation of the City of Wellington on the 24th June, 1874; thence along the said eastern boundary and along the seaward boundary of the said land to the eastern boundary of the land granted to the Superintendent of Wellington on the 18th October, 1855 ; and thence along the seaward boundary of the last-mentioned land, and the seaward boundary of the reclaimed land to the commencing point. Subdbbs of Wellington. This district is bounded towards the north-east and north generally by the Otaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the northernmost corner of Section No. 110, Block 1., Port Nicholson Survey District, to a point on Port Nicholson near the south-eastern corner of the Borough of Petone ; thence towards the south-east by Port Nicholson to the City of Wellington Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; thence towards the east generally, and again towards the north by the said City of Wellington Electoral District to Evans Bay ; thence towards the west by Evans Bay to Point Halswell; thence again towards the east by the water of Port Nicholson to Palmer Head, and thence again towards the south and west by the ocean to the northernmost corner of Section No. 110 aforesaid ; including Somes Island.



Table showing the Actual and Nominal Populations of the Electoral Districts in the North Island. Quota, 11,848.

S. Percy Smith, Chairman.

2—fl. 21.

No. Actual Population (Census, 1896). Name of District. No. of Members. Actual Total (Census, 1896). Nominal Population. Town. Eural. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Bay of Islands Marsden Waitemata City of Auckland ... Parnell ■Eden • Manukau Franklin Thames Ohinemuri Waikato Bay of Plenty Waiapu Napier • ... Hawke's Bay Waipawa Pahiatua Masterton Wairarapa Taranaki Egmont Hawera Wanganui Patea Bangitikei Palmerston Manawatu Otaki Suburbs of Wellington City of Wellington 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 34,756 4,196 3,018 2,943 4','325 2,367 9,311 3,190 9,841 9,661 9,404 783 6,545 7,451 7,501 10,005 5,754 9,467 9,894 9,405 7,044 1,964 6,392 8,623 8,517 6,011 8,549 6,761 9,391 8,586 4,290 8,537 7,394 4,288 8,604 8,530 3,388 9,841 9,661 9,404 35,539 10,741 10,469 10,444 10,005 10,079 9,467 9,894 9,405 9,411 11,275 9,582 8,623 8,517 9,504 8,549 10,586 9,391 8,586 10,267 8,537 9,439 10,198 8,604 8,530 10,567 * 35,516 12,596 12,366 12,037 35,758 12,573 12,555 12,544 12,806 11,690 12,117 12,664 12,038 11,383 11,824 11,371 11,037 10,901 11,187 10,942 12,479 12,020 10,990 11,468 10,927 11,509 11,398 11,013 10,918 11,515 3,493 3,825 5,977 2,045 5,910 7,179 35,516 34 340,631



North Island Representation Commission, 1896: Schedule of Objections.

S. Percy Smith, Chairman.

o. Date of Letter. Date of Beeeipt. ame and Address of Objector. Nature ol Objection. Decision of Commission. ' 1896. 21 Aug. 1896. 28 Aug. Eltham Liberal Association, Eltham Protests that the proposed Hawera Electorate outs off a portion of the Ngaire Block and the whole of the country between that and the Patea River, and the interests of the settlers in these blocks are peculiarly identified with Eltham Protesting against Town of Waitara being included in New Plymouth Electorate, and asking that it be included in Egmont Electorate It is impossible to comply with the request without doing injustice to others. 15 Aug. 29 Aug. G. Pearce, Waitara Harbour Board, and Raleigh Town Board, Waitara As no injustice would be done to any other part of the two districts, Waitara will be included in Egmont Electorate. Ditto. 3 10 Sept. 12 Sept. Petition of 169 residents of Waitara, Waitara Protests against being included in same electorate as the Borough of New Plymouth, as the interests of Waitara are diverse from New Plymouth. Asks to be included in the Egmont Electorate Council protests against Town of Waitara being included in New Plymouth Electorate, and asking that it be included in Egmont Electorate On behalf of several persons, protests against irregular boundaries of district. Proposes fresh ones that would embrace a community having identical interests Asks that name " Manawatu Electorate " be altered to " Rangitikei Electorate " 10 Sept. 12 Sept. Clerk, Clifton County Council, Waitara Ditto. 28 Aug. 31 Aug. Charles Hall, M.H.R., Wellington Impossible to comply with request, as it would be unfair to adjacent districts. Consider that name given is more appropriate than "Rangitikei." It would be unfair to the adjacent districts to alter the boundary without their having a chance of protest. Suggestions partially complied with. 4 Sept. 4 Sept. John Stevens, M.H.R., Wellington 3 Sept. 9 Sept. G.J. Goldfinch and others, Maharahara West Petition asking that the whole of the Maharahara Boad District be included in the Waipawa Electorate 9 Sept. 11 Sept. Chairman, Moa Road Board, Inglewood Public meeting requests that portion of Moa Riding proposed to be included in Egmont Electorate be added to Taranaki Electorate Petition protesting against the severance of Wellington South from the City of Wellington Electorate Board requests that Parish of Pukekura be included in Waikato Electorate, and that there is no community of interest with Bay of Plenty Board supports protest of Waitara Harbour Board and Raleigh Town Board as to inclusion of Waitara in New Plymouth Electorate, and makes suggestions as to alteration of other boundaries Urging that Waitara be included in Egmont Electorate, and suggesting other amended boundaries 11 Sept. 11 Sept. J. E. Francis and others, Wellington Cannot comply with petition without doing serious injustice to others. Suggestions partially complied with. 5 Sept. 11 Sept. Chairman, Pukekura Road Board, Cambridge 11 Sept. 14 Sept. Clerk, Stratford Town Board, Stratford ' Waitara will be included in Egmont Electorate, but the other proposed changes cannot be made. 12 Sept. 14 Sept. John Elliott, Awakino .. Waitara will be included in Egmont Electorate.




To His Excellency the Right Honourable David, Earl of Glasgow, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please your Excellency,— We, the undersigned, appointed by Commission bearing date the 20th day of July, 1896, issued under the hand of His Excellency the Governor, and sealed with the seal of the colony, sitting as the Middle Island Eepresentation Commission for the purpose of " The Eepresentation Act 1887 Amendment Act, 1896," having received from the Joint Commission the figures resulting from a census of the population of the colony taken on the 12th day of April, 1896, together with the numerical value of the quota of population required for each electorate of the colony, as defined in the Acts referred to above, together with the number of members for each island as deternined by the said Joint Commission, now respectfully submit for your Excellency's consideration the following results of our proceedings:— The Middle Island Commission met at Government Buildings, Wellington, on the 27th day of July, 1896, and, having obtained the information referred to above from the Joint Commission, proceeded to consider the rearrangement of the electoral districts on the basis of the Acts and the census above referred to. It was found that the nominal population of the Middle Island amounted to 428,8£6, and the quota to 11,848, whilst the proportionate number of members due to the nominal population of the Middle Island, including Stewart Island, was thirty-six. The Commission sat continuously up to the Bth of August, when, having finished the readjustment of boundaries, it adjourned until the 14th of September in order to allow of time for the receipt of objections. The proposed boundaries were published in a Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette of the 12th of August, 1896, which Gazette, with plans, was distributed throughout the colony, and notice given that objections would be received up to the 14th of September. The Commissioners reassembled at Christchurch on that date, and found that a number of communications had been received from different parts of the Middle Island, mainly affecting the boundaries of some of the proposed electoral districts. A schedule showing the objections and suggestions that have been submitted in regard to the preliminary divisions proposed by us, and our decisions thereon, and also an authenticated map and description of the electoral districts as finally agreed upon, accompany this report. The reduction of the number of members of the House of Eepresentatives in the Middle Island from thirty-nine to thirty-six has rendered our work more difficult than it might otherwise have been; while the provision of the Eepresentation Acts as regards the limits of the population to be given to the electoral districts has rendered impracticable compliance with the requests of most of the electors who have objected to boundaries provisionally fixed upon by us, when the changes proposed are considered in relation to adjoining districts, and when such changes in several cases would be objectionable to other and larger bodies of electors. Given under our hands and seals, this 16th day of September, 1896. John Hislop, Chairman. Thos. S. Wbston. J. P. Maitlakd. J. W. A. Maechant. David Babron.



Middle Island Representation Commission, 1896: Schedule of Objections, etc.

John Hislop, Chairman.

fo. Date of Receipt. District. Name and Address of Objectors. Nature of Objection. Decision of Commission. 1896. 14 Sept. Grey J. Parsons, sen., Charleston Forwards petition from 171 electors in Charleston Riding, praying to be included in Buller instead of Grey Electorate 1 - Unable to make change proposed. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I ■4) § o CO 1 J. Graham, M.H.R., Wellington C. H. Mills, M.H.R., Wellington P. Laird and 7 others, Pelorus Road Board, Pelorus Town Board, Havelock W. Brownlee and 226 others, Havelock John Smith and 30 others, Blenheim Road Board and 262 residents, Awatere Road Board and 340 residents, Omaka Road Board and 240 residents, Wairau Borough with 417 residents, Blenheim A. Litchfleld, Blenheim Thomas Carter, Burleigh .. R. Meredith, M.H.R., Wellington T. L. Buick, M.H.R., Wellington Borough Council, Linwood Express satisfaction generally with the boundaries of Nelson and Wairau as proposed J 1 Object to the proposed boundaries of Wairau Electorate, more especially as regards southern boundary "1 The proposed southern boundary of Wairau Electorate to be extended southwards to former boundary of 1891, a portion of Pelorous Riding and Sounds County to be added to Nelson Electorate, and portion of Moutere Riding to be added to Motueka Electorate. J 11 12 13 H 15 16 17 I J I Christchurch City Obj ect to portion of Linwood Borough being included in proposed Christchurch City Electorate Pray to be included in proposed Kaiapoi Electorate Unable to make any alteration. 1R Kaiapoi C. Fairweather and 87 others, Kaiapoi Complied with. Readjustment made of Ashley, Kaiapoi, Avon, and Riccarton Electorates accordingly. Request granted. Ashburton.. Road Board, Coldstream .. Requests that whole of Coldstream Road District be included in proposed Ashburton Electorate Object to inclusion of Te Kapo and Fairlie Ridings in proposed Waitaki Electorate, and desire to be included in that of Geraldine Recommend that RotheBay Ward be included in proposed Dunedin City Electorate Recommend substitution of " Waikouaiti " for " Chalmers " as name of electorate Request that Sections 100 to 114, Waikari, be added to Dunedin City Electorate Request that Taieri and Waipori be made the southern boundary between Taieri and Bruce Electorates Suggests alteration in name of proposed Caversham Electorate 19 Waitaki J. L. Hamilton and 156 others, Pairlie Unable to make proposed alteration. Dunedin City D. Ferguson and 183 others, Ravensbourne Recommendation cannot be acted upon. Waikouaiti County Council, Waikouaiti Name to be " Waikouaiti." Dunedin City John Wilson and 36 others, Anderston Unable to comply with request. Bruce J. Stevenson and 184 others, Henley Ditto. !5 Caversham W. Earnshaw, M.H.R., Wellington A. Wymar and 11 others, , Waitahuna E. Ottrey and 2 others, Waitahuna J. Cowan and 43 others, Waitahuna W. Auld and 191 others, Havelock Clutha County Council, Clinton C. Kerse, Heriot .. ) E. Sim, Heriot Mayor of Tapanui J A. F. Malcolm, Kelso Not considered advisable to alter. !6 Bruce !7 Request to be included in Tua-N peka Electorate, as before ' Not considered advisable to make any change. 18 i<) SO !1 12 !S 14 Clutha Express approval of proposed Bruce Electorate ) Object to proposed boundaries Clutha Electorate Object to any portion of James Riding being taken out of Clutha Electorate The Olutha Prohibition League objects to inclusion of Otaria Riding in the proposed Clutha Electorate The provisional boundaries of Olutha cannot be altered. It




Nelson comprises the Wangamoa and Stoke Ridings of Waimea County, and that portion of the Moutere Eiding included in the Upper Moutere Eoad District; the Waimea West Road District of Waimea County ; the City of Nelson ; the Borough of Richmond; that portion of Wai-iti Riding of Waimea County situated east of the road at the western houndary of Section 40, about one mile and a quarter south of Brightwater Railway-station, and betwoon the railwayline and the Wai-iti; that portion of tho Pelorus Riding of Marlborough County lying westward of the Wakamarina River and Pelorus Sound; the Havelock Town District; and that portion of the Sounds County lying westward of Hikapu and Popure Reaches, Tennyson Inlet, and Hamilton Bay.. Motueka comprises the County of Collingwood ; the Karamea Riding of Buller County; the Motueka, Wangapcka, and Motupiko Eidings of Waimea County ; and that portion of the Moutere Riding not included in the Upper Moutere Road District, and the whole of Wai-iti Eiding of Waimea County, excepting the Waimea West Eoad District portion, and that portion lying between the railway and the Wai-iti east of the road fronting tho western boundary of Section 40, which is included in the Nelson electorate, horeinbefore described. Buller comprises the whole of Inangahua County, less Antonio's Riding; the Ridings of Lyell, Wareatea North, and Wareatea South, of Buller County ; and the Borough of Westport. Grey comprises the whole of Grey County, excepting the Eidings of Hohonu and Marsden; together with Antonio's Riding of Inangahua County, Charleston Riding of Buller County, and the Boroughs of Greymouth and Brunner. Westland comprises the whole of Westland County; the Hohonu and Marsden Eidings of Grey County; and the Boroughs of Hokitika, Kumara, and Eoss. Wairau comprises the Boroughs of Picton and Blenheim; the Sounds County, less that portion lying westward of Hikapu and Popure Reaches, Tennyson Inlet, and, Hamilton Bay ; and Marlborough County, less the portion lying westward of the Wakamarina River and Sound. This district includes Stephens, the Brothers, and adjacent islands. Ashley comprises the Counties of Kaikoura, Amuri, and Cheviot; the Ridings of Waipara, Kowai, and Mount Thomas, of Ashley County; and that portion of the Oxford Riding of Ashley County lying north and west of the rail-way-line between Bennett's Junction and the Waimakariri Gorge Bridge. Amberley Town District is in this electorate. Kaiapoi comprises the Cust, West Eyreton, Mandeville, and Eyreton Ridings of Ashley County; the portion of Oxford Riding of Ashley County lying south and east of the railway-line between Bennett's Junction and the Waimakariri Gorge Bridge; together with the Boroughs of Kaiapoi and Rangiora. Riccarton comprises the Eiccarton Eoad District, less Hagley Park, and also less that portion between the Waimakariri Eiver and the Main North Road, and the ChristohurcbCulverden railway-line, and northward of Toomes Road and the southern boundary of Rural Section 1599, and eastward of the road running from the western corner of the said section to the eastern corner of Rural Section 10938 on the Waimakariri River; the whole of Templeton Road District; that portion of Halswell Riding of Solwyn County lying west of a line running along the Hoon Hay Road to Sutherland's Road, along that road to Milne's Road, thence along Milne's Road to the Lower Lincoln Road, and along the road leading past Section 141 to the Heathcote River, and thence along the Heathcote River; that portion of Courtenay Road District situated east of Sandy Knoll Road and the railwayline ; that portion of the Lincoln Road District of Selwyn County lying west of Tramway Road, north of the road fronting Section 2478, west of the road fronting Section 5322, and north of the Halswell Road, and west of the Southbridgo Railway; also that portion of Springs Road District lying between Springs Road and the railway-line. Avon comprises the whole of Avon Riding of Selwyn County; that portion of the Riccarton Road District between the Waimakariri Eiver and the Main North Road, and the Christchurch - Culverden railway-line, and northward of Toomes Road and the southern boundary of Rural Section 1599, and eastward of the road running from the western corner of the said section to the eastern corner of Rural Section 10938 on the Waimakariri River; and that portion of Heathcote Riding of Selwyn County north of the Boroughs of Lin wood and Woolston; together with that part of Linwood Borough lying generally east of a line commencing at the River Avon and proceeding southerly along Stanmore Road to Drain Eoad, thence westerly along the Drain Road to Phillips Street, thence southerly along Phillips Street to St. Asaph's Street East, and thence westerly along St. Asaph's Street East to the City of Christchurch.

City of Christchurch comprises the City of Christchurch and the Boroughs of Sydenham and St. Albans; Hagley Park; and that portion of the Borough of Linwood situated between the East Belt of Christcburch and Stanmore Road, and between the River Avon and St. Asaph's Street East. Lyttelton comprises the Boroughs of Lyttelton, Woolston, and Sumner; that part of Heathcote Riding of Selwyn County lying to the west of the Borough of Woolston and the estuary of the Avon and Heathcoto Rivers; together with the whole of Spreydon Road District of Selwyn County; and that portion of Halswell Road District of Selwyn County lying to the north-oast of Sections 30503, 1773G, 17494, 33746, 6360, and 486, Halswell District, east of Sutherland's Road, Milne's Road, Lower Lincoln Eoad, and Section 98, and the Heathcote River near its source; also that portion of the Port Victoria Road District of Akaroa County situated west of Lyttelton Harbour and Gebbie's Pass Road, leading from the Head of the Bay to the road district boundary. Quail Island is in this electorate. Elle.smere comprises the whole of Akaroa County, less that portion of Port Victoria Road District lying to the west of Gebbie's Pass Road leading from the Head of the Bay to the road district boundary, and Lyttelton Harbour; that portion of Halswoll Road District south of the road bounding Section 30503, and continuing northerly, passing Sections 17736, 17494, 33746, 6360, to about a mile from the Halswell Road Board office and south of the Hoon Hay Eoad to the Halswell River; also that portion of Lincoln Road District lying east of the Southbridge Railway, passing the school at Lincoln, then south of Halswell Road, east of the roadiforming the eastern boundary of section 5322, south of the road forming the southern boundary of Section 4980, and east of the Tramway Road to tho bridge over the Halswell River ; that portion of Springs Road District of Selwyn County in the existing Ellesmere Electoral District; that portion of Ellesmere Riding of Selwyn County situated south of the Rakaia and Irwell Road, Selwyn and Bealey Road, and the Drain Road, passing Killinchy and the Southbridge Rail-way-line ; together with the Tai Tapu Road District of Selwyn County, and the Borough of Akaroa, and Southbridge Town District. Selwyn comprises tho Road Districts of Rakaia, Lake Coleridge, South Malvern, East Malvern, Malvern, and Upper Waimakariri, of Selwyn Coimty; the South Eakaia and Mount Hutt Ridings of Ashburton County ; together with that portion of the Gourtcnay Riding lying to the westward of Sandy Knoll Road and the railway-line; that portion of the Ellesmere Riding lying to the north of the Southbridge Railway-line; the Drain Road passing Killinchy; the Selwyn and Bealey's Eoad, and the Eakaia and Irwell Eoad, to the Rakaia River; and that portion of the Springs Road District lying north of the railway-line, and west of Springs Road and Boundary Road. Ashburton comprises the Riding of Mount Somers of Ashburton County; the Eoad Districts of Wakanui, Upper Ashburton, Longbeach, Eangitata, and Coldstream, of Ashburton County ; the Town Districts of Hampstead and Tinwald ; and the Borough of Ashburton. Geraldine comprises the whole of Geraldine County; the Albury Riding of Mackenzie County; the Tengawai Riding of Levels County; together with that portion of Point Riding of Levels County situated east of a line commencing at tho Tongawai River, about one mile west of Sutherland's Railway-station, and proceeding southerly to the railwayline, thence easterly along the railway-line to Sutherland's Railway-station, thence southerly along Sutherland's Road and along the road continuing from that road, passing Sections 27940, 21782, 18559, 18558, 15876, 19166, 33002, and 15906, all Pareora District. Temuka, Arowhenua, and Geraldine Town Districts are in this electorate. Timaru comprises the Ridings of Seadown, Waimataiti, Gloniti, Otipua, and Claremont, of Levels County ; and that portion of Point Eiding of Levels County situated to the west of Sutherland's Road and the road running past Section 35037, between the railway-line and the Tengawai River, about one mile west of Sutherland's Railway-station, and south of the road extending easterly from Sutherland's Road along Sections 27940, 21782,18561, and 17311, Pareora Survey District. This district includes also the Borough of Timaru. Waitald comprises the whole of Waimate County; and the whole of Mackenzie County excepting Albury Riding; together with the Ridings of Awamoko, Otekaike, and Ahuriri, of Waitaki County; that portion of Incholme Riding of Waitaki County within the existing Waitaki Electoral District; and the Borough of Waimate. Oama/ru comprises the Kakanui, Waiareka, and Papakaio Ridings of Waitaki County; that portion of Otepopo Riding of Waitaki County lying within the existing Waitaki Electoral District from Maheno to the western boundary of Block XIV., Otepopo Survey District, at the west branch of the Waianakarua Eiver ; and that portion of Incholme Riding



of Waitaki County situated in the existing Oamaru Electoral District. This district includes also the Borough of Oamaru. Waihemo comprises the whole of the Counties of Waihemo and Maniototo; the Hawksbury Riding of Waikouaiti County; the Moeraki Eiding of Waitaki County; and the portion of Otepopo Eiding of Waitaki County in the existing Waihemo electorate; together with the Boroughs of Palmerston, Naseby, and Hampden. Waikouaiti comprises the whole of Waikouaiti County excepting the Hawksbury Riding; the whole of Peninsula County excepting the Anderson's Bay District which lies to the west of a line commencing at North-east Harbour about a mile east of Burns Point, and proceeding over the hill, passing Harbour View, and thence following the western boundary of Tomahawk Road District to the Lagoon, and thence along a line to Lawyer's Head; together with the Boroughs of Port Chalmers and Hawksbury and that portion of the Borough of West Harbour situated east of the dividing-line between Ravensbourne and Eothesay Townships and east of Section 66, Block IX., North Harbour and Blueskin District. Quarantine Island is in this electorate. City of Dunedin comprises the City of Dunedin; the Boroughs of North-east Valley and Mornington; together with that portion of the Borough of Eoslyn lying south-east of Sections 129, 128, 127, 126, 125, 124, 123, 122, 121, 120, 119, 118, 117, 116, and 115, Waikari District, and south-east of Original Sections 114,113,112, 111, 110, 109, 108,107, 106, 105, and 104, Waikari District; that portion of the Borough of Maori Hill lying south-east of Original Sections 14 and 1, Block 11., Upper Kaikorai District; south-east of Block XI., Dunedin aud East Taieri District, and of the following sections, viz.: 94, 92, 90, 88, 86, 84, and 82, Waikari District; 47, 48, Block V., Dunedin and East Taieri District, and 11, 4, -3, and 1, Block VIII., North Harbour and Blueskin District; and that portion of the Borough of West Harbour situate west of Eothesay Township, and west of Sections 56, 65, and 2 of 29, Block IX., North Harbour and Blueskin District. Caversham comprises the Boroughs of Caversham, South Dunedin, and St. Kilda; together with that part of Penin, sula County embracing most of Anderson's Bay District, and described as lying on the west of a line starting on Otago Harbour about one mile east of Burns Point, and proceeding over the hill, passing Harbour View, and thence on to the western boundary of Tomahawk Eoad District, along that boundary to the Lagoon, and thence down to Lawyer's Head. Taieri comprises the whole of Taieri County, excepting that portion of Maungatua Eiding lying south-east of Lee Stream; and excepting also that portion of Otokia Eiding situated south-west of the road starting at the sea-coast at the southern boundary of Section 9, Block 111., Otokia District, and proceeding westerly, passing the following sections— namely, 1 of 13, 2 of 13, 14, and 15, Block 111., Otokia ; 36, 34, 33, 32, 31, 2 of 29,1 of 29, 2 of 28, 2 of 26,1 of 26, 25, and 20, Block IV., Otokia District; together with the Boroughs of Mosgiel and Green Island; that portion of the Borough of Eoslyn situated north-west of Original Sections 14,13,12,11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, Lower Kaikorai District, north-

west of original sections 10,11,12,13,14,15,16, and 17, Block IV., Upper Kaikorai District, and of Section 20, Block 111., Upper Kaikorai District; and that portion of the Borough of Maori Hill lying north-west of Sections 13, Block 11., Upper Kaikorai District; 2of the said Block II.; 7, Block VIII., Upper Kaikorai; 1, Block X., North Harbour and Blueskin District; 1 of 73, 2 of 73, 74, and 72, Block XI., North Harbour and Blueskin District; and north-west of the southern boundary-lines of Sections 11, 4, 3, and 1, Block VIII., North Harbour and Blueskin District. The Town Districts of Allanton and Outram are in this electorate. Bruce comprises the whole of Bruce County; the Hiding of Waitahuna of Tuapeka County, and the Eiding of Clydevale of Clutha County; that part of Maungatua Eiding of Taieri County lying south-east of Lee Stream; and that portion of Otokia Biding of Taieri County lying on the south-west side of the road starting at the sea-coast at the southern boundary of Section 9, Block 111., Otokia District, and proceeding westerly, passing the following sections —viz., lof 13, 2of 13,14 and 15, Block 111., Otokia District; 36, 34, 33, 32, 31, 2 of 29, 1 of 29, 2 of 28, 2 of 26, 1 of 26, 25, and 20, Block IV., Otokia District; together with the Boroughs of Milton and Kaitangata. Tuapeka comprises all the Tuapeka County excepting the Eidings of Tapanui and Waitahuna; together with the Matakanui, Manuherikia, Earnscleugh, and Dunstan Hidings of Vincent County; and the Boroughs of Lawrence, Roxburgh, and Alexandra. Clutha comprises the whole of the Clutha County less Clydevale Riding ; the Tapanui Eiding of Tuapeka County; the Otaraia Road District of Southland County; and that portion of the Knapdale Eoad District of Southland County situated within the existing Clutha Electoral District; together with the Boroughs of Balclutha and Tapanui, and Clinton Town District. Wakatipu comprises the whole of Lake County; the Eidings of Hawea, Carrick, Lindis, and Clutha, of Vincent County ; the Eiding of Waikaia of Southland County ; the portion of Knapdale Eoad District of Southland County within the existing Wakatipu Electoral District; and the portion of Hokonui Eiding of Southland County in the existing Wallace Electoral District; together with the Boroughs of Queenstown, Arrowtown, and Cromwell. Mataura comprises the whole of Waihopai and Toetoes Eidings of Southland County; the portion of Hokonui Riding of Southland County in the existing electorate of Mataura; and that portion of Southland County known as the Tuturau Eoad District; together with the Boroughs of Gore and Mataura, and Wyndham Town District. Awarua comprises the Wallacetown and Winton Eidings of Southland County ; that portion of the Awarua Eiding of Southland County within the existing Awarua electorate; together with the Boroughs of Winton and Campbelltown ; Stewart Island, Euapuke, Centre and Dog Islands. Invercargill has the same boundaries as the existing Invercargill Electoral District. Wallace comprises the whole of the Counties of Wallace and Fiord; the Oreti Eiding of Southland County; the Borough of Eiverton, and Otautau Town District.


Table showing the Actual and Nominal Populations of the Electoral Districts in the Middle Island. Quota, 11,848.

John Hislop, Chairman. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,475 copies), £8 14s. 6(3.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB96. Price, 3s. 6d.


No. Actual Population (Census, 1896). Name of District. No. of Members. Actual Total (Census, 1896). Nominal Population. Town. Eural. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Nelson ... Motueka Buller ... Grey Westland Wairau ... Ashley ... Kaiapoi... Avon Eiccarton City of Christchurch Lyttelton Bllesmere Selwyn ... Ashburton Geraldine . . Timaru ... .Waitaki... Oamaru... Waihemo Waikouaiti City of Dunedin ... Caversham Taieri ... Bruce Clutha ... Tuapeka Wakatipu Mataura Awarua... Invercargill Wallace... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 6,733 2,519 3,205 2,064 3,018 3,904 35,268 6,484 2,082 3,635 I 3,994 9,212 7,087 6,675 7,273 7,373 9,364 9,785 5,787 8,974 260 4,155 9,446 9,270 8,105 9,003 6,521 9,527 4,923 9,746 9,443 1,445 1,996 8,874 8,754 9,814 9,290 9,434 7,735 9,511 5,125 9,270 10,727 9,212 9,606 9,880 9,337 10,391 9,364 9,785 9,691 8,974 35,528 10,639 9,446 9,270 10,187 9,003 10,156 9,527 10,148 9,746 9,443 35,000 11,351 9,480 8,754 9,814 9,290 9,434 9,767 9,511 10,757 9,270 11,845 11,791 11,590 11,749 11,373 12,456 11,986 12,525 11,311 11,487 35,601 11,802 12,091 11,866 12,456 11,524 11,982 12,194 11,526 12,475 12,087 35,405 11,910 11,966 11,205 12,562 11,891 12,075 11,933 12,174 12,192 11,866 5,225 33,555 9,355 606 2,032 5, 632 36 362,488

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