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Presented, to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889."

In compliance with the provisions of « The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act 1889 " I have the honour to report as follows on the business of the Patent Office during the year ended 31st 2. The Appendix to this report contains the following returns : A. Balance-sheet of revenue and expenditure, with particulars thereof The revenue is rather less than that of the previous year. This is accounted for mainly by the stoppage by effluxion of time of renewal fees under the Act of 1883 This war they will be coming in under the Act of 1889. ' B. 'List of the staff and salaries. C. Beturn of applications for patents, &c,, m each year from 1861 to 1889 under Acts now repealed, showing numbers lapsed and numbers in force. D. Eeturn of provisional and complete specifications received in 1890 1891 1892 19Q3 1894, and 1895, under the Act of 1889. ' ' ' ' E. Classified return of applications to register trade-marks during 1893, 1894 and 1895 i . Total number of applications relative to patents, designs, and trade-marks recorded during 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, and 1895. This return shows an Increase in the number of applications for patents, but a decrease in the number of trade ™ b ; Thls decrease is caused by the operations of " The Dairy Industry Act 1894, which makes other provision for marking dairy produce G. Eeturn showing the countries and colonies from which applications for letters patent have been received during 1893, 1894, and 1895. H. Eeturn showing the countries and colonies from which applications for registration of trade-marks have been received during 1893, 1894, and 1895. I. List of countries and colonies which have joined the International Convention for the Protection of Patentees' Eights and other purposes. J. Alphabetical list of applicants for letters patent in 1895. K. Alphabetical list of inventions for which letters patent have been applied for during 1095. . 3. For much valuable information relative to various applications made to the office I again refer to the Patent Office Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, published fortnightly and which should be obtained regularly by every business man. ' h?*iS v C T! °! et the buiMin 8 bein g erected > and in which rooms are to be provided for the Patent Office and Library, has made such slow progress The need for such accommodation is urgent for the convenience of the public as well as of the office staff Clerks the profession, the public, plans and other documents are all crowded into one small room and it is a wonder_ that the work is so correctly and expeditiously done under such disadvantages The library is still crowded m the Museum, and cases of books cannot be unpacked for want of snace 6. As this is the last report I shall have the honour of making, I may be allowed to a-ain call attention to the discrepancy between the revenue and the expenditure of the office and to suggest as I have frequently done, that some of the revenue be spent in printing specifications for the benefit of inventors, and the education of our mechanics and others. On this subject I quote from my report of June, 1892, as follows : — H"" ilum "In the last report of the Commissioner of Patents for the United States that officer remarks that the patent law < exists for the benefit of the public, and to promote progress of science and useful arts There is no class or condition of men in the whole country which has not felt the blessings of American inventive genius, fostered into its fullest flower by wise and kindly DaLent u WS tt -h c moSt und ° ub t edl y we in New Zealand owe much to the patent laws of Great Britain the United States, and other countries, as well as to our own Patents Acts. Inventions have furnished profitable employment for thousands of people, and have made the world richer as well as more comfortable. The profits of the Patent Office should be wisely and generously expended in fostering inventive talent This could be done by publishing in a cheap and handy form and by distributing to public reading-rooms, the specifications and drawings lodged in our Patent Offic/ Artisans and otfiers might learn from them what has been done, and thus be urged to further inventions Many too, might be saved some disappointment and waste of precious time by knowing what has been already discovered and need not be repeated. It must be remembered that

I—H. 10.



these specifications include not only New Zealand inventions, but those of the United Kingdom, America, Australia, and other countries. Up to the end of 1879 these specifications were published in yearly volumes, with photolithographs of the drawings : then a desire for economy caused the discontinuance of the publication. The system was defective and the sale was small, because publication was delayed till after, for some purposes, the time for its usefulness had passed. My proposal is now to print the specifications, with drawings, separately, and as soon as possible after they are lodged in the office, and to sell them at a moderate price. The several inventors would be only too glad to purchase copies of their own specifications, and there would be a gradually increasing sale to others ; but there should be also a liberal distribution to public institutions. The present practice of specifications and drawings being copied by hand when required is necessarily costly, and prohibitive for the purpose of education." 7. On giving up the administration of the Patent Office and retiring from the public service I desire to place on record my appreciation of the assistance I have invariably received from the staff of the office. This assistance has been marked by zeal, industry, and an accuracy in their work which is most commendable. C. J. A. Haselden, Patent Office, Wellington, 25th March, 1896. Eegistrar. A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expendituee for the Year ending 31st December, 1895. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 1,811 2 0 Salaries ... ... ... 310 0 0 Design fees ... ... ... 800 Clerical assistance ... ... 55 12 1 Trade Mark fees ... ... 348 13 6 Fees to Patent Office Agents ... 40 19 0 Sale of Acts... ... ... 2 14 0 Value of printing and stationery from Government Printing Office 28 12 0 Binding, freight, &c, of British specifications, &c. ... ... 17 3 7 . . . Fees refunded ... ... 11 14 0 Incidental expenses ... ... 0 15 0 Surplus for the year 1895 ... 1,705 13 10 £2,170 9 6 £2,170 9 6

Particulars of Fees received, from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1895.

Number. Fees. Each. Amount received. Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications left after provisional Applications to amend specifications Issue of patents Benewal fees before end of the fourth year from date of patent Notices of opposition to applications for letters patent Hearing objections (by objectors) .. Applicationc for extension of time for filing complete specifications Grant of such extension Applications for extension of time for payment of fees Grant of such extension Searches.. Registration of assignments and licenses of patents Certificates of such registration Copies Applications to correct clerical errors in specifications Registration of Patent Agents 388 447 79 7 377 •76 14 3 5 5 7 6 444 52 33 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 0 2 0 5 0 0 10 2 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 10 0 10 £ s. d. 194 0 0 223 10 0 39 10 0 7 0 0 754 0 0 380 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 7 0 0 18 0 0 22 4 0 26 0 0 16 10 0 77 11 0 0 15 0 2 2 0 *8 2 0 5 1 1 £1,811 2 0 Designs. Registration of designs 16 0 10 8 0 0 £8 0 0 Tbade-mabks. Applications for registration of trade-marks.. Registration of trade-marks Notices of opposition to registration of trade-marks Registration of subsequent proprietors of trade-marks Certificates of registration Certificates of registration for legal proceedings Renewal of registration of trade-mark Searches.. Copies Extracts from Register of Trade-marks Advertisements: Fees for additional space 278 242 6 25 5 1 1 121 0 5 1 0 1 0 £1 & 2s. 0 5 0 10 0 1 0 1 69 10 0 242 0 0 6 0 0 12 8 0 ISO 0 10 0 10 0 6 10 0 4 0 0 7 6 9 8 0 148 1!


B.—Staff of Officers and present Salaries. £ Eegistrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks* .. .. Nil. Clerk ... ... ... ... ~ .. 180 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... 130 Total salaries ... ... ... £310 * Also Under-Secretary for Justice.

C.—Number of Applications for Patents and Letters of Registration under Acts now repealed.

Note. By " N.Z." is meant those in which the applicants reside in the colony, and by " Foreign " those in which they are not so resident.

• These columns are not filled up, as necessarily the returns would be incomplete and of no value, the respective periods not having yet expired.

D.-Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c., under Act of 1889.

* These figures are necessarily incomplete, as the time for proceeding further with the applications has not yet expired. For total number of applications see Table G.


Year and Act. Number of Applications received. Numbej Applic lapsed o: : of such :ations c refused. Number o and Le Regist sealed ( Applie >f Patents tters of ;ration on such sations. Numbei Patent owii Non-pa; Renew; of such ilapsed ig to 'ment of il Fees. Number of such Patents and Letters of Registration in Force ti End of Term. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. ("1861} 18641 1865 1866 1867 ■1868 1869 U870 '1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 '1884 1885 J 1886 1887 1888 1889 6 15 6 15 6 15 o 1 4 3 5 9 19 19 19 14 4 16 19 15 27 22 34 34 89 159 260 240 380 402 489 460 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 98 83 123 143 256 236 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 11 6 2 9 13 9 23 13 24 24 55 74 133 99 164 160 189 194 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 90 69 107 132 216 204 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 1 2 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 91 74 41 29 45 37 64 * ■43 3c, u CO p o SH CO r p 5 8 8 2 7 6 6 4 9 10 10 34 85 127 141 216 242 300 266 10 4 2 8 12 7 20 13 16 23 48 57 116 90 141 138 165 174 1 1 2 3 8 1 7 17 17 9 23 22 24 * 2 O < co p 8 14 16 11 40 32 49 40 62 95 152 137

i Number cations w: Complete cations of Appli- Number ith which cations w 3 Specifi- Provisiona lodged. tions ) of Appli/ith which ,1 Specificalodged. Numl Applicatior Completi cations sul lodi oer of is for which 3 Specifijsequently ;ed. Number « cations al lapses refu: d£ Applilandoned, i, or sed. Numb< Patents sei at Prese Fore er of aled and mt in ;e. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 N.Z. 242 187 207 198 278 235 Foreign. 207 207 189 178 166 195 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 312 Foreign. 60 69 50 52 61 74 N.Z. 27 29 40 50 66 * Foreign. 17 25 16 23 16 * N.Z. 202 191 238 263 358 Foreign. 50 50 42 28 49 * N.Z. 147 122 126 135 173 Foreign, 217 226 200 199 176


E.—Number of Applications to register Trade-marks, the Number advertised, and the Number registered, in the Fifty different Classes in each of the Years 1893, 1894, and 1895.

Note.—For the total number see Table G.


1893. 1894. 1895. 3 Classification of Goods. .13 ■So DC? 3 l≤ CD u I S,<M <1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 9 !0 a !2 13 14 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9 Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes ; instruments a,nd apparatus for teaching Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances not medicated for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes.. Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britanniametal, '&c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread .. .. .. .. Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Other silk goods, not included in Classes 30 and 31 Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth .. Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather, not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding.. Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha, not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including gingerbeer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents ; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils ; matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes Miscellaneous .. 1 2 1 1 2 18 18 4 3 2 1 2 4 5 2 17 18 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 12 18 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 10 8 45 4 2 5 2 3 4 1 1 3 1 5 1 1 5 2 9 10 36 3 3 5 2 3 4 1 3 7 9 22 6 3 3 1 1 4 3 3 6 1 8 14 24 1 2 4 1 1 j 2 1 "i 1 3 1 10 24 1 2 4 1 i 3 1 3 1 6 2 1 7 5 5 25 1 2 3 *3 1 3 1 3 *2 1 2 2 2 10 II 12 13 14 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 16 !7 2 2 2 2 '2 *3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 18 19 10 15 5 1 15 5 13 6 28 1 27 25 1 1 14 1 13 1 8 1 1 a 13 14 1 128 23 5 1 132 20 G 1 108 19 6 123 12 5 112 11 5 90 12 4 1 75 14 10 1 65 11 9 1 36 8 0 ■5 :6 ,7 32 1 26 29 1 21 21 1 13 33 2 21 23 2 20 21 1 20 18 2 2G 17 2 25 17 3 8 =8 2 2 4 5 5 2 9 :9 10 1 10 1 7 9 17 18 1 9 6 5 9


F.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade-marks, recorded for the Years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, and 1895.

G.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1893, 1894, and 1895.

Note. —As some applications have been received from joint applicants resident in different countries these figures will total more than the actual number of applications received.

H.—Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1893, 1894, and 1895.

Note. —As a few applications have been received from persons giving an address in more than one country, the columns will add to slightly more than the actual number of applications received.

I. —Countries and Colonies included in the International Convention for the Protection of Inventors and Others. Belgium Ecuador* Mexico Queensland Switzerland Brazil France Netherlands Roumania* Tasmania Curacoa & Surinam Great Britain New Zealand Santo Domingo Tunis Denmark Greece* Norway Servia United States East India Colonies Guatemala Paraguay Spain Uruguay of Netherlands Italy Portugal Sweden * Designs and trade-marks only. The Colony of Victoria has made separate arrangements with New Zealand.


Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 1 325 951 1894 756 15 347 1 ,118 1895 816 14 254 1,084

1893. 1894. 1895. 1893. 1894. 1893. New Zealand Belgium Brazil Canada .. Chili Denmark Finland Prance .. Germany Holland .. Hungary India Italy . 396 527 1 547 2 1 2 1 2 New South Wales Norway Queensland South Africa South Australia Spain Sweden Straits Settlements Tasmania United Kingdom United States Yictoria Western Australia 32 1 11 51 1 6 43 i 1 6 12 1 1 2 3 5 "l "3 2 10 1 1 6 8 1 6 71 38 76 1 "3 1 2 53 39 65 1 75 17 55 3 "l 1 1 2

1893. 1894. 1895. 1893. 1894. 1895. New Zealand Belgium.. Canada .. Ceylon .. Cuba Denmark France .. Germany Holland 216 1 1 219 "2 1 1 3 124 1 "s India New South Wales Norway Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States .. Victoria Western Australia 3 1 74 22 3 14 1 1 6G 30 11 22 1 79 13 5 1 "6 2 6 2 1 1




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Abbot, H. and another, Kereru, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Worm mixture for sheep .. .. 7377 17 Jan. Acme Explosive Proprietary Company (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vio. (See J. A. Wallace, No. 7685.) Adolph, A. A., and others, Birchip, Vio. Washing machine .. .. .. 7724 4 July. Aickin, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Gearing for gas motors .. .. .. 7898 16 Sept. Aitken, A., Stirling, Otago, N.Z. Plate protector for animal traps .. .. .. 8009 24 Oct. Aitkens, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Non-combustible wicks, and lamps for same .. 7420 13 Feb. Aitkens, G., Foxton, N.Z. Letter card . - .. . ■ 7654 7 June Akersten, W., Nelson, N.Z. Mail and treasure barge .. .. .. 7788 2 August. Akersten, W., Nelson, N.Z. Carrying and launching boats .. .. .. 7789 2 August. Alexander, J. C, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Treatment of kerosene shale for production of 7887 10 Sept. hydrocarbons Allan, 0. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Moorings .. .. .- 7977 16 Oct. Allen, G., Masterton, N.Z. Clip harrows .. •■ ■■ 7815 16 August. Allen, J. J., Bradford, Bng. Feeding paper to printing presses .. .. .. 7492 20 March. Allison, O. W., New York, U.S.A. (See The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, Alternate Current Electro-motor Syndicate (Limited), The, Earl's Court, Eng. Electro-motors 8140 14 Deo. and electric magnetic apparatus (W. L. Davies) Altham, G. J., Swansea, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Fuel .. .. .. 7523 1 April. Alves, J., Melbourne, Vie. Supplying hot air and steam to boiler furnaces .. .. 7415 8 Feb. American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Paper mouthpieces 7823 16 August. for cigarettes (A. L. Munson) American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Cigarette 7829 21 August. machine (A. L. Munson) American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Cigarette 7916 24 Sept. machine (O. W. Allison) American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited), The, Auckland, N.Z. Cigarette 7940 2 Oct. machine (A. L. Munson) Amos, H., St. Albans, Christchurch, N.Z. Frying-pan and cover .. .. .. 7622 20 May. Anderson, A. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Gear for traction-engines .. .. .. 7448 21 Feb. Anderson, A. K. V., St. Kilda, Vie. Treating hides and skins .. .. .. 7578 3 May. Anderson, A. K. V., St. Kilda, Vie. Treating hides and skins .. .. .. 7744 15 July. Anderson, C. W., and another, Hull, Eng. Sanitary closet appliance .. .. .. 7429 15 Feb. Anderson, F. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Seed threshing, shelling, and dressing machine .. 7392 24 Jan. Anderson, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Weighing carcases of meat on rail track .. .. 7414 7 Feb. Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Water tap or valve .. .. .. 7454 23 Feb. Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk aerator .. .. .. 7680 11 June. Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Babbit destructor .. •■ .. 7877 2 Sept. Anderson, W., and others, Forbes, N.S.W. Testing whether wool is wet or dry .. .. 7508 27 March. Andrewartha, 8., Wellington, N.Z. Sump grating clearing apparatus .. .. .. 7589 10 May. Andrews, J. T., Greenwich, Eng. Stair treads, landings, &c. .. .. .. 7480 12 March. Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning screen .. .. .. 7675 11 June. Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning .. .. 7881 5 Sept. Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleansing, dressing, and separating .. 7910 18 Sept. Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning and separating machinery .. 8064 16 Nov. Andrews', W., Wellington, N.Z. Fastener for doors and sashes .. .. .. 7922 26 Sept. Angell, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Covering upholsterer's work .. .. .. 7705 24 June. Angus W., Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. (See H. A. Atkinson, E. Tomline, No. 7501.) Anschau, J., Lismore, N.S.W. Seal locks .. •• .. 7562 24 April. Argall \ E and another, Coromandel, N.Z. Musical instrument .. .. .. 8045 8 Nov. Armstrong, S., Auckland, N.Z. Spiced butter. .. .. .. 7812 8 August. Arnaboldi, J., Cambridge, Waikato, N.Z. Wire strainer .. .. •■ 7746 11 July. Ashcroft, E. A., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Electrolytic and leaching treatment of zinc-bearing ores .. 7985 18 Oct. Ashworth H Wadestown, Wellington, N.Z. Lessening vibration of railways .. .. 7895 17 Sept. Atkinson HA , and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Attaching coulters to ploughs (W. Angus) .. 7501 21 March. Atkinson, H.W., Perth, W.A. Advertising table-plate (J. D. Baird) .. .. .. 7838 24 August. Austin G B H., Surrey Hills, Melbourne, Vie. Mud-guard for cycles .. .. .. 7413 8 Feb. Baird, J. D., Perth, W.A. (See H. W. Atkinson, No. 7838.) Baker, T. L., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Babbit-trapping fence .. .. .. 7367 10 Jan. Baldwin, A., and another, Stourport, Eng. Apparatus for producing gas (W. Felton) .. 7819 16 August. Baldwin, S., and another, Stourport, Eng. Apparatus for producing gas (W. Felton) .. 7819 16 August. Banbury, J., Burford, Eng. Making cans, drums, &c. .. .. .. 7600 13 May. Barlow, W. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Driving-gear for bicycles .. .. .. 8078 19 Nov. Barnes, G., Melbourne. (See H. Credington, No. 7784.) Barnes, G., and others, Albert Park, Melbourne. Tap for kerosene-tins .. .. .. 8118 6 Dec. Barnett, G. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Bottle-crate .. .. .. 7443 19 Feb. Baron 8., New York, U.S.A. Cigarette-machine .. ... • • 7901 17 Sept. Barton, E., Eedfern, N.S.W. Horse-collar .. .. .. 7618 21 May. Bassett H. W. 8., Melbourne, Vie. Handle-bar for cycles .. .. .. 8120 6 Dec. Baughman, J. A., and others, Akron, Ohio, U.S.A. Filling boxes with matches .. .. 7568 29 April. Bawden, F. W., Klerksdorp, South Africa. Explosive .. r - .. 7719 4 July. Bear, J., Melbourne. Advertising booklet and envelope .. .. .. 7359 4 Jan. Beardmore, J., Takaka, N.Z. Hand kilter and designer .. .. .. 7375 16 Jan. Beardmore, J., Takaka, N.Z. Clothes-dryer .. .. .. 7522 1 April. Beaumont, G. E., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Loom .. .. .. 8030 2 Nov. Beaven, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning screen .. .. .. 7675 11 June. Beaven A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning .. .. .. 7881 5 Sept. Beaven' A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleansing, -dressing, and-separating .. 7910 18 Sept. Beaven' A.' W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning and separating machinery .. 8064 16 Nov. Beck, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Butter-receptacle .. •• •• 7792 2 August. Bedell, H. G., jun., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Switchback railway .. .. .. 7405 4 Feb. Bedell', H. G., jun., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-dies .. .. .. 7431 18 Feb. Bedell, H. G., jun., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-dies .. .. .. 8065- 18 Nov. Bedell, L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Switcbback railway .. .. .. 7405 4 Feb. Bedell, L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-dies .. .. ■■ 7431 18 Feb. Bedell, L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-dies .. .. .. 8065 18 Nov.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Beecher, E, 8., Connecticut, U.S.A. (See The Diamond Match Company, No. 7696.) Beeman, J. S., Camberwell, Vie. Mouthpieces for cigarettes .. .. .. 7537 8 April. Beeston, W. R., and others, Melbourne, Vie. Concentrating ores .. .. .. 7587 9 May. Belk, M., Palmerston North, N.Z. Fish-joint for railways .. .. .. 7356 3 Jan. Belk, M., Wellington, N.Z. Brake for road-vehicles .. .. .. 7526 1 April. Belk, J. A., Feilding, N.Z. Protector for elastic tires .. .. .. 7461 1 March. Belk, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Gearing of cycles .. .. .. 7627 23 May. Benjamin, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-dredging machinery .. .. .. 7401 29 Jan. Benjamin, H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sanitary-closet appliance .. .. .. 7429 15 Feb. Bennett, H., West Brunswick, Vie. Tellurian .. .. .. 8000 25 Oct. Bennett, W., Wellington, N.Z. Window-sash .. .. .. 7958 7 Oct. Bentley, J. G., Balclutha, N.Z. Spouting for roofs .. .. .. 7880 5 Sept. Berg, J. A., Ashburton, N.Z. Vehicle .. .. .. 8020 31 Oct. Bergersen, C. A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. 8049 9 Nov. Best, I)., San Leandro, California, U.S.A. Traction-engine .. .. .. 7875 3 Sept. Betts, L.F., Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. Lamp .. .. .. 7697 22 June. Beveridge, R. 0., Sydney, N.S.W. Treatment of antimonial gold ores .. .. .. 7872 4 Sept. Beveridge, E. C, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Treatment of kerosene-shale for production of 7887 10 Sept. hydrocarbons Bickford and Huffman Company, Macedon, New York, U.S.A. Grain-drilling (G. W. Kirk- 7757 19 July. Patrick) Bidmeade, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Appliance for cooking .. .. .. 8096 26 Nov. Bigwood, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Pump .. .. .. 7909 19 Sept. Billens, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Pump .. .. .. 7629 22 May. Bini, G., and another, Coburg, Vie. Excluding draughts entering at door-bottom .. .. 7860 31 August. Birch, W. J., Wellington, N.Z. Packing Butter .. .. .. 7382 19 Jan. Blanton, E. A., Johannesburg, South Africa. Fastening cams of stamp-mills .. .. 7605 15 May. Body, A. J. 8., Wellington, N.Z. Submarine torpedo-boat .. .. .. 7883 7 Sept. Boggild, 8., Copenhagen, Denmark. Milk refrigerator .. .. .. 7368 11 Jan. Boite Magique, Limited, La London, Eng. Toy. (See A. H. Hart, No. 7381.) Bone, R., Denniston, N.Z. Toe-guard .. .. .. 7520 29 March. Booth, G. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Plough-wheel bearing .. .. .. 7947 2 Oct. Booth, G. T., and another, Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. Drain-plough .. .. 7807 10 August. Bouch-Tremayne, T. J., Marino, S.A. Collar and hames and traces .. .. .. 7586 9 May Bowmar, E., Gore, N.Z. Bicycle gearing .. .. .. 7409 7 Feb. Bowmar, G., London, Eng. Shears .. .. .. 7465 4 March. Bowmar, G., and another, London, Eng. Shearing or clipping-machine .. .. 8073 20 Nov. Boyd, P., Dunedin, N.Z. Securing and drawing corks .. .. .. 8128 6 Dec. Bradley, W. T., and others, Rochester, U.S.A. Wringers. (E. S. Combes, M. R. Jewell) .. 7630 25 May. Brady, F., Wellington, N.Z, Box for storing and weighing coal .. .. .. 7698 24 June. Brandreth, J. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Appliance for distributing water, &o. .. .. 8059 13 Nov. Branton, T., Blenheim, N.Z. Treatment of flax .. .. .. 8108 2 Dec. Brew, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Appliance for securing hat to head .. .. 8109 2 Dec. Brigg, T. H., Bradford, England. Connecting draught animals to vehicles .. .. 7939 2 Oct. Bright, R., and another, Greytown North, N.Z. Race-starting apparatus .. .. .. 7453 26 Feb. Bright, K. (junior), and another. Combined spade and poison-layer .. .. .. 7615 20 May. Bright, S., Auckland, N.Z. Artificial manure .. .. .. 7645 5 June. Brimble, J. (junior), Greymouth, N.Z. Water heater .. .. .. 7926 21 Sept. Brinsley,-8., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Elliptic furnace fixings .. .. .. 7650 4 June. Brinsley, R, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Cooking-ranges .. .. .. 7740 11 July. Brintnell, A. H., Toronto, Canada. Propulsion of cars .. .. .. 8162 23 Dec. Bristow, C., Wellington, N.Z. Raisin-seeding machine .. .. .. 8125 7 Dec. Bristow, G., Invercargill, N.Z. Spark-arrester .. .. .. 7619 18 May. Bronson, E. D., Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Placer mining .. .. .. 7758 19 July. Broughton, F. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Life-boat. (R. S. Dixon) .. .. .. 7389 24 Jan. Brown, A., Wellington, N.Z. Grass-cutter .. .. .. 8070 20 Nov. Brown, A. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Rat-trap .. .. .. 7711 27 June. Brown, A. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher .. .. .. 7762 16 July. Brown, H. 0., Auckland, N.Z. Combined ruler and blotting-roller .. .. .. 7695 21 June. Brown, J., Lady Barkly, Southland, N.Z. Platform for sheep-races .. .. .. 7610 9 May. Brown, S., Sydney, N.S.W. Can .. ... .. 7727 4 July. Buckley, G. F., San Francisco, U.S.A. Preserving perishable articles .. .. .. 7606 15 May. Burrell, D. H., and another, Little Falls, U.S.A. Cheese-press. (J. L. Helmer) .. .. 7364 5 Jan. Burrell, D. H., and another, Little Falls, U.S.A. Cheese-press. (C. J. Lundstrom) .. .. 7525 1 April. Burrell, E. J., and another, Little Falls, U.S.A. Cheese-press. (J. L. Helmer) .. 7364 5 Jan. Burrell, E. J., and another, Little Falls, U.S.A. Cheese-press. (C. J. Lundstrom) .. .. 7525 1 Apri Burt, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Drain-trap .. .. .. 7656 4 Jun Burton, R., Masterton, N.Z. Stumping-machine .. .. .. 7924 27 Sept. Bury, T., and another, Ballarat, Vie. Appliance for use in inhalation of vapours .. .. 7752 19 July Buskirk, Van. (See under V.) Buttifant, A. G., and another, London, Eng. Hermetically sealing metal boxes, tins, &c. .. 7498 20 March. Buxton, T., Makarewa, Otago, N.Z. Manufacture of bricks, tiles, &c. .. .. .. 7957 2 Oct. Cadwallader, A., and others, Chhristchurch, N.Z. Life jacket .. .. .. 8163 23 Dec. Caldwell, D. J., Timaru, N.Z. Clip fastening for roller-blinds .. .. .. 8132 10 Dec. Caldwell, R., and another, Auckland. N.Z. Gearing for gas-motors .. .. .. 7898 16 Sept. Cameron, A., Forest Hill, Otago, N.Z. Anti-tile drain apparatus .. .. .. 7769 20 July. Campbell, J., Waikaka, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap .. .. .. 7842 19 August. Carr, W., Blenheim, N.Z. Churn .. .. .. 8105 20 Nov. Carter, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Appliance to conduct air through fire-bars of furnaces .. 7855 29 August. Cassel Gold Extracting Company (Limited), The, Glasgow, Scotland. Extracting gold and silver 7691 20 June. from ores. (J. S. Mac Arthur, J. Yates) Cave, H., and another, Rangiora, N.Z. Crupper .. .. .. 7932 27 Sept Cederberg, C, Rranville, N.S.W. (See H. Shute, No. 7396.) Chambers, J., Mokopeka, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Insulating and embedding electrical resistance i 7983 16 Ooc. wires in electrical hot plates Chambers, J. Mokopeka, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Electrical hot-plate tor cooking purposes .. 8053 8 Nov. Chambers, J., Mokopeka, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Electrical boiler .. .. ... 8124 5 Deo.



Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Chambers, R., Cambridge, Waikato, N.Z. Preparation of fibre of flax .. .. .. 7444 19 Feb. Chambers, R., Cambridge, Waikato, N.Z. Improving quality of flax fibre.. .. .. 7445 19 Feb. Chapman, C. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Garden-label carrier .. .. .. 7731 4 July. Chapman, F. li., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Garden-label carrier .. .. .. 7731 4 July. Chapman, G. A, Wellington, N.Z. Sack holder .. .. .. 7460 28 Feb. Chaquette, 8., Bridgeport, U.S.A. Air-compressor .. .. .. 8048 9 Nov. Chard, E. C, London, Eng. Scale weighing-machine .. .. .. 7379 18 Jan. Childs, H., Ashburton, N.Z. Lever-cramp for flooring and lining .. .. .. 8099 26 Nov. Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. Nozzle .. .. .. 8117 6 Dec. Christie, R. L., Otama, Southland, N.Z. Staple-hammer .. .. .. 7714 1 July. Christie, R. L., Otama, Southland, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. 7715 1 July. Christmas, J. J., Adelaide, S.A. Treatment of gold-bearing antimony-ores .. .. 7584 9 May. Christopher, A. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Elliptic furnace-fixings .. .. .. 7650 4 June. Christopher, A. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Cooking-range .. .. .. 7740 11 July. Clarke, 8., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Obtaining fatty matters and meat extract from animal 7859 31 Aug. substances Claydon, G., and another, Addington, Christchurch, N.Z. Automatic stoking, smoke-consuming, 7681 13 June. and fuel-economising apparatus attached to steam-boilers Cleaver, H. C, London, Eng. Applying paints and varnishes .. .. .. 7907 19 Sept. Clements, S. P., Wellington, N.Z. Clip for Venetian blind .. .. .. 7528 2 April. Clendinnen, Ede-. (See under E.) Clere, F. de J., Wellington, N.Z. Weatherboarding-joint .. .. .. 7500 22 March. Clerici, F., and another, Milan, Italy. Extracting gold from its ore .. .. .. 7441 21 Feb. Clerici, F., and another, Milan, Italy. Separation of precious metals from ores .. .. 7874 3 Sept. Cobb, J. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Rabbit-trapping fence .. .. .. 7367 10 Jan. Cobham, A. T. W., Wellington, N.Z. Boots, shoes, &c. .. .. .. 8034 5 Nov. Cocker, J. N., Devonport, Tasmania. Potato harvester .. .. .. 7725 4 July. Cockerell, J., and another, South Van Yean, Vie. Scarifier or pea-cutter .. .. .. 7987 18 Oct. Cockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Combined pick-and-shovel machine for gold-dredging .. .. 7963 8 Oct. Cockerel], R., Dunedin, N.Z. Bucket for gold-dredging and cradling .. .. .. 7993 21 Oct. Collett, J. H., and another, Longbush, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap .. .. .. 7844 23 August. Collett, S., and another, Gore, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap .. .. .. 7844 23 August. Collins, E. E., Mataura, Southland, N.Z. Bellows .. .. .. 8017 25 Oct. Colquhoun, J., Clevedon, N.Z. Butter-printing machine .. .. .. 7704 21 June. Colson, A., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Folding-doors for wagons .. .. 7601 11 May. Colson, T. G., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Folding-doors for wagons .. .. 7601 11 May. Combs, E. S., Rochester, U.S.A. (See "W. T. Bradley, M. R. and C. E. Jewell, No. 7630.) Compagnie Generale pour l'exploifcation dcs Machines a fabriquer les Cigares (Brevets J. Reuse) 7986 18 Oct. Societe Anonyme, Brussels, Belgium. Cigar-machine (J. Reuse) Constable, C. W., Queenstown, N.Z. Air-cushions for billiard-tables .. .. .. 7463 25 Feb. Cook, F. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Bath .. .. .. 7456 26 Feb. Cook, S., and another, Melbourne, Vie. Fastener for window-sashes .. .. .. 7510 27 March. Cook, W., and another, London, Eng. Refrigerating meat .. .. .. 7793 ' 3 August. Cooper, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Wind-guard for cycles .. .. .. 7376 16 Jan. Cooper, J., and others, London, Eng. Carbon for electrical purposes .. .. .. 7616 21 May. Cooper, J. 0., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Race-starting machine .. .. .. 7483 12 March. Cooper, W., Dunedin, N.Z. School orrery .. .. .. 7991 15 Oct. Cooze, C. J., Wellington, N.Z. Horse-shoe .. .. .. 8154 21 Dec. Copeland, H. M., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Pedal for bicycles .. .. .. 8113 5 Dec. Copeland, H. M., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Brake for bicycles .. .. .. 8114 5 Dec. Copeland, H. M., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Saddle for bicycle .. .. .. 8133 10 Dec. Copeland, H. M., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Pedal for bicycles .. .. .. 8134 10 Dec. Copeland, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Totalisator .. .. .. 7702 25 June. Copeland, J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Pedal for bicycles .. ... .. 8113 5 Dec. Copeland, J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Brake for bicycles .. .. .. 8114 5 Dec. Copeland, J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Saddle for bicycle .. .. .. 8133 10 Dec. Copeland, J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Pedal for bicycles .. .. .. 8134 10 Dec. Cornell, B. W., and another, Adrian, Michigan, U.S.A. Can-labelling machine .. .. 8103 29 Nov. Cory, G. S., and another, Swansea, Wales. Artificial fuel .. .. .. 7700 24 June. Cory, C, and another, Swansea, Wales. Artificial fuel .. .. .. 7700 24 June. Cossgrove, S., Westport, N.Z. Washing machine .. .. .. 7548 17 April. Cotham, W. R., Birmingham, Eng. Galvanic battery .. .. .. 8008 26 Oct. Cottrell, H. L., Tnvercargill, N.Z. Slate-pencil sharpener .. .. .. 7502 19 March. Cowan, W. H., and another, Edinburgh, Scotland. Wet gas-meter .. .. .. 7491 20 March. Coward, W. H., Hastings, Eng. Crushing and grinding mill .. .. .. 8157 19 Dec. Cox, H. W. C, and another, London, Eng. Shearing or clipping machine .. .. 8073 20 Nov. Crawley, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. ■ .. .. 7357 3 Jan. Orawley, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Sheep-shears .. .. .. 7366 9 Jan. Crawley, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Feeding-trough .. .. .. 7513 — March. Credgington, H., Bendigo, Vie. Tap (G. Barnes) .. .. .. 7784 1 August. Crichton, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Ventilating boot .. .. .. 7984 16 Oct. Crichton, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Boot ■ .. .. .. 8088 22 Nov. Croker, P. W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Weatherboard .. .. .. 8158 19 Dec. Crossley, E. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Tyre .. .. .. 7766 18 July. Crossley, W. G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Tyre .. .. .. 7766 18 July. Crowder, S., London, Eng. (See The Floating Metal Company (Limited), No. 8168.) Crowe, R., Koroit, Vie. Aerating milk .. .. .. 7871 4 Sept. Croxford, C. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Nail .. .. .. 7853 24 August. Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Testing strength of pullers .. .. .. 7547 17 April. Cuming, M. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Letter-paper and envelope combined .. .. 7832 20 August. Cummer, F. D., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Drying and disintegrating materials .. .. 7446 4 March. Cunnington, H. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Monocycle racing machine .. .. 7573 27 April. Cunnington, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Totalisator .. .. .. 8011 25 Oot. Ourran, E. J., Bathurst, N.S.W- Garment pocket .. .. .. 8001 25 Oct. Curtin, J., Carlton, Melbourne, Vie. Ventilation apparatus .. .. .. 7459 28 Feb. Cutlan, James, London, England. (See The Cutlan Patent Sew-Round Machine Syndicate, Limited, No. 7661.)





Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Cutlan, John, London, England. (See The Cutlan Patent Sew-Eound Machine Syndicate, Limited, No. 7661.) Cutlan Patent Sew-Eound Machine Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. Turn-shoe sewing- 7661 7 June. machine (J. and J. Cutlan) Cutten, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredger .. .. .. 7843 21 August. Cutten, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredger .. .. .. 7843 21 August. Dale, W. T., and another, South Purmmbete, Vie. Eemoving goods from narrow to broad 7911 21 Sept. gauge railway-trucks Dallas, J. D., Melbourne, Vie. Butter-boxes, and method of stacking same .. .. 7912 21 Sept. Dalrymple, W., Malvern, Vie. Discharging washed wool from apparatus .. .. 7575 3 May. Dalton, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Adjuster for music stools, &c. .. .. .. 7394 25 Jan. Dalziel, J., Christehurch, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. 8047 6 Nov. Daniel, F. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Eabbit poison .. .. .. 7798 6 Aug. Danks, T. E., Christehurch, N.Z. Knife-cleaning apparatus .. .. .. 7657 7 June. Dargie, 0., and another, Shepparton, Vie. Fastener for window-sashes, &c. .. .. 7510 27 March. Davidson, T. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance .. .. .. 8107 29 Nov. Davies, G. W., Napier, N.Z. Boot .. .. .. 7388 22 Jan. Davies, G. W., Napier, N.Z. Portable freezing-machine .. .. .. 7964 7 Oct. Davies, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Soldering-iron .. .. .. 7462 27 Feb. Davies, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Churn ...... 7679 11 June. Davies, L., and another, Christehurch, N.Z. Double fire-grate .. .. .. 7557 19 April. Davies, L., and another, Christehurch, N.Z. Monocycle racing machine .. ... .. 7573 27 April. Davies, L., Christehurch, N.Z. Milking machine .. .. .. 7856 29 August. Davies. E. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Filler or funnel .. .. .. 7641 29 May. Davies, Langdon-. (See under L.) Davis, 1., Armadale, Vie. Wheel and axle .. .. .. 7989 18 Oct. Daw, P., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Window-fittings and fastenings .. .. 7533 4 April. Deacon, 0., New Plymouth, N.Z. Eaves spout .. .. .. 7816 12 August. De Ferrers, 8., Whareama, N.Z. Laying " Toxa" .. .. .. 8110 5 Dec. De Ferrers, 8., Whareama, N.Z. Laying poisoned grain .. .. .. 8111 5 Dec. De Lautreppe, A. L. C, and another, Christehurch, N.Z. Double fire-grate .. .. 7557 19 April. De Mare Incandescent Gas-Light System Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Gaa appa- 8106 9 Dec. ratus. (F. de Mare) De Mare, F., Paris, France. (See The De Mare Incandescent Gas-Light System Company (Limited), No. 8106.) Denmead, J. W., and others, Akron, Ohio, U.S.A. Filling boxes with matches .. .. 7568 29 April. De Eigaud, L., Paris, France. Gold extracting .. .. .. 8143 12 Dec. Devlin, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Bottle-crate .. .. .. 7443 19 Feb. De Wilde, P., Brussels, Bel. Extracting gold, &o. .. .. .. 7604 14 May. Diamond Match Company, The, Chicago, U.S.A. Wax matches. (E. B. Beecher, J. P. Wright) 7696 22 June. Dick, J., Eeefton, N.Z. Manufacture of yeast .. .. .. 7959 7 Oct. Dicker, F. M., Wellington, N.Z. Ladder-stay .. .. .. 7648 6 June. Dillberg, G., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephonic instrument .. .. .. 7785 1 August. Dimick, W. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Horse-cover .. .. .. 7712 28 June. Dixon, E.-S., Sydney, N.S.W. (See F. A. Broughton, No. 7389.) Dixson, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Tobacco-pipe. (F. W. Schroeder) .. .. .. 7433 20 Feb. Dixson, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Mouthpiece for pipes, cigars, &c. (F. W. Schroeder) .. .. 7686 19 June. Dobell, J., and another, Modbury, Eng. Electric batteries .. .. .. 8091 27 Nov. Dobell, J. L., and others, Modbury, Eng. Carbon for electrical purposes .. .. 7616 21 May. Doe, L. 8., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See B. A. Hadley, No. 7543) Dobson, A. D., Warnambool, Vie. Gear for hoists .. .. .. 7726 4 July. Donaldson, J. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Flax-dresser .. ... .. 8112 4 Dec. Douglas, D. A., Blenheim, N.Z. Life-saving dress .. .. .. 7640 29 May. Doull, E., Mandeville, Southland, N.Z. Kiln-drier for oats, &c. .. .. .. 7411 8 Feb. Dransfield, G. E., Christehurch, N.Z. Washing clothes .. .. .. 7956 4 Oct. Dray, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Putting ships' boats out .. .. .. 7503 21 March. Drumm, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Ointment .. .. .. 7763 16 July. Duckworth, E., Sydenham, Christehurch, N.Z. Bed-rest .. .. .. 7787 1 August. Dufaur, W. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Flax-dresser .. .. .. 8112 4 Dec. Duff, C. 8., and another, Balclutha, N.Z. Eabbit-trap .. .. .. 7677 10 June. Duff, J. N., and another, Balclutha, N.Z. Eabbit-trap .. .. .. 7677 10 June. Duffy, W., London, Eng. Wood-block paving .. .. .. 7524 1 April. Duke, J. F., London, Eng. Self-igniting gas apparatus .. .. .. 7904 19 Sept. Dunbar, J. (See The Southland Farmers' Implement and Engineering Company (Limited), No. 8148.) Duncan, P., Christehurch, N.Z. (See P. and D. Duncan, No. 7955.) Duncan, P. and D. (Limited), Christehurch, N.Z. Attachment for rollers to substitute cross- 7365 5 Jan. ploughing Duncan, P. and D. (Limited), Christohurch, N.Z. Twitch-knife attachment for spring-tine culti- 7955 3 Oct. vators. (P. Duncan) Dunn, D., Lincoln, Canterbury, N.Z. Syphon pump .. .. .. 8040 6 Nov. Dunnett, F. E., Thames, N.Z. Pocket tobacco-cutter and pipe-filler .. .. .. 7748 17 July. Durward, J., and others, Addington, Canterbury, N.Z. Governor for traction-engines .. 7781 30 July. Dyhrberg, L. N., Ashburton, N.Z. Driving gear for cycles .. .. .. 8079 20 Nov. Eardley, T. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Transporting sulphuric or other acids .. .. .. 7782 1 August. Eastwood, G., London, Eng. Platen press .. .. .. 7576 2 May. Eastwood, G., London, Eng. Flongs for producing matrices for stereotyping .. .. 7577 2 May. Eckersley, W., and another, Albury, N.S.W. Saving gold .. .. .. 7473 6 March. Ede-Clendinnen, W. A. E., Hawthorn, Vie. Tip basiti and frame .. .. .. 7850 26 August. Edmonds, C, Petone, Wellington, N.Z. Attemperator beer-cask .. .. .. 7384 21 Jan Edwards, H., Sydney, N.S.W. (See E. A. Hervey, No. 7534.) Edwards, W., and another, London, Eng. Type-writing machine .. .. .. 7667 11 June. Elliott, E. H., Temuka, Canterbury, N.Z. Eendering distemper colours insoluble .. .. 7863 31 August. Ellis, G., Hastings, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Eace-starting machine .. .. .. 7428 13 Feb. Ellis, T., Windsor, Vie. Butter-box. .. .. .. 8004 26 Oct. Embleton, D., and another, Leeds, Eng. Pneumatic stamps for crushing ores .. .. 7866 4 Sept. Encke, M., and another, Berlin, Germany. Production of zinc .. .. .. 8036 5 Nov 2—H. 10.




Hame, Residence, and Invention. ! No. Date. Engle Sanitary and Cremating Company, Dcs Moines, lowa, U.S.A. (See R. Hudson, No. 8116.) Entwistle, W. G., Wellington, N.Z. (See A. I. Littlejohn and P. Still, No. 7665.) Evans, E. H. R., Bedford, Cape of Good Hope. (See E. Waters, No. 7851.) Evensen, 0. G., Coromandel, N.Z. Electrical stamps for crushing ore .. .. .. 7799 8 August. Ewen, C, Cambridge, N.Z. Cultivator and potato raiser .. .. .. 7775 25 July. Ewing, C, Barraokpore, British India. Rolling stock for single rail .. .. .. 7488 16 March. Eynon, T., Jameson, Vie. Quartz-crushing stamp battery .. .. .. 7563 24 April. Pahlberg, 0., Magdeburg, Prussia. (See Wilson Salamon and Company, Limited, No. 8142.) Fairbanks, J. A., Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Bell-buoy .. .. .. 7934 28 Sept. Falconer, L., and another, Taradale, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Embrocation .. .. .. 7809 13 August. Faulds, J. P., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Loom .. .. .. 8030 2 Nov. Featon, E. H., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Detergent .. .. .. 7905 20 Sept. Fell, J. C, London, Eng. Concentrator for minerals .. .. .. 7608 15 May. Felton, W., Stourport, Worcester, Eng. (See A. and S. Baldwin, No. 7819.) Fergusson, F. D., Wellington, N.Z Game .. .. .. 7407 5 Feb. Fergusson, F. D., Wellington, N.Z. Game .. .. .. Y4OB 6 Feb. Fergusson, M. W., Melbourne, Vie. Desk. (A. Mauchain) .. .. .. 7585 9 May. Fergusson, T., Hawksburn, Vie. Drawing ofi aerated liquids from bottles or fonts .. .. 7886 10 Sept. Ferrers, De. (See under D.) Fessey, D. W., Auckland, N.Z. Boot .. .. .. 7536 1 April. Fessey, D. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Food for poultry, pigs, &c. .. .. .. 8063 14 Nov. Feucntwanger,E., Munich, Germany. (See Waters, E., No. 7692.) Field, T. A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Perambulator .. .. .. 7587 27 April. Field, W. E., and another, Armadale, Vie. Preparation of hides for tanning .. .. 7990 18 Oct. Fischer, E., and others, London, Eng. Amalgamation of gold .. .. .. 8090 27 Nov. Fishburn, J., London, Eng. Ice rinks. (F. Unsold) .. .. .. 7378 18 Jan. Flere and Mills (Limited), London, Eng. Election polling-station fittings .. .. 7929 27 Sept. Fletcher, H. J., and others, Christchurch. Life jacket .. .. .. 8163 23 Dec. Floating Metal Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Recovery of metals from ores. (G: 8035 5 Nov. Robson) Floating Metal Company (Limited), The, Llanfachreth, Wales. Recovery of oils from mixtures 8168 28 Deo. containing them. (S. Crowder) Fogarty, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Lever and body rest for vehicles .. .. 7450 21 Feb. Ford, A. S., Wellington, N.Z. Waterproofing matches .. .. .. 7795 5 August. Freeth, J. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Moorings .. .. .. 7977 16 Oct. French, A. G., Thames, N.Z. Extraction of gold and silver from ores .. .. .. 7813 9 August. Frewen, M., London, Eng. Medicinal and disinfecting fluid. (A. E. Woolf) .. .. 7474 8 March, Friderichsen, F. V., Copenhagen, Denmark. Food for cattle .. .. .. 8141 14 Dec. Friese-Greene, W., Chelsea, Eng. Photography .. .. .. 8072 20 Nov. Frb'lich, 0., Berlin, Germany. Extracting precious metals from ores .. .. 7941 1 Oct. Frb'lich, 0., Berlin, Germany. Electrolytic production of zinc from ores .. .. .. 8036 5 Nov. Frost, G., Auckland, N.Z. Vehicle .. .. .. 7678 10 June. Frost, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Vehicle. .. .. .. 8129 6 Dec. Frost, W., London, Eng. Soles and heels of boots, &c. .. .. .. 7631 25 May. Fullerton, G., and others, Newport, Eng. Box .. .. .. 7786 2 August. Gajardo, A., Valparaiso, Chili. Recording number of passengers, &c. .. .. .. 7549 20 April. Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Ore amalgamating plate .. .. .. 7646 5 June. Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Alloying plant .. .. .. 7647 5 June. Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Advertising medium .. .. .. 7747 17 July. Gamlin, E. R., and others, Kew, Vie., Butter-box .. .. .. 8004 26 Oct. Gardener, G. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Knife-cleaner .. .. .. 7779 31 July. Garland, T., Wellington, N.Z. Dairy bucket .. .. .. 7579 7 May. Gaut, J., Hastings, N.Z. Starting-machine .. .. .. 8014 29 Oct. Gaut, J., Hastings, N.Z. Race-recording machine .. .. ~ 8015 29 Oct. Gaze, W. H., Westport, N.Z. Milk-testing .. .. .. 7540 6 April. Gee, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Blind-roller fittings .. .. .. 7845 23 August. Gell, J., Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-pot and ventilator .. .. .. 7745 16 July. Gell, J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Letter-pillar box and bag .. .. .. 8039 6 Nov. Gersant, J., and another, Deal, Eng. Hermetically sealing boxes, tins, &c. .. .. 7498 20 March. Gilbertson, W. M., Auckland, N.Z. Propelling ships .. .. .. 8003 23 Oct. Gilchrist, R. 8., London, England. Cork-extractor .. .. .. 7569 30 April. Giles, F., South Yarra, Vie. Buggy-lamp .. .. .. 7436 21 Feb. Glendining, R., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Loom .. .. .. 8030 2 Nov. Gloeckler, G. and another, Paris, France. Apparatus for betting on the pari mutuel system .. 7943 1 Oct. Glossop, G., and another, Leeds, Eng. Pneumatic stamps for crushing ores .. .. 7866 4 Sept. Godber, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Appliance for operating upon lambs .. .. 7882 6 Sept. Godfrey, H. W., and others, Staines, Eng. Manufacture of floorcloths .. .. .. 7801 8 August. Good, H.E., and another, Manaia, N.Z. Starting machine .. .. .. 7565 25 April. Good, H. E., and another, Manaia, N.Z. Starting machine .. .. .. 7633 27 May. Good, H. E., and another, Manaia, N.Z. Starting-machine .. .;' .. 7638 28 May. Goodwin, T., Otahuhu, Auckland, N.Z. Lamp-socket for vehicles .. .. .. 7811 8 August. Gordon, J., and another, Rio de Janeiro, S. America. Concentrating ores .. .. .. 7720 4 July. Gorten, F., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Automatic pot-stirrer .. .. .. 7516 27 March. Gorten, F. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Spectacles .. .. .. 7979 16 Oct. Grace, T., Sydney, N.S.W. Driving-gear for cycles .. .. .. 8164 30 Dec. Graf, X., Dunedin, N.Z. Artificial foot .. .. .. 7472 2 March. Graff, H., Wellington, N.Z. Plumb indicator .. .. .. 7794 5 August. Graham, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Making and bottling of aerated waters .. .. .. 7430 18 Feb. Graham, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Gorse-clipper .. .. .. 7840 19 August. Graham, S., Wendon, Southland, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. 7709 25 June. Graham, W. A., Opawa, Canterbury, N.Z. Cure for foot-rot .. .. .. 7539 6 April. Grainger, M., Christchurch, N.Z. Crank for bicycles .. .. .. 8012 25 Oct. Gray, H., and another, Surrey, Eng. Cheese packing-case .. .. .. 7455 25 Feb. Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Chaff-discharge for threshing-machines .. .. .. 7903 16 Sept. Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Presser-screw for bagging cttafi .. .. .. 7919 23 Sept. Gray, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Plough .. ... .. 7651 S June. Gray, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Force-feed for sowing manure .. .. .. 8086 21 Nov.



Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Green, E. J., Wellington, N.Z. Bottle-washer .. .. .. 7935 30 Sept. Greenslade, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Totaling and counting machine .. .. .. 7802 8 August. Greig, H., Wellington, N.Z. Gearing for windmills .. .. .. 7776 26 July, Greig, H., and another, Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. Drain-plough .. .. .. 7807 10 August. Grey, W. G., Remuera, Auckland, N.Z. Safety hurdle for races .. .. .. 7674 7 June. Griffiths, E. W., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Concentrating machine for discrete metalliferous 7512 27 March. material Gross, A., Sydney, N.S.W. (See E. Wallace, G. Preddy, No. 7996.) Groves, E. R., Gladstone, Tasmania. Hydraulic-sluicing race .. .. .. 7355 3 Jan. Groves, E. R., Gladstone, Tasmania. Hydraulic injector funnel .. .. .. 7518 29 March. Guilleaume, T., Mulheim-on-the-Rhine, Germany. Insulating electric conductors .. 7893 14 Sept. Guilleaume, T., Mulheim-on-the-Rhine, Germany. Insulating electric conductors .. 8089 27 Nov. Gunn, J. A., Yalgogrin, N.S.W. Field distribution of doughy or pasty material .. .. 7511 27 March. Hadley, P. A., Auckland, N.Z. Piles. (L. P. Doe, R. B. Markle) .. .. .. 7543 10 April. Haimes, W., Petane, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Tire for vehicles .. .. .. 7825 19 August. Haimes, W., Wellington, N.Z. Diminishing friction on ships during passage through water .. 8016 30 Oct. Hale, G. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Knotter for harvester binders .. .. .. 8102 29 Nov. Hall, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Winnowing, separating, and dressing machine .. .. 8046 6 Nov. Ham, H., Wellington, N.Z. Potato-chopper .. .. .. 7639 29 May. Ham, H., Wellington, N.Z. Clothos-line receptacle and strainer .. .. .. 8159 24 Deo. Hammond, R. W., Wellington, N.Z. Marking meat .. .. .. 7486 13 March. Hammond, W. J., and another, London, Eng. Concentrating ores .. .. .. 7720 4 July. Hanmer, H. H., Liverpool, Eng. Coin-sorting apparatus .. .. .. 7668 11 June. Hansen, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Manufacture of vinegar .. .. .. 7527 2 April. Harden, G. M., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Letter-pillar box and bag .. .. .. 8039 6 Nov. Hardley, J., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Cooling and aerating milk .. .. .. 7978 18 Oct. Hardley, I. S., and another, Hawera, N.Z. Cooling and aerating milk .. .. .. 7978 18 Oct. Hare, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cure of headache, toothache, neuralgia, catarrh .. 8082 22 Nov. Hare, J. R., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cure of headache, toothaeh, neuralgia, catarrh .. 8082 22 Nov. Harman, T. de R., Christchurch, N.Z. Attachment to envelopes for opening them .. .. 7878 5 Sept. Harold, A. R., Windsor, Vie. Collecting waste saponaceous matters for purification .. .. 7857 31 August. Harper, R. H., and another, Melbourne, Vie. Scarifier or pea-cutter .. .. .. 7987 18 Oct. Harper, W., and another, Melbourne, Vie. Tanning skins and hides .. .. .. 7990 18 Oct. Harries, J. E., Gisborne, N.Z. Starting-machine .. .. .. 8146 16 Dec. Harrison, 1., Wellington, N.Z. Preserving food .. .. .. 7821 16 August. Harrison, M. G., Auckland, N.Z. Cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, &c. .. .. .. 8044 4 Nov. Hart, A. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Toy. (La Boite Magique, Limited —A.Martin) .. .. 7381 18 Jan. Hart, A. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Finger ring for striking matches .. .. 7623 21 May. Hart, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cure for rheumatism, sciatica, &c. .. .. 8068 15 Nov. Hartnett, J., and another, Brunswick, Vie. Teat cup for milking-machines .. .. 7544 10 April. Haslam, Sir A. S., Derby, Eng. Cooling air .. .. .. 7687 17 June. Hathaway, A. H., Timaru, N.Z. Piano or organ accompanist .. .. .. 7552 10 April. Hawkins, G. P., Palmerston N., N.Z. Type-writer .. ... .. 7369 11 Jan. Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, Otago, N.Z. Poisoned pollard-cutter .. .. .. 7655 7 June. Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, Otago, N.Z. Locomotive smoke-consumer .. .. .. 7777 29 July. Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, Otago, N.Z. Vessel speed-increaser .. .. .. 7814 14 August. Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, Otago, N.Z. Poisoned pollard-mixer .. .. .. 7927 27 Sept. Hazard, W. H., Auckland, N.Z. Drying or warming boots .. .. .. 7767 24 July. Heathcote, A., Dalmore, Southland, N.Z. Map .. .. .. 7992 21 Oct. Heiden, O. C, Wellington, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver from ores, &c. .. .. 7374 15 Jan. Helmer, J. L., Rome, Canada, U.S.A. (See D. H. and E. J. Burrell, No. 7364.) Henderson, M. M., and others, East Brighton, Eng. Box .. .. .. 7786 2 August. Hervey, R. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Nut lock. (H.Edwards) .. .. .. 7534 4 April. Hickson, T. W., Brighton, Vie. Candle-and lamp-holder .. .. .. 7515 29 March. Hindle, 8., Christchurch, N.Z. Shower-bath or fire-extinguisher .. .. .. 7517 27 March. Hindley, T. L., and another, East Brunswick, Vie. Excluding entrance of draughts under doors 7860 31 August. Hinman, B. C, New York, U.S.A. Extracting gold from ores .. .. .. 7884 10 Sept. Hitch, W., Timaru, Canterbury, N.Z. Bucket and strainer .. .. .. 7399 30 Jan. Hobday, H. S. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Launching boats .. .. .. 7749 15 July. Hoepfner, C, Giessen, Germany. Extraction of metals .. .. .. 7772 25 July. Hoiland, C. P., and another, Upper Kuaotunu, Thames. Oxidising cyanide .. .. 7817 14 August. Holford, G., Ponsonby, Auckland, N.Z. Ships'davits .. .. .. 7671 5 June. Holford, G., Ponsonby, Auckland, N.Z. Chocks for releasing ships'boats .. .. 7672 5 June. Holroyd, T., East Brunswick, Vie. Knife-cleaner .. .. .. 7717 4 July. Holt, H. P., London, Eng. Mode of propelling cars .. .. .. 7721 4 July. Holt, P. W. M., New Plymouth, N.Z. Traverse co-ordinate reducing machine .. .. 7738 15 July. Hood, J. J., London, Eng. Extracting metals with solvent materials .. .. .. 7425 14 Feb. Hooke, C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Candle extinguisher .. .. .. 7391 25 Jan. Hooke, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Candle extinguisher .. .. .. 7391 25 Jan. Hooker, W., South Yarra, Vie. Solution for illuminant mantles for gas-burners .. .. 8010 28 Oct. Hormann, A., Waikiwi, Southland, N.Z. Blight destroyer .. .. .. 8058 12 Nov. Home, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. • .. 8022 1 Nov. Horneman, C. W., Brisbane, Queensland. Gold-saving machine .. .. .. 7666 11 June. Hough, J., and another, Ontario, Canada. Drawing, sketching, and designing table .. 7626 23 May. Hudson, G. V., Wellington, N.Z. Time-table ... .. .. 8076 21 Nov. Hudson, R., Sydney, N.S.W. Furnace. (Engle Sanitary and Cremation Company) .. .. 8116 6 Dec. Hughes, H., Wellington, N.Z. Windmill. (Rollason's Wind Motor Company, Limited.—S. J. 8084 25 Nov. Rollason) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Machine for crushing ore. (W. Wells) .. .. 8165 30 Dec. Humphreys, W. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cure for rheumatism, &o. .. .. 8068 15 Nov. Humphries, G. E., Greytown North, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. 7475 9 March. Hunter, H., Mataura, Otago, N.Z. Turnip-thinner and scarifier .. .. .. 8144 11 Dec. Hurley, J. A., Riversdale, N.Z. Thinning crops sown in drills .. .. .. 8042 4 Nov. Husband, J. C., Wellington, N.Z. Combustion chamber for guns .. .. .. 7602 14 May. Husband, J. C, Wellington, N.Z. Hauling apparatus .. .. .. 7614 20 May. Husband, J. 0., Wellington, N.Z. Broiling meat .. .. .. 7713 1 July. Husband, J. C, Ashurst, N.Z. Lever and pawl ~ ~ .. 8021 31 Oct.





Name, Residence, and Invention. ■. No. Date. Husband, J. C, Ashurst, N.Z. Stump extracting .. .. .. 8031 5 Nov. Hutohinson, W. P., New York, U.S.A. Railway .. .. .. 7607 15 May. Hygienic Spring Mattress Company, The, Melbourne, Vie. Spring mattress. (G. O. Ihle) .. 7768 25 July. Ihle, 0. 0., Malvern, Vie. (See The Hygienic Spring Mattress Company, No. 7768.) Innes, J., Inveroargill, N.Z. Clothes-horse .. .. .. 7418 9 Feb. Irvine, R. (junior), West Hartlepool, Eng. Umbrella-tent and holder .. .. .. 8147 19 Deo. Ives, A. 0., London, Eng. Billiard-table .. .. .. 7561 24 April. Jackson, J. 8., Gisborne, N.Z. Sheep-shearing machine > .. .. .. 8005 26 Oct. Jackson, S., Wellington, N.Z. Bolt .. .. .. 7571 30 April. Jakins, G. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Cutting butter .. .. .. 7828 19 August. James, T. H., and another, Peilding, N.Z. Starting-machine .. .. .. 7489 19 March. Jameson, W. M., Wellington, N.Z. Advertising wall-splasher .. .. ... 7036 28 May. Jeans, T. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Concentrating and amalgamating gold .. .. .. 7974 14 Oct. Jeffreys, E. A., and another, London, Eng. Type-writing machine .. .. .. 7667 11 June. Jenkins, C. V., Wellington, N.Z. Foot-mat " .. .. .. 7810 13 August. Jenkins, C. V., Wellington, N.Z. Instrument for setting out angles and bevels .. .. 7848 27 August. Jenkins, P. N.. Melbourne, Vie. Transportation of perishable produce .. .. .. 7839 24 August. Jewell, C. E., and others, Senaca Falls, U.S.A. Wringer. (E. S. Combs, M. R. Jewell) .. 7630 25 May. Jewell, M. R. and others, Senaca Falls, U.S.A. Wringer. (E. S. Combs, M. R. Jewell) .. 7630 25 May. Jobbins, W. F.,and another, New York, U.S.A. Glycerine, and treatment of residuum after 8037 5 Nov. distillation Johnson, H. G., and others, Birchip, Vie. Washing-machine ... ~ .. .. 7724 4 July. Joll, J. H., and another, Havelock, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Fruit-tree sprayer .. .. 7917 25 Sept. Joll, W., and another, Havelock, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Fruit-tree sprayer .. .. .. 7917 25 Sept. Jones, D., Whangarei, N.Z. Launching ships'boats .. .. .. 7446 19 Feb. Jones, E., Auckland, N.Z. Air sand-blast .. .. .. 7865 4 Sept. Jones, G. 8., and another, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Rock-drill .. .. .. 7437 21 Feb. Jones, H. P., and another, Denver, Colorada, U.S.A. Rock-drill .. .. .. 7437 21 Feb. Jones, J. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Apparatus for churning cream .. .. .. 7683 13 June. Jones, J. W., Cbristchurch, N.Z. Hook-and-eye .. .. .. 8018 29 Oct. Jones, J. W., Sumner, Canterbury, N.Z. Boot-and-shoe fastening .. .. .. 7595 10 May. Joyce, C. R., and another, Taradale, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Embrocation .. .. .. 7809 13 August. Keir, J., Ashburton, N.Z. Ensilage press .. .. .. 8025 31 Oct. Keith, N. S., Hawarden, Chester, Eng. Separating gold and silver from other metals .. 7481 12 March. Kendall, E. D., Sewaren, New Jersey, U.S.A. Recovery of gold and silver from solutions .. 7858 31 August. Kidd, C. C, Winton, N.Z. Ditching-plough .. .. .. 7774 16 July. Kilworth, T. E., Ashburton, N.Z. Seed-separating machine .. .. .. 7611 14 May. King, A., Lovell's Flat, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap .. .. .. 7737 8 July. King, ¥. J., East Oxford, Canterbury, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. 7427 14 Feb. King, F. J., East Oxford, Canterbury, N.Z. Milk-cooler and aerator .. .. .. 7925 26 Sept. King, P. J., East Oxford, Canterbury, N.Z. Plough-share .. .. .. 7926 26 Sept. Kirkpatrick, G. W., Macedon, New York, U.S.A. (See Biokford and Huffman Company, No. 7757) Kitson, J. H., Islington, N.S.W. Sterilising milk, &c. .. .. .. 7545 18 April. Kline, C. L., New York, U.S.A. Keg-washing machinery .. .. .. 7755 19 July. Knapp, F. H., and another, Adrian, Michigan, U.S.A. Can-labelling machine .. .. 8103 29 Nov. Kofoed, J. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Vacuum bottling-machine .. .. .. 7406 14 Jan. Koopmann, F. J., Munich, Germany. (See E. Waters, No. 7692) Krause, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope .. .. .. 8050 9 Nov. Krause, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope and wrapper .. .. .. 8054 13 Nov. Kreissig, M., Wellington, N.Z. Ice-safe .. .. .. 7950 4 Oct. Lamb, J. G., Wellington, N.Z. Cool safe .. .. .. 7591 11 May. Lamb, J. G., Wellington, N.Z. Cool safe .. .. .. 8122 6 Dec. Lamb, J. R., Cambridge, Waikato, N.Z. Ridding flax-fibre and tow of gum .. .. 7506 26 March. Lambert, C. C, Ashurst, N.Z. Cycle .. ' .. .. 7658 10 June. Lambert, C. C, Ashurst, N.Z. Pneumatic bicycle saddle .. .. .. 8032 5 Nov. Lambert, C. J. S., and another, Paris, France. Refrigerating meat .. .. .. 7793 3 August. Lang, J. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Making cheeses .. .. .. 8150 17 Dec. Langdon-Davies, W., West Kensington, Eng. (See The Alternate Current Electro-motor Syndicate, Limited, No. 8140.) Langford, R., and another, Melbourne, Vie. Saving fine gold .. .. .. 7473 6 March. Langley, A. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pulverising and amalgamating-pans .. 7975 10 Oct. Langley, A. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Amalgamating-pan .. .. .. 7976 10 Oct. Lansell, G., Bendigo, Vie. Raising water by compressed air .. .. .. 7426 14 Feb. Lansell, G., Bendigo, Vie. Raising water by compressed air .. .. 7684 17 June. Lansell, G., Bendigo, Vie. Pumping or raising of water .. .. .. 7440 21 Feb. Latham, P>. L., Christchurch, N.Z. Automatic extinguishing candlestick .. .. 7662 7 June Latham, B. L., Christchurch, N.Z. Finger ring for striking matches .. .. .. 7623 21 May. Laughlin, S. J., and another, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Drawing, sketching, and designing table 7626 23 May. Lautreppe, De. (See under D.) Lavender, G. W., Hobart, Tasmania. Advertising with postage-stamps, and train-tickets .. 7966 11 Oct. Lawless, T. G., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Scrub-puller .. .. .. 7582 4 May. Lawrence, T. H., Dunedin, N.Z. (See Massey Harris Company, Limited, No. 7824.) Lea, D., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Tobacco-box and cutter .. .. .. 8057 14 Nov. Leake, 0. F., and others, Staines, Middlesex, Eng. Manufacture of floorcloths .. 7801 8 August. Leatherbarrow, J. 8., Wellington, N.Z. Automatic advertiser .. .. .. 7572 30 April. Leathorbarrow, J. 8., Wellington, N.Z. Eccentric window-wedge .. .. .. 7706 27 June. Lee, J. C, and others, Melbourne, Vie. Liquid-fuel burner .. .. .. 7976 11 June. Legg, A., New Jersey, U.S.A. (See The Self-threading Sewing-machine Company, No. 7970.) Legge, E. N., Auckland, N.Z. Apparatus for packing dried fruit .. .. .. 7380 19 Jan. Leigh. J., Mount Roskill, Auckland, N.Z. Dry food for horses and cattle .. .. .. 7931 28 Sept Lemichel, J., Paris, France. Apparatus for raising liquids .. .. .. 8167 30 Dec. Lemmington, C. E., and another, Palmerston, N.Z. Automatic brake .. .. .. 7598 13 May. Leslie, A., Timaru,,N.Z. Electro-medico combination table .. .. .. 7370 12 Jan. Lewis, G., Laiinceston, Tasmania. Lace boot .. .. .. 7519 29 March. Lewis, J., and another, Greytown North, N.Z. Starting machine .. .. .. 7483 12 March. Light, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Soap and blue-bag rack .. ' .. .. 7514 29 March..




Name, Residence, and Invention; No. Date. Lindsay, A. McK., and another, Waianiwa, Otago, N.Z. Condensing milk .. .. 8135 12 Dee. Lindsay, G., Christchurcb, N.Z. Reducing soot and smoke, and economizing fuel .. . 8138 12 Dec. Lindsay, R. C, and another, Waianiwa, Otago, N.Z. Condensing milk .. .. .. 8135 12 Dec. Linley, G. H., Wellington, N.Z. Automatic candle-extinguisher .. .. .. 7643 30 May. Linley, J. A., London, Eng. Treating frozen-meat .. .. .. 7948 4 Oct. Litchfield, G. F., Cooma, N.S.W. Pump .. .. .. 7564 24 April. Littlejohn, A. 1., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Traversing and levelling head for theodolites. 7665 11 June. (W. G. Bntwistle) Lloyd, G. L., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Vehicle .. .. .. 8129 6 Dec. Lockwood, A. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pulverising and amalgamating-pan .. 7975 10 Oct. Lockwood, A. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Amalgaraating-pan .. .. .. 7976 10 Oct. Longdill, C. P. W., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-fence straining-gear .. .. ... 7390 25 Jan. Lothian, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Casting- and slaughtering-machine .. .. 7994 15 Oct. Lucas, C. E., and others, Staines, Middlesex, Eng. Manufacture of floorcloth .. .. 7180 8 August. Lundstrom, C. J., Little Falls, New York, U.S.A. (See D. H. and E. J. Burrell, No. 7525.) Luttrell, E. V., and another, Ormond, N.Z. Detergent for clothes .. .. .. 7905 20 Sept. Lyon, C. G., and others, Melbourne, Vie. Concentrating ores .. .. .. 7587 9 May. Lyons, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Apron for reapers-and-binders .. .. 8149 16 Dec. Mac Arthur, J. S., Polloksbields, Renfrew, North Britain. (See The Cassel Gold Extracting Company, Limited, No. 7691.) Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Differential gear-lock for traction-engines .. .. 7449 21 Feb. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Manure-distributor .. .. .. 7599 13 May. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Fencing-wire holder .. .. .. 7730 2 July. Maealister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. (See The Southland Farmers' Implement and Engineering Company, Limited, No. 8130) Macaulay, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-aerator .. .. .. 7652 5 June. Macdonald, A. D., Melbourne, Vie. Telegraphic relays .. .. .. 7612 16 May. Macdonald, A. L., Wanganui, N.Z. Ear-mark for sheep or cattle .. .. .. 7542 10 April. Macdonald, R. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Totalisator .. ' .. .. 7432 18 Feb. Macdonald, R. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Totalisator .. .. .. 7529 4 April. Macdonald, Rl M., Christchurch, N.Z. Tramway-motor .. .. .. 7741 12 July. MacGregor, W. P., and another, Melbourne, Vie. Apparatus for actuating machine sheep- 7358 4 Jan. shears, &c. Mackay, H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Combined spade and poison-layer .. .. 7615 20 May. Mackey, W. McD., Leeds, Eng. Making potassic cyanide .. .. .. 7360 4 Jan. Mackintosh, J., and another, Melbourne, Vie. Treating hides and skins .. .. .. 7578 3 May. Mackintosh, J., and another, Melbourne, Vie. Treating hides and skins .. .. .. 7744 15 July. Macnamara, D., and another, Hastings, N.Z. Garden spraying machine .. .. .. 7736 10 July. Maertens, E., New York, U.S.A. Treating raw wool and animal fibres with solvents .. 7892 14 Sept. Mainland, H. L., Burkes, Otago, N.Z. Ventilated ceiling for dairy-factories .. .. 7403 29 Jan. Mainland, H. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-trap .. .. .. 7800 3 August. Mare, De. (See under D.) Markle, R. 8., Westport, CaL, U.S.A. (See P. A. Hadley, No. 7543.) Marsden, G. H., Dunedin, N.Z., Combined oil-can and lamp .. .. .. 7551 9 April. Marsden, W. H., Salisbury, S.A. Self-supporting trousers .. .. .. 7944 3 Oct. Marshall, F. L., and others, London, Eng. Carbon for electrical purposes .. .. 7616 21 May. Martin,.A., Richmond, Surrey, Eng. (See A. H. Hart, No. 7381.) Martin, A. M., Linton, Manawatu, N.Z. Slasher .. .. .. 7521 30 March. Martin, C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for opening mouths of animals .. 7761 19 July. Martin, H. H., Mataura, Otago, N.Z. Turnip-thinner .. .. .. 8145 11 Dec. Martin, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Seed-threshing machine .. .. .. 7854 30 August. Martin, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Seed-threshing machine .. .. .. 7915 23 Sept. Mason, C. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Assisting tractive-power in starting vehicles .. .. 8062 14 Nov. Mason, W., and another, South Hamilton, Vie. Vermin trap .. .. .. 7593 11 May. Massey Harris Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z., Melbourne, Vie, and Toronto, U.S.A. 7824 15 Aug. Feeder for use on drills. (T. H. Lawrence) Masson, W. T., and another, Carterton, N.Z. Flexible steel-tined harrow .. .. 7644 5 June. Mather, W., Manchester, Eng. Manufacture of mosaic floorcloth .. .. .. 7942 1 Oct. Mathieson, W. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Hingi; for back seat of buggy .. .. .. 7387 21 Jan. Mauchain, A., Geneva, Switz. (See M. W. Fergusson, No. 7585.) Mawson, J. X., Christchurch, N.Z. Lever lifting-jack with adjustable screwed standard .. 7930 26 Sept. McArdell, J. 0., Perth, W.A. (See The Acme Explosive Proprietary Company, Limited, No. 7685.) Mcßeath, D. C, Kirwee, Canterbury, N.Z. Speed-gear for bicycles .. .. .. 8019 30 Oct. Mcßeath, J. C, Kirwee, Canterbury, N.Z. Spring tine for cultivators .. .. .. 7902 17 Sept. McCarter, G., jun., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Steering bicycles .. .. .. 7873 31 August. McCrea, J. C, and another, Palmerston N., N.Z. Eccentric wire letter-clip .. .. 7659 10 June. McCreath, J., Gore, Otago, N.Z. Fencing-standard .. .. .. 7960 7 Oct. McCreath, J., Gore, Otago, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. 7961 7 Oct. McDermott, M., Ponsonby, Auckland, N.Z. Burglar alarm .. .. .. 7938 26 Sept. McDougall, J. W., Napier, Hawke's Bay, N.R. Obtaining motive-power .. .. .. 7555 18 April. McDougall, J. W., Napier, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Window-frames and sashes .. .. 7936 30 Sept. McDougall, J. W., Napier, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Sash-frames for sliding sashes .. .. 7937 30 Sept. McGill, E. S., Gore, Southland, N.Z. Erection of wire-fences and subsequent tightening of wires 8029 31 Oct. McGilvray, H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Putting ships' boats out .. .. .. 7503 21 March. McGregor, A. E., Akaroa, N.Z. Castor .. .. .. 7452 26 Feb. McGregor, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Refrigerator .. .. .. 7535 1 April. McHale, J. W., Raupo Bay, Banks Peninsula, N.Z. Assisting and proving the processes of 7997 23 Oct. calculations McKeegan, J., Wellington, N.Z. Driving-mechanism for bicycles, &c. .. .. .. 7953 5 Oct. McKeever, N., and another, Surrey, Eng. Cheese packing-case .. .. .. 7455 25 Feb. McKenny, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Seed threshing-machine .. .. .. 7854 30 August. McKenny, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Seed threshing-machine .. .. .. 7915 23 Sept. McKenzi"e, D. D., Wellington, N.Z. Boot-lacing .. .. .. 7914 23 Sept. McKenzie, D. D., Carnarvon, N.Z. Sash-fastener .. .. .. 7946 4 Oct. McKenzie, D. D., Carnarvon, N.Z. Cultivating ground whilst same is being ploughed .. 7968 14 Oct. McKinnon, W., and another, Palmerston N., N.Z. Eccentric wire letter-clip .. ~. 7659 10 June. McLarty, F. M., Penang, Straits Settlements. Boring .. .. .. 8131 10 Dec.




Name, Kesidence, and Invention. No. Date. MoLeod, 0., Melbourne, Vie. Tine or tooth for spring-toothed implements .. .. 7361 4 Jan. McLeod, H. N., Wellington, N.Z. Coating electrically non-conducting articles ' .. .. 7708 28 June. McMillan, S., and another, Mansfield, Vie. Apparatus for distributing poisoned materials .. 7628 23 May. McQuillan, 0., Balmain,, N.S.W. (See H. Pateson, No. 8166.) Meßae, A., Wairangi, Auckland, N.Z. Apparatus for dipping sheep .. .. .. 7538 8 April. Mcßae, R. E., and another, Manaia, N.Z. Starting machine .. .. .. 7565 25 April. Mcßae, R. 8., and another, Manaia NZ. Starting machine .. .. .. 7633 27 May. Mcßae, R. 8., and another, Manaia, N.Z. Starting-machine .. .. .. 7638 28 May. Meckiff, J., and others, N. Fitzroy, Vie. Butter-box .. .. .. 8004 26 Oct. Meredith, H. M., Quirindi, N.S.W. Drain and track-cutting apparatus .. .. .. 7693 21 June. Metzger, J., Campbelltown, N.Z. Propeller for boats .. •. ■ ■ 8161 20 Dec. Meyenberg, W. P., Ashburton, N.Z. Detachable automatic cut-off governor for back slide cut-off 7921 27 Sept. steam-engines inn Midas Gold Saving Machinery Company, San Francisco, U.S.A. Amalgamator. (A. C. Rumble).. 7967 12 Oct. Miller, H., and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Movable phteton body .. .. .. 7596 10 May. Minter, W. J., and another, Essex, Eng. Pocket-knife .. .. •. 7468 4 Mar. Mitchell, J., Auckland, N.Z. Nail and washer .. • • • • 8085 26 Nov. Mitchell, J., Auckland, N.Z. Appliance to prevent window-sashes rattling .. .. 8151 17 Dec. Mitchell, J., Auckland, N.Z. Foundation-pile for framel wooden structures .. .. 8152 17 Dec. Moderate, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Appliance for operating upon lambs .. .. 7882 6 Sept. Mohovioh, A., Akaroa, N.Z. Anchor . • • • • • 7362 5 Jan. Moir, J. 8., Invercargill, N.Z. Pot-hook and hanger .. .. .. 7716 1 July. Monier, L. P., and another, Paris, Prance. Totalising apparatus for use in betting on the pari- 7943 1 Oct. mutuel system Moore, H. 8., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Concentrating-machine for discrete metalliferous 7512 27 Mar. material Moore, F., and another, Upper Kuaotunu, N.Z. Oxidising cyanide .. .. .. 7817 14 August. Moorhouse, A. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Aerating and cooling milk .. .. .. 8156 18 Dec. Morison,.H.,.and another, Greytown North, N.Z. Starting-machine .. .. .. 7453 26 Feb. Morris, G. C, Riverton, Otago, N.Z. Pocket tobacco-cutter .. .. .. 7386 23 Jan. Morrison, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-aerator .. .. .. 7652 5 June. Morrison, J., and another, Golac, Vie. Removing goods from narrow- to broad-gauge railway- 7911 21 Sept. trucks Morrison, J. 8., and another, South Dunedin, N.Z. Refrigerating-machine .. .. 7504 22 Mar. Morton, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Kerosene oil-tap .. •• •• 7556 19 April. Morton, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Starting syphons .. .. •■ 7642 27 May. Moss, 8., Sydney, N.S.W. Advertising postal-carrier or envelope .. .. .. 7397 30 Jan. Muir, J. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Brake for velocipedes .. .. .. 7743 11 July. Mullon, J. W., and another, Christchuich, N.Z. Furniture-castor .. .. .. 8056 12 Nov. Munden, A. J. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Brake for velocipedes .. .. .. 7743 11 July. Munro, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Saving fine gold .. .. ■ • 7423 13 Feb. Munson, A. L., New York, U.S.A. (See The American Tobacco Company of N.Z. Ltd., No. 7823.) Munson, A. L., New York, U.S.A. (See The American Tobacco Company of N.Z. Ltd., No. 7829.) Munson, A. L., New York, U.S.A. (See The American Tobacco Company of N.Z. Ltd., No. 7940.) Murley, E. M., Urenui, Taranaki, N.Z. Fencing-standard .. .. ■■ 7969 10 Oct. Murtagh, P. J., Feilding, N.Z. Apparatus for starting races .. .. .. 7412 8 Feb. Murtagh, P. J., Feilding, N.Z. Starting machine .. .. ■ • 7750 17 July Myers, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Manufacturing metal dental-plates .. .. .. 7981 14 Oct. Newall, J. W., Ongar, Essex, Eng. Hair- and wool-clipping machine .. .. .. 7493 20 March. Nicholas, A. M., Hawthorn, Melbourne, Vie. Temperature exchanger .. .. .. 7885 10 Sept. Nicol, J., Wellington, N.Z. Milk aerator and cooler .. .. . - 7899 19 Sept. Nicol, J., Wellington, N.Z. Water-heater .. •• •• 7900 19 Sept. Niemczik, A., Leipsic, Germany. Starting gas and petroleum engines .. .. .. 7487 14 March. Norie, K. E., Wellington, N.Z. Door-fastener .. .. • ■ 7451 25 Feb. Norman, R. C, Melbourne, Vie. Window-fastening .. .. .. 8075 20 Nov. Oates, J. G., Wellington, N.Z. Windmill •■ •• •• 7995 22 Oct. O'Brien, C, Thames, N.Z. Extracting precious metal from ores .. .. •■ 7962 4 Oct. O'Dwyer, C. H., Feilding, N.Z. Staple for wire-fencing .. .. •• 8066 19 Nov. O'Hara, C. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Boot •• •• ■■ 7419 11 Jeb. O'Neill J. Longbeach, Canterbury, N.Z. Canvas conveyor for reapers, binders, &c. .. 7416 9ieb. O'Neill, J., Longbeach, Canterbury, N.Z. Horse-cloth .. .. .. 7570 30 April. Oppermann, C. T. J., and others, London, Eng. Amalgamation of gold .. .. .. 8090 27 Nov. Oppermann, B. L., and others, London, Eng. Amalgamation of gold .. .. .. 8090 27 Nov. Orchard, M., Opunake, N.Z. Guide to fire-escape .. •■ •• 7906 20 Sept. Osborne, J., Doyleston, Canterbury, N.Z. Seed-separating machine .. .. .. 7581 7 May. Osborne, W. E. C, Auckland, N.Z. Attachment for roller-blinds .. .. •■ 7876 31 August. Owen, W. T., Wellington, N.Z. Destruction of weeds and" preservation of permanent-way .. 8080 23 Nov. Oxley, H. H., Auckland, N.Z. Uncorking bottles and destroying labels .. .. •• 8013 24 Oct. Page, W., Winchester, South Canterbury, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. 7417 13 Feb. Page, W., Winchester, South Canterbury, N.Z. Wire strainer and repairer .. .. 7710 29 June. Palmer, C. H., and others, Akron, Ohio, U.S.A. Filling boxes with matches .. .. 7568 29 April. Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold dredging machinery .. •• •■ 8123 2 Dec. Parrington, C. 8., Wellington, N.Z. Beverage .. •• •• 7949 4 (Jet. Patorson, C. E., Malvern, Vie. Ventilating churns .. •• •■ 7669 11 June. Pateson, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Metal cans and method of opening same. (C. McQuillan) .. 8166 30 Dec. Pattie, D. H., Blenheim, N.Z. Saving gold from quartz-reefs .. .. ■• 7597 13 May. Pearson, J., Whitton, N.S.W. Apparatus for distributing pollard, &c. .. .. .. 7988 18 Oct. Pease, E. L., Hurworth-on-Tees, Durham, Eng. Structural arrangement for flooring, walling, &c. 7634 27 May. Peck, O. 8., Chicago, U.S.A. Centrifugal separator for ores .. .. .. 7867 4 Sept. Peck, O. 8., Chicago, U.S.A. Centrifugal separator for ores .. •• •• 7868 4 Sept. Peck OB , Chicago, U.S.A. Centrifugal separator for ores .. •• ■• 7869 4 Sept. Peddie, A., and others, Palmerston N., N.Z. Window-sash lock .. .. .. 7837 24 August. Pelatan, L., and another, Paris, France. Extracting gold from its ore .. .. ■■ 7441 211eb. Pelatan, L., and another, Paris, France. Separation of precious metals from ores .. .. 7874 3 Sept. Penny, J. T., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Triturating and amalgamating gold and silver ores .. 7457 28 1 co. Perry, A. M., Auckland, N.Z. Manure and seed distributor .. • • ■ • 7751 15 July. Phelps, F., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Window fittings and fastenings .. .. 7533 4 April.




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No - Date. Philip, A. V., Auckland, N.Z. Heads for side-saddles .. •• 8023 29 Oct. Philip, A. V., Auckland, N.Z. Stirrup-bar '.. •• •■ 8024 w e t ■ Phillips, 0., South Yarra, Vio. Gold-separating apparatus .. .. •■ 7728 1 My. Philpott, A., West Plains, N.Z. Besom for sweeping purposes, and appliances for making same 7982 12 Oct. Philpott, T. S., Wellington, N.Z. Pot-lid ■• •• •• 7603 i/ Pike, J. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Non-combustible wick, and lamp for same .. 7420 13ieb. Pilkington, W. L., St. Helen's, Lancaster, Eng. Production of corrugated sheet-glass .. 7822 16 August. Pillans, W. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Lifting-jack .. • • ■ • 7890 21 August. Pillans, W. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Lifting-jack •■ •• •■ 8083 20 Nov. Pinto, A. 8., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (See E. Waters, No. 7759.) Pledger, J. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Utilising rise and fall of tide for motive power for generating 7728 4 July. electricity Pollard, E. T., Liverpool, Eng. Cigarette machine .. •• •• 8051 9 Nov. Porter, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-trap •• •■ •• 7509 22 April. Porter, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-trap v -• •• ■• 7770 22 July. Porter, D., Wellington, N.Z. Oil-can ■• •• •• '«;0 J ijeb. Postle, J. D., Sydney, N.S.W. Preserving by cold • • • • • • 7862 SI August. Potter, G. V., Melbourne, Vie. Increasing heat in furnaces .. •• ■• 8100 29 Nov. Potter, H. W., Wellington, N.Z. Branding-machine .. ■• •• 7558 22 April. Potter, H. W., Wellington, N.Z. Folding-bedstead •• •• •• 7891 Id Sept. Potter, J. E., Wellington, N.Z. Boot-upper •• •• •■ 7372 15 Jan. Pownall, C. A., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Tobacco-box and cutter .. .. • • 80j7 14 Nov. Praase, W., and another, Steinheim, Westphalia, Germany. Apparatus for moulding tiles .. 7690 20 June. Pratt, F., Sumner, Canterbury, N.Z. Aerated water vessels .. •• •• 7393 25 Jan. Pratten, C, Sydney, N.S.W. Moulding-press • • • • • ■ 739j 30 Jan. Pratten, H. E., and others, Sydney, N.S.'W. Hermetically-sealed vessel .. .. .. 8119 6 Dec. Preddey, G., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Closet-pan, closet-seat, and slop-pail. (A. Gross) .. 7996 22 Oct. Preece, J., and others, Christchuroh, N.Z. Life jacket .. .. •■ ■• 8163 23 Dec. Pringle, A., Wellington, .N.Z. Facilitating swimming .. •• •• 8081 23 Nov. Pringle, A., Wellington, N.Z. Post for gates, strained wire-fencing, &c. .. .. ■• 8136 12 Dec. Prosser, T. H., and another, Boyeo, Vie. Clothes-peg .. ■• ■• 8055 13 Nov. Purser, E., Wellington, N.Z. Extracting iron from gold-bearing sand .. .. • • 7470 4 Marcn. Purser, E., Blenheim, N.Z. Ironsand briquettes •• ■• •• 8094 28 Nov. Puvrez, P., Lille, Nord, France. Pasteurising, sterilizing, and cooling beers, and aerating same.. 7550 20 April. RiibMdge, P., Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone apparatus .. •■ •• 7496 20 March. Rabbidge, P., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephonic instrument .. .. •• 7785 1 August, Rand, A. C, Now York, U.S.A. Explosive compound .. •■ ■■ 7689 20 June. Raworth, J. S., Surrey, Eng. Steam-engine • • • • • • 8137 10 Dec. Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Tin-opener •■ •■ •■ 7830 19 August. Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Tin-opener .. •• •• 7831 19 August, Readman, J. 8., Edinburgh, Scotland. Obtaining cyanides and ferro-cyanides .. .. 7592 11 May. Reed, C. H., New York, U.S.A. Fastening device for envelopes, boxes, &o. .. .. 8115 6 Dec. Reed, J. H., and another, Ballarat, Vie. Appliance for use in inhalation of vapours .. .. 7752 19 July. Reeves, W., Wellington, N.Z. Brake for vehicles .. • • • • 8 007 26 Oct. Reid, H. T., London, Eng. Oil- and gas-engine • • • ■ • • 7404 4 Feb. Reid, R., Melbourne, Vie. Transporting cash, &c, from one part of shop to another.. .. 7933 28 Sept. Renner, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Paper-file ■ • • • • • 7580 7 May. Reuse, J. (See Compagnie Generale pour Exploitation, &c, No. 7986.) Reynolds, C, Auckland, N.Z. Diagonal sails •• •■ •• 8139 9 Dec. Richardson, D., Gore, N.Z. Gold-extracting machine .. ■ ■ • • 8067 15 Nov. Richardson, E., jun., Albany, Canterbury, N.Z. Fertilising compound .. •■ 7765 19 July. Richardsen, J., Sydney, N.S.W. (See The Richardsen and Schroeder Patent Smoke-consuming, Fuel-economising, and Steam-boiler Company, Limited, No. 7434.) Richardsen and Sehroeder Patent Smoke-consuming, Fuel-economising, and Steam-boiler Com- 7434 20 Feb. pany (Limited), The, Sydney, N.S.W. Steam-boilers and furnaces. (J. Richardsen.) Richardson, W. E. Outram, N.Z. Window-sasli adjuster .. •■ •• 7590 7 May. Richardson, W. E., Outram, Otago, N.Z. Bicycle wheel .. .. • • 7841 19 August, Richardson, W. H., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Triturating and amalgamating gold and silver 7457 28 Feb. Richter, S., Waikiwi, Southland, N.Z. Insect-destroyer .. .. 7554 17 April. Rigaud, L. de, Paris, France. Gold-extracting .. • ■ • • 8143 14 Dec. Rittenberg, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Ventilation of waterproof garments .. .. .. 7920 23 Sept. Robb, G. M., Sydney, N.S.W. Automatic candle-extinguisher .. .. ■• 7424 15 Feb. Robb, J., Masterton, N.Z. Flexible harrow ■ • • • • • 7753 19 July. Robbie, J. 8., New Plymouth, N.Z. Reversing window-sashes .. .. .. 7505 15 Mar. Roberts, T., Sydney, N.S.W. Starting apparatus .. ■• 8153 18 Dec. Robertson, J. C, and another, Richmond, Vie. Illuminant for use with gas, kerosene, and 8074 20 Nov. candles Robinson, A. G., Wellington, N.Z. Gold-concentrator .. •• •• 8061 16 Nov. Robinson, A. H., Melbourne, Vie. Entrapping rabbits .. . • - • 7447 L Feb. Robinson, G. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Amalgamator for saving gold .. .. .. 8087 21 Nov. Robinson, J., Ooromandel, N.Z. Concentrating and amalgamating precious metals .. 7971 12 Oct. Robinson, J., Goromandel, N.Z. Quartz-crushing machine .. ■• •• 7972 12 Oct. Robison, D. M., and another, St. Kilda, Vie. Teat-cup of milking-machines .. .. 7544 10 April. Robson, G., Dolgelly, Wales. (See The Floating Metal Company, Limited, No. 8035.) Rollason, S. J., South Hampstead, Eng. (See H. Hughes, No. 8084.) Rollason's Wmd-Motor Company, Limited, London, Eng. (See H. Hughes, No. 8084.) Roope, L. G., and another, Dimedin, N.Z. Tubular boiler .. .. ■• 8101 27 Nov. Rose, D., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Cushion for billiard tables .. .. . ■ 7780 27 July. Rose, J., Oaversham, Dunedin, N.Z. Starting machine .. ■■ ■• 7566 23 April. Rose, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Starting apparatus ■• •• •• 7806 7 August. Rose, J., Danedin, N.Z. .Liberating dogs at coursing matches .. .. •• 7834 19 August. Rosenberg, 0. 0., Wellington, N.Z. Cards, billheads, circulars, trade envelopes, labels with 7852 31 August. locality-plan Roux, M. A. J., Paris, France. Separating metals from blendes .. •. • • 7458 28 l< eb. Rowbotham, W., Birmingham. Galvanic battery . ■ • ■ • ■ 8008 26 Oct. Rudd, E. W., and another, S. Melbourne, Vie. Railway cycle .. .. •• 7773 25 July.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Bugg, D., and another, Coromandel, N.Z. Musical instrument .. .. .. 8045 8 Nov. Rumble, A. 0., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See Midas Gold-saving Machinery Company, No. 7967.) Bumgay, J., Wellington, N.Z. Sash fastener .. .. •■ 8092 27 Nov. Rumgay, J., Wellington, N.Z. Ventilator for windows .. .. .. 8093 27 Nov. BuncTel, W., and another, Mansfield, Vie. Apparatus for distributing poisoned materials .. 7628 23 May. Ruymbeke, Van. (See under V.) Ryder and Company (Limited), London, Bng. Machine for bottling beer, &c. (T. Sutcliffe) .. 7439 21 Feb. Salamon Wilson and Company, Limited. (See Wilson Salamon and Company, Limited.) Salberg, F. S., London, Eng. Disinfection of refuse .. .. •• 7467 i March. Sanders, J., and another, Essex, Eng. Pocket-knife .. .. • ■ 7468 4 March. Sapwell, T. E., Kelso, Otago, N.Z. Canister for sowing artificial manures .. .. 7499 15 March. Saunders, A. G., Adelaide, S.A. Stamp-battery .. .. .. 7723 4 July. Saunders, P., and another, Hastings, N.Z. Starting machine .. .. .. 7476 8 March. Saunders, R. N., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Scrub-puller .. .. .. 7582 4 May. Savage, W. 0., New York, U.S.A. Apparatus for racking liquids .. .. .. 7632 25 May. Saywell, G. H. and another, Feilding, N.Z. Starting-machine .. .. .. 7489 19 March. Scarr, J. S., Hobart, Tasmania. Waterproof cleaning and polishing glove .. .. 8038 5 Nov. Schadick, J. P. W., Westport, N.Z. Motor .. .. .. 7864 27 August, Schey, W. F., and others, Redfern, N.S.W. Testing whether wool is wet or dry .. .. 7508 27 March. Schmidt, A, Berlin, Germany. Extraction of gold and silver .. .. .. 7583 8 May. Schroeder, F. W., Sydney, N.S.W. (See H. Dixson, No. 7433.) Schroeder, P. W., Sydney, N.S.W. (See H. Dixson, No. 7686.) Scott W. G., and others, Melbourne, Vie. Liquid-fuel burner .. .. .. 7676 11 June. Scott, W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saver .. .. .. 8098 22 Nov. Seagar, E., Wellington, N.Z. Driving-gear for bicycles, &c. .. .. .. 7826 20 August. Seager, 0. A., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Tool for cutting metal lining of cases .. .. .. 7531 1 April. Sefton, E. Christchurch, N.Z. Handle of cricket-bat .. .. .. 8095 28 Nov. Selby, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Cooking-stoves ■ ■ .. ■ ■ 7783 1 August. Self-threading Sewing-machine Company, The, New York, U.S.A. Sewing-machine (A. Legg and F. H. Treacy) Shailer, G. W., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Cultivator .. .. .. 7820 16 August. Shallenberger, O. 8., Rochester, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Measuring electrical currents .. 7438 21 Feb. Shanly, W. 1., and another, Hastings, N.Z. Garden spraying-machine .. .. .. 7736 10 July. Sharp, W. 8., and others, Newcastle, N.S.W. Obtaining fatty matters and meat-extract from 7859 31 Aug. animal substances Shattky, H., and another, Hastings, N.Z. Starting machine .. .. .. 7476 8 March. Shattky, H., Hastings, N.Z. Starting machine .. .. ■• 7682 15 June. Sheppard, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Safety cars and gearing for ferris-wheel .. .. .. 7484 8 March. Sheppard, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tubular boiler .. .. .. 8101 27 Nov. Sherer, F. G., Auckland, N.Z. Propellor for vessels .. .. ■• 7754 19 July. Shiels, A., Glasgow, Scotland. Milking-machines .. .. •■ 7771 25 July. Shields, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Fag-station and excess ticket .. .. .. 7673 25 May. Shrewsbury, G. P., and others, London, Eng. Carbon for electrical purposes .. .. 7616 21 May. Shrewsbury, C. P., and another, London, Eng. Electric battery .. .. .. 8091 27 Nov. Shute, H.,"Ashfield, N.S.W. Venetian blind. (See C. Cederberg) .. .. .. 7396 30 Jan. Silcock, o.,'Wanganui, N.Z. Night-commode .. .. .. 7588 7 May. Simpson, W., Melbourne, Vie. Minimising danger of flooding in sub-aqueous works .. .. 7670 11 June. Simpson, W. S., London, Eng. Cycle wheel and chain .. .. -. 8033 5 Nov. Sinclair, J., Lyttelton, N.Z. Rig for sailing of vessels .. .. ■ ■ 8026 31 Oct. Sincock, E. R., Caversham, N.Z. Candle-holder .. .. .. 7649 31 May. Slinn, T. P., Wellington, N.Z. Composition for treating soles of boots and shoes .. .. 7923 26 Sept. Smaill, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Spring for safety-valves .. .. .. 7553 22 April. Small, H., Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A. Driving-bit for horses .. .. .. 7861 31 Aug. Smethurst, E., and another, Rangiora, N.Z. Crupper . .. .. .. 7932 27 Sept. Smethurst, E., Rangiora, N.Z. Preserving railway sleepers .. .. .. 7998 21 Oct. Smith, B. A., Melbourne, Vie. Cooling and refrigerating apparatus .. .. .. 7617 21 May. Smith, C, Wellington, N.Z. Oyster-opener .. .. •• 7973 14 Oct. Smith, 0. 8., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Calendar .. .. .. 8043 4 Nov. Smith, G. T., and others, Birchip, Vie. Washing-machine .. .. .. 7724 4 July. Smith, H. T., and another, Oamaru, N.Z. Movable phaeton body .. .. .. 7596 10 May. Smith, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. . • . • 7594 9 May. Smith, M., Christchurch, N.Z. Pulverising attachment to ploughs .. .. .. 8069 18 Nov. Smith, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Pneumatic and ventilated boot .. .. .. 7945 2 Oct. Smith, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Pneumatic sock or slip sole .. .. .. 8126 6 Dec. Snowden, C, South St. Kilda, Vie. Apparatus usable as race-sfcarting-machine, clothes-line, 7398 30 Jan. combined elevator and overhead conveyor, and self-closing gates Soffe, S., Wellington, N.Z. Appliance for suspending pictures .. .. .. 7913 23 Sept. Southland Farmers' Implement and Engineering Company, Limited, The, Invercargill, N.Z. 8130 6 Dec. Cultivator. (J. Macalister.) Southland Farmers' Implement and Engineering Company (Limited), The, 'Invercargill, N.Z. 8148 16 Dec. Attachment to combined drills. (See J. Dunbar.) Speed, J. 8., Wellington, N.Z. Paper hook and hanger .. .. .. 7635 27 May. Speedy, J., Herbertville, N.Z. Harrow .. .. ■• 8060 15 Nov. Speight, J., Kirwee, N.Z. Speed gear for cycles .. , .. •• 8155 23 Dec. Sprey, E., St. Bathan's, Otago, N.Z. Lining for soles of boots .. .. .. 7402 29 Jan. Stack, G. R., Hawera, N.Z. Marking meat .. .. .. 7735 9 July. Stanfield, E. 8., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Apparatus for securing hat to head .. 8109 2 Dec. Stedman, S. R., and another, Dunedm, N.Z. Railway cycle .. .. .. 7773 25 July. Stedman, S. R., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Cushion for billiard tables .. .. .. 7780 27 July. Stedman, S. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Gear-case for bicycles .. .. .. 7790 31 July. Stephen, G., Fitzroy, Vie. Extension tables, &a. .. ■■ ■■ 7625 23 May. Stevenson, T., and another, South Dunedin, N.Z. Refrigerating machine .. .. 7504 22 March Stevenson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Scldering-iron .. .. .. 7778 23 July. Still, P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Traversing and levelling head for theodolites. (W. G. 7665 11 June. Entwistle.) Stockman, B. P., Westminster, London, Eng. Manufacture of steel and iron .. .. 7660 7 June. Stone, J. J., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Hermetically sealing vessel .. .. .. 8119 j 6 Dec.




Name, Residence, ana Invention. No. Date. Storrie, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Force-feed for seeding implements .. .. .. 8077 19 Nov. Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z, Spring ridging-plough for drills .. • • ■ • 7013 15 May. Storrie, A., Inveroargill, N.Z. Cultivator .. .. ■• 8002 24 Oct. Strack, P. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Foot-rot cure .. .. .. 7621 18 May. Strang, D., Invercargil], N.Z. Preparing and blending cocoa with coffee, &c. .. .. 7732 8 July. Streeter, D. 0., Halswell, Canterbury, N.Z. Automatic steam valve for turbine cream-separators 7532 3 April. Stronaoh, W. G., Mt. Pisa Station, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit destructor .. .. .. 7383 JlB Jan. Stuart, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Wood-working machinery .. .. •• 7870 1 4 Sept. Stubbs, A., East Oxford, Canterbury, N.Z. Milk cooler and aerator .. .. .. 8097 !28 Nov. Studds, W. J., Melbourne, Vie. Obtaining gold from antimony or ores containing antimony .. 8121' 6 Dec. Styles, T. W., Wellington, N.Z. Auxiliary brake for railways .. .. . • 7849 28 August. Suckling, N. J., Pretoria, South Africa. Stamp battery .. .. .. 7718 4 July. Sullivan, F. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Grate for packing rabbits and hares .. .. .. 7653 5 June. Sutcliffe, T., London, Eng. (See Ryder and Company (Limited), No. 7439.) Sutherland, A., Balclutha, Otago, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. 7422 12 Feb. Suttie, A. 0., Auckland, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver .. .. •• 8160 20 Dec. Sutton, J. W., Brisbane, Queensland. Recovery of gold precipitated from chloride solution by 74G9 4 March. sulphate of iron Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Kerosene lamp syphon .. .. .. 7464 26 Feb. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Tea measure .. .. •• 7764 18 July. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Covering for frying-pans .. .. .. 7805 6 August. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Amalgamating gold .. .. ■■ 8028 29 Oct. Tasker, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Knife-cleaner .. .. .. 7779 31 July. Taylor, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Apron for reapers-and-binders .. .. 8149 16 Dec. Telfer, G., Mataura, Otago, N.Z. Harnessing horses to buggies, &c. .. .. .. 7477 11 March. Thomas, E., Wellington, N.Z. Launching boats .. .. •• 7482 12 March. Thomas, W., Wellington, N.Z. Launching boats .. .. .. 7703 26 June. Thomas, G. W., London, Eng. Matches, fusees, &c. .. .. . ■ 8104 28 Nov. Thompsop, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Match-box .. .. .. 8027 2 Nov. Thorns, T., Summerhill, N.S.W. Presses for stamping or moulding metal sheets .. .. 7546 18 April. Thomson, G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Cushion for billiard-tables .. .. .. 7780 27 July. Thomson, H., Kew, Vie. Flushing water-closets .. .. .. 7609 15 May. Thomson, H., Yarraville, Melbourne, Vie. Flushing water-closets, sewers, &o. .. .. 8041 6 Nov. Thomson, 1., Christchurch, N.Z. Cutting butter into pats .. .. ■• 7707 27 June. Thomson, P., Feilding, N.Z. Aerating and cooling milk .. .. ■ ■ 7888 10 Sept. Thoresby, S. F. H., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Obtaining fatty matters and meat-extract from 7859 31 August. animal substances Tiller, W. J., Melbourne, Vie. Butter-box .. .. ■■ 7637 23 May. Timewell, A. T., Chicago, U.S.A. Sack felling and sewing machine .. .. .. 7756 19 July. Tindall, J., and another, Kaikoia, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Stomach worm mixture for sheep .. 7377 17 Jan. Tod, A., and others, Melbourne, Vie. Tap for kerosene-tins .. .. •• 8118 6 Dec. Todd, A., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Furniture castor .. .. •■ 8056 12 Nov. Tolley, R., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical device for detecting removals from hooks, nails, &c. .. 7733 8 July. Tomline, R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Attaching coulters to ploughs. (W.Angus) .. 7501 21 March. Toomey, J. M., and others, Young, N.S.W. Testing whether wool is wet or dry .. .. 7508 27 March. Topliss, 0., and others, Addington, Canterbury, N.Z. Governor for traction-engines .. .. 7781 30 July. Topliss, H. J., and others, Addington, Canterbury, N.Z. Governor for traction-engines .. 7781 30 July. Treacy, F. H., Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See The Self-threading Sewing Machine Company, No. 7970.) Tremayne, T. J. 8., Marino, S.A. Collar and hames and traces .. .. ■ ■ 7580 9 May. Trengrove, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Chain adjustment and frames of bicycles .. .. 8127 6 Dec. Treseder, W. V., Dunedin, N.Z. Axle-box and bearing .. .. .. 7530 28 March. Trethewey, W. G., Vancouver, British Columbia. Can-labelling machines .. .. 7734 12 July. Troup, A. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Gimlet-handle for brace bits .. .. .. 7620 18 May. Troup, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Range boiler .. .. ■• 7574 30 April. Tuck, C. J., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for planting potatoes .. .. ■. 7836 23 August. Turner, G., Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. Aerial directory and trade advertiser .. .. 7796 5 August. Turner, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Foot-rot cure .. .. .. 7621 18 May. Tyree, W., Wellington, N.Z. Vermin trap .. .. •• 7663 11 June. Tyree, W., Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for heaving lines .. •. ■■ 7664 11 June. Tyres, W., Wellington, N.Z. Hanging window-curtains .. .. •■ 7688 19 June. Tyree, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Apparatus for teaching writing .. .. .. 7739 11 July. Tyree, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Launching ships'boats .. .. •■ 7742 12 July. Tyree, W., Wellington, N.Z. Boiling-point indicator for kettles .. .. .. 7803 10 August. Tyree, W., Wellington, N.Z. Egg-tester .. .. . • 7804 10 August. Tyree, W., Wellington, N.Z. Rat-trap .. .. •• 7951 4 Oct. Tyree, W., Wellington, N.Z. Facilitating copying maps and drawings by hand .. .. 7952 4 Oct. Tyree, W., Wellington, N.Z. Setting fire to grass .. .. •. 7954 5 Oct. Unsold, F., Munich, Bavaria. (See J. Fishburn, No. 7378.) Urquhart, R. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Bicycle steering .. .. .. 7873 31 August. Usher, C. E. D., Malvern, Vie. Driving-gear for bicycles .. .. .. 7908 19 Sept. Vale, S. W., and others, Annandale, N.S.W. Concentrating-machine for discrete metalliferous 7512 27 March. material Valentine, J., Wellington, N.Z. Cover for washing coppers .. .. •. 7099 24 June. Van Buskirk, S., Wellington, N.Z. Harness .. .. •• 7760 19 July. Van Buskirk, S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Appliance for opening mouths of animals .. 7701 19 July. Van Buskirk, S., Detroit, U.S.A. Harness .. .. •• 8006 26 Oct. Van Ruymbeke, J., and another, New York, U.S.A. Glycerine .. .. .. 8037 5 Nov. Varley, J. J., London, Eng. Stoppering bottles for aerated liquids .. .. .. 7494 20 March. Vinson, T. G., Auckland, N.Z. Paperclip .. .. •• 7371 10 Jan. Vinson, T. G., Auckland, N.Z. Spoon or fork holder .. .. •■ 7373 11 Jan. Yon Stunner, S. N., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Letter-pillar boxes and bags .. .. 8039 6 Nov. Waddell, W. A., Wellington, N.Z. Joint for rusticated weather-boarding .. .. .. 7905 10 Oct. Wakely, W., Cheltenham, N.Z. Window-sash lock .. .. ■■ 7837 24 August. Wakeman, E. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for beating eggs .. .. 7385 21 Jan. Wakeman, H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for beating eggs .. .. 7385 21 Jan. Walkden, C, Christchurch, N.Z. Sweeping, lifting, and discharging mud oS roads into a cart .. 7485 11 March. Walker, J. A., Auckland, N.Z. Toggle-bar for rafting logs ~ .. .. 7833 19 August. 3—H. 10.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Walker, J. A., Kuaotunu, Auckland, N.Z. Extraction of gold or silver from ores or tailings .. 7897 16 Sept. Walker, J. H., Cbristehurch, N.Z. Automatic boiler-feeder .. .. .. 7507 23 March. Walker, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-can .. .. .. 7701 21 June. Wallace, G. J., and another, Carterton, N.Z. Flexible steel-tined harrow .. .. 7644 5 June. Wallace, J. A., Melbourne, Vie. Safety explosive. (The Acme Explosive Proprietary Company, 7685 19 June. Limited. McArdell, J. 0.) Wallace, J. A., and another, Melbourne, Vie. Lighting and extinguishing street gas-lamps .. 7889 9 Sept. Wallace, J. A., and another, Richmond, Vie. Illuminant for use with gas, kerosene, and candles 8074 20 Nov. Wallace, R., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Closet-pan, closet-seat, and slop-pail. (A. Gross) .. 7996 22 Oct. Walters, A. A., Footscray, Vie. Preparing auriferous metal for treatment for gold extraction .. 7495 20 March. Walters, A. A., Footscray, Vie. Apparatus for concentrating or separating finely-divided auri- 7497 20 March. ferous materials Walton, 8., and others, Melbourne, Vie. Liquid-fuel burner .. .. .. 7676 11 June. Walworth, E. 8., Tai Tapu, Canterbury, N.Z. Governor valve .. .. .. 7818 15 August. Warner, W. J, and another, South Shields, Durham, Eng. Wet gas-meter .. .. 7491 20 March. Warnock, J., Nelson, N.Z. Furnace .. .. .. 7999 23 Oct. Watchorn, J. S., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Cultivator .. .. .. 7820 16 August. Waters, E., Melbourne, Vie. Fuel composition. (E. Feuchtwanger, F. J. Koopmann) .. 7692 20 June. Waters, E., Melbourne, Vie. Preserving meat by electricity. (A. B. Pinto) .. .. 7759 19 July Waters, 8., Melbourne, Vie. Gate. (E. H. R. Evans) .. .. .. 7851 26 August. Watson, C. W., and others, Camberwell, Eng. Box .. .. .. 7786 2 August. Watson, G., and another, Invereargill, N.Z. Gorse-clipper .. .. .. 7840 19 August. Watson, G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Casting and slaughtering machine .. .. 7994 15 Oct. Watson, J., and another, South Hamilton, Vie. Spring traps for rabbits and vermin .. 7593 11 May. Watson, W., South Riverton, N.Z. Log-shoe or sledge .. .. .. 7400 30 Jan. Watson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold amalgamator .. .. .. 7797 6 Aug. Webster, R. F., Pukekohe, N.Z. Horse-cover .. .. .. 8170 24 Dec. Weil, A., and another, Steinheim, Westphalia, Germany. Apparatus for moulding tiles .. 7690 20 June. Welch,.C. X., Cqventry, Eng. Velocipede wheel .. .. .. 7363 5 Jan. Wells, W., Germiston, Johannesburg, South Africa. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 8165.) Westbrooke, B. J., Springburn, Canterbury, N.Z. Water filter .. .. .. 7847 24 Aug. Weygang, C, Romsey, Hants, Eng. Manufacture of saponaceous products from petroleum .. 7478 12 March. Weygang, C, Romsey, Hants, Eng. Obtaining artificial fuel from petroleum .. .. 7479 12 March. Wheelband, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Cleansing trees from parasites .. .. .. 7980 16 Oct. Wheeler, C. L., Sydenham, Canterbury, N.Z. Packing grass-seed in sacks .. .. 7442 22 Feb. White, T., and others, Melbourne, Vie. Concentrating ores .. .. .. 7587 9 May. White, W., and another, Brunswick, Vie. Lighting and extinguishing street gas-lamps .. 7889 9 Sept. Whitehead, E., and another, Palmerston N., N.Z. Automatic brake .. . .. .. 7598 13 May. Whitehead, E. A., and another, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Apparatus for actuating machine sheep- 7358 4 Jan. shears, &c. Whitney, A. N., Melbourne, Vie. Inanimate object for sportsmen .. .. .. 7541 5 April. Widdowson, W. T., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Lever and body-rest for two-wheeled 7450 21 Feb. vehicles Wildbore, C. E., Pohangina, Manawatu, N.Z. Folding dish-cover .. .. .. 7624 23 May. Wildbore, F. L., Feilding, N.Z. Bottle .. .. .. 7808 13 August. Wilde, De. (See under D.) Wildey, E. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Calendar .. .. .. 8043 4 Nov. Williams, D., Reefton, N.Z. Tumbler for dredging-machines .. .. .. 7694 21 June. Williams, H. W., Wellington, N.Z. Metal and glassware polish .. .. .. 7835 23 August. Williams, R. 8., Invercargill, N.Z. Washing-machine .. .. .. 7421 11 Feb. Williamson, H., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Cushion for billiard-tables .. .. .. 7780 27 July. Willson, T. L., New York, U.S.A. Production and consumption of hydro-carbon gas .. 7490 20 March. Wilson, Salamon, and Company, Limited, London. Saccharine. (G. Fahlberg) .. .. 8142 14 Dec. Wiseman, Jas., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Horse-cover .. .. .. 7471 1 March. Wiseman, Jas., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Horse-cover .. .. .. 7827 14 August. Wiseman, Jno., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Horse-cover .. .. .. 7471 1 March. Wiseman, Jno., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Horse-cover .. .. .. 7827 14 August. Wolinski, 8., Sydney, N.S.W. Electric lighter .. .. .. 7879 9 Sept. Wollaston, C. J., London, Eng. Electric battery .. .. .. 7509 27 March. Wood, H., and another, Addington, Christchurch, N.Z. Automatic stoking, smoke-consuming, 7681 13 June. and fuel-economising apparatus attached to steam-boilers Wood International Cigarette Company, The, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. Cigarette-machines. 7560 24 April. (J. N. Wood) Wood, J. N., Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. (See The Wood International Cigarette Company, No. 7560.) Woodhouse, A. E., Mokopeka, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Gauge for electrical wires, &c. .. .. 7846 24 August. Woodhouse, A. E., Mokopeka, N.Z. Lamp-wick .. .. .. 8052 8Nov ; Woolf, A. E., New York, U.S.A. (See M. Frewen, No. 7474.) Wootton, S., Junr., Dunedin, N.Z. Dough-cutting apparatus .. .. .. 7791 1 August. Wratten, Galbraith, and another, Martinborough, N.Z. Fencing-post and standard .. 7918 25 Sept. Wratten, George, and another, Martinborough, N.Z. Fencing-post and standard .. .. 7918 25 Sept. Wriedt, H., Melbourne, Vie. Rafter-cramp for suspension of block and tackle .. .. 7896 18 Sept. Wright, F., London, Eng. Coin-freed gas-meter apparatus .. .. .. 8071 20 Nov. Wright, J. P. Connecticut, U.S.A. (See The Diamond Match Company, No. 7696.) Wright, J. P., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Hermetically sealing vessels, and manner of removing 8119 6 Dec. covers Wright, S. H., Monmouth, Hereford, Eng. Exhausting apparatus .. .. .. 7722 4 July. Wylde, H. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Plummet crane and chain marker .. .. 7435 21 Feb. Wylds, A. H., and others, Palmerston North, N.Z. Window-sash lock .. .. .. 7837 24 August. Yarnold, C. J., Brixton, London, Eng. Manufacture of ozone, and application to treatment of 7894 14 Sept. ores Yates, J., Glasgow, Scotland. (See The Cassel Gold-extracting Company, Limited, No. 7691.) Young, M., and another, Frankston, Vie. Clothes-peg .. .. .. 8055 13 Nov. Young, P. C. X., Timaru, N.Z. Showing proportions of gluten and starch in flour .. .. 8169 24 Dec. Zwicker, T. B. G., and others, Melbourne, Vie. Tap for kerosene-tins .. .. .. 8118 6 Dec.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Accompanist for piano or organ. A. H. Hathaway .. .. .. .. .. 7552 10 April. Acid. (See Sulphurio Acid) Advertiser, Automatic. J. B. Leatherbarrow .. .. .. .. .. 7572 30 April. Advertising booklet or postal-envelope. J. Bear .. .. .. .. .. 7359 4 Jan. Advertising medium. D. R. S. Galbraith .. .. .. .. .. 7747 17 July. ' Advertising postal-carrier or envelope. B. Mos3 .. .. .. .. .. 7397 30 Jan. Advertising table-plate. H. W. Atkinson .. .. .. .. .. 7838 24 Aug. Advertising wall-splasher. W. M. Jameson .. .. .. .. .. 7636 28 May. Advertising with postage stamps and train tickets, Method of. G. W. Lavender .. .. 7966 11 Oct. Advertising. (See also Directory.) Aerated liquids, Apparatus for drawing-ofi. T. Ferguson .. .. .. .. 7886 10 Sept. Aerated liquids, Bottle-stopper for. J. J. Varley .. .. .. .. .. 7494 20 March. Aerated waters, Method of making and bottling. F. Graham .. .. .. .. 7430 18 Feb. Aerated water-vessels. F.Pratt .. .. .. .. .. .. 7393 25 Jan. Aerating beer, Apparatus for. P. Puvrez .. .. .. .. .. 7550 20 Aug. Aerator. (See Milk aerator.) Agitator. (See Cyanide agitator.) Air, Apparatus for cooling. A. S. Haslam .. .. .. .. .. 7687 17 June. Air sand-blast. E. Jones .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7865 4 Sept. Air-compressors. B. Chaquette .. .. .. .. .. .. 8048 9 Nov. Alarm. (See Burglar alarm.) Alloying plant. (See Gold, Precious metals.) Amalgamating gold, Apparatus for. A. L. J. Tait .. .. .. .. .. 8028 29 Oct. Amalgamating pans. A. B. Langley and A. A. Lockwood .. .. .. .. 7975 10 Oct. Amalgamating pan. A. E. Langley and A. A. Lockwood .. .. .. .. 7976 10 Oct. Amalgamating plate. D. B. S. Galbraith .. .. .. .. .. 7646 5 June. Amalgamation of gold, Process for. C. T. J. and E. L. Oppermann, and E. Fischer .. .. 8090 27 Nov. Amalgamator for saving gold. G. H. Bobinson .. .. .. .. .. 8087 21 Nov. Amalgamator. Midas Gold-saving Machinery Co. .. .. .. .. .. 7967 12 Oct. Amalgamator. (See also Concentrator, Gold, Metals.) Amalgamator and concentrator for free gold. T.W.Jeans .. .. .. .. 7974 14 Oct. Amalgamator and concentrator for precious metals. J. Robinson .. .. .. 7971 12 Oct. Anchor. A. Mohovich .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7362 3 Jan. Angles and bevels, Instrument for setting out. G. V. Jenkins .. .. .. .. 7848 27 Aug. Animals, Apparatus for opening mouths of. 0. Martin and S. Buskirk .. .. .. 7761 19 July. Animal substances, Process of obtaining fatty matters and meat extract from. VV. B. Sharpe. 7859 31 Aug. B. Clarke, and S. F. H. Thoresby Animal traps. A. Aitken .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8009 24 Aug. Antimonial gold ores. (See Gold.) Antimony, Obtaining gold from. W. J. Studds .. .. .. .. .. 8121 6 Dec. Antimony ores, Treatment of. J. J. Christmas .. .. .. .. .. 7584 9 May. Anti-tile drain apparatus. A.Cameron .. .. .. .. .. .. 7769 20 July. Anbi-vibrator for railways. H. Ashworth .. .. .. .. .. 7895 17 Sept. Apron for reapers and binders. J. Lyons and W. Taylor .. .. .. .. 8149 16 Dec. Artificial foot. K. Graf .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7472 2 March. Artificial fuel. G. S. and C. Cory .. .. .. .. .. .. 7700 24 June. Artificial manure. S. Bright .. .. .. .. .. .. 7645 5 June. Attemperator beer-cask. C.Edmonds .. .. .. .. .. .. 7384 21 Jan. Auriferous metal, Process of preparing for treatment. A. A. Walters .. .. .. 7495 20 March. Axle-boxes and bearings. W. V. Treseder .. .. .. .. .. 7530 28 March. Bagger, Chaff. J. Gray .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7919 13 Sept. Bags. (See Letter-bags.) Barge, Mail and Treasure. W. Akersten .. .. .. .. .. .. 7788 2 Aug. Basin. (See Tip-basin and frame.) Bath, Shower. B. Hindle .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7517 27 March. Baths, Portable galvanised-iron. F. A. Cook .. .. .. .. .. 7456 26 Feb. Bats. (See Cricket-bats.) Batteries. (See Electric batteries, Galvanic batteries, Quartz-crushing batteries, Stamp batteries.) Bearings. W. V. Treseder .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7530 28 March. Bearing. (See also Plough-wheel bearing) Bedrest. E.Duckworth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7787 1 Aug. Bedstead, Folding-. H. W. Potter .. .. .. .. .. .. 7891 13 Sept. Beers, Apparatus for Pasteurising, sterilizing, and cooling. P. Puvrez .. .. .. 7550 20 April. Beer-cask. (See Attemperator Beer-cask.) Beer, Machines for bottling. T. Sutcliffe .. .. .. .. .. 7439 21 Feb. Bell-buoys. J. A. Fairbanks .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7934 28 Sept. Bellows, Double-action. E.E.Collins .. .. .. .. .. .. 8017 25 Oct. Besom for sweeping purposes, and appliances for making same. A. Philpott .. .. 7982 12 Oct. Bevels, Instrument for setting out. C. V. Jenkins .. .. .. .. .. 7848 27 Aug. Beverage. C. E. Parrington .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7949 4 Oct. Bicycles, Brake for. H. M. and J. Copeland .. .. .. .. .. 8114 5 Dec. Bicycles, Chain adjustment and frames of. W. Trengrove .. .. .. .. 8127 6 Dec. Bicycles, Crank motion for. W. Grainger .. .. .. .. .. 8012 25 Oct. Bicycles, Driving-gear for. C. E. Usher .. .. .. .. .. .. 7908 19 Sept. Bicycles, Driving-gear for. E. Seagar .. .. .. .. .. .. 7826 20 Aug. Bicycles, Driving-gear for. W. J. Barlow .. .. .. .. .. 8078 19 Nov. Bicycles, Driving-mechanism for. J. McKeegan .. .. .. .. .. 7953 3 Oct. Bicycles, Gear-case for. S. R. Stedman .. .. .. .. .. .. 7790 31 July. Bicycle-gearing. E. Bowmar .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7409 7 Feb. Bicycles, Pedal action for. H. M. and J. Copeland .. .. .. .. .. 8113 5 Deo. Bicycles, Saddle for. H. M. and J. Copeland .. .. .. .. .. 8133 10 Dec. Bicycle-saddle, Pneumatic. C. C. Lambert .. .. .. .. .. 8032 5 Nov. Bicycles, Speed-gears for. D. C. Mcßeath .. .. .. .. .. 8019 30 Oct. Bicycle-steering, Apparatus for. R. W. Urquhart and G. McCarter .. .. .. 7873 31 Aug. Bicycle-wheel. W. E. Bicliardson .. .. ~ ~ ~ .. 7841 19 Aug, Bicycles. (See also Cycles, Velocipedes.)




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Billiard-tables. A. 0. Ives .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 7561 24 Apri). Billiard-tables, Cusbion for. G. Thomson, H. Williamson, S. R. Stedman, and D. Bnse .. 7780 27 July. Billiard-tables, Tubular air-cushion for. C. W. Constable .. .. .. .. 7463 25 Feb. Binder. (See Harvester and binder, Reaper and binder.) Bird-proof eaves spout. 0. Deacon .. .. .. .. .. .. 7816 12 Aug. Bit. H. Small .. .. .. ..' .. .. .. .. 7861 31 Aug. Blast. (See Air sand-blast.) Blendes, Separating metals from. M. A. J. Roux .. .. .. .. .. 7458 28 Feb. Blight-destroyer. A. Hormann .. .. .. .. .. .. 8053 12 Nov. Blind clip for fastening to rollers. D. J. Galdwell .. .. .. .. .. 8132 10 Dec. Blind-clip for Venetian blinds. S. P. Clements .. .. .. .. .. 7528 2 April. Blind-roller fittings. W. Gee .. .... .. 7845 23 Aug. Blinds, Venetian. H. Shnte .. .. .. .. .. .. 7396 30 Jan. Blinds. (See also Roller-blinds.) Blood, usable as food for cattle. F. V. Friderichsen .. .. .. 8141 14 Dec. Blotting-roller combined with ruler. H. 0. Brown .. .. .. .. .. 7695 21 June. Boats, Apparatus for launching. E. Thomas .. .. .. .. .. 7703 26 June. Boats, Apparatus for Launching. H. S. B. Hobday .. .. .. .. 7749 15 July. Boats, Method of carrying, launching, and lowering. W. Akersten .. .. 7789 2 Aug. Boats. (See also Chocks, Davits, Launching, Life-boat, Ships, Torpedo-boat.) Boiler-feeder, Automatic. J. H. Walker .. .. .. .. .. .. 7507 23 March. Boiler-furnaces, Method of and apparatus for supplying hot nir and steam to. J. Alves .. 7415 8 Feb. Boilers, Stoking, smoke-consuming and fuel-economizing attachment to. G. Claydon and H. 7.681 13 June. Wood Boilers, Steam tubula,r. L. G, Roope and J. Sheppard .. .. .. .. 8101 27 Nov. Boilers. (See also Electrical Boilers, Fire-bars, Furnaces, Range-boilers, Steam-boilers.) Boiling-point indicator. W. Tyree .. .. ... .. .. .. 7803 10 Aug. Bolt. S~. Jackson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7571 30 April. Booklet. (See Advertising.) Boots, Arrangement for drying or warming. W. H. Hazard .. .. .. .. 7767 24 July. Boot-lacing, Method of. D. D. MeKenzie .. .. .. .. 7914 23 Sept. Boots, Lining for soles of. E. Sprey .. .. .. .. .. .. 7402 29 Jan. Boots, Pneumatic and ventilated. S. Smith .. .. .. .. 7945 2 Oct. Boots. (See also Lace-boots, Ventilating-boot, Toe-guard.) Boots and shoes. 0. D. O'Hara .. .. .. .. .. 7419 11 Feb. Boots and shoes. D. W. Fessey .. .. .. .. .. 7536 1 April. Boots and shoes. A. T. W. Cobbam .. .. .. .. .. .. 8034 5 Nov. Boots and shoes, Composition for treating soles of. T. P. Slinn .. .. 7923 26 Sept. Boots and shoes, Damp-proof. G. W. Davies .. .. .. .. 7388 22 Jan. Boot- and shoe-fastening. J. W. Jones .. .. .. .. .. .. 7595 10 May. Boots and shoes, Process for manufacturing. J. Crichton ... .. .. .. 8088 22 Nov. Boots and shoes, Soles and heels of. W. Frost .. .. .. .. 7631 25 May. Boot-uppers. J. E. Potter .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7372 15 Jan. Bottle. F. L. Wildbore .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7808 13 Aug. Bottle-crate. A. Devlin and G. M. Barnett .. .. .. .. .. 7443 19 Feb. Bottles, Device for uncorking and destroying labels of. H. H. Oxley .. .. 8013 24 Oct. Bottle-stopper. J. J. Varley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7494 20 March. Bottle-washer. E. J. Green .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7935 30 Sept. Bottling-machine. T. Sutcliffe .. .. .. .. .. .. 7439 21 Feb. BoUling-machine, Vacuum. J. T. Kofoed .. .. .. .. .. 7406 14 Jan. Boxes for preserving merchandise. G. Fullerton and M. M. Henderson .. .. .. 7786 2 Aug. Box for storing and weighing coal, &c. F. Brady .. .. .. .. 7698 24 June, Boxes, Fastening device for. C. H. Reed .. .. .. .. .. 8115 6 Dec. Boxes. (See also Axle-boxes, Butter-box, Letter-box, Match-box, Tobacco-box.) Brace-bits, Gimlet handle for. A. A. Troup .. .. .. .. .. 7620 18 May. Brake, Auxiliary. F. W. Styles .. .. .. .. .. .. 7849 28 Aug. Brake for bicycles. H. M. and J. Copeland .. .. .. .. .. 8114 5 Dec. Brakes for road-vehicles. M. Belk .. .. .. .. .. .. 7526 1 April. Brake for vehicles. C. E. Lemmington and E. Whitehead .. .. .. .. 7598 13 May. Brake for vehicles. W. Reeves .. .. .. .. .. .. 8007 26 Oct. Brake for velocipedes. J. M. Muir and A. J. W. Munden .. .. .. .. 7743 11 July. Branding machine. H. W. Potter .. .. .. .. .. .. 7558 22 April. Bricks, tiles, &c, Method of manufacturing. T. Buxton .. .. .. .. 7957 2 Oct. Broiling. (See Meat-broiling.) Buckets for gold-dredging and cradling. R. Cockerell .. .. .. .. 7993 21 Oct. Bucket and strainer. W. Hitch .. .. .. .. .. 7399 30 Jan. Bucket. (See also Dairy bucket.) Buggy, Hinge for back seat of. W. H. Mathieson .. .. .. .. .. 7387 21 Jan. Buggy lamps. F. Giles .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7436 21 Feb. Buoys. (See Bell-buoys.) Burglar alarm. M. MeDermott .. .. .. .. .. .. 7938 26 Sept. Burner. (See Fuel-burner, Gas-burner.) Butter, Apparatus for cutting into pats. J. Thomson .. .. .. .. 7707 27 June. Butter-box. W. J. Tiller .. .. .. .. .. .. 7637 23 May. Butter-box. E. R. Gamlin and J. Meckiff .. .. .. .. 8004 26 Oct. Butter-boxes, and method of stacking same. J.D.Dallas .. .. .. 7912 21 Sept. Butter, Frozen, Machine for cutting. G. S. Jakins .. .. .. .. .. 7828 !19 Aug. Butter, Method of, and means for packing. W. J. Birch .. .. .. 7382 19 Jan. Butter-printing machine. J. Colquhoun .. .. .. .. .. 7704 21 June. Butter-receptacle. R. Beck .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7792 2 Aug. Butter, Spiced. S. Armstrong .. .. .. .. .. 7812 8 Aug. Calculations, Method of assisting and proving. J. W. McHale .. .. .. .. 7997 23 Oct. Calendar, Perpetual or yearly. C. B. Smith and E. M. Wildey .. .. ~ 8043 4 Nov. Cans and canisters. S. Brown .. .. .. .. .. 7727 4 July. Cans, drums, &c, Method of making. J. Banbury .. .. .. .. .. 7600 113 May. Cans. (See also Milk-cans, Oil-cans.) Can-labelling machine. W. G. Trethewey ~ .. .. .. ..J 7734 12 July.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Can-labelling machine. E. W. Cornell and F. H. Knapp .. .. .. .. 8103 29 Nov. Cans, Metal, Construction of, and method of opening. H. Pateson .. .. .. 8166 30 Deo. Candle-extinguisher. W. and C. Hook .. .. .. .. .. .. 7391 25 Jan. Candle-extinguisher. A. E. Brown .. .. .. .. .. .. 7762 16 July. Candle-extinguisher, Automatic. G. M. Eobb .. .. .. .. .. 7424 13 Feb. Candle-extinguisher, Automatic. G. H. Linley .. .. .. .. .. 7643 30 May. Candlestick, Automatic extinguishing. B. L. Latham .. .. .. .. 7662 7 June. Candle-holder. E. E. Sincock .. .. .. .. .. .. 7649 31 May. Candle-and lamp-holder. T. W. Hickson .. .. .. .. .. 7515 29 March. Candles. (See also Illuminant.) Canister for sowing artificial manures. T. E. Sapwell .. .. .. .. 7499 15 March. Canister. (See Cans.) Canvas conveyor for reapers, binders, &c. J. O'Neill .. .. .. .. 7416 9 Feb. Carbon for electrical purposes. C. P. Shrewsbury, J. L. Dobell, and J. Cooper .. .. 7616 21 May. Carriage without axle trees, or springs. 6. Frost .. .. .. .. .. 7678 10 June. Carriage without axle trees, or springs. G. Frost and G. E. Lloyd .. .. .. 8129 6 Dec. Cars, Electric. A. H. Brintnell .. .. .. .. .. .. 8162 23 Dec. Cars propelled by gas motor-engines. H. P. Holt .. .. .. .. .. 7721 4 July. Cash, Apparatus for transporting. R. Eeid .. .. .. .. .. 7933 28 Sept. Cask. (See Attemperator beer-cask.) Casting and slaughtering machine. G. Watson and J. Lothian .. .. .. 7994 15 Oct. Castor. A. E. McGregor .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7452 26 Feb. Castors. (See also Furniture.) Cattle, Ear-mark for. A. L. Macdonald .. .. .. .. .. .. 7542 10 April. Cattle, Dry food for. J. Leigh .. .. .. .. .. .. 7931 28 Sept. Centrifugal separation of ores, Process for. O. B. Peck .. .. .. .. 7867 4 Sept. Centrifugal separators for ores. O. B. Peck .. .. .. .. .. 7868 4 Sept. Centrifugal separators for ores. O. B. Peck .. .. .. .. .. 7869 4 Sept. Chaff-discharge for threshing-machines. J. Gray .. .. .. .. .. 7903 16 Sept. Chaff, Presser.-screw for bagging. J. Gray .. .. .. .. .. 7919 13 Sept. Chain-marker and plummet-crane. H. J. Wylde ... .. .. .. .. 7435 21 Feb. Chains of cycles and wheels therefor. W. S. Simpson .. .. .. .. 8033 5 Nov. Cheeses, Method of making, and apparatus therefor. J. T. Lang .. .. .. 8150 17 Dec. Cheese-packing case. H. Gray and N. McKeever .. .. .. .. .. 7455 25 Feb. Cheese-presses. D. H. and E. J. Burrell.. .. .. .. .. .. 7364 5 Jan. Cheese-presses. D. H. and E. J. Burrell.. .. .. .. .. .. 7525 1 April. Chimney-pots and ventilators. J. Gell .. .. .. .. .. .. 7745 16 July. Chocks for releasing ships' boats. G. Holford .. .. .. .. .. i 7672 5 June. Chopper. (See Potato-chopper.) Churns. J. Davies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7679 11 June. Churns, Means for ventilating. C. E. Patterson .. .. .. .. .. 7669 11 June. Churns. (See also Screw-churn.) Churning cream, Apparatus for. J. M. Jones .. .. .. .. .. 7683 13 June. Cigar-machines. Compagnie Generale pour l'Exploitation dcs Machines a fabriquer les Cigares.. 7986 18 Oct. Cigar mouthpieces. H. Dixson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7686 19 June. Cigarette-machines. The Wood International Cigarette Company .. .. .. 7560 24 April. Cigarette-machines. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) .. .. 7829 21 Aug. Cigarette-machines. B. Baron .. .. .. .. .. .. 7901 17 Sept. Cigarette-machines. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) .. .. 7916 24 Sept. Cigarette-machines. The American Tobacco Company of New Zflaland (Limited) .. .. 7940 2 Oct. Cigarette-machines. E. T. Pollard .. .. .. .. .. .. 8051 9 Nov. Cigarette mouthpieces. J. S. Beeman .. .. .. .. .. .. 7537 8 April. Cigarette mouthpieces. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) .. 7823 16 Aug. Cigarette mouthpieces. H. Dixson .. .. .. .. 7686 19 June. Cleaner. (See Knife-cleaner.) Clip-harrows. G. Allen .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7815 16 Aug. Clip for Venetian blinds. S. P. Clements .. .. .. .. .. 7528 2 April. Clip. (See Blind-clip, Letter-clip, Paper-clip.) Clipper. (See Gorse-clipper.) Chipping-machine, hair and wool. J. W. Newall .. .. .. .. .. 7493 20 March. Clipping machine, hair and wool. G. Bowmar and H. W. C. Cox .. .. .. 8073 20 Nov. Closet-appliance. (See Sanitary Closet-appliance.) Closets, flushing. H. Thomson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7609 15 May. Closets, flushing. H.Thomson .. .. .. .. .. .. 8041 6 Nov. Closet-pans, closet-seats, and slop-pails. E. Wallace and G. Preddey .. .. .. 7996 22 Oct. Clothes, Detergent for washing. E. V. Luttrell and E. H. Featon .. .. .. 7905 20 Sept. Clothes-dryer. J. Beardmore .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 7522 1 April. Clothes-horse, Folding. J. Innes .. .. .. .. .. .. 7418 9 Feb. Clothes-line. C. Snowden .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7398 30 Jan. Clothes-line receptacle and strainer. H. Ham .. .. .. .. .. 8159 24 Dec. Clothes-peg. T. H. Prosser and M. Young .. .. .. .. .. 8055 13 Nov. Clothes. (See Washing.) Coal, Box for storing and weighing. F. Brady .. .. .. .. .. 7698 24 June. Cocoa, Method of preparing and blending with coffee. D. Strang .. .. .. 7732 8 July. Coin-freed gas-meter apparatus. F. Wright .. .. .. .. .. 8071 20 Nov. Coin-sorting apparatus. H. H. Hanmer .. .. .. .. .. .. 7668 11 June. Collapsible life-boat. E. S. Dixon .. .. .. .. .. .. 7389 24 Jan. Collar and names, and traces. T. J. B. Tremayne .. .. .. .. .. 7586 9 May. Collars. (See also Horse-collars.) ' Colours. (See Distemper colours.) Combustion-chamber for guns. J. C. Husband .. .. .. .. .. 7602 14 May. Commode. O. Siloook .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7588 7 May Compressed-air, Method of raising water by. G. Lansell .. .. .. .. 7426 14 Feb. Compressed-air, Method of raising water by. G. Lansell .. .. .. .. 7684 17 June. Compressor. (See Air-compressor.) Concentrator. A.A.Walters.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7497 20 March. Concentrator for discrete metalliferous material. E. W. Griffiths, H. E. Moore, and S. W. Vale 7512 27 March.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Concentrator, Gold. A. G. Robinson .. .. .. .. .. .. 8061 16 Nov. Concentrator. T. White, C. G. Lyon, and W. B. Beeston .. .. .. .. 7587 9 May. Concentrator. J. C. Fell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7608 15 May. Concentrator. W. J. Hammond and J. Gordon .. .. .. .. .. 7720 4 July. Concentrator and amalgamator. J. Robinson .. .. .. .. .. 7971 12 Oct. Concentrator and amalgamator. T. W. Jeans .. .. .. .. 7974 14 Oct. Concentrator. (See also Amalgamator, Gold, Ores, Metals.) Conductors. (See Electrical Conductors.) Conveyors for Reapers, &c. J. O'Neill .. .. .. .. .. .. 7416 9 Feb. Cooking-ranges. R. Brinsley and A. G. Christopher .. .. .. .. 7740 11 July. Cooking-stoves. A. Selby .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7783 1 Aug. Cooking. (See Electrical hot-plates, Food, Meat.) Cooler. (See Milk aerator and cooler.) Cooling air, Apparatus for. J. McGregor.. .. .. .. .. .. 7535 1 April. Cooling air and gases, Apparatus for. A. S. Haslam .. .. .. .. 7687 17 June. Cooling and refrigerating apparatus. B. A. Smith .. .. .. .. .. 7617 21 May. Cool safes and cool storage. J. G. Lamb. .. .. .. .. .. 7591 11 May. Cool safes and cool storage. J. G. Lamb .. .. .. .. .. 8122 6 Dec. Cooling. (See also Preserving, Refrigerating, Freezing.) Copying drawings, maps, &c. W. Tyree .. .. .. .. .. .. 7952 4 Oct. Cork-extractors. R. B. Gilchrist .. .. .. .. .. .. 7569 30 April. Corks, Machine for securing and drawing. P. Boyd .. .. .. .. 8128 6 Dec. Corrugated sheet-glass, Apparatus for producing. W. L. Pilkington .. .. .. 7822 16 Aug. Coulters, Means of attaching, to ploughs. R. Tomline and H. A. Atkinson .. .. 7501 21 March Counting-machine. J. Greenslade .. .. .. .. .. .. 7802 8 Aug. Coursing matches, Apparatus for liberating dogs at. J. Rose .. .. .. .. 7834 19 Aug. Cover. (See Horse-cover.) Cradling. (See Buckets.) Cramp. (See Lever-cramp.) Crantmotion for bicycles. M. Grainger .. .. .. .. .. 8012 25 Oct. Crate for packing rabbits and hares. F. J. Sullivan .. .. .. .. 7653 5 June. Crate. (See also Bottle-crate.) Cream-separators, Valve for. D. C. Streeter .. .. .. .. .. 7532 3 April. Cricket-bats, Handles of. E. Sefton .. .. .. .. .. .. 8095 28 Nov. Cross-ploughing, Attachment to rollers to substitute. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) .. .. 7365 5 Jan. Cruppers for horses. H. Cave and E. Smethurst .. .. .. .. .. 7932 27 Sept. Crushing- and grinding-mills. W. H. Coward .. .. .. .. .. 8157 19 Dec. Crushing ore, rock, &c, Machine for. W. E. Hughes .. .. .. .. 8165 30 Dec. Crushing. (See also Quartz-crushing.) Cultivator and potato-raiser. C. Ewen .. .. .. .. .. .. 7775 25 July. Cultivator. J. S. Watchorn and G. Shailer .. .. .. .. .. 7820 16 Aug. Cultivators. A. Storrie .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8002 24 Oct. Cultivator for use on ground while same is being ploughed. D. D. McKenzie .. .. 7968 14 Oct. Cultivators, Spring-tines for. J. C. Mcßeath .. .. .. .. .. 7902 17 Sept. Cultivator, Tine or tooth for. C. McLeod .. .. .. .. .. 7361 4 Jan. Cultivators, Spring-tine, twitch-knife attachment to. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) .. .. 7955 3 Oct. Cultivators. (See also Tine, Spring-tine.) Cups. (See Teat-cups.) Cure for foot-rot. F. W. Strack and J. Turner .. .. .. .. .. 7621 18 May. Cure or preventive for foot-rot. W. A. Graham .. .. .. .. .. 7539 6 April. Cure of headache, toothache, neuralgia, catarrh, Inhaler for. J. R. and A. Hare .. 8082 22 Nov. Cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, &c, Medicine for. M. G. Harrison .. .. .. 8044 4 Nov. Cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, &c, Specific for. W. E. Humphreys and J. Hart .. .. 8068 15 Nov. Cure. (See also Medicine, Foot-rot cure.) Curtains, window, Apparatus for hanging. W. Tyree .. .. .. .. 7688 19 June. Cushion for billiard-tables. G. Thomson, H. Williamson, S. R. Stedman, and D. Rose .. 7780 27 July. Cushion for billiard-tables. 0. W. Constable ... .. .. .. .. 7463 25 Feb. Cutter. (See Pea-cutter, Poison pollard-cutter.) Cutting lining of cases. C. A. Seager .. .. .. .. ■• •• 7531 1 April. Cyanides and ferro-cyanides, Method of and apparatus for obtaining. J. B. Readman .. 7592 11 May. Cyanide oxidizer and agitator. F. Moore and C. P. Hoiland .. .. .. .. 7817 14 Aug. Cyanide, potassic, Apparatus for making. W. M. Mackey .. .. .. .. 7360 4 Jan. Cycle. C. C. Lambert. .. .. .. .. .. • • .. 7658 10 June. Cycles, Chains of and gear-wheels therefor. W. S. Simpson .. .. .. .. 8033 5 Nov. Cycles, Double-speed gearing for. J. Speight .. .. .. ■ ■ • • 8155 23 Dec. Cyclos, Driving-gear for. L. N. Dyhrberg .. .. .. .. .. 8079 20 Nov. Cycles, Driving-gear for. T. Grace .. .. .. .. • • • ■ 8164 30 Dec. Cycles, Gearing of. J. A. Belk .. .. .. .. .. • • 7627 23 May. Cycles, Handle-bar for. H. W. B. Bassett .. .. .. • • • ■ 8120 6 Dec. Cycles, Mud-guard for. G. B. H. Austin .. .. .. .. • • 7413 8 Feb. Cycle, Railway. S. S. Stedman .. .. .. .. .. • • 7773 25 July. Cycles, Wind-guard for. F. Cooper .. .. .. .. • • • • 7376 16 Jan. Cycles. (See also Bicycles, Pedal-action, Velocipedes, Monocycle racing-machine.) Dairy-bucket. T. Garland .. .. .. ' .. .. •. • • 7579 7 May. Dairy factories, Ventilated ceilings for. H. L. Mainland .. .. .. •■ 7403 29 Jan. Damp-proof boots and shoes. G. W. Davies .. .. .. .. • • 7388 22 Jan. Davits for ships' boats. (See Launching boats.) Dental-plates, metal, Method of manufacturing. S. Myers .. .. .. ■. 7981 114 Oct. Desk. M. W. Ferguson .. .. .. .. • • . • ■ • 7585 | 9 May. Detergent for washing clothes. E. H. Featon and E. V. Lnttrell .. .. .. 7905 j2O Sept. Diagonal sails. C.Reynolds.. .. .. .. .. ■■ •• 8139 9 Dec. Dies, Spouting. H. G. Bedell, jun., and L. Bedell .. .. .. .. ■• 7431 18 Feb. Dies, Spouting. H. G. Bedell, jun., and L. Bedell .. .. .. .. • • 8065 18 Nov. Differential gear lock for traction-engines. J. Macalister .. .. . ■ 7449 21 Feb. Dipping pheep. Apparatus for. A. Mcßae .. .. .. ■ • 7588 8 April. Directory, Aerial, and trade advertiser. G. Turner .. .. .. ■ ■ 7796 5 Aug. Disc-implement usable as scarifier or pea-cutter. J. Cockerell and R, H, Harper ~ .. 7987 ,18 Oct.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Dish-cover, Folding. C. E. Wildbore .. .. .. .. .. .. 7624 23 May. Disinfecting fluid. M. Frewen .. .. .. .. .. .. 7474 8 March. Disinfection of refuse, Apparatus for. F. S. Salberg .. .. .. .. 7467 4 March. Disintegrating materials, Process for. F. D. Cummer .. .. .. .. 7466 4 March. Distemper colours, Means of fixing and rendering soluble. E. H. Elliott .. .. 7863 31 Aug. Distributor for doughy or pasty material. J. A. Gunn .. .. .. .. 7511 27 March. Distributor for manure and seed. A. M. Perry .. .. .. .. .. 7751 15 Jul Distributor for poisoned materials. S. McMillan and W. Rundel .. .. .. 7628 23 May. Distributor for pollard, dough, &c. J. Pearson .. .. .. .. .. 7988 18 Oct. Distributor. (See also Manure-distributor, Nozzle, Toxa, Water.) Ditching plough. C. C. Kidd .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7774 16 July. Dogs, Apparatus for liberating at coursing matches. J. Eose .. .. .. .. 7834 19 Aug. Doors, Apparatus for excluding draughts and dust through bottoms of. T. L. Hindley and G. Bini 7860 31 Aug. Door- and sash-fastener. W. Andrews .. .. .. .. .. .. 7922 26 Sep. Door-fastener. K. E. Norrie .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7451 25 Feb. Doors, Folding, for stock wagons. T. G. and A. Colson .. .. .. .. 7601 11 May. Dough-cutting apparatus. S. Wootton, jun. .. .. .. .. .. 7791 1 Aug. Drains, Intercepting trap for. A. Burt .. .. .. .. .. 7656 4 June. Drain-ploughs. H. Greig and G. T. Booth .. .. .. .. .. 7807 10 Aug. Drain- and track-cutting apparatus. H. M. Meredith .. .. .. .. 7693 21 June. Drain. (See also Anti-tile drain apparatus, Sewers.) Draught animals, Connecting to vehicles. T. H. Brigg .. .. .. .. 7939 2 Oct. Draughts, Preventing. (See Doors.) Drawing, sketching and designing tables. J. Hough and S. J. Laughlin .. .. .. 7626 23 May. Drawings and maps, Instrument to facilitate copying. W. Tyree .. .. .. 7952 4 Oct. Dredges. W. and W. H. Cutten .. .. .. .. .. .. 7843 21 Aug. Dredging-machines, Tumbler for. D. Williams .. .. .. .. .. 7694 21 June. Dredging. (See also Buckets, Gold-dredging.) Dress. (See Life-saving dress.) Dressing; winnowing, and separating machine. H. Hall .. .. .. .. 8046 6 Nov. Drills, Spring ridging, plough for. A. Storrie .. .. .. .. .. 7613 15 May. Drills, Feeder for use on. Massey-Harris Go. (Limited) .. .. .. .. 7824 15 Aug. Drills, combined, Attachment to. Southland Farmers' Implement and Engineering Company 8148 16 Dec. (Limited) Drills. (See also Rock-drills, Grain-drills.) Driving-bits for horses. H. Small .. .. .. .. .. .. 7861 31 Aug. Driving-gear for bicycles. E. Segar .. .. .. .. .. .. 7826 20 Aug. Driving-gear for bicycles. C. E. Usher .. .. .. .. .. .. 7908 19 Sept. Driving-gear for bicycles. W. J. Barlow .. .. .. .. .. .. 8078 19 Nov. Driving-gear for cycles. L. N. Dyhrberg.. .. .. .. .. .. 8079 20 Nov. Driving-gear for cycles. T. Grace .. .. .. .. .. .. 8164 30 Dec. Driving mechanism for bicycles, &c. J. McKeegan .. .. .. .. .. 7953 3 Oct. Drums, cans, &c, Method of making. J. Banbury .. .. .. .. .. 7600 13 May Dryer. (See Clothes-dryer, Kiln-dryer.) Drying and disintegrating process. F. T. Cummer .. .. .. .. .. 7466 4 March. Drying or warming boots, Arrangement for. W. H. Hazard .. .. .. .. 7767 24 July. Ear-mark for sheep or cattle. A. L. Macdonald .. .. .. .. .. 7542 10 April. Eaves-spout. O. Deacon .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7816 12 Aug. Eggs, Apparatus for beating. E. A. and H. Wakeman .. .. .. .. 7385 21 Jan. Egg-tester. W. Tyree .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7804 10 Aug. Election polling-station fittings. Flere and Mills (Limited) .. .. .. .. 7929 27 Sept. Electrical currents, Methods of and apparatus for measuring. 0. B. Shallenberger .. .. 7438 21 Feb. Electrical device for detecting removals from hooks, nails, &c. R. Tolley .. .. .. 7733 8 July. Electrical purposes, Carbon for. C. P. Shrewsbury and F. L. Marshall .. .. .. 7616 21 May. Electrical purposes, Gauge for. A. E. Woodhouse .. .. .. .. .. 7846 21 Aug. Electrical boilers for heating. J. Chambers .. .. .. .. .. 8124 5 Dec. Electrically coating non-conducting articles, Process for. H. N. McLeod .. .. 7708 28 June. Electrical hot-plates, and apparatus for cooking and heating purposes. J. Chambers .. 8053 8 Nov. Electrical stampers for ore-crushing. C. G. Evenson.. .. .. .. .. 7799 8 Aug. Electrical resistance-wires, Medium for insulating and embedding. J. Chambers .. .. 7983 16 Oct. Electric batteries. C. J. Wollaston .. .. .. .. .. .. 7509 27 March. Electric batteries. 0. P. Shrewsbury and J. Dobell.. .. .. .. .. 8091 27 Nov. Electric cars. A. H. Brintnell .. .. .. .. .. .. 8162 23 Dec. Electrical conductors, Means for insulating. T. Guillaume .. .. .. .. 7893 14 Sept. Electrical conductors, Means for insulating. T. Guillaume .. .. .. .. 8089 27 Nov. Electricity, Motive-power for generating. J. H. Pledger .. .. .. .. 7728 4 July. Electricity, Means of preserving meat by. E. Waters .. .. .. .. 7759 19 July. Electricity. (See also Carbon, Gold, Zinc.) Electric lighter. B. Wolinski .. .. .. .. .. .. 7879 9 Sept. Electric sheep-shearing machine. J. B. Jackson .. .. .. .. .. 8005 26 Oct. Electric starting-machine. J. Gaut .. .. .. .. .. .. 8014 29 Oct. Electro-medico combination-table. A. Leslie .. .. , .. . .. 7370 12 Jan. Electro-motors and electro-magnetic apparatus. The Alternate-current Electro-motor Syndicate 8140 14 Dec. (Limited) Elevator and overhead conveyor, race-starting machine, &c, combined. C. Snowden .. 7398 30 Jan. Embrocation. C. R. Joyce and R. Falconer .. .. .. .. .. 7809 13 Aug. Engine. (See Gas-engine, Governor, Motor, Petroleum-engine, Steam-engine, Traction-engine, Oil-engine.) Ensilage-press. J. Keir .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8025 31 Oct. Envelope. A. H. Krause .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8050 9 Nov. Envelope, Advertising. B. Moss .. .. .. .. .. .. 7397 30 Jan. Envelopes, Attachment to, for opening. T. de R. Harman .. .. .. .. 7878 5 Sept. Envelopes, Fastening device for. C. H. Reed .. .. .. .. .. 8115 6 Dec. Envelope and letter-paper, Combined. M. E. Cuming .. .. .. .. 7832 20 Aug. Envelopes and wrappers. A. H. Krause .. .. .. .. .. .. 8054 13 Nov. Envelope. (See also Postal envelope.) Escape. (See Fire-escape.)

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Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Excluding draughts and dust, Apparatus for. G. Bini and T. L. Hindley .. .. 7860 31 Aug. Exhausting apparatus. S. H. Wright .. .. .. .. .. .. 7722 4 July. Explosive. F. W. Bawden .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7719 4 July. Explosive compounds. A. C. Rand .. .. .. .. .. .. 7689 20 June. Explosive, Safety. J. A. Wallace .. .. .. .. .. .. 7685 19 June. Extension-tables, &c. G. Stephen .. .. .. .. .. .. 7625 23 May. Extinguisher. (See Candle-extinguisher, Fire-extinguisher.) Extract. (See Meat-extract.) Extractor. (See Gold-extractor, Stump-extractor, Iron-extractor, Metal-extractor.) Fastener. (See Window-sash fastener, Door-fastener.) Fastening device for cams of stamp-mills. E. A. Blanton .. .. .. .. 7605 15 May. Fastening device for envelopes, boxes, &c. C.H.Reid .. .. .. .. 8115 6 Dec. Feeder for use on drills. Massey-Harris Co. (Limited) .. .. .. .. 7824 15 Aug. Feeding-trough. J. Crawley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7513 — March. Fence. (See Rabbit-trapping fence, Wire fencing, Wire-strainer.) Fencing posts and standards. G. and G. Wratten .. .. .. .. 7918 25 Sept. Fencing standards. J. McCreath .. .. .. .. .. .. 7960 7 Oct. Fencing standards. E. M. Murley .. .. .. .. .. .. 7969 10 Oct. Fencing-wire holder. J. Macalister .. .. .. .. .. .. 7730 2 July. Ferris wheel, Safety-cars and gearing for. J. Sheppard .. .. .. .. 7484 8 March. Ferro-cyanide. (See Cyanide). Fertilising compound. E. Richardson, jun. ' .. .. .. .. .. 7765 19 July. Fibre. (See Flax.) Filler or funnel. R. W. Davies .. .. .. .. .. .. 7641 29 May. Filling boxes with matches, Machines for. J. W. Denmead, C. H. Palmer, and J. A. Baughman 7568 29 April. Finger-ring for striking matches. A. H. Hart and B. L. Latham .. .. .. 7623 21 May. Fire-bars, Appliance to conduct air through. J. Carter .. .. .. .. 7855 29 Aug. Fire-escape, Guide to. M. Orchard .. .. .. .. .. .. 7906 20 Sept. Fire-extinguisher or shower-bath. B. Hindle .. .. .. .. .. 7517 27 March, Fire-grate, Double revolvable. L. Davies and A. le C. de Lautreppe .. .. .. 7557 19 April. Firing grass, Apparatus for. W. Tyree .. .. .. .. .. .. 7954 5 Oct. Fish-joint for railways. M. Belk .. .. .. .. .. .. 7356 3 Jan. Flax-dresser. W. J. Dufaur and J. A. Donaldson .. .. .. .. .. 8112 4 Dec. Flax-fibre, Process of improving quality of. R. Chambers .. .. .. .. 7445 19 Feb. Flax-fibre and tow, Process of ridding of gum. J. R. Lamb .. .. .. .. 7506 26 March. Flax, Process for preparation of fibre of. R. Chambers .. .. .. .. 7444 19 Feb. Flax, Process for treatment of. T. Branton .. .. .. .. .. 8108 2 Dec. Flexible harrows. J. Robb .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7753 19 July. Flongs for producing matrices for stereotyping. G. Eastwood .. .. .. .. 7577 2 May. Flooding in subaqueous works, Process for minimising danger of. W.Simpson .. .. 7670 11 June. Floor-cloths, Machinery for manufacturing. C. E. Lucas, C. F. Leake, and H. W. Godfrey .. 7801 8 Aug. Floor-cloths, Method and apparatus for manufacturing. W. Mather .. .. .. 7942 1 Oct. Flooring and lining, Lever-cramp for. H. Childs .. .. .. .. .. 8099 26 Nov. Flour, Method of showing proportions of gluten and starch in. P. C. K. Young .. .. 8169 24 Dec. Flushing water-closets, Apparatus for. H. Thomson .. .. .. .. 7609 15 May. Flushing water-closets, sewers, &c, Appliances for. H. Thomson .. .. .. 8041 6 Nov. Food, Appliance for cooking. F. J. Bidmeade .. .. .. .. .. 8096 26 Nov. Food, Method of preserving fresh. J. Harrison .. .. .. .. .. 7821 16 Aug. Food for horses and cattle. J. Leigh .. .. .. .. .. .. 7931 28 Sept. Food for cattle. (See also Blood.) Food for poultry, pigs, &c. D. W. Fessey .. .. .. .. .. 8063 14 Nov. Food. (See also Cooking.) Foot, Artificial. K. Graf .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7472 2 March. Foot-mats. C. V. Jenkins .. .. .. .. .. ' .. .. 7810 13 Aug. Foot-rot cure. J. Turner and T. W. Strack .. .. .. .. .. 7621 18 May. Foot-rot in sheep, Cure for. W. A. Graham .. .. .. .. .. 7539 6 April. Force-feed for seeding implements. A. Storrie .. .. .. .. .. 8077 19 Nov. Force-feed for sowing manure. R. Gray .. .. .. .. .. 8086 21 Nov. Fork-holder. T. G. Vinson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7873 11 Jan. Foundation pile for framed wooden structures. J.Mitchell .. .. .. .. 8152 17 Dec. Freezing-machine. G. W. Davies .. .. .. .. .. .. 7964 7 Oct. Freezing. (See also Cooling, Preserving, Refrigerating.) Friction on ships, Method of diminishing. W. Haines .. .. .. .. 8016 30 Oct. Fruit, dried, Apparatus for packing. E. N. Legge .. .. .. .. .. 7380 19 Jan. Fruit-tree sprayer. J. H. and W. Joll .. .. .. .. .. .. 7917 25 Sept. Frying-pan and cover. H. Amos .. .. .. .. .. .. 7622 20 May. Frying-pans, Cover for. A. L. J. Tait .. .. .. .. .. .. 7805 6 Aug. Fuel, Artificial. G. S. and C. Cory .. .. .. .. .. .. 7700 24 June. Fuel-composition. E. Waters .. .. .. .. .. .. 7692 20 June. Fuel, Method of economizing. G. Lindsay .. .. .. .. .. 8138 12 Dec. Fuel, liquid, Burners for. J. C. Lee, S. Walton, and W. G. Scott .. .. .. 7676 11 June. Fuel, Process of making. G. J. Altham .. .. .. .. .. .. 7523 1 April. Funnel. R. W. Davies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7641 29 May. Funnel. (See also Hydraulic.) Furnace fixings. A. G. Christopher and R. Brinsley .. .. .. .. 7650 4 June. Furnace, Steam-boiler. J. Warnock .. .. .. .. .. .. 7999 23 Oct. Furnace for destroying garbage, nightsoil, &c. R.Hudson .. .. .. .. 8116 6 Dec. Furnaces, Means of increasing heat in. C. V. Potter .. .. .. .. 8100 29 Nov. Furnace. (See also Boiler, Fire-bars, Fuel, Steam.) Furniture, Appliance for raising and lowering. W. J. Dalton .. .. .. .. 7394 25 Jan. Furniture, Spring. W. Angell .. .. .. .. .. .. 7705 24 June. Furniture castors. J. W. Mullon .. .. .. .. .. .. 8056 12 Nov. Furniture. (See also Castors, Tables.) Fusees. (See Matches.) Galvanic batteries. W. R. Cotham .. .. .. .. .. .. 8008 26 Oct. Game. F. D. Ferguson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7408 6 Feb. Game or puzzle. F. D. Ferguson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7407 5 Feb.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Garden label carrier. F. E. and C. J. Chapman .. .. .. .. .. 7731 4 July. Garden spraying-machine. W. J. Shanly and D. Macnamara .. .. .. .. 7736 10 July. Garment pockets. E. J. Ourran .. .. .. .. .. • • 8001 25 Oct. Garments. (See also Trousers, Waterproof garments.) Gas, Apparatus for producing. A. and S. Baldwin .. .. .. .. . ■ 7819 16 Aug. Gas- or vapour-motors, Gearing for. G. Aickin and R. Caldwell .. .. .. 7898 16 Sept. Gas apparatus for obtaining light and heat. The De Mare Incandescent Gaslight System 8106 9 Dec. (Limited) Gas-burners, Solution for illuminant mantles for. W. Hooker.. .. .. .. 8010 28 Oct. Gas-engines. H. T. Reid .. .. .. .. .. .• • • 7404 4 Feb. Gas-engine, Arrangement for starting. A. Niemczik .. .. .. •• 7487 14 March. Gas, Mediums for igniting. J. F. Duke .. .. .. .. .. •• 7904 19 Sept. Gas-meter apparatus. F. Wright .. .. .. .. • • ■ • §071 20 Nov. Gas-meters, Wet. W. J. Warner and W. Cowan .. .. .. .. • • 7491 20 March. Gas-motor engines, Cars propelled by. H. P. Holt .. .. .. .. .. 7721 4 July. Gas street-lamps, Apparatus for lighting and extinguishing. W. White and J. A. Wallace .. 7889 9 Sept. Gas. (See also Illuminant, Hydro-carbon gas.) Gates, Self-closing (usable also as race-starting machine, &c). C. Snowden .. .. 7398 30 Jan. Gates. E. Waters .. .. .. .. . • • • • ■ • • 7851 26 Aug. Gauge for electrical purposes. A. E. Woodhouse .. .. .. .. .. 7846 24 Aug. Glass, Production of corrugated. W. L. Pilkington .. .. .. .. .. 7822 16 Aug. Glove, Waterproof, for cleaning and polishing. J. S. Scarr .. .. .. .. 8038 5 Nov. Glycerine, Process of obtaining from spent lyes. W. F. Jobbins and J. van Ruymbeke .. 8037 5 Nov. Gold amalgamation, Process for. E. L. Oppermann, E. Fischer, and C. T. J. Oppermann .. 8090 27 Nov. Gold-amalgamator. W. Watson .. .. .. . • • • • ■ 7797 6 Aug. Gold-amalgamator. A. L. J. Tait. .. .. .. . • ■ ■ ■ • 8028 29 Oct. Gold-bearing antimony-ores, Process for treating. J. J. Christmas .. .. .. 7584 9 May Gold-bearing sand, Apparatus for extracting iron from. E. Purser .. .. .. 7470 4 Marc Gold-concentrator. A.G.Robinson .. .. .. .. .. •■ 8061 16 Nov. Gold-concentrator and -amalgamator. T. W. Jeans .. .. .. ■ • 7974 14 Oct. Gold-dredging machinery. H. Benjamin .. .. .. .. • • 7401 29 Jan. Gold-dredging machinery. A. J. Park .. .. .. .. .. • • 8123 2 Dec. Gold-dredging. (See also Buckets, Dredging.) Gold-dredging, Pick-and-shovel machine for. R. Cockerell .. .. .. .. 7963 8 Oct. Gold-extracting machine. D. Richardson .. .. .. . - • ■ 8067 15 Nov. Gold-extracting processes and apparatus. L. de Rigaud .. .. .. .. 8143 14 Dec. Gold-extractor. L. Pelatan and F. Clerici .. .. .. . ■ ■ • 7441 21 Feb. Gold, fine, Method of saving. W. Eckersley and R. Langford .. .. .. .. 7473 6 March. Gold, Method of obtaining, from antimony. W. J. Studds .. .. .. ■ • 8121 6 Dec. Gold-ores, antimonial, Process for treatment of. R. C. Beveridge .. .. .. 7872 4 Sept. Gold precipitated from chloride solution, Method of recovery of. J. W. Sutton .. .. 7469 4 March. Gold, Process of extracting from ores. B. C. Hinman .. .. .. .. 7884 10 Sept. Gold-saver. W. H. Scott .. .. .. . • •. ■ ■ ■ ■ 8098 22 Nov. Gold-saver for quartz reefs D. H. Pattie .. .. .. .. • ■ 7597 13 May. Gold-saving appliances. T. H. Davidson .. .. .. .. ■ • 8107 29 Nov. Gold-saving machine. C. J. Horneman . .. .. • • • • 7666 11 June. Gold-saving, Method of. G. Munro .. .. .. .. • • • • 7423 13 Feb. Gold-separating apparatus. C. Phillips .. .. ; . .. . ■ • • 7728 4 July. Gold and silver, Apparatus for extracting from ores. O. C. Heiden .. .. .. 7374 15 Jan. Gold- and silver-extractor. A. G. French .. .. .. - - ■ • 7813 9 Aug. Gold and silver, Method of and apparatus for extracting from ores. O. C. Heiden .. .. 7374 15 Jan. Gold and silver, Method of separating from other materials. N.S.Keith.. .. .. 7481 12 March. Gold- and silver-ores, Apparatus for triturating and amalgamating. W. H. Richardson and J. T. 7457 28 Feb. Penny Gold and silver, Process and apparatus for extracting. The Cassel Gold-extracting Company 7G91 20 June. (Limited) Gold and silver, Process for extracting. P. de Wilde .. .. .. •. 7004 14 May. Gold and silver, Process for extracting. J. A. Walker .. .. .. • • 7897 16 Sept. Gold and silver, Process for extracting. A. C. Suttie .. .. .. ..8160 20 Dec. Gold and silver, Process for recovery of. E. D. Kendall .. .. .. - • 7858 31 Aug. Gold and silver, Solvents for extraction of. A. Schmidt .. .. .. • ■ 7583 8 May. Gold. (See also Amalgamator, Antimony, Auriferous, Battery, Buckets, Concentrator, Cradling, Cyanide, Dredging, Ferro-cyanide, Metals, Ore, Quartz-crusher, Separation, Sluicing, Stamp.) Gorse-clipper. G. Watson and J. Graham .. .. .. • • • • 7840 19 Aug. Governor for back-slide cut-off steam-engines. W. F. Meyenberg .. .. .. 7921 27 Sept. Governor for traction-engines. J. Durward, H. J. and G. Topliss .. .. .. 7781 30 July. Governor-valves. E. B. Walworth .. .. .. • • • • • • 7818 15 Aug. Grain-drilling machines. Bickford and Huffman Company .. .. .. • ■ 7757 19 July. Grass, Instrument for setting fire to. W. Tyree .. .. .. • • • • 7954 5 Oct. Grass-reaper. A. Brown .. .. .. .. • • •• • • 8070 20 Nov. Grass-seed, Apparatus for packing, in sacks. C. L. Wheeler .. .. .. . • 7442 22 Feb. Grate. (See Fire-grate.) Grating. (See Sump-grating.) Grinding. (See Crushing.) Guard. (See Wind-guard, Toe-guard.) Guns, Combustion-chamber for. J. C. Husband .. .. • • • • •• , 7602 14 May. Hair-clipping machine. E. W. C. Cox and G. Bowmar .. .. . • .. 8073 20 Nov. Hair-clipping. (See also Clipping, Shearing.) Hair, Shears for. G. Bowmar .. .. .. . ■ • • • • 7465 4 March. Hames. (See Collars and Hames.) Hammer. (See Staple-hammer.) Hand-kilter and -designer. J. Beardmore .. .. • • • • • • 7375 16 Jan. Handle-bar for cycles. H. W. B. Bassett .. .. •• •■ •• 8120 6 Dec. Handles of cricket-bats. E. Sefton .. .. • ■ • • • • • • 8095 28 Nov. Harness-gear. S. V. Buskirk .. .. .. • • • • • • • • 7760 19 July. Harness. S. V. Buskirk .. .. .. • • • • • ■ • • 8006 26 Oct. Harness. G. Telfer .. .. .. . • • • • • • • 7477 11 March.

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Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Harrow, Flexible steel-tined. G. J. Wallace and W. T. Masson .. .. .. 7644 5 June. Harrows, Flexible. J. Robb .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7753 19 July Harrow. J. Speedy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8060 15 Nov. Harrow. (See also Clip-harrow.) Harvester and binder, Knotters for. G. R. Hale .. .. .. .. .. 8102 29 Nov. Harvester. (See also Potato-harvester.) Hat, Apparatus for securing, to head. W. Brew and B. Stanfield .. .. .. 8109 2 Dec. Hauling apparatus. J. C. Husband .. .. .. .. .. .. 7614 20 May. Heating. (See Electrical boilers, Electrical hot-plates, Furnaces, Gas, Water-heater.) Hermetically sealing metal boxes, Method of. A. G. Buttifant and J. Gersant .. .. 7498 20 March. Hermetically-sealed vessels. J. J. Stone, J. P. Wright, and H. E. Pratten .. .. 8119 6 Dee. Hides and skins, Method of preparing, for tanning. W. Harper and W. E. Field .. .. 7990 18 Oct. Hides and skins, Process for treating. J. Mackintosh and A. K. Y. Anderson .. .. 7578 3 May. Hides and skins, Process for treating. J. Mackintosh and A. K. Y. Anderson .. .. 7744 15 July. Hinge for back seat of buggy. W. H. Mathieson .. .. .. .. .. 7387 .21 Jan. Hoists, Gear for. A. D. Dobson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7726 4 July. Hook and eye. J. W. Jones .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8018 29 Oct. Horse-cloth. J. O'Neill .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7570 30 April. Horse-collars. E. Barton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7618 21 May. Horse-cover. J. and J, Wiseman .. .. .. .. .. .. 7474 1 March. Horse-cover. W. A. Dimick .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7712 28 June. Horse-cover. J. and J. Wiseman .. .. .. .. .. .. 7827 14 Aug. Horse-covers. R. F. Webster .. .. .. .. .. .. 8170 24 Dec. Horses, Cruppers for. E. Smethurst and H. Cave .. .. .. .. .. 7932 27 Sept. Horses, Driving-bits for. H. Small .. .. .. .. .. .. 7861 31 Aug. Horses, Dry food for. J. Leigh .. .. .. .. .. .. 7931 28 Sept. Horses, Safety-harness for. G. Telfer .. .. .. .. .. .. 7477 11 March. Horse-shoe. G. J. Cooze .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8154 21 Dec. Hurdle, Safety.. W. G. Grey .. .. .. .. .. .. 7674 7 June. Hydraulic Injector Funnel. E. R. Groves .. .. .. .. .. 7518 29 March. Hydraulic sluicing-race. E. R. Groves .. .. .. .. .. .. 7355 3 Jan. Hydrocarbon gas, Process of production and consumption of. T. L. Willson .. .. 7490 20 March. Hydro-carbon. (See also Kerosene.) Ice-rinks. J. Fishburn .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7378 18 Jan. Ice-safe. M. Kreissig .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7950 4 Oct. Igniting gas, Mediums for. J. F. Duke .. .. .. .. .. .. 7904 19 Sept. Illuminant for lamps and candles. J. A. Wallace and J. C. Robertson .. .. .. 8074 20 Nov. lUuminant mantles for gas-burners, Solution for. W. Hooker .. .. .. 8010 28 Oct. Implement. (See Disc-implement.) Inanimate objects for sportsmen. A. N. Whitney .. .. .. .. .. 7541 5 April. Inhalation of vapours, Appliances for. J. H. Reed and T. Bury .. .. .. 7752 19 July. Insect-destroyer. S. Richter .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7554 17 April. Insulating electric conductors, Means for. T. Guilleaume .. .. .. .. 7893 14 Sept. Insulating electric conductors, Means for. T. Guilleaume .. .. .. .. 8089 27 Nov. Insulation. (See Telephonic.) Intercepting trap for drains. A. Burt .. .. .. .. .. .. 7656 4 June. Iron, Extraction of, from gold-bearing sand. E. Purser .. .. .. .. 7470 4 March. Iron. (See also Steel, Soldering-iron.) Ironsand briquettes. E. Purser .. .. .. .. .. .. 8094 28 Nov. Jack. (See Lifting-jack.) Jacket. (See Vest.) Joint. (See Fish-joint, Railway joint, Weatherboarding-joint.) Keg-washing machinery. C. L. Kline .. .. .. .. .. .. 7755 19 July. Kerosene-lamp syphon. A. L. J. Tait .. .. .. .. .. .. 7464 26 Feb. Kerosene-oil tap. W.Morton.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7556 19 April. Kerosene-pump. A. Billens .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7629 22 May. Kerosene-shale, Treatment of, for production of hydro-carbons. R. C. Beveridge and J. C. 7887 10 Sept. Alexander Kerosene syphon-pump. D. Dunn .. .. .. .. .. .. 8040 6 Nov. Kerosene tins, Tap for. H. Credgington .. .. .. .. .. .. 7784 1 Aug. Kerosene tins, Tap for. T. Zwicker, A. Tod, and G. Barnes .. .. .. .. 8118 6 Dec. Kerosene. (See Illuminant, Lamp, Syphon.) Kiln-drier for oats, &c. R. Doull .. .. .. .. .. .. 7411 8 Feb. Kilter. (See Hand-kilter.) Knife-cleaning apparatus. T. E. Danks .. .. .. .. .. .. 7657 7 June. Knife-cleaner. T. Holroyd .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7717 4 July. Knife-cleaner. J. Tasker and G. M. Gardner .. .. .. .. .. 7779 31 July. Knives. (See Pocket-knives.) Knotters for harvester-binders. G. R. Hale .. .. .. .. .. 8102 29 Nov. Labelling-machine, Can. W. G. Trethewey .. .. .. .. .. 7734 12 July. Labelling-machine, Can. E. W. Cornell and F. H. Knapp .. .. .. .. 8103 29 Nov. Label. (See Garden label carrier.) Lace-boots. G. Lewis .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7519 29 March. Ladder-stay. F. M. Dicker .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7648 6 June. Lambs, Appliance for operating upon. J. Moderate and J. Godber .. .. .. 7882 6 Sept. Lamps. L. F. Betts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7697 22 June. Lamps. (See also Buggy-lamps, Illuminant, Non-combustible wick and lamp, Oilcan and lamp, Syphon.) Lamp-holder. T. W. Hickson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7515 29 March. Lamp-socket. T. Goodwin .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7811 8 Aug. Lamp-wicks. A. E. Woodhouse .. .. .. .. .. .. 8052 8 Nov. Launching boats, Apparatus for. E.Thomas .. .. .. .. .. 7482 12 March. Launching boats, Apparatus for. E. Thomas .. .. .. .. .. 7703 26 June. Launching boats, Apparatus for. H. S. E. Hobday .. .. .. .. .. 7749 15 July. Launching ships'boats, Apparatus for. D.Jones .. .. .. .. .. 7446 19 Feb. Launching ships' boats, Apparatus for. W. Tyree .. .. .. .. .. 7742 12 July. Launching ships' boats, Davits for. H. McGilvray and A. Dray .. .. .. 7503 21 March.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Letter-card. G. Aitkens .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7654 7 June. Letter-clip. W. McKinnon and J. G. McCrea .. .. .. .. .. 7659 10 June. Letter-paper and envelope combined. M. E. Cuming .. .. .. .. 7832 20 Aug. Letter pillar-boxes and-bags. S. N. yon Stunner, G. M. Harden, and J. Gell .. .. 8039 6 Nov. Levelling- and traversing-head for theodolites. A. I. Littlejohn and P. Still .. .. 7665 11 June. Lever and body-rest for two-wheeled vehicles. J. Fogarty and W. T. Widdowson .. .. 7450 21 Feb. Lever-cramp for flooring and lining. H. Childs .. .. .. .. .. 8099 26 Nov. Lever and pawl. J. 0. Husband .. .. .. .. .. .. 8021 31 Oct. Life-boat, collapsible. F. A. Broughton .. .. .. .. .. .. 7389 24 Jan. Life-saving dress. D. A. Douglas .. .. .. .. .. .. 7640 29 May. Lifting-jack. J. K. Mawson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7930 26 Sept. Lifting-jack. W. S. Pillans .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7890 21 Aug. Lifting-jack. W. S. Pillans .. .. .. .. .. .. » .. 8083 20 Nov. Light. (See Gas, Illuminant, Lamps.) Lighter. (See Electric-lighter.) Lines, Apparatus for heaving. W. Tyree .. .. .. .. .. 7664 11 June. Lining and flooring, Lever-cramp for. H. Childa .. .. .. .. .. 8099 26 Nov. Lining of cases, Apparatus for cutting. C. A. Seager .. .. .. .. 7531 1 April. Liquid fuel-burners. W. G. Scott and J. C. Lee .. .. .. .. .. 7676 11 June. Liquids. (See Aerated liquids.) Locality-plan for cards, billheads, &c. G. O. Rosenberg .. .. .. .. 7852 31 Aug. Looks. (See Nut-lock, Seal-locks, Window-sash-look.) Locomotive smoke-consumer. E.Hayes.. .. .. .. .. .. 7777 29 July. Log-shoe or sledge. W. Watson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7400 30 Jan. Logs, Rafting. J. A. Walker .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7833 19 Aug. Looms. R. Glendining, J. P. Faulds, and G. E. Beaumont .. .. .. .. I 8030 2 Nov. Mail- and treasure-barge. W. Akersten .. .. .. .. .. .. 7788 2 Aug. Manure, Artificial. S. Bright.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7645 5 June. Manures.. (See also Fertilising.) Manures, Canister, for sowing. T. E. Sapwell .. .. .. .. .. 7499 15 March. Manure-distributors. J. Macalister .. .. .. .. .. .. 7599 13 May. Manure, Force-feed for sowing. R. Gray .. .. .. .. .. 8086 21 Nov. Marker. (See Chain-marker.) Marking meat, Device for. G. R. Stack .. .. .. .. .. .. 7735 9 July. Marking meat, Instrument for. R. W. Hammond .. .. .. .. .. 7486 18 March. Match-box. H. Thompson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8027 2 Nov. Match-box-filling machine. J. W. Denmead, C. H. Palmer, and J. A. Baughman .. .. 7568 29 April. Matches, fusees, &o. G. W. Thomas .. .. .. .. .. .. 8104 28 Nov. Matches, Finger-ring for striking. A. H. Hart and B. L. Latham .. .. .. 7623 21 May. Matches, New method of water-proofing. A. S. Ford .. .. .. .. 7795 5 Aug. Matches. (See also Wax matches.) Matrices for stereotyping, Flongs for. G. Eastwood .. .. .. .. 7557 2 May. Mats. (See Foot-mats.) Mattress, Spring. Hygienic Spring Mattress Company .. .. .. .. 7768 25 July. Maps, Test and teaching. A. Heathcote .. .. .. .. .. 7992 21 Oct. Measuring attachment to canisters. A. L. J. Tait .. .. .. .. .. 7764 18 July. Measuring electrical currents, Methods of. O. B. Shallenberger .. .. .. 7438 21 Feb. Meat, Device for broiling. J. C. Husband .. .. .. .. .. 7713 1 July. Meat, Device for marking. G. R. Strack .. .. .. .. .. 7735 9 July. Meat-extract and fatty matters, Process for obtaining. W. B. Sharpe and B. Clarke .. 7859 31 Aug. Meat, Instrument for marking. R.W.Hammond .. .. .. .. .. 7486 13 March. Meat, frozen, Method of treating. J. A. Linley .. .. .. .. .. 7948 4 Oct. Meat. (See also Cooling, Freezing, Refrigerator, Weighing.) Mechanical toy. A. H. Hart .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7381 18 Jan. Medicinal and disinfecting fluid. M. Frewen .. .. .. .. .. 7474 8 March. Medicine. (See Cure of headache, Cure of rheumatism, Foot-root cure, Sheep medicine, Stomach-worm mixture.) Metallic wheel and axle. J. Davis .. .. .. .. .. .. 7989 18 Oct._ Metal lining of cases, Tool for cutting. C. A. Seager .. .. .. .. 7531 1 April. Metals, Method of extracting. C. Hoepfner .. .. .. .. .. 7772 25 July. Metals, precious, Alloying-plant for. D. R. S. Galbraith .. .. .. .. 7647 5 June. Metals, precious, Apparatus for separating from ores. L. Pelatan and F. Clerici .. .. 7874 3 Sept. Metals, precious, Concentrating- and amalgamating-machine for. J. Robinson .. .. 7971 12 Oct. Metals, precious, Process of extracting. C. O'Brien .. .. .. .. 7962 4 Oct. Metals, precious, Process of extracting. O. Frolieh .. .. .. .. 7941 1 Oct. Metals, Process of extracting. J. J. Hood .. .. .. .. .. 7425 14 Feb. Metals, Process of separating from blendes. M. A. J. Roux .. .. .. .. 7458 28 Feb. Metals. (See also Amalgamator, Concentrator, Gold, Minerals.) Meters. (See Gas-meters.) Milk aerator. J. Macaulay and A. Morrison .. .. .. .. .. 7652 5 June. Milk aerator. J. Anderson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7680 11 June. Milk aerator. R. Crowe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7871 4 Sept. Milk aerator and cooler. P. Thomson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7888 10 Sept. Milk aerator and cooler. J. Nicol .. .. .. .. .. .. 7899 19 Sept. Milk aerator and cooler. F. J. King .. .. .. .. .. .. 7925 26 Sept. Milk aerator and cooler. J. and S. Hardley .. .. .. .. .. 7978 18 Oct. Milk aerator and cooler. A. Stubbs .. .. .. .. .. .. 8097 28 Nov. Milk aerator and coooler. A. H. Moorhouse .. .. .. .. .. 8156 18 Dec. Milk-cans. R. Walker .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7701 21 June. Milking-machines, Teat-cups of. J. Hartnett and D. M. Robison .. .. .. 7544 10 April. Milking-machines. A. Shiels .. .. .. .. .. .. 7771 25 July. Milking-machines. L. Davies .. .. .. .. .. .. 7856 29 Aug. Milk, Process for sterilising. J. H. Kitson .. .. .. .. .. 7545 18 April. Milk refrigerator. B. B6ggild .. .. .. ..' .. .. 7368 11 Jan. Milk-testing apparatus and compound. W. H. Gaze .. .. .. .. 7540 6 April. Mills. (See Crushing, Stamps.) Minerals, Concentration of. J. C. Fell .. .. .. .. .. . • 7608 15 May.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Minerals. (See Gold, Metals.) Mining. (See Gold, Placer-mining.) Mixer. (See Poisoned pollard-mixer.) Monoeycle racing-machine. L. Davies and H. J. Cunningham .. .. .. 7573 27 April. Moorings for yachts, &c. J. C. Freeth and 0. G. Allen 7977 X 6 Oct Motive-power, Machinery for obtaining. J. W. MoDougall .. .. .. 7555 18 April Motor. J. P. W. Schadick .. .. .. .. ~ 7354 27 Aug Motors. (See Electro-motors, Engine, Gas-motor, Tramway-motors, Vapour-motor.) Moulding-presses. C. Pratten .. 7395 go j an Mouthpieces for cigarettes. The American Tobacco Company of New Zealand (Limited) .. 7823 16 Aug Mouthpieces for pipes, cigars, and cigarettes. H. Dixson .. .. ' .. 7686 19 June. Mouths of animals, Apparatus for opening. S. van Busldrk and C. Martin .. 7761 19 July.' Mud from roads, Machine for lifting. C. Walkden .. \ M 7485 11 March. Musical instrument. D. Rugg and A. E. Argall .. 8045 8 Nov Nail, Hoofing. C. L. Croxford .. .. 7353 24 Aug Nail and washer. J. Mitchell .. 8085 26 Nov Night-commode. O. Silcock .. .. 7588 7 May Nightsoil, Furnace for destroying. R.Hudson .. 8116 6 Dec' Non-combustible wicks, and lamps for same. G. Aitkens and J. A. Pike .. 7420 13 Feb. Nozzle for distributing water. H. S. Chipman .. 8117 6 Dec Nut-lock. R. A. Hervey .... j ] 7534 4 April Oats, Kiln-dryer for. R. Doull .. .. \\ 7411 gp^ Oil-can. D. Porter ...... " 7410 7 p e £,' Oil-can and lamp combined. G. H. Marsden .. _' [ 7551 9 April. Oil- and gas-engines. H. T. Reid .. .. ~ 7404 4j^ Oils or fatty matters, Process for recovering. Floating Metal Company (Limited) .. .*.' 8168 28 Deo'. Ointment. J. Drumm .. .. 7763 16 July Opener. (See Oyster-opener, Tin-opener.) Ore amalgamating plate. D. R. S. Galbraith .. .. .. 7646 5 June Ores, Apparatus' for concentrating. T. White, C. G. Lyon, and W. R. Beeston 7587 9 May' Ores, Apparatus for separation of precious metals from. L. Pelatan and F. Clerici .. .. 7874 3 Sept Ores, Centrifugal separators for. 0. B. Peck .. 7868 4 Sept' Ores, Centrifugal separators for. 0. B. Peck 78(39 4 g e pt' Ores, crushed, Process for treatment of. Floating Metal Company (Limited) ~ 8035 5 Nov' Ores, Electrical stampers for crushing. C. G. Evenson .'. 7799 8 Aug' Ores, Means of concentrating. W. J. Hammond and J. Gordon .. 7720 4 July. Ores, Method of extraction of gold and silver from. 0. C. Heiden ,', 7974 15 Jan ' Ores, Pneumatic stamps for crushing. D. Embleton and G. Glossop .. .. 7866 4 Sept Ores, Process for extracting gold from. B. C. Hinman .. ~ 7884 10 Sept' Ores, Process for centrifugal separation of. O. B. Peck 7867 4 Sept' Ores, Process for extracting gold from. L. Pelatan and F. Clerici '' 7441 21 Feb Ores, Process for extracting gold and silver from. The Cass)el Gold-extracting Company (Limited) 7691 20 June. Ores, Process for manufacture of ozone and application to treatment of. C. J. Yaniold .. 7894 14 Sept.' Ores, Process of extracting precious metals from. 0. Frolich .. .. 7941 1 Oct.' Ores, Process of extraction of precious metals from. C. O'Brien 7962 4 Oct' Ores, process for production of zinc from. O. Frolich 8036 5 Nov Ore-rock, Machine for crushing. W.E.Hughes .. .. .. ~ .' 8165 30 Dec' Ores, zinc-bearing, Process for electrolytic and leaching treatment of. E. A. Ashcroft ".'. 7985 18 Oct.' Ores. (See also Amalgamator, Concentrator, Gold, Metals, Minerals, Ozone, Quartz, Stamp-mills.) Organ, Accompanist for. A. H. Hathaway .. ~ 7552 10 April. Orrery. (See School orrery.) Oxidizing cyanide, Apparatus for. F. Moore and C. P. Hoiland .. .. 7817 14 Aug. Oyster-opener. C. Smith .. .. 7973 14 qJ!' Ozone, Process for manufacture of and application to treatment of ores. C. J. Yarnold 7894 14 Sent Pail. (See Slop-pail.) r ' Paints and varnishes, Apparatus for applying to surfaces. H. C. Cleaver .. .. 7907 19 Sept. Pan. (See Amalgamating-pan, Frying-pan, Pulverising-pan.) Paper-olip. T.G.Vinson .. .. .. .. .. .. _, 7371 10 J an . Paper-file. J. R. Renner .. .. .. .. .. ~ ;_ 7580 7Ma Paper-hook and hanger. J. B. Speed .. .. _, 7635 27 May Parasites, Mixture for cleansing trees from. W. Wheelband .. .. 7980 16 Oct.' Paving. (See Wood-block paving.) Pawl. J. C. Husband .. .. .. .. .. .. _ # 802 i 31 Oc t. Pea-cutter or scarifier. R. H. Harper and J. Cockerell .. .. ~ 7937 18 Oct. Pedal-action for bicycles. H. M. and J. Copeland .. " 8113 5 Dec. Perambulator. T. A. H. Field .. " 7557 27 April Perishable articles, Means of preserving. C. F. Buckley .. 7606 15 May ' Petroleum- and gas-engines, Arrangement for starting. 'A. Nieraczik \ ] 7487 14 March Petroleum, Process of manufacturing saponaceous products from. C. Weygang 7478 12 March Petroleum, Process of manufacturing artificial fuel from. C. Weygang .. 7479 12 March Phaaton body, Movable. H. F. Smith and H. Miller .' 7596 10 May. Photography, Process for production of prints by. W. F. Greene 8072 20 Nov. Piano or organ, Accompanist for. A. H. Hathaway .. .. 7552 10 April. Pictures, Appliance for suspending. S. Soffe .. 7913 23 Sept ' Piles. P. A. Hadley .. .. .. .. ~ " " 7543 10 April Pile. (See Foundation pile.) Pillar. (See Letter pillar-boxes.) Pipe-filler and tobacco-cutter. F. E. Dunnett .. .. ~ 7748 17 July Pipes. (See Mouthpieces, Smoking-pipes.) Placer-mining, Methods of and apparatus for. E. D. Bronson .. .. 7758 19 July Plan. (See Locality-plan.) Plate. (See Advertising table-plate, Amalgamating-plate.) Platen-presses. G. Eastwood .. .. .. .. .. _ # 7575 2 May. Platform for sheep-races. J. Brown .... ~ 7610 9 May Ploughs. R. Gray .. .. .. .. .. .. '/ 7651 3 j tme _ Ploughs, Means of attaching coulters to. R. Tomline and H. A. Atkinson ~ .. 7501 21 March Ploughing. (See Cross-ploughing.)




Invention and Name of Inventor, No. Date. Ploughs, Pulverising attachment to. M. Smith .. .. .. .. .. 8069 18 Nov. Ploughs, Spring ridging-, for drills. A. Storrie .. .. .. .. .. 7613 15 May. Ploughshares. F. J. King .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7926 26 Sept. Plough-wheel bearing. G. T. Booth .. .. .. .. .. .. 7947 2 Oct. Plough. (See Coulter, Ditching-plough, Drain-plough.) Plumb indicator. H. Graff .. .. .. .. .. .. ..' 7794 5 Aug. Plummet-crane and chain-marker. H. J. Wylde .. .. .. .. .. 7435 21 Feb. Pneumatic bicycle-saddle. C. S. Lambert .. .. .. .. .. 8032 5 Nov. Pneumatic sock or slipsole. S. Smith .. .. .. .. .. .. 8126 6 Dec. Pneumatic stamps for crushing ores. G. Glossop and D. Embleton .. .. .. 7866 4 Sept. Pneumatic and ventilated boots. S. Smith .. .. .. .. 7945 2 Oct. Pocket-knives. J. Sanders and W. J. Minter .. .. .. .. .. 7468 4 March. Pocket tobacco-cutter. C.C.Morris .. .. .. .. .. .. 7386 23 Jan. Pocket tobacco-cutter and pipe-filler. F. E. Dunnett .. .. .. .. 7748 17 July. Pockets. (See Garment pockets.) Poisoned grain, Apparatus for laying. B. de Ferrers .. .. .. .. 8111 5 Dec. Poisoned pollard-cutter. E. Hayes .. .. .. .. .. .. 7655 7 June. Poisoned pollard-mixer. E. Hayes .. .. .. .. .. .. 7927 27 Sept. Poison-layer and spade combined. R. Bright, jun., and H. Mackay .. .. .. 7615 20 May. Poison-distributor. W. Rundel and S. McMillan .. .. .. .. .. 7628 23 May. Poison. (See also Babbit poison, Toxa compound.) Polish, Metal and glassware. H.W.Williams .. .. .. .. .. 7835 23 Aug. Pollard. (See Poisoned pollard.) Polling-station fittings. Flere and Mills (Limited) .. .. .. .. .. 7929 27 Sept. Postage-stamps, Method of advertising with. G. W. Lavender .. .. .. .. 7966 11 Oct. Postal envelope. (See Advertising.) Posts for gates, strained wire fencing, &c. A. Pringle .. .. .. .. 8136 12 Deo. Post. (See also Fences, Wire fence, Wire-strainer.) Potassic cyanide. W. M. Mackey .. .. .. .. .. .. 7360 4 Jan. Potato-chopper. H. Ham .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7639 29 May. Potatoes, Apparatus for planting. C. J. Tuck .. .. .. .. .. 7836 23 Aug. Potato-harvester. J. N. Cocker .. .. .. .. .. .. 7725 4 July. Potato-raiser. C. Ewen .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7775 25 July. Pot-hook. J. B. Moir .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7716 1 July. Pot-lid. T. S. Philpott .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7603 14 May. Pot-stirrer. F. Gorten .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7516 27 March. Precious metals. (See Metals.) Preserving by cold, Process for. J. D. Postle .. .. .. .. .. 7862 31 Aug. Preserving meat by electricity, Process for. B. Waters .. .. .. .. 7759 19 July. Preserving merchandise, Boxes for. M. M. Henderson, C. Watson, and G. Fullerton .. 7786 2 Aug. Preserving fresh food, Process for. J. Harrison .. .. .. .. .. 7821 16 Aug. Preserving perishable articles. C. F. Buckley .. .. . .. .. 7606 15 May. Preserving. (See also Cooling, Freezing, Refrigerator.) Press, Ensilage-. J. Keir .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8025 31 Oct. Presser-screw for bagging chaff. J. Gray .. .. .. .. .. 7919 13 Sept. Presses for stamping or moulding metal sheets. T. Thorns .. .. .. .. 7546 18 April. Presses. (See also Cheese-press, Ensilage-press, Moulding-press, Platen-press, Printing press.) Pressing. (See also Compressing.) Printing-presses, Apparatus for feeding paper to. J. J. Allen .. .. .. .. 7492 20 March. Printing. (See also Butter-printing.) Prints, Production of, by photography. W. F. Greene .. .. .. .. 8072 20 Nov. Produce, perishable, Process and apparatus for transportation of. P. N. Jenkins .. .. 7839 24 Aug. Propelling ships, Apparatus for. W. M. Gilbertson .. .. .. .. .. 8003 23 Oct. Propellor, Vessel. F. G. Sherer .. .. .. .. .. .. 7754 19 July. Propellor, Collapsible. J. Metzger .. .. .. .. .. .. 8161 20 Dec. Protector for elastic-tires. J. A. Belk .. .. .. .. .. .. 7461 1 March. Pullers, Machine for testing strength of. A. J. Cuming .. .. .. .. 7547 17 April. Pulverizing- and amalgamating-pans. A. E. Langley and A. A. Lockvvood .. .. 7975 10 Oct. Pulverizing attachment to ploughs. M. Smith .. .. .. .. .. 8069 18 Nov. Pumping or raising water. G. Lansell .. .. .. .. .. .. 7440 21 Feb. Pumps, Double-action wing. J. Bigwood .. .. .. .. .. 7909 19 Sept. Pump. G. F. Litchfield .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7564 24 April. Pump. (See also Kerosene-pump, Raising water.) Quartz-crushing machine. J.Robinson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7972 12 Oct. Quartz-crushing stamp-battery. T. Eynon .. .. .. .. .. 7563 24 April. Rabbit-destructor. W. G. Stronach .. .. .. .. .. .. 7383 18 Jan. Rabbit-destructor. J. Anderson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7877 2 Sept. Rabbits and hares, Crate for packing. F. J. Sullivan .. .. .. .. 7653 5 June. Rabbits, Methods of entrapping. A. H. Robinson .. .. .. .. .. 7447 21 Feb. Rabbit-poison. F. H. Daniel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7798 6 Aug. Rabbit-traps. A. Porter .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7559 22 April. Rabbit-trap. W. Mason and J. Watson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7593 11 May. Rabbit-trap. J. N. ana C. B. Duff .. .. .. .. .. .. 7677 10 June. Rabbit-trap. A. King .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7737 8 July. Rabbit-traps. A. Porter .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7770 22 July. Rabbit-trap. H. L. Mainland .. .. .. .. .. .. 7800 3 Aug. Rabbit-trap. J.Campbell .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 7842 19 Aug. Rabbit-traps. J. H. and S. Collett .. .. .. .. .. .. 7844 23 Aug. Rabbit-trap. (See also Animal-trap.) Rabbit-trapping fence, Automatic. T. L. Baker and J. H. Cobb .. .. .. 7367 10 Jan. Races, Apparatus for starting. P. J. Murtagh .. .. .. .. .. 7412 8 Feb. Races, Apparatus for starting. R. Bright .. .. .. .. .. 7453 26 Feb. Race, Hydraulic sluicing-. E. R. Groves .. .. .. .. .. 7355 3 Jan. Race-recording machine. J. Gaut .. .. .. .. .. .. 8015 29 Oct. Raoe-starting apparatus. J. Rose .. .. .. .. .. .. 7806 7 Aug. Race starting apparatus. T.Roberts .. .. .. .. .. .. 8153 18 Dec. Race-starting machine. R. E. Mcßae and H. E. Good '~ .. .. .. 7565 25 April.




Invention and Name oj Inventor. No. Date. Bace-starting machine. E. E. MoEae and H. E. Good .. .. .. .. 7633 27 May. Race-starting machine. J. Lewis and J. 0. Cooper .. .. .. .. .. 7483 12 March. Bace-starting machine. P. J. Murtagh ~ .. .. .. .. .. 7750 17 July. Bace-starting machine, clothes-line, &c, Combined. C. Snowden .. .. .. 7398 30 Jan. Bace-starting machine. H. Shattky and F. Saunders .. .. .. .. 7476 8 March. Bace-starting machine. J. Rose .. .. .. .. .. .. 7566 23 April. Bace-starting machine. H. Shattky .. .. .. .. .. .. 7682 13 June. Race-starting machine. J. E. Harris .. .. .. .. .. .. 8146 16 Dec. Bacing. (See also Monocycle racing-machines.) Back for soap-and blue-bag. A. H. Light .. .. .. .. .. 7514 29 March. Backing liquids, Apparatus for. W. C. Savage .. .. .. .. .. 7632 25 May. Rafting logs, Toggle-bar for. J. A. Walker .. .. .. .. .. 7833 19 August. Bailways. W. P. Hutchinson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7607 15 May. Railway-cycle. E. W. Rudd and S. S. Stedman .. .. .. .. .. 7773 25 July. Railways, Pish-joint for. M. Belk .. .. .. .. .. .. 7356 3 Jan. Bailway, Switchback. L. and H. G. Bedell .. .. .. .. .. 7405 4 Peb. Bailway-trains, Lessening vibration of. H. Ashworth .. .. .. .. 7895 17 Sept. Bailway-trucks, Method of transferring goods from. W. T. Dale .. .. .. 7911 21 Sept. Bailway wooden-sleepers, Method of treatment for preserving. E. Smethurst .. .. 7998 21 Oct. Railways. (See also Becording number of passengers, Boiling-stock.) Baisin-seeding machine. 0. Bristow .. .. .. .. .. .. 8125 7 Dec. Raising and lowering furniture, Appliance for. W. J. Dalton .. .. .. .. 7394 25 Jan. Baising liquids, Apparatus for. J. Le Michel .. .. .. .. •. 8167 30 Dec. Raising water by compressed air, Method of. G. Lansell .. .. .. .. 7426 14 Peb. Raising water by compressed air, Method of. G. Lansell .. .. .. .. 7684 17 June. Baising water. (See also Pump.) Bange-boiler. J. Troup .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7574 30 April. Banges, Cooking. R. Brinsley and A. G. Christopher .. .. .. .. 7740 11 July. Bat-trap. A. E. Brown .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7711 27 June. Rat-trap. W. Tyree .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7951 4 Oct. Rat-trap. (See also Animal-trap, Spring-trap, Vermin-trap.) Reapers and binders, Apron for. J. Lyons and W. Taylor .. .. .. .. 8149 16 Dec. Reapers and binders, Canvas conveyor for. J. O'Neill .. .. .. .. 7416 9 Peb. Recording number of passengers, &c, Apparatus for. A. Gajardo .. .. .. 7549 20 April. Recovery of gold and silver. (See Gold.) Refrigerating-machine. T. Stevenson and J. B. Morrison .. .. .. .. 7504 22 March. Refrigerator. C. J. S. Lambert and W. Cook .. .. .. .. .. 7793 3 August. Refrigerator. J. McGregor .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7535 1 April. Befrigerators for milk, &c. B. B6ggeld .. .. .. .. .. .. 7368 11 Jan. Refrigerating. (See also Cooling, Freezing, Preserving.) Revolvable double fire-grate. L. Davies and A. le C. de Lantreppe .. .. .. 7557 19 April. Bing. (See Pinger-ring.) Binks. (See Ice-rinks.) Bock-drills. G. B. and H. P. Jones .. .. .. .. .. . • 7437 21 Peb. Boiler-blinds, Attachment for. W. E. 0. Osborne .. .. .. .. .. 7876 31 August. Boiler pothook, and hanger. J. B. Moir .. .. .. .. • ■ 7716 1 July. Rolling-stock for single-rail tramways or railways. C. Ewing .. .. .. .. 7488 16 March. Roofing nail, double-flanged head. C. L. Croxford .. .. .. .. .. 7853 24 August. Roofs (See Spouting.) Ruler and blotting-roller, Combined. H. O. Brown .. .. .. .. .. 7695 21 June. Rusticated weatherboard, Double rebated.- P. W.Croker .. .. .. .. 8158 19 Dec. Rusticated weatherboarding, Joint for. W. A. Waddell .. .. .. .. 7965 10 Nov. Saccharine, Method of manufacture, &c. W. Salamon and Co. (Limited).. .. .. 8142 14 Dec. Sack filling and sewing-machines. A. T. Timewell .. .. .. • • 7756 19 July. Sack-holder. G. A. Chapman .. .. .. .. ■• •• 7460 28 Feb. Saddles, side-, Heads for. A.V.Philip.. .. .. .. .. .. 8023 29 Oct. Saddle for velocipedes or bicycles. H. M. and J. Copeland .. .. .. .. 8133 10 Dec. Safe. (See Cool safe, Ice-safe.) Safety explosive. J.A.Wallace .. .. .. .. •• .. 7685 19 June Safety valves, Spring for. J. Smaill .. .. .-.■ •■• •• ■• 7553 22 April. Sails, Diagonal. C.Reynolds .. .. .. .. •• •■ 8139 9 Dec Sand blast. B. Jones .. .. .. .. • • • • • • 7865 4 Sept. Sanitary-closet appliance. H. Benjamin and C. W. Anderson .. .. .. .. 7429 15 Feb. Saponaceous matters from petroleum. 0. Weygang .. .. .. .. 7478 12 March. Saponaceous matters from wool, Process for collecting. A. R. Harold .. .. .. 7857 31 August. Sash. (See Window-sash.) Savins fine gold, Method of. G. Munro .. .. .. .. .. .. 7423 13 Peb. Saving fine gold, Method of. B. Langford and W. Eckersley .. .. .. .. 7473 6 March. Saving gold from quartz-reefs, Method of. D. H. Patti .. .. .. .. 7597 13 May. Saving gold. (See also Gold.) Scale weighing-machines, Automatic. E. C. Chard.. .. .. .. .. 7379 18 Jan. Scarifier or pea-cutter. R. H. Harper and J. Cockerell .. .. .. .. 7897 18 Oct. School-orrery. W. Cooper .. .. .. •• ■• •• •• 7991 il5 Oct. Screen. (See Seed-cleaning screen.) Screw churn. W. Carr .. .. ~ ~ ■■ ■■ •• 8105 20 Nov. Scrub-puller B. N. Saunders and T. G. Lawless .. .. .. .. ■ ■ 7582 4. May. Sealing hermetically metal boxes, &c, Method of. A. G. Buttifant and J. Gersant .. .. 7498 20 March. Seal-locks. J. Anschau .. .. .. ■■ •• •• ■• 7562 .24 April. Seed-cleaning apparatus. W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven .. .. .. .. 7881 5 Sept. Seed-cleaning screen. W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven .. .. .. .. 7675 11 June. Seed-cleaning, dressing, and separating machines. W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven .. .. 7910 18 Sept. Seed-cleaning, polishing, and separating machinery. W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven .. 8064 16 Nov. Seed-separating machine. J. Osborne .. .. .. .. .. •• 7581 J May. Seed-separating machine. T. E. Kilworth _ "„,,'• " " " ?oao H^'' Seed-threshing, shelling, and dressing machines. F. W. Anrkrson .. .. .. iMA 21 Jan. Seed threshing machine. J. McKenny and R. Martin .. .. .. ..7854 30 Aug. Seed-threshing machine. J. McKenny and B. Martin .. .. .. .. ! 7915 123 Sept.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Seed. (See Grass-seed.) Seeding-implements, Force-feed for. A. Storrie .. .. .. .. • ■ 8077 19 Nov. Separating gold and silver from other materials, Process for. N. S. Keith .. .. 7481 12 March. Separation of gold, Apparatus for. G. Phillips .. .. .. .. • • 7728 4 July. Separating metals from blendes, Process for. M. A. J. Roux .. .. .. • ■ 7458 28 Feb. Separating precious metals from ores, Process for. L. Pelatan and F. Clerici .. .. 7874 3 Sept. Separating. (See also Concentrator, Gold, Metals, Winnowing.) Separator. (See Centrifugal separator, Cream-separator, Seed-separator.) Sewers, Appliances for flushing. H. Thomson .. .. .. • • • • 8041 6 Nov. Sewer-outlets. (See Stair-treads.) Sewing-machines. Self-threading Sewing-machine Company .. .. .. - - 7970 12 Oct. Sewing-machine. (See also Turn-shoe sewing-machine.) Shale. (See Kerosene-shale.) Shears for wool and hair. G. Bowmar .. .. .. . - • • • ■ 7465 4 March. Shearing-machine. E. W. C. Cox and G. Bowmar .. .. .. .. ■• 8073 20 Nov. Shears. (See also Sheep-shears.) Sheep, Apparatus for dipping. A. Mcßae .. .. . • • • • • 7538 8 April. Sheep, Bar-mark for. A. L. Macdonald .. .. .. • ■ • • ■ ■ 7542 10 April. Sheep-medicine. H. Abbott .. .. .. .. .. • • • • 7377 17 Jan. Sheep-medicine. (See also Cure, Foot-rot.) Sheep-races. J. Brown .. .. .. . • • ■ • • • • 7610 9 May. Sheep-shears, Apparatus for actuating. E. A. Whitehead and W. P. MacGregor .. .. 7358 4 Jan. Sheep-shears. J. Crawley .. .. .. .. • • • ■ - • 7366 9 Jan. Sheep-shearing machine, Electric. J. B. Jackson .. .. .. . ■ • ■ 8005 26 Oct. Ships, Apparatus for propelling. W. M. Gilbertson .. .. .. .. •• 8003 23 Oct. Ships' boats, Apparatus for launching. W. Tyree .. .. .. • • • • 7742 12 July. Ships' boats, Davits for putting out. H. McGilvray and A. Dray .. .. • • 7503 21 March. Ships, Method of diminishing friction on. W. Haines .. .. -• • • 8016 30 Oct. Ships. .(See also Boats, Chocks, Davits, Launching boats.) Shoe. (See Boots and shoes, Horse-shoe, Log-shoe, Ventilating-shoe.) Shower-bath or fire-extinguisher. B. Hindle .. .. .. • • • • 7517 27 March. Silo. (See Ensilage-press.) Silver. (See Gold and silver.) Skins. (See Hides and skins, Tanning.) Slate-pencil-sharpener. H. L. Cottrell .. .. •• •• •• •• 7502 19 March. Slasher. A. M. Martin .. .. .. •. • • • • • • I 7521 30 March. Slaughtering-machine. J. Lothian and G. Watson .. .. • ■ • • j 7994 15 Oct. Sleepers. (See Railway.) Slop-pail. R. Wallace and G. Preddey .. . • • ■ • • • • • • I 7996 22 Oct. Sluicing-race, Hydraulic. E. R. Groves .. .. ■ ■ • • • ■ • • 7355 3 J an - Smoke-consumer, Locomotive. E.Hayes .. •• •■ ■ ■• ..7777 29 July. Smoking-pipes. H. Dixson .. .. .. • ■ • • • ■ • • 7433 20 Feb. Sock or slipsole, Pneumatic. S. Smith .. .. . ■ • • • • ■ ■ 5126 6 Dec. Soldering-irons. J. Davies .. .. .. . • • • • • • ■ 7462 27 Feb. Soldering-iron. W. Stevenson .. .. • • • • • • ■ • 7778 23 July. Solution for illuminant mantles for gas-burners. W. Hooker .. .. .. ■. 8010 28 Oct. Soot and smoke, Method of reducing in furnaces. G. Lindsay .. .. • • • ■ 8138 12 Dec. Sorting. (See Coin-sorting.) Sowing manures, Canister for. T. E. Sapwell .. .. •■ •• •• '499 15 March. Spade and poison-layer, Combined. H. Mackay and R. Bright, jun. .. .. .. 7615 20 May. Spark-arrester. G. Bristow .. .. • • • • • • •• • • 7619 18 May. Spectacles. F. M. Gorton .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 7973 16 Oct. Speed-increaser for ocean vessels. E. Hayes .. .. ■ • . • ■ 7814 14 Aug. Spiced butter. S. Armstrong .. .. .. .. • • • • • • 7812 8 Aug. Splasher. (See Wall-splasher.) Spoon- or fork-holder. T. G. Vinson .. .. • • • • • • • • 7373 11 Jan. Sportsmen, Inanimate objects for. A.N.Whitney.. .. .. ■• •• 7541 5 April. Spouting for roofs. J. G. Bentley .. .. .. • • • ■ ■ • 7880 5 Sept. Spouting-dies. (See Dies.) Spout. (See Eaves, Spout.) Sprayer. (See Fruit-tree sprayer, Garden spraying-machine.) Spring Furniture. W. Angell .. .. .. • • • • • • • • 7705 24 June. Spring-mattress. Hygienic Spring-mattress Company .. .. • • ■ • 7768 25 July. Spring-tines for cultivators. J. C. Mcßeath .. . • • • • • ■ • | 7902 17 Sept. Spring tine cultivators, Twitch-knife attachment to. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) .. .. 7955 3 Oct. Stair-treads, Landings, subways, sewer outlets, &c. J. T. Andrews .. .. .. 7480 12 March. Stamp batteries. A. G. Saunders .. .. ■ ■ ■ • • •• ■ I 7723 4 July. Stamp batteries. N. J. Suckling .. .. ■ • ••• • ■ • 7718 4 July. Stamp mills, Fastening device for cams of. E. A. Blanton .. .. .. .. 7605 15 May. Stamps. (See Battery, Electrical, Gold, Pneumatic, Postage, Quartz). Staple-hammer. R. L. Christie .. .. . - • ■ • • • • 7714 1 July. Staple for wire fencing. C. H. O'Dwyer .. .. .. _ • ■ • • • • 8066 19 Nov. Starting arrangement for gas- and petroleum-engines. A. Niemczik .. .. .. 7487 14 Mar. Starting-machine. (See also Race-starting machine.) Starting syphons, Apparatus for. W. Morton .. .. • • • • • • 7642 27 May. Stay. (See Ladder-stay.) Steam-boilers and furnaces. Richardson and Schroeder Patent Smoke-consuming, Fuel-econo-mizing, and Steam-boiler Company (Limited) .. .. • • • • • • 7434 20 Feb. Steam-boilers. (See also Boilers.) Steam tubular boilers. L. G. Roope and J. Sheppard .. .. • • ■ • 8101 27 Nov. Steam-engines. J. S. Raworch .. .. .. • • • • • • 813 7 10 Dec. Steam-engines. (See also Governor.) Steel and iron, Process of manufacturing. B. P. Stockman .. .. .. .. 7660 7 June. Stereotyping. (See Flongs.) Sterilising milk, &c, Process and apparatus for. J. H. Kitson .. .. • • 7545 lb April. Stirrup-bar. A. V. Philip .. .. .. •■ •• •• •• 8024 29 Oct. Stomach-worm mixture. J. Tindall .. .. • • ■ • • • • • 7377 |17 Jan.




Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Stopper. (See Bottle-stopper.) Stoves, Cooking. A. Selby .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7783 1 Aug. Strainer. (See Bucket and strainer, Clothes-line, Wire-strainer.) Street-cleaning. (See Mud-lifting machine.) Strength-testing appliance. A. J. Cuming .. .. .. .. .. 7547 17 April. Structure! arrangement for flooring, walling, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 7634 27 May. Stumping-machine. R. Burton .. .. .. .. .. .. 7924 27 Sept. Stump-extractor. J. 0. Husband .. .. .. .. .. .. 8031 5 Nov. Subways. (See Stair-treads.) Sulphuric or other acids, Method of transporting. T. E. Eardley .. .. .. Y782 1 Aug. Sump-grating cleaning apparatus. E. Andrewartha .. .. .. ... 7589 10 May. Surfaces, Apparatus for applying paints and varnishes to. H. C. Cleaver .. .. .. 7907 19 Sept. Surveying-instruments, Levelling and traversing heads for certain. A. I. Littlejohn and P. Still 7665 11 June. Surveying. (See also Traverse co-ordinate reducing-machine.) Swimming, Devices for facilitating. A. Pringle .. .. .. .. .. 8081 23 Nov. Switchback railway. L. and H. G. Bedell .. .. .. .. .. 7405 4 Feb. Syphon for kerosene-lamp. A. L. J. Tait .. .. .. .. .. 7464 26 Feb. Syphon-starter. W. Morton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7642 27 May. Syphon-pump, Kerosene. D. Dunn .. .. .. .. .. .. 8040 6 Nov. Table, Electro-medico combination. A.Leslie .. .. .. ... .. 7370 12 Jan. Tables. (See also Billiard-tables, Drawing-tables, Extension-tables.) Table-plate, Advertising. H. W. Atkinson .. .. .. .. .. 7838 24 Aug. Tanning. (See Hides and skins.) Tap for kerosene-tins. H. Credgington .. .. .. .. .. .. 7784 1 Aug. Tap for kerosene-tins. A. Tod, G. Barnes, and J. B. G. Zwicker .. .. .. 8118 6 Dec. Tap. (See also Valve.) Tea-measure. A. L. J. Tait .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7764 18 July. Teat-cups of milking-machines. J. Hartnett and D. M. Eobison .. .. .. 7544 10 April. Telegraphic relays. A. D. Macdonald .. .. .. .. .. .. 7612 16 May. Telephone apparatus. P. Eabbidge .. .. .. .. .. .. 7496 20 March. Telephonic instrument for use on poorly-insulated lines. P. Rabbidge and G. Dillberg .. 7785 1 Aug. Tellurian. H. Bennett .. .. .. .. ■. . • .. 8000 25 Oct. Temperature-exchanger. A. M. Nicholas .. .. .. .. .. 7885 10 Sept. Tents. E. Irvine, jun. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8147 19 Dec. Tents. (See also Umbrella-tents.) Tester. (See Egg-tester.) Testing strength of pullers, Machine for. A. J. Cuming .. .. .. .. 7547 17 April. Testing whether wool is wet or dry, Instrument for. J. M. Toomey, W. P. Schey, and W. 7508 27 March. Anderson Thinning crops sown in drills, Apparatus for. J. A. Hurley .. .. .. .. 8042 4 Nov. Threshing-machines, Chaff-discharge for. J. Gray .. .. .. .. .. 7903 16 Sept. Ticket, Flag-station and excess. W. Shields .. .. .. .. .. 7673 25 May. Ticket. (See also Train-tioket.) Tiles, Apparatus for moulding. A. Weil and W. Prasse .. .. .. .. 7690 20 June. Tiles. (See also Bricks.) Time-table. G. V. Hudson .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 8076 21 Nov. Tin-opener. F. V. Eaymond .. .. .. .. ■ • ■ • • • 7830 19 Aug. Tin-opener. F. V. Eaymond .. .. .. ■ ■ • ■ ■ • • ■ 7831 19 Aug. Tine, or tooth, for cultivating and spring-toothed implements. C. McLeod .. .. 7361 4 Jan. Tine. (See also Cultivator, Spring-tine, Twitch-knife.) Tip-basin and frame. W. A. E. Clendinnen .. .. .. .. .. 7850 26 Aug. Tires, elastic, Protector for. 3. A. Belk .. .. .. .. .. .. 7461 1 March. Tire for vehicles. W. Haimes .. . - • • • ■ ' • ■ ■ • 7825 19 Aug. Tire-spring, Steel. W. G. Crossley .. .. .. ■ ■ • • • • 7766 11 July. Tobacco-box and cutter. D. Lea and C. A. Pownall .. .. .. .. 8057 14 Nov. Tobacco-cutter, Pocket. C. C. Morris .. .. ■ ■ • • • • • • 7386 23 Jan. Toe-guard for boots. E. Bone .. .. • • ■ • ■ • • • 7520 29 March. Toggle-bar for rafting logs. J. A. Walker .. .. .. .. .. 7833 19 Aug. Torpedo-boat, Submarine. A. J. B. Body .. .. .. •• •■ 7883 7 Sept. Totalisators. E. M. Maodonald .. .. .. ■ • • • • • 7432 18 Feb. Totalisators. E. M. Macdonald .. .. .. •• •• •• 7529 4 April. Totalisator. J. Copeland .. .. • • • • ■ • ■ • • ■ 7702 25 June. Totalisators, Mechanism for operating. H. J. Cunnington .. .. .. ..8011 25 Oct. Totalising apparatus for use in betting on the pari-mutuel system. L. P. Monier and G. Gloeckler 7943 1 Oct. Totalling- and counting-machine. J. Greenslade .. .. .. .. .. 7802 8 Aug. Toxa compound, Apparatus for laying. B. de Ferrers .. .. .. .. 8110 5 Dec. Toy. (See Mechanical toy.) Traces. (See Collar.) Traction-engines. D. Best .. . ■ • • • • • • • • • ■ 78 75 3 Sept. Traction-engines, Differential gear-lock for. J. Macalister .. .. .. .. 7449 21 Feb. Traction-engine gear. A. H. Anderson .. .. .. ■. . • •. 7448 21 Feb. Traction-engines, Governor for. H. J. and C. Topliss and J. Durward .. .. .. 7781 30 July. Train-tickets, Method of advertising with. G. W. Lavender .. .. .. .. 7966 11 Oct. Tramway-motors. E. M. Macdonald .. .. • ■ • • • • • ■ 7741 12 July. Tramways. (See Rolling-stock.) Traps. (See Animal-trap, Eabbit-trap, Eabbit-trapping fence, Rat-trap, Trap for drams, VerminTraverse co-ordinate reducing-machine. P. W. M. Holt .. .. .. .. 7738 15 July. Traversing- and levelling-head for theodolites. A. I. Littlejohn and P. Still .. .. 7665 11 June. Trees, Cleansing from parasites. W. Wheelband .. .. .. .. .. 7980 16 Oct. Trees. (See also Fruit-tree sprayer, Garden spraying-machine.) Triturating and amalgamating gold and silver ores, Apparatus for. W. H. Richardson and G. T. 7457 28 Feb. Penny Triturating. (See also Gold.) Trough. (See Feeding-trough.) Trousers, Self-supporting. W. H. Marsden .. .. .. .. .. 7944 3 Oct. Tubular air-cushion for billiard-tables. C. W. Constable .. .. .. .. 7463 25 Feb.




Invention and Same of Inventor. No. Date. Tumbler for dredging-machine. D.Williams .. .. .. .. .. 7694 21 June. Turnip-thinner and -scarifier. H. Hunter .. .. .. .. .. 8144 11 Dec. Turnip-thinner. H. H. Martin .. .. .. .. .. .. 8145 11 Dec. Turn-shoe sewing-machine. The Cutlan Patent Sew-round Machine Syndicate (Limited) .. 7661 7 June. Twitch-knife attachment for spring-tine cultivators. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) .. .. 7955 3 Oct. Typewriter. G.P.Hawkins .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7369 11 Jan. Typewriting-machine. W. Edwards and E. A. Jeffreys .. .. .. .. 7667 11 June. Umbrella-tents and-holders for tent and other umbrellas. R. Irvine, jun. .. .. 8147 19 Dec. Vacuum bottling-machine. J. T. Kofoed .. .. .. .. .. 7406 14 Jan. Valve, Automatic steam, for turbine cream-separators. D. C. Streeter .. .. .. 7532 | 3 April. Valve. (See also Governor valve, Safety-valve, Tap, Water-tap.) Vapours, Appliance for inhalation of. J. H. Reed and T. Bury .. .. .. 7752 [19 July. Vapour- or gas-motors, Gearing for. G. Aickin and R. Caldwell .. .. .. 7898 116 Sept. Varnishes, Apparatus for applying to surfaces. H. G. Cleaver .. .. .. .. 7907 |19 Sept. Vehicles, Apparatus to assist tractive power in starting. C. H. Mason .. .. .. 8062 il4 Nov. Vehicles, Brake for. W. Reeves .. .. .. .. .. .. 8007 |26 Oct. Vehicles, Lever-and body-rest for. J. Fogarty and W. T. Widdowson .. .. .. 7450 J2l Feb. Vehicles, Means of connecting draught animals to. T. H. Brigg .. .. .. 7939 2 Oct. Vehicles, Two-wheeled. J. A. Berg .. .. .. .. .. .. 8020 31 Oct. Vehicles, road, Brakes for. M. Belk .. .. .. .. .. .. 7526 1 April. Vehicles. (See also Axle-box, Brake, Buggy, Carriage, Perambulator, Phfeton, Seat, Tire.) Velocipedes, Brake for. J. M. Muir and A. j. W. Munden .. .. .. .. 7743 11 July. Velocipedes, Saddle for. H. M. and J. Copeland .. .. .. .. .. 8133 10 Dec. Velocipede-wheels. C.K.Welch .. .. .. .. .. .. 7363 5 Jan. Venetian-blinds. H. Shute .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7396 30 Jan. Venetian-blinds, Clip for. S.P.Clements .. .. .. .. .. 7528 2 April. Ventilated ceilings for dairy factories. H. L. Mainland .. .. .. .. 7403 29 Jan. Ventilating boot or shoe. J. Crichton .. .. .. .. .. .. 7984 16 Oct. Ventilating waterproof garments, Method of. J. Rittenberg .. .. .. .. 7920 23 Sept. Ventilation apparatus. J. Curtin .. .. .. .. .. .. 7459 28 Feb. Ventilators. J. Gell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7745 16 July. Ventilator for windows. J. Rumgay .. .. .. .. .. .. 8093 27 Nov. Vermin-trap. W. Tyree .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7663 11 June. Vessels, Rig for sailing of. J.Sinclair .. .. .. .. .. .. 8026 31 Oct. Vessels, Speed-increaser for. M.Hayes .. .. .. .. .. .. 7814 14 Aug. Vest or jacket capable of being inflated. J. Preeoe, A. Cadwallader, and H. J. Fletcher .. 8163 23 Dec. Vinegar and process of manufacturing same. A.H.Hansen .. .. .. .. 7527 2 April. Wall-spashcr, Advertising. W.M.Jameson .. .. .. .. .. 7636 28 May Washing clothes, Apparatus for use in. G. E. Dransfield .. .. .. .. 7956 4 Oct. Washing clothes, Detergent for. E. H. Featon and E. V. Luttrell .. .. .. 7905 20 Sept. Washing-coppers, Cover for. J.Valentine .. .. .. .. .. 7699 24 June. Washing-machine. R. B. Williams .. .. .. .. .. .. 7421 11 Feb. Washing-machine. S. Cossgrove .. .. .. .. .. .. 7548 17 April. Washing-machine. G. T. Smith, H. G. Johnson, and A. A. Adolph .. .. .. 7724 4 July. Washing. (See also Bottle-washer, Keg-washing, Wool-washing.) Water-closet. (See Closet.) Water-distributor. J. W. Brandreth .. .. .. .. .. .. 8059 13 Nov. Water-distributor. (See also Nozzle.) Water-filter. B. J. Westbrooke .. .. .. .. .. .. 7847 24 Aug. Water-heater. J. Nicol .. ■ .. .. .. .. .. .. 7900 19 Sept. Waters. (See Aerated waters.) Water-heater. J. Brimble, jun. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7928 21 Sept. Waterproof cleaning-and polishing-glove. J. S. Scare .. .. .. .. 8038 5 Nov. Waterproof garments, Method of ventilating. J. Rittenberg .. .. .. .. 7920 23 Sept. Waterproofing matches, New method of. A. S. Ford .. .. .. .. 7795 5 Aug. Water-raising, Apparatus for. G. Lansell .. .. .. .. .. 7426 14 Feb. Water-raising or pumping, Apparatus for. G. Lansell .. .. .. .. 7440 2] Feb. Water-raising, Appliances for. G. Lansell .. .. .. .. .. 7684 17 June. Water-raising. (See also Pumps.) Water-tap or valve. J. Anderson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7454 23 Feb. Wax-matches. Diamond Match Company .. .. .. .. . ■ 7696 22 June. Weatherboard, Double rebated rusticated. P. W. Croker .. .. .. .. 8158 19 Dec. Weatherboarding-joint. F. de J. Clere .. .. .. .. .. .. 7500 22 Mar. Weather-boarding, rusticated, Joint for. W. A. Waddell .. .. .. .. 7965 10 Oct. Weeds, Composition for destruction of. W. T.Owen .. .. .. .. 8080 23 Nov. Weighing carcases of meat on rail-track, Appliance for. G. Anderson .. .. .. 7414 7 Feb. Weighing-machines, Automatic scale. E. C. Chard.. .. .. .. .. 7379 18 Jan. Wet gas-meters. W. Cowan and W. J. Warner .. .. .. .. .. 7491 20 Mar. Wheel and axle, Metallic. J. Davis .. .. .. .. .. . • 7989 18 Oct. Wheel. (See also Ferris-wheel.) Wicks, Non-combustible, and lamps for same. J. A. Pike and G. Aitkens .. .. 7420 13 Feb. Wicks. A. E. Woodhouse .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 8052 8 Nov. Windguard for cycles. F. Cooper .. .. .. .. . - - • 7376 16 Jan. Windmill. J. G. Oates .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 7995 22 Oct. Windmills, Gearing for. H. Greig .. .. .. .. .. •• 7776 27 July. Windmill or wind-motor. H. Hughes .. .. .. .. .. .. 8084 25 Nov. Window-curtains, Apparatus for hanging. W. Tyree .. .. .. .. 7688 19 June. Window-fastenings. R. C. Norman .. .. .. .. .. .. 8075 20 Nov. Windows, Fittings and fastenings for. F. Phelps and P. Daw .. .. .. .. 7533 4 April. Window-frames and sashes. J. W. McDougall .. .. .. .. .. 7936 30 Sept. Window-sashes. W.Bennett.. .. .. .. .. .. •• 7958 7 Oct. Window-sash adjuster. W. E. Richardson .. .. .. .. .. 7590 7 May. Window-sashes, Appliance to prevent rattling. J. Mitchell .. .. .. .. 8151 17 Dec. Window-sash fastener. C. Dargie and S. Cooke .. .. .. .. .. 7510 27 Mar. Window-sash fastener. W. Andrews .. .. .. .. .. . ■ 7922 26 Sept. Window-sash fastener. D. D. McKenzie.. .. .. .. .. -■ 7946 4 Oct. Window-sash fastener. J. Rumgay .. .. .. .. .. •• 8092 27 Nov.

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Invention and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Window-sash frames for sliding sashes. J. W. MoDougall .. :. .. f. . 7937 jBO Sept. Window-sash lock. A. Wylds, W. Wakely, and A. Peddie .. .. ... ~ 7837 124 Aug. Window-sashes, Method of reversing. J.B.Robbie .. .. .. .. .. 7505 15 Mar. Window-ventilator. J. Rumgay .. .. .. .. .. .. 8093 27 Nov. Window-wedge, Eccentric. J. B. Leatherbarrow .. .. .. .. .. 7706 27 June. Winnowing-, dressing-, and separating-machine. H. Hall .. .. .. ..- 8046 6 Nov. Wire fence straining gear. C. P. W. Longdill .. .. .. .. .. 7390 25 Jan. Wire fences. (See also Pence, Post, Wire-holder, Wire-strainer, Wire-tightener.) Wire-fencing, Staple for. C. H. O'Dwyer .. .. .. .. .. 8066 19 Nov. Wire-holder (fencing wire.) J. Macalister .. .. .. .. .. 7730 2 July. Wire-strainer. J. Crawley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7357 3 Jan. Wire-strainer. W. Page .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7417 13 Feb. Wire-strainer. A. Sutherland .. .. .. .. .. .. 7422 12 Feb. Wire-strainer. F. J. King .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7427 14 Feb. Wire-strainer. G.B.Humphries .. .. .. .. .. ~ 7475 9 March. Wire-strainer. J. Smith .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7594 9 May. Wire-strainer, Self-fitting. S.Graham .. .. .. .. .. .. 7709 25 June. Wire-strainer and -re.pairer. W. Page .. .. .. .. .. .. 7710 29 June. Wire-strainer. R.L.Christie .. .. .. .. .. .. 7715 1 July. Wire-strainer. J. Arnaboldi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7746 11 July. Wire-strainers. J. McCreath .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7961 7 Oct. Wire-strainer, Compound. A. Home .. .. .. .. .. .. 8022 1 Nov. Wire-strainers. J. Dalziell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8047 6 Nov. Wire-strainers. C. A. Bergersen .. .. .. .. .. .. 8049 9 Nov. Wire-tightener. E. S. McGill .. .. .. .. .. .. 8029 31 Oct. Wood-block paving. W. Duffy .. .. ... .. .. .. 7524 1 April. Wood-working machinery. A.Stuart .. .. .. .. .. .. 7870 4 Sept. Wool, Means of-discharging from wool-washing apparatus. W. Dalrymple .. .. 7575 3 May. Wool, Instrument to determine whether wet or dry. J. M. Toomey, W. F. Schey, and W. Anderson 7508 27 March. Wool-shearing or hair-clipping machines. H. W. C. Cox and G. Bowmar .. .. .. 8073 20 Nov. Wool, Shears for. G. Bowmar .. .. .. .. .. .. 7465 A March. Wool, raw, Method of treating with solvents. E. Maertens .. .. .. .. 7892 14 Sept. Wool. (See also Clipping, Shearing.) Wringers. W. T. Bradley, M. R. Jewell, and C. E. Jewell .. .. .. .. 7630 25 May. Writer. (See Typewriter.) Writing, Apparatus for teaching. W. Tyree .. .. .. .. .. 7739 11 July. Yachts, Moorings for. J. C. Freeth and C. G. Allen.. .. .. .. .. "7977 16 Oct. Yeast, Process for manufacturing. J. Dick .. .. .. .. .. 7959 7 Oct. Zinc-bearing ores, Process for electrolytic and leaching treatment of. E. A. Ashoroft .. 7985 18 Oct. Zinc, Process and apparatus for production of, from its ores. O. Frolich .. .. .. 8036 5 Nov.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,425 copies), £28 7s.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB96.

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, H-10

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