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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," Section 5, Subsection (8).

TEANSACTIONS DUEING THE YEAE 1895. Eegisteation op Societies and Branches. 1. The total number of registrations during the year 1895 was 12, distributed thus : M.U.1.0.0.F.,- 1 society and 2 lodges; 1.0.0. F., 2 lodges; A.0.F., 1 court; U.A.0.D., 1 society and 4 lodges ; 1.F.5., 1 society. 2. In the following table the progress of registration during the year is shown by a comparison of the number of societies on the register as at the beginning and end of the year respectively.

3. A complete list of societies and branches on the register as at the end of 1895 is given in Appendix II. Cancellation op Begistey. 4. The registry of the under-mentioned societies and branches, which had ceased to exist, was cancelled during the year:— M.U.I.O.O.F. —Victoria Widow and Orphan Fund. I.O.O.F. —Manukau Lodge. A.O.F. —Court Queen of the Seas. U.A.O.D. —Myrtle and Star of Waverley Lodges. S.D.T. —Sunrise, Dawn of Light, and Unity Divisions. W.M.C.—Winton Working-men's Club. I.S.S.—South Bakaia and Suburban Co-operative Money Club. * LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS MADE USE OF IN THIS REPORT. A.O.F., Ancient Order of Foresters. A.O.S., Ancient Order of Shepherds. B.U.O.O.F., British United Order of Odd Fellows. H.A.C.B.S., Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. I.F.S., Isolated Friendly Society. I.O.G.T., Independent Order of Good Templars. I.O.O.F., Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American Constitution). I.O.R., Independent Order of Rechabites. I.S.S., Isolated Specially-authorised Society. M.U.I.O.O.F., Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. N.I.O.O.F., National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. P.A.F.S.A., Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. R.E.B.S., Railway Employes' Benefit Society. S.D.T., Sons and Daughters ]of Temperance. U.A.O.D., United Ancient Order of Druids. W.M.C, Working-men's Club. 1—H. 1.

Name or Class of Society. Statement as on the 1st January, 1895. Statement as on the 31st December, 1895. M.U.I.O.O.F. .. I.O.O.F. N.I.O.O.F. .. B.U.O.O.F. .. A.O.F. . .. A.O.S. U.A.O.D. I.O.R. S.D.T. H.A.C.B.S. .. P.A.F.S.A. .. R.E.B.S. I.F.S. W.M.C. I.O.G.T. 15 districts, 135 lodges, and 2 widow and orphan societies 1 grand lodge and 29 subordinate lodges .. 1 district and 2 lodges 1 district and 1 lodge 8 districts, 106 courts, 2 juvenile courts, and 1 widow and orphan society. 1 sanctuary 1 grand lodge and 47 subordinate lodges .. 2 districts and 37 tents 1 grand division and 14 subordinate divisions 1 district and 22 branches 1 grand lodge and 11 subordinate lodges .. 2 societies 7 societies 14 clubs 1 grand lodge, 53 subordinate lodges, and 2 temples 27 societies 16 districts, 137 lodges, and 1 widow and orphan society. 1 grand lodge and 30 subordinate lodges. 1 district and 2 lodges. 1 district and 1 lodge. 8 districts, 106 courts, 2 juvenile courts, and 1 widow and orphan society. 1 sanctuary. 2 grand lodges and 49 subordinate lodges. 2 districts and 37 tents. 1 grand division and 11 subordinate divisions. 1 district and 22 branches. 1 grand lodge and 11 subordinate lodges. 2 societies. 8 societies. 13 clubs. 1 grand lodge, 53 subordinate lodges, and 2 temples. 26 societies. I.S.S.



Begistration of New Eules. 5. Eegistration of a complete amendment of rules— i.e., of a complete set of new rules—was made in respect of the under-mentioned societies and branches : — M.U.1.0.0.F. —Eketahuna and Martinborough Lodges (Wellington District), Howard Lodge (Nelson District), and Motueka District. N.1.0.0.F. —Auckland Pioneer and United Brothers Lodges (Auckland Provincial District). A.O.F.—Court Taranaki (Taranaki District), Court Queen of the Isles (Canterbury United District), and United Otago District. U.A.O.D. —Grand Lodge of Canterbury District. I.O.E.—New Zealand Central District.. W.M.C.—Wellington Working-men's Club. I.S.S.—Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative Money-club. Begisteation of Partial Amendment of Eules. 6. Eegistration of a partial amendment of rules was made in respect of the under-mentioned societies and branches :— M.U.1.0.0.F. —Charles Bruce and Duke of Cambridge Lodges (Auckland District), New Plymouth District, Eose of the Valley Lodge (Wellington District), Nelson Lodge (Nelson District), Pahnerston Lodge (Otago District). 1.0.0.F. —Pioneer of Southland Lodge. A.O.F.—Auckland District, Court Eoyal Oak (Nelson District). U.A.O.D.—Good Intent Lodge. S.D.T. —Grand Division of New Zealand. I.F.S.—Denniston Colleries Medical and Accident Belief Association. W.M.C—Wellington Social Club. I.S.S. —Lyttelton United Friendly Societies' Dispensary. Statistics foe 1894. 7. The number of lodges* whose returns are tabulated is 367, and of central bodies 32, distributed according to orders, thus : —

8. In Tables 1., V., and VI., attached to this report, the respective district totals include the funds of the central bodies. 9. In Table I. the amounts in the column headed " Sick and Funeral Fund" include the worth of the benefit fund of the widow and orphan societies. 10. In the final column of Table I. is entered the average surplus or deficiency per member, as shown at the last valuation of the society. 11. In the monetary tables, except the first, shillings and pence have been omitted, there being no apparent advantage in publishing the values more accurately than as shown by the nearest pound. 12. The number of members of these lodges at the end of the year was 29,963. 13. The following balance-sheet gives their total funds (including those of the central bodies) as on the 31st December, 1894:— Fimds. £ Assets. £ Sick and Funeral Funds .. .. .. 496,233 Investments at interest .. .. .. 405,466 Medical and Management Funds, goods, &o. .. 55,287 Value of land and buildings .. .. .. 113,553 Gash not bearing interest .. .. .. 20,900 Value of goods .. .. .. .. 9,341 Other assets .. .. .. .. 2,260 £551,520 £551,520 14. The following summary shows the disposition of the various investments at interest, together with the respective average rates per cent. : —

Society. Central Bodies. Lodges. Society. Central Bodies. Lodges. M.U.I.O.O.F. I.O.O.P. .. N.T.O.O.P... B.U.O.O.F. A.O.F. A.O.S. 15 1 1 1 8 129 21 2 1 101 1 U.A.O.D. .. I.O.R. S.D.T. H.A.O.B.S. P.A.F.S.A. E.E.B.S... 1 2 1 1 1 U 34 11 10 11 2

Mode of Investment. Amount. Bate per Cent. )n deposit with the Post-Office Savings-Bank )n deposit with other banks )n mortgage of freehold property .n Government and municipal debentures )ther investments I £ 19,557 7,460 66,575 291,895 10,192 9,787 4-0 3-5 4-7 7-1 5-7 G-0 405,466 G-4 * The word " lodge," when applied to all societies, is to be understood as embracing the synonymous terms 11 court," " tent," &c, as used in the various Orders.



15. Averages and percentages deduced from the tabulated returns for the years 1881-94 are given in Appendix I. 16. Information as to the forms kept in the Eegistry Office for the convenience of societies, and sent free on application, is to be found in Appendix V. Valuations. 17. Valuations were made as on the 31st December, 1894, of the following societies:— Societies with Branches. M.U.1.0.0.F. —Hawke's Bay District, 13 branches; Otago District, 27 branches. N.l.O.O.F.—Auckland Provincial District, 2 branches. B.U.O.O.F.—Wellington District, 1 branch. Societies without Branches. M.U.l.O.O.F.—Wanganui Lodge. U.A.O.D. —Excelsior Lodge, All Nations Lodge, West Harbour Lodge, Endeavour Lodge, Blenheim Mistletoe Lodge, and Turanganui Lodge. The Otago District, M.U.1.0.0.F., was valued by Mr. Peter Black. All the other valuations of the year were made in the office of the Eegistrar. 18. The Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society has neglected to cause its assets and liabilities to be valued, or to furnish to the Eegistrar the information necessary for the making of such valuation, in terms of section 12, subsection (1), (c), of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882." When the society was last valued every branch was reported as having a serious deficiency, the contributions being inadequate. As the valuer's report was practically ignored it may seem immaterial whether another valuation be made or not. Each year the financial position must become worse and financial reform more difficult. The Eegistrar has refrained from ta.king legal proceedings against the society for default because, although technically responsible, the Executive are not culpable except so far as they have failed to compel the secretaries of some of the branches to furnish the required information to enable a valuation to be made. 19. Summarised results of the valuations are given in two tables (Appendix IV.). Table A shows— 1. Number of members at the date of valuation; 2. Present value of benefits ; 3. Present value of contributions to benefit funds ; 4. Value of accumulated benefit funds ; 5. Surplus or deficiency ; 6. Average surplus or deficiency per member; 7. Average age of members; 8. Average annual contribution, per member, to benefit funds; 9. Average value, per member, of accumulated benefit funds; 10. Eate of interest, per annum, credited to benefit funds (average for quinquennium) ; 11. Surplus or deficiency at previous valuation (average per member). Table B shows— 1. Eatio to liabilities of— (a) Present value of contributions to benefit funds ; (b) value of accumulated benefit funds ; (c) total assets ; (d) surplus or deficiency. 2. Causes of surplus or deficiency. For convenience of publication, the causes assigned for the surplus or deficiency disclosed by valuation are indicated in Table B by means of letters referring to a list prefixed to the table. 20. Societies, on application to the Eegistrar, may have their valuations made free of cost. The experience of the societies valued in the office as at the end of 1894 represents 8,6785 years of life at risk. This experience has been grouped with that published in tabular form in last year's report, and the combined results are exhibited hereunder. The average rates of sickness and mortality at each quinquennial period are practically unaffected by this addition. This regularity in the combined experience of several societies grouped indiscriminately witnesses to the necessity of estimating a society's future liability on a basis more extended than its own experience.

Sickness and Mortality Experience of Societies valued in the Office (Men Members only).

Sickness (Weeks). Number of Deaths. Age of Members. Number of Years of Life at Bisk. First Six Months. Second Six After Twelve Months. Months. Total. 01 ZT' wm«* Under 25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 .. 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70 and upwards ! .. 9,262-5 9,618-5 9,608-0 9,083-5 7,066-0 5,527-0 3,987-0 2,049-0 1,016-0 275-5 1360 6,070 5,472 6,006 6,519 5,750 5,761 5,276 3,085 1,868 645 369 425 505 431 490 672 706 1,054 673 395 152 251 744 663 795 842 1,861 2,618 3,154 3,582 2,724 2,081 1,910 7,239 6,640 7,232 7,851 8,283 9,085 9,484 7,340 4,987 2,878 2,530 43 49 40 49 39 45 62 43 16 9 13 8 21 30 47 42 25 31 18 14 4 3 All ages .. 408 243 57,629-0 46,821 5,754 20,974 73,549



Comparison of Actual Sickness with the Expectation according to the M.U. 1866-70 Experience, in Quinquennial Age-periods.

Comparison of the Average Sickness per Member with the Expectation according to the M.U. 1866-70 Experience, in Quinquennial Age-periods.

Comparison of Actual Mortality with the Expectation according to the M.U. 1866-70 Experience, in Quinquennial Age-periods.

Table of Secessions among those who were Sick and not Sick respectively, during the Quinquennium preceding Valuation, in Quinquennial Age-periods.

Actual Sickness (Weeks). Expected Sickness (Weeks). Years of Age. Life at Eisk. First Six Second Six After Twelve! Months. Months. Months. I Total. First Six Sot'ond Six After Twelve m f ; Months. Months. Months. Lotal - Under 25 .. 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 . .. 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70 and upwards All ages.. 9,262-5 9,618-5 9,608-0 9,083-5 7,066-0 5,527-0 3,987-0 2,0490 1,016-0 275-5 1360 6,070 5,472 6,006 6,519 5,750 5,761 5,276 3,085 1,868 645 369 j 425 744 505 663 431 795 490 842 672 1,861 706 2,618 1,054 3,154 673 3,582 395 2,724 152 2,081 251 1,910 5,754 I 20,974 7,239 6,640 7,232 7,851 8,283 9,085 9,484 I 7,340 ! 4,987 2,878 2,530 73,549 6,163 6,760 7,524 7,686 7,082 6,022 5,482 3,537 2,252 844 534 307 479 711 724 834 977 1,083 867 709 290 233 170 468 795 1,238 1,491 1,878 2,120 i 1,741 1,585 814 964 6,640 7,707 9,030 9,648 9,407 8,877 8,685 6,145 4,546 1,948 1,731 57,629-0 46,821 53,886 7,214 I 13,264 74,364

New Zealal id Experience English ixperienco. Age. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. Alter Twelve Months. Total. Jnder 25 !5-30 .. i0-35 S5-40 .. ■ 10-45 .. 1.5-50 10-55 .. i5-60 .. iO-65 .. >5-70 .. '0 and upwards .. 0-65 0-57 0-63 0-72 082 1-04 1-32 1-50 1-84 2-34 2-71 005 0-05 0-04 0-05 0-09 0-13 0-27 033 039 0-55 1-85 0-08 0-07 0-08 0-09 026 0-47 0-79 1-75 2-68 7-55 14-04 078 0-69 0-75 0-86 1-17 1-64 2-38 3-58 4-91 1044 18-00 067 070 0-79 0-84 1-00 1-09 1-38 1-73 2-22 3-06 3-92 0-03 005 0-07 0-08 0-12 0-18 0-27 0-42 0-70 1-05 1-71 0-02 0-05 0-08 0-14 0-21 0-34 053 0-85 1-56 2-96 709 0-72 080 0-94 1-06 1-33 1-61 2-18 3-00 4-48 7-07 12-72

Number of Deaths. Death-rate per Thousand. Age. Actual. Expected. Actual. Expected. Jnder 25 !5-30 .. SO-35 .. S5-40 .. 10-45 .. 15-50 .. 50-55 .. i'5-60 .. >0-65 ... i5-7O .. '0 and upwards 43 49 40 49 39 45 62 43 16 9 IB 57-98 71-75 80-61 91-29 85-64 81-47 76-63 52-99 36-75 13-86 11-36 4-64 5-09 4-16 5-39 5-52 8-14 15-53 20-99 15-75 3267 95-59 6-26 7-46 8-39 10-05 12-12 14-74 19-22 25-86 36-17 50-31 83-53 All ages 11-46 408 660-33 7-08

Number of Members who Age at Beginning of Quinquennium or at Entry. Admitted before Quinquennium. Admitted during Quinquennium. Were Sick during Quinquennium. Were not Sick during Quinquennium. Were Sic Quinqu■Sα s a 2j Larised •a a 1 during ■S .3 QuinquenP 3 nium. jk during enniunl. Were not Sick during Quinquennium. ii * i Lapsed Were Lapsed Were during included during Included Quinquen- in the Quinquen- in the nium. Valuation. nium. Valuation. Were Lapsed Were included during included in the Quinquen- in the Valuation. nium. Valuation. Under 25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70 and upwards 129 76 72 63 36 30 12 552 578 680 738 632 566 352 198 80 20 12 664 590 533 353 196 130 60 15 7 1 510 607 714 660 499 389 207 116 50 7 3 31 34 34 41 44 52 54 34 14 5 11 85 34 27 16 1 1 728 293 172 97 40 10 1,246 512 289 137 30 8 2,533 1,025 641 301 119 32 i 1 22 13 10 5 2 1 1 "l "l All ages 418 4,408 2,540 3,762 354 164 1,341 2,223 4,656 54



21. That portion of the sickness curve which represents the rates at the higher ages can be expected to assume a regular form only when statistics of long-established societies having a large membership are available for tabulation. In New Zealand, owing to the paucity of observations, the recorded sickness at the higher ages is insufficient for the construction of a sickness table for the whole of life. But, so far as it goes, the evidence indicates that at the higher ages there is a more rapid rate of increase per member at risk than the expectation based on English experience. In conjunction with this, the death-rate of members of New Zealand friendly societies is conspicuously light. The favourable sickness of members under age fifty affords, therefore, no reasonable ground for the assumption that a society whose sickness is light when most of the members are young will continue to experience the same good fortune throughout their lives. With the certainty of a greater number, of members surviving at all ages, and with the probability of a comparatively heavy sickness-rate at the higher ages, every society, instead of being satisfied with solvency, should seek to possess a reserve for possible contingencies. 22. There is another reason why there should be a margin for safety in friendly society finance. The rate of interest still continues to fall, and, should the earning power of a society's accumulated capital be less than that on which the estimated value of the prospective assets is based, such difference will have to be met either by a reduction of benefit or by an increase of contribution. 23. The sickness of the Otago District, M.U.1.0.0.F., for the years 1890-94 is reported by the valuer as being 4,818 weeks, or nearly 48 per cent, above the expectation. The society has been valued four times, and this is the first quinquennium in which the total sickness has exceeded the expectation. As the valuer remarks, the increase in the sickness-rate, which was 571 days per member per annum during the quinquennium 1875-79, and 11-20 days during the quinquennium 1890-94, is manifestly due to permanent causes. 24. In September, 1895, the Eegistrar addressed to the Honourable the Colonial Treasurer a memorandum on " Friendly Society Financial Eeform," which was presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by leave. To the memorandum was appended an extract from the report of the English Eoyal Commission on the Aged Poor, relating to the question of compulsory registration of friendly societies and enforcement of the adoption of certified tables of contributions, together with recent expressions of opinion on both sides of the controversy by English experts and friendlysociety leaders. 25. For the purpose of enabling certain societies to acquire a legal status an Act was passed in 1895 entitled " The Unclassified Societies Eegistration Act, 1895." In consequence of the passing of this measure there exists no longer any need to include the class of specially-authorised societies among those which may be registered under the Friendly Societies Act, and section 7 (5) and section 8 thereof were therefore repealed. 26. According to the last report of the New Zealand Friendly Societies' Mutual Fidelity Guarantee Association, the societies insured in the association reaped for the second time the benefit of their co-operation, free policies for the year being issued to subscribers. 27. So many references from the Controller of the General Post Office re change of trustees involved unnecessary correspondence, owing to the neglect of secretaries to notify the Eegistrar of the change, that an instruction was recently issued to local Postmasters to inquire of the secretary when filling-in the savings-bank form whether the change entered therein had been registered. It would obviate delay and inconvenience if, instead of waiting until money is urgently needed, due notice of each change of trustees were sent to this office immediately after appointment. 28. Some misunderstanding of the law appears still to exist as to the necessity of making provision for the dissolution of branches in cases where branches are registered under rules of their own. The New Zealand Act of 1882 being framed on the lines of the English Act of 1875 the English practice is in point. In Eule XV. of the model rules for branches, printed as an appendix to Mr. Pratt's valuable work on the " Law of Friendly Societies," express provision is made for the dissolution of a branch. This rule provides for the consent of the central body and of five-sixths in value of the members, including honorary members, if any. As a general principle the consent of the central body should not be withheld except on reasonable grounds. A rule therefore containing such conditions as would virtually deprive the members of a branch of their right to dissolve cannot be registered. Neither may conditions precedent to dissolution or secession of branches be introduced into the rules which would be more stringent than the provisions of the Act. In 1893 application was made by the Otago District, M.U.1.0.0.F., for the registration of the Dunback Lodge as a branch. Accompanying the application were submitted, in the usual manner, two copies of lodge rules. In reference to Eule No. 59, headed " Secession and Dissolution," it was pointed out that the rule, so far as it referred to dissolution, was not in accordance with section 16 of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882." The society contended that this section did not apply to the branches of the Otago District, but subsequently submitted a rule re dissolution. This rule, however, provided for the consent to dissolution not only of five-sixths of the members in value, but also of three-fourths in number. The society was therefore informed that the condition as to consent by three-fourths in number was not in accordance with the Act. This condition having been deleted from the rule in accordance with the requirement made, the rules were registered in the ordinary course. 29. It may also be advantageous here to refer to a point in connection with rules relating to the disposal of a surplus. After a portion of a surplus has been allocated and credited in account to a member, it is in accordance with a recognised principle of equity that such allotted share may not be alienated for any breach of the society's rules or for non-payment of contributions. So long as a sum remains to the credit of the member sufficient to meet his contribution as it falls due from time to time his membership must not be allowed to lapse. Should he be expelled from the society for a breach of its rules, for which the penalty of expulsion is provided, he yet may not be deprived of any accrued right which he possesses in the funds of the society. Eule therefore must not be drawn in violation of this principle.



30. During the years 1894 and 1895 the Hope of Napier Tent, 1.0. E., suffered a heavy loss. The wife of the secretary was convicted of obtaining, by means of forged cheques on the bank in which the funds of the tent were deposited, the sum of £230 ss. It is stated that she also appropriated money belonging to the tent which her husband had intrusted to her to pay into the bank to the credit of the tent. £120 has since been made good by the bank. 31. In 1894 the secretary of Court Eising Sun, Hawke's Bay District, A.0.F., was sentenced to two years' imprisonment for embezzlement from various funds, including £63 ss. 4d. belonging to the court. The court held a guarantee policy in the New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association, covering £25 only. To the claim for compensation the association replied that they were advised that they were not liable, on the ground of gross irregularity in the conduct of the business of the court, but offered to refer the matter to the Eegistrar. Subsequently the association offered to pay half the claim, which the district, acting on behalf of the court, refused to accept. The Eegistrar may say that he does not understand from the correspondence whether, by the association's offer to refer the matter to him, it was proposed to submit to him the sole question of legal liability under the terms of the contract, or, if not that, what was the exact nature of the reference intended. 32. In 1895 the treasurer of the Kaiapoi Lodge, M.U.1.0.0.P., was a defaulter to the amount of £42 9s. 10d., and on conviction for this and another like offence was sentenced to twelvemonths' imprisonment. The loss was covered by a policy in the New Zealand Friendly Societies' Mutual Fidelity Guarantee Association. 33. A valuable paper on the rates of mortality .and the causes of death in New Zealand, prepared by Mr. George Leslie, Assistant Actuary, Government Life Insurance Department,, was published in The New Zealand Journal of Insurance, Mining, and Finance, in 1895, and reprinted in pamphlet form. The generally light mortality of New Zealand was known already. Mr. Leslie's detailed investigation brings out a favourable result all along the line from infancy to old age. Comparison of the mortality of male members of New Zealand friendly societies with Mr. Leslie's total male population table is, as might be expected, favourable to the friendly societies, the natural effect of membership being a selection of good lives. The difference is especially marked between the ages of thirty and fifty. 34. In England a friendly societies' amending Act was passed in 1895, the most important provision of which is that relating to membership of minors. The rules of a registered society or branch may provide for the admission of a person under twenty-one years of age but above one year of age as a member, and any such member may, if he is over sixteen years, by himself, and if he is under that age, by his parent or guardian, execute all instruments and give all acquittances necessary to be executed or given under the rules, but shall not be a member of the committee of management, or a trustee, manager, or treasurer of the society or branch. 35. The first report of the Public Actuary in South Australia relating to friendly societies was issued in 1895. The Public Actuary, who was appointed under the friendly societies' amending Act of 1892, is virtually Eegistrar, although not so designated. The report contains the oft-repeated record of inadequate contributions. For many years the deficiencies have been increasing, and the present members have to face a very serious position. It will be interesting to see how many of the societies will attempt a real financial reform. While the societies of the colony are to be congratulated on the appointment of an able specialist, it remains a matter for lasting regret that the valuable experience of such a large membership has been for more than a generation running to waste, and that when the expert is called in he has to find his facts outside the experience of the societies of the colony, for lack of accurate observation and scientific tabulation of their own past history. 36. A benefit society for women has been recently established in London. The society is open to persons in all parts of England. Six tables of contributions have been calculated by Mr. E. P. Hardy, F.I.A. The limit of age at admission is thirty-six. Contributions may be made free of cost through any Post-Office Savings-Bank account. 37. In order to avoid the use of the term " female," as applied to branches, an excellent suggestion has been made to call a lodge exclusively for women a " sisters' lodge." It is to be hoped that it is not too late to get rid of the accustomed misnomer. Old-age Pensions. 38. The summary of the report of the English Eoyal Commission on the Aged Poor contains the following paragraph:— We have carefully examined the various schemes for State assistance to the aged which have been submitted to Us, and, bearing in mind the great labour and thought expended on them, and the high public spirit and deep sympathy with suffering which inspired their authors, we regret that, in view of the financial and economic difficulties involved, we have been unable to recommend the adoption of any of the schemes as yet suggested, whether for endowment or for assisted insurance. The Commissioners refer to the "unpopularity of deferred annuities." May not such unpopularity be due to the fact that the income of a large percentage of wage-earners in England is insufficient to enable them to make this provision, that there are more pressing claims, and that the money which they would otherwise gladly devote to this form of insurance is better used when spent on the immediate needs of themselves and of those dependent on them. Is it the duty of parents to stint themselves and their children in those things which are necessary for a healthy life in order that they may lay by for old age? Would this be economy from a national point of view ? It is argued that, in failing to recognise provision for old age as an urgent need, workers practically rest content with wages during working-years which are insufficient to supply the wants of the whole of life. Surely this is an admission that some workers are unable to purchase an old-age pension out of their present wages. Should such, then, be condemned for failing to do that which is impossible ? If those who can provide for old age neglect to do so they must take the consequences. This introduces the question of the necessity of discrimination, so that the industrious



and thrifty, if unable to provide for their old age, may not be classed with the idler, the wastrel, and the criminal. The argument that in the relief of destitution the burden on those who with difficulty manage to support themselves should be made as light as possible is answered by saying that this is a question not merely of the amount but of the incidence of taxation, and that harsh treatment of the deserving poor is not a right mode of relieving the taxpayer. If earnings are sufficient persons may be expected to make provision for old age ; but there will ever be some who, though they have gone under in the struggle of life, deserve, especially when no longer able to work, more liberal treatment than the offer of the minimum relief afforded to destitution, as such, without reference to its cause. While there is ample scope for the friendly society which includes a deferred annuity among its benefits, its compulsory inclusion will shut out from such society those who are unable to pay for this further benefit. 39. The following extract is from the address of the High Chief Eanger of the Ancient Order of Foresters, at the High Court meeting at Brighton, in 1895: — The question of old-age pensions or deferred annuities has again been brought into prominence, and appears to be engaging serious attention, and we, as members of a large society, cannot be indifferent thereto, for, whatever may be attempted by others, it behoves us to offer every possible inducement and facility to our present and future members to make provision for themselves ; and, in my opinion, the ultimate solution of the difficulty will be found in the cessation of sickness benefits and the commencement of an annuity at a given age. This may be somewhat difficult in the case of old courts with aged members, but, fortunately, there are many courts which have valuation surpluses which can be utilised in that direction, and I know of no better way of using a surplus than in making provision for the aged members. In the case of young courts the difficulty is reduced to a minimum, provided the will be present, and now that an amendment of the Friendly Societies Act enables us to admit members at a very early age, the object can be attained without any serious additional burden being imposed upon the member. One great advantage of the annuity over the sickness benefit will be the removal of an unpleasant duty from our medical officers —of deciding whether a member is suffering from illness or is incapacitated from work by senile decay only, in which latter case he finds it difficult to certify that a member is suffering from any such specific disease as would entitle him to sickness benefits. Another advantage is that a member in receipt of an annuity would not be debarred from working, whereas it is contrary to our general laws for any member in receipt of either full, half, or reduced sick-pay to do so. As regards the absolute necessity for making provision for old age, a moment's reflection will convince us that a man who simply provides for sickness, and becomes dependent upon others for support in his later days, only half succeeds in maintaining his independence, and sooner or later experiences the unpleasantness of accepting relief'from others ; and it matters but little by what name it is called so long as it is something for which no equivalent is given ; its very acceptance is repugnant and distasteful to any man of proper spirit. It therefore follows that, if we would retain our title to " self-reliant " and " self-dependent," and, what is of equal if not greater value, if we wish to retain the absolute right to control and manage our own affairs without any interference from others, we must exercise all the energy we possess, and make all the necessary sacrifices to keep ourselves from accepting gratuitous assistance from any body or party whatsoever outside our own mutual brotherhood. 40. The Chief Eegistrar of Friendly Societies, in a recent lecture before the Barley Mutual Provident Society on " Old-age Pensions and Friendly Societies," pointed out that only by commencing at a very early age could the majority of wage-earners provide pensions for themselves. He suggested that in the administration of the poor-law an attempt should be made to lessen the stigma of pauperism, and also recommended a better organization of Christian charity. 41. At the Church Congress, held at Norwich in October last, Mr. Claverhouse Graham, a Past Grand Master of the M.U.1.0.0.F., delivered an address on " Old-age Pensions from the State for Members of Friendly Societies." Mr. Graham for many years has ably and earnestly advocated the claims of members of English friendly societies to special consideration in old age. 42. A most useful presentation of the subject, as viewed from many standpoints, is contained in a book entitled, " Some Poor-relief Questions," by Miss Gertrude Lubbock. The arguments are concisely put, and supported by reference to numerous authorities. Teade-unions. 43. Eegistrations under " The Trade-union Act, 1878," and transactions relating to registered trade-unions, during the year 1895 were as under: — Registrations. 44. Hawke's Bay Operative Bootmakers' Union and the Wellington Eight-hour Federated Union were registered. Amendments of Rules. Complete amendments of the rules of the New Zealand Workers' Union and the Amalgamated Society of Eailway Servants of New Zealand, and a partial amendment of the rules of the Otago Typographical Association, were registered. 45. A list of registered trade-unions, as on 31st December, 1895, is given in Appendix 111. Edmund Mason, June, 1896. Eegistrar of Friendly Societies and Trade-unions.



APPENDIX I. Percentages and Averages deduced from the Statistics of New Zealand Friendly Societies for the Years 1881-1894.

Years. Description of Percentage or Average. 1881-85. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. Mortality of members (rate per 1,000 members) „ wives „ Funeral benefits, average per member Sick members, percentage of Sickness (weeks) average per member „ „ sick „ „ death of member Contribution to Sick and Funeral Fund, average per member Sickness benefit, average per member 7-23 4-18 3s. 4d. 14-37 0-93 6-51 12931 £1-35 15s. 3d. £5-32 6-91 5-14 3s. 9d. 15-46 1-04 669 149-72 £1-33 17s. 0d. £550 6-66 4-29 3s. 5d. 1603 1-05 6-52 156-89 £1-34 16s. 9d. £5-22 6-35 4-34 3s. 4d. 16-11 1-14 7-06 179-24 £1-36 18s. £5-59 6-44 3-44 3s. 5d. 15-81 1-14 7-29 179 09 £1-35 18s. £568 5-60 3-29 2s. lid. 19-24 1-20 6-25 214-58 £1-34 18s. lid. [£4-93 6-87 3-78 3s. 6d. 19-06 1-23 6-44 178-78 £1-41 19s. 7d. £5-08 6-38 3-33 3s. Id. 19-96 1-33 6-65 20809 £1-41 20s. 10d. £5-22 6-86 3-65 3s. 6d. 19-84 1-31 6-61 191-09 £1-41 20s. 5d. £5-14 7-53 3-65 3s. 9d. 21-45 1-41 6-55 186-59 £1-40 22s. £5-13 „ „ sick Ratio to total sickness (per cent.) of— 1. Sickness experienced during first six months 2. „ during second six months 3. „ after twelve months Contribution* to Medical and Management Fund, average per member.. Medical expenses, average per member Management expenses,! average per member 67-65 7-44 24-91 £1-38 18s. lid. 11s. 2d. 67-38 8-36 24-26 £1-38 18s. 7d. 10s. 5d. 67-00 6-88 26-12 £1-38 19s. 10s. 8d. 64-13 8-20 27-67 £1-38 18s. lia. 10s. 3d. 61-40 9-20 29-40 £1-32 18s. 3d. 10s. 4d. 63-92 7-36 28-72 £1-35 19s. Id. 10s. Id. 64-34 7-57 28-09 £1-37 19s. Id. 10s. 64-53 7-82 27-65 £1-37 19s. 2d. 10s. 2d. 64-57 6-81 28-62 £1-36 19s. 9s. 10d. 65-27 7-67 27-06 £1-37 18s. lid. 9s. lid. Ratio to total assets (per cent.) of— 1. Investments at interest 2. Value of land and buildings .. .. .. 3. Cash not bearing interest 4. Value of goods, &c. .. .. .. ..... 5. Other assets 59-24 31-06 6-33 2-83 0-54 62-38 29-59 5-06 2-71 0-26 63-64 28-07 5-21 2-76 0-32 64-46 27-26 5-23 2-74 0-32 6600 26-57 4-70 2-42 0-31 66-75 26-13 4-67 2-16 0-29 69-18 24-45 3-96 2-13 0-28 71-03 22-56 4-11 2-06 0-24 72-29 21-29 4-20 1-91 0-31 73-52 20-59 3-79 1-69 0-41 Ratio to total investments at interest (per cent.) of— 1. Amount on deposit with the Post-Office Savings-Bank 2. „ „ other banks .. 3. „ mortgage of freehold property 4. Amount in Government and municipal debentures 5. „ other investments 7-29 2009 61-29 5-50 5-83 4-37 16-72 67-96 456 6-39 6-39 16-57 67-83 3-38 5-83 6-52 15-86 69-08 4-13 4-41 7-28 17-54 68-52 3-56 3-10 7-84 17-60 68-12 3-18 3-26 8-75 17-38 67-26 3-78 2-83 7-26 18-26 68-76 3-14 2-58 7-56 17-45 69-89 2-68 2-42 6-67 16-42 71-99 2-51 2-41 * Inclusive of levies and entrance and clearance fees. + I.e., management expenses of lodges, and levies to the Management Fund of central bo< ies.



APPENDIX 11. List of Ebgisteebd Societies, with theib Begisteeed Beanches, as on 31st Decembeb, 1895 I. Manchester Unity Independent Obder op Odd Fellows.

Beg. No. 13. Auckland District— Auckland. 1. Howick Lodge, Howick. 2. Charles Bruce Lodge, Thames. 3. Good Intent Lodge, Auckland. 4. Waikato Lodge, Thames. 5. Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. 6. Whangarei Lodge, Wangarei. 7. Franklin Lodge, Otahuhu. 9. Parnell Lodge, Parnell. 11. National Lodge, Coromandel. 12. Mercury Bay Lodge, Mercury Bay. 14. Warkworth Pioneer Lodge, Warkworth. 19. Fountain of Friendship Lodge—Auckland. 81. Duke of Cambridge Lodge—Cambridge. 196. Hawke's Bay District— Napier. 1. Meeanee Lodge, Taradale. 2. Abbotsford Lodge, Waipawa. 3. Clive Lodge, Clive. 4. Hastings Lodge, Hastings. 5. Victoria Lodge, Porangahau. 6. Tavistock Lodge, Waipukurau. 7. Woodville Lodge, Woodville. 8. Napier Lodge, Napier. 9. Forest Home Lodge, Ormondville. 10. Danevirke Lodge, Danevirke. 11. Friendship Lodge, Port Ahuriri. 12. Ruahine Lodge, Hampden. 14. Maraekakaho Lodge, Maraekakaho. 93. New Plymouth District—New Plymouth. 1. Excelsior Lodge, New Plymouth. 2. Waitara Lodge, Waitara. 3. Union Lodge, Hawera. 4. Egmont Lodge, New Plymouth. 5. Manaia Lodge, Manaia. 6. Eltham Lodge, Eltham. 297. Wanganui District —Wanganui. 1. Manawatu Lodge, Palmerston North. 138. Wanganui Lodge—Wanganui. 7. Wellington District— Wellington. 1. Combination Lodge, Johnsonville. 2. Masterton Lodge, Masterton. 3. Heart of Oak Lodge, Carterton. 4. Greytown Lodge, Greytown. 5. Unity Lodge, Featherston. 6. St. George Lodge, Pahautanui. 7. Kainapoura Lodge, Tawa Flat. 8. Petone Lodge, Petone. 10. Rose of Sharon Lodge, Upper Hutt. 11. Britannia Lodge, Wellington. 12. Antipodean Lodge, Wellington. 13. Eketahuna Lodge, Eketahuna. 14. Martinborough Lodge, Martinborough. 15. Rose of the Valley Lodge, Lower Hutt. 16. Mangatainoka Lodge, Mangatainoka. 24. Wellington District Widow and Orphan Society— Wellington. 77. Marlborough District— Blenheim. 1. Marlborough Lodge, Blenheim. 2. Renwick Lodge, Renwick. 25. Nelson District —Nelson. 1. Howard Lodge, Nelson. 2. General Cameron Lodge, Brightwater. 4. Mansion of Peace Lodge, Wakefield. 5. Travellers' Rest Lodge, Richmond. 41. Nelson Lodge—Nelson. 244. Motueka District— Motueka. 1. Motueka Lodge, Motueka. 2. Good Intention Lodge, Riwaka. 3. Takaka Lodge, Takaka. 4. South Star Lodge, Dovedale. 92. North Westland District —Reefton. 1. Reefton Lodge, Reefton. 2. Westport Lodge, Westport. 3. Charleston Lodge, Charleston. 5. Waimangaroa Lodge, Waimangaroa. 40. Hokitika District —Hokitika. 1. Hokitika Lodge, Hokitika. 2. Albert Lodge, Kumara. 3. Waimea Lodge, Stafford.

Beg. No. 27. Greymouth Lodge—Greymouth. 170 a. Ashley District —Rangiora. 1. Leithfield Lodge, Leithfield. 2. Oust Lodge, Oust. 3. Woodend Lodge, Woodend. 4. Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. 5. Oxford Lodge, Oxford. 6. Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 8. Waikari Lodge, Waikari. 9. Rangiora Lodge, Rangiora. 10. Nil Desperandum Lodge, East Oxford. 18. North Canterbury District— Christchurch. 1. Volunteer Lodge, Sydenham. 2. Perseverance Lodge, Woolston. 4. Benevolent Lodge, Christchurch. 8. Kaiapoi Lodge, Kaiapoi. 9. Phillipstown Lodge, Phillipatown. 10. Leeston Lodge, Leeston. 11. Papanui Lodge, Papanui. 12. Coleridge Lodge, Glentunnel. 14. Addington Lodge, Addington. 16. Malvern Lodge, Waddington. 20. City of Christchurch Lodge, Christchurch. 21. Heart of Oak Lodge, Kaikoura. 22. Riccarton Lodge, Upper Riccarton. 23. Jubilee Lodge, Prebbleton. 5. Lyttelton District —Lyttelton. 2. Hand of Friendship Lodge, Okain's Bay. 3. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 4. Good Intent Lodge, Akaroa. 5. Perseverance Lodge, Barry's Bay. 6. City of Norwich Lodge, Lyttelton. 7. Hand and Heart Lodge, Pigeon Bay. 8. Heart of Friendship Lodge, Waimate. 9. Pleasant Point Lodge, Pleasant Point. 256. Ashburton District —Ashburton. 1. Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 2. Pioneer Lodge, Springburn. 3. Waterton Lodge, Waterton. 4. South Rakaia Lodge, South Rakaia. 5. Tinwald Lodge, Tinwald. 23. Otago District —Dunedin. 1. Outram Lodge, Outram. 2. Albion Lodge, Dunedin. 3. Alexandra Lodge, Port Molyneux. 4. Prince of Wales Lodge, Port Chalmers. 5. Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. 6. Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh. 7. Prince Alfred Lodge, Hawkesbury. 8. Dunedin. Lodge, Dunedin. 9. Waipori Lodge, Waipori. 10. Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston South. 11. Dalton Lodge, Balolutha. 12. Lake Wakatipu Lodge, Queenstown. 13. Cromwell Lodge, Cromwell. 14. Hand and Heart Lodge, Dunedin. 15. Oamaru Lodge, Oamaru. 16. Band of Friendship Lodge, Kakanui. 17. Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, Lawrence. 18. Waitahuna Lodge, Waitahuna. 19. Bluespur Lodge, Bluespur. 20. Mosgiel Lodge, Mosgiel. 21. Mount Wendon Lodge, Waikaia. 22. Caversham Lodge, Caversham. 23. Valley Lodge, North-east Valley. 24. Naseby Lodge, Naseby. 25. Ngapara Lodge, Ngapara. 26. Dunback Lodge, Dunback 64. Invercargill District— lnvercargill. 1. Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge, Invercargill. 2. St. George Lodge, Invercargill. 3. Lumsden Lodge, Lumsden. 4. Winton Lodge, Winton. 5. United Gore Lodge, Gore. 6. Awarua Lodge, Campbelltown. 8. Riversdale Lodge, Riversdale.

2—H. 1,



List op Begistered Societies, etc. — continued. 11. Independent Obdeb of Odd Fellows (Amebican). Beg. No. Eeg. No. 146. Grand Lodge of New Zealand —Dunedin. 26. Mataura Lodge, Mataura. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 27. Kawakawa Lodge, Kawakawa. 2. Star of Canterbury Lodge, Timaru. 28. Orient Lodge, Palmerston North. 4. Alexandrovna Lodge, Temuka. 29. Kaeo Lodge, Kaeo. 5. Unity Lodge, South Dunedin. 31. Washington Lodge, Sydenham. 8. Southern Cross Lodge, Wellington. 32. Linden Lodge, Kaikorai. 12. Alfred Lodge, Oamaru. 35. Otaki Lodge, Otaki. 15. Pioneer of Southland Lodge, Invercargill. 37. Popotunoa Lodge, Clinton. 16. Leith Lodge, Dunedin. 39. Hope of Maheno Lodge, Maheno. 17. Star of Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 40. Te Ao Marama Lodge, Shannon. 19. Victoria Lodge, Geraldine. 42. Zealandia Lodge, Wellington. 20. Prebbleton Lodge, Prebbleton. 44. Waiareka Lodge, Weston. 21. Alma Lodge, Wyndham. 45. Manukau Lodge, Manukau. 22. Ridgley Lodge, Christchurch. 46. Rangitikei Lodge, Bull's. 23. Wallace Lodge, Riverton. 47. Star of Eden Lodge, Ponsonby. 25. Gladstone Lodge, Fairlie. 48. Britannia Lodge, Campbelltown.

111. National Independent Obdee of Odd Fellows. 160. Auckland Provincial District —Auckland. 2. United Brothers Lodge, Newton. 1. Auckland Pioneer Lodge, Auckland. IV. Bbitish United Obdeb op Odd Fellows. 237. Wellington District —Wellington. 1. Aorangi Lodge, Wellington. V. Ancient Obdeb of Fobestebs.

17. Auckland District —Auckland. 21. Court Kopuaranga, Mauriceville. 1. Court City of Auckland, Auckland. 22. „ Hunterville, Hunterville. 2. „ Eureka, Auckland. 23. „ Sir William Jervois, Newtown. 3. „ Zealandia, Auckland. 24. „ Pride of Levin, Levin. 4. „ Robin Hood, Panmure. 25. „ Bloomfield, Hutt. 5. „, Nil Desperandum, Newton. 26. „ Activity, Ohingaiti. 6. „ Eoyal Oak, Tauranga. 27. „ Makakahi, Eketahuna. 7. „ Pride of Onehunga, Onehunga. 34. Court Sir George Grey—Wellington. 8. „ Pride of the North, Grahamstown. 9. „ Star of the South, Otahuhu. 4. Nelson District —Nelson. 10. „ Pride of Newmarket, Auckland. 1. Court Pride of the Forest, Wakapuaka. 11. „ Northern Wairoa, Dargaville. 2. „ Concord, Greymouth. 12. „ Pride of Parnell, Thames. 3. „ Sherwood Forest, Stoke. 13. „ Star of Helensville, Helensville. 4. „ Robin Hood, Nelson. 14. „ Victoria, Devonport. 5. „ Aorere, Collingwood. 15. „-, Queen of the North, Maungaturoto. 6. „ Inangahiia, Reefton. 16. „ Excelsior, Kamo. . 7. „ Unity, Havelock. 17. „ Kihikihi, Kihikihi. 8. „ Perseverance, Motueka. 18. „ Chisman, Auckland. 9. „ Charleston, Charleston. 10. „ Royal Oak, Westport. 150. Hawhe's Bay District —Napier. 1. Court Sir Charles Napier, Napier. 227. Court Pride of the West —Hokitika. 2. „ Captain Cook, Napier. 3. „ Sir Henry Havelock, Havelock. 28. Canterbury United District —Christchurch. 4. „ Robin Hood, Port Ahuriri. 1. Court Pride of Courtenay, Courtenay. 5. „ Ruahine, Waipukurau. 2. „ Thistle of the Forest, Sydenham. 6. „ Lord Clyde, Wairoa. 4. „ Woodford, Kaiapoi. 7. „ Heretaunga, Hastings. 8. „ Papanui, Papanui. 8. „ Little John, Waipawa. 9. „ Ashburton, Ashburton. 9. „ Ormond, Makotuku. 10. „ Star of Dunsandel, Dunsandel. 10. „ Rising Sun, Danevirke. 11. „ Star of Belfast, Belfast. 11. „ Waitangi, West Clive. 2. Court Star of Canterbury—Christchurch. 12. „ Redclyffe, Taradale. 143. Court Queen of the Isles—Lyttelton. 139. Widow and Orphan Society, Canterbury District--216. TaranaM District —New Plymouth. Christchurch. 1. Court Taranaki, New Plymouth. 2. „ Inglewood Forest, Inglewood. 252. South Canterbury District —Timaru. 3. „ Raleigh, Waitara. 1. Court Southern Cross, Timaru. 4. „ Egmont, Hawera. 2. „ Progress, St. Andrew's. 5. „ Patea, Patea. 200. Court Foresters' Pride —Waimate. 6. „ Stratford, Stratford., 55. Court Waireka —New Plymouth". 10. United Otago District —Dunedin. 1. Court Enterprise, Dunedin. 144. Wellington District —Wellington. 2. „ Pride of Dunedin, Dunedin. 1. Court Robin Hood, Wellington. 3. „ Pride of Oamaru, Oamaru. 2. „ Sir George Bowen, Wellington. 5. „ Robin Hood, Port Chalmers. 4. „ Clarendon, Picton. 7. „ Roxburgh, Roxburgh. 5. „ Manawatu, Palmerston North. 8. „ St. Andrews, Caversham. 6. „ Loyal Feilding, Feilding. 11. „ Pride of Alexandra, Alexandra. 7. „ William Gladstone, Gisborne. 12. „ Bruce, Milton. 8. „ Pioneer, Tβ Nui. 13. „ Pride of the Lake, Queenstown. 9. „ Roderick Dhu, Wanganui. 14. „ Excelsior, Mornington. 10. „ Blenheim, Blenheim. 15. „ Pride of the Leith, Dunedin. 11. „ Loyal Enterprise, Masterton. 16. „ Havelock, Waitahuna. 12. „ Marquis of Norman by, Carterton. 17. „ Star of the South, Invercargill. 13. „ Little John, Marton. 18. „ Star of the Dunstan, Clyde. 14. „ Wairarapa, Greytown. 19. „ Little John, Roslyn. 15. „ Egmont, Opunake. 20. „ Royal Oak, Wyndham. 16. „ Woodville, Woodville. 21. „ Southern Star, Bluff. 17. „ Loyal Halcombe, Haloombe. 114. Court Star of Tuapeka—Lawrence. 18. „ Pohangina, Ashurst. 19. „ Epuni, Petone. Court not in any District. 20. „ Pahiatua, Pahiatua. 88. Court Coromandel —Coromandel.



List of Ebgistbebd Societies, etc. — continued. VI. Ancient Ordeb of- Shepherds. 11. Sanctuary Sir George Grey—Wellington. VII. United Ancibnt Order of Druids. Eeg. No. Keg. No. 296. Grand Lodge of North Island —Wanganui. 177. Excelsior Lodge—Wellington. 1. Oroua Lodge, Palmerston North. 178. Star of New Zealand Lodge—Lower Hutt. 2. Mountaineer Lodge, Fowler's. 181. Bud of Hope Lodge—Rangiora. 3. Horowhenua Lodge, Levin. 189. Royal Oak Lodge—Caversham. 281. Grand Lodge of Canterbury—Christchurch. 192. Acorn Lodge—lnvercargill. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Christchurch. 205. Auckland Lodge—Auckland. 2. Hope of St. Albans Lodge, St. Albans. 210. Linden Lodge—Roslyn. 3. Mistletoe Lodge, Christchurch. 218. West Harbour Lodge—Rothesay. 4. Ethelbert Lodge, Springston. 219. All Nations Lodge—Port Chalmers. 5. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Lodge, Lyttelton. 220. Bishop Lodge—Wanganui. 6. Star of Anglesea Lodge, Lincoln. 221. Totara Lodge—Carterton. ■ 7. Perseverance Lodge, Addington. 222. Brunner Lodge—Brunnerton. 8. Hope of Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 225. Endeavour Lodge—Oamaru. 9. Anchor Lodge, Woolston. 226. Blenheim Mistletoe Lodge—Blenheim. 10. Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. 232. Albion Lodge—Napier. 11. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 236. Poneke Lodge—Petone. 12. Ivy of Linwood Lodge, Christchurch. 239. Pacific Lodge—Wellington. 13. Trafalgar Lodge, Kaiapoi. 240. Turanganui Lodge—Gisborne. 14. Star of Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 243. Ponsonby Lodge—Ponsonby. 15. Oak of Sydenham Lodge, Sydenham. 250. Good Intent Lodge—Mosgiel. 16. Old Oak Lodge, Southbridge. 254. Rose of Palmerston Lodge—Palmerston S. 17. Ellesmere Lodge, Doyleston. 274. Star of Egmont Lodge—Patea. 166. Enterprise Lodge—South Dunedin. 280. Gore Lodge—Gore. 168. Otago Lodge—Dunedin. 289. Morgan Lodge—Marton. 171. Ivanhoe Lodge—Dunedin. 292. Matai Lodge—Nelson. 174. Star of the West Lodge—Greymouth.

VIII. Independent Obdeb of Rechabites. 190. Nmo Zealand District —Auckland. 13. Excelsior Tent, Waipukurau. 1. Hope of Auckland Tent, Auckland. 14. Rose of Sharon Tent, Waipawa. 2. Eden Tent, Newmarket. 15. Hope of Napier Tent, Napier. 3. Northern Star Tent, Aratapu. 17. Sir Wilfrid Lawson Tent, Sanson. 4. Star of Hauraki Tent, Thames. 19. Excelsior Tent, Wellington. 6. Gordon Tent, Onehunga. 20. Haste to the Rescue Tent, Wellington. 10. Whangaroa Tent, Whangaroa. 21. Bon Accord Tent, Blenheim. 26. Hope of Carterton Tent, Carterton. 110. New Zealand Central District —Wellington. 28. Hope of Johnsonville Tent, Jolmsonville. 2. Murihiku Tent, Invercargill. 30. Star of Wakefield Tent, Wakefield. 3. Scandia's Hope Tent, Norsewood. 31. Progress Tent, Kaikora, Hawke's Bay. 4. Hope of Woodville Tent, Woodville. 35. Good Intent Tent, Motupipi. 5. Hope of Wellington Tent, Wellington. 37. Rescue Tent, Nelson. 6. Hope of Dunedin Tent, Dunedin. 38. Onward Tent, Palmerston North. 7. Pride of Christchurch Tent, Ghristchurch. 39. Star of Featherston Tent, Featherston. 8. Perseverance Tent, Wellington. 40. Gisborne Tent, Gisborne. 9. Bud of Promise Tent, Nelson. 41. Pride of Egmont Tent, Hawera. - 10. Unity Tent, New Plymouth. 42. Pahiatua Tent, Pahiatua. 11. Hope of Ormondville Tent, Ormondville. 43. Brightwater Tent, Brightwater. 12. Masterton Tent, Masterton. 98. Star of Hope Tent, Hokitika.

IX. Sons and Daughtebs ob . Temperance of Australasia. 170. Grand Division of New Zealand —Addington. 9. Advance Division, Wellington. 2. Helpmate Division, Ashburton. 10. Sunbeam Division, Wanganui. 4. Resolution Division, Rangiora. 11. Hope of Sydenham Division, Sydenham. 5. Try-Again Division, Woodend. 112. Perseverance Division —Christchurch, 6. Excelsior Division, Addington. 118. Antidote Division—Dunedin. 7. Elim Division, St. Albans. 147. Progress Division—Kaiapoi.

X. Hibebnian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. 198. New Zealand District —Auckland. 17. St. Joseph's Branch, Hastings. 2. St. John's Branch, Leeston. 18. St. Joseph's „ Dunedin. 3. St. Patrick's „ Christchurch. 19. Charleston „ Charleston. i. Invercargill „ Invercargill, 20. Hokitika „ Hokitika. 6. St. Patrick's „ Lincoln. 21. Greymouth „ Greymouth. 8. St. Mary's „ Timaru. 22. Onehunga „ Onehunga. 10. St. Joseph's „ New Plymouth. 23. St. Patrick's „ Rangiora. 11. St. Patrick's „ Wellington. 25. St. Michael's „ Masterton. 12. Auckland „ Auckland. 26. St. Patrick's „ Oamaru. 14. St. Patrick's „ Blenheim. 27. St. John's „ Napier. 15. Grahamstown „ Thames. 28. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branch, Milton, 16. Waipawa „ Waipawa.

XI. Protestant Alliance Fkiendly Society of Austbalasia. 197. Grand Council of New Zealand —Thames. 6. Alexandra Lodge, Auckland. 1. Prince of Wales Lodge, Thames. 9. Triumph „ South Dunedin, 2. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 11. Star of Hastings Lodge, Hastings. 3. Excelsior „ Green Island. 12. Valley True Blue „ North-east Valley. 4. Wicklifie „ Napier. 14. Star of Oamaru „ Oamaru. 5. John Knox „ Wellington. 16. Pride of Ngapara „ Ngapara.

XII. Railway Benefit Societies. 154. New Zealand Railway Employes' Benefit Society— 161. Otago Railway Employes' Benefit Society—DunInvercargill. edin.

XIII. Miscellaneous Fbiendly Societies. 183. Grey Valley Accident Relief Fund—Brunnerton. 286. Wellington Friendly Societies' Jubilee Orphanage 277. Denniston Collieries' Medical and Accident Belief Society—Wellington. Association —Denniston. 291. Mokihinui Accident Relief Fund Society—Mokihinui 279. United Fire-brigades Accident Assurance Society 293. Blackball Colliery Accident Relief Fund Society— of New Zealand—Napier. Blackball. 282. Kamo Miners' Accident Relief Fund—"-Kamo. 295. Cardiff Accident Relief Fund Society, Seddonville,



List op Begisteeed Societies, etc. — continued. XIV. JUVENILE FBIENDLY SOCIETIES. Eeg. No. Eeg. No. 288. Court Pride of the Forest, A.0.F., Dunedin. 290. Court Pride of Invercargill, A.0.F., Invercargill. XV. Working-men's Clubs. 151. Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary 231. Kaiapoi Working-men's Clvb —Kaiapoi. Institute—Wellington. 238. Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Insti--162. Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual tute—Petone. School of Arts—Christchurch. 264. Richmond Working-men's Clvb —Richmond. 186. Greytown Working-men's Clvb —Greytown. 267. Palmerston North Working-men's Club and Literary 202. Garibaldi Club—Wellington. Institute—Palmerston North. 209. Sydenham and Addington Working-men's Club and 271. Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts —AshMutual School of Arts— Sydenham. burton. 215. Auckland Working - men's Club and Mechanics' 272. Blenheim Working-men's Clvb —Blenheim. Institute—Auckland. 287. Wellington Social Club—Wellington. XVI. Specially-authorised Societies. 169. Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the Independent ±02. Unity Degree Temple, Ashburton. Order of Good Templars —Dunedin. 104. Lily of the Valley Lodge, North Dunedin. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 106. Bushman's Pride Lodge, Alford Forest. 2. Aggressive Lodge, Blenheim. 107. Hope of Wakefield Lodge, Wakefield. 3. Dauntless Lodge, Christchurch. 108. Pride of Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 4. Hope of Christchurch Lodge, Christchurch. 110. Seashell Lodge, Lyttelton. 6. Pioneer Lodge, Wellington. 1.1.2. Lifeboat Lodge, Timaru. 7. Star of South Canterbury Lodge, Waimate. 113. Rose of Springburn Lodge, Springburn. 9. Loyal Nelson Lodge, Nelson. 185. Invercargill Total Abstinence Society — Invercar--12. West Coast Pioneer Lodge, Greymouth. gill. 13. Good Intent Lodge, Rangiora. 217. Christchurch and Suburban Co-operative Money 17. Robert Bruce Lodge, Bannockburn. Clvb —Christchurch. 18. Star of the East Lodge, Ashburton. 223. Invercargill United Friendly Societies' Dispensary 19. New Hope Lodge, Westport. —Invercargill. 21. Haste to the Rescue Lodge, Havelock. 228. Canterbury Engineers' Band—Christchurch. 24. Reefton Fraternal Lodge, Reefton. 229. Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club 30. Pride of Hawke's Bay Lodge, Port Ahuriri. — Sydenham. 31. 'Premier Lodge, Hokitika. 241. New Zealand Friendly Societies' Guarantee Associa--32. Hope of Stafford Lodge, Stafford. tion —Wellington. 33. Providence Lodge, Courtenay. 242. Dunedin United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 35. Golden Stream Lodge, Alexandra, Otago. Dunedin. 37. New Era Lodge, Purakanui. 245. Star of Newtown Lodge, 1.0.G.T. —Wellington. 40. Second-to-none Lodge, Pigeon Bay. 246. Lyttelton United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 41. Hope of Brunnerton Lodge, Brunnerton. Lyttelton. 42. Woodstock Lodge, Woodstock. 248. Timaru United Friendly Societies' Dispensary — 44. New River Pioneer Lodge, Dunganville. Timaru. 47. Victory Lodge, No Town. 251. New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association — 48. Victoria Lodge, Noble's. Christchurch. 50. Eumara Lodge, Kumara. 255. Temple of Peace Lodge, 1.0.G.T. —Kaiwarra. 53. Rock of Freedom Lodge, Ashley Bank. 257. Opotiki Gospel Temperance and Mutual Improve--54. Hearts and Homes Lodge, Orepuki. ment Society—Opotiki. 57. Dawn of Peace Lodge, Ashburton. 261. Palmerston North Co-operative Money Club—Pal--59. True Blue Lodge, Waitahuna. merston North. 66 t St. Helena Lodge, Greymouth. 262. Auckland Caledonian Society—Auckland. 68. Phcenix Lodge, Masterton. 263. Stanmore Brass Band—Linwood. 69. North Star Lodge, Kaikoura. 266. Sydenham Brass Band— Sydenham. 72. Pride of Brookside Lodge, Brookside. 268. Newton Band Society—Newton. 73. Mount Fyfe Lodge, Mount Fyfe. 269. Invercargill City Band—lnvercargill. 76. Heart and Hand Lodge, Lumsden. 270. Auckland Burns Club—Auckland. 77. Pride of Mount Grey Lodge, Mount Grey. 275. Ivy of Linwood Co-operative Money Clvb —Christ--85. Southern Cross Lodge, Invercargill. church. 86. Guiding Star Lodge, Dunedin. 276. Waimate Brass Band—Waimate. 89. Akaroa Hope Lodge, Akaroa. 283. Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies' Dispensary 91. Undaunted Lodge, Owake. —Napier. 93. Welcome Retreat Lodge, Geraldine. 284. Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative Money 94. Loyal Marine Lodge, Nelson. Clvb —Christchurch. 95. Union of Otago Temple, Dunedin. 285. Westport Fire-brigade Band—Westport. 96. St. John's Lodge, Wellington. 294. Wellington United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 99. Southern Star Lodge, Wanganui. Wellington.

APPENDIX 111. Registeeed Tbade-unions, as on the 31st December, 1895. Beg. No. Eeg. No. 1. Christohurch Operative Bootmakers' Society. 22. New Zealand Federated Fellmongers', Skinners', 2. Dunedin Operative Bootmakers' Union. Tanners', and Curriers' Union. 3. Federated Stewards' and Cooks' Union of Australasia. 23. New Zealand Federated Butchers' Employes' Union. 4. Federated Seamen's Union of New Zealand. 24. Amalgamated Labour Union. 5. Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society. 25. New Zealand Gasworks Employes' Union. 6. Auckland Operative Bootmakers' Society. 26. Dunedin Boot Machinists' and Fitters' Union. 7. Operative Bakers' Association of Dunedin. 27. Shipmasters' Association of New Zealand. 8. Grey Valley Coal-miners' Association. 28. Association of the Master Ironworkers and Farriers of 9. New Zealand Federated Boot-trade Union. the Provincial District of Auckland. 11. Oamaru Operative Bakers' Association. 29. United Millers', Engine-drivers', and Mill Employes' 12. Grey District Trades and Labour Union of the Society of New Zealand. Colony of New Zealand. 31. Canterbury Fishermen's Union. 13. New Zealand Federated Wharf Labourers' Union. 32. Dunedin Cabmen's Union. 14. Mercantile Marine Officers' Association of Australasia. 33. New Zealand Workers' Union. 15. New Zealand Federated Wharf Carters', Express- 34. Thames Branch, Amalgamated Miners' Association men's, and Storemen's Union. of Australasia. 16. Southland Trades and Labour Union. 35. United Employes' Society of Boilermakers and Iron 17. Associated Iron- and Brass-moulders of New Zealand. Shipbuilders of New Zealand. 18. Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New 36. New Zealand Boot-manufacturers' Association. Zealand. 37. Boilermakers' and Iron Shipbuilders' Society of 19. New Zealand Fishermen's Union. Christohurch. 20. New Zealand Federated Timber-workers' and Furni- 38. Wellington Typographical Society. ture Trade Association. 39. Otago Typographical Society. 21. Wellington and District Amalgamated Butchers' Em- 40. Hawke's Bay Operative Bootmakers' Society. ployes' Union. ' 41. Wellington Eight Hour Federated Union,




Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. "a to ll °3 a ! o !h © Q Oh CD fl 0 a Hi en in o a CD a to > a a . as hi !h s CO o §11 Hi . P a'Sg M += f> m Mg3O> O £ t> CD •31> M.XJ.I.O.O.P. Hawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meanee „ Abbotsford „ .. Clive „ .. Hastings „ Victoria „ .. Tavistock „ Woodville „ Ruabine „ Forest Home „ .. Friendship „ Danevirke „ .. Maraekakaho „ .. Napier Taradale .. Waipawa .. West Olive Hastings .. Porangahau Waipukurau Woodville .. Hampden .. Ormondville Port Ahuriri Darievirke Maraekakaho 1856 1871 1873 1876 1878 1878 1879 1880 1885 1887 1887 1888 1891 1894. Deo. 31 214 49 225 28 128 14 44 37 37 33 55 67 27 £ 8,871 2,027 9,025 1,242 5,144 578 1,700 1,483 1,301 1,221 1,894 2,275 988 £ 5,989 1,344 6,188 735 3,679 369 1,298 1,146 1,128 1,018 1,733 2,033 858 £ 5,573 638 4,328 753 1,910 414 635 635 311 210 283 241 121 £ 2,691 1,491 246 445 205 233 298 138 7 122 £ 45 £ 12-58 6-63 8-79 3-48 14-64 5-30 8-05 373 0-21 2-22 £ b'-92 Years. 36-27 3618 34-65 39-46 35-10 36-36 33-16 34-87 29-24 30-97 28-22 27-19 31-22 £ 1-74 1-76 1-73 1-78 1-81 1-67 1-81 1-95 1-79 1-90 1-83 1-75 1-90 £ 26-04 13-02 19-24 26-89 14-92 29-57 14-43 17-16 8-40 6-36 5-15 360 4-48 £ 4-69 1-99 3-25 4-24 5-55 3-39 6-13 5-43 3-11 2-26 1-93 1-66 2-32 £ + 7-98 + 0-33 + 2-72 + 10-81 + 0-41 + 9-92 + 2-81 + 3-95 + 0-71 - 0-79 - 2 03 - 3-22 1 9 001 0-33 Total 958 37,749 27,518 16,052 5,821 Wanganui Lodge Wanganui.. 1858 1894. Dec. 31 1-11 26-20 6-48 - 7-71 165 8,068 2,747 4,323 998 6-05 39-30 ■■ Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge.. Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales „ .. Albion „ .. Oamaru „ .. Tuapeka Pioneer „ .. Waitahuna „ .. Prince Alfred „ .. Waipori „ Blue Spur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Boxburgh „ .. Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ .. Dunedin .. 1848 1862 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1894. Dec. 31 10,252 4,743 3,848 1,733 2,285 1,755 2,300 648 1,399 570 984 627 875 1,411 3,086 686 4-46 11-36 0-17 074 37-86 39-78 25-15 38-04 37-90 38-63 39-90 51-90 38-85 45-00 45-42 39-00 37-70 36-54 3373 43-25 1-58 1-55 1-65 1-56 1-58 1-61 1-55 1-46 1-52 1-52 1-53 1-46 1-47 1-57 1-62 1-62 33-02 39-16 14-72 26-82 24-00 37-64 20-74 34-84 33-16 29-67 25-79 25-82 33-05 21-62 14-39 77-03 + 5-36 + 12-13 - 2-90 - 3-10 + 0-13 + 14-95 - 9-42 - 9-46 + 1-57 + 3-36 - 14-69 - 500 + 6-03 - 10-53 - 603 + 20-41 Balclutha .. Port Chalmers Dunedin .. Oamaru Lawrence .. Waitahuna Waikouaiti Waipori Blue Spur.. Naseby Port Molyneux Boxburgh .. Tapanui Queenstown 452 200 143 73 96 74 98 38 61 28 48 28 39 58 119 30 23,161 10,303 5,928 3,637 4,750 3,745 5,150 2,549 3,086 1,646 2,807 1,416 1,920 2,814 5,341 1,666 14,924 7,832 2,105 1,958 2,304 2,785 2,033 1,324 2,023 831 1,238 723 1,289 1,254 1,713 2,311 2,015 2,272 25 54 '■795 '336 161 *817 577 10-74 5-51 V-68 8-34 15-18 4-94 6-25 7-64 6-97 6-29 4-15 6-22 4-26 6-16 4-65 6-72 4-46 5-31 6-71 6-11 6-55 245 585 66 8-75 12-19 2-36 244 6-26 149 542 44-37 *2-57 4-55 1J331 * Not previously valued.




Nanie of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. o a ll P,c3 CD So 0 a-* m 03 a CD CD la ©^ O •I > ill ill Hi l|H ; fill 1111 lll a M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued. Otago District —continued. Palmerston Lodge.. Cromwell „ •. Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ .. Outram „ Mosgiel /, Caversham „ • ■ Valley „ ■ • Ngapara ,, Dunback „ Pride of Kaitangata „ .. Palmerston South .. Cromwell Waikaia Kakanui Outram Mosgiel Caversham North-east Valley .. Ngapara .. Dunback ,... Kaitangata 1870 1870 1871 1872 1875 1879 1881 1881 1891 1892 1893 1894. Dec. 31 " 56 45 30 65 99 89 52 27 33 50 2,428 2,474 2,612 1,460 3,008 4,198 3,486 2,023 1,135 1,191 1,829 £ 1,324 1,037 799 746 1,598 2,636 2,379 1,464 842 963 1,524 £ 985 3,151 1,754 591 1,631 1,850 901 549 178 133 92 & l^714 221 288 £ 119 59 123 £ 38-09 3-40 2-91 £ 2-12 1-37 4-10 Years. 32-40 42-75 48-92 37-37 35-38 32-60 28-92 28-61 31-81 25-94 26-44 1-45 1-61 1-46 1-63 1-58 1-62 1-38 1-63 1-94 1-65 1-74 £ 17-59 70-02 40-79 19-70 25-09 18-69 10-12 10-56 6-59 4-03 1-84 £ 4-75 8-19 4-51 5-00 5-03 5-27 7-07 4-02 3-30 2-30 £ - 3-39 + 20-71 - 0-22 - 2-76 + 2-34 - 1-03 - 4-20 - 2-07 206 10 115 95 213 2-31 0-19 4-26 2-88 4-26 * * Total 2,174 105,763 52,514 58,462 5,213 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers „ Auckland 1894. Dec. 31 137 156 6,181 6,742 1878 1879 3,179 3,662 1,366 1,589 1,636 1,491 •• 11-94 9-56 38-79 37-06 1-52 1-52 9-97 10-19 5-34 5-89 - 11-38 - 9-58 •• Total 293 12,923 6,841 2,955 3,127 ■• i B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District — Aorangi Lodge Wellington 1894. Dec. 31 83 3,317 749 9-02 31-18 1-39 7-66 5-84 - 10-25 1884 1,932 636 U.A.O.D. Excelsior Lodge All Nations „ West Harbour Endeavour „ Blenheim Mistletoe „ Turanganui Wellington Port Chalmers Kothesay Oamaru Blenheim Gisborne 1879 1883 1883 1884 1884 1884 1894. Dec. 31 241 55 32 77 56 179 7,524 1,775 964 2,371 1,579 5,001 5,130 1,063 631 1,513 1,401 3,687 3,910 543 313 650 375 1,042 484 169 20 208 2-01 307 0-62 2-70 35-87 37-67 33-91 3505 30-75 30-73 1-55 1-46 1-42 1-43 1-70 1-42 7-92 9-87 9-78 8-44 6-69 5-82 6-50 7-02 4-47 4-51 8-52 7-55 - 5-65 - 6-02 - 2-16 - 6-14 - 0-08 - 3-88 197 272 - 3-52 1-52 * Not previously valued.




Causes assigned for Surplus. A. —Favourable sickness experience. B.—Profits arising from secessions. C. —Favourable position at commencement of quinquennium. D.—Higher average rate of interest on investments than that assumed by Valuer. Causes assigned for Deficiency. E.—lnadequate rates of contribution. F.—lnadequate rates of contribution from original members. G.—Misapplication of benefit fund. H.—Unfavourable position at commencement of quinquennium. J. — Negligence in regard to investment of funds. X.—Disproportionate liability to District Funeral Fund under the " equal levy " system. L. —Violation of rules. M. —Unfavourable sickness experience.

Name of Society and Branch. Present Value of Future Contributions to Benefit Funds. Accumulated T n t n i Assets Benefit Funds. J-°™1 Assets. Batio to Liabilities, per £. ., of Causes of Surplus or Deficienc; Surplus. Deficiency. M.U.I.O.O.F. Hawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meanee „ Abbotsford „ Clive Hastings • „ Victoria „ Tavistock „ Woodville „ Ruahine „ Forest Home „ Friendship Danevirke „ Maraekakaho „ s. d. 13 6 13 3 13 9 11 10 14 4 12 9 15 3 15 5 17 4 16 8 18 3 17 11 17 8 s. d. 12 7 6 4 9 7 12 2 7 5 14 4 7 6 8 7 4 9 3 5 3 0 2 1 2 5 s. d. 26 1 19 7 23 4 24 0 21 9 27 1 22 9 24 0 22 1 20 1 21 3 20 0 19 10 s. d. 6 1 3 4 4 0 1 9 7 1 2 9 4 0 2 1 0 1 1 3 s. d. 0 - 5 A, 0, D. J, M. A, 0. C. A, D. A, G. A, C, D. A, G, D. A. A. 0"2 Wanganui Lodge 0 9 10 9 17 6 2 6 E, H, M. Otago District —■ Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales „ Albion „ Oamaru Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ Blue Spur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Roxburgh Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram „ Mosgiel „ Caversham „ Valley Ngapara „ Dunback „ Pride of Kaitangata 8 10 9 2 13 0 9 C 9 7 9 4 8 11 5 1 9 1 6 11 7 0 8 10 10 2 10 0 11 7 8 3 10 11 8 5 6 2 10 3 10 8 12 7 13 8 14 6 14 10 1G 2 1G 8 12 11 15 3 7 1 10 9 9 9 14 11 7 11 10 5 13 1 10 1 8 10 10 3 13 5 8 11 6 5 27 9 8 1 25 5 13 5 8 1 10 10 8 10 5 2 5 5 3 2 2 3 1 0 21 9 24 5 20 1 20 3 19 4 24 3 16 10 15 6 22 2 17 0 15 10 19 1 23 7 18 11 18 0 36 0 19 0 33 10 19 7 18 4 21 6 21 5 18 10 19 11 18 0 18 5 17 8 1 9 4 5 0 1 0 3 i3 2"2 $"i 0 8 3"2 4 C 3 0 4 2 0 11 l"l 2 0 C, D. G, D. D. D. M. C. H, M. H, M. A, 0, D. M. H. H. A, C, D. H. H. A, C, D. H. A, C, T>. M. H. A, 0, D. D. H. 16*0 1 0 13 io 0"5 1 8 i"g 1 5 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 7 2 4 E. E. E. N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers 10 3 10 10 4 5 4 9 14 8 15 7 5 4 4 5 E, H. E, G, H. B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District — Aorangi Lodge .. 11 8 3 10 15 6 4 6 E, H. U.A.O.D. Excelsior Lodge .. All Nations West Harbour „ Endeavour „ Blenheim Mistletoe „ Turanganui „ 13 8 11 11 13 1 12 9 17 9 14 9 5 1 6 2 6 6 5 6 4 9 4 2 18 9 18 1 19 7 18 3 22 6 18 11 1 3 1 11 0 5 1 9 E, H. E, H, M. E, H, M. E, H. A, D. E, H. 2 6 l"l



APPENDIX V. Fobms which may be obtained free on application to the Eegisteab of Friendly Societies Form of application to register a society under the Friendly Societies Act. Form of notice of establishment of branch of registered society. Form of application for the conversion of a registered society into a branch. Form of declaration to accompany the foregoing. Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (branches). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (branches). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (societies). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (branches). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (societies). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (branches). Form of notice of change of registered office of society. Form of notice of change of place of establishment of branch. Form of return to District Land Registrar.





PAGR Table I.—Membership and Funds .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 „ ll.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness .. .. .. 25 „ 111. —Sick and Funeral Funds .. .. .. .. .. 27 IV.—Medical and Management Expenses Fund .. .. .. .. ..28 V.—Disposition of Funds .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 „ VI. —Investments at Interest .. .. .. .. .. 30

3—H, 1,



TABLE I.—Number of Members and Amounts of Benefit and other Funds, as on the 31st December, 1894, of all Friendly Societies and Branches from which Returns were received in accordance with the Act.

Name of Society and Bbanch. Place of Establishment. o oct HI Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato „ Duke of Cambridge „ Gisborne „ Howiek „ Whangarei , Franklin „ Warkworth Pioneer „ Central Body Auckland Parnell Thames Cambridge .. Gisborue Howick Whangarei .. Otahuhu Warkworth .. Auckland 1844 1850 1859 1865 1866 1867 1874 1876 1881 1881 1884 352 229 120 109 134 50 94 66 38 36 25 £ s. d. 17,658 0 1 4,444 18 4 3,514 2 0 1,992 5 5 3,714 17 5 607 19 9 1,853 7 10 868 19 0 562 16 8 382 1 8 147 6 8 8,045 11 4 £ s. d. 12,008 0 8 4,275 6 5 2,180 4 9 1,945 18 9 3,576 5 11 598 6 2 1,097 15 3 769 4 0 549 17 4 380 17 6 147 6 8 7,997 8 1 £ s. d. 5,649 19 5 169 11 11 1,333 17 3 46 6 8 138 11 6 9 13 7 755 12 7 99 15 0 12 19 4 14 2 S. + 10-07 - 1-69 + 21-28 + 7-68 + 1-66 + 2-77 + 23-92 - 0-61 48"3 3 - 2-58 - 2-53 Total 1,253 43,792 6 2 35,526 11 6 8,265 14 8 + 12-58 - 0-92 + 6-63 + 8-79 + 3-48 + 14-64 + 5-30 + 8-05 + 3-73 + 0-21 + 2-22 - 0-01 - 0-33 Hawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meeanee „ Abbotsford „ Clive ... Hastings „ Victoria « • • Tavistock „ Woodville , Ruahine „ Forest Home „ Friendship „ Danevirke „ Maraekakaho „ Central Body Napier Taradale Waipawa West Olive .. Hastings Porangahau Waipukurau Woodville .. Hampden .. Ormondville Port Ahuriri Danevirke .. Maraekakaho Napier 1856 1871 1873 1876 1878 1878 1879 1880 1885 1887 1887 1888 1891 214 49 225 28 128 14 44 37 37 33 55 67 27 6,110 0 9 630 2 10 4,165 0 9 751 8 6 1,820 8 5 412 6 1 628 17 6 631 9 1 805 17 5 213 14 7 276 4 3 233 3 0 130 14 6 173 3 1 5,452 19 6 630 2 10 4,163 17 10 748 7 3 1,755 9 5 412 6 1 628 17 6 620 2 10 305 17 5 205 10 0 276 4 3 233 3 0 118 0 7 145 3 1 657 1 3 1 2 11 3 13 64 19 0 11 6 3 8~'4 7 12'is 11 28 0 0 Total 958 16,482 10 9 15,696 1 7 786 9 2 + 2-88 + 7-27 - 2-20 - 5-30 - 0-61 + 1-30 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara „ Union „ Manaia . „ Eltham Central Body New Plymouth Waitara Hawera Manaia Eltham New Plymouth 1857 1865 1876 1881 1887 1889 184 97 52 88 90 29 3,323 10 0 2,400 11 2 748 8 5 828 16 10 567 0 10 118 17 1 388 2 1 3,304 4 3 2,400 0 3 748 8 5 815 15 6 567 0 10 118 17 1 366 14 5 19 5 9 0 10 11 13 1 4 21 7 8 Total 540 8,375 6 5 8,321 0 9 54 5 8 - 6-05 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge Wanganui .. 1858 165 6,352 15 3 4,294 13 5 2,058 1 10 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean » Rose of the Valley , Kainapoura Rose of Sharon St. George Unity Combination Heart of Oak Greytown Petone „ Bketahuna „ Martinborough Mangatainoka „ Widow and Orphan Society .. Central Body Wellington .. Lower Hutt Tawa Flat .. Upper Hutt Pahautanui Featherston Johnsonville Carterton Greytown Petone Eketahuna .. Martinborough Mangatainoka Wellington .. 1843 1847 1849 1857 1857 1867 1872 1876 1877 1879 1882 1887 1892 1894 1849 312 269 149 22 71 34 51 16 60 44 82 27 17 29 10,604 12 4 7,126 13 3 2,296 0 8 433 8 0 936 14 6 422 10 6 482 17 4 427 7 1 665 15 0 1,046 0 9 631 8 4 256 19 2 74 11 8 29 5 2 1,724 18 2 719 18 4 8,379 0 6 6,735 6 0 2,001 4 1 418 12 5 936 14 6 355 12 8 469 16 5 274 3 3 665 15 0 899 15 3 561 1 10 188 15 8 60 13 10 23 8 0 1,724 18 2 616 6 7 2,225 11 10 391 7 3 294 16 7 14 15 7 66 17 10 13 0 11 153 3 10 + 8-47 + 3-45 -14-52 - 1-82 - 2-98 - 8-82 - 1-72 - 0-05 - 7-45 + 5-32 -13-43 - 1-87 146 5 6 70 6 6 68 3 6 13 17 10 5 17 2 103 11 9 + 7-74 Total 1,183 27,879 0 3 24,311 4 2 3,567 16 1 + 6-32 + 18-00 Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge .. Renwick „ Central Body Blenheim .. Renwick Blenheim .. 1860 1867 101 28 4,397 8 1 1,814 9 3 908 7 5 4,377 14 8 1,404 6 1 898 17 3 19 13 5 410 3 2 9 10 2 Total 129 7,120 4 9 6,680 18 0 439 6 9 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest Howard , Mansion of Peace , General Cameron Central Body Nelson Richmond .. Nelson Wakefieia .. Brightwater Nelson .. 1842 1847 1847 1859 1865 233 102 235 157 66 3,936 6 3 1,393 14 7 6,248 19 7 2,962 7 4 1,145 9 5 4,781 16 9 3,858 7 0 1,358 14 5 5,931 4 5 2,834 7 8 1,103 12 2 4,699 3 9 77 19 3 35 0 2 317 15 2 127 19 8 41 17 3 82 13 0 - 4-92 - 4-48 + 2-67 + 2-93 - 1-66 Total 793 20,468 13 11 19,785 9 5 683 4 6



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds—continued.

Name of Society and Bbanch. Place of Establishment. IP Hi Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund, Goods, &e. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. M.U.I. 0.0.F. — continued, Motueka District — Motueka Lodge Good Intention „ Takaka South Star „ Central Body Motueka Biwaka Takaka Dovedale Motueka 1850 1860 1863 1880 145 78 91 38 £ s. d. 3,471 6 7 2,077 16 2 1,195 10 0 197 12 2 1,661 13 2 £ s. d. 3,371 6 7 2,072 13 7 1,195 10 0 143 5 7 1,617 2 7 £ s. d. 100 0 0 5 2 7 £ + 0-96 - 1-74 - 3-14 - 2-60 54"6 7 44 10 7 Total 352 8,603 18 1 8,399 18 4 203 19 9 North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Central Body Westport .. Charleston .. Reefton 1867 1867 81 60 3,247 17 6 2,518 14 2 30 14 2 2,637 13 7 1,714 6 7 30 14 2 610 3 11 804 7 7 + 6-77 + 2-13 Total 141 5,797 5 10 4,382 14 4 1,414 11 6 Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Waimea „ Greymouth „ Albert Central Body Hokitika Stafford Greymouth.. Kumara Hokifcika 1866 1867 1867 1870 72 35 61 59 4,086 13 7 792 19 6 3,507 12 8 756 18 2 44 18 6 4,086 13 7 739 5 9 3,507 12 8 713 2 3 29 4 2 53 13 9 43 15 11 15 14 4 + 2-71 -28-92 + 11-90 -15-98 Total 227 9,189 2 5 9,075 18 5 113 4 0 + 1-47 + 7-45 + 10-97 + 2-17 - 0-33 - 5-52 - 0-85 + 3-96 - 3-56 Ashley District- 1 - Rangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield „ Cust Woodend Oxford Ohoka Amberley ,, Waikari „ Central Body Rangiora East Oxford Leithfield .. Cust Woodend West Oxford Ohoka Amberley Waikari Rangiora 1860 1808 1873 1874 1874 1876 1876 1876 1880 273 70 54 48 50 96 73 57 26 4,568 15 11 1,421 18 5 950 0 6 675 0 11 662 2 5 453 10 2 624 2 5 1,050 3 3 316 14 2 513 12 6 3,534 0 8 1,353 19 0 945 9 8 675 0 11 657 3 7 434 11 10 596 19 6 1,030 1 6 260 17 0 365 7 4 1,034 15 3 67 19 5 4 10 10 4 18 10 18 18 4 27 2 11 20 1 9 55 17 2 148 5 2 Total 747 11,236 0 8 9,853 11 0 1,382 9 8 North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent „ Perseverance „ Malvern „ Phillipstown „ Leeston „ Papanui Addington „ Coleridge „ Heart of Oak „ Eiooarton „ Jubilee „ Central Body Christchurch Kaiapoi Sydenham .. Christchurch Woolston Waddington Linwood Lee&ton Papanui Addington .. Glentunnel .. Kaikoura .. Up. Riccarton Prebbleton .. Christchurch 1853 1858 1866 1866 1872 1877 1879 1880 1880 1882 1883 1885 1886 1887 420 119 108 108 177 44 35 104 55 132 57 88 37 57 3 12,103 1 9 1,678 6 3 785 1 6 3,137 10 7 1,813 7 9 359 17 10 134 12 8 741 18 4 388 14 6 1,005 5 2 436 1 4 557 3 1 378 9 2 288 1 1 474 6 10 9,044 6 11 1,551 19 11 784 7 9 3,132 0 8 1,773 7 9 352 10 11' 134 12 8 728 14 3 388 14 6 1,002 2 8 338 18 0 385 16 7 325 18 7 245 12 3 280 13 7 3,058 14 10 126 6 4 0 13 9 5 9 11 40 0 0 7 6 13 13 4 1 + 0-89 - 3-70 -10-67 + 5-94 - 7-92 - 4-06 -11-36 - 6-25 - 5-41 - 6-11 - 6-31 - 7'64 - 5-32 - 7-30 3 2 6 97 3 4 171 6 6 52 10 7 42 8 10 193 13 3 Total 1,544 24,281 17 10 20,469 17 0 3,812 0 10 Lyttelton District — City oJ Norwich Lodge Good Intent „ Timaru » Heart of Friendship „ Hand of Friendship „ Hand and Heart „ Perseverance „ Pleasant Point „ Central Body Lyttelton .. Akaroa Timaru Waimate Okain's Bay Pigeon Bay.. Barry's Bay Pleasant Pt. Lyttelton .. 1850 1860 1864 1871 1875 1876 1881 1891 267 65 222 65 28 31 26 41 1 6,800 15 4 1,519 16 8 3,835 2 7 358 1 9 810 1 5 642 3 8 393 10 9 258 13 4 296 14 1 6,665 17 1 1,511 3 4 3,831 1 0 342 2 0 794 1 3 626 16 1 393 10 9 257 1 9 143 11 1 134 18 3 8 13 4 4 17 15 19 9 16 0 2 15 7 7 + 4-48 - 4-05 - 7'55 - 7-00 + 7-54 - 1-25 + 9-77 1 11 7 153 3 0 Total 736 14,914 19 7 14,565 4 4 349 15 3 - 2-58 - 3-26 - 1-46 + 3-04 - 3-20 Ashburton District— Ashburton Lodge .. Waterton „ South Eakaia „ Pioneer Tinwald Central Body Ashburton .. Waterton South Bakaia Springburn .. Tinwald Ashburton .. 1873 1881 1881 1881 1882 145 41 42 32 30 2,152 0 7 479 15 2 921 15 4 582 0 9 485 4 8 355 14 4 2,113 8 8 460 3 10 719 1 1 578 7 9 474 11 5 264 15 6 38 16 11 19 11 4 202 14 3 3 13 0 10 13 3 90 18 10 Total 290 4,976 10 10 4,610 3 3 366 7 7


TABLE I.— Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Society and Beanch. Place of Establishment. 111 H ooS || jg Total Worth. JT © © Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.P.— continued. Olago District Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales „ Albion „ Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred Waipori „ Bluespur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Roxburgh „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon Band of Friendship Outram „ Mosgiel „ Caversham ., Valley ' „ ,. Ngapara „ Central Body Dunedin Balolutha .. PortChalmers Dunedin Oamaru Lawrence .. Waitahuna .. Waikouaiti .. Waipori Bluespur Naseby Pt. Molyneux Roxburgh .. Tapanui Queens town Palmerston S. Cromwell Waikaia Kakanui Outram Mosgiel Gaversham .. N.E. Valley Ngapara Dunedin 1848 1862 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1875 1879 1881 1881 1891 452 200 143 73 96 74 98 38 61 28 49 28 39 58 119 30 56 45 43 30 65 99 89 52 27 £ s. d. 18,903 13 4 9,011 6 3 2,187 17 5 1,894 6 11 2,304 18 0 3,316 5 9 2,109 16 8 1,296 2' 5 2,118 2 7 844 1 7 1,345 13 8 764 2 2 1,355 4 7 1,221 4 0 1,727 11 9 2,268 18 10 958 11 4 3,077 14 10 1,761 7 10 718 3 4 1,659 16 8 1,836 8 3 896 14 0 524 2 2 204 7 3 1,122 5 6 £ s. d. 14,727 10 9 7,658 12 0 2,028 15 0 1,894 1 0 2,245 2 4 2,775 7 6 1,996 14 6 1,296 2 5 2,014 8 4 812 10 4 1,225 7 10 719 4 1 1,283 14 5 1,152 5 11 1,666 17 7 2,253 13 2 932 9 6 3,038 5 10 1,748 7 0 586 8 10 1,621 17 5 1,824 8 10 879 4 6 524 2 2 173 14 9 310 0 8 £ s. d. 4,176 2 7 1,352 14 3 159 2 5 0 5 11 59 15 8 540 18 3 113 2 2 103 14 3 31 11 3 120 5 10 44 18 1 71 10 2 68 18 1 60 14 2 15 5 8 26 1 10 39 9 0 13 0 10 131 14 6 37 19 3 11 19 5 17 9 6 £ + 4-46 + 11-36 + 0-17 + 0-74 - 1-68 + 10-74 - 834 -15-18 + 5-51 - 8-75 -12-19 - 2-36 + 6-26 - 2-57 - 4-55 + 44-37 - 2-12 + 38-09 - 1-37 - 410 + 3-40 + 2-91 - 2-31 - 0-19 - 4-26 30 12 6 812 4 10 Total 2,092 65,428 17 1 57,339 6 8 8,039 10 5 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, &Thistle Lodge St. George „ Winton United Gore Lumsden „ Awarua „ Central Body „ Invercargill.. Winton Gore Lumsden Campbell town Inveroargill.. 1860 1868 1874 1878 1882 1883 241 143 30 82 61 50 7,722 7 9 4,368 4 2 792 9 4 961 12 5 851 0 7 486 10 4 357 8 3 7,580 1 7 4,338 17 2 726 6 10 858 7 0 828 0 7 433 12 9 143 1 8 142 6 2 29 7 0 66 2 6 103 5 5 23 0 0 52 17 7 214 6 7 + 11-99 + 3-58 - 1-68 - 2-24 - 4-65 Total 607 15,539 12 10 290,439 2 8 14,908 7 7 631 5 3 Total of Order 11757 258,270 19 9 32,168 2 11 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Leith Alfred Star of Canterbury „ Unity Linden „ Southern Cross „ Pioneer of Southland „ Star of Auckland „ Washington „ Prebbleton „ Alma „ Wallace „ Ridgley „ Kawakawa „ Gladstone „ Mataura „ Kaeo „ Otaki „ Hope of Maheno „ Rangitikei „ Central Body Dunedin Oamaru Timaru S. Dunedin .. Kaikorai Wellington .. Invercargill.. Auckland .. Sydenham .. Prebbleton .. Wyndham .. Eiverton Christchurch Kawakawa .. Fairlie Mafcaura Kaeo Otaki Maheno Bulls Dunedin 1862 1867 1869 1869 1875 1875 1877 1878 1878 1878 1881 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1884 1888 1889 1892 82 76 68 33 95 60 126 95 178 62 29 83 24 38 31 26 31 19 16 31 61 922 9 8 1,672 1 0 911 12 11 302 6 9 191 7 2 422 17 7 2,277 2 9 1,649 17 7 1,711 15 8 807 10 7 391 11 5 465 17 0 349 13 8 333 13 2 340 14 9 245 12 2 471 5 11 284 10 6 125 11 1 314 2 7 202 7 2 7,470 14 3 854 6 5 1,592 13 8 911 12 11 263 3 9 142 4 3 394 5 11 2,157 12 4 1,474 16 4 1,481 9 4 733 3 1 323 5 1 387 13 10 326 16 6 281 9 2 337 2 0 225 5 3 301 1 6 239 16 6 117 9 11 297 14 0 176 12 11 5,628 0 2 68 3 3 79 7 4 39 3 0 49 2 11 28 11 8 119 10 5 175 1 3 230 6 4 74 7 6 68 6 4 78 8 2 22 17 2 52 4 0 3 12 9 20 6 11 170 4 5 44 14 0 8 12 16 8 7 25 14 3 1,842 14 1 - 1-91 + 2-81 + 5-15 - 2-22 - 3-73 - 3-77 + 7-57 + 8-36 + 4-54 + 316 + 4-64 + 9-04 + 4-56 - 0-22 + 8-24 + 6-30 + 26-57 + 5-00 + 2-67 + 3'30 + 1-22 Total 1,214 21,864 15 4 18,647 14 10 3,217 0 6 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial DistrictAuckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers „ Central Body Auckland .. 1878 1879 137 156 670 4 2 876 2 6 1,584 15 3 618 5 2 774 5 6 1,562 15 6 51 19 0 101 17 0 21 19 9 -11-94 - 9-56 Total 293 3,131 1 11 2,955 6 2 175 15 9



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name or Society and Beanch. Place of Establishment. •" OS ooS ■sJa I a si Total Worth. Sick ana MaJ KS?raent Funeral Fund. G( fX,&c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. B.U.O.O.P. Vellington District — Aorangi Lodge Central Body Wellington .. 1884 83 £ s. d. 423 15 4 260 19 10 £ s. d. 380 1 6 237 14 10 £ s. d. 43 13 10 23 5 0 £ - 902 Total 83 684 15 2 617 16 4 66 18 10 A.O.F. [uckland District Court City of Auckland „ Pride of Parnell Zealandia „ Pride of Onehunga „ Pride of the North „ Robin Hood „ Northern Wairoa „ Pride of Newmarket „ Nil Desperandum „ Boyal Oak „ Star of the South „ Star of Helensville Queen of the North „ Chisman Central Body Auckland .. Thames Auckland .. Onehunga .. Grahamstown Panmure Dargaville .. Newmarket.. Newton Tauranga .. Otahuhu Helensville .. Maungaturoto Auckland .. Auckland .. 1863 1864 1873 1875 1875 1876 1877 1879 1880 1880 1881 1883 1886 1894 399 116 117 114 93 23 65 43 211 54 22 19 32 52 6,158 4 7 4,214 14 2 1,273 4 11 705 18 9 387 17 9 331 10 7 566 4 0 344 17 4 760 0 0 344 16 0 202 2 11 332 3 4 149 2 11 32 2 9 5,833 17 4 5,968 4 4 4,145 0 5 1,241 14 5 638 0 11 358 7 9 315 1 10 473 9 11 324 12 1 686 19 3 292 5 9 193 12 11 235 3 6 110 19 9 14 6 2 5,171 9 2 190 0 3 69 13 9 31 10 6 67 17 10 29 10 0 16 8 9 92 14 1 20 5 3 73 0 9 52 10 3 8 10 0 96 19 10 38 3 2 17 16 7 662 8 2 + 6-47 - 6-68 -11-44 -12-44 - 7-04 -10-54 - 8-04 -10-34 -10-35 - 9-90 - 4-59 - 9-75 Total .. 1,360 21,636 17 4 20,169 8 2 1,467 9 2 Tawke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier „ Lord Clyde „ Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Robin Hood „ Ruahine „ Heretaunga „ Little John „ Waitangi „ Rising Sun „ Ormond „ Redcliffe Central Body Napier Wairoa Napier Havelock .. Port Ahuriri Waipukurau Hastings Waipawa West Clive .. Danevirke .. Makotuku .. Taradale Napier 1872 1873 1875 1875 1878 1879 1882 1883 1884 1885 1885 1886 167 36 170 119 71 48 46 53 23 55 66 30 3,604 4 10 517 16 4 2,211 11 6 1,225 9 3 497 6 8 460 11 8 432 19 9 372 10 10 220 7 3 137 0 2 385 6 7 207 7 0 2,160 0 3 3,471 4 8 510 9 10 2,145 11 0 1,215 1 2 487 10 8 431 11 8 432 0 6 353 18 4 218 9 5 137 0 2 352 18 11 177 13 0 1,663 18 10 133 0 2 7 6 6 66 0 6 10 8 1 9 16 0 29 0 0 0 19 3 18 12 6 1 17 10 + 2-52 - 3-44 - 5-20 - 6-75 - 8-30 - 5-96 - 6-33 - 5-45 - 4-23 - 7-15 - 5-45 - 5-69 32 7 8 29 14 0 496 1 5 Total .. 884 12,432 12 1 11,597 8 2 835 3 11 "'aranaki District — Court Taranaki „ Waireka „ Patea .. „ Inglewood Forest „ Raleigh „ Egmont „ Stratford Central Body New Plymouth Patea Inglewood .. Waitara Hawera Stratford New Plymouth 1864 1866 1867 1876 1883 1884 1887 92 242 53 146 36 45 45 1,802 8 10 2,593 12 4 494 2 5 1,113 6 2 210 15 6 524 19 2 162 13 0 500 2 3 1,794 14 7 2,570 12 6 387 3 2 1,073 17 0 205 5 5 516 4 2 139 16 2 292 15 10 7 14 3 22 19 10 106 19 3 39 9 2 5 10 1 8 15 0 22 16 10 207 6 5 -H-77 - 4-23 - 14-49 -10-96 -14-18 - 6-82 Total 659 7,401 19 8 6,980 8 10 421 10 10 Vellington District — Court Sir George Grey „ Robin Hood Little John „ Roderick Dhu .. „ Sir George Bowen „ Blenheim „ Wairarapa Loyal Enterprise „ Clarendon „ Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby .. „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer „ Egmont „ Loyal Halcombe „ Woodville „ Pohangina Epuni „ Pahiatua „ Kopuaranga „ Hunterville Wellington .. Marton Wanganui .. Wellington .. Blenheim .. Greytown .. Masterton .. Picton Palmers ton N. Carterton .. Feilding Gisborne Te Nui Opunake Halcombe .. Woodville .. Ashurst Petone Pahiatua Mauriceville Hunterville 1862 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1874 1875 1876 1876 1877 1877 1882 1884 1884 1885 1886 1886 1887 1888 254 198 153 154 263 113 61 11& 69 123 137 79 129 60 15 26 75 36 140 132 40 35 8,280 5 6 2,076 3 10 1,388 19 4 1,473 19 11 3,516 1 1 4,114 18 11 1,089 2 2 754 9 6 1,381 14 9 1,200 17 3 462 18 11 992 2 2 1,747 16 11 622 17 10 325 1 3 135 0 4 291 4 11 141 15 11 870 8 1 580 13 2 378 3 4 70 14 2 6,240 19 9 1,745 9 5 1,342 5 4 1,437 8 4 3,406 19 2 3,357 12 0 1,089 2 2 740 1 0 1,325 8 5 594 19 9 457 2 9 960 0 7 1,652 3 11 553 1 11 310 15 11 111 4 7 282 18 11 130 15 8 709 18 9 400 6 8 243 8 7 56 15 10 2,039 5 9 330 14 5 46 14 0 36 11 7 109 1 11 757 6 11 14 8 6 56 6 4 605 17 6 5 16 2 32 1 7 95 13 0 69 15 11 14 5 4 23 15 9 8 6 0 11 0 3 160 9 4 180 6 6 134 14 9 13 18 i + 2-97 -10-88 - 9-96 - 4-94 - 7-41 + 7-82 - 8'51 -12-45 - 1-33 - 9-81 - 8-44 - 2-74 - 203 - 5-91 - 2-53 - 5-38 - 8-99 - 9'56 - 7-38 - 8-99 - 7'38 - 7-95



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds — continued.

Name of Society and Bbanch. Place of Establishment. % j | H O Oo S, © © Z 3R Surplus a!»v ™ Management or Deficiency Total Worth. Fund, per Member Funeral Funa. | Goodg] &e _ at la?t Valuation. A.O.P— continued. Wellington District— continued. Court Sir William Jervois .. Newtown .. „ Pride of Levin .. .. Levin „ Bloomfield .. .. Lower Hutt Activity .. .. Ohingaiti .. Central Body .. Wellington .. 1889 1891 1891 1894 87 40 29 41 £ s. d. 278 11 2 81 13 6 77 14 4 49 1 9 5,423 11 9 £ s. d. 211 10 2 44 4 7 30 9 11 9 19 6 4,999 3 6 £ s. d. 67 1 0 37 8 11 47 4 5 39 2 3 424 8 3 £ - 6-47 - 8-59 - 6-58 Total .. 2,607 37,806 1 9 32,444 7 1 5,361 14 8 -15-80 -19-92 -12-03 -21-39 - 22-30 -11-28 - 6-43 - 5-38 -17-53 -15-14 Nelson District — Court Eobin Hood .. .. Nelson „ Perseverance .. .. Motueka „ Pride of the Forest .. Wakapuaka „ Concord .. .. Greymouth .. „ Unity .. .. Havelock Charleston .. .. Charleston .. „ Sherwood Forest .. Stoke „ Aorere .. .. Collingwood Eoyal Oak .. .. Westport .. „ Inangahua .. .. Beefton Central Body .. Nelson 1862 1863 1864 1867 1871 1871 1872 1873 1875 1878 263 80 40 79 63 24 42 72 26 19 4,562 8 7 419 14 5 1,100 14 1 573 8 3 945 5 2 432 6 4 1,043 0 2 1,561 9 11 702 13 11 389 1 4 1,434 2 3 4,531 13 10 418 4 2 976 15 9 536 9 6 800 19 2 417 18 11 1,012 16 4 1,539 3 5 677 13 11 380 8 10 1,127 10 1 30 14 9 1 10 3 123 18 4 36 18 9 144 6 0 14 7 5 30 3 10 22 6 6 25 0 0 8 12 6 306 12 2 Total .. 708 13,164 4 5 12,419 13 11 744 10 6 United Westland District — Court Pride of the' West .. Hokitika .. 1866 20 350 7 10 312 12 7 37 15 3 -31-59 Canterbury United District — Court Star of Canterbury .. Christchurch „ Queen of the Isles .. Lyttelton .. „ Pride of Courtenay .. Courtenay .. „ Thistle of the Forest .. Sydenham .. „ Woodford .. .. Kaiapoi Papanui .. .. Papanui „ Star of Dunsandel .. Dunsandel .. „ Star of Belfast.. .. Belfast Ashburton .. .. Ashburton .. Widow and Orphan Society .. Christchurch Central Body .. „ 1852 1859 1876 1879 1880 1881 1888 1888 1889 1867 414 45 48 63 112 50 41 21 34 8,166 13 8 1,691 4 6 777 0 9 1,032 0 0 1,292 5 11 141 10 0 148 1 6 138 16 4 136 1 2 1,365 3 3 4,649 10 1 8,128 5 6 1,299 12 11 658 11 2 1,006 16 5 1,211 15 5 121 7 10 114 14 8 137 17 5 119 4 3 1,345 0 4 4,545 12 2 38 8 2 391 11 7 118 9 7 25 3 7 80 10 6 20 2 2 33 6 10 0 18 11 16 16 11 20 2 11 103 17 11 + 0-17 - 7-29 + 2-00 + 0-88 + 0-50 - 6-33 - 5-50 - 3-12 - 5-70 + 11-08 Total .. 828 19,538 7 2 18,688 18 1 849 9 1 South Canterbury District — Court Southern Cross .. Timaru „ Foresters' Pride .. Waimate „ Progress .. .. St. Andrew's Central Body .. Timaru 1865 1875 1883 290 91 21 6,018 11 8 1,009 5 9 203 0 0 397 8 8 5,834 18 1 778 13 1 203 0 0 380 16 0 183 13 7 230 12 8 - 7-67 -14-49 -10-87 16*12 8 Total .. 402 7,628 6 1 7,197 7 2 430 18 11 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin .. Dunedin „ Pride of the Lake .. Queenstown Enterprise .. .. Dunedin „ Bobin Hood .. .. Port Chalmers „ Pride of the Leith .. Dunedin „ Bruce.. .. .. Milton „ Star of the Dunstan .. Clyde Pride of Oamaru .. Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka .. Lawrence .. „ Pride of Alexandra .. j Alexandra .. „ Havelock .. .. Waitahuna .. Eoxburgh .. Boxburgh .. ', Star of the South .. Invercargill St. Andrews .. .. Caversham .. „ Excelsior .. .. Mornington.. „ Little John .. .. Eoslyn „ Southern Star .. .. Campbelltown „ Eoyal Oak .. .. Wyndham .. Central Body .. Dunedin 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1868 1868 1869 1869 1873 1874 1875 1877 1888 1890 1890 221 23 224 116 221 98 21 152 39 19 23 47 245 119 67 58 39 46 7,371 14 10 505 4 8 4,344 0 8 1,082 1 0 2,037 5 11 1,295 2 10 353 8 2 1,441 8 9 637 14 11 578 3 6 399 11 11 412 18 3 2,104 14 8 714 11 5 702 1 7 224 2 9 106 3 9 157 1 8 6,290 1 6 7,196 5 6 505 4 3 4,072 9 3 1,020 7 2 1,961 1 11 1,161 6 9 334 8 2 1,284 15 5 550 0 0 527 5 2 399 11 11 395 1 8 1,963 17 5 610 5 8 679 14 8 198 5 8 84 19 8 128 3 6 5,024 3 0 175 9 4 271 11 5 61 13 10 76 4 0 133 16 1 19 0 0 156 13 4 87 14 11 50 18 4 + 4-78 - 5-44 + 3-62 -15-59 - 6-09 -10-18 + 1-45 - 2-14 - 8-25 + 12-19 - 2-52 + 4-90 - 8-89 - 9-35 - 0-18 - 3-16 - 5-34 - 3-56 17 16 7 140 17 3 104 5 9 22 6 11 25 17 1 21 i 6 28 18 2 1,265 18 6 Total .. 1,778 30,757 12 4 28,097 6 4 2,660 6 0 + 6-82 Court not in any District— Court Coromandel .. .. Coromandel Total of Order A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. Wellington .. 1871 24 9,270 974 5 1 151,690 13 9 923 1 9 138,830 12 1 51 3 4 12,860 1 8 1865 - 2-19 57 814 17 7 782 17 6 32 0 1



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. S3g eg* Total Worth. *i* Hi Sick and Funeral Fund. Surplus Management or Deficiency Fund, per Member Goods, &c. at last Valuation. U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of Canterbury— Pioneer Lodge .. Hope of St. Albans „ Mistletoe „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert „ .. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Star of Anglesea , Perseverance „ Hope of Amberley „ Anchor „ Ohoka „ • • Timaru „ Trafalgar „ Star of Ashburton „ Old Oak „ .. Ivy of Linwood „ Central Body Christchurch St. Albans .. Christchurch Sydenham .. Springston .. Lyttolton .. Lincoln Addington .. Amberley .. Woolston Ohoka Timaru Kaiapoi Ashburton .. Southbridge Linwood Christchurch 1875 1879 1879 1S79 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1888 242 83 86 147 47 64 64 51 29 66 30 178 26 112 62 30 £ s. a. 2,917 15 5 1,114 5 4 1,033 19 5 1,676 7 2 303 14 11 728 14 11 633 1 3 187 2 7 207 8 5 486 3 5 295 15 7 1,208 12 2 182 6 0 846 19 5 262 11 1 165 13 11 1,844 16 8 £ s. a. 2,871 1 1 1,047 3 9 1,003 9 2 1,600 10 8 281 11 11 703 12 1 609 7 3 157 3 3 199 1 10 459 15 6 295 15 7 1,040 5 3 176 7 10 756 19 10 183 15 6 150 2 4 1,649 2 9 £ s. d. 46 14 4 67 1 7 30 10 3 75 16 6 22 3 0 25 2 10 23 14 0 29 19 4 8 6 7 26 7 11 £ - 5-98 - 3-71 - 5-96 - 7-24 - 8-91 - 7-90 - 4-10 -13-20 -10-80 - 9-76 - 6-81 - 8-68 -12-42 - 7-46 168 6 11 5 18 2 89 19 7 78 15 7 15 11 7 195 13 11 - V-17 Total 1,317 14,095 7 8 13,185 5 7 910 2 1 - 201 - 0-99 - 8-75 - 5-45 - 7-41 - 5-55 - 7-35 - 6-75 - 8-80. -12-16 - 8-15 - 5-00 - 010 - 3-07 - 0-63 - 4-22 - 2-70 + 3-52 - 1-52 - 3-16 - 5-30 - 2-38 - 6-53 - 6-55 Lodges separately Registered — Excelsior Lodge .. Otago „ Bud of Hope „ .. Star of New Zealand „ Enterprise „ Ivanhoe „ Star of the West „ .. Royal Oak „ Acorn „ Auckland „ Linden ,, Totara „ • ■ Bishop All Nations „ West Harbour „ Brunner Endeavour „ Blenheim Mistletoe „ Turanganui „ Good Intent „ Pacific „ Poneke „ Rose of Palmerston „ Ponsonby „ Gore Star of Egmont „ .. Morgan „ M aitai „ ■ • Wellington .. Dunedin Rangiora Lower Hutt S. Dunedin .. Dunedin Greymouth .. Caversham .. Invercargill Auckland .. Roslyn Carterton .. Wanganui .. Port Chalmers Rothesay .. Brunnerton.. Oamaru Blenheim .. Gisborne Mosgiel Wellington .. Petone PalmerstonS. Ponsonby .. Gore Patea Marton Nelson 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1881 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 1884 1884 1885 1886 1886 1886 1887 1889 1891 1892 1892 241 77 85 75 129 139 69 72 122 63 49 38 105 55 32 66 '77 61 179 48 84 53 67 80 21 42 38 97 2,158 19 2 1,009 12 3 594 12 10 729 15 3 912 18 1 1,224 0 9 355 13 2 405 12 7 988 15 2 381 15 9 399 10 8 180 15 11 1,090 10 7 569 17 2 328 15 2 521 11 5 691 15 1 412 11 0 1,133 6 2 362 10 0 461 9 2 296 12 6 190 0 5 225 12 1 139 5 7 108 13 10 92 2 6 259 9 7 1,910 2 8 994 6 10 503 17 4 709 15 3 819 12 6 1,133 18 4 311 0 11 330 18 6 832 12 5 294 3 3 365 13 0 172 13 5 900 15 0 543 12 6 313 6 6 511 9 1 622 13 6 375 1 0 985 17 2 329 8 7 413 10 4 262 1 2 145 5 3 170 2 1 105 15 10 98 11 2 92 2 6 186 11 11 248 16 6 15 5 5 90 15 6 20 0 0 93 5 7 90 2 5 44 12 3 74 14 1 156 2 9 87 12 6 33 17 8 8 2 6 189 15 7 26 4 8 15 8 8 10 2 4 69 1 7 37 10 0 147 9 0 33 1 5 47 18 10 34 11 4 44 15 2 55 10 0 33 9 9 10 2 8 72 17 8 Total 2,264 16,226 3 10 14,434 18 0 1,791 5 10 Total of Order 3,581 30,321 11 6 27,620 3 7 2,701 7 11 I.O.R. New Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki Eden Northern Star ,, Gordon „ Whangaroa Central Body Auckland .. Thames Newmarket.. Aratapu Onehunga .. Whangaroa.. Auckland 1863 1870 1874 1881 1885 1886 179 67 36 14 16 18 4 2,145 4 1 1,677 0 5 897 9 8 109 15 1 242 4 3 108 4 0 3,169 1 1 2,083 17 2 1,627 11 8 891 1 8 107 0 0 220 7 9 96 2 11 3,056 10 10 61 6 11 49 8 9 6 8 0 2 15 1 21 16 6 12 1 1 112 10 3 - 1-56 + 1-06 + 518 - 4-39 + 1-58 -12-20 Total 334 8,348 18 7 8,082 12 0 266 6 7 + 13-37 + 17-58 - 3-27 - 2-39 + 13-84 + 37-80 + 1-69 - 5-48 - 7-06 - 5-53 - 6-62 - 7-57 - 1-59 - 5-08 -11-88 New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent .. Hope of Napier Bon Accord „ Perseverance „ Haste to the Rescue Excelsior „ Sir Wilfrid Lawson Bud of Promise „ Unity Excelsior Hope of Dunedin Pride of Christchurch Murihiku „ Scandia's Hope Hope of Ormondville , Wellington .. Napier Blenheim .. Wellington .. Waipukurau Sanson Nelson New Plymouth Wellington .. Dunedin Christchurch Invercargill.. Norsewood .. Ormondville 1866 1870 1871 1872 1872 1873 1874 1874 1875 1875 1876 1877 1877 1877 1878 112 13 52 34 8 18 19 88 84 44 93 82 101 18 24 4,035 16 9 485 10 4 513 18 3 597 12 7 325 4 10 627 12 7 293 12 1 1,296 8 7 420 4 3 555 15 9 914 4 2 831 6 7 1,597 12 0 101 19 1 265 13 6 3,987 16 3 484 1 11 513 18 3 588 1 3 319 14 8 627 12 7 291 2 7 1,266 2 9 419 19 8 550 6 2 890 15 5 819 5 6 1,578 11 2 98 8 5 201 5 0 48 0 6 18 5 911 4 5 10 2 2 9 6 30 5 10 0 4 7 5 9 7 23 8 9 12 1 1 19 0 10 3 10 8 64 8 6



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Bbanoh. ■"■§ Place of Establishment. S "a 2 H Ill Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Surplus Management or Deficiency Fund, per Member Goods, &c. at last Valuation. I.O.R.— continued. New Zealand Central District —eta. Hope of Wooaville Tent Masterton „ Hope of Carterton „ Star of Wakefieia Hope of Johnsonville „ Progress Rescue „ Onwara „ Gisborne „ Priae of Egmont Pahiatua „ Brightwater Central Boay Wooaville .. Masterton .. Carterfcon .. Wakefieia .. Johnsonville Kaikora N. Nelson Palmers ton N. Gisborne Hawera Pahiatua Brightwater Wellington .. 1878 1881 1883 1883 1884 1884 1886 1891 1892 1893 1894 1894 57 32 33 51 12 14 28 12 16 27 8 18 6 £ s. d. 334 7 6 287 8 3 309 13 5 400 2 10 244 4 0 286 8 10 42 13 9 23 19 6 50 7 8 33 3 5 2 12 5 21 14 4 4,775 14 3 £ s. d. 331 11 6 284 9 1 309 5 11 367 4 4 224 10 8 143 18 5 28 2 0 23 19 6 39 1 2 28 12 11 2 12 5 6 2 9 3,609 18 7 & s. a. 2 16 0 2 19 2 0 7 6 32 18 6 19 13 4 142 10 5 14 11 9 £ - 9-14 - 909 - 2-67 - 9-35 - 2-00 - 6-06 - 4-21 -17-00 - 9-28 11 6 7 4 10 6 15*11 7 1,165 15 8 Total Albert District — Star of Hope Tent Hokitika 1869 1,104 19,675 1 6 18,036 10 10 1,638 10 8 -21-30 22 347 16 5 313 i 2 34 12 3 Total of Oraer 1,460 28,371 16 6 26,432 7 0 1,939 9 6 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealand — Antiaote Division Perseverance' „ ' .. Progress Resolution Try Again „ Excelsior „ Elim Helpmate „ Aavance Sunbeam „ Hope of Syaenham Division .. Central Boay Duneain Christchurch Kaiapoi Rangiora Wooaena Aaaingfcon .. St. Albans .. Ashburton .. Wellington .. Wanganui .. Syaenham .. 1871 1872 1872 1873 1877 1885 1885 1886 1887 1888 1888 211 80 157 76 34 34 91 33 75 28 51 1,599 9 3 28 9 0 1,139 17 5 114 6 3 34 15 10 35 14 i 32 13 9 21 5 10 31 19 11 23 0 0 35 12 4 3,028 17 0 1,525 8 8 9 11 11 1,061 4 9 8 16 74 0 7 18 17 1 78 12 8 114 6 3 34 15 10 27 12 10 32 13 9 1 10 0 8 11 23 0 0 29 11 4 164 10 8 -15-22 -15-22 + 0-60 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 19 15 10 23 18 10 6 10 2,864 6 4 Total 870 6,126 0 11 5,518 8 10 607 12 1 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District — Greymouth Branch Charleston „ . Grahamstown „ St. Joseph's „ St. Patrick's „ St. Patrick's St. Mary's St. Joseph's „ St. Michael's St. Patrick's Central Boay Greymouth.. Charleston .. Grahamstown Duneain Christchurch Lincoln Timaru Hastings Masterton .. Oamaru 1870 1870 1870 1873 1874 1882 1882 1885 1886 1891 20 21 69 91 90 19 78 39 22 49 259 13 2 51 11 3 803 10 5 832 10 6 885 16 8 133 12 11 468 16 8 126 19 2 88 16 5 146 8 6 3,261 3 2 247 13 2 48 4 6 681 13 8 760 16 7 768 13 2 116 16 5 339 1 4 117 17 9 76 13 9 134 2 8 3,128 0 5 12 0 0 3 6 9 121 16 9 71 13 11 117 3 6 16 16 6 129 15 4 9 15 12 2 8 12 5 10 133 2 9 - 8-89 -16-97 -12-22 -12-97 - 15-51 -11-18 -15-80 - 9-08 Total 498 7,058 18 10 6,419 13 5 639 5 5 -15-47 -25-47 -16-43 -14-88 - 9-29 -15-59 -14-91 -13-13 -13-32 -15-18 -15-12 P.A.F.S.A. Brand Council of New Zealand — Prince of Wales Loage Pioneer „ Excelsior „ Wicklifie John Knox Alexanara „ Triumph Valley True Blue „ Star of Hastings „ Star of Oamaru Priae of Ngapara „ Central Boay Thames Duneain Green Islan3 Napier Wellington .. Aucklana .. S. Duneain.. N.E. Valley.. Hastings Oamaru Ngapara Thames 1873 1873 1876 1877 1879 1879 1883 1883 1883 1883 1890 134 37 53 45 63 83 73 29 18 103 34 1,267 11 7 50 6 4 219 9 0 559 2 9 584 15 0 465 15 9 409 3 10 208 1 1 133 16 6 353 7 6 82 14 11 3,637 6 7 1,166 9 0 22 19 1 161 2 4 558 3 9 568 19 9 427 19 5 354 9 8 180 6 0 114 13 9 288 2 11 70 18 8 3,265 11 5 101 2 7 27 7 3 58 6 8 0 19 0 15 15 3 37 16 4 54 14 2 27 15 1 19 2 9 65 4 7 11 16 3 371 15 2 Total 672 7,971 10 10 7,179 15 9 791 15 1 R.E.B.S. Otago R.E.B.S. New Zealana R.E.B.S. Duneain Invercargill.. 1875 1879 134 74 2,580 0 11 464 14 0 -12-32 -23-31 2,546 17 10 410 8 0 33 3 1 54 6 0 Total 208 3,044 14 11 2,957 5 10 87 9 1 Grana Total 29,963 551,519 19 11 496,233 1 1 55,286 18 10



TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1894.

4—H. 1.

No. of Members admitted during Year. No. of Members who left during Y.ear. No. of Deaths during Year No. of Members on Eoll Sickness Experience. Name of Society. Total. § . By ta'S § ( ?° a *'" By By of OfEegis- At Begin- At End S S g a r,d Tot* 1 - Arrears, Clear- -.r..",* tered ning of of ati Amafga- * c - ! ance - MemtorS - Wives. Year. Year, mation. INo. of Members Sick No. of Weeks' Sickness experienced during Year. luring Year. Total. First Second j Six Months, j Six Months. After Twelve Months. Manchester Unity Independent Obdeb of ' Odd Fellows — Auckland District .. .. .. 159 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. ! 140 New Plymouth District .. .. j 35 Wanganui District .. .. .. 17 Wellington District .. .. .. 108 Marlborough District .. .. .. 4 Nelson District .. .. .. j 32 Motueka District .. .. .. 17 North Westland District .. .. 3 Hokitika District .. .. .. 12 Ashley District .. .. .. 64 North Canterbury District .. .. 100 Lyttelton District .. .. .. 66 Ashburton District .. . . .. 14 Otago District .. .. .. 198 Invercargill District .. .. .'. 75 153 124 33 13 103 4 31 17 3 12 62 98 63 13 194 73 6 16 2 4 5 1 2 2 3 4 2 83 108 29 4 80 6 33 5 5 12 30 111 91 11 136 36 80 92 28 3 78 6 33 5 5 11 27 100 87 10 126 35 3 16 1 1 2 6 7 : "9 8 3 2 4 3 5 3 1 19 9 5 2 4 5 5 1 1 1 1 10 1 6 3 1,188 932 : 541 152 : 1,164 135 802 343 145 231 716 1,560 764 288 2,049 577 1,253 958 540 165 1,183 129 793 352 141 227 747 1,544 736 290 2,092 607 I Wks. ds. ! Wks. ds. 309 ! 2,666 5 1,370 1 162 J 957 2 771 5 101 776 6 449 5 35 325 1 180 6 227 1,825 5 913 3 38 294 3 234 0 226 2,319 5 : 1,133 5 86 724 1 402 6 45 336 i 163 2 84 587 2 384 0 208 ■ 1,206 3 977 1 305 i 1,946 1 : 1,536 2 190 , 1,232 1 679 4 45 163 3 im 3 385 , 3,449 4 , 1,935 6 124 1,155 3 579 2 Wks. ds. 221 3 91 4 147 4 40 2 116 4 8 3 148 0 16 4 61 1 37 2 55 4 173 2 73 1 9 0 223 1 92 3 Wks. ds. 1,075 1 94 0 179 4 104 0 795 5 52 0 1,038 0 304 5 112 1 166 0 173 5 236 4 479 3 1 3 11 4 1 10 1 1,290 4 483 5 Total of Order .. .. 1,044 Independent Obdeb of Odd Fellows — Grand Lodge of New Zealand .. .. | 216 94 46 j I 11,587 6,585 2 996 48 780 726 54 11,757 2,570 19,967 0 11,866 2 1,515 3 I 207 140 134 6 8 ! 1,146 1,214 183 877 5 592 5 25 0 260 0 National Independent Ordeb op Odd j Fellows — Auckland Provincial District .. .. 30 j I : ■ , I 27 27 3 36 0 16 4 30 293 293 65 290 6 238 2 ■ British United Obdeb op Odd Fellows — Wellington District .. .. .. 18 18 36 0 ! 18 18 18 83 83 12 36 0 Ancient Order of Foresters — Auckland District .. .. .. 178 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. 106 Taranaki District .. .. .. 90 Wellington District ., .. .. j 384 Nelson District .. .. .. 58 United Westland District .. .. ] Canterbury United District .. . . 41 South Canterbury District .. .. 22 United Otago District .. .. .. 227 Court Coromandel .. .. .. 1 178 106 90 384 58 1 41 22 227 1 173 100 87 362 57 1 38 22 223 1 5 6 3 22 1 92 84 40 242 42 89 78 38 229 38 3 6 2 13 4 8 10 3 17 2 2 1,282 5 ! 872 2 : 612 5 2,482 1 694 19 3 841 3 ! 425 6 i 1,690 27 1,360 884 659 2,607 708 20 828 402 1,778 24 374 1,838 2 192 812 6 124 ! 732 5 504 3,138 3 212 1,046 1 11 76 3 165 1,009 0 89 476 1 307 : 2,663 1 9 40 2 1,558 4 753 6 494 3 2,161 3 686 2 27 2 711 1 314 0 1,430 0 40 2 106 2 22 0 58 6 255 2 55 2 26 0 123 1 6 '1 290 1 173 3 37 0 179 3 721 5 304 4 23 1 174 5 156 0 943 0 *3 47 43 127 4 46 41 122 4 1 2 5 7 2 12 4 Total of Order ,. .. 1,108 1,064 i 943 1 ■ ; 2,713 0 1,108 44 721 685 36 61 27 8,944 9,270 1,987 11,833 3 8,177 2



TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness— continued.

No. of Members admitted i during Year. No. of Members Tfi during Yeai 'ho left No. of Deaths during Year No. olMembers on Boll Sickness Experience. Name of Society. Total. BSB ! I s ? By Clear- Bv ma ; TotaL Arre " ars ' Amalga- &0 - mation. ! No. of By of i Of Kegis- At Begin-; At End ! Members Clear- „ "iL_ tered ning of , of Sick ance. memDers - wives. : Year, i Year. during Year. :iJ No. of No. of '^ iiU. Ul * Total. No. of Weeks' Sickness experienced during Year. Weeks' Sickness experienced during Year. Firat Second After Twelve Six Months. Six Months. Months. Ancient Oedee of Shepherds — Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. .'. 2 2 2 Wks. ds. 156 5 : Wks. ds. 79 4 Wks. ds. 26 0 Wks. ds. 51 1 3 3 58 57 15 United Ancient Obdeb of Dbuids — Grand Lodge of Canterbury .. .. 145 131 Lodges separately registered .. .. 320 ; 263 Total of Order .. .. 465 394 14 57 118 2cS8 101 203 17 35 12 15 11 7 1,302 : 1,317 2,197 : 2,264 287 454 1,313 3 . 1,092 1 2,154 2 ! 1,643 5 78 2 170 4 143 0 340 0 71 356 304 52 27 I 18 3,499 3,581 741 3,467 5 2,735 6 248 6 483 0 : Independent Obdeb op Bechabites — New Zealand District .. .. .. j 23 22 New Zealand Central District .. .. 195 j 169 Albert District .. .. .. I 2 2 Total of Order .. .. j 220 193 Sons and Daughtebs of Tempebance — Grand Division of New Zealand.. .. 105 I 90 hleeenian austbalasian catholic benefit Society — New Zealand District .. .. .. 51 49 27 1 26 24 107 2 133 20 89 2 111 4 18 •• 22 4 5 9 5 339 : 334 1,021 ; 1,104 22 : 22 1,382 i 1,460 88 196 9 293 1,766 5 I 1,526 1 626 5 1,075 0 . 65 0 479 0 994 1 53 0 157 6 82 5 65 0 80 6 12 0 82 5 15 85 74 11 4 854 870 168 i 1,043 6 726 4 56 6 260 3 2 51 49 2 9 ! 3 507 498 114 620 4 392 1 70 3 158 0 Pbotestant Alliance Feiendly Society op Australasia — Grand Council of New Zealand .. .. j 60 56 3 681 672 133 : i 5 1 4 306 2 60 56 04 61 S69 1 515 2 Railway Employes' Benefit Societies — Total of Railway Employes' Benefit Societies .. .. .. j ; I 213 208 68 .. . i „ 2 2 8 1 679 0 271 6 64 5| 342 3 •• 223 108 Grand Total.. .. .. 3,319 | 3,099 3,319 ; 3,099 220 2,380 2,194 186 89,247 : 29,963 6,349 41,608 5 ; 27,158 0 3,191 6 11,258 6

H— 1.


TABLE III.—Sick and Funeral Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1894.

Name of Society. CO a Jil 5 O » § a !io 3 0 "35 h :,eceipts. ■ 1 id £ ? © 53 Ph a hi 0 ft 5ji| o o a Expenditure. ji o 'ture. » i & II 21 o -1 if gg 11 II § fell O ® -<1Q M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth Wanganui „ Wellington Marlborongh Nelson Motueka North Westland Hokitika Ashley „ North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ Ashburton Otago Invercargill £ 2,163 1,602 764 171 1,452 167 1,249 522 226 289 1,216 ■■ 2,317 1,245 474 3,004 870 12 5 2 £ 1,083 591 450 255 982 331 875 288 176 367 422 770 546 212 2,970 748 £ 372 110 120 20 170 50 204 40 12 150 130 ■210 75 50 440 180 £ 152 80 28 1 15 3 8 11 85 2 12 106 1 £ 2,175 839 499 266 1,184 259 1,680 520 273 474 1,015 1,638 973 155 2,668 824 £ 365 42 108 7 307 50 336 99 24 170 170 143 38 73 468 136 £ 323 150 140 40 170 90 204 66 30 110 130 160 40 40 440 210 £ 851 41 72 10 1,991 382 C 30 292 87 37 77 64 33 532 33 £ 3,782 2,383 1,367 447 2,619 553 2,336 866 499 828 1,781 3,403 1,867 736 6,725 1,831 £ 3,714 1,072 819 323 3,052 781 2,226 715 619 841 1,352 2,018 1,115 301 4,108 1,203 £ 27,461 14,240 7,406 4,171 23,003 6,010 14,976 6,631 4,472 9,060 9,059 18,803 13,818 3,910 54,462 14,137 £ 27,529 15,551 7,954 4,295 21,970 5,782 15,086 6,782 4,352 9,047 9,488 20,188 14,570 4,345 57,079 14,765 "'5 20 1 125 2 186 31 Total of Order t 17,731 172 11,066 2,333j I 721 15,442 2,536 2,343 4,538 32,023 24,859 231,619 238,783 l.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 1,770 454 150 109 665 435 150 72 2,483 1,322 11,858 13,019 N.i.O.O.P. Auckland Provincial District.. 521 88 72 30 267 84 72 140 711 563 1,244 1,392 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District [ 99 6 22 36 24 127 60 313 380 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Nelson United Westland Canterbury United South Canterbury United Otago Court Coromandel I 1,833 1,239 877 3,164 970 26 1,250 481 2,250 29 41 11 32 1 4 23 482 481 376 1,323 625 160 250 90 370 55 41 34 10 83 62 21 16 3 17 1,742 782 547 2,415 859 58 803 368 1,771 40 387 389 99 i 521 167 180 260 90 410 55 8 241 26 40 5 18 6 5 134 16 2,516 2,004 1,394 4,951 1,744 48 2,149 756 3,781 60 2,317 1,672 762 3,386 1,086 76 1,259 523 2,668 56 14,798 9,601 6,056! 25,879 10,634 340 11,908 6,584 21,960 919 14,997 9,933 6,688 27,444 11,292 312 12,798 6,817 23,073 923 709 185 1,194 30 : 170 64 320 280 86 463 170 64 300 1 i " Total of Order 12,119 113 5,405 i 1,479 287 I 9,385 2,392 499 19,403 13,805 108,679 114,277 1,529 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. 58 56 j ! 1 70 10 115 80 748 783 i I U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of Canterbury .. Lodges separately registered .. 1,665 2,794 4,459 33 96 642 668 360J 235 66 113 1,148 1,756 376 441 390 325 16 126 2,766 3,906 1,930 2,648 10,699 13,177 11,585 14,435 Total of Order 129 1,310 595 179 2,904 817 715 142 6,672 4,578 23,876 25,970 I.O.B. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Albert District 508 1,380 28 5 318 6241 26 84 180 15 543 949 65 24 255 6 84 180 67 1 930 2,184 57 651 1,451 72 4,746 13,694 328 5,025 14,427 313 3 Total of Order 1,916 8 968 264 15 1,557 285 264 68 3,171 2,174 18,768 19,765 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealand ! i 976 6 155 80 196 746 297 130 35 1,413 1,208 2,448 2,653 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District I 590 12 188 160 8 465 134 170 17 958 786 3,121 3,293 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 880 9 223 87 32 642 226 105 40 1,231 1,013 3,693 3,911 R.B.B.S. Total of R.E.B. Societies 382 149 368 70 531 438 2,864 2,957 Grand Total 41,501 455 20,084 5,220 11,578 32,547 7,230 5,558 68,838 50,886 409,231 427,183 5,551



TABLE IV.—Medical and Management Expenses Funds. —Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1894.

Name of Society. DO OoSco Hi Receipts. H3 a h-1 Q ft Expenditure. i| a I! W s i 1 o H j= s K I I . I o < M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth Wanganui „ Wellington Marlborough „ Nelson „ Motueka „ North Westland Hokitika „ Ashley „ North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ Ashburton Otago Invercargill „ £ 1,413 1,298 873 179 1,410 180 796 290 306 493 722 1,758 849 267 3,104 834 £ 161 127 39 4 £ 174 231 47 6 98 30 41 19 158 27 53 187 201 52 319 92 £ 1,045 945 550 164 1,009 146 459 174 219 261 469 1,306 688 216 2,221 621 469 305 174 53 387 47 227 101 108 209 177 483 299 65 869 156 & 173 87 106 18 94 25 102 48 21 33 81 151 76 30 234 96 55 154 74 6 128 3 33 6 116 23 39 214 27 8 259 37 £ 1,748 1,529 920 312 1,547 210 841 309 464 520 775 2,109 1,067 340 3,616 938 £ 1,742 1,491 904 241 1,618 221 821 329 464 526 766 2,154 1,090 319 3,583 910 £ 6,098 145 33 1,958 1,290 234 44 164 17 21 193 12 70 172: 3,479 151 245 2,743 240 Total of Order 14,772 738 1,735 10,493 4,129 1,375 1,182 17,245 17,179 16,902 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 224 162 1,895 10 170 1,140 534 2,075 2,060 337 N.l.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District.. 97 254 22 106 16 19 276 238 94 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District ! 7 123 125 24 118 74 36 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki „ Wellington Nelson „ United Westland „ Canterbury United „ South Canterbury „ United Otago „ Court Coromandel 1,778 1,338 962 3,743 1,005 42 1,054 582 2,570 25 14 4 24 27 90 107 38 384 78 2 146 38 528 1,112 1,010 654 2,539 630 15 782 485 2,059 14 559 334 213 1,032 294 12 266 83 606 18 147 87 49 245 213 66 50 43 194 65 16 30 13 183 1 1,882 1,445 1,004 4,151 1,110 44 1,217 626 3,133 31 1,884 1,481 959 4,010 1,202 43 1,170 624 3,027 33 485 26 214 750 356 38 506 366 802 30 17 6 35 6 92 43 179 Total of Order 13,099 133 1,411 9,300 3,417 1,055 661 14,648 14,433 3,573 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grej' .. 16 22 17 22 H U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of Canterbury .. Lodges separately registered .. 2,010 3,350 7 28 414 513 1,401 2,372 569 951 148 223 247 359 2,431 3,891 2,425 3,905 406 576 Total of Order 5,360 35 927 3,833 1,520 371 606 6,322 6,330 982 I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Albert District 458 1,453 48 11 1 6 101 250 841 26 132 348 18 47 191 2 34 120 2 475 1,555 48 469 1,500 48 84 292 24 Total of Order 1,959 12 107 1,123 498 240 156 2,078 2,017 400 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealand 961 18 61 G01 227 161 41 1,040 1,030 308 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 777 125 531 231 53 66 902 881 102 P.A.P.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 995 62 615 224 127 75 1,059 1,041 134 R.E.B.S. Total of R.E.B. Societies 298 231 72 302 303 74 Grand Total 40,504 951 4,627 28,047 11,007 3,630 2,975 46,082 45,659 22,939



TABLE V.—Disposition of Funds as on the 31st December, 1894.

Name op Society. Total. Investments Valuerf Interest. Brings. Cash not bearing Interest. Value of Goods, Furniture, and Regalia. Other Assets. M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth „ Wanganui Wellington Marl borough Nelson Motueka North Westland Hokitika Ashley North Canterbury Lyttelton Ashburton Otago Invercargill £ 43,792 16,483 8,375 6,353 27,879 7,120 20,469 8,604 5,797 9,189 11,236 24,282 14,915 4,976 65,429 15,540 £ 21,931 10,201 7,946 2,572 12,740 5,959 18,123 7,870 5,749 6,950 8,093 13,191 9,400 2,416 54,347 12,678 £ 20,128 i 5,540 3,680 14,405 ! 970 j 1,963 290 89 1,928 2,274 i 9,418 4,424 2,028 8,945 2,135 £ 1,202 676 429 1 639 191 347 434 9 287 696 1,054 630 459 1,264 355 £ 531 53 ioo 95 "36 £ 'is 'io 27 173 619 146 73 478 372 315 395 Total of Order 290,439 200,166 78,164 8,673 2,703 733 I.O.O.P. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 21,865 16,582 2,989 1,340 736 218 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 65 3,131 3,007 59 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District G85 586 86 13 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay » Taranaki » Wellington „ Nelson „ United Westland Canterbury United „ South Canterbury „ United Otago „ Court Coromandel 21,637 12,433 7,402 37,806 13,164 350 19,538 7,629 30,758 974 14,259 8,712 6,457 25,175 11,763 225 17,004 4,007 25,548 935 5,954 2,416 434 9,010 543 25 1,700 3,120 3,072 639 1,032 473 2,053 683 86 613 140 1,377 21 785 250 38 1,260 175 23 308 14 123 117 153 98 245 608 18 Total of Order 151,691 114,085 26,274 7,117 3,477 738 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 815 784 15 16 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of Canterbury Lodges separately registered 14,096 16,226 12,541 13,560 767 800 315 885 357 898 116 83 Total of Order 30,322 26,101 1,567 1,200 1,255 199 I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Albert District 8,349 19,675 348 8,161 16,533 322 2,456 89 627 11 99 31 28 15 Total of Order 28,372 25,016 2,456 727 130 43 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealand 6,126 4,696 584 I 529 144 173 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 7,059 4,934 1,069 703 291 62 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 432 7,971 6,950 589 R.E.B.S. Total of K.E.B. Societies .. 3,044 2,559 450 22 18 Grand Total.. 551,520 405,466 113,553 20,900 9,341 2,260



TABLE VI.—Investments at Interest as on the 31st December, 1894.

Approximate Cost of Paper— Preparation, not calculable; printing (2,100 copies), £35 9s. 6d.

By Authority: John Maokat, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB96. Price 9d.]

Name of Society. Total. PoetOffice SavingsBank. Deposited with Other Banks. Bate of Interest Mort) on Freehold Property. (68 °*-i f* is Government and Municipal Debentures. 11 ss Pi a Other *° g Invest- .g 35 inents. |-g M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth Wanganui „ Wellington Marlborough Nelson Motueka „ North Westland „ Hokitika Ashley North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ Ashburton Otago Invercargill £ 21,931 10,201 7,946 2,572 12,740 5,959 18,123 7,870 5,749 6,950 8,093 13,191 I 9,400 2,416 54,347 12,678 200,166 £ 233 £ 6,549 1,129 260 376 1,957 £ 40 4.4 4-7 4-5 4-9 £ 15,149 7,782 6,960 2,015 6,668 5,278 11,335 6,632 4,783 5,251 4,835 7,989 5,301 1,851 40,797 11,547 £ 69 7-9 8-0 7-4 6-4 8-4 G8 6-5 8-4 9-6 6-1 6-2 6-9 7-0 7-2 7-1 £ £ £ £ 276 181 1,544 681 843 158 170 82 2,496 2,042 255 246 3,737 406 1*290 450 5-8 64 2'571 6.2 251 1,080 296 1,617 762 2,490 2,454 319 9,463 725 5-0 50 4-4 4.7 4-5 4-7 4-5 4-8 4-7 4-8 5*694 5-6 500 G'O 670 1,390 7-0 6-0 '2OO 7*6 150 5-0 Total of Order 13,350 29,728 4-6 144,173 7*2 6,394 5-7 6,521 6-2 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand .. 16,582 1,356 2,049 4-6 13,177 7-0 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 6-5 3,007 1,857 4.5 1,150 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District 586 146 440 7-0 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Nelson United Westland „ Canterbury United South Canterbury United Otago „ ■ Court Coromandel [ [ 14,259 8,712 6,457 25,175 11,763 225 17,004 4,007 25,548 935 326 123 1,010 1,443 556 10,868 1,623 74 913 1,154 100 655 2,113 2,243 425 4-7 5-0 4-5 4-9 4.7 4-0 4-5 4-8 4-8 5-0 3,065 6,721 5,373 22,645 6,255 125 14,080 1,633 22,519 510 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-0 10-0 6-6 6-2 6-8 7-2 245 6*5 3] 298 5-5 174 500 5-5 6-0 1,069 261 711 1,200 5*6 "75 10-0 Total of Order 114,085 5,499 20,168 4-7 82,926 7-0 3,298 5-5 2,194 5-6 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 784 34 750 7-0 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of Canterbury Lodges separately registered 12,541 13,560 26,101 2,096 1,176 478 3,504 5-0 4-6 9,808 8,780 18,588 6-3 7-2 159 100 60 60 Total of Order 3,272 3,982 4-7 67 259 60 I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District .. Albert District 8,161 16,533 322 119 1,399 32 1,542 1,912 4-6 4-6 6,500 12,164 260 6-8 70 90 500 5-8 558 30 6-i 57 Total of Order 25,016 1,550 a, 454 46 18,924 I 7-0 500 5-8 588 6-1 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealand.. j j j 4,696 306 50 5-0 4,340 6-9 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 4,934 304 60 60 8,927 4-7 643 6-3 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand .. 6,950 720 1,860 4-8 4,795 7-3 75 6-0 R.B.B.S. Total of R.B.B. Societies 2,559 480 1,989 7-0 90 7-0 Grand Total .. 405,466 27,017 66,575 4-7 291,895 7-1 10,192 5-6 9,787 6-0

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, H-01

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, H-01

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, H-01

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