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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889."

In compliance-with the provisions of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889," I have the honour to report as follows on the business of the Patent Office during the year ended 31st December, 1894: — 2. The Appendix to this report contains the following returns :— A. Balance-sheet of revenue and expenditure, with particulars thereof. It will be observed that the revenue continues to increase. B. List of the staff and salaries. C. Return of applications for patents, &c, in each year from 1861 to 1889, Under Acts now repealed, showing numbers lapsed and numbers in force. D. Return of provisional and complete specifications received in 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, and 1894, under the Act of 1889. E. Classified return of applications to register trade-marks during 1892, 1893, and 1894. F. Total number of applications relative to patents, designs, and trade-marks during 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, and 1894. This return shows concisely the steady increase of the work of the office. G. Return showing the countries and colonies from which applications for letters patent have been received during 1892, 1893, and 1894. New Zealand shows the greatest increase in number, and the United Kingdom the next. H. Return showing the countries and colonies from which applications for registration of trade-marks have been received during 1892, 1893, and 1894. In these the United Kingdom is next to New Zealand in number. I. List of countries and colonies which have joined the International Convention for the Protection of Patentees' Rights and other purposes. J. Alphabetical list of applicants for letters patent in 1894. K. Alphabetical list of inventions for which letters patent have been applied for during 1894. 3. For much valuable information relative to the various applications made to the office, I beg leave to refer to the Patent Office Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, published fortnightly, and which should be obtained regularly by every business man. 4. Attention is invited to the remarks and suggestions made in my report of 1892, which still hold good, and especially to the desirableness of printing in a handy and cheap form the specifications of inventions. 5. As stated in last year's report, the Museum is no longer able to accommodate the rapidlyincreasing Patent Office library, and consequently several cases of British specifications are, for want of a lodging-place, still unpacked. Many complaints have been made of the inconvenience to the public caused by this want of room, and serious difficulties may be the result of non-publica-tion in this colony of important inventions. I am glad, however, that in the additions now being made to the Government Printing Office suitable rooms for the Patent Office, including one for its valuable and useful library, and for models, will be provided. They are greatly needed. 6. It gives me pleasure to be able to speak in the highest terms of the diligence, ability, and carefulness of the clerks in the office. They are now overworked, and it will soon be necessary to increase the staff of the office. C. J. A. Haselden, Registrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks. Patent Office, Wellington, 10th July, 1895. I—H. 10.



A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1894. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 2,055 14 6 Salaries ... ... ... 305 0 0 Design fees ... ... ... 710 0 Incidental expenses ... ... 168 110 Trade Mark fees ... ... 411 5 6 Value of printing and stationery 63 5 1 Sale of Acts... ... ... 217 0 from Government Printing Office Surplus for the year 1894 ...1,941 0 1 £2,477 7 0 £2,477 7 0

Particulars of Fees received, from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1894.

Number. Fees. Each. Amount received. Patents. Applications for patents, with provisional specifications Applications for patents, with complete specifications Complete specifications filed after provisional Applications to amend specifications Issue of patents Issue of duplicate patents Renewal fees on patents granted under Act of 1883 Renewal fees before the end of the fourth year from date of patent Notices of opposition to applications for letters patents Applications for extension of time for filing complete specifications Grant of such extension Applications for extension of time for issue of patent Giant of such extension Applications for extension of time for payment of renewal fees Grant of such extension Searches.. Registration of assignments and licenses of patents Certificates of such registration Copies Applications to correct clerical errors in specifications Registration of Patent Agents Miscellaneous £ s. 309 0 10 464 0 10 76 0 10 5 10 312 2 0 12 0 44 7 0 90 5 0 3 0 10 2 10 2 5 0 5 10 5 3 0 14 10 14 3 0 469 0 1 41 0 10 26 0 10 j 4 0 5 6 11 309 464 76 5 312 1 44 90 3 2 2 5 5 14 14 469 41 26 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 5 0 0 10 1 0 5 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 10 0 10 £ s. a. 154 10 0 232 0 0 38 0 0 5 0 0 624 0 0 2 0 0 308 0 0 450 0 0 1 10 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 14 0 0 42 0 0 23 9 0 20 10 0 13 0 0 83 12 0 10 0 6 6 0 4 17 6 4 6 0 5 1 1 £2,055 14 6 Designs. Applications for registration of designs 15 0 10 7 10 0 £7 10 0 Tbade-makks. Applications for registration of trade-marks Registration of trade-marks Registration of series of trade-marks Notices of opposition to registration of trade-marks Registration of subsequent proprietors of trade-marks Certificates of registration Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against Registrar's decision Searches.. Copies Advertisements—Fees for additional space Miscellaneous 353 ; 0 5 272 ! 1 0 1 j .. 6 j 1 0 .. j 12 19 0 5 110 107 0 1 0 5 I 1 0 i"o : o"5 1 0 0 1 88 5 0 272 0 0 2 5 0 6 0 0 16 4 0 4 15 0 10 0 5 7 0 2 2 6 11 12 0 1 15 0 i 1


B.—Staff of Officers and present Salaries. jg Registrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks* .. .. Nil. Clerk •■ ■• I|o Clerk ... ... ... ■•• ■•• ••■ lo ° Total salaries ... ... ••• £310 * Also Under-Secretary for Justice.

C.—Number of Applications for Patents and Letters of Registration under Acts now repealed.

D.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c., under Act of 1889.


Num! Applic rece iber of cations jived. Numbei Applit lapsed o: • of such ;ations • refused. Number o: and Let Registi sealed o Applic; >f Patents tters of iration on such :ations. Number of such Patents lapsed owing to Non-payment of Renewal Fees. Numbe: Pater Letters tration ii End o: of such ;s and if RegisForce to Term. Year and Act. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. 1861) 1864} 1865 1866 1867 1868 ' 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 6 15 6 15 6 15 •4-4 o -+3 ~*< CO H OO a P 1 4 3 5 9 19 19 19 14 4 16 19 15 27 22 34 34 89 159 260 240 380 402 489 460 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 98 83 123 143 256 236 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 11 6 2 9 13 9 23 13 24 24 55 74 133 99 164 160 189 194 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 90 69 107 132 216 204 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 1 2 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 91 74 41 29 45 37 64 O O 53 °° a P 5 8 8 2 7 6 6 4 9 10 10 34 85 127 141 216 242 300 266 10 4 2 8 12 7 20 13 16 23 48 57 116 90 141 138 165 174 1 1 2 3 8 1 7 17 17 9 23 22 24 2 o -& <1 CO CD rH el p 8 14 16 11 40 32 49 40 62 95 152 137 Noti vhich th( * Thi leriods n< i.—By " r :y are not sse eolums )t having \Z." is m so residen is are not yet expirei leant tho: it. filled up, ;e in whic >h the ap] plicants re iside in t he colony, and by 1 Foreign '' those in as necessi irily the r •eturns wo aid be im iomplete ai id of no ■alue, the respective d.

Number cations wi Complete cations of Appliith which 3 Specifilodged. Number cations w Provisiona tions 1 of Applirith which d Specificalodged. Numl Applicatior Complet cations sul lodi aer of is for which 3 Specifi.jsequently »ed. Number c cations at laps& refui of Appli- Numbi bandoned, Patents se: :d, or at Prese ised. Fore er of aled and mt in :e. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 N.Z. 242 187 207 198 278 Foreign. 207 207 189 178 166 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 Foreign. 60 69 50 52 61 N.Z. 27 29 40 50 Foreign. 17 25 16 23 N.Z. 202 191 238 263 Foreign. 50 50 42 28 N.Z. 147 122 126 135 Foreign. 217 226 200 199 * 'hese figures are necessarily incomplete, as tl I. For total number of applications see Tab! ie time for proceeding further with the applications has not yet iG. ixpiri


E.—Number of Applications to register Trade-marks, the Number advertised, and the Number registered, in the Fifty different Classes in each of the Years 1892, 1893, and 1894.


1892. 1893. 1894. a <u to 5 Classification of Goods. •S .» ! <D r g as £" 5t ■<■" *q I M+3 §£ -5.5 OTT3 Bg 1 Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy .. Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes ; instruments and apparatus for teaching Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances not medicated for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes.. Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britanniametal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and ' jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all.kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Otherjsilk goods, not included in Classes 30 and 31 Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather, not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding.. Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha, not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger ■ beer 2 2 2 10 9 7 2 10 8 7 18 17 12 8 10 9 3 4 32 2 25 2 24 1 18 4 18 4 18 2 45 4 36 3 22 6 5 6 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 5 3 5 3 3 7 1 1 2 2 2 1 8 1 1 9 10 11 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 12 13 M 2 4 2 4 1 7 4 5 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 1 5 1 1 5 2 3 6 1 15 16 17 1 1 1 'i i 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 2 3 3 1 I "i "i 'i 8 'i 8 i 6 1 1 2 i l 2 l l l 1 1 3 i a 3 i i i *2 *2 *2 30 31 32 33 34 35 l l 2 i i i i i i 'i l i i i i 1 i l i l 36 37 '2 2 *2 2 2 2 2 2 *3 *2 2 2 38 39 40 9 5 9 5 8 2 15 5 1 15 5 13 6 28 1 27 25 I 1 i 41 42 43 44 1 97 22 7 82 29 5 30 29 6 1 128 23 5 1 132 20 6 1 108 19 6 123 12 5 112 11 5 90 12 4 45 46 47 Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents ; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes Miscellaneous 22 22 16 32 1 26 29 1 21 21 1 13 33 2 21 23 2 20 21 1 20 19 14 ii 18 9 10 12 2 2 4 2 19 >0 24 20 15 1 10 1 7 9 17 1 9 18 Note.—For the total number see Tabli a.


F.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade-marks, for the Years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, and 1894.

G.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1892, 1893, and 1894.

H.—Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1892, 1893, and 1894.

I. Countries and Colonies included in the International Convention for the Protection of Inventors and Others. Greece* Great Britain Curacoa & Surinam Servia Switzerland Mexico France East India Colonies Santo Domingo Guatemala Paraguay Belgium of Netherlands New Zealand Queensland Roumania'' 1 ' Norway United States Spain Denmark Uruguay Tunis Italy Portugal Ecuador.* Tasmania Brazil Netherlands Sweden * Designs and trade-marks only. The Colony of Victoria has made separate arrangements with New Zealand.


Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 1 325 951 1894 756 15 347 1,118

1892. 1893. 1894. 1892. 1893. 1894. New Zealand Belgium Canada .. Denmark Finland France' ..' Germany Holland .. Hungary India Italy .. Japan .. I 362 '.'. "3 1 '.'. "l 2 .. I "l • ■! 1 396 527 1 1 New South Wales Norway Queensland South Africa South Australia Spain Sweden Tasmania United Kingdom United States .. Victoria Western Australia 49 32 1 11 51 1 6 "4 1 4 2 7 2 10 1 "l "e 12 1 1 1 75 17 55 3 "l 1 "3 "l 1 83 37 53 3 2 53 39 65 Note. —As some applications have been recei lore than the actual number of applications rece lived from joint applicants resident in different countries, these figures sived. ill total

1892. 1893. 1894. 1892. 1893. 1894. Sew Zealand Belgium.. 3anada .. Heylon Denmark Prance .. jlermany Holland India Slew South Wales .. 178 '.'. "9 2 1 '.'. 21 216 1 1 "o 2 219 2 1 1 3 Norway Russia South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States Victoria "2 1 1 1 57 10 11 '■'• \ "l 1 1 "3 "l 74 22 j 3 66 30 11 *14 Note. —As a few applications have been recer ,dd to slightly more than the actual number of ap ved frc >plicati< im perse ons recei is giving an address in more than one country, the columns will 'ed.




Name, Besidence, am [nvem jion. to. ;e. a Beckett, M. E., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Drying wool, skins, &o. Adam, A. G., York, W. Australia. Rotary pump Adams, F. N., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Ball-bearing Adams, R. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Trimming and stitching paper.. Adcock, G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Aerating and cooling milk, &c. .. Affleck, T„ Sydney, N.S.W. Curing meat, &c, by fumigation A. H. Motley Company, Reidsville, N. Carolina, U.S.A. (See J. Ross, No. 7253.) Aitken, H., Darroch, North Britain. Manufacture of cyanogen, &c, from carbonaceous matter .. Aitkens, G., Foxton, N.Z. Pumice burner for lamps and stoves Alexander, A., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Advertising-ruler Allan, T. A., S. Melbourne, Vic. Amalgamating precious metals Allan, T. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Entrapping rabbits, &c. Allen, G., Masterton, N.Z. Aerial torpedo .. Allchin, A. F., and others, Ballarat W., Vic. Fasteners for leggings Allchin, W. J., and others, Ballarat W., Vic. Fasteners for leggings .. Altham, G. J., Swansea, Mass., U.S.A. Engine-governors Aitham, G. J., Swansea, Mass., U.S.A. Power-transmitting apparatus.. Ambler, A., N. Ipswich, Queensland. Washing wool, clothes, &c. Anderson, A. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Gorse-cutter attached to traction-engines Anderson, F. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Clover-sheller .. Anderson, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Switch for working points of rails Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Ball-valve Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Bottom-rim for cans, buckets, &c. Anderson, J., jun., Manchester, Washing wool, &c. Anderson, J. R., Ashurst, N.Z. Boot-fastener Andrews, H. D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Treatment of ores and tailings Andrews, J., and another, Coolgardie, W. Australia. Treatment of ores and tailings Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning machines Andrews, W., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Combined grain-, olover-, and seed-threshing machinery Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Clover-threshing and -shelling machinery Angus, W., Sydenham, N.Z. Pumps Angus, W., Sydenham, N.Z. (See H. A. Atkinson, No. 7318.) Armitage, J., and others, N. Tonawanda, New York, U.S.A. Roundabouts Armstrong, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Boiler-tube cleaner Ashcroft, E. A., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Treating refractory ores Ashley, W. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Window-fastener Atkin, E. R., Auckland, N.Z. Outside seats of'buses Atkin, E. R., Auckland, N.Z. Outside seats of 'buses Atkin, E. R., Auckland, N.Z. Hind-seats of buggies, &c. Atkinson, H. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Valve-seating for pumps. (W. Angus) Auldjo, L. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Jointing metallic tubes Auldjo, L. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Air-or gas-compressors Austin, G. B. H, Camberwell, Vic. Velocipedes Austin, H. A., and another, Narmbool, Elaine, Vic. Drain-cutting machine Austin, R. H., Gore, N.Z. Hanging sashes .. Austin, T. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Ball-valve .. Avenarius, E. A. R., Gaualgesheim, Germany. (See C. A. Peters, No. 6731.) Bailey, E., Folkestone, Eng. Attaching animals to and detaching them from poles of vehicles .. Bake, T. H. L., and another, Bayswater, Eng. Tanning skins and hides Baker, W. J., and others, Scarborough, Eng. Separating grease, &c, from exhaust steam, and supplying feed-water to boilers Balcombe, F. L., Ashburton, N.Z. Corset .. Ball, R. T., Goulburn, N.S.W. Goncentrating-machine Baldwin, T. M.. Dunedin, N.Z. Grading and concentrating gold-bearing wash Barbara, A. S., London, Eng. Estimating amount of fat in milk, &c. (R. W. Woosnam) Barker, J. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Life-saving net and ladder Barlow, J. L., Kilbirnie, Wellington, N.Z. Cistern-cock and high-pressure valve Barnes, G., Invercargill, N.Z. Book-protector Barningham, S., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Range .. Barron, E., Esmond Road, Middlesex, Eng. Tobacco-pipes .. Barton, W. C, Meadowbank, N.S.W. Shares for ploughs, &o. , Bastings, W. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Removing wool from sheepskins Batey, J. F., and another, Taitapu, Canterbury, N.Z. Milk-strainer, -cooler, and -aerater Bath, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Combined traverser and clinometer for surveyors Bayldon, T. C, and another, Thames, N.Z. Diminution of surface-friction in floating bodies Bayley, R., New Plymouth, N.Z. Making squaro links Beamish, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Window- or shopfront-shutters Beaney, A., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Field-rollers Beaney, G., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Field-rollers Beaney, H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Field-rollers Beanovitch, M., Opotiki, N.Z. Horse-collars Beanovitch, M., Opotiki, N.Z. Pack-saddle Bear, J., Melbourne, Vic. Advertising and distributing the advertisements Bear, J., Melbourne, Vic. Combined advertising booklet and envelope Beard, A. W., N. Sydney, N.S.W. Fastening butter-box lids .. Boaven, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning machines Beaven, A. W., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Combined grain-, clover-, and seed-threshing machinery Beaven, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Clover-threshing and -shelling machinery Beckett, M. E. a. (See under A.) Beckwith, J. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Convertible tandem bicycle Belk, J., and another, Feilding, N.Z. Joint for railway rails Belk, J. A., Feilding, N.Z. Rolling-stock of railways, &c. Belk, M., Palmerston N., N.Z. Brake for road vehicles Bell, E., Ellerslie, Auckland, N.Z. Clutch suspender for garments Bell, H., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Roofing- and fencing-nails 6749 7198 7156 7332 7320 7262 4 April. 11 Oct. 24 Sept. 10 Dec. 7 Dec. 13 Nov. 6812 6829 6706 6991 7112 6756 7040 7040 6843 7290 7090 0871 6882 7199 6996 7267 6814 7247 7295 7295 6667 G754 2 May. 9 May. 8 March, 23 July. 5 Sept. 0 April. 13 Aug. 13 Aug. 15 May. 27 Nov. 25 Aug. 25 May. 30 May. 11 Oct. 20 July. 12 Nov. 2 May. 7 Nov. 26 Nov. 26 Nov. 10 Feb. 4 April. 6949 6983 9 July. 20 July. 7351 7226 6914 6835 6728 6729 7134 7318 7041 7042 7211 7188 6681 6962 27 Dec. 22 Oct. 20 June. 10 May. 17 March. 17 March, 11 Sept. 8 Dec. 13 Aug. 13 Aug. 18 Oct. 8 Oct. 24 Jan. 11 July. 6676 7186 6982 16 Feb. 8 Oct. 18 July. 7243 6766 6793 7213 7302 6760 6696 6863 7312 7176 6881 7002 7300 6926 7191 7082 6693 6693 6693 6839 6840 6751 6752 7070 6667 6754 31 Oct. 14 April. 24 April. 17 Oct. 28 Nov. 12 April. 27 Feb. 16 May. 6 Dec. 4 Oct. 28 May. 26 July. 28 Nov. 27 June. 4 Oct. 23 Aug. 27 Feb. 27 Feb. 27 Feb. 8 May. 8 May. 5 April. 5 April. 17 Aug. 10 Feb. 4 April. 6949 9 July. 7162 6683 7016 7227 7314 7293 26 Sept. 20 Feb. 31 July. 25 Oct. 4 Dee. 28 Nov.




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. k>. ;e. Bement, F. G. (See E. J. Tobin, No. 6716.) Bennett, L., Auckland, N.Z. Advertising medium .. Bennett, L., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Toy Bennett, W., and another, Dungog, N.S.W. Method and apparatus for saving gold Bentley, J. G., Balclutha, N.Z. Sheep ear-mark Beswick, J. G., and another, Waiuku, Auckland, N.Z. Preparing kauri-gum and utilising kaurigum dust Beswick, J. G., and another, Waiuku, Auckland, N.Z. Preparing kauri-gum and utilising kaurigum dust Beswick, J. G., and another, Waiuku, Auckland, N.Z. Preparing kauri-gum Bethell, C, Wellington, N.Z. Window-sashes Billens, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Milking-pail .. .. .. .. •• . • Billington, T., Three Kings, Auckland, N.Z. Discharging silt, &c, from punts, trucks, &c. Binsted, J., Auckland, N.Z. Brake for road-vehicles Birch, H., Caversham, N.Z. Attachment to reapers-and-binders Birkin, W. A'C. G., Nottingham, Eng. Processes and solvents for separating precious metals from ores Bish, G., Bombay, Auckland, N.Z. Harrows Bishop, G., Fordell, Wanganui, N.Z. Ploughs Bishop, H. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Dressing flax Blacke, D. E., Invercargill, N.Z. Heat-economizer for steam-boilers Blair, T. H., London, Eng. Manufacture of films for photographic purposes Blanks, G. W, Sydney, N.S.W. Elevating and storing sea-water for use as a motive-power Bodley, G., Wellington, N.Z. Water-tap .. Boon, J. K., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Tramcar life-guard Booth, G. T., Sydenham, N.Z. Ploughs Booth, G. T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Hedge-cutting machines Boundy, J. H., Blenheim, N.Z. Automatic vote-recorder Bowman, J. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Vamping-chart Bowman, J. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Attachment to clothing on which to strike matches Boyd, P., and another, Stirling, N.Z. Wire-strainer.. Boyd, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycles Boyd, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-bearings Boyd, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle-bearings Boyens, W. H., Kaikoura, N.Z. Cycles Boyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Stirrups Boyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Stirrup-bars Boyens, W. H., Kaikoura, N.Z. Cycles Boyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Printers' type-cases Boyling, F., Sydney, N.S.W. (See E. J. Tobin, No. 6787.) Branson, C. B. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Heat-difiuser for grates, &c. Bridgman, A. O., and another, Mornington, Otago, N.Z. Castor Brigg, T. H., Bradford, Eng. Connecting animals to vehicles.. Brigg, T. H., Bradford, Eng. Connecting animals to vehicles.. Bristow, C, Marton, N.Z. Surveyor's adjustable centring-rod Bristow, C, Marton, N.Z. Ventilating-fan .. Bristow, C, Marton, N.Z. Harnessing horses to carriages Brodrick, G. W., Invercargill, N.Z. Kerosene-tin holder .. .. Brodrick, G. W., and others, Invercargill, N.Z. Machinery-belt fastener Brodrick, G. W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Handles and levers for locks Brokensha, J., Campbelltown, Otago, N.Z. Machinery-belt fastener .. Brokensha, J., and others, Invercargill, N.Z. Machinery-belt fastener.. Bromell, A. E. G., and others, Geelong, Vic. Boiler- tube- and pipe-cleaner Brooker, E. H., Medbury, Canterbury, N.Z. Automatic voting-machine .. Brougham, J. W., and another, Poolmacca, N.S.W. Vehicle wheels .. Brown, D. A., Charters Towers, Queensland. Ore-roasting furnace Brown, R., and others, Kaikoura, N.Z. Bronchial astringent.. Browne, G. W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Bottle-stopper Brownlees, G., Narracoorte, S. Australia. Pin and clip for attaching poles to vehicles Briinler, O., Euritzsoh-Leipsig, Germany. Obtaining a compression in gas- and oil-engines Buchan, J. E., Bendigo, Vic. Cuffs for shirt-sleeves Burgon, C., and another, Malin Bridge, Sheffield, Eng. Shearing- and clipping-machines Burgon, C, and another, Malin Bridge, Sheffield, Eng. Friction-gear for driving shearingmachines, &c. Burgon, H., and another, Malin Bridge, Sheffield, Eng. Shearing- and clipping-machines Burgon, H., and another, Malin Bridge, Sheffield, Eng. Friction-gear for driving shearingmachines, &c. Burke, R., Eltham, N.Z. Lids of milk-cans, &c. Burland, B., and others, Kaikoura, N.Z. Bronchial astringent Burnard, T., Lyttelton, N.Z. Ventilator, specially for windows Burroughs, W. S., St. Louis, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, No. 6732.) Burrows, T., and another, London, Eng. (See Fibre Machinery Company, Limited, Nos. 7152 and 7153.) Burslem, T., Masterton, N.Z. Machinery-belt fastener Burton, R., Masterton, N.Z. Stumping-machine Busck, A., Wellington, N.Z. Aerating, straining, and cooling milk Bussing, C., and another, Gore, N.Z. Vehicle-lifting machines Bust, W. B., Dunedin, N.Z. A game Butler, W. J., Balmain, Sydney, N.S.W. Propelling and steering small boats .. Butterworth Brothers, N.Z., Limited, Dunedin, N.Z. Cyclists' knitted knickers Byers, C, Christchurch, N.Z. Making pie-shells Cable, W., Wellington, N.Z. Cold-air machinery Cairncross, D., and another, Tinwald, Canterbury, N.Z. Gorse-cutters attached to traction-engines Oallister, J., Matarawa, Wellington, N.Z. Milking-machines Cameron, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Anti-fouling paint.. Campbell, C. H., and another, New York, U.S.A. Refining butter, lard, &c. Campbell, J. H., and another, New York, U.S.A. Refining butter, lard, &c. Campbell, M. S., Papanui, Canterbury, N.Z. Hanging and fastening gates for drafting-yards, &c. Campbell, M. S., Papanui, Canterbury, N.Z. Silo 6810 6927 7170 6888 6611 6626 6649 6727 7251 7219 6689 7335 6821 6668 6906 6780 7172 7201 7021 6690 6790 6992 7003 6606 6641 7163 7286 6617 6919 7028 6647 7159 7182 7203 7235 6628 7038 0673 6674 6609 6746 6859 6305 6934 6960 6688 6934 6909 7285 6798 7222 6980 7080 7018 6600 7106 6776 6777 27 April. 22 June. 3 Oct. 4 June. 11 Jan. 17 Jan. 2 Feb. 19 Marcl 7 Nov. 19 Oct. 21 Feb. 20 Nov. 7 May. 8 Feb. 18 June. 20 April. 29 Sept. 13 Oct. 2 Aug. 26 Feb. 20 April. 23 July. 27 July. 9 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 Sept. 22 Nov. 12 Jan. 22 June. 4 Aug. 1 Feb. 26 Sept. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 30 Oct. 16 Jan. 6 Aug. 15 Feb. 15 Feb. 9 Jan. 3 April. 18 May. 12 Juno. 26 June. 28 June. 19 Feb. 26 June. 19 Juno. 23 Nov. 25 April. 22 Oct. 20 July. 20 July. 2 Aug. 4 Jan. 6 Sept. 19 April. 19 April. 6776 6777 19 April. 19 April. 6828 6980 7273 7 May. 20 July. 17 Nov. 7044 7065 6908 6968 6773 6702 7289 7004 6922 6871 6999 7011 7241 7241 6679 7179 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 18 June. 12 July. 19 April. 1 March 26 Nov. 27 July. 22 June. 25 May. 26 July. 26 July. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 16 Feb. 5 Oct.




[ame, :csii lence am invent Dion. ro. ;e. Carandini, V., Wellington, N.Z. Advertising portfolio tickets .. .. .. Carder, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Whisk Carlson, J. A., and others, Carlton, Vic. Machine for saving fine gold, &c. .. Carson, A. A., Ashburton, N.Z. Kerosene-tank Carter, J., and another, N. Sydney, N.S.W. Brake for railway vehicles Caverhill, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Stamping and branding frozen meat Cerchi, L., Wellington, N.Z. Chain protector for cycles Chapman, C. E., and another, Adelaide, S. Australia. Recovery of metals from ores Chapman, C. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Carrier for garden labels Chapman, F. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Carrier for garden labels Chapman, J. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-poison.. Chapman, J. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Ascertaining amount of moisture in any substance Chapman, W. P., Rangiora, N.Z. Baby fold Chard, E. C, London, Eng. Scale weighing apparatus Choate, P. C, New York, U.S.A. Preparing solutions carrying salts of zinc Choate, P. C, New York, U.S.A. Producing metallic zinc Christie, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Disinfector for closets, drains, &c. Christie, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Drain-traps Christie, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Kitchen-sinks .. ... Christie, T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Drain-traps Christie, T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Kitchen-sinks Christie, T. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Disinfector for closets, drains, &o. Christmas, J. J., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Treatment of ores Clapham, H., Hawera, N.Z. Ship propeller.. Clapham, L., Halcombe, N.Z. Toast-jack Clapham, T. D., Ashurst, N.Z. Dressing flax Clark, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Lung-worm cure and preventative Clarkson, E. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Machine sheep-shear Clayforth, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Silicate insulator Clegg, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Awning for perambulators, &c... Clempson, E., Invercargill, N.Z. Steering-apparatus for steamships .. Clifford, C. C, and another, Marrickville, N.S.W. Brake for railway vehicles .. Climo, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Extracting silver, gold, and copper from ores Climo, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Extracting gold from ores Climo, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Extracting silver from ores Cocker, J. N, West Devonport, Tasmania. Potato-harvesters Cockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Horse-shoes Cockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Tree-and stump-extractor Cockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Combined drain-plough shares and mouldboards Cockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Combined eyeless adze and axe.. Cockerell, R, Dunedin, N.Z. Cradle for gold-dredging, &c. Cockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Flexible picks for gold-dredging Coghlan, R. T., Sydney, N.S.W. Washing and saving gold, tin, and gems Cohen, A. and E., London, Eng. Incandescent gas-burners. (C. A. von Welsbach) Cole, A., Palmerston N., N.Z. Levers Collier, A. O., Manchester, Eng. Driving-mechanism for cycles Collier, H., Wanganui, N.Z. Glove for washing-purposes Colquhoun, J., Clevedon, Auckland, N.Z. Butter-printer Compagnic Gene>ale pour l'Exploitation des Machines a fabriquer les Cigares (Brevets J. Reuse), Societe Anonyme, Brussels, Belgium. Machines for making cigars. (J. Reuse) Condy, F., Sydney, N.S.W. Gold-saving machine. (R.B.Smith) Cook, E., Hawthorne, Vic. Combined lock and safety drop-latch Cook, T., Petone, N.Z. Stave-shaping machinery Cook, W. G., Wellington, N.Z. Step-ladders Cook, W. G., Wellington, N.Z. Washing-machine .. Cooper, C. F., and another, Dalston, Eng. Disinfecting Cooper, F., Christchurch, N.Z. (See P. and D. Duncan, Limited, No. 7024.) Cooze, C. J., Carterton, N.Z. Window-sashes Copeland, J., Brunswick Line, Wanganui, N.Z. Cigarette or cigar Copeland, J., Brunswick Line, Wanganui, N.Z. Cigarette-or cigar-grater Copland, J. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Switchback railways .. Copland, J. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Optical illusions Cory, F. S., Invercargill, N.Z. Kerosene-tin bucket holder Cory, F. S., Invercargill, N.Z. Tin holder .. Cottrell, H. L., Invercargill, N.Z. Washing-machine Coubrough, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Screw-propeller Coventry, J., Wellington, N.Z. Kerosene-pump Cox, H. B., Hartford, U.S.A. Thermo-electric generators Crabbe, J. B., Chatswood, N.S.W. Destroying parasitic life in cereals Craggs, A. H., and others, Waterloo, N.S.W. Drying wool, skins, &c, .. Craggs, R. J., and others, Waterloo, N.S.W. Drying wool, skins, &c, Crawford, J., Wellington, N.Z. Race-starting machines Crawford, W. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Heating, cooling, and mixing liquids Crawley, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Wire-strainers Crawley, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Wire-strainer Crook, J., Auckland, N.Z. Bedstead Crook, J., Auckland, N.Z. Wire-strainer Crossley, A., Talywain, Monmouth, Eng. Manufacture of zinc oxides, sulphates, and sulphides .. Crossley, W. G., Opua, Auckland, N.Z. Corrugated spring-steel tire Crowe, W., and another, Whangarei, N.Z. Self-aerating flour Croxford, C. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Water-heater for ranges Crozier, W. R., and others, London, Eng. Extraction and preparation of fibre Cruickshank, C. M., S. Invercargill, N.Z. Machinery-belt fastener Cruickshank, A., jun., Waikaka Valley, N.Z. Ploughs Cunninghame, A. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Plate-powder .. Curtis, J., and others, Addington, N.Z. Dressing clover-seed .. Cussen, A., Hamilton, N.Z. Carrying-attachment for umbrellas or walking-sticks 6621 7110 7257 6789 6972 6753 6730 6748 7204 7204 6817 7010 7124 6659 6867 7063 6687 7136 7166 7136 7166 6687 7084 6664 6811 7037 6644 6989 7258 7233 7334 6972 7045 7046 7047 7107 6738 6920 6966 7202 7333 7348 6976 6765 7205 7288 7098 7218 7237 15 Jan. 5 Sept. 12 Nov. 20 April. 18 July. 3 April. 21 March 4 April. 9 Oct. 9 Oct. 28 April. 26 July. 7 Sept. 6 Feb. 25 May. 18 Aug. 19 Feb. 12 Sept. 28 Sept. 12 Sept. 28 Sept. 19 Feb. 27 Aug. 10 Feb. 2 May. 11 Aug. 26 Jan. 23 July. 7 Nov. 27 Oct. 10 Dec. 18 July. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 6 Sept. 30 March. 25 June. 18 July. 15 Oct. 17 Dec. 27 Dec. 19 July. 14 April. 16 Oct. 26 Nov. 3 Sept. 18 Oct. 30 Oct. 6971 6804 7270 6808 6809 6605 18 July. 28 April. 17 Nov. 2 May. 2 May. 8 Jan. 7164 6642 6643 7115 7161 6782 6937 7064 7264 6856 6880 7313 6749 6749 7327 6858 6703 6707 7208 7266 7352 7322 6650 7058 6844 6627 6655 6620 6946 6759 28 Sept. 29 Jan. 29 Jan. 7 Sept. 27 Sept. 16 April. 27 June. 13 Aug. 14 Nov. 18 May. 28 May. 6 Dec. 4 April. 4 April. 13 Dec. 17 May. 6 March. 8 March. 13 Oct. 13 Nov. 27 Deo. 6 Dec. 30 Jan. 13 Aug. 15 May. 15 Jan. 30 Jan. 15 Jan. 5 July. 11 April.




:'ame, ;esii lence, am [nveir iion. Fo. :e. lussen, A., Hamilton, N.Z. Brooch-pin fastener .. .. .. .. .. luthbert, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Gully-trap .. .. .. .. .. .. j )alton, W., Stratford, N.Z. Bucket )aiziel, J., Fernside, Canterbury, N.Z. Adjustable bearing )ando, H. A., Lyttelton, N.Z. Hydro-electric indicator and alarm )anks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Windmills .. )anks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Siphon pumps )anks, T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Aerating and cooling liquids )ash, G., and another, Waimate, Canterbury, N.Z. Movable spring-cart shafts )ash, J., and another, Waimate, Canterbury, N.Z. Movable spring-cart shafts )avidson, T. W., Auckland, N.Z. Bicycle roundabout )avies, J., S. Dunedin, N.Z. Churn )avies, J., S. Dunedin, N.Z. Device for trueing-up motion-pins )avies, M., Goromandel, N.Z. Marker for animals .. .. .. .. .. .. )avis, F. H., Melbourne, Vic. Machine sheep-shears .. ,. .. .. • .. )avis, F. H., Melbourne, Vic. Core-boring apparatus )avis, H. F., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rubbish-bin )avis, S., Wellington, N.Z. Lubricant >awson, A., Mittagong, N.S.W. Candlesticks )awson, R. F., and another, Campbelltown, Invercargill, N.Z, Machine-belt fastener .. )awson, W. H., Balmain, N.S.W. Gold-saving machine )ear, W., Wellington, N.Z. Building-construction .. .. .. .. .. )e Laval, 0. G. P., Stockholm, Sweden. Milking apparatus .. )ennison, T. C, Oamaru, N.Z. Cycles )everell, T. C, and others, Hawksburn, Vic. Race-starting machine Mack, J., and another, Palmerston S., N.Z. Attachment to reapers-and-binders to prevent overturning )inham,. J. P., an,d another, S. Broken Hill, N.S.W. Vehicle-wheel .. )ixson, H. (Dixson and Sons), Sydney, N.S.W. Crimping devices for cigarette-machines )ixson and Sons. (See H. Dixson, No. 6717.) )oig, W., London, Eng. Vehicle-wheels )onisthorpe, G. E., and another, London, Eng. (See Fibre Machinery Company, Limited,' Nos. 7152 and 7153.) )oubleclay, W., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Clover-sheller and seed-drawer )oubleday, W., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Adjustable concave for conical clover-sheller )ouglas, D. A., Blenheim, N.Z. Ship-propellers )ouglas, D. A., Blenheim, N.Z. Spouting .. )ouglas, D. A., Blenheim, N.Z. Use of asbestos in buildings.. )oulton, H., and another, Lambeth, Eng. Making metallic connections to vitreous substances .. )owell, A. P., N. Fitzroy, Vic. (See J. Maclellan, No. 6669.) )roeser, W., London, Eng. Mounting chair-bottoms, table-tops, &c. )rummond, J., Kirwee, N.Z. Grubber-tooth .. .. ... )rummond, J., and another, Danevirke, N.Z. Stump-extractor )rummond, J., Danevirke, N.Z. Stump-extractor .. )rummond, J., Danevirke, N.Z. Stump-extractor )ryland, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Boots and shoes )udson, W. S,, Carterton, N.Z. Vehicle-brake )udson, W. S., Carterton, N.Z. Wool-press )udson, W. S., Carterton, N.Z. Stump-extractor )udson, W. S., Carterton, N.Z. Stump-extractor )ugins, J. A., and others, Evelyn, Vic. Machine for saving fine gold, &c. )uly, W. A., and others, Hillgrove, N.S.W. Rocker ore-feeder )unbar, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Feeder for sowing-machines .. .. .. .. .. )uncan, J., Adelaide, S. Australia. Fore-carriage of buggies, &c, )uncan, J. H. H., London, Eng. Manufacture of butter )uncan, P., Christchurch, N.Z. Force-feeder for manure-sowers )uncan, P. and D. (Limited), Christchurch, N.Z. Ball-bearing plummer-block. (F.Cooper) )uncan, P. and D. (Limited), Christchurch, N.Z. Cultivator (J. Keir) )uncan, P. and D. (Limited), Christchurch, N.Z. Cultivator (j. Keir) )uncan, W. H., Feilding, N.Z. Slide-valve.. )unn, D., Lincoln, N.Z. Automatic rocking-cradle .. .. .. .. Jarland, W. E., and another, Gaversham Rise, Otago, N.Z. Castor Idwards, H., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Drying wool, skins, &c. llworthy, H. S., Stratford, Eng. Collection and purification of carbonic-acid gas given off during fermentation llworthy, H. S., Stratford, Eng. Aerating liquids with compressed gas, and bottling same llworthy, H. S., and others, Stratford, Eng. Cooling liquids.. Uworthy, H. S., and others, Stratford, Eng. Automatic pressure-reducing valves llworthy, H. S., and others, Stratford, Eng. Regulating flow of compressed liquefiable gases to and from storage reservoirs Intwistle, W. G., Wellington, N.Z. (See A. I. Littlejohn and P. Still, No. 7007.) Irrington, W., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Race-starting machines .. .. Ivans, A., Gore, N.Z. Reversible concave for threshing-mills Ivenden, R. E., North Coburg, Vic. Heating milk .. .. Iverett, J. D., Belfast, Ireland. Wheels for cycles, &c. 'agan, D. W. 0., and another, Whangarei, N.Z. .Self-aerating flour .. 'ail, W. F. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Measuring and delivering materials 'airweather, W., Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-scraping machine 'alconer, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Conductor-tube for sowing-machines .. 'ancourt, R. H., Waverley, N.S.W. (See M. Simmons, No. 7280.) "■aram, W., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Lock-nut 'armar, E. B., Wellington, N.Z. Butter-boxes .. .. .,, 'arquhar, J. F. C, Parramatta, N.S.W. Saving metals, and concentrating and classifying ores .. 1 eaton, E.H., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Automatic sheep-dipper .. .. .. 'ellowes, H. 0., and others, London, Eng. Extraction and preparation of fibre 'erguson, H., and others, Leytonstone, Eng. Extraction and preparation of fibre 'erguson, J., Avondale, Auckland, N.Z. Weed-extractor ferguson, J., Avondale, Auckland, N.Z. Seed-sowing implements 6866 6682 6959 7221 7069 6950 7173 7320 6921 6921 7254 7034 7036 6715 7169 7326 6825 6612 6658 7158 7091 7052 7294 6739 6870 7309 7077 6717 6785 6939 7192 6616 6651 6883 6625 6923 6857 6948 7085 7238 6630 6684 6801 6832 7030 7257 7349 7120 6910 6671 6614 7024 7210 7346 6796 7216 7038 6749 6965 23 May. 14 Feb. 14 July. 20 Oct. 22 Aug. 9 July. 2 Oct. 7 Dec. 25 June. 25 June. 6 Nov. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 9 March 3 Oct. 13 Dec. 8 May. 11 Jan. 6 Feb. 22 Sept. 31 Aug. 15 Aug. 28 Nov. 20 March 25 May. 4 Dec. 23 Aug. 13 March 21 April. 30 June. 9 Oct. 13 Jan. 2 Feb. 1 June. 17 Jan. 25 June. 18 May. 11 July. 29 Aug. 1 Nov. 17 Jan. 21 Feb. 26 April. 10 May. 8 Aug. 12 Nov. 27 Dec. 5 Sept. 19 June. 13 Feb. 11 Jan. 1 Aug. 16 Oct. 21 Dec. 25 April. 18 Oct. 6 Aug. 4 April. 16 July. 7130 7183 7184 7185 13 Sept. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 6870 7339 6794 6784 6650 7283 7128 7307 25 May. 15 Dec. 24 April. 21 April. 30 Jan. 20 Nov. 21 Sept. 1 Dec. 7311 7116 6915 6666 6844 6844 7114 7190 6 Dec. 8 Sept. 20 June. 9 Feb. 15 May. 15 May. 7 Sept. 9 Oct. 2—H. 10.




arne, josii lence, am Fnveni iion. o. ;e. Fergusson, M. W., Melbourne, Vic. Desk. (A. Mauchain) .. Fibre Machinery Company (Limited), London, Eng. Breaking, scutching, and decorticating flax, &c. (G. E. Donisthorpe and T. Burrows) Fibre Machinery Company (Limited), London, Eng. Scutching flax, &c. (G. E. Donisthorpe and T. Burrows) Field, T. A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Milk-strainer Firth, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Drying pumice Firth, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Application of prepared pumice for insulation, sanitary purposes, &c. Fisher, A. J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Pumice-soap FitzGerald, O. D., Parnell, Auckland, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Fleming, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Ships'davits .. Ford, A. S., Wanganui, N.Z. Steam-whistle for signalling, &c. Ford, F., Wellington, N.Z. Milk-cooler Fox, W. R. C, Wellington, N.Z. Ventilator for waterproof garments .. Freeman, W. T., Invercargill, N.Z. Slate-pencil sharpener Frith, E., Reigate, Eng. Covers for books, &o. Fuchs, F. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Chiller for beer, &o. Furlonge, F. A., Hawera, N.Z. Preparing and dressing flax Furlonge, E. A., Hawera, N.Z. Preparing and dressing flax .. Galbraith, G., and others, Kaikoura, N.Z. Bronchial astringent Gait, J., and another, Mataura, N.Z. Drain-ploughs Gait, J., and another, Mataura, N.Z. Drain-ploughs Ganswindt, H., Schoeneberg, Germany. Supporting and bracing strips for aerial vehicles, propellors, &c. Garrett, J. A., Thames, N.Z. Churn Gee, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Venetian-blinds Gell, E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Letter-boxes Gelly, J. C, Tanunda, S. Australia. Filling bottles and preparing and inserting corks .. Gentles, H.,'and another, Auckland, N.Z. Saddles .. Gibson, W., and others, Kaikoura, N.Z. Bronchial astringent Giles, F., S. Yarra, Vic. Cooking-appliances Glass, B. W., Belfast, Canterbury, N.Z. Woobdrying apparatus Godocke, W.. Wandong, Vic. Picket-heading machine Godsiff, H., Manaroa, Marlborough, N.Z. Tanning flax or hemp Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Machinery-belt fastener .. Gordon, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Utilising expansive force of gases for cooling, &c. Gorrie, J., Stratford, N.Z. Measuring, unrolling, and re-rolling cloth, carpet, &c. Gould, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Wire-splicer Goyder, A. W, and others, Hillgrove, N.S.W. Rocker ore-feeder Grace, T., Darlington, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machines Grainger, M., Linwood, N.Z. Gear-case for cycles Gray, A., Canterbury, N.S.W. Race-starting machines Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Manure-sower Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Ploughshares Greenslade, J., Prebbleton, Canterbury, N.Z. Combined grain and clover-seod threshing, shelling, and dressing machine Greenslade, J., Prebbleton, Canterbury, N.Z. Totalisators, &c. Greenslade, J., Prebbleton, Canterbury, N.Z. Combined grain and seed threshing, shelling, and dressing machines Grigg, E. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Siphons Grote, L., London, Eng. Manufacture of artificial stone, preservative paint, &c. Gulleford, J. C. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Toe-stiffener for boots, &c. .. Gwynne, J., Hammersmith, Eng. Dredging apparatus Hakendorf, C. H., Port Augusta, S. Australia. (See C. Tucker, No. 7324.) Hallam, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Carriage-seats .. Hannam, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Water-heaters Hanneborg, O. B. H., Urskoug, Norway. Ditching and tile-laying machines Hansen, A., Wellington, N.Z. Life-jacket .. Hansmann, J. A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. A composition to be used as yeast Harman, W., and another, Dungog, N.S.W. Methods and apparatus for saving gold Harper, J. H., Wanganui, NZ. Flax-machines Harries, J. E., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Automatic sheep-dipper Harris, T., Oamaru, N.Z. Sheep feed-box .. Harrod, W. H, Napier, N.Z. Belting and band clip.. Harrow, E., Takapuna, Auckland, N.Z. Staple-extractor Hartridge, W. B., Balham, Eng. Artificial-fuel blocks Harvey, A., Auckland, N.Z. Preserve-can .. Harvey, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainers Haselden, W. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Joint for railway-rails Haughton, R. S, Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer Hausmann, G. P., Masterton, N.Z. Stumping-machine Hay, W., Masterton, N.Z. Seed cleaner Hay, W., Masterton, N.Z. Winnowing and grass-seed-cleaning machine Havcraft, J. H, Adelaide, S. Australia. Treatment of auriferous and argentiferous ores Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, Otago, N.Z. Wire-tightener Hecke, van. (See under V.) Helwitz, E. S., Melbourne, Vic. Waterproof garments Hempstalk, J., Lyttelton, N.Z. Belt or band fastener .. Henderson, D., and another, Thames, N.Z. Clog-boots Henderson, H., and another, Thames, N.Z. Clog boots Henderson, J., and another, Sandon, N.Z. Concrete fencing-post Henderson, J. A., and another, Sandon, N.Z. Fencing-post .. Henderson, T., Waverley, N.S.W. Steam-boiler Henley, G., and another, Milawa, Vic. Watch-pockets of garments Henley, J., sen., and another, Oxley, Vic. Watch-pockets of garments Henton, J. M., Auckland, N.Z. Combined raft and deck chair Hermite, E., and another, Dalston, Eng. Disinfecting 0990 7152 23 July. 22 Sept. 7153 22 Sept. 7249 6G18 7232 6964 6615 7291 7354 6997 7118 7056 7148 7305 6724 6779 6980 7113 7113 0797 7 Nov. 12 Jan. 25 Oct. 13 July. 8 Jan. 28 Nov. 27 Dec. 25 July. 10 Sept. 13 Aug. 21 Sept. 1 Dec. 15 March, 19 April. 20 July. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 25 April. 7062 7133 7200 7225 6978 6980 6930 7135 0898 6699 6985 7054 6783 7140 7349 6977 6854 6974 7039 7061 6638 8 Aug. 12 Sept. 13 Oct. 22 Oct. 16 July. 20 July. 28 June. 13 Sept. 11 June. 3 March. 19 July. 15 Aug. 21 April. 19 Sept. 27 Dec. 19 July. 15 May. 18 July. 10 Aug. 14 Aug. 25 Jan. 7271 7281 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 7139 7089 7097 6672 14 Sept. 30 Aug. 31 Aug. 13 Feb. 6841 6823 6813 7275 7013 7170 6831 6666 6924 6850 6893 6988 6662 7105 6683 7143 7104 6770 6771 7032 7200 9 May. 7 May. 2 May. 19 Nov. 27 July. 3 Oct. 7 May. 9 Feb. 18 June. 16 May. 4 June. 23 July. 8 Feb. 6 Sept. 20 Feb. 19 Sept. 5 Sept. 18 April. 18 April. 9 Aug. 12 Oct. 7250 6718 7093 7093 6663 7057 7006 7325 7325 6872 6605 8 Nov. 12 March 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 8 Fob. 15 Aug. 28 July. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 26 May. 8 Jan.




lame, »esi< lence, am [nvent ;ion. o. ;e. Herschell, A., and others, N. Tonawanda, U.S.A. Roundabouts Herscliell, G. 0., and others, N. Tonawanda, U.S.A. Roundabouts Herzog, A., Iuglewood, N.Z. Sawdust furnace-box and feeding attachment for boilers Hill, W. J., and others, Hillgrove, N.S.W. Rocker ore-feeder Hilton, G. P., and another, Thames, N.Z. Diminution of surface friction in floating bodies Hinrichs, W., Milwaukee, U.S.A. Crushing, pulverising, and mixing minerals, seeds, &c. (F. A. Wheeler) Hinsch, C, Wellington, N.Z. Beverage Hislop, A. R., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Advertising ruler Holland, T. J., Tunbridge Wells, Eng. Decomposing chloride of sodium or potassium .. Holliday, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Anti-fouling paint Holloway, E. G, Wellington, N.Z. Marking carcases, &c. Holmes, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Landing-nets .. Holroyd, A. G., and others, S. Melbourne, Vic. Concentrator and classifier Hooker, B. H. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Combined reel and needle-case .. Hopkirk, J., Shannon, N.Z. Hemp-dressing machine Hormann, C. D., Waikiwi, Otago, N.Z. Blight-destroyer Horn, G. W., and another, Kuaotunu, Auckland, N.Z. Filtering-vat for ores, &c. Homsby, J., and others, Grantham, Eng. (See R. Hornsby and Sons, Limited, No. 7353.) Hornsby, and Sons (Limited), R., Grantham, Eng. Knotting mechanism for sheaf-bmders and straw-trussers. (J. Hornsby, J. Innocent. I. Trolley, and J. H. Smith) Horrocks, A., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Drying wool, skins, &c. Horvath, C. Meray-. (See under M.) Howlett, W. F., and another, Makaretu, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Weighing apparatus Hudson, G. E., and others, Scarborough, Eng. Separating grease, &c, from exhaust steam, and supplying feed-water to boilers Hughes, E. and others, S. Melbourne, Vic. Concentrator and classifier Hughes, H, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Collecting auriferous sand Hunter,' A.'G., Kidston. (See under K.) Hunter, A. J., London, Eng., and Wellington, N.Z. Covering for driving-pulleys Hurlstone, E., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-lighter Hutton, R. W., Wellington, N.Z. Circular switchbacks Innocent, J., and others. Grantham, Eng. (See R. Hornsby and Sons, Limited, No. 7353.) Isaacs, A. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Attachment to window to exclude insects, &c. Jerger, J., Goulburn, N.S.W. Washing alluvial deposits to extract gold Johnson, J. B., Te Aroha, N.Z. Milk-strainer, aerater, and cooler Johnston, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Pillow-block Jones, D., Auckland, N.Z. Milk-pail Jones, E., Wayne's Town, Dunback, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Jones, E. B., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Windovv-fastener Jones, J. W., Sumner, Canterbury, N.Z. Fire-grate.. Jones, J. W., Sumner, Canterbury, N.Z. Necktie-fastener Jndell, M. W., Petersburg, S. Australia. Refrigerating cars Karsten, J. C. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Boots, shoes, &c. Karsten, J. G. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Boots, shoes, &c. Kee, D. 0., Pleasant Point, Canterbury, N.Z. Harrows Keene, T., Birkenhead, Eng. Packing for piston-rods, &o. Keiller, E., Bull's, N.Z. Wire-strainer Keir, J., Ashburton, N.Z. (See P. and D. Duncan, Limited, Nos. 7210 and 7346.) Kemsley, G. V., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Drain-pipes.. Kendall, E. D., Brooklyn, U.S.A. Treating gold and silver ores Kennedy, K., Wellington, N.Z. Bot-fly destroying compound Kenny, A. B. C, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for drawing compass-deviation curves Kenny, A. B. C, Wellington, N.Z. Storm-compass .. Kenny, A. B. C, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for correcting marine soundings Kenny, A. B. C, Wellington, N.Z. Mechanical substitute for nautical traverse tables .. Kenny, A. B. C, Wellington, N.Z. Lining for boats .. Keyte, R., Whangarei, N.Z. Plug for water-tanks Kidman, S., and another, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Vehicle wheel Kidston-Hunter, A. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Deodorising and disinfecting, and manufacturing as a fertiliser, nightsoil, &c. Kidston-Hunter, A. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Kettles, &c. Kilgour, J., Greymouth, N.Z. Berdan-drags, mullers, &c, used in amalgamating-pans, &c. Kinniburgh, J. W, Wellington, N.Z. Ear-pieces of telephone receivers Knight, C. A., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Steam-boilers Knight, J. F., Essendon, Vic. Gold-separator Knight, J. I., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Saddle .. Kofoed, J. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Ball-valves and straining-valves for bottling-machines Krank, A., Taipale, Varkaus, Finland. Production of high speed rotary motion Kreissig, O. M., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing window-glass becoming " misty " Krug, O., and another, Gore, N.Z. Vehicle-lifting machines .. Lahey, J. W., and another, S. Brisbane, Queensland. Machine for making staves Lahey, T. G., and another, S. Brisbane, Queensland. Machine for making staves Lamont, N., Auckland, N.Z. Sofa-bed combination .. Lane, H., and another, Birmingham, Eng. Producing carbonic-acid gas Lane, H., and others, Birmingham, Eng. Cooling liquids Lane, H., and others, Birmingham, Eng. Automatic pressure-reducing valves .. Lane, H, and others, Birmingham, Eng. Regulating flow of compressed liquifiable gases to and from storage reservoirs Langley, R. D., Brighton, S. Australia. Grinding and pulverising machine Langstone, 0. W., Greytown N., N.Z. Compound for destroying parasites, in sheep, &c, and to be used as a tonic Lanigan, E. P., Auckland, N.Z. Mode of binding rafts Laurent, V. C, and others, Paris, France. (See Van Hecke's Fuel-Economizer Syndicate, Limited, No. 7196.) Laval, C. G. P. de. (See under D.) Lawrence, H J., and others, Geelong, Vic. Boiler-tube-and pipe-cleaner Laws, R. C, Napier, N.Z. Connecting hose-couplings to hose 7351 7351 7026 7349 6926 7315 27 Dec. 27 Dec. 6 Aug. 27 Dec. 27 June. 7 Dec. 6610 6706 7321 7011 6781 6735 6601 6772 6805 7338 7154 11 Jan. 8 March. 10 Dec. 26 July. 20 April. 27 March. 4 Jan. 14 April. 28 April. 13 Dec. 15 Sept. 7353 27 Dec. 6749 4 April. 7083 6982 27 Aug. 18 July. 6601 6685 4 Jan. 21 Feb. 6733 7234 7194 21 March. 29 Oct. 11 Oct. 7103 6708 7342 6851 6769 6834 6835 7072 7220 7197 6818 7005 7279 6981 6895 31 Aug. 9 March. 19 Dec. 11 May. 12 April. 8 May. 10 May. 21 Aug. 20 Oct. 11 Oct. 2 May. 26 July. 21 Nov. 18 July. 6 June. 7099 6736 6670 6952 6953 6954 6958 7345 7350 7077 6819 3 Sept. 28 March. 13 Feb. 13 July. 13 July. 13 July. 14 July. 21 Dec. 29 Dec. 23 Aug. 3 May. 6935 7067 6874 7195 6830 6978 6902 7261 6853 6968 7088 7088 6623 6913 7183 7184 7185 26 June. 18 Aug. 28 May, 11 Oct. 9 May. 16 July. 11 June. 13 Nov. 17 May. 12 July. 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 13 Jan. 20 June. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 7330 6800 13 Dec. 26 April. 7177 4 Oct. 6909 6995 19 June. 23 July.




ame, ,esii lence, am [nvem iion. No. Date. i Legg, A. W., Balclutha, N.Z. Furrow splitter Leigh, J., Auckland, N.Z. Horse and cattle feed Leman, A., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-lighter Leman, A., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-lighter Lenz, G. F. P., and another, Gawler, S. Australia. Crusher and pulveriser Leverett, H. A., and another, London, Eng. Tanning skins and hides .. Lichtwark, C. F., Normanby, Taranaki, N.Z. Harness Light, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Sewing-machine lamp-bracket Little, D., West Melton, Canterbury, N.Z. Horse-clipping machine Littlejohn, A. I., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Head for surveyors'instruments. (W. G. Entwistle) Lochhead, J. A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Extraction and recovery of cyanides from coal-gas Lochhead, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Wringers and mangles Lochhead, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Textile-fabric stretcher Logie, F., Dunedin, N.Z. Life-line attachment to life-buoys and-belts Lones, J., and others, Smethwick, Eng. Primary voltaic batteries Loudon, R., Balmain, N.S.W. Subdividing and imprinting butter Louis, J., Auckland, N.Z. Ice-cream cake .. Lowden, J., and another, Mataura, N.Z. Combined adze, hammer, and scoop Lowden, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Detecting variations of temperature in bunkers, &c. .. Ludlow, A. D., Napier, N.Z. Advertising writing-table and desk Luick, E. W., and others, Thames, N.Z. Agitator, leaohing-vat, and filter Luick, F. W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver from ores Luke, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Locking lids of milk-cans, &c. .. Luxford, W. L,, and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Racecourse register Mail Horse-shoe Syndicate (Foreign Patents), Limited, London, Eng. Shoes for horses, &c. (M. E. Poupard) Maleczek, E. F., and another, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Vehicle-wheels .. Mander, G., Wellington, N.Z. Horse-shoe .. .. .. .. .. Mantova, P. J., and another, Leichardt, N.S.W. Gold-saving machine Maquay, S. W., Fulham, Eng. Primary batteries and their application to portable electric lamps Marr, H. D. C, Stratford, N.Z. Ammonia or gas compressors .. .. .. Marshall, E.j Henfield, Eng, Ely-catchers .. Marshal], G., and others, Windsor, Vic. Race-starting machines Marshall, J., Springston, Canterbury, N.Z. Windmills .. .. .. .. Marshal], R., Pahiatua, N.Z. Wire-fencing clip Martin, J., and another, Christchurch. Gardening implement Martin, M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Dressmaking Mason, D., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving machine Mason, W. B., London, Eng. Vaporising apparatus Mason, W. B., London, Eng. Composition for producing vapour for disinfecting, &c. Matthews, R., Forest Hill, Kent, Eng. Manufacture of white-lead, &c. Mauchain, A., Geneva, Switzerland. (See M. W. Fergusson, No. 6990.) Maw, J., and another, Mataura, N.Z. Combined adze, hammer, and scoop) Mazure, E., Auldana, S. Australia. Corking-machines Mence, L. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Photography .. .. Meray-Horvath, C, Arad, Hungary. Producing type-matrices Mergenthaler, 0., Baltimore, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, No. 7001.) Merton, W., Hill End, N.S.W. Metal canisters and cases Meyenberg, W. F., Ashburton, N.Z. Engine governor Meyer, W. J., and another, Leichardt, N.S.W. Gold-saving machine .. Middleton, J., St. Albans, Canterbury, N.Z. Tallying apparatus for double-bagger chaffcutters .. Mitscherlich, P. J., Queenstown, N.Z. Sheep-shears.. Moderate, J., Gust, Canterbury, N.Z. Woo], &c, press .. .. ,. Moeller, J., Westminster, Eng. Manufacture of oil-gas Moffett, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Teacher and stand for bicycles Moncrieff, R. W., Manchester, Eng. Paper-making machines Montgomerie, J. C, Dalmore, Stair, Scotland. Extraction of gold and silver Moonelis, A., New York, U.S.A. Cutting cigarette-wrappers from tobacco-leaves Moonelis, A., New York, U.S.A. Cigarette-machines.. Moore, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Hair-dye Morgan, J. A., Sydenham, N.Z. Life-saving and swimming belt Morgan, J. A., and another, Sydenham, N.Z. Gardening implement .. Morgan, T. H., Hawera, N.Z. Butter-mould Morrell, S., and others, Ballarat W., Vic. Fasteners for leggings Morris, T., Sawyers'Bay, Dunedin, N.Z. Healing lotion Morrison, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Cheese-presses Morriss, W. N., and another, Moonee Ponds, Vic. Feed-water heater and fuel-saver Morrow, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Flax-dressing Morton, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Station indicator Motley Company, A. H. (See under A.) Murray, T., Wellington, N.Z. Kiln for burning bricks, &c. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Clip for attaching coulter-bars to drag-bars in sowingmachines, &c. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Manure-distributor MacArthur, J. S., Pollokshields, Scotland. Precipitating precious metals from solutions MacDonald, A., Taieri, N.Z. Preparing and dressing flax MacDonald, A., Taieri, N.Z. Preparing and dressing flax .. .. .. .. ", Macdonald, A. L., Brunswick, Wanganui, N.Z. Sheep-brand.. Macdonald, A. L., Brunswick, Wanganui, N.Z. Ear-mark .. ' Macdonald, R. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Tramcar-wheels Macdonald, R. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Totalisators .. Macdonald, R. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Switchbacks.. .. .'. .. ,. Macdonald, R. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Totalisators .. Macdonald, R. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Turnstiles .. .. .'. " Macdonald, R. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Well-sinking Macdonald, R. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Engine governor Mackay, A. R., Marton, N.Z. Protecting stream-and river-banks .. .. .. .. Mackey, W. T., East Hamilton, Canada. Tightening wheel-tires .. ., '.. .[ 7181 7323 6619 6734 7132 7186 6634 7292 6637 7007 7193 6631 6907 7301 7259 6861 7050 7068 7125 7239 6967 7094 7043 6761 7074 8 Oct. 6 Dec. 12 Jan. 16 Mar. 13 Sept. 8 Oct. 23 Jan. 28 Nov. 24 Jan. 28 July. 11 Oct. 17 Jan. 14 June. 27 Nov. 8 Nov. 19 May. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 6 Sept. 2 Nov. 9 July. 23 Aug. 14 Aug. 13 April. 23 Aug. 6798 6941 6940 6654 6865 7242 6870 7252 7025 7079 7081 6963 6846 6947 7240 25 April. 2 July. 2 July. 5 Feb. 23 May. 2 Nov. 25 May. 7 Nov. 6 Aug. 22 Aug. 25 Aug. 12 July. 15 May. 15 May. 2 Nov. 7068 6767 6855 6932 22 Aug. 14 April. 15 May. 28 June. 7331 7245 6940 6744 6806 6955 6768 7207 o933 6775 7019 7020 6677 6969 7079 6629 7C40 6897 7284 6723 6780 6938 13 Dec. 1 Nov. 2 July. 31 March, 28 April. 13 July. 14 April. 13 Oct. 28 June. 27 Oct., '93." 3 Aug. 3 Aug. 12 Feb. 16 July. 22 Aug. 19 Jan. 13 Aug. 5 June. 20 Nov. * 15 March. 20 April. 28 June. 7141 7121 19 Sept. 5 Sept. 7122 6987 6904 6944 6864 6884 6714 6824 6878 6928 7071 7126 7209 6929 6763 5 Sept. 23 July. 12 June. 28 June. 19 May. 30 May. 10 March 7 May. 31 May. 27 June. 20 Aug. 6 Sept. 15 Oct. 27 June. 14 April.




'ame, lesi ience, am [nvem Dion. o. ;e. Mackinnon, R., Kew, Invercargill, N.Z. Weed-eradicator .. Mackintosh, J., Napier, N.Z. Boiler-fluid for removing and preventing incrustation Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Straining milk, &c. Maclelian, J., Collingwood, Vic. Clip for fastening stoppers in bottles, &e. (A. P. Dowell) MoBride, G., Auckland, N.Z. Advertising .. McCormack, T., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Range .. McCoy, J. T., Kensington, Vic. Furnace-grates McCrea, J. C, and another, Palmerston N. Clip for papers, &c. McCulloch, G., and another, Broadford, Vic. Extraction and recovery of cyanides from coal-gas McCullough, R. J., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Stirrups McCullough, R. J., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Stirrup-bars McDonald, F. J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Ditching and waterway plough McDonald, H. E., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Ditching and waterway plough McGcoch, J. A., Melbourne, Vic. Ploughs .. McGill, D., Petone, N.Z. Compressing air, &c. McGill, E. S., Gore, N.Z. Wire-strainer McGuire, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Life-saving net and ladder McHattie, G., and another, Palmerston S., N.Z. Attachment to reapers-and-biuders Mclvor, J. W., N. Invercargill, N.Z. Picnic billy-tray McKay, D., Rangiora, N.Z. Milk-cooler McKay, J., and another, Newmarket, Vic. Joint specially for connecting arms of stamper-battery wipers to bosses McKenzie, D. H., Mahi, Bull's, N.Z. Racing or drafting animals McKinnon, W., and another, Palmerston N., N.Z. Clip for letters, &c. McLaren, D. B., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Dressing seeds McLaren, W. A., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Grain-, clover-, and seed-threshing machinery McLaughlin, W., Papatoitoi, Auckland, N.Z. Photographic race judge McLean, D. D., Auckland, N.Z. Kindling fires McLeod, A'. M., Auckland, N.Z. Quartz-reducing machine .. McLeod, H. N., Wellington, N.Z. Coating non-conducting substances with a film of electrically conducting substance McMurray, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Easel McPeake, J. W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver Nankivell, W. J., Waikouaiti, N.Z. Wire-strainer Nelson, C. P., Foxton, N.Z. Machine for clearing land Nesbit, E. E., Adelaide, S. Australia. Intercepting slimes, and saving metals therein .. Newall, J. W., Ongar, Eng. Grinding cutters and combs of shearing-machines.. Newman, G. F., Rangitata, Canterbury, N.Z. Lubricant Newton, J. R., Akaroa, N.Z. Wool-presses.. Nicholas, J., Waterloo, Eng. Obtaining gold and silver from ores, &c. Nicolson, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire mattress Nicolson, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-woven floor-cloths for kilns, &c. Nicolson, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-woven floor-cloths for kilns, &c. Noakes, W. M., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Machine sheep-shear .. Noble, A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Billiard-cue Nolan, P., Dunedin, N.Z. Appliance for deepening bars, &c. .. Norton, G. J., Wellington, N.Z. Steering-gear for eoxswainless boats .. Nott, C. S., Melbourne, Vic. Shoes, slippers, &c. Noy, E. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Dressmaking Nugent, J. F., and another, Westminster, Eng. Electric lamps Nuttall, W. T., Danevirke, N.Z. Cooking-pot Oates, N., Christchurch, N.Z. Ballbearing O'Brien, J. H., Windsor, Vic. Washing-boards, &c. .. .. .. .. O'Connell, E. T., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Range.. O'Donovan, R., Tarata, Taranaki, N.Z. Combined fencing-tool Officer, W., Mount Talbot, Vic. Wire-strainer Ogle, P. J., London, Eng. Wrappers, envelopes, &c.. O'Hara, H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Arresting and extinguishing sparks, &c. Oliver, J. W., Greenstreet, N.Z. Clover-threshing and-shelling machines Orr, J., jun., Waitohi Flat, Canterbury, N.Z. Cycles Osborne, J., Doyleston, Canterbury, N.Z. Sinking artesian wells Osborne, J., Doyleston, Canterbury, N.Z. Sinking artesian wells Osborne, J., Doyleston, Canterbury, N.Z. Combine threshing-machines Osborne, W. E. C, Auckland, N.Z. Fiddle for adjusting blinds O'Shea, P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Palamountain, R. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Machine-belt fastener .. Pallant, W. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Seamless boot Palmer, J., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Stump-extractor .. Park, J., and others, Thames, N.Z. Agitator, leaching-vat, and filter Park, J., and another, Thames, N.Z. Vat for filtering ores, &c. Parkerson, W., Ormond, Auckland, N.Z. Sheep-drencher Parsons, J. A., Kaikoura, N.Z. Vehicle-seats Pattie, D. H., Blenheim, N.Z. Doors Pattie, D. H, Blenheim, N.Z. Dressing flax Patton, D., Mount Somers, Canterbury, N.Z. Wool-press Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Stud Paynter, W., and another, Gawler, S. Australia. Crusher and pulveriser Peache, A. E., Mount Somers, Canterbury, N.Z. Tipping hoppers Pearson, W. E., Karori, Wellington, N.Z. Keeping butter, &c, cool Pearson, W. E., Karori, Wellington, N.Z. Keeping butter, &c, cool Pearson, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Generating electricity .. Peel, G., and others, Thames, N.Z. Agitator, leaching-vat, and filter .. .. .. Peel, G., Thames, N.Z. Agitator, leaching-vat, and filter Peers, E. O, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Switchbacks Peers, E. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Optical illusions Peez, O. K., Opawa, Christchurch, N.Z. Erratic circuit railway Pellegrini, J. E., Barcelona, Spain. Manufacture of sugar Percy, G., Wellington, N.Z. Bicycles, &c. .. ., ,, ,, 7248 7265 6791 6669 6686 6863 6848 7142 7193 7159 7182 6862 6862 6704 6758 6802 7302 7309 7217 7189 6891 1 Nov. 14 Nov. 20 April. 12 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 May. 15 May. 19 Sept. 11 Oct. 26 Sept. 8 Oct. 14 May. 14 May. 7 March, 10 April. 23 April. 28 Nov. 4 Dec. 18 Oct. 5 Oct. 4 June. 7310 7142 6946 6754 7278 7276 7048 7165 6 Dec. 19 Sept. 5 July. 4 April. 17 Nov. 20 Nov. 13 Aug. 1 Oct. 6837 7094 6740 7277 6720 6822 6911 6743 684"> 6695 6705 6827 6989 6945 7137 6680 6645 7081 6774 7101 7319 6709 6863 6885 6710 6694 6795 6998 7180 6602 6604 6792 7287 7059 7158 6712 6994 6967 7154 6896 6947 6698 7228 7023 6757 7132 6624 6660 6661 7282 6967 7053 7115 7161 7175 6691 7060 12 May. 23 Aug. 30 March 20 Nov. 14 March 7 May. 19 June. 31 March 15 May. 27 Feb. 3 March 5 May. 23 July. 5 July. 13 Sept. 19 Feb. 29 Jan. 25 Aug. 20Nov.,'93. 5 Sept. 7 Dec. 9 March 16 May. 4 June. 9 March. 27 Feb. 24 April. 23 July. 5 Oct. 4 Jan. 6 Jan. 20 April. 23 Nov. 16 Aug. 22 Sept. 10 March, 24 July. 9 July. 15 Sept. 5 June. 10 July. 2 March. 23 Oct. 2 Aug. 4 April. 13 Sept. 15 Jan. 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Nov. 9 July. 10 Sept. 7 Sept. 27 Sept. 2 Oct. 26 Feb. 15 Aug.




[ame, Dosii lence, am invent Dion. to. DO. Percy, G., Wellington, N.Z. Ticket-delivering contrivance (H. H. Rayward) Peters, C. A., London, Eng. Mould-boxes for artificial sandstone. (E. A. R. Arenarius) Philpott, T. S., Kilbirnie, Wellington, N.Z. Horse-collar Philpott, T. S., Kilbirnie, Wellington, N.Z. Horse-collar Pike, C. F., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Washing, concentrating, and amalgamating ores Pillans, W. S., Balclutha, N.Z. Sowing manure and seeds Pillans, W. S., and another, Balclutha, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. Pirrie, J. S., and others, S. Melbourne, Vic. Concentrator and classifier Pitman, C. W., Ascot Vale, Vic. Sheep-shearing machine. (W.Wright) Pledger, J. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Kettles, &c. Pomeroy, J., and another, Seville, Vic. Tree- and stump-extractor Pontin, E., Williamstown, Vic. Butter-box. (G. Pontin) Pontin, G., Williamstown, Vic. (See E. Pontin, No. 7131.) Poole, W. E., and others, Kew, Vio. Machine for saving fine gold Poppelwell, S. G. A., Hastings, N.Z. Sheep and cattle drencher Poppens, V. E., North Melbourne, Vic. Commode pails Port, 0. A., Riverton, N.Z. Combined boiler, steamer, and food-warmer Porter, F. J., Auckland, N.Z. Pressing and ironing .. Porter, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Knife-cleaner .. Potts, E., Ashurst, N.Z. Candlestick Potts, E., Ashurst, N.Z. Fire-lighter Poupard, M. E., London, Eng. (See Mail Horse-shoe Syndicate (Foreign Patents), Limited, No. 7074.) Powell, R., Cleveland, U.S.A. Manufacture of nails, rivets, screw-blanks, &c. .. Power, T., Sydney, N.S.W. Race-starting apparatus.. Pratt, F., Sumner, Canterbury, N.Z. Counter fountains Pratt, P., Sumner, Canterbury, N.Z. Aerating vessels used with counter fountains Pratt, F., Sumner, Canterbury, N.Z. Counter fountains Pratten, C, and another, Ultimo, Sydney, N.S.W. Operating and locking sliding-doors, &o. Prentice; A. C, Masterton, N.Z. Stump-extractor .. Pritchett, P. H., Kanieri, N.Z. Bicycles Pritchett, P. H., Kanieri, N.Z. Cycles Procter, J. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Card for obscuring the vision when sight-testing Pruden, A., Poxton, N.Z. Lamp-wick Pullman, J., and another, London, Eng. Producing carbonic-acid gas.. Pullman, J., and others, London, Eng. Cooling liquids Pullman, J., and others, London, Eng. Automatic pressure-reducing valves Pullman, J., and others, London, Eng. Regulating flow of compressed liquefiable gases to and from storage reservoirs Purser, E., Blenheim, N.Z. Making briquettes from ironsand Quertier, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-distributor Ransom, T. P., Blenheim, N.Z. Rabbit-poison Rawson, E., Wellington, N.Z. Plant-protector Rayward, H. H, Christchurch, N.Z. (See G. Percy, No. 7111.) Reeve, D'A. W., N. Sydney, N.S.W. Brake-valves. (Soulerinj Reeves, W., Masterton, N.Z. Vehicle-brakes Reid, J., Auckland, N.Z. Rowing-scull Reid, N., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Painting cans, drums, &c. .. Renner, G., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Printers'type-cases Reuse, J., Enghien, Belgium. (See Compagnie Generale pour l'Exploitation des Machines a fabriquer les Cigares (Brevets J. Reuse), Societe Anonyme, No. 7237.) Richards, J., Richmond, Canterbury, N.Z. Weight-bar for hoofs of trotting-horses Richardson, A. W. A., Owaka, Otago, N.Z. Straining and joining wires Richardson, E.,jun., Albury, Timaru, N.Z. Fertiliser Richardson, E., ]un., Albury, Timaru, N.Z. Determining whether wool, &c, are wet or dry Richardson, E., jun., Albury, Timaru, N.Z. Fertiliser Richardson, G. J. A., and others, Invercargill, N.Z. Machine-belt fastener Richardson, G. J. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Handles and levers for locks Richardson, G. J. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Mortise-locks Richardson, G. J. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Teacher and stand for bicycles .. Richardson, J. P., Christchurch, N.Z. Finger for reapers Rigby, E. J., and others, South Melbourne, Vic. Concentrator and classifier .. Robbie, J. B., New Plymouth, N.Z. Weatherboards Roberts, W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Extraction of free gold Roberts, W. F., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Extraction of free gold.. Robison, W. C, and another, Makaretu, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Weighing-apparatus Roget, E., Onehunga, N.Z. Medicinal iron water Ross, J., Wellington, N.Z. Marking tobacco. (A. H. Motley and Co.) Ross, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Dressing flax Rowcliffe, F., Levenshulme, Eng. Woven-wire mattresses Royds, G. J., St. Bathan's, N.Z. Horse-collars and saddles .. Russ, N. W., Kew, Eng. Draught-preventing apparatus Ryding, F., Melbourne, Vic. Fastening for leggings .. Samuelson, E., Banbury, Eng. Harvesters Sanderson, G., and others, Scarborough, Eng. Purifying exhaust steam and supplying feed-water to boilers Scales, C, Bull's, N.Z. Wool-presses Sceats, R. W., Auckland, N.Z. Boot-uppers Scherding, E., and others, Paris, France. (See Van Hecke's Fuel Economizer Syndicate, Limited, No. 7196.) Schwalb, J. F. T. (Van Hecke), and others, Paris, France. (See Van Hecke's Fuel Economizer Syndicate, Limited, No. 7196.) Schwarz, A. W., Leipzig-Plagwitz, Germany. Blasting Scott, J., Hughenden, Queensland. Dump-cylinder and pump-shaft saver Scott, J. B., Malvern, Vic. Race-starting contrivances Scouler, J. D., Armidale, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machines .. Scoullar, A., Wellington, N.Z. Brake for railway and tramway vehicles Seagar, E., Wellington, N.Z. Antimony cruding-furnace Seebeck, C. A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Rotary engine 7111 6731 6873 7117 7344 7035 7286 6601 7212 6935 7144 7131 5 Sept. 21 March 28 May. 8 Sept. 20 Dec. 7 Aug. 22 Nov. 4 Jan. 18 Oct. 26 June. 20 Sept. 13 Sept. 7257 6599 7017 6975 7008 7059 6737 6903 12 Nov. 3 Jan. 2 Aug. 14 July. 23 July. 16 Aug. 30 March 15 June. 6869 6892 7244 7263 7274 6692 6807 6979 7014 6912 7127 6913 7183 7184 7185 25 May. 4 June. 2 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 27 Feb. 1 May. 4 July. 31 July. 19 June. 11 Sept. 20 June. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 6860 6816 6918 6635 19 May. 30 April. 22 June. 23 Jan. 6799 6711 6762 7223 7235 25 April. 10 March 11 April. 22 Oct. 30 Oct. 6603 7160 6648 6742 7272 6934 6960 6986 7207 6838 6601 7269 6815 6815 7083 6833 7253 6879 6917 6803 6657 7109 7187 6982 4 Jan. 22 Sept. 1 Feb. 30 March, 19 Nov. 26 June. 28 June. 19 July. 13 Oct. 14 May. 4 Jan. 13 Nov. 2 May. 2 May. 27 Aug. 11 May. 8 Nov. 31 May. 22 June. 27 April. 5 Feb. 6 Sept. 8 Oct. 18 July. 7214 7255 19 Oct. 3 Nov. 6868 6722 6675 6936 7029 6876 6852 25 May. 14 March 15 Feb. 30 June. 8 Aug. 29 May. 16 May.




iame, iesit lence, am invent tion, io. ;e. Sellar, R. J. D., Bobundara, Cooma, N.S.W. Wash-away flood-gate Seymour, D. T., Brisbane, Queensland. Adjusting sashes in cars, &c. Shann, M. H. C, Brisbane, Queensland. Water-tube boilers .. Shannon, H. G., Umataoroa, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Stumper and logger Shaw, T. T., Wooriwyrite, Vic. Gate actuating apparatus Sheffield, E. D. T., and another, London, Eng. Local and medical dry-bath .. Shekleton, R. E. K., Geelong, Vic. Arithmometer .. Shelley, R. M., London, Eng. Combination garments Shelmerdine, W. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-poison Shelmordine, W. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Ascertaining amount of moisture in any substance Shepherd, H. F., Mataura, N.Z. Legging-fastener .. Sbeppard, J., Waitaki, Otago, N.Z. Machine-belt fastener Sherer, F. G., Auckland, N.Z. Washing-machine Shiels, A., Glasgow, Scotland. Milking-machines Shiels, A., Glasgow, Scotland. Thermostats Shotlander, H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Tray for packing fruit Shulz, L., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Composition to be used as yeast .. Sides, F. E., and another, Mt. Mercer, Vic. Drain-cutting machine .. Silk, T., Wellington, N.Z. Fumigating apparatus Simmons, M., Sydney, N.S.W. Pocket-case for cigarettes, &c. (R. H. Fancourt) Simpkin, J., sen., Mititai, Auckland, N.Z. Wire-strainer Sincock, E. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Candle-holders Slater, J., and another, Burslem, Eng. Making metallic connections to vitreous substances Slater, J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Advertising-ruler Smith, D., and another, South Yarra, Vic. Potato-digger and-separator Smith, D. E., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Stump-extractor Smith, F., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Rotary engine Smith, G., and others, Hillgrove, N.S.W. Rocker ore-feeder .. Smith, J., and another, North Sydney, N.S.W. Operating and locking sliding doors, &c. Smith, J. H., and others, Grantham, Eng. (See R. Hornsby and Sons (Limited), No. 7353.) Smith, M., Southbrook, Canterbury, N.Z. Ploughs .. Smith, M., Whangarei, N.Z. Soap Smith, P. G., New Plymouth, N.Z. Preventing rain blowing under doors Smith, R. B., Waverley, N.S.W. (See F. Condy, No. 6971.) Smith, R. H., and another, South Yarra, Vic. Feed-water heater and fuel-saver Smith, T. A., Baltimore, U.S.A. Fibre-cleaning machines Smith, T. H., Maketu, Auckland, N.Z. Flax-dressing Smith, W. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Sheep-hurdle Smith, W. S., and another, Bradford, Eng. Electric lamps .. Soltan, IL, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Tray for packing fruit Sommorville, W. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Surgical truss .. Sorley, J., Feilding, N.Z. Bottle-stopper Soulerin, —, of —, France. (See D'A. W. Reeve, No. 6799.) Spinley, J. C., Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. Heating and ventilating apparatus .. Sprey,"E., St. Bathan's, Otago, N.Z. Whiffletree Sprey, E., St. Bathan's, Otago, N.Z. Self-oiling axles Sprey, E., St. Bathan's, Otago, N.Z. Trap.. Sprey, E., St. Bathan's, Otago, N.Z. Securing chains, specially for harness Squire, G., and another, St. Andrew's, Canterbury, N.Z. Foot-rot cure Squire, J., London, Eng. Cooling and salting large masses of meat Squire, M., and another, St. Andrew's, Canterbury, N.Z. Foot-rot cure Stackhouse, T. H., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Printing from stencils Stead, G. G., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Dressing seeds, &c. Stevens, W. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Tramcar life-guard Stevenson, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Hydraulic elevators .. Still, P., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Head for surveyors' instruments. (W. G. Entwistle) .. Storey, C. F., Maungatautari, Auckland, N.Z. Portable wheel-tires .. Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Feed-regulating roller for sowing-machines Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Speed device for regulating quantities of material delivered by sowing-machines Stuckey, F. J., Levin, Wellington, N.Z. Machinery for tunneling, boring, and the like Stunner, S. N. von. (See under V.) Suckling, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Boots, shoes, &c. .. Sulman, H. L., London, Eng. Treatment of precious ores Sulman, H. L., London, Eng. Treatment of ores Sulman, H. L., and another, London, Eng. Extraction of precious metals Surplice, A. A., and another, North Melbourne, Vic. Lock-nut Sutherland, A., Te Houka, Balclutha, N.Z. Wire-strainer Suttie, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rubbish-bin Swale, R., sen., Limehills, Otago, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Swinnerton, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Rocking-horse .. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Making butter, cheese, &c. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Washing and drying currants, &c, and beating eggs Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Churn Tait, A. L. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Generating electricity Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Lighting lamps, gas, &c. Tallerman, L. A, and another, London, Eng. Local and medical dry-bath Tarran, F., and another, Mitcham, Vic. Tree-and stump-extractor .. Tarrant, W., Petersham, N.S.W. Concentrator, usuable as an amalgamator .. Taylor, A., and another, Papanui, Canterbury, N.Z. Billiard-cue Taylor, J. E., Mangere, Auckland, N.Z. Utilising ebb and flow of tide for motive-power Taylor, J. J., Wellington, N.Z. Attaching handles to buckets, &c. Taylor, T. E., Sydenham, N.Z. Candlestick Teare, J. C, and another, Melbourne, Vic. Joint, specially for connecting arms of stamperbattery wipers to bosses 7015 6786 6656 6984 7168 7149 6778 6875 6817 7010 31 July. 21 April. 12July.,'93.* 23 July. 3 Oct. 21 Sept. 19 April. 28 May. 28 April. 26 July. 7022 7174 6665 6750 6973 6613 7013 7188 7231 7280 6894 7336 6625 6706 7087 6994 6852 7349 6692 31 July. 1 Oct. 8 Feb. 5 April. 18 July. 10 Jan. 27 July. 8 Oct. 24 Oct. 22 Nov. 4 June. 13 Dec. 17 Jan. 8 March. 30 Aug. 24 July. 16 May. 27 Dec. 27 Feb. 7230 7256 6886 23 Oct. 10 Nov. 4 June. 6723 6890 7304 6008 6774 6613 6842 6622 15 March. 29 May. 3 Dec. 5 Jan. 20 Nov.,'93.* 10 Jan. 10 May. 16 Jan. 6725 6639 6640 7138 7340 6889 7009 6889 6700 6946 6790 6741 7007 6636 7119 7123 14 March. 25 Jan. 25 Jan. 14 Sept. 17 Dec. 4 June. 2 Aug. 4 June. 5 March. 5 July. 20 April. 30 March. 28 July. 23 Jan. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 7316 8 Dec. 7102 6820 6970 7328 7311 7303 6825 7308 6755 6849 7092 7215 7282 7317 7.149 7144 7108 6945 6788 6877 7055 6891 1 Sept. 7 May. 18 July. 13 Dec. . 6 Dec. 3 Dec. 8 May. 3 Dec. 5 April. 11 May. 28 Aug. 16 Oct. 13 Nov. 6 Dec. 21 Sept. 20 Sept. 6 Sept. 5 July. 17 April. 30 May. 13 Aug. 4 June.




ame, Desit [ence, am invent ;ion. to. ;e. 'eare, J. C, and others, Melbourne, Vic. Boiler-tube and-pipo cleaner ]eed, F. L., and another, London, Eng. Extraction of precious metals 'ellefsen, G, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Collecting auriferous sand 'hode, G. W., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Steam-boilers 'homson, E., Swampscott, U.S.A. Electric arc lamps 'homson, H., Kew, Vic. Street-hydrants 'homson, P., Feilding, N.Z. Milk aerator and-cooler 'homson, T. A., and another, Moreland, Vic. Roofing-and fencing-nails 'iffen, G. W., Makaraka, Auckland, N.Z. Wire-tightener ?illey, T. H., and another, Essendon, Vic. Potato-digger and -separator 'inline, W., and another, Danevirke, N.Z. Stump-extractor.. ]obin, E. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Actinic prints. (F. G. Bement) 'obin, E. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Telescopic fire-grate. (F. Boyling) ]oogood, W., Featherston, N.Z. Fibre-scutching and-dressing 'rain, J., Melbourne, Vic. Panoramic scenes 'ranter, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Medical battery 'rench, R. le P., Orange, N.S.W. Sulkies, &c. 'rendall, E. A., Auckland, N.Z. Mud-guards for cycles .'rengrove, W. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Ball-bearing 'revor, S., and another, Waiuku, Auckland, N.Z. Preparing kauri-gum, &c. )revor, S., and another, Waiuku, Auckland, N.Z. Preparing kauri-gum, &c. 'revor, S., and another, Waiuku, Auckland, N.Z. Preparing kauri-gum trolley, I., and others, Grantham, Eng. (See R. Hornsby and Sons, Limited, No. 7353.) 'roup, G. A., Wellington, N.Z. Nut specially for fangbolts .. 'roup, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Tap for kerosene-tins, &c. 'routbeck, W., Stawell, Vic. Rock-drills 'ruebridge, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-kindler tucker, C., N. Adelaide, S. Australia. Issuing tickets. (C. H. Hakendorf) 'ucker, G., Auckland, N.Z. Churn 'ucker, G., Auckland, N.Z. Stand for boots, &c. 'udehope, R., Thames, N.Z. Dust-catcher for stamper batteries 'upper, E. du S., Birmingham, Eng. Advertising 'urnbull, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Painting cans, &c. 'urnbull, T. O., Kawhia, N.Z. Sheep-shearing machine ?urnbull, W., Wellington, N.Z. Window-sashes 'urney, F. N, Nottingham, Eng. Scouring, degreasing, and cleansing wool Iwyford, T. W., Hanley, Eng. Joints of water-closets, &c. 'ytherleigh, H., Wellington, N.Z. Key-plate for retaining nuts on bolts 'an Hecke. (See J. F. T. Schwalb, No. 7190.) r an Hecke's Fuel Economizer Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. Regulating flow of heated gases in steam-boilers. (V. C. Laurent, J. F. T. Schwalb (Van Hecke), and E. Scherding) Parley, M., Wellington, N.Z. Aerating and cooling milk and cream .. Parley, R., Wellington, N.Z. Straining, aerating, and cooling milk and cream.. faughan, J., South Yarra, Vic. Lock-nut .. foice, J., Templeton, Canterbury, N.Z. Twitch-harrow 1 on Sturmer, S. N., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Letter-boxes Ton Welsbach, C. A., Vienna, Austria. (See A. and E. Cohen, No. 6765.) 'orbach, J., Rcnwicktown, Marlborough, N.Z. Potato-digger /orbach, J., Renwicktown, Marlborough, N.Z. Chain Vakeman, E. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Plant-protector Vakeman, H., Wellington, N.Z. Soldering-iron Vakeman, H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Plant-protector Valkden, C, Christchurch. Road-cleaning machine Valker, A. K., Auckland, N.Z. Water-and bath-heater Valker, E., and another, Sandon, N.Z. Concrete fencing-post Valker, E., and another, Sandon, N.Z. Fencing-post .. Valker, F., and another, Parnell, Auckland, N.Z. Preparing kauri-gum Valker, J. A., Kuaotunu, Auckland, N.Z. ISxtracting gold and silver Valker, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Supplying water to boilers Valker, J. T., Wanganui, N.Z. Wire-strainers Valker, J. T., Wanganui, N.Z. Wire-strainers Valker, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Sulky Valker, W., jun., and others, Birmingham, Eng. Primary voltaic batteries Vallace, J. A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Arresting and extinguishing sparks, &c. .. Vallace, J. A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Lighting and extinguishing gas-lamps Vallis, B., Dunedin, N.Z. Coffins .. Valton, F., London, Eng. Manufacture of mosaic floor-cloth Valworth, G., Tahuroa, Auckland, N.Z. Cow-bail .. Varburton, G. E., Timaru, N.Z. Tonic Vard, J. P., Auckland, N.Z. Filling for surface of wood Vard, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainers Varnock, J., Nelson, N.Z. Head-line machine for schools, &c. Vatson, D., Methven, Canterbury, N.Z. Twitch-grubber Vatson, W. H., St. Albans, Canterbury, N.Z. Combined clothes-horse, hat-rack, and umbrellastand Vaters, E., Melbourne, Vic. Calculating-machines. (W. S. Burroughs) Vaters, E., Melbourne, Vic. Engines. (C. C. Worthington) .. Vaters, E., Melbourne, Vic. Producing linotypes, &c. (O. Mergenthaler) Vebber, J., Cambridge, Auckland, N.Z. Wheel-hfting jack .. Vebster, J. R., Summerhill, Canterbury, N.Z. Ploughs Voeden, W. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Electrical apparatus for treating ores Veingott, H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Waterproof garments Veingott, S., jun., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Waterproof garments Velsbach, C. A. von. (See under V.) Velsby, J., Wellington, N.Z. Elevators .. ., 6909 7328 6685 7195 7086 6653 7151 7293 6993 7087 0948 6716 6787 0899 6713 6836 7147 7051 7156 6611 6626 6649 7100 7298 7224 7033 7324 6701 7095 7027 6931 7223 6745 6956 6764 7129 6826 7196 7178 6951 6916 7341 7200 19 June. 13 Dec. 21 Feb. 11 Oct. 31 Aug. 5 Feb. 22 Sept. 28 Nov. 20 July. 30 Aug. 11 July. 13 March 21 April. 12 June. 10 March 10 May. 21 Sept. 15 Aug. 24 Sept. 11 Jan. 17 Jan. 2 Feb. 5 Sept. 27 Nov. 22 Oct. 10 Aug. 13 Dec. 1 March 29 Aug. 9 Aug. 28 June. 22 Oct. 3 April. 13 July. 14 April. 13 Sept. 9 May. 11 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 July. 20 June. 18 Dec. 13 Oct. 6925 6957 7246 6942 7246 6719 7260 6663 7057 7049 7337 7297 6646 6726 7268 7259 6795 7329 6901 7296 7171 7236 6943 7105 7145 7306 7155 20 June. 13 July. 7 Nov. 3 July. 7 Nov. 12 March, 13 Nov. 8 Feb. 15 Aug. 13 Aug. 17 Dec. 27 Nov. 29 Jan. 16 March, 13 Nov. 8 Nov. 24 April. 13 Dec. 6 June. 28 Nov. 3 Oct. 25 Oct. 4 July. 6 Sept. 19 Sept. 1 Dec. 24 Sept. 6732 7000 7001 7167 7229 7150 7078 7078 21 March, 26 July. 26 July. 28 Sept. 22 Oct. 21 Sept. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 6607 9 Jan,





Name, Eesidenco, and Invention. No. Date. West, J. B., Rochester, New York, U.S.A. Machines for setting tires Whall, J., and another, Darfield, Canterbury, N.Z. Hedge-cutting machines Wheeler, F. A., Chicago, U.S.A. (See W. Hinrichs, No. 7315.) Wheeler, R. T., jun., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving machine Whitburn, D., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Toy Whitburn, D., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Traverser and clinometer for surveyors White, J., and another, Epsom, Auckland, N.Z. Preparing kauri-gum White Patent Rail-joint Company (Limited), The, Adelaide, S. Australia. Fastenings for railjoints. (R. A. White) White Patent Rail-joint Company (Limited), The, Adelaide, S. Australia. Rail-joints. (R. A. White) White, R. A., Adelaide, S. Australia. (See the White Patent Rail-joint Company (Limited), Nos. 7075 and 7076.) White, W., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Lighting and extinguishing gas-lamps Whitford, T. E., and another, Adelaide, S. Australia. Recovery of metals Whitham, B., Ohoka, Canterbury, N.Z. Ploughs Whitney, A. N., Melbourne, Vic. Counterfeit pigeon-projector Whittingham, R., Gore, N.Z. Water-pipes for sluicing, &c. .. Widdy, C., and others, Hillgrove, N.S.W. Rocker ore-feeder Wier, M. A., Kingston-on-Thames, Eng. Type-writers Wilkins, F. R., and others, Handsworth, Eng. Primary voltaic batteries Williams, J. T., Blenheim, N.Z. Telegraph insulator-protector Williams, R. B., Invercargill, N.Z. Washing-board .. Williamson, J., Hyde, Otago, N.Z. Traps .. Wilshire, W. J., Summer Hill, N.S.W. Table Wilson, D. A., Auckland, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver Wilson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Mount-cutter .. Winans, W. L., London, Eng. Ocean steamers Witheil,R.,'and another, Brookside, Canterbury, N.Z. Milk-strainer, cooler, and aerator Woolcot, H. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Drain-pipes .. Woosnam, R. W., London, Eng. (See A. S. Barham, No. 7213.) Worthington, C. C, Irvington, New York, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, No. 7000.) Wright, W., Essendon, Vic. (See C. W. Pitman, No. 7212.) Wrigley, P. H., Opaki, Wellington, N.Z. Stump-extractor Wyett, R. W., Yarram Yarram, Vic. Billiard-tables Wyett, R. W., Yarram Yarram, Vic. Bicycles Wylds, A. H., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Racecourse register Wylie, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Fencing standard Yarrow, R., Wanganui, N.Z. Flushing apparatus Yarrow, R., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Soap Yates, T. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Sheep feed-trough .. .. .. .. .. .. Young, H., Cromwell, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Youngman, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving machine 7343 7003 20 Dec. 27 July. 6963 6927 7300 7049 7075 12 July. 22 June. 28 Nov. 13 Aug. 23 Aug. 7070 23 Aug. 7329 6748 6678 6633 7012 7349 7157 7259 7299 7347 6900 6887 6721 6652 6747 7002 7099 13 Deo. 4 April 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 25 July. 27 Dec. 26 Sept. 8 Nov. 1 Deo. 19 Deo. 9 June. 4 June. 14 March. 2 Feb. 4 April. 26 July. 3 Sept. 7066 6632 7073 6761 7146 6697 6964 7031 6961 7096 22 Aug. 23 Jan. 23 Aug. 13 April. 17 Sept. 27 Feb. 13 July. 6 Aug. 16 July. 28 Aug.

inven - cion am fame oj invent ;or. [o. te. Addition, Machine for performing. R. E. K. Shekleton Advertisements, Method of and means for distributing. J. Bear Advertising booklet and envelope. J. Bear Advertising device. V. Carandini Advertising device. E. du S. Tupper Advertising medium. L.Bennett .. Advertising method. G. McBride Advertising method. J. Bear Advertising ruler. A. R. Hislop, J. Slater, and A. Alexander Advertising table and desk. A. D. Ludlow Adze and axe, Combined. R. Cockerell Adze, hammer, and scoop, Combined. J. Lowden and J. Maw Aerated liquors, Fountains for discharge of. F.Pratt Aerated liquors, Fountains for discharge of, F. Pratt Aerating apparatus. H. S. Elworthy Aerating vessels in connection with bar fountains. P. Pratt Aerator. (See also Milk aerator.) Aerial vehicles, Strips for bracing. H. Ganswindt Agitator, leaching-vat, and filter. J. Park, F. W. Luick, and G. Peel .. Agitator, leaching-vat, and filter, Combined. G. Peel Air-compressor. D. McGill Air-compreBsor. L. C. Auldjo Air machinery, Cold-. W. Cable Alarm and indicator. H. A. Dando Alluvial deposits, Apparatus for washing. J. Jerger Amalgam in grinding-pans, Device for saving. J. Kilgour Amalgamating apparatus. T. A. Allan .. .. .. Amalgamating apparatus. W. J. Weeden Amalgamating, Method of, and apparatus for. C. F. Pike Amalgamator. W. Tarrant 3—H. 10. 6778 6751 6752 6621 6931 6810 6686 6751 6706 7239 7202 7068 7244 7274 7130 7263 19 April. 5 April. 5 April. 15 Jan. 28 June. 27 April. 9 Feb. 5 April. 8 March, 2 Nov. 15 Oct. 22 Aug. 2 Nov. 16 Nov. 13 Sept. 12 Nov. 6797 6967 7053 6758 7042 6922 7069 6708 7067 6991 7150 7344 7108 25 April. 9 July. 10 Sept. 10 April. 13 Aug. 22 June. 22 Aug. 9 March. 18 Aug. 23 July. 21 Sept. 20 Dec. 6 Sept.




invem Dion am 'ame o; [nvem ;or. to. D6. Ammonia compressor. H. D. C. Marr Animal- and bird-trap. E. Sprey Animals. (See also Marker for animals). Animals, Apparatus for racing or drafting. D. H. McKenzie Animals. (See also Shearing and clipping). Animals. (See also Drenching and medicines.) Antimony cruding-furnace. E. Seagar Arithmometer. R. E. K. Shekleton Artesian wells, Appliances for sinking. J. Osborne Artesian wells, Appliances for sinking. J. Osborne Artificial stone. L. Grote .. .. .. .. .. .. .,.'.. Asbestos in buildings, Use of. D. A. Douglas, Auriferous sand, Apparatus for collecting G. Tellefsen and H. Hughes Awning for perambulators. J. Clegg Axe and adze, Combined. R. Cockerell Axle. E. Sprey .. Axles, Composition for lubricating. G. F. Newman Baby fold. W. P. Chapman Baggers, Tallying apparatus for. J. Middleton Bail, Cow. G. Walworth Ball-bearing. W. H. Trengrove and F. N. Adams Ball-bearing. N. Oates Ball-bearing plummer-block. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) Ball-valve. T. H. Austin Ball-valve. J. Anderson Bar fountain. F. Pratt Bar fountain, Aerating vessels in connection with. F. Pratt Bars, Appliance for deepening. P. Nolan Barrels.. J. W. and T. G. Lahey Barrels. (See also Stave-jointing, &c.) Bath, Dry. L. A. Tallerman and E. D. T. Sheffield Bath-heater. A. K. Walker Batteries. (See Medical battery, Primary battery, Primary voltaic battery, Stamp battery wiper) Bearing. J. Dalziel Bearing, Ball. W. H. Trengrove and F. N. Adams Bearing, Ball. N. Oates ,. .. .. .. .. .. •.. Bearing, Cycle. T. Boyd .. .. Bearing, Cycle. T. Boyd Beater, Egg-. A. L. J. Tait Beater. (See also Whisk.) Bed-sofa combination. N. Lamont Bedstead. J. Crook Bedstead bottom. F. Rowcliffe Beer, Chiller for. F. J. Fuchs Belt-clip. W. H. Harrod Belt-fastener. C. M. Cruickshank Belt-fastener. J. Brokensha Belt-fastener. J. Hempstalk Belt-fastener. J. Brokensha, G. W. Brodrick, and G. J. A. Richardson Belt-fastener. E. R. Godward Belt-fastener. T. Burslem Belt-fastener. R. A. Palamountain and R. F. Dawson Belt-fastener. J. Sheppard Belts, Means for preventing slipping of driving-. A. J. Hunter Berdan drag. J. Kilgour Beverage. C. Hinsch Bicycle. T. Boyd .. ... Bicycle. W. H. Boyens .. .. .. Bicycle. T. C. Dennison Bicycle. P. H. Pritchett Bicycle. R. W. Wyett Bicycle. W. H. Boyens Bicycle chain protector. L. Cerchi Bicycle, Convertible. J. E. Beckwith Bicycle gear-case. M. Grainger Bicycle roundabout. T. W. Davidson Bicycles. (See also Bearings, Cycles, Tricycles, and Velocipedes.) Bicycles, Adjustable handle-bar for. G. Percy .. .. Bicycles, Driving mechanism for. A. O. Collier Bicycles, Teacher and stand for. G. J. A. Richardson and J. Moffett Billiard-cue. A. Taylor and A. Noble Billiard-table. R. W. Wyett Billy tray. J. W. Mclvor Bin. (See Rubbish-bin.) Binder and reaper, Attachment to. H. Birch Binder safety, Reaper and. J. Diack and G. McHattie Binding harvesters, Sheaf-. E. Samuelson Binding machines, Knotting mechanism for sheaf Bird-trap. E. Sprey Blasting method and apparatus. A. W. Schwarz Blender for liquids. W. W. Crawford .. .. .. .. .. ... Blight-specific. C. D. Hormann Blinds, Venetian. W. Gee Blinds, Fiddle for. W. E. C. Osborne .. .. .. .. .. .. Block. (See Pillow-block ; Plummer-block.) Blow-pipe. H. Wakeman Board. (See Washing-board.) 6865 7138 23 May. 14 Sept. 7310 6 Dec. 6876 6778 6602 6604 7089 6883 6685 7233 7202 6640 6911 7124 6744 7171 7156 7319 7024 6962 6996 7274 7263 7137 7088 29 May. 19 April. 4 Jan. 6 Jan. 30 Aug. 1 June. 21 Feb. 27 Oct. 15 Oct. 25 Jan. 19 June. 7 Sept. 31 March 3 Oct. 24 Sept. 7 Dec. 1 Aug. 11 July. 20 July. 16 Nov. 12 Nov. 18 Sept. 30 Aug. 7149 7260 21 Sept. 13 Nov. 7221 7156 7319 6919 7028 7092 20 Oct. 24 Sept. 7 Dec. 22 June. 4 Aug. 28 Aug. 6623 7208 6917 7305 6850 6627 6888 6718 6934 6985 7044 7158 7174 6733 7067 6610 6617 6647 6739 6979 7073 7203 6730 7162 6854 7254 13 Jan. 13 Oct. 22 June. 1 Dec. 16 May. 15 Jan. 19 Feb. 12 March 26 June. 19 July. 15 Aug. 22 Sept. 1 Oct. 21 March. 18 Aug. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. lFeb. 20 March 4 July. 23 Aug. 15 Oct. 21 March, 26 Sept. 15 May. 6 Nov. 7060 7288 7207 6945 6632 7217 15 Aug. 26 Nov. 13 Oct. 5 July. 23 Jan. 18 Oct. 7335, 7309 7187 7353 7138 6868 6858 7338 7133 7287 20 Nov. 4 Dec. 8 Oct. 27 Dec. 14 Sept. 25 May. 17 May. 13 Dec. 12 Sept. 23 Nov. 6942 3 July.




inven tion am [»me o: inven ;or. fo. ;e. Boat-lining. A. B. C. Kenny Boats, Appliance for launching. C.Fleming Boats, Steering-gear for. G. J. Norton Boats, Steering-gear for. W. J. Butler .. .. .. Boiler and furnace, Steam. C. A. Knight and G. W. Thode .. Boiler-fluid, for removing and preventing incrustation. J. Mackintosh Boiler, Steam. T. Henderson Boiler, steamer, and food-warmer, Combined. C. A. Port Boiler-tube and pipe cleaner. H. J. Lawrence, A. E. G. Bromell, and J. C. Teare Boiler-tube cleaner. W.Armstrong Boiler, Water-tube. M. H. C. Shann Boilers, Apparatus for supplying feed-water to. G. E. Hudson, G. Sanderson, and W. J. Baker .. Boilers. Van Hecke's Fuel Economizer Syndicate (Limited) Boilers, Feed-water Heater, and Fuel-saver for. W. N. Morriss and R. H. Smith Boilers, Furnace-box for. A. Herzog Boilers, Heat economizer for. D. E. Blacke Boilers, Means for supplying water to. J.H.Walker Bolt-blanks. R.Powell .. Bolt, Nut for fang-. G.A.Troup .. Bolts, Means for securing nuts on. H. Tytherleigh .. Book-cover. E. Frith Booklet and envelope, Combined. J. Bear .. Book-protector. G. Barnes Boot. F. Dryland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .-. Boot. J. C. M. Karsten Boot. J. C. M. Karsten Boot. J. Suckling Boot and shoe stand. G. Tucker Boot, Clog.. D. and H. Henderson .. Boot-fastener: J. R. Anderson Boot-upper. W. J. Pallant Boot-upper. R. W. Sceats Boots, Toe-stiffener for. J. C. W. Gulleford .. Boring apparatus. F. H. Davis Boring machinery. F. J. Stuckey Bot-fly destroyer. K.Kennedy Bottle-stopper. J. Sorley Bottle-stopper. G.W.Browne Bottles, Clip for stoppers of. J. Maclellan Bottles, Machine for filling. J. C. Gelly Bottling apparatus for aerated liquids. H. S. Elworthy Bottling-machine, Valve for. J. T. Kofoed Box. (See also Butter-box, Furnace-box, Feed-box, Letter-box, Moulding-box, Sluice-box.) Box for cigarettes, cigars, &c. M.Simmons.. Box for transporting edible substances. E. Pontin Bracket, sewing-machine lamp. A. H. Light Brake. (See also Railway-brake, Vehicle-brake.) Brake for lifts, &c. J. Welsby Brake for railways, &o. A. Scoullar Brake-valve. D'A. W. Reeve Brand. (See Sheep-brand.) Bread, Manufacture of. J. A. Hansmann and L. Schulz Briquettes of ironsand, Manufacturing. E. Purser Brooch-pin fastener. A. Cussen Bucket. W. Dalton Bucket. (See also Pail.) Bucket-holder, Kerosene-tin. P. S. Cory Bucket-holder, Kerosene-tin. G. W. Brodrick Buggy. J.Duncan Buildings, Method of constructing. W. Dear Burners. (See Gas-burner, Lamp-burner, Stove-burner.) Butter-box, Fastener for lid of. A. W. Beard Butter-box. E. Pontin .. ... Butter-cooler. W.E.Pearson Butter-cooler. W. E. Pearson Butter, Manufacture of. J. H. H. Duncan.. Butter, Manufacture of. A. L. J. Tait Butter, Manufacture of. (See also Churns) Butter-mould. T.H.Morgan Butter packing-case. P. B. Farmar Butter-printer. J. Colquhoun Butter-printer and divider. R. Loudon Cake, Manufacture of. J. Louis Cakes, Manufacture of. J. A. Hansman and L. Schulz Calculating-machine. E. Waters .. Calculating. (See also Arithmometer, Counting, and Tallying.) Can. (See also Milk-can, Tin-can.) Can, Rim for milk-. J.Anderson .. Candle-holder. E. R. Sincock Candlestick. A.Dawson .. Candlestick. E. Potts .. .. Candlestick. T.E.Taylor.. Canister. W. F. C. Fail Canopy for perambulators, &c. J. Clegg Cans and canisters. W. Merton Cans, Fastening device for lids of. J.P.Luke Cans, Machine for painting. N. Reid and A. H. Turnbull 7345 7291 6680 6702 7195 7265 7006 6975 6909 7226 6656 6982 7196 6723 7026 7172 7297 6869 7100 6826 7148 6752 6696 6630 6818 7005 7102 7095 7093 7247 6712 7255 7097 7326 7316 6670 6622 7080 6669 7225 7130 6902 21 Dec. 28 Nov. 19 Feb. 1 March. 11 Oct. 14 Nov. 28 July. 14 July. 19 June. 22 Oct. 12 July,'93 18 July. 11 Oct. 15 March. 6 Aug., 29 Sept. 27 Nov. 25 May. 5 Sept. 9 May. 21 Sept. 5 April. 27 Feb. 17 Jan. 2 May. 26 July. 1 Sept. 29 Aug. 25 Aug. 7 Nov. 10 March. 3 Nov. 31 Aug. 13 Dec. 8 Dec. 13 Feb. 16 Jan. 26 July. 12 Feb. 22 Oct. 13 Sept. 11 June. 7280 7131 7292 22 Nov. 13 Sept. 28 Nov. 6607 7029 6799 9 Jan. 8 Aug. 25 April. 7013 6860 6866 6959 27 July. 19 May. 23 May. 14 July. 6782 6905 6910 7052 16 April. 12 June. 19 June. 15 Aug. 7070 7131 6660 6661 6671 6849 17 Aug. 13 Sept. 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 11 May. 6629 7116 7218 6861 7050 7013 6732 19 Jan. 8 Sept. 18 Oct. 19 May. 15 Aug. 27 July. 21 March. 7267 7336 6658 6737 7055 7283 7233 7331 7043 7223 12 Nov. 13 Dec. 6 Feb. 30 March. 13 Aug. 20 Nov. 27 Oct. 13 Deo. 14 Aug. 22 Oct.




Invention and Name ot inventor. 0. ;e. Carbonic-acid gas, Apparatus for collecting. H. S. Elworthy Carbonic-acid gas, Method of an apparatus for producing. H. Lane and J. Pullman Carbon, Means for collecting from funnels, &c, H. O'Hara and J. A. Wallace Carcases. (See Marking carcases.) Carriage-seat. C. Hallam Carriage-seats. J. A. Parsons Cars, Refrigerating. M. W. Judell .. Cart. (See also Go-cart.) Cart shafts. J. and G. Dash Carrying-attachment for umbrellas. A. Cussen Case. (See also Gear-case, Type-case, Needle- and reel-case.) Case, Butter packing-. F. B. Farmar .. .. ... .. .. Case for cigarettes, cigars, &c. M. Simmons Casks. J. W. and T. G. Lahey Casks. (See also Stave-jointing Machines.) Castor, furniture. W. E. Earland and A. 0. Bridgman Centering-rod, Surveyors'. C. Bristow Chaff-cutter, Tallying apparatus for baggers of. J. Middleton Chain. J. Vorbach Chain, Harness. E. Sprey Chain harrow-forger. R. Bayley Chain-protector for bicycles. L. Cerchi Chair and raft combined. J. M. Henton Chair. (See also Deck-chair.) Chair-bottoms, Method of and means for mounting. W. Dcoeser Channels, Appliance for deepening. P. Nolan Cheese-press. A. Morrison Chiller for liquids. F. J. Fuchs Chloride of sodium or potassium, Apparatus for decomposing. T. J. Holland Churn. G'. Tucker Churn. A. L. J. Tait Churn. J. Davies Churn. J. A. Garrett Churn. A. L. J. Tait Cigar-case. M. Simmons Cigarette-box. M. Simmons Cigarette-machine. A. Moonelis .. Cigarette-machine, Crimping device for. H. Dixson Cigarettes, Machine for cutting wrappers of. A. Moonelis Cigar or cigarette, Lighting-attachment to. J. Copeland Cigar or cigarette, Lighting-attachment to. J. Copeland .. .. Cigars, Machine for manufacture of. Compagnie Generale pour l'Exploitation des Machines a fabriquer les Cigares (Brevets J. Reuse) Societe Anonyme Circuit railway, Erratic. 0. K. Peez Cistern. (See also Water-closet cistern.) Cistern-cock. J. L. Barlow Clamp. (See Wire-clamp and gauge.) Classifying machine. A. G. Holroyd, E. Hughes, J. S. Pirrie, and E. J. Rigby .. Classifying metals, Machine for. J. F. C. Parquhar Cleaner. (See Boiler-tube cleaner, Boiler-tube and pipe cleaner, Fibre cleaner, Grass-seed cleaner, Knife cleaner.) Cleanser. (See Wool cleanser.) Clearing flax, rushes, &c, Machine for. C.P.Nelson Clinometer. E. Bath and D. Whitburn Clip. (See Coulter-clip, Letter-clip, Wire-clip.) Clip for shafts and poles. G. Brownlees Clip for stopper of bottles, jars, &c. J. Maclellan Clipper, Horse. D. Little Clipping animals, Machines for. C. and H. Burgon Clipping animals. (See also Shearing.) Clog boot. D. and H. Henderson Closets. (See Water-closets.) Clothes-horse, hat-rack, and umbrella-stand Combined. W. H. Watson Clothes-washing apparatus. A. Ambler Clothes washing-board. J. H. O'Brien Clothes-washing. (See also Washing.) Clothes-wringer. R. Lochhead Clothing, Attachment for striking matches upon. J.W.Bowman Clothing, Clutch suspender for. E. Bell Cloth-presser. F.J.Porter .. .. Clover-dressing machine. J. Greenslade Clover-dressing machine. J. Osborne Clover-dressing machine. G. G. Stead, D. B. McLaren, and J. Curtis Clover-sheller. F. W. Anderson Clover-sheller. W. Doubleday Clover-sheller, Shell or concave for. W. Doubleday.. Clover threshing and shelling machinery. W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven Clover threshing and shelling machine. J.W.Oliver .. Clover threshing machine. W. A. McLaren, W. Andrews, and A. W. Beaven Clover. (See also Seeds.) Clutch suspender for clothing. E.Bell Coal-bunkers, Apparatus for detecting variation of temperature in. J. Lowden.. Cock. (See Cistern-cock.) Coffin. B. Wallis Cold-air machinery. W. Cable Collar. (See Horse-collar.) Combine threshing-machine. J. Osborne 6965 6913 6795 6841 6947 7197 6921 8759 7116 7280 7088 7038 6609 6744 6957 7340 7191 6730 6872 6923 7137 7284 7305 7321 6701 6849 7034 7062 7215 7280 7280 7020 6717 7019 6642 6643 7237 7175 16 July. 20 June. 24 April. 9 May. 10 July. 11 Oct. 25 June. 11 April. 8 Sept. 22 Nov. 30 Aug. 6 Aug. 9 Jan. 31 Mar. 13 July. 17 Dee. 4 Oct. 21 Mar. 26 May. 25 June. 13 Sept. 20 Nov. 1 Dec. 10 Dec. 1 March, 11 May. 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 16 Oct. 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 3 Aug. 13 March 3 Aug. 29 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Oct. 2 Oct. 6760 12 April 6601 6915 4 Jan. 20 June 7277 7300 20 Nov. 28 Nov. 7018 6669 6637 6770 2 Aug. 12 Feb. 24 Jan. 19 April 7093 25 Aug. 7155 7090 6709 24 Sept. 25 Aug. 9 March 6631 7163 7314 7008 6638 6792 6946 6882 6939 7192 6949 6998 6754 17 Jan. 26 Sept. 4 Dec. 23 July. 25 Jan. 20 April. 5 July. 30 May. 30 June. 9 Oct. 9 July. 23 July. 4 April. 7314 7125 4 Dec. 6 Sept. 6901 6922 6 June. 22 June. 6792 20 April.




inven" Lion am fame oi invest tor. to. ;e. Combs of shearing-machines, Means for grinding. J. W. Newall Commode pail. V. E. Poppens Compass deviation curves, Appliance for drawing. A. B. C. Kenny Compass, Storm. A. B. C. Kenny Compressing machine, Air. D. McGill Compressor, Ammonia or gas. H. D. C. Marr Compressors, Air or gas. L. C. Auldjo Concave for clover-shellers. W. Doubleday Concave for threshing mills. A. Evans Concentrating machine. E. E. Nesbit Concentrating machine. R. T. Ball Concentrating machine. T. M. Baldwin .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Concentrating machine. J. F. C. Farquhar Concentrating machine. W. Tarrant Concentrating, Method of and apparatus for. C. F. Pike Concentrator and classifier. A. G. Holroyd, E. Hughes, J. S. Pirrie, and E. J. Rigby Cooking and heating range. S. Barningham, T. McCormack, and E. T. O'Connell Cooking appliance. F. Giles Cooking pot. W. T. Nuttall .. .. .. .. .. .. .. : Cooling. (See also Air-compressor, Ammonia-compressor, Beer-chiller, Butter-cooler, Cold-air machinery, Freezing, Gases, Meat-cooler, Milk-cooler, Refrigerating.) Cooling apparatus. A. Gordon Cooling liquids, Apparatus for. H. Lane, J. Pullman, and H. S. Elworthy Copper, Extracting. W. Climo Core-boring apparatus. F. H. Davis Corking machine. E. Mazure Corks, Preparing and inserting in necks of bottles. J. C. Gelly Correcting marine soundings, Apparatus for. A. B. C. Kenny.. Corset. . F. L. Balcombe Coulter-clip for implements. J. Macalister Coulter for digging-ploughs. G. Bishop Coulter for ploughs. J. R. Webster Counter fountain. F. Pratt Counter fountain. F. Pratt Counting machine. J. Greenslade Counting. (See also Calculating, Tallying.) Cover. (See also Lid.) Covering electrically non-conducting substances. H. N. McLeod Covers for books. E. Frith Cow-bail. G. Walworth Cradle for gold-dredging. R. Cockerell Cradle, Rocking. D. Dunn Cream-cooler, &c. R. Varley Cream. (See also Milk.) Crimping device for cigarette-machine. H. Dixson Cruding furnace. E. Seagar Crusher. G. E. P. Lenz and W. Paynter Crushing-maohine. W. Hinrichs Crushing. (See also Grinding, Pulverising, and Quartz-reducing.) Cue, Billiard. A. Taylor and A. Noble Cuffs for shirt-sleeves. J. E. Buchan Cultivator. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) Cultivator. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) Cultivator-share. W.C.Barton Cure, Foot-rot. G. and M. Squire Curing meat, Mode of. T. Affleck .. .. .. .. ... Currants, Apparatus for washing and drying. A. L. J. Tait .. Cutters. (See Mount-cutters, Chaff-cutters.) Cutters of shearing-machine, Grinding. J. W. Newall Cutting (See also Gorse and Hedge-cutting.) Cutting flax, rushes, &c, Machine for. C.P.Nelson Cyanide solutions, Precipitating precious metals from. J. S. MacArthur Cyanides, Extraction and recovery of. G. McCulloch and J. A. Lochhead Cyanides, Production of. H. Aitken Cyanogen, Production of. H. Aitken Cycle. P. H. Pritchett Cycle. J. Orr, jun. Cycle-bearing. T. Boyd Cycle-bearing. T. Boyd Cycle-wheel. J.D.Everett Cycles. (See also Bicycles, Tricycles, and Velocipedes.) Cycles, Mud-guard for. E. A. Trendall Cyclist's knickers. Butterworth Brothers, N.Z. (Limited) Cylinder. (See Dump-cylinder.) Damper. 0. B. M. Branson Davits, Ships'. C. Fleming Deck-chair and raft combined. J. M. Henton Decomposing chloride of sodium, Electrolytic apparatus for. T. J. Holland Deepening bars, Appliance for. P. Nolan Delivering contrivance, Ticket-. G. Percy Delivering material, Apparatus for. W. F. C. Fail Deodorising waste matters, Compound for and process of. A. G. Kidston-Hunter Departure of trains, &c, Appliance for indicating time of. J. Morton Depilatory process. W. F. Bastings Desk. M. W. Fergusson Desk and Table, Advertising. A. D. Ludlow .. .. .. .. .... Detecting variations of temperature in coal-bunkers, Apparatus for. J. Lowden 6822 7017 6952 6953 6758 6865 7042 7192 7339 6720 6766 6793 6915 7108 7344 6601 6863 6930 7101 7 May. 2 Aug. 13 July. 13 July. 10 April. 23 May. 13 Aug. 9 Oct. 15 Dec. 14 Marcl 14 April. 24 April. 20 June. 6 Sept. 20 Dec. 4 Jan. 16 May. 28 June. 5 Sept. 7054 7183 7045 7326 6767 7225 6954 7243 7121 6906 7229 7244 7274 7271 15 Aug. 8 Oct. 11 Aug. 13 Dec. 14 April. 22 Oct. 13 July. 31 Oct. 5 Sept. 18 June. 22 Oct. 2 Nov. 16 Nov. 15 Nov. 7165 7148 7171 7333 7216 6951 1 Oct. 21 Sept. 3 Oct. 17 Dec. 18 Oct. 13 July. 6717 6876 7132 7315 13 Marcl 29 May. 13 Sept. 7 Dec. 6945 7106 7210 7346 7176 6889 7262 7092 5 July. 6 Sept. 16 Oct. 21 Dec. 4 Oct. 4 June. 13 Nov. 28 Aug. 6822 7 May. 7277 6987 7193 6812 6812 7014 7180 6919 7028 6784 20 Nov. 23 July. 11 Oct. 2 May. 2 May. 31 July. 5 Oct. 22 June. 4 Aug. 21 April. 7051 7289 15 Aug. 26 Nov. 6628 7291 6872 7321 7137 7111 7283 6819 6938 6881 6990 7239 7125 16 Jan. 28 Nov. 26 May. 10 Dec. 13 Sept. 5 Sept. 20 Nov. 3 May. 28 June. 28 May. 23 July. 2 Nov. 6 Sept.




Invention and Name of inventor. fo. D6. Diagram, Napier's, Apparatus for drawing curves. A. B. C. Kenny Digger and separator, Potato. D. Smith and T. H. Tilley Digger, Potato. J. Vorbach .. . • • • • • ... Digging plough. G. Bishop .. .. •• •• ■• •• Dipper. (See Sheep-dipper.) Discharger, Silt. T. Billington Disinfecting. (See also Fumigating.) Disinfecting, Composition for producing vapour for. W. B. Mason Disinfecting, Method of and apparatus for. E. Hermite and C. F. Cooper Disinfecting waste matters, Compound for and process of. A. G. Kidston-Hunter J. and T. R. Christie Distributor. (See also Seed-distributor.) Distributor, Manure. J. Macalister Ditching-machine. O. B. H. Hanneborg Ditching plough. H. E. and F. J. Macdonald Ditching. (See also Draining.) Domestic utensil. A. G. Kidston-Hunter and J. H. Pledger Door. D. H. Pattie Door lock. J. Smith and C. Pratten .. .. .. ... Doors, Appliance for preventing rain from blowing under. P. G. Smith Drafting animals, Apparatus for. D. H. McKenzie Drag, Berdan. J. Kilgour Drain-cutting machine. F. E. Sides and H. A. Austin Drain-pipe. H. S. Woolcot and G. V. Kemsley Drain plough-shares and mould-boards, Combined. R. Cockerell Drain-ploughs, Sock and plug for. J. and J. Gait Drain-trap. J. and T. Christie Draining. (See also Ditching.) Draught-preventing apparatus. N. W. Russ .._ .. Drawing compass deviation curves, Appliance for. A. B. C. Kenny Dray-lifting machine. O. Krug and C. Bussing Dredging apparatus. J. Gwynne Dredging, Cradle for gold. R. Cockerell Dredging pick, Gold. R. Cockerell Drencher, Sheep. W. Parkerson Drencher, Sheep. S. G. A. Poppelwell Drench, Sheep. J.Clark .. .. •• . •• •• •• _ , " . " Dresser. (See Clover-dresser, Flax-dresser, Grain-dresser, Hemp-dresser, Seed-dresser.) Dressmaking mode. E. M. Nov and M. Martin Drill, Rock. W. Troutbeck Drilling machinery. F. J. Stuckey Driving-gear of shearing-machines. C. and H. Burgon Driving mechanism for bicycles, &o. A. O. Collier Drums, Machine to facilitate painting. N. Reid and A. H. Turnbull Dry bath. L. A. Tallerman and E. D. T. Sheffield Dry, Determining whether materials are. E. Richardson, jun. Dryer, Currant, &c. A. L. J. Tait Drying. (See also Hemp, Pumice.) Drying apparatus, Wool. B. W. Glass Drying-rooms, Floor-cloth for. D. Nicolson Drvine-rooms, Floor-cloth for. D. Nicolson .. .. .. .... .. Drying wool, &c, Method of. R. J. Craggs, H. Edwards, M. E. A'Beckett, A. Horrocks, and A. H. Craggs Dump-cylinder. J. Scott Dust-catoher for crushed ores. R. Tudehope Dye, Hair. J.W.Moore .. Ear-mark. A. L. Macdonald Ear-mark. J. G. Bentley .. Ear-piece for telephone-receiver. J. W. Kinmburgh 1 .. Earthenware goods, Joints for. T. W. Twyford Easel. J. McMurray Egg-beater. A. L.J. Tait.. Electrical apparatus for ores, Means of operating. W. J. Weeden Electrically non-conducting substances, Covering. H. N. McLeod Electric-arc lamp. E. Thomson Electric-current generator. A. L. J. Tait and W. H. Pearson Electric lamps, Application of batteries to portable. S. W. Maquay Electric generator, Thermo. H. B. Cox Electric lamps, Incandescent. W. S. Smith and J. F. Nugent Electrolytic apparatus for decomposing chloride of sodium. T. J. Holland Elevator, Brake for. J. H. Boundy.. Elevator. (See also Lifts.) . Engine. (See also Fluid motor-engine, Gas-engine, Multiple expansion-engine, Petroleum-engme, Rotary-engine.) .. Engines, Means for obtaining a compression in gas and petroleum. O. Brunler Engines, Governor for. W. F. Meyenberg Entrapping. (See Trapping.) Envelope. P. J. Ogle Envelope and booklet, Combined. J. Bear Erratic circuit railway. O. K. Peez Escape, Life. W. McGuire and J. W. Barker Excavating machinery. F. J. Stuckey Extinguisher, Spark. H. O'Hara and J. A. Wallace Extinguishing gas-lamps, Method of and apparatus for. W. White and J. A. Wallace Extractor. (See Gold-extractor, Staple-extractor, Stump-extractor, Weed-extractor.) Fabric-stretcher. R. Lochhead Fan. (See Ventilating fan.) 6952 7087 6925 6906 13 July. 30 Aug. 20 June. 18 June. 7219 19 Oct. 6847 6605 6819 6687 15 May. 8 Jan. 3 May, 19 Feb. 7122 6813 6862 5 Sept. 2 May 14 May. 6935 6698 6692 6886 7310 7067 7188 7099 6966 7113 7136 26 June. 2 March. 27 Feb. 4 June. 6 Dec. 18 Aug. 8 Oct. 3 Sept. 18 July. 3 Sept. 12 Sept. 6657 6952 0968 6672 7333 7348 6896 6599 6644 5 Feb. 13 July. 12 July. 13 Feb. 17 Dec. 27 Dec. 5 June. 3 Jan. 26 Jan. 7081 7224 7316 6777 7288 7223 7149 6742 7092 25 Aug. 22 Oct. 8 Dec. 19 April. 26 Nov. 22 Oct. 21 Sept. 30 March. 28 Aug. 7135 6705 6827 13 Sept. 3 March. 5 May. 6749 6722 7027 6677 6884 6888 6874 7129 6837 7092 7150 7165 7086 7282 6654 6880 6774 7321 6607 4 April. 14 March. 9 Aug. 12 Feb. 30 May. 4 June. 28 Oct. '93 13 Sept. 12 May. 28 Aug. 21 Sept. 1 Oct. 31 Aug. 13 Nov. 5 Feb. 28 May. 20 Nov.'93 10 Dec. 9 Jan. 6600 7245 4 Jan. 1 Nov. 6694 6752 7175 7302 7316 6795 7329 27 Feb. 5 April. 2 Oct. 2 Nov. 8 Dec. 24 April. 13 Dec. 6907 14 Juno.




Invention, am ame ot invenior. o. ;e. Fang-bolts, Nut for. G. A. Troup Fastener. (See Belt-fastener, Boot-fastener, Brooch-fastener, Gate-fastener, Legging-fastener, Necktie-fastener, Lid of butter-box fastener, Rail-joint fastener, Window-fastener.) Fastening device for covers of bottles, jars, &c. J. Maclellan Fat in milk, Estimating amount of. A. S. Barham .. Fatty matter, Extracting from wool. J. Anderson, jun. Feed-box. T. Harris Feeder and regulator for seed-sowing machines. J. Dunbar Feeder, Ore. G. Smith, W. J. Hill, W. A. Duly, C. Widdy, and A. W. Goyder Feeder, Sheep. T. G. Yates Feed, Horse and cattle. J. Leigh Feed, Manure P.Duncan.. Feed-regulating roller for seed-sowing machines. A. Storrie .. Feed-water apparatus for boilers. G. E. Hudson, G. Sanderson, and W. J. Baker Feed-water heater. W. N. Mortiss and R. H. Smith.. Feed-water for boilers, Means for supplying. J. H. Walker Fences. (See Gorse-cutting, Picket heading machine, Wire-clamp and gauge, Wire-clip, Wirestrainers.) Fencing post. E. Waiker and J. A. Henderson .. .. .. .. Fencing post. E. Walker and J. A. Henderson Fencing standard. W. Wylie Fermentation, Apparatus for collecting carbonic-acid gas during. H. S. Elworthy Fertiliser. A. G. Kidston-Hunter Fertiliser. E. Richardson, jun. Fertiliser. (See also Manures.) Fibres. (See also Flax.) Fibre-cleaning machine. T.A.Smith Fibre-dressing machine. W. Toogood Fibres, Extraction and preparation of. H. C. Fellowes, W. R. Crozier, and H. Ferguson Field-roller. A., G., and H. Beaney Fiddle for blinds. W. E, 0. Osborne Field instrument, Levelling-head for surveyors'. A. I. Littlejohn and P. Still .. Filling bottles. (See Bottling.) Filling for surfaces of wood. J.P.Ward Films for photographs. T.H.Blair Filter agitator and leaching-vat, Combined. G. Peel Filter, Ore. J. Park, F. W. Luick, and G. Peel Filtering powdered ore, Vat for. J. Park and G. W. Horn Fires, Apparatus for kindling. D. D. McLean Fire-grate. E. J. Tobin .. Fire-grate, J. W. Jones Fire-kindler. A. H. Truebridge Fire-lighter. A. Leman Fire-lighter. A. Leman Fire-lighter. E. Potts Fire-lighter. E. Hurlstone Fire-plug. H. Thomson Fire, Protection against. D. A. Douglas Flax-dresser. W. Ross Flax-dresser. A. MacDonald Flax-dresser. A. MacDonald Flax-dresser. D. H. Pattie .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■'.'. Flax-dressing, Method of. F. A. Furlonge Flax-dressing, Method of. F. A. Furlonge .. Flax-dressing machine. J. Hopkirk Flax-machine, Beater or drum for. J.H.Harper Flax, Machine for cutting. C. P. Nelson Flax-dressing, Process and apparatus for. T. D. Clapham Flax, Method and process of dressing. J. Morrow and H. A. Bishop Flax, Process of tanning. H. Godsifl Flax-scraping machine. W. Fairweather Flax-scutching machinery. Fibre Machinery Company (Limited) Flax-scutching machinery. Fibre Machinery Company (Limited) Flax-stripper, washer, and dryer. T. H. Smith. Flies, Apparatus for excluding from rooms. A. L. Isaacs Flood-gate. R. J. D. Sellar Floor-cloth for kilns, &c. D. Nicolson .. .. .. .. Floor-cloth for kilns, &c. D. Nicolson Floor-cloth, Mosaic. F.Walton .. .. ... Flour, Manufacture of. W. Crowe and D. W. O. Fagan Fluid-motor engine-governor. G. J. Altham.. .. .. Flushing closets, Apparatus for. R. Yarrow Fly-catchers. E.Marshall Foggy, Means for preventing windows getting. O. M. Kreissig Foghorn. A. S. Ford Fold, Baby. W. P. Chapman Food-warmer, boiler, and steamer, Combined. C. A. Port Foot-rot cure. G. and M. Squire Forger, Chain harrow. R. Bayley Fountain, Counter. F.Pratt Fountain, Counter or bar. F.Pratt Fountains, Aerating vessels in connection with. F. Pratt Freezing apparatus. A. Gordon Freezing. (See also Air-compressor, Ammonia-compressor, Cold-air machinery, Cooling, Gases, Refrigerating.) Friction of vessels, Diminution of. T. C. Bayldon and G. P. Hilton Fruit, Method of packing. H. Soltan and H. Shotlander 7100 5 Sept. 6669 7213 6814 6924 7120 7349 7031 7323 6614 7119 6982 6723 7297 12 Feb. 30 Nov.'93 2 May. 18 June. 5 Sept. 27 Dec. 6 Aug. 6 Dec. 11 Jan. 5 Sept. 18 July. 15 Mar. 27 Nov. 6663 7057 7146 6965 6819 7272 8 Feb. 15 Aug. 17 Sept. 16 July. 3 May. 19 Nov. 6890 6899 6844 6693 7287 7007 29 May. 12 June. 15 May. 27 Feb. 23 Nov. 28 July. 6943 7201 7053 6967 7154 7276 6787 7072 7033 6619 6734 6903 7234 6653 6883 6879 6904 6944 7228 6724 6779 6805 6831 7277 7037 6780 6699 7128 7152 7153 7304 7103 7015 6705 6827 7296 6650 6843 6697 7242 6853 7354 7124 6975 6889 7191 7244 7274 7263 7054 4 July. 13 Oct. 10 Sept. 9 July. 15 Sept. 20 Nov. 21 April. 21 Aug. 10 Aug. 12 Jan. 16 March. 15 June. 29 Oct. 5 Feb. 1 June. 31 May. 12 June. 28 June. 23 Oct. 15 March. 19 April. 28 April. 7 May. 20 Nov. 11 Aug. 20 April. 3 March. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 22 Sept. 3 Dec. 31 Aug. 31 July. 3 March. 5 May. 28 Nov. 30 Jan. 15 May. 27 Feb. 2 Nov. 17 May. 27 Dec. 7 Sept. 14 July. 4 June. 4 Oct. 2 Nov. 16 Nov. 12 Nov. 15 Aug. 6926 6613 27 June. 10 Jan,




Invention and Name of Inventor. o. ie. Fuel, Block. W. B. Hartridge Fuel-saver. C. B. M. Branson Fuel-saver. W. N. Morriss and R. H. Smith Fumigating apparatus. T. Silk Fumigation, Mode of curing meat, &c, by. T. Affleck Furnace, Antimony cruding. E. Seagar Furnace, Boiler. C. A. Knight and G. W. Thode Furnace-box. A. Herzog .. .. .. Furnace for ores. D.A.Brown Furnace-grate. J. T. McCoy Furniture castor. W. E. Earland and A. O. Bridgman Furrow-splitter. A. W. Legg Game. W. B. Bust Gardening implement. J. Martin and J. A. Morgan Garden labels, Standard for. P. R. and C. J. Chapman Garments, Combination. R.M.Shelley Gas-burner. A. and E. Cohen Gas. (See also Carbonic-acid gas). Gas-compressor. H. D. C. Marr Gas-compressor. L. C. Auldjo Gas-engine. O. Briinler Gases, Utilising expansive force of. A.Gordon .. .. .. •• •• Gases in multitubular boilers, Apparatus for directing. Van Hecke's Fuel-economizer Syndicate (Limited) Gases, Device for regulating flow of. H. Lane, J. Pullman, and H. S. Elworthy Gas-jets, Apparatus for lighting. A. L. J. Tait .. .. ••.,." -, T l',.,,," Gas-lamps, Method of and apparatus for lighting and extinguishing. W. White and J. A. Wallace Gas, Oil. J. Moeller Gate. (See also Flood-gate.) Gate actuating apparatus. T. T. Shaw Gates, Method of hanging and fastening. M. S. Campbell Gear-case for bicycles. M. Grainger Gems, Apparatus for washing and saving. R. T. Coghlan Generator. (See also Thermo-electric Generator.) Generator, Electric-current. A. L. J. Tait and W. H. Pearson Germs in seed, Mode of and apparatus for destroying parasitic. J. B. Crabbe .. Glove for washing purposes. H. Collier Go-cart. J. Clegg Gold- and silver-extractor. D. A. Wilson Gold- and silver-ores, Method of and matter for treating. E. D. Kendall Gold, Apparatus for extracting. J. Jerger Gold, Apparatus for extracting. W. F. and W. Roberts Gold-bearing wash, Process and apparatus for grading. T. M. Baldwin Gold-dredging, Cradle for. R. Cockerell Gold-dredging pick. R. Cockerell Gold, Method of and apparatus for saving. W. Harman and W. Bennett Gold, Method of extracting. W. Climo Gold, Method of extracting. W. Climo Gold, Method of extracting. F. W. Luick and J. W. McPeake Gold, Process and apparatus for obtaining. J. Nicholas Gold, Process of extracting. J. C. Montgomerie Gold, Process of extracting. J.A.Walker .. Gold-saver. D. Mason and R. T. Wheeler .. Gold-saving machine. P. J. Mantova and W. J. Meyer Gold-saving machine. F. Condy Gold-saving machine. W. H. Dawson Gold-saving machine. H. Youngman Gold-saving machine. J. A. Dugins, J. A. Carlson, and W. E. Poole Gold-separator. J. P. Knight Gold-washing apparatus. R. T. Coghlan .. .. .. .••,./• Vi -*. , " Gold (See also Agitator, Alluvial deposits, Amalgam, Amalgamating, Auriferous sand, Berdan Drag, Classifying, Concentrating, Cradle, Crushing, Cyanide, Cyanogen, Dredging, Dustcatcher, Filtering, Leaching, Ores, Precipitating, Pulverising, Quartz, Slimes, Sluice-box, Tailings, Vat, Washing.) Gorse-cuttmg machine. D. Cairncross and A. H. Anderson Governor, Engine. W. F. Meyenberg Governor, Machinery-. R. M. Macdonald Governor, Fluid motor-engine. G. J. Altham .. Grading gold-bearing wash. Apparatus for. T.M.Baldwin Grain, Means for determining whether moisture in. E.Richardson .. Grain-threshing, &c, Machinery. J. Greenslade .. .. .. Grain-threshing machinery. W. A. McLaren, W. Andrews, and A. W. Beaven Grain-threshing, shelling-, and dressing-machine. J. Greenslade Grass-mowers, Finger fcr. J.P.Richardson Grass-seed cleaner. W. Hay Grate. (See Fire-grate, Furnace-grate.) Gravitation railway. R. M. Macdonald .. .. .V -,- , - . .. . ■ Grease from steam, Apparatus for separating. G. E. Hudson, G, Sanderson, and W, J. Baker .. Greasy matter from wool, Means for extracting. J. Anderson, jun. Grinding cutters and combs of shearing-machines. J. W. Newall .. .. ■• Grinding-machine. R. D. Langley .. Grinding pans, Drag for. J. Kilgour .. .. .. •• •' Grinding. (See also Crushing aud Pulverising.) Grubber-tooth. J. Drummond Grubber, Twitch-. D.Watson Gauge. (See Wire clamp and gauge.) Guard. (See Mud-guard, Tram-car life-guard,) 6988 6628 6723 7231 7262 6876 7195 7026 7222 6848 7038 7181 6773 7079 7204 6875 6765 23 July. 16 Jan. 15 March 24 Oct. 13 Nov. 29 May. 11 Oct. 6 Aug. 22 Oct. 15 May. 6 Aug. 8 Oct. 19 April. 22 Aug. 9 Oct. 28 May. 14 April. 6865 7042 6600 7054 7196 23 May. 13 Aug. 4 Jan. 15 Aug. 11 Oct. 7185 7317 7329 6768 8 Oct. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 April. 7168 6679 6854 6976 3 Oct. 16 Feb. 15 May. 19 July. 7282 7313 7098 7233 6721 6736 6708 6815 6793 7333 7348 7170 7045 7046 7094 6845 6775 7337 6963 6940 6971 7091 7096 7257 6830 6976 13 Nov. 6 Dec. 3 Sept. 27 Oct. 14 March 28 March. 9 March 2 May. 24 April. 17 Dec. 27 Dec. 3 Oct. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 23 Aug. 15 May. 27 0ct.,'9E 17 Dec. 12 July. 2 July. 18 July. 31 Aug. 28 Aug. 12 Nov. 9 May. 19 July. 6871 7245 7209 6843 6793 6742 6638 6754 7281 6838 6770 25 May. 1 Nov. 15 Oct. 15 May. 24 April. 30 March, 25 Jan. 4 April. 22 Nov. 14 May. 18 April. 6878 6982 6814 6822 7330 7067 31 May. 18 July, 2 May. 7 May, 13 Dec, 18 Aug. 6857 7306 18 May. 1 Dec,




Invention, and Name of Inventor. fo. ;e. Gully-trap. E. Cuthbert .. Hair-dye. J. W. Moore Hammer, scoop, and adze, Combined. J. Lowden and J. Maw Handle and lever for locks. G. J. A. Richardson and G. W. Brodrick Handle-bar for bicycles, Adjustable. G. Percy Handles of receptacles, Means of attaching. J.J.Taylor Hanging devices. (See Gate-hanger, Window-sash-hanger.) Harness. C. F. Lichtwark Harness, Chain-securing device for. E. Sprey Harnessing horses to vehicles, Means for. C. Bristow Harrow. G. Bish Harrow. D. C. Kee Harrow. J. Voice Harrow-forger, Chain. R. Bayley Harvester, Potato. J. N. Cocker Harvesters. (See also Sheaf-binding harvesters.) Hat-rack, umbrella-stand, and clothes-horse, Combined. W. H. Watson Head for surveying instruments, Levelling-. A. I. Littlejohn and P. Still .. Heading machine, Picket-. W. Godecke Headline machine. J. Warnock Heater. (See also Bath-heater, Water-heater.) Heat-economizer for steam boilers. D. E. Blacke Heating apparatus. H. Wakeman Heating apparatus for rooms. J. C. Spinley Heating appliance, Milk-. R. E. Evenden Hedge-cutting machine. G. T. Booth and J. Whall Hemp. (See Flax.) Hides, Means for tanning. T. H. L. Bake and H. A. Leverett Holder. (See Kerosene-tin bucket.) Hopper, Tipping. A. E. Peache Horse. (See Rocking-horse.) Horse-clipper. D. Little Horse-collar. C. J. Royds.. Horse-collar. M. Beanovitch Horse-collar. T. S. Phillpott Horse-collar T. S. Phillpott Horse-shoe. R. Cockerell Horse-shoe G. Mander Horse-shoe. The Mail Horse-shoe Syndicate (Foreign Patents), Limited Hose-coupler. R. C. Laws .. .. .. . • • • • • Hurdle, Sheep. W. H. Smith Hydranl. H.Thomson Hydraulic lifts, Means for controlling water of. T. Stevenson Illusions, Optical. J. B. Copland and E. C. Peers Implement. (See Gardening) Incrustation of boilers, Means for preventing and removing. J. Mackintosh Indicator and alarm. H. A. Dando .. Insulating purposes, Application of pumice to. J. C. Firth Insulator. G. Glayforth Insulator protector, Telegraph. J. T. Williams Iron. (See soldering-iron.) Ironsand briquettes. E. Purser Iron-water. E. Roget Jack. (See Toast-jack, Jack for vehicle wheels.) Jacket, Life. A. H. Hansen Jet. (See Gas-jet.) Joining wires, Appliances for. A. W. A. Richardson Joint. (See also Rail joint, Stamper-battery joint, Waterproof-garment joint.) Joint for metallic tubes. L. C. Auldjo Joints of earthenware goods. T. W. Twyford Judge of races. W. McLaughlin Kauri gum, Apparatus for preparing. J. G. Beswick and S. Trevor Kauri gum, Apparatus for preparing. J. G. Beswick and S. Trevor Kauri gum, Apparatus for preparing. J. G. Beswick and S. Trevor Kauri gum, Apparatus for preparing. F. Walker and J. White Kerosene pump. J. Coventry Kerosene tank. A. A. Carson Kerosene tin bucket holder. F.S.Cory Kerosene tin holder. G. W. Brodrick Kerosene tins, Tap for. J. Troup Kettle. A. G. Kidston-Hunter and J. H. Pledger Kiln. T. Murray Kilns, Floorcloth for. D.Nicolson.. Kilns, Floorcloth for. D. Nicolson Kindler. (See Fire-kindler.) Knickers, Cyclists'. Butterworth Bros., N.Z. (Limited.) Knife-cleaner. J. H. Porter and P. O'Shea.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Knotting mechanism for sheaf-binding straw-trussing machines. R. Hornsby and Sons (Limited) Labels, Standard for garden. F. R. and C. J. Chapman Lacquering cans, Machine for. N. Reid and A. H. Turnbull Ladder, Life-escape. W. McGuire and J. W. Barker Ladder, Step. W. G. Cook Lamp-bracket, Sewing-machine. A. H. Light Lamp-burner. G. Aitkens.. .. .. .. Lamps. (See also Gas-lamps.) Lamps, Apparatus for lighting. A. L. J. Tait Lamps, Electric-arc. E.Thompson , 4—H. 10. 6682 6677 7068 6960 7060 6877 14 Feb. 12 Feb. 22 Aug. 28 June. 15 Aug. 30 May. 6634 7340 6859 6668 7279 7341 7191 7107 23 Jan. 17 Dec. 18 May. 8 Feb. 21 Nov. 18 Dec. 4 Oct. 6 Sept. 7155 7007 6898 7145 24 Sept. 28 July. 11 June. 19 Sept. 7172 6942 6725 6794 7003 29 Sept. 3 July. 14 March, 24 April. 27 July. 7186 8 Oct. 6624 15 Jan. 6637 6803 6839 6873 7117 6738 6941 7074 6995 6608 6653 6741 7161 24 Jan. 27 April. 8 May. 28 May. 8 Sept. 30 March. 2 July. 23 Aug. 23 July. 5 Jan. 5 Feb. 30 March, 27 Sept. 7265 7069 7232 7258 7299 14 Nov. 22 Aug. 25 Oct. 7 Nov. 1 Dec. 6860 6833 19 May. 11 May. 7275 19 Nov. 7160 22 Sept. 7041 7129 7278 6611 6626 6649 7049 6856 6789 6782 6905 7298 6935 7141 6705 6827 13 Aug. 13 Sept. 17 Nov. 11 Jan. 17 Jan. 2 Feb. 13 Aug. 18 May. 20 April. 16 April. 12 June. 27 Nov. 26 June. 19 Sept. 3 Maroh, 5 May. 7289 7059 7353 7206 7223 7302 6808 7292 6829 26 Nov. 16 Aug. 27 Dec. 9 Oct. 22 Oct. 28 Nov. 2 May. 28 Nov, 9 May. 7317 7086 6 Dec. 31 Aug,




invent Dion, am lame o: invent ior. fo. ie. Lamps, Incandescent electric. W. S. Smith and J. F. Nugent Lamp-wick. A. Pruden Landing-net. A.Holmes .. Latch. E. Cook Launching boats, Apparatus for. C. Fleming Laundry work, Presser for. F. J. Porter Leaching-process. F. W. Luick and J. W. McPeake.. Leaching-vat. J. Park, F. W. Luick and G. Peel Leaching-vat, filter, and agitator, Combined. G. Peel Lead, Manufacture of white. R.Matthews.. Legging-fastener. H. F. Shepherd.. Legging-fastener. F. Ryding Legging-fasteners. A. F. and W. J. Allchin and S. Morrell Letter-boxes, Device for protecting contents of during removal. S. N. von Sturmer and E. Gell .. Letter-clip. W. McKinnon and J. C. McCrea Levelling-head for surveyors' instruments. A. I. Littlejohn and P. Still Lever. A. Cole Levers for locks. G. J. A. Richardson and G. W. Brodrick Lid for can. R. Burke Lid of butter-box. A. W. Beard Lids of cans, Fastening device for. J.P.Luke Life-buoy or-belt, Line attachment to. F. Logie Life-jacket. A. H. Hansen Life-saving apparatus. J. A. Morgan Life-saving suspension-net and ladder. W. McGuire and J. W. Barker Lift. (See also Elevators, Hydraulic-lift, Wagon or Dray-lift.) Lifts, Brake for. J. Welsby Lighter. (See also Fire-lighter.) Lighting gas lamps, Method of and apparatus for. W. White and J. A. Wallace Lighting lamps and gas jets, Apparatus for. A. L. J. Tait Line-attachment to buoys or belts. F. Logie Linen-presser. F. J. Porter Links, Machine for making square. R. Bayley Linotypes, Machine for producing. E. Waters Liquid temperature regulator. W. W. Crawford Liquids, Apparatus for cooling. H. Lane, J. Pullman, and H. S. Elvvorthy Lock. E. Cook Lock for doors and windows. J. Smith and C. Pratten Lock, Mortise. G. J. A. Richardson Lock-nut. J. Vaughan Lock-nut. A. A. Surplice and W. Faram Locks, Handles and levers for. G. J. A. Richardson and G. W. Brodrick Logger. H. G. Shannon Lotion. T. Morris Lubricant. S. Davis Lubricating compound. G. F. Newman Lubricating device for wheels. E. Sprey Lung-worm preventative. J.Clark.. Magnetised wheel power generator. A. L. J. Tait and W. H. Pearson Mangle. R. Lochhead Manure. E. Richardson, jun. Manure. (See also Fertiliser) Manure-distributor. J. Macalister .. .. .. .. .. Manure force-feed. P. Duncan Manure machine, Tube for. J. Falconer Manure-sower. J. Gray .. .. .. .. .. ... Manure-sowers, Regulator for. A Storrie Manuring-machine. W. S. Pillans.. Marble, Artificial. L. Grote Marine soundings, Apparatus for correcting. A. B. C. Kenny.. Mark, Ear-. A. L. Macdonald Mark, Ear-. J. G. Bentley Marker for animals. M. Davies Marker, Meat-. W. J. Caverhill Marking carcases, Appliance for. E. G. Holloway Marking tobacco, Method of. J. Ross Matches, Attachment to clothing for lighting. J. W. Bowman Matrices, Machine for producing type. E. Waters .. Matrices, Machine for producing type. C. Meray-Horvath Mattress. D. Nicolson Mattress. F. Rowcliffe Measuring and rolling soft goods, Apparatus for. J. Gorrie .. ., Measuring material, Apparatus for. W. F. C. Fail Meat. (See also Marker, Meat-) Meat-cooling and-salting apparatus. J. Squire Meat, Mode of curing. T. Affleck .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Medical battery. J. Tranter Medical dry bath. L. A. Tallerman and E. D. T. Sheffield Medicine to sheep, Apparatus for administering. S. G. A. Poppelwell.. Medicine, Sheep. J.Clark .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Medicine, Sheep. R. Brown, B. Burland, W. Gibson, and G. Galbraith Medicine, Sheep, &c. C. W. Langstone Medicine. (See also Foot-rot cure, Iron-water, Lotion, Mineral-water, Tonic.) Metallic connections, Treating vitreous substances to make. H. Doulton and J. Slater Metals, Extraction and recovery of. H. D. and J. Andrews Metals, Extraction of precious. H. L. Sulman and F. L. Teed Metals, Recovering, from ores, C. E. Chapman end T. F. Whitford .. .. ,. 6774 7127 6735 6804 7291 7008 7094 6967 7053 7240 7022 7109 7040 7200 7142 7007 7205 6960 6828 7070 7043 7301 7275 6969 7302 20 Nov. 93 11 Nov. 27 March. 28 April. 28 Nov. 23 July. 23 Aug. 9 July. 10 Sept. 2 Nov. 31 July. 6 Sept. 13 Aug. 13 Oct. 19 Sept. 28 July. 16 Oct. 28 June. 7 May. 17 Aug. 14 Aug. 27 Nov. 19 Nov. 16 July. 28 Nov. 6607 9 Jan. 7329 7317 7301 70C8 7191 7001 6858 7183 6804 6692 6986 6916 7311 6960 6984 6897 6612 6911 6640 6644 7282 6631 6648 13 Dec. 6 Dec. 27 Nov. 23 July. 4 Oct. 26 July. 17 May. 8 Oct. 28 April. 27 Feb. 19 July. 20 June. 6 Dec. 28 June. 23 July. 5 June. 11 Jan. 19 June. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 13 Nov. 17 Jan. lFeb. 7122 6614 7307 7039 7123 7035 7089 6954 6884 6888 6715 6753 6781 7253 7163 7001 6932 6695 6917 6783 7283 5 Sept. 11 Jan. 1 Dec. 10 Aug. 5 Sept. 7 Aug. 30 Aug. 13 July. 30 May. 4 June. 9 March, 3 April. 20 April. 8 Nov. 26 Sept, 26 July. 28 June, 27 Feb. 22 June. 21 April. 20 Nov. 7009 7262 6836 7149 6599 6644 6980 6800 2 Aug. 13 Nov. 10 May. 21 Sept. 3 Jan. 26 Jan. 20 July. 26 April, 6625 7295 7328 6748 17 Jan. 26 Nov. 13 Dec. 4 April,




Invention, and Name of Inventor. to. ;e. Metals, Separating precious. W. A'C. G. Birkin Metals, treating, Apparatus for. J. F. C. Farquhar Metals. (See also Gold and Silver) Milk-aerating apparatus, &c. R. Varley Milk aerator and cooler. M. Varley Milk aerator and cooler. G. Adcock and T. Danks Milk aerator, strainer, and cooler. A. Busck Milk-can lid. R. Burke Milk-cans, buckets, &c, Rim for. J. Anderson Milk-cans, Fastening device for lids of. J. P. Luke Milk-cooler. R. Varley Milk-cooler. F. Ford Milk-cooler. D. McKay Milk-cooler and-aerator. P.Thomson Milk, estimating amount of fat in, Apparatus for. A. S. Barham Milk-heating appliance. R. E. Evenden Milking apparatus. C. G. P. de Laval Milking-machines. A. Shields Milking-machines, Release for. J. Gallister Milking-pail. A. Billens Milk-pail. D. Jones Milk-strainer. J. J. Macky Milk-strainer. T. A. H. Field Milk-strainer, aerator, and cooler. J. B. Johnson Milk-strainer, cooler, and aerator. R. Withell and J. F. Batey Mills. (See Wind-mills, Threshing-mills.) Mineral water. E. Roget Mining machinery.. F. J. Stuckey Mining. (See also Gold.) Mixing machine. W. Hinrichs Moisture-testing apparatus. W. W. Shelmerdine and J. A. Chapman Mortise lock. G. J". A. Richardson Mosaic floorcloth. E. Walton Mosquitoes, Apparatus for excluding from rooms. A. L. Isaacs Moths, Apparatus for excluding from rooms. A.L.Isaacs Motion, centrifugal, Apparatus for production of. A. Krank .. Motion pins, Device for trueing up. J. Davies Motive power, Sea water as. G. W. Blanks Mould. (See also Butter-mould.) Mould board, Combined ploughshare and. R. Cockerell Mould boards for ploughs. J. A. McGeoch Moulding-box for sandstone. C.A.Peters .. .. .. ■• • ■ Mount-cutter. W. Wilson Mowers, Finger for. J. P. Richardson Mud-guard for cycles. E. A. Trendall Muller. J. Kilgour Multiple expansion engine. E. Waters Multitubular boilers, Controlling flow of gases in. Van Hecke's Fuel Economizer Syndicate (Limited) Nails. R. Powell Nails, Roofing and fencing. T. A. Thomson and H. Bell Napier's diagram, Apparatus for drawing deviation curves for. A. B. C. Kenny.. Nautical traverse tables, Substitute for. A. B. G. Kenny Necktie-fastener. J.W.Jones Needle case and reel. B. H. H. Hooker Net and ladder for life-saving. W. MoGuire and J. W. Barker Net. (See also Landing-net). Nightsoil, Manufacturing into fertiliser. A. G. Kidston-Hunter Nut for fang-bolt. G.A.Troup Nut-lock. J. Vaughan Nut, lock. A. A. Surplice and W. Faram Nuts on bolts. Securing. H. Tytherleigh Oily matter, Extracting from wool. J. Anderson, jun. Omnibus seat. E. R. Atkin Omnibus seat. E. R. Atkin Optical illusions. J. B. Copland and E. G. Peers Ore-feeder. G. Smith, W. J. Hill, W. A. Duly, G. Widdy, and A. W. Goyden Ore, Vat for powdered. J. Park and G. W, Horn Ores. (See also Gold-, Silver-.) Ores, Catcher for dust of crushed. R. Tudehope Ores, extracting metals from, Method of. W. Climo Ores, extracting metals from, Method of. W. Climo Ores, extracting metals from, Method of. W. Climo Ores, extraction of precious metals from, Method of. H. L. Sulman and F. L. Teed Ores, Furnace for. D. A. Brown .. .. .. i Ores, manufacture of oxides, &c, from certain, Process and apparatus for. A. Crossley Ores, Method of and apparatus for washing and concentrating. C. T. Pike Ores, Recovering metals from. C. E. Chapman and T. F. Whitford Ores, Treating refractory. E. A. Ashcroft Ores, Treatment of. H. L. Sulman Ores, Treatment of. H. L. Sulman.. Ores, Treatment of. J. H. Haycraft Ores, Treatment of. J. J. Christmas Ores, Treatment of. W. J. Weeden Ores, Treatment of. H. D. and J. Andrews .. Ova in seeds, destroying parasitic, Mode of and apparatus for. J. B. Crabbe Oxides, manufacture of zinc, Process and apparatus for. A. Crossley 6821 6915 7 May. 20 June. 6951 7178 7320 6908 6828 7267 7043 6951 6997 7189 7151 7213 6794 7294 6750 6999 7251 6769 6791 7249 7342 7002 13 July. 6 Oct. 7 Dec. 18 June. 7 May. 12 Nov. 14 Aug. 13 July. 25 July. 5 Oct. 22 Sept. 30 Nov.'93 24 April. 28 Nov. 5 April. 26 July. 7 Nov. 12 April. 20 April. 7 Nov. 19 Dec. 26 July. 6833 7316 11 May. 8 Dec. 7315 7010 6986 7296 7103 7103 7261 7030 7021 7 Dec. 26 July. 19 July. 28 Nov. 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 13 Nov. 7 Aug. 2 Aug. 6966 6704 6731 6652 6838 7051 7067 7000 7196 18 July. 7 March. 21 March. 2 Feb. 14 May. 15 Aug. 18 Aug. 26 July. 11 Oct. 6869 7293 6952 6958 7220 6772 7302 25 May. 28 Nov. 13 July. 14 July. 20 Oct. 14 April. 28 Nov. 6819 7100 6916 7311 6826 6814 6728 6729 7161 7349 7154 3 May. 5 Sept. 20 June. 6 Dec. 9 May. 2 May. 17 March. 17 March. 27 Sept. 27 Dec. 15 Sept. 7027 7045 7046 7047 7328 7222 7352 7344 6748 6914 6820 6970 7032 7084 7150 7295 7313 7352 9 Aug. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 13 Dec. 22 Oct. 27 Dec. 20 Dec. 4 April 20 June 7 May 18 July 9 Aug. 27 Aug. 21 Sept. 26 Nov. 6 Dec. 27 Dec,




Invention and Name of Inventor. to. DO. Packing-case, Butter. F. B. Farmar Packing for piston-rods, &c. T. Keene Packing fruit, Tray for. H. Soltan and H. Shotlander Pack-saddle. M. Beanovitch Pail, Commode. V. E. Poppens Pail, Milk. D. Jones Pail, Milking. A. Billens .. Paint. L. Grote.. Paint, Anti-fouling. J. Holliday and A. Cameron Painting cans, Machine for. N". Reid and A. H. Turnbull Panoramic scenes. J. Train Paper-making machine. R. W. Moncrieff .. .. .. .. .. Paper, Trimming and stitching. R.N.Adams .. .. .... Parasitic life in seeds, Mode of and apparatus for destroying. J. B. Crabbe Pelts, Drying. R. J. Craggs, H. Edwards, M. E. A'Beckett, A. Horrocks, and A. H. Craggs Pencil-sharpener. W. T. Freeman Perambulators, Canopy or awning for. J. Clegg Petroleum-engine. 0. Briinler Photographic purposes, Films for. T. H. Blair Photography, Production of coloured effects in. L. W. Mence Photography. (See also Prints.) Piano accompanist. J. W. Bowman Picket-heading machine. W. Godecke Pick, Gold-dredging. R. Cockerell Pie-shells, Apparatus for making. C. Byers Pigeon-projector, Counterfeit. A.N.Whitney Pigments, Manufacture of coloured. R. Matthews Pillow-block, J.Johnston.. Pins. (See also Motion-pins.) Pin, Shaft and pole. G. Brownlees Pipe. (See also Blow-pipe, Drain-pipe, Water-pipe.) Pipe, Tobacco. C. D. FitM»r<v'd .. Pipe, Tobacco. E.Barron Piston-rods, Packing for. T. Keene Plant-protector. E. Rawson Plant-protector. E. A. and H. Wakeman Plate powder. A. D. Cunninghame Plough. A. Cruickshank, junr. Plough, Ditching. H. E. and F. J. McDonald Plough-coulter. G. Bishop Plough-coulter. J. R. Webster .. .. .. .. .... Ploughs. G. T. Booth Ploughs. (See also Coulter-clip, Furrow-splitter.) Ploughs, Mould boards for. J. A. McGeoch Ploughs, Pulverising attachment to. M.Smith Ploughshares. W. C. Barton Ploughshares and mould-hoards, Combined. R. Cockerell Ploughshares, Point for. J. Gray Plough, Skeith-centre for. B. Whitham Ploughs, Plug and sock for drain-. J. and J. Gait Plug and sock for drain-ploughs. J. and J. Gait .... Plug for water-tanks. R. Keyte Plummer-block. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) Pocket, Watch. G. Henley and J. Henley, sen. ... Point for ploughshares. J. Gray Poison, Rabbit. W. W. Shelmerdine and J. A. Chapman Poison, Rabbit. T. P. Ransom Poles, Attachment to vehicles of. J. Duncan Poles, Pin-clip for. G. Brownlees Post. (See Fencing-post.) Potato-digger. J. Vorbach.. Potato-digger and separator. D. Smith and T. H. Tilley Potato-harvesters. J. N. Cocker Pot, Cooking. W. T. Nuttall Powder, Plate. A. D. Cunninghame Power-generator, Wheel. A. L. J. Tait and W. H. Pearson .. Power-transmitting apparatus. G. J. Altham Precious metals, Extraction of. H. D. and J. Andrews Precious metals, Extraction of. H. L. Sulman and F. L. Teed Precious metals, Precipitating, from cyanide solutions. J. S. MaoArthur Precious metals, Separating from ores. W. A'C. G. Birkin Precious Metals. (See also Gold.) Precipitating precious metals from cyanide solutions. J. S. MacArthur Press. (See Wool-press, Cheese-press). Pressor for cloth, &c. F. J. Porter Pressure-reducing valve. H. Lane, J. Pullman, and H. S. Elworthy Primary batteries. S. W. Maquay Primary voltaic batteries. W. Walker, jun., F. R. Wilkins, and J. Lones Printer. (See Butter-printer.) Printers' type-cases. W. H. Boyens and G. Renner Printing-machine. T. H. Stackhouse Prints, Actinic. E. J. Tobin .. .. .. .. .... Projector, Pigeon-. A. N. Whitney .. .. .. .. ... Propelling-machine for boats. W. J. Butler .. .. .. ... Propeller. H. Clapham Propeller for steam vessels. D. A. Douglas Propeller, Screw, A. Coubrough .. ... .. 7116 6981 6613 6840 7017 6769 7251 7089 7011 7223 6713 6933 7332 7313 6749 7056 7233 6600 7201 6855 8 Sept. 18 July. 10 Jan. 8 May. 2 Aug. 12 April. 7 Nov. 30 Aug. 26 July. 22 Oct. 10 March 28 June. 10 Dec. 6 Dec. 4 April. 13 Aug. 27 Oct. 4 Jan. 13 Oct. 15 May. 6641 6898 7348 7004 6633 7240 6851 26 Jan. 11 June, 27 Dec. 27 July. 23 Jan. 2 Nov. 11 May 7018 2 Aug. 6615 7312 6981 6635 7246 6620 6655 6862 6900 7229 6992 8 Jan. 6 Dec. 18 July 23 Jan. 7 Nov. 15 Jan. 30 Jan. 14 May 18 June. 22 Oct. 23 July. 6704 7230 7176 6966 7061 6678 7113 7113 7350 7024 7325 7001 6817 6918 6910 7018 7 March. 23 Oct. 4 Oct. 18 July. 14 Aug. 16 Feb. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 29 Dec. 1 Aug. 13 Dec. 14 Aug. 28 April. 22 June. 19 June. 2 Aug. 6925 7087 7107 7101 6620 7282 7290 7295 7328 6987 6821 20 June. 30 Aug. 6 Sept. 5 Sept. 15 Jan. 13 Nov. 27 Nov. 26 Nov. 13 Dec. 23 July. 7 May. 6987 23 July. 7008 7184 6654 7259 23 July. 8 Oct. . 5 Feb. 8 Nov. 7235 6700 6716 6633 6702 6664 6616 7264 30 Oct. 5 March 13 March 23 Jan. 1 Jan. 10 Feb. 13 Jan. 14 Nov.




Invention, and fame of inven ior. o. ;e. Propellers, Strips for bracing. H. Ganswindt Protector. (See Bicycle-chain protector, Book-protector, Plant-protector, Stream- and river-bank protector, Telegraph-insulator protector). Puller. (See stump-puller.) Pulleys, preventing slipping of belts on, Covering for. A. J. Hunter Pulverising-attaohment to ploughs. M. Smith Pulverising-machine. W. Hinrichs Pulverising-machines. R. D. Langley Pulverising. (See also Crushing, Grinding, and Quartz-reducing.) Pulveriser. G. F. P. Lenz and W. Paynter .. ... Pumice, Application of, for insulating and sanitary purposes. J. C. Firth .. .. .. Pumice-drying. J. C. Firth .. .. Pump. (See also Kerosene-pump). Pump. W. Angus .. .. .. Pump, Rotary-. A. G. Adam Pumps, Valve-seating for. H. A. Atkinson Pump shaft-saver. J. Scott Pump, Syphon-. T. Danks Punts, Apparatus for discharging silt from. T. Billington Quartz-reducing machine. A. M. McLeod Quartz-tailings, Apparatus for reduction of. J. Kilgour Rabbit-poison. W. W. Sheldermine and J. A. Chapman Rabbit-poison. T. P. Ransom Rabbit-trap. J. Williamson Rabbit-trap. H. Young Rabbit-trap. T. F. Allan Rabbit-trap, Means for preventing useless springing of. E.Jones Racecourse register. W. L. Luxford and A. H. Wylds Races, Device for starting. J.B.Scott Races, Judge of. W. McLaughlin Races, Machines for starting. J. Crawford Race-starter. T. Power Race-starting apparatus. A. Gray Race-starting screen. W. Errington, T. C. Deverell, G. Marshall Racing animals, Apparatus for. D. H. McKenzie Raft and chair, Combined. J. M. Heuton.. Raft-binding mode. E. P. Lanigan Rail-fastener. G. A. Troup Rail-joint. J. Belk and W. R. Haselden Rail-joints, Means of fastening. The White Patent Rail-joint Company (Limited) Rail-joints, Means of fastening. The White Patent Rail-joint Company (Limited) Rails, Switch for. G. Anderson Railway. (See also Gravitation-railway). Railway brake. C. G. Clifford and J. Carter Railway brake. A. Scoullar .. .. .. .. .. Railway, Erratic circuit. O. K. Peez .. ... .. ... Railways. J. Belk Railway, Switchback. J. B. Copland and E. C. Peers Railway, Switchback. R. W. Hutton Rain blowing under doors, Preventing. P.G.Smith.. Range. (See also cooking- and heating-range). Ranges, Water-heater for. 0. L. Croxford ... Reaper-and-binder, Attachment to. H. Birch .. .. .. .. Reaper-and-binder safety. J. Diack and G. McHattie Reapers, Finger for. J.P.Richardson .. .. Receiver. (See Telephone-receiver). Recording votes. Apparatus for. J. H. Boundy Reel and needle case, Combined. B. H. H. Hooker .. Refining butter, lard, oils, &c, Process of. J. H. and C. H. Campbell Refrigerating apparatus. A.Gordon ... .. .. Refrigerating car. M. W. Judell .. .. .. .. .. .. Refrigerating. (See also Air-compressor, Ammonia-compressor, Cold-air machinery, Cooling, Freezing, Gases.) Register. (See Racecourse register). Registering machine. C. H. Brooker Regulating device for manure-sowers. A. Storrie .. « Regulating roller for seed-sowing machines. A. Storrie Regulator. (See also Gas-flow regulator, Liquid regulator). Regulator for seed-sowing machines. J. Dunbar Release for milking-machines. J. Callister Resistance to vessels moving in water, Means for diminution of. T. C. Bayldon and G. P. Hilton Riding-saddle. IT. Gentles and J. I. Knight Rim for milk-cans, buckets, &c. J. Anderson River-bank protector. A. R. Mackay .. .. .. .. Rivers, Appliance for deepening. P. Nolan Rock-drill. W. Troutbeck Rocking-cradle. D. Dunn Rocking-horse. J. Swinnerton .. Rod, Surveyors' centering. C. Bristow Roller. (See Field-roller). Rolling and measuring soft goods, Apparatus for. J. Gorrie Rolling-stock. J. A. Belk .. .. .. .. Rooms, Apparatus for excluding insects from. A. L. Isaacs Rotary engine. F. Smith, C. A. Seebeck .. .. Rotary motion, Apparatus for producing. A. Krank Rotary pump. A. G. Adam Roundabout. J. Armitage and A. and G. C. Herschell 6797 25 April. 6733 7230 7315 7330 21 March 23 Oct. 7 Dec. 13 Dec. 7132 7232 6618 13 Sept. 25 Oct. 12 Jan. 6983 7198 7318 6722 7173 7219 7048 7067 6817 6918 6900 6961 7112 6834 6761 6675 7278 7327 6892 6974 6870 7310 6872 7177 7100 6683 7075 7076 7199 20 July. 11 Oct. 8 Dec. 14 March, 2 Oct. 19 Oct. 13 Aug. 18 Aug. 28 April. 22 June. 9 June. 16 July. 5 Sept. 8 May. 13 April. 15 Feb. 17 Nov. 13 Dec. 4 June. 18 July. 25 May. 6 Dec. 26 May. 4 Oct. 5 Sept. 20 Feb. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 11 Oct. 6972 7029 7175 7016 7115 7194 6886 18 July. 8 Aug. 2 Oct. 31 July. 7 Sept. 11 Oct. 4 June. 7058 7335 7309 6838 13 Aug. 20 Nov. 4 Dec. 14 May. 6606 6772 7241 7054 7197 9 Jan. 14 April. 2 Nov. 15 Aug. 11 Oot. 7285 7123 7119 23 Nov. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 7120 6999 6926 6978 7267 6929 7137 7224 7216 6755 6609 5 Sept. 26 July. 27 June. 16 July. 12 Nov. 27 June. 13 Sept. 22 Oct. 18 Oct. 5 April. 9 Jan. 6783 7016 7103 6852 7261 7198 7351 21 April. 31 July. 31 Aug. 16 May. 13 Nov. 11 Oct. 27 Dec.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. ;e. Roundabout, Bicycle. T. W. Davidson Rubbish bin. H. F. Davis and A. Suttie .. Rule. R. O'Donovan Ruler, Advertising. A. R. Hislop and J. Slater and A. Alexander Rushes, Machine for cutting. C. P. Nelson Saddle. C. J. Royds Saddle, Pack-. M. Beanovitch.. Saddle, Riding-. H. Gentles and J. 1. Knight Salting meat, Apparatus for. J. Squire Salts of zinc, Art of preparing solutions carrying. P. C. Choate Sand. (See Auriferous sand.) Sandstone, Moulding-box for. C.A.Peters Sanitary appliances. V. E. Poppens _ .. Sanitary purposes, Application of pumice to. J. C. Firth Sashes. (See Window-sashes.) Saver. (See Fuel-saver, Gold-saver.) Saving, Net and ladder for life-. W. McGuire and J. W. Barker Scale-weighing apparatus. E. C. Chard Scoop, adze, and hammer, Combined. J. Lowden and J. Maw Scouring wool, Method of and apparatus for. F. N. Turney Screens, Window. J. H. Beamish Screw blanks. R. Powell Screw-propellor. A. Coubrough Scull for boats. J. Reid .. ■• •• „.".. ,., Scutching machine, Flax-. The Fibre Machinery Company (Limited)? Scutching machine, Flax-. The Fibre Machinery Company (Limited) Scutching machine. W. Toogood Seat. (See Carriage-seat, Omnibus-seat, Vehicle-seat.) Seating for pumps, Valve. H. A. Atkinson Sea water as a motive power. G. W. Blanks Seed-cleaner. W. Hay Seed-cleaner. W. Hay Seed-cleaning machine. W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven Seed-distributor. H. Quertier Seed-drawer. W. Doubleday Seed-sowing machine, Tube for. J. Falconer .. .. Seeds, Method of and apparatus for destroying parasitical life in. J. B. Crabbe Seed-separator. G. G. Stead, D. B. McLaren, and J. Curtis Seed-sower, Coulter-clip for. J. Macalister Seed-sowing implement. J. Ferguson Seed-sowing machine. W. S. Pillans Seed-sowing machine, Feeder and regulator for. J.Dunbar Seed-sowing machine, Feed-regulating roller for. A. Storrie Seed-sowing machine, Regulating device for. J. Storrie Seed-threshing machine. W. A. McLaren, W. Andrews, and A. W. Beaven .. Seed-threshing, shelling-, and dressing-machine. J. Greenslade .. Seeds. (See also Clover, Grain.) Separator. (See Gold-separator, Potato-separator) Sewing-machine lamp-bracket. A. H. Light Shaft. (See also Pump-shaft.) Shaft-pin. G. Brownlees Shaft tug. C. Bristow Shafts, Cart. J. and G. Dash Shafts, Attachment to vehicles of. J. Duncan Share, Combined mould-board and plough-. R. Cockerell Shares, Plough-. W. 0. Barton .. .. •• Shares, Point for plough-. J. Gray Sharpener, Pencil. W. T. Freeman Sheaf-binding harvesters. E. Samuelson .. .. .. ■■ Sheaf-binding machine, Knotting mechanism for. R. Hornsby and Sons (Limited) Shearing. (See Sheep-shearing machine.) Sheep brand. A. L. Macdonald Sheep, Cure of foot-rot in. G. and M. Squire Sheep-dipper. J. E. Harries and E. H. Featon Sheep-drencher. W. Parkerson Sheep, &c, Drenching apparatus for. S. G. A. Poppelwell Sheep-feed box. T. Harris Sheep-feeding trough. T. G. Yates Sheep-hurdle. W.H.Smith .. Sheep medicine. J.Clark Sheep medicine. C. W. Langstone Sheep medicine. R. Brown, B. Burland, W. Gibson, and G. Galbraith Sheep-shearing machine. T. O. Turnbull Sheep-shearing machine. J. D. Scouler Sheep-shearing machine. T. Grace Sheep-shearing machine. W. M. Noakes and E. J. Clarkson Sheep-shearing machine. G. W. Pitman .. .. ,. Sheep-shearing machine. G. and H. Burgon Sheep-shearing machine, Gear for driving. C. and H. Burgon .. Sheep-shearing machines. P.H.Davis .. Sheep-shears. P. J. Mitscherlich Sheller, Clover. J. Osborne Shell er, Clover. F.W.Anderson Sheller, Clover. W. Doubleday Sheller, Shell or concave for clover-. W. Doubleday Shelling. (See also Clover-shelling, Grain-shelling, Seed-shelling.) Shelling-machine. J. Greenslade 7254 6825 6885 6706 7277 6803 6840 6978 7009 6867 6 Nov. 8 May. 4 June. 8 March 20 Nov. 27 April. 8 May. 16 July. 2 Aug. 25 May. 6731 7017 7232 21 March, 2 Aug. 25 Oct. 7302 6659 7068 6764 7082 6869 7264 6762 7152 7153 6899 28 Nov, 6 Feb. 22 Aug. 14 April. 23 Aug. 25 May. 14 Nov. 11 April. 22 Sept. 22 Sept. 12 June. 7318 7021 6770 6771 6667 6816 6939 7307 7313 6946 7121 7190 7035 7120 7119 7123 6754 7281 8 Dec. 2 Aug. 18 April. 18 April. 10 Feb. 30 April. 30 June. 1 Dec. 6 Dec. 5 July. 5 Sept. 9 Oct. 7 Aug. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 4 April. 22 Nov. 7292 28 Nov. 7018 6859 6921 6910 6966 7176 7061 7056 7187 7353 2 Aug. 18 May. 25 June. 19 June. 18 July. 4 Oct. 14 Aug. 13 Aug. 8 Oct. 27 Dec. 6864 6889 6666 6896 6599 6924 7031 6608 6644 6800 6980 6745 6936 6977 6989 7212 6776 6777 7169 6806 6792 6882 6939 7192 19 May. 4 June. 9 Feb. 5 June 3 Jan. 18 June. 6 Aug. 5 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 April. 20 July. 3 April. 30 June. 19 July. 23 July. 18 Oct. 19 April. 19 April. 3 Oct. 28 April. 20 April. 30 May. 30 June. 9 Oct. 6638 25 Jan.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. I Date Ships' davits. C. Fleming Shirt-sleeves, Cuffs for. J. E. Buchan Shoe. (See also Horse-shoe.) Shoe. F. Dryland Shoe. C. S. Nott .. Shoe. J. C. M. Karsten Shoe. J. C. M. Karsten Shoe. J. Suckling .. Shoe-stand. G. Tucker Shoe, Toe-stiffener for. J. C. M. Gulleford Shoe-upper. R. W. Sceats .. .. •• •• •■ •• •• Shop-shutters. J. H. Beamish.. Shutters. J. H. Beamish Sight-testing. J. R. Procter Silo. M. S. Campbell Silt-diseharger. T. Billington Silver. (See also Gold.) Silver, Method of extracting. W. Climo .. Silver, Method of extracting. W. Climo .. Silver, Method of extracting. F. W. Luick and J. W. McPeake.. Silver, Method of extracting. J.A.Walker Sink. J. and T. Christie Siren. A.S.Ford .. Skeith-centre for ploughs. B. Whitham .. .. • • • • •• " Skins, drying, Method of. R. J. Craggs, H. Edwards, M. E. A'Beckett, A. Horrocks, and A. H. Craggs Skins, Removing wool from. W. P. Bastings Skins, Tanning. T. H. L. Bake and H. A. Leverett Slide-valve. W. H. Duncan .. .. . • Slimes, Intercepting, and concentrating metal in. E. E. Nesbit Slipper. J. C. M. Karsten Slippers. C. S. Nott Slippers. J. C. M. Karsten Slippers. J. C. M. Karsten Slippers. J. Suckling Sluice-box. D. Mason and R. T. Wheeler.. Sluice-boxes, Cloth for. D. Nicolson Sluicing, Pipes for. R. Whittingham Soap. R. Yarrow and A. J. Fisher Soap. M. Smith Sock and plug for drain-ploughs. J. and J. Gait Sofa-bed combination. N. Lamont Soft goods, Measuring, rolling, &c. J. Gorrie Soldering-iron. H. Wakeman .. .. ... Soundings, Apparatus for correcting. A. B. C. Kenny Sower. (See Manure-sower, seed-sower.) Spark-extinguisher. H. O'Hara and J. A. Wallace .. Speed-device for seed- and manure-sowers. A Storrie Splicer, Wire-. J. B. Gould Splitter, Furrow-. A. W. Legg.. Spouting. D.A.Douglas .. .. -• Square. R. O'Donovan Stamper-battery wiper joint. J. McKay and J. C. Teare Stand. (See Boot and shoe-stand.) Standard, Fencing. W. Wylie.. Stand for bicycles. G. J. A. Richardson and J. Moffett Stand for boots, &c. G. Tucker Stand, Umbrella. W.H.Watson Standard for garden-labels. F. R. and C. J. Chapman Staple-extractor. R. O'Donovan Staple-extractor. E. Harrow Starter, Race-. J.B.Scott Starter, Race-. T.Power Starter, Race-. A. Gray Starting races, Machines for J. Crawford Starting screen for races. W. Errington, T. C. Deverell, and G, Marshall Staves, Machine for jointing, &c. J. W. and T. G. Lahey Staves, Machine for shaping. T. Cook Steam, Separating grease from exhaust. G. E. Hudson, G. Sanderson, and W. J. Baker Steam. (See also Boilers.) Steamer, food-warmer, and boiler combined. C. A. Port Steamers, Diminution of surface-friction of. T. C. Bayldon and G. P. Hilton Steamers, Spindle-shaped ocean. W. L. Winans Steamships, Steering apparatus for. E. Clempson Steering apparatus for steamships. E. Clempson Steering appliance for boats. W. J. Butler Steering gear for boats. G. J. Norton Stencils, Machines for printing from. T. H. Stackhouse Sterilising parasitic ova in seeds. J. B. Crabbe Stiffener for toes of boots, &o. J. C. W. Gulleford Stirrup. W. H. Boyens and R. J. McCullough Stirrup-bar. W. H. Boyens and R. J. McCullough Stitching machine, Paper-. .R.N.Adams.. Stone, Artificial. L. Grote Stopper, Bottle-. G.W.Browne Stopper, Bottle-. J. Sorley .. .. • • • • •> " '• Storm-compass. A. B. 0. Kenny Stove, Burner for. G. Aitkens 7291 7106 28 Nov. 6 Sept. 6630 6645 6818 7005 7102 7095 7097 7255 7082 7082 0912 7179 7219 17 Jan. 29 Jan. 2 May. 26 July. 1 Sept. 29 Aug. 31 Aug. 3 Nov. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 19 June. 5 Oct. 19 Oct. 7045 7047 7094 7337 7166 7354 6678 6749 6881 7186 6796 6720 7005 6645 6818 7005 7102 6963 6827 7012 6964 7256 7113 6623 6783 6942 6954 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 23 Aug. 17 Dec. 28 Sept. 27 Dec. 16 Feb. 4 April. 28 May. 8 Oct. 25 April. 14 Mar. 26 July. 29 Jan. 2 May. 26 July. 1 Sept. 12 July. 5 May. 25 July. 13 July. 10 Nov. 3 Sept. 13 Jan. 21 April. 3 July. 13 July. 6795 7123 7140 7181 6651 6885 6891 24 April. 5 Sept, 19 Sept. 8 Oct. 2 Feb. 4 June. 4 June. 7146 7207 7095 7155 7204 6885 6893 6675 6892 6974 7327 6870 7088 7270 6982 17 Sept. 13 Oct. 29 Aug. 24 Sept. 9 Oct. 4 June. 4 June. 15 Feb. 4 June. 18 July. 13 Dec. 25 May. 30 Aug. 17 Nov. 18 July. 6975 6926 6747 7334 7334 6702 6680 6700 7313 7097 7159 7182 7332 7089 7080 6622 6953 6829 14 July. 27 June, 4 April, 10 Dec. 10 Dec, 1 March 19 Feb. 5 March 6 Dec. 31 Aug, 26 Sept. 8 Oct. 10 Dec. 30 Aug. 26 July, 16 Jan. 13 July. 9 May,




inven lion, am iame oi inven.or. to. ;e. Strainers. (See Milk-strainers, Wire-strainers.) Straw-trussing machine, Knotting mechanism for. R. Hornsby and Sons (Limited) Streams, Protector for banks of. A. R. Mackay Street-sweeping machine. 0. Walkden Stretcher. (See Fabric-stretcher.) Stripper, Hemp-. T. H. Smith .. .. .. .. Strips for bracing aerial vehicles, turbines, &c. H. Ganswindt Stud for wearing apparel. F.W.Payne .. Stumper. IT. G. Shannon Stump-extracting machine. J. Pomeroy and F. Tarran Stump-extractor. A. C. Prentice Stump-extractor. W. S. Dudson Stump-extractor. R. Cockerell Stump-extractor. D. E. Smith and J. Palmer Stump-extractor. W. S. Dudson Stump-extractor. F. H. Wrigley .. .. .. ' Stump-extractor. J. Drummond Stump-extractor. J. Drummond Stumping-machine. R. Burton Stumping-machine. G. P. Hausmann Stump-puller. W. Tinline and J. Drummond Substitute for nautical traverse tables. A. B. C. Kenny Sugar manufacturing, Method and apparatus for. J. E. Pellegrini Sulky. R. Le P. Trench Sulky. T. Walker Sulphates, Manufacture of. A. Crossley Sulphides, Manufacture of. A. Crossley .. .. .. Surgical truss. W. W. Sommerville Surveying instruments, Levelling and traversing heads for certain. A. I. Littlejohn and P. Still.. Surveying operations, Traverser and clinometer for use in. E. Bath and D. Whitburn Surveyors' centreing-rod. C. Bristow Suspender, Clothing. E. Bell Sweeping-machine for streets. C. Walkden Swimming apparatus. J. A. Morgan Switchback railway. R. M. Macdonald Switchback railway. J. B. Copland and E. C. Peers .. .. .. Switchback railway. R. W. Hutton Switch for rails or tracks. G. Anderson Syphon. E. L. Grigg Syphon pump. T. Danks Table. W. J. Wilshire Table and desk, Advertising. A. D. Ludlow Tables. (See also Billiard-tables, Nautical traverse-tables.) Tabletop, Method and means for mounting, W. Droeser Tailings, Treatment of. H. D. and J. Andrews Tallying apparatus for bagging-machine. J. Middleton Tallying-machine. J. Greenslade Tallying. (See also Calculating and counting.) Tank. (See also Kerosene-tank.) Tank, Plug for water-. R. Keyte Tanning. T. H. L. Bake and H. A. Leverett Tanning process. H. Godsiff Tap. J. Troup Tap, Water-. G. Bodley Teacher, Bicycle. G. J. A. Richardson and J. Moffett Telegraph insulator protector. J. T. Williams Telephone-receiver, Ear-piece for. J. W. Kinniburgh Temperature, Apparatus for detecting variations in. J. Lowden Testing. (See Sight-testing.) Therapeutic purposes, Producing vapour for. W. B. Mason Thermo-electric generator. H. B. Cox Thermostat. A. Shiels Thinner, Turnip. R. Swale, senr. Threshing. (See also Clover-threshing, Grain-threshing, Seed-threshing.) Threshing-machine. J. Greenslade Threshing-machine. J. Osborne Threshing-mill concave. A. Evans Ticket, Advertising. V. Carandini Ticket-delivering contrivance. G.Percy .. .. .. .. Ticket-issuing apparatus. C. Tucker .. .. .. .. ., Tide, Utilising for motive-power. J.E.Taylor .. .. ., Tightening tires, Apparatus for. W. T. Mackey Tile-laying machines. O. B. H. Hanneborg Time-indicator for trains, trams, &c. J. Morton .. .. ., ,. Tin, Apparatus for washing and saving. R. T. Coghlan Tin-can. A. Harvey Tines, Cultivator with spring. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) Tin-holder. F. S. Cory Tin-holder, Kerosene. G. W. Brodrick .. ., .. .. ., ,. Tipping-hopper. A. E. Peache .. .. .. .. ,, Tire. W. G. Crossley Tires, Machine for setting. J. B. West .. .. .. .. ., Tires, tightening, Apparatus for. W. T. Mackey .. .. .. .. ., Tire, Wheel-. C. F. Storey Toast-jack. L. Clapham .. .. .. .. .. .. ., Tobacco-ieaf cigarette-wrappers, Machines for cutting. A. Moonelis .. .. Tobacco, Process of marking, j. Ross ., ., .. ., ., ., 6829 7353 6929 6719 9 May. 27 Dec. 27 June. 12 March. 7304 0797 6757 6984 7144 6807 6832 6920 6994 7030 7006 7085 7238 7065 7104 6948 0958 6691 7147 7268 7352 7352 6842 7007 7300 0609 7314 6719 6969 6878 7115 7194 7199 7139 7173 6887 7239 3 Dec. 25 April. 4 April. 23 July. 20 Sept. 1 May. 10 May. 25 June. 24 July. 8 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Aug. 21 Nov. 22 Aug. 5 Sept. 11 July. 14 July. 26 Sept. 21 Sept. 13 Nov. 27 Dec. 27 Dec. 10 May. 28 July. 28 Nov. 9 Jan. 4 Dec. 12 March. 16 July. 31 May. 7 Sept. 11 Oct. 11 Oct. 14 Sept. 2 Oct. 4 June. 2 Nov. 6923 7295 6744 7271 25 June. 26 Nov. 31 March. 15 Nov. 7350 7186 6699 7298 6690 7207 7299 0874 7125 29 Dec. 8 Oct. 3 March. 27 Nov. 26 Feb. 13 Oct. 1 Dec. 28 Oct. '93 6 Sept. 6847 6880 6973 7308 15 May. 28 May. 18 July. 3 Dec. 6638 6792 7339 6621 7111 7324 6788 o763 6813 6938 6976 6662 7210 6937 6905 6624 7322 7343 6763 6636 6811 7019 7253 25 Jan. 20 April. 15 Dec. 15 Jan. 5 Sept, 13 Dec. 17 April, 14 April. 2 May. 28 June, 19 July. 8 Feb. 16 Oct. 27 June. 12 June, 15 Jan, 6 Dec. 20 Dec, 14 April, 23 Jan. 2 May, 3 Aug. 8 Nov,




invent Dion, ant fame o; [nvenl Dor. to. :e. Toe stiffener, Boot-. J. C. W. Gulleford .. Tonic. G. E. Warburton Tooth. (See Grubber-tooth.) Torpedo, Aerial. G. Allen Totalisator. R. M. Macdonald Totalisator. R. M. Macdonald Totalisator. J. Greenslade Toy. D. Whitburn and L. Bennett Tracks, Switch for. G.Anderson Tram-car wheels. R. M. Macdonald Tram-car life-guard. J. K. Boon and W. J. Stevens .. .. .. .. Tramway-brake. A Scoullar Tramways. J. A. Belk Transmitting apparatus, Power-. G. J. Altham .. .. .. . Trap, Counterfeit Pigeon. A. N. Whitney Trap. (See also Gully-trap, Rabbit-trap.) Trap, Animal- and bird-. E. Sprey Trap-drain. J. and T. Christie.. Trapping appliance for rabbits, &c. T. F. Allan Traverser. E. Bath and D. Whitburn Traverse-tables, Substitute for nautical. A. B. C. Kenny Traversing-head for surveying instruments. A. I. Littlejohn and P. Still Tray, Billy. J. W. Mclvor Tree-extracting machine. J. Pomeroy and F. Tarran Tree-extractor. (See also Stump-extractor.) Tricycle. W. H. Boyens Tricycle-chain protector. L. Cerchi Tricycle-gear case. M. Grainger Tricycles.' (See also Bicycles, Cycles, and Velocipedes.) Tricycles. W. H'. Boyens Tricycles, Driving mechanism for. A. O. Collier Trimming machine, Paper-. R. N. Adams .. ... Trotting horses, Weight for hoofs of. J. Richards. Trueing-up motion pins, Device for. J. Davies Truss. (See Surgical truss.) Trussing-machine, Knotting mechanism for. R. Hornsby and Sons (Limited) Tube cleaner, Boiler-. W. Armstrong Tube for seed and manure machines. J. Falconer Tubes, Method of joining metallic. L. C. Auldjo Tug. (See Shaft-tug.) Tunnelling machinery. F. J. Stuekey Turbines, Strips for bracing. H. Ganswindt Turnip-thinner. R. Swale, sen. Turnstiles, Attachment for regulating. R. M. Macdonald Twitch-grubber. D. Watson Twitch harrow. J. Voice Type-cases, Printers'. W. H. Boyens and G. Renner Type-matrices, Machine for producing. E. Waters .. Type-matrices, Machines for producing. C. Meray-Horvath Type-writing machine. M. A. Wier Umbrellas, Carrying attachment for. A. Cussen .. .. .. .. .. Umbrella-stand, clothes-horse, and hat-rack, Combined. W. H. Watson Urinals, Joint for. T. W. Twyford .. .. .. .. .. Utensil. (See Domestic utensil) Valve. (See also Ball valve, Bottling-machine valve, Brake valve, Pressure-reducing valve, Slide valve.) Valve, High-pressure. J. L. Barlow Valve seating for pumps. H. A. Atkinson Vamping appliance. J. W. Bowman Vapourising apparatus. W. B. Mason .. .. .. Vapour producing, Composition for. W. B. Mason Variations in temperature, Apparatus for detecting. J. Lowden Vat, Filter, agitator and leaching-, Combined. G. Peel Vat for powdered ore. J. Park and G. W. Horn Vat, Leaching-. J. Park, F. W. Luick, and G. Peel Vehicle brake. W. S. Dudson Vehicle brake. J. Binsted Vehicle brake. W.Reeves Vehicle brake. G. C. Clifford and J. Carter Vehicle brake. M. Belk Vehicle seat. E. R. Atkin Vehicle wheel. J. P. Dinham and S. Kidman Vehicle wheels, Jack for. J. Webber Vehicles. (See also Aerial vehicles, Axles, Buggy, Carriage-seat, Drays, Dray-lifting machines, Go-cart, Omnibus-seat, Pole-clip, Shafts, Tires. Vehicles, Attaching animals to. E. Bailey Vehicles, Connecting animals to. T. H. Brigg Vehicles, Connecting animals to. T. H. Brigg Vehicles, Shaft-tug for. C. Bristow Vehicles, Strips for bracing aeriel. H. Ganswindt Velocipedes. (See also Bicycles, Cycles, and Tricycles.) Velocipede. G. B. H. Austin Velocipedes. P. A. Pritchett Velocipedes, Driving mechanism for. A. 0. Collier Velocipede wheel. W. Doig Venetian-blind. W. Gee Ventilating apparatus. J. C. Spinley 5—H. 10. 7097 7236 31 Aug. 25 Oct. 6756 6824 6928 7271 6927 7199 6714 6790 7029 7016 7290 6633 6 April. 7 May. 27 June. 15 Nov. 22 June. 11 Oct. 10 March. 20 April. 8 Aug. 31 July. 27 Nov. 23 Jan. 7138 7136 7112 7300 6958 7007 7217 7144 14 Sept. 12 Sept. 5 Sept. 28 Nov. 14 July. 28 July. 18 Oct. 20 Sept. 6647 6730 6854 lFeb. 21 March. 15 May. 7203 7288 7332 6603 7036 15 Oct. 26 Nov. 10 Dec. 4 Jan. 7 Aug. 7353 7226 7307 7041 27 Dec. 22 Oct. 1 Dec. 13 Aug. 7316 6797 7308 7071 7306 7341 7235 7001 6932 7157 6759 7155 7129 8 Dec. 25 April. 3 Dec. 20 Aug. IDec. 18 Dec. 30 Oct. 26 July. 28 June. 26 Sept. 11 April. 24 Sept. 13 Sept. 6760 7318 6641 6846 6847 7125 7053 7154 6967 6684 6689 6711 6972 7227 7134 7077 7167 12 April. 8 Dec. 26 Jan. 15 May. 15 May. 6 Sept. 10 Sept. 15 Sept. 9 July. 21 Feb. 21 Feb. 10 March. 18 July. 25 Oct. 11 Sept. 23 Aug. 28 Sept. 6676 6673 6674 6859 6797 16 Feb. 15 Feb. 15 Feb. 8 May. 25 April. 7211 7014 7288 6785 7133 6725 18 Oct. 31 July. 26 Nov. 21 April. 12 Sept. 14 March,




invention, ant lame 0: tavern tor. fo. De. Ventilating-fan. C. Bristow Ventilator. T. Burnard Ventilator for waterproofs. W. R. G. Fox .. Vessels. (See Steamers, &c.) Vitreous substances for metallic connections, Treating. H. Doulton and J. Slater Volatilized portion of fumes, Collecting. H. O'Hara and J. A. Wallace Vote-recording machine. J. H. Boundy .. Voting-machine. E. H. Brooker Wagon-lifting machine. O. Krug and C. Bussing Wagon-wheels, Jack- for. J. Webber Walking-sticks, Carrying attachment for. A. Cussen.. Warmer, Food-, boiler, and steamer combined. C. A. Port Washing. (See also Clothes-washing, Currant-washing, Hemp-washing, Wool-washing.) Washing, Apparatus for gold-, &c. R. T. Coghlan Washing apparatus for wool and clothes. A. Ambler Washing-board. J. H. O'Brien Washing-board. R, B. Williams Washing-machine. F. G. Sherer Washing-machine. W.G.Cook Washing-machine. H. L. Cottrell Washing-machine for alluvial deposits. J. Jerger Washing ores, Method of and apparatus for. G. F. Pike. Washing purposes, Gloves for. H.Collier Washing wool, Method and means of. J. Anderson, jun. .. .. .. Watch-pocket. G. Henley and J. Henley, sen. Water. (See Iron water, Mineral water.) Water-closet cistern. R. Yarrow Water-closets, Joint for. T. W. Twyford .. Watermeater. ' W. N. Morriss and R. H. Smith Water-heater. W. H. Hannam Water-heater. A. K. Walker Water-heater for ranges. C. L. Croxford Water, Jacket for sustaining persons in. A. H. Hansen Water-pipe. R. Whictingham Waterproof garments. E. S. Helwitz Waterproof garments, Joints for. S. and H. Weingott Waterproof garments, Ventilator for. W. R. C. Fox Water-tank, Plug for. R. Keyte .. .. .-. .. Water-tap. G. Bodley Water to boilers, Means for supplying. J. H. Walker Weather-board. J.B.Robbie .. Weed-eradicator implement. R. Mackinnon Weed extractor. J..Ferguson .. Weighing apparatus. E. C. Chard Weighing apparatus, W. C. Robison and W. F. Howlett Weight-bar for hoofs of trotting horses. J. Richards.. .. Well-sinking apparatus. R. M. Macdonald ... .. .. .. ■ Wells, Appliances for sinking artesian. J.Osborne .. Wells, Appliances for sinking artesian. J.Osborne .. Wet, Determining whether materials are. E. Richardson, jun. Wheel. J.D.Everett .. .. .. .. , Wheel. W. Doig .... .. .. Wheel. J. W. Brougham and E. F. Maleczek .. .. -.-. .. Wheel-power generator. A. L. J. Tait and W. H. Pearson Wheels. (See also Tram-car wheels.) , Wheels of vehicles, Lifting. O. Krug and C. Bussing.. Wheels of vehicles, Jack for. J.Webber .. Wheels, Strips for bracing wind-. H. Ganswindt Wheel-tire. (See Tires.) Wheel, Vehicle. J. P. Dinham and S. Kidman Whifnetree. E. Sprey Whisk. J. Carder ... Whisk. (See also Beater.) Whistle. A. S. Ford , Wick, Lamp. A. Pr.uden Windmills. T. Danks Windmills. J. Marshall .. .. ... .. %. Wind-wheels, Strips for bracing. H. Ganswindt Window-fastener. E, B. Jones and W. A. Ashley Window-glass, Preventing from becoming foggy. O. M. Kreissig .. i ; Window-lock. J. Smith and C. Pratten .. .. .. .. Window-sash. W. Turnbull .. .. .. ,. Window-sashes. G. J. Cooze .. Window-sashes, Adjusting position of vehicle. D. T. Seymour Window-sashes, Reversible. G. Bethell Window-sash hanger.. R. H. Austin Window-screen. J. II. Beamish .. .. .,- Winnowing-machine. W. Hay .. .. • .. .. ■ Wiper-joint, Stamper-battery. J. McKay and J. C. Teare Wire-clamp and gauge. R. O'Donovan.. Wire-clip for fencing purposes. R. Marshall Wire-splicer. J. B. Gould Wire-strainer. J.T.Walker .. Wire-strainer. J. Crawley Wire-strainer. J.Crawley Wire-strainer. W. Officer Wire-strainer. W. J., Nankivell 6746 7273 7118 3 April. 17 Nov. 10 Sept. 6625 6795 6606 7285 6968 7167 6759 6975 17 Jan. 24 April. 9 Jan. 23 Nov. 12 July. 28 Sept. 11 April. 14 July. 6976 7090 6709 7347 6665 6809 7064 6708 7344 7098 6814 7325 19 July. 25 Aug. 9 March. 19 Dec. 8 Feb. 2 May. 13 Aug. 9 March 20 Dec. 3 Sept. 2 May. 13 Dec. 6697 7129 6723 6822 7260 7058 7275 7012 7250 7078 7118 7350 6690 7297 7269 7248 7114 6659 7083 6603 7126 6602 6604 6742 6784 6785 6798 7282 27 Feb. 13 Sept. 15 March. 7 May. 13 Nov. 13 Aug. 19 Nov. , 25 July. 8 Nov. 23 Aug. 10 Sept. 29 Deo. 26 Feb. 27 Nov. 13 Nov. INov. 7 Sept. 6 Feb. 27 Aug. 4 Jan. 6 Sept. 4 Jan. 6 Jan. 30 March, 21 April. 21 April. 25 April. 13 Nov. 6968 7162 6797 12 July. 28 Sept. 25 April. 7077 6639 7110 23 Aug. 25 Jan. 5 Sept. 7354 7127 6950 7252 6797 6835 6853 6692 6956 7164 6786 6727 6681 7082 6771 6891 6885 7025 7140 6646 6703 6707 6710 6740 27 Dec. 11 Sept. 9 July. 7 Nov. 25 April. 10 May. 17 May. 27 Feb. 13 July. 28 Sept. 21 April. 19 March. 24 Jan. 23 Aug. 18 April. 4 June. 4 June. 6 Aug. 19 Sept. 29 Jan. 6 March, 8 March 9 March 30 March




Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,450 copies), £38 sg. Od.

By Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington. —1895. Price 9d.}

inven Dion, am fame ol [nvent ;or. to. ;e. Wire-strainer. E. S. McGill .. Wire-strainer. J. Simpkin Wire-strainer. E. Keiller Wire-strainer. W. Ward and J. Harvey Wire-strainer. R. S. Haughton Wire-strainer. A. W. A. Richardson Wire-strainer. J. Crook .. .. .. .. .. Wire-strainer. W. S. Pillans and P. Boyd Wire-strainer. A. Sutherland Wire-straining apparatus. J. T. Walker Wire-tightener. G. W. Tiff en Wire-tightener. E. Hayes Wire-woven floorcloth for kilns, &c. D. Nicolson .. .. .. ... Wood, Filling for surface of. J. P. Ward Wool-cleansing, Method and apparatus for. F. N. Turney ... Wool-cleansing apparatus. A. Ambler Wool, Determining whether wet or dry. E. Richardson, jun. Wool-drying, Method of. R. J. Craggs, H. Edwards, M. E. A'Beckett, A. Horrocks, and A. A. Craggs Wool-drying apparatus. B. W. Glass .. .. Wool-press. J. R. Newton Wool-press. W. S. Dudson Wool-press. J. Moderate Wool-press. D. Patton Wool-press. C. Scales Wool, Removing from skins. W. F. Bastings Wool washing, Method and means of. J. Anderson, jun. Woven-wire floorcloth for kilns, &c. D. Nicolson Wrapper. .P. J..Ogle Wrappers, Machine for cutting cigarette-. A. Moonelis Wringer. R. Lochhead Writing. (See Head-line machine.) Writing-table and desk. A. D. Ludlow Yeast, Composition to be used as. J. A. Hansmann and L. Schulz Zinc oxides, Process and apparatus for manufacture of. A. Crossley Zinc, Preparing solutions carrying salts of. P. C. Choate Zinc, Producing metallic. P. C. Choate .. 6802 6894 6895 7105 7143 7160 7266 7286 7303 6726 6993 7206 6705 6943 6764 7090 6742 6749 7135 6743 6801 6955 7023 7214 6881 6814 6705 6694 7019 6631 23 April. 4 June. 6 June. 6 Sept. 19 Sept. 22 Sept. 13 Nov. 22 Nov. 3 Dec. 16 March 20 July. 12 Oct. 3 March 4 July. 14 April. 25 Aug. 30 March 4 April. 13 Sept. 31 March 26 April. 13 July. 2 Aug". 19 Oct. 28 May. 2 May. 3 March. 27 Feb. 3 Aug. 17 Jan. 7239 7013 7352 6867 7063 2 Nov. 27 July. 27 Dec. 25 May. 18 Aug.

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Bibliographic details

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, H-10

Word Count

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, H-10

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