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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in compliance with Section 39 of " The Land for Settlements Act, 1894."

Sic, — Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 18th June, 1895. I have the honour to report on the transactions under " The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," for the twelve months ending the 31st March, 1895. During the year under consideration alterations were made in the Act which very much extended its operations, the principal changes being, first, to give power to deal with lands acquired in the same areas as under "The Land Act, 1892 " ; second, to empower the taking compulsorily of estates in cases where no agreement can be come to between the owners and the Governor; third, to increase the amount that can be spent in any one year from £50,000 to £250,000 ; fourth, to reduce the numbers of the Board for each land district to three members, instead of four. There are other alterations also, but the above are the principal ones. During the latter portion of the period under review the Boards have had the valuable assistance of Mr. James McKerrow as Inspector, whose reports on the lands offered and advice given to the Boards have been of great service. The Boards met to consider the cases referred to them by the Governor or (under the Act of 1894) by the Minister, as follows : Hawke's Bay Board, 1 meeting ; Wellington Board, 6 meetings ; Westland Board, 3 meetings; Canterbury Board, 7 meetings ; Otago Board, 2 meetings ; Southland Board, 3 meetings. A large number of offers of land were received during the year—in fact, double the number received the previous year, the figures being—lB94, 102 offers ; 1895, 208 offers. The area offered was 1,075,239 acres. The land covered by these offers varied in quality very much indeed, some being good, and situated in localities where lands are wanted ; but in a large number of other cases the properties were not suitable for the purposes of the Act either in quality, position, or price. The following are the particulars as to estates purchased up to the 31st March, 1895 : To 31st March, 1894, five estates, area 9,113 acres and 14 perches, cost (including roading and expenses to date) £39,966 6s. 7d.; to 31st March, 1895, three estates, area 5,991 acres 1 rood 1 perch, cost (including roading and expenses to date) £25,290 15s. 9d. : total, £65,257 2s. 4d. At that date arrangements had been made to purchase five other estates, aggregating an area of 28,819 acres, at a price of £102,515, without cost of roading, surveys, &c.; but, as surveys, deeds, &c, were not completed by the 31st March, particulars will only appear in next year's report. These estates are " Maerewhenua," in Northern Otago, part of the Merrivale Estate, in Southland, a section near Opawa, Christchurch, a small section near Kurow, on the Waitaki, and a block on the Hurunui, Northern Canterbury. All of these have been taken in hand for survey and roading, where necessary, to be ready by the date the lands come into possession of the Government. In addition to the above, the Board recommended the acquisition of 4,237 acres, being part of the Ardgowan Estate, near Oarnaru; but, as the owners declined the price offered them, it has been decided to take the land under the compulsory clauses of the Act. Proceedings in connection therewith are now in hand. The following offers made by the Government have been accepted since the 31st March, but purchases are not yet complete ; Opouriao Estate, 7,604 acres, near Whakatane, Auckland ; a section of 21J acres near Te Muka ; another section of 27f acres near Fendalton; 20 acres near Waikari, North Canterbury ; and 105-|- acres near Seadown, South Canterbury —or a total of 7,778 acres, —the approximate purchase-money of which will be £27,789. Out of the eighteen estates recommended by the Boards for purchase, the offers made to the vendors in eleven cases were declined, generally on the ground that the price offered was insufficient ; the Ardgowan Estate is included in this number. A considerable amount of settlement has taken place on the lands which have been opened for selection, as will be seen from the tables attached; but in two cases—those of Pomahaka and Blind Eiver—all of the lands have not yet been selected. Of the six estates purchased, and which I—C. 5.



have been offered for selection, 8,929 acres and 14 perches have been taken up by ninety-six selectors, of whom sixty-one are resident. In several cases the time within which residence is compulsory has not yet "expired, and in those cases where such time has expired notice has been given to the selectors to comply with the residence conditions at once. Improvements have been effected by the selectors on these lands to a value of £4,961 10s. With reference to the balance not yet selected, after deducting the area absorbed by roads and reserves, it leaves 1,920 acres and 31 perches not yet selected in Pomahaka, and 2,826 acres not yet selected in the Blind Eiver Estate (six sections, containing 750 acres, have been selected in addition since 31st March). The annual rentals placed upon these unselected lands are : Pomahaka, £300 4s. 2d.; Blind Eiver, £447 11s. sd. (reduced since 31st March by the additional selection above to £277 6s. 7d.). There are 487 acres of ordinary Crown land not purchased with the Blind Eiver Estate, but which is included in the subdivision as naturally belonging to it; but it has been excluded in the above figures. The reasons why portions of these two estates have not been selected up to this time are principally due to the fact that there has been a continual fall in prices since they were first purchased. In the case of Pomahaka the estate has suffered from attempts made to publicly depreciate its character. With respect to the Blind Eiver Estate, the Commissioner of Crown Lands says : " Owing to the small area of Crown lands which was open and suitable for settlement in this district, it was confidently expected that this block would have gone off much more readily than it has. I think the reasons why it has not done so are the extremely low prices ruling for stock and agricultural produce, and the Awatere Eiver being still unbridged." Detailed tabular reports are attached hereto, showing particulars as to the estates, selections made,'improvements, &c, and the following gives a summary of the whole in brief form : —

Particulars of Estates which have been offered for Selection.

* This area of 2,826 acres has since been reduced by the selection of 750 acres. t This rental of £447 11s. sd. has since been reduced by the selection of 750 acres, the rental of which is £170 4s. 10d., leaving the figures in the above column £277 6s. 7d.; an area cf 487 acres of Crown land included in the estate, valued at £85 12s. of rental, is not included in these figures. It will thus be seen that on the whole of the transactions interest at 414 per cent, is derived from rentals of lands let. This statement, however, is based on the assumption that none of the selectors are in arrear, which is not the case—some of the selectors, like those on ordinary Crown lands, are in arrear. The first few years of settlement in any country are the most trying to settlers, for the expenses of building, fencing, stock, seed, and others incidental to the first occupation of country come all at once and before any or very little return is received from the land. The fall in the price of stock and produce during the year under consideration is another factor which cannot be ignored in connection herewith. So that it is not surprising if some of the settlers are in arrear during the early years of settlement. The total amount the settlers were behindhand in their payments on the 31st March was £320 2s. 5d., owing by twenty-eight selectors. These figures are reduced to fourteen selectors, owing £216 9s. 4d. at the present date. I have, &c, S. Peecy Smith, The Hon. the Minister of Lands. Surveyor-General and Chairman of Board.

Name of Estate. Total Area purchased. Area selected. S o iTotal Annual •g o I Rental of a.2 I Sections let. I Area not Rental Total Cost of a . selected at placed on Estate ® o 31st March, Land not to 31st March, -g a2 K 5 189S. selected. 1895. ?' H |Sn ■§J|8*H j Arrears of I Bental, '31st March, 1895. A. E. P. 620 2 13 107 2 17 574 1 5 347 3 18 7,462 3 1 5,020 0 0 A. B. P. (ill 3 15 104 2 8 572 1 22 344 1 25 5,341 3 24 1,954 0 0 £ s. a. 397 17 6 73 4 6 270 4 O^ 281 9 6 894 1 4 370 7 7 A. E. P. £ s. a. £ s. d. 7,207 16 1 1,327 10 3 4,742 7 10 5,532 11 11 21,156 0 6 15,187 17 10 Percent. 5-52 5-51 5-69 509 4-22 2-43 £ s. a. 8 16 9 'areora itudholme Juno. Capua 'e Anaraki 'omahaka ilind River 29 4 12 22 21 8 31 14 4 71 12 3 207 19 1 1,920 0 31 2,826 0 0* 300 4 2 447 11 5f 14,133 0 14 8,929 0 14 96 2,287 4 5 4,746 0 31 747 15 7 55,154 4 5 4-14 320 2 5


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." Table A.—Return of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," and how dealt with, from 1st April, 1894, to 31st March, 1895. Note.—Wherever the land-tax value is absent, the tax value of the property offered cannot be separated from the rest of the estate.


Record No. Provincial District where Laud situated. Area offered. Price asked. Declined by Tax Department Value. without going to Board. Not recommended by Board. Eecommended by Board. (See Table B.) Remarks. S.G. Acres. 9,128 3,300 8,000 14,727 9,300 3,500 500 320 600 382 990 36,424 1,540 48,000 87,151 3,255 11,485 3,500 36,424 18809 Canterbury 18816 Auckland 18824 Marlborough 18825 Canterbury 18827 Auckland 18835 Auckland 18851 Canterbury 18863 Marlborough 18868 Canterbury 18869 Otago 18870 Otago 18872 Southland 18873 Otago 18883 Hawke's Bay 18884 Southland 18885 Canterbury 18886 Marlborough 18891 Otago 18894 Canterbury 18895 Otago 18897 Canterbury 18898 Southland 18902 Southland 18907 Otago 18912 Otago 18917 Wesfcland 18919 Canterbury 18920 Westland '.. 18921 Wellington 18922 Otago 18923 Marlborough 18924 Southland 18925 Marlborough 18926 Hawke's Bay 18927 Hawke's Bay 18928 Canterbury 18930 Canterbury 18931 Otago 18932 Southland 1,200 10,110 11,700 89,000 10,800 530 69 269 758 1,833 5,137 524 3,628 869 5,557 4,236 2,328 4,000 4,500 11,290 6,964 492 800 237 4,002 1,815 7,200 5,010 10,500 29,250 17S,000 21,600 8,232 690 3,525 2,000 4,000 5,313 13,100 5,442 4,315 16,735 32,929 24,000 20,000 7,500 3,112 9,OH j 50,545 '524 Declined Declined Declined Declined Declined Declined Declined Declined Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended Part recommended Part recommended Eecommended Land not adapted for purposes of Act. Offer cannot be entertained at present. Under consideration. Property not suitable for purposes of the Act. Awaiting report. Renewed offer. Not suitable; previously declined. Cannot be dealt with until topographical survey made. Offer made by Government, declined by vendor. Declined, as price too High. Unsold portion offered. Land not suitable. Not suitable for purposes of Act. Awaiting report. Not suitable ; Board had previously declined. Offer in present shape not suitable. Awaiting inspection. No definite offer received. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Offer accepted. Purchase approved by Governor. Land unsuitable for purposes of Act. Declined, as demand doubtful. m .. Declined Declined Declined 5^313 • Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Under consideration. 4,716 Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Owner declined offer made. Offer made to owner ; declined. Not suitable for purposes of Act. Consideration postponed. Not suitable for purposes of Act. Not recommended _ . •• Part recommended Recommended Declined Declined Declined Not recommended 40,043 7,626 5,500 4,337 6,003 6,353 Declined Declined Dsclined Declined Declined Recommended Owner could not comply with request for completion of title. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. „ Carried forward 233,395



Table A.—Return of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," &c.— continued.

Be cord No. S.G. Provincial District where Land situated. Declined by Area offered. Price asked. v *«. "gto Board. Not recommended by Board. Hecornmended by Board. (See Table B.) Remarks. Acres. 233,395 80 11,000 135 7,604 297 100 150 136 22 50 292 61 4,450 1,181 371 431 111 110 1,600 324 675 343 416 600 £ £ 18934 18935 18936 18937 18938 18939 18939 18940 18941 18942 18943 18944 18945 18946 18947 18948 18949 18950 18951 18952 18953 18954 18955 18956 18957 Brought forward Canterbury Otago Canterbury Auckland Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Auckland .. Otago Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury 1,440 8S,000 8,100 4,076 2,300 3,450 3,128 322 2,000 2,336 2,440 41,443 883 6,331 1,667 3,017 2,664 1,811 76,'il8 Declined Declined Declined Declined Declined Declined Declined Declined Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended • *' Recommended Recommended Recommended Offer withdrawn. Offer accepted, but purchase not yet completed. Under consideration. Consideration postponed. Owner would not accept offer made. Rejected, as price too high. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Owner would not accept offer made. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Declined Declined Under consideration. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. 4,533 6,072 2,056 7,280 7,500 Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended Vendor declined the offer. Purchase complete. 8,490 (707 ac.) 29,922 57,950 Recommended Recommended 18958 18960 18961 18962 18963 18964 18965 189C6 18967 18968 18969 18970 18971 18972 18973 Hawke's Bay Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Otago Canterbury Wellington Otago Canterbury Southland Auckland Taranaki 11,608 40,298 758 2,000 750 275 480 29,922 57,950 5,309 12,000 6,750 3,437 1,020 Declined Declined Declined Land not suitable for purposes of Act; 6^693 Declined Not recommended 2,285 Declined Not recommended 177 1,400 1,900 865 9,993 81 5,393 1,947 10,500 18,050 9,290 39,992 Declined Recommended Under consideration. Owner would not accept offer made. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Not recommended 28,619 Declined Declined Part recommended Recommended Purchase complete. Offer accepted, but purchase not yet complete. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Land not required in locality. 5^393 .. Carried forward 340,048


Table A.—Return of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," &c.— continued.


I Record No. S.G. Provincial District where Land situated. Area offered. Trice asked. Tax Value. Declined by Department wibhout going to Board. Not recommended by Board. Eecomaiended by Board. (See Table B.) Eemarks. 18974 18975 18970 18977 18978 18979 18980 18981 18983 Brought forward Canterbury Auckland Auckland Auckland Wellington Canterbury Auckland Canterbury Southland Acres. 340,048 197 408 1,816 10,463 300 4,572 422 818 3,340 £ 7,866 9,991 9,000 3,750 16,002 844 4,090 10,020 £ Declined Declined Not yet dealt with. Native land. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Land disposed of privately. Under consideration. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Declined Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended 18984 18985 18986 18987 189S8 18989 18990 18992 18993 18994 18995 18996 18997 18997 18998 18999 19002 19003 19004 19005 19000 19008 19009 19010 19011 19012 19013 19014 19015 19016 Canterbury Wellington Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Marl borough Southland Hawke's Bay Canterbury Canterbury Otago Otago Canterbury Canterbury Otago Otago Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury llarlborough JIarlborough Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury JIarlborough Otago 665 3,000 100 24,890 577 34,000 1,907 18,664 3,300 97,071 1,154 Declined Declined Declined Declined Declined Not yet dealt with. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. 46,000 Recommended Offer declined by vendor. Under consideration. No formal offer yet made. Under consideration. To be taken eonipulsorily. Withdrawn. Owner refused offer made. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. 130 4,237 120 200 100 967 316 7,000 153 5,026 4,810 677 18,187 .. 2,528 j 38,500 2,142 39,468 33,069 ; Declined Declined Not recommended Recommended Recommended New offer. Under consideration. Under consideration. Declined Not suited for purposes of Act. Consideration postponed. Not suitable for purposes of Act. Under consideration. Report asked for. Consideration postponed. Ranger's report asked for. (200 acres.) Original offer withdrawn and part reoffered. Owner would not accept price offered. Awaiting valuation. Consideration postponed. - Declined ' ' 41,241 108,649 95,753 187 657 75 14,000 12,570 . - 2,921 9,198 5,325 63,000 [ Recommended Carrier! forward ' 761.242



Table A.—Return of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," &c.— continued.

Record No. Provincial District where Land situated. Area offered. Price asked. y^ e _ Declined by Department without going to Board. Not recommended by Board. Recommended by Board. (See Table B.) Eemarks. S.G. 19017 19018 19019 19020 19021 19022 19023 19024 19025 19026 19027 19028 19029 19030 19032 19033 19034 19036 19037 19038 19039 19040 19041 Brought forward Otago 0 tago Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Otago Otago Canterbury Canterbury Hawke's Bay Nelson Auckland.. Otago Marlborough Canterbury Otago Acres. 761,242 258 387 6,314 37 50 48 3,800 15,300 7,200 647 2,207 9,400 300 1,264 341 20 15,000 55,000 60 104 £ 5,160 4,644 16,089 3,700 4,000 2,375 45,600 13,387 7,200 £ 16,089 2,363 Declined Declined Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended • Under consideration. Consideration postponed. Under consideration. Land not suitable for purposes of Acfe. Land not suitable for purposes of Act : too higli priced. Offer accepted, but purchase not yet complete. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. i Offer accepted, but purchase not yet complete. ■ Not suitable, being leased. Vendors refused price offered. Waiting valuation. J Under consideration. 19,587 64,525 6,483 300 110,000 Declined Declined Declined Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Waiting report. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. 1,394 Under consideration. •• 3,359 10,500 511 2,478 19042 19043 19044 19046 19047 19048 19049 19050 19051 19052 19053 19054 Canterbury Otago Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Auckland Hawke's Bay Otago Canterbury Otago Otago Canterbury 1,380 12,400 2,568 147 93 6,675 13,600 190 7,800 L.T.V. 16,926 698 2,900 6,071 Declined Declined Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Under consideration. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Under consideration. Demand for land in locality doubtful. Land not suitable for purposes of Act. No definite ofter. Land cannot be dealt with under the Land for Settlements Act. Under consideration. 1,520 13,650 Declined Declined Declined 1,337 6,531 19055 19056 19057 19058 19058a 19059 19060 19061 Ocago Otago Hawke's Bay Canterbury Otago Otago Otago Canterbury 78 30,750 27 630 23,264 203 196 858 166,982 1,513 6,930 69,792 Declined Land not suitable for purposes of Act. Under consideration. 8,405 Declined No definite offer made ; land unsuitable. Under consideration. Carried forward I 983, 3o6



Table A.—Return of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," &c.— continued.

tecord No. Provincial District where Land situated. Area offered. Price asked. γ^ue Declined by Department without going to Board. Not recommended by Board. Recommended by Board. (See Table B.) Remarks. S.G. 19062 19064 19065 19066 19068 19069 19070 19071 19072 19073 19074 19075 19076 19077 19078 19079 19080 19081 190S2 19083 19084 19085 19086 19086 19087 19088 19089 19090 19091 19092 19093 19094 19095 19096 19097 19098 19099 19100 19101 19102 19103 19104 19105 19106 19107 19108 Brought forward Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Southland Canterbury Auckland Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Wellington Canterbury Otago Havvke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke'3 Bay Canterbury Otago Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Hawke's Bay Canterbury Auckland Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Otago Canterbury Canterbury Hawke's Bay Canterbury Canterbury Marl borough Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Southland Acres. 983, 3G6 135 44 104 3,793 22 6,746 198 107 3,110 5,300 27 800 5,300 177 £ 6,250 4^000 1*100 £ Declined Declined Under consideration. Consideration postponed. Under consideration. Unsuitable for purposes of Act. Previously declined, as not suitable for purposes of Act. Awaiting report. Unsuitable for purposes of Act. Under consideration. Demand in district probably satisfied. Under consideration. 1,766 17,890 3,710 1,300 6,400 Declined Declined 550 Declined 335 •• 4 28 ' 42 100 670 1,360 1,400 886 4,000 Declined Not suitable for purposes of Act. Under consideration. No offer made. Too high priced. S8 30 57 71 5,620 4,850 6,680 79 1,775 16,500 ' 23,702 100 158 25 23 20,701 6,000 837 3,190 36,227 L Under consideration. 160 50 2,900 100 9,426 64 397 15 1,814 19,200 2,500 8,700 1,800 40,000 3,200 2,500 975 2,593 Total area offered .. , 1,075,239



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners under the above Act up to 31st March, 1895. [Note.—Wherever the land-tax value is absent, the tax value of the property offered cannot be separated from the rest of the estate.]

Eecord No. S.G. Narne of Seller and Locality. Area offered. JTaxVal™. Per Acre. Per Acre. Value by Board. Price offered for Land. Total Price paid to Seller. Cost of Boading, Administration, &c, to Date. Total Cost to Date. Date of Deed. Remarks. Per Acre. Per Acre. 18813 New Zealand and Australian Land Company, " Pareora," Canterbury A. B. P. 620 2 13 107 2 17 £ s. d. From £10 16s. to I £12 12s. 12 0 0 £ s. a. '. £ s. d. 11 12 0 12 0 0 £ s. d. J £ s. d. 11 12 0 ! 7,198 14 10 12 0 0 1,291 5 6 £ s. d. 9 13 £ s. d. 7,207 16 1 29/9/93 See report attached. 18817 Studholme's Trustees (part of Waimate Estate, near Studholme Junction), Canterbury Studholme's Trustees, " Kapua," I Canterbury Meek, W., " Teaneraki," Otago .. I Douglas, j., " Pornahaka," Otago .. j Auckland .. .. Auckland ■ Auckland Hawke's Bay .. .. Pell, 0. Y., " Blind Eiver," Marl- I borough 36 4 9 1,327 10 3 3/11/93 18890 574 1 5 I 9 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 I 4,594 5 0 148 2 10 4,742 7 10 2/2/94 18837 18861 18852 18854 18835 18883 18884 347 3 18 7,462 3 1 4,738 0 0 1,357 3 21 3,546 0 0 10,110 0 0 5,020 0 0 4,868 0 0 21 2 0 100 0 0 594 2 11 177 0 0 200 0 0 416 0 0 376 2 30 15 0 0 3 10 0 4 10 0 i 6 12 6 4 0 0 6 0 0 no o 3 0 0 i 15 0 0 23 0 0 12 10 0 11 0 0 14 0 0 17 10 0 : 13 0 0 .15 0 0 2 2 6 j 2 10 0 '.'. 3 5 0 2 10 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 0 17 0 0 12 0 0 10 10 0 .; io o o 10 10 0 12 0 0 7 10 0 12 0 0 14 10 0 5,044 0 6 2 10 0 18,656 17 10 488 11 5 2,512 12 0 5,532 11 11 21,156 0 6 17/11/93 10/10/93 Owner refused price offered. 3 0 0 I 14,678 10 5 509 7 5 .. 15,18717 10 2/8/94 Offer accepted by vendor; purchase complete. (See report attached.) Owner refused price offered. 18920 18941 18939 18957 Westland Canterbury Canterbury , Pringle, W., "Bosebrook" Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Copland, A., " Otaio," Canterbury 2 10 0 12 0 0 17 0 0 10 0 0 5,945 13 9 ,, 3 19 10 5,949'l3 7 6/5/95 Offer accepted by vendor; purchase complete. Owner refused price offered. 18967 18997 18956 18970 10 0 0 10 10 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 I 4,143 11 3 I Negotiations fell through. Offer accepted by vendor; purchase complete. Ditto ; purchase not complete. 9*13 1 4,153 4 4 2/4/95 18895 Stringer, G., Kurovv, Otago 69 0 19 11 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 622 1 4* (To be paid.) 6 0 0 68,148 0 0*: (To be paid.) 2 10 0 ! 24,995 0 0*; (To be paid.) j 18935 Borton, J., " Maerewhenua," Otago 11,358 0 0 8 0 0 J 6 11 0 6 0 0 Ditto; purchase not quite complete. Ditto. 18971 Elder, Smith, and Co., " Merrivale," Southland Southland .. .. .. j New Zealand and Australian Land I Co., near Oamaru Tonks, Norton, and Co., near Opawa 9,998 0 0 1,907 0 0 4,237 0 0 47 2 0 4 0 0 4 15 0 50 0 0 3 0 300 2 10 0 2 5 0 7 7 0 7 0 0 47 9 6 45 0 0 i i 18990 18995 2 5 0 ! 7 0 0 j I Owner refused price offered. To be taken compulsorily. 19022 45 "0 0 2,137 10 0* ! (To be paid.) . Offer accepted by vendor; purchase not quite complete. Owner refused price offered. 19014 19027 19025 Canterbury Canterbury .. .. Midland Railway Company, Block 41, Canterbury Hawke's Bay 75 0.0 448 0 0 : 7,347 0 38 6,964 0 0 75 0 0 8 17 6 ! 10 0 5 15 0 6 0 0 0 15 0 J 0 18 0 3 5 9 50 0 0 6 0 0 0 18 0 6,612 10 3*' (To be paid.) 4 0 0 ■ .. Offer accepted by vendor; purchase not quite complete. Owner could not complete title. 18926 i '' I Total area recommended to 31st March Total area purchased and arranged | to be purchased at 31st March ] 83,089 2 13 43,924 0 12 j i Total amount paid to 61,552 19 1 sellers Total amount to be 102,515 1 7 paid to sellers 3,717 12 7 65,257 2 4 ! J •• * Not included in total price paid to sellers.



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1895, prepared in Terms of Subsection 2 of Section 39 of the said Act.

lecord No. S.G. Name of Estate or Settlement. Area of each Block of Land purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Price to be paid Name of Person or pi M where I Company from whom Transaction it was bought or β-i,* March 1895 was not complete acquired. dlst Maicn, iBJS. ftt 31st March, 1895. Report and Valuation of Board. Report on Conditions and Valuation Settlement of the of Board. Land - Report of Board. Land, i acquired prior k 1st April, 1894. .8813 Paeeoea Settlement .. A. B. P. 620 2 13 107 2 17 Block XII., Otaio, and Block IV., Patiti, Canterbury Land District Open level agricultural land, of good quality The New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Limited) Trustees of the late M. Studholme £ s. d. i £ s. d. 7,198 14 10 I 1,291 5 6 The quality and position of the land are excellent, and, from inquiries made, the Board believes there is a demand for small farms in the district, and therefore recommends the purchase of the block. Ditto .. 11 12 0 11 12 0 See Report No. 1 attached. .8817 Studholme Junction Settlement Blocks XV. and XVI., Waimate, Canterbury Land District Blocks I. and II., Waitaki, Canterbury Land District Flat agricultural land, of good quality All first-class land; partly reclaimed swamp All rich agricultural land 12 0 0 See Report No. 2 attached. 12 0 0 .8890 Kapua Settlement 574 1 5 Ditto 4,594 5 0 Ditto .. .. .. .. .. 7 16 9 See Report No. 3 attached. 7 16 9 .8837 Teanebaki Settlement.. 347 3 18 Block XII., Oamaru, and Block VIII., Awamoko, Otago Land District W. Meek .. I 5,044 0 6 18,656 17 10 We recommend purchase at a price of £14 per acre, and, in the event of this offer not being accepted, we are of opinion that £15 an acre would not be too high a price to pay for such land. We have ascertained the value and suitableness for settlement of the lands, and respectfully recommend the purchase of the same at a price not exceeding £2 10s. an acre. 15 0 0 See Report No. i attached. 15 0 0 .8861 Pomahaka Settlement .. 7,462 3 1 Blocks X., XI., XLTL, and XIV., Pomahaka, Otago Land District Mostly agricultural land J. Douglas 2 10 0 2 10 0 See Report No. 5 attached. Blind Eivee Settlement 5,020 0 0 Lands acquired from 1st April, ! 894, to 31st March, 1895. 3 5 0 See Report No. 6 attached. 8834 Blocks XII. and XIV., Clifford Bay Survey District, Marlborough Land District Block XVI., Pareora, Canterbury Land District Agricultural and pastoral lands C. Y. Fell I 14,678 10 5 I 5,945 13 9 4,143 11 3 622 1 4 68,148 0 0 24,995 0 0 In the belief that a demand exists in the district, the Board recommends the purchase, at a price not exceeding £3 5s. an acre. The land is suitable for farms of about 50 acres each. That there is a demand for such land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase at a price not exceeding £10 10s. an acre. That the block is very suitable for subdivision into small farms ; that there is an unsatisfied demand for land in the district; that the Board recommends I the purchase at a price not exceeding £12 per acre That the character of the land is such as to render it suitable for settlement in small lots; that there is a demand for land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase at £9 per acre. That the land is good and suitable for settlement; that the offering of such a property to the public would create a< demand from outside in addition to a limited demand in the district. The Board recommends purchase at a price not greater thau £6 an acre That the land is good and suitable for settlement; that the Board believes there is a demand for this class of land in the district; that the Board recommends purchase at a price not exceeding £2 10s. an .8957 Rosebbook Settlement 594 2 11 Open, flat, and undulating down lands W. Pringle 10 10 0 See Report No. 7 attached. .8970 Ota io Settlement 376 2 30 Blocks XII. and XVI., Otaio Survey District, Canterbury Land District Open, flat land .. ' A. Copland 12 0 0 See Report No. 8 attached. .8895 Tahawai Settlement .. 69 0 19 Block I., Kurow Survey District, Otago Land District Open, level ground, deep rich alluvial j silt • G. Stringer 9 0 0 See Report No. 9 attached. .8935 Maebewhenua Estate .. 11,358 0 0 Block III. and part of Block II., Awamoko, and Block III. and part of Block IV., Maerewhenua Survey Districts, Otago Land District Low - lying downs I and flats J. Borton 6 0 0 See Report No. 10 attached. .8971 Mebbivale Estate 9,998 0 0 Waiau Survey District, Southland Land District Mixed agricultural and pastoral; deep, rich, free soil Elder, Smith, and Co. 3 0 0 3 0 0 See Report No. 11 attached. .9022 B. S. 37, Opawa 47 2 0 Blocks XV. and XVI., Christchurch Survey District, Canterbury Land District Good flat land, dark, rich, alluvial soil Trustees of estate of late Sir H. Parkes 2,137 10 0 6,612 10 3 61,552 19 1 102,515 7 acre The land is good level agricultural land suitable for small allotments. That the Board believes there is a demand for this class of settlement in the district. The Board recommends the purchase at a price not exceeding £45 an acre. That part of the land is fairly suitable for settlement; that a demand exists for this block on the part of the Hurunui special settlers and others. The Board recommends Government to arrange the acquisition of the block at a price not greater than 18i of opinion that there is a prospect of some part of tl other than pastoral purposes, or, perhaps, not at necessity that exists for providing extensions to settlers, without which —they inform members of th must be abandoned, the Board thinks Government i loss (if any) rather than that an industrious class obliged to abandon their homes. 45 0 0 45 0 0 See Report No. 12 attached. Midland Railway Block 41 7,347 0 38 Waipara and Waitohi Survey Districts, Canterbury Land District Pastoral country .. New Zealand Midland Railway Company (Limited) 0 18 0 0 18 0 See Report No. 13 attached. .9025 s. an acre. ie block no I all; but ir: the holdin; ie Board—tl should be p: i of bond fie , an acre. The Board is also e block not being selected for ill; but in view of the great ;he holdings of the Hurunui ! Board—their present holdings aould be prepared to face this of bond fide settlers should be 43,924 0 32 61,552 19 1 102,515 1 7 2—C. 5.



No. 1. Report on Pareora Settlement, to 31st March, 1895: Canterbury Land District.— Total Area: 620 acres 2 roods 13 perches. Purchased from New Zealand and Australian Land Company. (New Zealand Gazette, 10th November, 1893, page 1592.) Land offered for selection, 27th December, 1893. Tenure: Lease in Perpetuity.

3—C. 5

w Block. District. Area. Capital Annual Value per Rental at Acre. 5 per Cent. Q a Name of Lessee. Value of Value of Improvements Improvements required at effected at End of End of First Year. First Year. Remarks. 1 XII. Otaio A. E. P. 26 3 38 £ s. d. 13 1 8 £ s. a. 17 13 6 18/1/94 Donald McKenzie .. £ s. a. 8 16 9 £ s. d. 43 4 0 Improvements consist of cottage, £12; fencing, £18 4s.; drains, £10; garden, £3 7s. Lessee married, and resident. 8 acres cultivated. Improvements consist of fencing only. Lessee married man, resides with wife on her section, No. 15. No cultivation. Improvements consist of fencing, £21 7s.; partly-erected house, £15 ; well, £4. Non-resident. About 17 acres cultivated. Lessee married woman. Dwellinghouse, £82 ; garden, &c, £3 ; fencing, £30 10s. Lessee married, and resident. 7 acres cultivated. Dwellinghouse, £36; garden, &c, £6; fencing and drains, £16. Lessee married, and resident. 5 acres cultivated. Dwellinghouse, £32 ; garden, &c, £5; fencing, £13 10s. Lessee married, and resident. About 3 acres cultivated. Improvements consist of dwellinghouse, £30; fencing, £7 15s. Lessee married, husband lessee of Section 8 ; resident. 4 acres cultivated. Improvements consist of fencing only. Lessee married, lives with his wife on adjoining section, No. 7. About 3 acres cultivated. Two sheds, £9; fencing, £8 15s. Lessee married, lives with her husband on Section 10, adjoining. 3 acres cultivated. Dwellinghouse on boundary Sections 9 and 10. Dwellinghouse, £63 ; fencing and well, £11 5s. Lessee married, and resident; wife lessee of Section 9. About 3 acres cultivated. Dwellinghouse on boundary of Sections 9 and 10. Improvements consist of fencing only. Lessee married man, resides with his wife, who is lessee of Section 26. No cultivation. Improvements consist of dwellinghouse, £37 ; fencing, £14 ; well and garden, £3 10s. Lessee married woman, resides with husband and family. 3 acres cultivated. Improvements consist of fencing only. Lessee a minor, lives with his mother on Section 23. 6 acres cultivated. Dwellinghouse, £33 ; fencing, £22; garden, £4. Lessee single man, and resident. 10 acres in cultivation. Dwellinghouse, £110; fencing, £14 10s. Lessee wife of J. O'Connor, lessee of Section 2 ; resident. No cultivation. Dwellinghouse, £60; sheds and tank, £16; fencing, £23 10s. Lessee married, and resident. 4 acres cultivated. Improvements consist of fencing only. Lessee husband of lessee of Section 3. 13 acres cultivated. Improvements consist of house, £15; garden and well, £6; fencing, £21 10s. Lessee married, and resident with family. 14 acres cultivated. 2 27 0 0 12 13 4 17 3 0 John O'Connor 8 11 6 14 0 0 3 27 0 0 12 13 4 17 3 0 Eliza Williams 8 11 6 40 7 0 i 29 0 0 13 0 0 18 18 6 John Arden 9 9 3 115 10 0 5 9 3 18 12 13 4 6 5 8 Henry Stowell 3 2 10 58 0 0 C 10 0 0 14 15 0 7 6 6 Henry Bateman 3 13 9 50 10 0 7 10 0 0 13 1 8 6 11 6 Elizabeth Deans 3 5 9 37 15 0 8 10 0 0 12 11 8 6 6 0 William Deans 3 3 0 8 5 0 9 & • • 10 0 0 13 5 0 6 12 6 I Hannah Sullivan 3 6 3 17 15 0 10 ft • • 10 0 0 13 5 0 6 13 0 Martin Sullivan 3 6 6 74 5 0 11 IV. Patiti 20 0 0 13 11 8 13 12 0 Alexander Hastie .. 6 16 0 15 0 0 12 18 2 32 13 5 0 12 8 10 Mary E. Hermer .. 6 4 5 54 10 0 13 H 15 0 0 12 16 8 9 13 6 James Connor 4 16 9 10 15 0 14 w 24 1 2 12 13 4 16 8 2 * James Bowie 8 4 1 59 0 0 15 XII. Otaio 28 0 0 13 6 8 18 16 8 " Mary O'Connor 9 8 4 124 10 0 16 27 3 38 12 10 0 17 10 0 Michael Riordan 8 15 0 99 10 0 17 IV. Patiti 27 1 7 13 5 0 18 1 8 m James C. Williams .. 9 0 10 16 2 0 18 28 3 29 13 1 8 19 0 0 rt Ellen Caswell 9 10 0 42 10 0 Carried for'd — 360 0 i 236 4 0 118 2 6 881 8 0


No. 1— continued. Report on Pareora Settlement to 31st March, 1895—continued.

a 2 m hO-*3 O o B •"J pisgrl.dS it jilsl* r 1 1! 11l I is J o i o » <j . "*-i _, "^ gl* g.-s gs a» S Jil . « 4t 111 lit •-Is 5s ■ -S - a s-1 § ill tigjj^ Iff IJiJIJi gig .«s^S^g 111 I J lit If ill lililU sil Pi ill! In !|lili c HI


o o Block. District. Area. Capital Value per Acre. Annual Rental at 5 per Cent. ts B Name of Lessee, Value of Value of Improvements Improvements required at effected at End of End of First Year. First Year. Bemarks. A. E. P. 360 0 4 24 3 19 25 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 236 4 0 15 9 8 15 4 0 £ s. d. 118 2 6 7 14 10 7 12 0 £ s. d. 881 8 0 13 10 0 88 0 0 19 20 IV. Brought for'd Patiti 12 8 4 12 1 8 18/1/94 A. McGlintock Lizzie Spiers Improvement consists of fencing only. Lessee non-resident. Cultivation, nil. Dwellinghouse, £64 ; garden, £2 ; fencing, £22. Lessee spinster, and resident. 6 acres cultivated. Dwellinghouse, £38 ; shed, £2 10s.; garden and well, £4 10s.; fencing, £15 10s. Lessee married, and resident. 12 acres cultivated. Improvement consists of fencing only. Single man, son of lessees of Sections 17 and 3; non-resident. 22 acres cultivated. Improvements consist of fencing, £13 ; house, £20 ; well, £4. Lessee married, non-resident; will reside when house is completed. Cultivation, nil. Improvement consists of fencing only. Lessee married, lives with wife on Section 12. Land Board allowed transfer to J. Webb, 14th Feb., 1895. Dwellinghouse, £40 ; shed, garden, and well, £9 ; fencing, £15. Lessee married, and resident with husband and family. 3 acres cultivated. Dwellinghouse, £140; shed, £10; well and tank, £9; fencing, £35. Lessee married, husband lessee of Section 11; resident. 6 acres cultivated. Dwellinghouse, £30 ; garden, £7; fencing, £16. Lessee married, and resident. 5 acres cultivated. Improvement consists of fencing only. Lessee unmarried, and non-resident. 8 acres cultivated. Dwellinghouse, £38; garden, £3; fencing, £20 6s. Lessee married, and resident with wife and family. 7 acres cultivated. 21 XII., IV. Otaio-Patiti 26 3 38 14 0 0 18 18 0 George Willcook 9 9 0 60 10 0 22 27 1 38 13 0 0 17 17 4 , J. 0. Williams, jun. 8 18 8 18 0 0 23 IV. Patifci 28 1 22 13 5 0 18 16 2 Mary Connor 9 8 1 37 0 0 24 16 2 0 12 1 8 10 0 6 " A. F. Hermer 5 0 3 8 10 0 25 16 2 4 13 5 0 11 0 0 Matilda Vincent 5 10 0 64 0 0 26 v • • 34 3 0 12 10 0 21 14 6 Mary A. Hastie 10 17 3 194 0 0 27 20 0 0 12 3 4 12 4 0 Eliza Boucher 6 2 0 53 0 0 28 15 0 4 12 10 0 9 8 8 James Mulholland .. 4 14 4 14 0 0 29 16 1 6 13 10 0 11 0 8 Jeremiah Long 5 10 4 61 6 0 611 3 15 397 17 6 198 19 3 1,493 4 0


No. 2. Report on Studholme Junction Settlement to 31st March, 1895: Canterbury Land District.— Total Area: 107 acres 2 roods 17 perches. Purchased from Trustees of Mr. M. Studholme. (New Zealand Gazette, 10th November, 1893, page 1591.) Land offered for selection, 27th December, 1893. Tenure: Lease in Perpetuity.

rd b> ffl §££ O H S3 CD ill | ill j •Hi I liS 3" -8 S" ob O O 0 S 3.3 f^ S O - S 0) » cv bo iJ 53*3 CO > Cβ <D Jβ Cβ i>. "" en Cl) cd CD o ill •S a> Q P ft >, 23 q=l 0 2 CD O Cβ p-i O . m J3 -S o ~ g gli-2 _M C O co fizzl g isii . „ CO += <D CO 4J o .> CD -U CD 5 2d3R -a o q3 n CD 545 a> o _1 S Cβ a CD tl> Cβ >5 tOrt


a o Block. District. Area. Capital Value per Acre. Annual Bental at 5 per Cent. CD in • Q Name of Lessee. Value oi Improvements required at End of First Year. Value of Improvements effected at End of First Year. Remarks. XV. Waimate.. A. B. P. 20 1 25 £ s. d. 14 11 8 £ s. a. 14 18 4 18/1/94 Richard Hinch £ s. a. 7 9 0 £ s. el. 14 4 0 Improvements consist of fencing, £11 14s.; drainage, £2 10s. Lessee marriea, and resides on Section 2, adjoining. 20 acres 1 rood 25 perches unaer cultivation. Dwellinghouse, £60 ; fencing, £11 143.; two wells, £10; cleaning lagoons, £7. Lessee married, resides with husband (lessee of Section 1) and children. Dwellinghouse, £32; fencing, £10 10s.; well and drain, £5 15s. Lessee a widow, resides with family. Improvements consist of repairs to house, &c, £25 ; fencing, £25 10s. Lessee married, resides with wife and family. 2 h 18 0 0 11 8 4 10 6 2 Mary Hinch 5 3 0 88 14 0 3 18 0 0 11 11 8 10 8 10 1/3/94 Cicely Morris 5 4 5 48 5 0 4 *> 48 0 23 15 11 8 37 11 2 18/1/94 William Melton 18 14 0 50 10 0 36 10 5 201 13 0 104 2 8 •■ 73 4 6


No. 3. Report on Kapua Settlement to 31st March, 1895: Canterbury Land District.— Total Area: 574 acres 1 rood 5 perches. Purchased from Trustees of Mr. M. Studholme. (New Zealand Gazette, 1st December, 1893, page 1691.) Land offered for selection, 24th January, 1894. Tenure: Lease in Perpetuity.

.4, Oflj SS'ti l ' ■>" ft "2 §—:§sa cs » tiO CD 0 I Hililll ».h a g «i o &> a 111 iiiiiisfli i.l I'lmsl^?^ ,°l_lSoHn«-w-t=c3 |Is|j||l a) cw dfl ye 00


o Block. District. Area. Capital Value per Acre. Annual Rental at 5 per Cent. ■£.2 ID* , o Name of Lessee. Value of Improvements required at End of First Year. Value of Improvements effected at End ot First Year. Remarks. 1 I. Waitaki .. A. B. P. 44 0 0 £ s. d. 11 8 4 £ s. d. 25 2 4 1/2/94 F. W. Kuegler £ s. d. 12 11 2 £ s. d. 152 0 0 Dwellinghouse, £110 ; fencing, £27; sheds, garden, and planting, £15. Lessee resident with family. About 27 acres under cultivation. Improvements consist of fencing only. Lessee a single man; camped on the land. About 24 acres under cultivation. Improvements consist of fencing only. Lessee a single man; camped on the land. About 28 acres under cultivation. Improvements consist of fencing only. Lessee a single man; camped on the land. About 32 acres under cultivation. Hut, £8 ; fencing, £17 10s.; well, £4. Lessee widower, and resident. About 13 acres under cultivation. Improvements consist of fencing only. Lessee married man; camped on the land. Nearly 50 acres under cultivation. Fencing, £24; well, £4. Lessee a single man ; camped on the land. About 2 acres under cultivation. Improvements consist of fencing, £23 10s.; clearing swamp, £6. Lessee a single man ; camped on the land. About 32 acres under cultivation. Dwellinghouse, £32 ; fencing, £24; clearing swamp, £7 10s.; garden planting, £2 10s. Lessee married woman, resident, with husband and family. About 12 acres cultivated. Dwellinghouse, £35; fencing, £27 10s.; clearing swamp, £9 10s. Lessee married woman, resident, with children. About 12 acres under cultivation. Dwellinghouse, £33 ; fencing, £23 ; clearing swamp, £10. Lessee married, resident, with wife and family. About 9 acres under cultivation. Dwellinghouse, £55; fencing, £19. Lessee married, resident with wife and family. 2 j> n • • 44 0 0 11 0 0 24 4 0 Thomas Mason 12 2 0 17 0 0 3 It 44 0 0 11 0 0 24 4 0 William Gale 12 2 0 15 0 0 4 « . . 42 3 33 11 11 8 24 18 0 Thomas Thyne 12 9 0 6 6 0 5 H 50 0 0 9 0 0 22 10 0 1/3/94 Thomas Chamberlain 11 5 0 29 10 0 6 » ' • 50 0 0 9 0 0 22 10 0 1/2/94 Simon Green 11 5 0 21 7 0 7 50 0 0 9 0 0 22 10 0 29/3/94 John Gale 11 5 0 28 0 0 8 50 0 0 9 3 4 22 18 4 1/2/94 Michael Hogan 11 9 2 29 10 0 9 * » • • 50 0 0 8 13 4 21 13 4 Kate Beard 10 16 8 66 0 0 10 50 0 0 8 3 4 20 8 4 1/3/94 Eliza Fotheringham 10 4 2 72 0 0 11 37 1 29 9 18 17 0 8 21/6/94 T. McDonald 8 10 4 66 0 0 12 I. & II. # ■ • 60 0 0 7 8 4 22 5 0 1/2/94 James Tavendale .. 11 2 6 74 0 0 572 1 22 270 4 0 135 2 0 576 13 0


No. 4. Report on Te Anaraki Settlement to 31st March, 1895: Otago Land District.—Total Area: 347 acres 3 roods 18.3 perches. Purchased from Mr. William Meek. (New Zealand Gazette, 11th January, 1894, page 53.) Land offered for selection, 7th February, 1894. Tenure: Lease in Perpetuity.

From schedule attached it will be seen that settlers have expended £763 in erecting buildings and fencing, while 170 acres have been cultivated. Settlers own thirty-one milch cows and seven horses; and the total resident population amounts to fifty-eight adults and children all told. Twelve settlers have effected actual settlement, eight partial settlement, and two have done nothing as yet to their holdings. I consider, however, that the net result is very satisfactory, seeing that the settlement is still in its infancy, the first year of occupation for nine of the settlers not yet having expired. The general appearance of the settlement is a very pleasing one. The buildings erected by settlers are substantial, well finished, and of a permanent character. Tree-planting and other improvements that tend to the improvement of the settlers' surroundings have already been initiated, and generally the settlement may be considered a success. The quality of the land is first-rate, there is plenty of water, and the settlement is in close proximity to a township, school, dairy factory, and railway-station, and is only nine miles distant from the Town of Oamaru. There is no doubt a good deal more of this kind of settlement could be effected in the Oamaru district, the only drawback being that, while there are a number of families desirous of settling down on small areas in the district, what they lack is the necessary funds to build a dwellinghouse. The Government rentals they could always meet, but they possess no accrued capital. This is a difficulty that has to be considered, and applies, I believe, to two or three of the Teaneraki settlers who have only as yet effected partial settlement. T. A. Fbasek, Crown Lands Banger. o


a p o VI Block. District, Area. Capital Value per Acre. Annual Mental at 5 per Cent. O o> ■s| S 03 Q Name of Lessee. M © u. a a> > Remarks. Is XII. 2s 3a 4s 5s 6s 7s Ipt.vni. 8S (pt.XII. „ jpt.VIII. 9s |pt.xn. .Os XII. -la -2s -3s -4s -5s .6s -7s Oamarr. .. A. K. P. 5 0 2 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 £ s. d. 19 3 4 17 3 4 17 3 4 17 3 4 17 3 4 16 3 4 16 3 4 £ s. a. ! j- 9 2 0 I 8 11 8 J 9/5/94 7/2/94 2/5/94 18/7/94 H. P. Matthews .. Florence Woollett.. £ Nil Nil Non-resident. Non-resident. 4 5 10 Mary McAutey 3 Non-resident. 5 acres in potatoes. I 8 1 8 Elizabeth Rowlands 86 Resident. Family of seven. Awamoko ) Oamara f Awamoko ) Oamaru } Oamaru .. 5 0 0 10 0 0 16 13 4 16 13 4 4 3 4 I 16 13 4 I 16 13 2 I 9 9 6 1 18 3 4 6/6/94 Thomas Norris Bridget A. Ross 10 41 Resident. 1 acre in potatoes. Resident. Family of eight. 17 acres oats, 2 acres potatoes. (Resident. Family of three. 5 { acres oats, 4 acres root crop. /Resident. Family of five. 3 acres ( oats, 2 acres potatoes. 10 0 0 10 0 0 9 3 37 4 3 33 4 3 28 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 16 13 4 16 3 4 17 3 4 19 3 4 19 8 4 18 3 4 18 3 4 18 3 4 Thomas Earl Johanna Doyle 72 49 Catherine Darragh Nil Non-resident. -8s 9 3 33 19 3 4 9 18 9 10 10 Beatrice O'Donnell Minnie Taylor 54 56 Resident. Family of six. 5 acres cultivated. Resident. Family of five. 3 acres oats, 1 acre potatoes. Non-resident. 9s „ J pt.VIII. !Os lpt.xn. *- Kin 1 : «• as»3s {Pt-V 111 - jds Ipt.xn. Us VIII. !5s !6s !7s !8s !9s 10s Sis Awamoko ) Oamaru } Awamoko ) Oamaru J Awamoko | Oamaru J Awamoko ) Oamaru J Awamoko 9 1 16 16 3 4 7 11 2 Philip Murtha 4 9 0 8 9 13 16 3 4 15 3 4 ■ 14 7 0 Mary Jones 83 Resident. Family of six. 6 acres in cultivation. I 16 0 24 14 3 4 11 8 10 23/5/94 John Harvey 6 Non-resident. 15 acres cultivated. 20 0 0 14 3 4 14 3 4 Christina Harvey .. 8 Non-resident. 19 acres cultivated. 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 I 12 3 17 12 3 20 25 0 4 14 3 4 14 3 4 16 3 4 16 3 4 17 3 4 16 13 4 16 13 4 16 13 4 14 3 4 14 3 4 16 3 4 16 3 4 17 3 4 9/5/94 James Rowland Alexander Rodger .. Alexander McAuley Peter Taylor John S. Allen 6 6 8 7 11 Non-resident. 12 acres cultivated. Resident. 12 acres cultivated. Resident. 12 acres cultivated. Non-resident. 12 acres cultivated. Non-resident. 20 acres cultivated. (Resident. Family of nine. 7 acres cultivated. Resident. Family of seven. 7 acres cultivated. ] - 21 9 0 11/4/94 Jane Flett 114 20 17 2 John Crawford 139 344 1 25 281 9 6 763

No. 5. Report on Pomahaka Settlement to 31st March, 1895: Otago Land District.— Total Area: 7,462 acres 3 roods 1 perch. Purchased from Mr. John Douglas. (New Zealand Gazette, 25th January, 1894, page 131.) Land offered for selection 20th February, 1894. Tenure: Lease in Perpetuity.

d _q > <so o fl b& ■"* 8 • J m ■ S9S £cd d So W 3 •a|« .f o- »S « >43 ,Q <B 2 O ft S CD g 8 8 j •So § o -g, c §h""S g -S & I 11. o ffl sft 8 -§ 1 S. J § J?g|J §I^ J . |gifl illijfi ifiii j s iflu i!:li "gs&ft g <« r»:^ h a S -a § £ 2«S ts o S _s rQ ps cv IP i ■ffiJJilliSsi 4=f<B §5-Hoo-S o g « s IlililiiHll jsiiiei'lgjl.^ a a 8 ° w>+= -y co co Bee -S Sr§ 03 0) 03 <D rt •s § " °§ I *



Section. Block. District. Area. Capital Annual Eental Value at per Acre. 5 per cent. Date of Selection. Name of Lessee. Value of Improvements. Remarks. • 2 51 58 X. Pomahaka A. B. P. i 237 3 11 I 88 3 13 250 2 25 £ s. d. I 3 5 0 4 5 0 4 2 6 £ s. d. 38 13 0 18 17 6 51 14 0 28/2/94 B. C. M. Boyes David McConnell P. McG. Murray £ s. d. 45 0 0 Nil 115 0 0 30 acres lying fallow ; two-roomed house. Resident. No improvement effected. Non-resident. 140 acres in fair crop of turnips. Resides on adjoining land. Partly fenced. Recent selection. Non-resident. 100 acres faic turnips, 6 acres oats, 4 acres grass ; dwellinghouse; ring-fence. Resident. First year of occupation not yet expired. Non-resident. First year of occupation not yet expired. Non-resident. 120 acres in fair crop of turnips, 3 acres grass ; dwellinghouse and blacksmiths' shop. Resident. Effected no improvements. 130 acres in good crop of turnips ; house ; ring-fence. Resident. 120 acres turnips, 10 acres oats; house; partly fenced. Resident. 130 acres in turnips ; ring-fenced. Resident. 33 acres turnips, 15 acres oats; ring-fenced; dwellinghouse. Resident. j 100 acres fair turnips, 12 acres oats ; ring-fenced; dwelling!]ouse. ( Resident. 30 acres fallow, 1 acre potatoes ; ring-fenced. Resident. Partly fenced ; small woolshed. Resident. 90 acres cultivated; partly fenced. Non-resident. 190 acres good turnips, 8 acres in grass; house and large stable ; ring-fence. Resident. 10 acres oats, 1 acre turnips; partly fenced; dwellinghouse. Resident. (First year of occupation not yet expired; partly fenced. Non- { resident. 18 "acres oats, 3 acres turnips ; two-roomed house ; partly fenced. Resident. " 45 50 XI. XIII. 169 3 5 199 3 38 3 10 0 3 7 6 29 14 2 33 15 0 20/2/95 28/2/94 J W. Scarlett.. George B. Watt Nil 110 0 0 5 6 9 H 232 1 8 292 1 24 271 0 24 3 0 0 3 2 6 3 7 6 34 17 0 45 13 10 45 15 2 25/7/94 18/4/94 Helen Williams T. Williams Soren Hansen Nil 140 " 0 0 10 12 14 271 3 20 230 1 0 250 3 0 3 2 6 3 5 0 3 7 6 42 9 8 37 8 4 42 6 4 28/2/94 n W. Gray James Falconer Thomas Erskine Nil 125 0 0 115 0 0 It 15 20 276 2 36 247 0 8 3 2 6 3 5 0 43 4 10 40 3 0 [11/4/94 '28/2/94 Edward Gray Donald McGregor 130 0 0 194 0 0 9 5 6 7 XIII. XIV. XIV. ) • 221 3 35 3 7 6 37 9 2 Joseph Abernethy 175 0 0 316 1 0 289 1 0 281 1 0 289 2 10 3 0 0 3 10 0 3 10 0 3 10 0 47 8 10 50 12 4 49 4 4 50 13 6 „ Joseph Stevenson Thomas Chapman George Cormack George Harvie, jun. 60 0 0 57 0 0 60 0 0 250 0 0 8 0 311 3 37 3 10 0 54 12 0 G. W. G. P. J. Maxwell 91 0 0 16 ) 17 J 18 320 0 30 3 5 0 52 0 8 15/8/94 Mary Chapman 40 0 0 J 291 3 20 3 5 0 47 8 8 14/3/94 Ellen Clement 60 0 0 5,341 3 24 894 1 4 1,767 0 0 • •


No. 6. Report on Blind River Settlement to 31st March, 1895: Marlborough Land District.— Total Area: 5,020 acres. Purchased from Mr. C. Y. Fell. (New Zealand Gazette, 29th November, 1894, page 1730.) Land offered for selection, 16th January, 1895. Tenure: Lease in Perpetuity.


Section. Block. District. Area. Capital Value per Acre. Date of Selection, Annual Rental at 5 per Cent. Name of Lessee. Value of Improvements. Remarks. 1 4 5 9 10, 11 14 15 20,21 *23 ) XIV. XII. Clifford Bay .. A. E. P. 161 0 0 121 0 0 122 0 0 568 0 0 £ s. a. 5 5 0 4 15 0 5 18 f 3 13 4) \ 2 16 8} 5 5 0 5 5 0 2 13 4 16/1/95 16/1/95 31/1/95 31/1/95 £, s. a. 42 5 4 28 14 10 31 0 2 92 17 8 Hugh Kinley Robert Morrow George Frederick Hall.. Adam Waugh 3 £ 5 70 I Cob hut, and 50 acres ploughed. Resident. House in course of erection, 90 acres ploughed. Resident. Non-resident. XIV. 169 0 0 163 0 0 550 0 0 100 0 0 13/2/95 16/2/95 17/1/95 44 7 3 42 15 8 73 6 8 15 0 0 Robert Charles Trueman William Thomas Peter O'Dwyer Dugald McLeay "s 50 Rush whare. Resident. Framed house. 1,954 0 0 370 7 7 I 160 .. * Accommodation reserve, licensed under the provisions of section 226 of "'The Land Act, 1892." Sidney Weetman, Commissioner of Crown Lands.


No. 7. Report on Rosebrook Settlement to 31st March, 1895; Canterbury Land District.—Total Area: 600 acres 1 rood 8 perches. Purchased from Mr. William Pringle. Price paid for Land: £5,945 13s. 9d. 15th February, 1895.

No. 8. Report on Otaio Settlement to 31st March, 1895; Canterbury Land District.—Total Area: 376 acres 2 roods 30 perches. Purchased from Mr. Alexander Copland. Price paid for Land: £4,143 11s. 3d., 25th February, 1895.

No. 9. Report on Tahawai Settlement to 31st March, 1895; Otago Land District.—Total Area: 69 acres and 19 perches. Purchased from Mr. George Stringer. Price paid for Land: £622 1s. 4d. 25th April, 1895. To be opened for Selection on 21st August, 1895.


J Block. District. Area. Lease in Perpetuity. Capital Annual Value Rental at per Aero. 5 per Cent. Eemarks. 1 2 3 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 XVI. Pareora .. A. B. p. 25 3 6 24 3 14 36 0 28 60 1 22 45 0 28 44 0 0 45 3 14 28 0 39 29 3 26 32 0 34 32 2 33 34 2 33 44 2 18 62 0 31 53 2 2 £ s. d. 10 7 8 10 7 8 10 3 7 10 13 10 10 15 10 10 3 8 11 10 1 10 3 7 10 6 3 10 5 6 10 3 7 9 3 2 9 10 1 9 16 10 10 0 3 £ s. d. 13 7 10 12 18 01 18 8 4; 32 5 8 24 7 8 22 8 0 26 7 6 14 7 6 15 8 4 16 11 4 16 13 0 15 18 0 21 4 2 30 12 4 26 15 10 This settlement is about four miles and a quarter inland from Timaru, and comprises open, flat, and undulating down lands of good quality, the soil being black, resting ou a clay subsoil. The area is intersected by valleys. The watercourses are not permanent, but clams have been constructed in places, and facilities are available for the construction of others. There are rocky and steep faces here and there, but, on the whole, not much waste land. The settlement is approached from Timaru on the north and south sides by the Wai-iti and Claremont district roads. The general elevation of the country is about 400ft. above sea-level. The climate is salubrious and healthy, which, combined with the quality of the land and contiguity to the railway and port at Timaru, render the lots splendidly adapted for occupation by small farmers, gardeners, and other small settlers. This land was not open for selection on 31st March, 1895. It was opened for selection on 26th June instant, and all the sections were allotted. 000 1 8 307 13 6

Lease in Perpetuity. a 5 o to Block. District. Area. Capital I Annual Value Rental at 5 per Acre, per Cent. I Remarks. 1 2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 XII. Ofcaio A. B. P. 32 0 30 32 3 20 34 2 30 48 2 5 45 3 38: 37 1 13 43 0 9 43 0 31 49 1 17 £ s. a. 11 14 10 11 5 6 11 4 2 11 9 6 12 2 7 11 0 2 11 17 10 14 15 3 11 0 2 £ s. d. 18 17 10 18 10 8 19 8 10 27 17 6 27 17 4 20 11 0 25 12 0 30 16 2 27 3 4 This settlement is situated on the Bluecliffs Road, about three-quarters of a mile inlana from the St. Andrew's Railway-station, and comprises open flat land about 40ft. above sea-level. The soil is generally good and of faildepth, but there are lighter patches of stony land running through the block. Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 are nearly all in English grass ; Lots 4, 5, 8, and 9 are in stubble, the two latter being also sown down with grass. There are small patches of gorse on Lots 8 and 9 ; Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9 comprise some rougher and poorer land next the Otaio River, Lot G being liable in part to flood. All the lots can easily bo served by a water-race which runs through the centre of the block. There is a good three-roomed wooden cottage, roofed with iron, on Lot 8, which must be insured for the sum of £80 in the name of the Queen by the lessee. The gorse boundary and wire subdivision fences are in good order. The access is by the before-mentioned main road, and by the occupation roads. The general good quality of the land and situation render these lots splendidly adapted for occupation by small farmers, gardeners, and other small settlers. This land was not open for selection on 31st March, 1895. It was open for selection on 26th June instant, and all the sections were allotted. 367 0 33 216 14 8

Lease in Perpetuity. J I 02 Block. District. irea. Capital Annual Value Rental per Acre, per Acre. Bemarks. Iα 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 18 I. Kurow A. B. p. 8 2 35 8 3 18 8 1 27 8 0 9 8 2 8 9 0 23 8 3 29 (629 I 1 1 16 "3 a -w 13 O <U o f 43 T3 o o °£ O - 8 Section Iα, open level ground, deep rich alluvial silt, broken and shingly in the north-east corner. Section 2a, open level ground, deep rich alluvial silt, broken and shingly in the north corner. Sections 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a, and 7a, open level ground, deep rich alluvial silt. Section 8a, open, mostly level ground, deep rich alluvial silt. The whole of these sections have a frontage to the main road, Oamaru to Kurow, and are within one mile of Kurow Railway-station, or from 10 to 40 chains from Hilles Siding. There is no permanent water on any of these sections, but the Kurow Stream and Waitaki River are close to all. Water has been obtained in the immediate vicinity by sinking to a depth of 18ft. to 25ft. This land was not opened for selection on 31st March, 1895. 1


No. 10. Eepoet on Maeeewhbnua Estate, to 31st March, 1895 ; Otago Land District.—Total area: 11,378 acres. Purchased from Mr. John Bortou. Price to be paid for land, £68,268. Possession to be given Bth August, 1895. This estate is situated in a good agricultural district, adjoins the Townships of Duntroon and Georgetown, and at its nearest point is about nineteen miles from Oamaru. Eailway and main roads run through the property for about ten miles. The lands consist of low-lying downs and flats, from 300 ft. to 500 ft. above sea level. The soil on the clowns is principally on limestone formation, the flats being swampy, with shingle-banks. The estate as a whole has been remarkably well farmed, and is in first-class condition and is well fenced.

No. 11. Ebpoet on Meebivale Estate, to 31st March, 1895 ; Southland Land District.—Total area : 9,998 acres. Purchased from Messrs. Elder, Smith, and Co. Price paid for land, £24,995, 17th April, 1895. Possession given 15th April, 1895. Let for four months from 16th April, 1895, for grazing purposes, for £424. The estate is situated in a mixed agricultural and pastoral district, being distant 14 miles from Otautau, thirty-one miles from Eiverton, and forty-six miles from Invercargill. The soil is dark, rich, and free, of good depth and sweet, lying on porous clay subsoil underlaid by limestone rock; about one-sixth part bush, the rest nearly all in pasture, ranging from high rocky pastoral to undulating agricultural; boundary- and division-fences very substantially erected.

No. 12. Bepoet on Bubal Section 37, Blocks XV. and XVI., Christ church Survey District, to 31st March, 1895; Canterbury Land District.—Total area: 47 acres 2 roods. Purchased from the Trustees of the estate of the late Sir Henry Parkes. Price paid for land, £2,137 10s., 29th Jun-e, 1895. Possession to be given Ist July, 1895. The section fronts on the Heathcote Eiver, about two miles from Christchurch Post Office, and in close proximity to the Heathcote Public School. It is situated in a very closely-settled district. The land is of good quality, and is all flat, except a small terrace near the river. The soil is a nice dark rich alluvial, with a fairly good subsoil. No. 13. Eepokt on Midland Eailway Block 41; Canterbury Land District.—Total area: 7,347 acres and 38 perches. Purchased from the New Zealand Midland Eailway Company (Limited) Price paid for land : £6,612 10s. 5d., 3rd May, 1895. The block commences at the Medbury Eailway-station, and extends westerly up the Huruuui Eiver about six miles ; has about three miles and three-quarters of frontage to the river, and at its nearest point is about seven miles from Waikari. Is situated in a pastoral district, and is all in its native state. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,400 copies), £23 10s.

No. 13. Ebpokt on Midland Eailway Block 41; Canterbury Land District.—Total area: 7,347 acres and 38 perches. Purchased from the New Zealand Midland Eailway Company (Limited) Price paid for land : £6,612 10s. 5d., 3rd May, 1895. The block commences at the Medbury Eailway-station, and extends westerly up the Huruuui Eiver about six miles ; has about three miles and three-quarters of frontage to the river, and at its nearest point is about seven miles from Waikari. Is situated in a pastoral district, and is all in its native state. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,400 copies), £23 10s.

By Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington—lB9s. Price 9d.]

4—C. 5.


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Bibliographic details

"LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894" (REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, C-05

Word Count

"LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894" (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, C-05

"LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894" (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, C-05

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