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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 13th day of September, 1893. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a nominal return, alphabetically arranged, of all claimants under " The Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Act, 1892," whose claims have not been favourably reported upon, the return to show opposite the name of each such claimant the reasons why each claim has not been favourably reported upon ; also of all claimants whose claims have been favourably reported upon, the return to show opposite the name of each such claimant whether or not his claim has been finally approved, and whether or not the certificate has been issued in his favour.—(Mr. Palmer.)

Return of Rejected Claims reported upon by the Commissioners of Crown Lands under the Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Acts.

Name. Corps. Beason why Claim rejected. Allen, W. Thomas Aldridge, Thomas Anderson, William Austen, F. George Avery, W. Henry Baker, Charles Baker, Charles Barr, George Barber, James Bassett, James Bates, W. Henry Barrett, Thomas Brain, Alfred J. Beale, A. M. Bedford, Patrick Belsham, Alfred Bentley, J. D. Bethel, Isaac Biddle, Benjamin, N.Z.G. .. Blagrove, V. Blake, Joshua H. .. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Forest Rangers H.M. 20th Regiment Waikato Militia Pokeno Rifle Volunteers Thames Naval Volunteers Armed Constabulary Force Armed Constabulary Force Manukau Naval Volunteers Thames Engineer Volunteers Auckland Naval Volunteers Onehunga Rifle Volunteers Wellington Defence Force Otahuhu Cavalry Volunteers 1.. 0 Battery Artillery Volunteers H.M. 2/18th Regiment Victoria Rifle Volunteers H.M. 24th Regiment Waiuku Rifle Corps Armed Constabulary Force Auckland District Volunteers Thames Engineers and Naval Volunteers H.M. 58th Regiment Victorian Government S.S. Auckland Militia, &e. Colonial Defence Force Auckland Militia Mount Albert Volunteers Forest Rifle Corps H.M. 2/18th Regiment Waikato Militia No corps H.M. 7th Hussars Did not complete term of enrolment. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Acts do not apply to this service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has already received land for service. Not included'in Acts. Not included in Acts. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not enrolled till after 31st October, 1876. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Did not apply till after 31st March, 1893. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has received land for service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not included in Acts. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Boyle, John Bonfield, Patrick Boyd, John F. Brady, James Brady, James Bray, William Brown, John Brogan, Francis Brown, Daniel Bruce, Robert Buckland, Thomas Not discharged with good character. Service not available under Acts. Acts do not apply to this case. Has received land for service. Service does not apply. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not discharged with good character. Service does not apply. Service does not apply. Was not discharged to settle in New Zealand. Was not discharged to settle in New Zea land. Was not discharged to settle in New Zealand. Not discharged with good character. Has already received land for service. Character bad. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Acts do not apply. Already received land for service. Buckley, Timothy H.M. 61st Regiment Campbell, Thomas Seaman, Royal Navy Campbell, George Camp, James Carroll, John Carver, R. W. J. .. Calvert, Charles A. .. Cartman, R. H. H.M. 70th Regiment H.M. 70th Regiment H.M. 2/18th Regiment Yeomanry Cavalry Volunteers Transport Corps, Militia Bay of Plenty Cavalry



Return of Rejected Claims reported upon, &c.— continued.

Name. Corps. Beason why Claim rejected. AUCKLAND DISTRICT— cont inued. Casley, W. J. Creighton, Joseph .. Creighton, Francis .. Clarke, James Clarke, Charles Clarke, William Henry Clarke, George Cochrane, Joseph .. Cole, George Lewis. Coklham, George .. Corlett, John Condon, John Conclron, John Cox, Richard Cox, Richard Cowan, Henry Creen, Robert Crozier, Charles Cull en, John Dennis, George Devlin, Park Dillon, Robert Dillon, James Donnelly, John Donoghue, Hugh .. Dormer, George Douglas-, Alexander Dow, James Dungate, R. R. H. .. Dunn, John Driscoll, Timothy .. Dye, Frank Earl, William Emerson, John Evans, John Eyton, John Farieh, John Faloon, S... Filmer, John James Finch, Thomas Fitzgerald, J. F. Fletcher, Isaac Flynn, William Gallagher, Hugh .. Gallagher, Thomas.. Garrick, William .. Garrard, W. G. Gear, William Gelling, James M. .. George, John Gooderun, W. H. .. Gozar, George Green, William Griffithe, J. H. Grundy, Thomas .. Guinevin, William .. Hagerty, James Harrison, J. H. R. .. Hardman, James .. Hartnett, Michael .. Harlow, Thomas J. Hamilton, S. H. Hammond, T. C. Hansen, Edward Heaphy, Charles, V.C. Healy, Edmund Haurahau, James .. Herbert, Patrick .. Hewlett, Thomas .. Hill, John Hodge, Robert P. .. Holland, George Horsecroft, Charles.. Howard, F. W. Howell, John Ingliss, James Jenkinson, Henry .. Jennings, William .. Jones, Edward Jordan, R. C. Keavns, Richard Kebley, A. J. Keefe, John Kelsall, W. . Hauraki Rifle Volunteers Wairoa Rifle Volunteers Wairoa Rifle Volunteers Forest Rifle Volunteers H.M. 2/18th Regiment Royal Artillery Onehunga Rifle Volunteers Te Awamutu Cavalry Volunteers Armed Constabulary Force New Zealand Militia Howick Cavalry Volunteers H.M. 65th Regiment H.M. 57th Regiment Auckland, &c, Volunteers 2nd Waikato Militia Thames Scotch Volunteers H.M. 58th Regiment H.M. 65th Regiment Auckland Volunteers H.M. 2/12th Regiment Royal Artillery Commissariat Transport Corps Commissariat Transport Corps H.M. 40th Regiment Tuakau Rifles H.M. 14th Regiment Pokeno Rangers H.M. l/12th Regiment H.M. 11th Hussars H.M. 70th Regiment Waikato Militia 1st Class Militia Royal Navy Royal Irish Constabulary Auckland Engineer Volunteers H.M. 96th Regiment H.M. 59th Regiment H.M. 53rd Regiment Bay of Plenty Cavalry Volunteers H.M. 58th Regiment Armed Constabulary Force Manukau and Onehunga Volunteers .. Wairoa Rifles H.M. 58th Regiment Auckland Militia Auckland Volunteers Royal Navy H.M. 58th Regiment Pokeno and H. Volunteers Auckland Militia Waikato Militia Manukau Naval Volunteers H.M. 2/18th Regiment Armed Constabulary Force Thames Naval Volunteers Corps unknown H.M. 61st Regiment.. Auckland Militia H.M. 14th Regiment H.M. 58th Regiment Parnell Militia Auckland Militia Taranaki Volunteers Interpreter Auckland Rifle Volunteers H.M. 18th Regiment H.M. 40th Regiment Bengal Horse Artillery Auckland Militia Victoria Company Auckland Volunteers Waikato Militia Waikato Militia Onehunga Rifle Volunteers Otahuhu Volunteers Auckland Volunteers Forest Rifle Volunteers H.M. 68th Regiment Oamaru Rifle Volunteers H.M. 58th Regiment Tauranga Engineer Volunteers Auckland Artillery Volunteers Indian Navy Tauranga Rifle Volunteers H.M. 33rd Regiment Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not discharged with good character. Did not come to New Zealand for five years after discharge. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Service not within Acts. Acts do not apply to Militia. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not discharged to settle in New Zealand. Did not settle in New Zealand. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Acts do not apply to Militia. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Received land for Heke's war. Did not settle in New Zealand before 1872. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Deserted. Not discharged to settle in New Zealand. Acts do not apply. Acts do dot apply. Has received land for service. Not proved five vears' service as Volunteer. Did not retire till 1883. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Character " very bad." Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Has received land for service. Acts do not apply to this service. Acts do not apply to this service. Has received land for service. Acts do not apply to this service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has received land for service. Did not obtain discharge to settle. Has received land for service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has received la,nd for services. Acts do not apply to this service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not applied till after 31st March, 1893. Acts do not apply to this service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Character bad, dismissed Royal Navy. Not discharged with good character. Received land for his Imperial service. Acts do not apply to this service. Service does not apply. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Did not settle in this colony. Not within the Acts. Has already received certificate. Not five years' Volunteer service. Has already received land. Has received land for service. Has received land for service. Has received land for service. Acts do not apply to this service. Acts do not apply to this service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service; Acts do not apply to this service. Has received land for Imperial service. Has received land for Imperial service. Was not discharged to settle in New Zealand, Has received land for service. Acts do not apply to this service. Has received scrip for t£5. Acts do not apply to this service. Acts do not apply to this service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Received certificate under Act of 1891. Has already received land for service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has already received land. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has already received land. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has already received land.



Return of Rejected Claims reported upon, &c. -continued.

Name. Corps. Beason why Claim rejected. AUCKLAND DISTRICT— cont: Inued. ECeleher, William .. Kelly, William Kilgour, William .. King, James King, Edward King, Edward Knight, William .. Lake, Frank Lambert, William .. Lambert, B. E. Laney, James Leaning, Thomas .. Leckie, Edward Lloyd, John A. Londergan, Thomas Lucas, Charles Lyon, Alexander .. Lyon, George Madden, Richard .. Madden, John Marshall, John Martin, James R. .. Marks, James William Matthews, Richard Maxwell, Joseph Maxwell, William John Maxfield, Harry McCarthy; Thomas McClymont, A. G. McCuTlough, William McCall, James McDermott, John .. McDonald, J. R. .. McElwaine, W. R... McDonald, Michael McGoe, Robert Mclntyre, Finlay .. McLachlan, John .. Mclntyre, John H.M. 58th Regiment Auckland Militia Mauuku Rifle Volunteers Wellington Rifles Pitt's Militia Transport Corps, Pitt's Militia Royal Engineers Tauranga Light Horse Military Train Engineer Volunteers, Militia Volunteers H.M. 70th Regiment Auckland Volunteers H.M. 18th Regiment Onehunga Rifle Volunteers H.M. 58th Regiment Onehunga Rifle Volunteers Auckland Rifle Volunteers H.M. 89th Regiment 1st Waikato Regiment H.M. 99th and 40th Regiments Coromandel Rifle Volunteers Bengal Artillery Auckland Yeomanry Cavalry.. Auckland Volunteers Auckland Militia Auckland Militia Auckland Volunteers Otahuhu Rifle Volunteers Forest Rangers Thames Rifle Volunteers Wairoa Rifle Volunteers H.M. 18th Regiment Taranaki Volunteers Waiuku Rifle Volunteers H.M. 65th Regiment 18th Brigade, Royal Artillery Wairoa Rifle Volunteers Auckland Militia Royal Marine Light Infantry Has already received land. Acts do not apply to this service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Acts do not apply. Acts do not apply. Has received laud for Imperial service. Not discharged till 1881. Has received land for Imperial service. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has already received land. Has received scrip for service. Was not discharged till 1879. Did not submit claim till after 31. Has received land for Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Acts do not apply to the ease. Has already received scrip. Not enrolled till after date required. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Has received land. Has already received scrip. Acts do not apply to Militia. Acts do not apply to Militia. Has already received scrip. Not five years' Volunteer service. Did not complete term of enrolment. Has not five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Character had. Not five years' Volunteer service. Not five years' Volunteer service. Has already received scrip. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Not proved five yea,rs' VoltU-itTeer service. Acts do not apply to this service. Did not come to New Zealand for sevei years after discharge. Has already received land. Has received land-order. Acts do not apply. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has already received land for service. Has already received land for service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Acts do not apply to this service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Did not complete term of engagement. Did not come to New Zealand for twent; years after discharge. Did not come to New Zealand till 1874. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Was not discharged with good character. Not five years' Volunteer service. Has already received land as discharge! soldier. Not five years' Volunteer service. Acts do not apply. Did not complete term of enrolment. Not five years' Volunteer service. Has received land as discharged soldier. Not discharged with good character. Not five years' Volunteer service. Not five years' Volunteer service. Not five years' Volunteer service. Not five years' Volunteer service. McMillan, Alexander Meylor, Thomas Miles, Robert Moore, William Morrow, George Mullins, Anthony .. Murphy, M. Muir, David Murray, William .. Nicholson, Frederick Nodder, John Nolan, Martin Noonan, John H.M. 99th and 40th Regiments H.M. 57th Regiment 2nd Waikato Land Transport Militia .. H.M. 12th Regiment Hauraki Rifle Volunteers H.M. 58th Regiment Hauraki and Thames Volunteers Auckland Naval Artillery Commissariat Transport Corps Auckland Naval Volunteers Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Forest Rangers H.M. 2/18th Regiment 3'Brien, John O'Brien, John O'Hare, Edward D'Toole, John Osborne, Charles .. H.M. 65th Regiment Onehunga Rifle Volunteers H.M. 05th Regiment Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers H.M. 58th Regiment Palmer, Charles Parr, Edward J. Parsons, William .. Parnall, Thomas .. Parry, William Pearce, John Peat, George Perkins, Job Penk, Thomas Penk, R. T. Auckland Rifle Volunteers No corps Forest Rangers Onehunga Rifle Volunteers H.M. 68th Regiment H.M. 58th Regiment Wairoa Rifle Corps Thames Volunteer and A.N. Hauraki Rifle Volunteers Auckland, Hauraki, and Thames Volunteers Auckland Engineer Militia Auckland Volunteers Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Auckland N. and S. Volunteers Otahuhu Militia Auckland Militia 1st Waikato Militia H.M. 12th and 18th Regiments 3rd Waikato Militia Auckland Militia H.M. 58th Regiment Tauranga Light Horse Bombay Army Howiek Royal Cavalry Volunteers Phillips, J. C. Pollard, W. Napier Pope, C. A. Powley, William .. Powell, Thomas 3uinn, Thomas Ramsay, M. F. Rawlings, Thomas .. Reid, William Reid, William Rechall, B. Redmond, J. J. Richardson, Robert Robinson, Thomas.. Acts do not apply to this service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Acts do not apply. Acts do not apply. Acts do not apply. No record of discharge obtainable. Acts do not apply. Acts do not apply. Not discharged with good character. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Did not retire till 1889. Not five years' Volunteer service.



Return of Rejected Claims reported upon, &c. — continued.

Name. Corps. Eeason why Claim rejected. AUCKLAND DISTRICT— cant inued. Rouse, W. Hart Rowe, Henry T. Robinson, John (alias Kirk) Roycroft, J. D. Ruddy, John Russell, James Russell, John E. .. Sage, Jesse Saunders, A. James Scott, Nixon Scholling, M. Scott, John Taranaki Militia Royal Navy (See Hawke'sBay return for this claim) Auckland and Thames Volunteers Te Awamutu Cavalry Volunteers H.M. 50th Regiment H.M. 50th Regiment H.M. 58th Regiment Tauranga Light Horse Volunteers Auckland Cavalry Volunteers H.M. 57th Regiment Auckland Volunteers Acts do not apply to this service. Already received remission certificate. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has already received land. Was not discharged till 1874. Has already received land. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Character very bad. Has already received land (remission certificate). Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has already received land for service. A deserter. Has already received remission certificate. Not five years' Volunteer service. Not five years' Volunteer service. Not five years' Volunteer service. Did not enrol till after date fixed. Did not enrol till after date fixed. Did not retire till 1878. Did not serve full time of engagement. Acts do not apply to this service. Not discharged with a good character. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Acts do not apply to this service. Not enrolled till after 1876. Acts do not apply. Acts do not apply. Acts do not apply. Claim submitted too late. Character " very bad." Has received land for Heke's war. Has received scrip. Not discharged with good character. Acts do not apply to this service. Has received land for this service. Not discharged with good character. Did not serve in New Zealand. Not five years' Volunteer service. Not five years' Volunteer service. Not five years' Volunteer service. Acts do not apply to this service. Acts do not apply to this service. No proof of service. Has received scrip for service. Did not complete term of service. Acts do not apply to this service. Not discharged till 1873. Has already received land. Acts do not apply to this service. Not five years' Volunteer service. j Not five years' Volunteer service. ! Acts do not apply to this service. Seaton, Frederick Shaughnessy, Peter Sheehy, John Sherson, William .. Shaldrick, William Simpson, J. F. Sinclair, John J. Shaw, William Skinner, Phillip Slattery, M. Smith, John H. .. Smith, William Sones, William Spargo, Henry Spencer, Robinson Spihley, J. C. Squibb, George Stapleton, Hon. D. Stichbury, James Stone, C. B. Sweeney, James Thoburn, John Tonks, B. .. Tinsley, T. Tomney, John Towers, William Turnbull, Joseph Wakeham, Thomas Wallace, Matthew Wallace, James Warren, Young Ward, J. P. Watson, G. White, Thomas White, Robert Williams, James Wilkie, James Williamson, David.. Winteringham, J. .. Winter. Francis Woolfield, T. R. Young, J. R. Young, John H. Carlyle and Wairoa Volunteers H.M. 94th Regiment H.M. 2/18th Regiment Auckland Rifle Volunteers Onehunga Naval Volunteers Thames Naval Volunteers Corps unknown Otahuhu Rifle Volunteers Auckland Rifle Volunteers H.M. 7th Fusileers Wellington Defence Force Armed Constabulary H.M. 58th Regiment Waiuku Cavalry Volunteers 3rd Waikato Militia.. Auckland and Devonport Volunteers .. Waikato Militia West York Militia Auckland Militia Auckland Volunteers H.M. 58th Regiment H.M. 58th Regiment Auckland Volunteers H.M. 2/14th Regiment New Zealand Militia H.M. 70th Regiment H.M. 65th Regiment H.M.S. "Petrel" .. Wairoa Volunteers Otahuhu Cavalry Volunteers Waiuku Rifle Volunteers Armed Constabulary Force Waikato Militia Corps unknown H.M. 65th Regiment Forest Rangers Auckland Militia H.M. 13th Light Infantry H.M. 58th Regiment Otahuhu Militia Otahuhu Cavalry Volunteers Auckland Volunteers Waikato Militia Bates, W... Beale, John A. Bodell, James Brady, James .. ' .. Brennan, Joseph Brown, James Buckley, Daniel Cawdron, Robert .. Supplementary List. Otahuhu Cavalry Volunteers Auckland Rifle Volunteers H.M. 59th Regiment H.M. 58th Regiment H.M. 17th Regiment H.M. 58th Regiment H.M. 58th Regiment H.M. 60th Rifles Has received land for service. Not five years Volunteer service. Received land for Militia service. Received land for Heke's war. Received land as military settler. Received land for Heke's war. Received land for Heke's war. Did not obtain discharge to settle in New Zealand. Character bad. Character bad. Received land for Heke's war. Acts do not apply to this service. Received land for military service. Character indifferent. Received land as a discharged soldier. Received land for Heke's war. Character indifferent.' Received land for Heke's war. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Did not settle in the colony. Deserted in New Zealand. Received £30 scrip in 1879 for service. Deserted 9th September, 1869. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Received land for Volunteer service. Received land for Volunteer service. Received land for Militia service. Clancey, Patrick Clarck, Bernard Connolly, F. Cookson, Edmund Crow, William Dalziel, James Dilley, Charles Downey, Matthew Feme, Thomas Flannery, Charles Ford, Thomas Fosbroke, T. D. Gourlav, Thomas Green, Joseph Hackett, John Haseman, Henry Heaton, James Henshaw, T. J. Irwin, Daniel H.M. 2/14th Regiment H.M. 40th Regiment H.M. 58th Regiment Commissariat Transport Corps H.M. 57th Regiment Royal Engineers Taranaki Volunteers H.M. 58th Regiment H.M. 65th Regiment H.M. 58th Regiment H.M. 57th Regiment R. M. Light Infantry Military Train Waiuku Cavalry Volunteers H.M. l/18th Regiment H.M. 80th Regiment H.M. 65th Regiment Rifle Brigade H.M. 59th Regiment



Return of Rejected Claims reported upon, &c.— continued.

Name. Corps. Beason why Claim rejected. AU Jones, Henry J. Kain, Michael Kelly, Robert Keilly, Patrick Kew, William Lander, J. C. Lake, Frank Madden, Richard .. McDermott, J. McGibney, L. McGivenny, L. McMahon, Patrick McReynolds, T. Measures, Joseph Miller, William Newey, James Odium, J. Pearson, James Perkins, Job Petty, Dominiek Quinn, James Rainsford, F. Rattigan, Peter Ryan, Jeremiah Ryan, W. A. R. Ryan, John ... Scott, John Shanaghan, J. P. .. Smith, John Symonds, J. J. Taylor, George Thomas, W. F. Thomas, W. Esdaile Thomas, G. L. B. Vincent, A. Wadsworth, John .. Walsh, Martin Ward, Patrick Whaley, John Wilks, Elijah Wynyard, R. H. CKLAND DISTRICT (Supplementary List)— continued. Auckland Militia and Commissariat Staff Acts do not apply to service. H.M. 12th Regiment .. .. Deserted at Sydney, New South Wales, 1st December, 1862. H.M. 83rd Regiment .. .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. H.M. 2/18th Regiment .. .. Character on discharge bad. Onehunga Rifle Volunteers .. .. Application sent in too late. Auckland Naval Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Tauranga Cavalry Volunteers .. Already received land for service. 1st Waikato Militia .. .. .. Acts do not apply to service. H.M. 2/18th Regiment .. .. Character on discharge bad. H.M. 2/18th Regiment .. .. Deserted, 3rd August, 1870. H.M. 2/18th Regiment .. .. Deserted, 3rd August, 1869. H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. Already received land for Heke's war. Royal Artillery and New Zealand Fen- Already received land for his service. cibles H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. Already received land as discharged soldier. H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. Already received land as military settler. H.M. 6th Inniskilling Dragoons .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. H.M. 65th Regiment .. .. Already received land for service. H.M. 57th Regiment .. .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. H.M. 25th King's Own .. .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. H.M. 40th Regiment .. .. Already received land for service. H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. Already received land for Heke's war. H.M. 2/18th Regiment .. .. Character on discharge bad. H.M. 65th Regiment .. .. Received scrip for his service. H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. Received land for Heke's war. H.M.S. " Defence " .. .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. H.M. 65th Regiment .. .. Already received land for service. Auckland Volunteers .. .. Already received land for service. H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. Already received land for Heke's war. Royal Canadian Rifles .. .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. H.M. 5th Fusiliers .. .. Already received land for service. H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. Already received land for service. Waiuku Cavalry Volunteers .. .. Received scrip under Act of 1891. H.M. 26th Regiment .. .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. H.M. 12th Regiment .. .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. H.M. 65th Regiment .. .. Already received land for service. H.M. 99th Regiment .. .. Already received land for service. H.M. 70th Regiment .. .. Did not settle in New Zealand till afterdate. H.M. 99th Regiment .. .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. Already received land for Heke's war. H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. No trace of service in the Regiment. H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. Did not settle in New Zealand. Ashton, John Ashton, Edward Ashton, William Blackstop, George Boland, Michael Boland, Michael (as legatee, W. Donovan) Carter, Richard Cassells, P. Corbett, P. Forsythe, William Fagan, John Fitzpatrick, John Groome, M. E. Hogan, Joseph Hornsby, J. T. Howe, Thomas HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Hawke's Bay Yeomanry Cavalry .. Not discharged till 1873. Volunteer Artillery Corps .. .. Not supplied any information re claim. Napier Artillery Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Hawke's Bay Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Wairoa Military Settlers .. .. Has received land for service. Wairoa Military Settlers .. .. Dealt with in S. P. & C. Act, 1882. Largo, John F. Larkin, Stephen Larner, Patrick Lynch, Michael Maher, Patrick Markham, Robert Martin, Robert Miller, R. W. Miller, Richard W. Mitchell, William Muir, James McAUarney, John McDonald, Donald McGuire, Patrick McGregor, Robert Palmer, James Spencer, James Spiller, T. R. Torpey, Richard H.M. l/10th Regiment .. .. Not served in New Zealand. H.M. 2/18th Regiment .. .. Character " bad." H.M. 57th Regiment .. .. Character " indifferent." H.M. 2/18th Regiment .. .. Not discharged till 1878. Cook County Rifles, &c. .. .. Service dates from 1882 only. H.M. 99th Regiment .. .. Has already received land as military settler. Hawke's Bay Cavalry .. .. Has only two and a half years' service. Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers .. Has received land for this service. Arrow Rifle Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years'Volunteer service. H.M. 2/14th Regiment .. .. Did not obtain discharge to settle in New Zealand. Ngatipoi'i Contingent .. .. Not five years' service as Volunteer. Volunteers and Militia .. .. Has already received land for his service. H.M. 40th Regiment .. .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand H.M. 2/14th Regiment .. .. Character " bad." H.M. 14th Regiment .. .. Claim sent in too late. H.M. 2/18th Regiment .. .. Not discharged till 1878. Hawke's Bay Military Settlers .. Application too late. Hawke's Bay Defence Force .. Application too late. H.M. 33rd Regiment .. .. Did not serve in New Zealand. H.M. 2/18th Regiment .. .. Deserted. Waipawa Yeomanry Cavalry .. .. Not proved five years' service as Volunteer. H.M. 65th Regiment .. .. Character " irregular." Casual service only. H.M. 18th Regiment .. .. Deserted. H.M. 65th Regiment .. .. Did not retire till 1873. H.M. 57th Regiment .. .. No information from claimant. H.M. 40th Regiment .. .. Already received land. Napier Rifle Corps.. .. .. Not proved five years'Volunteer service. H.M. 50th Regiment .. ., Character " bad."



Return of Rejected Claims reported upon, &c. — continued.

Name. Corps. Beason why Claim rejected. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Baker, H. R. Bourke, Ulrick Bushford, F. H. Camp, J. T. .. Carroll, James Coffey, M. J. Collart, Robert Conway, P. .. Cowper, James Dunn, John Dyer, George Gayne (or Geane) .. Grey, William G. .. Green, W. J. Jury,R. S Johnson, J. .. Johnston, Coslett .. Judd, John Kelly, Edward Kelly, James V. Kirkby, J. F. V. .. McCoy, John McLdouri, Daniel .. Nathan, William .. Nicholl, James O'Brien, James Rassman, Chajles .. Richards, William .. Ryan, George Steer, John Weir, James Auckland Volunteers .. .. Has already received land for service. Carlylo Rifle Volunteers .. .. Has already received land for service. Waikato Militia .. .. .. Not within tho Acts. H.M. 70th Regiment .. .. Has already received land (duplicate, Auckland). Patea Rifles .. .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Opunake Rifle Volunteers .. .. Has received land for Volunteer service. Military Settlers .. .. .. Has received land for Militia service. Rifle Volunteers .. .. .. Has received land for Imperial service. Patea Militia .. .. .. Has received land for service. Wanganui Rifles .. .. .. Has received scrip for Imperial service. Kai Iwi Cavalry .. .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. H.M. 99th Regiment .. .. Not discharged till 1873. Taranaki Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Inglewood Rangers .. .. .. Not furnished particulars of service. Taranaki Militia .. .. .. Has already received land. Taranaki Volunteers.. .. .. Has already received land. Hawera Volunteers .. .. .. Has already received land. No corps .. .. .. .. No regular service or claim sent in. H.M. 57th Regiment .. .. Has received land for service. Royal Artillery .. .. .. Has received land for service. H.M. 20th Regiment .. .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Taranaki Volunteers .. .. Has received land for Imperial service. Wairoa Rifle Volunteers .. .. Has been compensated as military settler. Carlyle Rifle Volunteers .. .. Has not proved five years'Volunteer service Taranaki Rangers .. .. .. Has not proved five years' Volunteer service, Taranaki Rangers .. .. .. Already received land. Carlyle Rifles .. .. .. Already received land. Taranaki Rangers .. .. .. Received scrip for £15. Taranaki Militia .. .. .. Service not included in Acts. Taranaki Militia .. .. .. Has received land. H.M. 68th Regiment .. .. Has sent in no regular claim. Too late. Anderson, Charles .. Anderson, Duncan.. Anderson, Thomas .. Andrews, Alfred Ballantine, P. Barber, W. H. P. Beale, J. B. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Beere, E. H. Blackmore, James Brightwell, Thomas Bradley, J. H. Brown, J. H. Brodie, J. Burnett, J. A. Cavanagh, M. Clooney, Thomas .. Connolly, James Connell, Thomas .. Conroy, John Curran, John Davey, Samuel Davis, Joseph Davis, G. S. Donaghy, John Edwards, Charles .. Edwards, G. Elliotte, R. H. English, James Ennis, William Escott, Thomas Evans, John Ford, A. S. Foster, George Fulton, John Garbes, Peter Gibson, Harrison .. Gibson, W. H. Hall, Thomas Harding, R. C. Harrison, William .. Henson, T., jun. Hogan, David Jessop, J. .. Jones, E. F. Jones, Joseph Johns, W. H. Kemp, George Lawton, James Laird, W. H. Taranaki Military Settlers .. .. No provision for such service. Auckland Militia .. .. .. Service not included in Acts. Wellington Militia .. .. .. Service not included in Acts. Auckland Rifle Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Wanganui Rifle Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Wellington City Rifles .. .. No appearance to May, 1893. Auckland and Wellington Rifle Volun- Not proved five years' Volunteer service. teers Surveyor under military escort .. No provision. H.M. 98th and 38th Regiments .. Did not come to New Zealand till 1874. Auckland Militia .. .. .. Service not included in Acts. H.M. 65th Regiment . .. .. Character indifferent. Bigg's Hawke's Bay Volunteers .. Not within scope of Acts. Militia and Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Wanganui Rifle Corps .. .. Received a remission certificate. H.M. 18th Regiment .. .. Did not come to New Zealand till 1875. H.M. 57th Regiment .. .. No appearance at inquiry. H.M. 50th Regiment .. .. Character indifferent. Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. H.M. 14th Regiment .. .. Character indifferent. 4th Lancashire Militia .. .. Service not provided for in Acts. Taranaki Militia .. .. .. Service not provided for in Acts. Transport Corps .. .. .. Service not provided for in Acts. Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers .. Not five years' Volunteer service. H.M. 18th Regiment .. .. Not discharged with good character. Carterton Rifle Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Lady Bowen Light Horse .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Wairarapa and Rangitikei Volunteers .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Royal Navy .. .. .. Not discharged till 1876. H.M. 2/14th Regiment .. .. Character indifferent. H.M. 02nd Regiment .. .. No evidence of discharge to settle. Webber's Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Tauranga Cavalry Volunteers .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. H.M. 57th Regiment .. .. Not discharged till 1875. Royal Engineers .. .. .. Not discharged to settle in New Zealand. Buck's Wellington Rifles .. .. Not provided for in Acts. Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Hutt Rifle Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Napier Rifle Volunteers ... . .■ Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Wellington Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Wanganui and Rangitikei Volunteers .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. H.M. 57th Regiment .. .. Character indifferent. Victoria Cavalry Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Rifle Brigade .. .. .. Character " bad." Prince of Wales Rifle Volunteers .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. 2nd Waikato Militia .. .. Not within the Acts. Royal Navy .. .. .. Not discharged till 1874. H.M. 62nd Regiment .. .. Did not serve in New Zealand. H.M. 62nd Regiment .. .. Particulars of discharge not obtained.

H.—2 3a


Return of Rejected Claims reported upon, &c.— continued.

Name. Corps. Eeason why Claim rejected. WELLINGTON DISTRICT— cor. mtinued. Liddle, John Littlewood, H. P. Lind, David Lloyd, Thomas Love, T. G. Lowe, John Love, William Mackintosh, CD. Macdonald, J. S. Mafers, Henry Malcolm, W. March, H. F. McCafferty, Patrick .. , H.M. 2nd Dragoons .. .. 3rd Dragoon Guards.. .. I Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers .. j Wellington Rangers .. .. Auckland Rifle Volunteers .. H.M. 88th Regiment .. H.M. 18th Regiment .. ] H.M. 14th Regiment .. ' Highland Rifle Corps .. | Buck's Wellington Rifles .. 'Nelson Rifle Volunteers .. ; Hawke's Bay Volunteers .. H.M. 65th Regiment Did not serve in New Zealand. Already received remission certificate. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Served in paid corps. Did not serve in Volunteers till 1876. Did not come to Now Zealand till 1874. Character " bad." Deserted from 14th Regiment. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Served where no Act was in force. Corps not within the Acts. Has already received land for Imperial services. Not within the Acts. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Character indifferent. Has received land for service. Not discharged to settle in Now Zealand. Not five years' service as Volunteer. Has received remission certificate for service. Act of 1865 not in force in Nelson. Act of 1865 not in force in Nelson. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Served in Buck's paid corps. Received land for Imperial service. Not discharged till 1877. Not discharged with good character. Has received remission certificate. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. No provisions in Acts for this service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has received remission certificate. Did not serve in New Zealand. Not discharged with a good character. Has received remission certificate. Has not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has not proved five years' Volunteer service. Has received land for Imperial service. Has received land for Imperial service. No provision in Acts for Militia service. Not discharged with good character. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. No provision for Militia service. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Did not come to New Zealand for five years after discharge. Has already received certificate. Has not proved five years' Volunteer service. McGovern, L. McManemin, W. B. Meehan, Michael .. Moir, David Meney, Lawrence .. Mullins, Anthony .. Murphy, John Murphy, Martin Neary, Stephen Newth, T. N. Newth, R. H. Oswin, A. F. Perry, P. B. Philiips, G. S. - Quinn, John Redding, James Rollston, Charles .. Retemeyer, W. Richards, Frederick Rollo, A. .. Rolf, Reuben Ross, George Ryan, Simon Sexton, W. H. Shannon, John Skinner, W. H. Sloane, J. A. Small, Westwater .. Stott, Abraham Sweeney, Patrick .. Terry, John Tracey, James Vaughan, F. A. Waters, Thomas Whale, William .. Wilkinson, M. .. Royal Irish Constabulary .. Patea Rifle Corps .. ' Wanganui Rifle Volunteer Corps .. Wellington No. 1 Rifle Volunteers .. H.M. 57th Regiment .. H.M. 65th Regiment .. Bombay Horse Artillery .. Pahautanui Rifle Corps .. Wanganui Volunteer Cavalry .. Richmond Iiifle Corps .. Marlborough Rangers .. Royal Navy .. Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers.. Wellington Colonial Defence Force .. Wanganui Rifle Volunteer Corps .. H.M. 40th Regiment .. H.M. 40th Regiment .. Victoria Cavalry Volunteers .. .. Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers .. Wellington Militia .. .. Hutt Cavalry Volunteers Wanganui Cavalry .. Wanganui Militia Royal Navy .. H.M. 57th Regiment .. Taranaki Military Settlers .. Patea Rifle Volunteers .. Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry .. Gisborne Rifle Volunteers .. Wanganui Militia .. 3rd Waikato Militia .. H.M. 18th Regiment .. Nelson City Rifles .. .. Wanganui Militia .. Alfred Cavalry Volunteers .. .. .. H.M. 2/18 Regiment.. Winchcombe, W. G. Young, J. C. .. Wairoa Rifle Volunteers .. .. J .. Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers .. \ NELSON DISTRICT. Service not provided for in Acts. Service not provided for in Acts. Service not provided for in Acts. Clough, W. Form an, M. Stallard, F. .. i Waikato Militia .. .. .. ! Pitt's Militia .. I Waikato Militia MARLBOROUGH DISTRIO JT. Ahearn, John .. H.M. 99th Regiment .. .. I ! Did not come to colony for four years after discharge. Did not come to colony for four years afterdischarge. Did not complete term of service. Arrived in colony three years after discharge. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. Militia service not provided for in Acts. No proof of service in regiment. " Volunteer Land Act, 1865," not in force in Marlborough. Not five years' Volunteer service. Dougherty, Felix .. .. H.M. 5th Fusiliers Foley, John Fox, D. S. Hewitt, Vincent Lane, G. S. Mulvey, Mary Rush, Phillip .. Taranaki Militia .. H.M. 52nd Regiment .. Land Transport Corps .. Waikato Militia .. H.M. 58th Regiment .. Marlborough Rifles .. Wiley, Daniel .. Patea and Caroline Volunteers .. I CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Andrews, J. H. Austin, James Baillie, D. W. Baillie, William Booth, James Clarkson, J. P. Davies, Charles Dixon, John .. Royal Navy and Yeomanry Cavalry .. .. H.M. 12th Lancers .. .. Royal Artillery .. .. .. .. Royal Dragoons .. ! Porirua Militia .. .. .. [ .. Manukau Rifle Volunteers .. .. I .. j Hawke's Bay Defence Force .. .. .. A. B., sloop " Victoria " .. . ,| Not served in the colony. Did not come to New Zealand for ten years after discharge. Did not come to New Zealand till 1875. ; Did not come to New Zealand till 1875. No provision in Acts. Not five years' Volunteer service. Not within the provisions of Act. Not within tho provisions of Act.


Return of Rejected Claims reported upon, &c. — continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,250 copies), ±'8 3s.

By Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB94. Price 6d.'t


fame. lorps, Reason w] h3 laim rejeei CANTERBURY DISTRICT— continued. Field, Toledo Firman, T. .. Findlay, James Foster, Henry Hewitt, Peter Levens, George McGuire, Patrick .. Mclnnes, John Ryan, Richard Russell, J. J. R. .. Smith, A. W. Sullivan, M. Taylor, H. P. Thorne, Samuel Taylor, C. McK. .. Vanstone, Richard.. Weir, Thomas .. ; No. 2 Company Rifle Volunteers .. ' Not five years' Volunteer service. .. : No. 1 Hawke's Bay Military Settlers .. Not within provisions of the Acts. .. | Temuka Volunteers .. .. .. Volunteer service in Canterbury not admitted. .. | H.M. 51st Regiment.. .. .. Claimant residing in New South Wales. .. ! Royal Navy .. .. .. Not discharged till 1869. Not served in New Zealand. .. Temuka Volunteers .. .. .. Volunteer service in Canterbury not admitted. .. H.M. 14th Regiment .. .. Did not settle in New Zealand till 1875. .. j Wellington Defence Force .. .. No power under Acts. .. j Royal Navy .. .. .. Did not serve in the colony. .. H.M. 2/18th Regiment .. .. Did not settle in New Zealand on retirement. .. j Auckland Rifle Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. .. I H.M. 88th Regiment .. .. Not discharged to settle in New Zealand. .. , Royal Navy .. .. .. Did not serve in the colony. .. ! H.M. 5th Lancers .. .. .. Did not settle till eight years after discharge. .. H.M. l/12th Regiment .. .. Did not come to colony for four years after discharge. .. Royal Navy .. .. .. Did not settle in colony for ten years after discharge. .. H.M. 17th Regiment .. .. Did not come to this colony till 1874. OTAGO DISTRICT. East, Richard McKinley, James .. McClean, Alexander Watts, William .. H.M. 40th Regiment .. .. Not discharged till 1874. .. Clutha Rifle Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. .. Clutha Rifle Volunteers .. .. Not proved five years' Volunteer service. .. Taranaki Militia .. .. .. Acts do not apply to this claim. WESTLAND DISTRICT. Ballantyne, Alexander Brimble, James Finnigan, Peter Gleeson, F. J. Lewis, Richard j.. .. 3rd Waikato Militia .. .. ,'. I Service not provided for. .. i Greymouth Volunteers .. .. Not proved Volunteer service for five years. .. ! Armed Constabularly Force .. .. Service in Armed Constabulary not avail- .. j able. ,. j H.M. 40th Regiment .. .. Has received compensation for military I service.

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Bibliographic details

"NAVAL AND MILITARY SETTLERS' AND VOLUNTEERS' LAND ACT, 1892" (RETURN RELATIVE TO DEALINGS WITH CLAIMS SENT IN UNDER)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-23a

Word Count

"NAVAL AND MILITARY SETTLERS' AND VOLUNTEERS' LAND ACT, 1892" (RETURN RELATIVE TO DEALINGS WITH CLAIMS SENT IN UNDER). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-23a

"NAVAL AND MILITARY SETTLERS' AND VOLUNTEERS' LAND ACT, 1892" (RETURN RELATIVE TO DEALINGS WITH CLAIMS SENT IN UNDER). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-23a

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