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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1882."

In compliance with the provisions of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889," I have the honour to report as follows on the business of the Patent Office during the year ended 31st December, 1893: — 2. The Appendix to this report contains the following returns : — A. Balance-sheet of revenue and expenditure, with particulars thereof. B. List of the staff and salaries. C. Return of applications for patents in each year from 1861 to 1889, under Acts now repealed, showing numbers lapsed and numbers in force. D. Return of provisional and conmlete specifications received in 1890, 1891, 1892, and 1893 under the Act of 1889. E. Classified return of applications to register trade-marks during 1891, 1892, and 1893. The Act requiring exporters of butter to use a registered trade-mark has caused a very large increase in the number of marks registered in Class 42. It will be observed that they number nearly as many as all the other trade-marks put together. F. Nature of inventions for which letters patent have been applied for during 1893. It will be noticed that treating metals for gold-saving and other purposes is the subject of a large proportion of patents. G. Total number of applications relative to patents, designs, and trade-marks during 1890, 1891, 1892, and 1893. H. Alphabetical list of applicants for letters patent in 1893. I. Chronological list of applications for letters patent in 1893. J. Return showing the countries and colonies from which applications for letters patent have been received during 1891, 1892, and 1893. New Zealand shows the greatest increase in number. K. Return showing the countries and colonies from which applications for registration of trade-marks have been received during 1891, 1892, and 1893. In these the United Kingdom is next to New Zealand in number. 3. Table G shows that the business of the office is still growing. The revenue continues steadily to increase, being £2,150 in 1893, as against £1.825 in 1892. The excess of receipts over expenditure is £1,753, as against £1,463 in 1892. 4. I again urge that some, at least, of this surplus revenue should be spent for the benefit and encouragement of inventors, as indicated in previous reports. 5. It will be observed in Table J. that applications for letters patent have been received this year from Holland and India for the first time under the present Act. 6. For much valuable information relative to the various applications made to the office, I beg leave to refer to the Patent Office Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, published fortnightly. 7. The following countries and colonies have joined the International Convention for the Protection of Patentees' Rights and other purposes : Great Britain, United States, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Servia, Switzerland, Tunis, San Domingo, Guatemala, Brazil, New Zealand, Queensland, Curacoa and Surinam, and East Indian Colonies of the Netherlands. Under this Convention any person who has secured protection in any one of the contracting States may, without danger of losing his rights through piracy, or prior publication, apply for letters patent in an)' of the other States within the period of seven months from his first application. Trade-marks are similarly protected for four months. It is hoped that other British colonies will soon join the Convention. 8. As stated last year, arrangements have been made between the Colony of Victoria and this colony for such reciprocal protection. 9. Attention is invited to the remarks and suggestions made in my report of 1892, which still hold good.

I—H. 2.



10. The Museum is no longer able to accommodate the rapidly-increasing Patent Office library, and consequently several cases of British specifications are, for want of a lodging-place, still unpacked. Many complaints have been made of the inconvenience to the public caused by this want of room. lam glad, however, to have reason for hope that the Government will during this year provide suitable rooms for the Patent Office, including one for its valuable and useful library, and perhaps for models. 11. It gives me pleasure to be able to speak in the highest terms of the diligence, ability, and carefulness of the clerks in the office. C. J. A. Haselden, Registrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks. Patent Office, Wellington, 12th May, 1894.

A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1893. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 1,764 1 6 Salaries ... ... ... 285 0 0 Design fees ... ... ... 010 0 Incidental expenses ... ... 4539 Trade-mark fees ... ... 382 3 6 Value of printing and stationery Sale of Acts... ... ■ ... 3 7 0 from Government Printing Office 66 4 6 Surplus for the year 1893 ... 1,753 13 9 £2,150 2 0 £2,150 2 0

Particulars of Fees received, from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1893.

Number. Eecs. Each. Amount received. Patents. Applications for patents, with provisional specifications Applications for patents, with complete specifications Complete specifications filed after provisional Applications to amend specifications Issue of patents Issue of duplicate patents Renewal fees on patents granted under Act of 1883 Renewal fees before the end of the fourth year from date of patent Notices of opposition to applications for letters patents Notice of opposition to application to amend specification Hearing objections Applicationc for extension of time for filing complete specifications Grant of such extension Applications for extension of timo for issue of patent Grant of such extension Applications for extension of timo for payment of renewal fees Grant of such extension Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against Registrar's decision Searches Registration of assignments and licenses of patents Certificates of such registration Copies Applications to correct clerical errors in specifications Registration of Patent Agents .. .. ... Miscellaneous 254 410 58 6 334 2 69 21 8 1 5 3 2 1 1 3 3 4 248 35 27 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 5 0 0 10 0 10 2 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 10 £ s. a. 127 0 0 205 0 0 29 0 0 6 0 0 068 0 0 4 0 0 483 0 0 105 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 0 12 8 0 17 10 0 13 10 0 38 12 6 0 15 0 2 2 0 4 14 0 "3 2 0 5 1 1 Designs. £1,764 1 6 Application for registration of a design 0 10 0 10 0 Teade-maeks. 1 0 10 £0 10 0 Applications for registration of trade-marks.. Registration of trade-marks Registration of series of trade-marks Notices of opposition to registration of trade-marks Registration of subsequent proprietors of trade-marks Certificates of registration Searches.. Copies .. .. .-. Advertisements —Pees for additional space Miscellaneous 336 253 3 6 11 7 104 0 5 1 0 i"o o"5 0 1 84 0 0 253 0 0 12 0 0 6 0 0 7 8 0 1 15 0 5 4 0 1 12 6 9 6 0 1 18 0 £382 3 6



]3. —Staff of Officers and present Salaries. jg Registrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks* ... ... Nil. Clerk "0 Clerk ... ... ••■ ■•• ••• ••• 1M Total salaries ... ... • • • £290 * Also Under-Secretary for Justice.

C.—Number of Applications for Patents and Letters of Registration under Acts now repealed.

D.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c., under Act of 1889.

Numl Applic rece: ber of jations ived. Numbe] Applii lapsed 0: : of such :ations : refused. Number 0 and Le' Rogist sealed c Applic >f Patents tters of ;ration on such :ations. Number of such Patents lapsed owing to Non-payment of Renewal Pees. Number of such Patents and Letters of Registration in Force to End of Term. Year and Act. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. "1861) *g 1864 J ■g 1865 < § J 1866 SSI 1867 . % 1868 p 1869 1870 f 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 |o 18?6 .5H1877 rg -1 1878 a 1879 P 1880 1881 1882 1883 •g f 1884 ° 1885 11886 ■-. 2 1 1887 ■I 1888 p [1889 6 15 6 15 6 15 o ° — CO f-< CO P 1 4 3 5 9 19 19 19 14 4 16 19 15 27 22 34 34 89 159 260 240 380 402 489 460 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 98 83 123 143 256 236 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 11 6 2 9 13 9 23 13 24 24 55 74 133 99 164 160 189 194 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 90 69 107 132 216 204 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 1 2 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 91 74 41 29 45 37 64 *4H O o <ri O t- _ 00 £^ d P 5 8 8 2 7 6 6 4 9 10 10 34 85 127 141 216 242 300 266 10 4 2 8 12 7 20 13 16 23 48 57 116 90 141 138 165 1 1 2 3 8 1 7 17 17 9 23 22 24 "_ 8 14 16 11 40 32 49 40 62 95 152 Note.—By " r Aich they are not * These columj leriods not having l.Z." is rr so reside: ns are not yet expir< leant those in which the ap; it. filled up, as necessarily the 1 id. plicants rs iside in t he colony, and by ■' Foreign " those in •eturns worid be ini lompleto ai id of no 'aluo, the respective

w Number cations w: Complete cations of Appliith which 3 Specirllodged. Number cations w Provisiona tions 1 of Appliidth which .1 Specificalodged. Numl Applicatior Complet' cations sul lodj ner of ,s for which 3 Specifijsequently »ed. Number cations ai lapse reft] of Applibandoned, :d, or lsed. Numbf Patents se: at Prese Fore er of aled and mt in 30. 1890 1891 1892 1893 N.Z. 242 187 207 198 Foreign. 207 207 189 178 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 Foreign. 60 69 50 52 N.Z. 27 29 40 29* Foreign. 17 25 16 12* N.Z. 202 191 207* 43* Foreign. 50 50 41* 11* N.Z. 147 122 123* 41* Foreign. 217 226 200* 161* * i figures are necesi .. For total number ol iarily incomplete, as tl applications see Tabb to time for proceeding further with the applications has not yet iG. )irc<



E.—Number of Applications to register Trade-marks, the Number advertised, and the Number registered, in the Fifty different Classes in each of the Years 1891, 1892, and 1893.

1891. 1892. 1893. to § 3 Classification ol Goods. is > <■> ■5.2 t3 lip N ft! L H it U 31 r 11 as 1 Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Eaw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes ; instruments and apparatus for teaching Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances not medicated for surgical or curative purposes, or in- relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britannia.metal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Other silk goods, not included in Classes 30 and 31 Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather, not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha, not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery .. .. .. Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including gingerbeer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes Miscellaneous 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 10 8 7 18 17 i i >, 3 4 32 1 27 20 32 2 25 2 24 1 18 4 18 4 18 2 5 6 3 2 3 2 '2 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 7 1 1 1 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 9 .0 .1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 i 1 .2 3 A 5 2 o 2 4 2 4 1 7 4 5 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 :5 .0 .7 1 1 2 1 1 1 i 1 .8 .9 i() !1 !2 !8 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9 1 1 1 2 2 1 5 1 1 5 1 5 1 i 8 1 8 'i 6 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 i 2 2 2 i 1 1 JO il J2 53 !4 )5 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 i 'i 1 - 2 3 1 2 1 'i 1 1 1 i i 1 S6 57 1 1 *2 2 2 2 2 2 2 "a 58 39 10 9 3 10 2 15 2 9 5 9 5 8 2 15 5 1 15 5 13 6 11 12 13 14 57 38 10 51 31 10 46 24 7 1 97 22 7 82 29 5 36 29 6 1 128 23 5 1 132 20 6 1 108 19 6 15 16 n 17 14 10 12 22 22 16 32 1 26 29 1 21 21 1 13 13 is 19 14 11 48 9 2 10 12 2 2 49 50 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 10 1 7 24 20 15 '9 For the total number see Table G.



F. —Number and Nature of Letters Patent applied for in New Zealand during the Year 1893.

Nature of Invontion. w a d o o Nature of Invention. in i-i o <_> * a Nature of Invontion. H .1 1 a * g Advertising Aerated waters Aluminium, extracting Aluminium,coating metals with Amalgamating Amusements Barrow, sack Baths Bearings Bedstead Belts, galvanic, &c. Bicycles and tricycles Billiard cushion Blind Boats, propelling Boilers, steam Bolts and nuts Bookshelves Boots and shoes Boring Bottles and bottling Boxes Brakes Brands Bread-making Brewing Brick Bridge Buildings Bush - falling scaffold - board shoe Butter-printers, &c. Candlesticks Cans Can-opener Casks Catamenial pad Cement Chaff-cutters Chair Chair and steps Chair, electro-medical Cb air-seat Chimney-sweeping Churns Cigarette-machines Cigars, &c, lighting Gleaning and polishing Clothes-peg Clothes-suspender Clothing Coffin Coin, storing, &c. Commode Concentrators Cooling and freezing Copying manuscript Corrugated-iron, fixing Couplings Coupons Cowls Crushing Cultivator Cutting and sawing Decorating Dipping animals Disinfecting Diving Door-handles Drains and draining Draw-bar Drawers, partitioning Drawing instruments Drills, agricultural Eggs, beating Eggs, preserving Electric batteries Electricity, medical application of Elevators Enamelling Engines 6 2 1 1 12 6 1 3 2 1 3 6 1 1 1 4 5 2 8 1 2 8 5 3 2 4 1 1 7 1 5 2 6 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 4 2 1 3 1 1 1 7 4 1 2 3 2 2 6 1 13 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 4 Envelopes Evaporating-pan Excavator Explosives.. Felting, manufacture of Fencing Fibre-dressing Filters Fire-alarm Firearms Fire-escape Firegrates Fire-guard Fireplugs Fireworks Fish, catching Flax, utilising pulp of Flushing apparatus Food Fuel Fur, dressing Furnaces .. Furniture Gas Gas-burner Gate Gold, &c, obtaining Governors Grab appliance Grinding and sharpening Gripper Grubbers Gum-moistener Gutta-percha, forming compounds with Hair, removing from hides .. Harness and saddlery Harrows Harvesting machine Hat-suspender Heat-deflector Heating Hinge Hooks Horse-shoe Husking maize Illuminating Index Indicating residents in streets Insurance, means for effecting Iron, manufacture of Ironsand, treating Joining Kauri-gum, preparing Kilns Knee-protector Label Ladder Lamps Lamps, utilising heat from .. Lapping crank pins Leather articles, manufacture of Leather, degreasing Levers Lifting Lightning-arrester Locks and latches Lubricators Malting Mangle Manhole Manure Manure, distributing Marking Mats Mattresses Measuring Medicines Metals, separating, &o. Milk-cooler Milk, purifying 1 1 1 2 1 18 10 3 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 6 1 2 3 38 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 9 3 1 1 1 5 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 Milk-pan .. Milk-strainer Milking Mop Motors and motive - power mechanism Moulds Music-leaves, turning Nails Oils, treating Optical illusions, exhibiting .. Oysters, opening Packing Pails Paints Paper-holder, roll Pattern-satchel Perambulators, holding infants in Pictures, hanging Pigeon,lay Pigs, singeing Pipes, tobacco Plant-protector Plaster Ploughs Potato-digger Preserving food Preserving skins Presses Printing Pulleys Pumps Rabbits, &c, exterminating.. Railways Railway-rails, fasteningRake Recording messages, &c. Roadways, laying block Rotating bodies, supporting .. Ruler Saleyard, live-stock Saws, setting Seats Seat altitude regulator Seed-dressing Seed-sowing Separating materials Sewage, treatment of Shearing and clipping Sheaves Sheep, drenching Sheep, ear-marking.. Sheep, feeding Shocking machine Signalling Skate, road Skins, protecting rats from .. Skylight frame Slate and pencil caso Smoke consuming, &c. Soap Spark-arrester Stereotyping Stoking holds Strap, back- and shoulder- .. Strength-testing machine Stone, manufacture of artificial Stone, moulding and dressing Stump-extracting Sunken vessels, raising Surveyors' appliances Tallying Tanks, emptying Tanning Taps Telegraphy Telephones Tent Theodolite Thinner, agricultural Threshing l l 7 1 10 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 7 1 12 4 3 2 18 10 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 16 3 5 2 7 2 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 7 1 3 9 1 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 2 3 8 40 1 1 1 1 12



F.—Number and Nature of Letters Patent applied for in New Zealand during the Year 1893 — continued.

Note.—As some applications are entered under more than one head, the figures will add up to more than the actual number of applications received (for which see Table G).

G. —Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade-marks, for the Years 1890, 1891, 1892, and 1893.


Nature of Invention. to o a s a " ft Nature of Invention. <*> .2 a'sg Nature of Invention. S 1 a o o * a 'icket-punch Mies, laying, &c. 'imber, seasoning .. 'ime-pieces !ins 'ires 'obacco-spraying .. 'ools 'raction-engines 'urbines .. ralves 1 3 1 2 4 2 1 1 3 2 9 Vehicles Ventilating Washing fabrics Washing-soda, manufacturo of Water-spreader Weaving Weeds, eradicating Weighing Whistle .. Wind, relieving cattle of Windmills.. 19 7 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 Windows, preventing rattling of Window-sashes, fastening Window-sashes, hanging Wire, barbing Wiro-coiling, &c. Wire-fabric Wire-netting Wire-strainers Wood vulcanizing Wringing clothes Zinc producing 2 2 5 2 1 1 2 16 1 1 1

Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 1 325 951

Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Lcme Batten Syndicate, The, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fixing corrugated iron on structures Ldams, F. N., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle chain-gear case Ldams, W., Tuapoka, Otago, N.Z. Relief-block for hydraulic elevators idams, W. J., jun., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Explosives. (F. J. Spence) iffleck, T., Albury, N.S.W. Preservation of meat, &c. dtken, R. M., Reefton, N.Z. Extraction of gold and silver litken, R. M., Reefton, N.Z. Extraction or precipitation of gold and silver ikester, W. H., Fulham, Eng. Electric arc lamps dexander, W., Caversham, N.Z. Washing-machine.. Jexander, W. J., Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. Straining and attaching wire mattrasses.. dlan, A., Cross Creek, Wellington, N.Z. Brake for vehicles Jlen, G., Masterton, N.Z. Combination ladder and steps Jlen, G., Masterton, N.Z. Combination sofa and bath Jtham, G. J., Swansea, Mass., U.S.A. Steam turbines lives, J., Melbourne, Vic. Ventilating and preventing entrance of draughts into windows, &c, of vehicles and ships oidersen, N., Addington, N.Z. Heating milk or cream .nderson, G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Finger can-opener .nderson, J., Wellington, N.Z. Surveyors'measuring-bands .. mdorson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Discharge-pipe for milk, &c, tanks .nderson, J. R., and another, Birmingham, Wellington, N.Z. Ear-marking sheep, &c. .nderson, J. R., and another, Birmingham, Wellington, N.Z. Ear-marking sheep, &c. .ndrews, J. A., Ronwick, Marlborough, N.Z. Signal windmill .ndrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Clover threshing and shelling machines .ndrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Husking, drawing, or shelling clover-seeds &c. .. .ndrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Threshing-machines .. .ngell, M., Dunedin, N.Z. Hat, &c, suspender .nschutz, O., Berlin, Germany. (See E. Waters, No. 6140.) .nscombe, W. H., Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. Paint .rmstrong, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Wire-strainer .rmstrong, W., Wanganui, N.Z. Water-spreader .rthur, A., Hyde, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap.. .scough, J., Handsworth, Eng. Manufacture of washing-soda, &a. .shby, F., Mount Brown Flat, Amberley, N.Z. Gates .shworth, H., Wadestown, Wellington, N.Z. Clothes-peg .skham, J. U., Sheffield, Eng. Separating substances of different sizes, &c. .skham, J. U., Sheffield, Eng. Grinding, crushing, pulverising, or disintegrating .tkin, E. R., Auckland, N.Z. Hind seats of buggies, &c. .twater, A. W., and another, Montreal, Canada. Heat-deflector. (C. A. Couch) .ustin, T. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Valves .. .. .. .ustin, T. R. L., Talbot, Vic. Amalgamator .yers, E., Sydney, N.S.W. Operating clocks synchronously 6531 6346 5999 6353 6456 6361 6415 6182 6246 6242 6407 6221 6481 6230 6299 8 Nov. 9 Aug. 16 Jan. 14 Aug. 29 Sept. 17 Aug. 11 Sept. 12 May. 14 June. 12 Juno. 7 Sept. 5 June. 14 Oct. 9 June. 19 July. 6284 6558 6194 6367 6045 6136 6289 6171 6487 6507 6389 7 July. IDec. 20 May. 15 Aug. 15 Feb. 17 April. 12 July. 6 May. 17 Oct. 23 Oct. 26 Aug. 6214 6263 6530 6457 6091 6085 6068 6577 6578 6286 6179 6320 6001 6448 1 June. 23 June. 8 Nov. 25 Sept. 16 March. 14 March. 28 Feb. 18 Dec. 18 Dec. 6 July. 12 May. 25 July. 19 Jan. 25 Sept.




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Baker, E. B., Cleveland, Queensland. Lubricating axles of railway rolling-stock Bammann, R., Berlin, Germany. Composition for production of marble-like plaster Banton, M., Christchurch, N.Z. Combined hygienic commode and slop-pail Barnes, J. E. L., and another, Liverpool, England. Sealing cans, &c. Barningham, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Ventilators Barton, E. L'E., Hawera, N.Z. Billiard cushions Battson, P., Thames, N.Z. Beating eggs Bayne, W., Whangarei, N.Z. Pads or protectors for upholstery-springs Beanovitch, M., Opotiki, Auckland, N.Z. Horse-collars Beanovitch, M., Opotiki, Auckland, N.Z. Pack-saddle Beaven, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Clover threshing and shelling machines Beaven, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Husking, drawing, or shelling clover, &c, seeds Beaven, A. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Threshing-machines Beckwith, J. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Convertible tandem bicycle Bedell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ball-cock valve Bedell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ventilating-cowl Bedell, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Ball-cock.. Boekman, G., New York, U.S.A. Harvesting-machines Beere, E. PL, Wellington, N.Z. Water-motor Belk, J., Feilding, N.Z. Brake for four-wheeled road-vehicles Belk, J., and another, Feilding, N,Z. Ear-marking sheep, &c. Belk, M., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Preventing locomotives, &e., leaving the rails .. Bennett, G. H., and others, Richmond, Vic. Regulating water-pressure for sanitary, &c, purposes Bennet, T., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Mangles Bennet, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Mangles .. Best, D., San Leandro, Cal., U.S.A. Gas engines and motors Biekerton, A. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Fireworks Billings, A. W., Brooklyn, U.S.A. Manufacturing beer and ale Billings, A. W., Brooklyn, U.S.A. Manufacture of malt-liquors Bingham, H., Wellington, N.Z. Combustion of fuel and smoke Birkinshaw, W. K., Quarndon, Derby, Eng. Picks and other tools Blakeman, W. N., jun., Mount Vernon, N.Y., U.S.A. Treating fatty and other oils Blakeman, W. N., jun., Mount Vernon, N.Y., U.S.A. Making and treating pigments and paints Blakeman, W. N., jun., Mount Vernon, N.Y., U.S.A. Thickening oils .. .. .. Block, L., New York, U.S.A. Refrigerating apparatus Boden, J. S., Maclean, N.S.W. Feed-water heater .. Bohls, H., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See A. and G. Cameron, No. 6127.) Bolton, G., Oamaru, N.Z. Crank-pin or journal lubricator Boon, J. K., and another, Linwood, Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing rattling of windows in vehicles, &c. Boon, J. K., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Two-wheeled brougham hansom-cab Booth, G. T., and another, Sydenham, N.Z. Husking maize or Indian corn Boundy, J. H., Blenheim, N.Z. Tallying-machine .. Bowen, J., and others, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Treatment of gold- and silver-ores Bowen, W. D., and others, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Treatment of gold- and silver-ores Bowie, D., Wellington, N.Z. Revolving duster, cleaner, and blower .. Bowmar, G. Charlton, Gore, N.Z. Winding-gear on traction-engines Bowmar, G. Charlton, Gore, N.Z. Differential gearing on traction-engines Bowmar, G. Charlton, Gore, N.Z. Disengaging-gear on traction-engines Bowser, G. M., Brisbane, Queensland. Moulding and dressing stone Box, H., South Dunedin, N.Z. Brake for two-wheeled vehicles Brace, Windlo, Blyth, and Co. (Limited), Walsall, Eng. Saddles. (J. Trees) Bradbury, F. J., and another, Woodville, N.Z. Trapping rabbits Brechin, R. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Grip strength-testing machine Brechin, R. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Advertising Brechin, R. M., Wellington, N.Z. Effecting insurance by coin-freed mechanism Bringham, F. J., San Francisco, U.S.A. Manufacture of seamless leather articles Brodziak, L. M., Sydney, N.S.W. Form of policy for insurance against accident Brough, J., East Taieri, N.Z., Removing wind, &c, from throats of cows, &c. .. Brough, J. R., and another, London, Eng. Roll-paper holder and printing mechanism Brown, A. J. P., and another, London, Eng. Roll-paper holder and printing mechanism Brown, F., Auckland, N.Z. Altitude-regulator and holdfast for music, &e., stools Brown, McF., Gap, Wmton, N.Z. Drain-sock Briinler, 0., Eutritzsoh, Leipzig, Germany. Heating steam-boilers Bryant, H. W., and others, Williamstown, Vic. Regulating water-pressure for sanitary, &c,purposes Bryce, T. A., Kiwitea, Wellington, N.Z. Feed-trough for sheep Bryce, T. A., Kiwitea, Wellington, N.Z. Tonic and vermifuge for sheep Bryce, T. A., Kiwitea, Wellington, N.Z. Drench for sheep Budge, H. F., and others, Reefton, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver from sands, &c. Bull, F., and another, Napier, N.Z. Utilising heat from table-lamps .. Bull, J. H., and another, Napier, N.Z. Utilising heat from table-lamps Burge, S., and another, Harrow Road, Middlesex, Eng. (See The Simplex Mineral-water Aerator Syndicate, Limited, No. 6587.) Burgon, 0., and another, Malin Bridge, Sheffield, Eng. Shearing sheep, &o. Burgon, H., and another, Malin Bridge, Sheffield, Eng. Shearing sheep, &c. Burns, J., Melbourne, Vic. Fastening T-squares to drawing-boards Butler, W. H., Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, No. 6254.) Gallaghan, J., and others, Brisbane, Queensland. Amalgamators Cameron, A., and another, Richmond, Va., U.S.A. Cigarette-machines. (H. Bohls) Cameron, A., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Flushing apparatus for urinals, &c. Cameron, G., and another, Petersburgh, Va., U.S.A. Cigarette-machines. (H. Bohls) .. Cameron, K, Warracknabeal, Vic. Car-coupling Campbell, M. S., Papanui, Canterbury, N.Z. Pressing and preserving green fodder in sacks Cannon, W. J., Lincoln, Eng. Dipping oxen, sheep, &c. Carandini, V., Melbourne, Vic. Portfolio advertising ticket, card, or pass .. .; Carder, G., and others, Ponsonby, Auckland, N.Z. Kerb-and channel-tiles Carder, W., and others, Ponsonby, Auckland, N.Z. Kerb- and channel-tiles 6255 6452 6522 6298 6313 6371 6437 6544 6128 6129 6171 6487 6507 6154 6022 6023 6138 6055 6387 6073 6130 6132 6336 6553 6553 5995 6005 0224 6225 6197 6125 6191 6192 6193 6064 6362 23 June. 29 Sept. 3 Nov. 17 July. 22 July. 21 Aug. 14 Sept. 13 Nov. 5 April. 5 April. 6 May. 17 Oct. 23 Oct. 26 April. 3 Feb. 3 Feb. 17 April. 20 Feb. 28 Aug. 4 March 17 April. 14 April. 5 Aug. 20 Nov. 20 Nov. 16 Jan. ] 8 Jan. 9 Juno. 9 June. 22 May. 6 April. 20 May. 20 May. 20 May. 27 Feb. 17 Aug. 6134 6267 15 April. 29 June. 6463 6015 6566 6590 6590 6416 6151 6163 6272 6039 6342 6391 6324 5987 6052 6145 6465 6098 6528 6524 6524 6189 6359 6053 6336 6233 6237 6283 6489 6308 6308 2 Oct. 31 Jan. 8 Dec. 21 Dec. 21 Dec. 12 Sept. 24 April. 3 May. 1 July. 9 Feb. 9 Aug. 3.1 Aug. 1 Aug. 9 Jan. 16 Feb. 22 April. 7 Oct. 20 March, 6 Nov. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 17 May. 12 Aug. 20 Feb. 5 Aug. 15 June. 15 June. 10 July. 19 Oct. 24 July. 24 July. 5975 5975 6051 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 17 Feb. 6455 6127 6441 6127 6584 6543 6509 6183 6288 6288 29 Sept. 7 April. 23 Sept. 7 April. 21 Dee. 11 Nov. 28 Oct. 15 May. 11 July. 11 July.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Carey, R. O. E., Longburn, Wellington, N.Z. Press for wool, &o. Carr, A. W., Brentford, Eng. Tobacco-pipes .. .. .. .. Carter, R. H., Birmingham, Wellington, N.Z. Slasher Cave, H., Windsor, Melbourne, Vic. Destroying rabbits in burrows Caverhill, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Branding frozen meat Chambers,'E. E., Lyttelton, N.Z. Venetian blind .. Channon, J. Beaconsfield, Concord, Sydney, N.S.W. Amalgamating-machine Channon, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Rabbit-exterminator Channon, J. Beaconsfield, Concord, Sydney, N.S.W. Concentrator, usable as an amalgamator and concentrator Chapman, J. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Causing an increased draught in grates, &c. Chapman, J. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Causing an increased draught in grates, &c. Choate, P. C, N.Y., U.S.A. Producing metallic zinc Church, W. C, Brixton, Eng. Steam, &c, engines Clark, W., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Flushing-apparatus for urinals, &c. Clere, P. de J., Wellington, N.Z. Pivot-step and hinge for doors, &c. Clifton, H. de. (See under D.) Clinkard, C. H., Makarau, Auckland, N.Z. Survey-peg Coates, W., Wellington, N.Z. Music-leaf turnover Coates, W., Wellington, N.Z. Music-leaf turnover Cock, F. W. C, Walcot, Bath, Eng. (See The Valveless Gas-engine Syndicate, Limited, No. 6570.) Cockerell, R., Palmerston, Otago, N.Z. Tree- and stump-extracting, &c. Cockerell, R., Palmerston, Otago, N.Z. Discs for draining, channelling, cultivating, &o. Cole, W., London, Eng. Fluid-motor Coleman, J. V., San Francisco, U.S.A. Adjustable partitions for trunks, &o. Collett, S., and another, Gore, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-traps Colley, J., Camberwell, Vic. Action-retaining mechanism of small-arms Collie, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Combination mopping, mop wring, and scrubbing device. (T. Hardcastle) ' Condon, R., Mosgiel, Otago, N.Z. Fang-holder Connolly, M., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Wool-presses Connolly, M. P., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Foot-rot paste Cook, G., and another, London, Eng. Automatically displaying advertisements, &c. Cooper, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle Cooze, C. J., Carterton, N.Z. Stump-extractor Cooze, C. J., Carterton, N.Z. Window-sashes Cooze, C. J., Carterton, N.Z. Fire-escape .. Copeland, D. W., Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A. Roller-bearings Copeland, J., Brunswick Line, Wanganui, N.Z. Wire-strainer Corbett, F. J., East Melbourne, Vic. (See Lysaght Brothers and Co., Limited, No. 6155.) Cornwell, J., Drury, Auckland, N.Z. Flax-scutcher Corrick, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Shoe, with detachable straps Corrick, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Shoe or boot Corrick, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Gloss for tan boots and shoes Corrie, L. G., Brisbane, Queensland. Material for packing fruit, &c. .. Couch, C. A., Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. (See A. W. Atwater and J. F. Mackie, No. 6179.) Coventry, J., Wellington, N.Z. Index for telephone subscribers, &c. .. Cowley, A., Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of bread .. Craig, W., Auckland, N.Z. Ventilator Craigie, R., and another, Henley, Otago, N.Z. Purifying milk Crawford, J. T., Wiarton, Canada. (See E. Waters, No. 6572.) Crawford, W. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Butter-dryer .. .. .. .. .. Crawford, W. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Recovering constituents of suintate of potash, or yolk of sheep's wool, when in solution Crawley, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Wire-straincr Crisp, H., Ballarat, Vic. (See F. W. and H. N. Niven, No. 6159.) Crispin, R. F., Motueka, Nelson, N.Z. Saw-setter and stripper Crook, F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Husking maize or Indian corn Cullen, W-, and another, Masterton, N.Z. Chair and steps combined.. Cuming, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Compensating for expansion and contraction of wire used in railway signalling Curties, W. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle chain-gear case Curtis, J., Addington, N.Z. Seed-or grain-separator.. Dalgleish, G., Oamaru, N.Z. Cutting notches for studs in timber plates, &c. .. Dalziel, J., Fernside, Canterbury, N.Z. Wire-strainer Danks, A. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Milking-machines Danks, A. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Milking-machines Danks, B. S., Wellington, N.Z. Door-mat .. Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Bib-tap Davies, J., South Dunedin, N.Z. Lapping crank-pins Davies, J., South Dunedin, N.Z. Boring apparatus .. .. .. Davies, J. L., Chipstead, Eng. Printing in colours .. Davis, F. H., St. George, Queensland. (See G. G. Turri, No. 6337.) Dawson, B., Dunedin, N.Z. Labels for frozen meat, &c. Dawson, H. T., Salcombe, Eng. Gas-engines De Clifton, H., Woodville, N.Z. Stump-extractor and hauling apparatus De Laval, C. G. P., Stockholm, Sweden. Steam or gas turbine-wheels De Laval, C. G. P., Stockholm, Sweden. Supporting rotating bodies .. Denny, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Governor for marine engines Devereux, W. R., Dunsandel, Canterbury, N.Z. Knee-protector Dixon, G., and others, Bolton, Eng. Steam-engines.. Dixson, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Making cigarette-holders. (W. N. Kernot) Dixson, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Tobacco-spraying machines Doak, J. G., Fernside, Canterbury, N.Z. Wheel-axle and bush for ploughs, &c. Doak, J. G., Fernside, Canterbury, N.Z. Agricultural drill .. Dodgshun, N., Wellington, N.Z. Pattern satchel for tailors, &c. 5996 6160 6472 6014 6196 6461 5977 6135 6372 16 Jan. 2 May. 12 Oct. 30 Jan. 18 May. 3 Oct. 4 Jan. 17 April. 22 Aug. 6220 6266 6054 6297 6441 6435 30 May. 26 June. 20 Feb. 17 July. 23 Sept. 18 Sept. 6567 6175 6474 4 Dec. 10 May. 12 Oct. 6276 6277 6575 6585 6430 6511 6234 3 July. 3 July. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 16 Sept. 30 Oct. i 12 June. 6312 6302 6120 6099 6360 6392 6393 6394 6243 6168 22 July. 20 July. 5 April. 22 March 15 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 17 June. 3 May. 6535 6131 6399 6485 6273 20 Oct. 11 April. 31 Aug. 16 Oct. 4 July. 6215 6554 6011 6024 2 June. 22 Nov. 24 Jan. 31 Jan. 6074 6075 2 March. 2 March. 6318 28 July. 6010 6015 6202 6447 27 Jan. 31 Jan. 26 May. 25 Sept. 6346 6591 6464 6327 6322 6411 6223 6471 6341 6550 6525 9 Aug. 20 Dec. 2 Oct. 3 Aug. 31 July. 11 Sept. 8 June. 9 Oct. 9 Aug. 23 Nov. 8 Nov. 6076 6187 6041 6538 6586 6434 5990 6453 5976 6079 6328 6340 6519 2 March. 15 May. 9 Feb. 11 Nov. 21 Dec. 18 Sept. 11 Jan. 29 Sept. 4 Jan. 6 March. 3 Aug. 9 Aug. 3 Nov.




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Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Don, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance Donald, D., Masterton, N.Z. Wool-press Donald, D., Masterton. Double eccentric lever Doughty, T. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Woven-wire fabric for mattrasses, &c. Douglas, D. A., Blenheim, N.Z. Envelopes.. Drummond, J., Kirwee, Canterbury, N.Z. Weed-eradieator .. Dryden, F., Wellington, N.Z. Bath Duncan, D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Grubber Duncan, D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Grubber-share Duncan, D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Manure-drills Duncan, E., and others, Williamstown, Vio. Regulating water-pressure for sanitary, &c, purposes Duncan, J. D., and another, Riwaka, Nelson, N.Z. Hop- and wool-press Duncan, J. H. H., London, Eng. Manufacture of butter Duncan, P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Grubber Duncan, P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Grubber-share Duncan, P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Manure-drills Dunkerley, B., and another, Glenorchy, Tasmania. Dressing furs Dunlop, H., and another, Rookwood, N.S.W. Rabbit-exterminator Dupont-Dennis G., Nantes, France. Preserving dried vegetables Durio, G., and another, Fortino, Turin, Italy. Tanning hides and skins Durio, S., and another, Fortino, Turin, Italy. Tanning hides and skins Easton, R., Mornington, Dunedin, N.Z. Flax-dresser Eastwood, G., Mount Pleasant, Norwich, and London, Eng. Production of matrices for stereotyping Eddowes, W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Amalgamation of gold and silver Eddowes, W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Leaching- and filtering-machine Eden, G. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Embrocation for wounds in horses, &c. .. Edmond, W. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Edwardes, F. A., and others, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Treatment of gold- and silver-ores Edwards, T., Ballarat, Victoria. Application of chlorino for extraction of gold Eldred, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Sweeping chimneys or flues .. Electrical Wonder Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. (See E. Waters, No. 6140. —0. Anschutz.) Elliot, J., Hastings, N.Z. Drenching sheep Ellis, C. J., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Extraction of gold and silver Ellison, J. C, and others, Brisbane, Queensland. Amalgamators Ely, T., and another, Peckham, London, Eng. Seats Errington, W., Melbourne, Vic. (See T. Livingston, No. 6332.) Evans, A., Masterton, N.Z. Combination windmill .. Evans, A., Masterton, N.Z. Windmill-head Evans, G. S., Elsternwick, Vic. Gripping a rope or cable by means of rollers or sheaves Evans, J. P., Wade, Auckland, N.Z. Atmospheric milk-pan .. Evans, J. P., Wade, Auckland, N.Z. Prospecting-pan Evans, J. P., Wade, Auckland, N.Z. Dairy-bucket .. Evans, R., and another, Kaiapoi, N.Z. Composition for preserving butter Evelyn-Liardet, W., Elsternwick, Vic. Explosive Evenden, R. E., North Coburg, Vic. (See P. Galvin, No, 6354.) Ewing, W. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Churn Fail, A., West Clive, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Combined tap and spile Farquhar, G., jun., and another, Peckham, Eng. Preserving eggs Featon, J., Auckland, N.Z. Mine-ventilator Felton, T. W., Addington, N.Z. Tube-plate hole-cutter Ferguson, R., Moonee Ponds, Vic. Milking-machines Ferguson, R., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Milking-machines Ferguson, R., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Milking-machines Fergusson, F. D., and another, Makotuku, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Lifting apparatus for sack-barrows Fergusson, F. D., Makotuku, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Combined bottle and stopper Fergusson, F. D., Kariaotahi, Waiuku, Auckland, N.Z. Suspender for garments, &c. Field, E., and others, London, Eng. Steam-engines Field, H. M., Wellington, N.Z. Storing and delivering coin Field, H. M., Wellington, N.Z. Ticket or coupon for passengers Finlayson, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Earth-excavators Firth, T., Wellington, N.Z. Stopping vehicles Fisher, D., Glasgow, Scotland. Folding box.. Fisher, T. L., and another, Hawthorne, Vic. Rotary engine Fletcher, W., Mount Albert, Auckland, N.Z. Reins.. Foord, E. J., Arrowtown, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Foord, E. J., Arrowtown, N.Z. Holding and feeding poisoned grain Foord, E. J., Arrowtown, N.Z. Extracting rabbits, &c, from warrens, &c. Ford, A. S., and another, Mangatainoka, N.Z. Steam-whistle Ford, A. S., Wanganui, N.Z. Water-filters.. Ford, M. Paddington, Sydney, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machines Eraser, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Windmill Fraser, J. C, Coromandel, Auckland, N.Z. Battery overflow and screen or grating substitute Fraser, R. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Gas-kilns Friend, J. E., Gawler, South Australia. (See J. Martin, No. 5993.) Gager, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Galvanic belts Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Beer treatment Galopin, H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Sash-fastener Galvin, P., Yea, Vic. Churns. (R. E. Evenden) Gane, F. J., Ohaupo, N.Z. Backhand attachment for plough- and leading-harness Gardiner, H., Irwell, N.Z. Clover sheller and dresser Garrett, W. J., Kaikoura, N.Z. Fibre-washer Gartner, A., Newark, N.J., U.S.A. Gum-moisteners Gascoigne, J. R., Birkenhead, Auckland, N.Z. Pruning-shears Gaze, W. H., Westport, N.Z. Leaching gold-ores Gee, G. F., and another, Islington, Canterbury, N.Z. Finger can-opener Giblm, N. F., Sydney, N.S.W. Door- or floor-mat Giblin, N. F., Sydney, N.S.W. Door-or floor-mat. (A. Spool) 6117 6378 6379 6433 6488 6366 6547 6060 6077 0204 6336 6468 6300 6000 0077 6204 6158 6135 6104 6413 6413 6070 6559 6072 6444 6133 6307 6590 0425 6092 6451 6396 6455 6527 6290 6375 6210 6031 6032 6319 6050 6454 28 March. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 16 Sept. 18 Oct. 19 Aug. 20 Nov. 22 Feb. 4 Mar. 27 May. 5 Aug. 9 Oct. 17 July. 22 Feb. 4 Mar. 27 May. 1 May. 17 April. 25 Mar. 11 Sept. 11 Sept. 23 Feb. 4 Dec. 25 Feb. 19 Sept. 12 April. 20 July. 21 Deo. 15 Sept. 15 Mar. 28 Sept. 1 Sept. 29 Sept. 10 Nov. 12 July. 23 Aug. 30 May. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 27 July. 14 Feb. 29 Sept. 6143 6303 5980 6270 6232 6057 6322 6411 6062 6105 6574 6453 6265 6305 6123 6162 6006 6257 6480 6111 6153 6363 6094 6581 6207 5998 6248 6261 18 April. 21 July. 4 Jan. 1 July. 9 June. 23 Feb. 31 July. 11 Sept. 24 Feb. 25 March, 13 Dec. 29 Sept. 28 June. 21 July. 6 April. 3 May. 20 Jan. 24 June. 11 Oct. 21 March, 25 April. 17 Aug. 18 March. 18 Dec. 29 May. 16 Jan. 15 June. 26 June. 5991 6269 6090 6354 6065 6212 6083 6185 5984 6144 6558 5974 6096 11 Jan. 1 July. 16 March. 14 Aug. 24 Feb. 29 May. 10 March. 15 May. 5 Jan. 20 April. 1 Dec. 4 Jan. 20 March.




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Gilberd, H. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Treating or preparing New Zealand flax Giles, F., South Yarra, Vic. Appliance for use in connection with trace-hooks Giles, W. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Soap Gillett, F., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Preventing locomotives, &c, leaving the rails .. Given, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Expanding pulley Glass, B., North Melbourne, Vic. Indiarubber waterproof garments Gold, F., Richmond, Vic. Nail for conjugated iron Gooding, C, New Cross Road, Kent, Eng. Coffins .. .. .. .. .. - Gordon, A., and another, London, Eng. Artificial fuel Gordon, J. H., and another, Adelaide, S. Australia. Dry-malting .. .. .. . .. Gosden, R., London, Eng. Hip-baths Grant, A. J., Ongaonga, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Wire strainer and splicer Gray, J. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Luminous clock-and watch-faces Greenshields, W., Auckland, N.Z. Plant-protector .. Greenslade, J., Prebbleton, Canterbury, N.Z. Threshing and clover shelling and dressing machines Greenslade, J., Prebbleton, Canterbury, N.Z. Clover-shellers Greenslade, J., Prebbleton, Canterbury, N.Z. Threshing, shelling, and dressing clover-seed Gregg, J., and others, Elsternwick, Vic. Vapour lamps Guilleaume, T., Cologne, Germany. Electric cables Guthrie, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Combined agricultural drill Guthrie, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Stirrers for boxes of manure-distributors Hamilton, F. G., Brisbane, Queensland. Tent. (R. A. Hamilton) Hamilton, R. A., Brisbane, Queensland. (See F. G. Hamilton, No. 6331.) Hamilton, R. A., Brisbane, Queensland. Diving-dresses Hamilton, R. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ball-cock valve Hamilton, R. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ventilating-cowl Hamilton, W. H., White's Bay, Marlborough, N.Z. Storage batteries Hamilton, W. H., White's Bay, Marlborough, N.Z. Coal galvanic or voltaic batteries Hamley, S., Auckland, N.Z. Opening oysters Hamlin; G., Napier, N.Z. Saddle-cloths Hamlin, G., and another, Napier, N.Z. Ball-bearings for shafts, axles, and wheels Hamlin, R., and another, Napier, N.Z. Ball-bearings for shafts, axles, and wheels Hanneborg, O. B. H., Urskoug, Norway. Ditching and tile-laying machine Hardcastle, T., Northcote, Vie. (See W. Collie, No. 6234.) Harrison, J., Kimihia, Waikato, N.Z. Fastening rails to sleepers Hartley, D., Masterton, N.Z. Adjusting weight in dog-carts Hartnett, J., and another, Oakleigh, Vie. Milking-machines Hartnett, J., and another, East Malvern, Vic. Milking-machines Harvey, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Triplet gas-burner .. Haskin, S. E., Avoca, N.Y., U.S.A. Vulcanising wood Hawkins, J. E., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Weed-eradicator Hay, W., Masterton, N.Z. Grass-seed cleaner Hay, W., Masterton, N.Z. Cleaning and dressing grass-seed .. Haycock, T., Richmond, Nelson, N.Z. Making felting, &c, from pulp of New Zealand flax Healy, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Rake Hedger, F. E., St. Leonard's, Otago, N.Z. Brand for frozen meat, &c. Hempstalk, J., Lyttelton, N.Z. Recording- and tallying-jack.. Henderson, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Soap.. Henry, M., Palmerston N., N.Z. Gate for cattle-pens, &c. Henry, M., Palmerston N., N.Z. Live-stock sale-yard Herman, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Apparatus for sanitary disinfection, &c. Herman, IL, Sydney, N.S.W. Operating atomizers .. Hislop, A. R., Wellington, N.Z. Advertising ruler .. Hislop, A. R., Wellington, N.Z. Advertising paste-roller Hobson, A. H., London, Eng. Production of non-alcoholic ale or beer Hodge, W., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Hook for harness, &c. Holloway, E. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Marking carcases of sheep, &c. Holmes, W. A., and others, Parkville, Vic. Vapour-lamps Home, J. D., Westbury, Tasmania. Extermination of rabbits Hornhauer, T., Maungatapiri, Whangarei, N.Z. Extracting aluminium Horstmann, G. C, and others, Brisbane, Queensland. Amalgamators Hosking, W. H., Masterton, N.Z. Carriage-lamp .. .. Hovell, H. K., North Shore, Auckland, N.Z. Trunk or chest Howard, L. E., Plainfield, N.J., U.S.A. Electric arc lamps Howard, W. A., Brisbane, Queensland. Amalgamator Howe, W. A., Carlton, Or., U.S.A. Earth-augers. (B.Lane) Howell, J., Hamilton South, N.Z. Seed-sowing and harrowing attachment for double-furrow plough Howes, A. A., and another, Lyttelton, N.Z. Composition for preserving butter Hughes, E., and others, South Melbourne, Vic. Combined rotary crushing, pulverising, and oreamalgamating machines Hughes, E., and others, South Melbourne, Vic. Combined amalgamator, concentrator, and separator Hunt, J., Waimate, Canterbury j N.Z. Friction-roller for chaffcutter-elevator Hunt, J., Waimate, Canterbury, N.Z. Dust-protector for chaffcutter roller-gearing box Hunter, G. K., Dunedin, N.Z. Deodorising and utilising night-soil Hurd, F., Wakefield, Yorkshire, and St. Peter's Park, Middlesex, Eng. Coal-cutting machine .. Hurd, F., Wakefield, Yorkshire, and St. Peter's Park, Middlesex, Eng. Electro-motors or generators Hutchison, R., Cowlairs, Lanark, Scotland. Forming compounds with gutta-percha and rubber .. Idiens, A. 0., Addington, N.Z. Hay .press Innes, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Rake Jackson, A. G., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Coin-freed electrical shocking-machines Jaeger, T. Brisum, Germany. Manhole for chimneys, &c. James, A., Wellington, N.Z. Hanging window-sashes Jenkinson, R., jun., Auckland, N.Z. Construction of concrete and iron for building Johns, J. T., Mangere Bridge, Auckland, N.Z. Evaporating-pan Jones, E., Sydenham, N.Z. Brake for road vehicles .. 6579 6035 6370 6132 6203 6596 5982 6037 6229 6141 6000 6008 6056 6274 6208 6247 6314 5994 6244 6442 6562 6331 6426 6022 6023 6380 6381 6510 6402 6439 6439 6186 6458 6282 6089 6438 6373 6043 6084 6172 6264 6526 6100 6110 6503 6370 6355 6358 6588 6589 6173 6293 6252 6233 6275 5994 6333 6213 6455 6344 5988 6479 6095 6412 5985 18 Dec. 7 Feb. 21 Aug. 14 April. 22 May. 29 Dec. 4 Jan. 9 Feb. 9 June. 19 April. 19 Jan. 25 Jan. 13 Feb. 5 July. 29 May. 17 June. 25 July. 13 Jan. 17 Juno. 18 Sept. 29 Nov. 5 Aug. 15 Sept. 3 Feb. 3 Feb. 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 25 Oct. 31 Aug. 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 15 May. 25 Sept. 10 July. 16 March, 20 Sept. 19 Aug. 11 Feb. 8 March. 9 May. 28 June. 8 Nov. 21 March. 21 March. 21 Oct. 21 Aug. 15 Aug. 16 Aug. 21 Dec. 21 Dec. 9 May. 14 July. 23 June. 10 June. 5 July. 13 Jan. 5 Aug. 1 June. 29 Sept. 10 Aug. 9 Jan. 14 Oct. 20 March, 11 Sept. 4 Jan. 6050 6178 14 Feb. 12 May. 6251 6205 6206 6258 6532 6533 23 June. 29 May. 29 May. 21 June. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 6594 6300 6100 6418 6317 6040 6081 6467 6093 29 Dec. 20 July. 21 March, 14 Sept. 28 July. 9 Feb. 4 March. 4 Oct. 18 March,




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Jones, L. M., and another, Toronto, Canada. (See Massey, Harris, and Co., Limited, No. 6121.) Jones, L. M., and another, Toronto, Canada. (See Massey, Harris, and Co., Limited, No. 6122.) Jones, W. H., Onehunga, N.Z. Manufacturing wrought-iron from ironsand or iron-ore Jones, W. R. S., Ajmere, Rajputana, India. Central buffers for railway, &c, vehicles .. Jounnax, St. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Jounnax, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Kain, J. D., and another, Stockport, Eng. Dressing fur Karsten, A., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Balsam for mankind, horses, and cattle Kegler, D., and another, Mannheim, Germany. Enamelling bottoms of cooking-vessels Keir, J., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Windmill Kelland, R., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Wire-fencing standard Kelly, J. T., and another, North Fitzroy, Vic. Raising sunken vessels Kernot, W. N., Melbourne, Vic. (See H. Dixson, No. 5976.) Kerr, H., Tauranga, N.Z. Removable tire .. Keyte, R., Wbangarei, N.Z. Attachable sliding and folding cot-bedstead King, O. A., and others, Lake Geneva, Wis., U.S.A. Ore-concentrators King, O. A., and others, Lake Geneva, Wis., U.S.A. Ore-cdncentrators Kingdon, J., Cambridge West, N.Z. Protecting axles of ploughs, &c, from dust, earth, &c. Kinniburgh, J. W., Wellington, N.Z. Telephone-receiver attachment .. Kirby, J. S., Blenheim, N.Z. Seat-adjuster for vehicles Kirk, C, and others, North Sydney, N.S.W. Flushing-apparatus for urinals, &c. Kitton, H. E., West Melbourne, Vic. Gold and heavy metal saver and concentrator Knight, J. I., Auckland, N.Z. Saddles Knowles, G., Melbourne, Vic. Ventilating apparatus Kohler, W., and another, Mannheim, Germany. Enamelling bottoms of cooking-vessels Lacy, B. T., and another, San Francisco, U.S.A. Dissolving, leaching, and filtering Lahey, J. W., and another, South Brisbane, Queensland. Machine for forming staves Lahey, T. G., and another, South Brisbane, Queensland. Machine for forming staves .. Lance, C. C, Euroa, Vic. Combined milk straining and sampling appliance Lane, B., Carlton, Or., U.S.A. (See W. A. Howe, No. 6412.) Langford, J., Parnell, Auckland, N.Z. Water-motor Larcomb, E., Palmerston N., N.Z. Lock-nut and washer for metal bolts, &c. Latta, R., Hastings, N.Z. Stirrup-leather.. Lauchlan, R. B., Wellington, N.Z. Ball-cock Laval, C. G. P. de. (See D.) Leech, C, Rangiora, N.Z. Composition for cure of foot-rot in sheep .. Leer, G., Wellington, N.Z. Heating water .. .. .. .. ., Lees, C. A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Extracting seeds of weeds from cocksfoot and other seeds Legge, A. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Package for evaporated fruit, &c. .. Legge, E. L., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Package for evaporated fruit, &c. .. Lester, S. W., and another, Sydenham, N.Z. Extracting seeds of weeds from cocksfoot and other seeds Lester, S. W., Sydenham, N.Z. Extracting seeds of weeds from cocksfoot and other seeds L'Estrange, W. M., and another, Upper Coomera, Queensland. Coin-freed electrical shocking machines Lett, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Vegetable-and fruit-slicer Levy, M., and others, Reefton, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver from sands, &c. Liardet Evelyn-, W. See under E. Lindsey, C. M., Pittsburgh, Penn., U.S.A. Cutting, grinding, and polishing material .. Lister, R. A., and another, Dursley, Eng. Centrifugal machines for separating liquids .. Livingston, T., Melbourne, Vic. Valve attachments for ball hydrants, &c. (W. Errington) Lloyd, M. B., Minneapolis, U.S.A. Coiling wire and weaving coiled-wire fabric Lochhead, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Clothes-wringer Lockhart, W. S., London, Eng. Washing and separating gems Long, R., Sydney, N.S.W. Producing and distributing cold .. Lovegrove, G., Gapes Valley, Geraldine, N.Z. One-wheeled sulky Lovegrove, H. W., Gapes Valley, Geraldine, N.Z, Sulky Luttrell, E. V., Ormond, Poverty Bay, N.Z. Lung and tapeworm specific Lysaght Bros, and Co. (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. Wire-netting. (F. J. Corbett) Mack, W. T., Wellington, N.Z. Cowl for chimneys and ventilators Mainland, H. L., and another, Burke's, Dunedin, N.Z. Purifying milk Mainland, H. L., Burke's, Dunedin, N.Z. Sheep-feeder Mallett, J., and another, London, Eng. Seats Manton, H. L., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Lighting cigars and cigarettes Marr, C. K., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Displaying advertisements, &c. Marsden, G. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer Marshall, J., Springston, Canterbury, N.Z. Grain- and seed-dressing machines Marshall, J., Springston, Canterbury, N.Z. Windmills Martin, J., Gawler, S. Australia. Hydro-carbon motor. (J. E. Friend) Martin, J., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Balsam for mankind, horses, and cattle Martin, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Ear-marking sheep Masefield, T. T., Auckland, N.Z. Street-drain frame Massey-Harris Co. (Limited), Toronto, Canada. Seed-sowing machines. (L. M. Jones and J. Wedlake) Massey-Harris Co. (Limited), Toronto, Canada. Cultivator. (L. M. Jones and J. Wedlake) Meldrum, J. B., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Kilns for seasoning timber Menzies, R. R., and another, Thames, N.Z. Leaching-and filtering-machines Merrillees, E., Melbourne, Vio. Combined corset and abdominal belt .. Meyer, H. P., Gampbelltown, Wellington, N.Z. Theodolite for fencers, &c. Miller, R. C, Invercargill, N.Z. Chair-seat Milner, H. J., Woodville, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe Milner, W., and another, Warrington, Eng. Manufacture of wire-netting Mitchell, J., Auckland, N.Z. Straining and fixing wire-fencing Mitchell, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fixing corrugated iron on structures Moeller, J., Westminster, Eng. Manufacture of oil-gas Moir, J. B., Invercargill, N.Z. Protecting skins from rats Moldenhauer, C, Frankfort-on-Maine, Germany. Recovering gold, &c, from ores 6420 5983 6449 6449 6158 6568 6316 5998 6445 5997 6504 6459 5978 5979 6256 6377 6546 6441 6250 6026 6440 6316 6494 5981 5981 6560 6357 6383 0523 6021 6217 6565 6260 6338 6338 6260 6593 6418 11 Sept. 4 Jan. 26 Sept. 26 Sept. 1 May. 8 Dec. | 28 July. 16 Jan. 21 Sept. 16 Jan. 24 Oct. 25 Sept. 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 21 June. 24 Aug. 20 Nov. 23 Sept. 23 June. 28 Jan. 22 Sept. 28 July. 21 Oct. 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 Dec. 14 Aug. 26 Aug. 7 Nov. 3 Feb. 30 May. 7 Dec. 24 June. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 24 June. 28 Dec. 14 Sept. 6469 6489 7 Oct. 19 Oct. 6004 6049 6332 6520 6513 6118 6561 6109 6598 6482 6155 6462 6024 6222 6527 6200 6099 6321 6167 6514 5993 6568 6431 6030 6121 6122 6552 6444 6395 6209 6165 6405 6238 6142 6531 6002 6573 6499 20 Jan. 18 Feb. 5 Aug. 3 Nov. 27 Oct. 4 April. 5 Dec. 23 March, 28 Dec. 11 Oct. 1 May. 3 Oct. 31 Jan. 3 June. 10 Nov. 25 May. 22 March. 25 July. 3 May. 27 Oct. 13 Jan. 8 Dec. 16 Sept. 2 Feb. 5 April. 5 April. 23 Nov. 19 Sept. 1 Sept. 29 May. 28 April. 6 Sept. 15 June. 17 April. 8 Nov. 19 Jan. 8 Dec. 23 Oct.




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Molloy, B. C, London, Eng. Dissolving and obtaining gold, &c, from ores, &c. Montgomerie, J. C, Dalmore, Scotland. Extraction of gold and silver from ores, &o. Moreau, P. A., Meung-sur-Loire, France. Manufacturing artificial stone, and colouring and hardening natural and artificial stone Morgan, J., Oamaru, N.Z. Forcing blocks under wheels of portable threshing-machines Morrell, S., Wellington, N.Z. Sash-fasteners Morris, F. S., and others, London, Eng. Steam-engines Morris, J., Wellington, N.Z. Candlesticks .. Morrison, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Valve for lifts, &c. Morrison, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Safety-gear for lifts Morrison, W., and another, Moonee Ponds, Vic. Removable heels for boots and shoes .. Moses, T. J., and another, Clunes, N.S.W. Manufacturing kegs Mountfort, C. W., Napier, N.Z. Clothes-peg Muir, J., Masterton, N.Z. Wool-press Munson, A. L., New York, U.S.A. Cigarette-machinery Murdoch, H. H., Hastings, N.Z. Locks and latches Musgrove, J., and others, Bolton, Eng. Steam-engines MaeArthur, J. S., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Extracting gold and silver from ores, &a. Macaulay, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Cooling and aerating milk Mackie, J. F., and another, Montreal, Canada. Heat-deflectors. (C. A. Couch) Macnutt, G. A., Melbourne, Vic. Wood-screw Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Door handles and fastenings .. Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Door handles and fastenings .. Macky, J. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Preparing surface-blocks for printing Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Metal cans for preserved food, &c. McAHster, J. H., Wellington, N.Z. Facilitating correct copying McBride, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Governor for marine engines McClellan, E. J., Auckland, N.Z. A game .. McCully, R.., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Crushing-machines McDonald, E. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Back and shoulder strap McGill, D., Petone, N.Z. Hydraulic, air, or steam engines .. McGill, E. S., Gore, Otago, N.Z. Raising and lowering window-sashes McHattio, G., Palmerston, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap McKeo, W. J., Foxton, N.Z. Mouth for flax-scutchers McKegg, A., Henley, N.Z. Steam-boilers McLachlan, A., Doyloston, Canterbury, N.Z. Cleaning clover, &o., seeds McNeill, A. C, and another, Aramoho,Wanganui, N.Z. Wire-tightener McNeill, H. M., and another, Aramoho, Wanganui, N.Z. Wire-tightener McPeake, J. W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Amalgamation of gold and silver McRae, C, Melbourne, Vic. Destroying rabbits Newall, J. W., Ongar, Essex, Eng. Machines for shearing sheep Newton, W. J., Wellington, N.Z. Lock-protector Nicholls, F. L., Napier, N.Z. Hydrant-valve Nicholls, R., Auckland, N.Z. Boot-protector for use when digging Nightingale, H. E., Auckland, N.Z. Decorating wood, &c. Niven, F. W., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Gelatine printing-plate. (H. Crisp) Niven, H. N., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Gelatine printing-plate. (H. Crisp) North, F., Dunedin, N.Z. Tobacco-pipes .. North, R., and another, Peckham, Eng. Preserving eggs Nunan, J., and another, Lismore, N.S.W. Manufacturing kegs O'Brien, J., Puhipuhi, Auckland, N.Z. , Kettle for heating poultices, &c. O'Brien, J. H., St. Kilda, Vic. Lock-nut and bolt Oldham, G. E., and another, Woodville, N.Z. Trapping rabbits O'Neill, W., Opunake, N.Z. Churn Orr, R., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Scraping machinery for N.Z. flax Orr, W. M., Oamaru, N.Z. Stoppers for shuttles in weaving-looms Ory, J. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Gauge-glasses for boilers, &c. Ory, J. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Distributing oil to machinery Osborne, J., Doyleston, Canterbury, N.Z. Clover threshing, shelling, and dressing apparatus attached to combines Osborne, J., Doyleston, Canterbury, N.Z. Clover threshing, shelling, and dressing apparatus Owen, E., and others, Ponsonby, Auckland, N.Z. Kerb-and channel-tiles .. .. Owens, V. J., Auckland, N.Z. Export package Page, F. W., Cbertsey, Canterbury, N.Z. Wire-strainer Pagel, C. A., Port Moeraki, Otago, N.Z, Messenger for dragging nets on sea-beach Palmer, R. G., Crail Bay, Marlborough, N.Z. Propulsion of boats by manual power Park, R. P., and another, Blackburn, Vic. Centrifugal pumps Parker, S. L., St. Kilda, Vic. Printing machinery .. Paterson, C. E., Tooradin, Vic. Pea-threshing machinos Paterson, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Lighting cigars and cigarettes Peacock, T., Auckland, N.Z. Winding-case for surveyors'bands Pearce, R., Denver, Col., U.S.A. Ore-roasting furnaces Pearson, A., Mangatainoka, N.Z. Screw-neck for bottles Pearson, G. A., Wellington, N.Z. Reversible fire-grate Pearson, J., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Hook for harness, &c. Pedersen, M., and another, Dursley, Eng. Centrifugal machines for separating liquids Pender, J., Brunswick, Vic. Grooving and cutting boards for boxes, &c. Percy, G., Wellington, N.Z. Indicating residents in streets, &c. Perry, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Raising sunken vessels Pickering, D., and another, Pahiatua, N.Z. Steam-whistle .. Pielsticker, C. M., Harlesden, Eng. Extraction of gold and silver from ores Pilcher, F., Prahran, Vic. Wood-block roadways Pirrie, J. S., and others, South Melbourne, Vic. Combined rotary crushing, pulverising, and oreamalgamating machines Pirrie, J. S., and others, South Melbourne, Vic. Combined amalgamator, concentrator, and separator Plumb, M. S., and another, Marrickville, N.S.W. Pulverising and amalgamating 6126 6147 6124 6368 6029 6453 6436 6348 6384 6253 6027 6506 6325 6534 6351 6453 6396 6409 6179 6446 6130 6295 6374 6419 6025 6434 6496 6329 6164 6201 0116 6166 6170 6429 6291 6292 6292 6072 0380 0397 6540 6240 6287 6271 6159 6159 6450 5980 0027 6231 6385 6324 6582 6239 6477 6512 6529 6216 6 April. 24 April. 6 April. 21 Aug. 6 Sept. 29 Sept. 19 Sept. 5 Aug. 24 Aug. 23 June. 6 Feb. 21 Oct. 1 Aug. 11 Nov. 11 Aug. 29 Sept. 1 Sept. 4 Sept. 12 May. 25 Sept. 12 April. 10 July. 19 Aug. 8 Sept. 4 Feb. 18 Sept. 17 Oct. 5 Aug. 28 April. 20 May. 29 March. 1 May. 11 May. 16 Sept. 11 July. 12 July. 12 July. 25 Fob. 28 Aug. 1 Sept. 14 Nov. 14 June. 8 July. 30 June. 1 May. 1 May. 23 Sept. 4 Jan. 6 Feb. 18 May. 28 Aug. 1 Aug. 19 Dec. 16 June. 10 Oct. 24 Oct. 6 Nov. 30 May. 6406 0288 5989 6033 6476 6555 6571 6334 6400 0200 6097 6088 6046 6326 6233 6049 6119 6262 5997 6094 6137 6508 6178 5 Sept. 11 July. 9 Jan.] 4 Feb. 7 Oct. 29 Nov. 11 Dec. 5 Aug. 1 Sept. 25 May. 15 March, 16 March, 18 Feb. 2 Aug. 10 June. 18 Feb. 4 April. 26 June. 16 Jan. 18 March. 17 April. 27 Oct. 12 May. 6251 23 June. 6466 7 Oct.




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No. Date. Pneumatic Tyre and Booth's Cycle Agency (Limited), The. Rubber tyres and metal rims of wheels for cycles, &c. (C. K. Welch) Post, G. A., and others, Lake Geneva, Wis., U.S.A. Ore-concentrators Post, G. A., and others, Lake Geneva, Wis., U.S.A. Ore-concentrators Potter, F. S., Auckland, N.Z. Sliding seat for vehicles Potter, H. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Marking carcases of sheep, &c. .. Pratten, C, Ultimo, Sydney, N.S.W. Candlestick .. Prebble, A. E., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-heckler Pruyn, H. S., Hoosick Falls, N.Y., U.S.A. Railway-cars Purbrook, H. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Medical application of electricity Purbrook, H. J., Wellington, N.Z. Medical application of electricity Purser, E., Blenheim, N.Z. Extracting iron from ironsand .. Purser, W. H., and another, Moonee Ponds, Vic. Removable heels for boots and shoes Pyke, H. J. A., Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. Clothes-washing combination Raber, N. L., Corvallis, Or., U.S.A. Amalgamators .. Raithby, R. W., and others, Reefton, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver from sands, &o. Ralston, C, and others, Armadale, Vic. Vapour-lamps Rastrick, J. L., Raglan, Auckland, N.Z. Automatic safety coupling Reeves, W., Masterton, N.Z. Attaching shafts to springs of two-wheeled vehicles Reiche, M. von. (See under V.) Reid, J. S., Westminster, Eng. Wire-barbing machines Richard, A., Melbourne, Vic. Electro-medical chair Richards, A. G. S., Palmerston N., N.Z. Sheep-feeding rack .. Richards, W. E., New York, U.S.A. Partitioning drawers, &c. Richards, W. E., New York, U.S.A. Supports for books, &c. Richards, W. E., New York, U.S.A. Supports for shelves of book-cases, &c. Richardson, W. E., Outram, Otago, N.Z. Packing and wrapping articles in paper Richardson, W. E., Outram, Otago, N.Z. Tables for railway-carriages Richardson, W. E., Outram, Otago, N.Z. Butter-printer Riedig, C. A., Chemnitz, Germany. Boots, shoes, and slippers Riodler, A., Berlin, Germany. Compressing and pumping apparatus .. Rigby, E. J., and others, South Melbourne, Vic. Combined rotary crushing, pulverising, and oreamalgamating machines Rigby, E. J., and others, South Melbourne, Vic. Combined amalgamator, concentrator, and separator Ripley, J., and another, Mothley, York, Eng. Preserving skins for transport, &c. Roach, P., Timaru, N.Z. Double S-hook Roach, P., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Wire-fencing standard Roberts, H. L., Auckland, N.Z. Cooling beer, &c. .. Robinson, G., and another, Manakau, Wellington, N.Z. Horse-shoe .. Robinson, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Pulverising and amalgamating Robinson, W., and another, Makotuku, Hawke's Bay, N.Z. Lifting-apparatus for sack-barrows .. Robison, D. M., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Milking-machines Robison, D. M., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Milking-machines Rogers, C, New Plymouth, N.Z. Message-recorder.. Ross, H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Washing-boilers Ross, H. I. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Ear-marking animals Ross, H. I. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Embossing, sinking, or piercing by pressure Rother, M., Wellington, N.Z. Chair Rotheram, T. F., Wellington, N.Z. Bogie for railway, &c, rolling-stock Rotheram, T. F., Wellington, N.Z. Axle-box for railway, &c, rolling-stock Rotheram, T. F., Wellington, N.Z. Dust-shield for axle-boxes of railway, &c, rolling-stock Rotheram, T. F., Wellington, N.Z. Lubricating pad and holder for axle-boxes of railway, &c, rolling-stock Rowe, W., Addington, N.Z. Adjustable-socket hedge-slashers and bill-hooks .. Rule, J., Footscray, Vic. Combined amalgamators, concentrators, and separators Rumgay, J., Wellington, N.Z. Hanging doors and gates Runciman, J., Cambridge, N.Z. Clip for attaching corrugated iron to buildings, &c. Russell, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Chiming and crozing machine Sampson, B. E., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Kilns for seasoning timber Savage, B., Riverton, N.Z. Road-skate Saville, B., Christchurch, N.Z. Gear-case and chain-lubricator for cycles Saxby, J., jun., Chancery Lane, Middlesex, Eng. Ticket-punches Scheidel, A., Auckland, N.Z. Extraction of gold and silver from ores, &c. Schleicher, C, Malvern, Vic. Separating solid particles in sludge, &c. Schmidt, W. S. D., Auckland, N.Z. Blinkers for horses Schoneberg, E., Diisseldorf, Germany. Barbed fencing-wire .. Schreiber, H., and another, East Brighton, Vic. Sash-fastener Scott, J. L., Adelaide, S. Australia. Advertising device Scott-Moncrieff, W. D., Westminster, Eng. Treatment of sewage Seitz, Ei., and another, Blackburn, Vic. Centrifugal pumps Selwood, H. T., Parawa, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-traps Seymour, C. E., and others, Lake Geneva, Wis., U.S.A. Ore-concentrators Seymour, C. E., and others, Lake Geneva, Wis., U.S.A. Ore-concentrators Shadgett, G., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Medical application of electricity Shadgett, W. M., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Medical application of electricity Shailer, G. W., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Ear-marking sheep, &c. Shailer, G. W., Palmerston North, N.Z. Ear-marking sheep, &c. Shelley, R. M., Borough, London, Eng. Combination garments Shepherd, G. B., and others, Reefton, N.Z. Extracting gold and silver from sands, &c. Sherrard, P., and another, Methley, York, Eng. Preserving skins for transport, &c. Sherwin, A. J. W., Wellington, N.Z. Spring electric fire-alarm Shone, I., Westminster, Eng. Draining and sewering towns, &c. Silver, C. T., and another, Tamworth, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machines and flexible shafts therefor Silver, D., and another, Tamworth, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machines and flexible shafts therefor Simonton, T. C, Paterson, N.J., U.S.A. Extracting gold from sands, &c. 6019 lFeb. 5978 5979 6460 6275 6403 6199 6103 6067 6556 6486 6253 6069 6184 6489 5994 6007 6473 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 25 Sept. 5 July. 2 Sept. 22 May. 25 March. 28 Feb. IDeo. 18 Oct. 23 June. 28 Feb. 15 May. 19 Oct. 13 Jan. 21 Jan. 12 Oct. 6152 6034 6280 6066 6102 6146 6114 6398 6483 6490 6101 6178 21 April. 7 Feb. 8 July. 27 Feb. 25 March. 24 April. 27 March. 28 Aug. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 25 March. 12 May. 6251 23 June. 6211 6259 6445 6536 6470 6466 6062 6089 6438 6404 6241 6443 6549 6315 6421 6422 6423 6424 27 May. 21 June. 21 Sep. 21 Oct. 9 Oct. 7 Oct. 24 Feb. 16 March. 20 Sept. 4 Sept. 12 June. 19 Sept. 18 Nov. 27 July. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 6309 6390 6516 6564 6417 6552 6548 6542 6038 5986 6003 6139 6493 6090 6028 6349 6571 6484 5978 5979 6067 6067 6045 6106 6352 6489 6211 6157 6294 6345 21 July. 31 Aug. 30 Oct. 6 Dee. 12 Sept. 23 Nov. 17 Nov. 11 Nov. 9 Feb. 5 Jan. 19 Jan. 14 April. 21 Oct. 16 March. 6 Feb. 11 Aug. 11 Dec. 10 Oct. 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 28 Feb. 28 Feb. 15 Feb. 25 March. 14 Aug. 19 Oct. 27 May. 1 May. 15 July. 10 Aug. 6345 6009 10 Aug. 25 Jan.




Name, Eesidence, and Invention. No. Dato. Simplex Mineral-water Aerator Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. Manufacture of aerated liquids. (S. Burge and C. Turner) Sloan, R. A., and another, Liverpool, Eng. Sealing cans, &c. Smidth, V. F. L., Copenhagen, Denmark. Sand-cement Smith, C. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Expanding pulley Smith, R. S., Coromandel, Auckland, N.Z. Gripper .. Soffe, S., Wellington, N.Z. Hanging pictures, &c. Sorensen, N., Clareville, Carterton, N.Z. Stump-extractor Southall, W., Goulburn, N.S.W. Adjusting brakes to buggies, &c. Speedy, J. H., Sandon, Wellington, N.Z. Wire-strainer Speedy, W., Napier, N.Z. Wool-press Spence, F. J., Broken Hill, N.S.W. (See W. Adams, jun., No. 0353.) Spencer, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Preparing surface-blocks for printing Spinley, J. C, Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. Apparatus for heating rooms, &c. Spool, A., Melbourne, Vic. (See N. P. Giblin, No. 6096.) Stevens, G. W., San Francisco, U.S.A. Fruit-carrier Stevens, W. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing rattling of windows in vehicles, &c. Stevens, W. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Two-wheeled brougham hansom-cab Stevenson, J., and another, Waianiwa, Otago, N.Z. Weed-eradicator Stevenson, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Controlling emission and admission of water to hydraulic lifts Stevenson, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Governing speed of steam-engines Stevenson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Tins for jams, &c. Stevenson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Treatment of plates used in manufacture of preserve-tins Stevenson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Combined crimping, fluxing, and soldering machine Stone, W., and others, St. Kilda, Vic. Vapour-lamps Storer, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Dissolving, leaching, and filtering Strong, R. F., and another, London, Eng. Artificial fuel Strowger, A. B., Chicago, U.S.A. Automatic telephone, &c, exchanges Sturgess, G. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Cough-mixture Stu'rroc'k, D.; and another, Timaru, N.Z. Grubber, plough, and harrow Stutley, J. S. P., Adelaide, S. Australia. Material for facing moulds used in casting metals Summerhayes, H. J., San Francisco, U.S.A. Belts for ore-concentrators Suttie, A., Onehunga, N.Z. Removing hair and wool from hides and skins Sutton, J. W., Brisbane, Queensland. Chlorination of pulverised ores containing gdld or silver .. Sutton, J. W., Brisbane, Queensland. Generation of chlorine gas, and chlorination of pulverised gold- or silver-ores Sykes, I., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Foot-rot paste Sykes, I., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Wool-presses Talbot, F. H., and another, Motueka, Nelson, N.Z. Hop-and wool-press Tarrant, W., Petersham, N.S.W. Concentrator usable as an amalgamator ..' Tate, G., Eketahuna, N.Z. Stump-extractor Taylor, W, Kaiapoi, N.Z. Joint-protector for rims of wheels Taylor, W., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Compressed spiral-spring draw-bar Temperley, J., Reigato, Eng. Travelling pulley-carriage for raising, lowering, and traversing loads Thomann, K., Halle-on-the-Saale, Germany. Roofing-tile Thomas, W. H., Cromwell, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-traps Thompson, E., Aratapu, Auckland, N.Z. Chair Thompson, H, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lubricating sprocket-chains of cycles, &c. Thompson, W. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lubricating sprocket-chains of cycles, &c. .. Thompson, W. L., Wellington, N.Z. Window-sashes Thomson, A., Kelso, Otago, N.Z. Agricultural thinner Thomson, A., Kelso, Otago, N.Z. Seed- and manure-canister.. Thomson, E., Swampscott, Mass., U.S.A. Lightning-arresters and discharge-protectors Thomson, E., Swampscott, Mass., U.S.A. Lightning-arresters Thomson, H., Kew, Vic. Valves for hydrants, &c. Thomson, H., Kew, Vic. Cover for fire-plugs Thomson, H., Kew, Vic. Metal hobs or studs for boots and shoes Thomson, J. S., Melbourne, Vic. Machine for churning butter, heating, cooling, and mixing liquids, and for washing materials Thomson, J. S., Wanganui, N.Z. Bread-making Thornley, W., Marrickville, N.S.W. Lamps for burning kerosene without chimneys Thunderbolt, E., Carlton, Vict. Engine-governor Tiffen, G. W., Makarakara, Poverty Bay, N.Z. Incline-plane digging-plough .. Tindill, A., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Flax-heckler Tompsitt, W., and another, Manakau, Wellington, N.Z. Horse-shoo .. Trewhella, B., jun., and another, Blackwood, Vic. Lever-jacks Trewhella, W., and another, Blackwood, Vic. Lever-jacks Trees, J., Walsall, Eng. (See Brace, Windle, Blyth, and Co., Limited, No. 6391.) Troup, G. A., Wellington, N.Z. Fang lock-nut Troup, G. A., Wellington, N.Z. Plate lock-nut for fastening rails to sleepers, &c. Troup, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Tilting-bottom grating for ranges, &c. .. Tuckett, R., Royal Park, Vic. Aerial railway and seat for children Turnbull, J., Adelaide, S. Australia. Washing coal, separating ores, &c. Turner, C, and another, Harrow Road, Middlesex, Eng. (See The Simplex Mineral-water Aerator Syndicate, Limited, No. 6587.) Turney, F. N., Nottingham, Eng. Degreasing leather Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Sheep-shearing machines. (F. H. Davis) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Coating metals with aluminium Upchurch, J., Wellington, N.Z. Joint for rusticated weatherboards Vaile, P. A., Auckland, N.Z. Brick for lining wells .. Valveless Gas-Engine Syndicate (Limited), The, Westminster, Eng. Gas-engines. (P. W. C. Cock) Vandome, W., Kensington, S. Australia. Treatment of slimes and finely-crushed ores Van Hecke. (See H. R. Wildish, No. 6042.) Van Hecke's Fuel-economizer Syndicate (Limited), London, England. (See H. R. Wildish, No. 6042.) Vecht, A., Wellington, N.Z. Singeing pigs .. Vecht, A., Wellington, N.Z. Preserving pork by singeing 6587 6298 6012 6203 6427 6505 6492 6597 6576 6432 6374 6107 6226 6267 6463 6084 6347 6580 6016 6017 6018 5994 6494 6229 5992 6369 6080 6218 6335 6115 6323 6515 6120 6302 6468 6071 6518 6219 6249 6498 6539 6408 6195 6428 6428 6113 6497 6521 6227 6228 6061 6541 6595 6020 21 Deo. 17 July. 30 Jan. 22 May. 13 Sept. 24 Oct. 20 Oct. 29 Dec. 15 Dec. 15 Sept. 19 Aug. 22 March, 9 June. 29 June. 2 Oct. 8 March. 7 Aug. 14 Dec. 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 13 Jan. 21 Oct. 9 June. 13 Jan. 21 Aug. 4 March. 3 June. 5 Aug. 23 March. 31 July. 30 Oct. 5 April. 20 July. 9 Oct. 2 March. 3 Nov. 3 June. 19 June. 23 Oct. 13 Nov. 9 Sept. 9 May. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 27 March. 16 Oct. 31 Oct. 9 June. 9 June. 24 Feb. 15 Nov. 29 Dee. 3 Feb. 6149 6583 6301 6569 6199 6470 6156 6156 25 April. 20 Dec. 19 July. 6 Dec. 22 May. 9 Oct. 1 May. 1 May. 6108 6551 6082 6478 6013 27 March, 23 Nov. 7 March, 13 Oct. 30 Jan. 6036 6337 6475 6491 6148 6570 6304 9 Feb. 5 Aug. 12 Oct. 20 Oct. 20 April. 11 Dec. 21 July. 6169 6174 5 May. 10 May




I.—List of Applications for Letters Patent during the Year 1893. Note.—An asterisk (*) denotes that a provisional specification has been filed with the application. 5974. 4th January. Norman Frederick Giblin, of 60a, Pitt Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Accountant. —An invention for an improved door- or floor-mat. 5975. 4th January. Charles Burgon and Harry Burgon, both of Malin Bridge, near Sheffield, York, England, Sheep-shear Manufacturers. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for the shearing or clipping sheep and other animals.

Name, Residence, and Invention. 'o. e. Virgin, F. J., Tikorangi, Taranaki, N.Z. Butter-mould Voice, W., To Awamutu, Auckland, N.Z. Digging potatoes .. Von Reiche, M., Auburn, Vic. Trapping rabbits, &c. Vorbach, J., Renwicktown, Marlborough, N.Z. Potato-digger Waddell, T., Sydenham, N.Z. Rollers of flax-strippers Wade, J. W., Gisborne, N.Z. Skylight-frame Wahlin, A., Bainbridge, N.Y., U.S.A. Centrifugal separators for cream and butter Walker, A., Auckland, N.Z. Imitation fair-stitch for boots and shoes .. Walker, F., and another. Preparing kauri and other gums Walker, J. T., Aramoho, Wanganui, N.Z. Wire straining-reel Wallace, J. A., Melbourne, Vic. Incandescent gas-burner Walles, H. J., Roxburgh, Otago, N.Z. Animal-trap Walsh, J., Otakaia, N.Z. Wire-strainers Walters, W. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Making butter and condensed milk .. Warburton, J., South Melbourne, Vic. Catamenial sack or pad Ward, W., Beaconsfield, Otago, N.Z. Wire-strainers Ward, W., Beaconsfield, Otago, N.Z. Wire-strainers Waters, E., Melbourne, Vic. Exhibiting optical illusions. (The Electrical W Tonder Company, Limited. 0. Anschutz) Waters, E., Melbourne, Vic. Forming, filling, and sealing boxes to contain small articles for the market. (W. H. Butler) Waters, E., Melbourne, Vic. Reducing gold-bearing quartz, &c. (J.T.Crawford) Watts, H., and another, Taieri, N.Z. Cutting bands of sheaves and feeding to threshing-machines Watts, H. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Cutting bands of sheaves and feeding to threshingmachines Wauchope, J. A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Dry-malting .. .. .. Webster, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Spring couple for chains, traces, &c. Webster, R., Southbridge, N.Z. Speeded revolving harrow .. Wedlake, J., and another, Toronto, Canada. (See Massey-Harris Company, Limited, No. 6121.) Wedlake, J.,' and another, Toronto, Canada. (See Massey-Harris Company, Limited, No. 6122.) Welch, C. K., Coventry, Eng. (See The Pneumatic Tyre and Booth's Cycle Agency, Limited, No. 6019.) Weldon, F., Earley, Berks., Eng. Construction of bridges, &a. West, H., Auckland, N.Z. Sectional cutting-board .. Westcott, M. K., Melbourne, Vic. Compressing fodder for animals Wheat, H. A., Melbourne, Vie. Lamps for burning liquid hydrocarbons Wheeler, C. L., Christchurch, N.Z. Grain- and seed-dressing machines Wheeler, J. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Maintaining constant pressure in aerated-liquid vessels Whitburn, D., Auckland, N.Z. Combined slato and pencil-case White, G., Moreland, Vic. Smoke-and spark-consumers White, J., Auckland, N.Z. Scales for tailors, dressmakers, &c. White, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Preparing kauri and other gums Whitecross Company (Limited), The, and another, Warrington, Eng. Manufacture of wire-netting Whitney, A. N., Meibourne, Vic. Inanimate or lay pigeon Whittington, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Perambulator-straps Wildish, H. R., s.s. "Aorangi." Fuel-economizer for multitubular steam-boilers. (Van Hecke's Fuel-economizer Syndicate, Limited. Van Hecke) Williams, D., Reefton, N.Z. Stoking-holds Williams, F. A., Albrighton, Eng. Joining edges of thin plate-metal for manufacture of tubes, &c. Williams, H., and another, Richmond, Vic. Rotary engine Williams, M., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Chair and steps combined Williams, S. H., Blenheim, N.Z. Feeding fibre to a hackling-machine Wilson, J. C, and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Tow-hackling machine Wilson, P., Auckland, N.Z. Treating kauri-gum, &c. Wilson, R. P., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Tow-hackling machine .. Winn, N., Croydon, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-traps Winn, N., and another, Croydon, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-traps .. Wishart, J., Wellington, N.Z. Washing-machines .. Withell, R., Brookside, Canterbury, N.Z. Milking-machines Withell, R., Brookside, Canterbury, N.Z. Milking-machines.. Wolseley, F. Y., Sydney, N.S.W. Holders for use when sharpening shearing-combs and cutters.. Wolseleyi F. Y., Sydney, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machines Woods, W. F., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Kilns for seasoning timber Wooffindin, E., and another, Seadown, Timaru, N.Z. Grubber-plough, &c. Wratten, W., Martinborough, Wellington, N.Z. Wire-fencing Wright, A. 0., Birmingham, Eng. Laths and sheets for ceilings, partitions, &c. Wright, S. E., Wellington, N.Z. Double-action hinge Wrigley, F. H., Opaki, Masterton, N.Z. Bushfalling scaffold-board shoe Wrigley, F. H., Opaki, Masterton, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. Wrigley, F. H., Opaki, Masterton, N.Z. Chain-lever and self-locking sheaf Wyett, R. W., Yarram Yarram, Vic. Fire-guard and spark-arrester H., Cromwell, N.Z. Rabbit-traps .. foung, L. H., St. John, Canada. Locking nuts on bolts for fish-plates, &c. Zimmerman, J., Chicago, U.S.A. Key-opening preserve-cans.. 6401 6343 6281 6235 6086 6545 6279 6311 6382 6190 6058 6296 6150 0376 6500 6350 6557 6140 6254 6572 6278 6278 6141 6078 0502 6188 6161 6501 6177 6059 6563 6044 6495 6003 G3S2 6238 6592 6310 6042 31 Aug. 10 Aug. 8 July. 13 June. 13 March. 13 Nov. 8 July. 24 July. 22 Aug. 17 May. 23 Feb. 14 July. 27 April. 23 Aug. 23 Oct. 10 Aug. 27 Nov. 19 April. 23 June. 11 Dec. 3 July. 3 July. 19 April. 4 March 20 Oct. 16 May. 27 April. 23 Oct. 11 May. 21 Feb. 6 Dee. 15 Feb. 21 Oct. 22 Feb. 22 Aug. 15 June. 28 Deo. 22 July. 10 Feb. 6356 6414 6257 6202 0198 6087 6268 6087 6047 0430 6365 6285 6517 6330 6364 6552 6080 6537 6410 6339 6170 0180 6181 6112 6388 6245 6048 15 Aug. 11 Sept. 24 June. 26 May. 22 May, 14 March. 28 June. 14 March. 18 Feb. 16 Sept. 18 Aug. 7 July. 31 Oct. 5 Aug. 17 Aug. 23 Nov. 4 Mar. 13 Nov. 9 Sept. 8 Aug. 8 May. 12 May. 12 May. 27 March. 30 Aug. 17 June. 18 Feb.



5976. 4th January. Hugh Dixson, of Park and Elizabeth Streets, Sydney, New South Wales, Tobacco Merchant (Assignee of Wilfred Noyce Kernot, of Colonial Mutual Chambers, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer).—An invention for an improved machine for making cigarette-holders.* 5977. 4th January. James Channon, of Beaconsfield, Concord, near Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant. —An invention for an improved amalgamating-machine. 5978. 4th January. Charles Evarts Seymour, Manufacturer, Oscar Augustus King, Physician, and George Augustus Post, Physician, all of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, United States of America.—An invention for improvements in ore-concentrators. 5979. 4th January. Charles Evarts Seymour, Manufacturer, Oscar Augustus King, Physician, and George Augustus Post, Physician, all of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, United States of America.—An invention for improvements in ore-concentrators. 5980. 4th January. George Farquhar, Junior, and Robert North, both of 205, St. George's Road, Peckham, Surrey, England, Merchants.—An invention for improved means of preserving eggs.* 5981. 4th January. John Wesley Lahey and Thomas George Lahey, both of Vulture Street East, South Brisbane, Queensland, Sawmillers.—An invention for a new or improved machine for forming, dressing, and bevelling staves of all kinds for use in the manufacture of casks, barrels, and articles of a like nature. 5982. 4th January. Frank Gold, of Palmer Street, Richmond, Victoria, Nail Manufacturer.—An invention for an improved mushroom-headed nail for corrugated-iron roofs and fences.* 5983. 4th January. William Richard Sumption Jones, of Ajmere, Rajputana, India, Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, Rajputana State Railway.—An invention for improvements in central buffers for railway and other vehicles. 5984. sth January. James Randall Gascoigne, of Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for pruning fruit or other trees, entitled " Gascoigne's Pruning-shears." 5985. 4th January. James Howell, of Hamilton South, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention entitled " Howell's Combined Seed-sowing and Harrowing Machine," for attachment to any ordinary double-furrow plough.* 5986. sth January. August Scheidel, Ph.D., of Auckland, New Zealand, Metallurgical and Technological Chemist. —An invention for the extraction of gold and silver, or either of them, from ores or other materials by means of a machine called " Centrifugal Agitator and Separator," and for the separation of solutions containing gold and silver, or either of them, from ores or other materials by the same means. 5987. 9th January. Robert Miller Brechin, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Agent and Gas Engineer.—An invention for an automatic grip strength-testing machine. 5988. 9th January. Harry Kinnaird Hovell, of William Street, North Shore, Auckland, New Zealand, Authorised Surveyor. —An invention entitled "The Traveller's Friend," being a trunk or chest.* 5989. 9th January. Victor John Owens, of Sussex Street, Surrey Hills, Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturer.—An invention entitled " The Reliance Export Package.* 5990. 11th January. William Russell Devereux, of Dunsandel, Canterbury, New Zealand, Saddler. —An invention for an improved knee-protector. 5991. 11th January. Thomas Gager, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Tailor.—An invention for improvements in galvanic belts. 5992. 13th January. Almon B. Strowger, of Chicago, United States of America.—An invention for improvements in automatic telephone and other electric exchanges. 5993. 13th January. James Martin, Chairman of "James Martin and Company (Limited)," whose registered office is at the Phcenix Foundry, Gawler, South Australia, Engineers and Ironfounders (Assignee of John Edward Friend, formerly of Auckland, New Zealand, but at present residing at Gawler aforesaid, Engineer).—An invention for an improved hydro-carbon motor. 5994. 13th January. William Stone, of No. 30, Mary Street, St. Kilda, near Melbourne, Victoria, Electrical Engineer, Charles Ralston, of No. 14, Armadale Street, Armadale, near Melbourne aforesaid, Electrical Engineer, James Gregg, of North Road, Elsternwick, near Melbourne aforesaid, Ironmonger, and William Alfred Holmes, of Storey Street, Parkvilie, near Melbourne aforesaid, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in vapour-lamps. 5995. 16th January. Daniel Best, of San Leandro, California, United States of America, Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in gas-engines and motors propelled thereby. 5996. 16th January. Richard Octavious Egerton Carey, of Longburn, Wellington, New Zealand Farmer. —An invention for an improved press for packing wool and other purposes.* 5997. 16th January. John Tonner Kelly, of 40, Queen's Parade, North Fitzroy, near Melbourne, Victoria, Blacksmith, and John Perry, of 150, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne aforesaid, Timber Merchant. —An invention for improved means for raising sunken vessels.* 5998. 16th January. James Keir, of Ashburton, Mill Machinist, and James Fraser, of Christchurch, Fitter, both in New Zealand.—An invention for an improved windmill to be called " The Keir-Fraser Windmill."* 5999. 16th January. William Adams, of Island Block, Tuapeka, New Zealand, Mine Manager. —An invention for an apparatus for clearing hydraulic elevators when choked in working, and entitled " Adams' Relief Block for Elevators." 6000. 19th January. Rosa Gosden, of 27, Martin's Lane, London, E.C., England, Gentlewoman. —An invention for improvements in bidets or hip-baths.* 6001. 19th January. Thomas Robert Linton Austin, of Talbot, Victoria, School-teacher.—An invention for an improved amalgamator.



6002. 19th January. Julius Moeller, of 14, Palmer Street, Westminster, London, England, Engineer.—An invention for apparatus for manufacture of oil gas. 6003. 19th January. Charles Schleicher, of No. 1, Pine Grove, Malvern, near Melbourne, Victoria, M.D.—An invention for an improved apparatus for separating the solid particles held in suspension in sludge and other similar fluids.* 6004. 20th January. Charles Mortimer Lindsey, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in cutting, grinding, and polishing material. 6005. 18th January. Alexander Augustus Bickerton, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Scientific Apparatus Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in fireworks. 6006. 20tn January. Duncan Fisher, of No. 115, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, North Britain.— An invention for an improved folding-box, specially adapted for the drapery trade.* 6007. 21st January. Joseph Linington Rastrick, of Raglan, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention entitled " Rastrick's Automatic Safety Coupling." 6008. 25th Jauuary. Alexander Jones Grant, of Ongaonga, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for straining and splicing wire at any part of a wire-fence where the wire may be loose or broken without having to draw any staples, to be called " Grant's Strainer and Splicer."* 6009. 25th January. Thomas Campbell Simonton, of Paterson, New Jersey, United States of America, Mechanical Draughtsman.—An invention for improvements in machines for extracting gold from auriferous sands and gravels and pulverised ores.* 6010. 27th January. Robert Francis Crispin, of Motueka, Nelson, New Zealand, Labourer.—An invention for a combined saw-setter and stripper.* 6011. 24th January. William Craig, of Symonds Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention entitled "The Ara Ventilator." 6012. 30th January. Verner Frederik Losssoe Smidth, of Vestergade, 29, Copenhagen, Denmark, Engineer. —An invention for sand cement. 6013. 30th January. John Turnbull, of Adelaide, South Australia, Ships' Agent.—An invention for an improved apparatus for washing coal, applicable also for separating metalliferous ores and other substances of different specific gravities.* 6014. 30th January. Herbert Cave, of No. 9, The Avenue, Windsor, near Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman. —An invention for an improved process and apparatus for destroying rabbits in rabbit-burrows.* 6015. 31st January. Fredrick Crook, of 22, Chester Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, and George Thomas Booth, of Sydenham, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for a machine for husking maize or Indian corn. 6016. 28th January. William Stevenson, of Moray Place, Dunedin, New Zealand, Manufacturer and Merchant.—An invention for an improvement in tins or cans for jams, jellies, and marmalade. 6017. 28th January. William Stevenson, of Moray Place, Dunedin, New Zealand, Manufacturer and Merchant.—An invention for an improvement in the treatment of tin plates used in the construction of tins used for fruit and other preserves. 6018. 28th January. . William Stevenson, of Moray Place, Dunedin, New Zealand, Manufacturer and Merchant. —An invention for combined crimping-, fluxing-, and soldering-machine for manufacturing tins or cans from sheet-metals. 6019. Ist February. The Pneumatic Tire and Booth's Cycle Agency (Limited), of Dublin, Ireland (Assignees of Charles Kingston Welch, of Coventry, England, Fngineer).—An invention for improvements in rubber tires and metal rims or felloes of wheels for cycles and other light vehicles. 6020. 3rd February. John Sen Thomson, of Phoenix Chambers, 52, Market Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Commission Agent. —An invention for an improved machine, useful for churning butter, for heating, cooling, and mixing liquids, and for washing fibrous materials and other substances. 6021. 3rd February. Robert Barr Lauchlan, of 41, Austin Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber, Tinsmith, and Gasfitter. —An invention for regulating the supply of water to cisterns, entitled " The Simplex Weight and Float Ball-cock."* 6022. 3rd February. Henry George Bedell, of Windsor Place, Plumber, and Richard Malone Hamilton, of Boulcott Street, Architect, both in Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved high-pressure ball-cock valve for water-cisterns, to be called "The B.H. Improved High-pressure Ball-cock Valve."* 6023. 3rd February. Henry George Bedell, of Windsor Place, Plumber, and Richard Malone Hamilton, of Brandon Street, Architect, both in Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for ventilating and draught-producing purposes, to be called " The B.H. Combination Venti-lating-cowl."* 6024. 31st January. Richard Craigie, of Henley, Farmer, and Hugh Laing Mainland, of Burke's, Engineer, both in Otago, New Zealand. —An invention for purifying milk, entitled " The Animal-effluvia Extractor for New Milk."* 6025. 4th February. Joseph Hugh McAlister, of Wellington, New Zealand, Clerk.—An invention for an appliance for facilitating correct copying of manuscript or any other matter, either in connection with type-writing machines or otherwise.* 6026. 28th January. John Isaac Knight, of England Street, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Wholesale Saddler. —An invention for improvements in saddles.* 6027. 6th February. John Nunan, of Lismore, Carpenter, and Thomas John Moses, of Clunes, near Lismore, Auctioneer, both in New South Wales. —An invention for an improved machine for manufacturing kegs, specially butter-kegs. 3—H. 2.



6028. 6th February. James Livesey Scott, of Adelaide, South Australia, Engineer.—An invention for an improved advertising device, together with a contrivance for carrying it into effect. 6029. 6th February. Samuel Morrell, of Wellington, New Zealand, Bricklayer.—An invention for improvements in sash-fasteners.* 6030. 2nd February. Thomas Taylor Masefield, of the Albert Iron Foundry, Albert Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer, Iron and Brass Founder.—An invention for an improvement in street-drain frames, to be called " Masefield's Improved Street-drain Frame."* 6031. 2nd February. James Poynton Evans, of Wade, Auckland, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for an atmospheric milk-pan, to increase the quantity and quality of the cream.* 6032. 2nd February. James Poynton Evans, of Wade, Auckland, New Zealand, Tinsmith. —An invention for an improved prospecting-pan for alluvial gold- and diamond-fields.* 6033. 4th February. Fredrick Walter Page, of Chertsey, Canterbury, New Zealand, Labourer. —An invention for an improved wire-strainer, to be called " Page's Wire-strainer." 6034. 7th February. Albert Richard, of Spring Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Medical Electrician. —An invention for an improved electro-medical chair, and apparatus therefor.* 6035. 7th February. Frederick Giles, of Tivoli Road, South Yarra, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved appliance for use in connection with trace-hooks in vehicles. 6036. 9th February. Frederick Nicholson Turney, of Nottingham, England, Leather Manufacturer. —An invention for an improved process and apparatus for degreasing leather. 6037. 9th February. Charles Gooding, of 190, New Cross Road, Kent, England, Leather Merchant.—An invention for improvements in or connected with coffins. 6038. 9th February. John Saxby the younger, of 61 and 62, Chancery Lane, Middlesex, England, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in ticket-punches.* 6039. 9th February. George Montague Bowser, of Brisbane, Queensland, Contractor.—An invention for improvements in machinery for moulding and dressing stone used for building, drainage, and other analogous purposes. 6040. 9th February. Alexander James, of Church Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Joiner.— An invention for an improved method of, and apparatus for, hanging window-sashes and the like.* 6041. 9th February. Henri de Clifton, of Woodville, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved stump-extractor and hauling-apparatus.* 6042. 10th February. Henry Robert Wildish, of s.s. " Aorangi," Engineer (nominee of Van Hecke's Fuel-economizer Syndicate, Limited, of Suffolk House, Laurence Poutney Hill, London, 8.C., England, Assignees of Van Hecke). —An invention for " Van Hecke's Fueleconomizer for Multitubular Steam Boilers."* 6043. 11th February. Samuel Edward Haskin, of Avoca, New York, United States of America, Manufacturer.—An invention for improved process and apparatus for vulcanising wood. 6044. 15th February. Daniel Whitburn, of Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturer. —An invention entitled " Whitburn's Combined Slate- and Pencil-case."* 6045. 15th February. George William Shailer, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Photographer, and James Reid Anderson, of Birmingham, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention for a new method and apparatus for ear-marking sheep and for other similar purposes. 6046. 18th February. Arthur Pearson, of Mangatainoka, Wellington, New Zealand, Assistant Barman, Dudley Arms Hotel.—An invention for securely corking bottles, named " Pearson's Screw Neck."* 6047. 18th February. Nicholas Winn, of Croydon, Otago, New Zealand, Rabbiter.—An invention for improvements in rabbit-traps, called "Winn's Horse-shoe Rabbit-clipper. "* 6048. 18th February. John Zimmerman, of 3715, Forest Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in key-opening cans and methods of making the same. 6049. 18th February. Robert Ashton Lister, and Mikael Pedersen, both of Dursley, Gloucester, England, Engineers. —An invention for improvements in or applicable to centrifugal machines for separating liquids. 6050. 14th February. Albert Arthur Howes, of Lyttelton, Draper, and Richard Evans, of Kaiapoi, Farmer, both in New Zealand.—An invention for a composition for preserving butter. 6051. 17th February. John Burns, of 70, Bendigo Street, Burnley, Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for a device for automatically fastening tee-squares to drawing-boards.* 6052. 16th February. Robert Miller Brechin, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Gas-engineer.—An invention for improvements in advertising to attract attention, and entitled "Brechin's Electric Moving and Flash-light Sign." 6053. 20th February. Oscar Brunler, of Braustrasse, Eutritzoh, Leipzig, Germany, Engineer.— An invention for method of heating steam-boilers by means of a flame developed inside the boiler. 6054. 20th February. Parker Cogswell Choate, of No. 38, Wall Street, New York, United States of America, Metallurgist.—An invention for improvements in the art of producing metallic zinc. 6055. 20th February. Gerard Beekman, of No. 5, East Thirty-fourth Street, New York, United States of America, Gentleman.—:An invention for improvements in harvesting-machines. 6056. 13th February. John Shears Gray, of Union Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Butcher.—An invention for luminous clock- and watch-faces. 6057. 23rd February. Robert Ferguson, of Grosvenor Street, Moonee Ponds, Victoria, Engineer. ■ —An invention for improvements in milking-machines.



6058. 23rd February. John Alston Wallace, of Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Landed Proprietor.—An invention for an improved incandescent gas-burner.* 6059. 21st February. Cornelius Lot Wheeler, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Mill Machinist. —An invention for improvements in grain- and seed-dressing machines.* 6060. 22nd February. Peter Duncan and David Duncan, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Agricultural Engineers. —An invention for an improved grubber.* 6061. 24th February. Hugh Thomson, of " Thornton," Studley Park Road, Kew, near Melbourne, Victoria, Tanner.—An invention for improvements in valves for fire-plugs and hydrants, and means for operating same. 6062. 24th February. William Robinson, Storekeeper, and Frederick Duncan Fergusson, Schoolmaster, both of Makotuku, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved lifting apparatus for sack-barrows. 6063. 22nd February. John White, of Temple Chambers, Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Tailor.—An invention for new or improved measures, rules, or scales for use by tailors, cutters, dressmakers, and others.* 6064. 27th February. Louis Block, of New York, United States of America, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in refrigerating apparatus. 6065. 24th February. Francis Joseph Gane, of Ohaupo, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a back-band attachment for plough- and leading-harness. 6066. 27th February. William Evarts Richards, of 203, Broadway, New York, United States of America, Patent Agent.—An invention for a device for partitioning drawers and similar structures. 6067. 28th February. Walter Muston Shadgett, Electrician, Henry James Purbrook, Electrician, and George Shadgett, Agent, all of Manners Street, Wellington, New Zealand.— An invention for the medical application of electricity, to be called " The Aurora Process." 6068. 28th February. Henry Ashworth, of Wadestown, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for " The New Zealand Natural Clothes-peg."* 6069. 28th .February. Harold James Augustus Pyke, of Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for a clothes-washing combination.* 6070. 23rd February. Rorert Easton, of Mornington, near Dunedin, Plasterer.—An invention called "Easton's Transverse Flax-dresser."* 6071. 2nd March. William Tarrant, of Petersham, near Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer. —An invention for an improved concentrating-machine, usable also as an amalgamator. 6072. 25th February. William Eddowes, of Queen Street, Thames, New Zealand, Assayer, and John Wylie McPeake, of Pollen Street, Thames, New Zealand, Assayer. —An invention for the amalgamation of gold and silver, which will be known under the title of " The McPeakeEddowes Gold and Silver Amalgamating Process."* 6073. 4th March. John Belk, of Feilding, Wellington, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for an improved brake for four-wheeled road-vehicles. * 6074. 2nd March. Walter William Crawford, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer, &c.—An invention for an improved centrifugal butter-drier. 6075. 2nd March. Walter William Crawford, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer, &c.—An invention for recovering the constituents of suintate of potash, or yolk of sheep's wool, when in solution of water or other liquid, and the application of centrifugal force to the separation of such constituents.* 6076. 2nd March. Benjamin Dawson, of Duncan Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Stationmaster.— An invention for distinguishing frozen meat, or any other form of colonial produce intended for export or otherwise, by the application of labels, the same to be known as " Dawson's Adhesive Labels." 6077. 4th March. Peter Duncan and David Duncan, both of Christchurch, New Zealand, Agricultural Engineers.—An invention for an improved grubber-share. 6078. 4th March. John Webster, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Civil Engineer and Surveyor.— An invention for improvements in spring-couple for chains, traces, drag-ropes, and other purposes requiring elasticity. 6079. 6th March. Hugh Dixson, trading as " Dixson and Sons," of Park and Elizabeth Streets, Sydney, New South Wales, Tobacco and Cigarette Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in tobacco-spraying machines. 6080. 4th March. David Sturrock, of Tirnaru, New Zealand, Engineer, and Emanuel Wooffindin, of Seadown, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention entitled "Excelsior Grubberplough and Harrow."* 6081. 4th March. Robert Jenkinson, Junior, of Park Road, Auckland, New Zealand, Builder.— An invention to be called " Jenkinson's Improved Construction of Concrete and Iron for Building Purposes." 6082. 7th March. James Troup, of Crown Iron Works, Armagh Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Ironfounder.—An invention for improved movable and tilting bottom-grating for kitchen-ranges and grates. 6083. 10th March. William Joseph Garrett, of Kaikoura, Marlborough, New Zealand, Flaxmiller.—An invention for washing and wringing the fibre of New Zealand hemp, to be known as " Garrett's Automatic Fibre-washer."* 6084. Bth March. John Stevenson, of Waianiwa, New Zealand, Blacksmith, and John Edward Hawkins, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Gas Manager.—An invention entitled " Stevenson and Hawkins' Weed-eradicator," for the eradication of obnoxious weeds, particularly the Canadian or Californian thistle. 6085. 14th March. Frank Ashby, of Mount Brown Flat, Amberley, New Zealand, Farm Manager, —An invention for the centre hangings of gates,



6086. 13th March. Thomas Waddell, of Sydenham, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the rollers of flax-strippers.* 6087. 14th March. Richmond Frederick Wilson and John Campbell Wilson, of Blenheim, New Zealand. —An invention for " Wilson Brothers' Self-clearing Tow-hackling Machine."* 6088. 16th March. Richard Pearce, of 1712, Sherman Avenue, Denver, Colorado, United States of America, Metallurgist.—An invention for improvements in and relating to oreroasting furnaces. 6089. 16th March. John Hartnett, of Bay View Villa, St Patrick Street, Oakleigh, Victoria, Engineer, and David Moffatt Robison, of " Laurieston," Church Square, Ackland Street, St. Kilda, Victoria, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the teat-appliance of milk-ing-machines. 6090. 16th March. Henri Galopin, of Temple Court Place, Chancery Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Scientific Engineer, and Henry Schreiber, of "Taunus," Jasper Road, East Brighton, Victoria, Instrument-maker. —An invention for an improved window- or sash-fastener." 6091. 16th March. Jesse Ascough, of Handsworth, Stafford, England, Agent.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of sodium biborate or borax, sodium crystalline carbonate or washing-soda, and other compounds containing boron or sodium, or both. 6092. 15th March. John Eldred, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Advertising Agent. —An invention for a new or improved apparatus for sweeping chimneys or flues. 6093. 18th March. Edward Jones, of Sydenham, Canterbury, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for an improved brake for road-vehicles. * 6094. 18th March. Arthur Steele Ford, of Mangatainoka, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer, and David Pickering, of Pahiatua, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention for a steamwhistle, called "The iEolian." * 6095. 20th March. William Augustus Howard, of Imperial Hotel, Brisbane, Queensland, Marine Surveyor.—An invention for a centrifugal amalgamator. 6096. 20th March. Norman Frederick Gibein, of the National Bank Chambers, 60a, Pitt Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Accountant (Assignee of Adolph Spool, of 385, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Mat Manufacturer). —An invention for an improved door- or floormat. 6097. 15th March. Thomas Peacock, of Auckland, New Zealand, Optician.—An invention for further improvements in the winding-case of surveyors' narrow steel bands (already patented by applicant, No. 4981, No. 6, folio 409, 6th May, 1891). 6098. 20th March. Lewis Meyer Brodziak, of Bond Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant. —An invention for a new or improved form of policy or coupon for insurance against accident.* 6099. 22nd March. George Cook, of 58, Spencer Street, Clerkenwell, London, England, Clockmaker, and Charles Kerr Marr, of 2, Sutherland Terrace, Billhead, Glasgow, Scotland, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for automatically displaying advertisements, pictures, and the like. 6100. 21st March. John Innes and William Healy, of Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand, Carpenters. —An invention entitled "The Improved Lawn- and Garden-rake." 6101. 25th March. Alois Riedler, of 78, Friedrich Strasse, Berlin, Germany, Professor in the Polytechnic School.—An invention for improvements in and connected with compressing and pumping apparatus. 6102. 25th March. William Evarts Richards, of 203, Broadway, New York, United States of America, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvement in supports for books and other like articles. 6103. 25th March. Henry Samuel Pruyn, of Hoosick Falls, New York, United States of America, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in railway-cars. 6104. 25th March. Gabriel Dupont-Dennis, of Rue Arthur iii., Nantes, France, Manufacturer of Preserved Alimentary Products.—An invention for an improved process of, and apparatus for, preserving dried vegetables. 6105. 25th March. Frederick Duncan Fergusson, of Makotuku, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Schoolmaster. —An invention for a combined bottle-opener and stopper. 6106. 25th March. George William Shailer, of Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand, Photographer. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for ear-marking sheep and for other similar purposes. 6107. 22nd March. Joseph Christopher Spinley, of Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand, Plumber. —An invention for an improved apparatus for heating rooms and some other purposes.* 6108. 27th March. George Alexander Troup, of Hawker Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Draftsman. —An invention for a fang lock-nut.* 6109. 23rd March. George Lovegrove, of Gapes Valley, Geraldine, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for a one-wheeled sulky.* 6110. 21st March. Frank Eustace Hedger, of St. Leonards, Otago, New Zealand, Storekeeper. —An invention for a non-removable brand for frozen meat and other produce, to be called " The Altona Meat- and Produce-brand." 6111. 21st March. Edwin James Foord, of Arrowtown, New Zealand, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for an improved trap for catching rabbits or other small animals in large quantities, and entitled "Foord's Improved Rabbit-trap." 3112. 27th March. Robert William Wyett, of Yarram Yarram, South Gippsland, Victoria, Accountant.—An invention for an improved fireguard and spark-arrester. 6113. 27th March. Walter Lewis Thompson, of Wellington, New Zealand, Builder,—An invention entitled " The Simplex Window-sashes,"



6114. 27th March. William Ernest Richardson, of Outram, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for automatically packing and wrapping in paper or like material any description of articles of merchandise.* 6115. 23rd March. Alexander Suttie, of Onehunga, New Zealand, Tanner. —An invention for removing the hair and wool from hides and sheepskins by a process to be called the " Unhairing Process." 6116. 29th March. Edward Stephens MgGill, of Gore, Otago, New Zealand, Builder and Contractor.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for raising and lowering windowsashes. 6117. 28th March. John Don, of Walter Street, Carisbrook, Dunedin, New Zealand, Mining Manager.—An invention entitled " John Don's Improved Gold-saving Appliance," for treating alluvial washes. 6118. 4th April. William Stronach Lockhart, of London, England, Civil Engineer.—An invention for an improved process and apparatus used therein for the washing and separating of gems or other substances from the earthy and other mineral matters containing them. 6119. 4th April. John Pender, of Tinning Street, Brunswick, Victoria, Nail Manufacturer.— An invention for improvements in machines for grooving or trenching boards, and cutting same to given lengths, for boxes and other structures. 6120. sth April. Michael Patrick Connolly, Labourer, and Isaac Sykes, Settler, both of Masterton, New Zealand.—An invention entitled " Connolly and Sykes's Foot-rot Paste."* 6121. sth April. Massey-Harris Company (Limited), of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Agriculturalimplement Makers (Assignees of Lyman Melvin Jones, Manufacturer, and James Wedlake, Machinist, both of Toronto aforesaid). —An invention for improvements in seed-sowing machines. 6122. sth April. Massey-Harris Company (Limited), of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Agriculturalimplement Makers (Assignees of Lyman Melvin Jones, Manufacturer, and James Wedlake, Machinist, both of Toronto aforesaid). —An improved cultivator. 6123. 6th April. William Henry Fineayson, of Sydney, New South Wales, Railway Con'tra'ctor.' —-An invention for improvements in earth-excavators.* 6124. 6th April. Pierre Aignau Moreau, of Meung-sur-Loire (Loiret), France, Marble Workman. —An invention for improvements in the manufacture of artificial stones, and in the artificial colouration and hardening of natural or artificial stone. 6125. 6th April. William Kirkley Birkinshaw, of Quarndon, Derby, England, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in picks and other tools having movable operative parts. 6126. 6th April. Bernard Charles Molloy, of the Middle Temple, London, England, Member of Parliament, Barrister-at-Law.—An invention for improvements in dissolving gold and other metals out of ores and compounds, and obtaining the metals therefrom. 6127. 7th April. Alexander Cameron, of Richmond., Virginia, United States of America, and George Cameron, of Petersburgh, Virginia, aforesaid, Tobacco Manufacturers (Assignees of Henry Bohls, of 244, Fremont Street, San Francisco, United States of America, Cigar Manufacturer). —An invention for improvements in cigarette-machines. 6128. sth April. Mark Beanovitch, of Opotiki, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for improvements in, or relating to, horse-collars.* 6129. sth April. Mark Beanovitch, of Opotiki, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improved pack-saddle.* 6130. 12th April. Joseph James Macky, of 119, Victoria Arcade, Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent. —An invention for improvements in door-handles and fastenings.* 6131. 11th April. Henry Corrick, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Boot Manufacturer.—An invention for a shoe with detachable straps. 6132. 14th April. Frederick Gileett, Civil Engineer, and Matthew Belk, Feather Dyer, both of Palmerston North, New Zealand.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for pre-' venting locomotives and vehicles from leaving the rails. 6133. 12th April. George James Eden, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Pensioner.—An invention for an embrocation or mixture for curing and healing sores, cuts, bruises, sprains, and wounds in horses, cattle, or any animals. 6134. 15th April. George Bolton, of Eden Street, Oamaru, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved crank-pin or journal lubricator, to be known as " Bolton's Crank Lubricator." 6135. 17th April. Hugh Dunlop, of Rookwood, New South Wales, Clerk in Holy Orders, and James Channon, of Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant.—An invention for " The Dunlop Rabbit Exterminator." 6136. 17th April. James Reid Anderson, of Bluff Road, Birmingham, New Zealand, Sheepfarmer, and John Belk, of Feilding, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for a new and improved method of, and apparatus for, ear-marking sheep, cattle, &c, and some other purposes. 6137. 17th April. Carl Maria Pieesticker, of No. 43, Connaught Road, Harlesden, Middlesex, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the extraction of gold and silver from ores.* 6138. 17th April. Henry George Bedell, of Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention for an improved, ball-cock. 6139. 14th April. William Shaw Diedrich Schmidt, of Church Street, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for improvements in winkers and blinders for horses.* 6140. 19th April. Edward Waters, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent (nominee of The Electrical Wonder Company (Limited), of 425, Strand, London, England, Assignees of Ottomar Anschutz, of 14, Unter den Linden, Berlin, Germany).—An invention for improvements in apparatus or means for exhibiting optical illusions.



6141. 19th April. John Andrew Wauchope, of Sydney, New South Wales, at present residing at Hackney, South Australia, and John Hannah Gordon, of Adelaide, South Australia, Solicitor.—An invention for an improved process and apparatus for dry malting. 6142. 17th April. John Mitchell, of Victoria Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for straining and fixing wire-fencing and for some other purposes.* 6143. 18th April. William Anderson Ewing, of Elm Row, Dunedin, New Zealand, Builder.— An invention for the " Atlas Churn."* 6144. 20th April. William Henry Gaze, of Palmerston Street, Westport, New Zealand, Physician and Metallurgical Chemist.—An invention for improvements in the leaching of gold-ores by means of chloride of bromine, and for improvements in the use of chlorine and bromine either separately or combined. 6145. 22nd April. Robert Miller Brechin, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a new method of and apparatus for effecting insurance by coin-freed mechanism.* 6146. 24th April. William Evarts Richards, of 203, Broadway, New York, United States of America, Patent Agent.—An invention for supports for the shelves of bookcases and the like. 6147. 24th April. John Cunninghame Montgomerie, of the "Water of Ayr" and "Tarn O'Shanter" Hone-works, Dalmore, Stair, Ayr, Scotland, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in the extraction of gold and silver from ores or compounds containing the same. 6148. 20th April. Percy Adolphgs Vaile, of Auckland, New Zealand, Solicitor.—An invention for an improved brick for lining wells.* 6149. 25th April. James Strang Thomson, of St. Hill Street, Wanganui, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for improvements in bread-making.* 6150. 27th April. James Walsh, of Otakaio, New Zealand, Settlor.—An invention for improvements in wire-strainers. 6151. 2.4th April. Gershon Bowmar, of Charlton, Gore, Otago, New Zealand, Millowner. —An invention for improvements in winding-gear on traction-engines for agricultural purposes. 6152. 21st April. John Stewart Reid, of No. 8, Victoria Street, Westminster, England, Mechanician.—An invention for wire-barbing fences. 6153. 25th April. Edwin James Foord, of Arrowtown, New Zealand, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for an apparatus for holding and feeding poisoned grain or other food for poisoning birds or vermin, and entitled " The Eureka Sparrow Poisoner." 6154. 26th April. John Edward Beckwith, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Fitter.—An invention for a convertible " tandem " bicycle. 6155. Ist May. Lysaght Brothers and Company (Limited), whose registered office is at No, 31, O'Connell Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Wire-netting Manufacturers (Assignees of Frederick John Corbett, formerly of 193, Domain Road, South Yarra, near Melbourne, Victoria, but now of No. 10, Powlett Street, Bast Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman). —An invention for improved wire-netting and method of manufacturing the same. 6156. Ist May. William Trewhella and Benjamin Trewhella, Jun., both of Blackwood, Victoria, Engineers.—An invention for improvement in lever-jacks. 6157. Ist May. Albert John W. Sherwin, of Queen's Hotel, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for an improved spring electric fire-alarm.* 6158. Ist May. Benjamin Dunkerley, of Glenorchy, Tasmania, Hatter and Furrier, and Joseph Davenport Kain, of Stockport, England, Builder.—An invention for a machine for dressing fur. 6159. Ist May. Francis Wilson Niven and Henry Ninian Niven, trading under the name or style of "F. W. Niven and Company," at Nos. 56 and 58, Lydiard Street, Ballarat, Victoria, as Artistic Printers (assignees of Henry Crisp, of Lydiard Street, Ballarat, aforesaid, Photographer). —An invention for an improved gelatine printing-plate. 6160. 2nd May. Albany Washington Carr, of Brentford, Middlesex, England, Clerk.—An invention for improvements in tobacco-pipes. 6161. 27th April. Henry West, of Auckland, New Zealand, Cabinet-maker.—An invention for an improved sectional cutting-board. 6162. 3rd May. Thomas Firth, of Edward Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Labourer.—An invention for quickly and effectively stopping, and detaining when stopped, vehicles that have two wheels abreast each other, and do not run too quickly, entitled " The Ready Wheel-lock."* 6163. 3rd May. Gershon Bowmar, of Charlton, Gore, Otago, New Zealand, Mill-owner.—An invention for improvements to differential gearing on traction engines. 6164. 28th April. Eliza Hare McDonald, of Don Street, Invercargill, New Zealand.—An invention for " The Madam Don Back- and Shoulder-strap." 6165. 28th April. Rudolf Charles Miller, of Dee Street, Invercargill, New Zealand, Basketmaker. —An invention for " Miller's Eureka Chair-seat." 6166. Ist May. George McHattie, of Palmerston, Otago, New Zealand, Farm Servant.—An invention for rabbit-trap, to be called "The End-coil Spring-trap. "* 6167. 3rd May. John Marshall, of Springston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanic.—An invention for improvements in grain- and seed-dressing machines. 6168. 3rd May. James Copeland, of Brunswick Line, near Wanganui, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for complete wire-strainer. 6169. sth May. Aron Vecht, of Elburg, Holland, now residing at Wellington, New Zealand, Mess-pork Manufacturer,—An invention for a process for the singeing of pigs,* (Withdrawn.)


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6170. Bth May. Frederick Henry Wrigley, of Opaki, Masterton, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for " Wrigley's Bush-falling Scaffold-board Shoe." 6171. 6th May. William Andrews and Arthur Ward Beaven, trading together in co-partnership as Engineers, at Christchurch, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in cloverthreshing and shelling machines. 6172. 9th May. William Hay, of Masterton, New Zealand, Storeman. —An invention entitled " Hay's Grass-seed Cleaner," for more effectually cleaning and dressing grass-seed, and especially for the purpose of separating fog and soft meadow-grass seed from cocksfoot seed.* 6173. 9th May. Alexander Robert Hislop, of Panama Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Watchmaker. —An invention entitled " The Boss Advertising Ruler." 6174. 10th May. Aeon Vecht, of Wellington, New Zealand, Mess-pork Manufacturer. —An invention for a process for preserving pork by singeing. 6175. 10th May. William Coates, of Wellington, New Zealand, Boiler-maker.—An invention for a music-leaf turnover.* 6176. 11th May. William John McKee, of Foxton, New Zealand, Flaxmiller. —An invention for an improved mouth for New Zealand flax-scutchers.* 6177. 11th May. Henry Arthur Wheat, of a'Beckett Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in lamps for burning liquid hydro-carbons. 6178. 12th May. Edward Hughes, Edward Joseph Rigby, and John Sinclair Pirrie, all of South Melbourne, Victoria, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in combined rotary crushing, pulverising, and ore-amalgamating machines.* 6179. 12th May. Albert William Atwater and John Francis Mackie, constituting the legal firm of " Atwater and Mackie," of Montreal, Canada, Advocates (Assignees of Charles Albert Couch, of Columbus, Ohio, United States of America, but now temporarily residing at Montreal aforesaid). —An invention for improvements in heat-deflectors. 6180. 12th May. Frederick Henry Wrigley, of" Opaki, Masterton, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for " Wrigley's Wire-strainer." 6181. 12th May. Frederick Henry Wrigley, of Opaki, Masterton, New Zealand, Farmer, —An invention for " Wrigley's Chain-lever and Self-locking Sheaf." 6182. 12th May. William Hopkin Akester, of Crondace Road, Fulham, Middlesex, England, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in, or connected with, electric-arc lamps. 6183. 15th May. Victor Carandini, F.R.V.1.A., of 34, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Architect and Civil Engineer. —An invention for an improved portfolio advertising ticket, card, or pass.* 6184. 15th May. Nathan Leroy Raber, of Corvallis, Oregon, United States of America, Miner.— An invention for improvement in amalgamators. 6185. 15th May. Alfred Gartner, of No. 764, Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey, United States of America, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in gum-moisteners. 6186. 15th May. Odilon Baltzar Hannibal Hanneborg, of Urskoug, Norway, Estate Agent —■ An improved ditching and tile-laying machine. 6187. 15th May. Henry Thomas Dawson, of Salcombe, Devon, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in gas-engines. 6188. 16th May. Francis Weldon, of Erlimount, Barley, Berks, England, Colonel in the Indian Staff Corps.—An invention for improvements in the construction of bridges and other like structures. 6189. 17th May. Fred Brown, of Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand, Blind-manufacturer. —An invention for "Brown's Seat-altitude Regulator and Holdfast, for Music and Office Stools." 6190. 17th May. John Thomas Walker, of Aramoho, Wanganui, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a wire-straining reel. 6191. 20th May. William Nelson Blakeman, Jun., of 160, South Ninth Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York, United States of America, Stockbroker. —An invention for a new and useful process of treating fatty and other oils, so as to impart drying properties to the same. 6192. 20th May. William Nelson Blakeman, Jun., of 160, South Ninth Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York, United States of America, Stockbroker.—An invention for a new and useful process of making and treating pigments and paints. 6193. 20th May. William Nelson Blakeman, Jun., of 160, South Ninth Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York, United States of America, Stockbroker.—An invention for a new and useful process of thickening oils while preserving their colour and drying qualities unimpaired. 6194. 20th May. Joseph Anderson, of Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Surveyor.—An invention for improvements in surveyors' measuring-bands.* 6195. 9th May. Erik Thompson, of Aratapu, Auckland, New Zealand, Boat-builder.—An invention for an improved chair.* 6196. 18th May. William John Caverhill, of Auckland, New Zealand, Manager of Freezing Company. —An invention for an improved method of stamping or branding frozen meat.* 6197. 22nd May. Henry Bingham, of 21, Ingestre Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Gentleman. —An invention for the absolute combustion of fuel and smoke, to be known as " The Absolute Combustion Furnace."* 6198. 22nd May. Samuel Hunter Williams, of Middle Renwick Road, Blenheim, New Zealand, Builder. —An invention for a fibre-feeder for feeding flax, tow, hemp, or other fibres into a hackling-machine, and delivering the same. 6199. 22nd May. Alfred Tindill, Commission Agent, and Arthur Edward Prebble, Shoemaker, both of Blenheim, New Zealand.—An invention for " The Self-holding Heckler."



6200. 25th May. Herbert Leslie Manton, of Swanson Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Agent, and John Paterson, of Flinders Lane, Melbourne, aforesaid, Warehouseman.—An invention for improvements in means for lighting cigars and cigarettes. 6201. 26th May. Daniel McGill, of Petone, near Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the arrangement of apparatus for actuating hydraulic-, air-, or steam-engines, and similar machinery, and more particularly the method of arranging the cylinders, slide-valves, and chests of such machinery.* 6202. 26th May. William Cullen, Sewing-machine Agent, and Michael Williams, Carpenter, both of Masterton, New Zealand.—An invention for a new chair and steps combined.* 6203. 22nd May. Andrew Given, Paper Merchant, and Charles Bowtell Smith, Bookbinder, both of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for a pulley capable of having its working diameter increased or decreased, and entitled "The Acme Expanding Pulley." 6204. 27th May, Peter Duncan and David Duncan, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Agricultural Engineers. —An invention for an improvement to manure-drills.* 6205. 29th May. John Hunt, of Waimate, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for friction-roller or pulleys for chaff-cutter elevator. 6206. 29th May. John Hunt, of Waimate, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for dust-protector for machinery in chaff-cutter roller-gearing box. 6207. 29th May. Michael Ford, of Paddington, near Sydney, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in sheep-shearing machines. 6208. 29th May. John Greenslade, of Prebbleton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in threshing and clover shelling and dressing machines.* 6209. 29th May. Hans Peder Meyer, of Campbelltown, Wellington, New Zealand, Fencer. —An invention for an apparatus for striking a straight line between two given points, to be known as " Meyer's Theodolite for Fencers, Bushmen, &c." 6210. 30th May. George Sexton Evans, of North Road, Elsternwick, Victoria, Civil Engineer. —An invention for an improved method of gripping a rope or cable by means of rollers or sheaves. 6211. 27th May. John Ripley, Grocer, and Paul Sherrard, Farmer, both of Methley, near Leeds, England.—An invention for improvements in the method of and apparatus for preserving skins for transportation and other purposes.* 6212. 29th May. Herbert Gardiner, of Irwell, Canterbury, New Zealand, Threshing-machine Proprietor. —An invention for an improved arrangement of clover-sheller and -dresser.* 6213. Ist June. Theodor Hornhauee, of Maungatapiri, Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for a new or improved method of extracting aluminium from clay and some other substances.* 6214. Ist June. William Howard Anscombe, of Sunnyside, Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand, Mariner. —An invention for an improved paint. * 6215. 2nd June. James Coventry, of Wellington, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for an improved index for telephone subscribers' or other lists of names or articles.* 6216. 30th May. Job Osborne, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for improvements in clover threshing, shelling, and dressing apparatus attached to " combine" threshing-machines. 6217. 30th May. Charles Leech, of Rangiora, Canterbury, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention for a composition for curing foot-rot in sheep. 6218. 3rd Juno. James Seymour Philip Stutley, of Hindley Street, Adelaide, South Australia, Manufacturer. —An invention for an improved substance or material for facing moulds used in the casting of metals. 6219. 3rd June. William Taylor, of Kaiapoi, New Zealand, Engineer and Smith.—An invention for improved joint-protector for rims or felloes of wheels, made of wood, for dog-carts or buggies or other vehicles. 6220. 30th May. John Alwent Chapman, of Princes Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Stock- and Share-broker. —An invention for an appliance for causing an increased draught in grates or other fireplaces, and entitled " Domestic Coal-saver and Heat-producer." 6221. sth June. George Allen, of Masterton, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for "Allen's Combination Ladder."* 6222. 3rd June. Hugh Laing Mainland, of Burke's, near Dunedin, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for an appliance for preventing waste of food in feeding sheep, and entitled " The U Feed-saver." 6223. Bth June. Benjamin Samuel Danes, of 43, Cambridge Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand, Door-mat Manufacturer. —An invention for a grooved door-mat.* 6224. 9th June. Andrew Worthington Billings, of 997, Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America, Chemist. —An invention for an improved method of, and means for, manufacturing beer and ale. 6225. 9th June. Andrew Worthington Billings, of 997, Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America, Chemist.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for the manufacture of malt liquors. 6226. 9th June. George W. Stevens, of San Francisco, California, United States of America, Manufacturer. —An invention for fruit-carrier. * 6227. 9th June. Elihu Thomson, of Swampscott, Essex, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrician. —An invention for lightning-arresters and discharge-protectors. 6228. 9th June. Elihu Thomson, of Swampscott, Essex, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrician. —An invention for lightning-arresters. 6229. 9th June. Robert Fergusson Strong, of 26, Billiter Street, London, England, Civil Engineer, and Alexander Gordon, of 27, Cheapside, London, aforesaid, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of artificial fuel.



6230. 9th June. George John Altham, of Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States of America, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in steam-turbines. 6231. 18th May. John O'Brien, of Puhipuhi, Auckland, New Zealand, Hotelkeeper.—An invention for "O'Brien's Kettle for Heating Compresses or Poultices." 6232. 9th June. Thomas William Felton, of Addington, Canterbury, New Zealand, Government Workshops Manager.—An invention for an improved tube-plate hole-cutter. 6233. 10th June. William Hodge, Blacksmith, and John Pearson, Contractor, both of Timaru, New Zealand.—An invention for an easily adjustable and practically unbreakable hook for harness and general use, to be called " The Split-link and Centre-pin Hook."* 6234. 12th June. William Collie, of George Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Machinist (Assignee of Thomas Hardcastle, of Northcote, Victoria, Machinist). —An invention for improvements in a combination mopping, mop-wring, and scrubbing device. 6235. 13th June. John Voebach, of Renwicktown, Marlborough, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for " Vorbach's Potato-digger.* 6236. 15th June. Thomas Allan Bryce, of Kiwitea, near Feilding, New Zealand, Stationmanager.—An invention for an adjustable feed-trough for sheep.* 6237. 15th June. Thomas Allan Bryce, of Kiwitea, near Feilding, New Zealand, Station-manager. —An invention for a tonic and vermifuge for sheep, to be called " Sanitas Ovibus," or " The Perfect Sheep-lick."* 6238. 15th June. The Whitecross Company (Limited), of Warrington, Lancashire, England, Wire-manufacturers, and Walter Milner, Secretary of the said company, of Warrington aforesaid. —An invention for improvements in and connected with the manufacture of wire-netting. 6239. 16th June. Robert Orr, of the Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, Law Clerk.—An invention for further-improved scraping machinery for dressing New Zealand flax and other fibrous plants.* 6240. 14th June. Francis Lee Nichoels, of Napier, New Zealand, Waterworks Engineer.—An invention for an improved street-hydrant valve. 6241. 12th June. Herbert Alexander Ross, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention for improvements in portable boilers as used for domestic purposes, generally termed " copper and case," to be known as " Ross's Self-contained Fire-box." 6242. 12th June. William James Alexander, of Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand, Joiner.— An invention for improvements in apparatus for straining wire-mattrasses, and attaching the same to bedsteads.* 6243. 17th June. David Webster Copeland, of Syracuse, New York, United States of America, Inventor.—An invention for improvements in roller-bearings. 6244. 17th June. Theodore Guilleaume, of Cologne, German Empire, Cable-manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in electric cables. 6245. 17th June. Levi Hildreth Young, of 22, Paddock Street, St. John, Canada, Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in locking nuts on bolts used in fastening the fish-plates on the rails of railroads, and for like purposes. 6246. 14th June. William Alexander, of Marion Street, Caversham, New Zealand, Baker.—An invention for a washing-machine, to be entitled "The Premier Roller Washer." 6247. 17th June. John Greenslade, of Prebbleton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in clover-shellers.* 6248. 15th June. John Cameron Fraser, of Coromandel, New Zealand, Sawmill Proprietor.— An invention entitled "J. C. Fraser's Battery Silent Overflow and Screen or Grating Substitute." 6249. 19th June. William Taylor, of Kaiapoi, New Zealand, Engineer and Smith.—An invention for improved compressed spiral-spring draw-bar. 6250. 23rd June. Henry Edward Kitton, of 26, Milton Street, West Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for " The Top-feed Centrifugal Gold and Heavy Metal Saver and Concentrator." 6251. 23rd June. Edward Hughes, John Sinclair Pirrie, and Edward Joseph Rigby, all of Hanna Street, South Melbourne, Victoria, Engineers.—An invention for a new or improved combined amalgamator, concentrator, and separator. 6252. 23rd June. Amos Heebeet Hobson, of 9, Victoria Street, London, S.W., England, Analytical Chemist. —An invention for improvements in the production of non-alcoholic ale or beer. 6253. 23rd June. Waltee Moerison, of Pascoe Vale Road, Moonee Ponds, near Melbourne, Victoria, Bootmaker, and William Hitch Purser, of 46, Bent Street, Moonee Ponds, aforesaid, Builder.—An invention, for improvements in, and relating to, removable heels for boots and shoes. 6254. 23rd June. Edward Waters, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent (nominee of William Henry Butler, of 53, Halsey Street, Brooklyn, United States of America, Secretary).- —An invention for improvements in machines for forming, filling, and sealing boxes to contain small articles for the market. 6255. 23rd June. Edward Bond Baker, of Belle Vue>, Cleveland, Queensland, Grazier. —An invention for an improved method of, and apparatus for, lubricating the axles of railway rolling-stock. 6256. 21st June. James Kingdon, of Cambridge West, Auckland, -New Zealand, Blacksmith.—■ An invention for a new wheel-stem for protecting the axles of disc-harrows, plough-skeiths, wheels of scarifiers, and other agricultural implements from dust, grit, or earth.* 6257. 24th June. Harry Williams, of 134, Somerset Street, Richmond, Victoria, Engineer, and Thomas Langston Fisher, of Spring Villa, Lennox Street, Hawthorn, Victoria, Mechanic.— An invention for an improved rotary engine. 4—H. 2.



6258. 21st June. Glen Kidston Huntee, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Analyst.—An invention for a compound for deodorising and disinfecting nightsoil and nitrogenous waste matter, and the manufacture of same as a portable fertiliser.* 6259. 21st June. Paul Roach, of Timaru, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a double S-hook.* 6260. 24th June. Charles Arthur Lees, of 27, Antigua Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Clerk, and Stephen William Lester, of Lytton Street, Sydenham, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for extracting the seeds of weeds, such as goose-grass, hair-grass, and the like, from cocksfoot, ryegrass, and other similar seeds.* 6261. 26th. June. Robert Henry Fraser, of the Octagon, Dunedin, New Zealand, Decorator.— An invention for an improvement in gas-kilns. 6262. 26th June. George Percy, of Wellington, New Zealand, Printer.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for indicating the residents in streets and their occupations; also for advertising and other matters.* 6263. 23rd June. Walter Armstrong, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Engineer and Coachbuilder.— An invention entitled " Armstrong's Perfect Wire-strainer." 6264. 28th June. William Hay, of Masterton, New Zealand, Storeman.—An invention for cleaning and dressing grass-seed, to be called " Hay's Improved Winnowing and Grass-seed Cleaning Machine."* 6265. 28th June. Heney Montague Field, of Wellington, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention for an improved method of and apparatus for storing and delivering coin.* 6266. 26th June. John Alwent Chapman, of Princes Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Stock- and Share-broker.—An invention for improvements in grates or other fireplaces for causing an increased draught, and entitled "The Fuel-saving Grate." 6267. 29th June. Joseph Kittson Boon, of Linwood, near Christchurch, New Zealand, Coachbuilder, and William John Stevens, of Christchurch, aforesaid, Coach-painter.-—An invention for an improved appliance for the prevention of the rattling of windows in tram-cars, railway-carriages, buses, and the like. 6268. 28th'June. Peaeson Wilson, of Fort Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Gum Merchant.—An invention for separating all foreign matter from kauri-gum, kauri-gum dust, and kauri-gum scrapings, to be known as " Pearson Wilson's Improved Process of Treating Kauri-gum, Kauri-gum Dust, and Kauri-gum Scrapings."* 6269. Ist July. David Ranken Shieeeff Galbeaith, of Bell Road, Auckland, New Zealand, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland.—An invention for selfaerating and anti-deposit beer treatment. * 6270. Ist July. John Featon, of Haslett Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland, New Zealand, Miner. —An invention for the automatic mine-ventilator. * 6271. 30th June. Heney Ellis Nightingale, of Wellington Street, Auckland, New Zealand, French-polisher.—An invention for an improved method of decorating wood and some other substances. 6272. Ist July. Gershon Bowmar, of Charlton, near Gore, New Zealand, Machinery Expert.— An invention for improvements in disengaging-gear on traction-engines. 6273. 4th July. Leslie Gordon Coreie, of 206, Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Architect.— An invention for an improved material for packing fruit and other articles, and process of manufacturing the same. 6274. sth July. Waltee Geeenshields, of Cobden Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Bracist.—An invention for a plant-protector from snails, wind, cats, and poultry. 6275. sth July, Heney William Potter, Architect, and Edwin Geoege Holloway, Manager of the Happy Valley Meat Company, both of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for a new or improved method of, and apparatus for, marking the carcases of sheep and other animals.* 6276. 3rd July. Robert Cockerell, of Palmerston, Otago, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention entitled "R. Cockerell's Improved Lever-power Eccentric Centre for Tree- and Stump-extracting, and other Purposes." 6277. 3rd July. Robert Cockerell, of Palmerston, Otago, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention entitled "R. Cockerell's Improved Double Under-cut Right- and Left-motion Discs, for Road-grading, Channelling, Draining, Cultivating Land, and other Purposes." 6278. 3rd July. Herbert Watts, of Taieri, New Zealand, Farmer, and Henry Blatch Watts, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Dairyman. —An invention for a machine for cutting the bands of sheaves of corn and feeding to a threshing-machine, and entitled " Watts Brothers' Combined Band-cutter and Self-feeder." 6279. Bth July. Adolph Wahlin, a subject of the King of Sweden, at present residing at No. 15, Front Street, Bainbridge, New York, United States of America, General Manager.—x\n invention for improvements in centrifugal separators for cream and butter. 6280. Bth July. Alfred George Seymour Richards, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for a rack to feed hay, straw, chaff, and other fodder to animals, such as sheep, cattle, horses, &c, to be known as " Richards's Automatic Sheep-rack." 6281. Bth July. Margaret von Reiche, of Robinson's Road, Auburn, near Melbourne, Victoria, Artiste. —An invention for a new self-acting system of trapping rabbits, foxes, hares, rats, field-mice, snakes, &c, all alive. 6282. 10th July. David Hartley, of Masterton, New Zealand, Veterinary Surgeon.—An invention for adjusting the weight in dog-carts on hills or inclines.* 6283. 10th July. Thomas Allan Bryce, of Kiwitea, near Feilding, New Zealand, Station Manager.—An invention for an improved drench for sheep, to be called " The Perfect Sheepdrench."*



6284. 7th July. Newman Andersen, of Addington, Canterbury, New Zealand, Dairy-factory Manager.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for heating milk or cream by steam. 6285. 7th July. Reuben Withell, of Brookside, Canterbury, New Zealand, Dairy Expert.—An invention for apparatus to be used in connection with milking-machines for the purpose of automatically disengaging the teat-cups from cows. 6286. 6th July. Edward Rogers Atkin, of Elliott Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Coachbuilder. —An invention for improvements to hind seats of buggies and wagons, to be called "The Clifton Jump Seat." 6287. Bth July. Reuben Nicholls, of 344, Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Cooking-range Manufacturer.—An invention for an improved boot-protector for use when digging with a spade and some other implements.* 6288. 11th July. George Caedee, Waltee Caedee, and Edwaed Owen, trading as "Carder Bros, and C0.," of Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Pottery Manufacturers.—An invention for an improvement in kerb- and channel-tiles, to be called " Carder's Kerb- and Channel-tiles."* 6289. 12th July. Joseph Abthue Andrews, of Renwick. Marlborough, New Zealand, Watchmaker. —An invention for signal windmill. 6290. 12th July. Alfeed Evans, of Masterton, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for " Evans's Combination Windmill."* 6291. 11th July. Alexandee McLachlan, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a machine for cleaning clover and other seeds.* 6292. 12th July. Heebeet Malcolm McNeill and Alexandee Caestairs McNeill, of Aramoho, Wanganui, New Zealand, Farmers. —An invention for an automatic double-grip wiretightener. 6293. 14th July. Alexander Robert Hislop, of Panama Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Watchmaker.—An invention for a paste roller for advertising purposes. 6294. 15th July. Isaac Shone, of Great George Street Chambers, Parliament Square, Westminster, England, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and connected with draining and sewering towns, villages, districts, and other places.* 6295. 10th July. Joseph James Macky, of Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for improvements in door-handles and their fastening on spindles.* 6296. 14th July. Henry James Walles, of Roxburgh, Otago, New Zealand, Miner. —An invention for a trap for catching animals in large numbers, and entitled " Walles's Animal Trap." 6297. 17th July. Walter Charles Church, of 6, Trinity Square, Brixton, Surrey, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in or connected with steam and other motive fluid engines. 6298. 17th July. Robert Alexander Sloan and John Edward Lloyd Barnes, both of 26, Castle Street, Liverpool, England, Consulting Engineers.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for sealing cans or other containing-vessels. '6299. 19th July. John Alves, of 17, Market Buildings, Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved contrivance for ventilating and preventing the entrance of draughts into the windows, doors, and other openings in vehicles and ships.* 6300. 17th July. John Henry Hill Duncan, of 39, Coleman Street, London, England, Chartered Accountant. An invention for improvements in the manufacture of butter, and in churns or apparatus therefor. 6301. 19th July. Edward Thunderbolt, of Drummond Street, Carlton, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an automatic quick-acting governor for controlling the supply of actuating fluids to motors.* 6302. 20th July. Isaac Sykes, Farmer, and Michael Connolly, Labourer, both of Masterton, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in woolpresses.* 6303. 21st July. Albert Fail, of West Clive, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Cooper.—An invention for a tap for casks of all kinds, in which the tap and spile are in one, to be called "Fail's Combined Tap and Spile. "* 6304. 21st July. William Vandome, of Salop Street, Kensington, South Australia, Mining Manager.—An invention for improvements in the treatment of slimes and finely-crushed ores, to render them amenable to lixiviation and other processes for the extraction of metal.* 6305. 21st July. Henry Montague Field, of Wellington, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention for a new or improved ticket or coupon for passengers,* 6306. 20fch July. Aethue Chaeles Idiens, of Addington, New Zealand, Hay and Straw Merchant. - —An invention for a new hand-power hay-press. 6307. 20th July. William Feaser Edmond, of Princes Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Hardware Merchant.—An invention for improvements in spring traps for catching animals, and entitled "The Double Spring Rabbit-trap." 6308. 24th July. Jessie Hall Bull, Wife of Frederick Bull, and Feederick Bull, of France Road, Napier, New Zealand, Civil Servant. —-An invention for an appliance for utilising the heat produced by the common house table-lamp, to be called " The Universal Stand." 6309. 21st July. William Rowe, of Addington, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for improved adjustable-socket hedge-slashers and bill-hooks. 6310. 22nd July. Alfeed James Whittington, of Albert Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Bootupper Manufacturer.—An invention for set of straps for holding infants in perambulators or other vehicles, to be called " Whittington's Perambulator Safety Straps." 6311. 24th July. Alfeed Waekee, of Lome Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Boot-manufacturer. —An invention for an imitation fair-stitch for boots and shoes, to be called " The A.W. Fair-stitch."*



6312. 22nd July. Richard Condon, of Mosgiel, Otago, New Zealand, Railway Ganger.—An invention entitled " Condon's Double- and Single-acting Fang-holder," for securing the bolts used in holding railway and tramway rails in position. 6313. 22nd July. Samuel Barningham, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Ironfounder.—An invention for improvements in ventilators, to be known as " Barningham's Venetian Ventilator." 6314. 25th July. John, of Prebbleton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machines for threshing, shelling, and dressing clover-seed.* 6315. 27th July. Max Bother, of Wellington, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for a new or improved chair especially applicable for use on shipboard.* 6316. 28th July. Wilhelm Kohler, Manufacturer, and Daniel Kegler, Merchant, both of Mannheim, Baden, German Empire.—An invention for a method of enamelling the bottoms of cooking-vessels and apparatus therefor. 6317. 28th July. Theodor Jaeger, of Biisum, Prussia, Architect.—An invention for an improved door or man-hole for chimneys, flues, ventilating-shafts, and the like. 6318. 28th July. James Crawley, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for im- ' provements in wire-strainers. 6319. 27th July. James Poynton Evans, of Wainui, Wade, Auckland, New Zealand, Tinsmith.— An invention for "Evans's Improved Dairy-bucket." 6320. 25th July. Thomas Hume Austin, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Patternmaker.—An invention for improvements in hydraulic and other valves, and entitled " T. H. Austin's Balanced Three-way Valve." 6321. 25th July. George Heney Maesden, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Tinsmith and Ironworker. —An invention for straining wire, to be called " The Gem Wire-strainer."* 6322. 31st July. Robeet Ferguson, Engineer, and Aeon Turner Danks, Merchant, both of Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria. —An invention for improvements in milking-machines. 6323. 31st July. Joseph William Sutton, of Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the chlorination of pulverised ores containing gold or silver, _ and in apparatus therefor. 6324. Ist August. Frederick John Bradbury, Merchant, and George Edwin Oldham, Baker, both of Woodville, New Zealand.—An invention for new and improved method and apparatus for trapping rabbits.* 6325. Ist August. James Muir, of Masterton, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention entitled " The Cockatoo Wool-press." 6326. 2nd August. George Arthur Pearson, of Featherston Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for an improved reversible fire-grate.* 6327. 3rd August. James Dalziel, of Fernside, Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for an improved wire-strainer. 6328. 3rd August. John George Doak, of Fernside, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved wheel, axle, and bush for ploughs and similar implements. 6329. sth August. Robert McCully, of 1415, North Nineteenth Street, Philadelphia, United States of America, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in crushing-machines. 6330. sth August. Frederick York Wolseley, of the Union Club, Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in holders for use when sharpening the combs and cutters of sheep-shearing machines. 6331. sth August. Fbedeeick Gustavus Hamilton, of Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Solicitor -at - law (Assignee of Richard Alexander Hamilton, of Brisbane aforesaid). —An invention for an improved tent, to be called " The Ideal Tent." 6332. sth August. Thomas Livingston, of 460, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Produce Merchant (Assignee of William Errington, of 47, Modern Chambers, Collins Street, Melbourne, aforesaid, Consulting Engineer).—An invention for an improved valve-attachment for ball hydrants to prevent the inflow of surface drainage to mains, said valve being also useful in pumps and engines. 6333. sth August. James Dennis Hoene, of Westbury, Tasmania, General Agent.—An invention for a method for the extermination of rabbits.* 6334. sth August. Samuel Lyndhuest Paekee, of Belford Street, St. Kilda, Victoria, Metallic Printer. —An invention for improvements in printing machinery and process in connection therewith. 6335. sth August. Henry John Summerhayes, of San Francisco, United States of America, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in belts for ore-concentrators. 6336. sth August. Edward Duncan, of Cecil Street, Williamstown, Victoria, Carpenter; George Henry Bennett, of Bridge Road, Richmond, Victoria, Manufacturer ; and Henry William Bryant, of Douglas Parade, Williamstown, aforesaid, Doctor of Medicine.—An invention for improved combined inlet- and outlet-valves with valved cistern for regulating water-pressure for sanitary and other purposes. 6337. sth August. Giuseppe Garibaldi Turri, of Sun Buildings, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent (Assignee of Francis Harley Davis, of St. George, Queensland, but temporarily of 159, Queen Street, Melbourne, aforesaid, Engineer).—An invention for improvements in sheep-shearing machines. 6338. 7th August. Edwin Lionel Legge and Andrew Miller Legge, both of Auckland, New Zealand, Fruit and Vegetable Evaporators.-—-An invention for a compressed package for evaporated fruit and vegetables, enclosed in a wrapper of vegetable parchment, which prevents spoiling from air or moisture.* 6339. Bth August. Sydney Evelyn Wright, of Wright Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Mercantile Agent. —An invention entitled "Wright's Double-action Hinge."* 6340. 9th August. John George Doak, of Fernside, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An ■ invention for an improved agricultural drill.*



6341. 9th August. John Davies, of South Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a device for lapping crank-pins.* 6342. 9th August. Henry Box, of South Dunedin, New Zealand, Horsebreaker.—An invention for a self-acting and balancing brake for two-wheeled vehicles.* 6343. 10th August. William Voice, of Te Awamutu, Auckland, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for an improved apparatus for digging potatoes.* 6344. 10th August. William H. Husking, of Masterton, New Zealand, Surgeon, &c.—An invention entitled " Hosking's Anti-profanity Carriage-lamp."* 6345. 10th August. David Silver and Charles Thomas Silver, both of Tamworth, New South Wales, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in sheep-shearing machines and in flexible shafts therefor. 6346. 9th August. Frederick Nelson Adams and Walter William Curties, of 70, Manchester Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Cycle-manufacturers.—An invention for a safety bicycle chain-gear case. 6347. 7th August. Thomas Stevenson, of Castle Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a means for controlling the admission and emission of the water of a hydraulic lift, to give a quick or slow motion to the cage either in ascending or descending,* 6348. sth August. Archibald Morrison, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Hydraulic Engineer and Plumber.—An invention for an improved valve for working lifts or similar machinery, and entitled " Morrison's Hydraulic Lift Valve." 6349. 11th August. William Dundas Scott-Moncrieff, of 14, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the treatment of sewage and in apparatus therefor. 6350. 10th August. William Ward, of Beaconsfield, Otago, New Zealand, Gold-miner.—An invention for improvements in wire-strainers and -menders, to be known as " Ward's Wirestrainer." 6351. 11th August. Hunter Henry Murdoch, of Hastings, New Zealand, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in locks and latches.* 6352. 14th August. Rose Mary Shelley, of High Street, Borough, London, married.—An invention for improvement in combination garments.* 6353. 14th August. William Adams, the Younger, of Broken Hill, New South Wales, Mining Manager and Contractor (Assignee of Francis Joseph Spence, of Broken Hill aforesaid, Mining Expert). —An invention for a new compound and manufacture of high explosives. 6354. 14th August. Patrick Galvin, of Yea, Victoria, Newspaper Proprietor (Assignee of Robert Edward Evenden, of "Heaton," North Coburg, Victoria, Churn-manufacturer). —An invention for improvements in centrifugal churns. 6355. 15th August. Matthew Henry, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Auctioneer.—An invention for an improved gate, suitable for cattle-pens and some other purposes.* 6356. 15th August. David Williams, of Reefton, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in stoking-holds.* 6357. 14th August. James Langford, of Ayr Street, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Mining Engineer. —An invention entitled " The Langford Longitudinal Water-motor."* 6358. 16th August. Matthew Henry, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Auctioneer.—An invention for an improved live-stock saleyard.* 6359. 12th August. McFarlane Brown, of Gap, near Winton, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for anti-suction drain-sock. 6360. 15th August. Frank Cooper, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Clerk. —An invention for a rear-driving bicycle with chainless rotary motion, suitable for lady, gentleman, or both lady and gentleman, or for two gentlemen.* 6361. 17th August. Robert Mark Aitken, of Reefton, New Zealand, Instructor, School of Mines. —An invention for an improvement in the method of the extraction of gold and silver from their ores by potassium-cyanide solutions, consisting in the application of free oxygen gas to the solutions.* 6362. 17th August. Joseph S. Boden, of Maclean, Clarence River, New South Wales, Engineer. —An invention for heating the feed-water of boilers, and called " A New Feed-water Heater." 6363. 17th August. Edwin James Foord, of Arrowtown, New Zealand, but temporarily residing at Greenhills, Spring Vale, Victoria, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for an improved grab-appliance, principally for. the purpose of extracting rabbits and other burrowing animals from their holes or warrens.* 6364. 17th August. Frederick York Wolseeey, of the Union Club, Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman (Assignee of Arthur Foster Smith, of Adelaide, South Australia). —An invention for improvements in sheep-shearing machines. 6365. 18th August. John Wishart, of No. 4, Arthur Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Carpenter. —An invention for improvements in washing-machines.* 6366. 19th August. James Drummond, of Kirwee, Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith.-—An invention for weed-eradication, to be called " A Convex Spring Eradicating Tooth." * 6367. 15th August. John Anderson, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer and Coppersmith.—An invention for improvements in discharge-pipe for thoroughly emptying tanks of milk or other liquids, and entitled " Anderson's Improved Discharge-pipe." 6368. 21st August. John Morgan, of Albion House, Wansbeck Street, Oamaru, New Zealand, Farm-servant. —An invention for a ratchet-winch, applied to force steady-blocks under the travelling-wheels of portable threshing-machines. 6369. 21st August. George William Sturgess, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Pattern-maker.— An invention for a medicine for colds and coughs, to be known as " The Atlas Coughmixture."



6370. 21st August. William Heney Giles and James Henderson, of Wellington, New Zealand, Manufacturers.—An invention for an improved soap.* 6371. 21st August. Elliott L'Estrange Barton, of Hawera, New Zealand, Solicitor.—An invention for an improvement in billiard-cushions, to be called " Barton's Pneumatic Billiardcushion." 6372. 22nd August. James Channon, of Beaconsfielcl, Concord, near Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant.—An invention for an improved concentrator, usable preferably as an amalgamator and concentrator. 6373. 19th August. William John Harvey, of Newton, Auckland, New Zealand, Salvation Army Captain. —An invention for "Improved S.A. Triplet Gas-burner."* 6374. 19th August. Charles Spencer, Chemist, and Joseph James Macky, Agent, both of Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for improvements in the making-ready of surface-blocks for printing.* 6375. 23rd August. Alfred Evans, of Masterton, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for " Evans's Windmill-head."* 6376. 23rd August. William Benjamin Walters, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a new method of, and apparatus for, making butter and condensed milk. 6377. 24th August. James Watkin Kinniburgh, of Wellington, New Zealand, Accountant. An invention for an improved telephone receiver attachment.* 6378. 24th August. Donald Donald, of Solway, Masterton, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention entitled " The Solway Squatter Wool-press." 6379. 24th August. Donald Donald, of Solway, Masterton, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention entitled " The Solway Double Eccentric Lever." 6380. 25th August. William Henry Hamilton, of White's Bay, Marlborough, New Zealand, Telegraphist. —An invention for improvements in storage-batteries or accumulators.* 6381. 25th August. William Henry Hamilton, of White's Bay, Marlborough, New Zealand, Telegraphist.—An invention for " Hamilton's Coal Galvanic or Voltaic Battery."* 6382. 22nd-August. Frank Walker, of Fir Grove, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Gum Merchant, and James White, of Karangahape Road, Auckland, aforesaid, Storeman.—An invention for an improved method of fracturing and preparing kauri and other gums for marketable purposes.* 6383. 26th August. Ernest Larcomb, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for a ratchet lock-nut and washer for metal bolts and set-screws. 6384. 24th August. Archibald Morrison, of Moray Place, Dunedin, New Zealand, Hydraulic Engineer and Plumber.—An invention for an apparatus for hydraulic lifts and such like machinery, for preventing accidents, and entitled " Morrison's Reliable Safety-gear for Lifts." 6385. 28th August. John Plorace O'Brien, of Bast St. Kilda, Victoria, Mechanic.—An invention for an improved lock-nut and bolt. 6386. 28th August. Christopher Mcßae, of No. 454, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Grazier. —An invention for a new or improved method of, and apparatus to be used in, destroying rabbits.* 6387. 28th August. Edward Holroyd Beere, of No. 6, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Surveyor. —An invention for a new water-motor.* 6388. 30th August. Henry Young, of Cromwell, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention for improvements in rabbit-traps.* 6389. 26th August. Margaret Angele, of George Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Domestic.—An invention for an appliance for hanging up and securing hats or other articles, and entitled " Angell's Hat Suspender." 6390. 31st August. Joseph Rule, of Austin Street, Footscray, Victoria, Carpenter.—An invention for improvements in combined amalgamators, separators, and concentrators, and in flushing apparatus therefor.* 6391. 31st August. Brace, Windle, Blyth and Co. (Limited), of Goodall Street, Walsall, Staffordshire, England, Saddlers' Ironmongers (Assignees of James Trees, of Goodall Street, Walsall, aforesaid, Director) .—An invention for improvements in and connected with ridingsaddles.* 6392. 31st August. Charles Joseph Cooze, of Carterton, New Zealand, Carriage Trimmer.—An invention for an improved stump-extractor.* 6393. 31st August. Charles Joseph Cooze, of Carterton, New Zealand, Carriage Trimmer.—An invention for improvements in window-sashes and apparatus for hanging the same.* 6394. 31st August. Charles Joseph Cooze, of Carterton, New Zealand, Carriage Trimmer.—An invention for an improved fire-escape which is applicable to some other purposes.* 6395. Ist September. Elizabeth Meeeillees, of No. 224, Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Stationer. —An invention for an improved combined corset and abdominal belt. 6396. Ist September. John Stewaet Macaethue, Managing Director of the Cassel Gold-extract-ing Company (Limited), and Chaeles James Ellis, Technical Chemist to the said Company, both of 157, West George Street, Glasgow, North Britain.—An invention for improvements in extracting gold and silver from ores and the like. 6397. Ist September. John Walkee Newall, of Forest Hall, Ongar, Essex, Great Britain, Engineer. — An invention for improvements in machines for shearing sheep. 6398. 28th August. William Eenest Richaedson, of Outram, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for providing tables in railway-carriages for the use of passengers.* 6399. 31st August. Heney Coeeick, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Boot Manufacturer. —An invention for a cycling or walking shoe or boot. 6400. Ist September. Cecil Edwin Pateeson, of Tooradin, Victoria, Grazier.—An invention for improvements in pea-threshing machines.



6401. 31st August. Feedeeick John Virgin, of Tikorangi, near New Plymouth, New Zealand, Dairy-factory Manager.—An invention for moulding pats of butter of any given weight, to be called " Virgin's Butter-mould." 6402. 31st August. George Hamlin, of Napier, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker.—An invention for improvements in saddle-cloths.* 6403. 2nd September. Charles Peatten, of Mary Ann Street, Ultimo, Sydney, New South Wales, Manager of the Farmers' and Dairymen's Milk Company, Sydney aforesaid.—An invention for an improved candlestick. 6404. 4th September. Charles Rogers, of New Plymouth, New Zealand, Government Insurance Agent. —An invention for an improved message-recorder, called " The Rotograph." 6405. 6th September. Herbert Joseph Milner, of W Toodville, New Zealand, Insurance Agent.— An invention for an improvement in tabacco-pipes.* 6406. sth September. Job Osborne, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for improvements in clover-threshing, shelling, and dressing apparatus. 6407. 7th September. Alexander Allan, of Cross Creek, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for automatically brakeing vehicles of any description, to be called "The Automatic Friction Air-brake."* 6408. 9th September. William Henry Thomas, of Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for improvements in rabbit-traps. 6409. 4th September. John Macaulay, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Accountant.—An invention for an appliance for cooling and aerating milk, and entitled "A. Morrison's Combined Milk Refrigerator and Aerator." 6410. 9th September. Arthur Octavius Wright, of Birmingham, England, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in laths and sheets for forming ceilings, floors, partitions, and other such like purposes, and in the machinery for manufacturing the same. 6411. 11th September. Robert Ferguson, Engineer, and Aaron Turner Danes, Merchant, both of No. 391, Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria. —An invention for improvements in milkingmachines, whereby the vacuum is automatically cut off from the teat tubes. 6412. 11th September. William Addison Howe, of Carlton, Oregon, United States of America, Merchant (Assignee of Bradford Lane, of Carlton aforesaid). —An invention for improvements in earth augers. 6413. 11th September. Giacomo Durio and Secondo Durio, trading as " Durio Brothers," of Fortino, near Turin, Italy, Tanners.—An invention for improvements in, and relating to, tanning hides and skins. 6414. 11th September. Frank Arthur Williams, of Church Road, Albrighton, Salop, England, Manager of Tool Works.—An invention for improvements in the means of joining edges of sheet, strip, and thin plate metal, for the purpose more especially of facilitating and improving the manufacture of tubes, cisterns, and other hollow metallic articles. 6415. 11th September. Robert Mark Aitken, of Reefton, New Zealand, Instructor, School of Mines.—An invention for improvements in the extraction or precipitation of gold and silver from solutions containing the same.* 6416. 12th September. David Bowie, of Taranaki Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Boatbuilder. —An invention for a revolving duster, cleaner, and blower for shop-windows and household purposes and general use.* 6417. 12th September. John Russell, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Cooper.-—An invention for a chiming and crozing machine.* 6418. 14th September. Alfred George Jackson, of Gotha Street, Brisbane, Electrician, and William Mandeville e'Estrange, of Upper Coomera, Gentleman, both in Queensland. —An invention for coin-freed electrical apparatus, specially applicable to automatic galvanic or shocking machines. 6419. Bth September. Joseph James Macky, of Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent.— An invention for improvements in metal cans for containing preserved food and other substances airtight.* 6420. 11th September. William Henry Jones, of Onehunga, New Zealand, Practical Ironworker. ■ —An invention for the purpose of manufacturing wrought-iron direct from ironsand or ironore. 6421. 15th September. Thomas Forth Rotheram, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved bogie for railway and other rolling-stock. 6422. 15th September. Thomas Forth Rotheram, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved axle-box for railway and other rolling-stock. 6423. 15th September. Thomas Forth Rotheram, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved dust-shield for axle-boxes of railway and other rolling-stock. 6424. 15th September. Thomas Forth Rotheram, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved lubricating-pad and holder for axle-boxes of railway and other rolling-stock. 6425. 15th September. Thomas Edwards, of Sebastopol, Ballarat, Victoria, Metallurgist.—An invention for improvements in the application of chlorine for the extraction of gold from pyrites, matte, quartz, or other material containing the same.* 6426. 15th September. Richard Alexander Hamilton, of Brisbane, Queensland, Civil Engineer.—An invention for an apparatus for use in conjunction with diving-dresses for minimising the danger of deep-water diving. 6427. 13th September. Richard Simmonds Smith, of Coromandel, Auckland, New Zealand, Storeman.—An invention for "The Rubber Gripper," for holding firmly any article which may be inserted into it.*



6428. 14th September. Horace Thompson and Walter Ernest Thompson, both of Christchurch, New Zealand, Music-sellers' Assistants.—An invention for an improved self-acting oiler for lubricating the endless sprocket-chains of cycles, or similar chains of other machines. 6429. 16th September. Amos McKegg, of Henley, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in steam-boilers.' 1' 6430. 16th September. Nicholas Winn, of Croydon, near Gore, Otago, New Zealand, Rabbiter, and Samuel Collett, of Gore aforesaid, Coachbuilder.—An invention for improvements in rabbit-traps, to be called " Collett and Winn's Lightning Rabbit-trap." 6431. 16th September. William Henry Martin, of Taranaki Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Ironmonger.—An invention for ear-marking of sheep.* 6432. 15th September. William Speedy, of Napier, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention for double-action ratchet lever-press for compressing wool or other substances, to be called or entitled " W. Speedy's Double-acting Lever Wool-press." 6433. 16th September. Thomas Henry Doughty, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Woven-wire Mattrass Maker.—An invention for an improved woven-wire fabric or web for mattrasses, all kinds of seats, covers for smokestacks, or for other similar purposes. 6434. 18th September. John Denny, Chief Engineer s.s. " Manapouri," and Andrew Mcßride, Second Engineer s.s. " Manapouri," both of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for automatic direct-acting marine governor pendulum-attachment for the better control of marine engines while racing in heavy weather. * 6435. 18th September. Feedeeick de Jeesey Cleee, of Wellington, New Zealand, Architect.— An invention for an improved pivot-step and hinge for doors, gates, and similar structures.* 6436. 19th September. John Moeeis, of Wellington, New Zealand, Clerk. —An invention for improvements in candlesticks.* 6437. 14th September. Feancis Battson, of Pollen Street, Thames, Auckland, New Zealand, Tinsmith and Plumber.—An invention for an improved apparatus for beating eggs.* 6438. 20th September. John Haetnett, of Emo Road, East Malvern, Victoria, Engineer, and David Moffatt Robison, of Laurieston, Church Square, Ackland Street, St. Kilda, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machines for milking cows and other like animals. 6439. 19th September. Geoege Hamlin and Reginald Hamlin, both of Napier, New Zealand, Cabinetmakers and Joiners.—An invention for ball-bearings applied to shafts, axles, and wheels.* 6440. 22nd September. Geoege Knowles, of 231, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in ventilating apparatus and in the means for regulating the same 6441. 23rd September. William Claek, of Forest Lodge, near Sydney, New South Wales, Inspector of Plumbing, Alexander Cameron, of Elizabeth Street, Sydney, aforesaid, Master Plumber, and Charles Kirk, of North Sydney, New South Wales, Master Plumber.—An invention for improvements in automatic flushing apparatus for urinals, applicable also to other contrivances wherein a predetermined quantity qf liquid is syphoned through or over a break or opening in the long leg. 6442. 18th September. Walter Guthrie, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Merchant. —An invention entitled "The Colonial Improved Combined Drill." 6443. 19th September. Henry Ismay Moealee Ross, of 67, Princes Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Diesinker, Letter-cutter, and Engraver. —An invention for an improved appliance for punching and marking animals, and entitled " Ross's Unproved Ear-marker." 6444. 19th September. William Eddowes, Assayer, and Robert Robertson Menzies, Engineer, both of Thames, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention entitled " The New Zealand Leaching and Filtering Machine."* 6445. 21st September. Paul Roach, Farmer, and Richard Kelland, Farmer, both of Timaru, New Zealand. —An invention for an improved labour-saving standard for wire-fencing. 6446. 25th September. George Augustus Macnutt, of 24, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Doctor of Medicine.—An invention for an improved screw for wood-work and other purposes. 6447. 25th September. Arthur John Cuming, of Waterloo Avenue, Newtown, Wellington, New Zealand, Commercial Traveller.—An invention for compensating for expansion and contraction of wires used in railway signalling.* 6448. 25th September. Edgar Ayres, of Sydney, New South Wales, Watchmaker.—An invention for improved apparatus for operating clocks synchronously. 6449. 26th September. St. Clair Jounnax, Baker, and William Jounnax, Blacksmith, both of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in knife-cleaners. 6450. 23rd September. Frederick North, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Solicitor.—An invention for an improvement in tobacco-pipes, and entitled "The Double Dry Tobacco-pipe." 6451. 28th September. John Elliot, of Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Station-manager. —An invention for drenching sheep or delivering a given quantity of liquid for any other purposes, to be known as " Elliot's Automatic Sheep-drencher."* 6452. 29th September. Rudolf Bammann, of 21, Gneisenau .Strasse, Berlin, German Empire, Plasterer. —An invention for composition for the production of marble-like plaster. 6453. 29th September. James Musgrave and George Dixon, both of Bolton, England, and Edward Field and Francis Sanders Moeeis, both of 22, Buckingham Street, Adelphi, London, England, all Engineers.—An invention for improvements in steam-engines. 6454. 29th September. Wilbeaham Evelyn-Liaedet, of St. Kilda Street, Elsternwick, Victoria, Chemist.—An invention for an improved safety explosive and method or process of manufacturing the same.



■6455. 29th September. Gustavus Cjesar Horstmann, John Clement Ellison, and John Callaghan, Directors of the Howard Gold-saving Process Company (Limited), of Brisbane, Queensland. —An invention for improvements in centrifugal amalgamators. 6456. 29th September. ' Thomas Affleck, of Albury, New South Wales, Journalist.—An invention for an improved process and combination of materials to be used for the curing and preservation of meat and other comestibles.* 6457. 25th September. Alfred Arthur, of Hyde, Otago, New Zealand, Storekeeper.—An invention for an improved trap for catching animals, and entitled " Arthur's Improved Rabbittrap." ■6458. 25th September. Jonathan Harrison, of Kimihia, Waikato, Auckland, New Zealand, Mining Engineer.—An invention for fastening rails to wooden railway or tram sleepers without the use of spikes, to be called " Harrison's Shoe and Sleeper for Portable Railways, Tram and Mine Roads." 6459. 25th September. Richard Keyte, of Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention entitled " The Attachable Sliding and Folding Cot-bedstead."* 6460. 25th September. Frederick Seymoue Pottee, of Rutland Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Coachbuilder. —An invention for a concealed slide-seat as applied to vehicles, to be called "The Umpire Slide-seat."* ■6461. 3rd October. Edward Eliot Chambers, of Lyttelton, New Zealand, Clerk in Holy Orders. —An invention for an improved Venetian blind.* 6462. 3rd October. William Thomas Mack, of Austin Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber. —An invention for an improved cowl for chimneys and ventilators.* 6463. 2nd October. Joseph Kittson Boon and William John Stevens, both of Christchurch, New Zealand, Coachbuilclers. —An invention for an improved two-wheeled brougham-hansom cab. 6464. 2nd October. Geoege Dalgleish, of Tees Street, Oamaru, New Zealand, Carpenter. —An invention for a notching-machine for cutting notches for studs in timber, plates, or planks . for house-building or other purposes. 6465. 7th October. Friend Johnson Bringham, of San Francisco, United States of America, Harness-maker.—An invention for manufacture of seamless leather articles. 6466. 7th October. John Robinson, of 23, Macquarie Street South, Sydney, New South Wales, Mine and Battery Manager, and Martha Symonds Plumb, of Marrickville, near Sydney, aforesaid, Freeholder.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for pulverising and amalgamating. 6467. 4th October. Joshua Thomas Johns, of Mangere Bridge, Auckland, New Zealand, Biscuitmanufacturer.—An invention for an improved evaporating-pan.* 6468. 9th October. Frederick Henry Talbot, of Motueka, and John Dunbar Duncan, of Riwaka, both in Nelson, New Zealand, Farmers. —An invention entitled "Talbot and Duncan's Hopand Wool-press." 6469. 7th October. James Lett, of Bell Street, Wanganui, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for a vegetable- and fruit-slicing machine. 6470. 9th October. William Tompsitt, Hotelkeeper, and George Robinson, both of Manukau, Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for an improved horseshoe*. 6471. 9th October. Thomas Danks, of 198 and 200, Lichfield Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a bib-tap. 6472. 12th October. Robert Henry Carter, of Birmingham, Wellington, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for an all-steel slasher, with socket and blade in one piece. 6473. 12th October. William Reeves, of Masterton, New Zealand, Body-maker. —An invention for improvements in the attachment of shafts to the springs of two-wheeled vehicles.* 6474. 12th October. William Coates, of Wellington, New Zealand, Boilermaker.—An invention for a new method of, and apparatus for, turning over the leaves of music and other books. 6475. 12th October. George Garibaldi Turei, of Sun Buildings, corner of Queen and Bourke Streets, Melbourne, Victoria, Certificated Patent Agent. —An invention for improvements in the process of coating metals with aluminum or alloy thereof. 6476. 7th October. Carl August Pagel, of Port Moeraki, Otago, New Zealand, Fisherman.—An invention for messenger for dragging seine fishing-net on sea-beach. 6477. 10th October. William Miller Ore, of Nen Street, Oamaru, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for stoppers for shuttles employed in looms for weaving. 6478. 13th October. Reginald Tuckett, of " Barbiston," The Avenue, Royal Park, Victoria, Auctioneer. —An invention for an improved aerial railway and seat for the amusement of children.* ■6479. 14th October. Louis Emeeson Howaed, of Plainfield, New Jersey, United States of America, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in electric arc lamps. 6480. 11th October. William Fletchee, of Kingsland Road, Mount Albert, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for improvements in reins and attachments thereto.* 6481. 14th October. Geoege Allen, of Masterton, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for " Allen's Sofa and Bath Combination."* 6482. 11th October. Edwin Valentine Lutteeee, of Ormond, Poverty Bay, New Zealand, Veterinary Surgeon. —An invention entitled " Luttrell's Lung and Tapeworm Specific." 6483. 12th October. William Eenest Richaedson, of Outram, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for an improved butter-printer. * 6484. 10th October. Heney Thomas Sblwood, of Parawa, Southland, New Zealand, Rabbit Trapper.—An invention entitled " Selwood's Pan Protector for Rabbit Traps." €485. 18th October. Henry Corrick, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Boot-manufacturer.—An invention for a gloss for tan shoes or boots. 5—H. 2.



6486. 18th October. Edward Purser, of High Street, Blenheim, New Zealand, Mining Agent.— An invention for extracting pure iron from ironsancl.* 6487. 17th October. William Andrews and Arthur Ward Beaven, both of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for husking, shelling, or drawing clover, grass, and similar seeds. 6488. 18th October. Donald Aechibald Douglas, of Blenheim, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for safety adhesive envelopes. 6489. 19th October. Geoege Bell Shepheed, Ironmonger, Morris Levy, Gentleman, Henry Forbes Budge, Bootmaker, and Richard William Raithby, Battery-manager, all of Reefton, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved process of extracting gold and silver from sands, tailings, and slimes.* 6490. 19th October. Carl August Riedig, of Chemnitz, German Empire, Merchant. —An invention for improvements in all kinds of boots, shoes, slippers, &c, of whatsoever material. 6491. 20th October. James Upchurch, of Normanby Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Carpen-ter.-—An invention for an improved weatherproof joint for rusticated weatherboards. 6492. 20th October. Nicholas Sorensen, of Clareville, Carterton, New Zealand, Blacksmith. — An invention for an improved stump-extractor.* 6493. 21st October. Ewald Schoneberg, of Diisseldorf, Germany, Factory Manager. —An invention for improvements in barbed fence-wire. 6494. 21st October. John Storer, of Sydney, New South Wales, Consulting Chemist, and Benjamin Thomas Lacy, of San Francisco, United States of America, Mining Engineer.—An invention for an improved method of and apparatus for dissolving, leaching, and filtering. 6495. 21st October. Granville White, of 2, Grandview Terrace, Moreland, Victoria, Contractor. —An invention for smoke- and spark-consumers.* 6496. 17th October. Ebenezee James McClellan, of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for a new game of skill in rolling marbles in grooves or channels upon a flat piece of plaster of Paris, tin, or other suitable material, until the said marbles shall have rolled into certain . desired positions.* 6497. 16th October. Alexandee Thomson, of Kelso, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for improvements in agricultural machinery, to be known as " Thomson's Improved Thinner No. 2." 6498. 23rd October. Joseph Tempeeley, of Wray Lodge, Reigate, Surrey, England, Shipowner. —An invention for travelling pulley-carriage for raising, lowering, and traversing loads. 6499. 23rd October. Cael Moldenhauer, of Frankfort-on-Maine, Germany. —An invention for improvements in recovering gold and other precious metals from their ores. 6500. 23rd October. Joseph Warburton, of Faussett Street, South Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved catamenial sack or pad.* 6501. 23rd October. Mark Knight Wescott, of Imperial Chambers, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Corn-broker. —An invention for an improved process and apparatus to be used in compressing fodder for animals.* 6502. 20th October. Robeet Webstee, of Southbridge, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for a speeded revolving harrow for eradicating twitch and other noxious weeds. 6503. 21st October. John Hempstalk, of Lyttelton, New Zealand, Shipwright.—An invention for a new or improved weighing and automatic recording and tallying jack. 6504. 24th October. Howard Kerr, of Gate Pa, Tauranga, Auckland, New Zealand, retired Captain Royal Navy. —An invention for a new or improved removable tire, more especially applicable to road vehicles. 6505. 24th October. Sidney Soffe, of Russell Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker. —An invention for improved means for hanging pictures and the like.* 6506. 21st October. Charles Wheeler Mountfort, of Havelock Road, Napier, New Zealand, Civil Engineer and Surveyor.—An invention for a lock-fast clothes-peg. 6507. 23rd October. William Andrews and Arthur Ward Beaven, carrying on business as " Andrews and Beaven," of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in threshing-machines.* 6508. 27th October. Feederick Pilcher, of 70, Perth Street, Prahran, Victoria, Architectural Student. —An invention for improvements in the construction and laying-clown of wood-block roadways.* 6509. 28th October. William Joseph Cannon, of The Avenue, Lincoln, England, Manufacturer. —An invention for improved apparatus for dipping oxen, sheep, or other animals. 6510. 25th October. Susan Hamley, of Berlin House, Karangahape Road, Auckland, New Zealand, Gentlewoman.; —An invention for a new or improved apparatus for opening oysters.* 6511. 30th October. Joseph Colley, of Gladstone Villa, Derby Street, Camberwell, Victoria, Government Armourer.—An invention for improvements in action-retaining mechanism of small arms.* 6512. 24th October. John Marie Oey, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engine-driver.—An invention for improvements in water-gauge glasses for steam-boilers, and entitled "The Automatic Safety-gauge Glass." 6513. 27th October. Robeet Lockhead, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Importer.—An invention for improvements in clothes-wringers, to be known as "Electra Clothes-wringer." 6514. 27th October. John Marshall, of Springston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanic.—An invention for improvements in windmills. 6515. 30th October. Joseph William Sutton, of Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Engineer. —An invention for improved rotary apparatus for the generation of chlorine gas, connection between the generating and chlorinating chambers, and the chlorination of pulverised or finely-divided gold- or silver-ores.



6516. 30th October. James Rumgay, of Tasman Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Joiner.—An invention for improved apparatus for hanging doors and gates.* 6517. 31st October. Reuben Withell, of Brookside, Canterbury, New Zealand, Dairy Expert.— An invention for an improved automatic milker. 6518. 3rd November. George Tate, of Eketahuna, New Zealand, Labourer.—An invention for extracting stumps of trees and standing trees, and removing and clearing logs without crosscutting, to be called " Tate's Stump- and Tree-extractor."* 6519. 3rd November. Nathaniel Dodgshun, of Wellington, New Zealand, Woollen Merchant.— An invention for " Dodgshun's Pattern Satchel for Tailors, Drapers, and Others." * 6520. 3rd November. Marshall Burns Lloyd, of Minneapolis, United States of America, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for coiling wire and weaving coiled-wire fabric. 6521. 31st October. Alexander Thomson, of Kelso, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for improvements in agricultural machinery, to be known as " Thomson's Improved Seed and Manure Canister." 6522. 3rd November. Maegaeet Banton, wife of Henry Banton, Engineer, of Christchurch, New Zealand.—An invention for a hygienic commode and slop-pail combined. 6523. 7th November. Robert Latta, of Hastings, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improved stirrup-leather. * 6524. Bth November. Alfred John Paynter Brown and James Rowland Brough, both of 20 to 32, Warwick Lane, London, England, Paper Manufacturers.—An invention for improved roll-paper holder and printing mechanism.* 6525. Bth November. John Lacey Davies, of Chipstead, Surrey, England, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machinery for printing in colours.* 6526. Bth November. Thomas Haycock, of Richmond, Nelson, New Zealand, Manufacturer.— An invention for apparatus for making felting and similar articles from the pulp of New Zealand flax.* 6527. .10th November. Thomas Ely, of 25, Rye Lane, Peckham, London, England, Draper, and Joseph Mallett, of 68, Southampton Street, Camberwell, London, England, Carpenter.— An invention for improvements in seats. 6528. 6th November. John Brough, of East Taieri, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for removing wind or any obstruction in the throats of cows or other animals, to prevent choking, to be called " The Farmer's Friend." 6529. 6th November. John Marie Ory, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engine-driver.—An invention for evenly distributing oil to machinery in any desired quantities, and entitled "The Mitre Oil-economizer.'' 6530. Bth November. Walter Armstrong, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for " The Fly Water-spreader." 6531. Bth November. The Acme Batten Syndicate, of 119, Victoria Arcade, and John Mitchell, of 216 and 217, Victoria Arcade, Architect, both of Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand.— An invention for improvements in the method of and apparatus for fixing and retaining corrugated iron and some other corrugated materials upon structures. 6532. 11th November. Frederick Hurd, of Manygates Park, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England, and of 11, Grittleton Road, St. Peter's Park, Middlesex, England, Mining, Civil, and Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in and connected with coal-cutting and like machines. 6533. 11th November. Frederick Hurd, of Manygates Park, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England, and of 11, Grittleton Road, St. Peter's Park, Middlesex, England, Mining, Civil, and Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and connected with electro-motors or generators. 6534. 11th November. Albert Leroy Munson, of New York, United States of America, Manufacturer. —An invention for cigarette machinery. 6535. 20th October. John Cornwell, of Drury, Auckland, New Zealand, Flax-miller.—An invention for scutching flax, to be called " Cornwell's Automatic Scutcher." 6536. 21st October. Henry Lewis Roberts, of Auckland, New Zealand, General Commission Agent. —An invention for cooling beer or other liquids, to be called " Roberts's Eureka Beercooler." 6537. 13th November. William Wratten, of Birch Hill Station, near Martinborough, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for improvements in the construction of wire-fencing. 6538. 11th November. Carl Gustaf Patrik de Laval, of 16a, Handverkaregatan, Stockholm, Sweden, Dr. Phil, and Engineer. —An invention for improvements in steam or gas turbine wheels. 6539. 13th November. Karl Thomann, of 20, Merseburger Strasse, Halle on the Saale, Germany, Manufacturer.—An invention for an improved roofing-tile, and means for the manufacture of the same. 6540. 14th November. Walter Joseph Newton, of 16, Ellice Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for securing keys in locks by means of a bolt so that the lock cannot be tampered with, to be called " The Defiance Lock-protector." 6541. 15th November. Hugh Thomson, of Thornton, Studley Park Road, Kew, near Melbourne, Victoria, Tanner.-—An invention for an improved removable screw-down stopper or cover for fire-plugs. 6542. 11th November. Benjamin Saville, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Cycle-manufacturer.— An invention for an improved gear-case and chain-lubricator for cycles. 6543. 11th November. Michael Scott Campbell, of Papanui, Canterbury, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved silo-press for pressing and preserving green fodder in stack.



6544. 13th November. Walter Bayne, of Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker.— An invention for new or improved pads or protectors for springs used in upholstery.* 6545. 13th November. John William Wade, of Gisborne, New Zealand, Plumber and Tinsmith. —An invention for "Wade's Improved Iron Skylight-frame." 6546. 20th November. John Sykes Kirby, of Blenheim, New Zealand, Coachbuilder. —An invention for " Kirby's Kaikoura Seat-adjuster" for vehicles.* 6547. 20th November. Frederick Deyden, of Hugh Street, Adelaide Road, Wellington, New Zealand, Coppersmith. —An invention for an improved bath.* 6548. 17th November. Beistow Savage, of Riverton, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention for " Savage's Road-skate." 6549. 18th November. Henry Ismay Moralee Ross, of 67, Princes Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Die-sinker, Letter-cutter, and Engraver.—An invention for an improved appliance for embossing, sinking, or piercing by pressure, and entitled " Ross's Improved Seal Press." 6550. 23rd November. John Da vies, of South Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in boring apparatus.* 6551. 23rd November. George Alexander Troup, of Moeller Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineering Draughtsman.—An invention for a plate lock-nut, specially for fastening rails to sleepers.* 6552. 23rd November. James Beal Meldrum, Burton Ealy Sampson, and William Frederick Woods, all of Sydney, New South Wales, Contractors.—An invention for improvements in and connected with enclosures or kilns for seasoning timber. 6553. 20th November. Thomas Bennett and William Bennett, both of Duncan Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Contractors. —An invention for improvement in mangles, entitled " Bennett's Improved Mangle." -6554. 22nd November. Alfred Cowley, of Symonds Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Baker and Confectioner.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of bread.* 6555. 29th November. Robert George Palmer, of Crail Bay, Pelorus Sound, Marlborough, New Zealand, Farmer. — An invention for the propulsion of boats and launches by manual power.* 6556. Ist December. Henry James Purbrook, of 148, Cuba Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Electrician.—An invention for the medical application of electricity by means of a belt, pads, or strips to be worn next to the skin. 6557. 27th November. William Ward, of Beaconsfield, Otago, New Zealand, Gold-miner. —An invention for improvements in wire-strainers, to be known as " The Dot Wire-strainer." 6558. Ist December. George Frederic Gee, of Islington, Canterbury, New Zealand, Tin-plate Worker, and Gilbert Anderson, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Freezing-works Manager.— An invention for a finger can-opener. 6559. 4th December. George Eastwood, of 37, Mount Pleasant, Norwich, England, and 158, Fleet Street, London, England, Newspaper Manager.—An invention for improvements in the production of matrices or moulds for stereotyping and in apparatus employed therein. 6560. 4th December. Charles Carey Lance, of Euroa, Victoria, Dairy Expert.—An invention for a combined milk-straining and -sampling appliance.* 6561. sth December. Richard Long, of 29, Pelican Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in apparatus and appliances for producing and distributing cold for refrigerating purposes and the production of ice.* 6562. 29th November. Walter Guthrie, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention entitled "The Colonial Automatic Reciprocating Stirrer," for boxes of manure-distributing machines. 6563. 6th December. James Anson Wheeler, of Sydney, New South Wales, Agent.—An invention for an improved mode of and apparatus for maintaining a constant pressure in storage vessels that contain aerated liquids, and the contents of which are withdrawn either continuously or successively. 6564. 6th December. John Runciman, of Cambridge, Auckland, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for " Runciman's Clip," for attaching corrugated or plain sheet-iron to buildings, stacks, &c, without the use of nails. * 6565. 7th December. George Leer, of Wellington, New Zealand, Boiler-maker.—An invention for an improved apparatus for heating water. 6566. Bth December. James Heney Boundy, of Blenheim, New Zealand, Printer.—An invention for an automatic self-registering tallying-machine for use in numbering carcases of sheep, bags of grain, or any other packages of merchandise delivered into any ship's hold or elsewhere by means of any shoot or trough.* 6567. 4th December. Cecil Heney Clinkaed, of Makarau, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an imperishable survey-peg.* 6568. Bth December. John Maetin, Horse and Cattle Doctor, and Albeet Kaesten, Storekeeper, both of Nelson, New Zealand.—An invention entitled " John Martin's Royal Universal Balsam for Mankind, Horses, and Cattle." <3569. 6th December. George William Tiffen, of Makaraka, Poverty Bay, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention entitled " The Incline-plane Digging-plough." * 6570. 11th December. The Valveless Gas-engine Syndicate (Limited), of 11, Victoria Street, Westminster, Middlesex, England, Manufacturers (Assignees of Frederick William Caswell Cock, of 2, Lyndhurst Terrace, Walcot, Bath, Somerset, England, Inventor). —An invention for an improvement in gas-engines.* 6571. 11th December. Edward Seitz and Richard Pickup Park, both of Blackburn, Victoria, Engineers. —An invention for improvements in centrifugal pumps.



6572. 11th December. Edward Waters, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent (nominee of John Thomas Crawford, of Wiarton, Ontario, Canada, Engineer).—An invention for an improved machine or apparatus for pulverising or reducing gold-bearing quartz or ores, or other hard substances.* 6573. Bth December. Joseph Burnett Moir, of Esk Street, Invercargill, New Zealand, Plumber. An invention entitled " Moir's Automatic Sheep and other Skin Protector from the ravages of Rats." 6574. 13th December. Frederick Duncan Fergusson, of Kariaotahi, Waiuku, Auckland, New Zealand, Schoolmaster.—An invention for a new or improved suspender for garments and some other articles. 6575. 14th December. Walter Cole, of 39, Coleman Street, London, England, Architect.—An. invention for an improved fluid motor. 6576. 15th December. James Hutton Speedy, of Sandon, Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer. — An invention for the Bar Wire-strainer.* 6577. 18th December. John Unwin Askham, of Yorkshire Steel and Engineering W Torks, Sheffield, England, Engineer. —Improvements in apparatus for separating substances of different sizes or specific gravities. 6578. 18th December. John Unwin Askham, of Yorkshire Steel and Engineering Works, Sheffield, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for grinding, crushing,, pulverising, or disintegrating. 6579. 18th December. Henry Jarrat Gilberd, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Artesianwell Sinker. —An invention for an improvement or improvements in treating or preparing Phormium tenax, or New Zealand flax, for fibre.* 6580. 14th December. Thomas Stevenson, of Castle Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for accurately governing the speed of a steam-engine.* 6581. 18th December. Arthur Steele Ford, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for an improvement in water-filters.* 6582. 19th December. William O'Neill, of Opunake, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention • entitled " The Challenge Improved Churn." 6583. 20th December. William Thornley, of Marrickville, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for an improvement in connection with lamps designed to burn kerosene without chimneys.* 6584. 21st December. Kenneth Cameron, of Warracknabeal, Victoria, Carpenter.—An invention for an improved car-coupling.* 6585. 21st December. James Valentine Coleman, of 32, Mills Building, San Francisco, United States of America, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in adjustable partitions for packing-boxes, travellers' trunks, &c. 6586. 21st December. Carl Gustaf Patrik de Laval, of Stockholm, Sweden, Civil Engineer. — An invention for improvements in supporting rotating bodies. 6587. 21st December. The Simplex Mineral-wateb Aeeatob Syndicate (Limited), of 3, East India Avenue, London, England (Assignees of Sydney Burge, of 496, Harrow Road, Middlesex, England, Mineral-water Manufacturer, for himself, and as the sole executor and trustee under the will of Charles Turner, late of the same address, deceased, who are the actual inventors of the invention). —An invention for improved apparatus for the manufacture of aerated water or other liquid. 6588. 21st December. Heneietta. Herman, wife of Jacob Herman, of Surry Hills, Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for sanitary disinfection and other purposes.* 6589. 21st December. Henrietta Herman, wife of Jacob Herman, Surry Hills, Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for apparatus for operating atomisers. * 6590. 21st December. William Davies Bowen and John Bowen, both of William Street, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Metallurgists; and Frederick Augustus Edwardes, of Grand Plotel, Argent Street, Broken Hill, aforesaid, Mining Manager.—An invention for improved process for the treatment of gold-ores, refractory or otherwise, and of complex silver-ores, containing zinc, antimony, and other refractory metals.* 6591. 20th December. John Cuetis, of Addington, New Zealand, Storeman. —An invention for a new or improved seed- or grain-separator. 6592. 28th December. Asa Noeman Whitney, of the Melbourne Club, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Master Mariner.—An invention for an improved inanimate or lay pigeon.* 6593. 28th December. Stephen William Lestee, of Lytton Street, Sydenham, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for extracting the seeds of weeds such as goose-grass, hair-grass, and the like from cocksfoot, rye-grass, and seeds which can be similarly treated.* 6594. 29th December. Robeet Hutchison, of Springvale Mills, Cowlairs, Lanark, Scotland, Oilmanufacturer.—An invention for improvements in treating, preparing, or forming compounds with gutta-percha and rubber. 6595. 29th December. Hugh Thomson, of " Thornton," Studley Park Road, Kew, near Melbourne, Victoria, Tanner.—An invention for improved metal hobs or studs for boots and shoes. 6596. 29th December. Barnet Glass, of Nos. 16 and 18, Queensbury Street, North Melbourne, Victoria, Waterproof-garment Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in indiarubber waterproof garments. 6597. 29th December. William Southall, of Clifford Street, Goulburn, New South Wales, Coach-builder. —An invention for improvements in the means employed for adjusting brakes to buggies or other vehicles. 6598. 28th December. Heney William Lovegeove, of Gapes Valley, Geraldine, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention entitled "The Una Sulky." * 6—H. 2.


J.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1891, 1892, and 1893.

K.—Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1891, 1892, and 1893.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,100 copies), £31 19s. Od.

By Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB94. Price ls.~\


1891. 1892. 1893. 1891. 1892. 1893. Jew Zealand Austria British Columbia Canada Denmark ?rance .. Germany Holland India Italy fapan Jew South Wales 313 1 1 7 "2 5 362 396 Norway .. .. .. 1 .. 1 Portugal .. .. .. 1 Queensland .. .. .. 8 4 11 3 4 South Africa .. .. .. .. 2 1 1 South Australia .. .. 9 7 6 1 2 Sweden .. .. 3 362 3 1 1 2 396 4 1 2 10 1 1 1 Norway Portugal Queensland South Africa South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States .. Victoria 1 1 8 "9 1 1 88 25 09 4 2 7 2 10 Switzerland .. .. .. 1 1 Tasmania .. .. .. 1 1 2 1 United Kingdom .. .. 88 83 53 1 1 United States .. .. .. 25 37 39 1 .. Victoria .. .. .. 69 53 65 49 32 1 1 49 1 83 37 53 *60 '32 Note. —As some applications have be lore than the actual number of applicatii iived from joint applicants resident in different countries, these figures will total aved. jen rece ons reci

1891. 1892. 1893. 1891. 1892. 1893. New Zealand Belgium.. Canada .. Ceylon' . .' France .. Germany Holland India Natal 87 1 17 1 2 178 216 1 1 "6 2 New South Wales Queensland Russia South Australia Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States Victoria 11 1 1 2 1 21 2 1 1 1 57 10 11 9 2 1 "l "3 j 73 13 17 74 22 3 "l Note. —As a few applications have bei Ldd to slightly more than the actual numl >n recei >er of ai ived froi iplicatic m perso: tns recer is giving an address in more than one country, the columns will 'ed.

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-02

Word Count

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-02

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-02

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