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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," Section 5, Subsection (8).

TEANSACTIONS DUEING THE YEAE 1893. ■ ' ' Eegistkation of Societies and Branches. 1. The total number of registrations during the year 1893 was 12, distributed as follows : M.U.1.0.0.F.,* 1 lodge; U.A.0.D., 1 grand lodge and 1 subordinate lodge; S.D.T., 1 division; H.A.C.8.5., 2 branches; 1.F.5., 2 societies; W.M.C., 1 club; 1.5.5., 3 societies. 2. In the following table the progress of registration during the year is shown by a comparison ot the number of societies on the register as at the beginning and end of the year respectively.

3. A complete list of societies and branches on the register as at the end of 1893 is given in Appendix 11. Cancellation op Eegistey. 4. The registry of the under-mentioned branches, which had ceased to exist, was cancelled during the year:— . I.O.O.F.—Excelsior, Spreydon, Heretaunga, and Harmon Lodges. I.O.E.—Hope of Mahurangi and Hope of Bombay Tents (New Zealand District). S.D.T.—Onward and Eay of Hope Divisions. P.A.F.S.A.—Star of the North Lodge.

* LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS MADE USE OP IN THIS REPORT. A.O.F Ancient Order of Foresters. A.O.S., Ancient Order of Shepherds. B.U.O.O.F., British United Order of Odd f n n Wm" t^ ?' S1" Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. I.F.S., Isolated Friendly Society. I O.G.T. Independent Order of Good Templars. I.O.O.F., Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American Constitution). I.O.B, Independent Order of Keohabites. I.S.S., Isolated Specially-authorised Society. M.U.I OOF Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. N.I.O.O.F., National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. P.A.F.S.A., Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. E.E.B.S., Railway Employes' Benefit Society. b.D P Sons and Daughters of Temperance. U.A.O.D., United Ancient Order of Druids. WMC

I—H. 1.

Name or Class of Society. Statement as on the 1st January 1893. Statement as on the 31st December, 1893. M.U.I.O.O.F. .. f.O.O.F. ST.I.O.O.F. .. B.U.O.O.F. .. i.O.F. V.O.S. J.A.O.D. [.O.E. 3.D.T. 3.A.O.B.S. .. P.A.F.S.A. .. 3.E.B.S. :.f.s. NM.G. :.o.g.t. 15 districts, 134 lodges, and 2 widow and orphan funds 1 grand lodge and 33 subordinate lodges .. 1 district and 2 lodges 1 district and 1 lodge 8 districts, 104 courts, and 1 widow and orphan fund 1 sanctuary 44 lodges 2 districts and 40 tents 1 grand division and 15 subordinate divisions 1 district and 20 branches 1 grand lodge and 13 subordinate lodges .. 2 societies 3 societies 13 clubs .. .. ,'. " 1 grand lodge, 53 subordinate lodges, and 2 temples 23 societies 15 districts, 135 lodges, and 2 widow and orphan funds. 1 grand lodge and 29 subordinate lodges. 1 district and 2 lodges. 1 district and 1 lodge. 8 districts, 104 courts, and 1 widow and orphan fund. 1 sanctuary. 1 grand lodge and 45 subordinate lodges. 2 districts and 38 tents. 1 grand division and 14 subordinate divisions. 1 district and 22 branches. 1 grand lodge and 12 subordinate lodges. 2 societies. 5 societies. 14 clubs. 1 grand lodge, 53 subordinate lodges, and 2 temples. 26 societies. :.s.s.



CONVERSION OP EEGISTEY. 5. Fourteen lodges, originally registered as separate societies, were registered as branches of the Grand Lodge of Canterbury, U.A.O.D. The names of the lodges are Pioneer, Hope of St. Albans, Mistletoe, Ethelbert, Lyttelton Hearts of Oak, Star of Anglesea, Perseverance, Hope of Amberley, Anchor, Ohoka, Timaru, Ivy of Linwood, Trafalgar, and Star of Ashburton. Begisteation op New Eules. 6. Eegistration of a complete amendment of rules— i.e., of a complete set of new rules—was made in respect of the under-mentioned societies and branches : — M.U.l.O.O.P.—Nelson District, Ashley District. A.O.F. — Court Stratford (Taranaki District), Nelson District. U.A.O.D.—Timaru Lodge (Grand Lodge of Canterbury). W.M.C.—Petone Working-men's Club. Begisteation op Paetial Amendment op Bules. 7. Begistration of a partial amendment of rules was made in respect of the under-mentioned societies and branches :— M.U.1.0.0.P.' —Good Intent Lodge (Auckland District), Auckland District, Parnell Lodge (Auckland District), Duke of Cambridge Lodge (Auckland District), Benwick Lodge (Marlborough District). N.l.O.O.F.—Auckland Provincial District. A.O.F. —Hawke's Bay District. U.A.O.D.—Excelsior Lodge (twice), Grand Lodge of Canterbury, Endeavour Lodge. I.O.B.—Hope of Auckland Tent (New Zealand District). S.D.T.—Grand Division of New Zealand. B.E.B.S.—Otago Bailway Employes' Benefit Society. I.F.S. —Denniston Collieries Medical and Accident Belief Association. Statistics foe 1892. 8. The number of lodges* whose returns are tabulated is 379, and of central bodies 30, distributed according to Orders as follows :—

9. In Tables 1., V., and VI., attached to this report, the respective district totals include the funds of the central bodies. 10. In the final column of Table I. is entered the average surplus or deficiency per member, as shown at the last valuation of the society. 11. In the monetary tables, except the first, shillings and pence have been omitted, there being no apparent advantage in publishing the values more accurately than as shown by the nearest pound. 12. The number of members of these lodges at the end of the year was 28,754. 13. The following balance-sheet gives their total funds (including those of the central bodies) as on the 31st December, 1892 :— Funds. £ Assets. £ Sick and Funeral Funds .. .. .. 443,587 Investments at interest .. .. .. 355,973 Medical and Management Funds, goods, &c. ~ 57,568 Value of land and buildings .. .. .. 113,061 Gash not bearing interest .. .. .. 20,556 Value of goods .. .. .. .. 10,340 Other assets .. .. .. .. 1,223 £501,155 £501,155 14. The following summary shows the disposition of the various investments at interest, together with the respective average rates per cent. :—

Society. Central Bodies. Lodges. Society. Central Bodies. Lodges. il.U.I.O.O.F. .O.O.F. .. .. 3.U.O.O.F. LO.F. LO.S. 14 1 1 1 8 130 27 2 1 101 1 ! U.A.O.D. .. I.O.E. S.D.T. H.A.C.B.S. P.A.F.S.A. E.E.B.S... 2 1 1 1 40 83 13 17 12 2

Mode of Investment. Amount. Eate per Cent. )n deposit with the Post-Office Savings-Bank )n deposit with other banks )n mortgage of freehold property ~.n Government and municipal debentures )ther investments I £ 14,132 11,720 65,010 244,755 11,171 9,187 4-5 4-0f 4-9 7-1 6-8 6-0 £355,975 6-1 * The word " lodge," when applied to all societies, is to bo ui ' court," " tent," &c, as used in the various Orders. t Interest on sums exceeding £200 in the P.O.S.B. was at the rat ;he present rates being 4 and 3J per cent, respectively. iderstood as embracing the synonymous terms i of 4 per cent. In 1893 a reduction was made.



15. Averages and percentages deduced frotn the tabulated returns for the years 1880-92 are given in Appendix I. 16. In 1890 and 1891 there was a marked rise, as compared with the experience of former years, in the percentage of members sick as well as in the average duration of sickness per member. This was attributed to the influenza epidemic. In 1892 the percentage of members sick and the average duration show an additional increase. As in this year the epidemic had abated, it is difficult to account for the high rate, unless a large amount of acute sickness be due to organic weakness left by the influenza as a painful reminder of its ravages. 17. The following epitome of the course of Parliamentary legislation in England affecting friendly societies is extracted from the Eeport of the Chief Begistrar for 1892 : — The 21st June, 1893, will be the hundredth anniversary of the passing of the first Friendly Societies Act, commonly called Sir George Rose's Act, the 33 Geo. 111., c. 54. One would like to see it marked by some observance on the part of the societies, for there are few statutes which have had a more beneficial effect. Though this Act was five times amended (1795, 1803, 1809, 1817, 1819), and the law has since been five times consolidated (1829, 1850, 1855, 1875, 1887), with numerous amending Acts intervening, its essential principle and many of its details have remained unaltered to this day. That essential principle is the liberty of people to combine for provident purposes with or without registry, the granting of registry upon easy conditions, and the attracting towards registry by the offer of privileges rather than the enforcing it by the threat of disabilities. The numerous amending Acts show that the mind of the Legislature has swung backwards and forwards like a pendulum—now in the direction of freedom, now in that of restraint; but it has always settled down where it now rests, and where the Act of 1793 first placed it. One recurs with delight to the quaint language of that Act, defining friendly societies as " societies of good fellowship, for the purpose of raising from time to time, by subscription of the several members of every such society, or by voluntary contributions, a stock or fund for the mutual relief and maintenance of all and every the members thereof in old age, sioknese, and infirmity, or for the relief of the widows and children of deceased members," asserting that " the protection and encouragement of friendly societies in this kingdom is likely to be attended with very beneficial effects, by promoting the happiness of individuals, and at the same time diminishing the public burthens," and empowering the members of each such society " to make, ordain, and constitute . . . proper and wholesome rules, orders, and regulations for the better government and guidance of the same." Among the privileges which the Act of 1793 afforded to enrolled friendly societies, continued by the present law to registered friendly societies, are the following:— 1. A cheap and speedy means of recovery against defaulting officers. County Courts not being in existence in 1793 (except in the rare survivals of the ancient historical form), recourse had to be made to the High Court of Chancery or the Court of Exchequer (now both abolished) ; but those Courts were directed to proceed "in a summary way "; no officer or minister of the Court was to receive any fee, reward, emolument, or gratuity whatsoever, for anything done by him; the Lord High Chancellor, the Master of the Rolls, and Barons of the Exchequer, respectively, were to assign counsel learned in the law, and appoint a clerk of the Court to advise and carry on the proceedings on behalf of the society, who were required to do their duties therein without fee or reward; and no proceedings were to be chargeable with any stamp duty. 2. Priority on the death or bankruptcy or insolvency of an officer over all other debts. This privilege has been frequently threatened in Bankruptcy Acts and otherwise, but has survived. 3. Vesting of property in treasurer or trustees by virtue of their appointment, without assignment or transfers; and provision against abatement of actions on death or removal of treasurer or trustees. 4. Protection of the funds against misapplication or illegal distribution. 5. Rules made receivable in evidence, and no certiorari allowed. 6. Provision for the settlement of disputes by arbitration, and for the ordering of grievances by Justices where the rules do not provide for arbitration. 18. The admission of women as members of friendly societies is being gradually extended. In some societies the membership is mixed; in others, branches are established for women members only. No statistics relating to the sickness of women are available for the purpose of determining the ratio of contributions to benefits. It is said that the executive of the M.U.1.0.0.F. in England are about to issue tables of contributions for women's benefits. These will probably furnish a valuable guide as to the relative risks of men and women members. 19. Information as to the forms kept in the Begistry Office for the convenience of societies, and sent free on application, is to be found in Appendix IV. Valuations. 20. Valuations were made as on the 31st December, 1892, of the following societies: — Societies with Branches. M.U.1.0.0.P. —New Plymouth District, 6 branches ; Ashley District, 9 branches. 1.0.0.F. —Grand Lodge of New Zealand, 29 branches. A.O.F.—Canterbury United District, 10 branches ; United Otago District, 18 branches. I.O.E.—New Zealand District, 6 branches; New Zealand Central District, 27 branches. S.D.T.—Grand Division of New Zealand, 13 branches. Societies without Branches. A.O.P.—Court Coromandel. ■ U.A.O.D.—Star of the West Lodge, Eoyal Oak Lodge, Linden Lodge, Eose of Palmerston Lodge." I.O.E.—Star of Hope Tent. E.E.B.S.—Otago Society. 21. Summaries of the results of the valuations are given in two tables (Appendix VI.) Table A shows — 1. Number of members at the date of valuation ; 2. Present value of benefits ; 3. Present value of contributions to benefit funds ; 4. Value of accumulated benefit funds ; 5. Surplus or deficiency ; 6. Average surplus or deficiency per member; 7. Average age of members ; 8. Average annual contribution, per member, to benefit funds; 9. Average value, per member, of accumulated benefit funds ; * All the valuations, except of this lodge, were made in the office of the Registrar,



10. Bate of interest, per annum, credited to benefit funds (average for quinquennium); 11. Surplus or deficiency at previous valuation (average per member). Table B shows— 1. \Eatio to liabilities of— (a) Present value of contributions to benefit funds ; (b) value of accumulated benefit funds ; (c) total assets ; (d) surplus or deficiency. 2. Causes of surplus or deficiency. For convenience of publication, the causes assigned for the surplus or deficiency disclosed by valuation are indicated in Table B by means of letters referring to a list prefixed to the table. 22. Societies, on application to the Eegistrar, may have their valuation made free of cost. The experience of the societies which have been valued in the office has been tabulated, and compared with other experience, and statistical and comparative tables relating to their sickness and mortality are here given.

Sickness and Mortality Experience of all Societies valued in the Office (Men Members only).

23. The valuations of the 1.0. E. and S.D.T. societies, whose members are pledged to abstinence from intoxicants, were based on the 1.0. E. experience, 1378-87 ; all others being based on the M.U. experience, 1866-70. The following tables show the actual and expected sickness in each group. The total sickness of the first group is about 20 per cent, less than the expectation, while that of the second group is about 2 per cent, above the expectation : —

Comparison of Actual and Expected Sickness of Members (Men only) of Societies valued in the Office on the I.O.R. 1878-87 Experience.

Comparison of Actual and Expected Sickness of Members of Societies valued in the Office on the M.U. 1866-70 Experience.

Sickness (Weeks). Number of Deaths. Age of Members. Number of Years of Life at risk. First six Months. Second six After twelve Months. Months. Total. «*jj* Of Wives. Jnder 25 i-5-30 SO-35 55-40 10-45 15-50 iO-55 i5-60 iO-65 >5-70 70 and ijpwar.ds .. 6,085'5 5,547'0 5,411-5 4,821-0 3,792-0 3,224-0 2,425-0 1,397-0 718-0 191-5 123-0 3,910 3,150 3,556 3,373 2,990 3,223 3,104 1,999 1,336 415 340 2G2 273 293 263 329 375 595 463 279 98 223 502 215 304 515 1,225 1,846 2,296 2,468 1,851 1,275 1,666 4,680 3,638 4,153 4,151 4,544 5,444 5,995 4,930 3,466 1,788 2,229 25 30 17 23 23 31 33 27 11 5 13 4 16 16 26 23 17 18 14 9 3 2 All ages .. 33,735-5 27,402 3,453 14,163 45,018 238 148

Actual Sickness (Weeks). Expected Sieki less (Weeks). Age. Years of Life at Bisk. Second Six After Twelve Months. Months. First Six Months. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Total. Under 25 .. 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70 and upwards 1,973-0 1,250-0 1,124-0 964-5 792-0 740-0 485-5 310-5 147-0 27-0 6-5 1,302 711 844 736 640 623 564 401 240 47 66 38 47 36 103 63 89 98 57 51 54 26 13 4G1 281 314 312 237 92 1,422 775 904 772 1,204 967 967 811 534 190 1,831 1,081 1,022 954 938 953 614 363 249 54 23 121 74 84 92 121 143 110 103 85 26 12 75 74 97 140 181 254 245 244 250 77 40 2,027 1,229 1,203 1,186 1,240 1,350 969 710 590 157 75 All ages.. 7,820-0 6,108 648 1,790 8,546 8,082 971 j 1,083 10,736

Actual Sickness (Weeks). ixpected Sickness (Weeks). Age. Years of Life at Bisk. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Mouths. Total. First Six Months. Seoond Six Months. After Twelve Months. Total. Jnder 25 .. !5-30 !0-35 55-40 10-45 15-50 SO-55 >5-60 SO-65 55-70 :0 and upwards 4,112-5 4,297-0 4,287-5 3,856-5 8,000-0 2,484-0 1,939-5 1,086-5 571-0 104-5 116-5 2,614 2,439 2,712 2,637 2,350 2,600 2,540 1,598 1,096 368 340 196 235 246 227 226 312 506 365 222 47 223 448 189 291 515 764 1,565 1,982 2,156 1,614 1,183 1,666 3,258 2,863 3,249 3,379 3,340 4,477 5,028 4,119 2,932 1,598 2,229 2,783 3,053 3,338 3,304 2,887 2,814 2,740 1,962 1,316 521 457 149 217 295 320 ' 341 423 482 413 376 174 196 77 209 361 523 603 899 1,100 1,031 967 520 799 3,009 3,479 3,994 4,147 3,831 4,136 4,322 3,406 2,659 1,215 1,452 All ages.. 25,915-5 21,294 36,472 25,175 3,386 7,089 2,805 12,373 35,650



24. A comparison of the actual and the expected sickness of all societies valued shows a total sickness less than the expectation by 3 per cent. But, when the sickness is analysed, the experience of those lodges which have been established more than twenty years is found to be higher than the expectation by 9 per cent., and that of those established more than thirty years by 27 per cent. The sickness of members under forty years of age is light, but the sickness of members above that age is about 20 per cent, greater than the expectation. 25. The following table shows very little variation in the total sickness of members of societies valued, as compared with English experience, although at the higher ages there is considerable difference in the distribution :—

Average Sickness per Member (Men only), in Quinquennial Age-periods, in Societies valued in the Office compared with the M.U. 1866-70 Experience.

26. The average sickness per death among New Zealand societies, as compared with the experience of the M.U. in England, is shown by the following table to be very high, the least difference for any quinquennial period being 14 per cent., and the greatest difference 157 per cent.

Ratio of Sickness to Mortality in Quinquennial Age-periods.

27. These figures may be interpreted to mean that one effect of a light mortality is to raise the sickness liability. The gain resulting from the postponement of the payment at death, as well as from the continuance of the annual contribution for a longer average period, is small in comparison with the possible and, it may be said, probable increase of expenditure on account of sickness. 28. The following table exhibits an exceedingly light mortality:—

Actual and Expected Mortality of Societies valued in the Office (Men Members only).

New Zeala: Ld Experience English ixperience. Age. First six Second six Months. Months. After twelve Months. Total. First six Months. Seoond six Months. After twelve Months. Total. Jnder 25 i5-3O .. S0-35 .. !5 40 .. tO-45 .. t5-50 .. iO-55 .. )5-60 iO-65 15-70 .. '0 and upwards .. 0-65 0-5G 0-65 0-70 0-79 1-00 1-28 1-43 1-86 2-17 2-76 0-04 0-05 0-06 005 G-09 012 0-24 033 0-39 0-51 1-80 0-08 0-04 0-00 0-11 0-32 0-57 0-95 1-77 2-58 6-66 13-56 0-77 0-65 0-77 0-86 1-20 1-69 2-47 3-53 4-82 9-34 18-12 0-68 0-71 0-77 0-85 0-96 1-14 1-42 1-82 2-40 3-24 3-91 0-04 005 0-07 0-08 0-12 0-17 0-24 0-38 063 1-08 1-57 0-02 0-05 0-08 0-13 0-20 0-36 0-5G 0-95 1-78 3-22 652 0-74 0-81 0-92 1-06 1-28 1-67 2-22 3-15 4-81 7-54 12-10

Amount of Expected Sickness (Weeks) Proportionate to Age. Number of Deaths. Amount of Actual Sickness (Weeks). Excess or Deficiency. + or - (Weeks). One Death. Number of Deaths. Jnder 25 15-80 !0-35 15-40 :0-45 :5~50 SO-55 S5-C0 JO-05 15-70 :0 and upwards 25 30 17 23 23 31 33 27 11 5 13 117 106 113 109 100 114 117 122 133 139 159 2,925 3,180 1,921 2,507 2,300 3,534 3,861 3,294 1,463 695 2,067 4,680 3,638 4,153 4,151 4,544 5,444 5,995 4,930 3,466 1.7S8 2,229 + 1,755 + 458 + 2,232 + 1,644 + 2,244 + 1,910 + 2,134 + 1,036 + 2,003 + 1,093 + 102 All ages 238 27,747 45,018 + 17,271

Number of Deaths in Societies valued on the Age. M.U. Experience 1868-70. I.O.E. Experience, 1878-87. Actual. Expected. Actual. Expected. Jnder 25 !5-30 .. 10-35 .. 55-40 .. 10-45 .. 15-50 iO-55 .. i5~60 .. JO-65 ., 55-70 .. '0 and upwards 20 20 11 21 19 24 29 23 10 4 13 26-54 32-17 36-20 38-54 36-00 36-19 36-14 28-13 20-57 8-37 9-52 5 10 6 2 4 7 4 4 1 1 10-56 6-37 5-85 5-62 5-99 7-24 6-77 6-18 4-35 1-20 0-49 All ages 194 60-62 308-37 44



29. In the following table are shown in quinquennial age-periods the numbers of lapses among those who were sick and who were not sick, respectively, during the quinquennium preceding the date of valuation. Of 6,681 members admitted before the quinquennium 212 died. Of the remaining 6,469 the number sick was 2,767, and the number not sick 3,702. Of the 2,767 who were sick 220 lapsed, i.e., less than 8 per cent. ; and of the 3,702 who were not sick 1,364 lapsed, i.e., more than 36 per cent, Of 5,246 members admitted during the quinquennium 26 died. Of the remaining 5,220 the members sick and not sick were respectively 864 and 4,356. Of the 864 who were sick 82 lapsed, i.e., less than 10 per cent.; and of the 4,356 who were not sick 1,534 lapsed, i.e., more than 35 "per cent. These figures illustrate the adverse effect of lapses upon the average health of the members remaining in the society, and support the argument that no allowance can safely be made for possible secessions which, although affording an immediate gain, may yet result in an eventual loss by reason of a higher average sickness.

Table of Secessions from Societies valued in the Office among those who were Sick and not Sick respectively, during the Quinquennium preceding Valuation, in Quinquennial Age-periods.

30. The following table contains the sickness experience of women members of the 1.0. E. and S.D.T. societies. The total is greatly in excess of the expectation. As might be expected, in consequence of the small numbers, there is great irregularity in the average sickness per member per annum at the respective age-periods. Indeed, the numbers are too few to render the statistics valuable.

Comparison of Actual and Expected Sickness of Women Members of the I.O.R. and S.D.T. Societies during 1888-92, in Quinquennial Age-periods.

31. For the valuation of widow and orphan societies, present values of contributions and of widows' and orphans' benefits have been calculated from New Zealand statistics of mortality and orphanhood. The numbers living and dying at each age are taken from an unpublished table of mortality (male lives) compiled by Mr. George Leslie, Assistant Actuary, Government Life Insurance Department, and based on the numbers living at the census dates in 1881, 1886, and 1891, and on the deaths daring the years 1880-92. The numbers and ages of orphans at death of father up to age 64 were tabulated in the office of the Eegistrar-General from returns for the years 1890-92. The Eegistrar acknowledges the courtesy of the gentlemen who have placed this valuable information at his disposal, and his indebtedness also to Mr. George King, P.1.A., whose paper on " Family Annuities," read before the Institute of Actuaries in 1893, treats of this form of insurance. 32. As it has been suggested that scales of contributions and benefits might be calculated on the basis of New Zealand experience and published for the guidance of societies, it may be well to explain, in connection with the above-mentioned computation of present values of widows' and

Number of Members win Admitted before Quinquennium. Imitted duri: ig Quinque: mium. Age at Beginning of Quinquennium or at Entry. Were Rick during Quinquennium. Were not Sick during g Quinquennium. cs ■r| £] s a Lapsed Were _ 3 during included 5 Quinquen- in the 'p1^ niuni. Valuation. <y Were not Sick during Quinquennium. Were Sic: Quinque k during innium. Were not ! Quinqui lick during innium. So s si ig g a a <y Lapsed during Quinquennium. Were included in the Valuation. Lapsed during Quinquennium. Were included in the Valuation. Lapsed during Quinquennium. Wore included ill the Valuation. Under 25 25-30 30-35 35-40 .. 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70 and upwards 75 33 37 32 21 13 9 352 343 384 364 350 318 216 142 50 18 10 347 295 283 190 111 83 38 12 4 1 348 378 415 379 295 257 133 85 38 7 3 20 23 14 17 29 30 33 22 9 i 11 42 20 11 8 1 465 155 81 49 24 7 872 329 205 94 27 6 1,621 565 356 176 76 23 4 1 11 4 5 3 2 1 1 "l All ages 220 i i 2,547 1,864 2,338 212 82 782 1,534 2,822 26

Actual Sickni sss (Weeks). Expected Sickness (Weeks). Age. Years of Life at Bisk. Alter Twelve rr^*- o i Months. lotaL Second Six After Twelve Months. Months. First Six Months. Second Six Months. First Six Months. Total Jnder 25 !5-30 .. 10-35 .. !5-40 .. :0-45 . . :5-50 .. iO-55 .. 15-60 .. 597-5 1330 81-5 55-5 34-5 24 0 140 8-0 781 82 78 74 61 03 52 2 91 25 9 4 22 894 107 87 78 61 254 52 6 557 117 75 52 43 30 18 10 35 7 5 5 6 5 3 2 22 8 6 7 8 8 7 6 614 132 80 64 57 43 28 18 52 139 4 All ages 948-0 1,193 I 72 j 1,042 185 ' 161 1,539 902 68



orphans' benefits from New Zealand statistics, that similar calculations cannot yet be made in respect of sickness benefits by reason of the absence of data relating to the higher ages. It is observed that, while the average sickness in early life is light as compared with the English experience, as the age advances the average rises more rapidly than the expectation. The difficulty of the problem is further complicated by the fact that the mortality of members of friendly societies, in common with that of the general population of the colony, is very light. For a length of time an impression prevailed that a favourable sickness might be looked for in conjunction with a favourable mortality. Results have, however, disproved this. With greater average longevity there is an increase in the total sickness, while, as partly accounting for the high ratio of the total sickness per death, as contrasted with English experience, it cannot be doubted that, in New Zealand, sufferers from chronic ailments linger for years who in a less genial climate would die off rapidly. It may be added that insolvent societies which have been long established need something more than standard tables to refer to. Such tables would doubtless afford excellent guidance for societies about to be established, but would be of little value to a society already existing and found to have a large deficiency, for such a society needs advice specially adapted to its particular circumstances. 33. Appendix V. contains lists of the societies and branches valued as at the end of 1892, and established prior to 1888, arranged according to the average rate of interest per annum credited to the benefit fund during the quinquennium 1888-92, exclusive of those which earned less than 4 per cent. The number of societies and branches included in these lists is fifty-nine, and the number excluded is forty. In respect of one society and four branches the rate of interest cannot be calculated owing to the information being incomplete. The investment of capital in hall property accounts for the low rate earned by nineteen, and the only cause which can be assigned in the case of the remaining sixteen is that there has been negligence on the part of the trustees. 34. During last session of Parliament a return was compiled by order of the House of Eepresentatives " in continuation of a return dated 31st August, 1889, relating to friendly societies ; also, a comparative statement setting forth the increase or decrease in the several particulars mentioned in said return between the two last valuation reports of the several Districts and Orders, so as to indicate whether the several Districts and Orders are improving their financial position or otherwise." 35. That summation of the assets and liabilities, and amalgamation of the balances, whether surplus or deficiency, of branches whose funds are not held in common, does not afford a correct indication of the financial position of branches so grouped together, is very clearly explained by the English Chief Registrar in his examination before the Royal Commission on Labour. Speaking of the affiliated societies he says, — Every branch is as financially independent as if it were a distinct society. One branch may have charged proper contributions, carefully supervised its claims, been economical in its management, husbanded and properly invested its funds, and thus accumulated a large fund; no other branch has any claim whatever on that fund, or any portion of it. Another branch may have charged insufficient rates, been loosely managed, wasted its money, and thus have incurred losses, or may have been merely unfortunate, and suffered from a severe run of sickness, and thus have small funds; but it cannot call upon the prosperous branch to contribute to meet the deficiency. 36. It may be noted that, in respect of the several branches of each society valued from time to time, a comparison is made between the results of two successive valuations, and published in an appendix to the Registrar's annual report to Parliament in the following year. Trade-unions. Registration of New Rules. 37. A complete amendment of rules was registered in respect of the undermentioned societies : The Amalgamated Shearers' and Labourers' Union of New Zealand, the Christchurch Operative Bootmakers' Society, and the Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society. 38. A list of registered trade-unions, as on 31st December, 1893, is given in Appendix 111. Edmund Mason, May, 1894. Registrar of Friendly Societies and Trade-unions.



APPENDIX I. Percentages and Averages deduced from the Statistics of New Zealand Friendly Societies for the Years 1880-1892.

Years. Description of Percentage or Average. 1880. 1881. 1882. 18S3. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. Mortality of members (rale per 1,000 members) „ wives „ Funeral benefits, average per member Sick members, percentage of Sickness (weeks) average per member .. „ „ sick Contribution to Sick and Funeral Fund, average per member Sickness benefit, average per member „ „ sick 6-75 3-76 3s. 3d. 1335 0-94 7-07 £1-35 14s. 6d. £5-76 7-33 3-90 3s. 3d. 14-80 1-03 6-96 £1-35 15s. 6d. £5-66 0-90 3-65 3s. Id. 15-16 0-99 6-56 £1-35 14s. 9d. £5-31 7-30 4-51 3s. 4d. 15-18 0-99 6-51 £1-35 14s. 6d. £5'20 7-05 4-57 3s. 5d. 15-78 1-00 6-32 £1-34 15s. id. £5-22 7-39 4-20 3s. 8d. 16-26 1-04 6-38 £1-35 15s. lOd. £5-22 6-91 5-14 3s. 9d. 15-46 1-04 6-69 £1-33 17s. Od. £5-50 6-66 4-29 3s. 5d. 16-03 1-05 6-52 £1-34 16s. 9d. £5-22 6-35 4-34 3s. 4d. 16-11 1-14 7-06 £1'36 18s. 4d. £5-59 6-44 3-44 3s. 5d. 15-81 1-14 7-29 £1-35 18s. £5-68 5-60 3-29 2s. lid. 19-24 1-20 6-25 £1-34 18s. lid. £4-93 6-49 3-78 3s. 6d. 19-06 1-23 6-44 £1-41 19s. 7d. £5-08 6-38 3-33 3s. Id. 19-96 1-33 6-65 £1-41 20s. lOd £5-22 Ratio to total sickness (per cent.) of— 1. Sickness experienced during first six months .. 2. „ during second six months 3. „ after twelve months Contribution* to Medical and Management Fund, average per member.. Medical expenses, average per member Management expenses,! average per member 65-12 10-10 24-78 £1-40 18s. 13s. 67-53 9-17 23-30 £1-42 19s. 12s. 2d. 66-44 8-89 24-67 £1-44 18s. 11s. 4d. 64-53 6-33 29-14 £1-43 18s. lid. 10s. 9d. 71-02 5-19 23-79 £1-46 19s. 10s. lid. 68-05 8-05 23-90 £1-43 19s. Id. 10s. lid. 67-38 8-36 24-26 £1-38 18s. 7d. 10s. 5d. 67-00 6-88 26-12 £1-38 19s. 10s. 8d. 64-13 8-20 27-67 £1-38 18s. lid. 10s. 3d. 61-40 9-20 29-40 £1-32 18s. 3d. 10s. 4d. 63-92 7-36 28-72 £1-35 19s. Id. 10s. Id. 64-34 7-57 28-09 £1-37 19s. Id. 10s. 64'53 7-82 27-65 £1-37 19s. 2d. 10s. 2d. Batio to total assets (per cent.) of— 1. Investments at interest 2. Value of land and buildings 3. Cash not bearing interest 4. Value of goods, &c. .. 5. Other assets ".. 61-38 28-04 7-10 2-85 0-63 62-32 20-20 7-45 3-03 1-00 57-66 31-91 6-94 2-85 064 58-43 31-49 6-87 2-87 0-34 59-64 31-03 5-82 2-83 068 59-70 31-27 5-61 2-99 0-43 62-38 29-59 5-06 2-71 0-26 63-64 28-07 5-21 2-76 0-32 64-46 27-26 5-23 2-74 0-32 6600 26-57 4-70 2-42 0-31 66-75 26-13 4-67 216 029 69-18 24-45 3-96 2-13 0-28 71-03 22-56 4-11 2-06 0-24 Eatio to total investments at interest (per cent.) of— 1. Amount on deposit with the Post-Office Savings-Bank 2. „ „ other banks 3. „ mortgage of freehold property 4. Amount in Government and municipal debentures 5. „ other investments 4-39 25-59 59-50 7-25 22-78 58-37 5-41 6-19 9-70 20-80 59-01 5-71 4-78 6-38 21-63 60-89 5-69 5-41 7'05 19-49 61-67 4-91 6-88 6-21 17-16 64-56 5-60 6-47 4-37 16-72 67-96 4-56 6-39 6-39 16-57 67-83 3-38 5-83 6-52 15-86 69-08 4-13 4-41 7-28 1754 68-52 3-56 310 7-84 17-60 68-12 3-18 3-26 8-75 17-38 67-26 378 2-83 7-26 18-26 68-76 3-14 2-58 | 10-52 I * Inclusive of levies and entrance and clearance fees. t I.e., management expenses of lodges and levies to the Management Fund of central bodies.



APPENDIX 11. List of Eegisteeed Societies, with theie Eegisteeed Beanches, as on 31st Decembbe, 1893. 1. Manchester Unity Independent Oedee ob> Odd Fellows. Eeg. No. I Eeg. No. 13. Auckland District —Auckland. 170 a. Ashley District —llangiora. 1. Howiok Lodge, Howiok. 1. Leithfield Lodge, Leithfield. 2. Charles Bruce Lodge, Thames. 2. Cust Lodge, Oust. 3. Good Intent Lodge, Auckland. 3. Woodend Lodge, Woodend. 4. Waikato Lodge, Thames. 4. Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. 5. Gisborne Lodge, Gisbome. 5. Oxford Lodge, Oxford. 6. Whangarei Lodge, Wangarei. 6. Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 7. Franklin Lodge, Otahuhu. 8. Waikari Lodge, Waikari. 9. Parnell Lodge, Parnell. 9. Eangiora Lodge, Eangiora. 11. National Lodge, Coromandel. 10. Nil Desperandum Lodge, East Oxford. U. W*SS'S^o rt h. «■ M .Canterbury JWWUitaA 19. Fountain of Friendship Lodge-Auckland. J- Volunteer Lodge Sydenham. 8!. Duke of Cambridge L V-'oamtaidge. £ 196. Hawke's Bay District—Napier. 8- Kaiapoi Lodge, Kaiapoi. 1. Meeanee Lodge, Taradale. 9r Phillipstown Lodge, Phillipstown. 2. Abbotsford Lodge, Waipawa. 10 _ Leeston Lodge, Leeston. 3. Clive Lodge, Olive. Ui p apa nui Lodge, Papanui. 4. Hastings Lodge, Hastings. 12 Coleridge Lodge, Glentunnel. 5. Victoria Lodge, Porangahau. u _ Addington Lodge, Addington. 6. Tavistoek Lodge, Waipukurau. 16 _ Malvern Lodge, Waddington. 7. Woodville Lodge, Woodville. 20 . city of Christchurch Lodge, Christchurch. 8. Napier Lodge, Napier. 21. Heart of Oak Lodge, Kaikoura. •9. -Forest Home Lodge, Ormondville. 2 2. Eiccarton Lodge, Upper Biocarton. 10. Danevirko Lodge, Danevirke. 23 _ j u bilee Lodge, Prebbleton. 11. Friendship Lodge, Port Almriri. 12. Buahine Lodge, Hampden. 5. Lyttdton District— Lyttelton. 14. Maraekakaho Lodge, Maraekakaho. 2. Hand of Friendship Lodge, Okain's Bay. 93. New Plymouth District-New Plymouth. 3- p0*??. ima™1. Excelsior Lodge, New Plymouth. *■ good Intent Lodge, Akaroa. 2. Waitara Lodge, Waitara. f- Perseverance Lodge Barry s Bay. 3. Union Lodge" Hawera. 6- C'ty of Norwich Lodge, Lyttelton. 4. Egmont Lodge, New Plymouth. ?• Hand and Heart Lodge Pigeon Bay. 5. Manaia Lodge, Manaia. 8. Heart of Friendship Lodge, Waimate. 6. Eltham Lodge, Eltham. .1 9; Pleas 7 ant Poln? Lodge, Pleasant Point. , TTT . T , J, 7 203. Victoria Widow and Orphan Fund—Lyttelton. 138. Wanganui Lodge—Wanganui. r J 7. Wellington District-Wellington. 256' District-kshhxxxton 1. Combination Lodge, Johnsonvillc. £• Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 2. Mastorton Lodge, Mastenon. \ Lo T dge> Spnngburn. 3. Heart of Oak Lodge, Carterton. 3/ Waterton Lodge Waterton i. Grevtown Lodge, Greytown. *■ South Eakaia Lodge, South Eakaia. 5. Unity Lodge, Featherston. 5' Tmwald LodSe' Tmwald6. St. George Lodge, Pahautanui. 23. Otago District— Dunedin. 7. Kainapoura Lodge, Tawa Flat. 1. Outram Lodge, Outram. 8. Petone Lodge, Petone. 2. Albion Lodge, Dunedin. 10. Eose of Sharon Lodge, Upper Hutt. 3. Alexandra Lodge, Port Molyneux. 11. Britannia Lodge, Wellington 4. Prince of Wales Lodge, Port Chalmers. 12. Antipodean Lodge, Wellington. 5. Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. 13. Eketahuna Lodge, Eketahuna. 6. Eoxburgh Lodge, Boxburgh. 14. Martinborough Lodge, Martinboroug'h. 7. Prince Alfred Lodge, Hawkesbury. 63. Bose of the Valley Lodge—Lower Hutt. 8. Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 24. Wellington District Widow and Orphan Society— 9. Waipori Lodge, Waipori. Wellington. 10. Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston South. 77. Marlborough District-Blenheim. }£■ ? a. lto° ,L °df • Balolutha. 1. Marlborough Lodge, Blenheim. Jf ■ Wakatipu Lodge, Queenstown. 2 Benwick Lodso Benwick 13' Cromwell Lodge, Cromwell. 1. EenwicK Lodge, nenwicK. Hand and Hearfc Lq Dunedin _ 25. Nelson District—Nelson. 15 _ Qamaru Lodge, Oamaru. 1. Howard Lodge, Nelson. 16 Band of p r i en a s hip Lodge, Kakanui. 2. General Cameron Lodge, Bnghtwater. 17 _ Tuapeka pioneer Lodge, Lawrence. 4. Mansion of Peace Lodge, Wakefield. 18 _ Waitahlma Lodge, Waitahuna. 6. Travellers' Best Lodge, Eichmond. 19 _ B ] uespur Lodge, Bluespur. 41. ISfelson Lodge—Nelson. 20^ Mosgiel Lodge, Mosgiel. 244. Motueka District —Motueka. 21. Mount Wendon Lodge, Waikaia. 1. Motueka Lodge, Motueka. 22. Caversham Lodge, Caversham. 2. Good Intention Lodge, Biwaka. 23. Valley Lodge, North-east Valley. 3. Takaka Lodge, Takaka. 24. Naseby Lodge, jSTaseby. 4. South Star Lodge, Dovedale. 25. Ngapara Lodge, Ngapara. 92. North Westland District— Eeefton. 64. Invercargill District— lnvercargill. 1. Beefton Lodge, Beefton. 1. Shamrock, Eose, and Thistle Lodge, Inver2. Westport Lodge, Westport. cargill. 8. Charleston Lodge, Charleston. 2 , gt. George Lodge, Invercargill. 5. Waimangaroa Lodge, Waimangaroa. 3. Lumsden Lodge, Lumsden. 40. Hokitika District —Hokitika. 4. Winton Lodge, Winton. 1. Hokitika Lodge, Hokitika. 5. United Gore Lodge, Gore. 2. Albert Lodge, Kumara. 6. Awarua Lodge, Oampbelltown. 3. Waimea Lodge, Stafford. 7. Oreti Lodge, Dipton. 27 Greymouth Lodge—Greymouth. 8. Biversdale Lodge, Biversdale, 2—H. 1.



List of Ebgistbeed Societies, etc. — continued. 11. Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American). Keg. No. Eeg. No. 146. Grand Lodge of Nero Zealand —Dunedin. 25. Gladstone Lodge, Fairlie. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 26. Mataura Lodge, Mataura. 2. Star of Canterbury Lodge, Timaru. 27. Kawakawa Lodge, Kawakawa. 4. Alexandrovna Lodge, Teirmka. 28. Orient Lodge, Palraerston North. 5. Unity Lodge, South Dunedin. 29. Kaeo Lodge, .Kaeo. 8. Southern Cross Lodge, Wellington. 81. Washington Lodge, Sydenham. 12. Alfred Lodge, Oamaru. 32. Linden Lodge, Kaikorai. 15. Pioneer of Southland Lodge, Invercargill. 35. Otaki Lodge, Otaki. IG. Leith Lodge, Dunedin. 37. Popotunoa Lodge, Clinton. 17. Star of Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 39. Hope of Maheuo Lodge, Maheno. 19. Victoria Lodge, Geraldine. 40. Te Ao Marama Lodge, Shannon. 20. Prehbleton Lodge, Prebbleton. 42. Zealandia Lodge, Wellington. 21. Alma Lodge, Wyndham. 44. Waiareka Lodge, Weston. 22. Bidgley Lodge, Christchurch. 45. Manukau Lodge, Manukau. 23. Wallace Lodge, Eiverton. 46. Eangitikei Lodge, Bulls. 111. National Independent Obder of Odd Fellows. 160. Auckland Provincial District —Auckland. 2. United Brothers Lodge, Newton. 1. Auckland Pioneer Lodge, Auckland. IV. British United Order of Odd Fellows. 237. Wellington District —Wellington. 1. Aorangi Lodge, Wellington. V. Ancient Ordeb op Foeestees. 17. Auckland District —Auckland. 21. Court Kopuaranga, Mauriceville. 1. Court City of Auckland, Auckland. 22. „ Hunterville, Hunterville. 2. „ Eureka, Auckland. 23. „ Sir William Jervois, Newtown. 3. „ Zealandia, Auckland. 24. „ Pride of Levin, Levin. - ■ 4.- „ Eobin Hood, Panmure. 25. „ Bloornfleld, Hutt. 5. „ Nil Desperandum, Newton. 34. Court Sir George Grey—-Wellington. 6. „ Eoyal Oak, Tauranga. 7. „ Pride of Onehunga, Onehunga. 4. Nelson District —Nelson. 8. „ Pride of the North, Grahamstown. 1. Court Pride of the Forest, Wakapuaka. 9. „ Star of the South, Otahuhu. 2. „ Concord, Greymouth. 10. „ Pride of Newmarket, Auckland. 3. „ Sherwood Forest, Stoke. 11. „ Northern Wairoa, Dargavillo. 4. „ Eobin Hood, Nelson. 12. „ Pride of Parnell, Thames. 5. „ Aorere, Collingwood. 13. „ Star of Helensville, Helensville. 6. „ Inanga'nua, Eeefton. 14. „ Victoria, Devonport. 7. „ Unity, Havelock. 15. „ Queen of the North, Maungaturoto. 8. „ Perseverance, Motuoka. 16. „ Excelsior, Kamo. 9. „ Charleston, Charleston. 17. „ Kihikihi, Kihikihi. 10. „ Royal Oak, Westport. 150. Hawke's Bay District —Napier. 227. Court Pride of the West—Hokitika. 1. Court Sir Charles Napier, Napier. 2. „ Captain Cook, Napier. 28. Canterbury United District —Christchurch. 3. „ Sir Henry Havelock, Havelock. 1. Court Pride of Courtenay, Courtenay. 4. „ Eobin Hood, Port Ahuriri. 2. „ Thistle of the Forest, Sydenham. 5. „ Euahine, Waipukurau. 4. „ Woodford, Kaiapoi. 6. „ Lord Clyde, Wairoa. 8. „ Papanui, Papanui. 7. „ Heretaunga, Hastings. 9. „ Ashburton, Ashburton. 8. „ Little John, Waipawa. 10. „ Star of Dunsandel, Dunsandel. 9. „ Ormond, Makotuku. 11. „ Star of Belfast, Belfast. 10. „ Eising Sun, Danevirke. 12. „ Queen of the Seas, New Brighton. 11. „ Waitangi, West Clive. 2. Court Star of Canterbury—Christchurch. 12. „ Eedclyfie, Taradale. 143. „ Queen of the Isles—Lyttelton. 139. Canterbury United District Widow and Orphan 216. Taranaki District —New Plymouth. Fund—Ohristchurch. 1. Court Taranaki, New Plymouth. 2. „ Inglewood Forest, Inglewood. 252. South Canterbury District —Timaru. 8. „ Ealeigh, Waitara. 1. Court Southern Cross, Timaru. 4. „ Egmont, Hawera. 2. „ Progress, St. Andrews. 6. „ Patea, Patea. 200. Court Foresters' Pride—Waimate. 6. „ Stratford, Stratford. 55. Court Waireka—New Plymouth. 10. United Otago District —Dunedin. 1. Court Enterprise, Dunedin. 144. Wellington District —Wellington.. 2. „ Pride of Dunedin, Dunedin. 1. Court Eobin Hood, Wellington. 3. „ Pride of Oamaru, Oamaru. 2. „ Sir George Bowen, Wellington. 5. „ Robin Hood, Port Chalmers. 4. „ Clarendon, Picton. 7. „ Eoxburgh, Roxburgh. 5. „ Manawatu, Palmerston North. 8. „ St. Andrews, Caversham. 6. „ Loyal Feilding, Feilding. 11. „ Pride of Alexandra, Alexandra. 7. „ William Gladstone, Gisborne. 12. „ Bruce, Milton. 8. „ Pioneer, Te Nui. 13. „ Pride of the Lake, Queenstown. 9. „ Roderick Dhu, Wanganui. 14. „ Excelsior, Mornington. 10. „ Blenheim, Blenheim. 15. „ Pride of the Leith, Dunedin. 11. „ Loyal Enterprise, Masterton. 16. „ Havelock, Waitahuna. 12. „ Marquis of Normanby, Carterton. 17. „ Star of the South, Inveroargill. 13. „ Little John, Marton. 18. „ Star of the Dunstan, Clyde. 14. „ Wairarapa, Greytown. 19. „ Little John, Roslyn. 15. „ Egmonl, Opunake. 20. „ Eoyal Oak, Wyndham. 16. „ Woodville, Woodville. 21. „ Southern Star, Bluff. 17. „ Loyal Halcomhe, Halcombe. 114. Court Star of Tuapeka—Lawrence. 18. „ Pohangina, Ashurst. 19. „ Epuni, Petone. Court not in any District. 20. „ Pahiatua, Pahiatua. 88. Court Coromandel —Coromandel.



List op Eegisteeed Societies, etc. — continued. VI. Ancient Obdeb of Shephebds. Beg. No. Keg. No. 11. Sanctuary Sir George Grey—Wellington. VII. United Ancient Obdke of Dkuids. 281. Grand Lodge of Canterbury—Christchurch. 189. Royal Oak Lodge—Caversham. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Christchureh. 192. Acorn Lodge—lnvercargill. 2. Hope of St. Albans Lodge, St. Albans. 205. Auckland Lodge—Auckland. 3. Mistletoe Lodge, Christchurch. 210. Linden Lodge—Roslyn, 4. Ethelbert Lodge, Springsfcon. 212. Myrtle Lodge—Tauranga. 5. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Lodge, Lyttelton. 218. West Harbour Lodge—Rothesay. 6. Star of Anglesea Lodge, Lincoln. 219. All Nations Lodge—Port Chalmers. 7. Perseverance Lodge, Addington. 220. Bishop Lodge—Wanganui. 8. Hope of Amborley Lodge, Ainberley. 221. Totara Lodge—Carterton. 9. Anchor Lodge, Woolston. 222. Brunner Lodge—Brunnerton. ■10. Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. 225. Endeavour Lodge—Oamaru. 11. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 226. Blenheim Mistletoe Lodge—Blenheim. 12. Ivy of Linwood Lodge, Christchurch. 232. Albion Lodge—Napier. 13. Trafalgar Lodge, Kaiapoi. ! 236. Poneke Lodge—Petone. 14. Star of Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. ' 239. Pacific Lodge—Wellington. 158. Oak of Sydenham Lodge—Sydenham. 240. Turanganui Lodge—Gisborne. 166. Enterprise Lodge—South Dunedin. 243. Ponsonby Lodge—Ponsonby. 168. Otago Lodge—Dunedin. 247. Waiohine Lodge—Grey town. 171. Ivanhoe Lodge—Dunedin. 250. Good Intent Lodge—Mosgiel. 174. Star of the West Lodge—Greymouth. 254. Rose of Palmerston Lodge—Palmerston S. 177. Excelsior Lodge—Wellington. 273. Star of Waverley Lodge—Waverley. 178. Star of New Zealand Lodge—Lower Hutt. 274. Star of Egmont Lodge—Patea. 181. Bud of Hope Lodge—Rangiora. 280. Gore Lodge—Gore. VIII. Independent Obdeb op Rechabites. 190. New Zealand District —Auckland. | 14. Rose of Sharon Tent, Waipawa. 1. Hope of Auckland Tent, Auckland. 15. Hope of Napier Tent, Napier. 2. Eden Tent, Newmarket. 17. Sir Wilfrid Lawson Tent, Sanson. ' 3. Northern Star Tent, Aratapu. 19. Excelsior Tent, Wellington. 4. Star of Hauraki Tent, Thames. 20. Haste to the Rescue Tent, Wellington. 6. Gordon Tent, Onehunga. 21. Bon Accord Tent, Blenheim. 10. Whangaroa Tent, Whangaroa. 26. Hope of Carterton Tent, Carterton. 28. Hope of Johnsonville Tent, Johnsonville. 110. New Zealand Central District —Wellington. 29. Hawera Tent, Hawera.* 2. Murihiku Tent, Invercargill. 30. Star of Wakefleld Tent, Wakefield. 3. Scandia's Hope Tent, Norsewood. 31. Progress Tent, Kaikora, Hawke's Bay. 4. Hope of Woodville Tent, Woodville. 32. Unity Tent, Marton.* 5. Hope of Wellington Tent, Wellington. 33. Olive Branch Tent, Bull's.* 6. Hope of Dunedin Tent, Dunedin. 35. Good Intent Tent, Motupipi. 7. Pride of Christchurch Tent, Christchurch. 36. Nil Desperandum Tent, Halcombe.* 8. Perseverance Tent, Wellington. 37. Reseno Tent, Nelson. 9. Bud of Promise Tent, Nelson. 38. Onward Tent, Palmerston North. 10. Unity Tent, New Plymouth. 39. Star of Featherston Tent, Eeatherston. 11. Hope of Ormondville Tent, Ormondville. 40. Gisborne Tent, Gisborne. 12. Masterton Tent, Masterton. 13. Excelsior Tent, Waipukurau. 98. Star of Hope Tent, Hokitika. IX. Sons and Datjghteks of Tempebance of Austbalasia. 170. Grand Division of New Zealand —Addington. 11. Hope of Sydenham Division, Sydenham. 2. Helpmate Division, Ashburton. 12. Sunrise Division, Sefton. 4. Resolution Division, Rangiora. 13. Dawn of Light Division, Temuka. 5. Try-Again Division, Woodend. 14. Unity Division, Gore. 6. Excelsior Division, Addington. 112. Perseverance Division—Christchurch. 7. Elim Division, St. Albans. 118. Antidote Division—Dunedin. 9. Advance Division, Wellington. 147. Progress Division—Kaiapoi. 10. Sunbeam Division, Wanganui. X. Hibernian Austealasian Catholic Benefit Society. 198. New Zealand District— Auckland. 17. St. Joseph's Branch, Hastings. 2. St. John's Branch, Leeston. 18. St. Joseph's „ ' Dunedin. 3. St. Patrick's „ Christchurch. 19. Charleston „ Charleston. 4. Invercargill „ Invercargill. 20. Hokitika „ Hokitika. 6. St. Patrick's „ Lincoln. 21. Greymouth „ Greymouth. 8. St. Mary's „ Timaru. 22. Onehunga „ Onehunga. 10. St. Joseph's „ New Plymouth. 23. St. Patrick's „ Rangiora. 11. St. Patrick's „ Wellington. 25. St. Michael's „ Masterton. 12. Auckland „ Auckland. 26. St. Patrick's „ Oamaru. 14. St. Patrick's „ Blenheim. 27. St. John's „ Napier. 15. Grahamstown „ Thames. 28. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branch, Milton. 16. WaipawaWaipawa. XI. Pkotestant Alliance Friendly Society of Austealasia. 197. Grand Council of New Zealand —Thames. 9. TriumpVi Lodge, South Dunedin. 1. Prince of Wales Lodge, Thames. 11. Star of Hastings „ Hastings. 2. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 12. Valley True Blue „ North-east Valley. 3. Excelsior „ Green Island. 14. Star of Oamaru „ Oamaru. 4. Wickliffe „ Napier. 15. Star of Petone „ Petone.* 5. John Knox „ Wellington. 16. Pride of Ngapara „ Ngapara. 6. Alexandra' „ Auckland. XII. Railway Benefit Societies. 154. New Zealand Railway Employes' Benefit Society— 161. Otago Railway Employes' Benefit Society—DunInvercargill. edin. XIII. Miscellaneous Fbiendly Societies. 183. Grey Valley Accident Relief Fund —Brunnerton. 282. Eamo Minors' Accident Relief Fund—Kamo. 277. Denniston Collieries' Medical and Accident Relief 286. Wellington Friendly Societies' Jubilee Orphanage Association —Denniston. Society—Wellington. 279. United Fire Brigades Accident Assurance Society of New Zealand—Napier. * Bipce cancelled.



List of Registered Societies, etc. — continued. XIV. Wobkikg-men's Clubs. Beg. No. Beg. No. 151. Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary 231. Kaiapoi Working-men's Clvb —Kaiapoi. Institute—Wellington. 238. Petcne Working-men's Club and Literary Insti--162. Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual tute —Petone. School of Arts—Christchurch. 264. Richmond Working-men's Club—Richmond. 176. Winton Working-men's Club—Winton. 267. Palmerston North Working-men's Club and Literary 186. Greytown Working-men's Club—Greytown. Institute —Palmerston North. 202. Garibaldi Club—Wellington. 271. Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts—Ash--209. Sydenham and Addington Working-men's Club and burton. Mutual School of Arts —Sydenham. 272. Blenheim Working-men's Clvb —Blenheim. 215. Auckland Working - men's Club and Mechanics' 287. Wellington Temperance Club—Wellington. Institute—Auckland. XV. Specially-authobisbd Societies. 169. Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the Independent 104. Lily of the Valley Lodge, North Dunedin. Order of Good Templars —Dunedin. 106. Bushman's Pride Lodge, Alford Forest. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 107. Hope of Wakefleld Lodge, Wakefleld. 2. Aggressive Lodge, Blenheim. 108. Pride of Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 3. Dauntless Lodge, Christchurch. 110. Seashell Lodge, Lyttelton. 4. Hope of Christchurch Lodge, Christchurch. 112. Lifeboat Lodge, Timaru. 6. Pioneer Lodge, Wellington. 113. Rose o£ Springburn Lodge, Springburn. 7. Star of South Canterbury Lodge, Waimate. 9. Loyal Nelson Lodge, Nelson. 185. Invercargill Total Abstinence Society — Invercar--12. West Coast Pioneer Lodge, Greymouth. gill. 13. Good Intent Lodge, Rangiora. 217. Christchurch and Suburban Co-operative Money 17. Robert Bruce Lodge, Bannockburn. Club—Christchurch. 18. Star of the East Lodge, Ashburton. 223. Invercargill United Friendly Societies' Dispensary 19. New Hope Lodge, Westport. —Invercargill. 21. Haste to the Rescue Lodge, Havelock. 228. Canterbury Engineers' Band—Christchurch. 24. Reefton Fraternal Lodge, Reefton. 229. Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club 30. Pride of Hawke's Bay Lodge, Port Ahuriri. —Sydenham. 31. Premier Lodge, Hokitika. 241. New Zealand Friendly Societies' Guarantee Associa--32. Hope of Stafford Lodge, Stafford. tion—Wellington. 33. Providence Lodge, Courtenay. 242. Dunedin United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 35. Golden Stream Lodge, Alexandra, Otago. Dunedin. 37. New Era Lodge, Purakanui. 245. Star of Newtown Lodge, I.O.G.T.—Wellington. 40. Second-to-none Lodge, Pigeon Bay. 246. Lyttelton United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 41. Hope of Bmnnerton Lodge, Brunnerton. Lyttelton. 42. Woodstock Lodge, Woodstock. 248. Timaru United Friendly Societies' Dispensary — 44. New River Pioneer Lodge, Dunganville. Timaru. 47. Victory Lodge, No Town. 251. New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association — 48. Victoria Lodge, Noble's. Christchurch. CO. Kumara Lodge, Kumara. 255. Temple of Peace Lodge, 1.0.G.T. —Kaiwarra. 53. Rock of Freedom Lodge, Ashley Bank. 257. Opotiki Gospel Temperance and Mutual Improve--54. Hearts and Homos Lodge, Orepuki. ment Society—Opotiki. 57. Dawn of Peace Lodge, Ashburton. 258. South Rakaia and Suburban Co-operative Money 59. True Blue Lodge, Waitahuna. Club—South Rakaia. 66. St. Helena Lodge, Greymouth. 261. Palmerston North Co-operative Money Club—Pal--68. Phcenix Lodge, Masterton. merston North. 69. North Star Lodge, Kaikoura. 262. Auckland Caledonian Society—Auckland. 72. Pride of Brookside Lodge, Brookside. 263. Stanmore Brass Band —Linwood. 73. Mount Fyfe Lodge, Mount Fyfe. 266. Sydenham Brass Band—Sydenham. 76. Heart and Hand Lodge, Lumsden. 268. Newton Band Society—Newton. 77. Pride of Mount Grey Lodge, Mount Grey. 269. Invercargill City Band—lnvercargill. 85. Southern Cross Lodge, Invercargill. 270. Auckland Burns Club—Auckland. 86. Guiding Star Lodge, Dunedin. 275. Ivy of Linwood Co-operative Money Club—Christ--89. Akaroa Hope Lodge, Akaroa. church. 91. Undaunted Lodge, Owake. 276. Waimate Brass Band—Waimate. 93. Welcome Retreat Lodge, Geraldine. 283. Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies' Dispensary 94. Loyal Marine Lodge, Nelson. —Napier. 95. Union of Otago Temple, Dunedin. 284. Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative Money 96. St. John's Lodge, Wellington. Club—Christchurch. 99. Southern Star Lodge, Wanganui. 285. Westport Firo Brigade Band —Westport. 102. Unity Degree Temple, Ashburton.

APPENDIX 111. Registebed Trade-unions, as on the 31st December, 1893. Beg. No. Beg. No. 1. Christchurch Operative Bootmakers' Society. 22. New Zealand Federated Fellmongers', Skinners', 2. Dunedin Operative Bootmakers' Union. Tanners', and Curriers' Union. 3. Federated Stewards' and Cooks' Union of Australasia. 23. New Zealand Federated Butchers' Employes' Union. 4. Federated Seamen's Union of New Zealand. 24. Amalgamated Labour Union. 5. Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society. 25. New Zealand Gasworks Employes' Union. 6. Auckland Operative Bootmakers' Society. 26. Dunedin Boot Machinists' and Fitters' Union. 7. Operative Bakers' Association of Dunedin. 27. Shipmasters' Association of New Zealand. 8. Grey Valley Coal-miners' Association. 28. Association of the Master Ironworkers and Farriers of 9. New Zealand Federated Bootmakers' Union. the Provincial District of Auckland. 11. Oamaru Operative Bakers' Association. 29. United Millers', Engine-drivers', and Mill Employes' 12. Grey District Trades and Labour Union of the Society of New Zealand. Colony of New Zealand. 30. Amalgamated Shearers' and General Labourers' Union 13. New Zealand Federated Wharf Labourers' Union. of New Zealand (Oamaru Branch). 14. Mercantile Marine Officers' Association of Australasia. 31. Canterbury Fishermen's Union. 15. New Zealand Federated Wharf Carters', Express- 32. Dunedin Cabmen's Union. men's, and Storemen's Union. 33. Amalgamated Shearers' and Labourers' Union of IG. Southland Trades and Labour Union. New Zealand (Waimate). 17. Associated Iron- and Brass-Moulders of New Zealand. 34. Thames Branch, Amalgamated Miners' Association 18. Amalgamated Society of Eailway Servants of New of Australasia. Zealand. 35. United Employes' Society of Boilermakers and Iron 19. New Zealand Fishermen's Union. Ship-builders of New Zealand. 20. New Zealand Federated Timber-workers' and Furni- 36. New Zealand Boot-manufacturers' Association. ture Trade Association. 37. Boilermakers' and Iron Ship-builders' Society of 21. Wellington and District Amalgamated Butchers' Em- Christchureh. ployes' Union.



APPENDIX IV. Foems which may be obtained free on application to the Eegisteab of Friendly Societies. Form of application to register a society under the Friendly Societies Act. Form of notice of establishment of branch of registered society. Form of application for the conversion of a registered society into a branch. Form of declaration to accompany the foregoing. Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (branches). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (branches). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (societies). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (branches). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (societies). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (branches). Form of notice of change of registered office of society. Form of notice of change of place of establishment of branch. Form of return to District Land Registrar—" Friendly Societies Act, 1882," section 14 (5).

APPENDIX V. List of Societies and Branches valued as at the end of 1892, and established prior to 1888, arranged according to the average Rate of Interest per Annum credited to the Benefit Fund during the Quinquennium preceding Valuation, exclusive of those which earned less than 4 per Cent.

Name of Society or Branch. Bate of Interest credited to Name of Branch. Bate of Interest credited to New Zealand Central District, I.O.R. Grand Lodge of New Zealand, I.O.O.P. Canterbury United District, A.O.F. New Zealand District, I.O.R. United Otago District, A.O.P. .. Otago, R.E.B.S. Linden Lodge, U.A.O.D. Star of Hope Tent, I.O.R. Star of the West Lodge, U.A.O.D. Progress Division, S.D.T. Hope of Johnsonville Tent, I.O.R. Hope of Woodville Tent, I.O.R. .. Star of Hauraki Tent, I.O.R. Union Lodge, M.U. Haste to the Rescue Tent, I.O.R. Court Roxburgh, A.O.P. Rangiora Lodge, M.U. Court Pride of the Leith, A.O.P. .. Court Woodford, A.O.P. Hope of Dunedin Tent, I.O.R. Southern Cross Lodge, I.O.O.P. .. Court Thistle of the Forest, A.O.P. Murihiku Tent, I.O.R. Pride of Christchurch Tent, I.O.R. Court Papanui, A.O.P. Unity Tent, I.O.R. Rescue Tent, I.O.R. Funeral Fund. 7-16 6-75 6-15 5-85 5-71 Sick and Funeral Fund. C-ll 5-25 4-39 4-27 4-04 Sick Fund. 11-35 779 6-99 6-95 6-84 6-74 6-73 6-69 6-59 0-59 6-58 6-53 6-42 6'19 6-15 6-11 5-96 Hope of Auckland Tent, I.O.R. .. Excelsior Lodge, M.U. Eden Tent, I.O.R. Pioneer of Southland Lodge, I.O.O.F. Bud of Promise Tent, I.O.R. Court Excelsior, A.O.P. Waitara Lodge, M.U. Excelsior (Wellington) Tent, I.O.R. Egmont Lodge, M.U. .. Court Pride of Dunedin, A.O.P. .. Court Queen of the Isles, A.O.P. Court Star of Canterbury, A.O.P. Mataura Lodge, I.O.O.P. Court Enterprise, A.O.P. Court Pride of Oamaru, A.O.P. .. Star of Canterbury Lodge, I.O.O.F. Masterton Tent, I.O.R. Court Bruce, A.O.P. Whangaroa Tent, I.O.R. Leithfield Lodge, M.U. Star of Auckland Lodge, I.O.O.P. Perseverance Tent, I.O.R. Court Star of the South, A.O.P. .. Star of Wakefield Tent, I.O.R. .. Hope of Wellington Tent, I.O.R. Linden Lodge, I.O.O.P. Court Pride of Courtenay, A.O.P. Northern Star Tent, I.O.R. Alfred Lodge, I.O.O.P. Court Pride of Alexandra, A.O.P. Kawakawa Lodge, I.O.O.F. Court St. Andrews, A.O.P. Sick Fund. 5-89 5-86 5-83 5-81 5-75 5-72 5-65 5-51 5'49 5-49 5-40 5-33 5-31 5-28 5-28 5-26 521 5-11 5-07 5-06 5-06 4-88 4'80 4-78 4-77 4-74 4-74 4-28 4-27 4-17 4-15 4'01




Name of Society ana Branch. Place of Establishment. o si o I o s So ill "a 'o n is m 9 n < H ft | o as < s o 111 BS3O' in © & f*! t^ '3J> M.U.I.O.O.F. New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara „ Union „ Manaia „ Eltham | New Plymouth Waitara Hawera Manaia Eltham 1832. 1857 Dec. 31 1865 1876 1881 1887 1889 182 87 56 85 101 30 £ 6,193 3,479 2,213 3,213 3,362 1,022 19,482 £ 3,831 1,956 1,380 2,104 2,828 903 £ 2,887 2,156 710 659 472 158 £ 525 633 £ 123 450 62 2-88 7-27 £ 2-20 5-30 0-61 Years. 40-3b 33-59 32-93 31-84 27-25 26-90 £ 1-41 1-39 1-50 1-46 1-66 1-72 £ 1586 24-78 12-68 7-75 4-67 5-26 5-49 5-86 5-65 6-95 317 1-44 £ - 12-6' + 3-2< - 0-6( - 8-9! - 5-2! "39 1-30 Total 541 j 13,002 7,042 562 Ashley District — Bangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield Cust Woodend „ Oxford Ohoka Amberley „ Waikari „ Eangiora .. East Oxford Leithfield .. Cust Woodend .. East Oxford Ohoka Amberley .. Waikari 1892. 1S60 Dec. 31 1868 1873 1874 1874 1876 1876 1876 1880 242 C4 39 47 51 90 56 58 25 9,794 2,563 1,510 1,861 2,024 3,546 2,154 2,328 966 6,966 1,796 1,079 1,334 1,516 2,736 1,537 1,706 777 3,182 1,244 859 629 491 313 569 852 100 354 477 428 102 17 497 48 1-47 7-45 10-97 2-17 0-33 5-52 0-85 33-04 32-47 30-13 31-53 3159 31-47 30-07 32-66 80-24 1-79 1-72 1-66 1-72 1-82 1-84 1-62 1-77 1-85 13-15 19-43 22-02 13-38 9-63 3-48 10-16 14-69 4 00 6-73 3-36 5-06 3-27 1-68 Nil 2-25 383 ! Nil + 8-9( + 8-65 + 11-7! + 2-8; - o-o; + 2-& + 2-9( + 2-6' 230 3-96 3-66 89 Total 672 26,746 19,447 8,239 940 .. • • I.O.O.F. Grand, Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Leith Alfred Star of Canterbury „ Alexandrovna „ Unity „ Victoria „ Linden „ Southern Cross Pioneer of Southland „ Star of Auckland „ Washington „ Prebbleton „ Alma Dunedin .. Oamaru Timaru Temuka South Dunedin Geraldine .. Kaikorai Wellington Invercargill Auckland .. Syclenham.. Prebbleton Wyndham.. 1892. 1862 Dec. 31 1867 1869 1869 1874 1875 1875 1875 1877 1878 1878 1878 1881 1882 81 69 72 28 35 59 30 47 121 92 141 57 25 25 3,746 2,954 2,949 1,203 1,495 2,161 1,242 1,974 4,795 3,460 5,355 2,237 974 894 2,238 1,890 2,145 831 1,062 1,648 894 1,309 3,434 2,640 4,317 1,668 717 710 1,353 1,268 1,175 310 537 293 397 488 2,280 1,589 1,679 749 373 410 194 371 104 155 "62 '220 2-81 5-15 2-97 1-63 1-91 2-22 3-73 4310 3826 3617 38-36 37-94 29-78 36-30 36-89 34-75 32-09 32-51 3311 32-96 29-40 1-77 1-68 1-89 1-92 1-94 1-67 1-87 1-73 1-73 1-76 1-94 1-82 1-80 1-70 16-70 18-37 16-32 11-07 15-34 4-97 13-23 10-38 18-84 17-27 11-91 1314 14-92 16-40 Nil 2-15 4-27 5-26 Nil 3-21 1-97 4-74 6-58 5-81 5-06 2-69 3-75 3-88 + 3-5( + 4-8( - l-0( + 6-7'. - 3-3< - 3-8' + 6-8' + 3-53 + 3-8! + 3-6' + 7-7i 49 177 '3-77 919 769 641 180 116 226 7-59 8-36 4-54 3-16 4-64 9-04



Wallace „ Ridgley „ Kawakawa „ Gladstone „ Mataura „ Kaeo „ Orient „ Otaki Popotunoa Hope of Maheno „ Zealandia „ Manakau „ Waiareka „ Te Ao Marama „ Rangitikei „ Riverton .. Christehurch Kawakawa Fairlie Mataura .. Kaso Palmers ton N. Ofcaki Clinton Maheno Wellington Manakau .. Weston Shannon .. Bulls 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1884 1885 1888 1889 1889 1890 1890 1891 1891 1892 28 32 25 17 7 23 50 15 11 43 53 9 42 2 53 1,144 1,232 903 667 315 931 1,879 551 427 1,526 1,906 314 1,534 70 1,785 913 904 735 526 220 723 1,535 457 352 1,299 1,639 275 1,312 62 1,587 359 321 374 248 281 323 524 134 104 369 320 42 193 8 263 128 206 107 186 115 180 40 29 142 53 3 7 4-56 8-24 6-30 26-57 500 3-60 2-67 2-63 3-30 1-00 0-33 0-22 36-43 32-59 29-36 34-24 ! 41-86 36-35 i 32-60 31-53 33-64 29-42 29-85 26-44 30-29 30-00 26-42 2-14 1-73 1-79 1-98 217 2-08 1 90 1-91 2-01 1-87 1-92 1-78 .1-96 1.95 1-75 12-82 1003 14-96 14-59 j 42 14 14-04 10-48 8-93 9-46 I 8-58 I 6-04 i 4-67 4-00 4 00 4-96 1-18 2-17 415 2-44 5-31 3-26 3-15 Nil Nil 1-75 Nil Nil Nil Nil + 4-36 - 4-24 + 4-80 + 3-20 + 7-09 + 3-77 + 0-17 + 2-84 "29 0-69 "65 1-22 Total i j 1,292 50,633 38,042 16,764 4,173 • • A.O.F. Canterbury United District — Court Star of Canterbury „ Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay Thistle of the Forest .. „ WoodFord .. .. „ Papanui „ Star of Dunsandel „ Star of Belfast „ Ashburton „ Queen of the Seas Christchurch Lyttelton .. Gourtenay Sydenham Kaiapoi Papanui Dunsandel Belfast Ashburton.. New Brighton 1852 1859 1876 1879 1880 1881 1888 1888 1889 1889 1892. Deo. 31 429 56 41 70 99 ! 46 I 38 ; 32 33 12 18,992 3,116 1,579 2,816 3,836 1,651 1,313 1,177 1,211 416 10,175 1,094 955 1,717 2,445 1,100 915 882 850 295 8,891 1,614 706 1,161 1,441 260 189 195 173 78 74 82 62 50 '408 0-17 2-00 0-88 0-50 7-29 43-11 52-45 32-85 33-34 33-64 29-80 27-82 30 00 30-76 29-50 1-62 1-37 1-47 1-57 1-57 1-48 1-47 1-64 1-60 1-54 15-80 22-87 13-22 12-39 10-57 202 4-97 6-09 5-24 6-50 5-33 5-40 4-74 6-53 6-59 6-15 Nil Nil Nil Nil - 6-39 - 5-35 + 1-35 - 2-44 - 2-22 - 4-57 291 209 100 188 43 6-33 5-50 3-12 5-70 3-58 Total 856 36,107 20,428 14,708 i 971 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin „ Pride of the Lake „ Enterprise Robin Hood .. „ Pride of the Leith „ Bruee „ Star of the Dunstan .. „ Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka „ Pride of Alexandra „ Havelock .. .. „ Roxburgh „ Star of the South „ St. Andrews .. „ Excelsior „ Little John .. „ Southern Star „ Royal Oak Dunedin .. Queenstown Dunedin .. Port Chalmers Dunedin .. Milton Clyde Oamaru Lawrence .. Alexandra.. Waitahuna Roxburgh .. Invercargill Caversham Momington Eoslyn Campbelltown Wyndliam.. 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1868 1868 1869 1869 1873 1874 1875 1877 1888 1890 1890 1892. Dec. 31 5-44 214 27 184 112 206 100 22 139 40 16 21 40 194 102 54 50 29 52 10,327 1,330 7,796 5,151 8,494 4,531 925 5,156 1,725 733 989 1,630 7,538 4,194 2,034 1,613 1,031 1,751 66,948 3,936 631 3,935 2,427 5,030 2,255 550 3,471 755 405 429 983 4,695 2,405 1,319 1,230 763 1,402 36,621 7,414 552 4,527 977 2,209 1,197 i 407 1,387 640 523 507 451 2,088 835 705 225 113 : 164 I 1,023 666 "32 195 147 1,747 1,255 1,079 '298 330 4-78 3*62 l'-45 12-19 15-59 6-09 j 10-18 2-14 825 43-32 45-11 37-27 41-00 36-30 37-74 36-82 30-91 38-70 43-25 43-48 36 00 33-29 35-95 30-22 23-08 29 86 27-21 1-18 1-62 1-53 1-44 1-58 1-38 1-63 1-55 1-25 1-83 1-40 1-61 1-54 1-52 1-53 1-46 1-71 1-65 31-58 17-30 19-73 5-81 8-16 8-65 15-82 7-71 13-30 29-75 21-29 8-82 837 5-66 10-74 4-50 3-90 3-15 5-49 3-02 5-28 0-55 6-69 511 1-63 5-28 2-91 4-17 201 6-74 4-80 401 5-72 1-98 Nil Nil + 3-24 - 300 + 0-49 - 11-44 - 1-62 - 8-43 - 1-88 - 1-01 - 15-17 + 4-69 - 4-65 + 0-75 - 1-30 - 205 + 0-57 53 196 755 954 10 158 155 185 2-52 4-90 389 9-35 018 316 5-34 3-56 Total 24,921 1,608 5,406 * Information imperfect.




Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. is H •si aa o o i> © p 0 O © O I P CD •as _ © it Is as O 5 SI 9 III ill ~3£ 3 5)S OS O 4-S «l G fig PGP III m A.O.F. — continued. Court not in any District — Court Coromandel 1892. Dec. 31 1,319 636 & 874 £ 191 £ & 6-82 £ Years. 43-96 £ 1-64 31-32 £ 3-53 £ + 1322 Coromandel 1871 28 U.A.O.D. Star of the West Lodge Royal Oak „ Linden „ Rose of Palmerston „ Greyinouth Caversham Roslyn Pahnerston S. 1881 1881 1883 1886 1892. Dec. 31 55 52 76 1,694 1,698 1,619 2,047 1,055 I 1,070 924 1,456 242 257 271 95 397 371 424 496 7-35 6-75 8-15 5-54 36-02 35-35 35-77 28-62 1-45 1-42 1-32 1-42 4-48 4-67 5-21 2-26 4-27 3-83 5-25 2-84 - 7-91 - 9-85 - 5-72 Total 237 7,058 4,505 I 865 1,688*1 •• ■■ I.O.R. New Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki Eden Northern Star Gordon „ Whangaroa „ 1892. Dec. 31 ■ I Auckland .. Thames Newmarket Aratapu Onehunga.. Whangaroa 1863 1870 1874 1881 1885 1886 152 72 35 28 19 20 7,341 3,976 1,822 1,309 846 1,016 4,025 1,759 925 814 540 510 3,079 2,293 1,078 372 336 262 "76 181 237 123 1-06 5-18 1-56 4-39 36-30 44-51 36-42 31-04 28-53 36-50 1-61 1-61 1-66 1-72 1-61 1-87 i 11-39 21-55 22-26 5-39 10-42 4-35 5-89 6-99 5-83 4-28 3-58 507 - 9-41 - 9-59 - 5-58 - 7-70 - 5-33 - 8-19 30 1-58 '244 12-20 -. Total 326 16,310 8,573 7,420 317 •• •• ■• New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent Hope of Napier „ Bon Accord „ Perseverance „ Haste to the Rescue „ Excelsior (Waipukurau) „ Sir Wilfrid Lawson „ Rose of Sharon „ Bud of Promise „ Unity Excelsior (Wellington) „ Hope of Dunedin „ Pride of Christchurch „ Murihiku Scandia's Hope „ Hope of Ormondville „ 1892. Dec. 31 I I I Wellington Napier Blenheim .. Wellington Wellington Waipukurau Sandon Waipawa .. Nelson New Plymouth Wellington Dunedin .. Christclmrch Inveroargill Norsewood Ormondville 1866 1870 1871 1872 1872 1873 1874 1874 1874 1875 1875 1876 1877 1877 1877 1878 111 12 44 33 12 10 13 9 90 77 40 90 62 86 12 27 5,257 630 1,742 1,425 263 540 605 515 4,053 2,832 1,948 3,768 2,966 4,101 550 1,237 2,750 313 973 760 138 279 315 209 2,177 1,757 1,095 2,106 1,606 2,265 341 669 3,991 528 625 586 291 639 312 639 1,383 531 632 1,066 891 1,699 148 247 1,484 211 166 378 22 333 144 79 13-37 17-58 13-84 37-80 1-69 37-OOJI 3-27 2-39 37-15 30-89 3363 32-00 43-30 34-23 45-55 33-21 29-76 37-75 33-83 36-69 36-37 t 33-77 1-49 1-70 1-28 1-40 0-72 1-79 1-41 1-57 1-42 1-36 1-72 1-41 1-51 1-59 t 1-59 35-95 44-00 14-21 17-76 24-25 63-90 I 24-00 7100 15-36 6-90 15-80 11-85 11-05 19-75 12-33 9-15 4 77 488 6-84 2-92 3-79 t 5-75 611 5-51 659 6-19 6-42 t 0-76 + 1-76 + 4-90 + 11-44 - 1-55 + 10-00 - 5-19 - 0-56 - 8-57 - 9-40 - 9-24 - 10-77 - 11-66 - 7-17 - 18-38 - 15-71 493 544 221 596 469 137 61 321 5-48 7-06 5-53 6-62 7-57 1-59 5-08 11-88



3—H. 1.

Hope of Woodville „ Masterton „ Hope of Garfcerton „ Star of Wakefield Hope of Johnsonville Progress „ Good Intent „ Rescue „ Onward „ Star of Featherston „ Gisborue „ District Members Woodville Masterton Carterton Wakefield Johnsonville Kaikora Takaka Nelson Palmerston North .. Featherston Gisborne 1878 1881 1883 1883 1884 1884 1886 1886 1891 1892 1892 35 11 17 7 19 16 21 29 3 1,663 1,537 1,133 2,252 509 752 304 369 666 850 1,218 155 891 713 1,297 277 441 176 247 336 566 859 78 328 356 450 210 208 : 44 42 58 61 90 11 •• ! * * •• 318 64 505 22 103 84 80 272 223 269 66 ■• •• •• 9-09 2-67 9-35 2-00 6-06 12-00 4-21 17-00 10-62 9-28 22-00 30-71 36-17 28-22 3555 32-71 31-14 24-00 26-06 26-90 29-07 41-67 1-54 1-82 1-41 1-47 1-55 1-52 0-78 1-54 1-56 1-78 1-61 9-37 14-83 8-33 19-09 12-24 6-29 2-21 3-62 2-90 3-10 366 5-21 2-84 4-78 11-35 1-99 Nil 5-96 Nil Nil Nil — 13-iSi - 11-01 - 13-5' - 13-7! - 12-4! - 13-7i - 8-3! •• .. ■■ I ■• I Total . i 2,806 1,000 43,840 24,543 16,491 •• •• •• Ibert District — ■ Star of Hope Tent .. 1892. Dec. 31 i i Hokitika 1869 23 1,093 298 305 490 21-30 49-26 1-30 13-26 4-39 - 30-4: 1892. Dec. 31 I S.D.T. rrand Division of New Zealand]: 'rogress Division 1872 718 157 30,708 4,481 15,774 3,628 4,034 947 10,900 0-60 15-22 31-84 25-21 1-27 1-25 5-62 603 t 4-04 § + 1-41 Kaiapoi 94 •• 4,981 10,806 ! 1 I I i i I" ' Total 875 35,189 19,402 ■ • E.B.B.S. Dunedin 1875 1892. Dec. 31 1-95 16-51 611 'tago E.E.B.S. 1,725 12-32 51-41 - 23-81 140 7,330 3,294 2,311 * This deficiency relates to the Sick Fund only, the Funeral Fund being held by ientralised. § At the previous valuation all the branches were valued sepan the Grand Lodge in Victoria. + Not calculable. ttely. il Contingent on the correctness of the estimate< The funds of all the branches of this society, except Progress Division, have beei value of the property.




Causes assigned for Surplus. A.—Favourable sickness experience. B.—Profits arising from secessions. C.—Favourable position at commencement of quinquennium. D. Higher average rate of interest on investments than that assumed by Valuer. Causes assigned for Deficiency. E. —Inadequate rates of contribution. F.—lnadequate rates of contribution from original members. G. —Misapplication of benefit funds. H.—Unfavourable position at commencement of quinquennium. J.—Negligence in regard to investment of funds. X.—Disproportionate liability to District Funeral Fund under the " equal levy " system. L. —Violation of rules. M.—Unfavourable sickness experience.

Eatio to Lii abilities, per £1, of Name of Society and Branch. Present Value of Future Contributions to Benefit Funds. Accumulated Benefit Funcls. Total Assets. Surplus. Deficiency. Causes of Surplus or Deficiency, M.U.I.O.O.P. Jew Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge Excelsior Waitara „ Union „ Manaia • „ Eltham s. d. 12 4 11 3 12 6 . 13 1 16 10 17 8 s. d. 9 4 12 5 6 5 4 1 2 10 3 1 s. d. 21 8 23 8 18 11 17 2 19 8 20 9 s. d. 1 8 3 8 s. d. 1 1 2 10 0 4 D. A, C,D. H, M. E, H. H. A. 0 9 .shley District — Kangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield „ Oust Woodend „ Oxford Ohoka „ Amberley „ Waikari „ 14 3 14 0 14 3 14 4 15 ' 0 15 5 14 3 14 7 16 1 6 6 9 9 11 4 6 9 4 10 1 9 5 4 7 5 2 1 20 9 23 9 25 7 21 1 19 10 17 2 19 7 22 0 18 2 0 9 3 9 5 7 1 1 0 2 2 10 0 5 A, D. C. C,D. C. J, M. H, J, M. J, M. A, C. H, J. 2 0 1 10 I.O.O.P. Wand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Leith „ Alfred Star of Canterbury „ Alexandrovna „ Unity Victoria „ Linden „ Southern Gross Pioneer of Southland „ Star of Auckland „ Washington „ Prebbleton „ Alma „ Wallace „ Eidgley „ Kawakawa „ Gladstone „ Mataura „ Kaeo „ Orient „ Otaki Popotunoa „ Hope of Maheno „ Zealandia „ Manukau Waiareka „ Te Ao Marama „ Eangitikei „ 12 0 12 9 14 7 13 10 14 3 15 3 14 5 13 3 14 3 15 3 16 1 14 11 14 10 15 11 16 0 14 8 16 3 15 10 13 11 15 6 16 4 16 7 16 6 17 0 17 2 17 5 17 1 17 9 17 10 7 2 8 7 7 11 5 2 7 2 2 9 6 4 4 11 9 7 9 2 6 4 6 8 7 7 9 2 6 3 5 3 8 4 7 5 17 10 7 0 5 7 4 10 4 11 4 10 3 5 2 9 2 7 2 3 2 11 19 2 21 4 22 6 19 0 21 5 18 0 20 9 18 2 23 10 24 5 22 5 21 7 22 5 25 1 22 3 19 11 24 7 23 3 31 9 22 6 21 11 21 5 21 5 21 10 20 7 20 2 19 8 20 0 20 9 l"*4 2 6 1 5 0 9 3 10 4 5 2 5 1 7 2 5 5 1 2 3 0 10 1 0 2"'o 1 10 # A, C. A, C. H, M. A, C. H, J, M. A. H. A, C, D. A, C, D. A, C, D. A,C. A, C. A, C. ! A, C. o"i 4 7 3 3 11 9 2 6 1 11 1 5 1 5 1 10 0 7 0 2 a, aA, C. A.B.C.D. B, 0. A. A. A. A. o"4 o"o A.O.P. Janterbury United District —■ Court Star of Canterbury „ Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest „ Woodford „ Papanui „ Star of Dunsandel „ Star of Belfast .. „ Ashburton „ Queen of the Seas 10 8 7 0 12 1 12 2 12 9 13 4 13 11 15 0 34 0 14 2 9 5 10 5 8 11 8 3 7 6 3 2 2 11 3 4 2 11 3 9 20 1 17 5 21 0 20 5 20 3 16 6 16 10 18 4 16 11 17 11 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 3 a"7 H, M. A, D. A,D. A, D. E, H. E. E. E. E, 3 6 3 2 1 8 3 1 2 1 • Loss on hall. ] Informatii >n imperfect.



APPENDIX VI.— continued.

Eatio to Liabilities, per £: .,of Name of Society ana Branch. Present Value of Future Accumulated Tt , A sqfitfl Contributions to Benefit Funds. L mBli &BsmBBenefit Funds. Causes of Surplus or Deficiency Surplus. Deficiency. A.O.F.— continued. United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin „ Pride of the Lake „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith „ Bruce „ Star of the Dunstan „ Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka .. „ Pride of Alexandra „ Havelook „ Roxburgh „ Star of the South „ St. Andrews „ Excelsior „ Little John „ Southern Star „ Royal Oak s. d. 7 8 9 6 10 2 9 5 11 10 10 0 11 10 13 5 8 9 11 1 8 7 12 1 12 5 11 6 13 0 15 3 14 9 16 0 s. d. 14 4 8 4 11 7 3 10 5 3 5 3 8 10 5 5 7 5 14 3 10 3 5 6 5 7 3 11 6 11 2 9 2 3 1 11 s. d. 22 0 17 10 21 9 13 3 17 1 15 3 20 8 18 10 16 2 25 4 18 10 17 7 18 0 15 5 19 11 18 0 17 0 17 11 s. d. 2 0 i"g o"8 5 4 s. d. 2"2 6 9 2 11 4 9 1 2 3 10 C, D. H, J. A, C, D. E, H, J. H, J, M. H. A. E, H. E, H. A. H, J. H. E, H. E, H, M. H. E. E. E. 1 2 2 5 2 0 4 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 2 1 Court not in any District — Court Coromandel 22 11 9 8 13 3 2 11 C. • ■ TJ.A.O.D. Star of the West Lodge .. Royal Oak „ Linden „ Rose of Palmerston „ 12 6 12 7 11 5 14 3 2 10 3 0 3 4 0 11 15 4 15 7 14 9 15 2 4 8 4 5 5 3 4 10 E, H. E, H. E, H. E, H. I.O.E. New Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki „ Eden Northern Star „ Gordon „ Whangaroa „ 10 11 8 10 10 2 12 5 12 10 10 0 8 5 11 7 11 10 5 8 7 11 5 2 19 4 20 5 22 0 18 1 20 9 15 2 o"s 2 0 0 8 H, M. D. A, D. H, M. A. H. l'il o"9 4 10 Nero Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent Hope of Napier „ Bon Accord „ Perseverance „ Haste to the Rescue „ Excelsior (Waipukurau) „ Sir Wilfrid Lawson Rose of Sharon „ Bud of Promise „ Unity „ Excelsior (Wellington) „ Hope of Dunedin „ Pride of Christchurch „ Murihiku „ Scandia's Hope „ Hope of Ormondville „ Hope of Woodville Masterton „ Hope of Carterton „ Star of Wakefield Hope of Johnsonville „ Progress „ Good Intent „ Rescue ' „ Onward „ Star of Featherston „ Gisborne „ District Members 10 6 9 11 11 2 10 8 10 6 10 4 10 5 8 1 10 9 12 5 11 3 11 2 10 10 11 1 12 5 10 10 11 0 11 7 12 7 11 6 10 11 11 9 11 7 13 4 10 1 13 4 14 1 10 1 15 2 16 9 7 2 8 3 22 2 23 8 10 i 24 10 6 10 3 9 6 6 5 8 6 0 8 3 5 5 4 0 5 1 4 3 6 3 4 0 8 3 5 6 2 11 2 4 1 9 1 5 1 6 1 5 25 8 26 8 18 4 18 11 32 8 34 0 20 9 32 11 17 7 1G 2 17 9 16 10 16 10 19 4 17 10 14 10 16 1 15 10 18 10 15 6 19 2 17 3 14 6 15 8 11 10 14 9 15 7 11 G 5 8 6 8 12 8 14 0 0 9 12 11 i"s 1 1 2 5 3 10 2 3 8 2 3 2 0 8 2 2 5 2 3 11 4 2 1 2 4 0 0 10 2 9 5 6 4 4 8 2 5 3 4 5 8 6 A, C, D. A, C. E. H. B, C, D. A, C. A, C. * H. H. H, M. H. H. E, H. E. E, H, J. H. E. H, J. H. H. H, J. H, J. H. E. E. E. E. Albert District — Star of Hope Tent 11 1 8 11 E, H. 5 6 5 7 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealandf Progress Division 10 3 16 2 2 8 4 3 12 11 20 5 7 1 E, H, J. C. o"5 R.E.B.S. Otago R.E.B.S. .. 15 4 9 0 6 i 4 8 13, H. * The surplus is contingent upon the coi if this society, except Progress Division, ha•rectness of the es' ve been centralisei dmate put upon the propert; t The funds of all the branchei i.




T^^rtßlljE o__T OOITTrtBIrTTS.

PAGE Table I, —Membership and Funds .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 ll.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness .. .. .. 29 „ lll.—Sick and Funeral Funds .. .. .. .. .. 31 „ IV.—Medical and Management Expenses Fund .. .. .. .. 32 V. —Disposition of Funds .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 Vl.—lnvestments at Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 3i



TABLE I.—Number of Members and Amounts of Benefit and other Funds, as on the 31st December, 1892, of all Friendly Societies and Branches from which Returns were received in accordance with the Act.

Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. III 111 Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation.* M.U.I.O.O.F. '.uchland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato „ Duke of Cambridge „ Gisborne „ Howick „ Whangarei „ Franklin „ Warkworth Pioneer „ Central Body Auckland Parnell Thames Cambridge .. Gisborne Howick Wangarei .. Otahuhu Warkworth .. Auckland 1844 1850 1859 1865 1866 1867 1874 1876 1881 1881 1884 342 200 102 74 128 43 45 66 39 47 30 £ s. d. 17,423 16 11 4,231 11 7 3,482 3 7 1,975 9 9 3,713 4 11 466 0 7 1,522 10 10 815 17 9 451 6 1 388 5 3 102 2 0 7,179 3 4 £ s. d. 11,789 13 5 4.C60 14 9 3,447 8 7 1,930 12 10 3,563 7 0 455 16 11 1,522 10 10 714 9 8 446 11 5 370 8 9 102 2 6 7,175 6 8 £ s. d. 5,634 3 6 170 16 10 34 15 0 44 16 11 149 17 11 10 3 8 £ + 10-07 - 1-69 + 21-28 + 7-68 + 1-66 + 2-77 + 23-92 - 0-61 101 8 1 4 14 8 17 16 6 - 2-58 - 2-53 3 16 8 Total 1,116 41,751 13 1 35,579 3 4 6,172 9 9 + 7-98 + 0-33 + 2-72 + 10-81 + 0-41 + 9-92 + 2-81 + 3-95 + 0-71 - 0-79 - 2-03 - 3-22 lawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meeanee „ Abbotsford „ Clive Hastings „ Victoria „ Tavistook „ Wooxlville „ Ruahine „ Forest Home „ Friendship „ Danevirke „ Maraekakaho „ Central Body Napier Taradalo Waipawa West Clive .. Hastings Porangahau Waipukurau Woodvillo .. Hampden .. Ormondville Port Ahuriri Danevirke .. Maraekakaho Napier 1856 1871 1873 1876 1878 1878 1879 1880 1885 1887 1887 1888 1891 201 46 232 26 113 13 36 39 31 25 41 55 33 5,216 17 8 633 18 7 3,412 15 10 703 4 9 1,487 11 8 376 19 7 472 9 4 526 12 0 223 8 4 195 12 4 194 1 9 135 7 6 76 18 10 294 9 10 4,618 10 6 015 3 2 3,412 15 10 689 19 1 1,450 5 2 376 19 7 472 9 4 526 12 0 223 8 4 192 0 9 188 9 3 133 13 11 71 12 6 208 6 9 598 7 2 18 15 5 13 5 8 37 6 6 3 11 7 5 12 6 1 13 7 5 6 4 86 3 1 Total 891 13,950 8 0 13,180 6 2 770 1 10 + 2-88 + 7-27 - 2-20 - 5-30 - 0-61 + 1-30 rew Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara „ Union „ Manaia „ Eltham Central Body New Plymouth Waitara Hawera Manaia Eltham New Plymouth 1857 1865 1876 1881 1887 1889 182 87 56 85 101 30 2,830 4 2 2,190 16 8 675 6 9 602 4 9 389 1 8 137 14 6 360 5 11 2,816 10 8 2,190 16 8 675 6 9 602 4 9 389 1 8 117 0 6 335 12 9 13 13 6 20*14 0 24 13 2 Total 541 7,185 14 5 7,126 13 9 59 0 8 Vanganui District — Wanganui Lodge Wanganui .. 1858 - 7-71 146 5,987 12 7 4,051 11 6 1,936 1 1 TelMngton District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean Rose of the Valley „ Kainapoura „ Rose of Sharon „ St. George Unity Combination „ Heart of Oak „ Greytown „ petone „ Bketahuna „ Martinborough „ Widow and Orphan Fund Central Body Wellington .. Lower Hutt Tawa Mat .. Upper Hutt Pahautanui Featherston Johnsonville Carterton .. Greytown .. Petone Eketahuna .. Martinboro'gh Wellington .. 1843 1847 1849 1857 1857 1867 1S72 1876 1877 1879 1882 1887 1892 1849 291 262 154 24 63 40 48 19 58 47 75 33 25 9,893 9 9 6,964 14 0 2,378 9 6 380 12 11 838 14 6 372 17 10 561 4 5 411 13 11 583 13 9 865 13 3 585 19 9 200 5 3 41 15 7 1,553 7 11 445 16 10 9,612 14 10 6,537 8 10 2,048 16 3 307 2 11 801 12 7 298 9 11 556 6 0 253 8 0 567 1 0 714 .7 0 471 5 1 126 12 10 8 15 8 280 14 11 427 5 2 329 13 3 13 10 0 37 1 11 74 7 11 4 18 5 158 5 11 16 12 9 151 6 3 114 14 8 73 12 5 32 19 11 1,553 7 11 200 3 7 + 8-47 + 3-45 -14-52 - 1-82 - 2-98 - 8-82 - 1-72 - 0-05 - 7-45 + 5-32 -13-43 - 1-87 245 13 3 + 7-74 Total 1,139 20,078 9 2 22,609 14 2 3,468 15 0 tarlborough District — Marlborough Lodge Renwick Central Body Blenheim .. Renwick Blenheim .. 1860 1867 105 26 4,250 11 6 1,577 11 11 857 18 2 4,230 17 5 1,574 0 8 2 10 3 19 14 1 3 11 3 855 7 11 + 6-32 + 18-00 Total 131 6,680 1 7 5,807 8 4 878 13 3 Jelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest Howard „ Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Central Body Nelson Richmond .. Nelson Wakefield .. Brightwater Nelson 1842 1847 1847 1859 1865 249 103 247 157 69 4,112 12 8 1,348 17 1 5,881 2 4 2,636 17 3 1,021 13 11 4,090 17 8 4,033 18 6 1,306 18 3 5,616 9 0 2,533 19 8 973 16 9 1,525 6 11 78 14 2 41 18 10 264 13 4 102 17 7 47 17 2 2,565 10 9 - 4-92 - 4-48 + 2-67 + 2-93 - 1-66 Total 825 19,092 0 11 15,990 9 1 3,101 11 10 * Inclusi' 'e of thi sral F md of the Central Bod;



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name or Society and Bbanch. Place of Establishment, g $ jjj H 11! /- © o Total Worth. Sick and ! Management Funeral Fund. Q £te%. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation.* M.TJ .—continued. Motueka District — Motueka Lodge Good Intention „ Takaka South Star „ Central Body Motueka Biwaka Takaka Dovedale Motueka 1850 1860 ! 1863 1880 138 75 86 31 £ s. d. 3,430 11 5 1,826 8 1 1,132 5 10 157 5 5 1,357 16 11 £ s. d. 3,321 17 0 1,818 15 2 1,132 5 10 120 9 0 1 17 10 £ s. d. 108 14 5 7 12 11 £ + 0-96 - 1-74 - 3-14 - 2-60 36'16 5 1,355 19 1 Total 330 7,904 7 8 6,395 4 10 1,509 2 10 North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Westport Charleston .. 1867 1867 88 59 3,042 0 10 2,872 10 5 2,421 3 10 1,856 10 5 620 17 0 1,016 0 0 + 8-05 + 17-00 Total 147 5,914 11 3 4,277 14 3 1,636 17 0 Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Waimea „ Greymouth „ Albert Central Body Hokitika Stafford Greymouth .. Kumara Hokitika 1866 1867 1867 1870 85 37 68 54 4,071 9 7 775 11 8 3,418 7 1 725 14 3 73 4 0 4,059 17 1 732 4 11 3,403 12 9 677 12 3 34 0 2 11 12 6 43 6 9 14 14 4 48 2 0 39 3 10 - 5-48 -25-58 - 4-68 -17-76 Total 244 9,064 6 7 8,907 7 2 156 19 5 Ashley District— Eangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield Cust Woodend „ Oxford Ohoka „ Amberley „ Waikari „ Central Body Bangiora East Oxford Leithfield .. Cust Woodend .. West Oxford Ohoka Amberley Waikari Eangiora 1860 1868 1873 1874 1874 1876 1876 1876 1880 242 64 39 47 51 90 56 58 25 4,214 19 3 1,317 5 5 861 8 11 631 0 0 597 14 6 483 7 3 538 5 5 900 7 9 295 10 9 402 11 10 3,322 3 0 1,261 12 5 844 15 9 631 0 0 588 2 6 461 14 11 538 5 5 880 10 8 237 4 7 250 13 6 892 16 3 55 13 0 16 13 2 9 12 0 21 12 4 + 1-47 + 7-45 + 10-97 + 2-17 - 0-33 - 5-52- - 0-85 + 3-96 - 3-56 19 17 1 58 6 2 151 18 4 Total 672 10,242 11 1 9,016 2 9 1,226 8 4 North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent „ Perseverance „ Malvern „ Phillipstown „ Leeston „ Papanui „ Addington „ Coleridge Heart of Oak Biecarton „ Jubilee „ Central Body Christchurch. Kaiapoi Sydenham .. Christchurch Woolston Waddington Linwood Leeston Papanui Addington .. Glentunnel .. Kaikoura Up. Biccarton Prebbleton .. Christchurch 1853 1858 1866 1866 1872 1877 1879 1880 1880 1882 1883 1885 1886 1887 408 119 116 115 175 48 37 92 57 141 52 90 35 54 3 11,083 0 5 1,413 16 3 718 4 1 2,687 16 7 1,638 10 2 308 13 8 107 10 8 605 9 4 345 13 11 773 9 0 334 8 9 349 7 1 257 2 7 209 14 10 643 17 8 7,986 14 2 1,279 13 11 718 4 1 2,687 16 7 1,595 9 3 288 3 0 107 10 8 596 15 9 345 13 11 770 6 6 268 18 5 224 3 8 226 4 7 164 5 2 425 19 0 3,096 6 3 134 2 4 43 0 11 20 10 8 8 18 7 + 0-89 - 3-70 -10-67 + 5-94 - 7-22 - 4-06 -11-36 - 6-25 - 5-41 - 6-11 - 6-31 - 7-64 - 5-32 - 7-30 3 2 6 65 10 4 125 3 5 30 18 0 45 9 8 217 18 8 Total 1,542 21,476 15 0 17,685 18 8 3,790 16 4 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent „ Timaru „ Heart of Friendship Hand of Friendship „ Hand and Heart „ Perseverance „ Pleasant Point „ Central Body Lyttelton Akaroa Timaru Waimate Okain's Bay Pigeon Bay.. Barry's Bay Pleasant Pt. Lyttelton .. 1850 1860 1864 1871 1875 1876 1881 1891 300 53 227 51 29 33 21 61 6,102 19 11 1,645 9 3 3,685 15 10 263 2 11 751 3 6 605 0 7 315 1 7 130 0 5 231 10 8 5,961 18 10 1,628 0 0 3,450 18 5 263 2 11 738 6 1 588 1 3 315 1 7 111 9 6 101 10 8 141 1 1 17 9 3 234 17 5 1217 5 16 19 4 + 4-48 - 4-05 - 7-55 - 7-00 + 7-54 - 1-25 + 9-77 18 10 11 130 0 0 Total 775 13,730 4 8 13,158 9 3 571 15 5 Ashburton District — Ashburtoa Lodge .. Waterton „ South Bakaia „ Pioneer „ Tinwald Central Body Ashburton .. Waterton South Bakaia Springbum .. Tinwald Ashburton .. 1873 1881 1881 1881 1882 134 42 39 27 33 1,818 14 1 401 11 1 708 2 4 501 7 3 385 10 11 259 2 0 1,752 19 4 389 6 2 587 5 5 479 5 6 365 19 1 199 16 8 05 14 9 12 4 11 120 16 11 22 1 9 19 11 10 59 5 4 - 2'58 - 3-26 - 1-46 + 3-04 - 3-20 ! Total ' 275 4,074 7 8 3,774 12 2 299 15 6 * Inclusive of the Funeral Fund of the Central Body.



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Sooikty and Branch. Place of Establishment. s'S 2 £3 8 H IB Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation.* M.U.I.O.O.F.—continued. Dtago District Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton Prince of Wales „ Albion „ Oamaru Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ Bluespur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Roxburgh „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram „ Mosgiel „ Caversham ,, Valley Ngapara „ Central Body Dunediii Balolutha .. Port Chalmers Dunedin Oamaru Lawrence .. Waitahuna .. Waikouaiti .. Waipori Bluespur Naseby Pt. Molyneux Roxburgh. .. Tapanui Queens town Palmerston S. Cromwell Waikaia Kakanui Outram Mosgiel Caversham .. N.E. Valley Ngapara Dunedin 1848 1862 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1875 1879 1881 1881 1891 440 210 114 81 79 68 88 49 68 23 51 27 45 34 110 35 63 37 47 28 59 86 91 36 39 £ s. d. 18,012 3 10 8,236 12 10 1,843 8 10 1,831 3 0 2,242 12 3 3,174 3 11 2,056 8 2 1,507 7 10 1,889 9 6 863 0 11 1,267 4 4 747 9 5 1,126 12 3 1,013 0 2 1,413 11 11 1,972 5 10 865 18 3 2,639 3 3 1,669 0 8 646 2 3 1,389 3 2 1,574 0 5 688 13 5 426 10 2 157 10 6 874 6 7 £ s. d. 15,016 13 10 6,836 16 10 1,684 17 2 1,827 8 1 2,138 G 1 2,615 14 9 1,945 3 1 1,507 7 10 1,804 3 5 841 15 8 1,152 1 4 719 1 1 1,126 12 3 973 14 4 1,371 13 2 1,961 5 3 849 7 6 2,606 16 6 1,659 6 3 511 13 5 1,367 8 8 1,555 16 2 674 16 0 420 0 2 136 4 6 212 2 2 £ s. d. 2,995 10 0 1,399 16 0 158 11 8 3 14 11 104 6 2 558 9 2 111 5 1 85 6 1 21 5 3 115 3 0 28 8 4 £ + 5-36 + 12-13 - 2-90 - 3-10 + 0-13 + 14-95 - 9-42 - 9'46 + 1-57 + 3-36 -14-69 - 5-00 + 6-03 -10-53 - 6-03 +20-41 - 3-39 + 20-71 - 0-22 - 2-76 + 2-34 - 1-03 - 4-20 - 2-07 39 5 10 41 18 9 11 0 7 16 10 9 32 6 9 9 14 5 134 8 10 21 14 6 18 4 3 13 17 5 6 10 0 21 6 0 662 4 5 Total 2,008 60,127 3 8 53,516 5 6 6,610 18 2 rnvercargill District — Shamrock, Rose,&Thistle Lodge St. George „ Winton „ United Gore „ Lumsden „ Awarua „ Oreti Riversdale Central Body Inveroargill.. Winton Gore Lumsden Campbelltown Dipton Riversdale .. Invereargill 1860 1868 1874 1878 1882 1883 1885 1889 202 129 25 62 54 49 12 8 7,062 0 7 4,172 14 4 768 10 5 763 10 8 758 7 7 391 8 9 46 19 5 57 12 6 340 1 6 . 6,952 0 4 4,135 11 7 690 3 0 680 1 9 743 7 7 343 7 0 33 9 5 53 0 8 203 17 0 110 0 3 37 2 9 78 7 5 83 8 11 15 0 0 48 1 9 13 10 0 4 11 10 136 4 6 + 12-18 + 2-84 + 6-85 - 3-56 - 3-46 - 7-00 -10-48 Total 541 14,361 5 9 13,834 18 4 526 7 5 Total of Order 11323 267,627 13 1 234,911 19 3 32,715 13 10 - 1-91 + 2-81 + 5-15 - 2-22 + 2-97 - 3-73 + 1-63 - 3-77 + 7-57 + 8-36 + 4-54 + 8-16 + 4-64 + 9-04 + 4-56 - 0-22 + 8-24 + 6-30 + 26-57 + 5-00 + 2-67 + 2-63 + 8-30 + 1-00 + 0-33 - 0-69 I.O.O.F. Irand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Leith Alfred Star of Canterbury „ Alexandrovna „ Unity „ Victoria „ Linden „ Southern Cross „ Pioneer of Southland „ Star of Auckland „ Washington „ Prebbleton „ Alma „ Wallace „ Ridgley „ Kawakawa „ Gladstone „ Mataura „ Kaeo „ Otaki „ Popotunoa „ Hope of Maheno „ Zealandia „ Manukau „ Waiareka „ Te Ao Marama „ Central Body Dunedin Oamaru Timaru Temuka S. Dunedin .. Geraldine .. Kaikorai Wellington .. Invereargill.. Auckland .. Sydenham .. Prebbleton .. Wyndham .. Eiverton Christchurch Kawakawa .. Fairlie Mataura Kaeo Otaki Clinton Maheno Wellington .. Manukau .. Weston Shannon Dunedin 1862 1867 1869 1869 1874 1875 1875 1875 1877 1878 1878 1878 1881 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1884 1888 1889 1889 1890 1890 1891 1891 81 69 72 28 35 59 30 47 121 92 141 57 25 25 28 32 25 17 . 7 23 15 11 43 53 9 42 2 1,551 7 0 1,426 17 4 886 3 11 272 14 4 556 5 6 112 10 0 327 18 8 315 7 5 1,937 2 1 1,355 10 1 1,411 0 8 627 5 3 351 17 10 414 14 8 287 IS 3 266 14 8 288 10 5 247 8 5 425 19 7 271 0 9 111 0 7 69 16 2 394 4 3 148 4 7 14 16 4 47 17 9 8 16 4 6,355 6 6 1,469 7 11 1,362 17 0 886 3 11 160 1 8 488 9 0 77 2 9 325 10 11 295 5 3 1,789 3 0 1,221 4 0 1,155 16 8 558 17 9 277 18 5 312 19 0 263 13 11 191 14 8 277 14 0 183 18 4 265 3 2 224 9 0 82 1 11 61 9 3 235 2 7 137 0 5 8 13 0 47 17 9 2 5 0 4,572 1 7 81 19 1 64 0 4 112 12 8 67 16 6 35 7 3 2 7 9 20 2 2 147 19 1 134 6 1 255 4 0 68 7 6 73 19 5 101 15 8 24 4 4 75 0 0 10 16 5 63 10 1 160 16 5 46 11 9 28 18 8 8 6 11 159 1 8 11 4 2 6 3 4 6 11 4 1,783 4 11 Total 1,189 20,484 9 4 16,934 1 10 3,550 7 6 * Inclusive of the Funeral Fund of the Central Bod;



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

4—H. 1.

Name of Society and Bbanch. Place of Establishment. ■8|.g p$ s (Mm " H S fl o Total Worth. Sick ana Management Funeral Fund. G( f 0 ™ V Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation.* N.I.O.O.F. luckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers „ Central Body Auckland .. 1878 1879 141 117 S, s. d. 539 6 10 754 1 5 1,465 9 6 2,758 17 9 £ s. d. 486 15 0 690 2 5 1,431 9 11 2,608 7 4 & s. d. 52 11 10 63 19 0 33 19 7 £ -11-38 - 9-58 Total 258 150 10 5 B.U.O.O.F. Vellington District — Aorangi Lodge Central Body Wellington .. 1884 60 275 18 8 195 3 7 250 4 5 163 3 7 25 U 3 32 0 0 -10-25 Total 60 471 2 3 413 8 0 57 14 3 A.O.F. [ucldand District — Court City of Auckland „ Pride of Parnell „ Zealandia „ Pride of Onohunga „ Pride of the North „ Bobin Hood „ Northern Wairoa „ Pride of Newmarket „ Nil Desperandum „ Boyal Oak „ Star of the South „ Star of Helensvillo „ Victoria „ Queen of the North „ Excelsior Central Body Auckland .. Thames Auckland .. Onehunga .. Grahamstown Panmure Dargaville .. Newmarket.. Newton Tauranga .. Otahuhu Helensville .. Devonport .. Maungaturoto Kamo Auckland .. 1863 1864 1873 1875 1875 1876 1877 1879 1880 1880 1881 1883 1885 1886 1886 384 116 103 110 97 22 67 38 173 53 23 26 81 40 15 6,154 17 2 4,093 2 7 1,235 11 8 607 14 2 445 18 1 280 4 9 508 16 2 319 5 1 494 16 0 280 7 3 163 4 6 283 19 0 442 2 0 101 17 0 53 14 2 4,947 7 8 5,852 11 4 4,023 18 5 1,200 10 8 522 5 2 396 2 3 264 12 5 414 4 9 300 12 3 470 7 4 236 2 6 155 6 3 228 8 9 367 0 1 66 7 1 40 14 9 4,390 1 5 302 5 10 69 4 2 35 1 0 85 9 0 49 15 10 15 12 4 94 11 5 18 12 10 24 8 8 44 4 9 7 18 3 55 10 3 75 1 11 35 9 11 12 19 5 557 6 3 - 4-48 + 6-60 - 4-36 -10-28 -11-04 - 3-69 - 9-73 - 8-28 - 8-86 - 9-44 - 8-58 -13-21 - 8-70 - 9-39 - 9-68 Total .. 1,348 20,412 17 3 18,929 5 5 1,483 11 10 laiolte's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier „ Lord Clyde „ Captain Cook .. „ Sir Henry Havcloek „ Robin Hood „ Heretaunga „ Little John „ Waitangi „ Bising Sun „ Ormond „ Eedcliffe Central Body Napier Wairoa Napier Havelock Port Ahuriri Hastings Waipawa West Olive .. Danevirke .. Makotuku .. Taradale Napier 1872 1873 1875 1875 1878 1882 1883 1884 1885 1885 1886 175 35 167 113 66 40 44 23 47 53 37 3,379 2 5 474 11 10 2,100 12 0 1,121 12 3 420 0 11 370 13 1 283 10 4 203 11 0 187 7 6 304 11 2 199 3 9 1,553 0 11 3,204 4 3 473 11 10 2,032 8 0 1,094 0 9 397 16 4 370 10 4 263 14 5 202 19 6 187 2 0 274 11 2 169 9 9 1,261 3 10 174 18 2 10 0 68 4 0 27 11 6 22 4 7 0 2 9 19 15 11 0 11 6 0 5 6 30 0 0 29 14 0 291 17 1 - 2-56 - 4-56 - 4-93 - 7-61 - 4-80 - 5-74 - 9-35 - 7-76 - 8-88 - 6-90 - 974 Total .. 800 10,597 17 2 9,931 12 2 666 5 0 -14-77 - 4-23 - 14-49 -10-90 -14-18 - 6-82 ''aranaki District — Court Taranaki „ Waireka „ Patea.. „ Inglcwood Forest „ Raleigh „ Egmont „ Stratford Central Body New Plymouth Patea Inglewood .. Waitara Hawera Stratford New Plymouth 1864 1866 1867 1876 1883 1884 1887 80 172 51 113 28 42 3G 1,552 17 7 2,233 16 11 367 17 11 744 12 6 181 17 5 411 15 1 78 2 5 343 18 0 1,552 17 7 2,218 2 5 267 11 5 738 6 1 181 17 5 410 10 6 56 19 0 192 8 10 15 14 6 100 6 6 6 6 5 0 18 7 21 3 5 151 9 2 Total 522 5,914 17 10 5,618 19 3 295 18 7 + 2-97 -10-88 - 9-96 - 4-94 - 7-41 + 7-82 ' - 8-51 -12-45 - 1-33 - 9-81 - 8-44 - 2-74 - 2-03 - 5-91 - 2-53 - 5-38 - 8-99 - 9-56 - 7-38 Vellington District — Court Sir George Grey „ Bobin Hood „ Little John „ Roderick Dim .. „ Sir George Bowen „ Blenheim „ Wairarapa Loyal Enterprise „ Clarendon Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby .. „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer „ Egmont „ Loyal Halcombe „ Woodville „ Pohangina Epuni Wellington .. Marton Wanganui .. Wellington .. Blenheim Greytown .. Masterton .. Picton Palmers ton N. Carterton .. Feilding (lisborne Te Nui Opunake Halcombe .. Woodville .. Ashurst Petone 1862 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1874 1875 1876 1876 1877 1877 1882 1884 1884 1885 1886 246 219 141 164 268 119 74 113 62 110 93 76 | 124 52 16 20 72 31 118 7,705 10 4 1,921 14 1 1,164 9 0 1,336 15 0 3,163 0 5 3,861 5 5 1,209 5 10 701 14 8 1,258 0 0 1,125 18 2 620 15 9 791 3 6 1,469 14 8 640 10 11 276 10 9 99 6 10 201 19 11 126 10 10 544 7 1 5,889 17 11 1,596 5 7 1,109 17 3 1,326 8 1 3,058 15 8 3,092 7 4 1,167 8 4 686 18 11 1,202 8 5 559 5 1 592 7 2 759 1 1 1,402 14 8 524 15 5 260 1 4 63 19 10 200 10 10 94 0 2 450 19 10 1,815 12 5 325 8 6 54 11 9 10 6 11 104 10 9 7G8 18 1 41 17 6 14 15 9 55 11 7 566 13 1 28 8 7 32 2 5 66 19 7 115 15 6 16 9 5 35 7 0 19 1 32 10 8 93 7 3 liO(



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. , ih a si ill m Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management . Fund, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation.* A.O.F— continued. Wellington District— continued. „ Pahiatua „ Kopuaranga „ Huntervillo „ Sir William Jervois „ Pride of Levin .. „ Bloomfield „ Central Body Pahiatua Mauricoville Hunterville New town Levin1 Lower Hutt Wellington .. 1886 1887 1888 1889 1891 1891 119 46 34 86 27 17 £ s. d. 256 13 2 244 10 8 71 19' 4 2i3 4 11 42 18 10 38 0 1 4,429 14 0 & a. d. -. 159 9 8 159 2 11 63 12 4 142 10 10 14 1 9 20 17' i 4,117 1 5 £ s. d. 97 3 6 85 7 9 8 7 0 70 14 1 28 17 117 2 9 312 12 7 £ - 8-99 - 7-38- - 7-95 - 6-47 - 8-59 - 6-58 Total 2,447 33,515 19 9 28,714 19 2 4,801 0 7 Nelson District — Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance .. „ Pride of the Forest „ Concord „■' Unity „ Charleston „ Sherwood Forest „ Aorere Royal Oak ■ i. „ Inangahua Central Body Nelson Motueka Wakapuaka Grey mouth .. Havelock Charleston .. Stoke Collingwood Westport Reefton Nelson 1862 1863 1864 1867 ■ 1871 1871 1872 1873 1875 1878 247 78 34 80 53 24 35 61 26 32 4,184 2 4 332 7 3 985 10 3 559 19 8 799 8 8 397 17 1 951 4' 5 1,399 3 3 581 i 4 830 3 10 1,119 10 6 4,071 9 10 252 0 10 862 11 10 516 10 2 666 3 8 365 6 7 937 19' 0 1,343 10 1 578 3" ' 7 . 304 8 3 934 18 3 112 12 6, 80 6 5 122 18 5 43 9 6 133 5 0 32 10 6 13 5 5 55 13 2 3 0 9 25 15 7 184 12 3 -15 '80 -19-92 -12-03 -21-39 -22-30 -11-28 - 6-43 - 5-38 -1753 -15-14 Total 670 11,640 11 7 10,833 2 1 807 9 6 United Westland District — ■ Court Pride of the West Hokitika 1S66 19 335 4 10 309 8 2 25 16 8 -31-59 Canterbury United District — Court Star of Canterbury • .. „ Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest „ Woodford „ Papanui „ Star of Dunsandel „ Star of Belfast.. „ Ashburton „ Queen of the Seas District Widow and Orphan Fund Central Body Christchurch Lytteltori .. Courtenay .. Sydonham .. Kaiapoi Papanui Dunsandel .. Belfast Ashburton .. New Brighton Christchurch 1852 1859 ■ 1876 1879 1880 1881 1888 1888 1889 1889 1867 429 56 41 70 99 46 38 32 33 12 7,252 5 6 1,627 0 9 643 13 5 866 17 9 l,l'0'7 16 0 101 10 0 So 13 3 80 1 6 65 7 11 41 3 9 1,768 10 7 3,975 0 2 7,184 11 1,245 7 ' 4 538 9 ' 2 839 0 9 '1,015 11 9 88 G 10 50 12 ■ 3 73 5.8 47 16 9 39 9 1 68 4 5 381 13 5 105 4 3 27 17 0 92 4 3 13 3 2 35 1 0 6 15 10 17 11 2 1 14 8 1,768 10 7 88 17 2 + 0-17 - 7-S9 + 2-00 + 0-88 + 0-50 - 6-33 - 5-50 - 3-12 - 5-70 - 3-58 + 11-08 3,8S6 3 0 Total 856 17,615 0 7 15,008 3 8 2,606 16 11 South Canterbury District —■ Court Southern Cross „ Foresters' Pride „ Progress Central Body Tirnaru Wairnate St. Andrew's Timaru 1865 1875 1883 301 84 38 5,734 19 5 796 6 3 179 1 9 291 12 6 5,527 9 0 604 14 8 147 8 11 240 14 0 207 10 5 191 11 7 31 12 10 50 18 6 - 8-07 -18-48 Total 423 7,001 19 11 6,520 6 7 481 13 4 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin „ Pride of the Lake „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith „ Bruce.. „ Star of the Dunstan „ Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka „ Pride of Alexandra „ Havelock „ Roxburgh „ Star of the South „ St. Andrews „ Excelsior „ Little John „ Southern Star .. „ Royal Oak Central Body Dunedin Queenstown Dunedin Port Chalmers Dunedin Milton Clyde Oamaru Lawrence .. Alexandra .. Waitahuna .. Roxburgh .. Invercargill Cavorsham .. Mornington.. Roslyn Campbelltown Wyndham .. Dunedin 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1868 1868 1869 1869 1873 1874 1875 1877 1888 1890 1890 214 27 184 112 206 106 22 139 40 16 21 40 194 102 54 50 29 52 6,806 11 11 529 10 1 3,821 13 3 1,097 15 5 1,753 2 2 1,102 19 11 403 5 11 1,200 5 8 591" 17 7 538 6 3 496 13 6 377 18 7 1,775 5 6 629 4 2 596 9 0 147 0 1 72 9 1 62 15 9 5,272 14 2 6,758 4 4 490 11 10 3,547 10 4 1,011 5 1 1,658 4 0 917 7 0 387 18 2 1,062 9 6 531 14 9 476 4 10 447 11 4 353 1 10 1,674 8 11 541 10 2 580 12 11 129 5 6 50 15 7 61 5 9 4,159 6 0 48 7 7 32 18 3 274 2 11 86 10 4 94 IS 2 185 12 11 15 7 9 137 16 2 60 2 10 62 1 5 49 2 2 24 16 9 100 16 7 87 14 0 15 16 1 17 14 7 21 13 6 1 10 0 1,118 8 2 + 478 - 5-44 + 3-62 -15-59 - 6-09 -10-18 + 1-45 - 2-14 - 8-25 + 12-19 - 2-52 + 4-90 - 3-89 - 9-35 - 0-18 - 3-16 - 5-34 - 3-56 Total 1,608 27,275 18 0 24,845 7 10 2,430 10 2 Court not in any District — Court Coromandel Coromandel 1871 28 912 3 7 863 17 3 48 6 4 + 6-82 Total of Order 8,721 135,222 10 6 121,575 1 7 13,647 8 11 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. Wellington .. 1865 59 745 16 3 697 2 11 - 2-19 48 13 4 • Inclusive of the Funeral Fund of the Central Body.



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Bbanch. Place of Establishment. H oogj pi Total Worth. Sick and FuneralFund. Management Fund, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation.* U.A.O.D. Pioneer Lodge .. Hope of St. Albans „ Mistletoe „ Excelsior „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert „ .. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Otago „ Bud of Hope „ Star of New Zealand „ Star of Anglesea Enterprise „ Ivanhoo „ .. Perseverance „ Hope of Amberley „ Anchor „ Star of the West „ .. Royal Oak „ Acorn „ Ohoka „ Timara „ Trafalgar „ Auckland „ Albion „ Star of Ashburton Myrtle „ .. Linden „ Totara „ Bishop „ All Nations „ West Harbour „ .. Brunner „ Endeavour „ Blenheim Mistletoe „ Turanganui „ Pacific „ Poneke „ Rose of Palmorston „ Ivy of Linwood „ Gore Ohristchurch St. Albans .. Ohristchurch Wellington .. Sydenham .. Springston .. Lyttelton .. Dunedin Rangiora Lower Hutt Lincoln S. Duncdin .. Dunedin Addingfcon .. Amberley .. Woolston .. Greymouth .. Caversham .. Invercargill Ohoka Timam Kaiapoi Auckland .. Napier Ashburton .. Tauranga .. Eoslyn Carterton .. Wanganui .. Port Chalmers Rothesay Brunnerton.. Oaniaru Blenheim .. Gisborno Wellington .. Petone Palmerston S. Linwood Gore 1875 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1881 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 1884 1884 1886 1886 1886 1888 1889 236 80 88 229 151 26 74 79 91 72 67 132 128 46 39 62 54 55 111 33 124 32 67 50 90 8 52 23 87 58 28 63 64 70 152 81 54 76 25 21 £ s. d. 2,408 2 2 967 '19 11 919 9 7 1,797 14 0 1,392 11 7 251 2 4 643 2 7 917 18 8 542 18 6 686 8 10 543 10 9 784 12 11 1,078 11 0 134 6 4 156 1 5 495 6 0 262 3 11 310 19 5 843 7 4 300 5 10 1,010 7 5 187 8 4 407 4 8 204 14 7 709 2 11 111 18 0 297 6 7 160 4 11 629 17 3 508 4. 4 275 12 4 429 10 5 532 12 0 395 16 2 863 6 6 404 15 5 210 2 4 155 5 11 118 14 9 95 0 0 £ s. d. 2,357 6 8 900 1 1 886 , 5 6 1,376 18 2 1,295 9 0 227 14 0 011 0 0 913 13 10 411 14 0 650 17 10 516 13 9 698 19 3 997 2 8 121 11 4 152 16 1 460 7 3 226 1 4 253 2 11 672 10 1 294 8 3 838 8 11 184 4 10 297 18 2 172 9 9 610 9 0 93 19 9 259 10 0 140 4 11 527 1 11 486 810 255 12 4 411 10 5 483 13 5 341 7 2 753 12 6 322 7 10 178 7 7 86 17 8 113 2 5 65 5 1 £ s. d. 50 15 6 61 18 10 33 4 1 420 15 10 97 2 1 23 8 4 32 2 7 4 4 10 131 4 0 35 11 0 26 17 0 ■ 85 13 8 81 8 4 12 15 0 3 5 4 34 18 9 36 2 7 57 16 6 170 17 3 5 17 7 171 18 6 3 3 6 109 6 6 32 4 10 98 13 11 17 18 3 37 16 7 20 0 0 102 15 4 21 15 6 20 0 0 18 0 0 48 18 7 54 9 0 109 14 0 82 7 7 31 14 9 68 8 3 5 12 4 29 14 11 £ - 5-42 - 4-02 - 5-17 - 5-65 - 7-24 - 6-92 - 6-72 - 0-99 - 8-75 - 5-45 - 3-83 - 7'41 - 5-55 -12-58 -12-21 - 8-61 - 7-35 - 6-75 - 8-80 - 7-77 - 6-96 - 7-49 - 5-91 - 5-00 - 5-10 - 4-79 - 8-15 - 2-97 - 6-02 - 2-16 - 7-33 - 6-14 - 0-08 - 3-88 - 5-30 - 2-38 - 6-53 Total 3,078 23,143 17 11 20,653 6 0 2,490 11 11 I.O.R. rew Zealand District — Hope of Auckland TentStar of Hauraki „ Eden Northern Star „ Gordon „ Whangaroa Central Body Auckland .. Thames Newmarket.. Aratapu Onehunga .. Whangaroa.. Auckland .. 1863 1870 1874 1881 1885 188G 152 72 35 28 19 20 1,734 16 0 1,657 18 3 784 6 9 134 17 6 196 16 6 90 0 0 3,044 11 11 1,686 5 3. 1,541 17 8 772 18 2 129 2 5 179 8 9 87 7 0 2,904 19 3 48 10 9 116 0 7 11 8 7 5 15 1 17 7 9 2 13 0 139 12 8 - 1-56 + 1-06 + 5-18 - 4-39 + 1-58 -12-20 Total 326 7,643 6 11 7,301 18 6 341 8 5 Tew Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent Hope of Napier „ Bon Accord „ Perseverance „ Haste to the Rescue „ Excelsior „ Sir Wilfrid Lawson „ Bud of Promise „ ■■ Unity Excelsior Hope of Dunodin „ Pride of Christehurch Murihiku „ Scandia's Hope „ Hope of Ormondville Hope of Woodville „ Masterton „ Hope of Carterton Star of Wakefield Hope of Johnsonville „ Progress „ Good Intent „ Rescue „ Onward „ Star of Featherston „ Gisborne „ Central Body Wellington .. Napier Blenheim .. Wellington .. Waipukurau Sanson Nelson New Plymouth Wellington ..' Dunedin Christehurch Invercargill.. Norsewood .. Ormondvillc Woodville .. Masterton .. Carterton Wakefield .. Johnsonville Kaikora N. Takaka Nelson Palmerston N. Featherston Gisborne Wellington .. 1866 1870 1871 1872 1872 1873 1874 1874 1875 1875 1876 1877 1877 1877 1878 1878 1881 1883 1883 1884 1884 1886 1886 1891 1892 1892 111 12 44 33 12 10 13 90 77 40 90 62 86 12 27 36 35 24 54 11 17 7 19 16 21 29 3 3,632 7 9 486 4 3 495 16 10 493 16 3 276 8 6 700 9 7 270 9 11 1,097 12 9 334 17 11 497 13 8 827 7 7 654 17 6 1,372 4 7 118 18 1 223 4 5 293 4 11 227 16 2 276 18 1 333 13 5 181 17 10 297 2 11 20 13 6 32 7 11 10 4 3 16 5 2 24 17 11 3,998 17 9 3,615 19 11 486 3 10 495 16 10 487 9 5 274 7 6 598 18 8 262 12 9 1,085 6 5 328 8 7 494 13 0 811 10 2 652 13 3 1,366 12 2 109 11 9 158 G 10 290 12 0 223 16 7 273 1 11 304 10 10 172 3 0 157 2 11 20 13 6 20 19 8 10 4 3 7 14 12 1 6 2,986 14 4 16 7 10 0 0 5 0 6 10 2 10 101 10 11 7 17 2 12 6 4 6 9 4 3 0 8 15 17 5 .243 5 12 5 9 6 4 64 17 7 2 12 11 3 19 7 3 16 2 29 2 7 9 14 10 140 0 0 + 13-37 + 17-58 - 3-27 - 2-39 + 13-84 + 37-80 + 1-69 - 5-48 - 7-06 - 5-53 - 6-62 - 7-57 - 1-59 - 5-08 -11-88 - 9-14 - 9-09 - 2-67 - 9-35 - 2-00 - 6-06 -12-00 - 4-21 -17-00 -10-62 - 9-28 11 8 3 9 3 10 12 16 5 1,012 3 5 Total 991 17,196 9 5 15,707 12 11 1,488 16 6 * Inclusive of the Funeral Fi ind of the Central Bod; ■, except as r< ;arda the U.A.O.D.



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name 01? Society and Bbanch. Place of Establishment. sals H ■2,23 Total Worth. hi Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation.* I.O.R.— continued. Ibert District — Star of Hope Tent £ s. d. 337 15 6 & s. d. 305 0 0 £ s. d. 32 15 6 £ -21-30 Hokifcika 1869 23 Total of Order 1,340 25,177 11 10 23,314 11 5 1,863 0 5 S.D.T. '■rand Division, of New Zealand — Antidote Division.. Perseverance „ Progress Resolution „ Try Again „ Excelsior „ Elim Helpmate „ Advance „ Sunbeam „ .. .. Hope of Sydenham Division .. Unity Dawn of Light „ Central Body Dunedin Christohurcli Kaiapoi Rangiora Woodend Addington .. St. Allans .. Ashburton .. Wellington .. Wanganui .. Sydenham .. Gore Temuka Addington .. 1871 1872 1872 1873 1877 1885 1885 1886 1887 1888 1888 1890 1892 212 78 157 76 31 30 86 36 71 25 45 14 13 1,434 1 5 815 2 0 1,017 0 2 445 16 9 118 19 1 33 11 8 49 17 4 1,364 18 4 795 6 7 946 17 1 342 4 4 88 15 2 11 19 5 1 11 2 69 3 1 19 15 5 70 3 1 103 12 5 30 3 11 21 12 3 48 6 2 -15-22 -15-22 + 0-60 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 -15-22 28 0 11 40 5 0 43 8 11 3 17 0 6 4 11 1,365 14 10 22 13 8 18 13 9 12 12 0 5 7 3 21 11 3 30 16 11 3 17 0 2 16 0 144 11 1 3~ 8 11 1,221 3 9 Total 874 5,402 0 0 4,830 4 2 571 15 10 ' ' H.A'.C.B.S. lew Zealand District — Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ St. Joseph's „ Auckland „ Si. Patrick's „ Onehunga St. Patrick's St. Patrick's St. Joseph's „ Waipawa „ St. John's St. Patrick's „ St. Mary's St. Joseph's „ St. Michael's St. Patrick's Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branch Central Body Charleston .. Grahamstown Dunedin Auckland Christchurch Onehunga .. Wellington .. Blenheim .. New Plymouth Waipawa Leeston Lincoln Timaru Hastings Masterton .. Oamaru Milton 1870 1870 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1876 1876 1876 1882 1882 1882 1885 1886 1891 1891 24 69 106 148 83 22 77 77 18 47 28 14 89 36 25 46 30 91 5 7 835 15 1 847 19 9 2,509 11 8 657 16 7 88 12 6 535 18 0 587 8 8 96 10 6 299 9 4 239 2 1 136 14 11 352 0 1 159 19 9 61 0 6 ICO 2 7 63 18 11 88 6 10 706 17 11 772 1 8 1,879 1 3 619 18 11 82 16 6 303 12 5 474 2 1 65 3 4 258 13 10 171 15 6 95 16 5 237 5 5 138 18 4 48 11 1 72 13 5 33 18 8 2 18 9 128 17 2 75 18 1 630 10 5 37 17 8 5 16 0 232 5 7 113 6 7 31 7 2 40 15 6 67 6 7 40 18 6 114 14 8 21 1 5 12 9 5 27 9 2 30 0 3 -16-97 -12-22 -12-97 -11-89 - 15-51 -17-48 -14-08 -11-79 -21-14 -12-51 -12-56 -11-18 -15-80 - 9-08 Auckland 2,787 3 1 2,689 14 8 97 8 5 Total 939 10,450 9 7 8,739 8 3 1,711 1 4 -15-47 -25-47 -16-43 -14-88 - 929 -15-59 -14-91 -13-13 -13-32 -15-18 -11-73 -15-12 P.A.P.S.A. hand Council of New Zealand — Prince of Wales Lodge Pioneer „ Excelsior „ Wickliffe John Knox „ Alexandra „ Triumph Valley True Blue „ Star of Hastings „ Star of Oamaru „ Star of Petone „ Pride of Ngapara „ Central Body Thames Dunedin Green Island Napier Wellington .. Auckland .. S. Dunedin.. N.E. Valley.. Hastings Oamaru Petone Ngapara Thames 1873 1873 1876 1877 1879 1879 1883 1883 1883 1883 1890 1890 142 37 67 43 46 87 72 30 16 105 15 37 1,374 13 5 53 16 8 159 16 8 368 18 7 516 0 10 362 2 0 356 19 11 189 19 11 99 13 1 289 13 11 17 19 3 49 6 7 3,047 5 11 1,274 13 5 27 11 1 113 17 8 362 6 3 502 17 1 333 16 2 298 14 10 169 19 11 88 17 9 231 11 6 17 19 3 45 3 11 2,747 4 8 100 0 0 26 5 7 45 19 5 6 12 4 13 3 9 28 5 10 58 5 1 20 0 0 10 15 4 58 2 5 4* 2 8 300 1 3 Total 697 6,886 6 9 6,214 13 1 671 13 8 R.E.B.S. Otago R.E.B.S. New Zealand R.E.B.S. Dunedin Invercargill.. 1875 1879 140 70 2,317 5 6 466 15 3 2,290 14 0 403 9 9 26 11 0 63 5 6 -12-32 -30-57 Total 216 2,784 0 9 2,694 4 3 89 16 6 Grand Total 28,754 501,154 16 0 443,580 8 1 57,568 7 11 il Boa; exce; it as xe\ [arils the Star of Hope Tent, I.O.E.



TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1892.

No. ot Iembers admitted luring Year. No. of Members who left during Year. No. of Deaths during Year I No. of Members on Roll Sickness Experience. Name op Society. Total. t— < C3 C6 P5 By Clearance and Amalgamation. By By Total. Arrears, ClearAc, ance. Of Members.; OfBegis- ; AtBegintered ning of Wives. | Year. At End of Year. No. of ' Members Sick I No. of Weeks' Sickness experienced during Year. 3uring Year. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. . I Total. Manchester Unity Independent Obdeb of Odd Fellows — Auckland District Hawke's Bay District New Plymouth District Wn.ngfl.Tini District Wellington District Marlborough District Nelson District Motueka District North Westland District Hokitika District Ashley District North Canterbury District Lyttelton District Ashburton District Otago District Invercargill District 90 97 54 9 104 1 65 19 17 7 79 121 84 29 239 54 87 86 54 5 101 1 65 19 16 5 76 118 82 29 229 51 3 11 4 3 52 56 29 4 68 5 30 11 8 7 30 88 79 14 128 32 49 43 28 3 67 3 28 10 7 7 26 76 75 14 116 29 3 13 1 1 1 2 1 1 18 1 3 2 8 2 10 8 2 3 "i 'I 1,096 851 519 143 1,111 137 800 322 140 248 626 1,515 772 261 1,912 521 1,116 891 541 146 1,139 131 825 330 147 244 672 1,542 775 275 2,008 541 300 104 98 29 231 25 197 75 48 97 163 320 170 38 315 87 Wks. ds. 2,694 5 505 1 741 6 371 1 2,013 4 187 3 1,965 2 617 1 313 4 852 5 1,212 6 1,641 4 1,052 2 197 5 2,845 6 1,128 4 Wks. ds. 1,508 6 424 5 444 1 180 0 1,014 6 86 3 921 0 295 6 247 6 514 0 818 0 1,295 4 666 1 110 1 1,599 0 489 1 Wks..ds. 170 2 32 3 30 6 35 1 203 0 42 5 75 5 9 2 43 3 29 5 182 1 181 3 118 5 26 0 236 3 117 1 Wks. ds. 1,015 4 48 0 266 6 156 0 795 5 58 2 968 4 312 0 22 2 309 0 212 5 164 4 267 3 61 4 1,010 3 522 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 12 4 2 4 3 6 2 1 15 2 '2 1 4 3 10 3 12 3 io 3 Total of Order 1,069 1,024 45 641 581 60 79 •14 10,974 11,323 2,297 18,341 3 10,615 5 1,534 3 6,191 2 Independent Obdee of Odd Fellows — Grand Lodge of New Zealand I 901 3 206 202 150 142 1,137 1,189 156 650 0 114 0 137 3 National Independent Obdeb of Odd Fellows — Auckland Provincial District 24 258 0 258 0 ■2-2 22 23 263 258 61 British United Oedee op Odd Fellows — Wellington District 11 45 5 45 5 11 62 GO 12 Ancient Oedeb of Fobestees — Auckland District Hawke's Bay District Taranaki District Wellington District Nelson District United Westland District Canterbury United District South Canterbury District United Otago District Court Coromandel •■ ' 180 97 107 394 69 171 87 101 357 67 9 10 6 37 2 132 90 18 301 31 2 60 18 130 2 120 76 17 265 30 2 49 16 119 2 12 14 1 36 1 10 3 3 18 3 7 4 1 10 2 1,310 796 436 2,372 635 21 838 408 1,538 30 1,348 800 522 2,447 670 19 856 423 1,608 28 338 137 91 429 187 6 177 63 263 7 1,648 0 455 0 399 4 2,705 4 998 3 18 0 1,292 2 440 5 2,237 0 49 2 1,518 3 452 3 317 5 1,793 2 729 1 18 0 910 0 288 4 1,177 4 49 2 82 4 0 4 32 1 223 1 45 0 47 0 2 0 49 5 689 1 224 2 85 35 208 79 33 207 6 2 1 11 2 11 7 2 8 2 1 7 167 0 32 1 215 3 215 2 120 0 844 0 Total of Order 2,191 3 1,175 1,102 73 784 696 88 54 34 8,384 8,721 1,698 10,243 6 7,254 3 798 0



TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness— continued.

No. of Members admitted during Year. No. of Members who left during Year. No. of Deaths during Year No. of Members on Eoll Sickness Experience. Name op Society. do 2 Total. £«§ « a =3 By Clearance and Amalgamation. Total. By Arrears, &c. By Clearance. Of 1 Members. Of Registered Wives. At Begin-; ning of Year. At End of Year. No. of Members Sick during Year. Total. No. of Weeks' Sickness First Six Months. ixperienced dui ing Year. Second Six Months, After Twelve Months. Ancient Order op Shepherds — Sanctuary Sir George Grey 57 Wks. ds. 167 3 Wks. ds. 66 3 Wks. ds. 18 0 Wks. ds. 83 0 2 1 59 18 •• •• United Ancient Osdeb of Druids — Total of Order 240 42 19 5 481 2 425 386 39 282 2,954 3,078 600 2,680 5 2,097 0 102 3 Independent Order op Eechabites — New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Albert District .. :". ■ 15 188 - 12 177 3 11 22 90 22 77 h "3 1 1 1 333 896 24 326 991 23 97 151 6 651 0 638 3 8 0 465 0 580 4 8 0 30 0 6 3 156 0 101 3 •• •■ Total of Order .; 203 189 14 112 99 13 2 1,253 1,340 254 1,347 3 1,053 i 36 3 257 3 ! I Sons and Daughters op Temperance — Grand Division of New Zealand 136 121 15 81 63 18 824 874 162 934 5 - 606 3 69 2 259 0 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society — New Zealand District 131 124 7 65 G2 7 5 880 939 187 1,324 1 793 5 194 3 336 0 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society op Australasia — Grand Council of New Zealand .. I 3 I 697 123 23 0 195 5 91 89 2 69 61 8 678 695 5 477 0 Eailway Employes' Benefit Societies — Total of Eailway Employes' Benefit Societies 216 253 1 39 1 223 0 7 7 2 225 63 515 2 " •• Grand Total.. 3,471 3,272 199 2,228 1,987 241 180 94 27,691 28,754 5,634 37,455 6 10,355 4 24,171 1 2,929 1


TABLE III.—Sick and Funeral Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1892.


Name op Society. to a '£•1-1 d ■pOOl § a o 0 3 'A 3 £ © H Koceipts. H3 m «m CO O O ff Expenditure. ■h 6 h 51 M m A o o ft © fl CO qo 3S is °'£ M.U.I.O.9.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth „ Wanganui „ Wellington „ Marlborough „ Nelson „ Motueka North Westland Hokitika „ Ashley „ North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ Ashburton „ Otago „ Invercargill „ £ 1,972 1,313 730 144 1,412 174 1,265 501 248 302 1,076 2 278 1*277 430 2,856 773 £ 6 "8 £ 773 456 402 248 925 398 674 299 363 570 347 649 450 163 2,740 661 £ 522 60 90 15 285 40 5 18 66 60 100 140 50 50 330 60 £ 122 41 6 1 1 6 35 17 134 3 53 107 355 14 46 13 £ 2,290 443 415 244 1,383 135 1,414 426 239 681 975 1,389 885 139 2,193 773 £ 333 89 100 10 302 41 325 49 77 99 329 93 56 409 39 £ 496 50 70 21 235 40 £ 327 644 32 6 265 17 19 11 1,786 2 87 1,839 1,555 5 1,473 69 £ 3,395 1,870 1,236 408 2,623) 619 1,979 839 811 950 1,586 8,174 2,136 657 6,121 1,516 £ 3,446 1,226 617 281 2,185 233 1,758 440 2,134 820 1,261 3,767 2,603 230 4,435 971 £ 28,455 12,328 6,172 3,925 21,926 5,419 14,244 5,994 5,600 8,743 8,441 17,853 13,524 3,148 51,619 13,0S6 £ 28,404 12,972 0,791 4,052 22,364 5,805 14,465 6,393 4,277 8,873 8,766 17,260 13,057 3,575 53,305 13,631 "l 4 60 60 100 210 70 30 360 90 15 10 "4 149 9 Total of Order 16,751 206 10,118 1,891 954 14,024 I 2,354 I 1,892 8,137 29,920 26,407 220,477 223,990 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 1,859 440 60 149 759 449 20 107 2,508 1,335 11,189 12,362 . N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District.. 387 87 30 30 258 74 109 534 481 1,124 1,177 40 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District 70 4 14 46 17 88 63 225 250 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki „ Wellington „ Nelson „ United Westland „ Canterbury United „ South Canterbury „ United Otago „ Court Coromandel 1,969 1,115 655 3,063 931 24 1,244 520 2,006 38 55 8 54 566 427 314 1,202 021 255 108 125 415 125 58 5 7 96 4 1,612 454 340 2,080 853 18 1,030 327 1,485 49 395 323 200 505 146 255 80 90 415 125 151 79 9 1,749 16 16 3 22 11 2,848 1,655 1,156 4,784 1,735 24 2,235 769 3,373 71 2,413 936 639 4,749 1,140 34 1,451 461 2,355 49 14,104 7,951 4,910 24,503 9,303 320 10,338 5,972 19,668 842 14,539 8,670 5,427 24,598 9,898 310 11,122 6,280 20,686 8G4 7 8 570 209 1,093 33 160 32 265 254 258 80 624 160 32 235 9 Total of Order 11,565 13.2 5,035 1,485 433 8,248 2,531 1,392 2,050 18,650 14,227 97,971 102,394 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .! 61 2 49 66 112 71 656 697 5 U.A.O.D. Total of Order 3,932 127 1,002 394 72 2,230 420 47 5,527 18,593 20,653 771 3,467 I.O.E. New Zealand District New Zealand Central „ Albert 502 1,221 30 2 283 622 8 11 40 45 113 47 5 565 569 8 74 210 7 11 40 45 17 1 911 1,930 90 650 836 61 4,136 11,626 276 4,397 12,720 305 "2 Total of Order 1,753 4 913 96 165 1,142 96 18 2,931 1,547 16,038 17,422 291 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealand 957 10 65 121 91 680 34 135 400 1,244 1,249 3,610 3,C05 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 1,088 51 321 190 25 1,051 252 190 65 1,675 1,558 5,983 6,050 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 880 27 183 75 23 565 259 75 43 1,188 942 3,221 3,467 R.E.B.S. Total of B.E.B. Societies 400 176 331 40 576 371 2,489 2,694 Grand Total 39,703 563 18,403 4,342 1,942 29,400 7,031 4,305 10,982 64,953 51,718 381,526 394,761


TABLE IV.—Medical and Management Expenses Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1892.


Name op Society. fill O CD o leoeipts. d 0) CD Jfl "a i—i oS Sjl 1| !!i if Expenditure. I 'o o <D ft 3 o H i fa a X "o 4H o a H . II 1 M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ Sew Plymouth „ tVanganui „ Wellington „ Vlarlborough „ kelson „ \fotueka „ STorth Westland 3okitika „ Ashley „ STorth Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ i-shburton „ Dtago „ invercargill „ £ 1,290 1,088 795 160 1,293 176 842 285 318 495 567 1,662 907 277 3,073 714 £ 100 46 124 37 4 1 68 £ 257 258 57 9 250 22 45 8 135 39 150 177 563 19 1,602 96 £ 948 824 538 162 1,043 132 483 168 252 261 420 1,211 723 200 2,234 534 £ 422 283 168 46 347 33 226 89 110 211 150 432 287 59 804 157 £ 185 125 113 23 94 30 120 26 28 57 71 157 79 24 206 75 £ 211 148 53 9 156 3 250 21 131 31 26 201 387 5 348 43 £ 1,647 1,392 852 293 1,580 198 891 294 521 534 717 1,915 1,482 315 4,868 815 £ 1,766 1,380 872 240 1,640 198 1,079 304 521 560 667 2,001 1,476 288 3,592 809 £ 6,040 67 34 1,836 1,492 219 53 76 12 19 193 5 91 160 3,480 125 234 3,985 195 Total of Order 13,942 685 3,687 10,133 3,824 1,413 2,023 18,314 17,393 18,011 I.O.O.F. Jrand Lodge o.f New Zealand 1,244 390 1,887 329 602 248 166 2,224 2,260 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District.. 254 128 91 28 33 258 280 56 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District 86 81 83 51 22 13 A.O.F. Auckland District Sawke's Bay „ raranaki „ Wellington „ kelson „ Jnitod Westland „ Canterbury United „ South Canterbury „ United Otago „ Court Coromandel 1,913 1,243 731 3,616 937 38 1,032 592 2,381 35 15 10 26 128 65 38 272 131 1 99 67 404 1,140 863 478 2,433 652 16 744 479 1,879 16 537 312 148 993 283 13 280 107 571 17 204 78 70 251 146 131 63 38 309 19 2,056 1,308 769 3,898 1,094 39 1,156 659 2,829 47 2,012 1,316 734 3,986 1,100 29 1,143 647 2,965 33 564 91 144 528 569 26 496 172 796 38 25 74 39 232 45 22 283 "44 12 Total of Order 12,518 132 1,205 8,700 3,261 1,094 910 13,855 13,965 3,424 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. 16 21 16 25 19 U.A.O.D. Cotal of Order 4,668 43 898 3,409 1,427 312 407 5,609 5,555 1,164 I.O.E. STew Zealand District STew Zealand Central District \lbcrt District 471 1,298 53 10 9 44 256 710 29 127 309 16 48 170 2 28 131 6 490 'l,342 53 459 1,326 53 101 239 23 Total of Order 1,822 10 53 995 452 220 165 1,885 1,838 363 S.D.T. 3rand Division of New Zealand 587 942 22 76 237 119 64 1,040 1,007 282 H.A.C.B.S. Slew Zealand District 1,363 19 181 941 377 117 138 1,563 1,573 637 P.A.F.S.A. 3-rand Council of New Zealand 998 85 628 238 137 96 1,083 1,099 87 R.E.B.S. Cotal of E.E.B. Societies 313 236 7:! 318 309 77 Grand Total 38,806 924 6,521 27,052 10,625 3,702 4,006 46,251 45,385 24,523


TABLE V.—Disposition of Funds as on the 31st December, 1892.

5—H. 1.


Name of Society. Total. Investments at Interest. Value of Land and Buildings. Cash not bearing Interest. Value of Goods, Furniture, and Begalia. Other Assets. M.U.I.O.O.B 1. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth „ Wanganui „ Wellington „ Marl borough „ Nelson „ Motueka „ North Westland „ Hokitika „ Ashley „ North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ Ashburton „ Otago „ Invercargill „ £ 41,752 13,950 7,186 5,988 26,079 6,686 19,092 7,904 5,915 9,064 10,243 21,477 13,730 4,074 60,127 14,361 267,628 £ 20,300 7,904 6,581 2,207 10,352 6,168 16,658 7,192 5,767 7,288 7,249 10,686 7,933 1,765 47,622 11,422 £ 19,965 4,912 3,680 13,738 200 1,963 400 £ 1,118 964 605 1 1,636 285 471 272 148 428 529 568 730 371 1,883 581 £ 369 168 100 353 31 £ 2 2 40 1,293 2,267 9,545 4,540 1,872 10,119 2,040 76,534 27 198 678 302 66 477 313 28 225 26 5 Total of Order 177,094 10,590 3,082 328 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 20,484 14,078 4,559 690 991 166 N.I.O.O.P. Auckland Provincial District 2,614 2,759 67 78 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District 471 389 38 44 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki „ Wellington „ Nelson „ United Westland „ Canterbury United „ South Canterbury „ United Otago „ Court Coromandel 20,413 10,598 5,915 33,516 11,641 335 17,615 7,002 27,276 912 12,837 7,861 4,897 21,714 10,257 190 15,289 3,348 22,407 675 6,224 1,884 607 8,834 543 40 1,802 3,080 2,987 200 514 611 370 1,781 711 80 316 170 1,145 27 838 232 41 1,164 130 10 23 25 42 149 147 166 255 590 10 Total of Order 135,222 99,475 26,201 5,725 3,426 396 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 746 710 20 16 U.A.O.D. Total of Order 405 872 1,026 216 23,145 20,626 I.O.E. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Albert District 7,643 17,196 338 7,460 13,839 307 2,516 76 744 1 107 72 10 25 20 Total of Order 25,177 21,606 2,516 821 189 45 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealand 5,402 4,235 500 452 180 35 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 10,450 6,957 1,996 605 855 37 P.A.P.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 6,886 5,833 612 441 R.B.B.S. Total of R.E.B. Societies .. 2,784 2,358 350 64 12 Grand Total.. 10,340 1,223 501,155 355,975 113,061 20,556


TABLE VI. —Investments at Interest as on the 31st December, 1892.

Approxi uate Cost of Paptr— Preparation, not calculable; printing (2,050 copies), £39 11s. 3d

By Authority: Samdbl Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB94. I rice Is.]


Name of Society. Total. PostOffice SavingsBank. Depi .sited wit] MS Mortgages on Freehold Property. of II at. q C3 fl O o y ® o Other Investments. Other Banks. M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth „ Wanganui „ Wellington „ Marlborough „ Nelson „ Motueka „ North Westland „ Hokitika „ Ashley „ North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ Ashburton „ Otago „ Invercargill £ 20,300 7,904 6,581 2,207 10,352 6,168 16,658 7,192 5,767 7,288 7,249 10,686 7,933 1,765 47,622 11,422 £ 181 151 382 96 948 703 753 35 176 7R 2,378 2,112 435 150 1,890 647 £ 5,647 785 109 341 1,330 £ 5-0 4-9 4-7 SrO 5-0 £ 14,472 6,435 5,640 1,770 5,355 5,065 10,710 6,067 4,991 5,698 3,785 5,908 5,153 1,255 35,693 10,345 £ 6-4 7-9 7-3 7-0 6-1 8-4 ;>9 6-8 8-8 9-5 6-1 6-8 6-4 0-6 7-3 7-1 £ £ £ £ '533 450 4-8 6-4 21719 400 7-0 100 100 790 100 1,512 1,086 2,177 1,317 360 9,689 430 5rO 5-0 5-0 4-7 50 4-9 5'0 4-7 4-9 5-0 5,095 5-7 '300 6-6 50 500 7;6 '489 70 1,028 '200 7-0 150 6-0 Total of Order 177,094 11,115 25,773 4-9 128,342 7-2 6,823 e-4 5,041 6-1 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand .. 14,078 1,346 2,114 4-!) 10,584 7'0 34 5-0 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 2,614 1,674 5-0 940 G-8 . . B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District 389 239 150 7-0 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki „ Wellington „ Nelson „ United Westland „ Canterbury United „ South Canterbury „ United Otago „ Court Coromandel 12,837 7,861 4,897 21,714 10,257 190 15,289 3,348 22,407 675 228 760 806 1,413 22 10,869 2,322 340 2,129 1,137 5-0 4-9 5-0 5-0 4-9 1,740 4,779 3,751 17,753 4,750 190 11,410 801 19,460 400 7-2 7-4 7-3 7'2 7-2 10-0 69 66 7-1 7-0 3,848 6;2 419 500 6-6 50 1,980 28 1,194 645 2,519 1,728 275 5-0 4-9 5-0 5-0 1,254 25 50 10*0 Total of Order 99,475 6,431 21,964 5-0 65,034 7-1 3,848 6-2 2,198 5-2 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 710 160 550 7-5 U.A.O.D. Total of Order 20,626 2,322 3,772 4-8 13,507 69 1,025 5-8 I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central „ Albert 7,460 13,839 307 125 2,040 267 1,735 1,643 5-0 4-9 5,600 9,154 40 7-3 7-1 9-0 '500 5-8 '502 6-6 Total of Order 21,606 2,432 3,378 4-9 14,794 7-2 500 5-8 502 6-6 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealand.. 4,235 402 412 4-9 3,214 7-2 207 8-1 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District .. 6,957 244 4,903 4-9 1,810 6-9 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand .. I 5,833 583 1,020 4-9 4,130 7-3 j 100 80 R.B.B.S. Total of E.B.B. Societies 2,358 80 7'0 578 1,700 7-2 Grand Total .. 355,975 25,852 65,010 4-9 244,755 I 7-1 I I I 11,171 6-3 I I 9,187 60

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-01

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-01

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, H-01

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