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Presented to Parliament in pursuance of " The Government Bailways Act, 1887."

To the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. N.Z. Government Eailways, Head Office, Sir, — Wellington, 16th June, 1894. We have the honour, in compliance with the direction in section 61 of " The Government Eailways Act, 1887," to submit, for presentation to Parliament, the annual report on the working railways of New Zealand for the twelve months ended the 31st March, 1894. Bevenue, Expenses, and Traffic The returns of traffic, revenue, and expenses of the various sections of railways are presented in the same tabular form as in the annual reports of former years. Full details are given therein, under the various headings, and afford the means of comparison with those of other similar periods. The result of the year's work is as follows :— £ s. a. Gross earnings .. ... ... ... ... 1,172,792 17 2 Working-expenses ... ... ... ... 735,358 15 1 Net profit ... ... ... £437,434 2 1 This gives a return of £2 17s. 9d. on £15,137,036, the capital cost of the working railways. The increase on the capital sum since last year is £403,916, due to 61 miles of new line being added to the system —viz., Putaruru to Tarukenga, on the Eotorua line, 23 miles 5 chains; Eangatira to Mangaonoho, on the Hunterville branch, 3 miles 72 chains; Greymouth to Hokitika, 24 miles 17 chains; Ngakawau to Mokihinui, 7 miles 12 chains ; Blenheim to Omaka, 2 miles 43 chains. These extensions, while generally of great advantage to their respective localities in opening up new country, and giving access to timber, coal, and settlement areas, thereby enlarging the productive powers of the colony, do not, and cannot be expected to add much to the net profit until such times as these resources and their attendant industries are developed. In such cases the question is not so much " Will the road or railway pay ? " as " Is the district worth opening up by such means? " There are extensive areas in the colony, especially in the North Island, which for productive purposes are useless until opened out by roads and railways. The number of passengers carried has increased both in respect of ordinary and season tickets —on ordinary tickets an increase of 213,657, the number for this year being 3,972,701, against 3,759,044 last year, chiefly in the second class ; on season-ticket journeys this year 2,020,926, against 1,986,729 last year, an increase of 34,197. I—D. 2.



In the carriage of live-stock there is an increase in cattle, sheep, and pigs ; in goods, an increase in wool, timber, and chaff. The chief items of decrease consist in the movement this year of 112,446 tons of grain, and 20,295 tons of merchandise less than last year. TheHurunuiBluff Section is responsible for the shrinkage in tonnage. The chief, if not the sole, cause for this is to be looked for in the low yield of the harvest in the Middle Island this year, and the low prices which have been ruling for produce generally for some time. The traffic for the last ten years has been as follows : —

Comparison of Traffic, Revenue, and Expenditure for the Last Ten Financial Years.

For the current year, ending 31st March, 1895, the revenue will also suffer from, the diminished grain yield and from a less area being put under crop than formerly. The low prices are so discouraging that the farming districts in the Middle Island are in a transition state from grain cropping to grass ; and, while the low prices rule, the tendency will be to crop only as much as is necessary to provide winter-feed and to renew pastures. This should result in an increase of wool, live-stock, and dairy produce ; but, as the yield in weight per acre of these products is very much less than grain, the deficit in railway traffic, as regards area for area, will not be made up. There is, however, some compensation in the extension of settlement, and the improvements which are going on from year to year. This is notably the case in the North Island, especially in the Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, and Wellington Provincial Districts, and for the Middle Island in Southland. During the last six years the railway returns from some of these districts have nearly doubled. The fruit industry is attaining considerable dimensions. From the Teviot District, Otago, last year there were forwarded by horse-wagons to Lawrence Eailwaystation —a distance of forty to fifty miles by road—no less than 326 tons of green fruit for the Dunedin market, or about double the quantity for the previous year. The orchards are all on small holdings of a few acres each, and the above quantity was grown on an aggregate area of about 100 acres. The total weight of fruit carried to Dunedin last year was 500 tons. On the Auckland Section over 400 tons were carried from country stations to Auckland. There is considerable scope for the fruit industry in overtaking the colony's wants; and still more if the business of drying and canning for export were established. Condition of Lines and Appliances. From the reports of the Chief Engineer and Locomotive Superintendent, in the Appendix, it will be seen that the permanent-way and rolling-stock are being kept in good order and repair. The work of the two departments controlled by these officers result in the improvement of the railway property, the one by the construction of heavier and more powerful engines, and the other by strengthening the bridges and lines to carry heavier trains, so conducing to economy in working. The cost of these operations, and the providing and relaying of the main lines with heavier steel rails, is borne out of the vote for working-expenses, although a portion of it might fairly be charged to Capital Account. The damage done to the lines by floods and slips has been unusually heavy during the year. The washing away of several spans of the Waipawa Bridge in

Year. OQ © o> s a 0) M © B 1 a (D a M w H O . a . a) ■§§§ H a © So fi a a o S R3 a . © -si o to SO C CD O ■ £fl (**H o ft © . © co HP -§* o to © © CO to o3 ft a "5 om to o 0)+* to a o o © o O o 3 a Ph s 55 tfl O *H 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1,477 1,613 1,727 1,758 1,777 1,809 1,842 1,869 1,886 1,948 £ 1,045,712 1,047,419 998,768 994,843 997,615 1,095,570 1,121,701 1,115,432 1,181,522 1,172,793 £ 690,026 690,340 699,072 687,328 647,045 682,787 700,703 706,517 732,142 735,359 6599 65-91 69-99 6909 64-86 62-32 62-47 63-34 61-97 62-70 1,749,856 1,823,767 1,747,754 1,735,762 1,920,431 2,073,955 2,086,011 2,066,791 2,193,330 2,060,645 No. 347,425 349,428 372,397 399,109 399,056 405,838 413,074 430,210 460,383 486,787 No. 729,528 858,662 942,017 940,209 919,392 1,068,575 1,348,364 1,153,501 1,393,457 1,433,679 No. 3,232,886 3,362,266 3,426,403 3,451,850 3,132,803 3,376,459 3,433,629 3,555,764 3,759,044 3,972,701 No. 8,999 10,717 11,821 11,518 11,817 12,311 13,881 16,341 16,504 17,226 £ 11,810,194 12,472,814 13,017,567 13,352,978 13,472,837 13,899,955 14,278,586 14,656,691 14,733,120 15,137,030 £ 355,686 357,078 299,696 307,515 350,570 412,782 420,998 408,914 449,380 437,434 £ s. a. 3 0 3 2 17 3 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 12 0 2 19 5 2 18 11 2 15 9 3 10 2 17 9



December, 1893, closed the line for through traffic for three weeks. The slips in the Manawatu Gorge closed the line to traffic several times, as did the washing away of three spans in the bridge over the Waitaki at Hakateramea in February, 1894. The celerity with which these obstructions were overcome, and the trains again enabled to run, reflect great credit on the Chief Engineer's Department. The flattening of the grades at Swainson's, near Halcombe, on the Wanganui line, and at Makarewa, on the Invercargill-Kingston line, remove in each case the obstacle to the working of heavier trains over a considerable length of line. A new passenger-station has been erected at Gore, in which an electriclight installation is now being placed. An extension of sidings and rearrangement of station-yards has been effected at Hastings and Edendale. The extension of mileage, the increase in passenger traffic and in the carriage of live-stock, together with the urgent requirements of the freezing companies in the matter of quick delivery of their shipments at port, have made demands on the rolling-stock, which is being met by the conversion of old stock and the building of new vehicles to the standard type. General. The reduction of the charges on produce in such a way as to afford the greatest help to the settlers of the colony, such as by carrying at the lowest possible cost lime and other fertilisers, fencing materials, and such similar articles. as .are required in rendering the land more productive, and on which outlay there can be no return for some time, has received the careful consideration of the Commissioners. A good deal has been done in this direction already, but the Commissioners hope that it may be possible to do more without serious disturbance to the revenue. There are frequent references to the fact that traction-engines compete with the railways in parts of the Canterbury District. This fact should cause no surprise, when it is considered that the roads and bridges are free to the owner of the traction-engine. He has no contribution to make either of interest on capital, cost of road, or for maintenance; the ratepayers do that for him. The railways, on the other hand, provide nearly 3 per cent, interest on capital cost, and bear the entire cost of maintenance, which averages £140 per mile per annum. We have the honour to be, Sir, Tour most obedient servants, James McKerrow, J. Eonayne, J. L. Scott, Eailway Commissioners.




A. Report of Locomotive Superintendent. B. Report of Chief Engineer for Working Railways.


Diagram of Mileage, Revenue and Expenditure.

Map showing Lines open for Traffic.




APPENDIX A. Locomotive Superintendent's Office, Gentlemen, — Wellington, 25th May, 1894. I have the honour to report on the Locomotive Department for the year- ending 31st March, 1894, as follows :— The locomotives, carriages, wagons, vans, cranes, tarpaulins, machinery, and general plant have been maintained in good and efficient condition. Improvements to locomotives and rolling-stock have been effected at every suitable opportunity. Many valuable additions have been made to the machinery for workshops—notably, boilerdrilling machine, milling machine, quartering machine, &c, &c. Xiocomotive Bepairs and Bebuilding. —l7o locomotives have passed through the shops. Of these, 3 have been rebuilt, Ito F" and 2to L a , and their tractive power largely increased ; 18 were thoroughly overhauled; 53 received heavy repairs, and 94 received light repairs ; 67 were wholly painted, and 44 had paintwork or varnish renewed. The following new work is in hand: Compounding 2 locomotives, rebuilding 5 class F locomotives to class P a , and building 6 new ones—viz., 2 class W a , and 4 new passenger locomotives class U. 123 boilers were overhauled, of which 18 had new tubes ; 24 had tubes pieced; 7 received new barrels; 11 were supplied with new smokebox tube-plates; 4 had new fire-boxes; 7 had new copper tube-plates ; 50 were patched ; 38 underwent heavy repairs, and 77 light repairs; and 8 were furnished completely with new boilers. There are also 20 new boilers in hand. Carriage and Wagon Bepairs and Bebuilding. —sl9 cars passed through shops; 5 new cars were built; and 6 old-type four-wheeled cars were entirely rebuilt to 5 class A bogie cars; 2 class C cars were converted to bogie, class B. The following work is in hand : 3 four-wheel type and 3 six-wheel type are under conversion to 6 class A bogie cars and 6 new bogie cars, class A. 100 cars were thoroughly overhauled; 68 received heavy repairs, 329 light repairs, and 16 were fitted with standard draw-gear; 187 carriages were wholly painted, and 161 had paintwork renewed. 232 brake-vans passed through shops, 4of which were of the bogie type and entirely new. Two old four-* wheel vans were rebuilt to the bogie type, and 2 others are now under conversion. Three new fourwheel vans and 3 new bogie vans are in hand; 38 were thoroughly overhauled ; 39 received heavy repairs, and 145 light repairs; 4 were fitted with standard draw-gear; 76 were wholly painted, and 46 had paintwork renewed. 3,460 wagons passed through the shops :of these, 50 were entirely new, 19 were rebuilt, and 427 were thoroughly overhauled; 932 received heavy repairs, and 1,977 light repairs ; 329 were fitted with standard draw-gear ; and 1,208 were wholly painted, and 679 had paintwork renewed. The following new wagon-work is in hand :15 class L (four-wheel high-side), 35 class O (four-wheel iron-hopper), 6 class E (bogie high-side), 10 class S (bogie sheep-trucks), and 5 class V (double bogie freezing-vans). The work of balancing the car- and wagon-wheels is now fairly started. Steam Cranes and Stationary Boilers. —sl passed through shops, of which 6 cranes were overhauled; 3 cranes received heavy repairs, and 21 light repairs; 4 stationary boilers received heavy repairs, and 16 light repairs. Tarpaulins.— 5,104 passed through shops; 474 were thoroughly overhauled; 2,252 received heavy repairs, and 1,877 light repairs ; 390 new ones were manufactured. Expenditure. —The expenditure per train-mile in pence has been as follows : —■

The usual returns are forwarded. I have, &c, T. E. Eotheeam, The New Zealand Eailway Commissioners, Locomotive Superintendent. Wellington.

Year. Train-mileage. Engine-mileage. Locomotive, per Train-mile. Car and Wagon, per Train-mile. Total. 1893 1894 3,002,174 3,113,231 3,882,516 4,005,511 d. 14-69 ' 13-71 d. 4-32 4-35 a. 19-01 18-06



AFPENDIX B. ANNUAL REPORT ON MAINTENANCE OF NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. Gentlemen, — Chief Engineer's Office, Wellington, 25th May, 1894. I have the honour to report on the maintenance of the New Zealand railways for the year ending 31st March, 1894. Extensions. —There have been about 60f miles of new railway opened for traffic during the year. These are, — M. oh. Eotorua Line—Putaruru-Tarukenga ... ... ... ... 23 5 Hunterville Branch—Eangatira-Mangaonoho ... ... ... 372 Greymouth to Hokitika ... ... ... ... ... .... 24 17 Ngakawau-Mokihinui ... ... ... ... ... ... 712 Blenheim-Eiverlands* ... ... ... ... ... ... 243 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... 60 69 Mileage. —The mileage of the railways is now 1,951 miles 30 chains. Permanent-way. —The track generally is being kept up in good condition. Eenewals of rails have been made to an aggregate length of 43 miles 67 chains, which is a greater length than has been relaid for many years. Sleepers. —There were 177,502 sleepers laid during the year. About 155,502 were for ordinary renewals, and about 22,000 were laid to increase the number per rail-length. About fifty miles of main line were thus raised to a higher standard of stability. The consumption of sleepers in ordinary renewals amounts to eighty per mile, and an additional number of thirteen per mile is due to respacing. The rate of renewal of sleepers under ordinary maintenance shows a uniform rate of increase during the past four years. The- stipulations inserted in contracts for sleeper-supplies, with a view to securing winter-felled timber, are working satisfactorily, and an improved quality of timber is being obtained thereby. Improvements of Grades. —An extensive alteration of grade in the railway has been carried out between Swainson's and Halcombe, on the Wanganui line. This is nearly completed. Another very heavy reduction of grade has been made near Makarewa, on the Invercargill and Kingston line, which will afford a great relief to the haulage towards Invercargill. Bridges and Culverts. —There has been a considerable increase in bridgework generally. On the Auckland Section some very extensive renewals of truss-bridges have been made, replacing kauri trusses, which were getting to the end of their service, with ironbark. The Ngaruawahia Bridge has been redecked throughout, and ironwork painted. On the Wanganui Section provision has been made for extending the run of the heavier class of engines between Eangitikei and Palmerston North. Extensive renewals have been effected to the Eangitikei Bridge, to the bridge over the Oroua Eiver at Aorangi, and also to bridges at Eeilding, Taonui, Bunnythorpe, and Longburn. A new bridge has also been erected at the foot of Swainson's grade in connection with the alteration of grade. Several large bridges between Aramoho and Sentry Hill have also been extensively overhauled. Bridge repairs have been heavy on the Napier Section in consequence of damages caused by severe floods last December. Eepairs and partial reconstruction were required at the Waipawa and Pakipaki bridges. On the Christchurch Section several new piles were driven for the Eakaia Bridge, to replace those washed out by flood; also a long length of the decking was renewed. On the Hakateramea Branch three 40ft. spans were washed down by heavy flood in the Waitaki Eiver. These have been rebuilt. A considerable length of the decking was renewed on the Lower Waitaki Bridge. On the Greymouth, Westport, Nelson, and Picton Sections a great deal of bridgework has been required and carried out. Many other large bridges have had heavy repairs, and several bridges have been entirely renewed. Numerous small repairs to other bridges have been carried out. The painting of iron bridges and also the ironwork of timber bridges has had special attention. Wharves. —Extensive wharf repairs have been carried out at Port Chalmers, Greymouth, Westport, and Nelson. At Westport the work has mainly been due to the severe damages suffered by flood in the Buller Eiver in June, 1893. Biver Protection. —Numerous river-protective works have been carried out, to protect lines from effects of floods. New Works. —A great number of new works and additions have been carried out, a few of the principal of which are noted, as follow : — Auckland Section : Verandahs erected at Mercer and Helensville. New road to goods-shed at Tuakau. Wanganui Section: Overbridge at Eatea erected for new road-bridge traffic. A verandah erected at Hawera platform. At Eltham, new well, windmill, and water-service; alteration of station-yard, and additions to offices for postal department. A new station and siding at Waiongona. Balmerston North —Additions to goods-shed, goods-roads, and sidings. Stratford—Extension of goods-shed. Napier Section : Waipawa—Extension of sidings; new stock-yards. At Hastings, the stationyard has been rearranged; new platform built further back from street-crossing; new cattle-yards. Wellington Section: Coal-shed and water-tanks erected at Wellington Station, and platform lengthened. Ngahauranga—Additions to station-buildings. Petone —New north and south home signals, and new water-tanks. Lower Hutt—Extension of platform, extra sidings, and new north

* Taken over but not opened for traffic.



home signal. Two new houses for employes were built at Cross's Creek. Featherston had a verandah built over platform. Masterton—Windmill, pump, and extra sidings. Eketahuna—Extension of sidings. _ Christchurch Division : A new traverser has been built for one of the Lyttelton wharves. At Christchurch Station additional luggage accommodation has been provided, with extension of platform, and new latrines. An old turntable-pit has been converted into a reservoir for water for fireextinction, capacity 45,000 gallons. Addington—Extension of sale-yards siding. Islington—Plat-shelter-shed, and urinals. Eolleston—Alteration of sidings and extension of platform. Eakaia—New level crossing at south end of station-yard. Ashburton—New office in goods-shed. A stock-bridge was added to the Eangitata Eailway Bridge. Timaru—New coal-shed for locomotives, and extra room added to refreshment-rooms. Loading-banks were built at Southbridge and Homebush, and cattle-yards at Cust. Dwellinghouses to the number of nineteen have had one or two rooms added, to the aggregate of twenty-eight rooms. Dunedin Division : The embankment at Kaka Creek commenced last year has been completed. Extra sidings have been laid at Waitati and Sawyer's Bay, and new cattle-yards erected at Sawyer's Bay and Warepa; Clinton platform lengthened; lining of Sawyer's Bay Tunnel lengthened. Invercargill Division: A new station has been built for Gore, with extension of platform. Edendale Station has been rearranged. Woodlands—New Stationmaster's house. Bluff—A wagontraverser supplied to wharf sidings. Dipton—Stationmaster's house enlarged. Cattle-yards erected at Wairio and Wyndham. Greymouth Section : New goods-shed on wharf at Greymouth. Westport Section : Extension of merchandise wharf at Westport. Throughout the various districts, a large number of dwellinghouses and station-buildings have had rooms and offices added to them. Expenditure. —The expenditure for the year on maintenance of way and works was £268,451. Besides this, there has been an expenditure on works chargeable to vote for "Additions to open lines," a total of £6,331, and on recently opened extensions of existing lines, a total of £3,210; also, for works done for Government departments, public bodies, and private parties—expenditure for which is recovered—an aggregate of £3,708. This brings the total expenditure controlled by this branch of the department up to £281,700. Of the expenditure on maintenance, the amount of wages was £185,256, and of stores and materials, less credits, £83,195 : total, £268,451. The maintenance expenditure is at the rate of £140 per mile per annum, which is almost the same as the previous year. Lake Ellesmere.— This lake was tapped by this department on 2nd September, 1893. The outlet closed again in November, 1893. Lake Forsyth.— This lake has not required tapping since 1888, when it was last let out by the railway staff. The water-level is still low. Private Sidings. —There were three new private sidings granted during the year, and twelve renewals, the aggregate rental on which is £327 per annum. Leases.— There were 192 new leases entered into during the year. The number of leases current at the end of the financial year was 1,010, having a total rent-roll of £11,742 per annum. I have, &c, J. Henby Lowe, Chief Engineer, Working Eailways. The New Zealand Eailway Commissioners.




No. 1. Revenue accounts. 2. Expenditure account. 3. Detail of classified expenditure. 4. Classified expenditure and revenue. 5. Comparative statement of passenger and goods traffic. 6. Cost of construction and rate of interest. 7. Comparison of revenue and expenditure for fourteen financial years. 8. Traffic ton-mileage for chief sections. 9. Classified maintenance expenditure. 10. Revenue and expenditure of stations. 11. Stores contracts. 12. Carriage and wagon stock, and tarpaulins. 13. Locomotive stock. 14. Weighing machines. Weighbridges. Traversers and turntables. Cranes and pump 15. Renewals of rails. 16. Renewals of sleepers. 17. Number of stations and sidings. 18. Particulars of private-siding traffic. 19. Mileage of lines. 20. Sleepers laid and removed. 21. Number of employes. 22. Accidents. 23. Locomotive returns. 24. Traffic from coal-mines, Hurunui-Bluff. 25. Vessels loaded and discharged at different ports, Hurunui-Bluff. 26. Mileage of track, main line, and sidings, Hurunui-Bluff. 27. Statement of expenditure on additions to open lines. 28. Alterations in scale of charges.



RETURN No. 1. SUMMAEY of EEVENUE ACCOUNTS for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894. d b. £ s. d. Ob. £ 8 . d. £ s d To Cash m hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1893 ... ... ... ... 20,83411 9By Gross payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1894 1 268617 in Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 1,172,79217 2 Less Refunds ... ... ... ... ' ... 2 o *i,176,736 1 11 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... 16 891 7 o £1,193,627 8 n £1,193,627 8 11 To Net amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, !8 94 1,176,736 in By Expenditure to 31st March, 1894 735,358 ,5 , Less Cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1893 10,8 34 11 „ Balance available for interest 437;434 2 , * Eeceipts per Treasury—Consolidated Fund ... £1,175,547 17 5 Public Works Fund ... 388 14 0 1,175,936 11 5 Balance Eefund Account, March 31,1893 ... 6,993 2 1 1,182,929 13 6 Balance Eefund Account, March 31,1894 ... 6,193 11 7 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... 16801 7 o '" '_ ' £1,176,736 111 £1,172,792 17 2 £1,172,792 17 2

2—D. 2.

Betuen of Eevenue for Habbotje Boaeds, &c, for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894. Dr. £ g (j_ q b To Balance, 31st March, 1893 6,993 2' 1' By Treasury payments to 31st March, 1894 ... 0268012 fi Wharfages, &c., 31st March, 1894 91,881.2 o Balance due to Harbour Boards, &c , ... ... '.'.'. 7 £98,874 4 1 ' £98,874 ~4~~i A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.



RETURN No. 2. De. GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894. Ce.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. • £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought forward:— By Vouchers unpaid on 31st March, 1893, brought forward ... ... ... 55*399 I 0" 1 Outstanding accounts,— Classified expenditure as per Return No. 4 ... ... ... ... 735,358 15 1 Other Government departments, for— Stores ... ... ... ... 55 2 9 Recoveries per Treasury to credit of Vote 58,*— Workshops ... ... ... 52 8 3 Other Government departments, for— Way and works ... ... ... 177 5 4 Stores ... ... ... ... 1,037 8 5 284 16 4 Workshops ... ... ... ... 8,699 ! 9 5 Personal accounts, for— Way and works ... ... ... 6,47512 7 Stores ... ... ... ... 58 11 3 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 72 8 6 Workshops ... ... ... 298 9 5 16,285 811 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 246 Personal accounts, for— 359 5 2 Stores ... ... ... ... 1,304 7 1 644 1 6 Workshops ... ... ... ... 5,333 8 4 Stock of stores in hand ... ... ... ... ... ... 105,898 1 1 Way and works ... ... ... 1,891 n 8 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 253 310 Payments per Treasury to 31st March, 1894,— 8,782 10 n Vote 58*... ... .. ... ... ... 769,344 3 9 Miscellaneous recoveries ... ... ... ... 15,652 8 6 Under "The Government Railways Act, 1887" ... 3,220 3 3 40,720 8 4 772,564 7 o Deposit Account,— Deposit for purchase of permanent- way material ... ... ... ... 25,000 o o Permanent-way material on hand and in transit ... 14,335 I 2 ° Vouchers unpaid on 31st March, 1894 ... ... ... ... ... 56,669 5 o Cash with Agent-General on imprest ... ... 3,753 4 7 Cash in Treasury ... ... ... ... 5,634 14 ' Vouchers dealt with by Treasury in 1894-95 | I ' 7 ° l r ? '° — 1,276 9 4 ■ ■ 25,000 o o Balance carried forward :— Outstanding accounts,— Other Government departments, for— Stores ... ... ... ... 329 11 11 Workshops ... ... ... i,433 19 1 Way and works ... ... ... 3,176 8 9 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 88 14 7 5,028 14 4 Personal accounts, for— Stores ... ... ... ... 16 3 5 * Note.— Payments per Treasury ... £769,344 3 9 Workshops ... ... ... 904 16 1 Eecoveries „ ... 40,520 8 4 Way and works .. ... ... 28 8 II „ . , . " , ~ ~ Miscellaneous ... 070 Net charge to Vote 58 ... £728,623 i< J ' —jL_L_? . 949 15 5 5,978 9 9 Stock of stores in hand ... ... ... ... ... ... 98,318 5 4 £960,775 14 7 £960,775 14 7 A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.



RETURN No. 3. CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURE for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894.

Sections. Permanentway. Structures. Maintenance of Way and Works. Buildings. I Miscellaneous. Total. Lo™?fes. and Water. ™> |f «*• Locomotive Power. Eenewals and Eepairs. Total. Carriages. Wagons. Traffic. General Charges. I Sundries. Grand Total. I WAG] £ s. d. 17 17 6 020 23 1 0 556 7 " 838 15 9 450 19 10 2,285 14 10 104 4 1 19 19 11 65 8 6 77 4 5 60 2 3 IS. Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland Napier-Taranaki Wellington Hurunui-BluS .. Greymouth-Brunner Grey-Hokitika .. Westport Nelson Picton £ s. d. 496 4 1 380 5 4 66g 15 4 16,779 8 3 27,400 10 6 8,325 2 4 77,727 3 11 1,110 6 5 304 19 1 2,007 15 5 1.358 5 4 1,522 5 11 £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ) £ s. d. 59 o 9 22 n 10 10 9 4 588 6 o 339 12 3 20 8 o 23 5 2 .. 423 18 6 547 5 n 31 19 4 12 18 4 56 13 4 771 6 4 220 14 6 3,874 4 3 1,360 1 9 579 17 4 22,593 11 7 8,325 5 5 7,674 7 3 1,305 16 11 2,236 17 4 38,617 12 o 11,490 12 7 1,867 5 3 410 7 1 7°7 15 4 ",310 10 o 6,885 10 o 19,251 3 6 7,503 17 10 5,163 2 5 109,645 7 8 41,617 18 n 1,348 12 1 166 o o 167 12 9 2,792 n 3 899 15 7 408 0 15 9 .. 309 15 6 210 16 5 1,064 16 3 82 11 6 143 9 5 3,298 12 7 2,014 13 2 1,142 5 2 46 9 g 30 o o 2,577 o 3 721 o 2 529 13 7 59 15 o 93 o o 2,204 14 6 571 12 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. 104 10 8 85 18 7 91 10 8 3,594 o 4 7,095 4 10 3,051 11 11 15,987 2 4 6 2 10 47 9 " i,549 5 4 393 1 3 300 13 8 £ s. d. 462 o 5 633 6 6 335 6 2 12,475 13 8 19,424 13 2 10,388 1 9 59,890 16 1 1,010 2 6 278 6 3 3,629 7 o 1,191 5 10 932 8 7 £ s. d. 41 1 8 35 8 4 52 12 2 1,655 17 " 2,864 10 3 1,065 3 1 5,143 19 5 260 2 4 in 14 o 108 3 9 212 5 2 75 6 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 222 14 8 736 5 9 51 14 3 92 o 1 609 8 n 60 3 o 131 8 8 176 8 9 33 5 1 2,624 3 8 19,076 4 10 2,656 3 1 2,ggg 16 7 24,927 6 6 4,338 6 2 1,594 10 o 11,706 10 8 1,929 3 4 9,937 10 9 "3,852 9 1 14,974 9 1 621 19 1 4,170 1 8 466 1 5 41 J 4 o 342 16 o 35 4 7 1,829 3 5 4,124 7 3 730 8 6 144 9 o 2,581 8 o 238 10 o 276 13 8 1,340 19 5 133 6 4 £ s. d. 15 12 8 445 o 5 742 13 8 700 7 8 691 16 o 75 12 9 o 14 9 138 12 5' 54 11 9 60 14 3 £ s. d. 2,102 2 9 1,869 18 o 1,500 7 1 61,526 15 2 93,914 18 4 38,694 6 6 314,136 8 1 9,396 11 o 1,120 5 1 13,858 14 11 6,9gg 10 o 5,024 2 11 Total 138,082 1 11 36,867 16 1 10,994 10 " 9,188 17 3 195,133 6 2 73,844 17 7 4,499 18 o 32,306 12 4 110,651 7 n 11,626 4 3 120,516 3 7 183,644 6 10 25,646 14 10 2,925 16 4 550,143 19 " Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland Napier-Taranaki Wellington Hurunui-Bluff .. Greymouth-Brunner Grey-Hokitika .. Westport Nelson Picton ...1, 61 4 2 91 10 2 16 5 8 5,999 12 11 9,186 2 7 2,544 13 8 20,981 4 2 132 3 7 068 1,718 o 10 701 1 9 886 o 2 36 5 2 24 16 10 15 o 9 137 6 n 138 40 19 7 I .. 133 13 5 22 10 5 419! 6 19 9 49 17 7 i,455 7 " 766 42 280 10 3 8,501 15 3 3,321 4 4 846 15 5 748 4 5 14,102 69 641 1 2 222 62 493 6 6 3,901 76 10,728 o 4 3,497 4 8 2,303 1 n 37,509 11 1 1,464 15 6 7° 4 5 J 4 2 4 1 1,809 7 7 068 1,485 10 8 29 19 8 105 12 4 3,339 36 960 15 10 48 15 10 967 1,720 00 535 3 2 21 17 5 j 15 9 5 i,458 10 2 STOBES. 50 o o 10 16 3 102 14 o 20 6 3 58 5 1 7 13 10 1.573 17 3 240 9 9 9.3O0 73 361 9 10 4,449 " 4 177 16 3 21,595 14 10 1,348 17 3 209 84 29 1 o 49 4 8 6 17 2 500 10 9 47 10 3 364 13 o 27 4 10 235 o 7 14 3 5 689 19 18 2 11 11 4 i,937 14 " 3,140 19 o 1,900 8 4 ",593 17 2 67 5 o ; 027 57 17 7 18 5 5 I 361 142 18 5 34 2 5 j 43 14 4 18 6 o I 3 15 7 77 10 3 013' 12 2 4 10 17 9 220 3,752 1 11 707 7 9 1,180 7 8 1,572 11 9 ! 139 15 8 12,802 16 1 1,527 5 11 j 1,753 9 2 1,994 24. 240 17 1 6,527 15 " 844 7 o j 1,192 16 4 944 14 4 98 o 10 34.538 9 3 2,793 10 4 6,046 3 1 7,712 17 o j 783 19 11 238 94 112 18 6 188 50 488 8 4 1 27 5 10 56 1 10 104 5 5 881 61 3 n ! 1 13 " 1,101 17 6 13 7 5 995 8 8 298 17 10 44 16 5 572 16 " 30 5 6 85 4 9 198 8 4 10 14 6 285 6 10 15 4 1 ' 117 4 1 97 17 9 7 11 5 076 2 10 3 3i 19 7 158 5 4 103 14 10 284 3 7 376 17 8 152 11 2 15,856 10 3 32,452 16 11 13,667 7 3 89,488 5 6 2,864 14 7 232 8 7 5,793 18 3 2,622 1 4 1,981 14 4 553 16 6 180 19 1 36 2 10 089 o 6 11 4 11 4 Total .. j 42,318 6 4 I 20,651 18 2 5,573 5 11 . 4,119 16 o I [ 72,663 6 5 38,489 7 1 2,292 6 1 19,381 16 1 60,163 9 3 j 6,182 18 2 I 11,681 1 1 13,416 10 9 j 1,363 19 3 302 4 6 165,773 9 5 Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland Napier-Taranaki Wellington Hurunui-Bluff .. •Greymouth-Brunner -Grey-Hokitika .. Westport Nelson Picton o 17 o OIIO 55 17 11 42 6 10 149 8 1 63 o 10 5 14 10 °37 045 020 3 " 2 o 18 II o 6 11 12 12 9 log 153 80 3 9 3 14 3 7 1 1 41 o 5 .. o 12 3 no 10 11 6 16 8 19 o 3 11 7 8 .. 1 19 8 1 5 3 7 1 1 0 12 3 19 o 3 1 19 8 1 n 2 0 18 11 1 3 n O II o 70 16 8 133 5 " 191 o 9 199 8 8 19 2 2 037 11 19 11 15 14 " 9 15 7 misgel: 036 552 757 4 10 3 8 12 9 076 087 o 14 1 067 077 ANEOUS. 036 036 2 18 3 2 18 3 360 396 726 41 73i 9 3 1,632 3 8 1,639 9 3 208 1 1 212 n 4 4,188 7 9 4,197 o 6 076 624 6 10 n 190 13 o 191 7 1 18 19 4 19 5 " 12 12 n 13 o 6 006 006 003 213 9 2 673 1 5 83 12 10 1,176 9 8 34 19 I 28 7 5 o 4 11 072 090 5 19 3 7 o II 2 1 10 415 13 9 868 15 5 170 3 11 2,485 15 5 62 17 3 3 18 8 202 14 n 10 1 9 17 12 2 1 12 6 9 13 6 147 14 10 868 16 o 467 5 4 2,418 3 6 44 3 7 56 16 6 29 9 o 30 15 9 30 7 3 100 207 19 4 314 9 7 144 15 5 4i5 15 2 32 6 3 8 14 .8 21 17 1 627 1,787 3 o 4,497 i? 7 1,269 9 7 10,892 12 11 193 15 10 95 17 1 507 18 o 87 7 5 72 10 o 10 4 4 .. 1 n 2 15 12 n 645 72 2 2 " 1 n x 5 6 Total 321 17 8 289 30 n 11 8 31 9 8 28 1 7 31 9 8 654 2 o 6,989 11 11 7,017 13 6 2,211 I II 4,252 15 3 4,104 17 9 1,200 15 4 19,441 5 9 Grand total .. 180,722 5 11 57,808 17 3 16,579 8 6 13,340 2 11 ■ 43,oi7 6 8 177,832 io 8 13,340 2 II 268,450 14 7 I 73,844 17 7 2,292 6 I 58,678 o 4 8 ! 20,020 4 4 136,449 19 11 201,165 15 4 27,010 14 I 4,428 16 2 735,358 15 i ' 3-D. 2 A. C. Fife, lailway Aco mritant. #



RETURN No. 4. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Revenue and Expenditube, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue, for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894.

Proporti( >n of ei tch Class of Expenditure to Mileage ai id Revenue. iileage. I tvenue. Classified Expenditure. Locomotive Power. Repairs of Carriages and Wagona. Traffic Expenses. General Charges. Sundries. >tal for Tear. Maintei Locomotive. Carriage and Wagon Repairs. Trai Expei lie ISC9. G-eneral Charges. Sundi -iee. laneo. Section. TrainMileage. Total. Per Mile of Railway per Annum (Average). 4>" a u u Maintenance of Way. Total. O . . « « 3 rS|§ Id B* p, w °*a' d 9 3h °^.a SMS Pj p. .2 i <DHH & 1 - dn p, ' ■sis 0. g, a '3 ■ 1- a to s. d. S 1 o 8 12 9 9 o 11 085 5 12 10 ]i 3 4 i7 6 6 35 1 5 |8 10 9 io 11 2 ;8 18 9 #3 7 3 £ 9389 73-76 93'23 65-05 63-19 61-99 61-58 54-87 73-90 56-27 102-04 101-37 £ d. ; £ 109-86 90-82 ; 49-69 79-83 S r 93 48-34 50-65114-18 53-66 IS9-35 50-68 167-42 57-56133-84 I39'29 577-63 40-83 44-82 93-81273-57 59-44187-51 65-80 176-36 56-69140-35 d. £ 6618 d. 24-28 17-06 13-03 10-85 13-88 16-18 13-69 I3-97 9-61 22-91 . 10-92 111-44 £ 40-981 30-33! it-66] 24-90 32-22 53-8i 25'05 160-13 43-10 129-56 20-99 24-13 d. 15-03 4-65 6'2I 4'35 4-38 4-68 3-83 14-32 8-41 14-65 2'95 4-67 £ 94-52; 91-06 i II-02 76-19: 83-78 I42-59 112-61 587-84. 66-56 183-18 122-20 70-54 d. 34-68 I3-97 5-86 i3'30j "•39I 12-40 17-22 ■52-59 1 12-99 (20-72 117-21 r I3-66 6-88 9' J 3 2-08 10-24 13-81 22-04 14-31 61-67 5'33 31-89 10-84 6-76 d. 2-52 1-40 rn i-79 r88 £ d. 1893-94. Kawakawa ... Whangarei ... Kaihu Auckland Napier-Taranaki Wellington ... Hurunui-Bluff Greymouth-Brunner... Greymouth-Hokitika... Westport Nelson Picton 8 7 17 288 332 92 1,101 8 5, 2 32 io,957 7,668 375,123 585,340 253,960 1,728,378 21,461 8,515 51,578 39,202 25,817 £ s. d. 2,550 18 5 3,075 13 1 1,779 11 o 121,703 8 7 207,089 9 11 86,515 8 2 673,089 15 10 22,701 o 7 1,960 1 8 35,829 16 o 9,5'4 15 9 6,982 18 2! £ s. d. 318 17 4 439 7 7 104 13 7 445 17 3 624 6 10 940 7 8 611 6 10 2,837 I 2 7 283 2 5 i,474 o 2 413 13 9 335 5 8 s. d. 9 9 5 7i 4 7i 6 5* 7 1 6 pi 7 9-2 21 i| 4 7* 13 ioi 4 ioi 5 5 £ s. d. 726 n 10 558 IS 10 821 14 11 31,166 3 6 52,853 4 8 15,402 18 3 147,354 7 5 4,621 1 o 310 5 9 6,649 16 o 4,312 15 2 3,673 o 3 £ s. d. 529 8 11 779 3 2 416 5 11 i6,959 4 10 33,866 18 6 17,128 9 o 98,626 5 10 1,248 19 4 340 19 o 4,922 11 7 1,783 8 8 1,230 15 11 £ s. d. 327 16 3 212 6 7 198 6 6 6,796 19 11 10,686 18 9 4,950 13 2 27,583 8 8 1,281 1 3 298 7 7 3,i49 3 1 482 13 4 502 9 2 £ s. d. 756 3 8 637 8 s| 187 6 6 20,796 11 5 27,790 4 10 13,118 10 4 123,983 9 7 4,702 13 7 460 16 5 4,452 14 1 2,810 12 1 1,469 4 5 £ s. d. 55 o 4 63 18 7 35 7 1 2,795 18 9 4,579 3 3 2,027 4 2 15,758 9 o 493 7 3 36 18 6 775 4 11 249 4 6 140 17 9 £ s. d. 1702 ... 65S 10 o 1,089 2 10; 1,003 8 5 1,211 6 o 107 19 oj 1 3 6; 211 1 6 70 5 o 61 19 9; £ 2,39 2,2c: i,6< 79,i7 130,8c 53,63 ,414,51 ! 12,45 i 1,44 ' 20,16 9,7C 7,07 299-38 324-09 97-59 290-04 394'54 582-95 376-49 1,556-88 209-23 829-39 422-13 339-87 384-46 33-35 12-24 25-72 19-94 21-68 14*56 20-46 51-68 8-75 30-94 26-40 i 34-14 111-31 24-49 62-13 I02'IO 186-18 89-58 156-12 49-25 202-51 77-54 59-10 1-91 2-19 5-52 1-04 3-61 i-53 1-31 2-08 2'43 2-40 3-28 10-91 no I3-49 ■17 8-68 3"0S 2-98 •37 •42 •45 ■95 '17 I-2I 24 27 23 21 03 •98 ■43 •58 Totals ... Postal, &c., services not recovered 4,428 16 2 62-70 [ 20-70 92-97 -13-71 29-52 4-35 I05-I8 'IS'SI 14-12 2-32 •34 i,948 3,113,231 1,172,792 17* 2 27,000 o o 613 3 2 7 6i| |268,450 14 7 177,832 10 56,470 4 3 201,165 15 27,010 14 1 ;735,3. 8 15 1 ... i,i99,79 2 '7 2 735,3. 8 15 1 61-29 1892-93. Kawakawa ... Whangarei ... Kaihu Auckland Napier-Taranaki Wellington ... Hurunui-Bluff Greymouth... Westport Nelson Picton 8 7 17 265 328 91 1,101 8 20 23 18 5,340 8,373 1,676 344,9io 58o,943 232,971 1,705,033 23,172 38,750 39,016 21,990 2,807 l 9 7 2,740 13 o 410 2 11 116,860 15 2 198,850 12 11 82,368 1 1 705,552 2 7 26,048 18 5 29,152 14 11 9,575 16 7 7, J 53 16 8 350 19 11 39 1 I0 5 96 10 1 440 19 8 606 5 o 905 2 10 640 16 7 3,256 2 4 i,457 I 2 9 416 6 10 397 8 8 10 6 6 6i| 4 iot: 6 9i! 6 10 7 0! 8 3 i 22 si 15 °i 4 ioi 6 6 605 o 6 630 1 7 296 11 6 29,743 7 2 47,007 12 10 14,614 15 6 154,391 16 1 4,970 is 10 3,690 8 1 3,i75 19 11 3,473 18 6 5" 19 9 716 1 8 114 12 4 17,233 8 7 30,942 13 n 17,607 19 2 107,579 !5 10 2,389 9 11 3,646 10 2 i,S99 2 9 1,432 o 6 298 6 10 129 16 o 82 16 10 5,626 19 6 10,601 16 8 3,901 7 9 28,226 9 9 1,766 11 4 2,255 8 4 689 15 2 382 13 5 782 18 9 556 18 2 72 6 3 20,691 19 6 27,305 9 o n,855 19 5 127,551 13 6 5,246 11 5 3,673 17 10 2,838 12 4 i,576 6 3 56 3 4 5° !3 1 4 10 9 2,485 8 1 4,036 16 9 1,839 4 6 14,946 15 3 507 J 9 1 586 10 2 239 15 2 140 16 10 266 " 7 3 079 640 15 11 1,189 10 6 940 3 8 1,289 10 4 398 19 8 152 12 4 65 3 3 67 5 7 2,2; 2,0c 5; 76,4: I2I,oS 50,7; 433,9* 15,2* 14,01 8,6< 7,o; 6 15 8 4 17 9 1 5 5 1 18 9 3 19 8 9 10 o 609 p 7 3 5 6 " :8 8 7 13 1 1 80-37 76-44 139-28 65-40 60-89 61-63 61-51 58-66 48-04 89-90 98-87 282-10 299-27 I34H2 288-38 369-16 557-79 394'i7 1,910-05 700-27 374-28 392-9S 390-84 101-43 75-63 60-05 90-01 81-8o 69-78. 53-18:112-24 50-02'143-3 1 52-29 i6o'6o 6i-09'i40'23 158-261621-35 86-74 184-52 52-95138-09 77-20 193-00 58-53140-18 27-19 18-06 42-47 20-70 19-42 15-06 21-73 5I-48 22-86 'i9'54 137-92 64-00 102-30 26-97 6S'03 94'34 i93'49 97-71 298-69 18233; 69-53i 79-56 98-10 23-01 20-53 16-41 11-09 1278 18-14 15-14 24-75 122-58 ! 9-84 15-63 37-29 13-41 97-87 18-54' 3-72 79-56 19-4911-86 17-02 21-23' 3-91 78'o8| 32-32: 4-38! 83-25! 42-871 4-02130-29 25-64 3-98! 115-85 220-82 18-30655-82 ii277'i3-97|i83-69 29-99; 4-24; 123-421 21-26 4-18 87-57 28-81 4-32'107-92 35-I9 15-96 10-36 |i4'40 jn-28 12-21 17-96 54'34 J2275 (17-46 17-20 7-02 7-24 I-07 9-38 12-31 20'2I I3'57 63-50 29-33 10-42 7-82 2-53 i-45 •65 i'73 1-67 1-89 2'IO S'26 3-63 1'47 i-54 •29 1-62 •09 2-42 363 10-33 1-17 49-87 7'63 2-83 ■10 ■33 •05 •45 •49 ■97 •18 4-i3 •95 -40 ■73 •38 3'74 Totals ... Postal, &c, services not recovered 61-97 '< 20-99 114-69 16-16 13-29 1-99 2'54 1,886 3,002,174 1,181,521 13 10 26,000 o o 630 14 8 7 I0 i 262,600 7 183,773 14 7 '53,962 1 7 202,152 12 5 24,894 13 o 4,758 2 9 732; I 1 11 10 ... ... 732,1 [1 11 10; 60-63 1,207,521 13 10 .. 0. Fife, Eai iwa - Accounta: i.

D,— 2


RETURN No. 5. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Passenger and Goods Traffic for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.

4—D. 2.

ria 'assengers. Parcels, &< Live-Stock, Goods, &c. Sections. a* ■ 5.° i First I Total Season Tickets. Firewood. Timber. Merchandise. Minerals. Uass. Seco id Class. Total. Parcels. Horses. Carriages. Dogs. Total. Drays, &c. Cattle. Calves. Equivalent Tonnage for Live-Stock, &c. Chaff, &c. Wool. Grain. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Sheep. Pigs. Total. 1893-94. Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland ... Napier-Taranaki Wellington Hurunui-Bluff Grey mouth-B runner Grey mouth-Hokitika Westport Nelson Picton 8 7 17 288 332 92 1,101 8 24 27 23 21 Single. 940 2,464 55 17,336 30,137 11,042 64,626 922 338 92 501 1,763 Return. 650 "382 40,294 127,668 86,432 395,024 5,558 1,056 506 2, 776 7,354 Single. 2 ,374 8,717 3,022 92,300 151,750 54,443 301,110 10,656 2,169 8,249 9,806 6,855 Return. 3,430 14,130 275,452 441,564 267,774 1,324,588 70,036 14,936 35,128 51,628 24,668 No. 7,394 II,l8l 17,589 425,382 751,119 419,691 2,085,348 87, 172 18,499 43,975 64,7" 40,640 No. 6 4 1 2,097 1,627 2,254 10,239 246 9 188 396 159 No. i,494 1,709 48,254 72,788 50,506 259,953 4,439 305 4,211 3,648 1,463 No. 59 9 750 3,770 925 6,619 136 40 8 No. 4 39 242 75 412 5 3 No. 9i '"65 2,301 6,465 2,703 13,302 280 8 102 "4 236 No. 1,648 1,783 51,344 83,265 54,209 280,286 4,860 356 4,321 3>774 1,734 No. 2 9 I 78 145 43 54i 8 No. 18 215 11,565 8,622 1,318 13,206 4 1 No. I 2 16 2, 112 290 723 1,092 3 1 2 4 3 No. 626 I,"3 103,370 240,066 242,955 763,864 2,867 No. 20 19 1,683 4,438 1,130 30,524 154 No. 667 1,339 36 118,808 253,56i 246,169 809,227 3,036 2 121 Il8 1,426 Tons c. q. 32 18 O 120 15 O 2 2 0 8,201 15 O 12,741 3 O 10,260 8 o 36,502 12 o 126 7 o 080 640 500 64 12 o Tons c. q. 5,952 O O 4,062 O O 2,322 o o 23,940 o o 216 o o Tons c. q. 63 4 0 1,756 4 0 13,937 8 0 7,906 16 0 76,039 o 0 56 4 0 3 16 0 Tons c. q. 336 O O 138 O o 3,934 o o 38,988 o o 7,458 o o 25,830 o o 252 o o 558 o o 1,698 o o 2,364 O O 3, 102 O O Tons c. q. 118 17 O 562 9 o 430 12 o 13,832 5 o 46,237 10 o 17,649 2 o 88,466 o o 9,038 o o 84 17 o 4,173 II o 2,489 9 o 109 2 o Tons c. q. 11,637 8 O 22,517 15 O 4,394 8 o 365,119 7 o 1,499 3 o 5 14 o 23 16 o 2,830 8 o 3,163 5 o Tons c. q. 2,038 19 O 5,402 12 O 1,851 18 O 35,134 6 O 57,780 17 O 22,154 O O 239,348 5 o 4.593 11 o 1,021 13 o 2,978 9 o 2,352 13 o 2,458 8 o Tons c. q. 10,558 6 O 16,430 12 O 12 O O 77,541 2 O 17,778 14 O 13,323 7 o 349,327 13 ° 134,429 7 o 248 2 0 240,792 13 o 1,695 II o 2,401 o o Tons c. q. 13,052 2 O 22,458 17 O 2,432 10 o 149,787 5 o 201,302 4 o 75,207 13 o 1,168,070 5 o 150,084 5 o 1,922 2 o 249,942 9 o 13,126 s o 13,259 7 o Tons c. q. 13,085 O O 22,579 12 O 2,434 12 O 157,989 O O 214,043 7 O 85,468 I o 1,204,572 17 o 150,210 12 O 1,922 10 o 249,948 13 o 13,131 5 o 13,323 19 o 1 3 1 21 "3 "3 i,347 2 276 o o 1,098 o o 744 o o 1 33 11 2 296 4 0 1,281 12 0 3 52 Totals i,948 130,216 667,700 651,451 2,523,334 ,972,701 17,226 448,770 12,350 793 25,667 487,580 831 34,974 .,249 1,356,434 38,022 i,434,5io 68,064 4 o 38,610 o o 101,340 8 0 84,658 o o 183,191 14 o 411,191 4 o 377,ii5 11 o 864,538 7 o 12,060,645 4 o 1,128,709 8 o 1892-93. Kawakawa Whangarei Knihu • ... Auckland... Napier-Taranaki Wellington Hurunui-Bluff Greymouth Westport Nelson Picton 8 7 17 265 328 9 1 1,101 8 20 778 2,486 21 16,498 29,991 8,242 63,105 i,354 18 634 1,764 640 38,418 121,956 79,744 405,058 6,844 374 2,248 5,354 2,766 8,464 1,601 90,366 146,126 42,417 289,493 10,170 5,709 10,099 6,652 4,358 2,648 249,864 404,438 243,562 1,293,224 67,420 26, 140 45,286 22,714 8,542 10,950 4,270 395,146 702,511 373,965 2,050,880 85,788 32,241 58,267 36,484 3 3 2,144 1,584 2,036 9,939 247 157 258 133 1,238 416 43 ,'498 70,417 37, 307 255,868 3,443 3,547 3,552 1,324 71 4 765 3,809 990 7,282 47 1 II 57 267 90 480 8 95 27 2,380 7,195 2,748 13,604 359 67 79 226 1,415 447 46,700 81,688 4i,i35 277,234 3,857 3,6iS 3,640 i,573 1 13 79 158 42 474 13 4 2 10 29 199 10,031 5,382 1,770 12,320 25 3 1 1 2 2,i77 225 850 564 7 1,324 1,278 2 100,631 241,482 224,154 748,291 2,511 "3 429 831 45 5 2,072 5,930 1,165 29.195 228 2 2 1,401 1,490 7 114,990 253,177 227,981 790,844 2,784 122 443 1,014 65 o o 123 19 o 060 7,600 2 o 11,780 15 o 9,666 5 o 35,471 6 o 124 16 o 711 o 19 o o 45 10 o 6 0 0 boo 5,094 o o 2,268 o o 2,118 o o 22,464 o o 168 o o 504 o o 978 o o 708 o o 56 16 0 i,554 o 0 11,879 12 0 6, 799 o 0 74,474 12 0 41 12 0 378 o o 12 o o 2,688 o o 41,712 o o 8,328 o o 26,862 o o 520 o o 1,506 o o 2,610 o o 3,570 o o 210 9 o 150 9 o 27 2 O 12,105 7 o 41,607 19 o 19,863 II o 81,413 6 o 8,162 12 o 3,083 3 o 1,994 I2 O 291 14 O 36 16 o 11,476 2 o 21,447 9 o 4,538 8 o 478,731 1 o 1,579 8 o 8 17 o 2,181 9 o 3,637 5 o 2,066 12 o 4,936 10 o 416 o o 33,171 19 o 57,295 3 o 24,515 2 o 261,694 17 o 5,984 2 0 2,189 14 ° 2,425 4 o 2,715 13 o 11,763 19 o 14,618 II o 288 o o 80,312 8 o 18,277 3 o ii>354 18 o 372,085 15 o 168,564 8 -o 201,096 7 o 3,213 18 o 2,455 14 o 14,425 o o 19,768 6 o 779 18 o 146,401 16 o 194,487 6 o 77,5i6 19 o 1,317,725 11 o 185,020 2 o 208,388 I o 13,686 15 o 15,130 14 o 14,490 o o 19,892 5 o 780 4 o 154,001 18 o 206,268 I o 87,183 4 o i,353,i96 17 o 185,144 18 o 208,395 12 O 13,705 15 o 15,176 4 o 23 18 4 20 5 3 9 2 283 12 0 1,752 8 0 170 Totals 64,904 10 o [34,314 o o 1,886 124,891 660,636 613,863 2,359,654 3,759,044 16,504 420,610 12,993 921 26,780 461,304 796 29,761 3,836 1,321,046 38,814 96,841 12 0 88,186 o o 168,910 4 o 523,636 15 o 397,410 16 o 884,031 I o 2,193,330 8 o 2,258,234 18 1,394,253 Revenue. Miles travelled by -rains. Sections. Ordinary Passengers. Season Tickets. Parcels and Luggage. Total Coaching. Goods. Miscellaneous. Rents and Commission. Total Goods. Grand Total Revenue. Passengers and Mixed. Goods. Total. Shunting and Ballasting. Grand Total. 1893-94. Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland... Napier-Taranaki Wellington Hurunui-Bluff Greymouth-Brunner Greymouth-Hokitika Westport Nelson Picton £ s. d. 368 14 6 312 6 6 823 7 2 38,883 14 o 90,229 n 6 31,496 o 3 203,816 9 1 2,781 11 5 1,315 16 6 2,674 12 5 3,370 11 7 2,406 16 1 £ s. d. 53 17 11 42 2 5 86 17 6 3,297 10 o 3,104 9 o 2,676 3 4 13,259 5 2 185 3 11 53 on 207 4 o 399 9 1 174 IS 6 £ s. d. 83 12 7 6 9 3 58 1 4 4,175 2 10 9-353 16 9 4,257 13 8 26,558 17 2 165 18 11 41 17 7 191 12 2 208 o o 105 3 7 £ s. d. 506 5 o 360 18 2 968 6 o 46,356 6 10 102,687 17 3 38,429 17 3 243,634 11 5 3,132 14 3 1,410 15 o 3,073 8 7 3,978 o 8 2,686 15 2 £ s. d. i,957 14 5 2,580 4 4 810 19 9 72,881 19 10 97,761 14 2 46,195 10 4 405,823 14 11 17,518 7 5 549 2 5 31,644 5 7 4,970 19 6 3,774 15 2 £ s, a. 54 11 6 70 6 7 0 5 3 288 5 3 3,337 15 2 264 13 1 11,007 18 4 1,958 9 5 o43 869 7 4 411 19 7 299 o 10 £ s. d. 32 7 6 64 4 o 2,176 16 8 3,302 3 4 1,625 7 6 12,623 11 2 91 9 6 £ s. a. 2,044 13 5 2,714 14 11 811 s o 75,347 1 9 104,401 12 8 48,085 10 II 429,455 4 5 19,568 6 4 549 6 8 32,756 7 5 5,536 15 1 4,296 3 o £ s. d. 2,550 18 5 3,075 13 1 i,779 n ° 121,703 8 7 207,089 9 n 86,515 8 2 673,089 15 10 22,701 o 7 1,960 1 8 35,829 16 o 9,5i4 15 9 6,982 iS 2 No. 5,056 io,957 7,668 294,650 562,870 199,486 1,563,220 20,656 8,383 Si,578 38,319 25,580 No. 176 80,473 22,470 54,474 165,158 805 132 No. 5,232 10,957 7,668 375,123 585,340 253,960 1,728,378 21,461 8,515 51,578 39, 202 25,817 No. 3,564 5,687 1,782 76,185 I33,4i6 76, 809 516,910 24,809 3,826 39,514 5,021 4,757 No. 8,796 16,644 9,450 451.308 718,756 330,769 2,245,288 46,270 12,341 9 I,092 44,223 30,574 242 14 6 153 16 o 222 7 o "883 237 Totals 378,479 11 o 23,539 18 9 45,206 5 IO 447,225 15 7 686,469 7 10 18,562 16 7 20,534 17 2 725,567 1 7 1,172,792 17 2 2,788,423 324,808 3,ii3> 2 3i 892,280 4,005,511 1892-93. Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland ... Napier-Taranaki Wellington Hurunui-Bluff Greymouth Westport Nelson Picton 405 4 9 315 16 6 188 13 9 36,589 15 1 86,723 7 9 28,850 14 8 203,860 10 3 3-oiS 3 2 2,106 10 6 3,330 7 3 2,208 s 2 58 5 8 45 10 2 3,255 1 7 2,993 14 11 2,296 16 3 13,506 19 3 205 13 1 176 18 6 349 1 8 136 n 10 93 19 7 8 8 1 22 14 8 4,021 18 6 9,276 3 8 3,7i9 o 7 27,096 19 6 116 7 s 152 o s 209 4 2 84 8 3 557 10 o 369 14 9 211 85 43,866 15 2 98,993 6 4 34,866 n 6 244,464 9 o 3,337 3 8 2,435 9 5 3,888 13 1 2,429 5 3 2,i6i 3 3 2,291 13 1 192 14 6 70,677 14 6 93,737 7 4 45,646 6 8 436,162 13 o 21,669 10 o 25,890 17 10 5,161 17 10 4,193 9 1 45 I2 6 19 17 2 000 334 H 6 3,239 14 6 271 17 10 12,631 9 5 957 11 3 616 9 8 370 8 2 336 9 4 43 13 10 59 8 o 1,981 11 o 2,880 4 9 1,583 5 1 12,293 n 2 84 13 6 209 18 o 154 17 6 194 13 o 2,250 9 7 2,370 18 3 198 14 6 72,994 o o 99,857 6 7 47,50i 9 7 461,087 13 7 22,711 14 9 26,717 5 6 5,687 3 6 4,724 11 5 2,807 l 9 7 2,740 13 o 410 2 11 116,860 15 2 198,850 12 11 82,368 1 1 705,552 2 7 26,048 18 5 29,152 14 11 9,575 16 7 7, 153 16 8 5,156 8,303 1,676 293,995 5S4,694 189,480 1,520,367 22,362 38,750 38,283 21,381 184 70 So,9i5 26,249 43,491 184,666 810 5.340 8,373 1,676 344,9io 58o,943 232,971 1,705,033 23,172 38,750 39,016 21,990 3,874 5,294 335 76,476 119,644 71, no 527,287 32,561 33,402 5,056 5,303 9,214 13,667 2,OII 421,386 700,587 304,081 2,232,320 55,733 72,152 44,072 27,293 733 609 Totals 367,594 8 10 23,024 12 11 44,801 4 10 '435,420 6 7 707,785 7 1 18,830 4 4 19,485 15 10 746, 101 7 3 1,181,521 13 10 2,694,447 307, 727 3,002,174 880,342 3,882,516



RETURN No. 6. Estimated Cost of Construction of Railways, Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines.

Note.—The amount stated as cost of construction of opened lines includes the Provincial and General Government expenditure on railways, but does not include expenditure on the Greymouth and Westport Harbour Works. A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

1886. 1887. 1888. 1893. 1894. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. Section. State of Line. °Cr,r° f Net of struction. Revenue. Interest. C Con 01 Net Eate of struction. j Revenue. Interest. C Co n ° f Net Rate of struction. Revenue. Interest. c ° st of Net Rate of struction. Revenue. Interest. Cost of Net Eate of . Revenue. Interest, struction. Cost of Construction. Net Eate of Revenue. Interest. C Con° f Net Eate of struction. Revenue. Interest. Cost of Construction. Net Rate of Eevenue. Interest. Cost of Construction. Net Revenue. Rate of Interest. Kawakawa Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopenea Openea £ 89,441 £ 958 £ s. d. 115 £ 90,528 £ 1,951 £ s. d. 2 3 1 £ 90,069 £ 1,393 £ s. d. 1 10 11 89,993 £ 973 £ s. a. 118 £ 90,235 £ 857 £ s. a. 0 19 0 £ 90,235 £ 1,039 £ s. a. 13 0 £ 90,337 £ 1,225 £ a. a. 17 1 £ 90,337 £ 551 £ s. a. 0 12 2 £ 90,337 156 £ s. d. 0 3 5 Whangarei-Kamo 68,241 *617 0 18* 1 69,961 *717 106 69,721 **81 0 2* 4 69,722 *692 0 1910 70,095 *398 0 li' 4 70,095 1*126 1 12 2 72,090 **244 0 *6 9 70,145 15,080 49,622 71,287 ( 184,584 {1,727,703 252,940 • 860,318 49,776 103,587 1,427,489 "646 0 18 5 70,145 24,306 49,942 85,690 ( 184,584 I 1,882,058 122,865 ■ 861,739 39,522 139,933 1,429,178 "807 1 *3 0 Kaihu Marton-Te Awamutuf (North End) | Auckland Napier -161 "l20 0 *4 10 60,780 182,869 135,501 104,838 108,978 1,688,971 161,186 662,832 64,708 7,785 99,018 1,400,674 49,054 178,377 1,720,587 134,414 656,164 133,390 1,200 103,452 1,408,900 52,226 f 184,354 (1,725,583 168,465 I 847,918 J *2,369 103,452 { 1,416,947 54,420 ( 184,585 \ 1,725,333 208,819 (■ 857,243 \ 18*959 103,587 U,425,225 1,545,181 81,437 559,800 12,109 37,929 2 91 1,672,506 51,694 628,669 7,303 19*228 130 1,807,971 112,500 659,892 28,160 23'950 1 6* 6 I 33,210 1 16 11 I 28,351 1 9 10 I 42,342 ) 2 4 4 1 39,756 2 17 I 40,439 2 2 3 1 42,533 2 12 Unopened Opened Unopened 27,647 4 18 9 29'341 4 13* 4 27*645 4 3* 9 31,'346 4 14* 7 34*214 5 i 3 I 55,473 74,952 t 77,767 } 76,224 Marton-Te Awamutuf (South End) \ Wanganui Opened 2 6 10 3 2 10 3 5 0 3 2 8 1,349,900 18,330 41,815 81650 0 1210 1,398,738 7*255 0 10* 4 1,403,041 9,765 0 1311 I 13,312 0 17 9 I 23,919 1 11 7 Welling ton - Eoxton (private line) Wellington Unopened 41,816 41,798 4i,895 4i,898 42,117 42,117 42,117 42,117 Opened Unopened 815,000 92,762 17,129 5,168 7,288,049 355,199 180,300 15,959 127,230 . 37,777 20,850 2 11 2 961,871 18,236 17,334 5,169 7,428,502 419,786 189,393 15,959 127,234 54,549 22,036 2 5 10 966,386 49,344 20,229 5,169 7,574,218 440,437 195,114 15,959 127,234 69,389 19,436 2 0 3 976,465 74,510 26,163 5,169 7,580,494 503,240 199,121 15,959 127,234 92,274 20,753 2 2 6 1,050,095 15,459 27,206 5,169 7,805,935 430,666 200,219 15,959 127,234 99,784 25,623 2 8 10 1,051,577 15,194 27,498 5,169 7,971,242 329,426 200,231 15,959 127,234 100,011 29,820 2 16 9 1,054,405 17,237 27,498 5,169 8,322,942 40,007 200,288 15,959 127,234 117,748 28,698 2 14 5 1,067,812 25,383 27,502 5,169 8,328,213 72,906 200,288 15,959 127,234 153,327 31,608 2 19 3 1,072,596 42,927 27,502 5,169 8,362,183 100,303 200,288 15,959 127,234 32,884 3 14 Surveys Miscellaneous Hurunui-Bluff 2 15 10 258*572 3 1 10 Opened •Unopened Opened Unopened 239,601 3 5* 9 196," 488 2 12*11 204,192 2 13*11 222,714 2 18* 9 276*016 3 10* 9 270*881 3 711 232,258 271*566 3 5 3 Greymouth 9*850 5 9 3 10," 437 5 10* 2 11,450 5 17* 5 18*188 6 12* 6 8,'338 4 3* 3 91675 4 16* 8 11*556 5 15 5 101769 5 *7 6 101246 5 2 4 „ Harbour Works Greymouth-Hokitika Westport Harbour Works Nelson Opened 214,402 14,111 166,700 8,214 195,800 23,805 300,241 8,*492 3 19 2 214,804 14,111 163,965 12,500 198,570 28,130 162,595 10*385 4 16* 8 222,894 14,111 165,178 12,500 198,494 30,465 105,072 8*444 3 15* 9 232,934 14,111 165,087 12,500 198,548 32,442 75,590 13*000 5 11* 8 13*696 6 i' 0 12*588 5 10* 9 16*613 7 6 0 227,496 14,111 165,609 12,500 ' 204,917 56,341 48,908 25,000 37,644 5,168 15*147 6 13 2 171,032 227,495 14,111 165,009 12,537 204,917 57,591 44,431 25,000 37,665 5,168 512 15,669 0*6 0 6-17 9 Picton Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 2*206 278 16 6 0 2 10 1*764 **94 1 i' 6 0 611 1J429 -270 0 17* 4 l,'i30 *252 0 13* 8 0 2* 6 226,415 14,111 165,448 12,500 199,033 32,568 81,423 25,000 37,600 5,168 **96 1*274 0 i' 2 0 12*10 227,354 14,111 165,447 12,500 199,151 43,847 66,124 25,000 37,619 5,168 -2,230 *284 0 210 227,496 14,111 165,609 12,500 202,491 49,148 47,379 25,000 37,619 5,168 2*048 1*564 1 "i 9 0 15 5 **967 81 0 ii 8 0 '6 9 -194 -95 Stock .. .. .. Stock in suspense Surveys Miscellaneous Opened 36,117 5,169 37,095 5,169 37,094 5,169 37,572 5,168 Total opened .. Total unopened 12,472,814 1,253,352 357,078 2 17 3 13,017,567 1,201,549 299,696 2 6 0 13,352,978 1,250,131 307,515 2 6 0 13,472,837 1,402,350 350,570 2 12 0 13,899,955 1,264,803 412,782 2 19 5 14,278,586 1,065,637 420,998 2 18 11 14,656,091 841,092 408,914 2 15 9 14,733,120 1,033,412 449,380 3 10 15,137,036 805,097 437,434 2 17 9 Gross total 13,726,166 357,078 2 12 0 14,219,116 299,696 2 2 2 15,760,532 449,380 2 17 0 15,942,133 437,434 2 14 10 14,603,109 307,515 2 2 1 14,875,187 350,570 2 7 2 15,164,758 412,782 2 14 5 15,344,223 420,998 2 14 10 15,497,783 408,914 2 12 9

D.— 2

RETURN No. 7. Comparison of Traffic Revenue and Expenditure for the last Fourteen Financial Years.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.

RETURN No. 8. Traffic Ton-Mileage, and Rate of Working, for Five Chief Sections.

g j\ n A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.


Year. Miles. Revenue. Expenditure Expenditure, per cent, of Revenue. Tonnage. Parcels, Horses, and Dogs. Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs. Passengers. 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1,277 i,3i9 i,3S8 i,396 i,477 1,613 1,727 i,758 i,777 1,809 1,842 1,869 1,886 1,948 £ 836,454 892,026 953,347 961,304 1,045,712 1,047,419 998,768 994,843 997,6i5 1,095,570 1,121,701 i,"5,432 1,181,522 1,172,793 £ 521,957 523,099 592,821 655,990 690,026 690,340 699,072 687,328 647,045 682,787 700,703 706,517 732,142 735,359 62-40 58-64 62-18 68-24 65-99 65-91 69-99 69-09 64-86 62-32 62-47 63-34 61-97 62-70 1,377,783 I.437.7H 1,564,793 1,700,040 1,749,856 1,823,767 1,747,754 1,735,762 1,920,431 2 ,073,955 2,086,011 2,066,791 2 >!93,330 2,060,645 No. 286,865 316,611 34i,i86 359,896 347,425 349,428 372,397 399,109 399.056 405,838 413,074 430,216 460,383 486,787 No. 300,704 343,751 477,075 686,287 729,528 858,662 942,017 940,209 919,392 1,068,575 1,348,364 1,153,501 i,393,457 1,433,679 No. 2,849,561 2.911.477 3,283,378 3,272,644 3,232,886 3,362,266 3,426,403 3,45i,8so 3,132,803 3,376,459 3,433,629 3,555,764 3,759,044 3,972,701 No. 6,499 7,207 8,621 9.036 8,999 10,717 11,821 ",518 11,817 12,311 13,881 16,341 16,504 17,226

Ton-Mileage. lis .— .£ o o H "i ?! as- tt Ton-Mileage. nj c =J a. TonMileage. o-~H Section. 1884-85. 188S-86. 1886-87. Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff ... I 7,085,574 2-43 8,539,210 2,983,237 2-13 3,880,550 3,388,925 3-18 3,992,644 2,536,332 3-38 3,497,669 42,877,369 2-47 41,097,413 58,871,437 j 2-53 61,007,486 2-24 2-15 2-78 3-81 2-48 8,158,758 4,266,747 4,167,454 3,465,445 39,068,490 2'60 2 - o6 2-87 4-33 2-59 Totals ... 2-52 59,126,894 2-68 Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff ... 1885-88, 1888-89, i889-9< 8,276,481 4,094,397 4,028,006 3,676,963 39,781,108 2-SS 2-30 2-81 4-15 2-47 7,950,854 4,182,146 4,012,443 3,487,9" 39,557,567 2-19 i-95 2-84 3-91 2'37 8,177,770 4,963,864 4,516,965 4,553.668 46,789,728 2-16 165 2-42 3-08 2-07 59,856,955 2'6o 59,190,921 2-44 69,001,995 2-14 1890-91, . j 1891-92, 1892-9; Auckland Napier-Taranaki ... Wellington Hurunui-Bluff ... 9,228,869 10,093,156 5,063,457 53,350,677 I-8 5 2-51 2-35 i - 93 9,899,396 11,710,544 5,632,828 50,106,636 1-76 2-15 2-II 2-00 10,146,797 13,205,014 5,816,437 51,699,231 I 80 2-15 221 2-04 \>taj 77,736,159 2'02 77,349,4°4 2'00 80,867,479 2-04 1893-94. .uckland lapier-Taranaki.. Wellington lurunui-Bluff .. 10,508,134 13,581,490 5,999.468 51,221,958 I I i-8o 2-23 2-02 I-92 Totals 81,311,050 1-97



A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

RETURN No. 9. STATEMENT showing Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894.

Sections. Kawakawa Kaihu. Auckland. NapierTaranaki. 1 "Wellington, j Christchurch. Dunedin. Invercargill. B^ tm GreyHokitika. Westport. Nelson. Picton. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Track surfacing 356 2 8 1 i igo o o 445 13 10 13,738 16 10 20,475 4 o 6,507 19 2 27,802 18 o 22,060 6 6: 13.150 7 3 929 19 n 301 13 11 1,314 17 2 965 7 10 1,165 16 0 109,405 3 1 Track renewals 62 2 6 269 15 4 132 7 8 7,228 19 o 12,020 ig o 3,394 7 9 10,719 19 5 10,235 9 1 6,565 8 n j 257 9 3 1 4 11 2,235 14 o 1,036 19 7 i,i93 1 o 55,353 17 5 Ballasting 57 13 5 393 13 7 1,167 16 7 56 8 11 484 14 8 952 7 2 227 7 10 16 3 6 089! 164 18 2 7 1 9 9 6 11 3,538 1 3 Banks, cuttings, ditches, tunnels 81 9 8 12 17 2 108 10 6 i,473 9 8 2,965 o 4 1,060 8 3 1,298 12 2 4,162 18 4 1,110 19 7 44 12 2 219 10 11 4 49 19 11 43 13 4 12,425 4 2 Bridges, culverts, drains .. 84 16 1 6 14 6 36 14 6 3,393 2 8 9,031 o 5 2,023 I 9 6,906 6 o 6,694 13 9 3,277 2 5 874 3 9 972 5 o 1,167 16 2 900 4 9 35,368 1 9 Fences, gates, cattle-stops, hedges 669 3 18 6 914 3 5 1,225 9H 205 o 8 1,541 8 4 2,460 I 4 1,066 12 6 23 14 1 070 289 82 13 o 54 13 11 7,586 18 2 Boads, approaches, &c. .. 520 856 2 15 O 385 3 9 285 10 10 76 15 11 526 9 6 677 8 4 201 9 1 43 19 11 3 13 8 3 13 9 42 10 6 940 2,272 1 9 Water-services, signals, cranes, appliances 2 13 1 15 o 3 410 4 8 529 16 9 244 8 6 1,299 13 10 748 15 1 479 3 o 101 18 5 53 19 10 564 51 12 1 3,942 11 10 Wharves 070 239 10 5 3 17 5 15 1 7 4,182 16 o 12 14 o 1,780 19 1 1,528 3 11 820 7 11 55 6 5 8,639 3 9 Buildings 47 8 8 64 4 9 17 O I 2,127 6 8 2,156 6 7 632 13 3 6,208 16 10 3.351 11 g i,447 10 7 236 4 5 o 15 9 112 11 2 95 5 7 81 12 5 16,579 8 6 Miscellaneous 25 10 1 63 13 I 861 12 10 2,992 2 10 1,201 14 1 2,343 6 5 2,635 3 o. 2,506 15 2 311 16 6 250 12 11 39 6 7 108 9 5 13,340 2 11 Totals ! I 1726 ii io' 558 15 10 821 14 11 31,166 3 6 52,853 4 8 15,402 18 3! 59,147 6 9 [58,161 10 4 30,045 10 4 4,621 I o 310 5 9, 6,649 16 o' 4,312 15 2 3,673 o 3 268,450 14 Rate per mile opened : .. 577 " 7 44 16 4 273 11 4 90 16 6' 79 16 6 48 6 9 "4 3 6 159 6 10 167 8 5 129 19 10 162 o 2 i°4 13 9! 187 10 3 176 7 2 140 7



RETURN No. 10. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894.

Coaching. Stations. a a o o tu of (3 *& a ® a to *■$ u Traffic Expenditure. Number of Outward. Inwt A Outward. Live-stock, Goods, &c. Inward. Revenue. ■O-H 8* go cog Pk o H 3 o R iii <a Pk o in S O o a 6 O ft 8 3 m Equiv. gj. Tonnage 2 for Livestock, &c. I Chaff, &e. j "Wool. I Firewood. Timber Grain. Merchandise. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. I l i p 8 6 ft © So DQ M Equiv. Tonnage for Live-stock, &c. Firewood. Timber. Grain. ***£*£*' Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Ordinary Passengers. Season Tickets. Coaching. Parcels and Luggage. Goods. Total Value forwarded. Stations. Minerals. Chaff, &o. Wool. Total. Goods Miscellaneous. Rents and Commission. Total. W~ w Kawakawa Section — Kawakawa Opua Head Office Accountant General 9 9 1 4 £ s. a. 174 4 8 505 6 10 2,370 2,984 1 530 964 28 81 1 8 48 43 96? 53( 81 28 3 1 43 48 1 1 "l8 "l 480 146 20 Ts. 0. Ts. c. Ts. 0. Ts. c. 6 0 3S0 0 Ts. 0. 0 9 118 8 Ts. c. Ts. c. 563 2 1,475 17 Ts. c. 10,558 6 Ts. c. 11,127 17 1,924 5 Ts. 0. 1 1 1! 1461 480 ( "20 Ts. c. Ts. 0. Ts. 0. Ts. 0. SS0 0 6 0 Ts. c. 118 8 0 9 Ts. c. Ts. c. 1,475 17 503 2 Ts. 0. 10,558 6 Ts. c. 1,924 5 11,127 17 Ts. c. £ s. d. 177 11 3 191 3 3 £ s. d. 12 12 0 £ s. d. 30 15 8 47 8 5 5 8 6 £ s. d. 220 18 11 238 11 8 9 8 10 87 5 7 £ s. d. 1,243 9 7 714 4 10 £ s. a. 4 0 10 50 10 8 £ s. a. 0 10 0 31 17 6 £ s. a. 1,248 0 5 795 13 0 £ s. d. 1,468 19 4 1,035 4 8 9 8 10 37 5 7j Kawakawa Section— Kawakawa. Opua. Head Office. Accountant. General. 76 13 2 4 0 4 37 6 7 •■ •• ■• Totals 756 3 8 5,35. 1,494 69 91 1,494 59 91, 18 626 32 18 •■ •• 336 118 17 2,038 19 10,558 6 13,052 2 13,085 0 18 626 20 32 18 336 118 17 ■ 2,038 19 10,558 6 13,052 2 13,085 0 368 14 6 53 17 11 88 12 7 506 5 1,957 14 5 54 11 32 7 6 2,044 13 5 2,550 18 5 Totals. Whangabei Section— Whangarei Wharf .. Accountant General 10 8 652 13 8 11,181 215 2 1,113 5,402 12 Whangabei Section— Whangarei Wharf. Accountant. 84 14 9 637 8 5 63 4 562 9 16,430 1! 22,458 1' 9 215 2 1,113 63 4 562 9 5,402 12 16,430 ll 22,458 I 1 312 6 6 9 10 1 32 12 4 6 9 3 328 5 10 32 12 4 2,580 4 4 70 6 7 64 4 0 2,714 14 11 3,043 0 9 32 12 4 Totals 11,181 4 215 1,113; 120 15 63 4 562 9 5,402 12 16,430 12 22,458 171 22,579 12 21; 1,11; 120 15 63 562 9 5,402 12 16,430 1! 22,458 17 22,579 12 312 6 6 42 2 5 6 9 3 360 18 2 2,580 4 4 70 6 7 64 4 0 2,714 14 11 3,075 13 lj Totals. Kaihu Section— Dargaville Accountant General 8 2 114 13 3 10,333 1 1,709 65 1,709 9 65 1 II 1! Kaihu Section— Dargaville. Accountant. General, 72*13 3 138 430 l: 1,851 11 12 0 2,432 10 1 11 19 138 0 430 12 1,851 18 12 0 2,432 10 823 7 2 7 13 4 79 4 2 58 1 4 889 1 10 79 4 2 810 19 9 0 5 3 811 5 1,700 6 10 79 4 2 Totals 187 6 6 10,333 1 1,709 60 1,70! 65 16 19 2 2 138 0 430 12 1,851 18 12 2,432 11 2,434 12 16 19 2 2 138 0 430 12 1,851 18 12 0 2,432 10 2,434 12 823 7 2 86 17 6 58 1 4 968 6 0 810 19 9 0 5 3 811 5 0 1,779 11 0 1 Totals. Auckland Section— Helensville Avondale Mount Eden Newmarket Auckland (Coach'g) ) (Goods) J Remuera Ellerslie .. .. Penrose Junction .. Onehunga I Wharf j OtaTiuhu Papakura Drury Pukekohe Tuakau Pokeno .. - .. Mercer Huntly Taupiri Ngaruawahia Frankton Junction .. Hamilton West Morrinsville Te Aroha Cambridge Oxford Tarukenga Ohaupo Te Awamutu Head Office Accountant G eneral 14 Hi 12 19 19 19 12 18 16j 13§ 12 11 12 12 13 13 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 12 11 9 9 8 1 1 8 66 3 1 4 10 1 2 2 3 1 1 4 4 1 8 8 2 3 2 3 1 S 1 3 1,469 19 2 145 8 3 161 6 10 1,015 9 10 8,480 6 11 393 8 4 149 8 3 654 10 6 1,477 11 8 176 12 4 148 5 8 131 7 8 261 15 6 149 15 6 112 3 2 623 16 6 505 7 2 133 19 3 244 16 3 383 15 1 259 4 11 201 10 2 364 18 8 463 15 5 172 4 7 171 6 9 99 17 9 868 17 11 19,490 2,130 7,781 28,634 107,449 3,794 11,333 8,479 19,480 4,936 5,479 4,096 3,032 4,504 2,424 1,855 7,869 2,352 1,658 2,450 2,758 3,748 2,905 2,442 4,113 563 716 993 6,061 15 10 232 72 44 369 763 112 81 19 165 97 14 2 22 376 289 595 915 19,314 96 136 218 5,319 158 2,614 889 1,236 685 1,648 702 425 336 129 695 407 2,781 1,779 788 1,243 791 24 1,607 2,159 29 2 3 37 80 24 66 34 9 16 61 37 29 1 1 2 24 "3 "l 194 40 133 179 691 39 76 24 52 24 52 73 39 74 33 24 38 27 19 59 40 74 66 41 62 26 4,912 72 179 2,476 7,492 "99 329 80 385 1,946 307 947 814 6,228 809 900 855 1,617 430 5,550 180 2,444 1,123 1,200 1,953 3,022 470 801 1,728 1 18l 271 22 34 6 40 9 4 19 94 85 76 27 "6 1 "3 328 48 64 87 474 67 98 14 641 89 40 114 61 84 35 25 41 71 18 63 14 72 65 46 57 60 10 48 84 '37 3 "l 1 3 4 31 304 106 615 73 234 302 44 387 120 384 789 507 931 1,140 298 3 2,466 827 276 350 1 24 1,115 7 236 i 34 ) 1 11 1 ■ **8 • 465 1 67 4 8 *43 9 2 1,050 50 62 1 1,865 681 1 "lO 6,089 *212 46 4,256 3,514 4,598 345 1,174 2,275 425 5,942 1,844 4,661 8,146 27,370 1,302 6,993 5,839 192 56 "ll "21 4 17 42 0 24 0 24 0 564 0 186 0 426 0 966 0 312 0 12 0 594 0 221 12 16 12 36 0 12 0 18 4 24 0 24 8 5 0 7 0 60 8 216 0 744 0 *6 0 1,332 0 6 0 78 0 48 0 24 0 7,431 7 973 2 61 16 27 7 2,250 0 231 16 79 2 403 16 587 2 10 13 27 5 6 9 3 7 34 10 6,208 18 15 12 64 8 1,427 2 ' 224 0 42 4 151 19 268 1 332 3 100 19 475 3 31 13 79 16 132 0 3 11 872 8 138 14 205 19 500 7 23 10 1 0 328 13 437 17 3,928 6 463 18 326 10 781 6 19,093 18 18 7 14 16 3,663 14 972 0 1,135 13 167 3 210 0 167 12 795 12 161 4 95 9 173 2 171 17 63 0 491 5 40 8 576 14 294 17 122 6 365 13 197 16 19 16 259 13 372 11 162 16 6,846 1 138 4 87 12 10,720 18 4 10 2,163 8 192 4 3,278 5 2,040 4 4 0 4 3 84 1 I I I 1 12,029 6 9,074 2 529 17 936 15 38,297 14 38 9 14 16 5,827 2 1,460 8 7,288 2 3,013 7 942 4 1,408 16 2,172 15 810 7 309 13 13,912 2 37,218 14 419 3 965 2 278 15 1,932 0 2,622 3 467 6 1,899 18 1,988 14 268 10 1,761 17 1,904 8 5 1 4 2 3 7 6 1 1 2 1 3 394 17 17 7 1 "77 7,850 7 138 4 5 98 21 13 140 16 IS 87 374 57 471 187 60: 78 254 124 63 3 660 380 129 'io 1 5 135 4 5 "l 11 1 20 48 718 1 269 82 100 1 36 3 1,807 154 140 32 'i49 61,308 16,' 587 5,514 495 292 2,034 307 550 925 459 773 737 05 255 461 223 515 1,722 3 13 1*509 "ll 30 0 00 0 6 0 84 0 3,162 0 30 0 *6 0 18 0 18 0 30 0 486 0 210 0 30 0 G6 0 6 0 24 0 1,675 4 1 8 79 12 54 0 84 0 018 0 282 0 60 0 6 0 206 0 18 0 102 0 *6 0 263 15 110 18 1,203 2 110 9 4,881 2 5 16 14 0 2,698 13 297 11 40 9 28 9 421 7 119 7 123 15 80 18 281 11 52 5 224 0 24 13 478 18 338 18 184 4 374 0 510 4 259 7 231 16 472 18 1,199 12 8 0 1 10 586 5 3,2i5 9 47 5 1 10 13 5 594 15 10 14 288 IS 143 4 368 14 146 5 106 9 239 12 444 12 100 7 370 2 14 9 556 8 304 13 209 10 641 2 900 11 271 0 288 11 553 1 4,018 11 121 5 97 7 272 7 11,812 6 16 12 7 0 350 3 253 8 6,413 5 1,598 5 376 5 675 7 861 14 407 2 331 18 392 8 740 14 143 6 663 15 72 8 945 6 254 7 370 8 1,056 19 1,046 10 405 8 402 17 1,027 5 1,797 3 3,577 12 1,786 13 6,359 8 29,6i9 18 132 0 317 11 2,479 5 5,863 3 6,231 2 3.635 11 481 11 832 9 ' 1,373 14 319 1 289 15 318 10 112 14 367 8 489 4 46 2 1,477 17 1,774 3 1,263 9 2,315 5 2,005 0 298 2 780 18 1.636 14 7,303 1 3,991 15 3,712 12 7,694 9 54,425-19 233 1 330 11 3,030 18 0,247 8 15,955 15 6,050 1 1,186 18 1,197 9 3,001 9 1,477 15 1,007 17 1,079 8 1,651 11 699 6 1,771 1 157 12 3,890 9 3,218 1 2,025 11 4,729 6 6,020 5 1,371 17 1,932 2 4,007 18 3,509 16 7 130 3 1 799 3 8 2,129 7 0 15,449 16 1 353 6 2 671 18 9 233 8 3 1,224 8 2 213 14 7 575 19 3 690 8 11 524 9 0 1,050 15 0 454 19 7 428 3 5 1,434 18 5 553 1 2 243 17 7 659 11 0 879 2 3 1,291 15 0 1,058 8 4 837 12 3 1,118 13 5 323 17 0 455 3 10 298 16 9 1,278 18 8 9 10 10 0 10 0 5 0 0 51 12 6 44 9 6 248 9 8 713 2 3 117 2 6 136 8 0 23 0 0 213 1 6 135 0 0 26 2 0 5 10 0 7 0 0 6 0 6 10 0 5 10 0 66 15 3 14 18 10 42 10 4 111 16 3 1,775 3 2 34 3 3 80 14 3 37 1 4 140 19 1 23 9 8 118 5 0 75 11 9 62 13 3 55 4 1 59 7 5 30 12 11 48 1 1 32 13 5 8 19 9 65 7 3 92 17 7 188 16 9 117 9 11 103 18 6 113 5 8 64 17 5 8 4 10 109 12 2 155 16 4 245 0 0 100 16 4 3,581 11 10 196 14 5 886 3 6 2,489 12 11 17,938 1 6 504 11 11 889 1 0 293 9 7 1,578 8 9 237 4 3 829 4 3 792 2 8 592 12 3 1,112 19 1 520 7 0 459 16 4 1,488 9 6 585 14 7 252 17 4 714 18 3 971 19 10 1,480 11 9 1,175 18 3 941 10 9 1,231 19 1 388 14 5 463 8 8 408 8 11 1,434 16 0 254 10 10 1,660 7 111 I 6,890 8 6 i 1,438 12 2 i 215 17 7 897 1 4 23,708 19 0 493 18 0 1 23 19 2 ' 1,530 13 0 302 8 5 2,505 14 10 1,275 0 0 402 16 6 552 17 9 1,286 11 9 422 12 11 279 0 3 4,686 17 0 11,363 18 S 628 5 1 844 8 9 450 2 9 2,072 15 3 2,946 7 6 702 18 3 1,979 0 2 1,491 8 6 163 16 4 1,871 16 10 1,504 11 7 205 12 0 0 2 0 0 8 1 1 14 2 18 19 1 45 6 7 0 10 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 15 9 2 12 9 0 12 2 4 11 5 17 10 11 9 5 19 0 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 17 7 8 4 10 2 12 0 13 6 6 13 2 8 4 5 5 15 0 13 18 10 1 7 11 4 15 7 3 16 11 3 17 6 0 10 O.70 16 2 57 8 0 4 10 0 83 0 0 123 15 0 451 4 0 3' 0 0 30*10 0 4* 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 6 10 5 0 0 1,76 10 0 2 10 0 0 10 0 5 10 0 7 0 0 11 4 0 37 18 0 10 19 0 25 12 0 85 8 0 14 0 ) 7,153 8 6 ) 1,443 4 2 ) 299 5 8 ) 1,022 10 6 ) 470 3 1 23,754 5 7 493 19 0 ) 27 9 2 1,530 18 0 ) 333 9 2 2,608 7 7 I 1,279 7 2 ) 406 1 6 558 15 7 I 1,308 1 2 I 430 2 11 I 284 0 6 I 4,863 12 0 1 11,373 5 10 1 631 19 11 1 851 19 11 1 457 16 3 2,090 12 5 2,992 9 11 719 12 3 2,018 11 0 1,578 4 5 169 15 11 1,875 13 9 1,554 6 1 987 7 8 Or. 121 14 9 10,735 0 4 1,639 18 7 1,185 9 2 3,512 3 5 18,408 4 7 23,754 5 7 998 10 11 916 10 2 1,824 7 7 1,911 17 11 2,745 11 10 2,108 11 5 1,198 4 1 1,151 7 10 2,421 0 3 950 10 5 743 1G 10 0,352 1 6 11,959 0 5 884 17 3 1,566 18 2 1,429 16 1 3,571 4 '2 4,168 8 2 1,661 3 0 3,250 10 1 1,966 18 10 638 4 7 2,284 2 8 2,989 1 1 1,241 18 6 1,538 13 2 Auckland Section— Helensville. Avondale, Mount Eden. Newmarket. Auckland (Coaching) (Goods). Remuera. Bllerslie. Penrose Junction. Onehunga. Wharf. Otahuhu. Papakura. Drury. Pukekohe. Tuakau. Pokeno. Mercer. Huntly. Taupiri. Ngaruawahia. Frankton Junction. Hamilton West. Morrinsville. Te Aroha. Cambridge. Oxford. Tarukenga. Ohaupo. To Awamutu. Head Office. Accountant. General. 1 5 7 27 16 1 16 79 43 26 32 27 16 2 24 33 "l 18 19 8 24 40 62 18 31 S3 19 11 18 39 "l **38 25 11 7 7 63 11 27 16 56 4 29 11 12 14 39 11 9 2 75 15 0 18 839 2 589 2 94 5 12,683 18 37,002 17 9 8 211 17 16 0 318 11 862 14 74 6 67 4 317 13 55 16 38 1 162 6 6 0 18 0 6 0 24 0 1 4 **3 102 0 24 0 120 0 480 0 696 0 12 0 780 0 150 0 111 8 20 4 42 12 148 10 461 4 13 4 159 12 222 0 17 0 38 8 96 12 - 25 16 "e "3 1 "2 2 1 16 1 3 7 75 70 165 34 33 56 32 58 0 *6 0 156 0 3 4 4 4 5 4 8 10 35 1 32 318 0 174 0 264 0 60 0 306 0 126 0 186 0 222 0 114 0 372 0 334 0 282 0 1,192 0 12 0 42 0 96 0 "2 43 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 2 9 18 0 1,002 0 174 0 48 0 18 0 "ll 6 "l 52 47 2*30 44 10,'236 5,546 "68 821 2i6 0 228 0 354 178 6*675 1,191 **6Q 3 *15 45*17 0 987 6 8 1,975*11 5 •• 1,559* 1 7 Or. 60 18 7 1 •• •• Totals 143 20,796 11 6 267,509 2,097 48,254 760 39 2,30: 48,254 751 39! 2,301 78 11,565 2,112 103,370 1,683 8,201 15 5,952 0 1,756 4 8,934 0 13,832 5 11,637 8 85,134 77,541 2 149,787 5 157,989 0 78 11,565 2,112 103,370 1,683 8,201 15 5,952 0 1,756 4 3,934 0 13,832 5 11,637 8 35,134 6| 77,541 149,787 6 157,989 38,883 14 0 3,297 10 Totals. 4,175 2 10 46,356 6 11 72,881 19 10, 288 5 3 2,170 16 8 75,347 1 9 121,703 8 7 Napier-Taranaki Sect Breakwater New Plymouth Through Waitara Through Inglewood Through Stratford .. Through Eltham Through Normanby Through Hawera Through Patea Through Waverley Through Waitotara Through Aramoho Through Wanganui (Coaching) Through Wanganui (Goods) ., Through Wanganui (H. Office) T IONi5 is 13 12 12 12 14 12 '4* *3 *3 *3 2 io 1,823*16 0 654*13 0 254 13 11 366 5 10 242 5 5 160 18 8 1,171 3 5 0 36,944 377 3 7,171 69 1 7,471 64 ) 9,795 183 i 5,846 ! 5,520 i 27'792 617 1 4,714 143 3,060 79 3,317 52 4,227 180 27,261 1,543 "3 "8 35 17 155 91 5 4,550 44 7 256 8 5 792 19 1 982 60 1 382 12 ) 373 5 1 2,116 89 1 558 16 : 366 22 247 4 347 24 10,157 185 18 2 315 10 89 1 93 3 iis a 3 22 1 34 *87 2 *20 11 "l "2 1 0 197 3 1 49 3 122 1 173 5 91 46 1 i 261 11 108 1,293 158 465 34 1,636 95 2,765 198 1,418 66 635 28 2,564 ■ 476 1,288 63 1,234 72 1,199 28 194 26 2,386 508 0 18 5 .. 5 42 8 .. 3 8 5 1 5 9 5 1 1 297 ; 19 i 87 1 1 1 112 141 1 80 "5 "4 *30 4 *2 in 2 52 4 112 4 224 6 102 4 32 1 380 11 103 2 84 2 172 4 80 2 373 28 **2 is "2 *343 "94 "92 "l9 6 50 52 1,347 1,405 132 342 .369 269 80 **8 1 "2 2 154 ljios *846 696 3,753 64 5,811 7,412 6,909 2,824 5,916 8,090 948 3,915 315 492 "l7 "97 "27 "l2 4 43 26 613 794 352 81 160 31 97 12 0 132 0 42 0 54 0 78 0 41 16 6 12 29 16 72 4 i5 16 45 0 615 12 12 0 1,602 0 168 0 63*0 0 726 0 is 0 174 0 173 16 3,262 4 4,130 0 2,027 11, 832 4 155 11 982 10 1,280 12 579 12 232 3 1 10 88 8 340 4 6 0 631 18 8 0 847 5 3 0 287 7 3 0 447 5 6,897 0 5,109 19 30 13 1,036 16 15 5 881 9 84 9 715 10 48 13 486 8 108 2 314 6 29 5 972 6 107 8 3,174 16 167 7 204 4 99 2 106 6 6 15 182 11 0 11 1,380 2 548 7 471 13 *89 2 'is 10 "4 0 **8 0 *32 0 9,259 12 7,106 14 30 13 2,412 9 15 5 6,138 14 85 19 5,186 12 48 13 3,503 19 114 2 2,611 8 37 5 2,618 14 110 8 4,967 8 170 7 1,043 18 99 2 944 5 12 15 2,304 15 0 11 "7 "5 "2 319 50 7 24 2 37 22 35 "l5 328 5 22 "l "5 "2 2,'756 2*379 i95 *450 7 2,508 84 1,787 **88 "l7 132 "65 1 "54 40 3 J I '126 0 *6 0 iii 0 48 0 i2 0 38 16 ) 24 0 ) 55 4 \ ) i 6 4 1 > '2 4 1,350 0 iii 0 54 0 24 0 30 0 1,380 0 3 7 4,524 4 905 2 248 13 541 11 0 4 122 4 333 2 3,740 14 2,167 16 1 13 197 11 977 15 760 9 304 9 1S3 15 547 2 2,390 15 8,070 1G 14 6 370 1 7 0 1,444 13 2 14 2,017 1 27 11 765 18 8 16 396 0 7 1 2,658 2 57 17 1,053 13 4 9 582 17 14 18 644 10 4 19 117 13 15 4 1,786 18 *81 12 727 2 522 13 4 0 206 14 *43 14 8*33 0 2,432 18 18,049 14 15 19 2,035 10 7 0 3,506 3 2 14 3,913 18 31 15 1,411 5 8 10 936 11 7 1 9,167 2 57 17 3,298 0 13 1G 1,950 10 14 18 1,015 14 4 19 1,322 15 23 11 5,311 12 4 599 3 2 817 4 e 93 11 9 1,102 7 8 83 8 10 1,945 15 1 218 3 7 9G1 3 4 60i* 3 2 5,621 16 7 671 16 10 1,137 2 7 132 11 1 743 12 1 70 8 6 778 9 8 45 18 4 933 6 5 106 4 3 7,125 7 9 9% 7 2 51*18 0 8 0 0 27* 0 0 12*19 6 i' 1 0 2* 9 G 12*19 6 594 11 6 34 7 5 45 7 3 4 3 11 64 2 5 1 15 0 88 11 5 9 14 7 29 14 3 1 13 0 43 10 4 3 18 0 421 14 11 32 2 4 107 18 0 3 5 11 86 1 3 6 19 9 45 0 0 0 15 0 43 4 5 3 4 2 1,231 3 6 79 15 9 5,958 1 10 633 10 7 870 11 8 97 15 8 1,193 10 1 85 3 10 2,047 6 0 227 18 2 991 18 7 1 13 0 647 9 0 3 18 0 6,056 11 0 703 19 2 1,255 17 7 135 17 0 836 14 4 77 8 3 824 9 8 46 13 4 977 10 10 109 8 6 8,382 9 5' 1,070 2 11. 1,727 6 10 1 3,575 0 8 63 15 1 969 1 9 33 0 4 1,791 12 0 146 14 2 2,066 19 1 125 10 11 1,087 13 0 179 18 2 868 17 5 91 14 0 2,154 7 3 1,021 6 4 2,855 18 7 476 7 4 690 3 0 471 15 4 883 16 11 160 8 10 585 14 9 26 12 11 Or. 31 14 11 Or. 1 7 10 8,112 0 2 204 19 11 236 12 10 Or. 1 18 2 12 15 8 Or. 0 7 6 1 14 8 715 7 0**6 11 lis 5 35 0 9 Or. 2 13 3 160 13 1 Or. 0 19 5 0 6 11 Or. 0 15 0 3 4 8 86 16 10 28 7 6 5* 2 6 224 4 2 3312 2 13* 2 6 ii' 1 0 1,727 6 10 ) 3,898 10 4 61 16 11 i 1,010 4 11 32 12 10 I 1,798 9 2 146 14 2 i 2,298 18 10 125 10 11 1,121 12 1 179 18 2 883 16 4 91 14 0 2,200 9 0 1,018 13 1 3,050 5 3 475 7 11 091 9 11 471 0 4 387 1 7 166 8 10 737 7 2 25 19 2 99 8 4 Or. 5 6 10 9,480 4 0 204 19 11 472 2 3 1,727 6 10 9,856 12 2 695 7 6 1,880 10 7 130 8 6 2,991 19 3 231 18 0 4,346 4 10 353 9 1 2,113 10 8 181 11 2 1,531 5 4 95 12 0 8,257 0 0 1,722 12 3 4,306 2 10 611 4 11 1,528 4 3 548 8 7 1,211 11 3 213 2 2 1,714 18 0 135 7 7 8,481 17 9 1,070 16 1 9,480 4 0 204 19 11 899 11 6 Napieb-Tabanaki SueBreakwater, [tion New Plymouth. Through. Waitara. Through. Inglewood. Through. Stratford. Through. Eltham. Through. Normanby. Through. Hawera. Through. Patea. Through. Waverley. Through. Waitotara. Through. Aramoho. Through. Wanganui (Coaching) Through. Wanganui (Goods). Through. Wanganui (H. Office). 11 4 660 9 0 "5 "2 "2 '5 12 150 0 8*2* 0 1,267 13 t ) *6 0 10 i 151' 6 10 1 1 772 16 228 0 992 0 212 4 33 7 9 7 292 2 10*17 0 33*13 7 "l2 I 72 *3 1 42 0 338 0 *6 0 *2 9 "l 97 4 52 1 222 0 538 13 "4 0 *623 '6 12 314 12 710 ioo 9 i 83*12 6 *25 3 26 "l 146 1 148 6 ) 35 90 0 6 0 126 0 204 12 384 0 iie 8 'l2 19 2 1,073 51 960 50 **23 102 0 517 2 *72 4 219 18 ioo ii ie> 2 27 318*11 6 4,102**18 2 'l3 34 17 1 503 71 36 1 5 401 22 1 .. 21 ; 1 1 350 1 43 i **4 1 "39 34 "68 252 12 714 0 6 18 338 1 684 13 *481 1 ± 15 8 984 0 52 9 *65 8 *87 17 8 7 i' 1 0 17 4 Or. 0 13 9 Or.178 0 3 Or. 3 19- 0 1,276 19 0 150* 5 1 "ii *i59 149 **2 3,'016 3,825 25*18 2 309* 3 6 •• '*41 206 30 0 *6 12 12 0 560 18 1,522 14 6,770 9 35 0 1,508 12 9*410 5 35 6 *392 1 "l 25j 626 355 1*392 360 0 2,491 16 3,558 0 6,139 2 168 2 1,196 5 987 17 75 19 336 0 4 0 15*069 0 248 1 1 91 4 10 "354 1 9,890 14 3 L 146.779J [ 21,604J1 |l,37l l,868j |l,218 •• •■ ■• •• •• 3,401 0 216* 1 6 2li* 7 9 427* 9 3 67 17 6 404* 4 9 Carried forward .. c— 72 2. 64 672 0 -D. 18,72'. 1.955J 4,981 13l 56,096] 2,669' 612 1,533 4,422 0J 111,407 llj 7,745 1' 26,584 ll 6,023 ll| 58,328 1! 80 1,899 38,90! 1,814 8,406 0J J18.832 6,951 8| 22,346 ll 5,196 ll| 65,805 131 30,312 15 lj Carried forward. 162 4 8 3,194 7 10, 33,669 7 7J 29,843 12 0 1,617 5 1,391 18 e| 32,852 15 5l 66,522 3 0J


RETURN No. 10— continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894.


Coaching. Live-stock, Goods, &c. Stations. CD & O CD s o © •So" m a, 3,3 3 W Traffic Expenditure. Number of Outwi trd. Inwai :d. Firewood. Timber. Outward. Minerals. Total. OQ o3 H A © Pi © A CG i to en s Firewood. Timber. Inward. Grain; ! Merchan- + ri , dise Minerals. Total. Bevenue. Total Value forwarded. to* © I GQ <D ST 3 Chaff, &c. "Wool. to > "3 o Equiv. Tonnage for Live-stock, &c. Coaching. Goods. Stations. 9 8 r] to 01 EH OQ "3 o Ah © jo o W CO SO O ft CO "© 3 £ 3 EG © 00 O w 00 O P to u Q CD 53 4-> o3 O to © o Pi © CO 00 s Equiv. Tonnage for Livestock, &c. Grain. Merchandise. Grand Total Tonnage. Chaff, &c. Wool. Grand Total | Tonnage. Ordinary 1 Passengers. Season Tickets. Total. Goods. Miscellaneous. Rents and Commission. Parcels and Luggage, Total. Napier-Taranaki Section — continued. Brought forward Pordell Through Turakina Through Marton Through . .. Hunterville Through Greatford Through Halcombo Through Feilding Through Palmerston North .. Through Longburn Junction Through Poxton Through Ashurst Through Woodville Through Dannevirke Through Makotuku Through Ormondville Through Takapau Through Waipukurau Through Waipawa Through Kaikora Through Te Aute Through Hastings Through Parndon Through Napier Through Napier (Head Office) Spit Through Accountant General 14 12 11 15 12 13 14 15 13 12 '9i iej 12f 72 1 i "i "5 i '3 5 is '3 '5 i "d 'a £ s. a. 9,890 14 3 135 1 11 84 15 0 496'l7 2 431 9 3 124 9 2 245 2 10 572 8 3 2,474* 8 10 154 13 4 854' 5 10 156 5 2 672 7 3 1,089 8 9 146,779 3,820 78 3,303 94 11,614 764 15,331 292 4,395 354 7,361 236 13,005 1,142 39,089 9,516 11,686 15,849 11,329 74 4,825 18 9,178 850 17,318 350 2,184 400 38 "8 "e *30 "9 16 '30 "4 '37 *39 "l 21,604 333 7 215 20 2,544 88 681 59 427 101 396 35 1,373 228 5,144 1,468 409 11,498 459 61 151 37 1,083 112 1,250 94 500 8 767 7 707 23 2,018 69 1,495 27 595 6 374 2 2,373 78 605 5 10,880 125 1,370 36 1 47 4 113 13 13 2 87 18 26 2 136 17 192 74 13 279 32 11 6 100 6 98 2 5 "l **8 *6 "3 2 1 *3 17 10 1 21 1 "l **4 **2 76 1 1,868 78 3 48 5 175 24 151 15 72 10 59 5 170 38 524 216 139 390 33 2 37 7 320 19 216 4 46 18,729 1,175 37 1,230 56 2,048 576 2,543 366 800 364 1,016 190 2,219 1,195 2,059 3,253 329 3,174 1,366 321 492 212 1,871 795 2,460 548 851 92 1,938 110 2,193 84 2,861 351 2,981 258 2,109 98 1,369 19 3,888 368 465 27 2,414 395 1,218 36 1 44 4 91 14 63 3 92 19 19 4 113 21 244 53 3 298 28 5 21 1 95 12 146 7 6 64 1 2 10 3 11 2 4 "2 4 7 9 2 1 15 1 2 1 17 2 13 1 2 1,955 62, 3 62 3 181; 18 206; 71 75 6 1 60 1 181 30 438: 173! 25 442; 65 3 65 7 313 23 263 11 39 40 "4 15 "l "3 13 4 ii 7 3 1 6 4,981 18 32 25 17 16 1 13 56 82 137 1 6 21 13 703 32 22 1,169 242 8 29 5 186 41 63 13 2 "l **2 1 113 2 "l 56,096 936 2,231 1,450 609 5,057 5,417 10,591 5,786 2,494 8,947 5,689 6,527 2,105 15,004 7,272 825 232 61,263 281 60 489 1,765 2,762 432 242 2,669 32 "21 172 11 31 130 50 15 40 92 99 2 6 764 86 "39 "l2 16 Ts. 0. Ts. c. 612 0 114 0 12 0 270 0 126 0 132 0 60 0 222 0 18 0 294 . 0 30 0 174 0 42 0 822 0 12 0 36 0 18 0 Ts. 0. 1,533 4 446 0 299 8 435 16 202 12 587 12 160 8 37 4 27 16 119 12 200 4 45 8 986 12 29 8 581 4 167 16 24 4 428 4 0 4 14 12 177 10 575 4 216 16 568 12 4 16 41 0 Ts. c. 4,422 0 12 0 1,224 0 1,560 0 228 0 2,172 0 1,500 0 2,602 0 30 0 156 0 66 0 40 0 426 0 6 0 4,416 0 Ts. c. 11,407 11 3,776 0 3,855 16 0 4 4 9 1,292 13 51.11 1,137 16 5 7 > 401 7 16 13 1 0 9 1 1,092 9 1 195 2 ' 135 11 242 0 1 2,055 16 1 78 4 ' 8,738 18 4 9 1 4,788 4 82 13 1 283 11 Ts. c. 7,745 17 494 5 277 2 41 8 1,295 7 53 16 220 6 355 11 187 8 198 7 169 17 7 6 1,563 13 253 2 963 15 1,783 10 1,763 11 18 12 5 3 37 12 3 10 48 2 0 2 9 2 Ts c. 26,584 16 83 1 2 10 69 19 7 12 416 13 25 18 467 1 5 12 93 14 19 15 133 15 27 9 402 6 248 9 1,323 9 681 3 239 4 7,057 19 2,437 8 33 17 86 17 41 5 1,199 0 141 19 209 1 14 0 73 14 2 9 121 11 21 16 128 16 0 17 1,537 3 8 9 420 1 7 16 101 10 0 8 84 6 0 2 647 13 5 6 5,259 10 0 16 2,064 18 15 6 Ts. c. 6,023* 11 76 0 369 16 63 0 *29 13 4 6 1,339 15 213 9 57 18 625 18 1,603 17 *40 7 *66 4 Ts c. 58,328 19 1,225 6 2 10 658 9 49 0 7,787 12 282 6 6,873 15 166 4 850 18 234 19 4,006 0 279 4 3,481 13 1,265 14 7,553 12 1,781 11 1,633 2 10,782 0 7,316 2 52 13 294 3 461 1 4,369 19 446 9 14,064 17 23 7 9,032 0 85 2 1,050 14 21 16 19,906 10 0 17 2,643 12 29 1 2,225 1 15 1 810 13 0 8 2,570 19 18 0 4,161 14 17 8 6,822 6 1 3 4,013 9 15 6 Ts. 0. 30 2 **2 13 1 7 "l 5 1 10 4 5 **8 2 1 7 13 1 1 1,899 49 1 2 13 5 55 **84 2 299 38 470 47 26 3,572 30 42 14 375 10 355 12 37 15 26 "l "l "l 62 "24 1 "2 "4 "5 38,904 132 *788 2,648 20 3,591 215 473 4 523 29 1,226 406 3,550 539 9,465 133,904 1,577 572 180 5,959 43 3,141 60 550 1,814 5 4 *22 "34 148 46 116 1,983 *il4 1 Ts. 0. Ts. c. 672 0 24 0 12 0 114 0 300 0 i2 0 30 0 426 0 30 0 66 0 942 0 12 0 276 0 6 0 66 0 Ts. c. 3,401 0 *6 0 6 0 '6 8 'i 8 7 0 0 4 2,575 0 787 4 '6 4 4 0 Ts. 0. 8,406 0 258 0 324 0 1,866 0 12 0 168 0 36 0 54 0 412 0 6 0 1,466 0 12 0 1,346 0 144 0 24 0 *6 0 Ts c 18,832 9* 226 0 206 14 0 4 1,894 5 0 18 373 7 162 9 136 13 518 9 0 18 2,807 15 717 15 12 9 562 4 803 2 50 13 8 5 0 9 437 11 1 11 25 7 Ts. 0. 6,951 3 152 11 109 16 669 12 11 14 1,007 6 17 0 58 3 284 3 2 0 1,055 13 231 13 2,504 12 714 0 10 10 956 6 828 18 3 1 61 11 39 6 1,068 18 385 3 808 9 15 17 132 6 Ts. c. 22,346 l6! 436 0 3 5 354 7 10 13 1,402 15 187 3 1,611 18 227 1 229 9 40 13 454 15 138 6 1,437 7 1,137 5 1,578 3 2,923 1 71 7 2,122 9 922 6 34 18 232 9 240 16 928 11 1,250 9 1,169 11 319 18 214 2 12 16 409 12 31 14 499 14 11 3 849 8 49 18 1,341 13 37 14 519 12 6 19 251 12 0 11 3,159 9 36 0 362 3 2 1 1,368 2 37 12 Ts. 0. 5.196 11 77 14 il4 16 420 11 25 0 555 18 207 16 105 0 28 11 17 2 250 0 42 2 1,303 5 127 13 72 0 354 7 1,290 5 18 5 24 0 83 10 46 8 89 1 3 10 56 17 Ts. c. 65,805 13 1,174 5 3 5 1,127 13 10 17 6,373 3 224 15 3,860 9 451 17 723 1 40 13 952 10 157 8 3,352 17 1,411 18 9,038 15 4,518 13 1,632 6 ,- 6,648 6 6,925 15 250 17 338 5 280 15 2,822 10 1,689 11 2,164 8 339 5 472 7 12 16 860 3 32 3 1,640 12 11 3 7,975 16 102 7 4,586 7 64 16 1,399 7 6 19 820 6 0 11 16,892 4 44 6 10,923 1 3 11 14,064 19 41 0 Ts. o.l £ s. a. 30,312 15 1 564 11 1 41 15 0 664 19 6 38 12 10 2,657 4 5 252 17 1 2,175 2 10 122 8 9 957 4 2 103 15 1 1,197 18 6 54 11 3 2,404 6 8 172 4 3 8,534 0 4 408 8 1 1,099 5 4 5,824 7 11 1,316 16 1 14 0 4 534 0 6 2 0 4 2,776 0 6 170 18 11 3,316 4 4 117 5 0 366 9 7 £ s. a. 162 4 8 16 9 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 5*15 0 16 16 0 33* 8 6 i'o 0 30 0 1613 0 6*10 0 £ s. a. 3,194 7 10 42 18 6 1 15 2 39 19 1 4 10 1 225 16 8 16 18 6 84 19 5 6 8 8 103 7 4 ■ 19 11 6 48 19 11 3 7 1 231 19 3 19 6 7 708 10 0 99 7 3 40 16 1 1,132 13 0 71 1 3 2 14 0 18 2 3 3 16 2 202 14 2 12 1 0 210 6 1 7 0 4 25 19 11 0 8 9 39 14 7 1 14 8 51 1 5 2 1 10 209 12 4 7 12 2 130 2 4 5 5 9 100 0 10 3 8 10 43 9 4 2 11 6 559 8 6 83 0 2 31 19 9 0 7 0 1,026 1 7 43 9 10 153 10 0 144 8 0 19 5 133 11 1 £ s. a. 33,669 7 7 607 9 7 43 10 2 704 18 7 43 2 11 2,899 10 1 269 15 7 2,264 2 3 128 17 5 1,006 11 6 123 6 7 1,252 13 5 57 18 4 2,653 1 11 191 10 10 9,275 18 10 507 15 4 1,141 1 5 0,957 0 11 1,390 17 4 16 14 4 568 15 9 5 16 6 2,978 14 8 182 19 11 3,527 0 5 124 5 4 393 10 0 0 8 9 603 16 0 1 14 8 911 14 2 2 1 10 2,595 11 9 159 11 2 2,420 6 8 157 12 10 965 3 9 3 8 10 433 9 2 2 11 6 6,472 17 11 682 6 2 885 8 11 5 9 0 9,349 17 3 1,365 5 4 208 3 4 158 8 0 19 5 2,254 13 41 £ s. a. ' 29,843 12 0 384 2 0 : 81 16 8 278 9 10 40 7 3 3,108 17 4 388 12 6 3,080 12 2 390 7 8 392 5 5 306 11 1 1,493 1 9 284 4 11 1,408 11 1 791 15 5 1 2,516 4 3 392 6 8 408 5 3 5,676 9 1 3,909 7 4 26 16 1 191 9 0 159 19 0 3,713 3 0 259 7 10 7,320 7 8 19 7 0 4,050 14 2 51 10 7 381 16 10 8 0 0 6,528 15 10 12 0 2,750 10 8 21 14 4 2,266 14 4 10 6 10 890 8 8 3 13 1 565 18 2 2 5 9 1,794 12 0 36 9 9 2,342 13 11 0 7 11 2,559 19 1 19 19 4 . £ s. a. 11,617 5 0 1 4 12 2 SO. 0 5 0 1 0 16 3 I , 15 5 7 SO. 0 17 0 ! 7 4 7 SO. 0 2 7 i 2 0 0 I 7 9 2 Cr. 0 1 1 6 13 11 SO. 0 6 11 ! 238 2 4 SO. 0 10 3 I 111 . 0.22 16 9 : 367 10 8 1 113 4 i • I0.25 9 8 1 Cr. 0 9 1 I 44 10 5 iO. 0 12 0 ! 0 1 11 £ s. a. 1,391 18 5 10 0 418 0 510 0 46* 0 0 39* 0 0 584' 8 0 8717 0 5' 0 <0 59*10 2 40 0 0 £ s. d. 32,852 15 5 389 14 2 81 11 8 279 6 1 46 7 3 3,129 0 11 387 15 6 3,093 6 9 390 5 1 394 5 5 306 11 1 1,546 10 11 284 3 10 1,454 5 0 791 8 6 3,338 14 7 391 10 5 409 6 4 5,653 12 4 4,364 15 0 26 16 1 198 2 4 159 19 0 3,747 3 6 258 18 9 7,404 18 1 18 15 0 4,000 1 1 51 10 7 385 2 4 8 0 0 6,644 16 1 12 0 2,935 7 2 21 14 4 2,273 9 111 9 16 2 890 14 2 3 13 1 591 10 2 2 5 9 2,009 2 2 33 19 0 2,321 4 1 0 7 11 2,729 5 8 17 18 2 329 1 3 6,706 12 8 4 4 9 970 9 2 £ s. a. 66,522 3 0 997 3 9 125 1 10 984 4 8 89 10 2 6,028 11 0 657 11 1 5,357 9 0 519 2 6 1,460 16 11 429 17 8 2,799 4 4 342 2 2 4,107 6 11 982 19 4 12,614 13 5 899 11 9 1,550 7 9 12,610 13 3 5,755 12 4 43 10 5 766 18 1 165 15 6 6,725 18 2 441 18 8 10,931 18 6 143 0 4 4,453 11 1 51 19 4 988 18 4 9 14 8 7,556 10 3 3 3 10 5,530 18 11 181 5 6 4,693 16 7 167 9 0 1,855 17 11 7 1 11 1,024 19 4 4 17 3 8,482 0 1 716 5 2 3,206 13 0 5 16 11 12,079 2 11 1,383 3 6 537 4 7 6,865 0 8 5 14 2 3,225 2 6 Napier-Taranaki Sec tion — continued. 1 Brought forwara. I Pordoll. I Through. S Turakina. ! Through. I Marton. Through. 1 Hunterville. » Through. Greatford. I Through. Halcombe. ! Through. Peilding. Through. Palmerston North. Through. Longburn Juno ; Through. Poxton. Through. Ashurst. Through. Woodville. Through. Dannevirke. Through. Makotuku. Through. Ormondville. Through. Takapau. Through. Waipukurau. Through. Waipawa. Through. Kaikora. Through. Te Auto. Through. Hastings. Through. Parndon. Through. Napier. Through. Napier (Head Office). Spit. Through. Accountant. General. ii 'i 143 10 6 "2 "l *33 130 228 140 "44 4,lie 0 "4 0 48 0 21 2 io 6 35 0 iof '2 2l6' 6 9 3*008 *35 2 1 15 1 "8 "57 37 4 582 0 *22 8 "4 0 *61 613 24 0 114 13 0 9 480 4 277 19 221 16 *33 19 562'12 5 i' 9 0 > l"5 6 2' 0 0 'k '3 33216 4 31485 *12 "l 49 1 124 25 5 111 1 167 4 214 4 124 1 86 "2 **36 6,700 **30 102 0 S15 12 18,210 0 > 5,758 0 120 2 '72 0 **2 "l3 814 95 932 12 0 •i 0 324 0 101 18 858*12 9 2' 0 0 3 1 1 5 12 3 HO* 8 0 iii '5 812* 8 10 13,233 215 9,915 211 4,762 *54 138 1 1 i 67 2 , 112 i 2 36 ! 2 ! 419 1 48 3 'ii 1 5 216 1 195 6 128 3 67 1 449 14 87 148 4 102 2 107 1 1 19 6 1 8 "7 120 **2 6 ,'184 42 0 831 0 54 0 123 11 54 18 1 0 20 12 92 7 7 5 4 15 **5 90 17 30 "l *6 0 551 4 4,344 0 1,545 7 40 0 742 4 27 2 390 13 438 16 241 1 12 9 142 4 2,351 13 5 151 19 0 2,289 14 4 152 7 1 862 2 11 34* 6 0 1 0.18 3 6 203' 0 0 iof '3 702'l2 0 2 "7 **52 "l 7*022 *6 0 1,537 8 60 0 32 0 *77 5 **2 432 105 915 "74 30 0 'i 4 1,806 0 523 2 610 0 6 15 7 Cr. 0 10 8 0 5 6 i6i 3 344* 3 7 *29 "1 "9 "2 60 2 17 **3 5*711 6 662 4 18 0 1 '7 2 *i7 2 "l 19 48 0 48 0 3*38 15 '54 7 30 0 io ii i 181* 0 5 i*972 5 "1 "3 "2 *901 66 0 231 16 2,034 0 1 24 9 i26 8 3 12 1,385 16 8 2 446 7 0 7 121 6 4 0 14 6 50 1 4 0 49 8 **5 1 "3 **29 V2 0 48 0 370 4 92 3 46 7 380 15 10 9* 4 0 25*12 0 *8 1,185* 4 4 42,111 571 10,050 6 44,170 1,183 104 8 259 '19 1 420 i 58 8 15 422 8 79 "9 305 8 1 6 6,144 152 151 "l8 546 0 1,460 8 24 0 47 16 7 578 21 193 H3 3,288 479 1,678 48 8*4 0 '3 0 4,308 0 4,902 0 3 2 1,570 0 1,226 18 3,208 17 5 4 303 18 5,767 14 11 599 6 0 769 11 8 5 2 0 7,821 12 2 1,321 15 6 54 13 4 14 0 0 145*14 6 17 10 2 Cr. 2 10 9 0.21 9 10 197' 0 0 iif 2 305* 8 11 190 "l 1 282 0 702 12 12 0 TO 9 "lO 96 0 145 4 8,314 0 131 16 1 10 222 18 3 14 83 17 6 iaj 18 2,533* 2 2 393 1 205 3 '42 *395 13 : 194 2 1 *401 14 "3 "l3 137 "39 24 0 '6 16 12 0 199 6 1,591 3 **4 **50 1 "l 125 10 456 0 ii 0 2,778 0 6,2i7 16 3,011 3 502* 3 6 65"e 7 Or. 2 1 2 104' 0 0 48 '9 *6 832' 3 3 2,'235 12 . 'il "2 "41 1 *486 7 'l8 4 "55 4 "56 **6 1,937 4 46 16 *6 0 328 4 2,637 6 0 12 5,223 10 1 8 5,346 3 13,587 19 2 0 **5 'ill 221052 "l6 324 '0 6,429' 4 7 4 2,406 0 2,033 7 958 17 6,765 19 1 18 101 5 19,018 12 9 2 6,655 0 7 4 4 9 Or. 63 13 8: 112 1 329* 1 3 50 0 0 *28 < 65*14 5 2,055* 7 10 2,875* 0 3 59 l,02l"7 4 12*16 0 Totals 184 27,790 4 10 406,503 1,627 72,788 3,770 242 6,465 72,788 3,770 242 6,465 145 8,622 290 240,066 4,438 12,741 3 4,062 0 13,937 8 38,988 0 46,237 10 22,517 15 57,780 17 17,778 1. 201,302 4 214,043 7 145 8,622: 290 240,066 4,438 12,741 3 4,062 0 13,937 8 38,988 0 46,237 10 22,517 15 57,780 17 17,778 14 201,302 4 214,043 7 90,229 11 3,104 9 0 Totals. 9,353 16 9 102,687 17 3 97,761 14 2 3,337 15 2 3,302 3 104,401 12 8 207,089 9 11 Wellington Section— Eketahuna Mauriceville Mastorton Carterton Grey town Peatherston Cross Creek Summit fCaitoke Upper Hutt Lower Hutt Petone Ngahauranga Wellington (Wharf) Te Aro Head Office Accountant General 13 12 13 12J 12 10J 11 10 11 12 17 17 12 i6i 7 1 9 3 2 4 3 1 1 6 5 3 1 37 791 16 3 200 16 3 1,201 16 1 502 3 4 295 10 0 394 18 0 478 18 4 139 14 1 101 6 5 676 19 6 728 17 6 464 8 6 186 4 10 4,691 0 3 8,595 2,099 10,321 5,716 5,319 7,401 686 6,410 30,303 32,091 10,320 75,809 0 1 19 12 16 28 5 171 614 444 151 592 752 284 2,935 914 745 1,364 278, 2,006 24,510 299 119! 13,833 58 1 150 87 8 160 2 8 209 6 7 229 4 1 23 1 5 4 "l 1 235 26 371 286 45 216 31 56 372 119 78 672 3,045 526 5,131 2,665 2,198 3,947 1,022 918 1,175 784 365 7,810 80 8 119 50 18 138 2 7 262 24 10 199 17 1 13 14 6 1 312 56 346 290 61 332 39 101 339 93 52 579 3 io "l 3 "2 2 138 2 238 22 1 300 6 1, .. 65 53 1 298 21 118 23 140 5 4,219 842 107,188 43,038 933 81,702 69 427 1,811 301 268 2,649 8 47 4 84 *938 1 1 12 2 96 0 948 0 612 0 144 0 276 0 24 0 198 0 24 0 376 4 80 0 1,781 12 584 0 95 0 1,064 8 58 16 25 12 17 8 360 12 3,030 0 30 0 2,478 0 372 0 1,068 0 480 0 1,686 18 539 11 3,397 7 6,613 7 385 16 3,629 7 47 15 82 13 50 13 52 4 0 4 961 11 201 16 21 10 67 17 626 12 142 0 132 9 616 7 **9 14 18 17 320 7 125 6 1,153 17 450 13 244 11 504 4 22 1 222 7 73 18 1,529 0 4,765 1 12,262 19 479 16 20 0 663 0 220 15 43 10 *3 0 12 0 2,304 12 209 6 202 4 4,409 7 5,235 13 2,424 19 1,571 14 8,128 3 11,475 10 1,031 16 8,571 6 524 12 1,618 6 2,969 8 2,151 2 4,967 9 23,845 3 5,928 5 **2 1 236 27 78 78 13 46 6 38 100 261 122 110 203 373 21 1 4 1 1 *i6 2,485 174 1,320 611 125 594 28 179 1,861 94,243 137,234 1,994 2,107 4 "47 7 "ll "ll 1 534 0 30 0 12 0 30 0 6 0 96 0 162 0 72 16 1 4 0 12 0 4 23 8 17 12 4,338 10 3,452 4 12 0 12 0 18 0 1,674 0 450 0 138 0 364 9 36 9 203 16 80 4 235 7 331 2 22 4 98 0 329 7 2,157 15 46 9 12,982 4 761 16 873 12 51 2 978 13 486 2 289 6 578 3 4 2 207 6 170 14 S3 11 716 1 5 16 2,293 17 307 16 3,344 10 1,276 17 815 15 1,443 11 137 14 300 14 163 13 264 1 384 1 8,272 9 3,149 2 172 9 112 10 996 8 147 11 128 15 252 14 17 5 71 2 499 2 1,759 9 984 18 8,181 4 4,238 7 537 17 5,620 3 2,033 18 1,493 3 4,376 2 181 5 677 2 1,775 0 4,376 4 1,433 0 41,096 14 7,368 18 2,808 11 9 840 0 6 4,538 6 10 1,480 7 2 1,432 12 0 2,520 17 6 124 17 10 876 13 5 2,135 15 7 1,921 8 2 455 17 11 8,460 5 3 9 10 0 0 10 0 2 10 0 25 5 6 9 16 0 11 10 0 16 9 6 774 19 10 427 7 6 39 12 6 615 17 5 159 10 1 21 10 11 399 19 7 161 17 7 58 9 9 227 6 7 15 5 6 97 12 1 1,134 11 10 27 2 2 14 18 0 1,501 17 8 2,977 11 10 362 1 5 4,940 16 5 1,067 10 3 1,500 17 9 2,759 14 1 140 3 4 990 15 0 4,045 7 3 2,375 17 10 510 8 5 10,578 0 4 2,317 15 4 888 3 0 9,470 19 8 6,542 18 8 683 5 8 7,014 16 3 173 5 4 317 0 0 426 4 9 490 9 10 1,050 14 4 16,547 2 0 277 10 8 Cr. 2 0 2 Or. 2 15 0 16 12 2 3 12 9 36 7 5 9 7 5 2 16 2 5 3 4 0 3 9 3 0 10 1 16 2 44 2 1 2 10 0 9 0 0 14 10 0 10 0 34*10 0 39 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 9 8 0 2,336 17 6 900 15 9 9,521 17 1 0,553 6 1 686 1 10 7,054 9 7 212 9 1 332 0 10 429 0 11 543 19 11 1,050 14 4 17,604 5 10 290 13 6 0 4 1 526 13 1 42 1 6 5,314 9 4 1,262 17 2 14,462 13 6 8,220 16 4 2,186 19 7 9,814 3 8 352 12 5 1,322 15 10 4,474 8 2 2,919 17 9 1,561 2 9 28,182 6 2 290 13 6 4,712 5 6 767 2 7 670 3 11 Wellington Section— Eketahuna. Mauriceville. Masterton. Carterton. Greytown. Peatherston. Cross Creek. Summit. Kaitoke. Upper Hutt. Lower Hutt. Petone. Ngahauranga. Wellington. "l 4 3 2 20 130 28 104 349 4 268 34 428 335 286 *34 "l6 41 3,452 4 11 0 2,759 2 *3 1,452 0 5,154 0 131**3 10 926* 0 0 13 2 10 m 5 437 2 6 41,440 68 4 182 2,467 196 201920 "2 "ios 4,363 0 4 34 19 6 2 6 6 14615 3 202 5 10 205 10 0 29 16 1 4,712 1 5 240 9 6 628 2 5 2 4 3 10 1 7 2 10 (Wharf). Te Aro. Head Office. Accountant. General. 13 595*19 10 528* 8 0 34 18 8 1,826 12 6 •• Totals 75 2,703 43 1,318 723 242,955 1,130 10,200 8 2,322 17,649 2 4,394 8 22,154 0 13,323 7 75,207 13 85,468 1 iS, 1,318 723 242,955 1,130 10,260 8 2,322 0 7,900 16 7,458 0 17,649 2 4,394 8 88 13,118 10 4 242,588 2,254 50,506 925 75 2,703 50,506 925 7,906 16 7,458 22,154 0 13,323 7 75,207 13 85,468 1 31,496 0 3 2,676 3 4 4,257 13 8 48,085 10 11 Totals. 38,429 17 3 46,195 10 4 264 13 1 1,625 7 6 86,515 8 2 Grey-Brunner Sec. — Greymouth Through Brunner Through Head Office Accountant General 13 ii 19 h 3,279 13 3 1,07014 11 19,964 7,108 7,918 14,341 192 *89 13 7821 2,819, 126 712 : *59 *77 3 1 1 15 105 18 142 126 445 782 3,086 *77 59 1 1 "3 18 90 15 157 "6 "2 1 "2 1 *876 1,991 129 **25 144 0 72 0, 56 4 18 0 12 0 18 0 204 0 8 9 112 0 990 9 7,927 2 1,434 14 64 9 1,288 9 2,751 6 162 1 391 15 54 15 124,585 0 9,789 12 1,314 18 4,508 15 125,755 10 18,505 2 3 1 1 "2 1*991 876 **25 *i29 72 0 144 0 5o 4 18 0 186 0 18 0 30 0 990 9 7,872 0 8 9 167 2 *57 2 1,442 1 162 1 254 12 1,288 9 2,888 9 124,585 0 9,010 3 834 4 125,755 10 17,508 1 1,314 18 5,505 16 1,208 18 7 356 4 1 585 19 8 624 0 11 84 13 6 31 2 0 16 1 0 47 12 7 71 10 4 8 5 1 33 10 11 5 0 0 1,341 4 8 427 14 5 625 6 9 673 12 10 5 0 0 59 15 7 3,382 19 2 798 13 5 11,748 6 7 1,602 2 9 1,890 2 9 39**8 9 83 17 6 30 0 5,356 19 5 798 13 5 11,790 15 4 1,602 2 9 4 2 0 15 13 5 6,698 4 1 1,226 7 10 12,416 2 1 2,275 15 7 9 2 0 75 9 0 Greymouth Section— Greymouth. Through. Brunner. Through. Head Office. Accountant. General. 3 44 "3 6* 8 2 53* 7 5 Or. 13 14 6 28*17 11 4* 2 0 0 10 0 352' 5 5 1 •• Totals 24 4,702 13 7 49,375 246 4,439| 13i 280 4,4391 136 280 2,867 154 126 7 216 0 56 4 252 0 9,038 0 1,499 8 4,593 11 134,429 7 150,084 5; 150,210 12 2,867 154 126 7 216 0 56 4 252 0 9,038 0 1,499 3 4,593 11 134,429 7 150,084 6 150,210 12 2,781 11 5 Totals. 185 3 11 165 18 11 3,132 14 3, 17,518 7 5 1,958 9 5 91 9 6 19,508 6 4 22,701 0



RETURN No. 10— continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894.

.Stations. © ft o • 3 © n "3 © ■H t» 19 . Traffic a © Expenditure. II n Numbei of Outwi Coacbi ird. ing. Inward. Outwai :d. Live-stock, Goods, &c. Inward. Firewood. Timber. Grain. M 2™' Minerals. Inward. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Ordinary Passengers. Revenue. Total Value forwarded. Stations. Coaching. Goods. t§ 3 O * fl Ph <D ■ -10 o h H § O > o ID . .1 Equiv. Tonnage for Livestock, &c. Chaff, <Ssc. . Wool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. , Mefohan- ]m>^Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Q © O A .1 Equiv. Tonnage for Live-stock, &c. Chaff, &c. Wool. Season Tickets. Parcels and Luggage. Total. Goods. Miscellaneous. Rents and Commission. Total. Gbet-Hokitika Sec. — Greymouth Hokitika Accountant General ii *3 £ s. d. 144 17 0 206 9 1 4,181 6,322 7 2 208 97 30 10 3 2 6 97 208 10 30 "s 6 2 1 "l Ts. c. Ts. c. Ts. c. *3 16 Ts. c. 486 0 72 0 Ts. c. 42 13 42 4 Ts. e. 2 10 3 4 Ts. c. 786 12 235 1 Ts. c. 223 2 25 0 Ts. c. 1,540 17 381 5 Ts. c. 1 1 Ts. c. Ts. c. Ts. c. 3 16 Ts. c. 72 0 486 0 Ts. c. 42 4 42 13 Tg. c. 3 4 2 10 Ts. 0. 235 1 786 12 Ts. 0. 25 0 223 2 Ts. c. 381 5 1,540 17 Ts. c.| £ s. d. 570 2 10 745 13 8 £ s. a. 16 6 5i'l4 5 £ s. a. 29 6 5 12 11 2 £ s. a. 600 15 9 758 4 10 51 14 5 £ s. d. 395 11 1 153 11 4 £ s. d. Cr. 0 14 8 18 2 Cr. 0 9 3 £ . a. £ s. a. 394 16 5 154 19 6 Cr. 0 9 3 £ s. a. 995 12 2 913 4 4 51 5 2 Geey-Hokitika Sac.— Greymouth. Hokitika. Accountant. General. 109*10 4 Totals 460 16 5 10,503 305 40 305 40 0 8 3 11 558 0 .84 17 5 14 248 2 .1,922 2 1,922 10 ■1 0 8 3 li 558 0 84 17 5 14 1,021 l: 248 2 1,922 2 1,922 10 1,315 16 6 53 0 11 41 17 7 1,410 15 549 2 5 0 4 3 649 6 8 1,960 1 8 Totals. 1,021 13 Westpoet Section — Westport Waimangaroa Mokihinui Head Office Accountant General .. 13 11 9 14 3 1 3,759 5 8 810 9 10 96 1 9 16,252 9,284 622 45 140 **3 2,855 1,342 14 8 66 29 7 1,301 2,480 430 V**8 22 63 17 1 3 **2 84 29 ., 2 276 162 0 1,536 0 755 15 8,417 7 0 9 *23 16 2,704 9 262 15 11 5 759 6 234,106 15 5,926 12 4,657 10 239,346 13 5,938 6 1 2 29 64 20 276 1,530 0 162 0 6 0 3,155 16 540 17 476 18 23 16 264 I 2,411 r 302 ! 239,957 17 743 11 91 5 244,931 12 4,134 5 876 12 1,723 15 6 838 3 0 112 13 11 49 16 6 25 4 0 16* 9 5 115 14 1 108 8 5 74 13 3 10 6 7 10 0 1,882 0 5 938 0 3 113 14 6 23 19 5 115 14 1 4,229 9 10 20,510 8 4 898 7 5 847 8 6 0 5 9 15 3 20 7 10 145 17 0 43 17 6 53* 0 0 5,222 15 4 26,560 11 7 899 12 8 73 7 10 7,104 15 9 27,498 11 10 1,013 7 1 97 7 3 115 14 1 Westpoet Section— Westport. Waimangaroa. Mokihinui. Head Office. Accountant. General. •• 286*16 10 •• I I- ■• , ' Totals 18 4,452 14 1 26,158 188 4,211 102 4,211 10! ll 6 4 276 0 1,698 4,173 11 2,978 9 240,792 l: 249,942 249,948 ll 1 3 113 6 4 276 1,698 0 4,173 11 23 16 2,978 '• 240,792 13 249,942 249,948 13 2,674 12 5 207 4 191 12 3,073 8 31,644 5 869 7 4 242 14 0 32,756 7 5 35,829 16 0 Totals. 23 16 Nelson Section— .. Port Nelson Richmond Wakefield.. Belgrove Heaa Office Accountant General 9 9 9 10 11 7 5 2 1 3 977 10 4 824 5 5 226 5 2 127 14 7 403 12 10 16,469 6,516 4,280 10,244 228 100 58 8 2 179 2,715 210 308 236 "l 2 7 2 1 44 17 22 30 20 353 748 1,439 1,088 "l 2 2 1 9 39 22 17 27 "l .. 3 6' "4i 66 0 900 0 114 0 18 0 29 4 86 16 180 4 258 0 1,626 0 480 0 1 6 27 11 4 17 1,580 0 875 15 797 17 105 7 1,668 18 180 10 77 16 019 9 1,055 16 388 4 181 1 108 3 1,018 14 69 0 430 4 170 13 7 0 .2,437 6 1,323 14 3,679 7 .3,939 0 1,746 18 1 *3 "l 2 1 44 18 48 798 0 252 0 is 0 30 0 134 102 2,208 0 156 0 55 6 2,394 4 11 11 23 G 5 2 1,032 11 1,154 17 278 16 266 5 97 19 284 0 534 7 300 18 618 16 614 12 26 5 1,260 15 247 9 83 5 77 17 2,330 6 7,966 3 994 14 1,009 12 825 10 1,391 7 5 413 15 4 491 14 2 1,073 14 8 110 2 0 100 13 6 61 5 6 4 0 0 14 19 0 108 9 1 12 0 7 102 2 7 7 17 1 11 9 8 12 4 0 62 6 1 12 0 7 1,603 12 0 522 5 11 564 9 4 1,089 18 8 77 5 1 108 9 1 2,401 14 6 668 14 8 644 12 8 783 9 0 472 8 8 405 11 0 1 11 1 17 1 0 10 4 4 4 10 Or. 1 4 9 60 0 0 16 0 0 8 0 0 0 12 0 69 4 0 2,867 5 6 686 5 9 645 19 9 791 19 4 477 5 6 67 19 3 2,879 0 1 2,289 17 9 1,168 5 8 1,356 8 8 1,567 4 2 145 4 4 108 9 1 Nelson Section— Port. Nelson. Richmond. Wakefieia. Belgrove. Heaa Office. Accountant. General. 251* 3 9 Totals Picton Section — Picton Blenheim .. . Heaa Office Accountant General 18 2,810 12 1 37,509 396 3,641 11 114 3,648 H 114 113 5 0 , 1,098 0 296 4 2,489 9 1,695 11 13,126 5 13,131 5 113 5 0 .1,098 0 296 4 2,364 2,489 9 2,830 8 2,352 13 1,695 11 13,126 6 13,131 5 3,370 11 7 399 9 1 208 0 3,978- 0 8 4,970 19 6 411 19 7 153 16 5,536 15 1 9,514 15 9 Totals. 2,364 0 2,830 8 2,352 l: 9 8 6 2 1,025 10 3 319 12 7 14,867 9,762 153 1 5 390 1,073 24 1 i 137 99 1,073 390 24 9 1 1 99 137 2 1 10| 11 1 2 110 1,237 **5! j 744 48 16 1,232 16 3,000 0 102 0 88 IS 20 9 211 4 2,952 1 708 9 1,749 19 2,852 7 .48 13 .6,409 9 .6,849 18 \ 1 2 11 10 1,237 110 52 744 0 1,232 16 48 16 102 3,000 20 9 88 13 2,952 1 211 4 1,749 19 708 9 48 13 2,352 7 6,849 18 6,409 9 1,364 6 5 1,042 9 8 34 4 3 0 18 0 40 12 8 99 0 7 23 14 10 55 6 11 26 1 10 1,422 5 6 1,098 14 7 66 14 6 99 0 7 1,986 15 5 1,787 19 9 226 5 1 37 1 6 35 14 3 56 15 151 14 13 18 2,269 15 6 1,976 15 3 49 12 3 3,692 1 0 3,076 9 10 116 6 9 99 0 7 Picton Section— Picton. Blenheim. Head Office. Accountant. General. 124* 1 7 ■• •• ■• •• Totals 1,469 4 24,629 159 1,463 33 236 1,403 33 236 21 3 1,347 52 64 12 744 0 1,281 1! 3,102' 109 2 '2,458 8 2,401 13,259 13,323 1! 21 1,347 52 64 1! 744 0 1,281 12 3,102 0 109 3,163 5 2,458 8 2,401 0 13,259 7 13,323 19 2,406 16 1 174 15 6 105 3 2,686 15 2 3,774 15 2 299 0 11 222 7 4,296 3 0 6,982 18 2 Totals. 3,163 Hubunui-Bluff Sec. — Lyttelton (Coaching) „ (Goods) 1 as (Wharf)} qu Heathcote Woolston .. Opawa Christch. (Pass.) 1 „ (Parcels) } ' „ (Goods) as requ ■ (Traf. Mgr.) Adaington Papanui Styx Belfast Kaiapoi Rangiora Oust Bennett's .. Oxfora East „ West Sefton Amberley Waikari Culverden.. Hornby Prebbleton Lincoln Ellesmere.. Doyleston.. Leeston Southbridge Little River Templeton Rolleston Kirwee Darfieia Sheffieia .. Springfield Coalgate Burnham Selwyn Dunsandel Rakaia Methven Chertsey .. ' Ashburton Tinwaia Mt. Somers Winslow ... .3 Hinds, 1 . i Rangitata Orari -.--.. —-....-,.. Winchester 17 reired 13 12 m 17 ired 12 Hi Hi Hi 11 13 13i 14 15 12 13 15 9 18} 10 84 10 11 11 12 10 12 13 10i 12 13 18J 13 12 12 12 12 114 124 134 11 n 4. H 104 104 9 96 3 2 t 1 49 60 io 3 i 1 \ 1 t 5 4 1 \ 2 1 4 1 3 4 2 '■■ 2 1 .■ 2 1 1 3 4 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 13 1 1 "1 1 1 - -2 ■ 1. 1,780 1 2 13,183 0 1 479 9 0 219 16 9 142 3 0 7,834 19 2 11,382 6 10 1,219 1 7 366 1 10 142 6 8 165 2 0 742 2 6 611 14 2 147 1 3 303 15 8 135 17 4 389 5 9 162 4 11 272 3 10 439 6 4 229 IS 7 276 18 10 168 8 7 223 2 2 139 13 6 161 15 0 249 2 2 394 3 7 289 6 10 143 16 6 258 9 10 156 4 3 867 9 5 142 3 3 439 19 9 184 6 0 142 16 4 136 1 10 248 18 9 772 2 1 200 6 11 210 2 5 1,730 5 8 129 4 9 118 12 1 158 11 11 121 6 11 133 19 3 -106 6-0-171.16 4 i 89,228 ,.1 •• . 1 " ' 3 .9,712 3 7,817 3 8,780 2 I 221,515 3 J 6,942 ) 12,978 S 1,517 ) 4,328 > 16,081 ! 13,5M 1 1,380 ! 2,756 1 1,578 ) 4,411 1,929 ) 3,477 I 8,211 1,928 I 3,914 1,192 i 2,114 i 1,063 I 1,774 ! 8,558 4,857 1 4,975 1,511 1 1,422 1,697 3,789 1,058 4,182 1,446 871 985 2,780 5,590 2,210 1,221 16,801 1,151 934 739 1,814 1,188 &T229- .... 2,124 677 211 36 68 1,875 128 2 2 12 8 99 123 50 8 12 8 58 17 2 22 ' 1,962 391 i 1,202 ! 56 62*213 •■ 1,359 I 535 1 159 204 1,488 2,350 286 205 822 455 459 2,157 1,395 862 596 216 932 266 627 847 774 686 115 195 814 877 346 378 418 99 154 336 1,104 423 258. 5,875 - 394 357, 143 299 254 - 757 238 140 "l 730 234 108 1 '28 102 .4 0 11 34 68 81 268 4 133 **9 1 **2 8 2 1 3 11 9 "l 4- 446 27 23 9 3 l)448 3 306 1 200 13 28 2 109 3 218 21 9 24 ! 21 1 83 ! 165 1 102 > 161 61 8 23 14 5 45 ■ , 23 I 81 46 45 52 70 33 74 21 18 10 I 70 136 48 26 351 41 48 6 36 28 - 8411 6 7,762 7 234 3 83 3 152 3 12*998 3 2,418 3 351 i 128 } 329 3 1,872 1 3,839 L 1,629 3 1,827 1 1,062 I 1,262 1 1,430 i 3,209 ! 3,628 . 4,751 212 I 275 ! 755 ■ 1,365 1 1,110 i 2,818 I 2,182 3,067 532 317 I 1,285 1 2,325 1 1,305 1,661 1,525 459 396 ' 1,605 2,708 2,317 712 8,579 .',. 460 2,502 888 1,047 1(034 2,881" 917 21 74 118 322 i2 12 228 1 624 242 33 1 5 81 i3 4 I 2 *36 "4 7 2 2 3 5 22 1 16 80 167 24 21 21 25 52 149 306 319 49 9 24 88 11 36 22 101 43 47 45 72 28 87 50 11 37 76 116 82 32 215 28 127 7 ,41 40 — nz 584 27 18 10 l)l29 *261 78 1 1 t .. . .. . .. ! "l 1 I .. I "3 1 I .. 1 1 *60 14 164 **2 *657 308 "77 *859 197 11 40 468 2 2 21 G 6 30 78 731 42 30 9 19 44 17 67 1 11 7 ..'i6 3 .... I "2 ) 523 [ 2 .. 1 .. i 80 ! .. i ,"l 1 . 1 "l 5 7,'787 2,459 **30 I 137 ! 19,'984 i 38 1,113 2,015 ) 14,088 2,360 5,560 8,544 . 1,151 15,804 22,060 . 17,133 47 34 2,126 ! 6,505 1,712 : 5,609 8,273 12,986 239 70 1,195 3,770 3,520 11*745 142 2,730 8,304 61,024 13,875 16,436 16,654 19,545 4,942 48,748 11,452 4,307 -6,476 - 4,892 7 .193 -1 3 ... 3 9 1 **69 1 5)609 i 2 ) 343 ) 1,753 ) 1,797 ) 372 ) 4 1 1 - 408 12 I 247 I 40 20 i 1,281 ■ 779 I 1,203 < 4,164 ■ 707 • 65 ' 629 Q 8 .. a .. . ? .. . 1 3 i * 1 1 1 .. . 7 1 .. . > 2 1 i 1 1 j ! 1 ) I 36 0 '.'. *6 0 ' 1,168 0 60 0 42 0 54 0 102 0 216 0 174 0 126 0 432 0 66 0 222 0 . 156 0 180 0 54 0 252 0 60 0 . 162 0 126 0 186 0 114 0 108 0 126 0 42 0 312 0 66 0 72 0 78 0 330 0 36 0 96 0 90 0 114,379 8 8,317 8 1 23 8 809 12 5,54416 19 4 29 0 304 16 845 0 490 4 325 12 55 0 131 16 63 12 120 4 40 4 621 12 821 16 1,156 0 860 16 2 4 225 16 93 8 38 12 85 16 140 12 163 0 47 8 49 4 77 4 158 0 58 8 152 8 127 8 46 16 34 0 114 0 597 16 3J3 0 69 8 1,073 8 404 0 412 8 137 8 . , 236. 0 283 4 ■ 321 T6 274 8 S 486 0 3 j 1 > ! i i2 0 24 0 1 18 0 1 6 0 1 312 0 2,280 0 6 0 54 0 42 0 24,253 11 1,865 15 4 0 7 2 2,9i6 18 631 2 186 0 27 12 0 18 i9 15 716 0 155 16 5 16 4 9 14 13 *6 14 27,227 4 i 1,313 1 I 852 1 ! 84 13 6,318 3 12,785 10 1,813 2 1,606 17 1,546 18 12,446 10 3,732 7 665 16 1,640 5 152 5 175 4 1,944 19 1,044 16 680 3 850 19 604 13 2,502 6 4,483 4 1,948 7 1,249 5 1,859 9 2,751 19 348 1 1,372. 12 . 1,429 4 1,304 11 2,031 0 899 9 322 15 672 16 1,463 7 521 1 2,218 18 11,278 7 1,918 7 2,091 7 14,618.16 3,918.,0 194..0 4,565 12 .. 2,027.7 1,763 5 2,970^4 1,675 5 58,955 0 9,836 7 99 19 934 7 0 1 25,281 6 2,064 7 260 4 17 0 7,901 9 510 5 312 6 25 19 10 13 31 9 53 8 110 19 190 17 135 1 94 2 9,283 14 42 3 161 3 36 8 139 11 178 13 127 5 65 3 52 16 16 0 28 4 63 10 52 11 66 5 54 5 21 11 26 13 162 6 194 4 58 13 .33 16 1,098,16 96.16 77 3 74 16 30 17 38 13 127 6 60 9 79,342 6 17,402 12 1,946 0 135 8 2,1S1 2 6*95 13 5 18 486 17 818 4 356 2 8 0 4 0 12 0 4 0 6 4 45 5 17 2 12 0 3,254 1 i9 17 1 204,679 8 ! 33,735 3 1 2,931 8 1 .1,971 2 0 1 43*382 5 16*279 16 2,168 4 1,982 13 10,882 4 14,673 3 4,927 19 881 13 2,218 14 647 1 3,570 16 2,264 6 2,292 6 1,713 18 2,369 10 14,077 17 2,708 13 6,064 14 2,264 3 1,545 12 2,285 1 3,172 5 6,280 8 2,221 6 1,560 8 1,491 9 8,407 19 2,261 18 1,319 1 1,164 8 1,622 3 581 14 2,670 8 13,181 7 2,401 2 2,744 3 17,507 8 4,511 12 4,406 10 4,802 9 2,435 10 2,430 18 3,422 13 2,029 13 **3 2 3 4 6 3 1 1 2 4 lis . 23 ,"l *37 "l "l 633 429 1 8 "l71 2,155 73 5 18 30 10 4 1 29 74 805 35 1 3 1 8 1 775 1 1 15 10 243 iu7 2 "l - 78 7 7*907 273 2 "20 I 154 3139)484 1 130 121,633 560 ! 1,870 163 459 145 442 269 i 372 I 1,968 I 1,059 115,024 *303 498 269 429 45,5. ' 2,465 ,22,005 , 809 454 200 388 182 138 292 183 346 4,490 ,.. 739 . 192 . 1,505 . 1,230 .. 1,113 1,027 3 3 206 489 ~ 782 53 ' 1*591 ! ( .. I *408 "lO . 6*422 1 161 1 2,866 ' 138 587 12 1 74 998 90 614 28 114 ' 2,916 0 is 0 1,806 0 96 0 18 0 18 0 . 450 0 1,230 0 12 0 6 0 is 0 24 0 138 0 126 6 6 0 115,680 12 13,290 0 1 377 8 3,956 16 4 8 75 0 5 10 188 4 5 0 si6 12 333 12 0 8 0 12 *9 4 144 0 6 0 150 0 3,984 0 666 0 294 0 66 0 180 0 726 0 24 0 42 0 240 0 216 0 90 0 30 0 12 0 270 0 42 0 6 0 54 0 18 0 102 0 48 0 12 0 6 0 78 0 1 2,489 16 149 11 1 7 2 • 27 15 21,046 18 2,576 18 5 7 2 13 163 11 164 0 374 18 45 2 27 2 9 7 10 9 66 18 624 9 353 16 655 2 3 7 35 11 565 7 130 9 115 2 501 2 234 4 164 18 290 18 23 2 37 2 79 15 60 13 64 18 136 18 31 11 57 11 147 11 316 9 190 9 77 11 1,795 15 124.18 96. .4 163 16 210 Q 141 11 117 6 160 18 75,759 13 23,749 13 940 4 37 14 0 5 11,231 3 12,757 14 2,468 12 IS 0 128 14 2,085 S 997 19 140 17 279 3 75 18 73 15 114 7 415 12 490 8 683 12 255 4 152 4 172 14 68 9 129 15 153 3 151 14 412 19 143 4 48 14 207 16 132 11 162 12 185 12 231 6 47 1 60 7 133 17 498 11 .471 19 88 3 2,935 4 117.15 441..2 151 4 ,228 13 77 18 209 2 257 10 45,009 5 6,356 11 76 12 1,961 2 0 16 51,509 0 528 3 48 3 30 3 1,006 1 035 7 680 18 156 15 269 5 152 0 165 7 177 13 379 9 552 13 984 2 248.19 46 9 239 3 154 5 199 2 404 17 308 10 507 8 757 10 44 9 165 0 268 13 181 5 239 6 224 19 84 6 101 12 285 12 617 10 503 8 102. 4 2,612 9 161. 1 602. 9 303 3 . .320 16 205 19 430 6 399 18 • 19,767 10 768 2 ! 841 13 ! 1,384 13 1 47,i6o 14 5,397 16 1,919 13 101 6 5,304 16 3,621 12 2,649 3 258 8 529 12 117 18 123 16 478 12 775 2 527 15 670 19 923 17 472 12 1,130 18 417 5 279 9 1,589 11 651 9 546 12 5,941 7 214 4 604 1 511 5 380 9 184 8 247 7 180 16 227 6 432 4 1,175 14 1,181 3 236 16 5,633 12 989 6 409 3 1,010 5 427 5 109 19 661 11 474 17 161,766 16 43,313 17 1,871 11 3,956 12 1 1 140)634 6 22,026 19 4,753 15 282 2 6,692 18 7,324 6 6,063 18 637 2 1,321 14 855 3 385 7 1,213 2 2,459 0 2,279 4 3,209 15 1,476 11 718 16 2,378 2 812 8 729 8 2,702 13 1,363 17 1,763 17 7,206 11 348 9 1,019 19 1,076 4 790 19 686 4 864 10 343 14 446 16 1,047 4 2,836 4 2,358 19 570 14 14,232 0 1,591 0 1,662 18 1,652 8 1,342 14 573 15 1,435 1 1,372 15 6,562 6 11 372 0 6 278 4 3 261 11 5 33,347 6 3 1,190 8 6 1,812 8 1 68 15 8 228 7 2 1,568 7 4 2,077 9 3 270 4 4 330 11 6 389 10 4 655 11 5 297 9 1 747 14 7 1,926 18 6 1,007 10 9 311 13 5 94 4 1 238 9 1 189 13 2 850 1 3 749 0 8 1,022 11 2 1,336 19 2 159 0 11 298 14 11 378 10 4 781 15 7 205 5 9 1,186 10 8 387 9 10 148 11 7 180 11 11 673 12 11 1,516 7 11 579 9 2 228 16 10 6,114 19 11 109 -17 2 293 19 6 78 15 0 , 352 13 0 303 15 1 1,466 4 3 292 8 3 741 2 5 170 18 3 48 12 8 79 17 6 1,332 16 4 44 7 11 0 10 0 12 2 6 2 10 0 65 6 0 64 11 0 12 0 0 3 0 0 1812 0 4 15 0 10 0 15 0 0 257 7 4 14 10 4 37 13 3 2 19 3 5,169* 6 0 797 0 0 247 15 8 118 0 4 8 17 2 10 17 9 107 14 9 183 5 3 16 18 0 10 0 1 73 3 0 30 4 4 27 14 10 134 4 5 129 13 1 149 16 0 340 13 1 14 3 10 77 8 2 13 5 5 88 15 6 65 11 7 66 19 2 93 2 1 9 12 6 16 17 5 17 2 4 74 10 7 19 0 1 42 11 0 41 1 11 7 1 10 10 3 9 90 5 11 106 0 2 46 18 9 ■23 8 10 706 16 9 35 0 4 ■ 28 19 7 17 16 6 27 1 7 29 18 2 117 8 2 82 17 11 7,560 16 8 557 9 1 864 10 2 344 8 2 34,680 2 7 5,159 5 0 797 0 0 1,482 12 1 1,931 4 5 89 15 4 241 14 11 1,741 8 1 2,325 5 6 299 2 4 343 11 7 462 13 4 685 15 9 343 15 11 881 19 0 2,056 11 7 1,157 6 9 657 1 6 109 7 11 330 17 3 202 18 7 449 12 9 822 8 6 1,117 13 4 1,430 1 3 173 3 5 315 19 10 401 2 2 865 6 2 225 5 10 1,229 1 8 435 1 9 168 3 5 191 15 8 765 18 10 1,654 7 1 626 7 11 ■ 257 15 8 6,863 6 8 144 17 6 322 19 1 96 11 6 379 14 7 333 13 3 1,590 13 5 325 6 2 45,738 10 6 1,715 11 6 479 12 8 I 444 13 4 Or. 0 12 6 i 20,379 8 10 1 4,977 16 10 633 11 4 443 4 11 4,171 9 11 4,118 8 7 1,993 15 0 377 10 8 780 3 2 337 3 8 1,045 1 0 802 3 3 1,635 17 3 2,059 2 8 3,036 18 4 ■ 4,483 7 8 611 2 4 1,534 19 4 779 18 3 639 7 3 ' 1,146 10 10 1,550 15 7 2,239 15 6 546 17 11 426 15 3 638 2 3 2,573 13 0 861 2 11 703 16 3 794 1 0 468 4 5 277 10 7 ■ 1,117 19 0 7,584 0 6 .1,963 4 1 1,601 13 6 10,352 15 2 ■ 3,146 14 5 ■ 2,022 12 0 ■ 4,503 18 8 1,225 12 5 956 9 11 1,308 3 4 733 19 6 2 12 7 4,652 2 2 Or. 7**8 4 0 5 0 78 11 1 18 4 457 15 1 0. 1 0 67 19 4 1 15 2 0 3 9 0 15 6 18 11 9 27 16 3 1 11 6 0 8 8 0 10 1 0 17 7 1 17 6 1 13 6 0 14 5 20 8 3 2 2 5 10 2 1 11 7 13 3 0 15 4 4 13 2 14 11 0 18 1 2 6 10 0 18 0 3 15 0 3 13 6 1 7 1 4 5 3 3 13 7 0 7 7 0 4 8 3 8 4 18 8 11 4 13 11 4 14 5 275 11 0 0 5 11 4 17 5 4 3 2 2 3 8 0 10 1 2 13 10 2 8 1 961 17 8 277 6 1 39 0 0 113* 2 6 1,095*15 6 184* 0 0 26 5 0 79 1 0 128 0 0 128 11 6 10 0 6 0 0 6 15 0 36 12 10 121 1 8 45 0 0 21 0 0 42 3 0 0 15 0 10 10 0 3 0 0 2 12 7 51,352 10 i 1.992 17 7 511 4 4 444 18 4 Or. 0 12 6 191 13 7 ■ 1 8 4 21,932 19 5 0 10 5,229 16 2 661 11 6 443 8 8 4,251 6 5 4,265 0 4 2,150 2 9 380 2 2 780 11 10 343 13 9 1,052 13 7 840 13 7 .1,758 12 5 2,104 17 1 3,078 6 7 4,527 13 1 612 17 6 1,547 0 11 784 1 6 640 2 7 1,164 2 1 1,603 10 6 2,278 3 7 550 4 ' 9 427 13 3 578 17 3 2,002 14 6 875 7 8 708 1 6 808 19 7 408 12 0 277 15 3 1,142 11 4 7,710 12 4 1.993 18 0 ■ 1,661 2 7 11,258 9 2 3,188 17 10 2,027 9 5 4,558 1 10 1,227 16 1 1,132 15 0 1,311 7 2 769 17 7 7,563 9 3 51,352 10 4 1,992 17 7 1,068 13 5 809 8 6 343 15 8 34,871 16 2 5.160 13 4 21,932 19 5 797 1 0 6,712 8 3 2,592 15 11 633 4 0 4,493 1 4 6,006 8 5 4,475 8 3 679 4 6 1,124 3 5 806 7 1 1,738 9 4 1,184 9 6 2,640 11 5 4.161 8 8 4,235 13 4 5,184 14 7 722 5 5 1,877 18 2 987 0 1 1,089 15 4 1,986 10 7 2,721 3 10 3,708 4 10 723 8 2 743 13 1 979 19 5 3,468 0 8 1,100 13 6 1,937 3 2 1,244 1 4 630 15 5 469 10 11 1,908 10 2 9,364 19 5 2,620 5 11 1,918 18 3 18,121 15 10 3,333 15 4 2,350 8 6 4,654 13 4 1,607 10 8 1,466 8 3 2,902 0 7 1,095 3 9 Hueunui-Bluff Sec— Lyttelton (Coaching). (Gooas). (Wharf). Heathcote. Woolston. Opawa. Christch. (Passengers). „ (Parcels). (Gooas). (Traf. Mgr.) Aadington. Papanui. Styx. Belfast. Kaiapoi. Rangiora. Oust. Bennett's. Oxford East. „ West. Sefton. Amberley. Waikari. Culverden. Hornby. Prebbleton. Lincoln. Ellesmere. Doyleston. Leeston. Southbriage. Little River. Templeton. Rolleston. Kirwee. Darfieia. Sheffieia. Springfield. Coalgate. Burnham. Selwyn. Dunsandel. Rakaia. Methven. Chertsey. Ashburton. Tinwald. Mt. Somers. Winslow. Hinds. Rangitata. Orari. Winchester. 4 1 , 2 10 16 0 7 16 3 28 3 0 i .. I '6 4 4 13 4 0 30 10 20 9 6 0 432 1 1 19 ' . 30 87 ! 12 4 I 81 ! 29 1 3 36 31 I 49 • 4 9 1 1 3 35 19 55 7 7 13 20 14 34 29 3 3 24 1 ' 1 1 **2 *i7 1 .211 105 138 I 1 18 0 6 0 4,026 0 1,630 4 4 9 "l , 1 .. 2 1 10 30 5 12 2 6 *i9 2 1 1 3 8,734 30 0 24 0 6 0 i 12 4 10 0 0 7 6 5 9 6 9 0 0 10 0 13 10 0 50 0 0 37 10 0 10 0 37 0 0 25 8 0 12 17 8 23 2 24 22 3 10 81 42 15 12 337 17 4 .9 lo "l 'i 2 8 8 6,077 9 817 1 674 15 213 15 "55 2 6 0 6 0 "l 1 25 20 10 5 66 0 60 0 88 9 6 18 0 4 0 9 12* 0 24 0 1 i *45 31 . 127 ) 5 ' 67 "33 10 149 95 18 144 125 19 445 ■49 155 28 *i6 95 7 219 330 166 102 o i7 12 6 10 0 12 10 0 10 0 2 0 32 19 0 5*10 0 41 10 0 li' 5 0 9 2 1 2 3 89 24 13 5 293 24 24 12 5 10 HA 2 2 7 "l 1 **8 1 , 162 0 , 1,020 , 0 , 102 0 . . 522 0 ... 174 0 72 0 6 0 24 0 ■ ■ 120 0 18_i_0 12 0 6 0 *7 3 8 18 0 1 82 2 9 2 .4 1 388 18 17 1 1,727 17 . 4 . . 4 .. 4 2 26 62 27 26 111 25 11 1 3 1 7 "l3 .. 12 0 . 90 0 36 0 138 0 12 0 18 0 744. 0 180. 0 21 4 0 108 2 11 26 0 0 54 14 8 680 3 0 41 17 6 " 9 ' **6 ' 84 **4 **8 19 2 5 2 3 2 -—« 2 *3 : .... . .14 1 .. 1 3 ' . 3. , - 8 407 960 6 1,022 :. 108, i2 0 23 11 141 11 3.15 627, 2 0 13 9 7 81 16 " n "io 112 '89. o **71 108. ., 48 0 . . 294 0 .. 18 0 ,. 114 0 ,3(3 0 *6 0 217 0 1,862. 0 *.)*5 "34' 50* 0 0 ■ ■ *23 "l "i ■ 246 0 **5 19 2 1 'I *i7 20 8 16-16 73 12 24 0 ..126 0 18 0 175 15 0 0 10 0 33 10 0 *■?- ■ "2 1 32 157 38 ' 86 73 710 104 _,14 13 15 39 **7 11 2 Carried forward.. 323 47,973 3. 7 500,264 3,538 96,838 2,635 213 4,877 94,503 2,617 195, 4,858 254 5,09< 672 392,621 5,837 691 432,67! 23,145 7,560 34,467 0 8,838 0 34,875 140,769 9 120,399 13 119,643 11 466,552 18 73,422 18 4 2,793 3 10 9,776 18 9 85,993 0 11 151,862 13 9 ■,689 7 5 4,657 4 162,209 5 8 248,202 6 7 Carried forwara. 23,887 7,578 0 35,686 8 9,042 0 33,409 16 151,883 1! 119,294 9 117,249 10 474,144 -2 25(


RETURN No. 10 .— continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894.

7a—D. 2.


Coaching. Live-stock, Goods, &c. Eevenue. Stations. ft o 3 o M •si ■°s as fcj'd d W Traffic Expenditure. Numbi of Outward. DC «5 •c ■ O § O _o ui o5 © ® a! <3 to I I J a Inward. © O ft © CO Equiv. gj Tonnage £ for Livew stock, &c. Firewood. Timber Grain. M Sse &n " Minerals - Outward. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Inward. Coaching. Goods. Total Value forwarded. Stations. OS'S as 6 H ©>H F4 n o W P. (3 6 o Chaff, &c. Wool. ©" O > o ft a 0Q to Equiv. Tonnage for Live-stock, &0. Chaff, &c. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Ordinary Passengers. Season Tickets. Parcels and Luggage. Total. Goods, Miscel- Rents and laneous. Commission. Total. HUBONDI-Br.DFF SECTION — continued. Brought forward Temuka Washdyke Pleasant Point Albury Fairlie Timaru (Coaching)) Goods) \ (Wharf) J St. Andrew's Makikihi Studholme Waimate .. - • ■ Waitaki North Pukeuri Junction .. Duntroon Kurow Oamaru (Coaching) 1 „ (Goods) [ Breakwater Waiareka Junction Ngapara Maheno Herbert .. Hampaen Palmerston Dunback Waikouaiti Seacliff Waitati Purakanui Pt. Chalmers Upper Sawyers' Bay P.Chalmers (Coch'g) 1 (Gooas) J Burke's Ravensbourne Pelichet Bay Dunedin (Pass.) 1 (Parcels) J (Gooas) .. (Traf. Mgr.) Caversham Burnsiae Abbotsf ord Miaaiemarch Mosgiel Outram Greytown Henley Waihola Milburn Milton Waitahuna Lawrence Stirling Balclutha.. Clinton Waipahi Tapanui Kelso Pukerau Gore Riversaale Mataura .. Eaenaale Wyndham Woodlands Invercargill (Coch'g) 1 (Goods) J (Tr. Mgr.) Bluff „ (Wharf) Makarewa Thornbury Riverton Orepuki Otautau Winton Dipton Lumsden .. Kingston Sheffield, Through .. Springfield Accountant General 11 11 11 114 134 "4 12 10 114 12 114 12 12 14 144 9 "4 10 "i 12 114 14 8 13 14 12 124 13 174 16f 18 18 17 19 9 19 21 17 94 18 12 134 13 13 13 13 15 15 13 161 16 15 9 10 144 14j 10 11 104 9 10 323 3 1 2 1 2 28 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 35 3 2 1 3 2 2 9 3 8 2 2 1 1 2 15 2 2 2 64 59 3 3 3 3 6 4 1 1 2 1 5 2 6 4 7 9 2 1 2 1 11 3 3 8 2 2 £ s. a. 47,973 3 7 383 1 2 148 13 11 220 19 9 126 15 10 298 19 2 5,086 6 5 141 19 9 145 6 10 380 2 2 409 10 11 331 0 8 146 17 1 84 18 1 273 3 2 4,774 19 0 951 1 4 275 10 11 139 2 7 328 5 11 134 14 1 151 13 7 1,210 19 6 385 18 1 245 8 11 189 7 5 239 19 11 176 6 8 128 9 7 322 7 5 3,185 3 6 263 3 10 286 13 11 340 10 3 9,069 11 6 8,998 11 11 324 8 0 450 0 6 397 3 10 220 4 7 686 0 9 449 6 4 160 10 11 151 10 4 223 11 7 162 11 2 656 5 11 173 16 1 756 11 1 526 18 1 1,016 5 6 1,221 16 0 256 8 1 150 10 10 347 12 9 132 18 3 1,381 6 9 308 8 8 307 2 2 245 3 1 140 10 2 181 11 5 (3,974 8 8 ( 2,709 6 4 500,264 8,927 1,509 4,078 1,263 4,542 ( 23,678 3,' 549 1,615 3,760 4,755 1,887 1,017 1,618 2,436 J 39,068 825 2,017 3,252 2,226 2,483 14,031 532 2,768 3,876 3,049 1,737 9,895 7,304 | 37,732 2*657 22,281 15,352 (137,300 94 11,232 13,715 11,690 4,524 22,305 7,571 2,518 2,293 1,942 1,462 9,609 2,649 7,649 4,412 12,953 17,933 2,630 1,841 3,257 2,337 13,937 3,777 5,227 6,477 161 4,126 95,446 3,538 53 41 47 10 *38 32 93 23 10 18 49 465 112 690 111 1,312 299 249 52 37 36 8 114 5 2 8 36 285 "l 96,838 1,355 110 853 282 628 11,518 469 224 157 1,600 319 245 297 647 12,737 332 276 354 290 875 1,506 262 660 1,103 1,259 910 795 765 1,190 636 31 336 58)068 597 193 426 622 2,608 955 251 221 253 116 1,713 517 1,445 1,369 2,901 813 380 546 394 516 4,784 1,054 982 702 216 691 27,315 2,635 36 45 18 85 92 547 8 6 15 35 2 49 44 36 443 41 3 10 5 6 113 2 37 7 33 1 1 **5 882 213 2 1 3 17 **3 "l "2 14 "2 **4 2 "l "l *9S 4,877 80 . 42 59 66 88 410 56 15 23 95 37 46 58 200 594 15 20 53 33 71 175 23 107 53 88 25 41 16 65 8 34 61 l)758 173 72 87 177 168 59 97 101 37 31 184 63 93 58 224 119 87 39 26 74 264 76 66 140 8 83 525 94,603 3,163 155 1,668 1,878 2,732 6,813 1,378 1,078 613 2,873 1,011 246 2,100 3,466 5,686 91 4,041 1,335 866 2,222 3,553 1,454 1,818 1,962 625 173 285 276 2,645 64 486 162 18,*078 374 406 469 3,707 2,838 2,073 549 955 606 392 3,358 1,522 4,687 3,073 5,173 4,152 803 2,256 1,459 858 4,947 3,845 2,223 2,403 1,630 1,419 5,940 2,617 34 45 15 44 61 301 59 30 45 323 5 27 13 2 5 115 1 25 17 28 1 2 5 i,io8 1 1 1 60 97 2 17 32 3 ■ 10 59 10 79 17 120 53 4 63 27 7 266 14 7 47 23 3 347 29 195 2 "l 11 'ii 1 5 "l 3 1 8 "l *36 4,858 68 27 63 198 191 262 74 13 39 132 40 15 101 428 350 7 67 32 42 83 157 49 144 101 ' 54 35 16 13 73 3 17 15 l)311 92 42 58 286 202 78 65 127 38 41 132 90 117 136 223 224 57 91 41 36 253 84 60 176 27 57 433 254 "l 1 *i7 "1 "1 2 *20 "l *56 5,094 305 43 2 5 10 3 1 70 69 10 29 9 40 **70 151 7 7 53 13 92 152 8 8 72 13 133 1 103 **32 i.09 672 2 9 2 "l 'i7 'il "5 1 1 '50 1 '18 7 "8 392,621 10,789 13,204 1,682 216 401 328 40 5,931 5,204 2,808 3,000 971 2,463 253 2,931 1,497 9)508 2,458 5,642 450 1,677 4,695 14 2,171 "l91 *596 "74 'l85 7,787 375 11,042 4,116 140 769 919 1,553 7,023 12,265 6,109 760 6,816 31,620 17,120 4,543 1,510 5,018 2,819 21,711 3,353 1,226 16,894 4,099 2,832 23,887 538 274 23 "35 67 . 210 43 520 35 79 14 134 165 20 7 9 "47 *753 Ts. c. Ts. 0. 7,578 0 18 0 300 0 86 0 102 0 36 0 60 0 72 0 54 0 90 0 6 0 84 0 54 0 24 0 90 0 ! 12 0 48 0 30 0 12 0 516 0 78 0 48 0 30 0 *6 0 504 0 66 0 120 0 312 0 114 0 3,090 0 210 0 1,800 0 120 0 210 0 306 0 1,428 0 432 0 222 0 12 0 666 0 576 0 456 0 294 0 78 0 72 0 102 0 204 0 78 0 18 0 30 0 216 0 35,686 8 299 16 44 12 350 8 332 4 691 0 6,113 0 449 8 427 4 141 12 205 12 357 8 343 12 141 8 169 12 1,407 4 3,248 16 63 0 235 4 38 0 ■ 70 16 42 16 108 16 200 4 1,301 8 115 16 108 12 11 4 *2 8 49 0 4,370 4 0 12 759 12 597 16 119 8 233 0 33 0 69 0 35 12 41 0 296 12 79 4 912 8 85 8 728 0 178 16 245 4 126 12 445 12 98 4 831 8 543 12 213 4 98 16 305 0 166 0 Ts. c. 9,042 0 6 0 42 0 126 0 66 0 1,690 0 24 0 48 0 204 0 24 0 30 0 1,284 0 64 0 36 0 582 0 896 0 240 0 576 0 30 0 i2 0 12 0 *6 0 24 0 1. Ts c. 0 33,409 16 0 20 4 1 2 0 1 16 0 4 0 4 0 1,583 2 2,881 2 3 11 n 0 0 4 0 511 17 16 0 0 0 5 6 18 0 744 9 0 389 7 1 16 0 4 1 7 3 3 0 13 3 15 2 6 18 3 5 16 3 4 9 3 2,224 5 1 3 1 3 i 3 3 ki 2 3 1 3 3 2,576 13 Ts. c 151,883 19* 6,006 15 2,021 11 2,249' 7 812 4 918 6 30,793 3 190 2 3,222 0 3,143 18 3,288 15 2,527 10 3,545 IS 4,156 13 1,281 8 866 17 20,955 1 65 7 5,861 15 1,369 11 5,528 1 981 6 1,192 8 1,423 7 829 19 955 11 342 3 7 14 **7 2 *i5 15 *i2 1 5,155 0 5 6 527 17 466 13 1,037 15 2,333 11 1,133 2 2,947 14 683 6 289 15 408 9 6,612 11 1,036 8 821 3 1,967 15 3,837 3 1,066 12 2,009 5 328 14 2,885 7 2,431 13 8,913 2 8,021 5 1,594 8 1,321 2 1,248 1 1,033 16 119,294 9 237 14 3,470 0 185 17 37 7 100 10 5,429 5 8,382 5 67 8 41 17 41 15 237 14 82 5 2,066 14 63 13 88 12 5,075 13 1,766 8 97 18 52 4 209 9 08 12 211 12 275 14 282 0 253 15 71 4 154 13 26 18 31 11 425 7 21,425 7 0 10 3 7 50 1 27,055 19 75 5 1,378 11 123 14 272 15 538 13 139 19 85 5 301 14 40 4 116 1 464 14 85 1 911 12 416 2 620 7 139 3 75 15 203 19 237 19 83 1 1,383 2 308 12 2,273 18 499 4 344 15 433 0 Ts. c. 117,24*9 10 41 11 212 6 14 14 193 18 18 3 10,561 4 10,862 8 17 13 16 0 22 10 77 18 5 3 99 9 66 10 185 0 1,424 7 5,823 13 2,427 18 273 9 407 19 53 4 9,329 12 12,689 11 6 0 9 0 42 19 337 15 457 5 2,i74 10 100 2 1,534 0 18,641 9 334 17 17,239 7 22,360 8 308 5 2,190 17 8 0 10 0 114 10 Ts. c. 474,144 2* 6,630 0 6,049 10 2,830 2 1,375 17 1,728 3 54)605 14 22,765 5 3,839 16 3,445 7 3,618 16 4,868 1 4,048 9 6,578 4 1,635 8 2,554 11 3l)736 6 8,131 15 8,678 11 1,757 8 6,307 12 1,187 18 12,175 1 14,687 18 2,432 5 1,888 18 1,195 8 2,884 15 266 18 947 14 919 14 23,777 14 12 10 103 9 1,608 2 58)327 5 *481 8 19,271 0 24,022 7 2,551 18 8,413 2 1,826 5 4,875 19 1,705 17 578 4 6,407 5 9,875 0 1,795 0 3,023 1 55,637 2 7,865 13 2,812 5 3,787 13 1,982 15 3,648 9 3,753 4 12,836 8 9,315 4 4,594 18 1,961 3 1,975 10 15,156 11 48)460 7 51)511 0 10,951 3 11,130 0 4,736 5 8,499 4 1,608 2 12,492 9 20,380 13 3,502 17 3.417 0 1.418 2 41 12 18 4 Ts. 0. 250 "l 1 **7 3 "7 "3 "5 S 1 5,837 400 1 12 2 116 3 17 5 3 7 1 3 14 26 128 33 292 76 5 12 14 26 5 3 6 30 25 4 240 "ll 3 *311 1 2,074 178 71 82 35 17 179 3 7 50 23 149 45 155 27 o 696 "l "l '83 "2 6 30 12 1 "l 8 "8 "i3 1432,674 613 4,881 82 231 703 1,769 20 164 85 544 I 222 101 2,942 61 ! 442 2,344 I 2,726 I 3,549 ! 1,889 395 99 375 ! 1,236 424 I 215 162 646 516 '940 '234 I '702 I 88,088 393 ■ 3,018 750 257 873 ! 309 17 260 272 387 770 136 ; 3,707 ! 564 173 320 215 193 10,234 122 , 3,258 885 169 35 23,145 '359 "71 *i38 82 "60 "20 144 " 7 1 "46 "lO 21 'ioe " 7 1 "69 3)6l2 298 Ts. c. Ts. 0. 7,560 0 i2 0 24 0 474 0 *6 0 12 0 48 0 iii 0 18 0 24 0 6 0 60 0 18 0 12 0 288 0 132 0 42 0 306 0 36 0 786 0 9,204 0 330 0 . 102 0 30 0 174 0 30 0 24 0 Ts. 0. 34,467 0 65 4 105 0 34 12 4,130 12 6,052 12 0 8 20 0 2,126 16 3,210 4 191 8 '6 4 7,683 12 4,258 4 Ts. c. 8,838 0 126 0 6 0 30 0 84 0 186 0 582 0 54 0 108 0 162 0 24 0 126 0 264 0 1,320 0 36 0 192 0 156 0 36 0 24 0 198 0 288 0 432 0 i*l 0 i2 0 i2 0 72 0 678 0 132 0 96 0 156 0 1,758 0 132 0 54 0 Ts. c. 34,875 5 1,042 9 104 9 156 13 163 11 451 11 3,530 4 177 2 153 16 132 18 581 2 140 18 133 16 599 16 2,202 18 1 16 555 16 170 18 82 0 314 4 295 11 456 4 229 11 222 5 7 2 46 9 26 0 124 18 634 13 1 7 4 4 10,262 18 105 2 42 4 1,311 16 583 16 458 4 93 16 37 2 36 18 63 2 613 7 256 9 866 0 1,597 6 1,201 16 323 11 60 13 264 5 572 9 469 11 2,390 9 1,396 9 1,104 9 388 0 584 5 36 0 Ts. c. 140,769 9* 434 14 13 0 386 0 286 15 623 0 33,419 0 28,130 15 303 13 152 4 178 10 452 7 132 13 14 3 185 3 503 18 15,756 16 20,654 8 56 13 609 13 689 14 85 5 527 2 330 8 224 4 133 7 280 17 260 19 45 11 2 4 179 1 2,225 16 2 7 59 17 2,346 19 32,372 4 854 3 1,632 8 40 0 461 7 473 17 486 8 116 9 352 6 42 16 46 16 3,881 18 283 16 733 19 435 6 673 13 875 6 134 0 400 18 167 7 . 159 5 2,957 0 783 10 375 0 172 3 559 14 338 11 120,399 13 810 11 129 3 428 19 355 9 646 15 13,702 7 633 16 264 8 289 15 152 8 1,080 14 290 6 40 9 413 6 867 9 6,804 1 1,611 16 27 9 815 3 369 1 165 10 466 6 602 8 1,602 8 322 6 426 11 86 8 73 8 6 9 1,283 13 13,090 10 0 18 8 12 73 1 19,2U, 6 49 12 792 13 151 12 1,711 11 782 7 565 11 118 13 257 4 115 1 93 0 629 4 392 12 3,005 1 1,150 8 1,317 12 759 1 160 17 572 3 548 2 294 2 2,260 1 1,138 4 1,925 19 368 14 774 14 590 3 Ts. c. 119,64*3 11 2,165 19 2,511 16 1,045 13 338 0 1,187 10 11,658 17 105 2 638 13 561 10 418 0 1,442 3 568 2 108 17 789 8 1,075 17 11,484 17 644 1 421 14 1,626 9 1,357 7 857 7 511 18 1,068 8 1,105 2 974 15 655 6 393 12 64 15 884 16 4,949 10 5 0 323 18 8,456 3 66,989 16 6,246 17 6,036 9 515 8 3,708 1 3,032 8 2,202 16 578 17 1,129 18 517 0 3,429 16 3,691 9 1,785 12 4,152 13 1,406 17 3,076 1 3,750 2 679 14 565 13 1,296 16 605 16 1,650 19 2,209 15 964 15 2,540 18 724 2 1,236 18 Ts. c. 466,5*52 18* 4,644 17 2,869 8 2,081 17 1,239 15 3,118 16 67)497 0 34,922 5 1,437 19 1,157 5 995 16 3,574 6 1,293 19 187 9 1,667 13 3,359 0 39,809 8 26,140 6 541 16 3,823 1 2,940 8 726 2 1,843 10 2,554 15 3,694 2 2,103 19 1,872 19 892 1 230 3 34 13 2,626 8 28)802 1 9 12 432 11 11,734 3 142)976 8 7)ll2 12 8,764 12 965 0 9,126 3 5,059 0 4,110 15 907 15 1,818 10 729 15 3,650 14 8,796 10 2,772 9 8,817 13 5,207 17 6,810 2 5,352 0 1,119 4 1,856 19 2,945 6 1,750 14 10,048 13 6,258 2 4,436 3 3,781 15 2,810 15 2,528 12 44)433 0 74)697 6 26,590 6 1,452 16 4,134 15 3,338 4 2,712 11 5,418 9 3,524 18 2,224 1 3,968 1 7,690 3 18 5 41 12 Ts. c. £ s. a. 73,422 18 4 1,948 8 2 136 9 11 634 17 9 291 7 6 1,142 2 7 8,043 14 0 572 18 9 264 4 2 606 4 8 1,429 7 11 322 6 9 83 6 7 356 9 5 748 5 4 9,570 19 8 55 14 7 296 0 7 467 6 0 359 2 9 578 11 10 2,655 0 5 121 15 5 539 8 2 536 10 5 411 0 2 151 9 0 876 15 1 434 19 1 2,646 18 7 119 2 4 490 4 6 1,017 19 6 33,625 12 3 78 0 5 1,268 0 2 592 1 3 759 16 2 1,694 5 9 2,252 9 6 695 14 2 410 0 4 474 9 8 321 18 7 232 2 2 2,422 12 1 497 0 6 2,206 6 10 1,069 15 11 2,922 12 10 2,528 16 2 655 2 1 633 3 5 711 2 8 385 2 4 4,107 8 11 949 13 0 1,089 2 7 1,702 7 5 16 8 11 650 4 11 14,536 10 5 £ s. a. 2,793 3 10 49 7 6 4 0 0 29 19 0 4 10 0 3 0 0 29 2 6 6 12 6 2 0 0 6 0 0 3 4 0 2 0 0 4 10 0 4114 0 6'10 0 2 0 0 28*13 0 66 11 0 17 3 6 20 10 0 17 10 0 12 14 6 83 9 0 641 2 6 86 16 4 472 6 3 97 1 0 1,240 11 3 139 19 2 226 17 1 56 3 6 £ s. a. 9,776 18 9 174 2 11 45 7 9 49 3 9 80 16 10 108 19 4 1,197 11 5 43 6 4 18 10 11 30 15 4 147 1 11 21 15 2 40 15 9 40 14 11 90 5 2 1,072 2 4 77 7 7 14 17 6 33 1 10 19 1 0 99 16 11 180 3 6 26 8 10 81 8 5 106 3 3 89 4 10 34 17 3 106 14 0 29 1 11 100 0 2 17 12 0 3 0 6 17 16 9 6,4o6' 2 5 545 14 9 43 13 0 19 19 11 46 11 4 107 3 11 304 16 10 66 8 7 44 15 0 42 9 0 24 15 8 16 18 8 173 12 7 32 2 0 210 12 3 118 5 10 263 6 9 76 15 6 62 0 5 114 3 8 58 4 0 40 6 1 452 19 5 97 14 0 71 14 2 87 15 4 27 14 0 42 13 0 1,754 10 0 £ s. a. 85,993 0 11 2,171 18 7 184 17 8 614 0 6 376 14 3 1,254 1 11 9,270 7 11 622 17 7 284 15 1 643 0 0 1,579 13 10 346. 1 11 128 12 4 397 4 4 838 10 6 10,684 16 0 133 2 2 810 18 1 500 17 10 380 3 9 678 8 9 2,863 16 11 148 4 3 687 2 7 659 17 2 520 15 0 203 16 3 996 3 7 547 10 0 3,287 1 3 223 10 8 905 11 2 1,132 17 2 34,766 3 6 6,400 2 5 623 15 2 1,451 12 4 838 18 3 862 11 0 1,801 9 8 2,701 4 10 797 19 9 459 15 4 519 18 8 357 4 3 256 14 10 2,660 3 8 531 12 6 2,418 9 1 1,202 11 9 3,200 18 4 2,606 11 8 717 2 6 747 7 1 769 6 8 428 8 5 4,572 5 10 1,050 7 0 1,166 7 8 1,790 2 9 45 2 11 700 2 5 16,655 13 2 £ s. a. 151,862 13 9 2,169 13 2 2,195 7 4 783 9 8 519 10 2 1,047 4 0 10,827 9 8 1,742 12 7 1,341 17 10 1,116 4 9 1,409 14 3 2,048 14 2 1,187 5 6 1,848 13 11 838 18 4 2,268 11 2 7,170 0 1 840 0 6 3,032 6 9 576 3 2 3,052 13 8 462 6 11 3,286 0 5 4,333 7 8 2,086 3 11 840 11 5 333 5 6 1,088 7 10 62 12 3 183 12 1 195 19 8 5,212 2 3 1 17 0 12 6 7 276 6 10 Cr. 38 6 10 Cr. 24' 13 9 42,783 4 1 218 10 8 2,996 2 9 2,826 19 1 2,022 14 1 2,000 10 8 535 10 8 1,000 19 3 586 7 2 236 13 9 2,044 1 0 4,474 17 7 938 1 4 2.925 15 3 14,737 11 5 5,817 13 11 1.926 11 6 2,094 0 7 893 6 3 3,081 7 8 1,662 5 2 8,010 7 2 6,029 2 10] 3,624 15 9 1,978 1 4 1,397 13 7 8,800 6 6 £ s. a. 5,689 7 5 16 8 3 3 2 3 0 19 0 1 4 11 49 0 1 1,060 13 6 0 17 2 12 2 6 14 4 18 7 0 16 1 0 0 0 0 16 2 0 12 2 0 2 4 217 7 11 210 3 11 0 10 0 1 11 4 9 7 0 3 2 0 7 10 45 12 4 1 19 0 0 9 9 0 5 0 12 4 Or. 0 0 4 0 2 8 Cr. 3 17 10 0 12 3 1,362 1 2 0 0 9 Cr. 8 8 7 12 9 0 71 10 1 1 13 10 318 11 6 3 0 0 1 12 6 0 9 5 0 3 1 368 0 10 9 17 2 2 8 4 10 4 1 13 3 0 3 3 0 2 7 2 18 3 9 7 3 0 17 2 48 18 10 9 9 5 31 8 0 0 10 6 19 6 2 12 6 16 4 22 13 10 8 16 9 7 0 7 1 15 2 3 11 8 18 4 7 11 2 264 8 2 £ s. a. 4,657 4 6 53 15 1 20 10 0 24 11 3 10 5 6 60 2 0 716 14 4 185 14 6 23 5 0 58 16 8 64 10 0 40 8 6 2 15 0 14 4 0 18* 1 0 454 3 0 86 2 3 15 0 0 2 6 10 0 27 12 6 80 2 9 20 5 0 13 2 10 2 10 0 i' 0 0 68'll 0 19*15 0 1,111 12 0 466* 0 0 2*10 0 102 0 0 £ s. d. 162,209 5 8 2,239 16 6 2,215 17 4 811 3 2 530 14 8 1,108 11 5 49 0 1 12,604 17 6 1,928 7 1 1,365 4 5 1,177 13 7 1,480 5 7 2,094 1 3 1,190 16 7 1,862 18 5 839 14 6 2,287 4 4 6 2 4 7,841 11 0 1,136 6 8 3,033 12 9 576 5 1 3,063 5 9 463 10 1 3,314 0 9 4,459 2 9 2,108 7 11 854 4 0 336 0 6 1.089 10 2 63 11 11 183 14 9 192 1 10 0 12 3 6,642 14 5 1 17 9 8 17 0 308 9 10 1,144 16 3 Cr. 22 19 11 43,567 15 7 3 0 0 222 13 2 3,098 12 2 2,827 2 2 2,390 14 11 2,020 7 10 538 18 7 1,001 19 7 588 0 5 242 17 0 2,044 3 7 4,505 15 10 951 0 7 2,926 12 5 14,786 10 3 5,833 16 4 2,044 3 6 2,104 11 9 894 15 9 3,096 5 8 1,695 1 0 8,531 16 7 5.090 19 7 3,560 16 4 1,979 16 6 1,402 5 3 8,818 13 10 7 11 2 25,880 13 6 £ s. a. 248,202 6 7 4,411 15 1 2,400 15 0 1,425 3 8 907 8 11 2,362 13 4 9,319 8 0 12,604 17 6 1,928 7 1 1,988 2 0 1,462 8 8 2,123 5 7 3.673 15 1 1,536 18 6 1.991 10 9 1,236 18 10 3,125 14 10 10,690 18 4 7,841 11 0 1,136 6 8 3,166 14 11 887 3 2 3,564 3 7 843 13 10 3.992 9 6 7,322 19 8 2,256 12 2 1,541 6 7 995 17 8 1,610 5 2 267 8 2 1,179 18 4 739 11 10 3,287 13 6 6,642 14 5 225 8 5 974 8 2 1,441 7 0 35,910 19 9 6,377 2 6 43,567 15 7 626 15 2 1.674 5 6 3,937 10 5 3,689 13 2 4,192 4 7 4,721 12 8 1,336 18 4 1,461 14 11 1,107 19 1 600 1 3 2,300 18 5 7,165 19 6 1,482 19 1 5,345 1 6 15,989 2 0 9,034 14 8 4,650 15 2 2,821 14 3 1,642 2 10 3,865 12 4 2,123 9 5 13,104 2 5 6,141 6 7 4,727 3 7 8,769 19 3 1,447 8 2 9,518 16 3 16,663 4 4 25,880 13 6 115 0 0 12,510 8 8 731 10 2 4,485 6 4 2,563 15 8 5,978 3 0 1,784 6 6 7,251 6 7 8,268 14 6 1,844 3 7 6,006 2 2 3,902 18 3 4 12 11 1 19 9 9,451 10 1 Hueunut-Bluff Section — continued. Brought forward. Temuka. Washdyke. Pleasant Point. Albury. Fairlie. Timaru (Coaching). „ (Goods). „ (Wharf). St. Andrew's. Makikihi. Studholme. Waimate. Waitaki North. Pukeuri Junction. Duntroon. Kurow. Oamaru (Coaching). „ (Goods). Breakwater. Waiareka Junction. Ngapara. Maheno, Herbert. Hampden. Palmerston. Dunback. Waikouaiti. Seacliff. Waitati. Purakanui. Port Chalmers Upper. Sawyers' Bay. P.Chalmers (Coaching). (Gooas). Burke's. Ravensbourne. Pelichet Bay. Dunedin (Passengers). „ (Parcels). (Goods). (Traf. Mgr.) Caversham. Burnside. Abbotsfora. Miaaiemarch. Mosgiel. Outram. Greytown. Henley. Waihola. Milburn. Milton. Waitahuna. Lawrence. Stirling. Balclutha. Clinton. ' Waipahi. Tapanui, Kelso. Pukerau. Gore. Riversaale. Mataura. Edendale. Wynaham. Wooaianas. Invercargill (Coaching). Gooas). (Tr. Mgr.) Bluff. „ (Wharf). Makarewa. Thornbury. Riverton. Orepuki. Otautau. Winton. Dipton. Lumsaen. Kingston. Sheffieia, Through. Springfieia „ Accountant. General. 176 80 6 4 7 26 127 8 82 51 4 6 14 40 171 0 31 31 5 15 120 5 68 83 125 23 26 34 14 5 199 32 12 24 22 3 84 1 1 7 "9 2 "3 29 1 7 3 1 4 8 10 1 1 "l 4 'io "3 "s "3 "5 637 56 228 310 7 71 181 26 24 74 44 16 358 433 69 9 3 73 12 582 29 96 661 129 32 *i3 84 '53 "l 14 64 75 15 35 35 134 4 70 174 152 6 132 0 90 0 102 0 294 0 is 0 24 0 882 0 330 0 54 0 108 0 "i 13 ) 89 7 ) 50 13 ) 0 4 ) 123 7 2 13 is 16 ) 4 0 I 2 13 I 834 13 I 508 14 I 2 13 I 86 18 1 11 17 7 1 211 2 1 9 11 1 23 15 0 18 1 11 ■12,613 11 5,535 15 1,057 7 140 7 155 18 53,129 4 297 10 13 0 944 16 834 12 "9 1 "l 9 2 14 1 1 6 4 6 6 10 4 7 "9 7 1 4 *i3 '75 2 49 102 53 141 'il5 *i61 894 36 0 12 0 6 0 6 0 18 0 228 0 42 0 29 16 1 8 24 12 319 16 ii 12 i 0 6 0 6 0 12 0 60 0 54 0 60 0 600 0 312 0 102 0 84 0 143 18 6 35 17 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 10 10 0 7 14 0 63 19 0 2 10 0 1 10 0 14 10 0 14 18 9 10 0 4* 0 0 10 0 6* 0 0 28* 0 0 3 18 0 6 13 0 86 4 0 10 0 8 *i2 1 "l **2 2 "1 1 31 23 84 250 176 474 499 180 69 14 12 22 255 16 39 111 9 18 54 0 306 0 '6 12 54 0 222 0 492 0 678 0 54 0 312 0 132 0 36 0 12 5 6 31 9 6 498 15 7 53 0 0 29 0 0 8 33 83 8 65 1 10 869 "l 1 1 'is 1 2 3 1 "1 '31 318 0 168 0 96 0 1,050 19 1,077 14 60 4 315 13 23 3 46 3 184 4 *i4 *42 23 **70 73 97 180 65 174 0 48 0 12 0 124 4 4 4 3 0 0 11 17 6 3 0 0 5 10 6 2 1 510 01 36 0 204 0 87 0 10 0 7 4 0 364 12 9 i' 0 0 11 0 0 "l "6 "5 27)217 145)929 2)368 951 483 648 391 1,199 438 1,348 6,001 *187 834 0 1,800 0 1,008 0 3,930 9 12,030 14 9,703 3 15,126 14 25,019* 3 4 597* 2 0 14 49 iii *791 33)079 *409 630 0 3,077 8 2,684 01 14,025 15 7,709 17 18,837 12 1,082 5 4,563 7 2,993 6 478 5 47 14 4,645 13 5,064 5 736 8 1,727 7 655 9 16,764 18 3,618 9 '31 *815 115' 0 0 57 8 1 115' 0 0 1,951 12 5 ii 'ii 104 11 12 114 12 12 134 104 ii 1 2 3 2 8 4 1 5 2 2,941*17 10 151 5 7 289 6 8 479 2 10 285 11 10 298 10 11 805 0 5 147 5 2 665 16 11 258 11 0 li)656 l)238 5,277 7,307 12,143 10,462 6,039 1,453 14,763 5,073 189 15 23 154 2 15 228 3 79 16 *642 265 486 2,824 226 719 1,089 569 2,090 533 19 20 27 3 29 77 2 43 1 1 "l "85 76 58 112 33 73 80 30 139 104 4Ji60 334 1,929 1,975 2,978 4,283 3,511 2,086 3,623 3,505 3 13 6 24 5 47 72 17 52 27 1 3 1 1 2 8 "73 56 64 56 71 155 82 55 206 140 "7 1 3 3 2 5 5 1 2 1 '£95 165 227 175 812 65 24 5 383 5 . 43 11 22 1 1 'ioo 7,140 8,810 614 1,201 27,577 24,986 4,483 11,153 302 "21 35 198 120 49 50 107 25 94 108 0 840 0 504 0 18 0 12 0 120 0 318 0 . 156 0 114 0 5,303 8 43 4 250 8 183 4 29 12 5 4 802 i 482 16 109 12 827 12 554 16 882 0 282 0 24 0 1,290 0 1,140 0 120 0 372 0 1,026 0 438 0 6 0 36 0 2,275 16 2,991 7 190 0 0,002 5 295 2 82 9 2,628 9 1,369 11 13 7 2 18 10,072 8 1,226 4 548 15 93 6 622 2 72 18 259 0 263 6 74 1 281 14 198 19 1 2 2 0 14,031 16 8,599 10 1,654 3 748 9 59 0 85 4 6,463 3 11,257 17 31 10 15 0 "4 9 9 9 26 26 13 6 . 4 "28 113 173 91 230 207 82 55 63 84 "e '22 8 *288 561 76 51 241 4 70 1,050 0 24 0 48 0 48 0 300 0 12 0 36 0 78 0 102 0 354 0 5,967 8 5,270 0 0 16 'i 0 10 16 822 0 42 0 504 0 1,146 0 414 0 456 0 30 0 378 0 990 0 282 0 7,512 13 3 11 277 11 220 4 306 0 730 13 1,039 2 224 5 232 0 343 11 997 2 9 16 32,477 9 17,217 12 29 16 356 1 755 3 141 10 557 15 760 17 191 3 517 10 811 3 6 9 11,466 6 2,572 9 298 18 560 1 423 8 743 8 1,364 7 1,242 15 544 8 750 18 1,692 14 2 0 1 2 15,401 10 1,526 14 779 15 2,386 9 659 13 383 0 1,988 5 1,220 5 800 10 1,228 6 3,553 0 1,825* 5 4 112 14 7 777 5 1 1,234 4 0 1,454 4 5 1,713 18 lj 1,049 16 4 1 373 17 8! 2,675 18 4 l 2,033 7 10 68*19 0 17 0 5 15 0 20 1 6 1 13 0 11 11 0 7 15 0 5 12 0 2 10 0 23 16 9 41 6 6 185 17 10 27 10 3 86 6 11 122 0 8 29 4 7 170 4 10 93 10 3 137 18 4 824 6 7 1,440 3 4 1,483 7 8 1,811 16 0 1,179 12 0 408 14 3 2,848 13 2 2,126 18 1 9,780 18 9 606 13 3 4,330 8 0 1,736 11 7 4,517 6 0 298 17 5l 5,416 14 9 7,025 3 7 1,431 14 3 3,146 1 1 1,774 19 0 4 12 11 0 7 9 Cr. 12 10 0 594* 7 6 2 17 6 1 16 8 0 15 4 15 10 6 15 9 0 3 11 1 7 11 112 183 10 0 124 16 11 17 0 0 18 17 0 2 0 0 18 0 0 57 3 2 3 11 2 10 0 0 10,558 16 8 731 10 2 4,347 8 0 1,739 9 1 4,537 19 8 300 18 10 5,439 10 7 7,089 2 6 1,435 9 4 3,157 9 0 1,776 0 2 4 12 11 0 7 9 2,877 5 5 1 3 "1 85 16 0 4 '6 15 **6 9 "*4 10 SO 0 "4 10 i' 9 11 46 11 5 6' 2 1 283 5 0 i*12 0 6,574 4 8 57 24 50 3 6,244* 8 3 495* 1 11 2,394*13 6 12,499*14 3 •• •• 412 36,502 12 23,940 0 76,039 0 763,861 30,524 36,502 12 23,940 76,039 0 25,830 88,466 0 365,119 7 239,348 5 349,327 13 1,168,070 1,204,572 17 203,816 9 1 13,259 5 2 26,558 17 243,634 11 5 405,823 14 11 11,007 18 4 12,623 11 429,455 4 5 173,089 15 11 Totals. 761 123,983 9 7 1,225,54! 10,239 259,953 6,619 412 13,30! 159,953 6,61! 13,302 541 13,206 1,092 763,864 30,524 25,830 0 88,466 365,119 7 239,348 S| |349,327 13 1,168,070 5| |l,204,572 17 541 13,206 1,09! Totals A. C. we, Bailway Aecountanl



RETURN No. 11. Statement of Stores Contracts current during the Year ending 31st March, 1894.

B—D. 2.

iervice. 'erio. Name of Contractor. lame o] trad lor. Late. Uniform clothing ... Northern Lines... „ ... Hurunui-Bluff... Uniform caps ... N.Z. Railways ... 3 years ending 31/12/94 Hallenstein Brothers and Co. Boss and Glendining - W. H. Fenton and Co. As per schedule. 3, 4/ 7 each. ,j j, Iron castings ...Auckland „ ... Wellington „ ... Christchurch „ ... Dunedin Delivery by 30/6/93 ... ., A. Hawkeswood Smith Brothers John Anderson A. and T. Burt i2/'6and 10/3 p. cwt, 14/ 13/ and 12/6 „ 13/6 and 12/6 „ ,, Horse forage ... Christchurch ,, Collie Brothers As per schedule. Timber-supplies, as underNative timber ...Napier and Wanganui „ ... Christchurch ,, ... Southland Kauri and foreign ... Christchurch „ ... Dunedin Sawn totara for long Lyttelton sleepers General stores, as under — Ironmongery,' ship-Auckland ...' chandlery, oils and colours, iron and steel Drain-pipes ... ,, Ironmongery,oils and Wellington ... colours, iron and steel Ship-chandlery ... „ Drain-pipes ... ,, ... Ironmongery, ship-Christchurch chandlery, oils and colours, drain-pipes Iron and steel ... „ Ironmongery, ship- Dunedin chandlery, oils and colours, iron and steel Drain-pipes ... ,, Delivery by 31/12/93... ,, ,, ... ,, Delivery by 7/5/93 •■■ 2 years ending 31/12/94 ,) .;. Hawke's Bay Timber Company J. T. Brown and Son Findlay and Murdoch R. W. England ... , ... Findlay and Murdoch Williams, Stephens, and Co.... T. and S. Morrin and Co. J. J. Craig ... ... E. W. Mills and Co. As per schedule. 3> 3' 33 18/ per 100ft. As per schedule. 33 j) 33 J. Duthic and Co. ;.. W. Murphy Ashby, Bergh, and Co. 33 33 j j ... 33 ii " John Anderson ... ... Arthur Briscoe and Co. ••.-., : 33 ii 3, )j .... N.Z. Hardware Company 3, Coal-supply ... Auckland ,, ■■ ... Napier- „ ... Poxton, Wanganui, and New Plymouth ,, ... Wellington • ,, ... Picton ■,, ... Nelson For 1893 )) ' • • ■ ■! : Taupiri Reserve Colliery Co..;. Grey Valley Coal Company ... ,, 3/10 per ton. 23/S 22/6 „ 3) ' " ••'. . .;, - ■ ■ !9,/9 24/ 21/ 3 J Hurunui-JBlujf. ;; ■.•.. Lyttelton v... WhitecKffis ,, ... Timaru „ ... Oamaru „ ... Stirling j) ... ... j) ... "... William Leeming and Co. Grey Valley Coal Company,... 20/3 8/9 20/9 „ ... rg/s „ 7/ •' „ j) .. „ ' ... Nightcaps , ... ".„ ... Newmarket shops „ ... Petone ,, „ " ... Addington „ ,, ... Hillside „ j, ..... v. Kaitangata Eailway and Coal Company Nightcaps Coal Company J. J. Craig Grey Valley Coal Company ... (5/ 16/ •■ „ • 19/ 19/ 6 33 18/6- „ „ )) ... ... • 53 , , . ... ,, ... ,, ... Sleepers, as under — totara and Dunedin -broadleaf 2,000 totara, broad- Mihiwaka leaf, and blackpine 4,000 totara and Ringway kamai 4,000 kamai ... Wakapatu 5,000 „ ... Riverton 3,000 ,, ::; Wakapatu 5,000 silver-pine ... Bluff 5,000 ,, ... „ 2,000 ,, ... Port Chalmers ... 1,000 birch ...Belgrove 2,000 ,, ...Wakefield Delivery by 30/6/93 ... jj ,5 George Foster ... ... Burrows Irwin ... -.-.: George Harrington 3/9 each. 3/6 „ 3/3 and i/ii each. ;> ... W. J. Perry James More Watson Brothers ... J. D. Gillies Gardiner Wilson ... Harry Feary Price and Higgins ... Henry Baigent ... ... i/9i each. i/lii „ i/nf „ 3/io 3/io 3/io Jj ■ • * ) > • • • Delivery by 31/7/93 ...



RETURN No. 11-continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c. — continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. te. Sleepers, as under— continued. 4,000 totara ...Wellington 2,000 ,, ... Eketahuna 2,000 birch ... Koromiko 1,000 ,, ... Para ... 2,000 totara ... Oringi 4,000 „ ... „ 1,000 „ ■•• 33 1,000 „ ... Bunnythorpe ... 2,000 „ ... Taonui 2,000 „ ... Manchester Mill l,ooo birch ... Westport 7,000 silver-pine ... Port Chalmers ... 2,000 hewn silver-pine Lyttelton .2,000 „ ,3 2,000 sawn silver-pine „ 2,000 sawn birch ... ,, 2,000 „ ... „ 2,000 „ ... 33 3,000 „ ... View Hill 5,000 „ ... „ 5,000 „ ... „ 5,000 „ ... West Oxford ... 2,500 2,500 „ ... „ 10,000 „ ... Springburn 10,000 ' „' ■•• „ 3,500 sawn totara ... Eangitata 1,500 „ ... „ 10,000 sawn jarrah ... Port Chalmers ... Delivery by 14/7/93 ••■ Delivery by 30/6/93 ... Delivery by 31/7/93 ... )> • " * ,, ... Delivery by 18/7/93 ... ,, Delivery by 10/5/93 ... Delivery by 31/3/94 ••• Delivery by 30/6/93 ... jj ,.. Whiley and Co. George Gardner Freeth and Standen Nathaniel Bragg G. W. Grainger C. N. Clausen Charles Smith G. H. Christensen ... P. Bugsted J. Stewart W. and J. Marris ... Saddler and Gosling Osmond Butler ... Butler Brothers 33 ." 3/ each. 2/10 „ 2/6 „ 2/6 „ 2/6 2/6 2/6 „ 2/S » 2/42 33 2/4 2/21 „ 3/5 3/9 3/8 „ 3/9 » 2/92- 33 2/ioi 3, 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 2/lI „ 3/ 3/" 3/9 3/" j? ,3 ,j j, j) 33 E. B. Youngman Alice Perham John Lace John Bossiter Walter Byde Alexander Vallance Sharplin and Co. ... Boyd and Sharplin John M. Booth Bobert T. Button ... National Mortgage and Agency Company Small and Co. Massey and Co. j) )» ■• * j. 53 2,000 sawn black-pine Eiverton 2,000 „ Woodlands, Massey's,Waianawa 2,000 „ Otautau 2,000 sawn totara ... ,, 5,000 sawn black-pine West Plains 2,000 silver-pine ... Port Chalmers ... 1,500 birch ...Westport 1,000 hewn puriri ... Maropiu and Opunake 1,000 black-birch ...Belgrove 1,000 hewn totara ... Oringi 1,000 „ ... „ 2,000 „ ... 1, 1,000 „ ... Tamaki 2,000 „ ... „ 1,000 birch ... Upper Hutt no „ long Picton lengths 13,012 puriri, 1st class Auckland Section 2,537 » 2lld » 2,029 totara ... „ '0,253 ,, ... Wanganui Section 8,054 yellow-pine ...Westport 6,150 birch ... Picton Section ... j. 2/3 2/6 >) ■*■ ,, Francis Henry 2/8 3/5 I/" ,3 3/4 2/4 3, 3l9 ,, Delivery by 30/11/93... Delivery by 20/10/93... Delivery by 2/5/94 ... T. Eoff ... ... Kettle Brothers W. and J. Marris ... B. and J. Mitchelson ... Delivery by 30/4/94 ... Delivery by 30/6/94 ... ,, ,, Higgins and Bryant J. A. Jacobson Grainger and Smith C. N. Clausen Andrew Quinlan Henry Carlson James Tannahill E. and J. Hoult i/8i „ 2/8 2/9 3, 2 /7i 33 2/10 „ 2/10 „ 3/ 8/3 per 100ft. j? Delivery by 2/6/94 ... Delivery by 2/4/94 ... Year ending 31/3/94 ... Sundry settlers 3/9 to 4/ each. 3/3 ,3 3/ , .. 2/4 to 2/6 „ 2/6 2/6 „ 33 j, ... 33 .." "• jj timber-supplies, as under— Ironbark... .... N.Z. Railways ... Delivery by 27/1/93 ... National Mortgage and Agency Company 20/ per 100ft., hewn; 2/2 per lin. ft., piles. 18/5 per 1 ooft., and 1/8 per lin. ft. piles. 18/ per 100ft., and 1/5 per lin. ft. piles. 11/ per 1 ooft. 11/ 5/6 i6/5 52/ 5/and 5/6 per 100ft. 7/ to 10/6 „ 14/6 and 18/6 per 1 ooft. 6/9 to 14/ per 100ft. 33 •■• ... 33 Delivery by 13/2/94 ... Murray, Arnold, and Co. „ ... ... Port Chalmers ... Delivery by 19/1/9$ ... 33 Puriri j unk ... Auckland ., ... 33 ■• ■ Kauri junk ... „ Sawn totara ... Eingway Clear-pine ... Christchurch ... White-pine ... Dalefield Bed-pine ... ... Eketahuna Totara ... ... Featherston Delivery by 14/3/93 •■■ jj ... Delivery by 30/4/94 ... Delivery by 26/1/94 ... Delivery by 24/2/94 ... Delivery by 20/12/93 .. John Howland M. Mackenzie The Kauri Timber Company... George Harrington... E.W.England Thomas Price 33 ... 33 ••• "• 33 '.. 33 Bed- and white-pine Eketahuna and and matai Petone Birch piles ...Belgrove Birch timber ...Wakefield ,, ... Pelgrove ... Wakefield ,, ... Waimangaroa ... Delivery by 22/12/93.., 33 "• Delivery by 16/10/93... Delivery by 6/12/93 ... Delivery by 15/1/94 ••• Delivery by 28/8/93 ... Joseph Price Henry Baigent Joseph Price ... ... Henry Baigent Griffiths Brothers ... 30/ each. 9/ per 100ft. 9/3 9/ 12/ „


RETURN NO. 11— continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c. — continued.

R. Caerow, Railway Stores Manager.


Service. Period. Name of Contractor. te. limber-supplies, as under — continued. Birch piles ...Westport Birch timber ... „ Delivery by 29/7/93 ... Delivery by 6/7/93 ■■• Delivery by 17/7/93 ... Delivery by 11/11/93... Griffiths Brothers ... W. and J. Marris ... i/8 per lin. ft. 13/ per 1 ooft. 13/ As per list. ,3 ... » Red-pine timber ... Mokihinui „ ... Waimangaroa ... Birch piles ...Mokihinui ,, ... Westport Red-pine timber ... Brunner Silver-pine „ ... Greymouth Bed-pine „ ... ,, Black-birch ,, ... „ Bed-pine „ ... | ,, Black-pine „ ... „ Delivery by 6/3/94 ... 33 '" .... A. and S. Marris Griffiths Brothers ... Nixon and Martin ... B. Gannon Butler Brothers Otto Peterson 33 1 / per lin. ft. 1/10 „ 5/ per 1 ooft. 11/6 61 10/6 ,-, 5/6 9/6 10/6 „ 5/3 8/ 9/6 7/6 3, , 4/11 and 8/ pei 1 ooft. 12/6 per 1 ooft. 11/a „ 5/ 9/6 16/5 j, ... Delivery by 12/4/93 ... ,, ,3 3) ." 33 Bed-pine „ ... „ 3 j ... Delivery by 25/4/93 ... Delivery by 16/5/93 ■•• Delivery by 11/6/93 ... Elisha Lockington ... Butler Brothers Elisha Lockington ... Stratford and Blair Otto Peterson Feary Brothers Elisha Lockington ... G. Perotti „ „ ... ,, Black-pine „ ... „ Birch „ ... ,, Bed-pine „ ... „ 33 •" Delivery by 10/7/93 ••■ ,,' Delivery by 29/8/93 ... Delivery by 25/9/93 •■■ 33 Black-pine ,, ... ,, Birch „ ... „ Red-pine „ ... „ Birch „ .,. ,, Totara „ ... For Invercargill district Native timber ... Napier „ ... Wanganui „ ... Wellington „ ... Greymouth „ ... Christchurch ,, ... Invercargill Kamai fencing-posts Tisbury „ Seaward Bush ... „ Wakapatu !ron castings ... Auckland 33 Delivery by 11/11/93... Delivery by 29/11 /0.3... Elisha Lockington ... G. Perotti B utler Brothers Gustav Hahn George Harrington .. Delivery by 26/1/94 ... For 1894 Hawke's Bay Timber Company Manawatu Timber Company... Thomas Price Butler Brothers E. W. England Now Zealand Pine Company... W. P. Lawrence L. Woollett Thomas Fiveash C. and A. Collings ... As per schedule. 3) 33 „ ... Wellington „ ... Christchurch and Dunedin lorse-forage ... Christchurch )oal-supply... ... Auckland Delivery by 15/8/93 ... ,j Delivery by 30/6/94 ... •j ... 3) '■ • ,j Smith Brothers A. and T.Burt Thomas Wreaks Taupiri Extended Coal-mining Company J. J. Craig 25/ per 100. 22/6 „ 25/ 3> , 11/9 and 10/ pe: cwt. 14/ per cwt. 11/6 and 10/3 pe: cwt. As per schedule. 6/6 and 5/6 pe: ton. 19/6 per ton. 10/ 23/3 3, 22/6 „ 22/6 22/6 „ For 1894 „ ... ... Kaihu ,, ... ... Whangarei „ ... ... Napier ,, ... ... Foxton „ ... ... Wanganui ,, ... ... New Plymouth (or Waitara) „ ... ... Wellington „ ... ... Picton „ ... ... Nelson j, ... ... w 33 ." ■" Grey Valley Coal Company ... jj ... ... ,, ... ii ... ... 33 "• 33 ... 19/9 24/ 21/ 33 ... Hurunui-Bluff. }l ... ... Lyttelton ... Whitecliffs „ ... ... Timaru ... ... Oamaru „ ... ... Stirling 33 ••' 33 William Teeming and Co. Grey Valley Coal Company ... 20/3 8/9 20/9 19/ 6 7/ j, ... ... „ ... ... Nightcaps „ ... ... Winton ... ... Newmarket Shops „ ... ... Petone „ ... ... Addington „ ... Hillside Freight, birch sleepers Picton to Wanganui ,j ... ... ,, ... Kaitangata Eailway and Coal Company Nightcaps Coal Company Hokonui Coal Company J. J. Craig Grey Valley Coal Company ... 5/5 6/6 '5/6 „ 19/ .3 19/ 6 18/6 „ jl each. 3) January, 1894 33 Mokihinui Coal Company Union Steamship Company ...


RETURN No. 12. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1894.

RETURN No. 13. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1894.


Description. re re .^ re re 3 M G !*> "3 • re : -= h .- c 1 £ I *« i o be c eta = 5 q X o s if O 2. a a a £ ° !>- -2 - - -§ • ? 2 4 q. re o H Carriages. ■Saloon, bogie, 35-feet 33 33 37i-feet .•3 ,3 39i-feet ,, „ 41 -feet ... ., 3. 44-feet ... 1 st class, 6-wheel „ 4-wheel „ bogie, 30-feet „ 40-foot ] „ „ 44-feet) Composite, 6-wheel ,, 4-wheel „ bogie, 30-feet „ 39i-feet 33 S3 40-fcef) „ 44-feet j 2nd class, 6-wheel ,, 4-wheel „ bogie, 30-feet „ „ 39i-feet „ 40-feet } „ 44-feet) 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 4 6 4 2 2 5 3 11 3 1 2 7 1 13 5 5 9 23 15 19 1 I 1 2, 1 1 1 3 2 16 1 1 15 15 7 9 43 36 31 7 2 9 2 3 1 6 1 1 »■■ 27 34 18 93 3 I 1 2 179 2 1 1 5 3 7 6 31 14 11 3 2 2. 1 1 46 33 15 11 1 3 9 1 1 7 3 14 2 26 Total ... 2 6 3 66 95 34 260 11 10 496 Wagons, etc. Passenger brakes F Goods „ F ... ,3 • 33 'bogie F ... Fell „ F ... rrucks, &c. — Platform coal P Timber N ... Cattle H ... „ bogie T Sheep, double-floor J „ „ bogie S ... Horse-boxes G Covered goods K ,, (refrigerating) W „ bogie do. V High-side L „ bogie B Low-side M ... Iron hopper, mineral O Platform, bogie U Cool trucks X J 2 68 2 6 2 70 6 2 1 *8 22 8 I 73 55 6 49 6 28 8 112 48 8 60 20 28 41 4 3 393 27 321 11 5 2 77 4 2 33 17 6 16 6 7 112 76 17 257 161 5 18 Si 279 40 19 2,958 30 789 5 '"8 4 1 '•8 *8* 2 4 6 2 2 2 157 39 2 139 565 280 21 3°9 61 104 397 53 29 3 3 938 124 1 3 397 626 52 125 1 1 2 17 48 3 I 2 3 2 3 3 8 4 2 12 324 46 94 80 25 9 30 243 36 3i 44 4 14 10 79 11 303 12 3 1 9 35 31 22 7 54 5 Total 86 104 27 6 841 1,150 440 4,926 322 366 60 96 8,4i8 Tarpaulins fil 5.374 500 175. 1.75. 3,972 30 40 IS;

Class. Cylinder. Coupled Wheels. TruckWheels, is is 0, "5 fcn a re c re re -3 H re i 3 re < 2 c o c is 3 s I a 3 3 X 3 ti o 5 5 s6 is C '5b c w o H 1 2&. |^oke. No. Di , a - meter. No - meter. B re d o "cj 2 o 5 Double Fairlie 33 B ... * { In. 9 10 In. 16 18 18 16 16 20 20 18 18 18 20 8 8 8 6 6 4 6 8 4 8 8 6 4 4 4 4 6 6 Ft. in. 3 3 3 34 3 9 3 °J 3 oh 4 oi 4 ii 3 oi 4 oi 3 °i 3 5 4 ii 2 8 2 61 2 61 3 °i 3 oi 3 oi 3 oi 3 61 3 oi 3 61 3 61 3 oi 3 3t In. I 6 1 6 1 18 ... ... Single Fairlie 33 American 33 33 33 33 English Fell' E S K ... N ... 0 ... Q - T P V II ... A C D F ... Fa ... G ... J L La ... M ... W ... Wa ... 10 12! 13 12 15 15 11 15 15 15 H 8 9* 9i ioi 12 ioi 14 ioi 12 20 16 15 18 18 18 18 18 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 3°i 28i 28* 28! 28! 26i 264 3° 3 3 1 4 2 4 2 6 6 8 6 6 2 6 7 10 i 4 8 6 6 2 6 10 10 6 8 6 1 i 2 5 14 6 2 18 18 1 5 17 33 3 2 21 2 I 2 i i 2 I 32 75 8 2 i 13 2 4 4 I 2 4 2 2 21 24 24! 26i 28i 26i 26i 2 4 6 4 4 4 6 6 6 2 4 32 8 2 20 18 18 5 2 2 5 1 13 14 20 20 20 4 6 4 4 4 2 4 2 3 14 3 Total 3 2 2 32 47 27 134 6 7 4 4 268


RETURN No. 14. Statement of Weighing-Machines, Weighbridges, Traversers, Turntables, Cranes, and Pumps, for the Year ending 31st March, 1894.


Description. rt rt rt rt fcD n rt 3 .3 're re < c3 £3 Eh 1 "5n rt "Z c* o so a "a. i5 g IX a o £ 5 o I o 3 (3 O Z Weighing-Machines : — 2 cwt. 2 2 ,, 3 » 4 „ 5 i .. 5a 33 6 „ 1 1 4 T -7 8 4 3 3 23 9 3 1 7 34 7 19 33 1 5 1 1 2 "*6 43 3 22 61 68 1 56 1 4 16 5 3 5 I 2 7 i 6 4 30 2 3 1 1 7 „ 8 „ 9 33 10 „ 3 ***! 2 1 3 1 2 5 23 4i 5 6 4 1 3 9 3 46 55 S 7 11 ■ „ 1 1 12 13 3. 14 „ 15 „ 16 „ 20 „ 2 1 5 9 2 I I 3 7 20 1 2 16 21 „ I 1 1 1 2 31 3 1 2 I 22 „ 23 „ 27 .„ . .., 5° >. 60 „ Total 1 1 3_ 59_ 2 I 3 2 3_ 1 88 26" 240 9_ 5_ 11 7_ 45i Weighbridges : — 3 tons (cart) 6 „ „ 7 3. 8 „ „ 10 „ (wagon) 12 „ „ 14 „ ,, 20 „ „ 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 13 1 30 14 2 I 2 2 5 4 I 1 1 15 1 2 2 I 1 1 3 22 1 3° .. Total 1 1 8_ 1 L| j i. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Traversers i Turntables : — 40-feet (engine) 50 „ 12 „ (wagon) 4 ... 4 ... 1 20 4 30 8_ 63_ 1 28 13 ,. 14 „ Total 4 8_ 4 7_ i5_ 3_ 3_ 1 1 2 1 1 3! 21 Cranes : — i-ton, stationary, hand 1 „ 3. 3, *2 33 33 33 2 ,, 33 33 "*6 3 "16 2 1 4 8 1 2 2 1 3' 1. 11 1 3 33 33 33 4 3, 5 33 33 33 7 » " » 8 „ 4 1 28 I 1 1 3 28 I I 5 1 2 10 „ „ „ 1 1 20 „ „ „ 8 ,, „ hydraulic 2 „ travelling, hand 1 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 13 2 18 3 .. 5 3, 6 „ ii „ 33 steam 2 „ „ 3->. 5 33 33 33 12 „ ,, „ Hoisting engines, steam Pile-driving engine „ Total Water Services : — Steam Hand Windmill Hot-air Hydraulic ... Gravitation ... Propeller 3 5 1 2 5 5 7 6 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 5 13 14 1 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 3_ 3_ --. 16 1 32 1 92 9 5_ 5 3_ 2 176 2 1 1 1 ... 2 7 17 1 3 9 4 2 23 8 3 16 6 1 59 ! 2 1 12 74 . 35 11 1 1 1 2 2 1 24 126 46 i8 46 50 1 3" 3 8 17 25 4 3 1 3 2 2 4i : i4 •74 j 5 5 3 3 Total


RETURN No. 15. Statement of Rails relaid during the Year ending 31st March, 1894.

RETURN No. 16. Statement of Sleepers relaid and removed during the Year ending 31st March, 1894.

RETURN No. 17. Return of Number of Stations and Private Sidings on each Section for the Year ending 31st March, 1894.


Weight. I rt M rt rt c rt "rt "0 a J4 rt 5 U '5rt z, a* o J "3 I s .jl s 3 o a 5 o g o CO Z a c rt c H 1AILS RE1AID : — 40-lb. iron 40-lb. steel 45-lb. steel 52-lb. iron 53-lb. steel 70-lb. iron 70-lb. steel 229 2,452 3 4.605 i'56 2 36 9.554 2 "76 2 605 3 130 333 2 492 2 39 18,724 2 42 i I ? 072 42 Total i 229 2,452 4,608 1,114 9.750 76 607 133 333 19.303

Description. rt rt rt t» rt *tjj b/) rt £ % G rt M rt a rt & 'E. re 2 I i o .5 CO I 'a a X o I 6 o p. CO CO s o z a o s re o H Sleepers relaid : — Black--pine .:. Totara Black-birch ... Bata Jarrah Silver-pine Puriri Kauri Ironbark Kamai Yellow-pine ... Maire Karri 5i 417 13 550 490 478 31 3,547 18,493 1,365 23.29S 1,204 449 3.328 4,706 2,645 6,708 24,988 28,187 27 1,386 15.033 i,35o 78 230 3>"3 2,820 33906 6,739 573137 41,953 27 1,386 15.712 24,078 1,856 856 22,388 1,093 454 3,823 856 22,388 454 273 1,093 1,824 1,726 102,649 Total 481 1,040 478 23,436 29,003 9.175 308 4,206 2,820 3.906 177,502 Sleepers removed : — Black-pine Totara Black-birch ... Eata Jarrah Silver-pine Puriri Kauri Blue-gum Kamai Oregon Ironbark Eimu Creosoted Yellow-pine ... 481 1,040 478 11 35 1,326 19,061 4,993 7,795 594 604 3 30 1,510 5,060 2,665 2,829 2,416 53S 49,35i 10,083 18,667 62 1,465 9 3 1,611 5,694 2,127 297 2 146 396 34 58 263 3.974 1,199 23 i,597 1,135 74 2,853 59.388 20,839 30,060 666 2,003 272 1.359 24,258 ".255 2,127 474 2 2,714 396 5 i55>827 77 5oi 112 "6S 2,568 5 Total 481 1,040 478 20,433 23.179 9,088 89,913 355 3.979 1 2,819 j 4,062

Number of Stations and Stopping-places on the Time-tables. Number of Private Sidings. Sections. Miles. At Stations. Out of Stations. Total. [awakawa Vhangarei Caihu Luckland lapier-Taranaki Vellington lurunui-Blufl:... Jreymouth Vestport felson 'icton 8 7 17 288 332 92 1,101 32 27 23 21 4 4 10 98 125 3 1 400 17 10 I 9 26 7 119 2 2 8 4 29 4 I II 34 ii 148 6 12 1 1 4 216 9 2 2 Total 1,948 167 49 720



RETURN No. 18. PARTICULARS of Private- Siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1894.

cd SSizi Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. Bywhom Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1894. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. WHANGAEEI SECTP )N. 341 E. 86/1887 .. | Aug. 2, 1886 Karno Colliery Company M. ch. 3 55 Kamo .. .. Grantees 10 years*.. | Premium.. j £ s. d. I 60 0 0 I £ s. d. j £ s. a. i 1,398 5 6 j £ s. d. 1,398 5 6 E. 84/3379 .. P.. 86/846 .. B. 88/2692 .. E. 89/3364 .. E. 90/1345 .. E. 91/3909 .. E. 92/1775 .. R. 93/60 B, 93/3515 .. July 20, 1885 Mar. 22, 1886 Jan. 17, 1889 May 30, 1889 April 1, 1890 Dec. 18, 1891 Mar. 25, 1892 Nov. 1, 1892 Oct. 1, 1893 N.Z. Frozen Meat and Storage Co. Waikato Coal and Shipping Company T. and S. Morrin and Co. (Limited) Taupiri Extended Coal Company .. Ealph Brothers Ealph Brothers Kauri Timber Company (Limited) J. Bycrolt and Co. (Limited) Bank of New Zealand Estates Co. 0 0 64 59 7 56 64 56 64 61 64 65 35 25 6 29 18 5 AUCKLAND SECTK )N. 420 0 0 140 0 0 70 10 0 360 0 0 1,265 5 8 2,092 15 7 394 5 7 8,467 11 8 384 4 5 333 339 373 417 441 477 492 504 521 Auckland.. .. Grantees Huntly .. .. „ Onehunga Huntly .. .. „ 10 years* .. | * Premium.. I 1,160 4 3 I 105 1 5 2,092 15 7 138 10 4 8,467 11 8 384 4 5 6 years* .. 10 years* .. 5 years* .. * ■ 25515 3 Premium.. t t Premium.. 464 "o 0 (See No*.'441.) Helensville South I New Lynn .. „ Morrinsville .. „ • " * 138**0 0 Eental, £25 Eental, £25 189*19 0 659 1 7 642*12 0 176 17 11 832 11 0 835 19 6 10 years*.. 527 E. 94/1533 .. Feb. 1, 1894 Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited) Auckland Freezing Company (Limited) 7 35 Westfield.. .. * .. 4I 517 11 10 376 4 9 893 16 7 528 E. 94/1533 .. Feb. 1, 1S94 7 49 Govt. .. * t Eental, £25 1,341 15 11 1,676 5 11 3,018 1 10 CE. 75/845.. E. 84/1399 .. 1875 April 5, 1884 NAPIEB-TARANAKI c iECTION. 211 17 3 1 16 4 97 9 4 449 8 6 309 6 7 451 4 10 24 310 Napier Gas Company James Eobson .. 2 30 33 20 Napier .. .. Govt. .. Ngaire .. .. Govt, and grantee Carnarvon .. Grantees Hastings .. .. Grantee Dannevirke .. Grantees Makotuku Undefined 10 years*.. Premium.. 200**0 0 315 322 328 329 E. 84/1846 .. E. 84/3540 .. E. 85/794 .. E. 85/373 .. Sept. 4, 1884 Dec. 8, 1884 April 4, 1885 April 11, 1885 Manawatu County Council W. F. Burnett Tamaki Timber Company Hawke's Bay Timber Company .. 79 61 13 79 81 15 70 78 * * 273 12 0 133 0 0 60 0 0 192 0 0 Extension, £30 84 10 0 172 0 0 72 0 0 Eental, £50 300 0 0 150 0 0 Eental, £25 117 4 1 Eental, £25 157 0 0 Eental, £100 112 0 0 Eental, £25 Eental, £25 16 9 7 153 13 9 0 8 0 3 15 2 29 14 1 1,18710 7 728 4 5 46 3 8 153 13 9 1,187 18 7 731 19 7 * . . > : • • * 334 335 336 E. 85/1508 .. E. 85/2840 .. E. 85/2434 .. July 24, 1885 Dec. 1, 1884 Nov. 19, 1885 Tanner and Mortensen Hawke's Bay Timber Company .. Eobert Holt 73 56 69 21 1 72 Matamau .. „ Makotuku .. „ Napier .. .. Grantee * * 2,796 0 4 338 15 7 338 15 7 2,796**0 4 • ■ 1 345 354 E. 86/1816 .. E. 87/881 .. Sept. 2, 1886 Aug. 7, 1887 Napier Gas Company N. King 14 1 0 9 Hastings .. .. Grantees New Plymouth .. Grantee * - :•• 61 18 5 338 5 10 142 17 3 61 18 5 481 3 1 * 356 360 361 E. 87/1399 .. E. 87/2630 .. E. 87/2721 .. Dec. 15, 1884 Aug. 16, 1887 Aug. 27, 1887 Henderson and Wratt P. and J. Bartholomew Nelson Brothers (Limited) 80 12 151 44 60 4 Dannevirke .. Grantees Feilding .. .. Govt. Takapau .. .. Grantees * * "t Premium.. 2 5 0 85 11 7 0 10 0 1,030 10 9 141 10 7 1,929 4 6 1,032 15 9 227 2 2 1,929 14 6 • 375 E. 89/1003 .. April 10, 1889 J. E. Lysacht 54 1 Mokoia .. .. Grantee * 384 R. 89/1328 .. May 1, 18S9 Wanganui Sash and Door Factory and Timber Co. (Limited) H. Brown 106 20 Wanganui .. Govt. .. * t 2,108 5 0 27 14 1 2,135 19 1 406 I B. 89/2835 .. Sept. 13, 1889 I 15 42 Inglewood . .. i I 5 years*.. I t I I .. I 92 10 5 I 301 13 4 394 3 9 * Three months' notice. t Original! laid under old agreement.



RETURN NO. 18— continued. PARTICULARS of Private-Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1894.

•62 Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Amount. . Term of Traffic of Grant. guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1894. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. NAPIEB-TABANAKI SECTION— continued. 407 408 416 438 462 E. 89/2957 .. E. 89/3046 .. E. 89/3275 .. E. 90/1165 .. E. 91/873 .. . M. ch. Eichter, Nannestad, and Co. .. 58 45 Hokowhitu .. Govt. .. 5 years*.. Bailey Brothers.. .. 50 61 Taonui .. .. „ „ * .. Bailey and Co. ,. ,. ,. 9 31 Eata .. .. „ *.. Murray, Roberts, and Co. ,. 0 4 Spit .. .. „ 10 years* .. Nelson Brothers (Limited) ,. 96 17 Woodville ., Grantees „ * .. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,344 18 5 £ s. d. I 498 12 0 £ s. d. 2,843 10 5 Sept. 24, 1889 Oct. 2, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Oct. 9, 1887 April 1, 1891 t t Premium.. Eental, £25 1,085 0 0 Eental, £25 Eental, £50 3 0 7 892 17 1 10 0 6 713,19 1 189 16 5 1,043 2 7 716 19 8 1,082 13 6 1,053 3 1 463 467 468 480 481 494 495 E. 91/872 .. E. 91/2363 .. E. 91/2496 .. E. 92/213 .. E. 92/323 .. E. 92/2337 .. E. 92/1948 .. Mar. 1, 1891 June 1, 1891 Aug. 5, 1891 Jan. 1,1892 Feb. 16, 1892 Mar. 2, 1392 Sept. 1, 1S92 Nelson Brothers (Limited) ,. 1 74 Napier .. .. „ „ * .. Wilding and Co. .. 63 0 Kopua .. .. „ 5 years* .. Carlson and Co. ,. 32 50 Dannevirke .. „ * .. Nelson Brothers (Limited) .. 68 31 Waipukurau ,. „ 10 years* .. H. Brown .. .. .. 221 31 Stratford .. Grantee 5 years *.. W. Aiken .. ., .. 142 59 Okoia .. .. „ * .. Williams and Kettle (Limited) ,. 100 4 Hastings .. .. Grantees. 10 years* .. t t Premium.. t Premium.. t Premium.. 224 0 0 Eental, £25 138 0 0 293 18 1 15 0 366 0 9 5 11 5 38 9 9 54 14 11 7 5 8 959 7 11 1,581 5 9 1,155 1 3 532 3 8 113 17 10 4 17 8 301 3 9 960 12 11 1,581 5 9 1,521 2 0 537 15 1 152 7 7 59 12 7 497 Nov. 5, 1892 New Plymouth Sash and Door 228 70 Tariki Eoad .. „ 5 years*.. Factory and Timber Co. C. Brown (Mrs.).. .. ..217 58 Ngaire .. ... Grantee „ *.. Dalgety and Co. (Limited)- .. 113 64 Suit .. .. Grantees 3 years* .. B. L. Knight .. .. .. 99 73 Hastings .. .. Grantee 7 years* .. W. Pinches .. .. .. 147 56 Aromoho .. .. „ 5 years* .. 248 0 0 Rental, £25 242 0 0 • E. 92/3694 .. 38 16 5 569 1 11 607 18 4 503 508 512 513 E. 92/4218 .. E. 93/313 .'. E. 93/1464 .. E. 93/1644 .. Nov. 1, 1892 Jan. 1, 1893 May 1, 1893 April 1, 1893 t t t Premium.. Eental, £25 Eental, £25 16 15 6 Eental, £25 Eental, £25 20 18 4 261 7 2 1,463 19 1 6 2 10 371 2 8 5 2 3 392 1 0 266 9 5 1,463 19 1 26 6 4 20**3 6 522 E. 93/3608 .. Nov. 1, 1893 Nelson Brothers (Limited) .. jlOl 57 j Tomoana.. ., | Grantees I 10 years* .. | t 2,947 15 3 2,063 19 2 5,011 14 5 221 272 313 E. 80/1588 .. I E. 84/133 .. E. 84/1443 .. Dec. 13, 1880 July 26, 1882 May 9, 1884 WELLINGTON SECTION. Gear Meat-preserving and Freezing 6 37 I Petone .. .. Grantees 10 years* .. Company (Limited) Williams and Beetham .. .. 62 15. Kurupuni .. „ * .. Wellington Meat-preserving and J 3 21 ; Ngahauranga .. „ „ * .. Eefrigerating Company (Limited) C.Lett.. .. .. .. 28 44 Kaitoke .. .. Govt. .. 5 years*.. William Booth and Co. .. .. 57 22 Carterton .. „ .. ' „ * .. W. Bock .. .. .. 44 43 Featherstpn .. „ .. 10 years* .. Henry Judd .. .. 50 68 i Matarawa .. Grantee 5 years *.. Premium.. 117 19 11 Eental, £25 220 12 9 425 19 7 255 1 7 181*16 10 353 14 1 I 17 13 4 1,039 17 10 608 15 8 17 13 4 1,221 14 8 423 452 456 523 E. 89/3822 .. E. 90/2828 .. E. 90/3843 .. E. 94/529 .. Aug. 1, 1889 July 7, 1890 Nov. 1, 1890 Oct. 1, 1893 t t t t Eental, £25 78 11 7 66 6 6 19 0 39 13 2 1,672 3 0 348 2 4 219 9 0 39 13 2 1,750 14 7 414 8 10 220 18 0 465 E. 91/2179 .. | July 10, 1891 PICTON SECTION. Nelson Brothers (Limited) .. | 13 35 I Spring Creek .. | Grantees j 10 years* .. < Premium.. 270 0 0 Eental, £25 190 0 0 Eental, £25 Eental, £25 4 16 1 154 13 2 j 159 9 3 473 E. 91/3490 .. Nov. 2, 1891 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 0 10 Picton .. ... „ „ * .. Company (Limited) Union Steamship Company of New 17 69 Blenheim.. .. „ * .. Zealand (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 17 62 Blenheim.. .'. " ■ „ „ * .. Company (Limited) ■■■ 411 14 9 86 13 0 498 7 9 491 E. 92/1824 .. Feb. 1, 1892 ■ t 94 18 0 65 17 10 160 15 10 519 E. 93/3737 .. Nov. 1, 1893 t - Eental, £25 11 5 8 362 11 1 373 16 9



9—D. 2

DJ1JU11U11. ;38 I R. 81/1947 .. | Aug. 31, 1881 | Neale and Haddow .. . .| 1 0 | Nelson .. .. | Grantees | 10 years* .. | Premium.. | 150 0 0 | 304 2 9 | 54 12 4 | 358 15 : H9 ; R. 84/2977 .. 144 E. 86/2585 .. .05 E. 89/2985 .. .25 E. 94/1176 .. GEEYMOUTH SECTION. Oct. 28,1884 A. McKenzie and Co. ... .. | 5 70 Wallsend .. Grantees 10 years*.. Premium.. 55 0 0 Aug. 20, 1886 Westport Colliery Company .. 8 0 Brunner .. .. Greym'th Har. Bd. Aug. 1, 1889 T. W. Wilson .. .. " .. 2 52 Kaiata .. .. Govt. .. 5 years* t Jan. 1,1894 Stratford and Blair .. .. 0 0 Greymouth .. .. 10 years*.. .. Rental, £25 166 5 7 118 0 11 22 5 6 118 0 l: 188 11 : 1 | E. 81/1026 .. 3 I E. 92/646 .. 12 ]' E. 82/2186 .. 13 ! P.W. 76/3501 20 ; P.W. 76/2946 32 E. 82/432 .. 33 P.W. 76/823 37 P.W. 76/3721 HUBUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. 120 | 142 178 249 258 266 j 281 .20 P.W. 77/4412 .42 E. 78/649 .. j .78 !49 E. 83/1171 .. !58 E. 82/379 .. !66 j E. 82/554 .. | !81 R. 82/2605 .. April 28, 1866 J. T. Brown .. .. .. 7 39 Addington .. Grantee For ever .. .. .. .. j Dec. 28, 1870 Wood Brothers (Limited) . .■ ■ 117 Eiccarton .. Grantees , .. .. .. 798 3 1 Aug. 14, 1882 White and Co. .. .. .. 21 29 Leeston .. .. Govt. .. „ .. .. .. 352 14 8 Dec. 18, 1874 Oamaru Harbour Board .. .. 157 77 Oamaru .. .. „ .. i Undefined .. .. (See No. 120.) Dec. 11, 1875 Kaiapoi Produce and Milling Co. .. 1 52 Wilson's Siding .. Grantees j For ever .. .. .. 101 5 0 April 7, 1876 Miles, Archer, and Co. .. .. 105 54 Timaru .. .. Govt. .. „ .. .. .. 700 7 5 April 22, 1876 James A. Mcllraith .. .. 8 75 Glentunnel ..„..!„ July 18,1876 N.Z. and Australian Land Company 166 27 Maheno \ Undefined .. .. Ill 7 1 | (Limited). (D. and J. Hay and A. Thomson also have the use of this siding.) Jan. 23,1878 Oamaru Harbour Board .. {157 65 ° BX^" X } " " 10 y ears * •• 300 0 0 50 0 0 4,565 7 7 Aug. 3, 1878 N.Z. and Australian Land Com- 351 60 Edendale „ * .. 300 0 0 48 0 0 610 8 0 pany (Limited) 1878 Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company 0 73 Mosgiel .. .. „ .. Undefined .. .. 194 12 7 i April 18, 1883 Frew and Co. .. . , • .i 22 72 Oraki .. .. Grantees 10 years* Jan. 10, 1882 S. Ogdon (Bowlker and Rutledge, 10 71 South Malvern .. ■ Govt. . .■ For ever .. .. .. 43 7 8 tenants) Mar. 24, 1882 S. Bailev .. .. .. 15 0 Templeton .. Grantee j 10 years* .. Premium .. 153 0 0 Dec. 2,1882 David Stuart .. .. ..105 57 Timaru .. ... „ „ *.. „ 40 0 0 40 0 3 Eental, £10 May 21, 1883 Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative 105 57 Timaru .. .. Grantees „ „ .. 130 0 0 (See No. 487.) Association (Limited) Nov. 22, 1883 John Jackson .. .. .. 106 11 Timaru .. .. Grantee „ * .. „ .. 100 0 0 116 12 6 Jan. 25,1884 J.G.Ward .. ..- ..39144 Bluff .. .. „ „ *.. ,, .. 120 0 0 2,723 8 5 May 10,1884 N.Z. Refrigerating Co. (Limited) .. 155 16 Oamaru Town Belt Grantees *.. „ .. 175 0 0 47 12 5 May 23, 1884 N.Z. Pine Company .. .. 6 39 Wright's Bush .. „ „*..•■ „ .. 192 0 0 316 Sept. 9,1884 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 1235 79 Dunedin.. .. „ „ *.. „ .. 190 0 0 2,122 17 6 Company (Limited) > • - ; ... Nov. 7,1884 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 374 55 Invercargill .. „ 10 years; 1 Premium.. 75 0 0 1,291 9 4 Company (Limited) month's notice Dec. 8,1884 G. R. Waddel .. .. ..319 65 Bluff .. .. Grantee 10 years*.. „ .. 145 0 0 3,582 2 0 Dec. 31, 1884 South Canterbury Refrigerating 103 64 Washdyke June. Grantees „ * .. „ .. 500 0 0 533 5 4 Company (Limited) (Christchurch .;.'..] Meat Company, tenants) April 27, 1885 Lyttelton Harbour Board .. 0 20 Lyttelton .. Govt, and „ * .. „ .. ■■ (See No. 460.) grantees Dec. 9,1885 A. Tapper .. .. ..374 46 Invercargill .. Govt. .. *.. .. .. 128 6 5 Dec. 24,1885 Ward and Cleave .. ..374 49 „ .. Grantees „ *.. Premium.. 435 0 0 453 11 1 Rental, £50 Grantees Govt. .. Grantee 222*10 6 240 18 4 377 14 7 776 7 10 195 18 3 2,884 1 9 587 0 5 75 5 9 192 9 11 62 3 6 126 14 11 116 12 7 1,149 11 11 629 19 3 891 8 3 254 13 8 725 4 3 557 1 6 1,946 8 9 5 13 8 287 19 11 1,02013 ' 352 14 ! 342 3 < 1,078 2 ( 776 7 K 307 5 < 7,449 9 ■ 1,197 8 ! 269 18 j 235 17 ' 62 3 I 166 15 : 233 5 : 3,873 0 ( 677 11 i 894 9 ! 2,377 11 ; 2,016 13 ' 4,139 3 I 2,479 14 : 134 0 : 741 11 ( 294 !94 [ E. 83/2987 .. Grantees 302 304 309 311 316 S02 E. 83/3196 .. i04 E. 84/71 509 E. 84/1239 .. ill E. 84/1324 .. 516 E. 84/2669 .. Grantee Grantees 321 521 R. 84/3313 .. 323 324 )23 R. 84/3646 .. 124 R. 84/1670 .. Grantee Grantees 328a S28a E. 90/3990 .. Govt, and grantees Govt. .. Grantees 337 338 537 E. 85/3780 .. 138 E. 85/3974 .. * Three months' notice. t Originally laid under old agreement.



RETURN NO. 18—continued. PARTICULARS of Private-Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1894.

•eg Papers. I Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. * Amount Term of Traffic of Grant. guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1894. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. hueunui-bluf: SECTION— continued. 342 E. 86/1880 .. June 17, 1886 James Macfie and Co. (Limited) .. 235 45 Dunedin Grantees 10 years* .. £ s. d. 18 0 0 Rental, £50 18 0 0 Eental, £50 102 0 0 Eental, £25 168 0 0 Eental, £25 Eental, £25 Eental, £25 £ s. d. 1,841 13 11 £ s. d. 117 6 1 £ s. d. 1,959 0 0 347 Premium.. E. 86/3194 .. Sept. 21, 1886 Findlay and Co. 235 53 * 1,699 2 9 230 9 0 1,929 11 9 348 E. 86/3012 .. Sept. 25, 1886 Smellie Brothers 240 15 Burnside * 380 0 2 3 14 8 383 14 10 351 E. 87/2835 .. Feb. 9, 1887 H. B. Webster and Co. .. 90 75 Winchester * 7 15 0 31 4 11 38 19 11 363 364 E. 87/3016 .. E. 87/3093 .. Sept. 30, 1887 Oct. 4, 1887 P. McGill J. Gough, W. Summerville, E. Kemp, and H. Fentz Timaru Milling Company (Limited) N.Z. Agricultural Company 271 40 Milton .. 10 36 Kirwee Govt. .. „ * .. t t 1,602 14 2 29 4 8 1,861 6 10 87 19 8 3,464 1 0 117 4 4 .. .. : .... 365 367 E. 87/3312 .. E. 87/2868 .. Oct. 25, 1887 Jan. 1, 1881 106 18 Timaru 21 0 Waimea (District line) 0 16 Lyttelton 237 2 Kensington 0 20 Lyttelton * Undefined t Eental, £50 1,076 9 11 0 15 0 785 0 11 2 18 9 1,861 10 10 3 13 9 368 370 372 E. 88/926 . - E. 88/2418 .. R. 88/3259 .. April 4, 1888 Aug. 16, 1888 Jan. 3, 1889 J. Anderson J. H. Lambert N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Friedlander Brothers Govt. .. 10 years* .. * 't Premium.. Eental, £50 Eental, £25 460 0 0 Eental, £50 260 0 0 Rental, £25 Extens'n,£331 Rental, £50 Eental, £50 Eental, £25 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 90 0 0 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 139 1 7 108 6 2 657 9 10 284 7 7 14 8 10 178 0 9 423 9 2 122 15 0 835 10 7 Grantees „ * .. 374 E. 89/885 .. Mar. 29, 1889 16 40 Lyndhurst * 13 4 8 328 1 7 341 6 3 377 E. 89/1511 .. June 8, 1889 Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) 236 32 Dunedin 1,542 9 4 186 8 2 1,728 17 6 378 379 381 382 383 E. 89/1878 .. E. 89/1259 .. E. 89/1310 .. R. 89/1333 .. R. 89/2433 .. May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 Aug. 5, 1889 W. Booth and Co. Eollitt and Co. Belford Mills Company .. J. Goss Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand Permanent Investment and Loan Association of Canterbury M. Friedlander Fleming and Gilkison J. Grigg Fleming and Gilkison Wigram Brothers Friedlander Brothers W. Langdown and Co. Miles and Co. Eollitt and Co. Miles and Co. B. Anderson and Co. Christchurch Gas, Coal, and Coke Company (Limited) 5 79 Christchurch 58 72 Ashburton 106 8 Timaru .. 6 62 Christchurch 236 21 Dunedin .. Govt. .. „ * .. .. .. *.. » .. „ -.. t t t t Premium.. 432 16 7 357 4 3 1,037 15 6 762 16 8 2,527 17 11 25 16 3 2,606 3 2 748 10 8 60 17 0 381 15 11 458 12 10 2,963 7 5 1,786 6 2 823 13 8 2,909 13 10 * .. .. : .... Grantees „ * .. 385 R. 89/1392 .. May 1, 1889 5 76 Christchurch Govt. .. „ * .. t 996 11 0 77 12 7 1,074 3 7 386 387 388 389 390 391 393 394 395 396 397 398 R. 89/1983 .. E. 89/1963 .. E. 89/1624 .. E. 89/1964 .. E. 89/1309 .. E. 89/1279 .. E. 89/1332 .. E. 89/1868 .. E. 89/1262 .. E. 89/1869 .. E. 89/1257 .. E. 89/1867 .. May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 60 68 Tinwald 335 5 Gore 64 54 Winslow 374 10 Elles Eoad 1 78 Heatheote 58 73 Ashburton 6 8 Christchurch 6 47 57 77 Ashburton 5 77 Christchurch 0 26 Burnside 6 1 Christchurch . •• » . •• * * .. .. • .. * .. .. t t t t t t t t t t t t Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Extension, £110 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 Eental, £25 Extension, £40 Eental, £50 29 9 0 365 1 5 422 16 11 2,001 10 3 349 0 4 192 5 5 310 18 7 (See No. 396.) 119 3 9 1,450 5 2 3 4 0 1,210 3 4 1,430 15 4 575 19 2 1,783 12 10 756 8 2 445 11 7 1,905 3 7 22 4 8 1,460 4 4 941 0 7 2,206 9 9 2,757 18 5 794 11 11 2,097 9 0 333 3 3 .. .. *.. Grantees „ * .. Govt. .. , * .. 224 4 3 119 3 9 1,674 9 5 3 4 0 1,235 14 5 .. I ... 25*11 1



j E. 89/1692 .. | Aug. 1, 1889 1 Christchurch Meat Company (Limited) 1 C. H. Willis ) J. Ingram .. .. .' ) Lyttelton Borough Council * S. Smart .. .. . \ ) Milburn Lime and Cement Company E. 89/2417 .. E. 89/2826 .. E. 89/2834 .. R. 89/2887 .. R. 89/3018 .. M 13 8 I Islington Govt. .. 10 years* .. t Extension,£14( Eental, £25 Eental, £25 401 402 403 404 409 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Oct. 2, 1889 . 25 38 . 20 60 2 65 . 12 8 ■y235 25 Southbridge 1 East Oxford Heatheote Hornby .. Dunedin 5,647 10 10 4,844 4 6 10,491 15 4 * 5 years* .. * t ' t t Premium.. 11 0 4 28 14 5 3 8 2 327 17 4 221 18 10 0 16 0 358 14 7 197 2 8 232 19 2 29 10 5 362 2 9 525 0 0 • :•• - Grantees *.. 410 411 412 R. 89/3132 .. E. 89/3377 .. E. 89/3213 .. 10 years*.. 171 "o 0 Rental, £50 Aug. 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 June 1, 1889 » N.Z. Pine Company (Limited) ) W. White and Co. .. • Colonial Bank (E. Anderson and Co., tenants) 1 Invercargill Corporation .. 1 Moir and Co. 1 N.Z. Pine Company .. ; J. Shand Massey and Co. National Mortgage and Agency Co. i (Limited) W. Quinn . 367 72 . 7 46 236 37 One- tree Point .. Addington Dunedin Govt. .. 5 years*.. 10 years* .. t t t 45 7 0 1,724 4 7 1,568 15 11 1,927 7 0 256 16 6 27 17 10 1,972 14 0 1,981 1 1 1,596 13 9 413 414 415 418 419 420 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 E. 89/3363 .. R. 89/2422 .. R. 89/3237 .. R. 89/3596 .. R. 89/3631 .. R. 89/3216 .. Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Nov. 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 0 7 16 69 366 28 26 22 5 22 . 374 56 Invercargill Southbrook Longbush Centre Bush Lind's Bridge Invercargill 5 years*.. * t t t t t t Rental, £25 115 8 8 419 1 2 22 12 11 388 9 3 138 1 7 807 10 5 *.. • :•■ 645 8 2 577 9 0 419 1 11 *. *.. 10 years*.. Rental, £50 3*18 4 447 13 3 645 S 2 581 7 4 866 15 2 424 : R. 89/2391 .. Aug. 1, 1889 121 71 Otaio Govt, and grantee Grantees Govt. .. 425 426 427 429 R. 89/3940 .. R. 89/3751 .. R. 89/3807 .. i E. 90/27 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Nov. 1, 1889 t |Extension,£80 Eental, £25 60 5 7 35 11 3 95 16 10 Oamaru Borough Council t. Buxton .. .. ;; j T. Hodgkinson N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency I Company (Limited) J. and T. Meek .. .. j P. Virtue .. 157 41 6 43 6 42 391 48 Oamaru .. Lind's Bridge .. Bluff" .. 5 years*.. * .. *.. 10 years* .. t t t t Eental, £50 24 15 11 2 19 10 4 0 0 2,323 16 6 180 12 4 120 4 2 527 6 11 24 15 11 183 12 2 124 4 2 2,851 3 5 430 432 ! E. 90/720 .. ! E. 90/432 .. May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 [158 18 j 6 19 Oamaru Christchurch Govt, and grantee 5 years* .. 10 years* .. t t Eental, £50 Extension, 102 10 0 Eental, £50 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 Extension £45 Rental, £25 547 2 9 1,300 0 1 426 8 7 19 17 9 433 434 435 E. 89/2122 .. E. 90/614 .. R. 90/538 .. 973 11 4 1,319 17 10 May 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Jan. 1, 1890 Craig and Co. j W. White and Co. '' H. Harraway 157 42 25 33 0 14 Oamaru Southbridge Burnside Govt. .. 5 years*.. 10 years* .. t t t 798 17 5 301 14 5 637 14 6 75 8 5 2 19 6 112 16 1 874 5 10 304 13 11 750 10 7 436 ! 437 439 440 442 443 444 445 447 R. 90/539 .. R. 90/540 .. R. 90/862 .. R. 90/1056 .. R. 90/1643 .. R. 90/1801 .. E. 90/1132 .. E. 90/2082 .. E. 90/2212 .. Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Jan. 1, 1890 Jan. 1, 1890 May 1, 1890 April 1, 1890 May 1, 1890 April 1, 1890 Walton Park Coal and Pottery Co. Green Island Coal Company .. 2 N.Z. Provision and Produce Company Milburn Lime and Cement Company J. A. Mcllraith .. .. J G. McClatchie and Co. .. Cunningham and Stead .. '' Southland County Council N.Z. and Australian Land Company 1 and Bruce Brothers Dunedin City Corporation .. % J. Freeman .. .. .2, Milburn Lime and Cement Company % B. C. Calverley .. .. .. 2' D. Thomas .. i Edwards and Menlove .. " J. A. McLauchlan .. .. 3i Dunedin City Corporation .'' % 2 3 241 67 ' 7 1 • 23 2 6 10 6 9 7 59 5 4 116 9 Govt, and grantee Govt. .. I Saddle Hill Abbotsford Belfast ., . I Ord's Christchurch Grantees Govt. .. 5 years* .. I 10 years* .. 5 years*.. j f t t t t t t Rental, £25 31 2 6 207 15 11 1,452 18 11 213 'll 8 365 2 3 1,484 1 5 421 7 7 365 2 3 368 11 4 1,823 12 8 1,210 13 3 Addington Wyndham St. Andrew's Grantees Rental, £50 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 368 11 4 1,779 12 2 674 6 3 44 *0 6 • 536 7 0 10 years*.. 5 years* .. 10 years* .. 'ii Rental, £25 448 449 451 453 454 455 457 458 E. 90/2348 .. E. 90/2561 .. E. 90/1133 .. E. 90/2311 .. R. 90/3748 .. R. 90/3798 .. R. 90/4073 .. R. 90/4155 .. Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Oct. 1, 1890 Aug. 1, 1889 Dec. 1, 1890 , Aug. 1, 1890 : 243 42 241 71 267 50 241 71 58 76 14 39 386 23 236 61 33**5 11 301*10 2 334 16 1 Wingatui Abbotsford Milburn .. Abbotsford Ashburton Ngapara Greenhills Dunedin Govt. .. Grantee Govt. .. 6 years* .. 5 years* .. * .. * .. ! 10 years* .. 5 years* .. t t t t t t t t Eentai, £25 364 17 11 18 0 4 403 14 3 101**8 7 134 9 5 848 8 6 1,661 15 4 193 3 3 728 1 7 30 16 1 109 15 11 345 9 0 499 7 4 866 8 10 2,065 9 7 193 3 3 829 10 2 30 16 1 109 15 11 345 9 0 . .. •• . * Three months' notice. t Originally laid under old aj •eement.


IX— 2

RETURN NO. 18— continued. PARTICULARS of Private-Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1894.

2 ° ° M Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding < Year ending 31st March, 1894. luring In. Out. Total. URUNUI-BLUFF SECTION "— continued. M. ch. 165 26 0 15 7 60 Teschemaker's .. Lyttelton Addington Govt. .. Grantees Grantee 5 years* .. 10 years* .. £ s. d. j £ s. d. 29 7 3 724 8 8 248 18 3 £ s. d. 391 14 3 357 7 1 187 15 11 £ s. d. 421 1 6 1,081 15 9 436 14 2 459 I 460 461 E. 91/454 .. R. 91/696 .. R. 91/779 .. Nov. 1, 1890 Mar. 6, 1891 Feb. 1, 1891 T. Teschemaker.. Lyttelton Harbour Board E. D. Thomas (Canterbury N.Z. Seed Company, tenants) McCallum and Co. Colonial Bank of New Zealand .. Miles and Co. .. W. Borlase J.G.Ward t Premium.. t 150 0 0 Rental, £25 464 466 469 470 471 E. 91/1683 .. E. 91/2415 .. E. 91/2112 .. R. 91/2834 .. E. 91/2986 .. Feb. 9, 1891 May 1, 1891 Aug. 5, 1891 July 1, 1891 Sept. 14, 1891 365 32 335 10 59 4 228 62 390 12 Longbush Gore Ashburton Sawyers' Bay Ocean Beach Grantees 5 years*.. 8 years* .. 8J years* .. 5 years* .. 10 years* .. t t t Rental, £25 55 10 9 8 10 9 247 3 2 3,864 17 5 121 17 6 1,446 19 2 39 6 0 1,006 1 7 3,920 S 2 130 8 3 1,694 2 4 39 6 0 6,606 7 6 Grantee Premium.. 250* 0 0 Eental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 5,600**5 11 472 474 E. 91/3338 .. E. 91/3084 .. Oct. 1,1891 Sept. 1, 1891 Wood Brothers (Limited) National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z. (Limited) D. H. Brown and Son 7 60 7 57 Addington Grantees * t t 1,239 9 4 627 1 1 1,074 17 1 345 1 6 2,314 6 5 972 2 7 • 475 E. 91/3047 .. Nov. 6, 1891 7 29 Govt, and grantees Grantees * Premium.. 20 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 377 9 6 129 17 8 507 7 2 476 478 R. 91/3639 .. R. 91/3993 .. Oct. 1, 1891 Nov. 1, 1891 N.Z. Provision and Produce Co. .. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) J. H. Hancock N.Z. Refrigerating Co. (Limited) .. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile'; Agency Company (Limited) W. White and Co. E. G. Allen Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Company (Limited) Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) J. S. White P. Cunningham (Atlas Milling Company, tenants) Executors of late M. Studholme .. 7 1 58 70 Belfast Ashburton * t t 22 7 8 88 1 0 87 19 7 494 7 2 110 7 3 582 8 2 * 479 482 483 R. 91/3995 .. R. 92/509 .. R. 92/703 .. Oct. 25, 1891 Jan. 1, 1892 Feb. 1, 1892 237 11 239 27 0 6 Kensington Cattle-yards Studholme Junction Christchurch Pt. Ohalmers.Upper Mataura Govt. .. Grantees 5 years* .. 10 years* .. t i t Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 132 9 8 623 11 8 7 12 3 320 3 0 45 11 5 140 1 11 943 14 8 45 11 5 484 485 486 R. 92/672 .. R. 92/807 .. R. 92/739 .. Mar. 1, 1892 Jan. 10, 1892 Mar. 24, 1892 I 6 51 j227 78 342 48 Govt. .. Grantee Grantees * .. I 5 years* .. 10 years* .. t t Premium.. Rental, £50 300 "o 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 853 3 0 49 0 9 47 0 3 40 1 3 1,440 1 9 900 3 3 40 1 3 1,489 2 6 487 E. 92/852 .. Feb. 1, 1892 106 9 Timaru * t 1,591 5 0 1,010 15 4 2,602 0 4 488 R. 92/806 .. Mar. 1, 1892 6 50 Christchurch * t Rental, £50 1,057 13 0 361 0 0 1,418 13 0 489 490 Jan. 1, 1892 May 1, 1892 2 54 105 78 Wetheral Timaru Grantee 5 years*.. t t Rental, £25 Rental, £50 2 11 0 73 17 11 76 8 11 I E. 92/1249 .". R. 92/1487 .. 493 R. 92/1937 .. Feb. 1, 1892 0 6 Studholme Junction Cattle-yards 10 years*.. t Rental, £25 40 17 6 689 0 1 729 17 7 496 July 1, 1891 Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s N.Z. Drug Company Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairyproduce Export Company Canterbury Central Co-operative Dairy Company N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) 239 24 Grantees t Rental, £25 103 16 7 388 18 4 492 14 11 R. 92/3650 .. - Rental, £25 5,518 16 6 3,750 5 10 9,269 2 4 498 R. 92/3835 .. Oct. 1, 1892 7 8 Belfast .. . ,„ . *.. " - t 499 Dec. 14, 1892 7 50 .... . Addington * Premium.. 46 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 17 1 22 8 11 23 16 0 E. 92/4111 .. 500 E. 92/3737 .. Nov. 1, 1892 105 75 Timaru * t 1,046 14 4 881 2 9 1,927 17 1



'r-i c 3 4_ CD h o CO « a o H fl 6

502 E. 92/4217 .. Dec. 21, 1892 Oct. 1, 1892 A. Lischner J. and T. Meek 158 1 Conical Hill Oamaru .. Grantee Govt, and grantees Grantees 5 years* .. 2 years* .. 'remium.. t Eental, £50 450*12 0 264 17 6 715 9 6 505 506 507 509 510 511 514 R. 93/40 .. R. 93/109 .. R. 92/4306 .. R. 93/593 .. E. 93/1075 .. E. 93/1228 .. E. 93/1824 .. Nov. 1, 1892 Jan. 1, 1893 Jan. 1, 1893 Feb. 1, 1893 Feb. 1, 1893 Dec. 1, 1892 May 1, 1893 National Mortgage and Agency Co. of New Zealand (Limited) W. Christmas Evans and Co. (Limited).. J. Borgfeldt N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Donald Eeid and Go. Shaw-Savill and Albion Company.. Edwards, Bennett, and Co. Kaye and Carter Nichol Brothers.. J. Gore Oamaru Totara Tree Stone Company (Limited) J. Palmer J. Kitchen and Sons and Apollo Company E. M. Morten (Christchurch Meat Company, tenants) 105 74 2 25 105 75 3 31 335 7 236 17 I 0 0 391 64 244 13 163 12 Timaru .. Wetheral Timaru .. Papanui .. Gore Dunedin .. Lyttelton Grantee Grantees Grantee Grantees 1 year 8 months 10 years* .. 5 years* .. 3 years*.. 10 years*.. * t t t t t t Eental, £50 Eental, £25 Eental, £50 Eental, £25 Eental, £25 Eental, £50 Eental, £50 644 5 11 54 8 7 1,242 1 11 17 9 269 9 6 3,393 13 7 (3,068 0 7 \ 64 2 1 (1,876 13 1 3,998 15 5 11 8 11 2 6 9 411 0 4 161 13 6 1,315 3 6 6 15 6 806 3 5 311 13 7 396 5 1 178 6 4 498 13 8 1,222 0 4 183 12 2 281 14 9 1,055 6 3 216 2 1 2,557 5 5 8 3 3 1,075 12 11 3,705 7 2 3,464 5 8 242 8 5 2,375 6 9 5,220 15 9 195 1 1 284 1 6 515 516 517 E. 93/2140 .. E. 93/3209 .. E. 93/3254 .. May 1, 1893 Oct. 1, 1893 Oct. 1, 1893 Bluff Wingatui Whitecraig Grantee Grantees 5 years* .. * t t t Eental, £50 518 520 E. 93/3617 .. E. 93/3520 .. Nov. 17, 1893 Nov. 1, 1893 234 53 240 33 Pelichet Bay Burnside .. Govt. .. Grantees 1 year* .. t t Eental, £25 22 12 10 249 10 0 8 12 1 249 10 0 31 4 11 524 E. 94/521 .. Feb. 14, 1894 12 0 Hornby .. Grantee * t Eental, £25 18 10 11 18 10 11 * Three months' notice. t Orij jnalllaid under old a{ •eement.



RETURN No. 19. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Mileage of Railways Open for Traffic and Under Maintenance on 31st March, 1894.

Section, Mileage Open for Traffic on 31st March, 1893. Additional Length Opened during Year. Reduced Mileage equivalent to Maintenance for whole Period. Length Closed during Year. Net Addition to Mileage Open for Traffic. Net Addition to Mileage under Maintenance. Total Mileage Open for Traffic on 31st March, J894. Line Opened. Date of Opening. Length Opened. Line. Length. M. oh. j M. eh. M. eh. M. oh. M. eh. M. oh. M. ch. Kawakawa 7 39 7 39 Whangarei 6 52 6 52 Kaihu 16 47 16 47 Auckland 265 32 Putaruru-Tarukenga 1st December, 1893 23 05 7 S2 23 05 7 52 288 37 Napier-Taranaki 328 45 Eangatira- Mangaonoho 14th April, 1893... 3 72 3 61 3 72 3 61 332 37 Wellington 92 18 92 18 Hurunui-Bluff 1,098 33* I 1,098 34t Ditto, Private Lines — Shag Point Branch 2 10 p 2 10 ... Nightcaps Branch 2 24 2 24 Greymouth 7 6 9 Greymonth-Hokitika 18th December, 1893 24 17 6 72 24 17 6 72 32 06 Westport 19 56 Ngakawau-Mokihinui 8lh August, 1893 7 12 4 50 7 12 4 50 26 68 Nelson 23 5 23 5 Picton J 7 79 Blenh eim-Biverlan ds 18th April, 1893 ... 2 43 2 34 2 43 2 34 20 42 Total . I 1,888 29 60 69 25 29 60 69 25 29 1,949 l 9 Forest Hill Tramway 10 o j ... 10 o * Does not include Eiversdale-Switzers (2 miles). t Eechaina; ;e, Catlin's Eiver Branch Extension.


RETURN No. 20. Statement showing approximately Sleepers laid and removed up to 31st March, 1894.

RETURN No. 21. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employes for March, 1893, and March, 1894.

RETURN No. 22. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1894.


Approximate Length opened each Year. Sleepers. Year. North Island. Middle Island. Total. Laid during Construction. (2,100 per mile.) Bemoved during Maintenance.! M. ch. M. ch. 45 7° 18 58 11 68 27 62 11 21 126 78 248 4 152 39 94 58 56 46 4° 73 32 71 40 16 40 19 22 50 24 o 47 52 11 39 17 32 M. ch. 45 7° 18 58 n 68 27 62 21 76 188 17 317 27 216 63 198 54 83 65 67 26 101 30 63 3 42 21 44 69 80 o 90 78 7° 3i 28 79 18 31 32 45 34 9 27 27 17 26 62 16 1867 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 l8 73~74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80* 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 10 55 61 19 69 23 64 24 103 76 27 19 26 33 68 39 22 67 2 2 22 19 56 o 43 26 58 72 11 47 18 31 11 57 28 21 96,338 39,323 24,885 58,327 46,095 395,246 666,409 455,254 417,217 176,006 141,382 212,888 132,379 88,751 94,211 168,000 191,048 147,814 60,874 42,814 68,381 7 I >636 57.408 36,382 130,620 74,261 73.947 106,763 125,632 148,325 1373993 139,040 122,027 108,690 129,634 133,954 139,912 132,569 155,827 20 68 5 68 27 27 17 26 28 38 33" 58 'Totals 4,019,688 13 728,574 * Nine months only. t Complete information not recorded until 1880-81.

Department. rt d rt l rt rt s rt _^ < rt C a rt H 'H. rt z d c c "oj ta* ffi p .a* o I O o a. ■J (3 O u si o H a o 1892-93. General ... Traffic ... Maintenance Locomotive "*6 6 5 6 5 2 16 ... 155 I9S H3 ... 205 310 161 94 95 140 924 896 739 30 23 24 22 16 "is 17 10 10 23 6 125 M7 1 1,603 1,263 4 2 2 9 67 Totals 16 16 20 493 676 329 2,559 77 45 39 4,462 1893-94. 6 4 3 General ... Traffic Maintenance Locomotive 4 4 4 2 8 2 156 240 . 168 212 418 180 810 '96 94 169 9°5 1,090 749 "36 46 32 "28 27 35 18 21 10 18 119 M73 1,970 1.358 Totals 564 9 48 7 13 12 12 359 2,744 114 90 35 4,920

Passengers Killed or Injured. Servants of tli Killed or ie Department ■ Injured. Causes From their own pond Misconduct r own or Want of itrol. Caution. injured. Killed. Injured. From their own Misconduct or Want of Caution. Persons Killed or Injured while crossing at Level Crossings. Trespassers, Workshops. Miscellaneous, Section. From bey their Con From Causes beyond their own Control. y rt o H -0 iS o H Killed. Killed. Injured. ;Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed.I Injured. Killed. Injured, Killed. Injured. [awakawa ... Whangarei ... .uckland fapier-Taran'ki Wellington ... [urunui-Bluff rreymouth ... Westport lelson 'icton 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 15 17 9 33 7 I I 6 i 6 ... 2 4 ... 2 12 ... I I. I I I 2 2 4 iS 3 1 2 4 2 3 25 29 23 70 11 I 2 ... ... 3 1 ... I ■•■ 3 3 1 ... Totals ... 90 2 2 9 1 j 6 2 2 27 16S I 3; 9 2 9



RETURN NO. 23. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1894.




— Engine-Mileage. ' Dttail. Type. I a S, I ■ 'to W u* <- wl Train. Shunting. | Ballast. g < | Dttail. Engine-Mileage. Coal. Oil. Quantity of Stores. Run ling. Tallow. Waste, Repairs. Running, Stores. Fuel. Wages. Cost. Wages and Materials. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pcnc< i Stores. Fuel. Wages, I i Running. a rt Q Total. Wages and Materials. Total. Total.

A i 6 88 F 2 , io | 5,144 Total I 3 ... i 5,232 General charges Total 2,830 298 2,532 734 5i 683 437 8,359 8,796 Cwt. 24 J.374 8 160 168 lb. 53 54 lb. 5 156 161 I 14 80 94 £ I ... II 11 £ 34 35 £ 11 337 348 £ 26 462 488 41 7-68 2-32 2'59 •28 '32 '3 1 0-54 0-97 °'95 9-68 9'5° 13-29 I3-35 1-08 12 I90 202 ... ... ... .- i I 1 -. ... 529 ... - ... ... I4-43

F I 2 ( 18 10,957 5,630 General charges... Total 57 16,644 2,952 201 - 7 53 19 *7 8l 5oi 618 0-28 -24 ri6 7-22 8-90 263 162 ... ... 2-34 ... 780 ... 11-24

A 1 12 F 1 12 Total 2 ... General charges... 112 7,556 10 664 1,108 122 16 1.243 i3i 52 "6o 25 34 ... 5 i 62 2 172 28 273 49-18 0-87 ■•• •13 I'97 i'6o 3'94 4-42 55-09 7-02 7-65 2-94 2 183 7,668 674 1,108 9.45o 1.259 52 6o 59 5 63 174 301 Il6 1-5° •13 1.60 4-42 i3i 185 ... ... ... ... ... ' Total ... ... ... 417 ... -. ... ... 10-59 ... 1





RETURN NO. 23— continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1894— continued.

10—D. 2.

D F Fa J La E 1 12 13 20 2 20 6 25 2 20 2 20 3 18 3 20 20 141,051 34,985 80,320 34,6i3 10,576 393536 34,022 8,222 32,493 7,780 5.925 3,866 459 2,200 5.449 10,228 466 6,546 6 183 8,242 183,772 43,231 92,791 38,485 11,218 41.736 39.552 Cwt. 2,466 48,927 14,530 35.814 9.332 2,903 20,419 13.232 qt. 86 2,167 420 1,361 499 161 465 449 lb. 114 25 74 27 6 28 29 lb. 76 1,042 277 1,080 202 8l £ III 965 139 748 3.271 135 378 750 £ 3 84 19 59 19 6 21 21 £ 27 500 iS7 406 9 1 3 1 226 136 £ '75 2,941 798 1,422 483 149 618 588 £ 316 4,490 2,635 3.864 321 1.243 i,495 3-23 1-25 o-77 1'93 20-40 2-89 2-17 4-55 •09 •11 •11 •15 •12 ■12 •12 0-78 0-65 0-87 1-05 o-57 o-66 1-30 0-82 5.10 3-85 4'43 368 301 3 -I 9 3'57 9-20 5-86 6-i8 681 24-10 6-86 7-i5 9-07 19: 2,09; 54* 1,171 35< I2( " 81 399 409 39: 44! ■13 Total 32 1.... ! iverable mi ! 375.123 ileage &. ex 5.6o8 310 3.566 6,497 232 1.574 7, I 74 15.477 700 3-40 •12 0-82 375 809 0"o5 Less recc I 66,394 penditure 7>7!9 459.027 7.7J9 45i,3o8 147,623 ... I 5.32' General charges ... 9.791 ... 14.777 2,182 8-03 rig Total ... j ... j 9.791 451.308 ... ... ! .. ... ... ... i6,959 ... - ... 9'22 t , I I

B I | 20 C 2 15 D 5 15 E 7 1 20 F 14 20 J 5 20 M 4 20 K 4 20 S 2 ! 20 Wa i 3 20 4,422 53842 22,365 135.037 I 193939 "7,352 66,619 47.848 14,712 51,204 911 4,966 19,087 18,630 28,260 10,416 4,912 8,703 4,484 6,597 77 4,087 8,88o 12,664 "5 537 3,262 298 5.4io 10,808 45.539 162,547 160,863 127,883 72,068 59,8i3 19,494 57,8oi 1,284 1,880 5.853 48,868 26,969 32,740 15.326 14.758 5.219 101 "5 483 2,254 2,076 2,074 1,065 714 272 814 9,968 7 1 49 97 128 152 76 33 12 36 45 106 383 13254 1,182 937 492 529 215 388 i 83 156 346 1,831 1,660 1,679 1,191 501 185 689 4 5 19 81 76 67 35 28 70 103 327 2,689 1,490 1,836 844 808 289 83S 74 133 769 1.953 2,507 1,508 713 831 282 696 9.466 231 397 1,461 6,554 5.733 5.090 2,783 2,168 766 2,249 3-68 3'46 1-83 2-70 2-48 3-i5 3-96 2'0I 2-28 2-86 •18 •11 •10 12 'ii 3-10 2-29 172 3'97 2-22 3-28 2'95 4'05 2-88 374 2-83 2'37 3'34 3'47 2-89 10-24 881 770 9-67 8'55 9'55 9-26 8-69 9'43 9'34 69 226 668 1,198 2,089 974 488 576 201 313 '13 •12 ■11 •12 3'44 2-81 3'23 3'56 3'47 3'o8 10 29; •12 1 Total I 47 ... I Less recoverable mil 585,340 I .eage & ex] 106,966 >enditure 722,226 3-470 168,114 59i S,S3i 8,321 354 9,291 27,432 233 2-76 •12 3'H 9-10 0'02 6,802 29,920 3470 — General charges 26,450 718,756 27,199 6,668 33. 8 67 9-08 2 - 22 ... I I I ! Total ... ... J 26,450 718,756 - ... ... ... I ... II-30

-a Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. ' Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. B Detail. Train. Shunting. Ballast. Detail. Total. Running. Repairs. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. Repairs, j Running. Total. Stores. Fuel. "Wages. rt a rt' Q j tr o 2 <*- < Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages . j Total. Wageg njj' 1 Stores. Fuel. Wages. 1 and iMat , L " Material, rial.



RETURN No. 23— continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1894— continued.



A C D Fa L M S w Wa 12 1 12 5 i5 2 20 6 6 5 20 4.953 408 30,018 12,385 56,351 1.975 79.917 28,413 24,108 3.701 253.960 leage & ex] 2,569 900 19,672 3,782 23,610 351 6,697 3,468 3,382 563 575 2,611 40 1,078 7.522 1,308 3',978 36,4" 19,836 81,039 2,326 87,289 31,881 27,490 4,264 Cwt. 917 215 5,266 8,988 18,227 14,797 676 22,713 9,403 io,539 1,405 qt. 106 12 366 437 984 1,178 29 1,005 379 369 75 lb. 10 I 24 33 56 2 49 32 41 7 lb. 74 9 206 282 600 463 24 449 256 302 51 £ 57 135 582 80 1,184 921 831 573 604 19 £ 5 14 17 32 38 32 13 15 3 £ 43 10 249 429 863 705 32 1,086 449 504 67 £ £ 200 I 305 I'82 25 170 24-77 607 I 1,452 4-37 668 1,194 0-53 786 2,865 '4'3 2 L3I5 2,979 273 38 78 072 1,050 2,999 2-28 461 1,496 4-31 522 j 1,645 5'27 78 I 167 1-07 5750 j 15,350 3'62 - : 36_ ... ... 115,314 1,814 •16 ■10 •11 '39 ■11 1'37 1-83 1-87 2-83 10-44 2-09 3'3o 2-98 3'38 4-40 377 6-38 4-59 4'56 4-40 9'5i 3'89 3'9 2 2-89 3'47 4'56 4'39 973 213 31-19 23 10-90 549 7' 8 7 453 34-66 671 8-82 824 8'o4 31 8-24 637 11'26 i 298 i4 - 36 345 9'4o 57 20 4 20 2 20 2 16 "675 •10 •09 ■10 •13 •17 20 Total Less reco 27 I ... \ rerable mil 72,405 lenditure 4,979 575 33 J,344 575 330,769 93,146 4,94o 306 2,716 4,993 170 4,437 •12 3'2i 4' 16 irn I 4,101 4,101 ... ... I I General c tharges 4.404 1111 1-32 ... 1 I Total 4.4Q4 330,769 I ... I I .- ... I I ... i 17,128 ... ... 12-43 ' ■••

A B F Fa G J L O P T 6 6 17 18 33 20 3 20 2 20 21 25 8 25 1 20 6 3Q 6 18 7 18 2 20 6 20 6 18 10 25 IO 93>293 309,800 47.93 1 18,896 414,062 72,898 16,066 163,916 107,890 99.834 22,691 87,484 69,55i 204,056 1,728,378 leage & exj 21,307 144,152 179,488 8,093 1,999 35.262 6,232 1,986 6,743 13.562 7.483 2,885 15.078 13,988 12,820 471,078 >enditure 233 24.933 750 1.774 2,423 136 207 362 1,680 13.649 243 22 21,317 237,678 514,221 56,774 22,669 45 I >747 79,266 18,259 170,659 121,814 107,317 27,256 116,211 83,782 216,898 2,298 34,618 113,944 14,813 4,462 175,887 18,450 3.594 41,060 78,455 52,235 11,508 44,900 44,700 88,000 303 3.127 6,446 743 35i 5.770 231 2,332 1,765 1,682 328 1,319 3,262 23 183 382 50 14 455 64 128 125 100 40 99 104 149 189 2,012 3,808 434 148 3>93i 812 112 ; 1,440 1,461 1,278 308 976 j 1,085 ! 1, 7 6 4 1 i9,7S8 170 1,966 6,6 10 366 166 1,123 85 791 877 974 85 683 926 3,157 128 255 30 13 233 44 8 93 74 71 16 57 57 129 106 1,528 3,275 467 212 4,134 903 170 !,977 1.372 1,508 203 849 1,102 2,i55 19,961 495 4,839 9,284 943 378 1,229 312 1,680 2,102 1,763 537 2,020 2,536 784 1-91 8,461 1-98 19,424 3'o8 1,806 1-55 769 176 14,857 2-43 3,299 3'4o 575 i'i2 4,541 i-ii 4.425; 172 4,316. 2' l8 84I j 075 3,609 I'41 3,668 2'65 7.977 3'5o 79.352 2-41 208 79,144 19,482 98,626 •15 •13 12 •13 'H •12 •13 •10 •13 •14 •16 •14 ■12 •16 rig i'54 1'53 1-97 2-24 2'20 274 2'23 278 270 3'37 178 i'7S 3'i6 278 5'57 4-89 4'33 3'98 3'H 372 4'io 2-36 3'94 473 4'i7 4'53 2-80 8-82 8'54 9-06 7' 6 3 814 7-89 9'99 7'55 678 871 9'6S 7'40 7'45 10-50 8-82 353 3,369 6,415 662 265 3,881 910 203 1,224 i,348 i,M3 459 1,218 1,093 i,576 ■14 Total ! 134 I ... I rerable mil 46,412 580 45.832 2,245,868 580 2,245,288 728,924 30,032 1,927 22,550 1,221 35.620 '13 2-13 3'8i 8-48 0'02 24,119 Less recoGeneral c marges 8-46 2-08 ... — Total ,,832 2,245,288 I ... I I ... I I ... ••• ... I ... I ... I ... 110-54 I

1 .5 8^ Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Detail. Train. Shunting. Ballast. Detail. Total. Running. Repairs. Repairs. Running. I Repairs. Running. Running. Running. rt a Type. _ to* • 1 a] 2 | < | Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages j Total. Wages Total. Mate Stores. Fuel. . Wages. I and Stores. Fuel. Wages. _S " Material.

RETURN No. 23— continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1894-continued.





- f4 . a : a> _ a CO : tj "5 t» - & 3 CO . o o a o o on >n • a ■3 - M s 111 H O - M fsj



fcC ft Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Type. o I > a. 2 i < Detail. Train. Shunting. Ballast. Detail. Total. Coal. Oil. Tallow, j Waste. Running. Repairs. Running, Repairs. Running. Wages 1 Total. w "" Total and c , _ , _,„ Wages iotal - Mate- Store s. Fuel. Wages. and Stores. Fuel. Wages. rial. * Material, Repairs. Runnings. rt a

F 4 E 1 D 1 12 12 19,403 10,266 307 18,603 8,207 1,194 3,860 i 5i 3,936 41,866 18,524 5,437 Cwt. 6,248 3,470 750 qt. lb. 460 85 206 41 57 12 723 I 138 lb. 388 177 49 £ 367 40 155 562 £ 24 10 4 £ £ 199 725 no 306 24 : no £ 466 293 2 - I0 0-51 6-8 4 ! i •14 i '13 "•14 i 4'i5 1'43 ' 3 96 i'o6 ■ 4-86 I'22 4-16 7'53 6-03 12-93 639 220 "5 12 Total I 6 j Less recoverabl le mil 29,976 .eage & exj 28,004 'enditure 7,847 j 65,827 7,216 7,216 631 58,611 j 10,468 614 38 333 1,141 2,074 754 2-05 •13 7'56 2-16 974 ... I General charge 1,320 270 5'4o ... I Total ... 631 I 58,6ii . • I ... j I ... ... I ... i,590 ... I 6-<i I

D 2 F 2 18 18 20,139 19,063 2,849 2,i38 22, 9 88 21,235 3,817 3,389 389 329 718 26 26 202 361 180 302 382 j 663 ... •l6 ! 2-II '15 j 2-03 ■15 2-07 34 223 202 291 221 : i3 869 716 3'03 2-50 278 377 3'4i 3'6o 9-07 8-09 8-6o 1-07 274 215 Total 4 General charge Total: ... j •s 39,202 4.987 34 44,223 7,206 ! 52 425 ""i 512 28 — 1.585 198. 489 ... ... ... I I ... ... ... 1 i i ] ... I ... I «*,

0 F Fa Total General 2 12 4 15 1 I '5 7 ! -■• marges 2,i53 48,069 2i,o55 17,522 327 107 503 23>3 I 5 66,094 1,683 3,524 14,298 388 330 908 26 1,264 38 107 3 ; 215' 32 625 ! 1,187 17 : 38 857 1,257 13 38 1 97 393 II ; 579 1,160 28 721 ; 0-32 2,778 ; 4'3i 78 \ 5'53 •13 •11 I'00 I'43 [ i'52 596 4'2I 3'95 4-66 741 io - o8 irn 363 725 16 5i,578 38,904 610 91,092 j 18,210 148 52 501 1,767 3,577 3'3 ! 1,346 •13 1-32 9-42 3'55 1,104 ... ... ! ... ... ... ... ... Total i ! ... ... ... '"1 4,923 I 12-97 ... ...

C I) , I G j 2 Total 1 4 General cliargi 15 15 15 5,763 20,054 25,817 906 3,234 4,140 562 55 7,231 23,343 935 3>789 100 308 3 ... 20 ' 53 j 186 1 43 142 148 : 1 i J 3 ; 56 127 2 n , 227 ! 403 H 283 532 • 229 144 1'43 1'53 2'6l ■09 "ii i-86 2'33 4'22 4-14 i j 7-60 I 8 '" 87 256 617 30,574 4,724 408 23 239 333 1,162 69 "10 222 4-17 9-10 056 9-66 'S ... 343 ... ... ... - 1 ! ... Total ... ... - i ... 1,231 I ... ...



RETURN No. 24. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of Coal Traffic from Local Mines during the Year ending 31st March, 1894.

1893-94. 1892-93. Increase. Decrease. Mine. Tons. 715 243 Tons. i,34i 81 66 2,047 2,814 Tons. Tons. 626 Austin Bros., Sheffield Springfield Coal Company, Springfield Smith and Taylor, Springfield Leeming and Co., Whiteeliffs Mcllraitli, J. A., Glentunnel Goss, Glentunnel Knight and Harris, Mount Somers Harris, W. and J., Mount Somers Bark, G., Mount Somers Albury Studholme and MePberson, Waimate Kurow ... ... Abbotsford Ngapara ... Herbert Shag Point Allendale Coal Company... Walton Park ... Bernhill Saddle Hill Freeman's Salisbury Nelson's Lovell's Flat Milton Kaitangata Carson's Castle Hill Cormack's ... ... Conical Hills Mosgiel McKenzie, J., Pukerau ... Hagan, C. 0., Pukerau ... Dudley, J., Pukerau Hoffman, Gore ... Fryer'?, Gore Adams', Gore Stark's, Gore Town, C, Mataura Sleeman, C. P., Mataura ... Slattery, N., Fairfax Brazier, J., Wairio Beed, W., Wairio Benson, S., Wairio Nightcaps Coal Company, Nightcaps Beed, W., Nightcaps Cassels, A., Orepuki Hokonui Coal Company, Winton ... 162 "66 2,430 3>095 37 '383 281 37 1,200 1,200 "380 "5 172 15 18-5 380 115 193 21 217 65 36 160 21 6 32 65 20 106 16 54 9,604 12,739 15,726 5,294 12 9,418 1,946 1,138 138 3,102 12,720 17,716 74 420 12,053 2,078 1,124 no 4 53.392 56 6,502 19 1,990 5,220 408 2,635 132 14 28 67,60 s 28 6 14,213 4 '" 28 6 130 450 356 25 330 1,665 10 53i 26 460 2.H5 366 25 354 40 88 34 146 177 40 24 H 48 10 146 361 74 30 361 116 25 5 10 380 5 42 5 10 747 367 4 7. "37 428 330 2,360 6,913 4 14,050 428 258 72 10,538 8,178 Totals 159,609 125,5!3 43,36l 9,265



RETURN No. 25. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of the Number of Vessels discharged and loaded at the Ports of Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, and Bluff, for the Year ending 31st March, 1894.

RETURN No. 26. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Line and Sidings open for Traffic on 31st March, 1894, on the Hurunui-Bluff Railway and Branches.

Port. 1893-94. (92-93. Increase. tecrease. 'ISOHABGKD : —| Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Bluff No. i>545 316 130 307 47 281 No. 1,614 297 156 365 5i 306 No. No. 69 l 9 26 58 4 25 Totals 2,626 2,789 J 9 182 iOADED : — Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Bluff 1,648 317 iS4 317 i,3" 290 156 377 1 309 337 27 3 60 I 27 282 Totals 18 364 2,44.

Line of Railway. Main Line. Single. Double. Main Line. Branches. Total Main Line. Branches. Sidings. Total. Total Equivalent of Single Track. Railway. jHMSTCHUBCH DIVISION : — Main Line ... Rangiora - Sheffield and Eyreton Junction-Bennett's Southbridge and Little River Branches Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches Rakaia and Ashburton Forks B ranch Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Waimate Branch M. ch. 211 57 M. eh. 6 28 M. ch. M. ch. 218 s M. ch. 64 49 M. ch. M. ch. 64 49 M. ch. 282 54 /S8 7 S3 56 4 31 48 7 S 26 S3 33 42 27 4 60 47 7 ■242 65 2 65 ■23 18 22 20 25 5 27 35 36 13 12 67 1 S3 2 45 1 S 8 29 8 38 58 Vi4 45 ' Totals, Canterbury Division 211 57 6 28 242 65 460 70 64 49 23 18 87 67 548 57 Junedin Division : — Main Line ... Duntroon B ranch Oamaru-Breakwater Branch ... Ngapara & Livingstone Branches Shag Point Branch ... Waihemo Branch Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park B ranch... Otago Central Railway Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch Tapanui B ranch 175 20 37 4i 0 63 27 4 2 10 8 6 S 1 26 175 20 47 10 2 S7 0 25 1 77 o 14 o 57 3 4i o 52 2 1 0 65 1 78 1 2 2 7 47 10 222 30 /40 18 1 8 29 1 2 24 9 42 I 4 67 1 3 21 41 63 9 65 23 78 IS 18 \22 II ■185 20 •17 76 2 49 39 62 9 o 22 0 14 16 20 4 Totals, Dunedin Division ... 175 20 185 20 360 40 47 10 17 76 65 6 42S 46 jJVEKCAKGiin Division : — Main Line ... Waimea Plains Branch Wyndhani Branch Seaward Bush Branch Kingston Branch Makarewa-Orepuki Branch Thornbury-Wairio and WairioNightcaps Branches Lumsden-Mararoa Branch 72 61 36 41 9 35 11 25 87 o 35 52 24 5i 72 61 ) I 17 61 / 2 6 o 45 o 56 J 6 5 3 78 2 34 1 3 17 61 V16 67 90 42 /38 47 10 o 12 1 j, 93 5 139 So 27 S Mi 44 J-2XS 5 10 41 Totals, Invercargill Division 72 61 215 S 287 66 17 61 16 67 34 48 322 34 Grand Totals —Whole Line 459 58 6 28 643 10 1,109 J 6 129 40 58 1 187 41 1296 57 Riversdale-Switzers Line Forest Hill Tramway... 2 o 10 0 ... * Taken over, but not yet open for traffic.



RETURN NO. 27. Statement of Net Expenditure from Vote for Additions to Open Lines, Public Works Fund, 1893-94.

Accountant's Office, New Zealand Railways, A. C. Fife, 18th April, 1894. Railway Accountant. Correct. James Edwabd FitzGebald, 19th April, 1894. Controller and Auditor-General.

RETURN No. 28. Statement of Alterations effected in and Additions made to the Scale of Chabges during the Year ending 31st March, 1894. PART I.—PASSENGERS. Ordinary-tickets : Single fares for 1 mile reduced. Return tickets over 200 miles and up to 300 miles made available for two months, previously available for one month. Single commutation tickets made available for two months, previously available for one month. Rates for special trains amended. LOCAL FAEES AND EEGULATIONS. Suburban Traffic. Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin : Single fares, 1 and 2 miles, reduced. Kaihu Section. First-class fares inserted. Napier-Tar anaki and Wellington Sections. Te Aro included in list of through booking stations to and from Napier Section stations. Greymouth Section. Fares reduced. Westport Section. Fares reduced. Hurunui-Bluff Section. Oamaru to Breakwater, fare removed. Single fares, Pelichet Bay and Ravensbourne, reduced. PART lI.—LUGGAGE, PARCELS, HORSES, ETC. Commercial travellers' luggage, when consigned as goods, to be charged Class B. Regulation re lost luggage amended. Parcel Rates: Dress-stands, basketware, basket-chairs, bicycles, and tricycles to be charged rate and a quarter. Rate for conveyance of stereotype easts reduced. Shetland ponies to be charged same rate as asses. Concession granted to horses of members of hunt-clubs returning from meets extended to horses of members of polo-clubs. Bicycles, tricycles, and perambulators : Rates, when conveyed as passengers' luggage, removed; each passenger to be allowed to take one bicycle, or tricycle, or one perambulator as " personal luggage." Rate for conveyance of corpses reduced. PART lII.—GOODS. REGULATIONS. Regulation 2 : Scale for small lots amended. Charge for small lots of rabbit-, sheep-, and calfskins, wool, hides, lard, fat, and tallow reduced. Charge for reloading goods of Class F provided. Regulation for measurement of rusticated timber and moulded boards inserted. Live-stock: Rate for store cattle in large mobs reduced. Rock-salt and salt for agricultural or pastoral purposes included under the 1-J-ton minimum. Charge for handling transhipment goods in Government sheds at port-stations amended. Demurrage-charge for double-bogie trucks inserted.

Vote No. Name ot Vote. Appropriation. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Public Woeks Fund. Pakt I. Class III. —Railways. 88 Additions to open lines £ s. d. j £ s. d. 18,978 0 0 ! 8,041 18 4 I £ s. d. £ s. d. 8,041 18 4



Stock, implements, clogs, and poultry exhibited at Agricultural Shows, and entire horses exhibited at Horse Parades : Regulation amended to provide for free conveyance back when part of consignment is sold. Regulation inserted providing for threshing-machines, chaff-cutters, and hay-presses, with engines (portable or traction), consigned to country stations for threshing, &c, and returned within one month, being conveyed back at half rates. West Coast, New Zealand, Co-operative Exhibition : Free conveyance of exhibits provided for. Hawera Exhibition: Free conveyance of exhibits provided for. Tasmanian Exhibition, Launceston : Regulation re free carriage of exhibits removed. Convalescent Home, Wellington : Contributions to Gift Auction in aid of Home to be conveyed free. PART IV.—GOODS: LOCAL RATES. Auckland Section. Terminal charge on A, 8,, C, D, and E goods at Auckland amended. Rate for goods of Class H, between Auckland or Newmarket and Onehunga Town and Wharf, reduced. Rates for A, B, C, and D goods, Te Aroha to Auckland and Newmarket, and rates for A, B, C, and D goods between Onehunga and Te Aroha, reduced. Rate of £4 10s. per ton for Classes A, B, C, and D, Auckland or Newmarket to Oxford or Putaruru for Rotorua, removed. Rates for timber, Kanohi to Auckland and Onehunga Wharf, reduced. Rate for white-pine, Whangarata to Newmarket or Auckland, reduced. Rate for timber, Auckland to Tarukenga, reduced. Rate for timber, Auckland to Oxford for Rotorua, removed (line opened to Tarukenga). Rate for sulphur, Oxford to Westfield or Auckland, reduced. Rate for sulphur, Tarukenga to Westfield or Auckland, reduced. Rate for sulphur, Oxford to Westfield or Auckland, removed (line opened to Tarukenga). Rate for sheet-iron and tram-rails, Onehunga to Auckland, reduced. Rate for bone-dust, manure, &c, over Rotorua District Railway reduced. Napier-Taranaki Section. Rates for goods of Class D reduced. Rates for rock-salt, and salt for agricultural purposes, reduced. Rate for soap, Awatoto to Napier or Spit, removed. Rate for goods of Classes A, B, C, and D, between the New Plymouth Breakwater and New Plymouth Station, reduced. Napier-Taranaki and Wellington Sections. Minimum quantity per truck of dead meat, consigned by way of Manawatu Railway Company's line to Wellington, or to stations on the Wellington Section, inserted. Wellington Section. Rates for goods, of Class D reduced. Rate for potatoes, Lower Hutt to Wellington, removed. Rates for rock-salt, and salt for agricultural purposes, reduced. Greymouth-Brunnerton Section. Rate for clay and bricks, Brunnerton sidings to Greymouth, to include weighing. Rate for timber, Dobson to Greymouth, reduced. Shuuting-rate for slack between Brunnerton and Wallsend inserted. Rate for coal for Greymouth, from Blackball Coal Company's line, reduced. Greymouth-Hokitika Section. Local rates inserted. Rate on beer in bulk, Hokitika to Greymouth, reduced. Nelson Section. Bark extract, regulation removed. Rate for bark, native, Wai-iti to Nelson, reduced. Picton Section. Rate for timber from Mount Pleasant, &c, removed. Rate for timber, Picton to Blenheim, ex ship, reduced. Hitrunuir-Bluff Section. Rate for ships' goods, Classes A, B, C, and D, Timaru and Bluff, inserted. Rate for ships' goods, Oamaru to Port Chalmers, removed. Terminal charge of Is. 2d. per ton on goods of classes A, B, C, D, and E, at Dunedin, not to be made when goods are consigned to the Railway Wharf for shipment in vessels lying there. Class H, Wool, &c.: Rates from stations on the Waimate District Railway to Timaru, Oamaru, and Breakwater, reduced. Class X, Timber : Rate, Buccleugh to Tinwald and Ashburton, reduced. Rate, Rangitata to Ashburton, Timaru, and intermediate stations, reduced. Ships' ballast, Hornby to Lyttelton, rate removed. Rate for pelts, Maheno to Woolston, reduced. Charge for goods landed for Customs examination at Lyttelton removed. Rate for tallow, Washdyke to Dunedin, reduced.



Fat, Oamaru Refrigerating Siding to Dunedin : Rate removed ; and rate for fat, Eveline to Dunedin and Burnside, reduced. Preserved meat from factories exempted from District Eailways rate. Grass-seed-cleaning machines, and flock and kapok in bales, added to list of goods to be charged half-measurement rates on port lines. PART V.—CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. Class. Acid, acetic, packed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A Barley, pearl, packed. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... Reduced to E Baskets and basketware. Rate and a half (if through parcels, rate and a quarter) ... A Beehives. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... .. ... Reduced to C Bicycles, unpacked. Rate and a quarter. Owners'risk ... As parcels: see Part 11. Cake, linseed. Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... Reduced to E Cardboard-boxes, colonial manufacture, packed in crates ...Reduced to rate and a half, A Chairs, bath and basket. Rate and a half (if through parcels, rate and a quarter) ... A Coverings used for fresh meat conveyed by rail (returned, free). Dress-stands. Rate and a quarter ... ... ... ... ... As parcels : see Part 11. Empties: Casks, cases, kegs, jars, tins, and tubs for butter, cement, cheese, cider, fish, fruit, honey, preserved meat, and tallow, and crates for poultry, not "returned empties," but to be reconsigned over the railway full ... ... As returned empties : see Part 111. Fish, fresh, under 2 tons. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... Reduced to D Fish, fresh, 2 ton lots and over. Owners'risk ... ... Reduced to half rates, C Garden-roots ... ' ... ... ... ... ... ... Reduced to D Glassware, native, packed, consigned direct from local factories, in lots of not less than 30cwt., reduced to half rate, Class B. Any less quantity will be charged as such minimum, or at the classified rates for Class D. Kapok, in bales ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A Leather, -in bales or bundles ... ... ... ... ... .. B Magnite, packed. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A Marble images, packed. If unpacked, double rate. Owners'risk. Special goods ... A Oatina, packed. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... Reduced to E Bails, iron and steel, new, and fastenings ... ... ... ... ... ... N Eoburite. Double rate. Owners'risk. Dangerous ... ... ... ... ... A Rock-salt. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Reduced to P Salt, manure, or for agricultural or pastoral purposes ... ... Reduced to P Shags'heads consigned from country stations to Acclimatisation Societies ... ... Free. Sleepers, railway.... ... ... ... ... ... ... Reduced to Q Snow, packed. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... Reduced to C Stereotype-casts consigned by or to newspaper proprietors. ... ... ... See Part 11. Tricycles, unpacked. Rate and a quarter. Owners'risk ... ... As parcels : see Part 11. Twine, binder ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Reduced to D Wine, New Zealand-made ... ... ... ... .. Reduced to C Bemoved. —Velocipedes, packed. Bemoved. —Velocipedes, unpacked. PART VI.—WHARVES. Kaihu Section. Dargaville Wharf : Charges for use of wharf reduced. Auckland Section. Helensville Wharf: Rate for Class F inserted. Onehunga Wharf: Rate for calves inserted. Greymouth Section. Greymouth Wharf: Charge for tug-steamers removed. Nelson Section. Nelson Wharf: Rate for Classes E and F inserted. E.G. Pilcheb, Secretary.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, nil; printing (1,850 copies), £Ti.

By Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB94. Price Is. 6d.



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ANNUAL REPORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS BY THE NEW ZEALAND RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, D-02

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ANNUAL REPORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS BY THE NEW ZEALAND RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, D-02

ANNUAL REPORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS BY THE NEW ZEALAND RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1894 Session I, D-02

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