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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

My Lobd, — Marine Department, Wellington, 22nd September, 1893. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department of this colony for the financial year ended on the 31st March last. I have, &c, P. A. Buckley, Minister having charge of the Marine Department. His Excellency the Bight Honourable the Earl of Glasgow, &c, Governor of New Zealand.

The Assistant Secbetaby to the Minister of Mabine. Sib,— Marine Department, Wellington, 7th August, 1893. I have the honour to submit the following report of this department for the year ended the 31st March last:— Lighthouses. —No accident that affected the light was reported from any of the lighthouses during the year. Cuvier Island Lighthouse was struck by lightning on the 4th November last, but no damage was done to the lantern or tower; the coils of two of the electric bells were, however, fused. The light on the French Pass Beacon was not extinguished during the year. No repairs of any importance have been carried out to any of the lighthouses or buildings. The new lantern for Farewell Spit has been procured from Scotland ; and it is to be hoped that a sum of money will be provided for the erection of a new tower. There is a convenient site for the new lighthouse a little further towards the spit end, and the tower need only be 60ft. in height, instead of 100 ft. as at present; this reduction can be made as the light will not be of so much importance aft er the exhibition of Stephens Island Light. The trial shipment of mineral colza oil did not prove satisfactory, the burners at present in use apparently not being suitable for its consumption. I regret to have to report the death of two principal keepers — Kidson and Scopes, both valuable servants. Their widows were given a year's pay as a compassionate allowance. Two assistant-keepers were appointed to the vacancies created by their deaths. New Lighthouses. —The works on Stephens Island have been carried on during the year with the result that it is anticipated that the light will be ready for exhibition in January next. The tower is of cast-iron, and the contract for its construction has been carried out by Messrs. Beaney and Sons (who made the one erected at Cuvier Island) for the sum of £689. The lantern and apparatus have been received from England, the apparatus being a revolving one, showing a double flash every thirty seconds. Masters of vessels have expressed great satisfaction at the prospect of the speedy exhibition of this light. Mariners urge the erection of lights at Cape Palliser, eastern entrance to Cook Strait, and at Bocks or Kiourangi Point, on the west coast of the South Island. Both these lights would be of great service, the one near Rocks Point being wanted in connection with the coal trade to Westport. The cost of their erection would probably be between £6,000 and £7,000 each. Harbours. —The buoys at the harbours under the control of this department have been kept in order by the " Hinemoa." No works of any importance have been carried on in connection with any harbour except the dredging at New Plymouth, a sum of £3,961 9s. 6d. having been expended under the direction of the Public Works Department in carrying out this work. The master of a vessel, who discharged ballast in Kaipara Harbour, was fined 50s. and costs for so doing. The County Council of Whangarei was authorised, by Order in Council dated the 13th December last, to exercise all the powers of a Harbour Board in Whangarei Harbour, contracts having been first let for putting the local wharves in order. A sum of money was granted to the Mongonui County Council for repairing and enlarging the wharf at Mongonui. A harbourmaster, at a small salary, was appointed at Waikawa to look after the beacons and to see vessels did not discharge their ballast in the harbour. In February a very heavy gale blew down the leading beacons on the north side of the entrance to Manukau Harbour, and, consequently, the leading lights were extinguished ; the harbourmaster, however, succeeded in temporarily repairing the beacons, and the lights were relighted after being out for four nights only. A sum of money has been placed on the estimates for the erection of new beacons, of which it is proposed only to have two instead of three, as at present. A sum of £100 was granted to the Opunake Wharf Company for the purpose of laying down moorings near the wharf recently erected at that port. By direction of the Government, Mr. T. Perham visited and reported on the following works : Dredging at Nelson Harbour, and improvement of Mokau, Waitara, and Wairoa (Hawke's Bay) Bivers. I—H. 31.



Orders in Council. —The following Orders in Council, under the provisions of the Harbours Acts, have been issued during the year : — January 13, 1892. Approves plan of extension of Bluff Wharf. May 17. Approves plans of addition to wharf on west side of Turanganui Eiver, Gisborne. June 4. Approves plans of J. A. Bhodes's Wharf, at Aratapu. June 4. Licenses J. A. Bhodes to use foreshore at Aratapu for wharf site. June 14. Approves dredging on site of new wharf, Wellington. June 14. Vests Owake Wharf in Clutha County Council, and prescribes dues. July 5. Approves plan of extension of Bluff Wharf. July 26. Approves construction of upper training-walls between Buller Bridge and Lagoon Mouth, Westport, August 2. Approves plans of repairs and additions to outer eastern T, Queen's Street Wharf, Auckland. August 2. Approves plan of extension of Coal Creek Training-wall, Greymouth. August 9. Approves plan of Kauri Timber Company's reclamation at Kohukohu. August 9. Licenses Kauri Timber Company to use foreshore at Kohukohu. August 9. Approves plans of retaining-wall and reclamation north of Bailway Wharf, Wellington. August 16. Approves plans of Timaru Bowing-club's boatshed. August 23. Prescribes dues and rates for Opunake Wharf. August 23. Approves lease of land at Castlecliff from Wanganui Harbour Board to Wanganui Meat-freezing Company. September 7. Approves plan of boat-landing stage, Lyttelton. September 7. Approves plan of cattle-jetty, Lyttelton. September 27. Approves plans of Witting, McKenzie, and Co.'s Wharf, South-west Bay, Stewart Island. September 27. Licenses Witting, McKenzie, and Co., to use foreshore at South-west Bay for wharf site. October 15. Approves construction of railway approach to training-wall, Westport. October 15. Appoints a member of Greymouth Harbour Board. October-15. Appoints members of Westport Harbour Board. October 20. Appoints a member of Westport Harbour Board. November 14. Approves plan of yacht-jetty, Lyttelton. November 21. Approves plan of W. D. Napier's slip and shed at Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island. November 21. Licenses W. D. Napier to occupy foreshore at Half-moon Bay as site for shed and slip. December 13. Declares Whangarei County Council a Harbour Board for Whangarei Harbour. December 13. Approves plan of A. J. Cross's boat-shed, Evan's Bay, Wellington. December 13. Appoints member of Greymouth Harbour Board. December 13. Approves plan of A. Davidson's office on foreshore of Wairoa Eiver, Hawke's Bay. December 13. Licenses A. Davidson to use foreshore, Wairoa, for office site. January 26, 1893. Approves plan of works, Tukituki Eiver. January 26. Approves plan of addition to wharf, Gisborne. January 26. Approves plan of extension of F. W. Matthews's wharf, Te Koporu. January 26. Licenses F. W. Matthews to use foreshore at To Koporu for wharf extension. February 8. Approves plan of night-soil road and platform, Akaroa. February 8. Licenses Akaroa Borough Council to use foreshore, Akaroa Harbour, for night-soil road and platform. February 8. Prescribes dues and rates for Bodney County wharves, February 28. Approves plans of additions and alterations to Mongonui Wharf. February 28. Approves plans of works for accommodation of watermen's and other boats, Wellington Harbour. February 28. Approves plan of New Zealand Land Association's Wharf at Te Akau, Baglan Harbour. February 28. Licenses New Zealand Association to use foreshore at Te Akau for wharf site. March 14. Approves plan of wharf at Manuka Island, Lake Wanaka. March 14. Approves plan of P. Coffey's boat-shed and slip, Oriental Bay. Light Dues. —The sum of £15,797 10s. 9d. was received for light dues for the year, as against £16,217 16s. 7d in the preceding year, or a decrease of £420 ss. lOd. Government Steamers. —The "Stella" is still laid up. Tenders for her purchase were invited in December last, but no tender was received; and on the 11th April the vessel was offered for sale by public auction, but the bidding did not reach the reserve placed on her. The " Hinemoa" has been employed in the ordinary work of the department, attending to lighthouses, cleaning and overhauling buoys and beacons, &c. Besides the usual trips to the outlying islands of the colony, she went to Sydney to bring His Excellency the Governor to New Zealand. During the year she steamed 30,840 miles, w r as 3,662 hours under steam, burnt 1,556 tons of coal, landed 2,638 tons cargo, and cleaned, painted, and relaid 98 buoys. Examination of Masters, Mates, and Engineers. —Eighty-eight candidates passed their examination for certificates of competency and twenty-seven failed. Of those who passed fifty-seven were masters, mates, and engineers of sea-going vessels; and thirty-one were masters, and engineers of river-steamers. Of those who failed, two failed to pass the colour-test examination — namely, a candidate for an Only Mate's Certificate on the 9th July, 1892, and a candidate for a Second Mate's Certificate on the 27th February, 1893. Two certificates of service were issued during the year, one being for the foreign and the other for the harbour and river-trade, both being renewals of lost certificates. In March last a change in the system of examinations held at the ports other than Wellington was made by direction of the Minister having charge of the department, the services of the local examiners having been dispensed with, and one officer appointed to examine for Auckland and one for Lyttelton and Dunedin. The plan carried out is that examina-tion-papers are prepared in Wellington for the examination in navigation, and the local examiner



supervises this examination, and, should the candidate pass in navigation, he examines him in seamanship. It was at one time proposed to appoint one examiner who, in conjunction with another at present in the service, should hold examinations at fixed dates at each of the principal ports, and applications were invited for the appointment, but it was subsequently decided not to adopt this plan I submit that it would be very desirable to adopt the principle of having examinations at regular intervals at the various ports; by this means I consider that time and trouble would be saved, and the examinations would have a higher standard in the eyes of the public. This plan is adopted in Great Britain. The Chief Inspector of Machinery recommends that this plan should be adopted in connection with the examination of engineers. Belief of Distressed Seamen. —The sum of £36 Is. 2d. has been expended during the year on account of the relief of distressed seamen belonging to New Zealand vessels. Of this amount £12 was paid for the conveyance of the crew of the "Byno," £3 for the crew of the " Waireka," and £10 for two seamen from Macquarie Island. The sum of £11 Is. 2d. was expended in provisions for replenishing the depots for castaways established on the Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes, and Kermadec Islands. Wages and Effects of Deceased Seamen. —During the year the estates of fifty-four deceased seamen have been dealt with. One estate, amounting to £19 6s. 8-|d., has been transferred to the Public Trustee ; £94 ss. 1-J-d. has been paid to relatives and other claimants, and £140 os. lOd. paid into the Public Account in accordance with the provisions of section 87 of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877." Twenty-two new estates were received during the year. Survey of Steamers and hispection of Machinery. —The duties connected with the survey of steamers and inspection of machinery were handed over to the Public Works Department by direction of the Government on the 2nd December last. Wrecks and Casualties. —The accompanying table shows an analysis of the casualties reported. Those on the coast of the colony number 41, representing 14,803 tons, as against 33 casualties, affecting 17,650 tons, in the previous year. The number of total wrecks within the colony was 11 vessels, of 768 aggregate tonnage, as against 4 vessels, of 4,453 aggregate tonnage, in the previous year. The number of lives lost during the year was 38, as against Bin the previous year. Of these 24 were lost on or near the coasts of the colony —namely, 6 from the Louie " (all hands), 2 from the "Clematis," 2 from the s.s. "Ruby," 8 from the " Northern Star " (all hands), and 1 each from the s.s. "Maori," " Waipu," "Acacia," "Wave," "Sarah Pile," and "Edith May." Of the 14 lives lost beyond the colony, 12 were from the"Maile" (all hands), and 1 each from the "Alcestis" and "Canterbury." Portions of the hull of the "Northern Star" came ashore at Kaipara, and it is considered possible that she was lost through collision with the four-masted barque " Gowanburn," portions of wreckage from that vessel having been found on the West Coast about the time the "Northern Star" came on shore. Of the miscellaneous casualties reported, 2 were of a serious character —namely, those to the ship " Timaru," and the s.s. " Ruahine," fire having broken out in the holds of each of these vessels. Notices to Mariners. —Thirty-six notices to mariners were issued during the year, of which nine related to matters within the colony. The following is a list of them:— Wellington Harbour : Dredging operations. Napier Harbour : Alteration in position of red light at end of breakwater. Foxton Harbour: Exhibition of additional leading lights. Manukau Harbour : Additional beacon erected. Cook Strait: Entrance to Queen Charlotte Sound. Passage between Jackson's Head and Beacon Bock should not be used by vessels drawing over 12ft. of water (two notices). Greymouth Harbour : Towage rates. Bangaounou Bay : Rock reported. Kaipara Harbour: Lower beacon, North Head, carried away by encroachment of sea. Fishebies.— Oysters: The Oyster Fisheries Act was passed last session; it provided for an export duty on oysters, for licenses to collect oysters, and for leasing foreshore for the purpose of forming oyster-beds. Regulations were made fixing the export duty at Is. a hundredweight, and also for the issue of licenses, &c. Under powers provided for by the Act the regulations relative to the export duty, and also to the licensing of persons taking oysters, were made not to apply to the South Island. Several applications for leasing foreshore for the purpose of establishing oysterfarms have been received, but none have as yet been actually issued. I submit that it would be very desirable to have power to lease the existing oyster-beds. At present when a bed is opened, if it is all accessible, it is at once rushed, and the oysters almost completely destroyed. If the beds were leased, the lessees could be made to maintain them in proper bearing. Inspectors under the Oyster Fisheries Act were appointed at Russell and Whangarei, besides which the constables in the parts of the North Island in the vicinity of which oyster-beds exist were also appointed Inspectors. The quantity of oysters exported during the financial year amounted to 430,610 dozen from ports in the North Island, and to 184,080 from the South Island (Bluff only). The quantity exported shows a considerable decrease from last year, caused, it is believed, from the large imports into New South Wales from Queensland. Flounders. —ln February last Messrs. Spackman and Clarke were appointed to report on the question of the minimum size of flounders that should be allowed to be taken in Lake Ellesmere; they reported just subsequent to the beginning of the financial year now current, and their report has been presented to Parliament. The question of the taking of immature fish is an important one, . and has been the subject of a great deal of discussion in Europe. Imported Fish. —ln accordance with the resolutions passed by the conference of acclimatisation societies held at Oamaru in March, 1892, general fishing regulations for a district comprising the whole of the South Island, except portions of the West Coast, were issued; these have proved to be a great saving of trouble and annoyance to fishermen. In the beginning of December last the administration of the laws relating to fresh-water fish was handed over to the Colonial Secretary's Department by the orders of the Government. Belurns. —Eeturns relating to the expenditure of the department, lighthouses, list of certificates issued, wrecks, &c, are appended hereto. I have, &c, Lewis H. B. Wilson, Assistant Secretary. The Hon. the Minister having charge of the Marine Department, Wellington,



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1893.

:ure o: Ixpem jure. ;ai: la. Is. rram Is. :bad Office :— Assistant Secretary Chief Clerk .. Clerk Extra Clerk and Draughtsman Nautical Adviser, &c. .. [abboues :— Manukau, — Salaries Contingencies Russell, — Contingencies Ngunguru Harbour, — Beacons .. - Whangarei,— Bepairs to wharves Tauranga,— Contingencies Hokianga,— Salaries Contingencies Kaipara,—■ Salaries Contingencies Mokau,— Survey of river Beacons Waitara, — Survey and report on river New Plymouth,— Dredging harbour Opunake, — Salary Moorings Contingencies Poxton, — Salary Contingencies Rangitikei,— Salary Contingencies Wairau, — Salary Contingencies Havelock, —■ Beacons .. Nelson, — Salaries Survey and report on silting at wharf Contingencies Motueka, — Grant for improvement of harbour .. Biwaka, — Salary Waitapu,— - Salary Maintenance of leading-lights Collingwood,— Salary Contingencies Karamea, — Signalman Contingencies Mokihinui, — Contingencies Nile Biver, — Signalman Okarito, — Salary Contingencies Okuru Biver, — Signalman ,. Contingencies Waikawa, — Salary Akaroa, — Contingencies Moeraki, — Bepairs to baths Wairoa (Hawke's Bay),— Survey of and report on river 406 0 0 81 7 5 8 3 7 4 9 6 71 14 4 12 14 0 97 13 2 3,961 9 6 £ s. d. 400 0 0 275 0 0 200 0 0 156 0 0 300 0 0 1 1C 6 5 0 0 274 0 0 9 0 6 585 10 0 120 9 2 25 0 0 100 0 0 7 4 4 190 0 0 52 12 4 36 0 0 9 7 1 £ s. d. 1,331 0 0 487 7 5 8 3 7 4 9 6 1 16 6 5 0 0 283 0 6 705 19 2 84 8 4 97 13 2 3,961 9 6 132 4 4 242 12 4 45 7 1 £ s. d. 1,331 0 0 145 0 0 31 0 7 176 0 7 46 11 6 46 11 6 780 0 0 53 1 11 104 13 4 937 15 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 25 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 26 0 2 4 5 0 30 5 2 18 0 0 12 9 10 30 9 10 12 1 5 12 1 5 6 5 0 6 5 0 50 0 0 42 6 3 92 6 3 4 0 0 6 7 0 .10 7 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 20 10 0 20 10 0 129 17 4 129 17 4 62 10 0 160 17 2 Pension of J. Heberley General harbour contingencies 62 10 0 1G0 17 2 7,939 9 11 Carried forward £9,270 9 11


Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department— continued.

Return showing the Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Lighthouses, and the Quantity of Oil consumed at each, during the Year ended the 31st March, 1893.


:uro oi Ixpeii' ;uro. ;;u. [a, Is. rrani Is. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. 9,270 9 11 Brought forward Lighthouses :— Salaries of keepers Travelling-expenses of keepers Oil Stores and contingencies Pension of Mrs. Deck Snares Island Lighthouse 8,411 5 8 50 18 6 2,134 2 7 •2,131 19 5 24 0 0 3 3 0 12,755 9 2 Departmental travelling-expenses Sundries Charts Inquiries into wrecks and casualties Relief of distressed New Zealand seamen Administration of Fisheries Acts 5 2 0 84 8 3 39 14 3 62 18 0 36 1 2 130 17 4 12,755 9 2 Inspection of Machinery and Survey of Steamers, — Salaries of Inspectors Travelling-expenses Sundries 359 1 0 359 1 0 2,168 11 G 1,027 18 0 245 7 7 3,441 17 1 Examination of Masters and Mates, — Salaries Contingencies 3,441 17 1 402 1 8 60 16 0 462 17 8 462 17 8 221 10 8 " Stella," s.s.,— Expenses while laid up 221 10 8 " Hinemoa," s.s., — Wages, stores, provisions, &c. .. Iiess amount earned by vessel 8,351 3 2 343 8 11 Guaranteed interest to Wellington Patent Slip Company Weather Reporting,— Salary .. .. ' .. Introduction of salmon-ova 2,289 1 5 8,007 14 3 2,289 1 5 300 0 0 73 11 11 300 0 0 73 11 11 Less amount of credits to vote 37,181 13 1 321 15 1 Total £36,859 18 0 * Includes coat of new lantern for Farewell Spit, £653 Oβ. ioa.

Oil. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Gallons consumed. Value. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Cape Maria van Diemen.. Moko Hinou Tiri-Tiri Bean Rock Ponui Passage Cuvier Island Portland Island.. Napier Blufi Pencarrow Head Somes Island Cape Egmont Manukau Head Manukau South Head leading-lights Manukau North Head leading-lights Kaipara Head Brothers Tory Channel leading-lights Cape Campbell .. Godley Head Akaroa Head Moeraki laiaroa Head .. Cape Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point.. Hokitika Cape Foulwind Farewell Spit Nelson French Pass £ a. a. 401 6 1 380 8 4 290 0 0 160 0 0 150 0 0 390 16 8 351 15 6 20 0 0 268 9 11 145 13 10 254 3 4 246 0 5 939 817 520 73 75 1,294 695 Gas 843 227 570 518 136 182 551 688 167 526 549 646 568 569 594 919 524 727 924 872 £ s. d. 66 10 3 57 17 5 36 16 8 8 17 4 5 6 3 91 13 2 48 19 7 11 19 8 59 14 3 16 1 7 40 7 6 36 13 10 9 12 8 12 17 10 39 0 7 48 14 8 11 16 7 37 5 2 38 17 9 45 15 2 40 4 8 40 6 1 42 1 6 65 1 11 37 2 4 51 9 11 65 9 0 61 15 4 12 16 3 39 4 10 36 15 3 16 18 7 8 15 8 £ s. d. 69 13 4 77 9 11 32 17 11 2 15 7 5 0 10 92 14 7 88 1 6 2 6 6 58 5 9 36 4 1 35 6 6 49 19 4 £ s. d. 537 9 8 515 15 8 359 14 7 171 12 11 160 7 1 575 4 5 488 16 7 34 6 2 386 9 11 197 19 6 329 17 4 332 13 7 120 0 0 284 5 9 532 18 10 90 0 0 290 0 0 251 15 6 261 15 6 280 0 0 259 14 10 251 13 4 290 0 0 261 15 6 383 0 6 336 13 4 360 0 0 15 0 0 279 3 4 361 15 6 225 9 8 217 10 0 } 23 17 10 166 8 4 82 5 6 64 11 11* 5 12 48 1 9 27 12 7 35 8 9 36 3 0 31 2 7 31 10 8 73 13 7 35 11 4 91 3 0 54 4 0 70 0 10 0 8 6 32 15 3 730 13 It 83 1 3 23 17 0 405 11 10 646 5 5 106 17 9 375 6 11 318 5 10 342 19 5 356 7 8 331 3 6 325 5 6 428 15 6 334 9 2 525 13 5 456 6 4 491 16 2 28 4 9 351 3 5 1,129 3 10 325 9 6 250 2 8 Gas 554 519 239 124 Totals 8,411 5 8 17,149 1,242 19 3 2,131 19 5 11,786 4 4 Includes cost of rations, £27 4s. 3d. t Includes cost of new lantern, £053 0s. 10d.



Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Amount of Light-dues collected during the Year ended the 31st March, 1893.

Return showing the Expenditure on New Lighthouses, &c., during the Year ended the 31st March, 1893.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, &c., collected during the Year ended the 31st March, 1893.

Return showing the Fees, &c., received under the Shipping and Seamen's Act, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Inspection of Machinery Act, and for Pilotage and Port Charges, &c., during the Year ended the 31st March, 1893.

Name of Lighthouse Cost of Erection. Pencarrow Head kelson Ciri-Tiri .. tfana Island* Paiaroa Head Jodloy Head .. ., 3og Island farewell Spit Nugget Point Jape Campbell vlanukau Head jape Fdulwind Drotliors Portland Island vloeraki Jentre Island Puysegur Point Jape Maria van Diemen tkaroa Head, Jape Saunders jape Bgmontt Vloko Hinou ffaipapapa Point ?onui Passage J iaipara Head ?rench Pass Juvier -Island - .. Jost of telegraph cable to Tiri-Tiri Miscellaneous and unallocated & a. a. 6,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 4,923 14 11 4,705 16 4 10,480 12 8 6,139 11 8 6,597 3 7 5,619 2 6 4,975 2 4 6,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 9,958 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,150 6 5 6,066 6 3 3,353 17 11 8,186 5 0 5,969 18 11 5,571 8 0 1,427 17 5 7,406 16 11 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 Total .. £158,302 8 7 * Light discontinued; moved to Cape Egmi + Cost ol iron tower, lantern, and appara noved from Mana Island, is not includod in J Built by Provincial Government ol A .nowu in Marine Department. jnt. bus, which were rebhis. .uckland; cost not

Port. Amount collected. Auckland .. Onehunga Whangarei Whangaroa Russell Mongonui .. Eokianga .. Kaipara Ihames Coromandel tauranga Poverty Bay Napier STew Plymouth Waitara Wanganui Patea Wellington Wairau Picton Nelson Westport .. areymouth Hokitika Lyttelton fimaru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff and Invercargill £ s. d. 4,203 5 9 91 3 7 40 5 1 3 13 6 53 13 11 1 15 6 14 17 8 121 3 5 61 15 1 11 15 1 29 10 0 223 15 5 495 3 4 97 9 11 26 17 10 88 15 8 5 18 2 3,405 4 11 13 13 1 164 8 0 297 6 1 199 17 11 168 4 7 16 2 4 1,844 14 10 373 4 6 231 5 3 1,637 5 10 1,875 4 6 Total £15,797 10 9

Nature of Expenditure. Amount. The Snares lighthouse .. Stephens Island lighthouse Total £ s. d. 3 3 0 .. 6,641 6 11 .. 6,644 9 11

Name of Port. Pilotage. Port Charges, Total. Auckland* Onehunga Whangareif Hokianga liaipara Thames* Gisborne* Wairoa* Napier* New Plymouth* Waitara* Wanganui* Patea* Foxton Wellington* Wairau Nelson Hokitika* Lyttelton* Timaru* Oamaru* Dunedin* Invercargill* .. Blufi* Eiverton* £ s. a. 594 8 2 9 17 0 £ s. d. 2,780 4 11 81 4 6 44 13 6 £ s. d. 3,374 13 1 94 1 6 44 13 6 25 13 9 578 18 8 104 11 0 713 12 4 158 4 0 3,277 5 1 55 3 2 195 11 0 315 17 9 31 17 9 130 6 5 5,924 4 5 134 5 2 1,322 5 7 3 11 4 7,748 9 10 2,134 10 8 1,033 8 6 9,088 6 2 6 15 3 3,916 6 10 7 0 6 25 13 9 139 10 0 104 11 0 95 10 10 153 11 0 2,241 13 4 24 17 6 85 19 2 315 17 9 23 12 2 130 6 5 447 16 4 134 5 2 1,322 5 7 3 11 4 4,154 16 3 571 19 10 436 0 2 5,204 2 0 439 8 8 618 1 6 4 13 0 1,035 11 9 30 5 8 109 11 10 8 5 7 5,476 8 1 3,593 13 7 1,562 10 10 597 8 4 3,884 8 8 6 15 3 1,167 2 11 7 0 6 2,749 3 11 Totals .. 18,969 9 2 21,450 4 1 40,419 13 3 * Harbour Board Harbour Board rev revenue, mue. + j£12 7a. 2d. of this amount ia

Mature of lleceipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen's Act:— Fees for shipping and discharge of seamen, and sale.of forms Survey of steamers Measurement of ships Examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light-dues Merchant Shipping Act Inspection of Machinery Act Pilotage and port charges Sundry receipts under Harbours Acts Oyster Fisheries Act Sundries £ s. d. 990 0 3 1,119 10 0 12 8 0 110 7 6 15,797 10 9 60 6 0 3,111 10 3 2,317 17 5 96 0 0 42 18 6 24 0 0 Total .. 23,691 8 8


Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended the 31st March, 1893.


Name of Lighthouse. Order of Apparatus. (Description. Period of Bevolving Light. Colour of Light. Tower built of Dwellings built of Date first lighted. Cape Maria van j Diemen Moko Hinou Tiri-Tiri.. 1st order dioptric 1st order dioptric 2nd Revolving Fixed Flashing Fixed V 10" White Red, to show over Columbia Reef White White, with rod arc over Flat Rock White and red White Timber Stone Iron Timber Timber 24 Mar., 1879 18 June, 1883 1 Jan., 1865 Ponui Passage Cuvier Island Portland Island \ 5th 1st 2nd Revolving 30" 30" Timber Iron Timber 29 July, 1871 22 Sept., 1889 10 Feb., 1878 Fixed Red, to show over Bull Rock White 2nd order dioptric 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd Iron Timber 1 Jan., 1859 1 Aug., 1881 1 Sept., 1874 1 Dec, 1884 24 Sept., 1877 Pencarrow Head Cape Egmont Manukau Head Kaipara Heaa Brothers .. -j Flashing io'" 10" Timber Fixed Red, to show over Cook Rock White Cape Campbell Godley Heaa Akaroa Heaa Moeraki Taiaroa Heaa Cape Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point .. Dog Island 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 2nd 1st order catadioptrio 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed Flashing Fixed V Timber Stone Timber Timber Stone Timber 1 Aug., 1870 1 April, 1865 1 Jan., 1880 22 April, 1878 2 Jan., 1865 1 Jan., 1880 4 July, 1870 1 Jan., 1884 1 Aug., 1865 10" Revolving Fixea Flashing Revolving i'* i6" 30" Red '.'. '.'. White Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Centro Island _ Fixea White, with red arcs over inshore dangers White Timber Timber 16 Sept., 1878 Puysegur Point Cape Foulwind Farewell Spit 1st 2na 2nd Flashing Bevolving 10" 30" 1' 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 17 June, 1870 Nelson French Pass 4th ' „ 6th Fixea White, with rod arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark limit of anchorage Red and white, with white light on beacon White .. k successon every half Iron 4 Aug., 1862 1 Oct., 1884 Stephens Island 1st Group flashing 2 flashes in quic Building. minute

Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. George Napier Lindsay Sydney George Morgan Christian Svendsen Boderick McLean William Henry Saunders Archibald Brown.. Edward Stanley Otto Anderson Walter Andrew Tulloch John McKenzie Henry Thomas Rawnsley Oscar Bodin James Dunn John Silvester Liddell Frederick France George Wilson Collin Francis Post Henry James Williams Charles Ludwig Olsen John Lundie Alexander Campbell William Barber John Bollons Sidney Stringer Frederick John Wilcox Edward Stanley Valentine John Robert Christian .. John Mason Donald John Matheson Ellis Thomas Tree Duncan Stuart Conrad Mark Patrick Mahoney Charles Edward Stuart Charles McArthur Carl Gustaf Moberg Philip Ernest Rhodes Percy Sampson West David James Watson Second Mate First Mate Second Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Only Mate Second Mate Master Ordinary .. Second Mate First Mate Second Mate First Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Master Ordinary .. Foreign trade // . * „ (renewal) 14 April, 10 May, 12 „ 2 June, 17 „ 22 15 July, 22 „ 2 Aug., 10 „ 22 „ 23 „ 29 „ 29 „ 31 „ 26 Sept., 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 30 , 11 Oct., 11 » 27 „ 14 Nov., 14 „ 18 , 28 „ 10 Deo., 19 „ 19 „ 5 Jan., 13 „ 26 „ 28 „ 1 Feb,, 7 „ 20 „ 2 March, 1892 .. fl • * /, . • 1893 '. ' 698 646 699 700 701 521 567 702 703 704 489 705 706 477 707 209 478 589 641 554 708 582 572 544 709 710 288 711 713 714 715 716 717 535 718 719 720 671 II • » Only Mate First Mate Master Extra Second Mate Only Mate Second Mate „ (renewal) n • • // • - n • • Master Ordinary .. Second Mate First Mate Second Mate Master Ordinary ..


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended the 31st March, 1893— continued.

Return showing the Number of Masters, Mates, and Engineers examined during the Year ended the 31st March, 1893, distinguishing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.


Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Alexander Campbell Hugh McGilvray Natale Caraman James Tait Christopher Faulkner John Oscar Berg William Giffora John Severn Walter Parker William Goiaie John Darling Douglas John Brunswick Robertson Davia Bruce Frank Gray Alexanaer Bene Joseph CogS William Vereker Binaon Amos McKegg, junior Louis Clifford Goffe William Appleby Henry Smythe David Bitchie Henry Burt Alfred Sneyd George Walker Ross Donald McCorquodale James White Dunlop David Ker Blair Robert G. Anderson MacPhail William John Crawford Richard Thomas Saunders Norman McKenzie John Charles James William John Layton Stephenson .. John McGregor James Basire Bobert Bead Francis Moss Boord Thomas Griffiths Samuel George Langford William Wallace Robert Browne Clark James Young Kelly Francis John Cherry John Dawson John Maxwell John Nelson William Watson Bees Kenfig Williams John Peter Logan Ferguson Jabez Hay Edwin A. McDonald John Kinghan William Timpany Malcolm Turner.. John Bobert Johnston Alexander McDonald Master Home trade (renewal) 15 Aug., 1892 .. 9 Sept., „ .. 26 „ „ .. 21 Oct., „ .. 5 Dec, „ 11 Feb., 1893 .. 12 May, 1892 .. 18 June, „ .. 10 Aug., „ .. 27 Oct., „ .. 7 Nov., „ .. 13 Dec, „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 Jan., 1893 .. 1 Feb., „ .. 7 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 2 March, „ .. 7 April, 1892 .. 2 May, 9 „ „ •• 29 June, „ .. 8 July, „ .. 9 „ „ •• 9 „ „ .. 22 „ „ .. 18 Aug., „ .. 18 „ „ ... 4 Oct., „ .. 14 Nov., „ .. 2 Dec, „ .. 5 Jan., 1893 .. 24 „ „ .. 2 March, „ .. 10 „ „ .. 9 May, 1892 .. 9 „ „ .. 9 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 6 June, „ .. 13 „ „ .. 26 July, „ .. 12 Aug., „ .. 20 „ „ .. 19 Sept., „ .. 21 Oct., „ .. 1 Nov., „ .. 1 „ „ •• 4 „ „ .. 4 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 2 Dec, „ .. 22 „ „ .. 5 Jan., 1893 .. 26 „ „ .. 5,356 5,348 5,357 5,358 5,324 5,359 3,217 3,218 3,219 3,220 3,221 3,222 3,223 3,224 3,225 3,226 3,227 3,228 237 238 239 240 241 194 200 192 242 243 212 244 245 246 190 159 247 1,663 1,664 1,665 1,666 1,667 1,668 1,669 1,670 1,671 1,672 1,673 1,674 1,675 1,676 1,677 1,678 1,679 1,680 1,681 1,682 1,683 Mate Master River trade „ (renewal) „ (renewal) 2nd Class Engineer Foreign trade 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer Engineer River trade

Auckland. We! llihgi :on. Lyiteltc in. Duned: en. Othi sr PI: :es. Total: Class of Certificate. "2 * _! co rt <6 CO rt -P d c3 O Plh ft H ■a in a o ft o "3° d CD q CO CO -rH c3 rt ft I ft 63 o H ft © '3 o id 3 « ft © '3 "5 o EH CO CO <8 ft ■d <d *e3 ft "3 o Foreign - going masters and mates Home-trade masters and mates Biver-steamer masters Sea-going engineers .. ■ > River-steamer engineers 10 5 15 7 4 11 3 6 16 21 36 17 53 2 4 3 5 1 i 1 3 4 4 6 2 *5 2 1 i 3 *0 2 'i 2 'l 2 1 6 7 7 1 2 1 1 7 9 8 5 10 16 21 2 1 4 3 7 11 20 24 *5 'l *6 Totals .. 24 8 16 6 6 3 9 37 9 46 5 1 6 88 27 115 32 22



Return showing the Certificates of Service issued to Masters, Mates, and Engineers during the Year ended the 31st March, 1893.

Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," during the Year ended the 31st March, 1893.

2—H. 31.

'ame o 'erson. Ian] [ass o: !ov. Leal Jβ, :e of Issue. No. lenry Worsley Hill* ames Lindsay* .. Master .. Foreign trade .. 8 July, 1892 .. Harbour and river trade 1 November, 1892 .. 2,56i .. 2,56: * Kenewals.

Name of Seaman. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March, 1892. Amount received. Amouut paid. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March, 1893. J. Johnson J. Logan Tom Fisher Peter Allen Biohard Dukelow.. John Taylor B. Williamson Peter Hansen B. Harrison E. S. Stratford .. G. McDonough B. Williams Mrs. Brown B. Bathgate T. Brown A. Ereekson T. Olsen Henry Walker George Smith G. Robinson G. Hayward Jeremiah Walsh Lawrence Bobinson Richard Rich Charles Engelke John Hannaford Mathew Tweeney John Humphrey William Mackay Philip Marriott Alexander McDonald George Laurenson Samuel Gordon Harry Smith alias Schmidt August Baker alias Becker Charles J. Miller Neil McDonald* Carl Deng alias William Clausen .. B.Mann H. Tarry G. Faulkner B. Burvill George Low Thomson Armifc A. E. A. Beynolds B. Harvey H. Buckland John Sandeman John L. Hewitt .. William James Fitzgerald Martin Johnson Erick Methela C. H. J. Hovell Jacob Souper £ s. d. 14 0 10 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 1 18 4 22 0 11 2 11 4 2 11 4 2 11 4 12 4 3 6 0 2 11 4 19 4 19 4 5 4 0 2 16 5 4 2 2 5 2 4 9 0 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 5 6 10 21 0 7 17 10 5 1 10 7 2 10 4 2 9 7 10 19 9 7 14 0 0 2 0 4 14 9 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. a. 14 0 10 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 1 18 4 22 0 11 2 11 4 2 11 4 2 11 4 12 4 3 6 0 2 11 4 19 4 19 4 5 4 0 2 16 5 4 2 2 5 2 4 9 0 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 5 6 10 21 0 7 17 16 5 1 10 7 2 10 4 2 9 7 10 19 9 7 14- 2 0 2 0 4 14 12 17 3 10 1 6 5 2 1 6 14 5 £ a. a. 3 17 3 10 1 6 5 2 1 6 14 5 2 15 4 19 6 8j 0 19 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 4 10 0 4 10 0 0 14 0 6 13 0 48 G 9 5 6 9 10 8 4 13 3 0 9 11J 0 8 0 2 7 11 7 11 8 7 5 11 7 8 0 19 6 8J e"o o 5 0 0 4 10 0 0 14 0 6 13 0 2 15 4 o'ig o 4'io 0 5 6 9 16 8 4 13 3 0 9 11J 0 8 0" 4s"e 9 2 7 11 7 318 7 5 11 7 - 3 0 * Transferred to Public Trustee.


RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1892, to the 31st March, 1893.


Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. Big. j o §3 Number of Nature of Number of Lives lost. 'ind. Date of Casualty. Place where Casualty occurred. Direction. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. ~r 2 Passen<g gers. Cargo. Casualty. Force. Since Dec. 12, 1891. Awarua, 20 years Ketch .. 49 Nil Stranded; total loss Aitutaki Island, South Pacific Gale Vessel was leaking badly, and was surveyea by two master mariners on the 12th December, 1891, and pronounced unseaworthy, many of the planks and timbers being completely rotten. She was anchored in a lagoon and abandoned, it not being safe to remain on board. A gale came on, when the vessel drove ashore, and broke up Casualty caused by gale Mahurangi, 27 years Alpha, s.s., 16 years Stranded; total loss Stranded; total loss Great Barrier Island, Hauraki Gulf. 1J miles north of Waiwera, Aucklana Joseph Silveria. 1892. Jan. 5 Cutter . . 21 o Nil Gale Feb. 1 March 17 April 7 24 Victoria Ny anza, 29 years Gairloch, s.s., 7 years Soukar, 28 years, AI Lloyds Cockerrnouth, 16 years Waipu, 10 years Ketch .. Barque.. Schooner Ship .. 1022 211 1304 36 21 21 26 3 1 23 Logs General General Cement & ballast Wheat .. Collision; slight damage Stranded; partial loss Collision; slight damage Collision; partial loss Loss of life only Lat. 51° 30' N., long. 7° 5'W., North Atlantic Manukau Harbour, near Onehunga Alongside Gladstone Pier, Lyttelton Harbour s.w. Moderate gale Fresh | gale j Vessel left Mahurangi for Auckland, having on board six logs, and having in tow a raft of logs. She was caught in a severe storm when near Waiwera: the waves breaking over her filled the engine-room, put out the fires, and left her helpless Vessel came into collision at night with another vessel, name unknown Vessel struck a rock and broke her port pro-peller-shaft through vessel not steering properly on account of wheel-chains getting jambed The "Soukar," which was moored at the buoys, broke her stern mooring and swung down on the " Cockerrnouth," which was lying at the pier Carl Deng, A.B. and cook, was ordered to fix side-lights, and not returning to his post he was searched for, when it was found that one light had been fixed, but that he and the other light were missing. He is supposed to have overbalanced himself and fell overboard, as a very heavy sea was running at the time Casualty caused by bad weather Andrew Donovan. William Henry Fellows. F i n dlay McArthur. William Pater24 Ship .. 1297 22 N. son. J. Bemington. May 3 Schooner 42 3 Timber.. 1 At sea, off Point Bodney, 30 miles north of Auckland Strong breeze Charles Anderson. • Clyde, 18 years Off Cape Palliser, on voyage from Havelock to Lyttelton John Gibbons. „ 13,14 Schooner S7 Timber.. Deck swept by heavy seas, and bulwarks, boats, &c, damaged Loss of life only ■ S. Storm .. tt 14 Clematis, 8 years Ketch .. 67 Sawn timber 2 Off Cape Campbell, on voyage from Havelock to Lyttelton s.w. Gale .. Vessel was caught in a heavy gale near the Amuri Bluff, and had to run back for shelter; while so doing a heavy sea struck her, and washed two men overboard An apprentice, Henry Dossiter, while aloft, loosing the upper -fore topsail, missed his hold and fell overboard, and was lost. He struck the lower yard and the ship's rail in his descent, and sank as soon as he fell into the water Henry Williams. » 16 Acacia, 21 years Barque.. General Loss of life only 1 About 5 miles south of Cape Saunders, on voyage from Hobart to Dunedin s.w. Squally Thomas Charles Herbert. 233 10



1892. May 20 Charles and Arthur, 22 years Brig an- 170 7 .. Coal .. Stranded; par- .. Bar of Wanganui River N.W. Light .. Master committed error in judgment in attine tial loss tempting to enter without asking pilot by ! • signal whether it was safe to do so. Signal "Take the bar," which was up at the time, was meant for a steamer going out. This signal was altered to " Put to sea " when the pilot saw the " Charles and Arthur " coming in, but the master did not watch the signal-staff closely enough to enable him to obey it. Master was ordered to pay costs of inquiry 170 N.W. Martin Valentine. leant it wati for sh tl was altere ,ble him to he pilot :red to pi Since May 28 Louie, 10 years Schooner 92 6 .. 'Grain .. Supposed Supposed On voy/age from Lyttel- .. Unknown Vessel left Lyttelton for Auckland on the 28th foundered; 6; all ton to Auckland May, and has not since been heard of. She total loss hands is supposed to have foundered at sea during the heavy gales which prevailed on the East Coast shortly after she left port Ship .. 1247 34 .. Wool,tal- Loss of anchors .. Napier Boadstead .. S.W. Gale .. Vessel parted her cables and was drifting low, fro- and cables ashore, so the master put to sea i zen mutton, and wheat Schooner 60 4 .. Ballast.. Stranded; total .. Tua Motu Island, .. Calm .. Wind failed, and sea caused cables to part, loss Poverty Bay and vessel to drift ashore Schooner 157 7 .. Coal, &c Sprang a leak .. 3 miles outside Wha- N. Moderate Vessel sprang a leak ngarei Harbour gale Barque.. 398 .. 1 .. .Coal .. Loss of life 1 Lat. 33° 30' S., long. W. Strong.. Charles J. Miller, cook and steward, while only 154° E. ; on voyage engaged drawing a bucket of water over the from Newcastle, lee side, overbalanced himself, fell overN.S.W., to Dunedin board, and was lost Brig .. 1756 42 .. General Loss of life 1 Cook Strait .. .. S. Moderate The chief engineer, William Blacklock Wilson, only gale was lost overboard and drowned. He is supposed to have fallen overboard in a lurch of the ship when engaged inspecting the discharge-pipes Schooner 50 4 •• Grain .. Stranded; par- .. Entrance of Harbour, N. Moderate Vessel was drifting with tide when her head tial loss Port Ahuriri, Napier breeze canted wrong way. The sail was then set and the anchor let go, but it fouled, and did not bring her up Schooner 212 7 .. 'Produce Stranded; total 1 On beach, 3 J miles north 1 S.E. Haifa Master was guilty of great neglect for remain- ! and loss of Wanganui Heads gale ing at anchor when there was every prospect general of bad weather during the night, for remaining below from 10 p.m. till 4.30 a.m., and for not putting a spring on the cable during the evening, so as to be ready to cant vessel in right direction, if necessary to slip and put to sea. His certificate was suspended for six months, and he was ordered to pay costs 92 6 Supposed 6; all hands George Bell. June 5 Wellington, 18 years, AI Lloyds 1247 34 S.W. David Cowan. June 17 Awaroa, 17 years John Urquhart. 60 4 18 22 Clansman, 13 years Alcestis, 24 years 157 398 7 N. W. Harrison Douglas. Walter James Bodgers. 28 Maori, s.s., 2 years 1756 42 S. Thomas Moffatt. July 1 Spray, 28 years 50 William Williams. 24 Edith May, 17 7 George Turner Joss. years I Aug. 15 Olive, 11 years Schooner 43 3 .. Kauri logs Stranded; total .. Haratonga, Great Bar- .. Squally When getting under way to proceed to Auckloss rier Island land, the cable was hove short to seven fathoms, the hawse-pipe carried away and jammed, she then missed stays and went on to rocks Schooner 191 5 .. Timber.. Stranded; par- .. Woogoolga Beach, New E.S.E. Strong Vessel was anchored in an open roadstead, tial loss South Wales breeze when a heavy sea came in and drove her ashore Cutter.. 13 3 .. Fish .. Loss of life 1 About 16 miles E. by S.S.E. Strong.. The master, Thomas Petersen, who was steeronly N. from Port Under- ing the vessel, fell backwards over the rail wood, Cook Strait into the sea and was lost Ship .. 1306 23 .. Cement Fire on board; .. Auckland Harbour .. .. .. Fire supposed to be caused by spontaneous and bal- partial loss combustion of oil permeating charcoal inlast sulation in freezing-chamber of hold of I vessel Peter Peterson. 21 Frank Guy, 17 years 191 E.S.E. Norman Ferguson. 25 Wave 13 1 S.S.E. Thomas Petersen. Sept. 21 Timaru, 18 years, 100 AI 1306 23 Duncan Fullerton.


RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.


Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. Big. CD tC 4o rt en cj o o Number of Nature of Number Place where Casualty occurred. Win Direction. Wind. nd. Force. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. | PassenCargo. Casualty. Lives lost. Oct. 19 Christine, 13 Schooner I 97 years -' J Schooner 97 Guano .. Sprung a leak; partial loss 130 miles from Norfolk Island; on voyage from Long Island, Chesterfield Group, to Bluff Passage Books, between Kapiti Island and mainland, Cook Strait Heavy gale Vessel sprung a leak during a heavy gale, and had to put into Auckland ! John McLiver. Nov. 9 Queen of the Schooner 121 South, s.s., 15 years Schooner 121 12 General Stranded; partial loss S.E. Light .. The mate, William Manley, committed an error of juagment in attempting to take the narrow passage without calling the master, in the absence of any instructions from him to take such passage, ana he was ordered to pav the costs of the inquiry Vessel took a sheer, and did not answer her helm in time when entering the narrow channel Vessel strained, and, meeting heavy weather, sprang a leak, which overpowered the pumps Leak, probably caused by striking her anchor, which was under her forefoot The night was very dark, and the master not allowing sufficient for the flood-tide setting past the entrance to the Iron Pot, the vessel ran into the breastwork Shaft broke without warning while vessel was at ordinary speed. Vessel then made sail towards Wellington, and was picked up at 9 p.m. same night by s.s. " Dingadee," and towed into Wellington An ordinary seaman, A. A. Walkley, while coming down from aloft, after loosing foreroyal, fell into the sea and was lost Vessel missed stays and drifted ashore Edward Harvey. Waipara, s.s., 23 j Schooner 62 years Camille, 25 years j Brig'ntine 221 Trusty, 28 years j Schooner 59 Besult, s.s., 18 ! Ketch .. 18 years Stranded; slight damage I North Beach, close to Hokitika River Edward Stafford Williams. 62 3 General N.E. Light .. . 11 221 1 j Guano .. Foundered; total loss Sprung a leak; . partial loss Collision with b r e a stvvork ; partial loss 20 miles S.W. of Puysegur Point Napier roadstead S.W. Moderate William Woebling. Charles Zachen. 8' Dec. 8 59 3 .. Wool .. S. Light .. 13 18 6 1 j Wool .. 1 Iron Pot, Napier Harbour S.W. Fresh breeze William Ennis Baxter. 15 Kawatiri, s.s., 11'Schooner 286 years 286 18 Ballast.. Shaft broken abaft the crank 2 miles abreast of Cape Farewell; on voyage from Lyttelton to Westport S.W. Light .. Berthold Apttein. 19 i Canterbury, 19 i Ship .. 1245 years, Glasgow, AI Sarah, 3years.. | Cutter .. j 20 10 j General | Loss of life only 1 Lat.48°57'S.,long.ll4° 54 E.; on voyage from Glasgow to Dunedin Hen and Chickens Andrew Culbert. 25 S.W. 21 Stores, fencingwire, and sundries Piles and logs, ironbark Stranded; total loss N. Alexander McLeod. 1893. Jan. 10 Examiner, 23 ■ Barque.. 265 years Stranded; partial loss Moggy Island, off S.W. Cape, Stewart Island N.N.W. Light .. Vessel got too near land before it was seen, and when helm was put down and ship put about, she would not answer her helm, and got on rocks Casualty caused by wind falling light Joseph Pallant. 265 19 Croydon Lass, Schooner 51 16 years Dunedin, 34 Schooner 66 years .. j Flour .. ; Stranded; par- : tial loss Stranded; slight I damage 50 yds. west of entrance to Waitara River Entrance to Napier Harbour. N.E. Moderate breeze Moderate breeze John Moore. 51 4 Feb. 2 | 66 4 Produce S.S.W. Casualty caused by man who let go the anchor letting the chain go by the run, and not being able to check it Link broke and let yard fall down on deck, damaging rigging and bulwarks Svend Bergensen. 3 Turakina, 25 Ship .. 1189 years, AA1, London 1189 General Damage to rigging through main yard falling on deck Loss of propeller and portion of shaft 60 miles off Banks Peninsula; lat. 44°50'S., long. 174° 30' E., on voyage from Timaru to Liverpool 46 miles off land between Akaroa Heads and Godley Head, on voyage from Timaru to Napier S.S.E. Light .. J. J. Hamon. 32 5 Ohau, s.s., 9 Schooner 411 years General & wheat Moderate breeze Tail-shaft broke and propeller lost George McDonald. 411 20 N.E.


3—H. 31


ii -LU Botoiti, s.s., 16 years Towing timberrafts Stranded; total loss 40 yards inside outer break at Pakiri, between Bream Tail and Cape Bodney r.E u. Forward propeller caught cable and brought anchor up, which caused vessel to go ashore John William' Nicholson. 1893. Feb. 19 Buahine, s.s., 2 years, 100 AI Brig .. General Fire on board Eire, supposed to have been caused from spontaneous combustion of charcoal in coolcb amber Vessel left Hokianga for Wellington on the 20th February, and the hull was washed ashore, bottom up, at the entrance to Kaipara Harbour, on the 16th March, and from the appearance of the bows she would seem to have been in collision with a vessel. Wreckage of the missing ship " Gowanburn" came ashore about the same time An ordinary seaman, named John Bobert Cowan, fell overboard and was drowned. The main-boom fell on the rail on which he was standing (the topping-lift parting), and probably caused overbalancing, the vessel lurching at the same time Vessel left Launceston on 15th February, and has not since been heard of. She is supposed to have foundered during a heavy gale, which prevailed between Australia and New Zealand on the 23rd February Casualty caused by parting of tow-line John Bone. 3925 118 102 Lat. 12° 29' S., long. 0° 2' E., South Atlantic Since Feb. 20 Northern Star, 18 years Barque.. 327 Baulktimber Supposed collision, then capsized and stranded ; total loss Supposed 8; all hands Supposed about 200 miles south of Hokianga, between Hokianga and Cape Egmont John McKenzie. 23 Sarah Pile, 29 years Schooner 118 Ballast.. Loss of life only At sea off Wellington Heads, on voyage from Auckland to Wellington George Henry Short. S.E. Moderate gale U II (suppos'd) Maile, 9 years.. Schooner 237 10 Ballast.. Supposed foundered ; total loss Supposed 12; all hands On voyage from Launceston, Tasmania, to Auckland W. S. Lane. Feb. 23 Falcon, 16 years Schooner Produce Stranded; slight damage Collision; partial loss Entrance of Wanganui Biver 2 miles south of Whangaparoa Peninsula Fresh .. Charles Green. 98 6 S.S.E. 26 Queen, 29 years Schooner 46 3 Timber & general produce Wool, meat, grain, &c W.S.W. Gentle breeze s.s. " Alameda " collided with vessel. Lookout men on "Alameda" were being changed, and did not see " Queen's " lights in time The " Coptic " was lying at the wharf, and the s.s. "Bimutaka" was being brought up to the wharf by the pilot: When giving an order by telegraph to the engine-room the wire broke, and the order "full speed ahead" appeared on the dial, which, being obeyed, caused the " Bimutaka" to collide with the " Coptic " Nothing to show how fire originated Thomas Jones. 28 Coptic, s.s., 12 years Barque.. 2857 Collision; partial loss Alongside No. 7 Wharf, Lyttelton Harbour Charles Howard Kempson. 97 Mar. 5 Auckland, 19 years Wool, tallow, flax, and copra Firewood Fire on board; partial loss Wellington Harbour .. Charles James. Ship .. 1245 23 S.E. Light breeze 13 Start, 20 years Cutter .. 27 Stranded; total loss Kennedy Bay, south of Gape Colville S.E. Fresh gale Wind suddenly changed, when vessel anchored close in shore for shelter; her anchors were slipped, but, instead of going on the beach, she went on the reef Vessel ran on a sand-bank while coming down the coast of Queensland John Huttley. 17 Morayshire, s.s., 3 years, AI at Lloyds Beliance, 18 years Brig .. 2481 52 General I Stranded: no damage Curtis Channel, off coast of Queensland E.S.E. Light .. William Anderson Millar . 29 Ketch .. 65 Coal .. Stranded; partial loss 1 mile N.W. of Young Nick's Head, Poverty Bay Mangawai bar. near Whangarei E. Moderate Vessel would not beat out from anchorage, and had to be run ashore to save life Donald Rae. 31 Ruby, s.s., 17 years Ketch .. 19 9 General Stranded; total loss 2 S.E. Light .. Blind rollers came in and caused vessel to broach to, and then go on to the rocks Michael Lennon,


SUMMARY of Casualties to Shipping and Seamen reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1893.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given printing (exclusive of plan) 1,575 copies, £16 18s.

By Authority: Samuel Cosiall, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1893. Price 9d.\


Casualties on or near the Coasts of the Colony. Casualties outside the Colony. Total Number of Casualties reported. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total within Colony. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total outside Colony. Nature of Casualties. Z ® © rt O to rt O . co Z ® tcD , rt 3 to . a; O o © bo rt O EH O © hi . ED © o CO rt o . co o * a O CO CD rt a a o to hi O to © CD o CO • co O co © O Strandings, — Total wrecks Partial loss .. Slight damage No damage .. .. .. 3 2 1 332 62 2 I 6 5 2 383 601 164 1 9 7 3 455 933 226 3 ■• 1 1 49 191 •• 1 1 49 191 ■■ 10 8 3 1 504 1,124 226 2,481 4,335 3 i "l 2,481 "1 2,481 Total strandings 1 6 466 2 1 13 1,148 1 19 1,614 3 ., 1 2,481 2 240 3 j 2,721 22 j ' J ; Founderiags, — Total loss 313 6 2 313 6 1 12 1 257 12 3 570 2 237 •• 1 Collisions, — Partial loss Slight damage I 2 2,875 2 1 1,343 1,304 2,647 4 1 4,218 1,304 1,022 1,022 "1 4 2 4,218 2,326 •• •• 1 1,022 - Total collisions 2 2,875 . I I "I 3 5 5,522 i : I •• ! ! 1 1 1,022 6 6,544 Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas or fire to hull and cargo, loss of boats, &c, and breakdown of machinery I . ! 1 1 2 697 7 4,428 8,536 473 8 9 5,125 8 j 1 3,925 2 1,286 3 5,211 .. I * 10,336 ■■ Total casualties to shipping .. 10 1 4,038 1,756 2 1 25 5 15 6 35 6 12,574 2,229 17 7 j 2 6,406 6 2 2,785 1,643 12 2 1 8 2 9,191 1,643 12 2 43 8 21,765 3,872 Loss of life only - Total number of casualties reported I ! I I I I 1 I I I 11 5,794 3 30 9,009 21 41 14,803 24! 2 6,406 8 4,428 14 10 10,834 14 51 25,637 I I


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MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1892-93.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, H-31

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1892-93.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, H-31

MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1892-93.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, H-31

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