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Return to an Order of the House of Bepresentatives dated 23rd September, 1892. Ordered, " That tho Railway Commissioners lay before the House a return showing—(l) The various areas of land which have been acquired for railway purposes; (2) the value of each such area which is not being used for railway purposes ; and (3) whether such areas are let, and the annual revenue which is being received therefrom."— (Mr. Guinness.)

1. The various areas of land which have been acquired for railway purposes. 2. The value of each such area which is not being used for railway purposes.—See copy of correspondence attached. 3. The annual revenue which is being received therefrom.—See returns herewith, compiled from statements presented to Parliament each year since 1882.

CORRESPONDENCE IN RESPECT OP SECTIONS 1 AND 2 OP ORDER OF HOUSE. No. 1. The TJndbb-Seceetaey for Public Woeks to the Bailway Commissionees. Beturn re Areas of Land acquired for Bailway Purposes, with Value of Same, de. Public Works Department, Wellington, The Bailway Commissioners. 30th September, 1892. I am directed by the Minister for Public Works to forward to you herewith copy of an order of the House of Bepresentatives directing that a return be prepared showing the various areas of land acquired for railway purposes, with the value of same, &c, and to request that the Commissioners will be good enough to furnish the Minister with a return in compliance with the order accordingly. H. J. H. Blow, Under-Secretary for Public Works.

No. 2. The Chief Commissionee of Bailways to the Hon. the Ministee for Public Woeks. Return of Areas of Land acquired for Bailway Purposes. New Zealand Government Bailways,.Head Office, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Wellington, 2nd November, 1892. To enable a return to be finished in compliance with the order of the House of Bepresentatives, as per extract sent under cover of the Under-Secretary's memorandum of the 30th ultimo, the Commissioners have again the honour to ask that all land-plans and particulars in connection with the acquisition of lands for railway purposes may be handed over to them. James M'cKeeeow, Chief Commissioner.

No. 3. The Undee-Seceetaey for Public Wobks to the Bailway Commissio_tees. Beturu've Areas of Land acquired for Baihvay Purposes, with Value of Same, de. Public Works Department, Wellington, The Bailway Commissioners. 23rd December, 1892. With reference to your memorandum of the 2nd ultimo, requesting that all land-plans, &c, in connection with the acquisition of land for railway purposes might be handed over to the Commissioners in order that the above-mentioned return might be prepared, I have now the honour, by direction of the Minister for Public Works, to state that he is unable to see his way to accede to I—D. 14.

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your request, but that, if the Commissioners will be good enough to indicate which portion of the return they are unable to supply without the land-plans, he will have the same prepared in this office if possible. H. J. H. Blow, Under-Secretary for Public Works.

No. 4. Q?he Sbceetaey, Bailway Department, to the Undeb-Secbetaey for Public Woeks. In re Order of the House of Bepresentatives, dated 23rd September, 1892, for Beturn of Areas of Land acquired for Bailway Purposes, do. New Zealand Government Bailways, Head Office, The Under-Secretary for Public Works. Wellington, 30th December, 1892. Befebbing to your memorandum of the 23rd December, informing the Bailway Commissioners that the Minister does not see his way to hand over the land-plans, &c, of the railways vested in the Commissioners which have on previous occasions been requested from the Public Works Department, I am directed by the Commissioners to draw attention to the fact that all such plans and documents are by virtue of the Government Bailways Act the property of the Bailway Commissioners, and are improperly detained by the Public Works Department. lam further directed to draw attention to the peculiar action followed in this matter. By direction of the Minister you sent on the 30th September, 1892, a copy of an order of the House of Bepresentatives for certain information respecting railway lands, which can only be conveniently compiled from documents which are the property of the Commissioners and which are detained by the Public Works Department. The Minister, in transmitting this order, requests that the Commissioners will be good enough to furnish to him a return in compliance with the order. Upon the Commissioners asking for the documents by letter of the 2nd November, 1892, it is intimated to them, by your letter of the 23rd December, 1892, that the Minister for Public Works is unable to see his way to accede to the request, but that he will have such portion of the return as cannot be supplied without the landplans prepared in the Public Works Office, if possible. As the documents and plans involved in compiling this return will amount to some thousands, and the areas and valuations also to several thousands, it is obvious that the refusal of the Minister to hand over the complete documents and records in proper order practically prevents the Commissioners complying with the order of the House or making out any part of the return correctly; and, under the peculiar circumstances, the Commissioners can only request that the Minister will be pleased to lay this letter on the table of the House next session. E. G. Pilchee, Secretary.

RETURN IN RESPECT OP SECTION 3 OP ORDER OP HOUSE. This is compiled from the returns of railway lands leased which are laid before Parliament annually, in pursuance of sections 165-168 of " The Public Works Act, 1882," viz.: — Leases op Bailway Peopeety. House of Bepresentatives No. 44 ... i Presented 20 June, 1883 ... j Not printed. ' „ 98 ... : „ 13 July, 1883 ... „ 211 ...i „ 6 Sept., 1883 ... j „ 43 ... ; „ 23 Sept., 1884 ... Printed, H.-19. „ § „ 17 June, 1884 ... „ H.-19a. „ 30 ... ! „ 16 June, 1885 ... „ (L.C.), No. 10. „ 229 ... „ 15 Sept., 1885 ... Not printed. „ 34 ... „ 19 May, 1886 ... Printed (L.C.), No. 6. „ 210 ... „ 6 Aug., 1886 ... „ (L.C.), No. 6a. „ 67 ... „ 10 May, 1887 ... „ D.-11. „ 73 ... „ 31 May, 1888 ... Not printed. „ 266 ... „ 29 Aug., 1888 „ 64 ... „ 4 July, 1889 ... „ 225 ... „ 13 Sept., 1889 ... „ 75 ... i „ 4 July, 1890 ... Printed. D.-7. „ 219 ... „ 13 Sept., 1890 ... Not printed. „ 39 ... : „ 12 June, 1891 ... „ 262 ... „ 23 Sept., 1891 ... „ 50 ... „ 28 June, 1892 ... Printed, D.-9. „ 270 ... „ 8 Oct., 1892 ... „ D,~9a. Aggregate rental from 909 current leases of railway property at 31st March, 1893, £10 860.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. ' Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. 1st mile .. .. Opua .. Right-of-way over railway land at Opua KAWAKAWA SECTION. About 23 Up to the 31st December, A. Morris, storekeeper, chains long 1893, or terminable at any Opua time sooner if required , 31/7/91 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty; no deed of lease. 10 chains .. .. 1 Whangarei .. I Coal- and firewood-yard WHANGAREI SECTION. 29/9/83 I £5 per annum j Quarterly Private treaty. 10 chains .. .. Whangarei .. Coal- and firewood-yard Whangarei .. Coal-yard Whangarei .. Timber-yard - .. 130 x 162 x 86 One year .. .. .. S. Greenes links 24ft. x 5ft. One year .. .. .. J. Jackson 26ft. x 60ft. One year .. .. .. E. W. Dent 61 links front- Yearly .. .. .. J. Spence age to siding 168x103x181 Yearly .. .. .. J.Jackson chains (851 acres) 60ft. x 130ft. Twelve months .. .. J. M. Spence 27/11/84 26/1/85 1/10/85 £5 per annum Quarterly £5 per annum Quarterly £5 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 10 chains .. .. Whangarei .. Coal-yard 1/10/85 £5 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 6th mile .. .. [ Whangarei .. j Timber-yard 1/10/86 I £5 per annum ! Quarterly Private treaty. ] Helensville N. I Use of water AUCKLAND SECTION. 29/5/81 | £6 10s. per an- I Quarterly ram £10 8s. per an- j Four-weekly num £5 per annum Four-weekly £2 10s. per an- , Yearly num £6 10s. per an- j Four-weekly num £10 per annum Quarterly £10 per annum ; Quarterly Private treaty. Auokland .. Cottage Main line — 1st mile .. .. Newmarket .. Land 1 mile 20 chains .. Newmarket .. Land Kaipara Steam Shipping Company Weekly; subject to one week's J. Hogan notice 8/3/79 Private treaty. la. lr. 36p. .. H. Campbell 0a. 3r. 4p. .. Mason Brothers 14/7/77 5/10/78 Private treaty. Private treaty. 1 mile 71 chains .. Newmarket .. Land 2a. lr. Op. .. J. Burke 27/7/80 Private treaty. 1 mile 71 chains .. Newmarket .. Coal-yard site 90ft. x 40ft. Yearly ; subject to three Hammond and Byron .. (13 - 2p.) months' notice 90ft. x 40ft. Yearly; subject to three Hammond and Byron .. (13'2p.) months' notice 90ft. x 40ft. Yearly; subject to three C. Whisker .. (13-2p.) months' notice 21/5/81 J Publio tender. 1 mile 71 chains .. Newmarket .. Coal-yard site 18/3/82 Public tender. 1 mile 71 chains .. Newmarket .. Coal-yard site 23/9/81 £10 per annum Quarterly Transferred from Hammond and Byron. Public tender; possession given up 3rd April, 1883. Public tender. 1 mile 71 chains .. Newmarket .. : Coal-yard site 90ft. x 40ft. Yearly ; subject to three Peel and Co. .. (13'2p.) months' notice 6/7/81 j £10 per annum Quarterly 1 mile 21 chains .. Mount Eden .. Coal-yard site - 0a. Or. 13Jp. Seven years; subject to A.Williams .. twenty-one days' notice after 1st Jan., 1886 4a. Or. Op. Yearly ; subject to twenty- J. E. Davies one days' notice 3a. lr. 3p. Ten years ; subject to twenty- J.Archibald .. one days' notice after May, 1887 1/12/82 £15 per annum ; Quarterly 4 miles 20 chains .. Mount Albert .. Land 1/12/82 £8 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty. 7 miles 1 chain .. New Lynn .. I Land 25/7/82 £12 per annum Quarterly Public tender.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. Al ICKLAND SECTION— contii '.tied. Main line — 36 miles 63 chains .. Helensville N. Land 18ft. x 18ft. Subject to one month's notice E. Hadrill 2G/9/82 £3 5s. per annum Quarterly Private treaty 1 mile 21 chains Mount Eden .. Coal-yard site 13ft. x 17ft. (0-8p.) 14ft. 6in.x 17ft. (0-9p.) Oa. Or. 3p. Yearly; subject to three months' notice Yearly; subject to three months' notice Yearly; subject to three months' notice A. Williams 4/4/81 £7 10s. per annum £7 10s. per annum £7 10s. per annum £6 5s. per annum Quarterly Private treaty 1 mile 21 chains Mount Eden .. Coal-yard site A. Williams 1/6/81 Quarterly Private treaty 1 mile 21 chains Mount Eden .. Coal-yard site A. Williams .. 21/7/82 Quarterly Private treaty 36 miles 63 chains .. Helensville N. Land Kaipara Steam Shipping Company D. Nolan P. J. Somerfield J. Johnstone 9/6/80 Quarterly Private treaty 3 miles 46 chains .. 4 miles 33 chains .. 8 miles 19 chains .. Green Lane .. Ellerslie Otahuhu Land Land Coal-yard site 3a. 2r. Op. 2a. Or. Op. 20ft. x 30ft. 2/2/78 18/9/80 1/11/78 £2 per annum.. £1 6s. per annum £7 10s. per annum Is. per annum.. £70 first year,£80 second year £20 per annum Yearly Four-weekly Quarterly Private treaty Private treaty Private treaty 34 miles 65 chains .. 42 miles 54 chains .. Tuakau Mercer Tramway site Refreshment-rooms Two years P. Walker L. R. James 1/4/79 1/7/81 Yearly Half-yearly Private treaty. Public tender 1 mile 21 chains Mount Eden .. Site for timber-yard 0a. 3r. 12p. Ten years; and subject to twenty-one days' notice at the expiry of the term Yearly; subject to three months' notice Yearly; subject to three months' notice Yearly; subject to twentyone days' notice Two years ; subject to twentyone days' notice Yearly; subject to twentyone days' notice Yearly; subject to three months' notice Yearly; subject to three months' notice Seven years Seven years Yearly; subject to twentyone days' notice Yearly; subject to twentyone days' notice Seven years ; and subject to twenty-one days' notice at expiry of three years One year; subject to three months' notice John Smyth 6/7/83 Quarterly Publio tender. 1 mile 71 chains Newmarket .. Allotment 90ft. x 40ft. (13-2p.) 90ft. x 40ft. (13-2p.) 0a. 2r. Op. Helensville Timber Company Helensville Timber ComGuy Goodenough 1/4/83 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty 1 mile 71 chains Newmarket .. Allotment 1/4/83 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty 4 miles 33 chains .. Ellerslie Land 24/4/83 10s. per annum Yearly Private treaty 1 mile 65 chains Newmarket Land 3a. 2r. Op. William Hogg 1/6/83 £11 per annum Quarterly Public] tender. 1 mile 75 chains Newmarket .. Land 0a. Or. 21p. Trustees of St. Mark's Church, Remuera Helensville Timber Company Helensville Timber Company Hammond and B}'ron .. Hammond and Byron .. H. Brett (Evening Star newspaper) Robert Andrews 11/6/83 5s. per annum.. Yearly Private treaty 1 mile 71 chains Newmarket Timber-yard site (Section 3) .. 40ft. x 90ft. 1/4/83 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 1 mile 71 chains Newmarket .. Timber-yard site (Section 4) .. 40f t. x 90ft. 1/4/83 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty 1 mile 71 chains Auckland Auokland Newmarket .. Coal-yard sites Coal-yard sites Site for hoarding 0a. Or. 31-6p. Oa. Or. 15_p. Oa. Or. 4p. 1/1/83 1/1/83 4/11/82 £64 per annum £40 per annum £15 per annum Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Public tender Publio tender Private treaty 1 mile 71 chains Newmarket .. Land for grazing 13a. 2r. 35p. 16/6/83 £20 16s. per annum £1 per annum.. Quarterly Public tender 17 miles 20 chains .. Waitakerei Site for cottage la. Or. 3p. J. Smyth 1/11/83 Quarterly Private treaty 1 mile 71 chains Newmarket .. Coal site Oa. Or. 37p. Waikato Coal and Shipping Company 18/6/83 £35 per annum Quarterly Public tender.

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Auckland Auokland Bookstall Right to place advertising board at Auckland Station Advertising mirror 9ft. long, 3ft. wide, 10ft. high 9 square foet One year 1st August to 31st December, 1884 1st August to 31st December, 1884 Yearly One year, commencing 1st November, 1884 Yearly R. A. A. Sherrin 21/2/83 '83 £10 per annum 2s. per square foot per annum £3 (2s. per square footjper annum £1 per annum.. £15 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. T. Parrah • Auckland 30 square feet Atkinson and Co. 1/8/84 Private treaty. 1 mile 78 chains Newmarket .. Auckland Right-of-way Site for coal- and timber-yard 149ft. 9in.x9ft Oa. 14r. 3p. Auckland Savings-bank Waikato Coal and Shipping Co. (Limited) Waikato Coal and Shipping Co. (Limited) 17/10/84 30/10/84 Quarterly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 1 mile 78 chains Newmarket .. Site for coal- and timber-yard Oa. 13r. 2p. 1/12/84 £10 per annum Quarterly, Dec, Mar., June, and Sept. Quarterly Quarterly, Mar., June, Sept., and Dec. Quarterly 1 mile 78 chains Newmarket .. Auckland Site for coal- and firewood-yard Site for bookstall Oa. lr. Op. 9ft. x 3ft. x 10ft. Yearly One year, commencing 1st March, 1885, ending 28th February, 1876 Yearly .. C. Whisker R. Shannon 29/12/84 19/3/S5 £10 per annum £37 10s. per annum Private treaty. Public tender. 1 mile 78 chains Newmarket .. Timber-yard Oa. 13r. 2p. Helensville Timber Company J. Mason 1/5/85 £10 per annum Private treaty. 1 mile 65 chains Newmarket .. Land 3a. 2r. Op. Ten years ; subject to twentyone days' notice 1/6/85 £11 per annum Quarterly, June, Sept., Dec, and Mar. Quarterly Quarterly Private treaty. . 100 miles 18 chains.. 37 miles 61 chains .. Cambridge Helensville Timber-yard Land Oa. 12r. 8p. Oa. Or. 16-2p. Yearly Yearly J. Ferguson Northern River Steam Navigation Company (Limited) H. Brett, Proprietor of Evening Star Helensville Timber Company Dr. Shortland J. Wright T. W. Maunder 7/7/85 9/9/85 £12 per annum £6 5s. per annum Private treaty. Private treaty. 1 mile 71 chains Newmarket .. Sito for bill-board 33ft. x 33ft. Yearly 26/10/85 £5 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 7 miles 24 chains .. Avondale Site for timber-yard Oa. 7r. 34p. Yearly 25/1/86 £10 per annum Quarterly ' .. Private treaty. 1 mile 25 chains 1 mile 25 chains TeArohaBranch, lmile 2 chains Main line — 2 miles 8 chains Newmarket .. Newmarket Hamilton West Land for grazing Land and building Land for timber-yard la. lr. 26p. Oa. Or. 20p. Yearly .. Yearly Yearly 13/9/86 6/4/87 25/5/87 £5 per annum £5 per annum £5 per annum Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 3 miles 68 chains .. 35 miles 11. chains .. Newmarket .. Auckland Green Lane .. Tuakau Land for coal- and timber-yard Site for coal-yard Coal and timber site Site for creamery Oa. Or. 32p. 40ft. x 18ft. Oa. Or. 9_8p. 30ft. x 30ft. Yearly Yearly Yearly Yearly J. H. M. Carpenter W. and G. Winstone .. Loftus Austin New Zealand Frozen Meat and Storage Company J. H. M. Carpenter 1/7/87 19/9/87 13/10/87 14/10/87 £30 per annum £10 per annum £5 per annum.. £5 per annum.. Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Public tender. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 1 mile 71 chains Newmarket .. Site for coal- and firewood-yard (Lot No. 1) : Oa. Or. 13_p. Yearly 4/11/87 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 21st Nov., 21st Feb., 21st May, and 21st Aug. Quarterly, on 21st Nov., 21st Feb., 21st May, and 21st Aug. Half-yearly Private treaty. 1 mile 71 chains Newmarket .. Site for coal- and firewood-yard (Lot No. 2) Yearly J. H. M. Carpenter 4/11/87 £10 per annum Private treaty. Right of advertising on the Auckland Section Bookstall 1st Jan., 1888, to 31st Dec, 1890 1st Jan., 1888, to 31st Dec, 1890 J. H. Witheford 1/1/88 £101 10s. per Public tender. Auckland R. Cleave and Co. 1/1/88 annum First year, £32 10s. ; second year, £3710s.; third year, £42 10s. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.


Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. 1 When payable. (In advance.) How let. AUCKLAND SECTION— continued. ilain line — 1 mile 71 chains Newmarket .. Site for timber-yard (No. 3 on plan Site for timber-yard (No. 4 on plan) Right-of-way 0a. Or. 13-2p. I Yearly .. .. .. I Hammond and Co. 20/2/88 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 1 mile 71 chains Newmarket .. 0a. Or. 13'2p. Yearly .. .. .. Hammond and Co. 20/2/88 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 64 miles 59 chains .. Huntly Yearly ; subject to twenty- ; L. B. Harris one days' notice 12/3/88 £1 per annum.. Quarterly, Mar., June, Sept., and Dec Quarterly, Mar., June, Sept., and Dec. Yearly Quarterly, April, July, Oct., and Jan. Quarterly, on 1st May, 1st Aug., 1st Nov., and 1st Feb. Quarterly, on 1st May, 1st Aug., 1st Nov., and 1st Feb. Quarterly Private treaty. 115 miles 4 chains .. Te Aroha Site for coal-store 30ft. x 16ft. Yearly; subject to twenty- C. Ahier one days' notice 12/3/88 £5 per annum.. Private treaty. 35 miles 11 chains .. 64 miles 59 chains .. Tuakau Huntly Site for tramway Right-of-way Yearly .. .. .. T. Walker Yearly; subject to twenty- W. J. Ralph .. one days' notice 31/3/88 16/4/88 Is. per annum.. £1 per annum.. Private treaty. Private treaty. 1 mile 78 chains Newmarket .. Site for coal-yard (Allotment No. 9) 0a. Or. ll-2p. Yearly .. .. .. W. Bennett 16/4/88 £10 per annum Private treaty. 1 mile 78 chains Newmarket Site for coal-yard (Allotment No. 10) 0a. Or. ll-2p. Yearly .. .. .. W. Bennett 16/4/88 £10 per annum Private treaty. 1 mile 21 chains Mount Eden .. Grazing-site 0a. 3r. 38p. Three years; subject to three G. Knight months' notice 1st June, 1888, to 31st Dec, Mrs. P. James 1889 14/5/88 £2 per annum Private treaty. 43 miles 2 chains .. Mercer Refreshment-rooms at Mercer 30/5/88 £100 per annum 1st June, 1888; 1st Jan. and 1st July, 1889 Yearly, on 15th May Public tender. 3 miles 68 chains ., Green Lane .. Land 2a. Or. 38p. j Five years; subject to three D.Nolan months' notice 20ft. x 16ft. ; Yearly; subject to twenty- J. S. Gilliland one days' notice 8/6/88 £2 per annum Private treaty. 7 miles 59 chains .. Onehunga Site for office 25/6/88 £4 per annum Quarterly, on 25th June, 25th Sept., 25th Dec, and 25th Mar. Quarterly, on 9th July, 9th Oct., 9th Jan., and 9th April Four-weekly Private treaty. 100 miles 35 chains Cambridge Site for storing timber 0a. Or. 12-8p. j Temporary .. .. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Monthly .. .. .. W. Sandford 9/7/88 £10 per annum Private treaty. Auckland Railway refreshment-rooms .. 6/10/88 £2 per month of four weeks £6 5s. per anPrivate treaty. 37 miles 65 chains .. Helensville Land 0a. Or. 10'64p.; Yearly .. .. .. Northern River Steam Navigation Company 30/10/88 Quarterly, on 9th Dec. ,9th Mar., 9th June, and 9th Sept. Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Quarterly, on 5th Dee. ,5th Mar., 5th June, and 5th Sept. Quarterly Private treaty. num 39 miles 79 chains .. Pokeno Land for flaxmill 0a. lr. 5p. ; Five years; subject to twenty- J. McGill one days' notice after one I year 0a. Or. 18p. ' Seven years .. .. Reynolds and Pitt 13a. Or. 36p. j Yearly; subject to twenty- J. Mason one days' notice 26/10/88 £5 per annum Private treaty. 37 miles 21 chains .. Whahgarata .. Land for creamery 5/12/88 £1 per annum Private treaty. 2 miles 8 chains Newmarket Land for grazing 16/1/83 £20 per annum Public tender.

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30 miles 23 chains .. .es Pukekohe Site for stacking firewood 40ft. x 50ft. Yearly; subject to twentyone days' notice J. Moore 2/1/89 £2 per annum Quarterly, on 7th Jan., 7thApril, 7th July, and 7th Oct. Quarterly, 1st Feb., 1st May, 1st Aug., and 1st Nov. Quarterly Private treaty. Auckland Coal-site, with right of siding thereto Oa. Or. 8-3p. Seven years Miranda Coal and Iron Company (Limited) 24/1/89 £60 per annum Public tender. 1 mile 45 chains Newmarket .. Land la. 3r. 25p. Seven years J. Mason ... 4/2/89 £2 10s. per annum £1 per annum.. Private treaty. 19 miles 20 chains .. Taupaki Two gates; access to railway property at Taupaki Station A piece of railway reserve at Newmarket Station Yearly D. Russell 5/2/89 Yearly Private treaty. _uckland-Te Kuiti Railway, 2nd mile Newmarket .. Oa, 3r. 9p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Prom year to year ; terminable at six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Five years Jesse King, on behalf of the Bowling and Winter Tennis Club, Newmarket 1/4/89 £5 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. )nehunga Branch, 3rd mile Onehunga A piece of railway reserve at The Basin, Onehunga Oa. Or. 26p. W. R. Erson and J. Robb, Onehunga 1/4/89 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. _uekland-Te Kuiti Railway, 42nd mile . rankton - Te Aroha Branch, 2nd mile Mercer A piece of railway land near the Mangatawhere River Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Hamilton West Station 2a. 3r. 13p. J. Carr, butcher, mercer 1/7/89 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Hamilton West 20ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment Seven years J. Parr, coal merchant, Hamilton 1/7/89 £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. Auckland -Te Kuiti Railway, 2nd and 3rd miles _otorua Branch, 19th mile Jain line — 2nd mile 2nd mile Nowmarket .. A piece of railway reserve at Newmarket Station 15a. Or. 12p. A. B. Griffiths, nurseryman, Newmarket 1/7/89 £15 per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Yearly Publio tender. Matamata Privilege of gate in railwayfence Indefinite N.J.Hunt .. 1/10/89 10s. per annum Private treaty. Newmarket .. Newmarket Land Land, Parnell 0a. Or. 26p. la. 3r. 25p. Three years Seven years S. Gordon J. Mason 1/10/89 1/10/89 £3 per annum.. £2 10s. per annum £5 10s. per annum £lper annum.. £1 per annum.. £3per annum.. Half-yearly Half-yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. 2nd mile Newmarket .. Land, Newmarket la. 3r. Op. Indefinite J. Mason 1/10/89 Half-yearly Private treaty. 44th mile 44th mile 2nd mile Mercer Mercer Newmarket Land, near Mercer Right-of-way Right to advertise, Parnell "Viaduct Allotment No. 1, Auokland Station Site for coffee-stall la. Or. 4p. 15ft. wide Indefinite Indefinite One year only J. Planigan Brodie and Walsh J. Earle and Co. 1/10/89 1/10/89 1/1/90 Yearly Yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 1st mile Auckland 0a. Or. 31-0p. Seven years Hammond and Co. 1/1/90 £60 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 85th mile Frankton Junction Auckland 12ft. x 8ft. Three years J. W. Roffey 1/1/90 £10 per annum Half-yearly-Public tender. 1st mile Allotment No. 2, Auckland Station Allotment No. 3, Auckland Station Uso of ladies' waiting-room .. Use of coal-shed Cottage at Te Kuiti Land 0a. Or. 15 _p. Seven years J. Edwards 1/1/90 £40 per annum Quarterly Public tender. 1st mile Auckland 0a. Or. 14-3p. Seven years J. J. Craig 1/1/90 £40 per annum Quarterly Public tender. 115th mile 115th mile 126th mile 31st mile Otorohanga Otorohanga .. Te Kuiti Pukekohe Weekly .. Weekly Weekly Three years W. Cussen W. Thomson .. L. Cussen J. Dalziel 27/5/89 2/12/89 5/8/89 1/10/89 2s. a week 2s. a week 4s. a week £5 per annum.. Four-weekly Four-weekly Four-weekly Haif-yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty, Oa. Or. 7Jp.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.


Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. AUCKLAND SECTION— continued. Kaipara Branch — 36th mile 2nd mile Helensville Mount Eden .. Railway land Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 2 and 3, Mount Eden Station Oa. Or. 2p. ! Yearly .. .. .. A. Petersen 34ft. frontage Yearly .. .. .. A. Williams 1/1/90 1/1/90 £1 per annum.. £15 per annum YearlyQuarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Main line — 1st mile 44th mile 3rd mile Kaipara Branch, 37th mile Main line — 120th mile ' 115th mile 1st mile .. Auckland Mercer Newmarket Helensville N. Refreshment-rooms Refreshment-rooms Allotment No. 2, station Land for railway Three years .. .. W. Sandford Three years .. .. Fanny James Oa. Or. 13-Jp. Yearly .. .. .. Sutton and Bennett Oa. Or. ljp. Yearly .. .. .. D.Stewart .. 1/1/90 1/1/90 1/2/90 1/4/90 £24 per annum £70 per annum £10 per annum £1 per annum.. Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Yearly Public tender. Public tender. Private treaty. Private treaty. Hangatiki Otorohanga Auckland Cottage at Hangatiki Coal-shed Allotments 5 and 6, Auckland Station Coal- and timber-site Coal- and timber-site Land Privilege of laying timber-slip on railway land Right to erect sheep-pens and loading-race indefinite .. .. O. M. Creagle.. i Indefinite .. .. C. J. Johnson.. Oa. Or. 12'lp. Seven years .. .. W. Easdown 20ft. x 40ft. i Yearly .. .. .. T. W. Maunder 20ft. frontage Yearly .. .. .. Knox and Ridler Oa. Or. 2jp. ; Three years .. .. W. C. Rutter .. ; Seven years .. .. Douglas Brothers 7/4/90 18/5/90 1/7/90 4s. a week 2s. a week £50 per annum Four-weekly Four-weekly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Public tender. 2nd mile 1st mile 31st mile Kaipara Branch, 36th mile Te Aroha Branch, 20th mile Hamilton West Hamilton West Pukekohe Helensville 1/7/90 1/7/90 1/7/90 1/4/90 £5 per annum.. £5 per annum.. £3 per annum.. £1 per annum.. Quarterly Quarterly Half-yearly-Yearly .. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Murray's One year; after that to be H. Buttle (for W. S. continued at one month's ; Allen, Annan dale notice Estate) 0a. Or. 29p. Three years .. .. ; Douglas Brothers 13/5/90 Nil Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 36th mile Onehunga Branch, 3rd mile Kaipara Branch, 18th mile Main line — 115th mile Helensville S. Piece of railway. land 1/7/90 £10 per annunr Quarterly Private treaty. Onehunga Piece of railway reserve 0a. lr. 12p. Yearly .. .. .. Onehunga Ironworks Company (Limited) la. Or. Op. Seven years .. .. I J. Smyth 1/6/90 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Waitakerei Piece of railway land 1/7/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. Otorohanga .. Ladies' waiting-room at Otorohanga Station Coal-shed at Otorohanga Station j Indefinite .. .. J. B. Keast 8/8/90 2s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. 115th mile Otorohanga .. Indefinite. Department can J. T. Hetet, of Otororesume occupation at any j hanga time; lessee to give two weeks' notice Indefinite; terminable by W. McNaught, To Kuiti lesseo on two weeks' notice. Dejiartment can resume occupation at any time la. 3r. Op. From year to year; termin- J. Stono, blacksmith, able on three months' Newmarket notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment 17/8/91 2s. a week Four- weekly Private treaty; no deed of lease. 126th mile Te Kuiti Cottage No. 62, Te Kuiti 21/7/91 4s. a week Four- weekly Private treaty; no deed of lease. 2nd mile Newmarket A piece of railway reserve at Newmarket 1/7/91 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty.

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1st mile Kaipara Branch — ■ 15th mile .. Auckland Allotment No. 7, Auckland Station Oa. Or. 7-6p. Oa. Or. 2-9p. Seven years From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Indefinite; terminable at any time Indefinite; terminable by the department at any time. Lessee to give two weeks' notice Seven years W. and G. Winstone, coal merchants, Auckland E. P. Gibbons, sawmiller 1/7/91 1/7/91 £35 per annum £1 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Yearly, on 1st July Public tender. Private treaty. Swanson ;. A piece of railway land at Swanson Station to y 29th mile .. Right-of-way near Waipapa .. About 1J chains long D. McDonald, of Rewiti 10/6/91 Nil .. Private treaty. Waipapa l _ l Rotorua Branch, 19th t£_ mile Matamata Cottage No. 121, at Matamata T. H. Kelly, of Matamata 13/5/91 6s. 6d. a week.. Four-weekly Private treaty. Onehunga Branch, 2nd mile Onehunga Lot 10 and part of Lot 4, Section 27, Town of Onehunga la. 3r. lip. W. J. Parker, merchant, Auckland 1/4/91 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Four-v. eekly Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 36th mile Helensville N. Supply of water from railway water-service at Helensville North Station (Water-right No. 2, Helensville N. Station) Indefinite; terminable on either side by two months' notice Douglas Brothers, sawmillers, of Helensville 1/4/91 2s. a week Private treaty. Main line — 74th mile .. Ngaruawahia .. Part of Section 582, Town of Ngaruawahia Oa. Or. ljp. One year, and after that from year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Indefinite; terminable at any time Indefinite; terminable on three months' notice at any time One year, and thereafter from year to year; terminable at one month's notice Indefinite; terminable on two months' notice. If water runs short, supply may be cut off at any time Four years W. F. Dennis Soper, bootmaker, of Ngaruawahia 1/4/91 £1 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 4th and 5th miles .. Green Lane .. Portions of railway land near Green Lane Station la. lr. Op. D. Nolan, auctioneer, of Ellerslie 1/4/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 30th mile Main line, 5th mile .. Woodhill Right-of-way over railway land near Woodhill Privilege of entrance in railway boundary at Ellerslie Station About 7 J chains long Waitemata County Council Mrs. Mary Jane Cairns, of Ellerslie, settler 19/4/91 Nil .. Private treaty. Ellerslie 1/1/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Rotorua Branch, 20th mile Matamata Railway goods-shed at Matamata Station 60ft. x 30in. N. I. Hunt, station manager, of Matamata 1/1/91 £10 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 36th mile Helensville Supply of water from railway service, Helensville Station (Water-right No. 1) Northern River Steam Navigation Company (Limited) 1/4/91 2s. 6d. a week.. Four- weekly Private treaty. Main line, 1st mile .. Auckland Right of keeping book-stall at Auckland Station R. Cleave, bookseller, of Auokland 1/1/91 £20 per annum Quarterly, 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. Te Aroha Branch, 31st mile Te Aroha A piece of railway land in the Town of Te Aroha Oa. 3r. 5p. From year to j-ear; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Three years, and after that from year to year; terminable on three months' notice Northern Steamship Company (Limited), Auckland 1/1/91 5s. per annum.. Private treaty. Main line, 28th mile .. Paerata Privilege of a gate in the railway fence at Paerata Station A. Jamieson, farmer, Pukekohe 1/1/91 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.


Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) I How let. JCKLAND SECTION— cqntin vued. Te Aroha Branch, 20th mile Main line — 7th mile .. Murray's Privilege of a gate in railway fence at Murray's Station Indefinite; terminable on one month's notice W. S. Allen, gentleman, of Annandale 1/10/90 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Taupiri Privilege of a gate in the railway fence at Taupiri Station Three years, and after that from year to year; terminable on three months' notice Two years Waikato Land Association (Limited) 1/10/90 One peppercorn per annum Private treat}'. 85 th mile Frankton Junction Coffee-stall at Frankton Junction Station Right of advertising on all lines and future extensions on Auckland Section of NewZealand Railways Cottage No. 121, at Matamata 12ft. x 8ft. Mrs. E. M. Crowley, of Frankton Junction A. Cleave and Co., publishers, &c, of Auckland X/l/91 £6 per annum.. Public tender. Half-yearly All lines 266 miles open Five years 1/1/91 £87 10s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Public tender. Rotorua Branch, 19th mile Matamata Indefinite; terminable by lessee on two weeks' notice. Department can resume occupation at any time 0. F. Pilling, of Matamata 1/1/91 6s. 6d. ajweek Four-weekly Private treaty. Main line — 12th mile.. Right-of-way at Papatoitoi .. 15ft. wide From year to year; terminable at three months' notice Weekly. Department can resume occupation at any time; lessee to give two weeks' notice Weekly ; terminable by the department at any time ; lessee to give two weeks' notice Indefinite; terminable by lessee on two weeks'notice, and by the department at any time From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment Indefinite; terminable at anytime on three months' notice From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment W. McLaughlin, gentleman, of Papatoitoi £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Papatoitoi 1/1/91 126th mile Te Kuiti Cottage No. 63, at Te Kuiti .. H. J. Wright St. Clair, of Te Kuiti 24/11/90 4s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. 120th mile Hangatiki Cottage No. 60, at Hangatiki.. G. T. Wilkinson, Native agent, of Otorohanga 17/11/90 3s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. Rotorua Branch, 31st mile Oxford Cottage No. 127, at Oxford .. J. Hume, bank manager, Hamilton 26/10/90 6s. a week Four-weekly Private treat}-. Kaipara Branch, 44th mile Kanohi A piece of railway land at Kanohi Station 2a. lr. 15p. J. McLean and Son, contractors, of Auckland 1/10/90 £20 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Private treaty. Main line, 1st mile .. Auckland Privilege of a doorway in railway boundary at Auckland Station Allotments 8 and 9, Mount Eden Station Northern Roller Milling Company (Limited), of Auckland A. Williams, coal merchant, of Mount Eden 1/10/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct.. Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 2nd mile Mount Eden .. 0a. Or. Ofp. 1/10/90 £7 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Public tender.


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Auckland-Te Kuiti Railway, 1st mile Auckland Privilege of a gate in Auckland Station-yard Indefinite; terminable at one month's notice H. Jagger (Mrs.) and C. Spooner, executor and executrix in estate of late S. Jagger, brewer £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. earl Private treaty. Kaipara Branch — 42nd mile Kaukapakapa.. Gate in railway fence at Kaukapakapa Station Coal- and Timber-site 7, Mount Eden Station Indefinite; terminable at one month's notice From year to year ; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly clays of payment W. Holmes, hotelkeeper, of Kaukapakapa C. Harvey, coal and firewood merchant, of Auckland 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 1/10/90 2nd mile Mount Eden .. 20ft. frontage 1/10/90 £9 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Private treaty. Rotorua Branch — 24th mile Mangawhara .. Cottage No. 133, at Mangawhara Weekly; terminable by lessee at two weeks' notice. Department can resume occupation at any time From week to woek ; terminable by lessee at two weeks' notice. Department can resume possession at any time Indefinite; terminable by the department at any time. Lessee must give two weeks' notice W. J. Paine .. 6s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. 9/9/90 19th mile Matamata Cottage at Matamata Station N. J. Hunt, of Matamata 1/9/90 5s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. 37th mile Putaruru Coal-shed at Putaruru Station J. S. Browne, of Waotu 24/8/91 2s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 36th mile Helensville Cottage No. 77, at Helensville Indefinite; terminable by the lessee at two weeks' notice. Department can resume occupation at any time From year to year ; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable at any time by three months' notice From year to year; terminable at one month's notice P. Roering, master of s.s. " Osprey " 28/9/91 6s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. Main line, 74th mile .. Ngaruawahia.. Part of Section 582, Town of Ngaruawahia Oa. Or. 2p. J. E. P. Carroll, saddler, of Ngaruawahia 1/10/91 i£l 10s. per an-Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. num Kaipara Branch, 2nd mile Mount Eden .. Right-of-way over railway land at Mount Eden About 2 chains long and 15ft. wide About 110 links long Mrs. A. E. Bray, widow, of Mount Eden 1/10/91 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Main line, 21st mile .. Hunua Right to lay tramway on railland at Hunua Station Coulthard Brothers, timber merchants, of Papakura New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) R. Church, carter, of Mount Eden 1/10/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Rotorua Branch, 20th mile Matamata A piece of railway land at Matamata Station Oa. 2r. 23p. Five years 1/10/91 £5 per annum.. Half : yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 2nd mile Mount Eden .. A piece of railway land with house thereon, at Mount Eden Oa. 2r. lOp. From year to year; terminable after the first year of tenancy by three months' notice at any time. Lessee to insure house to full insurable value in name of Commissioners Indefinite; terminable at any time on six months' notice 1/10/91 First year one peppercorn; after that £22 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July In accordance with agreement made when settling claim for compensation for land taken by notification: Private treaty. Main line, 3rd mile ,. Newmarket .. 1/10/91 Supply of water from railway water-service (Water- right No. 1), Newmarket Station Pipes lin. in diameter J. Dilworth, Settler, of Remuera Is. and Is. 2d. foreveryl,000 gallons water Yearly, on 1st Oct.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. Mainline, 84th mile.. ] UCKLAND SECTION— continued. Kaipara Branch, 18th mile Te Aroha Branch, 18th mile Kaipara Branch, 4th mile Te Aroha Branch, 31st mile Frankton Waitakerei Morrinsville .. Mount Albert.. Te Aroha Portions of railway land near Frankton Right-of-way near Waitakerei Station Cottage No. 92, at Morrinsville Right-of-way near Mount Albert Cottage No. 100, at Te Aroha.. 13a. 2r. Op. 15ft. wide 15ft. wide Seven years .. .. : T. E. Tebbs, farmer, Frankton From year to year; termin- Mrs. E. Smyth, settler, able at one month's notice of Waitakerei Indefinite; terminable by J.M. Clifford, of Morrinslessee on two weeks' notice. ville Department can resume occupation at any time Five years; subject to termi- New Zealand and River nation by the Commis- j Plate Land Mortgage sioners at any time Company (Limited) Indefinite; lesseo to give two H. Hyde, of Te Aroha .. weeks' notice when terminating tenancy. Department can resume occupation at any time Eight years; terminable by J. Mettam, settler, of the Commissioners at any time Mount Eden on three months' notice if the land is required for railway purposes. If the lease is terminated before the expiration of the eight years, lessee is to be paid by the Commissioners £1 for every year or fraction of a year remaining unexpired at the time of such termination, but no sum exceeding £7 1/10/91 1/10/91 26/10/91 1/11/91 1/12/91 £1 per annum.. 10s. per annum 6s. a week One peppercorn per annum 2s. a week Yearly, on 1st Oct. I Yearly, on 1st Oct. Four-weekly Four-weekly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 2nd mile Mount Eden .. Piece of railway land at Mount Eden 0a. lr. 2p. 5/12/91 One peppercorn per annum Let in accordance with agre ement made when settling claim for compensation for land taken by notification. Te Aroha Branch, 30th mile Part of Section 68, Block IX., Te Aroha Survey District Yearly, on 1st Jan. Te Aroha 10a. 1. 27p. Five years .. .. J. McKee, caretaker, of Te Aroha, and J. R. Stanley, gardener, of Te Aroha From year to year; termin- J. Paddy, blacksmith, of able on three months' no- Ngaruawahia tice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Five years .. .. R. Waldron, blacksmith, of Helensville Indefinite; terminable at any New Zealand Land Assotime on one month's notice ciation (Limited) 1/1/92 £1 10s. per annum Private treaty. Main line, 74th mile .. Ngaruawahia .. Part of Section 656, Town of Ngaruawahia 0a. Or. 3-4p. 1/1/92 £2 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 36th mile Te Aroha Branch, 10th mile Helensville Eureka Piece of railway land at Helensville Right of access to railway land at Eureka Station 0a. Or. 23p. 1/1/92 £4 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and. 1st July Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 1/1/92 10s. per annum Private treaty. Main line, 1st mile .. Auckland Gateway in railway fence at Auckland Goods-yard Four years .. .. J. H. M. Carpenter, coal merchant, of Newmarket From year to year; termin- C. Harvey, coal merable at three months' no- chant, of Mount Rostice, ending on one of the kill, Auckland half-yearly days of payment 1/2/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Feb. Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 2nd mile Mount Eden .. Piece of railway land (Allotment No. 10), Mount Eden Station 10ft. x 10ft. 1/4/92 £3 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty.

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Rotorua Branch, 24th mile Mangawhara .. Cottage No. 123, at Mangawhara Indefinite; lessee to give two weeks' notice Department may resume possession at any time Education Board,, Auckland 1/4/92 2s. per week .. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Kaipara Branch, 2nd mile Mount Eden .. Portion of Allotment No. 104, in the railway reserve. Mount Eden Cottage No. 92, at Morrinsville la. Or. 12p. Three years G. Robinson, liverystable keeper, of Auckland R. W. Lindsay, of Morrinsville 1/4/92 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Te Aroha Branch, 18th mile Rotorua Branch — 31st mile 12th mile Morrinsville .. Oxford Walton Cottage No. 127, at Oxford .. Cottage No. 116, Walton Station Indefinite; terminable bylessee on two weeks' notice. Department can resume occupation at any time Indefinite; terminable by lessee on two weeks' notice. Department can resume occupation at any time Four-weekly; tenant to give two weeks' notice. Department can res'ime occupation at any time From year to year; terminable on three months' notice J. Hume, of Hamilton.. H. Rowe, of Walton .. 21/5/92 4/6/92 27/6/92 6s. a week 6s. a week 6s. a week Four-weekly Four- weekly Four-weekly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Onehunga Branch, 3rd mile Onehunga A piece of railway reserve at Onehunga Station 18ft. frontage, 20ft. deep J. D. Jackson, land agent, of Onehunga 1/7/92 £4 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Main line — 115th mile Otorohanga .. A room in station building, Otorohanga Four- weekly ; lessee to give two weeks' notice. Department can resume occupation at any time From year to year ; terminable at three months' notice Mr. Gudgeon, Native Land Department 6/6/92 2s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. 12th mile Papatoitoi Right-of-way at Papatoitoi .. 15ft. wide E. A. Price, jeweller, Papatoitoi 1/7/92 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Kaipara Branch — 12th mile Henderson Gate in railway fence at Henderson Station Three years ; after that from year to year; terminable at three months' notice at any time From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on a quarterday of payment Indefinite; terminable on two months' notice. If water should be insufficient for supply of Railway Department as well as lessee, it may be cut off at any time Indefinite; terminable by two weeks' notice by lessee. Department can resume occupation at any time Seven years J. E. Fitzgerald, Henderson 1/1/92 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 2nd mile Mount Eden .. Coal- and Timber-site No. 4, Mount Eden Station Oa. Or. 12|p. A. Williams, coal merchant, of Mount Eden 1/7/92 £7 10s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. 36th mile Helensville Supply of water from railway service, Helensville Station (Water-right No. 1) The Northern Union Steamboat Company (Limited), of Helensville 1/9/92 4s. a week Pour-weekly Private treaty. Rotorua Branch, 16th mile Waharoa Cottage No. 117, at Waharoa Station E. Sinclair, of Waharoa 6s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. 27/8/92 Main line, 23rd mile .. Runciman Gate in railway fence at Runciman Station Mrs. E. Ohlson, of Runciman 1/10/91 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.


Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. • Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. 1APIER-TARANAKI SECTII IN. Main line — 13 miles 70 chains .. Hastings Access to station -yard along the side of store, and also along the mill Town land 250 links long Terminable at one month's notice Beck and Co., merchants 30/6/83 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 29 chains New Plymouth 0a. Or. 13p. Yearly; terminable upon twenty-one days' notice R. C. Hughes .. 1/2/78 10s. per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. 29 chains 11 miles 8 chains .. New Plymouth Waitara Town land (adjoining the above) Town lands 0a. lr. 13p. 0a. 2r. Ofp. Yearly; terminable upon twenty-one days' notice Weekly Weekly R. C. Hughes R. Brown 1/8/77 1/11/81 30s. per annum £15 per annum Half-yearly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Wanganui Wanganui House and land House and land 0a. 3r. 24p. 0a. Or. 12p. T. P. Rotheram R. Young /7/78 /3/83 £50 per annum £19 10s. per annum £23 8s. per annum £20 16s. per annum £15 12s. per anWeekly Weekly Private treaty. Private treaty. Wanganui House and land 0a. Or, 34p. Weekly C. Robinson /11/78 Weekly Private treaty. Wanganui House and land 0a. lr. 8p. Weekly N. Flowers /11/78 Weekly Private treaty. Wanganui House and land 0a. Or. 14p. Weekly .. Mrs. Higgins / 9/79 Weekly Private treaty. 60 miles 20 chains .. 42 miles 76 chains .. 79 miles 70 chains .. 3 miles 36 chains .. Palmerston N. Halcombe Carnarvon Aramoho Land Refreshment-rooms Land Land la. Or. Op. Weekly Yearly King Brothers W. T. Larsen .. S. Clune F. Cresswell /7/82 28/7/81 num £13 per annum £78 per annum Weekly Half-yearly Private treaty. Public tender. Public Works. Private treaty. 5a. Or. Op. 17a. 3r. Op. /11/82 £15 12s. per annum 7s. 6d. per week Weekly Weekly Wanganui Part of site of old station-build-ings, Wanganui Land for storing timber on .. House and land 0a. lr. Op. Weekly .. York and Cornfoot 4/3/83 Four- weekly District Manager. 47 miles 60 chains .. Hawera Wanganui 0a. lr. 14p. 0a. Or. 12p. Yearly Weekly Southey and Willis A. Beard 1/1/83 28/5/83 £20 per annum 6s. per week .. Quarterly Weekly District Manager. Private treaty. 69 miles 40 chains .. Makotuku Site for hotel 166-6 links x 167 links (about J acre) Terminable on 16th April, 1886 ; three years F. H. Drower 6/3/84 £6 per annum.. Quarterly ., 42 miles 76 chains .. Halcombe Refreshment-rooms Two years; 28th July, 1883, to 1st Aug., 1885 Three years one month; 1st Oct., 1883, to 31st Oct., 1886 Yearly (since determined) .. One year, ending 30th June, 1886 1st October, 1885, to 31st Dec, 1887 Seven years W. T. Larsen 21/9/83 £110 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 132 miles Patea-Manawa-tu Section Hawera Napier Sole right of advertising 132 miles, at 10s. per mile 0a. lr. 14p. Summers and Mayhew.. 6/10/83 £66 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 47 miles 60 chains .. Land for storing timber on .. Stephens's Ink advertisingboards, Napier Station Advertising Southey and Willy J. Stuart Reid, Wellington Neal and Close 1/1/83 1/7/85 £20 per annum £1 each per annum £52 10s. per annum £2 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty. All stations 3/9/85 Half-yearly Public tender. 72 miles 9 chains .. Makotuku Land for building-site 0a. 3r. lOp. approximately 5a. 3r. 21p. H. Smith 22/6/85 Quarterly Private treaty. 33rd mile (about) .. Stratford Lease of reserve adjoining Section 44, Block I., Hawera Survey District Lease of reserve adjoining Seotion 7, Block X., Ngaire Survey District Five years, from 1st Dec, 1885 T. Robson 1/12/85 £1 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty. 33rd mile (about) .. Stratford 4a, lr. 3p. Five years, from 1st Dec, 1885 T. Mabey 1/12/85 £1 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty.


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33rd mile (about) .. Stratford Lease of reserve adjoining Section 3, Block X., Ngaire Survey District Part of Sections 266, 267, 270, 271, Borough of Wanganui Land for planing-mill 4a. lr. 3p. Five years, from 1st Dec, 1S85 J. B. Godkm £1 per annum.. Quarterly Private treatyWanganui 0a. lr. 27p. Fourteen years J. Forbes ... 1/1/86 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty 69 miles 48 chains .. Makotuku 0a. lr. 35p. Seven years; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Three years ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Three years; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Seven years; after one year terminable by twenty-one days' notice Fourteen years Seven years W. W. Gundrie " 26/3/86 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty 69 mibs 67 chains .. Makotuku Land for tramway 0a. Or. 32p. W. W. Gundrie 26/3/86 £1 per annum.. YearlyPrivate treaty 70 n. lies 19 chains .. Makotuku Land for tramway 0a. Or. 30p. Guy and Towers 26/3/86 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty 71 miles 9 chains .. Makotuku Land for stables, &c. 0a. 3r. lOp. H. Smith 26/3/86 £2 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty 163rd mile 163rd mile Palmerston N. Waitara Palmerston .. Lease of land, part Section 1537 Lease of land, Sections 1, 2, 3, Block XLVIL, Waitara East Part Section 639, and Section 640 Right of advertising, Wanganui Section Refreshment-room Cottage Right to sell fruit on Feilding platform Store site 7a. Or. 34p. 0a. 3r. 13p. 0a. 2r. lOp. Yearly Fourteen months H. Moffatt G. Hills E. Warburton R. and E. Tingey 31/3/86 1/5/86 1/6/86 1/11/86 £7 per annum.. £1 2s. 6d. per annum 10s. per annum £49 10s. 6d. per annum 5s. per month 5s. per month 3s. per month Quarterly Quarterly Half-yearly Half-yearly-Private treaty Public tender. Private treaty Public tender. Palmerston .. Aramoho Feilding Monthly'.. J. D. Fraser G. N. Callard E. Young 1/12/86 20/12/86 10/1/87 Monthly .. private treaty Private treaty Private treaty 106th mile Terminable on written notice being given Fourteen years Monthly .. Public tender. Wanganui 70ft. x 30ft. M. Hogan and Co. 1/8/86 £75 12s. per annum £5 per annum.. £17 per annum Quarterly 65th mile 181st mile Patea Foxton Coal-yard Railway reserve 20ft. x 20ft. 132a. 3r. 15p. Yearly Seven years J. H. Cock .. T. Clune 1/10/86 1/10/86 Quarterly 1st Oct.; and yearly, Sept. Half-yearly Yearly Private treaty Public tender. 151st mile 71 miles 60 chains to 73 miles 50 chains 45 miles 36 chains .. Feilding Matamau Land .. .. .. I Land along railway .. 2a. 3r. 18p. 15a. Or. Op. Yearly Seven years ; three months' notice Monthly .. J. H. Stevens .. T. Tanner 1/11/86 18/3/87 5s. per annum 15s. per annum Private treatyPrivate treaty67 miles 62 chains .. Waipukurau .. Ormondville .. Piece of land in Waipukurau Station-yard Piece of land in Ormondville Station-yard, for tramway Land for tramway 0a. Or. 26_p. 0a. Or. 25p. Ten years ; twentj--one days' notice Five years; three months' notice Wilding and Co. G. Grant 8/9/86 8/9/86 5s. per^month £3 per annum.. Monthly .. Quarterly Private treatyPrivate treaty 58 miles 45 chains .. Takapau T. Hobson 25/12/86 £3 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty59 miles 30 chains to 63 miles 28 chains Takapau On east side of railway-line, between 59 miles 30 chains and 63 miles 28 chains, being 50 links distant from centreline of railway, and 100 links wide Piece of land within railway reserve at Tahoraite Railwaystation 31800 links x 100 links, containing nearly 32 acres Seven years; subject to three months' notice of cancellation W. Nelson .. 5/5/87 £1 12s. per annum Yearly, 5th May .. Private treaty 81 miles 30 chains .. Tahoraite 2a. Or. 14p. Seven years Tamaki Sawmill Company 21/5/87 £30 per annum Quarterly, on 18th April, 18th July, 18th Oct., and 18th Jan. Quarterly, on 1st May, 1st Aug., 1st Nov., and 1st Feb. Yearly, on 23rd June Public tender. 64 miles 20 chains .. Kopua Piece of land in Kopua Stationyard 0a. Or. 25p. Year to year .. .. G. and T. Prescott 6/6/87 £4 per annum.. Private treaty 28 miles 25 chains .. Te Aute Piece of land adjoining platform, Te Aute Railway-station' 50 links x 30 links Year to year J. F. Crane 23/6/87 Is. per annum.. Private treaty

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Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area aud Dimensions. Tenure. I Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. napi: 5R-TARANAKI SECTION— ct mtinued. Main line — 78 miles 34 chains .. Mangatera Piece of land in Mangatera Station-yard 200 links x 80 links Year to year A. A. Lycett andH. Cross 17/6/87 £3 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st May, 1st Aug., 1st Nov., and 1st Feb. Yearly, on 15th Nov. Private treaty. > 61 miles 70-50 chains to 63 miles 72-50 chains Hopua Piece of land on west side of railway-line 16200 links x 100 links; area, 16a. Or. 32p. Seven years ■ G. and T. Prescott 15/11/87 16s. per annum Private treaty. Napier yard Napier Right-of-way. The land over which right-of-way is granted is that portion of railway reserve situated between Station Street and turntable of Private Siding No. 229. It is enclosed on west and south by the formed approach to rail-way-station, Napier Land in Tamaki Station-yard Year to year NelsonBrothers (Limited) 20/2/88 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 20th Feb. Private treaty. Main line — 80 miles 46-50 chains Tamaki 3a. 3r. 21p., extending from a point opposite 80 miles 4650 chains to a point opposite 80 miles 56-30 chains Oa. 2r. 35p. Year to year Richter, Nannestad, and Co. 10/4/88 £4 per annum.. 1st March Private treaty. 58 miles 30 chains .. Takapau Piece of land on west side of line Ten years J. W. Mackay 30/10/88 £30 per annum Quarterly, on 30th Oct., 30th Jan., 30th April, and 30th July Quarterly, on 6th Mar., 6th June, 6th Sept., and 6th Dec. Public tender. 82nd mile Tamaki Siding A piece of railway reserve at Tamaki Siding 2a. Or. 14p. Five years D. MoLeod and B. L. Knight, of Tahoraiti and Hastings, sawmillers 6/3/89 £30 per annum Public tender. Orig. lease to Tamaki S a w m i 1 1 Company. Public tender. 68 th mile „ Ormondville .. A piece of railway land at Ormondville Station 4a. lr. 27p. Seven years; subject to right of department to retake any portion, not exceeding onethird, on giving three i months' notice Two years .. D. Guy, solicitor, Napier 1/4/89 £2 per annum.. Yearly on 1st April Patea Refreshment-rooms Helen Dempsey 21/3/87 £20 2s. 6d. per annum £75 lis. per annum Is. each four weeks 21st Mar. and 21st Sept. 29th July and 29th Jan. Four- weekly Public tender. Halcombe Refreshment-rooms Two years five months J. Parkiss 29/7/87 Public tender. Hawera Right to sell fruit on railwayplatform Terminable upon written notice being given I F. Arding 22/8/87 Private treaty.


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Feilding Right to sell fruit on railwayplatform, Feilding Station Terminable upon written notice being given E.Young 12/12/87 2s. each four weeks Four-weekly Private treaty. 34th mile .. Y 3 163rd mile __. 180 miles 42 chains.. Stratford Palmerston N. Railway land Refreshment-room 2a. Or. Op. Yearly Weekly .. A. Brown .. .. J. D. Fraser .. 1/7/87 25/7/87 £2 per annum.. 10s. weekly 1st July and 1st Jan. First week, 25th July, and so on from week to week 1st Oct. and April .. Carnarvon Railway reserve 18a. Or. Op. Temporary, year to year J. Hughes £2 10s. per annum £10 per annum £9 10s. per annum £1 per annum.. £lper annum.. Private treaty. I— i __. 162 miles 72 chains.. 162 miles 72 chains.. Palmerston N. Palmerston N. Town section Town section Oa. Or. 39p. Oa. 2r. 15p. Fourteen years Fourteen years J. Nathan and Co. C. Schulte 1/10/87 1/10/87 1st Oct. and April.. 1st Oct. and April.. Public tender. Public tender. 2 miles 11 chains .. 56 miles 35-81 chains from Aramoho 107th mile New Plymouth Palmerston N. Sections in Morley Street Tramway crossing la. lr. 30p. Yearly Twenty-one years J. Hooker Richter, Nannestad, and Co. J. Moran 1/12/87 11/5/88 1st Dec and 1st June 1st Jan., 1888, and so on 1st June, 1st Sept., 1st Dec, and 1st Mar. 1st July, 1888, and so on for term of lease 22nd July, 1888 ; and Jan. thereafter 23rd July, 1888; and Jan. thereafter Quarterly, on 1st Oct., Jan., April, and July Yearly, on 3rd Sept. Private treaty. Private treaty. Wanganui Part Sections 271, 270, 267, 266, Wanganui Oa. lr. 27p. Twenty-one years 1/6/88 £5 per annum.. Public tender. 85 miles 40 chains .. Nukumaru Right of access to railway Three years R. Pharazyn .. 3/9/88 £lper annum.. Private treaty. 180 miles 42 chains.. Carnarvon Railway reserve 17a. 2r. 32p. One year, and thence year to year Year to year W. Sexton 1/10/88 £2 10s. per annum £2 10s. per annum £15 12s. per annum 180 miles 42 chains.. Carnarvon Railway reserve 19a. 3r. lip. P. Laincy 1/10/88 Private treaty. 103 miles 38 chains.. Aramoho Ballast paddock 17a. Or. 13p. One year, and thence year to year W.H.Gibson.. 5/10/88 Private treaty. 186 miles 22 chains.. Foxton Town section Oa. lr. lOp. One year, and thence year to year J. Rutherford.. 1/11/88 £5 per annum.. Private treaty. 180 miles 42 chains.. Carnarvon Railway reserve 18a. 3r. 35p. Year to year P. McCarthy 1/12/88 £2 10s. per annum £lper annum.. 23rd July, 1888; and Jan. thereafter Yearly, on 1st July.. Private treaty. 25 miles 45 chains .. Midhurst Tram crossing Year to year G. A. Pearce .. 22/12/88 Private treaty, Sentry Hill .. Refreshment-room Monthly R. McKenzie 15/2/89 Is. per annum.. Yearly, on 15th Feb. Private treaty, New Plymouth - Palmerston Railway — 48th mile Hawera A piece of railway reserve, at Hawera Station la. lr. 16p. From year to year; terminable on twenty-eight days' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Terminable upon written notice being given Year to year A. Johnstone, Hawera .. 1/3/89 £1 7s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st March and 1st ■ Sept. Private treaty. 48th mile .. Hawera Right to sell fruit on Hawera platform Railway reserve F. Heywood 8/4/89 Is. each four weeks £1 7s. per annum ls.forsixmonths Four- weekly 47 miles 60 chains .. Hawera la. lr. 16p. A. Johnstone 21/5/89 Half-yearly, on 1st Mar. and 1st Sept. 1st July, 1889 Private treaty. Patea Refreshment-rooms .. 1st July to 31st December, 1889 Mrs. Helen Dempsey .. Private treaty. New Plymouth-Foxton Railway — 187th mile Foxton A piece of railway reserve, with buildings thereon, at Foxton Oa. lr. 3p. Seven years C.V.McJenkins, builder, Foxton 1/7/89 £40 per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Public tender.

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Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Les'see. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. na: TER-TARANAKI section--continued. New Plymouth-Foxton Railway — 8th mile Sentry Hill .. Part of Sections 97 and 98, Paritutu Survey District ■28a. 3r. 6p. From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment Three years and four months P. Bowler, railway ganger, of Sentry Hill 1/7/89 £8 10s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. 63 miles 38 chains .. Aramoho Refreshment-rooms W. Tutty 1/9/89 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Sept. and 1st Mar. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Public tender. 41st mile Te Roti Part of Section 31, Block XIII., Ngaire Survey District 23a. 3r. Op. Seven years P. O'Connor, settler, of Te Roti 1/10/89 £2 7s. 6d. per annum Private treaty. Napier-Woodville — 96th mile Woodville ;. Portions of railway reserves in Sections 70, 71, and 72, Borough of Woodville Site for refreshment-rooms Railway reserve at Station Lot 1, railway reserve, Hastings Station Lot 2, railway reserve, Hastings Station Lot 3, railway reserve, Hastings Station 30a. lr. 21p. Seven years J. Troup 1/1/90 £9 3s. per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 29th mile .. 97th mile 14th mile Te Aute Woodville Hastings Oa. Or. 4p. 8a. 2r. 3p. Oa. Or. 14-3p. Monthly .. Yearly Twenty-one years J. F. Crane J. Troup T.A.Hayes .. 1/2/90 1/4/90 1/4/90 Is. per month.. £4 per annum.. £1 per annum.. Monthly .. Quarterly Quarterly Private treaty. Public tender. Public tender. 14th mile Hastings Oa. Or. 14-3p. Twenty-one years D. O'Reilly 1/4/90 £2 per annum.. Quarterly Public tender. 14th mile Hastings Oa. Or. 14-3p. Twenty-one years T. A. Hayes .. 1/4/90 £12 10s. per annum Quarterly Private treaty, after public tender. Private treaty, after public tender. Private treaty. Public tender (amendment of original lease). Private treaty. Private treaty. Public tender. 14th mile Hastings Lot 4, railway reserve, Hastings Station Oa. Or. 14-3p. Twenty-one years T. A. Hayes 1/4/90 £12 10s. per annum Quarterly 68th mile 46th mile Ormondville .. Waipukurau .. Piece of railway land Refreshment-rooms 4a. lr. 27p. Four years Eighteen months J. Roulston P. Gow 1/7/90 1/7/90 £2 per annum.. £45 per annum Yearly Half-yearly New Plymouth-Fox-ton — 187th mile 187th mile 104th mile A r a m o h o-Wanganui, 3rd mile New Plymouth-Fox-ton — 187th mile 162nd mile 12th mile New Plymouth Branch, 1st mile Marton-Rangatira Branch, 2nd mile Main line — 65th mile Foxton Foxton Aramoho Wanganui Foxton Terrace End .. Silverhope Morley Street.. Land, railway reserve Sections 121 and 122 Refreshment-rooms Part of Sections 248, 249, 252, and 253 Coal site Part of Sections 380 and 387 .. Privilege of gate in fence Railway land at New Plymouth Oa. 3r. 2p. la. Or. 31p. Oa. Or. 5Jp. 13a. lr. 31p. Six years and nine months.. Yearly Three years and four months Yearly Yearly Three years Indefinite Three years C. V. M. Jenkins J. Hillary W. Tutty R. B. Horsley.. A. H. Wylds .. J. O'Connor A. and W. Morrison J. Hooker 1/10/89 1/10/89 1/9/89 1/10/89 1/10/89 1/10/89 1/10/89 1/10/89 £18 per annum £5 per annum.. £5 per annum.. £6 per annum.. £10 per annum £5 per annum.. 10s. per annum £1 per annum.. Quarterly Quarterly Half-yearly Half-yearly Quarterly Half-yearly Yearly Yearly .. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. la. 3r. 30p. Cliff Road Land belonging to railway la. Or. 0-5p. Yearly A. J. H. Bill .. 1/10/89 £1 per annum.. [num £6 6s. 6d. per anYearly Private treaty. Patea Part of Section 51, Whenuakura 6a. lr. 14p. Three years T. Hutton 1/10/89 Half-yearly Private treaty.


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103rd mile 144th mile 29th and 30th miles Palmerston N. Halcombe Stratford Refreshment-rooms Refreshment-rooms Railway reserve 5a. 2r. 12p. Weekly .. Three years Seven years W. Freeman Mary Tuck .. W. L. Tocker 9/1/90 1/1/90 4/4/90 10s. a week £20 per annum £3 15s. per annum £2 per annum.. £1 2s. 6d. per annum Weekly Quarterly Half-yearly Private treaty. Public tender. Private treaty. 30th mile Waitara Branch, 4th mile Stratford Waitara Railway reserve Sections 1, 2, and 3, Waitara East Township Oa. Or. 14Jp. Oa. 3r. 15p. Three years Three years W. G.Malone.. H. T. Marshall 4/4/90 4/4/90 Half-yearly Yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. New Plymouth-Fox-ton — 30th mile 48th and 49th miles 182nd mile Stratford Hawera Carnarvon Railway reserve Railway land at Hawera Railway reserve Oa. Or. 22p. Oa. 3r. 28p. 19a. 3r. 12p. Seven years Yearly Seven years H. N. Liardet.. H. Southey T. P. Williams 4/4/90 4/4/90 4/4/90 £4 per annum.. £2 per annum.. Three years, £5; four years, £6 £5 per annum.. £10, six months Half-yearly Yearly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Public tender. 173rd mile 55th mile Oroua Bridge .. Mokoia Railway reserve Floor - space, railway goodsshed Railway reserve la. Or. Op. 400 square feet Seven years Six months only J. O'Connor .. J. R. Lysaght.. 4/4/90 1/5/90 Half-yearly Private treaty. Public tender. 30th mile Stratford Oa. Or. 22p. Three years T. Taylor 1/7/90 £4 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. Aramoho -Wanganui, 3rd mile Wanganui Piece of railway land Oa. 2r. Op. Monthly .. Wanganui Sash and Door Factory and Timber Company (Limited) 1/4/90 £1 12s. 6d. a month Monthly .. Private treaty. Main line — 187th mile 222nd mile (new mileage) Foxton Stratford Piece of railway reserve Permission to construct a flume over railway at Stratford Oa. 2r. Sp. Five years Three years R. Austen Stratford Dairy Factory and Produce Company (Limited) J. R. Somerville 1/7/90 1/7/90 £5 per annum.. Nil. .. Half-yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. 143rd mile (new mileage) Okoia Right-of-way over railway land at Okoia Station About 47J-ch. long. Seven years 1/10/90 One peppercorn for first year; £1 per annum for remaining six years Yearly Private treaty. 60th and 61st miles Nelson's Siding A piece of railway land between Takapau and Kopua Stations Right of advertising on all lines and future extensions on Napier Section of New Zealand Railways A piece of railway reserve in the Town of Hastings Right to keep a book-stall at Danevirke Station 8a. 3r. 32p. Seven years T. Hobson, farmer, of Takapau Montague Lascelles, commission agent, of Napier Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 1/10/90 £1 per annum.. All lines 97 miles open Five years 1/1/91 £104 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Public tender. Main line — 14th mile Hastings Oa. Or. 4-lp. Seven years 1/4/91 £1 per annum.. Private treaty. 81st mile Danevirke Indefinite; terminable on one month's notice Hastings Borough Council J. Bates, book-stall-keeper, of Danevirke 18/1/91 5s. per month.. Yearly, on 1st April Monthly, on 18th day of each month Private treaty. Palmers ton-Napier — 17th mile Woodville Portions of railway land in the Woodville Village Settlement Lots 5 and 6, railway reserve, Hastings Station 5a. Or. 6p. Five years J. Cosgrove, settler, of Woodville W. A. Beecroft, liverystablekeeper, Hastings 1/7/91 £1 14s. por annum £44 15s. per annum Private treaty. 14th mile .. Hastings Oa. Or. 26-4p. Twenty-one years 1/7/91 Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Yearly Public tender. " 17th mile Woodville Portions of railway land in the Woodville Village Settlement Part of Section 278, Town of Wanganui 2a. 2r. 35p. G. K. August Dorseh, labourer, of Woodville Wanganui Acclimatisation Society 1/10/91 £1 per annum.. Private treaty. Five years Wanganui Branch, 3rd mile Wanganui Oa. Or. 36p. Seven years; subject to termination at any time on six months' notice 1/1/90 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty.

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Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. NAPIER-TARANAKI SECTION— a mtimied. - Wellingto n-Waitara j Railway, 206th and 207th miles Normanby A piece of railway reserve at Normanby Extension la. 3r. 7p. Three years ; subject at any time to twenty-eight days' notice to terminate on either side 0a. Or. 38 - 6p. Seven years C. Martin, Railway Stationmaster, of Normanby 1/10/90 £1 12s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. New Plymouth Branch, 8th mile Wellingto n-Waitara [.~ Railway — 222nd mile Elliott Street .. Part of Sections 983 and 984, Town of New Plymouth W. Webber, rope-maker, of New Plymouth 1/10/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. Stratford A piece of railway land at Stratford Station Part of Section 32, Block V., Whenuakura Survey District A piece of railway reserve at Terrace End A piece of railway reserve at Terrace End Portions of railway reserve at Feilding Station 0a. Or. 14Jp. Three years P. G. Brooking, farmer, of Normanby A. Palmer, settler, of Patea J. H. Anderson, storekeeper, of Terrace End A. Coles, settler, Palmerston North J. H. Stevens, Postmaster, Feilding 1/10/90 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Half-yearly Public tender. 183rd mile Whenuakura .. 6a. 3r. lip. Seven years 1/10/90 £3 10s. per annum £2 9s. per annum £2 10s. 6d. per annum £2per annum.. Private treaty. 90th and 91st miles Terrace End .. 4a. 3r. 22p. Seven years 1/10/90 Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 91st~mile Terrace End .. 5a. Or. 8p. Seven years 1/10/90 Private treaty. 100th mile Feilding 2a. 3r. 18p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the-half-yearly days of payment la. lr. 4p. From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Oa. lr. 12p. Seven years 1/1/91 Private treaty. 203rd mile Hawera Portions of railway land at Hawera T. Malone, settler, of Hawera I 1/1/91 £lper annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. New Plymouth Branch, 8th mile Wellingto n-Waitara §£•_" Railway — ' 209th and 210th miles Elliott Street .. Part of Sections 719 and 720, Town of New Plymouth R. C. Hughes, solicitor, of New Plymouth 1/1/91 £1 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Te Roti A piece of railway reserve in Block I., Hawera Survey District A piece of railway reserve in Block X., Ngaire Survey District 5a. 3r. 21p. Five years T. Robson, farmer 1/1/91 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 217th mile Eltham 4a. lr. 3p. ! Five years J. B. Godkin, settler, of Ngaire 1/1/91 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Wanganui Branch, 3rd mile Wanganui A piece of railway land at Wanganui Station 0a. Or. 12-6p. Seven years Rendell, Watson, and Co., merchants, of Wanganui T. Mabey, farmer, of Eltham 1/1/91 £33 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender. Wellingto n-Waitara Railway, 216th and 217th miles All lines Eltham A piece of railway reserve in Block X., Ngaire Survey District Right of advertising on all lines and future extensions on Wanganui Section of New Zealand Railways 4a. lr. 3p. Five years .. 1/1/91 £2 per annum.. Private treaty. 215 miles open Five years R. and E. Tingey, painters, &c, of Wanganui 1/1/91 £100 17s. 6d. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Publio tender.


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Marton-Rangatira Branch, 12th mile L o n g b u r n - Waitara, 88th mile Foxton Branch, 7th mile Silverhope A piece of railway land at Silverhope Refreshment-rooms, Palmerston North Station A piece of railway reserve at Oroua Bridge Station 4a. 3r. 12p. Five years J. Knuth, settler, of Silverhope J. Walkley, of Palmerston North, hotelkeeper J. J. Meldon, storekeeper, of Oroua Bridge 1/1/91 £2 8s. per annum £150 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July ] Private treaty. Palmerston N. Two years 1/1/91 [ Public tender. Oroua Bridge .. 6a. lr. 30p. Three years, and after that from year to year ; terminable on one month's notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Indefinite; terminable on four weeks' notice Indefinite; terminable on four weeks' notice Indefinite; terminable on four weeks' notice 1/1/91 £3 4s. 4d. per annum Public tender. Longburn- Waitara, 88th mile M a r t o n-R a n g a t i r a, 16th mile Foxton Branch, 20th mile L o n g b u rn-Waitara — 88th mile Palmerston N. Cottage No. 81 J. Butters 13s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. 19/1/91 Hunterville Cottage No. 58 T. C. Trott ... 19/1/91 5s. a week Pour- weekly I Private treaty. Foxton Cottage No. 71 F. Robinson .. 19/1/91 3s. 6d. a week.. Four-weekly Private treaty. Palmerston N. Cottage No. 79 Indefinite; terminable on four weeks' notice Indefinite; terminable on four weeks' notice Indefinite ; terminable on either side by one month's notice Indefinite; terminable at four weeks' notice From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment Seven years F. Pirani 20/1/91 lis. 6d. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. 88th mile Palmerston N. Cottage No. 78 R. J. H. Leigh 19/1/91 10s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. Wanganui Branch, 3rd mile Main line — 222nd mile St. John's Right-of-way over railway land at Wanganui 10ft. wide W. Empson, schoolmaster, Wanganui 1/4/91 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Stratford Cottage No. 10, Stratford G. A. Vincent, of Stratford New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) 6/4/91 3s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. 247th mile Waitara Sections 6, 7, 8, Block LXXXL, Town of Waitara West Oa. 3r. _p. 1/12/89 £14 14s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Dec, 1st Mar., 1st June, and 1st Sept. Private treaty. 222nd mile Stratford Part of Section 292, Town of Stratford Section 291, Town of Stratford Oa. lr. Ip. H. P. Smith, carpenter, of Stratford H. N. Liardet, commission agent, of Stratford A. Speirs, flaxmiller, of Foxton 1/4/91 £7 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oot. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Public tender. 222nd mile Stratford Oa. Or. 33-6p. Seven years 1/4/91 £10 15s. per annum £5 per annum Publio tender. Foxton Branch, 20th mile Foxton A piece of railway reserve in the Town of Foxton Oa. lr. 12p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment Indefinite; terminable on one week's notice Indefinite ; terminable on four weeks' notice From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment Prom year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Indefinite ; terminable on four weeks' notice Indefinite ; terminable at four weeks' notice 1/4/91 Private treaty. Main line — 204th mile Hawera Site for a refreshment - stall, Hawera Station Cottage No. 12, Ngaire J. F. Peatson, of Hawera 25/5/91 Is.. a week Weekly .. Private treaty. 218th mile Ngaire P. Gledhill, of Ngaire .. 21/6/91 2s. a week Four- weekly Private treaty; no deed of lease. Private treaty. 215th mile Eltham A piece of railway reserve at Eltham Oa. 3r. 37p. William Strickland, publican, of Eltham 1/7/91 £5 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. New Plymouth Branch, 8th mile New Plymouth Part of Section 648, Town of New Plymouth Oa. Or. 0£p. N. King, auctioneer, of New Plymouth 1/7/91 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Main line, 88th mile .. Palmerston N. Cottage No. 66, Palmerston N. R. J. H. Leigh, of Palmerston North Mrs. Emma Yates 10/8/91 12s. 6d. a week Four-weekly Private treaty; no deed of lease. Private treaty. New Plymouth Branch, 9th mile Morley Street.. Cottage No. 1 19/1/91 5s. a week Four-weekly

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Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. napi: 1R-TARANAKI SECTION— continued. ' Longhurn - W a i t a r a, 218th mile Wanganui Branch, 3rd mile Longburn -Waitara, B 218th mile Palmerston North — 10th mile Ngaire Wanganui Cottage No. 12 .. .. I Cottage No. 47 Indefinite; terminable at G. G. Gleeson.. four weeks' notice Indefinite ; terminable at C. Robinson four weeks' notice Indefinite ; terminable at Mrs. Simpson.. * four weeks' notice 19/1/91 19/1/91 Is. 8d. a week 5s. a week Four-weekly Four-weekly Private treaty. Private treaty. Ngaire Cottage No. 13 19/1/91 Is. 8d. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. Ashurst Part of Section 464, Block III., Gorge Survey District lla. Or, 34p. Seven years .. .. G. S. Rumble, T. T. Rimmer, F. Whibley, J. Paton, and E. Sanders (all of Ashurst) Indefinite; terminable at any A. Toop, of Upper Gorge time on four weeks' notice Twenty-one years .. .. W. H. Nettleship, jeweller, of Wanganui 1/10/91 £5 12s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. 15th mile Woodville Cottage No. 85, at the Upper Gorge Section 277, Borough of Wanganui 18/10/91 Is. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. Wanganui Branch, 3rd mile Palmerston North-Spit line — 6th mile Wanganui Parts of Section 73, Block VIII., Kairanga Survey District 0a. lr. Op. 27a. 3r. 15p. Seven years ; subject to right J. Newdick, farmer, Palto retake any portion on merston North giving three months' notice if required for railway ballasting purposes Prom year to year; termin- H. Carlson, sawmiller, able on three months' no- Danevirke tice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Six years.. .. .. Borough Council of Hastings Seven years .. .. T. Clune, farmer, Carnarvon 1/1/92 1/1/92 £12 per annum £15 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Public tender. Whakaronga .. 33rd mile Tamaki A piece of railway land at Tamaki, with tramway access thereto la. Or. Op. 1/4/92 £3 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 100th mile Hastings A piece of railway reserve at Hastings Part of railway reserve at Car0a. Or. 5-6p. 1/4/92 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Foxton Branch, 13th and 14th miles Longburn-Waitara line (fromWellington) — 208th mile Carnarvon narvon 137a. 3ir. 15p. 1/10/91 £17 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. Normanby Part of Section 8, Block I., Hawera Survey District Part of Section 324, Block I., Hawera Survey District 0a. 3r. 26p. Five years .. .. G. Inkster, settler, Normanby Five years .. .. P. Innes, settler, Normanby 1/10/91 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 208th mile Normanby 3a. lr. 15p. 1/10/91 £1 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. 88th mile Palmerston N. Privilege of a gate in the railway fence at Palmerston North Station A piece of railway reserve at Wanganui Station Five years .. .. A. H. Ihle, coal and timber merchant, Palmerston North Seven years .. .. M. Hogan and Co. (Limited), Wanganui 1/10/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct... Private treaty. Wanganui Branch, 4th mile Longburn-Waitara line (from Wellington) — 215th mile Wanganui 0a. Or. l-3p. 1/10/91 £12 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Private treaty. Eltham A piece of railway reserve near Eltham 2a. 3r. 9p. Four years ., .. W- G. White, bank manager, Hawera 1/10/91 £1 5s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty.

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154th mile .. Brunswick Part of Section 172, Block I., Westmere Survey District A piece of railway reserve at Stratford Station la. 3r. 6p. Five years W. Russell, settler, of Kai Iwi H. E. Tibby and E. O. Cole, blacksmiths, of Stratford T. D'A. Hamilton, sawmiller, Midhirst 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 222nd milo Stratford Oa. Or. 22p. Seven years 1/1/92 £7 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 226th mile Manganui Part of Section 10, Manganui Block, Huiroa Survey District A piece of railway reserve in Block X., Ngaire Survey District A right-of-way on railway land from Pitt Street to Public Square, Palmerston North Right-of-way at Eltham 5a. 2r. Op. Seven years 1/1/92 £1 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 214th mile Neil Road 2a. 3r. 24p. Four years C. A. Richardson, settler, Eltham 1/1/92 £1 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 88th mile .. Palmerston N. About 17 chains long and 30 links wide About 26 chains long From year to year; terminable on three months' notice at any time Five years ; terminable at any time on three months' notice if land is required for railway purposes Indefinite; terminable at any time on one month's notice R. Leary, chemist, Palmerston North 1/1/92 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 215th mile Eltham G. M. Moir, hotelkeeper, Eltham 1/1/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 93rd mile Bunnythorpe .. Right to take tramway across railway land near Bunnythorpe Lot 8 of railway reserve at Stratford About 3 chains long H. C. Nissen and W. G. Holland, sawmillers, Bunnythorpe J. Bellringer, painter, of New Plymouth 1/1/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 222nd mile Stratford Oa. Or. 9-4p. Seven years 1/4/92 £12 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 90th and 91st miles Terrace End .. A piece of railway reserve at Terrace End 6a. 3r. 22p. Five years ; subject to any portion being retaken at any time, if required for public purposes, on one month's notice Four years E. White, contractor, of Terrace End 1/4/92 £5 per annum.. Private treaty. 214th mile Neil Road A piece of railway reserve in Block XIII., Ngaire Survey District Lot 3 of railway reserve at Stratford la. 2r. 25p. G. Weir, blacksmith, of Neil Road 1/4/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 222 nd mile Stratford Oa. Or. 18-2p. Seven years W. Dalton, plumber, of Stratford 1/4/92 £12 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 100th mile Feilding A piece of railway reserve at Feilding Street Oa. lr. 34p. Five years Bailey Brothers, timber merchants, of Taonui 1/4/92 £12 per annum Private treaty. 222nd mile Stratford Lot 6 of railway reserve at Stratford Oa. Or. 9-5p. Seven years G. F. Baker, contractor, Hawera 1/4/92 £15 per annum Private treaty. 222nd mile Stratford Lot 7 of railway reserve at Stratford Oa. Or. 9-5p. Seven years D. Berry, ironmonger, of Stratford 1/4/92 £15 per annum Private treaty. 215th mile Eltham Right-of-way at Eltham About 26 chains long Five years; terminable at any time on three months' notice if land is required for railway purposes Seven years Chew Chong, storekeeper, of Eltham 1/4/92 £1 per annum.. Private treaty. 222nd mile Stratford Lot 2 of railway reserve at Stratford Oa. Or. 18-2p. F. Browne, carpenter, of Stratford 1/4/92 £15 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 222nd mile Stratford Lot 1 of railway reserve at Stratford Oa. Or. 18-2p. Seven years G. Ludlam, butcher, of Stratford 1/4/92 £18 per annum Private treaty.

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Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. NAPIER-TARANAKI SECTION—! mtinued. . Longburn-Waitara line (from Wellington) — 222nd mile Section 4 in railway reserve at Stratford Oa. Or. 9-5p. Seven years G. F. Baker, contractor, of Hawera 1/4/92 £18 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Four-weekly Private treaty. Stratford 222nd mile Stratford Section 9 in railway reserve at Stratford Oa. Or. 9-5p. Seven years C. Watchorn, ironmonger, Stratford 1/4/92 £18 per annum Private treaty. 222nd mile Stratford A piece of railway reserve at Stratford Cottage No. 66 at Palmerston North Right to keep a book-stall at Palmerston North Station Oa. Or. 14-5p. Seven years W. G. Malone, commission agent, Stratford F. Stewart, of Palmerston North W. Freeman, bookseller, Palmerston North 1/4/92 £15 per annum Private treaty. 88th mile Palmerston N. Indefinite ; terminable on four weeks' notice Two years and eight months 18/4/92 14s. a week Private treaty. 88th mile Palmerston N. 1/5/92 £39 per annum Quarterly, on 1st May, 1st Aug., 1st Nov., and 1st Feb. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Wanganui Branch, 3rd mile Palmerston- Napier Railway— 36th mile Wanganui Mangatera Part Sections 266, 267, 270, and 271, Borough of Wanganui A piece of railway land at Mangatera Station Oa. lr. 27p. From year to year ; terminable on three- months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Oa. Or. 3-2p. Prom year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment 4a. 3r. Op. Seven years T. Thompson, storeman, Wanganui Carl F. Mortensen, timber merchant, Danevirke 1/7/92 1/7/92 £5per annum.. £lper annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Private treaty. 53rd and 54th miles Nelson's Siding Portion of railway reserve near Nelson's Siding Right to take gravel from a portion of railway reserve at Makotuku Portions of railway reserve in Block VI., Ngaire Survey District .A piece of railway reserve adjoining Section 43, Block I., Hawera Survey District Right-of-way over railway land between Okehu and Nukumaru Stations W. Nelson, sheep-farmer, Tamoana Ormondville Town Board, Ormondville 1/7/92 £lper annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 45th mile Makotuku Oa. Or. 33p. Indefinite; terminable at any time 13/8/92 Nil .. Private treaty. Main line — ■ 217th and 218th miles Ngaire 3a. 3r. lOp. Five years J. McCarthy, farmer, Ngaire 1/7/92 £1 18s. per an-Half-yearly, on 1st July an 1st Jan. Private treaty. num 210th mile Te Roti 2a. lr. 32p. Seven years T. Robson, farmer, Normanby 1/7/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 161st, 162nd, 165th, and 166th miles Okehu and Nukumaru In two por- Three years tions, 29ch. and 73ch. respectively, and 6ft. wide 2a. lr. 7p. Five years Robert Pharazyn, Nukumaru 1/7/92 £1 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 216th and 217th miles Eltham Portion of railway reserve in Section 9, Block X., Ngaire Survey District Lot 5 in railway reserve at Stratford Station W. Holdway, farmer, Eltham 1/7/92 £1 3s. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 222nd mile Stratford Oa. Or. 9Jp. Seven years D. Berry, New Plymouth 1/7/92 £18 per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty.

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224th and 225th miles 217th mile New Plymouth Branch, 9th mile Midhirst Eltham Morley Street.. A piece of railway reserve near Midhirst A piece of railway land near Eltham A piece of railway land at New Plymouth 4a. lr. Op. 2a. lr. 3p. Seven years Five years J. J. Hills, farmer, Midhirst W. Bosley, settler, Ngaire . John Hooker, carter, New Plymouth 1/10/92 1/10/92 £1 10s. per annum £1 2s. 8d. per annum £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Yearly, on 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Woodville la. 3r. 30p. 2a. lr. 25p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on a yearly day of payment Five years Joseph Barratt, settler, Manawatu Gorge 1/1/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Palmerston- Napier Railway, 15th mile Portions of railway land near Manawatu Gorge Hayward's WELLINGTON SECTION. J. Walsh 1/7/82 £2 10s. per annum £2 per annum.. Half-yearly 15 miles 3-4 chains .. Land Yearly; terminable on fourteen days' notice Yearly; terminable on fourteen days' notice Monthly .. 15 miles 13 chains Hayward's Land C. Seager 3/1/83 Half-yearly Wellington Land in Wellington Stationyard Refreshment-rooms Land Land Land Land Land Barry and McDowell .. 10s. per month Kaitoke Featherston .. Arnold's Line.. Upper Hutt .. Upper Hutt Wellington (in station-yard) Wellington (in station-yard Wellington 0a. lr. 24p. ' Monthly .. Yearly Lease Lease, fourteen years Yearly Twenty-one years' lease James Martin J. D. Oakley .. T. Price J. and G. Brown C. J. Johnston W. Booth and Co. 1/4/81 £150 per annum £5 per annum.. £1 per annum.. £10 per annum £5 per annum.. £96 per annum Quarterly Quarterly Yearly. 0a. lr. 15p. Yearly Public tender. Land 0a. lr. 15p. Twenty-one years' lease J. and T. Meek £90 per annum Public tender. Allotment 12, Thorndon Reclamation 0a. 18r. 36p. Eighteen years W. Chalmers 9/12/84 £30 per annum Quarterly, Oct., Jan., April, and July Part of original lease to J. and T. Meek, transferred by consent of Minister for Public Works. Part of original lease to J. and T. Meek, transferred by consent of Minister for Public Works. Public tender. Wellington Sections 10 and 11, Thorndon Reclamation 0a. 37r. 32p. Eighteen years T. C. Williams, W. H. Beetham, H. H. Beetham 1/1/85 £60 per annum Quarterly, Oct., Jan., April, and July 69 miles All stations Sole right of advertising Two years and nine months (1st April, 1885, to 31st Dec, 1887) Two years and four months.. S. R. Dransfleld 1/4/85 £42 per annum Half-yearly, in Jan. and July Wellington Lease of bookstall, Wellington Station Refreshment-room Refreshment-room R. Shannon .. 12/8/85 £11 per annum Quarterly 83rd mile Mauriceville .. Kaitoke Weekly 1st July, 1886, to 31st Dec, 1888 1st July, 1886, to 31st Dec, 1888 R. H. Elliotte J. Martin 26/6/86 5s. a week £160 per annum Four-weekly Half-yearly Private treaty. Public tender. Featherston .. Refreshment-room R. Buckeridge £20 per annum Half-yearly Publio tender.


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Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. WI LLINGTON SECTION— co-.? limed. 69 miles 32 chains Featherston ,. Opaki Use of water from the main laid down to supply tanks Yearly. Department reserves the right to cut off the supply at any time Three years J. Smith 2/4/87 £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 4th April I Private treaty. Private treaty. Piece of land on the east side of Opaki Railway-station Piece of land adjoining Mangamahoe Railway-station platform 8a. 3r. 8p. T. Brown 6/4/87 £4 per annum.. Yearly, on 15th Mar. 81 miles 30 chains Mangamahoe .. 20 links x 40 links Two years R. H. Elliotte 20/5/87 £13 per annum Quarterly, on 28th April, 28th July, 28th Oct., and 28th Jan. Half-yearly, on 28th June and 20th Dec. Quarterly, on loth Oct., 15th Jan., 15th April, and 15th July Private treaty. 36 miles 62 chains Kaitoke Railway refreshment-rooms .. Two rooms .. 1 year and 195 days C. Broadbent .. 4/6/87 £125 per annum Public tender. 44 miles 43 chains Featherston .. Piece of land situated on the south-east side of the railwayline, within the railway reserve, Featherston Railwaystation Piece of land adjoining crossing 0a. Or. 16p. Year to yearW. Burt 15/10/87 £3per annum.. Private treaty. 20 miles 16 chains 17 links Upper Hutt .. 0a. Or. 7p. Year to year J. Thomson 5/11/87 £lper annum.. Quarterly, on 5th Nov., 5th Feb., 5th May, and 5th Aug. Yearly on 18th Jan. i Private treaty. 6 miles 33 chains Petone Piece of land on west side of line 0a. 2r. 20p. Year to year Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Company (Limited) G. Broadbent, of Kaitoke 18/1/88 £2per annum.. Private treaty. 27th mile Kaitoke Refreshment -rooms, Kaitoke Station Refreshment - rooms, Featherston Station Lot 26, railway reserve, Waterloo Quay, Wellington One year 1/1/89 £70 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July "Quarterly, on 10th April, 10th July, 10th Oct., and 10th Jan. Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st" April "Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July "Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Yearly, on 1st July Public tender. 45th mile Featherston .. j One year G. Broadbent, of Kaitoke 1/1/89 £40 per annum Public tender. 1st mile Wellington 0a. lr. 26p. Seven years Union Steamship Company of New Zealand 10/1/89 £78 per annum Public tender. 1st mile Wellington Lot 14, railway reserve, Waterloo Quay, Wellington 0a. Or. 17p. Seven years Wellington Harbour Board 1/7/89 £20 per annum Private treaty. 1st mile Wellington Lot 15, railway reserve, Waterloo Quay, Wellington 0a. Or. 12p. Seven years Wellington Harbour Board 1/7/89 £20 per annum Private treaty. 1st mile Wellington Lot 24, railway reserve, Waterloo Quay, Wellington 0a. Or. 36p. Twenty-one years W. Cable, engineer, Wellington 1/7/89 £150 per annum Publio tender. 1st mile Wellington Lot 25, railway reserve, Waterloo Quay, Wellington 0a. lr. Op. Twenty-one years W. Cable, engineer, Wellington 1/7/89 £172 per annum Public tender. 45th mile Featherston .. Part of Section 206, Town of Featherston 0a. 2r. 26p. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice F. C. Smith, Policeconstable, Featherston 1/7/89 £1 per annum.. Private treaty.


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1st mile .. .. Wellington .. Lot 13, Waterloo Quay, Wellington 0a. Or. 18p. From month to month ; terminable at one month's notice, ending on one of the monthly days of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Indefinite; terminable at any time on three months' notice Yearly W. Chalmers, cooper, Wellington 1/7/89 £1 10s. per month Monthly .. Private treaty. 72nd mile Kopuaranga .. A piece of railway reserve near Kopuaranga 8a. Or. Op. A. Stewart, farmer, Kopuaranga 1/7/89 £3 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 78th mile Maurieeville .. Eight-of-way over railway land at Maurieeville Station About 4 chains long J. Brodersen, labourer, Maurieeville 1/7/89 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 78th mile Maurioeville .. - Eailway land at Maurioeville Station Eight-of-way at station Lot 13, railway reserve Lots 21 and 22 Section 128, Block I. Eefreshment-room Eailway land at Featherston, two pieces Allotment 23, railway reserve, Waterloo Quay Portions of railway land 4a. Or. 30p. W. Bishop 1/10/89 £4 3s. per Half-yearly-Private treaty. 45th mile 1st mile 1st mile 20th mile 27th mile 45th mile Featherston .. Wellington Wellington Upper Hutt .. Kaitoke Featherston .. 0a. Or. 18p. Oa. Or. 29p. 28a. Or. 27p. Yearly Twenty-one years Twenty-one years Seven years .. ... Three years Yearly W. Bock W. Chalmers H. Wilson and Co. J. and G. Brown G. Broadbent.. W. Bock 1/1/90 1/1/90 1/1/90 1/10/89 1/1/90 1/4/90 num 10s. per annum £30 per annum £47 per annum £10 per annum £10 per annum £6 per annum.. Yearly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Half-yearly Private treaty, Public tender. Public tender. Private treaty. Public tender. Private treaty. 3a. 3r. lip. 1st mile Wellington 0a. Or. 39p. Twenty- one years Shaw-Savill and Albion Co. T. Hay ward 1/4/90 £160 per annum Quarterly Public tender. 15th and 16th miles .. Hayward's 2a. Or. 5p. Yearly 1/7/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. 1st mile 70th mile Wellington Opaki Lot 16, railway reserve Portion of Section 56, Opaki Block Piece of railway land 0a. Or. 12p. 8a. 3r. 8p. Twenty-one years Three years Meat Export Company T. M. Brown .. 1/7/90 1/7/90 £25 per annum £4 per annum.. Quarterly Yearly Public tender. Private treaty. 88th mile Eketahuna 2a. Or. 32p. Yearly J. Findlay 1/7/90 £1 10s. per annum £7 per annum.. 2s. a week Half-yearly Private treaty. 64th mile 7th mile Kurupuni Petone Piece of railway land A piece of railway land at Petone Station A piece of railway land at Maurieeville Station A piece of railway land in the Wellington Station-yard la. Or. 27p. 0a. 2r. 13p. Seven years From week to week; terminable at four weeks' notice Five years Henderson and Shute .. J. Wheeler, of Petone .. 1/10/90 29/9/90 Quarterly Every four weeks .. Private treaty. Private treaty. 78th mile Maurioeville .. 4a. Or. 30p. N. Jensen, blacksmith, Maurieeville W. Cable, engineer, Wellington 1/1/91 £4 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 1st mile Wellington 0a. Or. 16Jp. From year to year; terminable at any time on three months' notice Seven years; terminable at any time on three months' notice, if required for railway purposes Five years 1/1/91 £1 per annum Private treaty. 2nd mile Kaiwarra A piece of railway land at Kaiwarra 0a. Or. 6p. E. Pearce, W. H. Levin, F. H. Dillon Bell, trustees of Star Boating Club, Wellington Truebridge and Eeich, of Wellington, commission agents, &c. 1/1/91 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. All lines Eight of advertising on all lines and future extensions on Wellington Section of New Zealand Eailways Eight-of-way over railway land near Upper Hutt Eight to cut grass on portions of railway land near Maurieeville A piece of railway land at Petone Station 92 miles open 1/1/91 £66 5s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Public tender. 21st mile Upper Hutt .. About 7} chains long la. lr. 35p. Seven years Mrs. Jane Keys, farmer, of Upper Hutt A. E. Mackay, Crown Lands Eanger, of Maurieeville J. Walker, Eailway Workshops, Petone 1/4/91 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 78th mile Maurioeville .. Indefinite ; terminating at any time on three months' notice Indefinite; terminable at four weeks' notice 1/7/91 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 7th mile Petone 0a. 2r. 13p. 3/8/91 2s. a week Four-weekly . .. Private treaty; no deed of lease. * Not in advance.

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Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) I I How let. WI ELLINGTON SECTION— con 'inued. 72nd mile Kopuaranga .. A piece of railway land near Kopuaranga 7a. Or. 15p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment Indefinite; terminable on four weeks' notice From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment During the pleasure of the New Zealand Railway Commissioners Two years and eight months J.Scorra ,far__er,of Opaki 1/1/92 £2 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 7th"mile ____.-—_: 8 th mile Petone .. A piece of railway land at Petone Petone .. Portions of railway land near Petone Oa. 2r. 13p. W. H. Stewart, commission agent, of Petone Sir J. Hector, K.C.M.G., of Petone 14/3/92 2s. a week Four-weekly Private treaty. Oa. Or. 33-6p. 1/4/92 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 78th mile Mauriceville .. Portion of railway land at Mauriceville Station Oa. 3r. 8p. G. Bartlett, labourer, of Mauriceville 1/4/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 78th mile Mauriceville .. Right to take gravel from rail-way-ballast reserve at Mauriceville Wellington .. Right to keep a bookstall at Wellington Station Oa. 3r. 5p. Wairarapa North County Council, Masterton 18/4/92 Private treaty. 1st mile A. D. Bott, bookseller, of Wellington 1/5/92 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st May, 1st Aug., 1st Nov., and 1st Feb. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Public tender. 88 th mile .. Eketahuna .. A piece of railway land at Eketahuna Station 2a. Or. 32p. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice, ending on a half-yearly day of payment P. Johnston, of Eketahuna, platelayer 1/7/92 £2 10s. per annum Private treaty. 1 mile 40 chains 2nd mile 13th mile 13th mile .. 15th mile 16th mile .. 17th mile 17th mile 18th mile 18th mile .. 20 chains 18th mile 1 mile 50 chains Elevation .. Land, railway reserve Elevation .. Land, railway reserve Tuamarina .. Land, railway reserve Tuamarina .. Cottage Spring Creek .. Cottage Grovetown .. Cottage and land Blenheim .. Cottage Blenheim .. Land Blenheim .. Cottage Blenheim .. House Picton .. Land Blenheim .. House Picton .. Land 2a. Or. Op. la. Or. Op. 2a. Or. Op. PICTON SECTION. T. Reynolds W. Fitch T. Nolan T. Shaw W. Stagg J. Johns T. Patchett H. Mackenzie.. T. Harding G. Fell S. Swanwick .. T. W. Millington J. Deeble 17/9/81 18/8/81 1/9/80 22/7/82 2/12/82 28/5/81 13/11/81 21/8/80 20/8/82 1/3/81 1/3/83 4/3/82 27/8/83 £5 per annum.. £1 per annum.. £2 per annum.. £1 per annum.. 4s. a week 3s. a week 4s. a week £10 per annum 7s. a week 10s. a week .. 30s. per annum 10s. a week £1 per annum Yearly YearlyYearly Yearly Four-weekly Four-weekly Four-weekly Quarterly Four-weekly Four-weekly Yearly Four-weekly 26th August, 1883 .. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Yearly Yearly Oa. lr. Op. 5a. Or. Op. Yearly Weekly .. Weekly Yearly Weekly Yearly Oa. 3r. Op. Part of Section 988 Oa. 3r. Op. 6th mile 18th mile Picton .. Land Koromiko .. House Picton .. Stephens's advertising-boards Blenheim .. ; Stephens's advertising-boards 3ft. 6in. x 2ft. 6in. 3ft. 6in. x 2ft. 6in. 30in. x 20in. Yearly Four- weekly Annual Annual S. Swanwick .. W. Colbet J. Stuart Reid, Wellington J. Stuart Reid, Wellington G. E. Stacey 1/3/84 1/7/85 £1 per annum 4s. a week £1 per annum 31st December, 1883 Four-weekly Private treaty. 1/7/85 £1 per annum Private treaty. Picton -.. Exhibit poster, Picton Station Annual 19/7/85 £1 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty.

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18th mile .. Blenheim Exhibit poster, Blenheim Station Exhibit poster, Picton Station Advertising-boards 30in. x 20in. Annual G. E. Stacey .. 19/7/85 £1 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. Picton Picton and Blenheim Stations Picton and Blenheim Stations Para Advertising-boards .. 2ft. x 1ft. 8in. 3ft. 6in. x 2ft. 2ft. x 1ft. 9in. Annual Annual Annual W. Simpson A. Brooks Furness and Boundy .. 21/1/86 17/2/86 1/3/86 £1 per annum £2 per annum £2 per annum Half-yearly 1st March and 1st Sept., 1886 Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 8 miles 40 chains Land Oa. 2r. 12p. Yearly Daikie and Osgood 25/3/86 £1 10s. per annum 2s. 6d. a week Private treaty. 5 miles 70 chains Koromiko House Weekly W. D. Dorset 27/6/86 23rd Aug.; thereaftermonthly Private treaty. 12th mile .. 6 th mile Tuamarina Koromiko Vernon Section Vernon Section Cottage and land House Land Land Oa. 3r. 17p. 10a. lr. 39p. 2a. 2r. Op. Monthly .. Monthly One year One year C. Horgan J. A. Stratford E. Slattery .. J. Kennedy 4/4/87 4/4/87 22/11/86 22/11/86 5s. a month .. 3s. a week £12 per annum £10 10s. per an- •• . Quarterly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. •. Vernon Section Vernon Section Vernon Section Vernon Section Vernon Section Vernon Section Land Land Land Land Land Land Oa. lr. Op. 2a. 3r. 2p. 2a. lr. 29p. Oa. 3r. lOp. la. 3r. 36p. 23a. Or. 4p. One year One year One year One year One year One year W. Barker W. Gosling D. Lawrence .. M. Leonard J. O'Sullivan C. Redwood 25/11/86 22/11/86 20/11/86 22/11/86 26/11/86 30/11/86 num £1 per annum.. £10 per annum £5 per annum.. £3 per annum.. £8 per annum.. £12 per annum Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 18th mile .. Blenheim ■ Advertising -board, Blenheim Station Land near elevation.. Yearly Holmes and Bell 21/8/86 £1 per annum.. 21st Aug. Private treaty. 2nd mile Picton 15a. 2r. 34p. Seven years; six months' notice Seven years; six months' notice Seven years; six months' notice Seven years; six months' notice E. T. Ireland .. 1/10/86 £5 10s. per annum £18 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 2 miles 50 chains Picton Land near elevation.. 47a. 2r. 29p. Ham and others 1/10/86 Half-yearly Public tender. 12 miles 60 chains Blenheim Land near Tuamarina 9a. Or. Op. W. Ryan 1/10/86 £13 10s. per annum £25 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 17th mile Blenheim Land near Blenheim 16a. 3r. 4p. Earll and McKenzie .. 1/10/86 Half-yearly Public tender. 17th mile Blenheim Land and shed, old Opawa Station Land, abandoned line House Poster15a. 2r. 25p. Seven years; six months' notice Year to year Weekly .. Annual F. Parish 1/10/86 £21 10s. per an-Half-yearly Public tender. 18th mile .. 5 miles 30 chains Blenheim Koromiko Blenheim la. Or. 0-5p. S. J. Macalister G. Clemens New Zealand Shipping Company W. Robinson 1/1/87 24/7/87 1/7/87 num £10 per annum 2s. 6d. a week.. £1 per annum... Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 14 miles 70 chains Grovetown Land 3a. Or. 16p. Five years 17/9/87 £2 10s. per annum £3 per annum.. 1st August Private treaty. 12 miles 20 chains Tuamarina Land Oa. 2r. 32p. Fourteen years H. T. Hawker 6/9/87 1st Sept., 1st Dec, 1st Mar., and 1st June 1st Aug. and 1st Feb. Half-yearly Private treaty. 12 miles 60 chains Tuamarina Blenheim Land Land, abandoned line 9a. Or. Op. Oa. 2r. 36p. Seven years Five years D. O'Sullivan.. Marlborough Lawn Tennis Club W. Carr 17/9/87 30/9/87 £3 per annum.. £7 10s. per annum £3 10s. per annum 5s. a week 4s. a week 8s. per annum.. £10 per annum Private treaty. Private treaty. Blenheim Land, Vernon Section la. 3r. Op. Year to year 5/10/87 Quarterly Private treaty. I6th mile .. ' 16th mile 17 miles 40 chains Grovetown Grovetown Blenheim Picton House House and land Land, Borough of Blenheim .. Shed Oa. Or. 8-3p. Monthly Weekly .. Year to year Monthly — Carr R. Hope, ganger G. Fitzgerald .. G. Hood 4/3/88 24/3/88 1/4/88 Monthly Monthly 1st March each year First day in each month Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. PICTON SECTION-co-_-W.< id. 5 miles 40 chains Koromiko Blenheim Blenheim House Land, Vernon Station Land, Vernon Station 10a. lr. 39p. la. 3r. 36p. Weekly Year to year Year to year G. Eden T.Neville J. Fraser 27/5/88 1/8/87 9/8/88 2s. 6d. a week.. £5 per annum.. £3 10s. per annum £27 per annum £3 per annum.. Monthly Half-yearly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 18th mile Blenheim Blenheim Store site, Blenheim Station .. Eight sections, Nos. 107 to 114 ; No. 46, Opawa Oa. lr. lOp. 2a. Or. Op. Fourteen years' lease Year to year J. Holmes E. Purser 24/10/88 7/11/88 Quarterly Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Public auction. Private treaty. 17th and 18th miles .. Blenheim Part of Section 37, Wairau West Survey District 12a. Or. 21p. Four years ; subject to termination by the department on six months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Yearly E. Parris, settler, Grovetown W. Craig 1/7/89 £16 10s. per annum Private treaty. Blenheim Railway land at Blenheim Station Part of Section 44 .. Cottage at Grove- town la. 3r. Op. £6 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. 18th mile 1/1/90 3rd mile 16th mile Elevation Grovetown 38a. 2r. 18p. Yearly Indefinite; terminable by lessee at two weeks' notice. Department can resume occupation at any time From year to year; terminable on two months' notice at any time Seven years J. T. Williams R. Roberts, of Grovetown S. Swanwick, settler, of Picton C. Sheridan, farmer, of Spring Creek 1/4/90 6/10/90 £5 per annum 5s. a week Half-yearly Four- weekly Private treaty. Private treaty. 1st mile Picton Part of Section 242, Town of Picton Oa. Or. 5p. 1/7/91 5s. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 15th mile Spring Creek .. A piece of railway land at Spring Creek la. Or. 8p. 1/10/91 £2 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Port One-half of No. 9 Store on wharf Coal-store and office on wharf NELSON SECTION. 1/7/81 £1 a month .. Quarterly Private treaty. 18 miles 78 chains 1st mile Port Wai-iti Port Stationmaster's house Iron store Three rooms 60ft. x 25ft. Year to year, from 1st July, 1881 Three years, from 2nd October, 1882 Weekly Three years Weekly .. Ten years N.Z. Hasmatite Paint Company, Dunedin J. R. Rees J. Tunnioliff .. R. C. Parker, grain merchant, Nelson Mrs. J. Pearse Union Steamship Corn21/8/82 4/7/83 31/10/83 £30 per annum 6s. a week £30 per annum Quarterly Weekly Quarterly Public tender. Private treaty. Public tender. 18 miles 78 chains Wai-iti Port Stationmaster's house Land 33ft. __ 40ft. 17/9/84 18/10/84 5s. a week £15 per annum Four-weekly Quarterly Private treaty. Tender. 18 miles 78 chains Wai-iti Stationhouse (tenancy terminated 10th July, 1885) Stephens's advertising-board .. Three rooms Weekly pany S. Hoult 16/5/84 5s. a week Private treaty. 7 miles 39 chains 12 miles 18 chains 16 miles 26 chains Nelson Nelson Richmond Brightwater .. Wakefield Advertising-boards Advertising-boards Advertising-boards Advertising-boards 3ft. 4in. x 1ft. 7in. 7ft. 7ft. 7ft. 7ft. One year, from 1st July, 1885 One year One year One year One year J. Stuart Reid, Wellington A. E. Brooks, Nelson .. A. E. Brooks, Nelson .. A. E. Brooks, Nelson .. A. E. Brooks, Nelson .. 1/7/84 17/10/85 17/10/85 17/10/85 17/10/85 £1 per annum.. £1 per annum.. £1 per annum.. £1 per annum.. £1 per annum.. 17th Oct., 1885 17th Oct., 1885 17th Oct., 1885 17th Oct., 1885 Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty.


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16 miles 26 chains Wakefield Land in Wakefield Station-yard 243 links x 115 links 62ft. x 24ft. Three years' lease M. Lightband .. I £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Port Iron store Three years' lease Sclanders and Co. 17/10/87 £15 per annum 17th Oct., 17th Jan., 17th April, and 17th July Weekly Leased. 23rd mile Belgrove Hut at Belgrove Weekly; terminable at a week's notice J. Thompson, of Belgrove 14/9/91 Is. 6d. a week.. Private treaty, 17th mile Wakefield Portion of railway land near Wakefield A piece of railway land near Brightwater Apiece of railway land at Wakefield Station Oa. Or. 21p. Seven years D. Price,- farmer, of Wakefield W. Biggar, farmer, of Brightwater M. Lightband, gentleman, of Nelson 1/10/91 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oot. Private treaty. 13th mile Brightwater .. 11a. Or. Op. Seven years 1/1/92 £4 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 18th mile Wakefield Oa. Or. 38-4p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment One year 1/4/92 £5 per annum.. Private treaty. 1st mile Nelson Port .. A piece of railway land at Nelson Port Oa. Or. 16p. Nelson City Council 1/5/92 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st May and 1st Nov. Private treaty. Westport WESTPORT SECT! [ON. 22/4/81 £5 per annum.. Private treaty. Yearly; terminable at one month's notice Yearly; terminable at one month's notice Yearly; terminable at one month's notice Yearly; terminable at one month's notice Yearly; terminable at one month's notice Yearly; terminable at one month's notice Yearly; terminable at one month's notice Yearly; terminable at one month's notice Yearly; terminable at one month's notice Weekly .. Weekly Weekly Temporary D. Reeve3 Half-yearly Westport T. Mullan 1/6/82 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. Westport Land 20ft. x 40f t. Westport Coal Company 15/10/79 £1 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. Westport Land Oa. 2r. Op. J. and W. Marris 15/10/79 £20 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. Westport Land 20ft. x 40ft. Captain Riley.. 1/1/81 £10 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. Westport Land Oa. lr. Op. J. Cow 1/7/81 £1 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. Westport Land 72ft. x 102ft. J. Seaton 13/2/80 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. Westport Land 0a. lr. Op. W. Bull 18/2/80 £2 10s. per annum £17 10s. per annum 2s. 6d. a week 2s. 6d. a week 2s. 6d. a week 10s. a week Half-yearly Private treaty. Westport Land 0a. 2r. Op. W. Bull 1/4/83 Half-yearly Private treaty. Westport Westport Westport Westport Sta-tion-yard Westport Sta-tion-yard Ngakawau Cottage Cottage Cottage Old building known as Rocke's Hotel Retail coal-dealers' stand J. Murdoch .. W. O'Neill .. S. Wakefield Westport Coal Company 28/6/79 14/10/82 11/3/82 25/10/83 Pour-weekly Four-weekly Four-weekly Weekly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 19th mile Right to take water-race over land Railway reserve Railway reserve Railway reserve Piece of railway reserve A piece of railway land at Waimangaroa Station Two spans of coal-staiths Yearly; subject to one month's notice Indefinite J. Dolan C. Davis 1/1/89 £5 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Private treaty. 1/9/89 Is. per annum.. If demanded 13th and 14th miles... 1st mile 1st mile 1st mile 10th mile Griffiths Westport Westport Westport Waimangaroa 4a. Or. Op. 0a. Or. 22p. 0a. lr. 27p. 0a. Or. 24Jp. 0a. Or. 20p. Yearly Yearly Seven years Seven years From year to year; terminable at three months' notice on either side, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Garrett Brothers T. J. O'Leary .. W. Bull J. and W. Marris G. Lomas, storekeeper, of Waimangaroa 1/1/90 1/1/90 1/4/90 1/7/90 1/7/90 £5 per annum.. £5 per annum.. £20 per annum £20 per annum £2 per annum.. Yearly Yearly Quarterly Quarterly Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. 'ESTPORT SECTION— contin ,ued. 3rd mile Sergeant's Hill l Privilege to lay tramway on railway land near the Orowaiti River Privilege to lay tramway on railway land at Sergeant's Hill Privilege to lay tramway on railway land at Waimangaroa Privilege of laying a tramway on railway land near Fairdown Station Right to cut flax on portion of railway land between Waimangaroa and Ngakawau Privilege of laying a tramway on railway land near Waimangaroa A piece of railway reserve at Waimangaroa About 3f ch. long Five years J. and W. Marris, sawmillers, of Westport 1/1/91 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. 3rd and 4th miles Sergeant's Hill About 3J ch. long Five years J. and W. Marris, sawmillers, of Westport 1/1/91 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. 10th mile Waimangaroa About 7_ch. long About 3_ ch. long Five years J. and W. Marris, sawmillers, of Westport W. Bull, sawmiller, Westport 1/4/91 One peppercorn per annum One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. 7th mile Fairdown .. | Five years 1/4/91 Private treaty. 9 miles 60 chains to 18 miles 61 chains Waimangaroa to Ngakawau One year C. Dante and W. Marris, of Waimangaroa 1/7/91 Royalty of 3s. a ton on all flax cut One peppercorn per annum As work proceeds .. Private treaty. 11th mile Waimangaroa About 5J eh. long Five years Griffiths Brothers, sawmillers, of Waimangaroa J. Hart, settler, of Waimangaroa 1/4/91 Private treaty. 10th mile 19th mile 1st mile Waimangaroa Ngakawau Westport Right to take water-race across railway reserve near Ngakawau A piece of railway reserve at Westport Oa. Or. 38p. About 3ch. long Oa. Or. 2-3p. Prom year to year; terminable at any time on one month's notice on either side Four years; subject to termination at any time on three months' notice on either side From year to year ; terminable at threemonths' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment Seven years W. McNarn and J. Hussey, miners, of Ngakawau Union Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited) 1/1/91 1/10/91 1/10/91 £2 per annum.. £1 per annum.. £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 1st mile Westport A piece of railway reserve at Westport Oa. Or. 3-5p. S. Riley, master-mariner, of Westport 1/1/92 £2 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. anel 1st July Private treaty. 4th mile Sergeant's Hill Part of Section 349, Kawatiri Survey District A piece of railway reserve at Granity Creek 6a. Or. 20p. Westport Jockey Club (Limited) R. T. Watson, hotelkeeper, of Granity Creek J. T. Monigatti, hotelkeeper, of Sergeant's Hill 1/1/92 £4 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 18th mile Granity Creek.. 5a. Or. Op. From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment Three years 1/4/92 £10 per annum Private treaty. > 3rd mile Sergeant's Hill Portions of railway reserve at Sergeant's Hill 42a. lr. 33p. 1/7/92 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. 9 miles 60 chains to 18 miles 61 chains Waimangaroa to Ngakawau Right to out flax on portion of railway land between Waimangaroa and Ngakawau One year only J. and W. Marris, sawmillers, of Westport 1/7/92 Royalty of Is. 6d. per ton on ail flax cut To be collected by Stationmaster as work proceeds Private treaty.


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7 miles 20 chains Brunner Stationyard Hotel site 66ft. x 99ft. Yearly C. Seaton 1/4/83 £10 per annum Yearly, on 1st July Appointed by Minister for Public Works Private treaty. 7 miles 20 chains Ct P Brunner Stationyard Greymouth Land for mine-manager's house Oa. Or. 24p. Yearly; terminable on six months' notice Yearly; terminable on three months' notice Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice Yearly ; six months' notice on either side Yearly ; six months' notice on either side Twelve months' notice Yearly M. Kennedy 29/3/83 £5 per annum.. Yearly Coal depot 20ft. x 28ft. A. Matheson £20 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Greymouth Coal depot 20ft. x 28ft. J. Brimble £20 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. j(_. Greymouth Coal depot 20ft. x 28ft. R. Gamble £20 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Greymouth Coal depot 20ft. x 28ft. Brunner Coal Company £20 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 7 miles 20 chains Brunner Hotel site 40ft. x 40ft. H. Jones Not signed £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 7 miles 20 chains Brunner Shop site 12ft. x 24ft. E. Bennetts .. Not signed £2 103. per annum £1 per annum.. £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. 3rd mile 3 miles 22 chains Kaiata Kaiata Land Small parcel of land on railway reserve 0a. 2r. Op. Section 274, 100ft. x 79ft. (_9p.) M. Blewman P. Mahony Not signed 1/7/83 Yearly Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Private treaty. Kaiata Small parcel of land on railway reserve Site for church near Brunner Station Yearly P. Mahony 1/7/83 £1 per annum.. iTearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 7 miles 20 chains Brunner 0a. Or. 12p. Yearly R. Gray and T. Alexander (as trustees for Presbyterian Church) W. J. Soott .. 1/4/84 £2 10s. per annum Yearly, in April Private treaty. 58 chains Omoto Rough land for grazing, situate between Grey River and rail-way-line Right of exhibiting Stephens's advertising-boards la. lr. 16p. Five years 1/1/85 £1 10s. per annum Yearly, in Jan. Private treaty. Greymouth .. One year, from 1st July, 1885 J. Stuart Reid, Wellington 1/7/85 £1 per annum.. Sept. and Dec, 1885; Mar. and June, 1886 Quarterly Four-weekly Four-weekly Monthly Private treaty. Greymouth Brunner Brunner Brunner Coal-shoot Stable-shed.. Stable-shed. . .. To use of Government line, as per agreement, dated August 24, 1887 Section No. Ill, Township of Taylorville Section No. 112, Township of Taylorville Section No. 110, Township of Taylorville Coal-shoots Yearly Weekly Weekly .. A. Matheson J. Wilson W. Dewson New Zealand Midland Railway Company £20 per annum 3s. a week Is. a week £1 per month .. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. l Brunner Oa. lr. Op. (more or less) Oa. lr. Op. Twenty-one years F. Kaye 9/1/88 £5 per annum.. Quarterly Public tender. Brunner Twenty-one years W. King 7/1/88 £4 per annum.. Quarterly Public tender. Brunner Oa. lr. Op. Twenty-one years J. Sarah 7/1/88 £4 per annum.. Quarterly Public tender. Greymouth J. Gilgour £14 per annum Quarterly, on 16th May, 16th Aug., 16th Nov., and 16th Feb. Quarterly Greymouth Coal-shoot No. 5, Grey Stationyard Coal-shoot No. 3, Greymouth Station Yearly J. MoGain 19/11/88 £14 per annum Private treaty. 1st mile Greymouth From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment J. McGain, coal-dealer, Greymouth 1/7/89 £20 per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty.

D.—l 4.

RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.


Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When pay-able. (In advance.) How let. g: .EYMOUTH SEOTION— continued. 3rd mile .. .. I Kaiata Railway land near Kaiata .. I la. Or. Op. Six years .. .. .. L. Morgan 1/10/89 £1 15s. per an-Half-yearly Private treaty. 2nd mile 2nd mile 1st and 2nd miles Omotu Omotu Omotu Railway reserve at Omotu Railway reserve at Omotu Railway reserve near Omotu .. la. 3r. Op. Oa. 2r. Op. 4a. Or. 17p. Seven years .. .. G. S. Smith Seven years .. .. E. Wicks Seven years .. .. D. McKendry.. 1/1/90 1/4/90 1/4/90 num £1 per annum.. £4per annum.. £2 per annum Yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly Private treaty. Publio tender. Public tender. 2nd mile Omotu Railway reserve near Omotu .. 2a. lr. lip. Seven years .. .. J. A. Hiller 1/4/90 £3 12s. 6d. per annum £3 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 7th mile Wallsend Section 111, Town of Taylorville 0a. lr. Op. Prom year to year; termin- F. Kaye, miner, Taylorable on three months' ville notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment From year to year; termin- A. Matheson, coal-dealer, able on three months' of Grej 7 mouth notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment 1/1/91 Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 1st mile Greymouth Coal-shoot No. 1, Greymouth 20ft. x 28ft. 1/1/92 £20 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Main line — ■ 59th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 1 and 2, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 8, 9, and 10, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 2, Tinwald Station Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 1 and 2, Rakaia Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Southbrook Station Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 1 and 2, Southbridge Station Part of Reserve 1301, Kirwee.. HURUNUI -BLUFF SECTION. Half-yearly 59th mile 61st mile 42nd mile North line, 17th mile Ashburton Tinwald Rakaia Southbrook 80ft. x 80ft. 120ft. x 80ft. 40ft. x 45ft. 50ft. frontage each site 40ft. frontage Indefinite ; terminable on Matson, Cox, and Co. .. one month's notice Indefinite ; terminable on Poyntz and Ferriman .. one month's notice Indefinite; terminable on J. Clark twenty- one days' notice Indefinite; terminable on W. Montgomery and Co. twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; terminable on J. Withers twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on William White, jun. .. three months' notice Indefinite ; terminable at Selwyn County Counoil six months' notice Ten years .. .. W. A. Benn Indefinite ; terminable at T. G. Du Gard three months' notice 8/10/80 20/11/80 30/12/77 29/5/82 1/5/79 £20 per annum £30 per annum £10 per annum £25 per annum £10 per annum Half-yearly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Southbridge Branch, 26th mile Malvern Branch, 11th mile North line, 49th mile Main line, 225th mile Southbridge .. 80ft. x 30ft. 9/4/77 £16 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Kirwee 4a. lr. lOp. 1/3/83 £3 10s. per annum £20 per annum £2 per annum Yearly Private treaty. Waikari Mihiwaka Store-site No. 1, Waikari Station Part of Sections 18 and 19, Block IV., North Harbour and Blueskin District Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, Waimate Station 0a. Or. 9_p. 4a. Or. Op. 1/2/83 1/3/83 Quarterly Half-yearly Publio auction. Private treaty. Waimate Branch, 5th mile North line — 19th mile Waimate 160ft. frontage Indefinite ; terminable on A. Hayes twenty-one days' notice 20/9/82 £40 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Rangiora Coal- and Timber-site No. 3, Rangiora Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Kaiapoi Station 60ft. x 30ft. Indefinite ; terminable on F. Stevens twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on J. Sims twenty-one days' notice 1/2/78 £15 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 12th mile Kaiapoi 40ft. x 60ft. 24/8/79 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty.


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12th mile Kaiapoi Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 2 and 3, Kaiapoi Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 4, Kaiapoi Station Coal- and timber -site, Waimate Station Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 41 and 42, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Amberley Station 80ft. frontage Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice J. Sims 24/5/78 £20 per annum Quarterly Private treat; 12th mile Kaiapoi 40ft. x 60ft. T. Drabble 24/5/78 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treat; Waimate Branch, 5th mile Main line, 59th mile .. Waimate Ashburton 50ft. x 50ft. A. Hayes Tucker and Restell 11/4/81 £12 10s. per annum £20 per annum Quarterly Private treat; 80ft. frontage 26/4/81 Quarterly Private treat; North line, 33rd mile.. Amberley 50ft. _ 46ft. C. B. Mason 1/8/81 £12 10s. per annum Quarterly Private treat; Main line — 59th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 48, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 4 and 5, Tinwald Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 2, Rangiora Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 31, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 21 and 22, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 19 and 20, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 30, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 18, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 7, Leeston Station 42ft. frontage Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Twenty-one years; terminable on three months' notice Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Matson, Cox, and Co. .. 9/8/81 £10 10s. per annum £40 per annum Quarterly Private treat; Cist mile Tinwald 80ft. frontage Friedlander Brothers .. 19/2/79 Quarterly Private treat; North line, 19th mile.. Main line — 59th mile Rangiora 60ft. x 30ft. W. A. Burt 1/2/81 £15 per annum Quarterly Private treat; Ashburton 40ft. frontage J. Clark 2/12/81 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treat; 60th mile Ashburton 80ft. frontage Friedlander Brothers .. 2/1/82 £20 per annum Quarterly Private treat; 60th mile Ashburton 80ft. frontage Friedlander Brothers .. 20/3/82 £20 per annum Quarterly Private treat; 59th mile Ashburton 40ft. frontage R. S. Bean 18/4/82 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treat; 60th mile Ashburton 40ft. frontage J. C. Duncan .. 19/4/82 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treat} Southbridge Branch, 22nd mile Main line — 59th mile Leeston 50ft. frontage J. H. Doyle 6/6/82 £12 10s. per annum Quarterly Private treat} Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 14, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 32, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 49, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 47, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 9, Kaiapoi Station 290ft. frontage Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Tucker, Restell, and Co. 3/6/82 £72 10s. per annum £5 per annum Quarterly Private treat} 59th mile Ashburton 20ft. frontage J. Clark 23/6/82 Quarterly Private treat} 59th mile Ashburton 40ft. frontage Nelson and Co. 26/6/82 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treat} 59th mile Ashburton 16ft.~ frontage Matson, Cox, and Co. .. 28/6/82 £4 per annum.. Quarterly • Private treat} North line, 12th mile.. Kaiapoi 40ft. frontage Robins and Day 12/8/82 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treat; Main line — 59th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 40, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 17, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 6, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 5, Cust Station 40ft. frontage Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notico Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Tucker, Restell, and Co. 24/8/82 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treat; 60th mile Ashburton 40ft. frontage A. Tapper 1/11/82 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treat; 59th mile .. Ashburton 30ft. frontage F. Pavitt 6/12/82 £7 10s. per annum £12 10s. per anQuarterly Private treat; Rangiora-Oxf ord Branch, 12th mile Main line — 49th mile Cust .. 50ft. frontage G. F. Sweetland 11/12/82 num Quarterly Private treat; Waikari Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 1 . and 2, Waikari Station Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 11 and 12, Ashburton Station 80ft. x 40ft. Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Thomas and Hill 1/1/83 £20 per annum Quarterly Private treat; 59th mile Ashburton 80ft. frontage J. S. Houston.. 1/5/83 £20 per annum Quarterly Private treat 1

D.—l 4


RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HUR" JNUI-BLUPF SECTION— c< mtinued. Main line, 59th mile .. Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 13, Ashburton Station 20ft. frontage Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice J. S. Houston.. 1/1/83 £5 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty. North line— 33rd mile .. Amberley Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 2 and 3, Amberley Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 3, Waikari Station 100ft. frontage Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice C. B. Mason .. 1/1/83 £25 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 49th mile Waikari .. 40ft. x 40ft. W. Vaughan 1/1/83 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Main line — 59th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 39, Ashburton Station 14ft. frontage Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) W. A. Burt 8/3/83 £3 10s. per annum Quarterly Private treaty. North line — 19th mile .. Rangiora Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Rangiora Station 60ft. x 30ft. Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice 1/4/83 £15 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Main line — 59th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 44, Ashburton Station Refreshment-rooms, Christchurch Station Refreshment-rooms, Ashburton Station Refreshment- rooms, Studholme Junction Refreshment-rooms, Oamaru Station Refreshment-rooms, Palmerston Station Right of selling fruit, Gore Station Site for refreshment-rooms, Clinton Station Site for a bookstall, Christchurch Station Old tarpaulin - shed at Port Chalmers 30ft. frontage Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice One year eleven months A. Roberts 15/4/83 £7 10s. per annum £276 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 7th mile Christchurch .. C. Goldstone .. 1/2/82 Half-yearly Publio tender. 59th mile Ashburton One year eleven months T. Quill 1/2/82 £185 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 131st mile Studholme Junction Oamaru One j-ear eleven months M. Sherwin 1/2/82 £80 12s. per annum £400 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 158th mile Two years seven months and seven days One year seven months and twenty-eight days One year; terminable on one month's notice Indefinite; terminable on fourteen days' notice Two years J. Morton 25/5/81 Half-yearly Public tender. 196th mile Palmerston Jane Mary Duncan 4/5/82 £250 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 338th mile Gore B. O'Neill 1/4/83 £15 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 310th mile Clinton 69ft. ' x 37ft. 9in. A. W. Geddes.. 1/3/80 £5 19s. 8d. per fortnight £101 per annum Fortnightly Public tender. 7th mile Port Chalmers — 2nd mile Christchurch .. .. H. Message 1/1/82 Quarterly Public tender. Private treaty. Port Chalmers Lower Station Indefinite; terminable on one month's notice W. Elder 1/4/81 £20 per annum Half-yearly Main line — 59th mile Ashburton Site for a bookstall, Ashburton Station Site for a bookstall, Dunedin Station Refreshment -rooms, Dunedin Station A strip of railway reserve between road at 135 miles 41 chains and Waihao Station, west side of line; 1 chain wide ; for a road Two years C. Hay 1/1/82 £10 per annum Quarterly Publio tender. 236th mile Dunedin Two years R. J. Gairdner 1/1/82 £115 10s. per annum £33 6s. 8d. per month Nil .. Quarterly Public tender. 236th mile Dunedin Indefinite ; terminable at one month's notice Indefinite period G. Winford Hunter 1/2/82 Monthly .. Private treaty. 136th and 137th miles Waihao About 1 mile long Formerly Waimate Road Board, now Waimate County Council 20/8/77 Private treaty.


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137th, 13Sth, and 139th miles North line — 19th mile 19th mile 19th mile.. 19th mile Waihao Rangiora Rangiora Rangiora Rangiora A strip of railway reserve between Waihao Station and south end of Railway Reserve 19739, west side of line; 1 chain wide ; for a road Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Rangiora Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 2, Rangiora Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 3, Rangiora Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 4, Rangiora Station Sections 330, 331, and 92 to 101 inclusive, Town of Ashley Part Rural Section 453, Fendalton Part Rural Section 10400, Oxford District Right-of-way at Crichton Station Site for an office at Port Chalmers Lower Station About 1 mile 74 chains in length 60ft. frontage 60ft. frontage 60ft. frontage 60ft. frontago Indefinite period Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Five years; terminable at three months' notice Indefinite ; terminable at three months' notice Indefinite ; terminable at three months' notice Indefinite; terminable at any time Three years; and after that from year to year, terminable on three months' notice From year to year; terminable at any time on twentyone days' notice Seven years Waimate County Council W. A. Burt, Rangiora .. W. A. Burt, Rangiora .. A. Barrell and R. Miles, Rangiora F. Stevens, Rangiora .. 2/9/78 1/10/83 1/8/83 9/7/83 1/8/83 Nil .. £15 per annum £15 per annum £15 per annum £15 per annum Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 21st mile Ashley 3a. Or. Op. Bryan Flynn 16/11/82 £3 10s. per an-Half-yearly Private treaty. 3rd mile Papanui la. Or. Op. James Craw 1/2/83 num £1 per annum Yearly Private treaty. Rangiora and Oxford Branch, 21st mile Main line, 278th mile East Oxford .. 8a. lr. Ip. Diedrich Zweibruck 1/1/83 £5 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Crichton Robert Bowie 6/2/83 10s. per annum Yearly Private treaty. Port Chalmers Branch, 2nd mile Port Chalmers Lower 476 sq. ft. Union Steamship Company of New Zealand 1/4/83 £20 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. Main line — 241st mile.. Burnside Coal-site at Burnside Station.. 680 sq. ft. H. Driver, merchant, Dunedin 1/7/83 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 336th mile 336th mile 336th mile 59th mile 59th mile Gore Gore Gore Ashburton Ashburton Part of railway reserve, Town of Gore Part of railway reserve, Town of Gore Part of railway reserve, Town of Gore Coal- and Timber- sites Nos. 3 and 4, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 6, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 7, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 16, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Methven Station 0a. Or. 5p. 0a. Or. 5p. 0a. Or. 5p. 80ft. frontage 30ft. frontage Seven years Seven years Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice D. Ferguson, tinsmith, of Gore Carl Hagen, photographer, Gore P. Calder, draper, Gore A. Hayes, timber merchant, Ashburton A. Hayes, timber merchant, Ashburton A. Hayes, timber merchant, Ashburton A. Tapper, timber merchant, Invercargill J. Scrimgeour, builder, &c, Methven 1/8/83 1/7/83 1/8/83 8/7/83 6/9/83 £11 5s. per annum £11 5s. per annum £11 5s. per annum £20 per annum £7 10s. per annum £10 per annum Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 59th mile Ashburton 40ft. frontage 22/8/83 Quarterly Private treaty. 60th mile Ashburton 40ft. frontage 1/8/83 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Branch, 23rd mile Main line — 336th mile Methven 40ft. frontage 17/5/83 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Gore Part of railway reserve, Town of Gore Part of railway reserve, Town of Gore Part of railway reserve, Town of Gore Part of railway reserve, Town of Gore 0a. Or. 5p. Seven years John O'Mara, labourer, Gore J. Simson Simson, auctioneer, Gore A. Lakeman, fruiterer, Gore E. Christensen, sailmaker, Gore £11 5s. per annum £15 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 1/7/83 336th mile Gore 0a. Or. 7p. Seven years 1/7/83 Quarterly Private treaty. 336th mile Gore 0a. Or. 7p. Seven years 1/7/83 £15 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 336th mile Gore .. 0a. Or. 5p. Seven years 1/7/83 £11 5s. per annum Quarterly Private treaty.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. URUNUI-BLUFF SECTION— continued. Makarewa-Orepuki Branch, 23rd mile Main line — 336th mile Colao Right to cut firewood on Section 13, gravel reserve, Colac Bay Part of railway reserve, Town of Gore Part of railway reserve, abutting on Pre-emptive Right 217 and Rural Sections 7058 and 4962; 1 chain wide; for a road Part of railway reserve, Town of Gore Indefinite; terminable at any G. Howell, farmer, Rivertime on one month's notice ton 21/6/83 2s. per cord of wood Private treaty. Gore 0a. Or. 5p. Seven years .. .. Elizabeth Robins, widow, Gore Indefinite period .. .. Courtenay Road Board 1/7/83 £11 5s. per anQuarterly Private treaty. 19th and 20th miles Weedon's 8a. Or. Op. 25/6/83 num Nil .. Private treaty. 336th mile Gore 0a. Or. 5p. Seven years .. .. J. Blanch, bootmaker, Gore 1/7/83 £11 5s. per annum Quarterly Private treaty. North line — 22nd mile Ashley Part of Rural Section 1996, Ashley Part of Railway Conservation Reserve 1920, south branch of River Kowai Part of Rural Section 1179, Rangiora la. 2r. 34p. Three years .. .. P. Ellmars 22/4/83 £2 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. 29th mile Balcairn 32a. Or. Op. Three years .. .. W. C. Fendall, farmer, Balcairn 1/3/83 £3 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. 20th mile Rangiora 3a. 2r. 39p. One year .. .. .. W. McNamara 16/4/83 £3 per annum.. Private treaty. Port Chalmers Branch — 1st mile Sawyer's Bay.. Railway land between main line and Port Chalmers Branch, near Mussel Bay Office-site on Port Chalmers Station- ground la. lr. Op. From week to week; termin- T. Gustey, platelayer, able on one week's notice Sawyer's Bay 2/4/83 Is. a week Weekly .. Private treaty. 2nd mile .. .. Port Chalmers Lower Station 27ft. x 16Jft. (445 sq. ft.) Three years, and after that Shaw-Savill and Albion from year to year; termin- Company (Limited) able on three months' notice Three years, and after that New Zealand Shipping from year to year; termin- Company able on three months' notice Ten years .. .. W. Vaughan, merchant, Sefton Four years and nine days .. J. Hooper Glasson 1/4/83 £20 per annum Half-yearly Public auction. ! 2nd mile Port Chalmers Lower Station Office site on Port Chalmers Station-ground 27ft. x 16Jft. (445 sq. ft.) 1/4/83 £20 per annum Half-yearly Public auction. North line, 49th mile.. Waikari Store-site No. 2, Waikari Station Refreshment -rooms, Timaru Station Railway land near Mussel Bay 0a. Or. 9£p. 1/2/83 £20 per annum Quarterly Public auction. Main line, 106th mile Timaru 500 sq. links 23/12/79 £251 10s. 6d. per Half-yearly Public auction. Port Chalmers Branch, 1st mile North line, 20th mile.. Sawyer's Bay.. la. lr. Op. Week to week; terminable T. Gustey on one week's notice 2/4/83 annum Is. a week Weekly .. Private treaty. Rangiora Part of Rural Section 1179, Rangiora 3a. 2r. 39p. One year .. .. .. W. McNamara 16/4/83 £3 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. Main line — 364th mile Woodlands Right-of-way for tramway at Woodlands Part Sections 14 and 15, Block I., Reidston Store-sites Nos. 1 and 2, Rakaia Station Indefinite ; terminable at W. Conyers three months' notice Indefinite ; terminable at J. Menzies twenty-one days' notice Ten years .. .. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company 13/2/83 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. 166th mile Maheno 0a. Or. 34p. 1/2/83 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. 42nd mile Rakaia 0a. Or. 37p. 1/1/83 £40 per annum Half-yearly Public auction.


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North line — 18th mile Southbrook Part of Rural Section 386, Southbrook 7a. 3r. Op. Indefinite; terminable at one month's notice J. Kennedy 1/1/83 £3 first year, £5 thereafter Yearly Public tender. 35th mile Greeney's Road Part of Railway Reserve 1675, Kowai District Part of Railway Reserve 1920, South Branch of River Kowai Coal-site, Ashley Station 146a. 3r. 27p. Three years Rees Griffiths.. 22/1/83 £22 10s.; per annum £3 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty. 29th mile Balcairn 32a. Or. Op. Three years W. C. Fendall 1/3/83 Yearly Private treaty. 21st mile Main line — 59th mile Ashley 80ft. x 60ft. Indefinite ; terminable on three months' notice Indefinite; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Indefinite period W.Wilson. .. 1/5/78 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. Ashburton Coal-site No. 5, Ashburton Station A strip of railway reserve from the north end of Rural Section 19580 to road forming the north boundary- of Reserve 1815, west side of line ; 1 chain wide ; for a road A strip of railway reserve extending along the western boundary of Rural Section 18233, east side of line; 75 links wide ; for a road Bookstall, Christchurch Station 20ft. frontage A. Hayes 8/12/82 £5 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty. 139th and 140th miles Waihao About threequarters of a mile in length Waimate County Council 1/1/80 Nil .. Private treaty. 138 th mile Waihao About 16ch. in length Indefinite period Waimate County Council 1/1/80 Nil Private treaty. 7th mile Christchurch .. Two years Whitcombe and Tombs (Limited) George Donne 1/1/84 £75 per annum Quarterly Public auction. Right of advertising, AmberleyBluff and branches Four years 1/1/81 12s. per mile ; extensions, 5s. per mile £11 5s. per annum £8 per annum.. Half-yearly 336th mile Gore Lot 14, railway reserve, Gore .. 0a. Or. 5p. Six years and three months H. L. Mansford 1/6/84 Quarterly Private treaty. Southbridge Bran»h, 26th mile Southbridge .. Coal- and timber-site, Southbridge 40ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Six years and two months .. L. V. Desborough 9/7/84 Quarterly Private treaty. Main line, 336th mile.. Gore Lot 15, railway reserve, Gore .. 0a. Or. 5p. E. Kemp McLiskey 1/7/84 £11 5s. per annum £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. North line, 12th line .. Kaiapoi Coal- and Timber-site No. 9, Kaiapoi Station 40ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on twenty-one days' notice From year to year; terminable on twenty-one days' notice F. Robins 1/7/84 Quarterly Private treaty. Main line, 60th mile .. Ashburton Coal- and Timber- sites Nos. 15 and 20, Ashburton No. 15, 30ft. frontage; No. 20,40ft. frontage 200 links frontA. Tapper 1/7/84 £17 10s. per annum Quarterly Private treaty, Tapanui Branch, 21st mile Main line — 123rd mile Heriot Site No. 2, Heriot Station age From year to year; terminable on twenty-one days' notice Seven years A. Tapper 1/7/84 £17 10s. per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. Makikihi Part of Reserve 676, Makikihi Lot 16, railway reserve, Gore .. 10a. Or. Op. William Quinn 15/4/84 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. 336th mile G ore 0a. Or. 5p. Six years and two months .. A. B. Tuson 1/7/84 £11 5s. per annum £9 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty. 150th mile North line — 17th mile Hilderthorpe .. Part of Section 58, Block IV., Papakaio District Coal- and Timber-site No. 3, Southbrook 35a. Or. 3p. Seven years J. Heavey 1/7/84 Half-yearly Private treaty. Southbrook .. 40ft. x 40ft. From year to year; terminable at any time by twentyone days' notice J. Withers 1/8/84 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. W T hen payable. (In advance.) How let. HUI JNUI-BLUFF SECTION— ci ntinued. North line, 12th mile.. Main line, 168th mile.. Kaiapoi Maheno Reserve 1283, near Kaiapoi .. Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Maheno 25a. Or. Op. 30ft. x 20ft. Five years From year to year; terminable at any time by twentyone days' notice J. Andrew D. M. Fea .. 1/7/84 31/7/84 £3 3s. per annum £5 per annum.. Half-yearly Half-yearly Private treat} Private treat; North line — ■ 19th mile Rangiora Coal- and Timber-site No. 5, Rangiora Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 6, Rangiora Station Part of railway reserve abutting on Rural Sections 18762 and 19183; 50 links wide; for a road Part of Railway Conservation Reserve 1925, Rangitata 60ft. frontage Indefinite ; twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; twenty-one days' notice Indefinite F. Stevens, of Rangiora 1/7/83 £15 per annum Quarterly Private treat; 19th mile Rangiora 60ft. frontage F. Stevens, of Rangiora 1/7/83 £15 per annum Quarterly Private treat} Malvern Branch, 11th to 12th mile Kirwee 5a. Or. Op. Courtenay Road Board 25/8/83 Nil .. Private treat; Main line — 80th mile Ran gitata Island 3,300a. Or. Op. Seven years; terminable after three years by twelve months' notice Trustees in the estate of the late W. K. McDonald J. Baker, Dunedin, watchmaker William Snow 1/2/83 £180 per annum Quarterly Public auctioi 336th mile Gore Part railway reserve, Lot 11, Town of Gore Coal- and timber-site, Outram Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 7, Rangiora Station 0a. Or. 5p. Seven years 1/9/83 £11 15s. per anQuarterly Private treat; Outram Branch, 9th mile North line, 19th mile Outram 0a. Or. 4Jp. Indefinite; twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; twenty-one days' notice 1/10/83 num £1 per annum.. Quarterly Private treat; Rangiora 60ft. frontage J. Smith 5/9/83 £15 per annum Quarterly Private treat; Main line — 213th mile Seacliff Part of Section 34, Block III., Waikouaiti District Part of railway reserve, Lot 10, Town of Gore Privilege of laying a tramway on the railway reserve at Pukerau Site for an office, Bluff Station 0a. Or. 29p. Twenty-one years T. Smith 1/8/83 One peppercorn per annum £11 5s. per annum £1 per annum.. Private treat; 336th mile Gore 0a. Or. 5p. Seven years G. Eldred 1/9/83 Quarterly Private treat; 327th to 328th mile.. Pukerau About 3Sch. in length Indefinite; three months' nonotice P. and J. McKenzie 1/10/83 Yearly Private treat; 392nd mile Bluff 0a. Or. 5Jp. Indefinite; twelve months' notice Indefinite Bluff Harbour Board .. 1/9/83 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treat; Malvern Branch, 11th to 12th mile Kirwee Part of railway reserve abutting on Rural Sections 14770 and 19184 ; 50 links wide; for a road Part of railway reserve, Mataura Station Part of railway reserve, Block VII., Waipahi District 5a. Or. Op. Courtenay Road Board.. 2/11/78 Nil .. Private treat; Main line — 343rd mile Mataura 0a. Or. lip. Indefinite; three months' notice Fourteen years; subject, af ter the expiration of seven years, to twelve months' notice W. Woods 1/11/83 £1 per annum Yearly Private treat; 320th to 321st mile Waipahi 39a. lr. Op. W. Cawthorn 1/11/83 £13 4s. 9d. per annum Half-yearly Public auctioi 238th mile Caversham Part of Section 10, Block VI., Town District Coal- and timber-site, Kelso Station 0a. Or. 20p. Royse, Stead, and Co., Christchurch McCallum and Co. 1/11/83 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treat; Tapanui Branch, 16th mile Kelso 0a. Or. 5Jp. Seven years; three months' notice Indefinite; twenty-one days' notice 1/11/83 £15 per annum Quarterly Private treat;

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Main line — 196th mile Palmerston Part of Sections 6, 11, and 12, Block XXXI., Town of Palmerston Part of Section 17, Block VI., Hawkesbury District Parts of Rural Sections 19 and 104, Heathcote Valley, subject to right-of-way Bookstall, Timaru Station 0a. 2r. Op. Indefinite ; twenty-four hours' notice R. Hislop 1/12/83 5s. per annum Yearly Pr ivate treaty. CT. 204th mile Waikouaiti la. 3r. Op. Indefinite; three months' notice Indefinite; three months' notice J. Johnston, Waikouaiti 1/12/83 £1 per annum Yearly Private treaty. I 3rd mile .. I Heathcote 10a. 3r. 38p. T. Curties ... 12/11/83 £5 10s. per anQuarterly Private treaty. num _- . 106th mile Timaru Two years and five months.. P. W. Hutton 1/8/83 (deed dated 21/12/83) £10,first5m'ths; thereafter £30 per annum Quarterly Public tender. _*" North line — 14th mile Kaiapoi Railway land, north branch of Waimakariri River Coal- and Timber-site No. 9, Waikari Station Reserve 267, Selwyn Coal- and Timber-site No. 6, Waikari Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 8, Waimate Station Parts of Rural Sections 321 and 365, Kaiapoi 0a. 2r. 14p. Five years; six months' notice R. J. Pickering 1/1/84 j £3 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. 49th mile Waikari 40ft. x 40ft. Indefinite ; twenty-one days' notice Five years .. .. ' Indefinite ; twenty one days' notice Indefinite ; twenty-one days' notice Indefinite; three months' notice W. Vaughan, Sefton .. 1/12/83 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Main line, 30th mile .. North line, 49th mile.. Dunsandel Waikari 40a. Or. Op. 40ft. x 40ft. F. Wright C. Blake, Amberley 1/12/83 1/12/83 £3 per annum.. £10 per annum Yearly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Waimate Branch, 5th mile North line, 13th mile.. Waimate Kaiapoi 40ft. frontage la. 2r. lOp. R. Campbell .. 1/1/84 £10 per annum £1 10s. per anQuarterly Half-yearly Private treaty. T. F. Foulkes 1/2/84 Private treaty. Main line — 375th mile num Invercargill Warehouse, Invercargill Station 200ft. x 50ft. Seven years, with option of determining lease at end of three years or five years, by giving twenty-one days' notice Indefinite ; three months' notice Year to year; twenty-one days' notice Year to year; twenty-one days' notice British and New Zealand Mercantile and Agency Company (Limited) 1/2/84 £285 first three years, £356 5s. next two years, £427 10s. last two years £5 5s. per annum £10 per annum Quarterly Publicauction. 90th mile Temuka Part of Reserve 881, between Opihi and Temuka River Coal- and Timber-site No. 19, Ashburton Station Site No. 6, Rakaia Station 13a. 2r. 25p. Martin Connolly, Temuka 1/1/84 Half-yearly Private treaty. 60th mile Ashburton 40ft. frontage A. Tapper, Invercargill.. 1/2/84 Quarterly Private treaty. 42nd mile Rakaia 50ft. frontage New Zealand Grain Agency and Mercantile Company (Limited) W. Howell .. 1/2/84 £12 10s. per anQ uarterly Private treaty. num North line, 3rd mile .. Papanui Part of Rural Section 453, near Papanui Part of Sections 3 and 5, Block I., Moeraki District Part of Rural Sections 589 and 811, near Chaney's 0a. Or. 14p. Year to year; three months' notice Six years and six months .. 1/1/84 5s. per annum Yearly Private treaty. Main lino, 182nd mile Hampden 46a. 3r. 16p. N. Mortimer .. 1/1/84 | £29 12s. per annum £6 per annum.. Half-yearly-Publicauction. North line, 8th mile ... Chaney's 10a. Or. Op. Seven years E. R. Wilson, Styx 1/1/84 Half-yearly Private treaty. Main line — 7th mile 59th mile 106th mile 158th mile 196th mile North line, 49th mile.. Christchurch .. ' Ashburton Timaru Oamaru Palmerston Waikari Refreshment-rooms Refreshment-rooms Refreshment-rooms Refreshment-rooms Refreshment-rooms Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 1 and 2, Waikari Station Three years Three years Three years Three years Three years Year to year; twenty-one days' notice H. S. Drummond T. Quill D. McGuinness L. Morton W. Blackley C. B. Mason, Amberley 1/1/84 1/1/84 1/1/84 1/1/84 1/1/84 1/1/84 £365 per annum £201 per annum £350 per annum £120 per annum £160 per annum £20 per annum Half-yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly Quarterly Publio tender. Public tender. Public tender. Public tender. Public tender. Private treaty. 80ft. x 40ft. Main line — 59th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 29, Ashburton Station 40ft. frontage Year to year; twenty- one days' notico R. S. Bean .. 1/3/84 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty.

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RETURN of Propebty occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease, Bental. When payable. (in advance.) How let. HUB' JNUI-BLUFF SECTION— ci mtinued. Main line, 336th mile Gore.. Store site, Gore Station Oa. 2r. 2p. Three years' lease; may be continued at the end of three years; one month's notice Seven years J. Murdoch, jun., Invercargill 1/3/84 £35 per annum QuarterlyPublic auction. North line, 7th mile .. Main line — 59th mile Belfast Part Rural Section 243a 4a. 2r. Op. J. Davis, Styx 1/1/84 £1 10s. per annum £20 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. Ashburton Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 8 and 9, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 10, Ashburton Station Lot 12, railway reserve, Gore.. 80ft. frontage Year to year; twenty-one days' notice Year to year ; twenty - one days' notice Six years and five months .. A. Hayes 17/3/84 Quarterly Private treaty. 55th mile Ashburton 40ft. frontage A. Hayes 17/3/84 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 336th mile Gore .. 0a. Or. 5p. W. Boyne 1/4/84 £11 5s. per annum £115 per annum £11 5s. per annum £12 10s. per anQuarterly Private treaty. 236th mile 336th mile Dunedin Gore .. Bookstall, Dunedin Station .. Lot 13, part railway reserve, Town of Gore Site No. 3, Leeston Station .. 0a. Or. 5p. Two years Six years and four months .. J. E. Bone J. Boyne 1/1/84 1/5/84 QuarterlyQuarterly Public tender. Private treaty. Southbridge Branch, 22nd mile Malvern Branch — 28th mile Leeston 50ft. frontage Year to year; three months' notice New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) A. Biggs, Springfield .. 1/4/84 num Quarterly Private treaty. Annat Part Railway Reserve No. 435, Kowai Survey District Part Railway Reserve No. 435, Kowai Survey District Privilege of right-of-way and gates, Makikihi Station Right-of-way through railway land, Caversham, from 238 miles 17 chains to 238 miles 28 chains Part of Sections 18 and 19, Block IV., North Harbour and Blueskin District Coal- and Timber-site No. 6, Amberley Station 10a. 2r. Op. Seven years 1/4/84 £2 12s. 6d. per annum £5 5s. per annum £1 per annum Half-yearly-Private treaty. 28th mile Main line — 124th mile Annat 21a. Or. Op. Seven j-ears P. Button 1/4/84 Half-yearly Private treaty. Makikihi Indefinite ; three months' notice Indefinite F. Simmons 29/4/84 Yearly Private treaty. 239th mile Caversham Caversham Borough Council 3/10/84 Nil Private treaty. 225th mile Mihiwaka 4a, Or. Op. Seven years ; six months' notice S. Jackson 1/5/84 £2 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. North line, 33rd mile.. Amberley 120ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice From year to year; terminable on twenty-one days' notice From year to year; terminable on one month's notice From year to year; terminable on three months' notice C. B. Mason, coal and timber merchant, Amberley C. Brown, coal and timber merchant, Ashburton Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Co. (Limited) T. Teschemaker, runholder, Otaio 1/8/84 £20 per annum Private treaty. Main line, 60th mile .. Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 27, Ashburton Station 40ft. frontage 1/9/84 £10 per annum Sept., Dec, March, and June Private treaty. North line, 12th mile.. Main line — 120th mile Kaiapoi Otaio Coal- and Timber-site No. 5, Kaiapoi Station Part of railway reserve at Otaio Station 40ft. x 60ft. la. lr. 7p. 15/9/84 1/7/84 £10 per annum One peppercorn per annum Sept., Dec, March, and June Private treaty. Private treaty; for use of settlers in the district for turning their horses in when travelling by train.


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206th mile Waikouaiti .. j Part of Sections 42, 44, and 45, Block II., Town of West Hawkesbury Part of railway reserve adjoining Lot 1, Town of Gore Refreshment-rooms, Studholme Junction Oa. lr. 22p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice Five years and nine months M. Green, platelayer, Waikouaiti 1/11/84 10s. per annum Yearly, in Nov. Private treaty. 330th mile Gore Oa. Cr. 2p. J. S. Simson, auctioneer, Gore J. Watkins 1/10/84 £4 10s. per Oct., Jan., April, and July Half-yearly Private treaty. 131st mile Studholme Junction One year and four months .. 1/9/84 annum £10 per annum Public tender ; for a tea-and coffee-room. Private treaty. 9th mile Addington Part of Rural Section 118, Addington A piece ' of railway land at Caversham Station, between Catherine and Goodall Streets Part of Railway Conservation Reserve 1920, south branch of River Kowai Right to cut firewood on Section 13, gravel reserve, Colac Bay la. Or. 16p. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice From year to year; terminable on one month's notice J. G. Ruddenklau, merchant, Addington J. Scott, labourer, Caversham 1/11/84 £3 per annum.. Nov. 239 th mile Caversham Oa. Or. 29p. 1/12/84 £ 1 10s. p e r annum Dee. and June Private treaty. North line, 29th mile.. Balcairn 7a. Or. Op. Five years John Lister, Balcairn .. 1/10/84 £2 per annum.. Oct. Private treaty. Makarewa-Orepuki Branch, 23rd mile Colac 21a, 2r. 30p. Indefinite; terminable on one month's notice F. Coorkin, farmer, Riverton 10/11/84 Royalty, 2s. per cord Private treaty. Main line — 336th mile Gore Lot 17, railway reserve, Town of Gore Part of railway reserve, north side of Makikihi River Oa. Or. 5p. Five years and nine months C. 0. Woodman, chemist and druggist, Gore H. Quinn, farmer, Makikihi 1/12/84 £11 5s. per annum £5 per annum.. Dec, March, June, and Sept. Jan. and July Private treaty. 123rd to 124th mile Makikihi 14a. 2r. Op. Prom year to year ; terminable on six months' notice 1/1/85 Private treaty. 321st mile Waipahi Part of railway reserve, Block VII., Waipahi District Part of Seotion 1, Block XIV., New River Hundred A piece of railway land near Otautau Advertising at stations, Huru-nui-BIufi and extensions, during currency of contract Portions of railway land at Woodlands Station, with right of laying two tramways Parts of Rural Sections 19 and 104, Heathcote Valley, subject to a right-of-way Part of Section 15, Block II., Aparima Hundred Lot 14, railway reserve, Town of Gore Coal- and Timber-site No. 6, Rangiora Station 25a. Or. Op. Ten years W. Cawthorn, storekeeper, Waipahi J. Grieve, farmer, Branxholme T.. Tangney, railway ganger, Otautau C. Colclough, Dunedin 1/1/85 £6 10s. per Jan. and July Private treaty. M a k a r e w a-0 r e p u k i Branch, 3rd mile Thornbury-Wairio Branch, 2nd mile Hurunui-Bluff and extensions Main line — 364th mile Branxholm 44a. Or. Op. Seven years 1/1/85 annum £20 per annum Jan. and July Public tender. Otautau 3a. 3r. lOp. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice Three years 1/1/85 £2 per annum Jan. and July Private treaty. 1/1/85 £755 per annum Jan. and July Public tender. Woodlands Oa. 3r. 2p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice H. Massey, gentleman, W'oodlands 1/1/85 £10 per annum Jan., April, July, and Oct. Private treaty. 3rd mile Heathcote 10a, 3r. 38p. Indefinite; terminable on three months' notice J. E. Hurdley, signalman, Heathcote Valley 12/2/85 £6 per annum Feb., May, Aug., and Nov. Private treaty. Thornbury-Wairio Branch, 13th mile Main line, 336th mile Otautau 7a. 3r. 18p. One year R. Cupples, farmer, Otautau C. 0. Woodman, chemist and druggist, Gore W. A. Burt, merchant, Rangiora 1/1/85 £5 16s. On acceptance of tender, Feb. March, June, Sept., and Dec. March, June, Sept., and Dec. Public tender. Gore Oa. Or. 5p. Five years and six months .. 1/3/85 £11 5s. per annum £15 per annum Private treaty. North line, 19th mile Rangiora 60ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on twenty-one days' notice From year to year; terminable on three months 'notice 1/3/85 Private treaty. Main line, 392nd mile Bluff A piece of railway land at Bluff Station, with right to erect a jetty to the boundary of the railway land Coal- and Timber-site No. 7, Rangiora Station Oa. Or. 4Jp. J. Hutton, fish-curer, Campbelltown 1/3/85 £15 per annum March and Sept. .. Private treaty. North line, 19th mile.. Rangiora 60ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on twenty-one days' notice J. Smith, coal and firewood merchant, Rangiora 1/3/85 £15 per annum March, June, Sept., and Dee. Private treaty.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HURUNUI -BLUFF SECTION— a •itinued. Main lino — 205th to 206th mile Waikouaiti Parts of Sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 47, 48, 49, and 50, Block IV., and part of Sections 27 and 28, Block VI., Town of West Hawkesbury Right-of-way from road-cross-ing at 118 miles 7 chains to Reserve 673, Otaio Part of railway land, Block X., Town of Hawkesbury la. 2r. 33p. From year to year; terminable at one month's notice W. McLean, settler, Waikouaiti 21/3/85 £2 5s. per annum March Private treaty. 119th mile Otaio Length about Indefinite; terminable on 9J chains, three months' notice 33ft. wide 0a. lr. 37p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice 80ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days 0a. lr. 19p. Twenty-one years Chairman of Board of Governors, Canterbury College S. Woolley, hotelkeeper, Waikouaiti 1/3/85 £1 per annum March Private treaty. 205th mile Waikouaiti 1/4/85 10s. per annum April Private treaty. 42nd mile Rakaia Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 1 and 2, Rakaia Station C. Tucker, timber merchant, Rakaia 1/3/85 £20 per annum March, June, Sept., and Dec. Private treaty. 392nd mile Blufi A piece of land at Bluff Station Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Company (Limited) 1/1/85 £15 per annum for first seven years, £20 for remainder £17 10s. per annum June and Dec. Private treaty. 60th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 15 and 16, Ashburton Station 70ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days 40ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days McCallum and Co., Ashburton 1/4/85 April, July, Oct., and Jan. Private treaty. 60th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 17, Ashburton Station McCallum and Co., Ashburton 1/4/85 £10 per annum April, July, Oct., and Jan. Private treaty, North line — 19th mile Rangiora Coal- and Timber-site No. 9, Rangiora Station 60ft. frontage From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days 60ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days 40ft. frontage From year to year ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice 40ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on twenty-one days' notice F. Stevens, carrier, Rangiora £15 per annum April, July, Oct., and Jan. Private treaty. 1/4/85 19th mile Rangiora Coal- and Timber-site No. 10, Rangiora Station F. Stevens, carrier, Rangiora 1/5/85 £15 per annum May, Aug.,Nov., and Feb. Prviate treaty, Main line, 59th mile .. Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 11, Ashburton Station Macpherson, Filmer, and Co., Ashburton 1/3/85 £10 per annum March, June, Sept., and Dec. Private treaty. Albury Branch, 36th mile Fairlie Creek .. Site No. 1, Fairlie Creek Station Macpherson, Filmer, and Co., Timaru 1/3/85 £12 per annum March and Sept. .. Private treaty, Main line — 239th mile Caversham A piece of land at Caversham Station 0a. Or. lip. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice W. Mclvor, carpenter, Caversham 1/5/85 10s. per annum May Private treaty.


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336th mile Gore Right of selling fruit on the platform at Gore Station Two years; subject to one month's notice M. Knowles, widow, Gore ore £1 per annum.. April and Oct. .pril Publictenderfor one year, from 1st April, 1884, and extended on same terms for another year by instructions of General Manager. Private treaty. 60th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 18, Ashburton Station 40ft. frontage From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days From year to year ; terminable on six months' notice McCallum and Co., Ashburton £10 per annum April, July, Oct., and Jan. 20/4/85 North line, 2nd mile .. Riccarton Part of Rural Section 80, Fendalton Oa. 2r. 2p. D. Maydwell, Pendalton 1/1/85 £1 10s. per annum Jan. Private treaty. Main line — 239th mile Caversham Part of Sections 23 and 26, Block VI., Town District Part of railway reserve between Winchester and Temuka Part of railway reserve near Dunsandel Part of railway reserve near Dunsandel Right to graze six head of cattle on the railway paddock, part of Rural Section 77, Heathcote Coal- and Timber-site No. 6, Rangiora Oa. lr. 28p. From year to year, terminable on three months' notice From year to year; terminable on three months' notice From year to year ; terminable on three months'notice One year J. Scott, labourer, Caversham T. Corcoran, Stationmaster, Winchester S. McGeorge, farmer, Dunsandel P. Kelly, farmer, Dunsandel P. Gilmore, Stationmaster, Heathcote 1/6/85 £1 per annum.. June Private treaty. 92nd, 93rd, and 94th miles 33rd and 34th miles Winchester 20a. 3r. 16p. 1/7/85 £3 13s. per annum £2 per annum.. July and Jan. Private treaty. Dunsandel 10a. Or. Op. 1/7/85 July Private treaty. 31st mile Dunsandel 3a. lr. 26p. 1/7/83 £2 .. July Private treaty. 3rd mile Heathcote 10a. 2r. 23p. Indefinite ; terminable on either side by two months' notice 1/7/85 £6 per annum.. Every two months.. Private treaty. North line, 19th mile.. Rangiora 60ft. frontage From year to year ; terminable on twenty-one days' notice From year to year; terminable on twenty-one days' notice W. Nicholls, mercantile agent, Rangiora 1/9/85 £15 per annum Sept., Dec, March, and June Private treaty. Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Railway, 23rd mile Main line — 90th and 91st miles.. Methven Coal- and timber-site, Methven Station 40ft. frontage C. Hardy and Co. (viz., G. A. C. Hardy and J. Orr), general merchants, Rakaia T. Corcoran, Stationmaster A. W. Ensor, stockowner, Winchester James Vickers 17/11/84 £10 per annum Nov., Feb., May, and Aug. Private treaty. Winchester .. Parts of railway land near Winchester Parts of railway land near Winchester Railway Reserve 1891, Timaru District 17a. lr. 30p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice From year to year ; terminable on six months' notice Seven years 1/7/85 £3 Is. per annum £1 10s. per anJuly and Jan. Private treaty. 91st mile Winchester 4a. 3r. 5p. 1/7/85 July Private treaty. Albury Branch, 15th mile Main line — 107th mile Sutherland's .. 3a. 2r. Op. 1/4/85 num £1 15s. per annum April Private treaty. Timaru Railway Reserve 750, Sections 78, 79, 80, and 81, Town of Timaru Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 1 and 2, Invercargill Stationyard la. 5r. 7p. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days Indefinite; terminable on three months' notice Davidson Bros. (J. Davidson and A. Davidson), carriers, Timaru C. Bastian, jun., coal merchant, Invercargill 1/7/85 £2 10s. per annum July and Jan. Private treaty. 375th mile Invercargill .. Each 150 links frontage 1/7/85 £10 per annum July, Oct., Jan., and April Private treaty. 166th mile' Teschemaker's Right-of-way under railway at lessee's quarry, near Reidston Supply of water from the railway water-service by Waterright No. 1, Clinton Station 6ft. wide W. II. Teschemaker, runholder, Taipo Hill 1/7/85 £1 per annum.. July Private treaty. 310th mile Clinton lin. pipe Indefinite; terminable on two months' notice D. McDonald, hotelkeeper, Clinton 1/6/85 Is. 6d. per 1,000 gallons; 15s. per annum for meter Rent for meter payable yearly Private treaty.



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage, Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HUR" .NUI-BLUFF SECTION— ct mtinued. I I Main line — 196th mile Palmerston .. Supply of water from the railway water-service by Waterright No. 1, Palmerston Station Part of railway reserve between Makikihi and Hook Rivers Jin. pipe Indefinite; terminable on two months' notice W. Fowler, millowner, Palmerston 1/7/85 Is. 6d. per 1,000 gallons; 15s. per annum for meter £2 3s. per annum Rent for meter payable yearly Private treaty. 126th to 127th mile Hook 16a. 2r. 19p. From year to year; terminable on six months' notice M. McGoverin and W. Johnston Hardie, Hook T. Lynskey, bailiff, Kaiapoi 1/7/85 Half-yearly Private treaty. North line, 13th mile.. Kaiapoi Part of Rural Sections 321 and 365, with part of old road, subject to right-of-way for existing footpath Part of Sections 110, 111, 112, Township of Mansford, Port Chalmers Bookstall, Invercargill la. 2r. Op. Three years 1/7/85 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. Main line, 228th line.. Port Chalmers Upper Oa. Or. 30p. Yearly; terminable on three months' notice H. Johnston, blacksmith, Port Chalmers 1/10/85 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct... Private treaty. Invercargill .. From 17th Sept., 1885, to 31st Dec, 1887 Yearly; terminable on three months' notice One year E. H. Whitmore 17/9/85 £10 per annum Quarterly Public tender. Tapanui Branch, 16th mile Main line, 121st to 122nd mile Kelso Otaio Part of railway land at Kelso Station Part of railway reserve between Otaio Station and Rural Section 6548 Part of Rural Section 13738, north branch of Waimakariri Oa. 2r. 35p. 27a. 3r. Op. W. Quinn, auctioneer, Tapanui H. Quinn, farmer, Makikihi 1/7/85 1/7/85 £5 per annum.. £3 .. Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. North line, 14th mile.. Kaiapoi 2a. lr. 36p. Indefinite period Rangiora and Mandeville Road Board 1/8/85 Nil .. Private treaty. Main line — 106th mile Timaru A piece of land at Timaru Station, near the breakwater 3a. Or. 30p. Indefinite period; subject to re-entry by Government at any time if required Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice Indefinite; terminable on two months' notice Timaru Harbour Board 31/7/85 Nil .. Private treaty. 59th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 12, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 43, Ashburton Station Supply of water from railway water-service by Water-right No. 2, Palmerston Station 40ft/ frontage Macpherson, Filmer, and Co., Ashburton Tucker and Restell, Ashburton W. Blackley, hotelkeeper, Palmerston 15/8/85 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 59th mile Ashburton 40ft. frontage 15/8/85 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 196th mile Palmerston Jin. pipe .. 1/9/85 Is. 6d. per 1000 gallons; 15s. per annum for meter £6 per annum.. Rent of meter payable yearly Private treaty. North line, 12th mile.. Kaiapoi Coal- and Timber-site No. 10, Kaiapoi Station 20ft. frontage Yearly; terminable on three months' notice G. E. Butt, marketgardener, Kaiapoi 1/10/85 Quarterly Private treaty. Main line — 327th to 328th mile Pukerau Privilege of laying a tramway on the railway reserve at Pukerau Part of Rural Section 118, Addington About 38oh. in length Indefinite period; terminable on three months' notice P. M. Dawson, storekeeper, Pukerau 1/10/85 £1 per annum.. Yearly, 1st Oct. Private treaty. 9th mile Addington la. Or. 16p. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice Z. Biddle, night-watch-man, Addington 1/11/85 £3 per annum.. Yearly, 1st Nov. .. Private treaty.


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Edendale andToitois Branch, 4th mile Main line — 157th mile Wyndham Oamaru (Town Belt) Ashburton Privilege of a gate in railway fence, at Wyndham Station 0a. lr. 15p. Indefinite; terminable on one month's notice W. Vallance and Co., W T yndham 10s. per annum £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 18th Nov. I Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Private treaty. 60th mile ., Part of Section 1, Block I., Oamaru Survey District Coal- and Timber-site No. 19, Ashburton Station Site for bookstall, Dunedin Station Piece of railway land at Caversham Station, between Catherine and Goodall Streets Piece of railway reserve between High Street and Hobson Street, Town of Waimate Site for bookstall, Christchurch Station Site for bookstall, Ashburton Station Part of Rural Section 271, Heathcote 40ft. frontage Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice Three years Ellen McNab, widow, Oamaru • McCallum and Co., Ashburton W. Gilmore, news-agent, Dunedin C. Williams, carrier, Caversham 1/1/86 1/1/86 £10 per annum Quarterly .. . Private treaty. 236th mile Dunedin 6ft. 4in. x 3ft. 9in. 0a. Or. 29p. 1/1/86 £95 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 239th mile Caversham Yearly ; terminable on one month's notice 1/1/86 £1 por annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. Waimate Branch, 4th mile Main line — 7th mile Waimate 2a. Or. 18p. Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice J. Ruby, Waimate 1/1/86 £1 10s. per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. Christchurch .. 8ft. _in. x 1ft. 6in. 8ft. 4in. x 2ft. Three years WTiitcombe and Tombs Company (Limited) C. Hay, Ashburton 1/1/86 £61 per annum Half-yearly-Public tender. 59th mile Ashburton Three years 1/1/86 £10 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 2nd mile Heathcote 0a. lr. 15p. Prom year to year; terminable on three months' notice Three years Heathcote Valley Public School Committee 1/1/86 Is. per annum.. When demanded .. I i Private treaty. 106th mile Timaru Site for bookstall, Timaru Station Supply of water from railway water-service by Water-right No. 3, Palmerston Station 9ft. x 3ft. 4in. P. W. Hutton, bookseller 1/1/86 £34 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. 196th mile Palmerston fin. pipe Indefinite ; terminable on two months' notice Palmerston School Committee 1/2/86 Is. 6d. per 1,000 gals.; 15s. per annum for meter £1 10s. per anRent for meter payable yearly Private treaty. 183rd mile Hill grove Part of Section 2 of 15, Block I., Moeraki District Part of Section 9, Block II., Aparima Hundred la. lr. Op. Yearly; terminable on one month's notice Yearly; terminable on one month's notice Mary Ann Lonnie, widow, Hillgrove D. Fraser, platelayer, Otautau 1/4/86 Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Thornbury and Wairio Branch, 12th mile Main line — 1st mile Otautau 2a. 2r. 8p. 1/4/86 num £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Lyttelton Part of railway reserve, Town of Lyttelton Section 303, with house thereon, South Rakaia Township Portions of railway land between Ashburton Bridge and Tinwald Part of Railway Conservation Reserve 1920, south branch of River Kowai Coal- and timber-site, Lincoln Station 0a. Or. 12p. One year R. Forbes, sailmaker, Lyttelton Police Department 1/2/86 £63 15s. Quarterly Extension of current lease. Private treaty. 42nd mile Rakaia 0a. lr. lip. Yearly, until further notice 1/4/86 £20 per annum Half-yearly 60th to 61st mile .. Tinwald 9a. lr. Op. Yearly; terminable on three months' notice C. Jephson, Road Board surveyor, Tinwald 1/4/86 £4 12s. per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. North line, 29th mile Balcairn 32a. Or. Op. Fourteen years; subject to six months' notice T. H. Evans, farmer, Balcairn 1/4/86 £3 per annum.. Yearly .. .. I Private treaty. Southbridge Branch, 8th mile Little River Branch — 23rd mile Lincoln Little River .. 40ft. frontage 150ft. frontage by 40ft. Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice W. Bartram and Co., coal and timber merchants Terawera Sawmill Company (Limited); agents, Johnston, Wood, and Co., Christchurch W. Coop, sawmiller, Little River Hannah Lovell, Gordon, near Gore 1/4/86 £5 per annum.. £18 15s. per annum Half-yearly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty. Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Little River Station Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice 1/4/86 23rd mile Little River .. Coal- and Timber-site No. 2, Little River Station Right of selling fruit on platform at Gore 50ft. frontage by 40ft. Yearly ; terminable on three months' notico One year; subject to one month's notice 1/4/86 £7 10s. per annum £25 10s. Quarterly Private treaty. Main line, 336th mile Gore 1/4/86 Half-yearly Public tender. I

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HUI UNUI-BLUFF SECTION— c< mtinued. Rangiora-Oxford Branch, 1st mile Rangiora Part of Rural Section 1696, Rangiora Survey District 0a. lr. 37p. Seven years; terminable on six months' notice C. Allington, labourer, Rangiora 1/4/86 £1 per annum Yearly Private treaty, Kingston Branch, 50th mile Port Chalmers Branch, 1st mile Lumsden Site for refreshment - stall, Lumsden Station Railway land between main line and Port Chalmers, near Mussel Bay Coal- and Timber-site No. 20, Ashburton Station Coal and Timber-site No. 9, Waikari Station 15ft. x 10ft. Indefinite; terminable on one month's notice Weekly ; terminable on one week's notice R. Brown, storekeeper, Lumsden D. Sweeney, platelayer, Sawyer's Bay 1/4/86 10s. a month .. Monthly .. Private treaty, Sawyer's Bay .. la. lr. Op. 14/6/86 Is. a week Weekly Private treaty. Main line, 60th mile .. Ashburton 40ft. frontage Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice Yearly ; terminable on three months' notice McCallum and Co., Ashburton J. G. S. Tonkin, coal and timber merchant, Waikari S. J. Loring, goods agent, New Zealand railways Friedlander and Co., Ashburton, merchants T. Caskey, Fairlie Creek, saddler Wood, Sinclair, and Co., Christchurch, merchants R. Duguid, Timaru 1/7/86 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. North line, 49th mile.. Waikari 40ft. x 40ft. 1/7/86 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Main line — 239th mile Caversham Railway land between Sydney and Laing Streets, Caversham Store-sites Nos. 5 and 6, Tinwald Station Parts of railway reserve at Eversley Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Southbridge Station 0a. lr. 31p. Yearly; terminable on one month's notice One year 1/7/86 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 61st mile Tinwald 80ft. frontage 1/4/87 £12 10s. Quarterly Private treaty. Albury Branch, 26th and 37th miles Southbridge Branch, 26th mile Main line — 98th to 100th mile .. Eversley 10a. Or. 32p. Year to year; six months' notice Year to year; twenty-one days' notice 1/4/87 £5 2s. per an-Half-yearly Public tender. Southbridge .. 40ft. frontage 9/4/87 num £8 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty. Seadown License to grow one season's crop on part of railwayreserve, between Arowhenua and Seadown Portions of railway reserve near Ashburton Station Portion of railway reserve in Waikouaiti Station-yard License to grow one season's crop on part of railway reserve between Seadown and Washdyke Part of railway reserve in Block V., Winton Hundred Piece of railway land, Waikouaiti Station Part of Reserve 413, Oxford Survey District Part of Rural Section 13, near City of Christchurch Railway Conservation Reserve 1921, River Ashley Coal- and Timber-site No. 4, Little River Station 20a. Or. lOp. From 1st March, 1887, till expiry of cropping-season 1887-88 1/3/87 £10 per annum 1st Jan., 1888 Private treaty. 59th mile Ashburton 4a. lr. 35p. Year to year; six months' notice Year to year; one month's notice Till expiry of cropping-season F. B. Brine, Ashburton, milkman W. C. Lankester, Waikouaiti, carrier H. Devine, Washdyke, farmer 1/1/87 £1 12s. per an-Half-yearly Private treaty. 1/1/87 num Yearly Private treaty. 205th mile Waikouaiti 0a. Or. 6p. £1 per annum.. 102nd to 103rd mile Washdyke 13a. lr. 29p. . 12/3/87 £7 per annum.. 1st Jan., 1888 Private treaty. Kingston Branch, 24th mile Main line, 205th mile Limehills 0a. 3r. 14p. Year to year; six months' notice Year to year; six months' notice Five years D. Breachloy, Limehills, publican P. Duncan, Waikouaiti, butcher A. Hight, Waddington, farmer T. McGarva, Foreman of Works, Christchurch G. S. Bartrum, Rangiora, farmer M. J. Joblin, Little River, farmer 1/4/87 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. Waikouaiti 0a. lr. 32p. 1/1/87 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. Oxford Branch, 33rd mile Main line, 6th mile .. Waddington .. Christchurch .. 6a. Or. 20p. 3a. Or. 5p. Year to year; one week's notice Seven years 1/1/87 1/1/87 £3 per annum.. £3 per annum.. Yearly Half-yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. North line, 20th to 21st mile Little River Branch, 23rd mile Ashley Little River .. 480a. Or. Op. 50ft. frontage Year to year ; three months' notice 1/1/87 1/1/87 £10 per annum £7 10s. per annum Half-yearly Quarterly Private treaty. Private treaty.


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Main line — 60th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 22, Ashburton Station Part of Rural Sections 19 and 104, Heathcote Piece of railway reserve in Block V., Tuapeka East Survey District 40ft. frontage Year to year ; three months' notice Year to year; one month's notice Three years H. Zander, Ashburton .. 1/1/87 £10 per annum Quarterly Private treaty 3rd mile I Lawrence Branch, 18th mile b • Main line — l—i 1st mile .. Heathcote Forsyth Lyttelton Part of Reserve 32, fronting Norwich Quay, Town of Lyttelton la. 2r. 36p. 6a. 3r. 29p. Oa. Or. 5-6p. Twenty- one years .. M. Kent, Heathcote, engineer Trustees of the estate of the late W. D. Morrison (J. Morrison and R. W. Stirling) Kinsey, Ward, and Co., Christchurch and Lyttelton, shipping agents L. Morton Mary Blackley J. Lawson H. S. Drummond W. Drummond Nightcaps Coal Company 1/1/87 1/1/87 1/2/87 £2 10s. per annum Is. per annum, if demanded £40 per annum Half-yearly Half-yearly Private treaty Private treaty. Publicauction 158th mile 196th mile 236th mile 7th mile 59th mile 375th mile Oamaru Palmerston .. Dunedin Christchurch .. Ashburton Invercargill .. Refreshment-rooms Refreshment-rooms Refreshment-rooms Refreshment-rooms .. Refreshment-rooms Liddel Street Coal-site No. 5, Invercargill Station Section 12 and part of 11, Block VI., Town of East Hawkesbury Section 27 and another piece of railway reserve, Block X., Waipahi Survey District Right to graze cattle over portion of railway reserve, Town of Balclutha Part of Sections 1, 2, and 3, Block VI., Town of Oamaru Piece of railway reserve in Block XIII., Waipahi Survey District Sections 25 and 26, Town of Timaru Coal- and Timber-site No. 10, Ashburton Station Part of Reserve No. 1332, near Darfield Three years Three years Three years Three years Three years Year to year; six months' notice Year to year; six months' notice 1/1/87 1/1/87 1/1/87 1/1/87 1/1/87 1/1/87 £100 per annum £182 per annum £421 per annum £506 per annum £265 per annum £10 per annum Half-yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly Quarterly Public tender. Public tender. Public tender. Public tender. Public tender. Private treaty, 205th mile Waikouaiti 67ft. frontage to siding Oa. lr. 14p. D. Shand, miller, Waikouaiti 1/1/87 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. 323rd to 324th mile.. Arthurton 28a. Or. Op. Five years ; three months' notice J. Guthrie and A. Phillips, Arthurton 1/1/87 £3 10s. per annum Half-yearly Private treaty288th mile Balclutha 40a. 2r. Op. (about) Indefinite; twelve months' notice Balclutha Borough Council 1/1/87 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty 159th mile Oamaru Oa. Or. 39£p. Fourteen years J. Broad, engine-driver, Oamaru J. F. Rowland, farmer, Arthurton 1/1/87 £1 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty 323rd mile Arthurton 20a. Or. Op. Five years; three months' notice 1/1/87 £2 10s. per an-Half-yearly Private treaty num 187th mile Timaru Oa. 2r. 13p. Twenty-one years J. Bruce and J. Drysdale, Timaru F. Z. D. Ferriman, Ashburton W. J. Gibbs, labourer, Darfield 1/1/87 £45 per annum Quarterly Publio tender 59th mile Ashburton 40ft. frontage One year only 1/1/87 £10 .. Quarterly Private treaty. Whitecliffs Branch, 1st mile Main line — 159th mile Darfield 2a. 2r. 4p. Five years 1/1/87 £1 10s. per an-Half-yearly Private treaty num Oamaru Part of Sections 6 and 7, Block XC, Town of Oamaru Part of Reserve 32, fronting on Norwich Quay, Town of Lyttelton Refreshment - rooms, Timaru Station Part of Sections 4 and 5, Block XC, Town of Oamaru Parts of railway reserve at Temuka Station Part of railway reserve opposite Rural Section 18577, near Sefton Oa. lr. 23p. Fourteen years G. H. C. Hook, plasterer, Oamaru R. Forbes, shipchandler, Lyttelton 1/1/87 £1 per annum.. Half-yearly Public tender 1st mile Lyttelton Oa. Or. 6-3p. Twenty-one years 1/2/87 £80 per annum Half-yearly Publicauction 106th mile Timaru Three years D. McGuiness 1/1/87 £75 per annum Half-yearly Public tender 159th miles Oamaru Oa. lr. 5p. Fourteen years P. Morrissy 1/1/87 £1 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. 95th mile Temuka 12a. lr. Op. Year to year; six months' notice Five years Siegert and Fauvel, Temuka, merchants J. Barclay, Sefton, blacksmith 1/3/87 £12 5s. per annum £4 10s. per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. North line, 26th mile Sefton 6a. Or. 24p. 1/10/86 Half-yearly Private treaty,


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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HURU S1UI-BLUFF SECTION— continued. Main line, 59th mile .. Ashburton Temporary occupation of Coaland Timber-site No. 12, Ashburton Station A piece of railway land at Wilson's Siding 40ft. frontage Thirteen weeks, expiring 30th McCallum and Co., AshNov., 1886 burton 1/9/86 £6 10s. for the full period Private treaty. Kaiapoi (Bennett's) Branch, 2nd mile Wilson's Siding Oa. lr. 9p. Year to year; six months' Kaiapoi Produce and notice Milling Company (Limited) Seven years .. .. R. K. Parkerson, Ealing, sheep-farmer Year to year; six months' W. Graham, Southbrook, notice manufacturer 1/7/86 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. Main line, 79th mile .. Ealing Part of Railway Conservation Reserve 1925, Rangitata Part of Rural Section 386, near j Southbrook 300a. Or. Op. | 1/10/86 £30 10s. per annum £5 per annum.. Half-yearly Public tender. North line, 18th mile.. Southbrook 7a. 3r. Op. 1/1/87 Yearly Private treaty. Main line — 61st mile Tinwald Piece of railway reserve at Tinwald Portions of railway land near Orari River Part of railway reserve at Waihao Station Piece of railway land at Waipahi Piece of railway land at Athol Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 3, Little River Station la. 3r. 6p. Year to year; six months' J. Heseltine, Tinwald, notice saddler Year to year; three months' J. Harrison, Orari, lanotice bourer Year to year; three months' P. Henderson, Waimate, notice blacksmith Fourteen years .. .. A. Hourson, Clinton, storekeeper Year to year ; three months' D. Stancombe, Athol, notice ganger Year to year; three months' Terawera Sawmill Cornnotice pany, Limited (agents, Johnston, Wood, and Co., Christchurch) Seven years .. .. J. King, Woodlands, farmer Year to year; three months' W. O. McDonall, on benotice half of Phoenix Bowling Club, Oamaru Month to month; one month's Trustees of the Sailors' notice Home, Dunedin (Hon. T. Dick, Mr. J. Felton, and Mr. A. Boot) Year to year; three months' C. B. Mason, Amberley, notice coal and timber merchant Indefinite; three months' J. Dickson, sen., Mainnotice holm, Tapanui, farmer 1/1/87 £1 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. 86th to 87th mile .. Orari 5a. __. 17p. 1/10/86 £4 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. 137th mile .. j Waihao Oa. lr. Op. 1/10/86 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. 319th mile Waipahi Oa. lr. 19p. 1/10/86 £5 per annum.. Half- yearly Private treaty. Kingston Branch, 69th mile Little River Branch, 23rd mile Athol 3a. Or. 17p. 1/10/86 £1 per annum Yearly Private treaty. Little River .. 50ft. frontage x 40ft. 1/7/86 £6 5s. per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Main line— 365th mile Woodlands Part of Section 50, Block VIII., Invercargill Hundred Piece of railway land in Block XOV., Town of Oamaru 42a. 2r. 29p. 1/7/86 £3 10s. per an-Half-yearly Public tender. 159th mile Oamaru 0a. lr. 31p. 1/7/86 num £5 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. 237th mile Dunedin Piece of land in the railway goods-yard, Dunedin Station 0a. Or. 4-3p. 1/7/86 Is. monthly .. Monthly .. Private treaty. North Line, 68th mile Culverden Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Culverden Station 80ft. frontage 1/7/86 £20 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Tapanui Branch, 5th mile ! Conical Hills .. , Right-of-way through railway land near Conical Hills Station, in Section 4, Block XII., Glenkenich District Part of railway reserve between Waipahi and Arthurton, BlockXIII., Waipahi District Part of Railway Reserve 1332, near Darfield 40 links wide 1/7/86 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. Main line, 322nd to 323rd mile Arthurton 109a. Or. Op. Year to year; twelvemonths' J. Cumming, Waipahi, notice farmer 1/7/86 £13 12s. 6d. per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. Whiteeliffs Branch, 1st to 2nd mile Darfield 7a. Or. 20p. Five years .. .. J. McLaughlin, Darfield, platelayer 1/7/86 £3 per annum Half-yearly-Private treaty


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Mam line — 98th to 99th mile .. Arowhenua Occupation license to grow one season's crop of potatoes on part of railway reserve between Arowhenua and Seadown Piece of railway reserve in Bluff Station-yard 19a. Or. Op. From 29th July till end of : J. Fitzgerald, Arowhenua season 29/7/86 £10 .. 1st Jan., 1887 Private treaty. • 392nd mile Bluff .. 0a. Or. lljp. | Year to year; six months' W. Barker and W. B. notice Jones, Campbelltown, contractors About 200ft. x ; Seven years .. .. Whittingham Brothers 50ft. and Instone, Invercargill, merchants 8a. 3r. Ip. ■ Year to year; six months' J. Adamson, Maheno, notice settler 1/1/87 £4 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. 375th mile Invercargill Railway warehouse, Invercargill Station 1/2/87 £176 per annum Quarterly Publicauction. 167th mile Maheno Parts of railway reserve between Kakanui River and Island Stream Portions of railway land at Bushey Station Reserve 458, Kowai Survey District Piece of railway reserve between Otaio Station and Rural Section 6548 Part of railway reserve in Block V., Tuapeka East District 1/7/86 £4 7s. 6d. per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. 193rd mile Bushey la. 2r. 17p. j Year to year; six months' J. Day, River Bank, notice Shag Valley, farmer 25a. Or. Op. Five years ; six months' J. P. Barr, Malvern, notice 24a. lr. lOp. Seven years ; twelve months' H. Quinn, Makikihi, notice farmer 0a. lr. 6p. I Year to year; six months' A. Peterson, Waitahuna notice Road 1/7/86 £1 5s. per annum £5 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. Malvern Branch, 29th mile Main line, 121st to 122nd mile Springfield Otaio 1/7/86 1/7/86 £7 per annum.. Half-yearly Half-yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. Lawrence Branch, 18th mile Main line — 97th mile : Forsyth 1/7/86 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. Arowhenua Part of Rural Section 4225, Arowhenua Reserve 266, Dunsandel 9a. Or. 24p. ; Year to year ; six months' J. Holwell, Arowhenua, notice farmer 5a. Or. Op. Six years .. .. Trustees of the estate of W. Lawrence —viz., R. Sutherland and H. Sawtell, of Christchurch About 15Jft.x From year to year.. .. Government Insurance 23Jft,, and i Department 15£ft. x 16ft. Oa. lr. 5p. One year .. .. .. Christina Munro, of Moeraki, boarding-house keeper 20ft. frontage From year to year ; termin- J. Crawford, of Kaiapoi, able at three months' no- j dealer tice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment Three years from date of re- Hokonui Coal Company opening, 15th Aug., 18S7 0a. Or. 4-3p. From year to year; termin- ! Gore Borough Council.. able on three months' notice 46a. Or. Op. Five years .. .. I J. Stewart, of Stewart's Gully, farmer 1/7/86 £3 10s. per annum £5per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. 31st mile Dunsandel 1/1/86 Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 159 th mile Oamaru Two rooms in the old Postoffice building at Oamaru, at the south end Section 1, Block VIII., Town of Moeraki, with house thereon 1/4/86 £50 per annum Yearly, on 1st April Departmentally. Moeraki Branch, 2nd mile Hillgrove 1/5/87 £12 .. Quarterly, on 1st May, 1st Aug., 1st Nov., and 1st Feb. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. North line, 12th mile.. Kaiapoi Coal- and Timber-site No. 10, Kaiapoi Station 1/4/87 £6 per annum.. Private treaty. ; Winton Forest Hill Tramway £35 per annum Quarterly Main line, 386th mile., Gore .. Part Section 1, Block X., Town of Gore 1/4/87 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. North line, 11th mile.. Kaiapoi Part of Rural Sections 9650 and 8495, Rangiora Survey District Right to sell fruit on the platform at Gore Station Liddel Street Coal-site No. 4, Invercargill Station 1/4/87 £20 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. Main line — 336th mile Gore .. One year ; subject to one A. Lakeman, of Gore, month's notice at anytime fruiterer 60-4ft. frontage From year to year ; termin- Kaitangata Railway and on to siding able on three months' no- Coal Company tice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment 1/4/87 £28 .. Public tender. 375th mile Invercargill 1/6/87 £10 per annum Private treaty.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Eental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HURUNUI-BLUPF SECTION— continued. I i Main line — 120th mile Otaio A piece of railway reserve at Otaio Station Oa. Or. 2fp. From year to year; termin- W. Baker, of Otaio, able on six months' notice, blacksmith ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment About Sch. in From year to year; termin- S.Sullivan, of Greenhills, length able at any time on three carpenter months' notice, with no rebate of rent for the then current year 3a. lr. 21p. Six years; subject to six A. C. Henderson, of Inmonths' notice if land re- vercargill, Registrar of quired for public purposes Supreme Court 1/7/87 £2 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 387th mile Greenhills Privilege of laying a tramway on the railway reserve at Greenhills 1/7/87 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Seaward Bush Branch, 1st mile Appleby Part of Section 30, Seaward Bush Township 1/7/87 One peppercorn for first year, and thereafter £3 per annum £1 5s. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Rangiora-Oxford Branch, 26th mile View Hill Part of Reserve 1081, near View Hill Station 4a. 3r. 6p. From year to year; termin- T. Mahon, of West Oxable at any time on six ford, farmer months' notice, with no rebate of rent for the then current year 22a, Or, Op. From date till expiry of crop- H. Devine, of Washdyke, ping season 1887-88 farmer 1/7/87 Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Main line, 100th to 101st mile Seadown Occupation license, to grow one season's crop on part of railway reserve between Seadown and Washdyke Part of Rural Sections 2564 and 2426, near Hornby 7/7/87 £11 .. 1st Jan., 1888 Private treaty. Southbridge Branch, 2nd mile Main line— 225th mile Hornby 14a. Or. Op. Seven years .. .. I T. Dawson, of Hornby, farmer 1/7/87 £8 8s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Purakanui Privilege of laying a tramway on the railway land at Purakanui Station About 3ch. in From year to year; termin- J. Foote, of Purakanui, length able at any time on three farmer months' notice, with no rebate of rent for the then current year la. 2r, 26p. Prom year to year; termin- G. T. Permain, miller, able at any time on three Ashburton months' notice, with no rebate of rent for the then current year Oa. lr. 5p. Thirteen years and six T. Pratt, of Oamaru, months miller 1/7/87 £lper annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 58th mile Ashburton Part of railway reserve near Ashburton 1/7/87 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 159th mile Oamaru Part of Sections 8, 9, 10, and 11, Block LXXXIX., Town of Oamaru Coal- and Timber-site No. 12, Ashburton Station £1 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 1/7/87 59th mile Ashburton 40ft. frontage From year to year; termin- W. W. White, of Ashable by six months' notice, burton ending on one of the quarter-days of payment 3a. 2r. Op. Till expiry of season 1887-88 J. Fitzgerald, of Arowhenua 1/7/87 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. 99th mile Arowhenua • Occupation license to grow one season's crop of potatoes on part of railway reserve between Arowhenua and Seadown 2/8/87 £3 10s. 1st Jan., 1888 Private treaty. •

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Little River Branch, 23rd mile Little River .. Coal- and Timber-site No. 5, Little River Station 50ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment Terawera Saw-mill Company (Limited), (agents, Johnston, Wood, and Co., Christchurch) 1/7/87 £6 5s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. Main line, 228th mile Port Chalmers Upper Part of Sections 2, 3, and 4, Block I., Lower Harbour West Survey District Piece of railway reserve in Culverden Station-yard About 3| acres Indefinite period ; land to be given up when required by the department From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment J. Mackenzie, of Mansford Town 20/9/87 Nil .. Private treaty. North line, 68th mile.. Culverden Oa. 2r. 7p. Hurunui Rabbit Board, Culverden 1/10/87 £lper annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Main line, 137th mile Waihao A piece of railway reserve at Waihao Station la. Or. 20p. P. Henderson, of Waihao, blacksmith 1/10/87 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Albury Branch, 18th mile Cave Part of Reserve 1895, near Cave 2a. 2r. 6p. W. O'Neill, of Cave, farmer 1/10/87 £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Main line — 159th mile Oamaru A piece of railway land in Block XCV., Town of Oamaru Oa. Or. 30|p. Twenty-one years J. and T. Meek, of Oamaru, grain merchants - J. and T. Meek, of Oamara, grain merchant J. Downie, of Chertsey, storeman 1/10/87 £6 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 159th mile Oamaru Another piece of railway land in Block XCV., Town of Oamaru Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Chertsey Station Oa. Or. 27p. Three years 1/10/87 £2 per annum.. Private treaty. 48th mile Chertsey 40ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment 1/10/87 £8 per annum.. Private treaty. 81st mile Rangitata Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, and part of Sections 3 and 8, Block VII., Town of South Rangitata 6a. Or. 19p. G. Winter, of Rangitata, farmer 1/10/87 £1 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 115th mile St. Andrew's .. Piece of railway reserve near Pareora River 3a. lr. 8p. C. Sellars,of St. Andrew's, railway ganger 1/10/87 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. North line, 12th mile.. Kaiapoi Coal- and Timber-site No. 10, Kaiapoi Station 4,0ft. frontage J. Crawford, of Kaiapoi, dealer 1/10/87 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Private treaty. Main line, 288thmile.. Balclutha Sections 6 and 7, and part of Sections 1 of 8 and 2 of 8, Block XXIV., Town of Balclutha 7a. 2r. 30p. Seven years; subject as to part of Sections 1 of 8 and 2 of 8 only to fourteen days' notice to give up possession at any time Seven years P. Bell, of Balclutha, farmer 1/10/87 £2 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. Southbridge Branch, 3rd mile Prebbleton Oa. 3r. 18p. J. G. Taylor, of Prebbleton, farmer 1/10/87 15s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Part of Rural Section 7477, near Prebbleton

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. ' Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HI RUNUI-BLUFF SECTION--continued. Main line — 59th mile Ashburton Portion of Coal- and Timbersite No. 14, Ashburton Station, being 40ft. at south end of same Right to graze horses on a piece of railway land near Humber and Clyde Streets, Oamaru 40ft. frontage Six months only J. Orr and Co., of Ashburton, merchants 1/12/87 £5 for six months On 1st Dec, 1887 .. Private treaty. 158th mile Oamaru la. Or. 28p. Indefinite period; terminable on one week's notice, but no rebate of rent for the then current half-year From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment Three years W. Belcher, of Oamaru, livery-stable keeper 1/1/88 Is. a week Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Thornbury-Wairio Branch, 13th mile Otautau Part of Section 15, Block II., Aparima Hundred 7a. 3r. 18p. R. Barker, of Woodburn, farmer 1/1/88 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Hurunui-Bluff and extensions Right of advertising at stations on the Hurunui-Bluff Section of railways and extensions C. Colclough, of Dunedin, accountant 1/1/88 £505 por annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Public tender. Main line, 124th mile.. Makikihi Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Makikihi Station 160ft. frontage From year to year; terminable at any time after the first year by three months' notice in writing, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly -days of payment From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment One year only G. B. Hill, of Hook Bush, timber merchant 1/1/88 £4 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. North line — 18th mile Southbrook Part of Rural Section 387, Southbrook Oa. 2r. 3p. W. Pearson, of Southbrook, farmer 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 1/1/88 4th mile Papanui A piece of railway reserve in Papanui Station-yard Oa. Or. 2Jp. D. Kruse and J. Borgfeldt, of Papanui, farmers 1/1/88 £lper annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Tapanui Branch, 16th mile Kelso A piece of railway reserve at Kelso Station Oa. 2r. Op. S. Hagen, of Kelso, millowner and contractor 1/1/88 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Main line — 60th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-sites No. 34 and No. 35, Ashburton Station Part of Sections 14, 15, and 16, Block II., Otepopo District 80ft. frontage Baker and Co., of Ashburton, dealers 1/1/88 £20 .. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 176 th mile Waianakarua.. 3a. Or. Op. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment J. Martin, of Waianakarua, hotelkeeper 1/1/88 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 375th mile Invercargill .. Liddel Street Coal-site No. 2, Invercargill Station 50ft. frontage Hokonui Coal Company (Limited), Invercargill 1/1/88 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty.


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124th mile Makikihi iakil Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Makikihi Station 165ft. frontage From year to year; terminable at any time on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment G. B. Hill, of Hook Bush, timber merchant 1/1/88 £8 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. North line — 9th mile Chaney's Part of Reserve 1250, Chaney's la. 3r. 27p. From year to year ; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Five years; terminable at any time by the department on three months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment P. McGolrick, of Chaney's, farmer £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 1/1/88 21st mile Ashley Sections 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 330, and 331, Town of Ashley 2a. lr. 32p. B. Plynn, of Ashley, hotelkeeper 1/1/88 £3 10s. per an-Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. num Main line — 127th mile Hook A piece of railway reserve near Hook River la. 2r. 25p. F. M. Rickman, of Waimate, auctioneer £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 336th mile Gore Lot 21 on the railway reserve, Town of Gore Oa. Or. 4Jp. From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable at any time on six months' notice Three months Gore Borough Council.. 1/1/88 1/2/88 Is. per annum, if demanded Private treaty. 59th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 2 of 14, Ashburton Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 9, Oamaru Station 40ft. frontage J. L. Brown, of Ashburton, builder P. Orr, of Oamaru, coal and produce merchant 1/3/88 £3 for three months £20 per annum Private treaty. 158th mile Oamaru 66ft. frontage From year to year ; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment Seven years 1/4/88 Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Malvern Branch, 11th mile Kirwee Part of Reserve 1301, at Kirwee 4a. lr. lOp. G. W. Drayton, of Kirwee, saddler 1/4/88 £6 per annum for 1st and 2nd years, £8 for 3rd and 4th years, £10 for 5th, 0th, and 7th years £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Public tender. North line, 20th mile Rangiora Part of Rural Section 1179, Rangiora Survey District 3a. 2r. 39p. From year to year; terminable at six months' notice, ending on the yearly day of payment W. McNamara, of Rangiora, labourer 1/4/88 Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Main line — 336th mile Gore Right of selling fruit on platform at Gore Station Store site and siding at Gore Station A. Lakeman, of Gore, fruiterer J. G. Ward, of Invercargill, merchant £28 .. Half-yearly Public tender. 335th to 336th mile Gore Oa. lr. 9p. One year; subject to one month's notice at any time Twenty-one years 1/4/88 1/4/88 £20 for store site, £25 for siding, total £45 per annum £1 5s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 160th mile Waiareka Junction Part of Section 27, Block IV., Oamaru Survey District la. 2r. 9p. From year to year; terminable at six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment J. Main, of Waiareka, gardener 1/4/88 Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Kingston Branch — 69th mile Athol Part of railway reserve at Athol Station 3a. Or. 17p. F. Parker, of Athol, surfaceman 1/4/88 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. From year to year; subject to three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station, Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HU .UNUI-BLUFP SECTION— i ■ontinued. Main line, 60th mile .. Ashburton Reserve 299, Town of Ashburton! la. 2r. 26p. From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on 31st March or 30th Sept., with no rebate of rent for the then current year From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Prom year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment From year to year ; terminable at any time by twentyone days' notice Ten years T. Court, of Ashburton, Inspector of Perma-nent-way 1/4/88 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. North line, 23rd mile.. Sefton Part of Rural Section 7739, Rangiora Survey District 6a. Or. Op. J. Robertson, of Ashley, farmer £1 Is. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 1/4/88 Tapanui Branch, 16th mile Kelso A piece of railway reserve at Kelso Station 0a. 2r. 27p. A. McRae, of Kelso, settler 1/4/88 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. North line, 68th mile.. Culverden Coal- and Timber-site No. 2, Culverden 40ft. frontage G. Kemp, of Waikari, carrier 1/4/88 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty, Main line, 59th mile .. Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 48, Ashburton Station 42ft. frontage D. Thomas, of Ashburton, auctioneer 1/4/88 £10 10s. per anQuarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st May, 1st Aug., 1st Nov., and 1st Feb. Private treaty. num Albury Branch, 1st mile Washdyke Part of Rural Section 3789, near Washdyke Section 1, Block VIII., with house thereon, Town of Moeraki 3a. Or. Op. J. Spring, of Washdyke 1/4/88 £6 per annum.. Private treaty. Moeraki Branch (site of station) Main line — 98th to 99th and 100th to 101st miles Hillgrove Arowhenua and Seadown 0a. lr. 5p. 6a. 2r. 12p. 13a. Or. Op. 19a. 2r. 12p. From year to year; terminable at six months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment Season 1888-89 C. Munro, of Port Moeraki, boarding - house keeper 1/5/88 25/5/88 £12 per annum £9 15s. Private treaty, Private treaty. Occupation-license to grow one season's crop of potatoes on parts of railway reserve near Arowhenua and Seadown R. Duguid, of Timaru .. On 1st Jan., 1889 .. 159th mile 236th mile Oamaru Pelichet Bay .. A piece of railway land in Block XCV., Town of Oamaru (adjoining their other lease) A piece of railway land fronting on Hanover Street, Dunedin 0a. lr. Ip. Oa. Or. 3Jp. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment From year to year ; terminable at any time by three months' notice, without any rebate of rent for the then current year Ten years W. C. McDouall, on behalf of Phcenix Bowling Club, Oamaru W. Wilson, of Dunedin, contractor 1/7/88 1/7/88 £3 per annum.. £1 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Private treaty. 336th mile Gore Lot 16 on railway reserve at Gore 0a. Or. 5p. Mary Ann Walls 1/7/88 £11 5s. per annum for first five years, £14 for balance of term Quarterly, in July, Oct., Jan., and April Private treaty,



336th mile .. Gore .. .. Lot 17 on railway reserve at I Gore Oa. Or. 5p. Ten years .. CO. Woodman 1/7/88 £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term, p.annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term, p.annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term, p.annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term,p annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term, p. annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term,p.annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term, p.annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term, p.annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term, p.annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term, p.annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term, p.annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term, p.annum £11 5s. for first five years, £14 for balance of term, p.annum £19 10s. for first five years, £24 7s. 6d. for balance of term, per annum Quarterly, in July, Oct., Jan., and April Private treat; 336th mile b 336th mile 336th mile .. Gore .. .. Gore .. .. Gore .. .. Lot 10 on railway reserve at ! Gore .. Lot 11 on railway reserve at ■ Gore .. Lot 12 on railway reserve at ! Gore Oa. Or. 5p. Oa. Or. 5p. Oa. Or. 5p. Ten years .. i P. Calder 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; . - • 1/7/88 Private treat; Ten years .. j J. Baker Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Ten years .. | W. Boyne 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; 336th mile .. Gore .. .. Lot 13 on railway reserve at Gore Oa. Or. 5p. Ten years .. i J. Boyne 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; 336th mile .. Gore.. .. Lot 14 on railway reserve at Gore Oa. Or. 5p. Ten years .. j C. 0. Woodman 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; 336th mile .. Gore .. .. Lot 15 on railway reserve at Gore Oa. Or. 5p. Ten years i - .. E. K. Liskey 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, ist Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; I j 330th mile .. Gore .. .. Lot 4 on railway reserve at Gore i Oa. Or. 5p. Ten years .. I C. Hagen 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; 336th mile 336th mile .. Gore .. .. Gore .. .. \ Lot 5 on railway reserve at Gore .. ! Lot 6 on railway reserve at Gore Oa. Or. 5p. Ca. Or. 5p. Ten years .. | D. W. Selby 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; Ten years .. M. Knowles 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; 336th mile 336th mile 336th. mile 336 th mile .. j Gore.. ■ j .. , G ore .. .. Gore .. .. G ore .. .. Lot 7 on railway reserve at Gore .. Lot 8 on railway reserve at Gore . .. Lot 9 on railway reserve at Gore .. Lot 1 on railway reserve at Gore Oa. Or. 5p. Oa. Or. 5p. Oa. Or. 5p. Oa. Or. 9p. Ten years .. J. O'Mara 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; Ten years .. D. Ferguson 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; Ten years .. P. Calder 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st __pril Private treat; Ten years .. J. S. Simson, transferred to the Colonial Bank of New Zealand 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat;



RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. Main line — 336th mile HURT JNUI-BLUFF SECTION— co I ntinued. 336 th mile Gore .. .. Lot 2 on railway reserve at Gore Gore .. .. j Lot 3 on railway reserve at Gore Oa. Or. 7p. Oa. Or. 5p. Ten years Ten years A. Lakeman.. E. Christenson 1/7/88 1/7/88 £15 for first five years, £18 15s. for balance of term, p. annum £11 5s. for first ; five years, £14 for balance of term, p. annum £6 5s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. Private treaty. Little River, 23rd mile Little River .. Coal- and Timber-site No. 2, Little River Station 50ft. frontage From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment Three years Terawera Sawmill Company (agents, Messrs. Johnston, Wood, and Co., Christchurch) T. Lynskey, of Kaiapoi, bailiff F. E. Smith, of Glentunnel, carpenter S. R. Smith, of Waikouaiti, saddler 1/7/88 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. North line, 13th mile.. Kaiapoi .. Part of Rural Sections 321 arid 365, Kaiapoi Glentunnel .. Right-of-way at Glentunnel Station Beach Street, ; Piece of railway land in Blocks Waikouaiti IV. and VI., Town of West Hawkesbury la. 2r. Op. £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 1/7/88 Whitecliffs Branch, 9th mile Main line, 205th to 206th mile 50 links wide Seven years 1/7/88 One peppercorn per annum £4 12s. lOd. per annum Private treaty. 4a. lr. 27p. From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment Five years 1/7/88 Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Public tender. North line, 68th mile.. Culverden .. i Southern half of Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Culverden Station 40ft. frontage G. Kemp, of Waikari, carrier 1/7/88 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. Whitecliffs Branch, 2nd mile Main line — 95th mile Hawkins .. ; Part of Reserve 1332, between Darfield and Hawkins 5a. 3r. Op. H. Clarke, of Darfield, labourer 1/7/88 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 102nd to 103rd mile Temuka .. Parts of railway reserve at Temuka Station 11a. lr. Op. la. Or. Op. 12a. lr. Op. 4a. 2r. Op. From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment One year only A. R. Allen, of Temuka, storekeeper 1/7/88 1/7/83 £12 5s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Private treaty. Washdyke .. Occupation license to grow rootcrops or green feed on part of railway reserve near Washdyke Rakaia .. Coal- and Timber-site No. 4, Rakaia Station J. McCormick, of Timaru £2 5s. 42nd mile 20ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment Prom year to year ; terminable at one month's notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment j Five years W. Mclnman, of Rakaia, coal and timber merchant 1/7/88 £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct.', 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. 392nd mile Bluff .. A piece of railway land in Bluff Station-yard Oa. Or. 6p. Stewart Island Oyster and Fishing Company (Limited), Bluff 1/7/88 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st -Jan. Private treaty. 323rd mile Arthurton .. Piece of railway reserve opposite Section 3, Block XIII., Waipahi Section ! 8a. Or. 30p. C. Trusler, of Arthurton, farmer 1/7/88 £lper annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty-


D.—l 4

Tapanui Branch, 16th mile Kelso Portions of railway reserve at Kelso 12a. 3r. 27p. 3a. lr. 25p. 16a. lr. 12p. 20ft. frontage From year to year; terminable at six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment Indefinite; terminable at any time on one week's notice From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment C. F. Dunnet, of Kelso, storekeeper £16 14s. 8d. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Public tender. er. North line, 12th mile.. Kaiapoi South half of Coal- and Timbersite No. 9, Kaiapoi T. J. Burnet, of Kaiapoi, builder ' 1/7/88 £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. Main line, 359th mile.. Morton Mains Right-of-way on to reserve at Morton Mains Station A. R. Wallis, of Morton Mains, runholcler 28/7/88 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. North line, 7th mile .. Belfast Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, Belfast Station 40ft. frontage P. Duncan, of Belfast, farmer 7/8/88 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July (first payment from 7th Aug. to 30th Sept., 1888) Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July (first payment being from 1st to 30th Sept., 1888) Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. Main line, 375th mile.. Invercargill .. Store site at Invercargill Station Oa. Or. 33Jp. Twenty-one years G. C. Tothill, of Invercargill 1/9/88 £106 per annum Public tender. Waimate Gorge Branch, 1st mile Main line, 48th mile .. Waimate Portions of railway land at Waimate Part of Reserve 1769, and part of railway reserve 3ch. wide, at Chertsey Portion of railway reserve near Darfield 7a. 3r. 21p. Five years Kirkaldy and Co., of Waimate, contractors J. Walsh, of Chertsey, farmer £4 per annum.. Public tender. 1/10/88 Chertsey 32a. lr. 36p. Seven years 1/10/88 £5 0s. 2d. per annum Public tender. Malvern Branch, 15th to 16th mile Darfield 7a. 2r. Op. For a year, thereafter from year to year; terminable by six months' notice, ending on a half-yearly day of payment H. Butler, of Darfield, farmer 1/10/88 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. North Line, 33rd mile Amberley Store Site No. 1, Amberley Station A piece of railway lancV at Waimate Part of Reserve 2813, Pareora.. 30ft. frontage W. A. Benn, of Amberley, land and stock agent M. Sherwin, of Waimate, hotelkeeper A. H. Abbott and R. Brookland, of Pareora, farmers 1/10/88 £20 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Ten years Waimate Gorge Railway, 1st mile Main line, 114th mile Waimate 3a. Or. 24p. Five years 1/10/88 £3 Is. per anPublic tender. St. Andrew's .. 6a. lr. 20p. From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on the yearly day of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment From year to year ; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Four years 1/10/88 num £2 per annum.. Private treaty. Little River Branch, 23rd mile Little River .. Coal- and Timber-site No. 6, Little River Station 25ft. frontage M. J. Joblin, of Little River, farmer 1/10/88 £3 15s. per anQuarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Private treaty. num Main line, 182nd mile Hillgrove Part of Section 7, Block I., Moeraki District 2a. 2r. 25p. A. McKerrow, of Hampden, farmer 1/10/88 £1 12s. 6d. per Yearly, on 1st Oct. Public tender. annum Malvern Branch, 21st to 22nd mile Albury Branch, 12th mile Racecourse Hill Part of Reserve 1333, Hawkins Survey District Part of Reserve 1888, Timaru Survey District la. 2r. 16p. W. J. Jenkins, of Waddington New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Limited) 1/10/88 5s. per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Sutherland's .. 25a. 2r. Op. Five years 1/10/88 £9 Is. 3d. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty.


D.—l 4,

RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HUR1 INUI-BLUFF SECTION— continued. North line, 14th mile.. Main line — 336th mile Kaiapoi Gore .. Piece of railway land near Kaiapoi, on north branch of the Waimakariri Lot 18 on railway reserve, Town of Gore Oa. 2r. 14p. Oa. Or. 6p. Five years; but terminable J. Shearsby, of Kaiapoi, at any time by the depart- butcher ment on giving six months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Nine years and nine months P. Campbell, of Clinton, bootmaker 1/10/88 1/10/88 £3 per annum.. £11 5s. per annum for first four years and nine months, £14 for last five years £300 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Public tender. Private treaty. 236th mile Dunedin Refreshment-rooms, Dunedin Station One year and three months J. Lawson, of Dunedin.. 1/10/88 Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Public tender. North line, 26th mile.. Sefton Part of railway reserve adjoining Rural Section 2309, Rangiora Survey District 5a. 3r. 16p. Seven years; subject to any H. Variance, of Sefton, part, not exceeding one- butcher third, being taken by department at any time on three months' notice, if required for public purposes From year to year; termin- A. F. Whyte, of Kelso, able on six months' notice, contractor ending on the yearly day of payment Three years .. .. W. Quigley, of Waitahuna, miner Two years and six months .. W. Keeley, of Springston, farmer Three months .. .. J. Orr, of Ashburton, merchant Indefinite; terminable at any J. Ryan, of Waitahuna, time on one month's notice farmer 1/10/88 £4 7s. 9d. per annum Public tender. Tapanui Branch, 16th mile Kelso Part of Section 5, Block II., Town of Kelso la. Or. Op. £1 5s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 1/10/88 Lawrence Branch, 16th Branch Southbridge Branch, 13th mile Main line, 59 th mile .. Waitahuna Right-of-way to bring waterrace under railway Part of Rural Section 3160, Springston Coal- and Timber-site No. 1 of No. 14, Ashburton Station Privilege of a gate in the railway fence at Waitahuna Station Part of Reserve 1895, near Cave 10ft. wide 1/10/88 Is. per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Springston 3a. 3r. 5p. 1/11/88 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Nov. and 1st May On 1st Nov. Private treaty. Ashburton 40ft. frontage 1/11/88 £2 10s. for three months 10s. per annum Private treaty. Lawrence Branch, 16th mile Waitahuna 1/1/89 Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Albury Branch, 18th mile Cave .. 3a. 2r. lOp. One year, and after that from C. Sullivan, of Cave, year to year; terminable at farmer six months' notice, ending ' on one of the half-yearly days of payment From year to year; termin- J. Sims able on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment From year to year; termin- R. Hagan, of Flagswamp, able on three months' no- farmer tice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment 1/1/89 £2 12s. 6d. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. North line, 12th mile.. Kaiapoi Coal- and Timber-site No. 1, and half of No. 2, Kaiapoi 60ft. frontage 1/1/89 £15 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Main line, 202nd to 203rd mile Tumai Portions of railway land at Tumai Station la. 3r. 20p. 1/1/89 | £1 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty.


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Malvern Branch, 22nd mile North line, 2nd mile .. Racecourse Part of Rural Seotion 14653, Hawkins Survey District Part of Rural Section 143, Fendalton, near Christchurch 2a. 3r. 32p. Four years W. J. Jenkins, farmer, of Waddington F. Coxon, of Christchurch, civil engineer 1/1/89 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty Riocarton 2a. 2r. Op. One year, and after that from year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Seven years 1/1/89 £1 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treat} Duntroon Branch, 38th mile Hakateramea.. Portions of Reserve 2829, Hakateramea 15a. lr. 27p. 38a. Or, Op. 50a. Or. Op. 103a. lr. 27p. 12ft. X 6ft. H. Constantine, of Hakateramea, labourer 1/1/89 £18 Is. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Publio tendei Invercargill .. Bookstall, Invercargill platform Three years S. W. Whitmore, of Invercargill 1/1/89 £5 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tendei North line — 55th mile Medbury Parts of Rural Sections 18081, 31231, 31374, 30732, Waipara Survey District 15a. Or. 32p. One year certain, after that from year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable at one week's notice 1/1/89 £1 per annum Private treat} Trustees of the Heathstock Estate, viz., E. W. Parker and J. Palmer 12th mile Kaiapoi Coal- and Timber-site No. 10 and half of Site No. 9, Kaiapoi Station 60ft. frontage J. Butt, of Kaiapoi, contractor 1/1/89 £15 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treat} Whitecliffs Branch .. Glentunnel Parts of Reserve 1331, Glentunnel 7a. 2r, 39p. F. E. Smith, of Glentunnel, carpenter 1/1/89 £4 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty Makarewa-Orepuki Branch North line — 35th mile Wakapatu A piece of land at Wakapatu Station 20ft. x 20ft. Round Hill Sludge-wash-ing and Drainage Company (Limited) R. Griffiths, of Amberley, farmer 1/1/89 One peppercorn per annum Private treat} Greeney's Road Part of Reserve 1675, Grey Survey District 16a. 3r. 27p. Seven years 1/1/89 £3 7s. 8d. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tendei 35th mile Greeney's Road Part of Reserve 1675, Grey Survey District 130a. Or. Op. Seven years T. McNaught, of Amberley, saddler 1/1/89 £16 5s. per annum Public tendei 35th mile Greeney's Road Part of Reserve 1675, Grey Survey District 64a. Or. Op. Seven years G. Coleman, of Amberley, farmer 1/1/89 £17 12s. per annum Public tendei Main line — 236th mile Dunedin Site for bookstall 6ft. 4in. x 3ft. lOin. Three years W. Gilmour, of Dunedin 1/1/89 £100 per annum Public tendei 7th mile Christchurch .. Site for bookstall, Christchurch Station 8ft. 4in. x 1ft. 6in. Three years C. H. Rhodes, of Christchurch 1/1/89 £50 per annum Public tendei 59th mile Ashburton Site for bookstall, Ashburton Station 8ft. 4in. x 2ft. Three years C. Hay, of Ashburton .. 1/1/89 £10 per annum Public tendei 106th mile Timaru Site for bookstall, Timaru Station 9ft. x 3ft. _in. Three years C. Waller and Co., of Timaru 1/1/89 £36 per annum Publio tendei 228th mile Upper Port Chalmers Right of laying a water-pipe on railway land at Port Chalmers About 38ft. in length Indefinite ; terminable at any time on one month's notice R. Bauchop, of Port Chalmers, contractor 1/1/89 10s. per annum Private treat}

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station, i Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION— cc i I mtinued. Main line — 30th to 31st mile .. Dunsandel Reserve 267, Selwyn District.. 40a. Or. Op. j From year to year; terminable by six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment 4a. Or. 13p. From year to year; termin4a. 3r. 15p. , able on three months' notice, ending on one of 8a. 3r. 28p. half-yearly days of payment 3a. 2r. Op. Seven years 186a. 2r. Op. 190a. Or. Op. F. Wright, of Selwyn, farmer 1/1/89 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 136th mile Waihao Parts of Rural Seotion 3790, near Waihao W. Harris, of Waihao, platelayer 1/1/89 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. North line, 38th mile.. Glasnevin Part of Reserve 1675, Grey Survey District John Innes and James Innes, of Amberley, sheep-farmers 1/1/89 £14 5s. per anQuarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Public tender. num Main line, 61st to 62nd mile Tinwald Portions of railv/ay reserve at Tinwald la. Or. 23p. : From year to year; termin0a. 3r. 26p. able at three months' notice, ending on one of the 2a. Or. 9p. half-yearly days of payment 2a. 2r. 7p. From year to year ; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment 54a. 2r. Op. Seven years F. Lowe, of Tinwald, labourer 1/1/89 £1 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Albury Branch, 6th mile Waitohi Road.. A piece of railway reserve at Levels Plains J. Stack, of Levels Plains, farmer 1/1/89 £1 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Main line, 314th to 315th mile Wairuna Part of Sections 7, 8, and 9, Block III., Waipahi Survey District Part of Reserve 1332, near Darfield \ W. G. Steel and H. E. Steel, of Clinton, farmers F. Boland, of Darfield, labourer 1/4/89 £8 12s. 6d. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Public tender. Malvern Branch, 15th mile Darfield 3a. lr. 24p. From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment 14ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment Oa. Or. 18p. Two years Oa. lr. 2p. : Seven years 1/4/89 £1 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Main line — 59th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 39, Ashburton Station J. G. Restell, of Ashburton, merchant 1/4/89 £3 10s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 392nd mile 91st mile Bluff.. Winchester A piece of railway land at Bluff A piece of railway reserve at Winchester A piece of railway reserve at Winchester Station Bluff Harbour Board .. W. Shallard, of Winchester, labourer , J. Haar, of Winchester, labourer 1/4/89 1/4/89 £2 per annum.. £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Private treaty. 91st mile Winchester Oa. lr. 4p. From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment One year 1/4/89 £2 per annum Private treaty. 336th mile Gore Right to sell fruit at Gore Station A piece of railway land at Waikaka Station A. Lakeman, of Gore, fruiterer H. Haynes, of Waikaka, labourer 1/4/89 £14 .. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st April Public tender. 333rd mile Waikaka Oa. lr. 16p. From year to year; terminable at any time on one month's notice, without any rebate of rent for the then current year 1/4/89 £1 per annum.. Private treaty. _



Thornbury-Wairio Branch, 12th mile Otautau Part of Section 9, Block II., Aparima Hundred '» 2a. 2r. 8p. From year to year; terminable at one month's notice, ending on the yearly day of payment D. McNeil, of Otautau, bootmaker lau, £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treat; ireaty Main line — 120th mile Otaio A piece of railway reserve at Otaio Station Oa. Or. 12p. From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year ; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the yearlydays of payment From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Fourteen years A. Souter, of Otaio, blacksmith 1/4/89 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treat} 59th mile Ashburton A piece of railway reserve near Ashburton Oa. Or. 16p. J. Walsh, of Ashburton, fruit-grower 1/4/89 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treat} 320th mile Waipahi A piece of railway reserve at Waipahi la. 3r. 8p. H. R. Frost, of Waipahi, widow 1/4/89 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treat} Kingston Branch, 69th mile Athol A piece of railway reserve at Athol Station 8a. Or. 3p. F. Parker, of Athol, surfaceman 1/4/89 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treat; Main line, 42nd mile .. Rakaia Store-site No. 3, Rakaia Station Oa. Or. 17p. New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Limited) H. Hirst, of Orepuki, and L. G. Roope and A. Cross, of Invercargill £20 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st April Private treat; 1/4/89 Makarewa-Orepuki Branch, 33rd mile Paihia A piece of railway land at Paihia Station Oa. Or. 18p. From year to year; terminable on one month's notice at any time, with no rebate of rent for the then current year From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment Twenty-one y-ears 1/4/89 £1 per annum.. Private treat} Whitecliffs Branch, 2nd to 3rd mile Hawkins Part of Reserve 1332, near Hawkins River 5a. lr. 7p. W. J. Gibbs, of Darfield, labourer 1/4/89 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treat; Malvern Branch, 13th, 14th, and 15th miles Darfield Part of Reserve 1332, near Darfield 14a. 3r. 24p. H. Butler, of Darfield, farmer 1/4/89 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treat; Waimea Plains, 18th mile Riversdale A store-site at Riversdale Station Oa. lr. Op. A. J. Pearse, of Riversdale, merchant 1/7/89 £12 for the land, and £25 for use of siding: total, £37 per annum £11 5s. per annum for first four years, £14 for balance of term £5 for the site, and £20 for use of siding: total, £25 per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; Main line, 336th mile.. Gore Lot 19 Railway Reserve, Gore Oa. Or. 5|p. Seven years J. Simpson, of Gore, tailor 1/7/89 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat; Aibury Branch, 36th mile Fairlie Cr«ek .. Store-site at Fairlie Creek Station Oa. Or. 13p. Twenty-one years .. J. Wilson, of Fairlie Creek, and S. Wilson, of Papakaio, farmers 1/7/89 Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat'

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. URUNUI-BLUFF SECTION— continued. Main line — 88th mile Orari Privilege of a gate in the railway fence at Orari Station Occupation license to grow one season's crop of potatoes, or root or green crops, on parts of railway reserve near Arowhenua and Seadown Tramway crossing at Wakapatu Station Store-site at Lyndhurst Station From year to year; termin- W. Postlethwaite, sheepable on one month's notice farmer, of Geraldine One year .. .. .. R. Duguid, of Timaru .. 1/7/89 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 98th, 99th, 100th, and 101st miles Arowhenua and Seadown 6a. 2r. 12p. 13a. Or. Op. 19a. 2r. 12p. 1/7/89 £9 15s. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Makarewa-Orepuki Branch, 29th mile Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Branch, 17th mile Wakapatu Indefinite .. .. W.J. Perry, of Wakapatu 22/11/88 Nil .. Private treaty. Lyndhurst Oa. Or. 22p. Ten years .. .. R. James Straehan Harman and J. Gould (executors in the estate of the late G. Gould, of Christchurch), and D. Cameron, of Methven Five years; subject to ter- J. Elliott, of Suthermination by the depart- land's, farmer ment at any time on giving six months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Five years ; subject to ter- A. Daly, of Sutherland's, mination by the depart- farmer ment at any time on giving six months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Seven years .. .. C. James, of Washdyke, labourer One year .. .. .. C. Sellars, of St. Andrew's, railway ganger 1/1/89 £5 per annum for land, £20 for use of siding: total, £25 Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Albury Branch — 14th mile Sutherland's .. Reserve 1889, Timaru Survey District 7a. 2r. lOp. 1/4/89 £3 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 13th mile Sutherland's .. Reserve 1890, Timaru Survey District 14a. 2r. 15p. 1/4/89 £5 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 1st to 2nd mile Main lino — 116th mile Washdyke A piece of railway reserve near Washdyke Occupation license to grow one season's root-crops on parts of railway reserve near St. Andrew's Occupation license to grow one season's root-crops on land near Pareora River Parts of railway reserve at Kelso 5a. lr. 29p. 1/7/89 £1 10s. per annum £2 .. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. St. Andrew's .. 5a. Or. Op. 1/7/89 Private treaty. 114th mile Normanby Oa. 3r. 24p. One year .. .. .. A. H. Abbott, of Pareora, farmer 1/7/89 £1 .. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Tapanui Branch, 16th mile Kelso 12a. 3r. 27p. 3a. lr. 25p. 16a. lr. 12p. Oa. Or. 5|p. From year to year; termin- C. F. Dunnet, of Kelso, able on six months' notice, storekeeper ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment Seven years .. .. A. Brown, of Gore, storekeeper 1/7/89 £8 15s. 6d. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and Jan. Public tender. Main line — 336th mile Gore Lot 20 on railway reserve, Town of Gore 1/7/89 £11 5s. per annum for first fouryears,£14 for balance of term Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty.



343rd milo Mataura Privilege of using railway-siding at Mataura Station From month to month; terminable at a month's notice From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment J. Pollock, of Mataura, farmer £1 per month.. Monthly, on the first day of each month Private treaty 375th mile Invercargill .. Liddel Street Coal-site No. 3, Invercargill Station 50-lft. frontage A. Cassels, of Orepuki, storekeeper 1/7/89 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty Kingston Branch — . 24th to 25th mile .. Ord's Portions of railway reserve at Limehills Right-of-way over railway land near Gap Road 12a. 2r. 4p. R. Swale, of Limehills, farmer T. Thompson, of Gap Road, manufacturer £3 15s. 2d. per annum £lper annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty Five years 1/7/89 17th mile Gap Road 1J chains long Indefinite; terminable at any time on three months' notice Indefinite ; terminable at any time on three months' notice From year to year ; terminable at a month's notice 1/7/89 Private treaty Albury Branch, 10th mile Pleasant Point Right-of-way over railway land near Pleasant Point 1 chain long \ J. P. Neilson, of Pleasant Point, engineer 1/7/89 10s, per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty Tapanui Branch, 5th mile Conical Hills .. Right to lay tramway on railwayland at Conical Hills Station About 3 chains long A. and F. Lischner, of Conical Hills, coalminers J. P. Olsen, of Waihao, labourer 1/7/89 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treatyMain line, 132nd to 135th mile Studholme Junction Occupation license to grow one season's root-crops on parts of railway reserve between Studholme Junction and Waihao Portions of railway reserve near Forsyth 12a. Or. 26p. One year 1/7/89 £5 6s. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty Lawrence Branch, 18th to 19th mile Forsyth 9a. 2r. Op. j From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Five years W. Stevenson, of Waitahuna, railway ganger 1/7/89 £1 4s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty Tapanui Branch, 16th mile North line, 33rd mile Kelso A piece of railway reserve at Kelso Part of R.S. 3166, Amberley .. Oa. 2r. 27p. D. Montgomery, of Kelso, platelayer J. Chamberlain, of Amberley, blacksmith J. Lynch, of Temuka .. 1/7/89 £1 10s. per an-Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty Amberley Oa. Or. 14Jp. Five years 1/7/89 num 10s. per annum Private treaty Main line, 99th to 100th mile North line, 11th mile.. Seadown Kaiapoi Occupation license to grow root-crops, and right to graze cattle, on parts of railway reserve at Seadown Part of R.S. 9650 and 8495, Rangiora Survey District 7a. 2r. lip. 4a. Or. Op. 11a. 2r. lip. 18a. Or. 33p. j One year only Seven years S. Ashton, of Stewart Gully, carpenter 1/7/89 1/7/89 £6 .. £12 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jau. Private treatyPublic tender Main line, 95th to 96th miles Temuka A portion of railway reserve at Temuka 4a. 2r. 30p. Seven years; subject to six months' notice by department, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment Indefinite ; terminable at three months' notice, with no rebate of rent for the then current year Seven years H. Lee, of Temuka, hotelkeeper 1/7/89 £4 13s. 9d. per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Public tender Makarewa - Orepuki Branch, 35th mile Orepuki Privilege of laying a water-pipe under the railway near Orepuki lOin. pipe J. G. Evans and J. Wilson, of Orepuki, miners 1/7/89 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty Whitecliffs Branch, 10th mile Glentunnel A piece of railway reserve near Glentunnel 4a. Or. 4p. C. H. A. Truscott Opie, of Glentunnel, schoolmaster J. Andrews, of Kaiapoi, farmer 1/7/89 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty North line, 11th to 12 th mile Kaiapoi Reserve 1283, near Kaiapoi .. 25a. Or. Op. Three years 1/7/89 £1 17s. 6d. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Public tender


D.—l 4

RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HUB INUI-BLUFF SECTION— ci mtinued. Main line — 106th mile Timaru Site for a bookstall, Timaru Station Two years and five months.. P. W. Hutton and Co., Timaru, booksellers I 1/8/89 j I £20 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July (first payment from 1st Aug. to 30th Sept., 1889) YearlyPublic tender. 310th mile Clinton Supply of water for railway service Indefinite I 1/4/89 j Is. 6d. per 1,000 gallons ; 15s. j for meter £1 per annum.. Private treaty. W. Charlton .. .. j Rakaia and Ashburton Porks Branch, 17th to 20th mile Main line — 117th mile Lyndhurst and Cairndrae 30ft. wide Six years i Yearly Private treaty. Right-of-way on railway land.. I G. Murdoch .. 1/4/89 ! 65th mile 65th mile .. St. Andrew's .. Winslow Winslow Occupation license on part of railway reserve Store-site No. 1, Winslow Station Store-site No. 2, Winslow Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 1 .. Part of Railway Reserve 3790 2a. Or. Op. 100ft. x 50ft. 150ft. x 50ft. One year only Seven years 1 M. Fagan J. Grigg 1/7/89 j 1/7/89 I £1 .. £20 per annum QuarterlyPrivate treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Seven years i J. Grigg 1/7/89 j £20 per annum Quarterly 65th mile 136th to 137th mile North line — 30th mile 9th to 11th mile .. Winslow Waihao 80ft. x 50ft. 3a. lr. Op. Yearly YearlyJ. Grigg W. Harris 1/7/89 1/7/89 £10 per annum i £1 10s. per annum £1 per annum.. £1 Is. per annum £1 per annum.. Quarterly Half-yearly-Private treaty. Private treaty. Balcairn Chaney's Railway land near Balcairn .. Privilege to cut willows 4a. lr. 5p. Seven years Five years T. H. Evans .. J. Nelson 1/7/89 1/7/89 Yearly Yearly Public tender. Public tender. 11th mile Main line — 44th to 45th mile .. Kaiapoi Part of Railway Reserve 8495 24a. Or. 35p. Seven years S. Ashton 1/7/89 Quarterly Private treaty. 43rd to 44th mile .. Rakaia Rakaia Portion of railway land near Rakaia Portions of railway reserve 8a. lr. 30p. Seven years J. Folay 1/7/89 £3 per annum .. Quarterly Quarterly Public tender. Public tender. 32a. lr. 31p. Seven years .. W. Morton .. .. | 1/7/89 | £14 lis. 8d. per annum £1 per annum.. £1 per annum.. Nil 213th mile North line, 30th mile.. Main line, 14th mile.. Seacliff Balcairn Islington Part of railway reserve Railway land near Balcairn .. Right to construct sheep-yards at station Store-site at station 0a. lr. Op. la. 3r. Op. Yearly Yearly Indefinite W. E. Potts Kowai Road Board Christchurch Meat Company W. Vaughan 1 1/7/89 I 1/7/89 17/7/89 Yearly Yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. North line, 25th mile.. Sefton 80ft. 9in. x 30ft. Sin. Six months only 1/9/89 j £20 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. Main line — 118th to 131st mile.. Otaia, Makikihi, and Studholme June. Pukeuri Junction Winchester Burnside cattleyards Right to cut flax on railway land Up to 30th June, 1889 W. Quinn 26/9/89 j £3 .. On acceptance of tende Public tender. 153rd mile Cottage and land at Pukeuri Junction Railway reserve near Winchester Railway land at Burnside 0a. lr. 12p. Weekly .. Mrs. Linda Landreve .. 28/9/89 4s. a week Four-weeklv Private treaty. 92nd mile 240th mile la. 2r. 15p. 0a. Or. Ip. Yearly Yearly C.Taylor Dunedin Saleyards Com1/10/89 1/10/89 ] £1 per annum.. i £1 per annum.. Yearly Yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. pany

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Southbridge Branch, 8th mile North line — 19th mile .. .. j 29th mile Lincoln Rangiora Balcairn Part of railway reserve near I Lincoln Coal- and Timber-site No. — .. Part of Reserve 1920, near Balcairn Portions of railway reserve Oa. 2r. Op. 60ft. frontage 7a. 3r. Op. Seven years Yearly Seven years S. Early W. A. Burt J. Lister - .. £1 per annum.. | i £15 per annum £3 per annum.. x earlyQuarterly Yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. 1/10/89 1/10/89 Main line, 45th to 47th mile North line, 19th mile.. Main line — 365th mile Chertsey 39a. 3r. Op. Seven years N. Welsh 1/10/89 £6 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty. Rangiora Coal- and Timber- site No. 6 .. 60ft. frontage Yearly J. Smith 1/10/89 £15 per annum Quarterly Private treaty. 128th mile North line, 24th mile.. Woodlands Hook Balcairn Part of Section 50, Invercargill Hundred Part of railway reserve, station Parts of reserve near Balcairn 44a, 2r. 29p. 3a. 3r. Op. 18a. Or. 39p. Seven years Yearly Seven years A. Wilson H. Quinn T. Johnston 1/10/89 1/10/89 1/10/89 £2 per annum.. £2 per annum.. £3 12s. per annum £2 10s. per annum £11 5s. per annum Half-yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly Public tender. Private treaty. Public tender. Southbridge Branch, 8th mile Little River Branch, 23rd mile Main line — 311th mile Lincoln Part of railway land at Lincoln j Oa. 3r. 15p. Seven years J. Cooke 1/10/89 Half-yearly Private treaty. Little River .. Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 4 and 6, Little River Station 75ft. frontage Yearly Christchurch Finance Company 1/10/89 Quarterly Private treaty. Clinton Parts of railway reserve 12a. Or. 13p. Three years D. Tuffley 1/10/89 £1 10s. por annum £1 per annum.. £1 per annum.. Half-yearly-Public tender. 333rd mile Waimea PlainsBranch, 1st mile Main line — 120th mile 91st mile ... Rangiora-Oxford Branch, 30th to 31st mile M a k a r e w a-0 r e p u k i Branch — 20th mile Waikaka Gore Part of railway reserve Railway land, Town of Gore .. 4a. 3r. lip. Oa. Or. 31p. Three years Yearly D. Teller H. Fretwell 1/10/89 1/10/89 Yearly Yearly Public tender. Private treaty. Otaio Winchester Bexley Railway land, Otaio Station .. Railway reserve Railway laud near Bexley Oa. Or. 28p. Oa. 3r. 20p. 36a. 3r. Op. Yearly Yearly Seven years A. Souter A. W. Ensor M.W.Edwards 1/10/89 1/10/89 1/10/89 £1 per annum.. £1 per annum.. £4 per annum.. Yearly Yearly Half-yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Longwood Right to lay tramway across railway Right to lay tramway .. | Indefinite C. Small 6/11/89 Nil .. Private treaty. 25th mile Main line — 133rd to 135th mile.. Colac Indefinite J. Coucher 26/11/89 Nil Private treaty. ! Studholme Junction ! Ashburton Right to cut cocksfoot grass . ; Season 1890 Three months only J. P. Olsen J. Orr and Co. 26/11/89 £2 paid for season £2 10s. for three months £3 per annum.. Private treaty. 59th mile Coal- and timber-site 40ft. frontage 1/11/89 Private treaty. Seaward Bush Branch, 1st mile Main line, 137th mile.. Waimea Plains Branch, 1st mile Main line, 196th mile Southbridge Branch, 8th mile Main line, 59th mile .. ■ Appleby Section 30, Seaward Bush Township Railway reserve at Waihao Railway land in Town of Gore 3a. lr. 37p. Seven years J. Q. Troon 1/1/90 Yearly Private treaty. Waihao Gore Oa. 3r. 3p. Oa. lr. 18p. Yearly Yearly P. Henderson E. Morton 1/1/90 1/1/90 £1 per annum.. £2 per annum.. Yearly Yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. Palmerston S. Lincoln Refreshment-rooms Part of Reserve 1532, near Lincoln Coal- and Timber-site No. 7, Ashburton Station Railway reserve in Block V. .. 8a. lr. 20p. I Three years | Yearly Mary Blackley W. Bourke 1/1/90 1/1/90 £20 per annum £2 per annum.. Quarterly Half-yearly Public tender. Private treaty. Ashburton 40ft. frontage Three months F. Z. D. Ferriman 1/4/90 £2 10s. for three months £2 15s. per annum ! £18 .. Private treaty. Lawrence Branch, 18th mile Main line, 336th mile Forsyth 6a. 3r. 29p. j Five years A. Peterson 1/4/90 Half-yearly j Private treaty. \ Gore ' Right to sell fruit at Gore StationOne year J. Cook, fruiterer -. .. 1/4/90 - Half-yearly - Public tender.


D.—l 4

RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HUR' FNUI-BLUFF SECTION— e< mtinued. North line, 9th mile .. Walton Park Branch, 1st mile Makarewa-Orepuki Branch — 26th mile .. Chaney's Burnside Part of reserve near Chaney's Right to lay water-pipe under the railway 4a. Or. lOp. 4in. diameter Yearly Five years P. McGolrick H. Harraway 1/1/90 1/1/90 £lper annum.. £lper annum.. Yearly Yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. Colac Coal- and timber-site, Colac Station Coal- and timber-site, Colac Station Coal- and Timber-site No. 7 .. 0a. Or. 7p. Yearly F. Henry 1/1/90 £1 per annum., Yearly Private treaty. 25th mile Main line — 59th mile Colac 0a. Or. 6Jp. Yearly J. Coucher 1/1/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. Ashburton 40ft. frontage Three months F. Z. D. Ferriman 1/1/90 £2 10s. for three months £2 per annum.. £2 per annum.. Private treaty. 3rd mile 262nd mile 262nd mile Heathcote Waihola Waihola Parts of Sections 19 and 104 .. Parts of Sections 6, 8, 10, 11, and 13 Part of sections, Town of Waihola Railway reserve, River Ashley la. 2r. 36p. 0a. 3r. 23p. la. 3r. O.p. Five years .. Three years Three years W. McDowell.. J. Mackay T. Findlay 1/1/90 1/1/90 1/1/90 £1 10s. per annum £10 per annum Half-yearly-Yearly Yearly Public tender. Private treaty. Private treaty. North line, 20th to 21st mile Main line — 91st mile Ashley 480a. Or. Op. Seven years ,.. G. S. Bartrum 1/1/90 Half-yearly Private treaty. 43rd mile 158th mile 236th mile 58th mile Winchester Rakaia Oamaru Dunedin Ashburton Right-of-way along the railway reserve Portions of railway land near Rakaia Refreshment-rooms at station Refreshment-rooms at station Railway-reserve land near Ashburton Refreshment-rooms, Christchurch Station Refreshment-rooms Part of railway reserve Privilege to pass under bridge 50 links wide 2a. 3r. 20p. In. Or. Op. Seven years Yearly Three years Three years Seven years F. M. Young .. W. Morton E. Morton >G. W. Geddes C. M. Brooke 1/1/90 1/1/90 1/1/90 1/1/90 1/1/90 £1 per annum.. £1 10s. per annum £100 per annum £375 per annum ; £5 per annum.. Yearly Yearly Quarterly Quarterly Half-yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. Public tender. Public tender. Private treaty. 7th mile Christchurch .. Three years H. S. Drummond 1/1/90 ! £356 per annum Quarterly Public tender. 59th mile 90th to 91st mile 344th mile Ashburton Winchester Mataura la. Or. 5p. Three years Three years Indefinite W. Drummond A. W. Ensor .. C. P. Sleeman 1/1/90 1/1/90 30/1/90 £220 per annum £1 per annum.. Nil .. Quarterly Yearly Public tender. Private treaty. Private treaty. North line, 13th mile.. Kaiapoi Parts of Sections 321 and 365 la. 2r. lOp. Yearly G. Templeton.. 1/2/90 £1 10s. per annum One peppercorn per annum £20 per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. Main line, 18th mile .. Southbrook Railway land near Southbrook la. 3r. 24p. Seven years T. White 1/2/90 Private treaty. North line, 25th mile.. Sefton Store-site at Sefton 80ft. 9in. x 30ft. 3in. 4,224a. Or. Op. Seven years W. Vaughan 1/3/90 Quarterly Private treaty. Main line, 80th mile .. Rangitata Island Part of Reserves 1925 and 2810 Seven years A. M. Clark and H. H. Loughnan, trustees of late H. K. Macdonald G. Sutherland 1/3/90 £120 10s. per anQuarterly Public tender. num North line, 27th to 28th mile Rakaia and Ashburton Forks, 9th mile Balcairn Railway land near Balcairn .. 6a. 2r. 30p. Seven years 1/4/90 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly Private treaty. Mitcham Privilege of gate in fence Yearly Gould and Cameron 1/4/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty.


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Rangiora- Oxford, 13th mile Main line — 58th mile 81st mile Cust.. Railway land at Cust Station.. la. 2r. Op. Five years S. Head 1/4/90 £1 per annum Yearly Private treaty. Ashburton Rangitata Railway reserve near Ashburton Portion of Reserves 1925 and 2810, Rangitata Section 27, Block X., Waipahi la. 3r. Op. 90a. Or. Op. Yearly Year to year E. McKee G. Winter 1/4/90 1/4/90 £1 per annum' £5 per annum Yearly Half-yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. 323rd mile Arthurton 28a. Or. Op. Five years J. Truster 1/4/90 £3 10s. per annum £2 10s. per an-Half-yearly Private treaty. Albury Branch, 16th to 17th mile North line, 19th mile Main line — 3rd mile Sutherland's .. Rangiora Part of Reserve 1892, near Sutherland's Coal- and Timber-site No. 8 .. 12a. Or. 20p. Seven years J. Shepherd 1/4/90 num £15 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. Private treaty. 60ft. frontage Yearly F. Stevens 1/4/90 Quarterly 106th mile Port Chalmers Branch, 2nd mile Main line — 61st mile Heathcote Timaru Port Chalmers Right to graze cattle on Section 77, at Heathcote Refreshment-rooms Two rooms in railway-station.. 10a. 2r. 23p. Indefinite Three years Indefinite Mrs. F. E. Hewlett D. McGuiness Customs Department .. 1/7/90 1/1/90 16/4/90 £6 per annum £211 per annum Nil .. Every two months.. Quarterly Private treaty. Public tender. D e p a r t mentally. Tinwald Coal- and Timber-site No. 3 .. 33ft. frontage Yearly J. A. Clothier 1/4/90 £8 5s. per annum Nil .. £5 per annum.. Quarterly Private treaty. 96th mile M a k a r e w a - O r e p uki Branch, 25th mile North line, 26th to 27th mile Main line — 58th to 59th mile .. 102nd to 103rd mile 98th to 102nd mile .. 1,81st to 182nd mile Temuka Colac License to occupy land Piece of railway reserve la. lr. 23p. la. 3r. 27p. Indefinite Two years ; afterwards from year to year Seven years Mary Clarke J. R. Young, D. McLeod, and L. A. Norman C. Boyce 1/6/90 1/7/90 Half-yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. Sefton Part of Reserve 2640, near Sefton 5a, 3r. 28p. 1/7/90 £2 10s. per annum Half-yearly Private treaty. Ashburton Washdyke' Seadown Hillgrove Portion of railway reserve Piece of railway reserve Occupation license Part of Sections 3 and 5, Block I., Moeraki Survey District Part of Reserve 1333 3a. Or. Op. 4a. Or. Op. 24a. lr. 12p. 46a. 3r. 16p. Yearly Yearly One year Seven years J. T. W. Stevenson H. Riddell R. Duguid N. Mortimer 1/7/90 1/7/90 1/7/90 1/7/90 £1 per annum.. £2 per annum.. £11 15s. £18 15s. per anYearly Yearly Half-yearly Half-yearly Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Private treaty. Malvern Branch, 22nd to 23rd mile Main line, 134th to 135th mile North line, 21st mile .. Kingston Branch — 26th mile Waddington .. 6a. Or. 16p. Five years C. Gamble 1/7/90 num £1 per annum.. Yearly Private treaty. Waihao Occupation license 6a. Or. 22p. One year J. P. Olsen .. 1/7/90 £2 6s. lst July Private treaty. Ashley Portions of railway land 7a. 3r. Op. Yearly J. Banks 1/7/90 £9 per annum.. Half-yearly Public tender. 25th to 26th mile .. Centre Bush .. Centre Bush .. Right to lay tramway across railway Piece of railway reserve 14a. 2r. 17p. Three years Seven years M. McLeod .. J. Stewart 21/7/90 1/10/90 Nil .. £7 13s. per annum Half-yearly Private treaty, Public tender. Main line — 344th mile Mataura Privilege of carrying drainage tunnel under the railway at Mataura Occupation license to grow one season's root or green crops on parts of railway reserve near St. Andrew's Portions of railway reserve between Arowhenua and Seadown Seven years; terminable on either side at any time by six months' notice One year only C. P. Sleeman, farmer, Mataura 1/7/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 116th mile St. Andrew's .. 5a. Or. Op. C. Sellars,of St. Andrew's, railway ganger 1/7/90 £2 .. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 99th and 100th miles Seadown ' .. 8a. 3r. 39p. From year to year; terminminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment J. Lynch, labourer, of Temuka 1/7/90 £3 16s. lOd. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty.


D.—l 4

RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. Store-site in Timaru Stationyard HURU -UI-BLUFF SECTION— cok tinned. Main line, 106th mile.. Timaru 0a. Or. 28Jp. Fourteen years J. Mill, stevedore, of Port Chalmers 1/9/90 £60 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Sept., 1st Dec, 1st Mar., and 1st June Private treaty, after public tender. Private treaty. Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Branch, 15th mile Main line — 216th mile Urrall Privilege of a gate in the railway fence at Urrall Station Indefinite ; terminable at one month's notice P. Drummond, farmer, of Lauriston 30/9/90 One peppercorn per annum Warrington Privilege of a gate in the railway fence at Warrington Station Portions of railway land near Tinwald A piece of railway reserve near Dromore, with right-of-way thereto Indefinite ; terminable at any time on one month's notice Seven years Mrs. E. Stockton, of Warrington 1/10/90 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct.. Private treaty. 60th and 61st miles Tinwald 9a. lr. Op. F. Lowe, of Rockwood, Glenroy, labourer T. Blackburn, contractor, of Dromore 1/10/90 £4 12s. 6d. per annum £1 6s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct... Private treaty. 52nd and 53rd miles Dromore 13a. lr. 8p. Seven years; terminable by the department at any time by giving six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Seven years 1/10/90 Private treaty. 80th mile Rangitata Island Part of Reserve 2444, Rangitata Island A piece of railway reserve in Block V., Waikaka Survey District A piece of railway reserve near Dromore 7a. 2r. 22p. C. Miller, farmer, of Rangitata Island J. Catto, farmer, of Otikarama 1/10/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct... Private treaty. 330th mile Otikarama 4a. lr. Op. Five years 1/10/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct... Private treaty. 54th and 55th miles Dromore 22a. 3r. Op. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment H. Martin, contractor, of Dromore 1/10/90 £3 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. Kingston Branch — 19th mile Winton Right to lay tramway on railway land at Winton Station Right to lay tramway on railway land at Winton, with level crossing Portions of Reserve 1332, at Glentunnel About 11 ch. long About 1 ch. long F. Jack, sawmiller, of Winton I F. Jack, sawmiller, of Winton £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 20th mile Winton Indefinite ; terminable on three months' notice Indefinite; terminable on three months' notice 1/10/90 1/10/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Whitecliffs Branch, 9th mile Glentunnel 5a. Or. 14p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment W. Sleeman, miner, of Glentunnel 1/10/90 £2 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. Main line — 31st mile Dunsandel A piece of railway land at Dunsandel Station Oa. Or. lojp. Seven years J. Gemmell, farmer, of Dunsandel 1/10/90 £1 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 31st mile Dunsandel A piece of railway land at Dunsandel Station A piece of railway land at Dunsandel Station Store-site at Waihao Downs Station 0a. Or. 35p. Seven years G. Sheat, blacksmith, of Dunsandel H. Skinner, shoemaker, Dunsandel J. Douglas, sheep-farmer, of Waihao Downs 1/10/90 £2 10s. per an-Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 31st mile Dunsandel 0a. Or. 19-2p. Seven years 1/10/90 num £1 10s. per annum £5 per annum.. Private treaty. Waimate Gorge Branch, 9th mile Waihao Downs 0a. Or. lljp. Fourteen years 1/10/90 Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty.


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Main line, 49th, 50th, 51st, and 52nd miles Chertsey Portions of railway reserve be- 35a. lr. 15p. j Seven years; terminable at I N. Welsh, farmer, of 1/10/90 £3 10s. per an- Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. tween Chertsey and Dromore any time by department : Chertsey num. Oct. and 1st April on six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment A piece of railway land at Wai- 4a. 3r. 25p. From year to year; termin- | W. Acton Adams, solici- 1/10/90 £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty, para Station able on three months' no- \ tor, of Christchurch tice, ending on one of the ; yearly days of payment Right to cut grass on a piece of 17a. Or. Op. Prom year to year ; termin- ; J. Stevens, farmer, of 1/10/90 £2 10s. per an- Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. railway land near Sockburn able on three months' notice Upper Riccarton num A portion of railway reserve 10a. lr. 34p. Three years .. .. D. Tuffley.jun., labourer, 1/10/90 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. near Clinton of Clinton Oct. and 1st April A piece of railway land at Dun- 0a. lr. OSp. | Seven years .. .. W. R. Devereux and Co., 1/10/90 ' £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. sandel Station saddlers, of Dunsandel Oot. and 1st April \ A piece of railway land at Bluff 0a. Or. 3p. From year to year ; termin- Cambelltown Borough 1/10/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. j Private treaty. Station able at twelve months' no- , Council tice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment A piece of railway land in Block , 0a. Or. 27p. ■ From year to year; termin- T. Meek, grain ■___- 1/10/90 £2 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st Private treaty. XCV., Town of Oamaru able on throe months' no- j chant, of Oamaru and Oct., 1st Jan., 1st tice, ending on one of the Wellington April, and 1st July quarterly days of payment Right to cut grass between 4| .. ] From year to year; termin- J. Hoasman, farmer, of 1/10/90 j £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. miles and miles able at three months' notice Styx A piece of railway reserve in 0a. lr, 22p. j From year to year ; termin- : J. Holland, hotelkeeper, 1/10/90 £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty, the Town of Gore able at one month's notice, ! of Gore ending on one of the yearly days of payment Privilege of laying tramway on About lloh. From year to year ; termin- Watson Brothers, saw- 1/10/90 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. railway land at Wakapatu long. able on three months' notice millers, of Pallia Station Right - of - way at the Summit s 20ft. wide Indefinite ; terminable at j D. Reid, merchant, of 18/11/90 One peppercorn . • Private treaty. Station three calendar months' Dunedin per annum notice A piece of railway land at ; 0a. lr. 31p. From year to year; termin- F. Porter, hotelkeeper, of 1/1/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Caversham ■ able at one month's notice, Caversham ending on one of the yearly days of payment Coal- and Timber-site No. 45, 27ft. frontage One year only .. .. Friedlander Brothers, 1/1/91 £6 15s. .. Quarterly, on 1st Private treaty. Ashburton Station merchants, of Ash- Jan., 1st April, 1st burton July, and 1st Oct. A part of railway reserve at 14a. 2r. Op. Five years .. .. H. Quinn, farmer, of, 1/1/91 £7 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. Makikihi Makikihi Jan. and 1st July Part of Sections 3 and 4, Block 0a. 2r. 5p. Eighteen years three months J. G. Ward, merchant, 1/1/91 £20 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Private treaty, I., Town of Gore Invercargill Jan, 1st April, 1st after public July, and 1st Oct. tender. Part of Section 23, Block I., 0a. 2r. 36p. From year to year; termin- A. Butters, farmer, of; l/i/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Hawkesbury Survey District : able on three months' notice, Flag Swamp ending on one of the yearly days of payment Part of Rural Sections 589 and 11a. Or. Op. I Five years .. .. E. R. Wilson, farmer, -of | 1/1/91 £6 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Private treaty. 811, near Chaney's Styx Jan. and 1st July ie t treaty. North line, 40th mile.. Waipara Main line — 11th mile Sockburn 310th and 311th miles Clinton 31st mile Dunsandel 392nd mile Bluff.. 159th mile Oamaru North line, 5th and 6th miles Waimea Plains Railway, 1st mile Styx Gore M a k a r e w a - 0 r o puki Branch, 29th mile Wakapatu Otago Central Railway, 7th mile The Summit .. Main line — 239th mile Caversham 59th mile I Ashburton 123rd and 124th miles Makikihi 335th mile Gore 201st mile Goodwood North line, 8th mile .. Chaney's

D.—l 4.

RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.


Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Leasee. ' Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HUR JNUI-BLUFF SECTION -continued, Main line — 219th mile Waitati Right-of-way at Waitati Seven years .. .. J. Colehan, hotelkeeper, of Waitati From year to year; termin- ■ H. Horsnell, platelayer, able at threo months' no- i of Chertsey tice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year; termin- G. Rogers, platelayer, able at three months' no- Riverton tice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment 1/1/91 One peppercorn per annum £1 per annum.. Private treaty. 48th and 49th miles Chertsey A piece of railway reserve near Chertsey 5a. 2r. 7p. 1/1/91 Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Makarewa- Orepuki Branch, 18th mile Riverton Part of Sections 3 and 4, Town of Riverton Oa. lr. 22|p. 1/1/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. I Private treaty. Main line — 392nd mile Bluff.. A piece of railway land in Bluff Station-yard Oa. Or. 6p. From year to year; termin- Tothill, Watson, and Co., able ononemonth'snotice, woolandgrain brokers, ending on one of the half- of Invercargill yearly days of payment From year to year; termin- j E. F. Wright, of Mount able on three months' \ Somers, mine-master notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of pay- ! ment Seven years; terminable by j Dunedin Suburban Gas department at any time on | Company (Limited) three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterdays of payment Fourteen years .. .. H. Hoare, banker, of London (by his attorney, L. Harper, solicitor, Christchurch) 1/1/91 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 59th mile Ashburton Goal- and Timber-site No. 42, Ashburton Station 40ft. frontage 1/1/91 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 238th mile Caversham Part of Section 10, Block VI., Town District Oa. Or. 20p. 1/1/91 £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Albury Branch, 36th mile Fairlie Creek .. Store -site at Fairlie Creek Station Oa. Or. 13p. 1/1/91 £5 for land, £20 for siding: total, £25 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Main line — 196th mile Palmerston S. Part of Sections 71 and 72, Block XXXIII., Town of Palmerston South 7a. Or. 32p. From year to year; termin- j C. L. Russell, Stationable on three months' no- | master, of Palmerston tice, ending on one of the | South half-yearly days of payment From year to year ; termin- ! New Zealand Shipping able at three months' ! Company (Limited) notice Three years; and after that E. Simpson, carter, of from year to year, termin- Riverton able on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment From year to year; termin- Union Steamship Cornable at three months' no- pany of New Zealand tice, ending on one of the (Limited) half-yearly days of payment 1/1/91 £5 first year, £7 per annum thereafter Half-yearly-Private treaty. 1st mile Lyttelton Right to erect platform on railway land at Lyttelton 66ft. x 10ft. 1/1/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. M a k a r o w a-0 r e p u k i Branch, 17th mile Riverton Pieces of railway land in Blocks IL, III., IV., V., and VI., Riverton Extension Township 11a. Or. 34p. 1/1/91 £3 7s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Port Chalmers Branch, 2nd mile Port Chalmers Oa. Or. 0-6p. 1/1/91 £4 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. A piece of railway land at Port Chalmers


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All lines Right of advertising on all lines and future extensions on the Hurunui-Bluff Section of New Zealand Railways 1,069 miles open Five years D. H. Hastings, advertising agent, Dunedin 1/1/91 £706 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Public tender. _j Main line — q 375th mile b 62nd mile .. Invercargill .. Store-site at Invercargill Station Oa. Or. 10-3p. Twenty-one years Tothill, Watson, and Co., wool and grain merchants, of Invercargill W. Bradshaw, butcher, of Tinwald 1/1/91 £20 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st -July, and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Tinwald A piece of railway reserve near Tinwald 2a. Or. Op. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of tho yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment 1/1/91 £1 per annum.. Private treaty. I—' Waimate 3a. lr. 4p. A. Robinson, contractor, of Waimate 1/1/91 £1 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Waimate Branch, 4th mile A piece of railway reserve in the Town of Waimate Main line — 153rd mile Pukeuri Junction Waikouaiti Land and cottage at Pukeuri Junction Parts of Sections 1, 6, and 7, Block IV., Town of Hawkesbury Oa. lr. 12p. From week to week; terminable on one week's notice From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable at one month's notice J. Pratt, contractor, of Pukeuri Junction R. Mercer, labourer, of Waikouaiti 1/1/91 4s. a week Weekly Private treaty. 205th mile Oa. 2r. 15- lp. 1/1/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Tapanui Branch, 16th mile Kelso A piece of railway land at Kelso Station 0a. 2r. 35p. C. F. Dunnett, hotelkeeper, of Kelso 1/1/91 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Otago Central Railway, 7th mile The Summit .. Right to lay tramway with loading-stage at the Summit Station A piece of railway reserve near Otikarama A piece of railway reserve near Mount Somers About lOch. long J. and G. Hunter, miners, of Abbotsford 1/1/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Main line, 329th mile Otikarama 7a. Or. 32p. Five years A. B. McDonald, limeburner, of Limehills New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) 1/1/91 £1 12s. 6d. per Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Mount Somers Branch, 24th mile Mount Somers 2a. lr. 34p. From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on ono of the yearly days of payment Seven years 1/4/91 annum £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Albury Branch, 33rd mile Winscombe R.S. 6192 and parts of R.S. 6191, Tengawai Survey District 38a. 3r. 20p. Gillingham Bros, (viz., D. H., S., F. R., and R. Gillingham), farmers, Fairlie Creek D. Aiken, coal merchant, of Leeston 1/4/91 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Southbridge Branch, 22nd mile Leeston Coal- and Timber-site No. 7, Leeston Station 50ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarter-days of payment 1/4/91 £12 10s. per anQuarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. num Thornbury-Wairio Branch — 12th mile Otautau Section 4 and part of Seotion 5, Block IV., Town of Otautau Parts of Sections 6 and 7, Block IV., Town of Otautau Parts of Sections 8, 9, and 10, Block IV., Town of Otautau A piece of railway land at Bluff Two years H. Norman, labourer, of Otautau G. W. Price, labourer, Otautau J. Rogers, labourer, of Otautau Bluff Harbour Board .. £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Oa. 2r. Op. 1/4/91 12th mile Otautau Oa. lr. 21p. Two years 1/4/91 £2 per annum.. Private treaty. 12th mile Otautau Oa. Or. 37p. Two years 1/4/91 £2 per annum.. Private treaty. Main line, 392nd mile Bluff Oa. Or. 18p. Two years 1/4/91 £2 per annum.. Private treaty.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HUR1 JNUI-BLUFF SECTION— continued. Waimea - Plains Railway, 1st mile Gore A piece of railway reserve in the Town of Gore Oa. Or. 34p. From year to year; termin- J. Holland, hotelkeeper, able at one month's notice, of Gore ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year; termin- Kaiapoi Milling and able on three months' no- Produce Company tice, ending on one of the (Limited) quarterly days of payment Seven years .. .. J. Johns, farmer, Belfast 1/4/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. North line — 12th mile .. Kaiapoi Southern half of Coal- and Timber-site No. 2, Kaiapoi Station 20ft. frontage 1/4/91 £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 7th mile Belfast Part of R. S. 243a, near Belfast ! 4a. 2r. Op. 1/4/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Rangiora-Oxford, 32nd, 33rd, and 34th miles Sheffield Portions of railway land near ; Sheffield 5a. 3r. 16p. 18a. lr. 24p. 24a. lr. Op. Seven years .. .. F. Heighwav, farmer, of Sheffield 1/4/91 £3 12s. 8d. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Public tender. Main line — 60th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 33 and 34, Ashburton Station 60ft. frontage From year to year; termin- J. Tucker, coal and able on three months' no- timber merchant, of tice, ending on one of the Ashburton quarter-days of payment From year to year; termin- J. Tucker, coal and able on three months' no- timber merchant, of tice, ending on one of the Ashburton quarter-days of payment Seven years .. .. J. McLean, Oamaru, of Redcastle 1/4/91 £15 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 60th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 35, Ashburton Station 40ft. frontage 1/4/91 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Public tender. 147th mile Waitaki South Privilege of taking a water-race across railway land at Waitaki South Right of selling fruit at Gore Station 1/4/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 336th mile Gore One year ; terminable by de- A. Lakeman, fruiterer, partment at any time on of Gore one month's notice Seven years .. .. Port Chalmers Borough Council From year to year; termin- A. W. Geddes, of Clinton, able on fourteen days' no- licensed victualler tice at any time Indefinite ; terminable at Southland Frozen Meat one week's notice on either and Produce Export side Company (Limited) From year to year; termin- J. W. Stoner, labourer, able at six months' notice, of Limehills ending on one of the yearly days of payment Seven years .. .. H. Quinn, farmer, of Makikihi Seven years .. .. J.Murdoch, jun., timber merchant, of Gore 1/4/91 £21 per annum Half-yearly Public tender. Port Chalmers Branch, 2nd mile Main line, 310th mile Port Chalmers A piece of railway land at Port Chalmers A piece of railway land in Clinton Station-yard Oa. Or. 2-2p. 1/1/91 Is. per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Clinton Oa. Or. 9|p. 1/1/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Kingston Branch — 4th and 5th miles .. Wallacetown .. Privilege of using railway trench at Wallacetown About 40f ch. long 1/4/91 Is. per annum Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 24th mile Limehills Part of railway reserve in Block V., Winton Hundred Oa. 3r. 14p. 1/4/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Main line — 123rd mile Makikihi Part of Reserve 676, near Makikihi Store-site at Gore Station 9a. lr. 33p. 15/4/91 £5 13s. 8d. per annum £52 per annum Half-yearly, on 15th April and 15th Oct. Quarterly, on 1st May, 1st Aug., 1st Nov., and 1st Feb. Public tender. 336th mile Gore Oa. 2r. 2p. 1/5/91 Public tender .

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Southbridge Branch, 13 th mile Main line — 149th and 150th miles Springston Part of R.S. 3160, near Springston 3a. 3r. 5p. Seven years W. Keeley, farmer, of Springston 1/5/91 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st May and 1st Nov. Private treaty. Hilderthorpe .. Part of Section 58, Block IV., Papakaio Survey District Portions of railway reserve between Otikarama and Waikaka Part of Reserve 1332, near Darfield Store-site at Riversdale Station 35a. Or. 3p. Seven years .. J. Heavey, platelayer, Hilderthorpe T. Latham, farmer, of Gore 1/7/91 £9 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 331st, 332nd, and 333rd miles Waikaka 14a. 3r. 37p. Five years 1/7/91 £3 15s. per annum Private treaty. Whitecliffs Branch, 1st and 2nd miles Waimea Plains Branch, 18th mile Darfield 7a. Or. 20p. Five years J. McLaughlin 1/7/91 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. Riversdale 0a. lr. 20p. Nineteen years A. J. Pease, merchant, of Riversdale 1/7/91 £15 per annum Private treaty. Main line — ■ 392nd mile Bluff.. A piece of railway reserve at Bluff 0a. lr. 6p. From year to year; terminable at any time on three months' notice Seven years E. G. East, contractor, of Bluff 1/7/91 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 95th mile Temuka Portions of railway reserve at Temuka Station Reserve 458, Kowai Survey District 12a. lr. Op. H. Lee, hotelkeeper, of Temuka H. Cassidy, coach-pro-prietor, of Springfield 1/7/91 £15 6s. 4d. per annum £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Public tender. Malvern Branch, 29th mile Main line — 134th and 135th miles Springfield 25a. Or. Op. Seven years 1/7/91 Public tender. Waihao Portions of railway land near Waihao 6a. Or. 14p. From year to year ; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment From yoar to year; terminable at six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Five years J. Broadbent, labourer, of Studholme 1/7/91 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 81st mile Rangitata Part of Reserve 2810, Rangitata 28a. 2r. Op. W. Robertson, farmer, of South Rangitata 1/7/91 £3 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July.. Private treaty. North line — 13th mile Kaiapoi Part of Sections 321 and 365, Kaiapoi A piece of railway land at Belfast Station la. 2r. Op. M. Lynskey, Clerk to the Bench, Kaiapoi J. McN. Watt, manufacturer, of Christchurch 1/7/91 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 8 th mile Belfast 0a. Or. 12p. From year to year; terminable at any time on three months' notice From year to year; terminable at six months' notice, ending on one of the halfyearly days of payment Indefinite; terminable at any time on one month's notice on either side 1/7/91 One peppercorn per annum Private treaty. Main line, 101st and 102nd miles Washdyke Portions of railway land between Seadown and Washdyke 7a. 2r. 25p. G. Smith, labourer, of Washdyke 1/7/91 £5 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Makarewa- Orepuki Branch, 25th mile Colac Privilege of laying tramway on railway land at Colac Station About 2ch. long J. Phillips, firewood merchant, of Colac 1/7/91 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. Main line — 332nd mile Waikaka A portion of railway reserve in Block V., Waikaka Survey District A piece of railway reserve near Seadown 4a. 2r. 34p. Five years T. C. Thomson, farmer, of Gore 1/7/91 £1 3s. 8d. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 100th and 101st miles Seadown 11a. Or. 29p. From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment W. F. Dawe, farm labourer, of Washdyke 1/7/91 £6 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 100th and 101st miles Seadown A piece of railway reserve near Seadown 3a. lr. 8p. G. Paice, railway ganger, of Washdyke 1/7/91 £1 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. ' Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HI RUNUI-BLUFF SECTION■continued. Main line — 124th mile Makikihi Gateway in railway boundary at Makikihi Station From year to year; terminable at any time on three months' notice From year to year; terminable at any time by one month's notice Indefinite ; terminable at any time W. Quinn, farmer, Makikihi 1/7/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 196th mile Palmerston S. Piece of railway land at Palmerston South Station, with old Stationmaster's house thereon Privilege of carrying a drain under the railway in the Town of Invercargill Part of Seotion 67, Block V., Lower Kaikorai Survey District Right-of-way at Amberley Station Part of Rural Section 2096, at Sefton Privilege of leading waste water along railway drain and pipe at Timaru Tramway crossing near Oraki 0a. Or. 39p. M. Fagan, hotelkeeper, of Palmerston 1/8/91 £12 per annum "Quarterly, on 1st Oct., 1st Jan., 1st April, and 1st July Private treaty. 375th mile Elles Road About 50 links long Fleming and Gilkison, flour-millers, of Invercargill G. Maslin, fellmonger, of Burnside 18/9/91 Private treaty. 240th mile A d d i ng ton - Culverden Branch — 33rd mile Burnside 0a. lr. 7p. Four years 1/10/91 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. Amberley 25 links wide Seven years G. Winskill, farmer, of Amberley A. McLean, farmer, of Sefton Levien and Co., aeratedwater manufacturers, of Timaru F. Henry, sawmiller, of Longwood 1/10/91 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 25th mile Sefton 0a. 2r. Op. Four years 1/10/91 5s. per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Main line, 106th mile Timaru Five years 1/10/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. M a k a r e w a - 0 repuki Branch, 23rd mile Main line — 36th mile Oraki About 2ch. long Indefinite; terminableat any time on three months' notice Seven years 1/10/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly,*on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Bankside Reserve 400, near Bankside .. 20a. Or. Op. W. Pycroft, labourer, of South Rakaia W. J. Hampton, platelayer, of St. Andrew's 1/10/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 115th mile St. Andrew's .. A piece of railway reserve near the Pareora River la. 3r. 22p. From year to year; terminable at six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year ; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the' yearly days of payment Five years 1/10/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 199th mile Goodwood Part of Sections 29, 30, and 31, Block II., Hawkesbury Survey District la. 2r. 20p. A, Young, farmer, of Pleasant Valley 1/10/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. 273rd mile Milton Portions of railway land near Milton A piece of railway reserve in the Town of Gore 2a. lr. 28p. M. Murray, labourer, of Clarkesville E. Christenson, draper, of Gore 1/10/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Waimea Plains Branch, 1st mile G ore .. 0a. lr. 30p. From year to year ; terminable on one month's notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Five years 1/10/91 £1 15s. per anYearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. num Main line, 324th mile Arthurton A piece of railway reserve at Arthurton 6a. lr. 19p. G. Divers, farmer, of Arthurton 1/10/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oot. Private treaty, after public tender. Private treaty. Southbridge Branch, 24th mile Hill's Road .. Right-of-way under bridge near Hill's Road About 50 links long Seven years S. Ballagh, farmer, of Leeston 1/10/91 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Oct.

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Adding ton-Culverden Branch, 26th mile Main line — 60th mile Sefton Tinwald Part of Reserves 1343 and 2640, near Sefton Part of Rural Section 23096, south bank of Ashburton River, with right-of-way thereto A piece of railway reserve at Rakaia Station 8a. Or. 28p. la. lr. 18p. Five years From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Six months J. Barclay, blacksmith, of Sefton G. Willcocks, fellmonger, of Ashburton £5 per annum.. £1 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Private treaty. 1/10/91 42nd mile Rakaia Oa. 3r. 33p. J. G. Harvey, blacksmith, of Rakaia 1/10/91 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. Whitecliffs Branch, 12 th mile Main line — 344th mile Whitecliffs .. Old sod hut at Whitecliffs .. S. B. Seymour, of Christchurch 1/10/91 £1 10s. for six months Private treaty. Mataura Privilege to pass with drays under the Waimumu Creek Railway Bridge Portions of railway reserve between Dromore and Ashburton Indefinite; terminable at any time T. A. Connor, tinsmith, of Mataura 21/11/91 Private treaty. 53rd to 57th mile .. Dromore 26a. 3r. 19p. From year to year ; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment G. Johns, farmer, of Dromore 1/1/92 £3 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Rangiora-Oxford Branch — 48th mile Chertsey Store-site at Chertsey Station Oa. lr. 18p. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) J. Fraser, farmer, of Waddington F. Bull, butcher, of Waddington G. Pont, sawyer, of Colac £35 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Yearly, on 1st Jan. Publicauction. Seven years 1/1/92 33rd mile Waddington .. Part of Reserve 413, Oxford Survey District Part of Reserve 413, Oxford Survey District Right of laying tramway on railway land at Colac Station Piece of railway land near Arowhenua 6a. Or. 20p. Five years 1/1/92 £4 10s. per anPublic tender. 33rd mile .. Waddington .. 4a. lr. Op. Five years 1/1/92 num £3 per annum.. Public tender. Makarew a- Orepuki, Branch, 25th mile Main line, 98th to 99th mile Colac Arowhenua About 3J ch. long 6a. 2r. 12p. Indefinite; terminable at any time on one month's notice From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Five years J. McKenna, labourer, of Kerrytown 1/1/92 1/1/92 £1 per annum.. £3 5s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. Private treaty. Whitecliffs Branch, 1st mile Main line — 227th mile Darfield Part of Reserve 1332, near Darfield 2a. 2r. 4p. W. J. Gibbs, labourer, of Darfield 1/1/92 £1 10s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 273rd mile Upper Port Chalmers Clarkesville Portions of railway land at McGregor Tunnel Part of Section 189, . Block XXIV., Tokomariro Survey District A piece of railway reserve in Block XIII., Waipahi Survey District A piece of railway land at Mihiwaka Coal- and Timber-site No. 11, Rangiora Station 2a. lr. 3p. Five years H. C. Stevens, painter, of Port Chalmers F. Grant, hotelkeeper, of Milton 1/1/92 £2 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 2a. 3r. 6p. Five years 1/1/92 £1 10s. per annum Private treaty. 323rd mile Arthurton 20a. Or. Op. Five years R. Hocking, platelayer, of Arthurton 1/1/92 £2 10s. per an-Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. num 225th to 226th mile .. Mihiwaka la. Or. 14p. Five years W. Gordon, settler, of Mihiwaka H. Boyd, and T. Keir, timber merchants, of Rangiora 1/1/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. A d d i ng ton-Culverden, 19th mile Rangiora 99ft. frontage From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment 1/1/92 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. * First payment being from 1st August to 30th September, 1891, two months —namely, £2.

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RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.


Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION— co mtinued. Main line, 136th to 137th mile Waihao Branxholme .. Portions of railway land near Waihao 12a. Or. 28p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment 44a. Or. Op. Four years E. Hill, platelayer, of Waihao 1/1/92 1/1/92 £4 10s. per annum Half-yearly on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private reaty. Private treaty, after public tender. Private treaty. Makarewa-Ore puki Branch, 3rd mile Main line — 380th mile Part of Section 1, Block XIV., New River Hundred R. Grieve, farmer, of Waianawa £15 per annum Half-yearly on 1st Jan. and 1st July Woodend A piece of railway reserve at Woodend Station la. lr. 22p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment 2a. Or. 5p. Seven years New Zealand Pine Company (Limited) 1/1/92 £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. 380th mile Woodend A piece of railway reserve at Woodend Station Lot 20 of railway reserve T. O'Brien, settler, of Woodend A. Brown, storekeeper, of Gore 1/1/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 336th mile Gore 0a. Or. 5'75p. Six years and a half 1/1/92 £11 5s. for first year and a half, and after that £14, per Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 335th mile East Gore A piece of railway land at East Gore 0a. 2r. 18p. From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment 9a. 3r. 12p. Five years W. Johnston, blacksmith, of East Gore 1/1/92 annum £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 324th mile Arthurton A piece of railway reserve at Arthurton Parts of Sections 42 and 43, Block V., Lower Kaikorai Survey District Portions of railway land near Burnside A. Phillips, platelayer, of Arthurton W. C. Smith, commission agent, of Dunedin -1/1/92 £1 4s. 6d. per annum £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 240th mile Cattle-yards .. 0a. lr. 2p. Seven years 1/1/92 Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 240th mile Burnside 2a. Or. Op. From year to year ; terminable at three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment Three years H. McCall, signalman, Burnside 1/1/92 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 236th mile Dunedin Bookstall site W. Gilmour, bookseller, of Dunedin 1/1/92 £90 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. 106th mile Timaru Part of Section 133, Rhodestown Piece of railway land near Seadown Oa. Or. 22p. Seven years Trustees in the estate of the late J. Mackintosh Mrs. E. Sullivan, farmer, of Levels Plains 1/1/92 £3 per annum.. Private treaty. 99th to 100th mile .. Seadown 7a. 2r. lip. From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the half-yearly days of payment 3a. 2r. 16p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment 1/1/92 £3 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Private treaty. 96 th mile Temuka A piece of railway reserve on the Temuka River W. Demuth, butcher, of Temuka 1/1/92 £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty.



96th to 97th mile .. Arowhenua Pieces of railway reserves on and between the Temuka and Opihi Rivers Coal- and Timber-site No. 41, Ashburton Station 141a. Or. 24p. Five years W. Hopkinson, contractor, of Temuka 1/1/92 £6 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender. er. 59th mile .. Ashburton 40ft. frontage From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment Five years H. J. Moss and R, B. Restell, coal and timber merchants, of Ashburton Friedlander Brothers, merchants, of Ashburton 1/1/92 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct, Private treaty. 59th mile Ashburton Coal- and Timber-site No. 45, Ashburton Station 27ft. frontage 1/1/92 £6 15s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 59th mile Ashburton Northern half of Coal- and Timber-site No. 32, Ashburton Station 20ft. frontage J. Orr, merchant, of Ashburton 1/1/92 £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. 31st mile Dunsandel Reserve 266 at Dunsandel 5a. Or. Op. W. A. and J. D. Lawrence, and the trustees for E. Lawrence J. Gundy, sawmiller, of Little River 1/1/92 £7 per annum.. Half-yearly, on 1st Jan. and 1st July Public tender. Little River Branch, 23rd mile Little River .. Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 4 and 6, Little River Station 75ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment 1/1/92 £11 5s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Adding ton-Culverden Branch, 43rd to 44th' mile Waipara Portions of railway land in Block XVI., Waipara Survey District 21a. Or. Op. W. Antill, farmer, of Waikari 1/1/92 £4 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Main line — 7th mile Christchurch .. Bookstall site Three years C. H. Rhodes, bookseller, of Christchurch 1/1/92 £52 10s. per annum Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st Jan., 1st April, 1st July, and 1st Oct. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Public tender. 59th mile Ashburton Bookstall site Three years J. Marsden, bookseller, of Ashburton 1/1/92 £8 per annum.. Public tender. 106th mile Timaru Bookstall site Threo years T. Wagstaff, bookseller, of Timaru 1/1/92 £23 8s. per anPublic tender. num 105th mile Timaru Portions of railway land in Rural Sections Nos. 8137 and 34381, near Timaru Oa. 3r. Op. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Seven years G. Mathews, fireman, of Timaru 1/1/92 £1 10s. per anPrivate treaty. num 341st, 342nd, and 343rd miles Mataura A piece of railway reserve near Mataura 2a. 2r. 17p. Southland Frozen -meat and Produce Export Company (Limited) New Zealand Pine Company (Limited) 1/1/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Seaward Bush Branch, 6 th mile Waimatua Right to lay tramway on railway land and under the Waimatua Creek Bridge About 3 ch. longIndefinite ; terminable at any time on one month's notice 1/1/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. Makarewa-Ore puki Branch — 29th mile Wakapatu Right to lay tramway on railway land at Wakapatu Station Right to lay tramway on railway land at Wakapatu Station About 5J ch. long Indefinite ; terminable at three months' notice W. J. Perry, sawmiller, Wakapatu 1/1/92 £1 per annum Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty. 29th mile Wakapatu About 4J ch. long Indefinite ; terminable at three months' notice New Zealand Pine Company (Limited) 1/1/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st Jan. Private treaty.

D—l 4.

RETURN of Property occupied by the Public— continued.


Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Bental. When payable. (In advance.) How let. HUR' JNUI-BLUFF SECTION— a mtinued. Catlin's River Branch, 8th mile Waihemo Branch, 9th mile Main line — 31st mile Romahapa Dunback Cottage No. 116, Romahapa .. Cottage No. 28 at Dunback .. Indefinite; terminable at one week's notice Indefinite; terminable at one week's notice L. W. Purves, musicteacher, Romahapa W. Fyfe, tinsmith, Dunback 29/2/92 25/3/92 3s. weekly 4s. 6d. a week.. Weekly Four-weekly Private treaty. Private treaty. Dunsandel Portions of railway land at Dunsandel A piece of railway land at Dunsandel Coal- and Timber-sites Nos. 31 and 50, Ashburton Station Oa. Or. 31-2p. Five and a half years W. R. Devereux, saddler, Dunsandel J. S. Robins, carpenter, Dunsandel J. Orr, merchant, Ashburton 1/4/92 £2 10s. per an-Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. 31st mile Dunsandel Oa. Or. 9-6p. i Five and a half years 1/4/92 num £1 per annum.. Private treaty. 59th mile Ashburton 80ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly day~s of payment Indefinite; terminable at any time at three months' notice 1/4/92 £20 per annum Private treaty. 239th mile Caversham Supply of water from the spring at Caversham Tunnel J. R. Briggs, brewer, Caversham 1/4/92 £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Private treaty. Albury Branch— 22nd mile Coal Creek Part of Reserve 1896, near Coal CreelRailway Reserve 1891, Timaru district Cottage No. 87 at Rakaia 7a. lr. Op. Five years T. Sullivan, farmer, Cave 1/4/92 £2 10s. per annum £2 10s. per annum 6s. a week Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Four-weekly Private treaty. 15th mile Sutherland's .. 3a. 2r. Op. Five years J. Vickers, farmer, Sutherland's W. H. Johnston, schoolmaster, Rakaia W. J. Stoner, labourer, Limehills 1/4/92 Private treaty. Main line, 42nd mile.. Rakaia Indefinite; terminable at any time on four weeks' notice From year to year; terminable at six months' notice, ending on one of the yearly days of payment Five years 1/4/92 Private treaty. Kingston Branch, 24th mile Limehills Part of railway reserve in Block V., Winton Hundred 2a. 2r. 20p. I 1/4/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. Main line, 33rd and 34th miles Benmore Forsyth Portions of railway reserve in Hokonui Survey- District, near Benmore 13a, 2r. 29p. 3a. lr. 18p. 17a. Or. 7p. 6a. 3r. 29p. Five years J. Shand, farmer, Centre Bush 1/4/92 1/4/92 £2 lis. 2d. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Public tender. Lawrence Branch, 18th mile A piece of railway reserve in Block V., Tuapeka East Survey District R. McCaw, butcher, Waitahuna £2 15s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treaty. Main line — 375th mile Invercargill .. Site for bookstall, Invercargill Station One year J. A. Fish, accountant, Invercargill 1/4/92 £3 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st April Private treaty. 380th mile Woodend Right to lay a tramway on the railway reserve at Woodend About 18 ch. long Indefinite ; terminable at any time on one month's notice From year to year ; terminable on three months' notice, ending on one of the quarterly days of payment G. F. Murdoch, sawmiller, Woodend 1/4/92 £1 per annum.. Private treaty. Addington-Culverden line, 19th mile Rangiora Coal- and Timber-site No. 7, Rangiora Station 60ft. frontage W. Manhire, coal merchant, Rangiora 1/4/92 £15 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. _.-■_-..- _s_3_3_f __ Private treaty.


D.—l 4

Mam line, 58th and 59th miles Ashburton .. I A piece of railway reserve near Ashburton 2a. Or. 8p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on a yearly day of payment Three years J. Allison, draper, Ashburton 1/7/92 £1 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treat; _. North line, 11th and _i 12th miles | Whitecliffs Branch, 8th I and 9th miles Kaiapoi Reserve 1283, near Kaiapoi .. 25a. Or. Op. James Andrews, farmer, Kaiapoi W. Harrison, miner, Coalgate ■ 1/7/92 £1 17s. 6d. per annum £1 5s. per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Private treat; Coalgate Portion of railway reserve near Coalgate Station 2a. 2r. Op. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on a yearly day of payment Five years 1/7/92 Private treat; — i Albury Branch, 16th .* and 17th miles Sutherland's .. Part of Reserve 1892, and R.S. 1628, near Sutherland's 7a. lr. Op. T. Sullivan, farmer, Cave 1/4/92 £2 10s. per annum Half-yearly, .on 1st April and 1st Oct. Private treat; Main line — 336th mile Gore Right of selling fruit at Gore .. Two years Hannah Lovell, fruitseller, Gore B. S. Russell, Gore 1/5/92 £19 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st May and 1st Nov. Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Public tende: 336th mile Gore.. Lot 19, on railway reserve, Town of Gore Oa. Or. 5f p. Six years 1/7/92 £11 5s. first year, and £14 per annum for remaining five £1 per annum.. Private treat; 342nd mile Mataura Sections 20 and 21, Block XIII., Town of Mataura Oa. lr. Op. Oa. lr. 13p. Oa. 2r. 13p. About 24 ch. long Oa. Or. 3-4p. From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on a yearly day of payment Indefinite; terminable at any time on three months' notice Four years J. Keslin, road-surface-man, Mataura 1/7/92 Yearly, on 1st July Private treat} 391st mile.. Ocean Beach .. Right to lay water-pipes on railway land at Ocean Beaeh A site for an office on railway reserve at Bluff Station Right to lay tramway on railway land at Oraki Hon. J. G. Ward, merchant, Invercargill H. A. Lamb, shipping agent, Bluff John Hunt, carpenter, Oraki 1/7/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treat} 392nd mile Bluff.. 1/7/92 £10 per annum Half-yearly, on 1st July and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Private treat} M a k a r e w a-0 r e p u k i Branch, 23rd and 24th miles Thornbury-Wairio Branch, 12th mile Oraki Otautau About 4 ch. long Indefinite; terminable at any time on three months' notice From year to year; terminable on one month's notice, ending on a yearly day of payment Five years 1/7/92 1/7/92 £1 per annum.. £1 per annum.. Private treat} Private treat} Part of Section 9, Block IL, Aparima Hundred 2a. 2r. 8p. Mrs. Ann Fraser, Otautau Yearly, on 1st July Kingston Branch, 33rd mile Main line — 375th mile Benmore Piece of railway reserve in Hokonui Survey District Liddel Street Coal-site No. 2, Invercargill Station 8a. 2r. 22p. D. McMillan, farmer, Benmore Hokonui Coal Company (Limited), Invercargill 1/7/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treat} Invercargill 50ft. frontage From year to year; terminable on three months' notice, ending on a quarterday of payment From year to year ; terminable on one month's notice, ending on a yearly day of payment From year to year ; terminable at three months' notice, ending on a yearly day of payment 1/7/92 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treat} 239th mile Caversham A piece of railway land at Caversham Station Oa. Or. 29p. Mrs. Annie Park, widow, Dunedin 1/7/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treat} 196th mile Palmerston S... A piece of railway land near Palmerston South Station, 2r. 32p.; and Sections 8 and 9, Block XXIX., Town of Palmerston, 2r. A piece of railway reserve near St. Andrew's Station la. Or. 32p. John Vanee, railway ganger, Palmerston South 1/7/92 £1 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treat} 118th mile St. Andrew's .. 3a. 3r. 15p. From year to year, terminable on three months' notice, ending on a yearly day of payment W. Travers, jun., labourer, St. Andrew's 1/7/92 £1 10s. per annum Yearly, on 1st July Private treat}

D.—l 4


Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,350 copies), £108 Is. 6d.

By Authority : Samuei Costali., Government Printer, Wellington.— 1893.

Price Is. 6d.~\

RETURN of Property occupied by the Public — continued.

Mileage. Nearest Station. Description. Area and Dimensions. - Tenure. Lessee. Date of Lease. Eental. "When payable. (In advance.) How let. Main line — 335th and 336th miles Gore Part of Sections 3, 9, and 10, Block I., Town of Gore HUB" 0a. 2r. 38p. INUI-BLUFF SECTION— cc From year to year ; terminable at three months' notice, ending on a yearly day of payment Five years mtinued. James McEwan, blacksmith, Gore 1/7/92 £2 per annum.. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. 219th mile Waitati A piece of railway land at Waitati Station 0a. 3r. 25p. George Findlay and John Murdoch, timber merchants, Dunedin j T. Irwin, farmer, Bangi1/4/92 £10 per annum Quarterly, on 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct., and 1st Jan. Yearly, on 1st July Private treaty. North line — 20th mile Bangiora Part of Eural Section 1684, near Eangiora 0a. 3r. 32p. From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on a yearly day of payment From year to year; terminable at three months' notice, ending on a quarterday of payment Indefinite; terminable at two weeks' notice, ending on a four-weekly day of payment Indefinite; terminable at two weeks' notice, ending on a four-weekly day of payment Seven years 1/7/92 £1 10s. per annum Private treaty. ora 12th mile.. Kaiapoi South half of Coal- and Tim-ber-site No. 9, Kaiapoi Station 20ft. frontage James Butt, coal merchant, Kaiapoi 1/7/92 £5 per annum.. Quarterly, on 1st July, 1st Oct., 1st Jan., and 1st April Private treaty. Waihemo Branch — ■ 9th mile Dunback Cottage No. 29, at Dunback, with land 0a. Or. 24p. T. Butchart, forwarding agent, Dunback 22/8/92 4s. 3d. a week.. Pour- weekly Private treaty. 9th mile Dunback Cottage No. 29, at, Dunback, with land 0a. Or. 21p. John Cursham, labourer, Dunback 29/8/92 5s. 6d. a week.. Four-weekly Private treaty. North line, 28th and 29 th miles Main line, 311th mile.. Balcairn Clinton A piece of railway land near Balcairn Portions of railway reserve near Clinton 2a. 2r. 30p. E. Smyth, butcher, Sefton D. Tuffey, jun., labourer, Clinton 1/10/92 £1 10s. per annum £1 10s. per anYearly, on 1st Oct. Half-yearly, on 1st Oct. and 1st April Private treaty. Private treaty. 12a. Or. 13p. Three years; terminable on six months' notice, ending on a half-yearly day of payment Seven years 1/10/92 num Malvern Branch, 21st and 22nd miles Eacecourse Hill Portions of railway land in Block II., Hawkins Survey District Old sod hut at Whitecliffs .. 4a. 2r. 8p. W. J. Jenkins, farmer, Waddington 1/10/92 15s. per annum Yearly, on 1st Oct. Private treaty. Whitecliffs Branch, 12th mile Whitecliffs .. Six months only .. S. B. Seymour, Christchurch 1/10/92 £1 10s. for the six months Private treaty.

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Bibliographic details

LANDS ACQUIRED FOR RAILWAY PURPOSES (PARTICULARS AS TO)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, D-14

Word Count

LANDS ACQUIRED FOR RAILWAY PURPOSES (PARTICULARS AS TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, D-14

LANDS ACQUIRED FOR RAILWAY PURPOSES (PARTICULARS AS TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, D-14

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