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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated 21st September, 1892. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return showing the names and regiments or commissions of all claimants under the Naval and Military Settlers' and "Volunteers' Land Act whose claims have been lodged since the 25th September, 1891, and have not been substantiated; also, briefly, the reasons for their rejection."—(Mr. Buick.)

SUBSTANTIATED CLAIMS. Schedule A. See schedule to "The Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Act, 1892."

UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIMS. Synopsis. Number of Claims. Schedule B.—Claimants who have already received £15 scrip, now recommended for another £15 ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 „ C.—Corps not entitled to land-grants ... ... ... ... 136 „ D. —Already received land or scrip ... ... ... ... ... 136 „ E.—Did not retire from Her Majesty's service before the 31st December, 1868 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 102 „ P. —Volunteers who did not have five years' consecutive service... ... 163 „ G. —Volunteers who served in provinces which did not accept " The Volunteers' Land Act, 1865 " ... ... ... ... ... 85 „ H.—Applicants who have failed to prove their claims ... ... ... 43 „ I.—Have not fully complied with subsection (2), section 2, of the Act of 1889 26 „ J.---Applicants who did not retire for the special purpose of settling in New Zealand... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ X. —Died before completing service ... ... ... ... .... 1 „ L.—Eesided in districts where no land was given to military settlers ... 26 „ M.—Not residing in New Zealand ... ... .... ... ... 12 Eeported on by Commissioners ... ... ... ... 767 „ N.—Claims received by the Commissioners after the 30th June, 1892 ... 45 Note. —There are many other claims still with the several Commissioners that yet have to come in. Schedule B. Claimants who have already received Scrip, and are now recommended for Further Scrip to bring them up to the Amount allowed by the Naval and Military Settlers, &c, Acts, 1889 and 1891. Southland. Scrip reoeived. Recommended for £ _ Dunlop, Alexander ... ... ... ... 15 ... 15 Dunlop, Eobert ... ... ... ... ... 15 ... 15 Ferguson, Neil (deceased) ... ... ... 15 ... 15 McNalty, James ... ... ... ... ... 15 ... 15 Miller, Thomas ... ... ... ... ... 15 ... 15 Mitchell, William Henry ... ... ... ... 15 ... 15 Scandrett, Williamß. ... ... ... ... 15 ... 15 Note.—ln 1873 the Provincial Government of Otago issued £15 scrip to Volunteers, and in the schedule to the Naval and Military Settlers', &c, Act, 1891, three claims of £15 each were admitted, to bring those men up to the level with other claimants —namely, £30. On the strength of these three cases the foregoing claims are now recommended by the Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Southland District. I—H. 36b.


Schedule C. Coeps not entitled to Land-grants under the Naval and Military Settlers', &c, Acts, 1889 and 1891 Auckland. Smith, Frederick. Did not belong to any corps. Anderson, William, 2nd Waikato Eegiment. ' " £odd, Alexander, Militia. Barrett, Thomas, Wellington Defence Force. Trask ' John Hem 7 (deceased), Militia. Biddle, Benjamin (N.Z.C.), Armed Constabulary. Blagrove, Valentine, Commissariat Militia. Wellington. Boyd, John F., Wellington Defence Force. Allsworth, Arper, Wellington Mounted Police. Brady, James, Auckland Militia. Anderson, Charles, Taranaki Military Settlers. Brown, Daniel (deceased), 2nd Waikato Militia. \ Anderson, Thomas (deceased), Wellington Militia. Bruce, Eobert, bullock-driver. ; Barron, Thomas (deceased), Wellington Militia. Coldham, George, Onehnnga Militia. , Beere, EdwardH., Surveyor of Military Settlements. Cole, George L. (deceased), Armed Constabulary. i Blackey, Joseph, Wellington Defence Force. Cox, Eichard, 2nd Waikato Militia. | Boulton, Edward, Wellington Militia. Dillon, James (deceased), Militia Transport. Bradford, Edwin Henry, Wellington Defence Force, Dillon, Eobert, Militia Transport. Brown, Peter, Wellington Defence Force. Dye, Frank, Militia. Creech, D. J. T., Armed Constabulary. Fitzgerald, John Francis, Armed Constabulary. \ Durie, David S. (deceased), Militia and Armed Police. Gallagher, Thomas, Auckland Militia. : Florence, Thomas, colonial steamer " Victoria." George, John, Auckland Militia. j Jackson, John, Wanganui Militia. Hamilton, Samuel Hunter, Auckland Militia. ; McDermott, Edward George, Armed Constabulary, Hansen, Edward, interpreter. Maloney, Denis, Taranaki Military Settlers. Harlow, Thomas James, Parnell Militia. Eobinson, Eichard, Karori Militia. Hewlett, Thomas, Auckland Militia. Stark, James, Volunteer Fire Brigade. Hodge, Eobert Paul, 2nd Waikato Eegiment. Taylor, William (deceased), Wellington Militia. Lusk, Daniel Henderson, Militia. Wallis, Eichard (deceased), Wellington Bangers. McPike, James, Onehunga Militia. Maxwell, Joseph, Auckland Militia. (Supplementary List.) Maxwell, William John, Auckland Militia. I Ames, Joseph, Wellington Defence Force. Miles, Eobert, 2nd Waikato Militia Eegiment. Bashford, Townshend Heatly, 3rd Waikato Militia. (Had land for Imperial service.) Davy, Henry, Armed Constabulary. Murray, William, Militia Transport. Dingledy, Henry John, Taranaki Military Settlers. Parr, Edward John (deceased). Did not belong to | Donnelly, James, Wellington Defence Force. any corps. Elliotte, Eobert Henry, Drill Instructor. Phillips, James Charles, Engineer Militia. Gallagher, John, Wellington Defence Force. Powell, Thomas, Otahuhu Militia. Garbes, Peter, Wellington Bangers. Eamsay, Malcolm Frederick, Ist Waikato Militia. Hearfield, John, Yon Tempsky's Bangers. Eeid, Wm, Auckl'd Militia and 3rd Waikato Militia. Hutchings, Edward, Wellington Defence Force. Eouse, William Hart, Taranaki Militia. (Had land Kingdon, Paul (deceased). Wellington Defence Force. as a military settler.) Luxford, William Nicholas (deceased), Militia. Smith, John William, Wellington Defence Force. McGovern, Lawrence, Eoyal Irish Constabulary. Smith, William, Armed Constabulary. Minifie, Josiah (deceased), Militia. Spencer, Eobinson, 3rd Waikato Militia. Morritz, Wilhelm, Armed Constabulary. Squib, George, 2nd Waikato Militia. Morris, William, Eoyal Naval Eeserve'. Stapleton, Herman, 4th West York Militia. Eevell, Fredk. Henry, Wellington Defence Force. Stitchbury, James, Auckland Militia. Eevell, Frederick W., Taranaki Militia. Tomney, John, Militia. (Had land for Imp. service.) Eichardson, George 8., Hawke's Bay Volunteers. Ward, John P., Armed Constabulary. Smith, James, Wellington Defence Force. Watson, George, 3rd Waikato Militia. (Had land Stuart, Charles, Militia. for Imperial service.) Wilkie, James, Auckland Militia. Nelson. Winter, Francis, Otahuhu Militia. _, T , _, , . n,r- r ,. Young, John Henry Ist Waikato Militia. govey, John, OJgjjfattbt^ (Supplementary List.) Erskine, Eobert, Armed Constabulary. Emerson, John, Eoyal Irish Constabulary. Hurford, William, Taranaki Militia. McLaughlin, John M., Auckland Militia. Moore, Henry, Taranaki Military Settlers. Nixon, John, Drill Instructor. Taranaki. Stallard, Francis, 3rd Waikato Militia. Baldwin, William, Taranaki Militia. Vercoe, Arthur, Taranaki Militia. Birkett, William, Wellington Militia. White, Alfred Henry, Armed Constabulary. Eevell, William Crocker, Taranaki Militia. Woolfe, Thomas Shenton, Taranaki Militia. Young, Thomas, Armed Constabulary. Hawke's Bay. Baxter, William E. Did not belong to any corps. Marlborough. Harvey, Henry. Did not belong to any corps. Ball, Eichard, 3rd Waikato Militia. Ingram, Harry Smith, Napier Militia. Carr, Eichard William, Taranaki Militia Mcßride, James, 2nd Waikato Militia and A.C. Climo, James, Taranaki Militia. Nicholson, John C, Wellington Defence Force. Foley, John, Taranaki Military Settlers. Preece, George Augustus, Militia. Humber, Eobert, Taranaki Military Settlers. Eyan, George, Militia. McGuinness, James, Waikato Militia. Samply, John, Irish Constab'ry, Poverty Bay Militia. Watson, William Frank, Taranaki Military Settlers. Skillicorn, Abraham, Militia. Wyon, James, Armed Constabulary.



Schedule C— continued

Corps not entitled to Land-grants under the Naval and Military Settlers', &c, Acts— continued.

Canterbury. Booth, James, Porirua Militia. Davis, Charles, Hawke's Bay Defence Force. Dixon, John, colonial steamer "Victoria." Firman, Thomas, Military Settlers. Mclnnes, John, Wellington Defence Force. Seeker, Arthur, Armed Constabulary. Otago. Delaney, William, Militia and Armed Constabulary. Hawkins, James, colonial steamer " Victoria."

*McPherson, Eobert H., Volunteer Staff. Sutherland, Donald, Armed Constabulary. Southland. Everitt, John, Armed Constabulary. Westland. Blake, Arthur, 3rd Waikato Militia. Carter, Joseph Thomas, Wellington Defence Force. Splaine, William, Auckland Militia.

Schedule D. Aleeady received Land or Scrip.

Auckland. Bates, William (deceased), Eoyal Cavalry Volunteers. Had land for Imperial service. Bentley, John Daniel, 24th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Bodell, J., 59th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. ' Brady, J. (deceased), 58th Eegt. iilreadyhad land. Brennan, Joseph, 17th Eegt. Already had land. Brown, James, 58th Eegt. Already had land. Buckley, Daniel,- 58th Eegt. Already had land. Cartman, Eichard, H., Bay of Plenty Cavalry Volunteers. Had land as a military settler. Connolly, Francis, 58th Eegt. Already had land. Creen, Eobert, 58tlr Eegt. Already had land. Crow, William, 57th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. .' Dilley, Charles, Taranaki Volunteers. Had land for Imperial service. Donnelly, John, 40th Eegt. Had land for Volun- ; teer service. Downey, Matthew, 58th Eegt. Already had land. Earl, W., Eoyal Navy. Had land as amilitary settler. Faloon, Samuel, 53rd Eegt. Already had land. Finch, T., 58th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Flannery, Charles (deceased), 58th Eegt. Already had land. Garrard, William George, Eoyal Navy. Had land as a military settler (also comes under Schedule I). Gooderiem, William Henry, 58th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. * Green, Edward L., 26th Eegt. Eeceived land order which he allowed to lapse. Green, Joseph, Waiuku Cavalry Volunteers. Eeceived £30 scrip in 1879. Hagerty, James, 61st Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Hardman, James, 14th Eegt. Had land for Volunteer service. Hartnell, Michael, 58th Eegt. Already had land. Healy, Edmond, 18th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Heaton,J.,6sthEegt. HadlandforVolunteerservice. Herbert, Patrick, Bengal Artillery. Had land as a military settler. Irwin, D., 59th Eegt. Had land as a military settler, i Jenkinson, Henry, 68th Eegt. Had land as a mili- j tary settler. Laney, J., 70th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. ' McMahon, Patrick, 58th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. McMillan, Alexander, 40th Eegt. Had two grants of land—(l) for Imperial service, (2) as a military settler. Madden, John (deceased), 40th Eegt. Had land as a military settler.

Measures, Joseph, 58th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Millar, W., 58thEegt. Had land as a military settler. Murphy, Martin, Thames Volunteers. Had land for Imperial service. Odium, John, 65th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Parry, William, 68th Eegt. Had land which he forfeited. Petty, Dominick (deceased), 40th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Porter, William, 58th Eegt. Eeceived £20 cash or scrip issued under the Act of 1891. Pye, Charles, V.C. (deceased), Defence Force. Had land for Imperial service. Quinn, Jas., 58th Eegt. Already had land. Battigan, Peter, 65th Eegt. Had land which he forfeited. Eyan, Jeremiah, 58th Eegt. Already had land. Eyan, John, 65th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Sage, Jesse, 58th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Shanagan, John P., 58th Eegt. Already had land. Slattery, Matthew, 70th Eegt. Eeceived scrip under Act of 1891. Taylor, G., 58th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Thomas, Win. Fredk., Cambridge Cavalry Volunteers. Eeceived scrip under Act of 1891. Turnbull, Joseph, 65th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Vincent, Augustin, 65th Eegt. Had land for Volunteer service. Wadsworth, John, 12th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Walmsley, Jas. (deceased), Defence Force. Had land for Imperial service. Whally, John, 58th Eegt. Already had land. (Supplementary List.) Henshaw, Thos. Joseph, Eifle Brigade. Had land as a Volunteer. Meylor, Thos. (deceased), 57th Eegt. Had land order which he forfeited. Scott, John, Auckland Volunteers. Already had scrip. Symonds, John J., sth Eegt. Already had land. Taranaki. Batson, Joseph, 58th Eegt. Eeceived scrip as a Volunteer. Bourke, Ulick, Volunteers. Had land as a military settler. Coffey, Martin Francis, Volunteers. Had land as a military settler. Conway, Patrick, Wanganui Volunteers. Had land for Imperial service. Gollop, Benjamin (deceased), Volunteers. Already had scrip.

• These claims are recommended by the Commissioner of Crown Lands.



Schedule D— continued. Aleeady received Land or Scrip— continued.

Guirk, Patrick, Bushrangers. Already had land. Hoby, Geo., Cay. Vols. Already had £50 scrip. Martin, William, Militia. Already had scrip. Eassman, Charles, Militia and Volunteers. Already had 60 acres of land. Bedding, John, 57th Eegt. Had land order which he forfeited; also received £30 scrip under Act of 1891. Steer, John, Militia and Volunteers. Had land as a military settler. Thompson, Joseph, Bay of Plenty Cay. Vols. Had land as a military settler. Whitlock, Geo., Eoyal Navy. Had 50 acres land. Williams, Wm., 58th Eegt. Had scrip for 40 acres at the Bay of Islands, which he sold for £9. Hawke's Bay. Benson, William, Forest Bangers. Already had grant of land. Boland, Michael, Poverty Bay Mounted Rifles. Had land as a military settler. Flint, Henry, Wairoa Rifle Volunteers. Had land as a military settler. Gardiner, Ba'lph, Wairoa Eifle Volunteers. Had land'for Imperial service. Keating, Frederick, 87th Eegt. Had land as a military settler. Knight, Herbert T. H., Hawke's Bay Defence Force. Already had land. Larkin, Stephen, Taranaki Field Force. Had land for Imperial service. McNally, Christopher, 65th Begt. Had land as a military settler. Maddigan, John, 39th Begt. Had land as a military settler. Mayo, George, Wairoa Bifle Volunteers. Had land as a military settler. Moody, Thomas, Waikato Militia. Had land as a military settler (Hawke's Bay). Owens, John, Forest Rangers. Had land for Imperial service. Plummer, Albert, Military Settlers. Had land as a military settler. Westrup, Charles, Forest Bangers. Had land as a Forest Banger. Wellington. *Biddle, Edward, Eoyal Navy. Had land as a military settler. Burney, Patrick (deceased), 65th Eegt. Eeceived land which he sold. *Chamberlain, John, 57th Begt. Had land as a Volunteer. *Davis, Eichd., 65th Eegt. Had land as a Volunteer. *Duffy, Stephen, 65thEegt. Hadlandas aVolunteer. *Duffy, William (deceased), 65th Eegt. Had land as a Volunteer. -Ellis, Wm., 65th Begt. Had land as a Volunteer. * Friend, Geo., 65th Eegt. Had land as a Volunteer. Gidall, Jacob, Taranaki Volunteers. Had land as a military settler. *Hamilton, William, 65th Eegt. Had land as a Volunteer. Healey, John, 65th Eegt. Had land in Eangitikei. Hurst, John Hunt (deceased), Turakina Volunteers. Had scrip as a Volunteer. Kells, William (deceased), Wanganui Volunteers. Had scrip as a Volunteer. J

McNiven, William, Wanganui Militia. Had land for Imperial service. Morrow, Hugh, Wanganui Volunteers. Had scrip as a Volunteer. "■'O'Connor, Michael, 57th Eegt. Had scrip as a Volunteer. Patrick, Thomas, Volunteer Militia. Had land for Imperial service. Eoberts, George (deceased), Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers. Had scrip as a Volunteer. Eussell, John (deceased), 65th Eegt. Had land at Wanganui. *Sands, Eobt., 65th Begt. Had scrip as a Volunteer. *Smith, Jas., 65th Eegt. Had scrip as aVolunteer. *Warren, William, 65th Eegt. Had scrip as a Volunteer. *Watts, William, Auckland Defence Force. Had scrip as a Volunteer. ■■'■ Wheeler, Wm., 57th Eegt. Had scrip as Volunteer. * Whelan, Wm., 57th Eegt. Had scrip as Volunteer. (Supplementary List.) Baldwin, Francis, Turakina Volunteers. Already had scrip. Byrne, Patrick, Militia and Volunteers. Had land for Imperial service. Campbell, Eichard, Wanganui Volunteers. Already had scrip. Collins, Daniel (deceased), 65th Begt. Already had land. Ford, Arthur Steel, Ist Waikato Begt. Already had land. Hill, John, Eoyal Navy. Already had land. Holly, John, 65th Eegt. Already had land. Isherwood, J. C. E., 45th Eegt. Had land order which he forfeited. Jupp, Heber (deceased), Grey town Eifle Volunteers. Already had scrip. tLeckie, John (deceased), 2nd Waikato. Had town acre. Leonard, John, Wanganui Yeo. Cay. Volunteers. Already had land. Penfold, Edward, Wanganui Volunteers. Already had scrip. :: 'Smith, John, 2nd Waikato Militia. Says he had scrip which he lost. Nelson. Bavis, William, 57th Begt. Had 60 acres for Volunteer service. Hall, Thomas, Taranaki Volunteers. Had scrip for Volunteer service. Perfect, Frank Gleane, Coromandel Volunteers and 2nd Waikato Begt. Had grant of land. Marlborough. Horan, Michael, 65th Eegiment. Had land which he forfeited. Lane, George Landon, 3rd Waikato Militia. Had land in Waikato. Canterbury. Halloran, John, 58th Eegt. Had land at Papakura and Drury. Otago. Wilson, William Alexander, Naval Volunteers. Already had £15 scrip from the Provincial Govt.

* Claims recommended by the Commissioner of Crown Lands f Commissioner recommends scrip £25 in lieu of country land



Schedule D— continued.

Already received Land Southland. ( Henderson, Frank, Invercargill Volunteers. Already had scrip. (

1 or Scrip— continued. Westland. Clery, Henry Allan (deceased), Taranaki Military Settlers. Already had land. Greenwood, Eobt. Wm., Taranaki Volunteers. Already had £30 scrip.

Schedule E. Did not retire from Her Majesty's Service before the 31st December, 1868; giving Date of Eetirement.

Auckland. Bailey, James, Commissariat. Ist August, 1871. Barron, John, 40th Regt. 3rd August, 1875. Brien, Cornelius, 18th Regt. sth October, 1869. Brogan, Francis, 18th Eegt. 28th February, 1870. Carroll, Albert Ed., 18th Eegt. February, 1870. Carroll, J. (deceased), 18th Eegt. February, 1870. Chambers, Joseph, 85th Eegt. 14th October, 1880. Clarke, Charles, 18th Eegt. 28th February, 1870. Condron, John, 57th Eegt. October, 1869. Connell, William, 18th Eegt. 11th August, 1870. Connor, John, 18th Eegt. 2nd August, 1870. Crowley, Edward, 18th Eegt. 15th July, 1869. Davis, J., Army Hospital Corps. 19th Dec, 1876. Doherty, William, 18th Eegt. 3rd August, 1870. Earnshaw, John, 14th Eegt. 22nd February, 1870. Fitzpatrick, J., Army Hosp. Corps. 10th May, 1881. Gibbons, James, 18th Eegt. 20th August, 1870. Glenn, Eobert, 18th Eegt. 7th March, 1870. Gordon, William, 18th Eegt. 3rd August, 1870. Harford, Matthew, 14th Eegt. 14th August, 1869. Holliday, Wm., 18th Eegt. 22nd February, 1869. Keene, James, 18th Eegt. 28th February, 1870. Lambert, W., Military Train. 31st October, 1870. Langton, Peter, 18th Eegt. 3rd May, 1869. McCandless, J., 18th Eegt. 28th February, 1870. McGinn, Owen, 18th Eegt. 9th March, 1870. Moore, William, 18th Begt. February, 1870. Moylan, Andrew, 14th Eegt. 20th February, 1870. Murphy, Jeremiah, 18th Eegt. 1870. Naylor, Joseph, 18th Eegt. 28th February, 1870. Neville, Patrick, 18th Eegt. 2nd August, 1870. Noble, Eichard, 14th Eegt. 9th March, 1870. Noonan, John, 18th Eegt. 9th April, 1872. Notton, Eobert, Eoyal Navy. 29th April, 1869. O'Brien, John, 65th Eegt. October, 1870. Quigley, John, 18th Eegt. 18th May, 1880. Richardson, E., Bombay Army. 17th Sept., 1889. Eyan, Michael, 18th Eegt. 4th April, 1871. Sheehy, John, 18th Eegt. 25th May, 1869. Stephenson, John, 50th Eegt. February, 1869. Tilley, T. G, Eoyal Navy. 22nd February, 1870. Tinsley, Timothy, 14th Eegt. Bth February, 1870. Wakeham, Thos., Eoyal Navy. 26th March, 1870. Taranaki. Fitzsimmons, L. 18th Eegt. Discharged in 1869. Hurst, Charles E., 12th Eegt. Eetired in 1873. Haivke's Bay. Barry, Thomas, 18th Begt. 12th January, 1870. Burke, Patrick, 18th Begt. 18th July, 1870. Clampit, George, 18th Eegt. 15th June, 1870. Collins, John, 18th Eegt. 19th January, 1870. Connell, Michael, 18th Eegt. 10th September, 1869. Connor, Wm. (dec), 18th Eegt. 28th Feb., 1870. Cranny, Patrick, 18th Eegt. 10th August, 1870. Flvnn, Joseph, 14th Eegt. 10th April, 1869. Forsvthe, William, 18th Eegt. 30th April, 1878. Gill."William, 18th Begt. 12th January, 1870.

Hawkins, Thomas, 18th Begt. 12th Jan., 1870. Howe, Thomas, 14th Eegt. November, 1869. Ireland, James, 18th Eegt. 3rd August, 1870. Knipe, Thomas, 14th Begt. 31st January, 1870. Lynch, Michael, 14th Eegt. 24th February, 1870. M"cGrath, John, 14th Eegt. 30th March, 1870. McGregor, Eobert H. (deceased), 65th Eegt. 1873. Markham, Eobert, 18th Eegt. '22nd October, 1878. Miller, Eobert Maut, 33rd Eegt. July, 1870. Mitchell, William, 18th Eegt. October, 1870. Murphy, Daniel, 18th Eegt. January, 1870. O'Neil, John, 18th Eegt. 2nd August, 1870. Eice, Thomas, 18th Eegt. August, 1870. Spencer, Wm. Isaac, 18th Begt. January, 1870. Whelaii, Patrick, 18th Begt. February, 1870. Wellington. Atkins, Samuel, 78th Eegt. 1873. Bell, Norris (dec), Bifle Brigade. 28th Oct., 1874. Boyle, Patrick (dec), 18th Begt. 26th Feb., 1875. Cronin, John, 18th Begt. July, 1870. Donnon, James, 14th Begt. 12th March, 1870. Estall, Eobert, 72nd Eegt. 1877. Foster, George, 57th Eegt. 25th June, 1875. Kemp, George, Eoyal Navy. 1874. Lawton, James, 62nd Eegt. 22nd March, 1871. Lunn, Eichard, 14th Eegt. Ist January, 1870. McMillan, Thomas, 18th Eegt. 10th Sept., 1878. Powley, A. J., Eoyal Navy. 16th February, 1884. Eyan,"Edward, 14th Eegt. Bth February, 1870. Scarff, Joseph, 18th Eegt. 29th November, 1870. Sexton, William H., Eoyal Navy. 1872. Walsh, J. (deceased), 14th Eegt. 14th Feb., 1870. W'helan, Keyran, 14th Eegt. Bth March, 1870. (Supplementary List.) Allen, Alexander, 31st Eegt. 9th Sept., 1873. Delahy, James, 14th Eegt. February, 1869. Ellis, Thomas, 43rd Begt. August, 1870. Henry, Valentine M., 18th Begt. 3rd Sept., 1878. Kenorly, William, 18th Begt. 9th January, 1869. McCleary, John (deceased), Eoval Artillery. 14th June, 1870. McGinnerty, Wm., 18th Begt. 19th April, 1869. Wilkinson, Matthew, 18th Eegt. 22nd Dec, 1870. Nelson. Wainhouse, Bobt., Boyal Artillery. 7th June, 1869, Marlborough. Curry, John (deceased), 65th Eegt. Bth Aug., 1870. Canterbury. Fisher, Stephen, Boyal Navy. 15th June, 1870. (Also settled in a district where grants were not given to military settlers.) Granger, James, 14th Eegt. 6th May, 1870. Otago. Henry, James, 18th Eegt. 23rd August, 1870. O'Donnell, Michael, 70th Eegt. 25th July, 1871. Westland. Collins, Denis, 85th Eegt. Bth March, 1876.



Schedule F. Claims of Volunteers who did not have Five Years' Consecutive Service.

Auckland. Austin, Fredk. Geo., Pokeno Eifles. Only two years efficient. Bates, W T m. Henry, Onehunga Bifles. No record. Belsham, Alfred, Victoria Eifles. Only four years efficient. Brain, Alfred John, Otahuhu Cavalry. Nonefficient. Brierly, Thomas, Onehunga Eifles. No record. Brown, Jno., Forest Bifles. Only one year efficient. Carver, Eobt. Wm. Ind, Hawke's Bay Yeomanry Cavalry. Only three years efficient. Clark, Geo., Onehunga Bifles. Only two years efficient. Cochrane, Joseph, Te Awamutu Cavalry. Only two years efficient. Corlett, John, Ho wick Cavalry. Only one year efficient. Cox, Eichard, Thames Volunteers. Non-efficient. Creighton, Francis, Wairoa Eifles. Only one year efficient. Creighton, Joseph, Wairoa Bifles. Only one year efficient. Douglas, Alexander, Pokeno Bifles. Only two years efficient. *Donnelly, Ed. Prior, Howick Cavalry. Eecords show — Three years no record, one year efficient, one year on leave, two years not on the roll, one year non-efficient. Filmer, John James, Bay of Plenty Cavalry. Only two years efficient. Fletcher, Isaac, Onehunga Navals. No record. Flynn, William, Wairoa Eifles. Only four years efficient. Hammond, Thos. C, Taranaki Volunteers. Nonefficient. Inglis, James, Forest Bifles. Non-efficient. Jennings, Wm. Thos., Auckland and Oamaru Eifles. Non-efficient. Jordan, Bichd. Coles, Tauranga Engineers. Nonefficient. Kearns, Eichard, Auckland Artillery. Only three years efficient. Lyon, Alex., Auckland Bifles. Only three years efficient. McCall, James, Wairoa Eifles. Only three years efficient. McDonald, John X., Waikato Eifles. No record. Mclntyre, Finlay, Wairoa Eifles. Only two years efficient. Morrow, George, Hauraki Bifles. Only two years efficient. Muir, David, Auckland Navals. No record. Murdock, Edward, Onehunga Eifles. No record. Nicholson, Fredk., Auckland Navals. Only one year efficient. Nodder, John, Taranaki Eifles. No record. Osborne, Wm., Auckland Volunteers. No record. O'Toole, John, Wanganui Cavalry. Non-efficient. Palmer, Charles, Auckland Bifles. No record. Parnall, Thomas, Onehunga Navals. No record. Peat, George, Wairoa Rifles. Only two years efficient. Powley, William, Auckland Volunteers. Only two years efficient. Robinson, Thos., Howick Cavalry. Non-efficient. Roycroft, James, Thames Volunteers. Only four years efficient. Sanders, Alfred James, Tauranga Cavalry. Only three years efficient.

Shaldrick, William, Onehunga Navals. No record. Spargo, Henry, Auckland Artillery. Only three years efficient. Spinley, Jos. C, Auckland Engineers. No record. Turner, John Thomas, Onehunga Eifles. No record. Wallace, James, Otahuhu Cavalry. Only four years efficient. Wallace, Matthew, Wairoa Bifles. Only four years efficient. Warren, Young, Waiuku Eifles. No record. W 7 oolfield, Thomas E., Otahuhu Cay. Non-efficient. Taranaki. Adamson, Stephen, Wanganui Cavalry. Had not five years' efficient service. Adamson, William, Volunteers. Had not five years' efficient service. Dyer, George, Kai-Iwi Cavalry. Only one year efficient. Dyer, Joseph, Kai-Iwi Cavalry. Only one year efficient. Higgins, James, Patea Eifles. Only three years efficient. Holdsworth, Frederick D., Oamaru Artillery. Had not five years' efficient service. Joll, Samson T., Taranaki Volunteers. Had not five years' efficient service. Millar, David S., Napier Artillery. Only three years efficient. Sogers, Charles August, Volunteers. Had not five years' efficient service. Sanderson, James, Clutha Eifles. Had not five years' efficient service. Hawke's Bay. Ashton, John, Artillery Volunteers. Only three years efficient. Baldwin, Michael (deceased), Hawke's Bay Yeomanry Cavalry. Only one year efficient. Brooking, Eoope, Artillery. Only four years efficient. Cato, Walter, Artillery. Only three years efficient. Fagan, John, Artillery and Eifles. Non-efficient. Grigg, Charles, Wellington Volunteers. Only three years efficient. Hanlon, William Edward, Eifles. No record. Hardy, Samuel W., Cavalry. Only four years efficient. Hurst, Alfred William, Bifles. Only three months efficient. Hurst, William, Bifles. Only five months efficient. Large, John Thompson, Bifles and Artillery. Only two years efficient. Lopdell, James, Yeomanry Cavalry. Only eight months efficient. McKenzie, Eobert Henry, Yeomanry Cavalry. Only three years efficient. Scott, George, Bifles. Only three years efficient. Shirley, Thomas Edward, Rifles. Under one year efficient. Torr, Thomas, Bifles. Only four years efficient. Trask, Israel, Yeomanry Cavalry. Only one year efficient. Wellington. Atkinson, James, Wanganui Bifles. Only six months' service. Bayley, Beginald, Taranaki Eifles. Only four years' service. Eeceived land as a military settler.

* This claim is recommended by the Commissioner,



Schedule F— continued. Claims of Volunteers who did not have Five Years' Consecutive Service— continued.

Bergin, William, Wellington Eifles. Only two years' service. Had land for Imperial service. Brightwell, Thomas, various corps. Only two years' service. Burns, Eobert, Taita Eifles. No time proved. Carroll, James, Patea Bifles. No time proved. Charker, Daniel, Makara Bifles. Only joined in 1877. Coughlin, Daniel, Eangitikei Cavalry. Only two years' service. Gallagher, James, Wairarapa Cavalry. Only three years' service. Gibson, Harrison, Wanganui Cavalry. Only five months' service. Harcourt, John 8., Wellington Bifles. Only three years' service. Hawkins, Frederick Henry, Makara Bifles. Only three years' service. Jackson, Wm. M., Wellington Bifles. Under three years' service. Lloyd, Thomas, Hawera Cavalry. About three years' service. McDonell, Arch. McL., Alfred Cavalry. Only three years', service. McDoneli, Donald C, Alfred Cavalry. Only two years' service. McDonell, Jas. (deceased), Alfred Cavalry. Only three years' service. Neal, Samuel, Auckland Eifles. Only seventeen months' service. Neville, George, Makara Eifles. Only joined in 1878. Scrimshaw, John, Hutt Eifles. Only four years' service. Taylor, David, Hutt Bifles. About three years' service. Tingey, Edward, Wanganui Eifles. Only sixteen months' service. Tingey, Eichard, Wanganui Eifles. About two years' service. Wiley, Hamilton Jas., Porirua Bifles. About three years' service. (Supplementary List.) Allen, George Frederick, Wanganui Volunteers. Did not have five years' consecutive service. Ballantine, Peter, Wanganui Volunteers. Ditto. Ballinger, Arthur S., Wellington Eifle Volunteers. Not enrolled as a Volunteer until after 31st October, 1876. Burling, Arthur, Featherston Rifle * „.°° „.„3, c ~ , °\ ' i years consecuVolunteers f. ( tive service. Byrne, Edward, Wanganui Volunteers. Ditto. Byrne, John William, Wairoa Bifles. „ Cameron, Daniel, Taranaki Volunteers. „ Cameron, Daniel, jun., Taranaki Vols. „ Clarkson, John (deceased), Mauku Vols. „ Climo, James, Taranaki Volunteers. „ Cruickshank, James D., Hutt Vols. „ Dixon, William, Masterton Volunteers. „ Edwards, George, Lady Bowen Cay. Vols. „ Emeny, William George, Patea Bifles. „ Fairbrother, Bichd. H., Carterton Eifles. „ Flynn, Thomas, Patea Eifles. „ Handley, Thomas, Wanganui Cavalry. „ Harris, Jas. (deceased), Wellington Vols. „ Henson, Thomas, jun., Wanganui Vols. „

Hickson, Peter Herbert, Welhng- , ~, & i years consecuton Volunteers. f- { tive service. Holland, Wm. Henry, jun., Waiuku Eifles. Ditto. Howe, George, Artillery Volunteers. „ Jones, Mostyn, Carterton Eifles. „ Kells, Thos. (deceased), Wanganui Eifles. „ Kenorly, William, Wanganui Bifles.. „ Macdonald, John Scoct, Wellington Vols. „ McGonagle, Eobert, Thames Volunteers. „ McKenzie, William, Artillery Volunteers. „ Morton, Daniel, Turakina Cavalry. „ Pearce, James, Pahautanui Eifles. „ Boskruge, Louis C, Wellington Vols. „ Scrimshaw, George, Hutt Volunteers. „ Sloane, John Allen, Taranaki Volunteers. „ Spurdle, William Akerman, Taranaki Vols. „ Staite, William Cropley, Wanganui Vols. „ Stewart, Charles, Wellington Volunteers. Volunteer service did not commence until after 31st October, 1876. *Stidolph, Sydney, Oamaru and Auckland Vols. Had not five years' consecutive service. Walker, John Henry, Wellington Vols. Had not five years' consecutive service. Whale, William, Eangitikei Cavalry. Had not five years' consecutive service. Nelson. Hunt, Thomas, Taranaki Eifles. Only two years' service. Hurford, William, Taranaki Eifles. Only nine months' service. Manning, Hy- Thomas, various corps. Only three years' service. Turner, Charles Hy., Auckland Eifles. Only two years' service. Marlborough. Avis, John (deceased), Picton Eifles. ") _ Ballard, JohnF. (deceased), Christchurchßifles. •£ Brooke, Eobert (deceased), Picton Eifles. _ Carney, Francis J. (deceased), Blenheim Eifles. _° Drake, Francis (deceased), Picton Eifles. 2 Godsiff, Henry, Picton Eifles. P Harris, Samuel (deceased), Picton Bifles. 0 Hebley,-Joseph (deceased), Picton Bifles. f^ James, Edward, Blenheim Bifles. _ Lacey, Alfred J. (deceased), Picton Bifles. £ Morris, George Piddock, Dunedin Navals. Neal, William (deceased), Picton Bifles. O'Sullivan, Thos. (deceased), Eenwick Eifles. r^ Vercoe, Philip, Taranaki Volunteers. J Q Canterbury. Clarkson, John James, Auckland Volunteers. About two years efficient. Otago. Shepherd, John Hill, Boss Eifles. No service proved. Wright, James, Clutha Bifles. 'Only four years' service. Southland. McEobie, Nesbitt. Artillery Volunteers, Not enrolled until Ist October, 1877.

* Reoommended by the Commissioner of Crown Lands.




Schedule G. Claims of Volunteers who served in Provinces which did not accept "The Volunteers' Land Act, 1865."

Taranaki. Gane, Francis Job, Marlborough Eangers. Wellington. —(Supplementary List.) Carkeek, Arthur Wm., Blenheim Bifle Volunteers. Davis, Henry Fredk., Canterbury Bifle Volunteers. Gifford, Jacob, Marlborough Bifle Volunteers. Newth, Eobert H., Marlborough Eifle Volunteers. Perrin, John, Canterbury Eifle Volunteers. Scott, William Henry, Nelson Eifle Volunteers. Nelson. Horneman, M. H. 8., Motueka (Nelson) Eifles. Marlborough. Bartlett, Arthur, Picton Eifles. Bennett, Eobert, Picton Eifles. Boyle, William, Benwick Bifles. Brydon, James, Eenwick Eifles. Brydon, John, Eenwick Eifles. Brydon, William, Eenwick Eifles. Carroll, John Smith, Blenheim Bifles. Ching, William, Blenheim Bifles. Coward, .George, Benwick Eifles. Orudis, Geo. Wm. Andrew, Spring Creek Eifles. Dobb, George Morton, Blenheim Bifles. Esson, Wm. M. 8., Picton Bifles. Eves, Charles, Eenwick Eifles. Eves, William, Eenwick Bifles. Freeth, George, Picton Bifles. Fuller, James, Picton Eifles. Gane, James, Spring Creek Eifles. Gane, Samuel Henry, Blenheim Bifles. Gee, Hugh, Eenwick Eifles. Gilchrist, James, Picton Bifles. Gifford, William, Blenheim Eifles. Godfrey, Charles Alfred, Picton Eifles. Griffiths, Christopher J. W., Blenheim Bifles. Haines, Edwin, Eenwick Eifles. Harding, Eobert Edward, Blenheim Bifles. Hebberley, John, Picton Eifles. Horton, William, Blenheim Bifles. Jackson, Thomas James, Benwick Bifles. Lacey, Thomas, Blenheim Bifles. Laery, Eobert, Picton Eifles. McCormick, Donald, Picton Bifles. McCormick, Hugh, Picton Eifles.

I Mcintosh, James Murdock, Picton Rifles. McKenzie, Alexander, Blenheim Eifles. Madden, Edward, Picton Eifles. Maddock, Thomas Smith, Blenheim Eifles. Martella, Peter, Picton Bifles. Maxwell, William, Benwick Eifles. Miller, John, Picton Eifles. Moore, Daniel George, Eenwick Bifles. Munro, Donald, Eenwick Eifles. Neal, Edward, Picton Eifles. i Newth, Eobert Hugh Burn, Blenheim Eifles. | Parker, Eichard Watson, Blenheim Bifles. Pugh, William, Picton Bifles. Eayner, Joshua Brown, Blenheim Bifles. Beeves, Charles, Blenheim Bifles. Eeeves, Harry, Spring Creek Eifles. Eobinson, Wm. James, Spring Creek Eifles. Bush, Philip, Blenheim Bifles. Sherrock, Edward (deceased), Picton Eifles. Silvins, Henrich G. W., Blenheim Bifles. Smith, George Alexander, Picton Eifles. Soper, Eowden, Blenheim Eifles. Soper, Wheaton, Blenheim Bifles. Stagg, Charles, Spring Creek Bifles. Standen, James, Picton Eifles. Sutton, Charles, Spring Creek Eifles. Sutton, Francis, Spring Creek Bifles. Sutton, William, Spring Creek Eifles. Taylor, John, Blenheim Bifles. Taylor, Joseph, Blenheim Bifles. Taylor, Thomas, Blenheim Eifles. Tunnicliffe, Charles, Eenwick Bifles. Walker, John, Picton Bifles. Walton, Jacob, Blenheim Bifles. Warner, Thomas, Blenheim Bifles. Watson, Charles, Benwick Eifles. Watson, Walter Samuel, Eenwick Eifles. Wilkins, Thomas, Spring Creek Eifles. Canterbury. Blake, Peter, Timaru Bifles. Coira, Peter, Temuka Bifles. Findlay, James, Temuka Eifles. Jackson, Adrian A. L., Timaru Artillery. Jackson, James E. S., Timaru Artillery. Levens, George, Temuka Eifles. Beilly, John, Timaru Bifles.

Schedule H. Applicants who have failed to prove their Claims.

Auckland. George, Henry Eowe (deceased), Otahuhu Cavalry Volunteers. Returned to Commissioner for further consideration. Guiniven, William. Does not know the corps he served in. McClymont, Andrew G., Forest Rangers. Did not complete service. Smith, John Henry, Forest Rangers. Did not complete service. Sinclair, John James. Does not know the corps he served in. White, Thomas. Does not know the corps he served in. Williams, James, Forest Rangers. Did not complete service. (Supplementary List.) Parsons, William, Yon Tempsky's Rangers.

Taranaki. Jones, John (deceased), Hawke's Bay Volunteers. Insufficient evidence. Hawke's Bay. Adams, Henry, Volunteers. Has not replied to inquiries. Bruce, Robert, Colonel Hector's Volunteers. Corps unknown. Cassels, Patrick, 18th Regt. Has not answered inquiries. Gatley, Benjamin, 70th Regt. Refuses to give information. McAuley, James, 14th Eegt. Has not answered inquiries. Marsh, James. No information furnished. O'Malley, Edward, 65th Eegt. Has not answered inquiries. Sim, John. Does not know the corps he served in. Whelan, Jas., 43rd Begt. Whereabouts unknown,


Schedule H— continued. Applicants who have failed to prove their Claims— continued.

Wellington. Fitzmaurice, Gerald, Auckland Defence Force. (Supplementary List.) Adamson, Thos., N.Z.C., Wanganui Volunteers. No appearance at inquiry. Allen, Ann Jane, immigrant. Does not come within the Act. Burton, George Butt (deceased), Taranaki Militia and Volunteers. No claim. Cameron, Alexander, Turakina Cavalry. No appearance at inquiry. Cameron, Angus, Turakina Cavalry. No appearance at inquiry. *Christie, Walter, Wanganui Cavalry. Not proved. Conway, John, 65th Eegt. No appearance at inquiry. Dorreeu, Thomas, Hutt Volunteers. No appearance at inquiry. Forbes, Michael, Bushrangers, &c. No appearance at inquiry. Grace, George, 65th Eegt. No appearance at inquiry. Grimes,. Nathaniel, 70th Eegt. No appearance at inquiry.

Kelly, Patrick, 70th Eegt. No appearance at inquiry. Ludlam, George, 11th Eegt. No appearance at inquiry. Parsons, Win., Yon Tempsky's Rangers; Applied also to Commissioner Crown Lands, Auckland. Ryan, Michael, 18th Eegt. No appearance .at inquiry. Walker, Eobt., 65th Regt. No appearance at inquiry. Whelan, James, 43rd Regt. No appearance at inquiry. Marlborough. Mulvey, John (deceased), 58th Regt. Thompson, Christopher, 65th Regt. Canterbury. Maloney, Michael, Hawke's Bay Volunteers. Otago. Anderson, Edward Eobert, Bombay Infantry. Henry, John McKenzie, deceased. In Taranaki Militia. Westland. Francis, Alfred, 70th Eegt. Pearce, John, Eoyal Navy.

Schedule I. Have not fully complied with Subsection (2) of Section 2 of " The Naval and Military Settlers' arid Volunteers' Land Act, 1889."

Taranaki. Kelly, Edward, 57th Eegt. Hawke's Bay. Bowling, John, Boyal Marines. Boyle, John, 70th Eegt. Connor, James, 57th Eegt. Howard, John, 70th Eegt. Kelly, Florence, 57th Eegt. Kiely, James, 57th Eegt. Lyons, Thomas, 58th Eegt. McDonald, William, 65th Eegt. McKearney, Peter, 87th Eegt. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. McMillan, Peter, 65th Eegt. Millen, William, Defence Force, &c Morgan, John, 58th Eegt. Torpey, Eichard, 50th Eegt.

Wellington. Caffray, Michael, 14th Begt. Ennis, Thomas, 18th Begt. Fitzgerald, John, 57th Begt. Gormley, James, 18th Eegt. Hogan, David, 57th Eegt. Love, John, 18th Begt. Lyons, Thomas, 58th Eegt. Skinner, William Henry, Eoyal Navy. Torpey, Eichard, 50th Eegt. Whitehead, James, Boyal Navy. (Supplementary List.) Sullivan, Timothy, 65th Begt. Otago. Mclrmes, Duncan, Boyal Artillery.

Schedule J. Applicants who did not retire for the Special Purpose of settling in New Zealand.

Auckland. *Beamish, Win. H. S., 21st Begt. Claim rejected by Commissioner Crown Lands at Wellington in 1891 ; retired from H.M. service in 1861; went to British Columbia; arrived in New Zealand in 1866, and went on to Chatham Islands, where he remained for twenty-three years. Fauch, John, 59th Begt. Went to Cape of Good Hope, and after three years came on to New Zealand, and received land as an immigrant. Fosbrooke, Thos. D. (deceased), Boyal Marines. Did not settle in New Zealand. *Heinmington, John, 70th Begt. After discharge was ten years in the Chatham Islands; then went to Canterbury, a district where no land was '. given to military settlers.

Thomas, Geo. L. 8., 12th Eegt. Did not arrive in the colony for seven years after retirement. Ward, Patrick (deceased), 99th Begt. Did not come to New Zealand for seventeen years after retire ment. (Supplementary List.) Clarke, William Henry, Eoyal Artillery. Retired 1871 ; did not arrive in New Zealand for eleven years after. Ford, Thomas, 57th Eegt. Did not arrive in colony for six years after discharge. Kelly, Eobert (deceased). 83rd Eegt. Eetired 1839 ; arrived in New Zealand 1848. Lyon, George, 89th Eegt. Discharged 1860; arrived in New Zealand 1865.

* Claims recommended by the Commissioner of Crown Lands.

2—H. 36b.



Schedule J— continued. Applicants who did not retire for the Special Purpose of settling in New Zealand— contimtcd

Pearson, James, 57th Eegt. Discharged 1857 ; arrived in New Zealand 1867. Smith, James, Eoyal Canadian Eifles. Eetired 1861; arrived in New Zealand 1874. Thomas, William E. (deceased), 26th Eegt. Eetired 1851; arrived in New Zealand 1857. Hawke's Bay. Darroch, David, 92nd Eegt. No evidence; discharge shows intended residence at Glasgow. Smith, Eichard, Eoyal Engineers. Discharged at Chatham 31st October, 1861; arrived at Dunedin May, 1862, and went on to Napier (Hawke's Bay) in May, 1864. Wellington. Elliot, Joseph, Eoyal Navy. Did not come to New Zealand for ten years after discharge. Oswin, Alfred Francis, Eoyal Navy. Did not come to New Zealand for three years after discharge. Spain, Eichard, Eoyal Navy. Did not come to New Zealand for seven years after discharge. Sullivan, Michael, 88th Eegt. Did not come to New Zealand for thirteen years after discharge. (Supplementary List.) Ellis, Elijah (deceased), 70th Eegt. Died in England soon after discharge. Keir, Fredk., 99th Eegt. Discharged at Calcutta 1859 ; arrived in New Zealand 1861.

Bussell, J. J. 8., 18th Regiment. Eetired 1867; resided several years in Australia. Eobinson, John, 77th Eegt. Discharged in India 1868; enrolled in Armed Constabulary in Melbourne same year. Marlborough. Dougherty, Felix, sth Eegt. Discharged in 1857 ; went to Mauritius; thence to Victoria, where he remained till 1862 ; arrived in Marlborough 1868. Canterbury. Jones, John R., 68th Eegt. Did not arrive in New Zealand for nearly three years after discharge. McGuire, Patrick, 14th Begt. Did not arrive in New Zealand for eighteen years after discharge. Eyan, Eichard, Eoyal Navy. Discharged in 1864. Arrived in New Zealand in 1870. Otago. _evih, John (deceased), Bth Hussars. Served in Victorian Bolice for three or four years after discharge, and before coming to New Zealand. Crawford, Alexander (deceased), 12th Begt. Did not come to New Zealand for seven years after discharge. *Jopson, Edwin, Eoyal Marines. Has not resided in the colony since his discharge until 1874. (Discharged in 1866.)

Schedule K. Died before completing Service. Taranaki. Alexander, Wm., 65th Begt. Murdered at Wanganui Ist November, 1861; intended to settle in New Zealand. Schedule L. Eesided in Districts where no Land was given to Military Settlers.

Wellington. *McNeil, Alexander, Bengal Engineers. Retired in 1861 ; arrived in New Zealand in 1862, .and settled in Southland, where he remained until 1881; then went to Wanganui. *Bevell, Frederick. Henry, 14th Dragoons. Eetirod in 1856; arrived in New Zealand in 1857 (at Wellington); went to Canterbury immediately after, and remained until 1859 ; returned to England, was absent four years, and joined the Otago Police in 1863; afterwards served in the Wellington Defence Force. Lancelot, 2nd Bengal Grenadiers. Betired in 1855; arrived in Canterbury December, 1856, and has resided there ever since. *Young, Henry C, Eoyal Navy. Eetired in 1850 ; arrived in Canterbury in 1851, remained there until 1852; went to Auckland for two years; visited England two or three times; returned to Canterbury; went to Auckland in 1869 for seven or eight years ; then returned to Canterbury. Marlborough. Ahem, John, 99th Begt. Discharged 1857 ; went to Otago in 1861, and to Marlborough in 1864. Fox, David Spurr, 52nd Begt. Discharged in 1853 ; came out to Marlborough, where he has resided ever since.

Canterbury. Beere, William H., 74th Begt. Arrived in Auck-, land in 1865 ; received land-order for 400 acres ; forfeited the order, and went to Canterbury, where he has resided ever since. Chammen, Jas., 14th Eegt. Settled in Canterbury. Graham, J. E. C. C, Commissariat. Settled in Canterbury. Henderson, L. W., Eoyal Navy. Settled in Canterbury. Keegan, Patrick, 3rd Bombay Light Infantry. Settled in Canterbury. Morgan, Archibald, 11th Begt. Settled in Canterbury. Vanstone, "Eichard, Eoyal Navy. Did not arrive in New Zealand for ten years after discharge, and settled in Canterbury. Otago. *Daly, John, 65th Regt. Discharged 1850; settled in Otago. *Dav.ey, Thomas, 40th Regt. Discharged 1863; settled in Otago. *Downey, Hugh, 99th. Begt. Discharged 1847 ; went to Sydney, and returned in 1849; settled in Otago. *Flavin, Thomas, 57th Regt. Discharged 1864 ; settled in Otago.

* Claims recommended by the Commissioner of Crown Lands.


*Flynn, Patrick, 99th Eegt. Discharged 1850; settled in Otago. *Gantley, Patrick, 81st Eegt. Discharged 1864: settled in Otago. *Gray, John, 65th Eegt. Discharged 1865 ; settled in Otago. -Green, Michael, 65th Eegt. Discharged 1849; settled in Otago. -McKay, Peter, 93rd Eegt. Discharged 1861; settled in Otago.

Auckland. Campbell, Thomas, Eoyal Navy. Eesiding in South Australia. (Claim has not been before Commissioner.) Cookson, Edmund, Militia Transport. Corps not entitled. Eesiding in New South Wales. Jones, Henry John, Militia. Corps not entitled. Besiding in Queensland. Kain, Michael, 12th Begt. Besiding in N.S.W. McEeynolds, Thomas (deceased), New Zealand Fencibles. Left the colony twenty-eight years ago, and died in Ireland.

Auckland. Barr, George, Naval Volunteers. 19th July, 1892. Bray, William, Volunteers. 19th July, 1892. Donohue, Hugh, Tuakau Volunteers. 23rd July, 1892. Griffiths, John H., Armed Constabulary. sth September, 1892. Hackett, John, 18th Begt. 2nd September, 1892. Kilgour, Wm., Naval Volunteers. 19th July, 1892. King, James, Wellington Eifles. sth Sept., 1892. Luke, Frank, Tauranga Cavalry. 12th Aug., 1892. Winteringham, John, 58th Eegt. 20th Aug., 1892.

Haivke's Bay. Davidson, Robert, 65th Begt. Ist July, 1892. Eowden, James, Defence Force. 7th July, 1892. Wellington. Airth, Stephen, Wellington Volunteers. 15th Aug., 1892. Bevan, John, Kaiwarawara Bifles. 14th July, 1892. Black, David, Defence Force. 9th July, 1892. Brown, William, 14th Begt. 2nd August, 1892. Carroll, James, 18th Begt. sth August, 1892. Davey, Samuel, Taranaki Militia. 2nd August, 1892. Gray, Charles, Taranaki Military Settlers. 29th July, 1892. Haggerty, Patrick, 57th Begt. 2nd August, 1892. Jenkinson, Samuel, 65th Begt. 3rd August, 1892. Kearnan, Patrick, 18th Eegt. 6th August, 1892. McDonnall, Campbell, 14th Eegt. 4th August, 1892. Meehan, Michael, Wanganui Volunteers. 10th August, 1892.

Schedule L— continued. Eesided in Districts where no Land was given to Military Settlers — continued.

Schedule M. Not residing in New Zealand.

Schedule N. Claims received since the 30th June, 1892; giving Date of Eeceipt.


F. W., E.I.C. service. Discharged 1858 ; settled in Otago. i: Eearce, James, Eoyal Navy. Discharged 1847; settled in Otago. -Stevens, W. (dec), 70th Begt. Discharged 1863 ; joined Otago Volunteer Staff. (Supplementary list.) E. 8., E.I.C. service. Eetired in 1859 ; arrived in Otago in 1861.

Wynyard, B. H. (deceased), 58th Begt. Did not reside in New Zealand after retiring ; died abroad. Wellington. Byrne, Hugh, 12th Begt. Besiding in N.S.W. Fahey, Patrick, 12th Eegt. Eesiding in N.S.W. Foster, Henry, 51st Eegt. Besiding in N.S.W. Slevin, Patrick, 40th Eegt. Eesiding in Tasmania. Otago. Diver, P. (deceased), 12th Eegt. Did not settle in New Zealand ; died in Ireland. -McKelvie, J. E., 40th Eegt. Eesiding in Hobart.

Mulrey, John. 2nd August, 1892. Perry, Bennett P., Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers. 6th August, 1892. Bead, Edward, 40th Eegt. 2nd August, 1892. Eobinson, Thomas Henry, Makara Eifle Volunteers. 17th August, 1892. Boss, George, Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers. 6th August, 1892. Warren, Charles, 70th Begt. 2nd August, 1892. Webb, Joseph, 65th Begt. 6th August, 1892. Whitcombe, Walter G., Wairoa Eifle Volunteers. 2nd August, 1892. Young, John, Auckland Volunteers. 2nd August, 1892. (Supplementary List.) Connell, Thos., Wanganui Cavalry. 6th Aug., 1892. Fitzgerald, John, 43rd Begt. 22nd August, 1892. Grey, James, 18th Eegt. ' 16th September, 1892. Malcolm, E. J., Nelson Volunteers. 23rd Aug., 1892. March, Herbert T., Hawke's Bay Volunteers. 23rd August, 1892. Mulligan, Eichard, 65th Eegt. 22nd Aug., 1892. Sheehan, Cornelius, 57th Eegt. 29th Aug., 1892. Simm, James, Hutt Volunteers, 25th Aug., 1892. Marlborough. Fulton, David, Wanganui Volunteers. 9th August, 1892. Lodge, Mark, Benwick Eifles. sth July, 1892. McAlister, John, Eenwick Bifles. 11th August, 1892. Bush, Francis Bine, Bangers Volunteers. 27th July, 1892. Wylie, Daniel, Wanganui and Patea Volunteers. 22nd August, 1892.'

* Claims recommended by the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,200 copies), £7.

By Authority: Geobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB92.

Price 6d.]


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NAVAL AND MILITARY LAND CLAIMS (RETURN OF) LODGED SINCE 25th SEPTEMBER, 1891, AND NOT SUBSTANTIATED., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-36b

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NAVAL AND MILITARY LAND CLAIMS (RETURN OF) LODGED SINCE 25th SEPTEMBER, 1891, AND NOT SUBSTANTIATED. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-36b

NAVAL AND MILITARY LAND CLAIMS (RETURN OF) LODGED SINCE 25th SEPTEMBER, 1891, AND NOT SUBSTANTIATED. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-36b

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