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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 13th July, 1&92. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return, in the form of Schedule A to ' The Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Act, 1891,' —(1) of all those claiming under the Naval and Miltary Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Acts, 1889 and 1891, whose claims have been paid in cash ; (2) of all those whose claims have been satisfied by scrip; (3) of all those who have exercised such scrip; (4) of all those whose approved claims remain unsatisfied; and (5) a statement of the number of all other claims received which have yet to be heard and reported on: such return to also give a summary of the numbers of the claimants and of the amounts respectively paid, satisfied, approved, or claimed, and to cover the period from the 30th day of September, 1889, to the 30th day of June, 1892." —(Hon. Mr. Eichabdson.)

Naval and Military Settlers and Volunteers whose Claims are recommended.

Name. Regiment or Corps. Bank. District in which Claim admitted. Amount recommended. Mi -9 ■3.1 <a 3 i£ 'Si rS °3 LAND DISTRICT OF AUi £ (1) (2) (S) (4) IKLAND. Adolph, Alwren .. .. Alexander, F. M. (by son) .. Alexander, Hugh Andrews," William' Arthurs, J. Ashbury, Alfred Austin, George J. (by his son) Barriball, W. H. .. Beale, G. C. Bel],R. .. Beloe, W. L. Berry, CD. Berry, Charles Black, William .. Bond, William Forest Rifles Colonial Defence Force .. Wairoa Rifles 12th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. 70th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. Waiuku Cavalry Volunteers Auckland Rifle Volunteers Forest Rangers Colonial Defence Force .. Auckland Rifle Volunteers Thames Naval Volunteers Auckland Rifle Volunteers Te Awamutu Cavalry Volunteers 58th Regiment 65th Regiment .. .. 65th Regiment 65th Regiment .. Colonial Defence Force .. 71st Highlanders Onehunga Rifle Volunteers Colonial Defence Force .. Howick Troop Cavalry .. 65th Regiment .. .. Royal Engineers .. Colonial Defence Force .. Forest Rangers 70th Regiment .. Forest Rangers Colonial Defence Force .. 70th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. Te Awamutu Cavalry 70th Regiment 65th Regiment .. • Forest Rangers Colonial Defence Force .. Forest Rangers .-. Wairoa Rifle Volunteers .. Auckland Victoria Rifles .. Wairoa Rifles Colonial Defence Force .. Waiuku Cavalry Waiuku Troop Cavalry .. 6th Dragoons Golonial Defence Force .. 67th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. Otahuhu Rifles Te Awamutu Cavalry Colonial Defence Force .. Forest Rangers 65th Regiment .. Colonial Defence Force .. Auckland Rifle Volunteers Waikato Cavalry 58th Regiment Forest Rangers Army Hospital Corps .. 65th Regiment Bugler Sergeant-major Private Private Private Private Veterinary Surgeon Corporal Private Private Private Sergeant Seaman Private Sergeant-major Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland Auckland Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. 30 40 30 30 25 30 100 30 30 25 25 30 30 30 30 Cash •• i Bond, William Boyd, Samuel Brian, Luke Brien, John Brigham, John Brodie, P. Brookfield, F. M. P. Brown, T. A. Burke, Richard Burn, John Butcher, William .. Campbell, Archibald Carran ,• Et. Carroll, John Carter, W. H. Charles, Isaac Chapman, David (by widow) Charman, H. Churches, George .. Cleary, Thomas Coffer, Cornelius Cole, G. C. Cornes, A. R. Cornes, C. A. .. .. Coutts, Robert Cowan, James Crawford, Alexander Croucher, C. Currier, George Dalton, Jarnes .. ,. Daveney, B.I. Dawson, James Dawson, Thomas .. Dearness, W. Dixon, William Drabble, Joseph Dunn, A. J. N. Dunn, James Dunn, Thomas Durbridge, P. W. .. Ellis, R. V. Ewen, Lewis B. Ferguson, Peter Finlay, James Pishlock, Sydney Flood, John Private Private Private Private Private Lieutenant Captain Private Trooper Private Corporal Private Private Private Private Sergeant Private Private Corporal Sergeant Private Sergeant Private Privato Private Private Sergeant Private Trooper Trooper Lieutenant Private Captain Private Private Trooper Corporal Sergeant Private Privato Sergeant ;. Trooper Colour-sergeant Private Private Private Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland Auckland Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. 20 30 30 30 25 200 30 25 30 30 40 25 25 30 25 40 30 25 30 40 30 40 25 25 30 30 30 25 30 30 200 25 200 25 30 30 30 40 30 25 30 30 30 25 30 30 Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash a, o Zβ Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash β-lj. 1—H. 36.


Naval and Military Settlers and Volunteers whose Claims are recommended — continued.


Name. Begiment or Corps. Bank. District in which Claim admitted. m A Amount g w recommended. , F3 ft a .3 "is 3g^ a 'Co CO® to "d lan: 1 DISTRICT OP AUCKLA <JD— continued. £ (i) (2) (3) (4) Foster, Holman Pox, James Fraser, William Fussell, James C. .. Gallagher, E. Gell, Henry Gibson, Thomas (by widow) .. Goodwin, Robert .. Grace, S. M. Colonial Defence Force .. Colonial Defence Force .. Colonial Defence Force .. Colonial Defence Force .. Colonial Defence Force .. Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. Te Awamutu Cavalry Auckland, Wellington, and Napier Volunteers Auckland Naval Volunteers Royal Engineers 65th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. Auckland No. 1 Naval Volunteers 80th Regiment 34th Regiment Victoria Rifle Volunteers .. Waiuku Cavalry.. Forest Rangers Thames and Auckland Rifle Volunteers Colonial Defence Force .. Te Awamutu Cavalry Forest Rangers .. Thames Rifle Rangers Colonial Defence Force .. Waiuku Cavalry Forest Rangers Wairoa Rifle Volunteers .. 40th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. 65th Regiment Otahuhu Royal Cavalry .. Colonial Defonco Force .. Howick Troop Cavalry Thames Scottish Rifles .. Auckland Rifle Volunteers Colonial Defence Force .. 65th Regiment Auckland Rifle Volunteers Forest Rangers Te Awamutu Cavalry Howick Troop Cavalry 70th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. 58th Regiment 57th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. Wairoa and Thames Scottish Rifles Thames Rifle Rangers Waiuku Troop Cavalry .. 68th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. Colonial Defence Force .. 18th Regiment Waiuku Rifles and Cavalry Volunteers Colonial Defence Force .. Colonial Defence Force .. 12th Regiment .. Colonial Defence Force .. Colonial Defence Force .. Thames Rifle Rangers 18th Royal Irish Colonial Defence Force .. Pukekohe Rifles 68th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. 57th Regiment .. 58th Regiment 12th Regiment .. Corporal Private Private Private Private Private Sergeant Corporal Lieutenant Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. 30 25 25 25 25 30 40 30 30 Cash Cash Guilding, Thomas Ed. (by son) Guird, William Haggan, James Hamilton, B. B. .. Hanlen, Alexander.. Captain Sapper Private Private Private Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. 30 30 30 25 30 Cash Harp, James Hart, J. S. Haslett, James Haufling, Joseph Hay, W. McG. Hawk, William Private Sergeant Sergeant Trooper Ensign Private Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. 30 40 30 30 100 30 Healy, Thomas Henderson, Allen Hendry, Harry Herring, James Hewlett, W. H. Hiokey, Michael Holden, Thomas Hoye, George Hunt, John N. Hutchinson, Alfred Hutchinson, Daniel Hutton, Howard Kemp, John Kerr, James Kidd, C. C. Lepine, J. F. .. Little, Thomas Lockerby, Thomas Lonergan, Thomas Long, Henry MacFarlane, George Maclean, Every Maidmont, S. Mair, W. G. Malloy, Patrick Manly, John McCarthy, John McCaul, Thomas .. Corporal Private Private Private Private Trooper Private Private Private Sergeant Private Captain Private Corporal Private Bandsman Corporal Private Private Private Corporal Captain Private Sub-inspector.. Private Private Private Sergeant Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. 30 30 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 40 30 30 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 30 30 30 100 30 30 25 30 Cash Cash n3 o El CO Cβ '3 o CO Cash Cash Clash Gash McCormick, W. S. .. McGowan, Thomas McKee, William J... McKerras, James McLamon, W. G. .. McLeod, William .. McNamara, John Thomas .. Colour-sergeant Trooper , Private Sergeant Private Private Corporal Auckland .. Auckland Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. 30 30 30 40 25 30 30 Ca's'h Meurant, H. Middleton, E. J. .. Miller, William Moir, William I. Moore, A. S. Moore, W. A. Moran, M. Morgan, William .. Morrow, P. W. Moss, Patrick Muir, Robert BIurray, John Neeve, Joseph Heleon, James .. Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Bugler Private Private Sergeant Private Private Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. 25 25 30 25 25 30 30 25 30 30 25 40 30 30 Gash Cash Gash Cash


Naval and Military Settlers and Volunteers whose Claims are recommended— continued.


Name. Regiment or Corps. Bank. District in which Claim admitted. Amount recom- | mended,' S ,g ®1J CO ® B ■ 3 1 LAN: } DISTRICT OP AUCKLi! Eoyal Artillery Thames Navals .. .. .ND —continued. Gunner Private .. £ 30 30 (i) (2) (3) W Nelson, Eobert Netane Taate, alias Sturt Netane (by his son) Newdiok, P. Nixon, M. G. (deceased) .. Noble, Thomas B. .. Noble, William George .. Nolan, Michael .. .. Odium, William Philpott, John Plumley, James Pollack, Thomas Potter, Samuel Potter, William Pyeroft, Henry Thomas Eadding, Isaac Reilly, Thomas (by widow) .. Rich, Evelyn .. Richdale, George Koberts, Henry Eogers, Alfred ,. Eooney, Domonick Eosborough, Thomas Eowe, John .. .. Thames Navals .. .. Colonial Defence Force .. Commissariat Staff Corps 14th Regiment 57th Regiment .. .. 14th Regiment 58th Regiment .. Colenial Defence Force .. Rangers 57th Regiment 58th Regiment 89th Regiment .. .. 65th Regiment Royal Artillery 43rd and 34th Regiments Tβ Awamutu Cavalry 58th Regiment Blenheim Rifles 18th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. Thames Scottish and Thames Naval Volunteers Colonial Defence Force .. Waiuku Rifles and Cavalry Volunteers Blenheim Rifle Volunteers Forest Rangers .. Te Awamutu Cavalry Colonial Defence Force .. Wairoa Rifle Volunteers .. Wairoa Rifle Volunteers .. Auckland Engineers Volunteers Waikato Cavalry Forest Rangers Royal Navy Colonial Defence Force .. 58th Regiment 58th Regiment .. 65th Regiment Thames Navals Forest Rangers Forest Rangers Forest Rangers Thames Rifles 40th Regiment Forest Rangers Colonial Defence Force .. Hauraki and Thames Rifles Papakohe Rifles 12th Lancers & 8th Hussars 65th Regiment 103rd Regiment.. Colonial Defence Force .. 65th Regiment Cambridge Cavalry 65th Regiment 40th Regiment Auckland Coast Guard and Naval Volunteers No. 4 Company, Rifle Volunteers Colonial Defence Force .. 12th Regiment .. 70th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. Colonial Defence Force .. Wairoa Rifles Wairoa Rifles H o w i c k Troop, Cavalry Volunteers Private Colonel Sergeant Colour-sergeant Private Private Private Sergeant Private Private Private Ensign Private Gunner Lieutenant Trooper Private Captain Private Private Private Auckland ,. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland ■. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. 30 200 40 40 30 30 30 40 25 30 20 200 30 30 200 30 20 30 30 25 30 Cash Cash Cash Gash Cash * .■ Private Trooper Auckland .. Auckland .. 25 30 Eussell, A. H. Eyan, Thomas Salmon, T. B. Sohumacker, A. Seott, J. H. Scurrah, H. Shaw, Daniel Shaw, David, jun. Shaw,John Lieutenant Private Private Private Private Private Lieutenant Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. 30 25 30 25 30 30 30 Shaw,John Sherrett, A. S. Simmonds, Francis Sisam, A. J. Skinner, E. Slattery, M. Smith, Charles Smith, George Smith, T. J. L. Southey, Henry Steensen, W. Stone, Fred. Stoney, H. B. Strong, J. ,. Sturges, W. N. .. Sullivan, James Sweeney, Eugene (by widow) Swindley, Frederick Talbot, J. S. Taylor, George Tebbutt, A. Thomas, George Thomas, William F. Thornton, Edward Thurston, James (by widow) Thwaites, Thomas .. Trooper Sergeant Seaman Private Private Captain Private Bandsman Private Sergeant Private Private Major Private Private Private Sergeant Lieutenant Lieutenant Private Private Private Trooper Private Private lst-elass Petty Officer Captain Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. 30 40 30 25 20 20 30 30 25 40 25 30 200 25 25 30 30 200 200 30 25 30 30 30 30 30 T3 CD 0 ai m Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Tonks, Benjamin (by son), deceased Treanor, H. Truss, Charles Tylden, C. E. W adman, George .. Walker, T. H. Wallis, J. W. Wallis, Thomas James Walsh, James Auckland .. 30 Corporal Private Lieutenant Private Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. Auckland .. A.uckland .. 30 30 200 30 25 30 30 30 Private Private Trooper


Naval and Military Settlers and Volunteers whose Claims are recommended— continued.


Name. Begiinent or Corps. Bank. District in which Claim admitted. Amount recommended Pi s'S.s 3 3,Q 9 S lan: D DISTRICT OF AUCKLA iND—continued. £ (l) (2) (3) (4) Walton, John .. Warm, George .. Watson, George .. Watson, James Watters, James Wells, William Whelan, Thomas .. Whittle, Tiiomas .. Williams, Charles .. Wilson, C.I. Wilson, G. A. Wilson, John A. Woodward, F. B. G. 68th Regiment .. Royal Artillery 58th Regiment .. 14th Regiment .. Forest Rangers Forest Rangers 12th Regiment 65th Regiment Thames Navals Colonial Defence Force .. Wairoa Rifles Wairoa Rifles Thames Scottish Volunteers Private Gunner Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Inspector Sergeant Private Private Auckland .. SO Auckland .. 80 Auckland .. 30 Auckland .. 30 Auckland .. 25 Auckland .. 25 Auckland .. 30 Auckland .. 30 Auckland .. 30 Auckland .. 100 Auckland .. 30 Auckland .. 30 Auckland .. 30 Cash Cash Armitage, E. W. H. Baker, H. R. Barriball, Charles .. Barriball, S. H." .. Cattley, H. R. Chapman, F. M. Cock, R. .. Cole, Frederick Collins, Charles Collins, John Connolly, William .. Cornwall, Robert .. Fahey, David Hale, George Hammington, James Harris, David M. .. Hay, John Henn, Edward Hepburn, James Hooker, Robert N... Hooker, Samuel Howard, Samuel .. Howarth, John Howes, William Huteheson, D. Illston, A. T. Jordan, Israel Keefe, Connor King, Abner King, Newton Ladd, Alfred Laing, E. B. Lewis, Richard Linn, James Ludlam, George McCarthy, T. McCoy, John McManus, M. McShand, T. Okey, E. N. L. Pearton, John Redding, John Snooks, James Sole, G. E. Tocker, W. Webber, William .. Wilson, H. Wray, Alfred T. LAND DISTRICT OF TA Taranaki Volunteers .. | 55th Regiment .. .. j Taranaki Rifles Taranaki Rifles Taranaki Volunteers Waipawa Cavalry Taranaki Rifles Karori Rifles Royal Engineers 57th Regiment 12th Regiment 65th Regiment 65th Regiment Taita and Marton Rifles .. 70th Regiment .. Turakina Rifles Victorian Navy 65th Regiment .. Ooth Regiment .. .. Rifles Rifles 58th Regiment 68th Regiment .. Royal Artillery Defence Force Artillery .. .. 65th Regiment .. 70th Regiment .. Mounted Rifles Rifles .. 18th Regiment .. Rifles, No. 1 57th Regiment Royal Artillery 11th Regiment .. Inglewood Rifles 40th Regiment Taranaki Rifles 70th Regiment Taranaki Rifles 57th Regiment 57th Regiment 65th Regiment Taranaki Rifles Featherston Rifles Taranaki Rifles Royal Navy Royal Navy iAND DISTRICT OF HAW! Royal Artillery Royal Artillery 65th Regiment .. 65th Regiment 70th Regiment Royal Artillery Hawke's Bay Cavalry 70th Regiment RANAKI. [ Private j Private Sergeant Sergeant Private Lieutenant Colour-sergeant Private Sapper Private Sergeant Private Private Private Private Sergeant Petty Officer .. Private Private Sergeant Sergeant Private Private Gunner Lieutenant GunnelPrivate Private Sergeant Corporal Sergeant Private Private Gunner Private Sergeant Private Corporal Private Lieutenant Private Private Private Private Private Corporal Seaman Seaman .. Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 40 Taranaki .. 40 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 100 Taranaki .. 40 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 40 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 40 Taranaki .. 40 Taranaki .. 80 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 40 Taranaki .. 40 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 100 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 40 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 40 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 40' Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 40 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 100 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 80 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Taranaki .. 30 Cash Cash Cash •;Cash Cash CO Cash * * Cash Cash Cash Berry, Samuel .. Berry, Samuel Bond, William Booth, William Boyd, Thomas Brabazon, John Brathwaite, R. A. W. Broadfield, T. L 'HE'S BAY. Gunner Gunner Private Private Private Gunner Lieutenant Private Hawke's Bay 30 Hawke's Bay 30 Hawke's Bay 30 Hawke's Bay 30 Kawke's Bay 30 Hawke's Bay 30 Hawke's Bay 30 Hawke's Bay 30 Cash Cash


Naval and Military Settlers and Volunteers whose Claims are recommended— continued.


Name. Regiment or Corps. Bank. District in which Claim admitted. Amount: Sr^'S recom-j-g-ag mended. 1 p« &*1 ill fl a> id 3 J LAND DISTBICT OP HAWKE'S BAY— continued, & (1) (2) (3) W Brown, Charles .. Brunton, Herbert .. Callaghan, D. Campbell, A. B. Carey, Patrick J. .. Carnell, Samuel Carr, Edward Carter, 0. .. Catton, Charles Caulton, H. 0. Chicken, J. Clareburt, John Clibborn, J. B. Couper, William Cronin, Denis Davis, John Douglas, Arch. Down, Thomas Dunfoy, C. .. Fielder, Z: B. • Flannigan, Daniel Garner, Prank Gibson, James Gifford, George Gilberd, James G. .. Graham, Crosher Hague, John Hanley, Thomas .. Henn, John Hill, Kenrick J. .. Hooper, Stephen Hutton, Daniel Johnson, B. B. Kennedy, Joseph .. Liddell, W. McCarty, Thomas McDonald, William McMullen, J. McBoberts, B. T. .. Mellon, E. Moloney, William Morrison, Thomas .. Moynihan, Patrick.. Murphy, Thomas M. Myers, John Parker, Thomas Bees, George Eobson, George Boss, Hector Boss, James Sargent, Henry Sharp, Mark Sinden, Joseph (by widow) .. Smith, Ezra Smith, Thomas Steer, James Swan, G. H. Thompson, William Torr, John Troy, M. .. Warner, R. Wells, J. .. Weston, Alfred Wilkie, William Williamson, George Wilson, James Wood, John .. T I 65th Begiment .. .... j Waikato Cavalry .. j 99th and 65th Begiment.. I P Battery, N.Z.A. 70th Begiment Napier Artillery Boyal Navy 70th Begiment j 70th Begiment Hawke's Bay Cavalry Napier Bifles 58th Begiment .. I Colonial Defence Force .. J Wairoa Volunteers I 70th Begiment Wairoa Bifles J New Zealand Volunteers.. I Wairoa Volunteers .. | 70th Begiment 70th Begiment .. 65th Begiment Artillery Volunteers Colonial Defence Force .. Colonial Defence Force .. F Battery, N.Z.A. 2/14th Begiment Cavalry 14th Begiment 65th Begiment .. 2/14th Begiment Napier Artillery 65th Begiment .. Colonial Defence Force .. 57th Begiment Waipawa Cavalry 59th Begiment Taranaki Bifles 05th Begiment Wairoa Bifles Colonial Defence Force .. Wairoa Bifles Napier Bifles 57th Begiment Artillery Volunteers 65th Begiment .. .. I Wairoa Bifles Wairoa Bifles Artillery Volunteers Boyal Navy .. Artillery Volunteers Wairoa Bifles .. .. I 65th Begiment .. .. ] 58th Begiment .. .. j Forest Bangers .. .. ! 2/14th Begiment .. j Wairoa Bifles .. .. | Artillery Volunteers .. j Wairoa Bifles .. .. ! Wairoa Volunteers .. j 65th Begiment 68th Begiment .. 2/14th Begiment Defence Force .. F Battery, Artillery Boyal Artillery 70th Regiment 70th Begiment .. Private Private Private Gunner Private Lieutenant Petty Officer .. Private Private Corporal Captain Private Private Private Private .. Private Private Private Drummer Paymaster-sgt. Private Captain Private Trooper Gunner Private Sergeant Private Sergeant Lieutenant Gunner Private Private Private Sergeant Sergeant Private Private Sergeant Private Private Sergeant Private Sergeant Private Private Corporal Sergeant Petty Officer .. Lieutenant Bugler Private Private Private Private Private Lieutenant Private Private Private Private Private Private Sergeant-Major Gunner Private Private Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay ! Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay ! Hawke's Bay ! Hawke's Bay j Hawke's Bay i Hawke's Bay I Hawke's Bay ! Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay 1 Hawke's Bay ! Hawke's Bay I Hawke's Bay J Hawke's Bay j Hawke's Bay j Hawke's Bay I Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay ! Hawke'a Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay I Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay I Hawke's Bay i Hawke's Bay j Hawke's Bay i Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay I Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay j Hawke's Bay I Hawke's Bay i Hawke's Bay j Hawke's Bay j Hawke's Bay I Hawke's Bay j Hawke's Bay J Hawke's Bay I Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 80 30 30 30 30 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 10 30 80 25 25 30 30 30 30 40 200 30 30 25 30 30 40 30 30 30 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 25 30 80 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 30 30 30 30 Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash 'Cash Cash T3 CD a ft, o Cβ Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash I Aiken, James Aisher, William (by widow) .. Alexander, Bobert Andrew, James Armstrong, J. D. .. ,AND DISTEICT OF WEL: Wairoa Light Horse 14th Begiment 65th Begiment Colonial Defence Force .. Wanganui Rifles LINGTON. Trumpeter Sergeant Private Private Sergeant Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 40 30 £2510s. 30 Cash


Naval and Military Settlers and Volunteers whose Claims are recommended— continued.


Kank. Regiment or Corps. Kank. District in which Claim admitted. Amount! α-j^ recom- .9•a* rnendea a° ° S m"3 ft 111 H 'S'g a in 3 g DISTRICT OF WELLINi rTON— continued. (l) (2) (3) (i) LANI & Askey, William A very, A. W. Ballinger, William Henry .. Batclielor, William Henry .. Bayliss, Benjamin Beamish, Q.I.N. .. Beardmore, Herbert Beasley, R. T. N. .. Bell, David Benzoni, 0. T. Bezar, Edwin Bilners, Charles Black, Joseph Boyle, Thomas (by son) Bremer, E. Brooks, William Walter 65th Regiment Nelson Artillery.. City Rifle Volunteers Alexandra Cavalry 65th Regiment 14th Regiment 65th Regiment 39 th Regiment 65th Regiment Medical Staff 57th Regiment 65th Regiment .. .. 18th Regiment 14th Regiment Wairoa Light Horse Alexandra Cavalry Volunteers Wellington Artillery Volunteers Makara Rifles 65th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. Wanganui Rifles No. 1 Company, Wanganui Rifle Volunteers Wanganui Cavalry Rangitikei Volunteers Alfred Cavalry Volunteers 65th Regiment 14th Regiment 57th Regiment 57th Regiment 70th Regiment 65th Regiment 65th Regiment 65th Regiment 65th Regiment 57th Regiment Royal .Navy .. 65th Regiment No. 2 Company, Wanganui Rifle Volunteers Wairoa Light Horse Volunteers Carterton Rifle Volunteers 57th Regiment 70th Regiment 68th Regiment 57th Regiment 65th Regiment Wanganui Rifles Royal Navy 18th Regiment .. 65th Regiment 57th Regiment 3rd Dragoon Guards Alexandra Cavalry Volunteers Wairoa Light Horse 43rd Regiment 65th Regiment Wanganui Volunteers No. 1 Company, Wanganui Rifle Volunteers 65th Regiment Wellington Guards Volunteers 57th Regiment 57th Regiment 57th Regiment 14th Regiment Christchurch Rifle Volunteers 68th Regiment Sergeant Bandsman Lieutenant Trooper Private Captain Private Ensign . Band-sergeant Colour-sergeant I Colour-sergeant Private Private Sergeant Sergeant Trumpeter Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. ! Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 40 30 30 30 30 200 30 200 40 40 40 30 30 40 30 30 Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Brown, Charles Gunner Wellington .. 30 Brown, .0. T. H.. .. Brough, Thomas (by widow).. Buhck, W. Bush, H. W. Caiman, George Lieutenant Private Private Sergeant Private Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 £2510s. 30 30 Cameron, J. Cameron, Thomas Campion, Duncan .. Carr, Charles □ashen, Matthew .. Cavanagh, Patrick Chambers, Thomas Dhilds, James Churchill, William Cole, John Donroy, Murtz Cox, James Cox, John (by widow) Cullen, W. B. Daley, John Davidson, William Captain Private Trooper Private Private Private Private Private Private Corporal Private Private Private Seaman Private Lieutenant Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 30 ao 30 30 30 30 30 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 r3 CD O CO Cash Cash Dickie, Alexander Trooper Wellington .. 30 Dixon, Robert, jun. Donovan, Joseph .. Doole, John Doughty, George (by widow) Douglas, K. (by widow) Dunn, John Earle, B. C. Evans, Edward Parr, Frederick Flowers, William Flynn, Matthew Forster, A. S. B. .. Garner, Noah Baker Corporal Private Private Private Lieutenant Private Surgeon Seaman Private Private Private Cornet Trooper Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 30 30 200 30 80 30 30 30 30 200 30 Cash Cash * Cash Giles, William Pedlar Good, John Goodiei , , Isaac. Gorman, William .. Gower, George (by widow) .. Trooper Corporal Private Private Private Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 40 30 30 30 Cash n3 g ■X O 02 Green, Anthony Hale, .Charles A. E. Private Colour-sergeant Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 Hampson, Peter .. .. Hanlon, Michael Harlowe, David Tarble Hartnett, F, (by widow) Hawley, F. G. (by widow) .. Private Private Private Sergeant Sergeant-major Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 30 40 30 Cash Cash Hennon, Felix Private Wellington .. 30 * Has not com] )lied with iaragra] )h 3 of section 2 of the Act.


Naval and Military Settlers and Volunteers whose Claims are recommended— continued.


Name. Begiment or Corps. Bank. District in which Claim admitted. Amount recommended. to £1 111 ° 3 sit '3-3 IE 3 &£ Is V 3 CO o> IO « Q Cβ CO DISTEICT OF WELLINI JTON— continued. £ (1) (2) (3) (4) j LAND Higgie, James Alexandra Cavalry Volunteers Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers 57th Eegiment 57th Eegiment No. 1 Company, Wanganui Rifle Volunteers Wanganui Rifles Artillery No. 1 Company, Wanganui Rifle Volunteers Wairoa Light Horse Wanganui Rifles 3rd West Indian Regiment 39th Eegiment .. Lieutenant .. Wellington .. 30 Hindley, James Trooper Wellington.. 30 Hinton, Walter-Buda Holbrook, James Hood, Benjamin Private Private Private Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 30 Cash g '.n o 02 Hooper, S. Horn, J. E. (by widow) Howe, Edward Private Gunner ,. Private Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 30 Cash Howie, G. .. .. Hughes, Robert Humfrey, Charles A. Hussey, John Edward Wright (by widow) Hyde, Edwin Hyland, F. (by widow) Ib'bott, William •.. Johnson, Charles Johnston, J. C. Johnston, W. C. Johnston, W. Joyce, John Judge, Michael (by widow) .. Kearney, M. Keenan, Patrick .. .. Kelly, C. (by widow) Kilkolly, John Kins, E. J. King, George Kuchen, Gustave .. Laird, A. S. Lett, James Littlewood, E. W. (by son) .. Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Ensign Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 200 200 * 14th Eegiment 14th Regiment 65th Regiment 65th Eegiment Eangitikei Eifles Eangitikei Eifles 65th Eegiment .. 65th Regiment 57th Eegiment 57th Eegiment 65th Eegiment .. Artillery 57th Eegiment Wanganui Eifle Volunteers 14th Regiment .. D Battery, Artillery Alexandra Cavalry Wanganui Eifle Volunteers Alexandra Cavalry Volunteers Waipawa Cavalry Volunteers 1st West India Eegiment 57th Eegiment 57th Eegiment Indian Navy Masterton Eifle Volunteers No. 1 Company, Wanganui Eifle Volunteers Rangitikei E. Eifles 65th Regiment .. .. Wairoa Light Horse 65th Eegiment 40th Regiment 65th Regiment 65th Eegiment 14th Eegiment 57th Eegiment Wanganui Eifles Wanganui Rifles Defence Force No. 1 Company, Wellington Eifle Volunteers 21st Regiment .. 65th Regiment Turakina Light Horse .. Rangitikoi Rifles 12th Regiment Colonial Defence Force .. Makara Rifle Volunteers.. Private Private Private Private Private Private Sergeant Private Private Private Private Gunner Private Bandmaster .. Private Sergeant Sergeant Private Quarter-master Sergeant Private .. Wellington .. Wellington.. Wellington .. Wellington.. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Cash Cash Cash Cash Livingstone, John Wellington .. 30 Lock, Charles Henry Wilson Mackin, John Mahoncy, P. (by widow) Mainwaring, Charles Sweedlan Matthews, Alfred .. McGhee, William .. .. Ensign Private .. Private Midshipman .. Sergeant Private Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington.. 200 30 30 200 30 30 Cash CD g xn P-t o McGregor, James McKenna, Edward, V.C. McLean, Duncan McMillan, Peter Meighan, Patrick Mullins, W.J. Murphy, Thomas .. .. j Nash, George Neary, Stephen Neill, M. A. Neill, W. J. Nicholson, J. C. Oakley, Josiah (by widow) .. Private Ensign Sergeant-major Private Private Private Private Private Private Corporal Private Sergeant Private Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 200 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 30 Oa's'h O'Connell, George .. Osborne, William Owen, W. T. Parker, W. Payne, Henry Powell, John Hayes Prenderville, John Sweeny (by widow) Pringle, F. J. S. Rankin, John (by widow) .. Lieutenant Private Captain Private Private Trooper Private Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 200 30 30 30 30 25 30 Cash Cash 18th Eegiment No. 1 Company, Wanganui Eifle Volunteers Forest Bangers Christchurch Artillery Volunteers Lieutenant •. Private .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 200 30 Cash Raven, William James .. Eaven, William James .. Private Gunner Wellington.. Wellington .. 25 30 ♦Has not com; >lied with parai gra] ph 3 of section 2 of the Act.


Naval and Military Settlers and Volunteers whose Claims are recommended— continued.


Name, Eegiment or Corps. Kank. District in which Claim admitted. Amount recommended a<§] ■SSr, Is o) "d a ® 8 a* 3 1 LAND Real, T. .. .. .. Redmond, Michael Reid, J. (by widow) Riddell, J. Roberts, J. M. Rosoman, George .. Ross, Hugh Rowband, A. Ryan, Simon Saunders, M. J. Shea, John Shoehan, Edmund .. Simmonds, David Smith, A. M. Smith, C. O'H. Smith, H... Smith, Richard Smith, Philip George DISTRICT OF WELLING 57th Regiment .. 57th Regiment .. 65th Regiment .. .. Wairoa Light Horse Jackson's Forest Rangers 57th Regiment .. Wanganui Rifles 2nd Foot 57th Regiment 57th Regiment 57th Regiment 57th Regiment Royal Artillery 18th Hussars Artillery Volunteers Land Transport.. 65th Regiment Alexandra Cavalry Volunteers 65th Regiment .. 65th Regiment .. 65th Regiment .. Royal Artillery 14th Regiment 57th Regiment .. Wairoa Light Horse 65th Regiment 57th Regiment Alexandra Cavalry Volunteers 18th Regiment .. Royal Marines .. .. 65th Regiment Alexandra Cavalry Vols. .. Artillery Volunteers 50th Regiment 38th Regiment Highland Scottish Volunteers Royal Navy 40th Regiment .. 14th Regiment Forest Rangers 65th Regiment Wairoa Light Horse Royal Navy Wanganui Rifle Volunteers 65th Regiment Wanganui Rifles and Alexandra Lancers 14th Regiment Alexandra Cavalry Alexandra Cavalry Volunteers 57th Regiment Lyttelton Artillery Volun- I teors rTON— continued. ■Private Private Private Trooper Sergeant Private Private Lieutenant Private Private Private Private Gunner Cornet Corporal Private Private Lieutenant Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. £ 30 30 30 30 40 30 30 200 30 30 30 30 30 200 30 30 30 30 (1) Cash Cash Cash Cash (2) (3) (4) Cash Cash T3 o g CO ■ g< o to Snowdpn, John... Somerville, Charles (by son) Stamp, John Stuart, J. .. Swan, James (by widow) Talty, P. .. Taylor, J. B. Terry, W. (by widow) Thomson, Joseph Thui'ston, Daniel .. Private Private Private Gunner Private Private Sergeant Private Private Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Cash Cash Timmins, M. Timms, William Tracy, Michael Tripe, Julius Decimus Turner, Alexander Turner, Joseph Turner, Thomas Underwood, Henry James .. Private Private Private Surgeon Corporal Private Private Private Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Cash * Urwin, Thomas .. .. Vincent, S. Wade, Edward (by widow) .. Wakeford, H. I. Walker, E. Walker, James .. Walton, H. V. Watts, George Henry (dec'sed) Whitehead, Joseph Williamson, Francis Seaman Private Private Private Corporal Private Carpenter Private Private Private Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 30 £2510s. 40 30 40 30 30 30 Cash Cash Cash Willis, W. (by widow) Wisdom, Richard Wisdom, William Henry Lieutenant Sergeant Sergeant-Major Wellington .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 200 30 30 0 1X2 m I CO Woods, John Wright, Sydney Evelyn Private Lieutenant .. Wellington .. Wellington .. 30 30 Cash Dunlop, T>. King, Walter McNamara, A. F. .. Mutton, D. I. LAND DISTRICT OF K 43rd Regiment 40th Regiment Forest Rangers Forest Rangers .. LND DISTRICT OF MARL 57th Regiment Marlborough Rangers 65th Regiment .. .. Blenheim Rifles Blenheim Rifles Blueskin Rifle Volunteers Royal Navy Rangers Forest Rangers Rangers 14th Regiment .. ELSON. Private Private Private Guide Nelson Nelson Nelson .. Nelson 30 30 25 30 Cash L, Bales, Ed. Bythell, E. Cieary, J. .. .. Foster, J. H. Fowler, J. Freeth, William Gooch, E. G. T. .. Guy, Duncan Hill, Alexander Phillpotts, Thomas Pratt, Thomas -BOROUGH. Private Captain Private Corporal Lieutenant Corporal Midshipman .. Lieutenant Private Captain Private Marlborough Marlborough Marlborough Marlborough Marlborough Marlborough Marlborough Marlborough Marlborough Marlborough Marlborough 30 30 30 30 30 30 300 30 30 30 [ 30 Cash Cash * 1.1 ♦Has not com; >lied with para; [rai >h 3 of section 2 ol the Act.


Naval and Military Settlers and Volunteers whose Claims are recommended— continued.


Eegiment or Corps. Kank. District in which Claim admitted. Amount I recomjmended M ill Sl Iα! Name. (1) (2) (3) (■*) Ball, Henry Dewar, Duncan Dickson, William .. Faulkner, Thomas Graham, Robert Harper, Robert Murphy, Patrick O'Donnell, Richard Sellars, G. J. .. ,AND DISTRICT OF CAN , 58th Begimont 70th Regiment ..'' Bast Taieri Rifles 43rd Regiment 08th Regiment Royal Artillery 40th Regiment Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Napier Artillery Volunteers rERBURY. Private .. ; Private Private .. \ Private .. ; Private .. I Sergeant Private .. \ Bugler .. : Sergeant .. Canterbury.. Canterbury .. Canterbury.. Canterbury .. Canterbury.. Canterbury .. Canterbury.. Canterbury .. Canterbury .. £ 30 30 30 30 30 ■40 80 30 30 Cash * Cash Aiken, Adam Anderson, George Brookes, William .. Brown, John .. .. Brown, S. N. .. Bruce, John .. Bryant, G. I. Christie, John Colclough, Charles.. Crabbe, James Denham, F. C. Dick, Alexander Dickson, Alexander Edgeworth, Robert William .. Fitzgerald, Edward Foote, T. Frederic, P. Gebbie, John Gibson, Lars Graham, Thomas .. Gudgeon, C. E. Harrison, R. Hay, Charles Healey, J. F. Hein, Carl Henderson, P. .. Horn, James Jeffery, F. T. D. Jenkins, William Johnstone, A. T. Jolly, D. A. Low, Hector Low, Samuel Macdonald, J. M. .. MacFarlane, J. .. .. Macklin, H. P. Maher, Peter McKay, Angus .. «. McLeay, Kenneth .. McWhirter, William Menzies, J. D. Moore, J. L. Morgan, J. Morris, J. F. Partridge, George Perrelle, de la Elias (by widow) Proudfoot, G. C. .. LAND DISTRICT OF ( Cromwell Rifles Clutha Rifles .. North Dunedin Rifles Arrow Rifles Lake District Volunteers.. Cromwell Rifles.. M Battery, N.Z.A. Portobello Rifles Cromwell Rifles.. Cromwell Rifles.. Cromwell Rifles.. Portobello Rifles Portobello Rifles Otepopo Rifles Arrow Rifles .. .. Cromwell Rifles North Dunedin Kifles North Dunedin Rifles Arrow Rifles Cromwell Rifles Cromwell Rifles Drill Instructor Arrow Rifles Arrow Rifles Arrow Rifles Arrow Rifles Clutha Rifles .. Cromwell Rifles Arrow Rifles Cromwell Rifles Cromwell Rifles Arrow Rifles Arrow Rifles Cromwell Rifles Dunedin Navals Quecnstown Rifles Cromwell Rifles Drill-instructor Arrow Rifles Arrow Rifles .. .. Cromwell Rifles.. .. Cromwell Rifles M Battery, N.Z.A. City Guards, Dunedin Cromwell Rifles Arrow Rifles B Battery, Artillery Volunteers Cromwell Rifles Clutha Rifles Cromwell Rifles .. North Dunedin Rifles Port Chalmers Navals Clutha Rifles .. West Taieri Rifles North Dunedin Rifles Cromwell Rifles Cromwell Rifles.. Cromwell Rifles.. .. Cromwell Rifles.. Arrow Rifles Dunedin Rifles .. Clutha Rifles .. }TAGO. i Private .. j I Private ! Private I Colour-sergeant ! Major I Private j Gunner j Private I Private I Private I Private ! Private j Private I Corporal J Private Private .. i Sergeant j Private ] Private .. | I Private I Private Sergeant-major j Private J Private Private I Private I Private j Private I Private .. j ! Private I Private Corporal .., ! Private Private Gunner I Private Private Sergeant-inajor Private Private Private Non-com. Officer! Gunner .. j Private .. I Private Sergeant Captain .. Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago O tago .. Otago Otago Otago Otago .. Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago .. Otago .. Otago Otago .. 30 30 30 30 3.0 30 30 30 SO 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 30 30 30 30 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Cash " •• Cash Pryde, John .. Ramsay, William .. Ritchie, James .. .. Shepherd, T. Smith, F. B. Smith, Joseph Snow, William Sprague, Francis Story, Henry C. Talboys, William Thomas .. Thomas, Henry Thomas, Patrick .. Webb, James .. Webster, G. Wiilocks, John D. .. Private .. j j Private j Private I Private .. j Private ' .. Corporal Private Corporal .. Sergeant .. Private .. Private .. Private .. Private Private Private leeted land. Otago .. Otago .. Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago .. Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago Otago 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 *Se: 2—H. 36.

H.— 36.

Naval and Military Settlers and Volunteers whose Claims are recommended — continued.

Number of all other Claims received which have yet to be reported on. Number of claims received, to 30th June, 1892 .. .. .. .. .. .. 945 Number of claims inquired into, to 20th July, 1892 .. .. .. .. .. .. 561 SUMMARY. £ c. a. (1.) Claims paid in cash .. .. .. .. .. .. ISO = 6,970 10 0 (2.) Claims satisfied by scrip .. .. .. .. .. ..623 =22,54(5 10 0 (3.) Scrip exercised .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 claim (Canterbury) = 80 0 0 (4.) Claims unsatisfied .. .. .. .. .. .. .. "i = 560 0 0 * Claimants not having complied with paragraph 3 of section 2 of the Act. A. Babbon, Under-Secretary for Lands. Approximate Cost o/Paixn— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,160 copies), £19.

By Authority : Geoboe Didsbuky, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB92. Price 6d.J


Name. Begiment or Corps. Ea:ik. District in jAmount j which Claim i leeomadmitted. jmonded, I I 1% 'S'§ 5S 3 3-S LAND DISTRICT OP SOI THLAND. (1) (2) (3) m> ildred, William Batson, H. T. Booth, J. C. Boyne, W. 3rackenridge, I. 31are, J. G. 3vans, F. 0. E. Ferguson, J. Jalbraith, R. Fones, R. W. rtingsland, C. W. .. Hillicrap, H. V. McKillop, D. Sficoll, T. S. Patterson, John 3elby, D. W. • ■ M Battery, Artillery Invereargill Garrison Band Invercargill Rifles M Battery, N.Z.A.' G Battery, N.Z.A. G Battery, N.Z.A. G Battery, Artillery Invercargill Garrison Band Invereargill Garrison Band Invercargill Garrison Baud Invercargill Garrison Band 8th Regt. (King's Royal) .. Invercargill Rifles Waikari Rifles .. Invercargill Rifles Waikato Cavalry Gunner Bandsman Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant-major Corporal Captain Bandsman Bandsman Bandsman Bandsman Lieutenant Private Sergeant; Sergeant Trooper Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. Southland .. £ 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 200 30 30 30 30 ;;'. •• Cash Cash n3 Dα .2 ■a* o LAND DISTRICT OF Wl ,STLAND. Westland .. Westla,nd .. Westlaud .. Westland .. Westland .. Westland .. Westland .. Westland .. Westland .. Westland .. Westland .. 5reen, W. H. 3all, J. W. kitchen, W. M. rones, W... .. Sing, P. .. Liowden, Thomas .. McLaughlin, John .. Vlitchell.S. Morris, J. Drmond, L. vYeaver, Richard .. Royal Navy Taranaki Volunteers Armed Constabulary Force Royal Navy Military Settlers Armed Constabulary Force Defence Force .. Royal Navy Taranaki Rifles .. .. C5th Regiment 12th Regiment .. Carpenter Corporal Private Seaman Private Lance-corporal Private B'tswain's-mate Private Private .. Private 30 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Gash Gash Cash Gash Cash

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NAVAL AND MILITARY LAND-CLAIMS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-36

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NAVAL AND MILITARY LAND-CLAIMS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-36

NAVAL AND MILITARY LAND-CLAIMS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, H-36

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