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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Commissioner of Taxes to the Hon. the Colonial Tbeasueer. g IEj Land- and Income-tax Department, Wellington, 16th September, 1892. I have the honour to submit further statistics of land assessed under "The Land and Income Assessment Act, 1891," classified according to area and value. The improved and unimproved values are stated, the latter being the actual value, less the present value of the improvements on the property. Improvements are defined by the Act to include houses and buildings, fencing, planting, draining of land, clearing from timber, scrub, or fern, laying down in grass or pasture, and any other improvements whatsoever the benefit of which is unexhausted at the time of valuation. The most important table is that of freeholders of land outside boroughs and town districts, classified by area, showing total value of each class. From this table are excluded lands of those owners who have less than five acres, and there are included all lands outside boroughs or town districts, excepting some township sections under five acres; that is to say, all lands are included tint can be considered to be productive. In another table the results of this assessment are, as regards improved values, compared with those of the assessments of 1882, 1885, and 1888. A comparison of this assessment with previous valuations is rendered less easy in consequence of the creation of boroughs from time to time. Those constituted since October, 1888, are Onslow, Karori, and Eichmond (Waimea). The number of owners shown in Table No. 3—38,935 —is 1,503 more than in 1888, and the total value, £59,289,375, is an increase of £6,714,172. It appears that 19,369, or very nearly half the owners, possess less than 100 acres of land. There are 17,538 owners of from 100 to"l,000 acres, value £20,533,069; 1,766 owners'of from 1,000 to 10,000 acres, value £14,949,253; 232 owners of from 10,000 to 50,000-acres, value £11,744,683 ; and 30 owners of 50,000 acres and over, value £5,712,915. The total owners of land in the colony number 91,501, and the value of their holdings amounts to £92,371,166 for improved land, and £54,427,175 represents the unimproved value. There are included a considerable number of properties which were assessed to " owner," the names of the persons to whom they belonged not being ascertainable or ascertained by the Assessors ; and there are also included properties of societies and associations not being liable to taxation. The going make up a total of 1,845; and, in comparing the figures now given with those of the 1888 assessment, allowance should be made for the fact that they were omitted in the 1888 statistics. Properties assessed to "' owner " may, as a rule, be taken to be under £100 in value. About half the landowners —namely, 45,192 have land of an unimproved value of less than £100, and 23,709, or about a fourth of the total, have land of a less improved value than £100. The table of ownership classified by value, when summarised, gives the following results :—

I—B. 20a.

Class. Number of Owners. Improved Value. Number of Owners. Unimproved Value. Jnder£500 1500 and under £1,000 11,000 and under .£10,000 110,000 and over 63,841 12,901 13,569 1,190 £ 10,825,213 8,888,580 33,938,211 38,719,162 76,399 6,922 7,496 684 £ 8,621,360 4,794,530 19,208,387 21,802,898 Totals 91,501 92,371,166 91,501 54,427,175

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The value of land assessed as liaole to pay land-tax is £55,105,290, and the value liable to pay graduated land-tax is £26,743,370. The total estimated number of land-tax payers is 11,407, and of graduated land-tax payers 1,319. The value of improvements upon which the ordinary land-tax will be collected is £9,016,505. The figures set out in this report afford much information that should prove of advantage to those who may wish to study the manner in which the lands of the colony are owned. The tables have stated the results in a form readily understood, but any one who wishes to draw deductions from them in support of any favourite theory will have to make a careful examination for that purpose. Contrasting the improved and the unimproved values should prove highly interesting to those who study some of the many important questions included under the comprehensive phrase " land reform." In making the following remark I wish to protect myself against a possible charge of boasting of the work of this office, but there is no reason why I should not say that this report and that of the 28th July, taken together, give more complete details as to land-values and land-ownership than those published by any colony, and, as far as I know, by any country. Believing this, I may express the hope that the heavy expenditure incurred in compiling these figures will not prove to be money unwisely spent in consequence of scant attention that may be bestowed upon them. Following the plan laid down in 1888, I append a list of those persons and companies who, at the Ist November, 1891, owned more than 10,000 acres of country lands, showing the area and value of their holdings. In these statistics Crown and Native lands, and the lands belonging to local governing bodies, have been omitted. I have, &c, CM. Ceombie, The Hon. the Colonial Treasurer. Commissioner of Taxes.



Class. Number of Owners. Improved Value. Number of Owners. Unimproved ! Value. Class. Under £100 £100 and under £200 .. £200 „ „ £300 ,. £300 „ „ £400 .. £400 , „ £500 .. 23,709 15,614 11,446 7,790 5,282 £ 950,421 2,208,529 2,723,436 2,629,906 2,312,921 45,192 15,692 7,791 4,612 3,112 £ 1,716,727 2,137,630 1,845,658 1,559,396 1,361,949 Under £100 £100 and under £200 £200 „ „ £300 £300 „ „ £400 £400 „ „ £500 £500 „ „ £600 .. £600 „ „ £700 .. £700 „ „ £800 .. £800 „ . „ £900 .. £900 „ „ £1,000 .. 3,940 3,161 2,349 2,025 1,426 2,103,715 2,012,077 1,735,977 1,697,246 1,339,565 2,184 1,669 1,256 983 830 1,179,169 1,072,335 931,114 828,896 783,016 £500 „ „ £600 £600 „ „ £700 £700 „ „ £800 £800 „ , „ £900 £900 „ „ £1,000 £1,000 „ „ £2,000 .. £2,000 „ „ £3,000 .. £3,000 „ „ £4,000 .. £4,000 „ „ £5,000 .. £5,000 „ „ £10,000 .. 7,457 2,608 1,336 744 1,424 10,291,448 6,257,042 4,578,375 3,360,266 9,451,080 4,121 1,408 710 437 820 5,709,493 3,392,136 2,462,311 1,953,742 5,690,705 £1,000 „ „ £2,000 £2,000 „ „ £3,000 £3,000 „ „ £4,000 . £4,000 „ „ £5,000 £5,000 „ „ £10,000 £10,000 „ „ £20,000 .. £20,000 „ „ £50,000 .. £50,000 „ „ £100,000 .. 2100,000 „ „ £200,000 .. 2200,000 and over 669 356 104 47 14 9,090,788 10,628,661 7,115,932 6,345,732 5,538,049 381 200 79 18 6 5,364,802 5,996,897 5,328,842 2,549,577 2,562,780 £10,000 „ „ £20,000 £20,000 „ „ £50,000 £50,000 „ „ £100,000 £100,000 „ „ £200,000 £200,000 and over Totals 54,427,175 91,501 92,371,166 91,501

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Class. Year. Number of Owners. Improved Value. Under £100 1892 1889 23,709 20,752 £ 950,421 843,561 8100 and under £200 1892 1889 15,614 15,069 2,208,529 2,115,529 6200 and under £300 1892 1889 11,446 10,904 2,723,436 2,592,172 6300 and under £400 1892 1889 7,790 7,270 2,629,906 2,469,159 6400 and under £500 1892 1889 5,282 5,230 2,312,921 2,292,344 6500 and under £600 1892 1889 3,940 3,594 2,103,715 1,937,442 6600 and under £700 1892 1889 3,161 2,995 2,012,077 1,894,849 6700 and under £800 1892 1889 2,349 2,232 1,735,977 1,666,184 6800 and under £900 1892 1889 2,025 1,821 1,697,246 1,533,435 £900 and under £1,000 1892 1889 1,426 1,394 1,339,565 1,306,615 SI, 000 and under £2,000 1892 1889 7,457 6,755 10,291,448 9,403,253 62,000 and under £3,000 1892 1889 2,608 2,299 6,257,042 5,578,261 63,000 and under £4,000 .. 1892 1889 1,336 1,175 4,578,375 4,076,691 64,000 and under £5,000 1892 1889 744 704 3,360,266 3,133,151 65,000 and under £10,000 1892 1889 1,424 1,237 9,451,080 8,516,672 610,000 and under £20,000 1892 1889 669 623 9,090,788 8,417,460 620,000 and under £50,000 1892 1889 356 338 10,628,661 9,535,543 650,000 and under £100,000 1892 1889 104 107 7,115,932 7,107,479 6100,000 and under £200,000 1892 1889 47 37 6,345,732 4,952,568 6200,000 and over 1892 1889 14 11 5,538,049 4,835,862 Totals 1892 1889 •91,501 84,547 92,371,166 84,208,230 * In the 1892 total are included properties assessed to " Owner," and also lands owned by friendly societies and other institutions that are exempt from taxation. These were not included in the 1889 total.

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Acres. I I I Number of Owners. Improved Value. Unimproved Value. Acres. 5 and under 10 10 „ 20 20 „ 30 30 „ 40 40 „ 50 2,820 3,015 2,267 1,428 2,318 £ 678,032 806,959 663,050 532,242 642,000 £ 312,139 401,425 352,021 292,753 359,245 5 and under 10 10 „ 20 20 „ 30 30 „ 40 40 „ 50 50 „ 60 60 „ 70 70 „ 80 80 „ 90 90 „ 100 2,412 1,463 1,162 1,423 1,061 813,165 522,686 582,378 546,970 561,973 469,106 295,523 373,015 310,777 332,253 50 „ 60 60 „ 70 70 „ 80 80 „ 90 90 „ 100 100 „ 200 200 „ 320 320 „ 500 500 „ 640 640 „ 1,000 8,267 4,575 2,531 1,022 1,143 5,461,487 4,688,671 4,352,224 2,377,803 3,652,884 3,239,817 2,861,409 2,680,446 1,470,907 2,342,827 100 „ 200 200 „ 320 320 „ 500 500 „ 640 640 „ 1,000 1,000 „ 2,000 2,000 „ 3,000 3,000 „ 4,000 4,000 „ 5,000 5,000 „ 6,000 992 311 146 109 66 5,121,688 2,703,380 1,706,128 1,393,844 1,047,158 3,381,176 1,798,500 1,150,432 969,723 717,983 1,000 „ 2,000 2,000 „ 3,000 3,000 „ 4,000 4,000 „ 5,000 5,000 „ 6,000 6,000 „ 7,000 7,000 „ ' 8,000 8,000 „ 9,000 9,000 „ 10,000 10,000 „ 20,000 50 38 29 25 148 822,486 727,542 648,600 778,427 5,495,958 564,312 477,931 436,612 537,801 3,771,082 6,000 „ 7,000 7,000 „ 8,000 8,000 „ 9,000 9,000 „ 10,000 10,000 „ 20,000 20,000 „ 30,000 30,000 „ 40,000 40,000 „ 50,000 50,000 „ 75,000 75,000 „ 100,000 45 30 9 14 6 2,743,301 2,517,765 987,659 1,418,031 1,086,623 1,839,700 1,741,038 719,708 994,463 859,028 20,000 „ 30,000 30,000 „ 40,000 40,000 „ 50,000 50,000 „ 75,000 75,000 „ 100,000 100,000 „ 150,000 150,000 and over 4 6 624,980 2,583,281 421,772 1,853,538 100,000 „ 150,000 150,000 and over. Totals 38,935 38,328,462 59,289,375

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Acres. Yeai Number. | *>>%™* Persons. Companies. Totals. Number. | *%%£* Totals. Acres. Number. Improved Value. 5 and under 10 1892 1889 1886 1883 2,809 2,817 2,111 1,411 £ 643,661 804,126 577,023 296,538 11 12 2 5 £ 34,371 12,545 475 6,598 2,820 2,829 2,113 1,416 £ 678,032 816,671 577,498 303,136 1892 1889 1886 1883 5 and under 10 10 20 1892 1889 1886 1883 3,005 2,832 2,410 1,924 789,932 886,871 736,684 579,137 10 10 9 7 17,027 32,592 12,479 1,825 3,015 2,842 2,419 1,931 806,959 919,463 749,163 580,962 1892 1889 1886 1883 10 20 20 30 1892 1889 1886 1883 2,263 2,138 2,104 1,854 649,641 669,734 654,106 580,810 4 6 6 6 13,409 9,890 5,648 1,820 2,267 2,144 2,110 1,860 063,050 679,624 659,754 582,630 1892 1889 1886 1883 20 30 30 40 1892 1889 1886 1883 1,422 1,370 1,235 1,075 520,407 538,270 509,064 445,492 6 7 6 1 11,835 12,576 27,268 2,980 1,428 1,377 1,241 1,076 532,242 550,846 536,332 448,472 1892 1889 1886 1883 30 40 40 50 1892 1889 1886 1883 "1892 1889 1886 1883 2,314 2,180 2,217 1,991 638,448 608,961 626,664 538,389 4 1 1 3 3,552 2,720 2,500 1,570 2,318 2,181 2,218 1,994 642,000 011,681 629,164 539,959 1892 1889 1886 1883 40 50 50 60 2,410 2,448 2,324 2,187 789,334 831,515 832,984 799,878 2 6 1 1 23,831 27,987 672 98 2,412 2,454 2,325 2,188 813,165 859,502 833,656 799,976 1892 1889 1886 1883 50 60 60 70 1892 1889 1886 1883 1,460 1,403 1,411 1,277 519,853 463,728 517,734 456,756 3 6 3 1 2,833 22,098 4,010 1,000 1,463 1,409 1,414 1,278 522,686 485,826 521,744 457,756 1892 1889 1886 1883 60 70 70 80 1892 1889 1886 1883 1,157 1,164 1,028 970 560,673 531,498 525,239 507,416 5 21,705 1,162 1,164 1,028 971 582,378 531,498 525,239 508,186 1892 1889 1886 1883 70 80 1 "770 80 90 1892 1889 1886 1883 1,422 1,346 1,337 1,274 540,408 489,775 516,489 502,925 1 3 2 6,562 8,315 18,780 1,423 1,349 1,339 1,274 546,970 498,090 535,269 502,925 1892 1889 1886 1883 80 90 90 100 1892 1889 1886 1883 1,061 1,054 866 777 561,973 513,053 457,338 442,874 2 2 1 12,850 9,132 100 1,061 1,056 868 778 561,973 525,903 466,470 442,974 1892 1889 1886 1883 90 100 100 200 1892 1889 1886 1883 8,258 8,188 7,280 6,745 5,388,920 4,731,707 4,795,828 4,791,026 9 13 8 6 72,567 20,732 61,542 10,429 8,267 8,201 7,288 6,751 5,461,487 4,752,439 4,857,370 4,801,455 1892 1889 1886 1883 100 200 200 320 1892 1889 1886 1883 4,571 4,313 4,154 3,887 4,683,222 4.011,809 4,211,058 4,342,292 4 5 4 3 5,449 9,924 10,472 5,270 4,575 4,318 4,158 3,890 4,688,671 4,021,733 4,221,530 4,347,562 1892 1889 1886 1883 200 320 320 500 1892 1889 1886 1883 2,526 2,280 2,117 1,953 4,321,466 3,572,757 3,615,055 3,503,704 5 8 2 4 30,758 26,731 12,154 92,509 2,531 2,288 2,119 1,957 4,352,224 3,599,488 3,627,209 3,596,213 1892 1889 1886 1883 320 500 500 640 1892 1889 1886 1883 1,021 896 861 737 2,374,303 1,755,929 2,038,443 1,777,274 1 5 2 1 3,500 113,843 18,188 500 1,022 901 863 738 2,377,803 1,869,772 2,056,631 1,777,774 1892 1889 1886 1883 500 640 640 1,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 1,137 1,025 1,039 926 3,631,542 3,041,737 3,347,702 3,344,357 6 10 4 5 21,342 74,695 30,307 29,197 1,143 1,035 1,043 931 3,652,884 3,116,432 3,378,009 3,373,554 1892 1889 1886 1883 640 1,000 1,000 2,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 984 891 906 812 5,096,060 4,311,976 4,516,147 4,322,082 8 15 10 4 25,628 122,307 48,404 9,932 992 906 916 816 5,121,688 4,434,283 4,564,551 4,332,014 1892 1889 1886 1883 1,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 305 277 266 243 2,670,177 2,253,539 2,255,589 2,331,213 6 2 3 2 33,203 43,642 57,130 40,400 311 279 269 245 2,703,380 2,297,181 2,312,719 2,371,613 1892 1889 1886 1883 2,000 3,000 3,000 4,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 145 139 142 142 1,701,342 1,323,460 1,461,593 1,583,515 1 1 2 i 4,786 14,848 12,984 30,935 146 140 144 146 1,706,128 1,338,308 1,474,577 1,614,450 1892 1889 1886 1883 3,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 107 86 94 73 1,373,167 1,152,765 1,337,228 1,138,590 2 2 2 1 20,677 6,918 32,919 5,500 109 88 96 74 1,393,844 1,159,683 1,370,147 1,144,090 1892 1889 1886 1883 4,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 62 72 72 65 4 3 3 3 86,029 52,729 48,868 61,938 66 75 75 68 1,047,158 1,228,906 1,297,824 1,264,413 1892 1889 1886 1883 5,000 6,000 961,129 1,176,177 1,248,956 1,202,475

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Note. —Total number of freeholders in colony: 1882 assessment—7l,24o, of whom 30,764 own 5 acres and over of country land, that is, outside boroughs and town districts, and exclusive of land classed as township lands. 1885 assessment — 80,527, of whom 34,450 own 5 acres and over of country land. 1883 asssssment—B4,s47, of whom 37,432 own 5 acres and over of country land. 1891 assessment—9l,sol, of whom 38,935 own 5 acres and over of country land.

Acres. Year. Persons. Companies. Totals. Totals. Acres. Number Improved JNumDer. Value. Number i Improved jNumbei.j value. 6,000 and under 7,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 50 48 49 47 £ 822,486 863,542 946,998 944,148 1 1 £ 14,920 6,649 50 48 50 48 £ 822,486 863,542 ■961,918 950,797 1892 1889 1886 1883 6,000 and under 7,000 7,000 „ 8,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 38 40 42 37 727,542 744,074 791,001 886,206 i 3 22,367 65,237 38 41 45 37 727,542 766,441 856,238 886,206 1892 1889 1886 1883 7,000 „ 8,000 8,000 „ 9,000 8,000 „ 9,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 28 33 29 26 646,060 601,438 702,608 782,846 1 3 1 2,540 51!596 4,960 29 33 32 27 648,600 601,438 754,204 787,806 1892 1889 1886 1883 9,000 „ ' 10,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 21 22 15 21 705,024 475,778 349,992 555,236 4 2 3 2 73,403 63,380 85,795 60,966 25 24 18 23 778,427 539,158 435,787 616,202 1892 1889 1886 1883 9,000 „ 10,000 10,000 „ 20,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 139 124 141 138 5,190,809 4,365,326 5,005,603 5,171,761 9 10 . 10 3 305,149 233,016 319,057 . 71,486 148 134 151 141 5,495,958 4,598,342 5,324,660 5,243,247 1892 1889 1886 1883 10,000 „ 20,000 20,000 „ 30,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 42 45 42 46 2,451,129 2,504,936 2,348,237 2,652,992 3 5 1 3 292,172 324,787 15,288 35,821 45 50 43 49 2,743,301 2,829,723 2,363,525 2,088,813 1892. 1889 1886 1883 20,000 „ 30,000 30,000 „ 40,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 24 22 26 23 1,996,353 1,668,081 1,809,375 2,058,685 6 4 5 521,412 236,538 268,951 30 20 31 23 2,517,765 1,904,619 2,078,326 2,058,685 1892 1889 1886 1883 30,000 „ 40,000 40,000 „ 50,000 1892 18S9 1886 1883 7 10 4 8 741,417 795,193 470,543 632,825 2 3 1 3 246,242 187,369 81,492 153,874 9 13 5 11 987,659 982,562 552,035 786,699 1892 1889 1886 1883 40,000 „ 50,000 50,000 „ 75,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 12 11 14 9 1,159,281 948,547 1,594,675 1,096,423 2 1 5 3 258,750 161,498 638,670 541,916 14 12 19 12 1,418,031 1,110,045 2,233,345 1,638,339 1892 1889 1886 1883 50,000 „ 75,000 75,000 „ 100,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 5 4 3 6 1 2 3 1 6 6 6 7 1892 1889 1886 1883 75,000 „ 100,000 1,075,583 864,824 675,388 1,146,797 11,040 226,971 614,798 370,777 1,086,623 1,091,795 1,290,186 1,517,574 LOO,000 , 150,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 1 1 1 22,677 38,219 42,828 3 1 1 2 602,303 140,351 319,513 604,035 4 2 2 2 624,980 178,570 362,341 604,035 1892 1889 1886 1883 100,000 „ 150,000 L50.000 and over 150,000 and over. 1892 1889 1886 1883 6 7 2 2 2,583,281 2,811,639 1,251,263 1,782,295 6 7 2 2 2,583,281 2,811,639 1,251,268 1,782,295 1892 1889 1886 1883

5 and under 100 1892 1889 1886 1883 19,323 18,752 17,043 14,740 6,214,330 6,337,531 5,953,325 5,150,215 46 53 32 26 135,125 141,573 80,964 16,761 19,369 18,805 17,075 14,766 6,349,455 6,479,104 6,034,289 5,166,976 20,533,069 17,359,864 18,140,749 17,896,558 1892 1889 1886 1883 5 and under 100 100 1,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 17,513 16,702 15,451 14,248 20,399,453 17,113,939 18,008,086 17,758,653 25 41 20 19 133,616 245,925 132,663 137,905 17,53S 16,743 15,471 14,267 1892 1889 1886 1883 100 1,000 1,000 10,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 1,740 1,608 1,615 1,466 14,702,987 12,902,749 13,610,112 13,746,311 26 26 30 18 246,266 326,191 417,853 221,280 1,766 1,634 1,645 1,484 14,949,253 13,228,940 14,027,965 13,967,591 11,744,683 10,315,246 10,318,546 10,777,444 1892 1889 1886 1883 1,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 1892 1889 1886 1883 212 201 213 215 10,379,70S 9,333,536 9,633,758 10,516,263 20 22 17 9 1,364,975 981,710 684,788 261,181 232 223 230 224 1892 1889 1886 1883 10,000 50,000 50,000 and over 1892 1889 1886 1883 18 16 18 15 2,257,541 1,851,590 2,312,891 2,243,220 12 11 11 8 3,455,374 3,340,459 2,824,249 3,299,023 30 27 29 23 5,712,915 5,192,049 5,137,140 5,542,243 1892 1889 1886 1883 50,000 and over. Totals .. 1892 1889 1886 1883 38,806 37,279 34,340 30,684 Totals. 53,954,019 47,539,345 49,518,172 49,414,662 129 153 110 80 5,335,356 5,035,858 4,140,517 3,936,150 38,935 37,432 34,450 30,764 59,289,375 52,575,203 53,658,689 53,350,812 1892 1889 1886 1883


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Name and Postal Address. Area. Improved Value. Unimproved Value. 10,000 AND UNDER 20,000 ACRES. Adams, Harrietts, Christchurch Adams, William Acton B., Christchurch A'Deane, Maria Lydia, Ongaonga, Hawke's Bay Aitken, William, Auckland; Stewart, T. M., Melbourne; and Estate of the late T. J. MacKelvie Allen, William Shepherd Andrew, John Chapman, lea, Masterton Barton, William, White Rock, Wairarapa Bealey, Samuel, Hororata Beamish, Nathaniel Evanson, Hastings Begg Brothers, Hillend, Otago Bell, George Meredith, Mandeville, Southland Bell, Sir Francis Dillon and Alfred Dillon, Waihemo Benn and Co., John Borton, John, Oamaru Blick's Trust Estate, Blenheim Boyd, Allan and John, North Taieri Brown, John Hunter, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay Brown and Co., Alexander, Abbotsford, Otago Buchanan, Hugh (Estate of the late), Little River, Canterbury Buchanan, John, Patangata Buchanan, Walter Clarke, Gladstone, Wairarapa Cameron, Duncan, Springfield Campbell, Hugh, Poukawa, Hawke's Bay Campbell, Sara, Christchurch.. Cawthron, Thomas, Nelson Chapman, Thomas and Edward, Rothoram, Amuri Clifford, Lewis Henry Hugh (absentee) Colbeck Brothers, Pahi, Auckland Couper, William (Estate of the late), Havelock, Hawke's Bay Curling, Robert (absentee) Dargaville, Anne, Dargaville, Auckland .. Dillon, Philip Gerald (Estate of the late), Wairau, Marlborough Dilworth, James, Remuera Dickson, Marmaduke, West Eyreton, Canterbury Douglas, William, Te Mahanga, Napier Duncan, John and Andrew, Wanganui Elder and Co., Whareama, Wairarapa Elliott, William, Frasertown, Wairoa Gerard, William, Snowdon, Canterbury Gordon, Thomas Edward, Olive, Hawke's Bay Gower, William and Samuel, Patea Grant, Alexander, Takapau, Hawke's Bay Gray, Henry Francis, Christchurch Gray, Robert (Estate of the late), Invercargill Gray, Robert Hamilton and Ernest, Taupiri Green, Edward, Nelson Greenwood, George Dean, Amberley Grice and Co., William, Cambridge .. .. .. ■ Grigg, John, Longbeach Hales, Charles Frederick (Estate of the late), Flat Point, Masterton Harding, Alfred Ernest, Mangawhare Harding, Arthur, Kereru, Hawke's Bay Harding, John, Waipukurau .. .. Harper, Charles John, Winslow Herbert, John Francis, Ardmore, Kelso, Otago Hingston, Frederick Vincent, Russell, Bay of Islands Hirst, William Lockwood, Palmerston North Hoare, Charles and Alfred (absentees) Hume, Peter, Lower Valley, Wairarapa .. .. Hutchinson, Massey and Arthur, Ormond Innes, John and James, Amberley Jardine, Archibald, Wanganui Johnson, James Woodbine, Gisborne Johnston, Sydney, Takapau, Hawke's Bay Joseph, Jacob, and Phillips, Coleman, Dry River, Wairarapa Landels, Adam (Estate of the late), Balclutha Lawrence, William, Waikiwi, Southland Lethbridge and Sons, Turakina Levin, William Hort, Wellington Lowe, William Anderson, Culverden Lowry, Thomas Henry, Okawa, Hawke's Bay Manson, John (Estate of the late), Feilding Martin, Julia, Wakapuaka Matthews, Alfred, Featherston Maunsell, Robert and John Frederick, Tinui Meredith, Edwin, Masterton Mitchelson, Edwin, Auckland Monro, Alexander, Waihopai, Blenheim .. .. .. ... Moore, Frederick, Glenburn, Masterton .. Morice, William Francis and David, Gisborno Morrison, John (Estate of the late), Masterton Acres. 11,668 14,020 15,754 £ 40,271 24,016 41,355 £ 33,041 16,589 26,445 12,168 10,636 18,291 19,936 12,704 18,688 17,088 10,465 12,756 11,035 11,904 12,541 18,702 12,915 12,877 17,148 11,750 15,354 16,198 18,754 15,569 16,014 13,600 17,631 13,804 17,557 15,134 10,732 17,429 12,036 14,983 14,870 18,998 13,572 10,305 16,801 "13,314 16,272 13,655 14,880 12,952 10,823 13,450 14,621 14,020 15,310 10,905 13,573 17,319 15,800 11,735 12,678 10,922 13,566 17,079 13,152 11,494 11,840 10,864 11,691 18,776 15,390 15,128 10,743 13,242 12,520 14,567 14,721 11,801 17,626 19,650 18,923 15,671 11,683 16,956 12,761 10,230 18,112 3,000 15,800 32,699 32,433 45,942 50,024 69,731 50,821 29,013 20,000 76,168 10,940 37,438 41,580 27,314 72,518 44,462 84,040 97,071 103,073 42,979 7,392 29,301 41,586 9,105 79,875 72,996 3,000 20,000 53,256 40,541 83,167 52,533 34,242 16,563 35,631 59,913 16,690 73,542 88,423 15,300 9,795 16,200 35,784 21,470 156,813 18,210 8,405 24,448 79,597 40,512 39,811 4,048 18,691 72,505 33,260 24,640 36,453 22,470 45,320 78,159 47,410 17,812 30,419 68,008 27,885 18,893 62,564 84,050 10,289 38,500 36,464 33,609 7,505 20,000 18,289 12,725 39,947 3,000 9,000 19,067 12,577 31,113 29,260 38,931 27,801 18,018 12,956 63,372 7,564 26,559 27,700 18,019 56,336 31,632 56,032 80,877 73,994 39,989 4,270 24,848 36,290 5,760 57,918 53,418 3,000 15,300 41,346 30,592 57,502 31,883 16,770 10,783 25,157 50,405 14,330 45,789 73,145 11,466 5,520 12,670 26,289 10,667 79,638 9,429 3,915 20,458 49,129 31,951 29,043 2,478 14,471 57,573 16,440 5,747 29,803 15,165 16,830 40,925 26,195 14,522 22,106 44,918 14,138 14,263 35,709 39,589 7,728 29,307 19,854 22,073 6,818 14,300 10,000 7,725 23,555 Carried forward |l, 162,808 [3,286,704 |2,201,391

8.—20 a



Name and Postal Address. Area. Improved Value. Unimproved Value. 10,000 and under 20,000 Acres — continued. Brought forward Mount Linton Estate (Proprietors of), Nightcaps, Southland.. Mowat, Marjory, Awatere Murchison, John, Lake Coleridge McDonald, Daniel Birrell, Auckland McFarlane, James, Rotheram, Amuri McFarlane Brothers, Waiau McKellar, Peter (Estate of the late), Invercargill Mackersey Brothers, Wanstead, Hawke's Bay McLean, Allan, Havelock, Hawke's Bay McLennan, Mary Ann, Oroua Downs .. .. McMastor, Alexander A. and Ronald, Duntroon McMillan, David, and Ackland, Thomas Dyke, Southbridge McNab, Alexander (Estate of the late), Invercargill Neil, Percival Clay, Dunedin Nelson, William, Tomoana, Hawke's Bay O'Neil, Henry, Frasertown, Hawke's Bay Owen, John, Sydney, New South Wales Parkinson, Thomas Hodgson (Estate of the late), Christchurch Peter, William Spence (Estate of the late), Ashburton Pharazyn, Charles, Featherston Rathbone, William, Waipawa Renwick, Thomas, Awatere Rhodes, Robert Beaton, Bluecliffs, St. Andrew's Roberts and Co., Dunedin .. Robson, Walter, Frasertown, Hawke's Bay Rowley and Hamilton, Nightcaps, Southland Rutherford, Andrew William, Waiau Rutherford, John Scott and Robert, Albury Sanders, William (absentee) Sanderson, Thomas (Estate of the late), and Studholme, Lucy Ellen Sykos, Christchurch Shand, John, Winton Shennan, Watson, Waipahi, Otago Shrimpton, Walter, Maraekakaho, Hawke's Bay Steele, Thomas James, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay Stevens, William, Gummie's Bush Studholme, John, jun., Coldstream Studholme, William Paul, Christchurch Taylor, William Innes (Estate of the late), Auckland Te Aroha Estate (Proprietors of), Te Aroha ... Telford, William, Waiwera, Otago Tennant, Andrew Tennant, John, Heddon Bush Teschemaker, Thomas John, Otaio Tiff en, Frederick John, Napier Tinline, John, and Neville, Samuel Munsen, Nelson Tripp, Charles George, Woodbury Vallance, C. A-. (Estate of the late), Masterton Wain, Job, Wright, John Thomas, and Haggitt, Bryan Cecil, Dunedin .. Walker, Neil, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay Warren and Co., Alfredton Wastney, William, Nelson Watts, Charles F. W. (Estate of the late), Nelson Williamson, George Mackie, Gisborne Wilson, James (Estate of the late), Christchurch Wilson, James and Samuel, Papakaio Wilson, Robert, Dunedin Wood, William Derisley, Riccarton Wright, Edward George, St. Albans Acres. 1,162,808 11,550 13,111 11,263 10,477 18,198 12,261 14,455 14,207 10,301 12,307 13,260 16,168 13,364 14,000 16,609 14,796 14,497 11,475 18,256 15,828 19,462 18,336 10,924 13,146 13,307 16,987 12,904 17,706 14,573 12,428 £ 3,286,764 16,381 15,360 24,580 9,141 38,418 20,701 19,233 46,782 23,520 43,850 101,829 14,041 41,612 22,601 88,189 10,623 9,427 61,843 42,160 47,166 73,696 20,658 41,854 47,797 11,642 20,628 18,796 30,985 60,189 35,227 £ 2,201,391 12,991 12,640 18,080 9,141 31,041 12,093 15,039 27,673 15,349 26,370 86,146 13,904 32,485 19,826 58,830 7,443 9,427 55,260 36,892 22,709 56,854 16,758 31,824 24,387 6,950 13,383 13,206 27,985 32,748 31,978 10,211 14,578 14,123 13,939 13,313 17,917 11,119 14,798 10,105 12,143 11,089 12,248 13,682 17,845 11,640 16,793 13,928 19,970 16,038 10,397 10,565 15,895 10,614 10,191 13,144 12,388 14,203 12,860 1,964,760 39,220 31,537 52,000 16,167 22,910 58,735 43,336 23,524 12,371 39,000 14,066 28,335 61,957 42,351 8,670 24,988 36,832 20,000 11,443 12,747 24,408 16,904 11,155 42,358 66,179 16,000 24,067 43,856 21,135 21,647 28,280 8,767 19,865 40,546 35,942 19,829 8,741 30,000 12,990 16,195 49,719 25,111 5,820 17.993 21,021 18,500 8,133 5,147 17,551 11,636 8,650 33,409 55,112 12,200 11,364 29,806 3,575,918 20,000 and under 30,000 Acres. Anderson, John, Kereru, Hawke's Bay.. Bell and Sons, William, Renwicktown, Blenheim Blomfiold Brothers, Auckland.. Bullen, Frederick and George Francis, Kaikoura Carlyon, Arthur Spry Gwavas, Tikokino, Hawke's Bay Clifford, George Hugh, Amberley Davison, John Hawdon, St. Leonards, Amuri Deans, John, Christchurch Ellis, John Chute, Invercargill Fitzgerald, Thomas Edward, Auckland Grahame, William Smellie (absentee) Hunter, George and Paul, Porangahau.. Hoathstock Estate (Proprietors of), Waikari Hall, Hon. Sir John, K.C.M.G., Christchurch Johnston, Charles John, Hon., Wellington Johnston, George Randall Kitchener, Colonel Henry Horatio (absentee) Millton, James Dothie and Frederick John, Oust Macfarlane, Walter, Culverden McHardy, Alexander, Blackhead, Hawke's Bay McRae, George Wilsdon, Tekoa, Canterbury " .. 5,190,809 22,949 25,644 20,148 29,397 29,565 23,745 28,613 23,288 29,059 24,145 22,017 29,947 28,523 29,763 26,429 23,578 20,741 21,900 26,063 22,951 22,522 32,553 18,200 54,659 54,217 59,324 60,652 52,132 159,907 82,859 7,366 12,762 140,171 99,831 94,264 18,110 66,702 27,234 16,425 46,706 99,344 22,632 18,637 14,300 22,905 25,597 39,934 46,952 43,624 125,651 37,955 5,701 9,637 78,758 77,981 67,822 12,575 27,462 23,379 14,425 41,599 63,103 18,675 Carried forward 530,987 11,226,050 816,672


8.—20 a


2—B. 20a.

Name and Postal Address. Area. Improved Value. Unimproved Value. 20,000 and under 30,000 Acres— continued. Brought forward Nairn, Charles James, Pourerere, Hawke's Bay Ormond, George Canning, Mahia Parker, Harry Rainey, Waimate South Peat, David ; Alexander, James; and Moore, James, Wanganui Rhodes, William Barnard (Estate of the late), Wellington Richmond, Francis Henry, Awatere Richardson, Ralph, Blenheim Russell, Henry Robert (Estate of the late), Waipukurau Russell, William Russell and Andrew PL, Hastings Rutherford, William Oliver, Culverden Rutherford, George, Russell's Flat, Canterbury Rutherford, Duncan, Culverden Scrimgeour, William Tindal, Lawrence Seymour, Arthur Penrose, Picton Smith, Hector William Pope (Estate of the late), Napier Stokes, John Milburne (Estate of the late) and Robert, Napier Teschemaker, William Henry (Estate of the late), Maheno .. Tolmie, Miss, Hugh Tolmie, and Trustees of Mrs. Haggitt, Waipahi; Wharton and Co., Henry, Waiau Williams, Samuel, Te Aute Williamson Brothers, Waikato Acres. 530,987 26,725 21,633 21,509 22,960 28,016 23,998 20,513 24,610 22,202 28,031 24,395 29,295 23,330 20,017 27,772 29,653 21,079 20,741 22,816 25,939 22,639 1,038,860 £ 1,226,050 128,225 32,324 64,524 20,545 69,473 38,800 11,750 100,765 124,341 38,407 42,500 45,374 25,000 13,291 77,681 96,550 76,475 28,127 48,439 126,832 15,656 £ 816,672 82,238 18,252 55,534 17,585 42,708 30,100 8,890 51,659 75,657 32,717 37,01633,484 20,300 10,161 69,571 67,014 59,944 21,136 36,559 78,266 9,132. 1,674,595 30,000 and under 40,000 Acres. Aitken, William, Auckland Armstrong, James (Estate of the late), Wairarapa Beaumont, Richard, Awatere Ellis, Thomas Chute and Chaloner Chute, Invercargill] Elworthy, Edward, Pareora.. .. .. ,, Gollan, Spencer Herbert, Waipukurau Johnston, Walter Woods, Hon., Wellington Lockie, Greenfield, and others, Wellington Logan, James, Kelso Martin, John (Estate of the late), Wellington Mein, George Augustus and Pulteney, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay.. Macfarlane, John Donald, Waiau Macfarlane, David Duncan and Alexander, Waiau Ormond, John Davies, Hon., Napier Reid, John, Elderslie .. .. .. .. .. B,ussell, Thomas Purvis (absentee) Studholme, Michael (Estate of the late), Waimate Symons, Elizabeth (absentee) .. Troutbeck, Hutton, Petane Teschemaker, Charles de Vere, Marlborough Tiffen, Henry Stokes, Napier Waterhouse, Frank Skipsey, and Fitzherbert, William Alfred, Puketapu Williamson, James (Estate of the late), Auckland Wilson, Sir John Cracroft, (Estate of the late), Christchurch 2,451,129 39,765 30,244 33,384 38,737 37,833 35,293 38,235 33,928 35,404 31,783 32,630 38,874 36,744 30,603 30,880 33,607 35,821 34,332 33,317 32,712 39,026 30,382 33,677 30,779 29,856 51,696 85,000 90,015 151,687 106,157 129,291 28,640 73,349 97,652 95,118 50,505 80,400 115,820 100,150 136,542 196,818 30,706 60,224 30,287 42,420 35,138 41,910 136,966 25,227 34,496 73,100 52,785 110,833 70,657 88,210 15,484 45,054 58,311 64,298 44,920 68,085 68,31& 76,632 109,286 183,030 21,696 44,117 25,575 29,289 20,708 28,295 94,249 40,000 and under 50,000 Acres. Anstey, George Alexander (absentee) Douglas, John, Palmerston South Derham, Walter (absentee).. .. McLean, Robert Donald Douglas, Napier McLean, Allan, Waitaki Nicholls, Walter Charles, Ashley Nimmo, James (absentee) 827,996 1,996,353 1,452,65363,615 84,507 13,827 147,809 181,691 52,360 6,880 43,552 41,199 41,304 45,146 48,086 41,579 40,614 69,003 146,197 15,775 201,753 237,641 55,800 . 15,248 50,000 and under 75,000 Acres. Carter, Thomas, Blenheim Clifford and Weld Clarke, Joseph (absentee) Glendinning, David, Napier Grahame, John Grice, James Holmes, Matthew, Plon., Dunedin McLean, John, Redcastle, Oamaru Riddiford, Edward Joshua, Lower Hutt Sinclair, Francis (absentee) Williams, James Nelson, Hastings Williams and Beetham, Masterton 301,480 58,612 66,110 72,748 51,743 69,303 53,671 61,385 54,884 58,897 65,353 74,041 66,895 741,417 60,357 138,000 77,927 9,606 15,773 17,466 78,225 260,414 111,237 8,000 151,508 230,768 550,689 36,713 123,000 61,728 9,606 15,473 15,247 56,658 197,866 64,613 5,895 100,022 114,717 75,000 and under 100,000 Acres. Dalgety, Frederick Gonnerman (absentee) Moore, George Henry, Glenmark .. .. ... Rhodes, Robert Heaton (Estate of the late), Christchurch Robinson, William, Hon. (Estate of the late), Christchurch Smith, James Chapman, Greenfield, Lawrence 753,642 86,736 75,666 87,804 87,476 94,873 432,555 1,159,281 102,045 369,041 182,077 314,006 108,414 801,538 66,726 340,632 116,514 258,596 65,520 847,988 1,075,583 100,000 and under 150,000 Aches. Grahame, William Smellie, and others (absentees) 118,157 22,677 22,677

8.—20 a



Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, nil; printing (2,350 copies), £16.

Authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lS92.

Price 6d.]

Name and Address. Area. Improved Value, Unimproved Value. 10,000 AND UNDER 20,000 ACRES. British and Australian Trust and Loan Company.. Colonial Investment and Agency Company Colonial Real Property Company Dixon Investment Company Land and Loan Company of New Zealand New Zealand Alford Estate Company Waikato Coal and Shipping Company National Bank of New Zealand Bank of New Zealand Acres. 12,458 19,245 12,122 12,960 10,340 10,376 14,266 13,578 15,725 £ 45,494 53,618 30,096 20,645 27,560 34,560 16,283 20,385 56,508 £ 27,329 35,318 22,861 12,822 14,850 27,352 9,673 14,094 30,865 20,000 and under 30,000 Acres. Bank of New South Wales Great Barrier Land, Harbour, and Mining Company Nelson Brothers 121,070 26,536 20,439 24,523 305,149 89,507 6,894 195,771 195,164 64,833 6,800 93,472 30,000 and under 40,000 Acres. 71,498 292,172 165,105 Assets Company Morton Mains Freehold Estate Company National Mortgage and Agency Company New Zealand Mortgage and Investment Association New Zealand Midland Railway Company Scottish and New Zealand Investment Company .. 37,666 35,135 30,142 38,527 35,964 36,325 37,883 59,324 102,321 56,128 163,711 102,045 19,828 41,353 75,022 42,352 41,835 67,995 40,000 and under 50,000 Acres. New Zealand Trust and Loan Company Otago and Southland Investment Company 213,759 521,412 288,385 43,291 47,661 96,811 149,431 74,376 94,643 50,000 and under 75,000 Acres. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Robert Campbell and Sons 90,952 246,242 169,019 66,820 70,436 63,600 195,150 41,534 151,391 75,000 and under 100,000 Acres. 137,256 258,750 192,925 Taitapu Company 88,350 11,040 11,040 100,000 and under 150,000 Acres. New Zealand Agricultural Company Auckland Agricultural Company New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company 142,351 104,327 112,153 214,616 162,145 225,542 167,083 86,603 145,409 358,831 399,095 Over 150,000 Acres. Bank of New Zealand Estates Company. Kauri Timber Company New Zealand and Australian Land Company New Zealand Land Association New Zealand Thames Valley Land Company Wellington and Manawatu Railway Company 441,359 154,782 234,480 170,514 165,577 154,324 809,633 140,894 1,103,271 382,864 60,946 85,673 602,303 555,805 116,448 888,822 172,592 34,591 85,280 1,321,036 2,583,281 1,853,531

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LAND- AND INCOME-TAX DEPARTMENT. (FURTHER REPORT BY THE COMMISSIONER.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, B-20a

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LAND- AND INCOME-TAX DEPARTMENT. (FURTHER REPORT BY THE COMMISSIONER.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, B-20a

LAND- AND INCOME-TAX DEPARTMENT. (FURTHER REPORT BY THE COMMISSIONER.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, B-20a

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